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LOW    Of    laiMlir    COLLEbE,  ClllBII.IOaE, 

REV.  A.  J.  MACLEANE,  M.A. 

TmiMITT   COUEOe,  c. 









aiLIIMT    AtlD    >:VINOTOn,  FmiNTUI, 







LONDON:      -  - 


-:,        9 
,  V     1887. 




In  vriting  the  following  commentary  od  the  plays  of  Terence,  my 
chief  aim  has  beea  to  maintain  the  utmoat  brevity  consistent  with 
cleamess ;  and  it  is  possible  that  some  readers  may  consider  me 
too  brief  upon  passages  where  a  good  deal  of  illustration  is  some- 
timee  given.  Sut  for  an  editor  to  do  good  service,  it  is  necessarj^, 
in  my  opinion,  that  he  should  indicate  at  least  as  much  aa  he 
actually  gires  in  the  vay  of  explanation ;  uid  I  have  accordingly 
endeavoured  to  keep  within  bounds  the  tendeucy  to  quotation, 
which  is  one  of  the  most  humon,  and  at  the  same  time  moet  trou- 
bleeoine  errora  that  a  commentator  can  fall  into.  In  the  seleotion 
of  quotatioas  my  object  has  been  to  bring  forward  eepecially  tiie 
idioms  of  coUoquial  Latin  as  foond  in  Plautus,  parts  of  Cicero,  and 
occasionaLly  in  the  earlier  poets.  For  forms  of  words  Flautus  and 
Lucretius  hare  been  my  chief  authorities.  I  hare  endearoured  in 
this  vay  to  make  my  book  useful  to  the  student  who  wishes  to 
acquiro  a  knowledge  of  the  eariy  Homan  writers,  and  to  direct  him 
in  each  case  to  the  original  authoritiea,  aa  far  aa  they  hare  been 
preaerred  to  ue,  for  language  and  idiom.  The  general  reader  will, 
I  hope,  find  sufficient  help  in  the  introductory  matter  which  I 
hare  prefixed  to  erery  play,  and  to  erery  scene  in  each  of  the 
plays,  as  well  sa  in  the  notes  themselTes,  in  which  I  hare  nerer 
consciously  pasaed  over  any  thing  which  waa  Likely  to  be  mis- 
understood,  or  which  had  been  made  tbe  occasi^m  of  difficulty  by 
prerious  commentatore. 



In  determiiung  the  text  of  Terence  we  liave  almost  as  much 
difficulty  aa  in  any  classical  author.  To  pass  from  modem  editions, 
in  Thich  the  student  ia  puzzled  to  decide  which  is  the  ori- 
ginal  reading,  and  which  the  conjecture  (for  moet  modem  editors 
have  more  or  less  consistently  followed  Bentley^s  emendations) ; 
even  when  we  come  to  the  comparatively  pure  and  ancient 
text  we  are  not  yet  on  certain  ground.  The  difficulty  of  Terence'a 
t«xt  ifi  that  it  is  too  perfect.  His  plays  have  been  bo  popular,  and 
so  much  in  use  as  a  text  book,  that  it  is  impossible  not  to  euq>ect 
that  in  many  caaes,  which  we  cannot  now  hope  to  discover,  the 
smooth  correctionB  of  schoohnastera  aud  profeseors  have  auperseded 
the  native  reading  of  the  anthor.  So  Rit«chl  says,  "  Omnino  vix 
ullam  scenam  ease  fabularum  Terentianarum  puto  in  qua  non  ali- 
quid  turbatum  ait  gravius,  criticae  artia.  medicinam  etiam  poat 
Bentleii  euraa  expectans '."  And  the  same  uncertainty  extenda 
even  to  the  oldest  manuacript  with  which  we  are  acquainted.  A 
careful  examination  of  the  whole  text  of  Terence  haa  conviuced  me 
of  the  truth  of  another  remark  of  Ritschl :  "  Nam  in  Terentio  tam 
aperta  plurimis  locis  est  quam  in  Plauto  rara  fiiit  correctricia 
manua  opera  in  refingendia  resarctendiaque  veraibus  consumpta, 
eaque  ex  antiquiore  aetate  repetenda  quam  qua  ipae  Bembinits  liber 
Bcriptus  est :  longius  atitem  a  Terentiana  iutegritate  Bembinus 
quam  a  Plautina  Ambrosiannfi  abost '."  I  will  here  briefly  men- 
tion  the  materiala  which  the  Editor  has  at  hand  for  the  purpose  of 
fixing  the  text  of  Terence. 

The  moet  important  Manuscript  ia  that  whlch  goea  by  the  name  of 
the  "  Bembine,"  from  its  possessor,  Pietro  Bembo.  It  was  corrccted 
and  illustrated  by  Politian.  It  finally  passed  into  the  hands  of 
Fulviua  UrBini,  and  by  him  was  bequeathed  to  the  Vatican  Library. 
This  Manuscript,  with  many  othere  of  good  stamp,  was  used  by  Faem 
in  his  edition  of  Terence,  completed  after  his  death  by  Yictor  (a.d. 

'  Pro1ep>meiu  id  PUntam,  p.  119.  *  tb.  p.  19S. 


PREFACE.  vii 

1565).  It  must  be  conaidN^  aa  the  ooly  one  witk  any  preteiuioQ 
to  original  authority,  and  as  the  source  froia  Thich  most  of  the  ex- 
istiug  manuBcripts  have  ariaen.  I  hare  oftcn  in  the  following  notes 
had  occasioa  to  mention  the  readings  of  the  Bembine  Manuscript, 
and  it  is  a  strong  srgument  for  ite  superior  authority  that  in  many 
casee  it  giTes  the  more  difBcult  reading,  whioh  has  evidently  been 
misunderBtood  and  altered  by  the  tranficribcr  of  some  otb^  copy. 
I  have  not  had  ihe  opportunity  of  consolting  the  Manuscripts. 
Hany  of  their  readings  are  quoted  by  tKe  Titrious  editors  of 
Terence.  The  £nglish  copies  have  been  coUated  by  Hare  and 
Bentley,  not,  howeTer,  with  any  uuportant  reeults.  Their  text, 
as  quDted  by  Bentley,  is  generally  bad  where  it  deviates  from  the 
common  text.  In  deciding  -  betweea  conflicting  readings,  I  have 
irequently,  as  will  be  seen  in  my  Commentary,  allowed  the  re&d- 
iag  of  the  Bembine  Manuecript  to  settle  a  doubtful  point. 

DoNATUs  ia  the  most  famous  of  tlie  ancient  commentators  on 
Terence.  Hc  lived  in  the  fourth  oentury  after  Christ,  and  was  the 
reputed  master  of  Jerome.  (See  note  aa  He(^ra  ii.  1.  4.)  Many 
have,  however,  entlrely  denied  the  genuineness  of  the  commentary 
which  now  pBsees  und&c  his  name,  but  witboat  sufficient  reaaon. 
Tbe  commentary  is  valuable  both  critically  and  exegeticaUy,  and  I 
have  irequently  found  reason  to  jo^er  it  to  the  opinion  of  later 
editors.  It  is  to  the  commentators  what  the  Bembioe  Manuecript 
is  to  the  Codices,  and  may  fairly  be  eetiniated  in  the  eame 
maimer.  Oilen,  no  doubt,  it  contains  traces  of  the  genuine  text; 
03  often,  perhaps,  it  is  wrong.  In  ueing  it  we  must  therefore  call 
in  the  aid  of  independent  crificai  judgmmt.  The  Manuscripts  of 
Donatud  are  confesaedly  very  defectire,  and  ia  mtuiy  places  hope- 
lessly  corrupt.  I  have  always  quoted  &om  the  edition  of  Zeune, 
which  prescnts  the  text  of  Donatns  in  the  best  shape. 

EuQRAFHins  is  supposed  to  have  lived  at  tbe  end  of  the  sixtb 
century,  aj).     His  commentary  on  Terence  is  merely  rhetorical. 


often  a  Bimple  poraphrase  of  t^e  aut}ior's  Tordfl ;  and  for  purposee 
of  criticism  it  is  nearly  wortliiess. 

Cauurnics  supplies  the  place  of  Donatus  on  the  '  Heautontimo- 
rumenos.'  He  seems  to  have  imitated  the  manner  of  DonatUB ; 
and  in  many  places  to  Kave  copied  &om  him.  He  cannot  be 
considered  of  mucli  value. 

Bbntley'8  Editions  (1726,  1727)  were  aa  era  in  Terentian 
criticism.  The  real  value  of  his  labonrs  lies  in  tfae  attention 
which  he  paid  to  the  metreB  of  Terence.  This  I  have  trcated  of 
fullj  intfae  Introduction.  Eren  in  this  point  he  Beems  to  have 
been  led  away  by  tfae  love  of  correction,  and  to  have  introduced  into 
tfae  Tcrsification  of  Terence  a  greater  licence  and  more  variety  than 
waa  neceseary.  Hia  notes,  it  ia  unnecesaary  to  say,  abound  in  conjec- 
turai  readings.  These  I  have  rery  rarely  had  occasion  to  adopt. 
In  general  notfaing  but  authority  sfaould  lead  an  editor  to  depart 
from  the  acknowledged  reading  of  the  best  manuacripts.  There  is 
anotfaer  defect  in  Bentley  wfaicfa  makea  him  a  bad  critic, — hia 
eztremely  literal  tum  of  mind.  As  in  Horace  he  was  "misled 
by  want  of  eai  and  poetical  taste,"  so  in  Terence  fae  seeme  to  have 
laboured  under  an  abeolute  inoapacity  of  understanding  a  joke ; 
and  his  criticisms  are  in  conseqaence  often  amusing  &om  the  con- 
traat  of  fais  dry  and  literal  captiousness  witfa  the  quiet  humour  of 
the  paaaage  which  he  ia  criticizing '. 

The  text  in  tfaia  edition  is  tfaat  of  Zeane'8  edition  as  brongfat  out 
by  Giles  (London,  1837).  Wfaeresoever  I  have  deviated  from  it 
I  have  given  tfae  reason  in  my  notes  ;  but  it  will  be  found  that  I 
have  done  more  towards  maintaining  the  old  text  than  for  any 
innoTations.  Tfais  edition  of  Zeune'8  Terence  is  the  best  of  all  the 
booka  that  I  faave  used.  It  containe  all  tfae  commente  of  Donatns, 
Eugrapfaiua,  Calpumius,  Bentley,  and  Zeune,  and  though  not  of 

*  I  inay  rerer  bere  to  Herinann'!  DiMertmtion  "  De  Bentlcio  ejuiqne  editioae 
Terentii"  (preGxed  to  VoUbeh['a  editjon  of  Bentlej'!  Tereace,  Londoo,  &c.  1846),  in 
vbich  tw  takei  muif  mtioil  i>biectioDi  to  Bentlej'!  emeiKhtiaiu  ot  the  teit 



mocli  use  to  tlie  young  or  gcoieral  reader,  it  is  yet  a  Taloable  and 
carefally  edited  boot. 

Of  ot^er  editionfi  thoee  that  I  liave  chiefly  uscd  have  been  that 
by  Perlet  (lipe.  1827),  Reinhaidt  (Lipe.  1827),  aiid  Stallbaoin 
(Lips.  1830, 1831).  The  latter  I  iwed  carefnlly  only  for  tbe  'Andria.' 
I  slso  bave  rcferred  to  the  edition  of  Dr.  Hickie  (Ltmdon,  1837), 
which  is  a  compilation  &oin  preceding  commentaton  vithont  muoh 
judgment.  I  haTe  notdced  his  mistakee  in  my  notee  more  &e- 
qnently  than  I  ahould  have  dcme  bot  for  the  iact  that  they  are 
likelj  to  mialead  younger  studenta,  by  whom  his  book  is  often 
used.  Colman'8  translation  of  Terence  I  found  usefnl;  particu- 
larly  aa  giviiig  in  an  acceseible  ehape  tbe  opinions  of  some  of  the 
chief  French  critics  upcm  Terence's  playa. 

I  may  here  also  gladly  acfcnowledge  my  obligatioQS  to  the  Rev. 
A.  J.  Macleane  and  to  Mr.  Long,  the  editors  of  thia  Beries  of 
chissical  authora.  To  their  remarks  on  my  notes  as  they  have 
paaaed  through  the  preas  I  am  much  indebted ;  and  in  matters  con- 
nected  with  law  I  am  under  particular  obligationB  to  Mr.  Long. 
I  had  by  me  also,  in  writing  the  commentary  on  the  '  Andria,' 
eome  notes  of  the  Rer.  R.  ShiUeto's,  whose  permission  I  obtained, 
through  B  pupil  of  his,  to  avail  myself  of  thenL 

The  life  and  iiteraiy  position  of  Terence,  considered  as  a  Roman 
Aathor,  are  diBcasBed  in  the  foUowing  Introduction.  Iq  the 
same  place  I  have  entered  at  aome  length  into  the  question  of  Teren- 
tian  Language  and  Metre.  This  is  a  subject  which  has  tiU  lately  lain 
fallow  in  England  since  the  time  of  Bentley  and  Hare  *.  Though  I 

*  When  I  wroto  thia  wntence  I  bad  aot  wen  Mr.  Kej'«  enaj  'On  the  Hetna  of 
Temice  BDd  nuitiii.*  Uy  oulj  ■cqwuntBnce  witli  hii  reKmrcfaeswuUiraiigh  the  '  Vuro. 
niuia  '  (we  p.  iiiiii}.  N<nr  that  I  luTe  wea  this  peper,  I  m>T  perb>ps  be  »llo«ei]  to 
eipms  mf  gntificatiou  thM,  b]r  *n  indepeDdoit  inqaiij  into  the  nngei  of  TereDtiBD 
luig;iuige,  1  h*Te  uriTed  at  resultj  ¥ery  nnulsr  to  thoflfl  ■dTncated  bj  the  eQtbor  ; — aa 
•greement  «hkh  leDdi  to  confirm  ms  in  mf  pemuisioD  of  Ihe  joBtice  of  the  piinciplea 
Imd  donrn  ia  tbe  faUowing  iDtrodDction.  Whenerer  1  hnie  reuon,  io  mj  commentuy,  to 
dingrev  with  Mr.  Ktj,  or  otbei'  writen,  I  hiTe  endeMOured  to  eiprea  my  Jiwent  with- 
ont  anj  of  tbat  tsperitj  whicb  deformi  tha  woAa  of  «ome  modem  writer*. 



have  tkrown  my  remarka  into  a  ahape  of  my  own,  the  scholar  will 
aee  that  I  have  not  sought  to  disguise  my  ohhgationa  to  these  and 
other  tmters  on  Lattn  Yersification.  TKe  whole  Bubject  has  heen 
mucb  neglected ;  and  is  so  important,  perhapa  even  with  a  view 
to  the  iuture  eettlement  of  the  text  of  Terence,  that  I  make  no 
apology  for  having  entered  into  it  fully. 

The  Fragments  of  Meoander  and  other  Greek  authors  hare  heen 
frequently  noticed  in  the  course  of  the  notes.  But  for  the  sake  of 
the  Btudent  I  have  brought  together  in  an  Excursus  at  the  end  of 
the  Tolume  all  the  undoubted  passages  of  Menander  and  ApoUo- 
dorua  which  may  be  referred  to  the  playa  imitated  by  Terence ; 
and  I  haye  at  the  same  time  considered  the  general  question  of  the 
relation  of  Terence  to  his  Greek  predecessors. 

At  the  risk  of  increaaing  slightly  the  bulk  of  the  volume  I  have 
added  an  Index  of  the  Latinity  of  Terence,  which  will,  I  trust,  be 
considered  an  addition  to  tbe  usefulneas  of  the  book.  Thia  Index 
ia  based  on  that  in  Giles'  edition  of  Zeune  before  spoken  of ;  but  I 
fonnd  it  neceesary  to  make  innumerable  alterations,  erasures,  and 
additions,  so  that  tfae  Index  is  to  all  intents  and  pmpoaeB  a  new 

I  have  acknowledged  my  obligation  to  other  editors  wheneTer  I 
have  taken  from  them  quotatimiB  which  were  evidently  their  own. 
Erery  claaaical  author  is,  however,  overlaid  with  a  masa  of  illtia- 
trative  matter  which  may  be  considered  the  common  property  of 
commentators.  Of  all  editors  of  Terence  perhaps  moet  ia  due  in 
this  way  to  Westerhovius  and  Lindenbrog.  To  avoid  unne- 
cesaary  length  I  have  often  referred  the  reader  to  the  Dictionary  of 
Antiquities  edited  hy  Dr.  Smith. 





TB8KircE'8  works  give  ua  no  inform&tioii  conceraiag  his  life ;  and  we 
&ra  obliged  to  draw  our  materiaU  from  a  memoir  wbich  ia  by  sonie 
attribnted  to  Donatus,  by  otbets  to  Suetoniua.  The  autbority  of  thia 
documetit  ia  at  the  beat  Teiy  doubtfiil,  and  there  are  aome  connderationa 
vhich  make  ua  bIow  to  accept  ita  &ctB.  Otber  narratiTea  ore  preserred. 
One  waa  copied  bj  Grononua  from  a  maDuacript  at  Oxford ;  and  there 
is  a  Life  of  Terence  hj  D.  Y.  Petrarca  iu  the  Milan  edition  of  a.s. 
1476.  Theae  two  biograpbies  give  ua  nothing  more  than  we  obtain  from 
the  onginal  memoir. 

Accordiog  to  thia  acconnt  Terence  waa  a  Carthaginiaii,  wbo  was  bom 
in  tbe  year  198,  b.c.  He  waa  taken  to  Horne  as  a  slare,  and  became  the 
propertj  of  Terentius  Lucauus,  a  Boman  senator.  Bj  him  he  waa 
brougbt  up  well,  receiving  a  liberal  educatioii ;  and  being  &iaUf  manu- 
mitted  be  received  tbe  uame  of  Fublius  Terentius.  He  ia  said  to  bave 
lired  in  babits  of  iutimate  friendahip  witb  Pubtius  Scipio  Africanus, 
Caius  LaeliuB,  and  Furios  FubliuB  ;  and  iu  tbeir  society  to  have  pursued 
bis  Btudiea  asd  written  his  plays.  fie  was  first  introduced  to  tbe  notice 
of  the  litenuy  society  of  Bome  at  tbe  time  of  the  repreaentatiou  of  the 
'  Andria.'  He  had  offered  this  play  to  tbe  Curule  Aedilea  for  repre- 
sentation.  Thej  referred  him  to  Caecilios,  who  was  at  that  tiroe  the 
cbief  Gomic  poet  at  Bome.  The  atory  goes  that  he  found  the  critic  at 
supper  with  hia  &iend8,  and  was  ordered  to  seat  himself  near  the  tahle, 
and  to  commence  reading  bis  pla^.  He  faad  not  proceeded  &r  «hen 
Caecilins,  delighted  «ith  tfae  character  of  the  work,  inrited  him  to  join 



his  party  &t  Bupper.  After  the  m«al  wu  over,  the  rem&inder  of  the 
play  WBS  read,  was  highlj  approTed  by  Iiis  aucUence,  aod  waa  recom- 
meoded  to  the  AedileB  hy  Caeciliua.  He  wrote  and  exhibited  aix 
Gomedies,  ia  the  foUowing  order: 

The  Andria.  The  Eunucliiis. 

The  Hecyr».  •  The  Phormio. 

The  HeantoDtimorumenos.  The  Adelphi. 

Of  theee  the  '  Etmuchus '  is  said  b;  some  to  have  beeti  acted  twice  in 
the  eame  day  ;  and  the  '  Phormio  '  to  have  been  acted  four  times  ia  tbe 
same  year  (but  see  the  notea  on  the  Inacriptions  to  those  plays).    In 
coneequence  of  the  success  of  his  plajs  he  waa  occused  oFreceiTing  the  belp 
of  hia  noble  friends  in  their  composition  ;  a  charf^  which  wiU  be  cousi- 
dered  more  fully  hereafter.     Of  the  reet  of  bis  life  little  is  known.     He 
is  eaid  to  have  left  Bome  in  the  thirtj-fifth  year  of  his  age,  on  a  viait  to 
Grsece ;  a  vojage  from  which  he  never  retumed.     The  foUowing  lines, 
alluding  to  this  event,  are  attributed  to  YoIcatiuB : 
"  Sed  ut  Afer  sex  populo  dedit  comoediaB, 
Iter  hinc  in  Asiam  fecit ;  navem  cum  aemei 
Conscendit  visus  nunqoam  est ;  sio  vita  Tacat." 

He  is  BUpposed  to  have  been  loat  at  eea  on  his  retum  to  Italy ;  and  with 
him  penshed  tronslations  of  several  comedies  of  Menander  vhicb  he  had 
made  during  his  Tisit  to  Athens.  Another  account  is  that  lie  died  at 
Stjmphalus  in  Arcadia  of  an  illnees  brougbt  on  by  grief  for  the  Iobb  of 
those  piecee  which  he  had  sent  before  him  to  Bome.  At  the  time  of  hia 
death  be  is  aaid  to  baTe  poesessed  some  propertj  on  the  Appian  Boad 
near  Yilla  Martis.  One  daughter  surrived  him,  aftcrwarda  tbe  wife  of  a 
Boman  senator.  Tbe  writer  of  the  following  lines,  summing  up  the 
brief  narrative  of  bis  life,  aajs  that  he  died  in  eztreme  poverty,  and  tbat 
bis  vieit  to  Greece  was  occosioned  hj  the  loes  of  hie  propert;.  The  lines 
are  attributed  to  Porcius : 

"  Sum  laBciviam  nobUium  et  fucoaas  laudes  petit ; 
Sum  Africani  rocem  divinam  inhiat  avidis  auribiu ; 
Dnm  ad  Furium  se  coenitare  et  Laelium  pulcbmm  putat ; 
Dum  ee  amari  ab  hisce  credit,  crebro  in  Albanum  nipi 
Ob  florem  aetatis  suae ;  ipsus  aublatis  robua  ad  snmmam 
Inopiam  redactus  est. 



Itaqae  a  conspecin  omniam  abiit  in  Graeciam,  in  temm  ultimam. 

Hortuus  eat  in  St7mpba)o,  ArcadiM  oppido :  nihil  PubliuB 

Seipio  profuit,  iiihil  ei  Laelius,  nihil  Furiae ; 

Tres  per  idem  tempm  qui  agitalnnt  nobiles  faciUiine. 

Eoram  ille  opera  ne  domnm  qnidem  habuit  oonducticiam ; 

Saltem  nt  esaet  quo  referret  obitam  domini  Berrulus." 

These  are  the  few  facte  which  hare  been  recorded  of  the  life  and  career  of 
Terence.  "We  can  onlj  ecdearour  to  fill  ap  the  blank  by  conjecture.  I 
maj,  howerer,  here  ofier  a  few  remarks  on  the  narratiTe  as  it  is  handed 
down  to  us. 

The  story  of  hia  serritude  is  open  to  considerable  objcction.  With  this 
has  been  mixed  up  another  tale,  that  he  walked  in  the  trinmphal  proceaaion 
of  Scipio  Africanus  after  his  return  from  the  conqneet  of  Carthage,  ae  a 
liberated  Boman  citizen.  But.setting  aaidethehistorical  anachronism  of 
this  stoiy,  it  seems  most  probable  that  the  TerentiuB  here  referred  to 
was  one  Terentius  Coleo,  a  noble  Boman,  of  aenatorian  rank,  who  wbb 
among  the  many  Boman  captires  brought  baok  by  Scipio  from  captivity 
at  Carthage.  "We  cannot  certainly  say  whether  Terence  was  i  Car- 
thaginian  at  all.  His  eminence  as  a  Latin  writer  is  not  indeed  inconsiBtent 
witb  an  hnmble  or  foreign  origin ;  but  the  fact  of  bifl  posBeBaing  property 
of  Bome  extent,  and  the  conneiion  formed  hj  his  daughter,  seem  to 
go  againet  the  common  story  of  bia  extreme  porcri./.  We  can  bardly 
Buppose  tbat  his  litenuy  succesa  waa  bo  great  as  to  put  bim  in  poBsession 
of  a  bandeome  fortune,  or  to  enafale  him  to  make  any  great  purcbaBCB  of 
land.  Tbe  'Eunuchua'  wss  considered  to  fetch  a  remarkable  Bum, 
eight  thousand  sesterces,  equivalent  to  about  £64  lOt.  of  our  money, 
and  at  thiB  rate  bis  playa  coold  not  bave  affordcd  him  a  Tery  ample 
KFclibood.  We  sbould  ratber  conclnde  from  the  recorded  events  of  bis 
life,  as  far  as  tbeir  value  can  be  estimated,  tbat  he  muat  bave  been  in  a 
poaition  to  make  literature  biB  profesBion,  and  to  follow  his  profession 
vith  a  senae  of  his  duty  to  his  art,  ratber  than  sb  b  mere  mesns  of 
making  money.  The  tone  which  fae  tskea  iu  all  bis  Prologuea  is  that  of 
aQ  independect  autbor,  who  feels  bimaelf  above  the  neceseity  of  courting 
popularity,  and  who  ia  determined  to  wHte  according  to  his  own  views 
of  poetiy.  He  complaina  tbat  his  enemiea  aought  to  condemn  him  to 
idlenesB  and  ohscuritj  ;  but  he  does  not  once  bint  at  any  pecuniary  loss 
to  hinuelf  from  their  oppoaition.    And  this  view  of  his  pecuniary 



positioD  ia  confirmed  by  the  fact  of  hia  intimBc;^  with  Scipio  aad  Laelius, 
who  niuBt  hATe  treated  him  aa  an  equal  rather  than  bb  a  dependent  for 
the  Btory  to  have  gained  ground  that  he  was  indebted  to  tbetn  for  the 
language  and  compoaition  of  his  plays.  Even  if  we  euppose  Terence  to 
hare  been  a  foreigaer  and  a  freedman,  ^et  we  muBt  conclude  that  hia 
circumBtaaces  were  eaay,  or  at  oll  eTents  BuSciently  independent  to  enable 
litni  to  be  chaiy  of  hia  reputation  oad  fastidioua  in  his  atjle.  Poor 
authora  do  not  generallj  aet  themselrea  agunst  the  prcTuling  taste  of 
their  timea.  Terence  was  eyidently  well  educated  and  refined ;  and 
though  this  may  be  attributed  exclusiTely  to  hia  natural  geaius,  yet  to 
indulge  hia  literary  tastes  and  to  carry  out  hia  own  idea  of  dramatic 
composition,  which  was  an  innoTation  upon  the  practice  of  hia  prede- 
ceasors  in  the  Boman  Drams,  he  must  hsTe  been  independent  of  public 
approval ;  he  maat  baTe  been  able  to  deapiee  the  clap-trap  artificea  of 
the  poptilar  play-mongers,  and  to  wait  his  time,  elaborating  hia  dictiou 
and  his  veree,  and  working  ont  hia  pieces  after  the  model  of  hia  fiLTourite 
Qreeb  maatera '. 

The  uniTeraal  teatimonyof  sntiquity  makes  Terence  to  haTO  written 
aix  comedies,  and  siz  only.  Of  the  exiating  plays  the  '  Andria'  seems 
certainlj  to  have  been  the  earliest,  and  the  '  Adelphi '  the  latest ;  nor 
luTe  we  any  intimation  of  aay  other  plsya  but  tbose  which  we  possees. 
Tlie  perfect  etate  of  all  the  plays  of  Terence — a  queation  which  is 
quite  diatinct  from  that  of  tho  text — and  the  possibilitj  of  Terifying 
bII  existing  quotations  by  the  eztant  playa,  lead  ua  to  coachide  that 
we  are  in  posaeaaioii  of  all  that  Terence  wrote.  It  has,  howoTer, 
been  argued  with  some  plauaibility  that  the  '  Andria'  was  not  the  first 
play  brought  before  the  public  by  Terenoe,  and  that  there  must  doubtlesa 
haTO  been  other  occaaions  oq  wbich  he  appeared  as  &n  sutbor,  and 
preTiouB  attacks  of  bis  autagoniatB  which  he  had  been  obliged  to  anawer. 
Thia  Bupposition  gaina  colour  from  the  foUowing  paBSflgea.  For  in  tbe 
Frologue  to  tbe  '  Andria '  he  says : 

"  Nam  in  prologis  scribendia  operam  abutitur, 
Non  qui  argumentum  narret,  sed  qui  maleToli 
Veteria  poetae  maledictis  respondeat."  (tt.  6 — 7.) 

Here  the  poet  seema  certaiuly  to  be  apeaking  generally,  as  if  he  was 


INTEODtrcnON.  xT 

klluding  not  merely  to  the  opposition  of  th«  momeDt,  bat  to  BOEoethitig 
irhicli  bad  h&ppened  more  thin  once ;  to  Bome  oppoiition  which  bad 
attended  the  repreeentatioa  of  previoua  plm^.  The  languBge  u  veiy 
genenl,  and  ia  speaking  of  his  eDemj  he  Beeme  to  BMume  that  the 
hostility  exiating  between  them  was  already  notoriouB.  Again  in  the  firat 
Frologue  to  tbe  '  Hecyra '  (t,  8),  the  writer  saya : 

"  Alias  cognostis  ejus :  quaeso  hanc  nunc  naBcitc." 
Kow  the  '  HecTra '  was  brought  forward  for  repreeeatatioa  a  secood 
time  in  b.o.  165,  the  j^ear  after  the  represeatation  of  the  'Andria.' 
Bat,  M  I  bare  remarked  in  the  note  on  that  passage,  these  wordB  vere 
perbaps  spoken  at  the  lasfrepreBentation  but  one  of  the  '  Hecyra,'  in 
B.c.  160,  in  which  case  the  speaker  would  have  been  able  to  allude  to  ali 
tbe  existing  plays  of  Tereace  eicept  the  '  Adelphi.'  The  case  of  the 
'  Andria '  is  more  difficult,  for  we  cannot  refer  the  Prologue  to  any  re- 
presentatioD  of  the  play  after  itB  Sret  appearance.  Tn  this  Prologue,  as 
well  as  in  those  of  all  the  plajrs,  witb  tbe  exceptioa  of  tbat  belonging  to 
tbe  '  Hecyra,'  the  poet  is  evidently  introducing  his  comedy  for  the  flmt 
time  to  bis  audience.  We  cannot  tberefore  account  for  tbe  iHnguage  of 
tbia  Frologue  as  we  can  for  that  of  the  Frologue  to  tbe  '  Hecyra,'  by 
suppoaiog  it  to  have  been  spoken  on  the  occaBioa  of  a  second  or  third 
sppearance  of  the  play.  We  mast  then  either  suppose  that  other  plays 
existed  of  which  we  have  no  trace,  perbaps  youthful  effortB,  which  fell 
into  obscurity  afler  the  more  maturo  productions  of  Terence  had  become 
popular ;  or,  to  avoid  sach  a  gratuitoni  hypotbesis,  we  must  hare  re- 
coune  to  some  explaoation  which  sball  derive  probability  from  tbe 
intemal  evidence  of  Terence'8  prologues.  Such  a  piece  of  evidence  pre- 
sents  itself  to  ns  in  tbe  Frologue  to  tbe  '  EunuchuB.'  Tereace  Bays, 
Bpeaking  of  Lsvinius : 

" ' Quam  nunc  acturi  Bumus 

Menaudri  Eunuchnm  postquam  Aediles  emerunt, 

Ferfecit  sibi  at  inspiciendi  eBset  copia. 

Magistrstus  quum  ibi  sdesBent  occepta  est  agi. 

£xclamat  furem  non  poetam  fabulam 

Dedisse,  et  nihil  dediaBe  verborum  tomen." 

(vT.  19-24.) 
It  sppears  firom   tbla   passage  that  Laviniui   had  obtained  from   tha 
Aediles  pemiBsion  to  read  over  tbe  '  Bunuchus '  before  it  was  rehearsed 



in  their  presence ;  atid  that  ai  tli«  rehearsal  he  brought  forvard  his  oe- 
cuutiona  against  Terence,  vhich  were,  I  ma;  obaerve,  eottTBlj  critical, 
to  the  efiect  that  the  ptaj  was  atalen  from  !Nae«iae  and  PlautuB. 
Tuming  to  the  Prolc^e  to  the  '  Andria,'  we  fiud  that  the  objectiona 
which  Terence  noticea  aro  of  the  aame  kind.  He  eiplains  that  he  hail 
taken  his  materiala  &om  two  plays  of  Menander,  the  *  Andria '  and  the 
'  Periutbio,'  and  then  sajs,  aUuding  to  his  opponenta : 

"  Id  isti  vituperant  factum ;  atque  in  eo  dlBputant, 
Contauiinari  nou  decere  fabulas."  (vr.  15, 16.) 

Taking  the  storj  of  Caecilius  aa  a  &ct, — aud  it  is  not  a  likel^  one  to  bare 
been  inrented  ;  for  most  of  the  storieB  about  Terence  are  ratber  to  hia 
diaparagement, — we  may  conclude  from  it  that  the  '  Andria'  ronst  bave 
been  well  known  for  some  time  before  its  production  on  the  stage.  At 
this  reading  of  the  plaj  befora  CaeciiiuB  thero  maj  have  been  preaent 
Bome,  and  Lavinius  himself,  perhaps,  among  the  number,  who  looked 
witb  no  friendlj  eje  on  this  young  poet,  promising  as  he  did  to  gain  a 
large  share  of  the  applause  wbich  thcy  wero  anxious  to  monopolize. 
The  author  of  tbe  '  Thesaunis '  and  the  '  Phaama,'  wbo  endeavoured  to 
take  the  public  by  Btorm  hy  the  violent  iucidenta  of  bis  pUys,  hia 
'  charmed  fawn '  and  '  running  ahivea  and  their  mad  masten '  (see  the 
PrologueB  to  the  '  Heautontimonimenos '  and  '  Pbormio '),  would  be 
particularlf  likelj  to  be  jealous  of  a  riBJng  poet  who  sought  to  interost 
hy  elegance  of  lauguage  and  Bimple  livelineBs  of  plot.  Caecilins  was 
deUghted :  his  approbation  would  be  a  paBBport  to  popular  luccess ;  tbe 
daja  o(  clap-trap  were  numberod ;  and  some  fault  of  a  literary  kind 
must  be  found  with  a  poet  who  wbb  likely  to  prove  such  a  dangeroua 
rival.  The  '  Andria '  might  thuB  have  become  famous  in  literaiy  ciroles 
before  this  Prologue  was  written,  and  enough  might  have  heen  aaid 
against  its  author  full;  to  accouut  for  the  language  which  he  uses. 

'The  general  queBtion  of  the  opposition  to  Teronce  is  an  importsnt 
one.  It  is  alluded  to  ia  all  the  Prologues,  vrith  the  ezception  of  those 
to  the  '  Kecjnra,'  which  aro  occupied  with  an  eiplanation  of  the  causea 
which  led  to  the  provious  failures  of  that  play .  Theae  prologues  there- 
fore  aro  entirelj  Bcenic  ;  but  it  is  most  probable  that,  if  it  had  not  been 
for  the  untoward  circnmstancee  which  had  attended  the  previous  repre- 
Bentations  of  that  plaj,  we  ahould  have  had  some  more  notices  of  the 
poet'8  hterai7  poeition.    It  will  be  useful,  therefore,  to  nj  a  few  words 



hen  on  the  geiiflTal  Bttt>ject  of  the  literftry  position  of  Terenoe,  snd 
then  to  conaider  in  detail  the  particoUr  objectiona  which  were  brought 
against  hira. 

Bome  in  the  time  of  Terence  Boems  to  have  been  dirided  into  two  Uteraiy 
&ctioaB ; — those  who  were  for  importing  the  eiegant  culture  of  Graeoe, 
and  tnmaplantiiig  ita  liteistvire  into  the  harder  8oiI  of  Italy ;  and  thoee 
who  held  fast  to  the  old  ways,  who  loved  the  traditionB  of  the  Cethegi, 
aad  were  for  mainttuning  the  rugged  but  TigorouB  nationalit^r  of  Pes- 
cennine  and  Satumiaii  rerae.  Ah  for  imitation  of  Greek  models,  that 
could  not  be  avoided.  Plantufi  and  his  oontempontriea  bad  settled 
that  question ;  but  there  «xisted  in  their  traascriptB  no  shallow  vein 
of  rough  Boman  wit,  vhich  maintained  the  rude  independence  of 
the  natdTe  Camenae.  The  Scipionea  and  the  Laelii,  Terence'a  fi^ende 
and  patrona,  were  at  tho  head  of  the  "young  Bome"  of  tbeir  day, 
the  movement  partj  in  politics,  the  "GreekB"  in  literature.  They 
woold  tum  from  tbe  rugged  language  and  rude  jeflta  of  the  Boman 
poeta  to  the  eiquisite  diction  and  poliahed  wit  of  the  Greeks.  To  this 
par^  Terence  waa  attacbed  hj  social  tiee  aa  well  as  by  literary  tastet. 
Hia  homour  was  eridently  akin  to  that  of  Menander,  quiet  and  sparkling, 
just  aa  PlnntOB  reminds  us  more  of  tbe  boiaterons  fun  and  audacity  of 
Aristophanes.  He  had  aet  himaelf  to  work  carefiilly  in  a  finiahed  atyle, 
and  to  bring  the  £oman  language  into  a  more  strict  uniformity  with  the 
lavi  of  rhjthm  tban  had  been  attained  hy  any  of  hia  predecessors.  To 
him,  no  doubt,  the  Greek  language  waa  the  perfection  of  elegance  and 
le&nement ;  and  he  endeavoared  to  establiah  on  the  Boman  stage  a  style 
(J  Comedy  that  ehould  io  aome  meaaure  poeseas  theae  qnalities.  In  tbie 
sttempt  he  would  not  only  have  to  contend  with  the  popular  passion  for 
excitement,  and  with  the  eziBting  taste  which  bad  been  accuatomed  to 
coarser  food,  but  he  had  to  orercome  the  oppositionof  apowerful  andnu- 
merons  bod j.  His  opponents  would  be  glad  to  attach  tbemselvea  to  fhe 
conservatiree  of  that  day,  tbe  "  Trojans,"  to  borrow  a  term  from  the  his- 
torj'  of  ouT  own  literature, — the  party  represented  hy  the  Fabii  and  by 
Cato.  For  we  may  he  snre  tbat  the  more  eiecrable  poet  a  man  wae,  the 
more  Iiutil;  he  woold  denounce  tbe  innorator  Terence ;  the  more  he  would 
aocuse  him  of  being  a  bad  copyiat  of  foreign  modela  ;  the  more  be  would 
decry  his  style  as  wanting  in  nerre  and  spirit.  Buch  we  may  conceire 
were   the  hangers-en  to  the  party  wbose  cry  waa  "Eome  for  tbe 



Somans ;"  wbose  great  light  wu  Flautni ;  who  pnuaed  hiB  Bamui  wit 
and  natioDal  phraseologf  and  manDera. 

The  difficulty  of  Terence'B  poBition  lay  in  tbia,  tbat  he  was  eadea- 
TOuring  to  recall  tbe  popular  taste  froui  tbe  broad  farce  which  had  been 
Bo  bappilf  introduced  bj  Plautus  to  a  more  artistio  model ;  from  tbe  rude 
wood-cuts  ae  it  were  of  popular  fuu  and  low  life  to  tbe  finiabed  line 
engraTinga  of  claBsic  dialogue.  Terence  aimed  at  an  improvement  of  the 
public  taste,  be  sought  to  educate  ae  well  aa  to  please, — a  difficult  taak  in 
thoBe  earlf  daye  of  the  Srama.  Imagine  a  temporar^  Bcafiolding  in  the 
centre  of  tbe  amphitheatre,  witb  all  the  distractiona  of  the  Great  Games, 
— bozing  matches,  the  tight  rope,  and  above  all  the  gladiatoiial  conteste, 
ever  thetruepoetiT'  of  the  Boman  people, — and  ^ou  will  see  that  Boman 
Comedy  muBt  needs  have  been  rather  rude  to  hold  its  ground  with  the 
multitude.  Under  euch  circumstauceH,  and  with  Buch  an  audieuce 
Plautue  is,  and  will  continae  to  be  popular,  for  be  swims  witb  the 
stream,  and  is  carried  on  merrilj'  on  its  surface,  while  he  "expreesa 
arbuBto  regerit  convida,"  and  clethes  eren  hia  moat  foreign  personagea 
with  a  good  homely  mantle  of  Boman  wit  and  pbraseologjr.  Terence, 
on  tbe  contrary,  ia  endeaTouring  toforce  tbe  stream  backwarda,  or 
ratb«  to  turn  it  from  a  living  guBhing  riTer  of  broad  life  aod  meiri- 
ment  into  an  omamental  lake,  laid  out  aocording  to  the  true  lawB 
of  art,  and  reflecting  column  and  tetrace,  and  well-ordered  ranha  of 
oypresseB  and  ums.  It  iB  interesting  and  not  uninstructiTe  to  compare 
bis  atniggles  in  tbe  cause  of  art  witb  Moli£re'B  earlj  attempts  to  gain  a 
recognitiou  for  a  Teij  different  acbool  of  Comedf  in  tbe  palm;  da;s  of 
tbe  unittcB  and  oonsiBtencies  of  tbe  legitimate  Srama.  Their  objects 
were  yerj  difierent,  and  bo  whs  their  Buccesa ;  but  tbis  Ib  eaail;  to  be 
accounted  for  b;  the  preceding  consideration,  that  the  efforta  of  Moliere 
weie  in  onison  with  the  natural  though  repreased  sf  mpathies  of  the 
people,  while  the  plajs  of  Terence,  howeTer  bighlf  appredated  by 
competent  judgea,  muat  haTe  alwa^s  been  to  Bome  extent  ^onwra 
<7W€n>«T»',  Jc  £}  rd  vSy  ipfiijviav  j(M"i!£ot-ni. 

We  now  come  to  the  particular  cbargea  against  Terence.  They  &I1 
under  three  heads ; — 1.  PJagiarism  fkim  Qreek  copies  botb  in  aubject 
and  in  tbe  cfaaractera  of  his  playa  (Bee  Prol.  to  Andria,  Eunuchua,  and 
Hesutontimorumenos) ;— 2.  Tbe  aid  of  distinguisbed  frienda  (Pro).  to 
Adelphi  Rod  Heautontimorumenoa,  t.  24)  ; — 3.  The  Trant  of  spirit  and 



mcident  in  hiB  plajB,  which  were  Baid  to  owe  their  BacceoB  entirely  to 
the  merita  of  the  actor  (Prol.  to  Phomio).  Thej  Heem  to  hare  been 
bronght  forward  BucceaaiTel^ ;  probably  aa  one  failed  to  produce  the 
desired  effect,  recoorse  was  had  to  onother.  We  aball  conaider  tbem 
hneiy  in  order. 

Tb&t  which  meeta  ob  first,  and  ia  noticed  \a  the  Prologae  to  the 
'Andria,'  ia  the  charge  of  PlagianBro.  Thia  coaetituted  the  most  im- 
portant  count  of  tbe  indictment  againBt  Terence  ;  and  he  anBwers  it 
vith  a  care  whicb  Bhowa  that  be  attached  Bome  weight  to  it.  If  we 
examine  hie  anewer,  we  find  tbat  the  plaTB  of  0reek  writera  had  all 
along  been  ctmaidered  aa  tho  common  property  of  Boinan  playwrights. 
NaeriDa,  Plantna,  and  Ennins,  he  Baja,  had  done  the  same  ;  and  he  wai 
content  to  err  in  anch  good  compaDj.  Moreover  biB  opponent,  LaviniuB, 
ia  conncted  of  baving  need  more  tban  one  of  Menaiider*s  plaj b  at  all 
erentB,  and  Yerj  bedlj'  too,  maldng  aame  capital  blunders  in  law  and 
muinerB.  Terence'a  own  caee  is  fnlly  conaidered  in  the  'ExcnrBDB  '  at 
the  end  of  this  Tolume,  in  whiob  I  examine  carefully  the  eitent  of  his 
obligBtions  to  Menan'der  and  ApoUodonis,  and  inquire  how  fkr  we  may 
■Uow  him  to  have  had  the  originality  of  an  independent  poet.  Here 
I  nia;^  Baj  genenllj^  that,  as  a  matter  of  fact,  he  appean  to  have  used 
the  common  Oreek  materiala  withont  Bcruple,  accommodating  them  to 
luB  own  design.  It  does  not  follow  from  tbis  that  he  waa  a  servile 
Iwialator.  His  iaithfiil  adherence  in  the  main  to  biB  originala,  witbont 
■n;  introduction  of  Bom&n  wit  and  manners,  was,  as  baa  been  ahowD, 
the  efect  of  hia  principlea  of  compoaition.  To  civilize  Boman  taste  by 
Qteek  Uterature,  he  mnst  avoid  tbe  mixture  of  tbe  ordinaiy  Boman 
Btjk.  He  is  alao  accused  of  au  imitation  of  bis  Boman  predeoesBors. 
^^0»  he  entirely  dischums,  aa  in  the  Prologue  to  the  '  Eunuchus.' 
Iatuuiib  had  aaid : 

"  Colaoem  eeae  Naeri  et  Plauti  reterem  fabulMn ; 
Parasiti  personam  inde  ablatam  et  mUitis." 

(w.  U,  26.) 

"  8i  id  eat  peccatum,  peccatum  imprudentia  est . 
Poetae ;  noa  qui  fiirtum  &ceTe  stndnerit." 

(vv.  27,28.) 
^d  again,  after  pointing  out  tbat  bis  obligationjs  were  really  due  to  ^e 
'  Colu '  of  Menander,  he  adds : 



" Eas  i&bulas  fnctaa  prius 

Xiatiims  euaBe  sese  id  rero  pemegat." 

(tt.  83,  84.) 
Compare  the  Dotee  on  those  passages. 

The  second  accusation  against  Terence  is,  that  he  was  indebted  to  his 
Qoble  fnendB  for  the  plays  which  he  produced  as  his  own.  This  charge 
is  meiitioned  by  Cicero:  "Beoutua  aum,  non  dico  Caecitium  (malua 
enim  auctor  Latinitatia  est),  sed  Terentium,  cujus  fabellae  propter  ele- 
gantiam  sermonis  putabaatur  a  C.  Laelio  scribi"  (Ad  Atticum  vii.  3), 
and  by  Quintilian:  "In  comoedia  marime  clandicamua.  Licet  Terentii 
scripta  ad  Scipionem  Africanum  referantor;  quae  tamen  sunt  in  hoc 
genere  elegantissima "  (z.  1. 100).  In  the  life  of  Teience,  ascribed  to 
Buetonius  (or  Donatus),  Q.  Memmius  ia  quoted  as  saying,  "  Pub.  Afri- 
canus,  qui,  a  Tereniio  penonam  mutuatua,  quae  domi  luserat  ipse  no- 
mine  illius  in  Bccnam  detulit."  The  Bame  writer  mentionB  on  the 
authority  of  Nepos,  that  G.  Laelius  being  at  hia  villa  near  Puteoli,  on 
the  calends  of  March,  was  pequested  by  his  wife  to  come  to  supper 
sooner  than  was  his  custom,  for  that  da^  wbb  the  feast '  MatroDalia,'  on 
which  tbe  ladiea  were  allowed  to  rule  supreme  in  their  honseholds.  In 
replj  he  begged  to  be  ezcused,  as  he  was  busilj  engaged ;  and  on  entering 
the  Bupper-room  at  a  kter  hour,  he  declared  that  he  had  nerer  in  hia 
life  been  bo  well  Batisfied  with  his  writinga  ;  and  when  they  asked  him 
to  let  them  hear  what  he  had  written,  he  repeated  the  hnes  of  the 
'  HeautontimorumenoB,'  commenoiiig 

"  SatiB  pol  proterre  me  Syri  promiaBa  hno  induzenint." 

(Act.  IV.  Scene  iv.  7.  1.) 
Thia  story  NepOB  gifes  npon  whathecaUa  oertain  information.  'Wemust 
observe  that  Cicero  and  Quintilian  both  mention  the  report  merely  as  one 
of  hearBay ;  and  Santra,  a  writer  of  the  age  of  Julius  Caesar,  commenting 
OQ  the  atory,  remarke  that  it  is  not  probable  that  Terence  would  haTO 
been  indebted  to  men  of  the  age  of  Scipio  and  Laelius,  for  the^  were 
botb  foung  at  that  time,  but  rather  to  Q.  Fabiua  Labeo  or  C.  Sulpicias 
Gallus,  or  distinguished  men  of  their  age,  of  whom  he  might  more  jnstlf 
have  said, 

"  Qui  Tobia  uniTerBis  et  populo  placent ; 
Quorum  opera  in  bello,  in  otio,  in  negotio, 
Suo  quisqae  tempore  usus  eet  sine  Buperbia." 

(Adelphi,  Prolog.  tt.  19—21.) 


INTRODtrOnON-  xii 

The  atory  gains  io  ciTciimBtuitulit^  io  the  handi  of  ITepoB  and  Mem- 
miuB,  and  so  far  loses  in  probability .  Tha  more  attentiTely  the  whole 
t&le  ia  oonndered,  the  lesa  likelj-  does  it  aeem.  A  careful  comiiderstion 
of  Tereiice's  piajB  leads  us  to  the  conclasion  thst  the^  ara  the  produc- 
tion  of  a  writer  irho  wes  not  oalj  tboronghly  edacated,  but  had  a  oon- 
aiatent  thoory^  of  dramatic  compodtion,  iuid  ventured  to  alter  aud  adapt 
tbe  eziating  materials  of  the  Qreek  comedy,  bo  as  to  bring  tbem  into 
his  ByBtem.  Add  to  this  the  remarkable  purity  of  the  language  of 
Terence,  which  orerleaps  the  whole  interral  between  bimaelf  and  Catul- 
Ina, — for  in  that  interval  we  find  uothing  to  compare  witb  our  author, — 
and  we  cannot  witbout  a  Tiolent  inconaistencj  luppose  tbat  all  this  was 
the  Tesult  of  the  patchwork  contnbutious  of  two  or  tbree  dilettanti 
noblemen,  who  used  tbe  name  of  their  olient  aa  a  screen  in  tbe  indul- 
gence  of  their  love  of  litenuy  adTentnre.  The  wbole  stoty  is  aimply 
one  of  those  piecea  of  Itter&rjr  goasip  whicb  gdn  credit  from  two  cauaes ; 
partiy  because  tbe  coQtemporaries  and  nesfer  followers  of  sucb  a  writer 
as  Terence  are  apt  to  be  jealooB  of  tbe  author  wbo  hsa  no  otber  certain 
hiatoiy  than  the  paramount  beauty  and  snccesfl  of  his  worka,  and  are 
therefore  gjad  to  abift  bis  praiae  to  other  abouldera ;  and  partlj  becauae, 
when  an  author  leaves  no  histoi;  but  his  worka,  there  i;  a  great  tempta- 
tion  to  make  a  bistoTy  for  hie  works,  and  to  connect  tbem  with  any 
great  names  wbo  maj  bave  happened  to  be  his  contemporaries.  I^liua 
and  Scipio  had  as  mucb  claim  to  the  authorship  of  tbeae  plaja  as  Bacon 
haa  to  tbat  of  tbe  pla^a  of  9hakespeare;  and  yet  we  bave  aeen  witbin 
this  year  a  serious  attempt  to  father '  Sbakcapeare '  on  the  author  of  the 
'  NoTom  Organon.'    Terence  himself  alludea  to  tbis  cbarge  more  tban 

"  Tum  quod  malerolus  yetus  poeta  dictitat, 
Bepente  ad  atndium  hunc  ae  applicasae  muaicum, 
Amicum  ingenio  fretum,  baud  natuia  aua ; 
Arbitrium  Teatrum,  Testra  ezistimatio 

(Heauton.  Frolog.  22—26,) 
and  again : 

"  Nam  quod  isti  dicont  malevoli,  hominea  nobilea 
Snm  adjutare,  assidueque  una  acribere ; 
Quod  ilU  maledictum  Tehemena  esae  eziatimant 



Eam  landem  hic  duclt  maximam,  guum  illis  placet 
Qui  TobiB  uiuTerais  et  populo  placent,"  &e. 

(Adelphi,  Prolog.  15—19.) 
In  both  of  theM  paeeages  be  eridentlf  waiTes  the  qaeBtioD ;  learing  the 
deciBioii  of  it  in  the  firat  caee  to  the  judgment  of  hia  hearera,  and  in  the 
second  case  intimatiag  that,  even  if  it  were  true,  it  waa  a  matter  of 
which  he  ought  to  feel  proud  rather  than  aBhamed.  Terence  waa  eri- 
dently  too  good  a  courtier  to  deu^  flatly  au  imputation  which  was  to 
the  credit  of  hia  literaiy  MendB.  They  were  no  doubt  flattered  by  the 
BuppoBitiou  of  Ibeir  having  a  share  in  the  compositionB  of  Terence,  and 
he  did  not  care  to  Tindicate  hia  own  originalitj  at  the  expenae  even  of 
their  vanity.  A  complimeut  of  this  kind  would  coet  him  nothing,  and 
would  be  ver^  acceptable  to  them.  Not  perbaps  did  be  conBider  LaTi- 
nins  entitled  to  mj  ezplaoation  on  Buch  a  point ;  and  so  he  declined  to 
admit  or  to  deny  the  charge  which  had  been  brought  against  him.  On 
eTeiy  ground,  then,  we  may  reject  thia  story  wLicb  giTCS  to  Laelius  or 
A&icanuB  the  credit  of  the  authoTsbip  of  the  beat  parts  of  the  comediea 
of  Terence.  Hia  plays  are  bo  eTen  and  coneistent  througbont,  indi- 
Tidually  and  with  one  another,  that  we  might  well  defy  any  critie  to 
show  where  Terence  lell  off  and  his  friends  began.  Throngbout  his 
plays  there  is  the  same  neatnesB  of  language,  tbe  same  attention  to 
metre,  the  same  quiet  tone  of  good-natared  bumour  and  practical  know- 
]edge  of  the  worid.  This  must  bave  proceeded  from  one  and  the  aame 
Kuthor,  and  tbat  author  none  other  than  Torence  himaelf 

The  last  accusation  which  Terence  noticee  is  that  hiB  plays  vere 
deficient  in  strength,  "tenui  oratione  et  scriptura  leri"  (Phorm. 
Frolog.  5) ;  the  complaint  made  in  the  famoue  epigram  aacribed  to 
Caesar,  which  Bums  up  bo  accurately  the  judgment  of  antiquity  that  it 
maj  be  appropriately  quoted  hero : — 

"  Tn  quoque  tu  in  summis,  0  dimidiate  Menander, 
Poneris,  et  merita,  puri  sermonis  amator, 
LenibuB  atque  utinam  scriptis  adjuncta  foret  ria 
Comica,  ut  aequato  rirtuB  polleret  honore 
Cum  Graecia,  neque  in  hac  despectus  parte  jaceres. 
ITniun  hoc  maceror,  et  doleo  tibi  deesae,  Terenti." 
Compare  tbe  note  on  tfae  Pbormio,  Frolog.  B. 
Od  this  Bubject  I  would  refer  to  the  admirable  lemarks  of  the  writer 



in  th«  I>ictioiiai7  of  Biograph^  on  the  pontion  of  Terence  in  Comedy, 
wbo  fiurly'  BhowB  tbat  this  "  ris  comica"  could  hftrdljr  be  eipected  ia  the 
niBJority  of  Terence'B  pla^,  whichare  more  properljr  "  Bentimental  come- 
dies,"  andthathemaj  beclaaaed  with  those  whohave  ezceliedin  mBniier 
ratiier  thui  in  matter,  with  MasBiiiger,  Bocine,  rad  Alfieri,  nther  than 
with  AHstophanes,  Shakespeare,  or  MoK^.  What  Greek  poeta  are  alluded 
to  bj  CaeBar  we  cannot  definitely  aaj.  As  far  aa  fragmenta  of  Mensnder 
and  hia  claae  have  deecended  to  ue,  I  Bhonld  be  inclined  to  nj  tfaat 
Terence  is  not  deflcient  in  hnmonr  hj  thtat  nde,  and  the  wit  of  Kautus 
waa  certainlj  native,  fresh  from  the  baths  and  tbe  fbmm.  Caesar'8 
reading  ma^  have  embraced  Aristophauee,  i*bo  found  no  antitjpe 
■mong  ^e  Bomans.  At  all  eventB  we  may  well  be  content  with  tha 
elegance  and  puritjr  of  oor  poefa  diction,  and  with  the  genuine  wit 
which   appeBrB  in  a  Atj  Bubdued  form  in  almoBt  everj  page  of  hia 

Thia  qneetion  ia  weU  stated  by  an  aUe  writer  in  the  'Quarterly 
Beview,'  who  bas  given  a  discriniinating  sketch  of  tbe  merits  of 
Teience  in  the  followiDg  worde :  "  Wbat  is  to  ua  repugnant  in  the  plotB 
of  Terence— the  want  of  variety,  the  constant  iteration  of  the  aame  or 
miTti^T'  incidents ;  the  loBt  or  stolen  maiden  in  Bl&veiy,  who  tums  out 
to  be  tbe  &ee-bom  daughter  of  an  Athenian  &ther ;  the  two  fatbers, 
the  hBrsb  and  the  mild,  the  raatic  or  the  citizen ;  the  two  sons ;  the 
clerer  knavish  slave,  as  necesBary  ae  the  Spanish  Gracioao — all  this 
Terence  bas  in  common  with  Menander.  So,  too,  ali  that  is  repulsive 
in  nuumers  and  in  moralB,  tbe  looBenesa  of  conrarse  between  the  aezes, 
the  C17  to  Juno  Lucina  upan  the  stage,  is  mere  tranelation '.  But  with 
all  tbese  common  faults,  and  with  the  longaage  bo  much  lees  clear  and 
refined,  the  versification  bo  much  more  rude  and  inharmonious  than  tbe 
iambics  of  the  Qreek  Comedj,  what  lover  of  classical  literatnre,  wbat 
lover  of  genuine  poetiy,  who,  with  tbe  sligbteat  taste  for  wit  and  ele- 
ganoe,  does  not  dwell  witb  delight  on  tbe  comed^  of  Terence  P  To  the 
initiate  all  this  is  so  familiar  as  to  bear  no  illustration ;  tbe  uninitiate 
mnat  be  left  to  themselTes,  to  their  unenvied  obtuBenesB  as  to  some  of  the 
most  eiquisite  toueheB  of  tme  humaD  feeling,  to  the  fine  plaj  of  comio 
fiui^.  The  tradition  of  the  popularity  of  Terence  since  the  revival  of 
letters   (and  long  before,  oa  we  have  said,  bis  plaja  were  the  stolen 

Tbe  wiita'  hat  eipraawd  himidf  too  itronglj  bare.    'niii  miglit  be  tnu  of  Plnitiw, 
Dot  of  Tennce.     Hu  pUjpi  ire  ia  genenl  more  pare  thiD  mset  of  onr  owq  cliedfL 



or  bardly  permitted  enjoymaDt  of  ohurchmea  aod  monkB)  Ims  been 
kept  up  in  oae  of  onr  great  poblic  Bobools ;  and  who  ever  heard  such 
passages  as  the  deBoription  of  the  funeral  io  the  '  Andria,'  with  the 
orpbaned  girl  throwing  berself  back  on  ber  loTer*s  bosom, '  flens  quun 
familiariter  I'  The  Datus  and  the  Geta,  the  G-natho,  and  the  ThraBo, 
and  the  Fhormio,  are  the  types  aad  parente  of  the  flatterers,  and 
Graciosos  and  Scapios,  which  have  shaken  the  European  scene  witfa 
laughter  for  centuries ;  and  themselves  are  but  tbe  antitypes  and,  it 
waa  generollj  ailawed,  degcnerate  offspring  of  MeoandeF  and  hia  school. 
Ab  an  illufltratian  of  that  Comedj,  which,  without  ccasing  to  be  oomic, 
almost  meltB  into  the  patbetio,  read  the  firat  act  of.  'Heautooti* 
monuneuos'  (»  play  not  of  the  four  usually  acted  at  WeBtminBter), — 
tbe  poor  Jatber  stemly  punisbing  bimself  for  what  he  conBiders  hia 
unnatnrsl  barsbness  to  his  son,  and  re&ain,  if  you  can,  at  once  from 
tbe  quiet  smile,  and  almost  from  the  tear '." 

Terence,  in  common  with  his  friendB  and  enemies,  with  Caecilius  and 
Larinius  (compare  the  Second  Frolog.  to  the  Hecyra  with  Phimnio, 
Prolog.  9,  10),  owed  much  of  hia  succeBB  in  tbe  itrat  instance  to  the 
ezcellence  of  bis  managera,  eBpecially  of  AmbiviuB,  who  claims  tbe  chief 
oredit  of  tbe  ultimate  success  of  tbe  plays  of  Caecilius,  and  apparently 
did  Terence  tbe  samo  Beirioe  in  the  case  of  the  '  Hecyra.'  These 
managers  had  a  direct  interest  in  the  plays  wbiob  tbey  represented  (see 
note  on  Hecyra,  3econd  Frolog.49),  and  would  use  their  greateBt  efforta 
to  make  them  attractive.  They  had  no  doubt  difficulties  of  the  same  kind 
to  Btmggle  with  as  managers  of  theatres  have  been  liable  to  from  the 
days  of  TheapiB.  Erery  change  in  the  popnlar  humour  had  to  be 
watched,  met,  and,  if  necessary,  battled  against  and  conquered.  The 
"^ry  of  the  boxers,"  the  "  BUBpense  of  the  rope-dancer,"  the  rush  of 
orowds  from  tbe  country,  and,  above  all  the  rest,  a  "rumour  flying 
round  that  a  sbow  of  gladiators  was  going  to  be  given,"  must  have 
driven  many  and  mauy  a  good  play  besides  the  '  Hecyra*  from  the  rude. 
boards  of  the  Boman  amphitheatre.  Tbeae  tbings  were  to  Ambivius, 
Atiliua,  and  Minuthius,  wbat  the  whale  and  giant  were  to  Moh^re, 
as  rivalB  of  his  '  L'Etourdi'  and  '  D^pit  Amoreuz  *,'  and  what  the  0.  P.: 
riots  and  conflagratiouB  have  been  to  modem  Engliah  managers,  or  tbe' 

'  QiuH^j  RerieiT,  lol.  miii.  pp.  {ie>  96.  Angiutni  W.  ron  Sclilegel  hu  taate 
renMrk*  <m  PlntDB  ud  Tarence  in  Iue  worlc  aa  Drmniaiic  Art  knd  IJtentnie,  Lectun 
*lv.     He  takee,  hDwera',  ■  «aperfldal  view. 

*  Od  the  rarlj  atrnggleB  of  Holien  tee  tbe  enieUeDt  EaMj  of  Mr.  C.  K.  Wmtwm  in 
tlie  '  Canibridge  Eaujri '  tor  180S. 



"eyty  6f  cbildreiti,  Httle  eyaoes,  that  cry  out  ou  the  top  af  qnestion,  ond 
aie  most  tjianiucally  dapped  for*t,"  to  tlie  Btage  of  SbakeBpe&re. 

The  <diaTacters  which  sppeai  in  the  plajB  of  Terence  ai«  in  the  main 
borrowed  from  the  ordinary  repertory  of  the  Kew  Comedf.  These 
charactera  are  well  described  in  Schlegel^a  Lectures  on  Dramatic  Art 
and  Iiiterature  (Lect.  xiv.);  but  without  anj  paiticular  refereuce  to 
their  treatment  bj  Terence.  lu  the  GlasBicsl  MuBOum,  rol.  Tii.,  then 
ia  a  good  article  ou  BitBchl'B  FlantuB,  containing  among  other  nseful 
matter  aa  iuteresting  general  psTallel  between  FlautuB  and  Terence ; 
and  a  disciusion  of  tbe  cbaracters  of  their  playB — in  wbicb,  however, 
tbeie  is  little  uoreltjr.  It  is  irue  that,  generally  Bpeaking,  tbe  cbaractera 
of  tbe  Kew  Comedy  paased  on  to  Flautos  and  Terence,  just  ae  from 
tbem  thef  deacended  to  Aiiosto,  (who  endearoured  iu  his  v«rii  idntceioU 
to  imitate  the  iambic  trimeter,)  Aretino,  and  Hetastasio;  but  if  we 
examine  them  carefnllf  we  ahall  find  tbe  widcBt  di^ience  of  treatment. 
I  bave  in  the  notea  on  tbcBe  playB  taken  many  occasionB  of  remarking 
npon  the  originalitj  of  some  of  Tereuoe'B  obaracters.  I  may  refer  tbe 
reader  to  tiie  treatment  of  tbe  «baracten  of  tbe  braggadocio  and  tbe 
parasite  in  tbe  '  Eunucbus,'  of  Fhonnio,  of  Farmeno  in  tbe  '  Hecjra,' 
as  compued  with  the  BlaTes  in  the  otber  plajB.  Indeed  eyery  slaTe  that 
appears  in  Terence  haa  bia  distinctire  marks.  Davus,  in  tbe  '  Andria,' 
n  impudent  and  cnStj,  never  at  a  loss  in  any  perplexity,  and  comes  off 
finallf  triumpbant.  Syrue  in  tbe  *  Heautontimorumenoa '  resembleB 
him  in  geneial  cbaracter,  onlj  that  be  is  even  more  crafty,  and  carrieB 
out  fais  plots  with  greater  skill  and  impunity.  EiB  namesake  in  the 
'Adelphi'  is  perhspB  one  of  the  most  amuBing  Bpecimeafl  of  his  tribe 
in  Terence's  plajs.  His  onblusbing  effirontery  in  lying  on  erery  necee- 
sary  occasion,  and  tbe  impudence  with  which  be  satirizes  Demea  to  his 
&ce,  gira  him  a  distinct  charscter.  The  Farmeno  of  the '  EunuchuB '  is 
a  plotter  hj  natnre,  but  not  hj  intention.  He  is  alanued  wben  Pbsedria 
adopts  and  acts  upon  bis  scbeme;  and  his  timiditj  becomes  simple 
despsir  wben  at  tbe  end  of  tbe  play  Fytbias  retaliates  ou  bim  with  a 
dreadfol  story  of  the  punisbment  of  his  young  master.  His  namesake 
in  the  '  He^^ra'  is  Bimply  a  sententiouB  buBybody,  of  no  nee  whaterer 
in  tbe  action  of  tbe  play,  and  introduced  merety  for  the  eake  of  tbe  in- 
formation  which  be  can  communicate  respecting  his  master.  Geta,  in 
the  'Phormio,'  is  slso  a  subordinate  character;  and  bis  only  merit  is 
that  be  is  sealous  for  bis  pupils,  aud  utterly  regsrdlese  of  his  dutj  to  his 
old  msster.    The  part  uaually  played  by  tbe  Blare,  of  deceiring  the 


ixvi  INTRODUCnON'. 

elden,  belonge  in  thia  play  to  Fbonnio.  A.  aimilar  uialjBiB  might  bd 
extended  to  every  character  in  Terence.  No  two  axe  precisely  alike. 
Uow  difierent  is  the  Famphilus  of  the  '  AiidriR  *  &om  hu  nameeake  of 
the  'Hecyra!'  wbat  a  marked  contrast  between  Bftcchia  of  tbe  'Hean- 
tontimorumenoB '  ond  Bacchia  of  the  'Hecyra;'  between  the  two  pairs 
of  old  men  in  the  '  HeaatontimorumenoB '  and  the  '  Adelphi ;'  between 
Sostrota  and  N^auaiBtrata,  Fjtbias  and  Mysis;  between  Thu>  uid 
otheri  of  ber  claas  1  A  cIobo  atudy  of  Terence  will  enable  aoy  reader  to 
amplify  tbese  remarkfl  to  naj  extent,  and  to  Terify  for  himself  what  I 
can  here  state  only  brieflj,  tbat  botb  in  the  grouping  and  in  the  treafc- 
ment  of  bis  characters  Terence  is  an  original  aa  compared  witb  Flautus ; 
— a  comparison  too  leDgthy'  to  be  instituted  bere,  eren  if  it  were  the 
proper  place  for  it.  Whether  he  copied  Menander  closelj  we  cansot  aaj ; 
but  from  the  bints  tbat  we  can  glean  from  Bcattered  iragmeDts  of  tha 
Greek  comediana,  I  for  my  part  am  inclined  to  conclude  that  he  wu  in 
a  great  measure  original  even  wben  compared  witb  Menander. 

Everj  editioa  of  Terence  that  I  have  seen  bas  Bome  cunoua  iDforma- 
tion  OQ  the  nomenclature  of  the  cbaracters  of  Terenoe.  Names  had,  no 
doubt,  aa  tbej  now  bave,  their  etymology,  and  certain  geDeral  obaerra- 
tions  respectiDg  tbem  ro&y  hold  good ;  aa,  for  example,  tbe  common  deri- 
vatioD  of  the  names  of  slsves,  male  SDd  female,  irom  the  countries  from 
which  slavee  were  generallf  obtained  ;  tfae  names  that  were  in  rogue  to 
diBtinguieb  courtezans  froni  women  of  good  position.  But  we  can  onlj 
laugb  st  the  commentator,  however  andent  and  reapectable,  who  tells  na 
that  Stmo  was  a  nam»  given  to  aa  acrimoDious  snd  snspicious  otd 
gentlemaD,  becauae  "Simi  fere  auot  iracundi,"  or  tb&t  another  old  gen- 
tlemau,  ChremeB,  derives  hiB  name  from  yp{fi.-wrta$aL,  enixe  extpitere, 
for  "  old  meD  are  often  troubted  with  an  inveterate  cough,"  wbile 
curiously  raough  the  ume  name  is  given  in  anotber  pla^  to  a  joung 
man ;  why,  commentaton  wisely  decline  to  saj.  Sucb  inveattgatioDS  are 
to  be  paralleled  onlj  by  the  peFtinacity  of  the  old  commentakirB  on 
Horace  in  giving  to  everj  Ljdia  and  Cbloe  apostrophieed  bj  tbe  poet  a 
local  habitation  and  a  biatorj.  We  have  no  reason  to  suppose  that 
Terence  or  any  other  comic  poet  went  so  far  in  the  esoteric  application 
of  their  nomenclatnre.  The  Drama  faaa  alwaje  had  ita  regular  reper^ 
tory.  of  names  as  well  ae  of  dresses ;  and  we  maj  aa  well  endeavour  to 
find  a  moral  in  tfae  Gmyt  and  Amelias  of  tbe  modem  novel  aa  in  a 
FamphiluB,  a  Menedemus,  or  a  Simo.  I  bave  tberefore  allowed  theee 
speculations  to  rest  in  tbe  dust  in  wbich  I  found  them ;  and  I  bope  tbej 


may  neTer  again  be  allowed  to  trouble  the  ■choolbof  tJij  more  than  the^ 
are  able  to  amuae  the  acholar. 

n.  THZ  LAirsuAax  jjfa  hxtbxb  of  teseitce. 
CovEDl  patursllj  approacfaes  mnch  more  aearly  to  common  Uuf^uage 
thao  auy  otber  kiod  of  poetiy.  An  Epic  is  made  to  be  read,  not  Bpokeo ; 
Tngedj  and  Zjyric  Foetiy  are  Taieed  aboTe  tbe  lerel  of  ordiDar^  con- 
reraatioQ ;  wbile  in  Comedj  we  hare  a  faithfiil  reflexion  of  eTery-day  life, 
mannera,  and  language.  And  when  ve  come  to  the  Latin  language,  and 
its  pronunciation,  as  indicated  by  theproctice  of  Terence,  the  value  of  thiB 
common  type  of  Comedy  is  heigbtened  hj  the  particular  feature  which 
diatinguishes  tfaeBomiin  Comedy,  tbeemploTmeat  of  a  foreign, and  often 
a  hi^ilf  artifictal,  metre.  Tfaese  two  cousiderations  placed  together  en- 
able  UB  to  form  a  tolerabljr  accurate  judgmeot  of  the  pnmaociation  of  the 
Latin  language  in  tfae  time  of  Terence.  For  on  the  one  hand  we  bold  it 
foT  certain  that  wfaererer  it  was  poBdble  Terence  would  keep  closel^  to 
tbe  pronunciation,  as  well  aB  tc  the  conTersational  idiom,  of  ordinary 
langosge ;  and  tfae  eziatence  of  metre  in  hia  playB  enables  ua  in  most  oasea 
to  aacertain  clearl^  what  was  the  pronundation  of  any  particular  word. 
To  take  an  example.  If  we  find  tfaat  '  mSdS,'  with  perfaapa  oue  or  two 
eiceptioDB  (Bce  note  on  Hecyra  t.  3.  32),  is  pronounced  as  a  mono- 
s]rl)able,  while  '  modo '  (afa].)  ig  invariablj  a  diBBjllable  (and  tfaiB  can  be 
clearly  aaoertuned  by  the  metre),  we  faave  ao  far  a  raluable  faint  for  the 
etymolagical  nse  of  these  two  words.  And  in  the  same  way  a  careful 
attention  to  the  metre  aa  well  as  to  the  Benae  will  oflen  enable  ub  to 
break  throngh  aome  suppoaed  law  of  grammariana,  whicb  waa  made 
witbont  Bufficient  Bttcntion  to  these  points.  (3ee  tbe  inatance  of  *  tlatim,' 
note  on  Pfaormio  t.  3.  6.)  And  as  tfae  metre  tfaus  faelpa  tfae  pronuncia- 
tion,  Bo  the  pronunciation  reacts  on  the  metre.  "Wlien  we  carr^  witfa  us 
to  the  MetreB  of  Terence  a  clear  estimate  of  the  tben  existing  Boman 
pronunciation,  we  are  able  to  disentangle  bis  veraes  of  many  of  the  per- 
plexities  whicfa  commentatorB  faare  often  introdncad  into  them.  The 
stadent  wbo  underBtands  tfaat  in  ordinary  pronunciation  such  a  word  aa 
'  kabent '  was  monoBjllabic  wUl  not  be  reduced  to  the  neceasit^  tS  be- 
liering,  witfa  Bentley,  that  in  the  line 

"Habent  d^epicatam  et  qua^  nos  aemper  i5mnibus  cmci&nt  modis," 
(Eun.  ii.  8.  02,) 


xxviii  INTRODTrCTION'. 

weare  tocall'HfibSnt  de|' sDaiutpaest.  ManyeDchcaseBwillbeiioticed 
in  the  coDne  of  the  followiag  renutrks.  What  fau  been  sud  is  suffi- 
cient  to  ehow  the  importanoe  of  examining  fully  the  pronimciation  of 
the  Soman  language  at  tbe  time  of  Terence  aad  PiAutos.  Thia  Bubject 
has  been  noticed  by  tbe  autbor  of  tbe  '  TafTonianuB '  (chap.  i.),  who 
refers  to  the  '  Joumal  of  Education '  (toI.  ii.  p.  844,  &c.),  wh^e  it 
is  treated  generaJlj  in  a  manner  which  leares  nothing  for  otbers. 
For  tbe  general  priDciplea  of  Latin  pronnnciatioD,  aa  exhibited  in  the 
ahortened  forma  of  tho  tenBcs  of  verbs,  of  compound  words,  of  words 
united  by  jnxta-poBition,  I  maj  refer  to  those  treatises.  My  owd  object 
is  to  ezamine  this  question  in  reference  especially  to  Terence — from 
whom  both  tbe  writera  abave  mentioned  hare  drawn  manj  of  their 
illuBtrstiona — and  to  ascertain  from  his  writings,  irroapectivelj  of  other 
Bources,  Bome  at  least  of  the  most  marked  peculiarities  of  tiie  pronun- 
ciation  of  the  Latin  langaage.  We  may  lay  it  down  generally  that  the 
language  of  Terence  is  that  of  the  common  oonTeraation  of  middle  life, 
remoTed  no  lesa  from  the  refinement  of  the  educated  scbolar  tban  from 
tbe  rustic  patoia  wbich  we  m&j  often  obaerve  in  Ptaatns.  Thia  dif- 
ference  is  no  more  than  we  abould  expect  &om  the  circnmstancea  of  the 
two  poets.  Flautus  working  at  the  mill  for  his  livelihood,  and  Terence, 
the  reputed  friend  of  Scipio  and  JJaelins,  were  likely  to  present  us  with 
jerj  difierent  specimens  of  tbe  language  of  tbeir  day.  Terence'B  cha- 
racterB  talk  as  the  respectable  Boman  of  tfaat  day  talked.  Eren  his 
BlsTe»  aDd  maid-servantB  are  not  vulgar. 

FasBing  then  to  detaila,  I  shall  firet  ezBmine  tbe  language  of  Terence, 
and  tben  bis  metres.  Uuder  the  first  inqnirj  will  fall  tbe  pronua- 
ciation  of  his  words,  and  tfae  various  usages  whicfa  go  by  tbe  name  of 
'  poetic  licences,'  many  of  them  not  so  rouch  licences  as  ezamplee  of  tbe 
common  pronunciation  of  the  Latin  language. 

I.  SnnzEBis*. 
Tfae  flnt  case  wfaich  I  Bfaall  notice  is  tfaat  of  contbaotion  of  two 
syUablea  or  towcIb  into  one,  knowu  by  grammarianB  aa  '  Stxizebib,'  of 
wfaicfa  seTeral  claases  may  be  diBtinguished. 

■  I  h>Te  odopted  0»  gwienl  diTiiioiu  gJTen  bj  UndemMm  in  Ui  prebce  tQ  bii  editicni 
of  tbe  '  tiHra  Qloriosiu,'  &c,  uid  bf  Rit«clil  io  hii  <  ProlegomenK.'  I  need  not  mj  OM 
mf  lnitMeN  «TB  doe  to  m;  own  eninlution  of  tha  teztof  Tvenco. 



1.  Of  words  in  which  '  t  '  (=  a)  ocoara  between  two  Towela  *. 
eaoeo^.    And.  i.  6.  65,  "  Verbuiii  dnum  eave  de  nAptiia-" 

ii.  8. 29,  "  Cniibitnr.    8ed  p&ter  adeat.    CoMteesse 

tristem  B^Dtiftt." 
ir.  4.  21,  "Man^;  eave  qui5qaiun  ez  istoc  ezceBBis 
Enn.  iT.  6. 13,  "kt  enim  eate  ne  prfua  qiuun  banc  a  me  accipiss 

amitt^,  Chreme." 
Heant.  t.  4.  8,  9, 
"  £t  eoee  poathac,  A  me  unflB,  nnquam  IstuCTerbum  ez  te  atldiam. 

At  ega,  ai  me  m^toiB,  mores  edoe  in  te  esBe  istoa  s^ntiam." 
In  all  tbese  caaeB,  and  in  Bome  other  paBsagea,  eaee  \t  pronounced  as 
if  it  were  eau.    In  the  laat  inBtance  it  coaleaceB  with  '  in .'    In  the  foUow- 
ing  line  eaoe»  is  a  monosjllable : 

"  O  fikiuua  indigmim !    Oeminabit  niai  oatwi.    Hei  miaenS  iDihi," 
(Adelphi  ii.  1. 19,) 
tJtongb  in  other  paaaages  (see  Heaut.  ii.  2.  6;  t.  1.  69;  t.^S.  1)  it  ia  a 

vtovet.    Eun.  T.  8. 4  (uncontracted  in  And.  iv.  8. 16). 

■OTM*.    Adelphi  t.  8.  16,  "Bgo  »6mu  maritua  Anno  demcm  qniDto 

Phormio  t.  7.  79,  "Qoin  n6eo  modo  ei  £icere8  oontDm^liam,"  where 
we  ahonld  probablj  read  'facerea  ei  contumeliam.' 

Compare  Andria  iT.  3.  15 ;  Bon.  ii.  8.  26 ;   Adelphi  iT.  7.  83  ;  tbough 
in  theee  caaea  the  word  may  be  prouounced  as  a  disajllable. 
oevtn  ia  monoajllabic  once : 

"  Bcel^Bta  lupo  ov«»'ci5mmiaiati.    Dfspudet." 

(Edd.  t.  1. 16.) 

The  same  coninction  occura  in  the  common  inBtanoeB  of  tbe  persoDa 
of  tbe  perfect  tense:  aa  tiit  (=  siTit),  monoayllable,  Adelph.  i.  2.  24; 

*  "nie  contnctirHi  of  nidi  irardB  ippnn  hi  vuaj  □nlliiBrj  Ulii  wordi,  •nch  u  '  aetu ' 

'  Geato  Mttla  tbe  pronuidalioD  oT  emt  bf  tbe  itorj  be  tdls  of  CrMBni : 
"  Qoam  U.  CiMni»  ■urdtnm  BnuidUii  impoiuret,  qnidun  in  poita,  eaiicu  Cuna 
■dTBCtu  nDdeiw,  CmMot  clamitabM.  Dleamiu,  n  plwet,  monitam  ab  eo  Cnimm, 
emnf  «*  •rd. '    De  DiTiu.  iL  10,  (  U,  qnoted  b;  IJndemun,  >De  ProKxlia  Pluti,' 



marramut,  Ajlelpb.  iii.  8.  11 ;  intwiwhat,  And.  ir.  1.  88 ;  adomarat, 
Eun.  ir.  4.6';  and  many  other  iuBtaiices  of  worda  contracted  ia  ordinaiy 
writers;  as  divitiorUnu  (=  ditioribuB),  Fhorm.  i.  1.  8.  So  too  we 
dhiliae  (=  '  ditioe ')  in  eveiy  caee. 

In  And.  i.  1.  24,  "Lib^UB  vivendi  fuit  poteBtae:  natn  intea," 
we  must  consider  vivendt  to  be  subject  to  the  Bame  oontraction  (aee 
oote),  though  we  meet  witb  'riyendum,'  triByllable,  in  i,  l.  125;  nor  do 
we  find  this  contraction  in  anj  otber  part  of  the  verb. 

aearitiae  =  atmtiae,  Phorm.  ii.  3.  12,   "Bi  herum  InaimalabiB  dea- 
ritiae  male  addies." 
2.  In  the  caseof 'i.' 

diet,    "  Sat  h&beo.    Quid  faci^o,  cedo  ?    Diet  mihi  hic  ut  satis  s:t 
Tereor."  (And.  ir.  2.  22.) 

"Diztin  hoB  mihi  diei  soli  d&re  teP    Quid  tum  piSsteaP" 

(Eun.  iv.  7.  23.) 
"  Ubi  illic  dieM  est  complures,  arceBBi  jubet," 

(Hec.  i  2. 110.) 
"Picism  nt  hujus  ioci  dieiqut  meii^ue  semper  memineris." 

(Bun.  iv.  7.  31.) 

ttio  is  always  prtmoonced  fully ;  but  mehata  and  ita  perBons  are  fre> 
quently  pronounced  aibam,  &c.     See  Indez  of  Words  and  Fhrases. 
eeio  and  neteio  are  frequeDtlf  contracted.     See 
Andria  ir.  1.  29,  "  Seio  ciim  patre  alterc^ti  dudum." 

83,  "Seio;  t6  coactug  tiia  voluntate  6a,     Hane." 
39,  "  N^isi  mihi  deos  Batis  aeio  ftiisse  iratoe,  qui  aas- 
8.  19,  "  Neieio  quid  narreB.    £go  quoqne  hinc  ab  d^tera." 
Hecyra  i.  2. 111,  "  Dix^  causam  tdm  neteio  quam.     Iter&m  jubet ;" 
and  numberleBB  other  inBtoncea. 

So  we  have  rejieore  pronounced  as  reieere,  Phorm.  ProL  18. 
rejieiat  as  reiciat,  iv.  6.  5. 

■  I  mmjrhemaddotluriMnlractedfbnnaoftheaeaoiidpecMti  ■ndlnfinitivemottiartbe 
parfect  t«(iM;  laiii  u  pmtcT^li,  And.  i.  1.  134;  amiiti,  Hec.  il.  3.  0;  dtetf,  Heuit. 
Fnd.  33 ;  pndiun,  Adetph.  It.  3.  33 ;  iixt,  Hec  t.  4.  S  ;  eirmtupacii,  prvtptxli, 
Adetph.  iT.  5.  66 ;  prtmiiti,  Addph.  t.  8.  17 ;  durli,  t.  8.  30 ;  adAurU,  imMia^, 
Ean.  IT.  7-  84,  35 )  ttttitit,  And.  1t.  4.  31,  thm^  Iher  ^  not  '■U  imnwdiMelf  nnder 
tbe  nle  ot  the  tsxt. 


INTRODUCnOK".  xxxi 

^ieiat  U  eicuri,  And.  ii  8.  8. 

eijieerem  ae  oieerem,  Seaiit.  i.  2.  12. 

eoHjicio  oa  emuno,  Heaat.  i.  1.  11. 
la  these  and  many  other  caBee,  as  in  aliua  always,  in^ieia,  faeiam,  Ac. 
(see  pfirtioalarly  Fhorm.  ii.  3.  47,  "  Di  tibi  male  fSciant ;"  v.  3.  2,  "  ITt 
aiia  Tolimtate  id  quod  est  faci^ndum  faciat.     F^iam  "),  ttie  '  i '  haa  the 
forae  of '  7,'  aud  coaleacea  with  the  foUowing  rowel '. 

We  find  many  instancea  in  Terence  of  the  contraction  of  worde  in 
which  'i'  ia  repeated.  In  theae  oasea  the  result  is  that  the  word 
genenllj  loeea  one  of  its  coiuonanta  with  one  rowel  in  pronunciation ; 


amtieUia  (=  saiitia),  Andria  iii.  8.  5.  Hec.  t.  1.  88.  Heaut.  i.  1. 
6,  ftc. 

Mtimieitia  (=  inmitia),  Fbormio  ii.  8.  28.  Andria  r.  2. 11,  &o. 

pudicilia  (=  puditia),  Andria  i.  5,  68. 
Sometimea  one  oul;  of  the  two  Towels  is  loat  in  the  contraction,  aa  in 
Uecjra  ii.  1,6: 

"  In  eddemque  omnes  mihi  TidsDtur  l^do  doctae  ad  mdlitiam," 
where   malitiam  =  maViiam,  and  in  Heaut.  i.  2.  9,   where   we  have 
pueritia  =  paertia,  u  in  Horace,  Carm.  i.  36.  8. 

famiUa  (=  &miia),  Heaut.  y.  1.  86.  Adelph.  ii.  1.  9,  A«. 

mtiUer,  muUerei,  &a.,  aie  prononnced  mtUyer,  mviyeret. 
Tbey  occur  veiy  frequeatly,  and  in  them  the  'i'  mast  generally  bare 
the  foTce  of '  y.'     I  may  notice,  bowefer,  one  instance  in  which  mviiere* 
mnst  be  pronounced  aa  a  disajllable,  riz.  Hecyn  ii.  1.  2  ; 

"  TJtliie  omnee  mulierdi  eadem  aeque  stddeant  nolaitqne  i5ninia  f" 

AU  auch  worde  as  hujue,  eiyui,  ejtu,  ei,  priv,  are  commonly  uaed  hy 
Terence  aa  monoayllables.  I  may  add  here  the  umrersal  contraction  of 
the  genitire  of  the  second  declenBion,  as  '  consili,'  '  riti,'  prcti.'  As  a 
general  rule  tbls  ia  tbe  ooly  inflection  of  anj  nonn  tbat  admits  of 
BjnizesiB'.    Tbua  we  could  not  hare  sucb  fontiB  aa  'mendacis,'  <mor- 

*  TbB  foIlowlQg  ire  Kme  of  the  niimeroai  wordi  In  irhicb  tiiii  tiViw  place  : — '  Onndl. 
pCTflmiu,"penerim,"ibien>,' 'pneteiieru,' 'ladiarit.'  Aecordingljr '■biera,'8fc., 
retia  at  tbee&d  olta  tunbie  line,  being  pronoanced  aij/eni,  redj/trit,  fttrj/erim, 

Wlthia  the  Umiti  of  thii  latTodnction  it  ii  impoinble  b 
of  woTdi  in  which  '  i '  dinppean,  or  thrawa  ant  ■  oeighbanriag  c 
~lu  wordi  ipecified  will  ■ene  ■■  fcir  eumploi  of  tbe  rnje. 
'  RitKbl  make*  nn  exoeption  to  thie  rale  ia  the  cai 



talium," gloriam,'  'nesciis;'  and  accordingly  ve  alvays  bare  'gratiis* 
and  '  ingratiiB,*  rathBr  than  the  oontracted  form.  In  Terence  we  meet 
vith  one  clear  ezception  at  leaat  to  thia  rule  in  the  caae  of  ptvpitiu». 
8ee  Addph.  i.  1.  6 : 

"Iritaquain  Ula  quaS  parenteBpr^pt^;" 
and  Phonnio  iv.  8.  31 : 

"Satin  iUi  Di  emt prtSpitiif  Nam  t&t  acio." 
I  do  not  quote  'gratiam,'  which  occura  in  Bome  few  places,  aa  an 
eiample,  because  in  all  those  inBtanoea  the  text  hae  been  objected  to. 
TheTe  can  he  no  doubt,  however,  that  we  have  in  these  pBssBges  the 
genuine  reading,  and  that  tbe  contraction  must  take  place  in  such 
paBsagee  as  tbe  following ; 

"  Cmnibus  grtOiam  h&beo,  et  seonnim  tibi  praeterea,  D^mea." 

(Adelph.  T.  9.  14.    See  note.) 
"  Beferetque  graliam  ei,  unAque  nos  sibi  ^pera  amioos  jiinget." 

(Hoo.  V.  2.  82.) 
Among  more  commou  words,  mm,  Nut,  mihi,  tibi,  aibi,  ibi,  are  ofWn 
pronounced  bs  monosyllableB,  and  consequentlf  sometimea  tbey  coalesce 
in  pronunaation  witb  tbe  initial  vowel  of  a  following  word. 

The  following  more  remarkable  casea  of  words  contracted  in  pnmun- 
ciation  maj  be  referred  to  tbia  place : 
faviUa.    "  Atque  H^favilhe  pI4na,  fiuni  ac  pdlliniB." 

(Adelph.  T.  8.  60.) 
Pgtiiat.     "  Non  ftciam,  Pgthiat.     N6n  pol  credo,  Chs^rea." 

(Eun.  T.  8.  62.) 
praeeept  (in  the  1  "  ^doleBceDti  ipsi  ^riperem  ocuIob  :  ptSstlise  prae- 
es)  J         eipit4m  darem,"  (Adelph.  iT,  6.  5,) 

vbers  we  may  also  notice  the  contraction  of  adole$eenti  snd  oevioa. 
fMgit.     Ab  "  Nunquam  a^epol  quicquam  jim  diu  qaod  mdgi*  Tellem 
evenire."  (£un.  v.  6,  1.) 

aak  tlwt  in  the  cmiB  of  Greek  words  thls  eontractioD  did  not  take  placD. 
in  EnQ.  iii.  8.  13,  "  Rna  Smiii  ecqiKNl  babmiu."  Hiae  wen  aUo  mmj 
at  did  not  admit  it,  aa  fiiiim,  toBum,  limimt,  tp«lnm,  gtadin,  «AhKwk. 
« it  i*  TMT  diScQlt  to  laj  doini  »  geiMnJ  rale ;  kr  Ute  earij  vmgt  itself 


INTRODtrcnOir.  xxxiii 

"  Fn>f£cto  qouito  mdffU  ma^Bqae  cijgito." 

(Eun.  iii.  8. 1.) 
"  Imp^ndio  ma^  initom  gaudeb&t  mihi." 

(Eiin.  iii.  6.  89.) 
And  in  the  majority  of  inataitces.  The  reader  inll  obaerre  that  in  the 
Becond  qnotatioa  tnaifit  is  pronounced  both  fully  and  aa  a  monoajllable. 
Itis  not  an  uncommon  pnctice  for  Terence  thua  to  vtry  the  meaaure  or 
ucent  of  a  word  when  it  occurs  more  ihaa  once  in  the  ume  place.  The 
game  contraction  occura  in  mayittratvt  (=  m&iAtratos),  £un.  Frol.  22 : 

"MoffUtrdiui  qmim  ibi  ad^saent  occepta  ^t  agi," 
bnt  not  in  magUter. 

qaan.         "  Belinquunt  guati  magiatrum."  (Phorm.  i.  2.  22.) 

" proinde  qvaii  uemo."     (Heaut.  i.  1.  13.) 

And  in  tati» : 

"  Ei  Mdo,  si  ullus  ^t,  magiatram  hanc  ^sse  tatit  certo  scio." 

(Hec.  ii.  1.  7.) 
Compare  And.  iv.  1.  28 ;  n.  2.  27.  Phorm.  iL  8.  88.  Hec.  ii  2. 1.8. 

In  ptidem  the  '  id'  seems  frequentlj  to  have  been  lost,  and  the  word 
pronoonced  as  'qu'em,'  as  in 

"  Quibus  qmdem  quam  &cile  pijtnerat  qui^sci  ai  hic  qui^sset." 

(And.  iy.  2.  8.) 

The  same  abbreviation  appears  in  '  quandoquidem  %■  os, 

"  Jure  dbtigisse  qudnioguidem  tam  in^  tam  nnlli  c6iiBili." 

(And.  iii.  6.  2.) 
"  Quaitd6gtddam  boIub  r^nas  et  soK  licet." 

(Phorm.  ii.  8.  58.) 

In  both  caoefi,  and  in  eguid«m,  quidem  ofteii  coalesces  with  a  following 
Towel,  as  in 

"  Haud  gutdem  h£rcle  parrum,  si  vis  vero  r^ram  rstionem  dzsequi." 

(Hec.  iii._l.'26.) 
"  QuandSguiiem  illarum  nlque  te  quisquam  mSvit  neque  soit  qui 
■iea."  (Eun.  iL  8.  28.) 


xxiiT  INTIlODUOnOIf. 

"  QtM»u%«ufem  illam  a  me  diBtarahlt  uec^taa." 

(Hec.  iii.  6.  42.) 
"  Tum  equidem  istuc  tta  tuum  impudeoa  rid^  nimium  v^llem." 

(Bun.m.  6.  49.) 
"  Bqvidem^Tf^a  aewaA.    Yis  aciie?    At  ita  me  serret  Jipiter." 
(Phorm.  V.  8.  24.) 
The  foUowing  noticea  may  GOQclude  tliia  head : 
via.    "  Tractire ;  sed  vi,  et  via  perrnlgatA  patmm." 

(Heaut.  i.  1.  49.) 
vide.    "  Tu,  ut  t^puB  eat  di4i,  vide  ais  n6  quo  hinc  abeaa  liSngius." 
(Heaut.  i.  2.  38.) 
Compare  Heaut.  iv.  8.  30.  Adelph.  ii.  2.  81.    Hec.  iii.  5.  84.     The 
aame  contraction  occutb  m  mdere  and  sidet : 

redi.    "  Kam   hercle  ^tiam  hoc  restat.     Hiuc   quaeso  r^  guo 
coepiati,  A^hine."     (Adelph.  ii.  1.  36.) 
"  Concaiuit :  quid  tib  F    SAii,  redi." 

(Heant.  ii.  8. 108.) 
In  the  latter  quotation  we  have  an  instance  of  the  change  of  pronun- 
ciation  before  noticed  iu  the  case  of  maffie.     Ahi  ie  ver;  frequently 
monoB;llabic.     See  Hecyra  iv.  1.  42'. 
8.  Wheu '  u'  ia  followed  or  preceded  by  another  vowel. 
The  common  iuBtancea  of  eJM,  kujv*,  eujut,  &a.,  hare  been  already 
noticed  ;  nor  need  we  here  iustance  such  cases  aa  '  studuerit,'  '  voluerit/ 
'cubuerit,'  'potuerit,'  and  generall;  apeaking  all   tensea   of  Terba  in 
whicb  t^e  final  consonant  of  the  root  ia  foUowed  by  '  u.' 

dtMit  ia  not  contracted  in  Terence,  except  once  in  the  compound 

"  At  t6  Di  Deaeqne^^iAtm/  cum  isto  odi<$  Lache," 

(Hec.  i.  2.  59,) 
and  in  this  paaaage  this  reading  ia  not  quite  certain,  though  there  ia 
tbe  best  authority  for  tbe  text  as  here   given.     Tbe   foUowing  lesa 
common  worde  maj  he  added  here : 

>  Id  aoiiie  of  mj  noles  I  haTe  fbUowsd  Ritschl  tai  otlien  in  ipeakiug  of '  abi,'  '  rogs,' 
■  muie,'  'jube,'  &c.,  u  if  tbej  were  pronounced  '".  It  ii  more  consiateDt,  howerer,  with 
ths  geaenl  cuatom  of  Terence  to  treat  them,  u  I  haie  bere  done,  a^  monosTUables.  Tha 
Modmt  wiU  euil;  find  Tec;  manf  mora  eiamplei  of  tba  nae  of  eadi  of  Uieie  woidB. 


INTRODtTCnON.  xxxv 

dvo  in  ali  genders  of  tfae  nominatire  aad  acciuatiTe  caees; 
"  ZW  talecta  pn5  re  noatra  ego  ^eae  decrevi  Batie." 

(Heaut.  T.  1.  67.) 
duo».     "  Tu  iU6a  duos  olim  pro  re  toUeb^  tua."     (Adelph.  v.  8. 28.) 
daaa.     "  Qaid  ?  dudtne  ia  Qxor^s  habet  f "     (Fhorm.  t.  1.  27.) 
See  also  Heaut.  ii.  8.  94,  aad  many  other  paaBagea. 

tmia,  tua,  twm,  aad  other  cases  in  manjr  paaBBgOB.     I  may  apecify 
"  Scio :  tu  coactuB  tua  TOluDtote  6b.     Mane." 

(And.  iv.  1.  88.) 
"  MetuiBti  Bi  nunc  d4  t»o  jure  c<JnceseisBea  paululum." 

(Adelph.  iL  2.  9.) 
"Nam  mihi  lutua  tuti»  pat^r  narravit  mttdo  quo  pacto  me 
hibueria."     (Hec.  It.  2.  6.) 
puer.     "  Fer  ecisfor  BcituB  pu^  eat  natua  F^philo." 

(And.  iii.  2.  6,  ka.) 
pueBa  ia  never  contracted  in  Terence ',  though  Bitschl  quotea  it  aa  an 
instance  of  BjnizeHifl  in  Flantus. 

fuitti,    "  Y&  heri  in  Tino  quam  lmmodefituB,/imA." 

(Heaut.  iii.  8.  7.) 

Juit.    "  Lib^riuB  TiTcndl.^  potestas . . .  deniqne."  (And.  i.  1.  25.) 

"  Olim  JBtiJuit  gSneri  quondam  qua^Btus  apud  aaecldm  priua." 
(Eun.  ii.  2, 15,  &c.) 
Jmpnu.    "Fuimut:  paupertatem  liua  pertulimtis  graTem." 

(Adelph.  iij.  4.  60.) 

fuere.     "  TTno  i5re  auctoreB^/MA-e  ut  praecipitem  hino  daret," 

(Phorm.  iv.  3.  20.) 

Jueram.     "  P^coatum  i  aderam  cdjuB  consilio  4a  •^fajuerat  pr<5Bpici." 
(Hec.  iv.  1.  46.) 

Juerim,  &c.     "  FAerim,  dictua  filius  tuui  tua  roluntate,  cSbsecro." 

.      (Heaut.  T.  4.  2.) 

*  If  Danaldaon  bad  obserred  thit,  he  would  not  ht,n  adTocated  tliB  leiuliiig  patllam  ia 
Hmiit.  T.  6. 18,  which  ii  not  mtMDcd  by  «oy  good  luthority.  See  '  VwromKra»,'  chsp. 
X.  p.  443. 




"  Tolm  quiu  tu  in  ea  rS  xaihi  Jueri»  SdTereatrix,  Sostrata." 

(Heaut.  V.  3.  6.) 
The  Bame  contraction  oc^ura  olwajB  in_fii«rit;  once  iajuiuet : 
"  Non  potitus  ^Bem  :  faittet  tum  illoB  mihL  aegre  aliquiJt  dieB," 
(Phorm.  i.  3.  7,) 
and  infttiMe : 

«  £t  gritmn  iAfuiite  adr^rsom  te  liabeo  gr&tiam." 

(And.  i.  1. 15.) 
"  AeBchine  audi :  d6  te  ignarnm,/u<«<0'  dicas  meorum  morum." 
(Adelph.  ii.  1.  6.) 
Gompare  also  Hec.  iii.  6.  89. 

£itBcbI  would  esclude  from  contraction  all  inflectionB  oifiti  in  which 
*r'  occurs,  except  perhaps^^Mrun/.  The  preceding  instanceB,  howerer, 
are  deciaive,  as  for  as  Terence  ia  concemed,  that  in  all  caaeB  of  wordB  in 
which  '  u '  is  followed  bf  a  vowel  synizeBia  is  poasible,  though  not  uni- 
Teraal.  In  all  the  wordB  infltanced  abore  we  bare  manj  inBtanccB  of 
tbcir  full  proDunciation.  I  now  pass  to  worda  in  wbicb  '  u '  occutb  witb 
Bome  other '  rowel '  from  wbich  it  ia  sepaiated  bj  a  consonant. 
jvhe.    "  Vid6n  ?  Video.  Compreh4ndi^'«^  quantum  potest." 

(Eun.  T.  1.  20.) 
"  Atque  hinc  in  horto  m&cenMa  Jvbe  dlrui." 

(Adelph.  T.  7.  10.) 
"  Arg6ntum  raxauva  Jllbe  rcBcribi,  Phcirmio." 

(Phorm.  T.  7.  29.) 
padet.  In  Terence  I  find  no  instance  of  tbe  monoe;ilabic  pronnnci»- 
tioa  of  '  pudet '  and '  pudor '  whicb  occurs  in  PlautuB.  One  Bucb  word 
is  howerer  thua  used  in  Terence.  In  Adelpbi  i.  1.  48  we  hare  a  line, 
wbicb  botb  Bentley  and  Srltschl  bare  endeaToured  to  alter  in  consequence 
of  its  metrical  difficulty.     It  Btands  tbua  : 

"  Stvdet  par  referre ;  pra^aenB  absensque  idem  erit." 
Here  Bentley,  according  to  bia  cnstom,  considera  the  last  syllable  of 
'  Btudet '  to  be  sbortened  in  spite  of  ita  poBition  :  Bitsohl.would  ameod 
the  line  by  omitting  '  par.'  See  tbe  note,  The  aimplest  way  ia  to  con- 
aider  '  atudet '  aa  a  monosyllable,  witbout  baring  recourse  to  any  arbi- 
trary  cbange,    Gompare 


INTRODTrCTrON.  xxivii 

"^udent  Kcere:  iu  sppar&ado  conaimiiiit  diom." 

(Adelph.  T.  7.  2.) 

In  the  dasH  of  words  noticed  abore  in  wUch  '  v '  was  the  distinguish- 
ing  letter  we  foand  tbst  in  contraction  the  Bemirowel  pused  uito  its 
Towel  soond,  aa  enve  =  ca».  In  the  preaent  instance  '  a '  has  often  the 
force  of  '  w,'  as  duo  —  dioo,  or  voWerit  =  volwetit,  while  in  other  casea, 
aa  in  that  of  ttudet,  the  consonant  dissppears,  and  tbe  '  u '  Bound  ia 

i.  lu  the  caae  of  '  e '  foUowed  by  a  vowel  tbe  ume  contractioD  ia 
foond,  aod  here  the  '  e '  muat  approach  nearly  to  tbe  aound  of  '  7,'  there 
bdng  sncb  a  reaemblance  aa  there  ia  between  our  owa  worda  '  ear '  and 
'year,'  wbich  «e  scaroely  to  be  diBtinguisbed  in  the  ordinary  pronon- 
dation.  Tbe  foUowing  instances  may  be  noticed  of  the  different  caaea 
and  genders  of '  idem :' 

eatutem.     "  In  edndem  fraudem  ex  hic  re  atque  ex  iUa  ■htddes." 

(Heaut.  iii.  1.  38.) 
eadem.     "  TJtine  omnea    mnlier^s  eadem    oeque   at&deaiit   nolintque 
(imnia?"  (Hec.  ii.  1.2.) 

"  SadSTnqve  ut  eaaet  apdd  te  hoc  quam  gratiasimum." 

(Heaut.  ii.  3.  127.) 
eadam.     "  Judicinm  de  eadem  calisa  iterum  ut  redd&ut  tibi." 

(Phorm.  ii.  8.  67.) 
eitdem.    "  Nam  diBdplina  eat  eUdem  munerarier." 

(Heaut.  ii.  8.  59.) 
eodem.    "  Ifttlim  oaeteramm  renun  i6  aocordem  eodAn  modo." 

(Adelph.  iv.  5.  61.) 
"  Eodim  die  ietuc  ySrbum  vere  in  te  ficcidit."  - 

(Andria  T.  8. 14.) 
eundem.    "  ConB^rris  ad  etmdem  istuQC  praecipii5  modum." 

(Adelph.  iii.  8.  70.) 

To  these  may  be  added  &11  caaes  of '  is  *.' 

*  Tlw  mM  contnetioii  u  fbimd  in  Propoilai  In  acTenl  inatuicea.    Tba  ttAkming  maj 

["  Hoo 



Sometimes  *  e^  *  and  ita  tenaes  are  thus  coDtFacted : 
eo.    "  N4  Yim  jacias  Mam  in  illam.    Th^is,  ego  eo  ad  8i5phnuiam." 
(Eun.  iv.  7.  37.) 
"  £go  eo  intro,  ut  quoe  opos  aiint  pai«Dtur." 

(Adelph.  h.  6.  72.) 
"  Nam  est  qu6d  me  trauBire  6A  forum  jam  opdrtet.     So  tecum  ^b," 

(Hecyra  ii.  2.  81.) 
ea».    "  Sed  qua^  ut  una  m^um  ad  matrem  Tirginis  eas,  Mido." 
(Adelph.  iT.  S.  7.) 
"  Eat  ad  mulier^  huc  intro ; — "        (Hecyra  v.  1. 28.) 
eamut,  once.    "  86\ua  eBt  homo  amico  amicuB.    ^ldmut  ergo  ad  mm 

6dv*."  (Phormio  iiL  3.  29.) 

eam,  eat,  ealur  are  not  contracted  in  Terence :  detu,  deae,  neut,  in 
many  cuee  aud  gendeis,  are  frequently  contracted  :  rei  often,  as  in 
"  I  ntinc  lam.  Quid  h<ic  rei  est  F  regnumne,  A^echine,  hic  tu  ptSeaidee  ?" 
(Adelph.  ii.  1.  21.) 
"  Quid  rei  gerit  P"  (Phonn.  i.  2.  95.) 

"  Poatr^mo  tecum  nihil  rei  nobiB,  D^mipbo,  est." 

(Phorm.  iL  3.  74.) 
"  In  bdno  diem  ut  de  Bymholis  eBH^mua,     Cbaeream  ei  rei," 

(Em.  iii.  i.  2,) 
and  in  many  otber  caaeB.    So  also  ia 
tpei.  "  Ut  p^rnoBcstia  ^uid  tpai  sit  r^liquum." 

(Andria,  Prpl.  25.) 
"  Quanto  minna  tpei  eat  t&uto  m&gis  amo." 

(Eun.  T.  8.  26.) 
"  Et  quid  tpei  porro  est  P"  (Pborm.  iii.  1. 10.) 

In  words  such  ob  '  fateor '  tbe  contraction  necesgarily  takes  place  in 
Terence'8  verBe. 

5.  Contraction  ia  alBo  found  in  words  in  wbich  '  o '  and  anotbear  vowel 
come  togetber.  This  ia  veij  &equent  in  PlautuB  in  words  compounded 
of  the  prepOBition  '  co-' :  aa  eoaddere,  coactu»,  coegi.     Terence  uaes  it  more 

"  Hdc  mxfim  ferra  Millet  aterqne  cniot."    (ij.  9.  10.) 

"  Hu  tadem  nuBni,  Ljgdune,  curre  tul"     (iv.  6.  36.) 

"  Sotdim  hkbiiit  ««001  qnUtiu  ert  abts  cspillDi.    EotdoH  ocnloa.    (t.  7-  7>  &) 



eparmglT.    The  following  instanceB  will  Berre  (o  ahoT  the  pnctice  of 
our  author : 

eoeo.     "  Heri  Hliqaot  adolesc&ituli  eoiimu*  ia  Pira4eo," 

(Eun.  iii.  4.  1.) 
eoUio.    "  S4aex  a^eat :  vide  quid  agaa :  prima  eoitio  eat  acerriina." 
(Phorm.  ii.  2.  82.) 
eoomo.     "  Coemiue  binc  qnse  iUuc  T^hereH  multa." 

(Adelph.  ii.  3. 17.) 
eokibeo.    "Nam  jim — Non  tu  te  e^hibea,  non  te  r^picisF" 

(Heaut.  T.  1.  46.) 
proiibeo.     "  Dum  a6ta«,  metns,  mA^Aer  prohih^dnt  ?" 

(Andria  L  1.  27.) 
"  Qoae  B^ee  in  ignem  jicere  Tolnit  pniMbvi." 

(Andria  i.  1. 113.) 
"  Si  f&cere  poflsim  uR6  modo.    Quae  r^  te  id  fkcere  prokibet  f  " 
(Heo.  ii.  2.  24,) 
and  in  some  other  places. 

Faaeing  from  the  combioation  of  'o*  with  a  Towel,  some  further 
inrtancea  of  which  will  sppear  under  tbe  nezt  head,  we  find  a  lorge  class 
of  words  in  which  a  consonant  comes  between  '  o '  and  another  Towel. 
Snch  are 

optu.    "  Kisi  ea  qnae  nihil  <Spui  snnt  scirL"  (Andria  ii.  1.  87.) 

"  P^rii :  hnic  ipsi  est  dpiu  patrono."  (Eun.  iv.  6.  32.) 

"  Dee  qui  «imm  ac  Testem  atqne  &Iia  qoae  opv»  sunt  comparent." 

(Heaut.  iv.  8.  14.) 
"Et  td  nobiscum  Ana,  si  cpu»  sit.    Hei  mihi." 

(Adelph.  iT.  7.  86.) 
propediefn.    Heaut.  i.  1.  108 ;  ir.  6.  29.    Adelph.  t.  6.  7,  in  wMch 
passages  (all  in  which  it  occurs)  it  occupies  the  last  place  in  the  line. 

prapemodum,  occupying  the  last  place  in  an  lambio  Teree  in  Eun.  i.  2. 
126;Heaut.  t.  5.  20;  Adelph.  i.  2.  fil.contiactedalBoin  Andriaiii.  4.  7. 
Fhorm.  i  4.  83.    It  is  wortb  remork  that  'prope'  i»  not  contracted  in 

imodo  ia  generally  contracted,  thongh  there  are  Boffioient  inBtances  of 
itB  UBe  as  a  dissjUable,  as  in  the  phraee  '  Sine  modo '  ending  a  line 
Phorm.  ii.  3.  73,  Eun.  i.  1.  20),  and  in  other  casee.     See  note  on 

il  INTKODtrcnON. 

,  Tieejn  y.  8.  82  *.    Ona  iiutaDoe  occurs  in  wMch  nwdo  is  pronounced 
M  a  diH^llable  with  its  first  syllable  lengthened : 

"  Mibine  P      Tibi  et^.    Mfdo  introii.      Quisi  ego  quam   dudlim 
Togem."  (Andria  v.  2.  9.) 

The  reader  will  observe  that  the  position  of  fUMt  «leo  in  the  same  line 
is  poooliar.    Both  cases  are  probably  due  in  tbia  instance  to  the  metrical 
accent,  oombined  with  the  broken  form  of  tbe  sentences. 
rtyo.  "  B6go :  negat  ridisee."  (A^kdria  ii.  2.  21.) 

"  Heos  D^mea,  rog(U  frater  ne  abe&a  longius." 

(Adelph.  V.  6. 1.) 
"  S6ga  velitne  ozdrem  an  non." 

(Hec.  iv.  1. 43.) 

"  TTt  rigem,  qnod  tempoB  ci5nveniendi  p&tris  me  capere  jdbeat." 

(Phorm.  V.  4.  9.) 

6.  Words  compounded  of  prepositioDS,  &c.  ending  in  a  vowel  are 
contracted.     The  following  casea  occur : 

deamo.    "  Nae  ego  f6rtunatus  homo  sum.    Deamo  t6,  S/re." 

(Heaut.  iv.  6.  21.) 
dehortor.     "  At  hic  dehortaiut  ^t  me  ne  illam  tibi  darem." 

(Phorm.  T.  7. 17.) 
dein,  detnda,  very  often  in  all  writers.    In  one  inatance  this  word  ia 
Tesolved  by  Terence : 

"  Kunc  primum  fac  ietaec  lav^t ;  post  deinde," 

(Andria  iii.  2.  8,) 
where  'deinde'  fonns  a  bacchius  (      ), 
dehme;  alwajra  contrscted. 

deorttm.  "  Ne  Buraum  deortum  ciirBitea."  (Eun.  ii.  2.  46.) 

Compare  Adelph.  iv.  2. 84.  86. 
teomm,  "0'mnibusgratiamhib60;  et«AM-ftff»tibiprfletereaD4mea." 
(Adelph.  T.  9. 14.) 

*  It  19  renurkBble  tliat  no  case  of  '  mixliu '  ii  eontncted  ia  Tenoce.  Tbi«  1«*di  me  to 
donbt  Profesanr  Kej't  derintioD  of  'immo'  or  'imo'  (rom  'iu  modo,'  to  aj  notbing  of 
■Dj  other  objectioD  to  it.  8ee  note  od  Andr{&  iii.  fi.  11.  In  nich  >  oue  the  fthKDce  <Jm 
oontnction  in  Tereoce  (and,  u  br  >■  I  hara  euniinmi  the  word,  in  FlaDtui)  ii  to  mj 
■nind  dedaiTe.  The  cue  of  '  moda  '  Bhoin  indeed  thet  it  ODald  hare  besn  possible  to 
abhreriata  the  ■bUtiTa  '  modo '  gimilftrij ;  hnt  u  we  do  not  find  thit  to  luTe  been  the 
cue,  we  moM  not  ooia  •  contnwtion  fbr  tbe  aake  of  the  «^mologj. 



proin,  prointla  are  KlwayB  contiacted. 
BBieiae,  alwajB  contntcted. 

neviiqvam.     "  £go   Gharme  neiti^ium  officium   liberi   eBse  homiiilB 
puto."  (Andria  i.  1.  30.) 

Compare  Heaut.  ii.  3.  136.     Hecyra  iii.  3.  43. 

"  TJsque  illud  Tisuin  est  PampHto  neutigtudvt  grave." 

(Eeo.  i.  2.  60.) 
'Keotiqaam'  ia  commonly  eaid  to  be  read  'neutiqnam,' and  so  tofaare 
the  Gnt  ayllable  Bhort.  ThiB  would  be  possible  onlj^  in  the  kst  quoted 
puuge.  In  all  the  othen  the  metrical  accent  fallB  on  tbe  first  Byllable ! 
md  it  iB  therefore  mora  eonBiateut  to  oonaider  the  case  oae  of  contrac- 

7.  I  now  come  to  a  Urge  dass  of  worda  capable  of  contraction ;  tboBe 
which  have  l,  m,  n,  r,  betweeo  two  towcIb.     The  following  instanceB  wilt 
■ene  to  exempUfy  the  practice  of  Tereuce. 
amor.    "  IJt  n£que  me  consuetiido  neque  amor  n^qne  pudor." 

(And.  i.  6.  44.) 

" CoDtum41iae 

Non  m£  fecisse  cai^  sed  amorii.    Scio." 

(Eun.  T.  2.  89.) 
bene,  bontn,  &e.     "  Qui  i4ne  Tertendo,  et  easdem  Bcribendo  male." 
(Eun.  Prol.  7.) 
"T£rum  enim  qnando  i^promeruit,  ffet." 

(Adelph.  ii.  1.  47.) 
"  Bomm  isg^nium  narras  &dole9centis.   Cptimum." 
(And.  iii.  1.  8.) 
ienefieiwn.     "  Vt  beneficium  T^hii  initum   d6dum  nunc  re  c6m- 
probes."  (And.  t.  1.  6,) 

vtal^fieivm.     "  Frti  mal^fioio  bI  ben^fieium  H^mum  nolnnt  r^dere." 
(Fborm.  ii.  2.  22.) 
Bo  too  mole,  mtdevoUu,  matefaetwm,  mdUfacio,  &c, 
eolor.     "  Oolor  T6rus,  corpus  etilidum  et  succi  pl4num." 

(Eun.  ii.  8.  26.) 
dolet.    "Dolet  dlctum  impmdenti  Adolescenti  et  lihero." 

(Eun.  iii:  1.  40.) 



domut,    "  Domwi,  uxof,  liberi  inTenti  inTitd  patre." 

(And.  T.  8.  20.) 
"Bomv*  sdnituoBa."  (Adelph.  ir.  7.  42.) 

domi  aometimeB  coaleaceB  vith  the  following  word,  aa  in 

"  Domi  adBitis  facite."  (Eun.  iii.  2.  68.) 

"  Qnsei  d^ta  opera  d6mi  erant,  ut  nullij  modo." 

(Eun.  Y.  2.  2.) 
entm  b  frequently  contracted ;  compare  "  Certe  mim  scio  "    (And.  iii. 
2.  23);  "Immoemtm"  (And.  t.  1.  4). 

"  £ntm  lassam  oppidi5  tum  esse  aibant."  (Hec.  ii.  1.  41.) 

"  Quid  f  iet.    Non  enim  dlicet."  (Phorm.  iv.  4. 13.) 

When  enim  ends  the  Bentence,  and  is  therefore  empbatic,  it  ia  not 
contracted;  e.g., 

"  Quid  ipea^  P  quid  aiunt  F     Quid  iUas  cenaeB  ?     I^^ihU  entm." 

(Adelph.  iT.  6.  22.) 

"  At  egtS  Bcio.     Quid  F    Nihil  enun."  (Hec.  t.  4.  10.) 

mimvero  ib  always  contracted ;  fera,  irequratly. 

foret,forit.    "  Qui  mihi  nuno  uno  digituloj^MW  Aperia  fortun&tua." 

(Eun.  ii.  2.  52.) 

"  Abi  prae  Btren\ie  iaforei  aperi.     C^terum  hoc  nihil  facia." 

(Adelph.  u.  1. 13.) 

"  Forii  s&pera,  tibi  non  pdsHe  auxiliMer."  (Heaut.  r.  1.  50.) 

fonm.     "  Quid  turbae  est  apud  firum  !  guid  illic  hominum  litigant  I " 

(And.  iT.  4.  6.) 
memor.  "  —  TJt  memor  emie  huL 

Mmor  4ssem  P  "  (And.  i.  6.  46,  47.) 

Jumo,nemo.  ^otno  iflnecesBarilyalwayBcontractedintheobliquecBsea. 

jffemo  itself  is  an  example  of  its  contraction  in  the  nominative,  and  thia 

occurs  seTerai  times  in  Terence.    In  some  places  '  homo '  coalescea  with 

the  following  word ;  as  in 

"  Quis  homo  iBtac  P  "  (And.  iT.  1.  38.) 

"SiSlus  est  homo  amico  amicua."  (Fhonn.  iii.  S.  29.) 

And  in  other  paBsages.     The  following  passage  msy  be  nodced  as  agood 
instance  of  contraction  in  the  case  of  these  two  words ; 


rNTRODTJCnON'.  xliii 

"Xitmiin  ego  pliiT&  ac^rbs  credo   esse   iix   uoore  homtni   UDt|UUii 
oblata."  (Hecjr»  iii.  1,  1.) 

Here  Nem'n'  yo  and   |  amor'  Avm'»'  are  troctaic  feet :  Jffemini  stand- 
isg  aa  a  long  ajllable,  homini  ae  a  abort  one.     Compare 
"  Fratrem  hotnini  nemini  ^sae  primAnim  artiam  magis  pTfncipem," 

(Adelph.  ii.  3.  6,) 
wbere  we  mast  consider  nem'n'  to  be  equivalent  to  one  abort  syllable, 
forming  witb  tbe  last  sjrllable  of  hontini  a  trochaic  foot. 
ienu.     "  Servi  m£  relictis  r^bus  jussit  Fimphilum 

Hodie  iSbBerrare."  (And.  ii.  5. 1.) 

"  Berua  liberalis  ^t  et  iiigitiuis  litium." 

(Pborm.  ir.  8. 18.) 
"  Ost4ndam  quid  hervm  dt  pericli  fallere." 

(And.  T.  2.  26.) 
"  AMepol  nae  meam  A^ruc  esse  operam  d^putat  parvl  preti." 
(Hec.  V.  8. 1.) 
ier».     "  Siri  Fbilnmeimm  &d  se  arcessi  hic  jAssit !  dic  jueeisBe  te." 

(Hec.  iii.  5. 16.) 
"  Qiiod  ieri  neino  T<51uit  Tisentem  iA  eam  te  intro  admitteFe." 

(Hec.  iJ.  1.  40.) 
"  Smri  u^roo  Tolnit  Sdstratam  intro  admtttere." 

(Hec.  iii.  1.  49.) 
mone  (iniperatiTe) : 

"  JfoM  mane ;  qnid  eet  qu6d  tam  a  nobia  gr&viter  crepnerdnt  foroBp" 
(Heaut.  iii.  8.  52.) 
"TitiArit.    Hem.    Mane;  ntindum  audisti  Stoea." 

■      (Adelph.  iii.  4.  21.) 
fniniu.  "  Ob  d^m  minaa,  inqoit."  (Fborm.  ir.  8.  S7.). 

wiiniu.     "  Minut  Tidetis,  migia  impense  ciipitiB,  consulitiB  parum." 

(Adelph.  T.  9.  36.) 
"  JUittui  poteuB  qusm  \A,  minut  notos,  m^u»  &niicorum  bic  habenB," 
(Eun.  iT,  6.  22,) 
and  ia  aamerouB  other  paBiageB. 


xUv  rNTRODtrcnOTT. 

mtnw.     "  ^nimTero  Ghrem^B  ntmM  grmtex  crdciat  adoleBcentalmn, 

Jiimuqne  intinmnnB."  (Heaut.  T.  6.  1,  2.) 

CJompare  Adelph.  iv.  1.  6;  T.  7. 1. 

lenea.    "  Imo  ille  Mnex  fuit  importuiinB  e^mper,  et  niino  nilul  magis." 
(Heaut.  i.  2.  23.) 

"  Smea  niiflter."  (Adelph.  r.  1.  6.) 

"SumuB,  PSmphile,  lenex  Atque  annB."  (Hec.  iv.  8.  15.) 

"  Eum  mihi  precator^m  paro  :  leni  uiJBtFo  fidei  i^hil  habeo." 

(Heaut.  T.  2.  43.) 

"  Senem  r^trum."  (Heaut.  ir.  3.  28.) 

tenectm  \a  contncted  frequentlj  in  FlautuB.  In  Terence  it  mufit  be 
pronounced  fnlly,  ezcept  in  tbe  foUowing  tine : 

" Habebia  qua^  tuam 

iSmfcAI^M»  oblectet :  r^spice  aetat^m  tuam." 

(Phorm.  ii.  8.  87.) 
ThiB  one  inBtance,  boweTer,  iB  aufGcient  to  prove  that  in  the  time  of 
Tereiice,  aa  well  as  in  that  of  FlautuB,  the  word  waa  capable  of  con- 
traction  ;  as,  in  general,  all  deriTed  worda  are  if  the  simple  wordB  firom 
which  thfy  are  formed  admit  of  it. 

tine  (imperatiTc)  is  often  contracted,  aa  in 

"  Sine  niinc  meo  me  TiTcre  intere&  modo,"  (And.  i.  1.  126,) 

in  tha  phrase  '»ine  modo '     (Eun.  i.  1.  20)  ;  and  Bometimes  it  coalesces 
witb  B  Towel,  Bs  Jn 

"  Sine  illum  prioree  p&rtes  hosce  a]iqui5t  diea 
Aplid  me  hahere."  (Bun.  i.  2.  71.) 

line  (prepoaitioa)  ia  firequently  monoa;]rUAbic,  and  haa  the  pronun- 
datioa  of  le;  aad  therefore  can  ooaieace  with  a  following  TOwel, 

"  Sine  inTidia  laudem  iuT^nise  et  amici5s  pareB." 

(And.  i.  1.  89.) 
venwiai  (Tenus) .    "  Qais  me  eat  fortuo&tior  P  veniutdiitcjne  adeo  ple- 
niorP"  (Hec.  T.  4.  8.) 



whnttat  and  volo.    "  Volo  i^  dare  openm  ut  fitt," 

,  (Hoaut.  iT.  6.  41.) 

"  Volo  Bcire  atque  hommem  cdurenire." 

(Adelph.  L  2.  74.) 
"  Upids  es :  Sed  Bcin  qoid  volo  potius  B<5deB  facias  F     Quid  cedo  P  " 

(Hec.  V.  1.  26.) 
The  same  contnictioQ  occura  in  velim.    Tbe  following  ezample  ia  ths 
onlf  one  of  the  contnction  of  voluntai  in  Terence : 
"  Volif  ipaius  quoque  vohmtdte  hoc  fieri:  n4  bc  ejectam  pra^dicet." 

(Phorm.  iy.  6. 18.) 
nleo,  one  instance : 

" Mitrea  omnea  f  iliis 

In  p4ccato  adjutrfceB,  auzilio  in  paterna  injuria, 
Solent  4»Be."  (Heaut.  v.  2.  88—40.) 

toror.    "  Primiim  qnod  toror  eat  dicts."  (Eun.  i.  2.  66.) 

"  Soror  ett  dicta,  cupio  abd^cere,  ut  reddim  auis." 

(Eun.  i.  2.  77.) 
Compare  iii.  8. 19. 

n>  ifl  contracted  in  lame  caBes : 

"  Tirit  6eK  adTersas  a^ue  etndium  est."  (Hec.  ii.  1.  6.) 

"  Factum  toIo  :  at  pol  minuB  queo  «m  culpa  quam  me  dignum  est." 
(Phorm.  T.  8.  4.) 
mora.     One  instance : 

"  2fe  «u^  sit,  Bi  innuerfm,  qnin  pugnua  cdntinuo  in  mala  ha4reat." 
(Adelph.  ii.  1. 17.) 
S.  I  snbjoiu  a  few  miBCeHaneouB  eiamples,  which  cannot  be  referred 
to  aaj  of  the  preceding  heads  : 

adett.     "  Frope  adeti  quum  alieno  more  TiTendam  ^st  mihi." 

(And.  i.  1. 126.) 
"  Adett  liptime  ipse  friter."  (Eun.  v.  2.  66.) 

"Adest  Pirmeno  cum  piieris."  (Heo.  iii.  8.  49.) 

aptid  ia  oflen  pronounced  aa  ad;  sometimes  fuUy,  as  in  the  ezpreB- 
EionB  'apud  me'  (£un.  i.  2.  60.  72),  'apfid  te'  (Eun.  i.  2.  10),  'aplid 
Toa'  (Hec.  ii.  2.13),  'apud  aeae'  (Hec.  it.  4.  86);  with  somefevrez- 
ceptiona.  In  Bome  phraaeB  it  ia  pronounced  aa  one  s^Uabte,  long  by 



"  Laudarier  te  aodlt  libenter :  £&cio  te  apud  iUum  detim." 

(Adelph.  JT.  1.  19.) 
"  ito  &d  dextram  :  priusquam  ad  poitum  v^niiui,  t^uS  ipsiini  lacum." 

(Adetph.  iv.  2.  M.) 
''Adversa  ejus  p6r  te  tecta  tdcitaque  apvd  omn^  siefit." 

(Hec.  iii.  8.  28.) 
"  Merc^tor ;  narem  ia  fr^git  apud  Andrum  inBnlam." 

(And.  i.  8.  17.) 
age  is  frequentlf  contracted ;  and  so  are  agedum,  agiie,  agam,  agat, 
agat,  agant. 

pater  is  veij  &eqnentlj  pronounced  aapere,  just  as  »oror  ia  toeur. 
Maay  of  its  casea  too  are  contracted,  aa  in  the  following  instancea : 
"  Jim  &dllim4  patrit  pacem  in  l^gea  confici^t  suaa." 

(Heaut.  T.  2.  45.) 
"  Quum  in  c^Uulam  sd  te  p4trit  penum  omnem  ci^ngerebam  clan- 

culum."  (Eun.  ii.  8. 18.) 

"  Paier  v&mt.    Sed  quid  p^rtimui  autein,  b^llua  ? ' 

(Phorm.  iT.  2.  11.) 
This  ia  one  of  the  commonest  instanceB  of  contraction  in  Terence,  and 
would  hardlf  have  required  notice,  but  that  Eitschl  (Frolegomena  ad 
Flautum,  p.  155)  doubts  whether  pater  can  have  such  a  pronuncia- 
tion,  although  aUowing  it  ia  tbe  case  of  toror.  His  argument,  that  we 
do  not  pconounce.^Ww  =  fr6re,  oTmater  =  mere,  ia  a  strange  oae,  for 
it  loses  sigbt  of  the  diffcrence  in  quantity^  between  these  words  and 
pater.  Bitschl  geta  rid  of  all  the  inatances  in  PlautuB  that  make  egaiust 
him  by  arbitrary  emendations ;  but  this  ia  a  mode  of  reasoiiiiig  more 
Bpecious  than  sound. 

toeut.    "  Piaef^cimua ;  dati  iimuli :  loeut,  t4mpuB  cocstitutum  eet." 
(Eun.  iiL  1.  8.) 
"  Ocdisio,  locut,  hiiM,  mater."        (Heaut.  u.  2.  i.) 
"  Nm  instigemufl  6tiam  ut  nuUus  hicut  rellnquatur  pred." 

(Phorm.  iii.  8. 14.) 
potett.    "  Soapoteti  satis  pro  m^rito  ab  illo  ttbi  referri  gratia." 

(Phorro.  ii.  2.  28.) 



teeliu.    "  Non  h6c  pubUcitus  tedluM  hinc  deport^er." 

(Phorm.  T.  7.  85.) 
"  Qoiiietiam  imap^r  teehu  poBtquam  ludificatuB  est  Tirginem." 
(Eun.  ir.  3. 8.) 
toeru*  in  one  pasaage : 

"  Itaque  &deo  ono  anirao  omn^  tocnu  oderfint  nunu." 

(Hecjra  ii.  1. 1.) 
Thia  line  ia  couaidflred  b;  BenHey  to  be  Bpaiioua ;  but  eee  my  note  on 

taee,  taeet;  as  in 

"  Shee  td :  quem  ^;o  eese  isira  iu&nos  omn^  puto," 

(Eun.  iii,  2.  86,) 
and  often  elaewhere : 

"  Iheet.  C6r  non  ludo  hunc  fliquantiaper  ?     M^Hus  etrt." 

(Adelph.  iT.  6.  6.) 
vetiu.    "  Tuumiie,  6fasecro  te,  hoc  dictnm  erat  f     Fe^w  or^didi," 

(Eun.  iii.  1.  88,) 
and  in  all  other  placea,  except  Eunuchus  ir.  4.  21 : 

"  Hic  6et  Tetua,  Ti^tus,  TeterooBUS  lenex." 
Probably,  howeTer,  the  reading  '  Ti^tus,  Tetus '  is  the  most  correct. 
Veterit  ond  vetere*  are  neceraarilj  ehortened  in  pronunciatioii. 

Of  more  rare  contractions  the  foUorring  are  inBtances,  if  the  eziBting 
text  of  Terence  is  correct : 

virginem.     "  Tirginem  herae  qoam  ddno  dederat  mQes,  ritiaTit.     Qnid 
ais  ?■■  (Eun.  vi.  8.  12.) 

Bitschl  maintains  the  poBBibilitjr  of  such  a  prononciation :  Lachmann, 
on  the  contnuy,  draies  it.    3ee  note. 

elamitam.    "Tenit  ad  me  saepe  eldmitane,  Quid  agis,  MicioP" 

(Adelph.  i.  1.  86.) 
Here  again  some  editors  read  '  clamauB.' 

{JUililie  and  niminit  quoted  hj  BitHcbl  &om  Flsiitus  do  not  occur  in 

These  examplea  wiU  BufGce  to  ahow  the  principle  upon  which  worda 
are  abbreTiated  in  Terence.  Any  reader  who  will  carefully  read  a  few 
pages  of  aaj  one  play  witb  a  Tiew  to  the-metrical  pronunciation,  will  be 
able  to  ^acorer  manj  other  illustrationB  of  the  rulea  bere  laid  dcwn. 



Erom  tk  compariHon  of  a]]  the  caaefl  of  STiiizesia  wbich  have  come 
iinder  my  obeerration,  the  following  general  rutea  Beem  to  arise, 
wbich  jaij  serre  ae  a  guide  to  ub  in  detennining  the  limits  of  this 

1.  Tbe  majority  of  worde  in  which  thia  coutraction  takes  place  aro 
either  disByllabic  or  inflections  of  words  disayllabic  in  their  first  case. 

2.  Worde  having  a  medial  consonant  ara  sometimeH  contracted,  aa  in 
the  case  of '  babent,' '  etndent/  '  jube,'  &c.  from  the  predominauce  of  the 
Towel  Bound ;  but  in  the  great  majority  of  casea  the  medial  conBonant  ia 
a  liquid ;  and  in  the  few  cases  where  two  consonants  inteivene  be- 
tween  the  Towels,  one  of  tbem  miiat  be  a  liquid. 

3.  Such  words  are  generally  nouns  or  particles,  not  verbH.  I  haTe, 
however,  referred  to  tbe  head  of  SjnizesiB  seTeral  Terbs,  wbich  are  treated 
bj  Bitschl  aa  inBtances  of  words  baving  a  shortened  final  Bjllable,  auch 
ae  volo,jiihe,  abi,  vide,  &c.  For  wby  make  theae  words  an  exceptioa  to 
the  rule  tbat  preTula  in  bo  man;  analogous  caBesP  We  pronounce 
abi  =  ai  as  naturally  aa  pater  =  phre :  roga  is  as  readj  a  monosytlable 
as  domiu,  or  tocnt». 

4.  In  manj  cases  of  sjnizesia  the  contracted  word  or  sjllable  maj 
coaleace  with  a  Towel,  aa  if  it  were  a  mere  Towel  or  diphthong.  Tbis  ia 
frequent  in  Terence  witb  iibi,  tihi,  mihi,  iii,  and  other  words,  of  wbich 
instancea  baTe  already  been  noticed  in  the  course  of  this  section. 


Tbe  word  'Sjnaloepha' applies  moreparticnbirlytothoBecaseBwhere 
a  final  Towel,  er  Bjllable  ending  in  -m,  coalesces  witb  tbe  initial  vowel  of 
tbe  following  word.  Por  'Elision'  in  onr  sense  of  the  word  Tras 
unknown  to  tbe  BomanB;  as  appears  &om  the  ezpreas  teB&aony  of 
Quinclnlian,  x.  i.  89 :  "  Atqui  eadem  illa  litera  «i,  quoties  ultima  est  et 
Tocalem  verbi  sequentis  ita  contingit  ut  in  eam  transire  |AiBBit,  etiam  si 
Bcribitur,  tamen  parum  exprimitur,  ut :  mullwn  ille,  et :  quantum  erai  ; 
adeo  ut  paene  cujusdam  noTae  literae  eonum  reddat.  Keque  enim  ex- 
pelUtur,  sed  obscuratur,  et  tantum  aliqua  inter  duas  vocales  Telut  nota 
eat  ne  ipsae  coeant."  And  so  in  the  following  lines  we  ought  to  pro- 

"  VoB  iataec  intro  anferte ;  abite.    Sosia,"  (And.  i.  1.  1,) 

not  witr*  aifferf  abite. 


HmtODITCTION.  xlix 

"  Quod  ego  in  propinqua  paxte  amicitiae  puto,"  (Heaat.  i.  1,  6,) 

not  e^in;  par^  amicitiae. 

The  teBtimony  of  Quiactilian  is  decisive  on  thia  point.  He  ujb 
especially  -that  the  words  c»aleaced,  aud  that  this  made  the  pronun- 
dation  aofter  than  if  every  word  hsd  beea  pronounced  separatelj.  See 
ix.  3.  36.  With  reepect  to  the  laoguage  of  Comedj  he  bajb,  "  Actores 
comici  neque  ita  prorsos  nt  nos  rulgo  loquimur  pronunciant,  quod 
esset  sine  arte,  neo  procut  tamen  a  natura  reoedont,  quo  vitio  periret 
imitatdo,  sed  mores  communiB  hujuB  sermonis  decore  quodam  Bcenico 
exomant"  (ii.  10.18).  Two  objecta,  then,  were  before  the  actor;  to 
gire  the  ordinacy  pronunciation  of  the  language ;  and  at  the  same  time 
to  mark  to  the  audienoe  the  character  of  the  metre.  And  if  the  common 
practice  in  conversation  vas  to  run  the  words,  when  possible,  into  one 
aaother,  we  maj  ezpect  to  find  the  same  practice  in  Tereoce.  Tbie  usage 
which  we  call,  after  Quinctilian  (ii.  4,  86), '  Sjnaloepha,'  is  called  by 
Cicero '  Hiatus :'  "  Habet  ille  quidem  hiatus  et  concursuB  Tocatium  molle 
quiddam"  (De  Oratore,  c.  28).  But  Quinctilian's  term  is  more 
correct,  '  Hiatus '  properly  deacribeB  the  abBence  of  '  Synaloepba," 
and  in  this  sense  will  be  considered  below.  It  is  curious  that'  Bentley, 
in  treatiog  of  thie  Teiy  peculiarity  in  the  Latin  pronunciation  which  we 
are  noT  considering,  useB  the  words  "  Quin  et  ubi  Synaloephae  vis 
cessat,  et  rel  Tocalis  quaepiam  vel  m  finales  non  eliduntur,  altera  vocali 
eas  excipiente,  ne  hoc  quidem  in  llcentiia  ponas ;  qualia  ista  et  plura 
apud  Dostrum  :  omnet  qm  imaint ;  riU  et  aetate,  ne  vbi  acceperim,  ^ua^ 
erat  atortva;  dHm  id  effieiaa ;  Quiewrt  vno  rim  hiAebam."  He  lays 
down  three  rules  for  these  words.  (1)  They  are  monosyllableB.  (2) 
If  ending  in  a  rowel,  they  are  long.  (3)  They  haTo  the  metrical '  ictus.' 
In  accordaace  with  fais  remark  most  editors  treat  all  these  casee  as 
ezamples  of  'Hiatua.'  It  is  better  to  coneider  them  to  be  iuBtances  of 
'  Synaloepha,'  by  whicb  the  two  syllables  coaleBce  in  pronunciation,  wbich 
they  cannot  do  in  a  case  of  real '  Hiatus,'  for  there  each  letter  prcBerTea 
ita  independent  weight. 

The  following  instanceB  wOl  Berre  to  show  tfae  extent  of  this  practice 
in  Terence: 

"  Yide  quam  iniquus  sia  prae  stadio :  d&m  id  efficias  qu6d  eupis." 
(And.  T.  1.  6.) 


1  DmtODFCnON. 

"  Iftm  t06a  color  pud&rie  ugnum  uaquam  Endicat  ?" 

(And.  7,  8.  7.) 
"Sgo  cum  iUo  quicum  tum  uno  rem  haiebam  httspite." 

(Eun.  i.  2.  39.) 
"  Nostine  hanc  ^tMun  ainaf  frdter  F  "  (Eun.  iii.  5.  15.) 

"  Di48  noctesque  nti  amet,  me  deaideres."  (Eun.  i.  2.  118.) 

"  Faci4ndnm  eat  quod  Tie.     M6rito  te  amo  ;  b^ne  facia." 

(Eun.  i.  2. 106.) 
"  Hoc  quid  sit  P  OmtieB  ;***'  «nMtd  grariter  Bibi  dari  uxor^m  fenint." 

(Aud.  i.  2."20.) 
"N«m  jfw^  (MBirf  oui  odio  JpHus  est."  (Hec.  iii.  2.  8.) 

"  Qui  color,  rntdr,  restitus,  quai  kabittido  eit  oorporia." 

(Eim  u.  2.  11.) 
"Qviett  ejuB  pater."  (Phorm.  t.  1.  10.) 

"  Quia  primas  partes  {W  offet."  (Phorm.  Prol.  27.) 

"Sed  D&Tuaexit.    J6' Aomo  quid  iatuc,  £bBecro,  eatP" 

(And.  iT.  8.  6.) 
"  8i  aon  rediiesea  hai  irae  fictaa  essent  multo  amplioTes." 

(Hec.  iii.  1.  8.) 
"  Neque  istum  metuas  n/  tmet  mulier."  (Eun.  t.  8.  60.) 

"Et  tu  nobuctMt  wna,  d  opus  sit,  Eei  mihi." 

(Adelph.  iT.  7.  35.) 
AU  these  are  cases  of  '  Synaloepha,'  or  a  mized  pronunciation  of  the 
ooncurriog  BjUables,  anewering  to  tbe  effect  of '  Sy nizesis '  in  the  middle 
of  worda.  Soiue  editora  sa^  that  in  snch  a  line  as  "  Quia  primaa  partes 
qulaget,"  the 'qui' is  ahorteued,  and  forma  part  of  a  ' daetyl ;'  but  the 
truer  ezplanation  is  that  '  jwt  oget '  form  one  long  sf  llible,  the  Towele 
ooalescing  into  a  mized  sound.  Tbis  usage  might  be  exemplified  b;^ 
numberless  possages  of  Tereuce;  but  the  examplBS  already  giTon  are 
Mifficieut  to  illustrate  the  view  here  laid  down;  aiid  it  may  be  left  to  the 
atudent  to  apply  the  principle  to  other  cases. 

The  preceding  eiamples  have  beeu  of  words  ending  in  a  vowel  or  Trith 
the  letter  m.  We  find  also  a  couHtaDt  habit  in  Terenoe  of  shortening 
the  pronunciation  of  manjr  words  which  we  maj  refer  to  this  general 
he&d.     This  occnrs  both  before  and  after  other  worda,  with  which 



they  are  joined  in  proDimciation  and  in  tneaning.  This  luage  preraila 
in  nantna  and  Terence  in  the  case  of  inde,  unde,  *inlut*,  *utter,  «tmpe, 
*om*U,  eeeum,  ad,  propler,  per,  ergo,  amho,  ette,  and  hie,  hw,  hine,  ille, 
ie,itte,  (B.aA  nnly  ipte,)  in  alj  their  formB.  ThefoUowingeiampleawill 
■erre  to  Bhow  Terenee'B  use  of  these  words  : 

"  I/ide  Bumam ;  uxori  tibi  opuB  eue  dlxero." 

(Phorm.  iT.  S.  76.) 
"  Ad  eiimplam  ambarum  m6re»  eArum  exiatimana." 

(Hec.  L  2.  88.) 
"AbiitP    Yah  rogfisaa  Tellem.     Qoid  F      Vnde  mihi  peter^ 

cibum."  (Heaut.  t.  2.  26.) 

"  Nen^  Fhdrmionem."  (Phorm.  L  2.  77.) 

"  ^Bropt&f  egeatatem,  pn5ximo  juBaa  ^at  dari." 

(Fborm.  ii.  3.  69'.) 
"  Anguia  per  implnriun)  dicidit  de  t^gulia." 

(Phorm.  ir.  4.  36.  Cf.  £nn.  iii.  5.  41.) 
"  Miine;  babeo  alitid,  ai  ietuc  metuiB,  qv6d  amho  confiteainim." 
(Heaut.  ii.  3.  97.) 
"  Solent  ^M0 ;  id  non  fit.     V^nun  dicia  ;  quid  irgo  nuno  lacifim, 

Byre  ?  "  (Heaut.  t.  2.  40.) 

"  Bei  dare  operam,  ruri  «ue*  paircum  ao  sdbrium." 

(Adelph.  i.  2.  15.) 
"  — —  Quod  hie  n  pote  fnisaet  exoririer," 

(Phorm.  iii.  8.  2.) 
"  Tel  hoe  qnia  non  credat  V  (And.  iii.  2.  9.) 

"  Quicquid  h)yu«  factum  est."  (Eun.  t.  6.  10.) 

■  Wordi  nmkeil  tho*  ire  not,  to  mj  knovledge,  thni  nud  \j  Tnance. 

'  Boitlef  qoote*  "  Pioptv  boiFitM  bqjnm  conanatndiiiBm,"  And.  ii.  6.  8  <  bat  thcn 
!•  VToy  reaaan  to  coDader  tUi  line  hnltf .     See  the  note. 

■  IdonotfodiiiTe  tlut'eMe'iithegeniilneBxpTaslanof  TeronMhera;  thongh,  (br 
<nnt  oT  uthority  againat  it,  I  haTe  retalued  it  In  my  edition.  Hie  liiie  wonld  be  M  good 
withont  it.    In  one  oth^  pHaige, 

" Nanqnam  deatilit 

Initira  nt  dieer6n  me  c(M  dnctnrdm  patri,"  (And.  li.  1 .  3?,) 

t^  wDtd  ii  I  think  plaial7  >opRllaoni ;  nnd  in  And.  ili.  fi.  16,  "  Xnnon  dixi  hoe  A»t 
fatnnun?"  I,  vith  the  aoUiorit;  of  lOaie  inannMiipta,  han  nad  "ADnon  dizi  eaie  hoe 

0  2 



"  Si  quid  A^M  Bimile."  (Hesut.  iii.  2.  40.) 

"  Pore  inimi  mi^ero  qtiictfm  illa  ooaBuerit  prius." 

(Adelph.  It.  6.  82.) 

"  Quid  illam  altenun  quae  dicitur  cognitaf " 

(Phorm.  y.  1.  28.) 

"  Quid  Awe  tibi  reditio  eet  F  T^etis  qoid  mutatio  P" 

(Euii.iT.  4. 4.) 

"  Quid  Uiue,  inquam,  omsti  eet  f  "  (Euii.  IL  2.  6.) 

"Bed&cam.    Sed  etwwn  militem.    Eat  iBtuc  datum." 

(Eun.  iii.  1.  5.) 

"  S^up^r :  lijut  frater  aliqusntum  ad  rom  eat  andior." 

(Eun.  i.  2.  61.) 

"  Futuras  eaie  audirit.     Sed  ipie  exit  fone." 

(And.  i.  2.  3.) 
To  the  same  head  may  be  referred  oll  the  common  instances  of  ehortened 
words,  U8uall7  called  bj  grammarians  cases  of  Apooopa.  Theee,  like  all 
otber  Huch  words,  were  ehortened  in  common  conTeraation  on  exactly 
the  same  prindple  as  '  nempe,'  '  unde,'  &k!.  Jfoatiti,  viden,  egon,  tun,  &o. 
are  inBtances.  A  aimilar  case  iB  the  Bynaloepha  of  '  es '  and  '  est,' 
Bs  faUui  ei  =  faUiii't,  opu>  ett  =  oputt.  ThtB  combinatioii  of  the 
auiiliary  verb  occurs  vith  ererj  kind  of  word, — HubBtantives,  adjectiTeB, 
Terbs,  &c.,  though  moBt  frequentlj',  perhapB,  with  the  paBsire  participle. 
In  manj  places  in  Terence  this  contraction  has  led  to  the  omisBion  of 
'  es.'     See  uote  on  Andria  iii.  6. 15. 

The  preceding  inquirj  has  embraced  the  greater  nnmber  of  tbe  Terbal 
peculiarities  of  Terence  coniiected  with  the  pronunciation  of  wordB.  lu 
a  matter  of  this  eztent  I  cannot  pretend  to  haTe  ezhauBted  the  list  of 
words  which  fall  under  the  heads  abore  stated.  AII I  can  hope  to  haTe 
doue  is  to  haTe  indicated  to  the  student  the  tnte  laws  of  Terentian  pro- 
nnnciation ;  and  I  haTe  purpoBelj  dwelt  at  some  length  npon  the  detaila 
of  this  subject,  because  we  find  in  the  ordinary  editiouB  of  Terence  ta 
whicfa  the  Engliafa  student  has  access,  and  eTen  in  books  of  a  better 
claBB,  a  great  confuaion  between  the  sjatem  of  metrical  quantitj  as  fcd- 
lowed  in  the  Oreek  dramatistB,  and  the  lawe  of  Boman  pronunciation, 
which  we  should  expect  to  find  ezemplified  in  the  works  of  Terence  and 
PlautuB.  Many  writers  Bpeak  of  Terence'B  '  Comic  Licencee,'  as  if  in 
language,  as  well  as  in  tbe  treatment  of  their  Bubjects,  poets  might 



tlift.fa  claim  the  libert;  of  makiDg  any  innovatiou  thxt  they  cboae  oa 
ordinary  customB. 

Bentley,  indeed,  justl;  derides  tfae  ezceBsive  maDia  for  '  Licences '  in 
the  foUowiug  words:  "Nimirum  bi  dou  ipsoe  Foetu,  non  aFtem  et 
rbjthmi  genium,  aed  libnrioe  flibi  duces  sumunt ;  et  tot  fere  licentianim 
gpedes  eibi  fingunt  quot  in  toto  Fhtuto  Terentioqtie  vitioue  lectionea 
nnnc  restant ;  unique  loco,  qui  emendandus  erat,  ez  altero  aeque  men- 
doso  patrocinium  quaerunt."  At  the  eame  time  he  &11b  into  the  enor 
of  treatiug  words  contracted  by  commoD  pronunoiation,  auch  aa  ttudet, 
toror,  Mtmtil,  and  man^  others,  aa  if  thej  were  BbarteDed  in  spite  of  their 
podtioTi.  For  exampleB  I  may  refer  the  reoder  to  the  list  of  paasagea 
in  his  ix'^^^l*^i  "^  <^^  whicb  are  to  be  eipisined  by  'SymEesis,'  or 
'  STnaloepha.'  Bitschl'8  views,  and  Lindemaan'B,  are  iu  the  main  more 
Bound ;  but  they  botb  occafflonalljr  mix  metrical  coosiderations  with  the 
Bubject  of  language;  and  Bitechl,  though  he  seems  to  coosider  tbat  all 
BQch  words  as  thoBO  which  we  haTe  coneidered  are  moet  properl^  to  be 
referred  to  contractiou,  yet  throughoiit  hia  chapter  oq  this  head  he 
Bpeaks  of  the  words  aa  '  haring  the  first,  or  Becond,  syllable  Bbort.'  His 
beatise  ia,  howcTer,  exceedingly  Taluable,  even  in  apite  of  his  great  lore 
of  emendatioD,  which,  with  him  aa  with  his  great  predecesaor,  BeDtle^ , 
too  frequentl j  spoOa  what  he  wisbea  to  improre  *. 

Metuoai.  Aocbitt. 
We  haTe  tinady  seen  that  the  comic  poet  had  to  preserre  a  just 
bklaDce  between  the  common  pronunciation  of  language  and  the  metrical 
accent.  In  other  words,  the  foundation  of  metre  waa  the  qnantitf 
combined  with  the  obaerTance  of  the  accent  as  far  aa  poBsible'.  In 
the  ordiDarj  pronunciatiou  of  Latin  the  accent  never  fell  on  the  last 
sf llable  of  amj  word '. 

*  An  editor  msj  faiiljr  in  s  note  ow  the  ordiiury  langnage  of  matro  lo  itliutnte  ■ny 
pecnliaritj  oT  s  lioe.  He  may  uj,  Thia  cannot  be  k  daclfl  in  plsce  of  ■  Irochtt,  «here 
timc  wonis  ta,n  him  ■  loiig  eiplanation.  Aceotdingij,  to  eipms  nij  meaniDg  brieflj,  I' 
ban)  oocBBoulij  aBed  ■uch  tarms  in  mj  iiotaa;.aDd  hsTe  apolfen  of  Bjllables  being 
■bortened,  &c.  wliere  the  more  ■csor^te  eipresaion  «onld  haTe  been  tb^t  tfae  word  wai 
cootivcted  in  [oijnnndadan.  Bat  in  an  eipten  diicnMion  of  tlie  mbject  of  metni  snd 
pnmnndation  the  editor  ihoald  be  csrefnl  not  to  cODfooDd  tbe  (wo  mbject*.  The  metre 
of  Tereuce  i*  riiinnnnd  in  ita  place. 

■  See Bitadd, ProlegDmana, cep. ZT.  IbaTein the MlowingTeniarlubeeoindebtedboth 

'  See  tiie  pMngci  qaoted  bj  Bantl^  in  bi>  Sjciftaa/ia. 



In  conformity  with  thia  general  priaciple  we  bare  tbe  following  rulea : 
a.  AUdiasyllablea  wereparoz7toDe;a8'd4ua,"r4gnun),"imas,"ptigiui.* 
p.  H^perdiHsytlabic  worda  with  long  penulttina  were  paroiytone ;  as 

'amibuDt,'  'regnibiit,'  'aonSrem,'  'at^4ntum.' 
y.  Hyperdisajllabie  words  with  abort  penultima  were  proparo^tMte ; 

ae  '  p6ctoria ' '  c6nsili,' '  deliidier,' '  a^ua.' 
All  theae  rales  are  aubject  to  certain  modificationa  in  conseqnenoe  of 

tbe  poaition  of  words  in  metrical  lineB,  whicb  I  will  now  brieflf  conaider 

with  reference  to  Terence. 

a.  DissvUablea.    TboBe  are  of  neoeBsity  coDatantly  placed  io  iambio 

metre  as  forming  a  foot,  where,  conBequentlr,  tho  nccent  falla   on 

tbe  loat   eyUable.      I  take  tbe  foUowing  iDatancea  of  the  poseible 

poaition  of  aucb  worda  in  iambic  verae  cbiefly  from  the  opeuiag  ecene  of 

the  ADdria : 

1.  "  Sed  iia  quas  semper  in  te  intenexi  titaa." 

2.  "  Ego  p&tquam  te  emi  a  pirvulo  ut  tempir  tibi." 
8.  "  In  Fimpbilo  ut  Dihil  sit  morae,  reat&t  Cbremes." 

Tbis  last  caae  is  compEffatively  rare,  and  occurs  cbieflj  whcD  tbe  fifth 
foot  ia  a  ^ndee.     Two  iambic  words  very  rarely^nd  a  line. 

4.  "Kosse  liinDia  haec  lalu»  est  adolesc^ntulis." 

(Eun.  T.  4.  X8.) 
"  Fersu&sit  nox,  avt^r,  viDum,  adoleac^Dtia." 

(Adelph.  iu.  4.  24*.) 

5.  "  Sed  pdstquam  amaiu  acc^sdt,  pretium  pdlliceDB." 

6.  "  Nmqwdm  praepoDens  se  flUs :  ita  facQlime." 

l^hese  ezamplea  show  soroe  of  the  cases  in  which  a  dissjUable  maj  stand 
aloDO  as  an  iambic  word,  i.  e.  witb  the  laat  syUsble  accented.  Tbe 
reader  who  deaires  to  analyse  minutelj'  the  verbal  structure  of  the 
various  forms  of  comic  verse,  ma;  be  referred  to  BitBcbl'a  diacussioD  of 
this  Bubject  iD  hia  ProIegomeDa  to  Plantus.  I  pasB  on  now  to  some 
other  casea  iu  which  the  accent  of  worda  deserves  Dotice.    As  a  genoral 

*  BenUer  rwdi  "Ek»l^  ot«iii  lup6  cDininui"  in  Enn.  t.  1.  16;  bnt  (gwDit  Qm 
withoriCT  of  the  murascript».  Sra  note.  It  is  Terj  me  to  iiDd  ui  iDstknae  of  the  >ccented 
Int  a^ltoble  in  the  Mcond  metre  of  tlie  iambic  trimeter.  Theea  ere  the  onlj  certain  pu. 
ngeainTaeocei  end  it  ii  eTident,  ■>  BenCle;  remu-ka,  thBt  hera  the  pcoition  of  theword 
ii  JDitiCed  moie  hj  the  tenM  flian  b;  any  other  cosiidentiaii. 



role  tfae  preceding  exampleB  embrace  tH  the  usnal  c&aes  of  tfae  accentua- 
tioa  of  diBBYllabic  words  on  tbe  last  B^llable.  A  few  otben  are  fouDd 
in  ainiiUur  poBitionB,  and  of  theae  many  are  contracted  Terbs,  aa  redU, 
lAU,  &c.,  where  tbe  contractioa  affeotB  the  quantity  of  the  ajllable  aa 
much  as  tbe  poution, 

fi.  Last  flyUables  of  polyBjllabic  words  lengthened  bj  '  ictus :' 
"  Maledieere,  malef&cta  ne  noaciot  Bua." 

(And.  Prol.  23.) 
"  Potin  i&  mihi  rerum  dicere  f     NihU  fScUins." 

(And.  U.  6.  6.) 
"FoStae  ad  Bcribendum  a&geai  industriam." 

(Adelph.  Prol.  26.) 
I  do  Dot  mention  here  the  nnmerous  cases  of  words  occurring  at  ths 
end  of  a  line  where  the  metre  neceasaritf  requires  a  long  BjUable.  On 
the  other  band  we  faa*e  one  ioBtance  at  least  in  Terence  of  tbe 
■bortening  of  a  final  gjUable,  in  apite  of  its  position,  occurring  in  the 
tiitn*  of  the  laat  foot : 

"  Tideo :  hiSrsum  pergunt.    Quid  dicam  hiace  incerUu  Bara." 

(Hec.  iii.  4.  36.) 
f.  Fennltiraate  sjllables  of  polysyllabic  worda  Bhortened  in  pronun- 
ciation,  the  accent  being  tbrown  back. 

A  great  many  instances  of  thiB  practice  are  given  by  Lindemami 
frotn  PlantuB.  See  his  introduction  'De  ProBodia  Plauti,'  p.  zir,  zr. 
The  foUowing  paBaages  may  be  quoted  from  Terence : 

" Si  quaodo  flla  dicet,  Phaedriam 

Comissatom  MfrOffHif 'amict :  tu  Fimphilam." 

(EuD.  iU.  1.  51,  62.) 
*'  Si  id  ^  peceatumjpi&ca^ttt»  impmdgntia  est," 

(Eun.  Prol.  27.) 
"  Homo  de  improriBo  \  coepit  el&mire,  0  Aeschine." 

(Adelpfa.  iii.  3.  58.) 
"  Metui  ne  haereret  hio.     At^ue  ^n^um  admodum." 

(Adelph.  iii.  3,  49.) 
"  Penuria  est :  houo  antiqoa  vfrtute  ac  fide." 

(Adelph.  iii.  8. 88.) 



"  Ferii.     Huuc  ridere  aa^pe  opt^&amu»  diem." 

(Hec  iv.  4.  29.) 
"  Men^dri  Euiiuchum  p<5stquam  Aedilea  dmervtU." 

(Eun.  Prol.  20.) 
&.  Antepenultimate  B^llableB  lengthened  by  'ictua'  before  a  sbort 
pennltimate : 

Many  of  the  instancea  qaoted  by  Lindemann  and  othera  nnder  this 
head  may  be  Tefeired  to  Synizeaia.  Sach  are  mulierem  (Adelph.  i. 
2.  10.  Phorm.  ii.  3.  89),  oequdnimitM  (Adelph.  Prol.  24),  maleooli 
(And.  Prol.  6),  prSAibui  (And.  i.  1.  113),  mdlitiam  (Hec.  ii.  1.  6), 
memorHer  (Phom.  ii.  8.  47),  and  eeguimini  (Phorm.  ii.  8.  8).  There 
are,  howerer,  many  pUin  iDstances  of  the  rule ;  auch  aa 

"  Qui5d  de«  paulum  eet ;  6t  necesse  e&t  multum  aec^ere  Thaidem." 

(Eun.  T.  8.  45.) 
"  Non  cdDTenit  qui  illam  &d  laborem  Mnp^/mffl." 

(Heaufc.  i.  1. 113.) 
"  Injurinm  est ;  nam  ei  ^aset  unde  id  Jteret." 

(Adelph.  L  2.  26.) 
"  fta  me  Di  ament,  quintam  ego  illam  Tidi  non  nihil  timeo  mitera." 

(Bun.  iY.  1. 1.) 
"  H6cine  tam  audax  t&sinas  f&cere  esse  ausum  P     Perii :  hoc  quid 

sit  vtreor."  (Eun.  iv.  3.  2.) 

"  ITt  p^oacatiB  6cqaid  spei  ait  reU^uum."  (And.  Frol.  25.) 

Putting  together  vhat  has  been  aaid  onder  the  bead  of  'Metrical 
Accent,'  '  Synaloepha,'  and  '  SynizesiB,'  we  have  a  tolerablj  complete 
sketch  of  the  pronunciation  of  Latin  ^  it  is  found  in  Comedy,  which  we 
hare  seen  may  be  considered  a  fair  representatiTe  of  the  common 
colloquial  usage  of  the  day.  Before  proceeding  to  wi  ezamination 
of  the  metres  of  Terence,  I  shall  notice  the  oue  remaining  pecoliarity  of 
Tereace's  Terse,  which  ia  generallj  included  in  the  '  Poetic  Licences' 
of  oar  author. 


'Hiatua,'  aa  the  word  implies,  is  aimply  a  break  in  the  delivery  of  a 
aentence  or  succeasire  sentencea.    Id  the  language  of  metre,  it  oecon 



vhea  tha  panBe  of  the  voice  either  permitted  the  abeetica  oF  Sjnaloepha, 
or  would  not  permit  the  Synaloepha.  Acoordingly  we  find  it  Bometimea 
in  places  where  it  ie  jnatified, 

1.  bf  the  senBe  of  the  passage ; 

2.  hj  tbe  punctuation; 

S.  in  exclamations,  such  as  heia,  htrcJe,  eJto,  heu». 
Oflen,  Lowever,  even  at  the  end  of  a  Bentence,  there  is  no  Hiatue. 

iiany  of  tbe  casee  of  Hiatoa  given  hy  writen  on  thia  subject,  Buch 
aa  i^  <tmat,  n  te  Di  amant,  &c.  (see  Ijiiidemann,  de  Frosodia  Flauti, 
p.  xxxii,  xxziii)  have  been  treated  aboTe  (p.  xlix)  aa  instancea  of 
Sjnaloepha.  Setting  these  aBide,  we  find  in  Terence  a  few  instancea  of 
genuine  Hiatus.  The  reader  will  obaerve  that  of  these  inetanceB  most  iambic  tetrametera,  or  trochaic  Beptenarii.  I  have  found  the 
fdlowing  caeea  in  reading  Terence,  and  believe  them  to  be  nearly  all 
that  are  reolly  to  be  referred  to  thia  head,  though  there  are  maDjr  other 
instanoes  noticed  in  eome  editions  of  Terence,  which  more  properly 
belong  to  one  or  other  of  the  preceding  BectiouB. 


1.  **  Inc^rtum  est  quid  agam.     Miscra  timeo  incertam  hoc  quoreuni 

iccidat."  (And.  i.  5.  29.) 

2.  "  At  pdl  ego  amator^B  mulieram  esse  aidieram  eoB  mizirooa." 

(Eun.  iv.  8.  23.) 

3.  "  QuaoBii  P  quid  de  te  t^tum  fMruittiF    ISieu." 

(Heaut.  i.  1.  81.) 

4.  "  Omn^  aollicitoB  hdbm  .■  atque  haec  ^na  noz." 

(Eeaut.  iii.  1.  62.) 
6.  "  Pra^terito  hac  r^ta  platea  t&rnm :  ubi  eo  v^neria." 

(Adelph.  iv.  2.  85.) 

6.  "  £^m^  narrabo  qua£  mihi  Jixti.    Imo  ego  ibo.    B^ne  facis." 

(Adelph.  iv.  8. 13.) 

7.  "M&De,  nondom  etiam  dixi  id  quod  viSluL     Hic  nunc  nx6rem 

habet."  (Hec.  v.  1. 19.) 

It  ia  remarkable  that  of  theee  inatances  of  Hiatua,  1,  2,  and  7  do  not 
fiilfil  tbe  conditiona  which  I  have  noticed  above  ae  generally  requisite  in 
the  caae  of  the  Hiatna.    Im  tbese  three  linea  there  ia  no  peroepHble 



pBUBe  at  the  Hiataa.  The  seiue  and  rhythm  nm  od  eTeoly.  It  ia 
poBsible  fbsb  in  the  fint  liue  we  ought  to  read  '  quonuB,'  iu  which  caae 
tbe  accent  would  tatl  thus,  BKTing  the  Hiatus: 

"  MiBB»  timeo  inc4rtam  boc  quiSroua  ^idat." 
lu  EuuucbtiB  iv.  8, 23,  a  simple  alteration  would  be 

"  At  p^  ego  amator^  mulierum  esae  e6*  audUram  miximos." 
In  HecyTa  t.  1.  19,  we  maj  ahift  the  HiatuB  to  volui,  acceutiug  thus  : 

"M^e  noudum  ^tiam  dixi  id  qu($d  Tolui.    Hio  nuuc  uxdrem 
In  this  laBt  line  I  haTe  adopted  abore  Weise^B  acoeiituation  in  hiB 
Tauchnitz  edition,  vhich  giveB  the  worda  a  better  emphasis. 


Iir  the  preTioQS  sectionB  we  haTs  aeen  that  the  chief  peculiarjties  of 
Latin  pronunciation  were  (l)  that  all  dissyllabic  vorda  were  accented  oa 
the  first  Bjllable  (paroxytone),  as  were  also  all  hjperdissjllobic  words  of 
which  the  penultima  was  long;  and  that  auch  LyperdiBajllBbic  words  aa 
had  a  Bhort  penultima  wcre  accented  on  the  antepenulttmate  (pro- 
paroxytone),  haTing  in  eSect,  when  arranged  in  a  metre,  a  secondBi; 
Bccent  on  the  laBt  Byllable :  (2)  that  in  accordancB  with  the  ordinarj 
lawB  of  proDunciation  manj  worde  in  which  there  wos  an  excees  of  un- 
acoented  syllableB  were  ahortened  in  deliverjr  bo  as  to  fall  under  the 
oidinar;  lawa  of  accentuation,  Hence  we  should  lay  down,  as  an  esBeDtial 
requiaite  for  the  atudj  of  Latin  Comic  Metres,  that  the  altemate  distribu- 
tion  of  accent  determinea  the  measure  of  words.  Yiewing  the  aucented 
Byllables  as  half  a  measare,  or,  in  more  familior  language,  half  a  foot,  the 
remaiuder  of  the  word  must  be  considered  as  the  other  half  measure. 
And  therefore  in  treating  of  the  trochaiu  and  iambtc  metrea,  of  which 
Homan  Comed^  is  chieflj  composed,  we  ahould  deal  with  each  meaeure 
as  in  effect  a  trochaic  or  an  iambic  meoeure,  discardiDg  altogether,  aa  far 
as  thb  subject  is  concemed,  if  we  wish  to  apeak  correctly,  all  such 
meaaure  as  tribrachs,  BnapaestB,  dactjls,  &a.  A  word,  taken  hj  itaelf, 
may  bo  ■  dactyl,  an  snapaeat,  or  a  tribroch,  but,  with  reference  to  tro- 
cbaic  ond  iambic  Terse,  these  namea  are  inappropriote. 



Keeping  thew  considerationH  in  mind,  I  now  go  on  to  giTe  a  brief 
■ketch  of  the  variooB  metres  ueed  in  Terence. 

Taking  the  puroxjtone  dissy llable  as  the  baais  of  metrical  meunn,  we 
mty  arraoge  the  Tarioaa  meaBurefl  as  foIIowH,  using  for  Hitnplidtf  th« 
ordinaiy  notation. 

o.  Trocbaic. 

/3.  lambic.  ^. 

y.  Cretic. 

S,    AntiBpaBtic.  ^ 

c.    Bacuhiac.  ^ 

In  Bddition  to  theee  we  have  once  used  iu  Terence  a  mixed  measare 
caQed  cboriambic  (-i  i_,  v^  .i)- 

Trochwc  and  iambio  Teraes  are  to  be  meamred  by  dipodiae,  or  mtiret^ 
eich  conuating  of  a  double  foot :  the  primary  rule  (in  Tersen  wbere  the 
quantity  of  Bfllables  ia  dietinctly  marked,  aa  in  Oreek)  being  that  in  s 
trochaic  line  the  first,  third,  fifth,  and  geventh  feet  miut  be  trocbeea ;  in 
an  iambic  line  the  Becond,  fourtb,  aixth,  and  eightb  must  be  iambic. 
Cretic  utd  bscchiac  meaHureH  are  often  referred  to  the  paeonio  mea- 
Burea ;  bnt  it  is  clear  that  a  cretic  \b  a  trochaic  metre  deficient  hj  one 
■yUable.  The  bacchiac  ie  merel/  an  improTement  on  the  amphibrach 
(^^  _  ^),  by  increaBing  the  weight  of  the  flnal  syUable. 

I.    Teochaic  Metrzh. 
I.  Tbochaio  Tetbauxtzb  Cataleotio,  called  by  the  Bomans  Quad^ 
ratut  or  Septenarivs.     This  verse  consista  of  four  trochaic  metres,  of 
which  the  laet  is  deficient  bf  one  BjUable. 

JL„_=U^_-|i =u„_ 

The  foUowing  lines  are  a  good  example  of  this  kind  of  Teree ; 
**  Di  boni  bojni  quid  porto  [  SSd  ubi  inveniam  |  F&mphiluro, 
{it  metum  in  quo  j  nuuc  est  adimam  at[que  ^ipleam  animum  | 

I^tuB  eat  ne  |  scio  qoid.    Nihil  eat :  j  ndndum  haec  resci  j  Tit  mala." 
(And.  ii.  2.  1—3.) 
"  Niinquam  ita  quisquam  |  bSne  enbducta  |  rdtione  ad  Titjim  fuit 
Qufn  res,  aetas,  ]  ubub  semper  |  itiquid  apport|4t  novt; 
Aliquid  moneat,  |  ut  iUa  quae  te  |  Bcire  credas  |  n^scias ; 
£t  quae  tibi  putliris  prima  in  [  ^xperiendo  ut  j  ripudies." 

(Adelph.  r.  4. 1— i.) 



In  tliia  Terae  the  legitimBte  Caibvka.*  faUs  &t  tlie  end  of  the  Becond 
metn,  after  tbe  faurth  trochee ;  btit  thiB  ib  oflea  neglected,  &nd  we  find 
two  secondaiy  caeBurae,  the  firat  after  the  fomth  arBlB,  the  second  ofter 

I.  ^„_„U^_-„|i ii^_ 

as  "  S4d   ubi  quaeram  P  aut  j  quA  nuoo  piimum  J  in  |  tSndam  ? 
Cessaa  iUloqui  ?  "  (And.  ii.  2.  G.) 

"Dire  perii.  |  Qum  tu  hoc  audi  ;  Injt^rii.    Quid  timejoa 
Bcio."  (And.  ii.  2.  9.) 

Thia  caesura  occnrs  very  rarely,  if  ever,  in  Terence. 

II.  Tbooeaio  Tbtbametkk  AoATAixcTio,  colled  by  the  Bomans 
Oetonoriw»,  consiata  of  four  trochaic  metres. 

^ U„_^U^-!.„U„^„ 

Thia  kind  of  Terse  is  chiefly  used  at  tbe  commencement  of  Bcenes,  and 
that  not  Tery  frequently.    In  the  Andria  we  bave  very  few  instancee  of 
ita  use.     See  i.  5. 10.  12,  and  ii.  1.  1.  7.     Tbe  Ennucbus  has  aa  many 
inatances  of  this  mctre  aa  any  otber  play,  and  it  occurs  in  tfae  following 
placee:  ii.  1.  1.  10,  11;  iii5.  10,  11;  iv.  1.1.4— 6;  it.  8.  1,  2;  iv.  6. 
1—8. 10. 
Tbe  following  lines  are  a  good  apecimen  of  the  metre : 
"  6bBecro,  popu|1&reB,  ferte  [  miBero  atque  innolc^nti  anxilium; 
SubTenite  inopi.  |  Aet.  6tioae  |  nunc  lam  illic  { o  hic  consiste. 
Quid  respectsB  P  |  Kihil  pericli  est :  |  nunquam  dum  cgo  ader  |  o  bic 
to  tanget."  (Adelph.  ii.  1. 1 — 8.) 

"£nimTeroAnti|pb<imultimodiB  |  cumistocanimoeB  |  Tituperandus: 
ttane  te  binc  ab  lisae,  et  Titam  |  tuim  tutandam  ali  |  is  dediese  ? 
Alios  tuam  rem  |  credidisti  |  mdgis  quam  tete  aDim|&dTerauros? 
iCfam  ut  ut  erant  alia,  |  lUi  certe  ]  quae  nunc  tibi  dom  |  i  4st  con- 
Bulcpes."  (Phorm.  iii.  1. 1—4.) 

The  Caisdba  &11b  at  the  end  of  tbe  second  metre.  In  one  line  only 
we  find  the  first  secondary  caeaura  noticed  above. 

"  Osque    adeo  ego  flliuB  1  f^rre  posBum  \  in|4ptia8  et  magjnifica 
Terba."  (Eun.  it.  6.  8.) 



The  prerailing  usage  was  to  tenniiiate  each  nietre  witli  a  word.  For 
the  aake  of  Tsrietf  thiB  rule  ia  &eqDentlf  departed  &om ;  with  this  pro- 
visioD,  that  whea  a  word  ia  dirided  between  two  metreB,  the  occented 
B^Uabte  fallB  in  tfae  latter  of  the  two,  aa 

"  MiHenP  nam  andiJTiBBe  rocem  |  pueri  viBua  eat  |  T^entiB." 

(Hec.  iv.  1.  2.) 
"  Tbiia  ego  jam  |  dudiim  hic  adaiuii.     O  |  mi  Chremea  te  ipsum  | 
expectabam."  (Eun.  ir.  6.  6.) 

III.  Tboohaio  DnTBTiB  CiTAiEOTTO.  Thia  Terae  ia  nothing  more 
than  the  iatter  half  of  a  trochaic  SeptenariuB  (.i  ^  _  ,j  |  -i  ^^  _)- 

It  ia  aometimea  uaed  by  Terence  as  one  of  the  fonuB  of  the  clauauJae, 
or  ahorter  Terses  mixed  with  others  of  the  same  kind,  and  generallj 
capftble  of  being  read  aa  a  contiiiDation  of  the  metre.  Tbeee  clauaulae 
are  either  iambic  or  trocbaic.  Of  the  trochaic  the  following  are  ex- 

"  Quid  UB  quum  intel  |  l^eisa."  (And.  iii.  2.  87.) 

"  Quicum  loquitnr  |  fOius  P"  (Heaut.  i.  2.  4.) 

"  Qui5d  ei  abesaet  [  lon^ua."  (Adelpb.  ir.  1.  S.) 

"  'Cnde  milii  auiili|um  petamP"  (Phorm.  r.  1.  2.) 

"  Ego  iBtara  inTitis  |  JSmnibuB."  (Adelph.  ii.  1. 1.) 

"  Dicam,  non  aede  { p<51  Bcio."  (Hec.  ir.  1.  6.) 

"  Fn5h  Deum  atque  homin  [  um  fidem."      (And.  i.  5. 10.) 

IV.  Tboohaic  MonoUETZB  CataiiXctio,  eqoiraleiit  to  the  final  eeg- 
ment  of  the  trocbaic  BeptenariuB  {j.  ^  _).  It  occura  Bometipiea  in 
exclamationB,  as  in  Euq.  ii.  8.  1 :  "  Occidi." 

V.  Tbochaic  MoiromTSB  Aoatai.xotio  ;  aa  (^  ^  _  ^). 

"  Ddiio  BudL"  (Fhorm.  iii.  2. 1.) 

IL    Iahbio  Metbxb. 

An  iambic  measuie,  aa  bas  been  ehown  aboTo  (p.  lix),  differa  from 
trochaic  in  being  preceded  by  an  maenuit  (^  |  ^  i^  _).  Accordingljr 
iambic  rerae  ie  bj  aome  criticB  treated  oa  derived  from  trochaic  hj  the 
addition  of  an  unaocented  sjrllable  at  the  commencement  of  the  verse. 
;  Bentle;  in  hifl  Zxt^'<<«/M  arrangea  an  iambio  trimeter  thua : 



"  Fo  1 4ta  dederit  |  qoa^  nmt  ad<^B  |  c^ntiam ;" 
&n  iambic  tetrameter: 

"Duin  I  t^mpusad  eam  |  riim  tulit  riTi  |  &iiimum  ut  expler[6t  Buom;" 
but  in  tbe  case  of  tbe  iambic  tetrameter  CBtalectic  be  prMerrea  the 
arraDgeroent  of  iambic  dipodiae : 

"Nam  ai  iemit]tent  qulppiam  |  Phillimenam  [  doIiireB." 
Xambic  TerseB,  howerer,  have  tbeir  own  amDgement  of  dipodiite,  or 
netrei,  and  it  ia  more  conTenient  in  Bpeaking  of  tbeBe  Tersea  to  com- 
mence  the  line  witb  an  iambic  meuure  {.^  ^  ^  _),  and  to  measure  the 
Terae  by  a  succeBBion  of  tbese  meaaures  ratber  than  by  trocbaic.  The 
8f  Btem  adopted  by  Bentle^  and  othera  inTolreB  a  breach  of  the  lawB  of 
caesura ;  aome  haviiig  eren  auppoBed  that  in  iambic  and  trocboic  Terse 
tbere  ie  a  legitimate  caesura  at  the  end  of  eTery  dipodia.  Of  iambic 
veraes  we  have  tbe  followiiig  kinda  used  in  Terence : 

I.  Iahbic  TiTBAifiTSB  Cataleotio,  called  also  Sepienoriua  and 
Otmicua  Quadralu*  (as  being  confined  to  Comedj*)  ;  conaiatiiig  of  four 
iambic  dipodi&e,  deficient  by  one  r^llable. 

^j. \^-^-\^.^^-\^j.^ 

The  CAxarBA.  in  tbia  metre  fiidlB  at  tbe  end  of  tbe  fourth  foot^  which 
must  alwajB  be  an  iambuB. 

The  iambic  BeptenariuB  appeara  to  bave  been  conceiTed  as  asynartetu*, 
or  compOBed  of  two  independent  parta ;  tbua 

1  2 

The  fourtb  foot  is  tberefore  treated  aa  Btrictly  as  the  end  of  an  iambic 
Terse.    Accordiugly  we  find  many  reraeB  in  PlautuB  and  Tereoce  ia 
wbicb  the  fourth  foot  ia  terminated  bj  a  sbort  Bjltable,  ae  at  tbe  end 
of  a  line,  or  where  there  ia  an  Hiatua  after  tbe  fourtb  foot.     The  follow- 
ing  lines  from  Flautue  aud  Terence  exemplify  tbis  peculiaritf: 
"  Sed  si  tibi  Tilginti  minae  |1  arg^ati  pro  1  ferdntur." 
"Tuoni58  TOca|biBn<iroineF  |1  Lib^rtos  non  1  patrdnosP" 
"  Id  p(!tiua  Ti  1  ginti  minae  \\  bic  insunt  in  ]  crum4na." 
"  Etsl  scio  ego  |  Phillimena  H  meom  juB  ease  ut  |  te  c6gam." 
*  HieMCilUd  'politkalTene*'  of  theUte  Qredu  woairrittMiiatiilimatM. 


INTRODT70TI0N.  Ixiii 

SometiiiiM  the  caemin  is  Tiolkted,  and  theo  we  occaBionallf  find  a 
■pondaio  foot  in  the  foorth  ploce,  inatead  of  the  strict  iamboB ;  e.  g. 
"  Ant  e^refeHjendoaut  pnrganjdo  Ti5bie  cor  |  rig^mua." 

(Hec.  ii.  2.  12.) 
"  TJt  |K58sis  cum  il  { la  ii4  te  adoleac  ]  ens  mulier  de  |  fetiget." 

(Phorm.  T.  8. 11.) 
Tbe  following  are  good  examples  of  the  ordinaTj  form  of  tbis  Torse. 
It  ia  Crequently  Bsed  in  Terence;  and  is  certaiiil;  ono  of  the  most 
animated  and  elegant  of  all  Latin  metres.     I  take  a  few  lines  at  random 
iram  tbe  Eunuchue. 

"  CoucurmDt  lBet|i  mibi  dbviam  ||  cupediarjii  tfmnes; 
Cet&rii,  |  kmii,  coqui,  [|  farti5res,  pisc  |  ati5res, 
Quibua  6t  re  salr  |  a  et  p4rdita  ||  proffieram  et  pro  |  Bum  aa^pe : 
Salutant;  ad  ]  coen&m  Tocant;  ||  adT^atum  grat|uliatur." 

(ii.  2.  25—28.) 
"  Dnm  baec  mecnm  reputo,  l  arc^situr  ||  laT&tum  iutere  |  a  Tirgo : 
It,  Urit,  redijit:  deinde  eam  in  ||  lectum  Qlae  col  { loc&ruiit. 
8to  eip^ctaiiB  si  |  quid  mibi  imperent.  ||  Yenit  una;  Heus  tu, 

in  I  quit,  Di5re 
Cape  bi5c  flabel  |  lum ;  T^tulum  huio  ||  bIc  ficito  dum  |  laT&mua ; 
XTbi  nds  laTerijmuB  si  Toles  |1  laT&to.    Accipijo  triBtis." 

(iii.  5.  44—48.) 
n.  Iasbio   TxTBiXiTXB  AoATioacnc,   Flenti»  or  Oetonariv,  is 
frequentlj  used  iu  Boman  Comedj.    Jt  consists  of  four  complete  iambic 

^j-^-\^^^-\  —  ^-\^±  — 

This  kind  of  verse  bas  a  twofold  Ca^stjba.  Id  PlautuB  tbis  generally 
fkllfl  at  the  end  of  the  second  measure ;  aud  witb  him  these  Terses  are 
nsuallj  atynarieli,  the  second  menaure  either  ending  witb  a  sbort  syl- 
lable,  or  allowiog  aa  BiatuB,  ob  in  the  following  lines : 

"Hle  n£Tem  salTJam  nfintiat,  {]  aut  !rati  ad{Teiitum  BoniB." 

(Amph.  iii.  4.  5.) 

"  O  Trdja,  0  patria,  [  O  F^rgamum,  [{  O  Priame  peri  { isti,  senex." 
(Bacchid.  iv.  9.  S.) 

In  tbia  caoe,  as  in  the  iambic  septenarius,  the  fourtb  foot  ougbt  to  be 
pnre  iaiabns,  juBt  aa  is  the  cane  with  tbe  eigbtb  faot. 



TeAnce  has  the  caeBora  after  the  sjllable  fbllowing  the  Bocond  mea- 
Bure.    The  following  Imea  are  n  &ir  ezample  of  hia  metre : 

"  Haud   Bimilis  vii^  |  o  est  virginuin  [  do  ■  ■trarum,  quas  1  matr^ 
SemisBis  humer  |  is  iaae  rinct  { o  ■  p^ctore  ut  [  gracilae  aieat. 
Bi  qua  M  habiti  |  or  paulo  pugil  { em  esae  ■  aiunt,  de  { ducunt  cibum : 
Tametai  bona  eeb  |  natura,  ied{dunt  ;  cAraturja  junceas." 

(Eun.  u.  8.  21—24.) 
"  Q.uacn  iniqui  Bunt  I  patr^  in  omn { es  |  adoleacent^es  jiidicea, 
Qui  oequum  (»m  cens  { ent  n6i  a  puer  |  is  •  ilico  |  naaci  senea, 
Xeque  illarum  a^DJes  ^ssererjum  '•  quas  fert  ado  |  lesc^ntia. 
Ex  BUB  libid{in6  moderantjur  |  nunc  quae  est  non  { ijuae  olim 
fuit."  (Heaut.  ii.  1. 1—4.) 

We  meet  with  a  few  Terses  in  Terence  in  which  there  is  a  slight 
departure  from  tbe  regular  form,  ariaing  from  a  neglect  of  tbe  caesura. 
1d  these  cases  the  iambuB  of  tbe  fourtti  foot  ia  replaced  by  a  apondee  or 
Bome  equiral»it  foot. 

III.  luiBIC  TbIU£TIB  (o-i-i^  —  Iv-f-i^—  I>-*  —  vj  — )• 

This  metre  ia  the  Bteple  of  Terence's  play s.  Tbey  all  commence  with 
it ;  and  it  ia  generally  used  in  aU  descriptive  pasaages,  with  one  or  two 
remarkable  ezceptions,  as  in  Eunuchua  iii.  6,  and  Hecyra  iii.  3.  TbiB 
kind  of  verse  is  too  familiar  to  require  an^  criticism  here.  Terence,  aa 
all  Boman  poeta,  allows  bimBslf  more  licence  tban  the  Qreek  tragedians, 
but  not  more  than  the  poets  of  the  New  Comedy.  If  the  student  will 
bear  in  mind  what  hae  beeu  aiud  on  the  pranunciatioD  of  the  L&tin 
language,  he  will  have  no  difficulty  in  any  of  Terenoe'B  iambic  trimetras. 

We  now  pasB  to  the  shorter  forms  of  iambic  verBe  used  by  Terence. 

Taklng  tbe  iambic  tetrameter  catalectic  ae  the  integral  line,  we  find 
that  it  is  diriBible  into  two  segments,  an  iambic  dimeter,  and  an  iambic 
dimeter  catalectic. 

1  2 

v^x^_{^^^_il^^ \^j.^ 

lambic  dimeter.        lambic  dimeter  catalectic. 
These  are  used  by  Terence  as  clausulae.     Of  these  we  have,  firBt : 

IV.  liMBIO  DlHXTIB  (^^  J.  ^  _  I  v^  ^  v/  — )• 

Of  tbis  we  have  ezamples  in  the  following  lines,  taken  &om  the 
'Andria'  and  'Eunucbus:' 

"  Ver4bar  quors  I  um  evaderet."  ^^d.i.2.  6.) 

^And.  i.  2. 



"  Mkerim  ne  qood  )  Terbam  audio  f  "  (iLnd.  i.  8.  6.) 

"  Quod  ri  fit  perejo  ffinditUB."  (And.  i.  6.  8.) 
"Kam  qnidego  dic|an>  d^patreP" 

(And.  i  6. 17.    See  note.) 

"  Bogitire  qnaei  |  difflcile  ut."  (£iui.  ii.  1.  S.) 

"Sed  nlimqnid  alijnd  imperaBF"  (Eun.  ii.  1.  7.) 

"Quod  poteria  ab  |  ea  p611ito.'*  (Eun.  ii.  1.  9.) 
"  Ita  pronnm  oblit|iu  sum  raei."          (Eun.  iii.  8.  14.) 

lu  the    Buae  aeeiie   of  the   '  EunucbuB'  ftre  two  lines,  whicb  are 

UTanged  hj  Bentley  ss  clMuiulaB : 

"  Hic  T^ro  eat  qui  |  ei  ooc4perit."  (t,  8.) 

"  Praeut  bujuB  nbijea  qua^  dabit."  (v.  10.) 

Ta  fbe  tezt  of  tbia  edition  I  baTO  foltowed  Zenne  in  retaining  the  ohi 

RnangemeDt  of  the  lines. 

V.  WenexthaTeluiBioSiUKTXB  Catalictic  (^^  i  ^  —  I  «j  -i  tj)- 

Thu  Teroe  is  nire  in  Terenoe.    I  wmj  inatanee  tbe  foUowing  lioee : 

"  Date  m6x  egfi  huo  |  revirtoE."         (And.  iii.  2.  6.) 

"  Id  anuB  oiibi  indiei|uin  ftcifc."     (Addpb.  \y.  4.  9,) 

"Aggr^diar  Bac|chiBaalre."  (Hec.  t.  1,  G.) 

Yh  IkUBic  MoHouaTSB  occura  once  in  Terence : 

"DiBcrucior  animi."  (Adelpb.  iy.  4.  L) 

The  hvt  ^llable  ia  elided  befine  tbe  foUowing  line : 

"  Hocine  de  fmproviBd  maU  mihi  6tr|ici." 
Beimaim  aiiites  tbe  two,  reading 

"  Hocine  mihi  mali  de  improTiao  objici," 
■ad  m».Hng  the  wbdle  an  iaubic  tetrameter. 

Ir  Soman  Gomed;  wc  often   find  soenea  in  wbicb  the  metrea  $m 
greatlf  mixod ;  iambic  Tersea  occurring  amoog  ferocbaie,  and  troobaio 
■iDumg  iambic,  and  often  diffetent  fEvma  of  ihe  aame  Tcne^  trimetcn 
niud  with   MnnMteit,   eatalectio  with    aoataleotio.    AUbough  tbia 




seema  in  aome  cases  to  be  merely  capriciouH,  yet  in  most  instences  theae 
changes  are  regulated  hj  certain  principles,  and  are  made  to  accom- 
modate  the  metre  to  the  character  of  the  sction  which  ie  being  carried 
on.     ThuB,  to  enumerate  a  few  casea, 

1.  lambic  trimeteFS  are  often  used  when  the  conTersatioii  becomes 
less  animated,  or  when  s  narnitiTe  follows  an  eicited  conTersation,  ae  in 
Heaut.  ii,  3,  where  we  haTe  at  the  beginning  of  the  scene  the  arriTal  of 
the  serrants,  and  tbe  alarm  of  Clinia,  giren  in  trochaic  tetrameters 
catalectic  (tt.  1 — 16)  and  iambic  tetrameters  (16—23).  Then  when 
Bjrus  proceeds  to  quiet  him  hj  relating  the  real  circumstances  of  his 
mistreas,  we  hare  iambic  trimeters  (24—70).  He  comee  to  tbe  men- 
tion  of  Baccbis,  and  then  it  ia  Clitipho'B  tum  to  be  in  alarm,  all  which 
ie  described  in  trochaic  tetrameters  catalectic  (71—98),  and  the  scene 
euds  with  iambic  trimeters  (99 — 139),  in  which  Bjms  endesTours  to 
pereuade  Clitipho  into  moderation  and  pnidence.  Manj  other  examples 
might  be  giren  of  these  artificial  changes  of  metre.  This  is  as  good  as 
any  that  could  be  chosen,  and  it  will  be  easy  ftir  the  student  to  apply 
thie  hint  to  erery  Bimilar  caae  in  Terence. 

2.  The  metre  is  often  changed,  ss  well  as  the  nature  of  the  dialogue, 
either  on  the  departure  of  one  of  the  choracters,  as  in  Heaut.  t.  2,  27, 
Hecyra  iv.  1.  51,  Adelph.  ii.  1.  48 ;  It,  6.  73,  or  on  the  arriTal  of  a 
new  person,  as  in  Heaut.  ii.  4.  26,  Phorm.  ii.  1,  23,  &c,  a  single  Terae 
being  sometimes  inserted  in  this  case  to  break  the  uniformity  of  the 

3.  A.  change  oflen  takes  place  when  some  new  incident  is  alluded  to, 
or  on  some  sudden  tum  of  the  conTersation,  when  the  speaker  wishes 
to  call  particulsr  attention  to  bis  wor^.  See  And.  iii.  2,  17,  18. 
Eun.  JT.  6. 15,  &c  Hec.  ii,  9.  20.  Phorm.  i.  3.  26. 

4.  At  the  end  of  a  scene,  as  in  And.  i.  6.  64,  66 ;  iv.  1. 57, 68,  Heaut. 
T.  2.  48,  49,  especiaUy  when  the  speaker  intends  to  cairj  on  hia 
audience  to  the  remainder  of  the  play  by  ezpreBsing  some  new  deter- 
mination  that  he  has  made,  or  hj  asking  some  question  which  leads  to 
a  derelopment  of  the  plot. 

6,  At  the  b^inning  of  a  scene,  aa  in  Eun.  v.  8. 1,  Adelph.  iii.  1.  1, 
to  expresH  some  change  of  feeling.  This  is  commonlj  expreased  in  all 
partB  of  the  scene  by  a  coFresponding  change  of  metre. 

6.  This  change  of  Terse  is  generally  made  bo  tbat  there  seemB  to  be 



ft  contmnBtiaiL  of  the  measnrB.  Bentley  IsyB  dmm  the  rale  that 
trochaic  cfctonarii  are  olwayB  followed  by  trochuo  Tereei,  trochaio  eep- 
tenarii  b;  iambic.  Henntmn  (Epitome  Doctrinae  Metrictte,  §  186) 
prefera  the  Btatement,  that  a  Teree  ending  with  an  arn»  (accented 
BjUable)  ia  foUowed  hj  an  itunhic  Terse;  a  Terse  ending  in  a  thetig 
(unaocented  Bf  llable)  hy  a  trochaic  verBe.  Thii  continuation  of  metre 
ia  alao  extended  to  the  final  ayllableB  of  verBeB,  bo  that  Bome  linea,  which 
appear  to  be  hjpermetrical,  nm  into  the  following  line,  the  two  Unes 
being  treated  as  one,  and  the  last  foot  of  the  firat  line  haTing  therefore 
the  Bame  meoanre  as  any  other  foot  in  the  line.  The  foliowing  ia  aa 

"Ego  d^  me  &ci|o  c6njectuT|Bm.    K^mo  eet  meor|um  amlconim 
Apfld  quem  exprom  |  ere  omnia  ||  mea  occiilta,  Cli  |  tipho  fiudeam." 
(Hesut.  iii.  8. 13, 14.) 
The  same  continoation  occnra  in  Bome  caaes  when  tbe  firat  ayllable  of  a 
line  ifl  connected  bj  Syoaloepba  with  the  last  Bjllable  of  the  preceding 
line ;  and  in  many  instances  this  continuation  of  metre  remoTes  Bome 
of  the  irregnlarities  which  annoy  critice  nnder  the  shape  of  ahortened 
ayllables.     Thos  we  may  in  the  following  linee  conaider  'et'  to  coaleece 
vith  'modo:' 

"  Bed  epiatolam  ab  eo  allatam  esee  audiTi  modo, 
£t  ad  portitores  esse  delatam ;  b£DC  petam." 

(Phorm.  i.  8.  99, 100.) 
Tbe  claUBuloe  are  often  connected  metrically  with  the  linee  which 
theiy  follow  or  precede,  so  as  to  foim  one  regular  Tene  if  token  with  one 
of  the  aegments  of  the  nezt  line,  as  in  Eunucbue  ii.  1.  2 : 

"Fiet,  at  ma|ttire  fiet  |  Sitine  hoc  mandatjtim  est  tibi  f    Ah 
Bogitare  quasi  j  difiicile  eit." 
We  might  arrange  theae  linea  tbus : 

"  Satine  hoo  mandat  |  um  ^  tibi  P    Ah,  rogit  |  are,  quaei  dif  j  ftcile 
Sometimea  they  are  not  connected,  ae  in 
"  Qi^d  aiB  P  quum  intel  j  ISzeraa 
rd  coneilium  [  capere,  ctjr  non  |  dizti  eztemplo  Famphilo  f  " 
(And.  iii.  2.  87.) 



TerBnoe  occwionallf  etn^iiyym  CBETia,  Bacobuo,  ud  Chobiucbio 
venea.    Of  thMe  the  foUawing  aie  exampleB : 

1.  CeITIC  TBTaAMXTZE  ij.^^\j.yj_\j.^_\j.^_). 

"Hocme  est  ]  cr^dibile  |  aiJt  memo  J  ribile. 
Tanta  ve  [  cdrdia  in  |  nata  cuiq  |  uam  Ht  aiet 
irt  malia  |  gaddeaDt  j  atque  ex  in  |  oSmmodiB 
Alteri|uB  Bua  ut  |  cdmparent  |  cdmmoda.    Ab." 

(And.  lY.  1. 1—4.) 
The  fint  of  tbeae  linea  may  be  ocHuidered  aa  a  daetjrtie  tatameter, 
oroitting '  eat.' 

2.  BiocHLA.0  TnaAXXTXB  Ci^^_|^^_|^^^_|^i_). 

"Adhuo  Arch  |  yliB  quae  BB[BoUnt  quaeque  |  oportet 
Signa  ^Bse  ad  |  Bolutem  omu  |  ia  huic  eas  [  e  video. 
NuDC  prfmum  |  £to  istaeo  |  lav^t;  post  |  deinde, 
QaodjdBBiei  |  darl  biber|eetqu&ntum  imp|eWtvi." 

(And.  iii.  2. 1—4.) 

Theoe  lineB  are  follovred  hy  an  iambic  dimeter  cat&lectic  as  a  daueula. 

8.  Chobiambio  TiTBurETi&  CATja.sonc  Ci.»^^^_|.i^^^_| 

"  M^mbra  meta  [  d4bilia  H  aunt  animiu  |  timdre 
O^tipuit:  I  p6ctoie  conj^tere  ml  |  conaiU." 
Tb»  fiiat  of  theae  tvro  lines  ia  atynarUtv. 







CHABINUS  adolescena. 
CHBEMIBS  seiiex. 
CltlTO  hospea. 
DBOMO  lonrins. 
aLYCEBIUM  meretrix. 
LESBIA  obstetrix. 
MTSIS  ancills. 
FAMFHILUS  sdoleBceDs. 
SIMO  senex. 
SOSIA  UbertnB. 



TiEt  Andru  deriTes  iti  niaie  trom  Qiljetanum,  the  IwToiDe  of  the  pla^ ; 
who  vaB  from  Andros.  Upoii  her  pnnoDB  hiatory  toniB  the  d^noue- 
ment  of  the  plot.  Chremes  and  Fhuia  w«m  broth««,  tvo  Atbeniu 
dtizKU.  On  oocaBum  of  a  royage  to  An»  Cbreniee  haA  left  hia  only 
daughter  Paaibula  with  Fhaaia,  wfao  ahorti^  afterwardB  followed  his 
hnither  to  Aaia  to  eacape  fron)  a  war  that  waa  raging  in  Qreece.  Ee 
waa  overtaken  bj  a  Btorm,  and  Bhipwrecked,  together  with  Faaibnla, 
upon  tbe  ialand  Androa.  He  there  attached  himself  as  a  client  to  a 
citim,  who  entertained  him  hberall;,  and  upon  hia  deatb,  which 
oeciirred  abortly  after,  adopted  Faaibula  and  brought  her  up  with  his 
own  daoghter  Chryaie,  baving  changed  her  uome  to  Gljcenum.  Chrf  bib 
upon  the  death  of  her  father  went  to  Athena  with  her  reputed  siBter,  and, 
after  mntjTig  Bhift  fbr  an  boneat  lirelihood,  at  lart  took  up  the  pro- 
feeaion  of  a  courtesan.  At  her  houBe  many  f  oung  men  congregated, 
tnd  atnong  othere  Pamphiliu,  the  Bon  of  Simo,  who  tbere  saw  and  fell 
in  lore  witb  Olycerium,  and  beoame  her  accepted  lorer,  making  her  a 
promiae  of  marriBge,  which  waa  rendered  more  bioding  hy  the  parting 
injuoetionB  of  Chryeis,  who  upan  her  deathbed  commended  Olyceriiun 
aa  ■  eacTed  tniat  to  Famphilua.  Meanwhile  Faoiphilua  has  another 
affair  on  bia  hands.  "For  Chremea  has  bad  another  daughter  Bince  the 
loaa  of  Paeibnla,  and  is  vetj  aoxious  t^t  ahe  ahould  be  weU  married  to 
Buch  an  ezcellent  young  man  as  Famphilus,  who,  bappily,  while  enjoy- 
ing  bimself  in  bis  own  way,  bas  gained  a  cbaracter  whicb  ia  tbe  sdmira- 
tion  of  erery  one.  So  Philumena  and  PampbiloB  are  betrotbed  by  their 
parenta,  entirely  without  the  knowledge  of  the  bridegroom  elect.  AH 
tbis  time  Simo  has  fiilly  believed  in  hia  Bon's  excellence;  but  ia  unde- 
ceiTcd  by  an  erent  which  takea  place  at  the  funeral  of  Chryaia,  where 
Pampfailas  sfaowB  sometbing  more  tfaan  an  ordinary  sohcitude  for  a 
Toung  woman  whom  Simo  aBcertaina  to  be  the  BiBter  of  ChryBie.  The 
raatter  takes  wind,  and  reaches  tbe  earB  of  Chremea,  with  the  additional 
circnmstanceof  Pamphilus'connexionwitfaher,  uponwbichhe  breaksoff 
the  match.    Thie  brings  ns  to  tfae  point  at  wfaicfa  tbe  action  of  the  play 

"  ^  c;o«gic 


commences.  Simo  determines  to  tell  F&mphiloB  that  be  is  to  be  married 
to  Philumena,  hoping  to  pUce  him  in  a  dilemma ;  for  if  he  refused,  tben 
he  could  take  him  eererely  to  task ;  if  he  coDBeuted,  tben  Chremes  migbt 
be  gained  over,  and  after  all  the  matcb  migbt  take  place.  Accordingly 
he  telle  Famphilus  \)j  the  way  iu  tbe  Forum  that  he  ie  to  be  married 
that  verj  day.  Pamphilue  returne  home  in  amazement ;  but  is  roet  by 
Myeia,  Bervant  of  QIycerium,whoreviTeBhiB  oldaffectiouforher  mistress. 
Davus  meauwhile  sifle  the  whole  matter  to  tbe  bottom  ;  fiada  that  the 
marriage  is  &  pretence,  and  accordingly  recommenda  Fampbilus  to  bumoar 
bis  father  to  the  ntmost,  and  ezpress  his  entire  readiueaa  to  marry 
as  soon  as  be  pleases.  At  the  ssnie  time  ho  is  to  keep  up  hie  intimacy 
with  Glycerium,  tbat  CbremeB  msy  be  as  eby  of  his  connexion  as  he  ia 
now.  Meaawbile  tbere  ie  a  by-plot  at  work.  One  ChanDue,  a  friend 
of  Pampbilus,  who  is  in  love  with  Philumena,  hears  with  dismay  tbat 
she  is  to  be  married  to  his  frieud,  aud  urges  him  to  do  all  in  bis  power 
to  defer  tbe  marrisge  if  pOBsible.  So  afiaire  stand  when  Glycerium  iB 
brought  tobedof  a  son,  Simo,  wbo  bears  wbat  is  going  on,  imagining,  and 
being  confirmed  by  Davus  ia  the  belief,  that  tbia  is  merely  an  artifice 
of  Qlycerium  and  ber  friends  to  prevent  PBmpbilua'  marrisge.  He 
accordingly  agaiu  treats  with  Chremes  on  the  subject  of  the  marriage 
of  Pamphilus  and  Pbilumeua,  and  eitorts  a  relnctaut  conaent.  Tbis 
placra  Davus  in  a  great  atrait;  for  Famphilus  uow  reproacbes  bim 
witb  his  uutoward  advice,  wbich  bas  got  bim  into  this  miecbief ;  and 
CharinuB  too  ie  iudiguBnt  to  the  last  degree  at  tbe  treacbery  of  Pam- 
philuB.  Ab  a  last  reBOurce  Davua  places  the  cbild  before  Simo'8  door, 
and  contriree  tbat  Chremes  sball  hear  its  history  from  Myais.  This 
CBusee  B  freeb  ruptuie  between  Cbremes  and  Simo.  At  tbis  moment 
tbere  arrivee  a  uative  of  Andros,  Crito,  nezt  of  kin  to  Chryeis,  wbo 
bas  come  to  Atbens  to  claim  her  property.  He  clears  up  the  prerioua 
history  of  Qlycerium,  wbo  is  joyfully  reco^ized  as  Cbreroea'  daughter, 
and  all  partiea  are  made  bappy;  Siroo  being  with  some  difiSculty  gaiaed 
OTer  to  for^Te  past  oSences,  and  to  leceiTe  bis  son  aad  Dbtub  into  fitToar 



CELLO,   CN.    SCLFITIO    0088. 

Phiygisiu  in  honoar  of  Cjbele.     Hey  were  et  impexim  ■ndqutlitem    qUBm  >i  qnii  in 

inlniflBeed  inlo  Rome  dDring  the   •econd  uxan    Roidi   aat    Turpionia   AmbiTii   ei- 

Panic  Wsr.  B.C.  204,  wlieD  the  itatue  of  primere  geitiu  velit."     Of  AttiiiuB  we  know 

Cjbele  WBS  brought  to  Rome  bj  P.  Scipio  nolhing. 

Nuirs,  &Dm  the  Megsleniiu  temple.  new  Modai/ecit]     •  Set  the  plk^  to  moric,' 

Femiiu  in    Phrjgia,  in  obedience   to   en  is   we  shonld  uj.     Tbe   bnsineu   of  the 

orade    of  ApoUo    (Livj   uix.    U).     Thia  '  condnctor '  wu  to  arruige  the  nmaiad  >c- 

festjtal  wufirst  cdebtnted  «ith  the  accom.  compiuiiment,  K  Ihat  ■  proper   emphasii 

jatiiaient  of  Keiiic  gimes  in  tlie  ■edilegbip  ahould  be  giren  to  erery  portion  of  the  dia- 

of  C-   AtiliBi  SemnnB  and  L.  Siribaniuii  logne.     See  bu  initnictiTe  chipter  on  tbii 

libo,  B.C.  11)3.     "  Meg^lena ladoa  >cenico*  subject  in  Cicero  De  Ontore  iii.  20,  wbere 

C    Atilina  Serranna,    L.    Scriboning    Libo  be  epenkB  of  the  neceBiBrj  cbnnge  of  eni' 

— '~'  ' "" '"    "   — *  -  -   ---  pbasia  in  TedtiDg  plajs  on  the  stage,  and 

Bdda,    "  Neque   id   Bctores   priui    lidcroDt 
qnam  IpBi  poetae,  qUBm  denique  illi  etiam 

Z..  Ambm»»  Tarpiii,  L.  Atlilita  Prat-  qni  fecerunt  modoe  ;  ■  quibni  utrisque  aum- 

metfnwj      There  were  mBnagera  and  ac-  mittitnr  aliquid,  deinde  Bagetar ;  eitenna- 

ton.     "niey  contiscled  wilb  the  ■edilca  for  tur,  inflBtur  ;  variatnr,  distingnitur."    Even 

tbe  perfiirmsnce  oF  tbe  pliy-     Tbe  aedilei  oratora    were    Bometimes    altended    bj  ■ 

probably  scttled  witb  the  poet  in  the  fint  mnaicino,  bi  we  leara  from  Qnintilian  (v. 

inataace.     Thus  the  aediles  are  ■pohen  of  10),  wbo  nys  of  Grscchus  the  orBtor,  "  Cui 

tn  the  Frolof^e  to  the  Ennnchun  as  bnying  contiouanCi  consistenBpOBt  cum  muBicnafis- 

tbrpUj  (t.  30);and  in  the  second  prolagne  tnla  .  .  .  modosquibnBdeberetinteDdiminia- 

to  tbe  Hecyra  the  actor  apeaks  of  bimselF  bs  trabBt."     Each  kind  of  play  bad  ita  proper 

haiing  boogbt  the  play  (see  note).     Ambi-  ■ccompaniment,  as  we  >ee  ^m  the  Tarions 

TioB  Tnrpio  is  mentioned  morethan  ooce  aa  notices  in  tbe  Didaecaliae  to  tbe  plays  of 

■  lirBt-r^te  actor  in  conoeiionwitb  RoBcins.  Terence.     Compare  on  thii  anbject  Cicero, 

Cicero    ■penlii  of  bim,  De  Senectute   M:  Tusculan.  Diipnt  i.  4^,  wbera  be  toncbes 

"  UtTurpione  AmbiTiomagisdelectatnrqui  biimoroualy   on   tbe   dolorons    ■rmmpaai- 

in    prima  cavea  speetat,  delectatar  tamen  ment  to  trigic  lameota.     "Non  inteliigo," 

etiam   qoi  in  ultimB ;"  and  Tacitns  in  )he  he  sBya,    "  quid  metuat,  qtiuin  tam  bonoa 

DiBlogue   De  Or^toribns  ■aaibed  to  bim,  septenkHos  Fundat  ad  tibiBm." 

c.    20.   "Vulgns    qnoqne  adsistentinm  et  Tibiit  paribuM  dnlrii  tl  tiniiMt']    The 

profiuens   et  Tsgus  anditor  adanerit  jam  queitioa  of  muaical  inatmnMmta  ia  one  of  the 


d  difficalt  In  sntiqaities.  'Samnae.' 

CDmpoDeiit  parti  insiiaandi    .   .  ,     , 

,  Bt  modi  "   (De  ineuiire,  ind alio  callad  PhrjgiBa.    Tbaei 

Orat.  i.  42),  a»  we  sbodld  aay,  '  the  air,  tbe  pression  of  tbe  tait,  '  tibiii  piribiu  deitria 

voice,  uid  tbe  sccompBnimBat.'     Tbe  '  ti-  et  naistiii '  meBna  th«t  tbe  pla^  wM  Octed 

biae  deitne,'  called  liso  '  incentJTse,'  were  vitli  flutes  of  eqnal  Bie,  right-buided  flntes 

held  in  the  rigbt  buid,  aad  set  the  tane,  being  aied  in  one  part  of  the  play ,  and  left- 

BQdanBwer  to  onr  '  Ireble.'    Thej  were  tbe  handed  ia  anotber;  the  play  being  serio- 

amaller,  and  made  of  the  middle  part  of  tha  comic,  requiringa  mixtmreof  meaim«B. 
reed.     The   '  sinialrae  '  were  made  oif  tha         EiUta  M.  MaretUo,  Cn.  Sulpitio  Gu(.] 

lowu'  and  largier  part,  and  were  held  in  the  The  Andria  was  actsd  on  the  4th  of  April, 

lelt  baod,  answeriag  ta  our  '  bus.'     The;  16S  B.c,  aboat  two  jtaza  after  it  had  been 

were  also  ealled  '  BaccentiTae,' aa  pUfing  oomposed  and  oflered  to  theCoinleAedilea, 

only  the  ■cnompanimBnt.  and  enrlier  than  anj  other  play  of  Temce. 

'  Tibiae  pareg '  were  two  of  eqoal  nie,  For  a  hll  inqnirj  inlo  tbe  historj  of  the 

with  the  aame  nnmber  of  stops,  for  the  graTe  plaji  of  Terence  see  the  Introdnclion. 
Duie  meamre.    Theae   were  alia   caEed 



Poeta  qanm  primnin  BniioTim  ad  scribendum  appulit, 

Id  sibi  negpti  credidit  solum  dari 

Popolo  ut  placerent  quaa  fecifiset  fabulas. 

Verum  aliter  eTenire  multo  intelligit. 

Nam  in  prologis  ecribundis  operam  abutitur,  5 

•  ad  MriJflu&iM  opfnt/if]  Com-  nature   of  the  two   pUjt  «bich  hs  htd 

baena   th>t    thii   is  a  msta-  mlzed  together,  uid  nDdiotw  bii  right  to 

jbot  from  OHitiad  phnKolog; — that  jon  the  dtMxetion  af  an  origiDal  atithor  in  luing 

mag  jotiz  mind  to  a  thing  u  jod  brii^  •  them.    The  prolaguM  of  Tennc^  diffiST  Terjr 

ghip  b>  laud.    Cioero  combine*  the  Dauliol  «idelir  fram  those  of  Flaiitaa.     PUutni,  in 

Bnd  m^Bpborical  ine  i  "  Valde  hercole  . . .  imitadoD  of  tfae  later  Greek  pnctice,  iDtra- 

timide,  fVri'"'  ad  aliquem  Ubidinia  soopu-  dacea  allegorical  penonages  (ks  tbe  Pro- 

lom,  ac  tnsm  menlem  ad  philatophiani  sp-  It^nes  to  the  Rud^B,  AQlularia,  and  lU- 

pnlitti,"  De  Ont  iL  XJ.    We  mBy,  hoir-  nammua),  and  geueraltj  bai  ■  >et  prologue, 

ner,  obeerre  ibat  the  nsotiol  sense  does  giTing  an  aeconnt  of  the  plot.    The  neareat 

Dut  Dccnr  ao  eulj  ae  the  ^iLaple,  vhich  i*  approadi  to  this  in  Temice  ii  in  Act  i. 

bQod  in  Andr.  ii.  6. 1 5 :  "  Animum  ad  uio-  seeDe    1,   of  tliii  pUj,    whidi   ii    entirdjr 

rem  appnlit  i"  and  it  maf  be  obaerred  in  nanatiTe,   and   eiplauatory  of  the  futnre 

gCDenl   tbat  we   cannot  ahrajg    trest    an  conrw   oF  tbe   plot.     Tbe  prah>guea  wera 

idiomatic  nae  of  a  word  aa  a  metaphor.  generallT  Bpoknn   in   an  appropriale  dresa 

3,   Qaaiftcintl  fabtd<u\  An  iDstsnce  of  (Prol.    to    Hecyr.   t.    1]   by  one  of   the 

an  idiom  commoD  in  Greek :  Inverae  attrac-  yonnger  sctDn  (lee  Pral.  to  Heaut.  t.  I ; 

twn.     We  find  it  OBed  again  bj  Terence.  aa  Alter  Prolog.  ad   Hecyr.  t.  3),  the  'ado- 

in  Eini.iT.  3.  11  -.  "Ennncham  qnemdediali  leacente»,'  probably  ai  aii  iDferior  part)  m 

qnastarbssdedit;"  sod  bdow,  t.  36:  "Poet-  perlisps  to  giTe  yoangacton  an  opportanitj 

hac  qaaa  &det  de  integro  comoedias."     So  of  sbowiog  tlieir  addresa.     Sometimea,  on  a 

too  inOiid,  Metam.  liT.  3A0:  "Obatnpoit:  speciBl  occasion,  a  Teteran  actor  took  this 

cecideie  lina  qoaa  l^etat  berbas."     Virr.  ]»rt  (looc  citt.),  when  it  was  neceaaary  to 

Aen.i.674:  "UriMmqnamatataOTesbaeet.  make   apecial   intereat   with   tbe  audience. 

j>-~21.]  It  is  s  pecoUsrity  of  the  pro-  Perbsps  the  best  parallel  to  tbe  prolognsa 

lognes  of  Teraice  tbat'  they  sre  genenlly  of  Terence,  aa  he    made   ose  of  tbem  to 

deroted  to  tbe  vindicatjon  of  bie  literary  tonch  upon  qoestione  of  pDeticsl  literature 

posiHoa,  not  to  an  eiplanatioii  of  his  plot.  aod  on  his  own  pasitian,  is  to  be  (bund  ia 

In  tfaem  we  find  Terence  defeoding  himaolf  some  of  the  vnpifJaiTiic  of  the  Gret^k  co- 

froiD  tbe  sUacks  of  bis  riTsIs,  or  endeaTonr.  medy,   tliongh    certainly    thoae   of  Arialo- 

■ng  to  Bcconnt  for  the  iU  snocesa  of  a  plsy,  phsDes  are  withont  sny  Roman  paiallel  in 

OT  retorting  npou  liia  opponenCs  their  own  wit  snd  freedoDi  snd  eaergy  of  style,     The 

deUnqoenciea.     In  this  Instance  tbe  cbarge  literary  position  of  Terence  haa  been  dia- 

againat  him  u  that  be  bas  jumbled  togetber  ciused  in  tbe  IntroductioD. 

two   Greek  plsya  to   forro  one  Lstin   (see  9.   Opmm  ainti/nr,  ^.]     ■  He  has  to 

T.   Ift,    Ifl).      Hu   explains  ia   reply  tbe  spend  all  his  tima  in  sniwering  calnmoies 



Kon  qui  argumentum  narret,  sed  qui  maleyoli 

Teterie  poetae  maledictis  respondeat. 

Kunc  quam  rem  vitio  dent  quaeso  animum  advortite. 

Menander  fecit  Andriam  et  Perinthiam. 

Qui  utramvis  recte  norit  ambas  noverit. 

ISoji  ita  diseimili  sunt  argumento,  sed  tamen 

Dissimili  oratione  sunt  laetae  ac  stilo. 

Quae  convenere  in  Andriam  ex  Perinthia 

Fatetur  transtulisse  atque  usum  pro  suis. 

Id  isti  vituperant  factmn ;  atque  in  eo  disputant, 

Contamiuan  non  decere  fabulas. 

Faciunt  nae  intelligendo  ut  nihil  intelUgaat. 

Qui  quum  himc  accuaant  Kaevium,  Plautum,  F.Tminm 

»  the  wonl  ia  lued  in  thii  M 

nthei  tbuiineipUiniiishLiplot.'    Tlieu:-  Ima  the  wonl  nied  ageln  in  HcMit.  Prol. 

cuutiTeiiftitind  klso  i&Plaiitiu.TriDiim.  iii.  17,  In  the  aune  Mose  i 

2- }?  ■  ';."?  "^"i  "I"""  '""  •"«^"  ~?  "  N-m  qn»i  mmorei  diBtolenmt  malerofi 

patmm,       Ij,hD  run  ftrough  md.  j,^,„  ^j,f^^„^  Graec,  dnm  hat 

a  large  propertj  ;•  «nd  m  B.cch.  H.  3.  126 :  p,^  Litoia,." 

■>  QuDm  ae  eicucumiae  illac  naaln  sciterit 

NoiqDe  aunim  abnso,."     The  word  'qni' 

lus  been  Tariousli  eipluned  bvCQmmentB-  ,.     -        ...          ..    ,.        ..        ..   r 

to«.    6ome  luppou  it  to  be  eqniY^eot  to  ?'''"  «»i<»"">et  aegntud.ue  ahq^."  tbere 

'quippequi'or^'    ItisBimpljtheab-  '«"<'    n«»»»rr  «1»  of '^^««"«t.      Lu- 

Utive  '^pJifying  the  '  pnrpose,'  L'  quo '  in  °^'^  naea  it  onoe,  in  iu.  886 : 

tiiB  Prol.  to  Eunuehua,  ».  38:  "Non  quo  " neqne  enim  K  diridit  iUim 

fuTtum  bcere  atuduerit."  '^™  remoTet  utij,  a  projeclo  corpure,  et 

11.  NoniladurimiU]   •  Tbej  are  not  ao  '1™ 

Terr  unlilie  in  plot'    For  the  phraae 'iU  Se     fiogit    Benmqae     luo     contaminat 

dissioiili'  compara  Lii7  iv.  12:  '■  Haud  ita  aataos, 

multuratrumenti ;"  and  Cicero,  In  Verreui,  meaning     'uniteg   it   to   itaelf  in    smtient 

Act,  ii.  4.  49 :  "  Sunt  ea  (liinulacra)  penun-  feaiing.'     The  Word  does  not  occur  in  Plau- 

pla  atque  pmeclani,  led  noo  ita  antiqUB,"  tiu  at  all.     The  aenae  of  'defllement'  is 

*nOt  aoTerjald.'    The  metre  of  this  line  later,  aod  is   not  found  in  the  AngnMan 

has  perplexed  commentators.     Bentlej  ing-  wriCers,  eicept  in  Horace  (Cann.  i.  37.  9] : 

gesta  '  et  tamen,'  «bich  occurs  in  iv.  1.  9,  "  Cantaminato   cum  grege  turpium  Morbo 

and  elsewhere,  to  avoid  the  pronnnciBtion  lironiin."     We   may  compara   tlM    Greek 

of  'argumento '  aa  ■  triijllable.     Bat  we  xpi'"i  wbich  meuti,  I.  to  touchj  2.  to  de- 

have  otberinitancesof  alongsjUableelided  file. 

in  proDnndation,  as  in  '  pulmentum  '  &am  17.  Faeitiitl  nae  inttllistndo]     Bentlej 

'  pulpamentnm,'    '  quaeitor  '    From    '  quae-  reads  '  ne  '  fbr  '  nonne  ;'  but  the  leDse  re- 

sitor,'  '  mala '  from  '  maiilU,'  bceidei  Tery  qnire*  '  nae,'  ntuch  ii  oftea  «ritt«i  '  nc ' 

manj  in  the  laDKoages  derived  Irom  Lalin,  in  Mi^S. 

aa  the  Prench  '  serment'  from  '  sacrameo-  18.  Namvm,  Plauttun,  Bmtiytii]     This 

tum,'  and  the  lilie.    Bentlej  agmu  arguea  ia  andoubtedtj  the  true  cbronolf^ical  order 

tliat  'quidem'  would   be  requu«d  in    the  ofChese  poets.     Tbe  whole  point  haa  l>een 

first   danae  if  we  lceep  '  sed  tamen ;'  hut  admirablj  diacOBScd  bj  Ritschl,  De  jCtale 

this  will  not  hoid  ■Itflgetber.     See  Adelphi  Piaud,  and  the  question  is  well  itated  in 

It.  4.  IS  :  "  Senai  illico  id  illaa  euspicarl :  the   Dirtionarj  of  Biographj  and  Mjtbo- 

sed  me  reprehendi  tamen. "     It  is  iietCer  logj  (PlauCua).    The  word   'auctorea'   ia 

tharefore  to  let  the  leit  stand.  here  uscd  in  the  sense  of  '  models,'  '  pat- 

16.   Conlaminan']   Here  used  in  its  origi-  temi.'     Compare  Cicero,  In  Verrem  ii.  5. 

nal    sense   'to    mingle  togetber.'      '  Con-  26:  "  Uonm  cedo  auctorem  tui  facti :  nnia^^ 
implum."     So  Hoimce,  Serm.  i.  4. 
i  quo  faciaa  hoc"  1a 



Accusant,  quos  tic  noflter  auctorcs  habct : 
Quorum  aemulari  exoptat  negLigeiitiani 
Potius,  quam  istoruni  obscuram  diligentiam. 
Dehinc  ut  quieBcant  porro  moneo  et  desinant 
Haledicere,  malefacta  ne  noacant  sua. 
Favet^,  adeste  aequo  animo,  et  rem  cognoecitc, 
Ct  pemoscatie,  ecquid  spei  sit  reliquum, 
Posthac  quBS  faciet  de  integro  comoedias, 
Spectandae  an  exigendae  sint  Tobie  prius. 


SIUO.  808U. 

Si.  Yos  istaec  intro  aoferte  :  abite.     Soeia, 
Adesdum ;  paucis  te  Tolo.     80.  Dictum  puta : 

the  Ungiuge  of  tbe  jnriata  '  soctoT '  i>  0 
"qni  ita  nos  BOzit  a(  inde  jiu  qQoddam 

BOs  tTanKst."    (8ee  LoQg'«  note  on  Cic.  In  hiic,'  ■  ■enie    in  whlch  il  ia  neier  fmind. 

Termn  ii.  fi.  23,  ■  malo  anctore,'  for  b  fuller  It  ii  nmpl^  ui  idjective,  dgreeing  with  tbe 

eipluiation  af  the  Kord.)  sntwtantiie   'qnid.'     '  De  integro,'  'nb  in- 

S3.  Porro]    Here  nsed  in  its  originitl  sense  tegro,'  uid  '  ei   inlegro/  are  uaed  indiOe- 

(oimpare  the  Greek  ird|Spki)of 'heoceforth.'  rentlj.     For  '  qnu  comoediu' Me  note  on 

Conpare  Heaot.  L   I.  )07 :  "Menedeme,  *■  3. 

*t  porro  recte  (pero."    The  general  ide>  ia        27.  Exignidae^^   Compve  Hecjn,  AlCer 

thkt  of  diituics,  here  and  in  Hecjra  1.  I.  Prol.  t.  7  :  "  Pirtim   nim  earum  eiactna, 

37,  ^>plied    to   dine;    in   other  pl«eB   of  partim  Tii  steti."     'Yoa  trs  to  dedde  the 

dutance  ia   space,  u  in  Hecyra  iii.  I.  18 :  ble  of  mj  futnra  comediea — whetber  yoa 

"  Nora  res  orta  eat  porro  sb  bac  qu«e  me  will  eit  them  oat,  or  whethsr  tbe j  are  to  be 

■bstrBhat."  hissed   off  the   ilage    without   a   hearJDg.' 

3J.  Favele,  «dnie,  jfc.]    >  Eeep  sllence,  >  Prias,' '  before  thej  are  heard.' 
md  wogh  tbe  nwCter  fairly  as  nmpires,  that         The  metre  of  this  prologne,  snd  of  the 

jroa  duj  decide  on  the  fste  of  mj  fatore  first    «cene.   is    iambic    trimeter.       In   all 

plaji.'     '  FaTete '  ii  a  term  commonij  used  Tereoce^B  plsja  the  pralogne  aod  the  open- 

io  saaificial  rites  (aee  Macleane's  nota  on  ing  ■cene  ars  in  the  same  metre. 
Honce,  Carm.  iii.  1.  2,  'favete  lingoia'). 

nie'arbitri,'or'umpire«,'«ereBaid'adease,'         Aor  I.  Scsm  I.   Tbis acene introdnces os 

ts  Uie  word  implieB,  being  derived  fmm  the  to  the  chief  chsrscter  of  the  plsj,  ttie  jonng 

old  wotds  '  or '  (ad)  and  '  Iwto  ;'  ao  that  an  Pnmphilu!,  and  hii  conneiion  witb  the  An- 

'  ■rfaitei'  *  ia  '  one  who  goea  to  another,'  and  drian  straoger.     Simo  lelates  tbe  drcnm- 

iil   l^al    luignage   s   witness   or   nmpire.  st*acea  which  led  to  hia  laspicions  and  his 

Thsir  dutj  «aa  '  cognoacere,'  to  inieatigate  diacoTerj  of  their  lore.   He  then  engsgea  the 

(*ee  Cicero,  InVerrem  ii.  3, 10,  and  'cogui-  asaiatstice  of  Sosia  in  the  ichcme  bj  wUch 

tio,'  iL  2fi)  ))efore  senlence  (judicinm).  The  be  proposes  to  asc^taiD  the  real  feelinga  of 

■eutence  ia  here  repraented  ai  a  tacit  one  bisaon.  Theartof  thii  scene  has  been  jostlj 

bj  *  pemoscAds.'  praised.     Some  parts  of  it  are  particolarij 

29.  EetfKid  ipei  rif  rsfiftitini]     'If  snj  elegant  and  viTJd.  Cicero  (DeOralore  ii.  80) 

hope  remaina.'     Compare  "  Ut  spea  nnlU  bas  quoted  it  with  msrked  praise. 
reliqaaintee3Wttibi"(Ean.  ii.2.  9).    DilG-  I.]   After  theword 'sbitB  '  we  mnat  iDp- 

cnltie)  haTG  been  iiiiiiiiiaanllj  raiaed  abont  poie    the   aerisats   to   witbdraw   Into   tlie 

10  AJfDRIA. 

Nempe  ut  cnrentur  recte  liaeo.     8i.  Imo  aliud.     So.  Quid  est 

Quod  tibi  mea  ara  effioere  lioc  possit  ampHuB  ? 

Si.  Nihil  istac  opns  est  arte  od  Iiaac  rem  quam  paro :  s 

Sed  iis  quaa  semper  in  te  intellexi  aitaa, 

Fide  et  taciturmtate.     So.  Exspecto  quid  Telis. 

Si.  f^  poetqoam  te  emi,  a  parvulo  ut  semper  tibi 

Apud  me  jufita  et  demena  fuerit  servitus 

Scis :  feci  e  scrro  ut  e&see  libertua  mihi,  lo 

Propterea  quod  servibae  liberaliter. 

Quod  habui  aumminn  pretium,  perBolvi  tibi. 

So.  In  memoria  habeo.     Si.  Haad  muto  factmn.     So,  G^udeo 

Si  tibi  quid  feci  aut  &cio  quod  placet,  Siuu), 

Et  gratum  id  foiase  advorBum  te  babeo  gratiam.  is 

honae,  which  ataiids  on  ons  wing  of  the  gaUing  akTerj.'    Ann.   il.   10:    "IngenB 

Itage,    azrpng   «ith   them    their   kitcban  glotiA,  ■tqne  eo  ferodor  et  nbjectii  intol»- 

tMW.     S(MU  renuini  ■rmed  with  bii  coob-  ratior."  80  liere, 'jonknowhow  meoDable 

iog  Dtennl*.    The  BbHoce  of  Btage  direC'  uul  indnlgent  D17  nde  orer  700  haa  beeo.' 

tioni  hu  in  >onie  imtaDces  giTen  riie  to  But  Terence  nwj  mean  aimplf  '  euy,'  u  in 

difficnltief  in  the  inlrepretatlon  of  Terence.  Adelphi  i.   1.  17  :    "  Ego  haiie  deiinentem 

Wb  cuinot  doabt  th&t  tfae  pMt  had  na  eje  litam  nrbuiam  atqoe  otium  Secatos  iiun." 
thrDughoat  to  itaga  effect )  bnt  the  manege-        III.]  The  origln»!  d[  thii  line  ii  preKrred 

nient  of  the dialogae irould  rcBt  mainlj with  fromHenBnder:  jyw  m  Jdi/Xdv  ovr' tSqc' 

hi>  chief  actors  Ambiviui  and  Attilins.  Tbe  iXtiiBipov. 

■nccew  of  ■  plaf  would  depend  mnch  od  the        E  term]   Compare  Hont.  3«nn.  ii.  6,  Afi: 

•jrirlt  which  thef  sihibitad  io  their  tender-  "  PlenuDqne  recoctna  acrib»  ei  quinqae- 

ing  of  it;  for  eTcrf  cleier  >ctor  hu  it  in  hii  Tito  corrDm  delndet  hiantein,"  where  see 

power  te  give  a  new  dreu  to  the  worlu  of  . 
hia  ■uthDT.    Thos  we  find  the  ■ctor  who 

qHalu  the  ■Bcand  prolagua  to  the  HecTTS  < 
ijiii^iiig  the  merit  of  having  egtablished  the         1 1 .  lAteratiltr]  Compare  '  Servum  buid 

repuutton  of  CaedhuB  bj  Ms  performuicefl,  illiberalem  praebea  te,"  AdelpU  t.  B.  5, '  I 

"  NoTuqoi  eiictu  feci  ut  iDTeterascerent."  made  fou  &eebecsDse  joa  showed  that  jon 

He  wu  Dkanager  uid  BCtor  at  ODce,  and  meriCed  freedom.' 

proprielor  of  the  play  too,  uid  «ould  atia-         13.  Haud  mulo  /achtm]     '  I  do  not  re- 

r^Uy  do  hii  best  (o  make  it  ■ttractiTe.  pent  the  deeri.'    Compare  Adelphi  iv.  7.  19  : 

S.  JXoc  ar((]   '  I  wuit  naoe  of  jour  gldll  "  Pl^cet  tibi  factnm,  Micio  ?  Non  ai  qneam 

in  die  matler  which  I  h>Te  in  huid,'    Thii  Mntsie."     So   '  mntat«   Gdem,'    Phonnio 

marhed.aenae  of '  iite' uthedemoDitratiTe  iii.   2.   27)  Salinit,  Jug.   fiS;   liTr  xxxi. 

of  Uie  •econd  peraan  meets  ui  throoghont  28,  '  to  break  a  promine.'    Bentlej  reads 

Terence.     Compare  Heant.  i.  1.  68,  'Ittuc  '  Haud  mnto.  S.  Factum  gndeo.'  'Mnto  '  ii 

uUtia,"wheDl  weaat  foor^ge.'  Henceis  foond  ■biolntalj,  u  in  PUntna,  Rad.  iii.  6, 

deriTed  IhejudicialaieofEhewardsigni^ng  27,  bot  the  change  cnatea  an  nnneceavrj 

thedafendant.  See  LoDg'i  note  on  Cicero In  abruptnesa.  Donatni  mentions  an  old  read- 

Verrem ii. 3. 87-  ThewordausedbTTerence  ing    '  mnlto,'   which  i>  ■dopted   bj  Eein- 

are  ambignons,  and  may  be  a.ppliea  either  to  hardt ;  but  this  ia  harsh,  ■nd  has  not  beea 

donustic  akill  or  in  a  more  general  lense.  followed  bj  othars.    AC  Athens  lUTes  who 

0.  Jtuta  tl  clemeiuierviliU]  ■ClemeaCia'  were  maanmitted  were  liahle  to  be  prose- 

belongs  more  properlj  to  tbe  imposer  of  cuted  for  a  neglect  of  tbeir  doties  to  thnr 

«ertioe  tban   to   tbe   serncs   ilaelf.    We  fbrmer  masteti,  who  atood  in  the  relatioii 

maj,  bowevtr,    compare  other   phraaee  in  of  xpsirrdrat  to  tham.      Snch  ■  proeecn- 

«hidi  thoe  ia  ■  sunilar  ttansfer  of  ideas.  tion  vu  called  dwoerarlou  JiKif.  (3ee  Dict. 

Thns  in  Tudtu,  Ano.  i.  81 :  "  Quaotoque  of  Ant  p.  70A,  *.) 

m^ore  libsitatis  imagine  tegebantor,  tanto        Ifi.]     Id  the  text  I   haTe  adopted  the 

aniptiira  ad  inbnvns  serTitinm,"  '  a  more  diange  adTOcated  bj  Rilachl  {ProlagomenB 


ACTTT8  I.    8CENA  I.  11 

Sed  mihi  lioc  moIeBttiin  est :  nam  istaeo  oonuDemorstio 

Qoaai  ezpTobratio  est  immemoria  benefici. 

Qoin  ta  ono  verbo  dic  qnid  eat  quod  me  velis. 

iSt.  Ita  faciam :  hoc  primmn  in  Iiac  re  praedico  tibi ; 

Qoas  credia  eese  has  noii  snnt  Terae  naptiae.  30 

80.  Cur  niTiiTiliui  igitnr  ?    Si.  Bem  omnem  a  prinoipio  andies ; 

Eo  pacto  et  gnati  vitam,  et  conBilium  meum 

Cognoeces,  et  quid  facere  in  bao  re  te  Telim. 

Nam  LB  poetquam  excesait  ez  epbebia,  Soeia, 

Liberiufl  Tivendi  fuit  pot«etas :  oam  antea  35 

Qui  scire  posaee,  ant  iT»g«niiiTin  noecere, 

Bum  aetaa,  metus,  magister,  prohibebant  ?    80.  Ita  eet. 

8i.  Quod  plerique  omnee  &oinnt  adoUflcentuU, 

Ut  aninmm  ad  aliquod  studimn  adjungant,  aut  equos 

to  P1uitiu,p.  118,  &C.).  HeoUnadmgis  iiiiiilM»  itiitirt  ia  In  tpu»  coOita  niat,  Don 

'  et  a  gntam.'    BeDtier  ff-te»  thia  vnong  oaniiiMaiorace  qni  cantnlit."    Tha  b«glii- 

inM>;oUkeriiutuioM^ii^ationo(poaitira  ner  majr  be  mmed  thit  'immeinom'  do« 

hjTmtBce,ivMiiljiagtiiemhjaieeoaMtT-  not  agreenrith  *b«oelid,'  thotigh  jt  la  aot 

■liantlMttheTOocarattiMlwiniiiDgofliDee  amtmirj,  witli  Bentler,  to  nad  'imniD- 

(we  adiediwma,  p.  18).     RitacU  on  the  mori.' 

eoDtmT  argiHH  tiat  all  tlMae  apparent  ei-        34.  PotlgiiaittxetttHtxepheiu']  >When 

uqitinuB  tnMj  be  got  lid  of by  dmplii  tnHnpo-  lie  «me  to  mmn'>  eitate.'     80  JCiXSiiv  It! 

ritini,orbTthBaipiiUDnorgloneB.     Some  Ifitfiiav,  Jiea.  Cjr.  i.  i.  M.     The  Uti^oi 

saeb  dwnge  ia  needed  aod  jnatifiable  In  the  >t  Atheos  were  the  jODii|;  men  from  eighteen 

tezt  of  TercDce,  «luch  bae  certnnl]'  becn  jem  old  to  twent^.    11167  *^  emplojed 

ndBcieatlr  tampered  with.  I  bare  diacnBHd  in  mililuT  Mrrioe  in  bome  qnartera  ts  wtfii- 

thii  hiiimHiiii  genatllj  hi  the  IntrodDdian.  woXoi,  and  afterwwda  were  sent  on  tormga 

IB,  Ttlttt  eowimtmoralio']    *¥DDrdetail  ewTice.     Hmce  the  word  passed  loto  gene- 

ii   Uke   npbniding   me  with  foigetftUneee  ral  oie.  Tfae  '  migiita '  wax  remoted  upon 

of   jonr   UDdDne.'     Odman  bu  qDoted  their  leaTing  the  Ifiifin.  The  wordi '  Soaia 

from  Maannger'!  "  Doke  of  Hilan,"  Act  i.  ...  poteatai '  hare  oecaaioned  mndl  diepnte. 

tc.  S,  ■milar  linee :  Bentlej  •ddi  '  ac '  after  '  Soeia  /  but  tbia 

^     .....  .  '  meDdng  a  new  danie  at  tbe  end  01  a  Une, 

ire,  if  admiidble  at  all.    No    ' 
ge  QecesaarT.     Simo  oomme 
and  then  breelu  ofF  with  a 

In  jDoi   adTBncenieat,  and  repent  no 

I  hate  confsned  apon  7011.    And  beUere 


hood.  He  tbim  reenmea  ttntk  at  T.  28, 
as  if  DO  intarniption  had  oconrred-  In  line 
26  we  mnit  prononnce  '  TITendi '  u  a  dii- 
qrllable.  To  aTind  thii  BenUej  read«  '  liben 

HioBgb  aow  I  Bhoald  repeat  mj  &i  ^     ^^^      ^ 

I.S  J?»  .vbmd  ,m.  b.l  to  tdl  ,»  '^-^S^J^M^-  b.t  tbi.  '.«.»■ .  h^ 

I  lid  ,»■»  wonb,  of  tbm,  i„  jra  ^""'JT'''.;      ■-."P"""  "'>""» 

t^  beelj,    which  11  the  meaning  of  our  teit. 

.  't'-V.„  ,       „  ,.  38.  PltriqM  omnei]    The  collocation  of 

Ana  tenwe  10  me.  ^^  ^^  ^  frequent.     3ee  Heaut.  iT.  7. 

Tbe  aentimMt  ii  oommon   enoai^.     Bee  :l ;   Phcrm.  i.  3.  20.     80   the  Greek  wXii- 

Dem.  De  Conma  (St)  :  ri  ris  itiuf  litp-  Dvtr  ir&vTit,  aud  oor  common  phraee  ■  al- 

Stniat  tntoiufivJittuv  uai  Xjytiv  9|iiEpai  moitaU.' 

iT«8fi«folimrf  ivdJiEi»',— aiidCicero,  89.  A>il  tfta»  altn']    Tbese  worde  are 

De  Amidtia,   I9i   "Odioeam  laDe  genoi  epei^clialot '  Madiam  aliqnod.'   So^^rg. 

botdfaiiuD  oOdaaprobnnttom:  qnae  me-  Aen.  Ti.  CG4 :  "  Qaae  cnm  nttentee  Taecere 


13  ANDRIA. 

Alere  aut  caoes  ad  Tenandum,  aut  ad  philosophoa :  30 

Horum  ille  niliil  egregie  praeter  caetera 

Studebat :  et  tamen  omnia  haec  medioeriter. 

Gaudebam     80.  Non  injuria  :  nam  id  arbitror 

Apprime  in  vita  esse  ut0e  ut  ne  quid  nimie. 

Si.  Sic  vita  erat :  facile  omnee  perferre  ac  pati  35 

Cum  quibufi  erat  cunque  una  :  iis  Bese  dedere  : 

Eorum  obeequi  etudiis :  adToreus  nemini : 

Nunquam  praeponens  se  illis :  ita  locillime 

Sine  invid^  laudem  inTcnias  et  amicoe  paree. 

So.  Sapienter  vitan}  instituit :  uamqae  hoc  tempore  40 

Obsequium  amicos,  Teritea  odium  parit. 

Si.  Interea  mulier  quaedam  abhinc  trieonium 

Ez  Andro  commigraTit  huc  Ticiniae, 

Inopia  et  cognatorum  negligentia 

Goacta,  egregia  forma  atque  aetat«  integra.  45 

So.  Hei  Tcreor  ne  quid  Andria  apportet  mali. 

Si.  Primum  haec  pudice  Titam  parce  ac  duriter 

eqiuM."    FoT  aD  amiiBiii;  (ketch  of  the  oaDJnnctiTe  cUuie  is  in  Tcalitj'  tLe  objeot  of 

seBtleman  jockey  »ee  tbe  openiDg  BCeae  of  the  *erb.     Thni  '  vereor  ne  quid  apportet,' 

Aristophuies'  Clouds.  '  I  feu  ■bout  iti  not  faringing  aoDiething,' 

32.]  '  Stadere  '  ia  always  fonnd  with  an  n&TnetT,  that  it  vill  bring  ;  '  •ereor  ut  appor- 

accnntive  in  Terence.     CDmp.  Heant.  ii.  tel,'    '  1  fearabout  itB  hriDging,'that  it  will 

4.  2:    "  Id  cum   Bludniiti  igti  formu   qt  not  bring.     The  idea  of  doubt  in  tlie  words 

morea  coneimiles  forent;"  and  Hec  ii.  1.  denoting  au  apprehenidon  neutraliia  the 

3  :    "  Utin'  omnea  mulieres  eadem  aeqne  nibsequenl  dause,     Both  phruea  occnr  to- 

Btudeant  nolintqae  omnia  P"  gether  in  Andria  ii.  2.  12  :  "  Id  pavea,  »e 

34.  Ut^nt  quid  nimli]     He  qsotea  the  tu  ducu  iliam  ;  tn  aatem,  ut  dncaa."    Hie 

nroverb.      It  is  a  tnnsUUon  of  the  ^it) ^tv  lame  mle  applies  to  the  phraae  '  periculuni 

ajnv    ucrihed    to  Fittacns   h;   »me;    bf  eet'  (see  Cic.  Dir.  in  Caec.  14).     In  tbeae 

AriatoUe  to  Chilon  (Rbet.  i>.  13. 14).  Sosia  conBtructJons  'nenoo'  ia  eqoiialentto  •  ut,' 

is  B  dealer  in  proverh).      He  Boon  gives  us  and  '  ut  non '  ta  '  ne.' 

another,  which  hBB  been  laborioualy  traced         47.  Duriltr]    Compare  Adelphi  i.  1.  20: 

to  Bias.  "  Semper  parce  ac  dnriterBe  habeie."    Do- 

42.]   'Abhinc'  in  uied  of  put  tjme  onlj.  natua  draWB  a  twofold  diatiDCtiOD  between 

8ee  Hecjra  v.  3.  24,  and    PhDrmio  t.   8.  'dure'  and   '  dnriter,'   which  may  he  beit 

28.     SotooCicera.  ProQ.  RoBc.  13:  "  Ra-  given  in  hisownwordB:  "Eat  enim  rfirHfer, 

promittiB  tn  ahhinc  trienniam."  eine  senan  UhoriB:  dvre  autem,  crudeliter; 

43.  Hue  vieiniee]  Similar  phrun  occur  illud  ad  Uhorem,  boc  ad  eaevitiam  tela- 
b  Phorm.  i.  2.  45;  PUut.  Mil.  ii.  3.  2 :  tum  eat.  Sed  ifure  in  altemm,  duriltr  in 
"Hic  proiimae  viciniae."  noB  aliqiiid  fadmua."     But  tbia  diatinction 

44.  Cogitatanmnegtigfntia]  TheAthe-  ia  not  always  obserred.  For  eiample,  in 
nUn  Uw(  prOTided  that  the  neareat  weajthy  Adelphi  iv.  6.  28,  we  have  "  Pactum  a  ro- 
reUtive  {ayx'«rii^  of  a  womiin  ehould  bis  duriter  immisericorditerqne."  All  that 
eitbeT  marry  her  or  portion  lier  oat.  See  we  rsn  aasert  ia  that '  dnre  doea  not  Beem 
Phormio  i.  2.  75.  Adelpbi  iv.  6.  16.  On  tobenaed  intheBensewhich'dnriter'huiD 
the  whole  Bubject  of  nierriage  Bce  Dictio-  this  paasige  lill  we  f»me  to'  Uter  writers. 
narj  of  Antiquiliei  (Malrimonium).  Forcellini  givee  »n  inrtance  from  Senecs,  Bp. 

46.  Veriorne]  Verbe  offearingfoUowed  B,  "Corpusdarius tracUndumeBt,  neanimo 
bj  '  ne  '  implf  thst  tbe  object  of  fearwill  be  male  paieat,"  where,  however,  the  bodf 
realiied;  by  >nt'  that  it  will   Dot,    Hie    may  be  viewed  m  «epartte  ftom  the  mao. 

Dc,  zecbvGoOglc 

ACrrUS  I.    SCENA  I.  13 

Agebat,  laua  ao  tela  Tictnm  qiiaeritaiiB. 

Sed  pofltqnEm  amaoe  acceesit,  pretium  poUicetu, 

TJnos  et  item  alter,  ita  ut  ingenimii  est  ommmn  50 

Hominum  a  labore  proclive  ad  libidinem, 

Accepit  conditionem,  dein  quaestom  occipit. 

Qui  tum  illam  amabant  forte,  ita  ut  fit,  filium 

Perduxere  illuc  secom  ut  una  esset  meum. 

Egomet  continuo  mecum,  '  Certe  captus  est,  65 

Habet.'     Obaerrabam  mane  iUorum  servuloe 

Venientes  aut  abeuntes :  ro^tabam,  '  Heus  poer, 

Dic  sodes,  qniB  heri  Chiysidem  bsbuit  P'     Nam  Andriae 

ZUi  id  erat  nomen.     8o.  Teneo.     Si.  Phaedrum,  aut  Cliniam 

Dicebant,  aut  Niceratum ;  nam  hi  tres  tum  simul  60 

AmaboQt.     'Eho,  qnidPampbiluBP'  QuidP  Bymbolam 

Dedit,  coenaYit.     Gaudebam.     Item  alio  die 

Quaerebam  :  comperiebam  Tibil  ad  Pamphilum 

Quidquam  attinere.     Enimvero  spectatum  satis 

48l  VMwx  jnaerilant']    •  Ekeing  ont  ■  prolwblf  mnrtlj  ■  genanl  txpreaiaa. 
•cutjaQbsiatciice.''VictQ3'I«pn)pcrl7iiMd         58.  Dic  wfnj  '  Sodea  '  ror  •  »    aiulea.' 

oftheneceMuieaoriib.    Sometime»  it  hi»  CompuePlitntna.TnDnmmiuii.  1.33:  "Da 

tlie  leDM  or '  cosrte,  ineoffideDt  food/  n  in  milii  hoc  mel  meum,  «  me  unu,  «i  ■ude»," 

VirgiL,   Aeo.  iii.   040 :    "  Victam  iiifelicem  >  common  fonn  of  npeech  la  conTersBtioD. 

Iwcas  Upidosaqne  comk  Dant  nmL"  Compare  thenseor  '«■'  for  'li  li*.'     '  An- 

M.  Utmt  tl  alltr']  Donmtiu  hu  imigined  dea  .''  i)  oHd  In  the  len»  of '  WiU  ron  1'  m 

thU  'aller'  meaui  '■  third,'  referring  to  Plcntiu,   MeD^echm.    i.    2.  40:    "  Ecqnid 

T.  fiO,  bnt  the  phjue  nniifiefl  a  snwU  bnt  ■ndea  de  tno  iitnc  ■ddere  ?" 
indefiiiite    aamber.   ■■  &e    Greek  «nr  ^         «I.    Svmbotam    drdil,    eoenatit}     Tha 

SKXaf.   Compu«"Vena>pHillooonciaaior  'ijrmbola' or 'collecU' (Cic.  De  Or.  ii.  6?) 

nnos  et  alter,"  Hor.  Epist.  ii.  1.  74-  "■«  the  contribution  paid  bj  escb  gnoR  10 

62.   OmdMlionemJ     'She  sccepted  thcdr  the  common  eipeoHia  of  a  feast.     Compare 

tams.'     From  the   sensa  oF  ■  'compBct'  Eod.  iii,  4. 1  :  "Coiimiuia  Kraeeo,  In  faniH: 

('"eoDditio 'est  pactio,  certam  l^em  in  se  diem   at  de   ijmbolis   emmiu."      Heace 

aontiaens."  DDOBtas)  i*  deriied  thit  of  ■  '  ufmtiolaa '  of  a  paniite,  Phormio  ii.  8. 

'  maniage  agreement,'  'amatch.'     So  Dc  2S.     1t  is  almost  unneceHBrj  to   remuk 

Ca^  15 :  "  Hinc  Ucet  condidanem  qoolidie  that  thsse  temu  are  of  Greek  «igin,  uid 

legu."  'jau  maj  select  ■  snitable  match  deriied  Aom  the  tpaviic  or  lilrvcy  liri 

ererj  d^j :'  where  it  hu  itlmost  ■  personal  <roii0o^Av. 

•enae.      Compve  alio    Hecjra  n.   1 .  44  :         G3.  Nihil  . .  .  gnidquam']     Thos  ■geln, 

"  ^M»  vobis   pladta  est  eonditio  dator ;"  Hec.  iii.  3.  40.    8o  too  >  nemo — qnisqnam,' 

and  Fbormio  ii.  1.  19.     'Quaestum  '   ■!«>  Ean.  ii.  I.  31. 

hi  s  bui  sense.     See  Plant.  Poea.  i.  3.  21 :         64.  Speelahim']     •  I  coandered  that  fae 

"  Paoerentqne  indignum  geaere  qnautum  hed  Bafelj  psssed  the  ordeiil.'    This  irord  ii 

oarpore."     Compare  alio  Tac  Ann.  ii.  85.  generallj  eiplained   from  Ofid,   Tristia  L 

A6.   Babef]    '  He    hu  got  ■  blow.'     A  5.   25,  "  Ut   fiilTDm   spectatnr   ia   ignibos 

comnuHi  pbraee  deriTed  &om   gUdiatoiial  ■arsm,"  uid  Cicero,  "Qui  pecnnianon  mo. 

eilubitioas.    We  oftea  meet  witb  '  Hoc  ha-  Tctnr,    hnnc   igni    spertKtnm   arbitiBatar," 

bet,'uinPUat.Moet.  iii.  3.  26,  andVirgil,  DeOIT.  ii.  11.     It  alKi  meuB  '  ■pprored,' 

Aeo.  lii.  295:    "  Hoc  babet,  hsec  meliaT  of  well  knowD  proiress,  u  ■  combal^nt.    So 

magaiii  d^ta  lictima  diTin."      The  phrase  of  gladiaton,  "Tjndsridae  gemini  ■pectatns 

'  captiu  est '  ia  Ihe  preccding  line  maj  also  cacatibiii  alter,  Aller  eqno,"  Orid,  Metam. 

be  ■  gluii^torial  metaphor  deciTEd  from  the  viii.  301.     Compue  Horace,  EpiBt.  i.  I.  2: 

contesla  of  ths    '  retiuii,'    bat  it  is  more  "  3pect«tum  wtn  et  donalam  jsm  mdet" 


14  ANDRIA. 

Putabam,  et  magnum  exranplQm  contiiientiae.  S5 

Nam  qoi  coni  mgeniis  conflictatur  ejuBmodi, 

Keque  commoTetur  animuB  in  ea  re  tamen, 

Scias  posse  habere  jam  ipsum  suae  vitae  modum. 

Cum  id  milii  plaoebat  bmi  uno  ore  omnes  orania 

Bona  dicere,  et  laudare  fortunas  meas  70 

Qoi  goatum  haberem  tali  iogeuio  praeditiun. 

Quid  Tcrbis  opus  est  P  bac  fama  impulsus  Chremee, 

TTltro  ad  me  venit  unicam  gnatam  auam 

Cum  dote  smnma  filio  uxorem  ut  daret. 

Flaouit ;  despondi.     Hic  nnptiifl  dictus  est  diee.  75 

80.  Quid  obetat  cur  non  verae  fiant  ?     8i.  Audiea. 

Fere  iu  diebua  paucis  quibus  baec  acta  auut 

Chrysis  vicina  baec  moritur.     80.  O  &otum  bene  I 

Boasti ;  metui  aChryside.     Si.  Ibi  tum  fiUus 

Cum  illis  qui  amabant  Chrysidem  una  aderat  frequens ;         so 

Curabat  una  ^mus,  tristis  interim, 

Nonnunquam  collacrumabat :  placuit  tum  id  mihi. 

Sic  cogitabam ;  Hic,  parvae  eonsuetodinie 

Gaioss,  mortem  hujus  tam  fert  familiariter : 

Quid  si  ipse  amasset  P  quid  mibi  bic  faciet  patri  P  86 

•ncl  Tkeognte  417=    k  Paaavov  f  IXBuiv  him,  when  he  goea  berond  ODT  bop«l,   or 

rapaTpi^afiai     «iari     fin^u^fi     xpva6t.  beyond  «hat  ia  reqaired  bj  the  BDlecedBatc 

l^sDBl&te;  '  Parwhoiaituu  comesintocol-  of  the  a».    Thna  <  nltro  bdlum  inferre,' 

UaloD  witb  mufa  duracten  •■  theae,  uid  ret  '  to  oonunence  wu  without  proTocition.' 

hil  heut  j>  DoC  moTed  theraby,  jou  m»j  feel  CDmpare  the  punge  aboie  qnoted  in  Bun. 

tHTe  tiut  he  la  then  well  able  to  nile  hii  i.  1.  2,  m<1  note  on  Enn.  i.  1.  25. 
own  life.'     Tbe  word  '  conflictetiu '  m»        80.   Una    aderal  ./Vegwnu]     '  He    whs 

nKot  ■  refcrence  to  the  toet  ia  whioh  coutinuallj   there   witb   thoee   who  wna 

meteli  were  rabbed  togother  for  the  par-  loven  of  Cbrjdi.' 

poae  of  trjing  thtir  purity.    Thni  Aeich.        82.  ffomungitani  collacranuitat]    Stall- 

Af,  300:    rfi^  n  nai  npoa0eXiBs   fu-  baam   coonden  Unt  'collacnuno'  is  heie 

Xaii^wa-f^t  n\ii  tiaaitiOfit.    Compue  alao  put  for  the  simple  '  lainuno.'     Thefbroeof 

Hood.  Tii.  10.  thiiprepositionUafteaputiallyloitiDComr 

73.  Ultro  ad  au  ttnil']    Tbe  diatinction  poundTerbe,uin 'comaiereoT,' 'comprecor,' 

between  'nltro'  ■nd  < apante '  »0018  to  be  'concorao,'   '  commeo,'  and  many  otbcn, 

realhr  m  foUowB.    The  netJTe  signiflation  though  there  ie  in  »11  perhspi  the  gmenJ 

ofoltro'  ie  'in  that  directian,'  'futbcv,'  wnBe  of  caaipleteaeB  or  abanduu».    Hcre, 

'  beTOOil,'  originally  in  phiaies  ezpreeiiar  howerer,  the  word  maj  meea,  '  he  would 

'  motiiHi  to.'     Henca  it  meuB  '  moreOTer,  eometimc*  weep  together  with  Ihem,' 
>nd,  ea  here. '  ef  oneaelf,'  '  otbt  ud  eboTe         SS.    Quid  miii  hie  faciit  paln\     Bfnt- 

wh^waierpecled.'  So  Cliremea  came  >  with-  lej  was  the  tirat  lo  tranapoK  Ihe  leit  thns. 

oat  bejng  aaked.'    Compwe  Eun.  i.  I.  2 ;  The  ordinary  readiag  ia  'quid  hic  mibi.' 

"  Qanm  unesaiK'  oltro,"  '  without  mj  b^-  It  ia  clesr  that  both  for  metre  and  aense 

ging  tat  an  inteniew.'     ■  Sponte,'  on  Ihe  Bentley'B  emendation  ia  desir^le.     Tnat- 

other  huid,  must  be   connected  with   the  poailion   ia  ao  likely  to  have  injored    the 

root  '■pona,'  which  appon  in  'apondeo.'  text  of  Terence  in  the  hands  of  copjiatg 

A  mui  Bcla  *  aponta  '  when  he  sote  of  his  that  we  may  the  more  readilj  have  recouree 

own  uxDrd,  withoat  any  compulaioD ;  >  ol-  to  it  as  a  remedy  in  caeea  of  difficulty.  With 

tro,'  when  he  does  more  thui  a  sipected  of  the  nntiment,  wbich  ia  a  h^ipj  tooch  of 

ACTUS  I.    SCENA  I.  15 

Haec  ego  patabam  eese  oouua  hamani  ingeni 

Mansuetique  aiiimi  offioiiL     Quid  multis  moror  f 

Egomet  quoqae  ejus  cansa  in  fimus  prodeo, 

Nihil  suspicanB  etiam  mali.     So.  Hem,  qnid  eet  ?     8i.  Sciea. 

Efiertur :  imua.     Interea  inter  mulieree  90 

Quae  ibi  nderant  forte  nnam  adapicio  Bdolescentulam, 

Fonns.     80.  Bona  fortasee.     Si.  Et  Tultu,  Soma, 

Adeo  modesto,  adeo  Teiiusto,  nt  niliil  sapra. 

Quia  tum  mihi  lameQtari  jaaeteiT  caeteraa 

Yisa  est,  et  quia  erat  forma  praeter  caeteraa  05 

Honesta  et  Hberali,  accedo  ad  pedisequaa  ; 

Quae  sit  rogo.     Sororem  ease  aiuut  Chiysidis. 

Fercasait  illico  ftTiimnTn  :  at  at !  hoc  illud  eet, 

Hioo  illae  lacrumae;  haec  illa  eet  misericordia. 

80.  Quam  timeo,  quonnim  evadas.     Si.  Funns  interim        100 

Prooedit :  sequimur :  ad  sepulcrum  Tenimus : 

ntfunl  fealiiig,  we  mij  compan  the  Ihu*  ln  amr  the  woman,  both  befton  ■nd  afler  thor 

tha  opening  •eeuB  oT  "  TmBth  Night  i"  UTiiBl  at  tha  pjre.    Nor  miut  we  detaaud 

"  D»ie  O,  A»  thrt  h«th  a  htart  oftbat  "^^"  R™n»''  dreni»  too  euct  bq  obwr»- 

fy^trtj^  »noBof*achiDiiiorooi>ditande«. 

Top»>ther,  ^»?-  i'«'»«J««"]  The ' pedueqm '  were of 

EMrWiUd>eloTe,wfaentheiidiiolden  S?,'"'^'?'?'"'?'^'™    't??^^'^; 

,1^                ^                          '  Uiles  Glonouu  iT.  3. 20 :  "  Pediwqans  bbi 

Balhldlledtbefln^orineffectitnidn  ""»■"     Here  the  word  l.  neod  inare  IoomI, 

fyat  Km  in  har  l"  In  the  lenw  of  '  followei.' 

lo»  HTB  m  nar  1  ^    j^^.^^     .j^  ^^^  ^^^^  ia  ot  »Bry 

ShikepcTd,  boweTer,  ipoils  tiie  idee  b;  the  frequent  oociuTeDce  in  Tcrenae  nnd  PUntoa, 

vtificiail  dieae  whidi  he  giTea  it.  ii  darived  from  'in  loco,'  'on  the  ipot,' '  at 

89^  Nikil  luipiewu  eiiam  atail]     Vot  onoe,' 'immediaUlj.'     It  ii  said  th&t 'par. 

euapeiAiug  anj  hann  '  as  fet'    '  Etiam '  it  oiuBt '  i*  eapeciallj  naad  of  raBpioan,  lore, 

hse  vaed  aa  'etiam  nmic;'  aud  ^ain  in  &a.,  and  'percnlrit'  of  few  aod  tbe  Uie; 

iii.  S.  23 :  "  NoD  atii  pmotti  me  etiara  ;"  bnt  the  tiro  wordi  •»  often  confoonded  bj 

HecTTS  iT.  3.  8:  "  De  inote  incertoi  mm  copjirta  (ue  Macleane'»  note  OD  Horaoe, 

etiam  qnid  mt  bctoiw ;"  end  Tir^.  Aen.  t1.  Epod.  iL  2)  ;  and  in  tlie  UDcertaintj  of 

4S6 :  **  BliBm  eoiTsi  etiam  ■nn*  tMwntem."  tota  Tre  cannat  eairj  oat  tatii  a  theoij. 

99.  ^^rlwi  fNMw]     Tbtte  Trorda  «ere        99.  Hine  illae  laerumae]     Theae  worda 

ippToprialed  to  Ihe  «nnMniaa  of  fnlMnla.  paaaed  into  a  prorerb.     Bee  Horace,  E[dat. 

HinainliTji.  M,  we  liaTe  "  Elatnm  domo  i.  19.  41,  and  Cicao,  Fn>  Caelio,  c  26. 
Luaetiae  orapua  in  fiximi  deferunt ;"  after         101.  Ad  irpvlcnna  tenimtie]     '  Bepnl- 

tiie  QnA  icfiptiv.  The  word  '  «o '  wai  alao  crnm '  denotca  tbe  place  whcre  tha  l>od j 

nied  in  tbe  wme  wsj.     "niiu  in  Fharmio  wu   to   be  bDmt,   •ometimea   also  ealled 

T.  8.  37,  we  bare  a  kind  of  parodj  of  ■  •  aepiltm,'  more  genetallj  '  ro^.'    We 

faneral  prodamation  :  "  Eicqidas  CliTemetl  flnd  '  aepidcmm  '  and  '  rogiu  '  in  Propar. 

qnibna    eat  oomnudnm    ire  hem    tempna  tiaB,  t.  11.  I,  8,  naed  in  a  metaphorical 

eaL"  TsenceiablamedlbTanincondatencj  aanae  fbr  flie  '  manea'  of  the  dead.    The 

in  making  Simo  (Ulow  the  taaenl  (t.  101),  word  ■  aepelio,'  Uke  the  Greelc  Sirrw,  haa 

B  Adieidau  enatom  b<inK  that  the  men  a  generic  aenae,  and  indndea   the  whole 

■■  » bebind.  lariou»    modee     of    ftinerJ,    whether    by 

bnrial  or  bj  bnmiDg.      See  laTj  Tii.  31 : 
"  Sepnltum   Conaentiae  qnod  mambromm 


16  Ai^DRIA. 

In  ignem  poBJta  eet :  fletmr.     Interea  liaec  Boror 

Quam  disi  ad  flanmiani  accessit  imprudQntiuB, 

8atiB  cum  periclo.     Ibi  tum  exanimatus  Famphilus 

Beiie  diasimulatum  amorem  et  celatum  indicat.  los 

Accurrit ;  mediam  mulierem  complectitur : 

Mea  Olycerium,  inquit,  quid  agis  ?  cur  te  is  perditum  ? 

Tum  iUa,  ut  conauetum  facUe  amorem  cemeres, 

Rejecit  se  in  eum  flena  quam  fanuliariter. 

So.  Quid  ais  P     Si.  Hedeo  inde  iratus  atque  a^re  ferens.    i  lo 

Nec  satis  ad  objurgandum  causae.     Diceret, 

'  Quid  feci  ?  quid  commerui  aut  peccavi  pater  P 

Quae  seee  in  ignem  injicere  voluit,  proMbui, 

Servavi,'    Honesta  oratio  est,     So.  Recte  putas. 

Nam  si  illum  objurges  vitae  qui  auxilium  tulit,  115 

Qruid  facias  illi  qui  dederit  daninum  ant  TnHliim  P 

Si.  Yenit  Chremes  postridie  ad  me  clamitans, 

Indignnm  facinua ;  comperisse  Pamphilum 

Pro  uxore  habere  banc  peregrinam,     Ego  iUud  sedulo 

Negare  factum  ;  ille  instat  factum :  denique  120 

Ita  tum  discedo  ab  illo,  ut  qui  se  filiam 

Gieek.    It  ia  ■  mitta'  of  doobt  when  the  Cir^iuv  ^  Katii' ;  whicb  is  erideDtly  comipt. 

mclice  of  barnidg  wu   inlrodDced   iDto  The  lineprobabl;rsn  thua,  Jiiivfi  buag  re- 

Rome.     Some    uy   not  till  the   death  ol  jected  m  >d  obTiODS  glou,  ri  av  voiiiaatt 

BuHb  (seeDict  of  Ant.),  bat  the  paange  ie  dpa  ^iiiiiav  fi  satbv  iiii  Stlwtac  ;  These 

of  Cicero   (De  Lt^bua  ii.  33)  geoenily  gTammariu»  muat  oFteD  hkre  qooCed  from 

qDotedaeeiHB  nther  lo  ahow  IhU  bomingirM  memor;,  >Dd  badlytoo. 
in  lue  before  the  eT>  af  the  XII  Tablea.  1 19.    Sedalo']     •  l  deaied  it  eipreedT.' 

109.  Quani/amiliariler}  '  Qium  '  ii  nsed  Perlet  qnotea  ui  oid  gloaa  on  thia  pessage 

with  adverba  of  Ihe  poaitive  degree  to  en-  which  giTes  d0a\uf,  *  wiCh  aincerity,'     Bat 

hance   their    meaDiDg.     Thua,   "  Samninai  this    is    hardl;    the    meaning    here,      In 

qnam  simile  aomniaiit,"  Plaut.  Milea  Glo-  other  passagoi  we  h*Te  the  more  geoenl 

riosos  ii.  i.  47.     "  Sicut  palmae  rami  quam  mesniag,    '  diligently/    '  esrnestly,'     Com- 

Uladiffnnduntur,"  Caeear,  BelL  Gall.  Ti,  36 ;  osre  iii.  S.  8  :  "  Atque  id  wco  sedulo  i"  aod 
thOD^  here  anotiier  reading  is  >  paioiae 
rkmique  late.' 

114,  Hmala  omlio  ff\     'The  argn- 
ment  ia  a  spedoDS  one.'    Compare  Liir  i. 

4:     "Quia   deDs   aactor   cnlpae  boneatiar  sense  ia  rather  '  purpoaely,' aa  ii 

erat;"  '  because  it  waa    more  reapectable  i.2.&8,"Pingitcsu3asnedetaedula."  Com- 

lo  attiibate  her  frailty  to  a  deity.'  pare  slso  Phormio  ii.   3.  81,  and  Adelpfai 

il6.      Dtderil    dimmum     mt    maittfn]  1.  3,  64,     The  etymology  of  the  word   ii 

'  Damnum  dare '  is  ths  nsusl  Latin  of  the  dispnted.    9ome  gJTe  the  deriralion  '  ■edes,' 

old   jurisconaalts,    (or    which     'dsmnnm  whicb  seems  ta  be  adopled  by  ForceUiDi 

fitcere'  is  sometimes  found  lesa  elegsjitly.  {•edutta).     Dr.  DoDaldson  deriTes  it  from 

'  DsmDum  '  properly  correepaDda  to  Znuia,  '  se  dolo,'  which  may   be  cempared   with 

'  mslDm  '  to  icajcoi' ;  the  former  sigailies  the  tbe  Greek   iTixviis.     The  original  meaui- 

lossor  ioJDry ;  the  lalter,  tbe  motiTe,  ttie  ing  af  'dolai'   was  aimply   '  deTioe,'    and 

crime.     '  DamnDm,'  or  '  dampnura,'  origi-  when  a  bad  aenao  waa  reqaired  the  epitbet 

nally  signilied  '  that  whieh  ia  tskcD  swsy  '  '  malus '  waa  added,  aa  in  Enn.  iii.  3.  9,  to 

from  a  penon.     The  commcntaton  qnate  signify  '  treacheransly '   (see  Msdeaiw  on 

from  Pnscjan  the  original  of  this  line,  ri  Horoce,  Csrm.  i.  3.  S8). 
Av   ir<Hq(raif    luivy   >;   dpa   fiJuicu>£    4 

IT,  1.  M  :  "  PsTum  succedit  qnod  ago  :  at 
bcio  sedalo,"  meaning  '  and  yet  I  am  not 
to  blame,  I  have  done  my  best.      In  HecyTS 


ACTUS  I.    SCENA  I.  17 

Heget  datnram.  80,  TSon  to  ibi  gaatimi  P  8i.  Ne  haeo  quidem 

Sntis  Tehemraie  causa  ad  objnrgandum.     80.  Qui  cedo  P 

&'. '  Tute  ipee  liis  rebus  finem  praeacripsti  pater. 

Prope  adeat  cum  alieiio  more  TiTendum  eet  milii :  135 

Sine  nunc  meo  me  viTere  interea  modo.' 

80.  Qui  igitur  rdicttia  est  objurgandi  locus  f 

8i.  Si  prc^>ter  amorem  uxorem  nolit  ducere, 

Sa  primum  ab  illo  animadTertenda  injuria  eet. 

Et  nunc  id  operam  do  ot  per  falsas  nuptiaa  130 

Tera  objnrgandi  causa  mt  si  deneget : 

Simul  eceleratns  Davns  siquid  connli 

Babet  nt  consumat  nunc  onm  TiiTiil  obflint  doli ; 

Quem  ego  credo  mambus  pedibus  obnixe  onmia 

Facturum ;'  magis  id  adeo  mihi  nt  inoommodet  13ft 

Quam  ut  obseqnatur  gnato.     80.  Quapropter  P     8i.  Itogaa  P 

Mala  mens,  malus  animus.     Quem  quidem  ego  si  aensero — 

Sed  qnid  apw  est  Terbis  P    Sin  eTeniat  quod  toIo, 

In  Pamphilo  ut  nil  sit  morae,  reetat  Ghremes, 

Qui  mi  exorandus  est :  et  Bpero  confore.  no 

Nmio  tuum  eet  officium  bas  bene  ut  adsimulee  nnptias ; 

Perterre&ciaa  DaTum :  obeerres  filium, 

Qnid  agat,  quid  cum  illo  consili  captet.     80.  Sat  eat : 

Cnrabo :  eamufi  nunc  jam  intro.     8i.  I  prae,  aequar. 

ISS.  i/o»  Ai   m  ^HBlm]     'Did  joa  operam.cimm,  BtndiamlD  tna  nlateconn* 

aot  tbempon  ■ttick  jcnr  Km  ?'     Adierbii  mere." 

nftinieBiidplBcenelTeqnentljiiitercbiuiged         134.  Manibiu ptdiiat]    A  oommoD  pn>- 

m  Flwitaa  ind  Terence.    Otfier  wordi  *re  Tcrb   ■ppraring  in  mtnt   l*Dgn«ceL     Gr. 

tho  nMd  io  tbe  ■wne  raaDner.    8ee  nr-  Xdl  rol  ilAS,  irlE  cai  XaE. — Xfp<r{i>  n 

lienlBri;  DOteoD  BDn.  L  8.  4S.    Heeliipn  itoaiv  n  la  fbaod  in  Hom.  D.  xi.  360> 

of  tbe  Terb  ii  anaDKm.  '  TooA  uid  dmI.'    CompatelT.  I.  M. 

IltS.  AUtno  >iiok]  'After  the  whim  o(         157-  Qiim  qMldem    tffo  ri  laurro]     A 

■ODtber.'  Compue Heant. L  2. 29 1  "HoDC-  commoDaposiapediiDceBeaf  tbreati.  Com* 

ine  nt  uqnom  ex  illinB  more  an  illam  ei  pare  Tirgil,  Aeo.  L  ISS :  "  Qddi  t^  . . .  led 

hDjiii  rirere  i"  aato»  jnaeMat  eomponara  floctiu."    8ee 

129-  Baprimum  ni  ilio  anhnadveritnda  alao  Aen.  t.  IW;  ii.  427. 
^rww  ml]     '  U  he  rcAue  to  many  on  ac-         140.   Canfbre^     Thii  ii  tbe  only  tean 

cDDDt  <rf  loa  love,  tban  and  not  till  then  we  !□  which  the  word  occnn.    Compare  PI*d- 

haTe  e  pvniibable  offenee  on  bia  part.'    For  tos,  Mil.  Glor.  iii.  3.  66 :  '  Confldo  oonfatD- 

the  oae  of  'ab'  compore  lAij  htU.   0:  rom.'     Hd«  ws  Diaj  traiudate,  'And  Ihope 

"  FUea  a  ooDsnle."     Heant.  L  1. 106:  "  Ila  that  I  duU  ■ooeeed,'  thOngh  tbe  MadcDt 

Ra    eat,    fateor ;    pemtnm   4  me   mui-  maat  be  cantioned  th>t  the  verb  li  neater. 

moneA"  Id  the  phrua  •  id  openm  do '  (r.  ThoTerb  '  confio '  ii  nsed  in  a  eimUu'  man. 

130)   'id'  ia  bi  qipceition  to  the  nilMtBn-  ner  in  Adelphi  t.  8.   23,   aa  qnoted  b; 

tiTC  danK'at .  .  .  nt'     Compare  ii.  1.  7.  Douotaa  :  "Tnuni    qnid  ego  dieam?  hoc 

133.    ConMHBUt]     'That   if  that    nucal  oonfit  qnod  toIo."     Bome  MSS.,  howerer, 

DaToi  faa*  Koj  adieme  on  haud,  he  may  hare  '  cnm  fit '  (eee  note). 
»rh.nrt  it  Dow  while  his  tricka  can  do  no        144 — 114.]     Itii  itnnge  that  after  thli 

misduef.'    Compara  Cicsro,  Fam.  Ti.  14 :  (ormal  iDtrodDction  of  Sona,  in  a  maaiiar 

"  Mb  acito  omnem  menm  laborem,  omnem  whidi  leadi  aa  to  eipeot  that  be  will  pl^  a 

C  k")0<^  lc 


8IM0.       DAVU8. 

Si.  Nou  dubium  eet  quin  uxorem  nolit  filiua : 

Ita  BaTum  modo  timere  senBi,  ubi  nuptias 

Futuras  esse  audiTit.-    Sed  ipee  exit  foras. 

Da.  Mirabar  hoc  d  Bic  abiret,  et  beri  eemper  leoitas 

Terebar  quoraum  evaderet :  5 

Qui  postquam  audierat  non  datum  iri  filio  uxorem  suo 

Numquam  ctiiquam  noetrum  Terbum  fecit,  ueque  id  aegre  tulit. 

8i.  At  nuno  faciet ;  neque,  ut  opinor,  sine  tuo  magno  malo. 

Da,  Id  Toluit,  ao8  sic  nec  opinantee  duci  falao  gaudio, 

Sperantes,  jain  amoto  metu,  interea  oecitantea  opprimi,  lo 

TJt  ne  eBBct  spatium  cogitandi  ad  disturbandas  nuptias : 

ooDridenble  pkrt  in  tha  (bHowing  iMim,  «re  Fliorniii)  iU.  2.  S ;  aad  foi  tbe  dm  of '  ■beo,' 

loae  nght  of  him  mltogethir.     Some   «ill  lee  Catulli»  lii.  16  :  "  Non  hoo  tibi,  silae, 

IiBTe  it  th»t  he  ia  bronght  in  u  >  foU  to  nc    ■bihiL"     RahDken  expluni    '  Benper 

DiTns,  nlia  perKmiSei  &ie  Btodi  DotioBi  of  lenitaB'  u  ■  Giaecuip,  comparing  Sopli. 

a  qaidi,  derer  alaTe,  the  '  aenaa  Ulu '  Philoct.  131 :   rmv  liti  Xjyuv.     It  •eems, 

and  '  correnB.'     Bat  eren  hiii  pBBsiTitj  in  hmrerer,  mora  netnr*!  to  connect '  ■emper ' 

thle  diBiogna  ii  not  mBrkad  ■nScientl;  fbr  with  '  Terebu,'     The  abseoce  of  ■!!  Brticle 

thii   pnrpoae.      Thia  diologue  in  the  Srst  in  Latin  renden  it  difficult  to  detennine 

BC«ne  is  merd;  a  snbititnte  br  ■  reguJ^r  anch  >  nice  ihida  of  mesoing. 
prologoe,  and  vu  adopted,  probablj  wonJ         fl.   Vereiar  quornm  fmrferrt]  Comp^ie 

for   word,   &om   the   Fennthia.      We  do  AdelpU  iii.  4.  64 :  "  Nimim  haee  lioeDtia 

not  know  whj  Terence  ahould  haTe   left  Profecto  eradet  in  ■liqood  magnnuu  ma- 

the  chBracter  of  Soiia  ao  otiote  <e  it  now  lum." 

i>;  but  wa  may  prob^blj  nj  that  he  took        7.  CuiqMam  noilnml     '  To  mj  ooe  ot 

the  K»ne  u  he   ibund   it  in   MenBHder,  ui,'  'lo  ■»;  of  oor  let.'     '  QuieqoMD '  U 

and  let  ic  atand  ■■  tbe  prologne  to  hii  fdaj,  alwaja  (ued  of  anj  pouible  iodiTidual  o'  an 

«ithout  troubling  himaelf  about  the  conaii-  indefinite  number.     So  Son.  FtoL  1 :  "  K 

tendea   wh)ch    his    commeDtaton    are    ao  quisquun  eat  qni  placere  le  itudeat  boois. " 
aniiona  to  obeene  fbr  him,  10.   OtcilaHltt     apprimi  ]      '  That    wa 

■hould  be  caught  olT  our  gnvd.'     '  Oacato  ' 

AcT  I.    ScBNE  II.     Tha  metre  of  thii  originallj  mnui  •  lo  yawn,'  ■  to  gmpe.'      S«e 

Boene  ii  aa  followg :  iambic  trioieten  (1— 4,  PUatua,  Menaachmd  t.  3.79:  "  Ut  pm- 

25— 37)  S  iambic  diioeter  (S);  iarabic  te-  diculuu oidCetur."  Uence, '  to be  idle,  Itat- 

tnuiieten(6,S— 24,  28— 34)iaud  trochaie  leu.'  See  Cicero,  De  Oratore  ii.  33 :  "  Nam 

tetrameten  catalectic  (7,  8).  hwcle,    inquit    Antoniol,   n   baec  m%    • 

Simo   eipoituiatea    wilh    Dbtqi  on   hi«  Catulo  dicta  sunt,  tibi  mecum  in  eodeoi  Mt 

ion's  maniage,  and  pretendi  thatit  i*  fiied  pittrino,  Creue,  TiTeodum,  et  iitua  oao- 

foT  that  Tery  daj.     Dstiu  feigna  ilupiditj ;  tanlem  et  darioilanlem  ufHentiun  Scaero- 

apon  whicb  Simo  thmteaB  him  witli  sum-  Urum  et  caeteroram  bettonun  olia  coooo- 

muj  puidihment  in  isae  of  deceit.     (Simo  damni."     For   the  phraae,  compare  Utj 

■otiloquiieaattheopeningoftheKwie,  and  iliTli.4:  "Eo  ipao  quod  uihil  aubtJDMrent, 

■0  doea  Daviu.  At  t.  13  tbe  Dialugae  com.  opprimi  inautoa  poMe."   Tbe  art  bj  wbicfa 

mencea.)  Bimo  ii  made  to  oTerbcBr  enough  to  ■laim 

4.  Wratar  kee  ri  tie  aiirtl]     '  I  wu  him,  ■ad  to  irritate  him  againat  hia  aoa, 

woDderuw  If  I  «hoald  get  out  of  the  acrape  it  Terj  cleTerij  indicatad  b«M  «nd  ia  manj 

•0  Mwlj.      Fora  limilar  conatmction  aee  other  parCs  of  the  pUj. 


ACTUS  I.    SCENA  II.  19 

.^jatate.     8i.  Ganinfex,  qaae  loquitnr  P    Ih.  H«riu  «et,  neqns 

8i.  Dare.     Da.  Hem,  quid  est  ?     Si,  Ehodum  ad  me  I     Da. 

QuidMcToltP  5>.  Quidaifi?    i)ffl.QuadereP    Si.  EogaaP 
Menm  goatnm  rumor  est  amare.     Ih.  Id  pc^ulus  cuiftt  ea- 

8i.  Hocine  agis,  an  non  P    Do.  Ego  tbto  istnc.    Si.  Sed  nuno 
ea  me  ^quirere  15 

Iniqni  patris  eet     Ifam  quod  antehae  fecit  nihil  ad  me  adtinet. 
Dum  tempua  ad  eam  rem  tulit,  airi  ftniiniiTn  ut  expleret  suum : 
Nono  hic  diea  aliam  vitam  afiert,  alioe  morea  postolat. 
Deliinc  postulo,  Bive  aequum  est  te  oro,  Dave,  ut  redeat  jam  in 

X)a.  Hoc  quid  sit  ?    8i.  Oimies  qui  amant  graTiter  eibi  dari 

uxorem  ierunt.  30 

JM.  Ita  aiunt.     8i.  Tum  aiquis  magiatrum  cepit  ad  eam  rem 

Ipeom  animum   aegrotum  ad  deteriorem  portem  pleromque 

Da.    Ifon   hercle   inteUigo.      8i.   NonP    lieml     Da.   Non: 

Davus  sum,  non  Oedipus. 
SL  Kempe  ergo  aperte  vis  quae  reetant  me  loqui.   Da.  Sane 

8i.  Si  sensero  Iiodie  quicquam  in  his  te  nuptiis  36 

Falhiciae  conari  quo  fiant  minua, 
Aut  Telle  in  ea  re  ostendi  quam  ais  oallidus, 

14.   Id  fopuUa  aral  leiliettl     'Oh,  permittad  it.'    Tbe  auns  phme  omxn  in 

uo  doabt,  it  ii  the  taik  of  tbe  tcmu  ]'    As  Ean.  iv.  1.  6;  "  Ad  aut  rem  tempiu  noa 

hi  Tii^l,  Aen.  ir.  3711  '■  "  SciKeet  ii  mperii  tax." 

Ubor  cM."     In  Adelplii  r.S.t:  "Id  QBnc  21.]     '  Il>  aiimt'  uid   'ite  preediont ' 

duiet  Kilicet,"  it  miHu  '  certiinlf,'  '  aat  dmotie  ui  anwilliiig  eoDiant.     '  MagiatnuD,' 

Bttf  be  iDTi*.'     DeTQi  intmd»  to  throw  ■  'aaraiuellDr,' '■dnaer.'  So ' Hagiater  vitia- 

d^t  OD  the  npoit.    The  finoe  of '  sdliGet '  me,'  Cic  Fun.  ili.   22.    "  Qm  dox  irti 

ii  imical.  qnondem    et     migittar    od    deipoliuidwn 

la.    tloeiiu  afit,  a»  nan]      '  Ara  yoa  Diuiae  templnm  foit,"  Cic  In  Tenem  ii,  fi. 

■tteDdtng  to  maor  DO?'     Dms  h»)  dM  21.     In  Phonniol.  3.22,andabaTe,i.  1.  27, 

■aewned  Simo,  bat  hwi  ipokeD  ■ada.    Ttia  itannrcntoiriiiSayw}'^.  '  Mtgiiter' iitba 

I^irue  *  Hoe  tge'   wn  oaed  fbr  tha  pnr-  eonraUtiie ta  'minbler;'  'magiMar'  ngtiify. 

poie  of  bespeAldng  «lence  ud  ■tlention  nt  ing    r^ther  the    'teedier,'   the   'lapenart' 

idigioiu  rilee  (lee   Platwdi,  Name  14).  '  miniiter,' tbe  '  inferioT.'    Stnctly  ■pMldng, 

Tbe  opponte  ■  ■li^e  res  igere,'  ■  to  be  in-  tba  '  nugirier '  woBld  eiereise  *  etnHig  in- 

■ttentiie,' i«  common.    aee  Ean.  ii.  3.  67-  fluence  over  hii  followeri    tbs    'minliter' 

Becjra  t.  3.  28.  wonld  psnder  te  the  denrei  ot  hi>  maeler. 

EffO  wro  ittmc]     '  Yai,  I  am  attending  TnniUte :  ■  A  men  who  takea  bd  eTJI  ad. 

to  TOB '  {tee  note  mi  1.  1.  S).  Tiaei  in  nich   mUters  generally  influeneea 

17.   Dum'ttimput   Md  eam  rtm   tHlU]  fbr  tbe  worwo  hi»  mind  whidH  it  ct  UteU 

'WUln  tha  pTopor  tiraa  fbr   tbat  nutter  dieeesed,' 




Yerberibus  coesum  te  in  piBtrmum  Dave  dedam  nsque  ad 

Ea   lege  atque  omine,   ut  si  te  inde  exemerim  ego  pro   te 

Quid,  hoc  intellextin  P   an  nondum  etiam  ue  hoc  quidemP 

Da.  Imo  callide ;  30 

Ita  aperte  ipsam  rem  modo  looutus  oil  circmti<aie  ustu  ea. 
8i.  Ubi  Tis  facilius  paaeua  taia,  quam  in  bac  re,  me  deludier. 
Da.  Bona  Terba,  quaeao.     Si.  Irridee :  nil  me  &UiB.    Edioo 

Ne  temere  &(!ia8 :  neque  tu  hoo  dicos  <abi  dod  praedictnm. 



EnimTero,  Dave,  nil  loci  est  segnitiae  Qeqne  socordiae, 
Quantum  intellezi  modo  sems  eententiam  de  m^tiis  : 
Quae  ai  non  aata  providentur  me  aut  herum  peesnm  dabunt. 

39.    Ba  Itgt  alqut  onRnc]     ■  On   thb  tlMfia  txuv.    So  Aristoph.  Nub.  t.  831 : 

CDudition,   kdA   witli    thii  iramiDg.'     Tbe  'SbxTifiu  Kai  fiJitiv  t\ir^  ^iKaxpov. 

'  iditriDnm  ' — bere  tbe  nune  u  the  '  mola  M.  NtqM  iu  Aoe  dieat]    Another  lead- 

Imntilii' or 'Temtilu' — wai  the  hsad-niill  ing  ii  ■  neqne  to  hAHd  diCM.'     Buttfaeturt 

In  which  lUrM  were  often  condemned  b>  •eemi  gunplsT— 'Aod  don't  jroa  imj  (tbil) 

hud  labonr.    Bome  digtlngniah  between  the  th*t  I  h»Te  not  wamed  jon.' 
'  tnuatilis,'  hone-mill,  ud  the  '  TersMilis,' 

ta   bend.iniU-     But   there   ii  no   incon-  Acr  I.  SoiNB  III.    Tbe  QMtn  of  tlda 

■iitenc;  in  anppoiing  eTcn  tlie  fonnei  to  leeDe  conaiMi  of  ■  miztDre  of  lainlnc  tetn- 

haTC  been  nwd  tbr  pnrpOH  of  pnnlabment,  meters   (tt.    1 — Q   aud  SO— 13)   and    tri- 

U  oor  pment  tread-mill.      The   original  meten  (tt.  1D — 19). 

band-miU  leeembled  the  old  Scottiih  quem.  DkTu  delibOBtei  apon  the  line  of  oon- 

A  more  ■dontific   pattem  w»   found  at  duct  to  be  adoptad.     He  ii  in  a  strait  ba- 

fompaiL     On  the  Tariooi  Idnda  of  '  mDla,'  twem  his  attachment  to  Pamphiliu  aud  hia 

•ee  the  IKctionary  of  Antlquitiea,  p.  78fi.  fearnfSimo.     Tbe  impradenoe  " "     '      ~~ 

30.  Ima  eallidt']  •  Nst,  I  ondentand  it  embiiTaBaea  Um  aliU  ftirtho.  He  m 
ezoellentlj  welL'  '  (^llide  '  ii  ofton  ased  only  to  leject  witb  contcmjpt,  tbcir 
in  thia  Benae.    Compue  Adelphi  iii.  3.  63  :    tbe  biiilk  and  advantniea  of  G^cerinm. 

bcito.    St/.  Recte  lane.    De.  Uoc  tbla  my  tbe  Xvaif  of  tbe  plot  ia  arltoOj 

fagito.    Sf.  Calbde."     '  Ezoellent.'  lnrinn.hj^  ud  at  tha  wme  time  ^tt  apee- 

31.  CKreariftoiu]     Bentley  ■»i«i..t«iii.  tba  tato»  are  kept  iu  taqMoie  aa  to  tbe  real 

tam  '  drcamltione,'  bj  tbe  aaalag;  of  '  dr-  denoneniait, 

«nmagera,'   and    otber  word*  in   plmce  of  3.  Ponm  ifaiwiil     Hte  phmae  ia  ooan- 

■  drooitione,*  the  leading  of  the  common  mon  in  Plautai  in  the  Mn»  of  'pvdent,' 

text.  See  Plaat.  Rad.  ii.  6.  23 :  "  PeHUBidediMi 

33.   Bona  ttrba,  qnafo']     A  commoo  me  btandimentii  toie."     U  occora  ataoia 

fbrmala  deriTed  originall;  (aa   '  hoc  age '  proae  writoa.     See  Tti:.  Ann.  iii.  66.   Sal- 

abora)  fiom  «amfldid  Ungnage.   "  Dicamna  laat,  Jog.  43.     Ita  original  aae  ia  fonnd  in 

bonarvba,  Tenit  natalia,  adaraa,"  Tibnllai  aoch  paMagea  aa  Plaat.   Rad.  U.  3.  61 : 

U.  8.   I.    Thoa  the  Greek  tbfmuiv  and  "Niiiir  i»iii  i  iiiii  uiri  irilimt  ■hlriairnifaiinn 

ACTU8  L    SCENA  IIL  21 

Nec  qnid  agam  certnm  eet :   Famphiliiiime  adjaton  an  aus- 

coXtem  eeni. 
Si  illum  reliDqno  ejus  Titae  timeo :  sin  opitulor  Wjus  minas ;    s 
Cni  verba  dare  difficile  eet.     Frimam  jam  de  amore  lioo  com- 

Me  infensiis  aervat  ne  qoam  fociam  in  Daptiis  fkllaoiam. 
6i  senserit  perii :  aat  ai  lubitnm  fueTit  cansam  oeperit, 
Qno  jare  quaqae  injuria  praeoipitem  in  pistrinum  dabit. 
Ad  haec  mala  hoc  mihi  accedit  etiam :,  haeo  Andria,  10 

Si  ista  uzor  siTe  amica  est,  graTida  e  Pamphilo  eet. 
Aadireqae  eorum  e«t  operae  pretium  audaciam : 
I^am  inceptio  est  amentium  hand  amantium : 
Quicqoid  peperiseet  decreverunt  tollere  : 
£t  fingunt  quandam  inter  ee  nuno  fallaciam,  IS 

m  ■Itom;"  aad  Lnaet.  «1.980:  "  Hnltae  — qu'iatbe  Htiae  of '  boQi — ud'  la  am. 

pv  man  poinim  mbndve  orbes."    Tbe  moD,  u  in  PUntDi,  Tliiinmmtu  ii.  4.38: 

wcrd    '  peenim '  la  moet  probabl;  k  nib-  "  Uons  niwra  propennt  qna  wram  qoa 

ilaiitiTB.       ConipBre    '  roiQm,'    '  niiptiun,'  publicum ;     Ljtj  i.  SR  :  "Cangal  iiuigiui 

*Tietwn,'  '  paitnm  daie.'     It  maj  be  de-  qna  paterna  gloria  qna  ana."    Buttheoom- 

tned    fitnn    Potabe,    an   loido   form   of  ment  of  DoTiatni  ehowa  that  tbe  teit  itobd 

fiiMt.  ae  aboie  in  hi>  tinie ;  and  lu  the  mare  na- 

C    Vrrba   dart]      Cmnmonl;    in   comlc  common  phnae  it  ia  to  be  preferrsd.     '  He ' 

writere  for  *  dedpoe.'    See  Bnn.  ir.  fi.  I.  ia  added  In  many  editiona  afler  '  praedpi- 

DomtDa  ad   Ebd.  ProL  S4.  Heant.  iv.  4.  tem.'      It   apoila  the   metre   □ndonbtedlr, 

13 :  "  Veram  aliqno  pacto  rerii*  me  his  and  ia  not  fixuid  in  nianf  good  aathori- 

Jataram  etse  et  ventmun."  ties. 

8.  Aaiti  hMhimJiimlcaumm  eeptrif]  14,  Btermnml lolltre]  'TheTbaTede- 
'  Or  irhe  pleaaes  he  will  at  once  aeiie  on  termlned  to  acknowledge  ber  diild.'  Tt 
■ome  (Ociue.'  Tlie  Taiiona  aenaea  of  the  waa  for  the  fkther  of  a  child  to  detarmlne 
fotnmm  eiactam  are  tbit  difflcolt  to  whether  it  ihonld  be  bronght  np  :  wbich  he 
distiog;niab  ;  and  STerj  gnunmarian  girea  a  did  b]r  the  >;mboI)caI  actioD  of  raiaing  it 
diBereDtBoconnt  of  tbem.  Some  distingniah  &om  the  groond.  Compare  Horace,  Sat. 
fonr  or  fiTS  naea  of  it  (aee  IdDdenaun  on  U.  S.  4fi  i  "  Bi  cni  praeterea  Talldui  male 
Plantaa,  Captiri  iL  S.  64).  It  ii  clw  that  in  fHiiu  in  le  Praeclara  aablatna  aletor"  (Bea 
the  eomic  writera  it  ii  often  aaed  wbne  we  H>cleane'i  nota).  Sm  alio  Heaot.  1t.  I. 
•hoald  eijMCt  tha  limple  rntore.  Bo  too  ,1».  Plant  Amph.  1.  3.  3:  "  Qnod  erit 
in  Hwit.  ni.  3.  S3  :  "  Hic  prina  ae  indicarit  natnm  toQito."  addresied  to  Alcmena,  bnt 
qoam  cgo  orgeiitnm  confecero,"  where,  with  referenoe  to  the  ftther^ii  absence  at  th« 
howsTer,  thov  ia  ■  latent  notion  of  rspiditjr  birth  of  the  cbild. 

of  adioD.     Id  thia  maaner  Ciceni  ofbm         I S.  Inttr  it]     FTepoaitionB  foIlDWed  b r 

Baea  '  Tidero,'  &c     Id  the  preaeot  cue  Ihe  enditicghaTegeneraU]' inTerenoeand  Plan- 

occaiTenee  of  the   teuse   in   both   dauaea  tna  the  accent  oD  tfae  final  sjll^le.     Com. 

eeeeoa   to   mark   the   simnltaneDui    occor-  pue  >int^  eea,'    HecTrm  i.  3.  103.  lOS  ; 

reuce  of  tbe  action.     The  general  nader-  int6'  se,'  Ib.  1.  3.  II7{  'qiud  to»,'  Ib.  il. 

Ifing  leiue  ia  that  of  action  abradj  com-  S.  12.  S7-    8o  too  ■  ptaet^  me,'  '  propt^ 

plct«l  in  ftatnre  time.     Horethan  thia  can-  me,'  '  ergl  te,'  freqnently  in  nanttu.     Sm 

aot  be  itatad  with  cCTtaiatj.  Eun.  r.  G.  20.    Hecjra  t.  3.  36.  PhonDlo 

9.  Qito  jure  quaqat  n^wfa]  Thia  li  r.  8.  34.  We  meet  with  an  exceplion  ia 
tbe  leading  crf  all  old  U88.  and  ediHona.  the  case  of  '  propter  me,'  in  Act  i.  ac.  6. 8«, 
Bentlef  altered  tbe  line  thni,  "  Qoa  jore  which  ia  prabebly  acconnted  for  b;  the 
qaa  me  Injnria  praedpitem  In  piitrinam  emphatic  lensa  of  the  prononn  in  tbat  paSa 
dabit.'*    tlDdoubtedlj  hia  mdlng  aimpliSea  aage. 

^  oonatnietion ;  Ibr  tfae  lepelUloD  of 'qna 



CiTein  Atticam  eese  hano.     Fmt  olim  hiiio  quidam  sfflies, 

Mercator  :  navem  is  fregit  apud  Andrum  iosulam : 

Is  obiit  mortem :  iH  tum  hanc  ejectam  Cbiyaidis 

Patrem  recepisse  orbam,  parram  :  Fabulae. 

Mibi  quidem  hercle  nou  fit  Teriaimile ;  atque  ipaia  dHmnentum. 

plaoet.  20 

Sed  Myeis  ab  ea  egreditur :  at  ^  hino  me  ad  Ibrum  ut 
ConTeuiam  PBmphilum,  ne  <le  hao  re  pater  imprudcntem  op- 



Audivi  ArchyhB  jamdudum :  Leabiam  adduci  jubes. 

Sane  pol  illa  temulenta  eet  mulier  et  («meraria, 

Ncc  Batis  digna  cui  committas  primo  partu  mulierem ; 

16.  Cnem  Allieam]     For  if  thii  coolil  this  iceDa  ire  trocluic  tetnmetan;  than- 

be  prDied  Pamphiliu  wouM  be  obligsd  to  mainder  iambic  tetrameters.    itjau  is  iiar* 

murtj  lier  (iv.  4.  4 1).     In   order  to  coa-  iatradnced  thit  we  may  bc  prepwed  foi  licT 

■titule  this  dum,  it  wu  neceiwrj  thal  both  app«snini»  iii  tbe  neit  ■ceoe.    She  entan, 

her   parniti    should    hsve    been   dlizetiB.  ipeaking  to  »   MrvBnt   witbiu  tbe   hooie. 

Compare  Act  t.  ic  3.  fl,  E>,  and  Dictionarf  We  must  remember  thnt  the  Btege-ueDer;  of 

of  Antiquitiee,  vt.  '  Ci>i(u,'  p.  389.  comedj  coniiiled  aiiiipl;  of  t,  itreet  wceae  ; 

10.  Fabvlat'}  ■  Nonsenae.'     Por  HDOtlm  on  each  aide  boiues,  the  doon  upening  oat- 

BenH  of  Ihe  word,  tee  note  on  it.  4.  B.  wudi   od  the  street.     Au  mltar  itood  on 

90.  JfiAi  guidem  htrelt']     •  Qoidem  '  ii  emch   aide  1  one  dedicmtni  to  B»cd»u,  tba 

hae  entirely  eUded  before   '  herde,'  u  ig  other  to  the  god  of  the  cerrent  feitiTsL 

ofleD  the  cue  In   thli   phrue.      So  Eun.  1 .  Letiiaai']     Tbere  ia  no  ncoeen^  fiw  "  8i  quidem  hercle  poniB  nil  pnua  coDoecting  tbii  nwna  with   Leebiuk  wine, 

Deque  (brtiui ;"  FUutui,   Tiia.  L  2.   20  :  u  is  done  bj  some  laborioos  commantatas. 

"  Dum  quidem  hercle  tecum  Dnptm  nt  une  In  moat  editioDi  we  meet  with  ft  good  dMl 

— ■-—  "   uid  Dlher  pmmgea.     It  is    often  of  pervetted  iDgeDDit;  in  tbe  eipluimtkn  of 

iced  u  m  monoejllBble  without  onir  the  namea  of  the  diflerent  charmctam.     Bnt 

Balow,  Act  ii.  ac  2.   10,  the  last  this  Idnd  of  criticiBm  mmr  be  diapenaad  with. 

«jllmble    only    ia    elided  :    ■>Mem    qnidem  The  Hibject  of  the  Dame*  of  ItLe  Drunatia 

berde  certe  io  dubio  vit*  est.     Da.  Et  quid  PerKmme  hme  beeo  diacuiied  in  tbe  Inbo- 

tu  MJo  ;"  mnd  in  Phormio  i.  3.  13  :  "  Nmm  ductian. 

toa  qnidem  berde  cette  Titm  hmsc  eipetendm         2.  tatntleiita emi;iefHr}    Sea  Hoc. 

OptaodmquB  eat."     '  Atque '  ii  equi>aleDt  to  Epiat.    1.     13.    14:     "  Ut    TiDOam    glomu 

'and  jet,'  ma  in  iii.  6,  8:  "Nec  quid  me  ftutiTme  PjtTbia  Imome."    HoapiCml  DDraea 

(bdam  ado)  :  atque  id  ago  aedulo.'  mnd  midwiTea  hmie  alwmjs  enjojad  thia  on- 

Sl.  Ega  hinc  me  (eot]feram)  ad /onim]  enTimble  natorietj. 

Compare  Kun.  t,  2.  li :  "  Ubi  Tidi,  ego  me  The   phrase    '  importnnitstem    apedata 

hinc  in  pedea  quantum  qneo,"  &c    DmTus  anicnUe^   bas  given  needless  tronble.     It 

hopes  to  meet  PsmpbiluB  ia  the  Fornm.  aimplj  meens,  'You  see  how  the  old  hag 

Itwms  the  usual  ioungeof  joungmen  about  bothera  me,  because  Ihe  othei  is  har  pot 

town.     SeePltutUB,  Cmpt.  iii.  I.  18  :  "Nun  companion.'     '  Importunui ' litermllj  memna 

ut  dndnmlicereabiTimccessiad  adulencentes  'out  of  jdBce,'  '  out  of  semson,'  and  hence 

in  fbro."  'troubleBome,' 'veialions.'  CompareUeant. 
i.  8.  23  :  "  Scnei  tuit  importanua  semper," 

AoT  I.  BcBNB  4.    The  fint  >ii  versea  of  '  he  waa  alwaja  s  cnaa-gnined  old  fellow.' 


ACTTJS  I.    SCENA  V.  23 

Tamen  eam  addacam.     Imporhmitatexa  spectate  anicnlae, 
Quia  compotrix  ^ua  eat.     Di  dste  &cultatem  obaecro  5 

Huic  pariondi,  atqne  iUi  in  aliis  potiuB  peccandi  locum. 
Sed  quidoam  Pamphilum  ezanimatum  Tideo  ?  Yereor  quid  giet. 
Opperiar  ut  sciam  nmnqiiidnam  liaec  turbae  tristitia  adferat. 


FAUFHILCS.      ItYam. 

Pa.  Hocine  eet  humannm  factum  aut  inceptom  ?  Iiocine  eet  offi- 

My.  Quid  illud  est  ?   Pa.  Fro  deum  atque  hominum  fidem, 

quid  e«t  ai  non  haec  contumelia  e«t  ? 
tTxorem  decrerat  dare  seee  mihi  hodie :  nonne  oportuit 
Fraeeciase  me  ante  ?  nonne  prius  communicatum  oportoit  ? 
My.  Misenun  me,  quod  Terbum  audio  ?  6 

Pa.  Quid  Chremefl  qui  denegarat  se  commissurum  mihi 
Quatam  suam  uzorem  ?  id  mutavit,  qoia  me  inunutatum  Tidet. 
Ita  obstinate   operam  dat  ut  me  a   Glycerio  miserum    ab- 

Ktrahat : 
Qnod  si  fit  pereo  funditos. 
Adeon'  hominem  esse  invenustum  aut  infelicem  quemquam  ut 

ego  sumP  10 

8.  MBBfwiAun]    Thla  U  tbe  TWding  Sfi,    iuibie  MmmetiEn;   36 — 94,  umbia 

ftdbmd  l^   DobatD»  and    BenClej.      We  trimeten ;  64,  6A,  iuibic  letnmeten. 

lnTO  jt  ■nin  in  ii.  1.  85.    For  ■  niuilu' «c-  Myiiii   ia   mute  to  oieriiev  Punpfailiu 

r  {srticlea  we  avj   comp*»  debating  «ith  binMlf  on  bit  MrplexitieS] 

u  iL  8.  16  !  ud  Kt  B  loM  «hetber  ta  obej  his  bthar  mt 

«bl  llbCT   nn   Tta.!  .<  "  """^  Gl,«n...    B,  te  .ppM- 
■ncfl  ■fae  tami  Ihe  acuej  ■na   nmpoihu 

m>cieiYerb>iQptfb.<»BQt?''  >™»U  tho  doee  conoeiioD  by  which  be  ii 
boQDd  ta  bie  miatten,  mai  tbe  djiag  in- 

at  I  hne  fbllowed  BeiiUe;'B  cor-  jnactioiu  of  Cbryaia  on  bv  behkir. 

1  ptws  of  tbs  comtnon  nuiipg  3.)    Bentlsy  ro^  'si  boc  non  contQ- 

'hMc  tnrbs  tnstituie;'  for  Mjus  wu  not  iiielik'st.'     With  it  ia  compored  Ariitopb. 

J(t  awire  oT  the  taisforttine  whicb  tbreat-  Nub.    1302,  rour'  bvx  '^P'C  ^q''  tmiv, 

"ud  bn  miitieaa.     'TfiBtili&'  refert  to  the  '  Uoc'  ia  nipported  b;  DoiutDi,  u  well  aa 

■niaruKe  of  Pamphiliu.  aea  ii.  S.  33    So  by  MS.  anthoritj. 

HjM  g^  "  I  will  wait  lo  m  whetber  tbew  3.  Zttcrtref]     The  Die  of  the  plapcrfect 

■Gm*I  kiiilcs  iadiate  ■nj  fteab  trosble."  teiue  bere  is  to  be  noticed.    It  givea  s 
TigODT  to  the  DsrretiTe,  aod  helpi  to  throw 

Acrl.  &CUIB6.   Tbemetreorthuaoeiie  buk  the  events  ■Uaded  to,  so  ■■  Co  ■llow 

u  a  miitBra    of   tiocbaics    aod   iambica.  tbe   preaent  perpleiities   of  Pamphiloa  to 

Vt.  1—6   are  iambic   tetrametera   witW   a  atand  ont  moro  prominently. 

flwsela  ;  6,  7,  trocbaic  tetnmeten ;  8,  9,  4.  Commwicafvi»  i^Hif]    For  ■□  ei> 

■aatbic  tslr^mcter  wieh   elaaiiil>;    10  —  16,  planation  of  thii  coiutniclion  lee  nolea  on 

Voebaic  tdramMers  ;  17.  18.  iambie  tetr&-  UeaaL  L  2.  36. 

xeCcn;  19— £5,trDehaictetiBmetais;K—  10.  ^iicoii'  homuum 



Pto  deom  atque  hominum  £dem  I 

Nullon'  ego  ChremetiB  pacto  adfinltatem  effiigere  potero  f 
Quot  modis  contemptus,  spretufl  ?  &cta,  tranBacta  onmia:  lieiii, 
Bepudiatua   repetor:   quamobremP  nisi  si  id  est  qnod  sus- 

Aliquid  monstri  alunt :  ea  qucmiam  nemini  obtrudi  poteet,    15 
Itur  ad  me.    Mf/.  Oratio  haec  me  miaeram  exanimaTit  meto. 
Pa.  Nam  quid  ego  nunc  dicam  de  patre  f  ah 
Tantam  rem  tam  negligenter  agere !  praeteriens  modo 
Mihi  apud  forum,  '  Uxor  tibi  duceoda  eet,  Pamphile,  liodie,' 

inquit,  'para: 
Abidconum.'  IdmiTisnsestdicere, 'Abicito,  etBuspendel«.'  30 
Obetipui :  censen'  me  Terbum  potuisae  ullnm  proloqui  P  aut 
UUam  causam,  saltem  ineptam,  falsam,  iniquam  ?    Obmutui. 
Quod  si  ego  resoisBem  id  prius  quid  facerem,  si  quis  nunc 

me  roget  f 
Aliquid  facerem  ut  hoo  ne  facerem.     Sed  nuno  quid  primum 

Tot  me  impediunt  curae,  quae  meum  <niimnm  divoraae  tra- 

hunt,  3S 

Amor,  miserioordia  hojus,  nuptiarum  sollicitatio, 
Tum  patris  pador  qni  me  tam  leni  paasus  animo  est  nsqoe 

Quae  meo  cuuque  animo  Hbitom  eet  &cere.    Eine  ego  ut  ad- 

TOTser  f  hei  mihi  I 

Hn  acciuiliTe    and    iiiBiilti*e    are    often  noonetlM.'    Fw tiietdek  of *moiiitniiii' 

oaed    in   iDdlgniDt    qDationt.      Compen  ms  Heant.  t.  S.  17i  11i  whcra  ■  tokrably 

It.  3.  0:    "Sidne  me  etqae  illua  open  anfletterinf  pictnre  ii    giTen  o(  •    plain 

tuk  nunc  mieeroe  ■oUidtaii."    'To  thlnk  women. 

that  anj  one  alioolil  be  Ki  milockj  in  loTe  1?.    Nam   fidd   efo    maie   tUttm    it 

or  10   Dulieppj  H   I  m.'     3ee  deo  ir.  palnf  aK\      AU  muuKzipte  bave '  noDC ' 

3.  1  ;  T.  2.  3S.    Wa  migiit  comptre  niun-  efter  ■  e^^  whidi  wee  rejet^  br  Benllcy 

berleea  paMiga,  h  "Hene  inoepto  deeis-  witbont  MSS.  aDthoritj.     'Nonc    ii,how- 

tere  Tictem,"  Virg.  Aen.  i.  41 ;  "  Houdiie  ever,  eridentlj  ■DiwrilBani,   end  deetiofi 

ecdem  Tun   nlgmm  ■Drreze  mihl  1 "    Hor.  the  metre.    WithoDt  it  tbe  line  becomee  ■ 

BeL  L  9.  73.     Compere  Bun.  il.  I.  3 :  1t.  regnhr  iunlHC  dimeter,  one  of  the  ordinarf 

S.  9.    'InTennitni'  here  meuu  ■  onbleat  forme  ortbeclHunla  (•ee  Introdaction). 

\>j    TenDi,'    ivafp6iiT0(.     The  opposile  Sl.  Obitipn]    Froni '  obitipeeco,' an  oU 

occDre  in  Hecrn  t.  4.  B:  ■■  Qdi  me  est  forra  of  'obetnpeeoo,'  oomnuln  In  PluitM 

fottDoatior?  TeaoatBtiBqne  adeo  plenii»'?"  and  Toenee. 

Tbere  m&j  be  eome  &]lu<ion  to  tbe  Vena^  22.  SaUrm  nteplam'^     '  Hoiigb  it  werA 

of  dlce.      See    M«deiie'e  note  on  Hor.  eter  lo  ineppropiule.'    Compue  iii.  S.  14, 

Cerm.  ii.  7-  25.  uid  note. 

10.  Alijmd  mamM  ahpW]    •  I  anipect  27.  Pafru^der]  Tbe  oommon  obiedlTB 

tbet  thef  are  Durdnf  ap  eome  i^inUr  de-  nnitiTe  of  tbe  Onek.    ■  Regnrd  fbr  mj 

formitj,  uid  meui  Ui  mdu  a  demler  reeeort  latber.'  Compere  AddpU  L  l.  SS.  Vlvtfn 

ofine,iMiwth>tthe;eMi  pntheioff  npon  iiL4.S4. 


ACTUS  I.    SCENA  T.  25 

litcertiiiii  cBt  qmd  agam.    My.  Misera  timeo  inceitnm  lioo 

qnommi  accid&t. 
Sed  nunc  peropus  eet,  aut  hunc  cum  ipss,  aut  me  aliquid  de 

illa  adTersum  liunc  loquL  30 

Z>um  in  duHo  est  animuB,  paulo  momento  huo  tcI  illuc  im- 

Pa.  Qnia  hio  loquitor  f  MysiB  f  aalTe.     Jfy.  0  aalTe,  Pam- 

I^iile.    Pa.  Qoid  agit  f    My.  Itogas  P 
Laboiat  e  dolore ;  stqne  ez  hoo  miflera  sollicita  est,  diem 
Qnia  olim  in  hnnc  8unt  conBtitutae  nuptiae :  tum  autemhoo 

Ne  deseras  se.    ^a.  Hem,  egone  istac  conaii  qneam  f  35 

£lgo  propt«r  me  illam  deoipi  miseram  sinam 
Quae  mihi  suum  n.niniiitti  atque  omnem  Titam  oredidit, 
Qoam  ego  onimo  egregie  oaram  pro  uxore  habu^im  P 
Bcne  et  pudice  ejus  doctnm  atque  eductum  gi-nam 
Coactum  egestate  ingenium  immutarier  P  40 

KoQ  faciam.     Mj/.  Haud  T^^r  si  in  te  solo  sit  sitnm ; 
Sed  ut  Tim  queas  ferre.     Pa.  Adeone  me  igiUTum  putas, 
Adeone  porro  ingratum,  aut  inharoanujn,  aut  femm, 
Ut  neque  me  conBuetudo  neque  amor  neque  pudor 
Commoreat  neque  oonmunieat  ut  serTem  fidem  P  46 

My.  XJnnm  hoc  scio,  eeae  meritam  ut  memor  eeaes  suL 

S9.]     Baitlffr  n*^  'qnonu*  to  tmAi  tion  in  t.  64 

tbe  hutu  ^tm  '  timeo.'    But  tliare  i*  no  Cicera,  Fam.  : 

IfSS.  Mithaitj  for  the  tkaagt,  Aod|^  in  tam  laborei  ei  deaiderio." 

it«df  it  i>  not  traproUble  tbat  the  two  36-38.]     We  mej  notioe  tha  chuige 

«nrds  mayhare  been  inlcrdMiigcd  b;  trto-  from  the  indicstiTe  niaod  'tredidit,'  to  tbe 

■eriln*;  uid  in  the  ibi^Mie  of  uij  inch  otmjnnctiTe  'tuboinni.'     Wliea  be  ■pseki 

erideaoe  «e  miut  teke  the  fiiw  •■  we  find  of  tlie  oondact  of  Pbilnmena,  iC  ii  ae  of  s 

it.  bct  eitenuJ  to  hiiiuelf;  bnt  of  hii  own 

31.  Momtalo']    'Wben  the  mind  ii  in  feelingi  he  DetanU;  luee  the  oanjanctlTe 

ioiibt,  it  i*  tnjtd  to  tliii  lide  or  that  bj  mood.     Uenoe  we  find  >  limiler  diitinction 

k  digfat  impnlie.'      Bo    OTid,    Hetam.  i.  between    oue'*    owa    action   end    thst   af 

378:  anothto  in  Ban.  ii.  3.  II  ;  iud  In  It.  1.  35. 
Sfl.  Prvplgrm*]  •Thranghnie.'  Bun.  t. 

..»»»  ■  »■  39-  Hec  T.  8.  SS. 

"""^■*"  43,  44.]    Tbe  «obalaDdTa  in  the  eecoad 

'n>e  idea  i*  that  of  an  eqnipcaae,  a  nioa  Une  correipond  in  invane  order  with  the 

*-»"—■     '  Homentnm  '  (moTimaDtnm)  la  >d}actiTea  <n  the  first  Une  :  '  mnnietado '  to 

bcre  the  wdgbt that  tBns  the  ecale  (tni-  'CBnuD,'    'amor'    to   'inhnmannm,'    and 

liiiaiB  moTat).  '  puiot '   to  *  ingratnin.'    '  Do  joa  think 

33.  Laiorat  e  dblsrc]  Colman  intarprete  me  >o  nngrateAil.  ao  luinataral,  or  ao  rude, 

Ihii,  'Sbe  ia  wd^ied  downwith  iriaf;'  and  that  neitiuT  oanunoa  deoenc]P,  nor  kiTa,  nor 

thii  iinaiiii  to  ndt  Ibe  context  bettar  than  ihame  can  n»ne  me,  aor  remind  me,  lo 

the  id»  of  ber  bdng  neu  heT  confinement,  keep  mj  word.'      '  Coninettirda  '  lilanllr 

on  whidi  ntoatof  tbe  oommenlMoia  inaiat,  meMU*tb«l»naf  KKJetr,' '  cJTillwtigiL' 
'ii  bnrdly  haie  the  qaea- 


26  ANDRIA. 

Pa.  Memor  eesem  P  o  Mjsis  M^is,  etiam  nano  mihi 

Scripta  illa  sunt  in  animo  dicta  Chiyeidia 

De  Glycerio.     Jam  fenue  moriens  me  vocat : 

Accesai :  voe  aemotae :  noe  soli :  incipit :  50 

"  Mi  Pompliile,  hajus  fonnam  atque  oetatem  videa ; 

TSem  clam  te  eet  quam  illi  utraeque  res  nunc  ntiles 

£t  ail  pndicitiam  et  ad  mn  tutaodam  aient. 

Quod  ego  te  per  hano  deztram  oro  et  iageniuin  tuum, 

Per  tuam  fidem,  perque  liujue  solitudinem,  55 

Te  obt«8tor,  ne  abe  te  hanc  segreges  neu  deeeras, 

Si  te  in  germani  fratm  dilezi  loco, 

BLve  liaeo  te  eolnm  semper  fecit  maximi, 

Seu  tibi  morigera  fuit  in  rebua  onmibus. 

Te  isti  Ttrum  do  amicum  tutorem  patrem.  6o 

Bona  nostra  haec  tiln  permitto  et  tuae  mando  fidei." 

Eauc  mihi  in  »>*"""'  dat :  mora  continuo  ipeam  occapat. 

51.  Hujia  Jbmani]  '  HajuB  '  meani  'geniai.'  Bnt  tlie  lins  is  ntisActoTj  u  it 
■Tbla  giil  that  belongi  to  me.'  'lUi'  itaDd*,  tbouKh  it  doet  not  squn)  lo  well 
ln  tb«  nezt   lioe  mej  be  tmuUtBil  *  thit     witfa  tbe  puuge  ia  Uonea. 

poor  girl ;'  ■nd  trould  iwtnnllT  be  spoken  66.  A6i   le   haite    itgrtfti\     So   Flant. 

■nda  eren  if  ahe  we»  pmeat,  wUdi  ii  not  Captiri  ui.  1 .  10 :    "  IlB  jUTeDtiii  jun   >i. 

necesurily  im|)Ued  in  '  btyu.'  duniloi  iuopes  ebe  te  ■^regit."  Bwnt.  ii. 

52.  Qttiini  iili  Hfraffue  m  ttiMe  Mlila]  4.  6  :  "  VolguB  quae  abs  w  aegTeguit." 
'And  fOB  «ell  kuow  how  hr  both  ktn^  of  V}.  Qtrman]  OfbrotbeniDdrirtenwbo 
qoalitiei  are  fit  ta  preaerve  bei  chumcter  have  tha  ume  puenta,  or  at  leut  tbe  sune 
■nd  her  poeition.'     The  conjunctiTe  ahowi  bCber  or  motlier.     (laietallj  in    teDK    of 
that   'nlites'   is  tbe   cotroct   reading.      It  '  real.'    Plant.  Mat.  i.  1 .  39. 

inrinoatea  tba  conlnry,  ralber  tban  ■tetea  U.  Morigtrttfiiit]    Eqmralant  to  '  Mo- 

it  ai  a  fact.     '  UCraequc  rm '  ii  bere  oaed  ism  geMt.' 

nther  irregiilarl]>  for  '  utiaqne  harnm  r«-  M.  Te  iili  tirmm  do]    'I  ginjnMitoher 

rum.'     Tba  plnnl  wonld  natunlly  aignifj  now  tbat  abe  it  fann.'     We  m^  rnnaik 

that  we  an  ■paaking  of  two  cUiies  of  per.  tha  nicatj  with  wbieh  Terenae  Baed   ths 

Boutortbinga,  aain  Heant.  ii.  4.  14:  "  Hoe  persoual  pronooos.    Chryris  had  firrf  ^nkm 

beuefida  nbrique  ab  atriaque  >en>  denud-  of  Faribula  as   bdongiag    to    har ;    thea 

mini}"  namelT,  '  aocb  aa  jon,'  aad  '  mdi  faaviDg  to  hint  at  poiuiibls  misfortone  sha 

■)  your  lorers.'     For  'ntraeque  rea  nuno  apoke  of  bs'  as  abaent,  or  perfaapi    tits- 

ntiles'   Wdse   reads    'nnnc    utneqae   in-  tbIIj  ipohe  •lide.     Ske  tben  ranimea  tbe 

ntiles,'    Dot   ou    g«od    >Dtborilj.     J  baTe  (ormar  prononn,  oonlinuing  to  apaak  of  ber 

tberefote  restored  the  eommon  tait  of  good  aa  hor  own,  aod  now  Gn^j,  commenilmg 

editiona  and  M88.,  which  gives  an  ironiol  her  to  Pamphilua,   tnats  her  as  bis  (lee 

meaning  to  '  ntika,'  better  sniled  to  the  tbe  note  on  t.  81-63). 

spirit  of  the  psstagie.     '  Pndicitiain '  ia  pro-  62.  Hatte  ttuhi  'in  maniim  dat]    '  8ba 

nounced  '  pudhiam,'  as  i^  oftea  tbe  case  gives  her  inCo  mj  cbarge.*     Tliis  it  more 

witb  '  amidtia '  and  ■  inimidtia  (tee  Intn>-  natnnl  tlian  to  snppose,  witb  Donatos,  tbat 

04.  Qned  tgo  itptr  hanc  dtjrlram']  Bent-  is  bers   intended.     8ee   Qnintiliaa   T.    ll>. 

ley  aHmd  tbis  line  to  '  (tnad  te  ego  per  dei-  Terenoe  wonld  bc  more  likdj  t»  ii|iiak  in 

tram  hane  oro  et  per  geniam  tDUm.'     Com-  general  terma  tlian  to  introdoca  a  tM^i- 

pare  Virg.  Aen.  ii.  141 :  "  Quod  te  per  mpe.  calitj  of  Boman  law,   whicb  ia   bardlj  in 

mt."     Soin  Hor.  E|HM.i.  7.  94,  where  he  keepii^;  witb  the  Groek   adoaring  of  bia 

■eems  to  allDde  to  tbia  passage,  "  Qaod  te  plaj  thraa^ioat.     See  notea  an  i.  3.  Ifi, 

pw  geniDm,  deitrunane  deoaqne  penatss,"  ■nd  t.  1.  43. 
wline  eee  Maclcue  s  note  on  tbe  word 


ACTTJS  II.    SCENA  I.  27 

Accepi :  acceptam  Bemibo.    My.  Ita  spero  quidem. 

Pa.    Sed  CTir  tu  abis  ab  iUa?      My.    Obstetricem  areeaao. 

Pa.  Propera,  atqae  aadin'  ? 
Yerbiun  unaiu  cave  de  Duptiia,  ne  ad  morbom  boc  etiam. 

My.  Teneo.  Ss 



Ch.  Qoid  ais  Byrrhia  P  datume  iUa  Pamphilo  liodie  naptam  P 

£y.  Sic  wt 
Ch.    Qui  scis  P     By.    Apud   forum    modo    e   Dhto    audiTi. 

Ch.  Tae  misero  mibi. 
TTt  ammus  in  spe  atqae  in  timore  nsqae  antebac  atteutaa  fuit, 
Ita  poBtqaam  adempta  spes  eet  lassus  cura  confectus  stnpet. 

63-  Arctpl:  aeeeplam  trMio]  'I  re-  poitpone 
eeirtd  ber  u  ■  tnst,  aod  m  a  ncred  tnut  plaini  th 
1  wUl  keep  her.'  »oid  it. 

64.  Aretanl  Wc  mgBtimdoQUadlj  md        The  metraa  oftliil  Keneare  mixed.   The 
ill  cuei  «here  this  word  oe-    preniling  metrei  oie  bochaic  and  imbie 
tetrametera  aotalectic  and  cMalectic.    In 
T.  18  we  haT*  ao  iamlnc  tiimeter. 

1.  Dalurtu  .  ,  ,  nu/ifum]  Soma  H8S. 
■nd  ediciona  ha*e  '  aQptai.*  The  •ame 
Tuietf  i»  foand  in  IJtj  i,  fiO,  «bere  Dim- 
kenborch  prefei*  'nnptam.'     ^ieoTi^iul 

CBt*.     The  fbrm  '  acceno,'  wMch 

Lnd  Tiol^tn  ■]]  uuhigy, 

,'  CiHnpare  the  fonn 


ftir  '  Bd-hiter,' 'ar-Tena' for '•d-Tena.'  Bnt  fbrm  of  thii  phranp  o< 

ftom  tbe  perfcd  of  ali  theee  Terba  wecaanot  Fhormio  t.  I.  26:  "  Naptum  Ti^nem  la> 

but  candode  tfaat  thej  ire  componnda  of  csTi ;"  tbe  supine  being  simplf  ■  «abataa- 

*hic)ii0hortenedfoTmof'nna'formBapart.  tfTe,  or  TCrbal  noon,  and  in  this  caee  in  ap- 

Thns  '  airaHi '  is  eqniTalent  to  '  ■r-cetieni-  pogition  with    'Tirginem.'     Compare    Ihe 

uo:'  'fawMO.'  lo  'bcere-nno;'  'canaKi,'  note  upon  the  form  'pewuin  dare'  ■boTe, 

(See  DoDaldaon,  varro-  f.  3.  S.     Hence  the  accnwCiTe  csse  iapro- 

BuiMB.;  KTved  where  the  appoaitian  ii  neceiaarilf 

e&.   Ne  ad  morbum    koe  eliam   (nO]  brt  ae  in  the  teit,  and  in  Adelphi  iii.  S. 

CoBpan  HeaaL   L  3.  33:    "Atque  naec  4S:  "  Pro  Tirgine  dari  nnplnmnonpoteet." 

Bmt  tamBn  ad  Tirtntem  omnk."     '  Ad  '  in  Hie   phtane    '  naptoi  daia'  will  be  oanii- 

tlieae  phiaMG  «ignifie*  the  tendenij  of  an  deied  in  the  nota  on  Heaot.  n.  3.  116. 

•dioii.  4.  Laeitu]    Oppoied  to  ■  attentni.'    'Aa 
my  mind  ha*  beeo  hitherto  on  the  sCretch 

AcT  II-  ScsxK  [.  Thia  Kene  introducn  in  fear  and  in  hope,   so  now  that  hopa 

Chuiniu,  wbo  is  in  lore  with  Philumena  hat   been    «ithdrawn,    it    ia    relaied    and 

daaghtar   of  Chremea.      Upou  hia  attach-  awoon*  wom  out  with  miserj.'     '  Confcc- 

nwiit  one  of  the  cliieF  parta  of  (he  bye-plaT  toa '  ia  aaid  by  DonatuB  to  be  a  gladiatorial 

oftha  plot  tan».    We  ^  lo  nndentand  tnn.     8ee  Cicero,  Cat.  iL  1 1 :  "  Gladia- 

that   B}iThia  haa  been  informed  l^  Daaua  tori  iHi  eonfteto  at  aaucio."  *  vom  OSI  >iid 

of  .the   inlcnded   marriage  of   Famphiliu.  woandcal.'     On   T.  J,  "  Id  dara  Opontln," 

Chariuna  njge*  Pamphilna  ■t  ■!!  oTeuti  tg  Itc,  aee  note  on  L  I.  129. 



By.  Qoaeeo  edepol,  Charme,  qnoniam  aoa  potest  id  fieri  qnod 

yia,  s 

Id  Telis  quod  poaeit.     Ch.  Nil  Tolo  aliod  niai  Philumenam. 

St/.   Ah, 
QuBQto  satiuB  eet  te  id  dare  (^ieram  qui  istum  amorem  ex.  animo 

Quam  id  loqui  quo  magis  llbido  fruBtrn  incendatnr  tua. 
Ch.   Facile    omnee    oom   Talemua    recta   conBilia   aegrotiB 

Tu  si  hic  OB  aliter  sentiaa.     Sy.  Age  age,  nt  llbet.     Ch.  Sed 

Pamphilum  lo 

Yideo :  omnia  experiri  certnm  est  priua  quam  pereo.  St/-  Quid 

hic  agit? 
Ch.  Ipsom  himo  orabo  :  huio  Bupplicabo :  amorem  huio  uar- 

rabo  meum : 
Credo  impetrabo  ut  aliquot  saltem  nnptiifl  prodat  dies : 
Interea  fiet  aliqaid,  spera    ^.  Id  aliquid  nihil  eat.    CA.  Byr- 

Quid  tibi  videtur  ?  adeon'  ad  eum  ?    Sy.  Qoidni  P    Si  nihil 

Ut  te  arbitretur  Bibi  paratum  moechnm  si  illam  duxerit  P 
Ck.  Abin'  hiuo  in  malam  rem  cum  Buspicione  istac,  scelos  ? 

Pa.  Charinom  video :  salve.  Ch.  O  salve  Fampbile. 
Ad  te  advenio  Bpem,  salutem,  auxilium,  consilium  expetena. 

7,]  DoDitiu  msDtiont  anotlrar  readbii;,  Ta  thou  thkt  «ling  iind<r  tbe  lo»A  of 

<  ei  ootde  qicui,'  «bicli  BentleT  adopta ;  aotitM  ; 

bat  it  doH  irat  qipMi  in  •mj  of  oar  aituit  Bat  no  mu'«  Tiitoe,  nor  (uSdencr, 

oopiei.  To  be  so  mon]  irben  he  ■hall  endura 

8.  Facil*  . . .  darniu]     The  commnil»-  Tbe  like  himidf." 

ton  qaote  two  linea  of  Meaando'  i  'ryi^c  (Much  Ado  aboot  Nothing,  Ad  T.  ic.  1.) 

•pl^r^-p^wrt  ^"«^^"«^ipl^lf  10    n.ri  Me**.]     <IfTOUw«in»v 

Mln7  "mil«  pungea   might  be  qu^  P^  ,  ^"^J,?-   !»=    *  «^  *» 

from  the  Grook  b™ii«V««*  "  Boph.  huju.  indiga.  prtri..»  'mch  .  &ther  h 

Trmch  789  ■  ^  ""■     Benliej  «onld  rewl '  ■htw  oenn*,' 

' ,       ,              ,      ,  but  the  meuiing  hoe  i*  ■Jlogetfara  diflerent. 

roiowo  ff  o»  Xltixiv  .*>:  4  row  ««o«i  CompHe  Adelphi  t.  8.  fi.  ChwinM  doee  BOi 

«H«wic  ^U  tf  fniif  i"  olcoic  fiafb,  atma  •ja^  opinion  wonld  be  diffiwrat,'  bnt 

Bnd  Aeadijlna  :  '  jon  wonld  eee  tbs  mUtir  in  n  diffsrent 

IXofpdv  »<rr.c  irnitATt,*  ««  ir<Ua  ''t''^'      ^<"  ^  P»™»  ''^^  expenri," 

*  -          ■                                             '  7.  1».    Virg.  Aen.  ir.  415. 

(Prom.  Vinct.  263—266.) 

15.  Si  uikiHti^tret]    Benllef,  ftdlowcd 

Hk^o^  b«  fiDdTei~d  the  «o»    |,y  Puiet,  „«d.  -^hil  it  impeti»,'  «hidi 
thooght  in  ■  punge  heqaenUT  quoUd  =  ..^^  gJTe  .  good  eeuee,  thoo^  not  mj 

"  No,  no :  'd(  »11  ineD'i  offloe  to  ■pe.k  pa-    hetter  £wi  tb«  leit,  if  it  bad  «iij  u^ari^ 


ACTUS  n.    SCENA  I.  29 

Pa.  Keqne  pol  oonsili  locam  habeo,  neque  anxili  Cf^iam.      90 
Sed  istac  quidnam  eet  P  Ch,  Hodte  oxorem  ducis  P   Pa.  Aiunt. 

Ch.  Pamphile, 
K  id  facis  Kodie  postremom  me  Tides.   Pa.  Quid  ita  P  Ch,  Hei 

Yereor  dicere :    liaio  dic  qoaeso  ByTThia.     By.  Ego  dictim. 

Pa,  QaidestP 
By.  Spcouam  hio  toam  amat.     Pa.  Nae  iste  haud  mecum 

seatit :  Ehodam  dio  mihi : 
numqoidnam  ampUns  tibi  cnm  iUa  fiiit  Chariiie  P     Ch.  Ah 

Pamphilfl  3S 

ITihiL     Pa.  Quam  Tellem.     Ch.  Kuno  te   per  emicitiam  et 

per  amorem  obeecro 
Principio  nt  ne  ducaa.     Pa.  Dabo  equidem  operam.     Ch.  Sed 

si  id  noQ  potee, 
Ant  tibi  nuptiae  haec  Bont  cordi.     Pa.  CordiP     Ch.  Saltem 

aliquot  dies 
Frtder,  dum  pioficiBCor  aliqno  ue  Tideam.     Pa.  Andi  nuno 

Ego  Charlne  nentiquam  officium  libeii  esae  homiois  puto      30 
Com  is  nihil  promereat  postulare  id  gratiae  adponi  eibi. 

SO.  Iftfta  «iciK  eopiam\  I  han  slherad  of  inetiical  lawt.    Bentlej  gira  tbe  ii«illii| 

to  tbe  oommon  nBdiiig  ;  eioept  that  I  read  '  Daqne  ad  auziliimi  copiim  '  dd  tbe  antbo. 

'■oxili '  fbr 'aoxilii.'     Tbe  coDtnclad  ronn  ritj  of  Engraphiiu.    But  oa  tnitaim  oocn» 

of  tbe  genitiTe  ase  ot  racfa  poljirllabiea  u  of  'copis'  witb  '■d,'whiki  'oopia'  with  th« 

'coD^nn,' 'aiizi]iain,'*e.wMalw^DMd  gemtiTe  i<  the  mle.     Heaut.    ^l.    S8: 

in  earif  wtMen.    See  LadnnanD'i  not*  on  "  Date  crMcendi  oopiam."    Edu.  Prol.  81 : 

Locnitiii»  T.  1006.    The  wnia  tona  ia  ooa-  "  Parfedt  aibi  ut  inapidundi  euet  copU." 

itand;  maiiiEaiDed  bjr  SitacU  ia  bi>  prehca  For   tbe  gnmniadcal    famia   and   fbr  tho 

to  nantna,  uid  in  bi«  edition.  We  ma^ob-  ■ansa  we  maj  compuv  s  nmilar  panige  in 

■ene  that  Teraice  ■howi  larj  great  akill  in  Plantna,  Caaina  iii.  S.  3  : 

theorf«ofhijiword..Tbu»intheprecedinf  ..  Ne«Ai  unda  waOi,  pr-addl,  perfngi 

?"  ";?  "^  "^™"  .T"^™  '    "i*°  Ma>i  "t  opnm  copiam  comparvm  Ht 

bve  tfae  wordi  are  repcated  m  mTeree  order,  exnelam  " 

■nd  bIbo  kept  ai  fiu'  ^iart  ■*  posBible  bf  " 

tbe  iDterreDtioD  of  tbe  word*  'kcnm  lubeo  I7.  Priitctpia  .  . .  Sed  n  id  nonjwfei] 

neqne.'    For  ■o  hutaoee  of  this  babit  of  '  Principio,'   &c.    eiactl;  anawen  to    the 

TcccDoa  eee  particiilarlj  the  Prologne  to  the  Greek  pdXnrra  fiiv  ...  11  H  iiii. 

EnuwJina  tt.  30—  W :  29.  Pr^er]     Compwe  T.  13.    We  mnat 

Qni  magu  hoet  cnrTentem  tmpnm  uri.     _     .     _   , , , *".  ^.  , 

Qrimap.  hoet  cnrTentem  unpnm  «ri.  g^,  j„  ,  j^  ^   .  ^  ^^^^.  .q^ 

Bon»  mrtrona.  bcere,  meretrioeg  malo,  J?°S  '«««"?■'     B"  U>e  .m^ng  pJ.y  on 

IWtnmed««m,gldrionimmilit.m,  ^;  pt~e  m  Plautn.  .    1.   10: 

i___       __...,.<    r.m  ™.  »^-.   _.  Ubi  ree  prolataa  sunt  qnom  nu  bominaa 

Puerwr  .nppoDi,  fklfa  per  aerrum  le.  ^j_  ^J^  ^^  tJmat  noetria  den- 
UbD*,"  '  mj  leeth   have  a  long  Tacatton 

Tba  pennltiina  of  *  auziU  '  !■  lengtheoed  by  t*  w^  a«  the  Uwjen.' 

icta*.     Sea  the  Introdactian  on  tha  «ibject 



Nnptiaa  efibgere  ego  istas  mAlo,  quam  ta  adipiBcier. 

Ch.  Reddidisti  aninmTn.      Pa.  Nunc  s  qnid  potes  aot  tute 

aut  hic  Byirliia, 
Facit«,  fingite,  iDTemte,  efficite  qui  detor  tibi : 
Ego  id  agam  qui  mibi  ne  detur.     Ch.  Sat  hsbeo.     Pa.  Da- 

Tum  optume  35 

Yideo  cujus  consilio  fretua  sum.      Ch.    At  tn  herde   haud 

quidquam  mihi ; 
Nisi  ea  quae  nihil  opus  sunt  scirL   Fngin*  binc  P    By.  Ego 

Tero  BC  libens. 


DAVtra.      CHABINUS,       FAHPHILU9. 

Da.  Di  boni,  boni  quid  porto  I  sed  ubi  inTeniam  Pampbilnni, 
Ut  metum  in  quo  nunc  eat  adimam,  atque  expleam  animum 

Ch.  LaetuB  est  nescio  quid.     Pa.  Nibil  est :   nonduna  baec 

resciTit  mala. 
Dd.  Quem  ego  nunc  credo,  si  jam  audierit  sibi  paratas  nuptias — 
Ch.   Audin'   tu  illum?     Da.   toto  me   oppido  ^antmatnm 

quaerere.  s 

3S.  Ego  id  af  om]     ■  I  wiU  do  1117  bert  Ad  Att.  rii.  6 :  "  Kqnid  farto  rit  qnod  apnB 

th*t  Bhe  •hftU  not  be  marriHl  to  me.'     '  Id  lut  ■ciri."    Thg  cDnatrnitiaD  la  ta  ■doduIt, 

•gere '  rigninea  '  to  giie  the  mktter  joor  not  niitieed  hj  M*dTlg  or  Kej.     Tln  Inie 

beit  sttentiaQ,'  'to  Tnike  Bpaint  of  athing.'  expluution  •eerag  to  be  tlut '  opiu'  ii  the 

Thiu  in  CicBTO,  Dc  Oretore  i.  32  (146),  we  predicUe,  uid  '  •eiii '  la  added  eiegeticellj. 

h*Te  "  Veram  ego  huic  yim  InteUigo  eate  We  might  tnniUtB,  'Which  ore  n  ose  tt. 

in   pneceptii   oninibai,  non   nt  ea   mcntt  «U  to  be  known.'     In  tbe  oomnwn  lAmM 

orktore*   eltHgnentiie    Undem    aiut  adepti,  '  Qnae  ofMia  est  ncire,'  'opa>'  i>  amiiariy 

■ed   qoae   ia>  iponle  homines  doquentei  the  prediote,  'the  knowing  whidi  ii  no 

hoerent  e«  qnosdun  al»em«se  ntque  id  nse,'  u  in  the  phiwe  '  Du  nobis  et  Mctor 

egiase,"  where  we  biTe  uiother   reitting  opn*  est.' 
'digeiiiHe.'     Compnre   the    Graek   roDro 

rparriii',  rour'  abrb  wpoTTtiv.  AriitopL  Acr  II.  Sceni  IT.    Dnn»  relatea  how 

Acham.  763 :  •fter  miiring  Punphilng  in   the  foram  he 

jt  fiiv  iyiiv  rirwOiv  ifiwapivoiiat 

a  the  hooae   of  ChreoMa   u>d 

i^pit  w.;^«X«  roBr*  Ap«-r„rrp  wJX«,    ^}^  <li«»««d  tb.t  tbe  m«n.g.  w 
twit  Tax'"""  "•  «a«or'  airaXo<>(aa,  "  '  nrBtoi™. 

37.   Qitat  ttiAif  opat  nmi  teirt]     Tbia  ii  dentij  m  tbe  .podaBiB  to  'quem  . . .  mdo' 

Benlle;'*  readiag  for  tbe  TulgaCe  '  actre.'  in  t.  4.     Neglecting  this,  some  comment.. 

Ue  tM,ji  "  Certe  •llerutrnm  legendnm  ert  tora  h>ie  beeu  U  the  trouble  of  suppljin; 

■nt '  opuB  eet  sdre '  ant  ■  opni  annt  idri.'  "  nn  ■podam  (och  M  '  PBmjdiilam  nK»ita. 

We  meet  with  the  ••me  phnae  in  Citao,  nm  i' 


AOTUS  n.    SCENA  H.  31 

Bed  ula  quaeram  f   qjoo  nanc  primmii  intendam  ?     Ch.  Cessaa 

Da.  Abeo.     Po.  Dave :  adee.  SesiBte.  Da.  Quis  homo  eai,  qoi 

me  P  0  Pamphile, 
Te  ipsum  quaero.  Euge  Chariue :  ombo  opportune.    Vos  Tolo. 
IPa.  DaTe,  periL     Ha.  Quin  tu  hoc  audi.     Pa.  Interii.     Da. 

Qnid  timeaa  soio. 
Ch.  Mea  quidem  hercle  certe  in  dubio  Tita  est.    Da.  Et  quid 

tuacio.  10 

Pa.  Nuptiae  mihi.   Da.  Etei  ocio.    Pa.  Hodu.    Da.  Obtondifi, 

tametsi  intellego. 
Id  psTes  ne  ducaa  ta  illam,  ta  autem  ut  ducaa.      Ch.  Kem 

Pa.  IstDO  ipsum.  Da.  Atque  istoc  ipeum  nihil  pericli  eat :  me 

Pa.  Obsecro  te,  quam  piimum  hoo  me  libera  miserum  metu. 

Da.  Hem, 
Libero ;  tibi  uzorem  non  dst  jam  Cbremes.     Pa.  Qui  Bcia  P 

Da.  Scies.  IS 

Tuua  pater  me  modo  prehendit :  ait  tibi  uxorem  dari 
Hodie ;  item  alia  multa  quae  nimc  non  est  narrandi  locus. 
Continuo  ad  te  propemie  percarro  ad  forum  ut  dicam  tibi 

TJbi  te  non  iuTenio  ibi  ascendo  in  queadam  excelgum  locum. 
Oircnmspicio ;  nusqaam.     Ibi  forte  hujus  Tideo  Byrrhiam ;  ao 

S.   Cam   aif/ogia]       'Why    dDn't   jaa  tdh  ntiBi  bh  with  foni' lalk  >'  'WhfdoyoD 

wfBmk.  t»  bim  ?*     Compmre  Hnut.  iii.  1.  1 :  ban,  me  altbonith  I  luidentud  it  >U  ^ 
"  Cesso  pnltsn  oitiDm  TiriDi  ?"  The  md-         13.  Mf  viit]  ■  commoQ  phrue  in  Plui. 

ing'  hmbeo'iii  the  neittiiieii  fonnd  inaome  toa  and  Terence  in  coDGrm*tion  of  a  pro* 

■odent  MSS.  uid  ediliona;   vhere,  haw-  miieornDdertaking  (•eePbonmo  JT.  4.  30). 

e*CT,  it  11  put  for  '  &beo,'  s«  '  hoiim  '  uid  For  '  pcvea  '  followud  b;  '  ne  '  and  '  Dt,'  aee 

'boMiani'  u«  fi>ond  ia  the  mumacripti  Ibr  noto  on  i.  1.  46,  and  1'bDtas,  Tnn.  iii.  3. 

'  olim  '  md  '  oatium.'     A  rimilDr  unbignitj  80t  "Nihtl  eit  de  «gDO  ijaod  Tereare  :   me 

oocnn  ia  BDODcbDB  i.  S.  lA.  DanatDi  men-  Tide."  In  tbe  nme  aenae  «e  God  the  phnM 

tiDna  botb  rcadiQgB,  'habeo'  ind  'abeo.'  'me  ipeciea.'  Aain.  iii.  3.  90. 

10.  Jfea  quidm  hercie  ctrle\  So  in  16.  Tibi  uiortm  non  daf  jom  Ckremtt] 
normio  i.  3.  13,  in  imitBtion  of  Gr.  /uv-  '  It  ia  deDr  now  thM  Cbremes  ii  not  tloing 
»«1171.  to  nwr;  bia  duighter  to  yon.'     Doiutni 

/n  dubie]      In  Addpbi  iii.  2.  42  we  hkve  explaini '  jsm  '  '  now  and  ever  after.'     Bj 

tbo  (iiiular  pbreae,  "  GnaUe  Tita  in  do-  others  it  ie  IskeD  in  tbe  «ense  of '  pTorsm.' 

biinn  leniet.  Tbe  simplest  sense  is,  '  It  ia  at  len^  clear 

11.  Mfndif  (>e.  aurti)]  Conp.  Enn.  tbet  be  does  oot.'  We  msj  now  fed  snn 
m.  ft.  6,    Heuit.  T.  1 .  6.     Donatua  denrea  of  it. 

the  Bietuihor  from  tbe  rspGBted  bloirs  of         16.  PTtttndit']    'Fonnd  mc'     Coiapara 
blwAsmitBe  on  the  uiTil.     It  Hems  more     Phormio  iT.  3.  10 :  "  Prendo  bominem  so- 

3 :  "  niorem 


Datanllj  to  tie  a  metapbor  &om  boxing. 

So  Plaat.  Amph.  iL  1 .  63 :  "  Nun  som  ob-         Uxortm  dart]     See  i.  6.  3  :  "  UiorMn 

iasn  paKDia  pessDine."    So  here, '  Whj  do    decrcnt  dare  sese  mi  bodis." 


Bogo :  negat  Tidisse.     Mihi  molefltam.     Quid  agam,  ot^to. 
Redeimti  interea  ez  ipaa  re  mihi  incidit  Buspioio :  Iiem, 
Paululimi  obsoni :  ipeus  tristia :  de  impTOTiso  nuptiae : 
Kon  cohaereiit.     Pa.  QuoTsumnam  istuc  ?    Da.  Ego  me  otm- 

tinuo  ad  Chremem. 
Cum  illo  adTenio  solitudo  ante  ostium :  jam  id  gaudeo.  9S 

Ch.  Becte  dicis.    JPa.  Perge.     Da.  Maneo:   interea  introire 

Yideo  ezire  neminem,  matronam  nullam  in  aedilius, 
NH  omBti,  nil  tumulti :  scoesai :  intro  aspezi.     Pa.  Scio. 
Magnum  signum.    Da.  ITum  Tidentur  conTenire  liaec  nuptaia  ? 
Pa.  Non  <^>inor  DaTe.     Sa.  "  Opinor "  narras  f  non  recte 
accipis.  30 

Certa  ree  est.     Etiam  puemm  inde  abieus  couTeni  Chremi 

23.   Hrm  .  .  .  catwrciit]     DaTHi  U  t«-  bride  caine  to  dreM  bcr  in  nadiiMai  to  ba 

UtiBg  tha  ariiicidenca  which  stnick  him,  Mndaetad  to  ber   hasbaiid'i  hooia.     8m 

■od   thron  them  into  the  form  ot  a  aoU-  Catolini  llL  186 : 
Joanr-    ■  A  .Ught  meJ-mT  mubr  looldng  «  Voi  bonw  ■embui  tirii 

j^d-th»  radden  m«™go-TUngi  don  t  C«tut«e  bene  tbemioM 

h|mgtogrth«.     ■I^/refernogtoaimo.  C^octe  pirilnl«m.-' 

if.  S.  10:  "  Ego  eo  qno  me  ipn  miait."  In  'Omttl,'  'tQmolti,*  old  fomt  tA  ptMn 
imitation  of  the  Greek  abrit.     Compare    oTronrth  dedennon. 

the  airrln  Ifa  of  the  Prthagorami,  Cicoro,  M,  "  Opmor  "  narrai]  •  ThlDk,  do  jou 
De  N.  D.  L  0.  Bee  also  AriatopbMiee,  Nnb.  **J  l  Yoa  don't  nndaMud  nie.  liw  tatt- 
ai0,  vhne  the  phnae  ii  fuetioadj  ^nded  ter  ii  qoite  erident.'  A  ■imUu'  Une  oocan 
to.  JoTeokl  oomDMmlj  eipieoHa  the  'luu-  in  the  Pom  of  Plaatn»,  1t.  t.  100:  '^  Oo. 
ter,'  or  g>«at  mu),  bj  '  ipae.'  See  aaLi.  80.  Eoum,  opiDOr.  So.  Etism  opinor?"  Pw 
Por  the  form  '  ipiu '  aee  ii.  3,  3.  Hecjn    thia  prsctice  of  qnoting  a  muii  pmhxulj 

Ui.  3.  8;  S.S».l>luit.  Puud.  h.  7.  43,  ud       "*"  ~         

below  In  Mieral  inilanoea. 

34.  QiwmrauMm]  In  Plmitiu  thi*  in- 
terrogatiTe  '  nam '  (eonf.  Or.  jip)  le  gcne- 
rallj  pbcsd  firat.  Epid.  i.  3.  39  :  "  Nam- 
qniperdidi  (operam)."  'BntnhjBo?'  So 
too  in  Bnn.  t.  ».  »7=  "Nam  ijuid  ita?" 
"Nam  qnid  «go  ?"    Mrg.  Aen.  xii.  6I7. 

It  i>  eometimee  eeparatad  from  ita  wordB  u  '  Lote  doee  not  admit  of  the  irtiaefbre 
in  Plant.  Pen.  ii.  6.  13:  "  Qnando  iataec  whlch  jon  *ek  for.'  See  Pdej'K  note  on 
Innat*  eM  nam  tibi  i"  Htve  bowerer  WeiM  the  puoge.  For  the  nae  of  '  aanw '  w* 
omita  '  nam.'  maj  compare  Horaoe,  aat.  U,  7.  4 : 

27.  Jtfillreiidipi]     On  fach  an  oocuion  ,       ™ -. 

the  poMa  of  tbelioaaewereadonMd  with     .        .       ,^ Age,  hbwtoto  Docooibii, 

floTOrandehaplet>iflat<^pUjenandma-    ^'J^  .,!*"    ""J"™"    '°*"™»*'    "*«• 

aod  lee  In  thii  plmj  li.  6.  3,  and  *.  6.  6. 
31.  BliamparrHm  fre.j     Tbe  fbtlowinK 
'  '       I  the  Perinthia  of  Meoan- 

Vln'  tn  buic  aeni  Bu>eultu«  >    Aa.  Qoid  ?       ,F*7"1  .°^  P"^  "?"••  "•  8™^ 

De.  Hina  haec  bce  ;  7  fonnd  in  wnlen  of  tlie  firel  pariod 

H  jm^nunm,  turbM,  b^padai,  tibiciQae  1"      '9,  **",  "^  1"!«"  ia  '  -L'     In  TmmM 

thie    mle    li    applied    to    Midi  word*  at 

and  the  biideemaida  ind  fiienda  of  the    '  Cbiemee,' '  Archoiddea '  (Hemt.  T.  S.  81). 

led  bj> 
Aater  u 

iTeaker,  aec 
u  oportet." 

iPhorraioL  4.  46: 



,  Demophoon,  cnr  nm  tam  nudHl 
qnaerii  ■  qaate '  ihui  habet  ollai 

mWdoa  et  hjmenaeum  qni  cantent.     De.     hne  1.  quoted  from  the  Pennthia  of  M«i«n. 

ACTUS  n.    SCENA  in.  33 

Olera  et  piscicnlos  minntoe  ferre  obolo  in  coenam  Beni. 

Ch.  Liberahis  Bum  hodie  Dave  tua  opera.     Da.  Ac  nullus 

Ch.  Quid  ita  P   Nempe  huic  prorsus  illam  uon  dat.    Da.  Ridi- 

culum  caput, 
Qnaai  neceese  sit,  ai  huio  non  dat,  t«  illam  uxorem  ducere :   35 
Nisi  vides,  nisi  senis  amicos  oras,  ambie.     Ck.  Bene  mones. 
Ibo :  etai  hercle  saepe  jam  me  spes  haeo  &UBtrata  est.     Yale. 


PAMPmLCS.       DAVU8. 

Pa.  Quid  igituT  sibi  rult   paterf    cur   simulat?    Da.  Ego 

dicam  tibi. 
Si  id  Buccenseat  nunc  quia  non  det  tibi  uxorem  Chrmes, 
Ipsus  sibi  esee  injuriua  Tideatur,  neque  id  injuria. 

33.  Ofers  tl  pitcictilet  minuloi  firrtl  Uabther'scondnctinpret«DdiTigtbi>mktch 

Tiiu  infiiiitiTB  hu  ip""  nw  to  miicji  diffi.  wilh  Philnmefia,  wbich  be  hu  diuxtvcred 

nillf.    B«ntlej  cnta  the  knot  bf  TCiHliTig  to  be  a  tot«l  fiction.     D>TUS  eiplaina  tlieC 

'mnjpeii,'  «hich  ie  adDpCed  bj  lUdnbaniC  his  fnlber'>  real  object  ii  to  aKertaio  tha 

tnd  otherg.  Tba  ■implesteiplanatioD,  how*  intentiODB  ol  FamphiloB,  white  he  bndea 

ner  (whicfa  I  owe  lo  a  Iriend),  ii  that '  con-  that  he  Icdowb  hiio  to  be  devoted  to  Qlj- 

•eni'  hu  Ibe  pr^nant  aenBa   of  '  Tenire  cerium,  that   he    may   baie   aome   one  to 

•idi,'  utd  thna  'feife'  alao  dependa  upon  blame  for  the  loa*  o!  Cbremea'  daughter. 

the  iaplied  '  ridi.'     It  must  at  the  aame  Bj  the  adiioe  of  DaTOS,  Pampbilus  agraea 

tiiia  be  admitted,  that  we  do  not  find  anj  to  profeea  to  his  father  hia  readinesa  to 

oUiH'  instuoe  of  '  conTeni '  in  that  sense.  marrr  Philumena,  as  the  b«t  derice  for  en 

Tniiilata:  ■  I  cangbt  sight  of  Cbremes'  hoy  iudefinite  poatponemeat  of  Ihe  afleir.    The 

nicing  and  taldng  home  a  lia'portb   of  odIj  danger  is  tbst  tbe  birth  of  the  cbild 

tfntt  ind  qHDadi  for  tiie  old  geotlemau'*  maj  be  fonnd  ODt. 

wppiT.'  Metrei  1-9,  trochalc  tetramater  cata- 

Si.  AtnaUMMjaidem]     <Na,  not  at  all.'  lectic  ;   ]«— 19,  iambic  trimeter;    20-20, 

Campani   "  TsnietBi  nnllna  manesa,"    'al-  iambic  tetnuDeter. 

yboogh  it  ia  of  lui  nse  yonr  adnsiDg,'  Eun.  2.  Stieeeiittal']  Tbe  real  meaDiog  of  Ihil 

ii.  1. 10.    Cf.  HecjTB  ii.  1.  4.  «onl  is  to  set  dowD  a  thiag  secrellf  against 

36.  tfUi . . .  taKiit]  'Unlesa  joa  makeall  a  peraan,  to  take  secret  acoomit  of  a  thing. 

PHBbleinterestwich  theold  man'sfiieDdB.'  WsBterhoTinB  explains  it  'tomakeacUim 

'  Ajubio '  ii  properly  an  electioneering  tenn,  for  reTieion  of  taxes,'  to  dispute  a  clum, 

deriTing  ita  lense  of 'canTaaaing,'  aa  In  Sal-  lo  resent,  &c.     Bat  tbere  doea  not  eeem 

lut,  Jugurtha  13  :  "  Pan  spe,  alii  praemio  to  be  inj  foundatioa  in  general  claaaical 

indncti,  BingnloB  ei  senata  ambiendo  nite-  IsDguage  for  thii  explanBtioD.     The  word 

baotor  ne  gmTina  in    eum  consnleretnr,"  itaelf  is   frequent   in  good   authon.     The 

imm  ita  originil  meaning  ■  to  go  rouad.'  order  of  Ihis  »Dtence  is  alightlj  inTolTed; 

Heuce  it  mesns  geoerall}  '  to  seelc  or  aue  ■  priOB  .  . .  perspexnit '  is  to  ba  referred  ta 

nrgentlj.'  oflen  wiih  an  implied  bad  mean-  '  BUccenteat.'     '  He  would  feel,  and  rightlj 

ing,  aa  in  PlanCua,  Ampb.  69  :  "  SiTO  qni  too,  that  he  waB  in  the  wrong  if  he  were  to 

imlMTiasent  pahuam  hiiCrionibua."  be  angrj  becauie  ChremeB  refniei  yon  his 
daughler,  before  Gnding  out  how  jan  feel 

AcT  II.   SciHB  II.    Famphilni  is  now  about  the  Diairi^.' 
left  sloDe  «rith  Danu.     He  ia  pen>1eied  at 


84  ANDEIA. 

PriuB  qitam  tnuia  nt  aese  kabeat  animam  sd  aiiptias  per- 

Sed  si  tu  negaris  ducere,  ibi  culpam  in  te  trans&ret :  s 

Tum  illae  turbae  fient.     Pa.  Quidvis  patiar.     Ba.  Fater  est 

Difficile  eet :  tum  haec  sola  e«t  mnlier :  dictnm  ac  &ctam  in- 

Aliquam  oausam  quamobrem  «jiciat   oppido.     Pa,  Ejiciat  ? 

Da.  Cito. 
Pa.  Cedo  igitur  quid  faciam  Dave  P     Ba.  Dic  te  ductumm. 

Pa.  Hem.    J)a.  Quid  est  P 
Pa.  Egon   dicam  ?    Da.  Gur  non  P    Pa.  Numquam  faciam. 

Da.  Ne  nega.  lo 

Pa.  Suadere  noli.     Da.  Ex  ea  re  quid  fiat  vide. 
Pa.  Ut  ab  illa  excludar  huc  concludar.     Da.  Non  ita  eet. 
Kempe  hoc  sic  esse  opinor :  dicturum  patrem, 
'  Ducaa  toIo  hodie  oxorem :'  tu,  '  ducam,'  inquiee : 
Cedo  quid  jui^bit  tecum  P    Hic  reddes  oomia  is 

Quae  nunc  sunt  certa  ei  consilia  incerta  ut  sient, 
Sine  omni  periclo :  nam  hooce  haud  dubium  est  quin  Chremes 

4.  Pritu  fMn>  twim    nt   Hti   kabtal  logMher  andoDbtedl;  m  modi  tat  tba  pbf 

■nJfNttm  ad  nyptioM  perapexerif]    Hifl  ii  on  thelr  ■ouad  h  frcnii  maj  Dthv  rnsoo. 

□ne  of  tLoM  numeroiu  puoge*  wbich  wa  Cf.    '  pnnolTO '    uid    '  prrrolTo '  in  ir.  4. 

rsndmid    mare  eomplei    by  tbe  coTniDOn  38.     rbej  we  both  laed  in  ootaio  ■peenl 

pnnctdBdon.     It  vcnild  be    eaij  b>  ahoir  nun.       ThDt     ■eicludo'    capedallT    of 

tha   ■btardity  of  plaang  a  oomma  after  loren  ahgt  ODt  from  tbeir  mietreens.  Bu. 

'  hBbOBt,'  •nd  agDln  after  'iiDptia*.'    Tbe  i.   I.  4,  and  "  NdUd*   ent    CDitoa,    BvUa 

wbole  phnan  '  toiun  mt  aa  habeat  animnm  ciclDaua  dolentea  Janaa,"    'nbDllDa  iL  3. 

ad  nnpliaa '  ii  oM  manj-waidad  name,  tlie  73.     '  CoDdado,'  bi  a  •ptdal  «wiaa,  of  wiU 

object  of  the  Terb  '  parapeierit,'  jnat  aa  ia  aniDiali  ahnt  tn  a  Mge.    Ptaatai.  Cm.  «. 

tlie  aenlMice  '  priueqDam  tnoa  nt  Mae  ha-  79, 80 :  "  Qnia  enim  io  csTca  n  finTat  oaa- 

beat  animna  ad  noptiaa  penpenril '  the  dna,  itidem  nt  puUi  f*"™*™  "    Cf.  Pbor- 

■imibr  phraae  woold  be  the  olqoct  of  the  niio  t.  L  17  i  "  Coix£ma  hic  habao  uo- 

TCTb.    The  reflectiTe  yeA  'habere  ae'  i(  lon    aaaTam."     He  ajiiiati   of  a  ranlar 

■enenUl;  naed  of  good  or  bad  bealtb  of  mairiage  u  ■  Kiit  of  peul  ■erritade.  Com- 

body  or  mii>d;  aee  Esn.iT.  E.  8j  iT.  7.  30.  pare  iii.  4.  SS,  whcee  Dmu  penitaitl;  aaira 

In  thia  lina  we  hare  an  imilation  oF  the  "  In  nnptiH  coiueca  berilem  filhun,"  M  tf 

Greek,  whidi  we  migbt  iDppoae  to  haTo  ran  into  priioD. 

w  followa:    ri  abv   rptv  liiirai  fpimnia  17.  Sini  mniiTtncb]  TU*  podtiOD  of 

irw[  fx"  'Vi(  "^  ydftoBv.  '  omnii,'  irtiere  we  riionld  haTO  expecled 

7.    DictKm    Bc  fact™]     Compare  tha  'nllas,' la  coDfined  to  Plautna  andTCTOioe. 

Onek  &iia  firot  Siia  fpyov,  and  Hamer,  8ee  FlaDtus,  TriDDmmoi  ii.  9.  fil  i  "Qma 

Ilivl  xii.  243 :    Airic'  Imff  Siin  itvOat  mQe  omni   malitia  eat  toleiate    enetalem 

fili'  rtriXiara  li  /pyev.     '  No  sooner  nid  qni  volo  i"  iii.  I .  eo  :  "  Siat  omiu  cnra  i" 

tban  done,'  '  withoat  delaj.'     The  o^la  and  Aalnluia  ii.    2.  38 :     "  Certe  edqKd 

{*  generallj  omitted.    Compare  note  on  eqnidem  te  ciTem  sipe  mala  omni  Dialiti* 

Heant.iT.  A.  I2i  t.  1.31:  "Dietumbctum  aemper  «nm  arbitranu."    '  Sine  '  ia  to  ba 

bac  abiit  CUtipbo."  pronounced  '  ee,'  at  in  i.  I.  39 :  "  Sne  in. 

13.    Ul  ...   eimelitdar]    Tbeaa  wordi  ridia  landaai  iovwiM." 

:ectvGoOglc    ■ 

Acnrs  n.  scena  ni.  35 

Tibi  non  det  gnatam.     Nec  ta  e&  c&iua  miniieriB 
Eaec  quae  faois  ne  ie  mutet  hu&id  eententiain. 
Patri  dic  Telle,  nt  cum  velit  tibi  jore  irasci  non  qneat.  3o 

Ifam  qnod  ta  epcree  propulBabo  facile.     Fxorem  his  moribuB 
Dabit  nemo ;  inTeniet  inopem  potius  qnam  to  corrumpi  sinat. 
Sed  si  te  aeqno  animo  ferre  accipict,  negligentem  feceris : 
Al'""*  otioBUB  qaaeret :  interea  aliquid  acciderit  boni. 
Pa.    Itan  credisP    Da.  Haud  dubium  id  quidem  eet.     Pa. 
Tide  quo  me  inducas.     Da.  Quin  tacefl  P  35 

Pa.  Dicam.  Puerum  autem  ne  resciscat  mihi  esse  ex  illa  cautio 

9  occMtomd  stnuigdr  n»^h  of  OlyeBriiim ;  Init  tlxM 

bing  ia  necM-  wu  na  qnestiDD  of  giTing  W  in  mairfatn 

ahia  tbe  two  to  nnninuhn.     Ws  flnd  &e  Mme  phrue  in 

pomli  «hicli  Dbtds  deurei  to  impren  on  Propertiiu  li.  11.  16:  "  Monbiu  lua   ili> 

Puifdiihu,  tbat  Clireiiiee irill  omer gi*e bjm  Donjute  digTiiu   eru  ;"    Quintiliui  T.  12: 

bii  deu^ter ;  *nd  that  a  reaBj  coment  wilt  "  Nonqnsm  tamen  boc  continglt  milia  mo. 

^nrm  his  Ckt)ier'>  uiger  uid  pat  him  off  ribiu  regnom."     In   Uecjra  ir.  4.  22  we 

hii  giard.     '  It  ij  qnits   deBr,'  Mfi   D>-  haie  m  fnller  phiwe,  "  Qaid  malieria  Ux- 

TU,  'that  Chtemea  wilt  nerer  gire  joa  his  orein  habes  Bnt  qnibiu  moratain  moribna?*' 

dufhler.   Bnt  do  uit  ;cni  111«  ^onr  prment  Se.  7V  evrrmpt]     '  Ilather  than  allow 

cnidiict  fbr  bhj  fear  that  he  may  cbangs  raa  to    be   raiaed.'     Simo  wonld   pnt  np 

bii  miDd.    T^  jrna  htber  tfaat  joa  aie  with  a  poor  eonnectioa  ratber  tban  that 

Radj  to   maiTj  ;  tbot,   howeTSr  mnch  he  bia  Kin  ahoold  continne  to  keep  ■  miatress. 

nuT  wiih  it,  be  maT  not  be  aMe  fiiri;  to  be  '  Coniimpi '   is  t^vqttentlj   nsed   of  jonng 

uigiT  with  you.     For  I  wiU  euilf  let  ande  man.     See  Adelphi  i.    S.  17:    "  Td  illiun 

wW  fOD  ma;  perhapt  hope :  No  one  will  coirampi  BiniB." 

mury  hie  dan^ter  Co  ■  niui  of  mj  dia-  26.  Qani  taetitl  '  Qoin '  inlerTOgaliTe  )i 

raeter.    Por  jonr  bU»  wiU  ratber  look  ont  nerer  ased  bnt  1d  the  eense  of  an  eameat 

£ir  ■  peor  wifa  than  ■llow  jou  to  go  to  tbt  command.    '  Be  lilent,  can't  tod  ? '    This 

dogs.    Bot  if   he  fndi  that  jod  talie  It  niw  is  verr  common  in  TercDoe.    "Qnin 

<|a>etlTi  ;oQwitl  haTepathim  offhis  goud  :  dids  onde  eat  clare?  "  ir.  4.  Ifi,  '  tell  me 

be  irill  bok    ont  (br  ■notber  bride  at  his  ont   loud,     won't     tod,    whers    it    cames 

iBSBn :  nteaawfaile  thinp  mtj  tsks  ■  lnekj  from  ?'     Compare  Heant.  ir.  7.  4 :  '•  QDin 

tim.'    Tfae    conneiion   of    the    daaies  ii  acdpi*?"    'take   it,  can't  70U  ? '     In  tlus 

nther  abmpt;  bnt  Hie  mesning  is  plain:  lense  we  alwiya  flnd  the  indieatiTe  mood. 

PunpfailDs  migbt  ofipose  hia  father'i  wisfaet  With  tbe  imperaCiie  mood  '  quin '  hiu  an 

ee  two  groniidsi  (1)  becaaw  be  waa  aftaid  eipostnlatarj  force,    ■>  in  ii.  2.  9  :  "  Qnin 

tfast  his  coasent  wonU  lead  to  hls  msnugs  tn  faoc  aadi,"   '  naj  bat  do  you  hear  me ;' 

■itfa  PbilDfnena :  (2)  he  migfat  Ifaink  that  ii.  6.  1 8 :  "  Qnin  dic  qn<d  est  > "  '  naj  bnt 

no  napeOMe  tami  woiild  haTe  bim  for  a  tell  me;  what  is  it?'     Compare  i.   I.   18, 

m-fai-law,  and  that  therefore  h  waold  ba  aod  Phormlo  ii.  3.  16. 

Mfe  lo  carrj   on  his  Iotd    sinur    apenlj.  28.   Oivtio  etf ]  'n»  Terbal  nsed  br  ths 

I>tTD9  shows  hia  the  blla^  of  both  snp-  gerandiTe,  in  imitalion  of  the  Greek,  opaTiii, 

poAions.  oommon  ia  Plautiu,  Bacchid.  ir.  1.  26 : 

IB.  MiiiKru]  'KGnno'nieMs'toli«Te 

oBt,"  'to  ■Iter.*    So  in  Hecjra  i».  5.  lOi  "  Qn™  oso  '"'riw  t«™  Interpretor,  mihl 

Campare  Lnaftias  iL  1026  :  Ne  nodfrsngibDla  eicnsmt  s  malis  meto." 

"NUsdeomHnnm^nectam  mirabile qoid.  comp».  d«.  Poennlns  i.  3.  36,  and  Psen- 

PtLipio  qn-d   noD  mlnnant   miruier  f^^  »   «1    Sf  *i*'P"  ™-  ?:  '%\ 

f^lf,  risces  ei  KntentH  Nad  as  anm  :   hi  milii 

ln— Hftfn,  »  ne  eormmpantar  caatla  est."     Besideg  tbla 

neater  nse  of  the  Terbal   anbstantiTe,  wo 

Sl.  Hii  marUtu]  Some  niutctstatid  tfais  flwl  abo  anotlier  indtation  oT  fiie  Greefc 



36  ANDRIA. 

Nam  pollicitus   sam  gusceptnrum.     Da.    0   facinua  aodax! 

Pa.  Hanc  fidem 
Sibi  me  obeecraTit  qui  se  eciret  nim  deoertunim  at  dorem. 
Da.  Gur^itur.  Sed  pater  adeet.    CaTe  te  eflse  tnBtem  Beutiat. 


SIMO.       DAVU9.       PAMPHILTJ8. 

8i.  BeTiao  quid  agant  aut  quid  captent  consili. 

Ba.  Hic  nuuc  non  dubitat  qurn  te  ducturum  negee. 

Yenit  meditatus  alicunde  ez  aolo  loco : 

Orotionem  sperat  inTenisse  se 

Qui  differat  te :  proin  tu  fac  apud  te  ut  siea.  6 

Pa.  Modo  ut  possim  DaTe.     Va.  Grede   inquam  hoc  mibi 

Numquam  bodie  tecum  commutatunun  patrem 
Dnum  esse  Terbum  si  te  dices  ducere. 


BTRRHIA.    8IM0.    DAVTrs.    PAMPHILtJS. 

Bff.  Herus  me  reliotis  rebus  jussit  Pamphilum 
Hodie  observare,  ut  quid  ageret  de  nuptiis 

of  the  verb  from  which  it  ii  derived.     See  <rord  «itb  jon.'     Bo  in  Phortnio  iv.  S.  XI : 

DOte  on  Enniidiai  n.  4.  4.  "  Tria  non  commntBbilis  Verba  hodie  intar 
Toi."     Tbe  phTua  ia  genenll;   naed  of 

ACT  TI.  ScBNK  IV.  8<mo  comcB  ep  to  qnarreli.      We    auj   eipUa ;    '  He  will 

■ee  bov  Fmmphilui  mnd  Dmins  ara  urang-  h**e  nothinf  whatenr  to  chide  joo  witli.' 
ing  >8miis.     DmTni   adTim    FmmpbilDB  to 

■ct  np  to  thrar  prerious  mrrugemsnt.  AcT   II.    ScKNB   V.      Notwitbataadiu 

lembic  Irimetera.  whst  hmd  pmaned   between  Chmiinoi  end 

3.  Medifalia]   Conneded  with  fuXiTati,  Punpbiloi,  the  fbnner  wms  (till  nispicxMU 

origlnallj  of  conning  OTerTetwii.     "  SilTea.  af  I^mpbilne,    mnd    hmd   wt  hia    «srmnt 

tnm  tenni  mnnm  medituii  mTeaa,"  Virgil,  Byrrbim  to  watch  liii  pnMoedings.     In  thii 

BcL  i.  3.     Henca  it  sometim«  memng  <  pre-  scene  he  is  made  to  OTerhcai    Pmmplultu 

pared  in  ona's  pmrt,'  w  in  thig  pmumge.  See  gire  his  conseat  to  hia  bther'i  wiah  thmt  he 

PUntni,  Trin.  iii.  3.  87—80 :  will  mmrrj  Philumena. 

.,  „                ,.      .       -              11,  The  metre  im  trlmetar  immbic 

"Ego.ycophmnt«njmmcondaoodBforo,  i.  AHc/i,  „*«]  A  oommon  phrM  jn 

Eputolmeqne  jmm  ooo„  dn».  Terence,  Ean.  i.  2.  86  : 
Bamqne  huc  md  mduleioentem  mediUtnm 

proDH)  "Nonne    abi    mihi    diili   cnpere   te  ex 

Ulttmm."  Aethiopia 

In  ■  >imiUr  >eaee  bclow,  v.  4. 6,  ■  pantae.'  ^"'^?'!^,  "^'^  "*"»  o"-*»» 

0.  Qoi    diff^tral   /e]   "To  diMrut  yoa  «nmenn? 

with.'    Bo  "  Poat  imepalls   membra  dif-  mnd  Hemot.  iv.  7-13: 

^"■*    '"^''",/J!!?    *"A^'' ..^VT^:  "  Mihi  nnnc  reUcti.  rebns  inTBniendmK^ 

Epod.T.89;  "Diflerordolonbaa,'  Ade^pU  Aliqni.  ImboreinTentamnicuidembona." 
iii.4.40.     In  a  met^boncal  eenae  applied 

to  langnage  in  tbii  pamge.    '  Verba  com-  3.]  Bentley  hai  taken  itenge  Ubcrtiei 

ACTXJS  n.    SCENA  V.  37 

Scireni :  id  propterea  nimo  himc  Tenient^n  sequor. 

Ipsum  adeo  praesto  video  cum  Davo  :  hoc  agam. 

8i.  TJtramqne   adease   video.     Sa.   Hem,   aerva.     St.   Pam- 

phile!  6 

Da.  QrOaai  de  inpraviso  respice  ad  eum.     Pa.  Ehem  pater. 
Da.  Probe.     Si.  Hodie  uxorem  ducae  ut  dixi  volo. 
£;/.  Nunc  noetrae  timeo  parti  quid  hic  reepondeat. 
I^a.  Neque   istic  neque  alibi  tibi  erit  usquam  in  me  mora. 

Sy.  Hem. 
Da.  Obmutuit.     By.  Quid  dixit  ?    Bi.  Fads  ut  te  decet       10 
Oum  ietuo  quod  poetnlo  impetro  cum  gratia. 
Da.   Sum  TerusP     St/.   Herus,   quantum  audio,   uxore  ez- 

Si.  I  nunc  jam  intro ;  ne  in  mora  cum  opus  sit  sies. 
Pa.  Eo.     jy.  Nidlane  in  re  esse  homini  cuiquam  fidem  ? 
Yerum  illud  verbum  est,  vulgo  quod  dici  solet,  IS 

Omnee  sibi  maUe  meliua  esse  quam  alteri. 
Ego  illam  vidi  Tirginem ;  forma  booa 

with  the  teit  of  theM  apaning  lines,  on  tbe  " car  dod  . . . 

groBDd  tiut  hmphiliu  (hnnc)  COOM  Dot  b«      "  Videi  inter  Toa  mc  hwe  potiiu  com  booa 
■aiid  to  be  coming  on  the  ittge  *t  this  liine.         Ut  componuitDr  gt«ti*  qnuu  cnmBufai?" 

omits  T.  3  ai  apanaiu,  m  the  leeth  oi  all  nn.     .^j,      ^  .     ^^    r  .... 

...-__      «  f  ......    ^ .    „       ..._...      '  Csdo    «nd  ■  eiado    c 

, .  __   1  „  »„_„    _ji„  ,„    ■  Csdo'  «nd  ■  eiddo    occur  in  juridic»!  lu- 

uDmies.     Dui  ■  honc     natonlJT  refen  to  —.  l        «l        j'    i „ 

_.  _         -       ,  _■     .      ^     ',1  euue.     Thni  wo  hsie  the  ordinarv  phr«iB» 

&II10  iwtwaHninK  (TeDientem)  on  (lieiiceiie.     s"»"^"  , .  ,  __   ,        j_    i    ,.     i 

BrrTiua  ha>  ibliowed  him  in  hopeii  of  thni       ^Ti       j  .     o     ..  r.,     j    , ,     ..  n  ■ 

'    I  ...         ..     ..  '  ftinit,  end  m  Snetaniui,  CUnd.  14:  "  Qiu 

■pud  priTatoi  jndicee  pln*  petsndo  tbrmuli 
For  the  phnse  '  * 

mertieaTing'    ■omettung   I  .     . 

The  ATOrda  thit  immediMelr  follow   (Ip- 

«m — Dno)  show  tlwt  be  could  not  Iutb  .  j  ,  u-  —    a  .<,    „  <-ii...  ._: 

«Sr^L^ZrS^  linpha™  p™u.  ;?  ".'"^'•"",'^'S'TJ'  d    r 

S™.    Ti..,^!,.^  i;,»to,     Th.  "''•"""n»."    W'«"l..olh«phn» 

rBnning  aomnieatarT  of  ItaTiu  on  hiii  mu-  ""    ,     „__ 

tcr'*  exccQent  acting,  aod  the  oonfiuion  of  ^^.|    , 

BnA». «~  wdl  mMC^.  ^                                                  , 

3.  /rf  srouftrta]    Thi*  u   the   readiDg  ■™  '.'™"  '"^J"  ^^sL.  ^*         ■    r   in 

giTen  br  Don.tni ;  «id  thootb  eTidentlr  ""  "^       . 'T     A       JT^  ^T  Lt;; 

.»!...»._            iJ  ..<.i»..j  .    tha  ..u^i-  The  sentinient  liardlr   nead»    lUiutratioD. 

^^onum,  m.j  be  retuned  M  the  oldeet  ^  ^^^^^^  ^^^   g  ^  '..  ^^^^  j  ^^  ^^^ 

^i     u...».-!  a....,.!..».^   o    iK  dehinc  hominee,  quoive  bftbeant  fidem  .' " 

:i   1    la.  iiu~„   _."    'n.-™„f-'r  i»  probsblj  imitited  from  Memuider:  fiXu 

u-  I.  iDi  ■  Hem,  aerva.      Ine  qnoi  ctiiiCh  ■■'i         ....        ■:■      ,.i          i    .I.-i 

J<SrSrf.'i*'i.f«pt-  s-phm»!.  r'"-''"™':^'^-'*i'':  ?" 

Tjr.  »18,  r„-m  ,i,  a}^l,i  Mii  I,-  t™  *"!''"  "■  "■  " ' 


Menmii  'ndsTe :  qno  aeqnior  gitm  Pampliiloi 

Si  ae  illaiii  in  somius  qataa  illum  amplecti  maluit. 

BenuutiBbo,  ut  pro  lioo  malo  mihi  det  nnftlnm ,  20 


DATUS.      BIMO. 

Da.  Hic  nmic  me  credit  aliqoam  aibi  &Ilaciam 

Portare,  et  ea  me  Mc  reetitisse  gratia. 

Si.  Quid  DavuB  nairat  f    Da.  Aeque  quioquam  nunc  quidem. 

Si.  Nihilne?   hem     J)a.  Nihil  proraus.     Si.  Atqui  expecta- 

bam  quidem. 
Da.  Praeter  spem  eTenit :  sentio :  lioc  male  habet  Tirum.       5 
Si.  Potin  68  inihi  Tenim  dicere  ?    Da.  Nihil  facihua. 
Si.  Num  illi  moleatae  quippiam  hae  sunt  nuptiae 
Hujusce  propter  conauetudinem  hospitae  P 
Dfl.  NihH  hercle  r  aut,  si  adeo,  bidui  eat  aut  tridui 
Haec  Bollicitudo :  noati :  deinde  deainet.  10 

Etenim  ipeus  aecum  recta  reputavit  Tia. 

AcT  II.   ScsNB  VI.      Simo  andatToan  leoTvia.    Wa  fiitd  "potii  eat?"   Bn.  L 

to  «litoam'  frDin  D>tuj  wbetber  PunphilDS  3.  21. 

tim  mtertaiiu  uij  kffectioD  for  Gljcetiain.  8.  Ht^iac*  pntplrr  tcnntlndrMm  Ao*- 

Dbtiu  erwia  the  qneation,  and  ■ttribatei  pUat]    Thi»  U  tlw  rcwliiig  kdopted    bjr 

the  Kppkrent  SMlDe»  oT  Pnmpbilas  lo  mor-  Ritscbl  {PreAu»  to  FlMtm,  p.  coanrii.} 

tillcstioii  U  bis  hther*s  niggsrdly  prcpnrB-  OD  the  conaideratioDB   both  of  metre  ■od 

tioni  ror  the  weddiDg.     At  the  Bme  time  ortbognfihT.     Ilie  oidiDuy  teit  '  Propter 

Kmo    nupects  that  soins  tnck  ia  in   the  bujnica  hoipitae  ooniuetadiDem '  imtJTei 

wind,  aod  feels  iiure   tbat  whatner   it   ii  two  tiGeuees  i   1.  the  BharteuiDg  of  ttae  fitM 

Dkrus  is  st  the  bottom  of  it.  ■jIlabLe  of  '  pniptar :'  9.  the  utitMic  Ibrm 

Hetre  -,  lunbic  Irimeten.  of  the  geoitiie  g  neither  ot  wliich  are  reallj 

3.  Ba...  fratia]  Id  Plantiu  and  Terenee  TerentisD.     Bentlej  on  his  own  ■athonbr 

tbe  pmnonD  ia  ■ttncted  into  tfae  swnc  caw  has  introduced  this  fona  in  thm  pUcea 

■■■grBtia.'   See  Fbutoi,  Bae.  L  1.04:  "Hcb  bendes  ths  preerat  panage — He«nt.iii.  Z. 

p«lu;"   Pseud.i.  S.  13S:  "Istugratia;"  4)  r.  I.  30,  Mid  Phormio  iv.  S.  7.  eKh  ^ 

TereDce,  Eun.  i.  3. 19:  "Uncfna  ^re/iate  which  will  he  oouaideied  in  its  pliica.     He 

■rceesi  joad  Buicnltk"     9o  ravri|v  x^P""  ■'■'>  cling*  to  the  ides  ot  >  neglect  of  tbe 

— Ifi^v  X^f^i  l^  '■■  Greek,  qaHititf  of  ijUablea  in  tli£  aurljr  p^rt  of  tbo 

3,  Afjut  quieqaam  mme  juidtm]  'jBit  bne,  ■■  in  'pmpler'  bere ;  but  we  hnva 

■a  mndi  now  u  erer.'    Notbing  st  iill  new.  eeen  ■IrcBd;,  uid  shall  frequenli;  aee,  that 

The  sense  of  '  ■eqnni.'  w  that  of  the  Or.  nwaj  of  his  iiutaaccs  maj  be  e^ailj  dis. 

BfiiXDc,   ii '  ■ll  one  slilEe.'    So  JD  Plautna,  poied  of     (See  DOta  on  i.  I.  1»,  aod  In- 

HiLiiL  1.  188:  "Aeqni  istucfbdo,"  'itis  trodoction.) 

■II  one  to  me.'    looc  is  used  similirlj  in  ■  II.  Eltnim  iptia  ttetim  rrela  rtjndmvit 

«■11  koowD  puaage  of  Sophodea :  eiaj      ■  Indeed  he  bss  tumed  orer  tbe  mat- 

oi  rapa  r,f  y,  wp6«9,y  oitiy  it  Uov  ^  i^  ^  "•ind   Mraighlforwardlj.'     Tlu. 

^6vvtioia,.y\A«,ay.     (Tr«h.  323.)  ^'"J*?  «riouidj  wndeD  m  edibODS. 

'                     ^                      '  We^terbanns   ha*    "  Etanim   ipeiu   secnm 

8.  Poim  <•]  For  '  PotiiDe  ea?'     '  Potis  eun    rem   recta    repat»rit   m."      Bantlej 

■nm,'    '  poasnmi'      The  root  of   '  potis,'  wanld  read  "  Etenim  ipsn*  eam  t«m  recta 

'  ■ble,'  l^peais  ia   the  Gieek  wjaic  and  repatsTit  *ia,"  rejecting  '  iecHBi'  •■  •  (^om. 

ACTUS  n.    SCENA  VI.  39 

Si.  Laudo.     Da.  Dum  licitum  est  ei,  dumqae  aetas  tuKt, 

AmaTit :  tom  id  clam :  ca^t  ne  iiinnimTin  in&miae 

£a  res  sibi  esset,  ut  vinun  fortem  decet : 

Ifunc  nxore  opus  eet :  animum  ad  uxorem  appulit.  IS 

8i.  Subtristis  Tisus  eat  esse  aliquantulujn  mihL 

Sa.  NH  propter  hano  Tsm :  sed  est  quod  euccenset  tibL 

$1.  Quidnam  esb?   Da.  Fuerile  eot.  8i.  Quid  eft?   Da.  NihiL 

8i.  Qnin  dic  qnid  eet  P  , 

Da.  Ait  nimium  parce  facere  svmptnm.     8i.  Uraie  ?    Da.  Te. 
"  Yix,"  inquit,  "  draclimiB  eet  obsouatum  deoem :  30 

If  nm  filio  Tidcftor  uzorem  dare  ? 

Quem,"  inquit,  "  Tooabo  ad  coenam  meorum  aequallum 
Fotiisimum  nnnc  ?"  et,  qood  dioeaidnm  bio  siet, 
Tu  qnoque  perparce  Tiiminm      Ifon  laodo.     8L  Tace. 
Da.  Commori     8i.  Ego  i^taeo  reote  nt  fiant  ndero.  as 

Qnidnam  hoo  rei  eat  P  quid  hic  rult  veteratoT  sibiP 
Nam  si  hic  mali  est  quicquam,  hem  illic  eet  huic  rei  capnt. 

In  Mdi  k  aie   tkfi  nfe  nle  is  to  adopt  puion.    Sm  Pboini.  t.  8.  47. 
tk  nxiing  wbich  ii  leut  lilcel;  to  htm        23.  El,  qnod  dieendtim  hie  titl,  Tii  qta- 

locn  tbe  prodnct  of  ■  tmiHziba'.    '  Bua  niepcrfiarvtnnMtoii] 'And,u  bru  it  oa 

Rm '  ii  jut  tbe  acRt  itf   Hiiiltioii  which  be  wid  b;  ODe  in  my  p1*ce,  joa  tr»  indeed 

*oald  hiTV   been    m*de   bj  ■  nuui   wbo  too  itingy.'    <  Qood  diccndnm  hic  siet '  b 

Ut  nnM  difficoltjr  in  the  line  ■■  it  (tood.  thrown   in   Bpotosetically   to    qoalily   liii 

'  Ripoto '  ii  IbDnd   both  tnniititetT  and  gpeech  ■s  bi  u  powble.    Thla  ie  the  ordl- 

iDtrustiTdf .     Id  tha  luter  lenae  m  T^-  nwy  tiirce  of  the  coDJunctiTe  in  tlieae  peren* 

<itiis,  Hiit.  ir-   17 :    "  Vateqne  repatanti-  tbetiaJ   relatiTe    propoiitianB.      Compare 

bu  GilUam    aiiinnet   Tiribni    concidiiBe;"  Ctcero,  Fun.  lilL  S3 :    "  Fergntiun  mihl 

md  m  Tetenoe,    Heaut.    ir.   8.  S8  :  "  Ut  fecaris,  si  enm,  qnod  rine  moiertia  tna  fiat, 

mA  Tia  tem  DBiret  ordiDe  omnem,"  that  JDTeuii,"  ■nd  tlie  common  phiaaeB  '  quod 

iii 'toiDg  Uni^t  to  tbe  p«nt,' 'openlj,'  •dam,'  'qnod  meminerim.'     'Quoqna'  li 

'pbulj.'^  Compare  (cr  ib  Utenl  we  Phor-  oMd  almoet  ■■  '  edam,'  emphaticBllr' 
m»  ii.  1 .  80.  9«.  Vettrater\  SUtb*  wgre  aomMimea  m 

14.  VtnBm/orteM]  '  Aman  of  spiriL'  So  «■Iled  ■■  oppoaed  lo  'noritia'  (muKipi»). 

nutoi,T^.  *.  3  9:  "Pmtem  fuoiiiaro,"  See  nole  on  EDnnchoi  iii.  0.  34.     Hsnca 

'■gcodlkmar.'    CtimparePhonnioii.2. 10.  the   term    (nKT*ll;   naed    foi    '  craftf,' 

Ifi-  ^iMHM  . . .  aiiptdi{\    See  note  on  ■  knariah.'     In  Cioero  it  means  '  practised 

PnilDg.  1.  in  a  thiog-'     Speaklng  of   P.  Ceth^ui  he 

13.  Atfnalitaiii]  'Aeqnalis'  properif  slg-  sbji,  "In  (caoma)  prirUlB  BBtia  reterator," 

i^  'of  the  ■Bme  Bge,'  aa  ia  Eun.  iL  3.  'an  oU  Land,'  Bnit.  46    (178.)    Compara 

38.  AdelpU  iii.  4.  10.  Tuf^  Aan.  iii.  491 :  Ueaat.  *.  1.  Ifl.  Cioero,  In  VeiTem  ii.  1.  ft4, 

"  Et  miDc  aequali  teciun  pnbesceret  aero."  in  a  bad  ■bdbb,  ■■  in  oor  teit :  "  Nihil  ab 

Bm  it  u  nsed  mon  geDeralh  here  and  in  iato  tectnm,  nibl    Tettrtorium  MpedaTe- 

BM  it  u  nsed  mon  geDeralh  here  and  in     iato  teo 
■>U>er  places  to  sign^  ■  lijead  or  oom-    riti«." 



KTSIS.      BIMO.       DAVTIS.       LESBIA,       GLYCEHITIM, 

My.  Ita  pol  qnideni  res  est  ut  dixti  X^bia : 

Fidelem  haud  ferme  muKeri  inrenias  Tinun, 

Si.  Ab  Andria  eet  aiynlla  haec.   J)a.  Qoid  narras  P  8i.  Ifa  eet. 

My.  Sed  hic  Famphilus — Si.  Quid  dicit  P   My.  firmaTit  fidem. 

8i.  Hem. 
Da.  Utinam  aut  hic  surdus  aut  haeo  mnta  Ciiota  sit.  5 

My.  Nam  quod  peperisset  jussit  tolli.     Si.  0  Jupiter  I 
Quid  ego  audio  F     Actum  est  siquidem  haeo  rera  praedicat. 
Le.  Bonimi  ingenium  narraa  adoleecentis.     My.  Optimom. 
8ed  aequere  me  intro,  ne  in  mora  illi  sia.     Le.  Sequor. 
Da.  Quod  remedium  nunc  huio  malo  inTeniamP     St.  Quid 

hocP  10 

Adeone  est  demens  P     Ex  peregrina  P     Jam  scio ;  ah ! 

AcT  III.  ScEHB  I.    M7«U  retonia  with  Tlie  comineDUton  aappoM  th*t  Simo  eonld 

Lesto»  to  th«  hiHue  of  Gljceriain,  which  not  hsTe  known  HfBU  by  aight,  ud  thmt 

mnit  he  iiiu|;ined  u  itanding  on  one  side  he  thercfora  uki  Datna,  who  woold  know 

of  the  iCage,  oppoiile  (o  the  bouse  of  Simo.  her.    Bnt  he  repmenti  him  in  Act  i.  ac 

Simo  thus  oierhearB  thdr  conTersfttiaa  kbout  I.   M,  u  hBriug  watched  faer  houaehold. 

the  bonourmble  conduct   of  Punphitua  in  mnd  no  daobt  he  had  made  ■cqiuintuDe 

promidnglo  »clinowledgB  Glycerium'»  child.  with    her  nuid.      This    i»   howerer  refin- 

^mo,  thcugh  >t  firat  perpleied,  congritu-  iug  too  fkr.     We  do  not  reqaire  that  *U 

latei  biniaeir  on  seeing  tfarough  the  trick,  the  chsrscCers  in  s  plsy  ibDald  be  formsllj 

which  he  regnrds  ■■  ■  iicheme  concocted  for  iati^aced  befbre  tbey  ahall  •eam  to  kaaw 

tfae  porpose  of  prerentiag  the  msrtisge.  esch  other. 

The  mem  ii  tnmeter  iBmbic.  7-  AettKM  h/]     The  phrue  ia  comnMm 

2.  Fidelerakauafmw...vinm\  •Yati  enoagh.  '  It  ia  sU  oter.'  See  Eun.  i.  1 . 9. 
will  scsrcetj  erer  find  s  msn  fsithfil  to  »  Heaat  Prol.  13.  "  AcCs  fawc  rea  est,"  ■  tUs 
wamui.'  '  Ferme '  is  ased  with  negstiTes  m^tter  ii  doae  for,'  Hesnt.  iii.  3.  3.  It  b 
ia  limitstiau  of  tbe  aegatiTe,  snd  is  found  deiiTed  in  the  first  instSDce  &om  jndicisl 
ia  tbis  eense  in  Liiy  :  "  Nec  ferme  res  sn-  phrsseologji  nf  &  ■"!(  once  ended,  thst 
tiqns  slis  est  nobilior,"  L  'H  \  snd  Ciceto,  coald  not  be  began  sgain.  Compsre  noto 
Rep.  i.  40  :  "  Qaod  non  fernie  decemitor,  oa  Adelphi  ii.  S.  84. 

niai  qaum  tetrs  prodigi^   nuntiata   sunt."         9.  Ne  tn  MOra  itti  ii«]     Soe  note  OD  iL 

Bo  too  ia   PUutuB,  Mensecfamei  ii.  1.  99:  b.  13. 

"  Propterea  huic  urbi  nomen  Kpidunno  in-  11-    Bx    ptregTina]      Far  his   ddldren 

ditum  est  Qais  nemo  ferme  hac  sine  dsmno  would  be  iUegitimste  in  tbe  ere  of  tbe  Isw. 

deTortitur."  Hnodotus   mentions  s  similsr  isw  smong 

3.  AbAwiria  nl  neilld]  "The  msid-  the  Lydans,  i.  173  :  'Hv  H  ari)piiiTiizya- 
■erTsntaftheAndriui.'  Bo  Fbntai,  Pseodol.  t-aita  Eifqv  t^^  dripi  rd  ritva  fii-crai. 
ii.  2.  22:  "Eme  tii,  sn  oan  es,  sb  illa  In  the  caae  of  the  childnn  of  Perides ■  spa- 
milite  Hacedanio  SerTOB  ejui  ?"  Bentley'i  cisl  bw  wu  intmdnced  ta  iegitimin  tbem. 
diTisioQ  of  the  speeches,  ■■  in  the  teit,  Jaiu  teio]  Simo  snddenly  tuicies  tbat 
seems  most  nstniBL  ^mo  spesks  first  be  hss  disoorercd  the  meaning  of  sU  tfaia 
donbtftally,  half  to  Darus ;  DsTai  oTsdes  ooDTersstion,  snd  tbst  it  is  a  mere  hbls 
tbe  qnestiaD  :  then  Kmo  speelu  conSdentlj  whicb  thej  luTe  jnvaitad  to  impos«  npOD 
apoD  recognizing  Mysia  ss  ahe  comra  neanr.  hioi. 


AC7TUS  ni.    SCENA  I.  41 

Tix  tandem  Bensi  stolidua.     Da.  Qnid  Mc  seiudBse  ait  P 

8L  Haec  primum  adiertur  jam  mihi  ab  hoc  faUacia : 

Hauc  simulaiit  porere  quo  Chremetem  abeterreant. 

Ql.  "  Juno  Lucina  fer  opem,  serra  me,  obeecro."  15 

8i,  Hui  tam  cito  ?  ridiculum :  poetquam  ante  ostiam 

Me  audiTit  stare  approperat.     Non  sat  commode 

DiTisa  Bunt  temporibus  tibi,  Dave,  baec.     Da.  Mihin  P 

8i.  Num  immemor  es  discipuli  ?     Da.  Ego  quid  narree  nescio. 

8i.  Hidne  me  si  imparatum  in  Teris  nuptiis  30 

Adortufi  emet  quos  mihi  ludos  redderet  P 

Nunc  hujus  periclo  fit,  ego  in  portu  naTigo. 

16.  £<•«(«>]     iaao    was  both    PrODHln  of  roost  of  the  commeDtttoi*.     Bat '  aani ' 

lod   LBdoB.     The   Greek   lunie   wu    E'-  woold  coDvef  that  '  thej  hul  not  forgottsD.' 

^ii0Bui.      Cuwo,   De   Nkt.  Deor.  ii.  37 :  '  DiBdpnli '  >eeiiii  more  naturatl;  to  refer 

*■  Ut  Dpad  Graecoa  Diuiun,  euDqae  Lnd-  to  Pungihilag.     D*tus  discUmi  ■)!  part  in 

foun,  nc  >pad  Doctroa  JnDoneDi  IiadnMn  the  matter.     Simo  ■ntwen,  '  Whitl  am  I 

iD  pwimdo  iDTocuit."    Id  ■  rostter  ot  thii  to  tbiDk  thit  jaa  h»e  fotfatten  four  acho- 

tuniliu'    kind   Tennoe   nMnnllj   obserred  lu  ?'     '  la  nat  this  ■  cDntritBnce  of  joun 

Romui  proprieties  of  «peech   lather   thui  on  PunphilDB' behAlf  f '     Doa&tai  meDtioDB 

Greek.      Hance,  od  the  ather  huid,  io  ■  both  readiniTB.     The  reading  of  tbe  tezt  i> 

Btodj  of  a  Greek  imbject  natursllj  ■ddrevnea  given  bj  Zeune  uid  Wdse. 

Diua  by  her  ■ttributei  af  LndD^ :  81.   Quoi  iniki  ludat  rtdderel^     '  Wbti 

"  UtMitinm  enrtot  Demoramque,  Tago,  ■  «^'  ha  wouU  h.Ye  pUjed  me.'     Thl. 

QD>e  lAbontitea  utaro  puellu  """*   "    dMtiDgunhed    from    the    phrwe 

Ter  toct.  ■udii  ■dimi^ue  leto  "  Ln'*?'  P™1>?"."  Eun.  ».6^,  ■  to  n»ke 

Di™  Irifbrmit"    (Cum.  iii.  22.  Ll  onwetf  •  l»ughing.lock,' ■nd  from  "  Ludoi 

■liqnem  fu»re,"    Flaatui,  Poen.  t.   a.  23, 

C^tallnB  ibows  thit  one  and  tbe  nme  deitj  >  to  make  ■  joke  of  oue.'  The  phreie  'Indoi 

*■■  inleDded  bj  both  Damea  :  "TnLudD*  ■licoi  (Kere '  ia  more  uuul  io  Pltatai.   8ee 

dokatabni  Jnno  dicts  puaperia,"  iiiiT.  13,  MosteUui^  ii.  1.  7&i  SD: 

18,  H.)     BmoBidmll7nlan)n«».-  y,^^^^  non,.  ™,i«n 

■tlnK  that  DsTui  hu  pre.unnged  Chii  mock  ,       '„  ^                                            ^ 

coafttieinfflt,  ■od  derideg  him    fbr  havitig  ' 

nude  it  too  ■prapos,     UuiuDO  Duser,  fbl-  «nd    Mercator  ii.   1.   1  :  "  Mirii  modij  di 

lowing  out  tfae  idea  of  the  word  '  tempori-  Indos  liduDt  borainibaB."    So  Fbormio  t. 

bo*,'  mdi  in  T.   10,  "  Nam   immeoiorci  8.  63,  in  ■  gener«l  tenee,  "Ut  ludos  bdtl" 

diidpnli  y    '  heve  joui    Bchol^n   brgotten  '  how  be  m^kei  game  of  it  I' 

their  perta  ?  Perhapi  the  bult  ia  uot  joan,  S3.    Ego    in    pertu    nmigo}     Coropsr* 

bot   tb^t   Ihej   heTe  been   r^tber  qaickra'  Cicero,  AdPuD.Tiii.  6 :  "HiBtempeatabbna 

llun   jron  intended.'     Thne  St^llbiinm  ei-  ei  prope  lolaB  ia  pottn."     We  maj  com- 

plaius   it:    "  Si  nolla  in  te  calpa  baeret,  pare  the  nmikr  metaphors,    "  Omaii  re^ 

aeqne  tn  ea  its  divineli  tcmporibni,  naro  e«t  jam  ia  Tado,"  T.  2.  4,  aad  "  Meo  IrBlri 

igitar  discipiili  tui  imroemoree  saot  yme-  gDndeo  e«e  ■morein  omoem  in  tnnqaillo ; 

ceptOTom  toomro  ?"  and  thiB  is  tbe  sense  udd  eet  domos,"  Eon.  T.  8.  8. 



LBSfilA.      GmO.       DAVUS. 

Le.  Adhnc  ArctiyliB  qnae  assolent  quaeqoe  oportet 

Si^na  esse  ad  salutem  omnia  huic  «ese  Tideo. 

Ntmc  primum  fac  istaec  lavet :  post  deinde 

Quod  juBsi  ei  dsri  bibere  et  qnantum  imperaTi 

Date :  mox  ego  huc  rerertar.  5 

Per  ecastor  scitus  puer  est  natus  Famphilo. 

Deo8  quaeso  Dt  sit  euperstes,  quandoquidem  ipse  est  ingenio 

Cumque  huic  est  Teritus  optimae  adulcscenti  &ceTe  injariam. 
8i.  Vel  hoc  quis  non  credat  qui  te  norit  abs  te  eese  ortam  ? 

Da.  Quidnam  id  est  P 
Bi.  Non  imperabat  coram  quid  opua  faoto  esset  puerperae :    lO 

AcT  III.  BciMB  II,     LMbim  iMfing  Ib*  Boch  qosrtioni  mtjr  ba  ufiAj  idagated  to 

hoiue  of  Olfcaiam,  giT«  K»na  puting  in.  the  cODadention  of  medic*!  mea. 

jnnctione  to  Archjlii  within.     Sma  ie  the  4.  Jiati — nifwravi — date]   TheMmsIt 

Diore  oonGimed  in  faii  nupidoni,  uid  Darui  medinl  tenn*.     Compare  Cicero,  Ad  Fui. 

iDMiiget  to  (trancthen  him  in  hii  opinion,  iii.  4  :  "  Jna  dudnm  tibi  imu  fnit,  oam 

predloting  that  Uict  will  endeaTOiir  to  im-  Koiraffrj/iaxac  eieee." 

pOM  npon  him  ttill  fnrtber.     At  tbe  lama  6.    Ptr   teaifar  teitm   |>B<r}     'Fmith  1 

time  he  pennidea  Sinio  that  Pamphilus  ha*  IJ|iDphihu  hu  got  k  Ter;  tlne  Irar.'     '  Per 

mllr  Blsndoned  Gljceciurn,  and  lake*  tha  tcitQa '    ii  divided    bj   tmetii,   u  li  com> 

CTodit  of  it  on  himarif.     Stmo  deteroiinea  moolj  tha  aae  with  oompaaiida  of  '  per' 

to  bwtea  the  mamige.  in  aimilHr  phnsea.    Bee  Hecrim  L  1. 1  : 

Metre;  l — 4,  bmcchiao  tetrmmettt;  A  — 

16,  iunbic  teCrmmetar  preoeded  bj  &  dmn-  "  Per  pol  qnAm  pmmooe  nfwnai  mcretti- 

■nlm:    17i    lSi   iunbio  trimeter;    19 — 29,  dbiu 

immbic  tecnmeter  (t.  28,  eilaleclic) ;  30—  HdelM  eTenire  amatorei,  Sjn." 
43,  trochaic  tetrameter  cataledic ;  41 — SS, 

immbic  trimeter.  Phota»,  Cteina  iL  8.  18 :  "  Pe>  p(d  wcye 

3.  Ad  tahitem']    Compere  "Ne  ad  mca>-  pecoaa." 

b<nn  boc  etimm,"  i.  0.  84.    HeanL  i.  2.  33:  8.    Cvmqttt  Inde  etl  veriAu]     Beotky 

"  Ea  Bont  md  nrtntem  omnia  t"    and    aee  made  tbia  tranipoaitJOD  on  the  anthori^  n 

noteoDL  3.  17.  ammnnicriptet  PeterhoQH,  Cambrid^.    It 

3.  Maee  lavel']   Commeotaton  ■»  di-  lmpn>*ee  Iha  Ime  mncfa.     Some   editon, 

Tided  aa  to  tbe  meanfng  of  tbeae  wordl.  keeplng  the  oommon  oider,  'qunmqne  hnic 

'Latet*  i<  liinplj  pnt  fbr  'laTetur.'    Tbe  Terftnt  eat,'  writA  'bniic'    and   'Terittnt,' 

worda    XovaaTt    atir^v    Taxtara,    quoted  M  Weiee  in   bia  Tandiniti  edlticni.     But 

Irom  Menander,  tettle  the  qnsetiOD.     Com-  tbcn  ia  no  autboritj  whmtero-  fhr  indi  a 

ptie  £nn.  iiL  5.  48  —48  :  fcrm   ai   '  hniie '    hi    Plmutng   or  TErenoe  ; 

" Tanit  una  1  Heu.  tu,  inqnit,  Dore,  »1«»«^  thia  aod  •  qnou  •  an  aupporCed  bj 

Ctpe  hoc  flabdlum,  et  *entulnm  hinc  lic  •°"*    ^™'           ,    ,           . 

£dto,  dum  lanmna  :  10.  <W  o^  fielo   euet  piurfene] 

Ubi  noa  ImTerimni,  n  voloa,  Imnto."  *^'"^/:  ,■*?.=     ?^  P^  °^  "^ 
pmim."    Adelpbi  t.  9.  39  :  "  Ploi  acu  qoid 

It  ii  nDnsceaimrj  to  tccnmnlmte  iiutaDeM,  fccto    opni  ett;"    tnd  Phormio  *.  I.  35, 

and  more  thmn  nanecemrj  to  eDter  into  ^atna,  Amphitmo  ii.   I.   84  :    "Hl  iatno 

qnertioiu  of  dinical  meditdne  ta  to  tbe  pro.  primnm  eiqoidto  ett  opot."      Caiiiia  iiL 

piietj  of  thii  ablnti<Hi,  u  Donatoi  dota.  3.  M :    "  Bso   Intu  qood  bcto  eat  opm 


ACTTJS  ni.    SCENA  H.  43 

8ed  postqnflm  ogreBaa.  eat  illis  quaa  mmt  iatns  clamat  de  via. 
0  Dave,  itan  eoBtemnor  abs  te  f  ant  itane  tandeoD  idomeaa 
Tibi  Tideor  eese  qoem  tam  aprate  &ilere  incipias  dolis  P 
Saltem  Bccurate,  ut  metui  videar  certe  ai  resciTerim. 
Da.  Certe  heicle  uunc  hic  se  ipsns  &llit  faaud  ego.  Si.  Edizin 

tibi,  IS 

InterminBtus  sma  oe  faceEee  P  num  Teritus  ?  quid  Tetolili  f 
Gredon  tibi  hoc,  nunc  peperisse  hanc  e  Pamphilo  ? 
Da.  Teneo  qoid  erret :  et  quid  agam  habeo.     8L  Qoid  tacee  ? 
Dti.  Qoid  credaa  ?  quasi  n<m  tibi  renunciata  aijit  haec  rac  fore. 
8i.  Mihin  quisquamP    Da.  £ho  an  tute  intellezti  hoo  assi- 

mularif     8i.  Irrideor.  so 

Da.  Rmunciatum  est :  nam  qni  istaec  tibi  inoidit  sospicio  P 
Si.  Qni  ?  quia  t«  noram.     Da.   Quaai  tu  dicas  factum  id  con- 

silio  meo. 
iSi'.  Certa  enim  scio.     Da.  Xon  satis  me  pemoeti  etiam  qualis 

8i.  Ego  non  te  P    Da.  Sed  si  quid  narrare  occoepi,  continuo 

Tibi   verba   censes   falso :    itaque  hercle   nihil  jam  muttire 

audeo.  35 

8i.  Hoc  ego  acio  imum  neminem  peperisse  hic.     Da.  Intel- 

Sed  nihilo  secius  mox  deferent  puerum  huc  ante  ostium. 
Id  ego  jam  nunc  tibi  renuntio  here  futurum,  ut  sis  scieus. 

lola  weann."      Ths  nse   of    tlie  ■bb-  plunJ  of  the  itnpentJTe,  eqninleDt  to  '  ope- 

lin  of  the  pasiiTe  pariidple  witfa  '  opni  nm  dete. '  But  the  wbole  force  of '  Mtlteoi ' 

Ett'  ia  mmiiiiiD,  M  *  propaato  opua  ot,'  i«  Uiii*  loBt. 

'mitgnto  opoa  Bt,'    uul  otber  pbnm.  16.  Inttrmniatiil  matj  Tenoos  nsee  tba 

Haiae  it  natirallr  cwse  to  pesa  tbi^  if  tbe  depoDeot  fbmi.    8ee  Enn.  t.  1. 14.  8ot«a 

piHiaide  wete  tnwlJTe,  it  (bonld  be  bl-  Fliiate*,  CqitiT.  It.  8.  1 1 .     InoDeideee, 

Wed  }tj  tfae  eue  of  the  Tert),  m  hera  Hiles    Glor.    ii.    33.    42,     "Qeii    liomo 

'qiid'  ii  gareaived  b;  '  bcto.'  ii>tcnBiii»t  ^'    tbe    aetiTe    fbrm  ie  fbuid, 

11.  A*t  Umit  landem  iiloiMS*]  '  Do  jon  end  aiMj  perhspe  be  defeoded  b;  tfae  ocnv. 

ttiek   me  ladeed  nuA  a  fit  nibjeGt  fbr  kdm  of  tha  paerive  in  Honoa,  Epod.  t. 

ro*>  to  etttempt    (n  decdTO  «o  opeDlj  ?'  3!l :  "  Interminato  qnam  ■emel  fiue  dbo 

'ItHM  taodem,'  oompare  Hwut.  t.  3.  I.  inlmbuimeat  pnpnlRe." 

Itxnuo  iL  3.  2S.  23.  JVon  talii  m*  ptnioili  eliam  fndlu 

IJmui]   The    derlTation   ia  nncertun.  «iih]    '  You  do  not  ^et  tboronghlj  kixnT 

Tbe  phnae  of  tha  tezt  occun  in  PUaEo*  whmt  I  un.'      ?ar  •  etiam  '  see  note  on  L  I. 

•od  Tmoce.     See  iv.  4.  18.    PUntna,  Aol.  89.     Compve  Ibr  Ihe  rednndant  BOCoaatiTe 

ii.  74,  and  in  Ciflera,  la  Terrcm  iiL  a  41.  Enn.  iiL  0.  62,  tl3:.  "Metno  &atrem  ne 

De  Aniicit.  i.  4.  intni  ait"    So  in  LiT7  ir.  41 :  "  Eierdtwn 

14.  SaitoK  acainUt]  8ee  note  on  i.  0.  nbi  eaaat  le  noKire." 

K-    *  Yon  might  at  107  nte  bave  dooe  it  26.  Inttlltxii]  '  Yon  nDdentand  It  ali, 

atefaUj,  ao  ai  to  nuke  a  Bhaw  of  feariDg  I  aee  :  bnt  nereitheleia  thej  will  1000  pro- 

me  if  I  ahonld  diacorer  iL'    StallfaaaDi  con-  (tace  the  ddld  bcM  in  the  (treet.' 
Bdcn  •aecmate'  to  be  tbe  Mcond  penon 



Ne  ta  hoc  milii  poateriuB  dicas  Davi  factnm  consilio  But  dolis. 
FrorsuB  a  me  opiniouem  haae  tuam  esse  ego  amotam  toIo.  30 
Si.  TJnde  id  scisP    Da.  Audivi  et  credo:  multa  concurrunt 

Qui  conjecturam  kanc  nunc  lacio.     Jam  primum  haec  sc  g 

Ctravidam  dixit  eaee ;  inventum  est  falaum :  nunc,  poetquam 

Nnptiaa  domi  apparari,  miesa  est  ancilla  ilico 
Obstetricem  arceeaitum  ad  eam,  et  puerum  nt  a£leiTet  simol.  35 
Hoc  nisi  fit  puerum  ut  tu  videas,  nihil  morentur  nuptiae. 
8i.  Quid  aia  f    Quum  intellezeras 
Id  consili  capere,  our  non  dixti  extemplo  Famphilo  f 
Da.  Quis  igitur  eum  ab  illa  abetraxit  nisi  ego  ?  nam  omnes 

noB  quidem 
Scimua  qnam  misere  lianc  amarit :  nunc  sibi  uxorem  ezpetit. 
Postremo  id  mihi  da  negoti ;  tu  tamen  idem  bas  nnptias        41 
Fei^  facere  ita  ut  facis :  et  id  apero  adjuturoe  deoa. 
Si.  Imo  abi  intro :  ibi  me  opperire,  et  quod  parato  opus  eet 

Non  impulit  me  haec  nnnc  omnino  ut  crederem : 
Atque  haud  Bcio  an  quae  dixit  sint  vera  onmia  :  45 

Sed  parri  pendo ;  illud  mibi  multo  »rmTn'miiTn  est 

36.  Nihil  moBenlvT  tuipliae]    Donahu  plam  '  for  a  diTision  of  ipsoe,  mon  pecD- 

eiplwDs  ■  maientur  '  by  '  difFnrunttir,  '  ire  liartj   fbr  the    ■acrad   obMnatory   of  the 

pat  ofl','   ia  which  tKn»    StsUbanm  coin-  aagun.     '  Eitempla*  then  msuis '£1  ton- 

pinn  ii.  2.  33  :  "  Qoantum  huic  promoveo  pare,'  '  on  tho  apiir  of  th«  mooieDt.'     In 

ouptiu."       But    'maiere'    more    rimpij  confirraatian  of  the  Tiew  taken  by  Foral- 

meu*  '  to  diatnib,'  ma  in  Cicero,  Fhillp   i.  lini,  St^lbaom    compwea   the  phrua  'ei 

7  :  "  En  non  mnto,  noD  moTeo."  hoc  loco '  io   PUutas,  Amn.  L  2.  4.     But 

3S.  Milemplo'}  The  nsual  form  af  this  {□  that  puiage  tbe  words  ore  osed  lilVBllj, 

word  in  P1*ut«s  ia  'eitMnpnlo,'  wbich  For.  '  I  will  go  from  tbis  spat  to  the  famm.' 

cellini  coosiders  to   hsTe   been  a  metricBl  39 — 40.  Illa   . .  .    hane]    GljcB^am   ii 

form.     He  oomparea  it  with  '  ilico,'  which  meut  iu  both   cbm».      Bj    '  IIU '    she  is 

be  deriTes  trom  '  e  loo).'  "  Ut  enim  hoc  ab  spoken  of  u  a  fDrmer  lOTer  of  I^Kiipliilai. 

«  /aro  factnm  est,  ita  illud  *b  nr  letHplB;  '  Hinc'  refen  to  her  being  on  the  spot, 

templam  eoim  et  ipsum  locum  aliquando  for  thej  were  jtanding  at  ber  door.     Simo 

•i|:iiiflcat."     The  analogj  of '  ilico '  will  not  aaki  whj  DaTus  had  oot  warned  Pamphilui 

bold,  fbr  it  mnst  clsarlj  be  derived  fram  '  in  of  this  cheat,  to  which  he  replies  tbat  he 

loco,'  as  we  saj  '  od  the  spot '  {i.  I.  SS).  had  done  more.     He  bad  weaned  him  from 

'Tampulum'  is  etidentlj  the  original  form  her;  and  tbej  all  knew  how  deipeiBtdj  he 

of  '  templnm,'  being  a  dimioutiTe  of  '  tem-  had  been  in  lare  wilh  her.     Now  hj  hii 

pDS.'     'Tempus'  etjmologicaUj  meant  •  a  adyioe  he  tonii  to  nurriage,  and  he  pro- 

diTieian,'  wbetber  of  time  or  ipace  would  misea  to  try  his  ntmast  to  biing  tbe  mar- 

tie  iadifferent ;  aod  origiDallj  iti  diminu-  riage  abont. 

Hto   '  tampDlom '    wouid    liaTe    the    aame  43.   QiMil  parala  Opia  01]   Bee  note  on 

meaning.     Afterwirdg  'tempns'  waa  nsed  T.  10. 
eiclusivelj  for  a  dirisioii  uf  time )   'tem- 


ACTTJS  ni.    SCENA  ni.  46 

Qood  mihi  poUicitua  est  ipae  gnatnfl.     TSrmc  Chremeni 

ConTenlam :  orabo  gnato  uxorom :  si  impetro, 

Quid  alias  malim  quajn  hodie  haa  fieri  nuptias  P 

Nam  gnatoB  quod  pollicitug  egt  haud  dnbium  est  miTn'  60 

Si  nolit  qoin  enm  merito  possim  cogere. 

Atque  adeo  in  ipeo  tempore  eccnm  ipflum  obviam. 



Si,  Jubeo  Chremetem.     Ch.  0,  te  ipenm  qnaerebam.     8i.  £t 

^;o  te.     Ch.  Optato  adyenis. 
Aliquot  me  adiere  ex  te  anditum  qui  aiebant  Lodie  filiam 
Meam  nnbere  tuo  guato :  id  tIso  tune  an  illi  insaniant. 
8i.  Anscnlta  pancis :  et  quid  ego  te  Tclim  et  ta  quod  quaeris 

Ch.  Ausculto :  loqnere  quid  velis.  B 

jSt.  Per  te  deos  oro  et  noetram  amicitiam  Chreme 

4S.   QnHlaJMf]  '  What  can  I  wiih  other  Tsrri  Romalnm  jabetit."    'OptEto/    '  •>■• 

tbas  that  the  matTHige  ihonld   Uka  pUce  20ubl)'.'      So    too    '■aspusto,'  n.  &.  13. 

tbia  *0T  daj  ?'     'Alias'  is   here  used  ln  'ConiDlto/^compHcto/udothnadjecliTeg, 

the  Benaeof  'aliter.'     BenCle;r  readi  'qiun-  ue  lued  conimonlf  in  aa  BdTerbial  leDse. 
do  aliaA,'  'it  «h&t  other  time?'  qnoting         4.]     Bentlej     hu     thns     punctuated  i 

ftom  B  •dwlion  of  Aoon  on  Uonoe,  Senn.  "  AuMaltB.     Pbucui  et  quid,"  &c.     Bat  iu 

L  4.  S3 ;  but  ths  chiHce  of  time  doee  not  Addpbiv.S.  SO,weh>ve  "Anscnitkpencia," 

■cem  to  be  intended;  fbr  Chremea  wonld  '  hear  me  >  moment.'    Compeie  the  phnie 

gjre  hia  dan|;bter  *t  once  u  well  u  *t  an j  '  pncis  te   volo,'   kbore  i.  1 .  S.     '  Pandt 

time.  edee'  would  be  coircct,  u  'pancig  debo,' 
Heut.  ProL  10  ;  bat  the  mqorit;  of  ia- 
■tuicee  in  Tecence  feTonr  tbe  ■nangement 
oftheten.  Bee  Bnnncho*  T.  S.  37.  Uecjt» 

hii  dangbter  *t  once.    Chremes  et  Srit  ob-  iii.  fi.  60,  uote. 

jecti  tbe  intjmec;  of  Pamphilns  end  OIt-        6.  Ferledeoion}  A  common  fonnnleiT. 

cmnm.     Thii  Simo  uuwen  bj  the  in-  Compue  t.  1.  IS  :   "  Per  ego  te  deoe  oro." 

fbnDatkmiiluch  he  bu  deriTcd  liom  Darni  Otbercuesere  •ometimee  fonDd,MinPlaa- 

of  tbeir  preeent  eeOanffement.     He  begi  tui,  Menaedi.T.  7  i  "  Per  ego  Tobii  deot  et- 

Chtsmee  to  antidpate  ■  poesible  reoondlia-  qnehomineedico."    The  phnMinwe  from 

tion  bf  »  marTiage  wMch  ii  likelf  b>  meke  an  imitation  of  the  Greek  wpoc  nc  rwv  6(>>v. 

e  refbnDed  chencter  of  Cbe  jcnmg  man  ;  Compare  Euripidef,  Pboeniuae  1060 :  vui 

■nd  tbongb  Cbremei  natanllj  anticipatei  irp6(   rt  r^ajt  fiqrpic  'letaatiit  Kplcv, 

■ajtluiig:  bnt   ■   h^pj   nuRuge,   and   is  and  Hedea  326  :  fii^  irpoc  si  yDvdrvv  r^c 

loath  to  BacriGce  his  dugbter  lo  the  eipe-  ri  viayo^ov   n^pic-     Manj   parsllel  pa*. 

rimeot,  he  ii  at  lait  preniled  upon  to  giTe  nges   might  be  collected  Irom  the  Latin 

hii  eoDWDt.  poeti.    The  idiomatic  nie  of  the  phrue  i> 
Hetre;    I — S,   iambic  tetmmeter   wilh    better  illmtnted  by  tbe  following  pusagB 

duunla;    6  —  43,   iambic   trimetere ;  43 —  of  LItj  uiii.  9,  nliere  CalBiias  diunadet 

47,  iambic  tetnmeter  cstiJcctic.  bie  san  Perolla  from  his  inlended  aMauina- 

1.  yntra  (ic  lalnn-e)]  Compare  "  SalTere  tioQ  of   Hannibil.     "  Per  ego   te,   iaquit, 

Hegionem  plnrimiim  jnbeo,"  Ad.  iii.  4.  flli  qnaecunque  jun  liberos  JDnguDt  parea- 
14,  and  lArj  L  16  :  "  Dfaode  .  .  .  regem  tiboi  precor  quaeaoqne  ae  aate  oculoi  p»- 
panmtMnqua  orbia  Romaoae  ealTere  nni-    trii  bcwe  et  pati  omnia  ia&nds  Telia." 



Quae  incepta  s  puris  cam  aetate  aocrerit  siniul, 

Perque  unicam  gnatam  toam  et  gnatam  meum, 

Cujus  tibi  poteetas  summa  serraiidi  datnr, 

TJt  me  adjures  in  hac  re,  atque  ita  ut  nuptiae  lo 

Fueraut  futurae  fiant.     Ch.  Ah  ne  me  obaecra : 

Quasi  hoc  te  orando  a  me  impetrare  oporteat. 

Alium  esee  censee  nunc  me  atque  olim  cum  dabam  ? 

Si  in  rem  eet  utrique  ut  fiant,  aroeesi  jube. 

Sed  si  ex  ea  re  plua  mali  est  quam  commodi  1 5 

Utrique,  id  oro  te  in  coomiune  ut  consulae, 

Quasi  illa  tua  sit,  Pamphilique  ego  sim  pater. 

Si.  Imo  ita  volo  itaque  poetulo  ut  fiat  Chrwne : 

Keque  pofitulem  aba  te  nisi  ipea  res  moneat.     CA.  Quid  eet  P 

iSt.  Irae  sunt  inter  Qlycerium  et  gnatnm.     Ch.  Audio.  20 

iSt.  Ita  nuignae  ut  ^rem  poese  avellL     Ch.  Fabulae. 

Si.  Profecto  sic  eat.     Ch.  Sic  bercle  ut  dicam  tibi : 

Amantium  irae  amoris  integratio  est. 

iSt.  Hem,  id  te  oro  ut  ante  eamua  dum  tempus  datur, 

Dumque  ejua  libido  occlusa  est  contnmeliis,  25 

Priua  quam  harum  acelera  et  lacrimae  confiotae  d<4i8 

Beducunt  nTiiimiTn  aegrotum  ad  misericordiam : 

IJzorem  demus :  spero  consuetodine  et 

Conjugio  liberali  devinctum  Chreme 

Dein  fecile  ex  illis  sese  emersnrum  malis.  30 

'  A>  if  jaa  Tfae  tentliiieiit  !■ 

■  froin  me  bj  PlButni,  Ajnphilrjo 
'  Qmsi '  l>  otl«D  UKd,  m  in 

oor  own  idioin,  whcm  rhe  o|^HMita  is  im-  ■■  VarmB  liM  ri  qnae  fbrteeTeniDiit  fasju. 
plied.    Compkre  ii.  A.  9  ;  V.  3.  IB.  modi 

14.  Si  in  rnn  M(]    So  Hecrn  ii.  S.  7  :        Inter  eM  :  rnnnm  d  rerMittim  In  gi«- 
"  Qaod  ln  >i  Iden  fuerei  °"^  '"  "^  '^  ""^  "^ 

iMMtiwn  et  TOstimm  id  euet."   We  hire  the         Bi>   tanto    unid    nnt    inter  ee,   ({aUB 
phiue  ■  ei  re/  Pfaormio  ▼.  8.  7^-  priiu." 

le.  A>  «mtnwwii/  efnm/ai]  ■  Ib^  joa 

ta  look  to  onr  eommon  intereat,  m  iiT  Bhe  A  line  of  Menuder  Is  «lio  qnoted  :  1^4 

wEce  Tonr  danghter  Hid  I  vere  Pamphilni'  ^XoiJmir    tkijBy    {irjfm    xpivov.       Bot 

lether.'  See^i^l,  Aen.  li.  335  :  "  CcoMilile  there  laeB»  no  neeeantj  at  ili  for  imagin. 

in   mediam."     In   Piantiu,  Aalnute  ii.  9.  ing  th*t  Terenoa  bomnrad  firam  uy  ooa. 

20 ;    "  Hetno,  tn  commone  ne  quim  fian-  Tfae  idea  n  borniired  from  ontinuy  Hfta, 

dem  frinsai  f  it."     '  Id  oro  ta  '  U  the  mo«t  snd  Tereiice'a  upraiisiDn  bu  all  tbe  ti  i  iiii 

nBtnnl  order  of  tbe  wordi,   uid  the  onlj  neai  of  an  original  anggeatjoD. 
one  vbicb  aroida  some  bvih  ■hift  of  hiitnB.         29.  Ubtrali']    Oppoaed  to   '  peiegrfiu ' 

30.  AMlio]    Ironksllj,  aa  ia  ahown  bj  (iii.  1.  II). 
'fidiahui'  in  the  foUowiog  line.    Compue        90.   Bx   ilUt   §tn    «iwarini  niw    •wflt} 

Phannio  t.  7.  03,  M :  "  Ch.  Miaanm  et  fa-  ■  Emergo  '  ia  lonielimea  tiaed  tranutireJT,  aa 

dmnii.    PA.  Pabnlae.     CA.  Quidiia   tibi  ?  in  the  preaent  paaaage,  bnt  notin  tbebeat 

Atfentnm  qnod  habe*  oindonamuite.   Ph.  «ritera.     In  Cioero  genet>llf  as  *  nenler 

Aodia."  *erb,  or  in  tbe  peanve  roice.  In  Adelphi  iM. 

93.  Amamtmm  int  .  .  .  inltffratia  «■<]  9.  4,  "  Unde  amasi  dob  poteat,"  we  bmf 

Aonjs  m.  scENA  in.  47 

Ch.  Tibi  ita  lu»  videtnr :  at  ego  non  posse  KrbitniT 

Neqoe  illum  luuic  perpetno  habere,  neque  me  perpeti. 

Si.  Qui  scifi  ei^  iatuc  niBi  periclum  fecerifl  ? 

Ch,  At  istuo  periclum  iu  £lia  fieri  graTe  eet. 

Si.  Nempe  incommoditoa  denique  huc  onmis  recUt :  3S 

Si  eremat  quod  Di  prohibeant,  disceeaio. 

At  ei  corrigitur,  quot  commoditates  vide : 

Principio  ajoico  filimn  reatitueris ; 

Tibi  generum  firmum  et  filiae  inTeniaa  virum. 

Ch.  Qoid  istic  ?  ai  ita  ifitnc  animum  induxti  esae  utOe,  40 

Nolo  tibi  ullum  commodum  in  me  claudier. 

8i.  Merito  te  semper  maximi  feci  Chreme. 

Ch.  Sed  quid  ais  P     Si.  Quid  F     Ch.  Qui  scis  eos  nnnc  discor- 

daie  inter  seP 
Si.  IpHos  mihi  DaTus  qui  intimus  est  eorum  consLIiis  dizit ; 
£t  ia  mihi  miadet  nuptias  quantum  queam  ut  maturem.         45 
Num  censea  faceret  filium  niei  sciret  eadem  haec  Telle  P 

tbe  Dsoler  puave.    W«  nuj  ccnnpirs  the  nid  ta  restore  FBmphihu  to  fak  hther  tb« 

wfcttira    we  of   *  penetro  '  in    FlautDB,  nomeDt  be  giiee  hie  anueot  to  the  nuuriBgs 

AiDph.  L  1.  #7 :  "  FeidDellea  penetnut  te  thst  ia  Co  meke  him  ■  reformed  cbkracter. 

in  fDgwn."     TViuaminDi  ii.  2.  16 :  "  Quin  See  note  on  i.  3.  8. 

niaa    me    ad    plurea    peaetnTi  ? "    'whj         40.   Qwif  ufie]    A  common   brmnlm  uS 

Uie  I   not   l^en   myieir  off    bj  the   de-  cODceedon    sfteT    diipnte.      '  Well,    welli 

peited?'  And  in  Ueneechm^  ii.  3.  fi4,  wa  yon  may  hiTe  jaw  own  wny.'     CiHiipu^ 

hne  ■  pSDetTo  '  in  ■  tnDshiie  lenie  :  "  Ne.  Adelphi  i.  8.  63 :  "  Qnid  iitic  >  ti  ietac  tibi 

i|ne    hnc    aaqnAHi    portqnam    n»taa    enm  piacct."  Adelphi  t.  S.  ."iS :  "  Quid  istic  6a* 

iiln  portun  peoetnTi  pedem."  bilnr  qnidem,  qoando  hic  Tolt  ?"     In  men; 

30.   Imeamimodilet']    Bubnken  eipUini  puMges  we  meet  with  '  quid  ietnci'  iutlu 

the  norA  u  eqoiTalent  ta  '  calunitsi.'    We  Buue  aense.     9ee  Enn.  iii.  3.  96 :     "  Qnid 

mmt  ■atmll;,  hDwerer,  coDiider  it  to  be  iatoc  !    Si  cntnm  eit  boan,  Ctdaii."    Tbe 

■nLbatitote  tor  aDnie  atrongerword.  '  Well,  phraae  onginallT  ironld  mean   '  Whj  go  on 

■fter   nO,'    <■;■  ^o,  'llw  whola    iucon-  (argning)    In   thet  w^r?'     'Whf  lar   M 

TeniBM»  of  tbe  aSair  camea  to  thia  :   ff  mnch  u  jon  do  ?' 

it  Gomea  to  tbe  w<mt,  wbich  tbe  gDde  fbr-        41.  /fole  libi  nlhim  tojnmodnm  ni  ma 

hid,   tber  caD  aeparate.'    Simo   antDra%  claudier)    A  limilar  phrase  ia  faand  in 

mee  tba  beat  tcnni  tbat  be  can  fiDd  to  ei-  Enn.  1.  a.  84  :  "  Nanc  abi  meam  benigni- 

pnaa  an  nnpleaiant  fkct ;  and  ao  be  diooNa  tatam  wnaiati  in  ta  dandier  f    Bst  it  ia 

initaad  of  '  dlmrtiam '  the  wori  '  diices^ '  erident  that  tlie  aimiliHt;r  ia  more  appa- 

(«rigiuaUj  of  TOtiQg  on  opporite  aldea  in  rent  than  real.    In  text  «e  mnat  tranilirte  i 

tbe    ■iMirii ;      eee    **  Per     disceaaonam,"  '  I  abonld  be   ■»17  tb>t  70U  ahoold    haTe 

Cicero,    Pl^lpp.   ix.   tn,),  which   giTca   a  anir  adrantage  obelructed  in   me  ;'  in  mj 

miUa-  idan.     Tbe  atndent  ■boidd  Dbnrre  pervon.     In  the  pamge  of  tbe   EunocfaBi 

t^  nioe  dioice  of  tbemooda  'ereniat'  and  '  tn  te'mQit  mean  '  in  70UT  caae, '  '  towaida 

*  eanigitnr  ;'  tbe  former  to  expreaa  a  bare  ;oa.'    Tbese  paamgei  Btand  alone,  and  the 

npfiomtion  which  Simo  wiU  not  contem-  difficolty  nmaini.     Bentlej    eolTea   it   b; 

plate,     the  latta-  to  abow  tbe  eertaint;  altering  tbereoding  in  both  caiea  to  '  inter- 

whicfa  ba  taeb  of  ■  hifipj  leeDit.    81011«  cludier,'  which  glTea  the  nme  meaning  tai 

ihadea  of  meaDing  nuy  be  obaerred  in  the  both  ploces ;  bot  thia  ia  a  mere  oonjectore, 

teneee  >  reftitneria'  aDd'iDTeniee;'tbeformer  For  tbe  nie  of  the  Terb  'dando'  we  maj 

repreaenttng  the  '  fait  accompU;'    the  im-  eomTnre Cicero,  Off.ii.  1&:  "  Nec  ita  daa- 

mediaM  reenlt  of  Chremei'  conwnt;  tbe  dendn  eM  rea  fiunilivii  nt  eam  ben^itaa 

bUer,  Ibe  ■fta'  cutwqneDoe  of  the  Dur-  qwrii*  dod  poeait,  nec  ita  reaeraiida  nt 

liaga  ;  fbr  ChmoMa  Diajr  Ln  coa  aeDaa  be  pateat  omnibliai"  8ee  uMe  on  Bnn.  L  3. 84. 

Tute  adeo  jam  ejtu  Terba  audiee.     Heru  evocate  buo  Davam. 
Atque  eccum ;  Tideo  ipsum  foras  esire. 


DAVC8.       SIMO.       CHREMES. 

Da.  Ad  te  ibam.     8i.  Qnidnam  eet  P 
Da.  Cur  nzor  non  arcessitur  ?  jam  adTeeperascit.     St.  Audin 

tu  illum? 
Ego  dudum  non  tiiTiH  Teritus  sum  DaTe  abs  te,  ne  faceres  idem 
Quod  Tulgus  serrorum  solet  dolia  ut  me  deluderes 
Propterea   quod  amat   filius.      Da.    Egone    istuc    facerem? 

Si.  Credidi:  5 

Idque  adeo  metuens  Toe  celaTi  quod  nunc  dicam.     Da.  Quid  ? 

8i.  Scies : 
Nam  propemodum  babeo  jam  fidem.     Da.  Tandem  cognoeti 

qui  siemP 
Si.  Naa  iueraat  nuptiae  futurae.     Da.  Quid  P  non  P     £<i.  Sed 

ea  gratia 
Simulavi  tos  ut  pertentarem.     Da.  Quid  aisP      8i.  Sic  res 

est.     Da.  Yide, 
Numquam  istuc  ego  quiTi  inteUegere.     Yah  consilimn  cal- 

lidum.  10 

8i.  Hoc  audi  :  ut  biuc  te  introire  jusei  opportune  hic  fit  mibi 

obTiam.     Da.  Hem, 
Ifumnam  periimus  P     8i.  ISairo  huic  quae  tu  dudum  narrasti 


AiTT  III.    ScsNK  lY.     DmTU,  h^Ting  pear  in  4II  tbe  USS.    The  Tene  Ii  rcgnlv 

been  csUed  to  ntiMfj  Cbremei  tbM  thae  u  it  itADda ;  for  die  lut  ijlUble  oT  ■  itliun ' 

ii  B  qoerrel  betveen  GiyceriDm  and   PBm-  eo>leBc«  with  '  ^ '  in  the  neit  iine. 

philu,    come*    in  to   urgs  tfae   immediate  4.   Vnt^  wpFarwn]    Compwe  Hecjn 

oelebtatioD  of  tbc  muriage,  mod  is  now  io'  ii.  S.  34  :  "  Sins  me  obucro  boc  eflugere, 

rarnied  of  Cfaremei'  coneent  to  tbe  mv-  Tulgui  qood  male  andit  mnlicnim." 

riage,  u  «ell  u  of  tlie  fonner  pratenoe  of  6.  Fm  etlmi  quod  uune  dieam]    This 

his  muter.     Tfaia  informMion   throws  him  nie  of  '  crio '  with   donble  ■cctmtiTe   (u 

Into  Ifas    gre>tat    klum,   which   he    die-  ipvirrov    rivd    ri,   JelF,  Greelf  Gismmar 

umbleB  u  he  best  cui,  prominng  to  do  hii  &83)  ui  fonad  in  Adelphi  i.  1.99:  "  E>  ne 

beat    to   keep  PBmphiiua  ■trsight   for   tbe  me    celet     conBnefeci   Glinm."       See    bIio 

fntnre.     Cfaremee  retanis   home  to    make  Hecrni  iii.  3.  24.    Adclphi  i.  1.  80. 

tfae  necoMuy  ■rranifementi.  7,    JVain  propejnodvm    Aoieo     jam  Ji~ 

The  first  line  of  this  icene,  tagetfaer  witb  drrn']      Some    edition*    ind    MSS.    insrrt 

th>  lut  of  Keue  3,  makea  np  ■□  immbic  te-  '  tibi '  after  '  h>beo.'      But  Donalua  rad  u 

truneter  cal«lectic     The   remuaing  linse  in  tbe  teit,  Hid  '  tibi '  ii  moit  probablj  1 

•re  iunbic  tetnmeter,  ud  t.  itfi,  ■  cUninl*.  |lou.     Bentk^  wm  the  fint  lo  omit  it. 

3.}  Bantler  omita  >  tn  illum,'  which  tp- 


ACTUS  ni.    SCENA  IV.  49 

Dtt.  Quidoani  audioP     8L  Gnatam  ut   det   cffo,   Tixque  id 

exoro.    Da,  OccidL     Si.  Hem, 
Quid  dixistiP     Da.  Optime  inquam  factum.     Si.  Nnno  per 

hunc  nulla  eet  mora. 
Ch.  Domim>  modo  ibo:   ut  appamitur  dicam:  atque  liuo 

renuntio.  IS 

8L  Ifunc  te  oro  Dave  quoiiiam  solus  mihi  efTecisti  lias  nup- 

tiae — 
Ih.  £go  Tero  solus.    8i.  corrigere  miht  gnatum  porro  enitere. 
Ba.  Faciam  herde  sedulo.     Si.  Fotes  nimo  dum  animua  irii- 

tatua  eat. 
Da.  Qniescas.     8i.  Age  igitur  ubi  nunc  eet  ipans  ?    Zht.  Hi- 

rum  ni  domi  est. 
Si.  Ibo  ad  eom :  atque  eadem  haec  tibi  quae  dizi  dicam  itidem 

illL     Da.  NuUus  sum.  30 

Qoid  cansae  est  quin  hinc  in  piatrinum  recta  proficiacar  Tia  f 
Kihil  est  preci  loci  relictum ;  jam  perturbavi  omnia : 
Herum  fefelli ;  in  nuptias  conjeci  berilem  filiuin ; 
Feci  hodie  nt  fier^t  inaperante  hoo  atque  invito  Pamphilo. 

Astutias !  quod  si  quiesaem  nihil  erenisset  mali.  2S 

13.  Oceidi]  Thiiuipoken  aside:  8imo 

Thu    like    the    lormil    Viee    iDiqnitr, 

■n]}  heon  it,  and  Danu  ihea   tanis  it 


■ide  «  if  he  wid  'optiiiie.'     Id  >  well- 

1  mcmliM  two  meuingi  in  ona  word." 

IDOVD  pBBn^  of  Livj  there  is  pcrhipe  & 

.fiirion  of  •  optime'  with  'occidi.'         u,  Appamtur (n«pliae)}  Bentlej  reada 

,„»  ,i.-„n™1„  ,rf.  n™..,  .™.      ,,pp,„t„-    (ioiperMiiBl),   oa  the  fCToiind 

thmC  the  feut  woald  be  prepered  iii  Simo'» 

.  -  liouse  relher   than  et    Chrema'.      But  it 

]«^  TOcem  ejQs  embigaem,     ^  atCbremes'  house  tbat  Darue eipected 

■"  "■* — '"'  '■!  ^™^™     to  find  e  sopper  in  prep»r«tioti,  ii.  2.  31,  u 

AAer  relating  the  lourder  of  a  Ronun  am. 
tomdor  bj  Lua  Tolumtiias  of  Veii, ' 
"  I«yint  qoidam   r^is  hai 

tiwpUm  annm  mortig  1^>  fiii™,"  iy.  ^^  „  jhe  bmiUe  .bimt  the  bri'de :  aee  u» 

i/.where  Strotb  eipUini  the  storj  to  roein  i,  4    j 

*«  the  Rden«te»  interpreted  '  optime,' or  \j   Eao  vtra  «iIumI   '  Yee,  it  i.  mT  doing 

>me  other  eid»ra4tion  of  p  eeaure,  u  u  ,,^„0.'     Da™   muxt  be  mpposed  to  nv 

"do  for  their  deeth.     Livj,  boweTer,  doee  ,hi.  «*  if  he  took  credit  to  him«lf  for  ft 

Wt  tell  D.  whether  the  Mtne  unbiguitj  oc-  ^^  i,,,  „„(„  .  „a  ^^  the  ume  time  he 

imseU  intemAllj  of  the  whole  n 

comdinEtrnBcanM  in  the  lAtin,  while  he  _^„_„ 

rwj  ptopcrlj  Uughi  at  the  storj.     If  '  oc.  ^y^^^f 

fldi'«,d  'optime'  were  sliVe  in  pronnn-         ^\  ffihil  etl  preei  loei  rilielat»]  Com- 

oition.  ther  mnst  bare  d.ffered  Terj  per-  Phormio  iiL  3.   14  :  "  Ni  instigemu. 

npt.blj  from  ■occid..'     Shekspeere  givei  ^^^^  „t  nullns  Idcus  rclinquatur  pred." 

UB.good  instence  of  the  ume  tum  of  «  jbg   ,^  „,  . -^^ .   ,„  (^5  ringuUr  ere 

speech  in  Richird  III.  Act  ni.  sc  1 .  ^^   ,ith  the  aception   of  the  abUtive. 

•' Gla.  So   wise,  so    joung,    thej  saj,   do  Thesetwoarethe  onlj  pasgnges  in  «hichthe 

ne'er  live  long.  lAtide.  datiTe  singulsr  occurs  in  classical  Bothors. 

iViiiee.  What  saj  joa,  uncle  ?  23.  /n  nupliai  canjeci]    '  I  hare  thrown 

Glo.    I  i»j,  withont  thatacle»!  fame  liTe»  him  inta  a  marriage  (as  if  into  ■  prison).' 

iMg.  See  the  note  ou  iL  3.  13. 


Sed  eccum  yideo  ipsum :  oocidi. 

TJtiuam  inihi   esset  aliquid  hio  quo  me  nanc   ^«ecipitem 



Pa.  Ubi  illic  est  scelus  qui  me  perdiditP     Da.  Peiii.     Pa. 

Atque  hbc  coofiteor  mihi 
Jure  obtigiBse ;  quandoquidem  tam  inere  tam  nulli  comrali 
Som.     Servon  fortimas  meas  me  commisifiae  fiitili  F 

S7>  Aiiguid   .  .  .    ^uo}  It  woold   hawe  Knd  '  BceZiis '   ue  pronoaiiced  u  DJODoayl- 

been  uiunitoble  lo  haie  mentioned  a  ■mtrd,  lable*.     8ee  the  Introdsctian.     The  ■niOD 

wbiak  la  jmplied  io  tbe  «orda,  '  How  I  iriah  of  '  soeliu  qii '  i«  penllel  to  thitof' •Riinin 

I  hitd  MHnething  or  otber  liere  to  Ibrow  qoi,'  Eun.  ii.  3.  10;  u  jcaiiiav  ians,     3o 

m^self   npon.'     "Non  diiit  gladiam  aut  ia  Atiaaeoaiu.  ij,  ffpifitt  ftpein-a  riiov. 

laqoeum,   ne    eaaet  tiagicam,"   nji  Do-  S.  /nrrf]     '  Siaoe  1  «n  so  dull.  *ad  so 

nKtni.     Slallbauai  supposea  liim  to  mean  ghiftleat.'     The  nDrd  is   bere   oaed  in   its 

«  deep  ditcb^  qnany,  or  the  like  to   thrcnr  atarict  etjmologini  nente. 

himaelf  into.     Either  wiU  do.     If  it  were  3.  FWiJil      LiteraU;  'lemky,'  '  Ihat  •rill 

not  that  baid  transbitionB  are  apt  to  mia-  not  bold.'    Compare  "  Fntilia  gladea,"  Tir- 

lesd  stndents,  I  wonld  not  notice  Hickie^a  gil,  Aen.  lii.  740,  '  brittle.'    There  waa  ■ 

blnnder,   '  Wonld  to  beaien    there    were  vessel  ueed  in  the  ritea  of  Vesls  nlled  '  ras 

■ome  pcecspice  whence  now  to  tbrow  m^-  fntile,'  whidi  wis  too  nurow  tt  Ibe  bottom 

selfand  break  mj  neck.'     'Qno' to,  a«  sU  tOBtsod  aprigfat,  aiid  apUt  the  water  if  aet 

the  world   knowa,    the  accnsstiTe  cass   of  down.     So  persona  who  conld  not  keep  s 

mocion  towarde,  equiTslent   to   '  in  quem  seciet  weie  ealled  '  falilea.'    Compare  the 

locnm,'  and   so   hae  it  ia   uaed   for    '  in  apeech  of  Pimwna,  in  Amnchns  i.  8.  83 — 

qnod.'     Sometimeg   it  la    nsed    wfaere   the  36 : 

pluiJ  of  the  prononn  wonU  be  required,  „  q^  ^^  ^^^  ,^  „  contineo  «.- 

aa  m  Piautna,  Aainana  ii.  2.  4S  :  time . 

'■  Tantom  bcinna  modo  inieui  ^,  at  aos  ^  falsam  ant  Tmnam    ant  fictnm   eet, 

dtcamnr  dao  continuo  palsm  est ; 

Omoium  dignisBimi  esia    quo   (ndstns  Plenna  rtmarum  aum;  hsc  stqneilUcpct'- 

conflnant."  llno." 

Bee  note  on  EnnQcbna  iii.  1.  60.  Jn  »  coniersB  aens*  we  haie  tha   plmse 

_   _  0t(t{iv  in  Greek,  to  '  keep  setret.' 

AcT  III.  SCKNB   V.  Psmphilns  bsTine        .' ■   ,    ,,      ,. 

been  informed  by  his  fiitbcr  of  Chremes'  r,  xp^,  rlxptP',  l'"oT,i^  Khai,va<^ 

consent  to  hi,  mmiage  wLtb    Phihimen.,  "*'""'"' ""''TS^l*''^"^!!".^' 

now  oomea  in  aeareh  of  Davns  delwmined  Sopbocles,  Philoct.  138. 

to  wreak  hia  vengeance  upon  him.     Daiua  And  ao  Plito,  in  s  Temarksble  psassge  de- 

mitigates  him  bj  prooiialng  to  tind  some  acribing  thoie  wbo  puraae  the  plessures  of 

escape  from  hia  pregent  perpleiitiea.  aeuaeaB  liviugthe  livesofbeasta  oftbe  field, 

Metre  i   w.   I  — 14,    iambic   telmmflter ;  sajs,   ciilk   ro6    ivrtic    rif   oiri    IwXqpv- 

IB— 18,  trocbajctetrameler  cBtalectic.  Soaai',    o6ii    0t0aioa    rt    lai    cnOafkac 

1.]  BenUer  would  read,  "  Uhi  itlicert?  itJovqi:  ir(u>a>TO,  dXXd  ^oacq^druf  fi. 

Scelus  qm    me   hodic  — Perii:    atque    hoc  tijr  taTu  ati  fiMiroyTif,  lal  *iai^Tfs  ti( 

connieor  jure."     He    considera   '  pcrdidit '  yfiy  sai  lit  rpniritoc,  ^«ovrnt  vopra- 

aa  iaterpolation.     The  changa  is  unnecea-  Cn^ti<oi  roi  Aj^cvDVric  . .  .  uri   oM    toIc 

aarj,  and   his  cmission  of  '  mihi '  entirely  tiiair  ovSk  ri  9v  oiii  fi  irrJ/oviavrwi' 

nnwBrninted.     Tbe  scnnnon  of  the  tine  is  wrfirXnvric, '  thrir  toals  are  nM  contiueiit 

rather  dilEcuIt.    We  mnat  remember  tbat  and  caoDot  be  filled  witfa  theae  pleasorca.' 

'  nbi '  is  proDODnced  aa  tbe  Frencb  '  oik,'  (Repnblic,  p.  S86.) 
■nd  oonseqaentlj  elided ;  and  thaC  '  illie  ' 


ACTUS  m.    SCENA  V.  61 

£rgo  pretiiim  ob  ttoltitiam  fero ;   sed  iuultnm  nDmqnaia  id 

Ih.  Fostbac  inoolnmem  «tt  soio  fbie  me  nuno  si  hoc  devito 

malmn.  5 

Pa.  Nam  quid  ego  nuuc  dicam  patri  P     Negabon  Telle  me 

Qoi  sum  poUicitus  ducere  ?  Qua.  fiducia  id  fitcere  audeam  P 
Nec  quid  me  nunc  &oiam  ecio.     Da.  JSee  quid  me ;  atque  id 

ago  sedulo. 
Dicam  aliquid  jam  inTenturum  ut  buic  malo  aliquani  produ- 

cam  moram. 
Pa.  Obe.     Da.  Tiaua  sum.     Pa.  Ehodum  bone  Tir  quid  aia  P 

viden  me  cooBiliia  tnis  lo 

Uisenun  impeditum  esse  P     I>a.  At  jam  expediam.     Pa.  Ex- 

pedies  P    Ba.  Oerte  Pampliile. 
Pa.  Nempe  ut  modo.     Da.  Imo  melius  epero.     Pa.  Oh  tibi 

ego  ut  credam  furcifer  ? 

4.  fVefiiiw  .  .  .J%ro]     '  I  am  pmiihed  I  «riH  (oon  dlaentsngle  joo.    Pe.  Yet  in- 

far  mir  follT.'     So  Virgll,    Aen.   ii.  23S :  deed,  M  jon  did  ja«t  now.     Da.  No ;  bat 

"  hetimBqac  mone  ftire."    JnTtDBl,  Sat.  batter,  I  hopa.'    '  Impeditiu,'  lit. '  anght 

lui.  106:   "lUe  oraeem  ■crieri*  pretiom  bj   the  Ibot'— a  metsphor  ftvm  Ruring 

lnlit,lricdindema."    Uonce,  Cerm.  iii.  24.  •nimnli.    Pbntiu,  HiL   Glor.  ii.   B.   11, 

2t;  "  Et pemre nebe.  aut pretinm emori."  girm  ni  the  ftill  eiprcsrion i   "  Ipeiu  leee 

Imailnm']     80    Hwnt.    t.    1.    46:    "At  iilic  jam  impediTitin  pbgas." 
noe   illniJ  hnnd  iDnltam,  ai  vito,    Inrent."         13.  fma  mtinu  ipen]       Here  we  h»e 

We  hKte  tbe  timilar  phrnses  '  impunitnm  tbe  original   meaniag  of  '  ima,'  rii.  a  oon- 

lem'   and   '  tBdtam  ferre.'     Bentley  addi  tradictioD  of  what   haa   preceded.     So   in 

'a  nie'from  one  HS.,  nadiag  ■' Bed  in-  Heaut  i.    1.  43:  "  Ah  qaid  diii?  habere 

aitnm  id  nDnqnam  a  me  anla«L"  me  ?  imo  habui  (tUiom),     &c.    'No;   bat 

7.]      We  hare  no  antboHtr  for  meddllng  I  had  ■  Mn.'    Horaee,  Sat  i.  3.  20 :  "  Qnid 

irith  ae  text;  bnt  Lachmuin'i  conjecture  tu  ?      Nallaae  habes  litiB?       Imo  atia  et 

i>  good  eiHni|;h  to  desenre  notioe :  fortBeBe   minors,"    'I    don't   ny   >o  ;    bnt 

.  pomdn.  im^  ?  N«,u.  qu.    -T  *"»"  "  Jltm»!  «J  ?»'•!»  J~-' 
-_  .1  _..! ^      ^         Comnmt  Ptiatiu.  Cant.  u.  B.   102.   103: 

fidari.^;:;k„m  -"*"■."  Co„pB„  Pl.utm^  Cpt.  ii.  B.   102.   103: 

Nec  qoid  me  nimc  faciam  Bdo."  "  N""  1™  »™, ««  ■Pj"'.'*  ^"  •""."■*" 

tedest,   Tipnti   minBi   Hibi  dei   pro  ulo? 

aeehiB  note  on  Locmtinaii.  7IS.  Optima     imo,"    >  on    Ihe     conlrarj,     tbe 

8.  QaiiJ  me  nune  faeiam]  So  in  ir.  3.  rerj  best  rewon  «^7  I  >bonU.'  See  alto 
86 :  "  Qnid  me  fieC  >"  We  find  abo  tbe  Heaut.  i>.  3.  27,  aud  in  Uiia  plaj,  i.  1.  3; 
fomis"QT>iddemefBdam?"  aeitiAdelphi  i.  2.  90.  Eun.  iii  6.  60.  From  thii  •enie 
iT,4.3;>ndFlantu<, Trin.ii. 4.193:  "Qnid  it  pauea  to  the  genenl  idea  of  a  coT. 
dehBc  leruat."  The  BbiBtiic  wilh  or  wilh-  rectlon  of  what  bai  gone  befori^,  and  Mi 
ont  the  prrporitkm  li  eqnall j  nfled  to  denote  it  is  nwd  in  mBn;  pBasBgea,  wliere  Bome 
what  ii  Ibtliiitona.  commentatora  fiod  ao  affiiroaUTe  meBuiDg. 

9.  .i4tifKi»i /iniiiiicmi  momn]  'ThBtl  ItB  derifatiDD  ia  a  Bubiect  of  controTen j ; 
may  procute  some  respite  of  this  eTil.'  but  the  orttiogTBphj  of  PlButui  pointi  to 
'  Honm  '  is  the  cognate  BCcnnliTe  after  '  imna.'  It  mattera  not  whether  we  tpell 
'  piodncaRi,'  whicfa  of  itaelf  meana  '  to  put  tbe  word  '  Imo '  or  '  immo.'  The  latter  ii 
ofr.'     Beeooteon 'prafetrediem,' iL  1,  29.  In   ■cCDrdance   with   tbe    correlatiTB   word 

10-    F)i/ni  (iM  eOHfiiii  lsi(  Anirraiii  im-  '  nimmua,'  whicli  ii   need  in  a  conceagiTe 

pedilmt  rttt!'\     '  Pa.  Don't  yon  see  how  I  eenee  Id  certain  phraaea;  a*  in  Jnienal  iiL 

■m  entasgled  in  jroor  tricki }     Da.  Well,  79 :  "  Ad  aommam  non  Maariu  ent,"  <  at 

E  2  ,  •  1 


Tu  r^n  unpeditam  et  perditaia  i«atitnas  P   Hem  quo  &etus 

Qui  me  Lodie  ex  tranqnilliBsima  re  conjecisti  in  naptias. 
Annon  dizi  esee  hoc  &taram  P     Da.  DixtL     Pa.  Qaid  meri- 

tasP     Da.  Crucam.  15 

Sed  sine  paululum  ad  me  redeam :   jam  aliqoid  dispiciam. 

Pa.  Hei  mihi 
Oum  non  liabeo  spatium  ut  de  te  samam  supplioiam  ut  toIo  : 
ITamqae  hoo  tempua  praeoaTere  Tnihi  me  haud  te  ulcieci  sinit. 



Ch.  Hocine  eet  credibile  aut  memorabile 
Tauta  Tecordia  innata  cuiquam  at  siet 

■U  event*  b«  m»  aot>  Hoor.'    Qeen).  Ad  futnram,'  wbere  we  haTe  ■  dactf  1  ■taod- 

AttfcniD   liii.    1 :    "  Hodie    kut    luinniuin  ing  far  ■  tmcbee,   «hich  is  inidmunble. 

crae,"  'to-da}  or  et  mj  rate  tn-morrow.'  Bentlef  reulg  '  meritn'g,'   gappLTing  '(■;' 

'  Immo  '  wiUthereforemean,  '  Id  tbe  loweat  but  thu  ia  Dot  reqnired.     Dsvos  m>j  tie 

degree,'   '  bj   no   meuu.'     I  un  indebted  suppned  to  cat  Punpbilos  ehoit  bcfbre  he 

for    thia    eipluistioD    to   Dr.  Don^ldaon.  finiihei  bis  BeDteDce.     In   maiij    paisngea 

(Introdoctianto  '  LongerEiercuesiQ  Latin  ondoabtedlj  Ihe  '  ea' hu  been  tost  by  tbe 

Prhw  Composition,'  p.  i>t.  iiii.)     ATery  cBreleianen  of  tnuiscribeni.     See  note  on 

different  view  ig  taken  bf  Hr.  Long  (Clos-  AdeLphi  iit.  3.  40.     I  hiTe  eilde^TOored  to 

sinl  Maseam,  Tot.  iii.  p.  S81— itUT),  wbo  eupplT  it  jn  sll  luch  cuea. 

derirea  'immo'  from    '  in  moda.'     But  !■  18.     Hoe    tempvt  praeemtrt  miMi  me 

tbe  phnse  'in  modo' erer  foand?  and  do  kaud    le    ulciici    naitj       Bentlejr    rcadi 

we  erer  meet  with  tbe  ablatiTe  '  modo'  ■■  «  '  monet,' concMTing  'sinit '  to  be  disconluit. 

UOaosfU^ble  in  Terence  or  Pbatui  ?  Bat  mui  j  wordi  bb  nsed  in  tbaii'  aalanl 

Farelfer}     '  Do  }oa  think  I  «n  beliere  sense  in  one  member  of  ■  Kntence.  uid  in 

foa,  jou  roKBl?*     A  verj  common  word.  ■  dertTed  bcdm  in  another  {  ■nd  it  !■  ■ome- 

Culpriti  were  mide  to  wear  a  foke  OD  their  tiniea  difficult  to  dedde  whether  tbe  Terb 

necka,  lo  which  their  hands  wete  tetened.  has  two  mouungs,  or  whetber  ■notfair  Teib 

The  extreme  punishmeDt  of  ■■■Tea  wu  tbe  is  to  be  sapplied.    '  Hand  ■ioit '  ii  eqaiTmteot 

crou,  whicb  ii  oftea  ■iladed  to  in  the  comic  to  oit  l^,  wbich  mHos  either  '  doea  DOt 

poeti.      'Crai'    is   oBed   ■>   equiT^Ient  to  ■llow,' or  'aUows  not  to  do  thii,  but  tbat.' 

'gallows-bird  '  in  Plantua,  Fseod.  T.  S.  17-  Tbe  passage  autj   be   Iranslated  :    '  Tima 

IB.]  Commentators  find  in  T.  it>  an  aUn-  doee  not  allow  oi*  to  punish  joa,  bnt  oulj 

don  (o  the  judidalpruticeof  AtfaeDS,which  to  take  measarea  fbr  mj  ovra  eafetj.' 
requimi  tbe  condemned  to  fii  their  panisb- 

menl.     It  is  more  oBtard  to  consider  the  AcT  IT.    Sckns  I.  Cbirinus  comea   OD 

qneition  ond  answer  more  irimplj  u  aach  tbe  nage  full  of  indign^tion  sgMnst  Pam- 

a)    miglit    occur    in    real    life.      Clusical  philui.      He   ■ccnses  bim  of  tbe  uiual  ia- 

■uthors  STT  not  to  be  made  responsible  for  gntitnde  of  maDkind.     Pamphilus  faaa  KiiDe 

all  tlie  allnsioas  which  critics  may  discoTer  difficoltT  ia  penuading  him  of  the  reml  state 

1d  tbdr  language.    Ti  iraUiTii  fiiaiii:  dlmf  of  the  cue  j  and  then  Charinui  tums  awm 

■Ivdi;  occoie  in  Ariatopbanes,  Ranae  1044.  Davus,  wbo  ■Uows  tlut  be  ii  at  Eault,  but 

Atinon  dixi  eue  hoc  /uturuBi  /]     Tfaiii  promisee  tfaat  he  will  eitricate  Pampliilos 

C'tion  of  tbe  wonls,  adopted  by  Bentlej  jet  ham  his  Knpt. 

1  HS3.,  is  tkr  bettar  tfaui  •  boc  esee  The  metre  of  tha  fint  tUitean  lioea  i« 


ACTUS  IV.    SCENA  I.  63 

TJt  malis  gandeant  atque  ex  iucommodia 

Alteriufi  sua  nt  comparent  commoda  ?  ah 

Idue  est  verum  P  imo  id  est  geDus  hominum  pessinLum  in       s 

Denegando  modo  quifi  pudor  paululum  adeat : 

Poet  ubi  tempuB  promiaaa  jam  perfici, 

Tnm  coacti  necesaario  se  aperiimt, 

Et  timcait :  et  tamen  ree  premit  denegare : 

Ibi  tum  eomm  impudentifiaima  oratio  eet,  10 

"  Quia  tu  es  P  quis  mihi  es  ?  cur  laeam  tibi  P     Heus, 

Proximns  eum  egomet  mihi."     Attamen  "TJbi  fidea," 

8i  roges,  nihil  pudet ;  hic  ubi  opufi  eet 

Non  verentur  :  illic  ubi  Tiihil  opus  est  ibi  verentur. 

Sed  quid  agam  P  adeamne  ad  eum,  et  cnm  eo  injuriam  hanc 

expostulemP  K 

Ingeram  nuda  multa  ?    Atqne  aliquifl  dicat,  "  Nihil  promo- 

Hultum :  molestufi  certe  ei  fiiero  :  atque  animo  morem  geeaero. 
Pa.  Charine  et  me  et  t«  imprudens,  nisi  quid  Di  reapiciunt, 


aatic,.wiUi  mn  BdmiitDTe  ot  dactrli.     (See  temptible  cIjm  of  men  who  ftti  aotae  littU 

iBDadactioii.)     The  mnuiider  of  the  ■eene  ihune  onlj  in  refiisiDg  jroui  bot  «hen  the 

ii  ampoMd  of   trochale  ud  iunbtc  linet  timecomnto  Falfil  their  pramiie,  ther  ihmr 

•a   fbtlinri:    tt-    14 — 16,    trachiic  latiB-  their  trae  chuBcter  and  their  backwsrdneaa  ; 

iBeten;  17,  IR,  iambic  tetratnetera  i  19—25,  aiid  then  thef  hsTeno  Bhame  tu  diBclaiming 

Irodiaic  tetrameten  1  26-30,  iaiubic  tetn-  «11  knowledge  of  jou  and  your  concems.' 

KKtmj  31— 30,  ismbic  ttimBters  ;  39,40,  Bimilarluigiuge  occnra  in  FlsuCui,  Epid.  ii. 

iunbic  tetrameten;    41 — fi7i    iunbic    tri-  I.  I  : 

metet» ;  M,  69,  iMnbic  tetiBinetBra.  i.  Plerique  omnee  hominei,  quoa  qnum  oihil 

3.  Ul  malit  gaademl]     Ths  iiri)£aip<-  refert  podet,  ubi  pndendum  eet 

"rin  of  the  Greeki.     8q  Menander,  roic  Ibi  eoi  deasrit  pndor,  qunm  ubub  eat  ut 

iirtr(iaic  /iflior'  irixaipi  ruv  TiXac.  pudeaL" 

4.  CBmparenn  So  in  HesDt.  u.  4.  17 ;  ,.,  „  „  ,  ,  v  ■. 
-Ute.  iUiwi  edmmodo  meum  compeT^  ."■  "J^'""J  ^"  P^  "T.  T^'^ 
wmnodom."  It  i.  dao  m»d  in  the  «iWTf  5^  m''""™^  ^r*  ^  "T  "  *?^  i^^ 
pvdiuing.  u  in  He«.t.  i..  S.  29:  ■■  Au-  At  ^  «renta  I  A»U  «inoy  h>m  eiid  mdulge 
™m.^«%ertemqui....comp«et;"-nd  ""T  "^-  BenUey  roads  '  NU  ?' ■  nothing, 
iT.«ri3.  CompaiiliT7iT.S8r-'T»ntum  ilo  jou  ..j  ! ■  but  tb.  Jter.t«m  is  unnece.- 
■liut  ol  ei  iacDDimodo  alieno  sua  occwio  '"Ij,    ....      .]  >u         ■■.-•.  t.      ■  ■    , 

i»i™b„."  18.  mns«jar«,'»"i] JH-p»^' 

I.   U~  "I  «]     ■I.lh.lMr!'  "PWJt"^"'*^  r.8«d  ot .  ..pmo, 

a-^.  B.  O.  1..  »  !  ■■  K«|..  .mm  «  •»  '"  '"'^- 
qni  iDoa  finei  tneri  uon  potnerint  alienoa         "  SiTe  m^lectum  geuiia  et  nepotas 
occBpare  ;"  «nd  Horace.  8at  ii.  3.  SI2  :  Heapid*  «actor." 

"An  qnodcunque  &cit  Maecenai,  te  quo-  HoTsce,  C™.  i.  2.  3«. 

qne  Tcrum  eit  Compare  Martial  i.  10,  G  : 

Tantum    di»imilem    et   tanto   certare  '>Qai   me   reapidat    dominnm    regMsqae 

8m  M>ckue'a  note.  Uoc  tu,  sed  quanto  bUndius,  ipae  luia." 

The  foUnwing  linea   ma;   be  thna  pan-    8ee  Adelphi  iii.  9.  GS ;  and  beiow,  t.  6.  1 1 : 
phiated :  '  Naj,  bnt  that  !•  a  most  coa.     "  Age  me  in  tuia  ■«cimdia  raafuce."    '  Boa- 

54  AOT)EIA. 

Ch.  Itane   impmdeas  P   tandem  inveiita   est  causa :    solTisti 

Fa.  Quid  tandem  f     Ch.  Etiam  nmio  me  ducere  istis  diotia 

postulasF  30 

Pa.  Quid  istuc  estP     Ch.  Poetquam  me  amare  dixi  compla- 

cita  est  tibi. 
Heu  me  miaerum  qui  tuum  animum  ez  animo  spectavi  meo. 
Pa.  FalsuB  es.     Ch.  Konne  tibi  satis  esee  hoo  visum  aolidum 

eet  gaudium, 
Nisi  me  litotaaaee  amaatem  et  falsa  ape  produceres. 
Habeas.     Pa.  Habeam?   ah  neeois   quantis  in  malis  Terser 

miser;  3S 

Quantaaque  Mo  Buia  oonidliis  milii  confecit  aollicitadines 
Menfi  camufex.     Ch.  Quid  istuc  tam  miram  est  de  te  si  es- 

emplum  capit  f 
Pa.  Haud  istuc  dicas  si  cognoria  vel  me  vel  amopem  mteom. 
Ch.  Scio :  cum  patre  altercaati  dudum :  et  is  nunc  propterea 

Succenset :  nec  te  quiTit  hodie  cogere  illam  ut  duceree.  3o 

pido  '  on  the  coatnry  sjgnifiel  tlie  teapect  to  be  coDDected  with  '  Milus.'    HiingB  arB 

of  Bn  inferior  to  a  luperior.    Id  Honce,  uid  lo  be  '  solida '  which  m  madetif  one 

Bpiat.  i.  I.  103,  Bentlej  teads  'siu|>icien.  mateml,  antnixed,  withoat  flav.     Heaca 

tjs,'  bat  see  Macleaoe'!  nate.     So  too  Ho-  we  dcrife  Uie  idea  of  ■  pore.'     Id  tbe  eame 

race,  Epiit.  i.  6.  1?:  "  I  nunc  >rgeDtum  et  sense  we   haie    'Bolidiun   beneficium,'    '■ 

marmor  vetui,  aemquo,  et  ertes  Suspice."  snhstuitial,  reol  kindneu,'  EuD.  i.  2.  38. 

19.  Solviiili  Jidem.']     '  Prettilj  you  b«e  See  t.  9.8:  "  Nun  hunc  (do  meft  lolide 

fiilliUed  your  promise  \ '    The  '  Sdes '  ia  *  soluni  gsTisunim  gnndiii."  '  be  is  the  odI; 

pledge  b;  whicb  ■  person  bindg  himself.  one  who  wiU  thoroughlj  rejoioe  io  mj  hap- 

Hence  b;  fulfilling  bia  promise  he  releuei  pioeu.'   Cicero  &B(juently  tuea  the  word  la 

himself  frotn  bis  pledge.     Tbe  correlatiFe  n   aimilsr   seuse.     We   must   obera^a   tlut 

'  tibi  meam  Mlringo  lidem  '  occurs  in  £un.  '  tibi '    iii   to    be   pmnaunced    u   ■  mono. 

i.  3.  S9.     CompaTe  ■■  Voverst,  et  loti  hI-  BjlUble,  ■□d  '  e<  '  ooaleKee  with  '  fklsns.' 
lent  ante  fidem,"  Orid,  FBSt.  1.  64S.  2&,  26.]     For  tbe  cb&nge  of  mood  &om 

SQ.  Etiant  mine  me  dnirere  iilii  dielit  '  verser  '  to  '  confecit '  aee  Dote  OD  L  0.  38. 
potluUun     'PostulD'  with   thv  Infinidve         29.  AUtreotti}     la  Uter  «riten  we  baTe 

ooTTespoDds   with    the   Oreeh    aEiavr,    'to  tbe  deponont  brmof  tfaeverb.     'Altercari' 

denre.'     Compa»  Adelpbi  ii.  2.  30 ;  "  Per  ori^iwllj  signifiee  '  lo  converse,'  '  to  talk 

Oppressianem  uthuic  mt  eripere  poatolet  ?"  in  olternftte  gpeecbes,*  without  uiy  sense  of 

lie  phnse 'ducere,' 'to  deceive,' hu  been  qnaTrelling.     Tbna   Csesar,   Bell.    Civ.    iiL 

uotiGed  Bbove.    Compare   Phormio  iii.  2.  19 :  "  Labieans  eltercui  cum  Vstinio  in- 

10.     It  occun  very  freqaeDtlj  botb  in  thia  dpit ;"  tad  90  we  bave  '  ■Iterotia,'  ar  d». 

fonn  Knd  as  the  frequentative  '  dnctu« '  in  b^ting,  ks  opposed  to  set  ipeechea,  in  Lavj 

PIiutuB.     So  ■  laaia  '  tiaa  passed  into  '  iBCto.'  iv.  6  t  "  Cnm  in  continnem  et  coDSulee  pn^ 

See  V.  23.  cessiseent  et  ree  >  perpetnis  orationibus  in 

23.  FaltKiei]     '  Fslsus  '  ia  bere  used  in  Bltenationem  v^isset;"    and    Dceni,    Ad 

its   ariginal   pardcipial   scnse.      '  You    ■rs  Atticnm  i.  IIJ ;  "  Clodium  praesentem  &egi 

deceived,'    'in    error.'      Canipu«    Plaatus,  in  ^natu  qnum  orstione  perpetua  plenis- 

Aulnlana  ii.  1,4:  "  Quanquam  baod  hlsa  gima  gnrltatis,  tum  (dtercatione  ejaimodi 

■um  Dos  odiowi  habcn."  ei  qna  licet  pioca  deguitee  ;"  aod  be  pc«- 

SolidHm   ^aiHfitnit]     The  etymoIo|7  of  ceeds  to  give  a   ipedneD   of  the    ■luip> 

the  ward  ■  Bolidimi '  ia  UDcertain.     It  aeami  ahootiDg  which  took  placa. 

C  k")o<^  lc 

ACTUS  lY.    SCENA  I.  55 

Pa.  Lno  etiam,  qno  tu  miaTiB  scU  aerunmas  meaa, 

Hae  nuptiae  nou  apparabantur  milu  : 

Nec  postolabat  B,uno  quisquam  uxisem  dare. 

Ch.  Scio :  tu  coactufl  tua  Tolantat«  ee.     Pa.  Manfl : 

Noadnm  acia.     Ch.  Scia  oquidem  illaja  ducturum  ease  te.      35 

Pa.  Oor  me  enicas  P    Hoc  audi.     Xumquaia  deetitit 

Inatare  ut  dioeiem  me  eee»  ducturum  patri ; 

Suadere,  orare,  usque  adeo  dtmec  perpulit. 

Ch,  QxoB  homo  istacP    Pa.  DaTus. — Ch.  DaTosP     Pa.  in- 

terturbat.     Ck.  QuamobmnP     Pa.  Neaoio: 
Nisi  mihi  deoe  satia  scio  fuiaae  iratos  qui  eia  auscuItaTeriin.   <o 
Ch.  Factnm  hoc  eet  DaveP    Da.  Factum.     Ch.  Hem,  quid 

ais  scelnsP 
At  tibi  Di  dignam  &ctis  exitium  duint. 
£ho,  dic  mihi,  &i  omnee  hunc  oonjectum  in  nt^)tias 
Jbimici  vellent  quod  nisi  boc  coosilium  darent  ? 

31.  Jan  efioin]     '  No  iiuleed,  so  Uttle  nemini.  certo  >cio."      Ciceni,  Ftd  Barcio 

io  jon  ioKnr  my  miafbrtunes.    This  mar-  Am.  3fi :  "  Nesdo,  niii  hoc  video." 

rii^  n*  nner    iateiided   for    ms,  nor  a  Daa  tatit  Kiojmut  iralat]     Thia  vu 

Itltie  irhile  igo  did  uj  oae  wish  Ui  many  a  common  tbrmiJk  for  iDUatuting  tiiat  a 

hii  duiglkter  tu  me.'     LitenUr  we  might  perjoa   had    loat   his    aenaes,   or   wu  un. 

nuslate,  *  In  so  br  a*  f  on  ara  too  little  fbrtnnate,  on  the  prindple  of  the  pimerb 

Kijiiualed  wilh  mj  miafortnnei,  yon  are  "  Qnem  Deni  Toltpanletedementat  prina." 

mng.'     On   'ima'  aea  note  qu  iii.   6.  See  Phormia  i.  2.  2i:  "  Memini  lelinqui 

I!.  me    Deo    irato    meo ;"    and    iT.    S.    3i  i 

34.  Scio  ■■  tu  eoaeiru  tm  vohattat*  t*}  "  Satin   illi  Di  annt  propitii."     Compaie 

'Of  conrae:    fonr   inolination   doea   jon  Pbaedma  iv.  19.  IS:   "  Dia  e>t  iratii  natnt 

riolence.'    Compare  Homer,  Uiid  i»,  43i  qni  est  »—-'-'  ""■'  " 

icu.  .(Ir«..J     -I     0.1....';         iflnn'     ■■     iiuul  JI1     H 

i'iiv  i!J(»Ti   -fi   Bvfiif.     '9do'   ia  <ued  41.]  Bentief  qootei  (rom  tli 

imucall;.    CompBre  *.  1.  19,  and  'andio'  MS.  "  Factum  est."     But  the  hiatu*  aAer 

iii.  3.  SD.  'factnm'  ia  regnlar,  and  nead  not  be  oor- 

37.1  On  ths  metre  of  thia  line  aee  the  lected.     See  ths  Introdoction. 

Intndiiction.      The  IJne  wonld  be  more  42.  Al  liii  Di...  duinl}   '  At '  ia  oom- 

Tomtlao  wilhont  'e»e:'  bnt  it  ii  found  mODlj  uaed  in  imprccatioiiaorprajera.    8m 

ii  ill  the  exialing  copi««.  Eon.  iii.   1.   41.   Hecjia  i.  3.  fi9.  VirgO, 

311.]     Benttcy  omiU  ■  iatertorbat.'     But  Aen.  ii.  035  1 

DoMtua  noticB.  the  word  perticuUrlj,  and  it  ..  ^f  „1,1  „„  aoelere,  e.damat,  pro  teUinu 

9  not  ■  hkel j  word  to  haTa  bean  intradnced  ■nsii 

•>  agloaa.     Tba  oommon  toit,  therelbra,  ^    ^   '        ^^  ^„      irtaa  qnae  t*Ua 

Md  better   be  prwrred,    eapedallj  ■>  it  ^^ 

Iii«  Ihe  TKee  u  a  tetrametar,  which  i«  Pe™,i™t  giatea  dignaaet  praemia  red- 

Bure  niled  to  tbe  rspiditj  of  qneetion  and  j^,. 

ntma  tiun  the  trimeter.  Debtta." 

10.  ffut]  '  Onlj  I  am  anie.'    The  more 

naoalcxprasiioni*'  niiiqnod.'  So  "  Nesdo,  Sometimes  it  ia  ueed  in  fiiTourBble  pniyera, 

Dec  nliDnera  o^no,  niii  qnod  tibi  bene  ei  a>  in  Plautni,   AlenBechm.  t.  7.  37  i  "  iit 

■iiimo  tdIo,"  Hesut.  t.  2.  6.     The  phrase  tibi  di    nemper,    ■dulescens,    quisqnia    «a, 

ii  found  eren  after  affimiKtiTe  propositiona.  fadatit  bene  Duint."     Tbe  same  foim  occu* 

"  Tascnluium  et  Pompcianuoi  Talda  me  de-  &ajnentlj  iti  Plautna  and  Terence.     Heaut. 

'ectsnt,muq(iodmeaerealienoobruerunt."  iT.  6.  6:  "  Ut  te  qnidem   omnea  di  deae 

C3«to,  Ad  AtL  ii.  1 .  In  Terence  '  uisi '  alone  quutDm  oat  perduint."  (^  nole)     Phor- 

■iiaoncommDn.     See  Bun.  tv.  6.  9.  Fhoi-  mioT.7.e3:  "  Malum  quod  itli  di  deaaqna 

oilo  T,  7.  00:  "Nesdo:  nisi,  me  diziaaa  omnea  dDint." 


66  .tNDRIA. 

Da.  DeceptuB  sum  at  non  de&tigstas.     Ch.  Scio.  45 

Da.  Hac  non  successit,  alia  aggrediemur  vis. 

Nisi  id  putas,  quia  primo  procesait  parum, 

Kon  posse  jam  ad  salutem  conTerti  hoc  malum. 

Pa.  Imo  etiam :  nam  satis  credo  si  adTigilaveris 

Ex  unis  geminas  Tnihi  conficies  nuptiae.  bo 

Da.  Ego  Pamphile  hoc  tibi  pro  Bervitio  debeo, 

Conari  manibus  pedibus  noctesc|ue  et  diea ; 

Capitis  periclum  adire,  dum  prosim  tibi : 

Tuum  est  si  quid  praeter  spem  evenit  mihi  ignoscere. 

Farum  succedit  quod  ago :  at  facio  sedulo.  65 

Yel  melias  tute  reperi,  me  misaum  face. 

Pa.  Cupio :  restitue  in  quem  me  accepisti  locum. 

Da.  Faciam.  Pa.  At  jam  hoc  opus  est.   Da.  Hem  I  st,  mane. 

Concrepuit  a  Glycerio  ostium. 
Pa.  Xihil  ad  te.     Da.  Quaen).     Pa.  Hem,  nuncine  demum  P 

Da.  At  jam  hoc  tibi  inventum  dabo. 

46.    Dttrpha  mm  al  rum  drfaUgatHt\  tbst  is,  he  lud  brteiied  it  bf  eoontitlng  to 

Hili phnue is b; some deriied  from  aportiag  tke  match.     In  thi>  lenu  'reilitaaii'  ob- 

Un^age.   Id  th*t  lenM  irs  might  truiilBte :  t4ined  >  tpedal  meaQing  in  legal  Ungmge, 

'  I  UD  throira  olf  the  Wcnt,  bnt  not  tUid  being  lUed  o(  tlie  reatitaCory  ediets  of  the 

beM.'  pr*etoT.     8ee  eiBinplea  in   Forceltini,  ■od 

61.  Hoe  tibi  pro  tertitio  iebeo]     '  I  am  Long'a  note  on  Cicero,   In  Verreni   ii.    2. 

bonad  aa  fonr  slave    to   atraggte  looth  26.     The  oU  rettding  of  thia  line  ii  "re- 

•nd  nail,  night  and  dAj,   and   U>  run   ■!!  ititaG  in  qnem  me  acoepieti  locam,"   u 

rinki  to  help  joa.     It  is  fbr  joa  to  pBr.  giTen  in  the  text,  and   ia  tbug  qnoted  bj 

don  me,  if  I  am  diuppointed  in  trtj  thing.'  DanmtDs.     It  is  eiidentlj  an  imitatMn  of 

■  Pro   HrntiD,'    '  la    jour    slare.'      9o.  the  the  Greek  kttrHction,  and  ia  equinlent  to 

GOmmon    expresaion    '  pro    meo,'    Adelphi  '*  reatitoe  eum  iocnm  in  quo  me  acceiniti." 

i.    1.    33.     "  Siclliiun   nobii   non   pro   pe-  BenElej'a  re«ding,    "  qnem    >  me   ■ocepiitl 

nariB  cellk  sed  pro  ■erario  foiise,"  Gcero,  locum,     hu  the  ■nthoHtj  of  Eugnphioa, 

lo  Verrem  ii.  i,  2.     '  SenitJnm  '  ii  gene.  bat  ia  not  entttled  to  dispUce  the  teit. 
rallj    osed    coUectJTelj,    aa    tbe    aUTea'    of         68.  Q/Hertpinl  ,  .  .  tnlium]     The  door* 

t.  hoD>e :  or  generallj,   u  *'  Ita  nnnc  H>r-  opened   upon    tbe   atage,    afler  the  Greek 

Titinra  est,"  '  iuch  are  aUTea  now-a-dajs,'  (iuhian,  end  it  wai  tlie  cuitom  for  thoae 

Plaatoa,  Curc.  ii.  3.  31.     The  plurml,  how.  who  csme  out  of  a  house  to  atrike  tbe  door 

STer,  u  uied.    Bee  Cicero,  Fni  Coel.  32.  78 :  iniide  to  wam  those  vbo  might  be  atuding 

"  Senitia   ad    caedem    et     indammaadain  ontside  to  step  on  one  aide.     See  Heant.  i. 

orbBm  iucitaTit."     LiTj  iii.   IS:  "  ISt  aer-  1. 131 :  "8ed  quid  crapnemnt  fores  Hinea 

Titiiajagnmdemeret."    See note  on ii.  G.  !6.  me?  QutBnam  egreditor  ?  Huc  conceaMro," 

66.  Me  ni«n>m  /ace]     Compare  t.    1.  and    Addphi   ii.    4.    2? :    "  Prodit   neada 

14  ;  and  Phormio  t.  7.  63.     Ancient  com-  quia  :  eoncedam  huc."     The  Ronun  doon 

mentalon  derive  the  phrsse  from  the  dia-  opened    inwarda.       It  ia    mentioned   aa   a 

banding  of  troopa,  as  "  misaam  facere  legto-  peculiar  priTiiege  tbat   Valeriua    PabliooU 

nem  ;"  aud  carrj  on   the  satne   metaphor  waa  allowed  ta  haTO  a  house  with  iti  doors 

to  tbe  following  line,  eiplaiiiing  '  restitnere  opening  oa  the  atreet.    Those  who  imoded 

locum,'  '  reatore  m  j  farmer  raDk.'     But  in  &om  witbout  were  said  '  pnlsare.'     Heant. 

botb  casea  the  more  natural  aenae  is  to  be  ii.  3.  34;  iii.  1.  I.    Adelphi  iv.  6,  3.    Com- 

preferred.     Davns  says,  '  If  jon  are  discon-  pare  «lirrfiv,  Aristophanes,  Nnb.  131 :  dXA' 

tenced,  manage  better  fiir  jouraelf,  andhave  ovx'   i^'"'  ti)v  Sfipiii' ;    ira!.   raitlors 

dona  «ith  me.'  Pampbilos  repliea,  'I  abonld  wheie  the  Scholiaat  iDfonns  o*  tbat  ^aftiv 

be  glad  to  do  so :  hat  jon  muat  reatore  the  was  lued  of  thoae  who  koodted  Uw  dogr 

pOHtkm  In  which  jon  fonnd  me ;'  b^re,  from  wilhin. 


ACTTJS  IV.    SCENA  II.  67 


HTSI8.       PAMPHILC8.       CHABINUS.       DAVCS. 

]£y.  J&m  abi  ubi  erit  iQTentom  tibi  curabo  et  mecunL  ad- 

Tnnm  Pampbilum ;  tu  modo  anime  mi  noli  te  macenire. 
Pa.  Mysia.     My.  Quid  eet  P     Ebem  Pampbile,  opportune  te 

wiihi  offers.     Pa.  Quid  est  P 
My.  Orare  juasit  m  se  ames  bera  jam  ut  ad  seee  Teniaa : 
Yidere  ait  te  cupere.      Pa.    Yah,  perii:    hoo  "'>|l'iir'   inte- 

grascit.  6 

Sicine  me  atgue  iUam  opera  tua  nunc  miseroe  eollicitaTier  P 
Ifam  idcirco  arceesor,  nuptias  quod  mibi  apparari  senait. 
Ok.  Quibufl  quidem  quam  facile  potuerat  quieeci  si  bic  quiesset. 
Ha.  Age  si  Mo  non  insanit  Batis  sua  sponte  instiga.     My. 

Atque  edepol 
Ea  ree  eet :  propteTeaque  nuno  misera  in  moerore  est.     Pa. 

Uysis,  10 

Per  onmee  tibi  adjuro  deoe  numquam  eam  me  deeerturum ;  ' 
Non  si  capiundoe  mihi  sciam  esae  immicos  omnes  homines. 
Hanc  mibi  expetiTi,  contigit :  conTeniuut  mores :  Taleant 

ACT IT.   ScENB  II.    Mjsis  ■ppean  on  qnid  ego  1  caz  me  aicrado,  (ut  cor  me  in>- 

Uu  stige  loalling  tat  Punnhilni.    She  re-  cero  ?      Tbe  nme  word  occnn  in  tlie  linea 

l>la  lo  him  tbe  grief  of  Gljrcerium  et  tfae  af  Ctattr  npoa  Terence  qnoted  in  the  Ub 

xummcement  of  bii  moiriige.  uid  worlcs  of  Terenoe  uoribeii  lo  DonMna  (Me  Intro- 

ipon  him  to  repeat  emphaticsllj  hia  td«b  dnctian) ;  '■  Unnra  hoo  maoeror,  et  doteo 

Df  iltujunent  to  hii  mistrcH,  whom  he  at  tibi  deene,  Terenli." 
DDa  priKeed*  to  lisit  uid  coniole     Ch>.        S.  £iciiie]    Por  '  ne '  see  note  on  I.  6. 10. 

nnu  plQckB  op  ■  little  coonge  oa  thi>  new  Paiaphiliu  tDmB  apon  Danu  reproachfnllj, 

'm  oT  (JTun  ;  hat  is  not  much  encounged  u  ChuinoB  bIbd  does  in  t.  8.     DeTOi  hu 

br  DiToa,  who  hiui  at  lut  hit  oa  a  pro-  en  HiBwer  for  hjm,  while  he  takea  hi*  mu- 

migiij  pUn,  bnt  whoUf  for  the  benefit  of  (er'B    reproache»    qniellr.       '  SoUidtwTor ' 

^philiu.     Dnim  HTangoB  prehminkriea  mngt  be  proDonnced  '  BDU'citaryer,'  for  the 

'ilh  Uf  OB,  and  proceedi  to  cury  ont  his  

■^cnw.  Pamphiios  IB  thaa  thrawn  back 
lnw  the  armB  oF  his  lorer,  and  tbe  manaige- 
■■ent  of  the  plot  ii  lestored  to  the  deverer 

Tbe  melre  is  iambic  letnraeter  catalectic. 

I.  Vbi  ubi\    For   '  nbicnnqiie.'     Cic*ro, 

IW.  ftoaest.  i.  89  ;  "Uhi  ubi  sit  aniniQB." b ■ — 

LiT;iL2:  "  Ne  ubi  nW  regnm  denderiam  Wemajr  compBrethecoiDmoticupbemismof 

^  owl."     Similarlj  *unde  UDde,'   'cnii  cui,'  the  Greek  vaiftir,  and  Ihe  more  uncom- 

'quqna.'  maD  fonn  Syiatvt,  which  corresponds  ei- 

!•  ifacerari]  '  Macero '  oiiginall j  meani  actlywith  tbeLatin  '  Tale.' See  Aiutophane*, 

'to  Boften  bj   steepiDg.'     So  in  Adelphi  iii.  Hanae  163  : 
3.  S7 :   "  SalsuDenta  haec  fac  nwcereDtnr 

pahire."  HaDeethederiTedidWtosofleD,'  rnl  xa^P'  »*XX'  litiXfi.    Nj  Ai'  mI  ti  yi 

'«nvrata;'  'tOTrewy.'  Se«  t.  3. 10  :  "8ed  iyiatvi. 

metra  is  caCalectii 

: :  bat  there  is 


with  BentleT,  lo  rBSd  '  aollicitaii.' 

13.   Val«,nf]     • 

Awav  wicb  Ch< 

ose  who 



miunciaCiDn.      Horace,    Epist.    ii. 

1.  IKD: 

"  Valeat  lee  ladicn 

t."   SoAdelphii 

iT.  4.  H, 

and  below  t.  3.  18 

.     ThiB  Ben»  fallii  Dnder 

the  moro  gBBeral 

notion  of  Wtc  taking. 



Qui  inter  noe  diacidiani  volunt :  hsac  niBi  mois  mihi  adimet 

Mj/.  Reaipisco.     Pa.  Non  ApoUinia  magia  verum  atque  hoc 

8i  pot«Tit  fieri  nt  ne  pater  per  me  Btetisae  oredat 

Quo  minus  hae  fierent  nuptiae,  toIo.     Sed  si  id  non  poterit, 

Id  faciam  in  prooIiTi  quod  eet  per  me  stetiase  ut  credst. 

Quifl  TideorP     Ch.  Miser  aeque  atque  ^^.     Da.  Consiliimi 

quaero.     Ch.  Fortis ! 
Pa.  Scio  quid  oonere  f    Da.  Hoc  ego  tihi  prafecto  effectum 

reddam.  20 

Pa.  Jam  hoc  opua  est.     Da.  Quin  jam  haheo.     Ch.  Quid  est  P 

Da.  Huic,  uon  tibi  haheo,  ne  errea. 
Ch.  Sat  haheo.     Pa.  Quid  fiiciea  ?  oedo.     Da.  Diee  mihi  hic 

ut  aatia  ait  vereor 
Ad  agendum :  ne  Tacuum  esae  me  nuno  ad  narrandum  credos. 
Proinde  hinc  tos  amohmini :  nam  Tnihi  impedimento  eetis. 
Pa.  Ego  hanc  Tiaam.     Da.  Quid  tu  P  quo  hinc  te  agis  f     Ch. 

Yerum  Tia  dicam  ?     Da.  Imo  etiam         .  25 

Narrationis  incipit  mihi  initium.     Ch.  Quid  me  fiet  P 
Da.  Eho  tu  impudeoe  uon  satia  habee  quod  tibi  dieculam 

16.  No»   Apollinu  mafit  eermgi    algue  n^ji,      '  Whtt     do      yoa      tliink    of    me 

hoc  mpOTitlBii  «']     For  CfaiB  lue  of  'sc'  Dow  ?      CA.     Yod    ue    u    badlf    off  «i 

Bfter  the  wmpBnlive  MS  CatullUs  Iii.  169  I  sm.*   Da.    I    mm    ou   tha    look   oot  fot 

—III  :  >    BcbeBie.      CA.    Wandetfnl    fellow    tbit 

"  nU  noa  ininDi  mc  tibi  J""^  *" '      ^"-  ^"'r   ■"'"^  """^  J"™  ■" 

Pectore  aritor  inlima  aboDt.'     Ic  ii  difficolt  to  eipUin  the  or^ 

Pl»D.n...«dpenitBn,«p.."  °f^    teit,    '  reio  qDJd   ™<.ere,'   »   u   10 

give  ft  good  MDM.     In  PiunphilDi   month 

See  note  on  y.  1.  23,  iind  Maclefzie'!  note  it   ii  frigid.     Bentley  ^ten  it  to  '  ai  quid 

on  Uonoe,  Sat.  i.  I.  4G.  caoere,'    which    he    explNn*    "  optimum 

18.  /■  proriiri  guod  n/]     'I  wiil  do  cODulium   eitDndei,   ai    modo   nenoe   in- 

what  1  «ell  cui  io  mKke  him  think  it  tendM."   comptring  n.   1.  49.  acd   Bun. 

mj  doing.'     'Procdive'   ia   tbat  which  ii  r.   8.   2G:   "  Diffidle  ett.7U.Si  qoid 

OD  the  ny  downwuds,   wbich   ig  readf  coolibuit,    novi    le."      I    woold    propoae 

to  fUI,  and  lo  eaaj,  m  diatinguished  fiom  to  reud  "  taa  qnid  conm !"  «  k  wam- 

'  planum,'  tbat   which  is  tlreadj  on   level  ing    from     PnmpbiluB    to    Danu   not    to 

giound,  certain.    '  Procliie  '  tberefore  haB  get  him  into  tnj  more  Bcrape*.    Compue 

•  miied  memniag  of  eau  uid  uacertuntjr.  the   Greek  ifi'  oTaO'   3  i^vo» ;  '  be  mre 

In  the  Istter  aenHiwe  God  it  in  Plsutus,  jou  mind  whet  you  tie  >boat.'     We  must 

FlaDans  ir.  4.  88 :  "  FadBm  ego  hinc  rem  reraeDiber  tfaat  theH  plap  were  in  manr 

Kudern  ei  proclici  (ibi."  Ils  original  mean-  pUccB  tranilated  word  fi>r  word  trom  the 

ing  iritb    the  implied  ■ense  nf  easinnB  ii  Greek.      Por  a  nmilsr  Innslation  of  ■  com- 

fouud  in  PiBUtu»,  Captiv.  ii.  S,  86 :  ■'  Tam  mon   Greek  phrase  see   Plautu).  Poenului 

hoc  quidem  tihi  in  procliTi,  quam  imber  est  i,  2.  16S  ;  "  Ad.  Abscede  hiDc  ajcopbanta. 

qoando  plDit,"  '  good  luck  ii  readf  to  fall  Jfi.  Pareo.    At  >dD  qDomodo  i"  aod  Rb- 

inturourUplikeeihowerafrdn.'  dens  iii.  fi.    18:     "  Tang^  sed   sdD   qno- 

19.}   A  good  deal  of  commentarr  has  modo.'" 
been    wasted    on    thia    lina.      Pampbilus        37.  Qued  liii  dimlam  adio   Qnaafwi 

ACTUS  IV.    SCEKA  m.  59 

Qaantnm  bma  prtmaveo  auptiw  ?     Oh.  Dav«  ftttemeiL    Da. 

Qnid  crgoF 
Ch.  T7t  ducam.     Da.  Eidicraluin.     Ch.  Huo  &«e  ad  me  ut 

TeniAfi  ai  qaid  poteris. 
Da.  Quid  vemain  P  nihil  habeo.     Ch.  At  tameu  siquid.     Da, 

Age  veniam.     C%.  Si  quid  30 

Domi  cdTO.     Da.  Tu  Mysis  dum  exeo  parumper  (q>perii«  bic. 
Jfy.    QuapropterP      Da.  Ita  ^to  est   opus.      My.   Matura. 

Da.  Jam  inquam  bic  adero. 



My.  Nihiliie  eese  propriuni  cuiqoam  F     Di  veatram  fideio : 

Sanunuin  bauum  cBse  herae  putavi  hunc  Pamphilum, 

Amicum,  amatorem,  virum  iu  quovis  loco 

Paratum  :  verum  ez  eo  nunc  misera  quem  capit 

Dolorem !  facile  hic  plua  maU  est,  quam  iUic  boni.  s 

faigprpinQppo  nnptia»\     *That  I  pTacnre  Bnd  ia  ■aine  other  pLuxfl  tli«  Bflnse  of  per- 

JOB  t,  toapits  for  thg  ipace  for  which  I  caa  petuitj.     It  rcpnaenti  the  Gnck  ^Baiof 

deUi  Psi^bilns'  nurruge.'     '  Uiecola  '  oc-  nlbcr  than  oic(iD(.  PlaatDs,  MoatoU,  i.  3.6?: 

cnn  aaai  ia  PlutRi  in  k  aimiUr  leDie  i  "  IUimi  uDktoreiu  tibi  propriDm  futuruDi  in 

-iw.  iii.>i  rai^  .dB.t,  usic  .ont  '^f"  ,'S»:?^"™; JlT,'- ""^; '"- 

lcntin,  17i."iS.t....».4,J:-Jl,b,i™pl,..„o, 

III..d  M  pn«n  bdc  .nnt  Jiral»,,"  ^Jfi  ""  "'  ■'"F™  l"^  "*'  .';"T?» 

Pteodohu  i  ft  ^-  ™"*-       FroiQ  Meiwiider  u  qDoled  tbe  una 

'  i3ii3,iioi>  o«6ii>  If  liiifloicii  rriXuy,  Monoet. 

uidCiccro,AdAtdcamT.21.  13:"Coai-  656  (Meineke). 

nvtDOnt  qnid  olim  msli  C.  Jolina  feoerit  3.  AmKMm,    aina/orm]      ■  Her   ftiaiu], 

qnnin  diecabm  dDierit,"  •llDding  to  s  l»w  her  ]o<er,  ■  itauDcb  allj   oq  eierf  dcgs- 

of  CBeaBr'1  «hich  prolonged  the  period  of  lioa.'     Beutlej   ja   oSeoiied  at  the  jnit«- 

pefment  for  debtcn.  podliaD  of  ■  amicam  '  uid  '  smalareiD,'  ud 

31.]  Zcnoe  has  '  opperire  me  hlc,' which  thnr«fare  >iten  ^ie  latter  to 'latorHni,' aot 

aakee  tbe  lioe  •  fnll  tetmmeler,  iDiteed  of  to  the  benefit  of  the  metre,  uid  witli  more 

atalcctic,  u  the  rsat  of  the  icene.  t«u(olog]i  thui  befure.     Bnt  '  ■miciu  '  ■ad 

'  amator  '  tn  euentiaUj  diRerent,  ■■  Plia> 

AcT  rV.    SoBKi  III.     Mjnia  blla  into  n  tn*  laT*,  Truca),  i.  8.  76  ;  "  Longe  ■liler 

•otiloqay  on  tbe  trouble  which  haa  bdUlen  eit  unicuB  ■tque  unator  j"  uid  when  the 

In  niiBtnu  Inim  her  cDniHnioa  with  Pun-  two  wordi  ire  found  together,  it  ii  elw^ji 

philns.      She  is  «tenled  bj  tbe  appuiliou  witb  Hi  intended  contrait,  ■>  in  Ci<«Ki,  In 

flf  Dnini  bringing  wilh  him  the  bof.     Her  VisTem  ii.  3.  G3 :  "  Poteritne  te  ipse  Alba 

bmildennent  ii  inereued  by  hii  directioni.  tuus  ■oliquiirimni  non  aoluDi  unicus  Tenun 

8be  ii  to  take  end  place  him  at  Simo'B  door.  etiam  amslor  ibsolvere  !" 

Boddeal;  Chreiaea  cDaiee  npou  them  aiid  b.  Facile  iie  piui  mati  «1,  ; lun  iilie 

□■Tiu  ■(■rt*  OD  a  new  tnck,  InTtng  Mjsia  ioni]   '  Cleariy  ihe  ia  more  unhappy  in  him 

with  tbe  child  in  her  arnu  and  in  tbe  nt-  now,  than  ihe  wu   happy  berore.'     Stall- 

moat  perpleiity.  baum  by  a  aingot*)-  bluniler  interprets  '  bic' 

Heue ;  trimeter  iambic  of  the  hooae  of  Glycerium, '  illic'  of  3imo'i 

1.  NiAi/aetatpTOpTiumeai^aaif']  'Can  hoiue  ;  aa  iftbe  wurda  meant,  'the  griefaf 

■e  nvTo-  ieel  10^0  that  ■ny  thing  will  re-  Glycerium  i*  imUer  thau  tlie  pleunre  of 

main  conituit  to  n*  J'     '  Proprini '  bw  hete  Simo.' 


60  ANDRU. 

Sed  Davufl  exit.     Mi  homo  quid  istac  obsecro  est  P 

Quo  portas  paerum  ?    Da.  Mysis  uuiic  opus  eat  tua 

Mihi  ad  ha&c  rem  exprompta  memoria  atque  astutia. 

Mt/.  Quidnam  incepturus  P    J)a.  Accipe  a  me  hunc  ocius, 

Atque  ante  nostram  januam  appone.     Jfy.  Obeecro  10 

Humine  P     Da.  £x  ara  hinc  sume  yerhenaa  tibi 

Atque  eaa  suhsteme.     My.  Quamohrem  id  tute  ncm  facis  ? 

Da.  Quia  si  forte  opue  sit  ad  herum  juraudum  mihi 

Non  apposuifise  ut  hquido  poaaim.     Jfy.  Intelligo : 

ISova  nuQC  rehgio  in  t«  istaec  iucessit  cedo  P  15 

Da.  Move  ocius  te,  ut  quid  agam  porro  intelligas. 

Pro  Jupiter.     Jfy.  Quid  est  P    Da.  Sponsae  pater  intervenit. 

Repudic  quod  consihum  primum  int«nderam. 

Jfy.  Nescio  quid  narres.     Da.  Ego  quoque  hinc  ah  dextera 

Yenire  me  assimulaho :  tu  ut  suhserrias  30 

Orationi  utcunque  opus  sit  yerbis  vide. 

Mp.  Ego  quid  agas  nihil  inteUigo :  sed  si  quid  est 

Quod  mea  opera  opus  sit  vobis,  aut  tu  plus  videe, 

Manebo,  ne  quod  vestrum  remorer  commodum. 

8.  Memoria]     BenUer  iubstitut«s  '  mK-  dnm  nihi}   '  If  bj  koj  cbaDce  I  maj  htre 

Utia.'    Bat  Donfttns  gives  '  meniori»,'  md  to  C&ke  ui  oath  tt>  my  muter.'  '  Janiiiliini ' 

lliB  MDBe  is  food    without    Baj   diuige ;  is   the  aDbject  uii]  '  opDS '   th«  predicate. 

thougfa  '  m»!itiB'  ia  ■  verj  comnion  word  in  Bentlej  propose»  'jurBto,' coraparing  Hecjn 

nmitsr  connection.  iii.  4. 17  ■  "  In  ucem  transciiTSO  opns  eM ;" 

1 1.  Ex  ara   Aine  nme  verienat   ftii]  bot  the  teit  is  sappotted  bj  «U  the  MSS., 

*Verben>e'iaallsacred  folioge,  aachsa  olive,  *nd  there  is  no  necesaity  for  au  tltermtion. 

mjrtle,  laarel.     See  Dict.  af  Antiq,  1002.  See  uote  on  iL  1.  37,  and  Adelphi  iii.  3.75. 

Ara^    Un  Che  stegs  stood  two  Kltan,  Chst  '  Jnnndum  '  ii  used  for  '  juijurBndam.' 
on  the  right  hand  suied  to  Apollo  during         14.  Lifuido^     '  Thst   I  niBj  be  sble  lo 

the  perroraiBnce  of  oomedf  (snd  toBscchns  nteiti  with  a  cleu'  consdence.'    Compsxe 

in  ti»gcdy).th<itonlheleftdedic»tod  to  the  Cicero,  In  Verr,  ii.  4,  66:  "Aliquid  liqnido 

presiding  deitj  of  ChegBmea  — in  this  case  confirmare,"   In  Eun,  ii.  3, 40 :  "  lUum  liquet 

Cybele.     These  altsrs  appeer  aometime)  to  me  dejerBTC  his  meuaibus  Sez,  septem  pror- 

haTe  been  osed  as  places  of  reflige  far  alBves  sos,  uon  lidisse  proiimia,"    'I   cau  sofrij 

and  runBWBjs.     See  PlAntua,  MoaCeil.  v,  I,  talce  mjomth  that  I  have  not  eeen  him  this 

46,  and  Rodena  iii.  3.  27,  where,   however,  aix,  indeed  aeren,   months,'     Tlie  cKiginal 

the  altar  belongs  to  the  temple  of  Venus,  Knse  of '  liqnidui '  is  '  clEtu','  fiom  '  liqno,' 

where  a  great  part  of  the  action  is  carried  '  to  dnitj.' 

on.    I^ere  may  perhaps  be  b  more  general        1 8.  Repadio]     There  is  mnch  difTerenee 

•Itanoa  to   the  altar  of  Apollo  'A^vitiii,',  Tcapecting  the   etjmologj    of   this    «ord. 

irtuch  stood  before  the  doors   of  Gredan  Some  connect  it  with  '  cudo,'  DotwithstBnd- 

houses.     AristophBnes,  Veap.  A76t  riiroi'  ing  the  quBntiCj;  but  whst  meBuing  are  we 

'Ayouv  Tov  '/loS  iipo6vpiiii.     Plautos,  Bac-  togive  to  the  word  're-cudo '  in  Ihia  sense? 

chideB  ii.  1.  3i  ■'  Saluta  te,  yicine  Apollo,  It  ia  eridenflj  connectwl  wich  ■  tnpndinm.' 

qui  aedibua  propinquia  noatria  acoolia."    At  Now  Ihe  nriginal  applicalion  of  the  word  'tri- 

tite  entiBnce  of  RomBn  honses  there  atood  pndium '  ia  to  the  sacred  dance  of  the  SalK 

■n  altBr  of  Veala.      Donatus  gives  a  quota.  (^'i^  i-   ZO),  '  atamping  on  the  ground.' 

tlon  from  Menander.  which  is  cormpt  as  his  In  its  secondarj  meaning  it  meant  the  Adl- 

teit  stBnds,  but  has   heen  thus  restored;  iug  of  the  gTBJn  from  the  months  of  tbe 

'Eie  l'  irtTiai  oi)  fiu|Spivuc  ixvt  Aicriiwi)c.  aacred    chickens.      8ee  Dict  of  Antiq.  p. 

13.  Si  Jorit  opui  tit  ad  hervm  juran-  176|  17S.    CatnllDa  asn  the  wotd,  in  hu 



Ch.  HeTertor  poetqoam  qnae  opuB  luere  ail  nuptiae 
Gnatae  paravi,  ut  jubeam  arcessi.  Sed  quid  hoc  ? 
Fuer  berole  est.    Mulier  time  appoeuisti  hunc  P    Mi/,  Ubi  illio 

Ch.  Non  miU  respondes  ?    My.  Nusquam  est :  vae  miserae 

Beliquit  me  Iiomo  atque  abiit.     Da.  Di  Testram  fidem,  5 

Quid  turbae  est  apud  forum  P  quid  illio  hominum  litigant  ? 
Tum  annona  cara  est :  quid  dicam  aliud  nescio. 
My.  Cur  tu  obflecro  liic  me  solam  P  Da.  Quae  est  Iiaec  fabula  P 
Eho  ifysia,  puer  liic  unde  eet  P  quisye  buc  attulit  P 
My.  Satin  sanua  ea  qui  me  id  rogites  P    Da.  Quem  igitur 

rt^fem?  10 

Qui  bic  neminem  alium  yideam.     Ch.  Miror  unde  ait. 
Da.  Dictura  es  quod  rogo  ?    My.  Au.     Da.  Concede  ad  dex- 

My.  Deliras :  non  tut«  ipse  ?    Da.  Terbum  si  inihi 

))oeraonAUia(61.96),*'QaDlM«decetatatia  a  qnuititj  of  men  tn  goiog  to  law  thare  1' 

tdenw  tripDilii*,"  orraligioiu  dancei.  C<ini-  Compwe  Plmatoi,  Foeniiliu  iii.  3.  b:  "  8ed 

pcre  Honce,  Caim.  i   4.  7 :  "  AlUn»  t(T~  qmd  hnc  tantam  hominam  incedant."   The 

Tta  qnatinat  pede;"  37.  i  :  "Nonc  pede  plonl  mb  foUows  ths  icle*  of  mnltilnde' in 

libeni  paluiidB  tellai."     ThiB  niBge  MMms  'qoid    hominam.'      Tlie    oonitructian    ot 

to  point  to  tbe  derintion  from  ri>i(,  xelot.  Adelphi  ir.  4.  26  is  nmikr,  "tperila  diqiiii 

tM  '  tripodio.'     So  'repadio,'  «qaiiAlent  to  cotiam,"  for  thare'  aliqiiia'  i<  osed  u  rif 

'letTD  pudio,'  *  I  pndi  bKk  with  m;  tbot.'  with  ■  pltnl  terb.     (See  Dote.)     The  l«it 

'I  ngect  tbe  pUn  wbicb  I  bid  et  fint  de-  nuj  be  illnitnted  bf  lacb  phnses  ai "  Qnid 

Bgned.'     '  Intendo '  ia  aaid  to  be  uaed  here  pictiram    tsbulanim    Bpad    illnm    palatit 

iu  B  m^aphoricsl  Miue,  derited&om  hanC-  aer!"  CiceTo.lBVerr.  ii.  M.   "At  odaoraai 

ing  or  Bbootirif ;  bnt  the  umpler  uolion  of  qaicquid  inowlor^t,"  Horace,  Epod.  t.  1. 

n-aitn' Beemabert.  8ee  Ueaut.  ii.  3.  G  ukI  ir.  6.  6,  note.    Tb« 
number  of  the  Terb  nrieeu  tbef[r»mmBtical 

AcT    IV.    ScBNB  IT.     Chiemea   cODim  ot  lagical  id«  of  the  phraae  prcTBils  ;  in  tbe 

Wh  to  tell  Simo  that  eTerj  tbing  i*  letdf.  former  case  b  angular  reib  ia  nsed,  in  the 

Ue  GiidB  Mjn«  Bud  tbe  bo;,  aad  inqoiTe)  latter  s  ploial.    We  aM  to  inppow  that 

draut  it.     She  giiei  no  ButweT,  and  ia  oalT  DaniB  bnnta  in  retaiUng  Bcrapa  o(  goaiip 

nuicniB  foT  Dbtiu  to  r^um.    DaTHS  comeB  from  the  foruni. 

in  ai  if  he  had  jnst  retamed  from  ibe  fmnm,  7.   I^mi  aaiiau  eara  «(]  TbnsinTheo- 

and  makea  Mjais  declBre  thet  the  boj  is  the  phrutaa'  chamctar  (c  iii.)  of  the  tslkatir» 

un  of  Rimphilns.     He  alTects  lo  diabelieTe  mau  he  is  made  imong  other  thinga  to  saj, 

hn',  and  tbiu  leadi  ber  lo  tell  all  more  ei-  iig  liEioi  yi-fivaaiv  oi  vvpai  iv  rp  ayopf. 

plidtlj,  till  Chremes  is  thorougfalj  alarmed  la.  Concede  ad  dexleretn]  DaTUi  wiihes 

st  the  idea  »f  implicsting  his  dsughter  with  Chremes  to  oierhear  what  thej  Bsy  ;  tai 

Barh  B  set.      He  posts  off  at  once  to  Simo,  jet  not  to  be  so  neBi  u  to  prerent  bis 

while  DaTOS   eiplaius,  and   padfies  Mjiis  talking  In  a  whlsper  Biid  prompting  Mysis 

U  he  beat  cbd.  if  necessaij. 

The  inetTe  is  tiimeier  iambic  13.  Verlmm  (i  mihi  Unnm  pratttrpum 

S.  Qvfd  >//ic  AoiuiHm/ifijraal^  '  Wbat  qKod    te    rvgo   /axii    eme}   'Pbu'    «r 


62  ANDRIA. 

XTnum  praeterquani  quod  te  rogo  fexifl  cav«. 

My.   MaledicisP     Da.  UndeestP    Dic  clare.     My.  A  nobis. 

Da.  Attatae!  15 

Mirmn  vero  impudenter  mulier  si  iacit 
Meretrix.     Oh.  Ab  Audria  est  haec  quantum  intelligo. 
Ha.  Adeon  videmur  vobis  esse  idonei 
In  quibuB  bic  illudatiB  P     Ch.  Veni  iu  tempore. 
Da.  Fropera  adeo  puerum  toUere  hinc  ab  jaaua :  so 

Mane :  cave  quoquam  eX  iatoc  excessia  loco. 
My.  Di  te  eradicent :  ita  me  miseram  territas. 
ha.  Tibi  ego  dico  annon  P    My.   Quid  vis  ?     3a.  At  etiam 

Cedo  cujum  puerum  hic  apposuisti  P  dic  mihi. 
My.  Tu  nescis  P    Ha.  Mitte  id  quod  Bcio  :  dic  quod  rogo.     35 
My.  VeBtri,     Da.  Cujus  nostri  P    My,  Pamphili.     Ba.  Hem, 

quidP  PamphiliP 
My.  Eho,  annon  est  P     Ch.  Becte  ego  semper  fiigi  has  nup- 

Da.  0  facinUs  auimadvertendum.     My.  Quid  clamitas  P 
Da.  Quenme  ego  heri  vidi  ad  vos  afTerri  vesperi  P 

'  Huiiii '  U  commonlj  nsed  u  ui  eipresaion  tbe  groand  tbat  Doiutiu  doei  not  menlion 

of  ■  detenninatioa,  ■  thmt,  or  ■  «riib,  aa  the  «onj.     Ui«  teit  J9  ■■  rolian  ;  "  /m^. 

in   Hant.   ii.    3.    100:    "AdemptDm    tibl  dentrr  nnUtr  ^  ftttit\  Boiu  ordiDe  locu- 

jam    fkio    DmDem    metnm ;"    i.    I.    100 1  tus    eat ;    primo  eDJm    eaiM  impadenti^s 

"  Utiiiam  it^  di  fatiat."  Plaatus,  Merntor  n^tur*  eat  («hich  ig  expremed  b^  tbe  iran) 

ir.  6. 10 :  "  Bculor  fmiim  . .  plnrea  viri  nnt  '  mulier '),  deinde  condilio"  (eipreaaed  bf 

lidni  qnBin  nunc  mnlieres."     '  Cave  biia  '  '  mereCrii,'  aa  be  eiidentlj  inpliei,  tboagb 

vroald  ■!»  be  good  I^n,  u  in  HsuiL  i.  Uie  word  haa  fallen  oot  of  hu  teit  ai  «e 

2.13.    BatwefindiaPlantna,  Tmculent.i.  nowhaTeit).    Similaiif  we  have  in  Phormio 

1.  40:    "Qnaa  A  hiimas  oODKios;"  uid  ii.  1.6*J:  "  Hamo  lerTai." 
Ihiiii  tbe  most  lutoral  w^j  of  tsking  thii         Sl.]  Dnvui  remeraberB  tbat  Cbremes  hu 

paasage.     '  If  fou  aay  a  sjagle  wonl  more  not  jet  heard  wbo  ia  tbe  htber  of  the 

than  I  aak  you,  beoare.'     Bentlej  omita  ebild ;  and  ao  be  orden  Myni  lo  wait  tbit 

'  li,'   and    cDnnecta    'caTe'    witb    '  ftiie.'  he  mav  bring  that  ont  of  her.     In  t.  W 

WeiH  reads   '  sii,'   bnt   witboat  anj   an.  ■  c^jns    ia  to  be  pronOnaced  u  one  ■yllible. 
thoritf .  29.   Qtinnif  tgo  htH  ndi  td  eo*  tferri 

Ifi.    Mj.    Male  dici*  7     Da.    Undt  tMl  t  eaperi  7]  '  Do  yon  inam  the  bof  wbom  ' 

Die  ejnre]  Bentlej  slten  tbe  teit  thus :  saw  carried  ta  your  boOBa  festerday  erei 

"Da   QaindiciaoDdeat  cUre?"   Bnfmale  InK?'     Compare  FlantDa,  Uil.  Glor.  i.   I 

dicia  ?'   is   preserved    bj    DoDBtnr,    and  ii  13  :  "  Qaemiie  ego  semn  in  campis  Gu) 

Terj  chumcleriitic  of  Myiis,  who  ia  amaied  guitidonib .'"     'do    yon   mesn  tfaat  Man 

at  the  tone  laken  by  Datus,  ■nd  exclaima,  whom  1  aeTed  in  the  plain  of  Grnrg^mtidoD  ?' 

'  Do  you  thre^ten  ma?'  Catnllaa  liiT.  IBOi 

17.  Ab  Aodrin  e.l  Aa«]    'Ancilla'   ia  ..  ^„       (^,  ■aiitium   >pereni  >     QneiniK 
coumonlT  inserted  ■fter  ■  e>C ;'  bat  BeDtley  j^  ^,,^  l™ 

la  ngbt  in  rejecw.g  it  u  ■  m«.fe.t  glou,         sJ„^um   iuvenem   fraterD^  cude  ae- 
aod  already  implied  In  tbe  words'abAD>  cuta?" 

dria.'    '  Heretrii '   ia    □ften    fonnd    witb 

'mulier,'  u  in   Plautua,  Menaechm.  ii.  3.  and  FhDrmio  t.   7,  20:    ••  CA.  ArgentuD 

60  1  "  lalio  meietricem  eredo  habitsre  mn-  jube  rescnbi,     Ph.  Qnodna  ego  diaeripa 

lierem."     It  it  omilted  by  aome  editota  oa  porro  illis  qnibnt  daM^' 

C  k")0<^  lc 

ACmS  rV.    SCENA  rv.  63 

Ny.  O  hominem  axiAaeesm.    Da.  Yemm.  Tidi  &uithttntm   so 

So&rcinatam.     My.  Dis  pid  habeo  gr&tiam 

Qunm  in  pariimdo  aliquot  afEuerunt  liberae. 

Da.  ISe  illa  iUnm  hand  iKmt  eujus  cauea  haec  incipit. 

Chremes  b!  poaitum  puerum  ante  aedes  riderit 

Soam  gnatam  non  dabit  P    Tanto  hercle  magis  dabit.  35 

Ch.  Xon  hercle  faciet.     Da.  Nuno  adeo  ut  tu  sis  eciens, 

Nid  puerom  toUia  jam  ego  hunc  in  mediam  viam 

ProTolTam :  teque  ibidem  perTolvam  in  luto. 

My.  Tu  pol  homo  non  es  sobriua.     Da.  Fallacia 

Alia  aham  trndit ;  jam  susurrari  audio  40 

CiTem  Atticam  eese  haac.     Ch.  Eho.     Da.  Coactus  legibus 

Eam  uxorem  ducet.     My.  Au  obeecro  an  non  ciTis  est  ? 

Ch.  Jocularium  in  malum  iusciena  paene  incidi. 

Da.  Quis  bic  loquitur  P  o  Chreme,  per  tempus  adTenis. 

Ausculta.    Ch.  Audivi  jam  omnia.   Da.  Ah  nae  tu  omnia !     45 

Ch.  Audivi,  inquam,  a  principio.     Da.   Audistine  obsecroP 

Scelera,  hanc  jam  oportet  in  cruciatum  hino  abriju. 
Hic  est  ille :  non  te  credas  DaTum  ludere. 
Hy.  Me  miseratn :  nihil  pol  falsi  rtixi  mi  senez. 
Ch.  Kovi  rem  omuem :  est  Simo  intus  ?     Da.  £et.     My.  Ne 

me  attigaa  &o 

Sceleste.     Si  pol  Glycerio  non  omnia  haec — 
Da.  Eho  inepta  nescis  quid  sit  actum  P     My.  Q,uid  sciam  P 
Da.  Hic  «ocer  est.     Alio  pacto  haud  poterat  fieri 
XTt  Bciret  haec  quae  roluimuB.     My.  Fraediceres. 

3S'  lAhtrmt]  Bf  tfae  Athenian  law  stsTM  being  an  Atbeniiin  ci 

*9T  aot  ■Umred  to  appear  H  witnesMa.  qaent  claim  oa  Pai 

"•"upBrposely  n«e«  ftTery  ire«li«rfmnent  1}  /3ia»eii(jii  fj  yop 

lo  sUke  Ihe  iHiBRtion  of  t\jta.     Hs  insi-  roD  ^]iii<rnfii>>(iu.     Coispire  Adelphi  IT.  7- 

nula  Ihat  he  hsd  seen  ■  «omui   brlng  7-     Ennoch.  v.  2.  49. 

llit  chiU  in  ■  bnndle  under  her  drB».     We         44.  Ptr  tmjna]     See  Hacrn  It.  S.  16  : 

"lut  not.  hnwerer,  reAne  too  mnch  upon  "  Video  Pbidippam  egredi  per  lempoa."  So 

'*d)  1  punge.     The  inddent   wonld  ba  too  Pltutaa,  Meneechm»  i.  2.  30 :  "  Non 

''^r  «Dough,  and  ia  mereir  saggeited  to  polniKi  mtp*   per  tempoe   mihi   ■dTenire 

■«"ke  MjM,    more  positiTe.     We  find  the  qtt»m  »dTenis." 

;n>rd  in  Plaatns,  Curc.   ii.   3.  10:    "  Qid        45.   Ah  nat  lu  (mnia.']     'Ah,  iodeed 

incedent  raffiuc^iati  cnm  llbris  cum  apor-  Ton  h&Te  heard  all,  h»ra  jon?'    Bentler 

*°li^"    'Hibeo  grathm' ii  Bentley'!  cor-  reads   "snne   b>ec  ta  OIDDit?"    niuiecea. 

'Vtion  fyt   •  gTBdai,'   whieh   i«  onlj  nsed  miij. 

"""^ ' — '  60.]  Chremu  goes  into   8imo'a  bouie. 

DkTue  immediatelj  mshes  ap  to  M;ri>  in 

riumph.     Slie  is  thoronghlr  *ngrT-  how- 

r  diea   die."        Danu   now  erer,  al   haiing  been   worried  ai  sbe  ha« 

ning)  oot  tlie  lut  point  irbich  ie  neceiau7  been,  and  wams  him  off. 

lo  Aip  the  Duniage,  the  ftet  of  GlrcetlDm        54.   Pratdictrn\     The  tmpofaot  eoa- 


Ba.  FauILam  mtereese  oensee  ex  animo  oimiia, 
Ut  fert  natura,  facias  an  de  industria  F 


CBITO.      ITfBIS.      DAVTI8. 

Cr.  In  liac  habitaBse  platea  dictum  est  Chiysidem 

Quae  Bese  inhoneate  optavit  parere  hic  diTitiafl 

Fotius  quam  in  patria  honeste  pauper  Tiveret. 

Ejus  morte  ea  ad  me  lege  redierunt  bona. 

Sed  quoB  perconter  video.     Salvete.     My.  Obaecro  5 

Quem  video  ?    Eatne  hio  Crito  sobrinua  Chrysidis  ? 

Is  est.     Cr.  0  Mysis,  salve.     My.  Salvus  sis  Crito. 

Cr.  Itan  Chrysis  ?  bem.     My.  Koe  quidem  pol  miseraa  per- 

Cr.  Quid  vos  ?  quo    pacto  hic  P  satin  recte  ?     Mt/.  Nosne  ? 


jnDctiTe  u  pnt  where  we  thoali  eipect  the  thcrefore  right  in  tobstitnljiig  '  viTcret,'  tlw 

plDperfect.  Bo  in  Virgil,  Aen.  Tiii.  G43 :  "At  resding  of  othcr  M3S.,  compuing  Adelphi 

tn  dictig,   Allwue,  muieres,"     It  is  mDre  i.  2.  27— !I0: 

geDer*!!^  thu.  ued  when  there  i<  «n  idea  ,. ^^^  g^         ^  ^g^  ^ 

of  repetition  e™»^  or  trf  »  conlinn«neB  gj^^  „^^  f  j„„        „„t^  ^^ 

tion    of  tb«    phipeTfect.     (8ee   MBdvig^a  f^^  ^ 

Gr«,  i  S47-)                  ,     ,,.         .^  Alieniore  Mt.te  po.t  feceret  t4m«i." 

M.  Exenlnui]    'SiDcerel;;'   '&(iin  the  "^ 

bottom  of  JODT  heart.'    Compsre  "  Quod  Compare  olao  Tuataa,  Ann.  xiii.  42  -.  "  Cri- 

tibi  beoe  ei  animo  toIo,"  Heant.  t.  !■  6 ;  men,  periculam,  omnia  potioii  toleratnrum 

Adelpbi  t.  7.  21.     So  "  ei  animo  fuere,"  qoua  Teterem  u  domi  partam  digDatianem 

Addphi  i.  1.  47.  and  tbe  mmmon  pbnue  aabitu  reiidtnti  cnbmitteret." 

"ei  tui  animi  «enteoti»,"  '  on  jour  wordof  4.  Ileditnmf\      Her   property   »ent   to 

hoiionr.'     Sea  note  on  Heaul.  it.  3.  5.  tbe  neit  of  kin  in  deraulC  of  a  teMunentwr 
disposition.     '  Redire  '  wat  comnioDlf  oaed 

ACT  IT.  ScBNS  T.    A  na*  chancter  ia  in  tbis  caie,  '  Tcnire'  when  an  iDherituce 

DOw  broDght  on  the  acene,  Crito  oi  Androa,  wfca  lelt  bj  wiU.     So  Heqrra  i.  2.  97  :  "  Ea 

cOuriD  to  Chrjais.     He  had  beard  of  hsr  ad  boi  Tcdibat  lege   heredilai."      Bot    in 

death,  and  bang  her  nearat  kinamao,  bad  Cicwo,In  Verr.  ii.  1.46,  "MinadDS  qnidam 

come  to  Athens  to  daim  ber  property.     He  mortaus  eat — ejua  testamentom  cnt    nol- 

la  in  fkct  the  Deus  ei  machiDa  of  the  play,  lum.     Lege  heredit»  ad  genlem  Uinuciun 

aod  tbe  neceasarj  hinge  upon  which  the  Teniebat,"  'Teaire'  is  used  in  the  aense  of 

\6ati  at  the  plot  tumB.     Like  uncles   io  'redire.' 

modern  cooiedj,  he  sctaa  liberal  put  uid  R.  Tlan    Chiytiif    hem^     '  Ii     Chrjsa 

does  his  best  to  make  ever;  one  happy.  aa    I    hew — Yes,    we  are   undone    bj   ho- 

Metrej  iambic  trimeter.  death.      And    as  for  ouraelva  we  do  the 

2.    Sfe\    Thepronoun  is  pleonaatic.    Sa  best  we  caa,  aa  the  pro«erb  goes,  since  we 

Gun.    Prol.    1:     "  Qui   placcre   ae   atudeat  cannDt  do  aa  we  would.'     'Satine  recte?' 

boDia  quBiD    plurimis."      'Divitiaa'    muat  ia  a  conimon  formula.     So   "  ntin' aalTe?" 

be   proaounced   'ditias.'    Heaut.  i.  2.   20;  £ua.  v.  5.  B.  Livf  i.  6y.  both  cases  there  in 

iii.  2.  Ifi.     (See  IntroductJOD.]  the  various  readings  'rectae'  and  'aalvae.' 

a.    Vit!ert(]     The  common  editions  givo  9.  Sic]      A  common  expressiDii,  '  so— 

the  rfsding  'vivero.'     But  we  cmnnot  aj  so.'     Compare  Phormio  i.    2.   S4 1    "Da. 

>  iqitavit  se  pauper    viTere.'     Beatley  waa  Quid    paedagogus   ille   qni    dUiarialriaDi  ? 

ACnJS  rV.    SCENA  T.  .    65 

Ut  qnimns'  ainnt,  '  qTtaudo  nt  Tolnmus  non  licet.'  10 

Cr.  Qmd  GlyGeriiim  P  jam  hio  suos  parentes  r^perit  P 
My.  trtinam.     Cr.  An  uondiun  etiam  f    Haud  auspicato  hoo 
•  meappnli: 

ITain  pol  81  id  ecissem  nunquam  huc  tetulissem  pedem : 

Semper  eoim  dicta  eet  ejus  haec  atque  habita  est  soror : 

Quae  illiuB  faenmt  poseidet :  uunc  me  hoepitem  19 

lites  Bequi  quam  id  mihi  sit  &cile  atque  utile 

ABorom  exempla  commouent :  simul  arhitrot 

Jam  aliqnem  esse  amicum  et  defeosorem  ei ;  nam  fere 

GrandiuBCuIa  jam  profecta  eet  illino.     damitent 

Ue  sycophantam,  hereditatee  persequi,  30 

Mendicum :  tum  ipsam  despoliare  non  licet. 

My.  0  optime  hoepea  pol  Grito  antiquum  ohtines. 

Cr.  Dnc   me  ad  eam,   quando   huc  veni,   nt  Tideam     My. 

Da.  Sequar  hos :  nolo  me  in  tempore  hoo  videat  senex. 

Qold  ni  girit?  -  0«.  Slc,  taniiiter)"  and  for  »  kuTe.     It  ii  alwsj*  thni  und  ia 

HaoL  iH.  3.  IS :   "  Bt  qmdam  herde  Ibnii»  Latjn  comal}.     For  ita   original   m«aiung 

iDcslmti.     Ch.  Sic  Mtis."  lee  Scholiut  on  Ariitopluiuia,  Pkit.  T.  31  i 

\0.  'Ut  quimm^  aiiad,'qttando  ul  voltt-  ii:a\ovirT«   oiv   auiio^atrTai   iit   rd   (rtiica 

■M  wn   lietV^      We    find   in    HeiuuideT  ^aivoyrt,  ■UudiDg  to  proeecutiaDS   Inati- 

ihe  tiiie,  Imiuti  jif  oix  it  StXofUv  iW  tuted  BgBinst  tho»  who  robbed  the  tf- 

■C  ivtd^Ba.  beea  or  eiported   figs,    tbon^    prDbably 

13.   Ttlulamii  ptdtm]   For  'tDliwem.'  theee  ire  mero  inTentioiu  to  •ccoant  Sv 

SouiT.  1.  13:  ■■  Dura na tetnlit."   'Pedem  the  naiDe.      Jiriipdri)atv  DJVv  li  iwiirtti 

fcrre '  is  ■  common  phnM  ia  Pleotiu  and  rDRva/ia  irpic  ifdvTas  Toie  Tcavoipyovi;, 

Tereao*.  See  Plaotiu,  Menaechm.  iL  3.  30 :  Compar«  tba  nie  of  xTuxis,  u  «etl  ■• 

"  ttm  hnc  in  hnnc  orbem  pedem  nisi  hodje  aoxofavTiK,  in  Ariatophuiet. 

aimqDun  intro  tetnlit." 

'AXqSic,  SiiiiTpi-WTt  loi  fi«(|)wrari  ; 

-«^hgedto  Imv.  thor  ™u  tr^d  ^      „j  ^^^VrTt  i!  r<c  ijt,  mv.iiiW, 
AU^  ,  freq<.ent    «u«    of    compUint.  "^  l^  B67-M9. 

"I^tei  Kqm,"  Adelphi  u.  2.  40.     Glfce- 

riim  pH«ed  aa  tbe  oiIeT  of  Chrrn*,  Bnd         S3.  Antiqutim  Mhtal      '  Yon  still  re- 

■auld  therefbre  be  looked  npon  h  ber  noit  tun  jonrold  Hlf.'     Campare  PlantiiB,  Moe- 

of  Un.     It  «oold  be  aeceasuT  for  Crilo  to  tell.  iii.    8.  103  :  "  AnCiqnDm  hoc  obtines 

tting  ■n  adiou  igainat  iua  to  leaner  hia  tunm  tvdiu  ut  sis."     In  Adelphi  t.  3.  38 

pnpertj.  we  bsTe  ' '  Eandem  ilUm  rationeiD  autitjaam 

IB.  Utile)      IronicaUj.    ■  How  httle  nse-  obtine ;"   and  in  Hecjra  T.  4.  30:    "  Tu 

fil,'  ■bow  duadTautagaona.'    See  note  on  morem  uiti<|nDm  atqae  itigeniiim  obtjnea." 
i  b.  Gl— 63.  34.]    DsTua  ia  afndd  thst  his   muter 

1.1.  OrttHditueiila]     For  when  abe  left  will  «eDd  for  liim  to  atteet  bia  own  «ordi 

Androa  ghe  iras  alreadj  prettj  well  grown  (iii.  3.   44),  and  to  aMore  Cbremee  tbtt 

up.    Compare  the  uee  of  'grandia,'  Adel-  Gljcerinm   and   Fanii^lns  are   eatTsnged. 

phi  iT.  6.  aa,  and  TriDDmmui  ii.  2.  98:  Ue  accoidinglj  retiiea  with  Crito  and  Mj- 

"Soror  eat  illi  adulta  TJrga  graiidis."     A  sis;  and  ii  thna  able  to  reappear  in  T.  2 

NDnlar  form,  '  nwjnicnla,'  occon  in  Enn.  witb  tlia  newi  of  the   paientage   of  Otj< 

iii.  3.  81.  ceiinm. 

aO.  Sjteophenta']     Heie  s  geoeial  taim 



Ch.  Satis  jam  satis  SiuLo  spectata  erga  t«  amicitia  est  mea : 

Satis  pericli  coepi  adire :  ortindi  jam  finem  face. 

Dum  etudeo  obeequi  tibi  paene  illusi  Titam  filiae. 

Si.  Imo  enim  uuuo  quuju  mazime  aba  te  poBtulo  atqne  oro 

TJt  beneficium  yerbis  iuitum  dudum  nunc  re  compiobes.-  5 

Ch.  Yide  quam  iniquus  aie  prae  stodio.     Dum  id  ^ciaa  quod 

Neque  modum  benignitatiB  neque  qnid  me  ores  cogitas : 
Nam  si  cogitee,  remittas  jam  me  anerare  injuriis. 

AcT  V.  ScBKi  I.  Chreaiea,  haring  over-  "  Haoc  Bscdiidem  unsbBt,  nt  qnoni  mu- 

heud  the  altercatioa    b«tire«n  Daru*  ■nd  imi  tam  Punphiliu."     Uaut.  it.  6.   40 : 

M^Bii,   i*   detemiiaed   DOt   to    marrj    hii  "  Qaom  muime  Tolo  te  dara  aperm." 

daughtai  to  Puophilus.      Bimo  hai   been  B.  Vidt  qvam  iniqtiut  tit  prne  thidiii] 

repeating    hii   eotreatiea    Bnd    argameota  '  See  hoir  anfur  ^on  are  from  joor  e*iga'- 

whan  thej  oome  on  the  Btage,  uid  thia  Bocne  neaa.'    '  Prae '  genenll;  eiprenea  tbe  p»- 

ia  notbing   mote  than   a  contianation  of  *BDtiTe  esnae.     (See  Hadvig,  Latin  Grmm- 

tbeir  prerioai  oonTeraation.    8imo  daima  mu,  256,  Obs.  i.)    Iu  Tetmce  it  ia  gene- 

the  perfarmuioe  of  Chremes'  pKHniae,  uid  ndlj   uaed  irith  a   nq^Te   phrase,  aa  ia 

eipluni  aU  that  haa  bftppenej  «  mi  arti-  Heant.  li.  3.  67:  "  Pme  gaudio,  it>  me  Di 

flce  of  Gljceriam's  partj  to  prereDt  the  ament  abi  ma  Desdo;"  t.  1.  47:  "  I^ae 

muriage.      Chremea    on   the    otber   hand  incnnda  non  anni  qmd  me."     And  in  tbe 

dedines  to  tlirow  siTaj  hia  danghter,  and  other  passages  irhen  it  ia  naed,  there  is  ■ 

maiQtaina  tbat  he  hia  ■Ire^d;  laSdeDtlj  negatiTe  idaia  implied  mider  tlia  sfEimatiTe 

Bhown  hia  good-wiJl,  bat  amnot  anj  longer  fiinn.    "nins  in  the  teit,  ''"—  — -  ''  ' 

lectic.  piae  ■more  eiclosti  bano  fona,"  ' 

\.  Spiclala\     Bee  note  on  i.  1 .  S4.  maj  luTe  the  pregnant  sense  of  '  i 

3.  Patnt  iUmi  nltm  filietl  '  I  haTe  liid.'  Wa  find  it  lometimea  in 
almoat  fboled  siraj  mj  daugbter's  life.'  «here  thoe  is  na  idem  of  negition,  «s  in 
In  Tadtns  we  find  '  illudo  '  naed  with  >  PlantnB,  Radeaa  I.  8.  SS :  "  Ut  prae  timi^ 
daCiie  in  tfae  sune  seaae.  "Etiam  quw  in  genna  in  andaa  condditj"  uid  ii.  6.  42: 
Datnn  denegsTiaaet,  per  artem  teotu*  et  "  Eqnidem  me  ad  TelitalKKiem  extmeo, 
Tiribua  Prindpia  iljnd^,"  Ann.  ir.  42.  Nun  omnia  corosca  prae  timore  fabalor." 
"  Ipae  ■ol&  perdeDdi  cnra  atabnla  aniigia  See  other  iDatancea  qnotsd  bj  Forcelliai, 
extraere :  drcam  gladiatoram  ferarumqoe  who  giTea  a  general  eiphinalion  of  ttiia  lue 
apectacalis  opplere  :  tanqnun  ia  BBmma  oftlie  word :  "  Saepe  causun  ngnifiiat  et 
uuadaiitim  pecoQiae  illadere,"  Uist.  ii.  ejna  caaBse  ■bonduiti^ra  sea  DugnitadiDem 
94.  '  Vit^'  is  oMd  in  a  Idnd  of  miied  notat,"  which  is  trae  la  br  ■■  it  goea,  bot 
aanae  ■■  with  ui  for  the  '  TiTendi  cansae,'  not  aofficieat.  The  geDcnl  id«  is  priaiitj, 
happineaa,  &c.  8o  ia  Adelphi  iii.  S.  42  ;  DOt  Deceiwarilj  impljing  preTention,  though 
Heant.  iL  9.  7^  prerention  necesmilj  implies  prioritj. 

4.  /mo  emm]  An  elliplical  eiprea-  8.  Rtmillat]  Bo  Horace,  Cum.  ii.  II. 
rioD.  Chremcs  Inpllea  '1  will  not  jet  S:"BemiCtaa  qnsercre."  Sallust,  Jugur- 
eeass,  fbr  I  demand  of  joa  more  thin  tbi&3:  "Neqoe  lemitlit  exploraie."  'In- 
erer  now  to  proTe  in  action  the  Idndneaa  jariia,'  ■  irith  wrongt.'  la  the  fbUooing 
ohieh  jon  prc^eaaed  in  worda.'  Tbe  phraas  Unea  be  goea  on  to  speciiy  the  attan  m 
"  imo  enim  ti  adaa"  occurs  Ean.  ii.  3.  63.  theae  WTODgs. 

See  Hecjra  i.  3.  40 : 


ACTUS  V.    SCENA  U.  67 

8i.  QfoboB  f  €h.  AJi  I  rogitaa  P  peTpullBti  me  ut  homioi  ado- 

In  alio  occiqiato  amore,  aUioneati  ab  le  uxori*,  lo 

Filiam  darem  in  aeditioDem  atque  in  incertas  nuptias, 
E^  labore  atqoe  ejus  doloFe  gnato  ut  medioarer  tuo. 
Impetrasti :  incepi  dum  ree  tetulit :  nuno  ntm  fert ;  iemB. 
Blam  iiinc  ciT^n  ease  aiunt :  puer  eet  natus :  nos  miasoe  &oe. 
&.  ^or  ego  te  deoa  oro  ut  na  illis  animum  indueas  credere    15 
Qoibns  id  maxime  utile  est  illiiTii  eese  quam  deterrimum. 
Miiptiaram  gratia  haec  sunt  ficta  atque  inc^rt»  omnia. 
ITbi  ea  causa  quamobrem  haec  &ciuiit  erit  adempta  hia  deBinent. 
Ch.  Eirae :  cum  Dkto  egomet  ridi  jurgautem  anoillam.     8i. 

Bcio.     Ch.  At 
Tero  TuUn ;  qanm  ibi  me  adesae  neuter  ttua  praeMnaerat.    30 
8i.  Credo ;  et  id  iacturas  Davua  dudmn  praedixit  mibi : 
£t  nesdo  qui  til»  sum  oblittu  bodie  ao  volm  dioera. 


DATUS.      CHBEMES.      SIMO.      DRDMO. 

Da.  Antmo  nuno  jam  otioao  eese  impero — Ch.  Hem  DaTum 

Si.  ITnde  egreditur  ?    Da.  meo  praeaidio  atque  hoaptia.     St, 
Quid  iUnd  mali  e«t  P 

wlthoiit  ■nthoritjr,  SDd  qidtB  iiiiiiiniiMlllj 
'Ac'  Dr  <  Atqne'  oftm  f  m^  a  kiDd  of  OQiDpB- 
-"11  which  ii  Dot  UwBjB  aipnMed.    80  fn 

, ..,.    _    _ntM,  Cadni  It,  4.87"  "  NebnU  hand 

'  ^-i}.'    CcmrpKn   '  n-pan>.'    CScero,  u    gat  iDollls  stqne  hnjiu  «■!"    BKcbides  iiL 

qMad  bj'  HerriiH  aa  Ajbd.  i.  109,  deriree    6.  20 :  "  Qneni   ene  amlcnm  retoa  fam 

<t  tma  '  ndiTe,'  (br  '  m  ire,'  *  to  go  ftat ;'     atqne  ipnu  anm  mihi."     Domtiu  eiplain* 

•oinjwe  'ro-d-iro,'  bnt  oot  «o  irelL     For     '«*   in  thi»  punige    bj   '  oontn  qnem.' 

tU  pmBut  aaai  compere  Pbntni,  Ajipmr.    The  fcct  is  fliat  •  ac  '  M  ■  conjnBcticni  of 

<•  i.    IS  :     "  Tnm  meas  pattr  e*m  ndi-     compmuon    deriTsa   its    meanii^    entirely 

'Men  in  tnnqidlhnD  co^nt."    Ciceio,    from  tfae  word  «hich  precedei  it.    Tbna  In 

AdAttfl.  I.  6:  "  HdieT  ndHkai."  Uiie  punge  we  mifht  nj  "  oblitni  nun 

14.  Bbu  eteen]    An  *t»u»>i»n  dtuen;    bodie  ■Uler  ec  TaM    dicere,"  when  the 

">  i.  3.  IS.  mnnninE  wonld  be  '  conlTU7  to  mj  Inlen- 

fftt  mittor  /aee]      Sn  not«  on  ir.  1.    tion,  I  hSTe  fargot  to  tell  jon,'  or  "  oblitni 

U.  gnm  bodie  perinde  ac  lohii  dicera,"  '  I  fbr. 

IB.  Ptr  tga  it  dtot  oro]     See  note  on    got  to  tdi  jon  ■■  I  Intended.'    The  Uttcc 

8.  S.  t.    BophodcB,  Oed.  CoIod.    13S8:    «eemn  tbn  rimpler  bniulitlan  in  tlu*  pM- 

19.  Scio]     '  0(  conne :'  ironienUj.    Bee 
^-  !■  33,  u'cn*lo'  h>  t.  SI.  AotT.  Scnr*  11.    Dsraa  eonm  on  O» 

n.  Ai:  volrn]     '  Somehow  or  other  1    itage  in  high  sinrita  from  the  honee  of  01;- 

f^V*  to  tdl  jon,  u  I  «iihed  to  do  tUi    cerinm,  where  Ciito  bu  been  expliiniH 

"wntnc.'     Bmtlej    propoMe    ■  «t  toM,    Ow  drcnmitwicei  of  hlt  MqMintaDes  whta 

F  2 

D;i  zecbvGooglc 


Dtt.  Ego  coTDin.odioTeni  homumn,  adTentam,  tempna  non  vidi. 

8i.  Scelus, 
Quemuatn  hic  laudat  P     Sa.  Omnia  res  est  jam  iii  Tado.     Si. 

Ceseo  alloqui? 
Sa.    Herus  est :    quid  agam  P     8i.    0  aalve  bone  vir.     Da. 

Ehem  Simo  I  o  noeter  CliTenie !  5 

Onuiia  apparata  jam  Bimt  intus.     8i.  Curaati  probe. 
2)a.  Ubi  Toles  arceese.     8i,  Bene  aane ;  id  enimTero  hinc  niinc 

Etiam  tu  boc  respondesP  quid  istio   tibi  negoti  estP    J)a. 

8i.   Ita.     Da.   MihiueP     8i.   Tibi  ergo.     Da.  Modo  inttoiL 

8i.  Quasi  ego,  quam  dudum,  rogem. 
Da.  Cum  tno  gnato  una.     8i.   Aime  est  intus  PamphiluBP 

Eho,  non  tu  dizti  esse  inter  eos  inimicitiae,  camufez  P 
Da.  Sunt.     8i.  Cur  igitur  hic  eet  P     CA.  Quid  iUum  oenses  P 
oum  lUa  litigat. 

her.  He  ii  immediatelf  ftttacked  by  Simo, 
■nd  desired  to  eiplaiD  l^  itory  of  tbe  qnar- 
rel  botireen  Punphilns  ftnd  GlycBrium. 
Daraa  evtdea  bla  qneitiana,  and  pro- 
ceeda  to  tell  Che  neirg  which  Chremee  hu 
braoght  of  her  Atheni*D  p&rentage.  Bimo 
iDtecmpts  him,  uid  orders  him  ofT  to  be 
boand  hand  «id  foot,  nith  plentifal  threats 

it  for  his  d 

Metra;  tt.  1— 16.  17,  18,  trochBictetr^ 

meten  otalecticj  16,  19—24,  iaaibic  te- 
tnmeten ;  2G — 30,  iambic  trimetera. 

4.  Ofmim  rtM  ett  jcm  m  vado']  '  Eferj 
thiog  ia  Dow  Mfe.'  Compire  Adelphi  iL 
4.  3.  The  Nune  pbraie  occun  in  PJantoi, 
AutnL  i«.  10.  70  I  "  Haac  propemodnm  jam 
ease  in  vado  ulutis  n»  Tidetnr."  In  Rd- 
deni  i.  2.  81  we  have  it  in  an  accoant  of  > 
litenJ  eecape  from  ghipirreclc :  "  Nunc  Dunc 
pericuium  est ;  ejecit  alteram. — At  in  vado 
eat:  jun  hdle  enabit."  The  metaphur  is 
deriTed  from  iwimmiog,  in  vhich  csse  ihal- 
low  waten  are  safest.  On  the  contmrj, 
tbe  aiiallowi  bdng  dangeroaa  to  lulora,  we 
haTe  BD  opposite  metsphor  from  the  same 
laDguage :  "  Sed  (jnoDiam  emersiBBe  jam  e 
vadis  et  Bcapoloa  practerrecta  Tidetnr  ontio 
mea,"  Cicero,  Pro  Caelio,  c.  21.  See  note 
on  EaDDchoa  t.  8.  8. 

6.  O  notttr  dtrtmt]    DoDataa  imagioei 

that  DaToa  meanB  to  hint  at  the  dtaooTaj 
of  the  fatber  of  tiljceriam ;  bot  tliig  does 
DOt  come  ODt  till  iMer.  '  Nosler  '  was  tbe 
common  appellatioD  oF  a  maater  bj  hia  ser- 
Tanti.  See  PlBUtns,  Miles  Glor.  ii.  fi.  20  i 
"PerBcratBri  hacTolo,8ceIedre,nosDOStriao 
alieni  nmuB,"  'wbetlier  we  bdoug  to  oqr 

planaCion  of  the  tenn  here  ia  that  DaToi 
professea  to  consider  Chreme*  Btill  aa  tlw 
deitined  hther-in-law  nf  Punphilus  aod  h> 
■dopta  him  ■■  hii  nuster.  He  preleadi  that 
he  haa  got  erery  thing  in  readineas  ibr  hia 
joung  maiter'B  Dianiage  mth  Philumenai 
and  desirea  t^t  she  ma;  be  aent  fbr  >t 
once  (lee  aboTe  iii.  4.  2). 

7-  Id  mimcCT-a  Ainc  inuic  abttl^  •  Ttat, 
to  be  lure,  ii  all  tb>t'a  waating  now.'  He 
uji  thii  ironicsJlj. 

8.  Etiam  tu  hoe  rttpandtt  7]  '  Aie  700 
■niweriDg  me  thii  queetioa  ?'  Hiete  ia  110 
need  for  Bentlej'i  alteratioD  to  '  responde.' 
We  mej  compaie  Eun.  t.  ?.  16 :  "  Qnid 
dixiiti  pessima?  Etiam  ridea?"  Heaat. 
ii.  S.  6  1  "  Etiam  caves  ne  Tidcat  forte  hinc 
t«  B  patre  aliquiB  eiieni  ?"  where  the  qnes. 
tion  ■mounts  lo  an  eihortatian,  wbtch  ia 
implied  in  eTerj'  c*se,  ai  in  the  coirdatiTe 
phr*sei  '  Quin  Iscea  ?'  &c. 

12.  Quid  illum  cmtrt  r^  'WhatdoTgv 
tluDk  he  is  doing  ?  He  ia  quan«lling  with 
ber  to  be  lure.'  For  tbe  phraie  aompm 
PUntni,IVin.iii.S.83:  "  Quid  iUonc  pntu 


ACTTJS  V.    SCENA  II.  69 

Da.   Imo  vero  mdignuin  Chreme  jam  iacmus  Ceixo  ex  me 

Nescio  quifl  aesaex.  modo  Tenit :  ellum  oonfidenB,  catua. 
Quum  faciem  videaa  videtur  esse  quaativia  preti.  15 

Tristis  severitas  ineet  in  yultu,  atqiie  in  verbia  fidea. 
8i.  Quidnam  apportaa  P    Da.  Nihil  equidem  niai  quod  illam 

audivi  dicere. 
8i.  Quid  ait  tandemP     Da.   Olycerium  ee  scire  ciTem  ease 

Atticam.     8i.  Hem, 
Dromo,  Dromo.      Da.  Quid  est  P      8i.  Dromo.     Da.  Audi. 

Si.  Yerbum  si  addideria.     Dromo. 
Da.  Audi,  obaecTo.     Dr.  Quid  vis  f     5».  Sublimem  bimc  intro 

rape,  quantum  potcs.  30 

Dr.  Quem  P     8i.  Davum.     Da.  Quamobrem  P    8i.  Quia  libet : 

rape,  inquam.     Da.  Quid  feci  P     8i.  Rape. 
Da.  Si  quicquam  inTeniee  me  mentitnm,  occidito.     8i.  Nihil 

Ego  jam  te  commotnm  reddam.     Da.  Tamen  etsi  boo  Tcrum 

est?     Si.  Tamen. 

Kitan  ilb  ■tqne  iagenio  ?"    Adelphl  \i.  9.  timea  foDnd  in  s  good  ■anse,  u  in  Flautna, 

ffl:  "Qnid  ipsw?  qnjd  «iimt?    Mi.  Qoid  Captiri  iii.  6.  8:  "  Decct  innocontam  «ei. 

illaBCHiMa?"    ChreroeabadBllklongdis(Te-  Tnm atqna  iDnoiinni  ConfldBntem  «ae  aaaiD 

diled  Che  t/tarj  of  P&mpbilni'  qaanel  with  apnd  heram  potisrimam."     For  '  qosndviB 

Gljcerinm,  which  Simo  had  endeaTonred  to  preti '  He  Hantaa,  Pern  \i.  4.  73  ;  "  Vi, 

permade  him  oT.    DaToi  lakn  ■drantage  o(  Lacridi  Domoi  in  patria  fnit.      So.  Nomen 

hii  mood,  aiHl  pTowedi  to  tell  hii  pieoe  of  atqne  omen  qautiTi*  eet  pretj."  For  '  tiia- 

nnn  u  \t  it  wve  aa  nnwortbr  Mck,  bf  tu  '  lee  Cuiaa  iii.  2.  33  :  "  Sed  eccnm  io- 

«liieli  Ciito  faopedto  (orca  Fsnipbilniiatoa  ceditl  at,  quBm  upiau  triitem  frugi  cen- 

nanlBge  with  GlTceriDin,  and  to  accoDnt  at  mu."     The  words  '  triitiii '  uid  '  •eTenu ' 

Ihe  Kme  lime  fbr  the  proacnee  of  Pamphiiua  are  very  commonlf  naed  ti^ether  in  b  good 

iB  bv  bonee.  eenie.    TaiatDe  dnw*  a  line  between  them, 

13.  Au  ttera]  Ab  ■dTemlJTe  to  what  ipeBkiDg  of  VJKi :  "  Piso  M.  Ciasso  et  Scri- 
ChRmCB  hsa  BBJd.  '  No,  indeed ;  that  ie  b  boma  genitns,  nobilii  ntrimqae,  valtn  habi- 
»)tb,  I  bUow  ;  bnt  here  i>  a  ihabbj  Irick  taqoe  mori»  antiqui,  et  aestimatioiie  recte 
tlat  I  haTe  to  tell  too.'  He  throws  a  corert  ■eTerus,  detsrins  inlerpretantibas  tristis  h«< 
"tiie  into  his  defcription  of  Crito  aad  his  bebatnr,"  Hiat.  i.  14. 

Ortud.  17-  Q^idruim  Bpportat  t]    '  What  ia  thi» 

14.  Elbml  We  hare  bIso  the  nneoa-  new  importation  o(  youra  ?'  8ee  i.  I.  46. 
tticted  fbrms  '  ecdlle,'  '  ecralla,' '  ecdllom,'  •  Noae  of  Jaf  own  ;  onl;  what  I  heaid  from 
'  eeoatBm,'  '  ecdllnd.'  Terencs  uflea  the  him.'  Simo  breaki  him  aff  bs  soon  ai  he 
■liortened  fonn.  It  has  b  deecnptJTe  (oroe.  ftndi  him  harping  on  the  old  ■Cor;  of  tbe 
'  Hera  jon   hare  liim,    eonfident,    Bhrewd.  Athenian  parentBge  of  Glfcerinm. 

To  look  Bt  him,  he  Mema  b  man  of  any  20.   Subiimem[     Bee   Ad.    iii.    3.    18: 

«orth.     Mi*  fiuw  camee  integritj  in  it,  and  "  Soblimem  medinm  Brriperem."     dcaa, 

bii  words  weigbt.'  In  Catihn.  i.  II:    "  Qnsnlum   potes,"  'aa 

Ctmfidm»}    Thia  word  ii  geoenllir  nsed  Esst  aa  ]ron  can.'  See  Enn.  ii.  3.  S6.  PhoRn. 

in  a  bad  wnK.  aa  Ciceni  eipLuai,  Tosc  1t.  3.  69. 

I>isi).iiL7:  "Quirortieest,idemertfidena:  23.   Canmottim  ndtttait]  '  It  will  not  be 

qnoDiam  confidens  nuda  conanetodiae  lo-  lonf  befbre  I  make  ;on  stir  rouiieU.'     8o 

qneudi  in  ritio  ponitur,  doctam  lerbum  b  Hemt.  iv.  4.  8 :  "  Dorminnt :  ego  pol  istM 

MofideDdo,  qiu>d  landia  ett,"     It  is  lome-  commOTet»."    8ee  below  t,  4.  34. 



Cant  aSBervondum  vinetom :  atqne  sndin  ?  qvadrupedBta  con- 

Age  nimc  jam :  ego  pol  hodie,  ai  tito,  tila  25 

Ost«ndam  herum  quid  ait  pericli  fellere, 
Et  illi,  patram.     CA.  Ah,  hb  eaevi  tanbq^ere.     8i.  O  Chreme, 
Pietatem  gnati !  nonne  te  miBeret  mei ; 
Tantmn  laborem  capere  ob  talem  filium  ? 
Age  Fampliile,  exi  Panqthile :  ecqoid  te  padet  P  30 


PAHPHI1U8.       SIHO.       CHREUES. 

Pa.  QuismevnltP  perii:  pater  ert.  8i.  Quid  aia,  omnimn  —  P 

Ch.  Ah, 
Kem  potius  ipeam  dic,  ac  mitte  male  loqni. 
8i.  Quasi  quicquam  in  himc  jam  grsTiuB  dioi  poBfflet. 
Ain  tandem  ?  civis  G-lycerium  est  P    Pa.  Ita  praedicant. 
8i.  '  Ita  praedicant !'     0  ingentem  confidentiam !  5 

ISwn  cogitat  quid  dicat  P  num  facti  piget  ? 
Num  ejuB  color  pudoris  signum  usquam  indicat  P 
Adeo  impotenti  eese  animo  ut  praeter  civium 
Ivlorem  atque  legem  et  sui  roluntatem  patris 

34.  Quadniptdem  eeiulrmffiloi     In  al-  qidnm*'  (6  irarcaHn-f),  bnt  CknoMB 

hithni  to  tha  Atbenisu  pamstuneDt  ralled  inteipom. 

nfwviff/iil£,  in  «Uch  tlie  iTiminala  irore  ■  3.   OrmiMt]  '  Too  aetae.'     SaeAiMplii 

mradoi  collar  (cvfuv)  tn  whiofa  tliar  handi  i.  !.  00  :  "  Noh>  in  illam  gnnni  ilioen." 

BBd  feet  were  tied.    It  ww  elio  ^iplied  to  Qcero,  In  Vcirein  iii.  68 :  "  Tn  A)inniiniii 

thoie  who  «ere  confloed  in  ■  <sge  of  ■nch  .  .  .  in  tanto  tuo  dedecore  pnrfecta  na  Tgiba 

dJmeciloni  Ibat   tltej   wen   compelied   to  qnidcm  gnriiire  appellBiH." 

movB  ^wnt  OD  aU  fonn.    "  Hultoe  honeati  6.  0  iBfmitm  eoafhfeiiMan]     *  O  Tiat 

ontiliit— beitianim  mon^udnipedeBmTeB  e&onterf  1'     8ee  d  ~                  " — '~  " 

oMMnlt,"  Snetonini,  CaSf.  c.  2?.  14,  and  oompBre  Ei 

"  Tide  amatK)  a  Don  qnum  ■ 

Aot  V.  ScBNB  III.    ftmphilnj  comiDg  ouaKu» 

«.toftbehouseofGlrcwinmconfrontehis  Xid^fa.   Non  ert  il   Tun.  quae  qn»  ct 

lulier,  who  immediatelT  heaps  leproacbes  fidentiB  estl" 
npon  him,  and  accnaee  him  of  haTlng  eub- 

omed  Crito  to  pretend  ttiat  Glf oerinm  ii an  8.  Jdia  impattiili eim laime']  'Tothink 

Athenian.    Fkmphiiua  cnnfsHeB  hia  lore,  or  that  be  ehonld  be  eo  weelc'    '  Impolacis,' 

bii  ftnlt  ir  his  fstlier  will  Iibtb  it  so,  and  'winting  in  Bdf-.Dontrol,'    Gr.  itpoTiK.   K 

placei  bimielf  at  hia  bther'B  dispoiBl.     He  ii  oommonly  used  of  BUf  nncontrolled  pae- 

onljentrestatliBttheMnngermBf  beheard,  non,  and  coupled  with  BOme  Bpedfic  wcMile, 

to  ahow  ttaBt  he  wai  uot  in  conipincr  with  fizing  ita  Mnse.  8o  HeBat.  ii.  3.  190:  "^o 

him.     To  tbii   Simo  conBenta  rBlhec  tiian  te  autem  nori  qoam  esee  laleaa  impateni." 

bebere  hia  BOn  to  hBTe  deceired  bim.  Tacitua,  Hist.  ii.  44 :  "  Impotena  amorn." 

Uettv ;  TT.  1 — 34,  iBmbic  trimeten ;  2B  "  Impoteni  irae,"  LiTy  zzii.  9. 

"  ' — ''-ic  tetiBmeter  catalectio.  Praettr  cMiiM  Jformi]    9m  note  on  L. 

- 1   He  wonld  bave  added  'ne-  3.  16. 


ACTUS  V.    SCENA  m.  71 

Tamen  bano  habere  studeat  cum  Bomino  pTobro  f  10 

Pa.  Me  misenmi  I     Si.  H«m !  modone  id  demum  sensti  Fam- 

Olim  istnc,  olim,  cum  ita  animum  indiixti  tuum 
Quod  CQperes  aliquo  pacto  efficiendimi  tibi, 
Eodem  die  iBtnc  Terbom  vere  in  te  accidit. 
Sed  quid  ego  ?  cur  me  excrucio  P  cur  me  macero  P  15 

Cur  meam  senectutem  hujus  sollicito  amentia  P  an 
TJt  pro  hujus  peccatis  ego  suppliciiun  eufieram  ? 
Imo  habeat ;  valeat ;  Tiyat  cum  illa.     Pa,  Mi  pater. 
Si.  Q,uid  '  mi  pater  P  *  quasi  tu  hujus  indigeas  patris. 
Domufi,  uzor,  liberi  inTenti  inTito  patre :  30 

Adducti  qui  iUam  civem  hino  dicant :  TiceriB. 
Pa.  Pater  hcetne  pauca  ?     8i.  Quid  dices  mihi  P 
Ch.  Tamen  Suno  andi.     Si.  Ego  audiam  ?  quid  ego  audiam 
Chreme  P     Ch.  At  tandem  dicat  aine.     St.  Age  dicat ;  siuo. 
Pa.  £go  me  amare  hano  fateor :  ei  id  peccare  eet,  fateor  id 

quoque.  2S 

Tibi  pater  me  dedo :  qmdTis  ooeris  impone ;  impera. 
Vis  me  uxor^n  ducere  P  hanc  amittere  P  ut  potero,  feram. 
Hoc  modo  te  obeecro,  at  ne  credas  a  me  allegatum  huno  senem. 

10.  Frtiro]  1111  word  ii  lUBd  aapetullj  Valtal :  tivat  cumilla]    See  not«  an  It. 

of  liccDtioiunMa.    PhtinDio  «.  i.  6.    Liir  S.  13,  and  oompara  CatuUiu  li.  17  :  "Coin 

ar.  31.    Ciceio,  PbiL  iL  38.  Plaatiu,  Ain-  mii  vitM  vKleatqae  moediia," 

fUtrfo  iu.  I.  a.  19.  H^jiu]     8ee  note  on  ii.  ).  10. 

U.  Eodtm  iIh]     •  TheB  it  ma  ttut,  thii  20.  Literi  inventl)     Aa  the  lingulu'  ii 

phnoe  w  traly  mpplicablfl  to  jon.'     Com-  very   zveij   luied,  and  uefer  in  the  otder 

pue  ViTgil.  Aen.  iv.  »9« :  "  Infelii  Dido  1  snthon,  «e  freqnentij  meet  with  the  plimJ 

nmiet«bctniinpi*t«ngTa]t  Tumdecnit  (k.  where  onlj  one  child,  aon  or  daughter,  ia 

mgemDiaae)  coni  aceptra  dabia  (\eaeBe)."  apolien  of,     ForccUini  quotes  from  the  Di- 

17.   IH  pra  itffiu  peceaiit]  Bentlej  odda  geat  1.  IR,  146  :  "  Non  est  rine  liberis  cui 

'Ad*   Mt  tbe  commencement  of  tliii  line.  vel  anns  filiua  nnave  Glin  eat:    Haec  enim 

Smae  other  coinea  place  it  at  the  end  of  ennnlatio :  Habel  Sberot,  non  habti  libe- 

Bae   Ift.     Thi»  •mngeinent  ia  to  be  pro-  rot,  Beraper  plnmtivo   nnmero  profferlur." 

femd  oa  aennnit  of  Ibe  metrs.      Bentlej  Compare  Heant.  i.  1,  09:  "  Ingenio  te  ene 

ma  deUghted  to  get  an  opportanit}  of  mak-  in  Uberoa  leni  pnto  Et  ilinm  obseqnentem," 

ing  ■  cooiic  licence  at  Oie  oaaimeDcemenl  and  Heeyra  ii.  I.  1,1,  of  a  daughter.    We 

cf  tha  liuc,  B>  Hie  ahcrt '  nt '  wonld  be  here  find  the  nme  nsaige  frequentlj  in  Qcero. 

ifweadded'an.'  See  Forallini. 

13-]    Thii  paange  (aee  particnhrij  n.  21.  Vieerit']  'Bnjovjonrvtctory ;'  'hsTe 

S— 10)  ii  pnibablj  alluded  to  bj  Horw»,  It  jaur  ovm  wny.'     Compare  Caesar,  Bell. 

SaC    i-  4.  47,   insUndng   occaiioni  when  Gslt.  v,  30:    "  Vindte,  si  ita  vultia." 

Comedj  ia  euppoeed  by  eome  to  rise  with  27.  Amitlere']  '  DiroittCTe."  SoePlantui, 

the  vigour  of  the  aentiment  above  moe  col-  Prol.  to  CapCiv.  7,  Fliormia  i.  2.  91.Bent- 

loqnial  lugaage ;  le j  reads  '  vis  raittere  >'  which  does  not  add 

„  ^ .  j  mter  ardens  ^"  ""*  ''"^  "'  '''^  ""*  ■  '"''  ^^  drawa  a 

o !. I  __.a.j„  ZZ^  1 ._:„.  diatioction  between  '  mitto  '  of  a  miatresa, 

nwit  qaod  meretrice  nepoa  maanua  araica  .......        ..          .    ^        -  ^7? 

niiDS  luorem  graodi  cum  dote  n 

2. 23,  Tliia  IwweveT  ia  not  alwaya  obaerved- 
He  deoiM  tbe  •nppoaitlaa.  8ea  Madeaoe'»  iS.  AUegattm'\  'Snboraed.'  Compare 
Dote.  Plaatos,  Poennha  iii.  fl.  98 :  "  Enm  allega. 

72  ANDMA. 

Sine  me  expurgem  atque  illiuii  huc  cotbid  addticam..     Si.  A.d.- 

ducaa  !     Pa.  Sine,  pater. 
Ch.  Aequum  postulat :  da  Teniam.     Pa.  Sine  te  hoc  exorem. 

Si.  Sino.  30 

QuidTis  cupio  dum  ne  ab  hoc  me  falli  comperiar  Chreme. 
Ch.  Fro  peccato  magno  paulum  supplici  satis  est  patri. 


CRrtO.      CHKEMES.       8IM0.      PAMPH1LTJ8. 

Cr.  Mitte  orare :   una  harum  quaevis  cauaa  me  ut   faciam 

monet ; 
Vel  tu,  Tel  quod  venim  est,  Tel  quod  ipei  cupio  Glycerio. 
Ch.  Andrium  ego  Oritonem  Tideo  P  certe  ifl  eat.     Cr.  SalTUS 

Bia,  Chreme. 
Ch.  Quid  tu  Athenas  inBolene  P     Cr.  ETenit :  sed  hicine  est 

Ch.   Kic.     Si.  Men  quaerisP  eho  tu  Qlycerium  hinc  civem 

eeae  aisP  6 

Cr.  Tu  negas  ?    8i.  Itane  huc  paratua  adTonia  P     Cr.  Qua  de 

reP     8i.  Eogaa? 

Tarant  BDam  qdi  lervam  diceret  c 

ene   »1111    me."      Henca    "  Meo  uiegBta  '  ur  n 

Tenit,''  '  he  csme  at  my  inBtJgrtion,'  Tri-  Milf.' 

nnmmiu  r.  2.  IH.  4.  iiuoiauj    uhu  c 
Niue,  '  ContrBTj  to  yo 

AcT  T.  ScKNB  IT.     Chremes  uid  Simo  wn»  ot  '  nnacciutomed  to '  it  oceoTi  b 

■ra  no*  inrormeal  by  Crito  of  tfae  rekl  Iue.  abaolutely,  M  ia  Uonce,  Cum.  i.  S.  7 : 

torj  of  GlycBriQm.      Chremee  recognbee  ,.„ Mpem 

her  ai  hii  Oirn  dioghCer  who  had  bcen  ebip.  ^^ 

wreckcd  od  Andros  with  one  Phinia  oF  the 

deme   of  UumniiB.       Punphilui  is  made 

inpreiiielT  bRppy  by  Chremei  ginng  liii  and  in  comlniction  with  a  gmitiTe  &•- 

(bll  conaeDt  to  hu  marriitge  witb  Puibuls  g  qoently.     Ciceio  liu  the  pbrue  "  Ineokmi 

Uid  Denii  ie  to  be  rcleued  from  con6nH-  in  dicendo,"  Pni  Seitio  B6. 

ment.  6,  Itant    huc  paraiv^   oihniir  ^J      *  Do 

MelrBi  ».  I— 36,  bT)ch«icl«tjmmeUB' c»-  yon   come  here  ao  well  prepered  in  yoof 

talectic  ;  36 — 53,  iuobic  tetrameter.  pwt  ?'     See  note  on  '  meditatoi,'  ii.  i.  3. 

I.]  Pamphitns  bu  eridently  becD  entnat-  The  two  worde  are  connected  by  CSceTO, 

ing  Crito  to  wt  matten  right  with  Simo  De  Orat.  ii.  27 :  "  Quoa  locoi  mult>  o 

■nd  Cbremei.    He  replies  that  be  baa  three  mentatione  atque  mrditatione  jMuMoa  ati; 

good  leuoDi,  any  one  ot  which  woald  be  expeditoa  liabere  debetiii ;"  atid  De  Leg.  i. 

■ufficietit  to  Diake  bim  do  n.  IS  :  "  Ad  quim  ego  nanquam  niei  pantm 

3.   Quod  ipti  etipio  G/ycrrio]     He  da-  et  meditatus  accedo."     It  ii  h«re  mied  aa  of 

tlve  ia  onuinaL     See  Cauar,  Bell.  Gall.  i.  actora  getting  np  tbcar  parla.     Compara 

10:  "  Favere  et  cnpcre  HelTetii*  propter  Liiy  iii.  10:  "'DibnDi  coram  in  fbro  per- 

eam  aSaitatem"  (see  Mr.  Lang's  note).  sanara  hbolam  com|X)aitam   V<dad   bkH, 

Cicero.AdPam.ii,  15:  "PaieoCuriaai,Cae-  Herof co* ad  paftM  puatoi." 
CDplo,  pro  Fompelo  emori 


ACnrS  V.    SCENA  XV.  73 

Time  impniLe  haeo  faoiaa  f  tune  hlc  hoininee  adoleecentalos 
ImperitoB  rerum,  eductoe  Ubere,  in  &audein  iUicis  f 
Sollicitando  et  pollicitando  eorom   animoe  lactas  ~  f     Cr. 

Sanogne  eeP 
Bi.  Ac  meretricioB  amores  nuptiis  conglutiQas  f  10 

Pa.  Perii  I  metuo  nt  sabstet  hoepee.     Ch.  Si  Simo  hnno  norie 

Non  ita  arbifrere ;  honne  est  hic  Tir.     8i.  Hio  vir  sit  boaus  P 
Itane  attemperate  Tenit  hodie  in  ipsis  nnptiisi 
Ut  veniret  ant«hac  nanquamP    eet  vero   hnio    credendmn 

Ghreme  f 
Pa.  Mi  metoam  patrem,  habeo  pro  illa  re  iUom  quod  moneam 

probe.  15 

Si.  Sycophanta.     f>.  Heml     Ch.  Sic  Crito  est  hio:  mitte. 

Or.  Videat  qui  eiet. 
Si  mihi  pergit  qnae  Tolt  dicere,  ea  qnae  non  Tolt  aadiet. 
Ego  istaec  moveo,  ant  curo  ?■  non  tu  tuum  "n*biim  aequo  animo 

Nam  ego  quae  dico  vera  an  &lBa  audieris  jam  sciri  potest. 
Atticas  qnidam    olim    naTi    fracta    aptul    Andnm    ejectus 

est,  20 

Et  istoec  una  parra  Tirgo :  tum  ille  egens  forte  applicat 
Primum  ad  Chrysidis  patrem  se.     Si.  Fabulam  inceptat.    Ch. 

Cr.  Itane   toto  obtnrbat  f     Ch.  Perge.      Cr.  Tum  is  -  nuhi 

cognatus  fuit 

^  ixjrmdtm  illicU]  '  EDtiaa  ialo  ini«-  16.]  Chranei  b«g:tiu  to  b«  uigrjr  npon 
™-'  The  tHUeat  lue  of  the  vord  '  ftaiu'  bdng  cklled  '  ircophMit'  See  note  on  it. 
■*>><  Ih*  wnie  of  'iDJurj,'  '  detriianit.'  80  6.20.  Ciito^p«uee  him.  'Nevermiiulhlm, 
™  Ifil  ■fiauit  'M  &kade  eHo.'  Com-  Crito,'  he  n,yt;  'it'i  a  ny  he  hai.  Cr. 
^*  "Qnod  line  fraade  mea  popdliaue  He  hwl  better  mind  hii  wbjs  than.  or  he 
«fmm  &■!,'■  LiTj  i.  24.     DonmldMn  de-     will  get  m  RoUnd  tbr  his  OliTBT.' 

"■""  ■'        "       ■■        Sie  Mf  Aic]  Bee  Eim.  iii.  1. 18.  Phoimio 

iii.  2.  42. 

10.  Bgo  iitatc  mmto,  atU  ntni  r\  'Am 
I  the  ■Dthor  of  all  this }  or  hate  I  anj  md- 
cem  in  it  ?'  '  Uoieo,'  'lo  Dndertnke,' 
•  dedgn.'  80  IiiTj  xiiii.  39  :  "  Morere  M 
Bioliri  aiiqnid." 

al.  AppHcatte]   He  attachea  himself  to 

">»  tbo  woni  from  the  old  roqt  'faarad, 
Iren  «liich ii deriTed  'priTo.'  Thos  'frao»' 
;™d>)  nMan»  originilly  'deprivation,' 
™^  DbjectiTGlj.  llieDce  it  «u  trmi. 
wnd  lo  the  int«ntiDn  whidi  leadi  lo  rob- 
«17.  ita-A.  Compan  with  iti  oj 
«l  VitgU,  Aen.  I.  72 :  "  Qni«  deua 

H     '     1™    ^*"     pOteDtlB     HOelri     Egit?"  jh.    a/iif^f  ..j     ••-   -—^•^  ^.^aou  u 

■■tavt.  id.  I.  33:    ■' 1d  eandem  fisQdem  the  father  of  Chryni.  Ue  becomes  hii  client 

^*  liMreatqne  ei  ills  Inddei."  u  a  fbreigner.    On  the  ■jdb  ipplicstiania' 

10.  Qmflafoiai]     >  Solder  np.'   Thni  it  >ee  Cioero,  De  Orst.  i.  39,  where  the  tame 

^°*td by  CSoero  in  the  eense  of  ■  lo  nnita.'  Ungnsge  i>  osed  :   "  Qoi  Romim  in  exd- 

eee  De  Amicjtia  c^.  jx.  (32)  :  "Namiiatl-  Bam  Teniseet  coi  Romae  ezulare  jna  esMt, 

™>  uticitUa  ooi^lBtinarat,  eadeDi  eomma-  d  ee  id  aliqnem  qaaai  patronnm  ^licaTis- 

w*  <SMat)«M."  Ht,"  uid  the  Dictloaar;  ot  Aatiqq.  39S,  ■. 


74  ANDRIA. 

Qui  eniQ  recepit.     Ibi  ego  audiri  ex  illo  sese  eese  Atticam. 
Ib  ibi  mortuus  eet.     Ch.  Ejus  nomen  P     Cr.  Nomea  tam  cito  P 

Pa,  Pliania.  25 

Ch.  Hem,  perii.     Cr.  Verum  liercle  opinot  fiiiese  Phaniam : 

hoc  certo  ecio 
Bhamnusium  se  aieb&t  eeae.      Ch.  O  Jupiter !     Cr.  Eadem 

haec  Glireme 
Multi  alii  in  Andro  tiun  audiTere.     Ch.  ITtinam  id  sit  quod 

spero.     Eho,  dio  mitu, 
Qn^  eam  tum  P  Baamue  eeee  aibat  F     Cr,  Ntm.     Ch.  Cajam 

igitur  P     Cr.  Fratris  filiam. 
Ch.  Certe  mea  est.     Cr.  Quid  ais  P    Si.  ftuid  tn  ais  P    Pa. 

Arrige  aurea  Fampliile.  30 

8i.  Qui  credis  F    Ch.  Phania  ille  &ater  meus  ^t.    8i.  Noram 

et  scio. 
Ch.  Is  liiuo  bellum  iugiens,  meque  in  Asiam  perseqnens,  pro- 

Tum  illam  reliuquere  hic  est  veritus;  postilla  unnc  primom 

Quid  illo  eit  factum.     Pa.  Yix  sam  apud  me,  ita  animus  com- 

motus  est  metu, 
Spe,  gaudio,  mirando  hoc  tanto  tam  repeutino  bouo.  35 

Si.  Nae  istam  multimodis  tuam  inTeniri  gaudeo.     Pa.  Credo 

Ch.  At  Tnibi  onus  BcrupuluB  etiam  restat  qui  me  male  habet. 

Pa.  Diguus  es 
Oum  tua  rcligioae  odium :  uodum  iu  soirpo  quaeris.   Cr.  Quid 

ietuc  est  P 

m.  Ptrii]  In  Ihis  pungeliai  tmther  the  t.  g.   '  digaoi  tA   odiam,' 

idsB  of  satoniBhment  than  of  deapair  i  Uioagh  nnei  found,  aod  '  odiam  '  u  ii     ,, 

it  ma;  oiniey  a  niiied  meaning  uuiwering  to  '  Cn.'     Bnt  ths  oa\j  ttii  imj  to  conMjne 

wall  to  the  coDfiuion  of  Chnmei'  ftelingi.  tdiBliDeiitot>ke'digiiuiodinm,'  u  'woitb; 

Compue  EUD.  ii.  3.  6S.  of  hmtnid.'     '  Digniu '  hen  piini  into  tba 

27<  RilinHiiiitiiiii]   Rhunnns  wu  >  wdi-  iwnBe  of  '  meritug,'  ud  taha  with  it  ■n 

known  'qfitic  of  Attica  in  the  tribe  Aeajitu.  ■ccuwtJTD,  m  in  Fhonnio  iii.  3.  34 ;  "  Di 

It  wu  fKmaas  for  ita  temple  of  Nemesig.  tibi  omnes  id  quod  m  diguoi  dnint."     See 

30.  Arrige  aum]  Compue  PluitaB,  Rn-  ■bo  Fiautui,  Captiv.  v.  3.  16  :  "  Non   me 

denB  V.   2.  6i    "  Prob  di  immortiles,  luo  censes  scire  quid  dignus  aiem?'' 
mlhi    hic    ■ermone    ureiit    aurea."     The         Nodum  in  icirpo  quatra\  '  Yoa  look  fbr 

phrue  is  common  in  a  more  lit«nl  aenae.  s  knot  in  a  bulrush.'     Thia  was  a  pnmrb 

See  Virgil,  Aen.  ii.  303.  -  uaed  of  those  «ho  made  inuginwj  difEcul- 

33.    Patlilla]     See    nola    on    '  Foetea,'  ties  a(  euy  thinga.     It  ii  qnoted  by  Ennius 

Adelphi  iv.  6.  SM.  (apud  Festum):  "Quaeriiet  io  iidrpo,  wliti 

3iJ.  Digyuu  «t  CumlnaTiUgiimt  odiwm]  quad  dioere,  nodum."  Tbesi 


AOTUS  V.    SCENA  IV.  75 

Ck.  Noinen  non  ctatrenit.    Cr.  Fait  lieicle  huio  sliocl  parrae. 

Ch.  Qnid  Crito  P 
Nmnqmd  memiiuati  f    Cr.  Id  quaero.    Pa.  Egone  hajiu  me- 

moriam  patiarmeae  40 

Voluptati   obfitarc,  «um  egomet  poasim  in  bao  re  medicari 

miTii  p 
NoQ  patiar.     HeoB  Ohreme  qaod  quaeris,  Fanbnla  est.     Cr. 

Ipea  eat.     Ch.  Ea  est. 
Pa.  Ex   ipea  millies  andiTi.     Si.   Omnes  qos   gaadere  boc 

Te  credo  credere.     Ch.  Ita  me  Di  ament,  credo.     Pa.  Quid 

reatat,  pater  P 
Si.  Jam  dudum  res  reduxit  me  ipea  in  gratiam.     Pa.  0  lepi- 

dumpatreml  45 

Be  oxore,  ita  ut  poseedi,  nihil  mutat  Cliremes.     Ck.  Causa 

optima  est, 
Niffl  quid  pater  ait  aliad.     Pa.  Nempe.     8i.  Id  scilicet.     Ck. 

Doa  Pampliile  est 
Becem  talenta.    Pa.  Accipio.     Ch.  Fropero  ad  filiam.    £ho 

mecum  Crito: 
Nam  illam  me  credo  haud  noBse.     £^1.  Cur  non  illam  hnc 

transferri  jubes  ? 
Pa.  Recte  admonee.     Davo  ego  istuc  dedam  jam  negoti.     St. 

Non  potest.  so 

'     Pn.  Qui  non  potest  ?    iSt.  Qoia  habet  aliud  magia  ex  eese  et 

majus.     Pa.  Quidnam  f     Si.  Yinctus  est. 

U.  Jtfiitidvm']   CammeDtatonnTtlMt  Cauta  «plima  mf]     •  So  ftr  frtnii  tbers 

atidipiiMieuid  inEtm.  iiL  I.  S8:  "  Jam  being  snj  objectioD,  on  the  contmy,  tbtre 

dodui  te  unt ;  jun  dndiun   ilU  Ikdie  fit  ia  the  beet  of  reesona  wliy  joa  ahoiild  keep 

4»i  iiAimk,"   we  m    to   iatBrpret    thii  her.'     Compm  PUntiu,  C»pt,  il.  ».  I03j 

]tbinduiitj,' ■ntje  mperqne.'     Bnt  thne  "  Ht,  Nom  qnae  caiua  qiun  ■!  ills  hne  noa 

"  s>  nident  necenitj  &ir  nich  en  intarpre-  radeat  nginti  minu  Hihi  da  pro  illo  P   7V. 

^'^.  the  oidinuj  miie  oF  tinie  ■ppllee  Oplinw   imo,"   *iid   iii.   6:    "Nnnc    ftlea 

^  enacgh  in  both  laaei.  proennt.     Hi.  At  tibi  oberant      ZV-  Op- 

.  M.  J>sM«di]      He  hHl  got  hia  irite  in  an  time  eet."     Aulnleri»  ii.  2.  83 :  "  Bed  nnp- 

'"^t^  muiiieT ;  not  b;  r»al>r  mamag»-  tiu  hodie  qnio  fwnBmas  nnm  qnw  cbdu  ■' 

™tnit,  u  he  wu  *  lund  Dl  tenant-«t-will.  En.  Imo  edepol  optima." 

lie  t»d  a  ■  poaaeaaio  '  in  her,  though  ebe  47.    Nempt']    See   note   on   Adelphi   iv. 

■•>  not  jet  lagallj  hia,  and  he  therefore  7-  34. 

'ppali  to  Chremes  to  coDfirm  their  union.  48.  Aecipio]     Tbis  wai  the  oaiia]  fomin- 

''mrt  appliee   to   the   woman   langnage  larj  in  Bgreement,  'acdpere  conditionem.' 

'P^J  belonging  to  the  '  posseSBio  '  of  a  See  i.  1.  G3.     In  T.  60  the  phrase  '  dedam 

r>*e  irf  land  or  a  honse,  where  in  the  case  iituc  negoti '  is  noticed  hj  taxae  commen- 

°'  t  ftpated  daim  the  actusl  occnpant  waa  taton  mt  an  irregalaritf ,  and  is  accoanted 

F'<*'<<«i  bj  the  Interdictam  '  nli  poan-  for  on  the  gnmnd  that  Pamphilna  a*oided 

»lu'tiUlhe  dumwaa  nttled-     See  Dic-  the  word  ■  dabo  '  aa  too  mnch  like  •  Dbto  '  in 

''""■T  of  Antiqq.  (Intardictiim),  p.  643  a.  lonnd;  tmt  tbii  ■■  DTer-refinement. 


Pa.  Pater  non  recte  yincttu  est.     Si.  Hand  ita  jnsBi.     Fa. 

Jube  solvi  obsecro.        ' 
3i.  AgQ  fiat.     Pa.  At  matura.     Bi.  Eo  iutro.    Pa.  O  fauatum 

et  felicem  Iiunc  diem  I 

ACTus  Qtmm  scENA  amNTA. 


Ch.  Frovieo  quid  ag;at  Fampliilus ;  atque  eccum.    Pa.  Aliquis 

forsan  me  putet 
Non  putare  hoc  verum :  at  milii  nunc  sic  esse  lioc  vernm  libet. 
Ego  Deorum  -vitom  propterea  sempitemam  esee  arbitror 
Quod  voluptat«8  eorum  propriae  eunt ;  nam  milii  immortalitas 
Parta  eat,  ai  nuUa  aegritudo  huic  gaudio  intercesBerit.  6 

Sed  qnem  ego  mihi  potissimum  optem  nuno  cui  haec  narrem 

Ck.  Quid  illud  gaudi  est  P  Pa.  Davum  video :  nemo  eat  quem 

mallem  omnium ; 
Nam  hunc  scio  mea  solide  solum  gavisurum  gaudia. 

02.  BmdUajiu^    'Well,  if  no^  it  li  inr  joj,  I  m*;  consider  mnelf  to   hare 

not  by  my  orden.'    llie  jokg  coiuUti  in  Qh)  ■ttaiiwd  ioimntalitir.'    Cf  Hcwit.   It.   3. 

doabie  nmniag  of  tbe  «ord  'recte.'     An.  16.    Hecrra  T.  A.  3.     9o  too  Sh>keapcar«, 

otlier  nwling  ii  '  at  ita  jaasi,'  «bicb  comea  Othslla  ii.  1 1 

to  tlie  nme  thiag.     '  If  be  ii  uot  propeiijr  i_  j.         • 

l™.~l  it  i<  not  mj  fcult,  for  l  otdered  that  _             ~}^ "  '"^  "^"    ,   "t 

be  propilT  bound.'  "r«««  now  to  be  mort  hMffj-.  for  I 

Mj  ■onl  h*Ui  her  content  *o  abiolata. 

be  ghould  be  properlj  bound.' 

ACT  V.  flcBNB  V.  Cbarinos  anin  eomea  2?*'  "f  """'w  """'?''  ^}'  *" 

on  the  etiiee  to  «eo  bow  the  sSun  of  Pun-  0"«»«"  ">  onlmown  fUe. 

philiu  tm  BOioC  "i-     He  flndB  Pemphilui  CompaM  ■Iso  Eunachni  iii.  0.  3,  4 : 

conacBtulatinK  hiinaelf  on  hiB  Eood  luck ;  ...           ,        .,..,, 

Mrf  in  the  meutiniB  D.tus  rcppcui,  h«T.  Nunc  e>t  proferfo  mfirfid  qniun  per- 

ing  baen  wt  et  Uberty.  „  P»"  "»•  pwroin. 

^ '          .....'.  Ne  hoc  gaudiom  contanunet  Tita  aegti- 

tndine  atiqna." 
8.  Saltdt\     Bee  note  on  It.  i.  93. 
TigDroDs  word  in  tbe  conteit.     Pun-  GnvUvrum  gaudia]  Terencs  beie  adopts 

pniiue'  meaning  is  tbia  :  '  Anj  one  oould  the  Greek  idiom  af  Dslng  the  Terb  irith  tbe 
nj  tbat  m  j  hoppinesa  ii  too  great  For  be-  ■ccnaatiTe  of  the  cognate  noun.  The  idiom 
lief ;  bnt  I  am  glad  to  nj  thit  it  ia  real )  is  often  foond  in  good  lAtin  inthars,  in 
aad  I  can  now  uDdeiatand  wbj  the  godi     tncb    pbnues  a*  '  bellum    bellare,'    '  BOm- 

are  aud  to  liTe  (brerer,  becanse  Chur  plea-    nium  Hmniare,'  'Titam 

iuret  are  lasting  (lee  note  on  iT.    9.   I);     lerTire,' *iid  the  like. 
and  eo  if  do  misfartune  inl«rTeneB  to  dABh 


ACTU8  V.    SCENA  TI. 

ACTus  Qurm  scena  sexta. 


Sa.  Punphilue  abinatn  liic  eet  P    Fa.  Dave.     BS.  Quis  homo 

est  P    Pa.  Ego  suin.     Da.  0  Famphile. 
Pa.  Kescie  quid  mihi  obtigerit.     Da.  Certe;  sed  quid  "lihi 

obtigerit  ecio. 
Pa.  Et  quidem  ego.     J)a.  More  hominum  evenit  ut  quod  sim 

Prius  rescisceres  tn  quam  ego  illud  quod  tibi  evemt  boni. 
Pa.  T&ea  C^lyoeiium  saos  parentee  repperit.     J)a.  0  foctum 

bene!     Ch.  Hem!  5 

Pa.  Pater  amicus  Bammus  Dobis.     Da.  Quis  ?    Pa.  Chfemes. 

Da.  N^arras  probe. 
Pa.  Nec  mora  uUa  est  quin  eam  uxorem  ducam.     Ch.  Num 

ille  eomniat 
Ea  quae  Tigilans  Toloit  P    Pa.  Tum  de  puero  Dave  ?    Da.  Ah 

Solos  eet  qoem  diHgQnt  Di.  Ch.  Salvus  sum  si  haec  vera  sunt. 
Coiloquar.     Pa.  Quis  homo  est  P    O  Charine  in  tempore  ipso 

mihi  advenis.  10 

AcT  T.  ScSKi  VI.  Dsvna  reton»  to  flnd  ii  tbe  raading  of  the  b«t  ■atbaritiM.     It  ii 

Pimpliilni.  iDd  to  letm  from  bim  whit  bu  not  verj  wj  to  BipUin  the  wordB.    Ac- 

'"ppeoed.     Pampbiliu  telli    him  of  tbs  oonting  to   moat  commentatora   Danu  ii 

|ap(>f  cODchuian  ot  hia  k&in.     Chuious  mpposed  to  mesn  that  the  boy  ni  dead. 

intreitj  hi)  inteiTentlon  with  Chremee  on  '  Reat  euj  sboaC  him,'  he  nf  s, '  he  it  the 

tU  beUlf ;  and  retirei  with  Punphiloi  to  lisppieBt  of  lu  tl\ ;'  aiid  the  Greek  proTerb 

IilTariiin'!  honie.     DmToi  pninouncet  tlie  ii  qnoted  from  Msninder  i — Sv  ol  fioi  ^ 

lipilogae,  lud  tfae  cnrtain  riwa.  \iivaiv  iroeviiaiiu  vkoe.    So  PlanCna,  Bk- 

Metrei  tiuchaic  tetruneter  csttiectic  chidea  iv.  6.  16,  19:  "  Qnem  di  i^gnnt. 

1]  Bentley  ■mnge*  tbii  line u  followi :  ■d(4e«eninioritur,diim  Ta)et,Kntit.npit." 

''Di.  Punphilua  nbinunrt  ?    Pa.   Hic  cat  I  do  nat  aee,  howersT,  wby  ttae child  sMnild 

I^ie.    Oa.  QuiB  bomost?     Pa.  Ego  mm  be   got   ont   of  tbe   way   in   thls   hahioD, 

ruaplijloi,    Negcis  qmd  mi  obtdgerit.    Da.  thougb  certainlf  tbe  hsndling  he  bad  been 

Ctne."  anbjected  lo  wsa  enongb  to  mnke  ui  end  of 

^  Ntetiu]       'NendaeoT,'     '  ■dipiscor,'  bim.     Another  resding  is  '  es ;'  snd  Ifaen  it 

'potiar,'  aie  spplied  to  tbings  bad  ss  well  Is  referred  to  PampliiluB,  u  s  strong  coa- 

■'togood.     Bee  Pbormio  iii.  3.  10 1  "Non  frstolstory  eipreadan;  Bee  Phorm.  t.  6. 14: 

tnonipho  ei  nnptiis  tnis  n  nil  nuiciacor  "  Nun  aine  controTersia  sb  dis  aolus  dili- 

""li'"   In  T.  6,  'nuTU  probe,'  compue  gere  Antipho ;"  bct  atiil  in   that  caae  we 

^Bii.  T.  3.  7.    Hecjn  iT.  4.  30.  mnat  scppose  some  reference  to  the  baj; 

7.  Soamial  Ea  quae  mgilma  voltdQ  See  and  po-bnpa  Pempliilns  ia  congratulated  on 

l^icretina  ir.  Dfi0.     Compue  Tirgil,  EcloK.  being  rid  of  him,  or  it  maj  be  tbst  Dbtub 

■iii;  108  :  "  Credimna  ?     An  qni  unsDt  ipd  merelj  eradee  his  qucstion.  '  Don't  uk  onr 

nbi  aomni*  fingnnt  ?"  more  qaefrtions— jon  ue  eapremelj  beppj 

9.  Solai  ett  }mm  diUgmt  Di\    Tfais  u  jon  ue.' 


78  AiroillA. 

Ch.  Bene  factum.     Pa.  Andifitine  ?     Ck.  Omma  ;  age  me  ii 

tuia  eecundiB  req>ice. 
Tuua  est  nono  Chremea :  fiutturum  qoae  Toles  scio  esse  omma 
Pa.  Memini :  atq^ue  adeo  loogum  est  nos  iUum  expectare  dum 

Seqnere   hao  me  intus   ad  Glycerium  anne.     Ta  Dave  abi 

Propere  arcesBe  hinc  qui  auferaut   eam.     Qaid  staaP  quid 

cesaaeP    Da.  Eo.  li 

TSs  expeotetiB  dum  exeant  liuc :  intus  deepondelntaT  ; 
Intufi  transigetur  si  quid  est  quod  restet.     O  Flaudite. 

17-]  D>ra  vnr  titnM  wid  ■ddrenaa  tbe  of   FlMtiu.      In    tbe    OMlwK   irhsB 

•oilieiice,  uid  ili«tni««j«  them.     Hono  in-  [he  Eirilegiie  rewniblv  that  of  tlie  tcit, 

fbnni  lu  tlut  thii  ma  the  commoD  eadiDg  the   '  CUan'    ipeiki    of    the    acbtn   u 

of  ill  pUt>:  "  Donee  CBUIor,  Voi  pluiiite,  kbMut.  PndwUjr  luiweTer  tbe '  Cstern' «■> 

dicit,"  EpisL  ad  PiiODeii  16S.   See  PUatiu,  thara  repreaeotal  bj  ODe  or  m<ne  «cton. 
Amphitr^  ad   fin.  i    "NaDc,   ipectBtorn,         In  eanie  copiBs  of  Tertnce we  find ■  up- 

Joiii  «101111  «ol*  clBra   pluidite."     Tbe  pleineiit  of  ■erentcoii  Teim,  «hidi  bringt 

inu'lf  Q  ii  geDeralij  piefixed  to  tbe  word  cWinoi'  ■Sur  to  ■  concluriaii,  bot  tliae 

■  Pluidite,'  in  oid  co|Hee.    Beotler  ooDsi-  ii  dd  erideDoe  of  their  gennineiMH,  beroDil 

dere  it  to  be  ■  cormptiaD  of  ca,  ■  ODbir.'  ■  Dotice  bjr  DoDatm ;  aiid  thsir  itjlt  i> 

It  bu  been  nrioiul;  explained,  bj  lODie  mffieient  to    oondemn  them.     The  mnli 

u  pnt  for  'Qf DCi  '  c^ntOT ;'   b j  otbera  ■■  '  CkUiojaua  recenioi '  fonud  in  lome  copio 

eqninlent  to  SXdc  tx^°C'     ^^  BpQosne  >re  ■Iio  withont  ■athori^ ;  tboogfa  it  ns 

«u    ■otnelinm    spaken   bj   Ihe    '  Grrai'  the  caitom  of  critici  to  reriie  USS.,  aad  lo 

'  or '  Catcna '  of  pUjer*  ;  ■■  in  the  AiiiuriD,  ^>pcsd  their  Dunei  ■■  ■  cvtiAcate. 
Eecdiida,   Ca^n*,  Epidicni,  snd  CoptiTi 







AlfTIPHO  adoleacenB. 
GHAEBEA  adolesceoB. 
CHBEME8  adoleacenB  nuticus. 
DOBUS  enDuchm. 
ONATHO  paraBitiu. 
LACHES  Benes. 
PHAEDBIA  adoleBcens. 
FYTHIAS  ancilla. 
SANQA  liza. 
SOPHBONA  nutrii. 
THAIS  meretrii. 
THBA30  mileB. 


D.D.t.zeabvGoOglc  I 


Pahfeila.  Bbd  Cbremes  vere  the  children  of  an  Athenian  citizen. 
Pamphila,  wbile  an  infant,  waa  carried  off  from  her  home  at  Sunium  by 
nbbera,  and  by  them  aold  to  a  mercbant  of  Bhodea.  He  presented  her 
to  a  courteBan  of  that  place,  who  had  her  hrought  up  with  her  own 
daughter  ThaiB  ae  her  yoonger  sister.  When  Thaia  grew  up  ehe  re- 
nored  to  Athena  with  a  lover  of  here,  wbo  at  bia  death  left  her  all  . 
his  property.  She  then  kept  company  with  a  Boldier  named  Thraao, 
who  went  to  Caria  after  living  with  her  a  abort  time.  Mean- 
vhile  her  rootber  had  died,  and  her  uncle  wishing  to  realize  money  hy 
Pamphila,  who  was  beantiful  and  accompliabed,  aold  her  to  ThraBO,  who 
happened  to  be  at  B.hodes  on  his  retum  to  Athena,  and  carried  her  with 
him  intending  to  make  a  present  of  ber  to  Thais.  Suring  his  abeenco, 
hoveTer,  Thais  bad  found  a  new  lover,  one  Fhaedria,  son  of  Laches. 
Thii  Thraso  discoTers  on  bis  retum,  and  iii  order  to  secure  his  footing 
nith  her,  maheB  his  present  conditional  upon  PhBedria's  dismiBBal.  Thia 
«auses  Thais  great  perplexity,  for  sbe  is  really  attached  to  Phaedria,  and 
yet  tnucb  wishes  to  get  posBesBion  of  Pamphila,  whoBe  hiBtory  she  bas 
learot  in  part,  and  wbom  she  hopes  to  restore  to  her  Atheoian  family, 
■Qteiiding  by  ao  doing  to  make  herself  friends  iii  Athens.  Accordingly 
Bhe  Bhuta  her  door  against  Phaedria.  He  is  at  first  highly  incensed  at 
her  conduct ;  but  afler  an  interriew  wtth  her,  cosBents  to  absent  himEelf 
from  Atbens  for  a  day  or  two,  that  she  mnj  bave  time  to  obtain  Pam- 
phlla  from  Thraso.  fiefore  be  goes  be  glves  orders  that  an  Ethiopian 
lUre,  aud  aa  eunuch  wbom  be  bas  bought  for  Thais,  Bball  be  taken  to 
her  honae.  At  this  moment  Thraso  sends  Famphila  under  the  eacort 
of  Gnatbo  his  follower.  On  her  waj  to  Thais'  houae  abe  ia  Been  in 
the  atreet  by  Chaerea,  Phaedria'B  brother,  who  at  &nt  sigbt  falls  despe- 
rately  in  lore  with  her,  and  hurriea  after  her,  but  bemg  detained  on  hia 
Taj  bj  au  old  friend  of  his  fatber'B,  arrives  just  too  tate  to  see  her  taken 
into  the  house.  Here  he  ffdls  in  with  Farmeno,  his  father'B  slave,  and 
hetween  them  they  concoct  the  scheme  on  which  the  plot  of  the  play 
tums.  Chaerea  is  dreeaed  up  in  the  eunuch's  clothes  and  conducted  to 
Thaifi'  house,  wbere  be  soon  has  an  opportunitf  of  carrying  out  bls  in- 
teuded  Bcheme,  during  the  absence  of  Tbais  at  ThraBo's  house ;  after 

C  k")0<^  lc 


vhicli  be  makes  his  eec&pe.  Thia  erent  caoBeB  the  greateafc  coiiBtero&tian 
in  tlie  hoasehold ;  and  is  no  leas  diatresaing  to  Thais,  who  fiods  her  plan 
for  restoring  Pamphila  to  her  relationa  thua  awkwardlj'  fruatrated, 
For  in  the  meantime  she  haa  obtained  some  interviewa  with  Chremes, 
the  brother  of  Famphila,  and  has  nearlj  identified  Famphila  when  tfae 
cataatrophe  comeH  to  her  knowledge.  Phaedria,  too,  is  much  discoii- 
certed  at  diBCovering  that  his  preaent  has  worked  bo  mueh  miBchief. 
All  parties,  in  fact,  are  at  their  wifs  end,  witb  the  exception  of 
Chaerea,  who,  upon  diBcorering  Pamphila's  histoiy,  makes  the  best 
amends  he  can  hy  undertaking  to  marr7  her.  ^rthias  meanwhile, 
Thais'  maid,  pays  off  old  scorea  by  driying  Parmeno  to  divulge  the 
whole  matter  to  Laches,  father  of  Chaerea  and  Pbaedria.  The  reault 
is  of  couTBe  a  happy  ezplanation  on  all  Bidee.  Thais  is  taken  under 
LacheB*  protection,  and  continues  her  intimacy  with  Fbaedria.  Chaerea 
and  Pampbila  marry.  Farmeno  is  forgiven  by  hia  gratefo)  young  master : 
and  the  onij  person  who  suffers  ia  the  unfortunate  Tbraao,  wboiBbeaten 
clean  oS  the  field,  and  is  only  too  glad  to  suhmit  to  be  the  perpetual 
butt  of  these  young  sparks,  on  condition  tbat  he  Bhall  be  allowed  to 
be  oue  in  their  parties,  and  tbus  Btill  enjoy  tbe  aociety  of  Thais. 
This  ia  the  ontline  of  tbe  play,  which  gives  a  Tery  livelj  and  amtlBing 
action.  But  the  most  admirable  feature  is  the  manner  in  which  eome  of 
the  Bubordinate  parts  are  worked  out,  The  bje-play  between  Pythias 
and  Parmeno  ia  admirable.  The  character  of  the  Paraaite  as  drawn  in 
Aot  II.  acene  ii.  is  admirable,  and  Btriking  from  its  novelty  after  the 
backneyed  ideal  wbicb  ia  presented  to  us  in  all  the  plajs  of  Flautus. 
Xo  less  admirable  is  the  Braggadocio  of  Act  III.  scene  i.,  the  features 
of  the  character  being  tho  same  aa  those  of  the  Miles  Gloriosus  of 
PlautuB,  except  that  Terence  with  greater  humour  makes  Thraso  prouder 
of  his  wit  than  of  his  militarj  exploits.  Tbe  scene  in  which  Thraso  ia 
repreaested  as  attacking  Thaia  in  her  house  (Act  lY.  Bceue  vii.)  ia 
highly  ridiculous,  and  reminds  one  more  stronglj  than  anj  passage  of 
Terence  of  the  free  humour  of  AriBtophanes.  We  cannot  wonder  tbat 
the  Eunuchus  Bhould  hBTo  been  the  moet  popular  of  all  Terence'B  plajs  : 
for  here  there  is  the  nearest  approach  to  the  "  Plautini  ssles,'*  which 
were  the  true  Eoman  comedj.  It  is  said  to  bave  been  purchased  bj 
tbe  AedUcs  for  the  sum  of  80U0  eeetercea  (above  647.  10«.  sterling),  thc 
largest  sum  which  had  been  given  for  anj  plaj.  The  leading  incident  of 
the  plot  makea  it  unGt  for  the  modem  stage :  but  when  we  eaj  this  vc 
say  all  that  can  be  aaid  agaiuBt  tbe  plaj.  The  eiecution  ie  bigbly  de- 
licate,  even  in  the  famous  acene  which  describes  the  successful  issue  of 
Chaerea'B  scbeme.  The  play  is  said  hj  tbe  author  of  tbe  Life  of  Tereace 
to  have  been  acted  twice  iu  one  day :  and  no  doubt  it  was  acted  on 
more  tban  one  occasion. 




n.  uoDos  FBcrr  placcus  claudii,  m.  valerio  c.  fannio  oosa. 

Bftrt  L.  AnMmu   Tmyio  L.  Milna  Thbww  a.u.o.  S93,  ■.o.  161.    Smne  «up- 

Pratnitliiua']   On  dieu,  snd  on  tbe  muri-  poaetliatweBhouldTeid  '  Actabii  die:' but 

ol  qnMNnu  cotmeeted  with  the  inBcrip-  there  ii  no    reuoa  whj  thii   intcription 

Hm,  100  tbe  notM  on  tlie  inscription  to  the  ihonld  not  reftr,  ai  it  purport*,  to  tbe  ee- 

Aodrit.  Mnd  repreMUtttion  of  tbe  ^7. 

Actan....M.  Vulirio C. Fmm» Cof.] 



Si  quiequam  est  qui  placere  ee  studeat  boniB 

QuacL  plm-imia  et  minime  multos  laedere, 

In  his  poeta  hic  nomen  profitetur  suum. 

Tum  si  quie  eat  qui  dictum  in  ae  inclementius 

EzistimaTit  esse,  sic  existimet,  S 

B^epOQsum  non  dictum  esse,  quia  laeeit  prior, 

Qui  bene  Tertendo,  et  easdem  scribendo  male,  ez 

Terenee  in  tbis  prologiie,  ma  in  bII  the  3.  fa  hit  poela    Mic  nMMII   pr«filthr 

othera,  nppliea  himself  lo  ■ome  pointe  pw.  tuum]      'Nomen   profiteii  '    wu   lued   of 

ticuUrlr  conDected  with  his  plajs.     Here  he  ■DakiDg  B  retam  of  one'!  propertf  to  the 

b^DS  by  tttackiDg  bis  chief  detisctor,  Livi-  ceaiorB  imd  of  enliiting  in  the  ■nnj.      See 

uiiu,  oiid  ihDira  tbit  in  hii  plajs  he  violoted  eiamples  in  Forcellini.    Thence  we  liare  tfae 

the  consBteaciea  of  common  afliurs ;   and  geDenl    notion   of  dedaring  or  profnaiDg 

wams  him  that  he  faaa  otfaer  mattera  in  Btore  ODeeelf,  when  t  rrum  (ta  it  wtre  regiatera 

if  he  is  further  proToked.   He  then  pmceedi  bia  name  in  voting  or  in  enliBtDieiitB.     We 

to  a  «indicatiou  of  himaelffromtbeparticular  inaj  traDilate  '  witb  tbeee  lojr  poet  dedares 

charge  now  brougbt  against  faim ;  naiDelr,  faimtelf.'     For  tbe  ehaiige  trom    '  A   qtiis- 

thaC  he  bad  atolen  the  rhanet«ra  of  Goatfao  quam  '  to  '  io  hii '  we  maj  compaie  Soplio- 

■Dd  Thraw)  fToni  tbe  '  Colax'  of  Naevins  and  dea,  AnUgone  707—709 : 
PlautuB.     If  the  charactera  are  the  aame,  he 
njB  in  reply,  it  htte  happenaj  b;  accident. 



rvxeivnc  mfenvoy  ••tT"', 

The  Bource  lo  which    biB    obligationB    . 
really  dae  ia  the  '  Colai '  of  MenBoder,  nc 

wai  lie  aware  of  an;   Latin  copies  of  it.  and  "  Cojui  moB  maziineeitcoasimilia  Toa- 

He  oondudea  by  maintaiDing  faia  right  tt>  tnim  fai  se  ad  voa  qipUcant,"    Hewit.   ij. 

make  &ee  uae  oftbeBtock  chaiacters  of  tbe  4.  13. 

diama,  on  the  grouod  that  there  a  notbing         4.  Si  qni>  ui]  He  here  ■Uodes  to  Lns- 

new  oDder  the  sun.     Ajid  bo  be  lesies  faia  ciaB  LaTinins,  who  has    been    mentioned 

best  oomedy  in  the  handa  of  bis  aodience.  before  in  the  Prologue  to  tbe  Andris  t.  7. 

i.  Plactrt  tt   tludtttQ    BentJey   would  He  ia  tfaere  called   'TetuB  poeta.'     He  wst 

read  'Btndeaut,'  comparing  Andriaiv.  1.  2:  considenblj  older  than  Terenoe,  and  ap- 

'•  Tant.  vecordia  innata  cuiquam  ut  siet  f?"  *°.?"\'T'  »  P™*  f  ""^  "P"/ 

UtmJiBgBudeantatquoeiincommodi.  ^t^o"    thongh  Te«noe  ch«K«  h.m  wid. 

Aiteriu8sa.«teompi!ientcommoda?"  dram«.c  faultB.     He  seems  to  have  made 

"^  Terence  tbo  object  of  an  unceuing  pene- 

But  althongh  tbii  tranBitioD  Irom  the  sin-  cutioD,    and  is   alladed  to  &eqnentjf   by 

gular  to  the  plund  la  not  uncoEQmon,  we  him.     See  tfae  Introduction. 

havenoHS  autborit;  forthe  chsnge.  7.  Hui  bene  nerteTido,  tl  eatdtm  teribtitdo 

Se]  See  note  on  Andri»  iv.  6.  2,  and  com-  ixo/e]  ■  For  bj  traDslaliDg  clo»el)-  enough, 

pareSalluBtgCatilinacap.i.  "  OraneB  bominea  and  writing  Iwdi;,  he  faaa  made  bad  L^tiD 

qni  sese  stndent  prseatare  ceteriB  animali-  comediea  of  good  Greek.'     >Bene'  is  here 

Inu."    CompBfe  Cic«o,  De  OffidiB  ii.  30.  uied  in  Ibe  BonBe  of  '  vaide,'  as  "  LiKene 


Qntecia  boiuB  L&tinae  fecit  non  Ixtnaa. 

Idem  Menandri  Fhasma  nono  nuper  dedit ; 

Atque  in  Theaauro  ecripait  cauaam  dicere  lo 

Priufi  unde  petitur  aunun  quare  eit  suum 

Quam  ille  qui  petit  unde  is  sit  thesaurus  sibi, 

Aut  unde  in  patriiim  monumentum  perrenerit. 

Dehinc  ne  fruetretur  ipse  se,  aut  sic  cogitet, 

"  Dettmctus  jam  sum,  nihil  est  qnod  dicat  TniTii ;"  15 

Is  ne  erret  moneo  et  desinat  lacessere. 

Eabeo  alia  multa  quae  mrnc  condouabitur ; 

Quae  proferentur  poet,  si  perget  laedere 

Ita  ut  iacere  instituit.     Quam  nunc  acturi  sumos 

Henandri  Eunuchum  poetquam  Aediles  emerunt,  30 

hDaliiiigu,"Cicero,adAttic.iiv.7:  "B«ae  13.  Quam  >'//<]  We  miut  mpplj  ' dicat,' 

H  niTitct  eMB  impadeDteni,"  Ad  Fnd.  t.  otbennse  «e  Bhonld  naturallr  baie  'qwua 

12-    'Soibendo  male'  ig  ambigaool.     U  illum.'     For  •  umilH  cbange  from  the  ia- 

intr  iiMui,  eitbo'  tbat  by  >  too  &itbfhl  flnitiie  to  the  conjunctiTe  after  ■  compan- 

inuUtian  be  TtolaMd  tbe  Latin  idiom  ;  or  tiTe  lee  note  on  Andria  it.  G.  3. 

tbil  altiiaagb  be  traiulated  wdl  eaongb,  be  Ift.  Dffancliu  Jani  *iim]    'I  un   Doir 

iiiled  in  tbe  unngemcnt  of  liis  plots.     Tbe  qmt  of  bim  :  be  bu  notbing  to  ny  to  me.' 

finieriimanmtanl.  Terence fint toQcbea  Compare  tbe  n»  of  ' defiiDgor '  io  Fbormto 

^a  bolu  of  stjle,  aad  Ibea  pBsaea  on  to  T.  S.  33  :  "  Capio  miaerB  in  bac  re  jam  de- 

bliiDdin  in  tbe  noatter.  fuogier,"  and  Adelpbi  iii.  4.  63  i  "  UtiDani 

9.  Uinandri  ^haamal  DonatDi  giTea  tbe  bic  ait  modo  defnDctum."    lAviniiu  ia  anp- 

bUowing  Bcooimt  of  tbe  argunient  of  thia  poeed   bi   congrBtalate  himaelf   Dn  baTiQg 

pIsT-    Aroang  vomui  ii  priTktelf  bronght  bnn)   tbe  wont  tiiat  csn  be  aaid  igMngt 

sp  bf  ber  motlieT,  who  meanwliile  <s  mar.  him.     Terence  repliea  that  be  giTes  bim  a 

riKl  to  Ibe  father  of  a  certain  joung  man.  reapite  for  tbe   preient   during   good    be- 

Tia  motber  and  daugbter  ate  ta  the  babit  baTioor,  but  tbat  be  baa  plenty  lcTt  to  bring 

<i  omTanng  ttiroagh  an  apertare  in  the  ap  against  bjm. 

patj.wall  between  Ihe  two  bonsea  in  wbich  I7.  Qaae   nune   eondoMiiiiir]    '  Con- 

ther  liTe,  Ibe  qiertmeDt  whete  theae  meet-  dono '   takes  a  donble   accuntiTe,   ai  in 

i>>p  take  [dace  being  fitted  up  like  a  ihilne  Phormlo  T.  7-  M 1  "  Argentnm  qnod  habea 

for  tbe  pnrpofe  of  dinraiing  nnipicioD.  The  oondonamiu   te."     Here  the  Terb  ia  nsed 

jimg  man  loolia  tbrongb  tbe  arertnre,  uid  impeiBODallr,  relniiung  one  of  the  accusa- 

■Ni  tbe  Tonng  «oman,  «hom  he  takes  for  tiTes  of  the  actiTe.    Tbe  ume  occnn  with 

u  ippuitian  of  the  goddees.    Bf  dq;reea  other  Terbs  tiiat  bsTe  a  aimitar  conetmctioa 

bn  awe  giyei  place  to  a  moie  tender  fceling;  in  tbe  actiTe,  aa  '  doceo,'  *  celo,'  '  moneo,* 

'  a  bappf  mairiage  is  the  regult.  '  cogo.'    We  may  compare  Hecyra  iT.  i.  23 : 

"                  ~                     " "  latos  non  oportuit." 

ircek  idiom  ii  of  coi 

. ... ._  sneb  phra»e«  aa  tiiiiy  ^Junj. 

Teo  jean  after  bis  InCher')  death  ho  senda  ^Ivdc,  fapitata   tilildxSai,    roSra    icp6- 

hia  scrrant  witb  provisiDiu  to  tbe  tomb  in  irTiaOai,  ivayiiaZoiiiniit  tiiyd, 

•ceaidance  with  bii  father'*  will.     The  ler-  30.  Foitquam  Aidiia  emtntnl']  The  pe- 

««it  snd  the  purcbaaer  of  tbe  ftrm  open  nnllima  of  'emfnint'  is  sbortened.    Tbis 

the  lomb  and  disaoTer  s  hidden  treasure.  licence  DcmiB   not   onl;  in    Pbiataa  and 

Thempon  tbe  law  suit  to  whicb  Terence  Terence,   buC  in  otber  anthois  alao.     Ses 

bere  •lladee,  in  wbich  lATinioe  mBde  tbe  Tirgil,  Aen.  ij.  774  :  "  Obatupul,  steterunt- 

defrodant  open   the   cue  instead   of    tbe  qne   comae,  et  toi   fimdbus    baesit."     In 

pUnCiS'.     There   waa  anotber   plaj  called  Propertins  ii.  8.  10  we  bsTe  "EtTbebsa 

'lliesaanis'  written  by  Pbilemon,   wbicb  ■tetemnt;  altaque  Troja  ftiit,"  vbere  bow- 

FUatnsbasimilatedintheTrinnnimui.    For  eTer   Palej  reads   'stetennt,'    preferring » 

'  xide  petitni '  >ee  note  on  i.  S.  38.  lai  ose  of  tbe  plnperfect  to  a  chimga  of  tba 



Perfecit  sibi  at  iDspiciendi  eeaet  oopia. 
MagifitratuB  cum  ibi  adeasent  oocepta  eet  agi. 
Exclamat  furem  noii  poetam  iabnlam 
DedisBe,  et  nihil  dediBse  Terbonun  tamen  ; 
Colacem  esse  Naevi  et  Plauti  Teterem  fabulam ; 
Paxadti  personam  inde  ablalam  et  militis. 
8i  id  est  peccatum,  peccatmn  imprudentia  eat 
Poetae ;  noQ  qui  fmrtum  faoere  studuerit. 
Id  ita  esse  tos  jam  judicare  poteritis. 
Golax  Menandri  est ;  iu  ea  est  parasitus  C!olax, 
Et  miles  gloriosus ;  eas  se  non  negat 
Personafi  tranfitulisse  in  Eunuchum  suam 
Ez  Qraeoa ;  sed  eaa  fabulas  &ctaB  priua 
Latinas  scisse  scee  id  vero  pemegat. 

itit;.     Again,  ui  iiL  1 1 .  6&  tbere  i>  tlis  barTowcd  &om  two  LMiii  w: 

igh  Weber  (ia 

iaac  di  cpndi- 
"  DoDMtuBqautesfrom  Virgil,  Eciog. 

fr.  61  i  '^  Matri  longa  decem  taleront  fu-  56  :  "  ImprudeDS  buum  reram  i^iunuqa« 

tjdia  measea."     Eierr  pU;  wu  robeoned  amDiani ;"  >nd    Hecyn  i.  4.  40-.   "  Flni 

barore  tbe  Aeditea  befbre  it  wai  allawed  to  bodia  booi  fect  imprndeui  qiuun  kmds  ante 

oppear  in   poblic.     Tbose   tbtt  tbej   Bp-  hunc  diemunquam."   Terence  aniwere,  '  If 

proved  tbey  purchased  ftom  the  poet,  and  tlie  fault  bu  beeu  committed,  it  haa  beea 

dispoaed  of  tbem  egaiD  to  maiugers.  Seethe  dtma  anwittinKlj.'     Id  r.  33  be  diaclaimi 

notea  od  Didauslia  of  the  ADdcia,  aad  on  all  scquaiDtaDce  with  tbe  Jjtia  ptaya  >l- 

thc  second  Prologue  tothe  Hecyra.  Onthii  luded  to,  while  he   ■cliDowledgea  that  he 

occasiOD  Lavinius  evidentljr  obtained  a  per-  drew  hiB  characten  ot  the  Bn^adodo  aiid 

osal  of  the  pla;  bsfore  its  reheaml ;  aod  tlie   Pangile    (rom   tbe    '  Colu  '  of   M*- 

wheu  it  came-to  be  reliearsed  thea  he  brolie  aander.      We   need  not   tranble   ourselTes 

out  wich  accusstiona  of  plsgiBrieni.  to  accouDt  for  hia  ignomnce  of  thesa  parti- 

24.  Bl  niAit  dtditMt  vcrbviiim  lamen]  culsr  plsys  of  Nuniui  and  Plsatns.  Na 
'The  tbief,'  he  saja,  'haa  stolen  snd  re-  doubt  tliui  *s  now  muj  a  pUy  had  a 
presented  s  plaj,  and  yet  hs  has  not  de-  short-lived  reputatioa. 

ceived  ns  at  alL'     All  the  commeatstars  33.  £r  ^aseBJ   No   ^xdogjr   was   re- 

quoCe  BeDtley,  who  imagioei  that  there  is  ■  qujred,  sod  Done  ii  msde,  fbr  tbe  trmns- 

hiddea  paa  ia  the  words  'fsbaJam  dediaae,'  Ution  of   Greek    originsls.      The    RomBii 

u  if  thejr  meant  '  hu  played  us  ■  tricli,'  drsma   msde    no   «ttempt   at  oiigiiuUtj, 

u  well  as  '  bas  brougbt  out  ■  plaj.'     '  Pa-  sad  Terence  kept  dossr  perii^  thku  auj 

bnla '  is  certainlj  oied  in  the  sense  of  ■  other  to  his   models.     Cjcero  has  leR   us 

fictioD,  snd  '  hbulia '  is  a  common  exprea-  a  cutions  instaace  of  his  taste  in  De  FinJ- 

aion  of  iacrednlity  ;  but  we  tiaTe  not  an  in-  bus  L  2,  wliere  he  ii  defending  hii  own 

atance   of  '  fabalam   dare '    ia   this   sense.  pi«ctice  of  wrttiDg  od  phihMophj  iu  Latiu. 

Por  '  dore  Terba  '  aeeaota  ou  Andriai.  3.  6.  The  wbole  pasaage  ia  worth  traaaaibing : 

25.  Colacem^  fienllej  ejecta  the  name  of  "  Hoc  primum  ^  in  quo  admirer  cu-  ia 
NseTiaa  from  Ibia  Une,  refiding  '  oempe-'  grevissimis  rebua  (tbe  trestment  of  philo- 
Heargeethettbe'Colai'ofNaeTiaaisDe>er  BophiaU  aabjeda)  dod  delectat  eos  patiius 
mentioned:  and  moreoTer  that  if  he  wrote  aermo,  quum  iidem  ftil>etlu  Latinss  ad  Ter- 
socb  ■  pUj,  then  Plautos  must  hsTe  pil-  bam  e  Graecis  eipressas  noD  inTiii  legsnt 
fercd  from  him.  which  would  amouat  lo  an  ...  Sjnephebos  ego,  iDquit  (the  objecbM-), 
eicuse  for  Tareace.  But  without  sucb  re-  potiuB  Caecili  aut  Audnam  Terenti  qiiam 
linemeut,  ic  is  not  impaeaible  ttiat  both  utnmque  MenaDdii  legun  ?  Aquibnstan- 
poeCs  msj  baie  trented  the  snbject  of  the  tum  dissentiD,  ul  quum  Sopboclas  T<d  op- 
'  Colai :'  and  tbat  tbis  wu  the  «erj  fault  of  time  scripserit  Electram,  taoieD  male  cob- 
which  I^Tinins  accnied  Tcrence,  that  be  Tersam  Adli  mihi  legeadsJn  putam." 


Quod  81  personis  iisdem  uti  Bliis  non  Itcet, 

Qui  magis  licet  curreiite«  servoa  scribere, 

Bonaa  matronas  facere,  meretricea  m&las, 

Parasitum  edacem,  glorioeum  militem, 

Pnerum  snpponi,  falli  per  servum  senem, 

Amare,  odisae,  suspicari  P    Denique 

Nullum  eet  jam  dictum,  quod  non  dictom  sit  prius. 

Quare  aequum  est  tos  cognoscere  atque  ignoscere 

Quae  Teterea  factitanmt  si  faciunt  novi. 

Date  operam,  et  cum  sileatio  animadvertite, 

Ut  pemoscatis  qnid  sibi  Eunuchos  velit. 



PA.  Quid  igitur  &ciam  ?  nou  eam  P  ne  nunc  quidem 

Cum  arcessor  ultro  f  an  potius  ita  me  compar^n 

NoD  perpeti  meretricnm  contumelias  P 

Exclusit ;  revocat.     Redeam  P  non,  si  me  obseoret. 

Pa.  Si  qnidem  hercle  posais,  nihil  prius  neque  fortius :  9 

Venmi  si  incipies,  neque  pertendee  naviter, 

Atque  ubi  pati  non  poteris,  cum  nemo  expetet, 

4S.  Cojfnoteir»^    See   nola  oa  AndTW,  cuinot  be  *waT  from  bcr.     Ptnatua  ino- 

ProL  34.  nliie*  eicelleDtljr  ou   the  oliuiaH  of  loTS, 

44.  Cnm  tiieulia']  A  Te>7  aeceeaarr  ei-  aDd  the  certminty  tluU  Pbaedrie,  m  gpite  ot 

bartatioD  in  tbe  cue  of  Romiui  jiIbti.    We  hia    bmte  regolTea,  niU  be   ignomiDioiuly 

Kt  in  tbe  Prologne  to  the  '  Poeaulns  '  of  defealed. 

Fhutoi  a  verf  amusing  account  of  all  the  '  Tbe  uetre  of  thii  icene  >nd  of  tb«  pio- 

diitTictioDa  of  the  audience.     See  particD-  logue  ii  iwnbic  brimeta-. 
li^T  Ti.  38— 35  :  1.   Quid  ifilar  /eeiainr]     Horace,    Sal. 

ii.  3.  260—371,  imiutea  thii  firat  soeiM  ot 

"  Nutriee*  pQena  Inhntea  minntnloe  tlie  Eunuchu»,  or  rather  give»  a  brief  ont< 

Domi  ot  procDrent,  nen  qoae  epectatnm  jine  of  it.    Peniu»  in  hi*  fifth  Satire,  T.  172, 

afl^t :  fbllDwa  [he  worda  of  Tereoce  more  ckwelT: 

NeetipsaeiMantetpueripereant  hme,  „  __. ,  ■    _     ±.  ■ 

Nere  e^nb.  bio  qi»  hidi  obT-gi-it.        On.dnam  'ptur  fc^am  ?  De  nuue  qunm 

MatnroaetMiUeBpectent,  tMitaeridBant;        „  actaam,  et  lUtro 

Cuior,  hic  Toce  .nVdnnire  tempereut ;  Snppiicat,  <u»edam  ?" 

DomDm  sermonea  fabuluidi  conferant,  For  tbe  meaning  of  '  ultro'  see  aoCe  on 

I^eet  hie  Tirii  lint  et  domi  molestiae."  Audria  L  1.  73. 

a.  An  poliat  ila  ma   campmm']     '  Or 

AcT  I.  ScBNi  I.  PluedriB  is  introdaced  ■hiU  I  ratber  detennine!'    Donatus  com- 

bilf  d^beratiug  wilb  himaelf.  half  odiising  pares  the   pbnue,  "  Qnam  iniqne  conipB- 

with  PinDeno,    how   be  Eh&ll  take  Thsia'  ratum  eet,"  in  Phormio  i.  1.   7.     We  haTe 

QMulDct.     Slie  ia  on  and  off  with  him,  hot  a  doser  paraUel  in  Eon.  ii.  2.  S  :    "  Itao 

ind  Gold  i  ihnti  him  ont  and  then  seDds  parasti  te  ut  apea  udUb  reliqua  in  te  eaaot 

(brbiin.    He  will  not  bear  it,  and  yet  be  tibi?" 


88  ETOTCHtrS. 

Infecta  pace,  ultro  ad  eam  vemee,  mdicana 

Te  amare  et  ferre  non  paase,  actum  eet :  ilicet : 

Peristi.     Eludet,  ubi  te  Tictum  aenserit.  10 

Froin  tu  dum  eet  tempua  etiam  atque  etiam  cogita, 

Here,  quae  res  iu  se  iieque  coaeiliuni  neque  modum 

Eabet  oUum  eam  consilio  regere  non  potee. 

In  amore  baec  omnia  insunt  vitia ;  injuriae, 

SuBpicionee,  iuimicitise,  indutiae,  15 

Bellum,  pax  rursum.     Incerta  haec  ei  tu  postules 

Ratione  certa  facere,  nihilo  plus  agas 

Quam  si  des  operam  ut  cum  ratione  inaaniae. 

Et  qaod  nonc  tute  tecum  iratua  cogitaa, 

"  Egone  illam  quae  illum  P  quae  me  ?  quae  non  ?  tane  modo :  30 

9.  Aetumttl:  Uietf\  •  It it *I1  oinr with  aiupeiiDaa  ct  hoctilitieg,  u  oppoMd  to  • 
fou;  youmkftakejonneiraff.'  For'Bctum  luting  poce.  Tbe  deriTsticni  of  the  wiail 
Mt' sae  DOte  OD  Andru  iii.  1.  7<  'IUcet'  is  doubtful.  For  ■  more  unusiDg  cBtalogae 
WM  a  word  in  yerj  commoD  ase  at  ill  of  the  iDconTeiueiiciGB  of  lote  see  Flantu, 
publlc  ceremaoiea,  rigniffing  that  biuinew  Mercatoi,  Prolog.  tt.  18— 3n,whereuiioDg 
wu  oTer,  tli^  the  audience  or  Bpectitore  other  hDmorona  poiuti  the  fbllawing  plagnea 
might  depart.     It  reCaini  thie  meauing  io  are  attributed  to  the  deit; : 

Plautni    and    TereDce,    wheu    affBita    are  „,  , 

ipokon  of  aa  dBsperate.     Thu»  in  Phtirmio        ,       ^"'^?^!^""*' 5™!j.  .      .!L.     ^^ 
i.  4.  31 :  "  Hoc  KiU  e>t.  Phaedri».    Ili™t.       J^T»^  >tiilunaque  adeo  et  temaitat, 
Qujd   hio   conterimo.    operam    frnstra?"       IncoptaDtia,  otoore  immodertm, 
Compa«,  ah»   bdow   ii.  jT  88  :    ■' Ilioet,        ("«tal^ti.,  «ip.dita.,  maleTafent»; 
i«a^.  jam  oandam.tum  eet."     It  is  de-        Jn""^  «"d"»..  ^^  '"J"™. 
rived  iAm   'ire  licet.'  after  the  analog,  of       !?"'!'';•  «^""»«'>»  "  <i«iT«>d.nm, 
■miicet'  («relicet),and'videli<*t'  (Tidere        "ilt^q-l"'».  l-ioloq-uoin- 

licet).     Tt  ia  «onietiraee  naed  in  tlie  KnBeof  The  reader  ihoald  partimlarly  look  st  llie 

SD  indignant  breoeU,  aa  in  Plantns.  Cap-  ingenioua  eiplanation  of  the  lait  two  qoa. 

tiTi  iii.  1.9:  "  Ilioet  parwiljcae  arti  maii-  litiea.     Horace  paraphraiiei  these  liiua  ot 

msm  in  malam  cmceml"    where  it  is  in  Terence  cIohI;.   dilating  a  little   ou    the 

oonrtructiQn  with  the  datiTe  caae.  word  '  incerU,'  Sat  U.  3.  267—271 ! 

10.  Etvdlt.  uH  tt  nrfwn  ItMtrin  '  Sfae  „ , „  . .,  _  , 

,,.'..  .1.  .  iD  amore  haec  aant  maiA, 

11  mATk  Ton  whm  nhe  HeM   Ihat  Tnn  am  .    ..  ■ 

will  mock  yon  when  ihe  aeei  that  jon 

beateu.'     'Thii  is  the  mogt  ■imple  tnuula- 

&m  of '  etudet '  in  tbis  panage.    Dauatua  nroDe 

eiplaini  it  thtu :  "  Elndere  proprie  gladia-         MoUliaet 

tomm  est  cnm  Ticerint — etelndereeetHnem         ii_jj 

indo  imponere.       in  that  Benee  the  paaaage 

wonld  mean,  ■  Sbe  wiU  bave  donewithyou.'         !„.,„)„  „ 

'  Elndere '  egaiD  meani  to  parry  a  btow. 

Pax  mnum  :    haec  ri   qms 

le  modaque." 

u  Hartial  liT.  203  :  "  CaUidua  emisiu  20.  Efont  illam  qaae  li/am  7]     •  Sball  1 

dnden  rimiua  hastai."     '  Sbe  wiU  oontent  go    lo    her    who  haa  preferred  him  ?  wha 

herself  with  keeping  yon  it  a  distance  when  bai  expelled   me?  who   baa  oot   admitted 

Bhe   Beci   that  you    are    conquered.'       All  me  ?  Let  me  alone  for  that"     The  elmple 

theie  meaniugs  enter  iuto  the  idea  of  Ihe  eUiplJCBl  eipreiaiong   of  thsa    line   do   mit 

paaaage.     The  young  man's   mlatrees   de-  require   detailed   notice.      Por  the   uae    of 

lighti  in  the  iport  of  conqneat,  and  when  '  tlne  modo '    compare    i*.    6.    I :     "  Sae 

her  coDqueet  {■  made,  ahe  doea  not  care  to  Teniat,"  and  Plautus,  Asinaria  t,  S.  48 : 
contiDne  tbs  game,  bnt  dimuMee  her  fkllen 


ACrnJS  I.    8CENA  I.  89 

Afori  me  malim :  sentiet  qui  Yir  sieDi ;" 

Haec  Terba  ima  mehercle  falsa  lacrimula, 

Quam  oculoe  terendo  misere  viz  vi  expresserit, 

Reetinguet :  et  to  ultro  accuBabit :  et  dabis 

Ei  ultro  Bupplicium.  Ph.  0  iudignum  facinus  I  nunc  ego  et  25 

Hlam  Bcelestom  esBe  et  me  mieerum  sentio ; 

Et  taedet ;  et  amore  ardeo ;  et  prudens  sciens, 

YiTujB  videnaque  pereo ;  ncc  quid  agam  ecio. 

Pa.  Quid  agne  nisi  ut  te  redimae  captum  quam  queos 

Uinimo  f  si  nequeae  paululo,  at  quanti  qneae  :  30 

Et  ne  te  afflictee.     Ph.  Itane  saadea  P     Pa.  Si  sapifl : 

Neque  prseterquam  quaa  ipee  amor  molestias 

Habet  addas,  et  iUas  quas  habet  recte  feras. 

Sed  ecca  ipea  egreditur  nostri  fundi  calamitas ; 

Nam  quod  noa  capere  oportet  baec  intercipit.  35 

K.  Btur  va-ba  mM  mehtrelefaUa  lacri-  havG  to  >nbmit  to  puBJshment  at  her  bands. 

nii]     '  Aml  ;et  bj  hea*eu  with  ane  blie  8ee  tbe  note  od  '  altro  '  Andruk  i.  1.  73. 
tarirbich  she  will  bsTe  bul  aoine  difficultj         37.  Fradeni  acietu,  Vivta  videiujtit  pe- 

"ith  Km  rabbing  to  foree  fh>m  her  ByBo,  rmj      '  I   lUD    p«ri«bing   with  all  my  wiCa 

sbe  wiU  qoench  alL  thifl  nlorous  talk.'    Tbe  aboat  me,  and  with  my  ejctt  wide  epao.' 

liiu  is  B  Tcr;  iwlcwBrd  one  troni  the  want  of  These   wordg   >ro   frequentl]!   Cbiu  joined. 

aoium  in  tbe  Becond  foot.     Bentley  wonld  For  '  prudens  idena '  cnmpare  HeBat.  ir.  1. 

ntd  "  Hsec  Terba  ea  ona ;"  but  the  correC'  19  :    "  Cetto  sdo  te  insdentem  atqae  im- 

l»ii  doei  more  hann  ttian  good  ;  for  wbito  pmdenlem  dicere  bc  hcmvomuiB."    Cicero 

il  meDds  tbe  metre,  «bich  ii  awkward  ta  it  uses  the  phrase  sevcral  times.     Ooe  paisBge 

■tuda,  '  mebeicle '  becomei  a  dissjilable,  from  bie  lelters,  Ad  Fam.  n    6,  is    Terj- 

CDntniy  lo  genenl  osage.     I  sbonld  preTer  like  tbe  teit :  "  Ut  in  bbolis  Amphiaraai, 

"VerbsbaecmeliercleBunB&lsalBiTiniulB:"  nc  ego  pradeug  et  sdens  ad  peatam  anl« 

fbr  althaogh  the  fbrm  '  meberdes '  does  not  ocuIob  pOBitaiD  Bum  profectus."     '  VItus  vi- 

amr  eicept  in  Cic«o,  Pro  Planrio  iin.,  denHiue '  is  an  imiUtiOD  of  tbe  Greek  Ziv 

I«t  it  u  Ihe  more  natnral ;  for  '  mehercles '  ni  ^Aiiruii  or  i|wv   tai    wapuv.     Cicera 

19  ui  abbrenaticia  of  '  me  herclea  amet,'  or  qnotea  the  proverb  once  or  twice.     We  find 

'tta  me  berclu  amabit,'  like  the  pbrBse  iC    in    Lncretiai    iii.    1046    (Lachmaon): 

'ita  me  di  amabant,'  and  ts  similar  in  form  "HorCoa  cui  vita  est  prope  jam  liio  stqae 

to  'nwdios  fidins  '  and  'meeasCor.'      From  fiden^,"  and  in  Plautus,  Hostellaria  iL  I. 

Sie  shDTt '  rae '  Bone  haTe  supposed  a  deri-  78,  we  haTe  another  form  of  the  proTerb  : 

Taliou  from  fui ;  buC  agBinst   this  ii  CbaC  "  Ludoa  ego  hodie  TivD  praesenCi  bnic  aGni 

thel^n  worde  are  deddedlf  of  Che  DOmina-  Faciam  qnod  <7edo  morluD  nnnqnam  fcre." 
tJTe  termination.    '  Me  '  is  irften  an  euditic,         34.  Notlrifimdi  tiUatnila»]  'The  bligbt 

•a  iu  i.  2. 1 !  "  Miseram  |  mi  Tere[or,"  and  of  my  estate,  for  she  intercepts   what  I 

iti  ijDantitj  woold  be  mosC  naturallj  shorC-  onght  to  receiTe.'     The  meBUing  is  so  sini- 

EDcd  in  the  case  of  a  bmiliar  brief  eipres-  pte  aa  hardlj  ta  require  a  note.     Parmeno 

Bon.     '  Hehercle'  and  '  medius  lidius '  wei«  complaini  ChaC  his  jDUDg  masCer^s  UberaliCj 

the  «Mnmon  oaCbs  of  men,  as  '  mecastor '  is  abKirbed   bj   Tbais.      He  nses   a  word 

ud  '  edepol '  of  TTOmen.     Bat  see  notes  on  which    is  geDersllj  applied  to  agricultnre. 

T.  3.  •i&,  aui  Hecjra  i.  3.  8.  — '  olamilBs.'     See  LoDg'i  note  on  Cicero, 

S4,  Et  ie  allra  atouabil:  tt   daiit  Ei  In    Verrem    Act    ii.    3.    98.     'Interdpio' 

Wfni  n^f JciuiR]      '  Aad  abe  will  go-on  to  fa   also    sometimes    used    of    tbe    damage 

accDse  joo,  and  joQ  will  be  panished  over  done  to   crops   bj   weaCher,    Bnimala,  &c., 

•ad  abore.'     The  force  of  Cbe  word  '  ultro '  ae  in  Ond,  Hetam.  Tiii.  290,    ■peaking  of 

here  is  that  1110  would  not  defend  berself  the  boar: 

>pin>«  ^edria'»  reproache.,   bnt    would  „  jj^„„  „^^  „^t  fletnri  yota  coloni, 
Wie  the  fairtirtTe  and  accnse  him  and  tbaC         g^  Caer^  in  spida  interdplt  j" 
he  wonld  Dot  only  fiul  in  bringing  her  to  '  "^ 

hgitnaaa,  bnt  wonldonr  aod  aboTe  tbat  and  again,  zr.  111:  ^ 

Dc,  zecbvGooglc 



Tk.  Miseram  me !  vereor  ne  illud  graviuB  Wiaedria 

Tulerit,  neve  aliorsum  atqae  ego  feci  acceperit, 

Q,uod  heri  introimsBaa  non  eat.     Ph.  Totua  Parmeno 

Tremo  horreoque  postqnam  afipezi  banc.     Pa.  Bono  ammo  es : 

Accede  ad  ignem  hunc ;  jam  calesces  plua  satia.  5 

Th.  Qma  hic  loquitur  P  ehem,  tune  liic  eras,  mi  Pbaedria  ? 

Quid  hic  stabas  ?  cur  non  recta  introibas  ?    Pa.  Caetenim 

De  exciuaione  verbum  nuUom.     Th.  Quid  tacea  P 

Ph.  Sane  quia  vero  hae  mihi  patent  semper  forea, 

Aut  quia  Bum  apud  te  primua.     Th.  Miasa  iBtaec  face.  io 

Ph.  Quid  misaa  P  o  Thais,  Thaia,  utinam  esset  mihi 

Fars  aequa  aomria  tecum,  ac  pariter  fieret, 

Ut  aut  hoc  tibi  doleret  itidem  ut  mihi  dolet, 

Aut  ego  iatuc  aba  te  factum  nihili  penderem. 

" Prima  pntator  "  Siepe  etiam  daminke,  qumTU  lioTTebu  et 

HoaU>  Bos  meniuse  mori,  quia  samiDft  ip», 

pBndo  Algentig  caanm  eat  alfacieiula  dna." 

Enierit     Tostro,     ■pemqoe     {□terceperit  JnvenaJ,   Sst.  i.    93:    "  Honenti    tnnicmm 

■uui."  noD  reddere  BCno."  Heace  wc  hsTe  Pu- 
mena'sjoke  in  the  neit  Une,  "  Aoceda  ad 
ignem  hunc,  j&m  calesces  pliu  utu  :"  eti- 
dentlj  punning  on  Uie  word  '  igni»,'  wbich 

AcT  I.  8cENE  IT.  Thua  aLppesn  Isment-  is  applied  in  a  thouMnd  pkcea  to  a  kner. 

iog   tb>t    Pba^riB  hsd  mieunderetood  her  Eugmphius   in    bii   note  on   tbii  puetge 

condact.     Sbe   cbide»  him    for   bis  delaj,  imHgines  Pannena  to  pcnnt  to  an  iltar  of 

and    ereatually   comei    to   an   exptsnatioa  Veaus  Btandiog  Bt  Tbkia'  door.     But  tbii 

with  bim.     Sbe  acrauats  for  her  previoni  Kemi  unneceBsarj,  thougfa  courtiaBni  from 

conduct  bf  hur  anxiet;  to  ohtain  poaeegsian  the  days  of  Herodotui  downwards  ■acrificed 

□f  the  girl  whom  ThrB«o  boa  promised  her,  to  Venus,     Parmeno  meajie,  '  Go  to  your 

whoH  fltorj  sbe  trll9,  with  her  snspicions  of  mistresB,  and  you  will  aoon  be  wBrm  enough 

her  parentBge.     She  requeata   Phaedri»  to  »nd  to  spare.' 

help  lier  bj  abaeating  bimielf  for  two  dBja         7,   Caeltnim  De  exelutione  oerinBt  nnj- 

in   the   countr;.      At  first   he   enspecta  s  'Mm]      '  Honerer,  joa  aee  abe  nji  not  s 

trick,  hut  at  Isst  consents.  word  about  bBiing  sbut  jonoat.'    Psrmeno 

Metre;  ismbic  trimeter.  laggests  tbis  to  Phaediis,  to  lieep  up  the 

1.  Miieram  mt]     '  Me  '  ii  here  an  en-  misunderBtBadiag  betoeen  bim  and  hiimis- 
cUtic.     Campare  Plautui,  Trin.  ii.  4.  50:  tress;  and  accordingly  PhHHlris  meeta  ber 
"  Meaiam  me  rerum  noTisse  sequuro  est  or-  first  advBnce»  tery  ungiMouily. 
dinem."     See  notes  ou  Andria  i.  3.  IS,  and  12.  Pari  aeqiia  UMoni]      '  Would  thst 
Hecjra  i.  3.  119.  we  fiiirlj  went  shsres  ia  love,  bihI  thst  we 

2.  ji/iDrttiin  a/f  u<  tgo  fid  aeceperit']  wcre  alike  in  our  fee^ngs,  for  then  eitber 
'  1  sm  afnid  that  PhBedriB  has  taken  it  jou  would  be  pained  st  mj  psin,  or  I 
utberwise  thsn  I  intended.'  Por  tbis  usenf  sbould  not  laj  jour  conduct  to  beBtt,knaw- 
'  sccipio  '  see  Andria  ii.  3.  30 ;  "  Non  recte  ing  thst  you  were  Bcting  againat  jour  feel- 
■ccipis,"  and  Heaut.  ii.  S.  £3:  "  Clinia,  ings.'  '  Dolet'  is  ■ometimea  osed  imper- 
sliter  [uum  smorem  atqae  est  accipis  "  lonatlj  with  the  datite  cBie,  ss  in  Adelphi 

4.    IVema  Aarreaqiie']     'I  tremhle  and  ii.   4.  8:  "  Hoc  mibi  dolet,"  Bnd  in  thit 

ahadder  sll  oter  on  eeeing  her.'     •  Horreo  '  plHj,  iii.  1 .  40,  sbsolnlely  :   "Doletdiclum 

ii  commoDly  osed  in  tbe  sense  of 'to  abiTer  imprudentisdalesceoli."     Seeslao  FlBntu, 

fromoold.'    SoOvid,  DeAiteAm.  ii.  213'.  Captivi  i.  2.  40  :  "  lluic  itlud  dolet." 

ACTUS  I.    SCEKA  II,  91 

Th.  Ue  crucia  te,  obBeero,  anime  mi,  mi  PbBedri&,  ib 

Non  pol  quo  quemqnam  plu8  amem  aut  jJns  diligam 

£o  feci :  sed  ita  erat  res ;  faoiundum  luit. 

Pa.  Credo  ut  fit  miaers  prae  amore  exclnsti  hniio  foras. 

Th.  Sicine  aia  Parmeno  ?  age :  sed  huc  qna  gratia 

Te  arceesi  jnsBi  ausculta.     Ph.  Fiat.     Th.  Dic  mihi  20 

Hoc  primum,  potin  eet  hic  tacere  ?    Pa.  Egone  P  optine. 

Yerum  heus  tu,  hac  lege  tibi  meam  astringo  fidem : 

Quae  rera  andivi  taceo  et  contineo  optime ; 

Sin  falsum  aut  Taoum  aut  fiotum  est,  continuo  palam  eet ; 

Flenus  rimarum  Bum;  hao  atque  illac  perfluo.  3S 

Proin  tu,  taceri  si  vis,  vera  dicito. 

Tk.  Bamia  mihi  mater  ftiit :  ea  habitabat  Bhodi. 

P<t.  Potest  taceri  hoc.     Th.  Ibi  tum  matri  parrulam 

Puellam  dono  quidam  mercator  dedit 

Ex  Attica  hinc  abreptam.     Ph.  Civenme  f     Th.  Arbitror :  30 

Certum  non  scimns :  matris  nomen  et  patris 

Bicebat  ipsa :  patriam  et  signa  caetera 

Neque  scibat,  neque  per  aetatem  etiam  potuerat. 

Mercator  hoc  addebat,  e  praedonibua 

Unde  emerat  se  audisse  abreptam  e  Sunio.  36 

18.  Crtdo  tit  fit  mittra  prae  amore  ti-  cbanK^  ^T  copyi"^*.  "«l  we  shaatd  eipoct 

fl<aii  haic  fiirai]     '  To  be  tiaie,  jaa  ihut  tbat  '  perHuo  '  woulil  aeeni  to  niaiiy  tnui- 

hiiB  ott  of  doora,  u  tbey  Eenertllj  do,  be-  scribers  the  more  natural  in  prelerence  to 

r»aie  jon  were  dying  of  lo»B  ft)r  him.'    For  tho  more  difficult  '  perpiuo,'  irhich  wsnti 

'pne  111101«'  Me  note  on  Andria  t.  1.  6.  onl;  authority  to  pUce  it  certiiinly  in  tbe 

a.  Ht  Itge  tiU  mnrm  atiringo  Jtdeml  teiC      Morsce  has  a  BOmewhat  ■imibu'  ex- 

'  (hi  thii  condition  1  give  700  mj  promiK,'  prmROH,   which  hu  been   compared  witb 

'  I<1 '  inqiieDtlT  meane  the  condition  or  this  p«s^  of  Terence  :  "  Et  qtue  rimow 

ftna  npoo  whidi  ■  thing  ia  dons.     Andria  bene  deponnntnr  in  aare,"  Sat  ii.  6.  48 

>-  2.  28  :  (gee  Macleuie's  Qote).     8ee  oIm  Andiia  iii. 

" In  putrinam  (te)  dedam  naqne  *d    *■  '"'i,°°"-  ^  ,  ^,^       ,  .     ,  ,       , 

jifcaa  83.  SfjnoeortiTo]  Perloteipl»in»'rigii«' 

B.le«eiiqoeo>nin«,ut«teindeeieme.  ^  * '~r°i.^*? '/™  "^ ,™ /'■  ^  "'■  ^°* 

^eKTpro  te  moUm."  ^^  '^  ^  ("•  ""  «■  IB).    Donrt..  e.- 
plainR  it  to  meon  '  othar  puticiuan,   nch 

(^pue  Heant.  t.  3.  46;  "Tam  IsciUiin*  u    ber    edncntion,    ber   home.     It   mean» 

pilrit  pacem  in  legea  confldet  auu ;"  and  generallj  '  aoj  other  tokeoa  that  coold  lead 

Pbnmio  iii.  2.  48  :  "  Mea  lege  utar."    Por  lo  her  recognition.' 

1b«  tenn 'astriiigerefidem' see  DOIaon  Ao-         :IS.   Undt  emirat']    '  Unde '  is  freqnentlf 

>hii  it.  1.  19.  put  for  a  preposition  witb  the  reUtite  pro- 

2S.  Pirfii,o\     If  thia  woni  i«  gennine  it  noun.     Thes  in  the  common  legal  designs- 

mnat  meu  •  I  ipring  b  leak/  '  I  do  not  hold  tion  of  the  ploinliff,  ta  •  unde  petitur  '  («ee 

11;'  uid  thna  it  ia  eiptMtied  bj  Forcellini  Frol.  >.  II),  and  so  Cicero  :   "  Quaincunque 

iD  Ibe  Hnse  of  '  perplao.'     Tbe  Ulter  is  rem  a  quoque  cogtiorit  de  es  multo  dicat 

propMed  b]P   Bentle;  M  Uie  tme  reading  omatius  quam  iUe  ipse  onde  cognorit,"  De 

^ere.    lle  qao(<B  Plaotas,  Trin.  ii.  3.  41,  Oratore  i.    19.      'Unde'    occurs   oftea  ia 

MoileU.  i.  2.  30,  ond  Qaiactilliaa,  Inst.  Ti.  Uorace  of  persons.    See  Msclesne'»  nole  oa 

3:  '■  Vooit  imb«,  Uiat  puietes,  perplunnt  Cann.  L  13.  17. 
tigna."    Tha  two  words  are   tstsAj  inter. 



Mater  ubi  Bccepit,  coepit  Btudiose  omma 

Docere,  educare  ita  uti  ei  esset  filia. 

Sororem  pieriquo  eese  credebant  meam. 

Ego  cum  illo  quicimi  tum  uno  rau  habebam  hospite 

Abii  huc ;  qui  mihi  reliquit  haec  quae  habeo  omnia.  iO 

Pa.  Utrumque  hoc  falsum  est :  effluet.  Th.  Qui  istuc  ?  Pa.  Quia 

Neque  tu  uno  eras  coutenta,  neque  boIus  dedit ; 

Nam  hic  quoque  bonam  magnamque  partem  ad  te  attulit. 

Th.  Ita  eet :  sed  sine  me  pervenire  quo  yolo. 

Interea  miles  qui  me  amare  occeperat  45 

In  Cariam  est  profectus :  te  interea  loci 

Cognovi :  tute  acis  postillfl  quam  intumum 

Habeam  te,  et  mea  consilia  ut  tibi  credam  omnia. 

Pk.  Ne  hoc  quidem  tacebit  Parmeno.  Th.  Oh,  dubiumne  id  est  P 

Hoo  agite  amabo.     Mater  mea  iUic  mortua  eet  50 

Nuper.     Ejus  frater  aiiquantum  ad  rem  est  avidior. 

Is  hanc  ubi  forma  videt  honesta  Tirgiuem, 

Et  £dibu8  acire,  pretium  aperans  ilico 

Producit,  Tendit.     Forte  fortuna  afiuit 

V.  70 :  "  Id,  uoBba,  *4iQla." 
,  .  entlj  in  TereDce.  GeDeraU^ 
Heant.  ii.  1.  tj ;  "Et  co^oscendi  et  ignos-  the  words  irB  used  pnreatbeticallji  bnt  in 
cendi  dftbltur  perati  lncai."  Audris  iii.  iii.  3.  31  we  hiTe  u  'nt'  foUowiag: 
4.  22:  "Nihil  eat  pred  laci  relictaoi."  "  Ani>bo  ut  illac  tnaKu  nbi  illa  ert."  ^ 
Thence  it  comes  to  be  used  in  the  Ulenl  nate  on  the  pmHiige,  Aod  oa  4  ■™il*i'  uiB 
Bense  of  '  tiilie '  in  such  phrues  u  '  interek  of '  qnmeao '  in  iii.  2.  13. 
lod,'  lued  ftlio  bf  Plkutus,  Menoecbm.  iii.  S3.  Fidibm  niri]  The  fall  ezpreui<Mi  i» 
1.  1:  '' IntereK  locl  auaqniun  quicquam  '  fidibos  csnere,' u  in  Cicero,  Tuic  Qimt. 
feci  pejuB  quam  bodie."  Compire  in  thii  i.  3:  "  Igitur  et  EpamiQOadu.  princefM 
pl&y  ii.  2.  24.  In  SBllnst,  Jnguitha  72,  we  meo  jodicio  Graedee,  Gdibaa  praedue  ced- 
find  "Neque  poat  id  locomm  Jugnrthne  niue  didtur."  Bat  we  often  meet  with 
ioBt  aat  noz  uU«  quieCa  fuit,"  and  6i,  "  Ad  condensed  expreuiona  »ncb  u  tlus  ia  the 
Id  loconim."  PUntus,  Paenolu  i.  1.  \6  :  teit.  Thni  in  Cicero,  De  Seoectule  8:  "  Vi- 
"PoJtid  looonimtn  mihiamaatiigaosdCo;"  dibua  diacere,"  and  Ep.  Ad  Paoi.  ii.  2S: 
Bod  Tniculeahu  iii.  1.  16  :  "  f^dibus  docere."   Snch  liOBen  were  oflan 

parchBBed  or  hired.u  weleamfromPlantiu, 

Epidicus  iii.  i.  G7  : 

n  .,   „  ...         ,      ■      f_  "  Pr-    Quid    tibi   neiFDti    est    meae   domi 

Both  theMmeBnings  of 'locuB    «n«e  from  initiu-.'    J1   A  d' 

its^W  »™« -f '«'-tB'  or  ''j^™'»"^-'        Condact;  .em'.  nt  fidibus  «mtarem  .eai 

tence  I  have  giren  to  Thaia.    It  is  geiierally 

given  lo  Parmeno.  who  ia  lupposed  to  u-         61.  Prndueit']  '  Expoaes  for  aale.'     8m 

sent  to  wlut  bia  masler  bad  nid.    But  it  is  Heant.  l  1.02:  "  Omaea  prodoii  ae  ven- 

mach  more  naturol  to  put  Ihe  words  into  didi."    The^e  sre  the  onlf  paswgca  in  earlf 

Tbaig'  mouth,  as  an  eipreasian  of  surprise  writers  where  the  word  is  uied  io  thii  senM. 

at  Fhiedria's  speech.  It  occurs  again  in  Saetonias,  Tib.  S4. 

00.  Hac  agilt  amabd]     '  Prmj  attcnd  to         FWU  forlma']     '  Fon  rortuna '  vu  a 

me.'     For'hoc  «gito'see  nota  on  Andria  goddeia  wbose  lemple  (attriboted,  u  wdl 

i.  2.  IG.  Tbe  phrues  >  ai  me  amu,'  '  amabo  u  that  of  Booa  Fortuna,  lo  Serviui  TuUias) 

te,'  and  '  amabo,'  are  oommon  formg  of  en-  stood  on  the  tight  bank  of  the  Itha-.     Ha 

ACTUS  I.    SCENA  U.  93 

^  mens  smiciu :  emit  eam  dono  mihi,  GS 

Imprudenfl  Iiarom  rerum  ignarusque  omniam. 

Is  venit :  postqtiam  Beusit  me  tecnm  qaogne 

'Rem  Iiabere,  fingit  caoBaA  ne  det  aedido. 

Ait,  si  fidem  babeat  se  iri  praepositum  tibi 

Apad  me,  ac  non  id  metuat,  ne  ubi  acceperim    »  60 

Sese  relinqnam,  velle  se  iUam  W^i  dare ; 

Veram  id  vereri :  sed,  ego  quantum  auHpicor, 

Ad  Yirginem  animum  adjecit.     Ph.  Etianme  amplins  ? 

Tk.  Nihil ;  nam  quaesivi.     Nuno  ego  eam,  mi  Phaedria, 

Kultae  sont  causae  quamobrem  cupiam  abducere :  65 

Primum  quqd  soror  est  dicta ;  praeterea  ut  suis 

Reetituam  ac  reddam :  aola  aum :  babeo  bic  neminem 

Neque  amicum,  neque  cognatum ;  quamobrem,  Fhaodria, 

Cupio  aliquoa  parare  amicos  beneficio  meo. 

Id  amabo  adjuta  me,  quo  id  fiat  &cUius.  70 

Sine  illum  priores  partee  bosce  aliquot  dies 

Apud  me  habere.     Nihil  respondes  P    Ph.  Fessima, 

£gon  quicquam  cum  istifi  factis  tibi  reepondeam  ? 

Pa.  Eu  noster !  laudo :  tandem  perdoluit :  Tir  es. 

(atinltook  placeonthe  26th  of  Jnne.  3ee     Fbonnio  i.  S.  48:    "  Neqno    illi   bimBTO- 

Orid,  Futi  vj.  773 — 778  :  leni  Neqne  notiu  neqne  oognaCiu  .  ■  ■  qail- 

-QnwddloTeneruntFortunMFortu  ho.     I^  wJer.t."  objecting  to  tber«nn«noe 

~~f.  T  01  '  sniicoa    in  tha  neit  hne^     Bnt  tfau  i* 

lB,J«mlSFo7t™i»l,br.l..Qrat«:  'K^'"'?'"/^',"":!'''^     "^ 

ID  Kbm.  rip.  mm  r*.  >^-"  ""  '"  "^  <"  *""  t^'  *"  P*""!^ 

'^  pvt  witn  me.    The  eipresaion  a  jerj  com- 

Uer  nuiM  ww  naed  to  eifircn  a  piece  of  mon  in  •II  «tril«n.    Compare  Phormio  t.  S. 

^tnardinary  Inck.     Compare   Hecjia  iii.  7  '  "  ^iciaHin  putei  tnu  actnrng  est ;"  Bnd 

i-  SS,  11111  Phonnio  t.  6. 1.  Adelphi  1.   4.  26  :  "  9i  id  fit  duido  Btone 

U.  SrdK/o]   Seenoleon  Andriei.  1. 119.  obsequendo,  non  poateriora  feram."     On 

^-  Ad  nrffinem  minmm  adjtfil'}     '  He  the  lilenl  oie  of  the  wordi  see  Ciccro,  In 

iw  Ulen  in  kne  with  the  giri.'     Compere  Q.  Caedlinm  DiTin.  tap.  IB  (liong'e  note), 

FlutDi,  Hertator  ii.  2.  61 :  tuid  Uorue,  Sat.  L  S,  4S  1 

" Sed  preeranto  opns  eat  " Hsberee 

^'«  id  illun  me  uiimam  tdjeciue  kUqni  MagnamsdjntorempoBeetquirerreeecandaa 

•Kitijd."  Hanc  bominem  velles  >i  tradere." 

In  Flutns,  Miles  Glor.,  we  find  the  Mma  See  Huleane'!  note. 

phraw  with  a  datire  caie:    "Qaui  mihti  7S.  PeMtima'}      Phaediii  bnrste  oat  in- 

Uiiiniimedjeceriiaiifiiilue,"  iii.  3.  36.  Both  dignuillj,  to  Fanneno's  great  Mtialiiction. 

"iTistnictioni  ue  foimd  in  Cicero  *ad  liTf.  He  deridee  the  stor7  which  the;  hBve  joit 

^  phnie  '  ocnlos  Bdjicere'  is  aleo   &e-  heard  from  Tbaii,  and  npbraids  her  with 

^nenL  Por  the  phrase  '  etiBmne  amplioi  ?'  bis  foraier  derotion  to  her ;  bnt  he  Boon 

conpare  Andri&ii.  I.  ITi,  26.    Donatai  ob-  giTOi  way,  uid  Bfter  b  nmggte  mBties  op 

Krrtt,  '•  HnndBt  Terentias,  nt  solet,    rea  his  mind  to  do  ss  the  bega  him, '  Csn  I  giie 

linjiiiniodi  pcr  fXXii^iv  suaro,"     It  is  to  be  yon  an;  angver  witfi  thii  oonduot  of  youri  ?' 

» isbed  tbat  his  eiample  bad  always  been  Por  '  cnm  iatig  factis  '  we  uiBy  compare  An- 

fdbwed  bj  his  commentaton.  drisT.  4.  38  :  "  Dignna  es  cnm  toBreligione 

68.  Ntqve   anicitm,    neque    eojnodim]  odium  ;"  and   Phormio  iii,  1.   1 1  "  Uulti- 

Bcatler  propose»   '  Neqne   notnm  '    ob  in  modis  com  istoc  >nimo  en  Titaperandua." 



Ph.  At  ego  nescibam  quonuin  tu  ires :  "  PbituIb  75 

Hinc  est  abrepta ;  eduxit  mater  pro  aua : 

Soror  est  dicta:  cupio  abducere,  ut  reddtmi  suia." 

Kempe  omnia  haeo  nunc  verba  huc  redeunt  decique ; 

Ego  excludor ;  ille  recipitur :  qua  gratia  f 

Niei  illma  plua  amas  quam  me,  et  istam  nunc  times  80 

QrUae  advecta  eet,  ne  illum  talem  praeripiat  tibi. 

Th.  Ego  id  timeo?     Pk.  Quid  te  ergo  oliud  soUicitatP  oedo. 

Kum  eolua  ille  dona  dat  P  nuncnbi  meam 

Benignitat«m  sensisti  in  te  olaadier  i 

If^onne  ubi  mihi  dixti  cupere  te  ex  Aethiopia  B5 

AnciUulam  relictis  rebus  omnibuB 

Quaesivi  P  porro  eunuchum  dixti  velle  te, 

Quia  solae  utuntur  hia  reginae ;  repperi. 

Heri  minaa  viginti  pro  ambobus  dedi  : 

Tamen  contemptua  abs  te  haec  habui  in  memoria :  go 

Ob  haec  &cta  abe  te  epemor.     Th.  Quid  istic  Fhaedria  ? 

Quanquam  illam  cupio  abducere,  atque  hac  re  arbitror 

Id  fieri  posae  maxime,  verumtamen, 

Fotius  quam  te  inimicum  habeam,  faciam  ut  juaseria. 

Ph.  Utinam  istuc  verbum  ex  animo  ac  vere  dicerea,  95 

"  PotiuB  quam  t«  inimicum  habeam."     Si  istuc  crederem 

Sincere  dici  quidvis  possem  perpeti. 

63.  JVmniM  mtam  Bmiffnilalm  tm.  eichDftbetiio,']iutuiDEiigU9hif wenid, 

aitli  j»  It  cUniiiitr  r"]     '  H»e  jdd  e>er  '  I  gave  60/.  for  boch  orthem,'  the  worda 

foiuMl  my  bouDtf  rattrwDed  towanli  yoa  ?'  would  sdoiit  of  either  interpretaliini. 
Beotlej  raida  '  DDm  tibi'  od  the  ■Dthoritr         Bl.  Quid  iilie  f^  Bee  nota  (M  Andiia  iii. 

of  ooe  msouKript.     Bot  the  aboTe  is  the  3.  40. 

gener*!  rettdiDg  of  good  ■uthorities.     In  the         9C.  Ex  iiRiino]     See  note  i»  Andiia  ir. 

note  on  ADdriA  iii.   3.  41    BeDtley'e  pro-  4.  S6. 

prned  emendaCion  '  intercladicr '  his  been         97-  iS^iitCpre]     Tlii»  word  bai  been  •op. 

DOticed.    It  is  quite  nnneceewT.    '  In  te'  poKd  to  be  ui  Mljectira  in  ^hia  pUoe,  of 

meKti  Bimply  '  towarda  fou,' '  iD  jour  ca»,'  the  form  •  nnceria  '  (aee  Forcdliiu  nib  ■  b>ii~ 

u  in  muf  ciMs.    '  Clsudier '  ii  interpreted  cerug  '],  but  is  most  prohably  tbe  adierb, 

' daadicere '  by  Daii>tag,  BDd  this  piusege  notfound  elseKheraeicepC  id  pmee  writ^n.    , 

19  pluied  under 'cUudo,  T.D.'br  Forcellini;  '  Sincerus  '  otiginallj  Dieaas  'witboat  Diii- 

bnt  it  is  bettet  to  eiplnin  it  u  iu  Andria  ture  or  alia;,'  '  clear,'  aa  in  Uorace,  Sat.  i. 

Ili.  3.  41,  for  'claudo'  in  tbe  aenHOfta  3.  ftA: 
balt '  neror  occars  in  the  paisiTe  voicB.  ■.  At  uoa  TctDtef  ipw  inrartimai,  ■tqne         ' 

86.  JMitiii  rtbta  omaituf]    See  Aadria        Kncemm  cnpimni  ne  iamiuttra ;"  , 

'eB.MinMtifinlf]    Zeane  suggesta  '  tri-  »nd  Epirt.  i.  2.  64  ; 

ginta,'  aa  in  t.  3.  14  the  ennuch  alone  is  "  SiDoeram  estniii  ns  qnodcnnqne  iDtandii 
Mid  to  haTe  cost  tweDtj  miDBo.     Bat  «e  aceidt."  I 

need  not  ■ttompt  to  co™*  ■  min™-  in™-  Tha  old  etTmologr  frOD. '  Bne  eer.  '  i,  girw,     , 

drt.D^ofthiSDture.  WeoDcefind-^mbo'  by  Donati  ;  "  Sinceram.pnrum,  eine  fun,,     I 

awd<br'dao    in  Virga,  Aen.  t..  640 :  et  simplei :  ot  md  sine  cerm."     Wbether    1 

"  Hlc  locns  ett  putes  ubi  se  Tia  findit  In  this  is  correcC  or  not  it  coaTeyi  ■  good  idcm 

ambss,"  of  the  meaniug.    The  nse  or  '  ^noere '  nuj    1 

■nd  it  ii  posdble  that  hcre  it  di>t  mean '  for  be  oompared  with  tbst  of '  Uqoido.'  See  nate    | 

ACTUS  I.    SCENA  II.  90 

Pa.  J^haadt  TictuB  uno  Terl»  quam  cito  I 

1%.  Ego  non  ex  &mmo  niisera  dico  f  qoam  joco 

ILem  Toluifiti  a  me  tandem  quin  perfeceriB  ?  lOO 

Ego  impetraro  nequeo  liOG  abs  t«,  biduum 

Saltem  ut  concedas  solum  ?    PA.  Siquidem  biduom ; 

Verum  ne  fiaot  isti  -riginti  diee. 

Th.  Profecto  non  plus  biduum,  aut PA.  "Aut"  niTin 

7%.  Non  fiet:  boc  mo^lo  aine  te  exorem.     Ph,  Scilicet         105 
Faciendum  est  quod  ris.    Th.  Merito  amo  te.    Ph.  Bene  facie. 
Ros  ibo :  ibi  hoo  me  macerabo  biduum. 
Ita  facere  certum  eat :  mos  ^rendus  eet  Thaidi. 
Tn,  Parmeno,  huc  fac  illi  adducantur.     Pa.  Maxime. 
Ph.  In  Iioc  biduum  Tbais  rale.     Th.  Mi  Phaedria  iio 

Et  tu  ;  numquid  via  aliud  ?    Ph.  £gone  qmd  velim  P 
Gum  milite  isto  praeeens  abeens  ut  sies ; 
Noct«s  diesque  me  amea ;  me  deedderes ; 
Me  aomnies ;  me  expectes ;  de  me  cogites  ; 
Me  speres ;  me  te  oblectes ;  mecum  tota  sis ;  1 1 S 

oa  AndriB  iv.  3. 14.    In  meaniDg  it  aDnmB  tha  qaurel  of  the  two  FaUae,  irbicfa  lie 

enfdj  to  Ihe  Greek  iiXiifiifuc.  ■npposea  to  b»e  led  to  tbe  Linniui  lawB. 

ICU.  'Aul '  niAl/noror]  '  I  hive  uothing  He  eays  thnt  amoni;  otliciT  things  which  tbe 

Co  do  witb  Or  V     '  Nihil  mdror  '  waa  orif^-  lem  fortniutb  likter  envied  wui  the  "  fre- 

uU^  nsed  in  ^miseing  a  defendant,  as  in  qaentia  pnwequentiam  ro^sntiumqne  num- 

LiTy  iT.  43  :  "  C.  Sempraninm  nil  momr,  quid  lellet."     Bat  thia  (an  hardly  be  uaed 

qnando  boc  e*t  in  imperio  conaecntiu  nt  tam  in  tbe  same  senie.    It  moat  meui  genenllr 

eirDs  eoBet  loilitibiis."     Compare  otber  ei-  '  thoie  wbo  begged  bcr  to  lay  ber  coDiBuuids 

uBplea  i|aoted  bjr  Forcellini.  Hetice  it  cune  opOD  Ibem.'    Anotber  pasuge  ia  qnoted  b; 

to  meu  geuersllj  '  I  have  Bothing  to  ny  to  m(»e  thao  oua  editor  finm  Eoripidef,  He- 

jOB,'    ud  in  this  «enBe  it  is  common  ia  cabn    1011:    tr'  viv  ri  poiXa   riiv  iid 

Plaatn.     8ee  Poenatui  v.  4.   118  :  "  Nam  ^pdZnv  iital  \  which  it  ia  hudlj  neceavf 

■licn  pictores  dU  moror  bojiumDdi  tnctare  to  aa;  il  wbali;  beaide  the  point. 

aanpU,"   '  I   do  not  caie  to  ba*e  othar  115.  Mt  It  abltclti]     In  Adelphi  i.  1. 

painten  treat  mch  a  aabject  ai  thii.'  34  we  hiTe  "  Id  eo  me  oblecto."  In  Cicero 

107-  Macerebo}  •  l  will  go  into  the  coiLD-  we  hare   '  cam,'  iis  in  De  Ontore  ii.  14  : 

trj,  ud  there  aili  put  mjaelf  on  low  diet  "  Cum  hia  me  (nt  diii)  oblecto  qui  res  geetas 

fin  twD  whola  dajs.'     For   'macero'    iee  aqt  qui  DrationeesaipseruDl  iiuas,"  and  alao 

Dote   on    Andria   ir.    2.    3.     '  Biduam  '  is  the  abUtiTB  slone,  aa  tn  Catb  MaJDr  iri,  i 

neant  to  be  emphatic,  and  to  be  giien  as  if  "  Qui  se  agri  cultione  oblectabant."     This 

it  were  an  immeDse  time.  pauage  is  admirablj  worked  up.     Tbe  re- 

111.  Kamqnid  vii  alhtd  f}     '  Have  jon  ileratiaD  of  Ihe  one  dominaDt  ides  of  Phae- 

inj  fnrther  commanda  ?'     Thia  wbi  a  com-  dria's  mind  ii  marked  bj  the  rerj  fonn  of 

mon  tona  ot  leavetaking.     Compare  ii.  3.  tbe  clauaeH,  and  the  similar  termination  of 

50:  "  Sogo,  numqaid  lelic."     In  Adelphi  the  wordB.     Afler  this  spoech  we   are  to 

ii.  3.  39  we  have  a  longer  form :  "  Num-  eappoee  that  Phaedria  goea  ofT  the  itage 

qnid  lis  qnin  abeam  >"     Hecjra  ii.  2.  30.  «ith  ParDiBno.     Thais  tben  pmcoeda  to  de- 

8o  in  Horace'i  aocoant  of  his  Imublesome  valape  the  plot  of  tbe  plaj  a  bttle  liutlier 

biead  who  attacked  bim  on  the  Via  Sacia ;  bj  suggeiling  the  discoverj  whicb  Bhe  has 

"  Cinn  aaMCtaretar  :  '  Nnmqaid  vii  ?'    oc-  made.     Thie  could  Dot  be  done  in  tbe  pre- 

enpo,"  SaL  i.  9.  S.   A  pasuge  is  comnioDlj  sence   of  PariDeDo   witbont   rendering  bi> 

qnoted  from  Ijvj  ri.  31,  in  hii  account  ot  Bubieqoent  oonduct   improbsble.    Fw  be 



Meus  f&c  sis  postremo  animus,  quando  ego  Bum  tuus. 

Th.  Me  mueram !  forsitaD  Iiic  mihi  parram  habeat  fidem, 

Atque  ex  aliarum  ingeiiiis  nunc  me  judioet. 

Ego  pol  quae  mibi  eum  oonscia  hoc  certo  scio, 

Keque  me  finxisse  falsi  quicquam,  neque  meo 

Cordi  ease  quemquam  cariorem  boc  Fhaedria : 

Et  quicquid  hujus  feci  cauBa  Tirginis 

Feci ;  nam  me  ejuB  spero  fratrem  propemodum 

Jam  repperisse,  adolesceotem  adeo  nobilem : 

Et  is  hodie  venturum  ad  me  constitnit  domum. 

Concedam  hinc  intro  atque  ezpectabo  dum  venit. 



Ph.  Fac  ita  ut  jussi  deducantur  isti.     Pa.  Faciam.     Ph.  At 


Pa.  Fiet.     Ph.  At  mature.  Pa.  Fiet.     Ph.  Satin  hoc  man- 

datum  est  tibi  P    Pa.  Ah ! 
Bogitare  P  quasi  difBcile  sit. 

wanld  not  Iki  rapresented  u   fbmrding  Tfaruo.     Ha  tken  miket  tlie  miMt  deter- 

Chaerea's  designB  if  he  lud  knDvn  the  girl  mined  and  Tirtnona  reiolntioni  thmt  he  will 

in   «hom  Tbus   ms  interested  to    bs  nn  elay  eren  the  fiiU  term  of  three  dajs  iu  the 

Atheniiui  citiien.  conBtry.     Afler  hia  departure  Gnatho,  Ihe 

132.  Bt  f uicfujd  AnjiH  /eci]     CompsTG  follover  of  Ihe  Braggadocio,  ■ppeauv  bring- 

T.  6. 10  :  "  Quicquid  LujuB  ractum  est ;"  and  ing  with  him  the  girl  «hom  he  bid  promised 

T.  8.  40.     HesDt.   V.  2.  S;  uid  iii.  3.  10  :  to  Tbais. 

"  At  mihi  fldes  apnd  hnnc  est  oil  me  isdui  HeCre;  l.IO,  Il,troduictetramet«-;  2.4. 

foctmrum   p*ter."     Compere  Plautas,  Hcr-  ft.  B.  12.  18 — 8fi,  trochuc  tetimmrter  cat»- 

cator  37:  "  Nihil  hercle  iitiue  qulc-  iectic  ;  6. 13— 17,  iunbic  teOwneter;  3.  7. 

qDBm  est."  9,  ■smtnc  dimeter. 

lia.  El  li  iodie  vtnttinim  ad  me  eontU.  1.    Fae   ila    at  jmi    dedueaiUiir    itlQ 

luil  damiifii]     '  And  ha  hu  mwle  vi  sp-  'T*ke  care  that  those  sUtn  m    tskeD 

nolntment  to  come  to  me  to-day  to  mj  home  to  her  hoose,  as  1  ordered.'     See  the 

boQse.'    '  Constitno '  is  commoDtf  osed  in  last  scene  t.  109. 

this  •nisa.     Sec  Hecyra  i.  2.  iSOi  "Coq-  3.  Sesrilaren  '  Is  it  possible  that  roa  can 

BtitQi  cnm  qaodam  hospite  me  esse  illnm  ask  l'    Tbe  inBaitiTe  is  eommonly  naed  in 

contentnnim."  JuTenal,  Bat.  iii.  12  :  "  Hic  qnestions  to  eipress  sntprise  ar  JDdignation. 

vbi  nocturnae  Nums  coniliCnebBt  amiiae ;"  8ee  note  on  Andria  i.  fi.  10.  Parmeno  Bdds, 

and   Propertios  «.   B.   33:  "  His  «go  con-  '  Nothing  is  eKiierthan  to  throiraway  lhe«c 

«tiCui  noctem  lenire  Tocstis."  presents  and  as  rosny  others  as  you  like. 
1  onlf  wLsh  iC  were  u  easf  lo  get  some- 

AcT  11.    ScBHS    I.     Tbis    scene  serres  thing.'     Phaedria  mjoios,    'Well,  if   tber 

merelr  as  b  link  betweon  the  UsC  scene  and  perigh,  I  periih  with  tbem.     Yoo  need  nol 

the  second  of  thii  act     Phaedria  enjoini  concem  jonrself.     Do  your  best  to  eet  off 

Parmeno  to  be  careful  in  deliTeriu;  his  pre-  my  present  vith  fsir  words,  and  tn  keep 

senta  to  Thais,  aod  to  do  hii  hest  to  cut  out  mj  ri>al  at  a  diitaace  tmi  har,' 


ACnjS  n.    SCEN A  I.  97 

TTriTiimi  tam  itliqTiid.  inTeiiirfl  &cile  poflsis  Fliabdria 

QuaiD  hoc  peribit.    Ph.  Ego  qooque  uoa  pereo,  quod  niihi 

est  carius :  6 

Se  istuG  tam  iniquo  patiare  animo.     Pa,  Minime ;  qain  eSoc- 

tum  dabo. 
Sed  numquid  atiud  imperaa  ? 
Ph.  MonuB  noBtnuti  omato  Terbis,  quod  poteris ;   et  istum 

Quod  poteria,  ab  ea  pellito. 
Pa.  Memini,  tametai  noUns  moneas.     Ph.  Ego  nia  ibo,  atque 

ibi  maoebo.  lo 

Pa.  Cenaeo.    P^Sedheaotal    Pa.  Qaid-riaP    jPA.  Censffla 

poese  me  offirmare 
Et  perpeti  ne  redeam  interea  ?  Pa.  Tene  P  non  h«rcle  ari)itror. 
Nam  ant  jam  revertere,  aut  mox  noctn  te  adiget  horsum  in- 

Ph.  Opufi  faciam  ut  deiatiger  ufiqne  ingratiifi  ut  dormiam. 

Pa.  Yigilabis  lassus;   hoc  plus  faoies.     Ph.  Ah  Tiibil  dicia 

Farmeno.  IS 
Ej  icienda  hercle  haec  est  moUities  animi :  nimis  me  indulgeo. 
Tandem  non  ego  itla  caream,  si  ait  opus,  vel  totum  triduum  ? 

Pa.  Huil 
TJmverBum  triduuni  ?  vide  quid  agas.     Ph.  Stat  eententia. 

10.  Mmniu,  ianMtn  attJ&u IWMAU]  'I  Damber,liket)iBQreekiiuir»';a.  Welindtlia 
an  icioember,  eren  if  jon  wwe  not  to  re-  plunl  in  loaie  >ntbon,  a>  in  Salloat,  CmCi]. 
niDd  nM  at  iil.'  '  Nnllui '  ia  often  uiMd  27  :  "  Oiea  noctesqoe  fesbnsrs,  vigilve, 
iDttad  of  '  non,'  and  genra^ir  ^  more  neqne  inMmniis  aeqae  iBbore  fatigmri."  In 
cnipliAtic     Compan  Hvcjn  i.  2.  3 :  tbe  present  pmange  the  nominadve  agree* 

„ Hj  onMrBt  me  titi  '"''  *''*'  ^^"  ^"l^iiB  ''"o,  wbere  Pbsedria 

T.m  dm  i  «on  ,.^,  n.Jl».'dl.^."  "'J  '  !  f^  "f?  '"j  "i"  "^"  '!'"''"' 

^  be  bicii  lo  death,  and  ileep  in  ipite  of  mf- 

Piutiu,    Triniunnina   iii.    1.    6 :    ■>  At  tn  nlf,'     The    common   rewiing  kdopled    bj 

HDlhu  aedepol  credou."    Tbii  idiom  ii  ds.  ZeoDe  i>  '  tdigeDt,'  in  which  cue  the  pe». 

liTcd  from  the  dmpler  phrue  '  nollni  ■um  '  lage  wiU  meen  '  Yaur  dreKms  will  aoon 

in  the  Mnae  of  '  non  snm,'  '  I  am  nndone.'  bring  jon  biek  here  by  night.' 

See  Audria  iii.  4.  30.  14.  Ingraliit]     In  PUutoi  snd  Terenca 

11.  Ctnitiipotte  mtqglrmart,  ift.t  '  Do  we  invambly  flnd  the  tbrma  '  gntiiB'  and 
}Da  think  I  cma  liold  ont  and  perwTere  !□  '  ingtntiii '  where  later  writsn  use  '  gralu ' 
not  retnniing  ineeDwbile?'  '  Offinno '  i*  and  'ingra^.'  In  Plsatus  'ingratJiB'  la 
■ued  absolatelj  again  in  Plaatns,  Persa  ii.  nsed  strictly  as  a  lubatantive.  Casina  ii.  S, 
S.40:  "Offirmastineoccultarequo  teimmit-  7:  "Vobis  invitia  atqae  amborum  ingra> 
ta3pe«me?"  In  Heoat  T.  0.  8  we  hare  tiii;"  andHerCBliirii.4. 11 ;  "  CA.  Nimiom 
"  Age,  qnaew,  ne  tam  <rfBrma  te,  Chreme ;"  maltum  Bcis.     Eu.  Tois  iagmtiis." 

•nd  in    Uecjrs  iii.   5.  4  ;    "  Certnm  offir-  18.  Slat  Mentntlia]     *  I  am  detarmined,' 

maie  est  Tiam  me  quam  decrevi  perseqni."  Compare  I.ivj  ixi.  30  :  "  Annibali  aenteo- 

13.  fiuiminiii]    '  Want  of  aleep  will  soon  tia  stetit  pergere,  ire,  atqne  Italiam  petere." 

bring  jna  back  hither  at  night.'    The  read-  We  generallj  find  '  Btat '  absolntcly,  aa  in 

ing  '  sdiget '  ii  notieBd  bj  Donatai ;  and  it  Tirgil,  Aen.  ii.  700 :  "  Blat  casni  renonra 

icqoirea  '  inMiiiinia  '  to  be  in  tha  lingalar  omnea,  omnsmque  rsTerli  Pec  l^tgam  i" 

C  k")0<^  lc 

98  EHtnJCHUS. 

Pa.  Bi  boni,  quid  hoc  morbi  e«tP  adeone  bommea  inmratarier 
Ez  amore  ut  non  cognoeoas  eundem  esae  P    Hoc  nemo  fuit    20 
Mimis  ineptua  magis  seTerna  quisquam,  nec  magia  contLnens. 
Sed  quis  hic  est  qul  huo  pergit  ?  at  at  I  hic  quidem  est  para- 

eituB  Qnatho 
Militis :  ducit  secum  una  TirgiDem  dono  hmc.     Papae  I 
Facie  honeeta :  mirum  ni  ego  me  turpitcr  hodie  hic  dabo 
Cum   meo   decrepito    hoc   eunucho.      Haec    euperat    ipeam 

Thaidem.  as 



Gn.  Di  immortales  I  homini  homo  quid  praeetat,  etalto  intel- 

Quid  interest  I  hoc  adeo  ex  hac  re  venit  in  mentem  mihi. 
Conyeni  hodie  adveniens  quendam  mei  h)ci  hinc  atque  ordinis, 
Hominem  haud  impurum,  itidem  patria  qui  abligurierat  bona. 
Video    sentnm,   squalidmn,    aegrum,    pannis    annisque    ob- 

situm.  5 

"  Quid  istuc,"  inquam,  "  omati  est  ?**    "  Quoniam  miser  qnod 

habui  perdidi.     Hem, 

mnd  T.  7U :  "  Et  qiue  naSc  samo  MititeD.  and  It  ia  better  to  t«ke  the  wonl«  in  a  mcn 

tia  coDstet."    Cioero,  Ad  Atticuiii  iii.  14.  genenl  •eme. 

3:   "  Hinc  n  etiquid  a  comiliis  andieTimui  4.  HominnH  Aavdimfntm]  'Nntkbad 

DOi  in  AiiuD  conTerlimua  i   neqae  adhua  mon :  one  who  Uke  mjeelf  had  »QJuidered 

itatMt,  qiia  potisamun."  hii  bmily  propertf.'     '  Impunu    il  often 
ond  io  ■  modified  lenie.    See  Hent.  it. 

AcT  II.  SCBHI II.     Gnstho  apprDttchfli,  1.    16.     'Abligurio'  litenlly  signifiea    '  to 

■nd  ««  be  comes  np  is  congrstnlsting  him-  spend  in  eeling  snd  diinldng.'    We  meet 

self  on  the  ■occeM  whidi  ha  h*s  met  with  liith  the  akme  word  in  Ciceio,  CsldL  iL  6  : 

in  tbe  prosecatioQ  of  bis  srt.     Ue  hu  ele-  "  PBbrimonia  «>i*  profbderant ;  (brtmias  saas 

Tsted  uie  profeuion  of  s  pirasite,  end  avea  ■bligorienmt,"  where  tbcre  ii  another  Mad- 

It  new  principles,  ths  one  guiding  !■«  being  ing, '  obligaTenmt.' 

thator'ommBuBeDtui,'andcannowboast  G.   Vid*c    tnUwH,   igitalidum,   atfrmm, 

of  B  Isige  achool  of  '  Gnstbomsa).'     On  pannit  atiaaqtii  nbiiltm']   '  I  hc  Um  rmgb, 

perceiTing  Parmeno  he  begina  to  crow  orer  ihabbf ,  ill,  covered  witb  rsgs  and  jears.' 

him  on  the  strength  of  the  preaent  wbich  '  Sentoa  '  is  properlj  used  of  a  place  orar- 

he  hu  brought  from  Thn»,  and  piomiiea  grown  with  thonu  or  coiered  with  nibtuab. 

him  sn  eaar  life  of  it  now  aa  fir  aa  Fhae-  Virgil,  Aen.  tL  462 :  "  Per  loca  seuU  sita." 

dTui'a  intercoorae  witb  Tbsis  is  concemed.  In  Vii|;il  again  we  meet  tbe  word    '  ob- 

Fanneno  consoles  himaelf  witb  the  thonght  titu*  '  hi  the  same  aanae  as  in  this  pasaage, 

'  1  apeedjr  roTeoge.  Aen,  Tili.  307  = 

X  obaitns  aoTo ;" 

lectic ;  34—  60,  iambic  tetrsmeter  catalectic. 

3.  Mei  loci  alqiu  prifiiiw]     '  Ot  Jaj  Own     ■D^  '*^  Plantna,  Menaedima  t.  S.  4  we  baTe 

conditian  and  lank.'  Eagrephiua  aaja  "  Jtfn  " Consttus  sum 

Jonpanjieremdicitiorifjiaitparasitum."  Bot         Senectate,  ona*tun  geio  «OipBa,  Tifea 
he  ia  giTen  lo  rather  fandfiil  lefinemeota  g        Beliqnere." 


ACTUS  n.    SCENA  11.  ,  99 

Qao  redactoB  Hum  T  omnes  noti  me  atqoe  amioi  desenmt." 
Hic  ego  illuni  ooQtompsi  prae  me,     "Quid  homo,"  inquam, 

"  ignaviseime  ? 
Itan  parasti  te,  ut  spes  niilla  reliqua  in  t«  sit  tibi  ? 
Simul  otmsilium  cnm  re  amiflti  F  viden  me  ex  eodem  ortnm 

toco,  10 

Qui  color,  nitor,  vestitus,  quae  babitudo  est  corporis  f 
OiDiua  habeo,  neque  quioquam  liabeo.     TJihil  oum  est  tiibil 

de£t  tamen." 
"  At  ego  infeUx  neque  ridiculua  esse  neque  plagaa  pati 
Possum."     "  Quid  ?  tu  his  rebus  credis  fieri  ?  tota  erras  Tia. 
Olim  isti  fuit  generi  quondam  qoaeatus  apod  aaeolnm  priu8,  i6 
Hoc  noTum  est  ancupium :  ego  adeo  hano  primus  inTeni  Tiam. 
Est  genufl  bominum,  qui  ease  primos  se  omnium  rerum  Tolunt, 
Sec  gunt :  hoa  conseotor.    Hisoe  ego  non  paro  me  ut  rideant ; 

rs  well  tnuwUtad  bj  ColmMi  s 

"Hel— iMkomne-ooTDe&Dmthenme  '^'*" 

How  (leekl   bo«  Deatl   how  dadl  Id  6ariv  ti. 

I-wen^^thonghBothtag:  nooght  THey  weirt  by  the  .»»..  oT 'ridi«Ui'  «jd 

T^BOuht  I  BW  mnt."  jHicang  np  with  h»rd  treatDieat  they  went 

^^  bIso  b;  tbe  nune  of  apertane.     Theie  ii  ■ 

For  the '  nitor '  eompare  Hcmce,  Epist,  i.  cafiitel  k^k  in  the  C^tiii  iii.  1.  B — 18, 

*■  t>> .'  wb«e  Erguiliis  depioree  the  &ct  ttiet  pen- 
"Me  pingoBm    et  nitidom   bene    corate 
(W  lidoe  volee  Epicmi  de  gnge  por- 

A.a,f,.M.i.orph«d™,  SI.7.J-  I»  j^™^  i" 'Wi»i"  i-T» *  ■• 

!,>.t,m,cht„tla,oml,  HO^^ar  ja,  Ijm^.  Imi  mUm 

"Ctoipaputo  macie  cfinfeetas  lupQi  Tiros, 

'"^ —•  -  -•- '-'--■ ' — ■- Ple^piiidm,  qnibiiB  niat  »erb«  mne  peDB 

et  peconi»." 

ABt^^wdbofecirtitMtnmoo™™!'''  Qn^  «howe  him  tJi.t  IhU  beri>Monj  phe» 

(rf  tbe  proIoiiaD  is  obs^ete,  and  proocedi 

11.  Iffftu  riJiailia  etM  nrqiu  plagai  to  explkin  rhe  BioTe  polile  erta  by  which  he 

^  PoBiMi}   '  I  eannot  Diake  >  tangbing.  makea  a  liTeUhood,  oot  bf  making  luDuelf 

■'ock  of  mjaelf,  nor  pnt  np  witb  blows.'  a  langfaing-ilock  to  othen,  bnt  b;  humonr. 

Oiiilha'g   ftiend   take*    the  idd   fiuliinnart  jug  theiT  «1/  loTe,  and  (tndying  in  genenl 

*>"  of  Ihe  panBte's  profesaion,  aa  it  ia  the  locratiTe  art  oF  pidite  acqaieeoeoce. 

^cvribed  in  Ftantna.     See  CaptiTi  L  1.  20:  18.  Ilitce  tgo  tKUt  para  tm  ui  rvban/] 

>i  n.  V-         - ,        <.      1       <  _,              II.  '  1  do  not  laT  mTself  ont  lo  be  lanEhed  at 

li^                           '"        ■■  b,  Jm  i  bit  I  .n  U»  ta.  t.  U,^  .t 

i*Slit,.,iwq"'iJ"i«»p.i,  S;f-nil?".~^r.l.lri,?j 

^^  ThefiillowingliaaaareasWBllkiMMniaaaar 

We   maf  compaie   a  lioe  of  Aziomcna,  poitioQ  td  aoj  daMical  anlboi.    Thaf  an 

H  2 


\  EumrcHUS. 

8ed  hia  ultro  arrideo,  et  eorum  ingenia  adiniror  simol. 
Qnicquid    dicuut    laudo :     id    rursum  si  negant,    lando   iil. 

quoque.  30 

Negat  qnia  ?  nego :  ait  ?   aio.  Poatremo  impernTi  egomet  miM 
Onmis  asaentari.     Ib  quaeetuB  Dunc  est  multo  ubeirimus." 
Pa.  Scitum  hercle  hominem  [  hic  homineB  prorsum  ex  etultis 

insanoB  facit. 
6n.  Dum  haeo  loquimur  interea  loci  ad  macellmn  nln  adre* 

Concnmmt  laeti  mihi  ohTiam  cupediarii  omnes,  35 

Cetarii,  lanii,  eoqui,  fartoree,  piscatores ; 
.  QuibuB  et  re  salTa  et  perdita  profiieram,  et  proemn  sac^. 
Salutant ;  ad  coenam  Tocant ;  adv^tum  gratulantur. 
Ille  ubi  miser  famelicufl  videt  me  esse  in  tanto  honore, 
Et  tam  facile  victum  quaerere,  ibi  homo  coepit  me  obaecrare  30 
Ut  sibi  liceret  discere  id  de  me :  Bectari  jussi ; 
Si  potis  eet,  tanquam  philosophorum  habent  disciplina  ex.  ipsls 

h*d  beea  a  good  ftiend  to  (bem  bcAve  he 

knt  hii  fortDne  an  hie  owd  tcconot,  ud 

gwDiu.  40:  kfterwudi on that of hi> friends.  "Qnibos," 

"  Mentim .'  credo.  Recftu  maU  cwminB  ?    ''*  "■J*-  "  **  "  '^^  •*  P*^"  l»ofi«™>>. 

iMdo  et  pnmim  •«pe. 

C«,t«?  cwto.  Bibi.,  Pontiliuie  ?  bi-    ,  ^;  %'  po(w  «'-GW»<>..iri  «^"-1 

^•r  '  Thntif  pouible  pu*site(  nuj  go  bj  the 

„    ,   '         ,  ,        i,      I      .      muDO  of  QnBthoniuu,  jiiM  u  the  •choian  of 

ni«*j  LindBabrog  qaotes  irom  Menuder  „.,,—  ' 
Bome  Hne«  whioh  TerBnoe  mBy  jerj  Lkelj  "^™- 
h»Te  h»d  in  riew ; 

u/3(DCBnXiararoTc  woviipoIc9u„„.,  ,,_....,           , 

raiTTf  F  i  <i»a(  iptrra  rdvw,  tiv  Comnnctnm  oit  id  quod  nnnqiBin  *U>e 

upoc  parmcah 

itfiHte^rivrM.i^aTrOmwijflucrpiToe.  Duodio^  potia  wA   ujoi^  wvpe    gn- 

36.  eupediarii]  '  Confectionen.'  The  wotd  ^ ' 

il  oonneeted  with  ■  capedis,'  '  iweetnie^'  and  CatnlluB  Ixrri.  34 : 

whidi  occni,  in  PUuhu,  Stichne  t.  4.  «3  :  ,.  ^^  j^  m^  ,^^  „^  ^  ^  jjBp^ 

" Nil  moror  cnpedtB.      A  mwi  wbo  u  lond  jji^, 

oNracb  duntie.  i.  ™Ued  '  cuppe.,'  PlaMtni.  j^       qnod  non  poU.  ort,  ene  pndia 

TnnumiQua  u.  1.  17;  »nd  »a»rdingly  Bome  Tolit,"              r            ••            r 
wiU  write  '  euppedi» '  and  cnppediarii.'  The 

'  coqui '  nsed  to  collect  in  the  fbnun  to  be  Compire  Adelphi  iv.  I.  S :  "  Ila  fiat,  rt 

hired  bj  thoae  who  were  proriding  feast».  litnc  d  qaid  potie  est  rectnu."    The  fbrm 

See  ths  Kenes  in  which  the  cooks  are  oon-  '  pote '  is  more  comman  as  a  neuter.     See 

cemed  ia  Fbntn!!,  AulnlsriB  ii.  4.  I,  &c  note  on  Adelphi  ii.  3.  tl.    Por  'disdriliDs' 

Tbe  '  brtorei '  were  ths  poulterers.    It  ns  the  ordinsrj  teita  have '  ditdpuli,'  The  li- 

the  psitinilsr  businesi  of  tbe  profeasinnBl  ber  Bembiana  his  '  disdpliaun.'    Donatua 

puutei,  sach  as  Gnstho,  to  catcs'  for  thdr  certainlj    read    >  disdplina.'     He  remul:! 

rich  fiiends.     SeePluitai,  Cspt.  iii.  I.  14:  that  tbe  two  clsusea  of  the  sentenee  do  not 

"  Ipsi  obsoouit,  qoas  parssilorum  uto  enit  enctlj  correspond  uoless  we  take  '  disd. 

prorinciai"  and  thaj  wve  in  oniBeqnBioa  pl^'  tor  'diaaJpDlig'    "idd  fbite   disd- 

ACTFS  H.    SCENA  II.  101 

Vooabnla,  paraaita  item  at  Gnatlionici  Tooentur. 

J*a.  Yiden  otium  et  cibus  quid  faciat  alieauB  ?     &n.  Bed  ego 

Ad  Thaidem  tano  deducere,  et  rogitare  ad  coenam  ut  Teniat  f 
Sed  ParmeQODem  ante  ostium  Thaidis  triBtem  video,  36 

RiTalis  BemmL     Salva  tea  est :  nimirum  hominee  Mgent. 
Kebulonem  hunc  certum  est  ludere.     Pa.  Hice  hoc  munere 

Snam  Thaidem  esse.     Gn.  Pluiima  salute  Parmenonem 
Smnmum  Buom  impertit  Qnatho.     Q,nid  agitur  ?    Pa.  Btatur. 

Chi.  Video.  40 

Nianqmdnam  qnod  nolis  videeP     Pa.  Te.     Qn.  Credo;    at 

nnmqnid  sHnd  ? 
Pa.  Qoidmn  ?      Gn.   Qoia  tristis  ee.     Pa.  Nihil  equidem. 

6n.  Xe  sifl  :  sed  quid  videtur 

pthuBi  pro  dwdiMilu  piMavit"    Tba  har-    \t  more  comnioii.    Compan  Flanbii,  Epi- 
dcr  raidiiig*discipliiu'  ii  the  more  likBl;    £ciu  i.  2.  83: 

H««.t]inriV.„f  t-„™™J-i«.     -n,.     "  AdTBmontem  peregre  hornm  Str.tippo. 

.  .iipporiti^  OM  ■  T;>c.buta''  ^"P***  """*  *^  Epidico.." 

wm  thawabiaet  of  tbe  verb.     'I^Kiplin.,'  In  Pwadoliii  i.  6.   40  we  flnd  'impotio' 

M  k  DOiui  crf  imnbcr,  .qninleDt  to  '  diici-  lued  .bMlateij  in  the  auiu  wnBs  i 

ttrttBaoa.     The  HMtie  of  tlie  Lae  u  per- 

fectl^  good,  if  we  oiil;  Teiiiemb«T  to  pro-  It  i.  imnutcnal  «hether  «e  my  '  I  prewnt 

noanoe  'hi^wiit'  u  ■  monoiTll.ble,  likethe  joa  «tth  mj  beit  wiihea,'  or  '  I  preMDtinf 

fratidi  '  uoDt.'     On  Ihii  nibJMt  ue  the  bert  wlihei  to  joo.' 

latminctkiii.  Siaimtm  man]   'Hii  beM  fiieod.'  llie 

36.  Sed  Parviriuiium]  ta  printiog  theae  word   'uniciu'  i.  M>metime.  omiUed,  m 

two  KiMc  I  luTe  fcUowad  Z«me.     Wdse  here,  and  Id  Adelplu  iiL  2.  64  1  "  Nwm  1. 

in  tlie  Twchniti  editjon  makei  one  line ;  Dostro   Simnla   fiiit  lammos  et  no>  colnit 

"  Sed  FUiDenonem  ante  oitiam  video  riTidii  muime."  FliormiD  i.  1.  1 :  "  Amlcos  BOm- 

Mrrani,"  njectliig  the  remiiindeT  u  snppo-  moi  meiu  et  popolMi.  Oet.."   GnMho  pRi- 

Btiliaiu.     The  line«  sre  cenainlj  defectiTe.  ceeda  to  wk   'Wbnt  arfl  joa  aboatr    to 

37'    NimirBm  \aaunet /rigml']     "Theu  which  Fwmeno  uinreni,  'Stuiding.'     The 

UlinrihwTeciirtwnlT  metwi^a  coldrecep-  nme  joke  occon  ID  FUatoa,  PKodolai  i. 

tioo.'      We  maj  compwe  Pwmeno'.  joke  0.  42  ■. 

.bo*eiai.3.6,uidUonoe,8M.iL1.60:  „3,.  SdTe.    Qoid.gitarf  ft.StttMhic 

■• O  pocr,  at  na  ul  liniic  modum. 

Yitali.  metno,  et  ro.jomm  ne  qnii  unieat  Si.  Statum  vide  hominia,  Cdlipho,  qnMi 

Frifcn  te  briBt."  bMilicnm." 

39.  Flnima  talnte  ParmnoiMm  Sitm-  42.  Std  fuid  mdet*r  Bac  tlU  manei- 

mum  nnm  iaaertit    GnaiAo']      '  Onatbo  piian  /1      '  But  whiit  do  ;oa  think  ot  tUi 

wiibe.  hie  best  mend  Firmeno  tbe  ntmoit  el.Te  ?      The  originiil  meuilng  of  the  word 

bMltb.'     "Elie  most  natnrml  ronstmctioa  of  '  muicipiiim'wM'rightofpouewion,"prD- 

'  impBrtia '  ii  with  the  dktiTe  of  tbe  perKm  petty,'  M  oppoMd  to  the  '  powatrio  '  of  a 

ind  tbe  ucuntiTeofthething,  u  ia  Cicero,  teiunt,  or  '  nnu.'    The  two  word.  are  tho. 

■■■ -"■       '  Hted  In  LncretJiu  iil.  971     """ 

ipio  nnlli  dUnr,  oamibD.  ai 


Koe  tibi  manoipium  f     Pa.  'Naa.  malum  hercle.     On.  Uro 

hominem.     Pa.  TJt  falsus  aniini  est  I 
Cfn.  Quam  hoc  mimaa  gratum  Tliaidi  arbitrare  eweP     Pa. 

HoG  nuuc  dicis, 
Ejectos  hiiio  nos  :  omiumn  rerum,  Iifiiis,  TicisBitudo  est.         45 
On.  Sez  ego  t«  totos  Parmmo  hoa  meiues  quietum  reddam, 
Ke  sursum  deorsum  oursitee,  neve  usque  ad  lucem  vigiles. 
Ecquid  beo  te  ?    Pa.  Men  ?  papae  I     Gn.  8io  soleo  amicos. 

Pa.  Laudo. 
On.  Detineo  te  fortasse :  tu  profectus  alio  fheras. 
Pa.  Nusquam.     On,  Tum  tu  igitur  paululum  da  mihi  operae : 

fao  ut  admittar  SO 

Ad  illam.     Pa.  Age  modo ;  nunc  tibi  patent  foree  Iiae,  quia 

istam  ducts. 

maadpi '  wu  ■  Unn  deiigtiatini;  thingi 
csptbla  af  Qairituian  owaenhip,  whidk 
aiiild  be  tnm&rTed  onlj  bj  '  mandpstio,' 
or  the  formal  i^  'ptr  att  tl  librant.' 
Uence  tlie  Mme  word  '  mandpiam '  w» 
li*ed  to  dealgnUe  propertj  Bcqaired  b;  thii 
mode  of  trwufi^,  aud  wu  of\en  applied,  aa 
in  the  present  inatuiae,  to  '  ilaTeai' u  belong- 
ing  to  Uie  du*  of '  Ras  mandpL'  See  the 
artlde  '  BfMldpiiiin '  in  tha  Dictionarr  (rf 
Antiqnilies.  Compare  Horace,  Sat.  li.  7-  3 : 

" Darasna  ?     Ita,  Dami,  amicnm 

Handpinm  dnmloo  et  frngi  qnod  lit  aatii, 

The  word  1«  n«ed  b;  Terence  odIt  here  aod 
in  il.  3.  73. 

43.  IH  faltvt  ma  jmi  «f  /  ]  '  How  he  la 
miitaken  in  what  he  thiak*  I'  In  Plautni 
■nd  Terence  '  fBlnis '  !■  generKllj  nsed  lo 
Its  Itrict  partidpial  senM.  Compare  Andria 
JT.  I.  23,  note.  We  find  the  genitive  in  a 
passage  of  EUlini  Italicni,  ipaaking  of  Han- 

" po»t  Itala  bella 

AMjrio  Ibmnloa  regi,  Mroaqne  cnpid 
AmoniBe  motni,  dnbio  petat  aeqnoia  Tdo," 

Pnniea  xiit  88fr-S87. 
Compare  Lncretlni  *.  VJ  : 
"  Nec  me  Bnimi  &Uit  qiuun  rei  nora  miia- 

Aocidat  eiitium  coeli  terraequB  fotnrain." 
It  ia   ao    iTnitBtian    of  the   Greek    idiom. 
Compare  Sophodee,  Trachiniae  713  : 
Hirif  yif,  auTov,  ti  n  fi^  il>iviiei)iroi,ai 
jvwfiqc.  h"  iiartiiioc  iiawofBifi. 
And  Thncrdldea,  ca!  yif  rai  ajiia  ipaiviro 
ai/Toit    J^iuff/iivoic   fir    rqf  'AOirvaiiav 
imaiUHt  i-wi  TtvoiTOf,  iaii  Bartpoi-  ^i- 

ifdvi),  IT.  148.  '  Palsnt  animo '  woidd  rs- 
ther  mean  '  deceiTed  in  his  jadgment,'  aa 
the  Greek  jfitvvB^vai  jrii^f. 

ij.  Nt  nimin  ifeorstiffi  eiirtiltt\  '  Tbat 
yoo  mar  not  luTe  to  keep  ninning  to  •ad 
bo.'  Manj  commentaton,  with  tbeir  luoa] 
loTe  fbr  the  litetiJ,  explain  thi>  expression 
bj  the  remark  that  Athens  was  terj  hillf, 
aml  thef  ■ctSa  ta  Adalphi  iv.  3.  SB.  Otber- 
wiie  it  woDld  hardlj  b«  neceaaarj  to  remark 
that  the  phrue,  like  tbe  Greek  dtw  tar-, 
a  nsed  ralher  in  a  menta]  Ihan  inaphjsical 
waae,  as  we  talk  of  going  np  and  down  the 
■treet,  withoat  anj  reference  to  the  lard  of 
the  ground.  8o  the  eognate  phraae  '  seaqoe 
deqoe '  ia  applied  to  Tadllation  vr  indifler- 
«Dice  of  miiid.  See  Plantus,  Ampbitnio  iiL 
8.  A :  "  Atqne  id  me  susque  deqne  ease 
babitnnun  pntat." 

51 — 53.]  Theee  linea  sra  ipoken  bj 
Parmsuo  u  Qiiatbo  enttn  Thaia'  hou*» 
•ilh  his  laantlag  oflisc  to  arrj  a  neaMgo 
fbr  bim.  We  maj  cDncdTe  »01110  pMise* 
and  a  liltle  dambahow  of  wrath  and  aalie)- 
patad  trinmph  before  Gnatho  retams,  oa  he 
wonld  raj  ihortlj.  In  t.  S3  Beallej  reads 
'  forem,'  bnt  nnnecessarilj.  '  Forea '  is  to  be 
pronoiuiced  as  a  monoejllable  heie  and  ia 
other  puBigea.  Por  the  oiie  of  '  inihi ' 
compve  Pbormio  t.  9.  i!l :  "  Qui  mihi  atn 
aduioreaTentnmattnmfiuntwDes."  Like 
the  Greek  fioi,  it  is  often  redundant.  Here 
it  expresses  Giiatho's  briamph  orer  Par- 
meno.  Wben  Gnatho  letimu,  be  finds 
Panoeno  where  he  left  him.  '  Are  jos 
slOI  on  gnard,'  beujg;  >  that  no  go-between 
fiiHn  tlie  loklier  maj  pais  lo  her?'  The 
word  '  iat«maDlini,'  it  need  not  be  nid,  ii 
a«  oommon  as  the  tiung.  It  ocoan  again 
in  Ucant,  ii.  3.  58. 


ACTU9  11.    SCENA  III.  103 

On.  Tfamqaeni  eTocari  Iiiiu)  vis  foras  P    Pa.  Sine  bidaum  hoc 

praetereat : 
Qtu  TniTii  nimc  ono  digitulo  foree  aperia  forhmatuB  • 
Nae  tu  istaa  &xo  oalcibus  saepe  inmiltabis  fruHtra. 
Ght.  £tiam  nunc  ^if-  stas  Parmeno  f  eho  numnam  hic  relictus 

coBtos,  S5 

Ne  quis  forte  Lntemnntius  clnm  a  milite  ad  istam  curBet  ? 
Pa.  Facete  dictum :  mira  tcto  militi  quae  placeont. 
6ed  rideo  herilem  fiUom  minorem  hnc  adTenire. 
HiroT  quid  ex  Piiaeeo  aUerit ;  nam  ibi  cnuto*  publioe  eet  nunc. 
N^on  temere  eet ;   et  properans  Tenit :   neecio  quid  circum- 

q>eotat.  00 



Ch.  Occldi 

Neque  Tirgo  est  nsquam ;  neque  ego,  qoi  illam  e  conspectu 

Ubi  quaeram  P     TTbi  inveetigem  f     Quein  perconter  P     Quam 

in«iafji.Tn  riam  P 

Incertus  sum  :  una  haec  spee  eet ;  ubi  ubi  est,  diu  celari  non 

Bt.  MSror  ^idd  tx  PlrofM  aturii  i  nam  '  Chaem  (hoolcl  fblkiir  her  into  Thaia'  houM 

tU  enrlor  patlie*  eil  muic]   Ladunanii  (od  b;  adopting  the  disg;ul9e  of  tlie  eanach  who 

L^icretiiu  iii.   374)   readi   '  Hirar  ijiii  ex  ii  about  to  be  sent  there  u  a  preaent  (rom 

Biaeeo  alnerit,'  without  giting  anj  Teaaan.  hli  brothar  Pbaedria.     Cbaerea  auatchea  at 

It  ia  >  matter  of  indiffBrenae  whoUier  Far-  the  idea,  and  Parmeno  i>  uJtimatelj'  obUged 

meDO  «onden  '  how  '  he  came  ■or  '  wh;.'  to  ctmaent  to  hii  wiahea,  on  condidon  tbat 

PliiiBiia  wai  one  of  tba  irifHiriiXM,  and  wai  he  shatl  be  qnit  of  all  blame. 

qaaitaad  with  othen  at  tbe  Plraeene.  (See  Metrei  n.  1  and  14  are  clanaolae;  2 — 

■ote  on  Andria  L  1.34.)   On  the  nae  of  the  J3.   16—87.  20,30.  70— 96,  iambic  tetni- 

Bame  '  Fbaeena '  Bea  uate  on  iiL  4.  1.  meten ;  88.  31— SO.  lambic  trimetere ;  60— 
74,  Incbaic  tetrameter  aCalectle. 

Aci  II.  BoBifa  III.  CluwnB  now  oome*  3.    Quam  iniitten  viam\     Bentlejr  slten 

npDB  the  itage,  and  'a  deetiiied  to  plar  the  thia  to  '  qoa — lia.'    The  Bembine  mann- 

mget  iinpratant  put  in  the  aetion  of  llie  script  has  the  accuntiYe  in  Phormio  L  4. 

plaf.     He  nuhee  in  lu  a  ttata  lA  frenif ,  10,  which  \k  geueraltjr  quated  aa  an  iuatance 

atteiing  disjrnnted  raTingi  apon  the  besutj  of  tha  nse  of  the  ablative.     But  aee  nate- 

of  eonie  one  whom  he  hai  jnat  leen,  ^totaUy  Tlie  hct  of  anch  a  reading  as  '  via'  Is  pto- 

unlike  aU  Dther  women,  in  the  rery  flower  babl;  accounted  for  bj  tbe  naoal  abbTeria- 

of  ber  Bge,  btooming  niteen.    When  Par-  tion  >  Til '  for  '  viam  ;'  aod  the  eonelTnction 

meno  baa  at  laat  Inought .  him  a  little  to  '  insiatere  via '  is  scarcelf  intelligible.      Tha 

himaelf,   he  eiptaiua  tbtit  be  law  thia  fidr  accuutiTe  ia  common.     C<mpere  PlaDto*, 

creatnre  in  the  Btreet,  and  was    follawing  Ciatetlaria  iv.  2. 11:  "  FadCe  indidnm  nbnni 

ber,  when  an  inoinveDient  old  fHend  of  hia  luu:ani]IacttarinatiteriC,"siidVirgil,  Geoi^. 

fatber^a  innBted  npon  taking  him   br  the  v.  164 :  "  Jam  vitnlos  hortare  viamqne  lo- 

bnttoa,  and  thn*  pnt  him  off  her  track.  tdate  domandi."    9o  we  have  Che  oommoD 

hnneoa,  howerer,  ie  able  to  infoTm  him  of  phraae,  "  rationem  inaiatere." 
hcr  wtMRCabont^  aoA  angfMti  in  jofce  tliat 


104  EirNTrCHlTS. 

0  faciem  pulchraiu  I  deleo  dmnee  delimo  ex  animo  mnlieres.  s 
Taedet  quotidianarum   harnm  formarum.     Pa.   Ecce   aatem 

Neecio  quid  de  amore  loqaitur.     Ch.  0  iiifortunatum  Benem  t 
Pa,  Kic  vero  cat  qui  si  occeperit  ludum  jocumque  dices 
Tlliim  alterum  fiuBee  praeut  quae  dabit  Iiujua  rabies. 
Ch.  TJt  illuin  Di  Deaeque  senium  perdant  qui  me  hodie  remo- 

ratua  eet,  10 

Meque  adeo  qui  restiterim ;  tum  aut«m  qui  illum  flocxnfecerim. 
S«d  eccum  Fannenonem :    salTe.      Pa.    Quid  ta  ee  tnstiB  ? 

qnidTS  es  alacris  ? 
TTnde  ia  P     Ch.  Egone  f  neecio  lierde,  neqoe  unde  eam,  neqne 

quorsnm  eam : 

6—9-  Bece  avtem  afltnmt!']  '  Here  Ton  are  io  >U  copiec  tbst  I  hne  Men  glrat  ta 
luTe  the  otber  bnither  too,  talkJDg  tll  iorta  PumeDO.  So  Donataa  took  tbem.  uid  es- 
of  DODsense  aboat  love.  If  thii  oce  ODce  plmini  thac  thej  ue  inleDded  w  t,  delicate 
bqiioi,  yon  wili  taj  that  tha  oCher  wu  hint  of  tlie  deDOuameat  of  ths  plt.j,  wiien 
men  child'B  plBf  lo  him.'  In  uraDging  L«b«  is  brooriit  to  Thun'  houie  to  Me 
tbeee  linei  I  biTe  followed  in  tbe  mun  after  hii  ton  CbBOw;  uid  tccordinglj 
Zenne  rether  thui  BentLey,  who  luudiTided  Zenae  uid  otberB  rewl '  dicet'  in  *.  8,  n- 
them  tbuB :  fiuTing  it  to  *  soDei.'     It  u  rtnnge  thkt  no 

one  hu  remarkad  the  very  obvioui  necta- 
utj  for  ■—igning  tbe  wotdi  ia  quettion  to 
CbmereL     Ailer  rmiing  Bbont  hu  Jcmt,  be 

IWtajn. I.W..  qiiM  J.bil."  ^^'J"^,^ °'J '*S?  '^"  '^ 

itopped  bira  ;  ud  then  »aa  Firmeno  hu 

The  objectiona  to  tbii   unngemant    ire  finuhed  hii  TeDutrk,  he  goee  on  to  diUo  a 

two !    (I )   It  ia  not  likely  tb»t   Toenoe  Uttle  more  npon  Ub  giiennce.     PBnMoo 

would  iDtn>duce  the  cUtunla  in  this  man-  ujd  he  must  ba  suppoied  to  be  talkinf  «t 

ner.    On  this  poiot  mo  the  Introdnction.  oBce,  ftir  he  doM  not  pereeiTa  the  al**a  «t 

(2)  The  introdnctioD  or  the  iunbic  Irimettr  fi„t, 

ii  huih.     ThB  only  chui«e  thmt  I   hare  W.  Uf  iUum  Di  DratgiKtainm  pertlmU} 

made  u  in  tbe  ■rruigemeut  of  the  worda.  lUf  ■  nud  to  bs  pat  for  ■  utiDun  '  bera 

For  •  iuine  iUam  Jtemm,'   I   have  read  ^  jn  He«it.  ir.  6.  6.    Forodlini  doee  Dot 

'  illam  ■Itemm  (nisw,'  tnd  Ibr  '  prunt  hu-  qoote  euy  Instance  but  the  prsMDt  panaga. 

jne  rabie»  cjuae  dmbit,'  '  praeat  <juae  dabit  We  more  often  meet  wilh  '  et'  in  aucb  torm* 

hujm  rmbiea.      Thu  order  u  necesury  fbr  of  inipre(»tioa.   (Note  on  Andria  i>.  1.  *2.) 

the  raelTB,  wbieh  is  now  iambic  tetnuneter  por  the  pbrsu  '  illum  eeniuoi  qui,'  see  note 

cataloctic  in  botb  Uuea,  aad  is  in  accord-  on  Andri»  iiL  ft.  1.     Tbe  word  •■eninm'  ia 

anCBwith  theusuelconitrnotioDof' praeuf  nsed  in  «  paasage  of  SUios  Italicns,  wbere  it 

and  'praequam,'  which  are  placed  in  im-  jj  aacertain  whether  it  is  fbr  '  senem,'  or  is 

mediate  coanection  with  the  word  denotiag     t^  t^  taken  litenllr  i 

that  with  whicb   the  comnunnn  is  made.      ,._.—.. 

Compare  PUutns,  Menucb.  iL  9.  39,  30 :  ^^  ^  '^  spenuce.  mqrt»  age- 

.!_      .  (  ■  .J~i       i^"»  nonc  caaani  q^  puer.  polcberque  haliitnm,  sed  corde 

Praeut  (m  tndnum  noc  hic  cnmns)  tam  ar.  sand 

Aequabat  seaiam,  atqae  astn  ic 

FoiMa  ctedo,  praent  qno  pacto  ego  diTcr. 
•na  distnhor." 
Id  *.  7,  the  words  "O  infortnnatnm  sanem  I"    stitarim,'  see  note  on  Andria  i.  6.  36> 

ACTUS  II.    SCENA  III.  105 

Ita  proiBnm  oblitos  som  meL 

Pa.  Qui  quaeeo  P     Ch.  Amo.     Pa,  Hem !     Ck.  Nunc  Par- 

meno  te  oeteiicles  qm  vir  sies.  16 

Scia  te  milu  saepe  pollicitum  ease ;  "  Chaerea  aliquid  inTeni 
Uodo  quod  amee :  in  ea  re  utilitatem  ego  &ciam  ut  cognoacas 

meam ;" 
Com  in  ceUolam  ad  te  patiis  penum  omnem  congerebam  dan- 

Pa.  Age,  ine^te.     Ck,  Hoc  lierole  &ctam  cet:  &o  sis  nnno 

promiaaa  appareant ; 
Sive  adeo  digna  res  est  ubi  ta  nervoe  inteudas  tuoa.  90 

Haud  siniilifi  Tirgo  eat  virginum  nofltiarum  quas  matres  etudent 
Demiasis  humeriB  esee,  Tiucto  pectore,  ut  gracilae  eient. 
Si  qoa  est  Iiabitior  paulo,  pugilem  esse  ainnt,  deducunt  cibum. 
Tametn  bona  est  natura,  reddunt  curatura  junceas : 
Itaque  ergo  amantur.     Pa.    Quid  tua  istaeo  P      Ch,    Nova 

figura  oris.     Pa.  Papae !  35 

Ch.  Color  Terus,  corpua  solidum  et  suoci  plenum.     Pa.  Anni  P 

Ch.  Annip  sedecim. 
Pa.  Flofl  ipse.     Ch.  Hanc  tu  Tnibi  vel  ti  toI  clam  vel  precario 

'  If  indMd  it  Tbe  reailiDg  '  gndlae '  ia  aUoired  bj  moit 

■lert  all  joat  editon  to  be  eoirect.     Donata*  liaa  '  gn>- 

. ^ ,_  _omnimibiton  dl«,'  M  tbe  teit  now  rtuida;  bat  Engm- 

(™<*»Ilr  ti«ii«i«to '  HTB,' '  «inee.'   Compare  phio»  Qoticee  the  raiding  '  gr»dl»e.'    Vele- 

Andri»  L  2.   19  :   "  Debinc  poatolo,  riTe  rins  Probiu,  quoted  bj  Bentlej,  expree*^ 

■cqnnm  e*t  te  oro,  Dsie,  nt  redeat  jun  in  renurlu  that  Terence  «u  tlw  fint  to  intro- 

"*^."    Bnt  tbere  it  ratliar  meua,  ■■  Por-  duce  the  fonn  '  padla,'  and  Donatoa  wonld 

^^^  lafB,  '  or  if,'  aod  the  meaiiing '  aince'  baidlf  haTB  noUaed  tha  amplar  fartn  in  hli 

■  rttW  imjrfied  tlian  inn  r— ij      The  pa>-  eommeDtaij. 

"P  ia  ironiaL     Parmeno  liad  preTioiulr  33.  Si  fua  fl  haiilior  paula,  piifiltm 

"A^inepte."  80  Cbacrea  Mri, '  Fnl-  ette  idiiiit,  dtduciml  eibtim']  'iragirliiin 

priie-Gghter,  and  put  har  01 

A  dmilar  ni|iiiMiiiii  Htiiilior'}  Compire ii.  S.  1 1 :  "  Qoae  ha- 

"'"Bt  am  thaa  once  in  Cieero'*  oration  bitndo  eat  corporii  ?  "     Por  '  dedocant  d- 

*t>>DM  Terree,  ■■  in  the  following  paaaage:  bom  '  lee  Qcero,  TtucDlan  Diapnt.  li.  IJ: 

"Hnc  me  profiteor  nucepiaee,  inagnDra  lot-  "  Sabdncdbam  tmnm  diem  atUetui :  JoTnm 

tjMaaiiDtat  mihipericnkinim.Tenimlamen  Olrmpiom,  eum  ipaum  cni  se  siercebit,  im- 

°i(>>U)ia  qno  omnes  nerroa  aetatia  indua-  plonbit;  ferre  non  poise  damabit"    '  By 

'"oqne  meae  oontenderem."   Aet.  i.  12.  thistreatment,' sari  Churea, 'bowercTgood 

^-  Vbitlo  pttlen]  Tbaj  nsed  to  waar  tbeir  coadition  maj  natnrsUr  be,  thej  malca 

^EiilrtaTSta  make  thor  ehapa  mote  graee-  thein  ai  tbin  as  latbes  )  and  >o  thej  get 

™'  .TUi  passage  ia  perh^ia  the  'locw  loTers.'    Tbeplnral '  juDceas'  foUows  rer; 

«■■ricis '  in  LMin  anthon  on  this  snbject.  natuimUT  after  tbe  iadefinite  '  si  qna.'    '  Mjr 

^?^P>ra  OTid,  De  Aite  Amandi  iiL  S74  :  flame  on  the  contrarj,'  he  addi,  '  ia  qnite  • 

^'vMain  dioa  faacia  peetns  eat,"  aad  In  new  itjle  of  Face ;  tnie  oatanl  compleiion, 

""PMiia  iT.  9.  48,  Hcaenlaa  aaja,  plnmpuid  fiill,in  tbe  TCrj  flower  of  lier  sge.' 

„  27.  Pa.  Wo»  ipte.    Ch.  Zfoito  la  miAi  vtt 

U^  st   hirsntom   c^t   mihi   fasda  vi  wl  elam  vtl  prteario']     Tbew  wera  tba 

peGtns,  thiee  '  ritia  possessionis,^  or  illegal  methoda 

Et  nanibns  doiia  apta  puella  fui."  of  aeqniiing  poassssion.    (See  Long'*  1 



Fao  tradas :  mea  mhil  r^ert,  dum  potiar  modo. 

Pa.  Quid  P  virgo  cuja  est  ?     Ch.   If eecio  herolQ.     Po,  Tlnde 

est  P     Ch.  Tantundem.     Pa.  TJbi  Ixabitat  P 
Ch.  Ne  id  quideza.     Pa.  Ubi  vidisti  ?     Ck.  In  via.     Pa.  Qua 

ratione  amisti  P  30 

(^.  Id  equidem  adTeniens  mecum  Btomachabar  modo ; 
Nec  queiiq,uam  eeee  ego  homin^n  arbitror  cui  magis  bonae 
Felicitates  omnes  adversae  Bient. 
Pa.  Quid  hoc  eet  eceleriaP     Ch.  Perii.    Pa.   Quid  factum 

eetr     Ch.  BogasP 
PatriB  oogTiatnm  atque  aeqoalem  Anthidemidom,  35 

on  Citwo,  In  Vamm  IL  9.  36.)  Thii 
Une  pieHnti  gntX  difficultj  tn  inetre  ai  it 
ataudi.  B«ntlo}  hu  turned  the  line  into 
sn  iambic  trimeter  by  Mrildog  ant  the  wonU 
'  FliM  ipse,'  Lindeoiann,  in  hia  iTealiM  '  De 
PnMndia  Pliuiti.'  prefixed  to  hii  editian  of 
the  CaptiTi,  Milee,  tnd  TriBnmmns,  p. 
uiTii,  aiiggeits  '  calim '  toT  '  ciuD,'  •liich 
mBlieatfae  lane  anlamUctetrunela-,  Bnt 
«ith  all  Lindflmmnn't  eicelleace  u  en  anti- 
quariain,  ons  1*  obliged  to  dietmit  hii  judg- 
medt  u  to  formB  of  word».  '  Cslim  '  ia 
mentlDDed  bj  Forcellitu,  bat  he  doea  not 
gi*e  B  ringla  inituice  of  it.  It  ia  certBinljr 
remarlo^  that  neitligr  Donatns  oor  En* 
gnpliiuB  DOtioe  tba  wordi '  Flos  ipee.'  Ttein. 
Iwnlt  interpolateg  'nuac'  befoie  '  mihi.' 
The  line  will  not  aan  certaialy  u  it  ttsnda, 
■nd  we  mnst  be  content  to  leave  it.  If  aaj 
timenduion  ia  alkiwable,  I  un  for  repeat- 
ing  >  tn '  befora  '  clam,'  u  aoitable  lo  tha 
emphuii  of  the  line.  Compare  Horace, 
Cann.  i.  9.  Ifi  : 

snd  Catnllaa  Ii*iiL  21 :  '■  Tu  mea  ta  mo- 
riena  th^ti  oommoila,  fiater."  An  objec- 
tioa  maj  be  made  (hat  the  worda  '  rel  tI  Td 
clam  Td  precario '  are  qaoted  from  a  legal 
fonn,  and  muit  therafore  be  pnnerTed  en- 
tire;  but  we  aee  from  Horace,  Bpiat.  ii.  S). 

" tamqnam 

Ktproprinm  qniequiim,  poncto  qaod  mo- 

biiia  horae 
Nunc  prece,  nanc  prelia,  niine  ri,  diuic 

morte  mprema, 
Permntet  domiaoaetcedatiDaltcia  jurs," 

that  there  were  other  (oma  of  alluuon  to 
the  aaine  phraseologj ;  nor  ia  technlcal  pre- 
ciaion  moch  in  lceeping  witb  the  eidtemcat 
ofChacrea.    Below,  t.  8.  2fi  i  "  Perflce  hoo 

predbna  prelio,"  w*  hkTe  aootlMr  Ince  of 
(he  aame  phiue. 

33.  (M  m»gi*  imm  FUiHUitrt  onnet 
oiiwTvae  neiil]  '  FeUdtaa '  ii  bara  naed  io 
B  nenlnl  atniae,  u  '  inA,'  ae  we  qieak  of 
'  gnod  lock '  and  '  bad  Inil.'  Chaeia»  Bjrs, 
'Good  lack  hu  nern  beea  my  tiend.'  In 
the  8Bme  maDnn  '  toletiulo '  puKa  into  B 
bad  Benae.  Bentlef  pnipoaea  '  amw,'  com- 
pariDg  the  phnue  '  Dii  BTeni,'  in  which  caae 
'  feUdtu '  retaina  its  meaning  of  '  good 
fbrtune.'  Bnt  thne  la  no  oeceaBtj  fbr  tbe 

84.  Pa.  Qiudhot  «f  tttUritt  Ch.  Pe- 
rii]  DoDBtaiwemetohBTegiTai  tb»  wotda 
'  Qnid  boc  e>t  iceleria  1'  to  CbaareB,  and 
Bentlef  orgee  the  tame  view.  Ue  tt-jt, 
"  Nom   Panneno,  qui  totan  hane  tariiiX 

Bodiit,  DOD  debet  repente  ab  illo  more  d«- 
flecten."  It  ia  hard  lo  see  whf  Parateno^a 
qneetion  ia  raan  ont  of  place  here  tlian  aiif 
of  hii  precediag  lemarka.  Ue  ti  niaila  1« 
draw  ont  Cliaan't  ilorj  itep  hij  atep ;  ud 
endi  an  exolamBtion  ia  qnite  natataJ  Bn«r 
the  preeeding  ^wech  of  Chaerea. 

u  Bentle;  n 

I,  qnoling  P 


Bottcha  oa  that  paaaage  (qnoted  bf  Ijnde- 
inann)  properlj  nutica  thot '  ■odni '  ia  not 
limply  >  miBforlnne,'  but  impliea  i  DOtion  of 
'  fault,'  comparing  VirgU,  Aen.  vii.  307  > 
"Qnod  acelnt  aut  Lapithu  bntam,  wit 
CaljdonB  merentem  ?"  Compare  Aeu.  ii. 
239.  Tbe  fut  of  B  perpetaal  run  of  bad 
luck  could  be  BccouDted  tar  on  Greek 
prindpke  onlj  bf  the  tnppoalioii  of  a 
vifMoic  fbr  Bome  prBrioai  Guilt. 


ACTUS  n.    SCENA  III.  107 

NoTistinP    Pa.  Qnidiiif     Ch.  Is  dnm  seqnor  Iiano  fit  mihi 

Pa.  Incoounode  hercle.     Ch.  Imo  enimTero  infelioiter ; 
Xsm  incommoda  alia  sunt  dicenda,  Parmeno. 
lUum  liquet  mihi  d^erare  hia  mensihus 

Sex  septem  proraum  non  Tidisee  proximia,  40 

Niai  nuuo  cum  minime  vellem  minimeque  opus  ^t. 
£ho  nonne  hoo  mooBtri  simile  est  f  qn^  ais  P     Pa.  Mazime. 
Ch,  Continuo  accurrit  od  me  qoiim  longe  quidem, 
IncuTTua,  tremulns,  labiifi  demifisia,  gemens. 
"  Heus  1  heuB  I  tibi  dioo  Chaerea,"  inqmt.     Bestiti.  45 

"8cin  quid  ego  te  TolebamP"     "  Dic."     "GraseBtmihi 
Jndicium."     "Quidtum^"     "  TJt  diUgeuter  nunties 
Patri,  adTocatna  mane  mihi  eese  ut  meminerit," 
Dnm  haec  dicit,  aloit  liora.     Bogo  numquid  Telit  f 
"  Recte,"  inquit.    Abeo.     Onm  huc  respicio  ad  virginem,     60 
Hla  sese  int«rea  oommodum  huc  adTerteret 
In  haoc  nostiam  |dateam.     Pa.  Minun  ni  hanc  dicit  modo 
Huic  quae  data  est  dono.     Ch.  Euc  cum  adTeuio  nuUa  erat. 
Pa.  (k>mitefl  oecuti  Bcilicet  sunt  Tii^inem. 
Ch.  Verum:  parasitus  cum  ancilla.     Pa.  Ipeaest:  ilicet:    55 

37.  Hno  Mtsieero  inftliciltr}  "  Yon  mj  hul    uij    cxnntnuidi  ?     '  Noua,  I    thank 

'  innnTenientlj  :'  >ja,  I  nj,  '  moat  nnfor*  joa,'  he  s*id."     >  Bccte,'  '  beoi),'  uid  '  be- 

timtalj.' "    For  '  bno  '  Me  DOte  OD  Andm  nigae '  <rere  comraon  formB  of  >  negntJTo 

iii-  G.  12.  uiiwer,  tbe  direct  n^ative  betng  eioided. 

S).  lAfufl  miki  dejerart]  '  I  can  tike  mjr  Compate   Heaut.  iii.2.7:  "  Quid  tn  isdc  ? 

■olevn  (mth  witb  >  d«r  conscieiice  thnt  I  S«te  eqiiidam."  Hocrn  iii.  S.  30 :  "  Qidd 

Iwe  Berer  leea  him  at  all  thia  lut  u  or  tu  igitnr  Ucrimia  i  ant  qoid  ea  tun  triMia  ? 

■tnn  moDtlu.'     For  >  liqnet'  aee  note  on  Pa.  Recte   maler,"   'there  ii  nothing  Uie 

^KdriaiT.  S.  14,  'liqnido.'     '  Dejero,'  lilie  mBtter.'     A  more  uoeotnman  nae  crf' tba 

^  Greeli  lidftrBfn,  i*  slwafa  naed  empha-  word  ia  a  wniUr  leDae  oocnn  in  Heaat.  ii. 

tiolly.    ConipaTe  Hecrn  *.  2.  A  :  "  Dejs-  1.  16:  "Tum  qnod  dem  ei  recte  eat :  nam 

M  Baodtiipenancts."     TheEonn '  dejuro'  Dibil   eaBe  mihl   religio    eat   diosre."      Se* 

u  mrae  oomDnon  in  PUntna.    6m  Caaina  nole. 

iii-  &.  X7,  >nd  Bndena  t.  3.  49.  61.  lUa  aete  imttrea  eommodiim  Jhic  aj- 

%  diifracofw  nuae  mihi  an  nl  mtmi-  wr/eraf]  '  Sbe  had  jnst  tnriKil  down  hat* 

■'"0  The  woid  '  adTocatDi '  did  not  ao>  into  onr  atreet.'    '  CommodDm  '  ariginallf 

Citi  preaeDt  meatuug  till  the  timeof  meana  '  conTeniently,'   ticaipwf.    ThBnoe 

ni  and  SneCODiiia.    In  Cicero'a  time  ftota  Ihe  senee  of  doing  a  thins  at  one's 

'»d  befoie    it    meBnt    a  friend    who    at.  conTenience,   comee  the  idea  of  being  jost 

'oided  Bt  B  trial  to  ^to  adiice,  and  to  act  aboat  to   da  it.     In  a  simiUr  mBODer  the 

■a  a  witDeaa.     It  ia  ainguUr  that  Porcellini  phnM    '  ex    commodo,'    *  at   one's    Gonve- 

doca  Dot  qnoto  a  nngle  initanca of  the  word  nience,'  pasBe*  inlo  the  Bense  of  'Blowlj,' 

innD  Terence,  thongh  it  occnrs  freqnently.  'gTadnally.' 

Seebelow,  it.  6.  28.   Adelpbi  iT.  6.  12.  43.  64.  Seilieel^  ■  No  d(raht  aome  attendaat) 

lo  Ftiannia,  Aet  ii.  scenc  iv.,  wc  bsTe  an  Bccompanied  the  girl.'      A  qaestjon  U  im. 

•mnshig  sattre  ujion  thaee  'adTOcati,'  from  plied  bj  the  word  'scUtcet/  wbich  Btatea 

■hidi  wa  Bwj  gathcr  that  tlieu-  adTice  did  the  matlK'  doobtfUlj.     Sae  Dote  OD  Andria 

nat  slwaja  dnr  np  tba  matter  ia  band.  L  3.  14. 

fiO.  Beelt,  bi^iU]   "I  aeked  him  if  be  M.  Ilietti    Dtiiiu:  jtan  e 



Deaine :  jam  conolAiiiatunL  eet.     Ch.  Alias  res  agia. 

Pa.  Igtuc  ago  quidem.     Ch.  IToBtiii  quae  ait  f  dio  milLi : 

Aut  Tidifltin  P    Fa.  Tidi ;  ncfvi ;  scio  quo  abducta  sit. 

Ch.  Eho  Panneiio  mi  Qoetiii  P     Pa.  NotL    Ch.  Et  scia  ubi 

Fa.  Huc  dedaota  est  ad  merebioem  Thaidem :  ei  dono  data 

eet.  60 

Ch.  Quis  is  eat  tam  potens  oum  tanto  munere  hoc  P   Pa.  Milee 

Phaedriae  riTalis.     Ch.  I>iirafi  &atriA  partea  praedicas. 
Pa.  Imo  enim  si  soias  quod  donum  huic  dono  contra  oom'- 

Tum  id  magis  dioas.     Ch.   Quodnam  quaeso  hercle  P     Pa. 

Eunuchum.     Ch.  IUomne  obsecro 
Inhoneetum  hominem  quem  mercatua  eet  beri,  senem,  ma- 

lierem  P  6s 

Pa.  Istunc  ipsum.     Ch.  Homo  qnatietur  certe  cum  dono  foras. 
Sed  istam  Tbaidem  non  scivi  nobis  vicinain.     Pa.  Haud  din 

Ch.  Perii  I  nunquamne  etiam  me  innm  ridisse  P  ehodum  dio 

Estne  ut  fertur  forma  P     Pa.  Sane.     Ch.  At  nihil  ad  noBtram 

hanc.     Pa.  Alia  res. 
Ch.  Obsecro  berde  Parmeno  iac  ut  potiar.     Pa.  Faciam  se* 

dulo  ao  70 

ft]  '  Yini  maj  be  aff.    Hara  done.    It  li  page  ot  the  «tage.    See  note  ou  L  S.  71. 

■Uorer.'     Fot  'ilicet'  bm  doM  od  i.  I.».  In   Hnat  u.  4.22,  we  IiiT«  U  ^ipM  of 

At  tlie  momeDt  of  deftth.  Ihe  friendB  who  ■  partCT :'     "  Imo    nt   patiem   tanm   ndi 

Ht  bf  Ihe  coneii  of  tha  djing  man  nsed  to  (partei)  din  etiuu  dnna  d^lt."     See  ml» 

•et  np  >  load  07  (ooncUmare)  lo  vrest  Adelphit.4.  96 :  "  Non  postoiocM  fenm," 

if  pmnble  the  depertare  of  tbe  •ool.     Thoi  uid  notes. 

fn  Propertiiu  iT.  T>  C;Dthi&  Dpbrsids  Pro-  64.   nim  idmagU  dicat]  IhBTenohen- 

pertiiu  with  hii  wuit  of  reepect  to  her  tne-  tBdon  in   pUdng  the  words  in  thii  order, 

moTj,     He  had  not  eien  perfbrmed  tliiB  which  gi*eg  '  id '  more  emplwsii,  Bnd  noidi 

lut  offioe  for  her  on  her  desth-bed,  tbongh  tlie  difficultr  wbich  editora  hsre  «Iwajs  felt 

ihe  wonld  h>ra  itijed  loDger  if   he  had  sboat  the  xsnsion  of  tfae  liue.    ItnowraDi 

uked  lier  :  erealy  aa  t,  trochsic  ttAmoxXec  otalectic. 

"  At  mihi  non  ocnlo»  qnisqnun  incUnsTit  ,  »6.    H-mu,    quatitlur    etrtt    cin»    <lo»o 

ettntes:  /oroi]    '  The  mui  will  bc  kli^ed  oat  of 
'  on  present  aiid  tXL'    Compve  Hi^mce, 

dioni."                          TT.  23,  24.  "^*™'  ■"'  »■  ">—»'  = 

Wben   ftU  hope   wu   oTer.   then   il   wu  "  Quid  d  prisc»  redlt  Venni 

wd      '  condunatum    esBS,'     the    Mendlj  DiductOMine  jngo  cogit  aenao, 

caU  had  atopped.    Soe  Ptlej'i  note  on  the  ™  "■"  "ontitnc  Chloe 

punge  qnoled  from  Proparlini  Rejectmque  patet  jsnus  Ljdwe  ?' 

63.  DaratfratTitpattt^fraedimal  '  Bj  68.  Nimqtmmt  ttiam  me  iUam  viditi 

jonr  Mcount  mj  brother  hae  ■  hnrd  put  to  8ee  nole  M  AndilB  T.  4.  SA. 
pl>;.'    The  phnse  is  deriTed  (rom  the  lu- 


ACTUS  n.    iSCENA  in.  109 

Dabo  operam ;  adjuTabo ;  numqmd  me  aliod  vis  ?     Ch.  Qoo 

mrnc  18  f    Pa.  Domum, 
JJt  mancijHa  liaec,  ita  ut  jussit  &at«r,  docam  ad  Thaidem. 
Ch.  0  frirfaiTintnTii  ititiiTn  eunuchum  qui  quidfim  in  hanc  detur 

Pa.  Quid  ita  F     Ch.  BogitoB  P    Summa  forma^empeT  conser- 

Videbit ;  oolloqaetnr ;  aderit  una  in  unis  aedibuB ;       •  75 

Gibom  nonnunquam  capiet  cum  ea;   interdum  propter  dor- 

Pa.  Qoid  si  nunc  tute  fortunatus  £aa  P    Ch.  Qua  re  Fanneno  f 
Responde.     J*a.  Capias  tu  illius  vestem.     Ch.  Yeetem  P  quid 

tqm  poBteaP 
Pa.  Pro  illo  te  ducam.     Ch.  Audio.     Fa.  Te  esse  iUom  di- 

cam.     Ch.  Intelligo. 
Pa.  Tu  illis  fruare  commodis  quibus  tu  iUum  dicebas  modo ;  80 
Cibum  uim  capias,  adsiB,  tangas,  ludas,  propter  dormias ; 
QnandoquidQm  illarum  neque  te  quisquam  noTit,  neqoe  scit 

qui  sies. 
Fraeterea  forma  et  aetas  ipea  est  fadle  ut  pro  eunucbo  probes. 
Ch.  Dixti  pulchre  :  nunqoam  vidi  melius  consiliiun  dari. 
Age,  eamus  intro :  nunc  jam  oma  me ;  abduc,  duc,  quantum 

potes.  85 

Pa.  Qoid  agis  P  jocabar  equidem.     Ch.  Carris.     Pa.  Perii : 

quid  ego  egi  miser  P 
Quo  trudifi  P  perculeris  jam  tu  me :  tibi  equidem  dico,  maue. 
Ch.  Eamus.     Pa.  Pergin?     Ch.   Gertum  est.     Pa.  Tide  ne 

nimium  calidum  boo  sit  modo. 

K.  IUamm ...  qMitguam]  '  Qidwiraun '  ff 
■anietiniei  fbmid  u  >  femiiiiiM.  Bo  FUBtni, 
CuteUuia  L  1 .  S8  :  "  Qaad  Deqne  habeo. 

■•.*.10,U:  ■'HaiMOCTb.nMNortrKiBm  fte  ■■ggafem  of  PWniTOO,  wd  (Weriii». 

mnwpiidi  qnuqoun  Tidit'      •  Qnim    ■  qui».  to  rUk  thn  enterpri».     He  mnrt  bo  mp. 

wn,  «id'qnuHiiie'«™»Un!ed  «nuUrij.  posed  at  once  to  b<«fn  to  huirr  him  off  tCe 

8e*below>T.4.U.  H«j«u.l.l9:  "  Q<w  «»»,  whUe  Pmneoo  renionrt™te^  ■  Whew 

qTiuqaep.cU>hioTitMnTert™nim  exigjt,"  »re  yon  pnihlng  me  ?    You  wUl  throw  me 

«d  fo,  m«nj  mitwicet  m  Ptautn»,  .ee  For-  ^tmo,'  and  endeiTonn  to  dimaie   him 

°^  „  .  ,    ,  from  the  «iTentiire. 

«.   Fkalt    vl   pro    n««»i>  pnb^-\        ga.   Vidt  n*  ^imiam    ea/idMH   hoe  rit 

^jt  ,on  m«j  eMit»  p».  for  ui  ennndi.  ^^-^   .  conaider  «hether  thii  ii  not  too 

Probm  ee    lil«nllj  meuis    to  ^proTe  hot-be«ded  ui  «ITiir.'    The  woid  ia  uot  un- 

nuo.wlf.   '  to  plflj  one'.  part  welL     Com-  oommon  in  thi.  «id  kindred  sen«s.    '  Con- 

pwePUutni,  PKadoln.1.  1.98:  oliandid.'  occura  both  in  Lirj  i«t.  32. 


110  EUNU0HU8. 

Ch.  !Non  est  profecto :  sme.    Pa.  At  enim  istaec  in  me  ca- 

detur  faba.     Ch.  Ahl 
Fa.  FUgitium  facimua.    Ch.  An  id  flagitium  e«t,  d  iu  dinnum 

meretriciam  90 

Deducar ;  et  illja  crucibus  quae  noe  nostramque  adolesoentiam 
Habent  despicatam,   et   quae  nos  semper  omnibus  cruciant 

Nunc  referam  gratiam;  atque  eas  itidem  fidlam  ut  ab  illis 

An  potius  haeo  patri  aeqnnm  eet  fieri  ut  a  me  ludatnr  dolis : 
Quod  qoi  reecierint  oulpent :  illud  merito  iactum  omnes  pu- 

tent.  95 

Pa.  Quid  iatic  ?  ai  certum  est  facere  facias :  Terum  ne  post 

Culpom  in  me.     Ch.  Nan  faciam.    Pa.  Jubesae  ?   Ch.  Jubeo, 

cogo,  fttque  impero. 
iNunquam  defugiam  auctoritatem :  sequere.     Pa.  Di  Tortant 


fiic  wu  nied  in  ■  nmilar  unie,  u  in  Bo-        94.   jf n  polimt  hatc  patri  OffHm   at 

phoelc^  Tndiimae  lOM :  ftri  ulamt  ludaita-  dolit^  '  Pntri  '  la  tlie 

A  ^oWi  l^  «.1  flipf.d  «>«  \&r¥  "«a         BembiQ,  re«iing,  «id  i.  oonflr™d  bythe 

BDd  AiirtopluDe],  Piatiu  414 :  but  ■U  wilL  think  tluit  tbeee  iroDiea  ha*a 

"^             '^             '^         '^  metter  .t  thia  stage :  nnieH  lie  iDtended  lo 

In  niBnT  paangei  wbcre  >  calidui '  occn»  tricic  bim  into  bupng  the  giri  fhr  him  (u  in 

in  tbia  HDH,  we  bmTe  tha  ■niioiu  rcMliDg  tlia  FhonBio).     Tbo  old  editiang  bine  "  an 

'callidua,'    whicb   Donnliu    prefers  in  tbii  potini  bKC    p*ti  Miqanm  est  lirai,"   &£.; 

puuge  i  bnt  it  dooe  not  anie  the  metre.  bnt  th»t  reading  ij  TBtr  ob«»pe.     T1m« 

88.  At  mim  itiatt  in  me  cudtlur  faba']  two  Unu  are  otiou  at  Uie  bert,  ead  look 

'Tbii  betn  wiii  be  craclied  on  roy  hewl.^  nther  BUSpiiiouB. 

I  ■ha]l  get  >U  tbe  puniBbment.     The  Qrigin  98.  NuH^m    d^fligiam    mclonlalemi 

of  thij  pn>*erb  n  obamire.     The  eipiua.  '  I  wil)  aerer  ahiik  the  regpaiisilnlitT  ot  it.'' 

tiona  given  b;  tbe  old  cnmmentMon  miy  Cicoro  naea  the   nme    eiprenion   m  hU 

be  seen  iD  Forcellini ;  bnt  Ibej  ore  eridentlj  arMiOD  Pro  8jli«,  c.    II:    "  Attende  jun 

merelr  conjectnral.  qnua  ego  def^un  auctoritBtem  conralatoi 

91.  lUitentciiiu}   'ThoKped&'  'Crni'  mei," 'merli  now  bcnr  1  dedine  to  tike  Ike 

ia  lometiniet  naed  of  penoni,  u  in  Plmutiu,  responsibiUtj  of  roj  consnlihip.'     Phatoav 

Fersa  >.  2.  17  :    "  Qnid  us,  crux,  Btimnlo-  Paonulus  i.  1.  17—20  : 
nim  trilnr  ?  "  vid  Aulularia  iii.  0.  46 — 48  : 

,—_.,,               .      ,  "  Attor.  Si   libi   libido  eat  ant  Tolnntati. 

■"  Dncantnr  1  datnr  wa.     Jam  hoice  abeo-  '^^^ .                                            ™»l»™. 

lutoacenaeu:  o„.™,j.    ,j„,j    ,„1™.      i„,.h_  __ 

Qnum  incedunt  infectoru  crocotularii,  ^    '          '                               *"* 

Ant  aliqua  mala  cnix  semper  eet  quae 
aliqoid  petat." 

Bee  note  od  Andria  ilL   6,  12. 

Ubi  diuolatBj  tn  aie*,  ego  pendeam." 


ACTUS  m.    SCENA  I. 

Tk.  Hagnaa  Tero  agere  gratias  Thais  mihi  P 

Gn.  Ingeiitee.     Th.  Ain  ta  ?  laeta  eet  ?     Qn.  Non  tam  ipeo 

Bono  quam  abe  te  datom  esse :  id  Tero  aeiio 
Triiunpluit.     Pa.  Huo  ptroyifio  ut|  nbi  tempna  raeti 
Dedacam :  aed  eccom  militom.     Th.  Eet  istuo  datom  5 

Profecto  ut  grata  milii  sint  qoae  &cio  coiuua. 
6n.  Adverti  hercie  AtitTniiTn      Th.  Yel  rex  semper  ipftTimBf> 
Uihi  agebat  qoidquid  ieoeram ;  aliis  non  it€an. 
On.  Lahore  alieno  magnam  partam  gloriam 

ActIII.  Sckitb  I.     As  we  h*Ta  bkd  a  tlut  tcconiit.'     Comura  y,  J.  t:  "  Nnno 

pidon  of  tbe  puaate  In  Act  ii.  acena  3.  id  pTcideo,  nt  conTcaiain  PirmenoiKm."  It 

90  ben  »e  hiTe   the  bnggiAodo  drawa  ii  olten  tbiu  oaed  Trith  «ords  eiprening  joj, 

to  U»  fife.     Hiruo   uid   Gaittio    come  Borrow,  or  deaire.     Compua  Andria  ii.  3. 

«1  llu  tUge  talking   Bboul  t^- ■  "      '""  =-•    '     ™  —        «    .-    - 

}f  bis  great  irhich  aMiire  bas  giTen  n 

ftices  with  tho  king  of  Penik,  uid  of  tfae  do  procnrei  me  bTOOr.'     '  Qratiu  '  ii  lued 

i^Xae  ud  orerpoweriDg  inBnner  in  «hich  in  other  pueages  of  Ti:reDce  in  tha  aeDM 

'le  iud  pnt  down  certain  riTsIi.     Qnatho  of  grscefal.'    Hee  Heaut.  h.  3.  21  :  "Qnod 

^  ■diiwa  luin  to  keep  Tbsia  tn  a  state  tamen  nunc  fkdBtn  ;  tnm  qnam  gntnm  n^ 

°( jeahnu;  sbont  PBmphils,  M  the  beit  «ase  potait  nolui."     The  contrary  '  ingm- 

■miu  ofiMfmg  PhaedriBont  of  the  field.  tam,'  'with  a  bid  grace,'  ia  bnnd  in  Ee&nt. 

The  metm  ii  icmbic  trimeter.  t.    1.    Rl.       It  is  olmoit    nnaewsury    to 

I']   CicCTD  in    bis  tnatiBe   De  AmidtiB  obBerre  tbst  mui]'  of  GaBlha'i  remarks  are 

V^eaSnij  ■Unde*  to  tbe    charactmi  of  made  hslf  sside,  lo  Uist  Thraso  msj  bear 

">aaa  hhI  Gnatbo.     In  the  twentj-siith  oal;  wbat  is  complimentar;  in  tbem.     At 

^ftet  he  qnote*  tbialiiie  :  "Nulla  est  igi-  the  same  time  Tbra8o's  chariicter  ii  that  af 

tat  lisee  unidtia  qDnm  alter  Terom  andire  a  man  «ho  waold  not  Terj  easilj  perceiTe 

Kn  nlt,  ■Ito'  ad  mentiendDm  parvtns  est.  satire,  «id  wbose  ifood  opiniOD  of  bimself 

"*<:  pUHrtamm  In    comoediis   aswDtatio  wanld  make  him  take  iC  all  in  a  oompli- 

bota  ridnatnr,  niu  eeaenC  militee  gloriori :  mentiiry  sense. 

'M«piUTecoageregi»ti«iThaUmihi?'  ^-   ^'' "'1    ^'°'"t?^  ^t^'^ 

-s  -e       »•  themselvea  in  settbng  «birh  king  of  Penia  is 

Stlii  ait  Mpooder»,   magiiM  :    ingantas,  heremeant.    SomesnppOHDariusUI.  tobe 

!°V>il-    Semper  anget  anmtstor  id  qood  meant,  becsnse  ho  wis  king  in  the  timo  of 

u  cnjiu  ad  T<dBntatem  didtnr   Tott  eiaa  Menander.     Madame  Dader  on   the  coa- 

'■H'"u>>."  tTBTj    mBlnlalns   tbst  it   is  not  s  kiag  of 

i-  Id  Mro  lerio  THiinipAiif]  '  She  is  ab-  Persia  et  bU,  becBose  ia  thiB  same  plaj  Pjr- 

"liiitrif  trinmphBnt  Bt  hSTiag  got  a  present  rbnB  is  mentioned  (1t.  7.  13),  aiid  thinks 

'nw  jDv.'    For  the  word  '  trinmpha '  we  that  Seleucus  Is  inCended.    We  mi^t  aa 

Huot.  ir.  s.  0,  and  Phomiio  iii.  3.  10.    It  well  sttempt  lo  ideatiTj  all  tbe  priDaa  mm- 

°<^  alio  ui  a  tetter  from  Cesar  to  Cicero  tioned  in  SbBke>peaie's  Comedies.     Kiagi 

(^piri.  id  Atticnm  ii.    16)  :    "  Atque  ego  are   stodi   diBncten    in   plaji   aa   Trell  Ba 

qituii  ■!  IpM  re  magnBm  cspio  TolnptBtem,  slavea  and  brsggadodi.    >  HuimBs  sgebat,' 

hUD  inenm  {utnm  probori  s  te  triampho  anpplj  '  gratias.'     Compare  tbe  ellipee  of 

PO^"    Bas  abo  Pro  Clneatio,  c  S  (14),  '  pactes,' note  on  U.  3.  A2. 
ud  Fn  UureDB,  e.  2S  (61).    '  Id,'  '  on 


112  EFNU0HU8. 

Verbie  saepe  in  ae  transmOTet  qui  liabet  ealem,  lo 

Quod  in  te  est.     Th.  Habee.     Qn.  Bex  te  ergo  in  ooulia — Th. 

Gn.  Oeetare.     Th.  Yero :  credere  omnem  ezercitum, 
Conailia.     On.  Hirum.     2%.  Tum  eicubi  mim  satietas 
Hominum,  aut  negoti  si  quando  odium  ceperat, 
Bequieecere  ubi  Tolebat,  quaai — noetin  P     Gn.  Scio :  15 

Quasi  ubi  ilUm  ezspneret  mieeriam  ez  animo.     Th.  Teaea. 
Tum  me  conTivam  solum  abducebat  eibi.     G/n.  Hoi  I 
Begem  elegantem  narrae.     Th.  Imo  sic  bomo  est 
Ferpaucorum  hominum.     On.  Imo  nuUorum  arbitror, 
Si  tecum  Tivit.     H.  InTidere  omnee  mibi ;  80 

Mordere  clanculum :  ego  non  flocci  pendere. 
lUi  inTidere  mUere :  verum  unue  tamen 
Impenee,  elephantis  quem  Indicis  praefecerat. 
Is  ubi  moIeetuB  magis  est,  "  Quaeeo,"  tnquam,  "  Strato, 
Ecme  es  ferox  quia  babes  imperium  in  belluae  f"  35 

Ght.  Fulchre  mehercle  dictnm,  et  eapienter.     Pqne  1 
Jugularae  hominem.     Quid  ille  ?     Th.  Mutus  ilica 

It.  Be*  it  ergo  n  octilu  .  .  .  Gatart^  IS.  Perpaueomm  AonmM]   'Aje,  jnit 

■  Hie  kiog  then  wonld  ilifBja  keep  joa  in  what   he  ii,'  rephn  Tbiuo;    'be  kecpe 

hii  ligbt.'     '  In  oculii  habera,'  like  '  in  sinn  Terj    lelact   coniiienf .'     The  mne   pbrue 

geatare/  (Mmpare  Adelphi  Et.  6.  7S  '  "  Hic  occnr»  in  »  well-kDown  puBage  of  Hcnoe, 

iioD  Miiaiidiu?    hioDe   Daii  gestaudiu  iu  Sat.  I.  9.  43 — 15: 

"l^?"  ?'  O  "*"'  '  *°  ^  J"'^  '""^  "^  '  " M«eoenu  quomodo  tscam  ? 

thing.'     We  m»y  comfare  the  rommotniM         hjj,^   ^^^     P.u<»rnm    honiiDiim   et 
of  tlie  words  '  ocule  mi     u  >  term  of  en-  menti»  bene  •uiib  - 

deerment     The  phrue  •  in  oCTiUa  geaUre  '        jjemo  deiterias  torta'mi  e>t  nro." 

occurs  only  ip  thu  pUce,   «nd  it  u  moat  _     ..  ■■     ,,   .     tj     ...  i.    l    • 

probeble  th*t  the  verb  '  g6.tare  •  wu  pur.  G""*»  "P"'»   ^  ^'^  "*^^  «T  be  kept 

honly  introduced  bj  Terenoe  from  the  ^m.  "°   "«"P»»!  »t  JI  rf  he  hted  with  joo. 

mou  phiue  '  iu  >iua  gestare,'  to  ei^rMe  Bentle j  rejd.    ■  P«rp.u«>ram  komiuiunrt,' 

the  eiprBBdon  u  mu^b  u  po»ible      It  i.  *"  ""^^  ""»  ^^-    ^^'^^^? 

Jjw  posdblo  tbat  «1  Jlu«on  m.7  be  meuit  occur.  _rt  Uie  eod  of  .  ™»A.   Bee  KitKlU^* 

to  the  i#ea*^<,i  8a<r.Af«c.     IfThruo  w«  ^1«»««»  of  thli  rabjoot  m  lui  Prolegom«» 

one  0/  tfae«e  he  wu  .  worlhy  lucceuor  of  ^,.'V"  >  "^  *^  IntKidiictioii  lo  Oaa 

the  P>eutKt.bM  ot  the  '  AebKni«is.'  JMition.  ,,,,„». 

14.  afiMm]  Wefiud'odiam'uBedwher.        2\.    Mordfrt    elmc«h™]        ^ J^, 

'laedinm'wodldbemorecommon,inT.B.S:  «^"'"«'i  «d  cwped  «t  me  on  the  ^. 

"  Neque  <«ri  neqae  arbie  odinm  me  «nquAm  *^"J\^*  ^**^  "'  "^'  r^*^»*^ 

^d^.  equidem  .udivi  cepi„e  odium  tui  their  entat«amento.  from  wbich>e  ilwnj. 

Pb!1umBn.m."     For  .  nimi^  eense  of  tbe  "*""  ""^' '"  ^  "'"  «^"••^'"'.  '"»'"_?J^ 

word  ^  note  ou  Hecyr.  i.  2.  46.  ~^>'"-  J^",  *°^  "^  '"''?,  "'f*'  ^^^ 

18.  Rtgemtlfgantfmnarra,-]   '  By  your  "^  ^^^™?'  T  .^r     o    .?* 

«Kount  the  king  must  bc  .  men  of  tiite.'  ^««^bed  by  JuTene]^3.t  u.  9-11  :^^ 
For  this  Bense  of 'elcgBni' see  below,  icenB  "  '" 

n,  18  :  "  Quuia  ipsum  me  norig  quam  cle- 
gans  fcrmunim  «pectMor  aiem  ;"  and  bo  .t 
the  end  of  the  pUy  GnUbo  uyi  of  llirua 
that  he  ii  .  inan  of  Attic  '  el^uti.'  (t.  8. 
64).    8«e  al«o  liout.  t.  S.  1B. 

ACTUS  m.    SCENA  I.  113 

On.  QaicLai  esaetP     Pa.  Di  Teatnutt  fidem!    hominein  per- 

Miserumque,  et  iUtun  sacrilegiim.     Th.  Qoid  illud  Gnatho 
Qqd  pacto  Rhodium  tetigerim  in  conviTio,  30 

Nunquam  tibi  dtxi  ?     On.  Xunquam :  Bed  narra,  obsecro. 
Pliu  millies  audivi.     Th.  Una  in  c<mTiTio 
Erat  hic  quem  dico  lUioditis  adolescentulus. 
Forte  habui  ecortum :  coepit  ad  id  alludere, 
£t  me  irridere.     "  Qoid  agia,"  inquam,  "  homo  impudem  P  3ft 
Lepns  ee,  et  pulpamentum  quaeriBP"     On.  Ha,  ha,  he. 
Th.  Quid  eat  ?     On.  Facete,  lepide,  laute ;  nihil  supra. 
Tuunine,  obsecro  te,  hoc  dictum  erat  P  Tetus  credidi. 
Th.  Audieras  P     On.  Soepe ;  et  fertur  in  primis.     Th.  Meum 

On.  Dolet  dictum  tmprudeuti  adoleecenti  et  libero.  40 

Pa.  At  te  Di  perdant.     On.  Quid  ille,  qutwso  P     Th.  Per- 

Risu  omues  qoi  aderant  emoriri :  denique 
Metuebant  omnee  jam  me.     On.  ^on  injuria. 
Th.  Sed  heufl  tu,  purgone  ego  me  de  istac  Thaidi, 

fpitcbed  tbs  m»a  at  Ooce.'     Compare  tbe  fleih  at  hara,  dBer;  uid  then  genMsUj  of 

kw  at  the  word  ia  Cicero,  Tn  Vemm  [i,  9.  auf  delicate  fbnd. 

'il:  "  BiiteliteTiii,  honioaadBciiimmeatqne         40.  Doltt  diclum  irmpnilenH  adolaeenU 

iinniti«imH,  jngnlktan  oaK  noa  Bcntia  >"  tl  libtro^     •  It  puns  me  to  think  tbM  that 

ud    Adeiphi   t.  8.  3S;  "Sno  sbi   ghdio  *na  Mid  to  the  airapla  joang  gentlemui.' 

hunc  jagnlo."     There  is  ui  absord  eiagge-  Bentle;   remarlu   upon    thia,    "  Gnathonii 

ntioD  in  the  kcconnt  whicfa  Thruo  givei  Terba  ■unt,  ei  inlimo  sdulatoriBe  irtia  pena 

of  hiaiiTal— no  Ibh  k  penon  Chknthehead  petita."     Some   editora  attribule  thie  lina 

pDam  of  the  iDdtan  elepbantB.     The  nse  of  to  ThTaao,  aa  Weiie  in  hia  Tauchniti  adi- 

Uie  «otd  'beliaae'  fbi  elephanta  mar  be  tioni    but  without  anj   good  reaaon.     It 

illBamtcd  by  Jnfenal,  Sat.  z.  107,  IIHIi  oomee  Terf  well  Irom  Gnatbo. 

42.  Rini    omrui  gui  t^trmit   emoHri\ 

"  O  qiulia  hdes  et  qoali  digna  tabella,  '  AU  who  were  theie  were  mdy  to  dia  irf 

QBDin  Gnetola  daoem  porlaret  bellnB  loi-  laoghter.'  •  Donalns  lakea  exceptioii  to  tha 

coml"  form  ' emoriri,' and eaja  th«t it is a  bad fbnn, 

attrilnited    purpoaetj   bj  Terence  to  the 

30.    Qmt  paelo  lUvdnni]  Again  Thraao  bn^adocio,  that  he  maj  tallE  bad  LatiD  aa 

ii  made  to  giTO  aa  eiBggtnted  initanee  of  well  as  bad  aenae.    Bnt '  emoriri '  ii  fonnd  in 

hii  prowess.    The  Rhadwna  were  fkmed  for  E^ntna,  Paeudol.  it.  7.  123 ;  "  Herde  hsad 

iiit.     Cicsv  aaya  "  Inreni  antem  rldicnla  te  ainam  omoriri  nisi  mihi  argentam  reddi- 

n  nlsk  mslta  Graecomin  :  nam  et  Bicnli  in  tnr  ;"    and    '  moriri '  in  Otid,  Metam.  liT. 

co  genere  et  Rhodii  et  Bjiantii  et  prBster  21 S.     Some  commentaton  with  marTelloiu 

«etcroe  Attici  eicellnnt,"  De  Untore  iL  ingennitj   auppoae  the   word    to    be  pn>- 

51  (217)-     Thraso  therefore  bere  conquen  noanced  '  e-mo.ri.ri'  to imitate  the laugbtei 

1  leidoDblable  antagonist.  of  the  aDdience. 

36-  Lepia  et.  et  pMlpammlum  guaerit  f]  44.  Purgoae  tpo  me   d<  itlae    Thaidt] 

•  You  B  hare,  and  go  hnnling  fbr  gsme  !'  •  Am  I  to  clnr  mjaelf  to  Thsia  aboat  that 

Thia  iaBtTanalatioDofaa  old  Oreek  prorerb,  girl,  becanae  she  auapecta  me  of  beiDg  in 

Aaotrotc  Siy  Kplwc  i*i0Vfi>ic,  «bich  ia  h>Te  with  her?'     Thia  aeaae  of  'porgo' 

qnoted  bj  Sraamns  and  olhers.     '  Pulpa-  ia  commoo-    See  Adelphi  iL  1.  8.   HacjT* 

meatnm '  WBB  properlT  mad  <rf  '  game,' tlie  ii,  2.  II — IS: 


114  ETTNTJCHirS. 

Qaod  eam  in«  ninaTe  mspicata  est  i    6n.  NUiil  '"""'■^         45 

Imo  ange  magia  snspicioDem.     ITi.  Cur  ?     On.  Bogaa  f 

Soin  f  si  quando  illa  meutioDem  PhBadriae 

Facit,  aut  si  laudat,  te  ut  male  urat.     Th.  S^tio. 

Qn.  Id  ut  ne  fiat  Iiaea  rn  sola  est  remadio. 

Ubi  Dominabit  Phaedriom,  tu  Pamphilam  so 

Contuiao :  si  qoando  illa  dicet,  "  Phaedriam 

CommisBatum  intTomittamns :"  to,  "  Pam|diilam 

Cantatum  javvocemua."    Si  laudabit  haec 

Hliua  formam,  tu  hujuB  ccmtra.     Demiqoe 

Par  pro  paii  referto,  qnod  eam  mordeat.  55 

Th.  Siquidan  me  amaret,  tom  istuc  ■ptodem^  CDatho. 

Gn.  Quando  iUtid  quod  tu  das  ezBpectat  atque  amat, 

Jam  dudum  te  amat,  jam  dudum  illi  facile  fit 

QrUod  doleat ;  metuit  semper  quem  ipea  nnnc  c^at 

Fructum  ne  quando  iratus  ta  alio  coD£eies.  60 

Th.  Bene  dixti :  at  Diihi  istuc  non  in  mentem  venerat. 

6n.  Bidiculimi :  dod  eaam  oogitams :  oaeterum 

IdfflD  hoc  tute  melius  quaato  inTenisBes  Thraso  I 


THAIS.      THKASO.      PARMEirO.       GNATHO.       FTTmAS. 

Th.  Audire  toccou  visa  sum  modo  Diilitis. 

Atque  eccuDi.     Salve  mi  Thra«).     Thr.   0  Thais  mea, 

" Bi  qnid  est  peccatniii  a  nobig,  profer.    foi  '  in  ■liain.'    5o  io  Heut.  il.  4.  10,  fta 

Ant  (•  reMlendo  ■nt  pnrguido  a  Tobii    'in  ■liaai' 

Te  judice  ip»o."  "  ftnpp»  *<>™»  impuU  iKMtmiM  aiularM 

DDHatiu  in  hii  note  on  that  paawge  draw»  Haoe  nbi  imniinnl*  ert  flU  mm  aninMm 

■  diBtinctionbetween'rBiaio    an^  ■purgo.'  tilio  ar»ifcnnit." 
"  BefeUit  qoi  n^at :  poi^at  qni  tatetnr,  et 

sc  defendit."    The  diMJnction  i*  liinciliil.  ^ee  note  on  '  quo,'  Andria  iiL  i.  VJ. 
It  doei  not  [natter  whicb  word — '  dear  one- 

•df,'ot'eicuseaaeaelf'— oneuwaioallthe  Aor  111.  Scsms  U,   Thw  aow  eoaia 

tutancea  which  Porcellini  givet,  though  he  &am  her  hoiue.     IinnediatdT  HiMO  •!■ 

dasaes  them  nnder  two  diatinct  heads.  lude*  to  hia  preaeola,  aod  CWbo,  tqvtlij 

B2.   CintmtMafuni    imtmnultamiia']    The  diancteiiitioallf,  reBunda  tiiem  that  it  it 

ardlnary  text  is  '  iDtroaiittamni  commin»-  aapper-timB.      Farmano  rtanding  bj  tatei 

tnin.'     Accordinglj  Bentley,  to  get  rid  of  tbu  «^Nirtiinit;  of  pnaenting  lo  ThMi  tbs 

the  luperflnoiu  ijUable,  omita  '  tu.'     Bnt  preaenta  of  liii  aaatn  Phaadria,  wludi  are 

le  the  foUowing  one.  eeeda  to  Thiaio'a  hoaiB,  Innog  «apecnl 

nv.  Qfuaido   trafuf    (n    ofio    eeti/iraM]  dirwtion*   wiOi    her    BMid    ^tiuaa   abnt 

'  8he  !■  alwBji  aihud  that  jou  «ill  •ome  Chremei,  whom  ihe  eipected  to  oall  aboat 

dftj  in  >  pankin  tranafcr  to  Knoe  ane  aUa  thii  time. 

tbe  bonntj  which  ihe  now  recairw.'    ■  Alio'  Uetre ;  iambie  trii«it«'. 

C  k")0<^  lc 

ACTTJS  in.    SCENA  U.  115 

Metim  Baaviiim,  qoid  Bgitur  ?  eoqmd  noA  amtts 
De  fidicina  istac  ?    Pa.  Qaam  rennKte  !  qood  dedit 
Pimcqaum  adTeniens.     Th.  Plnrimum  merito  too.  S 

Qn.  Eamus  ergo  ad  coenam :  quid  atas  P    Pa.  Hem  ^terum : 
Abdomini  honc  natum  dicas,     7%r.  Ubi  tib,  doo  mon». 
Pa.  Adibo,  atqne  adflimulalio  qaaei  mmc  ezeam. 
Itunui  Thaifl  quopiam  es  ?     Th.  Ehem  I  Panneno, 
Beue  fecisti :  hodie  itiira.     Pa.  Qoo  ?     Th.  Qnid  ?  honc  non 
Tidea  ?  10 

Pa.  Yideo  et  me  taedet :  nbt  vis  dona  adsunt  tibi 
A  Phaedzia.     Tkr.  Qoid  BtamoB  P  eui'  non  imus  hinc  9 
Pa.  Qoaeeo  herde  ut  Uoeat,  pace  quod  fiat  tua, 

3.  Uam  tMrrhan]      ■  l^  t««et' 

M  lita,  iDM  '  AbdomiBi '  ii  to  b*  pniiianiK«i  ti  ■  tri- 
■rUsble,  u  'luwiiii/  Hecrn  ui.  I.  1,  »d 

n  I&bellnin,  mBkBloi,  bbc j  other  wordi. 

1».  Bflw  /nulii     •  I  UD  gUd  to  lea 

,   mn   coluetn,  fon  i'  lit.  *  700  btTO  done  well  in  ooming 

■■  joet  now,  lor  I  kin  on  the  point  of  gmng 

^  oot.'     Tbe  pbnsei  '  beae  (acis,'  '  bena  fe. 

.  ,             ,   *?"*   ■"  eieti,'   wen   common   forn»   of  ■pproral'. 

«ofUieMeodwnDg  ei-  i.  3.  loe:  t.  8.  M,  •■  Boote  fcdtii."    Do- 

,,,,...                    ..      n      . -.,-  lutai  nukee » diffionltT  BboDt  Ibe  puewe, 

J^.  aMMMt  tew  MAm  <bcu]      -Yon  ,„j  ^ppo»   Thme    cbmolerielicillT  to 

^  "2«»t  Uue  fejlow  wu  boni  for  hi«  eompiirlliKPermeno  withoat  good  c^m, 

^'"    r°i^  '.  *"T1?^  H' !;.  Tl""  Bnt  %re  .bidl  do  b«.t  to  it  m  •  drnple 

^ooetext.    Gcero  h»  the  ^e  ei-  ^      ^^  ,  ob.nge  from  tbe  nnul  tjpe 

P~rt«  »  h»  ont»».  .e;d|»t  Hio,  «p.  ^  the  'me^lrii  mlL'     H«  whole  <iS: 

17_roeginse.^hell»o^t«^  daot  ii  repweeotrt  «  brtnR  «jtB««d  by  ■ 

^TfT^^^^^S^fLL.^  de«™todoi«rtieetob«  nominJd.tori 

^  th.  foUowmg  from  PlBbrd.,  «ipl  ^  if  ^,  ^^  jlu^  b^y,  it  I.  thrt 

™«t'¥,  I».  9S!  ,^  ^  g^j^  PhMdri.)  khI  ifter  .U  it  il 

^imif  gXof  rft  Twfia,  wat^axq  jSXfirwv  onlj  .  good  imtuee  of  poetjctd  jnstioet 

'i^fiti  tfmr  Toit  Moiffi  SqiHov.  13.  Qii.00  htrelt  %t  iiceat,  paet  qtmd 

fwflK  onttniction  of  '  n.Cam  '  with  the  /^  ?"'  ^^O    J  *  *^ ."^  I  m.i  be  U- 

to«  owp™  Adelphi  IT.  a.  e :  ^'^'  ^J,  1°^  ijr»' J°  gtw  >"  ««■ !»«- 

'                    '  Hwtm   iahii^i    I    whiK.   trt  mnnme^   kv  ■nrl 

.-.  " Neqiwo  eetii  deoamere  ,p^  to  her.'     'Qiuew)'   ma  erigiDdlr 

ne  credo  hnic  eeee  nrtnm  rei,  foeadii  „e^  ■  «cond  forra  of  •  quMro.'    (For- 

"'"■'•  '1  oeUini*  the  fonue  '  ■cbonm,'  '  om- 

ud  Flutss,  Psm  iii.  3.  34 :  "  Beferandu  men,'  '  Teleni,'  >  ■•■,'  for  '  vboren,'  '  cv. 

*to  hibaa  Hifgiuai    iiU.m  gretiae."     In  meii,"V.lerii,' •««.')    In  e.rif  writere  it 

)l«iil.ffi.  1.  II  we  beTo  the  phrue  '  lutiu  1«  i»mnionl)>  OMd  ia  tfae  Maie  of  '  to  ■gnif,' 

■^'  See  note.    Befofe  Bend^  tbe  text  of  '  beeeech,'  ■■  in  thia  pumge.      Compue 

^PHUge  wM  ■■Ei  homine  huM  n.tDm  Adelphi  il.  4. 1 1 :  "  Deoe  qnHM  nt  iit.  pra- 

'MiHa^"  whidiMlmittedof  twolntorpre-  hibeniL"     Cic«Ri  (reqneotlj  iuea  tbe  ■■«■ 

■Uniu:   (1)  'Thii  p^ir  tn  ta   tlOe  jtM  fbnn.     We  mpm  DOmnranly  fiod  'qauM)' 

■°^i^lhOTwwe  btlMr  ud  aon.'    (3)  Med  pwMthetiiallj,  .«111  1 

l2  ^  , 



Deure  Iiuic  quae  ToluiiLua,  conTenire  et  colloqui. 

Thr.  Ferpulchra  credo  dona  haud  nostm  Bimilia.  15 

Pa,  B«8  indicabit.     Heus,  jubete  istoe  foraa 

Exire  quoe  jusei  ocius :  prooede  tu  huo. 

Ex  AetMopia  est  usque  haeo.     Thr.  Hic  sunt  tres  minae. 

Gn.  Vix.     Pa.  TJbi  tu  ea  DoreP   accede  liuo.     Hem  eunu- 

chum  tibi, 
Quam  UberaH  facie,  quam  aetate  integra  I  30 

Th.  Ita  me  Di  ament  houestus  est.   Pa.  Quid  tu  ais,  Gnatho  ? 
Nianquid  habea  quod  contemnaa  ?  quid  tu  autem  Thraso  P 
Tacent ;  satis  laudant.     Fac  periolum  in  literiB, 

•■ Qoid  iliili?    eho  in   HOQ   •lemiu,     ttuSnai,  yfapiioTa  tal  yu/tvatfriE^i'   n>i 

Pamphile?  jioumr^v    riI    riraprov   Efim   ypa^utitti. 

Prodeinne  qoaeao  potiiu  r'  Of  thsse  he  3*71  that  riH^furs  uul  fpa- 

lli.  slai;    Allth.o,i.n«,l.t<.r,  .!»„,.  ■••iljj.bit,  wl"l.  C..™1  " '»'"  *^ 

iTu.».  t.o  U.«  i  "8.1.,"«  Doi»tm  m.  '.t.'^? "!  di.mmo.  oj  th.|^..»tioi. ..  Ibo 

m,b.  •■  p«,  J.110,  a«Utlo,  oomntio,  ool-  '■""""J  ■l.ptm  of  Ih»  bool.     *n««l" 

lo,.i.m,  mailU.  «rb.  rat."    0.000..  jjp™.a,o  ..„  fi.  «,.  ™—..  (-l,..  .1 

t.inlr  would  not  h..o  iaip«ted  .ny  iiieh  ^™  ^"  '^.  ' 

hiddm  mniiing  i.  such  cominon  formi  of  V^T'  "..."'' " 

«nireision  '"  tho  i«nio  of  '.  Uberal  «lu«tioQ,'  ii 

1&  £r'.i.(Ai.5».  ..(«.?««*«.]    'Thi,  ^ding^.d^,..r..  S«.  Pro 

Sl.1  nm«  dl  S.  ..y  »om  Auhlopi..'  ^-     " '™"','i' "i"Ti    ^i,  ."SL°  "^li 

■  Ui,..  ■  ii  ■■,  .om.onlr  ui«i  In  thi.  t"  b.  .■JJ..1I  .du«A  a.1  ih^  m.^ 

«J^«.     Wa  m..  mmB..4Adrfnhii..6.  «*  «  i«Tot.r»».  or  m.,tht  h.  .blo  to  o.t« 

>mp.reAd.lphii..5.  !^  •S,'?^™"'?""^^" 

ifi !  ..  miwiDm  uqiw,  obiocTo  1"   ■  Idl  me  mm  ineu  OTOeri  oy  otnerM       . 

tkH.  he  m«u>  rUe  her  Jl  the  «ly  to  fo  Horwe,  u  owner  paffii.K  off 

Miletu.?'    Virgil,Aen.™.28»,2W!  hu  ri»ve  for  «le,  «j., 

"  Et  Uemm  AenewD  duiemqne  ei  «there  "  Y^  minWerii»  'A  outD»  >ptu>  herilee, 

Jqq„  Littenuie  Grsecu  imbutos,  idoneai  arti 

D»rdBni.m    Siculo    prtapeiit  >b    usqne  Ciulibet,"                     EpUt.  u.  2. 6—8, 

Pu^jao."  vhere  ue  MaclMn«'i  twte.    PtnneDO  Uji 

From  thii  OM  it  puMi  into  ■  more  nneiti  p»rticuiHi«r««  on  aMword  ■  mwuo.'  H» 

WUM  of  atnQEtbening  tbe  exprMidon  to  '••™'t«  D<™»  to  be  m  «^  edncated  u 

«hich  it  ii  UMohed,  4>  in  Audri.  i.  2,  28  :  ■?»  ?<!?"«  '  g«>Uem>D.'     Cobnin  q>»Mei 

»  Varberihu,  cumm  te,  ftwe,  in  pirtrinum  "?■.  K-llowng  ,P~^^*™"    ^'■P*«' 

dedu»  u»que  «d  n««n ;"  uid  whcD  u>ed  "'"^  ^^   ''"*>^  •""    *"  iniil.tion  of 

•lone  lignifin  '  nttorly,'  '  oteeedinglr,'  m  in  Terence ; 
Aidelphi  ii.  2.  0 :  "  Ego  npnluido,  ille  ler- 
berando  usqne  unbo  defera)  Bumui." 

23.  Fae  ptriclim  1R  liltrii,  Fac  in  pa.  come 

laeilra,  in  miweit]      '  Trj  him  ia  letten,  The  fbrm  of  m;  lutent.     111  aene  tJ 

in  griniaiticii '"  muaic ;  I  will  wwrmnt  him  dulie. 

acoompliBhed  in  everj  thing  «hiRh  a  foung  Thou  .hall  preient  me  ai  an  eniiiich 

gentleman  ought  to  know.'   These  were  tlie  him, 

uroal  elementa  of  a  good  education  amotig  It  maj  be  worth  thy  pain ;   for  I  c 

tbe  Greeki.     We  may  take  AnMotle'9  ac.  sing 

oonilt  of  them   aa  quits  Buffident  fbr  our  And  speak  to  him  in  manj  aorta  of  m 

pment  pnrpoM.    See  Folit.  liii.  9  :  Ai  iily  uck, 

oii'  irar<i^(U>i|iifa(  vSv  piOqrttic,  icaBa-  That  will  allow  me  vtrj  worth  hia  m 

rtp  IXtySi)    rfiripoy,  irafi^Tifiiciiiiiv.  vioe." 

'£itr.    ii    Tirropa    axiH-    S    naiZtiiiy  Twdfth  Nicht,  Act  1.  tceDe 


ACTTIS  m.    SCENA  II.  117 

Fac  in  palaeetTa,  in  musicis :  qoae  libenim 

Scire  aequum  eet  adolescentem  Bolertem  dabo.  2S 

7Ar.  Ego  iUum  eunuchum,  ei  opua  siet,  vel  sobriuB. 

Pa.  Atque  hseo  qni  misit  non  sibi  soli  postulat 

Te  Tivere,  et  buh  cauaa  ezctudi  caeteroe ; 

Neque  pu^nas  nairat ;  neque  cicatrices  suas 

Ostentat ;  neque  tibi  obetat,  quod  quidam  &cit :  30 

Tenun  ubi  molestnm  non  erit,  ubi  tu  roles, 

Ubi  tempus  tibi  erit,  sat  habet  si  tum  recipitur. 

Thr.  Apparet  sermm  bunc  eese  doioini  pauperia 

Miserique.     Oji.  Kam  hercle  nemo  poflaet,  sat  scio, 

Qui  haberet  qui  pararet  alium,  hunc  perpeti.  3S 

Pd,  Tace  tu,  quem  ego  eese  in&s  infimos  onmes  puto 

Homines ;  nam  qui  hoic  f^i'mi"'  assentari  induxeris, 

£  flamma  petere  te  cibum  posse  arbitror. 

Thr.  SsaoM  imuB  P     Th.  Hos  priua  introducam,  et  quae  toIo  ■ 

Simul  impersbo ;  post  continuo  exeo.  to 

Thr.  Kgo  hinc  abeo ;  tn  iatam  opperire.     Pa.  Haud  convenit 

Una  cum  amica  ire  imperatorem  in  yia. 

Thr.  Quid  tibi  ego  mnlta  dicam  P  domini  Bimilia  es. 

6n.  Ha,  ha,  he.     Thr.  Qnid  ridea?     Gn.  latuc  quod  dixti 

modo ; 
Et  iUud  de  Khodio  dictum  cum  in  mentem  Tenit :  Ai 

S7.   Naot  qm   hmie   mHitian  aneiUari        42.  flna  eum  amiea  ire]    The  otiinirj 

nufuwTM,  ife,']     '  Por  u  tor  joa  wbo  >re  mding  ii '  nna  ire  cnm  ainica,'  whicli  act». 

cDolent  to  flktto'  tbii  CbUow,  I  ChiDk  tbat  aioiii  one  of  thoae  liceiKies  of  which  com- 

jam  woBld  be  capBble  of  getting  >  liTeli.  mentBton  ue  10   fbnd.      Bat  it   me;    be 

bood  from  ■  fniitnl  pjie.'     Thcy  lued  to  donbled  wbetlier  in  uif  of  tbe  cuea  (UDkllj 

plece  fbod  on  tlie  fnnnl  pilo  ms  en  offering  qaoted  there  u  ■  gentiiiie  hiatofl.    The  lAliii 

to  the  infemal  goda,  aiid  no  doubt  there  pronnncistioii  wu  mnoh  more  htounble  ta 

were  Boma  who  wera  tnfficienUjr  ueedy  to  Sjneliephn.     In  moat  cuee  the  two  Toweli 

be  on  tlw  watch  ta  abatnet  tfaeae  proii-  coelssce,    nnd     form    one     bing    ijllabka. 

■oni.      CBtnllna  ia  morc  explicit.  When  wa  cbd  aToid  the  licence  altoitetber 

"  U«or  Ueneni  qava  wepe  in  «epnlcretii  •?  »  eimple  tnoepoution,  it  ■eemg  the  be(t 

VidiitM  ipeo  npere  rogo  de  coenani,  conrso  to  do  »o. 

Qnnm  devolutom  ei  igne  proeequeiu  pe-        *»-  DmtiiU  nrnitiM  et]     '  Yon  m  Uke 

nem  Tpnr  muCer,  cqually  beneeth  mj  nolice. 

Ab  eemiiuD  tnodmtnr  uMore."         (69.)  Bentler,  on  his  own  mthority.  introdncei 

H«,c«  tbe  e»pr««ion  of  tho  tert  wu  n  pro-  '*"  ''°'^'  «^» '  '»«**' "'  '."'^'f*-''^^^ 

»«biJ  t.unt  ^net  per»n.  of  eztreme  in.  ""B  "■  «11'^.°  ^  ^™™"  '  "Slj  f««.  "»J 

digence  >nd  meanDen.     Conipue  the  8cbo-  "l»toh.Minit^onof  h»m«ter.    He  coin. 

liLt  01.  Arirtophanee,  Cloudi  907-  E'"'/*"'  ^^  V^'-"  "^  ''evjffif 

40.     P«/]       Some     old     copie.     h»™  te  '  flrtterr,'  u  m,  Wupe 
•  poitee."     Tbo  IJber  Bembinni  hu  '  port.' 

liieis  here  goee  into  her  honse,  t«kinj  with  ^ 
b«r  tlie  eonnterfeit  Donu  «nd  the  Aethio- 

.     »of  «1    .      . 
.Xnnvtic:  >ad Phutns, HoMelluni 
"Vide,  ntfutidit  rimic"    Bnl  tl 
B  giH.   She  K«n  T«nn«,  «ul  tben  1«,«    "J^  "'"^ '■  '^  'T*'  .^  J"»^^  "■ 
■tue  with   Thruo.  followed  hy  her    '^.'"i™;'/^''/?"'^"?- 

iS.  lUuddrRAodiodieluai]  Seeul.l.Sfc 


Sed  Tliais  exit.     Thr.  Abi  prae,  cnrre,  tit  Bint  domi 

Parata.     Gfn.  Fiat.     Th.  IMligenter  Pythia» 

Fao  cures,  «i  CliremfiB  liuo  ibrte  adTen^t, 

TJt  ores  primum  ut  maneat :  cd  id  ncHi  oommodum  est, 

TJt  redeat :  si  id  non  poterit,  ad  me  adducito.  50 

Py.  Ita  faciam.     Th.  Quid  f  quid  aliud  Yobu.  dioere  ? 

Ebem,  curate  ietam  diligrater  Tirginem. 

Domi  adsitia  facite.     7V.  Eamus.     1%.  Yos  me  eeqiuinini 



Ch.  Profecto  quanto  magis  magisqne  cogito, 

iNiminun  dabit  baeo  Thaifi  mihi  magnum  inftlum : 

Ita  me  video  ab  ea  astute  labefaotarieo*, 

Jam  tum  cum  primimii  juasit  me  ad  se  aroeeaier. 

Eoget  quie  "  Quid  tibi  cum  illa  f  "  ne  noram  quidem ;  5 

ITbi  Teni,  causam  ut  ibi  manerem  repperit. 

Ait  rem  divinam  feeiBse,  et  rem  seriam 

Velle  agere  meoum.     Jam  tum  erat  suspicio 

Dolo  malo  baec  fieri  omnis :  ipsa  accumbere 

AcT  III.  ScBNB  III.    Chremes  inHTea  Donatiu  giTea  two  expUnatioai  ot  tbese 

fiill    of    pOT^Ieiilr    it     hii    ■aniiDani    lo  irorda:  (1)  ThBi*  Kemed  to  wiili  to  kecii 

Thsii.      Ue  cmnnat    ondaitBnd   what  ihe  him  «ith  her,  tnd  >a  delayed  her  buign»! 

wanU  Tith  him,  ■ndcertainl^doeeDotlcnaw  OD  the  ptetext  IhBt  iba  had  jdM  baen  en- 

what  1»  hu  to  do  with  her.     Her  c<Hidnct  g>ged  in  rdigioDi  dotiea  and  oirold  Dot  enter 

to  him  hkd  Ijeen  M>  mariced,  uid  tiie  qnss-  on   it   ■(  preMDt.     (S)   Th>t   Iming   Oat 

tioat  whidi  ihe  hsd  pat  were  ao  DoiDtelli-  niBttiT  of    importaDoa  to   tilk  orer   wtth 

gihle  to  bim  that  he  ean  onjy  «upect  that  Chremea,  abe  hid  oanimmeed  bir  •  Moi- 

riie  meHiB  misdiief.     For  what  hu  shB  gnt  Sne  fbr  good  liick>  nk«.    Hie  flnt  Memi 

to  do  «Ith  SDniam  or  hig  little  siBter  «ho  to  hBrmonin  best  with  Uie  pecadiDg  liiw. 

died  loDg  ago  ?     Perh^  ehe  wishes  to  ProbablT  tbe  meaniDg  if,  thot  at  hb  Snt 

pM*  baself  off  to  him  u  lliie  atater.     But  lirit  Thali  bwl  kept  hiBmitiiig  •  long 

tbat  «on't  do,  >he  ia  too  oid.     Bo  he  is  in  &  tJoie,  Mid  mide  thi*  ■pologj.    A  nerifice 

■tata  of  perpleiltj,  when  Pjthlaa  comee  Dp  ■oemi  to  h>Te  bceo  &  itanding  angagemeDC 

■nd  explaini  th«t  he  is  to  join  Thaia  at  with  lodie*  wbsn  tliev  wwited  nn  eaenw  fot 

Thraso'B  honge,  wbere  he  goee  witb  one  of  thor  ■bRnce.     Bee  Hecrn  i.  S.  IW. 
ber  mmdi.    DonitD*  remarka  that  Cbremea         B.  Dala  molo]  8«e  note  on  Aubu  i.  1. 

In  Menander  ii  inlended  to  be  ui  nnpo-  119.  The  lue  of  Uie  wotda  here  eiactlf  c«r- 

lished  mstir,  nnecqDtinted  wilb  tbe  m*n-  raapondi  to  the  tedmical  >eD*e  of  '  dolni 

nen  umI  language  of  the  town.     Hence  ■  malDS  '  unong  Romsn  jnriats.     Cicero  (De 

eartain  wsnt  ^conneiion  in  his  langnage.  Officiia  iii.  14),  tdlinr  ■  atorj  ofa  mui  wbo 

Bnt  thia  Bfter  ali  ia  not  much.     The  whole  bsd  been  Ukan  in  iSiaat  the  purcbaae  of  ■ 

■oene  is  isther  otioie,  ■nd  eridentlj  In-  Sgh-pond  st  8 jrwnise,  aafs,  ihat  after  all  be 

tended  merely  to  flll  ■  gap,  and  SDggust  tha  had  no  reniedj :  "  Noudum  enim  Aqiiilliu.s 

courseofthe  plot.  oollt^otfamUiuiamena,  protuierstde  IM» 

The  Metre  ii  iunbic  trimeter.  Malo  fomulaa.     In  quibDs  ipsis  cum  ei  eo 

1.AU  rnn  dMun/mnr]  'SbemldBhe  aDaereretnr,  quidesNt  dalaa  mslas,  icapon- 

'    '  '  'ing  ■  Baerifice,  and  wiihed  Oebat,   cum   esMt   aUud    nmuktnm    ■hsd 

*  of  importanfa  wilh  me.'  actnm."     Compare    Madeane'»   note   oa 

ACYUS  m.    SCBNA  ni.  119 

Mecmn,  mihi  seee  dare,  sermoDem  q^oaereie.  lo 

TJbi  friget,  Imc  evasit ;  qnam  piidemi  pater 

Mihi  et  mater  mortui  essent :  dico,  jom  diu. 

B,iia  Suoii  ecquod  baberem,  et  quam  longe  a  mari  f 

Cieda  ei  pkcere  hoc :  sperat  ae  a  me  avdlere. 

Postremo,  eoqua  inde  parra  periiaaet  soror?  19 

Ecquis  cum  ea  nna  f  qoid  habuisset  eum  perit  ? 

Eoquifl  eam  posset  nosoOTe  f    Hseo  cor  quaeritet  f 

Kisi  si  illa  forte,  qaae  olim  periit  parvula 

Soror,  hanc  se  intendit  eese,  ut  eet  audacia. 

Venua  ea  a  vivit  aimoe  nata  eet  sedecim,  3o 

Non  major.     Thais  quam  ego  som  majusoula  est. 

Miait  porro  onure  ut  Tenirem  serio. 

Aut  dicat  quod  volt ;  aut  molesta  ne  aiet : 

Non  bercle  Teniam  teitio.     Heus,  beus.     Ecquis  bio  f 

Ego  eum  Cbromea.     Pjf.  0  capitulum  lepidissimum  I  3S 

Ch.  Dico  ego  wiiTii  insidias  fieri.     Py.  Tbois  maximo 

Te  orabat  opere  ut  cras  redires,     Ch.  Kus  eo. 

Py.  Fac  amabo.     Ch.  Non  possum,  inquam.     Py.  At  tu  apud 

noe  bio  maDe, 
Dmn  redeat  ipsa.     Ch.  NibiL  minus.     Py.  Cur  mi  Obremee  ? 
Ch.  MftliLTii  rem  binc  abie  f   Py.  Si  istuc  ita  certum  est  tiln,  3o 
Amabo  ut  illnc  transeas  nbi  iUa  est.     Ch.  Eo. 
Py.  Abi  Dorias  cito  bunc  deduce  ad  militem. 

Honce.  CanQ.  L  3.  38.     Tfana   ChnmM  with   liar   luiul    impodeDce.'     'iDtsndo' 

Mtipeeted  tliat  be  wai  all  >loiig  tlia  Tictjm  lonKtiiDei  meui '  to  ■ffirm  euiieMlj,'  '  to 

>f  m  piene  of  doBble  deBling  on  tlie  put  of  ionitj'  more  portioulirlj  'opon  ■  i^arge 

Hu.  ■gnnrt  BnDtber.'     Thni  tbe  tecbniat  pait 

10.  Jtfi<U  *tt*  dart}  Compwa  HeuL  i*.  of  >  pleintifri  cUim  vu  celled  tbe  '  in- 
i.  10.  AddpU  T.  a.  M.  taDtio.'    8ee  Dictjonmrr  of  Aotiqq.  p.  I>, 

11.  niijhfitt]  'We  tried  >I1  manner  of  b.    Compue  PlHitn*,  Mil«  GlorioiiM  U.  4. 
tofica  af  cauTenitioa,      Whan  it  fl>gged,  tl:     "  IWgia   Bcelerte  intsDdve   et   t 
tbt  nme  to  thii :  How  long  It  waa  11000  I  trgnen."     Qaintiliati  iii.  6.  SS 1  "  ' 
had  luet   mj  btlwr   ■nd   Diotlw.'     Ciiiero  tori  nibilo  plam  iDt      '      ' 
iue>  the  word  '  IHgeo '  in  ■  umilar  ■£»««.  probet  inctnm  esae, 
"MiU  mde,   pl>ae   }»m,    Bnite,   tHgeo.  recte  factnm,  Jnre  ■ 
u^armr  enun  eret  meiun  ScoUtu  :  id  eet  heni  '  ebe  penirte  ii 
JMn  ditBolntnm,"  Ad  Pem.  Ki.  14,     '  I  un  aj  eiiter.'     Por  '  nl 
■t  a  ataodetill.     I  am  oot  of  work  :  latmj  Adelphi  iii.  3.  36  :  "  Crado,  nt  ert  Mnenlia." 
tecd,  the  Senale,  <■  broken  up.'  36.  Maximo  optrt']  Tbii  n  a  common 

16.    QKid  kaMtKt  enm  ptril]    '  Wbat  liinn  in  TereDce.  Compu^  Heant.  iT.  1.  ISi 

■be  had  on  her  peiwin  wben  ihe  wai  loat.'  "  Heminialdn   .  ■ .  mihi  te    munmo    opm 

It  w>i   outamH7  for  ;aaTig  cbildren  to  edicere;"  ud  PhormioT.  I.  33  :  "  Qnod  Doe 

wear  onMineiiti,  or  'crepandla,'  on  tbeir  uubo  opete  muimo  d>bamni  opcnm  at 

penona,  bf  which  Chey  might  be  recognioed  fieret."    We  may  compare '  mmmo  opsa,' 

ifloat.     8eei.  2.  32,  and  note  on  It.  0.  16.  Locretiui  It.   USfii   "  Omnia  Munmopera 

19.  BaMCtt  inttTidit  ttii,  at  ttl  aadceia]  hoe  viiae  poecmia  rrlent  " 
'MeuM  ta  pM>  bmdf  off  fw  m;  eirt*,        31.  AmatoutiUiultm**«*tMHImti(l 



Heri  aliquot  adolescentuli  coinmB  in  Firaeeo, 
In  huiic  dietn  ut  de  symbolis  essemus.     Chaeream  ei  rei 
FraefecimuB ;  dati  aimidi ;  locus,  temapuB  constitntum  est. 
Praeteriit  tempus ;  quo  in  loco  dictum  est  parati  niliil  eet. 
Homo  ipee  nusquam  est ;   neque  Bcio  quid  dioam  aut  qoid 

conjecteDL  5 

Kunc  mihi  hoc  negoti  caeteri  dedere  ut  illum  quaeram ; 
Idque  adeo  Tisam,  Bi  domi  eat.     Quisnam  liic  a  Tliaide  exit  ? 
Ib  est,  an  non  est  f  ipsus  est.     Quid  hoc  hominiB  ?  qui  hic 

omatus  eflt  ? 

'  1  b^  of  ;oa  jOBt  to  iteii  acToaB  where  sbe  pontiaD   '  in  '  ii  naed   before   '  Pineenm  ' 

ii  Dow.'     ■Ainabo,'  like  'qoBeao,'  ia  ordi-  (Buxhid.  ii.  3.  1  ;  MoitelL  i.  1.  63). 

naiilj  DBed  pventbetical]]',  u  s  mere  inter-  3.  Jn  Anne  dirm  vl  de  tj/miolii  etttmtu] 

jectiDn  i  bnt  «omecimei  it  pusea  into  the  '  Ta  clnb  together  fi>r  >  aupper  for  to-daj. 

Benu  af  '  qnaeso,'  or  '  aiDHiter  rogo,'  uid  See  note  on  Andn*  i.  1.  C2. 

then  it  ia  fbQDd  in  coDStmction  witb  '  nt '  CAaertcjn  ei  rei  Pra^ecimto]  '  We  niaile 

>nd    the    amjnuctive.     Compaie   Flsntus,  Chaena  onr  ■teward ;    oor  riaga  were  aH 

Henaechmei  ii.  3.  7S  :  "  8ed  »cin  qiiid  te  giien  ;  time  acdpltce  ■ppoint«d.'    Dooatiu 

•m>bo  ut  faciu?"  ■od  iii.  3.  1  i  eipUins'pnefecimu*,' "  Idett,«>fiirD<iti|). 

"Men.edime.m«BmttemultumErotium  Jf"»'  fedmu..';     In  _thi«  p«Mge  the 

Ut  hoc  nuDC  una  opers  >d  nnnfice 

SeeiOKCiitelluiai.  1.106:  fawL  "xbe 

"  Nnnc  ego  t«d  emabo  nt  hanc  liac  triduiuu  bendi,'  wooid  be  dected  bj  the  dice  kt  the 

■ohim  sinas  time  of  the  iDpper.     In  Plsatua,  Cnrculio 

Eue  hic  et  ■errare  apnd  me."  iv.  1.  13,  we  meet  with  e  pbrase  which  it  is 
difficult  to  eipUin :    "  BymboUmm   ooUa- 

AcT  III.  ScsNB   IV.      While   Cluere>  torea  *d  fomm  pisearinm."     Foicelliiu  ei. 

ha*  been  anTing  on  Ui  ompiign  under  plMos  it  '  contributon  '   of   dub-monej : 

ttie  ununed  chuvcter  of  Doms,  his  ftiends  ■nd  probkbl j  it  is  a  mere  obilnct  aipree. 

hare  baen  waiting  tbr  their  dinner,  whii^  Don  to  ngnilj  the  puties  of  jauig   men 

waa  lo  oome  off  in  tba  Piiaeeus  before  naw.  wbo  woold  sbvU  ioto  tfae  fi^-m*riiet  la 

So  Antipho  oomea  to  look  fbi'  him,  and  eelect  a  flne  itargeon  or  molJet  for  their 

■eei  some  one  ooming  ont  of  Thaia'  houie  erening  ieatmtiea.    Rings  and  otber  nhi- 

In  a  ■trange  attire,  whom  he  Iub  the  curi-  ablei  were  oftan  giTen  iu  pledge  fiB'  mone; 

oiitj  to  wiit  for.  on  thesa  occaaionB. 

TheHetreiaUmbiatetmnetercatalsctic.  4.  Parali  nihil  eil]    ThiB  fiHin  of  the 

1 .  Heri  .  . .  In  Piraeeo]  Cioeco  in  one  of  genitiTe  is  common  in  Teience,  ■■  '  omati, 

hiB  letten  to  Attieus  (riL  3)  qnotee  this  tumulti,'  in  Audria  ii.  2.  28,  and  ■boie,  ii. 

lineoB  BFrecedent  fbr  his  naeafaprepoei.  i,6:  "Quid  iBtnc,  inqnam,  onwti  est  ?" 

tion  befbre  the  word  '  Ptneeum,'  whioh  he  "  Qoaoti,"  Hecjre  ».  1.  9.    Potcellini  oon. 

jUBlifieB  bj  BBjing  thot  he  nsed  the  word  u  siders  ■  pirati '  lo  be  fiom  '  pontam '  ('  Pa. 

the  uame  oT  a  diatrict  ratber  tbui  a  town,  latns') ;  bnt  if  so,  this  i*  Ihe  onlj  inatuH» ; 

and  bj  the  autbority  of  Terence.     Ue  resd  and  Terenae^s  cnstom  SBpporta  the  othcar 

'in  Piraeeum.'     Bnttbe  readiogof  the  teit  view. 

is  maintained  by  all  eiisting  mBnuscripta  8.  Quid  ioe  kemiait  f  ]     ■  Wh^t  loit  of 

and  copiea.  The  Tonug  men  were  quaitered  man  is  tlus  !  what  »011  of  dTeea  ?'     Com. 

at  Puaiaens,  ao  that  'iD  Pitaeeo  '  wauld  be  parti  t.  1.  17  ;  "Qnid  illue  hominii  aet?" 

the  oulj  accunte  phrase.    Bentlej  qnotea  Heant.  It.  li.  7  :    "  Qoaaao  qDid  tn  boDinn 

two  pauagas  &om  Plautna,  whcn  the  pre.  ee?"     Hecjia  1t.  4.  31 1 

Tatbei  to  be  that  Cliaerea  was  U> 
make  all  Decessiry  prqiarationa   fbr    tbe 


ACrUS  ni.    SCENA  V.  121 

Qoid  illud  mali  est  P  neqneo  satis  mirari  neque  conjicere. 
I^isi  quicquid  eet,  procul  hinc  libet  priiu  quid  ait  Bciscitari.   lO 


CHAEKEA.       AimPHO. 

Ch.  NumquiB  hic  eet  F  nemo  eet :  numquis  hiac  me  eeqmtnr  f 

nemo  liomo  est. 
Janme  erumpere  hoc  lioet  mihi  gaudium  f  pro  Jupiter  I 
IVunc  eet  profecto  interfici  cum  perpeti  me  posBum, 
Ne  hoc  gaudinm  contaminet  Tita  aegritudine  aliqoa. 
Sed  nemiuenme  curioeum  intervenire  nunc  mihi,  s 

10.  M»i]  See  DoE«  on  Anaria  i».  1,  40.  "  ""  »1"".   hilKi»  at  benn  uceptii,  ne  in 
nui  ■hnnachnm  eninipHit   qnnm   tibi  riut 

AcT  ni.  SCBN*  V.    dwerem  c»me*  out  i™ti."  Ad  Atticunnvi.a.  2.    LiYyi»»»L  7  = 

rf  Thu»'  honw  in  ■  lUte  of  ec»t«j  now  "  Cujn.  Bi  talia  uiimni  ett,  »lvunni  noi  ejns 

Ibat  hu  dedgn  npon  Pkmphila  ha*  com-  vincula  et  claaatim  refriagMDiu,  nt  enimpere 

pletdT   «icceeded.     At  tiie  Mme  time  he  <■!"    toerdtun    inm  in   hortei    coromnnM 

k  >frsiil  of  meeliDg  »;  one   in  hii  pre-  po™t.-    Tibnlliis  iv.  1.88:  "  Ponlibui   nt 

■ent  OMtiime.     Al   thii   moment  Anlipha  "lolcB»  emmp^t  lerm  liqno™." 
■ecoMs  hini,  ■nd  HHin  luds  him    to   gfvo         *■  Cbit(m<iii»/]   "Thrt  iifB  nHT&otuu 

■  fnll  ■cconnt  of  hi«  »dTenmre»  in  TbBU'  my  prewnt  jnjr  bj  inj  sormnr.'    Fofcon. 

hotue:     bow  he   hed    gDhMitated    bimielf  twninet '  lee  note  on  Andri^,  Prol.  1«.  For 

(br    Dcrni:    how    be   httl   acted   hie  p»rt  ">«  lontiment  compve  Aodri»  t.  B.  2  nnd 

to  po^ectioQ  berore  Thai»,  and  had  been  "ote.  i     n        i.    j 

pnt  in  diuge  of  (be  Terr  girl  whom  he        ^-  ™  nmmrmne]  •  Bnt  wby  doe«  not 

h«l    fallen    ia  km.   with    in    the    itreBt :  Mmeeurioue  fellow  f»llin  with  tollow 

bow  an  nnexpecled  opportunity  h»d  offered  ™*  wherever  I  go.  nnd  boro  me  with  quea. 

ofc«rTjingontbiadeBgn«,«ndbeh»dt»ken  tione?'     Terj  niturellj  CbMna  ii  made  to 

idTaDti^  of  It.     He  goe»  ofT  with  Antipho  Bipree»  a  «ort  of  deaire  for  the  Tery  oom- 

to  get  rid  of  hia  dothei,  and  meet  his  &iend>  P^T  '^^  ^  woaiS  ha*e  been  mort  likel j 

■t  mpper.  to  ■TOid.    He  is  fdll  of  an  important  lecret, 

The  Hetre  ia  ae  follow» ;  1 ,  8,  trochuc  "d  mnit  hxTe  It  out  to  «ome  one  or  an- 

tettwneter  cetaledic ;  10,  II,  trochaic  te-  "*•'"■    The  negatire  form  of  tbe  aentence 

tnmeter;  3,   *.  9.  13,  13.  44-66,  iambic  ^  'erj   natnral.     Thi»  trait  haa  not  been 

tetrwneter  cmtJectic  ;  8— 8.14— 3S,  iambic  miisod  bj  onr  gtflst  modern  bnmonrirt,  a» 

lct„Q,eta'.  t'**  (iillowing  paunge  thowe.    iSz.  Winkte 

l.  Af«io  *<«*  (»0    ■Nemo-l.nsedwitb  >»  ■!»«  >o  «bW  with    Dr.  SUmmer,  and 

■hDOio'inorotbanonceinToTence.    Com-  ^   "•''''   «""*!  >neffBctn»l  ■tlempte  to 

pare  Adelphi  ii.  3.  8:    "Fratrem  homini  '"^'^  '>>»  f™"^  Mr.  SnodgraM  to  mler. 

Deminl  CMe  primamm  artinm  migii  prind-  '^' 
pem."      Phonnio  iv.  8.  1 1  ".  P 

"  Ego  bominem  callidioTem  ridi  neminem  !^„  , 

Qnam  Pbormionem."  gome 

Tbe  pbisBe  ocmn  ■bo  in  Plaatns,  Pem  ii.  meditationi  I     The  moming   *■«    wearing 

S.  99 :    *'  Nemo    bomo   anqoam   ita   irbi'  awaj ;  he  grow  desperate. 
traln*  ert."     Ciceco  oiee  it  once  or  twtce.  "'Snodgrwi,'  be  aaid,  elopiring  inddenlj, 

i.  Jamtu  tTMmptrt  hoe  lictt  nihi  gati-  '  do  nat  let  me  be  baulked  in  tbii  matter — 

drMn  f\  '  Can  I  Dow  give  Tent  to  m j  preeent  do  not  gire  informatian  to  tbe  local  an- 

joj .''    Tbii  i»  one  of  a  few  pasngei  in  thoritlea— do  not  obtain  tba  awiitnica  of 


122  EUNTJeHtrS. 

^ii  me  ssquatur,  quoqoo  eam ;  rogitando  obtondatt  enecet ; 
Quid  gest^i»,  aut  quid  laeboM  sini ;  quo  pergam,  unde  emer- 

gam ;  ubi  siem 
YeBtitum  Iiunc  nactus ;  quid  tni>ii  quaeram ;  sauus  sim,  aime 

An.  Adibo,  atque  ab  eo  gratiam  haiic  quam  video  velle  imbo. 
Chaerea,   qnid  eat  quod  aio   gestis  P    quid  sibi  hio  Testitua 

quaerit  P  lo 

Quid  est  quod  laetus  sis  ?  quid  tihi  Tis  ?  satiii  sanos  ?  quid 

me  adEipectssf 
Qoid  taocfl  ?     Ch.  0  festuB  dieB  hominis !  amioe  «dTe. 
Nemo  e«t  hominum,  quem  ego  nune  magis  ci^Mncem  Tidere 

quam  te. 
An.  Karra  istuc  quaeso  quid  siet.     Ch.  Imo  ego  te  obflccro 

hercle  ut  audias. 
Nostine  hanc,  quam  amat  frater  P    An.  Noti,  nempe  opiuor 

Thaidem.  is 

Ch.  Istam  ipsam.     An.  Sic  commemineram.     Ch.  Quaedam 

hodie  eat  ei  dono  data 
Yirgo.     Quid  ego  ejos  tibi  nunc  faciem  praedicem  aut  laudem 

Cum  ipsum  me  norls  quam  elegans  formarum  spectator  siem  P 

•erenl  peue  offlcen  to  Uke  ather  ms  or  iog,   ib  reckpitulatiiig   all    the   lo|He*    (o 

01.  Slammer,  of  the  niiiety-eeTeiitii   regi-  «liich  Cheerea  had  *Iliided  befare  in  tt. 

meot,  Dow  qoutered  »t  ChiUham  Bundu,  B — S. 

iato  cuKodf ,  uid  thui  prerent  this  doel : —         12.   0/ntiu  ditthominiti  amiet  tater] 

I  aj,  do  DOt.' "— Posthamoiu  Papen  of  the  All  the  uld  capiea  uid  Donatus  hsTe  thia 

Pickwick  Club,  chepter  ii.  The  word  '  Bera-  radiag,  though  it  i>  «srcelj   iatelligiblc. 

r4l'  in   thia  pastBge  ia  one  of  the  &Dest  Donetug  eiplaini  it  bv  'hoiua  festi  dira.' 

toorlie*  in  that  chRrming  work.  Bentlej  proposea  '  O  featus  dies  1   O  meos 

9.  Adii<i,atgtit  abtoffraluim  Mane  .  .  .  unicui,  nlTe ;'   which   the  Taucbiuti  edi. 

imbo}  '  I  irill  gD  to  him,  uid  will  do  him  tion  ha*  impniTed  iuto  '  O  mi  amica  nlTa.' 

this  foTOnr  «hidi  I  see  he  wiihes.'     Com.  Benlle;  quDtsa    from  Pluitiis,  Casju  i.  1. 

pwe  PUatDs,  EpidicuB  iii.  4.  G :  "  Ecquam  49 :  "  Koe,  amabo,  ted  amah,  meiu  festn* 

abs  to  inibo  gntiam  !"     Cioero,  In  Verrem  diee,"     I    sospect   that   the   tme  reading, 

iL  2.  4A,  speakiog  of  SthsDias,  "  Ita  porro  thongh  lost,  is  'O  fsati  dies  omiois,'   (or 

laudatus  defensuaque  ah  omDibus  Siculii  ut  which  we  hsTe  ■  homims,'  as  'holiro'  (or 

idem  Pompeiua  non  ab  liomine  aolum  sed  olim,'    'baruudo'  for  '  arundo,'  whidi  are 

etiam  a  proTiDcia  lotB  se  hnjua  ■hsolutione  foand  JD  manuacripts.    The  liDe  is  eTJdeatly 

iDire  gTBtiam  wbitrwetar  f "  meant  for  bd  iunbic  tetrBmeler  cata)ectic( 

1(1.   Quid  at  qaod  lic  gfttit  /]   '  WhaC  ii  though  it  ii  ■  bad  one  aa  it  itands.    Bentlej 

tbe  reason  that  jod  ue  geBticQlntiDg  lo  ?'  propOBes  '  quid  dices ,-'  which  woqhl  be  aaffi- 

'Gestio'is  properlf  used,  is  Donatus  ez-  dent  to  mend  it. 

plains,  of  tbe  modoni  of  animols.    TheDce  it  18.  Camiptum  dm  noru  jMtfM  ftegatu 

is  tnnsferred  to  tbe  eipreasion  of  an;  sCrong  jQmerum  tpeelalar  liem  .*]    '  Whj  ahODld 

feeling ;  and,  lastly,  it  oomes  to  be  used  in  I  speak  of  aod  praiie  her  beautj  to  jin, 

the  sense  of '  to  desire,'  as  in  Phormio  iL  1.  Antipho,  when  fou  Icdow  wdl  what   niaa 

30:  -■•  ■  " 


AOTUS  m.    SCENA  V.  123 

In  hac  etHDinotQs  eom.    A».  Am  taP    Ch.  Primam  dioee, 

Bcio,  ai  videiiB. 
Quiid  malta  verba  ?  amare  coepL    Forte  fortuna  domi  30 

Erat  quidam  eanacliiu  quem  mercatiu  faerat  &ater  Tbaidi, 
Neqae  is  deductui  etiamdamadeam.  Summonuit  me  Parmeno 
Ibi  BerFOB  qnQd  ego  arripui.     An.  Qoid  id  est  P     CA.  Tacitua 

citiaa  aodies. 
Ut  Testem  cmn  eo  mnt^n,  et  pro  illo  jubeam  me  illuc  deducier. 
An.  Pro-eimnGlHm  P   CA.  Sio  est.    An.  Quid  ex  ea  re  tandem 

ut  caperes  commodi  ?  25 

Ch.  Rt^as  ?  Tideimi,  audirem,  eeBem  una  quacum  cupiebam 

Num.parva  oausa  aut  parva  ratio  est  P  traditus  sum  mnlierL 
Sla  ilico  ubi  me  accepit  laeta  vero  ad  se  abducit  domum ; 
Commendat  virginem     An.  Gui  P  tibine  ?     Ch.  Mibi.     An. 

Satis  tuto  tamen. 
Ch.  Edicit  ne  vir  qmBquam  ad  eam  adeat ;  et  mibi  ne  abace- 

dam  imperat,  30 

In  isteriore  parte  ut  maneam  boIub  com  eola ;  anmio, 
Terram  intuenB  modeete.     An.  Miser  1     Ch.  "  £go,"  inquit, 

"  ad  coenam  hinc  eo." 
Abducit  eecum  anoillBs:  paacae  quae  oircum  illam  eeaent 

Kovitiae  paeUae :  oontiauD  baec  adomant  nt  lavet.  34 

Adbortor  properent :  dum  apparatur,  virgo  in  conclavi  eedet, 
SuspectuiB  tabulam  quandam  pictam,  nbi  inerat  {notura  haec : 


19.  it  iMC  eommoltu  imm]  '  I  mi  Mrack  aocording  to  their  teno  of  >erTioe.    Forcal- 

*ith  her. '    For  the  DU  of  tha  BbbMiTe  com-  lini  quotee  from  H vduiiis,  Dig.  3.  S.  4  : 

pa»  Orid,  De  Atte  Amuidi  i.  731,  TS3  :  "  Sont  ■atom  veter*n*  mvidpiB  quae  uiDO 

"IUlid»iii>LTrlceril*i>.mbMOrk.n:  oonanno  in  nrbe  i«rTwnmt :  noriti.  «tem 

FkHklu  in  Imta  Niide  Duluii  ertt,"  «HelwnnWr,  qnw  «jno  nond™   tenM- 

^  ^  nint"     Plwiliu,  CaptiTi  ui.  0.  60 :    "  Ra. 

iud  Ifetuooipli.  TiL  Sl :   "  Qnid  in  boe-  ceiu    ci^tnm    liaminem,   nDpenmi,    Dori' 

pite,  npD  virgo,  tlmfa  ?"  tiuD." 

31.  A  imltrum  parlt]    '  In   tbe   ionCT         36.  Conctori]  'ConcIiTe' properirnieus 

[wt  of  the  hoaee,'  nunelj,  in  the  '  grnee-  ■  enite  of  apartmente  QndH  one  lodi  Bod 

nuD.'    See  Dote  on  Flioniuo  ▼.  6.  22.  icej.     It  is  commonl;  tned  in  thesenH  ofa 

Utj  i,  67;  "LucretiuD  In  medio  aedium  'cbunber,'  aometimes  far  sleeping,  «a  in 

•edentem  inTenicbuit."  Hesnt.  >.  1.  29,  soDietimea  fbr  meals,  aa  In 

34.  Naviliat  putUae]  '  llieTe  Btaj  1>«-  Cicero,  De  Oratore  ii.  8{f :    "  Hoc  interim 

bind  wme   jODUg    girlt.'      '  Noritina  '    ii  spUio  conclaTe  illad  nbl  epaUretar  Scopaa 

oiipnallj   ■   lengthtmed   form    of  '  nOTua '  conddisne :  e>  ruina  ipsum  oppreainm  CDm 

(lec   ForoelliDi).     So  we   IwTo   it    osed  in  niii  interiiiae." 

Fbatae,   Moelellaria  iiL  2.  le :  "  NoTilium         36.  Sutptctant   tabtUam   qtumdam  jrfe. 

mihi  queitDia  institai  dod  melnm,"   'I  tatn]  '  looking  up  atapainliiig,' vhich  de- 

1i»e  taken  iqi  ■  new  and  profitable  trade.'  Kribed  Qib  Tint  of  Jnpiler  to  Duwe  in  • 

GI^TM  wcre  aS^  'Teterani'  or  'Doritii'  ihover  of  gtdd.  Thie  punting  wM  or  ""^ 


124  EXJNTICinJS. 

Quo  paoto  Daaaae  misuse  aiunt  quondam  in  gTeminnL  imbrem 

Egomet  quoque  id  spectare  coepi ;  et,  quia  conBimilem  luserat 
Jam  olim  ille  ludum,  impendio  magiB  animus  gaudebat  mihi  ; 
Deoro  sese  in  bominem  conTertisee,  atque  in  alienas  t^^iilas  40 
Yenisse  clanculum  per  impluvium,  fucum  factum  mulieri. 

Tlie  mllg  were  often  cavered  •ricb  fnsco  on  atizoat,  or  on  the  ealAbliiked  rdigion. 

paintLngg.     See  tho  artlcle  '  Pictura '  in  the  We  >ee  tbew   matten  in  lO  dear  a  ligfat 

Dicdoatij  of  Antiqaitia.  Compare  Plaatu,  tbat  ws  are  apt  ta  (brget  to  calealate  tbo 

Heaaechoiei  i.  2.  31,  SS:  distoriiing  effect  of  the  raediiim  thicnifh 

'■  Die  mihi  naoiqaa  tu  lidirti  tabolan  pic-  '^'*'  tbey  aaw  thmi. 

tam  i    nariete  ""^  ol»er»e  that  AugastiDe,   qaobug 

Ubi  «luiro^itam  raperet  «.t  ubi  P"^'J  ?"-  rT^'^»^   ™^ 

Veml.  Adoaeum  V       ^  «  ^^^^-     JVo  V'  ^"  "^'■,   "  .^r 

qooiidam ;    42,  '  inmmo  eoaitu  /  43,     Kgft 

TkMO  paintingi  aeem  lo  haie  often  betm  of  homuocio  id  noa  bcerem  ?     Bgo  Tero  illnd 

a  licentious  character,  aod  «ometiniea  nn.  feci^  u  Inbeni.' 

daloaalf  indecent.     Thai  Propertiui  ii.  6.  38.  /mpendu   mnfit    laiimut   gaitdtbat 

27 — 34,   complains   uf    theiT  demonliziug  (uiAi]   '  My  mind  eiulted  the  more  with  a 

nfStii^ :  Duachief.'    The  origin  of  the  phnie  ia  that 

"  Qaae  manua  obacoenu   depiniit  prima  *«  meaeare  the  degree  by  the  tapeoae  it 

tal^l^  puts  us  to,  bj  iU  coat.     Tlie  phrue  i«  noC 

Etpo«uitJ«UtnrTriari«idQmo,  uncommon.     Compare  Plaatu»,  Anlalari», 

IllapsellanimiagcnaaacorTUpitooBllDa,  Prolog  :   "  Atqne  illo  Tero  minoi  minnsqDS 

Nequitiaeqne  laae  noluit  esse  rodes.  impendio  Curare."     Cicero,  Ad  Atticam  i. 

Kon  islis  oUm  fariabant  tecta  fignris.  ■«-  9  =  "  At  ille  impendio  nnnc  mapa  odit 

Tunc  paiies  nuUo  crimine  pictoa  atat."  Sanatnm." 

Froin  which  pauaie  it  appears  that  such  ,  ^^^^     ,^^       tbroogh     the    akjlight.'* 

paintingi  "^not  Mnfiied  to  the  bouse,  ^^^  ^        ^j  ^  i„  Fhocmio  i».  4. 

ofpersonsofThaui   proreH.on.  gg     "  Anguis    per    implurium    deodit    de 

Thi.  u  a  conTenieiit  pUce  to  mention  the  tegulis,"    usei    '  implurtom  '    where    we 

diKTedit  loto   which  thi.  pUj  ha.    Wn  ahoold  rather  have  eipected  '  complaTinm.' 

brought  bi  tha  «lene.    Kot  to  menbon  p^^^^  j^  ^^^  aJTtwice  in  the  Milea 

any   infenor   authors,    8t.   Augustine    hai  Qigrioina  ii.  2.  4.  and  18  : 

made  thia  passsge  the  teit  of  a  repnwch 

which  he  frequently  csala  upon  the  hcMhen,  "  Modo  nesdo  quia  inspect>nt  Toitroram 

that  the  eiample  of  their  godi  wss  *n  ea.  flimiliarium 

I'  Omnei  enim  cul-  Por  nostnim  impluTinm  intos  apad  nos 

nideoram,"h6isy>,  "moiuteoi  FhilooOTnasium  alqne  hospitem 

libido   perpulerit,    ferreoti,   ut  ait  Peniui,  Osculantes." 

tiDCls  Tcneno,  ma^s  intueaturqaid  Jupiler  The   'implariam'   was  properlj  the   lank 

feceritqasm  quiddocuerit  PUto.Tclcensue-  inlo  which  the  rain  fell,  wbicb  wsa  in  tbB 

rit  Cato,"  De  Civilsle  Dei  ii.  7-     Hegoea  middle  of  the  hall.    The  «loping  roof  abore 

on  to  qaote  this  and  some  of  the  fbllowing  waa  called  '  compluTium  '   becBuss   it  col- 

Hnes.     We  find  it  difficolt  to  appredata  the  leded  the  rein  whidi  was  to  UI  into  the 

tsate  wbich   ii  not  oilended  at  the  whole  tanli.     '  ImpluTium  '    wai  commonl*    lued 

plot    of  the    Eunupbui ;    bot    it   maj    be  ai  the  general  nsme  for  the  whole.  Bentlej 

■afelj  afGrmed  thst  few  modem  pocti  would  gifes  a  moit  curiooi  rtason  (or  alterini;  thH 

hate  treated  ki  difficujt  a  lubject  so  deli.  pasaage.     He  laya,  "Jnpiter  ri  per  ilhid 

cstely.     In  tbis  Tcry  paeiage  Terence  bj  (impluvinm)  deddiuet,  nnn  propiorDanaae 

hia  elabotale  description  of  all  the  attendant  cubicnlo  fuiswt  quam  si  foris  in  ria  esiet." 

(ircumitancGB  drawi  away  theattentioDfrom  He  Iherefbre  leada    "  per   pluTiam    fucnm 

the  act  itself.     Wc  must  remember,  loo,  in  fcctum  Tir^ni,"  aod  asjs,"  Ei  no»li»emen- 

judfing  of  the  taile  oF  ■  Roman  audience,  datione  imb^  aureus  per  t^uUs  in  TirgiDii 

that    lice  waa   wilh    the    heathen   world  s  cubiculum   po^uiit."     But  Ihis  ii  to    ba 

mstler  not  of  morala.  Init  cf  lodisl   con-  liteiBl  to  a  fiuilt.    Terence,  too,  would  hardlj 

Tonience.    Immoralitiea  were  branded  with  be  guiltj  in  two  lines  ol  nuldng  Jopiter  ■ 

disgrace  chieflj  when  they  led  lo  ontragea  shower  and  a  m 


Acrrus  ni.  scena  v.  125 

At  qaem  Denm  f  qni  templa  coeli  siuima  Bonita  concutit. 
Ego  homancio  hoc  non  faceiem  f  ego  illud  vero  ita  feoi  ac 

Bom  haec  mecnm  reputo,  arcessitur  laratum  interea  virgo : 
It,  lavit,  rediit :  dmnde  eam  in  lectum  illae  coUocant.  45 

Sto  exspectans  ai  qoid  miU  imperent.     Tenit  ima ;  "  !^iib 

tu,"  inqnit,  "  Dore 
Cape  lioc  fiabellum  et  Tentnlom  linic  sic  facito,  dnm  lavamns : 
Ubi  noe  laverimus  si  Tolee  lavato."     Accipio  tristis. 
An.  Tnm  equidem  istnc  os  tuum  impudeiis  videre  TiiTniiim 

Qui  eeaet  status,  fiabellum  tenere  te  aainum  tantum.  60 

Ck.  Yix  elocnta  est  hoc,  foras  simul  omnee  prorunnt  se : 
Abeuot  lavatum :  perstrepnnt,  ita  ut  fit  domini  ubi  abeunt. 
luterea  somnna  virginem  opprimit ;  ego  limis  specto 
Sic  per  flabellum  clanculnm ;  simnl  alia  circnmspecto 
Satin  explorata  sint.     Tideo  eeee ;  peeaulnm  ostio  obdo.        55 
An.  Qnid  tum  ?     Ch.  Quid  P  quid  tum  ?  fatne.    An,  Fateor. 

Ch.  An  ego  occaaionem 
Uihi  ostentam  tantam,  tam  brevem,  tom  optatam,  tam  inspe- 

Amitterem  P  tnm  pol  ego  is  easem  vere  qui  aimulabar. 
Aft.  Sane  hercle  nt  dicis :  scd  intcrim  de  Bymbolis  quid  actum 


ftwiwi  /arlm  nmjieri]    '  Focai '  wm  rerent  tona  depending  npon  the  To-b  '  *i- 

propelj  B  Idnd  of  rODge.     Hence  genenllT  dere' — '  Qai  e»et  (tatua'  uid  '  tenere   te 

'  linxption.'     8ee   PUntni,    CaptiTi  iii.   4.  fiabellnm.'  Bentlej  resd*  '  flibellnlnm.'  At 

123 :    "  Iis  mi    Btalido   niranni  TonDin  o»  it  sUndi  the  iine  ia  deticient  by  »  syllabie. 
■obleTere  oBkciia."     Hance   '  sablinit   □■.'         01.  Poret  omnrt  pronnmt  ti]     '  Hwj 

Uila  Glcn'.  ii.  1.  33  koA  t.  69  ;  ill  fling  tbemielvei  otitof  theroom.'   Com- 

«  fiu»ti«  &bridB  et  doeHe  doH»  P™  Adelphi  iT.  8.  11:  •■Obeocro,  Tide  ne 

n  ob  ocnlo»  objidemna."  '""  '"'c  prornu  se  imiit,"     See  the  nOte« 

,_   „       .  .     .  ,  .  on  T.  2  of  this  aeeae  aud  *  emenrere  m  '  ia 

«3.  B,o   hommao   ioe   non  /aceriwi]  jindriaiii  2  39 
Cmnp«e  Arirtophane»,  Clouda  1078-1082:         „_  g^^  ^^f^  ^^,„^    .  j  ^^  „^„  ^ 

l"'xk  jip  lif  riiji^  i\oit  tH    dvriptTc  her— »o— tbronghtbe  itn.'     'Limni^pro. 

Tfif  oiriir,  pertT  meuig  tnniTerse.     The  word  '  llmiti ' 

"t  tili,  4Iuci)»c-  ilr'  i/c  ri»-  ii'  l»ow-  lignifled  «n  ipron  which  hsd  a  truinene 

MjiMri-  purple  bem.     '  LimiB' is  mlwsys  lued  with 

«nl»>c  Hc  firrw*  (ptirit  Itn  Kai  jvvai-  •  ocnlis  '  genemlly  nnderstood.      PonxlUni 

'*"'*  qnotea  tlie  fiill  eipre9«i<»i   '  limis  ocnlis ' 

"nrn  o6  evqric  Av  0iav  iric  iiiTZor  d»  fnm  PlBOtus,  Miles  Glor.  1t.  6.  3  ;  bnt  eae 

***'<■";  LindeDiann  on  the  pusige.   In  Ovid,  Amd' 

49.]  '1  ihonld  like  sbOTe  sll   Chingi  ta  nim  lU.  I.  33:  "Altera,  e<  memlni,  bmi* 

)»Te  aeen  jonr  impndent  bce  st  that  mo-  robriiit  ooellii."      The   Greeks  luTe    the 

■nrat,  siid  whst  »  dgnre  yon  mnit  hBve  cnt,  Bimilar    phrase,    XnEiv    apiinat    0\irHv. 

*>id  whet  u  ua  Too  mnst  baTe  looked  as  Many  passage*  >re  qnoted  by  the  commen- 

Vm  held  tha  bn.     The  senlenoe  ia  pecn-  tators  to  ihow  that  the  phiaea  i*  paitica- 

liv.  becanae  it  oontaiiu  two  daoses  of  dif-  liriy  applied  in  ao  amatoiy  leiMa. 



Ch.  Paratum  est.  An.  Fmgi  es.  Ubi  ?  dotninfl  f  Gk.  Imo 
apud  libertom  Discum.  6o 

An.  Perlonge  est :  sed  tanto  ocius  propereniuB ;  muta  Teetem. 

Ch.  Ubi  mutem  ?  perii ;  nam  dtnno  exulo  nuno :  metao  ira- 

Ne  intuB  sit ;  porro  aotem  poter  ne  mre  redierit  jam. 

An.  Eamua  ad  me  :  ibi  proiimnm  est  ubi  mutee.  Ch.  Recte 

Eamua ;  et  de  istac  Bimul,  quo  paoto  porro  poasim  65 

Potiri,  oonailium  toIo  oapete  ttn&  teeum.    Aa.  Fiat. 


Ita  me  Di  ammt,  quantum  ego  illum  vidi,  nonnihil  timeo 

iNe  quam  ille  hodie  insanus  turbam  &ciat,  aut  Tim  ThaidL 
Nam  postquam  iste  advenit  Chremea  adoleecens,  fr^r  rir- 

Mihtem  rogat  ut  illum  admitti  jubeat :  ille  continuo  iraaci, 
Neque  uegare  audra^ :  Thais  porro  instare  ut  bominem  in- 

vitet.  5 

Id  faciehat  retinendi  illius  causa,  quia  iUa  quae  cupiebat 

60.  Fratim]     'Yonanagood  feUow.'  tarns  wtth  her  mMren'*  jvmtrT,  wfaidt 

He  word  'fnigi'ii  aommonlf  OMd  in  ad-  Tbaia  hu  sent  home  bjhcr;  fbr  ChraoMi? 

dniwii^  alHO.  B«ebelowiT.  7-  46;  Heant.  aninl   hia   made  ■  pnUf  diHtortiuiee  «t 

iiL  3.  3C,  »d  fo  Addphi  i.  B.  a :  "  Frngi  Thruo'*.   Thu*  widiing  to  detun  Chiwnef 

homo  ta."     It  la  the  dktiTe  cua  of  '  trax,'  tlll  abe  coald  get  ui  opportanitj  ot  >p«k- 

and   ii   often   Died   in    Plaatui    with    the  ing   aboat    Punphila,   behnTefl    in   ■    Tety 

epiCbet  '  boime,'  ai  In  Trinammna   il.    2.  eordial  manDer  to  bim,    Thii  nukee  HUBSO 

44,  4Bi  jealoiu:    and   he  st   onoe   >ct>   npoa    tha 

"I.  probu.  eH  qnem  poenltet  qoam  <dt  {l?"^-"^'*  ^?'°  "if^  ^11!^  iJir' 

,iohtt.etftn^bo,Jr  h.maU.1.  49-86),  andcalliforPun^ 

Q.J  ip.n.  irihi  Oti»  pUcet  nec  prabn»  eit  "P^°  '^"  '^'^  ,"  »  '^T^ir*!  ™^ 

nec  fruzi  booM  "  "°^  '""^  '"'  ™'"^»»i  mtendinf  to  le«»e 

'  ae  Mran  aa  poealble. 

and  in  otber  puugce  (sea  Foroellini).     We  The  Hetre  ii  aa  fonows  ;  1.  4 — 0,  tro- 

meet  alao  with  liindred  expreBoonB,  !■  In  ehiic   tetrametara ;    S.   7-  ^ — 14,    trodiaie 

Trinumainai.Z.  Sl  :  "  Qnin  anm  reetitnia  ?  tetiameter  catilectic;    8.  8,  iunMc  teta- 

Qlun  ad  frngem  corrigis?"  aiid  li.  1.  44:  meten. 

"Cettnm,  ad  fi-ngem  ^>plicate  animnm."  3.  Na  fwrai .  .  .  HmUU]    '  I  Rn  aftaid 
ttat  In  hia  rage  be  wUl  make  eotN  ^rtutb. 

AoT  IV.   ScBNl   I.    Doriaa,    who   had  anoe,  or  commit  ■ome  ootrage  npen  nala.' 

laken  Chremea  t«  11uaeo'a  bouae,  now  re-  The  Tarb  ii  to  be  repeKUd. 


ACrUS  IV.    SCENA  II.  127 

De  Borore  ejtia  indicam  od  eM&  rcm  tempos  non.  erst. 
InTitat  triBtig ;  mBiuit :  ibi  iIIa  cuni  illo  Mmumma  oocipit. 
Hilee  Tero  sibi  pature  adductuu  ante  ocoloe  aemalam : 
Voliiit  &cere  contra  haio  aegre.     Heos  I  inquit,  puer,  Pam- 

pliilam  10 

Arcesse,  ot  delectet  hio  noe.    Hla  exdamat,  "  Minitna  gen- 

tiimi ! 
In  coaTiTiom  illam  P  "     Miks  bmdere :  inde  ad  jorgiam. 
Interea  aurmu  aibi  olam  molier  demit  i  dat  mifai  ut  aoferam, 
Hoo  est  sigiii ;  ati  pnmnm  poteiit  te  illino  nibdaeet,  «10. 

Aonrs  QrABTi  scena  secunda. 

Dom  ma  eo  coepi  egomet  mecum  inter  Tias, 
Ita  ot  fit  nbi  qmd  in  aniroo  eet  molestiae, 
Aliam  rem  ez  alia  oogitare,  et  ea  omnia  in 

T'  Ad  •■>  r«iii  ttiHfiM  nam  trmf]     8m  il.  3.  47.    TfanM  voald  nrj  pca^ly  Ime 

■ate  M  AiiMk  i.  9-  17-  nind  lomc  ofThui' ornviieDM  >■  >  pledge 

11.  lUa  mtUu—i,  "lHmimt  ftnHmm  I  A  (br  bar  good  belwTioiu' :  "  iiig&oa  denptum 

(MvMniUJiMa/^JxBliecriedonti^Natlbr  kcertii,   wit    dlgito  inBla  pertinKi,"    llo. 

•UUiewnU.     Send  hr  Iwr  to  >  ftwt  F' "  juse,  Cum  i.  9.  23.     Snch  thingi  «er«  no 

n»  phiMe  ■  Bbda»  geatioM  '  aut  be  con.  doBl>t  of  comDKin  oocwTaDco  it  tbM*  fnMa, 

BKtBd  «ith  otlMr  phnHi  1d  wfaiA  tbe  w  tha  fbllowing  punge  of  Plaatoi  ibowi  i 

■B»  «ord  occv*.  ■•  "  Bnamam  nndnn,"     .  „        

4«,*i  ir.  a.  1 ;  ■■  q«»4.1e«tinm,"  HeMit.  Nwn  n  iitnc  jni  art,  nt  tn  utuc  eicn>M 

*.  1. 66.    Ib  aU  tbBM  flie  gMiti**  ii  oi  ■«>«i«  -- 

Lttce  daro  deriptamni  uram 

I  In  tbe  comBMnHr  plmM, 

pnthnne  to  b.i.(nnd<.tke 'putftini'  »,     ,    .            _,             „ 

imlS...    II  nn.  ..kcod  1.1«^  «n  N»  li»«.  ■«*  ora.' 

■^n.  to  .pp_r  U  th.,„f  rf  i"''^  "■  '»•  "-«• 

Ma:  isd  tboagb  ruapbUn  waa  ■  ibn, 

^t  Thaii  wM  uiiiaai  to  netore  htr  to  ber 

"-^ ' ■  dliien,  taA  UMreftire  tftaled  „            ,,,                    ;.       ,,... 

—  .»^  of  tm,  iMnn ^  •^t'- ''•i; """'"; i^ '  '' '"T"' ''; 

■•l«t,qM.>B.M..Iitk.l>en>ef  "'^Sl^Sjir'"  u.  u~._ 

»  PH^n.  er  L«q»cn,.     I.,.,],  Tl.  M«r.  »  «n.Wc  l«m.l«. 

•n  I.  .e.*l»*SU.  .«nn,b..nt  m..  p.«~»»  '  »1- ™«,' Ci«ra  *d  AtJ-m 

fat-a,.»,,!.^™,».  ''■ 'vi:,'^  IT'  '°,S"°*™ 

ll..lnn    ri»    tJinn    mrMtr   S»mit\  P«e  Virgil.  E»'.»,  "^  « ' 

'SlMN«ti,t.fa.effl«TJm.l..'  'Amnni'  "Bt  jMtum  putM  .ge,  Tltpe;  rt  intw 

o  finitai.,  isrrt..'* 


Pejoran  portem.     Qmd  ojnis  e%t  Terbis  P  dum  haeo  pnto 
Praeterii  impradeas  Tillam :  longe  jam  abieram 
Cvun  senBi :  redeo  roraum,  male  Tero  me  liabens. 
Ubi  ad  ipaum  Teni  dtTerticulum,  conatiti. 
Occepi  mecum  cog^tare :  "  Hem !  biduum  bic 
Manendum  eat  §oli  eine  illa  ?  quid  tnm  post«a  P 
Nihil  est :  quid  P  nihil  P  bi  non  tangendi  coina  est, 
£bo,  ne  videndi  quidem  erit  P  si  illud  non  lioet, 
Saltem  boc  licebit.     Cert«  extrema  linea 
Amare  haud  Tiibil  est."     Villam  praetereo  Bciena. 
Sed  quid  hoc  quod  timida  eubito  egreditur  Pythias  P 



Py.  TTbi  ego  illum  aceleroaum  misera  atque  impium  inTeniamP 
aut  ubi  quaeram  ? 

4.  Dm»  katepHiiil   'Wbile  I  ■m  thiiik-  Di<wt  fwible  i»  tbat  of  Zeniie,  wbo  nfs 

ing  OTer  thii.'     '  Futo  '  is  sometiDm  OKd  "  Forte  ad  pop<ilsrem  Tationeai  propJiu  ic- 

ia  the  aenw  of  '  reputo.'     Compwe  Adelphi  cedQot,  qui  de  liiMaallwin  Urco,  mu  alce, 

V.  3.  6:  "  Rem  ipsiim  patemui."     Vii^,  origlDem  ducuDt."      The   'liuea'   na  tha 

Aen.  vi.  S32 :  barrier    «hich   ttietdied  aoWB    tha    nce- 

•■Con,titit    Aaohi»    i^DS,    et      *e.tigi.  =»"«»,  which  tha  mcenja.uUDotp»»i  till 

,^(                                                    ^  the  sigiiil  wu  giien.     The' eitnnw  liDca,' 

MnlU  pit«..,  «.rt«u.que    uiD.o    ini«i-  f^"^T  !?.k" '™*'l.^'^  ^^.t 

ratoi  iDiaukm "  ™                conrse,  beToad  whtch  tba 

lover  i«  Dot  «llowed  for  the  preKDt  to  go. 

6.  Malt  vero  me  kattnt]     See  Dote  on  A  simklw  eipresriou  occon  ia  Propertiui  i. 
ADdriaii.S.4.  13.  (II.)   6:    "  Eequii  ia  aitRmo   reetat 

7.  Ua  ad   iptuM   onl    dnirliailim'\  uaorelocDB?"   '  i*  thece  aaj  room  Idt  for 

*  When  I  (Sme  to  the  terj  tumuig  to  m;  me  at  the  -mj  eitremitr  of  yt«a  \onV 
houae  I  stood  still.'    The  right  reijing  is  ■  Can  jon  spara  me  a  mere  eomer  ?* 

'  diverticulum,'  which  ii  confoonded  irith 

'  deierticnlam '  in  Forcellini,  and  ia  moit  Aot  IV.  Scihi  III.    While  Phaediia  il 

teits  of  the  dastical  authors.     '  Derertlcn-  mculatiag  OQ  retumiag  to  the  oompanf  of 

lam'   like   '  derenorium '  would  meaa  aa  Thaii,    Pjlhiu   nuidenl;    msbci    oa    tha 

*  iun '  or  '  a  hoose  bj  the  naynde,'  cnr.  itage,  followed  bj  Darias.  hoping  to  cmtiii 
nywyitav.  '  Diterticalum '  woold  Btrictlf  the  eunach  wfao  hu  tfarowu  tbcir  bouae- 
meui '  the  bnncbiag  olTof  two  roida.'  Bnt  hold  into  distorbsnce  aod  baa  Dow  made 
it  ia  very  poarible  that  tbia  distinction  was  his  escape.  Sbe  tella  ber  storj  to  Phwdria, 
not  obKired  even  bf  the  Romans  them-  wbo  DaturaUv  concludes  (bat  she  ii  intoxi- 
Belves,  ss  the  two  lanses  have  a  natural  teu-  cated  or  mad.  He  detenniDes  to  idear  up 
dencj  to  ron  into  oue  another.  the  mattec   at  once,  aod  goea  lo  his  omi 

12.    Cerlt   exlrrma   Imea   Amare    hatid  houae  to  see  if  Dorai  ii  there. 

nihiieiQ     '  At  ali  erenU  it  issomething  to  The  Hetre  is  aa  foUowi;  1.  S,  Iracbuc 

make  lave  even  at  a  leipectful  diatance.'  tetnmeCar;    3.  7-    12,    13,  trochaic   tetnu 

CommenlKbin  bave  giveu  Dniaeroua  eipla-  meler  cataleclic;  4.  8.  8,  9.  II.  14,  li.  1? 

natioDS    of    tfae    word»    '  eitrem»    iinea,'  —26,  iambic  b                      .-    .      .. 

which   occoi   onlj   in   tbia    paasige.      Tbe  meter;  fi.  10,  ia 


ACTU8  rV.    SCENA  III.  129 

Hocine  tam  aadax  faciuos  facere  eese  amomP     Ph.  Perii! 

hoc  quid  sit  YeiTear. 
Py.  Quin  etiam  iasuper  scelus,  postquam  ludificatua  eet  vir- 

Veetem  Qinneiu  nuBerae  dlscidib ;  tum  ipsam  capillo  oonecidit. 
Ph.  Hem.     Pjf.  Qxd  uunc  si  detur  mihi,  5 

Ut  ego  tmguibua  fiu^ile  illi  in  oculos  inTolem  venefico. 
Ph.  Nescio,  qoid  profecto  absente  nobia  turbatum  est  domi. 
Adibo,     Quid  iatacf  quid  festinaeP  aut  qnem  quaeris,  Py- 

Pg.  Eiieai,  Phaediia,  ego  quem  qnaeram  f  ioe  binc  quo  dig- 

nus  ee  eum  donis  tuia 
Tam  lepidia  P    Ph.  Qaid  istuc  est  rei  ?  lo 

Pff.  Bogas  me  P    £unuchum  qnem  dedisti  uobia  quaa  tarbtta 

Vii^cm,   herae  quam  douo  dederat  miles,   yitiavit.     Ph. 

Qoid  aisF 
iV-  Perii.    Ph.  Temulenta  es.    Pp.  Utinam  eic  sient  qui 

mihi  male  volunt. 
Ih.  Ao,  obsecro,  mea  Pythias,  quid  istuc  nam  moustri  fiiit  P 
Ph.  Tuiw*T>ig :  qui  ifltuc  &cere  eunuchus  potuit  P     Py.   Ego 

iUum  uescio  IS 

!-   BaeiHt  Im  aadax  facim  fmtrt 

«,d  in  TibullB.  iii.  a.  fiSi    "Perfid.  neo 

niKanmr]     •  Conld  be  bafe  dved  to  do 

merito  nohi»,  noc  .iniai  merenti."  «here. 

'^■diriDgdeedr     See  Dote  ou  ii.  1.  S, 

>^  Andri.  i.  6.  10. 


H«p.i.a.74  = 

of  DonMiu   »enis   to   be   the  best,    HbM 


ni.7,   'We   luiva  h«i  »Die  die- 

turb.neB  or  other  .t  home  while  I   baYO 

jon  gave  Di,  wb.t  .  commoticRi  he  hu 
Dude  V  For  the  coniitmctioQ  Me  note  OD 
Andri.,  ProLog.  3. 

12.   Virginem,  herae  gtum  donB  drdtral 

«"W  CDnnder  il  m  en.Uue  fbr  '•  Ipd  a-     «''"]     The  ordinur  reading  U  •  Virgioem 

pilfaai  diMidit."  qn.m  henei'  which  laboors  nnder  two  diffl- 

J.  Abunlt  MoSi»]     Hare  .«.in  w«    Gulliee,  for  we  ■nu.t  pionoance  '  Virg*iwin,' 

oi  imiuu]  constrartion,  which    oommon-     «nd  m«ke  '  quun  hena     m  aDapwst.     On 

^"«n  compiirB  with  Plnutns,  Amphitjno  ii.    these  groundi   L«hmuiD  traDspoaee    tbe 

i.»4,  "Nobis  pruiMnte,"  bot  tho  pauage    ^otA'  "  ">  ""  **»'■    8ee  his  note  OD  Lu- 

a  not  eoiBidered  genoina  by  Wdse.     We     creliDB  ri.   1067,  where  he  Diwntains  that 

^id  tn  Ctnlhu  106.  6:  ""^^  *•  pronandatiou  as  Virg'nem  is  im- 

posrible.    The  most  conclusive  rsasoD  for 

"  Ssslitius  cspido  atqae  iiiaperanti  ipia    the  change  is  that  it  .voidi  the  hiatns  of 

nfen  ta  '  qium  hene,'  .  licence  which  shonld  Deier 

NoUi  l"  be  iDtroduoed  if  it  csa  be  .voided. 


Qui  Aierit :  lioc  qnod  feoit  res  ipaa  indicat. 

Yirgo  ipsa  lacrimat,  neqoe  ctua  rogites  qoid  sit,  audet  di- 

Ble  autem  bonas  vir  nuBquam  apparet.     Etiam  hoc  miseru 

Aliqaid  domo  abeuntem  abfituliase.     Ph.  Nequoo  mirari  satis 
Quo  ille  abire  ignavus  poesit  longius ;  nisi  si  doninm  90 

Forte  ad  nos  rediit.     Py.  Vise  amabo  nnm  sit.     Ph.  Jam 

faxo  scies. 
Do.  Ferii  I  obsecro  tam  infandum  facinus,  mea  to,  ne  aodivi 

Py.  At  pol  ego  amatoree  molierum  ease  audieram  eos  max- 

Sed  niliil  potesse ;  Terom  miserae  non  in  mentem  venerat ; 
Nam  illum  aliquo  conclusissem,  neque  iUi  commisisBem  Tir- 

ginem.  35 


PHAEDSIA.      DORtrS.      PrTHLU.      D0HIA8. 

Ph.  Ezi  foras,  sceleste :   at  etiam  reetitas 

Fugitive  P  prodi,  male  conoOiate.     Do.  Obeecro.     Ph.  Ob, 

94.  Std  nikH  polrm!    vtraiH   mitrat  fcdi    ant   that  fae   chuiged   dresun    wHh 

no»  itt  ratnlrm  vtneral']     The  fonn  '  pot-  ChHrca  hu  own  brother,  ud  that  it  «ns 

eaM '  n  nrj  comniOD  in  old  ■□tfaon.     Xn.  be  wbo  b*d  been  iDtrodacad  into   "nuii' 

ci«tiDi  i.  6eA  :  "  Quod  al  fbrts  ali*  credniit  hoDse.     He  corcn   hii  retieat  b;  makiDg 

nlioiw  poteew,"   &e.      Plautni,   Rudena,  Dortii  deoj  all  he  bBd  nid,  uid  Iwr) 

Prolog.  M:    "PoteeM  ibi   eoni  fieri   diri.  Pj^faiaiBitd  Doriu  courinced  thkt  tlw  whole 

tem."  ■9'ait  wu  *  tiick  of  P>nneiia't. 

Noti  in  mnfoit  vtntrel']     '  IC  hul  oeTer  The  HeHe  ia  es  fcdlon;   I— 3S,  imbic 

occnrred   to   me.'      The   phnae  gennllr  trimeter;  36— £9,  tnx^c  tetnnHtcr  cata- 

me«D>  '  to  remember,'   hot  ii  qoated  b;  lectic. 

DoDatDS   in  tfaii   ■euBe  froni    Cicero,    Pro  3.  Predi,  malt   eoncilialt']     '  Ont  wilh 

Boado  Ameriiio  31 ;  "  lu  mentem  tibi  non  yon,  jon  worthleu  bargain.'     'Candlio'i9 

Tenit,    caoaam    publicam    suitinere,"   but  ■ometimea  nsed  hi   tfae  woee  of 'to  pw- 

Uiere  It  is  Capable  or  the  onlinarj  aeate,  chue,'  u  in  Pluitaa,  Poendoi  iii.  S.   U  : 

'  Do  Tou  not  reBwmber  V  "  Hi  qui  illnm  dodam  coDdtiatenint  mihi 
Petegrinom    Spattanum,"    &c.       Dmalnt 

AcT  IV.    ScKNS  IT.    Aaediia  retams  eiphtna    'male'   to   mean   'magiw,'  lor  a 

dragging  Dorua  a<W  him,  and  cnngTatn-  dnr  bai^D  ia  of  conivB  ■  had  bargain. 

laling  himself  an    baTing   caDgbt  him    at  And  la  we  find  the  opposite  phrase  nsed  ol 

horoe  befiiie  fae  had  ■neoeeded  in  effecting  a  cbeap  poi-diaae  in  PlaotDS,  Bpidicos  iii. 

his  caeape.     He  !■  ulterlj  ama»d  at  ftnd-  4.  39,  40 : 

'"^i.w.G!'™^'"!''^!""^'!!'!^'    "-».BrtneemtamiWhaec?  Pe.  Hia  l^- 

and  that  tlw  penon  who  faad  cansed  all  tbe  v...  v.i. i;..,  ^ 

distnrbance  wm  not  an  old  i 

rtiance  was  not  an  om  man,   oac  a        CondUaristi  ODldire  ■" 
TonDf  handaome  felhnr.    Wben  Donu  haa  pnicn     , 

been  qneslioned  and  crass-qnestioDed  he    and  Petaa  ir.  3.  JC,  77  = 


ACTUS  rV.    SCENA  IV.  131 

Illnd  Tide,  ob  nt  sibi  diatOTBit  carnufez. 

Qnid  huc  tibi  reditio  eat  ?  veatia  quid  mutatio  ? 

Quid  Darrafl  ?    Paulnm  ii  ceaBasBem,  Fythiss,  5 

Domi  noa  offendiBaem ;  ita  jom  omarat  fugam. 

Py.  Habeene  bominem  amabo  ?    Ph.  Quidni  habeam  ?    Py. 

Factum  bene ! 
Do.  Istuc  pol  Tero  bene.     Py.  TJbi  est  ?    Pk.  Rogitaa  P  non 

Py.  Tideam  ?  obaecto  quem  ?    Ph.  Hnno  Bcilicet.     Py.  Qma 

bic  eet  homo  ? 
Ph.  Qui  ad  tob  dedQCtns  hodie  oBt.     Py.  Hunc  oculiB  auia    10 
NoBtrarum  nunqoam  qnisquam  vidit,  Fhaedria. 
Ph,  'Saa.  vidit  P    Pi/.  An  tu  hunc  oredidiBti  eBBe,  obsecro, 

"Uo  qnideiii   Dihil  iMnc  rcfcrt :  tnk  ^  uid  PI«itiu, Hilea  GlorioiaBil.  S.  4:  "  NkB 

refno  gntift,  ^;omat  cobkDtem  eaiu  modo  offeadi  domL" 

Ct  tilri  ncte  coadliBodi  primo  deetem  Vot  the  phnM  ■  onunt  tasua '  compn* 

oDpism."  Plutiu,  Epidiciu  t.  ).  9;  "QuId  tu  mihi 

^^'^:^",^'?  'r-^i  "^««^^j^L»^- .-. 

]«iima  oy  iwnnung  nmi       t^v  uim  —^^  qnuquam  vldir,     Donmlni  «Te»  two 

«4  .  «n.J«r  ™e  of  the  Terfad  noun  .n  *,  i^„*,  rf  the  fi™  '  noMn^m :'  (I) 

^T^..*-}-  M=  "Neqne  teitlmom  d^  «  „  old  ferm  for  ■  no.lrBm  ,'  (2),wMchti 

J!?L"   «>iuhi>«.oi>   with   the   <»«  ,    ,    u„   „eMb«.   of    TIm'    ho««dSd. 

r'™^  *!?  '"  r^'"'  "  "■  APPW»"'  '■ ,?;  .  Nortmm  '  .ould  me.n  «mplj  '  not  one  of 

II:      Qmd  tib.  hanc  onrMio  Mt  rrai  ?  „,' ii.mely,  her«elf,  Dortu,  «nd  «ny  other 

P<*|raluT.fl.2»:  ■•  hMcdipto  ,i^  „i,hrn.„,e.     PUntu»,  Poeqnlu.  ir.  2. 

iMtM  cst?"    and  WTRBl  other  punga.  m_^  ■ 

m  trat.     Comp»»  Trinommo.  iii.  a.  86:  "  D>  """«»  d«eqii8  «=1™!.     «i.  Qoera- 
"  Oirid  t.1n  intCTpeUWio  Mt  in  conciUam  "m  horalnem  ?     5y.  Nec  te,  noc  me, 

W  taxido  ert?"  uid  TmcalentnB  ii.  1.  Milphio: 

Ji:  "Qoid  tibihnCTentioBet?     Qoid  Cibi         Neqoe  herum  manm  edeo :    Vi.  Qnem 

W  iditio  tat  i     Qnid  tibi  huiR  notia  est  unent  igitnr  ?    By.  Aliam  qn«mlib«t 

iDicun  meamr'   «nd  Oudeni  ii.  8,   18,        N.m  noBtromm  nemo  dignuB  ert," 

''  where '  noatnnum '  meuu  '  onr  whole  booM- 

jjj^ ,  ■!...>.      OTigiQilli  '  DQBMim     uid   '  Te«- 

<hid.QW.Q*ltlQ!,Qld..l...«  ?"iLTr?^'!r'""5  4"*°™S.l*"' 

^^.    ,.,  ^  '  TBCtromm ;'   ud  we  nnd  Bome  fcw  .n. 

^^*^"  ituicei  oT  this  nni[e.     Plantni,  Mostdlarim 

t.  Paalam  ri  ematrm  ^c.]      '  If  I  had  1.  3.  122—131  (Pbilobuhee  ia  BddreMing 

^Mn  1  little  loler  I  ihonld  not  haTe  cnnght  the  kndience) : 

Uin  rt  bome,  he  hnd  elreedy  «T.ngod  hi«  „  ^j   perdode   cunct.  cnUet!     niUl  hao 
«opesoweU.'   '  Offendo  '  origimJlr  mean.  doct»  doctius 

■  to  rt-ike  one'.  foot  .gunK  .  .tone,    '  to        y^^  ju^^  „t    m«fmMne  «ioo  pM* 
«Dn,We  oTcr.'     Hence  we  h.Te  the  n,e«n.  TO.trorun,  intelKgit, 

mg  «hui  occu.  mot«  th.n  onoe  m  Te.        ^^^^^  ^^  ^^  ^^  ^ 

rence,    'to    light    npon,'    'lo    flnd.'      8ee  dot»  memmint." 

T.  8.  34:  "Si  te  In  pletea  ofTendero  hu 

po(tnnqn«m."     Heut.  ii.   3.  44:  "Tei-  See  DooddKm,  VuToni.nni  i.  2,  p.  Slff, 

cntnu  lelM.  itadiine  iMNn  offendimiu ;"  for  i  folleipUDatiODOf  tbewfiwmi. 

K  2 



Ad  nos  deductuinP      Ph.    Namque  aliom  liabui  nemmem. 

Py.  An! 
Ne  comparandua  Iiic  quidem  ad  illum  est :  ille  erat 
Honesta  facie  et  liberali.     Ph.  Ita  •visua  e«t  is 

Dudum,  quia  varia  veste  exornatus  fiiit : 
Nunc  eo  tibi  Tidetur  foedue,  quia  illam  non  babet. 
Py.  Tace,  obsecro ;  quaai  Tero  paulnm  intersiet. 
Ad  noe  deductug  hodie  eat  adolescentulas, 
Quem  tu  Tidere  vero  TeUea,  Pbaedria.  20 

Hic  eat  Tetue,  TietuB,  vetemoBus  senex, 
Colore  mustelino.     Ph.  Hem,  quae  baec  est  fabula  P 
Eo  redigis  me  ut  quid  egerim  egomet  neeciam. 
Eho  tu  1  emine  ego  te  ?    Do.  Emisti.     Py.  Jube,  mibi  denuo 
Iteapondeat.     Ph.  Roga.     Pp.  Yenistine  hodie  ad  nos  ?  ne- 

gat.  25 

At  ille  alf«r  venit,  annos  natus  sedecim, 
Quem  secum  adduzit  Parmeuo.     Ph.  Age  dum,  boc  mibi  cx- 

Primum :  istam  qoam  liabes  unde  babes  veetem  P  taccs  P 
MonBtrum  bominis !  non  dictunis  ee  ?    Do.  Yenit  C!baerea. 
Ph.  FratemeP    JDo.   Ita.     Pk.   QuandoP     Do.  Hodie.     Fh. 

Quam  dudum  P    Do.  Modo.  30 

Ph.    Quicum  P     Do.   Oum  Farmenone.     Ph.    Norasne  eum 

Do.  Non ;  nec  quis  essct  unquam  audieram  dicier. 
Ph.  Unde  igitur  fratrem  meum  esse  scibae  P     Do.  Farmeno 
Dicebat  eum  esse :  is  dedit  mibi  bano  Testem.     Ph.  Occidi. 
Do,  Meam  ipse  iuduit :  post  una  ambo  abierunt  foraa.  35 

S3.  Qilore  mutMitui]    •  In  comptexion         Quae  haee  ewtfaiyda  f}     '  Whit  itnnjte 

lilia  ■  weueL'     The  originU  line  of  Me-  tile  ii  tbia  ?'     Compan  Andris  iT.  4.  8. 
nander  is  nreaeneil  hj  Donatos,  oAroc  f         32.  Wob]    In  the   Bembine   mi   otlrn 

iar!  yitXiiiiriK  yrpwv.  Donatiu  &rgBes  tbtt  teita  the  rest  of  tbii  line  i>  omittai,  and 

Terence     miaonderatood     Menander,     and  the  neit  line  ia  plafed  after  '  non.'    B^tley 

shonld  hsie  tninaUted  ynXiurqc  bf  '  atel-  forther  rejecta  '  igitur  '  on  the  tnthiHity  c^ 

lio.'     Bentlej  too  eipliun*  at  length  tbat  one  inaniiacTipt.    There  ii  notbing,  bo*. 

Ihe  weaeel  coold  not  biie  been  meant,  be-  erer,  in  Che  line  to  necesiiiate  ita  eiclusion, 

CWiae  it   ia   not   of    anj   nniform   colonr;  particnlarly  u  the  great  majariCj  of  muiD- 

■nd   that  we  ahoutd  read    'colore    stellio-  icripts  lure  it.     The  foct  thmt  '  igitur '  ii 

nino,'  >like  a  lizard  in  compleiiDn,'    tfaiit  retained  aren  in  tbe  beat  copie^  which  omit 

ii  to  uy,  apotted  and  blotched.      Certain  the  worda  '  nec  .  .  .  dider,'  miking  tbe  line 

commeataton  abow  that  Tereiice'i  word  ia  nnmuageable,  ratlier  abDWi  tbat  tbe  omij- 

moreappropriateto  theennuchiof  theEast  aion  of  the  iBttcv  «iwda  waa  the  TaanU  tt 

Howerer  thia  maf  be,  Ihe  nianiiaiTiptB  in-  accidenL 
VHiaUj  baia  the  readiog  of  tbe  Isit. 


ACTUS  IV.    SCENA  IT.  133 

iV-  Jam  satia  credis  sobriam  eeee  me,  et  nihil  mentitam  tibi  P 
Jam  satis  certum  est  Tirginem  Titiatam  esse  ?    Ph.  Age  nimo 

GrediB  hnic  quod  dicit  P     Py.    Q,uiil  isti  credam  ?   ree   ipsa 

Pk.  Concede  istno  paulidum :  aodin  P  etiam  nonc  paululum : 

sat  est. 
Dicdum  boc  ruraam  :  Cbaerea  tuam  vestem  detraxit  tibi  P     40 
Lo.   Factum.     Ph.  Et  ea  est  indutuflP    Do.  Factum.     Ph. 

Et  pro  te  huo  deductuB  est  f     Do.  Ita. 
Ph.    Jnpiter  magne,  o  scelestum  atque  audacem  hominem ! 

Py.  Vae  mihi ! 
Etiam  uunc  non  OTedis  indignis  nos  esse  iTriaas  modis  P 
Ph.  Mirum  ni  tu  credas  qood  iete  dicit :  quid  agam  nescio. 
Heus,  negato  rursum.  Possumne  ego  hodie  ex  t«  exsculpere  4S 
Verum  P  vidistin  fratrem  Chaeream  ?     Do.  Non.     Ph.  Non 

poteet  sine 
Malo  fateri,  video  :  seqaere  hac  :  modo  ait,  modo  negat. 
Ora  me.     Do.  Obaecro  te  vero,  Fbaedria.     Ph.  I  intro  nunc 

jam.     Do.  Oi,  ei. 
Ph.  Alio  pacto  boneste  quo  modo  hinc  abeam  nescio. 
Actum  est,  siquidem  tu  me  hic  etiam,  uebulo,  lodificabere.    50 
Py.  FarmenoniB  tam  scio  esse  banc  t«chnam  quam  me  viTore. 
Dor.  Sic  eet.     Py.  InTcniam  {)ol  hodie  parem  nbi  referam 

Sed   nunc   quid   faciendum   censes,   DoriasP    Dor.  Be  istac 


4A-  HniM,  negaii^i  Fhaedria  ipeski  inde  Frthiaa  and  Donai  to  compars  notea,  aDd 

to  Donis, '  Himl  Ton  -  atj  No.'     '  Ranns,'  malce  np  their  miada  what  to  do  when  tbeir 

'Now  I  aak  foa  agBJa.'  mietRn  coraes  back.     Tbej  deMnaine  to 

Pomnmr  ego   /lodie  ta  tt  extenlpere  hush  up  tbe  mntter,  snd  ^ai  to  keep  h 

Vermm  /]   '  Coii  I  h«t  the  trath  oat  of  joa  well  v  thej  can  witb  all  parties. 
to-day  ?'     Compue  Flaotiu,  CUtdlaria  ii.        Bl .  Teeknam}    This  lAtinized  form  of 

2.  S :  rtxvTi  ii  (buDd  onlj  in  Flaatos  aod  Terence. 

"  Qaoc  admovi  illi  fiibri»»,  c,not  fklhuda.  Compare  Heaut.  ni.  I.  «2  :  ■'  Falli  le  sioa. 

[nqtuie.tiooel    Vix  e.Knlpsi  nt  diceret,  t^^"".''^  TSrTii    ' "^- ^o?"'..^' 

UniA  ei  promisi  aoUnm  ym\  oare.  _  ^    .  _  ^  ■-.... 

'  tno  ne  technae  mcoe  perpetno  peneriDt. 

In  Fbormia  t.  B.  96,  we  haTe  "  Yel  oculum  The  Latiniied  Greek  nouna  K^nerallj  tske 

exaealpe."      Phaedrla  mnit  here   be  inp-  the  latin  fbrm  in  the  6tat  dedension,  and 

poKd  to  bo  euTjing  on  a  pieoe  ot  hj-play  tbe  aame  tendencj  ii  shown   iu  a  more 

with  Donia.     He  givee  him  a  hinC  to  nna^j  marked  manuer  in  BOme  Qreek  nenter  worda 

■U  that  he  ha«  nii,  and  then  pretendi  to  of  the  Chird  declenrion,  dedined  like  I^tin 

inflict  nimmarj  punithment  od  him  fbr  hii  feminine  nonai  af  the  tirat.     So  we  luTe  in 

ralsebood,  and  earriei  hlm  off  with  renewed  PiBatui.   Hil.  ii.   1.  70:   "  Glaucomam  ;" 

tbreata,  that  be  maj  be  able  to  corer  lui  Amphitmo,  Prol.  116  :  "Qood  %a  buc  pro- 

own  retreat    He  bom  off  the  «*gv,  leanng  cesri  ilc  oom  ■errili  tchema." 



Yirgine  ?    Pg,  Ita  :    atmm  tBoeamue  im  praedioeni  F    Dor. 

Tu  pol,  Bi  Bapifl, 
Quod  acia  nescia,  neque  de  eunucho,  neque  de  vitio  virginia :  55 
Hac  re  et  te  omni  turbs  eTolves,  et  illi  gratum  fecerie. 
Xd  modo  dic,  abisse  Dorum.     Pp.  Ita  faciam.     Dor.  Sed  vi- 

deon  Cbrem^nP 
Thaifi  jam  aderit.     Py.  Quiditaf    Dor.  Quia  cum  inde  abeo, 

jam  tum  inoeperat 
Turba  int«r  eos.    P]/.  Aufer  auium  hoc :  ego  ecibo  ex  boc 

quid  eiet. 


CBSEHSfi.       FrrHIAS. 

Ch.  At  at !  data  hercle  verba  mihi  want :  vicit   vinum  quod 


54.    Ulntm    taetamnt   on  pratdieemf^  " Bainfiwin  •annm  nM 

■  Which  ibill  I  do,  iluill  I  keep  it  qoist,  or  Doraito*  habeN  opcntM  ocalM  at  mamm 

tell  it  ?'   Donatns,  and  ifter  him  roost  com-  Oratjonemque." 

menUt.^  pronoDjce  th.t  «tber  '  otmm  '  ^    ^^^  ^,  _  _  ./tctriM^    '  In   thii   waj 

or     ne     w  gnpcrfluoiii ;  or  thM  the  form  „„  ^y  ^g„  joiinelf  of  »11  trDable,  mdd  do 

-nb^n.Qe     u   here   «p«.ted    bj    tn.aas.  j,^    ,  ^,^ ,       p^    .  erDlvei '    Cotnpm 

N«^  .ipU».tion  a  nght  m  thi.  punge  pj^j^  ,.  4.  6 :  "  Ego  noUo  po«mra  re- 

'Utram    u  bere  lued  u.pionoi.ii  bUo>red  „«|io  me  erolTere  .1  hl.  tnrbU."    Com- 

br.dUjaactneqnegtion.  CampHe Plultf s,  a,ent«ton  hava  difTved  miKh  aa  to  •  iUi.' 

Captiiri  ii.  2.  1 8 :  g„^  ^„  i(  „,  p^pUii^  Mm«  to  Thai». 

"  8ed  Dtnim  atrictimne  attomanuD  dicam  Hmdaine  Dader  tbiDki  that  it  mmld  h«e 

eaiean  per  pediDem  beeDnokiadDeaatoPamphiUtocoDGc^wbaC 

Needo;"  bad  bappened;  ahe  waa  too  well  hred  to 

u  ii.  4.  19 :  "  Dic,  ntnim  Spemne  r™*!  **•  l^»  *'  '  »  thoron^r  Pann«  id». 

.   Paeudole  ?'^  and  Thau  on  the  other  hand  11  mleceated  in 

jg .  PampliiU  1  recognilioD  a*  a  otiian,   and 

'  therefbre  wDold  be  aiuious  to  h>Ta   thi» 

D'  TOitnm  fidem,  (,iol  on  her  isme  concealed.    I  Ihink  tbat 

Utmm   atndione  id  eibi  hsbet,  ao  !«idi  Donato»  i<  oertainly  right  in  refening  it  to 

Po^'  Paoiphila,  who  baa  jnat  been  mentioued. 

Fore,  n  perdident  gnatnm  ?  Thaia  woald  not  be  inlrodnDed  >bmpllj  u 

The  ordiouj  expianation  lui  aiiavi  trom  '  ^■'     ^"  abonld  bsTe  hwi  '  bne.' 
Ihe  bct  that  we  aometimee  find  ■  nun '  or 

'ne'  added  to 'atnim'iD  emphaticqaea-  AcT  IT.   Bckns  V.     Cbremea  itaggen 

tions,  aa  they  are  to  other  iDtertf^atiTe  "1"''  the  «tage  aorelj  pDxiIed  at  tbe  effect 

wordi.      Comnre  'nnmqnidnam'    in  An-  of  hii  fint  debaucb.    He  cannot  nnder»t«id 

dria  U  4.  8.   The  advice  whidi  Dori».  givea  bow  it  ia  thrt  the  wine  baa  had  lacb  aa 

ti  well  dmwn  oot  bj  FUatna,  Milea  Gloiio-  ^ffect  on  him,  for  wbile  he  was  at  table  h« 

•os  ii.  0.  tfO ;  felt  qoita  Kiber.      He  teiU  them  tbat  Thaii 

..K-      .„  >._  I      .  •    II           ^  ,r  u  coming  after  him,  indeed  he  doee  not 

tn  bercle,  ei  te  di  unant.  lingn«n  ^^i^S^  how  it  ia  that  he  haa  paaaed  her 

comprime*  j^^  (1^^  Btreet.                                 ^^ 

Poathac.  etiam  ^q^  acie».  ne«iTerii,  The  Hetn  i.  Umbic  tei«met«. 

Nen  Tidern  qnod  nderU;  1    ^„  ^^j,  „^  ^,.^  ,^     g^ 

br,  aa  he  laji,  note  on  Prolog.  34,  aod  Asdria  L  3.  S. 

ACTU8  rr.    SCENA  VI.  135 

Ae,  dum  aocubabam,  qnam  videbar  mihi  eeae  poiolire  aobrins  T 
Poatqnam  snirezi,  neque  pea  neque  menB  satis  suum  t^cium 

Py.  Chreme  I     Ch.  Quis  ait  ?   ehem  Pytbiae.     Yah,  qnanto 

nuiic  formoeior 
Tidere  mihi  qnam  dudum !   Py.  Certe  tu  qnidem  pol  et  mnlto 

hilarior.  5 

Ch.  T^bum  hercle  hoc  Temm  eet ;   sine  Cerere  et  Libero 

friget  Venofl. 
Sed  Thais  multo  anterenit  ?    Py.  Anne  abiit  jam  a  milite  ? 
Ch.  Jamdudum;  aetatem:  litee  sunt  inter  eos  factae  mazi- 

Pjf.  Ifihil  dixit  nt  sequerere  seseP      Ch.  Nihil,  nisi  abiens 

mihi  inQuit. 
Py.  Eho,  nonne  id  sat  erat  ?     Ch.  At  neocibam  id  dicere 

illam ;  oisi  qnia  10 

Correzit  miles  quod.  intellexi  minus  :  nam  me  eztnuit  foras. 
Sed  eccam  ipeam :  miror  ubi  ego  huic  anteverterim. 


THAI8.      CHRBUE6.       FTTHIAS. 

Tk.  Credo  equidem  iUum  jam  adiiiturum  esse,  ut  illam  a  me 
eripiat.     Sine  veniat. 

S.  Ntftupa  .  .  .  offUiamfatil'^  Anai-  Bhe  eipecti  bim  to  coom  vai  ftttempt  to 

[iimiini  Kdb  ■■  qnoted  from  UBnuidir  de-  etnj  off  Pui^lKbjrforDe;  bat  dotenaiDea 

Kribing  amilar  senwtions :  dviirriifiai  yoiv  th&t  he  shall  b»e  tbe  wont  of  jt.     lo  the 

riiwapDc  «fnXdc  ixiv.     Orid  wema  to  mealiwhile  ehe  coaimdnicstea  to  Chiemei 

h>fe  bwl  tbii  psUBgB  of  Teraiua  to  Tiew  tha  bct  tb«t  tlii>  PBmpbila  is  hia  nster,  ud 

vben  bc  wrote  in  De  Aite  *■"">*  L  669  :  ncges  bim  to  do  bia  beit  to  pmTenC  Thruo 

"Cert.  tibi  .  noHa  dnUtar  meuor.  W-  ?'^''«  P"^""'  "^*'"  ■«»;"■  ^l»™^ 

)u>n.ti  ■*  »*™lj  tempted  lo  mn  off  and  leav»  TTiB» 

Offi^m__p7««teDt  met»i<ie  pede«]ue  ^  ^^  ^^^        ^  aJU^a.  hj 

ThaU,  who  bu  oot  moeb  rauon  to  cod- 

S.  AtMtm^  lDHeaQt.iv.3.38:'<Qiiid,  gntalete  bertdr  on  her  chsmpton. 

melDm,  dmi  Betatem    ceneee  Telle  id  aiti-  The  M«tre  ii  ae  G^WB )  1—8.  10,  tro. 

maluicT?"  tbe  word  'aetatem'  is  UMd  in  ehaic    teliameter)    II.     lA,    U.    17  —  33, 

iheMnaeof 'fbTeTer.'    Compue  Loeretin*  trochaio  teliameter  catalectici    9,  trocfaaio 

vi.236:  dunetei' ratalectic  ;  13,  iambic  tetnmeter  ; 

"QBod  tDlia  Tapor  aetatem  dod  posse  vide.  19,  16,  iambic  tetiamster  catslectic. 

toi  1.]   Bentlej  nmita  'esse'  On  the  autho- 

ESoera  nsqoe  adeo  pallani  femre  eo-  rity  of  tbe  old  editions.    Bat  as  the  manu- 

maoo."  script  aDthorit]',  with  tbat  af  Donatos,  la  in 

tta  ftvonr,  I  bave  retained  It.     In  KanDing 

Al:r  IV.   SeBH>  VI.    Thaii  now  retBma  tbe  Una  we  mut  pioDOUDCC  ■  Dt  'Dam  a '  aa 

fnm  Tbn«a'8  bonae  in  some  trapidatiou.  a  troehae. 


136  EUNTJCHtrS. 

Atqni  si  iUam  di^to  attigerit  iino,  ocnli  ilico  effodientnr. 
TJsque   adeo  ego  iUius  ferre  possum  ineptias  et  magnifica 

Verba  dum  aint :  venun  enim  si  ad  rem  oonferentur,  vapu- 

Ck.  Thaifl,  ego  jam  dudum  hio  adsum.     Tk.  0  mi  Ghreme,  te 

ipeum  exspectabam.  3 

Sciu  tu  turbam  hanc  propter  te  esse  factam,  et  adeo  ad  te  atti- 

nere  hanc 
Omnem  rem  P     Ch.  Ad  me  ?  qui,  quaeeo,  istoc  P     7%.  Quia, 

dum  tibi  sororem  atudeo 
Beddere  et  restituere,  haec  atque  hujuamodi  sum  mnlta  peasa. 
Ch.  Ubi  ea  eet  P     Th.  Domi  apud  me.     Ch.  Hem,  quid  eet  ? 
Th.  Educta  ita  uti  teque  illaque  dignum  est.     Ch.  Qoid  ais  ? 

Th.  Id  quod  res  est.  lo 

Hanc  tibi  dono  do,  neque  repeto  pro  illa  qtiicqoam  abs   te 

Ch.  Et  habetur  et  referetur,  Thais,  a  me  ita  uti  merita  es 

Th.  At  enim  cave  ne  prius  quam  haoc  a  me  accipias,  omittaa 

Nam  haec  ea  est  quam  miles  a  me  vi  nunc  ereptum  Tenit. 
Abi  tu,  cistellam,  Pythias,  domo  efiFer  cum  monumentis.         is 

3.  Magniflca  cn-ia]   '  I  can  pnt  up  with  tbink  that  uif  good  editoT  hu  beeo  oon- 

his  fbllj  uid  his  bnggart  apeecbeg  u  lung  Tinced  by  tbl*  reuaniag.  '  Eispcctsbua '  ia 

■s  thej  tre  mere  «rords ;  bat  if  thej  come  perfectlj  DBtanL  8he  woald  aaj,  '  M  j  dnr 

to  deeili  he  sb»ll  ■mut  for  it.'    The  ume  Cbremee,  jou  ire  the  tcct  pema  I  wm 

eipreeeion  ii  nied  bj  PUntus,  CDrcnlio  it.  looking  for,'  wbetber  ibe  had  Idl  bim  be- 

4.  23  :  "  Tna  magitifin  Terbe  . . .  istu  tnu  hind  or  oot. 

magnu  miau  ■"  aad  bj  Tibuilns,  ii.  6.  1 1,  12.  Rl  hdll»UiT  tl  rrftritv  . ,  .  pra/ia] 

in  a  r&ther  diSereat  leiue,  of  a  lorer  «bo  >  Your  kindoc»  ii  botii  felt  aad  ehall  he 

makea  liolent  proteatationa  of  indiffereiice  repaid,  u  jou  deserve,  Thaia.'     Por  tUa 

to  hia  miBtre»  :  comman  diatinction  between  '  habeie '  and 

"  Magna  loqoor ;  iied  magiiifice  mihi  magna  '>«fem  K™ti™  '  see  Ci«ro,  De  (MSme  IL 

locuto  ^'      Niminun  enun  uopi  iUe,  n  boaae 

Eicutiunt  clausae  fortia  »erba  foru."  "' "'■  '*'""  "  "'^  g™ti»m  non  potMt, 

habere  «irte  poCeiit. 

6.   0  mi  ChTetnt,  le  ipwum  mpecladaml  16.  CalfUam  . . ,  ^fer  evm  vnnjimeniit] 

Benllej  objecta  to  the  word  '  eispectabam,  '  Bring  oat  of  thehoau  the  trinket-box 

becauH   Thaii  could  hardlj  nj  tbat   she  with  her  birlh-tohens.'     The  '  tnonamenta' 

bad  been  waiting  fbr  Chremu.  fbr  she  had  are  the  tiinkete  whicb  woe   ptaced    npon 

lefl  him  with  Thraio  when  abe  oune  away  :  children  wben  they  were  exposed.  that  tliej 

and  he  prefera  '  eipeto,'  wbich  alKi  makes  migbt  be  a  means  of  identiljing  tbem  it 

the  Terge  a  tetrameter  trochaic  catalcctiu.  thej  ahould  grow  np.     It  would  eeem  from 

more  ■uitable,  u  he  thinks,  lo  the  temper  this  «orjof  Pamphila  tbst  all  diildr«n  had 

of  Tbaia  at  thie  moment :  "Thauquae  ente  them.     Thej  are  more  (ommonlj  called 

et  iMMt  in  tetramBtris  plenis  debacchatur,  ■  crepandia.'    Tbey  we»o  genetallj  kept  in 

in  boc  Tersn,  riio  Chremete,  nbi  deferret  a  emsll  mket.     We  hare  alliuiona  to  thnn 

ia  not  in  Plaata».      The  plaj  called  CistsUans 

ACTUS  IV.    SCENA  VI.  137 

Ch.  Viden  ta  illiim,  Tliaia—  Py.  Vhi  dta  est  f    Th.  In  riaeo. 

Odiosa  cessas  P — 
Ch.  Militem  secnm  ad  i«  quantas  copiaa  adducere  P 
Atat.     Th.   Num  formidolofius  obeecro  gb,  mi  homo  ?     Ch. 

Apage  sis: 
Egoa  formidoloeuB  P  nemo  eat  hominum  qui  Tivat  minus. 
Th.  Atque  ita  opujs  est.     Ch.  Ah,  metuo  qualem  ta  me  eese 

hominem  existimeB.  30 

7^.  Imo  hoc  cogitato ;  quicum  ree  tibi  est  peregrinus  etit, 
Uinus  poteuB  quam  tu,  minus   notus,  minus  amicorum  hic 

Ch.  Scio  istuG.     Sed  tu  quod  caTere  poesis  stultum  admittere 

Kalo  ego  uoe  prospicere  quam  hunc  olciBci  aecepta  injuria. 
Tu  abi,   atque  obseTa  oetium  intus,  dum  ego  hinc  transcurro 

ad  forum.  36 

Volo  ego  adesse  hic  adrbcatoa  nobia  in  turba  bac.     Th.  Mane. 
Ch.  Melius  eet.     Th.  Mane.     Ch.  Omitte;  jam  adero.     Th. 

Nihil  opus  est  istiB,  Chreme : 

iamt  iti  nune  frma  ooe  of  then  cukeU  of  Iben,  Thui,  wbat  ■  band  he  u  bringf  ng 

'acpuidk :'  «ee  partimlBrl;  Act  iv.  iceae  *g«iut  joa  ^    Cbreines  b^nj  to  be  in  a 

I-   In  the  RndenB  Che  plot  nuikB  upon  tbe  itate  of  tnpidatioii  «lien  ba  lees  Thmo 

JiMciiaj  of  ■  ■imilu-  oaket,  uid  in  Act  ir.  Goming  np  «itb  his  hoaaebold  troops.    Vj. 

*■  MO-130  we  baie  ■  hiU  detaiptian  of  thiu  at  the  tune  moment  adds  to  the  con. 

tlw  'crepnDdia  '  in  that  cue,  irhidi  ««re  fuaion  \tj  her  napid  qoestiona  obont  Iba 

niii^  whit  we   naw  call  '  cbannii,'  el^ut  cuket    of    '  erepQudia.      The    timiditj   of 

iDjiiiucribed  witb  the  nBmesoftbeparenti  Chrrmaa  ii  capiCallf  dmm, 

of  tbe  diild  to  make  rect^ition  more  cer-  21.  Pertgriiaii  «<]   Among  other  toplcs 

t«o.    The  Greek  word  mrafyara,  which  of  eDcouragement  Thais  remindi  Cbremea 

nigioallj  meuit  '  iwaddling  clotbei.'  waa  that  Thraao  ia  a  fiK«igner,  and  will  tbei*- 

ukI  hi  the  Tragoediaai  tn  the  ■ame  senae.  fore  be  at  ■  diaadTantage  if  tbey  go  to  law. 

So  (Edipas  ii  made  to  apeak  of  hia  pierced  Se«  note  on  Andna  iv.  S.  16. 

hetuhia  (TTop^ava.  32.    Mitui»  paiau]     '  Lesa   infiuentiaL' 

ir.  Xi.  .■  ;,.„.  J,„j,..t  x.l.r.   S"«.a.«i,  jn;Ad.i,hi  iii.  .  S7,  "Po. 

Atuac  tontea,  ditea,  fortunati,  nobile». 

'  "  e«(]     '  H  u   foaluh  lo  do  what  you  can 

'—..        _, i^B   >..o.  aTcud.     I  bad  rather  Ii«tb  preTenlion  than 

(Edipn.  Tjiannn>  1033,  )03*.  ^,  .j^  y^  j,  „  commL  that  it  buiUy 

Aj  atapyava   paoed   into    the   wdm    of  needa   «njr   illuiCntion.     The   fbllawing   la 

'  cnpuTidiB.'  »  conTenely   '  crepundia '  is  quoted  &otxi  Menander 
»»«d  bfPlinj,  i'    -■    ■     -        ■■...- 

dolhei.'    The  word  '  crepondia  '  was  alra 

<imI  fbr  ehiklien'B  pla^things  whicb  were  2S.]  Chremes  \i  aniioni  to  be  on  the 

kaog  rmuid  their  necki,  ai  babiea'  rattlee  safe  eide,  or  at  all  eventa  to  get  aareljr  ont 

ft  now.a-dayB.     See  Plautua,  Hilea  Glo-  of  Ihe  waj,  so  he  proposea  to  mn  oter  to 

riosus  T.  6  :   <■  Ut  Udam  quasi  pnao  in  tbe  fonun  and  fet  lome  ftiends  to  witneaa 

coUo  pendeant  crepnndia."  Tfaraso's  aaaanlL     Fot  '  adrocili '  aea  Dot* 

10.  Fidn  1«  Ultim\  '  Do  yon  Bce  Thraao  an  ii.  3.  48. 

loiB.    »  conTeneiy   '  CRpunuia     is  qiioieu  iroTXl  nenanuer  : 

rPliny,.!.  Bl,inthBoriginJ  aense  .t^ft.rf  ^o,  ^ „;„„,  J,x,t,„^f»,, 

ynva:  "8«n,™tn.locutuBe.tCroe«  ,4%«;/*    j^  b„  ;.;,%,,  ^^Xrirr.rf,,,  V 

1   crepnndiiB,      '  while  jet  in   lang  Sltl 


138  EimnJCElJS. 

HoG  modo  dio,  sororem  ilLua  tuam  eflse,  et  te  parvam  tit- 

AmisiBse ;  nmto  oognosse.    ^gna  oetende.     Py.  Adsmit.     Th. 

Si  rim   faciet,   in  jus   ducito  hginlaem :    intellextin  ?      Ch. 

Probe.  30 

Th.  Fac  oiiimo  haeo  praeeenti  dicas.     Ch.  Faciam.     Th.  A.\- 

tolle  poUium. 
Perii !  huic  ipei  eet  opus  patrtHio  quem  defenwrem  paro. 


THBASO.       GNATHO.       SANOA.       CRRBUBS.       THAI9. 

Thr.  Hancine  ego  ut  oontumeliam  tam  insignem  in  me  acci- 

piam,  Gnatho  P 
Mori  me  aatius  eat.     Simalio,  Donax,  Syriace,  sequiminL 
Frimum  aedes  expugnabo.     Qn.  It«cte.     Thr,  yiigio^xi  eri- 

piun.     Qn.  Probe. 

31.  AttolU  paliiim^   "  Vcl  qnU  nmplu 

Mt,  Tel  qnia  ebnns,  paUiani  tnhie  Cbreiiiea,"  caUlectia. 

DoDitul.   Zeune  eiplune  it '  l^ck  np  joni        I .  AintctM  tf6  ul  eonlnmtliam .  . 

ckMk,' far  tbe  nke  of  tctiTitr.  Bithcrienu  piam,  GnalAa  f  i  '  Am  I  to  pat  q>  witb 

will  niit  the  oonteit  «ell  eDOngb.  •  merked  Bffivat,  GnUlio  >'     'Ne— >t 
'  ntne '  «re  often  u»ed  tc 

Acr  IV.    ScBNB  TIL    Thraao  appean  or  inpouibilitT.    So  in  Andrit  i.  6.  38: 

with  hia  baniebold  troo]»,  and  leadi  them  "  Bise  ego  ut  «d*e»er  ?"    Phomio  ii.  I. 

to  the  ettkck  of  the  hoiue,  dnwing  them  74  '■ 

ml  1.   bUU.  ™,-Hjhlj|ln|,  ».d  Wt  ,.  j^„,  j^„  „„  „,„  „  ^^  ^^ 
wiDg— keepmghimself  in  rewTe,  ■coordmg  ununi  diem '" 

to  the  bert  prscedenti.  When  Thue  tppeuv 

be  detennineB  on  >  parie;,  and  demandt  In  Honce,  B«L  ii.  Ik.  18:  "  Utne  tegui 

hsiphils.      Chremee  in  reply  itands  ap  ipurco   Demae  btos*"   whm    eee    Mec- 

more  manfaUir  tban  conld  harB  been  ex-  leine'i  note.    In  Phonnio  ir.  3.  64  we  haie 

pected,  and  diimiherai  hiiown  Hsts,  ud  'at'  alone  : 

an   Atbenian    dtuen.     Upon   thi.   ThrMO  "  NihU  do:  impnn*»  m«  iUe  rt  etiam  ir. 
hoUa  a  conDOl  of  wnr,  and  thej  deterniina  rideat !" 

to  retire,  menljr  that  thej  may  bave  the 

■atiihctioD  of  «edng  Thaii  eome  pre«ently  All  theae  fomii  are  condeuMd  expteeaoD). 

and  taike  her  snbnnailon.    We  muat  anp-  We  ma;  supplj  the  eUipee  in  the  teit  b^ 

poie  ThraM)  to  come  iwaggering  In.  witb  '  enadenia  nt  ego  aecipiun  ?'     Perhapa  «a 

■  great  demonatration  of  conrage,  and  mak-  ara  to  nippoae  that  Gnathe  haa  bcen  nilinf 

iug  the  mOBt  of  himsetf  genOTally,  as  the  Thimao  «o  a  modente  coaTW,  ai  he  doea  at 

Boldier  in  Plautus,    Epidicui.     Eiee   iii.  3.  the  and  of  Ibe  acene,  aod  tbat  Tbraeo  a)m« 

Ml.  1 :  on  scDmiug;  compromise,  aod  waUdng  and 

..  8^  blo.,™  ..  ,...  h.c  ,.™.„    "'J"l4S  ^SJSS" 
GonspiGor  ■     '  .        -*. . 

Soam  qni  nndantem  ehlamydem   quaa- 

•anda  bdt  ?" 
The  Hebe  ia  aa  IbUows) 

J  Donatoa  obaarTea  tl 

Acnrs  IV.  scENA  vn.  139 

7%r.  Ible  molcabo  ipflam.     On.  Pulolire.     Tkr.  In  medium 

Iinc  agmen  cam  Tecti  Donax ; 
Tu,  Simslio  in  Binistrum  comu ;  ta  Syrisce  in  dezterum.         5 
Gedo  alioe :  ubi  ceuturio  est  Sanga,  et  miuupulue  funun  ?    Sa. 

Eccum  adeet. 
7^r.  Quid  ignave  ?  peniculfm  pugnare,  qui  istuc  huc  portes, 

Sa.  Egone  ?    Impetatoris  Tirtutem  noTerom  et  Tim  militum ; 
Sine  Banguine  hoc  fieri  non  poaee ;  qui  abetergerem  Tulnera. 
TAr.  TJia  aJiiP    8a.  Qui,  maliiTn,  aliil'  ecdus  Samiio  serrat 

domi.  10 

27ir.  To  hoece   ioBtrue:    hio  ego  ero  poet  principia:    inde 

omnibns  eignuin  dabo. 
Gn.  Uloc  est  aapere  I  ut  hosce  inetruxit,  Ipeus  sibi  caTit  loco. 
Tkr.  Idem  hoc  jam  Pyrrhns  foctitaTit.     Ch.  Viden  ta  Thais 

quam  hic  rem  agit  P 
Nimirum  coneilinm  iUnd  rectom  est  de  oocludendie  aedibus. 
Tha.  Sane  quod  tibi  nunc  Tir  Tideatnr  eese  hio  nebulo  magnns 

eet.  15 

Ne  metuas.      Thr.  Quid  TideturP      Qn.  Fuudam  tibi  nuno 

nnnia  Tcllem  dari, 

kw  nutitHiy  phnaaa,  bat  we  need  not  pnn  Ni  hnnc  uniltii  eimgebo  qiiiDqaid  ha- 

tliis  to  indude  nerj  ■imple  eipresaion.  morifl  tibi  mL" 

i.  M<dt  iiti./M*o  v«n»]     '  I  «ill  pnniiih  jf^,   ^a   i,    „       hmnoroiu.     Compm 

nut  aeretdj.'    'Mnloo  '  u 'to  b«t.'     U  the  rtUl  hetter  sc™b in  Arirtopbme^  Birdi 

??f ..■'!'  r^      '  ^*""^^   "■   *■  23-  S43-407,  wbere  the  Bmb  att>ck  Ptdathe- 

Adalptii  L  X.  S 1  ^^^^  ,^  Eoelpides,  aad  thi?  mske  tbeir 

" IpcDin  dominain  itqne  omnem  prnpkratioiia  for  lictorj  or  »  gloriotu  daath 

fuoilUm  Uid  Ceismicas.     On  thst  occudon  too  th« 

Ualenit  luqae  >d  mortem."  enemr  coQiiden  discmtioD  the  better  put 

CodiHve   J»   PhKd™  i.   3.  9 :    "  MJe  Pf  "'»"'•  "'f  ^?""  *".  '^  "^T  »"? 

niakMai  Gr«uln.."    In  mui;  mwMcripta  Wood.hed.     Sach  Tiolent  *ttadu  by  loTen 

'mako  ■  is  confonndod  with  'muloto,'  or  "P"" '^*  ''°"*'  "'  *'""''  ""^f,  •""> 

'mnlto,"to»merc».'  not  to  h«Te  been  anooramon.     See  Hoiace, 

7.  Q«U  iffTUtt^  r  ptnUHbm  mtgrtart .  .  .  p»™'  \^-  ''  "''^  '  •°°™^  '*"•* 

Ofil^  n     •  Do  yon  mtend  to  fight  wlth  a  dodioate*  hi>  arma  to  Venae  : 

•poogo  >"      '  Peniculug '  originallf  meant  ■  " Hio  hic  ponite  ladds 

lljl,  »  bniah,  snd  hencs  ■  aponge  or  bnuh  Fnnalis  ot  Toctee  et  arcn» 

with  a  iong  Iisndle,  saeh  u  would  be  oaed  Oppositis  faribas  minsoes," 

fbr  waahing  the  ceilingi  of  rooms.    In  the  whaic    aee  Macleane's  note.     So   Donax 

Mansecbmei  of  Plsntos  the  word  oocurs  ss  hera  carries  a  crowbar  with  him.     Thiaso 

the  name  of  ■  parasite.     See  i.  I.  1:  wiselj  plu»  hinuelf  in  the  second  tine  oT 

"JunmtnsnoraanfedtPeniculomihi  his  ■rmy,  a  aitnation  conTanient  for  flight: 

ideo  qois  menssm  qasndo  edodetergeo."  "nd  wbeo  eTerj  thing  is  thua  sirsnged,  aDd 

_     ,                 .  .»      ,    I                    ■     -m  tba  sponiie  lesdT  for  wipinK  the  blood  &Dm 

The  form  '  penK^n. '  aUo  occui.  in  Plan-  ^^  ^J^^  ^J^  app  Jicb  the  boase  Ter, 

(BS,  Kodnu  IT.  3.  W :  caotiouBly,  GnMho  la^tiiig  tbst  it  would 
be  B^Ter  to  tij  lo  sling  the  eounj  ont 
tbHi  to  maka  a  dose  ■ttadi. 



TTt  tu  illos  proctil  hinc  ez  occulto  caederes :  facerent  fugam. 
Thr.  Sed  eccam  Thaid^n  ipBam  video.     On.  Q,uaiii  moz  imi- 

imusP     IV.  Mane. 
Omnia  priuB  experiri  quam  armiB  sapieutem  decet. 
Qui  acis  an  quae  jubeam  sine  vi  faciatP     Qn.  Di  Testram 

fidem  I  '         20 

Quanti  est  aapere !  nunquam  accedo  quin  aba  te  abeam  doctior. 
Thr.  Thais,  primum  hoc  mihi  responde ;  cum  tibi  do  istam 

Dixtine  hos  mihi  dies  soli  dare  te  P     Tha.  Quid  tum  postea  P 
Tkr.  Bogitas,  quae  mihi  ante  oculoa  coram  amatorem  adduxti 

Tfta.  Quid  cum  iUo  agaa  P     Thr.  Et  cum  eo  clam  te  subduzti 

mihiP  25 

Tha.  Libuit.     Thr.  FamphilaM  ergo  huc  redde,  nisi  ti  maTig 

Ch.  Tibi  illam  reddat  P  aut  tu  iUam  tangas  onmium  —  P    Qn. 

Ah,  quid  agis  P  tace. 
Thr.  Quid  tu  tibi  vis  P  ego  non  tangam  meam  P     Ch,  Tuam 

autem  furcifer  I 
Gn.  Gare  ais ;  neecis  cui  nunc  male  dicas  viro.     Ch.  Kon  tu 

hinc  abis  P 
Scin  tu  ut  tibi  res  se  habeat  ?    Si  qnicquam  hodie  hic  turbae 

coeperifi,  30 

Faciam  ut  hujm  loci,  dieique,  meique,  semper  memineris. 
On.  Miseret  tui  me  qui  hunc  tantum  hominem  facias  inimicum 

Ch.  Diminuam  ego  caput  tutim  hodie,  nisi  abia.     On.  Ain 

vero,  canis  ? 

19.  Onraia  priM*  txperiri  fsam  armi»  27.  OmitiiM]     Sm  nota  on  Andri*  r. 

tapienlm  dKtl']     Thu  is  the  tcading  of  aU  8.  I . 

tbe  iiiuia«cnpt>.  eicept  ona  (Codei  Acmd«-  28.  TWnt  autetitfiireifrr}     See  neteaa 

miciu)  quoted  bj  Bentlej,  which  hu  '  n-  ADdria  iii.  0.  12. 

mu  npientem,'  from  «hich  be  deriTes  bia  Sl.  FaeiamHl ki^iia loei  ,  .  .  MnnnfTu] 

Tesding  '  anna  upieDlein,'     But  the  ordi-  Thia  seema  to  bkie  beeu  a  common  fonnnl*. 

rary  teit  pyea  ■  good   meoniDg,  '  A  wi>e  Com|»re  Pbatas,  C^tin  It.  2.  21 : 

msD  ought  to  try  «ery  riUher  ..  p,^  „(  ^„,  ^^  j^,^  „^„  ^. 

thsn  h«Te  pecoii™i  to  Bnni.'     ■  Eipenn '  »  meminerit       ^^ 

nwd  botb  witb  the  ■ccuntiTe,  u  in  Andria         nJ^^iv: : i.^;, :i  " 

n      .            .  .  Uui  mihi  Ln  curfla  obsutent. 

n.  I.  11 !  "  Omniaeipenn  certucn  estpniu 

qium  pereo ;"  and  with  the  ahUtite,  u  in  33.  Dimiimam  ega  capul  Anmt]     '  I  >ill 

the  phrue  '  legibai  eiperiri,'  '  lo  hsve  re-  break  jonr  head  if  joudo  not  KetyongoiK.' 

conru  lo  law.'  Compare  Cicero,  Pro  Quiutio  For  the  phraw  compare  Adeiphi  it.  U.  3S: 

1 1  I  "  Bi  qnid  in  oODtroreraun  Tenit«t|  ant  "  DiminDetnr  Ijbi  qaidem  jam  cerebniiii,' 

intra  parietes  ant  summo  jure  eipeiiretor."  «nd  t.  2.  7  '  ''  An  tibi  jam  msTla  cerebnm 

It  ii  used  bere  in  both  conitjuctiona.  dispergani  hic  ? "    ■  Comminao '  ia  iued  ia 

ACnjS  IV.    SCENA  VII.  141 

Sicine  agio  P     Thr.  Q,\as  tu  ee  homo  P  qidd  tibi  via  P  quid 

cumillarei  tibieet? 
Ch.  Scibis :   principio  eam  esse  dico  liberam.     Thr.  Hem ! 

Ch.  Civem  Atticam.     Thr.  Hui!  35 

Ch.  Meam  Bororem.     Thr.  Os  durum  I    Ck.  MUee,  nunc  adeo 

edico  tibi 
Ne  rim  ^ias  nllam  in  illam.     Thais,  ego  eo  ad  SophroQam 
Nutricem,  ut  eam  adducam,  et  aigna  ostendam  I^ec.     Thr. 

Tun  me  prohiheas 
Meam  ne  tangam  P     Ch.  Prohibeo,  inquam.     Qn.  Audin  tu  P 

hic  furti  se  aUigat. 
Satis  hoc   tibi   eet.     Thr.  Idem  hoc   tu   ais,   ThaisP      Tha. 

Quaere  qui  respondeat.  40 

Thr.   Quid  nunc  agimus  ?     Qn.   Quin  redimua  P     Jam  haeo 

tibi  aderit  Bupplicana 
TJltro.     Thr.  Credin  ?     Qn.  Imo  certe.     Novi  ingenium  mu- 

Nolout  ubi  Telis ;  ubi  nolis  cupiunt  ultro.     Thr.  Bene  putas. 
Cfn.  Jam  dimitto  exercitumP     Thr.  Ubi  Tia.     On.  Sanga,  ita 

uti  fortea  decet 
Milites,  domi  focique  fec  viciseim  nt  memineris.  45 

niDtaa  1d  tbe  ranie  UDse.   In  Menaechmri  '  implime,'  liteiAUj  ngTiinea  '  to  implirate 

1.  2.   105,  106,  W8  bmTe  &  wonderful  occu-  oneeelf  jn  a  cluirge  of  tbeft.'     Cicero,  Pro 

■inilalion  of  threats  of  thia  kiod.     Cbaerea  Placco   VJ,  uws   tbe  ablttive  *  adltgare  le 

is  fonad  &nlt  «ith  bj  ■ome    of  the  eoDi-  ■celere.'     DonUua    quotea    fram    Aen.    vi. 

nmitaton,  beginniDg    witb    Doiiatns,   fbr  668,  to  Bhow  tfaat  '  furtum  '  bas  tbe  general 

ihe  tue  of  soch  ODgentleDuinly  Eanguage  aa  huh  of  '  wrong :'  buC  ereD  thsD  tfae  DoCioQ 

thia.     Connderiug  that  he  haa  not  qoile  ra-  of '  deceit '  ie  not  ODtirelj  abtant. 

coteml  &Dm  the  eSecti  of  the  wiae  which  40.  Idtnt  hoc  /u  ai*  /]  '  Do  yon  mj  the 

he  haa  drnnk,   bis   lanpiage  ti   not   Terj  same  V     Thnao  iqjpeaii  to  Tbau.     Sbe  re- 

optrageotti ;  and  we  maj  sappoee  that  beiag  pliet,  '  Find  some  ooe  lo  answer  jou,'  and 

a  cowaid  at  bottom,  he  oaei  ratber  atKing  dJNiiniean.      Thraao    and    bia    lieatenut 

laogoage  lo  canir  it  off  well  beforv  Thua.  GDalbo  bere  hoid  a  coundl  of  war,  and 

But   DD  ona   fant  a  gsnnjna   commentator  coms   to  the  lenBible  resolutiaa  of  going 

wonld  have  diKOTertNl  bd j  dilGcnltj  in  the  home  again.    For  '  quin '  iDterrogatiTe  sea 

matter.  note  on  Andria  iL  3,  2fi, 

36.   Ot   iAinnH]    'BraieD  Ihcel'     Codi-  46.   Z)onti/oeifue /ae  viciiim  vl  mnti- 

pire  T.  t.  S3  :  "  Vide  amaba  si  Don  qonm  ntrii]   Gnatho  here  naei  the  stock  phraaes 

Bfpiciai  m  impnden*  Tidetnr."     Tbe  ioea  i«  with   wbich   genermli    were  accoitomed  to 

wotlied  oat  more  fdllj  bj  FUntas,  Hiles  exdte  theconrageof  theirBoldierg.     Bnt  tbe 

Glohosna  ii.  2.  35 :  '  faearths  and  homea  '  wbicb  be  reminda  them 

"O.   babet   linguam,   perfidiam,  malidam  "rf  "«  »»?o<^ted  witb  DOthing  more  «cred 

Co^dentiam,   confirmilatem,  fraaduien.     "upper  wbicb  had  been  desertedao  nnUmelj 
,i^  .  for  thia  unaucceasfiil  campaign.     '  Domi  ■  u 

Qai  arcnat  ee  eam  aintra  Tincat  iarejo-    ^  ^^  B^".*''™  ^-  ,  S""'?".  ^^"^ 

„^g„„_»  '      '         Tnnummua  IT.  3.  20 :  "  Non  fngitiTua  est 

hiofaoino:  commeminit  domi."     This  old 

He  pleada     form  of  Ibe  genitive  remaiDB  in  tfae  oommoii 

flirti,'  like    nie  of  '  domi,' '  at  home.'  Bee  Hadrig,  Latiii 


Sa.  Jamdndum  animus  eet  in  patmis.     €fn.  Frugi  ee.     Thr. 
Yos  me  hac  Bequimini. 


THAIS.       FTTQIA8. 

Th.  Pergin  sceleeta  mecum  perplexe  loqui  P 

"  Scio ;  neecio ;  abiit ;  audivi ;  ego  non  afiui." 

TSoa  tu  istuc  Tnihi  dictura  aperte  es  quicquid  est  ? 

Yii^  coDficiasa  veete  lacrimans  obticet. 

Eunuchus  abiit ;  quamobrem  P  quid  &ctum  est  ?  taces  ?         5 

P^/.  Quid  tibi  ego  dicsm  misera  ?    Illum  eimachum  negaut 

Fuisse.     7%.  Quis  fuit  igitur  P     Py.  Iste  Chaerea. 

Tfi.  Qui  Chaerea  ?    Py.  Iste  ephebus,  frat«r  Fhaedriae. 

Gnmimar.  S96  b.    Bst  BccoTdiiig  to  Pni-  fpeakinc  aabigaonilT  !    I  know — I  don't 

feiBor  Ke;  (I^t.  Gr.  900)  the  fbnns 'domi,'  know— ne  is  gone— I  heard — 1  ms  not 

'  belli,' '  milituii,'  '  hnmi,'  '  Romai,'  tie.  are  then.'    '  Perpleie  '  ii  pariiculkrlj  nied  of 

datiTes.    The  fact  that  all  tbeee  '  advertiB,'  conlndictorj,  nmbignoa*  languge.     Com- 

as  tha  old  gnmmuiuu  called  them,  have  pare  Platinu,  Asiiiacia  ir.  1.  47  :  "  Neqoe 

ths  comman  ending  '  i '  points  to  the  trne  ullam  Tetbnm  bdat  peipleuMle )"  wid  Au- 

eiplanatian  that  the;  am  remnnnts  of  the  lulAriaii.  2.  81 : 

obwlela  loodiTe  cam  o(  the  Indo-Germanic    .. ^j  ^^^        ^  wltatiiperpleiarier. 

atocli !  wbich  ippean  aL»  ,n  ■nch  foTme  u  p,,^  ^^^  ^„^  ^  „on  pactam  pac- 

apptoadi  the  form  of  tbe  dabTO  in  Ihe  third 

declenaion,  ud  of  the  genitive  ia  the  flrrt  la  Stidiiia  i  3,  18  we  find  the  ad*nbial 

and  ■econd  ;  and  thenfore  «ome  confoand  fbrm  '  perpleiim.' 

them  with  one,  lome  with  the  other.  4.  Obtictf]    On  ttns  word  DonatDi  le- 

4G.  Jamdudum   aBtniu   «f  n  patinii]  marki  u  foUovs :    "Tatrmau  oonBiUa:   nt 

'  Mj  mind  !■  long  igo  npon  the  diihea.'  Aen.  ii.  94,   '  Nee  tacoi  demeai;'    rrtict- 

lindenbrog  qnolei  from  Athenaeni,  Deip-  mM  doloret :    nt  '  na  Tara«,   na  rstica ' 

noi.  i.  a  line  of  Alexis  :  (Heant.  i.  I.  33,  >  naretiaa  na  TBvra');  ot- 

,      -      .    ,         -            .  -        ,      .  tienm»  qnomni  dos  pndet :   nt  in  Plur- 

i».I,a,imn|tr^..J,[rt».W.  ,a„„  .  fl„  ,,Mi»iii  Jbtra.  •"•    OouU. 

probablT  lefen  to  Phormio  t.  8.  S,  wfaere 

ACT  V.  BcKNK  I.    Thai»  atlmcks  Pjthias  »ome  copies  giia  "  Hem  qoid  nnnc   obti- 

abontDoras.     What  i«  tbe  mewiing  of  aU  cuirti?  "    bnt  the  beat  reading  ii  'obati- 

thii   pieTarication  ?     Hen»  is  Pamphila  in  poiiti.'       But    theee    di*inction«    an    not 

the  ntmost  distress  and   disorder  ;  and  the  obserred.     In  Hwit  t.  1.  M,  65,  we  tiaTe 

eanndi  is  gone  off.     PTthiaa  eiplunB  what  .<  Quld  dotia  dicam  ta  dixiue  filiae  ? 

she   has    heard   from    Doms,   that   it  waa  Qnij  obdcoirti  ?" 

Cbaereawho  had  been  introduced  intotheir  .  ,,             i      n    j 

hooM,  and  who  had  boen  left  alone  with  »"''  Hof»ce,  Ar»  PoeHoa2W  : 

Pamphihi  hj  Thaia'  own  oideni.     At  thia  *          * 
rooment  they  see  Chaerea  appniiching,  ■tJll 
f  Dorns,  wh                 .... 

yet  had  an  opportanity  of  getting  rid  of.  ..     ,.       _  ^ 

Tha  Metn  is  iambio  trimeter.  Thais  hsd  nerer  heard  of  him  befom.     ror 

I.  Puyin  nelrtlB  meniBi  ptrplttt  la-  the  n>e  of  '  qui '  eompare  Plantoa,  Hoatel- 

fiiir]    'WIIl  jaa  persist,  you  Trretdi,  In  laria  ir.  .1.  SS :  "  Qni  Philolachei  ?"   '  Qnia 

ACTUS  T.    SCENA  I.  143 

7A.  Quid  aia  TeDefica  ?    Py.  Aiqui  certo  comperi. 

Th.  Quid  is  obsecro  ad  nos  f  qnamobreia  adductus  eat  P     Py. 

Neacio ;  lo 

Nifii  amaase  credo  Pamphilam.     Th.  Hem,  misera  occidi ; 
Infelix,  siquidem  ta  iataec  Tera  praedicas. 
Num  id  lacrimat  yirgo  P     Py.    Id  opinor.     Th.    Quid  ais 

Istncine  interminata  sum  hinc  abiens  tibi  P 
Py.  Quid  facerem  P  ita  ut  tu  justi  soli  credita  est.  IS 

7%.  Scelesta  Inpo  ovem  commisiati.     Diapudet 
Sic  mibi  data  esse  verba.     Quid  illic  hominis  est  P 
Py.  Hera  mea  tace ;  tace  obsecro ;  salvae  sumus : 
HabemuB  faominem  ipsum.     Th.  Ubi  is  eet  P    Py.  Hem  ad 

Tiden  ?  Th.YiAao.  Py.  Comprebendijubeqnantumpotest.  20 
Th.  Qnid  illo  faciemus  stulta  P     Py.  Quid  &ciae  rogas  P 

Chum  >'     wonld    meaii     '  «ho     u   this  ihe  wavli    eqoaUy  »y  '  mihi   d&ta   ene 

Clncres?'    In  all  iiidi  euos  '  qnia '  1>  Kmll)'  lerba  /    uid   sbe  tm   tn  mDre   likel]'   to 

1 3abitaiid*e.    Por  '  ephehoa  '  eee  note*  ou  all  Fy thiu  '  iceleata '  thui  benelf.     There 

n.  2.  5S,  mad  Andiii  L  1.  24.  ii  no  doubt  that  '  coniniiriati '  ii  Iha  trne 

14.    JUnftnp      Tnttrminala     tum     hitit  readiDg.       The    pioTerb    Dccnrs    often    )n 

<tuu/iM7]  '  Wuitthiitiut  I  dur^jon  aadent  «riten,     The  Hriient  place  ii  He. 

■itli  «bea  I  left  bome?'    For  <  intemiinor'  rodotn»  iv.  149,  where  ■peaking  of  tbe  son 

ue  DOte  on  Aadria  iii.  2.  10.     The  prepo-  of  Thenu,  who  refDsed  to  occompuijr  hit 

sliDn    '  inter '   in    eompoaitJDD    Bometimei  father   to   CalliitB,    atteTwards   Thera,   he 

iu  the   idea  of  '  iDteDsili,'  u  'iDtermi.  njt,  i  tl  waic  oii  jip  1^1  «1  eviirXii- 

lor,' '  to  chwBe  or  threaten  ■tnitly:'  'io-  aiaBni,  roiyap^i/  r^q  atriv  «oroXW^dv 

taiteeo,'>ndilsdeHntiTes, 'toUIlntterly:'  olv   )v   Xvicaiai.     We  find  it  in    Plantoa, 

' iDterfaibo,'   like    iKrivM,    'todrink   np  ;'  Psendolns  i.  2.  8,  iu  anothcr  fbrm  : 
'LDtereo,' 'togoentirely,' '  to  perish  :'  '  in. 
ttrto,'  'tit  be  Dtlerlj    done,'  '  to  perisb.' 
DooatDS  finde  b  difficnltj  here,  and  snpposes 
lliia  iuJDnctian  of  Thaia  to  haTe  laken  place  ""■"■ 

bdiiDd  the  ■cenee.    Bnt  tbe  cbai^  Iq  iii.  A  commoD  Greek  prov^,  r^  A£iy  ri}v 

i.  B3  seems  nSdentlj  lo  aiuwer  to  tbe  Sii',  ig  QDoted  bj   Perlet.     For  'dsla  ease 

•UDnoD  Id  the  texL  verba '  In  17  see  note  on  FroIoK.  34,  and 

16.    Setletla     lapo     mem     eommjiuffl  Andria  i.  3. 6. 
MiserBble  CTcatare,   yan  haTe  enlrueled  a         I?.    Qaid  illie   Aominii   fir\     '  What 

lunb  to  a  wolf/ — "AIl   the   manDScripta,  stjle  of  man  is  tbat  tbere?'  Bbe  mddenly 

Xonina,  and  Actod  on  Horace,  Carm.  i.  3,  Beee  CiiBsrea  in  bis  eunnch'8  dresa  withont 

i»TB  ' commiaieti.'"     Theee  «re  Bcntley'»  recogniiing  him.     Por  the   phiBse    '  qnjd 

OWD  worda,  and  yet  he  slten  the  text  to  liominis'  compaTe  HeeyrB  IT.  4.  31  : 

'  commisi,'  ftir  he  sajs  Thsis  bad  as  mncb  „ a.      -,  „„|,-oJ. 

by  obejing  it ;  and  tberefore  we  hBye    mibi  .^     ,,,                     ^ 

data  eeae  Terba,'  and  sbe  calis  henelf '  sce- 

lesla,'  se  Sjrne  doee  in  Hesat.  t.  2.  17 :  Tbeae  eipresdons  belong  to  a  larpe  c1b«s 

"  SceleetDsqnantBitiirbascoiictTi  insdeni."  whcre  '  qnid  '  is  fbllowed  by  »  genitiTe,  of 

Snch  BifDmeDta  are  not  eoadasiie.     Thsii  wbieb  we  bsTe  many  inBtanoea  in  Terence. 

ii  natuiBlIj  more  inclined  lo  blame  otbers  Bee  tiote  on  iii.  4.  8. 

thsn  berHdf,  and  Trould  not   diKriminate  21.   QBid  iUo  faeiennu]  'Whatahallwa 

Tery  nicelr  hetween  ber  >hare  in  the  matter  do  with  him  when  we  haTe  got  htm  ?'    Por 

aiid  Pjtliias'.    Whether  she  did  it  or  Dot,  tbe  oonitniclioD  see  Dote  on  Andri*  Itt.  tt. 


1.  2.  SO. 


^     .,     ..  ^     c  .  ...  "  Atqae  Maidem  henJa  dedha  o 

23.  OHBrUnfia]     8ee  note  on  Andn»  i.  o».  feritavi  «ene^" 


Tide  amabo  si  non,  quum  adspicias,  ob  impudenB 
Yidetur ;  non  est  ?  tum  qnae  ejus  confidentia  eet  I 


CHAZBEA.      THAI8.       FrrHIAS. 

Ck.  Apud  Antiphonem  uterque,  mater  et  pater, 

Qiiaai  dedita  opera  domi  erant,  ut  nullo  modo 

Introire  poseem  quin  viderent  me.     Interim 

Dum  ante  ostium  sto,  notus  milii  quidam  obyiam 

Venit.     Ubi  vidi,  ego  me  in  pedee  quantum  queo  5 

In  ongiportum  quoddam  deeertum ;  inde  it^n 

In  aliud,  inde  in  aliud :  ita  miserrimus 

Fui  fugitaudo  ne  quis  me  cognosceret. 

Sed  eetne  baec  Tbais  quam  video  ?    Ipea  est.     Haereo. 

S,  Bnd  ftir 'unabo'  notea  on  Ui.  S.  31  uid  mnr."  Compere  Flantiu,  Poenoiiu  iii.  1.6: 
"  Atqae  eqaidem  henJa  dedha  Dpeim  uni- 

a»  fogitavi  «ene^" 
Tbe  limpler  phrue  '  dMa  opa* '  also  ooeun 

AcT  V.  ScENS  II.     Chaeree  had  been  in  the  aeme  lenie. 

HDf^vtanita  in  hii  sttempts  to  get  rid  of  hi«  6.  Efo  nu  m  ptdet  gtunfiiM  fnw]  '  I 

conspicuons  dresa.     Antipho'3  puvala  irere  take  to  m;  heels  u  fut  u  I  cui.'     WoBnd 

■t  home,  10  thst  he  cot^d  aot  eptar,  end  the  full  phrasa  "  hinc  me  conjiaerem  proli- 

he  hu  mn  over  the  whols  dtj  to  escspa  nam  in  pedeai"    Phormio  i.  4.  13,  and  in 

from  sa  w^nuntsnce  who  met  him.     He  PUutoa,  CaptiTii.  2.  13:  "  St  non  est  qni 

now  Beei  Thsia,  snd,  putting  s  bold  fsce  oa  dem,  meae  via  dem  ipae  in  pedes  ?" 

the   msttar,  goea  up  to  her-     He  axcaiiei  6.  /n   angiporlum   qttoddam    datrtvn] 

himseir  very  coollj,  ta  the  grest  snnofinw  '  Into  an  emptf  stTeeL'     The  word  '  sngi- 

of  Prthisi:  but  when  Thsia  eiplsina  whst  portua'  is  sud  to  signif;  either  s  nsirow 

hsd  been   her  intentions  sboat  Psmphils,  atreet,  sa  in  thia  paisssge,  or  s  'cul  de  isc,' 

and  how  thej  were  sU  thrown  out  bj  thia  s  streat  without  an  outlet,  aa  in  Adelphi  ir. 

erent,  be  engages  to  msrrj   FsmphiU,  and  2.   39 :    "  Id  quidem  angiportam    non  est 

congTStuUCei  himaelf  snd  Thaia  upon  tha  penium;"    bnt  there   tbe  word  '  sagipoc- 

fbrtunste  turn  which  matten  Mem  likelj  to  tom  '  does  not  oF  ItselF  besr  thst  meuing. 

tske.     Nor  cau  ahe  be  too  hsrd  upon  one  Featus   derives  the  word    trota   '  sngustus 

whose  onlj  &ult  hsa  been  tbst  bis  psssion  portua,'    and  eipUins    '  portos '    to  mesn 

hss  been  Coo  powerful  fbr  him.    Cbremea  'priTala  domoa,'  ao  thst  '  angiportua '  ia  s 

ia  now  coming  with  FsmphiU^a  nurae,  to  narrow  atreet  between  printe  housea,  or 

aacertain  her  psrentsge  for  ceitaia  :  snd  aa  leading  to  a  privste  housa,  aa  opposad  U 

Chaeres  wiahes  to  esaspe  obiervatian  thej  the  wider  tharoughfsrei  of  the  poblic  psrt 

go  into  the  bouae  to  wsit  tbr  his  arrivsl,  in  of  tha  dtj.     Tbis  is  evidentlj  tbe  true  ei- 

spite  of  tlie  proteatstioaa  of  Fjthiss,  wbo  plsnstion,  though  we  need  but  go  to  'sn- 

does  Dot  knos  «hat  next  to  eipect  &om  guitua.'   >  Aiigo  '  originallj  mesns  >  to  drsw 

him.  close,'  '  to  narrow,' '  to  preaa  into  a  como' ' 

The  Melra  ii  iambie  ttimet«r.  (aee   the    passages   quoted    bf    FmttUini ; 

S.  dedila  optra]  it  npovaiat,  'on  pur.  Uiough  in  Horsce,  ^.  ii.  9.  64,  the  beat 

poae.'  Cicero  uses  the  eipressian  more  thsn  reading  is  certaiulj  '  siunt'),  snd  thence  '  to 

Once.     See  De  Oratore  ili.  60:    "  Horum  luffocste.'      'Angnstns'   and    other    worda 

TicUiitadines  efficient  ut  neque  ii  sstientUT  of  tbe  aame  class  sre  in  &ct  doiTed   &om 

qui  aodient  batidio  aimilitudiaia,  nec  nos  id  the  comman  root  '  sng.'      Compare   the 

qiod  faciennii  opeia  dediCa  &oeTe  Tidea-  Genn-  '  eng.' 


ACmjS  V.     8CENA  II.  145 

Quid  &dani  P  qmd  mea  autem  f  qmd  iaciet  inilii  ?  10 

7%.  Adeamiu.     Bone  vir  Dore  Balve.     Dic  mihi, 
A.i]tTi^istine  P     Ch.  Hera,  factum.     Th.  Satin  id  tibi  placet  P 
Oi.  Noa.     Th.  Credin  te  impmie  habiturumP      Ch.  TJnam 

hanc  nosiam 
Mitte :  si  aliam  admisero  uuquam,  occidito. 
Th.  Nom  meam  aaeTitiam  Teritns  ee  P     Ch.  Non.     Tk.  Qoid 

igitur?  is 

€h.  Hanc  metni  ne  me  criminaxetur  tibi. 
Th.  Quid  feceraa  P    Ch.  Faulum  quiddam.    Py.  Eho,  paulom, 

impudens  P 
An  paulum  boc  eese  tibi  Tidetur,  Tirginem 
Titiare  ciTem  P     Ch.  Conaervam  esae  credidi. 
Pt/.  Conaerram  P     Tix  me  contineo  quin  iuTolem  in  30 

Capillum.     Monatrum  etiam  ultro  derisum  advenit. 
Th.  Abin  hinc,  insaiia  P     Py.  Quid  ita  yero  P  debeam, 
Gredo,  isti  qmcqnam  furcifero,  ai  id  focerim ; 
Praesertim  cum  se  servum  fateatur  tuum 
Th.  Missa  haec  faciamus.     Noq  te  dignum,  Chaerea,  2S 

Fecisti ;  nam  etsi  ego  digna  hac  coutumelia 
Sum  maxime,  at  tu  indignns  qui  faceres  tamen. 

10.  Qtad  t»ta  autrm  tl  'Entwhat  doe>  29.  Debtam,  ertdi),  itli  quicjuam  Jiir- 
ii  mUter  ta  meV     B«  ii.  3.  38.  ct/m]  ■  Predmu  httte,  I  reclion,  I  shonld 

11.  Adttmvt]  TluiB  prMenda  to  take  have  to  uuiroi  for  to  Chat  g>llowgbird,  if  I 
CbMnm  BtiU  fbr  ber  aUTa.  '  Good  morrow,  had  done  it.'  "  Suie,"  Mf  b  DodsCus,  "  di< 
mj  pnd  Donu,'  ihe  Mji ;  '  BO  fou  hsTs  dmnr  debere  pocnu  pra  injuriB  ei  cui  iu. 
nm  BWB7,  hBTe  yon?  CA.  I  do  Dot  denj  }uriam  recerimua."  '^aicqawn  '  Blmost 
it,  madam.  7^.  And  ;ou  are  glad  of  it,  anioantB  to  '  oibil.'  See  Andria  ii.  6.  3i 
ire  joa  ?'  And  he  goes  od  (o  eicaBe  him.  "  AeqDequicqDBmiiancqnblem,"  Bndaole. 
Klf  OD  Ihe  ground  that  he  thooght  Pam-  'Debeo'  ia  oied  in  ■  ■omewhM  Bimilar 
phiiB  WBB  menlj  hiB  fellow-ilave,  and  tbat  Benie  in  Virgil,  Aou.  li.  61 : 

he  bad   mn    kwa;  for  fear    tbat    PjChiBS 
ihoold  accuse  him  to  hij  miatresfl. 

13.  Crtditi  le  imymu  iabilvnini  fi  'Do 
joa  think  that  yoq  will  be  nnpanlahed  ?' 
Some  mBnnBcripU  and  editions  reod  '  abiCn- 
nun ;'  bnt  thoagh  the  '  h  '  ia  often  iDaertol  Ihat  i«,  hii  BCCODat  wiCh  tfae  gods  ■boTS 
in  old  msnnBcriptB,  tbere  ia  no  donbt  IhBt  «aa  now  dosed — thej  bad  DOtbing  aigBlDat 
ihe  leit  here  ia  coirect.  Compare  T.  6.  18:  Mm.  Compare  the  tlmilar  UDguage  of 
"S  qoidem  iatac  impune  hBbueria,"  Bnd  Sophoclee  whea  Ajai  ia  abont  to  eod  hi* 
AndrU  iii.  S.  4  i    "  Inaitam  uunquBDi  Id     life: 

Bnferet"    The  pbrmeB  'impuue  ferre'  aad         ^,    ^  ,  \„„j^,     ,1  «irome*  lyi^ 

'  liabm,'  show  (he  Ime  conatruction  of  the  j„f'        ' 

.oid  a>  the  neuter  aOTWBt«e  of  '  impuni.,'         ^  „^j„  ^      ;,  ,;  ■  i^^i^f  |„ , 
from  «hich  it  pB»ed  into  Che  adverbiBl  ose,  ij„  „  gy^  5gD_ 

■hieb  ia  roore  common.     'NoiU'   occura  ^ 

in  FUotna  and  Terence  for  '  noia.'  See  So  bere  Pjthiaa  mean*  to  mj, '  Whateror  I 
Hecjra  iiL  1.  30,  and  ii.  3.  3,  PUatoB,  werc  Co  do  to  him,  I  Bhonld  not  be  mucb  in 
BtcdiidM  iy.  8.  62;  "Sat  aie  loapectua  hia  debC  <  He  would  have  Diore  toaniwec 
tnni  qnom  careo  noiia."  for  Co  ni  tban  I  to  him.' 


146  ETJmJCHUS. 

Neque  aedepol  quid  nimo  oonsili  c 
De  TiFgine  istac :  ita  conturbasti  milii 
Rationee  ODuies,  ut  eam  non  posdm  suis,  30 

Ita  ut  aequum  iuerat  atque  ut  studui,  tradere, 
Ut  solidmn  parerem  hoc  mihi  beneficium,  Chaerea. 
Ch.  At  nimc  debioc  spero  aeternam  inter  nos  gratiam 
Fore,  Thais,     Saepe  ex  hujuamodi  re  quapiam  et 
Malo  principio  uagDa  familiaritas  35 

Conflata  est.     Quid  si  hoc  quispiam  Toluit  DeuB  ? 
Tk.  Equidetn  pol  in  eam  partem  occipioque  et  toIo. 
Ch.  Inu)  ita  quaeso.     Unum  hoo  Bcito ;  contumeliae 
Non  me  fecisae  causa  sed  amoris.     Th.  Scio ; 
Et  pol  propterea  magis  nunc  ignosco  tibi.  40 

Non  ad^o  inhumano  ingenio  sum,  Chaerea, 
Keque  ita  imperita  ut  quid  amor  Tuleat  neeciam. 
Ch.  Te  qnoque  jam,  Thais,  ita  me  Di  bene  ament,  amo. 
Py.  Tum  pol  tibi  ab  istoc,  hera,  csTendum  iut«lIigo. 
Ch.  Non  ausim.     Py.  Nihil  tibi  qnicquam  oredo.     Th.  De- 
ainas.  *h 

Ch.  Nunc  ego  te  in  hao  re  mihi  oro  ut  adjutriz  sies : 
Ego  me  tuae  commendo  et  committo  fidei ; 
Te  mihi  patronam  capio,  Thais  ;  te  obsecro. 
Enwriar  si  uon  hanc  uxorem  duxero. 

J%.  Tameu  si  pater .    Ch.  Quid  P  ah  Tolet,  certo  scio ;    so 

CiTis  modo  haec  sit.     Th.  Paululum  opperirier 
Si  Tis,  jam  frater  ipse  hic  aderit  Tirginis : 
Nutricem  arceasitum  it  quae  illam  aluit  parvulam. 

2S.Aedtfot\  ThieoKthisBndtohaTebecn  petitnr  divolTcre?"    CiceK),  io  ■pnkiog  of 

ori^iwU)  peculiir  to  wameD,  u '  mecutor ;'  the  defalcatiDas  of  Pbilotimiu  hii  bwdmiD 

ne  nnle  on  i.  1.  22 :  but  it  li  ■Iso  a>ed  b;  in    tvo   letten   to  Atticns  (n-  *,    B),  >nil 

men,  u  in  Hecyra  i.  2.  6,  where  Pumeno  writing  in  Greek,  uses  tbe  expreaaon  iri- 

epeaks, "  Et  tu  aedepol,  Syn;"  kndPhormio  fupaavat  rdc  if^q^acc  u  va  eqoivalent  Ibr 

T.  1.8,  where  Chremea  epeaki.    In  &]!  tfae  'r^ones   ronturbanne.'      So  htre   Thwt 

]ji>tNices  giien  bj  ForccJlini  from  Plsutus  sari,  >YoQ  hsre  made  me  boDkrnpt;  and 

it  isnsed  ^  men.    We  find  *lso  the  forms  I  shall  not  be  >ble  to  discharge  m;  debt  to 

'  epol '  snd  '  pDl.'  her  friends,  as  wss  right  ami  I  Inteoded.' 

30.  Ila  eanlurbatli  miki  Raliena  onmn,  Tbos  commsDtators.     Bnt  if  we  wiil  ovij 

frc. j  ■  Coaturbnre  rMJonea  '  wu  >  tecbntcsl  fbrget  theM  tecbniCBliCiee  tbe  luigiuge  a 

expresiion    osed  of    bankrapti,   wbo   pur-  rracAj   whst    we    sbonld    onrsdies     nse. 

posely  threw  their  sceoants  into  confiuion,  'Yonbsie  thrown  into  confnsion  iJtmf  esl- 

■ad  defranded  tbeir  ereditors,  psjing  one  culstioDfi,  so  that  I   csn  no  longer  restore 

iD  preference  to  another.    The  '  locns  cUa-  her  to  her  frinidBU  I  inlended.'    The  dic- 

sicaa '  on  the  inbject  is  in  Cicero,  Orstio  covery  of  ■  melmphar  is  the  besetting  sin  of 

Pro  PUnclo  28:    "  Pbc  ma  multis  debere,  commentstors, 

et  ia  ili  Flando;  utrum   igitnr  me  coDtnr-         32.  SoAdum]  Bee  note  on  Andria  ir.  1- 

bere  oportet ;  an  oeteris  cum  ct^nsqne  dies  S3. 
Tenerit  hoc  nomen  qnod  urgef  nuno  onm 


ACTUS  V.    SCENA  III.  147 

In  cogQoeceodo  tnte  ipae  aderis,  Ohaerea. 

Ch.  E^  Tero  maneo.     Th.  Vin  iut«rea,  dusi »  venit,  u 

Domi  opperiAmor  potias  quHia  liio  imte  OBtiuni  9 

Ch.  Imo  percu[no.     Pjf.  Quam  tu  rem  aotura  obseoro  «e? 

Th.  Nam  quid  ita  ?    Py.  B^taa  ?  Iiuuo  tu  in  aedes  oogitas 

Eecipere  posUiao}'    2%.  Our  noa  P   Py.  Crede  1k>o  meae  fidei ; 

Dabit  hic  aliqoaiD  pugnam  d^uo.     Th.  Au  tace  obeecro.     6o 

Fy.  Parum  perBpexiaae  ejus  Tidere  audaciam. 

Ch.  Non  faciain,  Pythias,     Py.  Non  pol  credo,  Chaerea, 

Nigi  ei  commiBBum  non  erit.     Ch.  Quin  Pythias, 

Tu  me  aeTTOto.     Py.  Keque  pol  servandum  tibi 

Qoicquam  dare  aasim,  neque  te  serrare :  apage  te.  OS 

Th.  Adest  optime  ipse  fivt«r.     Ck.  Perii  herde :  obsecio, 

Abeamus  intro  Tltaia :  noLo  me  in  via 

Gum  hac  veate  Tideat      Th.  QuamobreBi  tandem  ?   an  quia 

Ch.  Id  ipeum.     Py.  Id  ipeum  P     Virgo  vero.     Th.  I  prae ; 

Tu  istic  mane,  ut  Chremem  introducas,  Pythias.  70 

ACTU9  Qiram  scena  tebtia. 

FrrKUS.       CHBEUES.      SOPHBONA. 

Py.  Qoid  f  quid  Tenire  in  mentem  nunc  possit  milii  P 

Quidnam  qui  refenun  illi  aacrilego  gratiam 

Qui  hanc  supposnit  nolns  P     Ch.  Move  vero  ocius 

Te  nutrix.     So.  Moveo.     Ch.  Video ;  sed  nihil  promoTea. 

Py.  Jamne  ofltradigti  signa  nutrici  ?     Ch.  Omnia.  5 

Ty.  Amabo  quid  ait  ?  cognoscitne  P     Ch.  Ac  memoriter. 

Py.  Bene  aedepol  narras ;  nam  iUi  faveo  Tirgini. 

W.  Hiww/  Virgeueny  'BxtoOj  ao  wben  Sophnma  •nd  Chremsi  ■itIts  with 

^w?     loa  tn  uhaoMd  aljoar  draM  ;  the  nem  thst  Punphilk  hu  b«en  racogniinl 

***  ^    rosng  womkn,  nhat    of    herF'  MtbewtarofChramea.  They go inlo llMii' 

Jr^Uat  meaai  to  mj,    •  Yoa  profin    (o  bon»,   Hid  ibe  (bUowi  theoi,    intending 

°*  •■Iwmed  of  70W  prnsot  if  peanno* :  iharti;  to  come  htA  and  haTe  her  Tetnni 

nt  «hit  do  jon  («ppoM  Fmphlia  fedi  m*tcb  with  PBTmau. 

™r  JW  Gondaet  to  ber?'    Iluli  uid  The  Hetre  ii  innbic  trimetor. 

"'^"ce  go  iDto  Thui' booH.    PjthiM  n-  l.  QKiil  vtnire  i»  nitiUept  f>'»e  pcM 

^«M  M  the  door  to  mit  br  Chramee  ud  mUi/]  'What  tan  I  poeabljr  think  of,  to 

°°rtaau.  pa.j  alT  tbst  wretdi  «ith,  who  pdmed  olt 
tbia  OuieTak  npon  na !'    For  ■  Tenlre  in 

^^V.Sennlll.   PjFthiM  !a  oo^tatiiiB  mentem'  eee  It.  3.   94.    For  'qBl'  He 

»  >be  ma]i  psy  gff  ParBMUo  fcr  bi*  biek,  Andria,  PraL  S. 

L  2                                                        /-1 
Dc,  zecbvCiOOglC 


Ite  intro :  jamdudum  hera  too  exspectat  domi. 

Tinun  bonum  eccmn  Parmenonem  incedere 

Video.     Vide  ut  otiosuB  it  si  Dis  placot.  '*> 

Spero  me  habere  qui  huno  meo  excruoiem  modo. 

Ibo  intro  de  cognitione  nt  certum  eciBm : 

PoBt  exibo  atque  hunc  perterrebo  Bacrilegum. 



Fa.  Eeviflo  quidnam  Chaerea  hic  rerum  gerat. 
Quod  Bi  aatu  rem  tractaTit,  Di  vefltram  fidem, 
Quantam  et  quam  veram  laudem  capiet  Parmeno  I 
Nam  ut  mittam,  quod  ei  amorem  difficillimum  et 

9.  iMtitrt]   '  Hm  I  ««  Pannono,  th«t     tha    duB   pDniBhment  of  hU  criin».      Pw- 

eicelleiit  per»n,   itrulting  .long.     See,  in     meno  i>  thrown  mto  thB  mort  «nbo^rf 

the   of   goodnes.,   how    \^sa«Aj  he     oonrternMion.end  »«  no  bi^  ftr  it  bnt  to 

take,  it  '■    •  In^o  '  .«rie.  with  it  the  idu    tdl  hii  old  mut«r  LKhee,  the  Mier  of 

of  ewe  md  dipiitj.    See  Virpl,  Aen.  i.  48  :     Phwdria  «id  Chmew  from  "hom  he  h*. 

.        ,     ■     .       „         uolhinE  to   eipect   bnt  tanaoin   pnniih- 

"  Aal  ego  qoae  ixram  incedo  regin» ;  ^^^ 

uid  Propertin>  11.  2.  6:  Tto  Metre  ie  u  fbllowei  l-SO,  i»n.hic 

"  ,  .     tiinietOT;  21— 48,  trodiHctetraBwteriaU- 

"  Pulra  com»  *»t,  longaeqne  mBnsa.  et    j^^j^ 

muinia  toto  ^    ^^  ^  _  _  ditpmdiol   Tbeee  hnee, 

Corpore  i_  et  mepdit  »d  Jove  digna    ^  .^j^  y^  ^^^  p,,^  ^  ,   ,8  ^ 

■o*^!  mnch  inTolved  in  conitraction.    Panseno 

end  iT.  12.  (13.)  11  (Weiae):  i»  msde  to  toucb  opon  eMJi  Hibjact  fint, 

.    ,  .  ^      „    uid  tben  to  enlirve  npon  it,  whk^  oecea- 

..  M.tron.  incedit  eenini  indn..  nepotum."     ^ijXdT  to  3  ZUnrfne»  of  con- 

The  eiprearion  ■tJDigpbcet'  iansedindig-    stnictioD.    Dotutni  remulu  :  "Qmun  di- 

nmntly  agnin  in  Adtlpiii  iii.  4.  30:  cere  deberet  jtudei  amerem  tl  diffieiUimnm 

,„     ,  _,        . ,         ,^  .  r,,      ei  earimnmm  im\fiei :  prirao  qa»M  obUW» 

"Ble   bonns   rir   nobli  pultriun,    a  Dia     djrti  TOperiorii,  trwiHt  ■drirginem :  deinda 

placet,  ...„,.. ,,  Kidit  canim  ei  ahunduiti "   (Dundr  in 

Pumvit  quicum  »i™t !  dhun  dewnt.  ^^  ^^,  ,  ,  „,e^ce  «™«').     Tben  is 

na  doabt  tbat  tlie  teit  i>  gennioe,  thoagfa 

AOT  V.  Smnk  IV.     Panneno  oongrrtu-    Eugnphius  hM  '  eom  '—  bnt  who  ia  to  u>- 

btee  Umself  npon  tha  terrice  he  baa  done     swer  fDr  hi>  teit?— uid  we  maT  tniulata 

to  Chures.    For  he  hu  not  onl^  put  him    it  with  ■  ■light  paraphrsse,  so  ae  to  pree«n 

in  the  waj  of  obbuning  the  ohject  of  hii     its  form.     '  To  aj  nothing  oC  tbis,  Ihet,  i* 

loTe  witbout  »nj  diffiisilty,  though  it  np-     the  mstter  of  ■  love  «flur  which  w»«  mort 

poved  neit  to  impostibls,  but  he  bu  bI»     difficnlt  and  eipendTC,  nothiog  less  thiD  to 

eDabled  him  to  obtain  an  insight  into  tbe     BnBCch  *  girl  vhom  be  loTed  tram  a  np>- 

priTste  life   of  these  gs;r  Isdies,   wbo  sre     dons  conrleiui,  1  plaeed  her  in  hia  powti 

■ttnctive  onlj  when  not  «ell-known  i  and     withont  diflicultj.  coat,  and  loss:  therere- 

(O  his  done  him  n  rest  Berriw.     And  of  all     muni  bexidea  thi*  Becond  point,  which  io- 

tbii  the  credit  wilt  be  Parmeno'*.     Pjthias     deed  is  to  taj  mind  my  prine  JnTentioD,  ta 

intemipta  these  pleaiuit  thonghts  h;  fareak-     hsTeputthejoungmuiiathewkjof  knawiiK 

ing  oot  into  ■  lament»tion  orer  Cbaerea'*     tiie  cbarsclen  >nd  w»j>  of  Iheae  coorlewK: 

wretched  fMe.     He  hw  outnged  nn  Athe-     thit  wheo  he  knows  them  well,  he  m>T  fv 

mMi  citiieD  i  uid  is  now  sbout  to  suSer    erer  eecbew  them.      For  ■>  loog  ■>  tber 

ACTUS  V.    SCENA  IV.  149 

Carissimiiin,  ab  meretrice  avara  Tirginem  9 

Quam  amabat  eam  confeci  sine  moleetia, 

Siae  sumtu,  Edue  dispendio ;  tum  hoc  alterum, 

Id  Tero  est  quod  ego  mi^i  puto  palmarium 

Me  repperiaae,  quo  modo  adoleeceutulus 

Meretricum  ingenia  et  mores  poeset  noscere ;  10 

Mature  ut  quum  cognorit  perpetuo  oderit. 

Quae  diuo  foris  sunt,  nihil  videtur  mundiuB ; 

Nec  magis  compoeitum  quicquam,  nec  magis  elegans : 

Qoae,  cum  amatore  sno  quum  coenant,  liguriimt. 

Harum  Tidere  illuviem,  sordea,  inopiam ;  IS 

Qoam  inhonestae  solae  sint  domi,  atque  avidae  cibi ; 

Qao  pacto  ex  jure  beeterno  panem  atrum  Torent ; 

1  tbnmd,  noitiiiig  >eeni(  nieer,  nathing  acouding  to  the  ndiol  maMilng  of  the 
>c  qaiet  Hid  ek^t.  Bat  kt  heme  tbe;  word,  'to  mt  bf  KckJDt,'  u  oppOMd  (o 
9  greedj  snd  nntidj  :  uid  to  knov  bU  ■  loro.' '  to  eat  la^y.'  The  two  wordi  «re 
a  it  admttageoDS  to  the  jonng.'  Tbe  bippilj  eonlraited  by  Gcfto,  In  Verrem 
ange  ii  uot  more  iuTolTed  tliaa  namber'  ii.  3.  76  :  "  Non  reperietia  hominem  tlmide 
•  pie—yi»  in  LItj  or  Cicero.  BenUe;  oec  leTJter  faMc  imprabissima  lucn  lisoii- 
renlf  two  new  readingi  (or  r.  6  :  entem;  derontre  omnem  pecaniam  pablicani 

nandubiUvit"  (awLong'B  note).  Bentlej'* 
objeetioiu  to  tbe  word,  uid  to  tbe  line,  ire 
ftiToloas.    The  M>rt  of  maunen  thu  Fbt- 

bnt  withont  Mj  •nthorit».  "«n"  •^'■^  ">  "«J  ^e  under.tood  by  re- 

6.    Oxtfeei]    Thi.    prop^r   relen    to    *^°8  *°  ."«">.^."''   V' "j  "''"•   ""1 

'unaraii,'uDan>tiuhuobeerTed.    It  ii    ■J^»"""  "  eihibited  in  the   nutter  of 

iBt  nsed  in  m  donble  »enie,  with  reference     ""'■ 

lo  botb  '  sniorem'  and  '  virginem.'     >  Esm'      "  Nam,  nt  •lin  omittam,  pjtinando  modo 

b    raeumptiTa,    refening     to    '  Tirginnm.'  mihi 

Zrane  connecta  the  woidj  '  cariBsimnra  «b         Quid  Tini  abmmnt  >    ■  SIc  hoc,'  dieen* ; 

Dko^nee  aTsn,'  taking  'nh'  in  Ihe  •enss  'Aspenim.' 

of  '  propler,'  in  wbich  unw  the  word  ii         Pater  'hoe  eit)  alind  lenini  lodM  Tide.' 

quoted  once  in  ForcelKni;  bnt  it  ii  more         EeleTl  doliB  omnia,  omnee  saiiu." 

lutaral  to  connect '  ab  merelrice  iraia '  wilh     _  .  i„      ,      ■      .     .l 

'  Ti«iDem.'  •  to  orrr  off  his  lOTer  him  a    ^^"  V^  '  P»«»««  from  Lae-n  in  the 

ira^as  conrteun  ■  DudOKae   between    CrobjUi    aod    Connna 

a  Palmanuml    Compare   Heant.  ir.  3.     ^^}'^  j»  "'^  .Pr'*"'?^-    '»"   »'«" 

11 :  "  Hoic  eqoidem  coniilio  pilmam  do."  'f  ^"),fv  '■'  '*""-"  Xi^«b«  ^i.irt-,.™ 
13.   Q»-.  d^fori.  »■(...  iw-riaaO     -<■" j.,ev<r..Tj.,    «raTiX„<-r..  yAp,   «1 

Por  tbe   idea  of  ■mnndias,'    KS  Horsce,     ("■"""">'    «    "'"'fC    '"^C   roftvrac,    oSr. 

Carm.  i.  ».  4,  S  i  uwfpipfop.iroi    rov     8+otF     iwufBtAX^^, 

iXXi  icpmaiTTiTn  iilv  atpoic  rai^  ianTi- 
Xdic,  «"'P  '1  tis  ivetaitt  »uc  iv'  dfifii- 

Jipilta,  oi  xavliv  dXX'  iivairuiio/jivi|. 
ij.  Quo  paelo  ix  jurt  hfltrno  yanim 

ainan  vormf]   '  How   thej  deionr   alala 

bread  sleeped  in  yeaterdaj'g  broth.'  '  Pania 
^^  ater'  is  bj  lome  snppoeed  to  meaa  'pania 

secnndua,'  bread  of  sn  inferior  quslity,  lik« 
'Ijgnrio,'  Hke  the  Greek  wordi  Xixvdc,  the  black  bresd  of  the  continent.  It 
Xi^^riuiii',  11211166*  botb  to  be  diintj  and  to  «eems  moat  probable  thit  slale  bread  ia 
be  glattonoDi.  Horaoe  nsee  it  in  iba  latter  bere  meant  ai  well  aa  bnad  of  an  inrerior 
ienae.    Here  it  mcMit 'th^  eet  deliGatelr,'    qualit;.  CoDpwre  JnTeiul,  Sat.  f .  ~~ 

i   oonleci   aine  i 



Noese  onmia  liaeo  aalus  est  adole8oeiita]i& 

Py.  Ego  poi  te  pio  istis  diotia  et  faotia,  aceliu^ 

tJlcisoar,  ut  ne  impune  in  nos  iUusHria.  zo 

Froh  Deum  fidem,  &oiiiiis  foediiml    0  infelioem  adelescen- 

O  Bcelestum  Fannenooem  qui  uetom.  liao  adduzit !     Pa.  Quid 

Py.  Miseret  me :  itaque  at  ne  Tidorem  misera  Iiuo  effngi  foras 
Quae  futnra  exempla  dicunt  in  eum  indigna.     Pa,  O  Ji^iter, 
Quae  Lllaec  turba  est  P  numnam  ego  perii  P  Adibo.  Quid  istuc 

PythiaeP  25 

Quid  ais  P  in  quem  exempla  fiant  P  Py.  It<^tas  audacissime  P 
Perdidiati  istum  quem  adduxti  pro  eunuoho  adoleaoentalum, 
Dum  atudes  dare  verba  nobis.  Pa,  Qoid  ita  P  aut  quid  factam 

estP  cedo. 
Py.  Dioam.   Yirginem  istam  Thaidi  quse  hodie  doao  data  eet 
Scis  eam  hino  ciyem  esse,  et   fratrem    ejus    esse    apprime 

nobilem  P  30 

Pa.  Neacio.  Py.  Atqui  aic  inventa  eet :  eam  iste  Titiavit  miser. 
Hle  uhi  id  reecivit  factum,  frater  Tiolentissmus    — - 
Pa.    Quidnam  fecit?      Py.    coUigftTit  primum  eum  miseris 


"Eeee   alini   quuito   porreiit   mamara  rivn,  tbOQgbin  neithar  cueiBuijinarted 

puem  difference  obierred  io  tbdt  genenl  nae. 

Yii  ftsctum,  Kilidee  jam  modda  fhut*  21.  Pn\   Dtnm  fidml    Pjlhiu   here 

briiiee,  nubee  io,  u  If  terrified  tl  Ihe  ide«  of  the 

Quae  geniiinuni  (gitent,  nan  ■dmitteotia  paniahnent  «hich  i>  just  going  to  be  ia. 

mormm,"  Bicted  oa  Chaere*.     Bj  ber  inTetitad  tale 

■nd  ii>  IS8  ■  "^  *'"''  "  S^ii^K  o»  ■»  Thaii'  haaae  ihe  coa- 

trnt»  to  Mghlen  Parmeao  thoKiaghl.r,  and 

.i Neqne  enun  OmDia  nutmet  un-  reduee  him  to  tba  lut  eitremity. 

4"»"          ,            ,                                   „  23.  Mittret ««]   <  How  I  piCr  Um  I  uid 

Hacujacwnilei  p»ni*  coninmm  fraXiM."  ao  thet  I  might  not  we  tha  ahuneftal  et- 

•  Bi  jnrs  heil«raa '  ii  eipluoed  br  Donatn  uuple  which  they  ny  is  to  be  ni*de  of  hEm, 

to  mcwi   '  steeped  in   yeaterdaT'a   In^Kh,'  1  hive  ruh  ont  of  doon  in  mj  diilren' 

whidi  eeem»  \o  be  the  bert  aenia,  The  Hiateace  ii  eligbtlj  iaTOlTsd,  eipreas- 

20.     Ut   nt    imfmt  i»    KCt    i/tenrii]  i^S  ^  <t«U  bf  jti  coastnction  the  oon- 

'  Th»t  yon  mey  not  mj  jon  fakTe  got  off  fn«ion  whieh    Pjthiu   wisfaes  to   pretend. 

witboat  pDnishment  tot  tho  iriclo  jon  h>ie  But  there  ii  no  need  with  10010  sditura  to 

plared  n».'     '  lUudo '    occDn   onlj   tma  pUco  *dj  comma  bctween  'Tiderem'  uid 

timee  in  Tcrence  ia  thii  eenee,  wHb  aecn-  '  qoee.'     It  ii  b«t  to  rcwl  it  ai  oae  nn- 

nti*e  of  tbe  perton,  in  Phormio  T.  7-  >2 :  broken  ieDteDc*,  mther  thu  plva  a  fnU    , 

"Satis   Mparbe   iiloditia  me."    CoBpu*  itop  after 'fonu,' aaZenDedoe».    IVwthe 

Andria  t.  I.  3.   In  Andria  ir.  4. 18  wehaTe  *<^  'eiempla'  compve  Fhormio  ir.  4.  6: 

"  Adeon  Tidemur  TotnBeeM  idoaei  "  Ut  te  qnidem  omneaDi,  Deaeqna,  •apori,    . 

In  quibui  nc  illudatia  ?"  inferi. 

«  betweea  the  two  phraMB,  '  1 

Halii  eiemplig  perdsntl" 

illndalis'  aad  'ia  ooa  illuou,'  aoiwerBto    and  Plaata^  Moatallark  t.  l.S; 
thatbetweMu^ifiiivnvdandvfipi&irtlc     pla  edspol  ~ 



ACTUS  V.    SCENA  IV.  151 

Pa.  CoUigBTit  ?    Pjf.  Atqoe  eqoidrao  orante  ut  ne  id  faceret 

Pa.  Quid  aifi  ?    Py.  Nunc  minatur  porro  sese  id  qood  jnoechis 

eolet ;  35 

Quod  ego  Dimqqam  vidi  fieri,  oeque  Telim.    Pa.  Qnfi  audacia 
Tantum  &QinuB  audet  P    Pjf.  Quid  ita  taatum  P    Pa.  Au  non 

tibi  hoc  maxiinum  eet  F 
Quis  Komo  pro  moeoho  unqnam  Tidit  in  domo  meretricia 
Prehendi  quemquam  ?    Pj/.  Nesoio.     Pa.  At  ne  hoo  newiatiB, 

Dioo,  edicQ  vobis,   noBtrum  eaae  iUum  heiilem  filium.     Py. 

Hem  40 

Obsecro,  an  is  est  P    Pa.  Ne  qnam  in  illimi  Thaia  vim  fieri 

Atque  adeo  autem  cur  non  egomet  intro  eo  ?    Py.  Yide,  Far- 

Qnid  agas,  ne  neque  illi  prosifl  et  tu  pereas ;  nam  hoc  putant, 
Quicquid  factum  eet  a  te  esse  ortum.    Pa.  Quid  igitur  faciam 

QoidTe  incipiam  ?  ecce  autem  video  rure  redeunt^n  aenem.  411 
Dicam  hoio,  an  non  P  dicam  hercle,  etsi  mihi  magnum  malum 
Scio  paratum ;  sed  neceaae  eet  buio  ut  fnibreTiiat.     Py.  Sapia. 
Ego  abeo  iatio :  tu  isti  narra  omnem  rem  ordine  ut  factum  siet. 

34.  Alqitt  tetidem  ortaitt  ul  ne  id/aei-  utd  i.  110: 
nl  TTMidtf]    '  ¥m  ud  tlut  althoQgb  Tb)ui 

brggMl  that  ha  in>Qld  not  do  it.'     Bentler  "  Per  me  eqmitom  sint  oinnM  prolmiu  •IW 
rcudi '  qnideca,'  on  the  gRnind  thst  in  eariT 

■ritcn  'eqnidam'iiJw.».oftbeflnrtper.  I"  *!»  1«'  P«^  «>""  '»  «»  ™»»oM 

»ii.BateUtbenuDtu>mptiirHd-Maidem,'  reeding   '  me  quidem,'  nhioh    IhH»ldMB 

■nd  m  find  ■  certpfa  instuM»  o(  *  eimiUr  *<»''<'  «^  '  "n"  qn  em.'  (Bee  ViiMnuBiu, 

■ne  or  th«  norf  in  PropertiM  iiL  33  (29,  P-  ^*^)    ^*-  <W«  rewUng  hu  no  good  n. 

„,  . .       „     .  ...       ,  ,    .  48.  2W  i»tf  narro  omnm  rem  ordiiu  mI 

"BJceqnidemPhoeboTimunBhJpnlchnor  fadum  riel]     Editor.    hsve   found   «ntd. 

,,'P™  , .       ,       „  derable  difficnltr  in  tbii  psaBge.     WeiH, 

Ilnrnioniu  buitn  ceimen  hiare  Ijra/  ^  „^^  the   enppoied   hanbnesa  of  con- 

whn  FklsT  renMrke,  "  A  remwknbie  iind  ttniction,  introdacei  tbe  iolo«^m   ■  nana 

iiiii|— iliiiiiiililii  inBtaoce  irf  tbe  nae  of  Chi>  otnne    ordine   nt   fictum    tiet.'     fiiit    tbe 

void  inawritwi^  the  Aogiutui  ■ge.wbidi  cbange    of     conatruction     me;    be    eesilj 

tend*  to  diapnxB  itJi  kllegBd  derivation  from  mntchcd   bf   nuny  SQcb    tnnwtioni   trom 

•  f^  quidem.'  "    Tlie  Mme  maj  be  seid  the  iiteral  to  tbe  logical  conneiion  of  een- 

bcre.    The   paavge*   given  by   Forcellini  tence».    Compere  Heant.  t.  1.  3: 

friHn  Flantoe  and  Cioero  aie  donbtfal.    In        ,,  .    _      _-j_i    i. 

.U«ill>,dii,|!i>l>i^lsbl,  ',m-  I.iM,md.l,l»Fra,r«mio,i.- 

iiiiieiMini  la  FerMws,  aati  t.  4o  : 

"  Non  eqmdem  luio  dnbitee,  ambonim  foe-    and  Addpbi  iiL  4.  92 :    *■  Pro  certon  t« 
dmr,  cttta  istaoe  did*  V 

rt  ■b  Dno  bdere  dnci ;" 



LA.CHE3.       FABMENO, 

La.  Ez  meo  propinquo  rure  lioo  capio  commodi, 

Neque  agri  oeque  urbis  odinm  me  unquam  percipit. 

TJbi  aatias  coepit  fieri  commuto  locom. 

Sed  estne  ille  noster  Panneno  P  et  certe  ipsue  est. 

Quem  praestolare,  Farmeno,  liic  auto  oetium  P  5 

Pa.  Quis  bomo  est  ?  ehem,  salvum  te  advenire,  here,  gaudeo. 

La.  Qnem  praestolaro  P    JPa,  Perii :  lingua  haeret  meto. 

JLa.  Hem,  quid  est  P  qnid  trepidas  P  satin  salve  ?  dic  mihi. 

Pa.  Here,  primum  te  arbitrari  quod  rea  est  Telim ; 

AcT  T.  BcBME  V.    1d  this  icene  tbere  ii  Tha  word  ii  naed  bj  LoCTetias  t.  ISIMI. 

a  umilar  contnst  to  tbat  wbicb  we  find  in  1391  : 

tba  lut.     LiMliei,  &tber  of  Pbudri»  aad  >i  Hmec  uiiinoa  ollii  muloibuit  ■tqne  jara- 

CbMies,  is  jiut  Tetnmed  irom  his  couDtry  buit 

Bcat  ia  the  saborba,  aDd  is  qnielly  lelid-  Cum  latiatecibii  nam  tum  soDt  anniu 

tating  bimnelf  on  the  comfiirt  of  bcdng  >o  oordi." 

near  ta  tbe  dtT  tbst  he  can  be  there  or  in  .    „                  .  ,                   ,       . .     -, 

the  oouotrr  «  the  whim  tj™  him.     See-  ,  "„  *!™  ^'^4"°'°" . '  '  * J!"  "■  Ti^ 

ing  Pimne^o  Mnding  .t  L«he.'  door  he  }°  """'"'"''  ^™"™    pr«rtoi™f    u  fol- 

qSUon»  Mn..  «id  .oon  percdTe.  b,  bi.  ^""l*!?.  "".."f^'"^:*!?""''!:!^"* 

™fii.ion  thU  there  i.  «.mrmi«bief  in  tbe  '"'■.  ^P''^'^^  ""  \f^ '  I  ,*"^  "^I^ 

wind.     P^meno  in  much  t«pid..tioo  t«ll.  T'"  ■^"S  ^^.^Z.lfif  T^.  "^"^ 

him  »11:   .nd   Lwbe.  humes  off  to  the  ^^-     "«1  Truculentu.  n.  3.  16: 

rwcne.  lesving  Pwmeno  to  reflect  upon  his  "^  qmd  httchio  Botem  tBmdia  intoaade* 

OWD  coming  pnniBhmeDt.  .tetit . 

ThB  Melre  i.  iambic  trimeter.  Nescio  quem  pnwtoUta  est. 

2,  Neqtie  agri  neqve  wiit  oiJitirN   me  In  Cieero  it  bu  a  datiTe.  as  ia  CatiliD.L9: 

mquam  percipil}  <  I  un  nsTer  tired  of  the  "  Qiunquam  qnid^o  te  iDviteni,  *  quojam 

conntry  ar  of  tbe  dtj.'     For  'odiam'  see  sdam  eeie  pimemiaK»  qui  tihi ad foram  An- 

DOteon  iii.  1.  14,  *nd  compsra  a  simitsruiiB  relium  pnte.lalarenlnr  ■rmsti ?"     Hie  Terb 

o('odium'  in  the  mnMof 'importunitj''  in  i.  conneded  wi^  >prae.lo  i'  «nd  in  aa  old 

Hecjn  i.  2.48:    "  Tnndetido  ktaae  odio  iMmption  quoted  bj  PorcelliDi  we  haTetha 

deniqoe  effedt  unei."     '  Percipio     b  here  riirm  '  prH.tus  ftii,'  from  wbich  the  adTErb 

nud  io  iti  original  sense,  '  to  leize  npon,'  i.  deriTed,  snd  fiom  wbich  we  msj  suppose 

KiiraXaii^aviiv.     Campare    Plaatns,     8ti-  with    H>me     etTmologisti    the   dimiDOtiTa 

ohnii   ii.   6.    20:    ■' Bi  bene  fncere  incepit  ■  prMitulus,' wheoce  the  Terb. 

(mnlier),  ejus  esm  dto  odium  percipit."  8.  Salinialve  f]    'Isallwell?'    Iliii  it 

ID    Lncrelini   iii.  80  we   find  a  good  in-  the  reAding  of  sU  the  mannscripfi.     Unde- 

■taoM  o(  tbe  nw  of  both  ■  adinm'    and  msDn,onPlaatn.,TrinnmmusT.S.S,maiD- 

'  perdpio  :'  tuna  thst  tbe  correct  form  of  the  phrase  is 

"  Et  saepe  unne  adeo,  mortis  rormidine,  '  »**"  "^T"  <■"■  "'K  «*™ng  to  Dnko-'a 

tIIm  "'"*'  ^"  ^'T  *■  SB-    Doniitu.,  on  tbe  other 

Perdpit    humsnos    odinm    ladsqae    ri-  hand    certidnlr  con.idered  the  word  to  ba 

dendse  ""  sdierb,  for  be  eiplmns  it  by     mtef^, 

Ut    sibi  'coDsdscsDt    moerenti    pectore  '  rect«,'^commode.'     Plsntai,  in  M«i«di. 

jg(Qjij_>i  mei  T.  3.  36,  nndoubtedl^  hu  the  adTerbisl 

form,  "  Salva  lia.  BsItcd' sdTenio?  SsItsd' 

S.  Satiat}  We  meet  with  tbis  old  Ibnn  srcesai  jnbe9  ?"    Commentstors  are  grestl)' 

br 'sslietss'  freqnentlr  ia  earlier  writers.  stTarianceontbisquesCion  ;  whicbboweTer 

See  UecjTS  It.  2.  18 :  "  Satiaa  jam  tenet  appesrs  to  be  aettled  bjr  the  fact  that  we 

studionun  iatorum."  nsTer  meet  with  the  phnae   '  ailna  le* 

ACTUS  V.    SCENA  V.  153- 

Qxiicqmd  hnjua  &otuiii  est  culpa  non  &otum  est  mea.  lo 

Im.  Quiil  P    Pd.  Becte  aane  mteirogaati :  oportuit 
Rem  praenairasse  me.     £mit  guend&m  Phaedria 
£uiiiichnm  quem  doDO  huic  daret.     La.  Cui  P    Pa,  Thaidi. 
La.  Emit  P  perii  herde :  qoanti  P     P«.  Tiginti  mini». 
La.   Actum  est.     Pa.  Tum  qnandam    fidicinam    amat    hic 
Chaerea.  IS 

La.  Hem^  quid  P  amat  P  an  scit  jam  ille  quid  meretrix  siet  P 
An  in  Astu  Tenit  P  alind  ex  alio  mftlnm. 
Fa.  Here,  ne  me  spect^e :  me  impulsore  haeo  non  facit. 
La.  Omitte  de  te  dicere :  ego  te,  Aircifer, 
Si  vivo — Sed  istnc,  qnicquid  est,  primum  ezpedi.  30 

ta.  Is  pro  illo  eunncho  ad  Thaidem  deductus  est. 
La.  Pro  eunnchon  P    Pa.  Sio  est :  hunc  pro  moecho  postea 
Comprehendere  intus,  et  constrinxere.     La.  Occidi. 
Va.  Audaciam  meretricum  E^tecta.     La.  Numquid  est 
Aliud  mali  damniTe  quod  non  dizeris  9S 

Beliquum  P    Pa.  Tantum  est.     La.  Cesso  hnc  introrumpere  P 
Ta.  Non  duhium  eat  quin  mihi  magnum  ex  hac  re  sit  TnftliiTn  ; 
Nisi  quia  necessus  fuit  hoc  facere,  id  gaudeo, 
Propter  me  hisce  aliquid  ease  eTenturum  mali. 
Nam  jam  diu  aliquam  causam  quaerebat  senex,  30 

Quamohrem  insigne  aliquid  faceret  iis.     Nunc  r^perit. 

nmt,'  but  bIwb^  '  nlnTn  est,'  bi  AddpU  Bst,"  '  neithsrmore  nor  leia,' — 'euctljTM.' 

ir.  ».9;  Plwihu,  CkpHii  iL  a.  34;  ud  2S.  NUA  gvia  ntcttnt  fkit  koc/aetn^ 

^dicas  i.  a.  31.     Bee  alea  aboTa,  ii.  S.  3?.  The  Bembioa  muiBKTipt  liere  readi  '  ne. 

10.  QuKquid  ht^faetim  «1]  Seeiiate  oeanu;'  andiguDiD  Heuit.  ii.  3.  119.  Do- 

on  L  S.  ISS.  natiu  mx^iiiie*  the  fbmi  '  neeeHnu '  in  hie 

17.  Ax  fn  Alta  tenil  /]  '  Hm  he  come  nole   on   tbii   pmig».      Before  >   TOwel 

to    the    cit;  ?'     Tbe    comniOD    ruime    fbr  Terence  nsee 'neceue,' u  in  Pbomiia  ii.  1. 

Atbou,  u  diitiit^nisbed  from  the  Pineeua  06.    Tbere  eeem  to  haTe  been  two  farma 

wu  ri   'Aarv:    snd  accordiaglj  we   flod  in   nse,  '  ueceeaii'    ind    '  necesnu.'     The 

Cnceto    «nd   Nepos  (aee   Forcellini]   naing  formei' wu  wmetimee  nsed  «  ■  Bul»itiinCi*e, 

tbe  Greek  woid  in  thia  aenn.     So  Doiutaa  eod  the  Imtter  both  sa  »  nenter  BubatuitiTe, 

eipUiiis  the  word  in  this  pasuge.     EngrS'  in  the  nominBtiTe  CBae.  snd  as  ui  kdjectiT*, 

|duBS  ■eems  to  have  taken  it  otherwiae.   He  in  the  KcnaUiTe,  '  neceaaam.'     (See  I«di— 

ajs,  "  A»  qnia  qnodam  aatu  st  caUiditate  minn'a  aote  on  Lncretina  vi.  81S.J     ■  Ne- 

■Mla  hwc  mitii  ingemiData  saut."   But  thls  cesniu  foit '  is  an  analogouj  farm  to  '  nnu 

^ea  Hi   mwkward   aeniie,   lo   nj  nothing  fuiC'     Bentiej  prefeia  'necnnim,'   wbidi 

of  the  coiutmetiDn  '  in  uto.'     Laches  wu  ia  ^nd  in  PlButni.     See  Uilea  Glorioent 

■utnialljr  inrpriBed  ta  lind  that  his  aon  wu  iv.  3.  U  :  "  Dicu,  niorem  tibi  naceisam 

■bsent  from  hia  poit  at  the  I^raeeoa.  eaae  dnco^ ;"  bnt  this  is  withont  an;  an. 

S0.  T^lum  etf]  >Thia  is  sJI.'     Com-  thorit;  here.    We  moit  haTe  eitber  'lU' 

pafo  Hecjn  t.  3.  16:    "TaDtnmne  eat?  cease  '  or  > neceMos,' and  the  latter  haa  Iha 



JPy,  Nimqiiam  aedepol  qmcqxiani  jam  din  quod  magia  rellem 

Mihi  eTenit  quam  quod  modo  seaez  intro  ad  nos  Tenit  errans. 
Mihi  solae  ridiculo  fioit,  qnae  quid  timeret  ecibam. 
Pa.  Quid  hoo  aotem  eet  ?    Py.  I7unc  id  prodeo  ut  conTeniaiii 

Sed  ubi,  obeecro,  ia  est  P    Pa.  Me  quaerit  haeo.     Py.  Atque 

eccum  Tideo  :  adibo.  5 

Pa.  Quid  est  ioepta  P  quid  tibi  Tis  P   quid  ridee  P   pergin  P 

Py.  Perii. 
Defeesa  jam  smn  misera  te  rideodo.     Pa.  Quid  ita  P     Py.  Bo- 

ITunquam,  pol,  hominem  atultiorem  Tidi  neo  Tideba     Ah, 
Non  poasum  satis  oarrare  quos  ludos  praebueris  intns. 
At  etiam  primo  callidum  et  disertum  credidi  hominem.  lo 

Quid  P  ilicone  credere  ea  quae  dixi  oportuit  te  P 
An  poenitebat  flagitii  te  auctore  quod  fecisset 
AdolesceoB,  oi  miserum  insuper  etiam  patri  indicares  P 
Nam  quid  illi  credia  animi  tnm  fiiisse  ubi  Teetem  Tidit 

AcT  T.  ScBKK  TI.     PjUuu  coisn  cnit  tha  Tonng  mu  h>d  oommittcil  tt  jaaz  in- 

of  Thui'  hoBW  to  hmte  her  Ungh  agMnat  stig^Cioii  «itboiit  mpoaing  him  to  hia  &• 

Fumetio.     Bbe  tella  him,  to  hu  chagriB,  thtr   Into  the   baigBiii  >'      TioM    noM    of 

wbU  ■  bntt  she  bu  mide  of  him  ;  and  ia-  '  poenitet'    it  common   in    Plutu.     Saa 

forma  him  th4t  both  L«chei  *i>d  bis  aon  we  Stichiu  \v.  1.  44,  4S  : 

vowing  ™ge.n*e^j«  him  u  the  «.-  ..  in,o  dmu  toqoit  iUe  «ioleeoen»,  nn» 

thor  of  ^  thlB  miBchwf.     She  leaiei  him  ^  imrum  eit ; 

thmMening  T*."^'  I™'  'V^.  *,  P'Tf"'''  Et  ri  dnumm  i^euitebit,  inqnit,  «IdeDtiir 

meot  tbU  ba  u  hLdy  to  get  into  IrooblB.  ^^„           '                   ^ 

The  Hetra  u  iamluc  tetnuneter   ata- 

lectio.  PModolus  i.  3.  BG :  "  Eho,  ■n  pomitet  t» 

•  3.  SaUe^An  archdc  tonn  of  the  dative  qtunto  hic   fimit  num  V    '  u«  j<m  DOt 

feminlne.     We  flnd  mui;  inituicee  in  old  setiBKad  wilh   whit  he  hu  donefin- jos?' 

mitvi.     Thu  we  Iwe  '  Bltane '  in  Heut.  Campnn   .laD    Hoot.   i.    1.   SO  :    "  Enim 

ii.  3.  30.  ud  Phormio  *.  8.  3t;    'iltu.'  dicea:    qmntnm  liic  operit  fiat  poeoitet," 

PUntiH,  Stichni  iT.  1.  It3i  '  ittw.'  Trncn-  ud  Phormio  i.  3.  !tO  i 

34.    Cmnpu*  PLuitni,  Hilei  Gionava  ii.  „^^  powuteL" 

4.3:  "  Ulhi  Kilae  e  qno  mporfit. 

g.   Qkoi  ludat  pratiutrit]  See  note  on  Gcero  naea  the  ssme  expreuioa.    "  A  cniia 

Andri*  iii.  I.  21.    In  the  following  line  '  di-  intem  nuUn  me  res  divelleC:  *el  qood  iU 

•ertD*'   occura  in  the  aenw  of  'eluewd,'  rectnm  est:  vd  quod  rebiu  mei>  muinw 

which  ia  not  fonnd  elsewhere.  conaentaneum  :    Tel   qnod  s  aeuitii  qiuuin 

12.  An  pomilebal  flagilii,  ^c.]  'What?  fi*m   minim*  me   poenitet."     Ad  Attieum 

wBN  f  oa  Dot  ■■tigfied  with  the  orime  whidi  i.  20.  2. 

Dc,  zecbvGooglc 

ACTUS  V.    SCENA  VII.  155 

Illian  eeae  eam  indiitiim  p&terP  quid  estP  jam  bob  te  pe- 
TisBeP  ifi 

Pa.  Hean.     Qnid  dixti,  peanma  P  an  mentita  ee  ?  etiam  ride«  P 

Itan  lepidum  tibi  visiim  eet,  acelus,  noB  irridere  P  Py.  Nimium. 

Pa.  Si  quidem  istuc  impune  habueiis.  Pt/.  Yerum.  Pa,  Bed- 
dam  hercle.     Py.  Credo. 

Sed  in  diem  istuc,  Parmeno,  est  fortasae  quod  minare. 

Tu  jam  pendebis,  qui  stultum  adcdeecentulnm  nobilitas  30 

Fla^tiiB,  et  eundem  indicas :  uferqne  ezempla  in  te  edent. 

Pa.  Nullus  Bom.  Py.  Hic  pro  illo  munwe  tibi  honoa  est  ha- 
bitoa:  abeo. 

Pa.  S^omet  meo  indicio  nuBer  qnaai  aorez  hodie  perii. 



Cfn.  Quid  nuncf  qua  spe  aut  quo  oonolio  Irno  imusP  quid 

inoeptaa,  ThrsaoP 
27t.  EgoneP  tUt  Tbaidi  me  dedam,   et  iaciam  quod  jubeat. 

Gn.  QuideetP 
I^.  Qui  minue  quam  Hercules  serviTit  Ompbaloe  P     On.  Ex- 

emplum  placet. 
XJtinam  tibi  commitigari  Tideam  sandaUo  caput. 

Ift.  Snl  ta  diim  alue,  ^r.]    '  Bat  that  Qu  ituidMD  ta  &ciui,  li  ta  m*  Mte- 

]m>lakfal;i  1117  good  Pammo,  i>  i/ijmaneA  Terifi, 

tar  aoDie  time  1  and  jaa  wiU  Bwing  witfaoot  CoDCwionDi  Mtidn  Mnii." 
Msj,  for  braadia;  s  M]j  yoaag  man  wrth 
CRBIM,    and    then    Infonning    Dpon    him. 
Hiay  will  botfa  nuke  wi  ejEunple  of  jon.' 
For  'in  dlam'  compwe  Phomio  ».  S.  16: 

"P™™»»   qood    fbent  m>l<im  ia  diem  f^„  y.  8cen>  VH.    Thra»  comn  U, 

*^fr  n     ....1.«                ...           ...  Bnrrender  himwir  *t  diwretiOQ  to  Thus, 

M.pB.A*.»]Sli™iwe«tlednpto«hlgh  ,„   jjj    ^^^    Hercnfe,    «Prre   Oniphde  J 

po*t>adwhipped.    Cmnp«ePhonnw..4.  Chiere.  huBt.  out  apon  him  from  Thm.' 

4»!  " E«o  plectar  pendens."  BestlBT *lten  i,oo„. 

•fhdtinn'   into    ■  itulte,'    md   mbMittrtet  xhi  Metre  ii  trodiwc  tetiwnrter  c«ta- 

'  pabi    f<v  '  eandem,'  in  both  caaea  nnne-  ]^e. 

"'^^Z'                    .  *■  Ulinm  liH  commiligari  viitam  un- 

^Bg»m,tm«,imAeiBmutrqiiantartx  ^H^  ,^,j     ,1   „„1^  ^i,   i  „„u  ^ 

Ao&e  j«™]     I  «m  nndoBe    bj  my   owb  ^0^.1^  weU  pounded   with  n  ilipper.' 

^t,  bke  ■  r>t  thM  le  foand  by  rt«  >qae.k.'  PUntmi,  MUe»  Gloriomu  v.  5.  31 : 

Di»^^TB  a»tjtta  w«e  often^t™d.ed  ..  „(£,  „„  ^^je„  fortiba,,"  wid  Aala- 

""      '               "      "  lari.  iii.  S.  8 ;  "  Ita  fnstibHB  «nm  moUior." 

'  The  eommentatora  qDote  Adelphi  ii.  4.  13  j 

"  — r >  h«l '  mltii '  tfaefa  i«  capable  of  the  ordiimrT 

i  tiBi  e>t  macfaaAa,   et  Dobis  Tcniina  {nterpretalian.     Ladan  speaks  of  Hercnlea 

eet  domi,  aa  TniJfitrgc  A>i  rijc  'Oji^dXqc  T^  <nni' 



Sed  foree  crepuerunt  ab  ea.  Th.  Peru.  Qaid  Iioc  autem  est 
mali  P  5 

Huno  ego  nunquam  Tideram '  etiam :  quiduam  hic  properana 


CHAEBEA.      FABMBKO.       FHA£DKU.       QNATBO.       THBASO. 

CA.  O  popularee,  ecqois  me  hodie  viTit  fortunatior  f 
If  emo  herde  quisquam ;  nam  in  me  plane  Di  potestatem  saam 
Omnem  ostendra^,  cui  tam  sabito  tot  coutigerint  oommoda. 
Pa.  Quid  hio  laetus  est  P     Ch.  O  Farmeuo  mi,  0  meamm  to- 

luptatum  omnium 
Inrentor,  Laceptor,  perfector;    scin  me  in  quibas  sim  gau- 

diisP  6 

Scifl  Pajnphilam  meam  inventam  ciTem  P     Pa.  Audivi.     Ch. 

Scis  sponBam  mihi  P 
Pa.  Bene,  ita  me  Di  ament,  factam.     Gn.  Andin  ta  hic  quid 

ait  P     Ch.  Tum  antem  Fhaedriae 
Meo  jratri  gaudeo  esse  amorem  omnem  iu  tranquillo :  ona  eet 


JiUy.  (Ual.  de  Hutorii  icribnidft.)  The    hirmlomesi  aa  reganli  Thaisi  l^imo  u 

miglDil   of  this  Une  uema  to  h&Te  been    nstud  Mtributitig  his  iiuxeu  lo  his  mm  im- 

■i  liDe  of  TDTpilini :  riTilled  poven   "    " 
"  Hisero  miM  mitigat  isndAlio  a 

qnoted  br  Forcellini  from  Noniu.  '"^  *" 

1.  0  poptilara,  tcquii  «w  kedie  vtnl 

AcT  V.    SciNK  VIII.    ChMrea  a>mm  M'^'''^'l     Thl*  w  BeiiUoy'i  urmng». 

ont  of  Th*i«'  hoUH  in  ■  tMe  of  nnboonded  """*  "•  ""  ^  '^  *•>"  ■uthMity  of  Uw 

jor-      To    P»nneno'i     greet    surprise    he  English  msnuicnpW  j  »nd  »•  it  ii  nooeway 

tb>nkih)muthacauseorailhiah*{)piness,  *"  *^  °"^  ^   ^^"  to^o^^  ParlM  ud 

and   telU   hiro   that    Pamphila    has    been  °*^'"  '"  "doplinS  't  >■>  prefermce  to  the 

fonnd  to  be  »n  Atheniui  citi«n ;  that  Thai»  ■"^"»'7  resding»,  ■  eequii  n»  TiTJt  hodie.' 

has  been  tsken  uniifr  his  f»ther'i  protec.  "'  aocording  to  thia  l>tt«  tert  '  me  TiTJt' 

tioni  •Bdthatbothhimselfandhishrother  •Kndi   fbr  ■  trodiiM,   'riTit'  bdng   pro. 

■re  now  aupremely  heppy.     PhaedrU  jmns  "lonnoed  aa  a  moooBylUble,  which  ia  Tery 

him!»ndwhilathej-arecongr.tulatingM«!h  '■«^  l    ■"'*  Donlxactions   occnrrhig   ■■  ■ 

other  OD  thair  good  fbrtnne,  Thr»o  ia  in  ™« '■'>™  ""e  of  the  consonants  i»  a  liquid, 

the  greatest  deipair  «t  what  be  bears,  uid  "■, **;  ^''f  '"'  Mt™™  <«^  '  TiToidi '  io 

b^  Gnatho  to  arrange  with  Phaedria  thU  Aodna  i.  1.  S5,  where  aee  note. 
he  maj  haTe  lome  opportunitj  of  seeing         ^.  /»  fraHfwHo]      '  I  am  gkd  that  my 

The  Metre  U  as  (bUows;  T.  I.  SO— <M, 

eren   now.     OnBtho  nndertakei  the     brother'»  lore  i»  now  qnita  in  smooth  wi 

Acommonr-' — "■-- ' ■  — »- 

Phormio  1t. 

le  of  perpetnal  dinnen  at     *  common  meUphor  in  Tarionaforms.    8n 
ThraKj-shousei  aod  managea  to  peniuade     1*'"™'"  <•   J   T   n- 

!   joung   men    to   keep   np   ■  ihow    of  " Hem,  m  qnid  Telis 

frieDdahip  to   Thiaga,   reminding   them  of         Hnic  mandes  qul  t*  mI  •oopolDnr  •  tr 
his  good  dinner»  and  wine,  and  hU  ntter  quilb  anferat ;" 


ACTirS  T.    SCENA  VIII.  157 

Tbaifi  patri  ae  commflndaTit  in  clientelam  et  fidem ; 

Nobis  dedit  ae.     Pa.  Pratm  igitur  Thaia  tota  est  P     Ch.  Sci- 

licet.  10 

Fa.  Jam  hoo  aliud  eet  qaod  gaudeamus  :  milee  pellitnr  foras. 
Ch.  Tum  ta  frater,  ubi  ubi  eet,  fac  quam  primum  haec  audiat. 

Fa.  Visam  dDmom. 
Th.  Numquid,  Chiatho,  tu  dubitaa   quin  ego  nunc  petpetao 

On.  Sine  dubio  opinor.     Ch.  Quid  commemorem  pnrnum  aat 

laudem  maxime  ? 
Illnmne  qui  mibi  dedit  consilium  ut  facerem ;  an  me  qui  ausoa 

Bim  15 

Incipere  f  an  fbitnnam  collaudem  quae  gubematrix  fuit ; 
Quae  tot  rea,  tantas  tam  opportune  in  unum  conclusit  diem  f 
An  mei  patris  festivitatem  et  &cilitatem  P     0  Jupiter, 
Serva,  obsecro,  baeo  nobis  bona.    Fh.  Di  yestram  fidem,  iacre- 

Parmeno  modo  quae  narraTit :  eed  ubi  est  frater  ?  Ch.  Fraesto 

adest.  90 

Ph.  Oaudeo.     Ck.  Satia  credo  :  nibil  est  Tbaide  bac,  frater, 

Dignius  qood  ametor ;  ita  nostrae  omni  est  fautrix  familiae. 
Ph.  Mihi  illam  laudasf     Th.  Perii,  quauto  minos  spei  est, 

tanto  magis  amo. 
Obsecro,  Onatbo,  in  te  spes  eet.     On.  Quid  vis  faciam  P     Th. 

Perfice  hoo 

.0,   ipe«kiii|  of  tbe  !□  the  Bembine  nwnnBsipt ;  bnt  it  ia  enm- 

intcotor  of  philoaophy  :  t»l  to  the  metre  of  the  liue.     '  PrapetDO ' 

" qniqne  per  utem  ■»  "P^ned  to  meu>  '  moat  eert«inlj,' '  nt. 

l^  ^  the  punge.     See   HeeuL  1t.  B.  33:  "  In 

Intun  tnnquiUo  et  tun  cUim  looe  lo-  I»Peta'"n  iU*"  i"i  "'  'i™."  •"''  ''■  8. 

Q^^it  22:  "Inccf>tnin  est:  perfice  hoc  mihi  p«r- 

Coaptn  alao  Andris  iii.  b,  14 :  "  Qni  me         24.  Ptrftet  .  .  .    TXotibHi]      '  Muuge 

'xidie    tx   tnmquilliuimK    re  conjedati    in  bj   hook   or  b;   crook   tbet   I    mi;  bang 

HDptiM."    See  alao  tbe  Dote  on  Andiis  t.  ■bont  Tliui,  CTen  if  it  be  in  ma  so  ilight 

^4.  ■  degree.'      '  Uaerere  >lictu  '  is  '  to  duig 

9.   In  eHnttlam  tl  fidtm']     •  She   hu  cIoh  to  one.'     So  iu  Virgil,  Aen.  i.  779: 
pWd  berseir  nnder  onr   patronige   uid 

ptitectiou,'  aDBwenug  to  tbe  Greek  phrue  "  HercuIiB  Anlorem  comitem,  qm  miamu 
trpsirrnrDD    yiypoirrai    Tarp^.      (5d   Ihe  ah  Argig 

•olqect  of   clientjhip   lee   the    DictionBry         Hmenerat  EvuidTO,  atqne  IIbIb  coiuaderat 
«f  Aodquitieg,  p.  2^4,  Bod  note  on  AndrJB  nrbe." 

».  4.  21. 

13.  NsmqlUd  .  .  .  ptrierim  f]  '  Have  joa  So  '  baentt  KfmA  sliqDem '  ii  lued  si  m 

(  donbt,  Gnatbo,  thBt  I  Bm  done  for  &Dm  aay  '  to  dance  ■ttendance  npou.'    See  PbB' 

tbia  inoiiient  lor  erer  V     '  Tn '  oocun  onl j  tne,  EpidicnB  iL  2.  9 ; 



Frecibiu,  pretio,  ut  baeream  in  parte  aliqos  tnndeiii  «pnd 

Thaideni.  33 

On.  Difficile  est.  2%.  8i  quid  conlibuit,  novi  te :  hoo  si  effeceris, 
QuodTis  donuia  et  praemium  a  me  optato,  id  optatnm  feres. 
Gn.  Itane  ?     Th.  Sie  erit.    6n.  Si  efiSmo  hoo,  postulo  ut  mihi 

tua  domus 
Te  praeseiit»  abeente  pateat ;  invocato  ut  ait  locus 
Semper.     Th.  Bo  fidem  fiiturum.     6n.  Accingar.     PA.  Quem 

hic  ego  audio  ?  30 

0  Thraso !    Th.  8alTet«.    Ph.  Ta  fortaae  quae  &cta  hic  edent 
IfeBcis.     Th.  Soio.    Ph.  Cur  te  ergo  in  hia  ego  couBpioor  re- 

gionibuB  P 
!I%.  Yobis  fretug.     Ph.  Soin  quam  &ettn  P    Miles,  edico  tibi, 
8i  te  in  {datea  ofiendero  hac  post  unquam,  quod  dicaa  mihi, 
"  Alium  quaerebsm,  iter  hao  habui,"  periiatL    On.  Heia,  haud 

sic  decet.  3S 

Ph.  Dictum  eat.     On.  Non  cognosco  Testrum  tam  BOperbiim. 

Ph.  Sicerit. 
On.  FriuB  audite  paucis ;  quod  quum  dizero,  ai  placuerit. 

1  baerere  apnd  Qiiail  dieat  miU,  t[e.']     "  AKfaoogfa  joa 

'  Mj  to  DM ;  '  1  wu  loDloDg  fot  M,  fneoA ;  I 

_,                                                          .  wn  pusiDF  thu  wmT,'  Toa  ue  done  for." 

Por  tbd  phnM  '  pMCibu,  ptrto,'  im  tiota  fot  tfan  »0«  of  •  qood,'  u  If  H  were 

onii-8.  27.  '  QuunTia,' oompiwAddpfaiiL  1.  8: 

29.  Jmiocala  «<  nf  Idciu  Snwwr]  "That  \,          ,               ... 

I  n*r  klw*r>  twTC  >  knife  >nd  foik  >t  jour  Tn  quod  te  poMoiu  p,agn,  hnM:  mjii- 

tkble  whetbcr  ioTitod   or   not.'     PmsitM  1™  mihi  nollo 

nsed  ofleD  ao  donbt  to   nuke  tbeu  bK-  f  »<*»"  *^i  bnjni  noB  hdmai 

guni,   «  Erguilas,  the   pHnce  of  dinen  FUntai.  Milei  Qloriotns  iL  3.  7: 

ont,  doe«  in  tha  '  CaptiTea '  of  Plsatos.    8ee  "  Qood  ille  gaiUniim  »at  ocdiuabam  ae  tto- 

the  whole  of  Act  it.  uid  4lio  Aet  i,  KCne  Uri  aat  rimiNn 

1.,  where  Etxuilaa  eiplain*  how  he  hu  got  Dicttt,  diaperiMie  nl  niqae  ad  inoTtcm 

the    Dune  of    '  Ladj-lnTe,'   beaow  he  i»  male  molaaitfa ;" 

.Inp  ■  i'."»t«. '  ■«  '«.q-». :  ^  p»i»ni,„  I,.  r.«,)  1.  i»  i 

"  Jnvoitui  nomm  indidit  ieorto  mifai  ••  Qnod  dod  Tienuiii  donmu  eit  ■"■>■<  fnlla 

Bo  qai  inTOcato»  «oleo  ew  in  connTio.  colamni», 

8cia  ■baarde  dicCom  boc  danioMic  dicere,  Nec  comem  uitatu  intar  «banu  tr*- 

At  ego  lio  iQctc.     Nun  in  conTiiio  sibi  bei ; 

Anator,  taloi  qnnm  jnat,  aeortam  inTO-  At  MnsM  eomit«B,  et  anniu  grata  le- 

Tenm  henJa  t«o  doi  panali  pluine, 
Qaoa    nanquun  quiiqa*m  a«que 

Betne  inTocatnm  unon  ?     Eet  pUof*-  Et  debaea  choiis  CslUopeia  atA." 

36.  Non  eogneteo  eiilnam  lam  nijMr- 

bum]     •  I  do  not  recognize  jonr  dunets 

nHnainraiat.    "       "  "  "^  '™8'''T''     T^'  ellipso  ia  Bmilv  to 

PU«.^C.pU.i  1.1.1-..    Pl.."*T«„.n,„u<.«. 

" H«nd  nosoo  toBm  : 

34.  Qffrndtro']    See  note  on  It.  4,  B,  Bcois  tuia  rabns  meu  lei  iiridee  malM." 

ACTTJS  V.    SCENA  VIII.  159 

Fadtofe.     Ph.  Aadiamns.     Qn.   Ta  concede  panUunL  utac, 

Principio  ego  tos  credere  ambos  hoc  Tnihi  Tebementer  Telim, 
Ue,  liujuB  quicquid  fiuiio,  id  facere  maxime  cauBs  mea :         40 
Venun  si  idem  Tobie  prodest,  tos  noD  &ceTe  insoitia  eet. 
Pk.  Quid  id   est  ?     Cln.  Militem  ego  riTal^n  recipietidiua 

censeo.     Ph.  Hem, 
Becipieiidmn  P      6n.    Cogita  modo.      Ta  herole  cum   illa, 

Et  libenter  TiTis ;  etenim  bene  libeuter  Tictitaa. 
Quod  dea  paulnm  eet ;  et  neceese  eet  mnltum  aocipere  Thai- 

dem,  45 

Ut  tuo  amori  euppeditare  poesit  eine  smntu  tuo. 
Ad  omniA  haec  magifi  opportunuB,  nec  magiB  ex  usu  tuo 
Nemo  eet :  principio  et  habet  quod  det,  et  dat  nemo  largiuB. 
FataaB  eet,  insulsuB,  tardus :  stertit  noctesque  et  dies. 
Neque  i«tnm  metuas  ne  amet  mulier :  facile  pellaB,  ubi  Telis.   so 
Ph.  Quid  agimuB  ?     On.  Praeterea  hoc  etiam,  quod  ego  rel 

primnm  puto : 
Accipit  bomiuem  nemo  melius  prorsus,  neque  prolixius. 

M.  Hujn»  fBicfiutf/ana]  Sea  note  no 
Ll  122;  andT.  fi.  10. 

ti.  AHicM]  Thia  vord  txxan  tm\y  io 
■liupl^.  Bee  alraTe  ii.  S.  37,  and  ii.  3.  62. 
it  ra  deriied  from  the  qaacrela  ftboiit 

Ita  gHidiis  gBudium  ■nppedilat," 

«'(«in  ur  npply  of  water  in  OQmmon.     8o  '  thni  ia  joy  he^>ed  Dpon  joj.'     ForcelUDi 

'Ixwotd  ii  eipUined  bj  Ulpian,  Dig.  1.  43.  gives  •eTsnl  inalancea  of  this  nM  trota 

t- 19,  L  1 1  '■  Si  inter  rinles,  id  ett  qni  per  proae  aathon.    Compare  Heant.  t.  I.  &7  : 

CQDdem  riTnm  nqnifcni  dncnnt,  ^t  contentio  "  Nun  ?a  illi  pergo  Rappeditare  Bumptibiu." 

dt  ique  lua."     Thie   deriT*tian   is  Tery  Bentlej  omib   'sd'  in  the  next  line  and 

■inple  iud   intelligible.     DoDatna  nya  in  canDecti   it  wilh   Uiii,   readin;;    '  posnnt,' 

lui  note  on  thia  psaesge — "  RiTalea  dicnntar  bot  he  liu  not  been  fbliowed.  eicept  t^ 

Kmsli  de  nDlieriboa,  hct&  tnnslatioDe  no.  Rdnhardt. 

»iiiii  ■  ferii  bestiii,  qoae  ritieotet  com  ei  49.  Tardia]     BentleT  mbBtitBtee  '  ber- 

<°deai  rimlo  luaatam  petont  in  proelium  dns,'     beeann    he    thinlia    tbat    'lardDe' 

amtn  ae  inTicem   concitentnr :"    a   more  spoile  the  climu.     '  BBTdaa '  iB  found  in 

br-fetched  eccoant  of  tbe  matter.     For  the  Pliatai,  BeechidEB  T.  I.  2,  amoog  ■  nnmber 

*'»d  see  PUntDB,  StichnB  iii.  1 .  30 :  "Badem  of   BjDOnfmDDS  terma,    "  qDHi   Bnnt  dicta 

^  unica  ambobasj    riTales  Bamns."     In  in   itnltam — Stultl,    rtolidi,    fatai,    fiuigi, 

Orid  the  word  ia  more  freqnect.     We  mey  bnTdi,    blenni,   buccones;"    hnt    after    all 

■Wicg  ihe  oai  of  the  phrase  '  amare  aine  there  is  tMtologjr  cTen  in  Bentlej^s  word. 

'i*>l>.'  to  tore  «hat  Do  one  else   au«s  And  bow  did  he  ■seertaia  that  uij  dimaz 

•W,  u  hi  Horace,  An  Foetica  443,  444 :  wu  intended  > 

■■KnllDm  Dltr.  TerbDm  ant  openun  hMD-  »2,  Accipil  homin««n>r^  m^ii^  yrtyr. 

mebat  inanem  *"■  "*»"  f  «''■"*«*]  '  No  one  entenains  his 

Qah.    .he    riTdi    teqae    et   tn»    wjlne  friendB  botter  m  fict  nor  more  hbe™l1j. 

.iiiM.  "  '  Accipio' occati  ID  this  sense  m  Horace, 
Sal.  ii.  8.  67  : 

,«.t7(f«    ^   ^ppndit^t  p«U,fl  ..TeneegODtecd>i.rUatetorqDerieromni 

nutHieremaTbean  abnndaateapplj  for  _  ...  .^          ,,,,li^,     ,„       ^ 

lour  We  wiuJat  enj  eipen».  of  joars.'  S-H'"'»'!"»'  ^l-tnotnm  1 

Anong  muij  otha  inBtances  of  thii  in-  and  PlaataB,  PieDdolnsT.  1.  8,  9i  _. 


Ph.  Miram  ni  illoo  homine  guoquo  pacto  opua  est.     Ch.  Idem 

ego  arbitror. 
On.  Kecte  faoitia.     Unum  etiam  Koo  tob  oro,  ut  me  iu  Testrom 

iRecipiatis:  satifl  diu  hoc  jam  aaxum  toIto.  PA.  Recipimus.  55 
Ch.  Ao  libenter.      Gn.  At  ego  pro   istoo,   Pliaedria,  et  tu, 

Huuc  comedendum  et  derideudum  TobiB  propino.     Ch.  Placet. 
Ph.  DiguuB  eet.     On,  Tiiriieo,  ubi  tis  accede.     Th.  Obsecro 

te,  quid  agimus  f 
6n.  QruidF   isti  to  ignorabant:   poetquam  eis  mores  ostendi 


Et  coUaudaTi  seoundum  facta  et  Tirtutea  tuaa,  60 

Impetrari.     Th.  Bene  fecisti :  gratiam  habeo  maximam. 
If unquam  etiam  ftii  usquani  quin  me  omnes  amsrent  plnrinium. 
Gn.  JDisine  ego  in  boc  inesae  Tobia  Atticam  elegantiam  ? 
Ph.  NJliil  praetermiBsum  est :  ite  bao.    Q  Yos  Talete,  et  plau- 

conjecttu  ia  aticerem  Triginla  jnsni  Tyraii. 
norum,  Teaeiinm  Dt  aitiBna  obdniisset,  reli- 
cepti."  qanm  sic  e  pocnlo  ^edt  nt  id  resoDsrct : 

.  _  ,         ,  ,  -       r.  1  .       qno  sanitu  redditD  ■rrideiu,   '  Propino,'  in- 

01 'altogBthep   '  enhrelj,  iQ  Buoh  phrBSe»  M  fromNonius   we  haro 

'  pnjrsuH   pGri].'     HeAot-  iv.  6.  23  i  "  Nva  ' 

proreum  nihil  intelligo."  '  PniliiuB,'  ia  con-  ii  Enni  poeti  »1tb  qni  mortaUbiU 

nectodprobablywith^lams.'    Itmeviahere  Vemu  piopiiua  flamueos  medoUitua." 

and  in  aonio  otbei  passagea   'plentitoll;,' 

'lieelj.'    8ee  Adelphi  T.  li.  20  :  "Agepro-  Demoithenea   asea    rporlvw   ip   •  siiiul>r 

liie  Mido.'     Cicero,  Ad  Atticnm  tii.  14 :  sense  in  a  well-knoini  passage  :    avSpwirai 

"  Me  Fompeing  Capnam  venire  Tolnit,  et  ^iapoi  lai  icjXaric  rai  iiXa'aropEc,  licpw- 

adjOTsre  delectnm  ;    in  quo  parom  prolixe  rijpiaafxivoi  rtif  iavruv  EcatfrrH  varptcaf, 

rsapondent  CsmpaDi  coloui."  r4v    iXiu6tpiaf   wpairtjTMtATis    WfioTtpor 

6S.  Salit  din  Aocjam  Maxumvoho']     'I  pJv    4iXi>Tfi    vuv   H   'AXilMpif,     De 

faave  been  engaged  lang  enough  in  this  np-  Corona,  p.  3S4  ad  fin.,  and  in  tbe  passiTe, 

hlll  work.'     T^  wu  a  common  proTerb  irpoiriirorai    rijs   iropavrica    x^P^ft   tA 

boiTOwed  frotn  tbe  fable  of  Sisyphus,  like  t^q   wilXcivc   iroayjiara,  Oljnthiac   iii.  p. 

the  Greek  Xiflav  iiiXivJtli'.     Some  suppoae  34  ad  fin.     Bentle]'  rekds  '  ebibendnra  *  for 

thst  there  is  alliuion  to  Thraao'a  atnpiditj.  >  deridendam,'  but  witbout  any  authoritj. 

Compare  Plaatns,  Miles  Gloriosua  ii.  2.  33:  Hie  reaaons  are,  aa  uaual,  rerr  matter  of 

"  Nullun)    est  hoc   stolidius    Baium,"    and  UliA.     "  Qualia  propinatio,"  be  asks,    "  ubi 

'lapis'  in  Heaot.  i».  7-Si  T.  1.44.    H»-  nnlla   potas   est    mentio  ?"     Demcnthenes 

cjm  U.  I.  17-  would  comeoff  badlj  farhisu»or  vfMiriviii 

60,  Al  igo  .   .  .  propino]     '  And  I  in  under  snch  criticism. 

retom  fbr  jour  kindneaa,    Fbaedria,  and  61).  Allicam  tlesantiam]      'Did   I   not 

joars,  Chsersa,  pus  him  od  to  you  to  be  tell  jou  thst  jou  would  find  in  hira  tnie 

eaten  out  of  bonae  snd  home,  and  to  be  Athenian  mauneraJ'     For  '  elegaotu'  8» 

inade  >  game  of.'    '  Propinsre '  woa  literall j  note  on  iii.  1.  18. 

<  to  tastetbecnp  and  pass  it  oa  to  another.'  64.  O  Vot  ealelt,  tlplmidU*]    Sm  note 

Hence  tbe  alory  of  Soctates,  ss  told  bj  on  Andri»  t.  6.  17. 
Cioero,  Tascol.  Disp.  L  40 :  "  Qui  qnnm 







ANTXPrnT.A,  amica  Clmia«. 
BAGCHIS,  &mica  ClitipboniB. 
CHBEMES,  Clitiphonia  paber. 
CLINIA,  Menedeini  filius. 
CLinPHO,  Chrametia  flliua. 
DBOMO,  •emu  Henedeni. 
HBNBDEMUS,  Cliniae  pater. 
PHBTGIA,  ancilla. 
S08TBATA,  ChremetiB  uior. 
STBUS,  seiTUB  ChretnetiB. 


D.D.t.zeabvG00glc  I 


Thk  plot  of  tbe  Heflutontimorumenaa  tuma,  aa  u  ofteo  tlie  cmo, 
pattlf  upon  tbfl  recognitioD  of  a  child  which  had  been  ezpoaed  u  aa 
infaut.  Sostnte  the  wife  of  Chramea  hod  an  infant  daugbter,  which  her 
hnabaiid  refuaed  to  bring  up,  aud  ordered  to  be  expoaed.  She  gaTe  it  to  tui 
old  womKU  for  tbat  puipose,  attaching  to  its  dreBa  a  ring,  from  a  superati- 
tioua  fediug  that  the  child  ought  oot  to  be  entirely  diainhOTted.  The  o)d 
vomaa,  instead  of  ezpoiing  the  child,  brougbt  her  up  u  her  onn  daughter, 
tndnamedherAntiphiU.  Wben  ahe  grew  up  Bbe  attracted  the  attention 
of  Clini*  aaa  of  If  eaedemiui.  Tbeir  &tUchment  oontinued  for  aome  time 
befora  it  came  to  tbe  knowledge  of  Cliaia'a  fatber.  Aa  aoon  aa  he  di»- 
corered  it  be  b^jsa  to  persecute  hia  aon  about  the  afioir,  till  at  last  tbe 
young  mao,  to  put  an  end  to  tbe  dispute,  went  to  Asia,  md  tbere  entered 
tbeBenrice  of  the  king.  No  eooner  had  he  goue  than  bia  fatber  repented 
bia  ■ererity  t  and  finding  that  his  eon  waa  pa«t  recaU,  he  determined,  at 
Ihe  obIj  amends  he  oould  make,  to  inflict  upou  himBelf  a  coutiuual  pe- 
nance.  He  aold  hia  houae,  and  alL  his  aerTautB  except  a  few  to  work  upon 
a  fuin  which  be  purcbaaed.  Tbere  he  kept  hin»elf  at  work  from  moro- 
ing  to  aight.  Tbree  moutba  pasaed  iu  tbia  way,  aud  at  tbe  eod  of  tbat 
time,  Clinia,  who  oould  not  eupport  any  loager  bis  Bbeence  irom  bie 
niistroea^  rettma  and  is  received  iuto  tbe  bouae  of  Chremea,  whose  son 
Chtipbo  had  been  hia  friend  from  his  childbood.  No  sooner  has  he 
uriTed  tlian  his  aervant  Dromo  is  seot  witb  Sjrns,  Clitipbo's  slaTv,  to 
briug  Antipbila  to  ber  lover.  Sjrus  discbargee  his  arrand  more  clsTerljr 
tbaa  «aa  inteoded ;  be  fonnd  Antdpbila  iJone,  for  her  reputed  motber, 
Philtere,  had  died  iu  tha  interra),  and  ia  circumBtances  wbiob  sbewed 
that  ahe  wm  stiU  fiuthlnl  to  CliniL  Tbinking  beeides  to  do  a  strcke  of 
buBiaees  for  hia  owa  master,  he  bringi  at  the  same  time  Bacchia,  Clitipbo's 
DiirtteBa,  a  very  differsnt  charat^r  &om  Antiphik :  aud  tbat  Cbremea 
may  have  bo  auBpicaon  of  tbia  connection  of  hia  son^B,  it  ia  arranged 
thrt  BaeduB  abaU  paas  for  Clinia'B  mistrees,  and  Aatiphila  for  oue  oiC 
her  •eTTBnta.  While  tbia  u  goiug  on,  Chremes  aud  Menedemus  hsTe 
been  talking  togetber;  Chremes  remonstrating  with  Meoedemus  upon 
M  2 



his  uiiiDtelligible  conduct  in  working  himwlf  to  death  instead  of  snper- 
inteading  hia  slaTeB,  and  Menedemus  explaining  hi&  reasonB  bj-  an 
account  of  what  led  to  his  Bon'8  departure,  and  his  consequent  deter- 
mination  to  punisb  himself  till  hie  return.  Chremea  being  unable  to 
shake  hie  friend'»  determination,  retuniB  to  keep  tfae  festiTal  of  BaccfauB 
at  hiB  own  house.  There  be  finda  tbe  party  asaembled,  and  what  with 
BacchiB  aud  the  yuung  men  they  make  a  prettjr  mgbt  of  it,  nearlj 
emptfing  his  cellar,  and  tuming  tbe  bouse  upside  down.  Earl^  next 
morning  Chremes,  wbo  has  a  etrong  head  for  au  uld  man,  goes  to  meet 
hia  frieud  Menedemus  ae  he  comea  out  to  bis  work,  and  infonna  him  of 
his  9on'8  retum.  He  adTiges  him  to  be  cautious  in  receiring  him,  telU 
him  what  sort  of  a  life  he  bas  to  eipect,  and  recommends  bim  to  do  any 
tbiug  rather  tban  openly  encourage  bia  BOn  in  aucb  debaucher^.  Mene- 
demus  bega  bim  to  do  any  thiog  be  can  to  biing  about  a  reuuion  with 
hia  son,  even  if  it  be  to  encourage  the  joung  man  and  Syrus  to  chest 
him  in  anj  imaginable  way.  ChremeB  enterB  into  the  plan :  and  encou- 
ragea  Syrua  to  deTise  Bome  scheme  for  tnaking  Menedemua  aupplj 
Cliiiia  with  the  means  of  isdulgence.  Sjrua  has  alreadj  aome  such 
Bcheme  on  foot ;  but  it  ie  to  be  directed  ogsinat  ChremeB,  for  he  haa 
promiaed  Baccbis  ten  iniDae  for  her  sbare  in  the  nighfa  amuBementa,  and 
intenda  to  get  it  out  of  his  moater.  3o  be  at  once  eiplaina  to  his 
niaBter  s  plauaible  scheme  that  be  baa,  namelj,  to  induoe  MenedemuB 
to  haj  Antipfaibv  from  Bacchis,  to  wbom  ahe  has  been  left  in  pami  b; 
Philtere,  on  the  representation  that  sbe  is  a  captive  from  Caria  whom 
her  Irieuds  are  aure  to  ranaom  yery  bandeomely.  Meanwfaile  Soatrata 
haa  discovered,  through  tbe  medium  of  tbe  aforesaid  ring,  tbat  Antiphila 
ia  her  own  daugbter.  Tbia  diaconcerts  Sjrua,  who  na^  qtrings  a  oew 
mine;  be  aenda  BacchiB  ofl^  to  Menedemus'  houae,  and  ezplaiiie  to 
Chremes  that  tbe  odIj  way  to  deceire  Menedemus  now,  is  to  pretend 
that  she  ie  Clitipbo'e  miBtreas,  and  at  tbe  Bame  time  to  get  CHiaia  to 
profees  an  attachment  to  AntiphOa,  and  desire  hts  father  to  demand  ber 
in  marriage,  for  tben  the  old  man  would  haTc  to  supplj  him  with  monej' 
for  the  marriage,  which  af  courBe  woutd  go  to  his  miBtreBs  Bacchia.  At 
the  same  time  Chremea  is  parsuaded  to  releaae  bis  daughter  from  her 
pledge  to  Bacchis ;  and  the  money  ia  giTen  to  Olitipho  to  carrjr  to  Biccbia 
for  tbe  purpose  foraootb  of  more  fully  pereu&ding  MeDedemns  tbat  she 
is  his  mietrees.  At  this  point  the  d^nouement  takes  place.  Clitipbo 
acts  hie  part  of  Baccbis'  lover  a  little  too  well,  and  all  the  circnmstances 
are  discovered  by  Menedemus,  who  proceeds  to  inforTD  Chremee  of  the 
real  state  of  tbe  cnae.  Now  tbe  two  old  men  cbange  placea,  Chremes  ia 
enraged  bejond  measure  at  haTing  beeo  made  the  dupe  of  bis  diasolute 
■on,  and  Menedemus  has  to  nrge  upoD  him  the  same  mazims  of  forbear^ 
ance  which  Chremea  bad  nsed  to>  him.   Clitipho  bas  to  undergo  a  complete 



hnmiliation ;  but  is  Qltimatelf  receired  into  &Tour  by  hie  &tlier  apon 
bia  promiaicg  to  settle  Bnd  lead  a  reapectable  life. 

This  play  K  remarkable  for  a  aupposed  irregulBrity  in  ita  conBtruction, 
«hicfa  baa  made  it  tbe  subject  of  an  auimated  controversy  Bmong  ad7o- 
eites  of  the  '  TJnities.'  It  is  clear  that  the  opening  BcoDe  of  the  play  is 
laid  at  erening,  when  Menedemus  is  jnst  finiahing  his  day'B  vrork.  The 
Third  Act  commences  with  the  foUowing  moFniug,  and  ic  the  inteiTal 
tbe  mipper  at  Chremes'  house  takes  place.  This  in  itself,  tbough  aa 
eiception  to  the  genenl  arrangement  of  Terence's  plajs,  ia  not  a  reiy 
inipottant  matter.  The  theoiy  of  the  '  Unitiea  '  is  not  to  be  received  as 
■u  absolute  law  for  the  DTama :  and  tbere  ia  nothing  in  this  caae  which 
ii  not  abuDdamtlj  justified  bj  mtaiy  other  inBtauceB.  Upon  this  point 
tuinB  a  tbeoiy  which  waa  flrst  mooted  bj  Scaliger,  aud  afterwards  main- 
tained  bj  Madame  Dacier, — that  tbia  plaj  waa  acted  in  two  portions : 
tbe  fint  twb  Acta  at  night,  after  sunset ;  and  the  three  remaining  Acts 
the  neit  moming  at  break  of  day  ;  the  interral  between  the  tw6  parts 
being  taken  up  with  the  BUpper  at  Cbremes'  bouse.  This  idea  proceeds 
entiiely  npon  tbe  auppoaed  neceesity  of  filling  up  the  interval  between 
the  Second  and  Third  Acts  ;  and  is,  as  far  as  we  are  informed,  entirelj 
giatuitous.  Colman  haa  shown  the  absiirdity  of  tbe  idea  very  well  in 
his  rema^s  on  this  subject.  Kny  oue  who  conaiden  that  the  Bomaa 
Brama  was  performed  in  the  open  air,  will  at  once  see  the  improbability 
of  locb  a  mode  of  representatiou.  The  Boman  Amphitheatre  was  at 
any  time  a  diaadTantageoua  areua  for  tbe  Drama.  What  muBtbaTebeeu 
tbe  inccesB  of  a  play,  acted  partly  at  night-fall,  partty  before  breakiaat 
n«t  momiDg  ?  Nothing  but  a  devotion  to  the  '  TJnities '  could  have  led 
to  anch  an  idea ;  and  it  will  be  dismiBsed  without  auy  fuiiher  discussion, 
noiv  that  a  more  artistic  idea  of  Drsmatic  TJnity  is  geuerally  recognized. 




Atlm  lAtim  IStgaieKMml     Bm  aotai  CbM.]   Thii  Tlbartiii  Sanprauai  AaocfaH, 

Oa  thn  Inwruitian  to  tb*  AndriK.  fclliar  of  Ihc  Grui^i,  wu  eoDnil  >  mohii] 

Ftatm  Ciattdii]    The  vard  <  libertni '  time,  vlth  H.  Ja*entjiu  Thshia,  b.c.  1  IKt. 

!•  to  b*  mpplied.    Vtx  Iha  phran  '  Hodo*  Ha  wu  abo  Ceiuor,  uid  li*d  beon  p«ti- 

bdt,'  aod  the  miuical  tertni  that  iblloir,  cukrlj  diihDfnlihed  ka  the  wiedom  of  bii 

•M  the  Inscriptlan  to  the  Andiu.  admiiiiatrelion  in  Spmin  in  B.O.  I7V- 

AeU  Uh  ti,  Jnvtntio  1  T.  fitMptvnto 



Nb  coI  ait  Teetram  minun,  cnr  partefl  Betii 

Poeta  dedttit  qoM  snitt  »dolflsoentiiim, 

Id  primum  dicam :  deinde  qnod  Teni  eloqnar. 

TUt  Tw<A>gM  «onbAN  TCT7  Tariad  nMt-  Mton  m*T  im  tlMt  hooMtf  li  tlie  bad 

br.    In  tbe  llnt  pUce  the  tpMko'  jjItn  policr  ta  the  long  tod. 
noie  KieoDnt  at  tfab  new  plar.tbe '  Beirior-        The  Hebe  !■  iunbic  trimeter. 
■Hnter,'wUd>beliMtakeilfriMitbeGreek        I.  Parla]   The  Pio(r«tM  mi  oB  thb 

utMgBeBdg.enenthorirdl-fcDoiTntoBMel  oecuion  apokeii  br  AmbiTiiu  binuelf.  tlw 

of  Ut  — iWwice     He  tben  goee  on  ta  «-  coiHhictor  of  tbe  OMnpiBT  ot  tebm.     Vmn 

pt*iB  bow  it  b  tbM  tbe  poet  hM  awigfieil  tbis  paiMge  tai  Adelphl,  PraL  t.  39,  99, 

Ae  olBce  of  Prolofiu  to  an  oM  actor  in-  and  PUntns,  Trin.  Prol.  16,  Bmtle;  eoo- 

■teid  of  a  joBBg  one.     Hb  wiriiee  hlm  to  jeetnns  rhat  the  Prolo^ae  irai  aot  fma- 

be  mme  of  an  wiTOcate  tban  a  TnAom,  nllr  spoken  bj  one  of  the  eeton  who  eaaia 

and  w  be  will  do  the  bot  to  ddirer  e^-  Hnt  on  the  ita^     Probablj  tbii  wae  gMa- 

tJTelr  the  epeecb  which  tbe  poet  hw  com-  »11;  tha  dHtj  of  oua  a(  Iba  inteioT  acton 

(Kned  fbr  hiin.     Two  accsMCloiu  >re  no.  '  ■ecoiidaniin  '  or  '  tertiBmm  partiBm  1' — a 

dced :— <]}  Ibe  old  one  r*ee  Andria,  Prol.  mle  that  «oald  be  dlipenied  with  wban  tbe 

)B)  dut  ba  baa  jnmbled  tocether  man^  poet  wished  to  nuke  a  particalar  wpaal  te 

Gntk  pl»7i  to  make  a  fbw  I«tiii.    Tbb  tbe  ■Bdlence  (see  note  on  AimMb,  Prol.  t), 

diaixe  he  paaBea  otb'  allghdj  on  tfae  pre-  as  In  tbis  Instanoe.    For  AmbiTios  wonU 

■mt  oBEaaioii,  Mag  content  lo  plead  the  donbtlesa  ippear  tmmedtalelr  after  apeak- 

«umple  (rf  good  aaUiorlHcB ;— (2)  a  ftii^  Ing' the  Prolt^e  at  Menedemi»  or  Cbremes, 

tbtr  cbBr^e — Ihat  tfae  poet  li  ■  norice  in  in  oneof  the  two  prindpal  eharacten  of  the 

Idi  profeaaion,  and  dependi  raore  hikhi  tbe  plsj. 

tilent  of  hii  Mends  than  on  himaeir.    Thla        3.  Id  primtcm  iieam  1  drMe  fuod  mt 

dmge  he  Broids  entirelr  hete:    bnt  tt  is  eieftiBr]     Commentators  haTe  msde  great 

Boliced  nrare  fiiBj  in  the  hologne  to  tfae  dklGailties  of  tbe  interpietation  of  tbis  bne- 

Adel^,   10 — 31.     On  the  whole  then-  he  It  liinplj  refen  in  ■  genenl  wsj  to  tha 

tfannrs  hiraself  npon  the  jadgmeiit  of  hli  naltar  of  the  Piologiie.     '  I  «ill  Srst,'  be 

WiBenee,  and  b^  ■  (slr  beiuiiig,  wlth  ■  sajs, '  aocoaDt  ftn'  m j  baving  been  dioeen  lo 

pMang  anDsloo  to  a  glaring  hult  of  hli  speak  the  Prolagaa,  and  tban  I  will  aceouDt 

old  opponent.     Tbo  rtjie  of  tfaii    comedj  for  mj  ■ppennce  hero  aa  ■n  •ctor.'     Botfa 

*ill  be  composad.     If  the  acCor  ii  alwajs  dieee   he  doea,  after   ■  short    accoant   of  ' 

(0  be   persouting    Tiolent    ■nd    eidtablB  the  phj    in   hand    faaa    been    tbrown   In, 

cfaiiuters,  be  wiU  be  won  OBt ;  and  »  on  tt.     4— S.     He    tben    from     10—34    dis- 

liia  ■oconnt  tbe  aadience  mnit  be  glad  nf  a  Airpa   hii   dntj  u  the    Poet's  adTocate, 

qriet   ]^j  once   In    ■  while.     Ther  b^Te  and    from    311—47  expiains   ■   litde   mora 

■aea  how  mujjaful  tho  poet  ia  in  ■  baatling  faUj  tb«  DBtnn  af  the  plaj  whleh  he  has 

plijKketheBanudins,letthemnowobserTa  anderteken  to  recommend   to  tfae   pBblle. 

hov  wril  he  bat  managed  ■  rerj  different  Tlie  raistahe  of  coraraantaton  bu  been  )n 

•iTle.     And  for  uiother  re^wn  tbe  aadicnce  taking  tbe  wnrdi  ■  primnm  '  aad  '  dejnda  ' 

Dinst  faTonr  bim,  beanse  ha  haa  ahrsja  be-  too  strlctlj,  uid  in  eipeeting  too  ligid  sn 

luied  libenllj  to  tbem,  tlut  the  jounger  order  in  the  topics  of  tbe  PrologaB.    Bent- 

C  k")0<^  lc 


Ex  iutegra  Graeca  mtegram  comoediam 

Hodie  smn  acturua  Heautontimorumenon. ;  5 

Duplex  quae  ex  argumento  facta  est  aimplici. 

NoTom  eese  oetendi,  et  quae  easet :  nunc  qui  scripBerit, 

£t  cuja  Graeca  ait,  ni  partem  maximam 

Ezistimarem  scire  veatrum,  id  dioerem. 

Nunc,  quamobrem  has  partee  didicerim,  pauois  dabo.  lo 

Oratorem  voluit  esse  me,  non  prologum. 

Yestrum  judicium  fecit ;  me  actorem  dedit. 

\Vj't  viev  is  TcTj  peculiar.     He  expluiii  Tereace   «orlced  op  the   nuteriili  oT  two 

<  Duode  quod  Teni  eloqiur '  to  memn  "  F*-  pl&yi  ">tii  one,  uid  iD  tiieir  c*ae  it  inight 

bui*m  ipsain,  ad  quani  ageaduu  hac  Teni,  be  siid  that  the  plaj'  waa  '  aiinplei,'  bat  the 

poet  rroloEi  redtationem  pengnd."     Bat  ■rciunenC  '  di^ilei.'     Bnt  thii  doea  uot  >p- 

™-  ■  •;   -»      -    .  ,.  pi,  to  ihe  '  He.'-— •= .— j.L_ 

qoar.'     We  find  '  qaod  '  uied  tbr  '  propter  mero  &et  of  >  double  let  of 

qDod'  io  HecTT*  iii.  8.  S,  3 :  bwdlj  ■uffident  to  be  olled  '  doplei  mrfn- 

"  Male  metao  ne  Pbilomeaae  mngiB  mor-  °'«"t""-'    T^B  ^'"J''}  "  "  ^P^  *•?  " 

bu..d™Te««t:  Boem.mortn.turJtOKioptthBeipliii.tiOD 

bua  sdgnTeMttt 
Qood  Ce  AeBcalipi,  et  te  Salua,  ne  quid 

of  Eugraphius,  that  tiro  plajB  were  dow 
fonnded  on  a  Bingle  ■torj,  '  dum  et  Latiaa 
ewlem  et  GrMOt  eit.'     Terence  woiild  nm- 

4.  Ex  inltj/ra  Graica  inttffrant  eonuie-  tunllj  considar  his  pUj  bi  be  ■  new  anei 

diam']   "  I  am  to-da]'  going  to  act  the '  Self-  though  fbunded  upoD  the  Oreek  ;  and  aa  iik 

tormenttB','  ■  freah   comedj  from  ■   fregh  t.   7,  B  we   find  the   uithor  of  tfae    Latm 

Greek  ■anrce."     Tliis  ii  tbe  nBlural  meaii-  plaj, '  qui  Bcripierit,'  dialingiiiihed  bota  tlie 

ing  of  the  «ord   '  int^er,'  wbich  meani  ■ulhor  of  the  Greek. 

■iatoct.'  Compareeepecully  Hecjrai.2.7tl:  10.  Ntme  ... pmuHi  daboj  Fm  *didice- 

'■  Quln  ialerrsm  itidem  redd»m  nt  ■ooepi  "" '  °!"P^^*^.?^-  ■■■  ^  ;, "  *"  ^ 

•h  «1»  "    '  l"**  pnmam  Caecili  didici  noTai. 

*^  Paucit  dofto]   Compare  Vi^,  Edog.  i 

The  pla;  had  nerer  preTionslj  been  tranB-  19:  "Sedlamen  isle  Densqai  lit  daHtjre 

lated   bj    anj    Soman    author.     We   find  nobis;"    ■nd   Phormia  v.  6.  37:    "jIil  At- 

Gcero  qaoCing  tlie  Greek  litle  of  the  plaj,  qni  herde  ^  qnoqne  ilkm  ■adJTi  fabulaio. 

witb  a  Latin  tranBlation  of  it,  in  TuBColan.  6«.  Imo  etiam  dabo  Quo  magis  cibIbi."  Sea 

fMapuL    iii.    27  :    "  Quid   ille   TerentianDB  Micleuie'a  note  OD  Horace,  Sat.  ii.  8.  4. 

*  IpBe  sa  pnniens,'  id  eat,  laar^y  ri/iwpou.  II.   Oratorem  . .  .  aetortm  dedil}     •  Ha 

fitvoc  I"     Horaoe  too  alludea  to  tbe  Buhject  intended  me  to  act  ai  an  adTocate,   DOt  to 

of  the  plaj  ia  Satire  L  2.  SO :  speak   ■  prologue.     The   dedaiou   he   ha« 

" VU  credere  ponJB,  I^  ">  ^T  """^'  ','"  "V"  ™'''  fJ^, 

Qatm  ribi  non  lit  BmicoB'.  itautpaUr  pl*"lw :  and  jet  ai  for  eloquraice  I  >h*U 

ille  Terenli  ™  *°''  ^  plead  onlj  as  well  aa  he  has  de- 

^nUqueramiBenimgn.lo.l.iBsefugalo  ™«i  "7  brief.'   Both  '  actor  '  and  '  orator ' 

Indudt,  non  Be  pejoa  crudaTerit  i^ue  "««««imtheBenBorad.oate,' 'plead».' 

],jf^»                   '^'                            ^  See  Cicero,   BmtuB  S»,  ad  fin.:  '■  Eodem 

anoo  etjam  Moloni  Bhodio  Rouue  dedimua 

6.  Duplex  gtiae  tx  arfptmento  fenla  ttl  opemn,  et  ■ctoti  Bummo  can.amm,  et  ma- 

timpliei]    Thij  is  the  reuiing   of  aU  oor  gislro."    Compare  Hecjn,  Aller  Proh«.  l; 

ciiBliDg  copiea.    The  Bembine  MaauBcripf  "  Orator  ad  Toa  venio  omatu  prologi."  We 

b»  the  rariou»  reading  '  dnplid.'     BeDtlej  do  not  find  ■  orator  '  used  in  tbia  aense  in 

readB  ■  flimplex — duplici,'  whidi  he  Giplnini  any  other  plice ;  bnt  it  ia  a  meaDing  doaeij 

thuB,  "  Una  fabula  sed   ■rgamentnm    du-  connected  with  the  general  idea  of  an  ■  am- 

pleii  BeDes  duo,  ■duleacentee  dno,  ■micae  buaador,'  one  who  comes  to  make  a  re- 

duae  :  luii  proraui  offectuB  et  «Tenliu,  qni  qneit.     With  the  '  Teatfum  jndidum 

tUDHi  arte  poetae  aic  copuiantur  nt  una  et  fedt'  compsre  Pbormio  T.  9.  ft6  :  "  ^ns 

aimplei  eiisCt  bbnla."    In   tbe   cue  of  jndido  permitlo  omnia.    Qnod  is  jnbebit 

the  Andria  and  £aDncbiu,  we  know  tbat  bdam." 



Sed  hic  actor  tantnm  poterit  a  facimdia, 
,Qiuuitiim  ille  potuit  cogitare  commode 
Qni  oratioiiem  haiic  acripait  quam  dictunu  anm. 
Nam  quod  romoree  diBtuIerunt  maleroli, 
Uultas  contamJnaBse  Graecas  dum  facit 
Paucaa  Latinae ;  factum  hic  esse  id  non  negat, 
Neque  se  pigere :  et  deinde  iacturum  autumat. 
Habet  bonorum  exemplum,  quo  exemplo  sibi 
Licere  id  &cere  quod  illi  fecerunt  putat. 
Tum  quod  malevolue  vetus  poeta  dictitat, 
Repeate  ad  atudium  hunc  ae  applicaase  musicum, 

13.  A/aetaidia]  '  In  th«  nnCts  of  elo- 
^ma.'  Campov  Flmiu,  Anlnluu  ii. 
i-9:  "  Jfr.  AJn  tv  teTalere?  Bu.  Pol  ego 
1™I  petfMne  m  pecnnU."  Clcero,  Ad  Atti- 
ram  Tii.  16:  "Dnmiu  enim  fliigltiote  im- 
Fanti  qniim  a  nulitibui  tnm  >  peennift." 
SitlnM,  Ji^ntthB  4S:  "  Hona  .  .  .  tmCui 
•ti  cntiiTm  et  hmiuuo  cultn,"  u  ikr  u  enl- 
tlniion  wM  ooncerded.  BenUejr  imder- 
■'•nda  Uiie  pu«age  lo  irftr  to  the  ftirth- 
anniEpUj.  He  wosldTeed  '  v  '  for  '  ■«] ;' 
"  u  ncietu  tollstnr  qoae  ab  offido  prologi 
•likrrret."  Bnt  ■  ontionam '  natnnllf  re- 
'<"  to  the  prologne.  Tfae  ■peakar  wonld 
*T  i  '  I  «m  hen  to  ple»d  the  poet'»  p«rt : 
°iil  ifler  b11  no  one  can  plead  iC  w  well  u 
amxW,  ind  ill  1  thill  bave  to  do  ii  to  gira 
^  tffKt  to  hifl  ugnnieDt.' 

)E.  ATmi  giiod  rnniorei  duiulenint  ma- 
'"^1.  V^.]  We  here  oome  npon  the  ald 
^«rgt  bTODght  {orwtrd  bj  lATinioe  Bnd  hia 
P"1T.  »nd  iJfeMij  noticed  in  the  Prologne 
tatliB  Aadri»,  I6-S0.  For  '  disluleriiBt ' 
mjpare  Plwitu»,  Trinummm  iii,  2.  63: 
''nemihihuic  fitm&m  diHeraDt."  We  hsve 
<°e  word  oMd  alMalntelr  in  the  aeate  oT 
'  <o  dB&me,'  Plintu,  Aolnlwi»  iii.  2.  3  : 

"  ''■  me  bene  liSTema  uiiet,  ta  jain,  ni*i 
_  reddi 

jabei,  pipulo  hic  diffenm  uite 

!2.  Frfu  potla]  Terenn  here  ■Uodei 
to  IsTluiDB,  who  Bppeus  bj  thie  nUDe  In 
tbe  Prolognea  ta  the  Andrin  uid  nioimto. 
In  otber  placea  hia  alltuiDna  to  hia  enemies 
are  more  geneial.  Bee  note  on  the  Pmlogiia 
to  the  BnnDchua,  t.  4 ;  and  fbr  ■  fall  dia- 
caanon  of  Ihe  poiota  at  isaue  between 
Teratca  and  hia  opponenta  aee  tlie  Intro- 
dnctian.  The  acciualion  in  the  text  oc- 
cnra  agafn  in  the  Adelphi,  ProL  Ift— 
21.  wbere  Teience  iuatifiea  himaelf  more 

23.  SliufnM  mwieiim]  ■  The  pi 
of  a  poet.'  '  HaMcnm '  ta  naed  hi 
'  poeticnm/  la  it  ia  ia  tbe  Prologne  te 

:  17: 


nt,  Naerinm,  Plaa- 
-^"^oiitt,  qiHM  bie  noaler  anctar«a  b>- 

'  Hnaicna  '  here,  liketheGreek/Mi>iTicJ(,Te- 
fera  to  a  liberaJ  edacation  in  general.  of  wliiefa 

moaic  and  poetry  «ere  among  the  cbief  in- 
gredienta.  See  note  on  Eunnchua  iii.  9.  34. 
And  ao  poeta  were  originallj  catled  'mn- 
aici.'  See  Cicero,  De  Uralore  iiL  44.  Id 
the  Knighta  of  Ariatophanei  we  hafe  tha 
word  ficipviiq  DSed  in  the  wide  sense  of  a 
'liberal  edDcation,'  of  which  ypafifmra  ii 
repreaenled  u  the  dementa ;  and  /lovffiKOQ 
in  the  aense  of  'a  man  of  education,'  'a 
(cholar.'  See  the  fDllowlng  linea, 
AA.  iW  iyaff  eiii  iiovait^n  JinVro/iot 
iriijv  Tpnfifiiraiv,  cai  roSTn  /if  rroi  coid 

AH.  ToDri  fiivBV  a'  tpXai(/iv  tn  m!  *aiA 

iW  ilc  itfiaeq  (oi  0li\vp6v. 

(t.  188-193.) 
Thia   nae   ef   the    term    /loiimcq    appeare 
in  Plato,  witb   wham  it  ia  ' 

C  k")o<^  lc 


Amicum  ingeiiio  &Btain,  haiid  natora  Boa ; 

Arbitrium  vestrum,  Tcstra  exiBtimatio  95 

Talebit ;  qoamobrem  omnea  vos  oratw  toId, 

Ne  plus  iniquum  possit  quam  aequum  oratio. 

Facite  aequi  sitis :  date  oresoendi  oopiam 

If  OTarum  qui  ipectandi  fecinnt  copiam 

Siue  Titiis ;  ne  ille  pro  le  dictun  existimet^  30 

Hevouq  ud  rirfiMnriicj  wist  «itfi  him  Beenu  U>  b«,  that  in  aD  th«aa  rinri  tlM  DDan 

thB  liitor  Kicnce»  of  «JDcmtiini,  ths  tHM  o(  ■od  tlw  gsnind  aliks  depNid  npon  the  pre- 

ths  iniiid,  tbe  otber  of  the  bodj.  ccding  inhrtMilin  or  ecljectiTe,  ths  gcnmd 

84.  ^inJniM  ingaiio/relum,  Jj-c.]  '  Re-  bdng  wldal  epeiegetiollj.    Hiai  iu  tha 

lying  on  the  ■bilitjr  of  kii  frieiidt,  not  on  lut  the  wocd  imnMdiatsly  dependiug  apan 

bis  own  qualiiiGktiona.'    Thera  ij  ui  ■Un-  'Gopiuii'   ii    ■  oQTinim    fkboluiuD,'    ud 

non  here  to  the  intinucr  of  Tereacs  irith  '  ipecludi '  i«  added  to  caoplete  UMaation. 

Sdpia  11111  [Aaiiiu,  the  latter  of  vhom  ii  IJndenHuui'a  view  (on  PUunu,  Capt.  iv.  S. 

repnUd  to  hne  taisled  him  is  the  com-  73)  tfaat  '  iatonim '  ii  the  Uttv  of  two  Mib- 

poeitian  of  bin  pleji,  if  not  to  have  been  atentiTee  depMiding  on  '  nominuidi,'  which 

tba  ■ntbot  of  them.     CicerQ  mentioiu  thii  ■gain  d^iends  on  '  copt»,'  b  fwcifbl  nther 

■torjin  oneofhia  letters  to  Alticiu  (vii.  3):  thui  tiuei  fbr  thoagb  the  genuid  ia  in  ori- 

"  BacutUHiue  >ain,  non  dit»  Cudliam  (mm-  gin  ■  nonn,  vet  in  coDStnidioD  it  has  the 

Ibj  eiiim  uictor  Letinitetii  e«t),  led  Tma-  ftiroe  of  ■  varii.    The  trae  panlM  t«  thii 

tium,  cujue  bbellae  propter  elegandam  aer-  idiam  is  Itut  of  the  Greek  infinitiTe  osad 

monia,  pulabanlur  •  C.  I^elio  Kiibi."    See  epei^eticaUj  with  tbe  genitiTe  aftw  verhs 

note  oo  Adelphi,  Prol.  IB,ai>d  iDtrodnction,  and  irauie.  Compaie  Sophodea,  Trachiiiiae 

and  Hacleaue'!  oote  oa  Horace,  Epiat.  iL  1.  6S,  67  : 

W.  fi<a«n-<>  f  tfirip  <{>i|;  "mo»,  •<  wa- 

38.  Dtil*  erfcmdi  npiam . . .  nu  nViif] 
'  Give  thoae  an  <qiportanitj  of  liBlDg  wbo  give 
jon  tbe  ouportoBitT  of  witoeBaing  new  flaya 
wilhoDt  bnlti.'  Tbe  coiutnictioQ  of  the 
wordi  '  oovarnm  qiu  epectandi  faciunt  co- 

plam  '  I*  gingnlar.     We  meet  wirti  wmilai  oM  ilCiow»»  rir  AjcUiiw  SrXwi' 

oonatnictione  in  Pkutna,  Captlvi  iv.  2.  73  =  lX96i,Ti  loi-ai  niplwc  alr^vidy^ 

"  Nomhiandl  iatonim  tibi  arlt  magia  qoam  AntigODe  400> 

edendi  copia."  «oJ  yAp  eS»  I«o» 

iwainSfiai  roGJi  ^vXiSsai  rrf^v. 
FUto,  Crito  »2,  b,  oM'  IriSvfiis  <rt  i:...,. 

Hcae,  eaedis  (adendae  bonorum,  dlri|neDd«e  «jXtuic  eil'  aMwv  v6puv  tXafSiv  iHivai. 

nibii,  agronun  lali  latroaibai  condonandi,"  Bee  man]'  other  initaucei,  trom  Thucvdides 

ud  Cicero,  In  Verrem  ii.   3.31:    "  Qui<  Xenophon.and  Plato,  tn  JelT*  Oreek  Gram- 

bne   ne  lejldendi    qaidem    ampliue    quam  mar,  8N.  I.  0. 

trinm  judicam  . . .  leges  .  . .  faciunt  pote>t»-  30.  f/t  illt  pro  m  dietmm    txitHmel'] 

-  tem."    We  bave  two  other  inatancea  of  an  '  WiHiant  fwilte,  I  aay  ;  (br  do  not  tet  him 

irregnhr  nee  of  the  gemndiva  in  Terence.  mppoee  thit  I  haie  spoken  for  him,  who  in 

Bec^ra  iii.  3.  12  :  ■  recent  plaj  made  Ifae  people  give  wnj  br 

" Ego  ejn*  videndi  cnpidui  recta  eon-  ".  ^"  running  io  the  atreet.'  ^  This  alla- 

^uor "  *""'          conrse  meant  for  Linscnu  Lavimoi 

•k«  I  .^„1  ■  _r«.  (n  k;.  — ib .  .~i  Phn^  **"■  "™"  W>  liaTB  violated  decorora  in  thi) 

*Mre    eiu    refen  10  hia  wue  i  aad  rnoi^    _.,,_ j  v.. ..  i—      i 

;    I  3  24  ,  matter ;  and  bu  eicune  leemB  to  Dave  beeD 
Ihat  Ihe  slaie  «hom  be  inCrodui^  tbuB  had 

" Ego  En  eum  inddi  Infelix  locnm,  a  mad  muter.      Bnt  "  whj,"  mja  Terencc, 

Ut  neqne  mlhi  ejus  nt  amitlendi  nec  le-  "  need  he  be  sUve  loamadmui?"   iDOtfad 

liDendl  copU,"  wordi,  why  h^ve  recoarae  to  eo  gratuitou) 

where  'ejae'    bae  refeience   to  hU  mia-  aelOTf?     11  is  Dot  veTj  eaejlo  eee  in  wbil 

traea.    See  tbe  nolea  on    bolh   paaaagea.  Ibe   (anlt    of   Lavinius    consisted.     Froni 

Critiea  bave  giTen  various  expUnalifins  of  Plaalns,  Amphilrno  ilL  4. 3,  vhera  Ifenwj    ' 

this   conitniction.     The    tnie    ciidsiialion  speaks. 

Philoctelea  61 : 



Qni  nuper  fecit  aervo  OQrrenti  in  via 

Deceme  popaliua.     Cur  inaono  BQrrist  P 

De  illina  peccatiB  plnra  dioet  cnm  ditbit 

Alias  novna,  nini  finena  nulediotiB  faoit. 

Adeete  aeqoo  Knimo ;  dmte  poteatatem  mihi 

Statariam  agere  nt  lioeat  per  ailemtiam ; 

Ne  temper  aerrus  cnrTena,  intna  Benez, 

Edai  parasitaB,  ^cophauta  autem  impudena, 

ATaruB  leno,  asndae  agendi  Kint  mihi, 

Clamore  sommo,  cum  labore  loaximo. 

Mea  canBa  csoaam  hanc  jnatam  esBe  «TiiTmim  indocite, 

Ut  aliqoa  para  laboria  minuatur  nuhi. 

Nam  nuuc  noTaa  qui  Bcrilnmt  nihil  parcnnt  boti  : 

Si  qna  laboriosa  eat,  ad  me  curritnr ; 

Sm  lenis  est,  ad  alium  defertur  gregem. 

... Jiay  «uppow,  tbe  pumage 

l^nlo  ni  decedat  nilhi  qioin  ■ernlo  in  nnmu  conJBCturea.     Bentley  ratds  '  dii- 

comiwditi  >"  ine '  for  '  deoene,'  «hich  ii  qoita  immean- 
inf ,  UiaDgh  he  expkina  it  Ihiu  i  ■■  Ut  boo 

n  HMu  that  the  pnelloe  wu  not  ■d&o-  j«Tinio  litia  Tntetnr,  quDd  pc^nlam  iu 

txat.of  intoodnciiig  laoh  au  inddent  in  m  «oenBm  indnierit  enm  ktto  loqnentam;  «tii 

pl*;,  ud  M  tha  Mne  tinie  tbat  it  wu  mim  „i^  jq  fi,|>nltt  eenoi  popnlun  ■llociBetiur 

Cned  to  tha  stige  than  nal  life.    In  tlie  ,ga  aetor  qiecCatorei,  nihil  lunen  ab  iiha 

Otraho  iL  S.  1,  it  ii  ■  parante  wbo  wwn»  naponai  f«nnt."      ReinhMdt  conjectnca 

'^BTOMtoelear  Uie  va;  tiefbnihim;  bnt  >cnr  in  nooa  aenU!'    '  Wh;   iltouU  • 

!>'  ia  not  manjr  dagTcaa  nniDved  from  a  pMt  «ho  do«  thii  nil  a^nit  pwwu  <rf 

>btB.    Tbere  en  tiro  othar  panacea  oT  gaand  nndentsnding  ?'  which  ia  gntnltoiis. 

n»Wa»  not  ni«leed  aa  ftr  m  I  know  bj  s6.  Sflarum  a/trt  «i  lietal  ptr  tilt»~ 

■BBniMitalan,    Btichna  ii.   3.   11,    wbara  Nbm]  '  That  I  maf  be  able  to  aet  a  qinet 

lufoUownig  oidaa  an  prea  to  a  aUT»  :  piij  withont  hitamiptio&.'     See  notea  oo 

u UnBe  DhiadDm  eipodl  1  Ennnch.  iinlog.  44,  »nd  Hecyn,  Frolog.  L 

Aptltpbottl  coiTont  tabotl  earaqnen-  4,  and  ii.  2ft-M.     A  pbi)- wa»  aaid  to  be 

qotai  aocdreceiia  *  rtataria  '  wben  it»  action  wM  qniet,  a» 

(™iii  depnlHi  de  flat   baQqnilUm  con-  the  Hec^n  snd  Hnntontimonuneiw» ;  a« 

timia  (iui  I  '  tpedMcn  of  the    '  molona '    or    actiTe 

S  rra  obrtaUt  obTbm,  «gam  ipnim  prin»  pbj,   whcn  the   aotion    ia  baatUns    aiid 

pnTBtltol'*  '>W>  "o  ■"'T   *^'  ""    Bannclin»    wid 

I,  u             .„...!.-             T  ■  tbe  Pbonnia;  wbile  tlie  Andria  and  tb» 

^Mwator  i.   S.  8,  Ac«iftK.  «mplam»  ^^[y          'be  «id  to  belong  to  the  ch« 

a<t  itj,  no  wch  «axwork  to  oI«w  the  ^  .^^^^^   ^j^   ^    t.„  .  ^^  ^ 

"i«*wh«.jooarein»bnrrj!  nonliiing  «nd  «ction  ;  thongb  aU  nicb  d... 

" Haeo  hic  diieiphna  paarima  eati  «iBGaliona  mnat  DecHHril;  be  imperlect,  aa 

l^iomiti  propennti  hwd  qataqnam  dignmn  tbe  plajs  ara  not  alwaji  Bnffidentlj  dedded 

bahet  deeadcre :  in  cbu^acter  to  enable  na  to  aisign  tbam 

Ita  b«  rimitn  rea  agendae  lant  qnando  arbibarilj  to  anj  one  dasa. 

nnun  occoeperii  i  43 — 4S.]    '  Tba  sutbor*  of  new  oomedie» 

^  cDnndnra,  at  (iBgnandiim,  et  •nteni  ae  lianl  npon  thdr  pnu:tiMd  actor».    If 

ivgHidun  gat  in  na."  tl»«  i>  a  troablaame  plaj,  tbey  oome  to 

The  practli»  wae  piiib.blj  one  tbat  h«l  mo  :  bat  if  it  i»  twj,  it  i»  taken  lo  another 

P«Med  into  ■  joko,  and  eiisted  orij  In  tiw  companj.     In  thia  pl»y  the  atjlo  i»  pnn. 

"iwl  of   Mcond-nte    oomediui*,  aod  so  Mako  eipinmMt  of  whrt  mj  takuta  eaii 



In  bao  eet  pura  oratio.     Experimmi 

In  utramque  partem  ingemuoi  quid  poesit  meom. 

Si  nunquam  avare  pretium  statui  arti  meae, 

Et  eimi  esse  quaeetum  in  nniTiiiiTn  indnxi  iiflxinniTn, 

Quam  mazime  servire  Testria  commodia ; 

Exemplum  etatuite  in  me,  nt  adoleeoentuli 

Yobis  placere  stodeant  potius  quam  aibi. 



Ck:  Quanquam  baec  inter  noe  nupera  notitia  admodum  est, 

Inde  adeo  quod  agrum  in  prozimo  hic  mercatus  cs, 

Nec  rei  fere  sane  amplius  quicquam  fiiit ; 

Tamen  vel  virtus  tua  me,  vel  Ticinitas, 

Quod  ego  in  propinqua  parte  amicitiae  puto,  5 

kod  ip  tbe  itatari».  I  haie  been  tiied  in  land.  He  lold  hii  houae  aiid  XTTanU,  aod 
the  Eunuchiu,  Me  aow  irhat  I  can  do  in  >  took  to  hsrd  ont-of-doon  kboor.  ChicDiea 
Tcry  diflerent  >tyle.'  The  commentarj  of  endeaToora  to  enooimge  him  «ith  the  hope 
Donatus  oa  thia  pUj  hu  heen  loat,  uid     af  his  M>n's  iipeedy  retum,  tad  ttitm  ta  e 

with  it  hi*  teitimony  to  tho  uident  «tste  of      '      ' '  

the  teit.     Cdpharnius  (1460  a.d.)  in  his 
commentuf  hu  imitated  the  stTle  of  Do- 

nntns  ;  but  he  htul  no  betler  meana  o(  form.  '„  . 

ing  a  jndgmeiit  on  the  teit  or  the  meaning  recent,'  commencjng  in  ■ 

of  Terenis  than  we  haie.  We  ■till  hare  the  time  when   yon  bought  thla  {*im  in    my 

didiue  paraphraaea  of  Eugrapbini,   whieh  nejghbourhood.'     1  haie  adopted  tbe  reaid. 

howBTer  are  not  often  valnahle  in  a  ciitial  ing  af  the  Bembine  mantuaipt,  *  nupet*.* 

point  ot  Tiew.  Compare  Plautus,  Captivi  iiL  fi.  60 :  "  R*. 
ceni  cBptam  homineoi,  nupernm,iuindiuii." 

AcT  I.  SciNl  I.    Chremea  findin^  He.  Other  copiee  biTe  '  ouper,'  bot  I  do   not 

nedeiuQS  itill  hard  at  worlc  on  hiB  farm,  aa  find  ■  nugle  instanceof  'nnper'  naed  in  tfae 

be  has  obserred  him  lo  be  for  some  tims  sense   of  '  recens.'     '  Admodnm '    litorallj- 

part,  at  length  Tentnres  to  sddress  him  an  meani'up  totliameamre,"qnite,'aiid  boDai 

tbe  snbjecL    Wbat  c^n  be  hii  reason  ?    Ue  is  gener^tlf  nsed  to  itreagtben  the  eense  of 

is  too  old  for  sncb  work.     No  one  h^e  a  the  word  to  wliich  it  is  attscbed.     This  ia 

better  propertj  in  all  the  neighbDurhood ;  its  usoal  sense  in  prose  writets.  In  Terance 

Bod  if  work  enongb  i>  Dot  doneontbefsnn,  it  occurs  sometiines  in  thig  sense.  Compare 

time  wonld  be  mnch  better  epent  iu  looking  Adelphi  iii.  3.  49 :   "  Iratnm  adinodiun  ;" 

afler  otbers  than  in  worUng  himself.     He-  BHd  Pharmio  iii.  I.  13:  " Confatavit  Tcrbia 

nedemus  at   firtt  snllenljr   rejects   interfe-  admodnm    imtnm    lenem."      We   bare    • 

nmoe  ;  bnt  after  some  eipostultCion  be  ei-  ntber  difTerent  ■enae  in  Hecp«  iii.  ft.  S : 

plains  to  Chremes  that  he  does  all  this  to  "AdTenis  modo^      P:  Admodiim ;"  '  jnat 

puniah  himBelf  for  bis  condact  to  his  son.  so;'  snd  Pbormio  it.  2.  1. 
He  bad  bcen  Tery  aerere  tovardi  him,  and         6.   Quorf  tj/o  i»  proplHgma  parit   rnmi- 

the  conaeqnmce  was  that  the  yonng  man;  eiliae  pulo^     '  Whicfa  I  ooosider  to  be  next 

tbwarted  in  his  Ioto,  irent  off  to  Aaia  to  door  to  friendihip.'    Bentlej  objecti  to  thia 

terre  ander  the  king.     Alter  thii  event  his  phraie  '  in  propinqna  pute  amicitiae,'  aiul 

btha  conld  no  tonga' beir  to  lire  in  luiury  proposea    'qnod    ego  esae  in  ■liqna  parte 

while  Mt  lOD  vas  roaghing  it  tn  a  fbreign  amicitiae  pnto:'  bnt  Zeoiie  Terr  well  sbows 

ce  him  awBT 




l.     QlMBfH, 


im    Ime, 


■IITMhU      «.] 


ACTtJS  I.    SCENA  I.  173 

Facit  ut  te  aTidacter  nLoneam  et  £uiiiliariter, 

<  ood  mihi  -ndere  praeter  aetatem  tn&m 

Facere,  et  praeter  quam  res  te  adhortatur  tua. 

Nam  proh  Deum  atque  hominum  fid^n,  quid  via  tibi  ? 

Quid  quaeria  ?  annoe  aexaginta  natus  es,  lo 

Aut  pluB  eo  ut  conjicio :  agrum  in  his  regionibas 

Meliorem,  neque  preti  majoria,  nemo  habet ; 

Servofl  complures :  proinde  quaei  nemo  siet, 

Ita  tute  attente  iUorum  officia  fimgere. 

Nunquam  tam  mane  egredior,  neqne  tam  Teeperi  15 

Domum  rerertcMr,  quin  te  in  fimdo  conerpicer 

Fodere,  aut  arare,  aut  aliquid  ferre.     Deniqne 

Nullum  remittia  t^mpua,  neque  te  re^cia. 

Haec  non  voluptati  tibi  esse  aatis  certo  scio. 

At  enim  dices,  "  Quantum  hio  operis  fiat,  poenitet."  ao 

Quod  in  opere  faciendo  operae  consumis  tuae, 

Si  Bumas  in  illis  exercendis,  plus  agas. 

Me.  Chreme,  tantumne  eet  ab  te  tua  oti  tibi 

Aliena  ut  cures,  eaque  nihil  quae  ad  te  attineat  P 

kk  abjection  and  emeiidatioD  to  be  anne-  "  Denlque  ICa  tQm  djseedo  mb  illo."  Eon. 

amrj.    Heeotnpvea  the  Greekphnaasiv  Prol.  40  i  iii.  1.  42.  M,  in  ill  «hich  pluee 

^pti  TivifTtBirai,  rouisSni,  rnTaBiiFOai.  Ihe  word  occupi«  etactlj  the  Mme  po«i< 

IS.  Prainde  fnori  nmo  titl']  '  Juit  u  if  tion  u  here,     Cicero  qnotiDg  this  pusige, 

fon had  ODt  ■  UDgle  Blave,  jou  bosy  joar-  DeFinibusi.  1,  certaial;  «innect* 'dsniqae' 

•dfiaiMnntljaboBttheirvDi^.'  'Proinde'  with   'ferre:'  bot  thii  doea  not  eettle  ths 

i>  BMd  in  nun;  iostuca  wbere  '  parinde '  point.     We  cannot  be  Rire  that  he  did  not 

odbU  wem  more  nUnral.  Conipiire  Phonnio  qnote  arelemlj.     (See  MidTig'i  eieeltent 

ii-  3.  36:  "  Proinde  explecere  qoui  noD  note  on  the  pus*ge.)    The  farce  of  '  de- 

Donei."     Plantni,  Trinumtnus  iiL  2.  33;  nique'  ia  to  Bum  up  wbet  fau  gone  before, 

"  £t  tibi  nnnc,  proinds  tc  merere,  BumniM  eipreasing  it  in  more  genenil  terms  :  aod  it 

luli»  gntiae."     Bath  «ordi  are  need  bj  gives  a  mnch  better  sense  to  conoeet  it  with 

SiUmt,  Jngnrtha  4  :  "  Proinde  qaui  pime.  the  rollowing  line :  '  In  a  word,  jou  nerer 

tsn  et  CDnenlatin,  atqne  alia  omnin  hnjua-  relu  for  ii  nunnent,  nor  regard  rooneir' 

CHBodi  per  *e  ipaa  darm  magnific»  rint,  «  Tbe  fact  of  ii  isrietj  of  resding  between 

oni  iHiiide  bMwutnr  nt  eonim  qni  bu>-  '  facera '  aiKl  '  fetre '  iIiowb,  at  all  eieDt*, 

tiiiHit  riitai  e*t."     For  '  fangor '  wjch  the  tbat  we  cannot  dttacb  moch  importanoe  to 

■aaintiTe,   compare   Adelphi   UL   4.   IBt  tbe  question  wbich  hae  been  keenlj  deboted 

"  Ncqu  Umi  fieqoe  Kberalis  fimctns  offi-  bj  a  certaln  school  of  critics,  whether  Me- 

anin  «t  TJn."     9ee  aleo  Pbonnio  ii.  1.  51,  nedemuBWSs  carrjinghome  bis  toola  at  tbis 

nd  Mfaat.  iii.  3.  10.     lo  ona  paisage  wo  moment — time,    erening  — when    Cbremea 

lue  th*  ablatite,  Addpbi  iT.  9.  12  :  "  Too  met  him.     Soe  iDtroduction  to  this  pUj. 
olBcio  faerii  fdDctus."  19.  I/atc  non  toluplati  tiii   rate]     The 

17-  Pbdtrr,  aul  arart,  oul  aliguid/errt.  melre  of  Cbii  line  is  not  dear  withont  tho 

Oeaifut,  l[eJ]     Bentlej.  leljing  upon  Do-  remark  that '  lolaptati '  hete,  aa  io  almoit 

n>tn*  on  PIurhuo  i.  3.  71»  reads  'aiiqiiid  aJl  paaaages  of  Terence,  i*  Kvined  "", 

bcae  deDiqae.'      DanatDa   in   that  plaoe  ao  that  the  word  standi  as  *n  Boapaest  in 

ijKitet  the  hne  to  ibow  tbat  Terence  plaGs*  the  second    fbol,  followed  bj  a  tong    sjl- 

■deniqne'  at  the  end  of  a  sentsDce,  as  he  Uble.    <  Tibi '  is    entirdj    elided    befora 

doca*boiDEnD.L3.7>l.    But  od  the  other  '  e«ae,' *■  '  ti  eise.' 

)md,  we  find  it  placed  first  in  muij  in-        30.  Potnilel']    See  aol«  on  Eanochns  t. 

Haneas.  aee,  hr  eiample,  Andiia  i.  1. 120:  6.  12. 


ii.  2.  81 1 


Ch.  Homo  Bum :  liuiDaiu  nilul  a  me  nlinnTi-m  piito.  25 

Yel  me  monere  hoo,  rel  percouteri  puta. 

Kectum  est  P  ego  ut  facifim :  non  est  P  te  nt  det«Team. 

Me.  Mihi  lio  est  uaua :  tibi  u£  opua  £acto  est,  face. 

Ch.  An  cuiquam  eet  uaus  homini  se  ut  oruciet  f    Me.  Jdihi. 

Ch.  8i  quid  laboria  eet,  nollem :  sed  quid  istno  mali  estf         30 

Quaeeo  P  quid  de  te  tantum  meruisti  F     Me.  £heu  1 

Ch.  Ne  lacrima :  atque  istuo  quioqnid  est  fao  me  ut  sciam : 

Ife  retice :  ne  verere :  orede,  inquam,  mihi, 

Aut  consolando,  aut  consilio,  aut  re  jarero. 

Me.  Scire  hoo  ria  P     Ch.  Hao  qiiidsm  cauaa  qua  fH-n'  tiln.     35 

•  S6.  Homii  tMn  .  . .  pntB^    ■  I  ■m  ■  naa,  "  M«  Deroo  bomo  detemimt  qDin  ea  rit  in 

and  1  consideT  nothing  tfaat  balaiig»  to  mia  Ui  ■edibDS.'' 
fordgD  to  me.'     ■  In  tlwt  I  un  ■  nun,  I 

nuke  the  ■ffkin  of  n»DldDd  my  owd.'  Tiij  ^" 
(iiDans  pKUage  li  ■Ihidad  to  aevenl  tiiiiei 

l^  Cicero  ;— in  De  OSciij  i.  9,  irhere  ha  "  Negat  qmt  l  Dego  :  ait?  uo." 

mOTlTqi«rt«itwitb  theprefcce:  "DilH-  2S.  Uiii  ,ic  afuut]     '  I  ■«  olili«d  to 

?^  ^  l^""  .l.eo«;nmi''  io  De  Legibju  ^^  „  ,     .  ^^  ^,  j,  ■'fr«j„„a  j^^ft, 

13:  ■■QnDd.,quom<«loe««tD««ejndi-  ,^         ^,     Co».p«  iSpki  KL  3.    76 : 

aohom.nea'hum«m,   Dljutpoet..^n.h.l.  ,.  g;"„„^   qnid   6rto   n^.    «eti"    Ld 

«  .lionnm   pubjn«.t.'   ~^  J"  .J^  H«jr.  iiL   L    47-     SimiUrij  the   pl™ 

±.^T-^'^'"    "i  ^   ^l>n.m.   19  .^,eDit."^.',hid. 

(63).  ■'EibocnucitsT  etum  ut  commuDii  „,„_  «__„_i.i.       a_   j:i     a     «     ^ 

>    '.         1.1.-           ._    1-      -^  occnri  DequeuUT.      oee   m.    3.    «s.— n. 

haminDm  InEtt'  homuiea  Ditnnlu  at  oom-  .  j  j_ij  _T,  _     ,,  t,,j     i :  _  ■  j 

nd«i'       t        rtMt  h  mina        h  ho    '  AdelpDi  *.  8.  7  .  ■■  Tlbi,  ob  ™m  mn  ■  qDid 

menaiiio  ul  oporuu  nominem  an  nomine.  ^^^  »ea«it,  libeni  bene  fiudoi."  nannia 

ob  id  ipsum  qnod  homo  Ht,  non  al.ennm  L  3.  S3  ■ 

Tideri."     ■  HiunuiDm'  of  conr«e  refera  not  '  „ q  q-j.   DniTliKaaBi 

ioth.iwiiu.orh.i»«,»j.MUj)«»oni,  C.PW  d.t«i,.   o..  mli.%Srto. 

■Dppoied  b;  thoea  wbo  qnote  thi»  TCi^se,         L^-  n 

but  lo   tfae  inddenli  of  hum>D  tife ;  the 

good  and  enl  whidi  maj  bebl  our  Deigh.  Ciceco,  De  Finlbui  t.  10.  qnotM  thie  line 

bonr.    The  ide.  ii  the  itaal  one  of  an  ^"^  tbe  Heftutontimoramenos.  bot  rather 

aniTeml  eocietjr  of  manVind.   thnt  ■'  Ooe  difhnnitlj : 

touich  of  Dttnre  Bikkei  the  wbole  world  kin."  <•  Hihi  lio  nnu  est :  liU  at  oddi  bA  fkcto, 

It  *oald  be  eudleaa  to  notice  latar  writeri  faoe."' 

who    h^ie   qnoted    or  ■dopted   Ihit    line.  rpu. —j.j.,j™  „-••■■-«.«...— ~  .i.. 

,.  „„    .,    .,  , .  ;  ',  mel«,  ud  it  nMT  be  ewilT  ■ccoontHl  fbr 

Uw^.    I  WM  bc«n  of  womM  iiid  diew        80.  *  «iil  t<i*«w  «(.  wtf««]     'Mit 

i  ""zL        V    -.-* V  1 ,.  '«"'■■«'Jraqoertionofwork.I.horidb. 

A>  eweeC  •«  chtntf  from  human  i»vuts.  nawilUiur  to  '         "*  

I  think.  ■rticnlaln,  I  Isngh  ukd  we^  ^   j  ^^  ^ 

ADdexercinallfaDctionsoramui.  ,^  h»Te'j<l«  .«»  »  j«.nii.  »_ 

How  then  •hoDld  I  «nd  (Bj  mau  thet  livei  to*  panlihBe«f'  Tbil  Um  hM  beeo  e^- 

Berttangerttondiolher?"  ^^^  .parioat  bj  eome  critiei  wbo  hvre 

TbeT..k^TheG«den,  196-201.  toi.p^'^ of  findi^  «  meuiiDg  init;  bnt 

84.  Fef  netnotwre  . . .  (e  iiMffnTMm]  tbe  Miie  wem.   ^u  eoough.    ChnBC 

'  Suppote  me  to  glTe  jod  tbi.  ulTioe,  or  to  mmw,   ■  I   ibenld  uot  uj  .  «ord   if   1 

■sk  jou  thi.  qneitiaD.     It  ii  right,  theD  let  Ihought  tbnt  jon  wotM  moel j  ■■  ■  whin ; 

me  do  iti  it  it  not  right,  tben  let  n»  dii-  bnt  f  un  nun  tbere  b  wiiDe  tnnbla  ■«  tha  jon  from  it.'  *  Deteneo  '  i.  umilarlj  bottam  of  tt,  ■nd  if  jvb  wiU  onlj  Inpan  it 

lued  in  Adelphi  i.  3.  64 :  "  AdTeraor  aednlo  to  ne,  I  <riU  help  joa  bj  «TBj  DHBne  ia 

et  detenao.''    n.«ta.,  Milea  fflorioiaa  iL  my  power.' 

a.  ei :  U.  Sm  fudeM  MNM  fw  i(ui  HU] 

r,  w  hat  traable  ie  on 

ACTUS  I.    SCENA  I.  175 

Me,  Dioetar.     Ch.  At  iBtos  raatroa  iiii«reB  tamen 
Appoue :  ne  laWa.     Me.  Minime.     CA.  Qataa  rem  agia  ? 
Me.  Sine  me  vaciTnm  tempna  ne  quod  dem  milii 
Laboris.     Ch.    '^«m  tttaxai,  inquam.     Me.   Ah,  uon  aeqaum 

Ch.   Hui,  tam  gAToa  hoa,  qnaeaoP     Me,    Sio  msiitum  est 

meum.  40 

Ch.  ^Nuno  loqnere.  Me.  Filium  unicum  adolescentulum 
Habeo :  ah,  qmd  dizi  liabere  me  P  imo  Labui,  Cbreme : 
Nunc  habeam  neene  incortum  est.     Ch.  Quid  ita  istuc  f    Me. 

Est  e  Corintho  Hic  adTsna  annfl  paupercnla : 
Ejns  filiam  ille  amare  coepit  peidite,  45 

Frope  jam  ut  pro  uxore  haberet :  haeo  dam  me  onmia. 
Ubi  rem  reficiTi  coepi  non  hnmanitns, 
Neqne  ut  animuTn  deooit  aegrotum  adolescentuli, 
Tractare ;  sed  ti,  et  Tia  perrulgata  patrum. 
Quotidie  aocusabam.     "  Hem,  tibine  haec  dintius  so 

Licere  speras  £kcere  me  TiTO  patre, 
Amicom  ut  babeos  prope  jam  in  laoris  looo  f 
Errae,  si  id  oredis,  et  me  ignorae,  Clinia, 
Ego  te  meum  eeae  dici  tanti^>eT  toIo, 

Dum,  qood  te  dignum  est,  facies :  sed  si  id  aon  fitcis,  G5 

Ego  qnod  me  in  te  Bit  £ac«re  dignum  inTenero. 
NuUa  adeo  ex  re  istuc  fit  nisi  ex  nimio  otio. 
Ego  istuc  aetatiB  non  amori  operam  dabam, 

'  Ym,  I  ikoiild  b*  gted  to  ksA*  tt  fbr  tli«  trodnrAiI  '  lii^aii '  fiir  <  padite,'  u  a  be- 

teuaa  I  hiTe  told  jaa.'    '  Qha  diii '  ia  la  coiniiig  word  C4]ciil>tad  to  reniDTa  in;  bui- 

initalfaM]  of  dw  commoa  GiMk  attnelioD  picion  from  the  clutBCtn'    of   AntiplulA. 

dT  tha  nfcliiii  llito  th«  caM  of  ttia  lale-  Bnt '  parditii '  i<  4a  good  >  word  u  ui j  in 

DMlant.  thiB  pUce,  uid  ij  coDfirmed  bj  CalphurBitii. 

40.  Hui,  lam  pnpti  Mm,  fUWa  f ]  U»-  H.  Bgo  tt  ««wn    mk  diei   tmnHtftr 

■•dcmai    bu    gi<ra    «p  bl«  nfe»,  wUdi  vnia,  Ihaii}     '  I  ui  wiHing  th>t  700  iliall 

ChramM  wdgfes  hi  fafa  hafid,  «nd  It  tnr-  b*  called  mj  mai,  u  loag  u  toq  do  what 

piiiccl  Mils*«tsht.    n*  mltotaMte  aiH  ii  woitbTof  tob;  bnt  if  joq  do  uot,  I  wiU 

puithM  UMMlf  t»  tka  CwdwM  b;  atiaf  ioon  find  whst  ii  fitting  for  me  to  do  lo 

tha  bcarint  tooli  be  Mn  BMt  with.     Ha  ii  Ton.'     '  Tantiipv  '  li  commonlj  fbllowed 

Bow  at  kat  Railwd  onr  hj  the  ptnatnoni  fa]r  '  dnm,'  nuaning  '  for  eD  long— u,'  MO 

o(  ChnMce,  tad  eoMnita  to  tett  fiom  hii  t.  1».    In  Adelphi  L  1.  4»,  Uw  otdtr  i« 

mrk  awhile,  aod  to  lali  Idm  Um  rttton  inTscted,    "  Dnm  id  feerihim   iii    cndat, 

>bj  he  pnniilMit  hlmtoir  fai  Uui  aannet.  lautiqwr  caTct." 

42.    AA,  ftdd    diri  kahtrt    nu  l    imo         K.  Ego  itlMc  attatit]     '  Al  Tonr  Hdu  of 

kabiii]      '  Ab  [  wliel  did  I  mean  bj  lajing  life  I  waa  not  coarting,   Irat  «ent  off  into 

that  I  bare  e  ton  ?     Na  indeed,  bnt  I  had  Atla  to   aeek  a  U*elibaod,  tnd  ^un  ae- 

ime,    Cbmnee,'     On   *  bno  '    lee   nole  on  qoired  {brtune  and  wsrlilie  glorj  bj  timt.' 

Andria  iii.  6.  IS.  For  'ittBO  eMMlt'  eonpare  Heojra  T.  I, 

4».  Aman  co^t  ptrdtU]     BaDtlej  in-  80  i 



Sed  m  Asiam  fainc  abii  propter  pauperiem ;  atqoe  ibi 

Simul  rem,  et  belli  glori&m  armis  repperi."  60 

Postremo  adeo  rea  rediit :  adolescentulus, 

Saepe  eadem  et  graTiter  audiendo  victus  est, 

£t  aetate  putavit  me  et  beueTolentia 

Flns  scire  et  providere  quam  se  ipsum  sibL 

In  Asiam  ad  regem  militatum  abiit,  Chreme.  65 

Ch.  Quid  ais  ?    Me.  Clam  me  profectus,  menaes  tres  abeet. 

Ch.  Ambo  accuBandi ;  etsi  illud  in^ptum  tamen 

Anitnt  est  pudentis  signum,  et  non  inatrenui. 

Me.  IHh  comperi  ex  iis  qui  ei  iuere  conseii, 

Domum  revertor  moestus,  atqoe  animo  fere  70 

Perturbato,  atque  incerto  prae  aegritudine : 

Assido ;  accurrunt  serri,  socooe  detrahunt ; 

Yideo  alios  festinare,  lectos  stemere, 

Goenam  apparare  :  pro  se  qnisque  sedulo 

Faciebat  quo  iUam  mihi  lenirent  mifieriam.  75 

Ubi  video  haec,  coepi  cogitare :  "  Hem  I  tot  mea 

Solius  solliciti  sint  caosa,  ut  me  unum  expleant  P 

Aucillae  tot  me  vestiant  P  sumtus  domi 

Tantos  ego  solus  faciam  P  aed  gnatum  unicum, 

Quem  pariter  uti  his  decuit,  aut  etiam  amplins,  eo 

"  N>m  neqae  itle  hoc  uiimo  erit  letatam  Opewn  dedisse,  neqne  potestatMn  libi 

neque  pol  ta  «dem  ist&c  Betite."  Fniue." 

a         uj-^            j                ■  .        I  ,  □■  Mrro»tor,  Prokw.  t.  0D— 63. 
Some  Editians  uui  muiucnptB  reu  '  Bi- 

mnl  rero   et  gloriwn  umig  beili  repperi.'  70-  Animo  .  .   .  prai  Kgrittutme^     '  I 

But  the  order  of  tiie  leit  ia  beat.     '  Belli '  Ktm^  home  nrrowful,  end  witb  mT  mind 

■nd  ■  militix  '  4re  alwKji  found  ia  con-  genenllT  distnrbed   ind  nnqniet   for   my 

juncttDa  witb  'doiDi;'  otherwiM  we   baie  V*^-'     For  'pne'  >ee  DOte  on  Andria  t. 

'  in  betto,'  'in  militia:'    and  the  eipr««-  ^- ^- 

Bion>*rma  belli '  ia  frigid.    Oo  the  forma  76.  Mfa  SirUia  -  .  .  eaium}     '  On  my 

'domi,"belii,"mililiu,'  »ee  note  on  Eima-  «oconnt  elone.'     We  find  the  lune  fonn  in 

diiuiT.  7.  45.  CicOTO,  Fie.  6  :  "  Junri  rampnliticun  mw 

66.  Ad  rtftm^i     See  note  on  Ennnchui  "iia>  of^  een  ulTBm."    In  Nch  can* 

iii.  1.  7.    Tho  jonng  men  4t   that   time  '•"«  gtnitiro  of  the  edJMtJTe  Bgteee  with 

leem  to  hBTC  been  in  the  hahit  of  entering  ^*  genitiTe  implied  in  the  poewniTe  j«o- 

(he  Per«i»n  senice  when  piqned  in  lOTe,  0»  '«>"°-     I"  Cicero,  Pro   Pludo  (o.  10),  we 

otherwise  thwMtad  bj  their  pBrents,  JQ»t  1"™  ■  "O™  nnoommon   iDatuoa:    "  Cni 

BS    Dow-a-daja    ■ome    yonng     scapogTBce  nomen  menm    ebaentia   honori   liuBaM,  n 

might  enliat  in  Ihe  «nks,  or  go  into  tho  ""*"  praesoQtia   precea   boq  pnlx   pnifa- 

Auatrien  «errico.    In  the 'Men»tor'of  Plin-  i*"?"     Wb  moet  with  the  Bime  plu»»  m 

tDB,  we  heie  ■  aketch  of  •  perent  mai  aon  fimdc,  ■>  in  Saphodee,  Oodipna  CoL  S44 : 

which  Tcry  much  Tesemblea  the  paseage  '"''/"*  Svarfiiim  Knca.    Etactni  Ml : 

before  ns.  Tbere  the  hther  ia  mule  to  si; :  ly,^  /ilv  i  wat,  nl  t6  air  cmujoua'  J^a 

"  Se«>.  eitempto  ai  ephebia  pastqnMn  01.  '"'  "''f^*'  "^"'^  ^^*""' 

•"«"t,  8ee  other  instanoea  in  Jolf»  GtmJc  Gtub- 

Non  nt  ego  umon   noque   desidiie  in  nuw,  g  467. 4- 



Quod  illa  aefaa  magia  ad  Iiaec  utenda  idonea  est, 

Eum  ego  liinc  ejeei  miserum  iujustitia  mea. 

Malo  quidem  me  dignum  quoria  deputem, 

Si  id  faciam :  nam  usque  dum  ille  Titam  illam  colet 

Inopem,  carens  patria  ob  meas  injurias, 

Interea  uaque  illi  de  me  supplicium  dabo, 

IjaboranB,  quaerenB,  parcena,  illi  Berviens." 

Ita  &cio  prorauA :  nihil  relinquo  in  aedibuB 

Nec  vaa,  nec  TeBtimentum :  conrasi  omnia, 

AnciUos,  aervoB,  nini  eos  qui  opere  rnstico 

Faciundo  &cile  sumtum  exerccrent  auum : 

Omnee  produxi  ac  vendidi :  inBcripei  ilico 

Aedes  mercede ;  quasi  talenta  ad  quindecim 

Coegi ;  agrom  bunc  mercatus  sum ;  hic  me  exerceo. 

Decreri  tantisper  me  miuus  injuriae, 

Chreme,  meo  gnato  &cere  dum  fiam  miser ; 

Nec  &8  eeoe  ulla  me  Yoluptate  hic  frui, 

Nisi  ubi  ille  huc  salvus  redierit  meus  particeps. 

81.  Ad  Mate  uleada  iioma]     'Becwisa 

bn    ag«   n    more  adBpIed   lo    ai}oj  theae  medktelf  ■dTerdsed  D  , 

things.'    '  Idoneui '  ia  genenllj  foUmied  bj  Tha  hau-e  wu  mdTertised  for  lease  or  nle 

'  qoi '  in  Teience.     See  □ole  on  Andiu  iii,  b;a  biU  ilfixed  lothedoor.     Wbenihouie 

3.  1 2.  WM  to  be  Kild  the  phrue  wu  '  iTucribere 

84.]  ''Unjae  dnm  '  *nd  '  interes  usque  '  Tendei  >ede*.'    See  Plaatiu,  Trinnmmua  i. 

nnttt   be  reDdered   in    Eagliah    moiA    u  S.  13'2: 
'dom'  and   'intem.'     In  traniUdon  wa        i.  Aedt 
ninst  keep  Ihe  intentJTe  fbrce  □/  '  luqne.' 
See  nots  on  EnnDchaB  iii.  i,  18.  93.   QiMin  lalmle  «f  ftmdeeim  Qiegi'] 

90.  SfTvot,  «ri  «ot  f  «t  opere  . .  ■  exer-  •  I  got  together  ebont  the  aum  of  fitteen 

ctrent  nnm]     The  meaniog  of  thii  Une  talmta.'    >  Qnui '  i»  not  nncommon  in  tbe 

d«rl;    iB    tlut    MenedemuB    aold    ill    hie  aenee  o!  'fere'  in   Plantiu.      Thli  is   the 

iliTes  eioept  thoH  who  conld  pm;  for  thetr  onljr  place  in  Tcrence  in  which  it  ii  «> 

keep  b;  their  work.    Litenll;, ,'  Who  conld  naed.      Compiire   Flaotu?,    HosteUaria  ili. 

wwk   ont  tbeir  eipense    by    doing  1*rm  1 .  90 : 

work.'     Thie  Ihi«i«  i*  the  onl,  pu»|ge  ,.  „.  q^  iii„d  «^tnin  eet  ?   7V.  Hnic 
^   the  phr»e  .,  fbnnd^  Th»  lu.  led  j,^^  PhilolKh^ 

Bentiej  to  mTrat  the  Wiml     «««arent,  p,niu„.      j;,_  Quantinnm  ?     2V.  Qned 

which  u  nerer  (bniid  eltewhere,  *nd  which  qnadregint»  mioM." 

be  eipluns  u  if  it  were    '  reunnrent  f  ^       ^ 

"qni    opera   ■no   impenBU    domini    pen~         98.  Mm  partietpt]  The  nn  wontd  of 

nrent  et  renrcirent."     Bot  no  cfaange  i>  courn  hiTe  his  share  in  tbe  property  of  hia 

jixaanrf.     It  i«  better  lo  admit  «n  on-  father.     Calpumin»  ii  qoito  wrong  in  aup. 

naaal    tboDrh   not   imponible   leDae   of  ■  poung  '  particepa '  to  be  pat  for  '  lierea.' 

1  introdoce  n  word  8ee   Mr.  LoDg'i  Aiticle    on   '  Herea ' 

lit  literii." 

nerer  foond  elsewhere.     Muretns  reed  '  vic-  the    Dictionary   of  Anliqoitiei.      For  tbe 

toin  eiercerent  sonm,' bnt  there  is  notrece  idra  of  '  particepg  '  we   may  compare   O- 

of  any  TBriooi  readingelaewhere.  eero,   In  Verrem  Act  ii.   1.  *4,  epeaking 

92.   Oatntt  pradnxi  ae  vndidi']     '  I  put  of  Verres' jodgment  in  tbe  coBe  of  the  niW 

npand  aold  tbem  all.'     Compare  Eun.  i.  2.  ofPublina  Annim:  "  Homo  importoni««inie, 

53 1      "  Pretium    speiwie,    ilii»    Prodocit,  cor  tanlom  injuriam  P.  Annio  mortno  ft- 

Tendit  (Tirgioem)."  ciati?    cnr  hunc  dolotem  oiDaiejw  ■tqne 



Ch.  Ingemo  te  eaae  ia  liberos  leni  pnto, 

Et  Lllum  obBeqaentem  a  quis  recte  aat  commode  loo 

Tractaret.     Terum  nec  tu  illum  iBtifl  uOTeras, 

Nec  te  ille :  liooque  fit  ubi  non  Tore  TiTitur. 

Tu  illuia  sumquam  oatondisti  quanti  peitd««8, 

Nec  tibi  ille  est  cred«e  aoaus  quae  eet  aequom  patri ; 

Quod  ai  csset  factum  baec  numquam  eTeniasent  tibi.  los 

Me.  Ita  res  est,  fateor :  peccatnm  a  me  maximum  est. 

Ch.  Menedeme,  at  porro  recte  spero,  et  iUum  tifai 

Balvum  affiiturum  esse  bio  confido  propedimi. 

Me.  Utinam  ita  Di  faxint.     Ch.  Facient :  nunc,  si  oommodum 

Dionysia  bic  sont ;  bodie  apud  me  sis  Tolo.  l  lo 

Me.  Nonpoesum.     Ch.  CnrnonP  qnaeeo,  tandem  aliquanta- 

Tibi  parce  :  idem  abeeoa  iaanra  te  boc  vult  filiuB. 

ouibiu  iaouiatl,  nt  Uberii^nj  bona  i«tria,  HcmB  from  the  erideoei  of  tha  praent 

Toliintata  pstriB,  jnre,  I^bns  Cnditi^  eri*  nading  tbe  mortjiatml.     Sacli  altentione 

peres,  et  cni  tibi  e«set  commodniD  condo-  u  '  qui,'  '  ibi,'  and  '  qnod '  ue  tnere  mnke- 

Qwea  ?    Qaibnscnm  irn  booa  nostra  parti-  ihifti. 

mnr.  m  prietor  ndinKre  nobb  mortuie  bons        lOS.  Pteeatwm  m  m»  mammHm  e*f]   '  It 

foTtnuBqae  poterit?"  llenedeniu  wjrB  Ifaat  ia  so  I  ■cknowladge,  tbe  fuh  od  mj  paitii 

h*  oM  odIj  mBlie  BmeDiJi  for  tbe  injar;  he  of  tbe  grealMt.'     All  good  Mumcnpte, 

hH  dose  bis  eon,  bj  moking  bimielf  mi-  with  the  eicepIiDn  of  the  Codei  Victorinas, 

K»ble;    nnd  tbat  he  dues   not   meen.lo  haTe  >  muimnm.'     For  'pecatnm  ■  im' 

■llow  himKir  the  ilightest  enjOTmetit  tiU  compere  Andna  i.  1.  IS9:  "  Ka  primiun  ab 

hi»  aDn  retami  home  to  ihire  his  comforti  iUa  «nimsdYertenda  injorie  eet." 
with  hlm.    The  worde  '  mEai  particepi*are         ItlfJ .  Al  pami  reelr  tpero^    'BstheMe- 

beat  taken  pnMpecli*elr.  fbrtb  [  hope  iat  the  baet.'     Compare  AM- 

W.  AfMJe  te  mein  liberai  lau -putt,  pbi  iii.  1.  3:  "  Reete  edepol  ■p«td;"  It.  1. 

Bt    iUum   ebtftumltmj     On  the  ue  of  0 :  "  Ita  fiat  et  iitH  >i  qnid  polie  est  re»- 

*  bbai '  erea  whera  ooe  child  onlj  ia  maant,  tiu." 

wbethcr  san  or  daoghtei',  Keoole  on  An-         110.  DiMytia  kie  *imti  kedie^td  me 

dri*  T.  3.  20.  lu  vo/o]       There    wcre   tbnr    festiTBls   at 

102.    Hoeqtii  Jit  abi  iibh  rere  mihir]  AtbsDS  of  tbe  name  of  aievvaw.     1.  rA 

'  And  thii  Datorally  happens  wben  fou  do  rar'  btpdp;.     8.  rd  Aqvau  orlvAifmMC. 

DOt  liTe  on  candid  termi  witb  one  another ;  3.  r^    AvSiiFrqpui.     4.  rd    KtyaXit.     At 

for  jon  nerer  showed  hini  how  mnch  jon  the  leixmd  and  foarlh  of  tbesa  the  repn- 

loied  him,  nor  did  he  confide  tojon  whaC  RntBtion   of  DrsmBtiE  Fieces  took  pteoe. 

he  ahonld  hsTe  coolided  to  hia  fkther.'   We  On  thia  nibject  see  die  INcliaaBrj  of  Antk 

meet  with  a  siniilar  eipicsaion  in  Addphi  qoities.    It  ii  of  coone  qiuta  immatwiallo 

T.  9.  BO  :  which  Terence  (or  Menander)  liaie  allBdee. 
«  Id  non  fieri  cx  Tcr-  ritj^  neqne  adeo  ei        ""^  "V-d  «'  ™  "^''].  Thia  wae  a  oom- 

«eqi»  el  bono."  inon  form  of  giTmg  an  mTitBhon  to  dui«sr. 

^  CompareHanfau.  StidimslT.  l.H: 
For  '  hocqne  Gt '  BcnlleT  propoaed  '  hoc 
qnod  6t:'  bnt  if  we  bad  '  qood,'  'Id  qaod 
HE'   wonld    be   Uz   bctter.       Bome    mana- 
scriptBbaTe  'Iwc  qnt  AC,'  others  '  hoo  ibi 

fit'    Tbe  Beinbiiie  mamuaipthu  'hooqoe  Ciccio  osed  tlie  mme  pbisae,  In  TerrM  3. 

fit,'  aa  in  ths  t«it.    SoBe  ■meBdBtion  ia  4.  23 :  "  Is  ooenam  isti  dabat  apnd  Tilba 

nBcessarj  Ibr  Ibe  metMi  aod  'atqne  boc'  ia  TjndariCaiio."    Soin  JnTaaal  we  hsT* 

ACTTJS  I.    aCENA  I.  179 

Me.  'Son  conTenit  qui  illum  ad  laborem  impulerim 
If  unc  me  ipsnm  Aigere.     Ch.  Sicine  est  sententia  P 
Me.  Sic.     Ch.   Bene  vale.     Me.   Et  tu.      Ch.   Lacrimaa  ex- 
cuBeit  mihi,  115 

Miseretque  me  ^*us.     Sed,  ut  diei  tempue  est, 
Monere  oportet  me  himc  vicinum  Phauiam, 
Ad  coenam  ut  Teoiat.     Ibo,  visam  si  domi  est. 
^ihil  opu8  iuit  monitore :  jam  dudum  domi 
Fraeeto  apud  me  esse  aiunt :  egomet  ootiTivaa  moror.  iso 

Ibo  adeo  hinc  intro  :  eed  quid  crepuenmt  foree 
Hiuc  s  me  ?  quisnam  egreditur  P  huc  concessero. 

" Ei^  dnM  po«t  U '  iii.  4.  S  t   '  Inopu '  ind  '  fisTBt '  Add- 

S  Hlnut  mensea  n^lectam  ■dhibcie  di-  pU  i.  2.  2f>,  26,  uul  '  «lupkio  '  wherow  it 

entem,  oocan  in  Terenw, 
'UiuHiiiDa'iit,"             (Srt.T.18,}  IIS.  Ifihil  opiajMH nMHilanJ  CbramM 

goea  te  PhaDia's  door  to  inqnira  if  he  wu 

freta  «hlch  pMMge  It  ■pp«ai«  that  thii  m  nadj,  and  findi  that  he  i>  ahetdj  at  hii 

aa  BncBremonioDi  ronn  of  inntmtioD.     We  hoiue,    eod   tb*t  tbe    gnesta   ere   niting. 

meet  witb  a  siDular  eltipee  in  the  comman  ■  Honitor '  ou  lued  in  e  gener*!  waij  of  m 

fonn  of  Kceptstion :   "  Sgo  Tero,  Inquit  pmmpter,  >nd  lo  ben  of  one  wfao  rerainds 

Crastiu,   neqoe  Antoniam    Terbaoi  fkcere  jou  thet  dinner  is  readf.      '  Hs  «>Qta  QO 

jntiBr,  BtipEieobmatesceDiinisi  priuflB  robifl  prompCer  to  hi»  eppetite,'  uji  Ghremei; 

impetrBro,    QoidDMn  >  inqoit  CBtnliia.    Ut  'he  li  theTealread;.'    Near nRghbonra ased 

hic  aitb  hodie.     Tnm,  qnum  ille  dubitaret,  to  send  BenBnCs  to  remind  tbair  gueeta  thot 

qnod   ad    fntrem  promuerat,  Ego,   inquit  thensealwaiireadf,  apractice  wbich  iimen- 

JaHDi,  pro  Dtroqoa  respondBD."  Ckero,  De  tjoned  in  the  ParBble,  Lnke  iIt.  17.    8ea 

Ontoiv  ii.  7.  (27.)     Compare  Plaatol,  Sli-  JnTenal,  Sat.  z.  2IB  : 

dius  iT.   2.   16:  "Ad   coenam   herde   alio 

ptomim  fone."  " ClBmoiB  opoi  aat  nt  lentist  anrii 

113.  Aon  eomenil  .  . .  imptUerim^  'It        Qaem  dicat  Teniue  pner,  quot  nontiK 

il  not  fitting  thst.I  who  haTe  driieQ  him  to  hoiu ;" 

bardahip  «bontd  now  aroid  it  mjHlf.'    '  Im. 

pnlerim  '  is  the  Bntbentic  raading.     The  and  MBrtial,  Epigr.  Tiii.  67.  1 1 

Ibrm  '  impellerim,'  which  «ai  ialrodnced  bf 

I^em,  ia  not  fDUnd  aliewhero,  end  w»a  of  "  Horaa  qainqne  pner  nondnm  tibi  nnntiBt, 

eonne  iatended  merelj  to  «aTe  Ihe  mebe.  et  tu 

For   the   nme  pnrpose    Bentlej  propose»  Jam  conriTB  mihi,  CaedliBne,  Traif." 

'qaid  iUnnc  sd    laborem  hinc  prpulerim.' 

Bat  it  is  much  nmpLer  b>  suppiiBe  tbe  snto- 

pennltimBte   ijIlBble    lengthened  hj  ictua, 

Bt  in  '  habitst '  EoDuobuB  ii.  3.  26  ;  '  anu- 




CLmFHO.       CHREHE8. 

Cl.  Nihil  adhuc  eat  quod  vereare,  Clima :  haudqnaqnam  etiam 

cesaant : 
Et  illam  simul  cum  nuntio  tibi  hic  ego  afEuturam  hodie  scio : 
Proin  tu  aoUicitudinem  istam  falsam  quae  te  excrociat  mittas. 
Ch.  Quicum  loquitur  filiuB  P 
Cl.  Pater  adest  quem  yolui :    adiho.     Pater,  opportune   ad- 

Tenie.  5 

Ch.  Quid  id  estP      Cl.  Eunc  Menedemum  nostin  soetrum 

■vicinumP     Ch.  Prohe. 
CL  Huio  filium  sci»  eesef     Ch.  Audivi  esse  in  Asia.     Cl. 

Non  eat,  pater: 
Apud  nos  est.      Ch.  Quid  aiaP     Cl.   Advenientem,  e  navi 

egredientem,  ilico 
Adduxi  ad  coenam  :  nam  Tnihi  magna  cum  eo  jam  iude  usque 

a  pueritia 
Fuit  semper  familiaritas.      Ch.    Voluptatem  magnam  nun- 

tias.  10 

Quam  veUem  Menedemum  invitatum  ut  nobiscum  eeset  hodie 


f'  ho,   soQ   of    raomote  'ikm  letX  bappinaB  of  tbdr  mia. 
hia  bt)ier'i    He  htd  beRer  thererore  Uke  wuning  bj 

ClinUnot  to  be  •antaaj,  fbr  Ihst  tLey  «ill  TheMetre  iBUfbllovB, — tt.  I.S,  trodwc 

Boon  retnm  from  the  dtj,  with  Mi  miglma.  tetrameter;   2.6,6    1 3.  trorhiic  tetnaieter 

Chreniea    comea  np  in   lime  to  bekr   thui  cstalectic;   4,  trochiic  dimfler   cttslectic; 

much;  *i)(l  bia  son  inrorniB  bim  of  Ibe  stato  7 — 13-  14 — 37,  iunbic  tetrameter. 

of  BffKin  in  bif  bouse.     CliniB  tfae  loat  eoa  I.J    CliniB   bad   sent    hii    Bemnt    with 

of    MeDedemus   has   retnmcd    home.     Ue  Sjnu,    Chremei'    slsve,    to    fetch    Anti- 

had  met  faim  as  he  wai  disembarking,  >nd  phila  from  the  citj.     He  is  KettJng  anxioni 

had  faroagfat  faim   faome  1o  dinner.     ^Afa,'  about  hia  miBtresB,  and   Clilipho  bcro  en- 

njs  Cbremes,    '  bow  I  wisfa    Menedemns  desTOura  Xo  resssure   bim.     He  maj  niakc 

were  here  now  ;  and  now  1  thiuk  of  it  I  will  himself  qnite  euj,  for  tbej  wiU  be  here 

■end  (br  bim   *l  once.'     '  Bj  no   means,'  immediately. 

•newers  bis  Kin, '  (ot  Clinia  is  in  a  Btnte  of  II.   QHan  vtUtm  .  .  .  emplm]    '  How  I 

tfae  gratest  despeir,  and  might  probably  be  wisfa  thit  I  had  preued  Menedenins  mor« 

driTcn   away    agun,  if  be    baai    tbst  biB  Btranglj  lo  come,  tfaat  he  might  be  witL  ns.' 

ftlher  wu  comine'     Cbremes    is    ibout  Some  connect  '  smplius'  wilb 'easet;' bnt 

to  explain  tbo  re^  slste  of  Menedemvs'  we  bave  no  instancee  of  that  constmction, 

feelings  r  but  he  reetrsin*  himiwlf,  thinking  and  it  is  mOBt  natural  to  lake  it  with  '  invi- 

tbatitis  betterforallpsrtiee  tfaat  tfae  yonng  tatum.'     Henedemus  had  been  alrmly  in- 

mui  Bhould  be  kept  B  little  longer  in  a  Blate  viled;    but   Chremea  now   thinks   th>t  he 

of  wbolesome  alarm ;  and  be  juBtifies  Me-  migbt  have  pressed  bim  more  strongly  lo 

nedemus  lo  his  son,  shotring  tfaat  all  fais  come.     For  '  csve  fuis '  see  nota  on  An- 

Btrictness  and  that  of  other  parentB  in  simi.  dri>  ir.  4.  19. 


ACmrS  I.    SCENA  II.  181 

trt  Iianc  laetitiam  nec  opinanti  primoa  ei  objicerem  domi : 
Atque  etiam  nmic  tempus  est.     Cl.  Oave  fazis :  noa  opus  eet, 

Ch.  Quapropter  P     Cl.  Quia  enim  inoertom  eet  etiam,  quid  se 

faciat.     Modo  venit ; 
Timet  omnia,  patris  iram  et  animum  amicae  se  erga  ut  siet 

Buae:  is 

Eam  misere  amat :  propt«r  eam  haec  turba  atque  abitio  evenit. 

Ck.  Scio. 
Cl.  Nunc  Bervulimi  ad  eam  in  urbem  misit,  et  ego  nostrmn 

nna  Syrum. 
Ch.  Qruid  narrat  P     Cl.  Quid  ille  ?  miserum  se  esse.     Ch.  Mi- 

serum  F  quem  minua  crederes  P 
Quid  reliqui  est  quin  babeat  quae  quidem  in  bomine  dicuntur 

Parentes,  patriam  incolumem,  amicos,  g;enu5,  cogmitoa,  divi- 

tiaaP  20 

Atque  haeo  perinde  aunt  ut  illius  animus  qui  ea  possidet : 
Qui  uti  scit  ei  bona ;  iUi  qui  non  utituf  recte  meja. 
Cl,   Imo  ille  fuit  seuex  importunus  semper :    et  nunc  Tiihjl 


Yereor  quam  ne  quid  in  illum  iratue  plus  satis  faxit,  pater. 
Ch.  niene  ?  sed  reprimam  me  :  nam  in  metu  esse  hunc  illi  est 
utila  25 

14.  Qaia  tnim  inttrlnm  ett  ttiam,  gvid  ratian  to  '  credemt '  i>  ao  ouy,  that  it  re- 

(e/aeu/]   '  Becaaie  I  csiinot  eran  «*7  what  quim  rery  little  imaginBtion  to  «cribe  it 

lie  wDnld  do  with  bimwlf.     He  ii  sppni-  io  some  co|>;iBt.   At  all  eients,  unleM  «ome 

heiuiTe   aboat  erer;  thiog,   uid  he  might  other  eiample  of  the  cnnsIrucCiDn  ii  pro. 

tdie  •ome  mh  atep.'     For  '  quid  le  fiici*t '  duced  from  claseical  autliora  hefbre  Varro, 

■ee  nota  oa  Ennncbiu  T.  1.  31,  uid  Audria  theae  two  puuges  would  stand  Blone. 
iii.  S.  8.  23.  /no  . .  .pattr]    Chremea  bad  nid, 

lA.  Miterum  T  i^tm  mintu  endtrtt  ?]  ■  Wbat  hu  Clinik  ta  few  >     Wb;  should  he 

'Wretched  do  joa  uy  ?  wbom  ooold  you  uot  now  etijof  hii  good  fbrtuDe.  which  will 

fencj  leM  lo  ?'     Here  ind  ia  Adelphi  T.  3.  be  good  u  long  u  he  um  it  well  V     Cliti- 

43  i  pho  Hnawen  in  jnBtiticmtion  of  hii  ineiid'a 

t™,  1.», .  .i^-  «m.  iii.i..      ;  "^  »^»  ■•  "■'"T.J'','""  17^1 

i„_,„j' „  „  be  nnnec™»nly  ■ngTy  with  hu  »on.'      For 

^"«^™'  •  imo '  we  L  1.  «.  Snd  note  on  Andri.  liL 

we  h«Te  in  ill  the  copies  the  idiom  'e«t'  b.Xi;  and  (br  '  importunus,'  note  on  An- 

with   tbe  infinitiTe.      Bat    Lachmann    (oii  dria  i.  4.  S. 

Lnereliui  t.  633)   hu  deulj  ahown  tbat  26.  Nan    iti   Mttu    ttte    hime    illi   al 

tbia  pbraae  ia  unkaown  to  eerly  anthan,  Mliit']  '  I  will  conlmin  m^aelf,' wTeChremea; 

and  Uiat  we  mnat  rcad  here  '  crederei,'  uid  '  for  it  ii  belter  for  my  friend  Menedeinas 

in   Adelphi  T.  3.  43  '•drea,'   '  You  mjght  jonder  thu   hig  son  bere  Bhoald  be  in 

know  them  to  be  gcntlemen,  eren  if  jou  aliirm-' 

wcre  iMit acqDBintad  with tbem.'    TbeslC»- 



Cl-  Quid  tut«  tecitm  ?    Ch.  Bicam :  nt  ut  erat,  mangiim  ta- 

men  oportuit. 
Fortaase  aliquantum  iiiiquior  erat  praeter  ejua  libidinem : 
Fateretur  j  nam  quero  ferret,  si  parentem  nou  feiret  Buum  P 
Huncine   erat  aequum  ex  illius  more,  iul  illum  ex  hujus  vi- 

Et  quod  illinn   inBimulat  durum,  id  non  eet :  nam  parentum 

injuriae  30 

TJniusmodi  sunt  ferme,  paulo  qui  est  liomo  tolerabilis. 
Scortari  crebro  nolunt ;  noluut  crebro  conrivarier : 
Praebent  exigue  sumtum :  atque  baec  &nnt  tamea  ad  Tirtutem 

Verum  ubi  animus  semel  ae  cupiditate  devinzit  mala, 
Necesse  est,  Clitipbo,  consilia  consequi  consimilia  :  hoc         35 
Scitum  est ;  periculum  ez  aliis  facere,  tibi  quod  ex  uau  aiet. 

W.  Vlml  tral,  mntHiii  laiHm  eporlmifi 
'  WhaUvcr  were  the  drcuiDiUiHiei,  yet  ba 
ODght  to  h>Te  stajrd  >t  home.'  *  MuiBum 
oportait'  «ould  be  tal\j  eipnsaed  by  'ab 
Uio  iDUinim  laitte  oportnit,'     'ManHua' 

la  faere  ased  m  t,  puaive  impenon*).   Com-  i 

pare  Andri>  i.  G.  4:  "  Nnnne  priiu  com-  pen  raiioDnablei. 

miini(stBin  nportoit?"     We  often  find  tbe  I  thiak,  IhM  thii  is  the  meaiiiiiB;  thongh 

■ccimtive  of  s  nonn  ejpreaied  or  implied,  othere  refer  the  »ordi  to  the  •ona,— twu- 

ulDHnnt  li.  3.8:  "Non  oportait  relic-  uting    •  All  hthen  b^*e  in   mDch   ths 

t« ;"  n.  1.  22  :  ■■  InterempUm  nportait ;"  ume  manDer  to  their  bdm  if  the;  kre  tole- 

Adelphi  il.  3.  6 1  ■'  AdolcKenti  morem  gea-  rvbij  trulable.'     Bat  thia  neoeaaitatea  too 

tnm  oportuit."     Owro  nsea   the  aniiliarj  hanh  aD  ellipie  beforn  '  quL' 

wb,  —  In  CatiL  i.  9  :  "  Ego  id  qood  }»m-  35,  Nmc  nutt  ttmm  ntv 

piidem  tactuni  etia  oporluit  osrta  de  eauM  ■  Aod  yet  all  thii  bu  ■  goo- 

DODdum  fido."    The  panive  imper»DBl  of  Bee  note  on  Andria  i.  6.  68. 

'maiwo'  ii  faand  in  Cinero,  Ad  Atticnm  34.  Vtnrn  anfaiw...  cinuegM  nmimUimJ 

tUL  3  ad  flu. :  ■'  Id  a  est,  in  Italia  fijrtaue  '  For  when  the  mind  hu  onca  eDlxDgled 

manebitur,"  aad  Caetar,  Bell.  G«U,  T.  31  i  itnlf  In   Tice,  it  DacMMrilj  fUk  iato  b>d 

"Qoareneceinepericuloiiianeatur."  waji.'     This    idea    ii    wdl    put    by    Da~ 

S9.   HtiMiut  eral  aefanm  .  .  .  *IMr<.*]  mDMheiwe,  OljDthiws   iii„  iiroi'    drra  av 

U  ao  nmple  a  line  reqnirei  anj  illOBtratioD,  ri  Jirtrqitf  ufiara  tAv  ir9fiaiwti¥  f,  tinoS- 

we  may  eompwe  a  pasaage  generaUy  quoted  t»v  liKJy»)  lal  ri  fpirtni-  tx*'y. 

by  edlton,— Plwila*,  Caaina  ii,  3.  47  :  36,  Seilum  «(]  '  It  u  a  wi«o  oonree  to 

■' At  qoanquam  UDicna  est :  gain  from  otben'  experience,  whidi  maj  b« 

Nihilo  mana  unicna  est  ills  raihi   filiua  useful  to  jounelf,'     Por  '  sdtum  eat '  com- 

quam  ego  illi  pater,  pan  Phormio  t,  i.  2,     We  fiod  thi*  muim 

lUnn  mihi  aequum  eet,  qnam  me  iUi,  qna«  in  a  line  of  Menaader, 
Tolo  ooncedare," 

30,  JVam  pamlum  njnriae  ,  . ,  Mera-  /SXiiru»-  iriirailciifi'    (tc   rd   tAv    SXXtiv 

biluf]  Colman  has  caught  the  meaning  of  lata. 
theae  linei  very  well.      He  trsnslatea  : 

■■ Tiie  «ereritise  of  fathen,  ''  ''   ««"«J    op  "fith   more   eeremonjr  ht 

UnleM  perdiani»  ■  hmtl  one  here  aad  Adelphi  iii.  S.  «S,  where  we  hare  aleo  *n 

there,  amuaing  parodj  of  it. 


ACTUS  n.    SCENA  I.  183 

Cl.  Ita  oredo.     Ck.  Ego  ibo  luno  intro,  ut  videam  nolna  quid 

coenae  siet. 
To,  ut  tempus  eat  diei,  vide  sis  ne  quo  hino  abeas  lougius. 


Qnani  iniqui  mmt  patres  in  omiieB  adoleecentee  judicee, 
'Qoi  aequum  eese  censeut  noe  jam  a  pueris  ilioo  nasci  aenes, 
Neque  illamm  affines  esse  rerum  qnos  fert  sdolesccntia. 
Ez  sua  libidine  moderuotur,  nunc  quae  eet,  non  quae  olim 

Mihi  si  unquam  filius  erit,  nae  ille  facili  me  utetur  patre ;      B 
Kiun  et  cognoscendi  et  ignoacendi  dabitur  peccati  locus ; 
NoD  ut  meus,  qui  mihi  per.  alitun  ostendit  suam  eententaam. 
Ferii !  is  milii,  ubi  adbibit  plus  paulo,  Bua  quae  oarrat  &ci- 

Nunc  ait,  "  Periculum  ex  aliis  facito,  tibi  quod  ex  ubu  siet :" 
AstutuB ;  nae  ille  haud  ocit  ^uam  nalii  nunc  surdo  narret  fe- 

bulam.  10 

km  II.  ScKNS  I.    Clidpho  leR  lo  Lim-  affinia  fhit  an   maritiinls  negotiii  ?"     For 

Edf  d>geat«    hii   rather'!  good   sdrice.     It  ■quu    brt    ■doletcentu'   oompare    Adel- 

\t  «11    vwj   well   (or  old  men    to  t^k   of  {thii.l.SK;  '  tempna  tnlit,' Aodrik  1.  3. 17; 

DoderalioD  io  pleuora,  vhich   to  them  ie  •«elBatulit.' Andrfail.6. 12.  Hecjre it. 9. 18. 

«■sy  «loach.     Thej  mtlie  no  allavuice  6.  Bt  cognoietiuU  tt  ifneteetidi  datilnr 

for  tbe   iiOiamee  of   egv.      Sbonld   not  pteeati  tomtj  '  For  I  will  *llow  mjself  the 

I  behsre  diBBreatlj  to  \  toa  o(  mj  own :  otiportnnitj    of    botli    notidng    and  orer- 

tnd   not  rad   faim    lectorea   od   preteDce  liioklnR  faia  (kolta  at  mj  dieeretioD.'     '  Ig. 

of  apediing  abont  hia  friend?     And   jet  noM»       aniwen    to    the    Oreek    avyjt' 

*hat  ntariea  mj  good  fitther  telli  of  hia  own  vAirtiiv   or    infuiiiv.     It  litarallj  mcan* 

joonger  daje  wben  be  geta  a  little  eicitcd  ■  to  know  notfaing  of  a  AlDg.'     Henoe  '  to 

■ftec  hia  Meotid  bottle  1  'and  now  he  mji,  t>ke  no  notice  of  a  thing.'     Some  commen- 

'Take  waming  bj  othen.'    Ah!    tfae  old  tators  inppoae  tbe  meaning  to  be,  'I  will 

(bi  little  kDowB  howdnf  I  am  to  higadTlce.  anShr  hlita  to  know  what  Tioe  is,  that  whan 

Por  I  have  a  more  moTing  speakcr  to  listen  he  haa  knowD  It  he  duj  leam  to  hate  it.' 

to  id  mj  mixtre».  who  ia  alwaja  craiing  on  FarmenD's  patant  prinaple  (EaDOchDi 

fbr  freeh  mppliea,and  I  ha>e  not  a  fsrlfaing  T,  4.  8—11).     But  Ihea  wfaat  beoomea  of 

to  giTe  her  ;  aod  all  thia  mj  (ather  is  pro-  '  ignoHendi,'    whldt    c«rtaiiilj    cui    neTcr 

(bnndlj  igDOnnt  o(.  bear  inj  such  oieaning  as '  to  faate  ?'  '  Lociu 

TbeHemiilambictetrBnMter.  dabilur'  literallj  Is  'opportnnitj  ahaU  be 

S.  f^eo]    See  Dote  on  Andiia  i.  1 .  98.  ^en ;'  but  it  clewl j  re^  to  the  nipposeil 

S.  Affinet']   '  Nor  do  thej  allow  ds  to  parent  in  this  oase.    For  '  eognoaoo '  aee 

shars    in    thinga    wfaitdi    jontfa    nalnrallj  note  on  Andria,  Prol.  94. 

biings  with  tt.'    •  Afflnjs  '  i<  osed  in  thi*  10.  Nae  Ute  haud  ttH  quam  miki  mme 

senae  bj  (^icero  (wicb  a  dative).    Bee  Catil.  turdo  narret  fainUn»]  Themnningof  tfais 

1t,  S:  "  Hnic   {ndbori)  ai  paocos   pataCia  pfaraae   ii   slmple    enongh.     It  oc-cura    In 

iSiiea  eeae,  Teh«meDter  ertatil ;"  and  olfaer  Tariona  fbnoB,   tbat  of 'eantare'  or  '  ea- 

paMagei.     9ee  ForoeUlni.     Compare   alao  nere  anrdo '  befng  most  AcquenL    See  Yn- 

Fhnlas,  TriDamnitis  il.  3.  OS :  "  Pabticiiae  pertlDB  t.  (It.)  S.  47 ;                 ,-.            , 

184  nEAirrOlifTIMOItUMENOS. 

HagiB  Dnno  me  tunicae  dicta  Btimulant:    "Da  Tnihi,   atqne 

afifer  miM ;" 
Cai  qnid  reepoQdeam  nihil  habeo;  neqoe  me  quisquam   est 

mifierior : 
Nam  hic  Clinia,  etsi  ia  quoque  saamm  renun  saiagit,  attamen 
Habet  bene  ac  pudice  eductam,  ignaram  artig  meretriciae. 
Mea  est  potens,  procaz,  niagnifica,  eumtuoea,  nohilis.  1 5 

Tum  quod  dem  ei  recte  eet ;  nam,  nihil  eese  mihi,  religio  eet 

Hoc  ego  mali  non  pridem  inveni ;  neque  etiamdnm  acit  pater. 



CHn.  Si  mihi  secundae  res  de  amore  meo  essent,  jamdudum,  scio^ 

"Cantibaotiqrdo:  DnilslMuitpedfaxMCO."  beggiiig    tor   more,   ■  impoTtniwtc.'      For 

8ee«UoVintil,Ed«.i.  8:  "NonanirouB  '  potens'  Bentley  reid.  '  petM.'     He  nja, 

rardi.."     Mor.UkeTerence'»»xpre»ioni«  "  Don.t«.  «i  Hec.  i.  2^,  ei  Dostoo  loeo 

HorM»,  Eput.  a.  I.  199:  ^io*  «omnt,   qm  mit  Pncax  dtwyaltalrir 

"8criplo«.uitemn>rnnput«etuello  !i^"l,    ^'"  ™  ^^^  *"  ^"  «^^ 

■™™"  Biuuu.  ^  ^lj^  (jjjj  merdj  eipbininf  •  procu '  ae  it 

Lindenbrog  quote»  ft  Greek  prorerb,  Svfi  ii  expUined  *bDT«.     Por  tUi  •enee  of  '  ao- 

ric  iX»x(  piflo»-  0  tt  ti  ira    Era.-  bilii*  ue  PUutiu,  Rudeu  ii.  3.  4,  5  : 

muj  (Cbili«le^quote.  the  pro^erh  '  A«no  ,.  ^^j^te,  ne  impioram  potior  lU  pd- 
fabolKn,'  endfrom  Galen,  Iltpj^w.  2vv.,  L  lenti»  »~— •  r— 

^jj ''"'.'''*"■  ""•"■"^  **''"■         ,      .,  QuMU    innocentnm   qni   1*  «!ele«  fi«ri 

af/anwn,  Sfc.i    '  For  *llhaugh  he  too  hu 

plentj  of  hii  own  on  hi.    hand..  yet  the  ind  EDnnchtUT.  6.  20: 

migtreM  tbat  he  hkB  ii  «ell  uid  modeetlj  "  Tu  jam  |>endebii  qni  rtnl 
tnoaght  np  :  nnrened  in  tbe  nHe  of  cour-  tulum  nabilitw.' 

***",1*''     ^'"'f'Tw'r^'^\^°'^''  'R«ct<,ert'i»i«>nial.    '  Yon  noed  not  fc«r 

S.  83;  •■Nunc  «Pt"  "t  tute  tn.™m  re-  ^         ,J  ^      "^  j,  ^^  -^,,     i„  f^^f^ 

rum,    ««I  of  .  quotMionof  thi»  p.«-ge  by  ^^^m^  .  J^ .  „e«n.  •«lAj/  See  A«- 
Cban.ioi.  p.  I9:<;  >lMi,bec«iseheuy.  tbat  ...    .    oj     d 

'nmen,'not'Bltjimen,'fDllowi'etai.'    But  "«^  ■>■  V»»—"  '  , 

»eCicen>.D«Or.toreiii.  4.(14.):  "S«».      "  P"«fi«""    l"«    "^"    diicnm :    nemo 

moneDi  L.  Crasii  reliqunm,  ec  pnene  poi.        etiam  me  MciimTit 

neqniqaam   perem  illin.   iiurenio,  at   pro        _  ncnlie  t|ni.quam,         ,    .  „ 
nSteTtamen  «ndio,  meritanTgTatiam  dibi-         Cu  «edi  recte  aeque  pntent ; 

tamqne  referunos."  and  eo  too  in  Cicmi.    See  Epirt.  ad  Faoi.i. 

16.  Mta  at  .  .  .  wiMtit]  '  Hj  miBtrei.  7 :  "  Quotiee  mibi  oertiHiim  hominiim  po- 

on    tbe    coutrarj   ia    imperion.,    eiacting,  lestaa  erit  qnibui  recte  dem   (liters.)  non 

riiowj,  eipeniire,  and  notariona.    Andthen  pnetermittwn."    'Recte'   paiHd  inlo  the 

a.  to  giiing  her  anj  thing — that'i   qiute  Knie   of  '  nibil,'   paiticularlj   in  «luwtn. 

aale:— for  I  bad  ratber  not  »j  that  I  baTe  Bee  note  on  Eunnchiuii.  3.  M;  *nd  oom- 

nothing  to  gire.'     '  Procai '  (compare  He-  pare  Hecjra  ii.  3. 30,  Adelphi  a.  S.  19,  and 

cjn  i.  S.  84J  i.  oonnected  wilb  '  piocB.,'  m  tbii  plaj,  iii.  8.7:  "  Ch.  Qnid  tu  iitie  i 

■iid  botli  witn  the  otd  Terb  '  procor,  '  to  ao-  Sg.  Becte  eqnidem." 
lidt  nneiUlj.'    Hence  it  ia  UKd,  a.  here, 
ol  aii  T— rfinj  character,  oDe  wbo  li  alwaja        Act  II.  Scbni  IL    Clinia  ii  introdoced 

ACTtJS  II.    SCENA  II.  185 

Vemasent :  sed  vereor  ne  mulier  me  abeente  bic  corrupta  sit. 
Concuinmt  multae  opimonee  quae  mihi  nTiiTiniiTin  ezaugeant ; 
OccBsio,  locus,  aetas,  mater  cujus  sub  imperio  est  mala ; 
Cni  nihil  jam  praeter  pretium  dulce  eet.     Clit.  Clinia.     Ciin. 

Hei  misero  mihi !  6 

Clit    Etiam  cavee   ne  videat  forte  binc   te   a  patre  aliquis 

Cliti.  Faciam :  sed  nesoio  qnid  profecto  mibi  animus  praesagit 

Clit.  Pergin  istoc  priua  dijudicare  quam  Bcis  quid  veri  siet  ? 
Ciin.  Si  nihil  mali  esset,  jam  bic  adessent.     Ciit.  Jam  ade- 

runt.     Cli».  Quando  istuc  erit  f  9 

Clit.  Non  cogitas  hinc  longule  esse  P  et  nosti  moree  mnlierum ; 
Dum  moliuntur,  dum  con&ntur,  annus  eet.  Clin.  0  Clitipho, 
Timeo.    'Ciit  Bespira:    eccum  Dremonem  cum  Syre:   una 

adsunt  tibi. 

j^n,  hH  of  uixietir  aboQt  ha  miBtreu.  palrt  aligmu  tjrient /"]  '  Edam '  with  tbe  in. 

£tcT]r  tbiDg  combines  to   m^ie  him   feu  dicatiTe  ii  ■  mild  form  of  tlie  impentira. 

IhU  she  haa  beeo  comipted  in  hii  Bbiwnce )  We  b*Te  '  etiam  teceii  ?'  '  ■»  jen  even  T«t 

■nd   certeiiilj   if  there  hsd   been   nothing  lilent  ?'  in  PluitBg,  TrinnmmoB  ii.  4,  113. 

«niDg  thaj  «oold  have    come    long    >go.  Adelphi  iv.  2.  11.  "  Etiam  tn  hinc  ■bu?" 

Clitipbo  igun  endntoon  to  comfort  him  Phormio  iii.  3. 9.   '  Quin '  with  the  indiotiT* 

bj  r^miDding  him  Ehet   ^KJ  baTe  e  long  ih  ■  Btronger  farm  of  the  indirect  qneetioii. 

nj  to  come,  and  recommende  him  not  to  Bee  note  on  Andri*  ii,  3. 23.    Bentlej  ■llen 

lct  Boj  of  bia  btbet'i  people  ue  him  Btend-  '  hinc '  into  ■  hic'  "  Nam  >  p^tre,"  be  sbj>, 

ii^  ■bDDt  then.  "  non  eat  ■  meo,  MdtODUenedemo."    But 

The  Metre  ii  iunbic  tetnmeter.  we  iiiaj  eiplain  the  word  «ithont  anj  alte. 

3.    CuHeurmit  taullat    ophiimtt    jmat  ntiou  a(  an  iostance  of  ■  not  uncommoo 

■lAi    aHimiim    txaufienl']     Thii    line    ii  change  of  meaning  in  ■dverfasof  plsce.  Tbe 

■Itereil  in  a  whtdesaie  OManeT  bj  Bendej,  adverb  ofteo  coincides  with  Ibe  speeker'i 

bnt  withont  uij  antboritj.     Ue  would  read  poinC  of  Tiew  nther  th^n  with  the  place 

"  ConcnTmnt  molta  opintoneai  bane  qnae  wbere  tbe  ■ction  takei  pl*ce.     So  in  the 

mihi  uiimo  eiai^euit ;"     (1)  becnuM  '  ei-  common  ow  of  tbe  Greek  xai,  laiBtv,  tui. 

ugereBnimtim'canappljonljto  ioj.DOtto  11.    Dum    moliuriliiT,    dum     conimdir] 

gTief;Biid  (itJbecBDSethe  word  '  opinionea'  *  Wbtle  thej  are  getting  resdj.  whlle  tbej 

ii  not  spplicable  to  what  fbllowa  in  ibe  neit  are  seltiDg  ont,  jon  bave  to  wait  ■  twriT». 

line,  wfaich  is  niher  ■  redtal  of  facti.     Bat  month.'     After  *  conantur '  we  moit  «npplj 

tbii  i>   to  re-write   Terence,    not  to   ediL  '  ire.'     So  in  Phormio  i.  2.  2 : 

Terence  no  donbt  meanl    *  Mu,y  re«on.  "  At  «o  obviam  conabH-tihi  Daw." 
combine  to  mcresse  mj  feeliDg.    and  his 

teehog  bere  was  one  of  fear.    '  Opinio '  is  This  is  the  reading  of  the  majoritj  of  mann* 

nied  not  ontj  fbr  '  an  opinion,'  bnt  also  Ibr  Hript*,  indudlng  all  the  best.     Servius  on 

the  gnionds  of  an  Ofnnion.     'Animiu'  too  Virgil,  Aen.  iv.   1S3,  seems  ta   h^ve  md 

in  a  mon  general  lenBe  coTen  all  mental  '  cnnctuiCnr,'  and  thm  Weiae  edita  '  oon< 

iffectioni.      The   liue  i*   almost  a  Uterol  tutur.'    Others  have  iDtrodnced  'comun- 

tnnilation  of  a  rene  of  Euripides  :  tnr,'  or  '  comantur,'  wbich  occnr  in  some 

«-P^nv»  MBde«2W  "peakmg  of  dresaing  tlie  balr.     Bnt  there  i« 

'  no  snflident  reaaoD  fbr  idleriDg  tbe  (eit. 

■bich  WB*  mrliapa  adopted  hj  Henuido',  For  >  annus  eat '  oompare  '  aetatem/  Eonv- 

and  eo^ed  from  him  bj  TereDce.  chns  iv.  6.  8. 

6.  SlioM  coctt  M  vidtal/ortt  kme  ita 




STRtTS.      DSOMO.      CL1TIPHO.      CLDnA. 
8j/.   AiTi  tu  ?    Dr.  Sic  est.    8y.  yeruiu  interea  dom  sermones 

Illae  8unt  relictae.     CHf.  MuHer  tibi  adeet ;  audin,  Cliiua  ? 

Clin.    Ego  vero  audio  nunc  demum  et  video  et  TBleo,    Cli- 

Dr.  Minime  mirum,  adeo  impeditae  sunt :  ancillaram  gregcan 

Ducunt  secum.     Clin.  Perii.  Unde  illi  eunt  ancillae  ?     C/it. 

Men  rogas  ?  s 
1%.  Non  oportuit  relictas :  portant  quid  rerum !     CUn.  Sei 

Sy.  Aurum,  vestem :  et  Tesperascit,  et  non  noverunt  Tiam. 

AcT  II.  SciNi  III.     Dnnno  and  BrrD)  ii  «ell  ap  io  her  pmrt ;  ■Dd  hi  all  that  he  hms 

retarn  from  thdr  emnd,  ftnd  report  that  to  do  u  to  tike  care  that  h»  doca  not  betrs; 

the  Udies  *re  not  ^  behind  with  ■[!  tbeir  them.  He  moat  oot  indidge  in  Bny  tokem  of 

pv*(ihem»IU,  n^d-HTTuit*.  jewelrj,  aod  lore  before  hii  fuher.     He  nnut  remaaber 

gmnenta,  enoagh  lo  Ml  the  boiue.    Thia  that  fbr  the  preseut  Beedri»   ia  Cllni>'B 

throwi  Clinia  into  no  inull  khmn  :  fbr  he  mistran,  «id  behave  aconnliogtj.     CSHipbo 

bad  left  Antiphila  poor,  uid  aov  sba  hM  uid  Clinia  both  fUl  into  the  whcnM ;  aod 

eot  all  thii   nibitkiice.     Sjras  perceJTJng  n  thej  b^n  lo  plaj  their  game. 

hii   miitBke   proMcda  to   andeoeire   him;  The  Uetreii  uroUowi;    l — 16.71—98, 

nnd  telli   him  bow  hs  had  rmind   her  in  troch>ic  teDwiieter  ceUlectic  (exCBpt  per- 

every  terpeet  m  Clinia  wonld  desire,  not  at  b»psT.  71.  Seenole);  16— S3,i>a)bicletim- 

aU  like  oae  who  hms  been  makiag  >  .goad  meter;  24 — 70.  90—139,  lambic  brimeter. 

liTe1'hoadin  liisabeence.    Aadwhenshewu  l.  Dam  itrmonet  eaedimmi]    Tbe  Ivtt  is 

told  that  Clioia  had  retamed.  she  showed  andispated,  thoagh  sama  mnild  read  '  eeri- 

bj  her  conduct  Chat  her  sffectioos  were  stiU  mos.'     Priacuui  (iTiii.  p.  817),  qooted  t? 

hii.     Ttiis   natanll;  relieres  Clinia  of  all  Forcellini,    comparee    A»   Oreek    t6imir 

hii     ^pRheniiana.       Clitipha    wishei    to  fiiiiiara ;  bnt  Ihia  doea  not  aoenr  in  anj 

bnow  then  who  It  ia  to  whom  all  tbeae  Ana  eitint  claasical  anUiar. 

thingi  belong.     It  tuma  ont  that  Sjras  haa  4.    ifiaimr     nifriini,     mIm     impedilat 

brooght  bome  Bacchis,  Clitipho'*  miitren,  nnf]     Smt   replylng   to    Drama's    bat 

haTing  foaad  her  in  a  good  hamour.     Cli-  speeeh,  '  No  wonder  that  thej  are  left  be- 

tipho  ii  Tcrj  mach  enraged  when  he  liTtt  hind  ;  for  thej  are  comliif  in  beaTj  marefa- 

he«>  of  thig  :  bnt  Srrii*  eiplains  lo  him  iag  order.'     >  ImpedilM  '  is  here  ■•ed  with 

tbat  all  is  arranged.     Baccbii  is  to  pass  for  an  allaslan  to  the  mililarj  notion  oT  '  im- 

Clliiia'B    mistren,   aad    Antiphila  <■   to  be  pedimenlB.'      <  Thn    bring   Iheir  haggi^ 

pjen  in  chu^e  to  Cti(ipho'i   mother,  for  with  them,   lots   of  aoooutinmenti  ta   tH 

reasoas  which  Hjras  cannot  eiplain  at  pre-  «orta,  and  a  erowd  U  oamp  Jbllowers.' 

«ent.     Aftsr  same  discussion    Sjru    per-  6.  Won  op«rhiU  rtlleltu]   See  DOte  on  i. 

suades  his  jonng   mister  thot  this  is  the  3.  20.     F(»' '  portant  qnid  rerum,'  CDinpaiii 

best  thing  that  coald  possiblj  bne  hap-  nautiu,  Bpidicns  ii.  9.  S6: 

pened;  for  be  will  be  able  to  enioy  the  ,,  » 1 .-j-  _t._    1     1    _;^ 

tection-     ile  remindB  bim  that  he  runs  a         m . 1. 

greater  nsl(  himaeir  thsn  anj  of  them,  and  j,„    ■!>„„   ™,.ji™__  .„.j  j  _   ,  1 

rhst  the™ro«.  he  i.  pnrttj  «ie  not  to  go  to  ^''l^  ,1T^     ^        ^""'"'  '~*°  ' 

sleep  in  the  matter ;    and  if  tber.  1.  rUk  n-^^l.^  T* 

^pho  most  p«t  np'  mth  it  fbr  the  ..fce  ef  ^'^•,^.?"  '  '^'"  '""""1'» ' 

the  pleasure ;  for  nothing  worth  enjojtng  ^ 

ran  ba  had  without  some  dsnger.     Bacchis  See  note  an  Andria  iv.  4.  •• 


ACTUS  n.    8CENA  ni.  m 

FBctum  a  nobie  stnlte  est :  ebidum  tu,  Dromo,  Ulie  obTiem, 
FrDpera :  quid  etite  ?     CUn.  Yoe  misero  nuJii,  quanta  de  spe 

CUt.  Quid  ifituc  ?  quae  ree  te  eolHcitat  autem  P     Clin.  Eogitae 

quid  adet  P  lo 

YideQ  tu  anciUas,  surum,  TestemP  quam  ego  oum  una  an- 

Hic  reliqm.    XTnde  ea  eeee  oeoses  P     CUt.  Yah  I  nunc  demum 

Sy.  Di  boui,  quid  turbae  eet  P  aedes  uoetrae  vix  capient,  scio. 
Quid  oomedent  P  quid  ebibent  P  quid  seue  erit  noetro  mieeriue  P 
Sed  video  eccoe  quos  volebam.     CUn.  0  Jupiter,  ubiuam  eet 

fidee  P  15 

Dum  ego  propter  te  errans  patria  careo  demene,  tu  interea 

Conlocupletasti  te,  Antipbila ;  et  me  in  hie  deeeruisti  malie ; 
Propter  quam  in  enmma  iji&mia  sum,  et  meo  patri  minue  ob- 

Cojue  nunc  pudet  me  et  miseret,  qui  harum  moree  cantabat 

Monuisee  fruetra  ;  neque  potuisee  unquam  ab  hac  me  expel- 

lere;  20 

Quod  tamen  nunc  &oiam  :  tum  quum  gratum  mihi  esae  potuit 

Nemo  est  miserior  me.     Sy.  Hic  de  nostris  Terbie  errat  vide- 

Quae  hic  Bumus  locoti.    Clinia,  aliter  tnum  amorem  atque  eat 


13.   VaA  /  mne  dnFiwn  inMligii]    We  1B.  Ctijui .  .  .  pudel  mc]    Sea  Dote  □□ 

miut  Rneniber  ttut  8f  nu  bu  •11  tbi*  time  Ilecjm  T.  2.  37.      ' 

beeu  qmldng  to  Droaio  witbont  perceiniig  21.   3Vm  quiini  fraliai  ntihi  aie  pottdl 

KbaX  Clinim  ind  Clitipha  are  doae  bj.     Cli-  KDiuJ]      Tbe  whole  ■peecb  is  nther  niicoD- 

iii>'s   pauDndentBadiDg  ia   therefore   niBde  nected  >t  Gisl  (ight.     '  I  im  Dow  foll,'  he 

lo  giow  npon  him  before  Sjtdb  cbu  pnt  ia  lafK, '  of  Bhime  uid  legret  about  mj  (etbar; 

a  word  of  eipluutUoD  )  and  be  tsLea  ■  biod  fbr  be  u»d  to  din  into  mj  tm  tbe  chenc- 

of  fuewell  ot  his  iDiBtreee  beloni  be  kaowi  tei  af  these  women  ;  mai  jet  he  wmmed  me 

ror  certBin  wbelher  Sjrus  ie  speeking  nf  ber  in  nun,  snd  wu  Deier  abla  to  diive  me 

or  DOt.     Thia  ii  all  Dktanl  and  well  coD-  from  her.     But  dow  I  will  letTe  ber  of  mj 

thied   to  bring  ont  Ehe  deecriptioD  wbieh  own  accord ;  Rlthougb   1  would  not  do  it 

follows  of  Antiphil»'a  reel  conditioD— ooe  then  when  I  might  h»e  done  It  with  * 

of  th«  fiDest  dacriptive  piocea  in  Terence.  good  grace.'   >  Gratum  '  litersUy  mesns  bne 

Terence  a  mucb  more  eUbante  ond  delicate  '  thaDkworlh; ' — '  Wben  it  might  hevebeen 

in  working  ont  a  aina  of  thii  luDd  thsD  thukwortbj  Id   me ;'    ud  ao  \a    uied    of 

Pl>sta%  tboogh  not  ao  amiuing.  actiona  done  willin|lj.    We  have  the  «on- 

16.  biitrta  U>ei\   See  note  on  EnDncboa  tiwj  '  ingntDm '  in  t.  1. 61. 
i.  2.  4«- 



Nam  et  vita  eflt  eadem,  et  ammuB  te  erga  idem  ac  Mt ; 
Quantum  ex  ipaa  re  coajectiiram  cepimus.  S5 

Clin.  Quid  est,  olwecro  P  nam  mihi  ntmc  nihil  renun  onmium 

Quod  malim  quam  me  Ilog  falso  Buspicarier. 
Sy.  Hoc  primum,  ut  ne  quid  IiujuB  rerum  ignores ;  anua 
Quae  eat  dicta  mater  esse  ei  antebao  non  fait : 
Ea  obiit  mortem :  boc  ipsa  in  itinere  alterae  30 

Dum  narrat  forte  audivi.     CUt.  Quaeoam  est  altera  f 
8y.  Mane :  hoc  quod  coepi  primum  enarrem,  Clitipho : 
Post  ifltuo  veniam.     Clit.  Propera.     8y.   Jam  primum   om- 

Ubi  Tentum  ad  aedes  est,  Dromo  pultat  fores : 
AnuB  quaedam  prodit :  haec  ubi  aperuit  <»tiam,  3S 

Continuo  hic  se  conjecit  intro :  ego  consequor. 
AnuB  foribus  obdit  pesaulum ;  ad  lanam  redit. 
Hinc  aciri  potuit,  aut  ousquam  alibi,  Clinia, 
Quo  studio  vitam  suam  t«  absente  exegerit, 
TJhi  de  improviso  interventum  eat  mulieri :  40 

Kam  ea  ree  dedit  tum  existimandi  copiam 
Quotidianae  vitae  coneuetudinem, 
Quae  cujusque  ingenium  ut  sit  declarat  maxime : 
Texentem  telam  studiose  ipsam  ofFendimus, 
Mediocriter  Teetitam  veste  lugubri,  45 

Ejus  anuis  causa,  opinor,  quae  erat  mortua ; 
Sine  auro,  tum  omatam  ita  uti  quae  omantur  Bibi ; 
Nidla  mala  re  esse  expolitam  muliebri ; 
GapilluB  passus,  prolixua,  circum  caput 
ItejectuB  negligenter :  paz.     Clin.  Syre  mi,  obsecro,  so 

in.  Allerae]     See  note  on  Eannchiu  y.  doadj  in  thia  puuge,  u  he  «Diild  wbcr- 

6.  3.  erer  tbe  langiUige  ffu  in  keepiag  with  tbs 

44.  Offendimui]    See  nate  on  Eunacliua  Lstin  idiom. 
i*.  4.  6.  Victorius  (quoted  by  Wetterhofius)         41.  Anvii]     This  is  mrrelr  tbe  old  nn- 

hu  preKrred  two  Iin«  ot  Mensnder,  takeo  oontnctsd  fbrm  of  the  geniliTe  of  ths  fonrA 

from  A  copy  of  Terence  which  beionged  to  declenaion.     ¥or  '  fturum  '  tn  tbe  next  iioa 

Ptditlui,  wbo  bad  written  tbem  in  the  mar-  eee  note  on  Eunncbua  JT.  I.  13. 
gln.    The  firtt  seenu  to  hare  been   tfae        48,  JVui/o  mala  rt  tut  expolilam  «■■ 

original  of  tbis  Une  :  lieiri]     Tbe  line  gjiet  inch  ■  ready  mi 

,, ,_     ,         ,     ,     ,  .  ,       .  limulB  seiise  tlut  one  is  EurpTised  to  find 

«l,rrop.«ydplrpi^oro^.^iv-c"«^",  .nyvwiety  of  re«iing,.     Howe»er.    ««» 

end  the  otber  correapondi  to  tv.  S2,  3 :  ^™) '  ma1>m,'  ■  b»r  cheek,'  uid  Bentley  in- 

,0  ■    ji       ■  troducea  the  rsre  wwd  ■  interpolstain  '  from 

,al  H.paxnM  ic  ^y  M«-  PUutu-i.  Mortdl.  i.  S.  109. 

a„rn  <T>,vvfa.v,  puirap^c  J«.«</*.v,.  ^^    p^^  .  b„„^^_.     This  wirA  oaon 

The  iinea  looli  genuine;    snd  we  miy  be  agun  ia  iT.  3.  38,  aiid  in  ■  few  plu«  in 

inie  th>t  Terenoe  f<rilowed  Menuider  very  Fluitiu,  w  in  Mile*  Olorionu  iil.  1.  il  j. 

ACTUS  n.    SCENA  III.  189 

Ne  me  in  laetitiain  froBtn  coDJtciaa.     8y.  Autu 

Subtemen  nebat :  praeterea  luu  ancLlluIa 

£rat ;  ea  texebat  nna,  panniB  Obsita, 

Keglecta,  inununda  illuTie.     Clit.  8i  haeo  sunt,  Clinia, 

Vera,  ita  nti  credo,  quis  te  est  fortnnatior  P  65 

Scin  tu  banc  quam  dicit  sordidatam  et  sordidam  ? 

Magniun  lioc  quoque  signmn  est  dtntUQam  eese  extra  noxiam, 

Quum  ejus  tam  negligimtur  intemuntii : 

Kam  dieciplina  est  eisdem  munerari^ 

Ancillas  primum  ad  dominos  qui  aifectant  -riam.  60 

Cfin.  Perge,  obaecro  te,  et  cave  ne  &1sam  gratiam 

Stodeas  inire.     Quid  ait,  ubi  me  nominas  P 

Sff.  Ubi  dicimus  redisBe  te,  et  rogare  uti 

Vemret  ad  t«,  mnlier  telam  deserit 

Coutinuo,  et  lacrimis  opplet  os  totum  sibi,  ut  65 

Facile  scires  desiderio  id  fieri  tno. 

Clin.  Prae  gandio,  ita  me  Di  ament,  ubi  sim  nescio : 

Ita  timui.     Clit.  At  ego  niMl  esse  scibam,  Clinia. 

Agedum  vicisaim,  Syre,  dic  qnae  illa  est  altera  ? 

Sff.  Addncimns  tuam  Bacchidem.     Clit.   Hem,  quid  f    Bac- 
cbidem  P  70 

Ebo  sceleste,  qno  illam  ducis  ?    Sy.  Quo  ego  iUam  ?  ad  noa 

Ciit.  Ad  patremneP     8y.  Ad  eum  ipsum.     Clil.  0  bomiuis 
Lndaciam !     8y.  Heua  tu, 

It  ii  lued  to  end  >  gabject,  or  to  enjiHn  TMtrai.'     9ee  Ijtj  li.   20.    And  ao  tho 

•ikace.   There  is  sn  >[nQ9ing  pUy  npon  tbe  word  in  tliis  piiBUge  rerera  tn  the  desaip- 

vonl  in  Plsattu,  TriDnminu*  It.  2.  afi~97  :  tioa  of  lier  inta  in  tv.  4fi— 47.  '  anrdiduB' 

■'  Q>id   tibi  BM  Domen,   «loleicen.  ?     Ss.  ^^  """^  V""  PT""''  "^,"*  *"?- 

Tmx,  id  Mt  nomen  mihi :  P^'"*-  '■e' poTerty  .nd  di>tre>i.     Cice™   In 

Hoc  q<iotidiu.u<n>>t.    C*.  Aedepol  nom™  1^""™  4 1 ,  pl«T«  upon  tho  words  :    "  Nec 

nDntoriom'  mmua  Uet»bor  quurn  te  «Mnper  sordidum, 

Qnsd  dlcas,  ^  qnid  crediderim  tibi,  pu,  V'^  "  P"""»»!*'  •ordidstum  Tiderem." 

y^^^  lenlimeDt  is  here  eridentlj  gener»!.    '  It  is 

Bm  Undemuin'1  not&  ■  prett;  sare  aign  tbit  >  mistress  is  blune- 

53.  Pttmi*  obiilal  See  note  on  Ennudini  leaa  when  ber  gerranta  are  tbiu  negleded.' 

ii.  2.  S.  And  jet  Betitlejr,   with  extrBOrdiniry  loTe 

06.   Sein  tu  Aanc  qwitn  dieit  rordidaiam  fbr  tbe  litenj,  liteiB  tbe  line  to   "  Qnum 

tl  lordidaai ,'"]    '  Do  yon  lee  how  bsdlj  tam  negligitnr  ejus  inteninntia,"  on  tbs 

dothed  tad  io  what  bad  oae  tbia  woman  ia  grnnnd   tfaat  ADtipbiU  had   onlj  one  ■er- 

orwbomhe  ipealiB?'  '  SordidatDS '  properlj  vant !      '  Intemnntiiu  '  properlj  means  'k 

refen  to  tbe  cloihing.     PIsdius,  Asinana  ii.  go-between,'  's  conlidsnt.'     fnnuchos  ii. 

4.90:  "Qnanqnam  ego  »001  sordiiiatugFmgi  2.  69. 

tameo  ram."      Heiioe  the  word  is  used  of         73]  If  we  pronounce    'andariBin'  fullj 

BCcDsed    persotis  who  parpOBelf   to  eidCe  Ihls  line  will  bs  a  complete  trocliaic  tstra- 

pitj  appearad  in  Bloiealr  dreu — '  mntabant  meter  :  bot  bj  prononndng  '  l    '  ' 



Non  fit  sine  p^clo  faciniu  magnum  et  memorabile. 

CUt.  HoG  Tide:  iu  mea  Titft   tu  tibi  landem  is  quaesituiD, 

JJ\A  si  paululum  modo  quid  te  fugeiit,  ego  peiierim.  75 

Quid  illo  faciaa  P     Sy.  At  enim.     C/tV.  Quid  euim  F  '  S^y.  Si 

Binas,  dicam.     t7A'n.  Sine. 
Clii.  Sino.     fiy.  Ita  ree  est  haec  nuuc,  «jaasi  com. — ■ — Clit. 

QuBB,  malum,  amb^ee  mihi 
Narrare  oocipit  P    CUn.  Syre,  Terom  hio  dicit ;  initt« :  ad  rem 

Sy.  Enimyero  reticere  nequeo :  multimodia  injurios, 
Gitipho,  es ;  neque  ferri  potis  e«t.     Clin.  Audiendnm  hercle 

est:  tace.  80 

Sy.  Yis  amare ;  vis  potiri ;  vis  quod  des  illi  effici : 
Tuum  esse  in  potiendo  pericltun  non  vis :  haud  stolte  sapia  ; 
Siquidem  id  sapere  eat,  velle  te  id  quod  non  poteat  ooatin- 

Aut  haec  cum  illis  aunt  habenda,  aut  illa  cum  hia  mitteQda 

Hanun  duanuu  ccmditioniun  nuno  uti«m  malis  vide ;  ss 

Et«i  oonsilium  quod  cepi  rectum  esse  et  tutum  scio  : 
Kam  apud  patrem  tua  amica  tecum  sine  metu  ut  ait  copia 

Tum  quod  illi  argentum  ee  pollicitus  eadem  hac   inv^iiam 

Quod  ut  efficerem  onmdo  surdas  jam  aures  reddideras  mihL 

m»;   preserre  the  generel  metra.     Com-  bnt  Clitjpho  cnta  hEm  ihort.     Howerer,  he 

pare,  Bmong  minjr  initAncee,  Hecjra  T.  2.  ouinat  entirely  drop  tfae  didactic  Itfle,  in 

32:  "  &ereret|qaegnt||uimeii]|nsqaencu[l"  vbich  he  nina  on  for  >ome  time.      He  tfaeo 

&e.  oomeB  more  to  Uie  point,  Mid  b<piu  to  ei- 

74.  A  mta  vila  iv  libi  ioudem  ii  guae-  plain  irhat  he  hu  uimagBd  for  Clinik  miid 

«tfUIH,  Ktlut]     '  YOD  hope  to  make  yonr-  Clitipho. 

■df  s  reputa^on,   jou  rucal,  st   the  cost  fll.   Vu  gmd  dn  illi  ^ei]     '  Yoa  wi«h 

of    my  Kfe.'    'Vit«'  is  u»ed  here  gene-  moTiey  to  tw  proiided  to  gife  ber.'    Con- 

nllr,  Min  Aodria  T.  1.  3  (Bee  note).  Adel-  p«re  iii.  3.  23:  "Actum  est:  hic  prioi  se 

Shi  iji.  3. 42 :  "  Tim  &m>  et  gnatse  vitB  In  indicuit  qu&m  ego  unntmi 

uhium  raniet."  t.  R9  of  tbis  iceae.     Fbutm 

76.   Quid  illa /aciai  r]      Clitipbo  tnma  2.65: 

*".  Clin>  «'"'  »?" . '  What  »oold  yoQ  do  „1^        ^i^  ^          m«hin«bor  ■«- 

mth  himJ'     ThiBiB  tbe  Bimplest  «y  of  chin«m 

'^     —-  -          ■         "      '_J'_«"n5_.^_'^  Unde  «irim  «fficius  unuti  hoifi  fiHo." 

ns.  Hartim  dttantm  eoitdHioiam] 
pho  listens  to  him.  Beiitler  aad  otben  '  Choote  which  yon  will  of  tbeae  tvo  ber- 
rewl  '  illk,'  referring  to  Bscchis.  For  the  gaina,  either  have  the  pletunre  tai  run  the 
idiom  lefl  nole  on  Andria  iii.  0.  8.  Ennu-  risk,  or  avoid  the  riak  snd  loae  the  plea- 
chus  T.  1 .  21.  lure.'    For  tbe  gensrat  meaninf  ot '  eondi- 

77.]  SynuiiBboDtlo  beginirith  aiimile,    tlo'  lee  note  on  Andria  i.  1.  69, 

ACT0S  II.    SCENA  UI.  191 

Qaid   aliud  tibi  tis  f     CHt.  Siqoidem  lioo  fit.     8y.  "  Siqui- 

dem."     Experiondo  sciee.  90 

Clii.  Age,  Rg&,  cedo  itrtuc  tuum  consiliam :  quid  id  eet  P     Sy. 

A  i^  «iTniil  ahimim 
Tuam  amicam  Kujqb  eeae.    CHi.  Fulclure :  cedo  quid  liic  faciet 

An  ea  quoque  dicetnr  hujus,  h!  nna  Iiaec  dodecori  eet  parum  P 
Sj/.  Imo  ad  tuam  matrem  abducetur.     CHt.  Qnid  eo  ?    Sy. 

Longnm  est,  Clitipho, 
Si  tibi  narrem.     Quamobrem  id  faciam  vera  causa  eat.     CUl. 

Fabulae !  95 

Nihil  satia  firmi  Tideo  quamohrem  accipere  hnnc  mihi  expediat 

iS^.  Mane.     Habeo  aliud,  d  istud  metuis ;  quod  ambo  con£- 

Sine  periclo  esBe.     CHt.  Hujusmodi,  ohsecro,  aliquid  reperi. 

8y.  Kazinie. 
Ibo  ohriam  hinc :  dicam  nt  revertantur  domum.     CHt.  Hem  I 
Quid  dixti  f   Stf.  Ademtum  tibi  jam  faxo  omn^n  metum,     100 
lu  aurem  utramTis  otiose  nt  domuaa. 
CHt.   Qnid  ago  nnnc  ?     CHn.  Tune  ?   quod  boni  e«t —  CHi. 

Syre,  dic  modo 
Yerum.     81/.  Age  modo,  hodie  sero  ao  nequicqnam  rolee. 
CHn.  Datur :  fruare  dum  licet,  nam  nescias — 
CHt.  Syre,  inquam.     8y.  Fergeporro;  tamen  ifituc  ago.     105 
Ejus  sit  potestas  poethac  an  nnnquam  tibi. 

SS.  lUulat/]    See  Dotfl  ou  Andria  i.  3.  mimM]     •  I  irill  U  «lee  rid  jon  of  all  jomr 

19.    '  Huabogr  wjs  Clitipbo; '  I  can  aee  Utx,  tbat  Tou  maj  deep  at  jonr  nn  oa 

ao  nffiaently  itrong  reuon  for  incnning  eitber  «r.     Thart  U  a   Grnk    proverb 

Ihia  ptEriL'     Por  thii  nM  of  '  firmu '  ue  qooteii  by  PorceUinJ.  iv'  iiif6rtpa  ri  ira 

aUlDit,  Jii^ha64adfin.:  "  Qnae  OBinia  te9iiluv,   and    Hmander,   ai  qnoted    bj 

iDit  eo  (Iraiora  Tidebantnr  (■eemed  to  them  QdlJBS  ii.  S3,  hai  jir'  lififertpov  W  Iri- 

nwnmightjargTmieDta),  cgnod  dintomitate  (Xrvqc  p  (liXXwf  KaStvtiiaur,  m   Zeone 

btlB  rei  tiiDiliBrea  corrapeTUit,  e(  animo  gi*ei  it :  tbe  common  teit  Iw  jiriicXi]po(, 

cmMnli  nihil  wtia  restinatu-."     Sjms,  in  which  doea  not  pre  a  tnitabla  Hue  hera. 

CMV  to  bring  Cliiipho  U>  the  point.  pro-  PUntng    has   an   abiord   nriatioii    of  tbe 

liBei  lo  hife  diecavered  a  perFectlj  ufe  pbrue  in  PKadohii  i.  1.121,  128: 

con™,  that  i»,  to  «end  Bacchi.  homeagain.  ..  j-,.  De  i^ac  re  in  ocnliiin  atrUIDTil  eoa. 

Thif  non  bnnga  Chlipho   ronnd,  and  be  qnieecito 

?!!1",'S?"^v°^''"''^^'J'"^''k'"",  O.    0™lnm,  annein   «nrem?     A.  At 

102-lOS  we  haire  onecontinned  «peech  of  ^oc  perrolgatnm  eat  nimi,." 

CliiK'*  mtemipled  bj   the  dwlofjve  he-  r        b 

Iween  fijnti  and   Clitipbo.     Tbia   ia   ren-  106.    Ptrgr  pomi    tantrn    ittue  age] 

dend  ohKnre  bj  the  pD&ctoalion  in  K>me  '  Go  on  aa  joo  «ill,  bnt  I  am  bent  oa  what 

edilioiw.  I  told  joo,'   naoMlj,  ob  goiag  to  maet 

101.  lanBvm  wlram^  Btimt  nt  i>or-  Bacchii  and  Antipbita. 



CUt.  Yerniii  hercle  iatuc  eet.     Syre,  Syre  iaquam,  heos,  heus, 

8y.   Concaluit :    qnid  vis  P     CUt.   Eedi,  redL     8y.    AdBuin : 

dic  qoid  est  ? 
Jam  boc  quoqne  negabis  tib!  plocere  P     CIU.  Imo,  Syre, 
£t  me,  et  meum  amorem,  et  famam  penoitto  tibi.  I  to 

Tu  es  judex :  ne  qoid  accuBandoB  ais  vide. 
8y.  Kidiculum  eet  te  istuc  me  admonere,  Clitipbo ; 
Quasi  ifitic  minor  mea  res  agatur  quam  tua. 
Hic  si  quid  nobis  forte  adversi  evenerit, 

Tibi  erunt  parata  verba,  buio  homini  verbera ;  1 15 

Quapropter  haec  ree  neutiquam  neglectu  eet  mihi. 

108.  Contalidf\  •  He  ii  wvm  at  lut.' 
See  EoDDcbna  i.  3.  6. 

III.  TUnjuJei']  The  Ivigmige  of  tbis 
line  is  btaTowed  frum  the  Romaa  eonrti  of 
law.  Clitipho  makei  Sjnu  'jadex/  and 
weml  tiim  not  to  gite  an;  groand  for  a 
diargeagUDithimBeir.  Ajadge  whoknow- 
ingly  ^Te  an  illegml  aenl^.^ace  had  to  pay  the 
peDaltJ'  contained  in  hii  owd  jadgmenL 
Hr.  Loog  hai  communicated  Co  me  the  fol- 
iowing  paange  from  the  Dig^:  "Jadez 
tnac  litem  aoam  facere  iDtelllgitar  qanm 
lalo  in  fnadem  legis  eententi*m  diie- 

"  Dir  ' 

.  la. 

119,   J^bi  «rtuil  parala  verba,  Akic  ho- 

mim  vtrAn-a]      Compare  Phormio  i.  4.  43: 

"  Fh.  GetB,  qaid  Danc  fiet  ?     Ge.  Tn  jam 

litea  ■udiea : 

'"Ego  plectar  pBndene  niai  qaid  me  fefel- 


116.  Qitaprepler  Maee  rti  neuliguam 
megiectt  etl  niiAI]  Bome  good  maDU- 
■cHpta  read  >  neglectai,'  juit  aa  in  Andria 
ii.  1.  1  we  have  the  readmg  '  noptai.' 
Theee  TariB^ona  point  to  the  tnie  explana. 
tioa  of  what  ia  called  the  paanire  lapine  in 
-n,  »9  the  datiTe  caae  of  a  Terhal  nonn,  end 
Iherefora  active  in  ita  fonn  and  eenw.  The 
■npine  in  -o  a  generall;  considercd  to  be 
Ihe  ablatiTe  csse.  It  is  worthf  or  remark, 
hawever,  that  tboae  adjectiTe)  with  which 
thii  sapine  is  foand  are  not  u>ed  with  an 
abletiTe  cage  eicept  tbtj  nrely  :  and  that 
tbe  anpine  is  tcft  rarel;  foand  with  adjec- 
tJTes  which  ordlnarilj  hsTe  Ihe  abbtiTe 
case,  a»  '  diKnoi.'  (See  Madrift.  Lalin  Gram. 
412.  S.)  The  common  periphrasia  of  ■  *d  ' 
with  tbe  gerund,  n  '  rerb*  ad  andiendum 
jncnnda,'  for  '  Terba  aadita  jacanda,' 
pointB  tfl  the  datiTe  rather  thin  the  abla- 
tJTe.      Tbis  iDpine  in  -u  ti  Tary'  rmre   in 

Terenco.  In  Pbormio  ii.  4.  IS,  wlkere  aome 
h*Te  "  et  tnrpe  inceptn  eat,"  the  majoritj  of 
manixacripta  hare  'inceptnm.'  In  Hecyrs  iii. 
1.  16  webara  "  CuiTii  ladie  adta  eet,"  mnd 
ii.  S.  4  :  "  Soi  nnn  &cile  eat  expnrgatn." 
■nd  in  Plautue  we  meet  with  it  stiU  niore 
freqDentlf,  *nd  that  «ben  it  is  diScnlt  to 
diatingnish  it  Irom  a  datiie.  8ee  Pbcu- 
doini  iii.  2.  35 :  "  Formidalinai  dictu  Don 
eau  modo."  Poennlng  i.  2.  SS :  "  Hodiu 
omnibug  in  rebns  .  .  .  optimum  babita 
eat,"  snd  in  Baochidea  i.  I.  28  we,  fiad  tho 
fnll  datiie  form,  with  the  ordinair  oon- 
gtrnction  of  the  gupine,  distjogniahed  fram 
the  ■blMiTe : 

"Qnid,  ■msbo.  obtienieti  ?    PL  Qaia  is- 
{■ec  lepida  snnt  memontni ; 
Eadem  in  ubd,  Btque  uln  paridum  Ikdai, 
acnleata  toot.'' 
'  Tbej  are  pretty  fiir  taHdng  abont,  bat  in 
tbe  niing  we  find  a  thom.'    Tliii  old  form 
of  the  dative  is  not  nncommon  in  the  best 
■utbon.       In    Sallast   we   find    the    form 
'  nisn,'  Jngurtha  84.    Compaie  the  famoiu 
line  of  Lncretins  ;   iil.  971  : 

"  Vit^que  maodpio  Dulli  datnr,  amniboi 

Propertinsi.  ll.{18.).11i 

"  Ant  leneat  clansam  tenni  Teatbnuitis  in 

Altemae  &dlis  eedere  Ijmpha  laanni" 
ii.  1.  66: 
"  Hoc  si  qnis  ritlam  poterit  mihi  demere, 

Tanlaleae  poterit  tndfre  poma  nuiii  f      1 
andiii.  ll.{ii.  ID.)I9:  , 

"  Incipiam  captare  feras  et  reddere  [rinn         | 
Comua,  et  andacaa  ipaa  nniKieic  caaM." 

ACTOS  II.    8CENA  IH.  19 

Sed  iBtnnc  exora  ut  suaai  esee  aafiimulet.     CUn.  Scilicet 

Factnrom  me  ease :  in  emn  jam  lee  redut  locum 

T7t  ait  necessoa.     Olit.  Amo  te  merito,  Olima. 

CUn.  Verum  illa  ne  quid  titubet.     8y.  Perdoeta  e«t  probe. 

Clit,  At  hoc  demiror,  qui  tam  facile  pataeris  is 

Persoadere  ilH  quae  Botet  quoe  epemere  I 

Sy.  la  tranpore  ad  eam  veni,  quod  rerum  omnium  est 

Primum  i  nam  quendam  misere  offendi  militem 

£jus  noctem  orantem :  haec  art«  tractabat  Tirum,  13 

TJt  illjus  nniTnntn  cupidum  inopia  incenderet; 

Eademque  ut  eafiet  apud  te  hoc  quam  gratisdmum. 

Sed  lieus  tu,  vide  sia  ne  quid  imprudena  ruas : 

Patrem  novifiti  ad  haa  ree  quam  sit  perspicax ; 

Ugo  te  autem  novi  quam  esee  soleas  impot^u :  13 

Inveraa  verba,  everaas  cervices  tuas, 

Gemitus,  screatus,  tusBis,  risus  abetine. 

"hmu"  33:  "  pneaedine  nuper  femiDua 
«erddo  cobmliiim,  decona  legionmn;" 
4Dd  tbe  CDUtncted  fbrm  of  tha  dktiTe  of 
Ihe  ewmpondiug  Tcrbal  in  Greek.  Homer, 
OdTn.  TiiL  SA3:  vavnXi^  tal  iromil  ■«! 
ipxn'^"^ '"'^  ^<"^i.  <i-  (ill:  oviror'  ivi 
■rXifffrt  fiiwv  dvipiv  oiiS'  Iv  ifiJX^. 
'Uaec  nt  iwiitiqnuD  neglectD  eat  mihi' 
GonetpoDde  eiMctij  with  '  coree  eat  mihi,' 
end  aimibr  eipreanoDB.  Sea  HadTig,  Latiii 
Gthd.  8*9.  (d.) 

117.  Seilietl /aclnrtHH  me  eat']  'Yon 
ma;  be  nire  Ihat  1  will  do  «o.'  Compare 
n.  8.  IQ:  "Bdttcst  dfttunun,"  T.  1.  19: 
"  Continno  injedaM  Terba  tibi  Dromansm 
KiBceL"  Lucretiua  ii.  469,  470  : 
"  SdlieBt  esu  ^bota  tamen,  ciun  tqnalida 

ProTOlri  m 

119.  Ul  til  neennu]  Thie  ii  the  read- 
ing  of  the  Bembine  here :  aad  is  preferable 
to  BentleT>  '  noceHum.'  Bee  the  iwta  OD 
BanDchoB  t.  B.  28. 

130.  KfTHH  ilia  ne  qvid  liltiiel']  •  Bnt 
take  care  that  ihe  ia  not  caoght  tripping.' 
'YoD  oeed  not  fear  that,'  njs  87^13,  '  sbe  ia 
weU  Dp  in  her  put.'  'Titabo'  originallf 
msni  'to  «tnmble,'  aa  in  Horace,  Epist.  i. 
13.  18,  where  he  jocOMl;  sajB  to  Viniua 
AaeUa,  in  allnaon  to  hii  name,  "Vade, 
Tale.  caTe  ne  titnbea  mandataque  fntigu." 
Henoe  it  ii  uaed,  u~  oar  own  correBpoudiDg 
word  '  trip,'   of  aoy    niistake  or  blunder. 

Compara    a  atrailar   paaaage   in    FlautDt, 
PieudolDsii.  4.  74,76'. 
"  Nane  ibo  id  Ibmm  atqua  ODcrabo  mos 

praeceptiB  Simmiam, 
Qnid  Bgat:    ne   quid   titabet,   docte  Dt 

hanc  itrxt  faUaciam." 
For  'perdoda'  oompats  Hecrrs  ii.  I.  t, 
and  note  on  '  meditatni '  Andna  ii.  4.  3. 

122.  Quae  tolel  ipia*  iptrntre']  'I 
wODder,'  he  »;■,  ■  how  jon  haTe  been  abts 
to  peranade  her  lO  eaailj,  knowiag  aa  I  do 
what  ahe  ia,  and  whom  ihe  is  oaed  to  re- 
jecti'  knowing  how  capridons  ahe  is.  The 
«ords  literaltj  meaa  'to  persuade  ona  whit 
ii  uaed  to  rejert  what  loTers  I' 

130.  Inpottnt]  SeenoteonAndriaT.S.S. 

131.  lavena  verbo']  nantus  nses  tfae 
term  '  perplGiabile  Tarbnm.'  See  Asioaria 
1t.  I,  where  we  bare  ■  moat  accurate  cata- 
logue  of  the  Tariona  modea  of  fllrutioD  then 
tn  T(^e,  among  wbich  the  iolloiting  re< 
semble  01 

"  Neque    ullnra    ' 

Neqae  uUa  lingna  sdat  loqul  nin  Attics. 

Porte  si  tnswre  occepiit,  ne  aic  tosdat 

Ut  qnoiquam  linguom  in  toasiendo  pro- 

ferat.''  tt.  47— «t. 

Here  Sjros  wami  his  masler  that  he  most 

'  repress  all  ambiguons  speeches,  ■idelDOg 

glancea,    ■igbs,    clcaringi   of   tha   throat, 

coDghing,  and  smilet.'    The  wotds  '  erer- 

saa    cerTicce  tnaa '    haTe   ocosioned    some 

difflcult; ;    but   thej   simplj   mean    '  Yon 

muit  DOt  keep  twiatiDg  joar  head  rouad  to 

■teal  a  look  at  her.' 

I   Terhum   fadat   peiplai- 



Cl^.  LaudabiB.     %.  Yide  bu.     CUt.  Tntemet  mirabere. 

Sff.  Sed  qoam  (3to  Bunt  conBecntae  malieres  I 

Clit.  Ubi  suntP   our  retiiiesP     Sy.  Jam  nunc  haae  uon  est 

toa.  135 

Clit.  Scio ;  apnd  patrem :  at  nunc  interim.    81/.  NiHto  magis. 
Clit.  Siue.    i^.  JSoJi  ainam,  inquam.    CUi.  Qoaeso,  paulisper. 

89.  Veto. 
Ciii.  Saltmi  saLatare.     Sy.  Abeas,  si  jnpiB.     CUt.  £a 
Quid  istic  ?    Sg.  Manebit.     Ciii.  0  boomnem  felicem  I     Sy. 



BACCHIS.      ASTIFHILA.      CUBU.      8TBUB. 

Sa.  Aedepol  te,  mea  Antipbila,  laudo  et  fortunatam  judico, 
Id  quum  studuisti,  isti  formae  at  moreB  conmmilee  Ibremt : 
Minimeque,  ita  me  Di  ament,  miror,  ei  t«  oibi  quisque  ezpetit. 
Kem  mihi  quale  ingenium  halieres  Aiit  indicio  orutio. 
Et  quum  egomet  aunc  mecum  in  animo  vitam  tuam  con- 

sidero,  5 

Omniumque  adeo  yestrarum  TolguB  quae  abs  se  segregant ; 
Et  Tos  esse  iBtia&modi,  et  noe  non  esse,  baud  mirabile  eat. 
Nam  expedit  bonas  esse  Tobie :  nos  qmbuscum  est  res  non 

*        Quippe  forma  impulei  noetra  nos  amatoree  cohmt : 

Haec  uM  immutata  est,  illi  suum  animimi  alio  conferont.      10 
Nisi  si  proepectum  interea  aliquid  est,  desertae  TiTimus. 
Tobifl  cum  nno  eemel  ubi  aetatem  agere  decretum  eat  viro, 

AcT  II.  ScBNB  IV.  Bacchia  uiil  AntJ.  Zrav  fuaii  ro  ihI>Xd[  lirMO«fi£  Tfims 

pbiU  come  ap  conTening  together.     Bk.  j(fiiiiTiCiiirXa«iuci-WfoaiiiviXi»*trai, 
dui  ia  mide  Ut  dilate  upon  the  saperior 

hippineaa  of  thoiie  women  who  Mtecb  them-  and  thef  nuf  Terj  pooiblj  bun  been  befcn 

hI<(9  fititbially  to  one  lo*er.     Clinia  ia  Terence  wheo  be  wrote  Ifaeee  openhig  HiMa. 

thrown  into  ui  eceteaj  of  joj  at  the  ep-  2.  /if  ftaim  ttuduitiij  See  DOte  on  An- 

proach  of  Antipbila,  to  which  she  respondi  diia  i.  ] .  33. 

Tcry  cordiBllr,  and  for  tbe  preeent  thej  m  9.  Omnitim  etttrartiMj     See  note  on 

M  happj  u  cui  be.  BDDDchD*  !t.  4.  10. 

TheMetreiiHlbllinin;  I  — 17,  tnwbuc  8.  Nctm  twpeiH  itma»  imwiW]    Thlt 

tetnmeter  catilecric ;  1 S— 21,  iunbie  tetr».  conatractinn  ia  eligbdy  diflovnt  tima  the 

meter  ;  26— S9,  iembic  trimeCer.  comman  fbrm,  in  wbich  the  auiie  CMe  pre. 

1.  AtdijKil']    Thie  wu  ■  form  of  octb  cedee  and  Ibllowi  Oie  *erh,  as  in  PhormiD 

pecnli&r  origiiullf  to  women.    Bnt  ne  note  t.  fi.  I :  "  Noetnpte  CDlpe  fheimni  nt  mibi 

on  EDnuchDi  V.  2.  28.    The  fbliowing  liiiee  expediat  eme."     Bat  cDmpue  Gaao,  Ad 

tm  qnoted&am  Menander  :  AtticDmx.8:  "MadioaeMe jtta  aim  lic^." 

ACTUS  n.    SOENA  IT.  195 

Cajoa  mos  maxime  est  consmulis  vostrum,  hi  se  ad  tos  appli- 

Hoc  beneficio  ntriqTie  ab  atrisque  vero  deTincimim, 
Ut  numquam  ulla  amori  Testro  incidere  possit  calamitas.       is 
An.  I^escio  alialb :  me  qnidem  semper  scio  fecisse  sedulo 
TJt  ex  illius  oommodo  menm  coaiqiararem   oconmoduni.     Cl. 

Ergo,  mea  Antiphila,  tn  mmo  sola  reducem  me  in  patriam 

Nam,  dum  abs  te  absum,  omnes  mihi  laborea  fuere  qaoe  c^i 

Praeterquam  toi  carendum  quod  erst.     By.  Credo.     CL  Syre, 

fix  suffero.  90 

Hocine  me  misnum  non  licere  meo  modo  ingenium  &ui  ? 
Sy.  Imo,  ut  patrem  tuum  Tidi  esee  babitom,  diu  etiam  duras 

Sa.  Quisnaxa  bic  adolescens  eet  qui  intuitur  nos  ?    Au.  Ah, 

retine  me,  bbsecro. 
Ba.   Amabo,   quid  tibi  est  ?     An.   Disp^ni,    perii    misera. 

Sa.  Quid  stupes, 
Antipbils?  An.  Tideon  Cliniam  an  non  P  Ba.  Quem  TideeP  35 
Cl.  Salve,  anime  mi.     An.  O  mi  exspectate,  salTC.     Cl.  tTt 

An.  SalTum  adTenisse  gandeo.     Cl.  Teneone  te, 
Aatipbila,  maxime  animo  exoptata  meo  P 
Sy.  Ite  iatro  :  nam  tos  jamdudum  exi^^ectat  senex. 

13.  Cigiu  mat  . . ,  ii  >e  ad  wu  appU-  pBtrem  tnom  Tidi  esee  babituin.*  He  mjs 
eanf]  For  tlie  chimge  or  nambar  see  note  thej  miiit  mean  '  utrem  taum  eaae  valen- 
on  Enaucbiu,  Proli^.  3.  tem  cor^aleutnm  i£u  victurum.'  CalpUTDim 

14,  Vlritue  eb  ulriiqae]  'Utrique'  howeTer  Ikkei  'h«bitom'  lo  mesu  'aSec- 
refen  to  tbe  ckai  of  lajm  :  >ee  note  on  tain,'  so  tlut  the  phnse  is  eqaivileat  to  '  ut 
Andiia  i.  6.  53.  pstrem  lidi  eese  hibere,'— au  aunBUk]  seuse, 

le.  tfado  aliat]      '  I   kuow    not  irbst  bnt   DOt  impoHible.     BeDtlej    strikes  out 

otbers  nwr  do.'     'Nesdo'  ia   somsUmeB  tbe  wards  'eaee  hBbitnm,'  uid  nibstitutes 

ued  in  tbe  eenn  of '  nil  moror.'     Comjwe  ■  partea.'     Tbe  phrue  '  doru  dsre  '  oecuri 

T.  4.  IS  :  "  Di  istsc  prohibeuit.     Ck.  Deos  oul;  bere,  snd  we  must  of  conrse  nnder- 

nesdo."  stsnd  >  pwtes.'     Bnt  slthangh  the  [ine  i) 

23.  Jmo,  til  palren  Itnnn  vidi  me  habi-  linsuliir,  tnd  has  b j  many  bevn   considerod 

imm,  (£■  (fiam  durat  stabi(\    '  Naj  indeed,  spurions,  we  ire  not  at  tibertj  lo  reject  it 

ts  &r  as  I  understind  jour  htber'a  feel'  in  tbe  Ceetli  of  sll  sothoritj.     For  'partea' 

ings,  he  will  lesd  jou  t  herd  lib  tot  some  see  notu  on  Eunuchus  iL  3.  63. 
time  jet.'     The  old  copies  sU  hne   this         S4.   .^inaisj      See  notes  on  Enn.  1.  S. 

rading.    Bentlej  objecU  to  the  words  '  nt  M,  snd  iti.  3.  3). 





Ch.  LnciBcit  hoc  jam :  cesso  pultare  osttitm 
Ticim,  priiDuiiL  ex  me  ut  sciat  sibi  fiHum 
.  Kedisse  P  etsi  adolescentem  hoc  Qolle  intelligo. 
Venun  qaum  Tideam  miBerom  Iiimc  tam  e 
Ejus  abitu,  celem  tom  inHperatum  gauditun,  5 

Gum  illi  pericli  nilul  ez  indicio  eiet  P 
Haud  faciam :  nam,  quod  potero,  adjutabo  sen^ ; 
Ita  ut  filiupi  meum  amico  atque  aequali  suo 
Tideo  inservire,  et  socium  ease  in  negotiis  ; 
Nos  quoque  senee  est  aequum  senibuB  obeequi.  lo 

Me.  Aut  ego  profecto  ingenio  egregie  ad  miBerias 

Aci'  III.    ScBNE   I.    A  DJght  hu  Dow  the  taa. 

pamed  Bince  ttae  lut  Act,  Kid  meanwbile  The  Metre  is  iamUc  trimeter. 

Chremei  het  hsd  tlie  plrunn  of  enlertnia-  Scalign  Hid  H>iluie  Deoer  «n  of  0[rf- 

ing  hia  BOD'a  fiieud  atid  hi>  inisEretB  eud  nion  that  thii  Play  wu  eihibiled  in  twa 

■11   her  foUowen  at  bis  honse.     He    DOw  diatmct  parta  : — the  lirit  two  ■cCi  in  tbo 

comes  from  his  hoase  to  tell  MenedeDiiu  erening   ■fter   nneet,  knd   tfae   remunda 

the  jofful  news  of  his  BOD'a  relom,  u  it  ia  neit  moming  at  daybreak.      Wbat  nlne 

■neet  that  one  ftiend  shoold  do  bis  best  to  Ihere  inaj  be  in  such  an  hypotheaii  baa 

help  uiotber,  and  ailenate  hii  diatreei  if  been  ditcnawd  in  the  lotrodnctian  to  thi* 

posaible.     He  fiads  MeDedemui  lu  ■  de-  Plar.  p-  ISe. 

apouding   mood;    and  immediatel;  bmki  1.  iMeueit  hoe  jcm]     '  It  ia  jnlt  dar- 

hii   errand  to  him.     The   old  man  i>  for  break.'       Farcellini    coniiden   that   'boc' 

fljing  to  hia  sou  aC  once,  but  Chremes  re-  here  i>  used  tiuTiicut,  tx  if  the  ipealur 

Btnius  him,  and  explains  thet  it  will  not  be  pointed  at  the  heareni.    We  Snd  the  nme 

Ibr  hi>  ion's  good  that  ihey  ebould  Dieet  phraM    in    naataai    Amphitmo  i.   3.   4!>. 

jn>t  at  presenl,  or  that  Clinia  thould  kuow  Ldcretias  oses  '  Hoc  '  «lisolatelj  for  tbe 

that  his  bther  ii  read^  to  lacrince  ever;  sk;: 
tbing  for  him.     To  enforce  hia  sdvice  he 

gires   bii   Aiend   an   acconnt   of    the   late  "  Deniqne  jun  tnere  boc  drcum  RipnqM 

doinga  st  hi>  houae ;  wbat  a  niisCreBS  this  ii  quod  omnem 

thsC  CUnii  hu  got,  whit  enonnonB  eipense  CootiueC  unplexo  temm."             y.  318. 
she  is  likel;  to  entail  apon  him.    If  he  is 

dcCetmined  Co  indulge  him,  he  «dnsea  him  Bot  we  fiud   the   lerb  nsed   imperWDallj 

atalUventa  not  to  do  it  openl;.     He  bsd  in    Plaata»,   Amph.   i.    3.   U:    "  Tempa) 

betCer  altow  himi-elf  to  be  cheated  bj  hia  eat  :     eiire    ei    orbe    priaxqnam    ladseat 

slsTe  Bud  his  bod,  than  once  let  his  son  lee  vola,"   snd  Livy  iv.  S8 :  "  Et  jam  lacea- 

that  he  ma;   have  his  bwn  wsji  in  eterj  cebat,  omniaqae  sub  dcdUb  erant,"  and  it 

Ching.     For  tben  it  will  be  tbe  old  «Corj  ii  more  DalunJ  to  conaider  '  hoc '  ai  part  of 

over  again  ;  Bnd  Ihen  if  afler  oll  he  refuBea  tbe  iDipersoDal  eipression,  wbich  ii  gtine- 

bia  SOD  tiBj  tbiug,  tbe  young  fellow  will  rallf  BDppreBsed  in  Latiu,  bnt  is  eipressed 

know    wbicb   ia  his  best   nme.     He   wiQ  in    Dioit   laDguagea.     So  we  ny  'Tbis  is 

threaCen  to  enlist  igain,  and  gain  hii  point.  very  dark.'    '  It  is  light ;'  and  we  ms)  com- 

MenedemuB  is  partiallj  convinced  h;  tbeie  pare    the  Gennan    '  a  tagt,'    tDd  Preneh 

■rgumenti,    and    onlj    wonden    tbat    bii  'il  fait  jonr.'    '  Lucet  boc  '  <■  cimilarij  uied 

friend    «hoold    DndenUnd    hia    affain    n  in  Plaatas,  MIIh  GkiriosDB  ii.  3.  fH.     For 

mDdi  betler  tban  be  does  bimself.    So  thej  '  ceeso  pultare  ostiam  '  ne  notei  on  AndnB 

part,  Cbremea  Dudertaking  to  bring  about  ii.  3.  6,  aad  ir.  I.  08. 

■  speedj  meetiug  between  the  father  and  II.  A4  mita-iat  luftii]     For  tbe  con- 

ACTUS  ni.    SCENA  I.  197 

Nattu  Bnm ;  aut  illod  &Isutii  est,  qnod  Tulgo  audio 

Dici,  diem  aaimerfl  aegritudinemi  homiiiibiia : 

Ntmi  mihi  quidam  quotidie  augencit  magis 

De  filio  aegritudo ;  et  quanto  djutius  IS 

Abest,  magia  cupio  tanto  et  magis  desidero. 

Ch.  Sed  ipsum  foras  egressum  video :  ibo,  alloquar. 

Menedeme,  salTe :  nuntium  apporto  tibi, 

Cujus  maxime  te  fieri  participem  cupia. 

Me.  Numqnidnam  de  gnato  meo  audisti,  Chreme  ?  30 

Ch.  Talet  atque  TiTit.     Me.  Ubinam  est,  quaeso  ?     Ch.  Apud 

Me.  Hena  gnatusP     Ch.  Sio  eat.      Me.  VenitP     Ch.  Certe. 
Me.  Clinia 

Meus  venit  P     Ch.  Dizi.     Me.  Eamua :  duc  me  ad  eum,  ob- 

Ch.  Non  Tult  te  scire  se  redisse  etiam,  et  tuum 

Conepectum  ^gitat,  propter  peccatum  ;  tum  hoo  timet,         25 

Ne  tua  duritia  antiqua  illa  etiam  adauota  sit. 
Me.  Hon  tu  ei  dixisti  ut  eseemP   -  Ch.  Non.     Me.   Q,nsm- 
obrem,  Chreme  P 

Ch.  Quia  pessime  istoo  in  te  atque  in  illum  consuHs, 

6i  te  tam  leni  et  Ticto  animo  esse  ostenderis. 

Me.  Xon  poBsnm :  aatis  jam  aatis  pater  durus  fui.    Ch.  Ah !   3o 

Yehemens  in  utramque  partem,  Menedeme,  es  nimie, 

Aut  largitate  nimia,  aut  parsimonia. 

In  eandem  &audem  ex  hao  re  atque  ex  illa  incides. 

Primum ;  olim  potius  quam  paterere  filiimi 

Commetare  admulieroulam,  quae  paululo  35 

■tracdoe  of  'n*tiu'  «ith  the  ditive  we  'I  brinf  roD  ■  meMige  which  jm  wbh 

note  OD  EnDachoa  iii.  3.  7.    The  present  abore  ali  thiDgs  to  TQoriTO.'     For  inotlier 

ooiulniction  il  not  eo  coaunon  In  Terence  lenieof  'particepi,'  wie  nale  od  i.  1.  89. 
uu)  PUatoj  ;  but  fir  mom  iudbI  \a  Cicera.        30.    iVon  pottum]     '  I   cennot   do   it.' 

We  meet  with  a  cognate  coutrnction   in  He   Tepliei    lo    the   meaniDg  of  Chreniet' 

Honce,  Cwm.  l.  27.  I :  speech.     '  I    csnnot   «ny  longer   pUr  tba 
'e  parent.    I  haie  nutained  tliat  chMae- 

"  Natia  in  niam  Uetitiae  tcjpbia 
PugDare  Thtacom  eit." 

._.  .     „enough.' 

33.  /n   tandm  fiandem  .   .   .  ineidttj 

BentUr  rewrite*  tbeae  tfaree  liae«  in  orda  '  You  will  come  to  the  Mune  bom  fay  this 

lo  bnng  '  diem  '  into  an  eraphatic  ponCion :  eoanie  u  bj  tfaat.'     F<n  tlie  meaning  of 

bnt  we  need  not  trouble  ounelTee  to  diacost  >  (rani '  lee  note  on  Andiia  t.  4.  8. 
aa  imaginarj  polnt  of  this  kind.     A  line  ia        35.     Commelart']      Thii    (requeatatiTe 

qnoted  from  Dipfailaa  wfaidi  embodiei  the  form  of  '  comDieo  '  oocnn  in  Plantaa,  Cap- 

topic  to  whlch  Henedemat  faere  aUndei  ai  tiri  i.  3.  82,  witb   tn  eqniTaleDt  aoraua- 

X£wi|C  it  waoiic  rivtroi  larpis  XP^'^C. 
10.    Ci^  .  . .  fitri  parlieiptm  agM] 



Tum  ent  oontenta,  ouique  erant  giata  ohuub, 

Protemiiflti  linc :  ea  coftct»  ingratiis 

Poatilk  coepit  ■rictnm  Tulgo  qua«Mre. 

NTmo  cum  siae  tnagno  intertrimemto  non  poteet 

Haberi,  quid™  dare  ouiHa  :  nam  nt  tu  eciaa  *0 

QrUam  ea  nunc  inBtrncta  pulclure  ad  permciem  eiet, 

Primum,  jam  anciUafl  secum  adduxit  plus  deoem, 

Onerataa  veflte  atque  anro.     Satrapee  ri  aiet 

Amator,  nunquam  Bufferre  ejus  sumtoa  queat ; 

Nedum  tn  poBsis.     Me.  Estne  ea  intoB  f     Ch.  8it  roga»  ?      45 

Sensi :  namque  ei  imam  coenam  atque  ejua  comitibuB 

Dedi ;  qnod  ai  iterum  mihi  sit  daada,  aotum  oet. 

Nam  ut  alia  omittam,  pytiasando  modo  mihi 

Quid  -vini  absumsit !     "  Sic  hoc,"  dicena ;  "  Aspernm, 

Pater,  hoc  eet ;  aliod  leniua  eodes  vide,"  so 

Relevi  dolia  onmia,  onmee  seriae ; 

N«m  msoi  «craposMD  vidna  eommatat    »nd  tbe  rtmlhr  exprMritm  In  Ho^n  iL  l. 

(jBQ,,"  6:    "  ln  eodemqoe   omiiei  milu  tfdoiHr 

ludo  doctae  *d  militiBm." 

The  ordilurT  teit  bu  'aDmmeue.'   bat        4S.    PglitmJbi  mado  mdki    gmd  thti 

'<nmmetare'  i«  rtqnited  bj  tbe  metre,  u    aAiiMut(]      "For  not  (o  *pnk  of  olba' 

Benthr  piHnted  ont.  tbinp.  wh«t  ■  qiuatitr  of  mj  wino  did  ibe 

37-  Ba  coacla  tntraliii . . .  vietmmimlgo     WHta  in  tuting,  njing.  'Thi*  u  Onlr  lO 

ftcertn]     Comp«re  tbe  Mmilar  puMge  in    >o:  old  gentlomwi,  thii  ii  too  hmh:  ne 

Aiidiui.  1.  47-62,  where  »ee  the  note  on     thst  you  let  xa  h»TB  wme  •  httle  nnar. 

tbe   worda   'wtom   qiuiiritani,'    and    for     I  hki  to  open  ■!]  my  jm  aod  ^da;  we 

'  ingnliia  '  >ee  note  on  Bunucho»  ii,  I.  14.       were  aU  hept  on  the  «Jert."     •  Fjtineie, 

39.  Nmac  c*m  mt  na^  infn-frimen/a     Gr.  rurXur.  wu  to  UJui  ■  little  wine  to 

MS  pal«0    '  Intertrimennmi '  ii  pTopa47    tuta,  and  tban  ■pit  it  oat  al^-     P^ 

UiewutaDfmetalswhicb  tekeepUcein  melt-    let  qaotee  Ikim  Atbenuni,  Ddphoa.   uL 

ing.     '  DetrimBntnro '  ii  more  perticukT];     cai    riv    jiJv    i^ir     olvo»    liKwriltiur. 

■pplied  to  wute  in  filing  or  rubbia;.    A    We  b>Ta  the  mbslBntiTa  'pjtiMaa'  in  a 

diitinction  ma;  be  dnwn  between  tha  two     dilEcalt  pun^  of  JaTentl,  li.  17'^    "  ^^^ 

wordi:  for  '  inlar  '  ngnifiei  more  thoroa^     Iiacedaemonium     pytiimnte     Inbriat    or- 

loa  thui '  de,'  Uuiagh  both  preporitioai  ue     bem."     For  '  eodu  '  in  tha  neit  line  aa» 

uied  simikrlf  in  nunj'  compoundB.     'In-     nota  on  Andria  i.  I,  08. 

tactrimentum  '  lilce   '  detrimentum '  comoa        Sl.  Ae/Rii]   Tennce  hare  lued  '  doGa 

to  nteui  aimplj  '  loaa,' '  damtge.'    Compare    rather  looeelj :  '  unphoru '  woold  be  mon 

Cicem,  In  C.  Verrem  iH.  »0  :  "  Com  eo    correct.    The  '  dolinm  '  wu  »  mneh  Uifw 

■ine   nlto   intstrimento     conTenent   jam    Teaael  thaii  the   '  amphon,'  and  wat  not 

quemadmodam  tnderetur."  aealed.      Onlif    inferior    wine    me    dnmk 

41.  /ufraela  Brffienucim]     'Thatjion    from  the  'dolinm,'  'fhim  tbe  euk,'    M 

mq  kaow  hnw  adminbiyaheisnow  trsined    we  shoald  ray.      Tho   'emplMnaB'   wn» 

to  nuschief.'    Compare  Plautua,  Baccbide*    rorked,  aod  the  cork  tben  oreAillT  n- 

iil.  1.6:  cnred    with    pitch    dt    redn,    «hich    Tru 

neceHrr    to    exdnde   not  only    •>',   ^^ 

"&Dcfaidea   non  Bacchidn,  sed   B»xbaa    al»  the  ■moke  lo  wfaicb  tbe;  were  ofteo 

snnt  Herramae.  eipoeed.     Hence  '  relino'  i*  eqwTdenttn 

Apage  iatM  a  me  Borores  qnae  faominum    oni'  'tap,'  to  remoTe  the  renn  and  tbea 

•orbent  ■angainem.  Ihe  cork  or  bong.     Horaca  deacribu  the 

Omnis  ad   peraieiem    inaCructa    domna    proMM  enctlj : 

opime  atqne  opipare," 


AtTTUS  m.    SCENA  I.  199 

Onmee  Bollicitos  luboi :  Btqne  haee  cna  oox. 

Qnid  te  iutiiraiii  cenw*  quaiB  assidue  exfadent  f 

Sio  me  Di  am&bant,  nt  me  tnarum  miseritum  eot, 

Meaedeme,  fortunarum.     Me.  Faciat  qood  libet :  ss 

Sumat,  ccKomimat,  perdat,  decretnm  est  pati, 

Dum  illnm  modo  habeam  meonm.     Ck.  Si  ceitum  est  tibi 

Sic  facere,  illnd  permagni  referre  ubitn», 

Ut  ne  acientom  sentiat  to  id  nbi  dare. 

Me.  Quid  faciam  ?     Ch.  QnidTia  potiuA  qnam  qnod  cogitaa : 

Per  alium  quemvifl  nt  des;  Inlli  te  einas  61 

Teclmis  per  aerrulum ;  etai  subBensi  id  quoqoe, 

Hloa  ibi  eaae  et  id  agere  inter  ea  clanculnm. 

Syms  oum  illo  veatro  consQearrat ;  oonfenmt 

Consilia  ad  adtdeecentes :  et  tibi  perdere  65 

Talentnm  hoc  pacto  satius  eet  quam  illo  minam. 

Non  nunc  peeunia  agitur  ;  sed  iUnd,  quomodo 

Minimo  periclo  id  d^nna  adoleacentulo. 

"Staa  si  semel  tuum  aniTnnm  iUe  inteUexerit, 

Frius  proditurum  te  tuam  vitam,  et  prins  7o 

Pecuniam  onmem,  qnam  abs  te  amittas  filium ;  hui, 

Quantam  fenestram  ad  nequitiam  patefeceris  t 

'Hiedies  uino  redranta  fBataa  61.  Falli  It  tinat  Itcknil  per  nrMi/imi] 

Corticeiii  utrictnm  pice  dimorebit  'Yon  hul  bettsr  lUow  ronnetf  to  be  de- 

AmphoiH  fumom  bib«n  institDtu  ceiTed  b;  triclu  thicngh  jaat  glave:  diongh 

Couole  TdUo."  I  hare  an  iDtKng  of  that  too,  thmt  etttj  an 

Carm.  iii.  S.  9 — 13.    almdj  on  thst  tuk,  «nd  aro  conctKting; 
matten  •ecDjtljr.'     Tar  'techoli'  *ee  BOte 
on  EiiTiDehm  iT.4.&I.    Willi  ■  ibi '  compara 
*■    8.    i9:    "  Imo   et   ibi   onnc    lum,    et 
I,  Bncon.  T.  4.  g  y  ^  j„j„„  ..  ^  ^  5  Ifl  :  "  Cr». 

K)bibe>e:m>ll!    £  .„i„;S.  ibi  «.«." 
--- ,      .  ^.  .  "T  ?°^         64.  CbiVtrwi/  «Bwi/in  m(  nitotiwiiie»] 

[mA.bIereirfmg,  'nnUirderimni™^      TWi  i«  tbe  r««Hng  <rf  Ifc.  Bnnbine  manii. 
Virpl  «ei  IhB  mrf  in  a  ■E«bClr  difcrent    ^p^^    ^he  common  r»diiig  onite  '  ad.' 
Bot  thii  occaaioDS  a  difficDltj  of  metre,  (br 
I     tbe  aecond  ajllable  of '  conairia '  can  hardlj 
be  leogthened  bir  iclna  IT  the  two  foUoiring 
are  reeolved.    Tbe  ieuae  ia  equatlj  good 

M.  fflc-MM«a»««l  Thband'«a  "^^^^^^^^^ram  .  .  .  pal^t- 
n»Di«oent' wero  Terj  eomnion  eiF«-  ceri»  f)  •VnM  a  door  yon  wiU  h.Te 
aiona.  8ee  Andn.  t.  *.  44  i  Heejr.  h  1.  „p™;^  (o  crime  I '  ■  Penertra,'  connected 
»:  "  NOB,  Aa  modo  ben«  amant,  mi  I*.  ^j,,  ^;^^  originallj  eigniBed  anj  opening 
cbee.  Hcirjta  i.  B.  81  :  '  II»  ™y>  •"»-  in  the  wJl  of  .  houn  to  admit  light.  So 
bmrt."  Thej  rnre  often  (bllowed  bj  nt,  yj^,  ^^  y  ^gj  ^  ,,,,  ,„rf  o(  , 
«  bere,  MHi  Fhomno  i.  3.  13  :  "  II.  me  Di  ^^i,  j^  ^^^  door  of  .  honw  : 
beoe  ament  at  mihi  Sceat  tundm  qnod  amo 
fnL"  In  anch  eipresriOBt  the  futnre  hai 
.  Und  of  tfptatim  farce,  *ia  In  Oie  eoUoqvial 
phnee  ■  niabo  le,'  ar '  aiMbo.' 



Tibi  &ntem  poiro  nt  noa  sit  gaave  Tirare : 

Nfini  deteriores  omnea  sumnfi  licentia. 

Quodcuoque  inciderit  in  mentem  Tolet :  neqne  id  7i 

Putabit,  pravum  met  an  rectum  quod  petet. 

Tu  rem  perire  et  ipsom  non  poteris  pati. 

Dare  denegaris ;  ibit  ad  illud  ilico, 

Qtid  maxime  apud  te  ae  valere  sentiet : 

Abiturum  se  aba  te  eeee  ilico  minabitur.  80 

Me.  Videre  verum,  atque  ita  uti  ree  est,  dicere. 

Ch.  Somnum  hercle  e^  bac  nocte  ooulia  non  vidi  mets, 

Dum  id  quaero  tibi  qui  filium  reatituerem. 

Me.  Cedo  dextram :  poiro  te  idem  oro  ut  facias,  Chreme. 

Ch.  FaratuB  sum.     Me.  Scin  quid  nunc  facere  te  Tolo  ?  86 

Ch.  Dic.     Me.  Quod  seusisti  illos  me  incipere  fallere. 

Id  ut  maturent  facere :  cupio  illi  dare 

Quod  Tult :  cupio  jam  Tidere.     Ch,  Operam  dabo. 

Paulum  negoti  mihi  obstat :  Simua  et  Crito 

Vicini  noetri  hic  ambigunt  de  finibus :  90 

Me  cepere  arbitnun :  ibo  ac  dicam,  ut  dizeram 

JinaMl  «ppliM  ths  word  to  tlie  boring  ot    bietuUhip  or  of  u  i^raemait  betireen  two 

"CnrtiaieMndobitenire  locmn  defendere  ""■  ">»  "ord 'deitr»' iloBain  tba  «enM 

qnuuTU  "'    *■  t«^-       A  rege  P^rtharam  Art«- 

NitwulEDphntem.moUesquodiDanre  l»»  legMi  venare.    MiMrM  unidUnm  «c 

feneatne  fbediu   memomtnroa.   st    cnpere    roioven 

Arnwrint,  Uoet  ip«s  msem  ?"  dait™,"  AnnsL  ii.  B8. 

Snt.  i  lOS— 106.        86.]  Intbe  oldcopinlbethreeliiieiwliich 

•ttnd  it  the  end  of  thia  iceDe  an  pUced 

7&  Dat  dmtgarit}     '  Let  ni  iDppon  hcra  Immedutely  efter  the  wi»d>  '  operuD 

tb^ro»«tj»t,refn»eto»npplyhiDi.'_  The  ddjo.'     Bentlej  <na  the  flnt  to  tTaaefer 

Virgil,  Aen.  li.  30 

Dia;  be  cmDparad  wilh    tbem  to  tbeir  preKnt  plH»,  fi 
...     j-jj  jj^ 

-  Tn  qnoqne  magnam 

baidly  remaiD  oa  t 


^^^  IJDe  80.    (»)  SjrrDi  too  pkiDlr  wodU  have 

been  od  tbe  tta^  at  tbe  lame  bD»,  witlioiit 

The  lue  Df  the  aecond  penon  in  alt  teneea  taking  uj  part,  or  being  percared  bj  Me- 

of  the  «HbjunctiTe  mood,  has  tbe  effect  of  nedemui.     (S)  'He  fonnnja  '  a  ine  nocio 

maVing  the  eeutenc»  entirely  bjpotheticxl ;  qnii  eitC  '  ii  comoiODl]'  used  br  TereDoB  in 

and  the  fiuther  eflect  of  the  u>e  of  tbe  coDclnding  a  socBe.     The  whole  pnsaags 

FntDinm   eiaetuiD    is  to  mark    the    snp-  nma    far    moie    naturallj   with  Bentlej'! 

poeed  case  aa  eingle  ud  exceptianal,  occor-  ofder,  which  hsa  been  sdojited  hj  ntaj 

ing  ODce  fbr  all.     6ee  DOtes  on  AuifaiB  i.  S.  good  edilors.  \ 

8tiii.S.S».  91.   Ue  c^rrt  trHlruM]     iOn  tbe  wmd 

84.  Crdo  dtjclram]     Tbe  andents  nwd  'arbiter,'  see  DOte  en  ADdria,\PTDlDf.  31. 

soDietimes  to  gire  their  bandi  as  a  fm™  of  '  Our  neighbours  Kmo  and  CiitAi  hero  haM 

salutation,  see  AristophaDss,  Clouds  81 :  adiipute  abonttbeu'boni>d>rieB.|  Tbeifbsn 

_—         .  .      1         .        • ,        .  appoiDted  ms  their  umpire ;  1  vrill  lo  bbI 

LT     -6«*  ^  «i  r^v  x"f  iis  ^H-  3l  them  that  I  <»not  t^i  at£rf  to  Ibdr 

^'^*'>  matler,  as  I  had  pramised.'     fBamo  uetd 

bnt  more  ooDunonly  it  wss  «s  •  pledge  of  tlieplirsse  'operamdate'  of  k  ■  jlwVfaiaM 

ACTU9  ni.    SCENA  U.  201 

Operam  datnram  me,  hodie  non  poeae  liis  dare. 

Oontmoo  hic  odero.     Me.  Ita  quEeso.     Di  Testram  fidem  I 

Ita  compsratBm  eeee  hominum  natimm  omnium, 

Aliena  ut  melius  Tideant  et  dijudicent  SS 

Quam  8ua  P  an  eo  £t  quia  m  re  nostra  aut  gaudio 

Sumns  praepediti  nimio  aut  aegritadine  P 

Eic  mihi  quanto  nunc  plus  aapit  quam  egomet  mihi  I 

VA.  Diasolvi  me  otioeus  operam  at  tibi  darem. 

Syms  est  prehendeudus,  atque  adhortandiu  mihi.  loo 

A  me  neecio  quis  exit :  concede  faino  damum,     * 

!N^e  nos  inter  nos  congruere  aentiant. 



81/.  Hac  illac  eircumcursa :  inTeniendum  est  tamen 
Ai^entum ;  intendenda  in  senem  est  fallacia. 
Ch.  Kum  me  fefellit  hosce  id  struere  P    Tidelicet 
QQuiaj  Cliniae  ille  servus  tardiosculuB  eat, 

of  hii  lettsn  :  "  Dliit  jndicein  libi  openm  uj  certuDW,  we  111091,  bowBTer,  b«  con- 

dare  ootuMniau,"  Ad  Pwn.  *ii.  24.  teat  to  let  the  tezt  itaiid  u  it  u. 

9S.]     WeateriioTiai  eoiiip>rat  tlie  fblloir' 
iag  liiira  of  U etuiider :  AoT  III.    Scznb  II.  Sjnu  comse  from 

^  V    ^  '^^         "^      in  his  mind  for  getting  Kima  monej  odt  of 

J^^       ^              *  "^                  ^  imagine»  at  once  th>t  they  inteiid  to  play 
■ome  trick  oD  Uenedemna,  u  be  lisd  Ktiekdif 

90.  Otiotut  aperam  ul  tibi  darem]  The  tiupected ;  ud  *co»diiiglr  he  enten  inlo 

beat  editioai  haie  '  otioma,'  which  i*  necea'  CoDTemtion  with  Sjnn,  uid  in  pDmuioe 

sary  to  tbe  metre.     In  t.  loa  tha  couimon  o(  liis  promise  to  Uenedemua,  he  encon- 

Tvading  ii  '  congnure,'  wbich  I  hare  r«-  ragea  ^jn»  to  carrr  ODt  hia  pk^     ■  If  CB- 

tained  in  the  text.    The  word  hu  been  nia'!   Elronio,'  he  Baja,  '  were  worth  any 

|iiiti6ed  ■■  aa  uiomaloiia  iDfinitive  of  the  tbing,  be  would  vsrj  bood  manBfe  to  eet 

'  .a'  Anni :  bnt  BenCle;  ■Itera  it  to '  conaeD-  aonie  monej  out  of  tbe  old   mui  for  hi* 

lire.'      Bnt    '  conientio  '    ia    not   found   in  joimg  maBter  ;    uid  10  keep  liim  bC  bome, 

Plaatm  or  Terence,  or  in  uij  «riler  ■ariiec  and  do  the  old  man  a  kindne»  ■gainit  hii 

than  Cicera.    Tbemoet  likelj  word  i>  *coD-  will.'     SjruB  blli  into  the  acheme  readily 

graliri,'  wbich  might  poaaibl;  hiTe  been  con-  enongb,  with  a  tna^  chnckle  OTer  hia  nuw- 

foQDded  wiih  '  congTaere '  in  Trriting ;  whila  ter,  wbom  he  ia  about  to  make  ■  fine  game 

it  ia  hard  to  nippaie  that '  coagmere'  omld  of. 

lurebeenmistaken(br'con8entire.'   Again,  The  Metre  ia  iambic  trimeter. 

it  would  be  poanUe  Ibr  s  tbird  futj  tatta  S.    /nfnufnufa  in  wiinn  etl  /allaeia\ 

thatChremeaandMeiiedeailuweretogether  <  We  maiC  aim  aome  trick  ■guaat  tba  cld 

eoDTcning  (' congndi '),  it  wonU  hardlj  Im  man.'    A  common  metsphor.      See  An- 

likeW  tbat  one  •honld  know  that  thej  wers  dria  It.  S.  IB  :  "  Repudio  quod  condlinin 

o(  tbe  aame  (^inion  (' conaentire').     'Con-  prlmnm  intoideram,"  where  DoDstua  aBjt 

puere  '  originallj  meent' tocometogether,'  "  Ttrbnm  ■   TeDataribne   translatiim,    qoi 

■nd  10  QUij  mcre  euilj  have  been  anbcti-  retia  intendunt  ad  ferae  captandaa." 

tnted  bj  aome  andent  Bentlej  for  tbe  aim-  4.    Qaia  Cliniat  ille  ttrvut  forithiteWw 

|riei  wind  '  coDgrediri.'    In  the  abeence  of  etl']     Thia  line  itanda  in  ita  gmdne  forH, 



Idcirco  limo  noetro  brBdita  eet  proTincia.  5 

Sjf.  Quifl  hio  loqiiitujr  t    PeriL    Nunmam  luiec  andrrit  ?  Ch. 

Syre.     8y.  Hem. 
Ch.  Quid   ta   isticP     Sjf.  Recte   eqaidem:  eed    te    nuror, 

Tam  mane  qui  heri  tantam  biberis.     Ch.  Nihil  nimiB. 
8jf.  "  Nihil "  nairas  f  Tiaa  vero  eet,  quod  dici  solet, 
Aquilae  seueotoB.     CA.  Hcda.     Sy.  Muiier  oommoda  et         lo 
Faceta  haec  meretrix.     Ch.  Sane,  idem  visa  eet  mihi. 
j^.  Et  tjnidem  hercle  forma  luculento.     Ch.  Sio  BatiB. 
8y.  Ita  non  ut  olim ;  eed  uti  nonc,  sane  bona : 
Minimeque  miror  Clinia  hanc  si  deperit. 
Sed  habet  patrem  quendam  aridum,   miBerom,  atque   ari- 

dum,  15 

Ticinum  huuc :  noetine  f    At  quaai  ie  non  divitiis 
Abundet,  gnatua  ejus  profiigit  inopia. 
Scia  esse  factum  ut  dico  ?     Ch.  Quid  ego  nesciam  P 

witb  tbe  »ddition  of  Ritsclil's  conicctiiTS    uid  t.  21 : 

word»,    '  lUe  CUnu,'    bnt  it  bu   almdj  pleMm  Benain  atdSo 

bcea  ob«WTed  in  tbe  note  on  Andria  ii.  9.         >p_ ; j:_i;  1 js  j :_ 

8,  tfaat  tba  ftinn  *  4i '  ma  obadele  in  tbe  omb."  -                      t"            r 

timeofTBrencs.     Bentlef'g  Blteratioa  ^ 

intradoces  here  Ihe  Kcence  of  '  ille,'  which  Cioero  luea  the  «ord  onoe  or  twiee  tn  Ihe 

hu  been  noCiced  in  the  mme  noEe.     Al-  (uie  Benw,  m  io  bia  Ontion  (br  Soll^  c 

tboagfa  Ritschl's  emendation  hu  no  itippoTt  IH:  "  niam  libi  offidosun  proriDdBoi  de- 

of  moDnscripti.  jet  it  is  ■Dffidcntlj  hsppj,  popoKit,utc(imprim(ilucecaiualem  Balnta- 

uid  his  snthoritj  a  so  bigh  npon  viir  mktCcr  tum  veniret,  me  in  meo  lectulo  troddaret." 

oonneeted  with  PUnCns  nnd  Terence,  tfaat  I  '  Frorincia '  is  deriied  bj  Featos  ftwa  ' prO' 

bftTe  thongbt  it  righi  to  usign  tt  s  qOBsl  rinco ;'     bj   otfaers    more    probsblj    fnoi 

■tsnding  in  tfae  text.     ■  Videlioet '  holda  ths  '  pnnblenti*.'    See  Long's  not«  on  Ciccn, 

ume  position  in  the  tine  and  Mntenee  in  In  Terrem  ii.  2.  I. 

Adelphi  iii.  4.  4.   In  ell  placM  in  Terence  It  7.  S^l*  i^idem]     See  noto*  i»  9.  I. 

ta  to  be  prononnoed  u  if  written  '  Tilicet,'  16,  tai  Ennochns  ii.  3.  AO. ' 

•fter  the  unlogj  of' ilicet,'  snd  '  sdlicet.'  10.  Agvilae  tmalia]    A  rather  obscan 

S.  Idcireo  htiie  noilra  tradifa  ttl  pra-  prorerb  originadng:  in  a  thaorj  ibont  tba 

vfNeia]  ■  Benate  thst  slsTe  of  Clinia'a  is  a  eiigle,  tbat  in  old  aga  it  onlj  drinka  ;  and  ao 

rather  slaggisb  hllow,  tbetefore  the  bnsi.  apptied  lo  old  men  wbo  drink  more  Hian 

nees  hu  been  handed  oTer  to  this  fetlow  of  thej  eat.     It  wu  abn  nsed  moie  generaltj 

onn.'     '  ProrindB '    is   often   Dsed  aa  tlie  to  ligni^  b  ri^orons  nld  sge.     Aathoritie* 

WDrd  '  prOTince '  witfa  oB  to  aignify  '  dntj '  fbr  tioth   these  BppIicalJDns  are  gWen  In 

ot  'boaineaa.'     Among  otber  pasaages  we  Forcellini.    Tliere  liaGreek  prarerb  direi 

maj  compare  Phormio  i.  2.  21 1  yijpiE  KopbSoa  Mdri)c  '  the  eaglB*B  age  ii 

"  Abenntea  ambo  hic  tam  aen..  me  filii.  "  Jtf  ■■  "  *l.'?^ll°?'*'    , ,    ^ 

Belinqannt   qaad      Da.    0  ''■  ?":  f^     '^"^  '/"L   ^PS' 

Geti,  pr.tind«n  Phom.o  ,.  2  fi*;  note  on  Andria  ir.  6.  9, 

Cepiati  duram."  ""^ '"  *>"»  P^T  "■■  '■  **■ 

^           _  16.  Aridurn]     'Drr'  or  '  «KnKT.'    The 

Plantu.,  pMmdolns  L  3.  16,  wher*  BdUo  i.  a^  i,  taken  frem   a  drj  unfriitfnl  mM 

ginng  order.  to  bar  sliTe.  ,  ,hidi  jietdt  nothins.    So  in  PUutos,  AdIo- 

"Abiae  beri  ante  diieiBm  omnibni  dede-  fauia  ti.  i.   Ift:   '■Pomex  non  aeqae  eit 

iwnqae  ea.  proriadB*;"  aridaa  atque  hic  ett  •ena." 


Aonrs  ni.  scena  n.  203 

Hominem  [Mtrmo  digmun.   8y.  QnMs  P    Ch.  Istono  wmilimi 

Dico  a^tmomim.     Sf.  Syn,  tibi  timni  male.  30 

Ch.  Qui  paasuB  eiit  id  fieri.     Sy.  Quid  faoerat  ?     Ch.  Bogas  P 

Aliqirid  nperiret,  fingeret  &IlaGaas, 

Unde  eeaet  «dolegoenti  amicse  quod  daret ; 

Atque  huiM!  diffioilem  inTitmn  aervaret  aeoem. 

8y.  C)arn&.     Ch.  Haec  facta  ab  iUo  oportebat,  Syre.  35 

Sy.  Elio  quaesoi  laudaa  qui  beroe  faUunt  P     Ch.  In  loco 

Ego  vero  laudo.     Sy.  Eecte  Bane,     Ch.  Quippe  quia 

M^marum  sacrpe  id  remedimn  aegritudinmn  eet. 

Hnic  jam  mansiaset  unicus  gaatua  domi. 

8}f.  Jocone  an  aerio  illaec  dicat,  nescio ;  30 

Ni»  mihi  quidem  addit  animmn,  quo  lubeat  magis. 

Oh.  Et  nunc  quid  exspectat,  Syre  P  an  dum  hinc  denuO 

Abeet,  cum  tolerare  hnjuB  aumtua  noii  queat  ? 

Nonne  ad  senem  aliquam  fabricam  fiogit  ?    Sy.  Stolidus  est. 

Ch.  At  te  adjutare  oportet  adoleecentuli  39 

Ganaa.     Sy.  FacUe  equidem  fiicere  possum,  si  jubes : 

Etenim  quo  pacto  id  fieri  soleat  calleo. 

Ch.  Tanto  hercle  melior.     Sy.  Non  est  mentiri  meum. 

Ch.  Fac  ergo.     8y.  At  heus  tu,  facitodum  eadem  faaec  memi- 

Si  quid  hujua  simile  forte  aliquando  eTenerit,  40 

TTt  sunt  humeii*,  tuos  ut  faciat  filios. 
Ch.  Non  usufl  Teniet,  sporo.     8y.  Spero  hercle  ego  quoque. 
Neque  eo  nunc  dico,  quo  quicquam  illum  seneenoi : 
Sed  si  qnid,  ne  quid.     Quaa  sit  ejus  letas  videe. 

\9.  Homturmfiilrnndigiiitim^    '  A  M-  to*,  Amphitnia  1.  1.  360:  "EgomBt  miU 

Imr  «bo  deMnei  to  be  WDt  to  the  tread.  doq  credo,   qanm  ilUee    utaBm    iUam 

milL'     Sjm  luCmll}  ulu  '  Wlio  V   Hid  andio  i"  '  iUuH: '  otlea  in  PUatna ;  '  iUoe,' 

tbis  ptet  riw  to  ClinmM'  adnc«,  wliicli  FUntiu,  Bacdiidea  It.  7.  39 :  "  Ham  UkM 

Srnu  Iwnllf  koowi  wbethar  to  take  in  jeat  padsce,  ri  potea." 

cr  iu  eanwat.    Vat '  piatriama '  aea  note  aa  38.  Tmtto  ktreti  M(Itar]   '  So  mBcli  tba 

Aodria  L  2.  38.  batter.'     Compare  PlautnB,  TracnlsDtaa  *, 

30-  JoeoM  n  ttrie  illatc  dieat,  BCteio]  61  i  "  Tauto  melior  I    Noater  eato."    87111« 

'  I  caoDoC  lell  wbetlw  be  lari  tiiia  in  joke  iu^nalaa  tbal  bs  can  manage  this  M»t  of 

or  in  aai  iiial ;  bnt  I  do  know  tbat  bs  giTea  thing  Ter;  well  if  nereaTj.     '  Then  yM 

me  eDonaragemeat  to  work  wilb  a  will.'  are  all  the  better  maD   foi  mj  poiiNJW,' 

Fttrcdlini  eipluna   '  illaee '   hare,  and    in  nja  Cbnniea.    '  Yon  ma;  depei>d  npon 

Addpbi  iii.  4.  63,  "Nimia  Ulaec  licentia,"  me,'   nji  Syma,   'fbr  I  «Iwaj*   k(«|i  mj 

BS   '  illa   baec  '     Bentlej   lobatitutea   bere  «ord.' 

■  Ule  haec'     But '  illaec '  i>  merelr  the  old  43.  Nm  utiu  ttHlel,  *ptro]     •  Tbat  wOl 

form  fbr  '  illa.'     We  have  all  tbeae  Ibrma  neier  happen,  I  hope.'     '  Unu  venlt '  ot 

of  tbe  word  declined  like  '  hic '  in  Plautna  '  asn  TCDit '   meana,  ■  it  beoomea  iWib],'  '  it 

aod  TereDoa.     '  lUio '  in  Andria  iii.  6.  I ;  happeoi.'      5ee  Adelphi  T.  S.  7,  and  nota 

ir.  4.  3,  'illaec'  bra«,  and  ia  Adelphi  iii.  <Ki  i.  1.  38. 

4.  83,  aa  feminiiM  ang«lar.    Bee  al«>  Plm-  44.  Std  ti  qnd,  «a  fnM]    Th»  dUpoa 

C  k")0<^  lc 


Et  nae  ego  te,  si  usos  Tfiaiat,  magnifioe,  ChTflme,  45 

Tractare  poesinL     Ch.  De  istoo,  quum  usus  Tenerit, 

Yidebimus  qviid  opus  dt :  nunc  istuc  age. 

8y.  Nunquam  commodius  unquam  herum  audivi  loqui, 

Kec  qnum  male  &cerem  crederem  mihi  impuniua 

Ldcere.     Quisnam  a  nobia  ^ireditur  foras  P  50 


CHBEME8.       CLITIPHO.       STBU8. 

Ch.  Quid  istuc,  quaesoP  qui  istic  mos  est,  CUtiphoP  itane 

fieri  oportet  P 
Cl.  Quid  ego  feci  P    Ch.  Yidine  ego  te  modo  manam  in  sinmn 

huic  meretrici 
iDserere  P     8y.  Acta  haec  res  est :  periL     Cl.  Mene  P     Ch. 

Hisce  oculis ;  ne  nega. 
Facis  adeo  indigne  injuriam  illi,  qui  non  abstineas  tnfttiiiin  ; 
Nam  istaec  quidem  contumelia  est,  s 

HomiiLem   amicum  recipere  ad  te,  atque  ejus  amicam  aub- 

Yel  heri  in  -vino  quam  immodestns  fuisti !     8y.  Factum.    Ch, 

Quam  molestus  I 

IMJ  ba  mpplied  Hua:  "ffi  qiud  ereDerit  lectnres  hioi  on  hia  conduct,  wbldi  he  mya 

De  qaid  ■oixenMea."    Id  the  preoedbg  hne  wxj  lewi  to  1811001  miscfaief ;  for  eraa  h». 

■  btne '  mdst  be  lapplied.     '  I  do  not  aa.y  tween  the  beit  of  &ieDds  there  ibooM  bo 

thia,'  gajs  the  slaTe,  '  becMwe  I  b&ie  p^-  great  pradence  in  all  aoch  mktten.  Clitipho 

ceiTed  any  ■Dch  tendenc;  in  bim;  bat  merelj  endnvoun  to  joati^  himKlf  in  &  waj  llwt 

that  if  there  ahould  happen  any  tbing  of  the  atarma  Syraa  leet  he  «hoald  betnij  himadf 

hinil  yoD  should  not  be  Tray  ingiy.     You  before  be  bu  time  to  uraage  ebout  monej 

■ee  what  hii  age  is ;    snd  indeed,  ghauld  sffurt  with  the  old  geatlemui.     So  he  re- 

occuion  ofTer,  I  could  tremt  ynu  handiomel j,  commends  Cfarsmeg  to  order  Clitipho  off  fbr 

QiremBS.'    Tbe  «ordi '  aiBgniflce  tnctare,'  %  wolk    somewhere  or  otfaer  ont  of  thejr 

ire  ironiol,  and  coniej  the  idea  of  '  I  wonld  wa;.  WbeD  he  ii  gone  Chremea  aeka  Sjttu 

handle  jau  Gnelj.'  whether  be  has  takeD  anj  Keps  in  the  mat- 

49.  IfK  paim  maU/acerem,  ^r.]  Bent-  ttr  abDuC  wbicfa  tbej  had  epokai.    Sjrni 

lej  adopti  '  nialefacere,'  au  emendation  of  answer*  tfaat   fae   hu    found   ao   eiceUent 

Hurttos,  witfaout  anjparticular  ■diaulBge;  plan;    *nd  he  eiplaini  to  him  how  Anti. 

(br  the  coDstroction  '  licere  male  ftoerem '  is  phila'a  mother  owed  Bucfaii  ten  minae,  u 

perfedlT  good  LaUn.    Afler  the  words  '  is-  *  pledge   for  which    >he   has  AntipUla ; 

tne  age    we  must  iruppose  Cfarmnea  to  hBre  Baixhis  wanta  Clinia  to  advance  tbe  monej, 

gone  into  bia  boa»,  leaTiag  STrui  aloae  on  and  offbn  Antipbilain  pledgetohim.   Sjnt 

the  ilsge.      He    Cfaete  finds  Ctitipfao  with  therelbre  is  to  represent  to  MunedemDS  that 

Baccfaia,  and  soon  retomB  in  •  nge,  briDg-  AntipfaiiB  ii  a  Carian  ahiTe  and  «oald  make 

ing  Clitipbo  witfa  faim.  •  prDfitable  pnrchBas~tfaag  he  will  get  the 
monef.     Cbremea  disqiproTea  of  Ihe  plan, 

AcT  III.   ScKHX  TII,     Chremea  coBua  and  ii  *boat  to  eiplain  bii  leasoiii  wheii 

out  with  Clitipbo  wbom  be  haa  taken  an-  he  is  intempted  bj  ■  Dew  arriraL 

awaiea  bebaving,  u  he  thioks,  Terj  impro-  Tfae  Metre  of  this  soeue  is  maeh  ln- 

perij  towatda  hia  Mend'!  adstreN.    He  Tdnd)  tt.  1—4.  6—«.  II,  13.  18—». 


A0TU8  ni.    8CENA  m.  205 

XTt  equidem,  ita  me  Di  amflnt,  metui  quid  Aitaram  deniqae 

Havi  ego  amantitim  ft.niTnnTn :  adyeitmit  gravitor  qnoe  non 

Cl.  At  milii  fidee  apod  liimo  est  Ttihil  me  ietius  facturmn, 

pater.  lo 

Ch.  Esto:  at  oerte  conoedaa  liino  aliquo  ab  ore  eorum  ali- 

Molta  fert  libido :  ea  pnJubet  facere  tua  praeaentia. 
Ego  de  me  &cio  conjecturam :  nemo  est  meorum  amicorum 

Apud  quem  expromere  omnia  mea  ooculta,  Clitipho,  audeam ; 
Apud  alium  proliibet  dignitaa,  apud  alium  ipeiua  facti  pudet,  1 5 
Ne  ineptus,  ne  proterrus  videar ;  quod  illum  facero  credito. 
Sed  noetrum  est  intellig^ere,  utcumque  atque  ubicumque  opus 

sit  obsequi. 
jS^,  Quid  istic  narrat?     Ct.  Perii.     Sff.  Clitipho,  haec  ego 

praecipio  tibi  P 
Eomims  frugi  et  temperantis  functus  es  officium  f     Cl.  Tace 

8y.  Recte  saae.     Ch.  Syre,  pudet  me.     Sy.  Credo;  neque  id 

injuria.  ao 

Quin  mihi  molestum  est.     Cl.  Pergis  hercleP     Sy.  Yerom 

dico  quod  yidetur. 
Cl.  Non  accedam  ad  illoe  ?     Ch.  Eho  quaeeo,  una  acoedendi 

Tia  estP  ' 

S3,  33.  30—63,  tnchBic  totrametra'  ■ota-  19.   /fflnniif  fiugi  . . .  ^tfMiMi]   Fw 

btetic  uid  calalectic;  10.  14  —  17-  M— 37,  'fritgi'  we  oote  on  Ennnehiu  UI.  S.  00 ; 

■unbic  tetmneter;  28,29,  iAOibic  triiDeter;  >nd  for  'ftmgar'  nith  the  udMtiTe  cua 

ISkDd  31,  iBmbic  CelnmeteT  hjpercmtaleo-  ne  the  nots  od  i.  1.  13  of  this  f\tj. 

tic;  5,  iunblc  dimeter.  30.  8j.    RtcU   Mant.     Ch.    Syrt,  pntttf 

li.  MiUta/trHibido']   See  oote  on  '  tem.  me]       Sjrui    repUei   lo   Cliti|>bo,    '  Qnile 

piu  tnJit,'  Andri*  i.  3.  17  ;  '  qnw  Tert  kdo-  right.'     Chremei  then  *■;■,  ■  Synu,  I  un 

lcMeati»,'  Heaiit.  ii.  1.  3.  eihuned  ol  him.'     '  8o  jon  ought  to  be,' 

18.   Qtad    itlie    narral  /]     aynu    bere  mn  Bymi ;  '  for  even  to  me  it  ia  larf  peiQ' 

eomea  to  the  raecne.   'Wbati>ToaT  Aither  ful.'    This  maliet  ClitlphD  sngTyi  «id  he 

s>;ing   to    jQiV  be  «^1.    Clitipho  can  ■>;>,  'Yon  go  on  in  that  wsy,  do  jaaV 

ooly  lair  tlwt  he   i>  niiiied.     Sfrm   tben  >  Yei,'  anawcTB  Syrui, '  I  give  m;  opinioD.' 

be^ne  lo  gi*e  bim  ■ome  good  ad*ice,  io  ■  The  wbote   af  Ibe   diBlofne  in  Ihe»  few 

pompaua     nmadaboat    manner,     inteikded  lines  i>  ratber  iDTaUed;  iind  probablj  re> 

eridoitly  to  giTc  bim  time  to  collect  him-  qnira  some  liltle  chaoge  in  Che  peisoni: 

•elf.     Qitipbo,  haweTsr,   does  Dot  ander-  bat,  aa  we  cannot  mend  mBtters  mnch  br 

tland   him ;    >iid    begs    him    to   hoid    his  conjecture,   1  haTe   contenled  mTielf  with 

toDgDe.     Tho  old  inBn  too  begina  lo  ■cotd  giTing  a  thort  explBnalion  of  the  text  Bt  it 

bi>eoD;  and  betwura  tbem  SjrDa  peToeiTn  now  Btuida.     Clitipbo   goei   Dn  to  ■■;  In 

IhBt  Ihe  cat  will  toon  ba  ont  of  tbe  b«g ;  so  jnBtilicBtion  of  himeelf, '  Mfty  I  not  go  near 

be  interfciea  and  geta  rid  of  Clilipbo.  tbem  ?'  To  which  ChieDMe  repliea,  ■  Wbat  I 



8y.  Actum  est :  bui  piius  m  mdicaiit  qaani  ego  &rgeatam 

Clmme,  viu  ta  hinmiu  Btolto  milii  suscoltara?      Ch.  Qaid 

fociam  ?     Sy.  Jube  himo 
Alnre  hiiu:   aLLquo.     OL  Qno  liiBO  abeam  ^o  P     Sy.  Qqo  ? 

quo  libet :  da  illis  locum.  Ss 

Ala  deambulatnm.    C^  Deambolatnm  qoo  P    Sy.  Yali !  quasi 

deeit  Iocub. 
Abi  sane  irtac,  isitoTSDm,  quo  vifi.     Ch.  Beote  dicit :  censeo. 
C^  Di  te  etadioeiLt,  ^jtg,  qoi  tne  hinc  eztrudia.     Sy.  At 
Tu  pol  tibi  iaUifi  poethac  compriinito  manua. 
C!en«eD  vero  ?  quid  illum  porro  orediB  iactaniiD,  Chreme,      30 
Kiai  flum,  quantum  tibi  opis  Di  dant,  serraB,  castigas,  mones  ? 
Ch.  Ego  istuo  ourabo.     Sy.  Atqui  nuno,  here,  bio  tibi  aaser- 

vandus  eat. 
Ch.  Fiet.      <^.  Si  sapias:   nam  mibi  jam  miaua  miaasqae 

Ch.  Quid  tu  P  ecquid  de  illo  quod  dudum  tecum  egi  egisti, 

SyroP  aut 
Repperisti,  tibi  quod  placeat  ?  an  nondum  etlam  f    Sy.  Dc 

Dicia?    st!    inTeni   nuper  quandam.     Ch.  Frogi  ee:    cedo, 

qaid  est? 
jSj/.  Dicam:  verum,  ut aliud ex  alio incidit.  CA.  Quidnam,  Syre? 
8y.  PeBaima  haeo  eet  meretrix.     Ch.  Ita  Tidetur.     8y.  Imo 

si  Bcias. 
Yab,  vide,  quod  inceptet  facinus.    Fuit  quaedam  anus  Corinthia 
Hio :  huic  drachmanun  srgenti  haec  mille  dederat  mutnum.  40 
Ch.  Quid  tum  P     8y.  Ea  mortua  eat :  reliquit  filiam  adoles- 

Ea  relicta  huic  arrhaboni  est  pro  illo  arg^to.     Ch.  Intelligo. 

li  there  onlj  one  ws;  or  going  vttiz  them  ?  the  Btrict  maiiing  of  '  nutmn  '  see  Loiig'a 

Cm)  70«  not  be  in  thur  compui]'  widuiat  nMe  an  Goeni,  In  C.  VOTttn  u.  4.  S. 

bebsTuig  in  tUi  wsjr  ?'  48.  Sa  rtHela  kme  «riUieiH  of  pn  ilU 

S3.  Priut .  .  .  ^m  tffo  argtntm  ^ft-  arynfe]  'This  dmgbcer  of  hm  ii  leA  b> 

eero]  8ee  nole  on  H.  3.  81.  Bacchii  u  k  pMge  fbr  tlMt  nmof  moMj.' 

VS.  Di  tt  tTBdieaUl   Compuo  Andria  fr.  ■  Airhebo '  ftctcd j  ■UHan  (nim  '  inginu  '  ia 

4.83;  FlMnu,B«cfaideBT.1.6:  >' Peiditai  tbU  'pignni'  mnui  -m  pMge,'  wbidi  ii 

■tqne  eliMb  «ndicatu  nin :    omniboe  a-  giran  m  k  nenritj  for  •  debt,  uid  ie  r- 

empUianaDr."    ClitiphD  pioeeeili  tD  fm  tarned  wben  tfae  debt  ii  peid;  '•rrhrtio' 

Sjrai  ■  nunmarj  CMtigBtian,  ud  deperta.  jnopa^j  meeiie  'ui  initalment,'  *s  ln  nu- 

40.    H<tit   dratAmanm    oryvnij    *aee  tu,  HoitdlniB  iii.  I.  109-111 1 

>  thoneeiid  «ilTtr  dracbme-'  ■moqntinir     " Qnid  ?    «m    (mM)    qwntl    Aa- 


ACTUS  m.    SCENA  m.  207 

Sy.  Hano  secnm  hao  addtmt,  ea  qoae  eet  nimc  apnd  iixorem 

Ch.  Qnid  tmnP    Sy.  Cfliniam  ont  sibi  uti  id  mme  det;  illflm 

illi  tamea 
Poet  datnram.     Mille  ntmmiran  poecit.     Ch.  Et  poscit  qm- 

demP     Sy.  Hui,  ^^ 

Dubiom  id  eet  P  Ck.  Ego  mc  putaTi :  quid  nunc  facere  cogitas  P 
8j/,  EgoneP  ad  Menedemum  ibo:   dicam  hanc  eese  captam 

ex  Caiia 
Ditem  et  nol^em ;  si  redimat,  mftgnum  ineeae  in  ea  Incmm. 
Ch.  Erras.     fi^.   Quid  itaP     Ch.  Pro  Menedemo  nunc  tibi 

ego  respondeo : 
Nouemo:   quid  aisP     8y.  Optata   loquere.     Ch.  Atqui  non 

eet  opufl.  50 

Sy.  Non  opua  eet  P     Ch.  Non  heicle  vero.     Sy.  Quid  istue  P 

miror.     Ch.  Jam  sciee. 
Mane,  mane ;  quid  est  quod  tam  a  nobia  graviter  ciepuerunt 


2^  Tdenti  nugBii  taliden  qoot  ego  et    demoB  to  liur  bcr  u  a  ■pccoUtiint,  thtt 
*"™^'    .    ,  ,   ...  .       ,  B«chfaiiaijg«lh«moneT.    Bentlay  dten 

Sed    an-bBiKiiu    taa    oedit    i^iudnginim    tbowbolepi "'~ 

"""«"■"  fcllowi ! 

Cooipu*  abo  Badem,  'ProX.  46,  ■nd  UDaa 
GkirkieDS  iv.  1.  11,  wbere  Palaeetrio  giiae 
FjTgopoiiiiicea  a  ring   fram  hi«  pretended 

.  me  «dpe."     The  word  fl|^«,  0«™  '^**  ^»  P~"  "'  1"^"« 

in  the  lainB  senBc  in  the  New  TeatwnBOt,  AntiphUa  ia  Co  be  a  ■ecaritr  fDraea)  that 
»Cor.i.!B;Ki*.i.l4.  W.  8nd  it  ^lj  Ihe  ^cer  ehaU  be  rJS^^  ff  it  ^ 
0n<»  m  auncal  aatb>»i,  m  a  panage  o(  -eti  fcom  th.  ahbnmatioD  '  pirt,'  which 
Antipbo,  Kro^.  1 :  r^v  rix»"|v  Ixotic  be  iDppaa»  the  copjiatg  to  haTB  atlered  to  • 
■WoP-""  "u  Iii».  Theword  u  conHBctad  '  pnidt.'  But  there  ie  no  erideni»  tbat 
withtbeUebrew  I^  (GeoeeiiiizniLiy).  iuch  wu  tbe  uh.  Tbe  pUn  waii  of  coniM 
8e«  QeKnina  anb  Toce.  la  thia  paM^  tba  to  get  Auliphila  iato  Menedemiu'  boiue, 
vord  ia  med  «  iM  abbretiated  form  ■  aira,'  «h^  CUnia  wonld  have  do  diScalCy  in 
fai  tbe  KDM  of  '  pigno.,'  Tor  Antiphila  can  anodating  wllh  her ;  and  Antipbila  ia  to 
hardlj  be  nid  to  be  an  iii.CahneDt  of  tbe  be  repreeented  u  a  Carian  captlve.  Mene. 
debt.  demni  li  to  bo;  ber  that  he  maj  make  a 

44,  4(.]  In  airanging  thle  dilGcDlt  pa(-     good  bargain  ont  of  ber  ransom. 
nge  I  ha*e  foUowsd  Perlet,  wbose  order  ii         60.  <^f a(a   lofuert]    This,    Ijke    '  bona 
bMcdnpDn  the  exfrianatiaii  origiDally  giTen,     verlM  qDaeao,'  Andria  L  -i.  Xt,  ni  •  form- 
if  I  Diiatake  not,   bj  Weaterboviua.     The     of  deprecnting  a  refiuaL  Chreme.  refiuei  to 

r.„ —     ■BMchi.  begi  Clinia  to    flJI  into  Ihe  plan.    A  good  deal  of  needlca. 


Dat  Cbreme.  v 
ntemipted  ? 
iinpa.  maik  th.t  this  plan  of  Syrss,  thoogh  re- 
Thii  jected  h(Te,  comee  np  «gain  in  the  oouraeof 
fbllows  .imple.  Clinia  1.  to  ths  plaj,  and  prodnces  the  deurod  efreet; 
haie  Anbphila,  if  ha.  cai  pte  the  monej ;  thoagh  tiuai  it  ia  Chremea  and  Dot  Ueneda- 
ukd  M  fljnia  aadaitakM  to  pemiade  Mene-    mns  wbo  ia  the  *lc<im. 




aOSERATA.      CHKEHES.       mTTKIX.       S^US. 

80.  Nisi  me  ammus  fJBllit,  hic  prc^ecto  est  aimulufi  qoem  ego 

la  quicum  exposita  est  gnatft.     Ck.  Quid  Tolt  Bibi,  Syre,  liaec 

oratio  P 
So.  Quid  estP   isne  tibi  Tideturf     iVtt.  I>ixi  equidem   ubi 

milii  oeteQdieti  jlico 
Eum  ^se.     80.  At  ut  satis  coutemplata  modo  sis,  mea  uutrix. 

Nu.  Satis. 
80.  Abi  jam  nunc  intro,  atque  illa  si  jam  larerit  mihi  nuntia : 
Hic  ego  virum  interea  oj^wribor.     Sy.  Te  vult :  Tideas,  quid 

velit.  6 

Nescio  quid  tristis  est :  uon  temere  est :  metuo  quid  sit.     Ch. 

Quid  Biet  ? 
Nae,  ista  hercle  magno  jam  conatu  magnas  ni^as  dizerit. 
80.  Ebem  mi  vir.     Ch.   Ehem  mea  uzor.     80.   Te   ipsum 

quaero.     Ch.  Loqucre  quid  velis. 
80.  Primum  hoc  te  oro  ne  quid  credas  me  adversum  edictum 

tuum  10 

Facere  eese  ausam.     Ch.  Yin  me  istuc  tibi,  etsi  incredibile 

eet,  credere  P 
Oredo.     St/.  Nescio  quid  peccati  portct  haec  purgatio. 
80.  Meministin  me  eese  gravidam,  et  mihi   te  maximoperc 


AcT   IV.    ScENK   I.     Soatnta,   viFe  of  Bncch»   bul    bronght    with    her.      Thcse 

Chramn.  coniei  on  the  itoge  in  gmt  ei-  tidings  are  not  Tcry  gratefdl  to  Cbrema  at 

dtement,  halding  in  her  hind  &  ring  which  first ;  bnt  ttter  having  beard  Ihe  whole  atoiy, 

ehe  fkncies  to  be  the  Bame  u  tbitt  with  he  niBkes  np  bi>  mind  to  take  thingt  t>  be 

which  ahe  formerlf  eiposed  her  daogfaler ;  findi  them  ;  and  goei  with  his  wife  to  M« 

■  conjectnre  in   which    the   hmilj  nune  Antiphila. 

agnes.     She  proceeiis  to  break  this  piece  The  Metre  is  u  foIlDWS;  1— S,  iambic 

of  ne«i  to  her  husband,  beginning  of  course  tetrsmettr ;  10-04,  trochaic  tctramHer. 

bf  excusing  hereelf     For  wbeti  thig  child  1.  Anmilui']     This  ring  had  bevn  pltceil 

wu  bom,  Cbremes  faad  ordered  it  to  be  ei-  on  Ihe  perBoo  of  the  cbild  to  Becu™  litr 

poied,    and  it  had    been   given  to  aa  old  recogniHon  in  cue  of  iireservation,  andiln 

Corinthian  wonmn   for   thM   purpose.     At  ai    SoetrBlB   nys   ■fto^wtinli,    in    c»e   cJ 

the  >ame  lime,  from  *  Bupentitioui  feeling,  dekth,  that  she  might  not  be  without  aoiM- 

sbe  had  giien  tbe  womBn  a  pog  to  place  thing  belonging  to   ber   parenta.     It  n> 

with  the  child.    Tbispenon  hadbroughCup  one  of  Ibe  'crepatidia'  or  '  monuiiwiila ' 

Ibe  chitd  ;  and  the  ring  bad  beeti  found  in  wbicfa  would  be  atlarhed  lo  her  cIoUki  cr 

tbe  poefenioD  of  the  yoang  «oman  *hom  peraon.    See  nolea  on  Etm.  ir.  6.  10. 


ACTUS  IV.    8CENA  I.  209 

8i  paedlam  panrem  nolle  tolli  P     Ck.  Bcio  quid  fecens : 
SoBtnlisti.     8if.    Sio  est  factum,  donuna,  ergo  herus  damno 

aactuB  eet.  is 

So.  Minime :  sed  erat  hic  Corinthia  aniu  hand  impnra :  ei 

Exponendam.     Ch.  O  Jupiter,  tantamne  eese   in  animo  in- 

scitiam !  ' 

80.  Perii :  qnid  Ggo  feci  ?     Ch.  Kogitas  P     jSo.  8i  peccavi,  mi 

Ineciena  feci.     Ch.  Id  equidem  ego  ai  ta  nege§,  oerto  scio 
Te  inscientem  aique  imprudentem  dioere  ac  facere  omnia :     30 
Tot  pecoata  in  hac  re  oetendis ;  nam  jam  primum,  si  meum 
Imperium  ezseqm  Toluiasee,  interemtam  oportuit ; 

U.  8i  futUam  partnm  imllr  lelli  /]  dentood  it  of  Ctitlpba,  vlio  ii  nld  to  Iw 

See  noto  on  Aadri»  i.  3.  14 ;  this  «aa  u  '  dMnno  knctiu '  '*  quod  ej  ooherea  poellB 

bmA  u  to  aaj,  '  Yoa  oidarad  the  cbild  if  rnierit."     Bnt  tlie  words  beu  ■  yaej  good 

it  «ne  ■  girl  to  be  made  vnj  with.'     In  meBniag:  m  the;  stand.     The  ellipea  of  '  ri ' 

the  preaeding  liiie  •ome  mmnascriptj  ned  is  aot  more  hiith  tiaa  in  touij  pus«g«*. 

'cm'  kRo'  'me:'  bat  it  is  onutted  bj  the  With  the  worda  '  dtiDiio  anctnj  eSt'm  Diq 

Bembine  ud  otbeT  Bood  copi».     For  ■  di-  oompve  the  Tety  common  ow  of  the  word 

coe'  Bentler   nibstitutei  'sdicere'  with-  '  nucto,'  ■  lo  sugment,'   ■inQvase,'  u  tn 

ont  snthoritr.     The  Bembine   uid  Vati-  Plsntue,  Poeuuini  ill.  1.  14: 

aa  meiinscripte  omit  tba  wotd  altocetber :  „  _.  .^           ,    ,        ,               _.       -  • 

.  ^ _\. 1   ,. "i , "  I^Titem  ■ndBcter  solemiis  mactwo  inior- 

Oat  sODie  mch   wonl  u   necesest^   before  \„  •    jf^^ 

■noUe  toUL'     How  comman  thii  pnctice  ™°"'' 

of  exposng  (enule  children  wu,  nuir  be  Aaloluia  iiL  li.  63  : 

«m,  Dot  only  ftom  numerooa  iDitancae  in  ,.  Dotrt«nmctant  et  malo  et  damnorin»." 

comedf  and  Incedj,  bnt  also  from  snch  '™'-"  "—• -" 

popalar  safings  u  <Hie  quoted  by  Werter-  Baccbidea  ii.  3.  130,  of  a  rnnawa;  sIbtb  : 

horiiufroaipDddii^:  '<  Si  «ro  lepreheosus  maelo  ^  illam  inbr- 

Trtov  rpif»  ric  Kav  ■rivn  "C  ^»'  rixVi  tunio." 

B«jaTipa  f  l«-ie,«  .Jv  j  r\o{.t.ot.  r^^  ^^  pl„^  o,^  ^  Phormio  ».  8. 

It  huoftBnbeenrenurked  thatthegTeatest  S8  : 
sodaldiange  to  be  attribnled  to  Chrutiaiiity 
i*  the  gennal  ^tentioQ  of  tbe  feelings  on 
qoutiinu  of  domeatic  life.  But.  with  tbe  ei- 

eeption  of  mdi  cwes  a>  that  beforo  ns,  the  Tbe  word  '  aactn» '  wu  apedallr  osed  of 

reUtion  of  the  aeies  wu  perhape  placed  on  tbe  birtb  of  chiidreu.     Compare  PlanhU, 

■  better  footing  bj  the  Romu  law  tbau  it  Tracnlentus  ii,  6.  S6  i 

is  by  onre.    Modcn  eodaty  hu  not  wry  „  q^^  t„  recte  prOTenisti  qnnmque  eat 

modi  to  boaat  of  in  some  reipecta  ;    bat  ancls  Uberis  '" 

it  coTcn  its  frailtias  witb  a  deoent  doak.  ' 

16.  Sie  al  /acltim,  domina,  trgo  htnu  and  CioeTO,  Ad  Atticnm  i.  2  :  "  Rliolo  ma 

ibnwa  saeJw  Mt]     '  If  Hiat  is  tbe  c«M,  auctam  edto,  saln  Toeutia."    Putting  the 

Hbdani,  then  my  aiastcr  hu  gained  a  loat.'  two  munlngs  of  th«  «Ord  together,  It  ]» 

Thia  Kno  hu  been  moidi  lampend  with  by  eridaot  that  Srnis  meaot  to  say,  'Ifthatls 

emendators.   Addalina  cbangea  '  «rgo '  into  troa,  tben  my  master  bu  got  an  eipensTa 

>  ego,'  •  1  bare  gained  a  mistnss,  my  mu-  addition  to  hi»  Ikmily,  a  dsaghtar  whom  be 

tCT  ■  loae.'     ^ntley  more  boldly  ^lers  will  h»e  to  pntion  ont,  «ad  who,  from 

'  domina '  into  '  miDor,'  nnderstaiuling  by  flnt  to  lut,  befdte  she  is  off  his  hauds,  will 

■  minar    hmia '    Cbtipbo.     l^    Bembine  ooet  him  ■  pretty  pennj.' 

mannacript  ii  nid  lo  read  ■  domine  V   '  "'         ""     "^' ' '" 

this  take  pl«e  at  home  ?'    Eugraphini 



Hfon.  aimiilare  mortem  verbiB,  re  ipsa  sp«n  Titsa  dsre. 

At  id  ranitto :  miaericordia,  aiumas  matemoft :  siao. 

Qimm  bene  vero  abs  te  proBpectnm  est  I  quid  Tolmsti  ?  co- 

gita.  ,  26 

Nempe  auui  illi  prodita  abs  te  filia  est  planissime, 
Per  te  vel  nti  quaestum  tacervt,  Tel  nti  Teniret  palam. 
Credo  id  cogitaati :  "  Quidyis  satis  est  dum  viTat  modo." 
Quid  cum  iUis  agas,  qoi  neque  jns,  neque  bonum  atque  aequum 

Melius,  pejus ;  prosit,  obfdt ;  nihil  Tideut,  nisi  quod  libet.     ao 
80.  Mi  Chreme,  peccaTi,  &teor :  Tincor :  nunc  boc  te  obsecro, 
Quajato  tuos  est  animus  natu  gTBTior,  ig&oecentior, 
T7t  meae  stultitiae  in  justitia  tua  sit  aliquid  praesidi, 
Ck.  SciliceE  equidem  istuc  &ctum  ignoecam :  Termn,  Soetrata, 
Hale  docet  te  mea  facilitaa  multa.     Sed  istuc,  quicquid  est, 
Qua  boc  occeptum  est  causa  loquere.     So.  Ut  stultaa  et  misero 

onmes  sumus  36 

Religioeae,  quum  exponendam  do  ilH,  de  digito  annulum 
Detrabo ;  et  eum  edico  ut  una  cum  puella  exponeret ; 
Si  moreretur,  ne  ezpers  partis  eeset  de  nostria  bonis. 
Ch.  latuo  reote:  conserrasti  te  atque  illam.     80.  Is  hic  est 

annuIuB.  40 

Ch.  TJnde  babes  P     80.  Qnam  Baccbis  secum  adduxit  adoles- 

centulam.     8y.  Hem  I 

31 .  Ntme   Aoe  le   oiteero]     '  Uf   deu  Ibi'  jou  med  yoiir  conadeace  uid  premrreA 

Chremes,  I  <raa  wrong,   I  coafeu.     I  un  hm  llfe.'     This  ia  soid  ironiollj,  bom  hi* 

«niTlnced.      Now  I  b^  }on,  that  w  TOnr  formec  point  of  riew,  nunely,  tlwt  thi*  WM 

mind  ii  nMvntll;  more  colm  uid  more  con-  ui  *ct  of  diaobedianca.     ■  YoQ  Bolnd  xU.' 

nderata  tlum  miiM,  mj  follj  m*T  &Dd  loma  Cbremee  uyi,  '  in  two  wayi.     Id  tbe  flrat 

pRjtectioD    iu  jonr  justice.'     UDnecennrj  pUca  jau  ]n«fnnd  joor  impttititicMU  HO- 

difficoltiM   have   been   nued   kbout   theee  lioiu  to  mj  Goniuad.  uid  tbw  joa  tnok 

Unes.     '  NatD  inTkir'  maj  be  ui  admptb  the  bort  meuu  to  preeerre  Hw  cbM  wbm 

tioD  of  the  comman  phnw  'natn  grandior;'  I  wlihed  to  be  destrojed.'     Ili*  ling  mtta- 

bnt  it  Meros  more  simple  to  lalre  '  D>tD  '  In  rjllj  wonld  lead  uj  one  who  Iband  lli« 

theieDM  of 'DatuiB.'  'IgnoacBDtior'  meuu  dtild  lo  tbinlc  thnt  it  wonld  be  wotth  whilB 

'  more  rudj  to  moke  allowuiceB ;'  uid  g^ene-  to  briiii'  it  ap,  tlut  ila  parente  mi^it  mmm 

nllj,   'more  connderato.'      See  nota  on  daj  be  fboiid  and  iswaid  UMae  wbo  had 

'ignoK!««.'  ii.  1.  0.     Bentlej  Tecaata  the  pieaerved  iti  Lle. 

whole  pwige,  (irofceaiDg  not  t»  nnderatapd  41.  Quam  ...   tdeltiettihitam]     Soms 

the  common  reading.     Witfaoot  anj  antlKb  commentaton  oDmpaie  tha  pataage  in  Ea- 

ritj  be  wonld  read  '  QoBDto  tn  me  ea  annia  Dachu  i*.  3. 1 1 :  "  EuinDhnm  qnem  dediali 

grafior  taDtoee  igDOKMitior:'  bnt  th«in-  nobi»  qnai  turbaa  deditl"    But  tbat  ia  > 

boduetjon  of  ■  dsfinite  aentaiae  iu   tbe  eaae  of  iDrene  attraction  (lee  mle).     In 

plaee  of  Ihe  dependent  cUue.  onlj  aerrca  tbe  paaaage  before  ui  we  b*Te  onlj  «n  n. 

*          '         ■""  "'a  between 'obaemi'  tidpMioD  trf  the  relati*e  daaia  :  tiw  antB- 


ACTUS  IV.    SCENA  U.  .  2H 

(^  Qoid  ea  aarratf    80.  £b  laTatum  dum  it   nrTaftdum 

Aniawuft  acm  «dreTti  primmn ;  sed  poetqnam  SHpezi,  ilico 
CopMm:  ad  te  exriiuL     Ci.  Qmd  nmio  nupiaarfl,  aat  in- 

Se   iUaP     80.  Neecio;  nisi  ut  ei  ipaa  quaerae  onde  hmic 

babaoit,  45 

Si  potifl  est  reperiri,  .  Sy.  Intorii :  plos  spei  video  qnam  toIo. 
Noetra  est,  n  ita  wt.     Ch.  Vivitne  illa  cui  tu  dedenu  P    80. 

Ch.  Qxdd  renmitiaTit  olim  t     80.  FeciBae  id  qnod  juBseram. 
Ch.  Nomen  mulierifl  cedo  quod  sdt,  ut  qoaeiatur.     80,  Phil- 

Sif.  Ipea  eet :  mimm  ni  illa  aalTa  ent,  et  ego  periL     Ck.  Sos- 

trata,  ^, 

Soqnere  me  intro  hao.     8a.  Ut  praeter  qwm  OTWiit.     Quom 

tiniui  nn»1^* 
Ne  nuBo  animo  ita  eeeee  duro  ut  olim  in  tollenda,  Ohreme  1 
Ch.  Non  lioet  homiaem  eeae  aaepe  ita  ut  volt,  ai  res  non  ainit. 
Nunc  ita  t«mpua  est  mihi  at  oupiam  filiam ;  olim  niliil  minna. 


Nisi  me  animoa  &llit,  haud   permultum  a  me  aberit  in- 

48.  5i  poti$  mt  rtpwriri\     tot  •  poti*  thit  dbMTdTT  of  Antiphik.    H«  now  de. 

Mt  ■  aee  iwta  oo  Euoohu  iL  3. 3i.    Now  bitn  with  iaaadt  «hmt  to  *>.     '  Terily,' 

tbat  it  nanM  tikslr  thu  Aoliphil*  wiU  be  bo  »71,  •  dua  bnsiiw»  driret  me  lirte  a 

diKOTerad  to  be  tbe  ilwghler  ot  Cbzeme»,  eomer.    I  mDrt  do  mr  best  to  prareiit  tke 

Sjnu  ba^  to  be  >Uniiecl ;  fbr  if  lo,  then  detectkm  of  BkcUs.     I  nead  itot  bo|>e  now 

hii  plu  toi  daOBTiiig  MeDedemui  blti  to  to  orrj  mj  point  Aaat  tha  moner ;  If  I 

tbe  gnmiid,  amd  be  eeea  natfaing  br  it  bat  Mre  inr  on  akin  I  ehaU  gafai  ■  triompb. 

to  eeod  awar   Baccfaia  and  aodecave   hii  And  to  tfafnk  that  nch  a  glorioa  mandiftai 

miato-.      The    diBoaveiy  of    Aotipbila  it  ghonid  hais  slipped   irom  my  lipi!    Bnt 

niherabrnptin  thiapan  of  tbe  piKj;  bot  itill  ■ometfaing  or  othar  imut  be  done ;  and 

the  cataHniphe  ia  deAmd  \>r  Ae  inlrodae-  I  Bhall  decoj  back  thaC  afa;  monej  aftw 

tion  of  Clitipbo'i  adieatiiRa,  and  the  ad.  all.' 

miTBble  tnm  of  dnracte  wludi  ia  azhiblted  Tie  Metre  a  iambtc  tetnmeCer. 

In  Henedennn  wheit  b*  flnds  bimaelf  Inthe  1.  Niti  mt  animia  /allit]     STnt  com- 

poattiin  bi  whleh  bti  IKend  Oiremet  wa*  mences  bia  aoliloquj  with  tba  aame  wordi 

whtn  he  eo  philoKipbicaUjt  gaTO  hfan  bie  wbich  Soitnta  had  nmd  at  tba  commeDO- 

■dTice.  ment  of  the  lait  ««110.     Tfa<a  maj  mtadr 
be  aeddenWl;  bot  It  niar  ea«lT  haTo  beiM 

AcT  IT.  SeBNB  II.     Brmt  ii  tbe  only  ooutrfTed  to  haTO  ■  ooniio  effect.  The  00«- 

peraoQ  wboancaianogoodlobimwlf  bom  moa  Teadin*  bare  ia  '  haad  mnltam  a  nM 

P  2 



Ita  liao  re  in  angnatnm  oppido  nirnc  mese  cogantar  coinae ; 
Nifii  aliquid  video  ne  esse  amicam  hanc  gnati  resciBcat  eenex. 
Nam  quod  de  argento  sperem,  aut  posae  poetulem  me  &llere, 
NihiL  est :  triumplio  si  licet  me  latere  tecto  absoedere.  5 

Crucior,  bolum  tantum  mihi  ereptum  tam  de  subito  e  &11- 

Quid  agam  P  aut  quid  comminiscBr  ?  ratio  de  int^^  iueonda 

est  mihi. 
Nibil  tam  difficile  eet  quin  quaerendo  inTeetigari  possiet. 

aberit  iufbrtiminm.'  Tbu  !■  bad  in  metm, 
niLlesi  we  ore  to  read  mth  y/taae  io  the 
Tanchnilx  editioD  '  med.'  Bat  tkii  fonn  ia 
not  met  with  in  Terence,  >nd  it  is  betler  to 
read  '  permnltam  '  with  Benllej  tliu  to 
•dopt  Bn  afaaulpte  fbrm,  or  withont  rnaon 
to  imkgiaa  ao  hiatoi  in  an  amuual  pl*ce. 
Some  commeotatan  of  the  Duier  achool 
b>Te  ntppoMd  that  Synui  hu  been  pnseat 
Bt  the  twognition  whicb  ha>  taken  place  ia 
doora :  but  there  ii  DOthing  to  lead  un  ta 
tbia  ides.  It  ii  more  natnnl  to  snppaee 
him  to  rem*in  ou  tbe  stage,  >nd  to  mahe 
hia  Boliloqnj  hen  ae  hii  commentarj  on 
wliat  had  tranapired  in  the  last  Kene. 

3.  Ha  Aae  re  in  angvtttaii  tppiile  nuiu! 
meat  eogiaUar  eapiiie]  '  So  utterly  are  all 
mj  reaoDriM  bmaght  to  hay  bj  tbia  affair.' 
With  tbe  phraflc  '  in  angtutam  cognntor ' 
we  may  comjMre  the  eipreBeions  '  Tenire  ia 
aDgustnm,' '  deduci  in  angualun],'  naed  bj 
Cicero.  80  in  De  Officiin  17  we  haTe  "Con- 
cladi  in  anguetam  et  exignum."  The 
id«  la  tbat  of  an  wnaj  driien  into  a 
oanow  place  whence  it  caunot  eitricate 
itaelf,  and  where  it  haa  no  room  for  ma- 
nnDvring  ;  but  we  need  not  pre»  the  me- 
taphor  aa  some  lilentl  powmB  mentioned 
bf  Calporaina,  who  adopted  the  reading 
■  in  angiulo  oppido  coguntur,'  of  whicb  (he 
•enae  ia  noC  betcer  than  the  I«Unitj.  '  Op- 
pido '  ia  a  lerj  common  wonl  iu  Flautna, 
»nd  occnri  in  loma  few  placea  in  Terenoe. 
Compare  It.  4.  1 2.  Adelpbi  iii.  2.  94.  Phor- 
mio  ii.  2.  3.     It  genoall;  ii  oaed  in  an  in- 

chidea  iT.  S.  43 : 

8ee  Plaotna,  Bac- 
JkfM.  Qnia 

"Jfne.  Perii.    Ch.  Quid 

paCri  omne  cum  ramento  reddidi. 

Ch.  Reddiati  ?   Jfne.  Reddidi.   CA.  Om- 

nene  ?    Ifiu.  Oppido.    Ch.  Ocd^  an- 

He  old  deiiTaliaD  of  pBatna  '  Qnantnm  Td 
oppido  wtla  eaaet'  ii  BnSdently  abanrd. 
Dr.    Dooaldaoo    (v, ---       ■        -      ■ 

that  it  ia  oonnected  with  ticmior,  and 
Bo  comee  to  haTe  the  nManing  of  '  plam.' 
Pcrlet  qnotaa  tnaa  Fabriaaa  a  Gred 
prOTerb,  ofwhich  tbia  lina  ieneariTa  lmia< 
lation:  ii[  anviv  Ufiiilp  al  in/aiutt  i/ioi 

ft.  Trn.mphe  *i  tiett  au  lalere  teelo  mt- 
leedert]  '  I  am  Iriampbaat  if  I  can  onlj 
>*a^ie  onhurt.'  '  Latoi  nndum  prBcbere ' 
waa  ■  gladiatorial  tcrm  sigui^ing  ■  to  b« 
wounded.'  See  Tibultau  i.  4.  4« : 
"Saepe  dabia  nodnm,  Tincst  ot  iUa,  latw ;" 
bnt  bcre  tbere  ie  a  mrae  oatoral  allMion  to 
the  ordinarj  pnnishmeot  of  daTea,  bj  wfaieh 
Sjrus  hss  a  rigfat  to  eipect  ■  laten  itrtm,' 
and  will  tbink  bimaelf  Inckj  if  he  geta  tjt 
irith  ■  wbole  skin. 

G,  Crmeior,  ioltim  .  .  ,  ejaueitu*]  '  I  am 
diatracted  to  think  that  soch  a  niee  iiKinth. 
fal  shonld  hsTe  been  anatdied  &om  mj 
mouth  all  of  a  sudden.'  '  Bolaa  '  !s  said  to 
be  deriTed  liom  tbe  Greek  ^wXoc,  'a  iomp' 
originally  '  itf  eaith.'  Thii  ia  tbe  onlj  pas- 
aage  in  which  it  oocan.  In  Plantni  the 
word  ia  alwajs  '  bBlus,'  aiKt  is  oaed  in  twn 
cbiefsenses,  (])  a  throw  at  dice,  (S)  a  cast 
of  B  net ;  Hid  Iben  metsphoricallj,  aoaie- 
timea  iu  the  aenM  of  'gain,'  sometimM 
■  loas.'  See  eiamples  m  Forodlinl.  Soma 
aappoae  tbe  word  lo  l>e  tbe  vune  in  thia 
paasage ;  aod  aa  fta  porition  in  the  rem  it 
rBtbcB'  in  faToar  of  the  short  -o,  it  maj  Terj 

■'  Dahit  haec  tibi  giandea  boloa," 
She  will  bring  joa  ■  grand  haol,'  ■  great 

7.  De  inlefro']     See  Andria^  FroL  36. 

8.  Ni/tU  lam  diffieile  eal  ^-e.]     Com- 
qoote  tbe  following  iinea  from 

'jtAtird  71  jvir'  iirifitKtif  n 
....  H&rra  rd  CvraA/iiva 

Di  fitplfivqc  faaiv  al  •o^a^fpm. 

ACTUS  IV.    SCENA  m.  213 

Qaid  d  hoc  nunc  aio  inoipianiP    Nilul  eet.     Quid   si   aicP 

TEmtaQdem  egero. 
At  sio  opioor.    Non  potast.    Iiod  (^time.    £iige,  liabeo  op- 

Ketraham  Itercle  opinor  ad  me  idem.  illud  iiigitiTam  argentam 

CLINTA.       BTKdB. 

Cl.  Nnlla  mihi  res  poBtliac  poteat  jam  interrenire  tanta 
Qnae  mihi  aegritudinem  afferat:   tanta  haeo  laetitia  oborta 

ert.         ' 
Dedo  patri  me  nnnc  jam  ut  frugalior  sim  quam  vult. 
8}/.   Nihil  me  fefelUt :   cognita  est,  qoantum  audio  ht^os 

Istuc  tibi  ex  sententia  tua  obtigisse  laetor.  6 

■nd  Aom  PbileiaoD ;  Tfae  Uetn  li  u  bUow*;  1—39,  Umbie 

T-   i¥    -^  -^     r—               »«v       r-"»  g_  Dide  patri  na  nme  jam  al  Jrtvalior 

II.  SelraMam  . .  .  Iineii]     •!  ibdl  i^  timftiam  n//]     Thg  wnrd  '  frngaUi '  doea 

badi,  I  rackon,  thst  nme  rmiMmy  moiie;  not  oacnr  mdj  wbere  ■mODg  good  «riten : 

■fter  ■]].'    '  Fngjtim '  a  properijr  tued  of  k  the  dhuI  poiiitirfl  bdog  '  fnigi.'  Thii  LUiti 

muwK;  ■!>*«  i  bnl  the  met^hDr  m^;  be  word  w^a  nied  bj  Cicttn  (o  expren  tbe 

(akeD  DKM  gimenllj  u  I  have  tnntlatad  comprehsiiaiTe  Oreeh  woid  swf  jmv,  Bpeak- 

it  ID  the  ■iguDMiDt  to  this  ■oana.  ing  ot  the  tempente  Dun  he  atja,  "  Qoem 
Gneci  aii^poiia  kppeUBot  eunqiie  (irtutem 

AcT  IV.  ScBNK  III.    CUma  ^peus,  id  vwfposut^v  Tocuit  qoun  loleo  eqoidem 

■a  «iieoDtiolbble  itate  of  ddigbt.    He  ii  tam  tempenntiuD  t«m  Diodantlaiiem  ap- 

nadj  to  pUce  himMit  at  hit  hther'i  di>-  pell^re,  noDDonqnam  etiam  modestiMn  :  wd 

octioii,  and  to  lire  u  ■tead;  ■  li(e  ■•  be  hoad  uao  ui  recte  ee  lirtBi  ftugelitea  ap- 

eui   pwaUj  wi«h.     For  h>>  Antiphila  ii  pdiui  poeeit.  qnod  angnstin»  apud  Griiecoe 

discDTCved  to  be  of  good  pareDtage ;  uid  «■let  qni  fnip  homiiiea  x''^^'l""'C  ■ppel- 

now  uothiDg  remains  bnt  lo  mur;  >ad  be  luit,  id  eat.  tuitnmmodo  ntilee:  >t  illndeet 

happy.     While  lie  ii  in  thii  Btate  of  miod,  Utina  .  .  .  tns  nrtatea,  fortinidinem,  Jwti- 

S^ni  bea  ■ome  (UScnlt;  in  gunlng  k  heer-  liam,  pmdentiam,  frngalita*  eat  compbiu : 

ing,      Ue  reminde  him  tbat  he  haa  to  ■ct  , .  .  reliqDum  igitnr  eiit  quufta  Tirtni  nt  «it 

tlie  part  of  ■  good  ftiend  ta  CIHipho,     He  ipea  finialitaa."    TubcuIui.  Dieput.  iiL  8. 

mnat  nat  tberefiin  to  off  and  lesTe  Bacehij  80   ben  it  i*  no  doubt  k  traoalatioii  of 

■tChremes'honM,  fortbenClitipbo's*ecret  rufpovtarffK.    See  MuJeane'*  Dota  od 

will  be  diseorered.    AccordiDgl;  he  adnses  Horaee,  Bat.  iL  ft.  76. 

bim  to  lell  his  father  tbe  wbole  tnith,  and  6.  Ss  Mntmlia  /ua]    '  I  sm  gbd  that  it 

kt  lum  tellCbremes;  *lbr  depend  Dpon  it,'  hM  tnnied  ont  ntisbctorilj  to  fou.'    Thii 

he  SBjs, '  the  storj  wiU  not  b«  (redited,  oA  \*  a  commoD  pbiue.     Compan  ir.  0.  17 1 

■0  both  parents  will  be  deoeiTed  b;  tbe  "Vah,^oiianeTenisseeiseDteDtiaJ"  Adel. 

plaln  Inith.     Nor  Deed  jod  fear  tbat  tlui  phi  iiL  3.  M :  "  Pisoes  ei  ■eatentia  nactas 

will  seriondj  retard  jour  marriage  i  this  lam."    Hacjm  t.  4.  9S :  "  Bpsroqne  bUM 

K'u  can  be  dropped  *s  sooD  as  tfaa  moaej  rem  asss  eTentDiam  nobis  ei  sentmth," 

obtaiiied  tbr  Baechis ;  Biid  then  joa  can  CAata  nses  the  pbnse.iD  a  (ew  passmes,  ai 

bne  jonrwiiskitoan*!  jDnUke.'  inaletter  to  AtticDi  j.SI :  "TeinB^nuD 



Cl.  Ow.  Syre,  audiatine  obeeorD  f    8ff.  Q«idni,  qui  Dsque  ona 

Cl.    Cuiqnam  aeque  audiEti  commodinB  tjoioquaia  STeniaBe  ? 

Sjf.  Nulli. 
Cl.  Atque  ita  me  Di  ament  ut  c^  nuno  noQ  tam  meapte 

Laetor  quam  iUius  quam  ego  scio  ease  honore  quoviB  dignam. 
Sj/.  Ita  credo :  sed  nunc,  Clinia,  age,  da  te  milii  vicissim :    10 
N am  amici  quoque  res  est  ridenda  in  tuto  ut  collocetur ; 
Ne  qoid  de  amica  nunc  Beoex.     CL  0  Jupiter !    Sy.  Quiesce. 
Cl.    Antiphila  mea  nubet  mihi.      Sff.    Sicine  mihi   interlo- 

Cl.  Q,uid  faciaQi,  Syre  mi  ?  gaudeo !  fer  me.    i^.  Fero  hercle 

Cl.  Deonun  Yitam  apti  (nmiuB.     81/.  Fmstra  openun,  opinor, 

sumo.  19 

:  »St  BDIM 

In  Gato,  De  Ontora  ii.  bteudior,"  aiid  it  ia  not  at  >U  impnifa^la 

44,  we  hne  s  ttorj  told  in  «hich  tliae  ii  ■  th»t  in  Boch  k  csm  the  tnii*criba'  mnilit 

plnj  span  the  phi«a'ei  uiimi  leBteBtift'  cfauge  'cniqiuiii'  into  the  niDreair  'cid.' 

•ad   'ei   sententik'    (ms  uote  on  ADdrJa  It  n  «ortb  notice  that  Ifae  w<ml  '  qoi*: 

It.  4.  U)  1  "  Ridicnle  eliiun  iUnil  P.  Nkaiea  ^oun '  ■■  onlj  need  in  ■  neoliTa  aODtBDoe, 

Cenx»!  Catoai  i  qanm  lUa :  Ei  toi  ■mml  iwlk  u  Uua  ia  ilMnrD  to  be  bj  tlie  m- 

aententia  tn  uioremlubei  ?  (Tell  OM,  OB  amr. 

joai   hoDOar,   IwTa    yoD   ■  wife?)       NoD  10.  Da  li  mila  ciciatMi]      '  IiCDd  joor- 

benje,  inqnit,  ex  md  ■nimi  ■enteotia.  (No,  aalf  to  me  in  tani.'     GiTe  me  a  '  benng.' 

iodeedi  Bot  to  m;  faumonr.)"     Hcre  ia  the  Compare  EnDaofaBt  iii,  3.  B : 

iutdaiiM'e>melaiiimiKatenti^-i.eqni-  "  —  Ipm  «5CBmb«ro 

Trfe^to-raaententa/aaenMwhid.™».  ^^           mlhf  w«.  di^  aennMi-ni  qw 

entmlj  tnm  tbe   poaitlon    of   tbe  wocd  ^^n                                        ^ 

e.  QttJAti,  f«  1UJHI  mu  n^urtm  r\  Adelphi  r.  3.  fiS  : 

l^duae  Dad»  hm  detected  ■  diHT^cr        ..Mitte  jmn  irt>ec:    <b  t>  bodia 

between  tUs  line  ud  t.    4 :    "  Nil    me  ^j . 

feMUl :  <»gnil.  eat,  qnutam  uidio  hqjoa  Eip«B«  frontom." 

TOrte,"    and  lolTea   it  bt   anppoamg  that  „             ,             .                        , ,  „ 

'  STToa  enleKd  Aa  bome  with  Chmnea  Omto  alw  nwd  tho  ph»«,  Ad  F«m.  IL  8: 

and    SostiBl»,   bwn    wfaat   AnliphiU   NLja  "  "»  •«  faominj  (Pompeu)). 

to  tbem,  >nd  weinE  how  it  i.  likelT  to  be,  "^.    iV.   niiJ    de    oauca  nime   miw] 

be  h.a  not  pMienoe  lo  wait  tke  t^  i  bat  '^  ^"  o}^  "^  ">•?  -ej  di««>T«,-»y 

raoa  ont  to  Ihiak  of  Ui  mlafortaiie,  «id  tf  thinj  about  hia  matreaa.      For  tha  dlipao 

pouible  to  «mtri»e  Kun*  mathod  to  pn-  «»"1^*"  it  2.  44  :  "  Sed  il  quid,  ne  quid." 

MTj.   Synis  b«i  bewd  eDoarii  to  Bakehim        '6.  Dtorum  vilam  epti  wmM]     Con»- 
■napeettfaetratliintbethfniaoeDe;  BBdit    "™*"^'^-si. 
ii  of  that  oonTBraalion  belween  ClmmM 
Bnd  SoHiBtB  tfaat  he  speBka  in  diia  lioe. 
'    "" diiHiiv.^    Thl»  i« 

aenla  wi  faiBtna.    We  freqneDtlr  flnd  nidi 


ACTUS  IV.    SOENA  m.  215 

Cl.  Loqnere;  andio.     8y.  At  jun  boo  non  ages.     Cl.  Agam. 

li^.  Yidendnm  e«t,  inqiMiii, 
Amici  qnoque  ree,  CSinia,  tai  in  tato  ut  oollocetur : 
Nam  si  nunc  a  nobis  abis,  et  Baccbidem  bic  rebuquia, 
Noatc9'  reeciscet  ilioo  «sse  amicam  bane  Clitiphonii : 
8i  abdnxeris,  oelalMtur  itidem  ot  oelate  adbuc  eet.  30 

CL  At  enim  utoc  nihil  eet  loBgis,  Syre,  meis  nuptiia  adTor- 

'Sexa.  qno  ore  appellabo  patrem  P     Teaes  quid  dicara  P     Bjf. 

Cl.  Quid  dicam  F    quam  cauaam  afferam  f      Sy.    Quin  nolo 

Aperte  ita  nt  res  aese  babet  narrato.     Cl.  Quid  aisf     8y. 

IUam  te  amare  et  Telle  nzorem :  banc  eese  Clitiphoms.  35 

Cl.  Bonam  atque  juBtam  rem  oppido  imperas,  et  iactu  fact- 

Et  Bcilicet  jam  me  boc  volee  patrem  exorare  nt  cdet 
Senem  Testram.     8y.  Imo,  ut  recta  Tia  r^n  narret  ordlne 

omoem.     Cl.  Hem, 

'  Apti  '  u  the  rsdiDg  of  Ois  BemUae  ind  "  Nam  qno  redibo  oie  ad  ewm  qiuun  OMI- 

tliB  beat  muatcript) :  my  Tauaj  howercr  tempinun?" 

raad   '  adepti,'    «tuch   shows    bow   prone  ,  8  03  - 

copTUti  wre  to  nbititale  tbe  eBiier  wonl  *    ' ., .,',.— 

forftemofedifficuit,    The  word '«lni'  ^'*^P"*«'      «hio  0»  ilhun  objn^ 

oGCVn  iu  FUnto*,  CaptiTi  It.  1 .  8 ;  S*™  - 

■■*»•«-  *2r5.z,'" 

Cto  tetl  tlie  trath ;  uf  thnt  joa  ire  in 
)  with  AntiphiU,  uid  wish  to  DUtrj  har ; 

feadi  *  temm,'  iDpportiog  it  bj  ■  refei-  thit  B*cchi<  bere  1b  Ctitipho'B  mirtreu.' 

«m  to  thii  punge  of  Terence :  '  Hanc,'   the    one   who   ii   here   wltii   nl ; 

"Hoc  nbi  qnMqoe  lod  regio   oppofto»  'J^'  »^  "^  who  i.  mdooni  -riai  Soe- 

^^bttvt  tnltA,  epart  fhim  m.    For  'oppido'  eee 

CiMoebMitnteriteTnmrwlIcibuaptL"  ""'■  ^^„  J"  j  S  Ib''  '"  '^^  ^cilem  ' 

18.  Aljtm  kae  km  b^]  *Bnt  ereniKm  28.  /mo,  uf  rtcta  n'a  rrai  narref  orJnil 
]xm  wOl  BOt  ■ttoid  to  mfc'  Bm  note  oa  mmem]  '  Yon  wi^  me  then,'  btI  Clinik, 
AnMkl.  t.  16.  'to  beg  nr  hihir  not  to  nention  thie  to 

19.  t/nHer}  This  i»  the  reading  of  >I1  jonr  otd  muter.'  '  No  indeed,'  ■>;■  Sjnu, 
the  nwimcTiptB  eicept  the  Bembme,  Mid  '  bnt  let  him  teU  him  the  iriHile  bndiieat 
ia  more  eipiessire.  aad  diMinet.  itnightftirwinilf  from  beginDing  to  end.' 

21.  Meit  miptia}     Porcellini  (Jfnu  ad  Thii  19  ■  good  instance  oT  the  a>e  of  '  imo.' 

lin.)  DOticee  tbe  reading  '  Miu '  in  tliie  pu-  8ee   note   on  Andria  iii.    6.   13.     For  the 

nge  1  bnt  tfaere  ii  no  tnce  of  it  in  tfae  phrue  '  rects  vik '  lee  note  od  Andria  ii.  S. 

nmnnacriptE  ;  uul  it  a  not  Terj  tntriligitde  1 1.      In   t.   24  wo  faaTe   tha  ^onymom 

Imw  anch  ■  (brm  conld  »™e.  plirase  "  Aperte  nt  ra»  sese  hibet  aarrato." 

23.  Nam  qao   ort  apptllabo  patnr*  f\  wbere  BenlJe]'  anneceesarilj  proposes  '  nar- 

'  Whh  wliat  bce  eh^  1  ipeBk  b>  mj  ft-  um.'    For  '  eelo  '  witb  ■  donble  accnBaCiTe 

ther .''    Tbe  eiprcMion  ii  comaMn.    See  aaa  nota  on  Andik  iii.  4.  6. 
Phormlo  T.  7.  24  : 



Satin  sannB  ee,  aut  Bobrius  P  tii  quidem  illum  plane  prodis. 
Kaia  qui  ille  poterit  esse  in  tuto  ?  dio  mihL  30 

Sff.  Huic  equidem  conBilio  palmam  do :    Iiic  me   magniflw 

Qai  Tim  tantam  in  me  et  potestatem  habeam  tantae  astatiae, 
Yera  dicendo  ut  eos  ambos  fallam ;  ut  quum  nairet  aenex 
Yester  noetro  istam  esse  amioani  gnati,  non  credat  tamen. 
Cl.  At  enim  spem   istoc  pacto  rorsum  nuptiarum  omnem 

eripis :  35 

Nam,  dum  amicam  hano  meam  eese  credet,  non  oammittet 

Tu  fortasBe  quid  me  fiat  parri  pendiB  dum  illi  consolas. 
8y.  Quid,  malum,  me  aetatem  cenees  Telle  id  assimularier  ? 
Unus  est  dies,  dum  argentum  eripio :  pax :  nihil  amplias. 
Ct.  Tantum  sat  habee  ?  quid  tum,  quaeao,  si  hoc  pater  resci- 

Terit  ?  40 

Sj/.  Quid  si  redeo  ad  iUob  qui  aiunt,  "  Quid  ei  nunc  coelam 

C^/.  Metno  qnid  agaDL  i^.  MetuisP  quasinoneapotestaBaittua, 
Qno  Tehs  in  tempore  ut  te  ezaolTas,  r^n  faciae  palam. 
Cl.  Age,  age,  traducatur  Baochis.  8tf.  Optime  ipsa  exit  foras. 

Illinm."  The  BanbiiM  miniucript  bma  *^  Hecyi»  ij.  1,  16  : 
'  perdis ;'  bnt  the  oommoD  tmding  ii  the  ••  t^j^  «utam  sx  uiic 
best,  u  BeatleT  ihowB.  y»  tffinea  f»ci>, 

31 .  Muic  eqtiidtm  cotirilio  palmam  do : 
Aic  ««  mafnijlct  Qferol     '  I  pre  the  p4lm 
to    tliii    plan  1    on    thii    I    pride    mjaelf 
gmOj.'     For  '  me  effero '  comptn  Cicero,         38.  Atlattm]     See  aotd  OQ  Ennncbiu  ir. 
Tiucnlan.  DiepDt.  iv.  17:  "  Modimi  tn  «d-     6,  7,  u]dDa'pu'  we  note  on  ii.  3.  M,  o* 

Qdi  illDm  decnniDt  digmmi  nca  cni  libe- 

DulluiD   eit  Don  p».  thiaplBf. 

rere  rUioQi  f  ui  raCio  pwum  praedpit,  neo  40.    7W»w   nt    *»*(•/]      '  Do    no 

boDum  iUod  eaM,  quod  >at  capiBB  nrdeiiter,  think   th«t   enongh  ?      Will    cme    d>i    ba 

Ht  adeptUB  eflem   te  iasolenter  P"      Por  cnon^  to  cutt  ont  ronrpUn?     Whnt  U 

•  pehnui  do '  compwe  Ennndiiu  T.  4.  8  [  idt  father  ihDald  diacoTcr  Ihe  whola  beftne 

'■  Id  »ero  ert  Quod  («o  mihi  poto  p»lm»-  jon  h«e  done  ?'    To  whicb  ajnu  lepUe^ 

^joa          ■"        T            '       '  .  And  what  if  I  epeak  of  tkoae  who  aaT 

If e  reppaiaae."  "  WfaM:  iT  tha  ikr  ihonld  &I1>"  ■     Forcd- 

—     .,_    ...                .      ,  lini  qnotaa  Ihe  Oreek  proTerb  :  ri  li  oipovic 

The«l«  thoaghTe^nmpK,  oocnniT^  J^i.o. ,     We    haxe   .  rimilw    pcelreri. ; 

r>    AJ;^^   *t       l    "*  't  I*  fa>-  'When  iha  ahT  Wl.,  w.  rtuU  «ti  larha,' 

''^    v«'!^"'-<^r     r?p         ,  oaed  of  «Dj  &npo.«hiUty.    Soou  .«M»" 

o^^-t^^r.rru^r^i.L^he'3  ^.-^^.^ii-vr^ 

ne,«tnutld.d«,h.»t;me.'    Compare  ^"«to-^T,^^- ^  IS,^ 

ADiuu  1.  o.  O :  ^jQ^  ^j  jjj^  ^  ji^^g  ^  anffioantlj  doi- 

'>QnId  Chremea  qnidr ' "- 


ACTtrS  IV.    SCENA  IV. 


BACCmS.      CUmA.       STKUB.       DROHO.      FHRTaiA. 

Ba.  Satis  pol  pToterre  me  Syri  promiasa  huc  indnxeront ; 
Decem  mioas  quas  ""'hi  dare  pollicitus  eet.     Quod  a  ia  nimo 
Me  decepeiit,  saepe  obeecrans  me  ut  Teniam  frustra  Teoiet. 
Aut  quum  Tentoram  dixero  et  constituero ;  quimi  ia  oerto 
B^untiarit ;  Clitipho  cum  in  spe  pendebit  animi ;  S 

Decipiam,  ao  non  veniam :  Syrus  loihi  tergo  poenas  pendet. 
Cl.  Satis  scit«  promittit  tibL     Sff.  Atqui  tu  hano  jooari  cre- 

AcT  IV.   BcBMB  IV.   BaccUt  had  been  iac  niular  the  genenl  hoad  of  tha  geDiltTa 

tDdBSed  ta  come  to  Chreme*'  hoiue  bj  tbe  of  plxs.     Compare  Phorniio  L  4.  10  : 

praaibe  of  ten  ■nlnw :  ■nd  alie  noii  begini  "Phen  ine  niisenun-    annm  mth)  nannn 

ID  thmk  tbit  dia  bw  beeo  cbeated:  eDd  tnm  Antiplio  me  eimuaet  mW" 

■he  proitum  to  ie*eiiga  banelf  lu  fotnie,  ^^ 

■0  tliat  Sjnu  BbaH  mart  fcr  It.    Sbe  beglni  We  mi^  compare  IIm  linukr  Bipreeeiont, 

nov  to  fiig^en  bim  bj  fiTing  Mder*  to  lur  'nec    me   Bnlini   hllit,'    uid  <&lnii   Mt 

mud  lo  go  to  her  Imr  the  Capbunnnd  eninu.'     Eun.  ii.   2.   4S  (note).      ClixrD 

nf  that  >he  fi  deteined  l^ninat  W  will ;  nses  the  nme  matnphor  ia  Tnecnlu,  Dia- 

bi^  will  BOOQ  be  «ith  him.    Sthu  begi  hm  pnt.  i.  40 :  "  Qnod  li  eispectauidD  et  deai. 

to  wnit  and  sbe  BhaU  liare  the  moDe]'  in  k  deiudo  pendemnB  inimig,  <3ai-iuDur,  nngl. 

aoment :    and   then  eiplaina  to  her  that  mnr."     The  ■linnoo  is  to  ths  commoD  pn- 

>he  uid  bH  lier  pirtj  hne  to  -  go  otbi  to  niihment  of  ■ImTe*.     See  note  on  Bnnncha* 

HeDedemuB'  houee  fbr  the  preaent,  th«t  be  T.  6.  19.     The  pnnisbmuit  ia  more  ftallj  d*- 

mnj  work  out  hia  ecbeme  the  bettar  with  Mribed  in  Pbabu,  Aiiuanaii.  S.  St.  37, 3St 

Cbmne».     After  «)me  difficnltr  abe  con-  "  Nndna  Tinchu  eentam  pondo  e«,  qnuido 

•enta;  Bod  Dramauorderedtatnnatethe  pendee  per  pedee    , 

dnoo  '   ia  not  anlj  '  to  lend,   '  addnco,'  hut 

it  cnriee  with  it  alao  ■  ootion  of  deodt.  '■  Salu  ttilt  pretKillit  libi]  'Shemakea 

Thia  distinction  howeTer  ia  not  alwaja  ob-  •  JfT  pla™'t    engsgemBat   wilh    jon.' 

«ored:  aee  Andria  iL  3.  26:  "Vide  qno  Pnnnitto     is  commonlj  Med  in  the  lenae 

meiadacu."    Hare  we  m»j  trmalntfi, '  Im-  i«  niBking  an  engseemont.     8ee  note  on  L 

pradantlj    indeed    hu    Bjru»  enliced  me  '■  ^  '''■     "  "  '^  ^^  P»^J  '"  ^  »™« 

hve   with  bia  pi«miw.~the   ten   minae  •«««>  ro  illunon  to  .h»t  B«Ghi.  hu  juft 

which  he  promiaed  to  gire  me:  uid  if  he  "i^'   ""d  '^  with  Ihe   fortho'   idea  of 

■      ■     '         be  ihidl  often  eome  threaterang,'  aa  m  PUntua,  Epidicna  i.  2. 

toocme:    or  when  »7-2'  = 

mme  and   made  aa  "  Bed  opeimm    Epidiei   nnnc    me   mttn 

■ppointment ;  wben  he  haa  canied  Inok  sn  pretio  pretioio  TeUm, 

■oawtr  in  the  afflraiatiTej  when  Clitipho  ii  Qnem  quidem  hominem  irrigBtnm  plagb 

on  Ibe  ruk  with  Bipectntion ;  I  will  break  piibni  dabo, 

mj  word  and  not  oome  i  and  I  >haU  luTa  Hii  hodie  prius  oomparBsnt  mihi  qu< 

the  pleunin  of  getting  Bjni  ■  thnalmig.'  dragint^  minai, 

For  ■  couBtitno '  in  tUa  aenae  aae  nol«  on  Qnun  argenti  foero  eloentaa  al  poetre- 

Ennndina  L  3.  ISA.  mani  sjllabam. 

fi.  /a  4»  ptndtUt  aniiMi]     'Animl'  i*  ^.  SalT^reeeet;  bene  promiltit  i  ^ero 

bcn  the  genitiTeofthepuiaffected,  coni-  serTabit  &dem." 

I  hBTe  promieed  ti 



Fsciet,  nisi  caTeo.     £a.  Boniiiiint :    ego  pol  iBtos   commo- 

Mea  Fhiygia,  audisd  modo  iste  liomo  qiuun  villam  demon- 

Cliarim  P    Ph.  AodiTi.     Sa.  Proiimam  eese  hnio  fbndo  ad 

dextram?    Ph.  MMnini.  10 

£a.  Cnrriciilo  percarre :  apod  eom  miles  Dimyna  agitat. 
Sy.  Quid  ino^ttat  f    Ba.  Dio  me  hic  oppido  esse  invitam, 

atqne  amerrari ; 
Yerum  aliquo  pacto  verba  me  hi«  datnram  esae,  et  Tentnram. 
8jf,  Perii  tercle.     Bacchia,  nune,  mane:  qno  mittis  istanc 

Jube  maneat.    Ba.  I.    8y.  Quin  est  paratiim  argentmn.     Ba. 

Quin  ego  maueo.  is 

By.  Atqui  jam  dabitur.     Ba.  Ut  libet :  num  ego  inflto  P     Sy. 

At  scin  quid,  sodea  P 
Ba.  Quid  P     Sy.  Transeundum  nunc  tibi  ad  Menedemum  eet, 

et  tna  pompa 
£o  traducenda  est.    Ba.  Quam  rem  agis,  bccIub  P   jS^.  Egtme  P 

fu^entum  cudo 
Quod  tibi  dem.     Ba.  Dignam  me  putas  quam  illudas  P     Sy. 

Non  eet  temeie. 
Ba.  Etiamue  tecum  vm  hic  mihi  eet  ?     8y.  Mimme :  tuum 

tibi  reddo.  so 

8.  Domiml :  tgo  fol  ittoi  eammoeein']     onco  ialateitK  to  itop  it :  aiid  u  ttta  most 
*  Tfasj  *n  "«n»"B .'  b)'  tbe  pawaa  1  «ill    cogmt  ai^aromt  h>  mentiaiu  the  moiief 

compm  ADdris  t.  2.  iS:   "  Ego  JHn  to  16.  Atftii  Jam  JMHtiar]  '  Howimr  rtm 

commotnm  reddMD."  iliall   haie   it    immediitetj.     Ba.  As    roD 

II.  Cnrrieult  fiercNrrf]   '  Ron  orer  ei  plcMe.    Am  I  at  bII  pRsiiiif?     Sf.Kat, 

Aut  M  you  csQ.'     '  CiuTiculo  '  ii  eqnlTeleat  bsrii  70,  do  yon  know  wh>t  f     Bacdiii  ii 

to  *cmTcndo/  ipofi^iijjv,    Sp6ni^   Tpi;^itir.  mede  to  eppeu  to  take  tlie  monej  metta' 

It  ii  uwd   freqneiitlj  in  Pluitiu  in   con-  tc>7    aMostj;    but   Srnu,  knowing  In 

taeiion  with  lerba   of  motion,  le  [n  Miiei  leal  uiiiety  on  thii  cniitel  point,  ouily  galn 

glorionu  ii.  6,  43:  "  TVnnacnrre  cuiricalo  her  otct  to  bis  plen  bf  keepivit  weH  bo- 

ednoi."  Fersiii.S.  17  :  "  Voli  cacriculo."  ton  ber.     Wben  abe  Mki  him  what  be 

Ueuee  «e  flnd  it  naed  nmpljr  in  the  eenM  meeni  b;  tUs  propoad  to  InMfur  bemetf 

a(  •  qnicklj '  in  ■  diaerent  conDBXiOB,  Ra-  to  A»  hooaa  of  HeiMdemQ*  i  '  What  do  I 

deni  iii.  6.  19 :  mean  ?'  he  «aji,  '  whf  I  im  oirilibif  mODej 

_^  90.  Rtiavnu  leeum  m  kie  m(M  nl  7] 

Dnae  cIbth."  Tbit  psenge,  eiid  the  annrer  of  8jn% 

'Hinime:    tnnm    tibi    teddo,'  faaTe    ooa- 

Plantaa  and  '  enrein  '  In  tbe  Mme  aenee.  aloned    mncb  difficoItT  to   eommentalnrK 

See  Fsendolas  i.  3.  139.  Madame  Dader  and  othem  ooiuider  ■  hie' 

II.  OpfUo]  See  note  on  ir.  S.  3.  to  mean  ■  at  Henedemni'  faoaae;'  n  senK 

IS.  Ferio  me  hi»  dalttrain']  See  note  on  ttie  woKI  wiU  not  bear.     If  it  ngnifled  mj 

Andciai.  3.  fl ;  Baniidini,  Profog.  M.  ajnu  bonae,  it  wonld  nther  be  thst  of  Cbremee. 

ia  abrmed  st  tfaia  moTe  af  Baabii,  and  it  Tle  boe  eiplanatiDa  n  gtren  bj   Calpor- 

ACTTJS  IV.    SOENA  V.  219 

Ba.  Eatnr.     8y.  Seqnerd  hae.     HeoB,  I)ronM>.     Dr.  Quis  me 

Tult  P     Sy.  Syn».     Ih.  Quid  est  rei  P 
i^.  Ancillas  onmes  Baocbidu  tradu£«  Iluc  ad  tos  jvopere. 
Dr.  Quamobreia  ?    jS!y.  Ne  quaeras ;  efieraot  quae  eecum  huo 

Sperabit  Bumtum  tibi  aenox  leTatum  eeae  barom  abitu.  34 

Nae  ille  baud  eoit  paullmo  lucri  qoaQtura  ei  damui  aiqmrtet. 
Tu  nescis  id  qnod  scia,  Dromo,  ai  sapies.     Dr.  Mutum  dices. 


CHKEME&.       BTKD8. 

Ch.  Ita  me  Di  amabunt  ut  nimc  Menedemi  vicem 
Miseret  me  tantum  derenisse  ad  enm  mali. 

Dioi,  'Bk— in   hac  n.'    Bao^   li  im-  hoBa  tlut  jon  witj  oot  llDd  it  anU   b»- 

pMiBnt  of  Srnu  iiul  bia  pnmiiMB  uidpluiB.  ridea  this,  tbere  a  >iiother  trick  on  foot. 

'  Am  I  iljll  ta  go  on  dnling  with  yon  In  Tbst  J^ang  fellow  telli  hii  fitliBr  tb>t  be  is 

tliia  nbir }     li   tbii   boaincM  to   lut  for  in  lore  iritb  joor  dmghter ;  toA  will  get 

tnr  f    '  No,'  «j«  *f™.  '  I  ""  now  giring  the   old   man  to  prapoM  for  h«r.     Wh j  ? 

jm  jour  owD.'     '  Tanm '  Ii  eiplsined  bj  whj,  to  get  inoaej  oat  of  joa  in  tbe  ihBp* 

Botbe  to  mesn  '  joor  own  lorer,  Chtipbo;'  of  dower  fbr  bis  miiOeas.    Yod  nj  jan 

bnt  thie  ia  vtnined.     Sjrni  leema  nmplj  wi)l  hmTS  nMhing  to  do  witb  it  ?     WeU,  we 

lo  nmn,  'Tlie   mattw  wiU  non  be  ar-  nmtt  trj  Bnotber  pkn.    Yan  cannot  aToid 

nnged,  nd  joa  Dh«Il  biTe  wfact  I  promiMd  pBjing  Bwchla  tbe  monej  whicb  AntiphiU'l 

joo.'     BtwJibi   wonld    am   more   lor   tbe  fbirler-motber  owed  ber.     Tbb  jon  will  do 

■XBHij  thaD  fbr  CUtipbo,  wbom  abe  could  u  ■  m*a  of  bnnonr.    And  the  beet  w*j 

pt  if  *ba  b1ud  witboDt  4nj  of  ^nu'  ma-  *iil  be  to  send  it  bj  jodt  >on,  becauee  tbat 

mganiant.     '  Etiuu  '  ia  uaed  in  the  Hnae  of  will  help  to  ointiDiie  ihe  deception  whieb  ia 

*     "           '           iDdria  i.  I.S9.  now  being  phjed  apon  Mennlemna,  Bni) 

■    ~    "   ■  '   "                        '    me  all  tbe  better.' 
■I  will  get  tbe 

(st,'  aDd  'iri'  Died  witb  tbe  nipine  as  a  monej  at  once.' 

fotaiTe  poMive  participle,  aa  in  'Ekctum  iri,'  The  Hetre  ii  iwnbic  liiraeter. 

&e,  1.  Ita  mt  Di  amainni]  Compare  iH.  1. 

Sd.  Tu  neieit  id  fiud  ttit,  Drtmo,  »i  S4,  Dote. 

•fpMir]  Compare  EaDachoa  W.  4.  M :  JlfmeifeiiriR'e«iRiiibnTf  ni«]  'BDmajthe 

•> po|_  ii  nipili  fodsbdp  me.  asInowpitjAemiafbrtnneof 

ttimii  ariinfrie.  nnmin  lie  «nnprhn.nniinii  Menedemiu.  (hat  lach  a  plagne  hu  cometo 

de  ritio  ritjinia.''  '''m.'     'Miseretme,'  like  the  limple  'mi- 

iereor,'  maj  take  t)ie  ■ccasBtiTP  u  well  aa 

Acr   IT.    8CES»   T.     Cbremes,  flnding  tbe  genltiye,     '  Vlcem  '  i«  uBed  bj  Cicero  ia 

Ibat  Baccbii  and  her  tiibe  bave  gone  to  the  same  aense.    Epist.  ad  Pam.  r' 

I  themseliei  on  his  Mend  Menede-    "Tuam' 
-  ,  .       ,     "'■f  '^*  ... 

be  feels  far  his  nnfbrtanate  &iend,  wbo  will     geetaie  potoiiti."    LiTj  in  one  pasnge 

t  belp  expreesiu  tbe  pitj  that     tem  per  setatem  unaeetnlne  re 

htre  to  feed  ao    manjr  tondooM  mouths.  'ricem  '  adverbiallj,  "StDpentes  tribnno*, 

And  jet  he  will  not  ftel  it  for  a  tima :  he  is  et  snam  jun  Ticem  migii  aniioi  qoam  ejni 

u  diriing  npon  hia  ion  tbst  he  will  nibmit  cni  Builinm  parabatur,  liberaiit  oners  ccoi- 

to  auj  thing  at  pment  (o  keep  him  ot  sennB  pr^iaU  Romani,"  Tiii,  36.     It  ii  not 

boiQe.    Sjnii  addresMa  him  and  diicoTen  easj  to  diaw  the  line  between  this  oonslrac- 

to  him  the  Kcret.  'Thia  Bscehii  ii  actDBllj  lion  and  that  of  our  teit.     We  maj  eqoallj 

lepresented  bj  CKiUB  to  bii  bther  to  be  well  conitme  the  pasng*  '  I  am  sonrj  foa 

Clibpbo',!   miatreee,   whom    lie    hu    taken  MenedenHu'  nke.' 



Hlanciufl  muliereni  alere  cimi  '11*  familia  f 

Etoi  Bcio  hoecfl  aliquot  dies  n<m  sentdet ; 

Ita  magno  deeiderio  iuit  ei  filins :  5 

Terum  ubi  videbit  tantoe  aibi  Bnmtus  domi 

Quotidiano  £eri,  nec  fieri  modum, 

Optabit  rumim  ut  abeat  ab  «e  filins. 

Syrum  optime  eooom  I     8]f.  Ceaso  honc  adorizi  f     CA.  Syre. 

i^.  Hem. 
Ch.  Quid  eetP     8y.  Te  mihi  ipsum  jam  dudnm  optabam 

daii.  10 

Ch.  Tidere  egisae  jam  neeoio  quid  com  sene. 
8if.  De  iUo  qnod  dudum  ?  dictum  ac  factum  reddidi. 
Ch.  Bonaoe  fide  f     iSy.  Bona  Iierde.     Ch.  Non  po6sum  pati 
Quin  tibi  caput  demulceam.     Accede  buc,  Syre : 
Faciam  boni  tibi  aliquid  pro  iBta  re,  ac  libens.  I5 

Sy.  At  si  scifls,  quam  scite  in  ment«nTenerit. 

3.  Illaaeiiie  nuiliertm    atert  nm    iiia  IIm  qimm  ilii  octoiiot  itfUm  affbditmt, 

famiiia  f]  •  To  think  thiit  be  hu  to  lb»d  Diii 

ttut  woman,  irith  ill  (liiMe  lerTaDtsoflienr  Qootidiuio  mquiDpDi  oonfMarii, 

'  Pamilia '  ii  hera  lued  in  it«  tme  etj^mok»-  SexceotDtilaco  nomeQ  indetitr  litit ;" 

gicsl  teaaB  '  •  hoaaehold  of  (Uraa,'  u  Iob.  ,    „  „          ..    .    «       „  , . 

Xtia  ind  o(icia  ie  Greek  Kuthora.    Compan  ■'"'  Cicero,  In  C.  Venam  d.  4.  8 :  "  Habi- 

Li»»  viii,  Ift:  "Minncia  Veitelij,  cnm  in  '«*'  H""*  Haium  Mn— neni  millnidivi- 

nupidonem  Teniuet  impudidtiM,  jaHi  ett  ^*  «Pnd  eoi  deo.  in  luo  tecnrio  prope 

m,  pontifldbmi  wrU  •b.linere,  hmiliuiqufl  quotidiuio  bcere  TidiiH."    (See  Mr.  Lon^s 

in  potertate  halxn  :"  ihe  «u  fcrbidden  to  »<''«■)     I"  'he  P™ge  of  PUntu.  there  a 

liber«te  her  ■lara,  for  thdr  eridence  might  "  ™>™  •  ""etj  of  rewling ;  for  it  would 

be  reqnired  et  her  tri*l.     In  Phaedm»  iiL  "*  ■treng»  if  »ome  tnmscriber»  hed  oot  »ub- 

19,  we  b**e  'hmili>'  uwd  of   ■  liDgle  'tinited  i  more  oommon  word  br  tlie  ud- 

■Uie  I— "  Aesopufl  domino  lolui  cnm  euet  common,  aa  oo  donbt  bu  bean  dooe  boe. 

(bmilia,"      '  Where    Aeaop    waa    tbe   only  In  moat  caaea  the  harderreKiiDgooinmBiid* 

honaebold  hia  maiter  hmd.'    Cicero  oaea  the  ItHlf  to  our  jndgment. 

word  more  Ihan  ODce  in  the  luie  genei*!  1»-  -ftCm"  oe/«(im  rradi£]     'You 

•enae.     For    tfae    iafinitiTe    aee    notea   on  «em,'  nya  Chremee,  '  to  haTe  been  mc- 

BoDDdina  It,  3. !  i  ii.  1.  8,  ud  Andria  i.  ».  «•riol  "iOi  the  old  di*d  in  ■oDke  •mj  «t 

10.  otber.'    '  Do  jaa  meao,'  fj*  Sijtvm,  'id 

6.  Ila   Mgn«  dendtrio  /Ul  ti  filiiit]  *•»  matter  of  wbidi  «e  apoke  eonie  bme 

Bentler  objecti  to  thia  Tene  on  tbe  groond  «i™»  ^     '  Y*»,  1  fa>Te  ioot  it  aU  aa  we 

that '  fnit '  ahonld  be  '  ert,'  tbr  Henedemna  -^'    ■">»  "«"^  '  dictnm  «c  bttem,'  <m 

haa  not  jet  got  over  ya  longin|;  fbr  hia  son.  '  dictnm  fkctnm,'  ire  generaUj  need  ■dTcr- 

Bnt  Ihe  perfect   aiectlj    eiprttaea    whM  '"»'•?>  "  ■"  »■  '■  "■  «^  Andrin  u.  3.  7 

Bentlcj    wiehM.    The   (eeling    wu    bing  (note).     Here  thoj  are  the  object  of  the 

dwriabed  ind  atill  eiieti.     Xor  i>  there  '"''><  ""^  *«  .honld  tnnsUta  them  liter^ 

mnch  fbrce  in  hia  objection  to  the  word  '  '  "^*  it  »id  «nd  done,'  m  EnfjTaphini 

.o...._i  1 T^  r.           ....  —.i-i-i- <>  .  "  Cnm  diilaaea  &ctnm  contiaao 

._    1  ^oanrni  paH  jniit    tiit   fpul 

,.    , j      ._..giadaeto  denmieMBi]    '  I  cwinot  hdp  «««ing  job." 

Beatlej.    We  &nd  tbe  word  aeed  adver.  T'>'*  >*  the  onlj  puMge  where  thU  pbnN 

biallj  In  PUatni,  CaptiTi  ili.  5.  6ft  —  87  :  occon  ;  bnt  ita  meiDiDg  ia  EoSaeDtlj  ob- 

'*  iDd*  ibi«  poRO  in  Utomi»  bqiidariH ; 

D.D.t.zeabvG00glc  j 

Uu>'  hecMue  it  ia  repe^ted  three  linei    rapUiDait:  " 

er.    Tbe  line  ia  reciwniied  bj  all  ■ntbo-    iwdidi. 

iea,  and  is  qnite  entitCid  to  keep  it>  pUoe.         '  ■'■    ^'"*  f 

ACTUS  rV.    SCENA  T.  321 

Ch.  Yah,  glomre  ereiuBse  ez  aeDtentia  f 

8y.  Non  berde  Tero  ;  Tenim  dioo.     Ch.  Dic,  qoid.  eet  P 

Sy.  Tui  Clitiphonis  eeae  amicam  luuao  Baochidem 

Meuedenio  dixit  Clima ;  et  ea  gratia  20 

Secnm  addiixiflae,  ne  tu  id  persentisceres. 

Ch.  Probe.     8y.  Die  sodee.     Ch.  Nimium,  inquam.    8y.  Imo 

sic  aatis. 
Sed  pom>  aueculta  quod  superest  fallaciae. 
Seee  ipse  dicet  tuam  yidiase  filiom ; 

Ejua  sibi  oomplacitam  formam,  postqoam  aBpexerit ;  9i 

^mo  cupere  azorem.     Ch.  Modone  quae  inTenta'  eet  P     Sy. 

£t  quideni  jnbebit  posci.     Ch.  Quamobrem  iatuc,  Syre  P 
Nam  prorsum  nihil  intelligo.     i^.  Hui  I  tardus  ee. 
Ch.  Fortaase.     8y.  Argentnm  dabitar  ei  ad  nuptias, 
Aurum,  atque  Tefttem,  qui, — teneane  P     Ch.  Compaiet  P        30 
Sy.  Id  ipeum.     Ch.  At  ego  illi  neque  do,  neque  despondeo. 
8y.  Non  P  qnamobrem  P     Ch.  Quamobrem  P  me  rogas  P    Eo- 

mini  fiigitiTO  dabo  P 
iS^.  Kon  ego  dicebam  in  perpetutim  illam  illi  ut  darea ; 
Verum  ut  simulares.     Ch,  Non  mea  est  simulatio. 
Ita  tu  istaec  tua  misceto  ne  me  admisceas.  3S 

Ego  cui  datums  non  Bum  ut  ei  deepondeam  P 
8y.  Credebam.     Ch.  Minime.     Sy.  Scite  pot«rat  fierL 

SS.  hmo  tie  M/fi]   Thii  ii  the  TGB^ng  of  rioM.    Hoat  editknu  Iutb  '  homini  t    Sy. 

Upcniin*,  ud  of   ill  Bentler'!   maiin-  UC  labet.'    Cdponiiag  rad  '  liDiniiu  tbgl- 

■eripU;  miidit  iimott  lutunlafterChninM'  ti>o  dabo  ?'   Nor  doea  he  notice  '  nt  Inbet,' 

tutanntioD  '  Nimiiim.'     Sjn»  'a  made  to  which  thongh  gjjinE  >  tctj  good  leiue  \* 

wwtr  with  preteiiil«l  modeatr  '  Tolenbtj  not  ■wcewu?.  The  neit  line  lollowa  better 

n.'    Compue  Andria  iT.  ft.  9.  withDDtkHf  ndi  iotiodiictioa.     If  wa  rewi 

— .  Ptrlatit]  'Perlupe  I  im  ntbar  elow  'homini,'  we  mnit  lappljr  aanie  nich  wordi 

■     ■      ■-    '  •  Well  then,' »«J«  SjtTU,  u  the  fbHowiug : 

n^    to  g«*--*'   jo» .  npdmrtu^d .'     CT.  ^,,  *"                    j^^      ,    j,, 

jBweU  aiu]  dotbe».'   It  a  impaanble,  willi.  "»""». 

OHt  TiolKting  the  EngKih  idiom,  to  keep  j^.  Ila  lu  iiiate  twt  mtietlo  nt  mf  ad- 

tbe  euet  order  of  the  words  in  thii  punge.  maetat]     '  Coucoct  jronr  plota  u  toq  will : 

Ve  hsTe  e  ■iniilu'  liae  ia  iT.  8.  13:  "  Des  ^j  do  not  mii  me  up  withtheia.      '  Mii. 

qnj  aanim  tc  Teatem  atqoe  alia  qme  apoa  g^'  u  ■ometiniea  uaed  io  thia  aeoae,  gene- 

■ant  DDiiiparet."    For  '  qni '  aee  note  on  ,^jy  iKith  an  impiied  aenae  of  confbiion  and 

ADdria,  ProL  8.     Here  it  ie  the  abUtite  trouble,  aa  in  ^  pbr»e  'i  " 

of  the   inatrdment.      Foc   'oompWBt'   aae 

nem.'   So  Cioaro,  Catil.  it.  3 :  "  Ego  mag. 

note  on  Andria  ir.  1.  4. 

nnm  in  repnbhoi  Tenari  foiorem,  et  iiot> 

33.  Hammi/vWva  doto  7]     '  Am  I  to 

qoaedam   raiKeri  et  condtari  mab,  jam- 

pwmrdaoghter  leamnnway?"    Thi»  i< 

Biemplar  KeKinm,  whidi  giTM 'homini . .  .>' 

pare  T.  2.  29  : 

"  Ne  to  admiace :  nemo  aocnaai,  ayre,  te." 



Et  ego  hoc,  quia  dadam  ta  Uaitapete  jnssents, 

Eo  ooepi.     Ck.  Gredo.     8y.  Caeterum  equidem  istue,  C%ieme, 

Aequi  bonique  &cu).     Oh.  Atqui  omnmaxime  40 

Yolo  te  dare  operam  ut  fiat,  verum  alia  Tis. 

81/.  Fiat :  quaeratar  aliud :  sed  illad  qQod  tiki 

Sixi  de  argento,  quod  iata  debet  Bacchidi, 

Id  nunc  reddendum  est  illi :  neque  tu  scilicet 

Eo  nunc  confugies :  "  Quid  mea  f  num  datum  mihi  eet  ^       45 

Num  jussi  ?  niun  illa  of^gnerare  filiam 

Meam,  me  inrito,  potuit  P  "     Vemm  illud,  Chreme, 

Dicunl,  JuB  gummmn  eaepe  summa  malitia  est. 

Ck.  Haud  faoiam.     Sy.  Imo  aliis  si  licet,  tibi  non  lioet. 

Omnee  te  in  lauta  et  bene  acta  pwte  patant.  50 

Ch.  Quin  egomet  jam  sd  eam  deferam.      Si/.  Imo  filnmi 

Jube  potios.      Ch.  Quamobrem  P      Sy.  Quia  enim  is  lianc 

HUBpicio  est 
Trandata  amoris.     Ch..  Qnid  tum  ?    8^.  Qnta  ndebitar 
Hagia  verieimile  id  eese,  quum  bio  illi  dabit : 
Simul  et  conficiam  faciKus  ego,  quod  volo.  65 

Ipae  adeo  adest :  abi,  efier  argentnm.     Ch.  E&ro. 

39.    Catttniai  equidein  nlae  .  .   .  atftii  i:a\hv   ol  vifiet  a^ip'  lUrif  i  t  ipthi 

tmique  /ocio]      '  Bot  u  for  lii»t  mattar,  Tot{  yvfiovt 

Chnmes,  I  *m  not  i»  the  Inut  conoanied  Xiav  itcpc^wc  iniEof  livnK  ^rmu, 

■boatit.'    'Aeqai  boTuqae  hcen ''litmtlr  which  li  saffidsDtlv  nur  to  Ih»  t«Kt  Ki 

niauis'totakeineoDdpMt,' "10  1»  t»ti0Dd  jmke  it  pouiblB  that  TeraM»  my  haTC 

•boaC  a  thing/  u  wa  hme  io  Phormio  iv.  3.  kDoira  the  lines.    Thi«  teuUacr  ta  inter- 

31 — S4  :  pret  the  Law  too  ■tricHf ,  aiid  to  take  ti- 

" N«m  i&t  ida  Tantige  of  one'»  legKi  rigtte,  {■  what  Aris- 

8i  ta  aH<iaam  pntam  ■eqni  boniqae  Hx-  totle  calls  dtpi&oiitaioc,  aixl  ii  oppcned  to 

^"<  the  ehiroctar  ot  the  Food  mati,  i    jig 

Vt  ert  iHa  boniiB  vir  trU  non  oommnta-  i,u„t,)c  )X«Tr-r.riSc  iffnv  (Kth.   Nicoa. 

biti*  T.  12),  the  good  mm  wiU  rathw  woire  hii 

Verba  hodie  inter  tob.'  right»  than  piew  thom  to  the  diaidniitage 

Henee  it  genenllj  meani  '  to  take  a  thiog  of  anodicT,  and  lo  itipi^Xs^ia  or  'atii^. 

eodly.'     So  Cicero,  Ad  Atticnm  tii.  J,  4;  nen'  ii  opposed  to  Oie  dumKter  of  tfae 

"'nanqniUieHniai  aatem  animiu  meoi,  qol  good  mon,  who  la  neceuarilr  HberaL 

totnm  istuc  aeqDi  boni  Eacit."  ftO.  Omnti  It  in  laula  tl  tnu  aetaforlt 

46.    Oppignirart  filiam]     '  Conld    she  pulanf]     This  i«  tlie  old  rea£nf ,  '  AII  eon' 

pledge  107  daughter  «ilhont  m;r  coDHnt  V  aider  yon  to  be  in  ■  wealthjand  honoorabla 

SeeaboTe,lii.  3.  42:  "  Ga  relicta  bnic  airfaa-  pcnilioD.'     ^jroa  matit  thot  it  b  not  O* 

boni  est  pro  illo  argento."  and  note.  part  of  ■  roon  of  Cbremeg'  porilion  to  Ite 

48.  Jia  niHmum  latpe  nimma  malitl»  loo  exacHng.  or  to  ifand  too  atrictlj  bf  Ui 

ttlj     Ctcero  gi>ea  the  «ame  prmerb  in  a  rights.   The  pamnge,  tfapugh  rathcr  nncoin- 

dinrent  fbrm.     "  Existant  etiam  aaepe  in-  moQ.  is  not  at  all  anintelligible.     Bgptler 

juriae  calnmnia  qnadam   et  nimis  caUida,  alt«rs  it  thronghout.     Ue  reads  'Omnes  te 

1  jnris  interpretation 
quo  illnd  Hnmmnm  joa  nimma 
fkctam    rat  jim   tritum    urmone    prorer-     nrbed    hy    'et,'    and    're'    to   bar*   beca 

joa   nimma  injaria,    inpposing  '  ee '  Ibr  '  eese '  to  hafe 

bium,"  De  Offldia  i.  10.    A  &agment  of    changed  into 'p&.'    'ABcta'! 

Menander  is  qaot«d  bom  Stoba«is  to  tbe     mannscript. 

fbliowtngeffect:  66.  Simul tl  e«i^elttm/atiUm  tgv,  fu»d 

ACTUS  ly.    SCENA  TI. 



Cl.  ITalla  eet  tam  facilia  lee  quin  difficilu  siet, 

Qnain  inTitus  facias.     Yel  me  haec  deambiUatio, 

Quam  noQ  laboriosa,  «d  laoguoreoi  dedit. 

Nec  quicquam  magis  nuno  metuo  quam  ne  denuo 

Hiaer  aliquo  extrodar  hine,  ne  accedam  ad  Baccludem.  5 

tJt  t«  qaidem  omnee  Dii  Deaeque,  quantum  eet,  Syre, 

Cum  tuo  iatoc  invento,  cumque  incepto  perduint. 

Hujuamodi  res  Bemper  commiBiacsre, 

Ubi  me  cxcami£cc8.     Sy.  I  tu  binc  quo  dignus  es. 

taia\     '  And  >t  tbe  mtw  time  I  alull  ftt  &  dowque  perdant  cnoi  bto  odfo."    Adel- 

vhat  I  mnt  kU  tba  bettor.'     ■  Canfldo  '  i«  phi  >(.  6.  9 1  "  Ut  te  cou  tiu  monatntioDe 

proliebl;  naed  h««  with  a  nfarenoe  to  '  ■T-  magno*  perdat  JapitS'."    The  pbnue '  cmn 

gentBm,'  tia  PboTiiiio  v.  0.  U  i  inTeDto'  is  an  imitation  of  tke  Grack  ab- 

"Ne,  onDm  hic  uou  ndeuit  me,  coDBcere  ''"''"   '"'r  ^""^aTm.     The    wish    ia    ei- 

tnilant  ™mtiun  .nBm,"  prtBwed  mdifferentlT  bj  '  .1'  or  '  ot,'  »nd  In 

^         ,      .^                           ,  » greit  mmnj  of  these  »«■  the  old  fonn 

■idMtfaeiuae  tame  in  >ti  more  gnnl  ■  perdnint '  .ppe«i  m  i»  »  reoogniied  fcr- 

•enae,  m  m  EnuBchiu  T.  4.  «.  mal^ 

AoT    IV.    Sckrn  VI.    CHtipho  eomet  ,.,    _^     „„^           J™... 

hometbonmgUjtiredoftlMwalhonwlueh  "  Lngete,  O  Veneree  Cupidmeeque, 

Stto*  bad  MDt  him  >  Md  be  il  «till  afMd  Et  qn«itnm  eet  homkiiun  Tuinidomm  i" 

tfaat  fooie  plan  or  otbcr  will  be  oontrlTcd  to  muI  Horve,  Epod.  t.  1 1 

keep  bim  «»ar  from  Bacebla.    And  ^thii  «  jit.  O  Deomm  qnicqnid  in  coelo  regit 

Ihtoogh  that  nacal  Sjnm,  wbo  la  ahraTi  Xerrw  et  hnnUum  genu." 

CDntriTiDE  eomo  now  torture  or  other.     So  ^           .._,.,    . 

he  i.  i>  nogood  hnmanr   when   he   >ee  Bea  nt*B  o«  AnW.  ir.  4.  «. 

STmii    but  after   •    lirtle    eipluiation    ii  »"    ™T     '  U""      >"   "^   eqniTaknt  to 

DDhtoogladtohUintohiepivi.  'Smbofc'     Compm«  *.  1 .  43  : 

Tbe  Hetre  ii  lambie  trimeter.  "  Qaot  rei  deden  nbl  poMem  perMnUecera, 

3.   QiM>  Ma  lainriom,  td   langmfnm  Ni  eeMm  lapis  ?" 

'^D^   *^"'J^.f^'.^!S^'"°^  «'^-d.u.  ii.  3.  30=  "SiTe  «Seodicnare. 

aU  &bpm«,  fc"  nltolj  »"'«'  "'•■\J^  ert  nbi  tu  aervo.    intenda.  tuoT?'    and 

!r^«*«""  ?>»—"•  ""^  *—*  in  iii.   ».  36    'ibi'  i.  eqmT.lent  to  'in 

"-  ^  "^-  qna.'     Pl.ntue,  Miies  Gloriogn.  ii.  1.  40  i 

"  Ubi  Hepc  h1  lugnorem  tna  dnritla  do-  "  C.)RnDt  prudone.  aavem  M  Teotni  ftii." 

derii  octo  •  Ubi '  b«Dg  the  .bbreTiated  fonn  of  '  eubi,' 

Validae    lictores    olmd.    affeeto.  lentii  >qnnbi,' the  old  loctiTe  caee  of  ■qni,' it  ii 

Tiigii  ("  natnr.]  tfant  it  Bhould  thui  be  placed  for 

and  In  Aiinaria  IL  4.  9D,  we  hara  .  ■milMt  the  CMca  inlo  which  it  m.j  be  resolTed. 

phiam  ■  Bxecrnifieti']      Literallj,   '  lo  lortnre.' 

-J«d..  1.  .pI<.do..m  dn  bull..  ]»•  '?'.""'  ■■•'•■".J.ll  j-™.  .llh  11  .. 

fbribni  tiiTrtrti '  "  sbnnre  MnM,  ss  the  ■imple  wonl    (mmilei, 

&  Ul   tl  fKUffli  .  .  .  aamqmi  mc^lQ 

perdKtnl]     •UKf  dl  tbe  gods  and  god- 

"At  ta         Mena  mniiiei." 



Qnam  pene  tna  me  perdidit  protervitaa  I  lO 

Cl.  T^em  heiole  fectum :  ita  meritus  ee.  Sy.  Meritaa  ?  qno- 

Kae  me  iatuc  ex  te  priue  audiyiaae  gaudeo 
Quam  argentum  haberee,  quod  daturus  jam  fiii. 
Cl.  Qaid  igitur  dicam  tibi  vis  P  abiiati,  mihi 
ATnifann  adduxti,  quam  non  liceat  tangere.  15 

8}f.  Jam  non  mun  iratua :  sed  ecin  nbi  nunc  mt  tibi 
Tna  Bacchifl  P     Cl.  Apud  noa.     8y.  Non.     Cl.  Ubi  ergo  P 

8y.  Apud  Oliniam. 
Ch  PeriL     Sy.  Bono  animo  es :  jam  argentum  ad  eam  de- 

Q,iiod  ei  e«  pollicitus.     Ct.  Oarris :  unde  P     8y.  A  tuo  patre. 
Cl.  Ludia  fortasae  me.     8j/.  Ipea  re  experibere.  20 

Ct.  Nae  ego  fortunatus  bomo  Bum :  deamo  t«,  Syre. 
8y.  Sed  pateF  egreditur :  cave  quicquam  admiiatus  sies 
Qua  cansa  id  fiat :  obsecundato  in  loco. 
Quod  imperabit  &cito ;  loquitor  paucula. 


CHREMES.       CLmPHO.      8TRDS, 

Ch.  Ubi   Clitipho  nunc   eatP     8y.  Eccum  me,   inque.     Cl. 

EcGum  bio  tibi. 
Ch.  Quid  rei  easet  dixti  huic  P     8y.  Dixi  pleraque  omnia. 
Ch.  Cape  hoo  argentum  ao  defer.    8y.  Hei,  quid  stas  P  lapis  P 

IS.]  'lUaUylaDigbdthst  jontoldme  Act  TV.  Scbhi  VII.    Chrema  cxnna 

thii  before  joa  got  tbe  moDe;  which  I  wia  iMeli  «ith  tha  monejr,  wbich  ha  hiiHia  to 

going  to  giTe  jm.'  Clitipha,  uid  orden  hini  to  tkka  it  dto'  to 

14.  Abiatt\   Bentler  objects  to  thli  be.  Mensdsmiu'  hoiue.     Clitipbo,  in  ipite  of 

cmue  Sjtm  h*d  not  gooe  *inf  mj  where,  Sjraa'  wamlngi,  <a  utoanded  nt  hia  good 

uid  be  nad  'edisli  mihi  m*nnm,'  ui  ai.  fniiuM,   md   mi  banllj  be  giit  off  with 

pieMloa  whieh  oceun  in  Plutiu  iu  the  Bjms.    Wbsn  tiutj  tn  gone  Chrantee  mo- 

MHH  of  '  to  decdTe.'     Bot  Sjnu  had  been  nliiei  orer  hls  change  of  foitDDe.     Bii 

■ent  «Hb  Dramo  to  fetch  Antiphil*,  uid  he  dnnghter  hu  bed  this  ten  minte  klre*dj ; 

h*d  broDght  Bkcchis  home  with  him  (i.  S.  then  (here  will  (allow  *  lufer  nun  tta  ber 

17).  morriage,  in  confbrmitj  «ith  the  b*d  cw- 

-      8S0  '  T*ka  c*re  jon   di>n't  eipren  Bnjr  tomi  of  the  timei ;  and  afler  *11  hii  tmable 

eatoniahment  *t  anj  thing  th*t  he  doei ;  in  majiing  hia  fntanG,  *I1  he  h«  to  do  now 

bot    hnmoar    bim    Kuan*hlj.'       ■  Obw-  a  to  look  out  for  eonie  one  to  ipend  it  for 

cundo '  oocon  agnin  in  'Adelphi  t.  9.  37  :  bim. 

"  Reprehendere  et  coRigere  et  obMciuidire  The  Hetre  i>  ismbic  trimetcr. 

Inloeo."     Themeuiingor  the  wotd  ii  well  3.   <tiad  tlat7  laput    QwN  aeetpuf\ 

illaitiated  bj  itt  nse  in  Utj  iii.  36  :  "  Pio-  'Whj  do  jon  ituid  tboe  like  ■  Mock.' 

p*lui   obnwn    ire   cnpiditeti   punm   and  Whj  don't  jron  t*ke  it?'     'I^li'  wu  ■ 

~' '— j-  — 'lire  impetam  ■ggredian-  common  tenn  of  rqirouh  (*ee  oote  od  Bd- 

naehni  t.  8.  M).    Comptre  ▼.  I.  *4,  H(- 

ACTUS  IV.    SCENA  VII.  32 

Qaiu  accipiB  ?     Cl.  Cedo  aane.     Sy.  Sequere  hac  me  ociiu. 

Tu  hic  noB  dum  exiiaua  interea  opperibere ; 

Nam  mliil  eet  illic  quod  moremur  diutius. 

Ch.  Mioas  quidem  jam  decem  habet  a  me  £lia, 

Quas  pro  alimentis  esse  nunc  duco  dataa : 

Eaace  omamentiB  consequentur  alterae. 

Porro  haec  talenta  dotis  adposcent  duo.  1 

Quam  multa  injusta  ac  prava  fiunt  moribua ! 

Mihi  nunc,  relictis  rebus,  inTeniendus  eat 

Aliquis  labore  inrenta  mea  cui  dem  bona. 

Pbobu,  Mercktor  iii.  4.  46  :  Far  '  dolis  '  oimpue  PUntiu,  Cistelluu  ii. 

" Sgoinct  ctedidi 

Romini  docto  rem   maudAiB,    id   l^di  "  ^^  ^  redoca  et  Toco  ad  diiiCiw,  nbi 

mando  nuiimii."  ^  a>UocQ«  in  diTJIem  laniiliun, 

Unde  tibi  tBlenta  migiu  vigiati  pBtet 

For  '  quin  '  iDtem^tiTe  we  note  on  An-  i>ec  dotis  " 
dria  n.  3.  2S. 

9.  Hatee  omnienla    emufguenltir  at-  '  Do|i>  '  i 
lerae']  '  A  uoond  ten  irill  follo*  theae  for  nomine. 

dothing.'     He  amiiden   himaeir  to   bmvs  qu*ntM  pecnniu  ab  nioribai  dodt  nuuuu» 

pud  for  hii  danghler'1  keep,  knd  he  will  >Ccepemnt,  tantu  ei  aai*  bonig,  uatinu- 

now  hare  to  proride  her  iritli  drro.    Bent-  •"""   6»«».    ""»    dolibna    commnniouit " 

lej  noticee  thrt  in  pun*Ming   ehiTea   the  ("liero  wa  Long'a  note). 

pri™  ma  fi«t  peid  for  their  personsi  and  H-  M'»"*'"]    '  Ho«   minj'  nnjmt  Bnd 

ihen  ui  additional  mm  wu  edded  for  their  •"^  fiinK»  "o  ^™"  '"  conformitr  with  the 

dren.     Hb  qnotee  FlautnJ,  Curcnlio  iL  3.  '"''ion  I       Eographio.  eeems  to  h»Te  read 

^,  'Quam  multa  jnsta  injosta  Gnnt  moribna,' 

'1 De  iilo  emi  Tirginem  ■h"*  Bentley  approves,  referring  to  Adsl- 

TriEinU  minii,  Tertem,  aumm :  et  pr«  pW  •■  8-  33-     Bot  'tere  U  no  Tuiation  in 

his  decem  coeecednnt  mioaa."  '■^  manoKripts,  and  'injorta'   maj  eaiiir 

haTe  been  B  gloea  of  Engnjihini,  who  bad  oa 

So  the  puMite  njn  in  Stichui  ii.  1.  17  :  doubt  the  paisage  (tma  Ihe  Adelpbi  in  bia 

•'  Nunc    ii    rUicuIum     hominem    qoaeret  mind.     Madams  Dacier  takes  a  ladj's  riew 

quispiam,  oftheline.   She  reade  '  QouD  mnlta  injuita 

Tenalii  ego  snm  cum  omamenti*  omBi-  juata  fiunt  mnribns,'  tresting  it  as  nata- 

hui."  rallj  nnfair  that  ■  mMi  sboold  get  ■  wife 

■nd  ■  fortune  too.    We  mej  comp^re  with 

'  Here  I  un  fbr  snle,  luit  of  clothei  uid  all.'  the  leit  the  nntiment  eipieesed  in  PImUos, 

10.  Porro  kaee  laieHla  dolii  adyoteeid  Trinnmmna  ir.  4.  30 — 33: 

d«o1  '  And  forlhwith  tbis  eipenditure  will      „  »,  _     ■ i „_,  j._  i_  -«_. 

J™.~l...ddi,taJt.oiJ„nr„,d™.,.'  "SL.Sm 

ihe  B,inbiDe,  which  bu  '  blpoKnnC'    The  „„(0!  liberi* 

I.™  i.  mor.  in  l«pl.i  1.1-th  ,h.  pTmnn.  j^  ^,^  ,^  ^  ^^  „„,  ,„ 

hne.    '  Haec   u  for '  hae    (aiinae].    Com-  cla»i«  ferreii 

pare  Eunochns  iii.  6.  34 :  "  CoatiDno  haec         >!>.; i—    _'_»    .oi-i    »<_<..   «_t 

,       ,x     1     >           ..    .. ,       ..  „    1,     .1            1  tJbi    malog    morea    aizigi    nimio   ment 

(paellae)  ■domant  ut  lavet.      Bantlejr  reads  aeanius  " 

'adpoacet'  and  inteipreta  'haec'  of  An-  ^^ 

ti|ihila:  but  thia  ia  rMher  fi^;id :  and  not  For  'relictiB  rebot'  see  note  on  AiidriaU. 

io  wallinkBspiiigwith  thflTcinof  Chrame*,  S.  I. 





Me.  Multo  omiiiuiii  nunc  me  fortniiatiB8imum 

Factum  puto  eeee,  gnate,  quum  te  intelUgo 

Besipiase.    Ch.  Ut  errat.    Me.  Te  ipsum  quaerebam,  Clireme. 

Serra,  quod  in  te  est,  fil'"™  et  me  et  familiam. 

Ch.  Cedo  quid  vifi  fociam  P     Me.  InTenisti  liodie  filiam.        5 

Ch.  Quid  tum  P    Me.  Hanc  mbi  uxorem  dari  vult  Clima. 

Ch.  Quaeso  quid  tu  hominia  esP     Me.  Quid  estP    Ch.  Jamnc 

oblitus  es 
Inter  noa  quid  sit  dictimi  de  fallacia, 
Ut  ea  Tia  abs  te  argentum  auferretur  ?    Me.  Scio. 
Ch.  Ea  rea  nunc  agitur  ipsa.     Me.  Q,uid  dlxti,  Chreme  P       lo 

AcT  rV.   ScENB  TIII.     MenedemaB  is  dippe.mihi  cedo."    For  thistransitian  (rom 

now  tlioioiighlr  happy  at  b>*iiig  recorered  the  unia  of  'giTs'  lotlut  of  'tcll '  compare 

hii  9011 ;  and  not  onl;  so,  bnt  it  finding  the  lue  of  ■  d».'     8ee  note  ou  Proic^.  10. 

him  re«df  to  Mttle  himself  utd  mury.     In  In  the  latta  aeiue  we  find  >  cedo '  osed  wilh 

this  mood  he  comes  to  ■eeli  Cbremee,  uid  plunl  naanB.    "  Cedo  qoi  leatnin  rem  pub. 

at  ODce  begi  him  to  mskB  him  happf  and  licam   (Mniriatia  tun  dto  ?"    Ciccro,  Calo 

aecure  hia  aoa  to   bim  b;  giiing  him  bia  Major  6.      Bot  in  the  forma'  «e  find  tbe 

daogbter  in    marriage.     Chremea   eiplains  fbrm  '  cette,' cantnded  &om  '  cedite,' u  in 

to  him  tbat  all  tbie  pretended  refbrmMion  PlButai,  Uercator  T.  4.  4 :  "  CeUc  deilns 

■nd  this  «ish  for  a  wife  ia  ■  triclt  which  he  nonc  jun." 

had  long  foreaeen  made  up  on  purpose  to  7-  QuoeiOfuiif/ii  Aoiainu  et/]  Seenotei 

tilck  him  ont  of  hii  mone;  ;  uid  aa  for  Bw-  on  EuDochiu  iii.  2.  13,  and  iii.  4.  8. 

chis  b«ng  Clitipho'»  miitren,  he  migbt  be-  10.  Ba  re»  nme  agitw  ifiu]  TYa»  pM- 

lieieaa  machaf  thatu  heliked.  ■Ah/aajB  atge  hu  giien  more  tioable  tban  ■Imost 

MenedemuB,  ■how  I  bne  been  deceired  I  an^  otber  in  Terence,  in  coaae*]n«ioe  of 

Bnt  fet  I  h(d  rather  be  decei*ed  aad  BDfTer  the  «ariatinn  of  the  mananipts.     In  manT 

■aj  thing  tbsn  loee  my  aon  agun,  uid  M  editiona  the  speecbe*  (re  >o  ■mnged  •>  to 

what  shfdl  I  tell   him  tb^t  be  m^j  not  be  make  sease  quite  hopelesa.     In  same  edi. 

uinojed?'     >TeII  him  uiy  tbing  yon  like,'  lionB  «fter  thia  line  tLere  followi  'Emn: 

Beys  Chremes:  'bbj  I  igree  to  foor   pro-  rea  ada :  quanta  de  ape  deddi,'  wbicb  ia 

poial ;  fbr  thenyaa  will  lo>e  yonr  moaej  ■U  entJrelj  wuiting  in  the  VaticaD  and  Bem- 

the  looner,  and  jou  vill  verj  Boon,  1  ^cj,  bine  manngcripta  and  BOme  of  tbe  eulieat 

be  tired  of  tbat  aon  of  jours.'  editiona  ;  uid  aa  fientlej  well  reiiuu-ki,  in- 

Tbe  Uetre  ia  iuubic  trimeter.  terferea  with  the  aense :  ibr  Menedemoa  b 

e.   Cedo  guid  vit  faciam  /]    '  Saj,  what  not    made    to    diacoier    hia    mirt^ke    tiU 

do  jon  wish  me  lo  do  ?'     Tbe  word  '  cedo '  Chremes  haa  eiplained  tbe  wbc^  matter. 

occurB  onlj  aa  an    imper^tive.     It  ia  fre.  The  inBcrtion  of  BDGb  a  line  here   would 

JDentlj   uaed    bj  Terence,    PlaataB,    ■nd  make  >imo'  quite  DnmeaiUDg.     The  coo. 

^icero.     It  ia  OBed  either  ahBolutelj  in  Ihe  neiion  of  idcBB  ia  ■■  foUows  :  ■  You  reaiem. 

•enae  of  '  tell  me,' HB  in  the  preBenl  pasBBge  ber,'  njB   Chremea,  ■wbat  we  said  ■bont 

■nd  manj  othera  ;  or  with  an  accuiatiTe,  ia  Qxe  rrick  bj  which  joa  were  to  be  deBled 

ita  original  meuing  '  give  me,'  ts  in  Cicero,  out  ot  joor  mooej  ?  well,  that  ia  what  thej 

In  Verrem  ii.  9.  43  :  "  Cedo,  qaaeea,  codi-  are after Dow.'  ''WbaldojonBaj.Chremes.' 

"      "'     '         "                      3.    160:  You  must  be  mistaken ;   Cor  tbis  fikccbii 

11  iii.  4.  who  is  at  mj  houae  is  not  Clinis'B  mistren, 

mipnam  bat   Clitipho'^.'     'Ab,   so   tbej  aaj,'    says 

"  Pacnun,  Fhi-  Cbremea, '  «od  jea  belieie  it  all :  bnt  it  ii 


ACTCS  IV.    SCENA  VHL  227 

Imo  Iiaec  qaidem,  quae  apud  me  eat,  Clitiphonis  eet 

AmiftfL     Ch.  Ita  aiimt :  et  tu  credia  onmia : 

£t  illum  aiunt  velle  uxorem,  ut,  quum  deeponderim, 

Dea  qui  aurum  ac  vestem  atque  alia  quae  opua  Bunt  comparet. 

Me.  Id  est  profecto :  id  omicae  dabitur.     Ch.  Scilicet  IS 

Daturum     Me.  Vah,  friutra  sum  igitur  gaTians  miser. 

QuidTis  tamen  jam  malo  quam  hunc  amittere. 

Quid  nunc  renuntiem  abs  te  respouaum,  Cfareme, 

Ne  sentiat  me  sensisse,  atque  acgre  ferat  ? 

Ch.  "AegreP"  nimiom  iUi,  Menedeme,  indulgee.  Me.  Sine.  so 

Inceptum  eet :  per&ce  hoc  mihi  perpetoo,  Chreme. 

CA.  Dic  conTenisse ;  egisse  te  de  nuptiis. 

Me.  Dicam:  quiddeiodeP     Ch.  Me  fiictumm  eese  onmia ; 

G^erum  placere :  poetremo  etiam,  si  Toles, 

Desponsam  quoque  esse  dicit«.     Me.  Hem,  istuc  Tolueram.   as 

CA.  Tanto  ocius  te  ut  poecat,  et  tu  id  quod  oupis 

Quom  ociseime  ut  dee.     Me.  Cupio.     Ch.  Kae  tu  propediem, 

JJt  istam  rem  Tideo,  istios  oheaturabere. 

Sed  haec  ut  ut  suiit,  cautim  et  paulatim  dabis, 

Si  sapies.  Me.  Faciam.   Ch.  Abi  intro ;  Tide  quid  postulet.    30 

Ego  domi  ero,  ei  quid  me  Tolee.     Me.  Sane  Tolo : 

Nam  t«  sciente  faciam,  quioquid  egero. 

■npmit  of  their  >chMaa  te  getdiig  moDej  m  it  ma;,' Mya  Chremea,  '  if  yon  are  wiie, 

oat  of  70B,  which  he  will  gi«e  at  once  to  jon  wili  gfve  mutioiul;  uid  little  by  little.' 

Iiii  miiUiiie  tai  aot  Ut  Iub  wife.'     In  one  '  H*ec  at  nt  ■nnt '   ia  the  rfiUng  ot  Um 

ediliOB  I  meet  «itfa  no  Im   tbui  ni   dif'  Vaticaa  manoeaipt. 

femt  uTmDgeiDenti  of  thew  lii«.    TogiTB  3S.  Nam   U  tettnii  Jaeum,    juieqMid 

'oiDiii>'  lo  Mawdemo*,  h  thej  ■]!  do,  ii  t^traj    'Te  MieDte'  wu  tlie  iiMiliiiy   iif 

)o   fiigkl  tbat    I  h»*e    fbUowed    ZenDe^a  both   Calpimiiu    aiid    Bugi^ifaiiu.     The 

■«Taogenient,  whicfa  mekes  Cbremai  epeek  Bembine  manoempt  hea  '  te  ■dentem  &- 

continiionaljfrom 'ItauDDt'to'ooinpwet|'  dam  '  eqnivalent  to  '  nirtiDrem  te  bciun.' 

■Dd    which   he   derited    from    Faam    and  Bnt  apuut  thii  b  the  lact  that  we  do  not 

Bentler.  meet  with    the   pbrBH  '  ideDtem    bicere.' 

1&.    Sdlii^l  dalurUBi}    '  Yoa  maj  be  The  ablative  abnrinte  is  porfectlf  intelli- 

qmte  certBin   tbat   he  will  gire  it.'     Po  gible  here.     We  ma;  ubeerre  that  Ihe  auM 

'Milicet,'  in  conetractioD  with  the  (otare,  faiietj  of  raadinB.  oecon  in  a  dinibv  caae 

•ee  note  on  ii.  3.  117-  in  Haejn  i.  3.  33  :  "  Bam  haoo  oognoTit 

29.  Ca^im']  Thii  word  oocnn  onlj  hare  HTrrhiDa  in  digito  modo  me  habenta."  See 

iti^AociaB.    'Batbethat  the  Dote. 



Acrrus  auiNTi  scena  prima. 


Me.  Ego  mfi  nou  tam  astatum,  neque  ita  perspicacem  esee 

certo  scio: 
Sed  hic  adjutor  meue  et  monitor  et  praemonstrator  Cliremea 
Hoc  mihi  praestat.     In  me  quidTiB  harum  rerum  ccmTenit 
Quae  Bunt  dicta  in  stultinn ;  caudez,  atipee,  asinuB,  plumbeus : 
In  illum  Tiihil   potest;    nam  exBuperat   ejufi  stultitia  haec 

Ch.  Ohe,  jam  desine  Deoe,  m^or,  gratulando  obtundere, 

AcT  V.  ScuiE  I.    HcnedemD»  oomei  on  boctwic     tatmnBtar    csUectlc  ;     36— <t6, 

tbe  aUge  trinmphfng  otct  Cbremee.  «hom  Umbic  trimeter. 

bebu  now  diecoTered  to  be  after  ■]!  one  of  2.  Sed iie ailjtilormem  et muulor et prme- 

the  moit  foolieh  of  meo ;  and  elthongh  he  vuiBilralor  CArmu]   '  But  Chremes  hoe 

bUdvs  that  he  bimieir  ia  not  Tery  iriK,  jet  mj  helper  Bnd  prompttT  and  muter  ia  hi. 

Chremei'  tblly  BUrpu*es  oll  ordinarj  baunde  perior  to  me  in  thii  reapect.'     Therc  are 

sikI    eihauils   the   commOD   TOcabnlorj   of  wid  by  commentaton  to  b>  temis  borroired 

mBnkind.      He  now  falls  in  with  Chremea,  IVom  the  itage ;  bnt  it  ib  ■  curions  inotuice 

wbo  inquirei   how  hii  aoD   look  tbe  newa  of  the  Tnlae  of  mch  geneiol  nfnarki,  thit 

of  bis  conaent  to  hit  morriage ;  and  amoMia  «e  hardlf   Gnd  %  clear  eiampie  of  nich  ■ 

himself  greallj  with  Ihe  thought  of  Sjriu'  lue,  eicept  oaee  of  '  kdjalor  '  in  "* 

cnnniDg,  «hocanmakea  jonngman  pretend  t,  6.  13,  14: 

ill  the  wbiie  bs  b«a  hii  m 

!  Bpparatu,  nDllu  adjatoribas, 

n  ipsB  fecit  eipectatio." 

tre»  ander  hia  falher'!  roof.     Bnt  be  ia 

rotber    disconcerted  wheD    be   fiDds    tbot 

there  woa  no  barg^ning  for  monej  in  con-  '  Monttor '  wai  med  <^  '  B  promptv '  (sce 

aequence  of  thii  engogement,  Bud  ii  pouled  note  on  i.  1.  1 19),  bat  pBttimlarl j  in  eoDit* 

Bt  this,  to  the  omasemant  of  MeDedemui,  of  joitice  or  the  ibmm.     See  Cicero,  Diri- 

who  proceedi  to  punish  him.     '  Sjrui  jon  natia    In  Q.  Caeolium  16:    "  Videa   mihi 

-  Proper»,  obi  domam : 

thiuk  ?  he  has  mBde  jour  oon  plaj  nich  B  quem  mODitor  tnoa  hicten 

cunning  pBrt  tliBt  no  one  rould  erer  fbr  B  (tro '  ii  used  iD  B  siDiUar  m 

moment  luspect  thet  CliniB  bod  BDj  thing  Pern  i.  H.  ffj — 70 : 

todowiththewomw,     lonljteil  jon  whal  „ iw„^  _ 

I  and  CliD*  «w,  BTid  jou  m,j  dnw  jour  p^^rtra  docte.  pnidpe  ai„ . 

own   coDclusioD.'     After   tbis   eiposure  of  Q„y  ^^„,«0,,  nbi  «  naUm  piwdiol, 

hi.  son  Chremee  loeei  b11  wlf  po»e«noD  ,  Qni  rtbipBrenteefiierint,  utsubreptaML" 
■nd  the  chBracten  of  the  two  men  Bie 

completelj  tiBniposed.     Chremee  ii  now  S.  In  me  ^idm  jlanim  renm  eonvmif 

for  Tiolence.     He  ii  BDgrj  Bt  his  stnpiditj,  guae  timf  dicla  in  MlaUum]  '  AU  aod  ereTj 

•nd  CBD   herdlj  be  penuBdad  to  be  pBtient  oneof  tha  nrdinarj  epithetswhich  Bre  giiten 

wilh  bis  Kin.     The  mBmoge  of  Clinia  and  to  a  fool  are  appUcable  to  me.'     Compare 

Antiphila  ii  Brranged.  and  Clitipba  ii  to  be  Cicero.  In  C.  Verrem  ii.  1 .  49 :   "  C.  Vanm 

informed    that  oll   his   hther'i   fbrtune  i(  iniiinulat  BTariliae  et  BadBdae,  qoae  ritia 

BBttled  apon  his  «ster  ;  th«t  he  mij  Ibni  he  videntur  jn  quemTi*  potiui  qnam  iu  iitiun 

redaoed  to  eitremiliei.     And  oi  for  Sjnu,  conTeaire." 

he  shBll  cateh  it  for  haTinK  treated  him  u  6    OAe,    . 

be  wonld  hardlj  hBTe  dired  ta  treat  ■  looe  Chremea  is 

Tbe  Metre  ii  bb  fbllows ;  1  — S4.  67- 

ACTUS  V.    SOENA  I.  229 

Tuam    eese   inTentam    gnatam;    nifli  illos   ex   too    ingenio 

Vt  nihil  credas  intelligeie  niBi  idem  dictum  ait  centiee. 
Sed  int«rim,  quid  illic  jam  dudom  gnatua  ceesat  cimi  Syro  P 
■Me.  Qnos  aia  hominee,  Chmne,  ceflsare  ?     Ch.  Ehem,  Mene- 

deme,  advenis  ?  10 

Dic  mihi,  Cliniae  quae  dixi  nontiastine  ?    Me.  Omnia. 
Ch.  Quid  aitP     Me.  Gaudere  adeo  coepit  quasi  qui  cupiunt 

.    Ch.    Ha  ha  he  I     Me.   Qiiid  risisti  P      Ch.  Servi  venere  in 

ment«m  Syri 
Calliditatcs.    Me.  Itane  ?    Ch.  Yultus  quoqne  hominum  fingit 

Me.  Onatus  qaod  se   adsimulat  laetum,  id  dicis  P     Ch.  Id. 

Me.  Idem  istuc  mihi  15 

Yenit  in  mentem.      Ch.  Teteratorl     Me.  Magis,   si  magis 

noris,  putes 
Ita  rem  esse.     Ch.  Ain  tu  P    Me.  Quin  tu  ausculta.     Gh. 

Mane.     Hoc  prius  scire  expeto, 
Quid  perdideris.     Nam  ubi  deaponsam  nuntiasti  filio, 
Continuo  injecisse  verba  tibi  Dromonem  scilicet, 

godi  fcir   the    leanerj   oT   her    dughtcr.         14.  VuUut  guoque  Aamiiiiini  fitkgit  tM< 

*Gnda1iir'  li  iu«l  in  this  unse  of  '  to  re-  Itu]   '  Thc  ruol  mmkei  tham  UBDme  vim 

toni  tbmnlu'    paiticnWlr  wben   the   goda  blae  looki.'     For  'Gngit'  oom|iin)  t.  2S: 

tre  ipoken  of :  tnd  Bo  '  gratiUctio  *  is  lued  "  3ed  ille  laiim   qnoque  Sfrn»  idem  mire 

for '  a  pnblic  thukaifiving.' (See  PorcelliDi.)  tinxit   Glium?"      Cacaar    oiies    the    words 

For  ' otKaudo '  Me  note  on  AndrU  ii.  S.  II.  '  Tultum  flagere  '  in  much  the  lame  w«.t, 

9.  Btd  initrim,  .  .  .  rnalvt  ct—al  mm  BeU.  GbU.  i.  39:  "  Hi  neque  luJtnm  fin- 
^rro  r]  Chremea  cunot  niidentBDd  whj  gere  neqne  iaterdum  iBcrimu  tenere  pote- 
Sfnu  ud  Clitipho  ihoold  bave  been  lo  rant,"  which  Hr.  Long  tmsialea  'The; 
loD|[  sC  Itfeiwdemui'  hoDM ;  Tor  whsn  thej'  could  nnl  commud  theii  countenuice,  the; 
went  thef  hod  pramiied  to  be  back  ler}  could  not  put  on  b  look  u  it  (hej  were  nr^ 
Mon  (ir.  7.  6).  UeTtedemn*  i*  b^ipil]'  BTraid.'  Opposed  to  tbii  ii  'vero  vultu,' 
mada  to  DrnlieBr  thii,  Bnd  thiui  to  gain  ■  Andrim  t.  1.  20. 

dne  to  tbe  pBrt  which  Cbnmei  hu  been  IG.   Vtlcralar^     8ee  note  on  Andrift  iL 

pl>;ing  in  tbii    Bffair.     The    gmdOBl  di-  6.  26. 

Daaement  of  Ihis  ■ceue  is  Teij  eicellent.  17.  Bae  priut  leire  rxprlo']     '  I  «hould 

10.  Qaiw  ait  honmH. . .  ■  Bkm,  Mau-  like  to  know  Qnt  whBt  jon  bBie  lost.  For 
dtme,  advinit  /]  Thj«  ii  the  reeding  of  the  u  «oon  u  jou  tnld  him  thet  m j  dBngbter  wu 
gieat  niBJoritj  of  good  mBnaBcripti.  Bent.  betrothed  lo  him,  rU  wBmnt  jou  thBt 
lej  Tfda  '  Qnos  aia  haminii  ceBure  ?  Ehera  Ihromo  at  once  luggeated  to  jou  that  tbe 
per  tsnipus,  Menedeme,  idTenii '  on  Ihe  bride  would  wBnt  clothea,  jewela,  «nd  aer- 
gnnind  tbM  '  Chreine«  '  ia  not  fonnd  in  ona  TBnt-in«idi.'  '  Verh»  injicere,'  or  aimplr 
UniTeraity  maniuaipt,  «nd  Ihe  worda  '  per  '  injicere,'  mean»  ■  to  throw  ont  b  hint.'  80 
t«npi>a'MidedinoiieorthBHSS.Regii. 'Ps  Cicero,  Ad  Atlicnm  iTi.  fi.  3i  "  Brulo 
t«mpii<  BdTenia' iaof  coune  ■  gDod  eipres.  quum  Bftepe  injeciasem  de  opairXnif,  non 
non,  Bod  oocura  in  Andria  ii.  4.  44 ;  but  perinde  Blque  ^  pDtinm  arripera  Tiana 
there  ii  no  aufficient  gronnd  for  altering  the  eat," 

teit  bere.     '  Aia '  ia  a  diaarllBble  bere,  with         19.  Seilietll     Sea  i*.  8.  10,  Mid  not«. 
tbe  la*t  ajU«ble  lentllkened  bj  tbe  locent. 



SpoBsae  Teet«m,  aurum,  atque  anciUas  opus  eese,  argentam  nt 

dares.  90 

Me.  JSoa.     Ch.  Quid  ?  non  ?    Me.  'Soa,  inqaam.     Ch.  Ifeque 

ipse  gnatuA  ?    Me.  NiMl  prorsus,  Ctreme : 
Hagia  unum  etiam  infitare  ut  hodie  conficerentur  nuptiae. 
Ch.  Mira  narras.  Quid  Syrus  meue  P  ne  is  quidem  quicquam  P 

Me.  NihU. 
Ch.  Quamobrem  neecio.     Me.  Equidem  miror,  qui  sHs  tam 

plane  scias. 
Bed  ille  tuum  quoque  Syrus  idem  mire  finxit  filium,  3S 

TJt  ne  paululum  quidem  subolat,  esse  amicam  hano  Cliniae. 
Ck.  Quid  ais  P    Me.  Mitto  jam  osculari  atque  amplexsri :  id 

nihil  puto. 
Ch.  Quid  est,  quod  ampline  sinialetur  P  Me.  Yali  I     Ch.  Quid 

est  ?    Me.  Audi  modo : 
Est  mihi  ultimis  conclave  iu  aedibus  quoddam  retro : 
Hnc  est  intro  latus  lectus ;  vestimentis  stratua  est.  30 

90.  Spomat  eutem,  onrtim,  aigur  an- 
ciliat  eput  <ne]      Bentlef  introdacea  heie 

the  fOnn  '  SponMe,' sndleeTingout 'Rtqne'     Bembinua  aiid  tH  the  oldcr  c.^ 

■iraDges  the  liDe  tbu :  Plantiu,  Poennliu  i.  2.  69,  oa  hava  'dii' 

.„ji,„  „„„.  <rf  the  third  conjugation  :  "  Quae  tibi  tjut 
I,  ■Dollaa  opua  rtabaliim  rtatuntque,  •ellui.  at  »»ib<iliii> 
meruin."  'Subolet'  i>  commoDlf  uied  ia 
Thishedoes  to  mske  'anrnm'  more  em-  tbis  Benae ;  bat  in  Plantus  generaUT  with 
phatic  b;  pladng  it  in  anis.  Bnt  there  a  dative  of  tbe  petaon,  a>  in  Paeadolni  L 
ia  not  anj  particular  Teason  Ibr  maliing  it     C  7  ' 

Bmphalic;  and  if  Iherewere.itisBnfficientlT      „  .,     ,   .j    ■  ..  .    ^        ... 

«>  »  it  i9 :  fbr  in  this  Une  Lyerj  word  bw  **^^  ^?  jamprui«n  Mn<n  et  ■nb.M 
its    own    emphads,   irrespactively  ot   the  "" 

metre.  On  snch  a  form  aa  '  Sponaae,'  or  In  TrinnmmuJ  iiL  2.  73,  it  ii  naed  ahao- 
'  Bponaai,'  see  note»  on  iii,  2.  4,  and  Andria  \tHe\j,  as  here  : 
IL  8.  S.  For  the  nse  of '  opos  '  ai  a  predi- 
cate  compare  Andria  ir.  3.  13 :  "  Quia  >i 
forie  opu>  flit  ad  herum  jnrandum  mihi,"  and 
iL  I.  37  ;  "  Ea  quae  nihil  opm  snnt  «dri," 
with  the  note  on  the  latter  paasage. 

24.  QuamoirttH  ntteio]  Benttef  i«  auite 
rigbt  in  giving  the  word  'nesdo  to 
Chremee.  He  cannot  nnderatand  ho*  it  ia 
that  this  part  oflhe  plot  hu  brolien  dowii 
(iv.  G.  29).     Menedemoa,  who  now  under- 

standa  the  matter,  eipresaeg  his  aatonish.     ^ .^      ,„„  „„,  ,„  ,_.™„     „. 

inent  at  the  ignorance  of  Chremes.  ■  I  ranged  in  editions  and  maouscript..  Some 
wondet  »t  tbat,  wheti  you  nndenlarid  every  read  '  Eat  raihi  in  uldniis  conclavo  aediboi 
thing  elie  >o  weU.  But  there  really  is  no  quoddam  retro.'  which  cau»»  an  awkwanl 
nnderstanding  tbat  Sjrus.  Whj  he  has  hiatni.  I  hBve  foUowed  Zeune'i  teit, 
tnade  jonr  son  pUj  hia  part  so  admirablj  whicb  gives  the  best  order  of  the  worti. 
fliat  one  esnnot  have  tbe  Blighteot  shadow  For  tbe  meaning  of  ■  conclaTe  '  aae  tha  note 
of  a  aiupicion  that  Bacchi*  ia  Clinia'a  mis-    oo  Eunucbiu  iii  6  30. 



ACTUS  V.     SCENA  I.  231 

Ch.  Quid  pOBtquam  hoc  eet  &ctuin  f^    Me.  Diotum  iactuin, 

Iluc  abiit  CUtipho. 
Ch.  Solua  ?    Me.  Solua.     Ch.  Timeo.     Me.  Baoohig  coiuecuta 

est  ilico. 
Ch.  Sola  P    Me.  Sola.     Ch.  Perii.     Me.  ITbi  obiere  intro,  ope- 

ruero  ostium.     Ch.  Hem, 
Clinia  haec  fieri  videbat  P    Me.  Quidni  ?  meouia  uns  simuL 
Ch.  Fili  est  aaica  Bacchis,  Menedeme.     Occidi.  36 

Me.  Quamobrem  P     Ch.  Decem  dierum  vix  m{\\}  eeX  familia. 
Me.  Quid  P  istuc  times  quod  ille  operam  amico  dat  buo  P 
Ch.  Imo  qtlod  amioae.     Me.  Si  dat.     Ch.  An  dubium  id  tibi 

QrUemquamne  auimo  tam  communi  ease,  aut  leni  puta«, 
Qui  Ho  vidente  amicam  patiatur  suam  P —  ta 

Me.  Quidni  P  quo  verba  facilius  dontur  mihi. 
Ch.  Deridea  merito.    Mihi  nunc  ego  succeneeo- 
Quot  res  dedere  ubi  poesem  persentiecere, 
Nim  essem  la|na  P  Quae  vidi !     Vae  misero  mihi  ' 

At  oae  iUud  haud  inultum,  si  vivo,  ferent :  i5 

f ,  aui  teitipiUiul  '  Do  -joa  think  in;  one 
uld  be  10  obliging  and  euj? '  In  tbe 
'  '  ^    '^  '  lued  there    «u 

31.  ZHetumfKhiml     See  the  natea  on 
hr.  6.  12,  «111  Andria  u.  3.  7- 

36.  DtttmdinnintmxmiluittfaniiUa\ 
'  I    htve  scwcelf   enongh  to   keep 
ten  dajB.'       'Funili»' 

fw     alao  tbe  nnding  '  i 

tbe  f 

itgii  phiue  conaeraiiig  hmilj  ptopertf, 
"  Nun  neque  illud  eM  minuidHm,  qui  qni' 
bus  Terbii  coemptio  fi>t  neeei«t  eundem 
ejos  mnlien»  qn»  ooeoiptionem  faceril 
caosarn  pone  defondani !  nec  ri  parri  nnTigii 
et  oidpii  eadem  ei 
o  qni  qnibna 

t»t  u< 



m  acere  non  ponit."     D«  Oratoce  i.  66. 

38.  /m  fuod  OHweae]  '  No,  but  be- 
euue  he  ii  Ki  Mtentiie  to  hu  miitreu.'  We 
flnd  the  nue  pUr  on  the  eipmaion  '  ope- 
nm  dnra  '  in  Flaatos,  Trinummiu  iii.  3.  SS. 
In  Meralor  li.  2.  17,  «■  find  the  lune 

I  negotinm   est:  A  qold  Tii, 

lem  putaa ;" 

■  Toiy  good  hne :  bnt  not  abaolutelj  uocea- 
■BTj  ;  though  the  uee  ef  '  communia  '  in  thli 
KDBB  reata  upou  puugei  in  which  u  a  rule 
there  is  the  otber  reading  ■  comia.'  Linden. 
brog  comparea  Tbeognia,  Itriii  coivdc  a-rat 

43.  Quot  ret  dederi  .  .  .  nin  etnm 
It^il  /]  '  U.OW  manj  thingi  happened  bv 
which  1  could  hare  percelTed  the  troth  if  I 
hHl  not  been  a  blockhesd  ?'  Thia  is  the 
onlf  pasaBge  whera  we  find  '  do  '  used  in 
.......      . ,,[p1j  it 

e  proaoQQ,  ai  io  Hccj ra  iii. 



on  sum  occnpatui  n 

nm  dare  i" 

lad  abore,  i.  1.  liA  : 

poUicitus,  prout  tempoa  ac  rei  ae 
omnibua  latumm  le  auiilium." 

46.  At  nae  illud  katid  imilttm  . . 
rflU]     See  note  on  i.Ddria  iii.  0.  4. 



Nam  jam — Me.  Non  tu  te  cohibea  P  non  te  respicia  f 
Non  tibi  ego  exempli  satiB  aam  f     Ch.  Prae  iracundia, 
Meoed^iie,  non  eum  apud  me.     Me.  Tene  iatuc  loqni  ? 
Noime  id  flagitium  est,  te  aliis  consilium  dare, 
Forifl  sapere,  tibi  non  posse  auxiliarier  P  50 

Ch.   Q,ujd  faciam  P     Me.  Id  quod  me  feciase  aiebas  panim. 
Fac  te  patrem  esse  sentiat ;  fac  ut  audeat 
Tibi  credere  omuia,  abe  te  petere  et  poscere ; 
Ne  quam  aliam  quaerat  copiam,  ac  te  deserat. 
Ch.  Imo  abeat  multo  malo  quoTis  gentium,  55 

Quam  bic  per  dagitium  ad  inopiam  redigat  patrem : 
Nam,  si  illi  pergo  suppeditare  sumtibus, 
Meuedeme,  mihi  illaec  vero  ad  raBtros  res  redit. 
Me.  Quot  incommoditates  in  hac  re  accipiee,  nisi  cavee  P 
Difficilem  ostendes  t«  esee,  et  ignosces  tamen  6o 

Poet ;  et  id  ingratum.  Ch.  Ah,  neBcis  quam  doleam.  Me.  Ut  Ubet. 
Quid  boc  quod  volo,  ut  illa  nubat  nofitro  P  nisi  quid  est 
Quod  mayis.     Ch.  Imo  et  gener  et  affines  placent. 
Me.  Quid  dotis  dicam  te  dixisae  filio  P 

Quid  obticuisti  P   •  Ch.  Dotis  P    Me.  Ita  dieo.     Ch.  Ah !     Me. 
Chreme,  65 

4S.  Nim  nn  apud  mt\     '  I  am  not  in  on  GuQucbui  *.  8.  46,  where  the  «ord  is 

mT  right  loind.'     Compare   Hecjn  iv.  4.  oied  iD  the  nme  seiiie.     Id  both  caae*  wc 

86 :  "  Nmn  tibi  Tidelnr  spud    teae   efue."  m>;  snpplv  aa  icrantire  of  ihe  Dcanr  ob- 

Id  ADdria  ii.  4.  A,  tbe  HiDe  phrmse  is  uiwd  jcct  \  whiiji  is  more  ninple  thui  to  nippOEc 

nther  diServDtlj  :  "  Proin   tn  fkc  apad  te  the  coDgtruction  of  daabls  dstiie,  u '  relicta 

nt  tica,"    'Miiid  thiit  joM  have  yaor  wita  eat  ntTbtbDDi.' 

■bout  joa.'     Por  '  teDe  istuc  loqui  ?'    nes  G8.  .Viili  Ulaec  tero  ad  rattrot  rtt  rrdii] 

DOte  OD  ir.  6.  3.  '  MeDedemni,   I  ihall  resllf  h&Ts  to  take 

ei.    N  gued  tKt  ftciut  aiebai  jiarta»]  to   the  nke.'     I  shill   not  labour  in  the 

Tbe    roTDI   '  >iba<  '  is  crHsinly  to  be  pre-  field  merely  for  Hlf-tortare  u  jon  did,  but 

ferred  wheneTer  tbe  metre  wiU  bear  it,  yet  fnim  absolute  waut.     '  Vero '  ii  mied  Ire- 

we  rsQDOt  reject  the  unainlTECted  fonn  in  quentlj  in  PlButnB  in  tbe  Knie  of  '  tnlj.' 

«•»7    cue  ;    fbr    tbough    in    moat    otber  MOBtellsriB  i.  3.  21  :  ''  Eho  maiia  Titape- 

plues  of  Tereace  it  ii  contncted,  jet  wa  nrier  falao  quim  vero  eitulli ;"  uid  C^^tivi 

meet    with    twa    undoubled    instanres    of  iii.  4-  36 :  "  Imo  irte  eum  kh  ait  qoi  noa 

the  lengthened  forni'in  Andria  iii-  3.  S,  and  eit  erae,  et  qni  Tero  eit  negst."   Seei.  I-  36. 

T.  4.   27-     Tbe  fbrmer    of  theu   poasa^i  69.    QuQf  incoprmadilala  »  hae  re  ae- 

cmnfiot  be  evaded  exrept  by  chtn^ng  the  cipin]     lliii  Une  ruDa  awkwardlj,  but  [ 

metru  frotn    inmbic   to    trochaic;    nar  tha  do   not  >ee  that  Bentlej'i  emend^ioD   of 

Ulfer  except  bj  rtading  ■  leBe.'     In  the  liae  '  Qnod    incoDimodi    libi '    mendg    mstten 

bflfbre  ui  the  leDgthened  form  ii  neceusry  to  much-     The  Bimplest  emsidstioD  wouM  be 

the  metre.     Far  thongh  it  is  aot  at  iJi  uo-  lo  omit  ■  in  '  if  we  b*d  aaj  suthority  Ibr  wi 

common  to  meetirith  aa  bistuwhen  aword  doing. 

endi  ■  senlence,  «nd  wben  tbehiBtusoccurg  60.    Dtfieilem  .   ,   .  innralum]       '  Yoa 

ID  the  ■!«■  of  the  foot  (u  in  Heaat.  i.  1.  will  show  joumir  hsrd,  and  jet  jon  will 

31),  we  neTer  lind  the  ■une  licence  iu  the  ■fterwsrda  fbrgiTe  him,  and  tb^t  with  >  bul 

tbetic  ■jllable.     See  Rit*chl'a  remirka  od  gnoe.'     See  note  on  ii.  3.  81. 

the  sDbject  in  hii  Prolegomena  to  Plautut.  66.     Qiiid  oAfi*ciiifJj /]     CalpamiDi   re- 

67.    Si^/itdilara  lumlitmt]      Sea  note  pM«  beie  JDonMo*'  not«  oo  Euimdia  t. 


ACTUS  V.    SCENA  I.  233 

Ne  qoid  Tereare  si  miiiuB :  niliil  noe  dos  moret. 

Gk.  Duo  talenta  pro  re  noetre  ego  esae  decrevi  satia. 

Sed  ita  dicta  ojnu  eat,  gi  me  vie  salTum  eese,  rem,  et  filium, 

Me  mea  onum  bona  doti  dixifise  illi.     Me.  Quam  rem  aga  ? 

Ch.  Id  mirari  te  simulato,  et  illum  hoc  rogitato  simul,  70 

Qoamobrem  id  &ciam.     Me.    Quin  ego  vero  quamobrem  id 

£acias  nescio. 
Ch.  Egone  f  ut  ejus  animum,  qui  nnnc  luxuria  et  lascivia 
Biffluit,  retundam,  redigom  ut  qao  se  vertat  nesciat. 
Me.  Quid  agiaP     Ch.  Mitte;  sine  me  in  hac  re  gerere  mibi 

morem.     Me.  Sino. 
Itane  TisP     Ch.  Ita.     Me.  Fiat.      Ch.  Age  jam  uxorem  ut 

arcesfiat  paret.  75 

Hic  ita  ut  liberos  eat  aeqaum  dictis  coniutabitar. 
Sed  Synmi.     Me.  Quid  eumP     Ch.  EgoneP   si  Tivo,   adeo 

exomatum  dabo. 

lienlBting  abonC  the  Bmount  of  tbe  dower.  qDaoi  nee 

Bnt  it  tnnu  ant  thct  Cbremn  wu  mereljr  digpatabDnt." 
reflecting  how  be  might  lura   tbis  niatter         76.  Hit  ita  vl  librroE  «1  atftnim  Jielit  . 

inlo    >n   ocoimon   of    reforming    hii    son.  eBt^tabiliir'^       '  Clitipbo    Bhall    be    cor- 

'  Tiro  talents,'  he  ujb,   '  I  conrider  ■  fair  retjed  bT  reproof,  u  it  is  fit  ■  child  ahoiild 

portJOD  fbr  aur  itation  in  lifb :  bnC  if  jon  be.'     '  Con^to  '  ii  ooanected  nith    '  con. 

wisfa  for  IBJ  bsppineu  uid  mj  iion'a,  jon  fbndo '  after  the  fatiagj  of  'fittilii'  (we 

miut  Mj'  th*t  I  baie  given  her  all  m;  pro-  note  on  Andria  iii.    S.    3).     OrigiDBll;    it 

pertj.'  mesnt  rimply  the  miiing  of  ligoids,  and  wu 

72,  73.]     '  Wbj  do  I  do  it  ?  that  I  may  espedallf  >ued  of  poorin;  cold  «ater  npon 

chedi    fais   apirit   wbich    aow   wintoDg   in  bot,  to  prerent  its  boiling  OTer.     Wafiiid 

limrf  and  debaocberj,  aDd  briDg  him  to  it  naed  in  a  nmilar  manner  in  PbDrmio  iii. 

iTich  Bpaaathi^  he  sball  not  hnow  when  I.  13:  "  ConfittaTitTerbiBadmDdamiTBtom 

to  tam.'     'Retundo'  literallj  meails  '  to  BenetD,"   wbere  Donatiu  distingnisbei  be- 

bloDt,'  u  in  Honce.  Cum.  i.  3S.  38:  tween  'confato'  and  '  rsfnlo.' that  Ihe  lattor 

„ Oolioamnora  ■■   "'•'y»   "^  "^  ^^«^-  "»  ''°"°«'  "* 

Incnde  diffiuas  retnmm  in  personi ;   a  disdDCtiim  wbicb   l>  not  ob- 

HaoMntu  Ai^iaune  femini."  "™'„.     .         ,  .       :,  .       , 

"  '  77.  Si  mno.  mito  rjtarmaluta  daba,  ttdto 

InPhaednuiT.  23.S1,  itlinsediaarimikr  itpmm]     'If  I  hTB  I  will  give 

meUpboii«l  MnHi :  »  dreMing,  «Qcfa  ■  cmTTCombing,  that  he 

'■  Satii  profecto  retudi  saperbiam."  iboll  remembtr  me  aa  long  u   he  li™.' 

.rva   •. ,    .  .     i  _:     11  j   .       .1  Tho  wordi    '  omo '  and   '  peclo '  are  bolh 

■D,fllmt'    ..   m«t.phor.<.UT  u«rf   to    the  „^  ;„  pi,a,u,  ,„  ,  ,i„i  J^„„er.    Com- 

MOBeof    al2m.d,    u  ajtream  OTerflow.  p^  R^en.  jii.  4.  26 :  "It«  hinc  ego  te  • 

^°^  *B?  '  ^'^iSf  »"Tt;  C-p.i,i  i».  2.  llfi!    "Nara,   bercnie.  Di>j 

Mjtto  Afflnentee.      More  genenlly  the  „J^ddD.tos  probo  eio,  ftiBtipectito."    Poe- 
word   iB   nsrd   m  a   bwl   hdso.  u    in  De         ,      :   „    ,-';  '  "^ 

Offidis    i.    30  :    "  Atqna    etiam    ri    conri- 

re,  wbrie ;"  Bud  De  Amioiia    See  alio  Adelpbi  ii.  1.  SS  i 



Adeo  depexum,  ut  dum  vivat  mraimiierU;  aemper  mei ; 

Qui  sibi  me  pro  ridiculo  ac  delectamento  putat. 

JTon,  ita  xbjb  Di  ament,  auderet  haec  feeere  viduae  niuUeri,    &0 

Quae  in  me  fecit. 


CLnrPHO.       MBNBDBMUS.       CHREMES.       8TRUS. 

Cl.  li&OB  tandem  quaeao,  Menedeme,  ut  pater 
Tam  in  brevi  spatio  omnem  de  me  ejecerit  aninium  patris  P 
Quodnam  ob  fociQUS  ?  quid  ego  tantum  aceleria  admiai  miser  ? 
Tulgo  faciunt,  Me.  Scio  tibi  eese  boc  graTius  multa  ac  duriua, 
Cui  fit ;  verum  ego  baud  minua  aegre  patior.  Id  qui  nescio,  5 

dent  on  his  idationi  fbt  eveiT  tliine.  This 
is  beUer  tlwn  tbst  Bacchis  Bbonld  get  wll 
thM  he  hu.  Sjrna  inleqiosea  «nd  begs  to 
undergo  the  pauishmentbiniaelf  rntberthu 
tbat  Clitipho  ■hould  suffer  for  bii  fnalls. 
Chremes  wuns  bim  to  Uke  <XK  of  bimself, 
and  lekves  tbem..  Sjrus  »on  cames  to  tbe 
Tescue  irith  a  new  eipedient  The  resl 
TeMOD  for  thia  oonduetmustbelhatCUlipho 
is  not  really  Chremes'  son  :  now  that  Anti- 
phila  has  beeb  reoorered  tbej  throv  him 
overboard.  He  sdrisei  bim  to  go  boldlj  lo 
his  motber  aud  ask  wfaetltBr  tbia  ia  ao  or 
no.      This  will  make   them   ezplidt   with 

paasioQ.     As  fbr  himself,  the  Iwst  thing  a 

to  make  himself  scarce,  and  to  take  tefoge 

witb  Menedemus. 

j      j  i       ,.  The  Metre  is  m  foilows ;  I  —86,  and  16, 

punw  maj  Bo  ■ueqiuiu^j  rendered  here  by     (rochaic  tetrameter  cataleetic ;  48,  dochaic 

our  modem  term  •  an  nnprotecled  female.'     tetrmmeter  i  S7— 44.  46.  49,  iambic  tetn- 

In  Plautui,  Milei  GloiioiDs  u.  «.  8-8,  we     j„^  .  ^j^  j,„|,i5  tet™net»r  oalJectit 

baTe  a  iimilar  oomplarat :  j  -i  .j.hi,  line  and  tbe  last  line  of  the  pre- 

"  Non  herole  hisce  hominee  i^  marem  sed    leding  acenB  make  up  a  trochaic  MnmcUr 

fbeminam  catalectic. 

Vidni  lentnr  eaae  aarri  militis :  6.  M  jui  neacto,  nee  ntliontm  c^io] 

Ita  me  IndilicanL"  Thii  is  Bentley'9  arrangement,  adopted  by 

Zenne,  and  seems  to  gi™  tbe  best  auue. 

ACT  T.  ScaHl  II-   Clitjplia  i«  amated    Meiiedemns  »7*,  '  1  know  this  muat  be 

when  he  bears  from  Menedemus  tbe  resoln-     mnch  harder  and  more  difficnlt  for  70U  to 

tion  to  which  bii  fatber  hss  come.      Mis     bear,  wbo  feel  it :  bnt  I  am   not  tbe  len 

bult  is  s  common  one ;  and  what  can  hara     Teied  at  it      The  mson   «hj    I  do  not 

indnced  his  father  to  treat  it  *o  leTerely  ?     knoa  and  cannot  undentand :  all  I  know 

Chremee  soon  enlightena  bim  on  this  poiat.     is  that  1   bwrtilT  wish  Ton  welL'     Soma 

He  informi  him  that  u  he  had   discoiered     editois  arrange  it  tbns  :  "aegi«  patior  id. 

that  he  cDuld  not  control  bimKlf,  he  had     Cl.  Qui  1  ('  whj  do  fou  ?')    Mt.   Newao." 

taken  care  that  oCbers  shoutd  maoage  hia     &c.      fint  tbis    is   nther  iejaae.      'Nia' 

aflairs  for  bim.     He  bu  arranged  that  he    ii  used  in  nunj  paisagea  of  Terenoe  in  tbe 

ahall  not  want  I  but  still  be  ihall  be  depen-     senie  of 'sed.'     Andiu  It.  I.  38: 

»Sa.  QnJd  boc 

chine,  bic  t. 


Ar.  Si  poHidi 

Tem,  oruatus  esaeg  ei  taii 


80.  Vidtwemiilieri}    Tho  word  '  viduus' 

oldEtniaanR>ot,'iduo,"t(idiTide.'  Hence 

*  Tidoa  mulier  ■ 

lated  ftomams 

in,'  one  «hoiainnoBodal 

rebdiDn  to  a  m 

'Te-duo'after  theanalogjof  '  Te-sanns,' 

■bsurd.     In  legal  Unguage 

'  vidaa  iDulier '  1 



th»l.a   woman 

bad  been  marned.     It  la 

in  poet^  CTen  of  married 

women  who  are 

■eparated  from  their  hus- 

bands  (see  not« 

on  Phormio  T.  7.  20).   The 





Neo  retionein  CBpio,  Dui  quod  tibi  bene  ex  auiiDo  toIo. 

Cl.  Hic  patrem  Bdfltare  aibaa  f    Me.  EooniD.     CA.  Quid  me 

incusea,  CUtiplio  ? 
Quicquid  ego  hujus  fooi,  tibi  prospexi  et  stultitiae  tuae. 
ITbi  te  vidi  umno  ease  OBuseo,  et  Buavia  in  praeaentia 
Qnae   essent  prima  habere,    ueque  conaulere   in  IwLgitudi- 

nem,  l» 

Cepi  rati(Miem  ut  neque  egeres,  neque  ut  bseo  poesee  perdere. 
Ubi  cui  deciiit  primo  tibi  non  lictut  per  te  mibi  dare, 
Abii  ad  proximoe  qui  erant  tiln ;  eia  conunifii  et  credidi : 
Ibi  tuae  stnltitiae  a^nper  erit  praesidium,  ditipho ; 
Yictua,  Testitufi,  quo  in  tectum  te  receptee.     Cl.  Hei  mihi  I   15 
Ch.  Satias  eet  quam  to  ipao  herede  haec  poesidere  Bacchidem. 
Sp.  Diaperii :  sceleetus  quantas  turbas  ooncivi  inecieus  I 

feired  preaent  enjojment,  and  took  na 
lluiiig:ht  far  the  fntnn,  I  unnged  inktten 
M>  tbat  jDD  might  not  want,  uid  misht  not 
•qncnder  my  propertj.'  For  ■amuM)' 
oDmpve  Adelpfai  * .  3.  U : 
"  At  enim  matnai  ne  >b  re  snt  tunen 

omiinores  pknlla." 
'  In  pneaentia,'  litarallj  'in  preeenoe,'  1«  a 
Gommon  phmo  in  prOH  author^.  Jt  oe- 
cnn  >KBin  Adelphi  il.  3.  \4;  Kecjr*  ii. 
Prolog,  IBj  Pbormio  r.  3.  14.  '  Coniulere 
in  longitDdineni '  occun  onlj  here.  Tbe 
meuiiig  ia  cleer  enougfa.  For  the  finro  of 
the  phrase  we  m«f  compare  "  iu  commnna 
Dt  canBnlB3,"ADdria  iil.  3.  1 6,  >nd  "  conin- 
lile  in  medinm,"  Virgil.  Aen.  xi.  335. 

13.  Aiii  ad  proximot  qvi  rranl  litf] 
Cbremea  treaU  hii  son  u  if  hs  «are  a  mad- 
m«n  wbo  conld  not  take  csre  of  himKlf. 
It  wu  coitomir?  then  ms  now  lo  pUce  ■udi 
pertona  nndcr  the  cbarge  of  their  relationa, 

with  apendthrifta.     See  Horace,  aat.  ii.  3. 
217,  2IS  (with  Macieaae^B  note)  : 

" InCerdicto  huie  omne  adi- 

ftaetor,  et  ad  nnoa  abeat  tatela  pnqiin- 

" Qnamobrem  >    Pa.  Netao  : 

Nni  n>Bii  dena  latii  KJo  ftuue  iralos  qoi 
caa  aDBeuitaTerim." 
Ennnchiu  iii.  4.  D  i 
"  Qnid  illad  mali  eet  i  neqaso  aada  mirari 

Nin  qnicqnid  est,  niocol  hinc  libet  pria« 
qaid  rit  sciadtan." 
Addpbiir.  2.  6: 

"  — ^—  Neqnso  aatia  decauera. 
Niii  me  ciedo  huic  eue  natum  rei  fenw- 
di*  Biaarlii." 
HecTimLl.  118 1 
"  Qnid    ^erint  inter  te,   noDdnm   etiain 

I  ».  7.  « 

"  Qho  paeto  aot  node  haec  hic  reacivit.  De. 

Nim  me  fiiriirt  nemiui  sati*  acio." 
Fnim  theae  aud  maaj  other  paBagea  it 
appean  that  '  Niai '  is  not  correctiTe  of  a 
prerioafl  sbtemeut,  but  intTodDces  a  new 
ene;  as  it  doea  here.  '  Yaor  fatlier'i  con- 
duct  pDzilee  me,  and  I  mnot  lee  mj  waj  i 
bnC  thi»  I  know,  that  I  wiah  jon  woO.' 
Wiih  all  Bentlej'i  lore  of  emendation,  iu  a 
ntstter  of  idiom  be  had  a  tnia  ear. 

H.  Qmetuid  Imjia  /ea]  See  note  on 
EDnnchni  i.  3.  193.  '  Slullitiae  '  maj  be 
Ukm  in  its  oomman  (ense.  We  maj  oom. 
pare  bowerer  the  nae  of  ir^pBwX^^  in  Aria- 
topbsnea,  Plntna  342,  in  the  aenae  of  '  da. 
baocbed,'  '  diaaolute,'  oppoaed  to  xpifHtit. 

0.  Aiiitm  onitMO]  '  When  I  fbund  tbat 
jou  were  of  a  eareleea  dispoaition,  aod  pre. 

cognatomm  opibns  cnriaqna  re- 

The  aame  piactice  ia  allnded  b 
"  Hic  ubi  ci 

Expulit  elieboro  merbDTnque  raeraoo 
£t  redit  ad  aeae."  (Episl.ii.  2. 136—138. 
We  mnst  not,  howcTcr,  press  tbe  legal  alin- 
•ion  too  cloaelj  here.  Chremes  m^e«  Cliti- 
pho  his  siBter'*  dependsnt,  to  keap  him  ont 
of  mischief  fdr  thc  fiitnre. 

C  k")0<^  lc 


Cl.  Emori  cupio.     Ch.  Prius  quaeao  diace  quid  sit  vivere : 

TTbi  Bciee,  si  diBpUcebit  Tita,  tum  istoc  utitor. 

8y.  Here,  licetne  P     Ch.  Loquere.     Sy.  At  tuto  ?     Ch.  Lo- 

quere.     8y.  Quae  ista  est  pravitas,  ao 

Quaeve  amentia  eat,  quod  peccaTi  ego  id  obesae  huic  P     Ch. 

Ne  te  odmiBce :  nemo  accuaat,  Syre,  te ;  nec  tu  aram  tibi 
Nec  precatorem  pararis.      i^.  Quid  agis  P     Ch.  Nihil   suc- 

Nec  tihi  nec  huic :  nec  voe  eet  aequuiii  quod  iacio  Tnihi. 
8t/.  Ahiit ;  vah,  rogasse  vellem.     Cl.  Quid  P     Sy.  TJnde  mihi 

peterem  cibum ;  9S 

Ita  noa  alienaTit :  tibi  jam  eBse  ad  aororem  intelligo. 
Cl.  Adeon  rem  rediisse  ut  periculum  etiam  fame  mihi  Bit, 

iS^.  Modo  liceat  vivere,  est  spee — Cl.  Quae  P     Sy.  nos  esuri- 

turoB  Batia. 
Cl.  Irridea  in  re  tanta,  neque  me  quicquam  coosilio  adjuTasP 
Sy.  Imo  et  ibi  nunc  sum,  et  usque  id  egi  dudimi,  dum  loquitur 

pater ;  to 

21.  mctf]  •  Yon  h«d  b«ttcv  U  off.     Do  in  Rudens  iii  4.  fi6  ««  hsTB,  when  tlie  tira 

Dot  iinplkate  foaraelf  in  the  mmtteT :   no  girb  hoTe   takao    nlage  rt  Ihe  altat  ol 

one  tcciuea  f  on,  Sjnu :  nor  need  jon  lcxik  Veniie, 

ont  fi>r  BDT  TefujFe  nor  iatercetsor  for  Tour-  ..  „  ,                 ,,              .    „        -       .     , 

«If.-     Fo?'iU™t'»enoteonBunnchasi.  "  Vulcmmn^naun  :  ii  Venen.  ert  ^Ter- 

1.  9,  and  for  •  «dmiKe  '  note  DD  iT.  6.  SS  ■*"°*- 

■boie.     Fueos  uys  in  b  niBrginBl  not«  on  and  in  Mostallarii  t.  1.  Sfi,  66  thare  ii  u 

thii  pKHtgfl  ■'  Serri  dno  perFugie  habebmnt,  unnsing  notice  of  this  prBdJce  : 

aram  in  lemplia,  et  dfprtealora  spod  do-  "  — —  TiM 

minofc"     The  idea  imptied  in  '  precmtor  '  ii  Jma  jnbebo  ignem  et  «umenta  canifei 

expreued  more  fally  in  Fhsrmio  i.  S.  90 :  drcuindui. 

,  ,          .            ,  3V.  Ne  fiuii :   nuo  dinu  ene    qDui 

'^i       P™*****"  "*"°  "^^'  ^"  ««>«»  «oleo  .n»Tior." 

Hc  0f« :    '  Nonc  UDitte  qiuu»6   hnnc  :  ^™  tbe  cnntomiry  preeence  of  alt»  na 

cetemm  'be  otoge  encfa  bcodh  «ere  eiucted  withont 

Poetbw;  li  qnicqoui,  aihU  precor.'  Tuj.  "J  ehuige  of  etage  icenay.     8ea  Dote  on 

tummodo  Andria  It,  3.  II,     Lindenbrog  qDotea  fron 

Non  >ddit:  '  Ubi  «go  hinc  ■biero  Td  oc-  1"  EtTmologicum  Mignqm  iipin,.,  u  a 

aiiia  •'  "  commoD  name  of  elaTea,  in  allasKni  to  this 

«faence  It  appeara  that  Biaies  did  not  thinlc  26.  TTiijom  att  td  tororrm  Mellifo] 

Tery  mach  of  thii  melbcHi  of  ee<ape.    The  '  You,  as  I  nndersluul,  will  elwan  God  a 

■lur  would  be  a  more  certain  lefuge ;  and  dinner  at  fonr  iitter^s.'     >  Ad  '  ii  here  Dacd 

accordingly  we  find  frequent  notices  of  it  in  an  unoommon  msnner  in  tfae  sense  of 

in  PlaatuB.     But  eren  thBre  they  were  not  'apud.'     See  note  on  i.  I.  110.     'Apnd' 

alwafs  «sfa ;  for  their  master  would  some-  is  Tery  common  in  this  eenae.     It  occmi 

tjmis  remoEC  thfoi  by  lighting  a  fire  rouod  also  moie  generallf ,   ss  in  Cicerii,    Spist. 

Ihem  aod  roastiag  them  out;  which  waanot  ad    Famil.    iii,   69:    "  Apud   eum   ego  mc 

conBidered  Bacrilegious,  but  merHy  the  act  Ephest  fui  tanquam  domi  mCM." 

Of  oue  god  (YDlcan)  aguntt  another.    Thul  90.  Ai]  •  Naj,  bnt  tbat's  the  ^trj  pomt 


ACTUS  T.    SCENA  II.  237 

Et,  quantum  ^  intelligeTe  possmn Cl.  Quid  P     By, 

non  aberit  lan^us. 
Cl.  Qoid  id  ergo  P     Sy.  Sic  est,  non  eese  bonim  te  arbitror. 

Cl.  Quid  ifltuo,  Syre  P 
Satin   atuiQS  es  P     Sy.  Ego  dicam  quod  tniTii  jn  mentem :  tu 

Ihim  iatiB  fiiiBti  eolua,  dum  Qulla  alia  d^ectatio 
Qoae  propior  eeaet,  te  indulgebant,  tibi  dabant :  nunc  filia   3S 
PoHtquam  eet  inventa  vera,  inventa  est  causa  qua  te  expel- 

Cl.  Est  verisimile.     8y.  An  tu  ob  peccatum  hoo  esee  illum 

iratum  putas  P 
CL  iNon  arbitror.    8y.  Nuuc  aliud  specta :  matres  omnes  filtis 
In  peccato  adjutrices,  auxilio  in  patema  injuria 
8olent  esse :  id  non  fit.     Cl.  Verom  dicis :  quid  nunc  iaciam, 

SyreP  « 

Sy.  Suspicionem  istanc  ez  illis  quaere ;  rem  profer  palam : 
Si  non  est  verum,  ad  misericordiam  amboe  adduces  cito,  aut 
Scibis  cnjuB  ais.     Cl.  VxxAa  suades;   bciam.     8y.  Sat  recte 

hoG  mihi 
In  meatem  venit :  namque  adolesciBns  quam  minima  in  spe 

situs  erit 
Tam  facillime  patris  pacem  in  leges  conEciot  suas.  «s 

nhcn  I  now  am,  and  t  htie  been  thinking  emenanim  ;  ne  A  ■nimo  pUne  deiacto  ilt 

of  tbat  ti\  the  shile  your  hther  h»  been  qnidria  impervtam  ^»t :    ille  luoram  ia- 

(peakiDg.'     For 'ibi' lee  note  on  iii.  1.  61.  TeiilBt,  ^  cmoem."    B]Tiu  meaiii :  '  Wben 

33.  Ego  dicam  qtatd  mihi  in  vtmtml  bis  HX^a  aeta  thkt  he  ia  quite  deepcnte, 

'I  vill  lell  you  wfast  ii  in  mj  mind  :  ilo  jou  ha  will  be  obliged  to  pardon  him,  aad  Cli- 

decideDpon  it.'  Tbepbrew 'inmentem' oc-  tipho  wiU  hiie  him  nt  ■  dindTuitafce ;  tbey 

eon  in  Adelphi  ir.  1.  12  ;  "  Nihilne  in  men-  «ill  become  the  beit  of  tnendi,  »nd  perhaps 

lem  ?"  utd  in  PbQtas,  Ampbitmo  ii.  2.  67  :  ha  will  lettle  down  lad  marrr  lo  pleue  hia 

"Qra  irtncin  mentetn  est  tibi,miTir,ei  f»tl'«- ;  end  «U  Ihi,  tbroogh  me;  >nd  yet 

^  pe™nt«ier?"  ""»"•  *«>'"  '!»"  1  8«  ''"  ^^      The  onl, 
difficnltj  ia  in  tbe  word  'aitas,'  which  oc- 

It  a  aonnected  with  the  oommoner  phnie  oon  here  in  ■□  nniqne  sen»i.     Thi>  lue  of 

'in  mealem    lenire,'     See  bektw,    t.   43:  'qiuun — tam '  with  saperlaUTei  (whve  we 

"  9at  recte  boe  mihi  In  mentem  lenit)"  nae  the  compvMiTe)  ii  found   in   Sallnst, 

■nd  note  on  EuouchDi  It.  3.  24.  Jugortiik  31  i    "  Quun    quiaque    peuitne 

36  Tt  indtUgthiaitl  See  note  im  Addphi  lecit  tam  maiirae  tntus  est,"  ud  Adelphi 

i.  1.37.  iii.  4.  56— 89! 

44.  Namgat  adolaeau  .  .  .  m  Itgtt  een- 
fieitt  nat]  '  For  the  more  deepoala  tbe 
oue  of  Ihe  joang  man,  the  more  easllj  will 
he  gain  bis  ftitfaer's  pardon  on  hii  own 
term».'     The  meaning  ii  bo  aimple  that  it  noscere 

»  bard  to  UDderstand  how  tbero  cm  hive        Qportet,  >l  tos  TultU  perhiberi  probos." 
been  any  doebt  obont  it,  and  yet  Hentlej 

pnjpoiee  >  diSdllime ;'  adding,  "  Spem  Iw-  Por  '  hi  l^e«  •OH  '  aee  note  on  Bunnchn*  i. 

nun  ■dnlfniTnti  injeci  se  fadle  ei  hoc  mslo  3.  32. 

I  Tos  bdHime  agiCi*,   qoam  esUt 



EtJAm  haod  scio  aa  TizoTem  daoat ;  ac  Syro  mbil  gmtiae. 
Quid  hoc  autemP  senex  ezit  foraa:  ego  fiigio:  adhuc  quod 

factum  eet 
Miror,   contiiiao  nou  juseisse   ahripi  me.     Ad  Meuedemum 

hunc  pergam : 
Eum  mihi  precatorem  paro  :  eeoi  noetro  £dei  oihil  habeo. 

Acmjs  QTTnm  scena  tertia. 

S<»TIUrA.       CHREllES. 

So.  Profecto  aisi  caves  tu  homo,  aliquid  gnato  conBcios  mali : 

Idque  adeo  miror  quomodo 

Tam  ineptum  quicquam  tihi  in  mentem  Tenire,  mi  Tir,  po- 

Ch.  Oh,  pergin  mulier  esse  ?    Kullamne  ego  rem  unqunm  in 

Tita  mea 
Volui  quin  tu  in  ea  re  mihi  foeris  adversatrix,  Sostrata  ?        5 
At  si  rogitem  jam,  quid  eet  quod  peccem,  aut  quamobrem  hoc 

faciam,  nesciaa : 
In   qua  re  nunc  tam  confidenter  reetas,   stulta.       80.  Ego 

Ch.  Imo  scis,  potius  quam.  quidem  redeat  ad  integrum  hacc 

eadem  oratio. 

AcrV.SckNBlII.  So«b»t»  indChremsi  ta  this  lente;  Pnipertiiu  It.  (Hi.)  ?.  («.) 

come  on  tbe  ■!■£■.     She  bH  bewd  her  son,  19  :    "  Dam    nnennt    Daiui,    dam    reMt 

uid  i>  alBrined  it  ths  poiriblB  ooiueqacnce*  Traiui    Hector."     Tadtoi,   Ann,    iii.    46: 

of  bii   present   mood.      Bhe   theTerora  ei-  "  Paalam  mone   ■ttnten  famli,  reetanti- 

pcntuUtea  vith  her  biubud.  who,  b<ing  of  bm  luninii  >dKnnm  pila  et  glHiioa.''     Il 

conrM   in   tbe   160181,    Ireati    the    matter  occnre  in  earenl  pMigi»  of  Liry ;  wber*. 

joBoieij  :  Hrnt  deeiring  her  to  confesa  thnt  bowever,  there  is  genendlf  tbe  nriou  rettd- 

Clitipho  ii  not  her  ■on,  ind  tben  allowing  ing  '  reitito  '  or  'rerieto.'  Some  oamm«Dt>- 

thU  be  reeemblei  ber  iio  atrongly  in  ■!!  hw  ton  on  thii  puaige  qoota  EnniKlia*  n.  l. 

bad  pointe  thit  ahe  must  b«  his  moCher.  1 :  "  At  etiim  reBdtu,  fagidn  ?"  bnt  tb« 

Tbe  Hetie  i>  as  foliowg;  1,  3—10.  IS,  meaninK  tbers  ia  'Are  joa  still   bMging 

16.  i>mbic  tetnmeter;  S.  17,  iMnbic  dime-  bMk?' 'loitering  behind  >' 
ter;  11  —  14.   18 — Sl,  troduic   tetnmetar         fl.  Imo  *rit,poliiu  qmm  fnideM  redMt 

catelectic.  ml  inlrjfnm  ndem  omfiii]      Soatrata  Biid, 

4.   Oi,  pergiit  nnilter  eite  7]    '  Wilt  jon  '  I  aot  know  ?'  to  wbidi  Cbranie*  aaiweri, 

continne  to  be  the  woman  ?'    Manf  old  edi-  '  Well  tlien  yon  do  koow  i  any  ttaing  ratber 

tiona   h^ve   'pergin   mnlier  odio»    een?'  than  have  the  uime  Btor;  ovo' again.'     Hs 

Bnt  tbli  ia  very  probably  ■  gloei  importsd  i*  evidently  altaid  of  anotber  long  talk,  and 

from    Phormio  v.  7.   44 ;    and  Calpurniua  ao  euta  her  short  by  contiadicting  himself. 

■eema  certainly  to  have  read  '  pergin  mulier  Bentley  wouU  read  '  redit,'  uid  ■■y»  "  Sdai 

■••e?'    tot   he  explaina    Ihe  line  "  Pergin  ao  neeciu  periade  eeL     Ad  integrum  redil 

malierie  partea  eiercen  et  ofGcium  quae  eadem  ontio;  rive  scire  te  boc  dicam  Bive 

■eiDper  volt  loqai  et  nuhto  repngnare.  neadra.     Una  eademqne   oratio    eit  in  re 

7-    Ih   ;aa    re    ■unc    fam    confidenler  tna  teirt  et  nurire."    But  thie  explanBtioa 

rtilat]    '  And  yet  jon  oppoM  me  eo  boldly  mergee  '  pociua  qoam  '  altogetber,  and  tnau 

in  tba  matter.'  ■  Reato '  i(  freqoenUj  bond  '  ad  integnun  redit '  ■■  if  it  waie  '  aoden 

ACTUS  V.    SCENA  IV.  239 

80.  Oh,  iniqnufl  ea,  qni  me  taoete  de  re  tanta  postulce. 

Ck.  Ncm  poatulo :  jam  loquere :  mhilo  lainuB  ego  lioc  faciam 

tamen.  10 

80.  Faciee  P     Ch.  Yerum.     80.  Noq  videa  quantum  mali  ex 

ea  re  excites  P 
Subditnm  se  Buspicatur.     Ch.  Subditum,  ain  tnP     iSo.  Oerto 

«ic  erit,  iaqnam,  mi  Tir, 
Ch.  Confitere  tuum  non  esse.  80.  Au  obeecro  te,  istao  inimicis 

Egon  con£tear  meum  non  esse  filium  qni  nt  meus  P 
Ch.  Quid  P  metuis  iie  non,  quimi  velis,  convincas  esse  illum 

tnumP  15 

80.  Quod  £lia  eet  inTcnta  ?     Ch.  Non ;  sed,  quod  magiB  cre- 

deadnm  siet, 
Id  qnod  eet  consimitia  moribus, 

ConTincas  facile  ex  te  natum ;  nam  toi  similia  eet  probe ; 
Nam  illi  ni^il  viti  est  relictum,  quin  sit  et  idem  tibi. 
Tum  praeterea  tal^n  niai  tn  nulla  pareret  filium.  20 

Sed  ipae  egreditur :  quam  seTerus  I  rem  cum  Tideaa,  cenBoa^. 



Cl.  Si  -imquam  uUum  iuit  tempus,  mater,  quum  ego  Toluptati 

Fuerim,  dictus  filius  tuus  tua  Toluntat«,  obsecro, 
Eju£  nt  memineris,  atque  inopiB  nunc  te  mifierescat  mci : 

"^iL'     'Ad  mttgmai  redire'  mwiu   'to  Chmnea   aod   SostnU,    and    entnati  lik 

'^OB»  tiuk  to  llie  ■tarting  point,' 'to  begin  molher   to   tell    bim   who    are    mllf   hia 

''^h.'      CompBre    Anibiti,    Piolog.    26:  psrenta,     She  uanrea  bim  that   be  ii  her 

"  PMhac  qnu   fkdet   de   integro   coiHDe-  •on :    bat   Cbremes   interrnpts   them,   and 

^"  ud   Heant.  Pnil.  i  (DOte).     Com-  rebakesCliUphonoleiilly  fiirhie  behivioDr; 

f^  ■Ud  PhoriDio  ii.  4.  11  ;  >i>d  socceed*  iii  bringiDg  him  to  a  BuOcieDt 

V  rertilDi  ia  integram  «<,uum  e<t  u  ,J.*">  ""'"  "  ^^'^"  t^^"^  "'- 
2.  DielutJllivMhiialuavolmlale}  Com- 

Sl.  Std  iptt  tgrtditMr  :  juim  mtrutf  pue  Phannio  r.  3.  3  :  "  Ut  >ua  lolautste 
''<>•  nm  vldeai,  eeiiteat']  '  Bnt  here  he  id  qnod  eiit  bdDDduin  fadit."  Adelphi  iiL 
^<M.  HowniodeethelookgliiereTouto  4.  U:  "  Qeod  *oi  jua  mgit,  Id  ToluDtatV 
™"  the  tmth  iroD  would  tbiuk  he  wes.'  impetret."  The  wonle  bere  •»  probably  • 
''^  li  nid  MrcuticaU;.  Compara  PlaD-  trsniiation  of  the  Greek  <ToJ  ^ouXD/jivp.  or 
to^  CMona  Hi.  a.  33 :  "  Sed  eecnm  ineedit  I  icpiyf  «di.  In  the  next  line  ■  iDopi*  '  hu 
U  quuDi  Hpieiu  trittem,  (hagl  cenieaa."  the  mewiing  of  '  in  trouble,'  '  in  ■  atrait ;' 
more  falljr  eipreaad  by  '  rationii '  or  '  con- 

AcT   T.    SmtB    IV.      CHtipbo   jinni    ailii  inopie.' 



Qaod  peto,  et  volo,  parentee  meoB  nt  commonstres  mihi. 

80.  Obsecro,  mi  gnate,  oe  istuc  ia  aniinum  inducas  tuum,      5 

Alienum  eese  te.     Ci.  Sum.     80.  Miseram  me  I  hocine  <juae- 

sisti,  obeecro  ? 
Ita  mihi   atque  huic  sis  superstce  ut  ez  me  atque  ex  hoc 

natua  es. 
Et  cave  poathac,  ai  me  amas,  unquam  istnc  Terbum  ex   te 

Ch.  At  ego,  si  me  metuia,  mores  cave  in  te  eeee  istos  aentiam. 
Cl.  Qaoe  ?     Ch.  Si  acire  viB,  ego  dicam :  gerro,  inera,  &aus, 

heluo,  10 

Oaneo,  danmoaus :  crede,  et  nostrum  te  esse  credito. 
Cl.  Non  Bunt  haec  parentis  dicta.   Ch.  Non  si  ex  eapite  sis  meo 
NatuB,  item  ut  aiunt  Minerram  esee  ex  Jove,  ea  causa  magis 
Fatiar,  CUtipho,  flagitiis  tuis  me  in&mem  fierL 
80.  Di  istaec  prohibeant.     Ch.  Deos  neecio :  ego  quod  potero 

sedulo.  15 

Quaeris  id  quod  habes,  parentes :  quod  abest  non  quaeris,  patri 
Quomodo  obeequare,  et  ut  serrea  quod  labore  invenerit. 
Non  mihi  per  fallacias  adducere  ante  oculos  —  P    Pudet 

10.  Gerro]  •A.tntler.'  'Gem>,'or 'cerro,'  fkther  motlier  uul  ■!!,  u  Japiler  ns  Hi* 

VM    ft    common    term   of    ftbuse,    deriTed  tiervm'H,  I  woald  not  mffer  yoa  to  disgna 

Kcoording   to    Feetiu  trom  yi^a,  an  oder  me  by  joDr  crinieK.'     Horeoe  ii  genusUf 

shield,  lery  light :  bence  of  tnj  thing  light  •npposed  to  ailade  to  this  puBige  when  he 

*nd  coDtempCible.     Tbis  word  occnn  ool;  njt : 

here.       The    oomponod   word    ' congetro,'  ..interdnm    tamen    et    Toeea.    «nnoefa 

'«   booQ    comp.nion,'    occum    in    Ptautus,  t^m, 

IWi.  3.  B,  «,d  in  Mwtelhrt.  iT    2.  27.  i,^;„  Chreme.  tun,ido  d.lidg.t  ore." 

where«.mecon«dertbiaith«thefuTtber  .    ~™*                           Ai.  POeticS  93,  W. 
lemo  or  '  «!OOmplioe.'     The  l«rm  •geme' 

ii  osad  in  Plkutiu  u  '  r.balu '  in  Terence,  Whether  thM  be  h)  or  no,  the  fsct  is  cer- 

in  Ibe  Mnse  of  the  Greek  \iipoi,  which  ii  tain  th>t   uigTT   pe«>ls   *re    mj  fbnd  of 

■Iso  adopted  bj  Flentua.     8ee  Poenaliu  L  clusical    .Uusians     (ta    '  HanDodius    snd 

1.  8,  9 :  Arislogeiton,'  '  the  iaim(vtSLl  Sbakeqieare,' 

"Nra   ta«   bl>nditi«    mihi   .nat,   quod  «'d  tlw  iilce)  ;  «  keeping -ith 

dici  mlet  Comedy,  beouse  trae  to  nntnre,  to  intro- 

G^  ger'm«»e,    s^ne  edepol   ^ijpo.  do^  •ud' .  fceture  hers 

■ ,?                .       -1             r~        ir  jg_  jy^  aeacio}     '  I  do  not  cue  .boot 
the  godl ;  u  fu  u  I  ca  I  will  prerent  it 

The  derinie  use  of  the  word  '  gprru  '  Pei-  ta  the   beiit  of  my  power.'     For  '  nescia  ' 

tos  eipluns  to  h.«a  ■risen  dniing  the  aiege  lee  ii.  4.  16  (aote) ;  uid  for  '  sedulo '  nots 

of  Hjmnue  by  tbe  Atheniins  (we  Forcel-  on  Aadri>  i.  1.  119. 

lini,  '  GerrM  ').     If  thia  is  m>,  it  ii  riogulsr  IR.  tfon  mihi prr/allaeiat  addmetrtmlt 

that  no  ■llaHOTi  to   the  ptarue   ghould  bs  och/u — /]  Beotley  objects  to  this  sentenoe. 

prewned  ia  the  Greek  kuthora  .fter  tbkt  ud  substitulee  '  Tea  mibi.'  &c. ;  ■n  idiom 

time.  droulf  noticed  in  tbs  no|es  on  Audri.  i.  5. 

12.  Non  nnl  Aaec parentii  dicla]     Clt-  10;  Eunodius  ii.   1.  3.     Bnt  the  iafiuiciie 

tipbo    ii  coaiirmed  l^  his  fether'i  amen  '  •dduoere '   depends   upon   '  pudnit '    np- 

Ungusge  in  the  ide»  that  he  ie  not  nkHf  preued.     Chremea  interrapta  tbe  KntenM 

bis  eon.     Chrsme.  .uwen, '  If  I  we»  jonr  which  he   bad   begun,    Mid   ends   it   in  * 

AOrUS  V.    SCENA  V.  241 

Dicere  haa  j^aeeente  Terbnm  tarpe :  st  te  id  irnllQ  modo 
Pnduit  faoere.     Cl.    Ehen,   quam  ego   nuno  totus  displiceo 

mihi,  30 

Qnam  pndet  1  neque  qnod  priiicipiiun  inreniam  ad  placalidiim 



MEirZDElfCS.      CHBEHE8.      CLITIPHO.       SOSTBATA. 

Me.  Enimvero  Chremes  nimis  graTiter  cniciat  adolescentnlum, 
Nimisque  inhumane.   Exeo  ergo  nt  pacem  conciliem.    Optime 
Ipaoa  Tideo.     Ch.  Ehem,  Menedeme,  cnr  non  arceeai  jubes 
Filiam,  et  quod  dotis  dizi  firmas  ?    8o.  Mi  Tir,  te  obsecro 
Ne   fiusas.     Cl.  Pater,  obeecro  ut  luihi   ignoecas.     Me.  Da 

Teniam,  Chreme ;  5 

Sine  te  exoret.     Ch.  Egon  mea  bona  ut  dem  Bacchidi  dono 

scienB  f 
Non  faciam.     Me.  At  id  nos  non  sinemuB.     Cl.  Si  me  viTum 

Tis,  pater, 
IgnoBce.     8o.  Age,   Chreme  mi.     Me.  Age  qnaeso  ne  tam 

offiima  te,  Chreme. 
Ch.  Quid  istic?  yideo  non  licere  ut  coeperam  hoc  pertendere. 
Me.  Facis  ut  te  decet.      Ch.  Ea  lege  hoc  adeo  faciam;   ai 

facit  10 

(Kghtlj  difiramt  nuuiDgr.    TlMre  ll  »  re-  w,  with  the  tnm  pardon  of  Sjnu,  the  pUj 

mwkable   uutBHoe  of  thii   aiucolathift  ia  ends. 

Hecjn  iii.  1-  6,  7 :  The  Hetre  ii  trochalc  tetnaieteT  cata- 

"  Nun  Doa  ODiDet,  qmbiu  eit  alicDnd*  •li-  ^r^^Vr.  ...     ■.     .-, 

fo,  objectoB  li^,  ^J!'  f"'"'.  ^l^]       I  come  ont 

OmiieqDDdettiiitenatempiupiiasqium  «Jcordinglj  to  bnng  iboot  peace.'     '  Cod- 

id  rJdtom  ert  iDcn.  ert,"  '^    onginiUj  mauit  '  lo  pree.  together ;' 

•nd  wu  parbcnlirlj  epphed  to  the  work- 

wban  we  ihonld  hne  eipected  '  IniTo  depn-  ing  of  doth  bj  tlie  fiilleri   eee  FortKllinL 

tuiDi,'  or  the  like.     Nnmerons   tnstances  It  ia  nsed  f^aentlj  in  Laireljaii  in  tbe 

of  tfaie  irr^alaiitj  mmj  be  finmd  bj  con-  •eose  of    'to  jaiu  togethei.'      The    aame 

niltiiig  iDj  gDod  gnnimu,  piimitife    meaning    ^pea»  in   the    word 

■  Gondlinm.'     Hance  it  ia  fteqnentlj  OKd 

AcT  V.   BosNi  V.   We  haTfl  now  tlie  u  heie,  with  snch  wordi  u  '  UDidtiBm,' 

genenl  wiodiDg  ap  of  bU  the  threadg  of  the  >  henefolentiam/   '  lolDntatem.'    (See  Por- 

plaj,  to  the  utiehctioii  of  all  partJee  con-  ceUini  for  eiamplee.)     From  tlila  ceme  ^e  , 

CETTied.     Menedemos  comes  in  as  bd  inter.  •enie  '  to  join  to  oneaelf,'  '  to  procnre.'  3ee 

CHHir.     Soatnta  and  Gitipho  both  anppU-  note  on  Eanachns  iT.  4.  3. 
cate  Cbiemei ;  wtia  consenta  to  forgive  hia        8.  Ne  lam  offlrma  It,  Clirtmi]    •  Don't 

■on  DH  coDditiou  that  he   wiU  accept  hii  be  lo  obatiaate,    Chtemea.'     See   note  oo 

temis.     He  inaista  apon  hi>   mairying  at  Ban.  ii.  1.  11. 

ODC«;  and  aftar  10106  Uttle  banteiing  and         9.   Qaid  i»tic!~\     See  aote  on  Andiia  iii. 

relDCtance  to  accspt  the  jonng  ladj  whom  3.  40. 

hia  motber  nggeati  to  bim,  heatlart  maD-  10.  Ea  Itgt']     Compore  Andrial.  8.  39, 

idUj  detenninea  to  chooae  Ibr  himealf,  and  and  not«. 



Qaod  ego  hoQO  aeqnaia  censeo.     CI.  Pater,  onmia  &cia3B : 

Ch.  TJxorem  at  jlacas.     Cl.  Pater  I     Ch.  Nilul  andio.     Me. 
*    Ad  me  lecipio : 
Faciet.     Ch.  Nihil  etiam  audio  ipeum.     Cl,  Feriil     80.  Ab 

dubitas,  Clitiplio  P 
CA.  Imo  atrum  Tult.     Xe.  Faciet  cmaua.     3o.  Haec  dum  in- 

cipias  graTia  aunt, 
Dumque  ignorea :  ubi  cognoris,  facilia.  Cl.  Faciam,  pater.    15 
80.  Gnate  mi,  ego  pol  tibi  dabo  illam  lepidam  qoam  tu  iacile 

Filiam  Fhanocratae  noetri     Cl.  Ra&mne  illara  Tirginecn, 
Caeeiam,  sparBO  ore,  adunoo  naso  P  tum  possum,  pater. 
Ch.  Heia,  ut  elegans  eet  I  credas  animum  ibi  eese.    8«.  Aliam 

Cl.  Quid   isticP    qaandoquidem  ducenda  eet,  egomet  habeo 

propemodum  20 

Quam  Tolo.     So.  Nunc  lao^  te,  gnate.     Cl,  Aidionidi  ItDiaa 

80.  Ferplacet.     Cl.  Fater,  boo  nunc  reatat.     Ck.  Quid  P    Cl. 

Syro  ignOBCas  toIo 
Quae  mea  caasa  feoit.     Ch.  Fiat.     O.  Yos  Talete,  et  plaodite  1 

12.  Ad  me  redpio]  '  I  talce  npoD  my- 
self  to  pntmiie  ior  him :  be  ah^  do  it.' 
Tbii  is  the  full  form  of  the  eiprenion,  foi 


which  Ciceni  ii>e>  '  in  me  »«ipio/  Ad  Vua.  It  i*  t»e<i  by  Ciotm)  w  ■  t™n«Utkin  of  tht 

liii.    1».       'Redpio'    i>    more    commonlj  Qrttk  •f\avrmnc-   "  Cm«i  ocnfi  Mukt™, 

n*ed  «beolntelT  in  the  iwue  HnHe.  «  ia  oenilei  Neptoni,"  De  N>ttum  Deomia  i. 

PhonDio  T.  7.  9  :  30.    Than  ms  s  Ronun  bmilT  of  the 

,           ...  nome  of  '  Caesii,'  derived,  ae  eo  mau*  Ro- 

N.  00.  .d  lia™.  ,md  ™»p>»m  ».  „.^1,  otlhi,  kioi    Ti,'^.d^i^' 

^*^  m«na  ■  noae  that  tnrned  np,  u  appnn 

and  TC17  fraqaently  in   Cicera.  u  in  De  bma  the  phnue  wbidi  occon  in  Horace, 

Oiatore  ii.   24 :  '*ln  qno  eit  il]a  qnidem  Bat.  i.  0,   B:    "  Nua  mipendis  adnDco." 

magna  oflemda,  vel  negligentiae  nuceptis  (Bee  Macleane'a  noteO 

rebns,  Tel  per6di>e,  rei^^a."  19.  Hda,ul  eltfota  eil .'  crtdaM  luiimam 

14.]     Tbe  atd  raading  here  fbr  ■  illam*  lii  ran]      'Hal  what  a  conn<nneiir  heii! 

waa  '  pnellam ;'  wbich  Dr.  Donaldson  adopta  ¥aii  would  tiiinli  Ihat  he  neTer  thoaglit  ot 

in  '  VarroniannB  '  (p.  443);   bat  'iilim'  ii  any  tbing  ebe.'     For  '  elegaai '  eee  Dnle  on 

thereading  of  tlie  beet  antboHtiee,  Ennudiaa  iii.  1.  IS,  aod  fm  '  Ibi  '  ne  note 

18.  Cattiam,  tpam  ore,  adtuKQ  KOio]  abave,  iii.  1.  61. 

'With  cat'B  eyet,  with  a  big  mouCh,  and  11.  Arehoni£]     Bee  note  OB  Andria  ii. 

BDnb  noae.'    '  Cae«D<  '  waa  ■pedallr  nsed  2.  31. 

of  theeireaorthefUiDeipedei.    SoCatnl-  2S.  Vot  talete,  el pimdife F}     SMnote 

liu  ilT.  7  :  on  Andria  T.  6.  17- 







AESCHINTJS,  adolescenB. 

CANTHJtltA,  nntrii  Patnphflae. 

CTESIFHO,  adoleBcena,  frater  AeBcUni. 

DBOMO,  BemiB  Micionis. 

SEHEA,  senex,  frater  Midonis,  pater  Aeechini  et  Ctesipbonii. 

GETA,  serruB  Sostratae. 

HEOIO,  Benex,  propinquus  PamphilAe. 

MICIO,  aenex,  frater  Demeae,  pater  adoptivuB  AeBchinL 

PAMPHILA,  filia  Soetratae,  amica  Aeaohini. 

SANNIO,  leno. 

SOSTEATA,  mater  Pamphilae. 

STBU8,  serruB  Aeschini. 



This  play  derireB  ita  name  trcm  the  two  paira  of  brothers  who  are 
introduced.  Demea  and  Micio,  the  eldera,  had  alwaya  beeii  veiy  dis- 
Himilar  in  character  and  manner  of  life.  Micio  was  a  pleaaant  old 
bachelor,  and  had  alwaye  lired  in  town,  and  was  ver^  lenient  and 
indnlgent  towarda  his  young  relatious.  Demea  on  the  contnuy  had 
kept  up  thfi  thrifly  habits  of  his  early  years,  leBiding  on  his  farm  and 
takiug  a  serere  fiew  of  the  conduct  of  his  eons.  Cteaipho,  the  yonnger 
of  his  sons,  lived  with  his  father  at  tbis  farm ;  but  Aeschiuus,  tbe  elder, 
had  been  adopted  by  hia  uncle.  They  had  accordingly  been  Tery  diSer- 
entij  brought  up.  Ctesipho  had  been  kept  verj  Btrictly  at  home,  and 
was,  to  the  best  <^  his  &ther'8  belief,  a  model  of  propriety .  AeBcbinus 
bad  been  indulged  by  his  uncle  in  every  waj,  till  be  waa  notorious  for 
hiB  diesipation.  He  went  ao  far  at  laat  as  to  offer  vioJence  ta  a  young 
lady  aamed  Pamphila,  whom  be  met  one  night  when  he  was  intoiicated. 
This  was  the  loat  of  his  exceBBes.  He  promised  to  make  all  amenda 
in  his  power  hj  marrying  Famphila,  and  on  thia  conditiou  tbe  matter 
was  kept  quiet  bj  SoBtrata  her  mother.  CteBipho  in  one  of  his 
Tiaits  to  the  town  bad  fallen  in  love  with  a  iDuaic  girl  belonging  to  a 
Blave-nierchant,  and  was  carTying  on  an  intercourse  witb  her  under  tbe 
oorer  of  hia  brother'B  name ;  for  Aeecfainiu  had  taken  the  credit  of  tfae 
a&ir  to  himself  that  his  &ther  migfat  not  faear  of  Otesipho'B  doinga. 
AAer  a  time  the  BlaTe-merchant  gare  nottce  to  CteBipho  tfaat  unlesa  fae 
bougfat  the  muaic  girl  ^t  hjs  price  ehe  should  be  immediately  Bold. 
Cteaipho  waa  iu  the  greateat  deapair  at  tfais  anuouncement,  and  was 
half  inclined  to  nin  away  &om  bia  troublea  and  leave  tfae  countiy,  wben 
AescbiDus,  bearing  tfae  atate  of  tfae  case,  cut  matters  Bhort  by  breakiug 
into  tbe  house  of  Sannio  the  slave-merchant,  maltreating  him,  and  cany- 
ing  off.the  girl  to  his  own  houBC,  where  efae  was  receired  by  Ctesipho. 

Here  the  actiou  of  tbe  play  commences.  Semea  coming  into  town 
heara  of  tbis  new  outrage  of  AeBchinus',  and  accusee  bie  brother  Micio 
of  being  the  cauae  of  all  tbia  ezceBB.  It  was  fais  Indulgence  tfaat  bad 
made  AeBcfainus  so  dissolute.     How  different  waa  tfae  couduct  of  his 



brotlieT  Ctenplio  who  had  been  brongbt  ap  atrictly  at  bome  in  the 
coimtiy  I  Micio  ia  return  juetifies  bis  mode  of  edacation.  Meanwfaile 
Aeflchinua  is  boBied,  with  tbe  aaaiBtance  of  his  BUre  Farmeno,  in 
arranging  matten  witb  Sannio,  who  Uuatera  loudly  at  first,  but  finds 
at  laat  that  the  boBt  plan  is  to  pocket  his  afiront  and  truat  to  the  jouiig 
men  to  paj  him,  foF  be  will  lose  more  bj  waiting  to  prosecute  the 
affoir,  as  he  ia  on  tbe  ere  of  a  voTage  to  Cyprua,  than  if  be  alnmdonB 
the  alave  altogetber.  The  news  of  AeacbinUB'  prank  had  apread  orer  the 
city,  and  it  waa  now  carried  to  Sostrata  hia  deatined  mother-in-laT  b; 
0«ta  her  alave,  wbo  had  witnesBed  tbe  whole  affitir.  Sostrata  sends  her 
truaty  Oflta  to  Hegio,  an  old  friend  of  her  late  huaboad  Simulua,  who 
will  Btand  by  her,  and  eee  tbat  her  daught«r  hsa  juatice  done  ber. 
Demea  in  the  meon  time  ia  in  constemation,  for  Iie  baa  heard  tbat 
Ctesipho  was  with  Aeschinus  when  this  music  girl  was  carried  off;  but 
Sjrus,  one  of  Micio*B  aUTea,  contriTes,  with  great  akill,  to  make  tbe  fsct 
increaae  hia  good  opinion  of  bis  aon ;  for  he  repreaente  Cteeipbo  to  hare 
taken  part  in  tbe  a&ir  onlj  to  blame  hta  brother'a  diaeolute  ccmduct, 
and  aays  that  aa  Boon  as  the  matter  was  over  be  bad  retnmed  to  the 
oonntry  to  hia  nsual  work.  Demea  ib  greatljr  affected  to  find  that  he 
bas  one  eon  wbo  is  a  credit  to  hia  family,  and  aets  off  for  bia  farm.  On 
bia  waj  be  meete  Hegio,  from  wbom  be  leams  tbe  circuraBtancea  of 
AeachinuB'  connexion  witb  Pamphila ;  and  at  the  same  time  be  finde 
froro  one  of  hia  farai  eervantB  that  Ctesipho  has  never  been  to  tbe  fium 
at  all,  as  Syrus  had  pretended.  These  oews  seud  hina  back  to  Micio  in  a 
rage ;  but  he  is  again  met  with  a  new  fiction  by  Sjrrua,  who  revenges 
himself  on  him  hy  seuding  him  on  a  foora  enuid  over  tbe  whole  town 
to  look  for  hia  brother.  Micio  meanwhile  haa  been  with  Hegio  to 
Sostrata  and  Pamphila,  and  bas  comforted  them  bj  giving  hia  conarat 
to  tbe  marriage  of  tbe  yoimg  ladj  and  Aeschinus.  Demea  now  retunis 
&om  his  firuitlesB  search  after  hia  brother,  and  there  ia  a  gen«al  dis- 
turbance,  particularlj  wben  one  of  the  elavea  accideotallj  betraye  the 
fact  of  Ctesipbo'a  being  in  Micio'8  house,  where  his  fiither  finds  faim  with 
the  mueio  girl.  Aiter  some  more  discuBsians  between  Demea  and  Micio, 
tfae  former  suddeolj  determineB  to  cfaange  faie  demeaDour ;  and  to  the 
aurprise  of  ever^  one  wbom  fae  meeta,  and  not  a  little  to  hiB  own,  he 
acts  the  courteous  and  complaiBant  man.  He  fallB  in  with  all  their 
humours,  and  promoteB  the  faappiness  of  all  partiee.  Pamphila  is 
married  to  AeBchinus ;  Sannio  is  paid ;  Micio  ia  made  to  raurrj  Soatrata ; 
Hegio  is  provided  foF;  and  Bjna  and  his  wife  are  freed  in  coosideration 
of  tfae  great  aemces  wbicb  the  cunning  alave  had  rendered  to  moralitj. 
The  plaj  coucludea  with  a  speech  in  whicfa  Deroea  explaina  tfae  meaning 
of  hia  late  conduct,  and  gives  bis  faearers  «  little  wboIeBome  «dvioe  for 
the  future. 




iMdit  AuuMhit}    FnMnl  gmem  «ere  thii  pUj  m»  actad,  mm  tha  oanqnwor  of 

"'                    >t  HoDia  (Ma  DictunaiT  of  Psnmu  of  Macadoa,  aud  thmioe  «u  caUed 

"  "  Detwes ').    Tbe;  wen  Huadonktu.     U*  «ai  the  *oa  of  tbe  Itas 

b;g4adi*to«*lBhowi.  Cirtiuiate  nwUua  vbo  fell  at  Cuuiao.  Theas 

01  euubittii^  pbjs  at  thee*  gaoies  irere  oriebnted  at  the  eipeiiM  of 

t  appeai  lo  haTO  beeD  in  aas  liis  two  ocphewi,  Q.  Fabiiu  Hutinus  aod 

befbn  Oe  Uma  of  TcraDoe,  twe  ot  wboss  F.  Conwliaa  AMcans*,  a.c.c.  6!I3,  b.c.  160. 

piiTi,  tha  Addphi  and  Het^ra,  were  aihi.  Bome  edition*  add  the  words  >  Aedilee  Cm- 

Mtcd  oa  thnsn  oceations.    lirf  niakei  no  rnlee.'   Tlieea  are,  boweTer,  spnTioDe.  Afri- 

'nntiaii  at  dnnulie  exUUtiona  among  tha  eanos  was  oevtr  aedile ;  bat  obtMoed  tha 

Mher   toleninitie*  of  tb«    AuMral   gainee  eoDsolalup  a.o.o.  60S,  in  tbe  fear  in  whicb 

cif  H.  Aemiliiu  Lqdda*,   A.D.a.  SS8,  H.  be  waa  a  eandidata  fer  tbe  offioe  of  ■edUe, 

Velcrias  I^ennaa,  A.n.o.  M9  (xni.  00),  twelTo  jeiw  after  tbe  doatb  of  PaoUaa. 

•od  P.  Lidnina  Crassoi,  a.d.o.  M8  (uxix.  TUiu  SammU]     Ssrra  wea  an  Bnoant 

46),  lod  we  cannot  mppois  tliat  tbis  was  name  of  Tyre,  from  the  Phoenidan  '  Bor.' 

■o  ■oddeutal  opiiMion.    The  ezhibitiona  of  The  '  libiae  BarraDae '  are  laid  to  haTe  becn 

Tla  pnctioa 

id  ■DheBgafntlf  of  diamatie  per.  the  mae  ai  tha '  lilriae  pare*,'  the  '  FbiT- 

•«iBucM  wcn  maoe  at  tbe  coot  of  the  giae'  ■■  tbe  'bnpwea.'     Bee  nciti 

pctnns  wbo  oeMnUed    tbeee    gani«a    in  Insixiption  to  the  Andiia. 
Innaai  ef  tbcb  dsosMed  rslationt :  fbr  Che        L.  Jjtieio  M.  CanMa  Cba.]  a 

pmca  wsrq  uot  itrictlT  pnblie.      Lacjns  B.O.  160. 
ABmnina  Paallna,  at  wfaoes  fonenl  game* 



PosTQrAM  Poeta  seiisit  Bcripturam  euam 

Ab  miquis  obeervaii,  et  adversarios 

Bapere  in  pejorem  partem  quam  acturi  simius, 

Indicio  de  ee  ipee  erit ;  yoa  eritiB  jadices 

Laudine  an  ritio  duci  id  factom  oporteat.  5 

Synapotlmesoontcs  Dipliili  comoedia  est. 

Tbe    Prologiie   Blladea  to  the    ^enenl  S.  Adeeriarioi']     See  the  notM  Mi  Ota 

chargee  broaght  ■guuM  the  poet  b^  hie  Prologim  to  the  precedJDg  plBjs. 

oppooenta ;    bnt   more  puticnlarl;    ineeti  4.  JnJieia  de  n   ipte   erit }     '  He   «ill 

the  ■cciuetioii  tbet  be  wu  UBlitcd  in  hii  infonn  against  bimnlf.'      '  Indianai   pn- 

wtitings  by  bis  emineDt  friende.     Tbe  Brst  flteri,'  ac  '  proFeTre,'  is  to  tnm  king'i  evi. 

charge  ■eenis,  u  befbre,  to  hHB  been  one  of  dence  >gunat  ■  rellow-crimiiial :  H   '  iadi- 

pUgiariflm   (see   Frotogne  to  Bimochiu   t.  aum  poetiilBfe '  is  to  offer  to  tnm  biDg*e 

32— S6).     This  tbe  poet  doea  not  «ait  to  eridence.      Compue  Cicero,  In  Q.  Caea- 

uiiwer;  bnC  he  nja   that  he  will  inform  tinm  EHnn^tio,  cap.  11:  "  Qnapropttr   A 

■gainst  himself :  wid  he  lesTei  it  to  hia  Midi-  tibi  indidum  poatulu  dari  i|aod  tacom  nu 

ence  to  jndge  whether  he  ia  to  be  blmmedor  ftaerit,  ooncedo,  siid  lege  permittitiir,"  wbae 

not.    His  plagioriim  connits  in  haviog  bor-  see   Long'!    note.      Rituhl    (Pmleganeiu 

rowed    from   tbe   '  STnnpathneicontes  '    of  edPlantQm.p.  119)  propoee*  toomit 'eiit.' 

Diphilni  tbe  inddent  of  the  captnre  of  the  He  would  read : 

**"  ■  J^  ^™  "'L  '^'  ^'^)  ^  ^       "  ^i^  de  u  ip»,  TO.  eriti»  jndi<«." 
omitted  by  PUntna  in  bii  truBUtlDn  of  the  '^ 

pUj  under  the  name  of  '  Commorientea.'  But  Donatni  had  both  worda ;  aud  altbaa^ 

And  thie  paaaage  the  poet  hu  tnniferred  it  ia  lery  pouible  that  ths  tnie  reading  maj 

word  for  word  iato  the  '  Adelphi.'  an  in-  be  '  critia  Toa,'  ont  of  whidi  the  [veaent 

atence  rather,  be  thinka,  oF  ■uccbbiIHiI  reri-  teit  ma;  easil;  bave  aiiaen,  yet  we  oaniMt 

■ion  of  an  old  play,  than  of  auy  Iheft  titxta  change  the  mding  withont  eome   antfao- 

Plautua.     And  aa  fbr  the  aecond  acciuation,  ritf. 

that  certain  illuatrioDa  persona  bdp    the        6.  Sftugiethnetamtti   DgikiK\     Diphi- 

poet  in  hia  writingB;  this  is  rather  a  sub-  lua  waa  a   ctintemporary  of  Uenuider,    a 

ject  of  praiae  than  of  bhime.       Por   whj  natire  of  Sinope,  tamoB^  fbr  his  wit  and 

should  not  the  poet  gbuJl;  aTsil  himaelf  of  ■ententioiia  hnmour,  jiufiicwTaroc  roi  tvw- 

their  help,  wboae  help  ererf  one  elseisiery  /iinwriirsc-      We  are   not  infbcmed    wbat 

glad  to  hare  in   the  ordinary  concenis  of  wu  the  *rgoaient  of  the  '^avaimBitiiaKov 

Ufe  ?    Aa  I»  the  argnment  of  the  plair,  the  rtc  ;  bnt  it  is  not  improbable  tiiat  it  wu 

<Ai  men  «ho  corae  ou  the  stage  in  thefirat  in  p«rt  at  leuteburlesqneof  the*  Iphigenia 

■ct  will  eiplain   part  of  it,  and   the   rest  at  Tenris,'  for  tbe  common  pracdce  of  the 

theywilldeTelapeinaclingthar  part.     The  wriCers  of  the  New  Comedj  waa  to  iDDilale 

poM  hoa  onlj  to   beg  Uie  iudulgeDce  of  Enripides.    Ttiia   plaj   Plautns   LatiuiMd, 

theai  '■  ■     ■ ...    - 

The  Met»  is  iambic  trimeta'. 


Eun  Conmiorieiitefl  Plaatus  fecit  fabnlam. 

In  Orseca  adoleacens  est  qui  leaom  eripuit 

Meretrioem  in  pnma  &bQla.     Eom  Plautus  looum 

Beliquit  integrum :  eum  liio  locum  sumpsit  sibi  lo 

In  Adelphos ;  verbum  de  verbo  e::q>re8eum  extuHt. 

Eam  noe  acturi  snmns  novam :  pemoscite 

Furtumne  factum  existimetis,  an  locum 

B«preheusum  qui  praeteritus  negligentia  eet. 

Nam  quod  isti  diount  maleToli,  bonunes  nobilea  i  s 

'  Commorientes.'    Zemie  qaotea  the  autho-        Qnem  d  occnpuii  teneu  ;  elepeDm  •«- 

Non  ipM  potait  Jupiter  repieheudera ; 
OccanaDem  lenim  si^iiiflcst  breTBin. 
Eflectiu  impediret  ne  Mgaie  moim, 
^DXere  mntii^iii  tvlem  effigiem   Tempo* 

Bo  here  Terence  coDgntulatM  himwlf  on 
"  Hore  majoram  date  pUueom  poftrema  in    luTiug  recoTured  >  ,>,   ~     . 

iiiilt«d,   b;   heTtug   gone   OTer  tb«  Mtne 
—     .,...  .  EroDnd  carefbllv  foT  himaeir.    Por 'peraoe- 

^  k;^  !i  :;  J^fTt;"^:'  i^-  ^•■^  -^t  ,«7  i»«iiit  s.. 

„» ,1  Dmu».    B.t tt. fn  .1  Do..n.   ;„„^  ^,  .,„ln, V.^  Jrtt.  Ju,  rf 

Diphilu,  .nd  contented  himielf  wlth  ,1.1., 

But  th.  t.xt  of  Don.tni 
hw  '  oipuit,,  «bidi  piHmU  ..  more  dilS-  ^^ 

culty  Uan  ■  rairipuit^d  otber  fo™.  -hich  i^l^k^^h 'of^rft!^' in  hirProfc^".  *  u"5 

-ere  oonmnnly«-»ted.     Tha  «itho-  ^^  ^^^  y„j  of  n^ligen»  *hi<:h  ii  .poken 

ntj    of  mu,n«   ie  notconduinTe   on  ofi„  the  Prologne  to  the  Andri^  rr.  20^21, 

Ihe  pomt.         PUntuis    «-T»  Terence^'  lelt  ^^^  ^^0  word   perticnhulj  refer.  to  the 

th>t   punce  untoBcbsd  («e  the  note  on  ^^  ^,  ^^^-       „„     ,         ^^^  . 

«ilnittHi  it  infji  the  ■  Adeinhi.    uid  rcDn-  ' 

idoptal  it  into  the  '  Adelphi.'  uid  r^ro- 
doced  it,  tmnilated  irord  for  word."  This 
is  momt  for  e  concInaiTe  amwer  to  those 
-ho  tocueed  him  of  plegi^m  &^.""-     K«|^"hi^"^d"which"Te   b>d  "^So^ 

15.]     Tereoce  bere  pioceeds  to  m«et  the 
'  tccnutioQ  which  had  been  hionght 

,.  j       1.,  1.  L  j         _  noticed  Tery  brieflj'  belbre,  (we  PrologiM 

^T     ZIT.^  ',  '^^  '^    n      v""!^  t"  He.utontimoi»meno>,  tt.  23-26,)1m 

l«fo™beentr«rrfetedfromthcGieek.    On  he  WM  »™ied  in  his  writing.  by  hi.  noble 

thuqnertonofTaenee-songiu^tyMethe  ^^^j,      Thi«  subject  h«   b«i  discMsed 

Inhwimbon  ^     j    .j  etfiillinthe  Intmdnctiontothis  Tolumej 

14.  Bq«^*ew™]      'Yoi.««  todeode  h  m.y  be  suffident  to  rep(.Hn  thi.  pUce. 

whether  you  think  th«  »  «  c-ee  of  pl.-  (hst  this  puMge  is  no  proof  of  the  liu*. 

g»n.m,orwhetherjoucorindBrA.t.pM.  j.^^   .SlSdrthe   que.tion,    u   he    h^ 

nge   bu   been  trcted    e(h«h    wh.ij   we.  ^^         ^j   ^^^  i^  These   grcM 

p.«Bd   orer  from   cwelcs.neM.         Repre-  friend,  of  the  poet  «e  eud  by  DonwS  to 

hendo  '  combine.  the  noUons  of   takmg  up  ^,^  ^^  ^^     j^^      „j  p^„,  p„t_ 

H«n:'  ofdmwing  b»ck,'or;reo<..enng.'  u        („  ,hom   he  refers  «.pectiTdT  Ihe 

In  the  former  «UM  it  i.  u»d  m  C.cero,  In  ,^,  .  ;„  beUo  , .  ;„  n^^io,'  ^0^  '  in  otio,'" 

C.  Vcrrem  b.  S.  20 :  ■■  anod  ™t  impru-  ^^  ^^^  „  .  ^lji„  ^  L^\i„,  „  ^^^  J^ 

deat»  pr«t™™m,  "d  qn«.tn  ee  tem-  ji,^  .^wit  men  in  the  .tiU*.  uid  lo  Publiu. 

po«»)  repreherdimi      («eLm.g'»  m  ,  grcrt  politici«n.     Bnt  thi.   i.  r.ther 

note)!  Midthel.tter  i.TreUUlnrtr.tod  hy  f„^_     The»  word.  «e  ™ther  m»nt  M  . 

tbe  followiDg  paMege  of  Phwdn»  t.  8 :  ^^,^  compendinm  of  the  reUtions  of  lifo, 

"Cum  Ttdncri,  pendens  in  nonunl.,  thui  m  uij  diajouctaTe  chuwtei  of  these 

ClTne,  comon  &ante,  nudo  corpore,  fiiends  of  the  poet.     For  wbj  •boald  wa 


250  ADELPHI. 

Jlum  adjutare,  asndaeqTie  ona  Hribero ; 

Quod  illi  miilediotuiii  Tehemens  esBe  ezistiinaiit 

Bam  laudem  hio  ducit  TnRTiTnnTn,  quum  illis  plaoet 

Qui  Tobis  nniyetsia  et  populo  placent ; 

Quorum  opera  in  bello,  in  otio,  in  ne^tio,  20 

Suo  quisque  tempore  uaus  eet  aine  euperlHa. 

Dehinc  ne  exspectetiB  argumentum  tabulae : 

Senee  qui  primi  Tenient  ii  partem  aperient ; 

In  agendo  part^n  oatendent.     Facite,  aequaniniitaB 

PoStae  ad  acribendum  augeat  iudustriam.  35 

Qot  haye  recoum  to  B  grot  politidan  in  24.  Facitt,  atquttaimila» , .  ,  mcgtaf  n- 

boaineBa,  or  to  a  wiae  maa  io  priTtte  affun,  diulriataj    DooBtiu  on  thia  puaage  nja 

■nd  Tice  Tma  f  '  deeat  vatra  i '   vhidi  Bitiidil  ■ccOTdioglf 

S 1 .  Slite  luprrbia]  '  Withoat  mj  ttite  nippliea  to  avmd  the  leogthcned  ajlkblii 

pride.'    <  Yon  ■»!  eTEry  one  of  joa  oD  con-  'augest'     Bnt  we  meet  with  inanf  nidi 

Teoient  occuiani  ttmdj  to  stuI  jomHlvei  casei  ia  PlAUtns  and  Terance  (Bee  Intro- 

of  Uieir   helpt    and    whj  ■honid   not   I  ?'  daction  □□  the  metm  af  Terenw),  aod  we 

Rnhnliea  re/ars  '  siDe  ■npabia '  to  Scipio,  mnit  be  oontant  to  take  Doa  aa  oue.     Do- 

Laelioa,  uid  Pnbliua ;    bot  thia  ia  not  the  nntni'  worda  merelj  mean  tbat  ■  veaba '  la 

poiot  in  queetioQ.     Onr  common  eiprea.  to  be  aQpplied  in  aenae.     Bentley  inlap»- 

aion, '  You  ere  QOt  tooproud  to  acceptthdi  latea  a  whale  line  componnded  af  Hccjtb, 

belp,'  eiacUr  gives  the  meuing  of  the  teit.  ProL  2i,  and  Pbormlo,  Pnd.  K.     H*  reada 

23.  Stnei  gui  primi  vnienl  . .  .  otlen. 

dcnf]     Donatii    itrmngely    aaja    "SxVI"'  " Pacile  aeqDBnimitaa 

iwoaiiirtfnt.     Uic  enim  jaiu  dod   lODea  Bonitaiqne  Teabm  adjntiu  ooebae  indna- 

acdpieadi  eaaant :  imo  potiui  caetene  per-  triae 

•onae :  ■ed  ipai  senea  in  itatario  chiractere  Poetae  ad    ■erihaidnm    angaat    indos- 

partem  uerient :  ia  niotorio,  parlem  ostea-  triajn  ;" 

dent."     It  leema  aimplar  to  UDderatand  it  - 

of   the  diatinctioD   between  the  numliTe  a  combination  whit^  it  iajiardlj  treaesaarj 

ud  action  of   tbe  firat   act,  whioh  i*  1  ' 

in^odnction  to  the  whole  plaj. 


ACmS  I.    SCENA  I. 

Storax — ^N^on  rediit  Iiao  noote  a  coena  Aeschiniis, 

Neque  Bervulomm  qnisqaam  qni  adTereum  ierant. 

Profecto  hoG  vere  dicimt :  ai  abeis  uspiam, 

Aut  nbi  si  ceesee,  eremre  ea  satias  est 

Quae  in  te  uxor  dicit  et  quae  ia  animo  cogitat  6 

Irata  quam  illa  quae  paxentee  propitii. 

TTxor  si  cesses  aut  te  amare  cogitat, 

Ant  tet«  amari,  aut  potare,  aut  animo  obBequi ; 

"Et  tibi  bene  eese  soli  quum  aibi  eit  male. 

Ego  quia  non  rediit  filius  quae.cogito,  et  10 

QoibuB  nunc  aollicitor  rebus  t  ne  aut  ilLe  alBerit, 

AcT  I.  ScENB  I.    Micio  u  intrDdnc«d  "  [Solaa]  Nanc  eo  ■dTecmn  bao  ei  pln. 

■olilciqniiiDg    aboat    his    domoitic   affMTi.  rimii  MirTii." 

•  Here'.  Aachi™  ont  rt  .npper  M  night  '  g  -]  .  j^  ^  ,4^  ^  y  i„  ^  ^ 
pm  j  uid  l  »n>«»t  mrte  oat  wbM  b»  if  j^  ^  i  ^„  t„^,  „  J,l,i™,  or 
b«ome  of  him.  And  then  parento  a^d  ^^  ^^^  ^  th«.  «ral,  Jon 
gsvdw»  .  w«T  of  .m^n.Bg  Jl  lorte  ^  bltter  h™  the  b^efit  of  joor  wHb'l 
ofhom>r.^>ndio«|^>!    Whrt .  fool  ^^    roepidon.   th«i   oT  yoi   eniioiu 

•  man  le  when  be  nnaertues  mch  ■  cbuge  nareDt'e  frare  ' 

u  Oik]    Fer  Ok  Aeechi™  i.  ohIt  mj  ^^    JVe  «(  Wto  olwri*]  '  Becnw  mj  wra 

Hpheir  Bfter   «U-     Mj  good  brolbor  -ho  ^  ^j  retnrned,  wb>t  ■cddent  do  1  im.- 

bre*   in  the  couotoy,  hi«  tJlowed  me  who  ^,_  „j  ^^  U,j„       jg  j  torment  ro.Belt 

heT«  .Iwan  led  &  bwhekir  hfe  in  town,  to  ^jb  1    I  ■m  dnid  thM  he  hu  cught  told, 

■dopt  ™.  of  his  •ODL     I  hire  ende>Tonred  ^  f^^  -^^^  „„,  ^^  „  „^1,^,  „  broken 

tobnng  h.m^on  the  hberJpnnciple.  ^  rf  hi.  limbe.'     In  Phiutiuh  Milee  Glo- 

W«  qoite  nnd«t«id  eKh ;  f ot  whrt-  rforo.  iii.  1.  IM-127,  we  h.Te  mmihu'  l»ii. 

eTer  be  ooee  I  him  to  tul  me.  raart  • 

ify   brother   Demea  oa  the   otbar   huid  ^^^ ' 

■dopta  Qta  eeret*  plui.    He  blames  mj  io.  "  ^^  •*  h»bnMem,  walit  cspiHem  miM- 

doigencs,  and  I,  tor  mf  pHt,  think  him  ■  rivom  Uberi. : 

grcst  de>l  too  rtrict.     For  ■  fcther  ihonld         Continao  eiCTndmirMUjttii  ciforte  hi.- 

DOt  be  like  ■  muter  ud  obtun  only  forced  «t  febri., 

obedieoce :  be  ehoold  lead  hi.  childreii  to 

do  well  Tolnntwilj.     Bnt  bere  is  mj  bro- 

',  kioking  ctou  eoaagh.    1  .ball  get  ■  Metoerem  ne  iW  defregiseet  cnna  ant 

•eolding  u  ii«a.L'  cerTice.  ribL" 

Tbe  Metre  ii  iunbic  Irimeter.  Jrom  thi.  pUMge  we  we  not  oijf  thet  the 

1.  5/oru]   Mido  mort  be  enppoKd  to  fcar.  herB  quoted  were  ■  etock  mljject  of 

ail  StoTM ;  uul  npon  leceiTing  no  uisver  Otxm,  bnt  thet  tbej  are  deKribed  In  tfae 

to  condude  that  AeKhinni  hiu  been  keep.  oommon    iBngUAge.     SitMhl    .lEen    tbeae 

ing  l>te  hoon  sgun.     '  AeKhinn.,'  he  hljs,  Unec  a.  followi : 

'  i£d  Dot  retnra  UA  night  ^m  anppcr,  nor 

■nj  of  the  Krr^Dte  who  went  to  fetch  hini 

luHne.'  DoD^tui  infbrm.  uthat  mch  dare. 

were  lalled  '  adTeratiRe.,'  a  word  not  {Dand 

innn.     In  Plantn.,  Moet<Jlari*iT.  1,  Pha. 

Discn.   i*    made  to  complun    thtt  slaTea  *■»»«>"  &<• 

were  Terj  ^it  to  ihirk  thii  paitical.r  weric ;  He  addi,  "  nnllnm  enim  b«qiieDtJai  in  Te- 

and  that  ha  had  to  go  ■bjne.  renlio  OHTtiptdae  gsnai  qnam  qaod  «  in- 



Aut  uBpiam  ceciderit,  aat  perfi-egerit  ' 

Aliquid.      Yfth,  qimmq n nmti n  hfwninBm   jn   miimntn   iustitueie 

aat  ^ 

Parare  qaod  sit  cariiis  quam  ipse  est  sibi  P  i 

Atqui  ez  me  hio  Qon  natus  eet,  sed  ex  fratre.     Is  adeo  is  i 

DisBinuli  atudio  eet  jam  inde  ab  adolescentia. 
Ego  h&no  clementem  vitam  urbaiiam  atqoe  otium 
Secutus  sum ;  et,  quod  fortunatum  isti  putant, 
TJzorem  numquam  habui.     Hle  contra  haec  omnia : 
Kuri  agere  vitam ;  semper  parce  ac  duriter  20 

Se  babere  :  uxorem  duxit ;  nati  filii 
Duo :  inde  ego  buno  majorem  adoptaTi  mihi ; 
Eduzi  a  parvulo ;  babui,  amari  pro  meo ; 

terpntamentis  nudtnr ;  icriptiiiii  est  aatcm 
tupiam  ab  eo  qm  paullo  uite  (y,  3)  •  poeta 
pMMum  nfilam  meuiinerit.  (Prolego. 
maa  wl  Phutnm,  p.  119.)  Of  RitiKhl'i 
emeadatioai  I  h*Te  ipoken  generall;  in  the 
latnxlactioD.  In  conaidoring  an;  puticnlu 
puuge  I  would  gite  the  greateat  neight  to 
bii  opinion  ohere  thete  appared  to  be  a 
clear  necesaitr  for  sn  altention.  The  pu- 
■■ge  qooted  &om  Plantua  ihomi  that  the 
phrue  '  cedderit  uapiam '  wmg  uaed  in  thii 
oouaeiion ;  »nd  tbe  mere  focl  oF  the  accDT- 
rence  of  '  uapiam  '  e  few  lines  before  ie  not 
Bnfficient  to  demmad  ita  rejection.  '  Us- 
piam '  ia  roT  '  naqne  Jam  '  u  '  qaiapiun  '  for 
'  quiaque  jim.'  kndretunBthe  locel  meaaiag 
of  '  uaque  '  (see  note  oa  Eunuchus  iii.  2. 
18).  '  Puv '  ia  here  uud  iu  the  aenae  of 
'toedopt,'  from  ita  fiiadsmentml  mewiing 
'  lo  ecqoire.'  It  ia  oflen  oaed  for  '  buj- 
ing,'  u  in  Eunnchus  iii,  2.  3b. 

16.]   Rilacbl  emeadi  these  linea  u  fol- 

"  At4]iii  ei  me  bic  natiu  non  eet  eed  fratre 

DiKdmili  ia  atodio  «at." 
The  emeudation  is  ingenioua,  aud  geta  rid 
of  tbe  iligbt  irnffnlarity  of  the  ordinarr 
line,  where  we  are  obiiged  to  malcs  '  sed 
ei  '  coaleace  iu  pronnncialion,  nnd  to 
lengthcu  <  ia  '  bj  ictoa.  But  on  the  other 
hatid  Ribichl'B  reading  dropa  tbe  ezpresnie 
'  adeo,'  which  i*  na  donbt  genaine  ;  and  I 
heie  therelbre  retained  the  ordinar;  teit. 
'  Ii '  becomes  an  emphalic  word  at  the  com- 
mencement  of  the  eentenre,  and  mi;  there- 
tore  fairlj  haie  the  ictns,  u  menj  otber 
worda  haie  ia  (imilar  poeitiani.  In  t.  IS 
Beutlej  placeei  Ml  stop  aftsr  >est'  and 
oonnecla  tbe  IbUawlDg  words  witb  die  neit 

•enteuce ;  not  witb  anj  adTantaga  lo  rbjthm 
or  senae.  'Hj  brothar  and  I,  s^  Mkio, 
'  hare  been  of  ■  diffomt  tnm  irocD  anr  cail j 
manbood,  1  haTe  fbllowed  tbis  eaflj  citj 
life  and  ita  rcpose.  He  bu  taken  tbe  oppo- 
site  liae.'  For  the  idea  of  '  demens  see 
note  on  Andiia  L  I.  9,  aud  Plantiii,  Stjchos 
ii.  1.36: 

DaTem,  &ater  i  Pa. 


18.  Et,  qvod  /orhinatHn  iMli  pMlaml'] 
'  And  ■Ithough  jon  will  find  othen  conai- 
der  it  the  greatest  blesBing,  I  bsTe  neTcr 
married.'  'lati'  of  ooutm  refcrs  to  thoae 
who  diaagree  wilb  bis  opiniou ;  thoni^  in 
aome  editions  it  i>  badlj  explaiaed  otber- 
wiu.  The  fbllowing  linea  of  Henenda'  an 
pieserTed  bj  commentatoga : 

'D  naKofiiov  III.     ai  •fBVaiia  Xanfidvn, 

iripuv     ysfLobvtuv    aaTbt     d»»xio9" 


SS.  /wfe]  '  Of  these  I 

nnesponding '  ei  ii 
I  '  ibi    aad  '  ubl '  (i 

(notea  on  Hnut. 
.  Sl,  and  li.  6.  9).    Compare  '  ande' 
loT  ■  a  qnibai '  EimndiBB  i.  S.  M,  aud  note. 


ACTUS  I.    SCENA  I.  253 

In  eo  me  oblecto ;  solum  id  est  camm  milii. 

Dle  at  item  contra  me  liabeat  facio  sedulo :  S5 

Do,  praetermitto :  non  neceese  liabeo  omnia 

Fro  nieo  jure  agere.     Poatremo  alii  clanculum 

Patres  quae  faciunt,  quse  fert  adolescentia, 

Ea  ne  me  celet  conauefeci  filium  j 

Kam  qui  mentiri  aut  fallere  insuerit  patrem,  aut  30 

Audebit,  tanto  magiB  audebit  caeteros. 

Pudore  et  Uberalitate  liberoe 

Betinere  eatiua  esee  credo  quam  metu. 

Haec  fratri  mecum  non  conTeniunt  neque  placent. 

Tenit  ad  me  eaepe  clamitans,  "  Quid  agis,  Micio?  3S 

Cor  perdis  adoleacentem  oobis  ?  cur  amat  ? 

Cur  potat  ?  cur  tu  his  rebua  sumtum  suggeris  ? 

Testita  nimio  indulgee ;  niminTin  ineptus  ee." 

Nimium  ipse  eet  dorus  praeter  aequumque  et  bonum : 

Et  errat  longe  mea  quidem  Bententia  40 

Qui  imperium  credat  graTius  eeee  aut  stabilius 

S6.  Faeto  Mdaia]  Bee  nat*  oo  AndrU  L  pmbsbl;  crept  into  the  tbnner  bj  inedTar- 

I' 119.  tence;  tnd  I  shonld  be  itrongl;  indiDed  to 

S6.  JVoii  neetm  habio  OTMna  pro  mee  prefer  'frmadsra.'     We  biTe  ao  ■uthori^ 

j>m  agrrt]  '  I  do  DOt  thiDk  it  neeeuuy  to  bowerer  for  iJteriiig  ths  teit. 

<l»  taj  thiug  at  mr  mere  pl«mire.'     ■  Pro  3S.  Pudare  tt  libmtlUelt]    UDdcmbroK 

xuo  jnre'   litenUj   meuie  'in  conlbnDltj  qnotee  from  Meauide^ov  iil  \iiirain-a  ri 

■ith  m]i  aiidiaritj.'     He  mwld   not  preea  iraitapwv  6(i9ovv  'WXi  iriiSovTa  ri.    Tbe 

tbe  qneetion  of  Bntboritj  too  itrictlf.     We  KntJmeDt  is  obviong  enoDgb,  uid  calli  for 

>o*T  aMnpare  tbe  Bligfatlj  different  pbnuee  ptsctice  rether  thui  illnitretioD. 

'  ipn  JDre,'  •  on  the  legtJ  meriU  of  a  cue,'  34.  Hatejratri  «uam  xm  ea»M«twif] 

ud  '  nii  jaiia  &CCTe.'    '  ClaDcnlum  '  ii  and  'Tbi»  doee  not  applj  to  mj  bratber  U  it 

■dnririallj  trtnj  wbere  ulee.     Here  it  {o\-  doee  ta  me,  nor  doee  it  pl»H  him.'     Do- 

lon  Due  of  tbe  ooDittuctioiii  of  '  clam.'  natiu  reDuvka  on  thii  ea  k  BtraD|e  phreea. 

^    QNoe  Jtrt  odolaeentia]      '  I   here  It  i>  ■impl]'  iDOthn  farm  of  the  conatrDC- 

Meutomed  mjBODDOtto  ninceal  frnm  ms  lion    '  couieaire  In    eliqnem,'    wbich    hM 

tbe  pimcticea  to  wbich  jontfa  ia  prone,  which  beea  noticed  an  Hauit  t.  1.  8. 

Dthwido  witbont  tbdrpHenti' knowledga.'  37.    Cur    1%    hie    rebtu    nim(»iii    laf^ 

for'tat'  tea  note  on  Heant.  ii.  1.  S.  grrit /]     '  Why  do  you   nipply   bim  wtth 

39.  £a  iie  nw  ettet']  See  nota  on  ADdiia  meani  for  tfaeee  thin|;a  ?     Yon  indnlge  him 

iu.  4.  B.  in  exceeeiTe  dothing:    jon  ue  loo  fooUih 

30,  3].]    Bcotley  percaTed  tbe  irregD-  abont    him.'     ^th    '  nimtDm   mggerii ' 

leritj of  the  two  wonli  ' iDeoerit '  uid  ' an-  compare   Heaut.  t.  1.  S7  i   "Nam   in  illi 

debit '  in  diffeient  moods  and  tenMo,  and  pergo   siipp«ditare   inmtibiu."      '  Testita ' 

|ic  prapoted  Bi  a  remedy  to  aiter  <  ingnorit '  ii  eipluned  bj  lame  editon  ■■  an  old  fbrm 

into  '  ita  nt  fit,'  wbich  doo  not  commend  of  the  datiTe.     Bnt  there  woold  be  DO  eeaae 

■'•elf  bj  enj  ■ppropnateDesi  to  Ihe  reat  of  in  wjing  '  You  indnlge  too  floe  clotbea,' 

theline.    Bitscbl  wonld  read  (Prol^omena  'Indnlgeo'   ie  almoet  ilwajB  oud  with  a 

adnsntnm  cn.):  datiieof  tfaepenon,  or  of  lucb  words  uim- 

"  Nua  qni  mendri  aut  fUlero  iMuerit  pa.  P'l  ".P""»™!  '«""«.  "  '  i~.' '  l«rTmi..' 

(fg^  '  precibna,    'aidon.      Id  Terence  it  ia  njwd 

Rwid.^  (or  Dedpere)  tuito  megii  «i.  ^  "'.'''^'''  "f,"'?  ffT""'  "■*?»  1" 

debitediaiM"  Heant.  i».  8.  3«.    '  Veetita '  u  hete  tbe  ab- 

^  latiTeofthematerial. 
Tbe  'and^'  of  tha  latter  danae  modl 


254  ADELPm. 

Yi  qnod  fit  quam  illud  qnod  ainidtia  adjaugitaT. 

Mea  sio  eet  ratio,  et  aa  ftnimiitn  iodiico  meum :' 

Malo  coaotuB  qui  sniiin  offidum  &dt 

Dum  id  resoitum  iii  credit  tantiflper  oavet :  45 

Si  Bperat  fore  olam  mnrum  ad  ingemum  redit. 

Ille  qnem  beBeficio  adjungaa  ez  animo  Jacit ; 

Studet  par  referre :  praeeens  abeeuBque  idem  mt. 

Soc  patrium  eat,  potiua  oonsnefacca^  filiom 

Sua  sponte  reote  iacere  quam  alieno  metu.  90 

Hoo  pater  ac  dominus  iutereet :  hoo  qui  nequit, 

Fateatur  neeoire  imperare  libms. 

Sed  estne  hic  ipeus  de  quo  agebam  P  et  oerte  is  est. 

Neacio  quid  tristem  video :  oredo  jam  nt  ac^ 

Jurgabit.     Salvum  te  adTeniie,  Demea,  65 


44.  Ualo  emirtv$1   '  He  whi)  doM  hii  oimddaa  to  ba  «i  inbirpoUlon  ■nggeatad 

dnt;  from  fiw  of  pnDiBhmeiit  ia  od  his  Iij  the  recollectiOD  <rf  th«e  phrues.     Bnt 

good  behaTioor  juiit  aD  long  u  he  thinks  we  Derer  find  *  irfaTe '  naed  AbaaliUdy  in 

that  biB  ccmduct  will  be  obacrred :    if  ha  thii  ■enaa,  or  in  the  Bimilar  one  of  '  reftm 

thinlu  to  «awe  uatice,  he  retnnu  again  to  gmtiAai.'    Bmtlej  caaiidtn  the  lait  tjU 

hia  Datural  ohancter.'    '  Uatnm '  ia  htra  l&ble  of  '  itndet '  to  be  ahortened.     It  it 

naed  in  Ike  aeDaa  of  '  poena.'     Compan  iMtter  to  take  it  h  »  mooaayllahle,'  filu 

Salloat,  Jngnrtha  100 :    "  Et  «ane  Harina,  niaaj  other  ■milar  woida.    See  tha  Inlni- 

ilh>  et  aliia  tempaiilHU  Jsgirtluni  belli,  pa-  duction.      Idudenbnig    qootca   ha«   inaa 

dore  magia  qoam  nulo  eicralam  coerce-  iieatuAof.     1    bave    atered    hia    iiailiin 

bat;"  wultirriLMi  "  Ad«oqne  Demiaem  i£uufitv<>v  TDifiv  into  ^coaruvDc  «aiilv, 

noiiae  poenitebat  ot  etjam  inBontea  fediaa  wbich  ii  eridentlf  demaniiwl  hj  Ihe  anaa: 
rideri  TeUeat,  p^qoe  ferretnr  malo  do.         ^-  ,„e4u«e  r'  «««/«wc  iroulr 
nmnd.mtnbnmaamiwte.Utom.       C»«ro,        ,„j,X'    5xi(9Sc.    <^    'f^f'    ti"t 
In  C.  Verremu.  8.   Ml:  "  Nam  Ti,  malo,  Biot,  r    t™        •"» 

plagia  BdductDi  eat  ut  trnmenti  daiet  non 

qnantum  deberet  ud  qnaotnm  oogeretor."         M.  ^Jitno  tMaiu]  ■  Hua  la  the  pait  ot  k 

A  panishmoit  more  fitted  for  a  BlJtTe  tban  Mber,'  Mido  taj »,  '  to  aecnatom  hia  aoa  (o 

for  a  free  man.     Por  '  tBntiqw '  lee  note  do  right  lUhar  of  bia  own  aoooid  than  from 

on  Beaiit  i.  I.  M.  lear  of  anothsr.'    '  Alieona  metui '  i«  pm- 

48.  £OuM  par  rfftrrt']  The  phraaa  ia  babtj  nurelT  a  banalaticn  of   iLXXerpJv 

^Teo  more  Ibllj  in  Bnnaohna  iii.  1.  66 1  ^d^y.    The   aiUaatiTe,  howarar,  «ODtaina 

"  Par  piopari  nfelto  qood  eam  mordaat."  tha  idea  of  the  genlttr«,  aa  in  the  oaae  of 

Ptaotna,  Inicnlgohu  t.  47  :  "  Par  pari  re-  poaaeaatre  ptoBonna.    Compara  Fhaamio  t. 

■pondet."    Eitachl  (Prol^gomeoa  «d  FUa*  8.  27 1  "  Nam  Mqme        

t«nicdz.)pKipoaea  toomifpar,'  whichho  odio  id  lecit  tao."    Bc 




DBHBA.       HlCia 

De.  Khem,  oj^rtnne :  te  ipsum  quaerito. 
Mi.  Quid  triBtis  ee  P    De.  Bogas  me,  nbi  uobia  AeeclunuB 
Siet,  quid  tristis  ego  sim  P    Jft.  DixJne  hoo  fore  f 
Quid  fecit  P     Ih.  Quid  ille  feoerit  P  qnem  neque  pudet 
Quicquam  \  nec  metuit  quemquam ;  neque  legem  pntat 
Tenere  se  ullam :  nam  ill&  quae  antehac  (acta  aunt 

nia  whf  I  mm  diatTMwd  f   nji   Demsb.  thM  va  ■hoold  mpplf  '  fp^  kxu,' 

'  Hne  iTDB  tiot  iMard  whera  AMchiani  U,  tm  lcnow  where  Aoadiiniii  U,'  wfaat  ■  Aite 

udwbitha  ]|M  beeD  aboat  f    Uehaijiiit  he  u  in.      Bitidil  bu.a  *et]r  iDBeniaiM 

bnibD  inlo  a  lun'*  booM  end  cuiied  off  m  mode  of  raetoiiiiB  tkii  pMnge.    He  woald 

pA.    Etbt  one  ii  tdldi«  of  it  u  ■  mDet  reed  : 

cnUnieowbiuiii».   AikI  eU  tbk  while  hlt  " Kogma  bm^    Ubi  noUa 

bnitba  1«  behMins  '"'7  diftmitlT.     He  ii  AMchindi } 

'tmiHwg  to  taia  bnnnew  on  the  lim,  •od  Bdn  j»ni  qaid  ego  liiitie  am  ?" 

lcadingaqaietMtdbwdworbiBglita.  And  it  (Pn)leg«nai>  *d  PUatiim,  p.  IM.) 

i.jen,Mi«>,th.tMtobeW«nedte^  wUdi  gi™  fcr  more  point  to  the  woidi  of 

ltu.70.tb.t^A«Ml^tob«eomipted  ^^J^     B«t  wo  «o  Sot  jnrtilfed  in  intro- 

|nth»w>^'  'MrgoodD«ne.,'«y.Miao,  j^     ^^,  .  „„  ooijectnni  \nU,  tbe 

■tob  .ie  mirtUien.    Yon  «nnot  «ider-  ^^^^  «.^,  „^  ^,  ^t^  to  l«»e  Ae 

mad  jonng  men,  .nd  joo  >re  too  WTere  ^^^,   ™b  „  «  i,,  in  dehnlt  of  my 

MJK»  tbem.  If  yo»  w«  wue,  you  WDold  lee  ^atiom^vi  ■othority 

thl  yoong  nwo  ""'^  l""  IJ»«  inf»l-  4.   Q»™  ™j««  ;.«./«(  Jiric™™]    'Wbo 

«ne»;   u>d  jouwo-U  .Uow   I^J^  h,  «h^rf  of  nothtag  ilnd  f™  ncrthing.' 

»1  tbe  «me  libertj,  U>.t  h.  b«j  not  ^tb  ^he  rabject  to  th*  Tarb  '  metait '  ii  impliad 

10  Uke  it  waie  d^  when  be  i.  too  old  to  ^^  ^^  pre«ding  cUnfe,  u  in  SeUnrt,  Jn- 

do  »  mth  propnetj.    A.  fcr  Ae«hinn.  u^  _^Yoi  :  "  Bocchn.  c™,  peditibn.,  qnM«l»,Ic-n  onljj»j  U»t  iMnqoite  ^„,^    ^jj^    ^^    »JdnTer.t,    neqne    in 

wUtog  to  beu-  mj  pert  m  the  .ffiur.    1  w^  .^  ^^  in  itiiie™  moniti,  .mimurt  ;" 

«n«k.good  mjdHn^hedoe.,  MditwU  ^  Q^^.  De  Flnibn.  ii.  2  :  ■' N«n  hnne 

.U  ™l  win.     Yon  hnd  bejter  keep  to  onr  ,          ^^^  g„^  ^^^  extremnm  bto  «la- 

Hr«nent,«.d  taTeme  fte  n^nnbJitj  ^^^  definieb»  id  ™«  qno  omni.  qnw 

■^th.  ooe  thU  I  baTO«iopted/   ^^f^  ^rte  fierent  rerarentnr,  n^ne  id  iptnm  n». 

oiru,«,le.T.nglltaotorefl«:t  -n^  ^e^r...    The  conrtmrtion  •  qnom 

•            ~      ..  .1.  qnBOi  refetretnr."    The  constrnction ' qnom 

bm.  be  winot  bnt  ^low  th^  Aok^™  1.  ^^q,^^  Jimpl..      '  Qracqnmm  '    mnirt  be 

JT^ntohnn.     He  hw  b«l  ril  bnd  of  (.k^  „  th,  ™bjoot  oT  the  Torb,  M  in  iT.  7- 

tMpede.,  ud  WM  onljjiat«jingth.the  „.  ..  ^^^  ^  l^podent?"  «.d  PUnt.., 

««ni.djtom«rji^ndh«ehel..«.tal  MUe.  Glorioen.  iii.  iV»  : 

Atallnnit.liewillgoMdMawh.ti.die  ,       ..       . 

mtttr.                              '  "  NoTO  modo  tn  homo  Miu.  A  qmdem  1« 

Tho  Matie  U  trimeler  iNnUo,  the  fliM  quicqu«n  qnod  biU  pndet" 

Km  with  tbe  Uiit  of  the  preoeding  acane  So  too  in  Hwt.  t.  4.  1»: 

Ibradnt  one  «M.     ^             ,             ^  <•  Pudot   diceM    hu    pTuunte   verbnm 

X.JI.rMflw;]     'Dojmiwkme,  when  tntrw " 

Il^T^^r.^^;!;!:^^'^  -Wo  th.'  «.ntence  U  the  mbJKA  of  tbe 

W^'     ^»,'^   Mi™!n?tSrn^  ,erb'pndeL'Lindanbr^qnotifromPrU. 

£<«i.phnB,  wfaich  1.  fdlo"ed,  bj  the  m^  cUn  irUL  the  foUowin*  Une.  of  Menuider . 

fo^of^^iZ^^nt^nX;:;;    cUnx^thefoU.winglin»ofM 

to  ftnd  m  antfaoiitj  fbr  iividi  .  Mow  of         isi'  oGr'  IpBSpifv  aUif  oCrt  Miivat, 

'■d^'iAkhUgaiimUj  nnd  (whoi  of  time)         rd  wfwra  w^ffilC  rqc  diWitoc  Ix**- 


256  ADEIiPHI. 

Onutto :  modo  quid  desi^^vit  t     ^t.  Quidnam  id  est  P 

De.  Fores  efi&egit  atque  iu  tiedes  irruit 

Alienas :  ipeuoi  dominum  atque  omnem  familiam 

Mulcavit  uaque  ad  mortem :  eripuit  mulierem  lo 

Quam  amabat.     Clamant  omnes  indignisBime 

Factum  esse.     Hoc  advementi  quot  mibi,  Hicio, 

Bixere !  in  ore  eet  omni  pc^ulo.     Denique, 

8i  conferendum  exemplum  est,  non  fratrem  videt 

Eei  dare  operam,  ruri  esee  parcom  ao  eobrium  ?  15 

Kullum  liujus  simile  factum.     Haec  quum  illi,  Micio, 

Dico  tibi  dico :  tu  illum  corrumpi  sinis. 

Mi.  Homine  imperito  nunquam  quicquam  iDJustias, 

7.  Medo  gmid  drtifHmiif  /]  '  What  *  na-  Htre  too  it  eommtmea  the  tOM.    Sea  mcn 

torioiui    pnuk  thii   ii    ttutt    he    hu    jnd  on  thlg  aabJBct  in  the  IntrodiictKRU 
plkjed  I       Donatai  taj»,  "  Dttiffnart  ot        Id  tha  neit  line  the  boginiKi   mott  be 

rem  noTam  hcwe  ia  ntrunque  partem,  et  eareAil  not  to  confaand  the  tezt,   '  nnlhim 

bonun  et  milun,"      He  oomparea  the  osa  hajui    naiilG  factnta,'   with    '  nihil    hnjns 

of  the  word  '  detignator'  a*  ■  '  matter  of  mmile  factam  :'  in  the  farmer  'tactiim  '  iia 

the  ceremoaiet,'  ao  called,  he  ta^,  "  qnod  «ubBtantiTe,  in  the  laCter  ■  partidple.     Por 

ipsii  ludis  mnlts  fiant  oon  et  ip«ctBndai"  the  phraoe  compare  Heaut.  iiL  3.  40  ;  "  Si 

and  he  goos  ou  to  eaj,  "  Puto  ego  deiigaB-  quid  hujui  limile  fbrte  aliquando  eienerit." 

tionvm    contnctionem    aut    conductiouem  We  commonl^  6nd  in  Torenoe  the  ahortrT 

popali  in  ODam  intellegi :  hoc  enim  coD-  eiprterioa,  '  ri  qnid  bajaa  feci,'  or  '  qoic- 

lingit  ei  qol  aliquo   flagitio   popnli   in   ae  quid  hajoi  fed.'     See  note  on  Eunadins  L 

ocnloa  et   ora  couTertit,  t*  ipentacDlo  eat  8.  182. 

volgo  :    quem  admodum    daigHaleret  qoi         17.    7^  illiim  corm^  tinit']       '  It  i« 

lodtf    funebribDJ    muititudinem    retiuent."  you  tbat  luffei  him  to  be  rainea.'     Com- 

But  I  cannot  lieLp  thinking  that  Donatua  pare  Andrii  ii.  S.   32:  "  InvAiiet  inopem 

hw  apon  ■  theorj  here,  ja>t  a>  Johnson  or  potiua  quun  te  oorrnmin   rinst."     For  ■ 

Warburton  might  hare  on  anj  obsolete  si-  rimftar  aoene  see  Plant^,  Baociiides  iiL  3. 

preisioa  of  Sliakespeare.  '  DcoiEno  '  is  rim-  0—9  : 

''i'„!f  'r";!  °"i    *•"•    ''•W»»'.'  »P«.  MiiumlrmDlm.>ti]l« 

whMh.r  In  the  ordin«7  gwnes  (Pliuta,.  y  jUof^^j  ,^, 

Po«,j^u,M  l»|.jri.hra>le«.»mi«  Qi„  „  „.  Hdu.    P«i  „^  la.K  m. 

<».  Hoi.  Eii.,1. ..  7.  «,  ".th  U;dao.'i  j„  |„  .joi^ti..       "^ 

oof).  wn  tb.  P™."  'ho    ""11.J,  ••1  Ih.  i^.  H«  mihl,  hd  oohl.  i^  Ulum  p,- 

plicea  and  arnogad  the  ceremony.       Here  didit  aiuentatia  I 

too  ■  derigno  '  me«M  '  to  WW  oat,;  ■  m^  j,^  ,i„„^„  te  es«t,  ego  iUam  haboem 

OTa-pijmous.'     S^Horaoe,Ep»t.i  6.1B:  rectuT*!  ingeniola  bonnm ; 

Unld  non  etineMs  designat      and  oom-  ^^^         ^  taamqoB  praTua  bctoa  est 

pare  Bonochus  t.  7.  20 :  fidudsm 

"Qai   italtnm   adoleacentolam    nobilitas  Piatoclenis," 

lla^ia,  vhete  Plantas  goes  on  to  dnw  an  «nndiig 

and  tbe  use  of '  insigniB '  aitd  '  buignttui.'  eoattast  bet*een  the  '  good  old  tjmea '  aad 

10.  Muleinnt  utjMt   ad   moTlem\     >  He  '  tha  presetitgeaeTation,' wbicfaiaweUirorth 

)>eat  the  msster  of  the  honse  snd  all  liii  re^ding. 

alaras  irithin  sn  inch  of  their  livea.'     Some  18.  Honine  in^rrila]     Tbe  comioent*- 

maauscripte  hBve  the  faulty  resding  '  mul-  tora    quats  a  line  of  Menander,  oh  Inr' 

larit.'    Seeaole  on  Eunuchua  It.  7.  4,    For  ivniat  «liltr  raX^qpJrtpi»',  which  Tenoce 

'  &milia '  see  note  on  Heaut.  if.  b,  3.  maj  posriblj  luiie  had  in  iriew  :  bat  thm 

15.    Atirt    ettt  parcam    ae   teMum']  ia  not  anj  dose  connaiion  between  dvoiH, 

'  Eaie '  is  frequantly  shortened  in  pronao-  aikd  the  eharadar  apoken  of  in  the  text. 

eialion,  ■■  agun  in  Heejra  It.  4.  70,  wbere  IJnea   are    qnoted   from    Hanander    oftao 

it  occon  u  the  first  sjllable  of  tlie  iambas.  man  for  the  sake  ol  tlw  name  thau  from 

ACTtrS  I.    SCENA  II.  267 

Qui  lUBi  quod  ipse  feoit  nihil  Fectum  putat. 

De.  QooTsum  istao  P    Mi.  Quia  tu  Demea  haeo  male  jodicas. 

Kon  est  flagitinm,  milii  crede,  adoleecentulum  3 1 

Scortaii  neque  potare  ;  non  eet ;  neque  fores 

Effiiugere.     Eaec  si  neque  ego  neque  tu  feoimus, 

Ifon  dit  egeetas  facere  nos.     Tu  nunc  tibi 

Id  laadi  ducis  qood  tum  fedsti  inopia  P  33 

Injnrium  est ;  nam  si  easet  nnde  id  fieret, 

FaceremuB :  et  tu  illum  tuum,  ai  essee  homo, 

>or  <KsUind  conneotMni  with  tbe  tolt  of  nwmbar  that  TereDse   ii   hete   ipeakfiig 

Tcnnca.  throngh  ■  eomlc  meik.   Compue,  aDd  lee 

11.  Nmt  ftfiatitnmi     ■  Fhcitiani '  !■  tbe  Dote  od,  Hecyn  It.  1.  S7. 
Ftoperly  '  ■  ntnw,  u  in  inaiitaa,  Poenoliu        24.  JVon  tiit  tgeitai  facrre  noi]    Tbe 

iii'  S.  32 :  "  Forea  hae  recenuit  megnam  Bembine  nwnDKript  bu  tbe  Tendtng  '  liit,' 

ll^itinm  modo,"  wbere  hnweTer  the  woid  whicb  I  he>e  ■dopled  «fter  Bentlej.  'Sivit' 

iierideatlj  nsed  in  aTerr  nn  Mnae,faTwe  aa  hardlj  be  eontracted  into  one  ejUeble, 

Ime  Ihs  qocMioti,  "Qnid  id  eet  flagitii?"  which  the  vene  vonld  teqoire.     In  T.  26 

•rhieh  ia   explained   "  Crepaemnt    cIb»."  the  first  arlleble  of  'lieret'  i>  lengthened 

Wefinditilio  lued  of  '■Doiij  vaA  mde  hj  ictoa.      'Bsiet'    and    'fw«reinDB'   ■re 

spMdi  or  petition,'     So  the  iiereneding  of  lued   in  the  aenae  of  the  pluperfect  con- 

joiOE  loTsi  is  called  '  fl^gitliim  '  in  IW-  janctiTe.    The  diatinctioD  ia,  tliet  tbe  im- 

tsi,  MercUor  ii.  3.  82:  "  Neque  propter  perfect  tfana  oaed  in  both  clanees  carriee 

Mni  qDicqaam  ereniet  luntria  fbribna  fla-  witb  it  the  idea  of  repeated  action.     Bee 

BtiBiD;"    and     impoTtnnate   bef^ng,    in  HadTig^s  I^tiD  Giammar,  f  S47,  oba.  S, 

^Fidicns  iii.  4.  81,  where  a  Bnginf  giri  aod  note  ou  Andria  It.  4.  04.    'WeshaDld 

qiieaka :         ~  baTO  dona  tbe  aame  oiei  and  OTer  agaiD  if 

■■K.T^mnill,!    P..N«iii.«*.    T^ '^^S^  "■  "'3""" 'f,''"  "  ■  !°1 

Deone  tibiai  nnftir  dow  to  piide  ronraeli  npon  what 

ProperaigitwfiigereUiiciiileDlwnant!     po«rtj  compellod  na  to  do,'  ,,__.. 

pi.-,; l : __j ij_  i ._  »  the  commoD  aenae  of  ■  man,  would  idlow 

rlaeiqo  ctun  majoTO  poet  reaaes  tamen,  ^,   ^          ,           .    j    .,.                       ,.  ■, 
th^t  aoD  01  jronrs  to  do  the  aame  now,  whue 

tn«B  theee  original  senaea  we  haTe  the  de-  It  ii  natoral  to  his  fean,  rather  than  that, 

n*ed  notion  of  '  a  acsndal,'  a  crime  which  after  he  has  aent  joo  out  of  dooia  ■  wel- 

ii  diigrscefnllf  DOtorioDi.     1d  thia  seDse  it  oome  corpae.  he  shoold  do  it  ■fter  all  at  ■ 

it  aHnmonlf  ■pplied  to  all  indnlgeDcee  of  tiuire  unniitable  time  of  lifs,'     For  the  id«i 

tlw  paanans,  eepedallj  111111  as  an  noticed  of  '  homo '  aee  note  on  iv.  S.  40,  uid  it.  7. 

in  tbe  tsit.     (For  eiunplea  He  Foicellini.}  IB.     ■  £jedaaet '  probeblj  mwna  '  wben  he 

It  ii  ridicnloni  to  find  in  ■  boDk  of  Eng-  ia»  giTen  jon  a  hnnied  baiial,  Dot  eTcn 

lidi  notei  oD  this  plaj  "  Idido  aeema  hve  taking  tbe  tronble  to  haTe  ;ou  decentlf 

to  ouTj  his  iDdnlgence  too  far,"  and  more  auiied  to  tbe  grare '  (effarij.    *  IliectDa ' 

in  the  aDme  straia.     Donatns  iKjt  "  Non  ia  olteii  nsed  of  a  dead  bodj  tbrown  op  bj 

pxxatnm  negat  esae;    aed   Sagitinm   Don  tbe  waTSe  snd  Ijing  nnbnried  oa  the  sea- 

caae  coDtendit."     Bnt  the  geneial  nae  of  ehore.     '  Eipectatum,'  '  one  wboie  death 

Ihe  word  in  daeiical  aathon  contradicts  was  wetcome  and  bad  beea  long  looked  fbr.' 

nch  aD  eipluiatimi.    Wben  will  commEm-  Tbs  idea  is  well  aipieaaed   bj  Plsntns, 

titora  take  sn  anthoT  as  thej  find  him?  Moatellaria  iL  2.  I0~I9: 

We  amDot  ei^  in  Twence  «j  thiog  ,.  j.j_  TWennio  post  kea^  adTenlo  do- 

more  than  comed j  reqmres ;  and  liere  Hicio  mam 

i,  m«ie  to  insti^  Aeschinn.  m  be  beet  on,  j^^  ^ipectatDS  Tenim  6«mliaribas. 

withoDt  „y  gr»t  Mx^bonto  tbe  reqmre-  jy    jjj^i,  ^^  ^^  ^^  ^^^,^^ 

ments  of  a  atnrt  nioral  oode.    A  Tmdi«-  y^^i^  ^  ^  n^Uaret  mortDDi/' 
tMn  or    jonthfal    irregiuanties,    probablj 

ratber  mt  Tariaooe  with  tiie  teaehing  of  tbeir  Compare  t.  4.  20  :  "  HlBm  Dt  riTat  optant, 

Dioie  aerions  inalructora,  woDld  be  oomic  meam  aotem  mcBtera  eipectaat  aciDoet." 

in  ita  eAect  on  tbe  aodience.    We  mnst  le-  Id  jQTeDal's  time  the  aatrologen  tuada  • 


258  AltELPHI. 

Sinerea  mmc  facOTe,  dam  pet  aetatem  licet, 

Potius  quanL,  abi  te  ezq>ectatum  ejeciaaet  fonu, 

Aliemore  aetate  post  faceret  tamen.  30 

De.  Pro  Jxipiter  I  ta  homo  adigis  me  tul  inBaniam. 

Non  est  flagitium,  fitoere  Iiaec  adolesoentulum  ?    Mi.  Ah, 

AuBculta  :  ne  me  obtundas  de  hac  re  eaejaus. 

Tuum  filium  dedisti  adt^tandnm  mihi : 

Is  meuB  est  factus :  si  quid  peccat  Semea,  35 

Mfh'  peccat :  ego  illi  mflTti'"^'"  partem  feram. 

Obsonat,  potat,  olet  unguenta ;  de  meo. 

Amat ;  a  me  argentum  dabitar  dnm  erit  oommodum : 

Ubi  non  erit  fortasse  excludetnr  foras. 

Fores  eflfregit ;  restituentur :  diacidit  40 

Vestem ;  reearcietur.     Est,  I>is  gratia, 

Et  tmde  haec  fiant,  et  adbnc  non  molesta  Bont. 

Postremo  aut  de«ine,  ant  cedo  quemvis  arbitrom : 

Te  plura  in  hao  re  peccare  ostendam.     J)e.  Hei  nuhi  1 

Pater  ease  disce  ab  ini^  qui  vere  soiimt.  45 

|ood  livdihaod  of  tb^  'cipactBliotu.'  See  will  b«  tamed  oat  of  hU  iniMie*i'«  Ikmm.' 
Batiie  tI.  666—068  :  Mtdo  meaiu,  '  I  wiU  let  bua  h>Te  inonej 

"ConenUt  ictericM  Imto  de  fbwro  m«-    "  ^™*-"  1,'."  """"^.V"  T  ^'Sf 

.   t„  il»«  ju  4^  .'.«....^1  h..  .  ..n..j.    *iU  ■»'"«  '«  ™  "D^  prot«blf.'    DoDMoa 
iM,Um,a,l,,T„„^t^:  qu.d.    ^  ,  |^^  ,„,,  (.'u,,  .ori  ■  ll»n«»" 

ESTp.l,oo.i  u  M  ^Mm,  »hllo  "^^Z^V  f'  "  l»^J'"'-'«™!  -f 

,JC  n™— ntj»  «1111!»  !  UOD  enim  afliniUTit,  nt  diceret  e»- 

"  clndthir  forat."    The  peaM^  doe*    not 

For  '  feoeret '  eee  Dote  od  AodiiB  Ii.  S.  3.  ^>|HBr  ta  me  lo  mnaiit  kdj  *adi  mtae. 

S6.  Bgo  illi  meximttm  pBrlem  firam]  Hido  luea  '  fsrtaae '  merel7  «  •  gentle 

■  In  thit  CMe  I  eball  bear  the  broDt  of  it.  mj  of  hinting  it  the  coiueqiKBoe. 

■  lUi '  ia  hete  a  locatiTe  adTorb,  ae  '  ibi.'  43.  Ctdo  fwnvir  arUlnm']  '  Ei&er 
8ee  abo  T.  3.  eo.  See  note  od  HeaaL  iii.  itop  jonr  oMnpUint^  or  let  lu  haTo  anj 
1.61.  Ip  DuuiT  pawagei  oF  TeteDce  '  illi '  ane  roD  Uke  to  decide  betweeo  w,  1  wiU 
ti  tbe  TtadiDg  oiF  eonie  nunntciipta   tbr  proTe  tbat  jon  are  moet  in  bnlt  jn  thit 

■  UUc'  1d  Heaat.  t.  1.  9,  Adelphi  t.  3.  matter.'  Pcr  ■  oeda '  aee  Dote  on  Heaat. 
68,  and  oCher  paisagea,  '  illi '  «oald  mit  ir.  8.  S,  and  oti '  ailntnun '  nale  on  Axiiik, 
the  metre  ;  bot  it  i»  nat  naceaarT ;  for  '  il-  Frolog.  24. 

lic  '  ii  commonaa  a  monoaf Uable,  aa  'istic'  46.  Pmltr  ettt  ditee  si  SlUt  fw'  Mra 

aS.    Atmal  I    a  mt   argtnlvm   daiihir]  teintif]     Thli  i>  the  reading  of  all  avtho. 

Thia  ii  the  Drder  recomaiended  b;  Ritadit  rittei,     BentlBj  cODJectored  '  eient,'  whicfa 

(FnilegDmeDB  ad  Plaatnm,  p.  cTviii),  and  giToi  ■  «iinjdCT  Bieaningj  bnt  '  edaDt '  ia 

eeema  to  be  the  tme  reading,     We  hsTe  no  int<dligible.      '  Leam  to  be  ■  fatbar  fraa 

aathorit]'  far  syuiiealt  bi  inich  ■  word  u  thoie  «bo  fcnow  wlut  it  ia  to  be  ona.' 

'  amat,'  and  •  a  me  '  reqnirea  to  be  plwwd  Either  wcrd  ie  eqnaUy  itutable  to  tha  an. 

fint  from  ita  emptutlc  senw.    Trangpoa-  etrer  which  fallowt,    in  whicfa  '  eonailiia ' 

tion  i<  a  neceaurjr  reaonnx  in  manT  Unea  of  aniwen  to  '  edant.*    '  Yon  *re  Ua  ftthrrT 

Terenoe.    Compare  notee  on  Andria  ii.  6.  natnnUf ;  I  ia  mf  regard  fbr  him.'    In  tb« 

8,  and  Heaat.  iiL  fi.  4.  feliowing  line  Denwa  takea  np  thn  wvd 

S».  ForlattteretiuUlMrJitrM]     •WbBO  '  caiuilito,' aiid  Bare, '  Ya«  •biMT  anjp  reganl 

no  more  mone;  ii  forthDoming,  perhapa  h«  tar  him  i' 


ACTUS  I.    SCENA  n.  269 

X.  Natun  tu  illi  pater  ee,  consUiis  ego. 

De.  Tan  consalis  quicquam  ?    Mi.  Ah,  ai  per^  abiero. 

Se.  Siciiie  agis  P     Mi.  Ait  ego  toties  de  eadeni  re  audiam  P 

Ih.  Gurae  est  mihi.     Mi.  £t  mibi  curee  eet :  Terum  Demea 

GoTemuB  aeqoam  uterque  partem :  tu  alterum,  50 

Ego  it«m  alternm ;  nam  amboe  curare  propemodum 

Beposcere  illum  est  quem  dedisti.     De,  Ab,  Micio. 

Mi.  Mihi  sic  videtur.     De.  Quid  istic  P  tifai  si  istic  placet, 

Profimdat,  perdat,  pereat :  nTbil  ad  me  attinet. 

Jam  si  verbmn  imom  posthao Mi.  Rorsum,  Demea,         ss 

Irascere  P    De.  Au  non  credis  f  repeton  quem  dedi  P 

Aegre  est : '  alienuB  non  sum :  n  obsto,  hem,  desiuo. 

TTnimi:  vis  curem ;  curo ;  et  eet  Dia  gratia 

Qoum  ita  ut  toIo  eet.     Iste  tuus  ipse  sentiet 

Poeterius — nolo  in  illum  graTiufl  dicere.  Co 

Mi.  N^ec  nihil  neqne  onmia  haec  sunt  qnae  dicit ;  tamen 

Konnihil  molesta  sunt  haeo  mibi :  sed  ostendere 

Me  aegre  pati  illi  nolui :  nam  ita  est  homo ; 

Quum  placo  adverBor  sedulo  et  deterreo. 

Tamen  Tiz  humane  paUtur  :  Tra-um  si  augeam,  Sfi 

Ant  etiam  adjutor  aim  ejns  iracnndiae, 

losaniam  profecto  cum  illo ;  etsi  Aescbinns 

Nonnullam  in  hac  ro  nobis  facit  injuriam. 

M.]    ■  Let   u  Mdi  attend  to  hii  tnra  ii.  3.  22 :  "  Qnae  dida  omDui  ease  at  ditu 

chnje  ID  &dr  prapOTtim  ;  io  J<X^  liwk  to  ■aimnni    iudooa."      '  AeachinnB'     condnct 

tbe  (HK,  I  too  to  the  oth^.     Pbr  to  enn.  does  giTe  me  lome  puD ;  asd  yet  I  wonld 

nrn  Timnelf  with  both  *t  onoe  i>  u  good  not  tbov  Demea  Uut  it  leied  me :  for  tiii 

H  lo  aA  baric  the  one  «bnm  jon  Iisib  lemper  ie  snch  that  when  Itij  U>  «ppeue 

^Ten  ne.'    ■  Uurqoe'  ii  eoUectiTe  as  well  lum,  he  takee  it  h  if  I  were  opposing  and 

u  dttfnbnli*e,  ud  ao  DktaraUir  liae  a  ploral  repeHiag  him  on  pvrpoie.'    IlMtDi,  speik- 

Torb,  wben  both  peiaoDi  ■■«  ipokao  of  m  inf  oT  hi*e,  hu  ■ome  iioea  whiidi  illoitnta 

When  Um  diitriLutiTe  birij  tUa  ooBbcrietf  o(  diqiodtiaQ  : 

"  lU  eet  amor  bnliela  nt  jadtur  ;  niTnl  Ao 

■■■^"?-  ■!T'"  **  '*!1^S^  .iSS!^         A^q-"  "  mor«^hbmiDBm  D.oroi  et  moro- 

m.  t.  18,  whera  ■  ompwiMM  i*  liutitDtvd  ^  ^f^^^ 

behieenthetwOMTenllr.     SeeelmPfaor-         Minna  pLu:^l  migi.  quod  inwletur  ;  qDod 

T.  S.  17. 

diaenadatnr  pUcet. 

90.  WMo  »  aium  grathu  ^eert]  -l  do  q„„„  ,„o^,  „t  ^^^    „,^o  bj„,  ^ 

■ot  with  lo  mcj  »Dj  thing  wor«e  of  hioL'  p^  ^  tnm  noo  Tella. 

Coii.pweADdmT.8.3:  "ft-riqm™«i  la  qm  „^t,  i,  ooTnpdBtt  ille  mi  oon- 

hihDDonn  graTinadiapoHiet."    Werter-  iadet  Tetat  " 

hoTiDi  qaotee  ha«  from  HeoaDder:  Trinnmmos  Ifi.  2,  42— 4S. 

-V         -M..  .  uv       r   w    ^fL     y  ,  ^  ^^  ^^  ^^^  dMDB  ■  thmg,'  eape- 

«1.  IfM  WM  M^  OMaia  ««e  dMq  tMlj  b;  intimididion.      Bm   it   meua, 

'  Ttwre  Is  eometbing  in  wbat  he  ■*;•,  aBd  '  eetraDge  him  ftom  me.'    For  '  ■ednlo '  Ha 

retUianotmtirdrtne,'  CaoipMeHecna  nateon  AndrkL  1.  IIS. 

a  3 



Quam  liio  uon  amavit  meretricem  ?  aut  cui  non  dedit 

AliquidP  postremo,  nuper  (credo  jam  omninm 

Taedebat)  dixit  yelle  uxorem  ducere. 

Sperabam  jam  defervisse  adolescentiam : 

(Hudebam.     Ecce  autem  de  intogro.     Nisi  quioquid  eet 

Yolo  Bcire,  atqoe  hominem  oonTenire  ra  apud  forum  est. 


8a.    Obsecro,  popularee,  ferte  misero  atque  innocenti   aux- 

Subvenite  inopi.     Aea.  Otiose  nunc  jam  ilico  Hic  oonsiBte. 
Quid  reapecta«  ?  iiiTtil  pericli  eet :  nunquam  dum  ego  adoro 

liic  te  tanget. 
8a.  Ego  ietam  invitia  omnibus — 

72.  Sptrabam  jant  drftnitl*  oieleKtn-  Wp  him  «gaitut  thit  viotetit  roQDS  Mlow. 
tiam\  '  I  hoped  that  his  yoimg  bldod  had  IIs  throktaiu  to  Kutch  tlw  nri  from  Acs- 
bcgun  to  cool  dowD.'  Tbe  origiail  meu-  chiDoa  1  uid  also  thraalani  lcgd  prooccd- 
iag  of  '  deferraa '  11  >  to  ceue  boiling,'  lo  inga  aguiut  him  for  unalt  uid  Xiatttrj. 
be  purt  the  boiling  [ritch.  '  Ds  '  ln  compo.  Aeechtaiu  replka  br  pattiog  PanoaM  w  a 
Blion,  like  ths  Gnek  iwi,  bu  ■ometime*  eeatr;  oier  tum  wiui  directioiii  to  gi*e  Um 
tbitMase,  wln  Virgil,  Aeaeidi.  809;  >  good  tluuhiag  If  he  itinaflnger;  uid 

"Aeneuaabembeltidiimdetonetomaem  ^™"!^  ?^  "^ ''"'^7?™*?' ^ 

g,!^^^..  keep  the  gM  at  ill  hmnrds.     ir  be  wiU  id 

the  girl  at  coet  prioe,  well  ud  good ;  if  not, 

Bence,  Cwm.  i.  9.  10:  he  willddmhcrUkfreedtiMD;  eobema; 

"StmTenTenteeaeqaonlMdo  dioow  whid.  be  likee  bert.    aKiDio  coye. 

pepruliuitM  "  lo  the  condmuii  tlwt  he  had  bettcr  podut 

'  hii  thnriiiog,  uid  trj  to  get  the  monejr. 

wUfli  •eemi  lo  be  a  GrMdMn  fbr  '  itiaTere  Bnt  there  ii  the  lab.    Aeediinai  ia  san 

TentM  ita  ot  depradient,'  thonch  there  are  aot  to  giTe  it,  wid  the  onfbitanate  maita 

many  who  eiplain  it  by  '  ralde  pradiantes,'  will  be  tfae  lour. 

iropaxapivtvi.     Both  diri  and 'de' h»e  The  Metre  ii  u  fbllowi ;  1  — S.6.8.II, 

theienTCof  finality,  andso  thejiometimsa  trochale    tebameter;     7.   8,    10-    12—16. 

signi^    ia    oomposilioa    '  to   end   an    act,'  43—64,  troehaic  letrameter  ataleetic;   4, 

sometimes  '  to  carrj  an  act  oat  to  iCs  end.'  lambie  dimeter;  B.   17 — 4S,  iamljic  tetra- 

In  Mme  woTda,  u  in  'deferreo,' we  hare  meter. 

both  meaninge  (lee  Foroellini).  fi.  Ofiwe  .  .  ,eomiiW\     '  Staiid  etill  amr 

73.  Dt  inltfroi  Sae  note  on  Andiia,  bere  on  the  ipot  at  7011T  ease,  whf  do  yan 
Trolog.  36.  bMk  bebind  roa  i'    Aeackbiiis  is  apskiiig 

^ui]     '  Still  whaterer  il  ii  I  ^umld  liks  ta  tbe  girl  whora  he  bu  brooght  with  him 

(o  know  it.'    For  this  uom  of  '  nia '  sbo  from  Sannio'!  hoau,  and  who  ia  ahidd  thal 

noU  on  Ueaat.  T.  2.  6.  she  will  be  seiied  aod  cairied  oT  bj  btr 

owner.      '  RujMcto '  ia  to  look  back  tn- 

AvT  II.  Soim  I,  Aesehinns  bad  broken  qoentlir  in  a  bigbteaed  nunoer,  iwa0Ki. 

Inta  BanDio'i  honse  and  carried  off  a  mosic  wtiv.    So  Plantiu,  Moiaechmd  i.  S.  Al  ; 

giri.     Ha  has  now  broaglit  her  to  bis  own  "  Ne   te    oxor  seqoi 

booM;  wbere  he  bu  been fiillowed  hj  Sao.  dem." 
nio,  who  calls  lovdlj  oa  aU  the  liegea  1« 


ACTU8  n.    SOENA  I.'  261 

Aea.  Qimmqaaiii  est  soelestiu  Don  committet  lioclie  unqnaQi 

iterum  ut  vapulet.  S 

8a.  Aeflchine  &ndi :  ne  te  igDamm  foiase  dicss  meonun  mo- 

Leno  e^  sum.     Aes.  Scio.     jSii.  At  ita  nt  nsquam  fuit  fide 

quigquam  optima. 
Tu  quod  te  postdrius  purgea  hano  injuriam  mihi  nolle 
Factam  eese  hujns  non  faciam :  crede  lioc ;  ego  meum  jus  per- 

Neqne  tu  verbiB  solvea  unqnam  qnod  mihi  re  male  feoeris.    10 
NoTi  ego  vestra  haec :  "  Nollem  &ctum ;"  jusjnrandum  dabi- 

tur  te  cBse 
Indignnm  injuria  liac ;  indignia  quum  egomet  sim  acceptUB 

Aes.  Abi  prae  strenue  ac  fores  aperi.     8a.  Ceterum  hoc  nihil 

Aa,  I  intro  jam  nunc.     Sa.  At  enim  non  sinam.     Aes.  Ac- 

cede  illuc  Farmeno ; 
Tfimium  istoc  ahisti :    hio  propter  hunc  adaiste.      Hcm,  sio 

Tolo.  is 

Cave  nunc  jam  oculos  a  meis  ocnlia  quoquam  demoTeas  tuoa : 

G-  Nin  eojitmtUtt .  .  .  Utnem  ut  e^-  8.  Tu  quod  U  potltrin»  purgtt]   ■Bx- 

li(]     'Wretdi  that  li«  ia,  he  will  not  pnt  cwe  ronneir  u  jmi  will  Kfterrardi  that  raa 

Uniwlf  jn  the  mj  of  bdng  thraalied  aguii  ■»  bottj  that  1  wu  injiiTed,  I  will  nat  an 

^"-it.j.'     '  Cgntniitcare — at,'  '  to  kI  ki  u  one  >Cnw  fdr  iL'     Por  '  pni^ '  lee  Eiuin- 

lo  taoMi  any  thinf/  ii  not  DDcoinnHUi  in  chm  iii.  I.  44.  and  for  'aiSTe*'  compare 

Ciccro  (Me  eiunplea  in  PamlliD)).     It  ii  Pbonnio  t.  7-  M.     For  '  qnod '  He  note  OD 

>l»  itged  In  the  nune  wiue  witb  tbe  JnB-  Enn.  t.  B.  34. 

litiTet  u  in  Orid,  Metam.  ix.  630—63! :  12.  In^itimm  h^rta  Itat]   Taking  thl« 

"TK^.  ^   : >..  t t.   ..•  ji II.    Terse   ■■  *  trocbuc  tetrameter   cattlectie 

LJuAi  et,  mcertae  tanta  en  cUioonua    ..      -    ..  _,i  ^i    ,  -  . 

mentia  ^"^  lyUable  is  mperfliioiii,  and  may 

*.«  liM  tnU.  IIM ,  mo.    !f^  "^  '^r  '^?. .?" '"^JSi?^ 
jm^fi^  If  we  piuiuiie  it  in  fall the  Uiie  becomes an 

M,MhMll  «mmtlit.u,«»I»IIl-"      '*^'"  I^T™"'.  jT"^,""iS°*.!'" 
'       '^  readiQg  '  mdignum  indignii,  snppoaiig  '  in. 

1.  AlUa  nt  Mfwnn  .  .  D|i(iiiu]      '  Bnt  dignia '  to  bare  baen  omicted  beeaaae  of  ita 

T<*  I  am  ai  tnie  to  mj  woid  aa  anj  one  tepstition  afterwanla.    Bat  tbere  ii  no  ari. 

orar  wu.'    The  commeatalon  tell  ne  that  deoce  of  ■ncb  a  readiag,  nor  does  it  aeem  at 

■lieH^lenoua'  wera  protected  bj  a  parti.  all  probable. 

olar  law,  which  nwde  dionheritanee  the         13.  AiJpriicffrmiM]  Aeachiniuipeakato 

JXaattj  for  anj  one  wbo  ■swalted  tfaBm.  Parmeno.  '  Forward,'  he  lajs, '  qnicklj,  and 

And  ta  thej  mnsidiir  Sannio'>  dedanUaii  open  tbe  door.'     '  It  ii  of  no  ose  joor  doing 

of  hb  prelo—ion  sa  intended  to  Intimidala'  Ki,'  aajs  Sannio.     In  tbe  fbllowiDg  pausge 

Aachinai.     Bat  tbe  ides  of  auinio's  brang  we  mast  Buppose  ParmeDO  to  place  himadf 

■  priTil^ed  pvson  n  not  in   accordance  ijoiie  ta  Sannio.     Bannia  aeizes  npon  the 

widi  Uie  reat  of  this  sceoe.     He  DatiiTaUj  rirl.     Immediatdjr  Pirmeno'i  flit  ii  in  his 

■ries  in  tha  flitt  instanoa  to  r^ain  bis  pro-  fsce ;  and  again  a  Mcoad  time,  withoat  anj 

pertj  bj  threata  and  intimidation  ;  bnt  !s  elpreu  ngn  &om  AeschinDB.     '  HoweTsr  tt 

•son  radooed  lo  modscation,  and  bj  the  end  is  a  fiult  on  th«  ri^  tide,'  be  n^s. 

of  tba  Hane  Im  it  aaba^iriTe  enoagfa. 

Sl.    Imm. 
e;  and  ^i 

&om  AeschinDB. 
th«  ri^  tide,'  be 



Nfi  mora  cdt  si  innnerim  qnin  pugnua  continao  in  mala  hae- 

8a.  latuc  toIo  ergo  ipsmn  e^^rirL     Aea.  Hem,  serra :  omitte 

8a.  0  facinus  indignnm  I     Aea.  G^minabit  nigi  caTee.     8a. 

Hei  miBero  mihi  1 
Aes.  Kon  inw'"™"i ;  Tenun  in  istam  partem  potiuB  peocato 

tamen.  30 

I  ntinc  jam.     8a.  Quid  hoc  rei  eet  I  regDonme  Aesclune  hio 

tu  posBidesP 
Aes.  Si  poefliderem  ornatiu  eesee  ex  tois  Tirtutibna. 
8a.  Quid  tibi  rei  mecum  est  ?    Aes.  Nihil.     8a.  Qoid  ?  noe- 

tin  qui  sim  P    Ae».  Non  deaideTo. 
8a.  Tetigin  tui  quicquam  P    Ae».  Si  attigissee  ferres  infbrtu- 

£^0.  Qui  tibi  nutgia  licet  meam  habere  pro  qua  ego  argentum 
dedi?  25 

Besponde.  Aea.  Ante  aedee  non  feciBBe  erit  mdius  hic  coDTi- 

'Sam  si  moleetus  pergiB  eBse  jam  intro  abripiere  atque  ibi 

TlKiue  od  necem  operiere  loris.  8a.  Loria  liber  ?  Aa.  Sic 

■idaatiUeTenta.' CScera,FraBei.R<wdoaO,  The   luiie   exprorioD   Dco 

ues  ■  ■imiUr  cipreamon :  "  In  ekm  paitem  C^pliTi  T.  3.  £0 :  "  Sed  eoeom ;  inoBiiUt  boc 

pottna  poocaat  qnsa  cmotior  eM  i"  the  phtue  omatui  huid  ez  aoii  nrtalibiu."    We  maf 

'in  parCem,' with  Tarioui  adjsetiTes,  li  Mry  tnualata  :   'If  I  wire  abBOlnte  bcra,  ■jmi 

comRion.     Tbe  pontiou  of  '  taman '    harti  wonLi  be   dedied  ont   in  mccardaae  witk 

ia  emphatic,  and  1>  olten  foond   in  other  jonr  merita.'    For  'omatoi'  aee  uote  on 

writert.      lie  Index  will  abow  nunr  in.  Ueant  T.  1.  77. 

itaDate  in  Terence  aad  PbKitnl.     'Tamen'  88.  Cbaririim]  '  Yon  will  find  it  bettO' for 

In  tlili  paaition  geaovllj  qualiftai  the  word  jod  not  lo  make  ■  diatnrbance  hera  in  the 

It  immediatel;  fbllowi,   aa  hera—'  if  jon  atreet'      Tbe  original   meaaing  of  ■  om- 

mnit  make  a  miataka,  make  It  ou  that  lide,'  riidam  '  waa  '  a  noife  of  man^  Toiaea.'     It 

la  aome  paangaa  it  qnabflaa  tbe  whoie  aen-  la  nsed  in  Phaednu  i.  8.  4  : 

r.  3.  D: 

"  Clamorem  ruiM  sustulera  ad  liderm ; 

"  Retraham  faercle  opinor  ad  me  idem  Hlnd        ConTido  permotua  qoaerit  Japiler,"  lcc 

fiUFitiTnm  aiVBntnm  tamen."  _.  -,„■,•  -..■,, 

^  '  Cioera,  In  C.  Terrani  u.  B.  11,  oaea  thc 

Sl.    Btgiaaimt   AiKhiti»   hh   !■  pot.  wati  io  tbe  nme  aente:   "Braot  aatawi 

Mftt]     W»  aamt  with  the  taine  lunt  in  coDTiria  non  iUo  ailentio  pnwtoran  popoli 

Fbonnio  11.  3.  68  i  Ronuuii  at^ne  impentonun,  neqw  ao  pa. 

"  Qnandoquidem  aolna  regnat,  et  aoli  tibi  1?!^*'!^.'°  n     ' '- ■     - 

Hoc  de  eadem  cauaa  bit  jndidum  ■pit-  '""*■  •"  ™" 

Tb*  «iprtition  waa  naed  movl;  to  rignify  expkina  tbe  word  aa  if  '  coDTodnm ;'  eiKi 

ttaj  aatngeou  eicrdH  of  power  or  no-  otber  etjmidogiei  ara  giTen  in  ForMllim, 

lenca,  a*  Salluit  njrt :  "  Impune  quae  libet  bnt  boiw  ofthwi)  «««b  probable. 

Dc,  zecbvGoOglc 

A0TU8  II.    SCENA  I.  263 

Sa.  O  lunaiiieia  impamiii  t  hicine  libertatem  Binnt  Bequam 

eese  ommbua? 
Ae».    Si  §atifl  jam  debacoliataB   ee   leno    audi  Bi  tib  nuno 

jam.  30 

Sa,  Egon  deboocliatns  som  antem,  an  tn  in  me  ?    Aea.  Mitte 

ista,  atque  ad  rem  redi. 
8a.  Qnam  rem  P  qno  redeam  P    Aea.  Jamne  me  yia  dioere  id 

quod  ad  te  attinet  P 
Ba.  Cupio ;  aeqoi  modo  aliqnid.     Ae».  Yah  t  Isno  iniqna  me 

non  Tult  loqoi. 
8a.  ljeD.Q  snm,  fiiteOT,  pemioies  cammaniB  BdoleBoentium ; 
PeijaroB,  pestiB ;  tamen  tibi  a  me  nulla  orta  eet  injnria.        as 
A£s.  Nam  bercle  etiam  hoo  restat.     8a.  lUno  quaeao  redi  quo 

ooepisti,  Aeschine. 
Aa.  MinJB  Tiginti  tu  illam  einisti ;  quae  rea  tibi  vertat  male. 
Argenti  tantnm  dabitur.      8a.  Quid  si  ego  tibi  iUam  nolo 

Coges  ia&f     Aes.    Minime.  jS^.    I^amque  id  metni.     Aes. 

Neque  Tendendam  oenseoi 
Quae  libera  eat ;  nam  ego  liberaU  illam  aaaero  canaa  manu.  40 

36.  N*M  ktreli  ttiam  Adc  rraiof)  'No;  nnoD,  sot  a  lUve.  8a«  Itoa^a  not*  oa 
for  tbat  u  jret  to  eome.'  Am^uhbi  ■•«mi  Cicrao,  Kti  CoeUo,  c  33.  Tbii  mi  gene. 
ti)  meui,  <  If  joB  bad  iujiind  me,  f au  voakd  nilj  «ipn—»d  •>  Id  the  t«rt.  CompMe 
Bot  lm«  got  oB  u  cfaeapl;  u  joa  hne.'  Pluitu,  Paennlai  It.  2.  83 : 

Srumio  i)  ■dmoniihed  bf  tbb  to  let  alDDe  n Jfum  eu  uaeimt 

U»  qoectkm  Of  rifht  end  wrong.  and  b>  g^  popuUro.  UbenU  <xm." 

«T«.  ■!<)  the  pomt   whk*   jon  b«u>  to  Curcdio  T.  2.  68: 

ita  Ixt  lyUabla  ■hort,  u  tiaaj  dunll.ble  "  8i    qDiiqui 

imperiti»e«,  u  'rog»,'  'jub«,'  'M.     For  muiu.'' 

uigB  ellon  tbe  iborteDlng  of  the  U*t  (^^- 

hble  in  iambic  fbnnB  ot  T«rbi  ending  in  ■ 

Towd.     B«a  mon  on  thii  labjact  in  Ibe  „ 

IstrodDctb».  Eoqoem  eue  dlcel  in  mari  pucem 

37.  QiiM  ra  tiU  vtrlaf  matt]  Cooipve  „  menm  }         ... 

Pbormio  i*.  S.  73.    TbeeipreuiDniioom.  «w»  qnnm  c^o  «qmdom  cqn  mm  mnt, 

men.  thai.gfa   gmnUy  in  .  good  MD».  l»b«i  pro  mei^ 

'T««e'   m«wi  'to  tum  out.'     So  in  Neo  mMU  uwmntar,  noqneilliDcpmtem 

P1«B^  Pm>  a.  l.  6,  6 1  qidtqDKn  poetnbt." 

"81  melD*  aut  nequmn  ert,  mele  ru  ver-  ^  liyj  UL  M,  ia  tb.  «dl-knowD  «lo^  of 

^  -  qmu  «itl  Virgini.,  we  b*fe  the  oppoHla  eipnaion. 

Sn  ■ntem  flngi  eet,  ereniuDt  frugaHter." 

«  in  Mrritatem.'     And  lo  ws  haiTB 

"  Ho*  illi  (oBod  naa  bene  Torfat)  iniltuDDi  Titutein  '  (c«p.  47)-  '  C»a«  libenlia  '  meeni 

baedo*."  >  a  sait  on  behalf  of  &eedom.'  Conipare  ■  11- 

40.  Ktm  tfB  Uktrati  Ulam  tmtro  eatua  berale  judidiun.'   Wa  dujt  con«Cnje  it  here  : 

ww]    Tbe  aUorion  u  to  tbe  pnctice  of  '  I  claim  har  u  ■  free  womau  ■ccordjng  to 

Ihe  cDDTta,  bi  whieh  ■  penon  m^intaiTiad  tbe  law.' 


264  ADELPHI. 

Nnno-  Tide  ntram  tIb  ;  argentiim  accipere,  an  oaiuain  medi- 

tari  tnamP 
Delibera  hoc  dum  ego  redeo  leno.     Sa.    Pro  8upreme   Ju- 

piter  I 
Minime  miror  qni  insamre  oocipinnt  ex  injuria. 
Domo  me  eripnit ;  Torberavit ;  me  invito  abduxit  meam : 
Homini  miaero  pluB  qningentoa  colapbos  infregit  mihi.  45 

Ob  malefacta  baec  tautidem  emtam  postulat  sibi  tradier. 
Vemm  enim,  quando  bene  prco&ernit,  fiat:   saum  jua  pos- 

Age  jam  cupio,  si  modo  ai^entnm  reddat.     Sed  ego  boc  ha- 

TTln  me  dixero  dare  tanti,  teates  faciet  ilioo 
YendidiBae  me :  de  argento  eomnium :  mox ;  "  Craa  redi,"   so 
Id  qnoqne  poaanm  ferre  si  modo  reddat ;  quanquam  iojunum 

Verum  cogito  id  quod  res  eet :  quaudo  eum  quaestum  occe- 

Accipienda  et  mossitanda  injuria  adoleecentinm  est. 
8ed  nemo  dabit :  frustra  has  egomet  mecum  rationee  puto. 

41 .  Am  MNMna  meditari  Ituim  f]    '  Sce  Phormio  iii.  S.  8  '  bariokn,' '  fon  m  idmI  ;' 

now  wUcb  70U  like  best ;  to  take  the  mouej  wbere   eeraal   coutemptiiinu    iiniiiaiiiiiiii 

Otto  pnpue  joaieelf  fbrfonr  biaL'    '  He-  Ibllow — 'bbnlae,'    'logl,'   '  >Dmni».'     Por- 

ditari,'  '  to  con  orer  jaar  pui,'  to  oonnder  oellini  illiiatimt«  thii  meeuing  bj  tbe  cOD- 

bow  jQu  wiU  deferid  joQnelf  when  1  bring  uetioa  of  /iavTiit^  end  /laiw/iai,  whid  is 

■n  Bction  ■guDit  jon  for  deUining  >  (ne-  drmwn  out  bj  PlUo,  FhKdn»  840  B,  c,  • 

boro  womHD,     For  'raeditor'  eee  ODte  on  puaag«  worth   qnoting,   Titi    f^   iCiav 

Aodri*  ii.  4.  S.  jirifinpriipaaSai  Sri  nii  rmy  roAaiw»  ot 

46.   Ob  maltfaeto  hatc  tantidem  mtam  TiSyiiiara  rtOiiitviHolit  ahxe^>'  ^evyro 

pottulat  libi  iTadier^    Thia  line  ia  pUoed  in  ebii  iytUoc  Itayittf  ov  jifi  <fv  ry  laX- 

tbe  old  oopiet  u  4fi,  bnt  it  ia  eiidBnt  tbat  XiVrp  rf^vy  j  rh  /liXXpy  tplnrai  aM 

'  Homini — mlhi '  flbaDld  immediBt^j  fbUow  roirro  roovo/ia  lfiw\itoVT»c  ^aviir^v  lcd- 

T.  44.  '  Aad  ■Tter  >11  th«e  inJDrieB  he  daimt  \iaav.     ShBliwpcaTe,   too,  ooBnecla  "  th* 

to  have  mj  alATe  giTeo  up  to  him  mt  oiit  tmutic,    the  loier,    uid   tbe  poet,"   Mid- 

prlce.'     The  fnll  eiprearion  wonld  be  '  tan-  ■ammer  Nighft  Diewa,  act  *.  ac  I . 

(idem    emtam    qiunti   >  me  emU    fuerit.'  fi2.   Qb»((hii  ocetptrii]    Sm   nota  on 

Comptre  aoaro,  In  C.  Verrem  il.  .1.  83:  Andiia  j.  1.  S8. 

"Qno  qniaqne  Tehtrejiunu  cnt  ibi  taati  ftS.  Actfpitnila  cf  ■nuntaidd]    'lleM 

fhunentnm    emeret    qntnti    dond   vendi-  ootnges  <rf  jonnR  men  miut  bs  pnt  op 

dieeet."  witb  qoietlj.'    'Mnidto'  meui  '  to  mnt- 

48.  Std  *go  hoe  iariolor]     'Huiolor'  ter;'  uid  eo  it  m>f  eitber  meu  'to^Mak 

litenllT meeiu  to  ' pmpben,' M  in  Plmntnl,  nciellir,'  'to  whi^ier,'  ■■  in  livj  L  60: 

Aainuia  ii.  8.  49,  M,  where  it  ii  nied  "  Tnrniu  Herdonini  ab  Arida  fmMater  in 

jooo^elf  1  abaentem  Tuqoininm  erat  inToctns.    Huid 

''SKomlTebwqnoddndnmMqnbegertl-  ■"'^"  "!"  ^"Pf^  '"*^?°""  "«■ 

Mntmihl  nomen.    jmb  enim  iU  dun  qmdem  niMa- 

Hutolui  q^H  occeperant  libi  eMa  in  ^*"    ^^   ^"    "^    ^pcJlibuit." 

mnndo  mdnm."  PUntn^  iUlei  Gloiio«u  iii.  1 .  1» : 

Here  Jt  meuu  '  Bnt  I  us  dreeming.    I      "  lUi  intw  ae  certaat  doni* :  egoioet  DMcnn 
■hall  nerw  (et  tbe  monef.'    Bo  too  in  wiinito." 





Sff.  Tace,  e^met  conTeniam  jam  ipsum :  cnpide  accipiat  &xo; 

atque  etiam 
fiene  dicat  secum  eese  actnm.     Quid  istuc,  Samiio,  est  quod  te 

Kescio  quid  concertasse  ctun  hero  f    8a.  Nunquam  Ti£  ini- 

Sjnu,  «ho  nader. 
s.     He  QO«    - 
lo,  ID  wbicb 
consalt  his  real  ii 

-      .  m  if  mcb  >  pliui  •eema  to  idtoI 

^tpaireoi  ulacatUKHemheror    jmmntioa.    8.nnio  U  «t  thii  moi 

f  fl.  Brgo  a  Mpii  (1„  point  „(  g^^-  to   Cypnu.     no  dh 

MnMUhu.     Pln«  DpoTtat  icire  >orvum    cb»rtered  ■  ship  ;  uid  wwitt  to  be  oflT.    Bot 

qnMiioqDi."  »h.tiehetodo>    ir  b(      ' 

k  nniii  ^  n .  J   OK  »  *""  «gBinrt  AeMhinnj,  bis  lou  ot  tims 

M«,«,ili.n,™.iSitll«illn™»-    rSi,    S"^."      "^l,     C""' 

»i«.,pi»_i.ih.M,»M.««si'  ."^"r^^^ir  .  iLS^^S^ 

C™  MTli.  pln>i  ot  Ih.   l..t,  /U  ""'"■/J^^-K^-Tf^Lj^rS 

itli.5miT.ll,  ■■I.qnam.Mi.MtRo;»™  1*7..»  1.  IWAMchmm,  h...  11,.  giri  UcMt 

M"  nmjm  T«,two.  (dizil),  nt  ..lunuB    ^"SS"    „.^  ,         ,  „ ,     ,„  .     ^. 

n,m  ..m;~„:    „^^1 1 "    .■«___   ,_  Tho  Mrtre  is  u  follow. ;  1 — IB  lunbio 

seAsrrsT»,  ■■'^^i  -^>^''-^^-:  ^ 
?;iT.,.'^«;i  rji^r  t:sii'r.£i-c"4:^ 

.'ABtiqDi  ^W  p>t^      '  3.WDfw™  pWi   «<■?».«  «r(aKo«m 

diienuiC:  ideo  ] 

)  putiea  were  more  anEairlir  mntcbed 

thiD  tliia  of  oun.    Wlut  witb  m]'  beinr 

beaten  end  hi«  be^ng  me,  we  were  both 

tiredont.'     'CompaTO'  and  'companttni' 

were  both  «ord*  naad  of  KlBdiatorial  con- 

S™  iSX  l      '                           "^  .i  m.  qiiod  don™  b,Jo  dono  K,.»  noo,. 

f  pj-  Jtdm  IT.  2.  p«.t,"  ■  Wl«t  gift  Iio  hM  10  nutoh  «ilh 

lorlLSomll.    *«d,l.»  hnd  b^  ibl"  on..'    Fi.  Ih.  id»  ot  Ibo 

h.Tri  <.Tdl.ri7  n,o,«h  Unmdi  Sminlo  1.  >"•  ,"'?fr"..?':  """  1"'"^  ""•  "^  '"• 

Ih.  i»l  ..™,/h,r£  ««•.  1.  h.«i  h«l  "»•'■  »"1'- "■•  *»  ■ 

bia  mMglTlnn  Ihnt  iM  hwl  not  mnch  chuo.       .■' "" 

.1  Uw;  Hul  h.  wu  HUlwu  Ihenfor.  1«  Si  rii.  M 


266  ADELPHI. 

Certationem  comparatam  quam  haeo  hodie  inter  nos  fiiit : 
Ego  Tapulando,  ille  verberando,  usque  ambo  defeaai  sumua.    s 
8y,  Tus  culpa.     Sa.  Quid  agerem  ?     By.  Adoleecenti  morem 

geatnm  oportoit. 
8a.  Qui  potui  meliua  qui  hodie  usq^oa  os  praebui  P     8y.  Age, 

Bcis  quid  loquar  f 
Fecuniam  in  looo  n^ligere  Tn«TiimiTn  interdum  eat  lucnuo. 

8a.  Huil 
8y.  Metuiati ;  si  nnnc  de  tuo  jure  oonceesisaee  paululum,  at- 

Adolesceuti  eeses  morigeratus,  hominum  htnno  stultiaame,    lo 
Ne  non  tibi  istuc  foeneru^  P     8a.  Ego  spem  pretio  non  mo. 
8y.    Nunquam  rem  facies :    abi :    neeciB  ineecare  hominee, 

Ba.  Credo  istuc  mdius  eese :  Ternm  «go  nunquam  adeo  asta- 

tuB  fui 
Quin  qnicquid  poesem  mallem  auferre  potiuB  in  praesratia. 
8y.  Age ;  noTi  tuum  animum ;  qoasi  jam  ueqoam  tibi  sint  vi- 

ginti  minae,  19 

6.  Morem  gtilum  oporluH']  Bee  noto  on  tereit..'  Hera  It  ligiiffiaB  '  to  biinf  io  In- 
Hnat.  i.  i,  SA.  toreit ;'  a  aingle  instuu»  of  tliie  osb.     In 

7.  Qui  hedie  ntqut  ct  praibiB  T']  '  Ui-  PliomilD  lil.  S.  B  we  lu*e  en  instance  of  tlw 
qnH '  here  >nd  in  t.  4  bu  the  ■enw  of  '  en-  >une  raetaphoriial  •ense  of  tlte  worda  bnt 
Urelj,'  ■riaing  out  of  ita  ordinur  ngniflc»-  in  tha  ladinarj  (niM : 

tiou  of  '  tendenc;  to  the  end.'    Com 
FUntni,  Captiti  ii.  3.  18,  IB  : 

"  Bed  ntnini  itrictimne  •ttonionim  diiwu  .  „         „,          ...             ...          ,       . 

'  YoD  wiU  laf  that  Toar  iindneai  haa  bccn 

■tuHBeadnni.  pl«"d  ont  at  good  intii™*.'    •Iitac' refcn 

lUHin  proDo.  •"  *•"  "•^*"  "'"«>"  '•!---  imirigeratBi,' 
mA  ii  ths  nibjert  of  the  Toih,  a*  Donatat 

'  Hoir  conld  I  homonr  him  better  than  I  points  out. 

haTS  doM?'  lafi  Sannio,  '  tar  I  eabmltted  19.  tfeleit  iiufcare  AomiiMi]     llie  me- 

moet  palieDllj  to  hii  iU-trciataieat.'    '  Os  laphor  is  from  UTd.«atcUnK.    Tbe  Idea  b 

pTBebme '  ia  a  common  upTeidoD  in  all  worfced  ont  faUr  In  Flantns,  Arinaita  L  3. 

wrilen.  63—79.    Compare  Poennhu  ilL  3.  63  : 

8.1  Wa  maj  compan  FUatas,  CaptM  ii.  ,,  .i     .lu      i      i.         j                            ■ 

S.  7ft— 77 1  ^°'        punmbem  ad  aieam  naqna  ad- 

dnidmai : 

"  Noa  ego  omnino  Incram  omne  mae  ntile  Nonc  te  illnm  m^nt  eapera  *l  i-ptnin 

bomini  eiiitlmo.  «^  Tit." 

Bdo  uo  multoi  iiis  Incnun  laoalentoe  .  „        ,„                  ,             .   . 

homlQei  leddidit.  ^"^  *^  "^  "*•  ?«"  ***^ '  '"J 

E.t  etiun  abi  profbcto  damnnm  praeetet  *■.";  ?■»■  =  '^\''"  "f  ™derrt«.d  ho»  to 

ftoere  qoam  lucram."  '^^.  ""^"1*  '"'-„     \  ''VL"?  ^ 

^  plan  u  the  bsst,   rayi  BaoDio ;  '  bnt  I  htct 

II.  Nt  aon  ti6l  ittue  Jbemrttrtl T}  '  Yon  wu  ■>  canning  u  not  to  prefer,  aa  (ar  as  I 

weTe  itfrud  thtt  if  jou  bid  abated  a  tittle  oonld,  makiiig  a  preieot  gain.' 

of  joDT   righti,    and    had   bnmoured     the  15.   Quati  jam  «mmm  hH  itmt  tigimti 

jomg  mu,  moit  rooliih  of  men  that  jaa  «ma*]     Bentlej  objecti  to  Aii  re^ng. 

m,  thnL  onuae  would    ik4    hsTe  |Mid.'  Tha  (uoal  explanatioa  of' oaqaam  '  ii,  'ib 

'  FoenMti '  genenllr  meau  '  to  lend  on  la-  If  •  inm  at  twen^  minae  w«re  oT  oojr  ae- 


ACTUS  U.    8CENA  U.  267 

Dam  Kwo  obaeqnare.     Fnteterea  aatom  te  aiont  proficiaci  Cy- 

pnun.     8a.  Heml 
jS^.  Coemiase  hinc  quae  illuo  velierefl  multa ;  naTem  ocmdiic- 

tam;  lioc,  scio, 
AnimTiB  tibi  pendet.    TJbi  iUiuo,  spero,  ledieris  tamen  hoo 

Sa.   Nusqnam  pedem.     Perii  hercle ;  hac  illi  spe  lioo  ince- 

penint.     Sy.  Timet: 
Injeci  scrapnlum  bomim.     Sa.  0  soelera  I  iUnd  Tide  3o 

T7t  in  ipeo  articulo  oppreesit.     Emtae  mulieres 
Complores ;  et  item  hinc  alia  qtuie  porto  Cyprum. 
Niai  eo  ad  mercatnm  Tenio,  danuium  nmTriniiiTii  est. 
Nuno  81  hoc  omitto  actum  agam ;  ubi  illino  rediero 
Nihil  est ;  refrixerit  ree.     "  Nanc  demom  Tonia  P  39 

Cnr  pasBUB  ?  ubi  eras  ?"    Ut  ait  satiua  perdere 
Quam  ant  hic  nanc  manere  tam  diu,  aut  tum  perseqoi. 
8y.  Jamne  eQomeraati  id  quod  ad  te  rediturum  putes  P 

KKmt  to  jroD  in  compubon  with  doing  mj  will  6b  loiL'    '  Adani  ftn,'  *  wte  *gBrei' 

lauteT  k  kladiiea  :'  bnt  tbe  word  ia  not  aud  'aitem  ram  ■gan»/  wore  prorerbiil  exr 

hani  m  thi*  «enu  mj  where  ebe.  Bentlef  pnvoon»  for  Iom  of  Ubonr.    Donatiu,  in 

wonld  read  '  ttoul  tenmci  tibi  rint  TiginU  bii  Dote  on  Andria  uL    1.  7.  derlTes  the 

minu,'  '  As  if  700  cand  n  brtbiDg  (br  prorerb   (rom    the    practice   of   the   law 

twentj  minae.'    Bnt  tbia  ig  •  mere  coDJec-  lonrti  1   "  Samptnm  u  jnre  orKli  in  qno 

tm.  Wenujeomparetheeommonphraaei  caTetnr  ne  qnia  rem  acUm  apnd  Jndicea 

'nnlki  loeo,'  'nullo  nnmero  habere,'  and  icpetat."    8ee  the  note  on  ' aotnin  eet '  in 

ttie  GTeelc  oiSaiiov  yijuv,  oMaiiov  ilvm.  that   pMnge.      The  nme  proTirb   occnn 

30.  I<\jtei  terupiiiMiii  keniiiii  '  I  luTe  again  in  Phormio  ii.  3.  73:  "Ohe  'actom,' 
pnt  ■  difficalt7  in  hia  waj.'  '  Scrnpnliu '  aimit,  '  ne  agas.'  "  Cioero  alindes  to  it  in 
((nnnected  with  '  NTnpDa ')  il  p(i>peTlT  '  a  De  Amidtia,  c  83  :  "  Sed  qnum  mDlda  In 

'•mall  KoDe.'     Haoce  It  ii  ued  of  aoj  diM-  tbImii  negligentia  pledimni',  tnm  maiimetn 

mlt  OT  tronblennM matter.    Compaia  An-  Mnidletd^gradiietcolendii;  piaepoitarii 

diis  T.  4.  87=  "At  ndbi  nnna  amqinlDa  enim  Dtimnr  conriliii,  et  acta  agimna,  qnod 

Muunraatat  qm  me  male  habet."    Phom^  TelamDi  vetere  proverbio." 

t.  B.  30 :  "  Ba  mortam  obiit,  e  madio  abiit,  26.   Srfruttrit  ra]      ■  The  aflsir  wiU 

qm  foit  in  hae  re  •mpnliB."     The  phnae  haTe  giown  atale.'     Compam  Plantne,  Poa- 

'  iaiid  •mipBlam '  oocBn  igaln  in  Plimiiuo  nnlni  iv.  3.  S3 1  "  At  enim  nihil  eat  uid 

*-  T-  61.     Compare  ■  caiwn  injicoti'  Adal-  dnm  calat  boc  agitDr."     Cioen  often  niea 

pU  iT.  6.  76.  the  word  in  ■  tf  milv  •enae,  ai  in  hia  ora- 

31.  Ut  ta  ipm  arliimle  opprtttif]  '  How  tion  Fro  Plando  33 :  "  Crimen  de  nnmmii 
ba  h*i  an^t  me  in  tbe  Tcrr  nick  01  dins  I'  calait  re  recanti,  nnnc  in  eann  reftixit." 
Clcero  osea  ths  ftitl  expreerion,  "In  ipso  There  ii  a  similsr  eipreasion  in  Eunuchns 
—^- ~     "      -    c.5.  Com-  iii.  3.  II:  "Uhi(nget,"'WhenonrcODT«r. 

•alion  flagged  '  (ses  m 
-».  Noi  polnIiU  ..Cl.  tv  lm.,iu  .1    ^»  .""»•  >;"~r«((l  Bmdo  W !»«■ 

F,.Ii^nS  »1» .  mt^tMUI.  om.a.    ^™, ""  '"'T.'^  ''"•..  .    *  .?": 

«traiSid.."  j"   ■    ...'S?^"'  "^  ,r'.%S"''s 

jonT  gaini  willbe  bjthis  Toysge  ?  '  Rsaso 
was  particnlarlf  nssd  oF  ibe  ■nnDal  pro- 
dnoe  or  income  of  aproperty-    80  Nepoe 



Sa.  ^xnne  illo  dignum  eet  ?  hocine  mcdpere  Aeechinum  f 

Fer  oppreaaioiLem  ut  himc  mihi  eripere  poetulet  f  30 

Sf/.  Labascit.     TTiLum  hoc  habeo :  vide  si  aatis  phicet : 

Fotiua  quam  vemaa  in  periculum,  Sannio, 

SeTTeane  an  perdas  totum,  dividuum  face : 

Minaa  decem  conradet  alicunde.     8a.  Hei  mihi, 

Etiam  de  aorte  nunc  yenio  in  dahivmi  miser  ?  35 

Pudet  nihil ;  omnee  dentes  lahefecit  mihi : 

Praeterea  colaphis  tuher  egt  totum  caput. 

Etiam  uiaupeT  de&ndat  ?  nufiquam  abeo.     Sy.  TJt  lubet. 

Kumquid  vis  quin   abeamP     Sa.    Imo   hercle  hoo  quaeso, 

TJt  ut  haeo  aunt  aota,  potiue  quam  lites  set^uar,  40 

Meum  mihi  reddatur ;  aaltem  quanti  emta  est,  Syre. 

TciUbat."  He  luM  '  raditw '  in  the  «md« 
nnnner.  Thn  Greek  wpoaipxoiiai,  rp6f- 
(ifii,  uid  rpiroSot,  mre  comraDn  in  thii 
■enn.  See  Herodotiu  fi.  46  :  ^  li  rpSa- 
oSog  afi  iyivtTO  Itn  Ttjg  ijiriipoii  taiiwi 
rSv  /uraXXbv,  .  .  .  wpoaliu  iw6  n  r^f 
i^ireipair  jcaj  r^v  fHriWitv  fru^  ItdvTov 
S^HKiaia  TaXaiTa'  Src  Si  Tb  w\*iFrov 
wfeai)\Oi,  riHqiioiB.  For  uwther  lue  of 
'redeo'  iee  noieon  Andria  it.  S.  4. 

30.]     For  '  sripere  poatalet '  sae  note  on 

31.  Labstein  '  Hs  li  pTing  wmj.' 
Compue  Eanvcbn*  L  8.  98  :  "  LBbudt 
ficta*  nno  Terbo."  The  ido  <i  Uken 
fi^aa  the  tottering  of  &  tree  whicb  bc^ns  to 
fkll.  It  [i  wdl  eipreiaad  tn  Lncretiaa  JT. 
1384,  1386: 
"  Nam  leviter  qnamri*  qnod  crebro  tnadi- 

'^ndtur    in  longo   apatio   tunen  atqoe 
TJifil  rapuda  thc  idea  more  gnpbicallj 
In  weH  kuown  linei,  apeaking  of  the  Iree  : 

" IIU  Deqae  miaator, 

Et  tremebds  comam  ooncnsso  Tcrtioa 
nntM ;"  Aeneid.  ii.  638. 

Buinio'e  chuge  of  parpoae  ij  shewn  bj  hia 
entirelf  deaerting  the  groond  of  lenl  rigbt, 
and  declaimlng  ■geiaet  the  onwcrth]r  tidu- 
Tionr  of  AeechiQD» ;  •  rtgr  '  — '"  " 
which  aTnu  imiiiediatelT  I 

"  Da.  DiTidnnm  taleotDm  Ekub.  La.  Bcne 
&de.    Zto.  Pro  illa  altera 
libera  nt  nt  dimidinm  tiln  ninie:  dimj. 

36.  EliamdetorUmwiiettmoiiiiaiiiimJ 
'  I  now  am  iu  danger  of  kieing  cTen  the 
prindpel.'  ■  Sori '  ii '  the  prindpal,' oppoeed 

Non  reddet  rterilii  aemiDs 
Tfae  Mndent  maT  be  reteed  to  the  'loens 
daasiciii '  in  lirj  tL  14,  IS,  wlMra  tlie 
ntiject  of  lutereit  obtaim  an  historiol  im- 
poitance.  Tbe  ralalioD  of  the  tcnni  i*  well 
ahown  in  the  fbUowini;  pwaagea :  "  8e  nuli- 

mnltipiid  jam  aortB  auolnta,  mergentflma 


tbe  riak  of  keepint;  or  loaiag  the  whole,  joa 

e  together  teo  m 
B>.'    Tliewonloc 
In  Flwitnt,  Radmi  t.  3.  5S  i 


NmiqMid  rir  ftm  abtoMf] 
nole  on  Eanachni  L  S.  111. 

40.  Ut  Mt  hatc  twtt  mcta] 
tUnga  are,  rather  than  go  to  law  I  wiD  be 
coDteot  if  mf  proper^  la  retoniad  to  me, 
•t  leaat  the  idu  diat  ihe  oat  ma.'  For 
'  litea  aeqDBr '  aee  note  an  Aadria  1t.  A.  16. 
The  nie  of  '  adlem '  U  aimple  eaoagk. 
Donataa  aaggeata  '  aalotem '  aa  iti  dcein. 
Tatioa  ;  aa  if  '  barelr '  wne  deriTed  btm  \ 
•baie    life.'      Bnt    thia   will   hardly    pM 


ACGnJS  n.    8CEKA  m.  269 

Scio  te  non  usam  antehac  ainicitia  mea : 

MemorGni  me  dices  esse  et  gratiim.     Sy.  Sedulo 

Faciaia :  sed  GtesiphoQem  video :  laetus  est 

De  amics.    8a.  Quid  qaod  te  oro  P    8y.  FauliBper  maae.     46 



Ci.  Abs  qui-vis  homine,  cma  eet  opus,  lieaeficiam  accipere  gau- 

Venua  enimTOro  id  demom  javat,  si,  quem  aeqaom  est  facere, 

is  bene  &cit. 
O  frater  frater,  quid  ego  nunc  te  laudem  ?    Satis  certo  scio ; 
Nuaquam  ita  oiagnifice  quicquam  dicam  id  virtus  quin  supe- 

ret  tna. 
Itoqoe  unam  hano  rem  me  habere  praeter  alios  praecipuam 

arbitror,  6 

Fratrem  homiai  nemiai  eaee  priaiarum  artium  magiB  prin- 

8t/.  O  Cteeipho.    Ct.  O  Syre,  Aeschinus  ubi  eat  P    Sy,  Ellum, 

te  exepectat  domi.     Ci.  Heoi. 
Sy.  Quid  est  ?     Ct.  Quid  sit  P  illiuB  opera,  Syre,  auno  tlto  : 

festiTum  caput, 
Qui  omnia  eiln  poet  putavit  esse  prae  meo  oonunodo ; 
Maledicta,  fiimam,  meum  amorem,  et  peccatum  in  se  transtulit : 

AcT  II.   BcsNB  III.    Cteaipba,  brotber  BeDtlej  mds   'poi^tarit,'  witlioat  aoj 

of  AMcliiatu,  now  makea  hii  Bppcanuice.  iQtbontj.      Nor  WDDld   tiie  latenontiTa 

He  doe*  iiotiiiDg  bnt  eitol  bie  brotber,  BDd  leDtenoe  be  iD  ploee  iu  thij  punge.   Theie 

ooDgntaUle  himeelf  on  banDg  mcb  ■  bra-  two  liDes  ue  limplj  en  eipbuiatioD  of  '  r«B- 

tber,vlioM  DierilaDopniseecaoBdeqaBtelT  tiTBDi  capat.'    •  CBpiul  feUow  he  i*  for 

"     it  ii  bj  his  meBDB  tbat  Cteii-  oukiDg  lui  own  interesti  gire  wsy  to  mj 

pfao  liH  DbtBinrd  ba  ol^ect  of  bii  deainB. 

Hia  brotbv  hM  Mriflced  himaelf  for  bioi,  10.  Maltdiela  .  . .  InaultUii']    Tbii  line 

aiid  takeD  on  Uintelf  the  cmdit  of  all  hli  ii  ui  awkwBrd  one :  for  we  haie  mther  to 

tdspea.  make  tbe  6nt  ■jIlBbie  of  '  menm  '  long,  or 

llie  Matre  is  iambic  tetnmeter.  to  anppom  ui  hutna  after  ■  amorem.'  Bent- 

8.  Fitlrtm  homini  umiiu  Ife.']    '  I  haTe  lej'B  corroction  of   '  Hiia '   Mts   the  melre 

I  oouaider  tliii  eminent  adTanlage  bejond  light.     Greater  emphaeis  and  ■  lietter  poii- 

otbeis.  that  no  liiing  maD  has  a  brother  a  tion  wonld  bs  given  to  '  menm,'  which  re- 

greatv  mastar  of  Ois  bigbeet  acoompliih-  fes  not  ddIj  to  '  amorem '  bnt  to  ail  tha 

■Denta.'    For  '  nemo  homo '  compare  Eonu-  words,  bj  pladDg  it  lait,  thns : 

diu  inji.  1  (nole),  ^  ftonnio  W  8.  1.  ..  M^jrt,,  hm.„,  ^orem,  et  pecciMm 

».    Q«.   oflwia]     DoDBtns   read    'qniD.'  ^  „  buutulit  meum." 
Hie  Bembina  and  other  good  aathonties 

read  '  qnine,'  as  in  Honce,  Satir.  L  10.  31  Bnt  I  oSer  thia  mcrelT  as  ■  poisible  aolo- 

(eee  MBcleane^s  note).      Bot  Lhat  woDld  tion  of  tbe  metcical  difficnltj  of  tbe  line. 
leqBtre  tb«  ocayanctiTe,  uid   acconliuglj 


NiliU  pote  Bupra-.     Quidiuim  &TiB  crepait  P   i^.  Mane,  mane : 
ipae  ezit  foras.  1 1 


ABSCHISV8.      8ANNI0.       CTBSIFHO.      SISUB. 

Aeg.  TJbi  iUe  est  Bacrflegos  f   iSiJ.  Men  quaerit  P  nmnquidnam 

effert  P     Occidi : 
Nihil  yideo.     .^es.,Eliem,  opportune  ;  te  ipsnm  qoaero.    Qoid 

fit,  Ctesiplio  P 
lu  tato  est  omnifi  res :  (mutte  Tero  tnstitiam  taam. 
Ct.  Ego  illam  hercle  Tero  omitto  qui  quidem  te  habeam  &a- 

trem     O  mi  Aeechine, 
O   mi  germane ;    ah,   Tereor  conim   in   os  te  laodare  am- 

pHufl,  5 

Ne  id  assentandi  magia  quam   qno  habeam  gratam   &cere 

Aea.  Age  inepte ;  quaai  nuno  non  norimus  noa  inter  noe,  Cte- 

Hoo  inilii  dolet,  no8  paene  Bero  sciBse,  et  paene  in  eum  locum 

11.  NiAilpiiii  npra]  '  Pote'  It  inothCT  and  h«  ouuMt  do  bettM  &an  taijaj  Um- 

fonn  ol  '  potii,'  «  '  Duge '  of  *  m>gu.'    It  salf. 

ia  commanlf  used  in  >  neuter  leiue  fbr  The  Hetre  u  Umbic  tetrametcr. 

■potert.'     Sea  note  na  'potu,'  BanBdiii*  1.  NMmqmidmam  ifferttl    'Iihetirii^- 

U.9.38.   CompMwPropertiiaiv.  (iii.)6.9:  ing  aD;  money  with  hlm?'     For  '  nnm- 

HutTOtfawmstuicesiraiiTen  InForodluii.  gntafnl  to  700.'    Hm  faU  raprMrioa  «nld 

Cicno  ■ometimei  niee  this  word  in  a  oollo.-  be  '  iiBwitandi  caoaa.'    Tbia  eliipaa  ia  cm- 

quiai  mMDer.    *  Focia  cnpuit,'  aaa  no«a  aa  finad  to  Um  caae  of  '  caaw '  with  tha  geoi- 

AncliB  iT.  1.  fi?-  tire  of  the  gerand.     In  ndto,  Annal-  ii. 
09,  wehiTe  a  aimilar  InatauM,  "QaTBaaicaa 

AcT  II.  ScsNB  IT.    Aaacliiniu  comea  in  Aegyptam  pvfldadtor  DOgwwiendM  u- 

t«  aee  what  Bannio  ii  gmng  to  do.     He  tiquilatia ;"  widUvTix.4Ai  "UMNinMae- 

flnda  him  sabdnnl  b;r  Ua  conTeraation  with  mat    Bomam    orstorea    pada    patandae." 

S7TIU,  aod  qmte  readj  to  be  paid  and  liBta  Thcae  eiampka  are  takeo  ih»  HadTig, 

dong  vith  tha  matter.      cWpho  too  la  wbo  accoanta  br  tha  oonatiMliim  as  » gem- 

Mixiona  that  he  ahonhl  be  paid,  tiiat  ihe  tiTe  of   deflnition    (L«tin  Grammar  417, 

mattw  mav  be  Irapt  qoiet  and  ao  aacape  his  Oba.  S).    For  '  gratnm  Iksbeam '  lee  Doteon 

fttbar.    like  all  Toimf  omi  wbo  are  new  Andria  iT.  t.  31 . 

to  aoeh  tbings,  ba  caniea  liia  gralltade  to  ,    8.  Noi  paatt  ttra  «dM]    ■  1  va  oalj 

bis  broUMr  a  litUe  too  far.  Aesdiinna  staps  annoTed  to  think  Uiat  «e  wtra  107  ■teailr 

hi>  thanks,  and  coDgratolstes  him  on  having  tao  Uta  In  flndtng  it  oat  (tbat  tbe  firi  was 

fbondoDt  at  last  ti^  his  brothar  is  woith  to  betahento  (^pnu)  snd  tttst  matten  had 

Bomething.      'Thia  waa  betler,'  he  as<r«,  Bvrly  cometothatpaaslhatif  ercrf  onwhed 

'  waan't  it,  than  raniiing  the  connlrj  toc  wilhed  tt  orer  ao  mndi,  Ihe;  coold  not  tara 

aach  ■  trifle  aa  thii?'    All  is  right  now  ;  bdped  job  In  the  lcMt.'    We  mntt  bmn 

ACTUS  n.    SCENA  IV.  271 

RediBse  ut  si  onmee  coperent  niliil  tibi  poasent  auxiliaTier. 
Gt.  Pndebat.     Aea.  Ah,  stnltitia  eet  istaeo,  non  pudor.     Tam 

ob  parmlam  lo 

Rem  paene  ex.  patria ! — Tnrpe  dictn.     Deos  qnaeso  ut  istaec 

Ct.  PdccaTL     Aea.  Qnid  ait  tandem  nobis  Sannio  P     Sy.  Jam 

mitiB  est. 
Ae».  Ego  ad  forum  ibo  ut  bnnc  absolTam :  tu  intro  ad  illam, 

Sa.  Sjre,  insta.     8y.  Eamus;  namque  hio  properat  in  Cy- 

prum.     Sa.  Ne  tom  qoidem ; 
Quamvis  etiam  maneo  otiosua  bic.    8y.  Eeddetur ;  ne  time.  16 
Sa.  At  nt  omne  reddat.     Sy.  Omne  reddet:  tace  modo,  ac 

Bequere  bac.     Sa.  Sequor. 
Ct.   HeuB,  beus,  Syre.     Sy.  Hem,  quid  estP      Ct.  Obeecro 

bercle,  hominem  istum  impuriBsimum 
Qoamprimum  absolYitote ;  ne,  si  magis  tiritatas  siet, 
Aliqua  ad  patrem  hoo  permanet,  atque  ego  tum  perpetuo 

Sy.  Non  fiet ;  bono  animo  es :  tu  cimi  illa  te  intua  oblecta 

iaterim;  30 

Et  lectulos  jube  stemi  nobis,  et  parari  caetera. 

Drmikmg  'nca'  ths  lotqect  of  'tedJMa.'        14.  Nt  tamquidrm^  '  I  hd  not ginng n, 

'Rriiie'  ii  oem  UMd  m  thia  teat»  with  irithoiitinrilBnarmy  caoneT,thoiigh  Ihafe 

Vij  nibjed:  but  '  ns  '  or  lome  eqninlent  to  wute  mr  time  w*iChig  here.'    Doaatn* 

*<»d.    Bee  Heaut.  y..  I.  58 :  "  Mihi  ilkec  i>  migtaken  in  roppoaiDf  '  qnamTii '  in  this 

'OD  Hi  railnn  rea  nalit  i"  ii.  3.  118:  "  In  yanfe  to  be  pnt  for  '  io  qiuntain  vii.'    It 

*oiK  fUB  rei  rediit  locam  nt  lit  necesnu."  bH  ils  nciul  meaniiig. 

Bee  lin  Phoniiio  ir.  4.  6.     In  thii  panBge         \9.  Ad  patrtm  fuii!  ptrmaii«C\    Compar* 

'  ndiav '  ii  jmpeTWjnal.  FUatna,  CkptiTi  ii.  1.  £9  : 

.^JV  "«"«']    A«chinmi  inqmr»  „  ^en  permaiiet  pdam  h>ec  nortra  Ul>. 

'Oti,heitpuUieditUet'    TUb  «Mms  to  ,_  ,    ,^    ^  , , 

l«aieon^W>n.bteeen»oftbe«words.  '^'™;^      htBrJlr    ^    'to   to'*!" 

Ji.Jlg^tdfor,,mibcMhM»c*Uoh>m\  rf  e™,  thing  thrt  rfecti  the  sen»»,  «  in 

Monej  nwtten  wa*  oftan  trenncted  In  tho  "■  W 

fotMB.  U  ne  the  comtnon  lesort  of  money  ■<  Daniqoe  per  dlnepta    domoram    niea 

Iniden  wd  borroweri ;  and  there  were  the  tdcm 

HDpa  of  Hie  ■  aigenlsrii,'  or  haoken,  who  Perrolitant,   permanat   odor,  frignsqne, 

"en  ilwaj*  readf  to  adTance  moner  on  good  Tapaaqne 

I.  SeePbor- 

oioT.  7.  liS . 

For  the  aimilar  nse  of  '  efilnet '  *M  Ennn. 

„g.  chna  i.  S.  41 :  '■  Utnunqoe  hoe  blnuu  «t. . 

™l  ttanii  aodea  ad  fenuu  atqne  iUnd  eBiMt."    For '  pvptftio '  we  sote  on  Eu- 

'"">'  uicfaDa  T.  8.  13. 

Aifaitnnnu«amjnberesiiiln,PhorTiuo,"  90.  Tk  oiUela\  aee  note  on  Ebi.  1. 1. 

"■athoaote.  11». 


Ego  jam  tranaacta  le  oooTertaia  me  domtim  cnm  obeonio. 
Ct.  Ita  qnaeeo:    qiundo  hoc  bene  Bacceent,   hilarau  hanc 



80.  ObsecTo,  mea  natrLE,   qoid  nanc  fietP     Ga.    Qoid  £at 

Kecte  aedepol  spero.     80.  Modo  dolores,  mea  tu,  occipiant 

Ca.  Jam  nonc  times,  quasi  nunquam  affiiezis,  nnnqnam  tate 

80.  Mieeram  me,  neminem  habeo ;  solae  samua :  Geta  autem 

hic  non  adeet ; 
Nec  qaem  ad  obetetricem  mittam;   nec  qui  arcessat  Aes- 

chinum.  5 

Ca.  Pol  is  qaidemjam  hic  aderit;  nam  nanquam  nnam  in- 

termittit  diem 
Quin  semper  yeniat.     80.  Solue  mearum  miaeriarum  eet  re- 

Ca.  E  re  nata  melius  fieri  haud  potuit  quam  factam  eet  hera ; 

33.  Hilarrm  kme  nmunni  ditm]  '  Let  ptrtictilarlT,  «ho  ii  ■  mta  at  aoA  ■  fioe 

naUke  Uiu  daj  for  ^eunre.'     Compue  T.  dupoailuin  mnd  belongi  tu  ao  gDodabmilj.* 

3.  68 :   "I  ergo  iatro,  et  coi  rai  cat,  ei  rei  A  good  deml  of  diffimltj  hu    bMn  nait 

bnnc  Bnmamus  diem."    BeDtlej  woold  resd  mboat  thia  pmange.      Bentlej  propoaei  "  E 

'hilmrej'  bnt tfaere  ii  no need  aTanjr chmnge ;  re  nmtme  melioi  fieri  b*ud  patBit,"  '  Thingi 

■nd  mll  the  kDthoritiee  mgree  in  tbe  preaeni  conld  nat  luiTe  tnroed  out  more  for  ;ou 

Temding.  dughter'>  mdTUitige.'     Donmtns  eiplauis  il 
of   thingB   "qiute  contn  ndnntmtem  noe. 

AcT  III.  SciHB  I.    AeedUnot  had  met  tram  ■oadenmt.    Brgo  S  reuala,  ex  vitio 

with  mn  Alhenisn  mmiden,  FmmphilSidaogh-  fii^nii."      And   he    nenu   to  be  rigfaL 

tcr  of  SoitTBla,  uid  hid  offered  her  liolence.  ■  Itea  nstn '  ii  that  Hliich  ii  bejand  onr  ovn 

She  ii  now  OD  the  point  of  being:  confiDed ;  contnd    (rntr^fiarDv)    mod    *E   le   nmU' 

and  ber  mother  ia  introdoced  m  «onaolting  memn*  '  mfter  «hmt  lima  happened  :'  it  roi 

with  the  nnne.    Aeachinua  hmi  not  been  to  viwotI   auiipi&^torot.    We  mnit  dimtin- 

■ee  them  to-dmj,  thongh  lie  ia  geoermllr  n  gniab  between  tbispluuetnd  '  pro  iBDmtm,' 

iq;lilmr  in  bi>  viaitB  ;  mnd  Ihia  g[iTes  her  gome  'mcoording  to  drcamatmccei,'  «bich   mome 

diMiDistude.  commentmton  confonnd  with  iL  'Reanmtt' 

Tbe  Hetre  ia  m  miitnre  of  trocbuc  mnd  occurs  in  Ihe  genenl  Knie  of  '  the  drcGm- 

iunbic  tetnmeten.  atmnces  of  the  cmae '  iii  Plmatua,  Bmcctuie  ii. 

3.   Btclt  atdtjml  apere]    See  note  on  S.  M : 
Hemot.  L  1.  107. 

8.  B  re  nala]  '  After  «hmt  hms  h^pened,  "  Edepol,  Hnenloche,  ut  rem  hmnc  natmai 

thingi  conld  not  hne  tumed  ent  better  thtn  este  inteUigo, 

tbaj  hmfe,  ijnce  fonr  daoghter  bas  met  witli  Qood  mmes  puatnm  Mt :  qnod  des  in- 

%  miafortune,  aa  regerd*  her  lover  aaore  «ento  Mt  opoa." 


ACTtJS  m.    SCENA  U.  273 

Qnando  vitiiim  oblatam  est ;   quod  ad  iUnm  attinet  potiB- 


Talem,  tali  g^ere  atque  animo,  natmn  ex  tanta  &milia.        10 
So.  Ita  pol  eet  ut  dicis :  salTus  nobis  Seos  quaeso  ut  siet. 


OBTA.       808TRATA.      CAnTHAIU. 

Oe.  Nunc  iUud  eet  qnod  si  onmee  omnia  eoa  conailia  con- 

Atque  huic  malo  salutem  quserant,  auxili  nihil  aSerartt, 
Qaod  mihique  heraeque  filiaeque  herili  est.   Yae  nuBero  mihi  I 
Tot  ree  repente  circumTallant,  unde  emergi  non  potest, 
Yis,  egeetas,  injuatitia,  soUtudo,  infamia.  fi 

Hocine  saeclum  ?  O  scelera,  O  genera  sacrilega,  O  hominem 

impium ! — 
So.  Me  miseram!   quidoam  est  quod  sic  video  timidum  et 

properaotem  Getam  P 
Ge.  Quem  neque  fidee  neque  jusjurandum  neque  illum  mise- 

Bepreasit  neque  reflexit,  neque  quod  partus  instabat  prope, 

10.  Tbff  pmm  alque  amimo']   Doutiu  phila,  uid  tbat  he  wonld  pluw  h«r  child  In 

lui  ■  long  not«  on  ths  diatiDclioD  betveen  his  ftidieT'!  Isp  and  imploTa  his  conunt  to 

'pnma'  u)d   '  ftmilui.'      "Oeniu  tkntnm  tlunr  nunTian.    Bot  •fto' all  the  best  thiDs 

■d  Tiio*    pertinet,   familift  etiam  id  de-  ia  to  keep  the  Dutter  qnite  quiet ;  aad  i? 

ImOm:  «lii  gBoai  ad  nobilitotein  referant  thlngs  come  to  tbe  wont,  there  ia  the  ring 

fiuniliun  Bd  copiu."     Beiitley  deniea  thot  that  AeKhiniu  lcnt  when  he  fint  met  Puii- 

there  ia  ui;  distinctioD,  snd  propowa  'in-  phila,  which  will  conTict  him.    In  the  meui 

praio,'  which  ia  cOQnectBd  wilh  ■  iDiinaa  '  in  tjme  Gelaia  aert  to  fetch  II<«io,  »n  ind. 

And.  i.  1.  86  ;  below  t.  S.  43  ;  but  tbere  mate  Iriend  of  8oatr*ta'a  hDabaod  Sininlni, 

u  HD  more  real  tantoli^  in  '  geaiia  '  and  for  tbej  baTO  DO  other  MeDd  le(t. 

'lniitta'tbuiin'Bnimns'  and  '  ingeninm.'  Tbe  Hette  ii  aa  fblloirii  1—4.  7—18. 

'  Q«naa '  refen  to  the  eitnction  of  a  man,  83.  32— £6,  lambic  tetrameter ;   6,  H.  30, 

'&iaUia'  to  the  standing  of  hia  funilf  in  21.  23-31,  trochaio  tetnmeter  catalectict 

Fopertf  ud  poaitloD.     Bnt  the  worda  an  19,  ismbic  dimeter. 

KatOrallT  often  iDtercbanged.  4.  Tbl  ret  npemle  eireuwttallinit]     •  Bo 
manj  tronhlea  beiiege  oi  on  a  andden,  froDi 

AcT  III.  Scam  11.    Geta,  the  BerTBnt  «hich  eac^w  ia  impoaaibte.'    Fcb'  '  emaigi ' 

<f  Soitnta,  comes  on  the  .ate^  bew^ling  iee  DOte  on  Andria  iil  3.  30. 

Ihe  miafintnnee  of  himwlt  aod  liie  miitreea.  8.  Negut  illtim  mittrieordia]     '  Illnm ' 

SogttBta  DTerbeara   bii  exclBDiBtioni    and  a  BuperSuoDii  a  not   uncomnion  idiom. 

hii  threBti  againat  Mido,  Aeachinns,  and  CompBre  Vir^l,  Aencid  v.   467  :    "  Nudc 

Sfnu.  When  he  baa  recorered  a  littte  from  deitiB   ingeminsns  ictus,  nnnc   iUe   sioia- 

hii  banj  aod  indigDatioD  he  infonne  bia  tra."     So  Homer,  Odjas.  ii.  336 : 
'niatras  tbat  AeacbiuDi  liaa  deserted  tbeDi. 

Ue  mw  him  with  hia  own  eyea  canj  off  bia  "H  rif nc  Is  tl6\ao  SKti  iiiirropat  ifo- 

lorer  &nm  Sannio'*  hDnae.    Aud  thia  after  06trTOf, 

■11  bia  promitea  and  protwtstiona  tbat  be  'H  Br*  '■  iJtipr^tv. 
mUd  IHt  bre  a  angle  daj  withont  Pam- 


274  ADELPHI. 

Cni  mieerae  indigne  per  vim  vitinm  obhilerat.     So.  Nod.  in- 

telligo  10 

Satis  qiuie  loquatur.     Ca.  Propius  olisecro  accedamiu,   Soe- 

trata.     Qe.  Ah, 
Me  misenun !  yix  sum  compoB  animi ;  ita  ardeo  iracundia. 
TJiTiil  est  quod  ^tOi;ri  quam  inii.iin  totam  inin  mihi  dari 

Ut  ego  LruQ  lumc  in  eos  evomam  omnem  dum  aegritudo  haec 

eet  recens: 
Satis  miM  id  habeam  supplici,  dum  illos  ulciscar  modo.  15 

Seni  nTiiTimTn   prinium  eztingaerran  ipei  qui  illud  produxit 

Tum  autem  Syrum  impulsorem,  vah,  quibus  illum  lacerarem 

Sublimem  medium  arriperem.,  et  capite  pronum  in  terram  sta- 

Ut  cerebro  dispergat  Tiam. 
Adoleacenti  ipei  eriperem  ocnlosj   poethaec  praecipitem  da- 

rem;  ao 

Caeteros  ruerem,  agerem,  raperem,  tundCTem,  et  prost^merem. 
Sed  cceao  heram  lioc  malo  impertiri  propere  P     So.  Itevoce- 

raufl.     Qeta. 

IS.  aau\     Commantston  dUpnte  whidi  ^6pnt  i  TlptjVIKtm,  iriip  ' UiAmafmamiit, 

old  aiaii  ia  Beuit,  Hicjo  or  DaDia.     Bnt  ■riaCt  ktTiuit  airov  'ApTatvrat,  ApmiCii 

we  most  remeinber  thftt  G«ta  oeed  Dot  be  fiiaof  coi  i(fpat  •waiit  ilc  r^r  y^r. 

nippoiri  to  know  tfaa  birtoij  of  Aeecbiniu'  SH.  Sed  cema  htram  koe  malo  in^trtiri 

Bdoption  by  Hioo,  mnd  ba  woutd  luttDnlly  proftn  f  J     '  Bot  «rhf  doa't  I  nuke  hMte 

eoiKfaula  that  timj  were  &tha   and   toa.  and  comuoBicate  thia  bwi  aewi  to  m;  mie- 

TVreliiiDooaaian  (herefbrerDricfiDiogoa  treee?'     We  meet  witfa  tbe  dqraDent  fcm 

tlie  meeiiiiig  of '  prodiuit,'  es  faaa  hmra  done  cf  tfaia   Terb  in   Ci«ra,    IVo    Arcfau    i  : 

by  Boine.  "Moitij  . .  .  gntuito  dntateni  in  fiiirni» 

IB.  Si^timtm    mtdiitm   mrripmm']     'I  hotaiBce  impHtJebentBr."      Tbs  wofd  Iiu 

«ODld    t^w   faira   bj  the    raiddla  uid  lift  occaured  in  Sdd.  iL  8.  40,  with  the  mom 

hlm  np  in  tbe  eir,   end  tben  pluit  bim  omutRictiaa  of  •ocnwliTe  lA  tha  pemM 

head   faremoet  on  the   gronnd,    that   he  >iid  ebUtiTe  of  the  thing ;  wfaich  m  uaed 

maj  aprinkle   the  nad   with   his   bniua.'  once  in  Ploatiis  witfa  the  amilar  word,  *  oMa- 

For  'lablimem'  compere  AndriB  r.  2.  SO.  munico,'MiI..Gbr.  L  l.50:"Comraui>i<abo 

In  PUatni,  C^)Iiri,  we  h>Te  u  obwnn  temoiaamea."    In  the  neit  Bne  coiBmcn- 

eiprealoD    wbich   i«   illnsbnted    bj    tfae  taton  lw>e  found  >  difficidt;  in  tbe  okmd)- 

teit  1  etance  of  G«Ca'e  not  mcogninng  Soetrata. 

■•Bmlnor  Interrainorqne ne  qnii  obrtiteilt  P!f'',^  "rV"  ^^   """'^  .gnowtur    «b 

obTiam  iTBto."     Bnt  Geta  U  repreeented  ■>  being 

Niri  qui  ^  din  TiiiMe  M«e  homo  irbi-  '".'8*^  "^  "^  confiaioD  in  whid.  be 

l—Lj^,,  might  euuj  not  eee  eur  coe  wiio  ime  IMV 

N«ii  ,,J  oMMt  on  Mtl."  '7'    »  •"  '  "«""J"  r"^  J?"  " 

^                                     IT   2   1 1 13.  "^^  *   *'*^'   "uo   ***  ■"  *   fanny ; 

In  Haodatui  ii.   107,  <»  h>Te  the  lune     udTcceooe. 
idion:  loi /iw  Iwieiovra  f poofliic  Btiva- 


ACTFS  m.    SCENA  H.  27S 

Qe,  Msaa.,  qnisqim  «8,  siiifi  me.     80.  Ego  Bnm  Bosttata.     6e. 

Ubi  ea  est  P  te  ipBam  quaerito, 
Te  expecto :  oppido  opportmie  te  obtoliBti  iwilii  obviam, 
Hera.     80.  Quid  est  P  quid  trepidaa  P     &«.  Hei  Tnihj  [  ■  So. 

Quid  feetimia,  mi  Gei»  P  39 

Ammiuii  recipe.     Qe.  ProTsos— &>.  Qnid  iftno  promus  ergo 

est.     Qe.  Periimiu: 
Actum  esrt.     80.  Eloquere  e^^  obeeoro  te,   quid  ait.     Oe. 

Jam — So.  Quidjam,  QetaF 
Oe.  Aeechiiiiis— iSo.  Quid  ia  ergo  P     Qe.  alieQos  cet  ab  nostra 

Perii  :  quare  P     Qe.  Amare  occepit  aliaio.     So.  Yae  miaerae 

Qe.  Ifeqae  id  oceolte  fiart :  ab  lenoue  ipsus  eripuit  palam.     30 
Bo.  Satin  boo  certnm  est  P     Oe.  Certum :    hisce  ooulis  ego- 

met  yidi,  Soatrata.     So.  Ab, 
Me  nuseram  I  quid  credas  jam  P  aut  cui  credaa  P    iN^oetnmme 

Nostram  vitam  ommmn,  in  quo  nostrae  spes  omneeque  opes 

Erant ;  qui  sine   liac  jurabat  se  unmn  nunquam  Ticturum 

Qui  se  in  sni  gremio  positurum  puerum  dioebat  patris ;  3S 

Ita  obeecraturum  ut  Uceret  sibi  Hanc  uxorem  ducere  P 
Oe.  Hera,  lacrimas  mitte,  ac  potius  quod  ad  hanc  rem  opus 

est  porro  consule ; 

U.  Ofpido  tf^arlmtt]     '  Yoo  tun  met  haft/  Duniier  tiU  ha  baoomM  infflcaeiitlf 

me  moat  oppottimelf .'     Por  '  oppido '  *ee  lalni  to  eipren  bitnMir  more  cohereiitl]'. 

DOle  oa  Hnnt.  t>.  8.  S.     For  '  eipecto  '  For  '  ■ctum  eet '  in  the  neit  lins  Ke  note 

Baitle^  reada  ■  expeto,'  whidi  ii  fbnnd  in  on  AndriB  iiL  1.  7. 

oue  muoHTipti  bat  the  dunge  1>  nnn«-  80.  Ntqtie  ii  eeaUftftrt]     >NoT  doei 

rimiiry.      The  word»  ire  freqncotiy  oon-  he   Btlempt  lo  concakj  it.'     In  t.  41  we 

fomuied  fn  nwnasoripta.     Oeta  moeni,  'I  here  'p^uo  proferimDa,'  '  maks  pnblic' 

bne  been  wntiDg  fbr  von.'  We  nuij  compere  tbe  expremiODii  '  impune 

30.  Animam  rtefpc]    Thia  ii  die  Bem-  hrre,'  '  inultnm  tem'  '  neqae  ferre.'    In 

l>nM  nediug,  tad  ii  bund  alM)  in  b  mnan-  >11  these  cuee,  u  in  Ehe    correspoDdiug 

Mxipt  900  jetn  old  qaoted  by   Bentle]'.  Greelc  plinse»,  ^i^^ri^c  fiptiv,  &c.,  the 

'  Aumnm '  ta  the  rcading  of  Knne  oipieai  idee   of  <fero'    i>   well   eipreawd   bj  oDr 

bdt  it  ia  Tory  nre  in  the  wnN  of  '  breath,'  commcHi  idiom,  '  he  curiea  it  off.' 

in  «hkdi  ■Bne  '«nima'  is  moft  common  )  34.   Qui  line  hae  .  . .  iitm]      In  >can- 

u  in  the  phrwa  '  ducere  animvi),'   '  ani-  nlng  this  line  we  moat  elide  '  rane,'  ■■  If  it 

num  Tnt«re,'  Pbntni,   Mereetor  i.  2.  IB  ;  were  ■  w.'    Tbie  i*  macb  lietter  than  to 

'■nimam    compriinera,'       Fhormio    t.    6.  malu  ■  eraDt' a  monosyllable,  •■  aomedo) 

m.     WbM  wltb  ezatement,  and  the  bnny  or  to  ilter  the  line  with  Bentlej  into  '  Oal 

in  whidi  be  bai  been,  Geta  ia  qnile  out  ot  ee  line  bu,'  omitting  ■  erant.'     Tlie  auiie 

breath.     We  msat  eoiu»i*e  tlia  fcUowing  eliuon  Cakes  place  Wtth  'libi'   tWO   linsB 

«orda  to  be  jcvkad  out  one  bf  one  in  ■  ■ftemrda. 


(  ADELPm. 

Patiamume,  an  narremufl  cuipiam  ?     Ca.  Axl,  mi  homo,  sa- 

nusne  eeP 
An  lioc  proferendum  tibi  videtnr  usquam  ease?     6e.  Mihi 

quidem  non  placet. 
Jam  primiim  illum  alieno  animo  a  nobis  esee  ree  ipea  indicat. 
Nuno  si  boc  palam  proferimus  iUe  infitias  ibit,  sat  acio.         41 
Tua  fama  et  gnatae  vita  in  dubium  Teniet.     Tum  si  maxime 
Fateatur,  quum  amet  aUam,  non  eat  utile  lutno  illi  dari : 
Quapropter  quoquo  pacto  tacito  est  opus.     So.  Ah,  minime 

Kon  faciam.    6e.  Quid  agee  ?    80.  Proferam.    Oe.  Hem,  mea 

Sostrata,  vide  quam  rem  agas.  45 

80.  Pejore  rea  loco  non  potest  eese  quam  in  quo  nunc  mta  eet. 
Primiim  indotata  eet :  tum  praeterea  quae  secunda  e!  dos  erat 
Periit :  pro  virgine  dari  nuptum  non  potest.     Hoc  reliqumn 

est : 
Si  infitias  ibit,  testis  mecum  est  annoLus  quem  amiserat. 
FostroDio,  quando  ego  conscia  mihi  sum  a  me  culpam  esse 

banc  procul,  50 

Ifeque  pretium  neque  rem  uUaoi  intercessiBae  illa  aut  me  in- 

dignam,  Geta, 
Experiar.     6e.  Quid  ista  ?  accedo,  ut  melius  dicas.     So.  To, 

quantum  potee. 

s  the   metie.     Bnt  Uiere  ii  nsed   in   the   Digeit   (•ee   I^Jtollini).     Iq 

QO  objection  to  ui  hiatni  et  '  cDJpiui '  M  Cioero  «e  have 'eipenril^bus,'ud  eomo- 

ths   end   oF  >  Bpeech,  u  in    idbdj   □Iher  timea  '  eiperiri '  abiolatelf .  u  in  Pto  QoiD- 

plocea.     See  IntnidactioD.  tio  Jt3 :  "  A  me  diem  petiTit :  eso  sxperiri 

44.  Ah,  mlnime  gntiuni]     Be«  note  on  ikid  potut :  letiteTiL"     Ek>  too  Utj,  ia  the 

BDnachni  'iv.  1.  11.  ttorj  ot  the  diicoTerj  of  the  Bured  booka, 

47.   Qvat  teemula  ei  dot  eraf]     We  mBy  Bnppmed  to  balaiig  to  Nnme,  in  B.C.  181, 

compire  &  good  pauege  in  PUntoi,  Amphi-  «hicb  Q.  Petilliiu  the  '  pteetor  urbuiu  ' 

tna  il.  a.  219—2-22 :  bonit  becaoM  oT  their  impioos  conleDtg,  we 

"  Non  ego  ilUm  mihi  dolenj  dDcoeueqnae  '«"''•^"■«itotpu;  '■  Le«>jrerum  1110111111 

do.^dtur  i  ™"  »um«iTert»»t  (O.  Petdlin.)  pten^ 

Sed  podidti™  et  pndonm  et  >edsta<n  *i«>l»«id«m  whponnio  «Me  L.  Vt^ 

cnmdinem  """  ""  ""  ''"*•  *"  "P™"  conjectouiwn 

Denm  metnm,  pwentnn  unorem  et  cog-  "f  ■  i»io»q™  ^  fcoeret  ee  d  pffmiUm 

D.tnm  conoordUm ;  °?  "  'if^  «"  J»"  «?  »"'1'""  -  »»«boi« 

■nbi  mariger,  .tqne  nt  mnnilioa  >im  bo-  '!'r"  ^}"??,  "^^?*  ^^?^,"!?; 

nii  prmimbonis"  nretur."  (Ut.  il.  211)     Por  ■  daid  ist»?' 

'  ,  '  compue '  Quid  istic ?'  Andriaiii.  3.40,  eDd 

Hor»i»  h«  J»  .  pusage  to  the  suna  note.  Tbeworda  ■•coedoatmeliaidicu'»* 

^"^'-  difGcult  to  explsin  satistactorilj.     ■  Soppo- 


ACmjS  ni.    SOENA  III.  277 

Abi,  atque  Hegiom  oogoato  hujufi  rem  onmem  narnito  ordine ; 
Nam  is  nostro  Simulo  iuit  Bununus,  et  nos  coluit  maxime. 
Oe.  Nam  herde  alius   nemo  respicit  nos.     So.  Fropera  tu, 

mea  Ganthara,  ss 

Cutre :  obstetricem  arceme,  ut  cum  opus  sit  ue  in  mora  nobis 




De.  Disperii  I  Cteaiphonem  audivi  filium 

TTna  affiiiase  in  raptione  cum  Aescluno. 

Id  misero  restat  mihi  mali,  d  illnm  potest 

Qui  alicui  rei  est  etiam  eum  ad  neqnitiam  abducere. 

Ubi  ego  illum  quaeram  P  credo  abductum  in  ganeum  s 

'cedo'  in  tLe  lune  •en*e,  to  impraTa  the  itloDg  befbre.     Sjra  gires  ao  >ocoiint  of 

aetre;   uid  Wcdie   keepi    '>cceda,'    bat  Cteaipho'!  unral  at  Uia  fonun  in  •  great 

mda 'iMa,' wlth  tbe  ■wne  object.  linliae  rage  with  Aasehinu*  alwut  thia  music  girl ; 

ia  probablf  comipt ;  though  it  ii  not  eujr  luna  be  rebaksd  hlm  Tor  hiii  unworthj  con. 

to  lee  an;  good  ■mendetioa.  dact :  m  storj  which  tonclisg  the  old  man'i 

M.  Nam  u  neilro  Sintulo/uil  tuntmut]  heut.      He  proceedB  to  (how  Sjrrui   the 

'  Por   he   «aa    an   intimats  friend   of    mj  •ort  of  precepls  wbich  CtesiphD  baa  learnt 

Siniiiliu'.'      Compare  Bunachtu  ii.  2.  3S :  from    him,   whicb   Sjrua    parodies    in    an 

"  Plurima    lalale    Fannenmiem    Summnm  amusJDg  maaner.     Ai  for  Ctetipho,  Sjnu 

num  impertit  Gnatho."  aDd  note.  (siurea  Demea  that  he  is  gone  back  to  the 

&6.  iVam  htrele  o/jui  r«iid  reMpieil  luw]  faim ;  and   Demea  accordingl;  will  retum 

'  For  certainlj  no  one  else  cares  for  us.'  there  at  once,  and  lesve  tbe  othor  jouag 

'  Reapido '  is  properlj  ased  of  tlie  r^ard  of  bopefol  to  the  charge  of  hia  brotber,  wha 

a  nperior  to  an  inferior,  a*  ia  Andria  It.  1.  ia  reipoEuibte  fbr  him.     Jnnt  aa  he  ii  guiog 

17 :  "  Et  me  et  te  impmdeoi,  nid  quid  Di  off  lie  leee  an  old  Iriend,  a  tme  old  Athe- 

reqndnnt,  perdidi."   3ee  not«.  niao  gentlemao,  and  Mops  to  haie  •ome 

M.  Nt  in  mora  mttii  liil]     See  note  oa  talic  with  him. 
Andria  ii.  6.  13.  Tlie  Metre  is  iambic  trimeter. 

S.    Una  ^ffuitti  is  raplione]     Donatn 

AcT  III.  ScKtm  III.  Demea  haa  heard  remariu  on  the  distinction  between  '  niptio' 

that  Ctenpho  wis  present  at  the  seiioie  of  aiid  other  cognale  words  :    "  Raplio  autem 

tfae  girl  hj  Aeecbinos,  and  is  in  greatalanu  ad  peiwnuuD  refertur,  ra^innadr^m,  raphit 

on  the  subject.     Aeschinus  is  certainlj  to  ad   gtapram,   b  proprie    lolamus    loqni." 

blame  if  it  ia  so.     STrni  at  tbis  mouieat  Bnt '  rBptus '  and  ■  rapina '  are  oftan  oaed 

comea  on  the  atage;  be  deacribee  bow  Hicio  aynonjmoaalj,  and  tlu9,Uke  manjothersudi 

tud  been    amased  and   pleased    when    he  diatioctions,  ii  seldom  observed  bj  writera. 
Iwud  of  the  affair,  and  haw  fae  hsd  made         4.   Qiti  alicui  rai  ««(]      '  This  ia  a  Farther 

Sjma  a  present  to  purchase  a  auppCT  with-  erii  in  atore  fbr  me,  if  fae  is  eble  ta  load 

liie  obl  man  OTerhean  this,  and  enters  at  awaj  to  Tice  eTSn  him  who  is  now  fit  for 

once  into  conTersBtion  witb    Sjrus  on  the  tometbing.'     '  Eaae '  with  tbe  daCive  aig- 

exCnTagances  of  tbe  hmll j  of  Micio :  Sjma  ni6ee  'to  be  Gt  fbr  a  tliing,'  and  is  ollen 

enten   into   bia    Tcin    wbile   he  giTea   the  naed  to  eipreas   power  or  abilitj,    aa    in 

finisbing  orders  to  the  cook  abont  the  fiah  Livj  ii.  9 :  "  Portoriiaque  et  tribnto  plebee 

he  ba»   broogbt  home;  and  a  capitst  con-  libenta,   at   diTitee   conferrent,    qui    oneri 

Tcnadon     (bllows.       Demea    congratulatM  ferendo  essent ;"  and  it.  3fi :  "  Sitne  aliqnis 

himaelf  on  his  saperioritj  to  his  brother  in  plebeina  ferando  honori."     See  Cironoiina' 

aagadtj.     He  woold  nerer  baTe  allowad  note  on  LiTj  iiTiii.  2b.    We  maj  compare 

faiasoa  to  do  Ihis.    He  woold  haTetbreseaa  Adelphi  It.  8.  6;  "  Nin  me  cndo  hnlo  MW 


278  ADELPHI. 

Aliqiio :  permaBit  ille  impantB,  Bat  soio. 
8ed  econm  Syrum  ire  Tideo :  luno  Bcibo  jam  nbi  Biet ; 
Atque  hercle  hio  de  grego  illo  est :  Bt  me  seDBerit 
Eum  qiiaeritare,  nunquam  dioet  camifex. 
Noa  oBtendom  me  id  velie.     8j/,  Omnem  rem  modo  aeni       lo 
Quo  pacto  86  haberet  enarramua  ordine : 
Kihil  Tidi  quicquam  laetius.     De.  Pro  Jupiter, 
Hominis  stultitiam  I     Sff.  CollaudaTit  filium : 
Mihi  qui  id  dedisaem  consilium  egit  gratiaa. 
De.  Bisnimpor.     8f/.  Argentum,annumeraTit  ilico :  is 

Sedit  praeterea  in  sumtum  dimidium  minae : 
Id  diabibutnm  sane  est  ex  aententia.     De.  Hem ! 
Huio  mandee,  d  quid  reote  curatum  Tolia. 
81/.  Hem,  Demea,  haud  aspexeram  te.     Quid  agitor  P 
2)e.  Quid  agatur  ?    yestram  uequeo  mirari  Batis  30 

Kationem.     1%.  Eat  hercle  inepta,  ne  dicam  dolo, 
Atque  abeurda.     Fisces  ceteroa  purga,  Dromo : 
Congrum  istum  Tpi^»iTitiiTn  in  aqua  sinito  ludere 
Faulisper :  ubi  ego  venero,  exossabitur ; 

Priua  noh).     De.  Haecine  flagitial     8y.  Mihi  quidem  non 
placent ;  ■  2S 

Et  clamo  sa^w.    Sakamenta  haeo,  Stephanio, 
Fac  macereatur  pulchre.     De.  Di  Teetram  fidem, 

tmtam  rd,  ItTeniJis  mlHnila."     Bce  note  <m  A  mminilli  enrMrion.     Compare  Flantas, 

Enn.  Ifl.  2.  7.    'Neqiutia'  l>  exkdlj  □■]-  Menwchmd  ii.  4.  3:   "Non  ditam  dolo," 

pOMd  to  this  ;  the  primitiTS  meaniDg  of  tbe  and  Trinummiu  L  3.  S3  :  "Edepol  huid 

wofd  bMBg'worthleB8ness'(from'ne<ineo'),  dicam  dolo."     Synu  «ay»  tJiii  in  a  lUttaN 

a  lenM  geoenlly   tmureiTHi   to   vics,   as  ing  manner  to  Demea,  and  then  pniceBda  to 

Donattu  remarka,  "Neqnitia  autem  pnprie  give  hia  directiouB  to  the  oook  «ithlD  tba 

llbidlniiM  iuertia   dieta    eat;    quod    niliil  bousB.     He  ihoio  little  Teipect  to  the  old 

qneat,  nnlliqne  Tei  apla  ait."  man,  and  aoon  proceeds  to  plaj  bira  oW, 

li.   B<UTr<im«i]      Thifl  ii  laid  to  be  36.  Saltamaita']   ■  niu  caTe,  Stephairfo, 

plaoed  b<r  enallage  fbr  '  enarTaTimut.'    It  that   that  nlt-piclda   ii   well    ■oiied   in 

19,  howerer,  merel;  the  oontiBCted  fonn  oT  wster.'     Compare  Plautns,  PoeDulni  i.  t. 

tha  pcfect,  whicb  la  not  nnfkwjoentlj  met  30— S4 : 

with  ^  poete.     See  the  inrtance.  gjren  ,.  g^     ^^^  „^^  it^   ^  ^j_ 

m  Ladiniuin  s  note  on  Lucretmi  t.  SEMt.  ■:      " 

IB.  Argenhim  ofmtmrrmit  Uico]     '  He  q,^    ^^    mnriatica    i 
eounted  out  tho  loonej  on  the  «pot'    '  An- 

"  Ae  da  areitenda  pecnnia  qnaera  abi  t"  tu> 

irtnm   li»  d.ltU>   «,11..  .1«  tttu        oum'».,,,,  .1  non  nli..    It.mB.ii. 
tlbi  faelundas  locare  el  cni  powent  optlma  „ 

conditione    locare,  an    aliqnem  cnralfnvm 

praeficere  qui  Btatois  hdnndis  praccMct,  an     '  SalsaTnentam  '  wa«  pickkd  fi«h  or  meat  of 
tibi,  an  cui  tn  impcTaeae»,  annnmeTsrs  pe.     auy  kind.     For  ': 
Caniam."  Andiia  ir.  8.  2. 

-    81.  Kedkamdtle']    '  Ta  speak  plainly.' 


ACTUS  ni.    SCENA  III.  279 

Utnua  stodioiLe  id  nbi  habet,  m  latidi  pntet 

Fore  si  perdiderit  gnetum  ?    Yae  miaero  mihi ! 

Tidere  videor  jam  diem  iUum  quum  hinc  egens  30 

Frofugiet  aliguo  militatum,     8ff.  0  Demea, 

latuc  est  sapere,  non  quod  ante  pedee  modo  eet 

Yidere,  sed  etiam  illa  quae  Aitura  sunt 

Frospicere.    J)e.  Quid  f  istaec  jam  penes  roe  pealtria  eet  ? 

Sy.  Ellam  intos.     2)e.  Eho  an  domi  est  habiturus  P     St/,  Cre- 

do,  ut  eet  39 

Dementia.     De.  Haecine  fieri  I     Sjf.  Inepta  leoitaa 
Fatris  et  &cilitas  prava.     Jh.  Fratris  me  quidem 
Fudet  pigetque.    Sf/.  Kimium  inter  tob,  Demea,  ao 
I^on  quia  ades  praeeens  dico  boo,  peniimium  interest- 
Tu  quantuB  qoantus  es  nihil  nisi  sapientia  es :  40 

Hle  somnium.     Sineres  rero  tu  illum  tnum 
Facere  baec  P    De.  Sinerem  iUum  ?  on  noD  aex  totiB  mensibas 
Priua  olfecisaem  quam  ille  quicquam  coeperit  ? 
8y.  Yig;iJantiam  tuani  tu  mibi  naniis  ?    De.  Saa  siet 
Hodo  ut  nunc  eet  quaeeo.     8y.  T7t  quisque  suum  Tult  eese, 

ita  eet.  4S 

De.  Quid  eum  P  yidistine  bodie  P     Sy.  Tuumne  filium  P 

38.     Uimm    tludiom   .    .   .    at    Jmufi]  q  rainXfiJic  ^'7^  ri  irfi{  ir<wl  fm- 

'Wtut  doM  he  tbink  >  doM  ba  meu  to  ni)' 

do  thii,  or  doea  he  tbink  that  it  will  he  jutSivrac  ^nSs  ri^ay^  rpciiriytn. 

pniworthjtoniinbision?'  DoMtmcon-  Th»  wm  •  oommon  Grtn*  pn»»erb,  fflii- 

ndm  ■  ntnini '  to  b«  (operflaoni  or  aepa-  ,„„  ^  «J^.vo^  ir  nls  »o9iv,  or  ri  if 

aud  bf  tmaai  fram  'n</  bat  tbe  tniB  reaiv  iliiv 

"pliMtioii  i.  thM  it  i«  s  pronoun  in  mcb  ^j,^  ^Msniyt  {■«•Au  w  nikil  niti  m. 

P|»g<a  »  Uu.,   ««J  >Ut«  ganeraUj  the  ^,^   „]       .  y^^  ^   ,^^0^   dl   oft 

^to™t,«  which  « i«t.ciihu™d  bj  •n»  f^„  to     „  toe.'     'QwbU   qMnto»'  i* 

•od'«,    followmg.     BeenotooQEimnohnB  p,DM»Ur  «jniT^t    to     ' qnuitiUTOiiqM ' 

Sl.   ^qAyW  shfNO  B.(«(flAm]     8ee  which  hwl  Ibe  forw  of .  diminBliTO.    Com. 

«*eoBH<»<*.  1.1.66  p«.H»rmk>T.7.10: 

«-  «(«e  ttt  tmtn]     '  loar»,  DemcBi  „ 

ii  tiieright  kind  of  wiedoro.  not  to  lee  onli  Heu^  qimnl.  qimnt.  hwc  me.  p.npertM 

■bM  ii  JBit  beftire  rou,  bat  J»  to  (bnaee  .  .^'  t«nBn^                                       .       „  , 

tbefnt™'   For'Bntapedoi' wom.jcom-  Adbnc  ™i»ti  onom  hoe  qoiitan  ot  mlhi 

m  Ifae  oommon  Greek  ezpresaioiu  wp4  «"~*  ^^" 

'"'^i  saiid    waJiSc,   Tit    wjiAc   woffl,   rd  PUntas,  Poennloi  iij.  4.  2S :    "Quuitnm 

'■*  nai.    Bee  Flndmr,  Pjth.  >.  96  i  qauitmn  .d  enm  erlt  detotnm."     Id  mott 

,  editiona  of  Terenee  we  bue  '  Tu  qnuitae 

rt.ri  LaffTac  jpoitn  qnintn»  i'  i)Ot  Ferlet  ii  right  in  «uppljinK 

roxi»  t,v  iptakiav  «x^eot  .«,,.   for  wo  do  m>t  find  Che  phrwe  nied 

♦pwriia  rdx  wdp  woJoc,  witbout  ■  rerh. 

•nd  tehni.  riU.  36 ;  *^-  "'A  ~""™]  ^  '  ^^  »  »  mere  no- 

thing.     Compwe  riaiKrt  eipresaioo  oniiE 

rt  wpi  woMc  ip"*»'  <S'I  Xpii*"'  ">■.  '•"'P    ^^flpuw.'.,    Pjth.   Tiii.  136.     •  Som- 

njam '  ia  nied  lo  tha  aenae  oi '  non-eiialiDb 

*T*odBi,  OwUpu  Tjiwinae  130 :  «boTe,  iL  1.  fiO  i  "  pe  «f-.*"  ->™  "^ 

Dc,  zecbvGoOglc 

280  ADELPHI. 

Abigam  bimo  ros.     Jamdudum  aliqiiid  ruri  agere  arbitror. 
De.  Satin  Bcis  ibi  esse  ?    Sy.  Oh,  qui  egomet  produxi.    De. 

Optime  eat. 
Metui  ne  haereret  bic.     Stf.  Atque  iratum  admoduro. 
De.  Quid  autem  ?    8y.  Adortus  jurgio  fratrem  apud  forum  50 
De  psaltria  istac.     De.  Ain  vero  P     Sy.  Vah,  nihil  reticuit, 
Ntan  ut  numerabatuT  forte  argentum  intervenit 
Homo  de  imprOTiso :  coepit  clamu-e,  "  0  Aeschine ! 
Haecine  flagitia  lacere  te  I  baeo  te  admittere 
Indigna  genere  nostro ! "     De.  Oh  !  lacrimo  gaudio.  s5 

Sj/.  "  Non  tu  hoc  argentum  perdis  sed  Titam  tuam." 
De.  Salvus  sit,  epero :  est  siniilifi  majorum  suum.     8g.  Hui. 
De.  Syre,  praeceptorum  plenus  istorum  iUe.     Sy.  Pby. 
Domi  habuit  unde  disceret.     De.  Fit  sedulo. 
Kihil  praet«nnitto  :  consuefacio :  denique  60 

Inspicere  tanquam  in  apeculum  in  vitaa  omnium 
Jubeo,  atque  ex  aliis  aumere  exemplimi  sibi. 
"  Hoo  facito."   Stf.  Kecte  sane.     De.  "  Hoc  fiigito."   8t/.  Cal- 

De.  "  Hoc  laudi  eet."     By.  Istaec  res  eet    De.  "  Hoc  vitio 

j^.  Probissime.  Zfe.  Porro  autem — iS^.  Non  hercle  otium  e«t  65 

47.  Aiipam   Aimc  rut]      '  I  will  driTS  who  rather  tnnis  the  idn  to  a  new  ■ppUcs- 

Um  off  to  the   coanCry.'     Thii   ig  sud  tion;  hnd  1d  conse<|aenee  DoiMitiia  donbtB 

uidc  to  the  apeetBton.     He  thea  adda  lo  whedier  the  word  is  ri^Uf  lucd  hen.    Ho- 

Demn,  '  I  eipect  th>t  he  miut  be  hard  at  nOB  hts  a  Terf  slmilu  puwge  iD  SaL  L  4. 

worlc  ia  the  cxinntrr  thia  long  while.     De.  LOB  and  fuUowing.  of  wbich   he-  pombbr 

Are  joa  lore  tbat  he  ie  there  ?     Sy.  Sare  I  barrciwed  the   idea  Irom  TercDee,  thongh 

whea   I  uw  him    ofT  myselfr     Bentle;  be  ourieB  it  oot  into  longar  detul : 

WTS,  ■' Tetustiorea  libri  habent  oiii :  medio.  „            .           . 

P™terias  ^  IiisneTrtp«eropt™» 

■mi."     Rnt  hocme 

Ut  nigerem  eiempui  n^onim  qnaeqQe 


prefereaoe  of  the  lotett  resding.     'I 
will  iitaad  verj  well  bj  itself. 

6i.     Kr   aliii  tvtatrt  erfmplvn    libi]         ,,.'*'"'     ^-        .     ^  .       .   . 

Thi.  whole  puoge  m>j  perh>ps  h><e  been        ^'!^!12^  amtantmi  oo  qnod  mi  ip» 

■ujrjnmHi    uy  »  mmikMr   □■»»  lu    rimauis,  .  .fc,^^^-'»        .ii_-      *  i       i      i   o.- 

Bradions  iii  3   1  —6  ■  Nonne  ndea  Alhi  ut  nule  *i»>t  &has. 

d  bj  >  dmilar  p 

"Non  orla  eanu  modo  homines  seqnam  BuTosiiiopi?  U>gnam  docammtDm  ne 

Mt  pstrism  rem 

Bibi  baben  specalam  dU  os  contempU-  Podm  qaii  velit,'  " 

8ed  'qai   penpfoere  possmt  coidis   oo.  ■■>'  ■<>  o°  tiiroDgh  other  oaes.    The  whole 

pi>m;  pKSUge  is  well  woith  reading.     We  maj 

UU  id  ingpeiiuent,  cogitaieat  posto  eompare  ilso  Heant.  L  3-  36  : 

Vitun  at  viiiMent  olim  in  idaleaceatla."  .,„-._                .    ,             ,..   ,          ._ , 
"  oatnm  est  peiicalum  ei  uiii  ucen,  Qbl 

n>ntns,  howerer,  nws  the  niet>phor  af  the  qaod  ai  nsn  liet." 
'  specalum  '    more  Htendly  than  Terenoe, 


ACTtJS  ni.    SCENA  m.  281 

Kunc  mihi  aascnltandi.     Pisces  ez  Beatentia 

Nactus  sum :  Iki  mihi  ne  corrumpantnr  cantio  est : 

Nam  id  nobia  tam  flagitium  eat  quam  illa,  Bemea, 

Non  facere  Tobia  quae  modo  dixti :  et,  quod  queo, 

Conservis  ad  eundem  istuuo  praecipio  modum :  70 

"  Hoc  salsum  est ;  hoc  adustum  eet ;  boc  laatum  eat  parum, 

Hlud  recte :  itemm  sic  memento :"  sedulo 

Moneo  quae  posBom  pro  mea  sapientia. 

Postrano  tanqnam  in  speculum  in  patinas,  Demea, 

Inspicere  jubeo,  et  moneo  quid  iacto  usus  siet.  76 

Inepta  baec  esBe  noe  quae  facimua  aentio : 

Terom  qoid  iacias  ?  ut  bomo  est,  ita  morem  geraa. 

Xumquid  vis  ?    De.  Mentem  Tobis  meliorem  dari. 

j^.  Tu  ms  hinc  abisP     De.  Becta.     Sy.  Nam  quid  tu  hio 

Ubi  si  quid  bene  praecipias  nemo  obtemperet  P  80 

De.  Ego  Toro  hinc  abeo,  quando  is  quamobrem  huc  veneram 

S7.  Hi  miii  n>  mrtai^Kniliw  eaulie  et(]  hii  ch«r»ctar  trota  the  charge  of  deficiencj 

'I  mtiM  tako  csn  thmt  they  ■re  not  ipoilt.  ia  comic  Tigoor  whii^  ia  pmenUj  brought 

Por  tlng  ooiuitraetion  of  the  terbal  naiin  igunit  him.     On  this  ■ubject  generallf  ■ea 

m  oote  on  Andna  ii.  3.  26.  the  Jntrodnctian.     '  All  thii,'  >dd«  Sjnu, 

69.  Sl,  ^od  gtieo  Ifc.}     DoOBtDi  snp-  '  I  knoir  to  be  fooliah ;  bnt  what  are  yoD 

posa  tbst  Ihe  wordi  '  qocid  qneo  '  ■re  pnr-  to  do  ?     Yoa  muat  tslie  &  mta  U  joa  And 

powlj  DMd  bj  SjTut  from  their  simiKtade  him,  and  hutnoor  him  ■ccotdingl)'.'     Com- 

to  ths  word  '  coqno ;'  ■llading  to  Cicero'»  pare  the  tdmilar  ■entiment  in  Plaatni,  Hoi- 

joke  iRunit  the  lanrer  who  h^ipened  f>  be  telluu  iii.  2.  3S  : 

q^qut  ^ery  hnic  „ ut  »eram,  Truiio,  loqnw. 

'    But  this  leemi  rMher  f(r-fetcbed, 


«id  not  in  Torence'»  .tjle.     Hie  jolie.  ■re  y,^,             ^t  brevi,  cogituu  aimita."     ' 
neTer  ao  oncnre  u  tbis.  uid  Rre  generMlT 

■otked  ont  mnch  more  eiplicitlr.  78.  Nuvigmd  nt  ?']  '  Hbtb  foa  uif  com- 

75'  El  moneo  guid  /aclo  utut  rifl']    We  muidB  ? '  The  ordinu;  fbrm  of  takinf  lesTe 

inMtwith  'nsoi  est'  in  the  Mnse  of  'opns  (sm  note  on  Ban.  i.  2.   lil).     Demea  ie 

ot'  in  Heant.  i.  1.  2S  (oote).     In  HecTra  chorliih  to   the  lut  degree,   uid  will  not 

iii- 1.  47  «e  h^te  "Non  Deas  fiicto  e«C  mihi  OTen  uh  the  ordiniry  fbnnilitiee  of  «ociet^t 

niuic  hanc  intm  >eqai."    Tiie  phnio  occnn  so  he  ■nnrera,  '  AU  thit  I  csn  wy  is,  I  wiah 

in  muif  pl^cee  in  Pliutni,  Ki  in  AmphiCmo  jon   better   Hnue.'     Afterw^rds,  wbsn  ba 

i.  3.  7 :  "  CitinB  qood  nan  bcto  eit  opiu  Gt  t^kes  ■  friendl;  tom,  he  pridea  hinuelf  on 

quin  qnod  fscto  est  apoB,"     For  the  con-  ■  few  eonTention^]  phtaseB,  u  ■  rem^rkablfl 

itnctiDn  of  *  qnid  '  aee  note  on  Andri^  iii.  eSbrt  of  friendlineei.     5ee  Act  V,  Scene  T. 

!■  10.     Sometime»  we  find  '  ning '  aa  ■  pre-  81.  It  quamiabTati  hae  vauram]     '  Now 

iirtte,  n  '  op^ '  (tee  note  on  Andris  iT.  3.  thet  be,  on  whou  Bccoaut  I  etxae  here,  baa 

13).     See   PUntoa,   Bwcbides  iT.   3.  ffS,  gone  inlo  the  eonntry.'     'Quunobrem'  ia 

wher»  we  haTC  both  coDatmctions :  asad  with  Bnteaedean  of  bU  namben  and 

MonUxih. !  dl.  mibl.  ,S          "!■■  "T  TTJTT,  ^IT 

M„.  Xm  >..!.,  inid  H^-  ■^"^■^T-           f          '"' 

__  D Lij.  »                    '  "  Multi  mihi  TeniebBHt  in  mentem  quBm- 

abrem  latnm  labonm  tibi  etum  honon  pn- 

This  parodj  oT  Demea'!  ■erioiu  «dTiee  to  tarem  fore."   DouBtBS  compares  UiechBuge 

his  M>n  is  one  of  the  beet  hit*  in  Terence.  of  gmder  in  1.  1.  !4:  "  In  eo  me  obleeto] 

The  whola  aceoe  gOM  tome  waj  to  redeem  Mlnm  id  eat  oanim  milil ;"  bnt  than  tha 


282  ADELPm. 

BuB  abiit :  illum  ooio  nnam :  ille  ad  me  attinet. 

Quaado  ita  vult  &ater,  de  istoo  ipae  Tiderit. 

Sed  quifl  illio  eet  procul  quein  video  ?  eetne  hic  Hepo, 

Tribulifl  noater  ?  ai  Batis  cemo,  is  hercle  eet :  Tah,  B5 

Eomo  ainicuB  nobie  jam  inde  a  puero.     Di  boni  I 

Nae  illiusmodi  jam  nobia  magna  ciTium 

Penuria  eat :  homo  antiqua  virtute  ac  fide. 

Haud  cito  mali  quid  oitum  ex  hoo  sit  publioe. 

Quam  gaudeo  ubi  etiam  hujus  generis  reliquias  90 

Reetare  video  1     Ah,  TiTere  etiam  nunc  libet. 

Opperiar  hominem  faio,  ut  salutem  et  oonloquar. 


HEQIO.      OETA.      DEUEA.      PAHFHILA. 

Me.  Pro  Di  immoriAles,  &cinuB  indignum,  Oeta. 

Quid  narras  ?     Ge.  Sic  est  faotum.     ffe.  Ez  illan  fainilift 

Tam  illiborale  focinus  eaae  ortum  ?    0  Aeschine, 

Pol  haud  patemum  iBtuc  dediBti.     De.  Yidelicet 

De  pealtria  hao  audivit :  id  illi  nunc  dolet  5 

Alieno :  pater  is  oihili  pendit.     Hei  mihi  I 

Utinam  hic  prope  adesset  alicubi,  atque  audiret  haec. 

Me.  Nisi  &cient  quae  illoe  aequum  eet,  haud  sio  auferent. 

'  id  '  more  natarklly  reftn  to  (bie  whole  pre-  WNmeil  bini  tiut  Uui  wonld  bappen,  Hid 

cedtng  cIbii».    ■  Mf  cbarge  of  mj  sdopted  tiut  sU  thu  oomei  of  hii  eitiema  iddalgence 

■on  U  my  onlj  plcunra.''  to  AefduDiu.  In  thia  atate  of  miBd  Iw  pco- 
oeeda  to  saek  Mido,  inteadiug  to  leot  hia 

AiTT  III.   ScBNa  IV.     Uegia  comM  on  indignation  npon  liim;  and   Begio  «■m 

ths  >t«ga  in  conTenation  with  Get».     He  him  ttut  Micio  and  he  had  betttr  Me  to  i( 

can  huillf  EMlieve  wbat  be  bean  oF  Aeeebi-  that  iostioe  ii  doas.  or  their  cbanctera  will 

nni ;  oc  that  auf  one  of  hii  &n)ilj  can  bave  Boffer  for  it. 

act«d  10  ibabbilj.     Deme»  OTerbeu*  him,  Tbe  Metre  ia  iaisbic  Eriineter. 

and  iDppoeee  tbat  he  is  apeaking  of  thii  i.    Pol  luiul  paltnuim  iiliic  deditli] 

affair  <rf  the  music  giri ;  bat  after  a  ahort  '  Truljr  joa  luTa  uot  «cled  in  thti  like  your 

contmatian  with  Hegio  he  ii  uadecdTad,  father.'  This  ia  one  of  maa;  ioituicee  wbere 

and  fiDds  tbat  it  ii  a  mon  wriDHi  matter,  'pol'  aad  'edepol,'  tboogb  properlr  ontbi 

He  learns  for  the  (int  time  tba  whole  storj  of  women,  are  nsed  b;  men.     '  Dare  '  ii  io 

of  Aeacbiaoa'  coaneiion  with   Pamphila,  tbe  senae  of  '  bcere.'     '  Patamam  dare  '  ii 

wbo  ia  now  oa  tbe  poiat  of  her  oonfiDe-  '  ta  giTe  a  apecimen  of  ane'a  fatber.'    Com- 

ment ;  aad  Hegio  einceaee  bia  determina-  mentBtors  connect  the  phraBS  with  '  ruioui 

tion  to  stand  bj  taa  meads  to  the  laat,  and  dare,' '  pugnam  dsre,'  Enn.  r.  2.  60.      It  is 

to  eee  Uut  they  have  jaatice  done  them,  more  uulogDas  to  the  phnue  ia  Heut.  x. 

oat  af  reapect  Cotbe  memoryof  hia  duceaaed  1.  77  :  "  Adeo  eiornatum  (iUuin)  dibo.adeo 

friend  and  companion  Simalua,     Demea  is  depeium,"  where  aee  note.    For  '  dolet '  in 

taken  entirelj  by  auipriae  at  tbla  ■nnaance-  the  following  lineaeeuote  on  Eun.  1.  a.  IS. 

ment,  and  delarminea  Co  see  hli  brotber  on  S.  Hmd  lie  aitfkraU]    '  Ualess  thef  do 

the  labjest.     He  comforti  bimaelf  at  tbe  what  they  ODght  to  do,  th^  wiU  not  get  off 

■me  Itne  witb  tbe  refleotiDD  tbat  he  bad  io  thia  waj.'    It  i*  n          ~ 


Aonrs  m.  scena  iv.  sss 

Qe.  Jn  te  ^mb  omms,  Hegio,  nobis  sita  eet. 

Te  aolum  habemnB :  tu  es  patroaQa,  tu  pareiui :  lo 

Ule  tibi  morieiu  noa  commendaTit  senex. 

Si  deeeris  tu,  periimus.     Se.  CBve  dixeris. 

Neque  fiudam,  neque  me  satis  pie  posee  arbitror. 

Be.  Adibo.     SalTere  Hegiouem  plorimum 

Jubeo.     Se.  Te  qoaerebam  ipsum.     Salre  Demea.  15 

Be.  Quid  aatem  P    Se.  Major  filitu  taus  Aesohiiiua, 

Quem  fratri  adoptandum  dedisti,  neque  boni 

Neque  liberalis  Amctus  officium  est  viri. 

De.  Qoid  istnc  est  P    Se.  If  ostrum  amicum  noras  Simnlum 

Atque  aequalem  P  He.  Qnidnif   Se.  Filiam  ejns  Tirginem  to 

TitiaTit.     Be.  'Bem  I     Se.  Maae ;  nondnm  audisti,  Demea^ 

Quod  est  graTiasimum.     De.  An  qoid  eet  etiam  amplius  ? 

He.  Yero  ampiius ;  nam  boo  quidem  ferendum  aliquo  modo 

Persuasit  nox,  amor,  rinam,  adolescentia : 
Eumanum  est.     TJbi  scit  &otuni,  ad  matr^n  Tirginia  33 

Yenit  ipeus  ultro  lacritnans,  orane,  obeecrana, 
Fidem  dans,  jumns  se  inii.m  ductumm  domum. 
Ignotum  est ;  tacitum  est ;  creditum  est.     Yirgo  ez  eo 
Compressu  graTida  facta  est :  mensis  hic  decimus  est. 
Ille  bonus  Tir  nobis  pealtriam,  si  Bia  placet,  30 

ParaTit  quicum  vivat,  illam  deserit. 
I>e.  Pro  certon  tu  iataec  dicis  P     Se.  Mater  Tirginia 
In  medio  est ;  ipaa  Tirgo ;  rea  ipsa :  hic  Geta 
Fraeterea,  ut  captus  est  serTonun  non  malus 

vitb  ■bnltam  fare'  ■nd  '»alem,'  at  in  vdiov,  iltii  ri  a*6Tot  tiii  vwtrbt  Ti  wpiji/a 

^■dni  iii.  6.  i  (k*  note).     Compun  Plao-  tifiaBui,  In  Meidum,  p.  K6.     We  m>j 

hu,  ABonia  jv.  8.  7 ;    ■•  Sa^wnd»  [wtiiu  ODinpare  Plautui,  Bacchidet  L  1.  U.  Anla- 

■u  qnua  tacjta  baec  Kif enu."  Uriair.  10.  64. 

IB.  nnuAM  ogleivm  ttl  mri']   For  '  ftuio.  32.  Malrr  eirsinU  in  mtdio  «!]     '  The 

|>'*ith  tbeBccautJTeeeenoteoDHeeat  mother  of   the  girl  ii    *JJTe.'      Cooipare 

^- 1'  13.  Fhorniio  T.  7<  74  :  "  QuaiD  e  medio  eiceeiit 

11'  ifau]    Tlie  laet  ■fUable  of  'mene'  uade  Iwac  suKepta  Mttibit"  end  t.  S.  30  : 

'"^«t,  M  that  of*  cwe '  abore,  t.  I2,and  "Ea  nuirtem  obiit,  a  medlo  abiit,  qui  fuit 

*""T  oUmt  dMTllablea  oT  the  impenliTe  in  r«  luo  Knipulna." 

'^-  See  DotB  on  ii.  1.  36,  and  the  noti«  31.  Ul  taplui  ul  ferr»nt«]   '  Ttiii  Octa 

'"  "m  miitricBl  lawi  of  Tercnoe  in  tha  in-  too,  taking  ilaTei  aa  roa  find  Ibem,  not  a 

'ndDMjon.  bad  nor  idle  felloir.'     '  Captua  '  ii  und  bj 

^;  PatimU  ium,  nur,  tiutm,  adett-  Cicero  and   Casear  in   the   ■acne  Mnse  of 

^■'■a]   Commeotaton  haTs  brOQght  toge-  'cspacity,' 'chmcter.'   See  Tnncnlan.  Dii- 

lA^t  groit  nnmbcr  of  pasBgea  lHniitrating  pntat  ii.  2?  :  "  GrMci  utem  hominet  n 

^^•k  ilxi  wpBfdinis,  /Ji0i|v,  IpvTa,  iy-     fErnnt."     Caeaar,.BeU.  GalL  i«.  3:  "Ad 


284  ADELPHI. 

Xeque  iners,  alit  illas ;  eolus  onmem  familiam  35 

Sastentat :  liuiic  abduce,  Tinci ;  quaere  rem. 

Oe.  Imo  liercle  eztorque,  msi  ita  factum  eet,  Demea. 

Foetremo  non  negabit :  oorsm  ipsum  cedo. 

De.  Fudet :  nec  quid  agam  neque  quid  haic  respoudeam 

Scio.     Pa.  Miseram  me,  difGeror  doloribus.  40 

Juno  Lucina,  fer  opem :  aerra  me,  obeecro.     Me.  Eem. 

Numnam  illa  quaeso  parturit  P     Oe.  Certe  Hegio.     He.  Hem. 

Hlaec  fidem  nunc  veBtram  implorat,  Bemea : 

Quod  T08  via  cogit,  id  Toluntate  impetret, 

Haec  primimi  ut  fiant  Deoe  quaeeo  ut  vobis  deoet :  45 

Sin  aliter  animuB  vester  eet,  ego,  Demea, 

Summa  vi  defendam  bano  atque  illum  mortunm. 

Mihi  cognatuB  erat :  una  a  pueris  parvulia 

Suiniis  educti ;  una  semper  militiae  ot  domi 

Fuimus  ;  paupertatem  ima  pertulimus  grayem.  50 

Quapropter  nitar,  faciam,  experiar,  denique  relinquam  potius  quam  ilias  deeeraou 

•ItennipartemgaccedaiitUbiiiqQonim  Mt  and  nsed  'ris,'  u  Aristotle  woaM  ^,  for 

dritu  smpla  Btqae  florens,  ut  est  csptoi  ftuy  kind  of  exteniBl  compnlrion.     '  VolnD. 

Goiuanomm,    et    pknlo    qnun   lunt  ejna-  late '  i«  nied  b;  Fl>ntiu,  Hilea  Glorianu  iL 

dem  generis  et  ceteris  hnmBniores."    Beot-  &.  40: 

1«7  BltCT.  tha  lioe  to  "  nt  cptort  «ryo-  ,. j^  ^  ^^  ,„,5^  i™tii., 

'°Tr'  C^"*  *•"  '^"JT"'  i'  "°^  0™°?»!-         Niri  yolBntrtTibi»,  T>p>>m  tod«.nm ;" 

Se.  Qtuier;  rtm\    '  Eiftmiiie  bim  by  tor- 

tnre.'    '  Ay,  Bod  you  mBj  tortnre  it  out  of  Bnd  Cicero,  In  Q,  Caeciliaai  Divinatio.  e.  D ' 

me  if  70D  iilie,  DemeB,  if  it  is  not  BO.'    The  "CDgnosae   ei  me,  qaoDiBm   hoc  primum 

pTBCtice  wu  common  of  pattiog  slBTes  \o  tempns  diacendi  nsctiu  ei,  qnun  miilt*  eise 

the  torture,  etpedAllf  to  mske  Ihem  confeae  Oporteat   in    eo   qni  Bltertim   accnset ;    ex 

the  secreti  of  their  mutera.  qaibos  ri  nnnm  eliqood  in  te  co^o*ene, 

38.   Coram  ipturn  cedo']    •  Let  me  hsTe  ego  jem  tibi  ipee  istnc  qnod  eipetis  mra 

AeachJaus   himself  here  before   db.'      Por  Tclniitste   conCBdam."     Compare  Phonnio 

'cedo'  seenoW  oo  Heaut.  ii.  8.  9.  *.  3.  2:   "  Ut   sdb  TOlDntote  id  qnod  eK 

41.  /imo  JL«cf>ia,/er  o^en]    Jnno  Ld-  &deadiimfBciBt;"  and the BnBlogoiu phrsae 

dna  iraa  the  goddess  commonly  inTohed  b;  in  Hesut.  *.  4.  3  :   "  Dictus  fitioa  taDs  toa 

Roman  women  in  childbirtb.     On  thii  sub-  TolDntste."     See  note. 
ject  aee  the  note  on  Andria  iii.  1.  IG.  4t>.  Haeeprimam  nf  jtmi/  Dt04  fiuao] 

44.  Qaod  roi  vii  oogil,  id  vohmiale  im-  For  the  conitmction  of '  qoaeso . . .  at '  lee 

ptlrtl]    Hany  copiea  hBTe  'JDs'  fbr'risi'  note  on   BanucbDs  iii.  S.   13.      Por  '  Dt 

bat  eridentlj  onl;  u  an  erplBDBtion.     The  Tobii  decst'  seeT.  8.  6:  "  Imo  hctde  it> 

'ris'  here  intendad  is  the  'lia  l^m,'  tba  nabLs  deoet."  'Decet'  ii  roundwith  adatiTe 

viiunv  Avajii]'    WeaterbOTiiu  qnotei  from  case   in    Plantos,  CsptiTi  ii.  8.  71  '■    "  Ne 

HeasQder:  patri,  tametsi  nnicus  sum,  decere  videBlar 

Tpi'»i<n-!i.'£v5ir«««vfvMra.,  ^'P'"      A-nphitrno  iL    2.    198:    "  Isloe 

Ji   «rd  v6^ovt.  ft   raXi   A^dyKa^]  ^   y.  ^.'^''^^^''J^J:"*"  f^'"^ 

Toirov  fSfi  ri^i  decet.       This  oODStnictiDn  DUf  haTe  bm 

'  an  imitstion  of  tlie  (bMlc  rpiirfi.  wbiek 

«bidi   is  8  laier  stateoieiit   of  effident  talcea  onlj  the  diliTe,  Dnleas  ao  infinitii« 

caueei  than  llie  celabnted  sammary  of  Aris-  fbllow. 

totle,  Rbetoric  i.  10.  Terence,  howcTer,  bi        49.  Mililiaett  dami}  8aeiiot»OB  BoDa- 

well  b«  HaoBodir,  b  spealdn;  gener^jr,  chos  ir.  7-  4Jl. 


ACrrUS  III.    SCElf  A  V. 

Qaid  tnihi  reepondee  ?    De.  Fratrem  conTemAm,  Hegio : 

Ib  quod  mihi  de  hoc  re  dederit  consilimo  id  sequar. 

St.  Sed  Demea  Iioc  tu  facito,  cimi  ammo  cogites 

Qfma  Tos  facillime  agitia,  quam  estifl  maxime 

Potentes,  dttea,  fortmiati,  nobileB, 

Tam  maxime  tos  aequo  animo  aequa  noscere 

Oportet,  d  tos  Tultis  perhiberi  proboe. 

Be.  Bedito :  fient  quae  fieri  aequum  eet  omma. 

Se.  Decet  te  &cere.     Geta  duc  me  intro  ad  Soatratam. 

Be.  NoQ  me  indicente  haec  fiunt.     Utinam  hic  sit  modo 

Defunctnm :  Terum  nimia  illaeo  licentia 

Profecto  eradet  in  aliqnod  magnum  malum. 

Ibo  ao  requiram  fratr^,  ut  in  eum  haec  eromam. 


Bono  animo  &c  sis,  Soetrata ;  et  istam,  quod  potes, 
Fac  consolere.     Ego  Micionem,  ei  apud  fonmi  est, 

U.  Hst  ht  faeUo,  mtt  mtrno  eegittt]  giatm  with  Geta  to  >ee  Soatnta ;  witli  whani 

'  Cogitan  cani  iniaio '  i>  ftMiDd  in  one  or  two  ire  mnat  loppoae  bim  to  have  «u  inletriew 

t^fa  in  Dom  (ne  PonsUini).     It  oocan  in  the  intensl  between  thii  uid  the  neit 

•iMinPUutiu,  MoitallaTikiiLS.  13:  KeDe. 

"Q»em  mip.  eorito  cm  meo  .nimo,  J^,   ""','"  *^«!»'<  ha^fi^»!]     '  AU 

^^  h  tbnt  it  were  ended  with  thia ;  bnt  thii 

eiceeave  indolgence  will  certainlj  reaolt  ia 

Ii  i.  1.  ft  w«  have  "  QnM  In  te  nior  Sdt  •ome  great  eril.'     '  Indicente '  is  here  lued 

M  quie  m  snimo  cogitBl"  for  ■  uon  dicenle.'    Thete  ie  ■  glon  In  tbe 

W.  QiiaiH  vetfaeiUimt . . .  prabetl  '  The  Betnbine  oimnnKript  in  which  the  phreee 

lion  eujlj  JOD  Uve,  tlie  more  powsrfiil,  i*  epoken  of  ma  oniqne  ]  bnt  it  occnra  in 

'i<^  prmpetaDi,  snd  DobloTaQ  ara,  wmuch  Ijrj  uii.  39  :  "  Si  nnt  coU^m,  id  qood 

Ihe  mom  joQ  ODfbt  iD  aD  bonounble  ■pirit  mallem,  tui   nmiiem,  L.  Aemih,  heberei, 

to  liad  bononrwlj,  if  jon  wiih  to  ba  ac-  aat  to  coUegiie  tui  aimilii  enea,  Bupemcsask 

coiuital  good.'      For    'qnwn— tam'   with  enet  ormtio  me* :  nam  et  doo boni  coniulea, 

■xpBluiTei  lee  DOte  on  Heent.  t.  8.  H.  etdun  me  indicente,  omnia  e  re  pnbUn  fide 

'^  conatmction   b  not  Doticed  in  uf  Te9tr>fii:ereti8,etmaUDecmeBTerbaaiiribni 

tnoniiHS  tiiat  I  hate  eMin.     Neitber  Mod-  Teetris   nec   conrilia   saimia    BCdpcTetia." 

>ig  Dor  Key  haa  it.    It  ii  limplji  on  adap-  Forcellitii  qnotea  alio  Qcero,  De  FiDibna 

titioD  of  the  Greek.    Compara  ThncjrdidM  ii.  3,  bnt  the  beit  readiog  thue  i>  ■  non 

^.84:  iaif  fiiiXMra  tai  iXiutftpoi  ^irav  dicenle.'    > Defanctum  sit '  ia  here  a  pasiiTe 

nproi  TDiro^u  cni  Spaavrnra   xpaairf-  impereoDal,  as  iD  I.IT7  ii.  3S:  "8ed  odeo 

'oirTif  riv  /iiirvev  dirtfrevv.     Snlluit  has  infensa   erat   coorta  plebs  ut  anins  poeoa 

tbe  Bnie  conatinction  in  jDgnrthaSI :  "Ita  defiingendnm  «aaat  pstribDs."    'Defungor' 

qium  qnitqne  peaiime  fticit,  tam  mBiime  has  Ihe  particnlar  senie  of  '  bcdng  quit  of  a 

tntiu  est."  greatcr  eril  witb  a  leei.'    8ee  notei  on  Utj 

SO.  Rtdile}    Ktpo  had  spdEeD  the  pre-  loc  cit.  and  iv.  63.     80  here  Demea  a.jt, 

oding  words  angrilf ,  and  waa  tnkiDg  bis  '  I  wish  that  we  were  quit  of  the  affiur  with 

■icpartate :   Demea  now  recalls  hini,  and  this  bnaiiieea.' 
promisea  that  thej  wiU  da  all  that  he  re- 

qBues.    UpDD  that  He^  k»ve«  him,  and  Act  III.   Souia  V.    AoconliDg  to  Do- 



Oonveniam ;  atque  nt  res  geots  eet  aarrabo  ordiue. 
Si  est  facturuB  ut  sit  officium  suum, 
Faciat :  siu  aliter  de  hae  re  est  ejus  BeBtentia, 
Beepondeat  nubi ;  ut  quid  agam  quamprimnm  sciam. 


CTESIFHO.      8YBU8. 

Ci.  Ain  patrem  hino  abisse  rus  ?     Sy.  Jamduduni'     Ct.  Dic 

sodes.     Sj/.  Apud  Tillam  eet. 
Kunc  cum  maxime  operis  aliquid  facere  credo.     Ct.  Utinam 

Quod  cum  salute  ejus  fiat,  ita  bc  defatigarit  velim, 
Ut  triduo  boc  perpetuo  prorsum  e  lecto  nequeat  snrgere. 
8y.  Ita  £at,  et  istoc  si  quid  potis  est  reotius.     Ci.  Ita :  nam 

bunc  diem  5 

nttni  thia  thort  iceiie  iw  wtotiilg  fn  «»18  to  bll  beirL    I  haia  oolj  got  to  pnua  jm 

oopiM  tt  Terence ;    uid   ia  oonaeqnence  pnttj  atnmglj,  wul  thc  old  oiui  oia  tor 

Gnretns   rajwtod   it   ■Itogetber.      Bot  it  jt^.    Bat  here  ba  ii.    Get  o«t  of  tbe  m? 

Bemii  entitled  to  atwid  «here  it  ia.     Hegio  with  yan  i  tni  leBva  It  tn  niB,' 

hadpoaetosee3o«tnta(T.61  ofSoenel),  The  Mstre  ii  u  followa;    1.9,  trodiuc 

>nd  ia  now  Iwving  ber  hoiue,  aad  speduiig  tetrameter ;  2.  10,  tnidiwc  tetniDeter  e»tt- 

to  her  u  be  goea  ont,  ■  not  imcainman  lectici  8,  Irochiuc  dimeter  oktelectic.     Tbe 

tcenic   wnngement   with   Terenr«.      (See  lemuntng  lines  ue  ismbic  letmneter. 

Andni  iii.  3.  uid  Herat.  i.  1.)  The  wordi,  1.  Die  todei]     For  ttiis  phiaee  ■>•  note 

too,  " Ego Hidonem, li ■pod fonim  eat, Coa.  on  Andiie  L   I.  08.     '  Yottr  btber,'  «;■ 

leniam,      conneot   thli   scene   witb   ir.  3,  S;rae,  'ii  tt  the  futni   umI  I  fancj  that 

where  Hepo  uid  Mido  ■ppatr  togetber;  joit  ■bont  qdw  be  ii  hanl  it  workat  ■ome- 

uid  tlui  icena  leema  («  haTa  been  intro.  tbing  or  ather.'     For  the  cipnawn  ■  opna 

ducedbr  the  lale  pnrpote  of  fbmiing  a  link  ftcere'  coiDpue  Eanadiiu  ii.  1. 14;  "Opoi 

between  tbe  laat  icene  uid  ir,  3,  olberwiie  haun  nt  dalitiger  ii»qae  iDpaliis  ixt  dor- 

what  i>  nud  bere  might,  h  Colman  vji,  miua." 

haie  been  better  laid  behiad  tbe  aceae.  6.  Ila  fiat,  el  itloe  ti  fuid  pofii  ml  ree- 

The  Metrs  is  iambic  tnotet».  iiw]     CommentBton  notiea  tbe  ambi^itr 
of  theae  wordi,  nippoaing  Sjrai  to  luiit  a 

AcT  IV.    SciNI  I.     Sjmi  bad  lerit  De-  wiib  for  tbe  old  man'a  daatb,  whiefa  woald 

KMa,  81  he  inppoaad,  nteij  olt  to  hit  farm,  rid  them  ot  bim  more  efleotnallj  tban  ercr- 

and  made  him  beliBie  that  Claipba  wu  Ctatipbo  aeemt  to  talte  tt  aa  ■  land  oT  addi- 

tbere.    Cteeipho  ia  now  >luTaed  at  tbe  con-  tioD  to  bi*  own  wiih.     Ua  hail  aaid,   '  Ai 

•eqnancea  of  thii  tricli.    If  bia  fathar  doa  kmg  aa  he  doea  not  injnre  hii  health,  I  widi 

not  flnd  him,  he  will  be  mre  to  eooie  back  be  wonld  (0  ultolf  tire  liimnlf,  aa  not  to 

to  town  to  look  ffw  him  i  and  tbat  &rm  ii  be  abla  to  get  ont  of  bed  for  the  whole  of 

■o  DMT  that  fae  oan  be  oat  aud  back  again  the  neit  three  days.'    '  Yes,'  saja  Sjiai, 

in  DO  tima.     And  if  be  comes,  what  ii  ba  to  '  and  any  tbing  tbat  can  bappea  bettcr  than 

laf  i     '  Anj  tbing,'  tajra  Bfmi.  '  j on  baTe  tbat.'  Ctatipho  daarlf  doea  oot  taka  Sjrns' 

bsen   bntj    with   some  friend.'     Bnt   that  inoeDdo;   fiii  if  iiii  iliil.  iii  riiiiiliiii  iilii  iia. 

wan't    do   for    mj    being   here   all  night.  be   would   not  MJ   'Yet.'      He  ODOlidat 

'  Nerer  mind,'  njt  Sjrrni, '  I  knoiiT  the  way  ajnis  ta  widi  that  U*  Ubtr  uIbU  ba  k^ 


ACTUS  IV.    SCENA  I.  287 

Uisere  nimis  capio,  ut  coepi,  perpetnum  in  laetitia  degere : 
Et  Ulud  rus  nulla  alia  cauaa  tam  male  odi,  nisi  quia  prope  est : 
Qnod  si  abesaet  longius, 

Prius  nox  oppresaisset  illic  quam  huc  rererti  posset  iterum. 
Nnnc  ubi  me  ilHc  non  Tidebit  jam  buc  recurret,  sat  scio.        10 
Bogitabit  me  ubi  fuerim ;  quem  ego  hodie  toto  noa  vidi  die. 
^iid  dicam  f    Sy.  IfihilnB  in  mentem  P     Ct.  ^unquam  quic- 

qnam.     Sy.  Tanto  nequior. 
Gliens,   smicus,   bospes,   nemo   est  vobis  P     Ct.  Sunt :    quid 

Sy.  Hisce  (fpen.  nt  data  eit.     Ct.  Quao  non  data  sit  ?  noo 

potest  fieri.     8y.  Potest. 
Ct.  laterdiu:  sed  si  faic  pemocto,  causae  quid  dioam,  Syre  P  15 

mj  cTen  longar  Ibaa  he  had  ■Hid.     For  Bentlej  proposei '  naiqaun,'  whid)  occara 

'potii  eit'  eee  doU  on  EaBadi.  iL  S.  33,  «itli   'qoicquam'  in  athar  placeej   u  in 

uiil  ror  tfae  noIioD  of  tha  wtoil  'ptfcpetaoi'  AsinBiia  iiL  9.  41.    Bnt  all  Ihe  eiiatiBg 

iK*a  oa  Eunoidi.  T.  8.  13.     The  abUtiTa  of  copiea  haTe  '  nanqium,'  which  aalia&e*  the 

liaK  wilh  tbe  addiljiui  of  tha  deinonMntdTe  aenae  of  the  pnauge. 

pcaDoim  sgnifiee  tbe  apace  of  tiiDe  pait  or  Tenlo  nagvior)     Thia  phrase  oocon  In 

AitiuD  «ithin  «hidi  a  thlng  takea   pLaoe,  PlautDS,  Menaechmei  ii.  3.  34.     We  mar 

Sa  "  Uig  annia  qaadriDgeMi*  Bomu  rsi  coutraat  '  (anlo  melior '  Hnut.  iii.  %  38, 

fait,"  '  Witbin  the  last  fonr  baixlred  jtmr»  and  Plaatus,  Bacchideg  ii.  3.  33.     AU  tbe 

thenwaa  a  king  at  Bome.'     In  the  pment  cDmDienCator*  remark  here  npon    the  io- 

inKance  we  might  aa;  more  demrif  '  iBtra  gennoiuneH  of  Ctadpho'*   chancter.     He 

tzidvnm  hoc  parpetniun.'  will  not  tell  a  lie  to  hia  ^ther^  and  tbej 

9.  Prni  nnr  Ofpmtimtl  illie  4%.]    '  If  dwell  on  this  ai  a  proof  of  hia  mitici^,  a> 

Uie  him  were  onlj  fiKtheroff,  night  wonld  oompared  with  the   more   piadiaed   diaw- 

ha**  neitaliea   him  out  tfaere,  bafore  be  patiDn  of  hia  brotber.     Bnt  Terence  knew 

coDld  h»Te  got  beck  again  to  the  town.'  better  than  to  make  bie  Toiuig  genUeman 

'Opprimo  '  ie  often  uecd  in  Terenoe  in  the  gnilty  of  the  slBrish  vice»,     Uie  slaiea  ar« 

•B>Haf'totakeaBswaras,''tooTertake.'as  alwsja  introdnced  with  aoaie  aach  deceita; 

iii  Andiia  L  3.  S9:  "ConTeniam  Pamphi-  bat  tbe  ;onng  heroea  of  the  ttorj  are  gene- 

Im,  ae  de  hac  re  polar  impradentem  op-  rallj  of  a  more  gentlemanlf  tjpe.    A  /att 

pnaai."    Adelphi  ii.  S.  31:  "Vt  in  Ipeo  man  drewa  a  nice  diatinctiaB  between  iba 

■RicDlo  oppieaait."     Cicera  naea  it  aa  in  gentlemanlj  vicBa,  and  otben  wbich  it  la 

the  prcaent  paaaa^:  "  Quotiea  illao)   (C.  not  tbe  tebion  ta  pnctise.    CteB^ktha 

GaUat  the  ■itmaomer)  lui  noctn   aliqoid  Joang  man  wbo  haa  bam  kept  too  tigfat  at 

desmbere  ingreesom,  qootdea  Doi  oppresnt  home,  and  1«  natarallj  readj  to  break  ost 

qnBm  mana  coepiseet  I"  Cato  Major,  cap.  wlien  an  OpportBakj  of  diasipatiaa  ofhro. 

14.    '  Ilenun  '   is  redandmt,  aa  '  ninam  '  Hiere  ia  notbing  particnlBrlj  isstic  or  In- 

hiLl.  46,  and  Plantits,  Poenalaa,  Prol.  79i  gsonoos  abont  him  bejond  hii  awkward- 

"  Berertor    narsas    denno    CarAaginem."  nssa  in   corrying  on  hia  w^iemea,  in  wbicfa 

Bse  alio  BaDBchna  ir.  8.  6.  he  ia  befrieDded  bj  the  more  nadj  wit  of 

IS.  Kikilmt  m  «aM«>  /^     '  Csn't  joa  bia  brother.     He  ii!  not  ao  anconth  or  na. 

Ihiok  oS  atij  thiog !'     See  the  oote  on  nadj  to  sdspt  lumaelf  lo  tiie  wsjs  of  tbe 

Umat.  T.  S.  33.  town  as  Chrmnee  in  tbe  Eimachoa. 

Nnfiiam  jvlejitopt]     '  NercT  a  thing.'  14.    Sttce  opera   ul  dala  til]     'Yoa 

'  MnnqMm '  is  beie  nsed,  aa  io  onr  own  ahoald  saj  that  joa  haie  been  engaged 

pktiaa,  far  'dod.'     Bee  Plantua,  AMnaria  wlth  them.'    The  dsan  dependa  apon  'in 

iiL3.39i  mentem  eet'  sboTa,  or  aoaie  similtr  ei< 
presdon  nppliad  Irom  tbe  whole  aeatenoa 

"Ut  veatrae  (brtonae  mda    piBeoediuit,  preceding.     For  ■  operam  dare '  saa noCe on 

Idbana ;  longe,  Ueant  t.  1.  38. 

Bodiefnlnonquam  adTeaperom  TirBm." 



Sy.  Vah,  qu&m  veUem  etiam  noctn  amiciB  opersm  moe  esset 

Quin  tu  otiosua  es :  ego  illins  sensun  pulchre  calleo. 
Quam  fervit  maxime  tam  placidum  quam  OTem  reddo.      C(. 

Quo  modo  P 
Sy.  Laudarier  te  audit  libenter :  facio  te  apad  illmn  Deum : 
Yirtutea  narro.     Ct.  Meas?     jS^.  Tubs:  homini  ilico  lacrimai 

cadnnt  20 

Quara  puero  gaudio.     Hem  tibi  antem.     Ct.  Quidnam  eet? 

Sy.  LupuB  ia  fabula. 
Ct.  Fater  eat  P     8y.  Ipsus  eet.     Ct.  Syre,  quid  agimos  P    Sy, 

Fuge  modo  intro :  ego  Tidero. 
Ct.  Si  quid  rogabit,  nusquam  tu  me :  aodistin  f     Sy.  Fotin  ut 


■  rtdio'^     t«ni ;  roi  0171  tuvouic  ti)mtt,  i  BU>wv, 

boiliDr  pitcb  I  make  him   w    qniiit   aa  a  o)  Adriavrc  Stav  nvrl  iyKitiaaI,maiir  Aya- 

Umb.'     Tfaia  ia  ■□  instuic»  of  >  common  Bkv     avlpa,     eiioc   ■'v^P,    fori'.    ovrof, 

Idud  of  UtraetiDn.    The  fUler  eipreadon  Heno.  p.  99.  &  pnctice  illoded  to  bf  Aiia- 

wonld  be  'qamm  oris  est,'  la  in  PlaatDi,  toUe  (Bthic  Nicom.  tU.  1.  3),  vho  girea 

Poennliu  i.  S.  \4h,  146  :  tbe  trne  Tnucnlv,  £tIoc  iriip.     In  nen 

"T«Dhercletuperirtini  ilLun  mihi  tiun  «««erj,  .ppUed  to  grert  men  tbe  word  «1 

t«nqmll«n  f^  '"  ~"'"°''  "^'"  ^'  '   if".?T°^' 

QoHn ^m«   e.t  ol!m  qnnm  ibi  ^oedo         "I.  /f«rt« ,'r^t"L     ^V  P™'  l'!^ 

DuUo.  edndt  .no.  "  yonraelf.  Tho  old  rtory.  Tilk,  oftbederil.'  Ooero  n»  the  nme  proTetb, 

uid  in  tbi.  pls7,  T.  3.  63:  "Tun  eicoctam  EpiM.  ad  Atticnm  lili.  33:   "DeVarrODe 

reddnm  stqne  ■tmm  qDun  cerbo  est."     We  loquebamnr :  Lapni  in  bbnlk.    Tenit  enim 

have  tbe  nme  ooiutnictioD  in  Phoimio  it.  nd  me,"     FUutn.  h»  it  ic  *  rether  dif. 

3.  I :  ferent  form  :   "  Atqne  eocnm  tibi  Inpnm  in 

"EgohODiinemcsUidioremTidineniinem  ■«™oiiel''Bticbu.  It.  I.  71.    The  «igin 

Qdud  Pbonnionem."  ^  *^  '■Ting  »  not  deuly  uoertvned. 
Demn.  conDects  it  with  the  popnlar  gapcr- 

There  ii  no  need  tberefbni  lo   rewl  witb  rtitioD  thet  tbe  nght  of  n  wolf  drpriied  a 

Bentlej  ■  qDUD  OTi.  ert.'     Hb  takea  ■  Tcrf  penon  of  qwec^,  u  in  Tiigil,  Ed(«.  ii. 

litend  *iew  of  tbe  word.,  "  Oii.  non  reddi-  bS : 
tar  pleddn :  qnin  non  ei  fer&  dcnrBtnr  et 
Dunmenat,  eed  ett  nBtnrn  et  indole  pU- 
cide."     Hoit  of  our  mettphor.  woold  hll 
to  the  groand  nnder  mcb  a  critidsm   ■■  ""' ' 

thia.     In  tbe  preceding  line  tbe  beffi  ■ntho-  uid  aa  he  uji  tfae  prorarb  i»  appUed  to  tbe 

litiee  hflTe  '  ferrit.'     '  FerTeo  '  tbUowe  the  «|^i«MaDce  of  one  of  whom  we  are  tUking. 

third  decleniioD  in  eome  casea,  particDlirij  wbo  cata  iboit  oor  conTemtion   bj   lui 

in  tbe  infiniti*e  mood.  ■rriTil.    In  defiDlt  of  ■  belter  eipluutioa 

19.  Facia   It  aptid  illum  Datm]     We  we  moat  reiKiTe  thia.    ■PabaU'   U  iieed 

find  thii  eiprenion  uaed  bj  CicerD  in  >aber  «imetimee  ia  tbe  aense  of  *  «ermo ;'  but  io 

proie:  "  Qui  ordo  tibi  pUcait,  inquit  Ca-  Uter  ■uthore.     Donatoa  giTsi  ■nother  ei- 

talaa,  et  qnae  diapositio  urgnmentDmm,  in  pUnetion,  deriied  from  t^  .toriee of  '  wolf ' 

qua  tn  mihi  aemper  Dene  rideri  lole.,"  De  wilb  which  nnreei  wonld  frighten  childrai ; 

Ontore  U.  43.     PUto  informa  ni  that  the  bat  thU  ia  not  tbe  aeiue  of  tbU  puuga. 
phraw  wae  a  conunoD  one  wilb  th«  8p«r- 


ACTUS  rV.    SCENA  n.  289 


DEKEA.      CTESTPHO.      STKrS. 

De.  Nae  ego  homo  sum  infeliz ;   primimi  &atrem  i^ufiquam 

inTenio  gentium : 
Pnieterea  autem  dum  illum  quoero  a  villa  merceiiarium 
Vidi :  18  filium  negat  eese  ruri :  nec  quid  agam  acio. 
Ct.  Syre.     8y.  Quid  estP      Ct.  Meu  quaeritP     8y.  Verum. 

Ct.  Perii  !     Sy.  Quin  tu  animo  bono  es. 
De.  Quid  hoc,  malum,  infelicitatis  P  nequeo  eatis  decemere ;   S 
Niei  me  credo  hoic  esse  natmn  rei,  fcrendis  mieeriis. 
Primns  sentio  mala  noetra ;  primua  reacisco  omnia ; 
Primus  poTTO  obnuntio ;  aegro  boIub  si  quid  6.t  fero. 

A<T  rv.   ScKNB  II.   DemeB  has   been  stance  in  TerenDe.      He  qnotas  PUutui, 

kokjng  fbr  hii  brother  all  oTsr  the  town  in  Amphitmo  iii.  3.  13  : 

nm,.'  r^  "noroo»"  1>M  jnrt  ■bbd  ■  »0«-  u  jn  >nbsnutor«m  ■  navi  hne  otoci  Tsrbii 

HM  from   tha   ttrm   who   tellj   him    that  °<    » 
Ctaipho  is  not  there.     Ho  ia  «ccortliDgij 

'0  ptai  papleiitj,  ■«]  Uri  it  all  lo  hia  Bnt  in  both  caeea  we  ntay  take  the  pKipaM- 

nniiickj  Mara,  wMch  hiTC  dodned  him  lo  tion  iu  ita  natucBl  geoge,  withont  baTing  re. 

!>•  the  fint  hicI  odI;  one  to  lee  and  feel  conr»  to  mj  mch  gapponlion.     It  woold 

for  tbe  finiilj   miirortnnee.     While  he   ii  be  difficnlt  cleBrif  to  eipreia  in  lAtin  soiA 

■■ttering  thie  eoiiloqa]'  Ctenipho  is  carrjing  a  phraae  u  tbe  Greek  oi  diri  rqc  ir(!Ati»{, 

00  ■  bj^pUij    wiCh   87nu.       Demea    «ee*  or  ol  liiri  rrSv  rpiaicDvra  iiuiv  'AOqvoIai, 

Sjnis,  wbo  breaki  oat  iato  ■  Tiolent  ■■-  with   which    PerleC  compuea   the   preieiit 

nientation    orer    the    pretended    minuage  eipresiion. 

«hich  he  hsa  r«ceiTed  from  Cteaipho.     He  G.      Qniif    Aoe,    malnm,    infftlieilalit /} 

Im  half  killed  him,  he  tM,jt ;  and  the  aing-  '  Hagne  on  it,  what  ■  piece  of  miirortnne  ii 

ing  giri  into  the  bargain.     He  tsd  acarcelj  thia  1  I  csn  soircelj  naderaland  it.     Oalj 

lelt  town  to  go  to  the  finn,  when  he  came  I  think  that  I  wu  born  for  thii  Tery  oth- 

Wk  in  ■   m^d   fit,  ud  fell   npon  tbem.  ject,  to  be»r  misfbrtune.'     '  Melom '  w^a  • 

Denwa  is  delighted  to  Gnd  that  hia  eon  ha*  common  eiclaniatioD,  and  ie  met  with  fre- 

•honn  n  much  apirit,     He  aake  Sjma  to  qnenllj  in  Plautn»  and  Terenoe,     Sea  En. 

4iiw*  him  where  to  flnd   Micio,      Stto»  nnchua  ir.  7.  10  5  HeMit.  ii.  3.  77 !  Phor- 

pn*  him  diractions  aboat  the  waj,  which  mio  t.   7-  OS.     For  thii  nae  of  '  niai '  in 

"ill,  be  hopee,  keep  him  oa  hia  lega  the  introdndng  ■  new   aentence  aee  note  od 

^  pait  of  tbe  daj ;  and  tben  goea  in  to  Heant.  t.  3.  6  ;  and  fbr  '  natna '  with  tbe 

enjoj  himaelf  with   aome  tit-bit  from  tbe  daliTe  c*se,  >ee  note  on  Ennnchaa  iii.  2.  7. 

fmat  wluch  he  has  got  read j  for  bia  mai-  8.  Priniia  porro  oiauBlio]    '  I  am  thoi 

Wr,  the  firet  to  bring  the  b^d  newi.'     '  Obnnn- 

Tbe  Hetre  ii  boduic  tebsmet«T  cats-  tio^isBlwBja  nied  in  >  bad  aenae;  either  of 

lectic  the  ■agani  reporting  unluckj  omens,  or  of  • 

1-  Aafma  niufiuni  imieiiia  ^nilftin]  m^gistnte  nutting  e  elop  to  an  aaaembly 

Beenote  on  &unuchii*  It.  1.  11.     Comparo  bj  ■lleging  bsd  omena.     8ee  Lirj  iiii.  43  t 

'quori*  geatinm,'    Heant.    T.    1.   61^,    sad  "  FBullua,  cum  ei  ana  aponte  cunctanti  pnlli 

the  common  Greek  phraae  oAJofioS  ySc.  quoque  auspicio  non  addiiissenl,  obaunli»ri 

2.  A  Tilla  meremarivm]     Perlet  looselj  j»m  efferonti  porta  ligna   collegae  jnswt," 

femBrfca ;  "  9nbatanti»nm  cum  pr»epoaitione  CScero,  Poat   Red.  in   Senitn  6;    "L^em  adjectiTO  ejoidem  Tocis,  uthoc  loco  0  tribnnna   plehia  tnlit,  ne  aoapiciia   obtem- 

vitla  pro  Tillicna  Terentio  qaidem  femiliare  per«rotnr,  ne  obnantiare  oondlio,  ne   l^ 


290  ADELPHI. 

Sff.  Bideo  hunc  :  primiim  sit  se  scire ;  is  solus  uescit  omnia. 
De.  Nuuc  redeo :  si  foite  &ateT  redierit  viso.     Ct.  Syre,       lo 
Obsecro  vide  ne  ille  huo  prorsus  se  jiruat.     8tf.  Etiam  tacea  ? 
Ego  cavebo.     Ct,  ITunquam  hercle  hodie  ego  istuc  committam 

Nam  me  jam  iu  cellam  aliquam  onm  illa  concludam :  id  tutis- 

simum  est. 
8^,  Age,  tamen  ego  hunc  amoyebo.     Be.  Sed  eccum  scelo- 

ratum  Syrum. 
Sy.  Ifon  hercle  hic  quidem  durare  qiiisqaam,  si  sic  fit,  po- 

test.  15 

Scire  equidem  toIo  quot  tnih'   aint  domini:    quae  haec  est 

De.  Quid  ille  gannit  P    quid  Tult  P   quid  aia  bone  vir  P   est 

&ater  domi  P 
Sy.  Quid,  malum,  "  Bone  Tir,"  uuhi  naTraa  P   Equidem  perii. 

Be.  Quid  tibi  est  P 
Sff.  BogitasP    Oteeipho  me  pugnis  miserum  et  istam  psal- 

TJsque  occidit.     De.  Hem,  quid  uarras  P     S}/.  Eem  I  Tide,  nt 

diBcidit  labrum.  io 

hiDdnnce  i*  eoniejed  %  tba  prepontioD,  told  him  of  Ct«Mpbo's  indigulion  iigHBst 

■a  ia  '  obloqnor,'   '  objido,'  '  obrogo,'  uid  Aesckiniia  whai  be  fotati  hiai  arrying  off 

'obuBero,'    PUutni,    Asinuu  ii.    1.    17,  the  muic  girL     Ha  uow  mihM  in,  «  if  he 

irtiich  iDeoni '  ta  Under  by  ■  b>d  omen.'  ware  joM  nniitiiig  bom  k  Bonra  Uuwb- 

11.   Vida  n<  iilt  Imc  prarna  le  imuif]  ing,  aai  had  thonghti  of  qoitting  bu  ptacB 

'  Miod  he  doa  not  roih  (traigbt  in  here.  in  ooiueqiuniEe.      '  Na  one  oin  ever  et*T 

■  Proniu  '  ii  here  ueed  in  iti  ariginal  Kuee  liere,'  he  Bfi,  '  i(  tldngi  go  on  in  this  ws*. 

of  ■  MnightwsT,'  like  '  rects  na.'     8ee  note  Itideed  1   ■hoiild  bke  to  know  how  iiuay 

on   Eunnchai  t,  8.  62,  fiir  ■nother  oppUc*-  muten  1  have  f    Oh,  I  am  in  indi   pain  '.' 

tion  of  the  word.     >  Irmo  '    ii   here  nied  '  Ihini '  !■■■  the  donble  notton  of  '  bcBriDg 

redeiiTelf  u  '  promo '  In   Ennnchiu  iii.  b.  with  ■  thing  '  aiMl  '  canlinniDg  in  K  itBte.' 

61  (Dote);  *aiiiDpo'   in  Tirgil,  0«argic  i.  CDmpue  Pluitn*,  Tmculentai  iL  3.  5,  6, 

446  :  wheie  liotb  •ena»  «re  fonnd : 

"Ant  nbi  inb  Incem  denM  inter  nnbiU  "A.   Non  qnii  pammper  dnnre  opperi- 
KTenl  enunpiint  ndii ;"  D.  Quin  herde  be*ni  jun  nm  donDdu 

Hld  Cueu,  BelL  CiviL  iL  14  :  "  Piirtii  le  „     mUer." 

tona  enunpnnt."  "^™  ia»niple«  nj»r  be  found  In  Forcdlini 

16.  Non  ktrttt  hie  taidan  durart  «<>*•  ?f  •f'*'  »en»..     We  mnit  genenUr  decide 

t»am  .  .    .  potfty     Svnu  comei  to  the  ^?  *'»'  <»?f«»t  •'^^   °"""f.  "  "LJ*" 

eentre  of  Ihe  nege  in  great  hute,  .nd  pre.  ^  promiiwnoe.    In  Hecyn  u.  2.  VJ  we 

tondiDg  not  to  «ee  Deme».     Hie  object  ii  •»"  *  penluro    '^  roflemely  m  «  iUnilu 

to  ■ccount  for  Cte>ipho'i  being  \a  the  dty,  >enae  : 

■nd  not  nt  the  &rm    «1  he  h«d   told   hi.         ,,,  /'  ~  ^^  «^J?™» 

bther,  ind  k)  he  hiM  opon  a  pUuaible  tele,         N'»'  P°«»«  •?,"''  *'"  "oipwlo  «e  ebeente 
which  Che  old  mao  ia  more  likelj  to  credit  peidurare. ' 

&iim  hie  general  opinion  of  his  Min,  aa  weU  -        20.   Vidt,  \U  ditaM  UtrwN]   '  Bea  how 

M  ftom  the  1^017  that  9jn»  hed  pretionilf  h>  hM  eot  mj  lip.'    Sfini  hcra  mnkcB  ■ 

Dg  zecbvGbOglc 

ACTUS  IV.    8CENA  II.  291 

De.  QnaiiiobTem  P     8ff.  Ma  impabore  haoo  coatam  eese  ut. 

De.  Non  tu  eum  nis  hino  tnodo 
Produxe  aiboB  f    8y.  Fitctum :  Terum  Tenit  poet  inaaniens : 
Nihil  pepercit.     Non  paduisae  verberare  hominem  seuem, 
Quem  ego  modo  puerum  tantiUum  in  manibus  gestaTi  meis  ? 
De.  Ziftudo,  OttBv^ha ;  patriaaas :  abi,  virum  te  judico.  35 

Sj/.  Ijaudfls  P  Nae  ille  continebit  postfaac  ai  si^iet  manus. 
De.  Fortit«T.     Sy.  Perqnam  I  quia  misersm  mulierem,  et  me 

Qui  referire  non  aadebam,  Tudt :  hni,  per£irtiter  I 
De.  Non  potuit  melius :  idem  quod  ego  sensit  te  esse  huic  rei 

Sed  eatne  frater  intns  ?     j^.  Non  eat.     De.  Ubi  illum  quae- 

ram  cogito.  30 

»17  hce.      Boma    tararatxtUton    >nppoaa  Uoslelliria  t.  1 .  32 :  "  Abi  lodll  me,  m- 

tbil  Sirnis  bad  cut  hii  lip  purpowlj  to  give  do,"  ■ometjmei  oantcmptiioiu,  w  in  thii 

liii  Xotj  %  greator  alr  of  trnth.    Thii  doaa  plaj,  H.  t.  13  : 

1«  laeni  Ukelj,    TererK»  eyidently  «aa      ,,», .   ._^     ..  _„^.  ;„___ 

writins  he«,  with  a  rie-  to  the  actor;  -ho  NnnqMm  rem  bdM  :  «b.:  t.e«na  .naacare 

■onld  no  donbt  lome  aimple  devioa  homtnai. 

fcrthapiirpoBe.  27.  Perqwtmt]  Thi»   lue   <rf  the  word 

Sl.  AM  fn  «uni  nu  hinc  maia  prnduxt  iu  the  Beuie  of '  eitwdingly '  arou  lyom  the 

alJatT]     <  Did  Tcia  not  tell  ma  that  you  empbatic  farce  of 'per'  iu  conjaaddaa  «ith 

llad  jost  aeen  him  off  into  the  coaotiy  ?'  <  qoam,'  followed  by  an  adjectiTe,  poaitiTe  or 

'  Prodncere '  ia  Dot  foaDd  ilMwhere  eiBctly  gnperl^Te.     See  eiampla  quoted  bj  For< 

■D  thii  leiue,  which  ii  HxmI  a!  the  Greek  ceUiui. 

'pmnfiirdv.     We  haTB  in  Virgil,  Aen.  li.  29.  Idtm  guod  tgo  ttiuil  It  titt  httit  ni 

186 :  "  Nec  ta  toa  faaera  nater  ProdDxi,"  eapvQ  '  Ue  perceiTed  as  well  a>  I  do  that 

the  apedal  aeDae  of  the  Gieak  irord,  aa  In  joo  we  at  the  bottom  of  all  this.'    '  CaDnt ' 

Aeachjliu,  Hieb.  1060  :  b  Dot  aooommoDlj  nBed  in  tha  ■eoaa  of  tbe 
•  mainspriu^,'  '  aathor,'  '  eoorc*,'  So  we 
haTO  in  Propertiaa  ii.  18.  86  (iiL  17-  6)  : 

"  Non  egD  oequili»  dicer«r  eaae  capat." 
I  ibortanad  form  of  <  pcodnX' 

■  in  Hauit.  Prol.  SB,  c*  Plantna,  Chinmlio  ii.  1.   19:    "O  «oelerum 

TB/Htrart.Bat  i  P   78.  <»put."     Tereaoe  geDerallj  n«s  the  dati>e 

air  ia  Plautu  aa  '  dixe'  *>  bere  and  in  Aodria  il.  0.  27 ;  and  >o  too 

Od  andMic  tbnn*  in  Plautoa,  AiinarU  iii.  3.  138,  130  : 
gwal  aaa  LiDdemun'i  nete  on  Caj^tiTi  L     .<  i,.  Ego   c^nit   arganto  (bi  hdc  hodie 
*■*'■  Tnieriando. 

18.  Laado,  Cttiipkt,  julrimai']   'Capi-        Li.  fego  pea  fttL    Ar.  Qain  n«o  ispnt 
laL    Yoa  take  aftw  yonr  ftthar,  Ctadpbo.  0«,  pee  sanDonem  uparet." 

Ceoe  Dow.   I  aomt  joa  a  mu.'    '  Pa- 

or  two  nma|ni  of  The  Greek  aothon  osed   ■ 

Philolacbea  PaRliHtl  : 

tara  Tertitnr."    Pieudc —  ..   _.    _,.     .._..__, 

bmrad  aftcr  the  analogj   of  /iijJiEiii   aod  reading  of  the  editiona.     Bentley,  m 

Kui  (armi  In  Greek,  Ifaaagh  we  maet  with  to  ImpiOTe  the  metre,  imd»  '  Non  po««  me- 

tbe  fbrm  warpiat».     '  Abi '  !■  nsed  here  in  liu  Mem  ille  qnod  ego ;'  bat  the  change  hae 

a  landatorj  maDnw.     Ita  naw  are  Tarioaa.  no  ■uthDiity,  and  tbe  intiodaclioD  of  '  illo ' 

Sometimea  it  i>  deprecatory,  aa  in  FUata>,  ia  awkward  and  anaeceaaarj. 

U  2 



8y.  Scio  abi   ait ;    Tenim  hodie  nunquam  monetrabo.    De. 

Hem,  quid  aia  ?     5y.  Ita. 
Ife.  JMminuetur  tibi  quidem  jam  cerebrum.     8y.  At  nomen 

HliuB  hominifl ;  aed  locum  novi  ubi  sit.     De.  Dic  ergo  locun. 
Sff.  NoBtin   porticum  apud  macellum  banc  deorsum  P    De. 

Quidni  noverim  P 
8y.  Praeterito  bac  recta  plaiea  sorBum :  ubi  eo  Teneris,        35 
CUtub  deoraum  TereuB  eat :  hac  te  praecipitato :  postea 
Est  ad  bonc  m  11.11  nTn  sacellum ;  ibi  angiportum  propter  est. 
De.  Quonam  F     Sy.   Hlic   ubi   etiam   capri£cuB   magimi  est : 

nostin  P    J)e.  NoTi     &/.  Hac  pergito. 
■De.  Id  quidem   angiportum  non  est  pervium.      Sg.  Yerum 

hercle.     Vab, 
Censen  bominem  me  eeee  P    erravi.      In  porticum  rorsum 

redi:  40 

Sane  bao  multo  propius  ibis,  et  minor  eet  erratio. 

I."  Othor  oammetitatini  too  expbin 
*ordj  in  tha  ■une  my,  u  '  What  a 
1  ua  !'  CiCBrD  uw9  the  wocd  iu  modi 
BannchDB  ii.  7.  33.  *  Ita '  riioald  b«  placed,  tha  wnie  manner,  Epist  ad  Atticam  iL  S : 
aa  Faern  uys,  at  the  end  of  tbe  precediTig  "'Hpu^iic  A  homo  esset  enm  potini  legtnt 
Une  ;  and  both  linea  are  then  trochuc  cata-  qoam  nnam  icriberet,"  '  If  be  had  the  senn 
lectle  ai  the  reit  of  Uie  ■cene.  (rf  a  man,'  and  thie  is  patt  of  tbe  mwn- 

3fi.  Prailerile  hac  rtcta  plalta  nmm]     ing  of  the  word  in  L  2.  27 : 
Coi™  i-ott,  TtobJJ  .b.  ™.«bi  U         „  j,  „  i„„  ^        ^  _^  ,,„„„,^ 
hiieditian  ol  Shalieapcani  that  thii  direetion  Sinma  niinc  bcere." 

of  gjnie  maj  hare  giTon   rise  to  Shoke. 

■peare'e  slmilar  paMBge  in  the  "HercbBotof    It  is  better  howBTer  to  eiplaii 
Tenice,"  Act  ii.  8c.  S:  '  Do  jon  c 

"  Oatbo.  Marter,    yonng    gentlemcn,    I     Syra»  »1 
pray   yon,   which   ii   the  way   to  ma  '        ""*  '■*"' 

LatiiKtlal.  Tnm  np  on  jonr  rijtht  hand  „       .  ■     , 

at  the  neit  tnming,  bnt  at  the  next  tnming  ^„  ^P^\  "F^  " 

ofaUonjonrleftTmmy.atthoTerjnext  "■  ^.  46.     It"?^! 

tnming.  tnm  off  no  h«.d.  hut  tQtn  down  '''""  "  "  •»««*!dto  tt 

lndirecUj  to  Ihe  Je.'>  honu.  the  eenttnce.    'Portico.'  la  denT«d  ftoB 

Ooito.  Bt  Qod's  Bontiea,  'tiriU  be  a  hard  Port>»     ™  "»  »™'«  ■>'  •   ^™*!  ™~ 

wa*  to  hit."  C"**"  °"  Ennncho»  »,   2,   6).     PortieoM 

were  common  in  priTile  hotues  1  and  tbora 

S7.  Ang^oriim}    8ee  note  on  Bnnn-  were  also  muy  aoch  pnblic  coknmkdes  in 

chneT.  2.  6.  Greek  tow&a  and  at  Rome,wfaicb  wct«  BMd 

4D.  Cnuen  Aoniiiuiis  nM  MM /]  'Dojon  foiBierdse  and  ahelt«r.    Thej  are  -jiipii* 

lake  me  for  a  man  >    I  made  ■  mist^e.  to  in  Tarioiu  placee  by  Hotace  and  f>tli9 

Go  bark  a^n  to  tbe  pratico.     Yon  will  writert.   Probably  the  word  ia  hae  a  tma- 

find  tbat  a  mach  nearer  iraj ;  and  there  la  lation  of  the  Greek  srDd,  which  wu  not 

lesi  likelibood  of  mia£ng  your  toad.'    The  confined  to  a  doister  or  colonnade,  bat  ww 

meaning  of  '  homo '  h^  ie  oot  Tery  eri-  naed  alao  for  Tarioos  bmldinge,  prolMblir  of 

daat    Donatas  saya,  "  Hir«  m  o^at:  bomi-  an  oblong  form,  and  BupporUd  by  pillBra. 


ACTUS  IV.  SCENA  II.                         293 

Bciu  Onitiiii  hujus  ditis  aedes  ?    De.  Scio.     81/.  Ubi  eas  prse- 

Ad  siniBtrain  hac  recta  plstea :  ubi  ad  Dianae  veneris 
Ito  ad  deztram:   priusquam  ad  portam  Tenias  apud  ipsum 

£8t  pistrilla  et  exadTersum  fabrica :  ibi  est.     De.  Quid  ibi 

iacit  P  45 
Sj/.  Lectulos  in  sole  iligms  pedibus  faciendos  dedit. 
He.  ITbi  potetis  tos?     Bene  saue.     Sed  cesso  ad  eum  per- 

8ff.  I  sane.     Ego  te  exercebo  hodie  ut  dignus  ee,  silicemiam. 
Aeecliinus  odiose  ceesat :  prandium  corrumpitur. 

Ctesipbo  aatem  in   amore  eet   totos.     Ego  jam  prospiciam 

mihi:  so 

45.  PiiMUa\  '  Before  700  come  to  Um  Unwood  taket    tiitinvMt  (Aulc)  M  Ml 

pte,  jmt  u  the  pool,  thoe  \e  >  oorn-Diill,  tdjectiTe.    The  ordinarr  Gre^  term  wu 

ud  appotile  to  it  ■  Ckbiaet-auker's.   Tliat'i  •KtfnluirvBv.     See   Demonbenes,    De  Ck>- 

vberelieia.'     *  PiilrillB,' '  jHMriDiuii,' '  pii.  nuu,  p.  321.     Serriiu  (on  Vir^.  Aen.  v. 

tor,'   uid   other  words,  are    derived   from  92)  coruiden  it  to  be  knother  form  of  '  Ali- 

'  pioao.'     ■  listrilU '  is  wiinetimee  nied  for  ceniBm.'  io  cilled  beeense  it  wu  ■ernd  np 

■■  lund.mill ;'  bot  in  tlua  pusage  It  hea  npoD  flinC^tonet.     Tbere  li  another  deriTb 

Ibe  teatn  of  '  pistrinam,'  wliich  meuu  anf  tion    adopted   b;  Boma   English  oommen- 

pbcewheTecomisgTouod,  thonghitis  more  tBton,  from  '  ailicem  cemere,'  becHue  old 

oftea  nied  in  the  sense  ot  ■  privete  work.  owa    stoop  es  thej  wslk,   looking  on  the 

konw,  or  mill  for  pnrposea  of  piiaiBhment.  ground.     Bat  this  ia  the  sort  of  eipluie- 

48.  Ltctuliu  in  tote  itigmi  pedilna]  '  Ue  tioa  which  merel;  seeka  to  conceal  Igno- 

hsi  ordared  ■ome  benches  fDr  the  open  ur  ruice.     The  meaning  of  the  word  is  cleBr, 

widi  oak  legs.'     Hooaaa    were-  olten   tai-  end  its  ■pplicstioD  to  an  old  mao  with  one 

nilbed  wilh  a  '  solarium,'  or  place   wbere  foot  in  the  grave  ii  intalligible. 

tlisy  aied  to  sit  in  tbe  snn.     It  also  went  49.  Primdiam   eomtmpitvr']     Generellr 

bj  tho  oame  of  '  sabdiTol,*  <  beliocamiuoi,'  speaking  it  w^a   cnilomarr  to  make   onlj 

O  '  doma,'    correspoDdiDg  to    the    Greek  oae.  m^  ia  tlie  daf ;  bnt  *ben  the  chief 

tvm    qXioirrqpuii'.      Tbe   '  ilez  '    is    the  meal  ('  ooena')  was  put  off  to  a  Iste  hoor, 

'bebn  oak' — tbe   Greek    wpTvac— s  wood  the;  used  10  hsve  ui  eari;  meal  ibout  the 

^oos   fbr   iti    tooghness  and    dnrabilit;.  middle  of  the  day.     At  jovtai  parbes  the 

Ths  ■oid  '  Hlarium '  occnrs  in  the  eense  'prandium'   with   iu    stteadant    drinkiiig 

•boTe  noticed  in  Plantui,  Hilei  Gloriosus  IsitiTitias  would  rna   on  lo    the    boor   o( 

ii-  3.  SS.  Theee  open  placei  wers  ilaTOnrita  aupper.     The  word  is  often  nied  in  Pbntng, 

loangB  in  cool  woither.  but  not  so  a>  to  eokbie  oi  ■Iw^js  to  diitiD. 

48.  5ifteenw«i»]   '  Old  drr  bonM.'    '  8i-  guish  it  from  'coent'     From  the  fbllowing 

licetninm '  was  a  funeral  feast,  portians  of  liaea  it  would  appBar  tb^t  the  honr  w^i  rtiU 

wliich  were  diitributad  amoog  the  old  men  early.     See  alao  note  on  v.  ».  8. 

prgMDt  to  remiod    tbem   that  thej    were  60.  /n  amore  t»l  loliu]  •  Ctaapho  too  ii 

not  hi  from  dieir  gnTea.    Tlie  stf  mologr  entii«l]r  taken  np  wilh  his  lore.'    Compare 

ot  tba  word  is  ver;   nnovtain.     Doaatns  Horsce,  aat.  L  9.  I,  3: 
preTen   tha   deriiatioD  from  '  aileo '  and 

'  cemo,'  becmse  it  was  looked  st  in  silenDe  "  Ibam  forte  via  sacrs,  sicut  mens  est  mos, 

bjtboae  who  offered  it  to  the  '  Dil  Manes.'  Neado  qnid  meditaus  nngamm,  totui  in 

taiof  oonsldeTi  liSiirva  to  be  used  ID  the  illii." 

samo  sense  in  AescbThu,  Choeph.  476 !  _            _                                                     ,   . 

,  ,,     ,         ,   ,,             ,  CiccTO,  Epist  ad  Atticnm  iiT.  1 1 1  "  Uodo 

- — dStf.i,,nat  tbSuxvati  iaa  ^ij   QctaTiua,   et    quidem    m  piaximam 

ar.,ioc  1«  wvpenFL  .v.~ro.c  x^o^it—  TiUam  Philippi,  mihi  toto*  dedJtos." 
whidi  he  traiulates  'inter  nlicemis.'    But 


294  ADELPHI. 

Kam  jam  adibo,  atque  uniuniquicqiiid  qaoA  qmdem  eiit  bel- 

Oarpam ;  et  oyathos  scnrbUam  paulatim  btmo  prodnoBm  diem. 



Mi,  Ego  in  iLac  re  nihH  reperio  quomobrem  laader  taalopere, 

Hegio : 
Meum  officium  faoio ;  quod  peccatum  a  nobifl  ortum  est  cor- 

Nisi  81  me  in  illo  oredidisti  eaae  hominum  numero  qui  ita 

Sibi  fieri  injuriam  ultro  ai  quam  fecere  ipsi  expostulee, 
Et  ultro  accusant :  id  qnia  non  eet  a  me  Cactam  agis  gra- 

tiaeP  5 

Me.  Ah,  minime :  nunquam  te  aliter  atque  ea  in  animum  in- 

duxi  meum. 
Sed  quaeso  nt  una  mecum  ad  matrem  Tirginifl  eas,  Mioio, 
Atque  istaec  eadem  quae  mihi  dixti  tute  dicas  mulicri ; 
Suapicionem  lianc  prc^tcr  fratrem  ejus  esse  et  illom  pealtriam. 

fil.  Stlliitinmm]   Sweetmeati  Nid   con-  lliii  Hegio  mdilr  conseDti  to  do,  tbat  ba 

tbctionirj  were  csUed  '  belli  cjbi,'  or  '  bd-  inaj  do  Mnj  «ith  tbe  impcesnaD  «biclk 

IwU,'  or  '  copedu.'    Sjnu  probBblj  dloila  tha  affux  hat  atmied  ■gaitut  AefdunoA. 

to  tbew    deUcades,  whicb    ha    iDtatidi  to  Tbe  Hetre  ■■  isinbic  tetrmmatar. 

nnrloin  from  the  tsble,  ftnd  to  go  uid  eujojr  9.  Niii  . . ,  ateuMoal']  '  TJulsM  joa  tbink 

tuRiBelf  in  Mnna  >niig  oarner  for  the  Test  of  tb*t    I    beloDg  to   that  daw  of  nHm  who 

tbe  dkf .  tbiDl  tbat  a  intaitoDi  wrong  ii  dane  tbem 

fia.  Htmc  produeam  dim]  'And  I  will  if  ;oa  remoDStnte  with  tbem  ilxnt  one 

■T^n  oat  tlii*  hTeloDg  daj  ripping  mj  cnps.'  wbicb  thej  bave  doDe  tbemselTe*,  ■od  go 

Mutid  nsea  '  produco '  in  the  wme  •enie  :  on  to  iccnje  JOD  OTer   ud   ■boTe   >1I.' 

"  Qnod  Dimio  g*ndei  Doctem  prodi 

^^l.  """"J  ,°™' ..'^■"l"  «S-rTE'"»; 

The«e  linea   bring   out   the   fnll    foit»  of 

'  nltro  '  Terj  walL     See  DOte  OD  Andria  L. 

"  liniikt  punge  in  Kn- 

"  Kaee  Tsrba  ddb  mdiade  fUn  l"^»"»!», 
w^     c  •.•     ••.  t         .      .  Qnun  ocukM  terendo  miHre  Tix  yi  n- 

Aor  IV.     SciN»  ni.     Mido  on  iMTing  prwMrlt, 

Bortr.t.'.   bon»  bM  gone  to  tbe  fMTim,         nJrtingnet:  ettenltio  ww«bit:  etd^ 
wbere  be  fiDdi  Hegw^lio  h«  >^>n»d        gj  ^,^  .opplidnm  j" 

biro  witb  tbe  drcnmitances  of  .i^cbinoa' 

coDneiioD  iritb   Pampbila.      Uegio  findi  Pbormio  ii.  S.  13: 

bim  prepwed  to  do  juitice  bj  hia  dientB,  ultro  .ccBMtnm  ■dtenit?"    Tbe  eommon 

■nd   cannot  prBiie  bim  loo  mudi  for  hia  rmding   in    tbis  puuige   ia   '  eipostulaot.' 

moderation  and  juitiee.     He  bega  Mido  to  ■  Eipoitules '  ii  tha  reading  of  the  fiembiiie 

go  with  bim  to  So>trata  and  explain,  ■■  he  manuEcript  uid  ia  reqolred  bj  Ibe  Benie. 

bai  jnat  told   bim.  bow  thii  tSaii  of  tba  9.  Stupieianmi .  .  .  pMallriam]    Bentler 

mnnc  girl  Btanda ;  that  Aesdiiuui  took  part  wonld  read  '  Snipidonem  hanc  proptO'  fni- 

in  it  merelj  lo  accommodata  hii  brother.  treiD  eeae  ;  ejiu  e«M  illaiD  pnltnaai.'    Thia 

ACTUS  rV.    SOENA  III.  295 

Mu  Si  ita  aeqnTun  ceaaea,  aat  si  ita  opus  est  facto,  eamuB. 

ffe.  Benefttcis;  lo 

Ifam  et  iUi  aniniuin  jam  releTabia,  quae  dolore  ac  misena 
Tabescit ;  et  tuo  officio  fueris  fimctus :  sed  si  aliter  putaa, 
Egomet  narrabo  quae  mihi  dixti.     Mi.  Imo  ego  iba     Se. 

Bene  facis. 
Omnea  guibus  res  sunt   minus  secundae  magis   sunt  nesoio 

Suspiciosi;  ad  contumeliam  omnia  accipiunt  magis ;  is 

Fropter  suam  impotentiam  se  semper  credunt  negli^  ; 
Quapropter  te  ipeum  purgare  ipeis  coram  placabiliua  eet. 
Mi.  Et  recte  et  Terum  dicis.     Se.  Sequere  me  ergo  bac  intro. 

Mi.  Maxime. 

niku  tbe  Dutter  clnr  enaDgh ;  bat  it  is  17-  PlaeaiiliM]   '  And  la  to  c1«r  joar- 

qDiU  pUin  Kconling  to  the  common  tait.  Balf  to  them  a  the  moet  UIuIt  mj  to  ap- 

'I  wiib  joa   wonld  nj  jonrself  tD  the  peaae  them.'    Vertttli  in  ' -bilii '  are  Kjnw- 

*!>Di>o  thiu  thia  fDtiricion  u  all  beoiue  of  timea  used  in  «n  *ctl*a  un*e.     Compue 

iiis  brotfaer  uid  tbat  mnric  giri  of  bis.'  Fbonnio  i.  4.  4S  : 

IBAr^iitffl     DOTrtnBnoticeetheread-  ■■  Jn.tam  ill«n  <«iMm,  fadlem.rindbilem, 

inj   dMidero.'     The  Bembine  manDacnpt  QntnmBm  ■"  ^^^ 

hu  '  diuidin' '  (aee  notM  od  Andria  iii.  3.  ' 

41;    BnnndiDs   i.   3.   M),   and  from  tbi*  FbnCni,  Moetellui»  t.  3.  40 : 
olban  hiie  faraied  '  cslTier.'  Bentlej,  bow> 
^,  «ell  ibowg  tbat  '  otlTier '  does   not 
!■'«  ■  good  lenee  liare,   for  it  i»n  onlj 

ni™,  'thej  tbink  tbat  thay  are  miitaken.'  "■'™"  "^- 

'Cltudi«r,'  too,  ia  uot  *erj  appropriAte.  The  wuns  ie  the  ciae  with  '  penetnbilie,' 

Bentlej^a  o«n  co^actDre,  'Indier,'  is  not  '  pnwitibilii,'  and  aome  few  otlun.    The 

mDdi  neater  the  mark.     '  N^h'gi '  girea  ■  Bembine  mannscript  haa  '  i|id '  ID  thia  liDe, 

^  good  Kiiae,  and  waa  eridentlj  con.  namelj,  Soalrata.     Bnt'ip3ii'ii  tbe  read- 

■ideMil  bj  Donatna  the  more  genaiae  word.  ing  of  all  tbe  moat  ancient  editionii,  and  the 

Cammentatori  qnote  tbe  fbUowing  liaca  of  teit  of  the  mannacripta,  which  muat  be  pre- 

Ueuiiider,  wbidi  maj  b»Te  been  Uie  pai-  temd   ia  a  doubtAil  case  of   thia  kind, 

^  which  TowKS  had  beftnw  him  :  Beotl^  giiM  a  cnriooi  reason  for  prefar- 
ring  >  ipfla  ;'    "Nam  nrginem  ipaam  uod 

'fi^SwBvra  SuXiv  tarir  i  xlvit  ^pJj-  aUoqui,  Don  ntodo  ooa  placabiliDi  Aiiaaet, 

fuira,  ■ad  et  oontDmelioiina  qoam  ai  nec  matram 

ui  rdvTat  atiTou  taTO^Viiv  irtXaii-  adiiiaet."    Pampbila  most  hafe  baen  eaiilj 

pdm'  oSaitded  indeed,  if  this  coDld  haTe  oSeodtid 

°  ^itp  ftirpiefc  rpdTTmv  iripuliiXiaTipav  her. 
uTarra  Tinafi,  Ao/iTpia,  fipiu 




DiscTucior  aniini : 

Hocine  de  improTiso  mali  mihi  objici 

Tantum,  ut  neque  quid  de  me  faciam  neque  quid  agam  certum 

siet  I 
Membra  metu  debilia  suut ;  animus  timore 
Obfitipuit :  pectore  consistere  nil  conBili  5 

Quit.     Yab  I    quomodo  me  ex  bao  ezpediam  turba  P   Tanta 

Suspicio  de  me  incidit ; 
Neque  ea  immerito :  Sostrata  credit  mibi  me  pealtriam  banc 

Id  anus  mihi  indicium  fecit. 
Nam  ut  hinc  forte  ea  ad  obstetricem  erat  misaa,  ubi  eam  vidi 

ilico  lu 

Accedo,  n^to  Pampbila  quid  agat,  jam  partus  adsiet ; 

AoT  IV.    BcBHB  IT.    AewJiinai  cDma  the  merit  of  Oie  gmtot  ilmpbdtj  iiid  the 

in  io  ■  great  atate  of  diatresB  uid  >l>Tm.  Uoutt  >ilhereiice  to  the  «ulhoriied  teiL 

Ue  19  K>  diitrossed  st  the  nupidoDa  which  For  u  eiplanalion  of  the  nrioiu  metrei 

8oBtrftt&  and  FunpbUa  have  oF  him.     He  here  u  well  u  in  otlier  pUoea  the  nanlrT  is 

hu  juit   fouod  ont    what  th^  feeliag  li  refened  to  the  Introdncdoa. 
bom  tiie  old  woman  who  wu  >ent  for  >         I .  DiieniaOT  animi]     '  I  am  tonnBiteJ 

nnne.       Ue   dooB  not   know  whst   to   do  in  mind.'     Par  the   lenitne  aee   nute  On 

about   tbe   matter,  for   he   caonot   explain  EDnDchni  il.S.  43.    Compare  ■leo  Phonnio 

Umielf  withont  bringing  bii  brother'9  name  L  4.  10  :    "  Qanm  mihi  paTeo,   tnm  Anti- 

forw««d.     AU  tliii,  he  njt,   ia   in    conse-  pho  me  eicrndat  uiimi.''     We  bsye  aleo 

qnenceof  hia  own  foUf .     He  sbonld  haTe  in    Plantni,    Uitei    GlorioiDg   iii.    1.    ISft: 

told  hi»  fcther  from  the  firit,   and  have  "  Continno  excrudarer  animi."    Epidiciu  i. 

begged  hie  conaent   to   hii  marriage  wich  S.    36  ;    "  Deaipiebam    mratja  qaom   illaa 

Pamphila.     Now,  howerer,  st  all  eieuti  he  «criptaa  mittebam  tihi." 
muit  clear  himieir,  ud  so  he  proceeda  to         3.  Ntgut  guid  dt  «ufaeitm]    T^ne  otd 

knock  at  the  door,  wlien  some  one  snil-  manuecripta  qnoted  b;  Benllej  h«Te  *  de,' 

denlj  comee  oat.  as  well  aa  manjr  old  editiona.     It  ia  i«i|Qiaite 

TheMetre  is  aa  fbllows;  I,  iunbic  mo-  for  the  metie;  and  as  both  phrases  <  me 

nometer  hjpercatalectic  ;  2,  cretic  dimeter;  tkcere'  and  'de  me  lkceT«'  are  ttrj  oam- 

3.  6.  10.  17— S7,  trochaic  tetrametcr  cala-  mon,  it  is  likelj  enongh  that  the  prepontioa 

lectic ;  4,  6,  charjambic ;  7.  iambic  dimeler;  may  haTe  alipped  ont.     In  the   neit  line 

8,  trochaio  telnunetar  ;  9,  iambic  dimeter  BentleyinMOla  '  prae^beibre 'timore.'    But 

oatalectic;    1 1  — 16,  iambic  letrameter.  that  is  no  authorit;  for  the  word. 

Tbe  last  line  oF  this  icetie  Is  to  be  taken        6.  Quomorfo  n<  ti  hac  trrtditm  he^ 

•itb  tbe  fint  of  tbe  neit  scene  to  make  Aa/1     Bentlef  adds  'nesdo,'  to  make  np 

one  trochaic  tettameter  calalectic  tbe  line,  which  he  bepaa  with  ■  qnomodo.' 

Thsse  opening  linei  ire  arranged  Tari-  The  word  ii  merelj  coqjectnral,  aDd  nnne- 

onslj  in  editioni.  ZenDe'a  text  her«  merel;  ceuary,  if  we  arruige  Ihe  lin«  ai  in  tbe 

ftillovs   old    editions;   and    on  a   question  teit    But  conjecture  ii  cwOinlj  eianble 

of  melre  their  anthoritj  ii  not  lo  be  com-  bere  if  anj  where.     The  preceding  line  is 

pared  to  thit  of  Bentlej  or  Hermnnn.     J  bettor  without '  qnit,'  which  Bentiej  giTe» 

JiaTefoIIowedontJiewhoIeWei»e'Bamnge-  it.     It   now   coiTesponds  with   T.  4.     FW 

meot  in  the  TaDcheiti  editiDu,  which  haa  '  eipediam '  see  Asdriaiii.  S.  11. 


ACTUS  IV.    SCENA  IV.  297 

Eone  obetetriceni   orceesat.     lUa   exclamat,  "Abi,  abi  jam, 

Satie  dia  dediati  verba ;  aat  adhuc  tua  nos  fruatrata  est  fidea." 
"  Hem,  quid  istnc  obsecro,"  inquam,  "  eet  ?"  "  Valeaa ;  habeoa 

illam  quae  placet." 
Sensi  ilico  id  illas'  auspicari :  sed  me  reprehendi  tamen  15 

Ne  qnid  de  fratre  garrulae  illi  dioerem,  ac  £eret  palam. 
Kunc  qnid  faciam  ?    Bicam  fratris  esse  P    Id  quidem  minime 

est  opufl 
Fsquam  efEerrL     Ac  mitto :  fieri  potls  eet  ut  ne  qua  exeat. 
Ipsum  id  metno  ut  credont ;  tot  concurrunt  Teriffljnilia. 
Egomet  rapui ;  ipse  egomet  solvi  ai^;entum ;  ad  me  abdncta 

est  domum.  30 

Haec  adeo  mea  culpa  fateor  ficri.     Non  me  hanc  rem  patri 
Tlt  ut  erat  gesta  indicasse  ?    Exoraseem  nt  eam  ducerem. 
Ceeaatum  usque  adhuo  est :    nuac  porro,   Aeechine,   ezper- 

Nuno  boc  primum  eet :  ad  illas  ibo  ut  purgem  me ;  accedam 


Perii !  horreseo  semper  ubi  pidtare  basce  occipio  miser.  as 

Heus,  heuB :    Aescbinus  ego  sum :    aperite   aliquis  aotutum 

Frodit  neecio  quia :  concedam  huc. 

13.  Salit  dfn  iediiti  verbttl  8ee  uote  majr  repeat  the  story ;  and  if  tliey  doti't, 
oti  Andrii  i.  3.  6.  «hicli  in  potaibte,  jet  they  mze  iarAlj  likelj 

14.  Valeat  I  habeai  illaiK  qvat  plattf)  tabelieTeit;  for  ■ppeenncea  ere  ill  »(«iDat 
'Fuemll  to  JOD.  HkVe  tbe  one  jon  like.'  me.'  For  '  ne  qoa  axeet'  eompere  ii.  4.  18, 
Sk  the  nntee  OD  Andm  ii.  2,  13;  t.  S.  IS.  IB: 

Cuthu*  is  auppoted  to  speak.  'Aod  I  per-  " Ne,  si  magii  initetni  liet, 

aind  «t  oece,'  wjc  Aeachinoa,  '  th*t  thej  Aliqna  >d  pet»m  hoc  permenet;" 

T^  me  <rftW  ,ff«r  of  Ihe  mn»o  „j  fo,  .  ^^  .  j^^^^  ,_  j_  gg  . 

pri ;  end  jet  I  reatrauied  mjBelf,  >o  u  not  „  „. ,     ^                               .  ,  _     ,        „ 

to  u,  enj  thiiig  to  th»t  old  gooaip,  lert  ^"^  *"""  [»««'■"'  «»"  i^^t^  t°^" 

it  ■hould  get  sbroad.'    '  Repreheiidere '  ii  23.   Niine  porro   .   .   .   tijitrfiietrr  /] 

kere  ued  in  tbe  eenae  of  '  1  held  mjaelf  in,'  '  From  thii  tima  fbrward  weka  op,  Aeadit- 

'1  natnined  mjielf,' which  ia  doaalj  oon-  nnal'     Por  'potro'  aee  nol«  on  Andtia, 

'■Med  with  ita  primarj  meaning  '  lo  draw  Prolog.  S3,Bndfor 'pnigem,' noteon  Eona- 

WJc'     See  Dote  oa  Pnlog.  14,  aad  com-  chna  iii.  I.  44. 

pare  Heant  L   S.   25  :    "  8ed   repiimam  Sft.  NiirreKo  lemptT']     '  I  va  alwaja  of 

me."                                         ,  a  shivCT  vheii  I  go  to  koock  at  thia  door.' 

17'  Id  qnidem  miiiim*  tel  eptu  ntquam  Compare  EnDuchaa  i.  2.  3  :  "  Totua  Par- 

^trri.  Ae  millo]     '  Shall  I  teU  them  tbat  meuo  Tremo   horreoqne  poatquwn   aspeil 

thia  girl  bdonga  to  mj  brother  }    Bot  tUa  banc,"  and  nole.      '  Pultara '  waa  alwaja 

oDght  bj  no  meana  to  get  abroad.     Bnt  naed  of  knocking  at  a  door  from  witboat 

to  let  that  pasa;  fbr  it  ia  posaible  that  it  (aeenote  on  AndriaiT.  I.  fi7),  aa 'conctepo' 

migiit  not  get  about  in  aaj  direction.    I  am  of  tbe  kuoclcing  &am  iiitbin   which  gB*e 

anid  that  tbej  «ould    not    belieTe    tha  notioe  tbat  aooie  one  wu  abont  to  come 

■Utj.'     FamphUaa  ia  thiaking  orer  the  ob-  ont. 

iectHme  to  an  caplanatiDn :  '  Perti^  thej  26.   Aperile   alijuit    acfsfMii   arihoK] 




Mi.  Ita  ati  dixi,  Soetrata, 

Facite:   ego  Aesctiiniiiii  conTBniam,  ut  quomodo   acta  haec 

aint  Bciat. 
Sed  quis  oatium  lioc  pnltaTit  P    Aea.  Fat«r  hercle  est :  perii. 

Mi.  Aeecliine. 
Aei.  Quid  hoic  hic   negoti   eetf     Mi.   Tune   has  pepnliBti 

Tacet.     Cuf  non  ludohunc  aliquantisper?     Melius  cet,  s 

Quandoquidem  hoc  nunquant  mihi  ipse  Toluit  credere. 
Nihil  mihi  reepondes  P     Aes.  Non  equidem  UBtas  quod  Bciam. 
Mi.  Ita  P  nam  mirahor  quid  hic  negoti  eeset  tibi. 
Erubuit :  aalTa  ree  est.     Ae».  Cic  sodes,  pater, 
Tibi  Tero  quid  istic  est  rei  P    Mi.  Nihil  mihi  quidem :  lo 

Amicus  quidam  me  a  foro  abdiizit  modo 
Huc  adTocatum  sibi.     Aes.  Quid  P    Mi.  Ego  dicam  tibi : 
Habitant  hio  quaedam  mulieree  paupercnlae, 

'  OpeD  the  door  Kiiiie  Dne  iratnediatelr.'  toa.     Her  motlun',  it  ta  trae,  hM  got  np  a 

'  Aliqiiii '  is  lued  here  dutiibnliTelj,  ■iid  sIotj  thst   itke  bu  a  child   bj  WHne  oiie 

thua  takea  the  constraction  of  a  naan   of  eUe ;  bat  that  caimat  be  admitted  aa  an 

nnmber.      Compare.  Plaiitiu,  Menaedimei  eiciue,  and  ihe  will   baTS  to  go.'    Thia 

ir.  3.  116;  thiuwB  Andunn*  into  greit   alann,   bih) 

"~Hen.ecq<ii»h!cB6tianl-  ^\^y  to  teU  bii  ad^  Wher   tbe 

1.-^  1  whole  norj ;  bnt  oe  informs  him  that  he 

OTOcatB  '">■>*>  "ll  >l's*dj,  and  reada  him  a  geaitle 

lectnre   npon   hii  fidlj  in   ocmcsliiig  tbe 

affair  from  him,  and  tbe  lemiaBieM  witb 

In  Eonncbui,  ProL  1,  we  b»Te  '  qaiaqnani '  vhich  he  had  bebaTed  Ibroughoat.  finiab- 

mmilarlj  nied  of  the  pliirm]  nnmbet.     We  ing  by  talling  iiim  to  go  and  fetdi  hii  witi 

ma;  compare  tha  lue  of  ri[  in  Sopboclea,  bome  at  once.     A(  for  the  tantlemaD  bom 

AJBi  964  :  Miletol,  he  (boald  hear  no  mcra  «f  Um. 

a]  vdp  larDJ  yviipaiat  riya^v  yrpoJr  ^"  "««"«  "^  "  "  »»K>~1.  «"'•  «»«»8 

rvDvrtc  ait  Uatji  rplv  rif  i.BdX,.  pnJtertation»  on  AsKhinna'  part  of  affectioD 

ftw  Mido. 

The  Metre  ii  ««  foUon :  tt.  8,  3.  46— 

AcT  IV.   ScKHB  V.   Mido,  itnmbling  73,  trochaic  letraineter  ntalectic;  4 — 44, 

npon  Aescbinni  a*  he  oomea  ont  of  Soh  iambic  trimetari  73 — 78,  ianbic  tetrameler 

trata'9  bouse,  determinea  to  play  bim  olf  in  catalcctic.     ^lie  lirM  Une  ia  joined  with  tbe 

retnm  for   big    coocealment  of  hia   lore  lait  of  Ibe  prcceding  acene. 

■ffair.     ■  I  baTe  jmt  been  in  bere,'  he  uji,  9.  Erutaii]    The  bUowin;  liiie  ii  qnoltd 

'  B9  a  witneu  for  a  friand  of  mine  wbo  ha«  from  MenBDder :    IptApiinf  wSc   XP4"^ 

Bome  baiineH  witb  tbe   women  tbat   liie  ilvai  fiot  ilocii. 

bere.     U  Bppeara  tbat  tbe  jounj  woman  Dk  ndn,  paltr]     Vm  '  Mda  '  aee  uota 

haa  loM  hxx  &ther,  and  mj  friend,  being  on  Andria  i.  I,  M. 

her  neareM  relalion,  ii  about  to  marrj  her  13.  AdMCalum]    Seanoteoi 

BS  tbe  law  dtrects  ;  and  hai  now  come  Ibr  IL  3.  4S. 
that  porpoie  ta  take  her  «tth  bim  lo  Milc> 


ACmjS  IV.    8CENA  V.  299 

llt  opinor ;  haa  non  none  te  et  oerto  soio ; 

Neque  enim  diu  huc  conmugrarunt.  Aea,  Qoid toni  postea P  is 

Mi.  Yirgo  est  oum  matre.   Aes.  Perge.    Mi.  Haeo  Tirgo  orba 

est  patre : 
Hic  meiu  amicoa  illi  genere  est  proximas : 
Huic  leges  cogunt  nubere  haiLc.     Ab$.  Perii.     Mi.  Quid  est  ? 
Aes.  Nihil :  recte :  perge.     Mi.  Is  Tenit  ut  secum  avehat ; 
ff am  habitat  Mileti.  Aa.  Hem,  Tirginem  ut  secom  avehat  P  30 
Mi.  Sic  est.     Aea.  Miletnia  nsque  obwcroP    Mi.  Ita.     Aaa. 

Animo  male  eat. 
Quid  ipeae  P  quid  aiont  P    Mi.  Qnid  illas  ceusee  P  uihil  enim. 
Gommenta  mater  eet  eese  ez  alio  viro 
I^^escio  quo  puerum  natum ;  neqne  eum  nominat ; 
Priorem  eese  illum ;  non  oportere  huic  dari.  25 

Aa.  £ho,  nonne  haeo  justa  tibi  Tidentur  postea  P 
Mi.  Non.     Au.  Obsecro,  nou  P  an  illam  hinc  abducet,  pater  P 
Mi.  Quid  illam  ni  abduoat  P    Ae».  Factum  a  Tobis  duriter 

14.  [7(  opinDr]  The  conBtniction  of  thia  FlioniiiD  i.  3.  7S  m  h»e  ■  redtal  of  the 
Iiue  ia  diffimlt.  WeiM  geta  orer  the  diS'  law  u  it  Mood  in  Ui«  tiine  of  the  Naw 
°>ltf  ii^  plKiDg  k  >top  aftcr  '  opioor '  and  Cam«dj : 

'**iai%  ont  'et.'     Bat  tlie  lait  nidentlT     n  t ,.  _* i... :  _,_j  _-._..__-i_i 

■tood  u  it  doea  now  in  tbB  tuae  of  DomtnrL         ■•,        ,      ^  ,  ■    , .     T 

bt  h(  Riuriu  OD  the  obBcorilj  of  the  i 
"fcwiioo.    Bentle;  propoMa  '  opiDcr.'     „ 

"■Bl  I  ibmilil  think  tiM  fon  do  not  know  Compare  alao  Andria  L  1.  44  *nd  Dote. 

^>M<.Mid  iodeed  lam  prettr  eertain  ol'i\.'  19.  ffihil:  rtctt:  ptrat\  'Nothing:  qidte 

™i'iitopinor' aTidenllr  belongs  to  ' pan-  right:  go  on.'    For  the  negatJTe  D*e  of 

Pnnilie,'    (od  'et'    ia  merelj    emphatie.  '  recte  '  ■«  nole  dd  Eannchiii  ii.  3.  CO,  aod 

I  Then  Utb  here  oertain  women,  bedlj  olf  on  '  Miletani  OMjae '  in  t.  21,  EaDodiiu  iiL 

in  tbe  «arld  to  jadge  from  appearanceai  8.  18. 

"■^  joQiie  BDBcqaainted  with  tlmm  I  *m  21.  Atdno  malt  al]  '  Ifealaaif  I  Bhoold 

■piite  cntain,  for  it  ia  not  long  nnoe  thej  fainl.'    Compare  Plaatna,  Amphitmo  *.  1. 

UBred  to  tMi  part  of  tbe  towD.'     '  Com-  B :  "  Animo  male  aat :  aijnam  Telim  I  o 

nifre '  wDDld  Btrietlj  mean  '  to  moTe  from  '                                             "   " 

wa  plBoe  te  aQiitber,'  after  the  analogj  of  : 

<eninBo'  and  'eonineto;'  bat  It  ia  foBnd  >to  noon  aw>j.' 

«n^  in  th*  aanaa  o(  tbe  aimple  ■  mign  '  26.  Pottta[     •  What  1  did  not  thia  ap- 

■^  ud  onoe  in  OoerD  beaidea,  Epiat.  ad  pev  to  f  oa  fur  enongh,  aftcr  wliat  joa  had 

wiitaa  Fr.ii.  5.  Iiewd?'    Thii  seemB  the  Bimplest  wa;  of 

15.  Hide  Ugn  coffml  nuirrt  Aou']  Tbe  tsking  the  paiBage.  '  Haec '  it  Ibe  tzga- 
Athena  Isw  bad  particnliu'  referenoe  to  ment  of  SoBtrata  "  prioreiD  eB>e  illam,  Don 
"■<  iTirKq^,  or  DDlf  danghten  «Dd  heir-  oportere  bnic  dari,"  'ea'  the  fact  of  Fam. 
^**-  It  u  pnra  in  Demosthenea  cont.  pliilB'>  luTiDg  a  child  bj  anotber  nuui. 
^uarfalum,  p.  1007,  ad  Gn.s  rwv  Ivi-  'Pottaa' might  betaken  aa 'after  all,' aa  ia 
'^fuv  Jsai  B,,T%riv  rijkovciiv,  iiv  /li  KunDchns  it.  7.  23;  "Qnid  tnm  poataai" 
PoMirai  l^ttv  i  tyyiTara  ■firovt,  Uli'  'After  all,  what  then?'  bnt  the  othtf  ia  tba 
'"••  irtlaif   i   fttr   TcirTawoaioiiitiproc  more  DBtural  aeDee. 

"iiToniBiiic  Ipaxitit,  i    i'  liririie  rpio.  28.  Faetum  a  vobit  dnriiw]     DonatBB 

'Hiac  0  U  llujiriif  IraTiv  wivrqriivra,  dnwB  ■  dislinctioD  betweeD  'diiTiter'  atid 

■f>i>C  dIc  abrfit.     We  meet  with  b  Bimilar  'dure  et  (ndeliter;'  bataaeiioteon  Andria 

>>*  iu  ihe  Moaaic  <»de,  Num.  iiivi.  8.    In  i.  I.  41- 


300  ADELPHI. 

ImimBeriGorditerque ;  atque  etiam,  si  est,  pater, 
Dicendum  magis  aperte,  iUiberaliter.  30 

Jft.  Qaamobrem  f    Aea.  Rogaa  me  ?  quid  iUi  tandem  creditia 
Fore  animi  miaero  quicum  illa  cousuevit  prius, 
Qui  infelix  haud  scio  an  illam  misere  nunc  amat, 
Quum  banc  sibi  videbit  praeaeos  proeeenti  eripi, 
Abduci  ab  oculis  ?    Facinus  indignum,  pater.  33 

Jft.  Qua  rstione  istuc  ?  quis  despondit  ?  quis  dedit  ? 
Cui,  quando  nupeit  ?  anctor  his  rebua  quis  est  F 
Cur  duzit  alieoam  ?    Aes.  An  sedere  oportuit 
Domi  virginem  tam  grandem,  dum  cognatus  hino 
Dlinc  veniret  exspectantem  P    Haec,  mi  patw,  40 

Te  dioere  aequum  fiiit,  et  id  defcndere. 
Mi,  Bidiculum :  adTersnmne  illum  causam  dioerem 
Cui  veneram  advocatus  ?  sed,  qnid  igta,  AescMne, 
Kofitra  P  aut  quid  nobis  cum  illis  ?  abeamus.     Quid  est  f 
Quid  laorimas  P    Aes.  Fater  obsecro  ausculta.     Mi.  Aesckine, 
audivi  omnia  45 

33.  Qaicwa jUacMUMtiifpriM/]    'Bot  tlut FunpbilawtiiarphaQbdongcd tolMr 

what  do  jon  Uiink  iriU  be  the  faaiiDfi  of  Dext  of  Iud,  «od  tbn*  wm  tlnudj  ■notlMr 

tha  nnfortnnate  nun,  wilh  whom  ahe  lind  innn'!  wife  TiitiuUlf ,  wfaen  Aeeduani  took 

Ufed  bafora?'     Tbi*  om  of  'cousaeMo'  her. 

otxna»  »gaiu  in  Hecjn  ir.  1 .  40  :  39.  Dum  nfnallu  hine  UHme  «niJrWJ 

"NMn  ■  U  pooet  eb  «.  ee  d<»«>ente  '  O^gbt  the  giri  to  beTO  nRneined  iM^ 

■Tellere  at  home  «hen  >be  wu  grown  np,  waitiiif 

qu«»rD  tot  oon>ue»t  mnooi,  non  enm  *"  ■  ^".'°  ^  f  '^"j;^^!!!!*^  f 

hominem  ducerom."  other?'     ■  Hinc  lUinc'  wu  DosMiu'  md- 

ing,  uid  ia  tbat  oT  manf  old  editioiu.  ■  Uuc 

It  ii  beit  to  tike  ■  illk '  h  the  nomiaali>e  illinc,'  «hidi  ii  tbe  reeding  of  lonie  editiaof. 

cue,  uid  to  read  ■  quicnm.'     &ome  editioDi  prei   too   predn  ■  10010,  u  Bentlef  n- 

omit '  cum,'  aiid  tnko  '  qui '  u  tlie  ablative ;  muks,  and  woold  implj  thit  a  nilatian  wu 

bot  we  do  not  Hod  '  oonBooico '  in  tliat  oon-  eipected  to  come  from  aome  deflnite  pUc*. 

slruction.     The  idek  of  ■  conneiao '  ii  to  wbereu  tbe  object  of  AoKhioDi  i*  to  tbrow 

bacome  accuatomed  to  ■  pemn  or  thing.  doubt  on  tbe  eiiitence  of  this  relation  al. 

Hence,  of  wild  uiinule,  '  lo  become  tame,'  togetber.     '  Tbii,'   he  lajs,  *  ii  wbat    700 

u  in  Plaulua,  Aiioaria  i.  3.  69,  where  lOTen  oogbt  to  haTe  said,  and  wbat  jon  oaght  to 

■re  gpakeii  of  ai  wild  biida :  haTe  mointunfld.'     Perlet  DOnaideta  ■  defen. 

"BeDe8alatandoconineKant,compeUanda  d^  '  to  mewi  •  oohi^  no  oognatni  iUam 

blanditer  ■bduceret.      Bnt  'defendo    u  alwajs  osid, 

OMuI«ido,'or»tioneTianiiIa,TBDU«tula."  ^J^"  "PP^ed  to  «gnroont,  in  tbea^  rf 

3J.  AmHor  kii  rtbiaqtiiMnir]     'Wbo  Oratore  ii.  38:  ■' Qiu  (CameadeaJ  nidlaa 

gare  liii  consent  to  jonr  proceedingi  V  Who  nnqnam  in  iUii  eDi)  diipntationibBe   rm 

gaTB  jou  leaTfl  toanter  ioto  a  marriage  en-  drfendit  qnam  non  probaric ;  nnlUm  oppt^. 

gagemeat?     ■Aoctor'  is  of  Teiy  wide  >p.  narit  qiium  non  eToterit."     Anidiuiai  it 

pticKion,  and  i*  owid  in  ■  Tarietj  of  ■enaee.  made  fn  hia  Tebemanoe  to  leptat  hinuclf. 

Bee  note  on  Aadria,  Prolog.  18.  Tbe  two  d^uMi  are  tbe  ume  is   _ 

38.  Oir  dunl  alimam  f]   Donahu  fiodi  tbongh  different  in  form.    'Haec'rt 

adifficulty  JDtbeHiraids.andaaji,  "Utmm  tbe  words  uaed,  'id'  to  tlie  mattir  of  tba 

fltiaiD?    Qoae  poeeit  aliena  eaae?     Nim  argument. 
omnes  atienu  fiUai  ducunt  ? "    The  idea  ii 


ACTUS  rV.    SCENA  V.  301 

Et  Bcio  ;  uam  te  amo ;  qno  magis  qoae  agis  cniae  sunt  nuhi. 
Aeg.  Ita  velim  me  prcHnereatem  ames  dom  viTas  mi  pater, 
Ut  me  hoo  delictum  admisiase  in  me  id  mihi  Tehementer  dolet, 
Et  me  tni  pudet.    Mi, '  Credo  hercle ;   nam  ingenium  noTi 

Liberale :  sed  Tereor  ne  indiligens  niwi'"m  Ktes.  50 

In  qua  ciTitate  tandem  te  arbitrare  TiTere  ? 

Yirginem  Titiasti  quam  te  jus  non  fiierat  tangere. 

Jam  id  peccatum  primum  magnum ;  magnum,  at  humannm 

Fecere  alii  saepe  item  boni :  at  poetqaam  Id  eTenit,  cedo 
Numquid  circnmspexti  ?  aut  numquid  tute  prospexti  tibi,     9S 
Quid  fieret,  qua  fieret  P  si  te  ipsum  mihi  puduit  dicere, 
Qua  reaciBcerem  ?    Haec  dum  dubitas  mensea  abierunt  decem. 
Frodidisti  et  te,  et  illam  miseram,  et  gnatum,  quod  quidem  in 

tc  luit. 
Quid  ?  oredebas  donnietiti  haec  tibi  confecturoa  Deoe, 
Et  illam  sine  tua  opera  in  cubiculum  iri  deductum  domum  P  60 
Kohm  ceterarum  rerum  te  socordem  eodem  modo. 
BoDo  animo  ee :  dncee  uxorem  hanc.     Aes.  Hemu    Mi.  Bono 

aninio  es,  inquam.     Aes.  Pater, 
Obsecro,  non  ludis  tu  nuno  me  ?    Mi.  Ego  te  P  quamobrem  P 

Aet,  Keecio ; 
Nisi  quia  tam  nusere  hoc  esee  cupio  Terum  eo  Tereor  magis. 
Mi.  Abi   domum,  ac  Deoe  oomprecare  ut  nxorem  arce&Bas: 

abi.  6S 

tH.  Stmt  tuipudeQ  DoDktaa  eoDnden  euy  good-natured  &th«r,  wbote  flnt  object 

tUa  to  BMU,  •!  am  ■ihmiDad  to  look   at  m  to  muDtdn  hii  hold  on  his  iod'*  ■ffec 

V^  >«  m  Hecyn  t.  2.  27.     Bnt  it  BOemi  tiona,  uid  who  wni  tft  to  make  anly  too 

'■'hn  lo  meu,  ■  I  un  uh&med  of  haviDg  greet  allowuun  for  bii  fanlts. 

^Med  f  ou  H  I  haTO.'     Compere  HeuL  63.  Majpaaii,at)nmamimtinim\  Faem 

B.I.IS.IS:  fint   raw   th>t   '  magnam  '   ahoold    be   re. 
■   '      "-'       ■      -'              ii  »  trochiie 

l»mn.ori»bUbUnIM."  «m,  .Wh™  ,n  T™».   ■a.^^OM 
u  good  ID  thli  plece.     Compara  EuDachiu, 

GO.  IudUigtiuil     '  Bnt  T  (az  foD  are  too  Prolog.  27  :  "  8i  id  eat  peostam,  peccatum 

•m^em.'  Conparo  Phorroio  t.  3.  6:  "Qd<>  tmprudcDti»  e»t." 

pol  mei  p»tris  bene  parta  indiligeDter  to-  61.    ffolim   etterartim   rrrtim  It  M«or- 

liliU'."    Hicio  bere  giTei  >  tum  to  hie  lec  ileBi]      We  mar  compere  thii  ooDetmotioii 

lnre.    Wemiut  inppaw  Ac«tiinDB  to  ihow  with  Honu»,  Carm.  ir.  9.3i: 

JfMt  remorH  i  «nd  the  old  mui,  who  hu  „ g^j  animas  tibi 

1-d  wme  difficultr  in  being  uigrT  enongh  Re™mqne  prudenji,  et  Becundie 

-Jth  him,  now  Ukea  up  the  qnaitwn  «  one  TemMribD.  dabii»ae  rectue." 

«upediencT}  mndweruahieKnithetirhe  "^                 ^ 

|*MreiniH  iD  Brerr  tbiog  u  be  hu  tmen  'Socora'  ii  aDOtherfbrm  of 'eeoon,'  afbrm 

hi  tfai»,  he  will  csrtilnlT  get  hiinwlf  into  wbich  ii  eometime)  fouDd.    8ee  ForceHinL 

b~.i.i.    ™._„ . .  .!._  ^  jp^  etimpr«eart\    'Tfj  the  gode 



jiea.  QuidP  jam uxDTem ?    Mi.  Jam.     Aes.  Jam?    Mi.  Jam, 

quoQtum  poteet.     Axa.  Di  in£,  pster, 
Omnes  odermt  ni  magu  te  quam  ocultw  nutic  amo  meos. 
Mi,    Quid?   quam  iUtunP     Ae».  Aeqoe.     Mi.    Perbenignc. 

Aea.  Quid?  iUe  ubi  est  MilesiusP 
Mi.  Abiit ;  periit ;  nsTOm  adacendit.    Bed  cur  oeasaa  P     Ae:^. 

Abi  pater : 
Tu  potiuji  Deoe  oomprecare ;  nsm  tibi  eoa  certo  scio,  70 

Quo  Yir  melior  multo  es  quam  ego,  obtemperatnros  magis. 
Mi.  Ego  eo  intro  ut  quae  apoB  sunt  parentur :  tu  fac  ut  dixi, 

si  Bapis. 
Aei.  Quid  hoo  eet  negoti !     Hoc  eat  patrem  ease  P  ant  lioc  est 

£lium  eeseP 
Si  irater  aut  «odalia  eeset,  qui  magia  morem  .gereret  P 
Hic non anumdua ?  hicine  non  gestandasiaeinu  eatP  bem!  n 
Itoque  adeo  magnam  <t«'lii  injecit  sua  conunoditate  curam 
Ne  forte  imprudens  faciam  quod  ooUt:  sciens  cavebo. 
Sed  ceaso  ire  intro  se  morae  Toeaa  nuptiia  egomet  siem  i 


Defeseus  sum  ambulando.     XJt,  Syre,  te  cum  tua. 
MonBtratione  magnua  perdat  Jupiter ! 

that  Ton  iiia.y  felcb  Toarwife  home.'  ■Cam-  coold  he  ba  more  JDdnlgait  to  bm?'    Omb- 

precor '  u  ussd  here  aimplj  m  '  precor.'    In  pare  iii.  3.  Ib  ud  ii.  3.  6. 
FUotui  it  hu  k  peculiar  lue  with  retenoce 

to  UDluclf;  dreuis  Msd  onwni.  See  Amphl-         Act  IV.     Bcm  VI.      Danaa    ntoiu 

t™oiL2.  116— 118.  ijia,  hi«  w«Ik.  which  hw  tbotDvghlr  Ibcd 

"Recte   didt,   Dt  cammnntiiit,   Mmaluin  bim  out.     He  «piihaa  ^irw  bad  leek  ftr 

narrat  tibi.  tbe  direccioii*  ha  had  gi*en  him  «baat  6» 

8ed  le,  mDlier,  poiliinam  expen«eta  ea,  "T-  which  hwl  ■erred  onlj  to  ititiimi  Ub- 

prodigiili  JoTi  Ha  bad  not  been  able  to  find  hia  brotbn', 

Aut  moU  aalu  hodle  aat  tate  conpre-  '">'  W  meet  with  taj  ona  vbo  had  Mn 

catun  ODOttDlt."  ium,  to  he  dMerminaa  to  wait  Bt  bia  owi 
hauM  tiil  he  retanis. 
68.  PtTbenigiul    '  1  am  mDcb  obliged  to         •Hm  Uetre  ii  iunbic  trimetar. 
jou.'     'Beniitne'    wu   ■   oommon    phi>u         j.   f/i^   Syrt,  It  eum  Ima  mixumHne] 

when  oae  wuhed  conrteouily  to  decline  an  .  yon  8701.,  waj  the  great  Japiter  DtMT 

™f-   ^So  hera  MidO  eiprene*  hu  mat-  «.nfonnd  jo>  witb  joor  directionsl'     Fm  j 

dulity  bj  the  aune  form,  ud  wKhout  inj  the  form  ■  at  ta  perdtf  Japiter'  H  naU 

po.iUve  contrKiicHon ;  for  ■  benigno     mej  on  Heant.  i*.  8.  6.  end  BnnadiDa  ii.  3.  If ; 

be   ueed  amptj  to  aipre»   th»nlcs,  u  lu  „d  oompare  PUntui,  Paeodidni  iii.  2.  1?: 
Phormio  V.  a.  63.     aee  Haclc«ae'a  oata  on 

UorM»,  Epiat.  1.  7.  16.  '■ At  te  jDpitar 

7S.  Quae  Ofnt  naW,  See  note  on  Andii*        Diique  omnM  pwdant  caa  oanduMBtii 
iL  1. 37.  toia 

74.  Qm  mtffii  Buirtm  strrrtl  7]     '  How        CoDiqM  t«ia  oniBibH  BUBdtdii." 


ACTtrS  IV.    SCENA  VII.  30; 

FerreptaTi  oBque  omiifi  oppuliuD :  ad  portam,  ad  lacum : 
Quo  non  P  neque  iUio  fabrica  ulla  erat,  neque  fratrem  homo 
Vidiase  se  aibst  qaiaqaam :  nuno  toto  domi  i 

Certam  obeidere  tst  luque  donec  redierit. 


lUCtO.       OEUEA. 

Mi.  Ibo,  iUia  dicam  nuHam  eese  in  nobis  moram. 

De.  Sed  eccum  ipeum ;  te  jamdudum  quaero,  Micio. 

Mi.  Q,aidnam  P    De.  Fero  alia  flagitia  ad  te  ingentia 

Boni  iUiuB  adoleacentia.     Mi.  Ecce  autem !     De.  Nova ; 

Capitalia.    Mi.  Ohe,  jam.-  De.  Nescia  qui  vir  sit.    Mi.  Scio.  5 

De.  0  stulte,  tu  de  {mltria  me  somniaa 

Agere :  hoc  peccatum  in  Tirginem  est  eivem.     Mi.  Scio. 

De.  Oho,  Bcia  et  patere  P    Mi.  Qiudm  patiar  P    De.  Die  mihi, 

Non  clamaa  ?  non  iTiH«.TiiH  p     Mi.  Non.     Malim  quidem: — 

i.  PtTT^tari  vtguf  omur  oppidum]   ^  I  ihiog  whnteTer.     And  vrhat  do  jon  intenfl 

tma  dngged   mjielf   tbrongb  tba  vhole  to  do  ?'     '  Well,'  mjs  Micio,  '  ihewiU  ta«ia 

town.'    We  bsie  i  ntbei  Diore  detailed  to  live  with  oi.     Tt  i*  »U  arnnged.    Ae  I 

■CGOimt  ia  Plaotiu,  AiDphitroo  ir.  I.  3 — 6,  cwinot  ando  wbat  hu  been  done,  I  bAie 

from  which  perbspa  Terence  m*j  haTB  bor-  detemiined  h>  make  tlie  beet  of  It.'    Thie 

imei  thii  k«db  :  mode  of  tatdng  the  newi  wbich  he  bei 

et  niTTopoli.  •  r      1  oj  jj^  lUTeigh.  i^Dlt  Ua  brotlMr,  uid  dl  tb« 

i|md  ^U^  .t,..  lo  „.^  L.  p..  ^"';  '""'J^  "?■  'i?^  «";  "^ 

liHtnt  stone  inforo  «IL    Aa   eatabliuiinent    wbich  waoM   bu 

In  medJci^,  iB  tonetriidi,  .pnd  wsne.  f™"  to  go  to  utl^  min  CTen  if  good  1m* 

■eiki  laciM  lUelf  were  to  Orj  to  lave  it. 

,.^^Z^-          •  ■"^"""'  6.   G9.«a/»]    'Flagitio».   «pitala'  w„ 
mcb  B  crmie  ■■  wooJd  deBflTTH  tbe  piiaiM- 

6.  Coiwi  eerlim   obtidert   ttf\     '  Obd'  meut  of  death.     In  thi*  ■enie  the  word  ie 

ilere'  ii  oied  here  ia  iti  primitiie  unM  of  freqoeutlj  nsecl  in  Ciceni.     See  In  C.  Ver- 

'  laking  up  one'!  seat  at  a  place.'    Gmipare  rem  ii.  !.  3S :  "  Neqne  ae  oique  eo  Stheaio 

I^uitu,   Kodeni  iii.  3.  36:    "  Nosque  ut  eeH  iDimicuin  at  enm  la  capitalii  affiDeDi 

iiuic  tnapace  Bnm  obiiden)  peCiaie."     In  esBe  diceret."     It  wbs  nimetimes  applied  to 

genenl  the  Terb  i*  ueed  InuEiitiTelj  in  tbii  peraons  {lee   Long'*   note  on   ii.    3.   ^Q). 

■Bue.  Here  the  word  ii  meaut  merelj  to  be  >n 

ACT IT.  BcBHS  VIT.     Mido  comea  out  S.  Non    clamiu  l    ...    Malim    guideni] 

of  hii  hoBBe,  haTing  made  >11  prepBntioiu  '  Do  joa  not  crj  ihaDie  upon  him  ?    Ars 

far  hi)  lou'*  marriage,  and  meeta  Demea,  jon  not  maddened  bj  it?'  '  No/iajiHicio, 

■ho  imiaadialelj  beginB  toBttacli  him  abont  ■  I  would  rather  iudecd  .  .  .'     Por  ■clamaa  ' 

the  Dew  oatrBgea  wbicb  he  haa  heerd  of  biB  Bee  iii.  3.  2G  :  "  UBCdiie  llBgitiB  1   Sy.  Mibi 

ton,  Aeichinm.     'TbiB  ia  no  mere  fboliBb  qoidem  nou  placent ;  Bt  clamo  saepe,"  and 

frnk,'  ha  bbji,  '  like  tbaC  BSair  of  tbe  mu-  t.  3.  3.     It  iB  better  witb  Bentlej  to  givo 

>ic  giil,  bat  aometbing  fer  more   ■erioUB.  the  wordB  '  Malim  qnidem '  to  Mido,  wbo 

Uere  he  Iibb  iDJaied    a   joong    AtheniBn  •aja  mn^  the  Beme  thiog  BfterwBrdB  (t. 

giil  of  good  (amitj.     He  wilt  bsTe  to  maiij  19;.     DamBB  iuUmipti  bim  bere,  and  goai 

ba  ndwmt  Bnj  portion  {  for  tiie  Img  uo-  on  witb  bia  CBtBlogue  of  grierBncet. 


304  ADELPHI. 

De.  Piier  natns  est.     Mi.  Di  bene  Tertaut  I     De.  Yi^o  mhil 
habet.  lo 

Jft.  Audivi.     De.  Et  duoenda  indotata  est  P    Mi.  S<nlicet. 
He.  Quid  nunc  futurum  eek?     Mi.  Id  enim  quod  rea  ipsa 

minc  huc  tranaferetur  virgo.     De.  0  Jupiter  I 
Istocine  pacto  oportet  P    Mi.  Q,uid  faciam  amplius  f 
J)e.  Q,uid  facias  F     Si  non  ipea  re  istuc  tibi  dolet,  15 

Simulare  certe  est  hominiB.     Mi.  Quin  jam  Tirginem 
Deepondi ;  rea  oompoeita  est ;  fiuut  nuptiae : 
Demai  metum  omnem :  haeo  magia  sunt  hominis.     De.  Cae- 

Flacet  tibi  factum,  Micio  P    Mi.  Non,  ei  queam 
Mutare :  nuno,  quum  non  queo,  aequo  animo  fero.  9o 

Ita  Tita  est  hominum  quaei  quum  ludas  teeeeiie  : 
Si  illud  quod  maxime  opua  eat  jactu  non  cadit, 
Illud  quod  cecidit  forte  id  arte  ut  corrigas. 
De.  Corrector  I  Nempe  tua  arte  viginti  minae 

18.  SmnfaK  etrii  al  hominit]  '  If  yan        roioirro  rh  C^v  Ivrtv  Smp  ol  tifiot. 
tm  not  nMj  foined  at  the  Bflur,  yat  ■         ojr  roiir'  ^ii  rirroiwiv*  oiil  rif  fiitf 
nu  of  proper  fteling  would  pretsnd  to  be         Tal/rhv   iiatiivti   aj^qfta*  furafkiXic  f 
veied.'     Hido  uiawen, '80  tiufrom  being         txn. 

pnt  ont  abaut  it,  I  baf e  given  him  tbe  girl  In  tbe  RepnbUc  of  PUto,  book  x.  p.  604.  c, 

in  mBRuge;    tbo  ro«tl«r  ii  uranged;  tbe  ve  meet  with  ■  totj  limil»  pwae«.     H« 

weddiDg  is  ™  the  point  of  taking  plwe  ;  I  nji  thiit  grief  itwida  in  the  w*]r  of  tbe  be- 

hne  reliHTed  bini  of  ■!!  utxietTi    thii  ia  h&noar  wbichwo  ghould  ftlwajs  miintain  m 

mora  Ulie  >  mu  of  feeling.'  There  u  ■  plaj  tnmble  ;  nunelj,  r^  &o«\ivtit9ai .  . .  ir.pi 

on  two   •ensea    of  '  homo,'   «hich   neuii  ,4  yiyotiiii  cai  fiawtp  iv  irrwrH  kb3w 

(Int,   '  ■  mkn  of  proper  feeling,'  one  who  ^pjj    rd    wiwTMthra   riefvAii   r4    ouroB 

Ukea  •  coirect  liew   of   monl   qaestioDS,  wfdyiAaTa,  orp  o  \&yoQ  a)|M!  fSiXriar'  ir    : 

Midiathe>econdplKe,itianuda>  '  a  mui  f^„v,  ii.\i  iiit  rpoaicraiaarTae,  •caBiwta 

of  klnd  feeling.'     Donatui  tt,jt  oa  T.  Ifi :  iroiaac,  ixoi^yovi  roi  irXqrivrac  i»  r^ 

"Non  hoc  diiit,  qaiahomiDis  eit  mentiri:  fio^y    i!(arp(j3iiv,   dXX'    dii    IBiUir    r^v 

■ed  qnis   Mepa  iracnndiae    riniulatio  cob-  ^vx^"  ^  "  Taxiara   -rijvtaOai  wpoc    ra    I 

tadia  diKiplinae    ert."         '  Homo  '    often  JasUai  n  laj  UavopBovv  rA  wiaJi'  n  oai 

cmei  with  it  ■  pregOMt  aeau.     8ee  i.  2.  vofffloov,  (arpiitp  9pivviiav  ifaviZo^ra. 

^  ■  So  Horace,  Sat.  u.  8.  B4 :  1 

" Bt  tn  illnm  tnnm,  ri  eum  homo,  "  N»aidiene,  redi«  mnt^t«  &«ntis,  nt  art* 

Sineree  nnnc  bcere  ;"  Bmendatunu  fortunun.  | 

84.  Carrfelar)    Inreplj  to  Micio'i  friMg   1 

where,   bnworer,    not    onlj  the    Benae    oT  of  pntrerbial  phtloeophj  Demea  ibts, 'Piiie  | 

'  kindnew '  ia  coavejed,  bnt  ■Isa  the  idea  of  mender  indeed  l     Yon  meu  thu  thia  skiU   ' 

*  common  aenie.'     8ee  aote  on  ir.  3.  40.  of  Toura  haa  loat  jm  twentr  minae  far  tbe 

Sl.  Ila  tila  eil  Jtomtninit]   'Mui's  life  mniic  girl,  who  haa  now  lo  ba  aeat  pkck. 

is  like  a  gama  of  dice.     If  the  throw  that  ing  aomewhere  or  other,  aa  Hii  ■!  po^blr. 

you  want  moit  doea  not  tnm  np,  joa  mmit  whether  foa  get  ber  full  nloa  for  ber  (r 

mend  fonr  nnlnckj  throw  b;  jour  akilL'  h>Te  to  maka  a  present  of  her  to  soineime.' 

Hie   metsphor  ii   common    enough  in  all  'Nempe'  i>  tery  commonlj  nsed   ia   Te- 

writers.     Hie  tbllowing  linea  of  Aleiis  ■re  rence.       It  has   originsUj    m   eif^aaatiVT 

qooted  hj  Lindenbrog,  trani  Stobaeoa  :  •an»,  as  in  Andria  L   1.  8  :  "  AdcedBB  ^ 

ACTTTS  IV.    SCENA  VII.  305 

Fro  psaltria  periere ;  qtiae,  qiuntnm  potest,  35 

Aliquo  abjicienda  est,  ai  uon  pretio  at  gratiis. 

Mi.  Neque  eet,  neqoe  illain  sane  studeo  vendere. 

De.  Quid  igitur  facies  ?   Mi.  Domi  erit.  De.  Fro  DiTum  fidem  1 

Meretrix  et  materianulias  uua  iu  domo  ? 

Mi.  Cur  uon  ?     De.  Sanum  t«  credis  esse  ?     Mi.  Equidem 

arbitror.  30 

De.  Ita  me  Di  ament,  ut  video  ego  tuam  ineptiam, 
Facturum  credo  ut  habeas  quicnm  cantites. 
Mi.  Cur  non  ?    J>e.  %i  nova  niq>ta  eadem  baec  discet  ?    Mi. 

De.  Tu  inter  eas  restim  ductans  saltabifi.     Mi.  Frobe. 
De.  Frobe  ?    Mi.  Et  tu  uobiBcum  una,  ei  opus  sit.     De.  Hei 

TTiibi  l  35 

Non  te  haec  pudent  P    Mi.  Jam  rero  omitte,  Demea, 
Tuam  iBtanc  Iracundiam ;  atque  ita  uti  decet 
Hilarmn  ac  lib^tran  fac  te  gnati  in  nuptiis. 
lilgo  I106  conveniam :  poet  buc  redeo.     De.  0  Jupiter ! 
Eaucine  vitam  ?  hoecine  mores  ?  hanc  dementiam  P  40 

Uior  aine  dote  Teniet ;  intus  pBaltria  eet : 
Domus  sumtuosa ;  adolescens  Inxu  perditus ; 
Senex  delirana.     Ipsa  si  cupiat  Salua 
Servare  proraus  non  potest  hanc  familiam. 

pKncls  te  *oIa.    So.  DiEtnm  pnt* :  Nemps  Hua  ii  ■  paint  on  wtiich  «xiininentston  are 

Dt  nueutiU'  recte  hoec."  '  You  meMi  tlut  not  agreed.     Some  mppoee  thot  k  rope  wu 

tbeae  mattera  ««  lo  be  properly  stleudeil  actDailj  pused  froir  one  to  the  othsr,  and 

to.'     AtuIiu  >■  4.  46  :  "  Ciiua  optima  eat,  tb»t  tbe;  all  beld  it  as  thej  dsnced  ;  othen, 

Niai  qnid  peter  ait  aliiid.    Pa.  Nempe,"  tbet  thej  formed  ■  diein  witb  iheir  buidi 

'  Yea,  tbat  ii  just  what  I  meu.'     In  thie  and  danced.     The  pnctice  !■  aUBded  to  in 

p—eege  tl^  WDid  ii  nHd  ironicmllj,  u  in  IJTy  uriL  37 '  "  In  foro  pampe  eonttilit, 

Andrm  iii.  G.  1 )  :  "  Bxpediee  ?    Da.  Certa,  et  per  niknne  reete  dets  Tir^nce  eonQia 

Famphibi.    Pa.  Nempe  at  modo,"  '  Yon  voa»  pnlen  pednm  modolanteeinceeienmt.'' 

mean,  I  mppoee,  ■■  jon  did  jiut  now.'  The  pbnae   '  dncere  fnnem '   ia  Horeoe, 

'  Pretio '  meaDB  '  Ibr  «hst  ihe  ii  worth.'  Epist.  1.   10.   48,    h>*   probablT   ■notber 

Compare  PlaatDS,  PuadolDi  i.  2.  37 :  "  Bgo  meaniag    (lee  Macleuei    note).      It  dci 

eo  in  macrilnm,  ot  [riedDm  qoicqnid  est  donbt  Tna  Ihe  cnitom  to  duioe  bsnd  io 

pretio   pruftinem."      Mercstor  ii.   S.    7 :  baod ;  and  tbii  is  more  likel;  tbsD  tliet  • 

"  Miser  unicsm  mihi  p^r^Ti  ■□imi  c&asft;  rope  shoDld  haTa  beeD   osed.     Witb   tbii 

eHpni  prelio."  pssssge  is  comjHred  Aristophinea,  Clonds 

28.  Qaiil  r^tiir/BciM^]    Bentlej  reids  B-IO,  tiuSax'  ">-'V<iiy.     The  ropiai  wea 

*  Qaid  ills  igitar  faciea  ?'  bnt  thii  is  anae-  a    licentious    dance,    and    Irom    Demea'g 

reaaarj.     Tbere  ig  no  misUking  the  mbject  tone   in   thia    pSMHge   it   ia  clear  that  he 

of  '  domi  erit.'  did  not  coniider  tbe  dancs  bere  ipolien  of 

34.   7\i   mler  tai  ritlim  duclaiu   tal-  u  reapectafale. 

labi*]     'Yoa  ihall  dance  betwecn  tbem  36.  Non  te  kate  pKdait  f\     See  note  on 

band  in  bend.'     Donama  giTCi  the  fcllow.  i.  3  4. 

'mg  eiplanatioD  of  theie  w^a  :  "  Ego  pnto  43.   fyiB   ti   eapiat    SoIM]      Tbe  ide« 

m  paellaram. 
3  eantaiiles  ralim  dmetrt  eiigliniBri."    CaptiTi  iiL  3.  14 : 



BTKDS.       D8M£A. 

Sy.  Aedepol,  Sjriscc,  te  curaati  moUiter, 
Lautegne  munTis  administrssti  tuiun. 
Abi.     Sed  postquam  intus  sum  omnium  rerum  satur, 
Prodeambulare  hue  libitum  est.     De.  Illud  sis  vide 
£lxemplum  disciplinae.     St/.  Ecce  autem  bic  adest  5 

Senex  noater.     Quid  fit  f  quid  tu  es  tristia  ?    De.  Oh  acclus. 
Sff.  Ohe,  jam  tu  Yerba  fundis  hic,  sapientia  ? 
De.  Tu  si  mcus  esses — Sy.  dis  quidcm  csscs,  Dcmea, 
Ac  tuam  rem  conBtabilisses.     De.  exemplum  omnibus 
Gurarcm  ut  esaca.     Si/.  QuamDbremP   quid  feciP     De.  Ro- 
gasP  10 

"  Nttque  jam  Sklas  MTTare,  li  Tiilt,  me    obmiaDt  qnae  nrasitoniTn  Hite  ent  pimia- 

poEMt ;  cU,"  uid  '  pneKcCm,'  Ci^ri  i*.  &  7  = 

Nec  co^  eM,  Disi  li  iltqium  corde  mft-      ••  Haoc  ibo  in  mma  pnehctunm,  ot  jnJ 

cbiniH  utDtiBm."  di(^  Iwido, 

Moitalluia  iL  1.  4  :  Bt  qow  peodeDt  indmuimlM  penue  eia 

,._.,,  .  _.  ■_  I  auiilinm  ut  fenm." 

"  Ocadet  apes  Doatn :  nDnDun  alabDlam        ,„,.-.,„         ,       j.-    -  ,-      i 

e«t  «.D«donti«,  .   *■  "'"''  «*  """  K'r""«",  *;^Vft-«] 

Nec  SdD.  nobi.  BilDti  i.m  e»«.  A  mpi^     *  Tl»n  i-  ■  fine  .pjam™  of  good  d.«,- 

poteai.  ....  cretiu.  iii.  M7)  wonld  nd  '  lUud  m  nic 

LindeDbrog  quotes  ■  cDnODi  epittph  from     g,e„,p,„^   diKipUn«  ereum.'     But  •  «xv 

P*"' '  Mitem  '  ia  the  reguUr  fonn  whidi  TereiKC 

„       ^^^  ^  j^  EuDUcho»  ii.  3.  fi;  t.  6.  25. 

Addphi  i.  3.  73;  it.  7-  *■     Hecpa  iii  b. 

63 1    and  ««  nerer   find   '  Mtem '  at   tbe 

comoieacemmit  of  s  eentoioe.    Tbe  hiitm 

in  this  Ter*e  ia  justified  bj  tbe  ttnninatioD 

of  the  NnleDoe  at  ■  diidplinae.' 

«liich  Berrei  to  ilhutrate  theae  oommon        B.  T^uim  Ttm  coutltibilutti}     '  If  I  wae 

phnaes.  jour  aerrant,'  lajB  Sjnu,  '  jon  ironld   be 

a  lich  mui,  uid  wonld  bwe  made  joar 

ActV.  SciMi  I.  Sjnit  coDue  fh>m  hii     fininne.'     '  Bem   eonitabilire'    ii    purticn. 

nuter'»  bouae  in  a  itate  of  intoiicBtian.     lu-lj    nied    witli    reference    to    tbe    pur- 

Thii  ii  e  new  (ggnTation  to  Demu,  wbo     chue  of  elaTM.     Bea  Plautoi,  CaptiTi  iiL  I. 

ii  diignsted  at  thi*  &ab  proof  of  the  di«.    92 : 

order  of  hii  brotber'»  houie.    Sjraa  treata  " Aedtfiol  rran  meun 

him  with  ooDtempt.  ConitebiliTi,  qaum  illDi  emi  6a  precda  a 

The  Metre  U  Umbie  trimeter.  quaertoribDi." 

I.  Aetfipol}  '  On  mj  word,  mj  deu  Id  tiie  preeeding  lina  we  «bonld  ceriaiDlj 
Syms,  JOD  haTe  eued  (or  jonnielf  dtii-  read  '  Tn  >i  raeiu  enee — '  in  preferena  tn 
catelj,  uid  managed  joor  buiineea  irell.'  '  Tarimeuieiie)?'  which  >ome copiei baie. 
>  Aedepol '  ii  bere  used,  u  in  manj  ases,  lij  For  Demea  doei  not  aik  a  qneetion ;  bat  n 
a  msn,  tliougb  originallj  ■  woman'B  oath.  going  to  threatCD  Sjmi,  vhen  be  bmki  in 
'  Sjriice '  i*  ■  term  of  sndevment,  ai  are  snd  finiahei  the  ientence  for  him.  Dem» 
■U  «DCh  dirninutiTeB  in  FUutoi  TCrj  tre-  sfterwarda  finiihe*  the  speecb,  *  — eiemplo 
qofntlv,  '  Mnnu) '  li  here  used  ea  '  pra-  omnihai  eorarem  nt  eues.'  8ee  nota  od 
*iDcia'lnnaHtai,CaptiTiiii.  1.  14:  "  Ipd    Ennnchos  t.  4.  3S. 


ACTUS  T.    SCENA  II.  307 

In  ipsa  turba,  atque  in  peccato  mazimo, 

Quod  vix  sedatum  Batie  est,  potasti  scelus, 

Quasi  re  beae  gesto.     Sy.  Saae  uoUem  hiic  exitom. 


DBOHO.      STBUS.      DEUGA. 

Dr.  Heus,  Syre ;  rogat  te  Ct«eipho  ut  redeas.     Sp.  Abi. 

2)e.  Quid  Cteaipbouem  hio  narratP     Sp.  NiML     De.  Eho 

Ert  Cte«lpho  intua  ?     S>/.  Non  est.     De.  Cur  hic  nominat  ? 
8j/.  Est  alius  quidam,  paxafiitaster  parYulus : 
Nostin  ?     De.  Jam  scibo.     St/.  Quid  agis  ?  quo  abia  ?    De. 

Mitte  me.  5 

iSy.  NoU  inquam.     De.  Non  manum  abetines,  mastigia  ? 
An  tibi  jam  mavis  cerebrum  dispergi  hic  ?    Sy.  Abit. 
Aedepol  comisBatorem  haud  sane  commodum, 
Praesertim  Ctesiphoni.     Quid  ego  nunc  agam 
Nisi,  dom  hae  eilescunt  turbae,  iuterea  in  angulum  lo 

Ahquo  abeam,  atque  edomiiscam  hoc  yilli  ?    Sic  agam 

lem  &ctam,' ii.  1.  II.uidPluirmioT.  3.  13;  'conjido  fore'  or  an;  otber  «onb.     Inter- 

"Jinimid«tiiin«rt  «Kentiun?    Zlff.  Ca-  J"'*!'"-!  pl™e»  »"  in  «U  UngMge»  enip- 

p.riilUo>.     C*.  Nollem  drtum."  *^-    '  CoDiiswtor '  w«»  >  compsnion  in  » 
'comisaatio  ■  (iwfia;),  or  '  metTf-mMng' 

^  parlieiplB  ia  in  the  nune  omrtniclion  wbich  «aa  geDenlly  ■  continaBtion  of  ^ 

u  in  tbe   phnse   '  bctam   <^KUtmt '    and  ordiDir;  lupper,   '  coena,'  &tt«nded  b;  tlie 

othenoftheiBiDekiud  (ue  note  on  He&ut.  'conviTs.'    ThHw  entertoinmenti  generdly 

>-  i.  S6).     '  NoUem  '  implisi  that  tbe  wiih  ended  in  *  IntccbiuuiiaD  pnicesnon  in  the 

ia  now  tmpnujticBble.     If  it  refeiTed  to  ■  rtToete;  ■  practice  to  wbich  Aeacbjliu  al- 

'   —  1    opea   quertion,  it   «onld    be  iudee  in  ■  ifdl-known  paswge  in  Agimem- 

■._  . .__.  ___! u__;,p^  non,  ilSa— 1190: 

*al  fi4v  vivwcuic  7*1  «E   SpoouviirOai 

AcT  V.  ScENi  II.   While  Demea  and  a  .   ""''  r        -        i    j/ 

»™  „  .^vi.,  „^.  D„.o,  c^-  fcv,"5KT;,tX.'i". 

pho  1  ferrint,  moat  mopportunely   makee  r        -              n             -r 

l>i>  ^ipearance,  nith  a  mesUige  from   hig  wbers  aee  Palej'i  note. 

mwto'  lo  SyroH.   Dsmea  immedistel;  tekea  1 1 .  Bdormueam  Hoe  mlli]     '  What  had 

alarm,  aad   in  i[dte  of  8ynu'  oppositian  I  bettei  do  than  go  into    ■oma  comer  or 

tnba  in  to  iee  hiov  matter*  ituid.    Bynu  other  till  thii  row  bloiis  OTer,  and  ileep  olT 

manwhile  thinki  it  best  to  go  off  aud  talie  tbis  drop  of  wine  that  1  haTe  dnink  ? '   '  Til- 

■  nip  till  the   tiSat   hae   blown    orer    ■  Inm  '  is  a  diminntiTe  of  '  rinam,' ■«  '  uUiu* 

bttle.  o(   '  nnm/    '  catelU '   of  '  catena.'      '  Hoo 

The  Hetre  ii  iambie  trimeter.  Tilli '  lilenJlj  means  '  whateTer  wine  tbere 

8.   Aedtpal    eOTmiualortni    Attnd   lam  maj  be.'    'Die  genitiTe  a  partitire.    But 

'ominodum)   '  I'  laith  not  ■  Tetj  agTeeable  thia  idea  ii  not  alwajs  meaerred  in  common 

Ixxm  Dompaaion.'    The  aocontiTe  m  usad  iBngnage.    (See  Uadng,  I«tin  QnmnMT, 

hoe  u  in  other  eiclamationa )  and  tbere  li  337.  ^) 

X  2                                        r-          i 

AOrrTS  QTHNTI  scena  tertia. 

iaCIO.     DEHBA. 

Mi.  Parata  a  nobis  sunt,  ut-dixi,  Sostrata, 

TJbi  vis.     Quisnam  a  me  pepnlit  tam  gTaviter  fores  P 

De.  Hei  mihi,  quid  &ciam}'  quid  agamP  quid  clamem  aut 

O  coelum,  O  terra,  O  maria  Neptuni !     Mi.  Hem  tibi : 
BeaciTit  omnem  rem ;  id  nunc  clamat  scilioet :  5 

Parotae  litee ;  succurrendum  est.     De.  Eccum  adeet 
Communie  comiptela  nostrum  liberum. 
Mi.  Tandem  reprime  iracundiam,  atque  ad  te  redi. 
De,  Represai,  redii :  mitto  maledicta  omnia : 
Bem  ipeam  putemus :  dictum  boc  iater  nos  fuit,  lo 

Ez  te  adeo  est  ortum,  ne  tu  curares  meum, 
Neve  ego  tuum  ?  responde.     Mi.  Factum  est ;  non  nego. 
2)e.  Cur  nunc  apud  te  potat  P  cur  recipis  meum  ? 
Cur  emis  amicam  Micio  P    Numqui  minus 
Mibi  idem  jus  aequum  est  esse  quod  mecnm  est  tibi  P  is 

QrUando  ego  tuum  non  curo,  ne  cura  meum. 
Mi.  Nou  aeqnnm  dicis ;  non ;  nam  vetus  verbum  boc  qnidem 

AoT  T.  ScKHi  III.    Mido,  oomiDg  trom  mo '  tee  iv.  7,-  9. 

SoMratB'a  hanie,  wbere  he  hu  been  to  maka  8.  Sticeurrmdtim  tif]  '  Then  i*  a  qoir- 

■naDgenietita  fi»  the  minuge  of  Aeechinni  lel  rorthooming.     I  must  to  Ihe  reacne.' 

•ud  ^inphUa,  tUli  in  «ith  Demea,  who  ii  8.  Ad  It  redi]  Compwe  AimItu  in.  fi.  18: 

ooining  ont  of  his  hon*e,  hdvinj:  jnit  dii-  "  8iDe  peDlDlnm  ad  me  rvdewn." 

eovered   Ctesipbo  in   high   rerel  witb  the  10.  iiciK  >|Mani  pttltmiu]  '  Let  m  indk 

moiic  girl.    Tbe  two  brotben  now  come  Iho  matter  Urlj  in  t)n  ttct/    '  Pulan '  ii 

to  >n  eipluiMion.    Demea  compUnB  tbit  ued  •ometimei  in  the  ■enie  of  'to  kerp 

Micio   snppliea   both  hia    iioDi    with    the  acconnte.'   Bee  note  on  ii.  I.  M,  and  n  too 

meani  of  ^ce  ind  eitravaguce.     He  an.  it  meaDi '  to  euniine  Into  ■  matter,' '  to  go 

■wen,  *  YoD,  Demea,  at  one  time    took  into  an  affair.'     Compws  Flautra,  Amphi- 

cue  of  both;  and  yon  made  monej  fbr  tno  ii.  I.  48: 

both.   DotfaeM 

LO  id,  Dulom,  pacto  poteat  nam  (me- 

•  m.k,  dWiic.      _™_.w;7";|«»)_. 

for  tfaem ;  aad  let  tbem  tpend  n 

the  neen  time,  we  must  make  aiiowaDce        m—: ~  „u  ...  ■.:_  .; ' ..  j  _-  n, 

*      i^«.«         '       * ..   .      i       ,            1  iTien  nonc  ati  tu  luc  ni  et  doDu  f 
for  the  diflerence  of  their  cbaracten,  and 

Dot  be  loo  etrict  with  them.    At  all  eventi  14.  Nmmfai  ntnM]  Bcntl^  proineealo 

be  indulgent  to-daji  while  jonr  aon  ia  being  lead   '  Nnmqni  minns  Mibi  jtu  idem  «t 

married.      Afler    that,    do    u    yoa    like.'  tecum,  qnod  mecnm  <nt  mihi?'     Be  cdb- 

■  Well,'  nf ■  Dema,  '  u  aoon  ai  it  ia  orer  ridcn  Ihat '  tccnm  '  is  reqaired  bj  the  anti- 

I  will  be  off  to  mj  farm  with  mj  wm.  aDd  tbesii.      Bnt    thia    is   a  mere    aonjectare. 

I  will  tJUie  care  th&t  thi*  girl  of  hi«  hu  '  Numqni '  ia  tbe  readingof  thc  best  autho- 

•ome  worlc  lo  do  which  «ill  Tery  »on  spoil  rities.     It  ahonld  be  writtea  '  numqni '  ■fnr 

ber  beauty.'    '  3a  be  it,' nyi  Micio, 'mean-  tbe    analogj    of    '  nnmqDii,'    '  nmnqDid/ 

while  let  ua  enjoy  onraelvei  to-da;.'  The  aense  is,  '  Is  there  anf  re^son  «hj  il  ii 

The  Melie  is  iunhic  trimeter.  notliirthat  Igboold  have  tbs  aame  ri|;liti  ■■ 

S.  Qui({  elamtm  oW  qutrar  f]    FoT  '  da-  jod  bav«  y 


AOroS  V.    SCENA  m. 

Comiaimia  esso  luDioaruiii  intor  86  omiiia. 

De.  Facete !  nmic  demum  istaec  nata  oratio  eet. 

Mi.  Anaculta  paucis,  Disi  molestom  est,  Demea. 

Princijno,  si  id  te  mordet,  Bumtum  filii 

Quem  fiwiunt,  quaeso  faoito  haec  tecum  cogites : 

Tu  illoB  duos  olim  pro  re  tollebaa  tua, 

Quod  satis  putabaa  tua  bona  ambobus  fore, 

Et  me  tum  uzorem  credidisti,  scilicet, 

Ducturum  :  eoiidem  iUain  rationem  antiquam  obtine : 

Conoerra,  quaere,  paroe :  iac  quom  plurimum 

Illis  relinqoas :  gloriam  ta  istam  obtioe. 

Mea,  quae  praeter  epem  evenere,  utantur  sine. 

De  summa  nihil  decedet :  quod  hino  acceaaerit, 

Id  de  lucro  patato  ease  omne.     Saec  si  voles 

In  animo  veie  cogitare,  Demea, 

Et  mihi,  et  tibi,  et  ilUs  demseris  molestiam. 

J)e.  Mitto  rem :  consuetudinem  ipBoniin.    Mi.  Mane : 

IB.  QHamtaiia  nn  aodeonoH  inlir  le  propcrty,  which  hu  coma  to  them  luiei' 

onata]  Thii  prOTOrb  ia  tncsd  niigiiullf  to  pectedl;.     Yooj  prindpal  ihBll  not  be  di- 

h;thigani.      Wa  fiod  it  in  Ariitotle,  Po-  inliiiBbed ;  end  700  maf  wt  down  u  deat 

Utic.  ii.  3 :    ti    iptriir   f  Irrai  irpie  ri  praGt  all  Ihet  m*T  be  added  lo  it  from  mf 

Ipiv9ai,  (nr^  r^v  rapsi/iiai'-  Eoivd   rd  fortnoe.'      We  tokj  compare  Fhormio  iL 

^i"  ^i>i>,  *iid  tirice  ia  the  NiconMcheiui  1.  16  fbr  the  linguefe  of  thii  puwge  : 
^OiK»,  Tiii.  ».  1 ;  ii.  8.  3.    WesterhoTiiu 
saHee  bma   SnidM  the  falltniting  hoei  of 

l,„g  '        r-  <iir  >  gome  to  pua  withoat  407  eaort  of  ovr  own. 

rr      <      >  thepusigei  batwealMfindlhaword  lueii 

■Tido,  being  nther  hud  pat  tr    -  ' ..,..,.    ,.  ,.       ™ 

*"" —   -..-■■■  -1-    ^men.  ^  Meneeobmei,  m 

ireneie  muimae,"  and  CnRnlio  L  9.  38 1 

»1      .        .„  ,.  ,.  "  Nam  tlbi  KmaDter  pTopinaDtei  liniun  da> 

•«i»»]    '  Keep  to  tbet  old  plan.'    Com-        r^""*  ^^    j  i     »  ,  w 

tiM.."-<lIUm:'    -thM  pUo   whid.    wu  l"»«lit«e.. 

T<^bnt  which  jw  hMe  noWBbandODed.'  For  'delDcro'  comparg  HOT>ee,  Cerm.  1.9. 

Itiithiii  oppDaed  to 'ietam,'  whii^  wonld  14,  witb  Macleane'!  note. 
""■»<  'jtnr  loewnt  plan.'  34.  Miilo  rtm:  mtmehuliiMm  ipeorKm'] 

M-  Mta  . .  .  ulantvr]    Thia  ii  the  odIj  '  I  do  not  miDd  the  moDej  ;  thur  cbiraeCer 

P^inTsnnoe  where  we  haTe  a  clear  ia-  ii  what  J  ore  abont.'    We  may  lai^lf 

■tuice  a(  tlie  nie  of  ttie  eccaaaiave  with  '  caro  '  from  ita  oontivj  '  ndtto.'  CompKa 

J^-'      It  occon  wilh  '  ■bntor  '  both  in  Andria  iii.  6.  18  : 

fto^.  6),,  and  with  '  fongor'    (ko  m>te  tail  te  aku»  eaw, 

on  Hetnt  i  l.  18).     '  Do  jou,' eajiMido,  n»an  «  oumq  b™, 

'"',  get  mimvj,  be  thiiftj ;  take  care  that  whera  «ee  nete.    '  T  waa  M 

T^  leaTB  them  ai  madi  aa  poaiible  ;  make  Hjs  Mido  ;  and  forthwith  p s— 

™*^  T<>W  phde.    OdI;  let  tbem  enjoj  my  ■  ntbar  tadioui  rtiiiortatioa  on  wiatiM  ol 


310  ADELPHI. 

Scio :  istnc  ibam.     Mnlta  in  homiae,  Dennea,  35 

Signa  insunt  ex  quibiu  conjectura  facile  fit, 

Duo  quum  idem  faciunt,  saepe  ut  poseis  dicere, 

Hoc  licet  impuue  facere  hmc,  illi  non  licet ; 

Non  quod  diBBimilifi  res  mt,  sed  quod  is  qui  fecit : 

Quae  ego  illis  ineese  Tideo,  nt  confidam  fore  40 

Ita  ut  Tolumus :  video  sapere,  intelligera,  in  loco 

Yereri,  LQter  se  amare :  scires  liberum 

Ingenimn  atque  nTiimnTO  ;  quovia  illoe  tu  die 

Beducas.     At  enim  metuas  ne  ab  re  sint  tamen 

Omissiores  paullo.     O  noster  Demea,  43 

Ad  onmia  alia  aetate  sapimus  rectins  : 

Solum  unum  boc  vitium  aenectuB  affert  hominibus ; 

Attentiores  smnns  ad  rem  omnee  qnam  sat  est : 

Quod  iUofl  sat  aetas  acuet.     De.  Ne  nimium  modo 

Bonae  tuae  istae  nos  rationes,  Micio,  so 

Et  tuus  iate  animus  aequoB,  snbTertant.     Mi.  Tace : 

Non  fiet :  mitte  jam  istaec :  da  te  bodie  mihi : 

Exporge  frontem.     De.  Scilicet,  ita  tempus  fert ; 

Faciendum  est :  caeterum  rus  cras  cum  filio 

chmscter,   uid   coirespondiag   luietiei  of  43.  Sdrw  ;i£(rum  inpfluUM]  'Onecould 

bebKiiaur.     Uido  ia  iuUiided  to  be  a  mftn  aee  in  n  moineDt  that  Ihe;  Kere  gentlemeii 

who  >[»>;;>  acta  from  i  kindly   impalse  ;  in  di>pa*ition  KoA  chuKter.'     Here  snd  io 

and  ia  not  mncb  given  to  wicertun  the  re>~  Heaut.  i.  2.  18  (lee   nate)  I  have  «dopted 

■ona  oT  bis  condnct.     8uch  men  are  ilwaya  the  leading  ptt>poaed  bj  Lscfanunn  (uoM 

rcady  witii  s  very  planirible  lort  of  morality  on  Lna-etiaa  Y.  633).  who  objecta   to  •  ert' 

at  a  pinch,  snd   ue  tbe  niora  proij  be-  «itb  the  infinitive  ;  the  ordinary  reading  of 

canae  thii  *ort  of  tbiog  ii  Dot  geDaine  «ich  this  paswige  bdng  '  scire  eat.'     '  Scjre*,' 

tbem.  «ben  fiilly  eipreswd,  mcanB  'eieD  if  jon 

38.  Hoe  iieel  itHjnme  Jaeere']    '  Some  kiiew  nothing  of  tbem  you  coald  tell  tbat 

men  will  not   be  apoilt  by  t,  little  indol-  they  were  genUemen.' 

gence  in  eaily  life )  otbera  will.'     Thii  ig  49.     QkdiJ  iitai  lat  aelai  teutf]      •  A 

clearly    the   meaEing    bere.       Micio    aays,  quality  which  sge  will  aufficiently  dtarpen 

'  Yon  OD  «ee  by  men'a  cfaataden  wfaelher  in  tfasm.'       '  ^iHid  '  reten  to  the   whola 

it  li  safe  to  sltow  them  a  little  indulgence  preosding  Hnteoce,  '  Attentiom  tnmDa  mlL 

or  not.'     '  Impnne  '  is  uaed  anbjectiTely.  rem  omnee  quam  sat  ast.' 

It  simply  refera  ta  the  eflect  on  thepersoD^s  63.  ExpoTgt  /nmfm]     '  Be  cfaeeifaL' 

own  characler,  DOt  to  any  eitemal  coOBa.  '  Eiporrigere' iBliC«aIIy'toMrelcbaDt,'*>id 

quence  of  indulgence  or  f(j]y,aacfa  ■•  given  isoppoiedto  '  ointiahere  fronlem,'  'Uiwrin- 

iD  Jaienal  liti.  103 — 106 :  kle  the  fbrehead.'    We  find  '  eiplico  '  nsed 

11 Multl  iimilariy  iD  Horace,  Carm.  iiL  29.  13 — 16: 

Committnnt  eadem  divetso  crimina  fato  ;  "  Flerumqne  gnfae  divitibiu  TJces, 

Illa  nruaem   acelfirii  pretinm   tuUt,   hic  Mundseque  parro  snb  lare  panpenun 

diadema."  Coenae  sine  aulaeia  et  ostro 

Thl.  p.^  I.  q»otrf  b,  ■om.ral.lo,,  *"""""  "P""'"  '"•^" 

here  in  the  nsual  fajoae  manner,  lO  ai  to  Compaie  also  FlaDtus,  CamDa  ii.  4.    S: 

lead  to  on  imprestioD  tbat  JaTenal  and  "  Primum  ego  te  porrectiore  froDte  t^ 

Terence  mpan   tbe  tame,   wbile  tisey  are  mecnm  loqni." 
rcally  ipeaking  of  different  tbingi. 


AOTtJS  T.    SCENA  III.  311 

Cum  primo  lucu  [ibo  lunc].     Jtft.  Imo  de  nocto  censco ;        53 

Hodie  modo  hilarum  lac  te.     De.  Et  istam  psEiItriam 

TJna  iUuc  mecum  lunc  abstraham.     Mi.  Fu^naveris. 

Eo  pacto  proraum  illic  alligaris  filiiim  : 

Modo  facito  ut  illam  serres.     De.  Ego  istnc  videro  : 

Atque  illi  favilliie  plena,  inmi,  ao  polliniB,  60 

Coquendo  sit  faxo,  et  moleado :  praeter  haeo 

Meridie  ipso  fociam  ut  stipulam  colli^t : 

Tam   excoctam  reddam  atque  atram  qnam  carbo  eat.     .^1. 

Kunc  mihi  videre  sapere ;  atque  equidem  filium 
Tum  etiam  si  nolit  cogam  nt  cum  illa  una  cnbet.  69 

De.  Dendee  ?  fortunatus  qui  istoc  aoimo  siea. 
Ego  sentio — Mt.  Ah,  pergiane  ?    De.  Jam  jam  deeino. 
Mi.  I  ergo  intro,  et  cui  rei  eet  ei  rei  hunc  sumamus  diem 

5S.  Cum  primo   lucv]     Bentler  wiBhes  the  dtj.'  Literallf , '  Yon  will  haTe  fiDiBbed 

to  read  <  Cnm  primo  lacd,'  ohich  is  tha  the  bsttle.'    Danktai  renden  it,  '  mkgnBBi 

morecuminon  fbrm  of  thaabUtiie  iD  PIbu-  ram    fecsria,'   and    quotes    ihim    Lucilius, 

tDl  (we  ForcelUnl,  t.  '  loci ']  and  Lucretias,  "  TicimuB,  O  «ocii,  et  mBgnam  pugniTimaS 

Bot  DonWii»   eipressly  mjs  th»t  the  form  pognim."     The  idea  of  completenou  ■od 

'  luru' iru  iu  oae.    In  the  commou  teit  the  conquest  is  contsined  in  the  tonse  itself. 

line  ii  eicessive  in  metre.    We  must  probn-  Hiao  spealu  iranically,  '  You  will  gain  jota 

blj  omit  'ibo  hinc,'  u  Beatle;  recommeDd*.  battle  j  for  that  is  your  eurert  waj  of  lieep- 

'  Imo '    ia   the    mon  emph^c  word.  uid  ing  f  odt  son  tied  b*nd  Knd  foot  at  honie.' 

it  ii  moM  probnble  thst  <  ibo  hlnc '   wu  '  lllic '  ii  the  resding  of  aU  the  authorities. 

Bdded  bj  gome  one  ia  lupplf  the  ellipn  Benlley  odopts  '  illi,'  wbicb  Is  often  fonad 

iif[er    'cum    primo    Incu,'  or  '  imo  '    cor-  for  '  ililc/  as  in  T.  60;  bot  Donatoa  read 

nipted  into  '  ibo  hinc'     '  I  will  go  bftck  to  'UUc,'  «nd  (here  it  oo  snffldent  reason  for 

Ae  coantry    ot    daybreak,'    says    Demea.  tbe   cbsnge.     If  we   bad    '  illi,'    I   thoDld 

'  Well,'  uj-a    Mido, '  y ou  can  go  to-night  prefer  to  take  il  u  meaning,  '  to  ber/     BdI 

't  yon  like ;  only  mske  jounelf  sgreesble  Uido  me&ns,  '  You  c&n't  do  tietter  if  yon 

lodsy.'     '  De  nocte '  is  ftequently  used  bj  wish  lo  ■ttach  your  aon  to  his  home  tiiaii 

Cicero  in  the  sense  of 'at  night.'     Epist.  take  tbis  girl  there.' 

ad  Atticqm  iT.  3;  "  In  comitiam  Milo  de         60.    Alque  illi']      'Atque'  Is  absarbed 

locle  TBniL"     Pro  Murcna  33 :  "  Inficoo-  between  '  ridero  '  and  '  illi,'  «o  that  it  doos 

nin  bominum  filios  prope  de  nocte  ei  dI-  not  aflect  tbe  scaneion  of  this  Une.   Bentley 

tinii  siepe  urbe  deductam  Tentre  solemui."  «Ishes  to  print  it  at  the  ead  of  T.  69,  hut 

HoncB,  Bpist.  i.  S.  33  :  "  Ut  jognlent  bo-  no  one  who  reads  the  lines  consecntiTely 

iiiiei  ■Drgnnt  do   nocte   Utronee."     Tbe  will  be  likely  to  make  snymiitakeabout  it.' 
"wdBliteraUymean'sllernigbtha«begun,'         68.  Bi  rti  hune  mmamiu  diem']     Thit 

'b«  aightfeUi'  Bometirae»,  'late  aC  night,'  ii  the  reading  of  tbe  Valican,  Basilicni,  and 

'Bftermidnight, 'noi' beiag  takea  in  the  Bembine  manDScripts.     The  orduiary  teit 

•enieof  <  thefuUaigbt,'  '  thedeadofaight:'  is  '  ei    hilarem   bunc  aDmamus  diem  )'  bnt 

tiot  (hii  is  more  fully  eipresBed  by  '  multa  tbis  reading  diaturbs  the  metre.    DonatU* 

<lo  nocte' (Epist.  ad  Atticum  Tii.  4).    Tsd-  doei  nat    ootice  the   wotda,    aod   we  are 

^  nied  the  more  poeticBl  phrue    <  adulta  tberefore  at  Ubtrty  to  adopt  the  reading 

""«e'  (Hist.  iii.'83).     So  we  hsTo  'mDlto  whieh  senes  tbe  metre  best,  snd  hu  good 

^K'i>iCaaar,BeU.GBlI.i.23,and'dedie'  anthoritT.   Paem  was  the  first  to  call  atten- 

Adelphi  T.  9.  8,  where  aee  note.  tion  to  Uii*  reading. 

^7.  FvfnmerW]     '  Yon  vill  haTe  won 



NunquaiD  ita  quiaqium  bene  subducta  ratione  ad  Titom  ftiit 

Quin  res,  aetaa,  usus  eemper  oliquid  apportet  novi, 

Aliquid  moneat ;  ut  illa  quae  te  scire  credas  nescias, 

£t  quae  tibi  putaria  prima  in  experieDdo  repudies : 

Quod  nunc  mihi  evenit ;  nam  ego  vitam  duram  quam  -vixi 

usque  adbuc  5 

Prope  jam  excurso  spatio  mitto.     Id  quamobrem  P    Be  ipsa 

Facilitate  Tiihil  eese  homini  melius  neque  clementia. 
Id  eese  Terum  ex  me  atque  ex  fratre  cuivia  facile  cat  noscere. 
Ille  Buam  semper  egit  vitam  in  otio,  in  conTivus, 

a  •oliloqnizM        1  ■  Bene  Mutducla  ratione  ad  mlamfiaQ 

iiigtl  iietweea  '  No  one  liiu  erer  bsluiced  accoaiils  tar  his 

imnlf  Kiil  bi*  childrwi.  He  find>  tlut  it  ii  lib  ■■>  *ccural«I;r  bnt  th&t  drciinistwicei, 
Derer  too  late  to  cbange.  Up  to  tbia  moaieDt 
he  hu  liied  a  ■erwa  life,  vhich  he  now  ia- 
teadi  to  ■buidod.    And  wh;  i    Benuse  he 
finda  by  coBipiring  himeelf  With  hie  brother, 

that  tbe  eaij  life  ii  prodnctiTe  of  more  hap-  cnUm."     CnTcalia 

piDeMiDtholorgnm.   HiiK»M«TOidlani,  „ Bertuiridt™    -.„»*.™-„«_™ 

«ndloTOtheiruQcIo.    Heirilia|e«fo™«e        q^^  «™  mihi   rit.    qu«,t«aqn. 
whetbtr  ho  canuot  beM  hi»  brother  in  h»  ,1^,^^ ^,,,  ^  ^ 

owa  line ;  and  M  for  tbe  eipoise  of  the 

plui,  tlut  doee  not  eo  moch  mUter  at  bii  and  noteoD  'ratianMpnto'  abore,  li.  1.54. 

tiineoflife.  Bentler  alten   ■  fuit '   into    '  foat,'  on  the 

The  remaiodca'  of  tbe  play  ia  not  necea-  groaod  ibat  the  preaent  teoaa  i«  reqnired 

■arj  to  the  plot,  and  i>  a  aort  af  after-piece.  b;  the  mle  of  the  aequence  of  teneea,  otber- 

Tbe  plaj'  woold  lery  well  Bnd  with  the  last  wiw  we  shonld  liaie  bad  '  appotaret,' '  iiia- 

Koie,  which  is  after  the  ordinarj  concln-  nnet.'    But  >  fuit '  ii  hete  freqBeDtatiTe ; 

■ion*  of  Terence'!  plajn.     Bnt  atill  we  maj  and  thetefore  it  ii  foUowed  bf  the  pn  bhiI 

eagilr  concetve  that  Terence  purpowl)'  in.  The  whole  Beatence  i«  merelr  the  statetnrat 

liodnced  theae  ■npplementar;  ecenea  ■■  ■  of  ■  genenl  maiim,  without  anjr  referenee 

aort  of  set-off  to  the  strong  contrub  of  to  time.     Fur  '  repndiei,'  t.  d,  aee  aole  oa 

charactar  in  Ihe  fonner  part  of  the  plaj.  Andria  iv.  8.  1 8. 

Tbe  deaiga  of  this  pnrt  ia  to  show  tbat  in-         6.  Propejam  txaiTto  ipatiol     '  I  abui- 

dnlgence  mey  euilj  be  aaanmed,  and  thata  don  the  Beieie  Ufe  whicb  I  hare    liTed 

IDin  ia  noC  to  Taloe  bimaelf  too  much  upon  bitherto,  now  that  my  conrae  ia  almost  run 

popolaritj   obtained   b]r   mere   earincn  of  oat.'     Bentlej  objecla  to  'eiCDno.'     But 

Dianner  \    for    Demea,    after    ootheroding  tha  common  teit  ia  defuided  bj  lAcbmaun 

Herod,  and  ■stoniahiDg  eren  liia  brother  b;  on  Lncretiua  iii.    1042.     'Denu*]  epatio' 

bia  sndden  flt  of  liberBlity,  eTentnallj  an-  is  more  commoD.    8ee  Plantns,  McTCator 

Donocea  his  iatentiDn  of  Btrilcing  tbe  happir  iii.  2.  4 : 
medinm  for  tbe  fDtore.  The  plsy  thai 
winda  np  witb  a  conimon-aenae  moraL  In 
bct  theae  remaioing  acenea  msf  be  sud 
to  be  tbe  applicatjon  and  moral  (rf  the  pre- 
The  U«M  i*  lioabalo  tetnmetM 


ACTUS  T.    SCENA  IV.  313 

demeiis,  jJaciduS]  uuUi  laedere  oe,  arridere  omnibufi:  10 

Sibi  vizit ;  Eobi  smntum  fecit :  omiiefl  bene  dicimt,  amant. 
£go  ille  agreetie,  saeTua,  trisds,  parouB,  truculentua,  tenoz, 
Duxi  uzorem :  quam  ibi  miseriam  vidi !     Nati  filii, 
Alia  cura.     Porro  sutem  illia  dum  studeo  ut  quam  plurimum 
Facerem,  contriyi  in  quaerendo  vitam  atque  aetatem  meam.  is 
Nunc  ezacta  aetate  boc  fructi  pro  labore  ab  bis  fero, 
Odium.    Ille  alter  sroe  labore  patria  potitur  commoda : 
Hlum  amant,  me  Aigitant :  illi  credunt  consilia  onmia ; 
Illum  diligunt ;  apud  illum  sunt  ambo  :  ego  desertus  sum. 
"niimi   ut  vivat  optant ;    meam   autem  mortem  exspectaiit. 

Ita  eoe  meo  labore  eductos  maximo  bic  fecit  emoe 

Paulo  sumptu :    niiseriam  omnem   ego  oapio ;    bio   potitur 

Age,  age,  uono  jam  experiamur  porro  coutra  quid  ego  pos- 

Bloude  dicere,  aat  beuigne  facere,  quaudo  eo  provocat. 

10.  ClrmaU]   Donitiu  duCiDgnnhea  b«-        Sceptn  potitDi,  eadem  rUU  niatu'  qnieta 

In  T.  22,  below,  we  twTe,  "  Uic  potilnr 

NtiUi  latdert  w]     '  Never  mbiiUDg  ui;         23.]  I  biie  *dap[ed  llie  Bembine retding 
"     '  .     .      -   .  I    ^t  ..l;.  i: —   — i-:-ii  maJcn  the  metre  mDch 

"  Eat  boic  divennm  vitlo  ritinm  prDpe  m>- 
Aqwitu  agreetu  et  mcoDcmna  gnne- 

Qnae  ee  cummeDdat  tonM  cute,  dentibiu 

■Witb  '^gnatia'    compue  Horace,  Epirt.    bettarthan  the  common  teit,  inwhichU 

■""""■"■"■  jun  '  «nd  '  porro '  «e  omitted.    'AgOpige' 

mnct  be  prononnced  aa  two  ihDrt  BjlUblei, 

formiiig  wilh    ■  nnnc '  one  fooi      9ee  tbe 

ftcele  of  troduic  metre  in  the  Intmductlon. 

■  NuDc  jam  '  aod  '  JBm  Dunc '  ne  Terj  fn- 

ent  ia  Terence.     AmODg  other  inatwicee 

9  Andria  i.   1.    U4 ;  u.  6.   13 ;  t.  3.  1. 

Eonaclini  iL  3.  8C  ;  it.  i.  48.     Heuit.  1*. 

_^  Adelphi  li.  1.  2.    Phormio  ir.  4. 

Dum  Ttilt  libcrtu  dio  men  TeAane  Tir-        '  ,      „    .  ^        n      .  ^  . 

in^TH»  uu«iw>  uio     E»  .c— I  g^    Btni^Ht  faeere}     'Come,   come/ 

,M     .r      ^      .■  ,  .  1  i.   j-      T  "J*  Deme^  '  iet  rae  now  •fter  4ll  tr)  in 

16.  Hoe  /hieU  pro  labare  ab  Ai./o-o]  „    ^^^  ,l,»t  I  am  do  in  the  w.t  o(  Wr 

•Nowefter  mjfhfeisendedlgetlhia  «ort  ™eche«>ndiibe«IitT,iincehech«l]enge*me 

of  re««d  for  mj  pain».   They  kme  him.   I  ^ij_    i  too  deeire  to  be  loved .nd Telned  br 

am   dewntod.      Fot  '  frocti      aee  nota  on  ray  own  childKin  ;  end  if  thia  can  be  brongbt 

EaDDdini  iii.  4.  4.  ,bo^  ^  libewdity  and  indulgence,  I  will 

i7.  PalriapohlureemMoia^     '  He  the  not  be  bebindhand.'     For  'poWerioree  fo. 

other  of  u«  two  enjoys  all  the  comforts  of  nun  ■  «e  note  OD  Ennuchua  i.  2.  71 : 
bang  B  fatber.'    '  Fotior '  is  «ometiDie»  med       „.      ,„  ,  ,.         ,. 

with  ui  accuiatiTe  (aee  Forcellini  for  eiam-  "  Bice  illnmpnoree  parteahotceahqnotdiei 
ple.),  bnt  chiefly  in  later  wriler^     Once  in        Ap>^  ^  habere.' 

LncrBtia«,iiL  1037,  1038:  Tha eiliMB  of  ■  partee  '  i» Terj  oommon.    So 

"Adde  HdicoDiadnDM  comitai ;    qDomm  Qcoo,  Bnitn*  49 :  "  Ex  hij  Cotta  et  Solpl- 

aniu  Homenu  doa  . . .  Arale  primM  tolenmt." 


Ego  quoque  a  meis  me  amari  et  m^iii  pendi  postulo : 
Si  id  fit  dando  atque  obsequendo,  non  posteriores  feram. 
Deerit.     Id  mea  miiume  refert  qui  aum  mtta  c 



Sy.  Heua,  Demea,  rogat  frater  ne  abeas  longius. 

De.  Q,\sia  homo  P  0  Syre  noeter  fialve  :  quid  fit  ?  quid  agitur  ? 

8y.  Reote.     Jk.  Optime  est.     Jam  nune  haeo  tria  primom 

Praeter  naturam :  "  0  noster  I  quid  fit  P  quid  agitur  ?" 
SerTum  haud  illiberalem  praebee  te ;  et  tibi  s 

Libena  bene  iaxim.     S>/.  Gratiam  habeo.     ife.  Aiqui,  Syre, 
Hoc  yerum  eet ;  et  ipsa  re  ezperiere  propediem. 


aBTA.       D£MEA. 

Oe.  Hera,  ego  huc  ad  hoa  provisam  quam  moi  vir^em 

Arcessant :  acd  eccum  Dcmeam.     Salvus  siee. 

De.  0,  qui  vocare  P     Oe.  Geta.     De.  Geta,  hominem  maximi 

AOT  V.    SCINB  T.    S)HB    cc 

DemeB  to  tbe  wedding,  ftnd 
with  nQusiul  dvilitf  by  tbe  < 
can^lulalai    himtelf    upon    tlia    nccen         AcT  V.  Scene  VI.     Demes  roUowi  oat 

with  which   he   hu   csught  tbe  kiuck  of  hit  plan  af  compliinenti  with   Getk,  «fao 

CiTililj.  comee  trom  3oBlrata'i  hooBe  to  Bw  about 

The  Metre  ■■  iUDbic  Crinieter.  the  urangenients  fbr  the  weddieg.     He  ia 

6.  5*rT<H>t  Aaud  ilUbrralm  prttbn  te]  much  plcued  with  hii  Eucce»  here  u  be> 
!  You  sre  not  >  bad  Bline  in  yonr  beh&-  lore,  end  feelB  thet  heisstCBcbiDgeTetjone 
liotir.'      'Libenlie'    ii   the  oppoiite   to  to  him  bj  bia  new  tsctics. 

'  leTTilis ;'  lad  we  mnst  beu  tbii  in  mind,         The  Metre  ii  icmbic  trimeter. 

thOD^  it  li  difficolt  to  convey  the  iden  in         I.  Nera,  igo  ad  Aa#  Drsnimii]      ■  I  mm 

Bnglish.     Compmre  Andria  i.  I.  II :  going  over  to  our  neigbboar'»,  Du'ain,  to 

" "Fed  e  «no  nt  ei(««  liberta»  mihl,  ««  -hen  they  will  be  re»Jj  to  fetd.  ihe 

Proptere,  qaod  «rvibiu  liber^ter."  T"""?  ^7-        P"".""    «>  <»»«1  "«»»  th«, 

■^  ^  oiiee  in  Tcrpoce  to  iigni^,   '  1  go  to  sw.' 

7.  Prr^editml  '  Prope'  OTi^nally  wu»  Andria  t.  H.  1  :  "  ProTiso  qnid  agat  Pun- 
prppoiition  goTeming  the  accuiBtJTe  c*se,  philna."  Kuiiuchu»  jii.  1.4:  "  Huc  pm. 
u  in  Ceemr,  Bell.  Gall.  i.  22  :  "  Nim  ipaiui  Tiw,  ut,  ubi  tetnpo»  riet,  deducam." 
eopiae  prope  hoBtiam  cutrs  visie  e«sent,"  3.  Hotmnen  maximi  prelt]  See  note 
ftnd  in  mBDj  luthors.  Hence  we  bkve  the  on  AudriB  *,  2.  14  ;  Bnd  fot '  spectitna '  *ea 
two  coDipounds  >  propemodDm,'  '  neer  the  note  on  Andris  i.  1.  B4  Here  '  gpectttai 
meaBure,'  '  almost ;'  and  '  propediom,'  'neu-  iBtis '  meaoi  <  ol  wAI-pVimd  dMMdcr.' 
the  pteseDt  daj,' 'bood;'  both  nsed  aeldom 

Dc,  zecbvGoOglc 

ACTUS  V.    SCENA  VII.  315 

Preti  te  MBe  hodie  Biumo  judicaTi  meo : 

Nam  18  mihi  profecto  eat  BerruB  spectatus  satis  a 

Oui  dominuB  cutbo  eet,  ita  uti  tibi  aensi,  Geta : 

Et  tibi  ob  eam  rem,  si  quid  usus  Teaerit, 

Libena  bene  faxim.     Meditor  esae  afEabilis ; 

Et  bene  procedit.     Oe.  Bohub  es  qutmi  baec  exiatimaa. 

De.  Fanlatim  plebem  primulum  facio  meam.  lo 


AESCHINXTS.       DEHEA.      SYBrf!.      OETA. 

Ae».  Ocoidimt  me  quidem  dnm  nimJB  Banctas  nuptiaa 

Student  facore :  in  apparando  consumuiit  diem. 

J)e.  Quid  agitur,  Aeschine?     Aea.  Ehem,  pater  mi,  tu  bic 

De.  Tuus  hercle  Tero  et  animo  ot  naturs  pater, 
Qoi  te  amat  plue  quam  hoace  oculos :  sed  cur  non  domum       5 
Uxorem  arcessis  P    Aes.  Cupio  :  Terum  hoc  Tpihi  morae  est ; 
Tibicins,  et  Hymenaeam  qui  cantent.     De.  Eho, 

7.  Sipad  «fM  MBCnf]     'Usiuteoit'  1.  Oeeiimt  me  guidenl     'TlieTirnry 

is  genendlr  lued  absolutel;,  u  in  Heaut.  me  to  deatb  vliile  Ihey  are  bent  on  making 

iii.  2.  4! :'  "  Non  nnu  Teuiet,  apero."     Id  tho  mtrriage  »□  lery  forinBL'    T)ie  Bem- 

PUutoi,  Cistelluia  i.  2.  28,  vre  haTe  "  Si  bine    mBHDgcript   bu    '  equidem,'    whicb 

qoia  II3BS  TBnerit,  memiiiiaiie  ego  hsDC  rem  mtg:ht  ba  weil  uaed  here  u  it  ig  in  Gun.  t. 

TCH   Tolo."      OrdiDarilj,  'nsoB  venlt'   (for  4.  34  (lee  note) ;  but  all  other  «utboHties 

whichinCicero  weh»TB'uanTenit')i»taken  haYe  '  quidem,' and  thcre  a  no  reason  for 

aa  ■  siugle  Terb  ;  and  >o  we  must  coniider  odopting   the   stranger   idiom.      'Sanetui' 

it  bere,  witb   '  qnid  '  ta  iCs   eubject.     See  properly  !i  thatwbich  is  guarded  against  by 

note  on    Heant.  i.  I.  28.     '  Uius  eM '  fol-  a  legal  proTision.     Thua  Ulpisn,  Dig.  i.  t, 

lows  the  conatruction  of  'opus  est,'     8e«  S,  I.  9  (quoted  by  Forceltini)  deSnea  ths 

nole  on  Adelpbi  iii.  3.  79.  ward  :  "  Dicimua  saucta  propric,  quae  uec 

10.  Tautelin    phiem]     Demea  speaks  a&cra  nec  prohna  sunt,  >ed  sanctinne  qua- 

■s  if  be  were  a  ctmdidsCe  for  oAice,  can-  dam  confirraBta;  ut  lunt  k-gei,  quia  saDe> 

'~g  tbe  plebs,  aud  securing  their  TOtes  tione  qusdam  lubniiae  sunt.     Quod  enim 

before  he  went  to  the  higher  dasses.    '  Pri-  sandione  qua 

malnm  '  il  nted  by  comic  poela  onl;.    See  eat,    etsi  deo 

iiL  I.   2.     Plaatns,  Miles  Gloriasns  It.  3.  'tvnctoe  nnpUaa'  wonld  be  those  tbat  are 

13.    Menaechmei  t.  fi.  18 ;  9.  67-  performed  with   due   form  and   ceremDny. 
The  •  «anctio '  of  a  law  wns,  in  fact,  the 

ACT  V.    ScBNK  TII.     Ae«chiau9  bogins  penaltj  tbat  attacbed  to  iti  non-obserrance 

to    be   impatient      Tbey   bsTB   wasted   BO  (aee  Long'e  note  on  Cicero,  In  C.  Verrea 

niacb   time  OTer   the  preparatians  for   tbe  li.  4.  66) ;  and  in  the  case  of  a  marriage  thia 

roarriage,  that  the  day  will  be  gone  hefore  penslty   would  be  the  loss  of  repute  aod 

ibey  are  OTer.     His  hther  adviseg  him  to  Bc&ndal  srising  out  of  a  hasty  snd  incom- 

cul  short  these  nnneceaiarj  ceremonies ;  to  pleCe    performance   of   t^e   marriage   cere- 

oiake  s  pBSSaK^  hi  the  gsrden  wall,  Mid  to  mony,  much  like  the  stigma  attaching  to  a 

bring  bis  wife  home  withont  any  more  ado.  Gretna  Green  marriage  in  our  owu  time. 

Aescbinufl   cannot   wonder   enougb    st   bis  1n  Patnphila'a  case  more  cnre  thsn  common 

bthtr'»  cbange  of  maaner,  and  proceeda  to  waa  neceasaty  to  patch  up  her  couneiion 

carrr  ont  bis  mggeation.  «ith  Aeaehinos. 

Tbe  Hetre  ii  iamblc  Erimeter. 


316  ADELPHI. 

Yin  tu  huic  Hem  auscoltare  ?    Aea.  Quid  ?    He.  Musa  hacc 
'  Hymenaenm,  turb&s,  lampadaa,  tibicinas ; 
Atque  hanc  in  horto  nutceriam  jube  dirni,  lo 

Quantum  poteat ;  hac  transfer ;  unam  fac  domnm ; 
Traduce  et  matrem  et  familiam  omnem  ad  noa.     Aet.  Placct, 
Fater  lepidissime.     De.  Euge !  jam  lepidus  Tooor. 
Fratri  aedee  fient  perviae :  turbam  domum 
Adducet;  sumtum  admittet ;  multa.     QuidmeaP  15 

Ego  lepidus  ineo  grfltiam;     Jube  nunc  jam 
Binumeret  illi  Babyh)  yiginti  minas. 
Syre,  cessas  ire  ac  &cere  f     8y.  Quid  ago  ?    Jk.  Dime. 
Tu  iUaa  abi  et  tradude.     Ch.  Di  tibi,  Demea, 
Bene  faciant  quum  te  video  noetrae  familiae  so 

Tam  es  animo  factum.yelle.     De.  Dignos  arbitTOT. 
Quid  aia  tu  P     Aea.  Sic  opinor.     Be.  Multo  rectiofl  eet 
Quam  illam  puerperam  nunc  duci  huc  per  viam 
Aegrotam.     Aes.  Nihil  enim  vidi  melius,  mi  pater. 
Le.  Sic  soleo :  sed  eccum  Micio  egreditur  foras.  !5 

9.  Hyoutuimm  ice."]  A  long  note  miglit  these  wordi.  Colinaa'i  conjectnie  leenu  lo 
be  writteD  to  illiuCnte  each  of  thHe  words.  be  the  most  eeoaible :  "  that  Demek  meuti 
Bat  the  Btadent  ia  referred  to  the  Dictiarury  to  giTe  an  ordar  to  ona  of  hii  eemnta  lo 
of  Antiqiutiei  fbr  a  fiill  tocount  of  lU  ths  giTe  AeKhiniu  twentf  minae."  Ai  Cobnan 
ceremoniei  of  muriage,  «hich  «oald  be  out  obaerres,  Deme»  is  bere  represented  u  icl- 
nf  plsee  liere.  8ee  note  on  Andiik  li.  3.  ing  tbe  paft  of  tbe  generon*  nian ;  tnA  it  ii 
37-  In  keepiag  with  tbu  that  be  is  Dude  Is 

10.  Mttetriam)  Tfali  ii  the  onlj  pl>ce  in  meke  Aeechiniu  a  hkndsome  preaent  od  hii 
Terence  or  PUnioi  irliere  this  word  occur*.  Diuruge.  Othera  auppoae  thtt  he  Li  nr- 
'  Mueri» '  pmperi]'  meui  '  a  boandkry  casticallf  allnding  to  Hido,  ind  meuig : 
wiU  '  endosing  ■  piece  of  groand.  Tbe  ■  Iiet  him  now  order  his  itewBrd  («  diabuna 
term  wm  conlined  to  what  we  emll  b  wall,  to  Aeschiani  twentj  minae ;  fbr  tbia  baii- 
io  dt>tiac!tion  from  ■  fenoe,  made  of  stonea,  ness  wilt  cost  him  that  mncb  *t  leuL' 
bricka,  or  flints.  Caeaar  (Bell.  GalL  lii.  Donatus  aeems  to  h&Te  taken  it  in  this  waj. 
A9)  uaea  it  apparentlj  of  b  wbU  nude  in  He  aaya,  "  Nimis  morale  eat  quam  de  ib- 
haate  of  iooae  stonea.  Bee  Lan^'s  DOte.  aente  taaquam  de  praeaente  agimus."  'Ba- 
I(  is  probablj  oaonected  witli  '  macellam,'  bjlo '  ii  more  like  Che  nune  of  s  ilaTe  tlian 

wfaich  is  deriTed,  accordiDg  to  Peatns,  from  uj  tbing  else ;  snd  it  is  sn niiwiij  re. 

I>atii\i>v  Of  fiiioAXov.   8«e  Forcellini  (l(k-  fineraeot  to  inppose  Demea  to  ttjle  Mida 

oellum)-  bj  auch  a  name  in  allusioa  to  his  aumptu. 

Ifi.  Miitta]     'TherewiU  be  much  ado.'  oaa  eitraTagance ;  or  SanDio,  whom  some 

Some     editora,     withoat    anthoritj,    nHul  commentaton  haTe  Bbmnilj  sappoaed  tobe 

'aomptum  Bmittat  muitum  ;'  but  tlie  ordi-  CBlled  '  Babjlos.'     He  wai  alrtBdjnaid  (iii. 

aarj  reading  is  qoite  inlelligibie.  3.  Ifi},  and  had  bemi  oot  of  sigbt  lor  aanie 

17-  Dinumerel  iUi  Baiglo  nginli  minat'}  time. 
Commenlston  biTe  poxzled  Terj  iDiich  OTCr 


ACTUS  T.    SCENA  Vin.  317 


HICIO.      DEHEA.       ABSCHHnJS. 

Mi.  Jubet  ft&ier  P  ubi  is  est  P    Tun  jubes  hoc,  Demea  P 

De.  Ego  Tero  jubeo  et  in  hac  re  et  aliis  onmibus 

Quam  toaxime  unam  facere  noe  hanc  familiam, 

Colere,  adjuvare,  adjungere.     Aes.  Ita  quaeao,  pater. 

Mi.  Hand  aliter  censeo.     De.  Imo  bercle  ita  nobis  decet.        S 

Primum  bujue  uxoris  est  mater.     Mi.  Quid  poetea  P 

De.  Proba  et  modesta.     Mi.  Ita  aiunt.     De.  Natu  graudior. 

Mi.  Scio.     De.  Parere  jam  diu  haec  per  annos  non  poteat; 

Nec  qui  eam  respiciat  quifiquam  eet:     sola  eet.     Mi.  Quam 

bic  rem  agitP 
De.  Hanc  te  aequum  est  ducere ;  et  te  operam  ut  fiat  dare.  10 
Mi.  Me  ducere  autem  P     De.  Te.     Mi.  Me  P    De.  Te  inqnam. 

Mi.  Ineptis.     De.  Si  tu  sis  bomo, 
Hic  laciat.     Aea.  Mi  pater.     Mi.  Quid  P  ta  aatem  buic,  asine, 

auBColtas  P    De.  Nihil  agis  : 
Fieri  aliter  non  poteet.     Mi.  BeHras.     Aes.  Sine  te  exorem, 

mi  pater. 
Mi.  InBanis:   aufer.     De.  Age  da  Teniam  £Ho.      Mi.  Satiu 

sanus  es  P  ego 

Act  T-  8c*HB  TIII.    Hido  bu  ta«aA  D.  Nte  gvi  tam  rt^kial  guapum  al] 

Rjnu  bnfj  in  makmg  B  broKJi  in  tbe  gnrden  'And  sLe  baa  no  ane  to  e»n  for  her.' 

tratl.  and  bu  leuiit  thst  he  ia  doing  this  b j  '  Reapicio '  is  properly  nsed  of  the  attenCioa 

DeiDem'i  otden.     He  coaiea  Co  aatis^  him-  paid  bj  aQperion  to  iaferian.     See  nola  OQ 

Mlf  b;  tbe  eTidenc»  of  hia  own  lensea  o(  Andria  ii.  1.  17,  >nd  ooiDpare  iii.  2.  U. 

tbe  nilitj  of  this  ladden   cbange  in    hii  14.  Atf/rr]    '  Awaj  with  you.'    Compare 

brotlier'8  betiaTioiiT.     Demea  immediatel^  Pbormio  iii.  3.  26:  "Aufer  te  hinc"     1d   * 

pTopoeea  a  new  •dieme  whicb  be  baa  in  liu  liia  note  on  tbe  neit  line  Donatni  noticea 

eiceeate  hbenlity  deriaed  for  the  benefit  of  that  Tennce  tiaa  in  this  acene  improted 

hia   old    bachelor  brotlier.     Thia  ia  tliat  npon  Menander,  in  maldng  Mido  reluetant 

Mioo  BhaH  maiTy  Soetnta.   He  iB  natnraUy  to  enter  into  thia  marriage.     "  Apad  He- 

B&toniebed  at  the  proponl ;  bnt  after  a  littla  nandrum,"  he  aaira,  "  aenei  de  nuptiia  Don 

pennarion  from  Demea  and  Aeschinus  he  graTatnr.       Ergo    TerentiDa     tiipifTucSc." 

oonacDtB.    He  is  then  fortlier  called  npon  Bome  commentaton  luTe  eipended  a  good 

to  inake  Hegio  a  prcaent  of  a  small  hrm  deal  of  DnnecMarr  indignalion  npon  Te- 

wbich  ba  bae  io  the  euburb.     And  thia  pro-  renee  in  canBeqneace  of  ^ia  inddeut.     But 

imsal  ia  backed  ap  bf  the  application  of  marriages,  *n<l  as  many  aa  poiuble,  were  a 

one  of  bia  Own  nyings,  that  old  men  aie  necessary    conciusion    of    the    serio-oomic 

too  mncb  attacbed  to  maney  ;  a  vice  wbich  plej ;  and  the  Bltaation  waa,  no  dcnbt,  in- 

iDiut  ttaerefore  be  pncdcoll;  aioided  in  tbii  trodnced  to  place  Mido  in  a  ludiiroaB  em. 

WBJ.  bunrament ;  for  he  does  not  like  to  be  ont- 

Tbe    Metre    ia   as  follows;    tt.   I — 10.  done  in  his  own  line  bj  Dsroes,  whom  he 

:t3,  iamblc  trimeter;    11—22.  24—32.  31,  must-consider  a  mere  novice  in  the  arts  of 

ainbic  tetnmcter;  23,  (rochaic  tebamata'  generoaitj. 


318  ADELPHI. 

NoTue  maritus  amio  demuiiL  quinto  et  » 

Fiam,  atque  anum  decrepitam  dacamP     Idne  eeHa  auctorcs 

Ae».  ¥ac :  promiai  ego  illis.     3fi.  Promiati  aut«m  P  de  te  lar- 

gitor,  puer. 
De.  Age ;  quid  ai  quid  te  majuB  oret  ?    Mf.  Qoaai  non  Hoc 

sit  TnH.TiTniiTn . 

J)e.  Da  Teniam.     Aea.  Ne  graTcre.     De.  Fac  promitte.     Jlfi. 

Non  omittis  P 
Aes.  Non,  nisi  te  exorem.     Mi.  Yia  est  haec  quidem.     Di: 

Age  pTolixe,  Micio.  2o 

Mi.  Etsi  hoc  mihi  praTum,  ineptum,  absurdum,  atque  alienum 

a  Tita  mca 
Yidetur,  a  Toe  tantopere  ietuc  Tultds,  fiat.     Aet.  Bene  fiieis  : 
De.  Mcrito  te  amo.     Yerum — Mi.  QuidP     De.  Ego  dicam, 

hoc  quum  fit  quod  toIo. 
Mi.  Quid  nunc  quod  restat  P     Hegio  hia  est  cognatus  proii- 

Affinis  nobis,  pauper :  bene  nos  aliquid  facere  illi  decet.        as 
Mi,  Quid  facere  ?     Be.  Agelli  est  hic  sub  urbe  paulum,  quod 

locitaa  foras : 
Euic  demus  qui  fruatur.     Mi.  Paulum  id  autem  P    De.  Si 

multum  est,  tamen 
Facienduin  est :  pro  patre  huic  est ;  bonus  eet ;  noster  est ; 

recte  datur. 
Postremo  nunc  meum  illud  Terbum  facio  qnod  tu,  Micio, 
Bene  et  sapicnter  dixti  dudum :  "  Yitium  commune  omnium 

estr  30 

16.   Decrtpilam']     •  Decrep[tiu  *  (■  de-  ooiuifteiillT  wltb  the  nat  of  tba  sceiw(  i 

med  ttom   '  a«po,'  and  waiild  origin^r  omnpuing  tor  the  aipresiion  BaDadin*  iiL  , 

ref«r  to  ■  miuinl  ioitrament  wiiidi  would  9.  S:    "  Plurimnni  msrito  tao."     Bnt  tbe 

110   lODger   pva   ont   anj   sound.       Heace  cbaoge  of  metre  ii  uot  >  lafficieat  naaoa 

genenliir '  worn  oat.'    Feitui  mentiont  >1»  for  iaterpalBting  »  wotil  tbat  hai  no  aatbo> 

■  deriTadoD  from  '«puicalnm,'  ■■  tbe  lut  ritj  whiteTer. 

pvt  ot  tbe  daj,  bnt  ttiii  is  mere  httcy  ;  tor         26.  AptUi]     '  Thers  is  *  «duII  piece  oF 

'  crepaacalum '  ii  conuected  with  tbe  uitiqae  fronnd  bere  in  tbe  >nbnrbe  whicfa  jou  let  oal 

«ord  '  crepenu,'  and  meuM.  '  Ihe  doabttal  of  yoor  own  huide.    Let  oi  give  tbe  nw  of  i 

ligbt  -,'  perhape  connected  with  ui  old  woid  it  to  bim.'    Thii  le  the  true  eipluiUuD  tt 

'  mpm,'  tvi^as.  tbe  wonl '  fratn.'     HegiD  wn  to  b&ire  tbe 

i!0.  Agt  prolutt,  Blieio]    'Act  Itbenllf,  'amafraetoi'    of   tlie  fum,   lint  Dot  Ib*  | 

Hido.'  Compm  Eunuchui  t,  a.  63;  "Ac-  ownmfaip.     Tfae  propert?  wooM  etill  be- 

dpit  homJDem  nemo  meliiu  proriDi,  neqoe  longtoUicia,  'Agmmfrnendaailotare'wu  , 

pcotiiius,"  where  tet  note.  to  let  ui  ertste,  reMrring  tbe  ownenhip.  | 

S3.  Merilo  it  ome]   A  common  fonnols.  '  Qai'  ia  the  ablatire,  ai  iu  aaaj  |iiw(r    | 

8ee  Euanchni  i.  S.   100.     IlentleT  reuU  Bee  note  oa  Uemt.  ir.  6.  39.    AodD^ 

'  oierito  tno,'  to    make   tfao   metra   iunbio  FroL  A.  I 


ACTTJS  y.    SCENA  IX.  319 

Qaod  niniiiini  ad  rem  in  senecta  attenti  Eumiu."     Hanc  nia- 

culam  HOB  decet 
iEffiigere  :  dictum  eafc  vere,  et  re  ipea  fieri  oportet  [Micio]. 
Mi.    Quid  iBticP   dabitur  quandoquidem  liic  Tult.     Aes.  Mi 

De.  Nunc  tu  mihi  es  geimanus  pariter  corpore  et  animo.    Mi. 

Jk.  Suo  sibi  gladio  hnnc  jugulo.  35 


ST&m.      DEUEA.      UlCtO.       A£SCH1N03. 

Sy.  Factum  eat  quod  jusaiati,  Demea. 

Jk.  Frugi  homo  es.    £go  aedepol  hodie  mea  quidem  seQtentia 

32 — 34.]  Bentlej  T^4anagei  thew  linet  s   compilMiDn    on    the   plan    of   AQthDQ's 

BsfoUowi:  Horsce,  (blloiriDg  Reinhiinlfs  teit,  theu 

"  EITiigera ;  dictum  ert  ver*,  et  re  ipsa  fleri  "O"'»  ooninience  the  neit  «cene.  and  ars 

oportel,  Mido.  bf  a  stnnge  perreniC;  plsced  in  the  inODth 

afi.  Qoidimic;  dabitnr  qoidem,  qnaodo  "'  Sjnii,   who  is  aappOKd  to  thinlt  thst 

hio  tkIL     Aei.  Mi  nater.     Dt.   Nnac  D"nea  will  be  annojed  at  Ihe  deniDlition  ot 

ta  milii,  tfae  garden  waU.      BuE  eren  then  it  is  diffi. 

Micio,  ei  germanaa  paiiter  animo  ac  oor-  cult  to  gi»e  the  words  an  appropriate  senso 

poTB.     Mi.  Gandeo."  "  coming  from  ajnu.     The  oomD.on  ar- 

Thi»   amngement  onntinnai   the    trochaic  «ngement  i.  e.idently  right^  which  gives 

metre  to  Ih.  end  of  the  scene ;  bnt  is  not  '''«  '""^'       °f ""»  "  »  ""  °^  comtnen. 

carried  ont  without  «,me  arbitrarj  trao,-  t?'.  "t "" V''"'';  .°'  the  scene    m  wh«* 

.-■ j  .i.    ■      j-  _  „r  1  u;..;.  •  :.  Mioo  has  oeeD  fairij  beaten  >t  hu  own 

poaition,  and  tbe  inHertioa  oi   '  Mido     in  ■        i    .           i    i..            ■        . 

two   plii».    Though  his  arrangement  U  g»ine,  and  made  to  applj  his  maum.  in  «i 

eODv^innt  for  the  metre,  jet  witbont  a  ""»'"™™1y  F**«l  >>»•"""■ 

bctter  knowledirB  than  we  poniesB  of  the  ,       -n-    □            .i>-     r.            -     ^i 

.nc>»t  BO^mm,,  ..  .S^j™tlll«l  ,  ''"  ^'  '""  'J'   O—  »  ">■  ra.- 

lo  mkli,,  nith  .  ■.«pmi  JtnUuii  of  U,.  '';?"«  "»"f  °'  ''•  ?'"  ?'T'?  °"  !"■ 

1„1.    *t  tk.  md  .1  ..  SJ  I  b...  .Jd»l  '■'■i"»f™lU,>tMl"o,«iJll""sl»»- 

.»,  pn,b.M,  br...i»..  lo«,  1.  m».    ■m"»,"'»'»"o'",o~',t,,  ud  to^.k. 
,o.ra  of  Ihe  «»  of  th.  ..m.  .ori    h,-  hTP,»~  "or.  compl.B  r-»  l*.J.oj, 

311.  s..  «li  iwi.  )i..o  J.J.M  'I  ''^"Si'"?™"j;iiL,"'"'"'-'in; 

rSS^^^^T^^      f^.  '^        ■    lop.hmi..,i,-ill,8».id  If  ,0.  .111 

u  „  r^""S.rJo^„     "    aig.,i~,™i.di,ik.imad,,-  .od  h. 

PU«l,»,,ProLS»,"It...oo,j.o-  «J     5,„i.toj  „   „  Ih.  p.»  ol  . 

,™.«„J„..r.,tpUni"„d,.l.lJ-I«,  fi^J^  J,^  j^  ■o..h,thdr 

"  Qud  aun  eochhae  in  ocmlto  htsn  cmwr.     As  for  Ctiwlpho,  hs  h.d  bot- 

IMn,t,  tCT  end  with  tbi.  girl  th.t  he  bu  got  DOW  , 

Bdo  nbl  waoai  nnht  M»  n  non  a,dit,  uid  .11  n,.,  ho  weth 

ItM.  Pviati  nbu.  praUti.  Intant  The  Metre  U  trocbaic  tMnmeter  cl.- 

In  ooenlto,  mlwri  rictitut  ncco  ■..,  ImIIc  ;  the  firet  hne  ueiting  ■rith  the  Utt 

Dum  tiulTuru,thoDune.quD.UgntUnt."  of  tb.  prec»ling  .0.00  tu  fDrm  oue  .erM, 

Xn  Dr.  Hlckie'.  edition  of  Terence,  whidi  u  9,  «■npi  Aomo  »»]     '  You'ro  d  good  feU 


320  ADELPHI. 

Judico  Syrum  fieri  esse  aequum  libemm.  Mi.  Istnnc  libenuu  f 
Quodnam  ob  factum?     De.  Multa.     Sj/.   O  nost^   Demea, 

aedepol  vir  bonus  es. 
Ego  istos  vobis  usque  a  pueris  curayi  ambos  sedolo ;  5 

Docui,  moDui,  bene  praecepi  semper  quae  potui  omnia. 
De.  Bes  apparet.    Et  quidem  porro  haec  ;  obeonare  cum  fide, 
Scortum  adducere,  apparare  de  die  coDTiTium ; 
Non  mediocris  bominiB   baec   sunt  officia.      i6^.  O  lepidum 

2)e.  Fostremo,  bodie  in  psaltria  hac  emenda  bic  adjutor  fuit,  lo 
Hic  curaTit :  prodesse  aequum  est :  alii  melioree  enmt : 
Denique  bic  vult  fieri.     Mi.  Yin  tu  boc  fieri  ?    Aet.  Gnpio. 

Mi.  Si  quidem 
Tu  yJB,  Syre,  ebo  acoede  buc  ad  me :  liber  esto.     &f.  Bene 

Onmiboa  gratiam  habeo,  et  seorsum  tibi  praeterea,  Demeo. 
De.  Gaudeo.     Aes.  Et  ego.     Sy.  Oredo :  utiuam  hoe  perpe- 

tuum  fiat  gaudium,  15 

Fbrygiam  ut  uxorem  meam  una  mecum  Tideam  liberam. 
De.  Optimam  qnidem  mulierem.     St/.  Et  quidem  tuo  nepoti, 

bujus  filio, 

10«.'    For  '^gi'  see  note  an  Eonachns  duaipstion.   See  note  on  iv.  2.  49.  We  alsa 

iii.  S.  60.    Demea  proceedi  UTiattiolljr  to  find  the  phntee  '  mettia  de  luce '  in  the  ■uoe 

giie  hii  reuong  for  liljinmtiDg  SjrD^,  in  cOQ-  lenM,  u  in  Honce,  Epiat.  L  14.  34 : 

.»qnena.ofthonn™mn.<.n«™thrth6h«i  "  Qo™  bibnlnm  liqnidi  medi.  de  Ibob  F^ 

Bbown  to  preflerre  tbe  monla  oi  hu  mvter  n  lemi 

prepare  a  banqnet  in  the  middle  of  the  daj. 

Thii  ie  the  obtioas  udk  of  Ihe  worda,  uid  Soe  MuJMne's  note  there,  tai  on  3st.  ii- 

the  onlf  one  consiatent  with  the  tone  of  8.  3. 

buiteT  roDDing  throngb  the  puaage.     Do-         II.  Atii  nttiora  mai(\     'Other  slaTei 

nitiu  eiplains  them  :  "  repente,  neqne  ante  will  be  the  better  for  it.'    Sjrus  mnst  be 

piaedictnm,  nec  pridie  canititntDm,"  bnt  rewwded ;  it  will  be  an  enconrsgemenl  lo 

there    would   be   no   iroDr   i"   tt»t.      Por  others  to  behsTe  u  admirablj  ss  be  has 

the  idiom  we  maj  compare  CaEollas  ilvi.  6  ;  done. 

is  h.nta  mmptnose  ,  "■  Om"''*"  fr"^™  *-*«>]  I^mann 
(note  on  Lucretina  n.  719)  reada  '  Omnibus 
gratum  habeo,'  to  get  rid  of  the  dactjl  iii 
place  of  a  trochee  in  the  (irst  place.    "  Ccr- 

LiTj  xiiii.  8  :  "  Coeperant  epnlari  de  die,  tissimnm  est,"  he  sajs,  "  incabala  dac^lirs 

et  conTiTinm  non  ei  moro  Punieo  aut  mili.  trwhaei   loco  in  tbtbu   poni  non  dpbere," 

tari  diidplina  esse,  sed  ut  in  diitate  atque  Bnt  eren  were  hls  prindple  undeniable,  to 

etiam  doRio  diti  Bc  luiuriosa  omnibus  Tolup-  applj  it  oonnitentl;  would  inToWe  Ihe  at- 

tatis  iilecebris  instrucrum."    *  Dien'  ia  taken  teration  of  manj  puas^  where  a  similar 

in  the  sense  of  'the  full  daj,'  'mid-daj;'  reading  ia  snpported  bj  aU  tfae  aDtboritieh 
and  thus  '  de  die' i9'immediate1j  ■ftermid-         IS.  Prrpelvmm]     '  I  onlj  wish  tlut  m-j 

daj,'  '  earij  in  the  aftemoon  ;'  jmit  m»  '  de  pleaauie  wera   mide   complete.'      Por  tbe 

nocte '  is  •ometimes  '  after  miduight.'     8ee  meaniiig  of  '  perpet«w '  aea  Mt*  m  Bona- 

T.  3.  ftS.    Bnch  earlj  honra  «ere  a  maik  of  chua  v.  8.  13. 


AOTUS  T.    SOENA  IX.  321 

Hodie  primam  Tnftmmatn  dedit  haec.     Jk.  Herde  rero  »erio, 
Si  qiudeiii  primam  dedit,  haud  dubium  quin  emitti  aequum 

Mi.  Ob  eam  rem  ?     De.  Ob  eam.     Postremo  a  me  argeQtum 

qnauti  eet  Bumito.  30 

8y.  Di  tibi,  Demea,  omnee  semper  omnia  optata  c^erant. 
Mi.  SjTQ,  proceesieti  hodie  pulchre.     De.  Si  quidem  porto, 

Tn  tuum  officiom  &cies,   atque  huic  aliquid  paulun  prae 

Dederifi  unde  utatnr ;  reddet  tibi  cito.     Mi,  letoc  Tilius. 
Aea.  Frugi  homo  eat.     Sy.  Reddam  hercle ;  da  modo.     Aes. 

Age  pater.     Mi.  Foat  consulam.  26 

De.  Faciet.     Sy.  0  vir  optime.     Aea.   0  mi  pater  festiTifi- 

Mi.  Quid  ifituo  P  quae  res  tam  repente  mores  mutavit  tuos  ? 
Quod  prolubium  ?  quae  istaec  subita  est  largitas  P   De.  Dicam 

tibi;  . 
Ut  id  oetenderem  qnod  te  isti  iacilem  et  featiTum  putant, 
Id  non  fieri  ez  yera  vita,  neque  adeo  ex  aequo  et  bono :         30 

ZS-   Huic  aliguid  patUuni  prat  auBni  di-  inbautence.'     Synu  wu  to  mBke  this  loui 

dirit  im/le  «lafw]     Mido  mji,  '  Yon  h*Te  hia  capilal,  uid  to  liis  on  the  intermt  of  it, 

got  oD  well  to-d>r,  Synu.'     'Yes,' aaysDe-  pa,ying  buk  the  priDdpal  to  Mirao.     'Iiloc 

nie»,  '  if  joa  will  fuitha-  do  yoiu  dul?,  and  viliua '  hu,  mcoording  to  Donatiu,  the  im- 

giTB  him  a  little  reody  mooey  to  Moit  with,  plicd  senw  of  a  refiiiiaL    '  I  oould  not  tnut 

thmt  be  nuy  haTe  Boniething  to  HTe  upon.'  bim  with  a  thitig  more  «orthless  tliao  tlie 

The  phme  '  pne  minn '  occnn  here  and  ia  inap  of  ■  fin^.'     Forcelliai  qnotei  ■  dif- 

PlkHtos,  Bwchidea  IT.  3.  9 ;  "  Pstri  reddidi  ferent  eiplaaitiaa  of  the  phnwe   (in   tho 

omne  aaram  qnod  fnit  prae  mann,"  '  AU  senae  oF  '  ao   moch  tbe  cheaper  to  me') 

the  money  tbit  waa  at  haad.'  (3ee  Foicel-  from  Chsriiiiis  ;  bnt  the  Giplanalioii  of  Do- 

lini-)     For  'atatnr'  compare  Cicoo,   Ad  nataa  ia  more  rimple. 

Atticnm  li.  11  i  "  Qnare  id  qnoijae  Telim         28.   QKOif  proiuiiBm  f^     '  What  ia  tbis 

cain  itlK  TJdeoa  at  lit  qai  atomar,''  '  Tbot  itbim  of  yonni  ?'     '  Prolnbinm '  is  on  obao- 

1  mH  hnTe  aomethiag  to  liTe  apon.'    Ploa-  lete  word,  formed  from  '  Inbet '  or  '  libet.' 

tos,  Trinnmmna  D.  2.  79  :  It  occors  only  in  fragmente  of  tbe  older 

,.  ^  -  ^  ^     ,    t  ..       ■  .  poela  (»ee  ForcelliaiV      Othera  read   here 

"  Denm  Tirtute   habemoi   et  qm   noamet  fj^iuiinn^.  j^  the  avnw  ot  '  UTiah  Brt». 

—."^?"'  P"™"' .  ...  Tseance,'  bat  thot  does  not  init  the  paa- 

Et  Jiu  qm  comitati  «mni  benetoleati-  J^„,di.  for  thot  id«  i.  exp™»od  im- 

'"'  mediatelj  ofter  bj  '  lirgitaa,'  ■  word  whidl 

e  had  befon 
and  which  Cicero  also  ni 

Dceto,  Ad  Atticnm  xiu.  23 :  "  Magii  enim 

dolel  me  aon  habere  cui  tradun  qamm  qai  „„    ,.          .     ,                   ■,-,,,         .  "i 

nfr."     Forthe   a«,  of   -ande-^compie  »>■  W  »»».;'»"«  jwa  «(=]'I  w«,ted 

i  2.  40  -  to   ahow   you   that,   althougb  tliese  yoang 

'. Ert,  Di»  md»,  'el'0'"   *^^    !<"■  obligiag   and   pUoaant, 

EttuidehaecfiaDt,eCadhncnonmoh»la  ^  doe.  not  oome  of  a  gennine  mode  oT 

_ji,  ,•  luB,  nor  indeed  from  eqoitable  conduct,  bat 

merely  from  undne  compliance,  iadalgence, 

'  Uade '  UterallT  means  here,  '  A  mull  a-  and  eioeaaiTe  liberality.'    For  '  tsi*  vita ' 

pit^  from  wldcli  be  can  haTe  themeans  of  compaie  Heant.  i.  1.  102  :  "  HocqBafitobi 



Sed  ez  amentaDdo,  indnlgeQdo,  et  laYgieBdo,  Micio. 
Nuno  adeo  m.  ob  eam  mn  vobia  Tita  loee  inviBa  eet,  AescliiiiP, 
Quia  non  justa  injusta  prorsus  onmia  onmino  obsequor, 
Hiflsa  Cacio  :  eSimdite,  emite,  fbcit«,  quod  Tobis  libet : 
Bed  ei  id  vultis  potius,  quae  Toe  propter  adolesoeDtiani  35 

Minos  Tidetis,  nMgia  impense  cnpitiB,  CMiHulitia  parom, 
Haec  rq>rehendere  et  oorrigere  me,  et  obeeoDndare  in  loco ; 
Eoce  me  qui  id  iaciam  vobis.     Aes.  Tibi,  pater,  permittimuB : 
PlnB  sois  quid  fitcto  opus  est.     Sed  de  fiwtra  qidd  fiet  ?    Hf- 

Habeat ;   in  istao  £aem  iaciat.     Mi.  letnc  reote.     O  Plaa- 

dite.  M 

Dan  vere  Tiiitnr."    'AeqDnm  et  bonam'  the  commoD  reading.    It  iiiilj  be  ■■  im- 

WM  tediniGkllf  Dsed  in  tlie  tenee  of '  equitjr,'  [HV*emeDt ;    bnt   beiDf   «nlinlf   williDol 

■■   opfKWMi   to   '  law.'      a«    Cicero,    Pra  kQtliori^  ahaDld  not  be  receiTed  iBlo  Ibr 

CKCinm  S3 :  "  Ei  aeqoo  et  boDO,  non  ex  teit. 

cillido  Knaloqne  jnre  rem  jndicui  opor-         38.   Qtrid/acle  ejmi  <*<]     8ee  nole  m 

tm."     Boin  Fhormioii.  3.  33i  Aiidri&  iiL  8.  10. 

'.  Bi  tn  .liqnun  p»tem  «qni  bonJqDe  dii-  ^^  *"■    *^"<^    '^!')      Po^   .*il»t« 

^     1         r  -i  (Ij^  word»  to  Mino ;  m  en  D«dal  ■»•"■ 

Ut  eit  iUe  bonni  Tir,  trU  noD  commnU-  ;  N™  .r™  •"  rigbt  «  .11  eTenti,  i»  M 

],jtjg  iDdulgingronTSoninkinoMfittiDgDunB'- 

Verb.  bodie  inter  tofc"  T^  "  .f^  ^'t.'"'*^.  "^.7"^ 

Uking  tbe  wordi.    It  mekel  tlie  pU;  ai 

See  elao  "  Aeqoi  boniqne  boo,"  Heeot.  iv.  mth  ■  aort  of  bomoroiu  retort  od  Dcni*. 

e.  40,  and  note.  iriM  hw   noir  eanied  hii    nevtf-tcijai"^ 

37.  OineKndart  Jn  toM]     Be*  not«  on  iDdnlgenoe  bejond  .11  bonnds.    !duj'  t^- 

Heant.  V.  6.  39.     Bentlef  pnqMieea 'qaem,'  tiona  gi*e  the  wordi  to  AeschiDiu.    Fw 

in  the  eeoae  of  '  diqnem,'  iDMeed  of  '  me,'  '  FlAn^te '  k»  note  od  Andrf.  r.  S.  17- 





T  2 



BACCHIS,  meretra,  amica  PamphilL 

LACHES,  Benex,  pater  Pamphili. 

MTBBHINA,  mater  Philumenae. 

PAMPHILUS,  filiuB  LachetiB  et  SoBtratae. 

PAEMENO,  BervuB. 

FHIDIPPUS,  aeuex,  pater  Philumenae. 

PHILOTIS,  meretrii. 

SOSIA,  servos. 

80STBATA,  mater  Pamphili. 

STBA,  anuB,  leua. 



HaM  Hecyra  takea  its  lume  from  the  facfc  that  its  plot  toras  npon  tlie 
mismideratandiDg  between  a  mother  and  daugbter-in-law.  Colman  has 
tranalated  the  «ord  '  «tep-motber ;'  but  JmifKi  is  et^mologically,  and  in 
meaning,  the  eame  word  bb  '  Bocrus,'  a  mothei^in-law ;  and  there  is  the 
same  close  conneiion  between  tbe  correlstire  words  wos  and  '  nurus,' 
B  danghter-in-law. 

The  stoiy  of  the  play  is  ae  foUows :  A  young  man  named  Pamphilua,  son 
of  Laches  and  Sostrata,  used  to  keep  company  with  one  Baccfais.  Ooe 
night  as  he  was  going  to  her  house,  rather  the  worae  for  wiae,  he  met 
Phitumena,  the  daughter  of  Fhidippus  and  Myrrhina,  on  the  road,  and 
o&ered  ber  Tioleiice,  both  of  them  being  ignorant  who  the  other  waa.  She 
could  not  get  any  thing  from  him  which  could  serve  as  a  clue  to  bis  recog- 
uition  ;  but  he  in  the  struggle  managed  to  tear  irom  her  finger  a  ring, 
which  he  csrried  to  Bacchis  and  gsTe  to  her.  A  ehort  time  after  this  he 
was  married ;  for  hia  father  was  very  anxious  to  break  00*  his  intimacy  witb 
BatKhis,  and  to  see  his  son  quietly  settled  down,  that  he  might  have  Bome 
prospect  of  domestic  comfort  in  his  old  age ;  and  he  never  let  hia  son 
bave  any  peace  till  he  consented  to  take  to  himself  a  wife.  By  a  etrange 
coincidence  the  wife  eelected  for  bim  waa  this  very  Phiiumena,  whom  fae 
had  met  at  night  on  his  way  to  his  mistreaB'a  house ;  and  her  mother  was 
only  too  glai'  to  have  ber  married,  hoping  that  she  would  be  saved  from 
pnblic  diegR.ce.  But  tbings  did  not  tum  out  aa  emootblj  as  she  ex- 
pected;  for  PamphiluB  dld  not  at  first  shake  off  hia  old  love,  but  con- 
tioued  to  Tisit  Bacchis  everj'  day,  and  totally  avoided  tfae  compaDj  of 
his  wife.  Gradually,  however,  a  change  took  place.  Baccfais,  being 
annoyed  at  the  marriage  of  Pamphilus,  behaved  with  great  coldness  and 
caprice  towards  him.  Philumena,  on  tbe  otber  hand,  bore  his  neglect 
with  tbe  greateet  patience  and  guod  temper.  And  so  it  came  about  that 
Pamphilus  abandoned  Bacchis  altogether,  and  became  devotedly  attached 
to  bis  wife.  At  this  moment  a  relation  of  hiB  fatfaer's  dies  at  Imbros, 
and  Pampbilus  is  despatched  to  tbe  spot  to  look  sfler  bis  property,  his 
wife  being  left  witb  her  mother-ia-law  Sostrata.    But  tbis  arrangement 



doeB  not  lut  long.  Fhilumena,  finding  that  she  hu  no  bope  of  con- 
cealiog  her  BitiiatioD  from  ber  mother-in-law,  hegina  to  avoid  her,  and  to 
withdraw  from  her  companj  as  much  as  poBBible ;  till,  at  laat,  she  goea 
to  her  own  mother  oa  the  pretence  of  attending  a  family  Bacrifice,  and 
Btaya  irith  her,  refusing  to  retnm  to  her  mother-in-Iaw.  Sostrata  aends 
for  her,  but  in  vain;  and  ebe  goeB  to  see  bw,  but  is  refused  admlt- 

This  bringa  ua  to  the  beginning  of  the  Second  Act  of  tbe  pla^,  vbete 
the  oction  reall^  commenoes ;  for  all  that  vre  had  bitberta  is  merel;  a 
kind  of  prologue.  Lacbea,  FampbiluB'  father,  hu  now  beard  of  this 
estrangement  between  bis  wife  and  his  daughter-in-law,  ond  conieB  into 
town  to  look  into  tbe  matter.  Priding  himaelf  much  upon  bia  wondet^ 
ful  knowledge  of  ererj  tbing  tbat  ia  going  on,  he  laya  it  down  deoidedlj 
tbat  Sostrata  alone  ia  to  blame ;  that  all  mothers-in-law  hate  tbeir 
daugbt«rs-in-Uw,  and  that  sbe  must  have  driren  Philumena  away  hj  her 
unkindness ;  and  be  ia  roore  oonfinned  in  his  opinion  b;  the  atatement 
of  Phidippua  that  bis  daugbter  refuses  to  come  back  to  Lacbea'  hoiue 
wbile  ber  husband  is  away.  Soatrata  in  Tain  endeaTourB  to  dear  faer- 

At  this  moment  Philumena^a  ezpected  chtld  is  bom  ;  and  Pampfailua 
retums  home  at  tbe  critical  moment.  Hearing  that  his  wife  is  iil,  he 
rushes  into  the  house  to  eee  ber,  and  there  discoverB  tbe  wbole  state  of 
the  caee.  Myrrhina  entreatB  hiui  to  keep  the  mstter  quiet,  and  ho  ki 
tar  retains  hu  sfTection  for  hiB  wife  thst  be  promises  to  do  so,  aod  u 
wretched  at  tbe  tbougbts  of  a  aeparation  &om  faer,  though  he  comes  to 
the  coDclusion  tbat  ai^r  tbis  child'B  birth,  the  Bon  of  he  does  not  know 
whom,  it  is  impossible  for  bim  ever  to  receive  faer  back  into  his  house. 
Meanwhile  he  sees  the  neoeasity  of  getting  rid  of  his  slaTo  Farmeno, 
who  will  otherwise  be  sure  to  discoTer  wbat  is  going  on.  So  fae  sends 
bim  off  on  two  errands,  tbe  last  of  whicfa  keeps  faim  fiitlj  emplojed  at  a 
distance  tbe  rest  of  tbe  day. 

Tbe  body  of  the  plaj  is  occupied  by  tbe  indigoant  expostuktions  of  the 
two  fathers  witb  Pamphilua,  and  with  tbeir  wives.  Now  that  Fampfailua 
hae  a  sou,  Lacbes  cannot  conceire  why  he  should  nottake  hia  wife  faome 
again ;  and  Phidippus  ia  furioue  with  him,  with  Lacbes,  and  with 
Hyrrbina  bia  wife.  Soetrata  comes  to  the  determination  of  leaving 
town,  and  going  to  Utb  with  her  huBband  in  the  country,  hoping  that 
her  absence  will  remove  the  last  obBtacle  to  Phi]umena'a  retum;  but 
notwithatanding  tbis,  Pampbilua  stitl  perBistB  in  his  refusal  to  receive 
his  wife,  and  at  laBt  the  old  men  come  to  the  conclusion  thst  he  must 
be  stiH  carrying  on  his  old  love  afiair  with  Bacchia,  and  determine  to 
aend  for  ber,  and  to  endeaTour  by  fair  means  or  foul  to  break  ofi*  ber 
intimscy  witb  Pamphilus. 



3acchiB  is  aocordinglj  seut  for,  and  ihe  completely  cleara  beraelf  and 
Famphilus  &oin  tbe  Buapicion,  and  further  undertakes  to  explain  the 
real  atate  of  a&irs  to  MTrrhina  and  Philumena.  This  bringa  ont  the 
true  hieitory  of  Fhilumena ;  and  Baccbis  ia  able  to  inform  Pampbilns 
that  his  vife  was  tbe  owner  of  the  ring  whicb  Bhe  bad  reoeived  from 
him.  Tbis  entirelj  changea  Pampbilua'  riew  of  the  case,  luid  he  i» 
beside  himself  with  deligbt. 

This  pla;  is  not  remarkabte  for  any  of  tbe  spirit  which  generall; 
appean  in  Tereiice's  pkys.  The  erent  on  which  tbe  plot  of  the  play 
depeads,  and  the  circiLmstaDcea  of  Philumena'e  illnesB,  hav ing  necesaariljr 
to  be  kept  in  the  background,  gives  an  air  of  reatraint  to  the  whole 
piece.  Indeed,  within  the  whole  action,  properly  ao  called,  there  is  no 
incident  eicept  tbe  diBcorei;  of  the  ring.  The  plot  is  much  more 
simple,  and  the  charactera  leea  intereBting  than  thoae  of  anj  ofcher 
play;  and  in  the  treatinent  of  the  character  of  the  BUre  we  notioe 
s  inarked  departure  from  the  ordiDary  idea  of  tbat  part.  Tbe  Parmeno 
of  the  Heojra  ia  a  verj  diSerent  peraonage  from  bis  oameaake  of  the 
Eunuohoe.  He  is  merely  aeotentioue  and  inquiBitive ;  and  tbe  onlj 
amusement  wbich  we  get  out  of  him  is  tbat  he  is  Yory  aoxious  to 
discoTor  bis  maater'B  aecret,  and  that  his  Guriositif  is  not  gratified. 




Ludil  Megaientibitt]     8ee  note  dd  the  nandni ;'  but  tlie  tert  ii  nippaited  b j  the 

InKriptioii  to  the  Andru.  beit  >iithorit]r. 

JVdh  al  peraela]     Bee  notea  on  both  the  Acla  pritno  rint  pnlego']     See  note  on 

Pralognee ;  eipedall;  Prolog.  i.  I — 4,  Prolog.  L  I  uid  8.     We  cuinot  atteinpt  to 

ModotfKii]  Onmnac&lpoiata  nenotee  anign  the  PrologBea   th«r   prap«r    dato; 

on  thfl  InHription  to  the  Andria.  the  play  hAving  befin  acted  foor  tJmea,  aa 

Apotladonii]    ApoLlodonia  of  GoIa  ii  Boid  far  u  thia  Inecription  phow^ 

to  bave  be«n  a  contemponrv  o(  Henander.  Dala  leemdo]   B.c.  iSft,  A.u.c.  S88. 

Tbe  Phormlo  wu  copied  bom    hia  'Btri-  luiaia  f(]    B.C.  IGO,  a.o.c.  693.     See 

ttta^iiuvoi ;  and  Donstos  ii  our  aathority  notea  on  InacriptiDn  to  the  Addphi. 

for  giTing  to  him  the  original  anCbonhip  of  L.  AmHvint  Tvrpio]     See  nota  on  In- 

tha  UeeyiB.     Some  munKRpts  have  ■  Ue-  Kaiptioa  to  the  Ancbia. 



Hecyra  est  hujc  nomea  fabulae :  haec  cum  data 
NoTB  eet  noTnm  mterrenit  vitium  et  calamitas, 
tJt  neque  Bpectari  neque  cognoeci  potuerit. 
Ita  popolus  studio  stupidua  in  fimambulo 

1.  Riryrtt  eil  huienomtytfaiulat]  Tliu  tatniy  jironmicution  oF  the  lut  nlU>le  to 

ihort  Prologne  ia  inteadad  meretf  to  ei-  iHBke  it  bd  iunbiu;    but  it  is  dear  tbat 

pliin  how  the   Hecjn  comM   to  be  pro-  '  eet '  mKy  ouilf  baie  been  tmupoeed  by 

dnad  Ba  m  new  pl>y.     On  the  iinit  occuion  the  copyiBij,     1t  is  not  neceflBiuy  oT  aUow- 

when  it  n>  repreianted  (soe  aotei  on  the  Bbte  to  introdnoe  '  ei,'  nith  Bentley.     Tha 

Iiucription)  tbe  people  «ere  occnpied  witb  fblloviag  words,  '  DOTum  InterveDit  vitiani 

>  tighC-rope  dancer,  and  psid  no  attention  et  calwnitu/  >re  probablj  deriTed,  u  Do- 

tn  it.     The  poet  had  tberefore  «rithdrsirn  naCns  aajg,  from  tbe  iBngQSge  or  Bugur]i,  in 

hli  plaf  for   tbe  time,  Ihat  he  might  retoin  which    'litiam'   mesnt   '  aa   impedinieiit.' 

Che  copfright  of  it,  and  be  able  to  mII  it  to  Bo  the  ■  comitia '  were  oflea  put  off  in  con- 

the  acdilea  on  anoCher  ocoiioD.     The  bd-  aeqneace  of  a  thanderatorm  ;  and  the  con- 

dience  are  reninded  that  thej  are  acqaainted  aala  were  aaid    te  be   '  Titio  creati '  wben 

*ith  other  plaf  a  of  the  poels,  and  are  re-  their  electioa  had  been  proceeded  with  in 

igneited  lo    make   acqoBintance   with    this  deapiCe   of  Bome  inch  rituBl   impedimeDt. 

mniedj.     This  Prologue  waa  in  all  probB-  '  CBlamitas '  ii  nid    bf  Donatns   to   baTe 

hilitf  written  fbr  tlie  third  repreaentation  of  been  D»d  in  a  nmilar  Bense  wben  haU  and 

the  plsf ,  at  the  fnnera]  gamefl  of  L.  Aemi-  rain  Bccompanted  tbe  thnnder.     But  1  do 

liu  Paullas   (flea  notee  on  Inflcriplion   to  not  find  anj  inetaDce  of  thia  nse.     For  the 

the  Adelpbi),  which  wbs  agBin  DnsnccesBfbl.  general  idea  of  tbe  word  aee  noCe  on  Euna- 

We  oiBf  notioo  tbat  Terence  lafB  pBrticnlflr  chus  i.  I.  34. 

rtreaa  on  tbe  &ct  that  the  plaf  hu  not  hsd         4.  Ftmambvia]     These  eibibitioni  nied 

■  bearing;  while  at  the  same  time  he  men-  to  be  giren  in  tbe  Circoa  at  the  gsmea,  and 

tioni  that  tlie  sedilea  hsTe  pnrciufled  it  s  often  st  the  Bame  time  witb  drsmsCic  repre- 

•tcond  lime  fbr  repreaentstian,  a  drcam-  sentatianB.  No  woader  tben  thst  the  people 

■tuce  whicb  wonld  be  k  presnmptiDn  in  ihould  baie  bocn  engioflfled  witb  afltonisb- 

fnonr  of  Ita  merlts.    We  shall  obserre  Ihat  ment  at  the  feati  of  Terence's  mare  popnlar 

>n  tbe  neit  Proiogne  be  ia  eqnallf  carefol  to  rlraL     9ee  this  polnt  touched  npon  in  the 

Uf  tbe  blaina  of  Ua  lUlnm  OD  adteatitioafl  Introdaction.  Tbe  att  of  tight-rope  dandng 

lireanutances.  wai  maeh  prsctised  by  the  ancienla.     (See 

The  Hetre  of  lioth  Frolognee  ia  trimeler  the    Dicttonarf   of    AntiqDitiefl,    '  Fanam- 

iambic  buln».')      '  StDpidns '    ia   here  a«od  in  ita 

Beotlef  chsngea  '  hbnlBs '  iato  '  IMialBi  *  original  seaie,  '  lost  in  sjnazement.'     Com- 

to  aioid  tbe  bistaa.     But  tbis  is  unnecea-  psre  Plaatoa,  Poenalua  t.  4.  93  : 

"^J^t^t^yi^?^^:.''^.^^.  " Miseratimeo 

BdmisdblsinTerence.    See  note  on  Andris  .™„^„ 

^ Qnid  hoc  sit  negolj  m 

S.  Noaa  ttf\     Tfae  commoD  text  bsa 

mplj  ■  NoTS,'  which  would  reqnire  sn  sr-    Qcwo  nses  the  word  in  s 



Animum  occuparat.     Nunc  haec  plane  est  pro  nova ; 
Et  is  qui  scripsit  Iianc  db  eam  rem  noluit 
Iterum  referre  ut  iterum  poseet  yeDdere. 
Alias  cognoetiB  ejus :  quaeso  hanc  nunc  noscite. 


Orator  ad  vos  venio  omatu  prologi : 

Sinite  exorator  sim,  eodem  ut  jure  uti  senem 

of  Terence  ia  tba  pnuat  pMnge,  Faradoi.  lelf.    Tbe  Dogsnon  caltoil  Ibr  On  MMdiitHii 

T.  9 :  "  BcMoais  tabul*  » stDpidum  detinot,  of  a  well-known  ud  tmTourite  Ktar  i  ud 

■nt  ugnani  kliqaod  Polydeti."     Tbe  idiom  lo  the  poet  departed  from  tbe  gCDcnl  cni- 

'occapon  animum  in'  occura  oidj  in  this  tom,  ucordin;  to  whicii  tlM  f^idaf(ae  m 

pusoge.  entniited  to  one  of  the  iDferior  Bdan.  (Sca 

7.  Ilcnm  rrferrt]  Terence  wonld  not  note  on  Andrio,  Prolog.  6—81.)  Ambiiiu 
bring  it  on  the  atue  tffiu  the  ume  d*y,  etood  iio  high  in  the  papolar  e*tim*tii>ii. 
tbst  be  migbt  be  «ble  to  keep  it  btck  tUl  that  tbe  bct  of  hie  drbDding  s  pUf  «ocU 
kDOtber  occuioD,  and  so  rtitpaBe  of  it  ■  go  ■  consideimbLe  wkj  towuds  ensann|  '^ 
■econd  time  to  Ihe  sediles,  who  uied  to  ■ucceu.  On  tbis  occaaioD,  tlunfon,  bt 
puTcbua  plftjs  for  representatioD  at  the  utfallj  biinga  fbrwud  hia  o«m  prenosi 
g^msa  j  or  to  the  Btage-mSDagen,  who,  h  gacce*»  in  obtmning  ■  beaiiiig  for  plil< 
seBmi  probsble,  used  soDMliDiee  to  puTchsse  wbicb  bod  not  been  papnUr  >t  first.  C^ 
pUjB  at  tbeii  owd  riak.  !^  the  SecoDd  dlius,  he  ujs,  now  ■  great  &rovTite,  "T 
Prologae  T.  49,  note.  See  Prologoe  to  tha  oflen  fkilad  >t  fint ;  SDd  not  >  fcw  of  liii 
Eaaacbai  30,  aad  note.  pUyi  were  rescued   bj  me  flram   p>t^ 

8.  Aliai  cognitlii  ^iUl  AcDOrding  to  the  dialike,  and  bave  now  become  bioarilo. 
datot  given  in  the  Didascaliae  to  Che  PUjs  Aad  so  I  eacounged  the  poet  to  wiile  dm 
of  Teience,  tbe  ADrtiia  is  tbe  onlj  pUj  pUjs,  wheieaa  otherwiae  he  woald  h»t 
extant  of  eorlier  di^  than  Uie  HaiTra,  Maa  diikeutened  tt  tho  oppDstiaB  whid 
which  waa  broagbt  Ibrward  a  «econd  time  he  met  witb.  Aod  if  tbii  b«dda  gooil  ii 
In  tbe  consulnhip  of  Cn.  Octatius  and  T.  tbe  caie  of  Caedlina,  I  oogbt  to  gsin  T^ 
Manlim,  b.c.  16S,  tbe  jear  lubseqnent  to  attention  f6r  tbe  Hecjia,  whidi  is  tbeonlj 
ttie  representatioa  of  the  Andria.  But  to  one  af  tbe  pUj>  of  Terenoe  whidi  hM  J^ 
which  represantstion  of  the  piece  tbe  pre-  mat  witb  an  UDfinoaiable  rBoaption.  ^ 
■ent  Fiolognb  belongi  ii  not  cntain ;  for  pUj  haa  beeo  nnfortiinata.  Cbi  oM  oca- 
Dot  mucb  bith  can  be  placed  in  tbe  Didaa-  siou  the  tight^ope  daucer,  ou  nM>tbtf  tht 
calia  here.  If  tbia  Piologue  were  spohan  gUdiator  i^w  awaj  tha  ODdience.  Nv* 
at  the  Uat  rtpresentatioa  but  one,  that  at  tbere  ia  no  diitractioD  d  the  kiod,  ■od  J<n 
the  funeral  g&mes  of  L.  Aemiliua  Paallua,  cui  ■Itend  to  tbe  pUj^t  joor  l«aare.  Iv- 
■s  aeemB  most  probable,  b.c.  ISO,  then  tha  pe^  to  joo,  rarlber,  DOt  to  allaw  b  oiODapiM] 
poet  might  Bpeok  of  all  the  eiiating  pUja,  >d  tbe  dnmatio  ait  hj  rqectiag  mj  P°^ 
with  the  eiception  perhaps  of  tbe  Adelphi,  and  acccptiag  tbe  pUJa  of  his  oppaneDls. 
whicb  wBs  acled  on  the  aame  occasion.  Finallj,  be  appesls  to  hia  libenli^  in  wrt 
Tbis  Tiew  ia  Ihe  more  probBblc,  beCBUse  «e  exactjog  loo  bigh  a  price  fat  BdmiBiioii  t° 
haTonoreBson  to  BuppOBethatTcrence  wrate  his  pUjs  i  and  begs  Uiem  to  receiit  ^^ 
anj  pUjB  besidea  those  which  bBTB  come  plaj  fayauiablj,  that  he  uibj  be  enconiH^ 
dowD  to  01.  to  purcbBae  other  pUja  for  repreaealation. 

I.   Orator  ad  vot  eniiQ]    '  I  come  bdbR 

The  art  of  this  Second  Prologae  to  Ihe  jou  aa  b  pleader  in  the  dress  of  tbe  sp«^ 

Ueejra  haa  been  the  subjeet  of  much  re.  of  tbe  n«logue )  allow  me  to  ba  b  lac- 

marii.    It  ia  ganerallj  suppoaed,  and  witb  cessful  pleader.'    '  Orator '  is  oflan  'an  ■O' 

reoaon,  that  the  Piologne  wai  apoken  on  l»>sador,'  ai   iu   in»aj  r^ffnfT  of  li^' 

this  occuion  bj  L.  Ambiiias  Turpio  bioi-  See  nota  od  1*.  4.  U  of  lUs  plqr.  •*' 



Liceat  quo  jnre  simi  uaus  adalesceiitior ; 

NoTas  qui  ezftotas  feci  ut  iQveterascereiit, 

Ne  cum  poet»  scriptuia  eTRneeceret.  5 

Tn  his  qiias  pnmum  Caecdli  dldlci  noTHB 

Partim  sum  earum  exactus,  partim  tlx  steti. 

Quia  scibam  dubiam  f  ortunam  esae  Bcenicaia, 

Uciat.,  Prnlog.  t.  U.   Fluttiii  enirioTB  the  Ambniaa  bout*  tbU  tba  plsji  of  Cuoliu 

word  onn  or  twioc  in  tbe  iniire  geiwnl  seuia  had  been  ettabliabed  br  bim,  ind  were  now 

of 'one  wbo  eski.'     See  Foenuliu  L  2.  14B,  stending  hTooritei  «ith  ths  people, 

uid  Sticbiii  iiL  2.  38 :  9.  CtetiU]    Tha  poktloa  of  CaeeiliDi  4t 
tbii  time  ia  ■bowa   bf  the   populer  Btory 

"Ef.  Haod  ■eqnnm  eat  te  intcr  ontora  that  wben  Terence  brongbt  bia  first  plair  to 

MCipi.  Ibe   lediiea   be   wei   refened   to   CBedlin* 

Gel.  Bqnidem    hercle   orstor  nuu  ;    sed  (see  the  Introduction).  Uonce  diitinfiiiehes 

pnMsdit  paruin."  between  liim  and  Terenee  in  >  wetl.luunni 
]ine,  Epiit.  ii.  1.  58: 

Bat  io  botb  vAaca  there  ii  ui  alliuiau  to  „ ,,.             ^      -f                ...  ..       n*        ^ 

lheuiore.peci.liien«e.     So  here  Ihere  ™j  "Vinc««_  CecdMI.    graTit.te,    Terentin. 

brthenmeplaroDtbewords;  inore  puti-  "^- 

ndulr  u  it  waold  be  iiupartaat  lo  cstch  It  u  oot  cleer,  howerer,  wli*t  be  meant  ttr 

the  illeneidn  of  the  he«en  «t  the  ontiet,  igrsTibia'  here.    (See    Mecleane'a    note.) 

uid  notbing  wu  iio  lilieiy  to  do  tbii  aa  a  Ambivinii  formed  the  connedinK  linli  be- 

pun.    It  appeara  from  tbis  panage  that  the  tween  the  old  popuiu  poetiy  of  Casdliui 

dreea,  a)  did  all  the  other  characten.     (See  ing  inlo  notioe.    It  ii  dar  Irom  the  maouer 

oote  on  Andria,   Prol.   G — 21  )     Compare  in  which  the  older  poet  ia  apoken  of  here 

PUutni,  PaenuluB,  Prolog.  1E6,  where  the  that  he  wai  now  reckonad  bj  the  conCem- 

Bpeskar  of  tbe   Prologue  wjs,  "Ego  ibo,  poraries  of  Tettnce  to  ha-ve  an   Bttabliihed 

oruabor."      Ue  wae  about   to  change  the  repulation.     'And  jet,'  saja  the  apeakar, 

dreu  tbat  he  wore  in  his  present  cspadtj  <  irhen  I  Grst  nndertaok  ths  repreeentaiaon 

foT  tbe  appropriate  coatnme  of  one  of  tbe  ot  the  plaje  of  Csedlias  wben  the;  «ere 

ciuuacteia  who  «ere  to  appear  ia  tbe  plaj.  new,  I  failed  in  some  of  them,  and  ttarelj 

'Eioraie'  ia  'to  obtain  bj  entreatj.'     Bee  anccseded  in  otheri;  and  icdeed  if  it  bad 

Aadiia  T.  3.  30 :  "  Sioe  te  eiorem."    Plan-  not   been   for   mj    penereraiice,    Caedliiu 

nig,  Trinniuiiiu,  ii.  2.  48  :  "  Raa  qnaedam  himself  would  nerer  haTe  written  anj  more. 

at  quam  >olu  ^o  me  sba  te  eionre."  And  so,'  he  argues,   '  it  it  DOt  wondetful 

4.  JVsMi .  .  .  evanticeril')     '  Allow  me,'  thatagood  plaj  of  Terence'!,  inch  as  thia  ia, 

»J)  Ibe  qiekker,  '  to  bsTe  tbe  aame  priri-  ■honld  bsTe  biled  ou  the  fiiat  or  ■econd 

lcge  aa  ao  old  man  wbich  I  bad  u  a  jonog  hearing.'     Tbe  pbrase  '  partim  lam  earum 

mao;   wben   1  gave   new   comediea  whicb  exactns '  is  uot  comnion-     Here  '  partim ' 

kad  been   biHed   ofT  the   itage   a  laatiug  has  tha  fbreeof  the  accuiatiTe  of  definilioni 

■tandiBg,  that  the  poet'i  worka  might  not  and  the  phisBe  aniwera  to  tbe  Greek,  rd 

paiiliwith  biro.'     For  'eiactaB'  aee  uole  /^v  alirmn  iCiiriaav,  rd  li  xo^iwuc  Ivi- 

ei>  Audria,   ProL   S7-     '  InTeteraaco '    and  Kijaa-     lu   tbis  uee  it  CDrrssponds  to  the 

'mietero'  areoften  ueedortbiDgB  tbat  gain  phrase  '  magnam  paitem,'  u  in  Cicero,  De 

gniiuid  with  their  age,  gruw  stronger  tbe  Orstor-   56:    "  Magnam   enim    psrlem   ex 

'"nger  ihey   laBt;    aee  Cicero,  Catilin.  iii.  iambiB  nostra  conatst  oratio."     In   Cicero 

II:    "  Memoria   iDBtn,    QairiCea,    nostrae  we  Gnd  'partim'  with  a  prononn  nsed  u 

rei  Blentnr.  aermonibuB  crescant,  literarum  a  nominatiTe  case.     "  Fartim  e  nobia  timidi 
1,  partim  a  republica  aTersi  "  (Phil.  viii. 
Tbe  idiom  of  the  text  giTOB  no  doubt 
primitiie  nse  of  tbe  word,  ai  the  old 

-  Quia  icibam]  '  Knowing  as  I  did 
nolint,"  'Tha;  did  not  tiiat  tbe  fortune  of  Ihe  stage  wuB  doubtful, 
viih  ihia  practice  of  remaining  in  winter-  jet  witb  all  this  uncertaintj  of  eipectation 
qusrterB  in  ^ul  to  grow  into  a  hsbit-'    I  endored  a  cerlain  Isboar.'    The  meaning 

Cooglc . 

332  IIECYRA. 

Spe  incerta  certum  mihi  laborem  erustuli. 
Eaadem  agere  coepi  ut  al)  eodem  alias  dieceraii  lo 

Novas  studiose,  ne  illum  ab  atudio  abduoerem. 
Ferfeci  ut  spectareiitur.     Ubi  suDt  cognitae, 
Placitae  sunt.     Ita  poetam  restitui  iu  locum 
Prope  jam  remotum  injima  adveraarium 
Ab  atudio  atque  ab  labore  atque  arte  muaica.  is 

QrUod  ai  acriptnram  spreTissem  in  praeseutia, 
Et  in  deteireDdo  Toluiaaem  operam  aumere, 
-  TJt  in  otio  eeset  potius  quam  in  negotio, 
DeterruisBem  facile  ne  alias  scriberet. 

Nunc  quid  petam  mea  causa  aequo  animo  attendite.  w 

Eecyrom  ad  tos  rcfero,  quam  mihi  per  sileatium 
Numquam  agere  licitum  est ;  ita  eam  oppreesit  calamitas. 
Eam  calamitatem  Testra  inteUigentia 
Sedabit,  si  erit  adjutrix  nostrae  industriae. 
Quum  primum  eam  agere  coepi,  pugilum  gloria,  as 

u   rimple  enoagh,   thcmgb   it  u   Dot  varj  caoe  of  the  Hecyn,  mnd  procMdi  to  meoomt 

pUinlj  eipreased.     Ambivins  knev  thathis  loi  its  prcTioua  fkilum.     Tbe  bct  ia  thu 

lacceu  wtt  ancertain,  uid  f  et  be  incurred  iC   bu    never   had    *    beoriDg.      On   emdi 

tbe  certun  eipense  and  tionble  of  prepft-  occudd  of  ica  representtttion  lame  ibow  or 

ring  these  plaja  tor  repreeent^tion.  otber  bu  distncted  the   people,  so   th>l, 

10.  Ut  ai  eodem  aliai  duetrem  novat]  «hat  «itb  tigbt-rope  rtancen,  boieia,  mnd 

'  1  begwi  to  aet  (be  rejected  pLaya  to  the  gladiaton,  tbe;  bare  been  iinable  lo  gire 

beat   of  my   abibt;,   tb>t   Caedliaa  might  tbeir  attention  to  it.     For  tb«  mewung  of 

giie  ms  fresb  plaja  to  leam,  tbat  I  migbt  '  caUmitas '  in  t.  23,  iM  note  oa  t.  3  of 

not   diicourage   him   from  bia   proftiaaian.'  the  first  Prologne. 

Tbe   poet   «ould    probablj   not   tnin   tbe         2S.]    The   followiag   pataage   ■ha«s    o! 

cborns  himaelf;    but  voold  leaTe   tbaC  to  brieRy  with  wbat  distncting  attnctioDS  tbe 

his  manager,  Ambivint,  wha  beld  the  poai-  Romon  comedj  had  to   coDtend.      It   wu 

tion   of  the   Greek    ;^afiaJifdirraXDc.  (See  acted  on  an  open  atsge  faciDg  towarda  ba(h 

note  an  tbe  iDacription  to  tbe  Andria.)   But  ends  of  the  ampbitheatre,  and  amsequentl} 

AmbiTiua  woold  Deed  instruction  from  tbe  tbe  performers  might  fi«queDdj  be  intv- 

poet  in  the  design  of  tbe  plaj,  snd  tbe  psr-  nipted  bj  tbe  gladiatorial  ebowi  aod  otfaCT 

ticubir  lorBB  to  be  given  to  eacb  part  of  tbe  eibibitionB  wbicb  took  ptace  at  tba  aBM 

disJogae.    Tbeae  general  instmclians  given,  gsmei.     See  Hacleane^a  note  on    HoncF, 

tbe  manager  woold  tben  driU  his  compaDj  Epist.  ii.  1,  ISB.    The  ProlDgne  to  tkePoe' 

in  tti«r  respectiTe  paita,  and  look  to  tbe  nnlas  of  Plautas  givesns  an  amaaiiig  aketch 

proper  scenic  representation  of  tbepieoe.  of  theTanousiaterTuptioDswhich  look  plac« 

16.    Arle  muftea]      'From   tbe   art  of  among  the  *Ddience  themaelvea.     The  fbl- 

poetrj.'     For  the  mraning  of  '  mnsicus '  in  lowing  linea  are  worth  qaotiDg  : 
Terence  aee  notes  on  Heaat.  Prolog.  23. 

Enaacbaa  iii.  2.  23.    The  aame  opposition  "Scortam   exoietum  ne  qaia  in   proace-  i 
Ibst  Caecilios  enconatered  from  the  rivala  nk> 

wbo  wisbed  to  exclude  bim  from  tbe  stage,        Sedest,   nea   lictor   Terbnm  ant  virpa 
ig  Doticed  brieSj  in  TereDCe's  case  below,  muttiant;  ' 

T.  38,  39,  and  more  fullj  in  tbe  Prologoe 
to  the  Phormio,  v.  16— tS.  See  doIos  od 
both  paeaagea.  aiet. 

16.  h  pratienlia]     See  nal«  on  Heaat.        Diu  qui  domi  otiaal  dormicnuit  decet       j 
Aniroo  Mqao  nniio  ateat,  Td  dormite  tSM- 

30 — 37.]  He  now  paaaes  to  tbe  paitlcatar 



Funambuli  eodem  acceesit  expectatio : 

Coimtum.  conventns,  strepitufi,  clamor  mulienun 

Fecere  ut  Bute  tempua  exirem  foras. 

Vetere  in  nova  C06pi  ati  coQsuetudine, 

In  experiendo  ut  essem :  refero  denuo.  30 

Primo  aotu  placeo ;  qunm  interea  rumor  venit 

Datum  iri  gladiatores ;  populus  convolat : 

Tumultuantur,  clamant,  pugnant  dc  loco  : 

Ego  interea  menm  non  potui  tutari  locum. 

Nuno  turba  nnlla  est :  otium  et  eilentium  eet :  33 

Agendi  tempus  mitii  datum  est :  vobia  datur 

Poteetas  condecorandi  ludoe  scenicos. 

Nolito  sinere  per  tos  artem  musicam 

Becidere  ad  paucos :  facite  ut  Testra  auotoritas 

Meae  auctoritati  iautriz  adjutrixquc  sit.  40 

[Si  nunquam  avare  pretium  statui  arti  meae, 

St  eum  esse  quaestum  in  ft-niTnnTii  induxi  maximum, 

Quam  maxime  aerrire  Testris  commodifi,] 

Binite  impetrare  me,  qui  in  tutelam  meam 

Sori  ne  obddeaiit,  liberu  ut  (dt  loeoi ;  Fnr  he  hed  not  gotberoixlthBflntactwheD 

Vel  aea  pro  capite  tknt;  >i  id  hcere  Don  ujtsrj  thing  ni  throini  ioto  diwrdOT  b;  tha 

qneuit,  ■nnauncement  1b«t  en  eibibi^oQ  of  gladia- 

Domam  alieut,  Titent  BOcipUi  infortnDio,  ton  wu  abont  to  talce  pUce. 

Me  eC  hlc  Twientar  *iTgi*,  et  loris  domi,  37-  Cotidecoraadi]     '  You  bave  now  the 

8i  miDiii  corunnt  cuin  Iwri  Teniuit  do-  opportnnity,'   be  wys,   'of   adoming  tbe 

main.  dramatic  celebratioiu  witb  jonr  preseDoe.' 

*            *            *            *      .     *  The  ■peeker  goei  an  to  nm  bia  uidieDce 

Bt  boe  quoqoe  etiun  qnod  paene  obUttl*  th&t  il  thejr   diicaanige    new   poeti   from 

Aii ;  briDging  tbeir  plays  (brward,  the  drenu  Trill 

Dnm  lndi  fiimt  in  popinam  pedieeqoi  feU  inlo  tbe  buids  of  a  few  pereoDi,  Euid  w> 

IimptiaDem  fsrite,  nnnc  dnm  occado  eit,  Trill  ineTitablj  decajr.    Tbe  only  gaanutee 

Nniu:  dnm  acnblitae  aestnant  occonite."  for  eioelleiice  in  poetrj  is  to  be  fonnd  in 

PoeDnloa,  Pndog.  17 — 43.  competition.     He  repeats  tbia  Bigament  in 

tha  Prologue  to  tbe  Phormio,  T.  16 : 

."   ,  ^   ,      .  ,.                      ,     "  Ib  sibi  responinm  hoc  babeat,  in  medio 
donbt  abont  Uia  meaninE  of  ■.■^..' 

8ee  slso  Frolcvae  to  the  EnDacbna,  44. 

" '" '^'  ■°~™8  "'  omaiba.' 

■coiD.™m     m  ..  i;       Benller  piopoeee  p^^^^  ,,„  p^^  q^  artem  t»ctaDt 

comiti  con«ntns,'  'tbe  coming  t<^er  musicam." 
of  the  uaemblf .      Bat '  comltes    maj  bear 

the   wDe   meeoiDg  aa  '  pediaeqai '  in  tbe  Terence'a  opponeDta  were  at  tbig  lime  pro- 

precedJng  paeeage  of  Plwutna,  of  'Bttend.  bahl;  in  posseaiion  of  the  populir  eBr,  and 

ante '   in    geDersl,    nor  need  Tre  fii   tbe  wiihed  to  keep  it,  to  tbe  eiclneion  of  all 

meaiuiig  more  doselT.  new  poetB.     See  the  InCrodnction. 

29.    Velen  m  noM  eoepi  uli  eontuelu-  41.    Si  nunfitain  arart']     This  Bod  tbe 

ffine]     '  I  begaa  Co  practiae  mj  old  babit  iu  tiro  foHorriDg  Unes  occnr  in  the  Proli^e  to 

the  caae  of  tbu  new  play,  that  I  might  try  the  Heaatontunoramenos,  T.  4S — 60.  There 

m j    fbrtane.'     Ai  he  had  done   Trith   the  tbej  lait  tbe  coateit ;   here  they  are  irrele- 

ptsjB  of  Caedlins  wben  thej  were  Tejected,  Tant.     I    haTe  tberefbre  marked  them   aa 

mo   Dow  he  detfrmined  to  trj  wbetber  be  doabtfat ;  tbough  the  oaDcaiient  teslimonj 

Dotild  Dot  procnre  a  succeasful  bearing  fbr  of  MSS.  fbrbidB  their  abflolate  eicloBiOD. 

the  Heqrra;  bat  again  ba  was  ansaccesB-  44.   Qui  in  luttlam]    '  Let  me  obtain  of 

fnl  in  conaeqiwnce  of  aiuitber  intennptiDn.  ;on  this  tmma,  tbat  now  that  the  poot  has 



Studium  Buum  et  se  in  Testram  conunisit  fidem, 
Ne  eum  circumTOntlum  inique  iniqui  irrideant- 
Mea  causa  causam  liano  accipite,  et  date  silratiiim, 
TJt  libeat  scribere  aliis,  miMque  ut  discere 
NoTas  expediat  posthao  pretio  emtae  meo. 



Ph.  Fer  pol  quam  pauoos  reperias  meretrioibus 
Fideles  eTenire  amatorea,  Syra. 

u  11110111;  kMpltig,aadhlai.  Aoi'  I.    Beaini  I,    TUa  aeme  ia  qaiie 

self  to  Tonr  good  futh,  lua  enemiea  miy  oot  ■uperfluooB  u  br  u  the  aetion  of  the  play 

glor7  OTer  hU  ducomGtaie  irithDut  cauae.'  ii  coaceined.     The  ftillowjiig  seene  giTe*  ns 

'  CircaniTeoiri  '  ii  commDn  in  Cioero  in  the  tlie  real  IntHNlaetioa  or  PtdIc^m  tn  the 

■enN  of  the  lext.  See  In  C.  Verre^  ii.  4.  S :  plaj,  ia  irhich  the  condact  of  Punphilni  u 

"  Qoid  te  a  CeiitaripiDa  diilaCe,  ■  Catiaeaii,  reUted  ap  to  the  point  at  irfaidi  tbe  00(1011 

>h  Halerini, . . .  drcomTemri  atqne  oppriini  commence».     Here  we  h»Te  Iwo  (jiaracta^ 

dida  i   tua  te  Heraaoa  circumTenit,"  and  Sjr«  aad  Pbilolis,  whii  tre  not  in  ao)-  wmj 

TuHml.  Diaput.  i.  41,  in  hia  tnoilation  of  concemed  wilh  tbe  letion.     Thair  tolk  orer 

Socntes'    gpeech    from    Fbto'a    Apology  :  the  fact  or  Pamphilas'  muTioge,  «hiiji  Phi- 

"  Quanta  delectatione  autcoi  offlcerer,  quum  lotis  conaidm  to  be  a  breach  o(  hii  mgsge. 

Falsmedem,    qunm    Ajscem,    quam    alioa,  ment  lo  hls  miitreH,  BKchi«;  for  be  ^d 

jodicio  iniquo  circamTenloB,  conTenirem  ?"  promijed  ber  tbat  be  woidd  Dom  iiui*; 

49.  Patthac  prttio  emtat  hifo]     Theiie  doriag  her  lifetime.     Syra,  the  old  woBwii, 

word]  haTe  occarioned  &  good  degJ  of  con-  takes  occaaion  from  thia  te  odriM  Philotie 

troiersj.     We  know  from   otber  pBSUgea  nerer  to  show  men  uij  menj ;  bnttofleeee 

that  plaja  irere  purchaaed  bj  the  aediles  and  apoil  them  to  the  atmost. 

in  tbe  flrat  inalance  fbr  tbe  purpoie  of  re-  The  Metre  is  i*abfa  farimMer. 

meseDtalioa  at  (be  gamea.   (See  Banachas,  I.  Ptr  fol  qnam  pnteo*i  Fn'papqiiain 

Pn>log.  T.  30).     Dunatui  accordinglj  ei-  rancoa.'     See  oole  oo   Andri»  QL   2.   6. 

plaina  '  predo  meo '  bj  '  aeatimatione  a  rm  Bentle]-  Donsiden  '  pMicie '  to  be  tke  right 

ftctB    qaantam   aedilea    darent,'    that    tha  resding,  and  to  be  supported  bj  tba  liiwa 

wdilea   coaialled   AmbiTini,   u  oii   eipe-  which  Doiutus  quotea   l^m  ApoBodonu. 

rieaced  atBge-maiisger,   aa   to   the  proper  Tbeee  have  beea  realiM«I  bj  Bentlej  tkns : 

price  to  b.  «*  011  a  play.    110^  ^;         ^        /^      j      .  i,^^^^  ^ 

IB   not  «opportBd   bj  anj  aatbontj ;  and  OMaiac            "  '  '               r—  •>        f    • 

would  not  have  been  (as  ColmBD  remBTka)  "^ 

a  Terj  creditable  mode  of  settling  the  Bsaiie  But  thla  is  at  tlie  best  a  h^ipj  con jeotnre, 

ofplRja.    The  probabilitj  19  thst  the  atsge-  Bnd  ia  oot  nffideat  to  &i  anr  text   Od  tlko 

mBnBgera   sometimeB   parchssed   plaja    on  oantrBrj,  I  thiak  thot  'psiuas'  is  faqaircid 

their  owo  BccouDt ;  «nd  thia  maj  have  bap-  bj  the  foQowing  liaea  ;  fiir  TeiCBDe  goes  m 

pened  in  the  case  of  plaja  which  had  hiled  ta  dwell  on  the  eoaduct  of  PBmpliilaa,  who 

from  Bome  Bcddent,  sa  in  the  cbsc  of  the  mlght  hate  been  lupposed  *a  eaceptiaB  to 

Hecjra,  hot  which  tbe  mansger  kaew  to  the  nile  oT  infidelltj  in  loTera.     lite  coo- 

have  Buffident  merit  to  eutitle  them  to  aoc-  nerion  a(  ideas  ii:   '  How  few  toven  do  va 

cesa.    Tlut  plajs  were  >old  more  thsn  once  find  conatBntl     B*en  Uiis  PsBpliiha  hai 

we  know  linim  the  flnt  Prologae,  T.  7.   Bat  proied  M^leaa.'      If  'paocis'  had   beMi 

thia  wbole  Bubject  ii  ao  obscure,  thst  we  used,  then  Baochis'  luune  woold  haov  been 

cannot  do  more  tban  hazsrd  a  probable  made  more  [ffomineat. 

conjecture.  3.  BHnfriJ  Donataa  Mmalfcs  Aot  (his 

ACTUS  I.    8CENA  I. 

Tel  hio  Pami^iliia  jtirabat  qnotiea  B&cchidi, 
Quam  sancte  ut  qniviB  fBcile  posset  credere, 
Nunquain  iUa  viva  dnetunun  nxorem  domnm. 
Hem  duxit.  Sy.  Ergo  propterea  te  sedulo 
Et  moneo,  et  hortop,  ne  cujueqTiam  misereat, 
Quin  qwliee,  mutilea,  laceres,  quemque  nacta  sis. 

woid  !■  well  chocAi  to  exprea  tfae  idea  fli*t 
fidelitj  ii  tbe  eiceptioii,  oot  tha  rale ;  "  nt 
luiii  ntioiiia,  •ed  casus  aC  id  qnml  rarini- 
iDDiii  est."  On  tbe  notiDii  of  ths  waid  see 
the  Dote  on  Adelphi  r.  3.  3S. 

3.  Vel  kie  Pn^hilitl  '  To  go  ao  ror- 
ther  than  Punphiliu.  Ho»  oftan  did  he 
■weuto  Becchis,  that  he  wonld  neTer  marrj 
dnring  her  Btetjine.'  '  Tel '  ia  often  med  in 
the  eense  of  '  etiun,'  ■>  *U  tbe  commeDla' 
toTB  nL^  heie ;  but  tbst  does  not  quite  gif  G 
its  foree  in  this  plmce.  It  u  nied  here  Bad 
in  olher  pbces  bf  mj  at  a\in%  in  eumple 
of  aome  nnenl  rule  laid  dmrn  iniinediete!^ 
liefbre.  9o  itisoMd  in  Cicpro,  Fbk.  ii.  13: 
•■  Rsru  ta»  qnidem  sed  susres  «odpio 
litenu-  Vel  qou  proxime  iccepenm,  quam 
pnidnteal"    And  to  go  na  further  thui 



pmdntea  1  Ai 
Irerence,  see  H« 
"  Nnlla  est  ti 

■  res   qoiii  i 

distingniahes  orefoli^  hetween  the  meaoing 
of  theie  WDrds.  Bnt  there  ii  no  doubt  tbat 
tber  Bre  nsed  bere  mertd;  in  their  moat 
genenl  senee.  '  You  ere  to  strip  tbem, 
mwm  tbem,  tcar  the&i  in  pleces.'  '  Spotio ' 
preeeuti  do  diffieoltf.  '  Mutilus,'  like  tbe 
Greek  /lun^oc  or  /liriiXoc,  wns  properlf 
■pplied  to  ma  ■nimal  tbst  had  hroken  ■ 
hom,  *s  bj  Cwsw,  Bell.  Gall.  Ti.  37, 
■pcaliingoftheeik,  "mulilMiantcortiibns," 
whicfa  is  not,  itricllj  spesking',  tme  (see 
Long's  note).  Hence  '  muCilstio  '  wis 
equiTalent  to  dicpairiipinafi^.  Plaatoi  pre- 
feri  the  compODnd  '  mdmotilo '  iu  the  sense 
of  'mDtilo'  here,  'to  pill^je.'  See  Cip- 
tiriii.  2.  18: 


■ttounniBi  d 

1  laboiioik,  ad  Isngaocem  de- 

Pmfecto  u1 

Ga.  AdreHi  herde  Hilmum.     Th.  Vel 

Uihi  •geMt  qnin]md  fecervn ;  aliis  non 

Por  '  qusm  sanela '  in  tlie  IbUowing  liiie. 

ing.    See  ii.  3.  36  : 

" Saoota  adjunt, 

Non  posse  apud  tos  Famphilo  se  abseiite 

The  daljve  is  fnniid  witb  '  jura '  in  PlanCui 
Bod  Tetence,  bnt  rery  seldom.  The  puuge 
befbre  ns  is  ■  nngle  ei^mplo  in  Terence. 
Por  Plutns,  compuB  Rndens  T.  3.  lA: 
"  Non  tn  jnntus  mihi  es }"  Perss  iil  S.  3  : 
•'  Qni  mihi  juntua  est  seae  hodie  ■rgantnm 
dai«."    In  Andri*  It.  3.  13,  14  we  hsve 

NeKiD :  Terum  ti  ftngi  esC,  naqoe  •dmu- 
tilabit  probe," 
■nd  oCher  pamgea.  ■  I«aer  '  appears  to 
baie  bean  nsed  mncb  in  Ihe  same  sense, 
wilii  a  psHiciilu'  refoenee  Co  the  loss  of 
limb  or  organ  ol  sense.  See  maBj  eiam- 
ple*  in  F«TDellbii.  Tbe  «ense  of  tearing  in 
pteees  is,  howerer,  the  prersiling  one  tn  all 
the  deriTed  words.  Bsntlef  readi  ■  quem- 
quem  uscta  sis ;'  but  the  Bemfaine  ond 
otbcr  oid  ooptea  hare  '  qnemqoe,'  as  in  tbe 
teiL  Thia  nse  of  ■qnisqae'  in  the  sense 
of  '  qnicnmqne '  tnaj  ba  dorapsred  with 
PbatoB,  Hil.  Glor.  ii.  S.  6,  7  : 
"  Qnemqne  a  milita  hoc  Tideritia  hoininera 

^t.     .  .       . 

camnr  fide." 
'Nsndsoor'  ii  sometimea  naed  in  a  speciil 
BeDse  of  the  csptare  of  their  ptej  \tj  wild 
beaats,  aa  in  Honce,  Carm.  iii.  1 1. 11 : 
■■  Qoae  Tolut  nactae  Titulos  leaenae 
Singnlos,  ehen,  lacerant ;" 



Ph.  Utine  eximium  neminem  habeam  9    8t/.  Neminem  ; 

Nam  nemo  illorum  quisqmun,  ecito,  ad  te  Tenit 

Quiu  ita  paret  Beee  abs  te  ut  blanditiia  auis 

Quam  minimo  pretio  auam  voluptatem  ezpleat. 

Hiscine  tu,  amabo,  noa  contra  insidiabere  P 

Ph.  Tamen  pol  eandem  injurium  est  ease  oDmibus. 

8y.  Injurium  autom  est  ulcisci  adTersarioe, 

Aut  qua  Tia  te  captent  eadem  ipsos  oapi  P 

Ebeu  me  miBeram,  cur  non  aut  istaec  miTii 

Aetas  et  forma  est,  aut  tibi  baec  aententia  P 

■  metap: 

9.  UlM  rfimiKm  nemintm   habtamT'^  Eunuchiu  t.  8.  1: 
'Dojocm™        .. Ea,ui.  me  hodia  ri' 

lieroi    eidem    wqoe     itudeuit    nolintquB  For  ■  ita  pwt  mm  '  •ee  noto  OQ  BDUDdiu 

omni.."     Pbormio  t.  6.  34  ;  "  Somnium  :  ii.  2.  18.     A  greiit  muif  good  inuiaMsipti 

utine  hMC  igaoruet  Buum  p.trem."    Thi.  '  >eee,'  which  i.  to  be  jRefemid  to  ■  x,' 

ellipCic.1  use  of  '  uC '  i>  nat  .t  dl  uncoiD-  u  it  relieres  the  line  of  ta  .wkmid  hi.tiu. 

mon.     See  Phonnio  iv.  3.   64  :  "  ImpDr..  For  ' '  in  t.  13,  aee  niite.  oo  BunD- 

tnii  me  iUa  ut  etiam  irridest  ?"  Hid  t.  8.  3  :  chul  i.  Z.  SO  uid  iii.  3.  91. 
"  Hidne  ut  tibi  reapondeat?"     <  Eiimiua,'  14.  Eandttn  it^urium  ewl  an  mmBint] 

u  we  ve   informed   hj  Don.tu.   on   thia  '  It  ii  unfiur  to  beb.Te  to  .11  .like.'     *  lu- 

puuge,  wu  puticularl;  .pplied  to  uiimelB  juiioa  '  ia  .  nre  word.     It  oecun  bow  wid 

Mlecled  foT  ucriGoe,   upeci.llj  to  bous.  in  Aadri.  ii.  3.  2 :  "  IpBus  sibi  eue  iujo- 

"  Sed  proprie  eiimii  Bantpord  majorei,  qui  rina  Tideatnr."     See  bIbo  Ueaut.  ii.  3.  7$; 

ad  BBcrilicsndnmliberiaspucuntur."  Henoe  Adelphi  i.  2.  26,  uid  ii.  I.fil.     Qcera  luea 

it  it  used,  aa  bere,  in  the  Muae  of  '  Belected,'  it  once,  De  Offidia  iii.  23 ;  "  Si  tabDlun  dc 

'  eioeptian.1.'     Compwe  the  nia.  of  tEai-  n.nlngia  atoltua  uripiierit,  cxtorqBehitDe 

pErof.     Cicero  a>ea  the  wurd  in  the  aame  eam    Bapiena,    Bi    potuerit?       N^at,    qni. 

wnse,    In    Q.    CMcilinm    DiTiDstia,     16:  lit  injnrium." 

"  Qnid  enim  dicea  ?  an  id  quod  dictitu  in-  1 7.  Cur  non  aul  itlatc  iniAi  4*^.]   '  Wlif 

juriun  tibi  feclue  Verreoi  ?     Arbitror :  ne-  bsTe  I  not  yonr  .ge  and  gnod   lookB  ?    or 

qae  enim  esset  Terinmile,  quum  omnibua  you   mjr   mind  ?'     Hoiue  hu    two     IJDea 

Sicolis  laceret  inJDris),  te  illi  anum  eiiminm  which  sre  referred  to  bj  all  tbe  editor.,  uid 

cni  oonsuleret  fiuass."  which  the  ScboUsst  of  CmqniDs  (aea  Usc- 

10.  Nemo. ..  euufuan]  '  Nema'isoften  leuie'B  note)  oonnden  to  li.Te  bem    imi- 
accompsnied   bjr   such   words   aa    '  slins,'  tated  from  Terenoe : 

;  alter/   'quisqnun.'     Compu*  BunuchDS     .,  q^  ^^  ^  j,^_  ^  ,.j„  „„„ 
"■  '■  ™  ■  pnero  ftiit  ? 

" Hoc  oemo  Itait  Tel  cur  hii  animu  incolamM  noo  mleDiit 

Hinos  ineptuB  magii  SBrera*  qnisqnam,  geoM?" 

nec  nugis  ooaliiiens."  Cmn.  ir.  10.  7>  8- 


ACTtJS  I.    SCENA  U.  337 


PARM£NO.      PHILOTIS.       SYBA. 

Pa.  Senex  si  quaeret  me,  modo  isae  dicito 

Ad  portum,  percontatum  adventum  Famphili. 

Audiu  quid  dicam  Scirte  ?  ei  quaeret  me,  uti 

Tum  dicas :  si  QOn  quaeret,  nuUuiB  dixerie  ; 

Alias  ut  uti  poseim  cauaa  hao  integra.  5 

Sed  videone  ego  Philotium  ?  unde  haec  advenit  ? 

Philotis  salve  multum.     Ph.  0  salve  Farmeno. 

Sff.  Salre  mecastor  Parmeno.     Pa.  Et  tu  aedepol  Syra. 

ActI.  SciMX  11.    A<  Srra  ammiilotil  be«D    lo   FtiidippQi,    Pfal1ameii>'s   Istbar, 

ue  taltlDg,  Pannnio  comM  fknn  hii  nuu-  oboot  it.    80  niatten  ataod  at  [msant. 

ta'!  houK,  on  bis  w»y  to  the  VtTareut,  to  Tbe  Metre  is  iBoibic  trimeter. 

meet  his  yoang   mutei  PBmphilos,   who  2.  Ptreonlalmi]  We  find  abo  the  n»m 

ii  eipected    lo  retarn    from    his   tniTela.  '  percnnctatum.'    The  form  of  the  teit  ia 

AAa  ■  Ijttle  eicluuige  of  compUments  «ith  tbe  most  conect.     Similarly  '  cnnctor '  «h 

Pmneno^widfkBhDrtBiplanatioDoftlieoaase  aliowritten  'conlor.'   See  noteon  Heaut.  ii. 

nf  her  retnm  to  Athena,  Philotie  proceeda  2.  1 1 ,  irhere  it  is  coDfounded  with  '  conor.' 

ta  uk  him  irhat  is  the  truth  of  this  itory  '  Contor '   ao   doubt   ariginally   meut  '  to 

ohich  B«ochia  has  just  told  her  ot  Pam-  probe,'  '  to  inqiure,'  oor  doea  the  derivation 

ylulas'  marriagei  for  ahe  can  hirdly  credit  of  DoOBtai leeni  at  all aDreasonable :  "Per~ 

il,  after  ail  that  ahe  remembera  to  ha«e  eDilalum  a  conto  dicitur,  quo  aantae  ntan- 

puKd  between  him  and  Baccbia.    FarmeDO  tnr  ad  eiplorsnda  loca  naribaa  opportana." 

a  gndoally  lui   to  diadoae  to  ber  all  he  '  Percontor'  will  then  merelj  be  '  to  inauire 

lnovs  of  Pampbilua  uid  hia  marriage,  on  tfaorongbly.'     Hia  eiplanation  of  the  form 

Mndition  that  ahe  wiU  obBerve  perfect  le-  '  percnnctor,'  "  ab  eo  quod  a  cuDCtia  perqni- 

i3ecy.     Pampfailui   was   obliged   to   marry  ratur,  dicitur,"  is  aimply  abanrd.     We  may 

igunit  hia  own  wiBh,  fcr  he  waa  Btill  as  take  tbe  form  '  contor '  aa  the  original  in  iU 

iDDeh  allached  as  erer  to  Baechia.    Accord-  caaaa.     Tlie  common  meaning  of  '  cnnctor,' 

ingly  at  firat  he  entirely  n^iected  liia  wife,  '  to  delay,'  arose  from  the  idea  of  onr  dwsll- 

■nd  determiDed  to  take  the  firat  opportUDity  ing  upon  that  which  ia  a  Bubject  of  our  in- 

ot  dirordng    her.     Meanwhile    he   Tiaited  quiriea.  The  word  '  percontor '  ia  of  fteqaent 

BtccliiB.    But  sbe  became  exacUng  and  ill-  occuirence.     In  Plautua,  AuDaria  ii.  4.  W, 

teoipered,  irhile  his  wife  bore    all  fais  ill.  it  is  nsed  traiisiCirely  1 

IS"^""  '"i.'^  ff™"  liSfi.  i^         " Al,u.  «Um  m  qnoqm  Ip»,  U 

SlT            ?;?!??",    /S  M..,dlU,«*,pol,cr,dm.  .«,.  q«J 

lus  time  a  relalion  of  the  familj  diea  at  fera." 
Inibro»,  and  bia  property  comea  to  Lachee, 

llte  tather  of  Pamphilna.    Lachea  senrta  hii  4.  Jfnllu»  dixirit]   '  Mbd,  if  he   aska 

son  to  looh  after  it,  and  Philumena  is  left  after  me,  then  yOD  are  to  asy  this.     If  be 

witb  her  mother-in-law.     They  liTB   toge-  doea  nol,  you  are  nottosay  anj  Ifaing;  thM 

ther  lery  harmonioualy  at  firat ;  bnt  after  a  it  may  be  open  to  me  to  nse  this  eicnse  on 

■iine  PtiilamenB  began  to  ahun  her  mother-  aome  oCher  occadan.'     For  '  nullus  diieris ' 

inlaw  in  every  way ;  and  st  last  on  pre-  see  nole  on  Eunachua  ii.  I.   10;  and  fijr 

leoce  of  B  domestic  saerifice  ahe  goes  home  ■  integra,'  note  on   Eleaut.  Proli^.  4  and  T. 

W  her  own  motfaer'B   house,  and  refuses  to  3. 8.  ■  Uti  dicaa '  is  a  common  elliptical  ei- 

retnm.    Her  motfaer-in-law,  Sostrala,  sends  preSBioD,    aome   such   word  as    'cura'  be. 

in  vain  fijr  b».     8he  preteod»  aicknees,  and  ing  understood,  as  opa  in  common  Greek 

'       '-  8.    Salvt   mecaitor]       •Hectitor'    and 


338  HECTRA. 

Dic  mibi,  Philotia,  ubi  te  oblectaati  tam  diu  P 

Ph.  Minime  eqtiidem  me  oblectavi,  qtiae  cam  milite  lo 

Corintbum  binc  Bum  profecta  iTibiiiiiftTiiaHimn : 

Bieimium  ibi  perpetuum  miaora  illum  tuli. 

Pa.  Aedepol  te  dedderium  Aihenarum  arbitror, 

Pbilotium,  cepisee  saepe,  et  te  tuum 

CoDBilium  contemaisse.     Ph.  Non  dici  pot«st  1 5 

Quam  cupida  enun  buc  redeundi,  abeundi  a  milite, 

Yoaque  bic  videndi,  antiqua  ut  consuetudiue 

Agitarem  libere  inter  tos  convivium ; 

Kam  illi  haud  licebat  nisi  praefinito  loqui 

Quae  illi  placerent.     Pa.  Haud  opinor  commode  20 

Finem  statuisse  orationi  militem. 

Ph.  Sed  qoid  boc  negoti  eet  modo  quae  nanaTit  mihi 

men ;  but  we  6ad  hoth  oaed  freqnently  by  infai]     '  For  theie  I  wu  iwt  dkmed  lo 

men.    For 'medepol' ■&«  note  on  Eanuchiu  apeak  eicopt  in  b  aet  bihkm.'     DtMiatus 

T.  S.  38.     Wefind'e<!utor'D»dlnain*D  noticM   the   rewliDg   <iUi.'      Tbe  ordiiurT 

in  PlautDB,  Asinaria  v.  2.  49.  86.     Tercnoe  oopiet  bsTs  '  iltic,'  «hich  miDld  asit   tbc 

isea  tbe  «ord  correctlj.     For  the  deriislion  line  eqnallT  well ;  bat  we  maj  liirlj  c  n  - 

of  the  ward  lee  note  on  '  meherclei,'  Enna-  clude  tliat  the  lees  camnion  word  ia  to  bc 

ehDai.1.33.  prsfBrred.     •  lUi '  ii  aiiDplj  the  old  kM»tive. 

9.  7V  oUeelaili^     8ee  note  on  £un.  i.  3.  bke  '  ibi,'  ■  nbi,'  and  tU  eatii  fbnn>.     See 

IIS.  1101«    OD  Addpbi    i.  S.    Sej    T.   9.   57. 

14.  El  le  lniim  cmtiliiim  eonlmtuie']  '  Preefimto '  il  tbe  ■dTerltiBl  fomi  bjuwct- 

'  SuTeij,  mj  den  Philotia,  I  think  that  jod  ini;  to  the  Qreek  — wc,  *■  '  Goniiiila,'  '  op- 

mnst  often  haTe  longed   for  Athens,  uid  tUo,'  Bic    Tbcre  ii  no  need  tittniotr  to 

hsTe  repeDted  of  jonr  dedsion.'    DoQatai  nipply  'teiDpore'  with  Donatoa.     *Hore* 

iBmarkg  that  the  phrue  '  deslderinm  Athe-  wonld  be  tbe  more  niitiiral  nrord.     '  I  ooold 

Darnm '  ii  ma  A/i^iiia^ia.     He  DieBni,  tbat  talb  onlj  in  Ht  phrwe,  BHd  u  he  lihed.' 

It  may  eithermean  ■Ton  longedfbrAtbeni,'  Tbe   «oit   of  r^men   which  Fhilotia  wbs 

or,  'joa  were    much    miased  at   Athona.'  nnder  may  be  understood   by   companng 

For  the  latter  meBning  we  may  compere  Piautos,  AsinariB,  Act  IT.  Sceoe  2,  where 

Cicero'!  eipresiion :  '■  Bnitns  erat  in  desi-  the  patasile  ia  laring  down  inlea  for  tbe 

derio  cititalii,"  '  Bmtns  was  mucb  Diissed  conduct  of  the  mislress  of  ths  BrBggadaaa 

inthe  city,'  Phil.  i.  7.     But  the  fonner  ig  DiBbolus.      AmoDg  otber  things,  he  ■Bys, 

moat  natnral  here ;  and  tbe  repetition  of  ahe  ii  to  be  exceedingly  i^mrj  of  qmking 

'te '  i)  at  most  b  nntural  emphBsis.     We  to  any  man,  gTen  to  >ny  m^  god.     Thc 

may  compBie  Horace,  Epist.  i.  14.  31,  SSi  fbllowing  linea  are  to  the  point: 

ta  popina  "Talos  ne  cniqnam  hamini  admoreat,  aia 

Qunm  jaciet,  'Te'  nedicat:  nomen  nomi- 
I  do  not  nnd  another  Instance  of  tbe  phrase  net. 

'conlemnere  coniilinm ;'  but  the  meaning         DcBm  inTOCet  nbi  qnam  lub^it  pmpi. 

18.  ^fiiarm  .  .  .  comivitim}    Compu»  Deum    nnUnm.     S   magii   religioaa  fu- 

Heaat  it.  4.  II :  "Apud  eum  milea  Dio-  Terit, 

njsia  agitat,"  and  note.     For   thia  parti-  Tlbi  dicat 

cnUr  phrBse  aee  PUatoa,   Aainaria  t.  1.  pitins." 

Sa.  Sed  pad  ket  utgaii  eri]  Compara 
AndriB  T.  S.  8 :  "  Quid  istie  tiU  u^i 
eat?"  Adelpbi  It.  A.  73;  and  note  on 
BDnnohns  iii.  4.  8, 


ACTUS  I.    BCENA  n.  339 

Hic  intus  BaccluB  ?  quod  ego  nimquam  credidi 
Fore  ut  hac  ille  viya  posset  iminiiiTn  inducere 
trxorem  habere.     Pa.  Habere  autem  ?    Ph.  Eho  tu,  an  non 
habet  ?  35 

Pa.  Habet :  sed  firmae  bae  vereor  ut  eint  nuptiae. 
Ph.  Ita  Di  Deaeque  faxint,  si  in  rem  eat  Bacchidis. 
Sed  qni  ietuc  credam  ita  esae  ?  dic  mihi,  Parmeno. 
Pa.  Non  est  opus  prolato :  hoc  percontarier 
Desiste.     Ph.  M^empe  ea  cauaa,  ut  ne  id  fiat  palam.  30 

Its  me  Di  amabuat,  haud  propterea  te  rogo 
Ut  hoc  proferam,  sed  ut  tacita  mecum  gaudeam. 
Pa.  Nunquam  dices  tam  commode  ut  tergum  meum 
Tuam  in  fidem  committam.     Ph.  Ah  noli,  Farmeno ; 
Quaai  ta  non  multo  malia  narrare  hoc  mihi  36 

Quam  ego  quae  percontor  scire.     Pa.  Vera  haec  praedicat ; 
£t  illud  mihi  yitiimi  est  «wftTinniiTT;      gi  mihi  fidem 
Das  te  tacituram,  dicam.     Ph.  Ad  ingenium  redis. 
Fidem  do :  loquOTe.     Pa.  Aueculta.     Ph.  latic  «um. 

24.  Animtiiit  ijtduetrt  lutorem  hahtTt^  at '  autcm'  cantiaaaUr  occan. 

■  AnimDin  itidDcats '  is  ■  Ter;  commoD  idiDm  27.  Ila    Di  Deetfve  /(urinl']      For  Ihe 

orTereDCe,  uii)  ia  lued  in  TArinugwiiyi ;  (1)  (brm  '  fuint '   >ee  note   on  Andris  iv.  4. 

with  «n  iDflnitiye  following,  u  here.     Com-  13. 

ptfe   Andri»  t,    1.    16:    "  Oro  ut  ne   illis  29.    Nm   ttl    aput  jmlato]      ■  It   will 

aoiaiaDi  indDcu  credere."    EDaDchas  iii.  neTer  do  for  tbe  msller  to  get  wiod.'    For 

2.  37  :  "  QdI  huic  4DimuDi  usentari  inriDi-  tiie  senie  we  Tsa/j  compare  Adelphi  iiL  S. 

em."    In  Hei^  n.  2.  27  :  "  Nod  tute  in-  41  :  "  Nanc  ai  hoc  palun  proFerimut  iUe 

we  liBTe  •  tlight  TuiBtioD  of  the  phr»e,  12)  "JB  :  "  Hoc  ego  prorerre  incommodum  milu 
with  ao  objectiTa  cUnse  fbllowing,  ai  in  eBne  Brbitror."  For  the  conatraction  of  tb« 
HeGyraii.S.  2S  :  "  Qoae  didi  omnia  esM  at  claoBe  compBre 'opnsfacto  eaaet,' AndriBiil. 
diciB  anininDi  induco."  Compuv  H«sat.  2.  19;  'parato  opas,'  iii.  3.  43;  'tadto 
ProL  46.  Andria  IT.  3.  0.  Hecjra  ii.  3.  eat  opni,  Adclphi  iii.  2.  44 ;  '  mnacurao 
4.  8e«  indei  to  tbe  phrues  of  Tereuce.  apns  eet,'  Hecjn  iii.  4.  17)  aiid  Dole  oa 
Goero  lueB  theee  phraaea  frequentlj.     8ee     iT.  4.  43. 

Potoellini.  37.  El  illud  mihi  vilrBm  ttl  nuuriraum] 

2&.  Haiere  imltm  ;]  '  To  biTe  a  irire,  Philotie  had  said,  '  Don't  speak  in  that  waj, 
do  yon  saj  ?'  '  Aatem  '  ia  aometimes  uaed  Parmeno.  As  if  jaa  were  not  much  roora 
ID  queitions  to  correct  a  previou)  atate-  aniionB  ta  tell  me  Ihii,  than  I  wbo  ask  jron 
ment.  Compare  Cicero,  Ad  Atticum  T.  13  :  am  to  know  it.'  'Quite  true,'  anawen 
"  Quid  in  Repnblica  ast;  fiat  autem  >  imo  PBrmeno;  'and  that  ia  mj  greateat  fsDlt. 
Tcro  ettam  qoid  faturum  ait  perscrihe  ad  Sa  if  jou  will  promiae  to  keep  it  qniet,  I 
me  omnis."  LlTy  iii,  44:  '■  PBrum  eat  will  tell  you.'  Serranl»  of  coarae are alwayi 
qnod  Sioliam  ademit,  nisi  adimat  etiam  nnabla  to  keep  Cheir  maateTa'  ■ecrets.  For 
Hiapaniam  :  et,  ai  inde  cesaeio,  ia  Africam  '  ad  ingeniam  redis,'  '  now  jau  are  yoanejf 
'  "     *"  '  '       '       .--.■.--      — lin,'  oompare  Adelphi  i.  1. 46:  "  Si  ape- 

fore  clam,  rnraum  ad  ingeninm  redit," 
and  for  ■  istic  aum,'   ■  1  am   attending   to 
-  Qnaal  non  noris,  temptatnm  ad-    joa,'  note  on  Andria  i.  2.  15.     In  t.  38 
there  is  another  reading,  ■povcmter,'  bnt 
the  teit  g^Tea  the  b«(t  aeufe. 



Pa.  Hano  Baccliidem 
Amabat  nt  quum  maxime  tom  Pamphilufi 
Qumn  pater  uxorem  ut  ducat  orare  occipit : 
Et  haec  communia  omnium  quae  eunt  patrum, 
Seae  aenem  esse,  dicere,  illim  autem  unicum ; 
Praesidium  velle  se  senectuti  suae. 
Hle  primo  se  negare  :  aed  poetquam  acrius 
Pater  instat,  fecit  animi  ut  incertus  foret 
Pudorine  anne  amori  obsequeretur  magis. 
Tundendo  atque  odio  denique  efTecit  senez : 
Despondit  ei  gnatam  hujus  vicini  proximi. 
TTsque  illud  visum  est  Pamphilo  neutiquam  grave, 
Donec  jam  in  ipsis  Qnptiis,  poatquam  yidet 
Farataa,  nec  moram  ullam  quin  ducat  dori, 
Ibi  demum  ita  aegre  tulit  ut  ipsam  Bacchidem, 
Si  adesaet,  credo  ibi  ejus  commiseresceret. 
Ubicumque  datum  erat  spatium  solitudinis, 
Ut  colloqui  mecum  una  posset ;  "  Parmeno, 
Perii :  quid  ego  egi  ?  in  quod  me  conjeci  mabim  P 
Non  potero  hoc  ferre,  Parmeno :  perii  miser." 
Ph.  At  te  Di  Deaeque  perduint  cum  isto  odio  Lacbe. 

40.  Ut  qaum  rniuntiu']    '  PsmphUiu  irM  09.    SpaHunt  MiidufiKit]      ■  Wlmmec 

u  atroDgly  attKched  Co  Bacckis  ta  he  ever  aa  opportnaity  vu   Kivan   him  of  Iwing 

wu,  when  his  hther  begaa  to  beseech  bim  aloDe,  that  he  conld  talk  to  me.'     '  Spa- 

\a  mtirj,'     We  more  commonlj  meet  with  tium  '  originiHj  "u  applied  to  tfae  rece- 

the  abbreTvated  phnse,  '  qaam  maiime,'  aa  conrae,  or  aToOtev  \  in  whi^  Benae  it  wis 

in  Andris  t.  1.4.    8ee  tbe  note.  used  in  larioaa  phrasaa  :  Ke  note  on  Add- 

48.  TVndmdo  atqut  odiol     '  By  dinning  phi  t.  4.  6.     ThenM  it  passed  to  the  notica 

it  into    hi*  ears,   and  bj   importunitj,   at  of  *  space  of  time.     Compaie  'tmnpB:),' 

laat  the  oid  man  gained  hia  point.'     'Tan.  note  on  AndriB  iii.  3.  38.     Terence  xan  it 

Ao  '  ii  bere  oied  aa  '  obtundo  '  in  Andria  ii.  here  and  in  other  placea  with  the  implied 

2.  II;  aee  note.    Compare  PlautuB,  Poenn.  aeuBe  of  a  ■  respite  '  or  ■  delsT-'     See  iiL  3. 

lui   i.    3.    2ft  ;    '■  PergiB  aareg    lundere  ?"  14:  "  Nam  neque  ot  celari  posset  tempM 

Cicso  givea  u9  a  proverb,  "  Si  quem  plsDS  Bpntiom  ullum  dabat,"  and  Phormio  i*.  4. 

rndem  inatitai  ad  dicendum  relim,  hia  po-  i!l : 

enilem  diem  noctemqDe  tundentibns "  (De  *,Jjj       ^                           ^'                    ' 

0„ioreB.S9)  ■  y,^      ,»mSondi    d.bit.,     p.ol.- 

aay  and  night.'     lu  Eunuchoa  m.  1.   14:  lum  ' 
■'  Negoti    ai   quando   odium    ceperal,"    we 

havB  '  odiam '  in  the  acnge  af  '  weariness ;'  In  otber  pueages  it  has  the  aimple  noliaD 

seenote.      Uere  we  ha*e  the  actire  side  of  Dftime.    See  Andiia  i.  2.  II,  and  iii.  6.  17. 

the  Bsme  notion,  '  weariBOme  importunity.'  fi?.  /n  guod  me  eonjrei  melum  /]     bce 

Compare  Plautag,  Arinaria  il.  4.  40 :  "  Perii  nole  on  Andris  iii.  4.  23 ;  and  iv.  1.  42. 

hercle,   hie  jam    me   abegerit   soo    odio."  69.  Al  te  Di  Dmtgue yerdniitl  cum  ittt 

Phormio  v.  6.  9  :    ■' Pergit  berde?  nan-  odio']     'MBythegods  and  goddesses  c»D- 

qoam  tu  odio  tao  me  vinccB."  fonnd  you  with  yonr  importunity,  l^ctift-' 

"'   '     '         ' 'ereMCeret'\      Compare  See  noleo  on  ADdiia  iv.  1 .  48,  «id  HeaoC 
iT.  6.  6. 

ACTUS  I.    SCENA  U.  341 

Pa.  Vt  ad  pauca  redeam,  uxorem  deducit  domum.  60 

Nocte  illa  prima  Tirgiuom  non  attigit ; 

Quae  consecuta  est  nox  eam,  nihilo  magis. 

Ph.  Qnid  ais  ?  cnm  Tirgine  una  adoleacens  cubuerit 

FluB  potus,  illa  se  abatincre  ut  potuerit  ? 

Jfon  Terisimile  dicis  ;  nec  Tenun  arbitror,  65 

Pa.  Credo  ita  Tideri  tibi ;  nam  nemo  ad  t«  Tenit 

Nisi  cupiena  tui :  ille  inTitufi  illam  duxerat. 

Ph.  Quid  deinde  fit  P     Pa.  Diebua  sane  pauculiB 

Poat  Famphilus  me  solum  seducit  foras ; 

Narratque  ut  Tirgo  ab  se  integra  etiam  tnm  siet ;  70 

Seque  ante  quam  eam  uxorem  duxisset  domum 

Sperasse  eas  tolerare  posse  nuptias : 

"  Sed  quam  decrerim  me  non  posse  diutius 

Habere,  eam  ludibrio  haberi,  Parmeno, 

Quin  integram  itidem  reddam  ut  accepi  ab  suis,  76 

Keque  honestum  mihi,  neque  utile  ipsi  Tirgini  est." 

Ph.  Pimn  ac  pudicum  ingenium  narraa  Pamphili. 

Pa.  "  Hoc  ego  proferre  incommodum  mihi  ease  arbitror ; 

Beddi  patri  autem  cui  tu  Tiihjl  dicas  Titi, 

Superbum  est.     Sed  illam  spero  nbi  hoc  cognoTerit,  80 

Non  posse  se  mecum  esse,  abituram  denique." 

Ph.  Quid  intereaP  ihatne  ad  Bacchidem  P    Pa.  Quotidie. 

Sed,  nt  fit,  poetquam  hunc  alienum  ab  sese  Tidet, 

Maligna  multo  et  magis  procas  facta  ilico  est. 

00.  UTerem  dtdxteit  domum]   Tbe  brlde  '  proferra '  in  the  precedSng  line  >ee  note  on 

Wk*  coaducted  \o  her  hiubuid'i  boaae  at  i.  39  ftbave. 

nightrBll.     On  the  diFereDce  betneen  tha  S4.  MaligHa  tMtlto  tt  ■megit  proeax  fac- 

Greek  *Dd  Roiniui  ob^mncei  in  niarriagBi  ta  iiico  «1]       '  He  nHted    Bscchia  everr 

Kfl  tbe  Didionary  o(  Antiqnitiss,  '  Hstri-  day,       But    u    it  JB    natnral,    when    ihe 

monium.'     Terence's  iBngnage  is  ao  gene-  nw  him  attacbnl  to  ani>t(ieT  and  withdrawn 

nl  that  we  need  not  inquire  whicb  cera-  from  henelf,  <he  becadie  at  once  (ar  niare 

monies  he  is  allnding  to.     '  Dedudt '  need  chary  of  ber  faTOora,  aod  more  gruping.' 

oot  imply  necesearilir  that  the  bridegroom  'Malignns'  is  often  niwd  in  tha  senae  of 

eacorted  hia  bride  himself.  'niggwUy,'  'acanty.'  as  opposed  to  '  be- 

B9.   Ue  tolum  ttdueitforat]     '  He  takea  nignu«,'    '  bonutiful.'       Compwv    Plantua, 

me  apart  out  of  doora  bj  mf  self.'    'Seduco'  Baccbides  iii.   2.    17:    "  Jnstns,   injnrtni ; 

is  here  nHd  in  itaoriginal  sense.     Compare  nuligno*,    lugui;    commodns,    incommo. 

Plantna,   Annaria  ii.    9.  95;    "  Nam    me  dui."     Horaee,  C^nn.  j.  28.  23  : 

ho^  .enei  sedniit  »lum  aeoramn  ab  aedi-  ..  ^j  tn,   nauta,  vagae  ne  parc»  malignai 

79.  Rtddi  palri  mlem]     '  Bnt  to  ha*a 

a  girl  sent  back  to  her  bther,   with  whom 

joa  ean  find  Qo  fanlt,  iaontngeoni.'    Soma  ^.     ,,     . 

commentators  explain  bers  that  Phidippn»  '•'plj  Aen.  ti.  ; 

ia  the  father  spoken  of ;  but  ic  is  merel;  ■  "  Qiule  per  ioo 

■tatem^nt  of  a  general  piopodtion,  as  tbe  ligna 

form  of  the  lentence  dearlj  ihowi.    On  Bat  iter  in  lili 


842  HECYRA. 

Ph.  Non  aedepol  mirum.    Pa.  Atqui  ea  res  molto  maxime  E5 

Disjunxit  iUum  ab  illa,  poetquam  et  ipee  se, 

Et  iUam,  et  lianc  quae  domi  erat,  oognoTit  satie, 

Ad  ezemplum  ambanua  moree  earum  exiatimans. 

Haec,  ita  uti  libarali  eese  ingeoio  decet, 

Pudena,  modcsta ;  incommoda  atque  injurias  90 

Viri  omnes  feire,  et  tegere  contumelias. 

Hic  animns  partim  uxoris  miBericordia 

DevinctuB,  partim  victua  hujua  iajuriis, 

Paulatim  elapsus  eet  Bacchidi,  atque  huc  transtuUt 

Amorem,  poetquam  par  ingenium  nactus  eet.  g& 

Interea  in  Imbro  moritur  cognatuB  senex 

Homnce :  ea  ad  boe  redibat  lege  bereditas. 

£0  amantem  invitum  Pamphilum  extrudit  pater. 

Belinquit  cum  matre  hic  uxorem ;  nam  senex 

Hus  abdidit  se ;  huo  raro  in  urbem  oommeat.  100 

Ph.  Quid  adhuc  habent  infirmitatis  nuptiae  P 

Pa.  Nunc  audiea.     Frimo  dies  complusculos 

Bene  conveniebat  sane  inter  eas.     Interim 

Miris  modifi  odifise  ooepit  Soetratam : 

N^eque  litce  ullae  inter  eas,  postulatio  105 

FoT  '  procai '  we  Dote  oo  Heiat.  ii.   1.  PHmphilai  went,  uid  kfl  hU  wife  «illi  tu* 

IS.  inother,    SostrBt^      His   fttber    kavm  no- 

W.  Ad  exemylim  amfairtnn]     'Thit,'  Ihinr  (^  the  >t»te  of  alTsin  between  bis  wifa 

nyi  Pannena,  'wu  bf  lar  the  most  im-  SDd  ber  dsitghta^-in-lRW,  fbr  he  ahat  hii 

pinlsnt  thing  thstestrHRged  him  iVom  her;  self  up  in  his  tvm,  xad  seldom   came 

qaunted  botb  with  ber,  and  witb  hia  wife  100  mny  be  compued  with  (ScCTO,  Ad  Fui. 

■thome,  and  fDrmed  bis  opinion  of  tbrar  liii.   39:    "  Itaque   D.bdidit  u  in   iatinu; 

cbuBcten  b;  the  spedmen  wbich  thej  botb  Hacedoniam."     Xp^irra/iai  i>  nsed  in  tl 

gaTe  of  them.'     '  Eiemplum  '  ngn.i6et  pro-  •ame  -nj,  M  in  a  fpble  of  Bsbriiu,  ▼.  4 

perlj  'sumple,'  >ometbing  taken  from  >  lcpuirrfr' «(au  jaiviiiv,  '  ba  went  into 

larga  qiuntitj.     Ila  derivation  ia  nncer-  comcr  of  the  hooae  to  hide  himtelf.*     " 

tain ;  bat  thU  from  '  eiimo '  aeeoiB  mott  '  commeo '  tee  note  ou  iti   * 

nktm^l,  thongb  some  tike  it  u  from  '  ei  'oammeto'  HeauL  iii.  1.  Sfi. 
■mplo,'     Cicero  givee  ■  good  initance  of  it>         105.    PBatvtalia    mnqtunkl       '  Sostrata 

lileral  nse.     "  Si  acervos  m  dicant  tritici  ind  ber  daughtcr-in-law  did  not  come  lo  mi 

hnbere,  et  eorum  exemplum  pugno  non  b&-  open  quurel,  nor  was  tbere  erer  anj  dii- 

beint,"    Anct.  ad   Herenninm  iv.  6.       In  puto  between  tbero.'     Vr'e  Gnd  '  postnlBtio  ' 

this  sense  it  a  used  here.     Tbe  ordlnarr  in  Chla  stnse  io  PlautDS,  Bacchides  m.  3. 

Dse  of  tbe  word  requires  no  eiplaoatioD.  45 ;  "  Acris  postulatia  baec  est,  qaum  Im. 

For  olher  phrases  in  Terence  see  noCes  joa  dicta  intelligo."  See  alao  Casina  iii.  S. 

on  Eunachiis  v.  4.  23,  aod  Adelphi  i.  2.  26.      Pnim  the  conneiion  of  '  lites '  and 

27-  '  postulatio  '  in  this  line  we  ma;  coDctude 

97-  Ea  ad  hat  rtdihat  ttge  htrtiilial  that  the  latler  word  wu  purposely  intio- 

See  note  on  Andria  iv.  0.  4.     Inthefollow-  duced   witb  referenoe  to   ita   forensic   nie. 

ing  line  '  eitmdit '  is   Dsed  to  thow  that  '  Postnlatio  '   was  a  vrnrd  nsed  in  rdigiims 

I^ches  had  some  dilBcDltT  in  persDsding  litea  in  the  sense  of 'an  eipiatory  BUrifice.' 

Pamphilus  Co  leave  his  wite,  now  tbat  be  and  in  law  it  ii  uied  in  the  sense  of  '  an 

was  becoming  attacbed  to  her.     However,  applicalioti  for  leBva  lo  brinf  an  adioii.* 

ACTtlS  I.    SGENA  U.  343 

Nimquam.     Ph.  Quid  igitur  P     Pa.  Si  quando  ad  eam  accea- 

Confabulatum,  Aigere  e  couspectu  ilico ; 
Videre  noUe :  denique,  ubi  non  quit  pati, 
Simulat  86  a  matre  arcessi  ad  rem  diviuam :  abit. 
TJbi  illic  est  dies  complures,  arcesfii  jubet :  1  iq 

Oixeie  cauaam  tunc  nescio  quam  :  it«rum  jubet : 
Nento  remifit.     Poetquam  arcessiuit  eaepius, 
Aegram  esse  simulant  mulierem.     Nostra  ilico 
It  risere  ad  eam :  admisit  nemo.     Hoc  ubi  senex 
Reecivit,  heri  ea  causa  rure  huc  advenit :  I  is 

Patrem  continuo  convenit  Fhilunienae. 
Quid  egerint  xater  se  nondum  etiam  scio ; 
Nm.  sane  curae  eet  quorsum  eTenturum  hoc  aiet. 
Habes  omnem  rem :  porgam  quo  coepi  hoc  iter. 
Ph.  Et  quidem  ego :  nam  constitui  cum  quodam  bospite     120 
Me  esse  illum  conTenturam.     Pa.  Di  Tertant  bene 
Quod  agas.     Ph.  Vale.     Pa.  Et  tu  bene  Talc,  Philotium. 

Forcellini  qnotea  &on]   Plinj,  Ep.  t.    14:  IIS.  Beititil']     'Readao)'  ii  a  vord  in 

"  PromisiBcHptuniminelibiquem  hHbui9Bet  freqacnt  <ue  witk   Terence,    (iid  in   moet 

erentuTn  postulBtia  Nepolu  dm  Tuscilium  aiet  it  signilieii  'to  diuoTerKimelhing  tblt 

Nominatam."     See  Long^a  nate  on  Cicero,  has  been  amcBaled.'     So  here  lAchea  hsd 

InC.  Verremtl  2.4.   Donatoa  diatinguishes  been  i^oraat  Df  the  state  of  aiFaira  at  bia 

hetween  '  poatulalio  '  nud  '  eiposlulatio,'  in  own  houae.     Out  of  numerous  puaages  we 

the  foUowing  maaner  :  "  Froprie  txpotlti'  nu;  aeloct  Heaut,  ii,  3.  19 : 
lalio  eat  Ipad  illum  ipsum  qui  peccaTBrit: 

pottalalio,  de  illo  ipud  olterum.'  "  Noster  readicet  iHco  asae  imicam  bBDO 

106.  Siq»iaidaadtastacctitrral1  Thfae  Clitiphonis  : 

lines  m  ralber  obscure  (rom  tbe  cbonge  of  Si  >bduieiia,  celdbitiir  itidem  nt  ceUtft 

the  aubject.    'Acce»ierst'  refers  to   Soa-  Bdhnc  eat." 
tnl^    WbeneTcr  3oatrat&  went  to  see  Phi. 

lamena,  tbe  latter  BTOided  her,  and  lii]>l:y  Manj  inatances  majr  be  fonnd  in  tbie  Indei. 

to  escape  her  audety  altogether  ibe  left  her  '  Contenit.'  '  went  to  sae,'  compsrs  '  adeo.' 

hoose  end  went  lo  her  own  mother.     After  For  '  ea  auaa '  aee  note  on  '  e>  grmtiB,'  As- 

!he  had  been  there  aome  daja  Soatrsta  aent  dria  ii.  6.  S. 

for  her.     For  '  ad  rem   diTinam  '  compare  118.  Niii  lant  eurac  n(]   'Idon'tknow 

Eunuchaa  iii.  3.  7,  note.  yet  wbat  baa  puaed  between  them  i  bnt  I 

114.  Jl  vitert  ad  «aml     'Mj    mislres»  «m  certainly  aniioua   to   aes    how  thia  !■ 

goesat  once  tohertopsjboraTisit.'    Tbe  likely  to  end.'     For  ths  uae  of 'niti'  Ma 

infinitiie  is  •ometimea  uaed  for  the  snpine,  note  on  Heant.  t.  2.  6, 

both  «ctiie  and  passiTB.     Compere  Horace,  120.  Contlilui]     See  note  on  Eunnchu 

Carm.  1.2.1:  i-  %  1 3S  ;  and  for  the  foUowiog  wordi  com- 

" OmDS  com  Proteos  prcus  egit  altos  I™'  HcBnt.iT.  4.4: 

Viaere  montes," 
aod  Ars  Foetic*  161  r  "  Cerem  ii 

)  et  conatl- 



La.  Pro  Deum  atque  homumin  Mem,  quod  hoc  genos  est, 

quae  haec  est  conjunitio. 

Utine  onmeB  mulicrcs  eadem  aeque  studeaut,  noliutque  omiiia ; 
Neque  declinatam  quicquam  ab  alianun  ingenio   uUam  re- 

Itaque  adeo  nno  animo  omnee  Bocrus  oderunt  nurus : 

AcT  11.   ScENE  I.   LaRbes  Kcuiea  h)s  "  Qiuedain  Terboram  lignne  puilaiD  Gpiris 

«ife  af  haTiiig  niade  PhilaiDenB  so  nretcbed  «enteDtionim  declinintnr." 

bf  ber  ill-teropeT  uid  baraboeu  tbat  abe  4,  Ilaque  adeo  .  .  .  odamnl  mmt}   Tbi^ 

hu  been  obligal  to  leBve  her  house.    '  It  is  Bimple  line  hu  occuioned  Cbe  greitMt  per- 

klvkys  tbe  ume,' he  iBy», 'mothersin-law  pleiity  to  commentabin.     Doostui  iii«elj 

dislike   Iheir      If  I  had  u;9  :    "  Neceswri*  «cnteatiBe   Rft^c^Xin 

btwD  here.  yon  should  bsve  been  aent  pook-  sd  desmbendam  atramqne  peraonun."   Hts 

iag,  aud  she  tbonld  baie  stayed.     And  this  pnpil,  Jerome,  in  commenting  on  Hic^  r. 

i«  the  way  you  rcquite  me  fbr  le»ving  yon  lii.,    says;    "Terentina   in    Kecyn    •  Qui.l 

to  yourwlf,  «nd  working  Lika  »  slave  on  my  hoc   eit,'    inqnit,    'omnei    «ocrin    odemnt 

tana  to  «upport  you  in  idleneae  »t  home.'  nnnn ;'    quod    quanqnBm    Bmbignnm     sil, 

SoBtrati  re)iliee  tb>C  ahe  ia  not  to  bl*me ;  tamen  propemodum  noturale  eet  nt  nniiu 

hut  af  course  ahe  does  not  obtBJn  a  hear-  eocrnm,  et  «octub  oderit  nnrum."     Bentley 

ing.  goea  ttill  rmther,  snd  pronouncei  the  linc 

iTie  Metre  ia  se  followe  j  tt.  !—.•).  5—7-  «purioiiB— f  1)  aa  defidrat  bjone  whole  foot ; 

10—18,  iBmbic  tetrameteri   4.  8,  9.    '"     '"^  --  — ' — -■  '"'  "  ' — ".).•—»  — ;*>. 

iBmbic   trimeler ;    30-45,    trochaic    ( 
meCer  CBtsIectic. 

1.  Quad  kae  jmu»  at,  qvat  haec  ril  fon-  male  hic  repenCe  Bccuiantnr  »ofn«.  Atqne 
juralia']     'What  a  >et  it  i>!  what  s  con-  >i  omaium   eat  idem    ■tadium,   qnt    lit  ut 

■pirBcy  there  is  among  them  1     Would  you  nunu  et  toci-iu  tantopere  inter  ee  discre- 

not  tlunk  that  all  women  hsTe  prediely  the  pent?"      Bnt   Ihia   ia  critidsm    nm    niBd- 

same  likessnd  dislikes  ?  Norcan  yonfindsny  Terence^B  ides  is  very  nmple — {I)  '  Women 

one  Chat  swerrea  ia  the  lessC  Trom  the  gene-  are  all  alike  ;  and  bo  aU  mothen-in-lBir  hate 

tal  character.     And  bo  sll  mothera-in-law  their   dBughters-in-Uw.'     Ic  is   merely  an 

by  one  cauBent  hate  th^  deughtera  .in-lair.  inBtance  of  the  general  agreement  of  iroinen 

They  sre  all  determiaed  to  oppoBe  their  hua-  in  wbat  ii  bsd  ;  and  it  is  impouibie  to  per- 

bscds  )  they  are  all  equally  obBtinBte.  Tbey  ceive  any  discrepanc;  betweeu  this  geiteral 

all  aeem  to  me  ta  be  taugfat  miBchief  in  one  statemeat — ^notoF  couth  meantto  be  press- 

Bchool ;  Bnd  I  am  Bure  that  if  auch  a  ecbool  ed,  as  Bentley  prouieB  it,  into  Bn  Bbsolule 

eiisCs,  tny  wife  bere  u  ita  mistress.'  tmireml— and  the  more  particolar  one  that 

2.  Uline  onaitt'}  ThiB  >i  the  reading  of  haCe  their  dBnghten-ia-law. 
Ihe  Codei  Bembinua  snd  of  the  VictoHnuB.  (8)  As  fbr  the  li/i^i^ia  «hich  all  thive 
Bentley  woold  slter  it  ta  '  ntne.'  But  the  commentstors  insist  on,  it  is  a  men  phan. 
metre  requircs  the  longer  word  at  tbe  com-  tom  of  thoir  own.  The  pmnt  is  not  tbe 
mencement  af  the  line.  Tbe  penultims  of  mutnal  feeling  of  motheis  sod  dBnghters-in- 
'utine'  is  long.  'Mnlieres'  is  a  disijllable  law  towBrda  one  Baother;  bot  thefediag  of 
here.  For  '  BtudeBat '  foUowed  by  Uie  ac-  motben  to  danghlers,  which  is  inssted  on 
cuiBtive  aee  nole  on  Andris  i.  1.  32.  thronghaut  the  whole  scene.    (3)  The  ob- 

3.  /)Fc'in<itani]  Tlie  word  UlerBlly  means  jeetion  on  the  score  of  metie  is  wilbont 
'  tumed  siide  ;'  cocnpare  "  Modo  eliam  ground.  ThiB  Terse  is  an  iambic  tiimeter, 
(iBulum  sd  deiteram  de  via  decliitaTi  ut  as  are  rr.  8,  9,  and  19.  WeiBe  is  cotaunlj 
ad  Pericli  sepulcmm  accederem."  Cicero,  rigbt  in  maldng  '  socms' a  monosyllBble,  as 
De  Pinibus  v.  3.  Here  it  haa  the  senae  of  is  the  case  with  many  simUBr  words  in 
■difiering,'  'tnmed  aaide  ttom.'  The  word  Tereace.  On  thia  aobject  ne  the  IntradiH- 
is  osed  by  QuinctiliBn  in  the  aame  tenae :  tioa. 

;   4.  8,  9. 




trochaic   ( 

the  con 


'  Nsm  cum  crimen  aliquod 


ACTUS  II.    SCENA  I.  345 

Viria   esae  odTeraaa   aeque  Btudium   eet ;   aiimlis  pertinacia 

est;  a 

In  eodemqiie  onmee  mihi  videDtur  lado  doctae  ad  nutUtiam. 
Ei  ludo,  si  ullus  est,  magistram  hauc  esae  satia  certo  acio. 
80.  Me  miBeram,  quae  nunc  quamobrem  accueer  neecio.     JJa, 

Tu  neecia  ?    So.  Non,  ita  me  Di  bene  amont,  mi  Lache. 
Itaque  una  inter  noe  agere  aetstem  liceat.     La.  Di  mola  pro- 

hibeant.  10 

8o.    Meque  abs  te  immerito  eaae  aocusatam  poetmodum  re- 

scificee.     La.  Scio. 
Te  immerito?  an  quicquam  pro  istis  factis  dignum  te  dici 

Qoae  me  ct  to  et  familiam  dedecoras,  filio  luctum  paras  f 
Tum  autem  ex  amicis  inimici  ut  aint  nobis  affines  facie  ; 
Qui  illum  decrerunt  dignum  suos  cui  liberos  committerent.    1  s 
Tu  sola  exorere  quae  perturbes  haec  tua  impudentia. 
80.  Egone  ?    La.  Tu,  inquam,  mulier  quae  me  omnino  lapi- 

dem  non  hominem  putas. 
An,  quia  mri  crebro  esse  eoleo,  nescire  arbitramini 
Quo  quisqoe  pacto  hic  vitam  Testrarum  exigat  ? 
Multo   melius  hic   quae  fiunt  quam  ilUc   ubi   stun  assidue 

acio:  30 

Ideo,  quia,  ut  tos  mihi  domi  eritis,  proinde  ego  ero  &ma 


6.  Doetat  admaliliam]  Compan  Heaut.  qnam  in  eqnuleo  appella»  noa  poaaat,  enm 

n.  3.  120:  "  Perdocta  est  pnbe  ;"  PlBntna,  BCcuset  Bolutns."     It  seams  better  to  keep 

Hile*  Glor.  ii.  2.  106 :  "  Docts  tibi  ilknc  to  the  gimpler  idea,  '  orise  uueipectedlf .' 
petdoctBm  dabo."  17.  Lepida»']     See  note  on  Heaot.  it. 

IB.  Snot  CHi  libtn»  coviBiUtrrmi']  'AdA  7.3. 
beodee  tlut,  joa  mske  our  neighbDun  ene-         19.  (iuitipu  .  .  .  vetlraruin]   Thje  ii  tbe 

mie»  mBtead  of  fnendi,   after  thof  biTe  resding  of  tbe  Bembine  edition.   The  gene- 

thoOBht  lay  eon  vortlij  of  bdng  entruBted  rality  of  copies  hiTe  '  Testrorum,'  and  Bent- 

Tiith  a  chUd  of  thdn,'     The  lnDguage  Is  lej  uj> :    "  Retine  Tulgare  reiirorum,  ut 

genenl,    Bod  «re  need    not   eappDse   thnt  ntnimqne  aeiam  iatelligBS."    But  tbe  point 

*  liijflrae  '  ie  here  niied  preciwlj  bb  Bn  eqai-  wbich  LBchen  ii  presBing  is  tbis, — tbBt  sl- 

vdent  to  '  PbilamenBm.'     IC  is  b  genenl  thongh  he  goea  BOsy  to  the  conntrr  and 

word  for  >  otbpring,'  Tritbant  reference  ta  IsBTes  tlie  women  ilone  st  bome,  ;et  he 

numbef  or  eex.     See  nate  dd  AndriB  t.  3.  knows  how  the;  are  conducting  tliemselTeB 

SO.      PoT  '  oommitterent '   compare  HeBot.  in  his  abseDCe.     Men  are  not  in  Ihe  qaes- 

iT.  3.  30 :  "  Nam,  dnm  smicam  hanc  moBm  tion  ot  bU  ;  Bnd,  if  we  mnit  be  B)  literal  ai 

ease  credet,  non  committet   filism,"   and  Beatler,  PBmpbilui  wu  STraj  at  Imbn» 

not«.     tn  ihe  Ibllowing  line  '  exorere '  has  when  this  bappcned.  '  Quisque '  and  similar 

tbe  aenie,  '  Yon  done  itart  up  to  throw  words  are  us«l  wirli  reference  to  feniBlea ; 

erer;  thing  into  confusion  bj  jour  Bhamefal  Bce  noCe  on  Ecnucha*  ii.  3  82.    Por  '  Tea- 

Gondnet,'       DonstnB    *bji    "  Terbum    lioe  tnram' aee  note  on  Eunuchns  iT.  4.  10. 
impndentiBm  oolat;"  and  he  quotea  from         81.  Idto,  qtiia  . .  ■forft']   Laches  bbjb,  'I 

Ciccro,  Deiot.  I :  "  Exortns  est  serrnB  qni  know  what  goes  on  here  far  bettar  UiMt 



Jampridem  eqaidiem  andlvi  ocfHflBe  odiam  toi  Pbilamenam ; 
Minhneqne  adeo  mirom ;   et  ni  id  fecdsset  magiB  minun  foret. 
Sed  noD  credidi  adeo  nt  etiam  totam  hanc  odisaet  dommn : 
Qood  a  acifieem,  illa  liic  moneFet  potins,  tn  hinc  issee  fotas.  S5 
At  vide  qnam  immerito  aegritudo  haec  oritnr  mihi  abs  te, 

Rdb  habitatnm  abii,  ooncedenjB  Tobia  et  rei  Beryieos ; 
SaintujB  vestroe  otiomqne  nt  noetra  lee  poeaet  pati, 
Meo   lahori   haod  parcens,  ^TOetet  aeqnum  atque  aetatem 

TUon  te  pro  his  curasae  rehns  ne  qnid  aegre  esset  mibi  P  30 

So.  Non  mea  opera  neqne  pol  culpa  evemt.     La.  Imo  max- 

Sola  hic  fuieti ;  in  te  onmis  haeret  culpa  sola  Sostrata. 
Quae  hic  erant  curaree,  qaum  ego  tos  solTi  curis  caeteris. 
Gnm  puella  annm  soscepisse  inimicitiafi  non  padet  P 
Hlius  dicee  oulpa  &u;tum.     iSo.  Haud  equidem  dioo,  mi  La- 

che.  35 

Im.  Ctaudeo,  ita  me  Di  ament,  gnati  causa ;  nam  de  te  qni- 

Batis  scio  peccando  detrimenti  nihil  fieri  potest. 

wbst  gon  on  there,  «here  T  ■l*a;rfl  hm ;  nad  '  Ooght  jov  Dot,  ID  Tetnni  tor  tU  Uus,  to 

I  take  ore  to  do  thu  becBuae,  joet  u  yan  bsTe  takeD  cwa  that  DothiDg  ■honld  «ddo* 

behne  aC  bome,  ki  I   ■hall    be  esteemed  me?'  Tba  ellipse  u  eujly  DndeTStoad.  PerlR 

■broBd.'     Perlet  comperes  iii.  3.  11,  uid  ia  comparea  Andria  ir.  3.   1 :    "  Nihilne  etne 

of  caime  followed  by  Hickie ;  buC  that  ia  ■  propriDm  euiqu&m  ? "  bat  that  i«  nther  i 

differeQt  coQstniction.     Wich   tbe  present  different  conslractian.     'Itwssnot  by  my 

ooaitractionof 'inm' with  tbe^blativecom-  doing  or  bj  my  <atUt  tbkt  it  bappeued,'  nji 

pare  Cicero,  De  Ontore  ii.  IB;  "Quod  ejoi  SoAnta.     'Yes   it  w^i   entirelj,'   mnswen 

nomen  ent  msgna  apad  omnea  glorik."  Lachea.      'Imo'  hen  direcclj  contiwlii» 

36,  7\i  Ainc  iHei/DraiJ      Some  ■uppose  the  preceding  aeDteuce.    See  note  oa  Andria 

■Q  aUnHon  here  bi  ■  formnla  of  dl*oroe ;  iii.  6.  12. 

Bod  we  certainlj  Gnd  a  ■imilar  phrua  in  38.  JVrnn  dt  It  gtiidtm']     '  I  am  iJad  of 

Jnvenal  vi.  146 :  that  ror  mj  Bon^s  uke ;  for,  u  for  jonrKlf, 

"  ■  Collige  wdnnlaa,'  dieet  libertoa,   '  et  ""  ^"°^  »"  ^  ■'"f"/"  J"'  "'  '^'■' 

^ .  Yonr  cbaracter  u  h>  bwl,  tbat  jon  annot 

Jam  ^TiaeinoWaet  .«T»  emongeria;  -«" '"»k«  it  i-™ i  hut  jour  »on'a  wife  ha. 

^^1°                                    '^            ^  ■  choncter  to  loae.     Thia  aeem*  the  moit 

Odn.   et   proper»!    aicco    venit   altera  "™ple  «phination.      »o"tu»   .!»>   aaji, 

ntutn  '"  Yoar  hulta  are  to  maoj  tbat  one  more  or 

'  len  will  make  no  difference ;'   bnt  thil  it 

and  Martial  xi.  104.  1 :  forced.      '  Detrimentum  '  ii  properlj  thal 

"Uior,   vade   foras,   .ut    moribn.   ulere  "bich  mclria  loae  bj  ■ttrition.     FMoelliui 

noBtro  "  quotes  on  ulaatratiTB  puaage   frani  Apa. 

leioa,  Metun.  vi. :  "  Cama  limae  tenuaotti 

The  proper  formDla  o(  divorce  wonld  have  detrimento  conapicuui,  et  ipsiDa  auri  damaa 

been    ''Tuai  rea   tibi   habeto  '  or   '  ik>Io-'  pretioiaai"  Henceit  pBSaea  into  tbegeneni 

See  Dictionarj  of  Antiquitiea,  '  Divortium.'  ■enae  of  '  danuge,'  '  loaa.'     Compare  itote 

30.  Non  It  pro  hit  curattt  rtbia  ifa.'\  OD  '  inlertrimenlum  '  Ueut.  iii.  ).  39. 

ACT1J8  II.    80ENA  II.  347 

So.  Qoi  Bcis  an  ea  caufia,  mi  tIt,  me  odiase  aaeuoulaTerit 

TJt  cam  matre  plus  un&  easet  ?    La.  Qnid  ais  ?  non  aigni  hoc 

sat  eet, 
Qood  heri  nemo  Toltilt  Tiseiiteni  ad  eam  te  intro  admit- 

tereP  40 

So.  Knim  laaaam  oppido  tnm  esse  aibant :  eo  ad  eam  non  ad- 

mJBsa  sum. 
Im.  Tnoa  esse  ego  illi  moree  morbum  magis  qoam  ullam  aliam 

rem  arbitror ; 
Et  merito  adeo  ;  nam  Teetrarum  nulla  eet  quin  gnatum  velit 
Ducere  uzorem ;  et  quae  Tobie  placita  eet  conditio  datur. 
Ubi  duzere  impulen  Testro,  Teetro  impulmi  easdem  ezigunt.  49 


FUiniFPUS.       LA.CHES.       SOSTBATA. 

Ph.  Etai  Bcio  ego,  PhOumena,  meum  jue  eeee  ut  te  cogam 
Quae  ego  imperem  facere ;  ego  tamen  patrio  animo  Tictus 

Ut  tibi  concedam ;  neqne  tuae  libidini  adTeraabor. 
La.  Atque  cccum  Fhidippum  optime  Tideo :  ex  hoo  jam  ecibo 

quid  sit. 

41.  Snimlauamoppido  lum  eaeaibtmQ  Acrll.  Sckkb  II.   Phidipptu,  the  htbei 

FoT  tbe  positioD  of  '  enioi '  compare  Ftior-  of  PhilumenB,  joina  Lachea  aod  Sostrata. 

mio  T.  7-  W  :  "  Enini  raliu  uequeo  ;"  eee  He  ipeaka  to  h^  dBOKhter  u  he  kavea  the 

DOte.    liaatDi,  Aalnlaria  iii.  6.  3fl :  "  Eaim  boose,  Bnd  eipreasea  hia  intenttou  of  letting 

mibi   qnidem  sequnm  est  purponm  etqoe  ber  ple«se  berself  as  (o  Btaying  with  her 

anram  dari."     In  mwt  placen  refeired  to  own    motber   or  going    back   to   Soatrata. 

bj  etjmologiats,  the  readiag  ii   doabtrul.  Laches  «arDS  him  that  he  it  allowing  hig 

1n  Locretiiu  Ti.  1276,  7,  which  Forcsllini  pHMl  nature  to  cairy  him  too  far.  and  tbat 

qiiotea,  LachmanD  reada :  he  ia  a  mere  tool  in  the  handa  of  the  womeo. 

"  Noc  iam  rdigio  diftnn  nec  DDmiDamegDi  *"  '°',  !>"  d»"ghter,  if  ehe  h»a  any  thing  to 

Pendebatar    enim:    pni>aeDS    dolor   ei-  ^"P'"",?^*"  ".^"  *?'*•**  "I;^  J?^ 

K..  "  they  conld  clear  themselvea  or  correct  their 

•■P"^  fault  i  and  if  .he  i.  only  i]l,  it  i.  an  injaa- 

See  bis  note  on  iii.  790.     '  That  was  very  tice  to  them  (o  nippoBe  that  she  will  not 

Datnrml,^   Bostrata  meana-     'For  tijey  raid  be  as  well  cared  for  at  their  house  aa  at 

tbat    ahe    waa    exceedingly   tired    at    that  lier  own  hame.     Her  huiband  wili  be  much 

moment;  and  so  1  vaa  not  sdmitted  to  see  leied  if  he  finds  mattera    tbua  wheo  he 

facr.'     For  '  opindo '  aee  DOte  on  Heaat.  iv.  comes  bome.       Phidippus  replies  that  ebe 

2.  2.  Diakea  no  complaint ;  but  onl;  dcclnrea  that 

44.  Quaieabitplaeilatileortditiodaturl  during  the  abseocu  of  Pamphiius   ahc  canno 

'  And  they  make  a  Diatch  to  your  taste.'  atay  at  I«hea' houae ;  and  he  cannot  fbet 

For  '  coDditio '  aee  note  Dn  Andria  i.  I-  52-  her  to  do  ao  againjt  ber  inclination. 

'  Wheu  tbey  baTe  married  at  your  inatsnce,  Tbo  Metre  ia  iajnbic  tetrameter  cstalec- 

M    your    initBnce    they   pat    theii'    wivee  tic 


348  HEOYEA. 

Fhidippe,  etei  ego  meiB  me  onmibus  scio  eese  apprime  oW- 
qu^tem,  3 

Sed  non  adeo  ut  mea  facilitaa  comunpat  illorum  animoB  : 
QrUod  tu  si  idem  faceres,  magis  in  rem  et  noetram  et  Tefitnun 

id  esset. 
Nimc  video  in  iUarum  potestate  esae  te.     Ph.  Heia  vero  I 
La.  Adii  te  heri  de  filia :  ut  veni  itidem  incertum  amisti. 
Haud  ita  decet,  si  perpetuam  vis  esse  affinitatem  hanc,  10 

Celare  te  iraa.     Si  quid  est  peccatmn  a  noHs,  profer : 
Aut  ea  refellendo  aut  pui^ando  vobis  coirigemuB, 
Te  judice  ipao.     Sin  ea  eat  causa  retinendi  apud  tos 
Quia  aegra  eet,  te  TniTii  injuriam  facere  arbitror,  FUdippe, 
Si  metuis  satis  ut  meae  domi  curetur  diligenter.  ij 

At,  ita  me  Di  ament,  liaud  tibi  boc  coucedo,  etsi  illi  pater  cs, 
TJt  tu  Lilam  salvom  magis  yelia  quam  ego :  id  adeo  gnati  causa, 
Quem  ego  intellexi  illam  baud  minus  quam  se  ipeum  magni- 

7<  Magit  jn  rem]  See  Andria  iii.  3.  14. 
It  ia  a  hs[]p7  touch  of  Datutc,  tbat  Blthongli 
I^bes  had  Chrougbout  the  lut  5c«ne  thrown 

all  the  btanie  ot  the  »e[)«atLan  npon  3o»-  Bot  wo  bftve  no  sothoriqr  for  intniding  it 

tnta,  jet  wbcn  be  oomea  to  speak  to  Phi-  liore.    The  Latia  lanpuge  anderweDt  con- 

dippua  on  the  subiecl  be  triea  to  eicnlpste  8ide>«ble  change  between  Pl«utu»  >nd  Te- 

his  own  familj,  nnd  to  put  PhilnmBnB  uid  «ff*.  "  tl»l  the  auge  of  tho  fonarv  a 

her  hinilT  in  the  wTonir.     Bentler  propoBes  "M  «!'"?"  »  »^e  W"^  '"'  setthng  the  teit 

todi.nge'etri'inv.6into'et:'"nedra.  of  the  latter.     ■  Yon  ought  nol,'  «ja  I* 

MSKnvde,'    atacuamua,    Tefeotiumque    «160  ebe»,  '  if  you  our  coaneiion  to  Imat,  to 

■oloeciami  peum  faciamna."     Bnt  tbere  n  conceal  the  c»u»^  of  oflcnM  lO  thia  way. 

no  want  of  sequence  in  the  cbiuaea.     'AJ-  \2.  Atit  pirganda  vobit^    '  Yon  shall  be 

thoogb,'  aajB  lacbe»,  '  I  know  Ihat  I  am  l^^^t^  that  we  wiU  aat  it  right,  either  bj  n- 

eiceedinglj  obbging  to  eTery  one,  yet  it  ia  foting  ^^  cbarge,  or  by  clearing  ouraelT» 

not  to  inch  an  eilont  aa  to  let  my  eaainess  '"'''  1"^-'  ^o'  '  P"'  -o '  compftre  Eunuchua 

corrupt   thdr   cbaractera.'      Terence    U9C«  "■■  !■  "^  "  ^ed  heua  tu,  purgone  ego  me 

■      ■          'apprime'   hero  and  in  Andria  da  istiic  Thaidi  ? "     Jecjia  v.  4.  31 : 

i.  1.31: 

"  — - —  l^xit  jariJDrando  u 
9e  fidem  babtiiise,  et  pmpterw  te  i 


c  ■    .  \T .  Id  adto  gnati  emoa^   'Andlfwlso 

Eun.  y.  4.  50 :    "  Scia  fratrem  eju»  eue  ap-  .trongW  attached  to  bfr  on  my  ion'B   ac- 

pnme  nobilem,' _   Virgil  bas  Ihe  form  'ad.  ^„t_  ,h„_  j  ^^^„    ^j.  ea  her   oot  leas 

pnma.     Geoig,   u.134:     ■' Bos    sdpnma  ,h,n  be  dowhimtolf.'  Tft.raadins  '  roagni. 

tenaz."     Tbe  word    is   «eldom  nted   elae-  g^  . ;,  Qndouhtedlj  genuine.     !t  app^ 

wbire.     In  Cicero,  De  Pinibua  lu.  9,  Mad-  i„  ^^  be.,  ^pi^,  .  ,„d  ^^  beinK  lued  once 

"'S  "*^. '  *  P"""»-  _    ,,  ,  only  in  Terencc  i»  not  suffideDt  to  invnli- 

\<i    Si  F«T,tluam   v„    t„t    BffiniUttm  ^^^^      Compare  Plautus,  Menaechmd  ii. 

hanc-]     Bentlej    wonld    read    'perpetem.'  3.  26:  '■  Te  . .  ,  Venu»  me  voluit  magnifi. 

The   word   ii   nndonbtcdly  often   uaed   in  c«re  1"  «nd  Rudens  i.  3.  43: 
Plaatua,  a»  in  Amphitruo  i.  I.  136  aq, : 

" Pudidtia  eat,  pi 

miuTiilicara  qni  nos  aociM  g 


ACTUS  II.    SCENA  II.  349 

Neqae  adeo  clam  me  est  quam  esse  eum  graviter  latnrum 

Hoc  si  rescierit :  eo  domum  Btudeo  haec  prius  quam  ille  ut 

redeat.  so 

Fh.  LacheH,  et  diligentiam  veetram  et  benigiiitatem 
Novi ;  et  quae  dicis  onmia  esBe  ut  dicis  animum  induco : 
Et  te  hoo  milii  cupio  credere :  illam  ad  voa  redire  studeo, 
Si  facere  possim  uUo  modo.   La.  Quae  res  te  id  facere  prohibet  P 
Eho,  numquidnam  accusat  virum  ?    Ph.  Minime ;  mim  post- 

quam  attendi  25 

Magis,  et  vi  coepi  cogere  ut  rediret,  sancte  adjurat 
Non  posse  apud  vos  Pamphilo  se  abseute  perdurare. 
Aliud  fortasse  alii  viti  est :  ego  sum  animo  leni  natus : 
Non  possum  adTersari  meis.     La.  Hem,  Sostrata !     So.  Heu 

me  miseram ! 
La.  Certumne  est  istuc  ?    Ph.  Nunc  quidem  ut  videtur :  sed 

Qumquid  vis  ?  30 

Nam  est  quod  me  transire  ad  forum  jam  oporteat.     Za.  Eo 

tecum  una. 

10.  Nefut  adeo  clam  me  til]     Beotlej'*  Perlet  aeemi  to  me  riglit  in  his  eiplBnBtioti 

nlteration,  '  neqae  ■doo  clvn  le  wt,'  ia  in-  '  institi.'     The  aense  de«1y  ie,   '  Wheo  I 

^enious,  and  seemt  to  me  very  probable.  preued  her  more  clDBelf ,  aad  begaa  to  OAe 

lochea  haa  ilready  uid  thst  be  well  kaowg  force  to  malie  her  retiun,  ahe  iiDlemalj  de- 

tlkat  Ma  «OD  Talnet  hta  «rjfo  very  Mghlf ;  dared  that  ahe  conld  not  stif  in  yoDi  hoDse 

and  he  wonld  Do*  tDTD  to  Phiilippaa  ■■»!  during    Pamphiliu'    abBeiice,'      ForceUini 

saj,  '  Yon  too  most  be  irell  aware,  what  qnotes  a  psuage  Irom  Acdns  (^nd  Nontnm) 

gi>i>d  reuoD  I  bave  fbr  believiDg  that  he  wbere  it  js  used  ia  this  seiise  i  '.'  Ne  at- 

will   be  mucb   Teied.'     Bet   we   haTe   no  tenilaa  petare  a  me  id  qnod  nebs  ut  con- 

sulborit;  for  the   cbsoge.      Zenne   wonld  cedi  tibi." 

rcad ,   '  Qoam   essa  egta  graTiter  lalumm  Z?.   Ptrdarare']     Compare  the  use  of 

nvdaa...?'   u  in   alaDnchns  ii.   2.  44:  'dnro'  in  Adelphi  iv.  2.  15 :  "  Non  hsrde 

"  Qnam   boc  moons  Igratnm    esse   Thaidi  hic   quidem    durare    quisqnam,   si    sic   flt, 

Brbitrare  esse  ?"  potest ;"  and  note. 

21.  DilieetiliiimJ   The  word  is  aaed  hero  18.  Aliud/orlaag  alii  viti  «/]     '  Some 

in  tbe  sense  which  arises  most  natarally  baTe  one  fnnlt,  and  some  another:   1  am 

(rom  its  etpnology,  '  fondnesa,'  'affection,'  natnrally  easy.'     Thongh  Ihe  majority  of 

snd  which  appeais  oommonljp  in  'diligo.'  MHS.    have    '  aliis,'    the    present    teit    is 

Tbis  nse  19  rare.     See  boweTer  Cicero,  Pro  fouad  in  seTen  MSS.  collated  bj  Bentl^.  It 

Murena  40 :  "V      pro  mea  summa  et  Tohis  may,  however,  be  doubted  whether  '  aliis '  Is 

cognits  in  rem|  .blicam   diligentia."     For  Letin.  Thephraseof  Ihelcitis  loo  common 

'animnm  inducu '  in  the  following  Une  see  to  need  illustntion.     I   may  obserre  that 

note  on  i.  2.  24.  IachmanQ,onLucretiusiT.  (^7>reads  'nlii.' 

26.  Numqvidnam']     See  note  on  Andria  29,    Hem,  Satlrala .'']      "Tbere  yon  aee, 

I.  4.  8.    Donatui  suppases  that '  eho  '  signi-  Soitrata  ! '     It  is  not  on  acconnt  of  anj  ill- 

lies  that  l^cbes  asked  this  queslion  of  Phi-  treatment   by    Pamtihilus    thst    Philuinena 

dippus   in    coDfidence.     "  E/io,    inCerjecCio  will  not  retum  home.     IC   must  be  your 

ponenlis  aurem  propiorem."     As  if  he  ei-  fault  tben.     Lacbe?  ssys  this  aside  ta  3os- 

pected  that  Philnmena  had  conlided  lo  her  tmts,  snd  thcn  asks  Pbidippus,  '  It  is  settled 

parent  some  secret  aboat  her  husband'B  be-  tben  thHtsbeianat  to  comeback?    PA.  Por 

haTioar  to  her.     '  Attendi '  is  eiplained  by  the  present  tt  leems  so.' 

DonatoB  'attendi  animami'  bnt  it  is  not  31.  ffam  eit  quad  me  (roiuire  ad/oTiH» 

easy  to  see  how  that  wonld  tnit  the  conlait.  jam  oporleaf\     '  For  I  faaTe  tame  bnuitesi 


Aedepol  nae  nos  sumus  inique  aeque  omnes  iiiTisae  vins, 
Propter  paucae,  quae  omnes  faciimt  dignae  ut  Tideamur  malo. 
TSam,  ita  me  Di  ament,  quod  me  accusat  nunc  vir  sum  extra 

Sed  non  facile  eet  expurgatu  ;  ita  animum  indoxenmt  socnis 
Omnes  esse  iniquas :   haud  pol  me  quidem ;  nam  nunqumu 

secus  5 

Eabui  illam  ac  si  ex  me  eeset  nata :  nec  qui  lioc  mihi  ereniat 

Nisi  pol  filium  multimodis  jam  ezspecto  ut  redeat  domum. 

for  trblcb  I  miut  fo  (ner  to  tbe  fanim.' 
'  Qood '  u  treqneatly  uged  in  thia  muiiior 
in  Terence.  Compare  He»nt,  PiMi.  3: 
*'  Id  nrimam  dicsm  :  deinde  qnod  TeDJ  elo. 

-a  ulTerte,  nt  quod  ego  ad  te  venio 

SticbaB  i.  2.  70 1 
"  Sed  hoc  est  qa 

ACT  II.  ScENB  III.  Sostntk  it  left  be- 
hind  on  tlie  tt*ge ;  uid  bretkB  ont  into  ■ 
complaint  on  the  lubject  of  lier  grieTance. 
She  i»  onjastly  Bccaeed  ;  kod  fet  it  ii  not 
e«sj  to  ciear  herself.  Her  husbsnd  ia  full 
of  theidea  thst  sll  motberi-ia.lin  bstetheir ;  vhich  a  fu  from  being 
tliB  caae  with  her.  Sha  can  onl;  hope  thnt 
ber  son  wil)  came  home  aoon,  aad  aU     '" 

ntv  roTf  icacal#i>>  dyflfial  lu/uyiiiiHn 
/iiatiiiuff'  Durw  Jvirrvxtic  irtf ika/uv. 
lon  SSe  -400. 
ThewordB  '  dl^n»  nt  Tideamtir  mftlo  '  mnst 
be  tnnilBted,  <  These  few  nake  ni  all  Mem 
cspable  of  wrong.'  '  Dipius  '  mesiu  not 
only  '«orthj  of  receiving,'  u  'dtgniii  ho- 
nore,'  bnt  ^ao  '  fiC  to  be  dused  with,'  h 
'dignns  majaribus;'  uid  lohere  'wortbf  of 
b«ng  ueociited  with  what  ii  b«d.' 

4.  Sed  itonjacih  at  rxpwfstti]     Sn 
noteon  Hesut.  ii.  3.  IIC. 

5.  Haud  pol  me  guiiem]    We  dmnld 
DatuTBlly  hSTe   eipected  '  Haud   pol  ego 

Siidem ;'  for  she  Bpeaks  in  her  own  person. 
nt  in  uiBwers  uid  addttionnl  statements  it 
is  not  ancommon  for  the  Isttw  cUuae  to  be 
■ttracted  into  '  tbe  orelio  oitifua.  Com- 
psre  Cicero,  De  Finibue  i>.  27  :  "QQisDteni 
Tolnptste  Titam  effici  beetsm  pntabit,  qui 
sibi  conTeniat,  si  n^bit  Toluptatera  erei- 
cere  longinquitate  ?  Tgitur  ne  dolorem 
"JJJJ     qnjdem."  De  Nfttun  Deomm  i.  S9 :  "Qnid 

s  trochaic 

The  Matie 

2.]  Euripidee  has  Bome  linoB,  from  whicb 
Apotlodorus  is  auppoied  by  aome  commen- 
tirton  to  hsTe  borrowed  tlie  ide*  of  tbis 
Iin«  ;  at  all  eTsnts  tbey  ore  rery  umilar: 

Ti  yAp  ■yvvaiKwv  Svaxipn  Tpic  dpaivag. 

^  deri  Aegyptiis  ?  Tsm  benie  quam  tibi  illun 
*ostnm  Boapitam."   Hie  Mme  attnction  is 

irbicb  <^''"'""' '"  ""  Mi^oDd  member  of  a  com- 
parison.     Bee  aoCe  on  Adelphi  JT.  I.  18. 

'^°'''  7.  Niii"]  See  notes  on  Andria  it.  1.  40. 
and  Hesut.  i 

Bentlflj  iroald  reed 


ACTtJS  ni.    SCENA  I.  361 



Pam.  Nemim  ego  plura  acerba  credo  esse  ex  amore  L,omini 

anqiiam  oblata 
Quam  mihi.    Heu  me  iufelicem,  hancine  ego  Titam  parsi 

Hacine  causa  ego  eram  tantopere  cupidue  redeundi  domum, 
Cui  quanto  fuerat  praestabilius  ubiyis  gentium  agere  aetatem 
Qnam  huo  redire,  atque  haec  ita  esse  misenmi  me  reaciecere.  5 
^am  HOB  omnes,  quibus  est  alicunde  aliquis  objectus  labos, 

AcT  III.  SciNi  I.     Pamphihu  hat  dow  from  Henuider.    '  Nemliil '  1«  to  be  pro- 

Mnnied  tmn  Imbros,  and  hu  learnt  that  noDDced  >■  '  nflmni ;'  uid  '  epi '  m  '  jo,'  m 

Ub  wire  hu  lefl  bia  motlier'B  boue.     He  ii  monoBjllable.     See  note  dii  EuDUchDB  iii. 

Terj   mucb  diatreBsed  at   the   neira;    >nd  2.  7- 

Jbreseea  nothing  but  miierj.  and  thia  nben  8.  HaKciHi  tffo  vitam  pani  perdtrtf^ 

be  sntidpated  notbing  but  hBppineaB  Iron)  DoDstua   remarks    thtt   wbeD    '  parco '   ii 

bii  retum  home.     No  ooe  erer  fared  worae  nsed  in  the  sense  of  '  to  be  Bparing  of,'  it 

in  bii  lore  tban  he  has.     He  was  foroed  fbrm*  tba  perfiBct  in  '  pini ;'  when  in  the 

to  msrrj  when  be  had  engaged  fais  afiec-  BeDBe  of  '  lo  forgiie,'  in  'peperci.'     Tbe 

tions    in    tnother    qnarter  ;    and    scarcelj  distinction  is  bome  out  bj  the  general  nse 

bad    be   got   over   tbis   difficulty,   and   at-  of  tbe  word-     For'pBrsi'  compare  Plaa- 

tscbed   himself  to   bis  wife,    llwl   ■   new  tos,  Psendolus  i.  1.  3: 

buun^nroaetosepw.tetbem.    And  now  ..Duonimlabonim  egohominnm  pwsissem 

iF  fae  mquirM  mto  the  pretent  matter,  bs  liheus 

iB  Bure  to  find  dtW  hh.  wife  or  his  motber  j^^  (e  rligaDdl  et  tui  respoDdendl  miU ;" 

m  tba  wrong  ;  and  wbicherer  it  ib  it  will  be  °                         '^ 

equaUjwretched  for  bim.    Nor  can  he  con-  and  Captivi,  Prolog.  32  ; 

oeive  wbat  0«.  have  occurred  to  coBe  .och  ,.  jjjj^^       jj^  ^^  gli^  j„^  parceret" 
a  breach  betweeu  thsm.     Parmeno  endea- 

TonrB  to  comfort  him  bjr  saying  that  now  he  AJso  with  the  »ceBsatave,  la  in  PlBotal,  Cor* 

bu  retnmed   it  will  UDdonbtedlj    be  all  enlio  iii.  6.  lOi 

clared  up  j  and  tbat  be  wiU  flDd  th^  some  ,.  q^  i^^^  „,^„  qnaesivit  pecuniam, 

ve^  tri«nB  cans.  i>  at  the  bottom  of  ,t  aU.  f^^^  ^  „^^  ^t  ^^*^  ^^t_-. 

Wbile  they  are  talkiag  together  in  this  waj  ^ 

lenly  perodve  adiBCnrfaance  in  the  So  here, '  Whj  was  1  carefiil  of  mj  Ufef 
bouBe  of  Phidippss.     Fampbilna  Benda  Par-         4.   Ubitu  fatlinm}  See  Eunuchas  It.  I . 

meDo  tQ  ioqnire  the  cause  of  it.     He  brings  11. 

hact  Bn  ambignons  answer  ;  and  Pamphi-        6.  tfam  not  ontmi .  ■  ■  fucrc  *><]    '  For 

los,  losing  «11  patiance,  goaa  hinuelf  to  tee  aa  to  na  aU,  wheneveT  some   Oviible  ia 

what  is  the  matter.  broogbt  on  na  from  anj  quartar,  all  the 

The  Metre  ia  as  followa;  rr.  1.  10,  11,  time  that  intenenes  befere  we  know  it  ia 

tTocbuetetnmeter;  2,3.6— 8.12,  trochaic  clear    gain.'      Tbis   kind    of  anacoluClii* 

tetrameter    catalectic  j    4.   0.   33.    46,   46,  is  not  uncommon  in  good  wrilers.     Tbere 

iambic  tetrameter  catalectic;  13— S2.  34—  i»  no  need  tberefore  to  read  'omnibnB  no- 

44,    iambic    tetrameteri   47 — 6fi,   iambic  bii'  with  Beatlej  ;  for  this  is  eridentlj  an 

trimeter.  inteipolaCion   in   the  copies    in    which    he 

1.]    DonHtUi  B>js  of  tbis  actne :  "Nimis  foand  it,  intended  lo  get  lid  of  tbe  diSI- 

cothumati    et  tragici  in  bac  acena  doiorea  cultj.     Sucb  conBbuctioua  are  not  imcom- 

essent,  non  comid,  nisi  adderet,  tx  amert."  mon  in  Cicero.     Some  good  inntBnceB  are 

Tho    wholo    passage   ia   verj   Bententious ;  quoted  bj  Madvig,  Latin  Grammar,  {  480^ 

more  so  tfaan  ia  naualwitb  Terence.    Apol-  8ea  note  on  Heant.  v.  4.  18.    Tlie  senti- 

lodonis    probahlj  differed  in  this  reapeet  ment  ia  said  bj  Donotna  to  be  ckndj  co- 


352  HECYHA. 

Onme  quod  est  mterea  tempus  prius  qoam  id  rescitam  est 

lucro  est. 
Par.  At  sic  citius  qui  te  expediaa  hia  aerumnifi  reperiee. 
Si  non  redissea,  liae  irae  factae  eesent  multo  ampliores ; 
Sed  Qunc  adventum  tuum  ambas,  Pampliile,  scio  reTeritnnts.  10 
Hem  cognosces ;  iram  expediea ;  rursum  in  gratiam  reetitues. 
Levia  sunt  haeo  quae  tu  pergravia  esse  in  animiim  indnxti 

Pam.  Qnid  eonsolare  me  ?  an  quisqiiam  usquam  gentium  est 

aeque  miser? 
Prius  quam  hanc  uxorem  duzi  habebam  alibi  nTiiTmim  amori 

Jam  in  hac  re,  ut  taceam,  cuiviB  facile  scitu  est  quam  fuerim 

miser :  is 

Tamen  nunquam  ausus  sum  recusare  eam  quam  mibi  obtmdit 

Vl3£  me  illinc  abstrazi,  atque  impeditum  in  ea  expedi-ri  ani- 

mum  meum, 
Yizque  buc  contuleram ;  bem,  nova  ree  orta  est  porro  ab  bac 

quae  me  abstrahat. 

[ded  from  Apollodorui.  Zenne  hai  reBtored  IS.  Via  ma  iUiite  oMr&n]   Tlie  crdi- 

the  line  u  foUowa  :  sl  itovih  ydp  /liAXavnc  Bxrf  text  hu  '  illiDc'     The  BemlHne  copj 

Tb  Tov  x0ai'OiF  TBv  vvv  ifp^ijc  tteiiiZauaiv.  haa  *i)li.'     Tbii  howeTer  eaa  onlj  be  pat 

We  bave  the  tdts  in  oar  &miliar  line,  for  '  imc'    See  aote  on  Adelphi  i.  3.  38. 

"  Where  ipK«nce  i>  bli«,  'tis  folij  lo  be  Sorna  comn,«.tido»  mein<^n  th^  tbe  tro. 

y^.'r  "•          •           •               I  reeding  ii '  iUim ;'  for  whidi  '  dlinc     miirht 

'  eaiilj  bs  anbstitated.     Lncretiua   haa  this 

■Dd  iD  mBoy  pMugei  of  Ihe  poeti.    Mickie  form  (iij.  B80— 883): 
bH   quoted   the  foUowiDg  fine  linei  from 

Hil(ao'i  Comns  :  "  Corpus  ati  Tolucra  licerent  in    mona 

"P«oe,  brolher;  beDatoTereiqniBita  fertoqne,                           .            ,.    .. 

To  c«t  the  fwhioD  of  unoertunerils ;  ^P".™'  "'"««' '  ■^'"  """"  "  ■*"^ 

For  gr«nt  thej  be  eo,  while  thej  raet  un-  „ '"'"' 

kwiwn  ^*""^  TomOTBt  «Blu,  a  prajeeto  carfon,  et 

What  ne^  k  man  foretM  hie  date  of  „  "ll""..                                ^    . 

_jgf  oe  nngit,    aeDsnqne  tnio  aantBniinat  u- 

And  run  to  meet  whkt  he  wonld  moat  '"'■" 

•y?'^^'    ,_   .      ,,       ,  ,      ■  Leehmuin  in  hi.  note  on  tbst  p«»g8  ooni. 

&■  if  thej  he  but  fel»  Jwmi  of  f™-,  „^  puntn»,  Poenulna  •>.  2.  38,  bot  tbere 

How  better  le  Buch  Btlf-delusion  1  ,„„,,,„  ^i„g  -^  ,  -^^-^^  .,  g„j  c.ptlTi  iiL 

For-jucro'  compiro  Adeiphi  v.3.  31  :  "  Id  4.  126,  whereiljoLindBmMiQ  renda  'istint' 

de  Incro  pntato  esH  omne,"  and  Phormio  Olher  psassges  an  quoted   bj  Forccllini ; 

ii.  1 .  16.  but  in  bII  csses  thero  ia  (he  reading  '  illinc.' 

12.  /n  onfmum  induxU  fuum]  Sce  Dote  If  '  illim '   WM  nsed,  it  wu  munlj.  if  not 

on  i.  2.  24.  eolelj,  before  conianents;  *nd  in  TcTeoce 

14.  Habtbam  alibi  onimum  amori  ifeifi.  Bnd  PlHutus  '  illiiic  '  like  '  Ulic  '  wu  often  k 

fuffl]  Litersllj,  '  I  hid  mj  mind  dcrnted  to  monoBjllible;  so  thst  the  chkngs   is    un- 

loie  in  uiuther  quuter.'     For  '  fadle  sdtn  ncceesary.     For   the    uae   of  '  i^c  '    ud 

eat '  tti  the  foUowing  line  see  note  ou  Ueaut.  '  huc  '  hcre  oompue  Andria  ii.  S.  12: 

D.3.116.  ab  U1&  eidudar  huc  a 


ACTtrS  III.    SCENA  I.  353 

Tum  matreia  ex  ea  re  me  aut  nxorem  in  colpa  mTentarum 

Qnod  ita  quum  esse  iuveuero,  qtiid  reetat  niai  porro  ut  fiam 

mieerP  2o 

Nam  matris  ferre  injuritta  me,  Parmeno,  pietas  jubet. 
Tum  uxori  obnoziufi  sum ;  ita  olim  buo  me  ingeuio  pertulit ; 
Tot  mea^  injuriaa  quac  nunqnam  in  ullo  patefecit  loco. 
Sed  magnum  nescio  quid  nocesse  est  eTenisBe,  Panneno, 
Unde  ira  inter  eas  intercessit  quae  tam  permansit  diu.  2S 

Par.  Haud  quidem  berde  parTum,  si  Tis  Tero  veram  rationem 

Ifon  maximae  quae  maximae  sunt  interdum  irae  injurias 
Faciunt ;  nam  saepe  eet  quibus  in  rebus  aliua  ne  iratus  quidem 

Quum  de  eadem  causa  eat  iracundus  factus  inimicisaimua. 
Pueri  inter  seee  quam  pro  lcTibus  noxiis  iraa  gerunt  I  30 

QuapropterP  quia  enim  qui  eos  gubemat  animus   infirmum 


22.  7Vm  uxeri  obtioxiiu  *»»]    <  Aikd  aliow  that  tbej'  We  been  much  injured) ; 

then  1  am  Qnder  an  obligation  to  mj  wife ;  for  in  »ine   thin^  oae    mMi  ifl  not  eveu 

so  pstientlf  did  ahe  farmerlj  bear  «ith  me  ;  annojed,  while  a  quarrelsome  msn  ii  niade 

nor   (lid  she  erer  at  aoy  time  discloBe  my  one'»  bittereat  onemj  from  tbe  9*me  cauec.' 

naEneroDs  wronga  to  ber.'     '  In  ollD  loco '  To  complcle  the  KnM  af  t.  2(j  wa  muet 

niBj  bo  oainpared  with  Cbe  phnue  '  interea  take  it  a*  '  haud  quidem  hercla  parTum  ne- 

lod,'  wbere  '  lociu '  )>snei  into  tbe  lenK  of  ceBie  eat  eTeniaae,'  aa  Donatn*  poinls  oot, 

time.     See  note  od  Eaauchui  i,  3.  46,  and  in  contrBdictian  to  '  ai*g:niira   neoesH  eat 

compare  Heaat.  IL  1 .  6 :  "  Et  cognoacendi  eTenine.'     The  next  line  ia  made  Diore  ob- 

et  ignosoendi   dabitor  peccali   locui."     In  acure  tbui   ig   neoeMarj  b;  the   ordinuy 

the    following   liue  Donatui  tttkea  'qnoe'  pun<^nBlion ;  which  placeB  a  comma  after 

with  reference  to  '  injuriaa  ;'  but  iC  ia  aim-  '  maximaa  '  and  ■  irae.'     '  Maiimaa  faClDnt' 

pler  lo  refer  it  to  '  uiorem :'   thia  clann  moat  be  takan  together;  '  maiimaa '  beiiig 

then  ia  eipluiator]r   of  'iU '  in  the  prs-  part  of  the  predieste,  and  not  merelj  attri- 

ceding  ctause.  butise;    in  tbe  lenBe  of  our  common  es- 

2fi.  Hend  ftiidem  hercle  parvum}  Tbese  pmaions    '  it  does  not  make  it  anj  Ihe 

lines  are  rather  obscure,    and  faafe   giTen  worae,'  '  it  makes  it  out  no  greaCer.'    In  t. 

riie  toendless  conjecturea.    Bentle j  emends  28  most  commenlators  connect  'est'  with 

tbe  text  as  otoal ;  bnt  it  ia  nnnecesurj  to  '  qnam,'  which  ia  dearlj  erTt>neoos.     '  E«t 

follow  bim.     Tbe  icading  of  the  leit  b  the  qnibos '  ia  a  direct  tranalstion  oF  iirrii'  olc. 

oulj  one  that  haa  aulhority.  The  wholedilfl-  Tbe  «hole  paauge  ia  then  conaistent.    Far- 

cnllj  of  the  pasaage  Inms  npon  '  haud  par-  meno  saja,  '  We  need  not  look  for  ever  so 

Tnm'and'facinnt.'  Donatnahaa '  haud.  .  .  amsU   an   incident   as  tbe    canae    of    thll 

param,' thoughtheBemhinecopjhas'aut;'  quarrel.     Eren  a  aingle  word  perhaps  h(i 

and  '  hdnnt  '  he  eiplains  bj  'osteDduDt.'  given  riaetoit  all.'  Mwlsme  Dacier,  quoted 

His  general  Tiew  of  the  pessags  is  tbe  tnoat  bj  Ilickie,  conjectures  tbat  Farmeno,  BS  ho 

natunl.     Pemphilna  bad  said,  ■  Something  pretenda  lo  philosDphiie,  is  made  to  talk  jn 

gn»t  niuat  have  bappened,   Parmeno,  to  an  obscure  niaiiner.     Bat  there  would  not 

give   rise  to  tbis    quarreL   between   then,  be  much  point  in  that.     There  would  be 

whicb  has  lasCed  so  loag.'     Parmeno  an-  more  wit  In  making  bim  phtlosopbiio  well. 

■wera,  '  No,  nor  even  anj  thing  trifling;  if  For  'Tsro  '  aee  noCe  on  Heant.  T.  1.  S8 
jou  will  look  Bt  the  matter  in  iCe  tme  light.         31.   Quia   enin]     'Enim'    is  redundant 

Verj  often   the   greatcst   enmities  do   not  heie,  as  in  manj  places.     Compare  "  Pro- 

make  men's  wrongs  the  gmtest  (do  not  geniem  aed  eoim  Trojano  ■  w^nloe  dnei 


354  HECTRA. 

Itidem  illae  roulieres  aunt  feme  ut  paeri  levi  a 

Fortasse  unum  aliquod  Terbum  inter  eaa   iram  hanc   conci- 

Pam.  Abi,  Parmeno,  intro  ac  me  veniase  nuntia.     Tar.  Hem, 

quid  hoc  egt  P     Tam.  Tace. 
Trepidari  aentio  et  cursarl  rursum  proraum.     Por.  Agedum 

ad  forea  35 

Accede  propius.     Hem,  aensifltin  ?     Pam.  Noli  fabularier. 
Fro  Jupiter!    olamorrai    aodiTL      Far.  Tute   loqams,    mc 

My.   Tace  obsecro  mea   gnata.     Tam.  Matris  tox  Tisa  eet 

NuUus  Bum.   'Par.  QuidumP    Fam.  Periil     PaT.  Qoaroob- 

rem  P    Pam.  Neacio  quod  magniun  malum 
Profecto,  Parmeno,  me  celas.     Par.  XTxorem  Philumenam    10 
Pavitare  ueacio  quid  dixerunt :  id  si  forte  eat  aeedo. 
Fam.  Interii.     Cur  mihi  id  imhi  dixti  ?    Par.  Quia  non  potc- 

roia  una  omiiia. 
Fam.  Quid  morbi  est  f     Far.  Neacio.     fam.  Quid  P  nemon 

medicum  adduxit  ?     Tar.  Nescio. 

Andicrat,"    Aen.  i.  19.     '  Qni»  enim  '  oe-  B«nC1flj  here  pn)poW9  '  eDndTine.  bere '  for 

cuniaPlaDtiu,  Amphitrnoii.  a.  43:  "  Qui  '  oondrerit,'    wbidi  <i  the  reuling  of  tbe 

tibi   i*tnc  in    nientem    Teoit  t      So,  Qai»  common  text.     '  CondTerit '    ii  airinnrd, 

mim    Boo    •dvenimai,"   and   in  Tn^nce,  ud  tbrovs  tbe  metre  ont.    Donatni  ei- 

Heant.  i.  3.  14:   "QuapniptaT?    Cl,  Qoia  preulr  noticei   Uie   reading  '  condTinp.* 

enim  incotam  eat  etiam,  quid  ae  fiuiiat,"  and  ssjs  "  Nam  Teteres  infinitiTO  modD  ad- 

It.  5.  fi9  :  "Qaaniobrem?     5y.  Qala  enim  jungebant  J^irfcrtM."     We    maj   condode 

In  hunc  inepicio  eat  Translata  ■morig."  We  therefate  tbat '  condiisaa '  ia  tba  tnie  T«ad- 

niaj*trenalste   the    phnte    '  Namelj   be-  10^;    the  line  becoming  an  iambic  tetn- 

caaee.'     For  tbe    phraee  'tafirmnm    (ani-  meter  otalectie.  WhereBentlej  gMa'ben' 

nnm)  genmt '  conpare  Virgil,  Aeneid.  ii.  liDm  I  cannot  imagine.     We  find  tiie  in- 

310,311:  finitiTe  with    '(brtane'  in  Ptantva,  Mer- 

" Necnon  et  puleher  Inlaa,  "»**  "■  *■  *^ ' 

Aate  Bnnoa  animumque  gerens  curamqiu  " Fortawe  te  iatum  minri  coqDnm, 

Tiriiem  ;"  Quod  Tcnit  atque  haec  attulit ;" 

aiid  Hantua,  Poenalii*  iii.  6.  18—18 ;  and  Poennhu  t.  2.  43,  44  : 

"  Vernm  it»  annt  [omoet]  Jtti  Dostri  di-  "  Ag.  Quid  ait  l    Mi.  HiaEnm  ea*a  piae- 
vites ;  dicst  bnccam  mhi. 

Si  qoid  bene  hcias,  lerior   pluma  est        Fortaase  medicos  noa  eaae  arbitmiCT." 

Si^^d^ieccatnmert^plnmbeaairaige.    Com|M«   'sdlicet '  tn  B^ut.  ii.  S^  117: 

niat  <t^^     ^'  6       u  Sdlicet  ftctoram  me   esso,"    uid   nole 


UndeDbrog  qnolce  Luaaliiw  iii.  447,  448 :         3fi.   Cartari  rarnwi  prorrMw]      '  I  hear 

"  Nara  »e1at  iaflrmo  pneri  teneroque  Ta-     '  ^'  '"  t^  hon»».  »*  «  ruiminf  back. 

^tai  wards  and   forwards.'      For    tbe    denTcd 

CorpM*.  tio   animi   wqoitor   aententia    "n»  ■'/ 'P«>"nm' .ee  noto  on  a.nadi» 

lenuli."  *-  ^-  ^^-      '°  £^<u:)>>u  »■  8-  47  «e  haie 

'  nirsam    deorsnot '  In  tbe  sopje   of  the 

33.  JMosM  . . .  inm  hmtc  etmemi-t\     tatt     Bee  note. 


ACTUS  m.    SCENA  H.  355 

Pam.  Cesso  hino  ire  iiitro,  at  hoc  qtiBmpTtmtuii  ^uioquid  est 

eertum  aciam  P 
Quouam  modo,  Fhilumena  mea,  nunc  t«  offendajn  afEectam  ?   45 
If  am  si  periclum  ullum  in  te  inest,  perisse  me  una  baud  du- 

bium  est. 
Par.  Non  usns  facto  est  mihi  nimc  hunc  intro  sequi : 
If  am  invisoa  omnes  nos  eaae  illis  sentio. 
Heri  nemo  voluit  Sostratam  intro  admittere. 
Si  forte  morbus  amplior  iuctns  siet,  so 

Quod  aane  nolim,  maxime  heri  causa  mei, 
Servum  ilico  introisee  dicent  Sostratae ; 
Aliquid  tulisse  comminiscentur  mali 
Capiti  atque  aetati  illoFum,  morbus  qui  anctus  siet. 
Heia  in  crimen  Teuiet,  ego  Tero  in  magnum  malum.  es 



£19.  Nescio  quid  jamdudnm  audio  hic  tnmultuari  misera : 
Male  metuo  ue  Fhilumenae  magis  morbus  aggraTescat ; 
Quod  te  Aesculapi,  et  te  Salus,  ne  quid  sit  hujus  oro. 

47,  No«  vtut/aeta  t»l,  S(c.'\     ■  It  ia  not  caDnot  eitend  to  '  iUis.'     Par  ■  capiU '  tee 

dninble  fot  me  Ut  folLow   him   inlo   ihe  note  on  Pharniio  lii.  2.  ?■ 

faoDK  ;  for  all  our  houieliold  ire  hated  by  fiS.  Bgo  vero  m  magwm  rttalum]     '  Hy 

tlwiD.  .  .  .  If  her  illneai  shoold  happen  Co  mistreas  will  be  hlamed,  and  I  ihall  come  In 

be  iDcmaed,  . . .  ihey  wiU  imnieiiiBtelf  n,y  tat  »me  great  miacliief.'    Por  ■  nwlum  ' 

that  SottraC»'*  KirTutt  ctune  into  tbe  bonse,  in  tbii   leuM  lee    DOte  on   Adelphi   i.    I. 

•od  tbe;  will  DiBke  ont   thM  he  tiroiight  44. 
*omfl  eril  on  Chsir  pereoni  and  liie*,  to 

iocMM  her  illnen.'     For  '  oiui  facta  eat'  Acr  III.  Scznt  II.  Soatrata  hu  heud 

Kfl  aote  OQ  Adelphi  iii.  3.  ^&,     The  words  the  distnrbanoe  that  ii  goiag  OD    in  Phi- 

'opiti     ■tqne    aetBti    iUoram  '    eTidentlf  dippni' honee,  and  ia  aboat  to  call  and  in. 

depand  npoa  '  tnliise,'  thoogh  •ome  ooni-  qnire  the  canse  of  iL     Farmeno  atopi  lier; 

meDtatora,   acconling    to  Hicitie,   onuider  and  eiplua»  tbat  Famphiluf  hag  gone  to 

them     u     ■     parentiietical     imprecatioD.  lee  how  his  wife  ia,  and  tliat  •he  •ill  soon 

■  Aetaa  toa'  is  ■  periphraiii  met  «ith  is  be   ahle   to   leam   from  him  >U   that  she 

Flantn*.     See  Capti»  it.  2.    104:    "Vae  wishes  to  knowi  for  PhilnmeD^  is  snre  ta 

aetati  tuae"  for  'ne  tibi,'  aiid  HeiiBech-  tril  him  the  whole  hiitorj  of  Cbe  qitaRel 

med  if.  3  :  betweea  herself  and  his  mother.     Pemphi- 

i.  B-  n..:.  k! :.>      u-.    a:hi  :..i  lns  now  retnrDi,  lookinir  downcast  and  »or- 

_- ;. ;_  ._,.«  , ij  rowful.     He  pnta  off  tne  qaealiOQf  of  hts 

micna  majna  qnam  aotati  tDae.  .,              ^      ,.               3     .   -n 

^  mother  ■■  well  »«  he  can.  aoo  gets  Faimeno 

&o  ■  capili  et  aetati  illornm '  here  ii  equiva-  snd  her  ont  of  Che  way,  that  he  ma;  have 

lent  to  '  iHis,' '  the  whole  funilj,'  induding  an  opportunitj   of  lainBating  his   aarraws 

of  coane  Philamena,  tliou|;b  Dot  eialndTfdy  b;  bimself  aud  for  the  benefit  nf  the  npec- 

Dsed  of  her  BS  haa  heen  aapposed  ;  fbr  the  taton. 

csMof 'libeii'iDHa>at.  1.1.99,  whichhn  The  MeCra  i«   iambie    tetrHneter  «al». 

bLwi  addnced  to  snpport  Ihii  view,  ii  nnt  Isctic 

real^  parallel,  ■  libOTi '  hning  a  tecbDioal  3.  Qiud  tt  Amitiafi,  tl  tt  Salut  ...  - 

use  (aee  uota  od  Andria  t.  3.  20),  whicb  we  oro]     The  rite«  of  AaaeBla{nu«  «cm  tiw»- 

356  HECTRA. 

Nunc  od  eam  Tiflam.     Par.  HeruB,  Sostrata.     So.  Ehem.    Par. 

Iterum  istiac  eicludere.  5 

80.   Ebem,   Fartneno,   tune  hio  eras  P     Perii,   quid  faciam 

Noa  Vieam  uiorem  Fampluli,  cmn  in  proximo  liic  sit  aegra  P 
Par.  Non  TisasP    ne  mittaa  quidem   viaendi   causa  quem- 

Nam  qui  amat  cui  odio  ipsna  e«t  bis  facere  Btulte  duco : 
Laborem  inanem  ipsus  capit,  et  ilU  moleetiam  affert. 
Tum  autem  filius  introiit  Tidere,  ut  v^t,  quid  agat.  10 

Bo.  Quid  aifiP  an  venit  PamphiluBp    Par.  Venit.     So.  Di» 

gratiam  habeo. 
Hem,  istoc  Terbo  animus  mihj  rediit,  et  cura  ex  corde  ex- 

Par.  Jam  ea  de  causa  moxime  nunc  huc  introire  nolo : 
Nam  si  remittent  quippiam  Fhilumenae  dolores, 
Omnem  rem  narrabit,  acio,  continuo  sola  soli  15 

Quae  inter  tos  intervenit,  unde  ortum  eat  initium  irae. 
Atque  oGcum  yideo  ipsum  egredi :  quam  tristis  eet  \     So,  O 

Pam,  Mea  mater  salye.     So.  0audeo  Teuisse  salTum :  salTan 
Philumena  est  P     Pam.  Meliuscula  eet.     So.  U tinam  istuc  ita 

fnred   to   Roina  from   EpidaQrni.      Ond  "  Philmiiemiim  tcnbia,  et  gst  iatm  tola:  nn 

glT»  a  paetical  acconnt  oFtbe  mlgntion  of  Philimaiat,    qnM   iala  lola  lit,  aeHau." 

tha  god  ia  tha  fbna  of  a  aerpeDt ;  «e  Me-  It  n  hard  to  we  wb;  we  ma;  not  auppl^ 

tam.  IT.  622  sqq.     The  temple  of  Aescn-  the  enbject  of  <  nairabit,'  nFilh  «lii^  '  1011 ' 

lapiQi  waa  on  the  iatand  of  Che  Tiber,  vhich  >srs«.  from  >  PbilDmenae,'  aa  well  aa  from 

waa  aometiinea  called  in  conaequence  <  Aea-  <  Pbilnmrn&m,'  which  ii  DOt  to  natoral  wich 

cnlapii  insnla.'     Salns  wu  beld  to  be  the  '  remittent.'     '  Remitto '  ia  bere  uaed  u  it 

dangbtar  of    Aeaculspini,    and  the^   were  ia  by  medical  writen,  in  a  neoler  ■enae. 

generallf  inTolied  to^her,     Salus  is  aften  Conipare  Celsiu  it.  24 :  "  Ubi  dolor  et  in- 

mentioned  ia  PUatua.  8ee  oote  on  Adelphi  flaniinario    ae    remisemnt."       Cicen>.     De 

iT.  7.  43.  Clarii  Ontaribna  34  : 

10.   TVm  /ilni .  .  .  i«id  agal']     •  MorC' 
OTer  yoor  «oa  has  gone  in,  aa  >oon  aa  he 

aune  home,  to  aee  bow  ahe  ii.'     Por'Ti-  . 
dere'  aee  note  on  i.  S.  IH.    The  wordi 
'nt  «enlt '  are  tbrown  in  parentheticallir  to 

infbrm  SoaWat.  of  the  fkct  of  her  aon-s  re-         Hnjusce    proptor  oonnietadiiMiii  hospi- 
tnro,  and  do  not  interfere  with  the  oon-  tae?" 

fltmction  of  tbe  sentence.     <  Introiit '  ii  tbe 

perfect  lenie,  not  the  wriBt.  We  maj  tronalate,    ■  If  PhilaBieDB'1  pain 

14.  Nam  n  ttTnMfnt  quippiam  Phii»'  abatei  erer  ao  litlle  (be  will  aC  once,  I  am 

mrnae    dotoret]       Donitus    read    <  Pbila-  Bore.  teU  him  all  priTatelj.'     In  t.  16,  llLr 

menae,' and  (O  did  RaGniis  in  hii  work  on  Beoibine  M8.  hu  <  interrenerit ;'  bnt  Ibe 

comic    melrei.       Bentlej    prefers   '  Philn-  JDdinCive  ii  best  berei  and  the  reading  cf 

menam '   eolelj   on  uxonnt  of  the  wardi  the  teit  is  MpporCed  bf  all  olhar  aDlho 

Nom  illi  molestae  qaippiam  hae  aant 



AOTUS  m.    SCENA  III.  357 

Quid  ta  igituT  lacrimasP   aot  quid  es  tam  tristifiP    Pam. 

E«cte,  mater.  so 

80.  Quid  fiiit  tumulti  P  dic  mihi  :  an  dolor  repente  inTasit  ? 
Pam.  Ita  &ctmii  est.     80.  Quid  morbi  eat  P     Pam.  Febris. 

80.  QuotidianaP    Pam.  Ita  aiunt. 
I  sodes  intro ;  consequar  jam  te,  mea  mater.     80.  Fiat. 
Pam.   Tu   pueris   curre   Parmeno  obviam,   atque   eis  onera 

Par.  Quid  P  Hon  sciunt  ipsi  viam  domum  qua  redeant  P  Pam. 

CeesasP  35 


Mequeo  mearum  rerum  initium  uUnm  iuTenire  idonemn, 
ITnde  exordiar  narrare  quae  nec  opinanti  accidunt ; 

20.  Rectt,  ma/«-]     S«  notea  on  Heaat.  ■  botiaM*  whioli  beeps  him  oat  of  Uie  my 

ii.   1.    16,  and  Eoimrhiu   ii.  3.    60.     For  for  a  longer  time. 
'tnmnlti'   in  the  foUowing  Itne  compare 

Andn   ii.   S.   2S :    "  Nil    onuti,   nil  ta.  Acr  III.    Scinb  III.    Pamphilns  na« 

mnlti;"  ■nd  note  od  Ennacbui  iit.  4.  4.  gi*e>  TBot  to  hiii  te^nga,  and  reoonnts  tha 

24.  Aiqne  eii  ontra  adjttta\     '  Do  you,  drcumst&ndes  Df  his  visit  to  his  wife.  When 

Pnnneno,  run  lo  meet  the   serTuiB,    Hiii  he  mirived  hs  KMn  fonnd  that  be  wia  onex- 

help   them   with  the  biiggKge.'       ■  Pneri'  pect«d,  and  it  the  mament  nnwelcame.    He 

ie    here  naed   libe  tbe  Greek   waTJfc  for  na  Booner  entcred  his  wife'i  room  than  he 

*  Mmnts.'     CoQipare  Plautus,   Mmtellaria  dismvered  what  wis  the  Tonl  natnre  of  her 

i.  3.  190:  "Cedo  aqoun  manibni  paer."  illness ;  and  he  retirod  at  once,  in  amaie. 

Qcero,   Pro  Roado  Amerino  38:  "  Unna  ment  at  tbe  diagraceful  event.     He  waa 

poer.  victna  qnotjdiani  Bdminister,  ei  tanta  fbllowed   by   bis   mother-in-law,    who    ei. 

fsmilia  Sexlio  Roecio  relictos  non  est"  The  plained  to  him  Chat  her  daoghter  had  been 

'pueri'  were  ■  parlicnlsr  claaa  of  elaTeg.  wronged  bj  some  nnknown  peraon  before 

perhapi  the  nme  ea  the '  pediseqni '  (noCeon  her  marriage  io  him,  and  that  she  liad  left 

Andria  i.  1),  who  accompanied  Clieir  maa-  hie  niotber'a  house  that  ber  preaent  alatt> 

lers  abnwd.     3ee  Macleane'a  noCe  on  Ho-  might  be  conoealod  Srota  all  her  hn9band'a 

nce,  Sat.  i.  0,  10.     The  Macedoniui  kinga  famil;.     She  entwited  him  to  concsal  tha 

bad  a  r^nlar  cla»  of  anch  attandanCa,  wlia  eient  ttam  eiery  one ;  and  to  act  towarda 

went  by  the  name  of  '  pneri  regii.'     "  Pueri  her  as  be  tlionght  dne  to  liimself.     No  one 

regii  apnd  MacedonaaTocabantur  principnm  elae  should  be  allowBd  to  have  any  snapi- 

lilieri,  administeriam  electi  rogia,"  Livy  45.  don  of  the  real   ntate  of  tbe  eaae.     Thia 

6.      Tbe   nee  of  'adjato'  here   is   TaCbcr  promise   Pamphilua   had   given,   and  he  ia 

iingalar.     In  oaitain  ftagmenta  qnoted  by  now  diatracted  by  hia  misfortuae;  fbr  he 

Porc^ni  we  Gnd  'adjato'with  a  dative  cannat  think  of  taking  her  back ;  while  at 

af  the  perwin,  initead  af  the  ordinary  accu-  the  aame  time  he  is  itrDngly  attacbed  lo 

ntjve.     We  may  conuder  Ihe  conBtruction  her ;  and  he  cannot  besr  to  think  of  U» 

of  the  teit  lo  ba  an  initanoe  of  the  aame  aolitnde  and  nnhappineaa  of  his  futnre  life. 

idiom,    'onera'    being   the   accusatiTe    of  Rtill,   aa   he   formerly   diaeogaged    bimself 

nearer  definition.    Tbe  present  conitmction  from  his  love  tbat  he  might  attach  himself 

la,  howerer,  generally  ejcplained  aa  ■  caseof  lo  his  wife,  lo  he  muat  now  eierciae  the 

hypallage.       Parmeno  ii  aniioaa   to  etay  aame  conatraint  on  himaetf.     Parmeno  at 

and  heor  the  neTra  ;  and  be  tberefbre  grum-  all  OTenla,  who  is  now  retoming,  moet  be 

blei  at  brang  sent  oS  on  thia  errand  bj  bis  kepC  oat  of  the  iray,  that  he  auiy  not  dia- 

mwta.     Tn  Scene  4  ha  li  aent  off  again  on  coTer  wbat  is  ginng  oo. 



Partiia  qaae  perspezi  his  ocnliB,  partini  quae  accepi  auribuB : 
Qua  me  propter  exanimatnm  citius  eduxi  foraa. 
Ifam  niodo  me  iutro  ut  coiripui  timidus,  alio  Buspicans  5 

Morbo  me  viaurum  aSectam  ac  sensi  eese  uxorem ;  h^  milii ! 
Fostquam  me  aspexere  anciUae  adveniase,  ilico  omnee  simul 
Laetae  exclamsnt,  "  Yenit ;"  id  quod  me  repente  aepexerant. 
Sed  continuo  vultum  earum  sensi  immutari  omnimn, 
Quia  tam  Lncomiuode  iUis  fors  obtulerat  adTentum  meum.     lo 
TJna  iUarum  interea  propere  praecuourrit  nuntianB 
Me  Tenisse :  ego  ejus  videndi  cupidus  recta  conseqnor. 
Postquam  introii  extemplo  ejus  morbum  cognovi  miser ; 
iN^am  neque  at  celari  posset  t«mpns  spatium  uUum  dabat, 
Neque  voce  alia  ac  res  monebatipea  poterat  conqueri.  IS 

Postquam  aspexi,  "O  facinus  indignuml"  inqnam;  et  cor- 

ripui  ilico 
Me  inde  lacrimans,  incredibili  re  atque  atroci  percitus. 
Mat«r  cousequitur :  jam  ut  limen  exirem  ad  genua  accidit 
Lacrimans  misera:  miseritum  eet.     Profecto  boc  sic  est,  nt 

Omnibus  nobis  at  rea  dant  seso  ita  magni  atque  humiles 

Bnmus.  a» 

Hanc  babere  orationem  mecum  a  prinoipio  institit : 
"O  mi  Pampbile,   abs  te  quamobrem  haec   abierit  causam 

Nam  vitinm  est  oblatum  Tirgini  olim  ab  ncscio  quo  improbo : 

" Bco  In  »Dm  inddi  infelit  locnm 

Ut  nngae  mibi  <qD>  >it  ■mittcndi   ncc 

trimeter.  retinendi  copii,'' 

0.  Jfotfo]     The  Ust  syllftble  or  '  modo ' 

it  lengtbsn«l  here,  uid  in  a  few  other  pas-  whsre  '  ejna '  erldenttj  refen  to  '  luOTem  ;' 

ngei.     See  note  on  t,  3.  S8.  we  oboTe,  tv.  1G,  16.     See  note  od  the 

IS.  Ega  ijmt  rUtnii  npidta  retla  ran.  punge.     For  'rectft'  «ee  nate  ou  Andrta 

Mr<ior]       'In    my    ■niietT    to   lee  her   I  H.  6.  11. 

folloir  diiectlT.'     Thia  lue  or  tbe  genmdiie  14.  Spalinm]  See  note  on  !.  !.  86. 

bu  alieady  baen  noticed  on  Hesut.  Prol.  fiO.  Omitiiiu  nobit .  .  .  humilt»  MiMu] 

T.    S9:    "NoTWUro   qui   spectindi   fitciunt  'We  sre  sMng  and  weak,  jnst  sa  drcnm- 

eopiam."     See  note.     MsdTi|>,  botterer,  itancea  hnppen.'    For 'dant  WBe' compara 

)n  hii  note  on  Cicero,  De  Finibos  i.   18.  tlie   similu   nhrue   in    Hnnt.   t.    I.    4S: 

nuntwu  thU  the  conMnictian  of  the  text  "  Qaot  ree  dedere  nbi  piMsem   penentii- 

iidni(edfrom  theoommonii>eor>  eai' &c.  cere."     DonBtm  qnotes  from  Apollodanis 

wilh  (hs  genindiTe.     Wa  shonld  »ay  '  sui,'  offr«e  Irottroc  iid   rd  rfijiiaTa  atHi^t 

'mn,'  'tni,'  'noBtii,'  'Testii  TideodieauM;'  4(1'  la!  ruiriivAc,  and  froin  Uomer,Odjti. 

correcdy,  for  theae  poiMsriies  are  i^idves  X.  136 : 
singnlar  nenter ;  iind  ao  we  hiye  here  by  a 

Uae  analogj  (aa  if  '  mei '  were  (he  regnlM-  roioc  yilp  vo«e  l"riv  (nx^avlitv  dirOpv- 

geDitire  of  'ego')    the   sama  ronstruction  nav 

(nuufeiTed   to    'ejna.'     We   may  compare  alar  Iw'  i/iap  ajam  «wr^p  AflpSvrt 

Phonuio  i.  3.  23,  24 :  eiir  rt. 

C  k")0<^  lc 

ACTU8  in.    8CENA  ni.  859 

Nonc  huc  oonlugit  te  atque  alios  partum  ut  oeloret  suuiu." 
Sed  cum  orata  ejus  remioiscor,  nequeo  quin  lacrimem  miaer.  25 
"  Qnaeque  iote  fortuna  eet,"  inquit,  "  nobis  quae    te  bodie 

Fer  eam  te  obsecramua  ambae,  ei  jue,  si  iaa  est,  uti 
Adversa  ejus  per  t«  tecta  tacitaque  apud  omnes  aient. 
Si  unquam  erga  te  animo  ease  amico  senati  eam,  mi  Fam- 

Sine  labore  banc  gratiam  te  ut  sibi  des  pro  illa  nuoc  rogat.    30 
Gaeterum  de  reducenda  id  ^ias  quod  in  rem  sit  tuam, 
Parturire  eam  neque  gravidam  esse  ex  te  solus  conscius. 
I^am  aiunt  tecum  post  duobus  concubuisee  eam  mensibus : 
Tum  postquam  ad  te  venit  mensis  agitur  hic  jam  septinius ; 
Quodte  scire  ipsa  indicat  res.  Nunc  si  potis  eat,  Pampbile,  35 
Mazime  volo  doque  operam  ut  clam  eveniat  partus  patrem, 
Atque  adeo  omnes :  sed  si  fieri  id  non  potest  quin  sentiant, 
Dicom  ahortum  esse :  scio  nemini  aliter  suspectum  fore 
Quin,  quod  verisimile  est,  ez  te  recte  eum  natum  putcnt. 
Continuo  exponetur :  hic  tihi  nibil  eet  quicquam  iucommodi ; 
£t  iUi  miserae  indigue  factam  injuriam  contezeris."  41 

Pollicitus  Bum ;  et  servare  in  eo  certum  est  quod  dixi  fidem ; 
I^am  de  reducenda,  id  vcro  neutiquam  honeetum  eaae  arbi- 

Nec  faciam ;  etsi  amor  me  graviter  consuetudoque  ejus  tenet. 
Ijacrimo,   quae  poethac  futura   est   vita    quum  in  mentem 

venit,  45 

Solitudoque.     0  fortima,  ut  nunquam  perpetuo  es  bona! 
Sed  jam  prior  amor  me  ad  hanc  rem  exercitatum  reddidit, 

26.   Qmugue /ort /orltma  «til    'Wluit-  initaiice  of  iL     'Gntia'  in  the  nma  of 

erer  extnor^arj  (Jiaaee  it  is,    abe  ibjb,  '  fkToor  '  U  oiinpiaTi. 
••bidbhaabrDiight  70U  npon  oa  te-d*;,  in        47.  Stdj™  prior  —  rtididif]     '  But 

it>  DUDe  we  botb  entreBt  you,  if  hamaa  aod  mj  former  loTe  aflur  bia  got  me  into  |ood 

diiine  lair  «ill  kUdw  fou,  to  let  her  mia-  training  (br  this  one;    for  ee   I   then  got 

foitunee  be  entirelj  hulden  biii]  hu»bed  up  rid  of  it  bj  nj  reaoiation,  k)  agun  I  will 

u   br   as   you  ere  coDcemed.'      On  '  for»  now  do  mj  b«t  for  my  preient  «ffection.' 

rortan& '  t^  DOte  oa  Eunuchne  L  2.  54.  The  lut  line  ia  iBtlier  obicurely  eipraued ; 

'AdTamm'  is  here  used  u  &  subttwittTe.  hut  its  niesmng  ia  not  nninteHigible.     Ae 

Conipere  Heaut  li.  3.  114:  "  Hic  ai  quid  he  hwi  rid  himHlf  of  oae  attacliuient  on 

nobia  forte  adieni  erenerit ;"  and  Tadlns,  iniDciple,  lo  he  wiU  oow  apply  liimBelf  to 

Anual.  i.  I :    "  Sed  Teteris  populi  Romani  ietting;  rid  o(  his  present  feelinga  of  loTa 

pRHpeiB  rel  adyersa  clarie  scriptoribuii  mo-  towarda   big   wi(e.     Bentley  coDsiders   the 

morsta  miit."  line  lo  be  Bponoui,  aod  reads   "  Qao  ego 

30.  Haae  gratiam  .  .  .  det]     '  She  noir  eum  consilio  miiium  fcd,  eodem  huic  ope- 

mVt  jou  to  do  her  this  favoar  in  retum  fbr  ram  dabo."     '  Idem  '  mnst  refer  to  '  ego.' 

her  prerious  kiDdneat.'     '  Gistism  dare '  ig  For  ■  »d  banc  rem  eiercitalum  '  *«e  ii.  1.  6 : 

aTery  rve  phiBoe.    I  do  aot  find  utotlier  "Doctaead  maliliaifi,"  > iwratM.Ml  paitM.' 


360  HECTHA. 

Quem  ego  tum  Donfiilio  missuni  feci :  idem  nunc  huic  operam 

Adest  Farmeno  cum  puerie :  liunc  minime  est  opns 
In  hac  re  adease ;  nam  olim  boU  credidi  50 

!Ea  me  abstinuiBse  in  principio,  com  data  est. 
Vereor,  si  clfunorem  ejue  hic  crebro  audiat, 
Me  porturire  intelligat :  aliquo  milii  est 
Hinc  ablegaudus  dum  parit  Fhilumena. 



Par.  Ain  tu  tibi  boc  incommodimi  eTenisse  iter  ? 
80.  Non  tercle  verbis,  Pameno,  dici  potest 
Tantum  quam  re  ipsa  narigare  incommodum  est. 
Far.  Itane  est  ?     So.  O  fortunate,  nescis  quid  mali 
Praeterierifi  qui  nunquam  es  ingressus  mare.  S 

Nam  aliae  ut  omittam  miaerias,  unam  lianc  vide : 

Compue  CiccTo,  In  C.  Verrem  ii.  G.  04 :  tonii  «ith  the  ■emnt*  who  *ere  cbttuik 

"Sex  lictom  drcamSBtaat  valcDtiiaimi  et  Pamphiliu'  baggagclrom  the vendia  wbidi 

nd  puluedos  lerbernndDBqae  homiaea  ei-  be  faad  retuni«i  heme.     He  ia  hiHrin^  with 

«rcitadBnmi."     DeOSciiBii.  ]S:  "Dainda  Sana abaut the diaagtwablea of a aea tojage. 

couinetudine  beneficeatiaa  panliorei  erunt  Pamphilui  meeta  lum  with  •  new  eTTosd  u 

et  tanqoBin  eieTcitatiDrea  ad  bene  de  mulIiB  taaa  u  he  arnia.     He  is  to  run  cnta  to 

promerendBPi."  the  AcTopolii,  and  looV  (br  hia  finend  Calli- 

H.  Nam  otim  toli  crtdidi]     See  1.  3.  demidea,  and  lell  him  that  be  ii  nnable  lo 

40,   &«.      Colman   objecta   that   this   ia   ■  keep  his  appointment  with  him.      Hia  ap- 

■erioDi  OTeisigbt  in  Terence.     He  >appase)  pearauce  ii  fiillj  deicribed,  and  Pannena  ia 

tlut  Parmeno  waa  alreadf  acquainted  with  imitracted  to  wait  (br  him  if  iini  lauij  tiU 

the  ^ct  that  PhilumeDH  bad  gune  to  hei  the  eiening. 

mother^B  booae  to  conceBl  Ihe  bittb  of  ber  The  Hetre  is  iambic  trimetn'. 

child.    But  tliere  ii  no  ground  fni  thii  eup-  3.  Tantimi  piam  . .  .  ncomnodmB  cvf] 

position.     A«  fBi  u  the  plot  of  the  play  ia  '  It  ia  impoBaible,  Panneno,  that  woida  can 

concemed,  Ihis  drcumBtBnce  doei  not  come  «pres»  tbe  fnll  eitent  of  tbe  lionblea  of  a 

oat  lill  the  preaent  icBQe.  All  that  Parmono  aea  voyago.'    We  find  tha  phrase  '  tat 

knew  wat  tbat  Pamphilua  «nd  bis  wife  had  quam  *  in  otber  places.     See  Liiy  yi 

not  liTed  together  dnring  the  early  part  of    "Nec  in  ade  tantam  ibi  dadia  bccl^ 

Iheii  nniOD.     There  is  no  hiat  tfaat  Pam-  qoam  quod  Irecentoi  leptem   mililea   Ro- 

philoa  bimadf  bad  tbe  least  auspidon  of  manos  captos  Tarquinienaes  immolBTTint ;" 

tbe  real  slale  o(  tbe  case  lill  tbe  preaent  and    xitI,   I :   "Non  ab   ira  tantum  .  . . 

moment.  quam  qaod  nrbs  tam  aobilis  ae  potena  licat 

M.  Ailrgandia']    Tle  word  ia  commonly  defectione  bu>  tniBiat  atiqnot  |Mpaloa  ila 

naed  )n  thu  lenie,  of  Koding  out  of  tfae  rccepta  inclinatura  runuB  anii           "  ' 

waj  anj  one  whoie  presence  ii  nndeairabte.  ad  Teteria  imperii  reapectum."      ID 

Compare   Plantui,    Miles  GIoroiub  iii.  9.  mentalora  qoote  from  Posidippus : 

" Hnnc  Bubcnstodem  auam  ^  f^  TiirXiiuvc  oiSir  iiipatt  ■oi 

Foraa  ahl^Tit,   dum  eapse  buc  tnns-  .  . 

ACT  UI.  8o««  IV.    P«meno  now  re-        '"''  "'  *^-"«  "'  l"""*'  "**  ^P"'"' 
Dc,  zecbvGoOglc 

ACTtJS  III.    SCENA  IV,  361 

Dies  triginta  aut  plus  eo  in  navi  ^i, 

Cum  iuterea  semper  mort«m  exspectabam  miser ; 

Ita  Qsque  adversa  tempeetate  usi  sumus. 

Par.  Odiosum.     80.  Haud  clam  me  est :  denique  hercle  aufii- 

gerim  lO 

Fotius  qnam  redeam,  si  eo  mihi  redeuadum  siet. 
Pm'.  Olim  quidem  te  causae  impellebant  leves 
Quod  nunc  minitare  facere  ut  &cere8,  Soaia. 
Sed  Famphilum  ipsum  video  stare  aQt«  ostium. 
Ite  intro :  ego  hunc  odibo  si  quid  me  velit.  15 

Here,  etiam  tu  hic  atas  P     Pam.  Et  quidem  te  exepecto.   Par. 

Quid  est  P 
Pam.  In  arcem  tranacurso  opus  est.   P^.  Cui  homini  ?    Pam. 

Par.  In  arcem  ?  quid  eo  P     Pam.  Callidemidem  hospitem 
Myconium,  qui  mecum  una  advectus  est,  conveni. 
Par.  Perii  !  vovisee  hunc  dlcam,  ai  Balvna  domum  20 

Redifiset  unquam,  ut  me  ambulando  rumperet. 
Pam.  Quid  cessaa?     Par.  Quid  vis  dictanP     an  conveniam 

Pam.  Imo,  quod  constitui  me  hodie  conventurum  eum 

9.  Ila  tttftK  adttrta  ttmptiiatt  Kti  nt-         W.   Sito  miht  ndtimdam  (■'«/]     '  If  I 

niu]     '  1  wu  thirtr  days  or  inore,'  Hja  had  ta  come  to  that  *gmiD.'     Bentlef  readi 

SosA, '  on  boBTd  ahip ;  nad  all  tbe  «hile  I  '  scum  '    for  '  siet,'   vilh   the  ■athoritr  of 

wu  ■Iwiji   iu    aa    agony,    eipecting    mj  ■oiiia  old  editioni ;  bat  tbe  cbange  is  DDne- 

d«ilh;  we  had  ancb  \ai  weatber  the  whole  ceaaarj.     In  replj"  M  Sosia'a  threat,  Par- 

|inie,'    For 'usqne' «ee  noteon  EnnnchiiB  meno  «js,  '  It  took  lerj  1'ttle  onco  to 

iii.  3.  18,  uid  compare  Cicero,  Ad  Fam.  xii.  nwke  jou  do  wbnt  joo  now  threaten  to 

l9 :  "  Mihi  quidem  Qsqne  corae  eiit  qnld  do.' 

•gH."    ^irgil,  Bclog.  ix.  63,  64:  16.    Ellam  lu  hie  ttat!^      '  Are  yon 

"Aiittino3tpluTi«nneeoUig.tante-i-e™-  "till    •tanding  here  >'       '  Bti.m '    i.    ofteo 

Q^         ^  '^  naed   bj  Terence   in  the  senM  of  '  etiun 

CanlM^te»  licet  nsqna  fminii»  »U  laed.t)  ^^7'?'    «e  note  on  Andri.  i.  I.  «9.     Som» 

eemns."  editions  aad    mnanicnpti    haTB   'oUam  tn 
nnnc;'  bat  'nnnc'  a  clearlj  nn  sddition 

'  TempeitKte '  is  here  nied  in  tha  genenl  intended  to  eipUin 'eti*m;'  ■od  it  eDCnm- 

KMe  of  'weether,'  '  bad  weather'   being  ben  Ihe  metre. 

■igniAed  t»  the  addition  of '  ■dreru.'    It  ia         I7.  In  arceni  traiucttrto  vpvi  etl']  '  Yon 

oAen  uW  in  ths  opposita  aense  with    ■  must  run   orer  to  the    ACTopolis.      Par, 

faiODrtble  epithet,  ■>  in  Cunr,  BelL  G»U.  Who  must?     Pam.  You.'      For  the  con- 

i'  23:    "NactDi  idoneam  ad   nATigandnm  struction    rompare    "  Quod    puvto    opui 

■cmpeatetem  tertia  vigilia  «olnt."    Manj'  ett,"  Andria  iii.  2.  43 ;  and  note  on  iii.  a. 

iuHancea  of  both  aensea  maj  be  aeen   in  10.     The  words   >in  arcem  tranBCnno  opna 

Fercellini.     We  raaj  compBre  the  Die  of  eat '  ■re  of  conrse  aufficientlj  plwo  withoat 

'  felicitw '  in  Bunacfana  ii.  9.  31 ,  32 1  the  ■ddition  of  Ihe  per«<nBl  prononn  ;  and 

"Necqoenqnam   ease  ego  hominem  ubi-  P»™eno's  question  ii  luerelj  ■  joke. 

tror  cni  maris  bona?  ^   '"""■  '"'"'  ""<'t't"  ""  AorfwconBm- 

PelidUte.oSU«dTen»e«aDt,"  '"""^   ~"1      fr^^%."T'i  '^^'\Jt 

JOD  want  me  to  tell  bim  1     '  Am  1  onn  to 

whera  (ae  note,  go  and  meet  him  ? '    '  No,'  laya  PaniphUai^ 


Non  poeae  ;  ne  me  &agtrtL  illic  eupectet :  Tola. 
Par.  At  ooa  Bovi  hominis  fitciem.     Pam.  At  &ciam  vt  no- 
veris.  25 

MagBus,  rubicuaduB,  crispue,  craseoB,  caesius, 
Cadaverosa  facie.     Par.  Di  illiiin  perduint. 
Quid  si  BOn  Teniet  ?  maneamne  uaque  ad  Tesperum  ? 
Pam.  Maneto  :  curre.     Par.  Non  queo ;  ita  defeeeus  sfum. 
Pam.  nie  abiit :  quid  agam  infelix  P  prorsus  neeiuo  » 

Quo  pacto  koc  celem  quod  me  oravit  Myrrhina, 
Suae  gnatae  partum ;  nam  me  miaeret  mulieris. 
Quod  potero  iaciam,  tamen  ut  pietatem  colam ; 
Nam  me  parenti  potios  quam  amori  obsequi 
Oportet     Atat  eccum  Pbidippum  et  patrem  35 

Tideo  :  borsum  pergunt.     Quid  dicam  hisce  incertus  buiq. 



La.  Dixtin  dndom  illam  dixisse  se  eispectare  £Iinm  P 
Ph.  Factum.    La,  YenisBe  aiunt :  redoat.   Pa.  Quam  causam 
dicam  patri 

'  yon  »n  to  e>r  thtt  I  canoot  keep  tlie  sp-  ■inild  now  return.    Puii|^Da  iiifoniii  Liin 

poiDtineiit  vhich  1  nwde  to  incet  Mm,  tbot  tiwt   he  knQ»  all;   tbat  Phibinwnk   inll 

be  snr  ■"><  '"^''  ^°^  "*"  ^^  *"  ^  P"'  ^"^  witneu  tbiit  thii  aepKntian  wm  oot 

pose.'    FoT  '  imo'  we  note  on  Andria  iii.  CMUed  bj  him;  but  Uut  41  etae  aod  hii 

0.  12)  and  for  '  oooetitui '  noteoD  Buniidiul  motber  cunat  •giee,  hi<  dutf  to  the  lattvr 

i.  2.  I2S.  leMli  bim    to  pieCer  her  to  his  wife.     To 

2B.  Criipta,  crattut,  eofiiu]     DOMtiU  avoid  liirtber  importunity,  he  relim,   lesr. 

telli  n9  thet  Apollodonu  wrote  fa^attiit-  iig   Pbidippus   eod   Lacfaei   to  KtUe    (be 

in  aceorduice  with  tha  Greek  proTerb  Hv-  matter   betweeu    them  ;    and    Ihe    conar- 

K«i'ioc  faf^aconi.     All  Ihe  inhBbitanU  of  qnence  iB  that  Fbidippns  gets  into  a  bigh 

HfOQDaa  were  laid  ta  be  aubject  to  bald-  paaalon  at  what  he  conaiden  thia  anwmth; 

neia.       Donatoi    qnotes     Ironi     LuciUiu  :  treatment  of  his  daaghter,  and  goes  olT  in  b 

"Mjrani  enln  omnii  JQTeDtus;"    bnt  he  rage,    wbile  ladie*   prepaita   to  fent  hia 

Bupposei  TercDce  to  luTe  purpoaely  written  annofance  on  Soglnta. 

■•      ■     '      -•      "  -  ■ ^--'  «ee  ThcUetreisss  foUows;  TT.  1— 34,  tra. 

AcT  III.  SciNE  V.  Pampfailus  baa  JDit  1,}  Lacbes  nj», ' Did  jm  not  »j  jnst 

•ent  07  Parmeao  when  bis  father  comea  up  dow  tb*t  she  was  onlj  waitiDg  for  mj  eoo  ! 

wilh  Phidippus.    Thii  placei  faim  in  a  dif-  Well,  tbey  saj  he  bas  oome  hinae;  let  her 

ficnltj.     How  ii  he  to  eiplain  wb  j  fae  will  come  back.'     Compare  iL  2.  86 : 
not  receive  his  wife  again  ?     Lacfaea  makes 

■ome  inquiries  of  faii  son  on  husiness  mat-  " PostquaiD  stteDdi 

ters,  eonnected  with  the  deslb  of  faii  liiend  Magis,  et  vi  coepi  cogere  nt  rediret,  ssncte 

Phuiia  at  Imbn>s,  and  tb«i  proceadii  to  tlie  adjurat 

Daiie  of  Philumeiis,  who,  he  pretends,  bad  Non  posse  anud  tob  Pamphilo  se  absenle 

been  aeDt   for   bome  bj  ha  lather ;   but  perdurare. 


ACTUS  in.    SCENA  V.  363 

QnAmobrem  non  redaeain  nescio.     La.  Quem  cgo  liio  audivi 

Pa.  Certum  offirmare  eet  viam  me  quam  decrevi  persequi. 
La.  Iperofl   est   de  quo  hic  agebam   tecum.     Pa.  S&lve,   mi 

pater.  5 

La.  Ghiate  mi,  salve.     Ph.  Bene  fitctum  te  advenisse,  Pam- 

Atque  adeo,  quod  majimum  est,  salvum  atque  validum.     Pa 

La.  Advenis  modoP     Pa.  Admodum.     La.  Cedo,  quid  reli- 

qnit  Pliama 
Consobrinua  noster  P    Pa.  Sone  bercle  botuo  voluptati  obec- 

Fnit  dnm  vixit ;  et  qui  sic  sont  baud  multum  beredcm  ju- 

vant:  lo 

Sibi  vero  hanc  Isudem  relinquunt :  "  Viiit,  dnm  vixit,  bene." 

4.  Ctrt*m  ttglrman  «f]     ■  I  un  drter-  S6,  qnoUs  an  dU  epitqili  from  Toida  in 

miDed  to  penUt  in  the  coDne  whieb  I  baTe  TruiajInDi> : 
dediled  to  follow  out.'     8ee  note  on  Bana- 
diiui  iL  I.  It,  «We  Ihe  diflerent  awige*  of 
'  Dffimo  '   aie   enDnaeratBd.      The  preseiit 
phr«e  occd™  onlj  here. 

8.  Adtnodum]     '  EiictlT  ao.'     '  Admo- 

dDiD  ■  ii  tometimei  nied  in   dialogne  in  ^j  fl,(,  ,o^,  ,^„1  to  haTe  been  UKd  pro- 

thie  senM,  u  a  ttnng  affirmaliTe  an.wer.     ,erbi»llr.     Uche,  ■>  natunllT 

Compaie  PlantM,  Koden*  it.  4.  36,  S7  ■■  at  thii  aceount  of  hii  liin.niBn  i  ana  »y>, 

"  Pa.    Nempa  tn  haor:  dids  qDam  e>se  'What  then,  hare  fon  bronght  home  no- 

aiebu  dodDm  popnlaiem  meam?  thing   more    tban    thia    one    tentiment?' 

7V.  Admodum.'  '  WhateTcr  he  hju  left,'  answen  Pamphi- 

_     . , .         .  1d3,  '  ia  so  much  to  oar  adTBntaire.'     Here 

Baccbidea  v.  1.  84.  26  :  j^hea  rerOTer.  hi>  apirits,  at  hearins  tbat 

"  PM.  NnmqaidnaDi  ad  filinm  haoc  aegri-  aomething  ii  left  at  all  eTents,  suificieatlj  b> 

tudo  atlinet  ?  ejprera  «ime  gritf  at  hii  fricnd'.  deUb  ;  at 

M.  Admodnm."  wbirh  Phidippiu,  wbo  mar  bs  suppoied  to 

haTo  becn  not  altO|[etber  frce  from  jealoui; 

in    the  matter,   drilj  remarks,   '  Yon   maj 

,1  fafely  indnlge  yonr  rejpvti  for  Phania  will 

"vO"      ,  -                   n    ™       _i  ,  neTer  come  to  life  aKiiin  ;  and  Tet  I  knoir 

9.CBmn6rmM,*aHtr]    The  word    con-  which  tod  woald  ratber  haTC.'     The  pa«. 

'ery  fair  specimen  of  th^  qniet 

ntnnni '  raipnally  waa '  cODaororlDna,'  and 

*i'ta"-  n  •-  c„;.;h'.i  !„';»:«  bi.  .«s.i: 

Od    the 

iicelted.    The  ■tudeat  shonld  n 

whole  aabied  of  degreea  of  ^nrty  «eo  the  ,;„  f^^  „f  .  „„^„  .  (^th  '  mallem.' 

DietiDn-T  °f  AnUqmtJea,  p.  310  (art.   Cog-  rZ][B^  ■)  aa  ■eipre.sing  a  wi.h  which  ono 

"^?,'',,,    ■-    j           ■    ■.     .       n     .1«.     ■    .  "oiW    hBTC    andcr    other    drcDmrfmceii, 

11    rto(.  rfitm  !«*.(.  4«.]    *Pt>«n'«.  ,ho  fulfilment  of  whicb  is  now  imposnhlo. 

saji  Parmeno, '  was  a  m»n  deToted  to  plea.  romDare 
■are  daring  hia  lifetime ;  and  tbose  who  are 

so  are  DOt  of  mucb  use  to  their  hcin.     At  " Qaam  Tellent  aethere  in  alto 

■II  erenta   they   lea*e   bthind    them    thii  Nnnc  et  panperiem  et  duroa  peHerre  la- 

praise,  "  He  lired  Kke  a  good  feltow,  while  boieal" 

ha  liTad.'^ '     Lindcnbrog  on  Fhormio  r.  8.  Virgil,  Aen.  tL  4S7i  438. 


364  HECTEA. 

La.  Tum  tu  igitur  pJhJl  attuliBti  huc  pliu  una  sententia  P 
Pa.  Quicquid  est  id  quod   reliijuit  profiiit.     La.    Imo  ob- 

Nam  illum  vivum  et  salvum  vellem.      Ph.   Impune  optare 

istuc  licot : 
Illo  reviviacet  jam  nunquam  ;  et  tamen  utrum  malis  Bcia      15 
La.  Heri   Ptiilumenam   ad    se   arceesi  hic  juBeit :   dic    jus- 

sisse  te. 
Ph.   Noli  fodere:   jussi.     La.  Sed  eam  jam  remittet.     Ph. 

Pa.  Omnem  rem  scio  ut  sit  gesta :  adveniena  audivi  omnia. 
La.    At  iBtos   invidoB   Di  perdant  qui   haec   libenter  nun- 

Pa.  Ego  me  Bcio  caviase  ne  ulla  merito  contumelia  zo 

Fieri  a  vobia  posBet :  idque  si  nunc  memorare  hic  vdim, 
Quam  fideli  animo  et  benigno  in  illam  et  clementi  fiii, 
Vere  poBaum ;  ni  t«  ex  ipsa  haec  magia  velim  resciscere  ; 
Namque  eo  pacto  maxime  apud  te  meo  erit  ingeoio  fides, 
Quum  illa  quae  nimc  in  me  iniqua  est  aequa  de  me  dix- 

erit ;  25 

Neque  mea  culpa  hoc  diacidium  evenisse,  id  teator  Beoe. 
Sed  quando  sese  esse  indignam  deputat  matri  meae 

17.  Noli/adtre :  jiatil     '  Ton  need  not  Mmdact  will  bs  mDct  clnrlf  «Ubliaheil  in 

jog   mei    1   did."       'Fodia>'    U   o»ed    by  your  «ght,  if  «he  who i»  now  estnuiged from 

Uonce  iD  tbia  seiiM  :  me  ajt  wtiat  is  good  of  mg.' 

27.  Sed  ^uanilo  ttie  tne  indiffnam  Sfe.'] 

■•Mercemor   lenam    qui  dictet    nomiDS,  '  Hut  >ince  nhe  thinka  il  unworthj  of  her  to 

■■eri""  jield  to  my  mother,  uid  to  beu  with  her 

Qui  fodicet  Utu»,  et  cogM  tnm  poDdera  temper   with    becoming    modeimtimi,     wd 

deitrsm  since  ■  reconcilistiDn  nnnot  in  tnj  other 

Porrigere."  „j  be  elTected  between  theru,  cither  my 

Hor^ce,  Epiat.  1.  6.  50—58.  mother,  Pbidippm,  or  Philuoien»  muat  be 

8eeM«'.n0te.  partodfroin  me.'     The  teit  of  thi.  p«»ge 

hu  ocGuioned  conndeimbla  diBScultj.     The 

10.  Al . .  .prrdani']  See  note  on  ADdria  common   teit   hu    '  cni    concedat,'    whifi 

iT.  1.  42.  doea   not  giie  an   inteltigible  senae  taken 

22.  Quam^iifeJianrmo.  .  . /iit]     Tbese  with  ■matri  meae.'     The  reujing  'qiue' 

dependeiit    interrogalive    propoaitioni    kre  !•  fouDd  in  the  Bembine  maoiueript,  aad 

■Iwkjs  found  in  the  i^njunctiie  in  the  later  mkkea  the  Minse  clear.     Weise  in  his  noies 

writera.     TLis  eiceptional  use  is  sometimes  to  Cbe  Hecyrm  (Tanchniti  edition,  p.  3G2) 

UnmA  in  poeta.     In  tbe  Mme  mftnner  we  snppoiea  a  a»e  «f  sttisction:  "  QDom  pn>- 

have '  possnm '  in  the  following  line  wfaere  prie  esse  debeat   Sed  juanda  te  ihm  t*m 

a  more  correct  writer  would  haie  giTen  ua  exittivial,q\ittedtbealtnelrinteteeo»cedeTt 

'possim,'  tlie  reoMn  being  thst'pas8um'  atU  ^ut  moret  Ctc.  \  pro  fais  dicere  orditur 

ia  Bttrscted  into  tho  mood  of  tbe  dependent  Sei  quanda  illa  le  indignam  jmlal  mmlri 

elause.       PimphiluB    uja,    'I  could  eadl;  jnae  eaneedal :  pro   his  autem  ait :  aiafri 

show   jou  bow  faithful  and  kind   I    have  eui  eoneedal  eif/atqae  oiorta"  lu:.     Bul  I 

been  to  her,  if  I  did  not  wish  you  to  laun  thinlf  it  ia  far  more  hkelj  that  from  '  aUA*,' 

tbis  ^m  faer  owd  Duiuth;   foi  mj  good  tbe  reading  of  the  old  M8S.,  lome  oopjiit 

ACTUS  m.    SCENA  T.  865 

Quae  concedat,  cujusque  morefi  toleret  sna  modeatia, 
Neque  alio  pacto  componi  poteet  inter  eas  gratia, 
Segreganda  aut  mater  a  me  est,  Phidippe,  aut  Philumena :  30 
KuuG  me  pietas  matris  potius  commoduiii  euadet  sequi. 
La.  Pampliile,  tiaud  inTito  ad  aures  sermo  milii  accessit  tuus, 
Quum  te  postputaBse  omnes  res  prae  parente  intelligo, 
Yerum  ride  ne  impulsus  ita  prave  iusistas,  Pamphile. 
Pa.  Quibus  iris  impulBus  nunc  in  illam  Laiquus  eiem  P  35 

Quae  nunquam  quicquam  erga  me  commerita  est,  pater, 
Quod  nollem ;  et  saepe  quod  vellem  meritam  scio. 
Amoque  et  laudo  et  vehementer  desidero ; 
TSsxa  iiiisee  erga  me  miro  ingenio  expertus  sum ; 

ia  libi  poit  putBVit  «M  pne  mco  com- 

common   teit.       For    'cnjmque'    Dentlcy 

3a.   Commerila  fQ      Laeb«.  h«l  mtd. 

nads  'qnsqiie  ejn»,'    irhich  cciHunlj  im- 

'  I  cuinot  bnt  ■pproTS  of  joor  renolDtion  la 

|>roirea  the   metre;  bnt   hu    no  aulhority. 

prefer  your  psrent  to  every  thing  else ;  but 

*  Mores '  is  uwd  here  in  the  scnse  of  '  dilB- 

trie  care  thst  joii  do  not  «iter  on  a  bwl 

colt  temper,'      Compare   '  morosns.'      See 

conrse  from    some  angrj   impnlsB   aigainft 

Horace:    ■' Camtiea  moro«,"  C«™.  i.  9. 

your  wife.'     '  Why  ihould   I,"  nys  Pam. 

philu»,  '  deal  unfiiirly  to  her  from  any  angry 

Andria  ii.  3.  81  :  "  Uiorem  his  moribus 

DBbitnemo."  >iidnote;  and  PUdtos,  Tri- 

fault  againit  me  of  «bich    1    could    coiD- 

hnrninnni  mon»  et  mwom  effidt."     For 

generally  used  in  a  bad  Knw.     See  iv.  i. 

*  CDmpoiii  '   compue  Pbonnio  ir.  3.    16, 


caperet  odium   ills  mei,"    Phormia  i.   i. 

"Videt  inter  Y0«  ric   baec    potioB  cum 

2(i;    "  Nam  si  lenaerit  te  timidum  pater 

>  Commereor  '  is  ■omelimeg  used  afaHilutely 
ai  here.     Id   PliotoB,  Aulularia  iv.  10.  12, 

PUiutuj,  MeroitorT.  2.  112: 

it  bu  a  traDsitixe  Benie :  '■  Fateor  me  poo- 

" Pacem  componi  toIo 

wd  iD  Trinummua  L  1.  4,  it  i»  uwd  pai- 

Meo   patri  ciuu  matn :    nua    dddc  eA 



"  —  N»m  ego  amieum  hodie  meum 

31 .  JVimc  THt  pitlat  malrii]    '  As  thinp 

Bow  Ttand,  mj  doty  to  my  mother  preriil»  M.  Dttidtro]     Fejtus  properly  remarbi 

to  uTge  me  to  coniult  her  inteieats.'     The  that  'deaidero'  is  a  'vord  connected  with 

meaoiog    of    'commodum'    bere    ia    more  '  lidus.'     It  is  tbe  converGe  of  '  coniidero.' 

fiilly  aipraased  below,  ».  46  :  "  Matris  «er-  '  ConBidero  '   originally  meant  '  to  obierrs 

Tibo  commodia."      '  9u*deo '   ii   used    by  the  heaveni   when   fiili  of  stara ;'   aod  aa 

daerical  wiiters  witb  the  acensative,  only  '  deBidero,' '  lo  losa  iight  of  the  itars.'    We 

wheo  the  inflnitive  follows.     Compsre  Vir-  "«ed  lind  no  difficnliy,  as  Forcellini  does, 

gil,  Aeneid.  lii.  813,  814:  'u  «1  etymology  whicti   rncalB  thc  primilive 

habita  of  close  obaerration  of  nature,  wilh 

"  Jatumam  miiwro,  fateor,  succnrrere  fra-  «hich  all  language  was  in  its  early  Biage 

tri  iiitimately   connected.      Hence    'desidero' 

Suasi,  et   pro    vita  majora  audere  pro-  lignilieB  '  to  misB,'  '  to  feet  the  want  of,'  a 


33.    Qtiuni  ft  fiQilputiate  .  .  ,  prai  pa.  of  ■ 

rattt'^     Compare  Adelpbi  ii.  3.  9  :  "Qoi  In  C  Verrem  ii.  4.  44  :  "  Nequr 


366  HECYBA.  ' 

Illiqtie  exopto  ut  reliquam  Titam  exigat  w 

Gum  eo  viro  me  qui  sit  fortunatior ; 

Quandoquidem  illam  a  me  distrahit  neoesaitae. 

Ph.  Tibi  id  in  mauu  e«t  ne  fiat.     La.  Si  sanus  siee, 

Jube  illam  redire.     Pa.  Non  eat  consilium,  pater. 

Matm  serribo  commodis.     La.  Qno  abia  P  maae ;  a 

Maue,  iaquam :  quo  abis  P    Ph.  Quae  haec  est  pertinacia  ? 

La.  Dixin,  Phidippe,  banc  rem  segre  laturum  eese  eum  F 

Quamobrem  te  orabam  filiam  ut  remitt^res. 

Ph.  Non  credidi  aedepol  adeo  inhumanum  fore. 

Ita  nuno  is  sibi  me  Bupplioaturum  pntat  P  so 

Bi  est  ut  velit  reducere  uxorem,  licet ; 

Sin  alio  est  animo,  renumeret  dotem  huc ;  eat. 

La.  £cce  autem  tu  quoque  proterre  iracundus  ee. 

Ph.  Percontumax  redisti  hnc  nobis,  Pamphile. 

La.  Decedet  jam  ira  haec,  etei  merito  iratus  eet.  5i 

Ph.  Quia  panlum  vobis  accessit  pecuniae, 

Kt  fBOO  ChryBBe  pnetai'  DDum  perpuTuloin  lUtanlly  tbey  qniRel  OTtr  U. 

■igDum  ei  Mira  desideraCam  eat'      Some-  03.  RantmTil  detm  kue .-   Mf]     Phi. 

times  JD  Cicero  it  bu  the  aeiiw  of  aar  dippDi  nja,  '  If  he  «ialies  to  l»lai  hii  «iii! 

derJTed  word   ■  desire.'     S«e  enmplea  in  biKJc,  let  hioi.     If  be  U  not  bo  Riiadcd.  kc 

Porcellini.     Here  Pemphiliu  wja  tb*t  >1-  bini  pa;  me  back  hcr  dowrj,  snd  be  off.' 

thoDgh  dmimstaDcea  tisTe  msde  it  necei-  Aoctn^ing  to  Romui  l«w  tbe  wife'i  dDva 

■BTf  for  him  to  put  from  hia  wif^,  he  etill  becsme  the  haib>nd's  propertv,   fant  con- 

lovea    and  eateems  lier,  sod   regreti  faer  tinDed  so  onlj  while  their  unioa  luted.   Ii 

loea-  the  cuo  of  MpuDtioo,  the  wommn,  or  ber 

43.   Tibi  id  in  mmu  ni  ne  J(at\     •  YoD  father,  coold  brios  ■□  actian  tbr  its  mti- 

faavA  it  io  jour  own  power  to  prevont  that.'  tDtion.       Under  tiie  Greek  Inw    a   ainulv 

Compare  n.  4.  44:  "Uior  quid  fkciat  In  proriiion  eiiated.     See  Ihis  whole  lubjecl 

maaniiOD  eet  mea."     'In  manu  esse  '  wu  in    the    Dictionwy   of  Antiqnitiea,    ■  Dua.' 

*  to  ba  in  a  pervon'H  power.'     Hence  in  tbe  '  Huc '  ig  eqninlent  ta  *  mihL'      8e«  note 

marriige  '  per  conventiDnem  in  manum  '  the  on  Aadria  i.  S.  61.     The  beha«ioiir  of  Pbi- 

wife  became  dependent  on  her  hDiband,  or  dippoi   is  wj  DatDi^      He  thinka    Ihat 

on  him  ia  wboae  power  her  hDBband  was.  Pamphilus  is  giving  himself  great  ain,  aml 

(See  Dictionarj   of  Anliquitiei,  ait.  '  Ma-  that  hi>  father  ia  inchaed  to  sappoit  bim 

trimonium,'  pp.  740 — 7ii-)   Compare  Livy  becanse  thej  haTs  come  in  fbr  a  tortane. 

zixiT.  7  '  "Et  Tos  iu  mann  et  tatela,  non  64.  Pereonlmaiax']    Donatai  amjt  "  Pra- 

ln  •erritin  debetia  habere  esj ;"  and  xxiii.  prie  cDHfaiiiiu' didtor  OMitemptn  potiarmi&.'' 

18;    "  Malierea   damnatag  cognatis  aut  in  apparentlf  allDifing  to  tbe  dtnindioa  of  tbi 

qnoram   manu  essetit  tradabant,  ut  ipgi  in  word  from   '  coatemDO.'      It   la,  bowsTcr. 

priTBto  animadvcrterent  in  eaa."    Hence  we  more    f^bablj    ooDnected   with    'tUQWO.' 

have  the  genenl  pbnse  '  in  manu  est,'  '  it  '  Nobia '  is  a  tnaalatioD  of  the  Givak  ^fiir. 

Is  Qnder   mf   control,'    '  it  ia   within    mj  The  whole  pasaage  looks  like  a  oloae  imita- 

power.'     TadtDS,   Hiator.    ii.    76:   "Juzta  tioD;  it  ia  more  tereaaiidabnipt  tikaa  l^tu 

deoa,  in  toa  manD  positum  est."    Cicera,  dislogue  geneiallj  ia.   We  maj  imagiiw  the 

AdPam.  iIt.  2:  "  Haec  Doa  aunt  hi  manu  original  lino  to  haTe  nn  «r^^ei;  'ipir. 

noatra."     Pew  irDTdi  appear  In  a  greater  IIri|if  iX',  aiBaiiarifoc.  AnerrdieviD|>  hini- 

number  of  phnsea   Ibaa    'manus.'      8ee  self  of  hia  anger,  Pbidippns  goea  olT  ia  s 

nole  on  '  pne  manu,'  Adelphl  t.  9.  3H.  rage.     AU  tbe  nsual  forms  of  le«Te-takii^ 

4B.]  Pampbilni  goea  ofT,  to  aTOid  fnrtbw  an  omittod  bere,  to  mark  the  uigij  mth- 

importunitf .    The  old  men  are  now  teft  ntion  of  the  qieaken. 
to  amnge  the  matter  togetber,  and  «eif 



SaUati  animi  sunt.    La.  Gtiam  loeciim  litig^as  ? 

Ph.  Oeliberet,  renuutietque  hodie  imM, 

Velitne  on  ntm ;  nt  alii,  bi  hoic  non  sit,  aiet. 

La.  Phidippe,  ades,  audi  paucis.     Ahiit.     Q,uid  mea  P 

Postremo  inter  Be  tranaigant  ipsi,  ut  libet ; 

Q,uando  nec  natua  neque  hic  mihi  quicquam  obtemperant ; 

Quae  dico  parvi  pendunt.     Porto  hoc  jurgium 

Ad  \aomsa,  cujus  haec  fiunt  consilio  omnia ; 

Atque  in  eam  hoc  omne  quod  mihi  aegre  est  evomam. 



3fy.  Perii :   quid  agam  P   quo  me  vertam  P   quid   viro  meo 

60.  Audi  paueit]   '  Hear  tae  ■  moment.'  kaving  Lacbei,  hid  gone  ilnight  home. 

Comptre  Andiu  iii.  3.  4,  where  the  beet  aad  arrived  soon  BfterhiBdaugbteT  hulbecn 

reMKng  ie  '«iKulta  pencig,'  nipporled  bj  delivered  of  a  ehfy.  Ho  had  beard  its  cries, 

tbe  puuge  befbre  os,  thoogh  Bentley  i»n-  and   bad   gOQe  atraight  ta  hii  danghter'* 

necta   'piucis'  with   the  following  worda.  room,    where   he  diacorered   haw   matcen 

Bee  note.     CoinpBre  alio  Bannchna  t.  8.  reallj  atood.     He   Dow  comes   OBt  of  bit 

37  -  "  Priiu  ■odite  paudi."  boiue  to  look  for  his  wife  \  and  irf  course 

«i.  PorlahoejurginmAdaxortm']     'I  abusee  her  roundly^.    '  What  is  the  meaning 

will  take  tbis  qnarTel  to  ID7  wifc'     ••  Porta  of  allthiB?'  be  Ba^a.     •  WhOH  child  is  it> 

^oui  aliquid  magnam,"  aaji  Douatns.     In  Well,  it  is  Pampbilua'.     Why  is  it  to  be  pnt 

a  limilar  senM  we  haie  in  Andria  ti.  6.  2 :  out  of  tbe  wsy  tben  ?    I  see  dow.     Yoq  ob- 

**  Hic  Qunc  me  credit  aliqnam  uU  bSadija  V^  *<>  •""  i^^l^""'  mai™ge  to  I^m- 

FoHare."  phuaa  becsnse  he  kept  a  miitTen ;  and  aa 
be  did  not  gi<e  her  np  immediatdj  after  hli 

Prop«Kina  L  3.  30 :  manfage,  fou  hate  done  all  yDo  can  to 

'■Neqna  tibi   iii»)lit08  portwent  Tiaa  tt-  «T"^  tl>em.      Whj  how  coold  jcra  e.. 
pect,  if  he  wsa  worth  haTing  aa  B  Bon-in-lBW, 

Neve  qnii  inritBB  oogeret  ei 

would  aU  ii 

n  ba  had  been  Bttacbed  for  *o  long  ? 
65.  ifiic  omiw  gvad  MiAi  atgrt  rtt  leo-     As  for  the  child,  I  will  not  haTe  it  eiposed. 
mdn]     Compare  Adetphi  iii.  9.  13,  14  :  It  ahall  he  brought  ap.'     Upon  this  Phi- 

"  NihU  e>t  quod  malim  quam  ilkm  totam    ^PJ""  "'"";  "■.,/]■"  *T"  *"  ^",  ^* 
r.  -,-    ^     ...  I     ■  .^.,  ardarsabont  thaehlld  to  theserTBnts-leBT. 

mihi  dari  obriBm, 

orders  sbout  the  ehlld  to  the  i 
LC^^^eos^OTomam  omnem     \"S  Mr"^'"»  '"  P^'  perpleiily;  for 
n  aegritudo  baec  eat  recena." 

ia  Dncertain  what  PamphihiB  maf  do,  wben 
he  besra  tfaat  anotber  man'B  child  ia  going 
Cioen)  nsea  a  aimilBi  eipiesrion  :  "  In  me  to  be  brought  np  aa  hia. 
abaentem  onitionem  ore  impurisiimo  ero.  Some  crilica  haTo  ■upposed  that  thi) 
mait."  Tbe  phrase  *aegre  est'  ocours  Bccne  Bbould  be  part  of  the  tbird  act,  on 
oftoi  in  Flsutua  and  Terence.  See  Adelphi  tbe  ground  tbat  the  inhvTal  between  it  biu] 
L  i.  Bl.  Hecjra  ii.  1 .  90.  Ptautns,  CsptiTi  tha  lut  scene  is  leas  tban  wonld  be  allowed 
....._  . .  ^^  ^^^     between  Iwo  acts.     Bnt  this  reasoning  ai- 

•nmea  thatMyrrbina  had  left  her  bDOse  the 
moment  Pbidippus  retnmed  to  it,  and  tbat 
AcT  IV.    8«B>n  I.      Fbidippm,  afler    he  had  immediately  fbllowed  her  on  to  ()>• 

C  k")0<^  lc 

Miaera  ?  nam  audiTisse  Tocem  pueri  Tisus  est  vagientis : 

Ita  corripuit  derepente  tacitos  sese  ad  fiJiam. 

Quod  81  rescierit  pepenfise  eam,  id  qua  causa  clam  me  haba- 

Dicam  Qon  aedepol  scio.  5 

Sed  oatiimi  concrepuit.     Credo  ipsum  exire  ad  me :    nulli 

Ph.  Uxor  ubi  me  ad  filiam  ire  seiiBit,  se  dusit  foros ; 
Atque  eccam  Tideo.     Quid  ais,  Myrrbimi  ?    Heus,  tdln  dico. 

My.  Mihine,  mi  Tir  P 
Ph.  Yir  ego  tum  sim  P  tmi  Tirum  me  aut  homiiiem  deputaa 

adeo  eese? 
Nam  si  utrumTis  borum,  muHer,  imquam  tibi  Tisus  forem,    la 
Nou  sic  ludibrio  tuis  factis  habitus  essem.    My.  Quibus  P   Pk. 

At  rogitaa  P 
Peperit  filia.     Hem,  taces  P  ez  quo  P    Mt/.  Istuc  patrem  ro- 

gare  est  aequum  P 
Perii :  ex  quo  censes  nisi  ex  illo  cui  data  est  nuptum,  ob- 

Ph.   Credo ;   neque  adeo  arbitrari  patris  est  aliter :    sed  de- 

Quid  sit  quamobrem  tantopere  omnes  nos  celare  Tolueris       13 
Partum,  pracscrtim  quum  et  recte  et  tempore  suo  pepererit. 
Adeon  perricaci  ease  animo  ut  puerum  praeoptarcs  perire, 

iQfrcqueQtly  ia  PluilBi 

.   Clam  me  haiuitte}     '  Clun  habere' 
'  clam  feira '  tie  uwd  u  equiTalnt  U> 
editioDi.  '  ceUre.'     CompBre  ii.  4.  33 — 36  : 

'  Piter,  n  me  ei  illa  liberoa  Tellet  Bbi 
Aut  ae  esN  mecuni  Buptam,  Mii  ctria 

The  Uetre  of  thia  sceae  is  u  followi; 
brochaictetnnieter,  1,3  i.  fl,  9.  11. 12.  M. 
17— l!)l  trocliaic  tetnineter  catsleclic,  3. 
7.  10,  13.  15,  16.  20-27.  3a-M;tn>cUMC  jj, 
dimeter  catalectic,  6 ;  iuubjc  teCnmeter,  6. 
28—31.  61-(il. 

a.  VagimlW]  Theword  ia  pMticolwly  snd  Ijvy  iiii.  47  :  •' Cornnl  «IterC.  Aim- 
tpplied  to  (hn  cry  of  joung  inftuts  and  the  Uni  >d  confectum  belluni  cum  in  proiinciun 
jouDg  of  ftnimih.  See  Ovid,  Metam.  xy,  Tenlsut  htud  clun  tulit  inm  adTenui  pne. 
46C:  tarcni  quud  absente  ae  rem  gewisRct." 

6.  Sed  otliUBi  canertpuil'^     See  note  on 
Andria  iv.  1.  68. 

15.   Celare']     See  uota  on   Audria  iiL 

17.   Adeo*  perviceei    eite   mlmo    d'r] 

'Could  ;du  bc  so  itubbDm  u  to  prefpr  1I13I 

tho  child  Bbould  be  dealmjcd,  although  ;« 

knew  IhBt  he  would  be  the  meane  of  eSlt- 

mibi  ereptuin  fun  de  labito  e  fBUcibns,"    bliEkingourfTiendsbipinorefinnly froBlkii 


ACTUS  IV.    SCE5A  I.  369 

Ez  qno  firmiorem  inter  noa  fore  amicitianL  posthac  scirefl, 
Potius  quam   adTersum  animi  tui   libidinem  esset  cum  illo 

Ego  etiam  illorum  esse  hauc  culpam  credidi,   quae  te   est 

penes.  30 

Mi/.  Misera  sum.     Ph.  ITtinam  sciun  ita  esse  istuc :  sed  nuuo 

mihi  in  mentem  Tenit 
De  hac  re  quod  locuta  es  olim,  qautn  illum  generum  cepl- 

Nam  negahas  nuptam  posse  filiam  tuam  te  pati 
Cnm  eo  qui  meretricem  amaret,  qui  pemoctaret  foris. 
Mj/.  QuamTis  causam  huno  suspicari  quam  ipsam  Teram  ma- 

Tolo.  35 

time  fbrward,  rather  thui  tliat  she  Bhcndd  Hic  IbrtU  didtur,  iUam  indocU  poMl- 

be  hii    wife    againtt  joiir   wish.''     Phi-  doat. 

dippog  suppoaei  tbat  the  child  is  Pamphi-  Tn   oddii   qnod    Titio    est,   dcima   qnod 

Ifa' ;  and  that  ths  reuon  fbr  keepiag  its  laadi  datar." 
birth  Bo  Mcret  «■  thiit  it  migbt  be  eipoaed 

■■900DU  bom.     Tbia  igMD  be  ■ccoanted  Tn   onr   langnage   'pertinax'    still    ictuni 

for  bf  the  fsct  tbot  bia  vifo  had  nereT  hked  tbe  Biniiter   sense   bere   giren    jt.       '  Per- 

herdw]ghtcr'smarriagewitbPBmpbiliu,and  *i«x  '    >■  losl,  and   is  rejilaced    b;   '  per- 

wu  determined  that  ic  ■hoold  tiot  be  eata-  Berering.'     Terence  de*i-1r  giiea  Ihe  irord 

blished  u  far  u  tbe  eTietence  of  any  chil-  >  bad  aense.     It  is  neldam  used  in  earty 

dren  «u   concemed.     'I  eee,'   Phidippiu  aothon;   aod   of   later  authors   we   fiod 

uya,  'while  I  thought  Pampbiliu'  hmily  Tadtiis  oiiDg  it  in  both  aenHa.     Compare 

lo  blame,  it  ia  yoa  that  are  the  caiue  of  AnDal.  iii.  33,  in  Caedas's  «ttack  upoQ  tha 

Uie  whole.'    Por  the  comtmction  of  tbe  in-  female  iaflnences  at  Rome:    "  Duo  eisa 

flnitiTe  in  an  indignaDt  qneslJon  aee  notei  praetoriai  perricadbus  magia  et  impoten- 

on  Aadria  i.  6.  10,  Eanndius  ii.  1.  3,  and  tibusmuliemmjasiiia;  qaae Oppiifl qnondam 

Heaut.  i».    5.   3.     "  Pervicax,"    uj»  Do-  aliisqne  legibnB  eonilricUe  nanc  lindi»  ei- 

natns,  "e«t  perwverans  cnin  qnadam  tI."  soIotiB  domoj  fora,  jam  et  eierdtos  rege- 

EtjmokigicsIlT  it  i>  daarlr  connected  with  rent;"  snd  Histor.  it.  6,  in  his  cbaracter  of 

'perrinco.'     See  Cstnllus  74  (76)  (Weise).  Helvidine  FTiscus:  "  Cins,  ■euator,  maii- 

16:  tns,  gener,   amicni,  CDiictia   vitae  offidii 

„.,          .       .                 .                ...  aequabilis,   opam  contomptor,  recti  pervi- 

"Unaaalna  haec  e«t.boc  est  tibiperrm-  cai,  constau  ad»enmi  metoj." 

cendum.                          .       ■        .^    „  21-   Utinam  tciavt   ila   mt   i*fi>c\     'I 

Hocfcciea,siveidnonpote,siTOpote."  „„1^  ^^  1  ^^d  bo  Bure  that  you  wer« 

There  wa>  an  old  dirtinction  between  'per-  wfrr;' liternllj, '  tbatwhat  yon  «.j  wu  «,.' 

ric»i',nd  ■perlin.i,'  according  to  which  ^°^ ,T"    «""P«  *"<1™  '■  "■  «».  *=• 

tbe  latter  bjrTw  «nee,  thl  ^0^  e  I.B"  \  J^r  ""«??1™  •'"^1°°  ""1'^ 
good.      Foroellini  qaotea  &om   Noaiiu  t. 
40,  the  foUowing  linoB  of  Acdas ;  in  which 

the  etTmolojtieal  meaniniF  of  the  word  is  •       .   ,  ,                   i     ■,      ,   " 
i,  __'!_._"...,             ^  mamed  to  a  man  who  iCTved  a 

this  nibject  >ome  time  ago  wben  v 

him  Bs  onr  san-in-taw ;  when'  foa  sud  tbat 

jon  could  nnt  suSer  foar  daogbtci  to  ba 

wdl  poiDted  ont : 

wbo  Bpent  his  nights  away  from  home.' 

"Tu    pertinadam   ewe,    Arcbilocbe,  hanc  Tbe  commOD  Ceit  bu  '  ei  bac  le/  bnt  Do. 

prBedicae:  natuB  in  hiB  note  on  \i.  4.  80,  eipreBalr 

Bgo    pervioidam    aio,  et  hac   me    uti  qnotea  tbe  line  u  '  de  bao  re.'     '  Ei  hoc 

TOlo.  TS  '  doea  not  give  a  verr  clear  meaning.     If 

Nam  pervicacem  dici   me  eaae  et  vin.  it  were  the  reiding,  tbe  seoBe  would  be, 

cere  'This  occnn  to  me— what  I  have  alreadj 

Yafaaie  ytStot :   pertiaMeDi  nihil  dm-  aecaMd  yon  of— from  wbat  ron  aaid,'  &c. 

"  ^"  C~,ooglc 

370  HEOYEA. 

Ph.  Mnlto  priua  acm  quam  ta  illum  umcam  habere,  Myr- 

rhina : 
Yerum  id  Titivim  nuuquam  decrevi  esse  ego  adoleecentiae : 
TSam  id  eet  onmibtu  innattmi :  at  pol  jam  aderit  se  quoqne 

etiam  qumn  odent. 
Sed  ut  olim  te  oetondiati  eadem  esse  uihil  GeasaTisti  uaqoc 

Ut    filiam   ab  eo   abduceree,   neu  quod   ego    egiasem   eeset 

ratum.  30 

Id  nunc  res  indicium  baec  facit  quo  pacto  footum  Tolueris. 
Mt/.  Adeon  me  esse  perricacem  oensee  cui  mater  siem 
Ut  eo  esaem  animo,  si  ez  uetu  eeset  nostro  hoc  nutrimomum  P 
Ph.  Tun  prospicere,  aut  judicare  nostram  in  rem  quod  eit 

Andisti  ex  aliquo  ibrtasse  qui  Tidiese  eum  diceret  35 

Ezeuntem  aut  introeuntem  ad  amicam.     Quid  tum  poBtfiia, 
Si  modeste  ac  raro  hoc  fecit  ?  nonne  ea  dissimulare  nos 

37-    Vtnm  ii  vUium  tfe.l      Compare  For  '  aderit,'  BbtolntelT,  comp*»  Andria  L 

Ad«lpbl  I.  8.  21 :  I.ISO: 

"Noneit  JhgitiuDi,  mihi<Tede,  .doUf  «  P^  ^  am.  Jieoo  -o™  »i«Hh» 

Scortan  neque  poiwe. 

We  iBlilt  Uko  '  Titium  '  Iwre  tn  the  aune  31 .  Id  mme  rti  indidvm   »tm  /acil] 

genenl  ■eiue  M  '  ««gitiiun  '  in  th«t  pu-  '  Tlii"  Hmdnot  of  joan  ihowi  me  bow  fou 

Ufe.     SeoQOte.  wiifaed  to  h»TS  thiog».'  TbecIiuM' qoo... 

W.    At  fol  jam    cderifi       ITie    metM  *olue™ '  ii  explsoatorT  of  'id,'  which  it 

ii    obrtractwl  If  we  reHi   'innatum  Mt.'  go*emed  b;  Uie  logiod  idea  oT  *  iadiciuiB 

BeDtlejr    proposes    Tarioua    ■Iterations.      I  ^t,'  «iiiiTalent  to  'iodicaC'     For   '  pcr- 

bave   tiaaspoied  tbe  Ibrmer   part  of  tbe  Ticaceni '  iu  the  foUowias  lina  ne  iwte  on 

line,  ptadng  '  ett '  befbre  '  omnibue,'  which  t.  17. 

Bti  the  metre  right,  aod  avoida  111  nune-  33.  Si  ex  utn  met  natlra  h«e  «friaw- 

oeaaar;  change.     For  tbe  ■antjment  of  the  "'<«"  ^     '  Do  ;oa  suppoae  tbat  I  ibonld  ba 

latter  part  of  thi*  line,  compare  tbe  «peeeh  "*  obftinBte  agsinst  m;  own  daughtir,  aa  to 

of  Clitipho  in  Heant.  t.  4.  20  :  liMl  tbni,  if  this  maniage  were  of  anj  ad- 

>■ Ghen,  qnam  ego  nunc  totna  dii- 

■ntwe  to  na  ?'     For  '  ei  ni 

■■ Emen,  qoam  tga  nunc  ninu  au-  „_  s  „„„t„,  _  o   jt 

pUceo  mihi,  ^        ^  P«™  Eunuchn»  r.  8.  47  i 

Qnam  pndet  r    neqne  qnod  princiiHnm  ■■  Ad  omnu  btee  magii  opportnnus,  oec 

inveniam  ad  plBcsndum  eao."  niagiB  ei  nm  tuo 

Fbntn*,  BaoJudes  Ui.  3.  12,  13 :  Nemo  aat." 

Ciowo,  TnscBl.   Disput  1t.   7 :    "  lifaido 

opinio  TBntnri  boni  qood  sit  ex  ain  iam 

Jam  aderlt  tempua  cnm  aeae  etiam  Ipae  p„«en,  esse  atque  adease."    PUnlua  luai 

odent.  th6  itHn  in  the  aame  aenae,  Cnioilia  j*. 

JoreiMl,  oonbMting  jonth  wjtb   old  age,  ^'  '^ ' 


"  Taedia  tnne  snbeunt  ■niinae,  tnnc  Bsqae 

1  odlt  facnnda  st  nnda  se- 
BBt.  TiL  S4,  SB. 

"Ut  mnacae,  cnlicce,  dmices,  padaaqne, 
Odlo  et  nulo  et  molectiae,  bono  aaoi  eslia 


ACTUS  IV.    SOENA  I.  371 

MagiB  hnTnamim  est   quam   dare  operam  id  Boire   qui   noe 

S«m.  Bi  16  pOBset  ab  ea  eeae  derepente  avellere 
Quacum  tot  coiiBueaBet  annoB,  non  eum  hominem  duoerem,    40 
Kec  virum  satis  firniiim  guatae.     Mp.    Mitte  adolesceatem, 

Et  quae  me  peccasse  ais.     Abi :  Bolum  solna  conTeni. 
Boga  velitne  an  non  uzoiem :  si  eat  ut  dicat  ToUe  bo, 
Bedde ;  ain  est  autem  ut  noHt,  recte  ego  conaului  meae. 
Ph.  Si  qtudem  ille  ipee  non  vult,  et  tu  Bensti  esBe  in  eo,  Myr- 

rhina,  4S 

Peccatum,  aderam  cujus  coosilio  ea  par  faerat  prospici. 
Quamobrem  incendor  ira  esse  ausam  facere  haec  te  injuBsu  meo. 
Interdico  ne  eztulisse  extra  aedes  puerum  usquam  Telis. 
Sed  ego  stultior  meis  dictis  parere  hanc  iiui  postulem. 
Ibo  intro,  atque  edicaiu  servis  ne  quoquam  efferri  Binant.      60 
My.  NuUam  pol  credo  mulierem  me  miseriorem  viTere ; 
Nam  ut  hic  laturus  hoc  ait,  si  ipsam  rem  ut  siet  resciTerit, 
Non  aedepol  clam  me  est,  quum  hoc  quod  IcTius  est  tam  animo 

iracundo  tulit : 
Kec  qua.  Tia  sententia  ejua  possit  mutari  acio. 
Hoc  tnihi  unum  ex  plurimis  miseriis  reliquum  ftierat  ma- 

lum,  65 

Si  puerum  ot  tollam  cogit,  cujus  nos  qui  sit  neetMmoB  pater. 
Nam  quum  compressa  est  nata,  forma  in  tenebris  noeci  non 

quita  eet; 

38.   Qai  not  oderil  f]   '  finppodDg  Mm  to  ista,  atque  kd  rem  redi."      In  t.    43   tli« 

da  BD  mddentaly  uid  Dot  b»  Ireqacatly,  i*  Giwl  syllable  of  '  rOgS'  a  tbort,  u  of  Kime 

It  DOt  more  Bensible  lo  pretend  doI  to  tee,  otbei  impanidiea,  «uch  «  'jube,''»bi.'  See 

than  to  Diske  t,  point  of  knowing  it,  to  make  IntrodoctiaD,  uid  aote  on  Adelpbi  iii,  4.  21. 

him  hate  700  ftll  the  more  P '     For  '  qni '  ia  47.    I-viutu   m«o]     This   aubatantive  ii 

tha   Moie  of   tbe   pnrpoie,   Tesnlt   of  on  bIwsjs  nfied  in   tbe  Bbhtive.     It  ii  not 

action,  lee  Andris,  Prol.  fi.  common  in  eirly  autborg.    Terence  uBeB  it 

40.  Quaciim  fol  eonttitutl  imnoi]  See  here,  iD  iv.  4.  83,  end  in  Pbonnio  ii.  1.  1. 
note  on  Adelphi  n.  5.  32,  uid  eompira  Livj  and  Cicero  botb  nse  it  See  De  Se- 
Pbonnio  t.  6.  33.  Qsctute  20  :  "  Vetatque  Pjtlugans  iqjassn 

41.  tfec  virmm  iatU  Jlrnuna  gitalar']  imperatorii,  id  eat,  Dei,  de  pnteeidio  et  Bts- 
We  nuij  cotnpBre  Andria  ^i.  3.  88  :  "  Tibi  tione  titae  decedere."  lAvj  utea  it  ■bio. 
geiMram  firmom  et  fllj*e  inTVniu  Tirem."  lutelr,  oa  in  iii.  63:  "SenBtDa  in  nnnni 
The  meomiif'  ii  'corutant,'  'faithfnl,'  parti-  diem  «applicatiODes  decrevit:  popului  in- 
chUtIj  o(  maniage  relationa.  Seei.  2.  26;  jubeu  et  altero  die  &e<{aena  iit  snpplics- 
*'  Sed  firmaa  bae  Tcceot  ut  aint  anptiae."  tnm." 

3tUU  adolacaittm\     •  PTay  bave  done  62.  A^afn  ut  Aic  latuna  hac  rif]     '  Hic ' 

«ith  the  young  mBH,  nnd  «bat  you  call  my  ii  Fbidippas.   For  the  whole  sentence  com- 

fnnltB.      Oo  aad  hSTe  a  privito  interriew'  pare  ii.  2.  19,  SO. 

with  blm.'     '  JQtte '  ll  Mmmonljr  uaed  in  fi?.   Fiimui  in  Itnebrit  non  qtdla  «tf] 

thf«  lenie ;  ne  Adelphi  iL  1.  31  i  "  Mitte  For  tbe  deponent  form  of  tbis  «ord  oMn. 

"  ^  ^  c;o«gic 

Neque  detrtu)tum  ei  est  quicquam  qui  poeset  post  noaci  qui  siet. 
Ipee  OTipuit  vi  in  digito  quem  habuit  Tirgim  abieus  ammlum. 
Simul  vereor  Pampliilum,  ne  orata  nostra  nequeat  diutius  60 
Celare,  quum  aoiet  alienum  pnerum  tolli  pro  suo. 



Bo.  Non  clam  me  est,  nate  ni,  tibi  me  eese  suspectam  oxorem 

Propter  meoe  mores  Iiinc  abisse,  etei  ea  dissimulas  sedulo. 
Yerum,  ita  me  Di  ament,  itaque  obtingant  ex  te  quae  ez<^ito 

Ut  nunquam  sciens  commerui  merito  ut  caperet  odinm  illa 

Teque  ant«  quam  me  omare  rebar  ei  rei  firmaati  fidem.  5 

Kam  niib)  intua  tuus  pater  narravit  modo  quo  pacto  me  haba- 

pan  Flaatiu,  Pem  ii.  2.  11 :  "  Kec  aQb-  nude  Mm  to  aeoept  her  propotal. 

igi  qneBntiiT  nDqwm."    Rudeiu  )i.  4.  20  :  Tbe  Metre  ii  iambic  telnmeter. 

"  Ut   nequitor    camprimi!"     Lncrctiui   i.  A.  Cotiimtnif]     &ee  note  on  iiL  fi.  36. 

1042,  10411 1  B'   Ttgue  anU  guam]    The  ocimmon  teit 

'■C™>po«nmtp«temqoe  ^.v '"'^."''A^.i^k'"^  ™^  iT"-!?' 

mcn»n         """'"  "^          r—       -i  of  tbe  oldeet  English  maDnecnpti  ■  qood. 

Dnm  «eniant  >B»  k  wpplBri  «mim.  ?»■'»'»*.  howeTet,  njs  "  Decst  t«M,'   eri- 

u>   •BUHiii  >UH  m-.  ■ui.pwi  dentlj  conmdeniig  it  aa  »n  uititlHsis  to 

'     Whicheier  rewliDg  we  adopt,  and 

»  tuw  '  neqnitnr' Jn^rtha,  c.  31 :  I  hafe  pRfemid  to  keep   '  _ 

id    eine    nnguine    dTinm   nlciicl  ported  bj  the  great  majoritf  of  good  nntlK,- 

inre  (actum  nt."     The  analogtnui  rities,   the  aense  ii   the   ■ame.     'A*  I  aU 

'  '  along  thonght  that  joa  lored  no,  »  no« 
Ton  haTe  conBimed  mjr  opiaion.'  >  Ei  ni ' 
is  s  mere  paraphiaae.  reterriug  to  the  irhate 

■  posnior     ano   -  poiunniur      are   uso   re-  preceding  danse.     '  Firmate  Gdem '  Tariea 

corded.     See  ForceUini, '  Poumm.'  in  meaning  «ith  the  sense  of  'fidea.'     la 
Andria  iii.  1.  4  :  "  Sed  hic  Pamphilns — fir- 

AcT  TY.    SciNE  II.    Soatiata  hu  h«Td  msTit  fidem,"  it  meuii '  hai  firmW  pledged 

from  ber  hnaband  that  Psmpbilui  has  de-  hie   hilli.'      In   the   teit   '  Gdee      ha>  the 

ttnnined  not  to  take  bach  hii  irire,  bnt  to  eense  of  'belief,'  aud  in  t.  1.  23,  wheie 

be  separated  &om  ber  ratber  thaa  tirom  his  Tt«ji4ii«  up ;               ^ 

mother.    ahe  ha>  dedded  on  her  part  not  „  j^^  ^  ^^^^        '  ^rmm  mcuu  •iiud 

to  altow  his  alTcetion  ibr  her  to  leparate  ^j^  poaiem  fidem 

blm  from  Philumen.  j  and  ihe  no»  teUa  Banctiisqnnni  jaBinruidum,  id  poUi^» 

blm  that  sbe  has  made  up  her  mind  to  ^jj  n 
retire  to  their  oonntrf  houee,  that  Phitu- 

mena  maj  retum  to  him.    Pamphilns  does  Hie  meoning  ii,  '  If  t  Ineir  anj  waj  in 

Dot  receiTe   the  proposal    facoutablj,    in  «hich  to  ptedf^  jon  mj  woid  iM  11000117 

ipile  of  ber  renewed  argnments  in  feniur  of  more  sKTedlj  than  bj  an  oath.'     For  Ibe 

ber  deciiion.    Tbii  step  of  hers  would  de.  Tarietj  of  meaning  in  '  lidea '  aee  Forcelliiu ; 

priTe  liim  of  aoy  ezcnse  fbr  separatlon  &om  and  notee  on  Audria  iii.  4.  7  ;  It.  1.  19. 

tiii  wile.     8he  ie  therefbre  onable  ta  pa-  6.   Qtiopacto  nt  kaiiUTU  fratpotUam] 

ACTUS  IV.    SOENA  11.  373 

Praepositani  amori  tuo  :  nimc  tibi  me  certum  eat  contra  gra- 

Referre,  ut  apud  me  praemium  eese  positum  pietati  scias. 
Mi  PamphilG,  hoc  et  vobis  et  meae  commodimi  &mae  arbitror  : 
£go  rus  abituram  hino  cum  tuo  me  esee  certo  decrevi  patre,  lo 
Ne  mea  praeaentia  obstet,  nea  causa  ulla  reetet  reliqua 
Quin  tua  Pbilumema  ad  te  redeat.     Pa.  Quaeso,  quid  tstuc 

consili  estP 
rUiuB  stultitia  Tiota  ex  urbe  tu  rus  babitatum  migree  P 
Non   &Qies:  neque  siuam  ut  qui  nobiB,  mater,  maledictum 

Mea  pertinacia  esse  dicat  factum,  baud  tua  modeetia.  16 

Tum  tuas  amicas  te  et  cognatas  deserere  et  feetoa  diee 
Mea  causa  nolo.     So.  Nibil  pol  jam  istaec  res  mibi  yoluptatis 

Dum  aetatis  tempus  tulit  periuncta  satis  sum:   Batias  jam 

Studiorum  istomm.     Haeo  mibi  nunc  cura  eet  TnaiciTna  ut  ne 

cui  meae 
lionginquitas  aetatis  obstet,  mortemve  ezfipectet  meom.         20 

'  Haboartt  prMpoiitani,'  >  periphnng  for  ni  to  nf  tlut  thU  wu  canied  bj  mj  obiti- 

'  pneposnena,'  witb  ■  farther  wnw  of  cod-  iwcj  nther  thu  by  fonr  kiadnesB.'     Thit 

tJDunce  of  BctiOD,  «hich  ii  cxpTened    in  nae  of  >  volo '  with  the  putidple,  where  tlie 

Greelc  hj  the  aoriBt  puticiple  with  i\t^v.  infinitive  would  be  more   nAtonli   ii   not 

Compare  mch  phisaa  Bi  rAv /liirirporiirac  ancommon.     Conipare  Cioero,  De    Offldb 

Tiv   a*    itri/taffac  ix"<  ^P>>-   ^ntig.  23;  iii.  2?:    "  Consultnm  Telil."     'ModeMia' 

obli    ,rw   yifiarr'  ix".    Oed.    Tjr.    371.  liniplj  meaai '  modention ;'    hence  '  eom- 

CompweEanachuiii.  3.  91,92:  ptaiuDce,'  '  kindnen.'     See  iii.  0.  98,  uid 

" Qo„  no.  nortnunqM  eaoleMeatiuQ  ""»  "'•'*^  instonee..  Cieero  luea  tbe  word 

H«bent  deamistMii."  »°"'°8  »"'"■  ^"  «iniralent»  for  tbe  nn- 
truul&table    amfpaabvii    of    the    Greelu, 

PUutna,   Cuina  ii.  2.  16:  "Tir  me  hsbet  TbbcdI.  Dispnt.  iiL  8.     Bee  nota  oa  Heuit. 

pesunia  decpicatsm  modis."     Tbe  phme  ii.  3.  3. 

fre^iieDtlr  eppeui  io  Cicero.   De  OntoreL  I7.  Iilate  m]     '  lataec,'   die  old  fctm 

43  :  ■•  Anctoritale  natui(ue  legarn  domitu  of  the  fimiinine  plunl,  aa  '  hiec  '  for  ■  bas.' 

hsberelibidinee."    Mauj  inatanoea  ire  giien  See  nolei  on  Ennuchna  iii.  G.34,uid  Ueuit. 

by  ForcellinL  ir.  •}.  10. 

8.  Vt  apud  nw  pmmiam  *tn  potititm  18.  Saliatl     Compue  Eaancbnt  t.  0. 

pitlali   teiat']    The   reading  'pirtati'   ii  8:   "VU  utiu  ooepit  fieri  commnto  lo- 

tiken  &om  tbe  IaHt  Victorinna,  udiaaii-  cum." 

douhtedly  better  th«n  the  reedlDg  >  pietatii '  20.  Morltmvt  extptcltt  nuam^   9ee  tbe 

fonnd  in  old   ediUons.     The  eune  phnae  note  on  Addpfai  i.  2  29  1  "  Ubi  te  eiapec- 

occm  in  Plentna,  Foennlna  t.  4.  S8,  30  :  tBlnm  ejeciiaet  foru."    Colmui  qaates  fnnn 

"Qnibn,   HiDoe   moltoa  omi,   qnuqne  e  8b«kMpe«ethefoUowingliaei,arrjingont 

psitiiB  perdidi  perru,  "•«  "*«*  "  ■   step-mother  s   duth  being 

Kedde  faie  libertitem,  infictM  prwminm  °»""  eipected  thui  regrettod : 

■'  Now,  tur  Hippolyte,  onr  naptial  honr 
U.  ATffKe  titiam  Ifc.']     '  Nor,  mothn,        Dnws  on  ^nice ;  fonr  b^ipj  dajs  biing 
*iU  I  allaw  uij  one  who  wiibaa  to  mallgn  in 


374  HEOntA. 

Hie  video  me  eaee  mTisam  immerito :  tempas  est  conoedere. 
Sic  optime,  ut  ego  opinor,  omnee  causas  praecidam  omnibus ; 
£t  me  hac  auspicione  ezsolTsm,  et  illis  morem  geseero. 
Sine  me  obsecro  hoc  effitgere  Tulgus  quod  male  audit  mulie-     ' 

rum.  ' 

Pa.  Quam  fortunatua   caetetie  sim   rebus,   absque  una  bac     I 

foret,  3i     ' 

Hanc  matrem  babena  talem,  illam  autem  uxorem.     So.  Ob- 

secio,  mi  Fampbile, 
Ifou  tute  iucommodam  rem,  ut  quaeqoe  eet,  in  aninmm  in- 

ducee  pati  P 
Si  caetera  sunt  ita  ut  Tis,  itaqoe  ut  esse  ego  iUsm  eiietimo, 
Mi  gnate,   da  Teniaxa  hanc  mibi :   reduoe  illam.     Pa.   Vae 

misero  milul 
So.  Et  mibi  quidem  1  nam  baec  res  non  minus  me  male  habet 

quam  te,  gnate  mi.  ao 

AsDthor  moaD  :  bot  ob  l  methiDlu,  bow  PtMitii*,  HeaMK^mai  t.  7. 39.  TWnoBimnt 

■low  iT.  1.  13.    See  *]so  CaptiTi  iii.  fi.  96  : 

Th«  Dld  moOD  wtfiM  I     She  lingeTs  mj 

dealni,  "  Qiud  abaqna  hoc  SMiit,  qni  loilii  hoc  fedt 

Lilu  lo  K  ■tep.daine  or  »  dowager,  palmm, 

Long  witheriDg  out  •  jatmg  mui'a  ra-  Ueqae  offrenktam  Bnii  me  dnctareDt  do- 

Midi.  Nighfi  DrevD,  Act  I.,  8c  1. 

hmphiliu  allndeg  of  eouna  to  Am  HDbi^ 

'  LonglDqnitu '   li    commonlT   appIiBd    te  dnnimitance  of  hia   wife^a  hariDg  k  eoQ. 

tfanetnQocro.    See  TdkuL  Disput  T,  40 :  This  ia  the  on*  drcomituDa  which  iptHk 

**  BiD  Kirte  (daloras  oarporii)  longinquitate  his  good  fbrtDna. 

prodaeti  Tehsmentina  tunaa  torqneDt  qnun  !7.   ^'  gftq^M  ii(l     Soatnla  minmder- 

nt  eauw  git  cur  fenmtnri  quid  ait  tandem,  itends   her   Hin.       She   luppoaea    him    to 

Di  boni,  quod  laboremiu  ?      Wettarfaoviiu  compUin  of  his  wife ;  and  raggeetB  that  be 

^ootee  (rom  MeDander  the  wjing  nicpjr  ou^t  to  pnt  ap  with  hcr.     'WiU  yoa  oot 

m  dpififia  T'P<'f  ^"  oUlif  uivwv.  muie  np  yoar  miad  to  pnt  np  with  tjiii 

89.]  '  How  happy  shoolo  I  be  in  erery  incoDrenience,  auch  u  thera  alwayB  iriU 

other  reipect,  if  It  were  Dot  fbr  thi>  one  be  ? '     '  Ut   quaeqae   eat '   titerally    mesns 

tbiDg;    that    I    luTa    mch   a   mother   aa  'ai  every  thiag  ia,'more  orleai.    '  Qiiiiqne' 

mine,  snd  nichawifel'     'Abaqne'  ia  fre-  ii  diBtributiTe.     The  idea  is,  that  in  all  cir- 

qnently  nied  tbns  in  Terence  and  Ftautui.  cnm^taDcei,    wiChDnt    eiception,    tbere    is 

Bee  Phonnia  i.  4.  II :  "Nam  absqua  eo  «oma  drKwbBck,  and  be  maat   not  eipect 

eaiet,  recte  mihi  ridiaum."    The  phiwo  to  be  &ee  &om  thii  eren  in  the  cmae  rf  his 

*  abiqne  le  estet,'  'bnt  for  yon,'  occnra  in  wife. 


ACrnJS  IV.    SOENA  III.  875 


LACHE8.       80STRATA.       PAHFHILTIS. 

La.  Quem  cnm  istoc  sermonem  habuerifl  procul  hmc  etaiu 

accepi,  oxor. 
IstuG  eat  aapere,  qui  ubicumque  opua  ait  ttnjfiitn  poesis  flectere ; 
Quod  lacieiidmn  eit  poet  fortaase  idem  hoc  nuuo  si  feceris. 
80.  FoTB  fuat  pol.     Im.  Abi  rus  ergo  hiac :  ibi  ego  te  et  tn 

me  ferea. 
80.  Spero  ecastor.     La.  I  ergo  intro,  et  oompone  quae  tecum 

eimnl  6 

FersDtur :  did.    Bo.  Ita  ut  jubee  faciam.    Pa.  Pater. 
La.  Quid  via,  Famphile  P     Pa.  Hino  abire  matrem  f  minime. 

La.  Qnid  ita  iBtuc  via  P 
JPa.  Quia  de  uxore  incertue  som  etiam   quid  siai  &cturns. 

La.  QuidestP 
Quid  Tis  facere  nisi  reducere  ?    Pa.  Equidem  cupio ;  et  Tii 

contineor ; 
Sed  non  miTnin.Tti  meum  consiliam :  ex  usu  quod  est  id  per- 

sequar.  lo 

AcT  lY.  SciMi  III.    I^eltei  hu  am-  tiuta  dletiim  nta  eat  .  .  .  .  diieiBt  auiiii 

besrd  all  tlut  hai  pUMd  bMween  hii  •rife  iJe    Qiieif  ^rufufinn   M  potl  farlatn," 

aud  bU  ■on.     He  quite  ignea  with  hii  wife  I^ches  h>d  tpoken  of  the  f^tnre  in  a  hanh 

ia  ber  neir  of  the  oae,  and  nrgei  har  to  muiiur.     She  tonie  it  off  irith  a  word  of 

exeCDle  ber  decisoii  kt  ouce.     Pamphilui  good    omen.     '  Pou'    ooeiin    in    FUutas, 

endesTonn  to  pniTaDt  her  deputure,  on  the  Csptiii  ii.  3.   71=    "Atque    horum    Tcr. 

ground  tlut  hfl  hv  not  quita  decided  what  honun   cbob   cave    tu   mihi   iratni  ftua." 

he  alull  do  «bont  hii  wife.     Ladiea,  how-  Hilea  Gloriomu   ii.  ff.  114:    "  Ibo   intro, 

erar,  peniita.    *  The  bsat  plui  ia  for  hi«  ne  dnm  «bdm  UU  Kirtiti  Aunt."    Ltici»- 

mother  to  be  ont  of  tlie  waj.    Old  paaple  tiui  luei  the  lame  form  (iT.  B36,  637)  - 

^d  _  yoii^  ™'!^8et   on  w^  .^"^^-  •  •  Tuituiuo  in  hia  rebna  diit«ti.  differftw- 

TheiT  put  haa  been  plajed,  uid  it  is  tinw  ^^^ 

forthemto  l«TetlM>rtH«-'    Althispoint  ^,^    '^  j,  ^^^^  ttt  tm  taA  tcn 

Fhidippiu  conies  np.  Tenennm  " 

Tbs  Uetre   i>   ■■   Ibllowa;  tt.   1.  16,  ,    „                     ,           ,      .  .       .    n 

iunbic  tetnmeter  ataJectic;  3,  3,  tunbio  .  ^"  ^^T  T' fT""    "^  ■'^''!^^ 

tMruneter,  4,  8.  8.  10-14,  trodiuc  fetr.-  L?"'*'  "P  "'^„^  ^  «°.  "!"'"";„** 

met«  auiacke ;  6,  iunbic  trinwter ;  J.  B,  P'*"'^'  "''"  Qlonomu  it.  7.  31 :  '■  Om- 

trocfauctet»meter    lS,i«i.bicdimeter.  n»  comp^t»  nmt  quu.  donin  ut  fef.t ," 

2.  WuJWfwV"]     'Ittalruewirfom  "«i  P~pertiua  i.  9.  13: 

ts  Bct  u  jou  do ;  to  be  aUa  to  tnm  jonr  "  ■>  qoaoio,  et  tnates  uto*  compone  U- 

miiid  in  uj  direction  that  m&;r  be  necea-  belloi  g 

Mrj,  and   lo   do    now  at    once  what  tob  EtcHieqaodqDaeTitDOHepDdlaTelit." 

maj  pouiblj  hsTe  to  do  hereafter.'    The  8.  Eliam]    See  note  on  Andria  i.  I.  8V. 

fblkiwing  warda,  '  fon  faat  pol,'  have  been  10.  Sed  non  mimiam  «ntm  coonijiim] 

macb  commented   on  ;    bnt  tfaeir  meuiiDg  '  Bnt  I  will  not  alter  uj  determination  ;  I 

seeins  siinple  eiuiDgh, '  U>j  fortuue  bvonr  will  earrr  ont  what  is  eipedieat.'     For 

na !'     Donatos  raplaina  tlie  pluase  u  a:  '     ' 
e«phemi«in,    "  r^^     tvfit^ivfifi     - '-— 


376  HECYHA. 

Credo  ea  gratia  concordea  magis,  si  non  reducam,  fore. 
La.  Nesciafl,     Verum  id  tua  refert  nihil  utrum  illae  fecerint, 
Quando  haec  abierit.     Odiosa  liaec  eat  aetas  adoleacentulia. 
E  medio  aequum  excedere  eat.     Postremo  jam  nos  fabula 
SimiQs,  Pamphile,  "  senex  atque  anus."  is 

Sed  video  Phidippum  egredi  per  tempus  :  accedamus. 



Ph.  Tibi  quoque  aedepol  iratus  Bum,  Pliilumfliia, 
GraTiter  quidem ;  nun  herde  abe  te  factum  est  turpiter ; 

11.  Oredo  ta  sTBlia  eoneordn  . .  .  foril  "  Eti»ni  dotalJB  «oleo.    Qaid  id  |  {  Doatn  ?  | 

'  I  trow  th«t  thej  will  be  oa  good  tenns  Nihil," 

with«ch  Dther  onlj  on  condition  tbst  I  ^  the  long  ■  S '  in  the  p«»eiit  ™r; 

do  DOt  receive  her  back.       He  meui*  tbat  thoogh  Phormio  iv.  6.  11 : 

H  long  u  they  »ra  sepwstai  there  will  be  «-.!,_           in 

Do    duiger  of  their   Quurelling.     LKhe»,  "  D»tnni  «|Mdol|tis.  ftind  |  b»,  in»llittm, 

heing  fl  m»ttet-of.fect  old  gentlemui.  tBkei  idrefert?     Migl|m,  De|iiupbo, 

tho  word»  Terj  litenllj.    '  Yon  don't  know  ^j^^i  he  qnotM,  doei  not  proro  it     See 

tlut,'  he  nji.     '  But  »f)«r  »11  it  does  not  ^  QQtg  ^  f]^  l»tt«r  pange.     In  soch 

m»tter   ■  jot  to  jou  wh«t  ther  do  when  ^,^     „     .  ^te»,'      '  poste»,'     '  iatcra»,' 

jonr  mother  ii  gono.'     For  •  e»  grsti»  '  Bee  DoDaldson  argne»  th»t  tha  tinal  ■ »'  ii  tha 

DOte  on  Andri»  il.  6.  3.     The  excluuitioD  remDint   of    the    nenter   plar*l    '  Mc'    « 

ot  &B  conjCmrtion  of  '  tua  refert    >Dd  the  i  ^<    «bich   appeara  in   '  ■nteh»c,'   '  poet- 

cogn»tfl    phnses   h»»   giTea  gre»t  tronble  1,«;,'  'i»t«i.'      Be^plies  the   s»me   cri- 

to  gramnuriana.     ProfeBsor  Kej  coniida»  ^asm  to  the  forma  befote  u»,  considenDg 

'  refert'  to  be  eqniialent  to  '  rem  feit,'  and  .  mg^-  £«:.,  aa  eqnivalBQt  to  '  meae,'  '  iv' 

'mea,'    'tn»,'   JJic.    to    ■meam,'    '  tii»m.'  beiDg 'rei.'     Thiniew  i«  not  entirelj  frte 

Thi»  i>  conaiitent  with  hia  eipl»uition  af  ^q,  objection,  bot  it  ha*  thii  adTantagc, 

other  formi.     See  Kej'»  Latin  Grammttr,  ihat   'fero'  li   tho»   lued  »bMlatelj  («o 

{  910.     Otben  oonuder  these  fbim»  tn  be  Andri»  i.  2.  17;  iL  6,  12),  thoogh  it  ii  not 

neuter   plur»L     Madvig   (Lalin  Grauimar,  ,„,  to  »cmnnt  for  the  dalJTe  •  rw.' 

{  396),  agreeing  with  most  ■cbolin  of  the  14,    FcbtUa    nmm,    Pamp/iilr,    «eiwjr 

pre»nt   daj,    takea    them   to    be    abUtiTO  „,,„(  „„]      ■!„  « word  we  h»Te  .lre»dj 

■ingular  feminine.     I  am  nol  oonvinced  bj  become   »    hj.wort,    "old   man    aiui    idd 

Kej'.  reaaonioK  th»t  •  noili»  interert'  ii  •  woman."  '    Compwe   Horaoe,    Epod.    li. 

corrnption  of  '  nOBtram  Inter  rem  eit,  »nj  7   8, 

motethanttaat '  qn»  propta',' »nd 'inlere»,'  '                        .,  , 

■re  for  -qnun  (remi  propter,'  'inter  e«n  H™  •»?•  P*'  Urbem-nun  pndet  tuiti 

(rom).'     ThiBlheorjof  iuppljiDg'ree'i<  „  ^  .             .fi.-i" 

nnaonnd;  the  us»ge  of  the  Utin  Ungoage  F Jiul»  qn.nta  fbi  1 

ii  rather  lo  n<e  're*'  auperliiiouBlj  than  to  Comparealw  Epiit  i.  13.11.    DmwtnB mp- 

leave  it  to  bs  lupplied.     Nor  do  we  eTer  poses  th»t  the  worde  '■enei  bIwbb  uia' 

find  BQch  «n  eipreBsion  »■  ■  rem  fert,'  'it  »re  quoted  ■■  the  beginning  of  ■  nble.    Bnt 

bringt  »dTBnt»ge.'    The  objectiDD  to  M»d-  it  ia  far  more  nitnral  to  lake  tbem  m»  ■ 

vig'B  Tiew  ia  limilar  j  we  do  not  fiDd  tbe  aimple  pio*erbi»t  eipreaaion. 

pbraoe   '  re  ferre,'  'to  be  of   adTuitage.'  IG.  Ptr  (emfiii*]     See  note  OD  ABdri* 

'  Intertst'  ii  eiplained  bj  Forcellini  ea  '  in  JT.  4.  44. 
re  eet,'  tboogb  he  arema  to  siie  tbia  ei- 

pUnatioD  without  anj  referance  to  tha  etj-  Acr  IT.  Bobhb  IT.     Pbidippna  i*  now 

mologj.    Thia  liew  ii  Bdapted  bj  Kennedj  In  a  TBrj  diSo^t  temper.     He  haa  di>- 

(ProgreasiTa  Latin  Gnmnw,  l(il,n.).    We  coTeredtuidanghWaaecret,  aodUnaUthe 

must  dearlj  tdia  »11  the  similar  caaes  of  a  bUme  o(  her  ■eparadDn  tntm  her  husband 

langBn>l'i'together.    Pbonnio  v.  7- 47 :  uptm  his  «wn  wiTa,  oomidrtGlj 


ACTtJS  IV.    SCENA  IT.  377 

Etai  tibi  cauea  eet  de  bao  re :  mater  te  impvdit : 

Huic  vero  nuUa  eat.     La.  Opportune  te  miM, 

Phidippe,  in  ipao  tempore  ostondis.     Ph.  Q,uid  est  P  6 

Pa.  Quid  respondebo  hie  P  aut  quo  pacto  lioc  aperiam  P 

La.  Dic  filiae  rua  conceeeuram  hiiic  Sostratam : 

Ne  reyereatur  minus  jam  quo  redeat  domum.     Ph.  Ah, 

Ifiillam  de  liis  rebua  culpam  commeruit  tua : 

A  Myrrliina  haec  suut  mea  uxore  ezorta  omnia.  lo 

Mutatio  fit :  ea  noe  perturbat,  Lacbe. 

Pa.  Ihun  ne  reducam,  turbent  porro  quam  Telint. 

Ph.  Ego,  Pampliile,  esse  inter  nos,  a  fieri  potest, 

Affinitat«m  hano  sane  perpetuam  Tolo : 

Sin  ^  ut  aliter  tua  siet  sententia,  15 

Accipias  puerum.     Pa.  Seueit  peperisae ;  occidi. 

La.  Puerum?  quem  puerumP     Ph.  Katos  eet  nobis  nepoe : 

Nam  abducta  a  vobis  praegnas  fiierat  filia, 

SostratB  frofn  *11  nluire  io  the  matter.   He  dicendnm  ubi  ease  "  (■llndiog  to  '  ant  qoo 

reconinieDdi  Pampliihu  to  Rckiunrledge  his  pacto   hoc  aperikm').     He   eipMted   >U 

cbild  ;  and  Luhes,  wbo  is  dslighted  to  hear  kindi  or  qoeeNong  iioovt  bil  wUe,  uid  he 

ihaX  he  his  *  gruidtoD,  joins  him  iu  the  did  nat  know  haw  to  put  them  off;  dot 

reqnest ;  thoagh  he  caiinot  underatand  what  eoald  he  make  ap  his  mind  to  eiploia  the 

could  have  been  Mjrrfaiiu'areasoDforhLding  real  atate  of  ■ffain. 

this  hct  hom  them  sU.     This,  howBTer,  is         S.]     The  natnrsl  order  of  the  wordsis 

oniy  a  new  reanoD  in  Pamphilna' eyes  for  DOt  '  qnomiDus     jam    redeat    domam.'       For 

taking  back  hia  wife,  dow  that  ihe  haa  a  '  commeroit,'  in  the  followiDg  line,  lee  note 

Bon  bjr  another  man.     He  tberefore  reliisea  on  iii.  G.  36- 

on  the  gronnd  Ihat  if  hi>  wife  bad  wiihed         II.  ilutaiiofit\   '  We  baTO  made  an  el- 

to  have  cbildren  bj  him   ahe  wonld  not  cbange.   It  ia  she  tbat  tcoables  ns,  Lacbei.' 

haTe    concealed   [he  birth  of   this   child.  '  Mutatio'  seemi  moat  natutallf  to  mean 

Lacbea  ia  proroked  at  hia  lon^B  obstinacy.  'an   interchonge'   here.     See   Ciceco,  De 

and  accoiies  faim  of  infidelit;  tn  bia  wife.  (Mciis  i.T :   "  In   boc   natumm   debemua 

He  i*  nire  that  he  haa  gone  hack  to  hii  dncem  seqni,  commanes  atilitaCea  in  me- 

mist»»!,  and  tfaat  thii  is  at  the  bottom  of  dium  afferre,  motatione  officioram,  .... 

ItsU.     Pamphilus,  neeiug  no  waj  of  juiti^-  dciincire  hominum    inter   haminei    ■ome- 

iDg  hinuelf,  leaTea  them,  in  the  hope  that  latem."      BentJej  givee    the   wards  'mn- 

thej  will  not  Tentore  to  tning  np  the  child  tatio    At'  as  an   a^idt   (o    Pamphilna,   '  a 

witbont  his  conaent-     lAcfaes  and  Pfaidip-  change  faaa  taken  place ;'  bnt  thera  ia  no 

poa  determine  to  send  (br  Bacchii,  and  to  reason  (br  this  alteration.     The  wordi  anit 

WBTn  faer  againBt  receiTing  Pamphilns.  Pfaidippna  Tery  well.     He  ibji.  '  I  tfaoaght 

Tbe  Hetre  is  iambic  trimeter.  joor  wife  to  blame,  nov  I  flnd  that  it  is 

4.  Hvie]     'But  for  her  (jonr  mother)  mine  who   ia  in  hult.'      Famphilui  njs, 

tfaere  is  no  eicuse.'  andc,  ■  So  that  I  do  not  lakeback  Philnmena, 

9.  Qno    paelo    hoe   eptriani  f~\     '  How  let  them  make  anj  diitarbance  thej  like.' 
can  I  aniwer  Ifaeie  relations  of  mine?'  saja  18.  Praegnai  /ueroi  jUta]     This  form 

Famphilus,  '  or  faow  can  1  tell  them  the  occun  In  the  Bembine  and  Vatican  mana- 

whole   matter?'     Beatlaj   propotBi    '  ope-  icripta,  and  a  certainlj  nsed  bj  Plantns, 

rism,'  'how  can   I    conceal  the    malter?'  Ampfaitruo  ii.  2. 100:  "  EnimTero  praegnati 

and  giTn  in  enpport  af  it  "Ipains  Donali  opartet  et  malum    et  malnm  dari."     See 

uctoritai."      He  cannot  haTe  read  Donatui  ilso  Traculentni  i.  3.  102;    ii.    4.  39;   W. 

Terj  carefullj.     His  words  are  a.9  follawa  ;  3.  37-    The  form  '  praef^ians'  occnrs  also 

"  Hoc  modo   ostendit  nec  ease  qnod   ri-  in  a  few  places  in  Plantua.     See  Annaria 

mnlet;"  (eridentlj  atluding  to  'qnid  re-  iL  2.  10.  Aolnlaria  ii.  1.  43.  Miles  Olorio- 

ipondebo  hia?')  "nec  id  qnod  Tmim  eat  ina  it.  3.  B0. 


378  HECYItA. 

Neque  taiaee  praegnatem  imqnBm  anto  himc  scivi  diean. 

Iia.  Bene,  ita  me  Di  ament,  nuntiiis ;  et  gaudeo  sj 

l^atum  illum,  et  tibi  illam  aalvam :  »ed  quid  mulieris 

TJzorem  habes,  aut  quibufi  moratam  moribos  ? 

Nosne  hoo  oelatoa  tam  dia  f  nequeo  aatia 

Quam  lioc  mibi  videtur  factum  pntTo  proloqui. 

Ph.  Non  tibi  iliud  factnm  minus  plaoet  quam  mibi,  Laobe.  3i 

Pa.  Etiamsi  dudum  iiierat  ambiguum  hoc  mihi, 

Nunc  non  est  quum  eam  oonjBcquitur  alieuus  poer. 

La.  NuUa  tibi,  Pam^phile,  hic  jam  oonsoltatio  eat 

Pa.  Perii.     La.  Hunc  Tidere  saepe  optabamus  diem 

Quum  ex  te  eeset  aliquis  qui  te  appellaret  patrem.  30 

Erenit :  habeo  gratiam  Dis.     Pa.  Nullus  sum. 

Im.  Beduc  uxorem,  ac  noli  adversari  mihi. 

Pa.  Pater,  si  ex  me  Uia  liberoe  vellet  sibi, 

Aut  se  esse  mecum  nuptam,  satis  certo  scio 

Non  me  clam  haberet  quod  ceUsse  intelligo.  35 

Nunc  quum  ejus  alienum  esse  a  me  anJBiwtu  sentiam, 

Nec  conventurum  inter  noe  poethac  esse  arbitror, 

Quamobrem  reducam  ?    La.  Mater  quod  suasit  aua 

Adoleacens  mulier  fecit :  miraudumne  id  est  ? 

Gensen  te  posse  reperire  ullam  mulierem  io 

Quae  careat  culpa  P  an  quia  non  deliaquunt  viri  ? 

Ph.  Yosmet  videte  jam,  Laohe  et  tu  Pamphile, 

Bemissane  opufl  sit  vobia  redductan  domum. 

TTxDr  quid  faciat  in  manu  non  est  mea : 

31.  QMd  mnljsrtf  urarMi  AaSei .']     8ee  worda   lo    ba   nRsd   ironiollj.     A   pmper 

□ote  OD  Eanncbiu  iii.  4.  B.  empluui*  on  the  woid  '  minni'  biin^  oal 

28.  Notiu  Aac  etlalot  tam  din  f^     For  tbe  seme  dJMrlj. 

tbe  coDBtruction  of  the  MDtenoe  see  Dote«  96.  Eliamn  ^e.]     'Althoogh  thit  m 

□D  EaDDchiu  ii.  1.  3.   Aadcia  i.  S.  10.     In  for  ■  long  time  ■  niBlteT of  perpltoitj  xamt, 

Andrik  iii.  4.  6,  we  h&Te  'oelo'  fiiUowed  b;  it  ia  not  >o  aQj  loDger  now  th&t  iihe  is  u- 

two  ■ccuu.tiToe.     See  note.     Ueoce  ia  the  compknied  bj  uiotbOT  mui'*  child.'     Pun- 

puuve   tbe  verh   Mill  retUDB  ODe  o(  the  philui  meuii  tbat  he  csuoot  hare  fotthcr 

accuutiTea.     Bee  note  on  EuDachoi,  Pro-  donbl  aboat    hit   wife.     Hoch  «  ha  had 

log.  17.    Another   oanstruction  wonld  be  wiihed  to  take  her  b«ck,  ha  canDot  tluQk  nf 

'  NoiDe  de  hoc  cSaX/a  V  u  iu  Ciceio.  Ad  it  now.     He  iaja  thia,  of  conrw,  uiile ;  bitt 

Fun.  T.  2:  "  Te  maiinu*  de  rebn*  ■  fnXn  his  mkDner  ii   heaitating,   ■nd   ao    I^chM 

ene  ceUtam."    Tbe  niDe  Idiom   prevnils  addreBiee  hinuelf  to  ramore  hii  donbta. 

lu^7   ia   Greek.     See   the   liiit  oF  verbi  43.  fimunane  <}itu  tit  Sfe.^     See  i.  l 

that    take    a   danhla   wcosBtiTe,  in   Jelfi  29:    "  Ncm  est   opna  proUto,      ukI   aote. 

Greek  Grammar,  $  bB.t.  Compkre   Cicero,   Ad   Atticam   x.   4.    II: 

36.  JVon  (iii  iltitd  /aelum  wunMt  plaeel  "  Sed  opai  fiiit  Hirtia  coaTento."     8a  wt 

guam  oiiii]     '  The  bniiaeu  cuiaat  pleue  have  the  correapoDding  phram  '  DimaanD 

jou  leaa  than  it  doet  me.'     The  meaDiDg  ii  oportnit,'    Dote   on    HeaoL    i.  S.   26,  wxl 

plun  enon^,  '  I  like  tlie  aflur  u  little  u  '  non  oportuit  rdictu,'  HunL  ii.  3.  G. 

jcO  do  ;'  though  Bendef  truiipoB«  '  tihi'  44.  /a  mcRtt  nn  al  nua]      Bee  oatB  o' 

■nd    *inihi,'   Nid  Donata*   mippowa   the  iii.  6. 49. 


ACTTJS  IV.    8CENA  IV.  379 

iNeutra  in  ra  Tobis  difficnltas  a  me  erit.  45 

Sed  quid  l&ciemiia  puero  ?     La.  Bidicule  rogas : 

Quicquid  futurum  eet,  huic  Buom  reddaa  scilicet, 

XTt  alomos  nostrum.     Pa.  Quem  ipee  ncglexit  pBter 

Hgo  alam  ?    JJa.  Quid  dixti  ?     £ho,  an  noQ  alemo»,  Pam- 

Prodemus  quaeao  potius  P     Quae  haec  amentia  est  P  50 

Snimvero  proisuB  jam  tacere  non  queo ; 
If  am  cogia  ea  quae  nolo  ut  praesente  hoo  loquar. 
Ignarum  censea  tuarum  hkcrimarum  esse  me  P 
Aut  quid  ait  id  quod  soUicitere  ad  hunc  modum  P 
Primum  hauc  nhi  dixti  cau«am,  te  propter  tuam  65 

Matrem  uoa  poase  hahere  hanc  uxorem  dmni, 
Pollicita  est  ea  80  concesauram  ex  aedibus. 
Nunc  poBtquam  ademtam  hanc  quoquo  tibi  causam  Tides ; 
Puer  quia  clam  te  eet  natus  nactus  alteram  es. 
Erras,  tui  animi  si  me  esse  igoarum  putas.  6o 

Aliquando  taudem  huc  animnm  ut  adjungas  tuum, 
Quam  long;um  spatium  amandi  amicam  tibi  dedi ! 
SumtuB  quoe  fecieti  in  eam  quam  animo  aequo  tuli  ] 
Egi  atque  oravi  tecum  uzorem  ut  duceres. 
Tempus  dixi  eese ;  impulsu  duxisti  meo :  66 

Quae  tum  obeecutos  mihi  fecisti  ut  decuerat ; 
Nunc  ftnimmn  rursum  ad  meretricem  induxti  tuum : 
Ciu  tu  obseoutus  fada  huic  adeo  injuriam : 
Nam  in  eandem  vitam  te  revolutum  denuo 

48.  Qnnn  ipie  nfplatil  palir]     '  Am  I  "  Kegavi  eDJm  fpai  me  oiiiGeMiinim  JotI 

to  briiw  up  B  cUld  wbon  hl*  owo  fttber  ffi  mecnm  orarat." 

hiuiiegUcled?'     'Ip«o'  b  the  rmdlng  of  _„ .    . ,.                ,                           .     ,        ,  . 

■11  the  bcM  muiiucripti ;  though  Donstiu  Tha  idiom  wu  tbe  moit  proper  m  the  orip- 

informj  (u  th«t  there  wa»  alao  the  reiMling  n»l  sen»  rf  ■  oro,'  'tos^,'which  ia  ita 

•  ip««,'  whieh  he  ureferB.     Tha  teoie  wony  «"4  >»"  ™  equiTrient  to  •  oeawm  ■eere. 

thm  be  thtt  Philomewi  h>a  no  eare  for  the  Hen™  '  ontore»,'  u  Feitui  uj»,  wm  ap- 

chihi,u  ihewu  going  to  han  it  eipoud,  P™  to  lawye™,  'c»ae«™n  «cti™,    «nd 

and  whT  tben  shoald  he  (slie  anj  trouble  ^  ambauado».  "  qm  reipubhcae  mandatu 

abontitf     Bot  Ihe  text  i*  bert  u  it  rtand».  W™»   agebant."       For    '  agara '    compare 

TluiMnt«Dceuideli<eredHide;bntJ«di«9  Eonudin»  iii.   S.   8  i     "  Rem  unam  Tell» 

aUcbei  tho  ImI  wordi!  of  it  »ge"  mecnm."     Heaut.  ui.  3.  34,  &c. 

6S,  aifldiim]     See  noto  on  L  2.  66.  W-  Aitimtimrtirnm  ad  n*nfn«M  m- 

U.  Egi  atqut  oravi  licum-\     'Ipleaded  diutt  tnm\     For  the  «.eomon  a.e  of  the 

with  7oa   and  entreated   you  to  marrj.'  pbra»  '  ammnm  inducere    Me  aote  on  i. 

'Oro'  iinMdwtth  ■mecum,"to™m.-&t  2.23.  Thim  a  aohtaij  inatanoe  in Totwico 

commonlr  hy   Phintui.    See  AjinarU  iii.  "^  tbe  u»e  of  tbo  word»  with   '  ad    fbl- 

3. 96:  lowinj;. 

'    ,'     ,                ...  69.   ibH/nhim  deniio]      ' Denno '    (de 

"Nnnc  ittMD  tanUiper  jnbo  potere  «tque  „o,„j ;,  oft,„  uaod  in  a  lapwfloon»  lODae 

OTnre  nwcnm.  ^I^„  ^  ^j^^  prooediiig  it  oonT«yi  tha 

CMiiia  ii.  6.  16 :  nottMiof  r^Mitionof  anactloD.    Comparo 


380  HECYIIA. 

Yideo  esse.  Pa.  Mene  P  La.  Te  ipsum.  Et  facis  injn- 
riam,  TO 

Quum  fingis  falsaB  c&usas  ad  discordiam, 

Ft  cum  illa  Tivae,  teatem  hanc  quum  abs  te  amoTeris ; 

Sensitque  adeo  uxor ;  naiu  ei  causa  alia  quae  fuit 

Quamobrem  abs  te  abiret  ?  Ph.  Plane  hic  dirinat ;  nam  id 

Pa.  Dabo  juajuraudum  uibil  esee  tetorum  tibi.     Za.  Ab,      Ts 

Reduc  u2orem :  aut  quamobrem  non  opus  sit  cedo. 

Pa.  Non  eet  nuno  tempos.  La.  Puerum  acoipiaa ;  nam  is 

In  Gulpa  non  est :  poet  de  matre  viden). 

Pa.  OnmibuB  modis  miaer  sum ;  nec  quid  agam  scio ; 

Tot  me  nuQC  rebue  miserum  concludit  pater.  so 

Abibo  binc,  praesens  quando  promoTeo  parum ; 

Nam  puerum  injusau,  credo,  non  toUent  meo ; 

Praeeertim  in  ea  re  quum  sit  mihi  adjutrix  socrue. 

Xa.  Fugis  P  hem,  neo  quicquam  certi  reapondes  mihi  ? 

Num  tibi  videtur  ease  apud  sese  P     Sine.  85 

Puerum,  Pbidippe,  mihi  cedo ;  ego  alam.     Ph.  Maxime. 

Nou  mirum  fecit  uzor  si  hoc  aegre  tulit. 

Amarae  mulieres  sunt :  non  facile  haec  ferunt. 

Propterea  baec  ira  est :  nam  ipea  narravit  mibi. 

Id  ego  hoG  praesente  tibi  nolebam  dicere,  SO 

Neque  ei  credebam  primo ;  nunc  vero  palam  est. 

Nam  omnino  abhorrere  animum  huic  Tideo  a  nuptiis. 

Jja.  Q,uid  ergo  agam,  Phidippe  ?  quid  dae  coneili  P 

Ph.  Q,uid  agas  ?    Meretricem  hanc  primum  adeundam  cenaeo. 

Prol.   fi.    30:    "Refera    denno."     FliDtiu,  unie  of  'ccndndo'  aea  note  on  Andria  H. 

CaptiTiii.  3.  61  :  S,  IS. 

"Fed.tiutredirelicemt«li»renU«denno."  \«l-  Promineoparum^i     'IwiUgonfmT, 
nncB  by  atSTing  here  I  tm  doiD|  no  gooa. 

Thisianot  a  tsatologr,  bat  ■  cue  of  tlut  Comp<ire  Andri*  iT.  1.  16:  "Atque  ■liqnii 

lilNTalitj  of  idiom  «hich  prsruli  in  all  lan-  dicat,  Nihil  pramOTHia."  For  uotlMr  atnto 

gnagee.     So  we  e*7  '  I  go  bvk  egiin  ;'  In  of '  promOTeo '  aee  Andri>  iT.  3.  97,  S8 1 

Qermui    ne    h»Te    '  luruclckehraii '    4nd  iidi,_  ^  j„™j™.  „„„  _ri.  k.k^       ~i 

'wicde««riickkeh«m.'        For     'reTOlTor'  ^^tfhl^:™?^"r5C                        "^ 

eompve  Cioero.  Ad  Atticnm  riii.  28  :  "  Iti^  On.n^T^^.«^  nn«ii« . " 

qne^olTor   identidem   ii.  TB«^nom,"  Q"»nt»n>  hnic  promOTeo  nnplui  ? 
*  And  Hi  I  retnm  agun  kud  igBin  to  mj 
Tnicnlan  plua.' 

^6.  Quatyiobremiia»op%atiletda]   'Take  i.  4U. 

bw:k  jonr  wife,  or  lell  me  whj  jon  mnnot'  86.  Ctdo"}  Ste  note  on  HeaaL  it.  8.  5. 

For  ■  cedo '  we  note  on  Heaut.  W.  B.  6.  89.  Nam  ipia  lutrretU  MiJti]      Seo  iT.  1. 

80.  ConeltLdiq     '  Mj  fiither  driTei  me  Si— 94. 

into  ■  oanwr  in  eo  maiij  w^ji.'    Fw  the  94.  Qaii^^ai.*]  ''Wlwt  ■!«  jou  to  do^ 

ACrUS  Y.    SCENA  I.  381 

Oremns ;  accoBemxiB  ;  graTios  demque  95 

Minitemur,  si  cum  illo  habuerit  rem  postea. 

JjQ.  Faciam  at  monee.     Eho,  poer,  curre  ad  Baooliidem  Iiano 

Yiciuam  noetram :  huc  evoca  Terbis  meis ; 

£t  te  oro  porro  in  hac  re  adjutor  bib  mihL     Ph.  Ah, 

Jamdudum  dizi,  idemque  nunc  dico,  Lache ;  lOO 

Manere  affinitat«m  hanc  inter  noe  volo, 

Si  uHo  uodo  eet  ut  possit,  quod  spero  fore. 

Sed  visne  adeese  me  una,  dum  istam  couTenia  P 

Xd.  Imo  TQro  abi :  aliquam  puero  nutricem  para. 


JBa.  Non  hoc  de  nihilo  eat  quod  Lachee  me  nnnc  conTentam 
eaae  expetit ; 

98.   Auc  evoea  verbii  "if'*]  '  TeU  her  in  in-Uw  nji,  101]  fot  thf» 

nijr  name  to  come  bere.'    lle  eipresdon  ■wej  hii  wil~ 

occiura  in  PlaotuB.   See  Becchidei  iT.  3. 94 :  that  the  raport  ia  &lse. 

liii™ino,«tt.nbl.»l.r  i^VLS!^'        """^i*.:"   k?" 

'  dkiigbtar  tliat  her  conneuon  witb  FMnpbilae 

aod  Uites  Glorionu,  iii.  3.  38,  39 '.  liae  been  hraken  off  rince  bis  uurriege. 

te  d^tolerit  «1  me,  "T  """■"  m  Tmd>«te  Pemphila.,  «,i  to 

Quem  nuneego  militidHem  mi.Terbi,.-  ""°"  Jl  enn.™n  od  her  own  «cconnt. 

^  Tlie  Mstre  u  u  foUows;  tt.  1—4.  17, 

Cicero  lues  the  tlme  eiprearion,  Ep.  ad  18,  iembic  tetremetert  6,  iambiG  dimeter 

Atlicam   XTf.   II.   7:    "  Attiae,  cjnDaiam,  cetalectic;  6— 16,  iambic  tetnmeCer  csta- 

qnod  opdmom  in  pnerii  ait,  hilarala  est,  lectic;  ZO,  21,  tTDcbaic  tetrameter ;  19.  88 

meii  leriiii  nwrium  dee;"  and  Liij  niee  —41,  frochaic  tetrBTaeter  catalectic.     The 

k  Rmilir  phnie  in  ii.  36  ;  "  Eo  forte  quio-  Un  line  must  be  carried  oa  to  the  fitet 

qne  legati  cam  daobaa  tribunia  plebia  Tene-  Ime  oF  the  neit  scme. 

Tsiit  dennntiatam  Fabio  aeDatOB  Terbii  ne         1.  Non  hoc  de  nihilo  cjf]    '  Itia  not  for 

sdtam   Ciminium   transiret."       Phidippoa,  nothiag    that   Lacbai   ia   now    Bniious  to 

tbinking    it    indelicate    to   remain    to    aes  heTe  an  inCerTiew  with  me.'     The  phrtie 

Beccbia  sixiut  a  mfttter  in  which  Tiia  own  '  de  nihilo '  occun  in  Plsntua,  Tmcalenlus 

deaghter  ia  cont«med,  goea  to  looli  for  a  it.  8.  61 :  "  De  nihilo  uihil  eat  insd,  qoM 

narae,  lemring  Lecbes  to  arnuiBe  matteie  te  Don  flocct  tncit ;"  and  Curculio  1t.  1. 17: 

with  thor  new  allj.  "  Qai  klteri  de  nihiio  audocter  dicant  con< 
tameliam."    Compare  Propertiaa  iii.  (ii.)  7- 

Acr  T.   SciNi  I.    Bacchia  comea  in  to  (16.)  Sl,  62 : 
iier  inlerriew  witb  Lacbea.     Sbe  profeeses 
lo  be  linid  that  he  haa  aent  for  her  with 
»m,  ,m««„ll,  p,nj»K ,  ud  b.  «nt  .n-  n«  «"o"d.  iMo  (btalm.  In  ,»Bt " 

desToura  to  qniet  her  feorB  on  thi9  head, 

and  be  tben  reminda  her  of  Pamphilaa'  old  For  '  me  conTenlara  esse  eipetit '  eae  note 

witb  ber,  wliich  he  haa  leaaon  to  on  It.   S.   14:    "Qoi   nobia — nMledictnm 

still  coatinned.    So  hia  mottier-  Tdit  /'  and  on  It.  4.  4S. 

tc  Pl^adea  bdant,  neqae  aqaosns 


382  HECTRA. 

Kec  pol  tne  multum  Mlit  qnin  quod  suspicor  sit  qood  v^t. 
La.  Videndimi  eet  ne  minuB  propter  imn  hanc  impetrem 

quam  possiem ; 
Aut  ne  quid  faciam  pliu  quod  post  me  minus  fecisse  satiiis 

A^rediar.     Bacohis,  salTe.  5 

Ba.    Salve,  Lache.     La.  Aedepol  credo  te  nonuihil   mirari, 

Quid  sit  quapropter  te  huc  foras  pnemm  eTooare  joaai. 
Ba.  Ego  pol  qnoqne  etiam  timida  sum,  qnum  Tenit  mihi  in 

mentem  quae  sim, 
Ne  nomen  mihi  quaesti  ohsiet ;  nam  mores  facile  tutor. 
La.  Si  Tera  diciB,  nihil  tibi  eet  a  me  pericli,  molier ;  lo 

Ifam  aetate  JBm  ea  sum  ut  non  siet  peccato  mihi   i^osci 


3.  Vidtndim  ett  ^.]  ■  I  mnst  tsVe  rare  For  the  form  '  qnaesti '  see  belmr,  Sccne  3, 

that  I  do  Hdt  obMin  leea  tliu  I  might  on  38 ;  nata  on  BQnochai  iii.  4.  4. 
occoant  of  m;  muser.'    '  Irsm  h&nc '  ii '  ny         Nain  mora  /aeiU  lulor]     '  All  that  I 

anger,'  '  the  ■nger  whieh  I  aow  foe)  «t  mj  feai  a  thst  tho  nwno  of  mj  professkin  wilJ 

Bon'B  •eparstian  from  hii  wife.'    Tbjs  «ould  be  agaiiut  me;  (br  I  can  ea^;  defend  mj 

not  bewDrth  Dotice,  wereitnotthatBentlej  coadact.'       Peiiet     oimpare*    Addplii    ii. 

hu  altered  >  hanc  '  (whidi  he  conBidera  an-  l,  7; 

m,m.,)   m»   'U™'   fcr  '.b   kK  B«t  .  l,„  ,^  ,.„.    x„.  Sdo.     S..  il  B. 
jM,i'    «,    «,l„.lr    i^Onloa.   ^^  ul,^»,m  Ml  M.  qmqmi.  .plaai- 

Lachsi  19   •onon*   to  conaliate  Baccliu,  ^  -i     i  r        • 

alChoafh  be  conridMa  lier  to  be  thecao»  of  and   bdow,   Scene  ^t,  36,    whve    Bacdii 

aU  the  miachief.      Doutta»  remarks  npon  ■peakg   of  her    geDcral    good    mtnml   coa- 

Terence^R  ikill  In  making  the  cbiracten  in  dnct : 

v«t«fc«nthaord.n«7t«rt"ent.>f  mdi  m.L  »Ua«.m  pMtL. 

4™»™^'  »«"  *»  1.1='  In  hu  lon,.  Kp  j„„  m.  lidt.m  «t  .>  .gni  b«ui»> 

tione   mncetiir   ■    poeta.       Nam    meretili  ^,  [gnid„  -.  _,nj  •• 
loquttor  et  Hnax  :  et,  quod  est  mirabiliiu, 

bona   meretrii   mitig   Knex :    nt   iatelligas  1 1.  ffam  aetale  jam  ■  .  .  .  «f  wm  tiel 

Isborsue  Terenliam  at  eC  ■  Uga  oomlcoram  peetela  mihi  ijpiotri  aemm]     '  For  I  am 

recederet,  et  in  actn  tantnm  oonsuetndineDi  now  at  thst  time  of  life  wheti  I  haTe  no 

retineret."     In  the  followin;  liae  '  minaa  right  to  ejpect  to  have  ■  luilt  orerlofAed ; 

fedMe'    U    eqaivaleot    to    '  non    fMue.'  ond  I  therefare  am  more  caiefiil  tn   ereTj 

'  Saliiu  '  ii  TOry  common  in  all  anthon.  thinguidmorecsDlioainottoactBtniidam.' 

&.]     These  uid  the  two  fbllowing  lines  The  commenlatDn  have  been  aniioiu  to  Gnd 

■re   irranj^    ■ccoiding   to   the    Bembine  arenondite  meHningiii  theae  worda,and  tliat 

mautucript.    In  icanning  t.  B,  the  leamet  not  the  most  innaceiit ;  bnt  I^ches  ■implj 

moit  remember  that    '  Aedepol '   la   pro.  mesnSi  '  An  old  man  caiuiot  aSbnl  to  make 

-  noanoiid  ■■  a  dluyllabls.  miitakea  like  ■  jtoaag  man.'    At  fbr  tha 

8.  Venil  in  mintem']  See  note  an  Ea-  consCruction,  which  Donatag  considera  ■m- 
nDchai  ii,  3.  24.  bigaoos,   and   whlcfa    some    commratBtoiS 

9.  Ne  nomen  nuU  quaeili  oiiiel^  The  trj  to  eiplaio  b j  calling  >  pecoto '  sn  abls. 
old  Ceit  waa  '  Ne  mmsn  mihi  qaaeatas  CiTe  absolate,  Bcine  bj  crinsiilering  it  to  bs 
obstet  ^ad  Ce.'  Bat  the  «ardi  > spnd  Ce'  pnt  for' peccinti,' Cherela  nodifficnltT.if  we 
are  omitCed  Irom  the  Bembinna,  Vad-  onlj  remember  that '  ignosco' ia  naed  both 
eannai  aad  Victoriniu  ;  «id  the  Bembine  witba  datiTe  of  the  thiiig  andadaCiTeofthe 
hai  >  qaaeaCi.'  Hence  Paern,  tbllowed  bj  perKin.  See  PlauCus,  Hil.  Glor.  ii.  S.  C| : 
Bentlej,  anwiged  the  Cait  aa  It  aowstanda.  "  Insdt(ae  meae  et  atoltitiae  IgnoecM ;"  and 

ACTirS  V.    SCENA  I.  383 

Quo  magie  onmes  res  oautins  ne  temere  &ciam  aocaro : 
Nam  si  id  facis  lacturaTe  ea  bonas  quod  par  est  facere, 
Inecitum  offeirfl  injuriam  tibi  immerenti  iniquum  est. 
Sa.  Est  magna  ecastor  gratia   de  istao  re  quam   tibi  ha- 

beam:  is 

Kam  qm  post  &u:tam  injuriam  se  expurget,    porum  tnihi 

Sed  quid  istuc  eet  P    La.  Meum  receptas  filinni  ad  te  Fam- 

philum.     £a.  Ahl 
La.  Sine  dicam.     TJzorem  haac  priua  quam  dozit,  Teetrum 

amorem  pertuli. 
Mane  :  nondum  etiam  dixi  id  quod  Tolni.     Hio  nuno  oxorem 

Quaere  aliom  tibi  firmiorem,   dum   tibi   tempns  oonsulendi 

est;  20 

Nam  neque  ille  hoc  animo  erit  aetatem,  neque  pol  ta  eadem 

istac  aetate. 
Ba.  Quis  id  ait  ?    La.  Socrua.     Ba.  Meue  P    La.  Te  ipsam ; 

et  filiitm  abduxit  suam ; 
Puerumque  ob  eam  rem  clam  voluit  natus  qui  eet  extingnera 
Ba.  Aliud  si  scirem  qui  firmare  meam  apud  vos  posaem  fidem 

Cioera,  Ad  AttJenm  il.  14.  I  :  "OmDet  ineter  ntaleclic;  uid  «e  mtut  therefore 

enim    Achaid    deprecatiirei,   llem    qoi  tn  allow  an  hiatiu  after  '  diil.' 

Asia,  qnibiis  non    OBt    ignotam."     Th«  SO.  fVrmJomn]      Compini  Andria  iii. 

coTulniction  before  ns  is  rimply  t,  comtnD»-  3.  39. 

tioa  of  ths  tvo,  in  which  the  iaiiie  of  31.]     For  'aetatem'  lee  nota  on  Bn- 

tbe  peTWD  become*  OM  of  refeience.     For  nachuB  iv.   6,    7;    and  Ibr   '  i«tM  aelste,' 

the  paaaire   'ignoad'    m»  the  pumge   of  note  on  Heiut.  i.  1.  68. 

Cicero  jnrt  qooted  ;  Adelphl  lii.   4.  39  :  22.   Quit  id  ait?  ..  .  Mait ;]     Buchii 

'■Ignotnmest;  tacitumeet;  cieditiimert;"  seta  uide  «U  tiai  Loches  bsd  last  sud,  and 

Bnd  niormio  v.  8.  SB ;  replies  at  once  to  tbe  chsrge  «hich  he  had 
made   BgBinat  ber   in    the  worda,    '  meaiD 

"  Bgo  .  .  .  esse  in  biic  »  onlpam  mtMtsm  recepta»    filium."      Aftar    '  mene'    aapplr 

non  ner>>  '  receptare  Pamphilum '  from  v.  1?. 

Bed  e»  qoin  st  ignoscenda."  23.]    Thii  line  ia  snpposed  to  oanlndict 

,,    ,     ,.            _          t..    I     n      .11  '"■  3'  *f,  wbere   Mmhina  savs  to  Pam- 

U.  Lucll,m    nftrrt    *U'^*f«]      '«  phjln,.  '  conKnuo  eiMMtur.'    TWe  maj 

wonld   be   nnjiist   m  nw  fboliahlj  to  do  ^   ^   ,5^  eiugeretion  on  the  part  of 

jou  an  injnry  wheo  jon  do  not  des^e  it,  l«^^  ^,  ,  eitinguere'  maf  be  naed  gene- 

'  ii»at«»'  i«  oftm  «Hid  T^  PlButa*  m  th..  ^i^  „  .  jo  do  ...7  with,'  •hich  need  not 

aen>e.     Mile.  GIotiosus  ui.  1.  140:  '' «u.  be  opposed  to  '«ponare.'    S«  Phormio    • 

denm    ooniilu   colpet   stQltni    mscilusqDe  i.  o  57  58 . 

ait."      8ee   manj  eumpLes   in    Foroellini.  ■       •       ■  ,,  -u:  _:- 1 ; 

Compaie  slso  (Scao,  De  Natnis  Deomm 
ii.  13:  "Qdd  est  sntem^iBScitias  qoam 
eam  natmam  qnae  omnes  rvfl  nt  compleia 

non  optimam  did  ?''  In  Adalphi  iU.  2.  16,  the  word  hae  ■  itroiig 

18.  Mant]     Tbe  hut  syllahle  is  ahcTt.  sense  ;  "  Seni  a&imam  primnm  eitiDgnerem 

.  Qiri  firmert  <M 


Sanctiufl  quam  jusjurandum,  id  pollicQrer  tibi,  Lache,  u 

[Me]  segregatum  habuisse,  uxorem  ut  duxit,  a  me  Famphilmn. 
La.  Lepida  es ;  sed  acin  quid  Tolo  potius  sodee  facias  ?    Ss. 

Quid  [via]  P  cedo. 
Xa.    Eaa  ad  mulierea   liuc  iatro,   atque   iatuc  jusjuiaiidiiiii 

Polliceare  illis :  exple  animum  iis,  teque  hoc  crimine  expedi. 
£a.  Faciam;  quod  pol,  si  esset  alia  ex  hoc  quaeetu,   haud 

faceret  scio,  30 

Ut  de  tali  causa  nuptae  mulieri  ee  oatenderet. 
Sed  nolo  faLsa  fama  esae  gnatum  suspectum  tnum, 
I^ec  lcTiorem  vobis,  quibus  est  minime  aequum,  Tiderier 
Immerito ;  nam  meritus  de  me  eat  quod  queam  illi  at  com- 

La.  Facilem   benevolumque  lingua  tua  jam  tibi   me   reddi- 

dit;  3i 

fidemj      Fot   '  qni '   lee   noto  on    AndrU,  s^regslnni '  bm  note  on  it,  8. «.                       I 

Prolog.  fl.    It  is  here  the  abl»ti»o  of  the  27.  Sodti^     See  note  on  AndriB  i.  1.  St. 

inBtnimeQt.     For  '  liraiare  iidem  '  «e  note  28.  Iilve  Jvijvniitdum   idam   petUctm 

oniT.S.B.    Iq  thialino-AlindBi  I  sdrem"  jHii]     '  And  Dfrer  them    tfae   erae  pk^ 

ll  taken  ^  Bentlej  M  tbe  first  ■dipodi»'  thU  joa  do  me."  '  Poliiceor  '  ii  commoalT 

of  the  trochaic  Cetrameter,  the  fintl  ejUttble  usnd  in  ■  tranattire  Hue  In   Plautai  lod 

of  'khnd'  lieing  elided  in  pronandstion,  >o  Terence.     Bo  in  AoiulwiB  iii.  4.  11 : 

tliat  '  sliud '  ii  pronounced  '  «lid '  or  '  »l'd.'     11«- 1 j_  1 -ir a 

Thl.  1.  b«l.,  O...  to  h»,pol.t.  b™  u  CrHoW,^.,„l,mm,raa«.nH,|J. 

T.  26  tbe  ordinu-j  resdmg  ib  '  Me  BegregB- 

tam  bBboiue,'  nhicb  m&kes  it  an   iambic  Bacchides  ii.  2.  8  : 

Ter»e.     Accordinglj  Bentlej  omilB 'me'  to      ..!,„.„,..        ^ „. 

iD«ke  the  Une  trocbaic     Without  Tenturing  ""'Pin''"'  «  ooeMm  poUicorB,  nt  «o- 

to  strike  oat  the  word,  I  havB  msrked  both  „  ""        .       .     ^ 

it  and  int]  in  the  following  iine  ,0  aa  to  ^"^  ~iven.ei.t, :  ^  autem  « 

sho«  thit  they  are  irrecQncilabie  with  Ibe  annuo. 

metre.       The  worda    'Begregatum    ....  See  Andria  i.  1 . 

a   me   Pamphilam  '    certainlj    oontnidict  accessit,  preliun 

i.   2.    82,    "Pk.  Quid   interea?  ibatne  ad  18:  " Pellezit,  modo  non  aori  montii  pol- 

Bocchidem?    Pa.   Qnotidie."     Nor  need  licens."    Tbe  word  is  prohabij  comimMl 

we  tronble  ODrBelvea  to  recondle  the  two  from    ' pro-lioeor,'    ■  to   offer  >   prica  bT» 

paasa^.      Terence    wonld     not    care    to  sale.'     Hence  it   paaaed   into   the   gencnl 

repre»ent   Bacchis   as  a  parfBct  ebaracter,  seaBe    of    'to    proffer.'       ForceUirii    rine 

nor  u  one  who  would  stidt  at  an  eiaggera-  some  eiampleB  fJom  Cicsro  of  the  ttuuitiK 

tion,  if  QOt   ■  lie,    to  Berre  hor   purpoBe.  ■ate  of  the  word.     So  'polliceri  JBsiaraii. 

We  maj,  howerer,  allow  some  little  lati-  dum  '  is  '  to  ofTer  to  take  an  oath.' 

tude   to    the  words    '  at    duiit     uiorem.'  30.  Ex  hac  quantu]     •  No  one  elie  of 

DodMus  obserroB  on  y.  2.  30,  "  Proprie  ab  my  profeasion  wouW  do  it'     Camnar«  '  ei 

meretrice  ttgrrgari  didtur,  ab  oiore  dii-  boc  genere,'  '  ex  hac  familia,'  Bto. 

itmji;"   but   tho   distiaction   is  aet  wide  33.  ffeclet^an]     '  Nor  do  1  wish  tlut 

bj  iii.  6.  30:    "  Sc«reganda  aut  mater  a  he  ahouid  appe»  more  diaaipated  than  heis 

me  est.    Phidippe,    aut   Philumena,"  and  to  jou,  who  are  tbe  laat  who  ougbt  to  think 

T.  3.  23;   "Nam   nuplA   meretrid    boslJB  him  bo.'      'VoIo'  muit  be  anpplied  fma 

est,  a  Tiro  ubi  Mregata  est."    The  word  the  negatiTe  'nok».'    Seo  -  '           '    ■- 

is  Terj common.  Por  "■'-"--  "       '  "  -   '- 

habuiaBePamphilam     iii.  5,  18. 


A0TU8  V.    SCENA  II.  385 

Nain  non  s\mt  solao  arbitratae  lia« :  ego  qooque  etiom  cre- 

Nimc  quum  ego  te  esse  praeter  noetntm  opinionem  comperi, 
Fac  eadem  ut  bIb  porro  ;  nostra  utere  amicitia  ut  Toles. 
Aliter  si  iacias sed  reprimam  me,  ne  aegre  quicquam  er 

me  audiae. 
Yeram  te  hoo  moneo  unum :  amious  qualis  sim  aut  quid  pos- 

siem  40 

Potius  quam  inimicus  periclum  facias. 



Ph.  Nihil  apud  me  tibi 
Defieri  patiar  quin  quod  opus  sit  benigne  proebeatur. 

37.    Nune  gnym    .    .    .   nl   lii   porro']  tdtm  to  SGttle  mattere,  tnd  ulriH*  blm  to 

'  Now  tbat  I  luie  dbcaverad  joa  to  be  dif-  E«e  vbat  Bacchii  cati  do  towards  thia  ob- 

ferant  Irorn  m;  opinion  of  ^oU',  »e  thaC  ject.     Phidippiu  Bgrees  that  tbeeiperliiient 

;on  inaiDtBin  thit  cluncter  hereafter,  and  Bhall  be  m>de  ;  and  the  old  men  join  io  en- 

then  yoa  ■hall  malie  what  use  you  will  af  couraginc  Bacchii  to  go  to  My rrliina  and 

my  ftiendahip.'     For  '  pmro'   aee  note  on  Philamon». 

Andrii,  PRiiog.  83.    'WeiM  in  hii  Tanch-  Ths  Metre   from  t.    S   to  the  end   of 

nitz  edition  ubaenes  thst  '  utere  '  mtj  be  the  scene  is  ismhic  tftnmeter  «taleclic. 

takcn  ■•  the  impentive  bj  sapposiDg  sn  1.     Nihil  i^nui  me  liii  drfirri  paliar] 

faiatot   ■fler    '  noKra,'    tmi    pronoundiig  Phidippiu  is  apealiing  to  the  nuise  whom 

'  amilim  '  ss  '  padj^m,'  in  Andria  i.  6.  G3.  he  hu  hired  to  tBbs  charge  of  hia  gnndaoD. 

But  thli  is  needlem.  '  I  will  not  allow  you,'  he  mja,  'to  want 

40.  AiKievt  qualit  lim}     The  ontiDnrj  anj  thing  at  mj  house,  but  will  lee  that  sll 

text   hu    '  qDsUa    aim   unicu),'  on    which  that  jon  require  I9  liberslly  provided.'     Por 

Weise  reinarki  (notes  on  Hecjr*, Tsuctiniti  'ipudme'  see  note  on   Heaut.  i.    1,   110. 

edition),  tbst  '  ■micos '  is  to  be  taken  ta  a  We  find  ■  detit '  in  PtButus.     See  Mcoaech- 

trorbee.    Bul  the  ■wkmrdnees  of  hscing  mei  i,  4.  8: 

;:S°Ti,'°Ji?'""i".°'i"'  t''i,'^"  "Abmm.b.o.tam.„fa.    Tribi»«. 

poang  tbe  words  u  in  the  text,  whieh  givei  onoil  nt  utii 

■  ^i^TiT'''^  1^-«™'™';.'  .w         ■  k  N^ue  defi.t,  ul^iue  «.penut." 

41.]  Some  fsw  edition!  end  the  Ime  mth  ^              •     1         i- 

•FkdBmsedolo' fromBscchii;  but  this  ii  Virgil,  Edog.  ii.  22i  ■' L«:  mihi  non  kealata 

ui  Bfident  interpolMian.     It  ii  Tery  com-  UOTnm,  nou  ftigore  deflt."    'BeDignaB'  ii 

mon  tat  •  seane  to  end*  with  an  unHnisfaed  Dot  nnfrequraitlj  osed  in  the  sense  of  '  p\a>- 

Un«.  tiful.'    See  Horue,  Csnn.  L  17-14— 16; 

" Hie  tibi  copia 

ACT  V.   8cB>n  II.    Phidippus  retnms  M.nsbit  ed  plenom  benigno 

with  theiHuje  whom  he  h«  hired  to  take  R^g  bonorum  opalent»  corou ;" 
cberge  oT  Philumeuas  child.     Laches  ei- 

plsiiis  to  bim  tbst  Bacefais  faas  protBsted  uid  Epod.  I7.  &^,  60: 

her  innocence.    At  firat  fae  mskai  ligbt  of  ..  Oplat  qaietem  Pelopia  infidi  pater, 

her  dodarahcin  ;  but  Bhe  olTera  to  eBtabhsh  Erans  benignie  T«ntaliii  sempa  dairifc" 

ber   innorence  in  anj  waj  he    likes ;  and  ^              '                                r          r 

leprata  th^t  ber  object  ii  merclj  to  recon-  80  '  mklignns '  has  tbe  rense  of  '  scantj,' 

dle  P^mpbilui  to  Us  wife.    Laches  reminda  ■  niggatdlj.'     Bee  nata  on  i.  2.  83. 
nudippna  that  ttiej  hnire  trisd  in  vain  them- 



Bed  quum  ta  satora  atque  ebria  em,  |ni«r  ut  satur  mt  facito. 
Xd.  Noster  socer,  video,  Tenit :  puero  nutricem  adduxit. 
Phidippe,   BaccluB  dejemt  peraancte.     Ph.  Hae<^e  ea   est'' 

La.  Haec  est.  s 

Ph.  Nec  pol  ietae  metuimt  Deos ;  neque  haa  reaincfire  Dc<m 

Sa.  Ancillaa  dedo :  quoUbet  cruciatu  per  me  exquire. 
Haec  res  hic  agitur :  Pamphilo  me  focere  ut  redeat  uxor 
Oportet ;  quod  si  perficio,  Qon  poenitet  me  famae, 
Solam  fecisse  id  quod  aliae  meretricee  facere  fugitaat.  lo 

S.  Sed  ju¥m  (u  lalura  aiqat  ibria  mi]         Do.  Tnai  ta  niihi  a  ininilciu  mtai ; 
'  Bnt  when  joa  h»Te  had  enongli  to  mi  >nd  lum  gsDcri  leaooio 
to  driak,see  that  the  boj  hu  enoogh  bod.'        Nanquam  nllDa  Deua  tun  beiugnDi  fiul 
'Satui''    is   a    Diore   general    term   than  qai  fderiC  proiutini." 
'ebriiu.'    8ee  Adelphi  >,  1.  3 :  "Sed  poit.  ,    ..  ,   ,  m.-» 
._, r ; „;_.  II  In  the  punfe  belore  na  FludipiKu  n 

henelf  with  impwiitf : 
■he  feari  no  paniihnient.'  He  ia  nMuimll; 
mare  angrj  with  tha  ■edaea'  of  hia  dnagh- 
ter'i  hosbud  than  lAches  ia  with  his  aon'! 

7.  AiKillat  dfdol     Bj   the    Graek  hw 

qoam   lataa 

'  Ebriai '  ii  uaed  »itb  '  Batnritaa  '  in  Plai 
tua,  in  tbe  aame  lenenl  aeoM.  Ses  Capd' 
L  1.  40,  41 : 

" 3ed  aperitar  osliam 

Unde  sataritnte  laepe  ego  eiii  ebrias  )" 

•nd  in  ona  ploce  it  baa  the  notioD  <A  '  plen.  tbe  testimonf  of  slaTea                            .   .  _ 

tiful.'     8ee  Caiina  iii.  S.  31  :  "  Padte  coe-  otherwise   than   bj   torture.      Aa   ■ccused 

nam  mibi  nt  ebri*  ait."     Martial  verj  fra-  penoa  might  ofTer   hii  aiaTei,  or  J— — -J 

quentlj  appliei '  ebriui '  to  dyed  jarments.  thoee  of  his  adTerwy,  to  be  e»mii>ed  bj 

SeeEpigram.  ziT.   164,  OD  wool  dyed  the  torture.     It  wai  ■ometimes  lefl  to  the  ao- 

coloor  of  an  amethyst :  coser  to   applj   anj   kind    of    tortore    ha 

"Ehri»   Sidoniw  qnnm  aim   de  ssDgmne  P'«?^-  Thi.  offer  «,d  dem*nd««  oJled 

oonchae  wpiwXijaic  t(c  fiaaavBv.     A  refaial  was  a 

Non  Tideo  qn«e  «ibria  lana  Tocer."  *™°8  premmption  of  gnilt.     Tortnre  w>s 

alao  applied  to  ■UTOfl  ander  the  Konian  law. 

fi.    Dfjtral  ptrmnelt}      Por   '  d^emt'  gee  the  DiclionarT   of  Amiqnitie^   nticie 

■ee  note  on  Ennuchna  ii.  3  39  .  Tonnentom.'  8a  here  Bacdiia  Mja,  •  I  pre 

6.  Keque  Aat  re^tctre   Dtot  o^jmor]  joanpmrromds,  «isminethein  bjmy  kind 

'CertsTnlj   lhe«  womeo  do  not  foar  the  of  toKure  jou  likeasfar  sslaiiiooncmied.' 

gods,  «nd  I  don  t  think  tlst  the  god»  paj  with    '  p«r    me'    compar«    tbe    COmDMNi 

anj  altontion  to  them.'     On  the  meaaing  pttases  '  per  me,  to,  stsre  ' 

of'n»pido'»e  nola  on  AndriaiT.  1.  17.  g    No»  poeHilet  me  famte']     '  And  if  I 

Donatui  aajB,      Kt  infcnDrei  nint  qnun  in  Jq  this  1  un  not  dissatisfiod  with  tb»  tvn- 

qn»i  Dii  Tindicerit ;      whicb  «  clearlj  Uie  f^^  that  I  •hall  have,  of  haring  beeo  tha 

tme  me»ning.     Thej  do  not  few  the  gods,  (,„1    ^^  (o  ^^  «bat  other  K.urte»i.  anid 

fbr  the  god.  are  sore  not  to  noticB  their  g^a\at:    Por  '  poenitet '  seo  Eunocho»  t.  8. 

conduct.      This  u   the  idea   which    nuis  |2  ioA  nota. 

throngh   the  ode  addreened  to   BsriDe   by  ii.]  The  ineanlng  is,  ' This  has  been  nll 

Horace  (Carra.  ii.  8),  whioh  oommeDces  jong  a  game  of  crosa  pnrposes.    We  haTe 

"  TJlls  ai  jnrii  tibi  pejeiati  suipected  onr  wivea  withoat  eaosa,  as  «e 

Poena,  fiarine,  nDcuisset  nnquam  ;  now  find  from  the  facts  of  the  case.      Now 

Pente  ■■  nigro  fierei  lel  uno  lat  n*  bring  Bacchia  to  the  same  tost ;  aiid 

Turpior  nngui,  jonr  wife,  when  ibe  finda  that  sbe  haa  be- 

Crederem."  hsTed  a  blsa  charga,  will  chaoge  her  toaej 

_               ,.     ,1      ,                   ,  ,      „.     .  and  wben  her  opposition  is  temoved,  Toa 

Tbe  oppodte  ideai.  eipr«sod  bj  Plantos,  «^  ««  fe-r  mj^iT    H.  is  angTS  S. 

Per»  IT.  4.  »a— 34  :  Concealroent  of  the  child'.  birth.  that  i.  s 

"  ""-■■'               -   -    Taaqiiam  mere  trille,  and  wiJJ  be  (aigotteo.'    In  t, 

(Stbacommontait  bai<Mso' aiter 'ast' 

Dc,  zecbvGoOglc 

ACTUS  V.     SCENA  II.  387 

La.  PHdippe,  noetrsa  mulieTeB  suspectaa  fuiaae  &lao 
Nobia  in  re  ipsa  inTenimua :  porro  hano  nunc  ezperiainur : 
Nam  si  conipererit  crimini  tua  se  uxor  credidiBse, 
Missam  iram  &ciet :  sin  autem  est  ob  eam  rem  iratus  gnatus, 
Quod  peperit  uzor  clam,  id  lere  est ;  cito  ab  eo  haec  ira  ab- 

scedet.  IS 

Profecto  in  hoc  re  nihil  mali  eet  quod  sit  discidio  dignum. 
Ph.  Yelim  quidem  hercle.     La.  Exquire ;  adeet :  quod  satis 

sit  faciet  ipsa. 
Ph.  Quid  mihi  iataec  nairas  P  an  quia  non  tute  ipse  dudum 

De  hac  re  animus  meus  ut  sit,  Laches  f  illis  modo  explete 

La.  Quaeao  aed^>ol,  Bacohis,  mihi  quod  es  pollicita  tute  ut 

serves.  20 

Ba.  Ob  eam  rem  vis  ergo  tntro  eam  ?    La.  I  atque  ez|Je  ani- 

mum  iis,  ut  credant. 
Ba.  Eo ;  etei  scio  pol  iis  fore  meum  co)iq>ectum  inTisum  hodie ; 
Nam  nupta  meretrici  hostis  est,  a  Tiro  ubi  segregata  eet. 
La.  At  haec  amicae  erunt,  ubi  qusmobrem  adveneris  rescis- 

Ph.  At  easdem  amicas  ibre  tibi  promitto,   rem  ubi   cogno- 

verint.  35 

Nam  iUas  errore  et  te  simul  suspicione  exsolves. 
Ba.  -Perii ;  pudet  Philumenae.  Sequimini  me  huo  intro  ambae. 

bntitUDot  roond  in  leTcnl  miaiiscriplB.  iDbititutad  bj  an  emir   of  copfUti.     Saa 

Benllef  renurki    "criMm    per    N   habet  hia  Bditian,  Eicunae  ii. 

HDtionem    fnkiUtia."    uid    Donatiu    nji  !3.  Stfrtyata]     S«e  nole  on  i.  I .  S4. 

"  CVnnn  Dunc  pro  &Ian  lospicione ;"  but  S4,   Al  hate  omicae  tni»i\      For  the 

this  leiue  araa  aa\j  oat  of  the  conteit.  fnrm  '  hRec '  eqDJTBlent  to  >  hae,'  aee  noto 

l^e  vord  ia  aeatrBl.     Perlet  auggeita  with  on  Heaut.  ir.  ?■  10,  uid  compare  EuDHchui 

pnibihility  thaC  '  hho  '  ctept  ia  rrom  t.  II.  iii.    S.   34  :    "  CoDliDnt>  hiiec  adomsDt  nt 

For  'DiiisBm  iram  hdet'  aee  note  on  Au-  IsTet."     In  this  pUce '  haec'  ie  the  read- 

drii  ii.  1.  5S.  ing  of  the  Bembine  manuscript,  ud  ■■  re- 

16.  QuoJ  til  diteidio  dfjrninti}     '  iDdeed  quired  by  the  melTe. 

U>ere  is  nothing  in  thia  whale  etTiir  which  27.  Pvdtl  PAiVuRinur]    '  I  am  uhamed 

<»  jiuti^  >  aepinlion.'     ForcelliDi   dii-  of  leaing  PhitDmena.'     Thia  use  of '  pndet ' 

'ingnlihes  tietween  '  diaddiuin '  and  'diui-  u  applied  ta  penons  who  haTe  been  wronged 

diuDi' UiDj!  "  Didtur  {diieidiua)  de  scpa-  byone'»  self,  is  not  verj  common.  Forc^ol 

ntiai»  carpDram,  estque  K  pnieterito  Terbi  quotei  from  Juetin,  De  Alei.  lii.  6 :  "  Ao- 

''urtiuig;    cum  diiwidium  pruprie  sit  dia-  couerat  poenitentise  nutiids  Buae,  Krorii 

■^onhs  et  disBeiisas  Dnimorum,  ■  diaidto :"  Cliti,  recordiitio,  cojai  ebseatis  eum  maiime 

thon^h  he  adds  "  qmtnquam  ■  librariie  haec  pudebat,  tsm  faedsm  illi  slimentorum  SOO- 

■"pe  commDtaDtDr."     But  Madvig  in   his  rum  mercedemredditam."  Compare  Heaut. 

edilion  of  Cicera's  Tuiculan  Disputa^ns  ii.  3.  19 : 
hsi  proTed  that  thi>  diatinction  is  grouDd- 

lewi  aod  that  tbe  tme  form  of  the  word  ie  "Cujns  nunc  pudet  me  et  miMcet,  qni 

'  discidium,'  tor  «hich  '  disnidi'""  '  has  been  harmn  mores  ciptabat  mlhL" 
C  C  2 



La.  Quid  est  quod  mihi   malim  quam  quod  huic  intdligo 

TTt  grstiam  ineat  sine  auo  dispendio,  et  milii  prosit  ? 
N&m  si  est  ut  baeo  nunc  Pampliilum  vere  ab  se  segT^arit,  30 
Soit  sA>\  aobUitatem  ez  eo  et  rem  natam  et  gloriam  eese, 
Beferetque  gratiam  ei,  unaque  nos  sibi  opera  amioos  jimget. 


FAKHBNO.       BA0CHI8. 

Pa.   Aedepol  nae  meam  lierua  eese    operam  deputat   parri 

Qui  ob  rem  DuUam  misit,  iruB^  ubi  totum  deaedi  diem, 
Myconium  hoepitem  dum  ezspecto  iu  arce  Callidemidem. 
Itaque  ineptus  bodie  dum  illio  sedeo,  ut  quisque  Teaout, 

81.  Sat  nhi  notililalm  Sfc-i     '  FoT  if  it  bdom  chue.     ETerr  mui  tbat  anie  to  tke 

U  trae  thtt  she  hu  renllj  diiinissed  Fun-  Acropolis   he   had  asked   whethcr  be   wu 

philiu  troGi  her  companj,  Bhe  knoin  that  from  Mjconu!.  whethar  hii  nune  wms  Calli- 

ihe  hmi  now  ■  goad  repuCation  uid  bonoui,  demidei,  whether  he  hsd  tnj  fHend  of  tba 

tod  that  her  rortuue  is  made.'    '  NobiUtu '  name  of  Pamphiiiu  st  Atheiu ;  bat  all  in 

ie  hera  osed  in  ■  good  lense.     !□  Heuit.  Tsin.     He  tiow  MTiies  ta  B^cchis  is  cnoiiii; 

iL    1.    15   we   have    '  Dobilia  '     in   a    b«d  out  of  Pbidippus'  bouse.     8be  immcdiatelT 

Miue:  eeDds  bim  0?  to  letcb  faia  mastO',  and  to 

"  U.  .t  p.l«>..  pro».,  «Hinl»  ra..  .  'f,  "j  ""^  "•  ""«  "'t.^«r;  '" 

•_             m'    >i                   ^  «ome  time  aEO   ha*    been    iwXHRiized   bT 

•^'  """'■■  MjrAi..  -Z,  a.^ta,-u   aS,!.  ih.; 

■nd  K>  too  '  nobilito  '  in  EiiniichBl  r.  6.  SO ;  proceeds  to   MililDqDi»  apon  ,tbe  atranfe 

aet  note.  chance  bj  which  ahe  ha«  been  tlie  meaiia 

32.   Unajue  .  .  .  optra]     'And  Bhe  will  of  restoring  PamphilDS  to  his  wife.     lliii 

be  repajing  bim  bis  kindnen  to  her,  and  st  ring  waa  brongbt  to  her  bj  Pamphilo*  « 

the  une  time  hiII  attach  us  lo  herwlf  aa  few  montbs  before ;  and  hia  story  wma  tbst 

her  frienda.'     The  phrasea  '  ana  open '  and  fae  faad  pit  it  from  %  woman  whom   he  tuc) 

'  eadem    Dpera.'   '  bj   one    and    the    «ame  met   in  the  atreet,  and  to  whom  he  bnd 

mans,'  '  at  one  and  the  same  time,'  occnr  ofTered   Tiotence.      It    hu   now    been    t*. 

in  Plautas.    See  Captivi  ii.  3.  ti9 :  "  Eadem  cognized  by  MfrrhiDS  ;  uid  it  appear*  that 

opera  ■    Pnetore    BQmnm    sjngr^bam."  it  wu  l%ilumena  whom  Pempbitas  mct  on 

Uoatellaria  i.  3.  101,  102  :  tbat  occuion.     In  all  this  ahe  has  done  the 

"Ph.   Cedo  oenissani.      Sc.  Quid  cernssa  ^eBt  ahe  can   Ibr  Pamphilns;  and  hss  en- 

opns  lum  ?    PH.  Qni  mdu  oblinam.  **^"?4  *"  ^^}^  ■>'" '°  ^  **™lT- 

St.  Um  opera  ebur  ■tramento  cande-  ^^he  Mefre  is  as  foUoT*'    ""  .i~'^' 

hcere  postnles."  trDchsic  tefnmeter  cstalectic ;  1« — 43,  lam- 

■  bic  telrameter  atalectac 

Pseudolus  i.  3.  99  :  1.  Aedipor]     See 

"  ~ — -  Quia  pot  qua  opera  credam 


Una  opera  alligem  fhgitiTum  canem  as- 

uinia  lactibni."  'NHnmeaafamiMUtaumn>,nostn 

Ibi  deridere  neqae  redire  filinm  ;" 


ACTUS  V.    SCENA  III.  389 

Accedebam.     "  Ailolescens,   dic   dum,   quaeeo,  es  tu   Myoo- 

niuBp"  s 

*' Non    aum."     "  At   GallideinideeP"     "Non."     "HoBpitem 

ecquem  Pamphilum 
Hic  habesP"  Omnes  oegabant :  neijne   eum  quenquam  eeae 

Denique  bercle  jam  pudebat :  abii.     Sed  quid  Baccbidem 
Ab  noBtro  affine  ezeuntem  video  P     Q,uid  huic  hic  eet  rei  ? 
Ba.  Parmeno,  opportune  te  ofTers :   propere  curre  ad  Pam- 

pbilum.  10 

Pa.  Quid  eo  P     Ba.   Dic  me  orare  ut  veniat.     Pa.  Ad  t«  f 

Ba.  Imo  ad  Pbllumenam. 
Pa.    Quid  rei  eetP    Ba.    Tna  quod  nihil  refert  percontari 

Pa.  Nibil  aliud  dicam  P   Ba.  Etiam ;  cognosse  annulum  illam 

Gnatae  suae  iuisse  quem  ipeus  olim  mihi  dederat.     Pa.  Scio. 
Tantumne  eet  P    Ba.  Tantum :  aderit  contiauo,  hoc  ubi  ex  te 

aodierit.  1 6 

Sed  ceesas  P    Pa.  Minime  eqnidem ;  nam  bodie  mihi  potestas 

baud  data  eet ; 
Ita  cniBando  atque  ambulando  totum  hunc  contrivi  diem. 
Ba.  Quantam  obtuli  odTentu  meo  laetltiam  Pamphilo  bodie  I 
Quot  commodas  res  attuli !  quot  autem  ademi  curas ! 
Chiatum  ei  restituo,  pacne  qui  harum  ipsiusque  opera  pmit :  20 
Tlzorem,  quam  nunquam  eet  ratue   posthac  se  babiturum, 

Qua  re  suspectus  suo  patri  et  Pbidippo  fuit  ezBolvi. 

e.  QKcno,  «  fH  Jfjwooiw/]     Bentler  Lindmbrog  qnotei  tmm  Meumdar  the  line 

nada   'tnme    ea   MfooniniP'    «fiich   giT«  A  m4  rpoaltrn  ft^r'  jnvt  niilf   Bpn,  bnt 

■  Hjconiiu  '  e  more  correct  icuisioa.     Bnt  it  ia  not  neceuarj  to  lappose  Clwt  Teteuos 

ve  IwTe  not  the  alightcit  ■utharitj  for  the  wae  oopriiig  hera. 

chaoga.    A>  the  t^  ituidi  the  ■olepcQul.  )S.    r<iiilimm«   «(/]      '  li  that  aU  f ' 

timate  ijlbhle  of  >  Mrconit» '  ii  LeogUieiied  8ee  oote  on  Eunnchns  t,  5.  26. 

bj  i<tD<.  22.  QiM  re  tiuptclv»  tno  palri  Sfc.y    '  t 

9.  At  noilro  q^ne]     >  From  our  nogh-  baTe  cleaml  him  af  the  Bnjpidon  wbidi  hit 

bonr'i   here.'     '  Noeter '   iraa   commanlj  &UKr  ud   Phidippua  h>d  of  him,'    The 

nsed  bj  glsTee  of  erery  thing  that  belonged  eonatmcliDn  ii  inTerted,  bj  •  Trry  common 

to  tlidr  maaters.     So  in  Andria  t.  2.  6  idiom,  and  tlie  ■ntacedent  omitted.     So 

DaTDs  calli  Chiemee,  anppamiig  him  itilt  InBtead  of  haTing  '  eiiolTi  «■  re  de  qu&  ans- 

to  be  his  maater's  inteDd«]  father-in-lav,  pectna  fiiit,'  we  have  the  attncted  form  of 

'  O  Doaler  Chreme.'    Bee  note  on  the  pBS-  the  tejt.    The  word  '  eisolTere '  is  common 

aage.  enongh  in  this  senie:  iiee  iT.  3.23:  "Etme 

II.  lato  ad  PAilnmeHaBi]     S«e  note  m  bac' suspidone  ezsolTam,  et  illia   morem 

Andiieiii.  6.  12.  gsaaen>.'' 

IS.  Ptramlari']     See  note  on  i.  2.  2. 


390  HECntA. 

Hic  adeo  hia  rebus  aimulua  fuil  imtiam  iiiTeniendis : 
Nam  memim  abhinc  menseB  decem  fere  ad  me  nocte  prima 
Confugere  anhelantem  domnm,  aine  comite,  Tini  plenum,      13 
Cum  boc  annulo  :   extimui  ilico.     "  Mi  Pamphile,"  inquam, 

"  amabo, 
Quid  exanimatus  ee,  obeecro  f  aut  unde  annulum  istum  nactoa 

Dic  mihi."    Ule  aliae  res  ^ere  se  simulare :  poetquam  video, 
Neacio  quid  mupicarier ;  magis  coe^d  instare  ut  dicat. 
Eomo  se  fatetur  vi  in  via  neecio  quam  compreasiAae ;  30 

Dicitque  seee  illi  annulum,  dum  luctat,  dctraxisse. 
Eum  liaeo  cognoTit  Myrrhina  in  digito  modo  me  Iiab^te. 
E(^t  unde  ait  P  narro  omnia  liaec :  inde  est  cognitio  &cta 
Philumenam  compreesam  esse   ab  eo,  et   filium   inde   huac 

Haec  tot  propter  me  gaudia  ilH  contigisse  laetor ;  3S 

Etsi  hoc  meretrice§  aliae  nolunt ;  neque  enim  eet  in  rem  noe- 

T7t  quisquam  amator  nuptiis  laetetur :  Terum  ecastor 
Nunquam  animum  quaesti  gratia  ad  malas  adducam  partcs. 
Ego  dum  illo  licitum  est  usa  sum  benigno  et  lepido  et  comi. 
Incommode  mihi  nuptiis  erenit :  factum  fateor.  40 

At  pdl  me  fecisse  arbitror  ne  id  merito  mihi  cTeniret 
Multa  ex  quo  fuerint  commoda,  ejua  incommoda  aequum  est 


33.  Hie  .  .  .  emtiltu]     The  ring  a  Btill  anDeeenarilj. 

OD  hw  fiager,  ud  u  ibe  nys  tlieu  words  38.  /n  dij/ilo  modo  nu  habeiUe]     '  Tlaa 

■he  iliowa  it  to  the  sndteDce.  ring  thli  HyrrhiDa  hen  neognind  •■  I  ironi 

24.      Noele    prinui]       '  Euly    in    the  it  on  mj  flnger.'     Ttie  old  mdiug  1«,  '  ha- 

lught,'  u  opposed  to  '  mnlla   nocte,'  tnd  beotem,'  which  giiM  nCgoad  aHue,  fbr,  as 

mich   phnaei.     Bee    note    on   Adelphi   t.  Bentler   remarlu,    "  non    BuxiideiB,    nd 

3.  B6.    Tbe  phraae  ia  not  of  freqoent  oc-  ipaum  unDlDm  aognoTit  MTiTfaiDK."  I  baTe 

carrence.    Nepoi  osea  it  in  EQBwnea,  np.  ^erefra^  ■doptcd  hia  radiDg,  ■  h^nte,'  in 

9:    "  Prima  DOcte  ignei   IkoaDt;    hoa  ae-  tlie  text.      MfiThin*  WM   awsre  diat  btr 

canda   Tfgilia    minnut,  tntik  pveiignai  daDghter'i   ring   b>d  been  ttiua  b;   hv 

redduit."  loTer.     See  It,  1.  69.    Thii  line  ii  remwfc. 

2fl.  Atmbo']     8ee  note  on  EnnQchn»!.  kble  ei  one  or  the  feo  iDttucea  wbera  tba 

S.  SO.  lut  «jllible  or  '  fnoila '  ■■  lengtbened.  Com- 

38.  JUat  ret  o^ere]    ■  Hs  pretended  nol  pare  Andria  >t.  1.  6,  in  ■  tmlic  Une : 

to  h«r  mo.'    ;  Aliu  m  H^\^  oppo«d  „  Deneg«»io  modo  qnii  pudor  panlnlnn 

to  ■boogere;  >ee  note  cn  Andria  i.  3.  10.  ^jj(  >i                  -i        r           i— . 

The  conitru(4)on  of  the  Mlowing  words  ii  o       >     >^    .       i  .      -     t>_  > 

,. 1 n  • , , fi  t„  Bee  alio  Pl»nta»,  Abid^iu,  ItoI«.  S  ; 

not  Tery  ciear.     it  le  moat  DDtnrml  to  con-  '               '        ^ 

rider^inipicuter^iiinplraaiinbiaCorie  iD-  "Age,  nnnc  rerde:   cavc  modo  ne   pa- 

flnitiTe.     '  Wben  I  mr  tklt,'  ■■;■  Bucfaia.  "'■' 

■  1  Miqweled  ■ometbing  or  other ;    aod   I  35.  Propltr  mh]     '  B*  mf  mtaiw ;'  (ee 

began  to  nrge  him  more  atrongly  to  tell  noleon  AndriB  I.  fi.  36.   in  t.  4(,  '  n^tfa' 

ma.'     BeDtl^   rcadf  '  ■uipeclan*r '    ijuite  is  eqniTalent  to  '  cx  DnpHit,' 


ACTUS  V.    SCENA  IV.  391 



JPam.  Yide,  mi  Parmeno,  etifim  sodes  ut  Tnihi  haeo  certa  et 

clara  attuleris, 
Ne  me  iu  breve  conjicias  tempus  gaudio  hoc  falao  fruL 
Par.   Visum  est.     Pam.  CertenP     Par.  Certe.     Fam.  Deus 

sum,  si  lioc  ita  est.     Par.  Tenuu  reperiee. 
Pam.  Manednm  sode« :  tameo  ne  aliod  credam,  atque  aliud 

Par.  Maueo.     Ptan.  Sic  te  dizisse  opiuor,   invenisae   Myr- 

rhiuam  5 

Bacchidem  aunulum  suum  babere.   Par.  Factum.    Pam.  Eum. 

qaem  olim  ei  dedi ; 
Eoque  boc  te  mibi  nuntiare  joBsit :  itane  est  £actum  ?    Par. 

Ita,  inqoajn. 
Pam.  Quia  me  eet  fortunatior,  Tennstatisque  adeo  plenior  P 

AcT  V.    ScKM  IV.     Purneno  Teturni  1.   Vidf,    m<    Panteno,    elitOK     lodei] 

with  Pamphiliu,  who  ean  hirdlj  belieTe  che  ■Think  once  more,  mj  good  PBnnrao,  whe- 

nem  Uut  he  hu  heard  ;   for  the  meiu^  ther  thts  pjece  oF  newi  thit  jon  b*Te  bronght 

which  had  hetn  ■oit  by  BaoJiis  ebout  tfae  me  is  cImt  ind  certain  ;  thot  you  maj  not 

ring  h«d  explained  to  nim  Ihe  whole  itEte  throw  roe  fbr  *  moment  into  &  Btate  ol  de' 

ol  tbe  c»e.    And  if  it  ia  tnie,  m  Permeno  light  at  tbii  jojful  news  when   it  ii  not 

BBja  it  ia,  no  one  i>  more  fortunate  md  trae.'   '  Etivn  '  here  hu  the  senae  of  '  eTen 

beppy  in  hii  love  than  lie  la.     Accordingly  now,'  or  '  agiin,'  whicfa  hu  been  no^ced  In 

be    b^    Pumeno  to   eec^  Mme  fitting  the  uoCe  an  Andria  i.  1.  69.     Comptre  also 

rewKrd  fbr   hie   good   news,  much  lo    the  Plautus,  Moitellarie  ii.  3.  43 :  "  Circumipiee 

mystifiaUion  of  that  worthj,  who  ciuinat  etiun."    The  conBinctiDn  of  the  aecond  tine 

in  tbe  lcMt   nnderataod  how  his  menege  ii  lery  iDTolied.     For  the  generel  idea  w« 

liu  RMda  his  maiter  eo  bappy.     He  seea  may  compare  Heant.  ii.  3.  Gl  :  "  Ne  me  in 

BBcchii  ituding  at  the  door  of  Phidippni'  laetitiaa)  fnuttaconjidaa."  Tbe  wordi '  gan- 

hoiue,  mnd  immediately  nlute*  her  aa  hie  dio   hoc  fnlao  fhii     are  equivelent  to   '  in 

prewrer.      He  leami   from   her  that  hia  gandium  bDc  fabnm  ;'  and  the  qualifying 

f^ihtr  knowt  notbing  of  what  haa  been  dia-  oiuue,  '  in  breve  tempiu,'  ii  added   inde* 

cOTered,  and   they  acoordingly  egne   that  pendentiy  of  the  genenl  Btructure  of  the 

he  thall  be  kept  in  ignonnce.     Tboe  ii  no  «entence.    We  mey  construe  it  more  freely, 

netcjaity  tbat  every  body  ihonld  know  erery  ■  Tbiit  you  may  not  driTe  me  eren  for  a 

tbing,  aa  they  do  in  comediee.    Pbldippot  moment  into  delighting  at  tbii  falBe  bappi- 

too  hae   been  told  enongh  to  qoiet  bim;  neM.'     The  ordinary  nse  □(  '  oonjicio  '  doea 

hut  doet  Dot  know  the  tnith.     Ai  for  Par-  not  help  ne  here ;  and  we  mDSt  be  eontent 

meno,  he  >■  TOiy  aDiiotu  to  find  ont  how  it  to  take  the  «entence  in  ita  present  inToired 

is  that  lie  baa  been  iDstrnmmtal  in  ao  much  atate,  which  ia  Tery  probably  tbe  reenlt  ot 

happinen.    AH  he  kaowi  ii  tbat  he  liaa  aome  eornption.    Bentley  anbititatea  'pel< 

neTO'  done  po   mnch   good   intantionaUy  lidas '  for  '  conjeceiia ;'  bnt  thia  ia  not  to 

iD  aU  bis  life,  >s  he  h»  to-day  done  mi-  eiplain  the  difficnlty. 

inteDtioDidly.  3.    'FJnim   eil']      'I   lUTe  taken   good 

Tbe  Metre  ia  miied,  u  (bll<nn;    1.  7>  eare.'     Por  ■  Deua  anm  '  oompare  Andna  t. 

tn>chaic  tetrameter;  2—0.8,9.  II.  27 — 34.  6.  3 — S,  and  the  pHaagee  quoted  in  th» 

39,  40,  bochaio  tetiamcter  eatalectic;  10,  note. 

iambie  dimetcr;  13,    13.  10-26.  3fi— 38,  &    Vauulatugiu adro plmior 7}      '  Te. 

iambictetnmeto';  14— I8,lambictrimeter,  noatM'  aigDite*  'good  foitano  ia  Utfti' 


392  HECYItA. 

Kgono  te  pro  hoc  nuntio  quid  donem  ?    Quid  P  quid  ?   Ngbcio. 
Par.  At  ego  scio.     Pam.  Quid  P     Par.  Nihil  eniio.  lo 

Nam  neque  in  nuntio  neque  in  me  ipso  tibi  boni  quid  dt 

Pam.  Egon,  qui  ab  Orco  mortuum  me   reducem   in   lucem 

Sinam  sine  munere  a  me  abire  ?    Ah,  tiimiiim  me  ingratum 

Sed  Baccbidem  ecoam  rideo  stare  ante  ostium. 
Me  ezspectat,  credo :  adibo.     £a.  Salve,  Fampbile.  is 

Pam.  0  Baccbis,  0  mea  Baccbis,  servatrix  mea. 
Ba.   Bene  &ctum,  et  volupe  eet.     Pam.    Factis  ut  ctedam 

Antiquamque  adeo  tuam  venuBtatem  obtines, 
Ut  voluptati  obitufi,  sermo,  adventus  tuus,  qnocunqoe  adve- 

Semper  siet.     Ba.  Ac  tu  ecastor  morem  antiquum  atque  inge- 

nium  obtines,  2o 

Ut  unus  omnium  bomo  te  vivat  nusquam  quisquam   blan- 


HB  AndrU  i.  D.  ID,  nate  on  '  inieDiistQi.'  tba  iTord  is  &ppueDtl7  u>  ■dTerfa,  u  «obU 

Compare  atto  PUutiu,  Poennliu  i.  2.  44 :  be  iwtoral. 

"  tNen  pulcnirc  et  celebrem  et  veniut^  ^.  "•:  -*'>«Ji™?«  .   .   .   vanalmltm   •»■ 

Dlennin  anrt}       And  jon  still   prewrre  joai  old 
~  iiu.'     For    '  abdiies'  Mie  antai   oa 
iv.  6.  32,  Hid  Addphi  t.  S.  86. 

.  r,  .  .       .,  '  VBnnti»'  hen   hu  thc   senie  whicfa   ii 

•nd  Btichni  iL  S.  6:  „o„  fiunilia,  to  re^do.  of  Latin  poetrr, 

■■  AiDoenitatea  omniDm  Venenim  atqne  ve-  «hich  it  ii  unneceeuiy  to  ny  i«  doadj 

nustatnm  kffera."  connected  «illi  iti  othcr  maning  in  *.  8. 

10.    Nm   «.(«]      P^eno   cnnnmriT  '  '*  "  ''"^  '  P'««°"=-'  P«npl>il>"  g«« 

declin»  .ny  i^w^,  hoping  th.t  he  m.J  ™  to  «y.  ■  to  m«t  jotNto  tidk  to  jou   to 

lo«t  hi,   mieter  to  «pUdn  the  r«»oii  f<i  1*"  T»"  «""»  "T  -We '     •  Ob>ln,  •  * 

hi»  great  delight ;  tai  he  i.  pualed  to  con-  "  ^^  """f""-  "     ^^^^^S^ 

™iYl  «hM  thete  can  have  b«m  »  Terj  ex-  Tte  word  do»  not  oour  el».-h™  m    hu 

•ent  bj  Um  to  P.mphUur  For '  redncem  . . .  t^""**^  ^  Foroellmi  fram  Nomu,,  cp-  4)  : 
feeerii,'  in  r.  13,  compare  Hnnt  ii.  i.  18  :  "  Ecquli  eit  qoi  intmiunpit  aeTmonem 
"  Ergo,  mea  Antipliihi,  tn  nnnc  sol.  reducem  meum  obitu  gno." 

«lj«B,.  ^,.!.,!.,-  ta»   ,H.h  ,.  Cl    r  ■Tbm...«.»«l..«llnd..l.( 

.1  piii.,  »d  .1»,  dm™i  f.,™  ?^C  :  '','''-i™.  •■';';''•:  f  '','1"  '''?'."'''* 

li  sunt  Aphrodisii 

"  Cnrtu,  Hinia,  eqno :  victitibim  volup," 

'  quisqnam  unui,'  in  ii.  B  :  "  Nec  quiaqaaai 

Acrrrs  v.  scena  iv.  393 

Pam.   Hal   hal  liael   tmi  mihi  iatncP     Ba.    Recte   amasti, 

Pamphilo,  uxorem  tusm ; 
Nam  nmiquam  ante  limic  diem  meis  ocalis  eam,  quod  noeacm, 

Ferliberalis  -visa  eet.     Pam.   Dic  verum.     Sa.  Ita  me  Di 

ament,  Pamphile. 
Pam.  Dic  milii,  haram  rerum  numquid  dixti  jam  patri  ?    Ba. 

Nihil.     Pam.  Neque  opus  est  .  S5 

Adeo  muttito ;  placet  non  Seri  hoo  itidem  ut  in  oomoediiB, 
Omnia  omnee  ubi  Fesciscunt :  hic  quos  par  fiierat  reBciscere 
Sciunt;  quoe  non  aatem  aequum  eet  BcLre  neque  resciscent 

neque  scieat. 
Ba.  Imo  etiam  hoo  qui  occultari  faciliua  credaa  dabo. 
Myrrhina  ita  Phidippo  dixit,  jurijiuando  meo  30 

Se  fidem  habuisse,  et  propterea  te  sibi  purgatum.     Pam.  Op- 

time  est ; 

Guat  qnun  toro  bene  impenndo  UDiremis  The  raU  ideai  of  thii  liiie  n  itartowtA  no 

Fenatns  fnit."    See  alio  izviii.  37  :  "  Nec  donbt  Irom  his  origiiul    It  mt  hiimaroiu 

qDisqnun  ■lCeriiu  gentii  nnua  tknCum   ea  to  ulilreaa  the  ipectaton  u  if  thay  «eie  Dot 

■na  qu&ntum  inler  ■lios  omnei  Baliues  ei-  Uiteniiig  to  a  pUj,  but  «ritnesBing  >  icene 

cellant;"   a  wnteni»  ia   which  n  mwaj  ot  radlife.    Plaatui  frequentlr  makes  Mi 

«ords  an  heaped  logether  lo  heighten  the  characterB  talk  In  thii  n^.     Among  otber 

force  of  the  coniparieoD  aa    bere,   nbere  inltancea  ire  ni>r  take  Paendoliu  ii.  0. 

camDiHilatori  hsTe  renwked  the  pecnliarlj  IS — 21 : 
elt^ant  rednndancT  of  tbe  phrase. 

2S,  NtgMt  opnt  tit  adto  mullilo]    •  And  "  NngM  theatri,  Terb»  qnae  in  comoedUe 
it  ronst  not  eren  be  whiipered.'     For  the         Solent  lenoni  dici,  quae  pneri  Bcmat  j 
coDstmction  aee  uote  qq  i.  3.  29.    *  Mat-        Malnm  et  sceleatum  et  perjnrum  aibat 
tlre,'  like  *  maflBo  '  aad  '  muuito,'  originallj  esBe  me  ; 

r.  7.  33- 27: 

meant  to  *  ipnk  with  the   moath   neulj 

cloeed,'  '  to  epeak  eoftlj,'  'in  ■  wbiiper.' 

So  it  b  saed  in  Andri»  iu.  2.  26 :  "  lUque  "  SpectaTi  ego  pridem  comicai  aa  iBtom 

hercle  nihil  jam  mnttire  andeo."     Cam)iare  tnodam 

PlaDtiia,   Amphitruo  i.    1.   228  :     ■' EtiaDi  Sapienter  dict»  djcere,  atqne  iU  pUudier, 

mntdi  ?     So.  Jam  tacebo,"  and  Henaech-  Qnum  illoi  lapieiiteg  mores  monababant 

mel   T.    1.    11:     "  Mnttire  uanm   Terbam  popb; 

Budee  aut  niecani  loquj?"     Henea  theae  ged  qunm  inde  BUam  quiBqua  ibant  di. 

wordB  were  ■lao  used  in  the  aenBe  of  '  to  be  7^1.^  domom, 

ulent  i'  uid  in  tbia  pMiage  Bome  take  the  Nullu»  erat  itlo  pacto  ut  illi  jneaeruil" 

worda   'adeo    muttito'  as  ao  imperatiTe, 

■  and  BO  be  sileDt.'    See  Dote  oa  Adelphi  il.  Not  to  cay  anir  thing  of  the  (reqaent  ilape 

I.  fiS:  "AcdpiaDda  et  maaaitaada  injaiia  at '  comid  aeDes '  and  *  aerTi  comid.' 

adolescraitinm  eat."  27.  Bticueunt']     tSee  note  on  i.  S.  Ilft. 

26.  Pltml   nim /leTi  hee  iiidaa  ut   i»  31.    Ptargttl*m\      'Mjrrbiaa    haa    tdd 

eonoediu]     Colmsn  qaotas  Bome  remarki  FhidippnB  that  ahe  haa  bdiered  mj  prote*< 

of  MadHDeDeder'sto  thiieffect)— tbatal-  tation,  and  tbat  jon  are  therehire  clored  in 

though  it  was  tbe  general  rule  in  plajs  Ihat  ber    sigbt.'     Bee   note   on   ii.  2.    12;    and 

eierj  thiog  Bhonld   be  cleared   np  to  the  Eanuchui  iii.  1.  44.     Bee  alao  Cicero,  Ad 

BatiBbctioD   of  all   parties,    jet  "  Tereace,  Atticum  i.    17-  7 '    "  NuDO  antem  ea  fuit 

Uke  a  true  geaiua,  makes  hiinself  snperior  neceasaiia   propter  eam   partem  epiatolae 

to  mlee,  and  adda  uew  beantiea  to  his  piece  tuae:    per  quam  ta  ac  uiores  tuoa  mihi 

bj  fara^dng  them."   What  the  '  uew  beau-  pnrgatoa  ae  probatoaeaaeToluisti."    Caeaai 

ties '  are  ia  thls  case  it  ii  difficult  to  aee.  alao  usea  the  «ord  In  tha  aame  ■eiist. 


394  HECYEA. 

Speroque  hanc  rem  eese  ereiituTain  nobia  ez  BeDteoitiB. 
Par.  Here,  licetne  Bcire  ex  te  bodie  quid  sit  quod  feci  boni ; 
Aut  quid  iBtuc  eet  quod  Tce  agitiB  ?    Pam.  TStm  licet.     Par. 

Tamen  Buspicor. 
Egone  liunc  ab  Orco  mortuumP  quo  pactoP    Pam.  Neecis, 

Parmeno,  35 

Quantum  hodie  proAieris  mihi,  et  me  ex  quaota  aemmna  ex- 

Par.  Imo  'vero  scio ;  neque  boc  iiliprudenfl  feci.     Pam.  Ego 

istuc  aatia  ecio.  • 

Sa,  An  temere  quicquam  Parmenonem  praetereat  qnod  facto 

UBUS  sit  P 
Pam.  Sequere  me  intro,  Partneno.     Par.  Sequor.     Eqnidem 

plus  bodie  boni 
Feci  imprudeOB  quam  Bciens  ante  hnnc  diem  unqnam.     Q 

Plaudite.  40 

32.  Bx  tMlrafis]     See  nole  on  Hettnt  ter.    Bicchii  retorts  ironicUlj,  '  Can  uy 

i*.  3  fl.  thing  nsefbl  eacipe  Panneno  ?'     Pocb'  P>r- 

30.  Egmt   Xunc    ah   Orev   marliatra  /]  ■neno  u  atterij  iMffled,  u)d  taminK  to  tbe 

PBimeno  ii  etbii  wit's  endto  dJKOTar  vbat  spectmtorB  confesies  thit  he  hu  doiM  mm 

1t  c&n  be  that  he  hu  done  to  benefit  tiii  gbod  withoat  kDowing  it,  thu  be  erer  did 

muter  ao  immeoMlj.     He  begs  Pamphiiui  knowinglj   before.       For  'impmdenj'  >ee 

to  tell  hlm  ;  but  he  refiuea ;  and  then  he  Eanuchns,   Prol.  97.  aote.     '  Inqinulen) ' 

Tecnn  to  the  Btroog  Unguege  which  Pun-  uid  '  iaKdenB '  ■»  ijuonjaioua  iu  tlie  Ibl- 

philui  bad  before  lued  (r.  12),  ind  repeate  lowinc  p>sage  of  PUutui,    whiiJi  doeel}' 

it,  u  if  he  lioped  to  eitimct  tha  aecret  out  rewrablei  the  teit : 

oftheworde.     The  irita.t».n  i.  .dmir.b]j  ..  Reducemque  tdet  Ubc™n  in  prtri«n  rf 

conceiied,  and  we  maj  ewilj  imeginB  how  petrem 

the  ide»  woald  be  .pua  oat  bj  .  wnter  of  i„7n^^ ,  initm  nt  eiepe  jui  in  «J. 

the  Dickaui'  ichool.  X  ^^   '                         "^  '^ 

nid, '  You  dou  t  know  whM  gaoS  jou  hBie  ^.  TT^       ^                   ^          i-™™ 

doneme.««loutofwh4tmi»ry  jou  h».  ^^^^  p^   ^_^ 

dnggad   me.      '  Don  1 1  ?     «aji  Pvmeno.  r     i          -b    — 

*  yea  I  do  t  uid  I  did  not  reHere  joa  (ram  For  '  quod  fMo  unu  nt '    aee    note    oa 

joar  mieerj  without  knowing  it.'     This  ia  .  Adelpbi  iii.  S.  7fi. 

nun  \lft  of  Pvmeno'*,  H  .  tut  deapente  40.  Flaudilt']     See  note  on  Andri.  t.  6. 

■ttampt  to  utiKt  the  Kcret  ftom  hii  mu-  17- 







ANTIPHO,  adolescens,  filiuB  DemipIioDU. 

CHBEMES,  seofiz,  Irater  Demiplionis. 

CBATINUS,    -j 

CEITO,  \   advocftti. 

HEGIO,  ) 

DAVUa,  servQB. 

DEMIPHO,  senex,  frater  Ohrametin. 

DOBIO,  leno. 

OETA,  servua  DemiphoniB. 

NAUSISTBATA,  matrona,  nzor  Chremetia, 

PHAEDBIA,  adalesoen^  filiua  ChremetiB. 

PHOEMIO,  paraaitas. 

SOPHEONA,  nQtrix  Phanii. 



Is  thia  play  we  hiTe  two  brothera,  Demipho  and  Chremes.  ChremeB 
had  married  a  lady  of  property,  oamed  XauuBtrata,  whoie  eatateala^  ia 
the  ialand  of  LemnoH,  and  bf  whom  he  had  a  bod  called  Fhaedria.  Odcb 
a  J0II.T  Chremee  nsed  to  go  to  Iiemnoa  to  collect  bis  renti,  and  used  to 
Btay  there  on  each  occasion  rather  longer  than  was  Decessary,  whiJe  tbe 
rente  which  be  brought  home  to  bia  wife  wero  lew  than  in  former 
timea  when  the  pricea  of  &rm  prodnce  waa  not  ao  high  aa  at  this  time 
(compare  v.  8.  23,  24,  and  t.  3.  4 — 8),  wbich  appeared  unaccountable  to 
his  wife,  wbo  did  not  howeTer  auapect  Mm  of  any  tbing  bejond  careleas- 
ness  and  indoleoce  in  the  management  of  her  busiuess.  But  it  had 
happened  that  aboat  fifteen  years  before  tbe  erentB  of  tbis  play  he  bad 
falien  in  lore  with  a  Lemnian  woman,  by  whom  he  had  a  daughter 
called  Fhaniaro.  8o  for  fifteen  yexn  he  bad  two  wircB  and  two  eata- 
blishmenta,  with  perfect  secrecf ,  for  at  Lemnoa  he  went  bj  tbe  name  of 
Stilpho ;  while  he  put  off  his  wife'e  complaiDts  abont  tbe  sbort  rents  hy 
excusea  of  bad  times,  ill  health,  and  so  on.  His  brother  Demipho  had 
a  Bon  named  Antipho,  and  tbey  had  agreed  that  Chremea  Bbould  now 
go  to  LemnoB,  and  briQg  over  his  wife  and  daught«r,  and  tbat  tbe 
couains  flbould  be  married  at  once,  Fhaniura  passing  for  tbe  daugbter  of 
a  friend.  "With  tbis  object  Cbremea  uow  makea  bis  yearly  visit  to 
Lemnoe ;  and  Demipbo  at  tbe  aame  time  goea  to  Cilicia,  where  be 
expects  to  find  a  large  fortune;  while  tbeir  two  sone,  Antipho  and 
Fhaedria,  are  left  nnder  the  charge  of  Qeta,  an  old  family  serrant  of 
Demipbo'B,  wbo  acted  as  tbeir  paedagogue.  At  firat  Geta  endeaToured 
to  discharge  his  duty  to  hia  maBter  faitbfull; ;  but  finding  tbat  tbis 
conduct  got  him  nothing  bnt  abuBe,  be  altered  bis  line,  and  gave  bis 
two  pupils  CTcrj  indulgence  thej  demanded.  Tbia  Boon  produced  tbe 
rcBulta  whicb  migbt  haTe  been  anticipated.  Phaedria  fell  madlj  in  love 
with  a  music  girl,  whom  be  diligently  eacorted  ereiy  day  to  and  froia 
the  school  where  ahe  uaed  to  go  for  her  finiahing  leBaons ;  but  his  caae 
was  desperate,  for  he  had  not  a  &rtbing,  aod  she  could  not  be  got 
Irom  Dorio,  tbe  '  leno,'  witboat  bard  caah.    N<xt  was  it  long  before 



Antipho  got  into  a  simllar  acrape,  which  had  a  very  difierent  end,  but 
one  quite  as  embamssing  to  him.  For  when  Obremee  reached  Lemno) 
he  found  that  hia  birda  had  flown.  Phanium  aad  her  mother,  tired  of 
wnitiDg  for  hiin,  now  tbat  Phanium  was  grown  up,  had  started  (x 
Athens  in  Bearch  of  him,  with  their  nurse  Sopbroaa,  They  inquin 
every  where  for  Stilpho,  but  no  Buch  peraon  ib  to  be  heard  of,  and  tber 
are  reduced  to  great  distresa,  ia  coaeequenoe  of  wbich  the  mother  die^ 
eoon  afler  their  arriTol.  By  a  aingular  chance  Antipho  happens  at  this 
moment  to  aee  Phanium,  aa  ahe  w  lamenting  the  death  of  ber  mother, 
and  fallB  deBperately  in  love  with  her  at  firat  aight.  He  goee  bi 
Sophrona,  who  will  not  conaent  to  allow  aaj  acquaintance  but  on  coo- 
dition  of  marriage;  and  Antipbo  will  sacrifice  himaelf  to  a  giri  witboui 
a  penny  ratber  than  loae  her  altogetber.  But  how  ia  tbe  nurriage  to 
be  brought  about  witbout  ezposing  Antipho  to  bis  fatber'»  mo«t  Berere 
ceiiaure  P  It  is  managed  in  the  foUowiag  way.  Fhormio,  k  parwite, 
who  seema  to  have  been  under  conaiderable  obligationB  to  theae  jouag 
men  in  the  waj  of  good  living  (see  ii.  2.  22),  gives  him  thia  advioe. 
Tbere  ia  an  Athenian  law,  tbat  orphanB  Bbould  be  taken  in  marriage 
or  portioned  out  by  their  nearest  relation.  He  will  preteod  to  be 
Phanium^s  guardiou,  and  will  bring  an  action  against  Antipho,  aa  her 
neareat  rebition,  and  aa  Antipbo  haa  no  monej  he  will  of  courae  be 
obliged  to  many  ber.  So  Demipho  will  not  be  able  to  lay  a  word. 
The  plan  sncoeeda  to  admiration.  Phormio  gains  hia  auit,  and  Antipbo 
immediately  marrieB  Pbanium.  He  is  devoted  to  bia  wife,  but  lives  in 
continual  dread  of  his  father'B  Teturn ;  and  is  quite  aa  wretched  in 
conHc^uence  of  bis  Buccesa  as  Fhaedria  is  becauae  his  caae  ia  bopeleea. 

At  tbie  point  (Aot  i.  Sc.  4)  tbe  action  of  the  play  commencet. 
Demipbo  comea  back  from  Cilicia,  and  immediately  beara  tbe  nnwcl' 
come  news  that  bis  aon  haa  married  a  pauper ;  and  he  at  once  attacks 
Qeta,  Antipho  baving  made  a  hBsty  retreat,  who  defends  bimself  aa  best 
he  can,  and  begina  the  second  plot  wbicb  they  bave  in  band  for 
obtaining  money  for  Fboedria,  who  is  now  driven  to  tbe  laat  extremity  ; 
for  Dorio  has  given  him  nottce  tbat  if  tbtrty  minae  are  not  forthcoming 
bf  tbe  next  day,  Pamphiia,  the  music  girl,  will  be  sold.  G^  ptetends 
tberefore  that  Phormio  will  be  very  glad  to  take  PhaDium  off  their 
banda  if  tbey  will  make  it  worth  his  while  to  do  so;  for  he  bas  certain 
debta,  and  is  already  under  an  engagement  to  marry  a  lady  who  will 
bring  him  a  aufficient  portion  to  enable  bim  to  clear  tbem  olf.  He 
ninat  tberefore  bave  tfairty  minae,  and  be  will  settle  the  matter  for  tbem. 
After  Bome  trouble  the  afimr  is  arranged.  Fhomuo  receives  tbe  money, 
and  at  once  cairies  it  off  to  Fbaedria,  wbo  purcbases  his  Fampbila  at 
onee,  and  ia  made  supremely  bappy;  while  poor  Antipbo  is  more 
wretcbed  tban  ever,  and  accnaea  Gl«ta  of  blundering  stnpidity  ia  tbaa 



arrangiiig  to  get  rid  of  his  wife  for  bim.  Chremes,  meanivhile,  Iibb 
returned  from  LenmoB,  and  is  in  great  perpleiitj  about  hia  wife  and 
daughter.  He  is  as  amiouB  ae  Semipho  can  be  to  get  rid  of  thie  wife 
of  Aiitipho's,  and  daes  his  beet  to  perauade  his  brother  to  arrange 
mattors  with  Phormio.  After  thia  affair  is  settled  he  goes  to  make 
iuquiries  for  his  family  from  LemaoB,  wben  be  iaJlB  in  with  Sopbrona, 
and  finds  to  his  nnbounded  astoniBhment  tbnt  thiB  wife  of  Autipho, 
whom  thej-  have  been  bo  auiiona  to  get  pid  of,  is  no  other  than  hia  own 
daugbter  Fbanium.  This  diBcoveiy  is  imparted  to  Demipho  afler  au 
amuaing  sceue  of  binti  rendered  ueceasary  hj  tbe  presence  of  NauBia- 
trata  (Act  T.  Sc.  3)  ;  aud  the  two  old  men  are  now  as  anxioue  to  be  off 
tbeir  bargaiu  with  Fbormio  as  thej  were  to  make  it,  and  above  all  to 
get  back  tbe  thirty  minae  which  the  parasite  had  takeu  kb  Fbanium'B 
portion.  Bat  they  do  uot  find  it  very  smj  to  mauage  their  Bcheme. 
Fhormio  ia  ready  eaough  to  give  up  Fbamum,  but  has  no  iutentiou  of 
parting  with  the  mone;  ;  aud  when  the  old  men  attempt  by  fair  means 
or  foul  to  get  it  back,  Chrcines  diacoTers  to  bie  borror  that  Phormio  has 
discoTered  the  Becret  of  Phanium'B  parentage,  whicb  Geta  had  over- 
heard  when  Chremee  firat  recugnized  hia  daughter  in  Demipho^s  hoose. 
The  result  of  all  is  that  Phormio  telis  the  whole  stoiy  to  KansiBtrata. 
Chremes  is  otterlj  confouuded,  aud  is  quite  uuable  to  blame  his  son  for 
his  amoor  with  the  muBic  girl,  wben  Phaedria  deBcribes  to  KausiBtrata 
the  puipose  for  wbich  the  thirty  minae  wero  obtaiued.  The  plaj  euds 
with  a  conditional  forgiveneM  of  CbremeB,  and  an  invitation  to  supper 
for  Fbormio. 

Iq  the  character  of  Phormio  Tereuce  copied  from  an  original,  in 
whicb  the  standing  idea  of  the  parasite  was  stHctly  obserred.  See 
notes  on  Act  ii.  Scene  2.  We  have  scen  a  ver;  differeut  idea,  tbough 
witb  the  same  fondness  for  good  liviug,  worked  out  in  the  Sunuchus. 
See  the  Introduction  to  that  pla;.  Phoriaio  ie,  however,  a  verj  capital 
specimen  of  his  cUes,  aud  bHowb  far  more  readiucBB  and  amiabilitjr  than 
most  of  the  tribe.  It  is  not  unworth^  of  remark  that  this  play  is  said 
hy  some  to  hare  been  acted  four  times  in  one  year.  At  all  erents,  thia 
and  tbe  Euuuchus,  the  two  most  epirited  of  Terence^s  plays,  came  on 
tbe  stage  within  eii  months. 



AOTA    LUDia    BOHANI3,    L.    P08TDMIO   ALBIKO,    L.    OORNELIO    HBBTXA, 

PANNIO,  M.  VALEBIO,  00S8.  1 

LudiM   SotnanW]     Tbe    Ludi    Romuil,  et  religloae  Jovi,  JanoDi,  MiDemeqoe  aw   1 

■lao  callad  tiie  Qreat  Gemee,  Miigiii,  uid  faciendos."     In  C.  Veirem  ji.  i.  14. 
the  Rsce-Gainea,  Circensei,  were  celebrated         Egi}e  L.  Amiitritu  TVrfric]     On  theH 

□n  the  4tli  of  aeptember,  and  were  dcdl-  >cton,  and  on   tbe  mtuinl  pojiiti  ID  Ibii 

nted  to  the  greaX  godi  Jupiter,  Jimo,  *nd  ItucriptioD,  «ee  ths  aotea  on  the  iDSaipIioB 

HiaervB,    Thej  were  caLled  Circeiisea  be-  to  the  AodriL 

cmiueIheycDnu5ted  chieflfof  eihtbitioDS  ia        Aimllodoru]     See  tiie  note  on  tfae  In. 

tiie  Circa»,  Rnd  so  were  diitingnuhed  from  Brriptian  to  the  Hecyn. 
the  Megalensik,  io  which  drBmBtJc  eihibi-         Biiidicatommoi]   SeeDOteonthe  Pnihig. 

tions  were  the  priiidpBj  pait.    (See  note  on  v-  24. 

the  Inscriptian  to  the  Andria.)     Tbey  were         Faela  ttl  iv.]     C.  FBDniiu  Sti^  Bnd 

Hud  lo  hBTo  been  inititiited  bj  TBrquinini  M.  Valeriua  MenBlB  were  conBQii  a.d.c. 

Priecua.     These  bb  well  m  tbe  other  gimee  S92,    b.c.  IGl.     CommentBton  bBTc  bfrn 

were   celebrfkt«d    by   the   Bediles.      Cicero  perplexed  aa  to  Ihe  meBuingof  tbeae  wonis. 

ipeakg  of  hii  owa   serrioe*   in  this  way:  We  mBy  tBke  them  msct  nsCuraUy  to  idhii, 

■'  Nune  Bum  deaignatoi  Bedilii ;  habeo  n-  '  The  plBf  waa  Bcted  b  fourth  time ;'  •rhelhn 

tioneni  qaid  H  poputo  Romano  acceperim  :  it  was  performcd  a  fourth  tiice  jn  tfae  ibiih 

mibi  ludoa  uncti9»mofl  mBiimB  cum  cora  year,  or  perfbrmed  at  lanr  auceeoiTe  inler- 

ct    caerimonia   Cereri,   Libero    Liberaemui  Tab,  doea  not  appear.     Tbti  repieaenlBtkRi 

fadeQdoi,  mild  Ploram  mntrem  popalo  ple-  was  in  the  same  year  witb  IbBt  oT  the  Kunn- 

biqne  RomanBe  ladornm  celebriCate  placBn.  choi,  which  wu  acted  flTe  moutbi  SBriier, 

dam,  mihi  lndog  antiquiuimoi,  qui  pruni  on  the  4th  of  April,  at  tb«  Mi^jBlenai».  ! 

Romaai  Bppellatt  snnt,  cum  dignilata  maiima  1 



PosTQUAH  poeta  Tetofl  poetam  non  potest 
Betrahere  ab  etudio,  et  transdere  hominem  in  otimn, 
Maledictis  deterrere  ne  scribat  parat ; 
Qui  ita  dictitat,  qoae  antehac  fecit  fabulas 

l.  P#ttf»am  poeia  tthu]    The  Blhniao  pan j  of  acton  were  dmen  Irom  the  stage  in 

ia  to  LaTiiii<u,  who   hu   been  fre(|uentt;  the  cODfuBion  aUendiitg  the  gameB. 
noticed  in  otber  PKdognes.     See  notes  on         9.  RttraAert   ai  tladia']      Se«   Hecfn, 

Eannchiu,  Prolog.  L  20.  2S.     He  U  called  Prolag.  Alter  13: 

■  Tehu  poeta  ■  in  the  Prokgr,^  to  the  An-  ., ,^  ^,„  ^tui  ia  ioCtt» 

drus  T.  1   «,A  to  tho  Hoentot.timon.m™o.,         p,„^  ^  ren.otSm  injnria  «dTerwri™ 

LaTing  fciled  in  hu  preTioDs  attempti   to  mnsica," 

conmgn  TorBDce  to  obBcnritj,  and  therefore 

to  have  bronght  forwsHl  now  B  ne*  charge ;  '  Stodium  '    ii    the    '  stndinm    mnncom  ' 

that  bis  playa  were  defideDt  in  Bpirit  «id  apoken  af  in  Heant.  Prol.   23.     See  note. 

Tigonr  of  itfle.     Thii  Terence  notices  (irBt,  '  Now  that  ^e  old  poet,'  the  Prologaa  heie 

■nd  repliea  that  he  certunly  hu  not  filled  Bajg, '  fiads  bimself  nnable  to  drag  mjr  poet 

Ms  pUjs  with  Btartling  and  abBurd  incidenta,  bwbj  from  bis  pU;s  and  to  hand  him  orer 

■uch  as  >eem  to  haTe  been  adopted  bj  LbtI-  to  inglarionB  IdBOTe,  he  u  attempting   to 

nius;   aod  he  reminds  his  opponent   tbat  keep  him  framwiiUng  bjabnie.'     'Wemiist 

his  own  pUji  wonid  ner^  have  gained  b  notice  the  force  of  '  traiuidere '  (the  old  form 

hearingifit  had  not  beenfor  theeicellencB  of  'tradete').     It  maj  be  compared  with 

of  hia  actors  (tt.    I — 11).     Terence  tben  tbe  use  of  tba  word  In   such  (jhresos  as 

psflBeB  on  tp  Bnother  point.     Some  persanB  '  tradere  in  custodiam,'  '  in  piBtrlDum,'  '  in 

had  abjected  to  tbe  chancter  of  his  Pro-  BerTitatem.'     See   Porcellini  fbr  eiBmples. 

lognes  u  being  too  polemical.     To  this  ha  Por  >  deterrere '  see  note  on  Adelphi  i.  2. 

■nswers  that  this  uentireljtheconBeqnence  61 ;  and  compBre  Cicero,  De  Oiatore  ii.  I, 

of  tbe  unfair  coDduct  of  I«Tinins.   LaTinins  where  wa  hsTe  a  good  illUBtntion  of  moBt 

attanptsd   to   mODopolize   tbe  stsge;    and  of  the  wordi  used  in  these Unee :  " Emntqne 

Trith  duit  objeot  aJnroiriBted  him.    Hetbere-  multi  qui,  qunnqnam  Don  ita  sese  ram  ha. 

■  ■  '         Brbitrarcntur,  tamen,  qno  laciliua  nos 

isos  Btudio  lUcendi   a   doctrina   deter- 
it,1ibenterid  qnod  diii  de  ilUaoratoribn) 

own  cran.     Wben  LaviDina  ceesea  hia  at-  prsedicarent,    nf,   si    bomines    non    eniditi 

lacka,  Terence  will  ceue  Ub  retorti  (tt.  auromBm  esseDt  prudenCiam  atque  incredi- 

13—23).       He   then   proceedB   to   explun  bilem  eloqaentism  consecuti,  inanis  omnis 

«bst  19  Ihe   nBtura  of  bis  oew  pUj,  tbe  noster  csse  Uhor,  et  stnltum  in  nobia  eru- 

Phormio,  called  in   Greek   liniiKaZAiitvKt:  diendJB  patris  nostri,  optimi  sc  prudantis- 

{tt.  24— 2S).   Bnd   finallj  sppe^   to  the  Himi  Tiri,  Htudlum  Tideretnr." 
Budience  to  glTO  him  a  better  hewing  than         A.   Qaat  aatihae /ecit /abalai]     For  thi» 

be  bsd  once  before,  when  hia  whoU  com-  attraction  see  noto  on  Andria,  Prolog.  S. 

D  d 



Tcmui  esae  oratione  et  Bcriptura  leyi ; 

Quia  nusquam  inBanuiii  ecripfflt  adolescentulum 

Cerram  Tidere  fiigere,  et  sectari  caues, 

Et  eam  plorare,  orare  ut  subTeniat  aibi. 

Quod  si  intelligeret,  olim  quum  etetit  nora, 

Actoria  opera  m^ie  Btetisse  quam  sua. 

Minus  multo  audactEO'  quam  Dunc  laedit  laederet. 

Nunc  si  quis  est  qui  hoc  dicat,  aut  sic  cogitet ; 

6.  Tenni  mh  araliimt  tl  teriplura  imi] 
Dmutiu  TOTj  well  «ji :  '"  ImperitQin  in- 
dndt  criiniiutoreni,  qoi  hoc  objicisl  quod 
propriiiin  deb«te»e  coinici  1^111,"  '  Ontio' 
lefen  to  the  luigange,  aa  in  Uent.  Prol. 
44i  "  1d  luc  eit  paia  oratia,"  '  In  thii 
pUy  mj  laoguoge  ii  plun.'  '  Scriptur* '  ii 
more  properiy  ap]^ed  to  the  atjtc.  So  in 
Andria,  Prolog.  11,  we  haie  B  ■imilar  dia- 
"Nou   ita  dissimili   nint  argnmeDto,  sed 

Diasimilj  oi 

)  ■not  bctae  ac  atilo." 

il  of  TigoDT  in  hii  itjle.  Wliat  he 
mentioni  in  the  Pnilo|;ue  to  the  Ileanton- 
timorumenofl  aft  a  merit  of  his  plajB,  ia  here 
noticed  aa  a  defect.  The  author  of  the 
tteatise  '  Ad  Herenninm,'  ir.  8,  eiplaina 


B  foUova 

m  eat  qnae  demiiu  eat  uaque  ad  aai 
tisvmam  pori  sermonia  conAuetuc^Deu 
Compaie  Horuje,  Sat.  i.  4.  54 : 

6.]  Tereiice  no  doobt  intToduces  bere  u 
inddent  from  one  of  Lariains'  play?.  is 
whtdi  he  cotainlj  departed  BafEaentlj  ftun 
everj-dar  lite.  'This  acene  of  tlie  '  Cfauncd 
Fawu '  may  have  baen  an  — laptatirm  of 
aome  fable  like  that  of  Actaeon — a  kn« 
eeeing  hia  mistrera  tunied  into  a  fawn,  aad 
the  dogs  puTniing  it  while  ahe  entmtt  hiEi 
to  belp  ber—incongrnouB  enough  fbr  •  co- 
medj.  Hautna  introdnces  a  kind  of  fabk 
now  and  then  ;  but  it  is  aa  a  dream.  Sk 
Mercator,  Act  II.  Scene  i.,  and  Rudeni, 
Act  111.  Sceae  i.     In  tba  Pnlogne  to  tbf 

of  a  nmilar  breach  of  good  taata  OD  Ihe 
pait  of  lAniniui.  See  noto  oa  t.  30.  He 
aeems  to  b*ra  mmed  at  creatiiig  ■taitliaj; 
ntoationa ;  aad  his  pUjl  tniut  baie  brai 
Terj  nnlike  Terence'a  more  qaiat  plota. 

9.  Oiim  fniiM  ilelil  luna}  '  Wben  hii 
new  plaj  waa  originaUf  reccited.'  Com- 
pare  Hecjra,  Prolog.  Aller  6,  7,  fw  tbe  bm 

and  the  paaaage  rram  Gelliai  quoted  bj  Hr. 

e,  iu 

n  that  pi 

of  tbe  New 
Comedj  that  il  repreaented  on  the  atage 
the  cbBiactera  and  lauguage  of  eTerr-da; 
lifa ;  and  thia  reatare  aeema  to  hsTe  bcen 
preBerred  more  icmpalomlj  by  Terenco 
than  bj  Plaota;,  to  wboae  rougb  humoar 
the  Roman  audience  «ere  accuatomed.  Tbe 
epigram  atlribated  to  CBessr  touches  thia 
point  eiBctlj  : 
"Tu  qaaqno,  tn,  in  sommis,  O  dimidiate 

3,  post  hoc 

Lenibas  atque  atiaam  ■criptia  adjuactA 

foret  Tia 
Comica,  ut  aeqoato  Tirtoa  poUeret  honore 
Cnm  Gneda,  neqoe  hac  deapecUu  parte 

•nd  Hoiace,  Epiat.  ii.  1.  176,  «-. 

Qeatit  enim  nnmmnm  in  locnloi  denut- 
Btet  iabiila  tab." 
The  oid  editions  read  '  qnam  atetit  olim 
DOTB,'  and  thia  otder  is  adapled  bj  aome 
later  editon;  bnt  manj  good  antbonlies 
have  tbe  wordi  tranBpoied  ai  in  tho  leil. 
Tbis  reton  of  Terenoe^a,  Bboat  tfae  meiila 
oF  lAviniui'  ador,  applies  tolerablj  eiadlj 
to  the  HecjTB.  See  aolea  on  the  Secood 

II.]  Afbr  thia  Bne  the  eommui  teit  bai 

"  Etmagis  plaeerent  qnas  fedaaet  bbolaei'' 
but  tbia  is  evideally  an  interpolalion  (rom 
Aadria,  Prolog.  3,  and  it  qaita  out  of  iilan 
here ;  nor  doea  it  appear  iu  tbe  Bembine, 
Vaticao,  or  ^ctOTian  MSS. 



Vetua  81  poeta  noQ  lacessisBet  prior, 

Nullimi  inveniTe  prologum  potuiaset  qotus 

Quem  diceret,  nisi  liaberet  cui  molediceret ; 

Is  sibi  responsum  hoc  habeat ;  in  medio  onmibus 

Palmam  esse  positam  qui  artem  tractant  musicaQL 

lUe  ad  famem  bunc  ab  studio  stnduit  reicere :     * 

Hic  respondere  Toluit,  non  lacessere. 

Benedictifi  si  certaaset,  audisset  bene. 

Quod  ab  ipso  allatum  est,  aibi  esse  id  rellatum  putet. 

De  illo  jam  Enem  faciam  dicendi  mihi. 

IS.    /n    medio   omnitui   palmam    tnt  do '  uMd  for  '«^jicio.'    8m  Mirlul,  Epi- 

HMifmH]     '  The  priie  i*  tlie  common  pra.  gma.  i.  6i.  1 : 

"^J' !lL"'"  ?*  •''■^."  "^JT  "Si,.ldmrtr,M..dldlrallon,lm 

"'   ".  '^-    ,f  rV  °"  ^  ■"  ''^  »"■■  ">  >  ««"■  ""».  »«*"  •"  <" 

o   contend   for   It.'     Terence  u  iccused 

)f  fiUing  hii  Prolognea  with  contn»eni>l  ■nd'abido.'  See  Javeiul,  Sat.  it.  16 — JS  : 

natter.      He  *aiwert,   Tbere  ( 

roured  to 
oCF  th«   Etage    bf    his 

'^^^  r^'  "^        ">">«  '^^  «"^  diff^u^^^r^^ra». 
.Toored  to  dnve  me  ^(^_  "*  "H 

obUged  in  Mlf-drfence  to  kcuw  him  lu  my  (>cloD».  = "                        JB           —1 

tum.      Jt  i»  not  Mi  kttkck,  but  >a  uuwsr  j  ^.3"^I«  . 

■nd  tiMiniae  a»y  reekoD  that  he  hu  got  where  106  Madeane'B  nole. 

(U  good  u  he  bniaght.    When  he  letTes  otT  W.  Benedielit  li  eertanel,  aitdient  tme] 

hi»  injnriei,  I  will  le«Ta  off  toj  accuwlioni.  '  If  he  hadtriedto  riTal  me  in  complimenti, 

For  tbe   phrue  '  in  medio  pontam  '  com-  he  would  haTe  been  «ell  ■poken  of.    '  Bene- 

pare  Cicero.  De  Oralore  i.  3  :  "  Caetcrarum  dictia   oertanet '    maj   ba  conttuted   with 

■rtium  atudia  fere  reoonditig  ili]ue  abditis  e  Lii;;''  phnue  '  certiUiunque  intar  coUegu 

fonlibaa  hauriuDtor,  dicendi  antem  omai*  maledictia.'     The    phniea    'bene    aodire' 

ralia  in  madio  posita,  communi  qoodam  in  >nd  '  male  audire '  were  borrowed  from  tho 

nm,  atijnB  in  hominum   toore  et  lermone  Greek  coAwc  or  caiwc  dicoveiv.     They  are 

•enator."     Bee  Virgil,  Aeneid.  t.  1(U  :  Tsry  common.  8«e  Hecjn  ir.  2. 34  :  "  9ine 

"Mnner.  principio   utn  'ocnlo.  drcoqne  "»  "bMCro  hoc  effogere,  Tulgn.  qnod  mala 

In  medio ;  «cri  tripode,,  Tiridenne  co-  J]^  '  •»'«  J^»  "»  ."^"  ^f.^^ 

^j^  of  Donatus  and  the  magonty  of  ttae  best 

Et  palslae,  pretinm  Tictotibiu,  armaque,  •"^"•crip'"-                                     , ,      .,, 

jjjjjjj^  '                                     '  22,}  '  And  now,'  mjt  Tcrence,  '  I  will 

PerfuH  TeMes,  argenti  auriqne  talenta."  '^P  ^''^"B  "' '^"/  '^^^^^  ^  '•°' ™ 

hii  port  Btop  offending.      Bentlej  haa  on  hu 

For  •tnxiD  mumcam'  see  note  on  llean-  own  anthoritr  eltered  '  non  fluat'  inWfe- 

lontimoniDenos,  Prol.  VA.  coit,'  snd  'jam'  in  •.  22  into  'tnm.'     He 

18.  KnMre]     This   ii    the  reading  of  considers  the  mesning  to  be,  •  I  wUl  slop 

manj  good  maDDScripts.     Compare  Vir^,  gpo,ki„g  of  him  wben  he  •topa  caluDiniaUDg 

fieiff-  iii.  96  1  Qie^  iQJ  Qo[  berore.'  Bat  we  hsTS  do  antho- 

"  Tityre,   pascentei   *  flnmine    Teice    c«-  rity  for  any  snch  change,  thongh  it  has  been 

pellu."  sdopted   on    Bentlej'>  anthoriCj  by  Perlet 

-       ,     n,    ,        i  .     .1    j    ,    o  and  one  or  Cwo  other  cdilArs.     The  speak«r 

S»il»PI»i™,  ipmH.ll.  1.  «,  „,Hj  P^,^^  „^j  _„„  ,  B.,lSum 

"  Qnin  ti  abi  le  sooardiam  omnem  r«tdi,  calumniate  Terenc»  u  he  will,  I  haie  said 

Kgnidem  amoTes!"  enongh    of  him;    and  «ilt    uow   go  OD   to 

SimihriTwe  meet  wilh  'eicit'   in  Lncro-  "^'  matters.'     The   phraae  •  finem   bepe 

lins  iii.  m  (Lachmaon)  :  dioendi     ts  nied  by  Cicero,  Tniculan.  Du- 

.-,       V-.         -i^       .»■.,.>.    ■■...  put,  n.  l.  (.1)  :  ••  Sod  si  reperiobuilin-  DMl. 

Nee  rMhcitos  e  Tita  ae  loUil  et  oat,  „^  q^  „j,,il  i,„da„nt  nisi  qood  *e  imitaii 

iDd  tr.  1273.    Bo  we  aometimes  &Dd  '  adi-  poese  confidarent,  qnemqoe  ^«raiuli 

D  d  3 


404  PHORMIO. 

Peccandi  quum  ipse  de  se  £iieiii  iion  iacit : 

Nimc  qtiid  velim  animuia  attendite.     Apporto  noTBm 

Epidicazomenon  quam  Tocant  comoediam  t} 

Graeci,  Latini  Phormionem  nominant ; 

Quia,  primaa  partes  qui  aget,  is  erit  Fhormio 

ParaaituB,  per  quem  rea  agetur  maxime, 

Yoluntus  Testra  ei  ad  poetam  accesserit. 

eundeiii  bene  diceiidi  fineDi  propODereiit,"  mantucript,   leads  '  Graeee,   iMiiae  Pbn;- 

&C.    Ciccro  el>o  nsea  '  quara  '  in  the  lense  mioaem   nomiunt,'  for  two  reuoiM:  ll 

or  '  dthwigh.'  9ee  Pro  Milone  3A  :  "  Qnin  that  this  waa   B    new  play,   "  Deia   I^iiii 

hoc  tempore  ipao,  qnum  omnea  a  meis  iai-  priusqnam    sgeretor   et    o^iiosaRvtiir  b- 

mids  tmcna  meae  invidiae  subjidBntar,  ta-  bala,  Phonnianem    ^pellare    non   potH- 

men  omni  in  hominum   coetu,  gratiii  agen-  mnt."     (2)  That  it  was  tbe   nutotn  [n 

dis   et   gTatulationibas   habendii,    et  omni  poeta  to  name  tbeir  plays  for  thanirites.  ■! 

MTmone,  celebnmor."   Compare  alao  Plau-  Plautos  often  does,   even  whim    tbej  b*: 

tDS,  Tniculentns  i.  2.  9S,  96 :  ather   Greeli    namea.     The    objeetioD   a 

'■  3i    iUnd    quod    volumns    didtur,   psUm  Becitley's  re^ling  i»,  Why  abonld  the  namc 

quum  mentiuntiir  '  Kiormio'   (a   Greek   name    denved   frotn 

Veram   esse    instad'  eredimoa:    nae   nt  *"P''*s)  be  called  the  Latin  naiiH!  of  tht 

aeatn  iinctnamnr."  P**?'     *■  to  his  arguments,    Terence,   at 

all    evenla,    has   in    evety    atha'    cue  n- 

24.  Apparlo']  Comparo  Andria  t.  2.  I7i  tsinrd  the  Greek  name  of  hia  {dsn.     U^ 

BDd  note.  talies  too  literal  ■  liew  of  the  worda.    .11. 

9G.  Epidieaiimtniirt]    The    Greek   term  though  thii  ptaj  was  now  bronKfat  on  th; 

for  an  action  brought  in  claim  of  ■  property  Reman  stage  for  tiie  first  timc,  we  haie  no 

or  heiress  adjudged  to  snolher  waa  Iviii-  reaaon  for  snpposing  that  it  was  nnkiiciwii 

cania  (see  Dictionarj  of  AntiqnitJeB, '  Ar-  to  Roman  ■uthors;  noi  does  it  aean  im- 

cbon,'  p.  123,  ■)■     Tbe  plsintitf  wss  aaid  probable  that  it  w^s  geoerallj  designalfd 

ittlunZfaeai.     See  Demoetbenea,  Contra  br  them  ss  the '  Phormio,'  tat  the  nsjoa 

Hacsrtatuin  1068:  &rf   Si    ria  iiru:\itpov  wbich  Tarence  giTea  here,  naitielj,  be>»a« 

tSit  irihica^iijBai   ^ii\oiiii\iti  c.r.X.  ■od  tbe    character    of    Phormia     is    the  iiw<I 

ta  hdre»  who  waa  the  subject  af  such  a  conspicDoua   in  the   comedj.     The   GkA 

iBW-anit   wu    calltd    iwiluot:.      Diodorus  words  ^opfikc  and  ^pfiiuv  tnean  eirber  ■ 

Bionlns    (quoted   bj  Perlet)   mentions  the  basket,   frequentlj  uaed    as   a    meBsnn  of 

Uw  of  Solon  in  Ihese  terms  ;  {(i^d»  ^iip  graio,  or  a  mat ;  and  it  maj  not  be  impot' 

r^  licitKiipifi   i-*iiiraliia9ai    Tbv   Iffinra  aible  Ihat  tbe  name  was  given  to  ■  pmanie 

riVDuc   (xii.    18).     So  this  ptaj  is  named  in  allusion  eilher  to  his  capaatj  for  rcod 

from  tbe  fsct  that  Phormio,  ita  principal  (see  Plautus,  Men»echmei  i.   1.  I,  whm 

diuscter.   bringa  aach  an  adion.      There  Ihe    name     '  Peniculna'    is    aimilBrij    a- 

haa  l»een  some  eontroversj  about  tbe  pro-  plsined),  or  to  the  hct  that  theae  worthiM 

per  title  of  this   pUj.     Donatus    remBrks  were  often  under  the  table  at  the  snppei 

that  the  Phonnio  is  a  translation   of  the  partiei  to  which  thej  invited  themselies. 
'  Epidicaiomene '  of  ApoUodoruB,  bis  '  Epi-         27.  Primat  pariet  }■>■  o^f]     The  leno 

dimomenos  '  being  a  diflerent  plsj.   Bent-  ia  borroved  ftom  the  old  Greek  phimeeok^ 

lej  incUnee  to  this  view,  and  proposea  to  arthedrama,inwhiditheactorewereda9s«l 

read   '  Epidicaiomenen '  ia   the  teit.     Bat  as   wpuriiTvviar^t,   tiuripayinvTiK,  w 

we  are  not  juatified  in  making  the  altera-  TpirajitriirTii^.      Sae   the    passages   froai 

tion  on  the  sole  ■ulhoritj  of  Donatna  ;  nor  Cicero  and  Horsce  quoted  in  the  note  iui 

doe9Bent1ej'aremark"'BiriJi(ii;o|iiv>re9t,  Eunuchos  i.   2.  71.     Henee   the   common 

de  qua  judicium  factum   eat"  seem  quite  phraseB,    'prim»s  ferto,'  '  primaa  deferre,' 

Bccurale.     An  beiress  in  whoae  caae  judg.  '  primas  dare,'  of  which  inataDces  Inaj  bt 

ment  had  been  given  wouid  be  more  pro-  fonnd  in  all  dictioaaric». 
perijcdled  V  JiriAcnafliciTa.    Itseems  best         2».    ViiIiMlai    vulra]       '  PhOTmio,'    hc 

Ihen  lo  maintain  the  preient  teit,  according;  says, '  wiil  act  thc  diieF  pait,  if  jour  rsvoor 

to  which  the  Iff  1^111  tdfiiiioc  is  Pbormio.  comes   to  the   beip  of  the   poet.'     CioHV 

26.    Lalini      PionKioiutn      naintiKinJ]  nsea   the   word    '  voluntas '    in   Ihe   aaw 

Bentlej,  on   tbe  ■uthority  of  ane  andent  muiner.      See    hia  ontion    fi»  fiabinas, 



Date  operam :  adeste  aequo  aoimo  per  silentiuui ; 
Ke  simili  utamur  fortima  atque  ufd  sumus 
Quum  per  tumultum  no6ter  grex  motus  loco  est ; 
Quem  actoris  virtus  nobis  reetituit  locum, 
Bonitaeque  vestra  adjutans  atque  aequanimitas. 


AmicuB  mitnmnH  meoB  et  popnlaris  Gete 
Heri  ad  me  venit.     Erat  ei  de  ratiuncula 

G^  3 :  "  Ad  de  senh  slieiui  contn  l^em  to  come  when  ilie  hu  ■  child,  tad  tgiizi 

Fabiam  reteDtii ....  plnra  diceikds  Hint,  on  ita  biith-daj,  vtd  to  on.    And  >o  tb» 

quom    tauto    Btudio    C.    Rabirioi   totjoa  poor  bavo  to  moil  utd  toil  to  add  to  the 

Apaliae,    aiDguIari     Tolnntate    Campuiae  Btorea  of  the  rich. 

Ticinitatis,  ornetnr  ?"  The  Metre  ie  iambic  trimeter. 

30.  Adale  atqtio  . . .  pKr  Milm/iutn}  Por  1.  Amietu  ninmut  ntciu  el  pi^larit] 

'  adette  '  Ke  note  on  Andria,  Prolog.  24,  '  My  most  intimate  ftnend  and  feUow.towna' 

and  for  '  rilentium,'  note   on  Eunnchiu,  man  Geta.'     Pot  '  amicus  sammna  meiu,' 

PrDlog.44,  andon  Hecjrra,  Prolo^.  Alter29.  the  aborter  form,  '  anmmua  meuB,'  waa  fra- 

Sl.  Nt  (tnufi  alamur  JerliMo]     He  la  quently  uaed.     See  note  dd  Eunnchni  il. 

mpposed   to  allude   to  tLe  fulnre  of  tbe  3.  39.     '  Popularii'    occnn   in    the   aame 

Hecjia,  and  ita  aubsequent  success,  which  wuse  in  Eunnchni  t.  8.  I  :  "  O  popularei, 

waa  owing  to  the  lucceHful   management  ecquia  me    hodie  riTit   fortunatior ?"    and 

aod  acting  of  L.  AmbiTius  Turpio.     But  If  Adelpbi   ii.    1.    1:    "  ObseciD,    popularei, 

the  datea  giTen  in  tbe  Didaecaliae  are  cor-  ferte    miaero    Btqne   ionocenti    auxUium." 

rect,  this  caa  acarcel;  be  the  case ;  fbr  Ihe  Here  we  luTe  b  charader  intiDduced  who 

Hecjn    lailed    at   tbe    fnnenl    gamea    of  has  no  psrt  in  the  subsequent  plot  of  tlie 

L.  Aemilius    PauIIua,  B.c.   160,   and  the  pla^.     Buch  cbaracters  were  otlled  bj  the 

Phormio  w«  represented    B.c.    161.     We  Greekl    rftoTaTiiii   vfoinnca,     So  io  the 

canoot,    bowerer,   lay   much    stren   npoii  Hecjia,  8jn  and  Philotia  are  introduced 

Iheso  dates,  thougb   Inim  tbe  iibseuce   of  merelj    ib    listenen   to    Parmeuo,  juat  ai 

anj  tefttimonj,   it    is    not    prohable   tbat  DaTns  is   made   here  to   serre   as    Geta'0 

Terence  can  here  be  alluding  to  anj  otber  confidant   while   be   einlaini    to   him   the 

plaj  of  his  wbich  met  with  a  similar  recep-  erenta  wbich    haTS    tsken    place    in    Ihe 

tlon.     If  tbe   HecjTB  i>  here  referred  to,  (aniilj.     We  may  compsre  bJso  the  intro- 

we  may  refer  to  the  notea  on  both  Ihs  duction  of  Sosia  in  tbe  first  scene  of  tbe 

prologues  to  tbat  plaj,  in  wbich  the  cauBei  Andria.     In  all  sncb  cases,  tbe  intention  of 

of  ita  lejcctioD  are  fallj  discussed.  the  poet  waa  no  doubc  to  aToid  the  fbrmality 

Tlie  Metre  of  this  prologue   is   iamhic  of  a  set  prolojpie,  eren  at  tbe  eipense  ot  ao 

trimeter.  unnecesBarj  cbancter. 

2.  Eral  n  dt  raliuneitla]     '  He  bid  a 

Acr  I.  SciHK  I.    DaTus  enters,  bring-  amidl  sum  of  money  let)  in  mj  hands  of  a 

ing  «itb    him   a   amall    snm    of   money  amall  sccount  of  some  itanding;  and  be 

which   he   owed   Geta,  Demipho's  slafe.  asked  me  to  make  it  up.'   We  floid  '  ntiun- 

Antipbo,   Demipho's    son,   hai   jnst    been  cnla'  used  in  Flautus,  CaptiTJ  i.  2.  89,  BO: 

manied,  and   DaTus   suppoaes   that  it  ii  „  jj^  intro  atqne  inti 

in  order  to  make  his  mBster'»  wife  B  com-  culam  ' 

plimentat;  present   that  Geta   ia    getting  Qu„tiUnm  anenti  mihi  u 

In  hia   ontstanding  dehts.     And  after  all  ^^.„         "                ^ 

hii  trouble  she  will  thmk  notbing  wbateier  ' 

of  it.    And  thea  anothfir  prasent  Trill  hare  and  Cnrculio  iii.  0.  1 : 



Jampridem  apftid  ma  reliqTiuia  patixiJlulmn 
Nummoruni ;  id  ut  conficierem.     Confeci :  affero. 
Nam  hcrilem  filium  ejus  duxisse  audio 
Uxorem :  ei,  credo,  munue  hoc  corraditar. 
Quam  inique  comparatum  est  hi  qui  minu 
.   XJt  semper  aliquid  addant  divitioribus. 
Quod  ille  UDciatim  vix  de  demenso  buo, 
Suum  defrudans  gemum,  comparsit  miser, 
Id  illa  uniTeraum  abripiet,  liaud  exifltimai 

Da«ua  is  mKde  to  lue  diminudTefl  ia  speali- 
iug  of  bii  debt  to  Get»,  to  ihaw,  u 
Donatns  M^a,  tlut  there  wu  very  little 
moDey  belonging  eitlieT  to  Oeta  or  to 
Dams,  vhile  yet  oat  of  ttiat  little  they  hid 
to  find  the  meHii  of  maliiDg  presenta  to 
their  misten  uid  mistrensea.  For  '  con. 
ticereni '  coaipere  *.  S.  11 :  "  Ne  qnum  hic 
non  Tideant  me  conficere  credatit  ar;;! 

9.  De  demtnto  mo]  '  Ppom  hia  icuitr 
allowaDCe.'  The 'demensum  '  matbedulT 
or  montU;  aUowuce  of  ilaTea.  Donatu 
nji  that  chej  «ere  allowed  foor  modii  a 
month.  Seneoa  (Ep.  M>),  qDOted  bj  Fv- 
cellini,  eajA  that  thej  were  alloweil  6Te> 
Plaatiu,  Stichus  i.  S.  3,meatioiis  the  montfalT 

"Vm  memtuistii    quotealendis  petere  do- 
miniatii  quod  opoi  ait  hcU> 

1  Hea 


Compare  al«a  Cicero,  Pro  Cli 
"  Port  eiomtus  initio  permognam  pecuuiam 
popoacit;  deindead  id  pervenit  quod  confici 
potnit,  et  Bestertinm  Beicenla  quftdrsiginta 
millia  deferri  ad  ae  damom  jusait."  The 
elaiise  '  id  at  couficerem'  depends  on  tbe 
ides  of  'oraTit,'  or  sotne  sach  *ard,  i 
plied  in  '  ad  me  Tenit.'     For  another  sei 

That    he  wbo   ia   ah^d;    poor   should 

Tbrow  in  hii  Diite  bi  awell  the  ricb  man'a 

Wbat  tie  acarce,  ounce  bj  ounce,  from 

Sorelj  defnwding  bii  own  appeCite, 
Has    spared.    poor    wretcbl    gbnll    ihe 

Bweep  all  »t  once, 
UDbeeding   with    what   labour    it   was 

7.   Qaiani  int; ne  eowiparaltm  nl']    '  How 
unfairlj  it  ii  snanged.'     CompBrs  Heaat. 
iH.  l.&4-i»6: 

"  Ita  compaiBtam  eaie  homiDum  Datnram 
Alieoa  ut  melios  Tideaut  et  diJDdicent 

aod  see  note  od  BanaAiu  i.  I.  S. 

&cere  in  sedibus 
Hoiace  ipeaki  of  tbe  dsilj  sllowance  in 
Epist.  i.  14.  40: 

"Cum  BerriB  nrbanBdiariBrodereniaTii." 
See  Maclvne'i  uote  tbere,  and  dq  Sat.  i.  5. 
6fl  ;  sad  fbr  otb^  infbrmalion  connectfd 
wich  this  subject  Beethe  Dictjonarjfrf  AdI(- 
qnities,  ■  SerTos,'  p.  ItMl,  b. 

10.  SmM  df/rtideiu  genmmj  '  Stan- 
ing  himielf  all  the  «hile.'  ■  DiAudo  '  b 
uied  sometimeB  bj  PlantUB  and  Tefenoc  fot 
'  defraudo.'  Wa  may  compani  the  eam- 
nsxion  of '  claada  '  and  '  clado.'  See  iKites 
on  Andria  iiL  3.  41,  and  Buuuchiu  L  2.  ftl. 
The  phraM  '  delnadare  genium  '  is  oppoacd 
to  '  genio  iiidulgere.'  and  aimpl;  meaiiB  '  to 
stint  onerclf  in  fiwd.'  CooipBre  Flautiis, 
Aulularia  iv.  9.  13  i 

" Egomet  me  defiandsTi 

Anininmque  menm  geninmqne  tneam." 
In  Adelphi  ii.  2.  37  tbe  word  ii  oaed  in  its 
simple  mesninft  of '  to  cheat.' 

Compariii]  '  Comparsit,'  fbr  the  regalar 
form,  ■  compereit,'  meioB  ■  haa  got  together 
bj  saving.'  Compore  the  use  of  'parsic' 
Hecjraiii.  I.  2,  nole. 

II.]'  And  this  sbe  will  outt  oS  in  tfae 
lump,'  ba  9BJS, '  little  tbinhing  with  wbst 
difficultj  it  wss  got.'  The  wonla  are  Terj 
carafull  j  chosen  through  thia  whole  senteiKe; 
the  eontraat  betweea  '  nDoatim  '  and  '  ani- 
Tarsum,'  ■  oDuipanit '  Bud  ■  abripiet ;'  and 
betwaei)  Hab  dausoa  '  raum  defiiidaiia  gt- 



Quanto  labore  partam.     Porro  autem  Geta 
Ferietur  aJio  nnmere,  ubi  liera  pepererit ; 
Porro  autem  alio,  ubi  erit  puero  natalis  dies  j 
Tn>i  initiabunt.     Omne  hoc  mater  auferet : 
Puer  causa  erit  mittendi.     Sed  Tideon  Getam  P 


OETA.       DATTTS. 

Oe.  8i  quiB  me  quaeret  rufua — Da.  Proesto  eet;  deaine.     Oe. 

pmrtnm,'  ia  «orth  obnrvattoB. 

13.  Pcrre  anlem  Otia  /triilnr  alio  aai- 
nert]  •  Aai  Geta  will  gtill  fnrther  ba 
mulcteil  of  ■nother  pment  when  bis  mi«- 
trrss  hu  ■  child,  aDd  Bnother  ■gun  when 
the  bo7's  birth.du' comet,  ■nd  ■g*in  whea 
he  is  weaned.'  >Feno'  is  somelimes  uwd 
in  the  Mose  of  'lo  cbeat,'  'to  roh.'  Pro- 
pertiiis  uHs  the  «oid  ia  tbisniBaner)  aee  i. 
"NectaMedeM  delectent  pTobim  ■eqoa- 

Nempe  tulit  AMtni  ma»  rogare  prlor ; 
Scd   potioa   mQDdi   'Diaii   pretiosa    Me- 

QnDm  ferit  ■stnto*  comia  moecha 
Falef ,  oa  PTopartiDa  ir.  3.  fiO,  ■■7*  '  ferire ' 
seems  to  bne  been  the  word  conTentiopslly 
■ppUed  to  tbe  deodTiDg  a  hnsbaiid.  Pro- 
pertini'  wordii  tn : 
"  Ut  per  te  ctansu  sdat  eicantare  pnelUs 

Qai  Tolet  austeroi  ■rte  ferire  Tiroi." 

TrreBce  mentioDS  here  tbree  oc«nanii  when 

a  will  bafe  lo  gire  preneDti,  (I)  at  Ihe 


which  the  firat 
e  been  the  ume  u  the  Greek 
a  festiisl  ■nawering  to  oiir 
^.  ceDerallT  held  from  Stb  to  tea 
dBT>  ^r  ^  birth  of  a  diild.  At  this 
festiTsl  the  child  iru  named,  aod  it  waa 
cnitomsrj  for  the  friendi  of  tfae  Family  to 
bring  preients.  Thii  fact  is  alluded  to  br 
PliDtus,  Traculentos  ii.  i.  73,  73  : 
"  Qnin   dii   ncrifiCBre   hoilie    pro    pueio 

Quinto  die  qnod  tieri  oportet." 
Bee  the  Diclionarj  of  Andquitim  (Amphi- 
dnwia).     Tbe  worda  '  nbi  initiabuDt '  hBTS 

csoaed  mach   perpleiitj. 

nataral  to  understADd  them  of  tbe  w 

of  the  child,  acoording  to  tho  eiplanaCion  of 

DonatOB,  who  giie*  ni  Varro'!  authority  for 

thii  meaning  :  '^Cnm  prJmiJcibo  et  potione 

inttiajent  paeros,  sacrilicabaiit    Eduiiae  et 

Poticae,  et  Cuhui,  divis  edendi  et  potandl 

et  cutwndi,  ubi  primum   a  lacta   et   cnnis 

traniieraat."     He  seems,  howerer,  lo  thinlc 

that  ApoUodonis  alluded  to  the  Athenioa 

d/i^^pdpio,  BOd  that  Terence  followed  him  i 

but  it  doBi  not  appear  whj  Torence  maj 

not  bere  hare  alladed  tO  a  itomon  ciutom. 

The  praf^ce  of  Hending  presenta  on  birth-. 

daya  w^*  aniTersal.    Birth-d^j  presents  were 

often  in  the  ilupe  of  Hngg.     See  Per^us  L 


"  Scilicet  haec  populo  pemsqae  tt^aqoe 

Et  natalitia  taadam  cnm  saidonjche  alba*, 

Sedc  legeni  oeUa." 
'  Natalitia '  is  nsed  bj  Cicero  in  tbe  «ense 
d[  '  a  blrth  Jaj  Feast.'     "  llodie  non  dea- 
"     "     Dat  natalitia  in 


■    N«n 

tnm  Gnathon 

Phormioni  i 
Ballioni."     (Philippic» 

16.  Putr  cttuitt  erit  millmdi]  'Hie 
child  will  be  the  eicaee  (br  seadiDg  thea« 
presenta ;  and  ita  mother  nill  csrrj  them 
■II  off."  Thii  lense  of  '  causa '  ia  Terjr  fre- 
qaent  iD  Terenca.     See  the  Inclei. 

Aorl.  SckhbII.  Getacameaontbeatagei 
and  immediatelj  the  two  alares  ealer  iato 
coaTeraalion.  Gelalooksdejectedi  ■ndapoa 
DaTna'  promiaing  aecrecj  he  tetls  him  the 
reuon.  The  fact  is  that  tae  ia  likclj  to  get 
into  the  greateat  acrape.  '  Mj  mastor  ■nd 
mj  maater'!  brather,'  he  nja,  '  haie  gona 
the  ana  to  Lemnoa,  the  other  to  CiUda,  aad 
thej  left  me  in  clurgB  of  tbeir  lOiU,  Ab- 



At  ego  obviam  conabar  tibi,  Dave.     Da.  Accipe,  heni, 

Lectum  eat :  conveniet  DumeruB  quiintiun  debui. 

Ge.  Amo  te,  et  non  neglexisse  habeo  gratiam. 

Sa.  Praescrtim  nt  nunc  sunt  mores.     Adeo  pes  redit ;  S 

8i  quia  quid  leddit,  magoa  babenda  eet  gratia. 

Sed  quid  tu  es  tristis  f     Oe.  Egone  P  nescis  quo  in  metu  et 

Quanto  in  periclo  simus  P     Da.  Quid  istuc  est  P     6e.  Scies, 

Modo  at  tacere  poeeis.     Da.  Abi  sis,  insciens. 

Cujus  tu  fidem  in  pecunia  perapexeris,  iii 

Verere  rerba  ei  oredere  P  ubi  quid  mihi  lucri  cst 

Te  fallere  P     Qe.  Ergo  ausculta.     Da.  Hano  operam  tibi  dico. 


tipho,  onr  yaung  muter,  Demipho'a  Kili, 
•ttd  Phaedria  hie  coiuria,  »□  of  ChremM. 
■Well,  that  waa  t.  ptettj  obarge,  »Qd  I  begm 
hy  doing  my  duty  to  my  old  maatsr.  I 
□nly  got  Ihraibed  for  Ihst,  BO  I  cbsnged  my 
tocCics,  and  humoiued  the  young  men  in 
erer;  pouible  mj.  WeU^  tbers  wu  a 
young  gir!  belongiQg  to  b  elSTe  mercbuit, 
ud  Phaedria  fell  in  lOTe  with  her.  Hs 
used  tn  eacort  hor  to  &ud  from  scbool,  >nd 
wu  b«ut  ou  getting  her  from  her  muter. 
MeauKhile  Antipho  had  fdleu  in  Iots  «Itb 
t,  girl  UBmed  Fbaninm,  and  «ant^  to 
mBrTT  hcr.  But  he  did  not  kuow  how  he 
wss  ta  dait;  far  ahe  had  not  a  fartbing, 
aud  bie  fatber  would  be  sure  not  to  give  bis 
comeut,  Ki  be  betook  hitnself  to  one  Phor- 
mio,  a  ponate,  wha  devised  tbe  following 
plsD.       Phormio   wu   to   bring   ui  action 

Xnst  Antipho  u  her  neareat  relatian,  on 
m  deiolved  the  dutj  of  manying  heri 
and  he  waa  to  «in  the  anit.  Iliis  plan  wu 
■ctnnjly  carried  out  i  Aatipho  lost  tlie  suit, 
■nd  manied  tbe  girt.  And  now,'  says  Geta, 
'  the  reckoning  is  to  come.  Whatever  bsp- 
pens  I  depead  ou  myaelf.  As  fiir  Phaedri*, 
bii  alTair  is  >t  ■  atandBtill,  for  lie  baa  no 
meaua  of  purchaaing  the  girl  from  her  mu- 
ter.  His  fatlier  is  nat  come  home  ■jeX. 
My  maater  is  expected  eTerj  moment.  Eoth 
tbe  f  ouDg  men  ore  at  their  wits'  end,  Phae- 
dria  in  deapair  of  erer  getting  bii  iweet- 
heart,  while  Antiplio  ia  a^d  that  his  wife 
will  be  laken  &om  him  the  momeDt  his 
ftther  comes  bome.' 

The  Metre  is  iunbic  trimelffi-. 

2.  At  ego  obmam  maabar  Ii6i]  'Bnt  I 
w«a  going  in  search  of  you.'  FoT'con*> 
bar  '  aee  note  on  Heaut.  ii.  2.  II. 

3.  Leclam  ttl :  eantwRu/  nufnmv  giuoi- 
Jnm  debui]  '  It  hss  been  counted  over:  it 
will  be  fbund  the  eiact  unonnt  of  raj  debt.' 
'  ConTenio '  inu  commanlj  uaed  in  book- 
ksHHnK.  Bee  Planlua,  HostellviB  iil.  1. 
14«  I 

"  Bene  igitnr  nljo  accepti  atqiie  Kpens 

inter  noa  oonvenit: 
Tu  me  amas,  ego  te  naia ;  morito  id  fleri 

nterqne  e»iBtim»t." 
Cicero,  Ad  Alticnm  t.  Sl.  13:    "  AMidiuit, 

-1  ' 

4.  Atno  le  .  . .  Aabeo  gratitb 
te  '  was  freqnently  nsed  ss  b  form  oi  ei- 
presaing  thanks,  See  Gunucbas  L  8.  106: 
"Meritoamot«.  PA.  Bene  fads;"  iji.2.3: 
■'  £cquid  nos  amas  De  Gdidna  iatac?"  See 
also  Adelphi  t.  8.  23,  and  PlsntDS,  Poena- 
Ini  i.  3.  41.  Cicero  nses  the  same  expRs- 
sion  in  hia  letters.  See  Ad  AtticniD  t  S. 
2 :  "  Te  multam  unamua  qnod  «  abs  te' 
diligenter  parvoqne  cnratB  snnt."  tai 
'  babeo  gr^iam '  «e  nolea  oo  Andria  ir.  4- 
31,  Bud  Ennuchns  it.  6.  12. 

7.  IriMlit]  '  Trialis '  refers  to  the  sppew- 
ance.  8ee  note  ou  Audria  L  4.  8;  *.  I. 

9.  Abi  «■*]  For  *  sis  '  see  note  on  AtKliiB 
i.  1.  08. 

1 1.  Vbi  qiiid  tKihi  Imeri  etl  lefalirrt  /] 
■  And  vhBt  gain  csu  it  be  to  me  to  deoeiTe 
jon  in  this  matter?'  'Ubi'  is  bere  tued 
for  '  qna  in  re.'  CompBn  the  nse  of  "  iK  ' 
in  Heaat.  iii.  1.  6.  See  note;  and  'unde,' 
Eunuchns  i.  S.  34  (note).  See  alao  Hwit. 
iT.  6.  8: 
" Hnjnsmodi  res  semper  commlDisceit!, 

Ubl  me  eicBTnifices." 
PUntus,  Truculeutus  i.  S.  43,  44 : 
"  Rem  perdidi ;  cam  re  menm  negotanm 

(iiit   nln   i 

13.  Htme  operm  libi  ific«]  'I  derote 
mj  bast  BttenQon  to  jon.'  'Die  phrase  '  di- 
caie  opoBm  *  is  eqai*aIeDt  to  tlie  more 
common  fbrms, '  openm  dare,' '  opersm  lo- 

ACTUS  I.    SCENA  II.  409 

Gfe.  SeiUB  noatri,  Dave,  fratTem  majoreiii  Chremem 

Noetine  ?    Da.  Quidiii  ?    Cfe.  Quid  ?  ejua  gnatum  Phaedriam  ? 

Da,  Tamqoam  te.     Ge.  Eveuit  seuibus  ambobus  eimul,         is 

Iter  illi  in  Lemnum  ut  esset,  noatro  in  Ciliciam 

Ad  ho3pit«m  antiquum :  is  senem  per  epiatolas 

Pellexit,  modo  non  montes  auri  pollicena. 

Da.  Cui  tauta  erat  res,  et  supererat  ?     Oe.  Desinas : 

Sic  est  ingenium.     Da.  Oh,  regem  me  esse  oportuit.  20 

Ge.  Abeuntes  ambo  Kio  tmn  senes,  me  filiis 

Kelinquunt  quasi  magiatrmn.     Da.  0  Geta,  proTinciam 

Cepisti  duram.     Qe.  Mihi  uaua  venit,  boc  scio : 

Memim  relinqui  me  Deo  irato  meo. 

Goepi  adTerBari  primo.     Quid  verbis  opus  eat  P  35 

Seni  £deli»  dum  amn,  scapulas  perdidi. 

fbrm  of  tbe  nn» 
cbides  if.  8.  Ti  : 

magnos  proinitUre 

"UbiLl«t.r«il.:«.ri«n,opeT«n,tibidi«.."  Compare  Plmhis,  MiL  Glor.  iv.  S,  73,  «id 

Geta  now  goes  oa  to  relate  the  circnm-  JaieiAl,  Sat,  lii.  1311. 

Btaooes  nhich  lud  taken  pliice  in  bis  mu-  20.   Oh,  rrgem  n»  ttu  BporluU]  '  Oh,  I 

ter'fl  &milj  np  to  ths  present  moment.  oagbt  to  bare  beea  ■  kiag.    I  ahDiild  Iedow 

Thie  scene  ia,  «trictljr  Bpekkiug,  the  Pro-  how  to  nse  bit  moDey   well,  and  abonld 

lofne  to  tbe  pUf.     See  note  on  i.  1.  1.  know  too  when  I  b*d  enough.'    There  ia 

18.  Pelltxil']  ■  He  enUced  the  oid  min  'perhapi  id  tUarioD  to  tlie  Dsme   'rei,' 

bj  letten,  promiung  him  bII  tnit  mouataine  which  was  commonlr  giien  to  pars^tei; 

of  gold.'     The  word  occuib  odIj  here    m  but  rich  men  weie  commonljcalled 'regea;' 

Tereni»,  Bnd  once  onlj  in  PIiuIuB,  where  uid  thia  leaM  is  the  most  ohTiaus  here. 

ito  conneiioii  with  '  peUei '  i>  miiintuDed  23.  Ma;ufruin]   BlkTee  of  b  betUr  desi 

in  its  use,     MeDiechinM  ii.  2.  03 — 68  i  held  the  affice  of  vaiiayuiyiif,  or  '  m«gi»- 

"  Minime  hercle  mirum  ;  morem  hunc  me-  ^■"     "^!^^^  ^  genei»llj  reepoajiblo 

ercie  mirain :  morem  uunc  me-  ,     .,  ,   l  ,.     ■  t  .,    '        '      ,. 

.   v^,         '  lor  the  good  behivtoiir  of  tbe  joung  bojg 

Ad  |m.n,  mum  «mOo.,  .ndllaU.,  ?<  "J™  *'{  '"■  ■^1";°"  °!  "T 

IloJ»t^a,Bl,,,nd«n.„.i.™i;  B,«,b,d.  ot  PLinl,.k    I.  iddtb,  ,.  1.  S, 

_  "....       '.        .  ^  ,.       .  ,  '■  B.  Birus  ssTi  or  bimaelf : 

ii  qnn  peTegTina  natis  in  portui 
RogaDt  cnjatii  sit,  quid  ei  nomi 
Pottilla  eitemptD  ae  BppUcant,   agglnti- 

1*»*  i  "  Ego  iatoe  Tobi» 

i   pdlexeranti   perditnm   nmittDnt   do-  ambiM  ■edulo 

6,  Sjnu  si 

naqae  B   pueria   cnrBTi 

beuB   praecepl    eemper 
quie  potui  omnia," 

c^mataeB:  Por  'proTindam'  aee  Dote  OD  HeBOt.  iiL 

"  Neo  poterat  qneDqiiam  pUcidi  pellBcia    ''  ^-  .  ,      „ 

^^  1       4  P  1«  33    „.^^  ^,   ,„,.,    j„   ^.^-1    ,  g^  j 

SnMoU  pellicere  ln  frBodem   ridentibns  ^"^  "  ^3  eiperienoc,  I  can  teU  jon.     AU  I 

^iljj.<f                       u,  1004,  1006.)  "'""  "  '"*  ■'  ""  ■'  ■  n"™»™'  """  roT 

palron  uunt  wsi  Bngrj  tbat  1  WBS  left  in 

Id  later  wrilm  it  occDn  more  ftequeotlj,  charge.'     Por  '  Deo  irato  meo  '  aee  note  on 

and  in  TBrious  senses  deriTed  from  this  ori-  Andria  iv.  1,  40. 

glinBl  mouiing.     See  Forcellini.    The  oom-  Sd.  Seapulai  perdidi]    'At   first,'  saji 

mentators    compare   Sallaat,    Catilin.  33:  Geta,  '  I  began  bj  oppoiing  them.    Whj 

"  R^Mnte  gloriBDB  maria  montesque  polli-  need  one  speak  of  it }     While  I  waa  futh- 

eeri.        In  Persiiu  iii.  6fi  '  montes  '  is  used  ful  to  mj  old  mBiter,  I  inined  mj  Bhonlden.' 

ahsolDtelj  io  the  B«ine*sense:  I  got  well  thnuhed  for  mj  pain*.     '  Sca- 


I    .  PHORMIO. 

J)a.  YeneTe  in  mentem  milu  tstaec ;  "  Nainque  inscitia  eet, 

AdTersum  stiniulmn  calcee  P"     Oe.  Coepi  iis  omnia 

Facere,  obseqni  quae  rellent.     Da.  Scisti  uti  fbio. 

6e.  Noster  mali  nihil  quicquam  primo.     Hic  Pliaedria  : 

Continuo  quandam  nactus  est  puellalam 

Citbariatriam :  hanc  amare  coepit  perdite. 

Ea  serriebat  lenom  impuriasimo ; 

Neque  quod  daretur  quioquam :  id  curarant  pB.tre8. 

I{«stabat  aliud  nihO  nisi  oculoe  pascere,  3 

Sectari,  in  ludum  duoere,  et  reducere. 

pnlae '  ia  genenllT  osBd  in  Flantiu  for  '  tba  aCcaDc  iiunji  j^pufuvDc  lilaara\^ 

bmdf,'  kad  not  DafreqneDtlj  JD  Kime  ■nch  'pit  icivrpa  ruXov  Itcnviis. 

wtj  M  thia.     See  AmD>m  ii.  S.  49,  60 :  (Prom.  Vinct.  333,  4.) 

"  E™  miraber  qood  dudum  K»pnl»e  ge»-  ,  j^   ^            ^   Xrirril.,   uii  Traivac 

ttbtnt  mihi,  uovpc. 

Hiriobri  qoae  occoepenmt  ailn  eue  ia  (Aam.  1SS4.) 

mundo  malam."  ™  j     l     ■. 
Piiidar  bu  it. 

TrnCDleDtui  ii.  3.  10  :  Ilari  ayrpor  U  rw 

"Jem  Ueiorem  tDte  «capaliB  ietoc  cod-  .""'^*'",'"', 

dan«  tuie."  OWe,p4c  o?«oc^ 

(Pfthiau.  173 — 5.) 

27.  Fmere  in  neiif  em  i«(aec]  '  Thet  old  gnd  Enripidoi, 

proverb  h»a  eome  into  mT  mind  :    "  It  i>  . ,       ,  ,       ,     ,     „ ,        .  „ 

Ben.ley-s VmB  Ihese  «onl.  *e«  attributed  C»""^  ™**  7»-) 

lo  Dsina.     Beaaey  g«ve  them  to  Get»  on  Wedonotlindthie  Letin  fbrmoftbeprorerii 

the  groond  thet  Davui  oould  ha>e  known  olsewhere.     The  tBiiety  '  aldtnre  mntn 

nothing  of  the  drcumitanoes  anlesB    Geta  stimalum '   ia    qnot«d    by    ForceUini    fkom 

L«d  told    him.     Bnt  Ihii    ia   hypcrcriticml.  AmmiaDus.     In   PlaDtDs.    TrDcnlentai   ii. 

Divui   throvs  in  thia   maiini  as  a  moral  3.  58,  we  Iiave  a  rimilai'  proverb:  "  Si  sd' 

appljcation  of  Gota'B  rtory.    Heissbitofa  mnlo»  pugniB  caedis,  manibus  plos  dfrtet" 

morftlifit,  BB  we  have  leen  at  the  commenoe-  gg.  Seitli  ttiifon]     '  You  kaow  how  to 

ment  of  this  sceae,  vt.  fi,  6,  and  in  the  fimt  joit  your  market.'     Yon  can   take   thinf^ 

Bceneof  tbisactheeomeeoutstrongin  that  4,  you  find  them.     Doaatua  eipluns   tbe 

lino.  ItigthopartofagoodliBtenertodeneh  proverb   u   derived   from   the   condact   of 

BitorywithBnappropriateremark  nowand  merchautB,  who  do  uot  set  ■  fiied    pric« 

theo  1  and  thii  did  uot  escape  Tereace  here,  on  thdr  goodB  befoce  they  bring  tbem  to 

aor  in  the  opeaing   scene  of  the    Andtia,  market,    hul  adapt    thdi   demaod    to   tha 

where  he  makes  Sosia  do  thia  more  thaa  market  price. 

once.     See  Andriai.  1.  33.40.  114.    Bont-  33,  7mpt.rT.niKo]  Ber«  the  word  is  ased 

ley  however  was  rigbt  in  rewling  '  Nam-  hi  iis  bill  senBe.     In  EuaucbDS  ii.  S.  4  it 

qae,'  on  the  aulhority  of  the  msjority  of  haa  ■  modified  mwning.     In  the  aoA  liiia 

mauDBcriptH.     'Namque'  is  used  like  Bri,  afler  'quicqnam'  we  muat  sapply  '  Pbae- 

in  iotroducing  quotatioai.    See  Andria  i.  I.  driae  erat.'    The  whole  of  tbis  aamtiTe 

*0>  41 :  ii  told  witb  admirable  breTity. 

"Sapienter  vitam  inatitait :   namque  hoc  '^.  /»  ludum]    This  girl  was  seat  to 

tempore  acbool  to  leam  aecompluhmenta,  nir  tbs 

Obsequiam  amicos,  Teritas  odinm  parit."  P""P^  °^  i""^'"K,  ''*'  "^"^- .  ^*?^ 
remarkB,  ' '  Bene  CBTillatui  est  et  joeulanter 

Hie  proTerb  qnoted  here,  well  known  from  in  BdoleBCentem,  cui  aetaa  ad  Bee(sndD>  fdii. 

itB  New  Teetament   use,   occnn  Tery  fV«.  loBophoc   apta   ent."      Pbaediia  ooght  at 

qasntly  in  clasaical  authia*.     It  ia  fbund  hia  time  ot  life  to  hi^e  been  going  to  pro- 

twiee  in  Asw^ylas  :  feswirs'  lecturea  bimaelf,  inatead  c^  dKiai« 

ACTUS  I.    S0E5A  U.  411 

Noe  otioei  operam  dabamus  Phaedriae. 

In  quo  haec  dificebat  ludo,  exadvereum  ei  loco 

Tonstriiia  erat  quaediuii.     Hic  aolebamufi  fere 

Plerumque  eam  opperiri  dxaa  inde  iret  domum.  40 

Interea,  dum  sedemus  iUi,  iuterTenit 

Adolescens  quidam  lacrimana.     Nos  mirarier. 

Eogamua  quid  sit?     "  ^N^uuquam  aeque,"  inquit,  "ac  modo 

Paupertas  mihi  onns  visum  eet  et  miBerom  et  grare. 

Modo  quandam  vidi  Tirginem  Iiic  viciniao  ts 

Miseram  Buam  matrem  lamentari  mortuam. 

Ea  Bita  erat  exadversum ;  neque  illi  benOToIens 

Keque  notus  neque  cognatua  eztra  unam  aniculam 

Quisquam  aderat  qui  adjutaret  fimue.     Miseritum  est. 

Yirgo  ipsa  focie  egregia."     Quid  verbis  opue  est  P  so 

Commorat  ocfmes  nos.     Ibi  continuo  Antipbo, 

"  Vnltiane  eamuB  visere?"  alius,  "  Ceoseo ; 

Eamus ;  duc  noe,  eodea."     Imus ;  Tenimus ; 

Yidemus.     Virgo  pulcbra ;  et  quo  magie  diceres, 

Nihil  adorat  adjumenti  ad  pulcbritudinem  55 

Gapillus  pasaue,  nudus  pee,  ipsa  borrida, 

atteDdsnce  on  this  girl  on  ber  way  to  >Dd  MnGd   b;  ■nthorB.      In  this   paUBge  tlie 

&om    icbool.      'We   had    nolhing   on  onr  irord  preaenea  it«  ari^Dnl  TneaniDg.     The 

ownhBnds,'iwji  Geta,  'and  Hwe  gaTeDnr-  bodf  of  the  motfaer  was  biid  nnt  in  tha  hall 

■elTei  np  to  Phaedria.'     For  '  operam  da.  of  the  houM  till  it  could  be  bnriod. 

bunnB '  see  note  an  Heant.  v.  1 .  38.  48.  NtfUi  nolut  ntgiu  eognalta]     See 

36.  Bxadetrmm  liloco  lorutrina]  Some  nole  oa  Eunuch.  i.  2.  68.    Por  'adjntaiet 

copiee  hnTe  '  ei  «dvereo  illica,'  bat  tbe  teit  funus '  compue  "  Ela  odcib  adjntn  "  iii.  2. 

ia  best  snpported.    Tbe  burbcn'  abopi  were  24  (uote),  aod  Andria  L  I.  81 :  "  Conbat 

favODrite  loungei;  and  borben  weie  pro-  aiia  fiinns," 

fesud  talhen.     8ee  an  amnsing  article  on  SS.  Aliat]     It  •aid  by  the  commentatarv 

'  Bnrba '  in  Ihe  Dictionarj  of  Antiquitiea.  to  be  ueed  for  '  alter,'  namely,  Pbsedria;  but 

41.  Illi]  DonaCua  eapecuUj  noticsi  thii  ■■  Douatus  rightly  aaja,  it  maj  be  '  Phae- 
fonn  in  thu  pasiagei  some  copiea  and  sdi-  dri*,  vel  gailibet.'  A  nnmba'  of  foung 
tioDs  have  'illic'  See  notes  od*  Hecyra  i.  men  wcre  do  donbt  in  the  barber'a  ehop 
2.  18,  Adelphi  i.  2.  36,  and  v.  3.  bj-  logether. 

42.  AdoUierjiM  guidam]  DoDatus  iu-  S3.]  This  paaaage  maj  be  compared  witb 
formB  na  that  in  Apallodorua'  plaj  the  Heantontimommenoi  il.  3.  44— 50. 
barberhimeeircame  in,  haTing  jnstretaTHed  HK.  Ipia  herrida']  ■  Her  ovn  person  n^- 
frum  cutting  olf  tbe  girl'>  hur.  which  she  lected—in  tean — in  sad  clothing.'  '  Hor- 
had  done  ae  a  marli  of  grief  ;  aDd  he  ridns '  ii  here  nied  as  '  sordtdns '  (see  note 
BnppOBea  Terenoe  to  have  obanged  the  cir.  on  Hcoat.  ii.  3.  06),  wich  particnlar  refer- 
cumstance  becaose  the  cnitom  was  too  ence  to  her  own  peraoDal  appearance.  In 
foreign  ta  ba  introduced  into  ■  Xiatin  plaj.  Juvenal   iii.   212,   213,  it   is   used   in   the 

45.  Hie  vieiniai]     See  note  on  Andri»  i  aenae  of  '  sordidatus  :' 
1.43.  The  word»  '  e«  aila  erat '  reler  to  tbe 

dead  bod  j  of  the  motber.    '  ^tn* '  properlj  "■Si  magna  Asturii  ceddit  domua,  horrida 

waa  ased  when  ■  corpse  was  placed  in  a  mater, 

teiDporarj  placs  of  inlcrment  before  it  waa  PullaCi  procerea,  difFert  vadimonia  Prae- 

interred   with    the    dne   solemnitiea   of    ■  tor." 
faDcnl.      Bnt  thia  distiuction   is  not  ob- 



Laorimae,  TeBtitns  tarpia ;  nt,  ni  via  booi 

In  ipsa  inesset  fonna,  bsec  formam  extingueTent. 

Dle  qni  illam  amabat  fidiciiiam  taatunmiodo, 

"  Satis,"  inquit,  "  scita  eet :"  noetor  Tero — Da.  Jam  scio : 

Amare  coepit.     Oe.  Scin  quam  P     Quo  evadat  vide. 

Fostridie  ad  anum  recta  pergit :  obBecrat 

Sibi  ut  ejus  faciat  copiam.     Illa  enim  se  negat ; 

Neque  eum  aequum  facere  ait :  iUam  ciTem  esse  Atticam, 

Bonam,  bonis  prognatam :  si  uzorem  velit, 

Lege  id  licere  fecere ;  edn  aliter,  negat. 

Noster  quid  ageret  nescire ;  et  illam  ducere 

Cupiebat,  et  metuebat  abeent^n  patrem. 

Da.  Non,  si  redisset,  ei  pater  yeniam  daret  ? 

Ge.  IUe  indotatam  virginem  atque  ignobilem 

Daret  iUi  P    Nunquam  faceret.     Da.  Quid  fit  denique  ? 

Qe.  Quid  fiat  P     Est  parasitus  quidam  Pbormio, 

Homo  confideoB ;  qui  iUum  Di  omnes  perduint, 

Da.  Quid  ia  fecit  P     Ge.  Hoc  consilium  quod  dicam  dedit. 

"  Lez  est,  ut  orbae  qui  sunt  genere  proximi 

Eis  nubant ;  et  illos  ducere  eadem  baec  lex  jubet. 

07'  yi»  boitt\     '  So  tliit,  if  it  were  not  "  Qoi  illaia  Di  amiias  pcrdunt  qm  priaiiM 

tiwt  the  very  «asence  of  beintj  ns  in  lier  norainentni  eit .  . . 

looki,  tbese  thingi  would  hsTe  hidden  her  Contioaem.  hae  reqoe  homiiiei  occapatoe 

lOTeliDeu.'      For  '  eitingaennt '  >ee  nute  occapat." 

*"iS™t^  '■  ^'•/'^'  ,1    .  Di.     j  ■        i  Don.tu»  uys,  "  Qiii  atinwn  ert  :  ot  Lod. 

60.  Salu'cla  yt}    '  Phwdn.,  who  WH  „„  ;„  ^^^^  Q^t  ,,  MomaUum  m<Umm 

Ij.   love  «ith  th.t    mnac   girl,   only   uid,  („,„  cartero  j>«-rfar;"  but  he  mentio™  Jso 

"8he    n    prettj   weU;       but    our    «ung  thB  other  eipl.nirtion.  *  Qui  ■  i.  U.e  «blli™ 

"If^  ";    ^  ^"  ^^ .'™  f^,    ""''*"  «  ■™  tere.  u  in  nnmerous  p»ve.  of  Terence. 

i    H).      Campare   the  commoa   phiase 

.   n,     .        v.        .              ,     . ,    '  .  n  ;.  -  lui  me  Di  bene  ament."  Thni  it  >eqaii«d 

nnd   Plantui,  Menstor  iv.  4.    18i    "  3»ti»     ■._  _   ■ .l .  ....  ", 

For  '  •cita  '  compare  Andris 

eculAF  idtua  poer  eit   natui  P*mphi 

■   "■     *     ,  MercatOT  iv.  4.    18:    "Sum  bj  n  Itxer  ^  ..~  ™,»  »     u.™™.    _;. 

icromiuumniulim,.  eording   to   the  eipUnsdon    of   DoaMas. 

73.//omo    «»/((««]       'Animpudent  Perlet^opt.  thi.  Tiew  in  the  firrt  inrtmoe. 

fcUow  ;  »°d  m»y  .U  Ihe  god.  coafound  him  but  preftr.  the  other  .cnonnt  of  the  pbrue! 

.         ,^T?o"*  ■"*        1,  °^t     T  76.  i>*  »(]  See  not«.  on  And™i.  1.  « 

Z.  U;t.3.G 

,.  'Qm    ugeDendlTt.kenbT     ^  Adelphi  i».  6.  18;  » 

■entence  beinB  unfln»hed.     But  tbis  cannot     ^  4^^  Dictionwj  of  Antjqnitie.  («b  toc>. 
ippl,  to»ine  <»«  m  Plautu.  wh^the    ,0,^^.  ,^„,  ^  ^„  ^^^  ti  the  «i 

■u  bouiM  oither  lo  mury  her  hinMelf  ot 

o  portioo  her  off.     The  Hntence  i.  nthsr 

"  Qoi  illnoi  M  omnra  Deeeqae  perdant,"     involved.  The  r^l»r  OTder  of  the  dum 

woQld  ba  '  Lei  eM  nt  OTbae  nabant  ri*  qni 

and  Trinnmmiu  n.  2.  78 :  "  Qui  irtBm  Di    — proiimi,  et  illoi  eadem  lei  jobet  dncoe 

perdant."    In  Menaecbmei  iii.  1.  6,  it  sCands     (orbu).' 

st  the  commencement  of  ■  new  Kntenee : 


ACTTJS  I.    SCENA  II.  413 

Ego  te  GOg[natniin  dicam,  et  tibi  scribam  dicam : 

Patemimi  amiciuti  me  assimtilabo  virginis : 

Ad  jndices  Teniemufi.     Qui  fiierit  pater, 

Quae  tnater,  qui  cognata  tibi  ait,  omnia  haec  so 

Confingam,  quod  erit  mihi  bonum  atque  commodum. 

Q,uum  tu  horum  nihil  refelles,  vincam  scilicet. 

Pater  aderit :  mihi  paratae  lites :  quid  mea  P 

Hla  quidem  noetra  erit."     Da.  Jocolarem  audaciam ! 

Ge.  Persuaaum   eat  h(anini ;   iactum  est ;   ventum  est ;   vin- 

cimur :  85 

Duxit.     Da.    Quid  narrafiP     Qe.   Hoc  qnod  audis.     Da.   O 

Quid  te  ^turmn  est  P     6e.  Nescio  hercle :  unum  hoc  scio ; 
Quod  fors  feret  feremue  aequo  animo.     Da.  Placet. 
Hem,  istuc  viri  ^  officium.     Ge.  In  me  omnis  spes  mihi  est. 
Da.  Laudo.     6e.  Ad  precatorem  adeam  credo,  qui  mihi       dO 
Sic  oret ;  "  Nunc  amitte,  quaeso,  huno :  caeterum 
Posthac,  si  quicquam,  nihil  precor ;"  tantummodo 
Non  addat :  "  Tlbi  ego  hinc  abiero,  vel  occidito," 

77<   Tibi  Kriliim  ijicam]     Terencs  uei  me,  thit  whea  jou  refute  none  of  ia]>  trga- 

the  Greek  tenn  here,  to  be  in  more  eisct  ments,  I  ■hall  gun  m;  cause.'     But  thii  U 

keeping  with  the  origin»!  ■nlhority  of  hi»  «wliwird. 

■torr.    Cicero  ums  the  word  Iwice  in  bii        S3.  Qwd  tata  f]     Supplj  '  ref^.'    See 

nntion  *g*inst  Verres  (-^ce  Lnng'>  note  on  note  on  Hecjra  ir.  3.  II. 
ii.  3.  )4),  and  Pluilus  haa  it  in  Ihe  Poenulna         85.  Ptmmium  til  Aomini}     This  ii  the 

iii.  n.  0  :  "  Cru  Babsmbainbomini  dicam,"  reading  of  the  Bembine  fbr  the  coinmon 

snd  ii.  3.  63 :  teit '  persnoait ;'  »11  it  is  to  be  pieferred 

'■  Snc.»».  prolid.  «nbito  j™  mhl  dl-    "  '?"«  '"  '«pi"8  "*  "f  •"■■'  "l™" 
^^  '  of  the  «entence.     Terence  u  TBrj  fond  oi 

these  unconnected  cUuses.     8ee  sboTe,  t. 
6fi.    Ennni-hua  iii.  5.  4S.     Andri*  i.  1.  90. 

90.  .^if  preealormi  adeam  eredo'}  'I 
mu9t  mIe,  I  inpposo,  soms  one  to  intercede 
for  me,  who  would  beg  for  me  in  this  waj, 
lonlj  nied  (see  For-  ■■  Lct  hioi  off  tbia  onca  I  beg  joa ;  bot  if  h« 
rellini).  The  Lfttin  dnunatists  are  fond  of  does  wrong  sgun,  I  won't  uk  fbr  liim;" 
Lktiniied  Greelc  words.  In  Eanucliuii  iv.  and  all  bat  add,  "  When  I  sm  gone  kiH 
4.  nl  «e  hiTe  'techuain.'    See  note.  him  if  jon  mll,'"    BlaTca  nied  freqaeatlj 

81.  Quaif  trit  tniki  Aonum  algue  com-  U>  BTail  themtelTM  of  tbese  mediatora  to 
tnoAiM]  Donmtni  tskes  Chese  WOTds  to  be  rescue  them  from  the  conseqnencei  of  their 
■jnonjmoas  with  'quod  fBuptum  feliique  fculCs.  See  Heaut.  T.  3.  23:  "  Nee  to 
»it.'     He  sajs  :  ■■  Quifi  prseclari  facinoris     aram  tihi  Nec  precatorcm  pBrarii." 

siuceperit,  difenilo  Quod  eril  miAi  boninn  monlj  u^ed  in  the  nense  of  '  diraitto.'     See 

algue  commodmH."     But  I  do  not  see  how  Indej,  snd  nolo  on  Andria  t.  3.  27.     Com- 

ihis  ii  to  be  got  out  of  tbe  wordi.    Thej  pare  Eunncbns  t.  2.  13,  where  Chseres  ii 

aimplj  mean,  ■  I  trill  invent  the  whole  storj  gpeaking  in  the  character  of  a  ilave : 
II*  •hall  be  good  and  adianUgeoua  to  mj 

cause.'     Zeune  pnnctuMes  Ihe  paasage  lo  '* Un*m  h*nc  noxi*m 

ma  to  oonnect  thls  clause  with  the  fbllowing  Oniitte  :  m  i 

line.     '  And  tkii  will  be  the  adiantago  to  dito." 

Nibu  do." 

See  below,  ii.  3. 
gam   gnmdem." 
and  l.Kqv   tpaf. 


"  Dicam   tibi  im 
apare    iroypdfi 
In  later  writen 




Pa.  Qxdd  paedagogus  ille,  qni  oitharistriam  ?  ■ 

Qnid  rei  gerit  ?    Oe.  Sic  t«nuiter.   Da.  Non  multum  habet   95 

Quod  det  fortaaae.     Qe.  Imo  nihil  mai  spem  meram. 

Da.  Pat«r  ejus  rediit  an  non  P     Qe.  ^oudum.     Da.  Quid  ? 

Quoad  exflpeetatis  veatnmi  P     Ge.  Non  certam  scdo ; 
Sed  epiatolain  ab  eo  allatam  esae  audivi  modo, 
Et  ad  portitores  ease  delatam :  hano  petam.  loo 

Da.  Numquid,  Geta,  aliud  me  vis  ?     Qe.  Ut  \)tiaB  sit  tibL 
Puer,  heus.     Nemone  huc  prodit  P     Cape,  da  hoc  Dorcio. 

94.  QuiJ  paedagegui  We,  fni  eilharit- 
Irian  7]  '  And  «bat  of  that  yoang  pudiu 
gog^na  «ho  ww  in  Bttendknds  on  the  daDODg 
girl."  For  the  idra  of  '  pMdagogua '  aee 
uote  on  T.  32.  One  of  tho  datiM  oT  the 
'  paedagogns  *  mi  to  acort  his  papili  lo 
snd  troiD  uhool,  to  cwry  thar  h>g  of  boDka, 
&c.  Tbe  rich  had  'capBarii'  for  thii  lut 
offloe.  See  Muleaae  on  Honoe,  Sat.  i. 
6.  7^-  Phaedri»  ij  thwefore  hnmoroualj 
oUed  '  pacdsgilgus  '  in  coDBequenca  of  hig 
conataat  attend&nce  on  themoaicgirl  u  ehe 
vent  to  her  achool  Bnd  b*ck.  In  Flato, 
Republic  390,  Pboenix  )■  cdled  the  irat- 
irnilafuyiv  4>uiviicn  iiriTiPtriot',  iic  fxirpi- 
wf  IXiyl,  aviiPaii\iiii<v  avTif,  Ivpa  iiiv 
■     "         '  '  ■<iIc'Ax'"J'' 


uri    AroWdTTI^e 

I    rqc 


nutvch  tells  U9  tbst  Fab 


called  t 

f  H»n 

nibal,  be- 


19  Maiim. 

cp.  S). 

PerletquoUs  fr 

m  Snc 




se  ■cbool 


good  acconnt.     ' 



neentian,  mulicri» 

vema,  primo  (ut 


textrinam,    deiade 


m   fihum 

duoi  co 

mitatur  in  scholas 


3   didicit  ; 

ae."    De 

Illurtr.  Gramm.  23.  Perlet  bowever  Ib 
without  trason  ia  dtaning  ■  dLatinction  be- 
tween  '  magister '  ind  >  paedagogua.'  The 
ellipse  oF  the  Terb,  u  in  this  paieage,  is 
verj  common  «ith  Terence. 

OS.  Sic  laiuiler}  See  Dote  an  Andria 
iv.  a.  9.  '  Hoir  doet  he  gi-t  on  ? '  wys  Da- 
vmi.     '  But  poorly,  only  so  «,.' 

100.  El  ad  pardlorei  tue  deialam] 
'  Portitorea '  «aa  tbe  ordinaiy  aame  for 
the  agenta  of  the  '  publicsni,'  or  collectors 
of  tbe  '  vectigalia'  or  '  portoria.'     We  maj 

conipate  them  genemlly  with  onr  castom- 
hoQM  officen.  See  tbe  DictioDaiy  of  An- 
tiqoitiee.  Bat  DoTwtoi  inggerti  that  tlie 
word  ia  not  lued  here  ia  tbe  Raman  Hue. 
It  is  commonl;  applied  to  Cbsroa  by  the 
Latin  poeti  iu  the  senM  of  <  fenymMi.' 
See  Virgil,   Gsorg.  ir.  W2.     PropertiDa  r. 


"VoU  maveat  Euperos.  Uln  poititor  aarm 
Ohserst  herbosoi  liirida  porta  rogiM." 
And  aoiomeconndertbemtohaTebeeDletter 
carriera.  At  all  eventa  we  flnd  tlut  they 
had  the  power  of  opening  and  exainining 
.tbe  contents  of  lctten  ;  see  Plaatna,  Tti- 
nutomua  iii.  3.  6fi~67,  whsre  ths  debete  ii 
how  to  bring  ■  letler  wilhout  ■  certun  aeal 
on  it.  'Oh,'  uya  Heg^nmidee,  '  that  ia 
eaiy  enongb.  1110  seal  may  bave  bMO 
lost ;  ■  new  one  msy  bave  been  made ;  ar 
he  may  bring  it  open  ;' 

"  Jsm   ai  ohsignatas   non  feret,  did  boc 
Apud  portitor«fl  eas  resignatu  sibi 

Tbis  inclinei  me  to  identily  them  witL  tbe 
ordinsry  Roman  officers. 

101.  Nvmqwd  alitid  mt  vit  f\  See  not* 
on  Eunucliug  i.  2.  111. 

102.  Da  Aoe  Dordo]  Geta  calls  ane  of 
the  under  slares,  and  girei  him  tbe  money 
which  D^vus  hu  paid  him,  telling  him  ta 

~      "        of  tha 

word  '  Darcium  '  shows  that 
of  ■  won 

ia  the  ni 

Glycerinm,  PhaDium,  Pla. 
nemum,  ana  many  others.  In  Adelpbi  t. 
9.  16  we  me«t  «ith  Phrygia,  the  fellow. 
■lave  aiid  wife  of  Synu. 


ACTU8  I.  SCENA  m.  416 



An.  Adeon  r^n  rediese  nt  qui  mihi  conaultuni  optime  velit 

Pliaedria,  patrem  ut  extimeecam,  ubi  in  mentem  ejus  adventi 

Tenit  P 

Quod  ni  iVuasem  incogitans,  ita  eum  exepectarem  ut  par  &it. 
Ph.  Quid  ietuc  est  P    An.  Bogitaa,  qui  tam  audacis  facinoris 

mibi  conacius  sis  P 
Quod  utinam  ne  Phormioni  id  euadere  in  mentem  incidisset,  5 

AcT  I.  ScsNE  III.     Antipha  ■Dd  Phu-  I  luve  ia  the  «orld,  wben  I  tbink  of  his 

dri»,  the  two  yoang  meu  whOBe  hislory  «e  arriva!  ? '     For  '  conBultum  »elit '  »ee  note 

bsie  had  io  thfl  lut  ecene,  are  fouad   on  qd    Heant.    iv.  3.    14.     The  repetition    of 

the  itage.     Antipbo  ia  lanieDtiDg  tbst  he  'nt'    ii    nnrommon.     Por   the   form  'ad. 

shouid  hnTe  got  hiinself  inlo  such  s  acrape  venti '    lee  notes    on    Eunnchna   iiL   4.  4. 

thnt  hs  acta»ll]r  dreads  bia  bther's  retnm.  Adelphi  t.  4.  16.     For  <in  meutem  venit' 

■nd  nll  beeaiue  of  Ptiormio  andhimretched  lee  note  on  Eannchus  ii.  8.  S4. 
sdvico.     If  I  hnd  not  got  the  girl  Ir  waa  in         4.  Bngitiu  . ,  .  mnicitit  tuf]     '  Do  jon 

lore  with,  T  ihouid  hAre  been  metanchoif,   vho  are  in  tbe  secret  of  the  deiing 

for  s  few  d^js  perhapB  ;  but  now  th^t  I  prsrik    thot   I   hsre   plsf  ed  ?'     For   '  mihi 

have  nurried  ber  iDf  wholo  life  is  one  of  conscius'  see  Hcaut.  i.  I.  69 :  "  Ubi  com- 

tuiiietj,  BOd  I  sm    coUBtantlj  ■frsid  that  peri  ei  iis  qni   ei  faere  conBcii,"  '  Wlien  I 

my   bther  wiU   come   uid    breali   off  our  aBcertuned  the  bct  bvm  tbose  who  were  in 

intercourBe.     '  WelL,'  saj b  Phaedria, '  jourB  hia    aeeret,   who    were    privj   l4>    iiis    d^ 

!■  ■  nd  case ;  yon  are  ■bBolntelj  laBeriDK  partnre.'    Wa  find  Caeeu'  using  'consdus' 

frODi   k  Bnrfdt  of  lofe.     You  bave  everj  in  tba  Bwne  conBtmctiun  «s  in  the  texti 

tbing  tbst  jon   can  pouiblj  wish.    You  "  Qui    li   nlicnjuB    injoriBe    libi    conscta 

bave  got  H  Isdj-like.Bnd  beautiCul  wife.  ind  fuiatet,   non   iiuBBe  diffidle  cavere,"    Bell. 

tbat  withont  ■■;  expetiBe.     All  ;ou  want  is  Gsll.    i.    14.      Corop^re    HorH»,    Sat.    ii. 

the  dJspoBtioD  lo  take  jonr  good  luck  con-  J.  GO.     Tbe  Greek  coDitniction  wu  more 

tentedlj.     If  jou  were  onlj  in  mj  plw:^,  Utenl,  miriiiirBi  rivi  ti,  Bavuiivai  laiiT^i 

jou  woiild   know  what  it  wbb.'     Antipho  n.     It  is  more  commoDlj  naed   in  Ldlin 

replies, '  WbU  I  envj  in  jon,  Pbaedria,  ii,  wiCfa   the   dative  (dther  of  tbe  perBOn  or 

that  jon  are  not  tied  ai  I  vtD.     Yon  can  of    the    thing)    alone.      Compare    Cicero, 

keep  on  jonr  aflair  or  let  it  dtcp.     Ab  for  Pro  Cielio  21 :    "  Huic  fscinwi  taato  tns 

me,  I  csnnot  with  comfbrt  do   eitber  the  meni  liberalis  conBcla,  Ins  domos  popularii 

oae  or  the  otber.'     At  this  moment  tbej  ministni,  tiui  deniqne  bospilalis  illa  Venns 

see  Gela  running  towinlB  tbem,  and  An-  adjutrix  esse  non  debuit."     In  Verrem  ii. 

tipbo'B  fears  of  lome  bid  newa  sre  imme-  d.  68 :  "  Vt  tot  viros  primarios  velim  .... 

«^elj  revived.  esse  tomeritali  et  mendscio  meo  consdoa." 

Tbe  UeCre    is  u  followB  ;    vv.  I.  4,  5,         b.   Quod  uliaem]     '  Ah,  I  onlj  wish  tbat . 

trocbaic   tetnmeter ;  2,  3.   6—8,  trochaic  it  had  never  occarred  to  Phormio  to  give 

tetiwneter  cataleclic ;  S,  10. 12— 2i.  iambic  me  tbat  advice,    aad  that  he   hwi   nevcr 

tetrmmeter ;  25,  26,  iambic  tetnuneter  c^ta-  edged  me  on  in  mj  desire,  for  tliftt  wu  the 

leciic;  11,  iambic  dimeCer.  beginning  M  the  miachief  to  me.     Suppoie 

I.  Adton   rem    rtditte]     See  notei    od  tbst  I  hwl  not  got  her.    Well  tbeu  I  ibould 

Andru  i.  6.  10.    Euauchua  ii.  1.3.  Ueaut.  have  been  unhappj  for  the  nezt  few  daji ;  bnt 

iT.  6-  3.     The  danie  '  qni  oAa  conaultum  tbis  dsilj  Htiietj  would  oot  be  oppreadng 

optime  velil  nse' refen  to  '  pstrem.'    Ths  mj  mind.'  '  Quod '  is  fonnd  es  a  cramecting 

OTder  ii   u  foUows :   '  Caa  it  ever  ime  psrticle  at  tbe  commeDcement  of  a  leD* 

come  to  thii,  Phaedrio,  Ihat  I  ibould  be  tence,  followed  bj  '  si,'  '  ni,'  '  nliiiam,'  and 

afrBid  of  mj  bther,  who  ii  tlie  heet  friead  other  worda.    In  t.  3  «e  hns  'qnod  ni 


416  PHORMIO. 

Neu  me  cupidum  eo  uapoliBset,  quod  mihi  principiam  eet 

Non  potitus  essein :  fuiaset  tum  illos  milii  aegre  aliquot  dies : 
At  non  quotidiana  oura  haec  angeret  auimnm.  Ph.  Aodio. 
An.  Dum  exBpecto  quam  mox  Teniat  qui  adimat  hanc  mihi 

Ph.  A1"'b  quia  de£t   quod  amaut  aegra  est :    tibi  quia  sn- 

perest  dolet.  lO 

Amore  abundas,  Antipho. 
Nam  tua  quidem  harcle  oerto  vita  Iiaec  e^etenda  (^itandaque 

Ita  me  Di  bene  ament  ut  mihi  liceat  tam  diu  quod  amo  fiiii ; 
Jam  depecisci  morto  cupio :  tu  conjicito  caetera ; 
Quid  ego  ex  hac  inopia  uunc  capiam,  et  quid  tu  ex   hac 

copia ;  15 

Ut  ne  addam  quod  sine  sumtn  ingenuBm  liberalem  nactus  es; 
Quod  habes,  ita  ut  voluisti,  uzorem  sine  mala  fama  palam ; 
Seatus  ni  unum  hoo  desit,  animus  qui  modeete  istaec  ferat. 
Et  si  tibi  ree  sit  cum  eo  lenone  quocum  mihi  eet,  tum  sentiaa. 
Ita  plerique  ingenio  sumus  onmes :  nostri  nosmet  poenitet.    so 
An.  At  tu  mihi  contra  nnnc  Tidere  fortunatus,  Phaedria, 
Cui  de  integro  est  potestas  etiam  consulendi  quid  velis ; 
Betinere,  amare,  amittere.     Ego  in  eum  incidi  infelix  locum 

foiMem  incogilang,'  '  bat  if  I  hBd  not  b«en  Atlicum  li.  7.  3 1  "  Qnnm  enim  tot  (peri- 

loconudente.'      For  '  quixl  utinsm'  min-  culs)    impendeant,   cur    non    honertiniaia 

pweCtcero.  AdFam.  iIt.  4  :  "  Quodatinim  depeciici  velim ?"  '  Why  (bonid  I  not  *nb 

minus  Titae  cupidi  foiaHmuBl    cert«  nihil  to    make  tlie  moft   honomble  bupin  I 

inTita  nuli  Tidisseraui."     aallust,  Jngartha  can?'     Vlrgil,  Aaneid.  t.  230: 
14 :    "  Quod    uUnam    illum,   cnjui    itnpio 

facitioro    in    lias  miierisi   projcctus    snm,  "  Vitamque  lolnot  pro  Unde  p«ci»di" 

eadem  haec  gimulantem  Tideani."      For  tbe  ,    ..    .„ 

lense  of  the  fotlowing  linei  compare  Andria  ""■  "''  *" ' 

u.  0,  9,  10:  II  Quam  pro  me  cnram  geiii,  bAoc  precor, 

"  Nibil  hercle  :  ant,  ai  adeo,   bidai  est  ant  optime,  pto  me 

tridui  Deponas,    letumqne     Bna*     pto     Uade 

Haec   KillidtDdo:    noatl ;    deiude    deai-  padsd,"  . 

It  matten  not  irbelber  the  ■ccontJTe  ir 

8.  Aaiiio']     Pheedria  mji  thia  ironically  tbe  ablatJTe  is  nsed.     Tbe  meuiog  is  tbe 

(ses  aole  on  Andrie  iii.  3.  !0);   uid  lo  ume.     Compare   the  uae   of  'mato*  kod 

Antipho  goes  on  to  explun  «hat  it  ii  that  such  «ords. 

m^es  him  so  «relched.              '  20.  Noilri   nomti  pamilrl']     '  This  ii 

12.  Nam  Itia  qnidem  herclt  ctrlo']     See  the   nature    of    ns   all.     We    are    dimKi- 

Andria  ii.  2.  10.  tented  vlLb  gur  own  stalc.'     See  nol»  nn 

14.  Jam    dejieciKi    morlt    eHpio]      'I  Eunuchus  T.  6.  12.     '  Nostri  '  is  the  gni- 

wouid  gladlr  this  ivrj  moment  cloae  Ihe  tiTe  neuter,  like  ■  sai,'  '  mci,'  •  Testii."     Tat 

bargain  witb  my  death.'     I  wouhi  willingly  'de  integro'  eee  t,  22.      Compue  tb«  a- 

purcbuethe  pieasure  that  you  h»e  had  at  pr«saioa    'in    int^rnm  jedira'    HouiL  *• 

tbe  ptice  af  my  life.     Compere  Cicero,  Ad  3.  8,  and  note  on  Ileuit,  BrDtOK.  4. 

C  k")0<^  lc 

ACTTTS  I.    SCENA  IV.  417 

Ut  neqne  mihi  ejos  tdt  amitteiLdi  nec  retanendi  oopia. 
Sed  quid  hoc  e«t?  videone  ego  Qetam  currentem  hnc  ad- 
venire  ?  j5 

la  est  ipsus:  hei  tomeo  miaer  quam  Iiic  nnno  TnHyj  nuntiet 



Oe.  Nullufi  es,  Geta,  nisi  jam  aliquod  tibi  consilium  celere 

24.  Ut  negue   miki   ^jta   lil   aBiillaidi  and  tells  him  tlut  be    hu  just  Mea  hU 

nee  rftiiuHdi  copia]     '  Yoo,'  uyi  Antipho,  fatber  at  the  Pineens.     Thb  thrami  Anti- 

'  on  tbe  Dther  hand  160111  to  Eoe  hiippy,  pha  into  tbs  g7e>t«at  alum.     Get>  odTise* 

FhBedria,  becsiue  jDn  bave  tbe  power  of  hira  to  fue  it  oat.     He  raast  look  u  it 

■nakiDg  jour   plsni  without   baving   cora-  nothiug  waa  tbe  nutter.    Antipbo  reheanee 

mitted   jonnelf — of    keeping    her,    loriDg  his  pert  to  Geta'a  apprubtitiOD ;  when  jmt 

ber,   ■bindaning  ber;    wliile   I  unbkppil]:  st  tbat  moment  he  lees  bis  Satbm  oomiog, 

hKve  come  to  thia  ritaUioa,  that  1  have  the  and  giTa    up   the   attempt,  leaTing   G^ 

option  neitber  of  abuidomng  her   nor  of  and  Phaedria  to  meet  Demipho.     The;  de- 

beeping   her.'      'Ejus'   referg  to  hii   wife,  lermine  to  fail  Inck  upon  thdr  old  aiga- 

■nd  we  haie  here  an  in«tance  of  the  con-  moati  aboiit  the  UwBuit,  and  to  put  tlwm 

slrBaion  alreadf   noticed    in    Hecirra  iii.  in  »3  plaurible  ■  ibape  ■>  poBaible. 

3.  IS:  "Ego  qo»  Tideodi  cupidas."    Sae  The  Metre  ia  aa  foUows;  1,  S.  11,  IS. 

□  He*at.  Frolog.  28,  where 
eiplanatiaa  of  these   phnaea   is 

-37,  trochaic  tetrsmetcr  catalectic;   3, 
~    .8.  14.  16,  iunbic  tetrameter  ;  S.  17, 

propoeed.     Hadiig,  in  hia  note  oa  Cicero,  iamhic  dimeter;  [l,  10,  trocbi 

De  FiDibiui.  18,  muaMina  tbat  'ejua'  in  13,  trocbuc  dimeter  cstalectic;  IS.  38— 62,    ■ 

thia  paasage  r«ren  to  '  amoiem.'     But  it  is  iambic  trimeter. 

not  «ay  to  nndBratand   bow  be  geta  tha         1 .  NuUat  «,  Otfs]      '  Nollaa  aora '  wa* 

word.     'Bjaa'  refen  to  the  inbject  of  the  a  common  phraae  in  comedj.     'I  ■!»  dDDS 

wholfl    preiiODS   conrenation  ; — Antipbo'!  fbr.'     See   Andria   iii.    4.  20.     Hecjra  IT. 

wife.     Bentlej  quotea   ftnm    tbree   mana-  I.  6,     For  otber  «imilv  usea  of  '  nullns,' 

Bcripta  the  rnding   'jua;'    bnt  tboogb   it  aee  notea  on  Andria  ii.  2. 33,  and  Bunncbus 

gnee    a    good  aenae,   aa    contnuted   with  ii.    I.    10.     Lacbnunn,    on    LncretiDS    ilL 

'  copia,'  it  haa  00  good  ■ntboritj,  aad  maj  lOAO,  wauld  read  'reperiee,'  bnt  witbont 

Tery  probablj  be  merelj  ■  conjectare  of  knj  aathoritj.      Bome   manoacripts    haTe 

■ome   transctibeT   wbo    noticed   the    irre-  '  repereris ;'    but  tbe   roMling  of  the  tszt 

gnlaritj  of  tbe  teit  withont  being  able  to  has   the   beat  aDtboritj,     '  You  are   done 

eiplain  it ;  or  it  maj  bave  been  a  mere  alip  fbr,  Gets,  if  you  do  oot  find  ont  for  joor- 

of  the  pen.  self  aome  immediate  pUn ;   lo  unprepared 

2«.  It  etl  ipna']     For  '  iproa'  oompue  are  you  for  tbe  great  evila  wbich  snddenlj 

Andria  ii.  3,  3,  note.  OTerbsng  you.'     Bentlej  woold  read  '  tanta 

in   me    impcndent    laiiA ;'    '  me,'   becanse 

AcT  I.  ScBNE  IV.     Geta  comea  on  the  Donatni  sajs.  "  hic  tranaitum  fecit  ad  pri- 

Msge  soliloqDiziag  oa  the  nnpleaaant  atate  mam  personam,"  and  '  in '  hecauae  he  con- 

of  affairs.     The  outrageoui  freak  in  wbich  aidera  'te  impendent' ungrammaticsl.     Bnt 

his  master  and  himaelf  bad  been  coDoemed  the  worda  of  DoDatua  most  probaDly  refer 

could  he  no  binger  concealed  ;  and  be  doea  to  tbe  (oUowiiig  line.     Aa  (ot  tbe  cooatruc- 

DOt  know  where  to  tnm.     Indeed  notbing  tjon    of    'impendea,'    we    bave   a    rimilar 

kreps  bim  from  packing  np  his  eSecls  and  phraae   qnoted    from    Lndliua,    by  Festns, 

being  olT,  bnt  tbat  be  ii  coDcamed  about  p.  161 ,  G :  "  Nnnc  ad  te  redeo,  ut  quae  res 

hii  yoang  master,  Antipho,  and  does  not  me     impendet    agatar."      Festns,   indeed, 

lika  lo  deaert  him.     He  now  seaa  Antipho,  conaiders  tfaat  ■  me '  ia  bere  an  old  (i: 

B  e     , 


Ita  nunc  imparatnm  subito  taota  te  ianpendeDt  mala, 

Qnae   neque   uti   devitem  scio,   neque   quo  modo  me  inde 

extraliam : 
Nam  non  potest  celari  nostra  diutiuB  jam  audacia. 
An.  Quidnam  ille  commotus  venit  P  s 

€fe,  Tum  temporis  miM  punctum  ad  lianc  rem  eet.     Henis 

adest.     An.  Quid  istuc  mali  eet  ? 
6e.    Quod   quum    audierit,   quod  ejus    remedium  inTeoiam 

Loquarne  ?  incendam :  taceam  ?  instigem :  purgem  me  ?  la- 

terem  laTem. 
Eheu  me  miBcrum :  quum  milii  paveo,  tum  Antipho  me  ex- 

cruciat  animi: 

hi ;'  but  in  Lncretiai  «B  have  one  or         8it  pn^Mriiud  qaioqiwm  pBBcto  qiwd  too- 

inituicea   of    an    undoabted   «ccBift-  bilii  luna 

,  M  in  Pcrmotet  darainM  et    Esdat    Id    ■!!«» 

"^T^  '■'-•"'■  '""  -■•  '"■■"        <Spi»  «.  ».  .70-.«.) 

Quid  qsoque  Mnittant  in  tempore  cer-     uid  in  Lacretin*.  iptMnf  of  tbe  U^t  uid 



(i.  898,  S27.) 

We  miiy  thBrefore  »felj-  keep  the  old  teit. 

diei                                                   '^ 

3.  Ntjti*   quo   niiido    mt  indt  titra- 
jIom]     We  m»y  oompwe  tbe  oBe  of  •  ei- 

("■  201,  201) 

pedio.'    BeeAndri&iii.  5.  10,  lli 

For  '»d  h»nc  rmn'  «ee  note  on  Aulri»  i. 

"  — Videnmeconwliiitoi. 

a.  21. 

7.   Qworf  f«M»  «Hlimi]  ■For^enbe 


he»n  of  thii  whU  p»Ui>tin  m  I  flnd  far 

■bete  *ee  nale.    Compwe  alao  Uecyrs  w. 

biiangerr     Sbonld  I  ^ie.k,  I  )d»i.U  ea. 

4.38:                              '^                  ' 

r>go   bim.     Sboeld    1   bold   «,  U«^,  1 

'• NeKii,  P»rmBno, 

ihonld  go»!  him  on.     Shonld  I  excoM  .;- 

idf,  it  -ould   be   l»t   Uboor.'      ■  QMd' 

s  brick  ia  the  hope»  of  gMting 

tbe  ' 

,  .     *                        .      ,  Tbe  phnae  '  literern  Uvem,'  '  I  •bould  be 

After  y.  4  mott  copiea  h»ve  tbe  bae :  wiibing  >  brick,'  ij  »  trMiUlion  of  ■  Gn»lE 

"Qnae  ai  noa  Bita  proridentnr,  idb  Bnt     proierb,    nXirHevt   wXvviiv,  or   wXivfloi' 

bemm  peicam  d»bont."  ii\iivtii.     We    aeed    uot    ■pecnlate    tctj 

tbi.  pi«.  k.  Abdri.  1.  1.  3,  ..d  do>    "»P"""':«jb~-l~ 

.b„.t  tam   .0.,  ,,»1   .J,.«Hpti     I     '^.'tZ°tlt, 
bateth,!refbreomitl,ditlR>mtheteit.  ».  inmjtsiifiiio 

R    7V     ,_  r.  ■       ..'         ,1,1   ,,    After  »0018  eipreMng  uit  alTectioii  of  die 

S,.Js;Ti'~t;  i"';.":^"','"  ■a.,  ot  0^1.«.  n, .«.;  .i.ioo^a. 

™.  S"eioSro.   ■  o^Jli^^S.SS':    '""'■•  "  »  "P^  "•  '■'•^  »»"" 

D ,_"._  ™        ,."  .      ™  icmpona.      ^^1^  sahject  and  tbe  predicafe,  >nd  eo  we 

oFtea    lind   thii   cese   emplojed   where   aa 

adjedive  would  be  eqa»Ilj  cDrrect,  in  raeh 

phruea  u  '  vi»  ignie.' '  ?ii  igno.'    We  bave 

™dTW»t  Uiqae  •unro  qo»  popnlui  «diit»     Ihe  geoitiie   »fter  '  alndiDnu,'   '  iorertM,' 

certi»  'dubim,'  '  Uaiu,'  'ngni,'  '  giupenaa,'  «Dd 

Limitibna  licui»  refugit  jurtin )  t»nqn»m    incb  lerba  aa  '  desipaw,'  '  blli,'  Bnd  m^j 

ACTUS  I.    SCENA  IV.  419 

'EyoB  me  miaeret :  ei  nnno  tiiQeo :  is  nano  me  retinet ;  Tmm 

abeque  eo  esaet,  lo 

Becte  ego  milii  Tidissem,  et  senis  essem  ultus  iracundiam : 
Aliquid  convasassem,  atque  hiac  me  protiiiaia  Gonjioerem  in 

An.  Quam  liic  fugam  aut  furtum  parat  ? 
6e.  Sed  ubi  Antiphonem  reperiamP  aut  qua  quaerere  insis- 

tam  via? 
Ph.   Te  nominat.     An.   Kescio  quod  m^inuin  hoo  Quntio 

exspecto  maliun.  js 

J^h.  Ah,  ^niiRiift  es  ?     €fe,  Domnm  in  perMm :   ibi  pluri- 

mum  est. 
^h.  RerocemuB  hominem.     An.  Sta  ilico.     Oe.  Hem, 

ollun.    In  AdelpbilT.  4.  1  «eWe  "Dfa-  Tirpl,  Edog.  i  13; 

Qncior  ■nimi )"  ud  ia  Eanncbns  ii.  2.  43,  ,,          „   .-_.     .  ,. 

"  Ut  U>iu  .nimi  ert  1  ■'   See  doI«.  od  lioCb  „„„  ^„  tal^T^^^^^^ 

p«»p».     He«t.iT.4.6:   ■■CUtiphoffl.m  U'q~^  t»ri»t«  11™.     B»  >P~ »- 

in  gpe  pendebit  aoimi."  p^„„.  .™_  .„  " 

Henyn  iv.  2.  2S.  '  I  uu  dririDg  m;  gosts  ■  long  diitence  &om 

18.  Alifvid  eoneiuaiMm]  •  Iwould  hne  m;  fum,'  ud  Aeneid.  Tii.  SIS  : 

p«ked  up«.metliir.g  or  otber  Bnd  h«e  got  ..   tntaidit  Tocem  i    qo.  proti- 

me  gone  iTDm  tbiB  pUce  u  once-      Don.tOfl  nmnfl 

b.i  Ik.  n.ili,  of  1!..  Ua,  tor  b.  ■.p  Co.tniiouit  nrau.,   .1  rtl™. 

"  Fifur«tuin  est  •  coHigwidu  tmi».       Tbe  DrofuDdme  " 
metaphor  js  kmple  and  intelligible  enoogb. 

Some  manaacripts,  bowoter,  re*d  '  oonva-  Some  copiei  md 'pn>Ciniii'her«;  bnt  Do- 

iia»m,*  «bich  bu  uo  meaning.     Bentlej  utas   expi«sal]r  menlionB   '  protinam '   u 

finds  B  diSealt;  in  the  word  uid  propoKa  the  comct  rendiDg. 

'ci»Taai«m,'  edding  "  Nampe  iliqiiiil  pe-  14.  Aulquaquaertrtiiuulamvia!']  This 

cmiiolaeB  debitoribus,  ab  amicia,  ctrta  dod  punge,  M  ha*  beeu  notioed  on  Eunncbiu 

T>n  ersmt  coUigendm,  aed  aliquid  quo  eipe-  11.  3.  3,  is  quotad  b;  Bentlej  ta  an  instuioe 

ditins  fngeret."     WhM  «oald  ■  Neir  Zea-  of  tbe  use  of  the  nblstiTe  with    <  innBto.' 

Isnd  Bflutln  m«ke  of  '  Pack  np  yonr  trsips  In  this  plsce,  ss  there,  the  Bembine  has 

■od  he  oS!    and  wbst  ironUI  Bentlej  hsve  '  qnun — itam  ;'    bnt  ■Itbongh   the  text  is 

nid  to  the  foUowing  pisssge  of  ?Uittiu,  in  bere,   m   I  think,  correct,   jet  tlist  doea 

whidk  tke  isme  idea  ii  kpphed  iu  a  Teiy  uot  fiTonr  Benllej'a  proposed  chsnge  in  ths 

boldmet^hor?  fbrmcr  pussge.    'But  wbere  shiU  1  fiod 

"  Cor  colliglia  TMis  eipecUt  nie«m.  ^'''^V^"  ''  ?!'  ^.  '  ". '"  »'^  d^on 

"■  -^n  educst  mnherem  Mcum  limnl,  ^_'  ^.^M.^iJffJj';;?  Ji"Jl  ^^"  "'^° 

la,'  there- 
,  merely  refars  to  tho  direction  in  which  he 

Hine  mt  prDlinam    cm^ietrim  in  pt-  ig  likelj  to  Gnd  A^tipho;  andis  not  in  con- 

drj]    '  Piotinam  '  Is  uother  fomi  of  '  pro-  Btruction  wjtb  the  lerb.    '  Insiito  '  is  used 

tinni,'  occairing  frequentlj  in  PLsatus.    It  in  the  same  msnner  ss  '  pergo '  with  an  ih- 

ii  eonneded  wilb   ■  teDoi,'  aud  probabl;  fiuitiTO.    Compare  Flaatns,  Captiii  iii.  4. 

mesni,  '10  ■  distauce  (brwarda.'    Itiscom-  G2  :  "  H^o,  iide  aia  uequidtu  hnic  lemera 

monlir  uaed  u  '  protinua  '   in  tbe  sense  of  iuaistu  credere."     Porcellini  givea  «0100  in- 

'  forthwith,'  'immedistel;.'      Here  and  in  atsnaea   of  tbe  »me   nte   firom   lAvy  snd 

aome  olher   plscea   Porcellini  givea  it  the  Cicero.     '  Plurimnm  '  is  here  uaed  as  >  sae- 

aense  of  ■  porro,'  'longe;'  but  tbe  ordiaarj  pissime,'  being  probablja  Owialation  ofthe 

lendmng  suita  most  placea,  eicept  perbaps  Greek  ro  rXiiirroi'. 
^  c  2 


Ut  eiolstnm  ei  pectore  ■nfagiat  meo."  .  ,  ,      ,  - 

(Psendolns  ii.  3.  l«-lfl.)         «  ""«  freqnendj  then 
^  fore.  merelT  refars  Eo  thi 

420  PHORMIO. 

Satia  pro  imperio,  qiuBquiB  ee.     An.   Gtetet.      Oe.  Ipse   eet 

quem  Tolui  obTiam. 
An.  Cedo  quid  portas,   obsecroP    atque  id,   ai  poics,  Terbo 

Oe.  Faciam.     An.  Eloquere.     6e.  Modo  apud  portum — An. 

Meumne? — Oe.  Intellexti.     An.  Occidi.     6e.  Hem.        ao 
An.  Quid  agam  ?    Ph.  Quid  ais  P     6e.  Hujus  patrem  Tidisse 

me,  patruum  tuum. 
An.  Nam  quod  ego  huic  nunc  subito  exitio  remedium  iuTe- 

aiam  miserP 
Quod  si  eo  meae  fortunae  redeunt,  Pbanium,  abe  te  ut  dis- 

Ifulla  est  mibi  Tita  ezpetenda.     6e.  Ei^  istaec  quum  ita 

sint,  Antipbo, 
Tanto  magis  te  adTigilare  aequum  est.     Fortes  fortuna  ad- 

juTat.  25 

An.  Non  sum  apod  me.     6e.  Afqui  opuB  est  nnnc  quummax- 

ime  ut  sia,  Antipbo ; 
TSam  si  senserit  te  timidum  pater  eese,  arbitrabitur 
Commeruisse  culpam.     Ph.  Hoc  Terum  est,     An.  Non  pos- 

sum  immutarier. 
6e.  Quid  faceres,  si  graTiuB  aliud  tiH  nonc  faciendum  foret  P 
An.  Quum  boc  non  poesum,  illud  minus  possem.     Oe.  Hoc 

nihil  eet,  Pbaedria :  ilicet.  30 

18.    Salit  pro    imptrio,   ftdiqtiit    «]  qoMso,"   Da   FinftK»  tn.  4.    ComBmtB- 

'YouBpeak  ■athoritaUTeljreiiaugh,  wboeier  tora  qaote  &  comapoDding   nyhif    &iiai 

yonKrc'     '  Pro  imperio  '  U  oommoDlT  ased  MenlndBr,    riSX^p   ittaif    tai    Otat   ini\. 

in  liTj  toeipreaithBUKrtiaDofmathiHil;.  Xnii/tdvii,    and    from    Sopbodea,   ca  roic 

Bee  i.  fil :  "  Et  qDia   pro   imperio  pBlam  iGiiioif  ij  rtix4  wXXnfi^nvii. 

iaterfici  non  potent,  oblato  blso  crimine  36.  ^fan  MUm  apud  me]  'luDnotiiiiBr 

inwHitem    oppreaait."     It  vu   ■   comtnon  lenHi.     Get  wsll,  it  ia  tbe  more  importut 

prutinl  joiie  to  oll  after  Blaiea  wben  they  now  thui  erer  it  wu  that  fOD  sboold  be, 

wen  going  on  their  emiidB ;  »(1  we  m^j  AntiphD.'     For   ■  non  nim   Bpad    me '  m 

nppoM  tbat  ■>  ■  generml  rule  thej  did  not  note  on  Hewit.  t.  1.  4R ;  and  for  '  qDom 

[«7   mDcb    attenlion   to   these  lalls.     Por  maiima'  eee  Dolee  on  Andria  t.  1.  4,  aiMl 

'  ipse   eat    quem   volui    obriun  '    compBre  HeiTr*  i.  3.  40. 

Andris  iii.  4.  II  i  "  Opportnne  liic  lit  mihi  S9.  Qnid/aeera,  «  grama  tUud]     In 

obriam ;"  ond  fbr  '  cedo '  io  the  IbllowiDg  •ome  CD|iiei  tbe  teit  itsDda  '  si  aUiid  qnid 

liDe  eee  note  OD  Heaat.  iT.  8.  C.  i^viai,'    but    DoDBtna    hkd    not    'qnid.' 

22.  JVam  guod  >ya]  For  this  lue  of  The  eommoa  leit  rnDi  'ai  «liud  grBTins,' 
'  DBm '  interrogMiTe  >ee  note  on  ADdria  iL  which  necenitilea  bq  hiBtas  in  the  middle 
2.  24.  of  the  ■enlence  st  '  M.'     1  bsTe  Tentared 

23.  fbrlet  foriana  aifjnef]  Thia  pro-  thenfore  to  bvnspoM  the  words,  whidi 
Terb  ii  qanted  by  Cicero  more  than  once:  menda  tbe  metre  withoot  bdj  Tioletit 
"  Foitea  enim  non  modo  rortani  ■djuTKt,  ut  cbBnge. 

eit  in  vetere   proTerbio,  ted   multo   magig         30.  Ilieet]     See    note  OD  BaDDcfani  i. 

lowing  tine,  tliODgb  bd  ■benrd  diDcnlt;  hM 

ACTTJS  I.    SCENA  IV.  421 

Quid  hic  oonterimiifl  operam  fruBtraP     Qmn  abeoP    Ph.  Et 

quidem  ego.     An,  Obeecro : 
Quid  ai  assimulo  P  aatin  eat  ?     Oe.  QaniB.     An.  Vultmn  con- 

templamini :  hem, 
Satin  Bic  eet  ?     Oe.  Non.     An.  Quid  si  sio  ?     Oe.  Propemo- 

dmn.     An.  Quid  si  eic  P     Qe.  Sat  est. 
Hem,  istuc  serva ;  et  verbmn  verbo,  par  pari  ut  respondeae, 
Ne  te  iratua  Buifl  saevidicis  dictis  protelet.     An.  Scio.  35 

Qe.  Vi  coactum  te  eese  inTitum,  lege,  judicio :  tonee  P 
Sed  quifl  hic  est  eenex  quem.  video  in  ultima  platea  ?    An. 

Ipsus  est : 
Non  possnm  adesse.     Qe.  Ah,  quid  agis  P  quo  abis,  Antipbo  P 
Mane,  inquam.     An.  Egomet  me  novi  et  peocatum  memn  ; 
Vobis  commendo  Phanium  et  vitam  meam.  40 

Ph.  Geta,  quid  nunc  fiet  ?     Ge.  Tu  jam  lites  audiee : 
Ego  plectar  pendens,  niei  quid  me  fefellerit. 
Sed  quod  modo  bic  noe  Antiphonem  monuimue 
Id  noemet  ipeoe  facere  oportet,  Fbaedria. 
Ph.  Aufer  mibi  "oportet :"  quin  tu  quod  faciam  impera.      4S 
Oe.  MeminiBtine  olim  ut  fiierit  restra  orstio 

becD  made  of  the  wordi  by  ■ome  com-  eiplaiiu  '  protelo '  u  '  lange  propdlsre,'  <!•• 

mentatora.  rinDg  it  nom  the  Groah  tJiKi.     Donstu 

34.]   '  Tliere  now,'  Mji  Gets,  after  An-  n^,  "  alii  ab  ■Midno  teloram  juto  exJBti- 

tipho  hu  muiagFd  to  pat  on  the  proper  mant  did,"  wbile  he  offen  the  dariration 

expTBiaon  of  coalnesi, '  koep  jour  face  u  irpo.  iXtTv,  on  which  w«  nsed  not  remark. 

ft  ifl  now,  ond  moBwer  him  word  for  word,  I  ihooid  coanect '  proteiqm'  and  'protalo' 

tit  ToT  tet.  th>t  be  tta.j  not  driTe  yoa  Kwmf  wilh  '  telam.'  thongh  it  u  not  doir  thaC  tha 

■with  his  ■nnTj  wonU.'     (For  '  por  pmri '  He  IMIa  hu  any  cxraneiioD  with  rijXf. 
moteoaAdelphii.  I.4H.)     This  i>  the  onl;         41.    Ta    Jam    liln  midif^     '  Yon  will 

p(u»ge  Id  Kaj  eituit  Bathor  of  the  Golden  tw  iicolded ;  I  ahall  be  fioggta  at  the  whip- 

Agewher«  '  proteio' occurs.     The  labitan-  ping   poit.'       See    note    on    Bonachni  T. 

tiTe    'protelam'    occnrs    in    Lucretiai   ii.  6.  19. 
630— A31  (qootedbrDoDi^):  46.  An/ir  mM  "  eparltl  "]  'Don'ttiIk 

«»  ^      u»».  °^  Miirt.'     Literallf .  '  Awaj  with  Hnrt.' 

ETinrmto  r^li^^^rer^m  a«)De""te.    J^P™  ^^-  Cnrcnli"  "■"■!»!  "  Au- 

"  Protinm  ostendem  corpDscaU  materiai 

Undiqaa  protelo  plagaram  a 
■ndinlT.  189,  IWt 
"  Snppeditktar  enim  ooDfeatim  lamine  In- 

"  Tolle  tanm,  precor,  Huinibalem  Tie 
que  Syphscem 
In  cutria,  et  cum  tota  Carthagine 

fbr  '  protelnm '  ia  ariginallr  '  tbe  palUng  of  For  the  quotation  of  a  ward  fram  the  pr«- 

oiea  at  the  traces,'  and  so  a  eiplainsd  in  noai    s^eaker,  lev    nota    on  Andria   ti. 

the  Gloaaaiy  bjr  f Cofiirpov,  from  dfiirpov:  2.30. 

cDmpwe  ifnrpiiM  aad  i{fl/iirpiu».    Festoi  46.]  ■  Do  joa  ramembcr  what  lanfiay» 


432  PHORMIO. 

Xn  re  mcipiend&  ad  defendendam  nozi&m ; 

Justam  illam  cauaam,  facilem,  vincibilem,  optimam  P 

Ph.  Memini.     Qe.  Hem,  nouc  ipea  ee£  opus  ea,  aut,  n  qmd 

Meliore  et  callidiore.     Fh.  Fiet  sednla  50 

Qe.  Nunc  prior  adito  tu :  ego  in  aubeidiis  hic  ero 
Succeuturiatiui,  bI  quid  deficia&     Ph.  Age. 

yon  ued  Mnna  time  igo  wben  We  cam-,  wMtat  ta  tlia  ordinny  reading  ■  iudSs.' 

Dienced  tbis  ftffur  for  tbe  purposs  of  an-  Tbe   o»    or    'subBidik'    u   pipIsiDeil   hj 

rireriiig  ucnutioni,  that  Pbormia'i  canw  Featiii  to    taran   the  'tiiarii,'  wbo   oea- 

wu  jiut,  clear,  certaiu  to  trin,  aud  tba  b«>t  poeed  tbe  tbiid    line,  oc    iteutca.     Tba 

panble  >'       'Ad    defendandHD     DOiiun'  word     oocan    Tery    freqnentlr    iu     I^tiB 

IJtenJly  maana, 'fbr  tbe  pnrpOM  of  keep-  wriCen.     '  Suteentnriali '  weia  tba  nju'u 

mf  blaine  mt  a  diitanoe  troat  joarielTia.'  of  dia    '  oaBtnnae,'  *lio  alepped  Into  the 

'  Noiia'  is  freqoeptlr  aied  in  ■  w>;  that  pluee  of  Iboee  wha  were  killed.      80  Geta 

ntproaehea   Terr  newl^  to   tbe  sense  of  nyi,  '  I  «ill  be  jonr  mem   to   Kip|dj 

'blanie.'    Compare  Hecjn  ii.  3.3:  "  Quod  yonr  phce  if  jon  fidL'    Fortaa  quotei  fraiB 

me  accuHt  nnnc  vir  anm  eiln  noiiam."  Caecilius,   "  NanD    meae  maliliaa    astntiB 

Pbntni,    Baccbidea    ii.  8.   89:    "  Bat   >ic  opuEest;  iQccentnria." 

suapectui   Bum   quam  oareo  noii»."     Tbe  Boma  crilics,  af  whom  Heineias  wu  tbe 

meuiing  is,  'You  thought  tbet  wag  quite  Gnt,  have  obaerred  that  tbis  act  does  oot 

enough  in  tbe  case  to  acqnlt  Aotipbo  of  end   well  with   thia  acene.    lliere  is   no 

■nj  blame  in  tbe  matter,  ond  lo  tmntfer  all  anffident  intaml  betweeu  this  snd  the  fal- 

tbe  blame  Co  Fharmio  u  the  patron  of  the  lowinf;    oct.       No  one    leavea  tha   itage ; 

orpbwi  girl,'     ■  Vincibills'  is  here  used  in  and  Phaedria  and  Gets  hais  onlj  time  to 

an  sctive  ■cnae.     See  note  on  '  placahilios '  atep  on  one  lide  hefore  Demipho  camea  wp. 

Adelpbi  iv.  :i.  18.  The  secoDd  ict  hegina  more  natnrallj  witb 

AI.  Ego  in  nbtidiit  hic  ero  ncren/u-  tbe   scene    whicb   now  sEands    lecond,    ia 

riadu]      '  1  will  be  in  the  rcar  to  lupport  wbich  Phormio  makea  hia  lint  appearanoa. 

joa  if  yon  bil  in  anj  way.'  '  •  aohiidiii'  ia  But.  u  almoet  aJI  editions  bave  kept  tha 

the  raading   ot  manj  good  editiona    ond  ordinary  diviaion  of  acts,  I  have  not   d*. 

manuacripta,  aud   it  ia  preTorable  in  the  parted  ftom  the  common  airangemflot. 


ACTUS  n.    80ENA  I.  433 



Ik.  Xtane  tandem  us.orem  duxit  Antipho  mjufien  meo  ? 

Nec  meum  imperium,   ac  mitto  imperium,  non  Bimultat«m 

BeTereri  aaltem  ?  non  pudere  P     0  focinus  audax  I  o  Geta 
Monitor !    Ge.  Tix  tandem.     De.  Quid  rnjhi  dicent,  aut  qoam 

causam  reperient, 
Demiror.    Qe.  Atqui  repperi  jam :  aliud  cura.    De.  Anne  hoo 

dicet  milii,  5 

Affr  II.  Scm  I.    Demipho  oomN  on  Do  jaa  think  mnj  ons  mnild  pra  Antipbo 

the  stage  in  high  indignation  at  hia  aon'!  credit  u  loag  u  you  were  alive  V     At  lalt 

aadaciou9  oindDct.     '  If  hedid  not  eare  for  Demipho  mji,  '  It  mnit  not  be;    I  «n'( 

hi9  falher^B  ■uthoritf ,  he  might  haTe  been  let  Ihem  liTe  ag  man  and  «ire  a  ringle  daj 

reluetant   to   face    hia  anger.      And   then  longer.     And  u  for  you,  Geta,  go  aad  find 

what   excnse  wai  there  fer   his  caaduct }  that  Pbormio,  and  bring  him  hra«.     I  will 

Tbej  will  tall  me,  I  anppose,  Ihat  ha  waa  go  home  and  perfbrm  taj  niiigioui  dntiea, 

obliged    lo     mgiTf    againit    his    will.       I  aod  then  1  will  haie  >n  iDteniew  with  thi* 

allow  jt.      Bnt    tluit    wag    do    reuan    for  patrou   of  my   Bon'*  wife    before    propar 

■urrendering    his    caw    to    bis    opponent  witueaies.' 

witbunt   ■  single  wonl  in  defence.      How         Tha  Matre  ii  ai  fbllDws;    1,3.  33,33, 

vill   he    anawer    that  ?     Thii    shows   tfaat  Irochaio     tetrameter     calalectic;     3— 31, 

i:ren  when  one  is  moat  happf  one  ought  to  iamhic    tetramater;    34 — M,    iamUe    tri- 

be  on  the  look  oul  for  aome  miifortune  or  meter. 

olher,  for  aomething  or  other  ia  snre  to         2.  Ntc  mnm  imprrium]     For  the  infi- 

liappen  which  yon  do  not  eipecC'     Up  to  nitiTe  lee  uote  on   Heaut.  ir.  6.  3.     Tbe 

thia   time  Phaedria  and    GeU  bave    heen  majoritr  of  maniucripta  haTe  'age,  mitto 

Btanding  on  one  side  out  of  the  old  msn'*  imperinm,'    But  the  teit  is  Bupported  bjr 

■ight,  OetA  making  hia  remarkB  on  Demi-  tha  Bainbine  and  VictoriaD  M^ti.,  and  U 

phD'B  conjecturea.     Phaedria  now  ateps  np  also  found  in  the  qnotaCion  of  tbeee  lines  by 

lo    hii    uncle,    and    «elcomei    him   home  Cicero,  Ad  Atticnoi  ii.  10,  where  he  applica 

Terj   aSectiunBtelj  ;    but   in    replj   to   hia  them  to  the  conduct  of  a  manumicted  slave, 

attentJons  the  old  man  breaks  out  about  Statius.     For  '  Baltem  '  aee  notei  on  Andrik 

the  marriage.     Phaedria  defenda    Antipbo  iii.  3.  U  ;  Adelphi  ii.  2.  «0. 
on  the  ground  that  he  hai  been  compelled         3.  o    Gtia   moniior')      '  Oh  that    Geta, 

to  iDBrry-     *A  base  deceiTerlud  a  snare  for  who  prompted  the  wbole  affair.'     To  which 

him,  aiDd  he  was  rictimiied.     Waa  that  his  Giet»  repliea  aside,   '  Scarcely   that.'      For 

faulC  ?  or  waa  it  not  rather  the  bolt  of  the  ■  moniCor  '    tee   note   on    Heaat.   T.    1.   3. 

jndgn,  whoaregUdenoaghtogiTejadginent  '  Tandem  ' ia orten  osed eropbalieaUj-  Com- 

againstagentleman?   And  a<  for  his  defend-  pare  Hecria  It.  4.  61: 

Ing  him,  he 

himinacouitof  jnstice  tbathecould  ^  tnum 

nhislipi.'  FindingthBtPhaodriaba»         qJ!™  \' 
ted  ChaV  well  l  (ir.  Get.  come.         «"^  ^f. 

Aliquanda  tandem  hac  animnm  nt  adjnii 
longum  ipatinm  amandi  amicat 

conductcd  Cl 

e  of  the  b 

As  for  himsetf,  be  could  not  help  bis  joung  Andria  t.  .1.  4 :  "  Ain  tandem  }   dris  Glj- 

mBatDT.     Slavea   cannot   come    farxard   aa  cerium  est?"     Plantus,  Truculantna  ii.   1. 

witnetsea.     <  Well,'    aaja    Demipho,    'whj  37:     "  Quieso,  nnmqui  male   nog  agimua 

marrj  her?    whj  not   portion  her  oS  to  tandem?" 

■ome  otlieT  man  V     '  Ah,  thaC  ia  alt  Tery         b.  Alque  repptri  ./sni]     Demipho  saya, 

«bU  now,'  BBJB  GeCa,  '  bat  where  were  we  '  I    wonder   wbat   eicnse    they   will   find.' 

to  get  tha  motuy  «hile  yoo  were  awaj  ?  Geta  BDswen, '  Ah,  bnt  I  hsTe  tiHind  one 


424  PHORMIO. 

"  InTitaB  feci :  lezcoegitP'     Audio.     Fateor.     Qe.  Places. 
Be.  Verum  Bcientem,  tacitum,  cauaam  tradere  adTersariia ; 
Etiamne  id  lex  coegitP     Ph.  XUud  durum.     Ge.   Ego   ez- 

pediam :  sine. 
De.  locertum  est  quid  agam,  quia  praeter  epem  atque  incre- 

dibile  hoc  milii  obtigit : 
Ita  sum  irritatufi  nnitnnin  ut  Dequeam  ad  cogitandum  insti- 

tuere :  10 

Quamobrcm   omneB,  quum  Becimdae  res  sunt  maxime,  tum 

Meditari  secum  oportet  quo  pacto  adTersam  aerumnam  feraut  \ 
Pericla,  damna,  exilia  I     Peregre  rediens  semper  cogitet 
Aut  filii  peccatum,  aut  uxorie  mortem,  aut  morbum  filiae ; 
Commimia  esse  haec;  Dequid  horum  imquam  accidat  animo 

noYum;  is 

■IrMdyi  think  or  wnnethini;  elw.'    Lwji-  dem."     He  proc«Bdi  to  truulata  Eaii. 

muinaD  LacretiDi  iii.  lOSO.malntainitlut  {udea'  liim,  and  enda  b^  qix^tixS 'liis  *hida 

theepeecb  13  Phaedru'B,  and  thatireshonld  speecb   of    Deoupbo.      Tb«    Greek    linca 

tnd  '  atqni  reperiBm.'     He  objecta  (o  tbe  >re  t^en  fram   Eaii[ddel'  Hineiu,  and 

form  '  repperi,  uid  for  the  eune  reoaon  he  are  u  folIoirB : 

iltera   'repperi»'  in  i.  1.    I,  to  '  reperiee.'  ,    .  .,      - 

Bat  it  mettera  not  which  nj  we  spell  the  •('*'  *'  '■""'' 

word,  the  ietnii  of  the  niBtre  will  lengthen  "^  f  povnin! 

the  firet  syllBble.     '  Reperi»m  '  ia  ■  pouibie  Mnfiv,                 _                „  ,          . 

conjectun,  battheordinuyteitgiTH  the  *"]•'?    ^     '/"""^»   'f""*'!    «irfac 

It   doei   not   meui   that   u         .  'f.^£< 

li  KOKitr  £XXac 

eicQse  wiil  be  fb.^u  ,  u-^  .,.«  u.d  ^•..u«  •*  •' 

ii  slreftdj  fbund.     TheT  haTe  settled  whrt  .  oopuc,     _           ..,,.-, 

line  they  sre  to  take,  s»  i.  4.  46-60.    Nor  '",  *'  "  "■'"'«'«M  **"  ""tnC"  ♦p«>^ , 

ia  it  desinbie  to  gi(e  tbe  words  to  PbMdri».  '"'  M"'  vi-(Mt  wpDos-isi»  lutWoy  laif. 

HeapeakBOnijonce,  sndtheninadiiFemit  Tbey  are  slso  qnoted  bj  Gslen  snd   Pta- 

tone,  Ull  be  atepi  forwsrd  (t.  24)  to  wel-  turdi.     See  Poetao  Scenid  (Dindorf)  Enri- 

oome  hu   anclei  snd  Gets  ii  reprcoentad  pidee,  Frsnn.  384.     It  is  cboncterisHr  of 

throngbootthogreaterpwtofthescene,  oi  the  pofson,    no    doubt,    u    Colman    hu 

mmmMiting  seide,  first  on  what  Demipbo  obserred,  thot  Demipho.  eTen  when  »t  ths 

>a79,  tben  on  whot  pssses  between  him  and  heijht  of  bis  anger,  ii  mode  to  moroliie  is 

8.  Illud   d"«»]     'Tbrt  b  >  imBlerl'  „By^'^TerfOT  Ibe  b^r^Vo  "^£^."0«^ 

Phsedn»  een  thst  Demipho  bas  hit  ■  blot  gi,„  ot  the  «ordi  immedUtely  ■fterwuds. 

in  thmr  gsme ;  but  Qeta  ditpose.  of  it  aC  Compufl  tbe  psrsllel  instwce  in  Adelplu 

once.      '  Durus    ii  freqnentlj  oaed  in  tbe  iii,  3.  80—76. 

•tnsoof 'difficull,"hMd;'MinthelinBSof         16.  CbmmHnia  eiMt  haeej     •Weshcnld 

Horoce  :  remember  thot  these  (hlngs  are  eommon  lo 

■■f>amm:  sed  IsTlaa  flt  patientis  ui  »11.'     If  it  is  not  in  loo  grsTe  s  itjle  (br 

Qoicqnid  corrigere  eet  netss."  tbe  Bubject.  Ihon^    Demipho  ii  parpowlT 

(Csrm.  L  24.  IS,  20.)  iiiBde   to   tslk  graTelj,   we   msj   compare 

II.  Qm> 

TeDnjK>n's  Inutjfal  tum  of  tbis  ide> 

tbese  woida,  togetber  with  some  lines  from 
Bnripides,  in  bis  Tusculan  DisputatiDat,  iii. 
14,  with  tbii  prefsce,  "  Haec  igilnr  prme< 
meditstio  futurorum  mslomm  ^nit  e(»um 
«  Tenientik  longe  uilea  Ti> 


ACTUS  n.    SCENA  I.  426 

Qnicqoid  praeter  spem  eTeniat  oione  id  depatare  esae  in  luoro. 
€fe.  O  Fhaedria,  Locredibile  est  qnantum  hemni  nnteeo  sa- 

Meditata  mihi  sunt  omnia  mea  incommoda,  heras  ai  jj^dierit : 
Molendum  usqoe  in  pietrino ;  Tapulandum ;  habendae  com- 

Opus  ruri  &ciendum :  horum  nihil  qoicquam  accidet  animo 

noTum.  30 

Quicquid  praeter  spem  eveniet,  omne  id  deputabo  eeae  in  lucro. 
Sed  quid  cessBs  hominem  adire,  et  blande  in  principio  alloqui  f 
I>e.  Fhaedriam  mei  fratris  video  filium  mihi  ire  obviam. 
Ph.  Mi  patrue,  Balve.     Se.  Salve :  aed  ubi  eet  Antipho  P 
Ph.  Salvum  adTenire — De.  Oredo ;  hoc  responde  mihi.         35 
Ph.  YaJet :  hic  est :  sed  eatin  onmia  ex  aentontia  F 
J)e.  Yellem  qoidem     Ph.  Quid  ifitoc  P    De.  Bogitae,  Fhae- 

Sonas,  me  abeente,  hic  confecistiB  nuptias. 

qOH  DHtditBte  et  praepuata  infitrantaT." 
Porrellini   jive»    «re»!    other    instuioes. 

AriitoUe'!  nmwk  u  inore  aattml  uid  jiut  Oiid  too  oaee  the  word  limilBrly  : 

thko  thii  oT  Terenca  :  In  II  nnXiininpov  n  m   lidi    obitupni,    meditfttuae    puue 

iy^iivai  ™rc  yvwaBtliiiv  «c  ydp  iTr  ri  Te\i<im. 

«oXi  Jfri  ri  iiiv  ipoffiiwfci^tvH  \vwilfd.  TenlanioatB  fido." 

Bth.  Nicom.  iii.  i.  9.                    ..  ,        .  (MeUm.  .ii.  787,  728.) 

Negtnd  horum  iMfiuim  acetdal   oiiinia 

ncwinii]       The   mminoti  teit   rnni   thni :  18.  J/o/nirfiiiii  tugue  m  palrifio}     Por 

'  CommnniB  maa  haec  ;  fieri  poue  i  nt  ne  '  piitrinum  '  lee  note  on  Andria  i.  3.  29. 

qnid   wiimo   nt  noTnm.'      Cicatro   hu   no  30.   OpiM  niri  /aeitndumi     •  I  shAll  iw 

doubt  prewrved  the  tmo  rewiing,  wbich  I  lot  to  h»rd  UboQT  on  tlie  hrm.'     Corop«ie 

IiaTe  giTen   eboTe.      It    «u    ndopted    by  Ennuchui  ii.  I.  14:  "  Opni  hciun  nt  ito- 

Bentler  ;  wbo  bia  bve  been  'fbUDwed  bf  fiitiger  usque  iiiErstiia  nt  dormism  ;"    u>d 

gDOdeditor».  Adelphi  it.    1.   2:    "Nnnc  com    msiime 

16.   Obmw   W   dtpulart   tut   m   incro]  operi»  ■liqoid  f»cero  crodo."     ThiB  uu  of 

Bee  notei  on  Hecyr*  iii.  1.  8,  snd  Adelpbi  tho  gErundiTe  it  verj  common.     Comp»re 

T.  3.31.     '  DepntM»  '  ii  need  hero  in  thc  Plmtm,   Trinnmmu»  iv,  2.  27:    "  Hercto 

aenH  of  'to  reckon,'  with  *a  kUnrion  to  opinor  mihi  idTenienti  h«c  nocte  •gitandnm 

keepiniaccoDUti.  CompareAdelpbiii.  l.M:  ert  Tigiliu;"  Lncretina  i.  111 :  "  Aetcmu 

,  „    .                 ■  1...       ■_    .       1.                   .  quoniem  poenu  in  morte  timendum  eit:'' 

"Sed   nemo   d.b.t:    h^  hu    egomet  i,d  VirgirAeneid.  >i.  230 :  "  P«em  Tta- 

mecnm  retione»  pnto,"  j„„  J^;,  petendum." 

18.  Mtdilala  MtM  ranf  Omnio]     'I  «n  38.  Saltim  arfreiiire]     The  full  eiprei. 

m  ttt  wiMT  mui  thiui  my  muter,'  uji  Oeti^  "on  wonld  hMe  beea  '  8aJTum  adTenire  te 

'forlhaTethonghtOTerellmjmiafortnnei.'  gnudoo.'     Demipho  ii  in  ■  bndtempeT.and 

'  MeditUoB  '    ia    not    unlVequentlf    fonnd  cnta  his  nephew  ahort  with  '  Credo/  '  I  dwe 

in  ■  pouiTe  senu.     Bee  Pbntui,  pMndolnj  ny.'     Compwe   HecjTa  iii.   0.   7,  where 

1  tbs 

'  >  Ten«  omnia ;  in  pector 
meditHti  mnt  doli  dod 
Tliii  OM  ia  common  with  Cicero.    8ee  De        36.]    For  'ei  eententiB 
Officiii  i.  8  :  "  LeTiora  enim  nint  h  quM 
lepentiiio  lliqDO  motn  ■eciduat  qnun  as 

1'.  ^       ' .  I  ii  ]   _..  1,  ■»«  in  exptesana;  impmtience  of  ■  snbiect 

■■*""■"'*■"'"*■  boihl.pliin.Sdl»™» 

36.]    For  'ei  eententis'  >ee  note  on 
Officiii  i.  8  :  "  LeTiora  enim  nint  h  quM    Heeat.  iv.  3.  S.     For  the  idee  eipreeeed  in 
i  T.  I.  18. 


426  PHOEMIO. 

.  Ph,    Eho,   ao  id  sucoenBes    nimo    illi  ?      Oa.   O 

De.  Egone  iUi  non  snccenBeam  F     Ipsum  geetio  30 

Dari  loilii  in  conspectum,  nimc  sua  culpa  ut  sciat 
Lenem  patrem  illum  factum  me  eSae  acernmom. 
Ph.  Atqui  uihil  fecit,  patrue,  quod  succenEeas. 
De.  Ecoe  autem  similia  omnia ;  omnes  oongraunt ; 
Unum  cognoris,  omnes  noris.     Ph.  Haod  ita  est.  35 

De.  Hic  in  noxa  e«t :  ille  ad  defendendam  cauaam  adest. 
Quum  ille  est,  praesto  Iiio  eet ;  tradunt  operas  mutuas. 
Oe.  Probe  horum  facta  imprudens  depinzit  aenex. 
.  De.  !Nam  ni  haec  ita  essent,  cum  illo  haud  stares,  Phaedria. 
Ph.  Si  est,  patnie,  culpam  ut  Antipho  in  se  admiserit,  vt 

Ex  qua  re  minus  rei  foret  aut  famae  temperans ; 
n^on  causam  dico  quin  quod  meritus  sit  ferat. 
Sed  si  quis  forte,  malitia  fretus  sua, 
TnHirliiM  nostrae  fecit  adolescentiae, 

29.]  Far>nu»«ofca'M«  iMl«(mAndri*  3S.  Cum  ilto  hand  tlaret]  'Por  if  thii 
ii.  3.  3.  warc  DOt  ■0.  jaa  wonld  Dot  haie  takea  fab 

36.  Hie  in  noxa  al]  'The  ona  is  ia  put,  Phaedrik.'  We  eommotilj  find  the 
troable,  the  other  comes  foraerd  to  defeud  phraset '  stare  cnni,' '  Btare  ab,' '  slin  pra,' 
him ;  vhen  he  geta  into  boable.  Ihen  hii  in  the  lense  oT  '  to  take  put  with  mnr  aim,' 
Mend  is  rorthcooiing  1  the;  play  inte  «ch  juit  qs  '  etare  in  aliiiuent,'  a  more  Dneom- 
otber'!  handi.'  Bcntley  remixlelitheMtiro  mon  idiom,  nmns  ■  to  oppoie  onn.'  See 
linei  thui :  0*id,  Heroidee  rii.  165,  166  : 

"Cam  in  naiia  hie  est,  ille  «t  defendeD-       "  Non  ego  enm  Phthiu,  magnisTE  orioDd* 
dum  adeat :  Myceaii ; 

Cum  ille  est,  pneito  hic  eet."  Nec  stetemnt  in  te  Tirqoa  pater^oc 

SomB  good  manaicripti  hare  'noiiai'  bat  mens. 

tliere  ii  no  perceptible  diSerence  betweea  it 
and  'noia.'  Both  mean  either  'bsrm,' 
•tranbla,' or 'fault.'  Kther  leiue  niti  thii 
pusage  verj  wcll. 

38.  Proit  korum  facla  impndena  de- 
pinxil  tmex^     'Tbeold  mao  hu  mode  > 

'^, , .■■   ,  ..  _;,  „  j  _,  .j    ■  raini  vcDemcaier  aoiei." 

anrewd  guesa  at  tneir  conduct,  considenng 

that  he  does  not  Vnow  the  fBcts  for  cer-         41.  Afiniu  rei  .   .  .   aul  fa 

taio,'   '  Depingo '  i>  oaed  bj  Cicero  In  more     ratu]     'Temperuis'   ii  hsv 

tban   one  plu»  in  tbis  senae.     De  Niturs     saos 

Deomm  i.  16:  "  Deos  ne  conJBctara  quidem     Hor 

informare  powutan,  cam  men,  nostoaquid-      ,.  j„j^  c.rentibns 

z  -fS::  ■r?r.",;rp':,.t"^;    -*'•  -""•' »-»« '- 

tuen,  Torquate,   mihi  crode,  si  te  ipse 

tuM  cogitationes  et  «todi»  perspeierisi  pn- 

debit  te.  inquam,  illius  tsbnlae  qnam  Cle.  (Otho)  ;  ubi,  nsque  ad  d 

■athes    sane    commode    rerbis    d^ingere  priore  inbmis  eed  integre  sBncteqne   etit, 

Bolebat."       Plaataa   naes    the   same   word  procai  otii  et  potestatig  temperantior."    ■  tf 

*)th  '  verbis,'  PoeanlDS  t.  3.  IM  :  Antipho  ha*  reallf  coniiniltad  anj  &iilt,  so 

"  FormBm  qnidem  berde  Terbi*  d^nDilt  that  he  ha>  beeo  ivgatdlsss  of  hii  nmns  or 

probe."  hi*  repntatiaB,  I  aaf  Dot  a  word  •gSLiimt  hk 



Ao  Ticit ;  noetrane  ea  calpa  est  an  judictun, 

Qui  saepe  propter  inTidiam  adimunt  dinti, 

Aat  propter  misericordiam  addunt  pauperi  ? 

Qe.  Ni  Doesem  cauaam,  ciederem  Tera  liimo  loqui, 

I>e.  An  quifiquam  jodex  est  qui  poaeit  noBcere 

Tua  jufita,  ubi  tute  verbum  non  re^xmdea^ 

Ita  ut  ille  fecit  P    Ph.  Functus  adoleeoentuK  est 

Officium  liberalifi.     Poetquam  ad  judices 

Ventum  eet,  non  potuit  cogitata  prcdoqui : 

Ita  eum  tum  timidum  ibi  obstupefecit  pudor. 

Qe.  Laudo  hunc ;  sed  ceeao  adire  quamprimum  eenem  P 

Eere,  ealve :  salvum  te  adveniBse  gaudeo.     De.  Oh, 

£one  ouatoa,  salTe,  columen  vero  familiae, 

Cui  commendaTi  filium  hino  abiens  meum. 

Qe.  Jam  dudum  te  (mmee  nos  acGuaare  audio 

Immerito,  et  me  borunc  omnium  immeritissimo. 

Nam  quid  me  in  hac  re  facere  Toluiati  tibi  P 

■anMng  whrt  lie  bn  ietenei.' 
dico' u  frvqiientlf  uMd  in  Plul 
senw.    See  Ciptifi  iii.  4.  »3  : 

Hii  mcuiing  ia  deriied  from  tbe  legal 
Bense  of '  «gning  ■  cue,'  wbich  we  hkfa  in 
Adelpbi  it.  fi.  43. 

4S.  Aa  judinmt]  LindeobrDg  quoto 
fTOm  Sotades  tbe  words  h  irivij^  Adtrai,  i 
ci    rXoiuffuc  fBoviirai,    KoA   tram   Aati- 

nXwc    iriMvSai    jiaXXov   4    rXourtlv 

rb  idv    yAp    Aioy,   ri    f,   Ixaintfnv 

.  q^triirai]  For 'fbngdr' 
eleenoteoD  Reaut.  i.  I. 
13.  Saaln  '  utor,'  lee  note  an  Adelphi 
1.  S.  29. 

97-  Colvmm  vtra  fmtiliat]  'Hal  how 
■re  yon,  yoa  ezcellent  gnar^D  ;  jod  tme 
msiDstay  of  mj  ftniilj  ?'  'Colnmen,'  iin- 
othcT  form  of  'ealmen,'  mewu,  in  arFhi- 
tectnre,  tbe  prindpal  b«m  on  which  the 
whola  roof  depends,  the  '  wind-lxam.' 
Henee  it  ii  nied  eitber  u  here  jo  the  aente 
ot  '  %  prop,'  or  A«m  the  id»  of  ita  being 
the  higfaest  prrint  of  the  bnildinf,  it  ctme 
to  mMD  '  the  hesd  of  a  tlung,'  ■■  in  Flaa- 
to),  Amphitnio  I.  l.SUi 

dolii." ' 
With  tha  tue  of  tlie 
3)mp>re  PlaaCOB,  Cuin 
"  3ed   ectmm    egrediti 

prKaidiam  popii." 

■udsdal  eolamen,   eoninetii 

Grmnde  dacaa  colamenqne  renim." 

(CM.ii.  17.3.4.) 
Tlie  torn  '  cohimeUB,'  ■  diminotiTe  of '  oo- 
Inmna,'  waa  simiiarlf    «pplied    to    tnut- 
wortby  hoaaebald  alaies.     Dortatai  qnotet 
ftom  LiidliDs  the  (bllowing  iinei : 
"  Serrui  neqoe  infidui  domino  neqBe  in- 
Dtilie  cDiqaem, 
Lndli    columella,    hic   aitu    Ue(n>- 

lo  wbich  Hutial  •llndee  u  va  instuica  of 

tlie  mgged  Teree  which  wu  fuhioDkble  with 

■oma  c^  liii  coatemporuiei : 

"  Cftrmina  nalla  probu  molli  qnae  Umite 

Sed  qnee  per  ■■lebna  aitaqae  saxa  ca- 

Bt  tibi  Haeonio  rea  carmina  mijor  b«be- 

'  LDCeiiei  coinmelk  hdc  sitai  Uetro- 

Attonitnsqne  legii  '  temi  frngifenU ;' 

(VLtttiti,  Bpigr.  xi.  00.) 


428  PHORMIO. 

Semim  hominem  canaam  orare  leges  noa  sinimt : 

Keqne  testimom  dictio  e»t.     De.  Mitto  omnia. 

Addo  istuc ;  imprudens  timuit  adolescenB  :  eino. 

Tu  aervus :  Temm,  si  cognata  est  maxime,  Cj 

Kon  Aiit  neoesae  habere :  sed,  id  quod  lex  jubet, 

Dotem  daretifi ;  qu8Breret  alium  Timm. 

Qua  ratione  iaopem  potius  ducebat  domum  P 

Oe.  Kon  ratio,  Terum  argentum  deerat.     De.  Sumeret 

Alicunde.     6e.  Alicunde  P  nihil  est  dictu  &ciUus.  ro 

De.  PoBtremo,  si  nuUo  alio  pacto,  foenore. 

6e.  Hui,  dizti  pulchre :  eiquidem  quisquam  crederet 

Te  Tivo.     Ik.  Non,  non  sic  futurum  eat :  non  potest. 

Egone  illam  cum  illo  ut  patiar  nuptam  unum  diem  P 

Nihil  BuaTe  meritum  eat.     Hominem  conmionstrarier  75 

Mihi  ifitum  toIo,  aut  obi  habitet  demonfitrarier. 

Qe.  KempePbormion^iiP    De.  Istum  patronum  mulieris. 

62.  Saimm  AomiiwiH]   S«e  Aadm  JT.  4.  gstnr  actio,    tam   ftdTeraai   ipmm    filiiun 

32,  and   Hecjn  T.  2.  7i    note.     Por  tha  lilianiTC  Depotam   nepteaiTe,  aJTe  ■dhBe   io 

phnse  '  canum  ormTe '  see  note  ou  Ilecyre  potutate    sunt,  aiie    moite    paraotu  tgI 

IT.  4.  64.  emwicipHtiane  iiue  potetCatia  esw  coepe- 

66.  Srd,  id  qvod  tix  jubif]    '  If  ibe  ii  rint,  qaun  ■dTeniu  pitrem  aTDmTe,  me 

BTer  so  mach  ot  ■  kiiuiiamui,  ic  ms  not  h^beKt  eos  ■dhuc  in  patost^te,  riTe  emau- 

uecesaarf  to  muT?  ber;   but,  u  the  Uw  dp^Terit."    Jutin.  Inititt.  1.  it.  t.  7,  }  7. 

directi,  joa  migbt  bmTe  giTsn  her  a  do*er,  Bee  also  Hadeane  on  Horace,  Sat.  L  2.  1 4. 

•nd  let    ber  look   ror  Bnotfaer  haibaiid.'  It  ii  pooUde  tbst  Tereace  alladed  to  Bontf 

Some   miinaacripta   baia    'ne«MDm'    (aea  law  of  tbia  hind. 

note  on  EanDchni  t.  5.  38),  bnt  it  ii  not         73.  Noa,  aon  tic  J^twmmi  «/]     Demi- 

needed    here,      The  worde  '  id   qnod   lei  pho  ia  now  tired  of  argning  the  qnestioa, 

jobet' occur  agBin  in  ii.  3,  611,  ■■  prefadng  aad   he   cuts   tbe  mattor   shurt,   dtcUiing 

tbe  quotatioD  from  the  law.     It  ii  >  com-  tbat  at  ■!!  erenls  tbia  shall  not  be.     Ue 

mon  form  of  tbe  relative  clanie  in  appo-  mll  >ee  Phormio  at  once,  aad  (ettle  tbe 

■ition  lo  the  whule  proposition.     Compare  mslter    with   bim.      For   'egone  .  .  .   nt 

Virgil,  Eclog.  iii.  3a-37  (qooted  bj   Do-  psti^r'  see  note  on  Eonadias  iT.  7.  1. 

natni):  7fi.  mhil  lumt    merilxm    «<]       •  She 

boi   deswred   no   leniencj   at   mj  liaadL' 

"Vonm,  Id  quod  mnlto  tnle  ipse  btebere  Tbli  pasuge  h^s  perpleied  commentaton 

niajus,  eiceedinglT.     Bome   hsTe    propoeed    *  me- 

(Insanire  Ubet  qaoniun  tibi)  pocola  po-  ritai    mt,'    Bentlej    ■  merits     tat;'     both 

nam  wbich  emendationH  are  rmxy  enongb  if  tfaey 

FagiHB,   eaelatnm    ditini    opus   Aldme-  ore  to  be  ■llowed.     Bnt  taliing  ttw  teit  as 

dontis."  It  stands  we  (ind  th^t  Donatiu  gives  '  meri- 

tum'  tbe  senie  of  '  meroes.'      Ue   njs, 

72.   Signidem  qtiiiquam  crtderet  te  i!im>]  "  Nihil  mibi  merceiiii  suaTo  est  ntego  ilUm 

Tbere  «ai  ■  specisl  '  Senatnsconsoltum  '  cnm  illo  nupUm  feiam."     This,  boweT«T, 

pa»edA.D.4e(«eeDiclionarjofAatiquitiei),  would  ccrtainlj  not  be  eipreased  bj  '  nibil 

whicb  went  bj  tbe  name  of  Maoedomannm  meriCnm.'     Onlj  one  good   senae  can   be 

(from  ■  well-known  monoj-leDder),  whicb  goi  oat  ot  the  teit,  ramelj,  'Noleoiencj 

eipre«ljfarbuliudilouii:  ■•  lUudproprie  hu  been  desened.'    V/e  find  •  maiMm' 

-_  ^  pmonB  quad  lenatni-  limilwljuiedpasMveljinT.  8.24:  "  Ego... 

'"■■■ -^rohibuit,  mn.  esse  in  bac  re  calpam  meritam  non  d^d," 

ii  wbere  lee  note.    There  i< 


AC3TTJ8  n.    SCENA  U.  439 

Oe.  Jam  fiaxo  bio  aderit.     De.  Antiplio  ubi  nunc  est  P    PA. 

De.  Abi,  Phaedria:    eum  require   atqae   adduce  buo.     Ph. 

Eo  • 
Itecta  Tia  equidem  illuc.     Cfe.  Nempe  ad  Pampbiltim.  60 

De.  At  ego  Deos  Penates  binc  salutatum  domum 
DeTertar ;  inde  ibo  ad  forum,  atque  aliquot  mibi 
Amicos  advocabo  ad  hanc  rem  qui  assient, 
Ut  ne  imparatuB  sim,  si  adveniat  Pbormio. 


PHOBiaO.      0ETA. 

PA.  Itane  patrifl  aiB  conspeotnm  Terihim  liinc  abisse  f     Qe. 

Ph.    Phanium  relictam  solamP      Ge.    Sic.     Ph.  Et  iratum 

Ge.  Oppido.     Ph.   Ad   te   snmma  solum,   Fbormio,   rerum 

Tute  boc  intristi :  tibi  onme  est  exedendum.     Accingere. 

7S.  JaiK  faio  Aie   aderit]      '  Puo'   u  Antiplio  U  Dot  so  mach  iodebtcd  to  him  H 

gsnenll;  followed  bj  ■  conjnnctiTa  j    bnt  he  is   to  Antipho.     '  For  tbrongh  htm  sod 

we  do  not  onfreqaenlly  find  it  naed  paren-  hii  ftiendi  I  lead,'  he  nys,  '  »  verj  jollj  lito, 

tbetJcsUy  aa  '  opinor,'  '  credo,'  and  rimiiu'  feeding  on  tha  fat  of  the  l*ad,  and  liiinf 

■ords,  iritfa  >  fiitare.     PL*atua,  PoeDulUB  L  npon  othsr  men,  «ithout  the  iliglitest  uuietf 

t.  34:    "  Utraniqae  fuo  habebit   et    ne-  gn  mj  own  accoant.' 

qsani  nt   nuiam.  '     See  alio  v.  4.  71,  73.  Tbe  Hetn  is  trocbuc  tstiuneter  nla- 

PKndolaa  if.  4.  2;   "Venim   haud  mnlto  leolic 

poat  bio  Bdbis  mccahwii."    Meowchmei  ii.  3.  Ad  U  nnMfiM  .  .  .  renun  redif^   '  TlM 

2.61:   ■•  Jam  crga   tuec  midebnat   fuo;  whole  (kffMT  dependi  apon  Ton.'     Compue 

nibil  morsbiCDT."     Compue  ■l»Eanncbni  PUntns,  TVucnleatus  i.  I.  3.  46: 

^■^\^  "Z^,}'*f"^°,'^f'^"^     '■Neqne«™nitinnem«pseunqn«nBdocet 
injaltaha  frnstn;"  IT.  3.31:  "Jam  bio  Vmns  i~- -^ 

B3.  Amieoi  adeocabo  .  .  .  awtnifl     On  "^iL^"  "" 
the  '  adTocatl '  see  uote  on  EunuchaB  ii. 

3.  46,  sDd  fbr  'usient'  note  on  Andria,  ■  Venns,  who liu  the  sole  disposaJ  of  loTsn' 

Prolog.  24.  ■flBirs.' 

4.  Tult  hoc  inlritli:  tibi  omne  eil  u- 

AcT  II.  ScxMi  II.      Getabas  metPhor'  edtHdum]     'Yon   hsTe    miied  this  men, 

,  mio,  and  told  him    of  Demipho'B  BTrind  snd  yon  must  emt  it  ■]!  np.'     We  find  thit 

snd  the  ■larm  of  Antipbo,  who  hu  i^ne  off  ptorerb  in  Auminias,  Idyll.  vii.  i 

snd  left  Ph.niara  his  wife  «lone.     Phormio  ..Tjbi   quod   intrirti   exedendom   ett:    «ie 

«ees  Bt  once  th«  he  will  b<LTe  lo  settla  the  ^^^^^  Terbnro  inbet, 

»holB  mrtter ;  «nd  he  encoar^gea  Geta  bj  Compedes  quss  luse  (tdt  ipaua  ut  geatet 

undertdiing  to  besr  tbe  bmnt  of  Ihe  baM-  fcb^"  ^          "^                f             e 
nns,  utd  by  reminding  htm  how  snccenful 

he  hie  ■Iwbjb  heen  in  hii  audsciaus  tricliB.  We  aay  in  Englisb,  '  Yoa  ha*e  mBde  jonr 

Thii  he  Bttribulea  to  hia  boldnesa,  and  to  bed,  snd  yau  moBt  lie  «a  it;'  or,  ■■   tbe 

bii  luTing  notbing  wluterer  to  loee;  >nd  piOTerb    is  given  bf   G.   Herbol  in  U* 

430  PHORMIO. 

Qe.   Obsecro   te—PA.    Si  rogabitP      Qe.   In  te  Bpea   estr- 

Fh.  Eccere.  5 

Quid   si   reddet  P     GW  Tu  impnlisti — Ph.   Sic  opinor.     Gf. 

Ph.  Cedo  sTOiem:  jam  instracta  smit  milii  in  corde  oonsilia 

Oe.  Quid  agee  P    PA.  Qnid   Tia  nisi  uti  maneat  Phiuiium, 

atque  ez  Grimine  hoo 
Antipbonem  eri[»am,   atque    in   me  omnem  iram   deriTrau 

senis  P 
Ge.  Oinx  f(»tis,  atque  amicus.     Yerum  boe  soefte,  Phormio, 
Vereor,    ne    istaec   fortitudo   in  nerrum  erumpat  denique. 

Ph.  Ah,  11 

■Jacnla  PradeatiBmi*  "He  that  DMkea  bii  "  Qaid  eit  qQcid  tn  >Iioa  accntea?     anid 

bed    ill,  lias    there."      ■  tnlero,'    like   the  eat  quamobrem  puta  ta  tuin  enlpani  ddo 

Grwli   liTififiiv  (aee   Aeschirlni,  Agam.  modo  deri*we  in  tliquam  ssd  oommanican 

]6),    mesn*   '  to    crumble '   or     'cut    np  cum    atCero   poBM .'"     !□    C.    Terrem   ii. 

ingredienti    into    a    nlad.'      Tbe    Greek  S.  20.     "  Dicam    non    deriiudi    cnmini) 

uirorprjjtif  correapondi  more  eiactl;  to  the  caaw  *ed  ut  fiwtnm  est,"  >  Nd(  ft>t  tlie  por- 

I«tin.     ■  Intrita'  {vworpiniia)  waa  a  mix-  po»  of  ihifling  tbe  blame  on  nme    one 

tare  prepared  in  this  waj,  anil  ii  nied  in  el»,'  Pro  Hilnne  10.     Lueretiui  uses  the 

thia  Bense  frequentl;  bj   Plin;  and   Colu-  word  eiactlj  in  the  seose  of  onr  ■diTCrt:' 

meUa.     See  toreellini.     Uona^a  rBmarits  i-Nbc  ritulorum  aliae  spedes  per  pabnU 
onthia  passage :  '  Ilapmfiia  apta  parnmto ;  j^.  ' 

qnae  de  eibo  eat     Hoo  enim  inter  ratiXaa         Y)^„^  queantanimnmcuraqnelCTare." 
solet  1     and  Ku-  ,,-  -^.  _».  , 

m  cOBCtUB  est  lumere  qui  iDtriiit."  1).   Vertor,  . .  .in  semni  eiumptl  4e- 

0.   Oitteri)  it']    OeCa  ointinDei  to  entreat  nijiie]  '  You  are  a  braTe  «nd  friendlj  fellow, 

Phormio  to   help   thein ;  while    he  in    the  Pbormio.      But   ■&!]  I    IreqDeatly    canixit 

mean  time  ii  tarnlDg  oTer  the  possibtlitin  of  help  fearing  that  tbat  hardibood  of  j<nm 

thecaBeinhiaownmind.    <  Whatit  heihall  will  end  one  daj  in  the  pillorr.'     'Neml' 

qoestion   me'    about   my    condDCt  in   tbil  ia  used  in  manj  paimges  of  Plautns  in  the 

•Ahi  IbaTeit.'    <  What  if  ha  ahallreply  >'  3.  40:  "  Tu  autem  in  nerro  jam  jacehii 

'  Tbia  will  do,  I  think  ;'  and  dow  ■  let  me  niri  mihi  argentum  rtdditur."     Prom  Cnr. 

haTS  tbe  old  man  s  all  mj  plons  sre  now  culio  t.  3.  1 1  it  i>  dear  that  it  was  pro- 

Uraoged  !n  my  miDd,'     Tbe  two  seti  of  perly  spplied  lo  '  the  thongs  whicb  b<HiDd 

speeches  are  quite   independent  of   eacb  tbeprisoner:' 

other.      'Eccere'   is  TariouilT    eiplained.  ,,  n  ■ ..  i :;.  > ; 

-,  !....#.  ,        .  Uua  evo  ei  te  bodie  nciam 

Bome  deme  iC  from  '  ecce  re»,    or  '  eccere  oilum  catanultanum 

rem;    othc™,  among  whom  ib  l)r.  Uonald-  iiqua  jia  to  nerro  torqoebo  itidcm   nt 

»>n  ^srren»nu»  x    3),  from  'a^em  te-  ^p^atae  solent." 

reru.      ■  Umd  si  reddet    has   been   also 

eipUined,  ■  Wbat  if  he  sbiill  retum  the  Tbete  seema  to  ba  good  reason  for  aap. 

girl  oo  mj  hsnds  ?'   but  it  is  simpler  to  poaing  tbat  Ihe  feet  were  geoerallj  tbe 

■uppose    th&t   fhormio    is    mercly    casting  part  tied,  and  so  that  tbe  panithment  was 

OTer  in  hii  mind  the  arguments  wbich  De-  nnrly  equivalent  to  our  '  stocks.'    In  E^- 

mipho  is  tikely  to  nse.  tui'  Poenalus  v.  4.  1 14  a  dose  embrace  i< 

9.  Alqae  tn   nie  omnnn   irai»   derivtm  tbus  deecribed : 

.„«0     •Dm.m^i,  prep.H,  'lo  «m,  ..  Co.d.^a,  j„  j„„„  ^  ,,  ,^., 

».t„™,on.cb.,B,  to.,»,b»|'.ndjo  b»obbd.m." 
generally  'to  tum  aside.       Cicero  aaes  the 

pbraae    of    tbe    teit    rather    frequently:  Tba  woid  ocenn  «g^n  tn  W.  4.  IS;  "In 




Non  ita  esi :  factum  eat  periclum :  jam.  pedimi  Tisa  eet  TJa. 
Quot  me  cenfiea  hominee  jam  deTerberesse  usqae  ad  necem, 
Eospites,  tum  cives  P  quo  magis  uovi,  tanto  aaepius. 
Cedodam,  en  unquam  injuriorum  audisti  mihi  BOiiptam  di- 

oamP  is 

Gfe.  Qtii  istuc  ?    Ph.  Quia  non  rete  accipitri  tenditur  neque 

Qni  male  faciunt  nobis :  \W\n  qui  "i^il  faciunt  tenditur. 
Quia  enim  in  iHis  £rafitua  est ;  in  illis  c^teora  luditur. 
Aliie  aliundfi  est  periclum  nnde  aliquid  abradi  potest :  1 9 

□  potiiu  i1 

'  Enimpat'  ii  hse 
luca  lu  ine  geo»  o^  '  eTkdmt,'  '  exeot.' 
NoDe  of  Uic  puuges  qaoted  b;  ForceUini 
nndcr  the  eigaifiation  of  '  ernmpa '  hiTs 
predsdj  tha  ume  maBiDg.     Foi  the  tae 

Eannchiu  iii,  S.  2. 

12.  Faclnm  ett  fenefun] 
DOt  be  ftfl^id.  I  hsTe  tried  the  eiperi. 
■nenL  I  hnow  which  w»y  my  feet  aa  go.' 
Peihapa  there  is  aome  *Jlutii>Q  to  ths 
'  DerTam  '  of  the  preceding  line,  aud  he 
m&y  mesii, '  I  know  bew  to  lceep  m;  fbet 
ont  of  the  stoeka.'  Ho  it  is  eiplained  bj 
Bahnken,  "  Jnm  perrpects  mihi  ralio  est 
qoa  pedea  nerrnm  effngere  posainl;"  or  it 
niBj  mean,  u  othera  ssy,  '-Mjr  feet  sre  well 
acqniinted  witb  ths  rosd,'  >  I  am  sn  old 
b*Dd.'  But  the  phrsse  is  obscnre,  sad  we 
must  be  coDtent  to  leftTe  it. 

14.  Qiui  inttfii  wni,  Itmto  isnriut] 
'  Stnngeis,  imd  citiieDS !  The  better  I  wss 
mcqiuiiDtedwith  them.  the  oftener  I  bSTe  done 
it.  He  •eems,  >s  Schmeider  remsrlu,  to  rise 
to  m  climax  of  impodeace,  and  l^  glorj  in 
haTing  onttaged  Btr«Dgere  snd  dtizenB,  jen, 

■nd  in  alt  the»  JDstancei  be  haa  come  ofT 
■cot-lree.  '  Injoriarum  .  .  .  icriDlam  di- 
'  Did  you  eTer 

Edog.  i.  68—70 1 

"  Ed  UDqnam  patrios  longo  post  tempore 
Panperii  nt  tninri  eoDgestom  cespite 
Post  aliqaot,  mea  regna  lideiis,  minbor 

i.     LiTj  also  UBei  Ihe  phraae  n 

[.  10,  ■'  En 

D  futnr 

onght  ^ 

T  tliat  an  action 

juiia '  embraces  ail  wrongs,  whether  by  Tio- 
leace,  bbd,  depriTstioo  of  propcrtj,  or  anj 
other  means.  See  Jastinian,  liist.  1.  iT.  t. 
4.  Uere  Ihe  conteit  limits  the  term  to  Ihe 
particular  CBse  of'  assaDlt.'  The  phiate '  in- 
juri»nim  dicam '  is  a  doie  imitatioii  of  the 
Greek  tUif.  The  followinglines  are 
qDOted  fiom  the  Hiaogjnui  of  Menaoder : 


tafiy  IB 

liceatr'  III.  31,  "£d 
onquam  ilLe  dies  (uturos  asset  qao  Tscnam 
ho9tibtis  ItaUsm  . .  .  Tisori  essent .'" 

18.     QuuiJ     '  Wb;   because  thejr    on 
gaiD  Hmething  bji  catcbing  these,  but  their 
tnins  aie  tbiown  awair  upon  the  others.' 
We  maj  compare  Javenal  s  liues : 
"De   nobii    poit    haec  tiistis   sententia 

Dat   nniam    corris,   Texat   ceDsnra   co. 

(ii.  68,  63.) 
For  '  opera  Inditur'  compaie  Plantus,  PseU' 
doluB  i.  3.  ISO  : 

Forthesecond'illis'BentlByprapOBee  'istis,' 
which  is  better;  buttheteitBtandsasaboTe 
in  the  bett  copies.  phomiia  goei  oo  lo  ei- 
plain  bow  it  is  that  he  hasatwayB  escaped  jos- 
tice.  ■  Men  whahaTeanj  thing  tolose  areiD 
daQKCrinsllKirtsorwajB.  Thejknowthat 
I  hB*e  nothing.  Yoa  will  bbj,  Thej  will 
have  Toa  coademned  and  take  jou  home 
to  jaU.  Tbej  know  belter  Ihsn  thst.  I 
should  be  eipeDsiTe  to  keep ;  snd  tfaej 
know  verj  well  tbat  thej  could  not  do  me  a 
greater  kindneBB.'  DebtorBWereat  one  time 
giren  orei  ta  their  ovdiloni,  and  kept  in 
the  private  phsons  whieh  were  Bttacbed  to 
msnj  Rotnan  bouses.  It  ia  probable  that 
Tereiice  alludea  here  to  the  Roman  uuge, 
for  we  do  not  Gnd  aoj  tiiing  corroponduig 
to  it  at  Atheas. 


432  PHORMIO. 

Mihi  Bcaiint  nthil  ease.     Dicee,  "  Ducent  damnatam  dotnmn :" 
Alere  nolunt  honunein  edacem ;  et  sapiimt,  mea  qoidem  sen- 

Fro  malefioio  si  beneficium  summum  nolunt  reddere. 
Qe.  Non  poteat  aatiB  pro  merito  ab  illo  tibi  referri  gratia. 
Ph,  Imo  eoim  nemo  satiB  pro  merito  gratiam  regi  refert. 
Tene  asymbolimi  Tenire,  unctum  atque  lautum  e  balneia,       is 
Otiosum  ab  animo,  quum  ille  et  cura  et  Bumtu  absumitur 
Dum  tibi  sit  quod  placeat ;  ille  ringitur,  tu  ndeaa ; 
Prior  bibaa,  prior  deGumbaa ;  coena  dubis  apponitor. 
Ge.  Quid  iatuc   Terbi  eet  ?     Ph.  Ubi  tu  dubitea  quid  Bomas 

potiBBimum.  29 

Haec  cum  rationem  ineas  quam  eint  euavia  et  quam  cara  eiiit, 
Ea  qui  praebet  non  tu  buno  babeas  plane  praesentem  Deum  ? 

24.  bno  tnim  Htmo  tatit  pra  miriio  wbo  ia  aocullr  (Uorospiiqrac : 

graHtm  r^irtftrt]     •  Ajiepho  cu  nerer,'  ..  Ad  quM  li  propei»  pndU,  com  ta» 

»>  Geta,  '  be  «  grttofiJ  to  yon  M  ym.  v^„"i  meroaS^:  noaegotemat 

deMTie.'      Don  t  «y  »,    «y.  Phormio,  in,„unem  meditor  tiiigeil  pomlii, 

'  no  otio  ou.  eror  bo  «iffinentlT  gr.tefi.1  to  pi^  jj^  „(1.  dobo/' 

hi.  pslKD.     To  think  &.t  you  on  como  ,j^_  i,_  12_  ai-St) 
withont  p>}in(  ^our  tbne  ot  tbe  feut, 

qiick  Hid  ipan  froin  tha  bith,  with  a  mind  DomtM  tdU  ni  thrt  thii  p«nce  is  imi- 

perfeetij  at  eue,  whilo  he  is  ■  prej  to  cm  tmtei,  not  from  Apollodorui,  but  from  tbe 

■nd  eipenae,  th.t  yoo  m«y  be  enlertiiined  "i»th  book  of  EnDiua'  Satirea.     He  qaoteg 

to  your  HtiBf«*ion.      He  hu  to  (ret  »nd  tbe  foilowing  line. : 

fnme ;    yoa  bne  odI;   to  .mile ;    to    t.lie  •'  Qaippe   une  cnim,  iHtn.,  bmta.,  qomi 

the    cup  fint,  to  ut  down  it  table    lint.  adTeni., 

A  perpleiing   rapper   i.    nt    befbre   you.'  Infertii,  eipedilo  bncfaio, 

.  Tiji.-.  j u-  .1.-.  V  ^j^  Qata.  AImw,  cel»iis,  Inpino  eipectaas  impetn. 

-j  _i...  ..  ^^^  jii^  «Iteriu.  ■bliguri»»  Ixuia :  qnid 
Cenw.  doRiini.  esManimi  ?    Pnifa  diTun 

oniider  tbe  mon  who  giiej  yon         lUe  trirti.  dbnm  dnm  aanit,  tn  lideni 
implj  a  kind  deitj  f 

*  One  in  whicb  tdu  are  perpieied  what  to 
take  first.  And  wben  yon  reflect  how 
plennt  uid  deligbtrul  alJ   Uiii  ii,   ongbt 

Rtgi^    The  patrona  of  puadtea   often 
weut  bj  tbi.  name.    See  Planto.,  Sticbni 

The    Greek    pliraaa   wa.    iaiitpaXoc  tfi- 

•    '    '     '  28.  Cotna  dtibia]   Hotaoe  hu  I)orTOW«i 

"  Libro.  in.peii :  tamen  fido  qnam  potis  est  tbis  eipieanon  i 

Ue  menm   oblentumm   regem    ridicnli.  „ Vide.  nt  p.mdn«  omni. 

'"^■'  CoeoadeMrgatdnbU.'" 

Bee  alK>  JoTen»),  Srt.  i.  l»,  13« :  (Sat  iL  ».  7«,  77-) 

"  Optima  .iWarum  intere»  pdagiqne  Tom-    ^""J*r'"°S  ^??!?',!^'"  '5™'°'  \""  "^ 
j^^  Pacunn.  in  wbicb  the  word  hai  Ibe  nme 

1,  TOCuimue  tori.  tanlnm  ipM     ■*°"*'  "  "   """ 


dnl»um  et 
For  the  form  of 
Andria  i.  5.  10. 

FoTceliJni  gire.  other  eumple.  from  Mar-  31.    rra«ni(«n    JDmm] 

tial  and  Statius.  common  term  of  ululation  in  I^n  poetcj. 

36.  Aiymlioliim]  See  note  on  Andria  i.  We  need  not  qnMe  eivnples  here.    '  Pne. 

I.  6i.      Horace  call.  a  gnest  who  come.  nm  '    is    nwd    jn    thi.    mum    bj    Virgil. 

withoot  hi.  contributiou  'immonii,'   one  Aeneid.  ix.  404:    "  Tu  den,  tn  praoeoi 

who  doM  not  diKdiaTge  fais  '  mnun.,' a  man    nostro   iDccarT*   labari."      "^ 


ACTUS  II.    SCENA  m.  433 

Ge.  Senex  adest :  vide  quid  agas :  prima  coitio  est  acerrima. 
^i  eam  sustinuem,  postilla  jam,  ut  libet,  ludas  licet. 


DEMiPHo.     aETA.     FHoaino. 

De.  En  unquam  cuiquaui  coQtumelioeius 

Audistis  factam  injuriam  quam  liaec  cst  mihi  P 

Adeste,  quaeeo.     Oe.  Iratus  est.     Ph.   Quin  tu  lioc  age :  st  I 

Jam  ego  hunc  agitabo.     Pro  Deum  immortalium  I 

Ncgat  Phanium  esse  hanc  aibi  cognatam  Demipho  P  6 

Hanc  Demipbo  negat  eese  cognatam  P     Qe.  Negat. 

qnota  from  U«iUUld<r  rb  ydp  rpJ^Dv  pt  condtact  wbich  oaght  lii  be  purmiBd.     Gatm 

rour'  lyii  tpivm  0(ov,  but  tb«ee  wOTdi  oc-  vid    Phormio  conCinue  thvir  cDiiTemtion, 

cuT  in  tbs  address  of  ■  uiloT  to  bis  natiTe  m>  tbat  he  sb*ll  orerbair  tbem.     Phormio 

land,  of  irbicb  be  thoa  ipcaka.     Sea  Me.  ■ccusei  Demipho  of  meannrsa.     '  BecaoM) 

nander^a  'AXuic,  Tiii.  (Ueineke.)  thia  Phanium  ii  pDOr,  fae  preteudi  not  to 

In    thii    icene,    u    DonBtui    obKrvea,  recollect  her  fattier.     It  wu  alt  verj  ei< 

Terence  givea  ns  a  paraaite  of  tbe  good  old  cusable  in  the  Toung  man ;  bat  far  the  old 

■cIkioI  ;  one  wbo  makea  hia  dinner  his  chief  friend  to  disclaim  hiB  friend,  Birnply  becaUM 

conceni,  and  is  found  at  hia  patTOn'i  tabte  he  waa  poar,  and  that  when  thiTe  wu  not 

alwaja  in  Ihe  beit  of  apirits,  with  an  on-  a  better  man  living — '   Get>  meaawbite  de- 

bounded   capadtj   for  enjojing   the  good  fenda   hts    maater,    and    ■haae)    Phomiio 

things   tbat  he  finds  tfaere.     Donatug  tella  roundlj.     Demipho  now  joina  tbeni,  aiid  ■ 

119  tbat  irhen  tbii  pUj  wa»  being  priiatelj  comenation  followB.     Pbormio  u  at   flrat 

rebearaed,  AmbiTiaa,  the  ■ctor  of  the  part  nther  taken  uuaw^rea  at  heing  aaked  di- 

of  Pbonnio,  ome  in  intoiicated,  uid  b^n  rectlj  wha  thii  ftiend  of  his  was,  and  for 

to  act  thia  scene.     And  ■§  Boan  as  Terence  a  tnoment   forgeti   hii    DBme;    bat   haTing 

hid   heard   tbe   lirBt   linei   apoken   in    the  been   prompted   bj   Geta,  he  reeumee  tb« 

draukea  mBuner  in  which  he  uttered  them,  sCtack,  aud  ■ccuaes  Demipho  of  ueglecting 

he  exdsimed  tbat  tbnt  was  eiactlj  Ibe  idea  bis  old  friend  SCilpbo,  ainiptj  betsuae  b« 

which  he  bad  before  bim  of  the  charscttr  did  not  leaTe  anj  monej  behind  him.     He 

of  Pbormio.     In  the  Eunnchn^,  aa  »e  have  refuaea  to  go  into   the  «hale   queation  of 

>e«i,  be  gaTe  ■  apecimen  of  ■  more  reAned  their  i«Utionsbip,  which  be  hai  alresd  j  done 

spedes  of  the   «ame  genng.     See  note  on  before  the  judges.     Demipho  propasea  tbat 

liUDHchiU  IL  2.  13.  Phormio   shall    take  back    Fbsninm,   and 

32.  Prima  coitio  etl  aeeniiHa]    '  Tbe  offers  bim  liTe  min^e.     Fhormio  refuses  in- 

lirst  attaek  is  tbe  Getcest ;  if  jon  can  alsnd  dignantlj  ;  advises  Demipho  to  let  the  mat. 

'hat,  sfterwards  jou  maj  pUj  with  him  ■■  ter  rest ;  uid  professiag  great  friendliuos, 

jon  like.'     We  uv  dulj  informed  bj  com-  givea   him  some  good  ■dvice,  wsming  him 

rnmtiton  that  '  coitio '  is  ■  militar?  lerm  at  the  ••me  time  to  tske  ctie  bow  be  be- 

of  abnons  roeuiing  ;  and  tbat '  Indere'  wia  baies  to  the  joang  Iwij. 
■pplied  to  tbe  eiolutiona  of  aolcIierB  in  ■         Tbe-Metre  is  iambic  trimeter, 
Bham  light.   But  iC  ii  not  neceuarj  ta  press         I.  £n  unfKa«]    See  note  on  il.  2.  IS. 

fverj  «ard  in  this  «■j.  The  geueral  mean-  Demipho  must  be  lupposed  here  uid  in  t. 

''■g  is   simple  eaoagh.      Demipbo   ia   now  8   to  be  ipeaking  to   bis  '  adiDcati,'   who 

ften  ipproaching,  and  in  thc  next  scene  we  appear  in  the  futloning  ecene  to  gire  thsir 

onter  upon  tbe  actiie  deTClopment  of  tbe  idTice  in  Phormio's  husiness. 
Plar>  3.  Adttlt]  See  note  on  Andri^,  Prolof. 

24.     For  '  ■xitabo  '  in  t.  4,  comp^re  AndrU 

AcT  II.  ScKNB  III.     Demipho  comes  ap  t.  2. 23  :  "  Ego  j^m  te  ooromotom  reddun." 

■ttended  hj  the  fiiends  whom  he  bad  pro-  Tbe  full  eipreasion  would  ba  *  Proh  deum 

i-ured  towitneaa  hia  intairiaw  with  Fhor-  immortsUnm  &dem  I ' 
>°>o;  and  to  ■drite  wilh  him  on  tha  line  of 


434  PHORMIO. 

PA.  Neque  e}u8  patrem  »e  scire  qui  ftierit  P     Ge.  Negat. 

De.  Ipeum  esse  opinor  de  quo  agebam.     Sequimini. 

Ph.  Nec  StUphouem  ipeum  eoire  qui  fuerit  P     6e.  Negat. 

Ph.  Quia  egene  relicta  eat  mieera,  ignoratur  parens,  lo 

Negligitur  ipaa :  vide  avaritia  quid  facit. 

6e.  Si  herum  insimulabiB  avaritiae,  msle  audies. 

De.  0  audaciam  \  etiam  me  ultro  accusatum  advenit  ? 

Ph.  Nam  Jam  adotcBcenti  ni}iil  est  quod  succenBeom, 

Si  illum  minuB  norat :  quippe  homo  jam  grandior,  15 

Pauper,  cui  opera  vita  erat,  ruri  fere 

Se  continebat :  ibi  agrum  de  noetro  patre 

Colendum  habebat.     Saepe  interea  mihi  aenex 

Narrabat  ae  bunc  negligere  cognatum  suum : 

At  quem  Tirum !  quem  ego  Tiderim  in  vita  optimum.  so 

6e.  Yideaa  te  atque  illum  ut  narras.   Ph.  I  inmalam  cntcem. 

II.  Nte  Slilpkaneyn']    Bentley   sappoies  qnemiinini' (t.  !0)  compucEaB.iii.S.  43  : 

Hnt  Tcne  to  be  ■puriDUi,  beaiue  in  f,  40  "Atqaeoi  Denm  >  qui  tempU  cwii  ■Dmiiu 

Phormio  hu  forgoCten  the  name  of  Pha-  wniitii  concutiL"     llie  form  is  not  ancoiii- 

niuai'«  Ikther.    But  thig  ii  the  Ter;  point  of  mon  io  Cicero. 

the  scene.     This  cUuse,  u  well  u  tbe  pre.         21.   Vtdtai  le   aljue  illim    ul    ■•rrot] 

..!-__    — -g^},  of    phonnio,    depeads   on  '  9ee  liow  joo   »re   «peaking  of  yoBrsrif 

'  Ncgo  '  meani '  I  bbt  that  Bnd  him.'     '  Nuro  '  i)  freqaentlj  used  of 

it  mHj  thercfare  be  follDwed  snf  incredible  starjr.     Compare  Eunochns 

by  nejBliTe   ctBUBea   in   Bpposition    to  tho  iii.  2,  29  :  "  Neque  pngnu  nuTBt,"  '  Nor 

principBl  one  which  is  tbe  direct  object  of  does   be    spin    T*nu   Bboat    his    Iwtllei.' 

theTerb.     Por  the  implicatioa  of  on  >ffir-  Adelphi  it.  2.  18:  "  Qnid,  in*laiii,  ■  BoD« 

mBtiTe  notion  in  a  negBti>e  vord  9e«  oota  vir'  mihi  auni?"     "Wb)'  do  you  modL 

on  Andria  tii.  5.  18.  me,  Bnd  cbJI  me  '  mj  good  sir?'"  HeBot. 

10.]  Lindmbrog    quota    tbe    following  li.    l.  8:    "8u»    Qu»e    nBnst    bdDon:" 

Unea    from    tho    'ASiXfoi    o(   MenBuder,  '  WhBtwonderfalsdTenturra  of  hi«  hetell»!' 

which  Bre  Bu  ■mplilScuioD  of  tbe  pus^  Thi)  puuge  means,  '  Wb^  ^Hird  liu  uv 

befbre  n> ;  jou  telling,  wheu  you  •peak  tboi  ofyoDnelf. 

'Ep]<uv  tifiiiv  Vvfyivlj  who  nerer  set  ejet  on  ■  good  min,  aiul  o( 

irivnTnc  IfTf-  oiifi  ,ls  yAp  i^eXayH  bim,  who  iru  not  one?*     To  wbich    Phor- 

aiTif  wpairqci»>  tiv  ^qPnat  r.vbc  mio  repUe*  in  tbe  foUorring  lineB.     Thi»  is 

Mfuvay  aiTtiaOai  ydp  Sfia  n  vpao-  Zeane'»  eipUnation;  and  ia  f»r  tbe  nKst 

ottf.  simple  ■nd  consiatent.     9ome  editon  bsTe 

mBde   gmt   dilEcnlt j   about  the  paosBgo ; 

We  need  not  OHuider  Terence  to  h^Te  imi-  and  Bentley,  u  usdbI,  wiaha  to  aller  ii. 

tated  here.  Bnt  this  >enM  b  Tcry  good.    The  Bernbiiw 

13,  £(iani  me  itllro  aeniialum  advenit  f\  mannKnpt  has  '  1  in  malim  amixm,'  u  in 

'  Doe*  he  after  bII  tbat  he  hu  doae  come  the  teit ;  Bnd  it  hu  been  fbllowed  by  gDod 

and  Bccuie  me  initCMt  of  anawering  fbr  his  editon.     Thia  cipreMion,  whicb  uiawen  to 

«induct?'   See  noteaonEDnuchiui.  1.24.  tbe  common   Gre^   pbr*ie  dxV    tpf    lc 

Andriai.  1.73.    Por  '  iDCcenaeam  '  in~  the  cripacnc,  is  Tery  freqnent  in  Plaatn*.    S« 

ftillowing  line  >ee  note  on  Aodria  ii.  3.  3.  Henaecfamei  ii.  2.  63. 

Phormio  procwd.  to  giTe  a  very  drcnm-  ..  Namquid   ri»  ?     Ue.  Ut  eu  muiaiui 
Maauti  acconnt  of  Stilpbo.     Ke  »b>  ■  poor  jq  ^j,„  cruoem," 

man  who  depended  on  hlg   m^ao^l  laboor  r     ri  ■  ■■•    i    a 

for  bii  liTelihood,  and  hired  a  f«rm  ftom  ^""  "'■  '■''• 

Fhormio'*  father.    Oftsn  and  oftan  the  oM  "  Ilicet  puaaiticae  arti  n: 
man  wonld  coraplain  tbat  thia  rich  relBtion  crDcem." 

of  hla,  Demipho,  neglected  him.     For  '  at  Moitelliria  iii.  3.  I6S : 

eding    apeech  i 


ACTUS  II.    SCENA  m.  48B 

Nam  nin  ita  eniii  exiBtimaaaem,  nauqiiam  tam  graTeA 

Ob  hano  immicitiaa  caperem  in  vestram  &miliamj 

Qoam  is  aspMnatur  nimc  tam  illiberaliter. 

O».  Pei^ifin  hero  abaenti  male  loqui,  imparisBime  P  SB 

^h.  Dignum  autem  boo  illo  est.     Qe.   Ain  tandemt  oarcerP 

Zte.  Geta. 
6e.  Bonorum  extortc^,  legum  contortor.     De.  Gets. 
i*A.   Responde.     6e.  Quis    homo    eatP   ehemt     De.    Taoe. 

0*.  Absenti  tibi 
Te  iudignaa,  seque  dignas,  contnmelias 

Naaqaam  cesaaTit  dicere  hodie.     He.  Ohe,  desine.  30 

Adoleflcens,  primum  abfl  te  hoe  bona  Tenia  peto, 
iSi  tibi  placere  potie  eet,  mihi  nt  respondeas : 
Quem  amicum  tuum  ais  Ausbo  istum  F  explana  mihi : 
Et  qni  cognatum  me  sibi  eese  diceret. 
Ph.  Proiude    ezpbcare,    qnan    non    QOSBefl.     De.    NosBem  P 

Fh.  Ita.  35 

De.  Ego  me  nego :  tn  qui  ais  redige  in  memoriam. 
Ph.  Eho,  tn  sobrinum  tuum  non  noraa  P    De.  finicas : 
Dic    nmnen.      Ph.    NomMi  P      De.   Maxime.      Qoid     nuno 


**  Abi  dierectk.    St,  abioe  Udc  In  malkm      "  Irta  meis  llBt  notigsimR  forma  UbeUii ; 

(monii  V  Qii.1t,  tiu  renia  ;  pue,  CatuUe,  tiu." 

Eleg.  iii.  19.  9,  4  (ii.  19.  3e,  40). 

3S.  Prolndt  tipueart,  quan  noit  «0»«] 

*  Yoa  eie  fiabing  for  it  jurt  u  if  jod  did 

"Salnnt:  eraiit  ei  «qak,  Jun  ia  littore    nnt  knoir  him.'     For  'prDinde  qnui '  e«e 

ait.  doIb  on  HeaaL  i.  1,  13.     Cicera  aaet  'tiy 

Snd   dextroreniun    eiere»  it  In   lulmDi     P™" '  '»  ">«  •■"«  »™».  *■•  ^™-    ^ 

cTuoem."  IB-    "Neecii  m«  ab  illo  onmii  eipiee»- 

S6.    Ai»  tandrm,  earerr  fj     '  Do  joa        37.  Elio,  t»  toirimim']    Goert),  qaoUng 

m;  eo,  fou  jiil-binl  >'     Pdt  'tBndem'  see  thii  line  {Ontor  47),  hej  "  Bho  ta  oog- 

note  OB  ii.    I.  3.    'IJonBtus   qaotes  frora  netna)   taom   non    norM  ?"    bat  we   mar 

Laeiliu  ■  frifment  in  whicfa  '  carcer '  ia  atalj  iDppoH  tbet  he  did  not  qDote  It  Terj 

need  in  this  lense,   "  Cuiar  ni  orcere  ■ccoratelr ;  and  the  difFerence  ii  of  no  im- 

digniu."    We  da  oot  meet  irith  it  elae-  portuice.    '  Sobrini'  «ere  the  children  of 

where.  '  consobiini '  (*ee  note  on  Hecrra  iij.  S.  9), 

31.  Primvm  ati  le  hoe  bona  tnua pttnl  «ocordingtji  Donataioa  Andria  ir.  B.  6.  On 

■  I  ulc  jan  thii  qoertion  flnt  of  atl,  with  Hecjra  iii.  6.  9  he  Bayi,  "  Bobriiii  mnt  ez 

yoiir  t>enniuion.'     '  Bona  Tcnla,' llke 'poce  doabna  eororibni;  consobrini  ei  ftstre  et 

toa,'  li  beqaentlj  nud  by  Cicero.    So  in  eorore."    The  former  «ccount  ii  the  moat 

De  Onlore  i.  57  :  "  Bona  TCiiia  hnjas  op-  correct.       'Conaobrini'   are    flrat   conelne, 

ttmi  TJri  diierim."     Liij  ums  it  in  a  con-  '  sobrini,'  Hcond  cODriaa.    The  wordi  ara 

neiion  like  that  of  the  Ceit :  "Oraiitetitm  U)ed    more   generallj  in  ordinarj  writere. 

booa  Tenia,  Qnirilea,  ae  qui«  eua  rem  joco  Hera  perhaps  we  maj  ■nppoM   Fliomiio 

•etine  cniqnam  eiprobnret,"  Tii.  4t.  Pro-  pnrpOMlj  to  lelect  ■  pirticalar  d^rae  of 

pertiua  biiiip  ■  Tnda  tna '  aod  '  pace  tna '  relationihip  fbr  the  parpoH  of  nwlrlin  Ut 

togetber:  «torj  mora  phniible. 

F  f  2  /^-1 

Dc,  zecbvCiOOglC 

436  PHOEMIO. 

PA.  Periiliercle:  nomenperdidi.  Zte.  Hem,  quid  aia  f  PA,  Qel&. 
S)  meminiBti  id  qnod  olim  dictmn  est,  subjice.    Hem,  40 

Non  dico :  quaai  non  noris,  tentatum  adTenis. 
De.  Egone    autem    tento  P     Oe.   Stilpho.     Ph.  Atqne   adeo 

quid  mea  ? 
Stilpho    est.     De.  Quran   dixti?    Ph.  Stilphonem,    inqnam, 

De.  Neqne  ego  illum  noram;  neqoe  mihi  cognatns  iuit 
Quisquam  istoc  nomine.     Ph.  ItaneP  non  td  honun  padetP 
At  si  talentum  rem  reliquisaet  decem —  46 

De.  Di  tibi  malefaciant.     Ph.  primus  eeses  memoritCT 
Frogeniem  Teetram  uaque  ab  avo  atque  atavo  profereng. 
De.  Ita  ut  dicis :  ego  tum  si  adTenisBem,  qui  mihi  -. 
Cognata  ea  esaet  dicerem :  itidem  tu  face.  so 

Cedo  qui  est  cognata  P     Oe.  Eu,  noeter,  rect«.    Heua  tu,  caTe. 
Ph.  Hilucide  expedivi  quibus  me  oportuit 
JudicibuB :  tum,  si  id  faleum  fuerat,  filius 
Cur  non  refellitP    De,  Filium  narras  mihi, 
Cujus  de  stultitia  dici  ut  dignum  est  non  poteet  P  55 

Ph.  At  tu  qui  sapiens  ee  magiBtratus  adi ; 
Judicium  de  eadem  causa  itenun  ut  reddant  tibi ; 
Quandoqnidem  solus  regnaa,  et  soli  licet 
Hic  de  eadem  causa  bis  judicium  adipiscier. 
De.  Etai  mihi  facta  injuria  est,  Terumtamen  6q 

Potius  quam  lites  secter,  aut  quam  te  audiam, 

39.    Gela]     Phonuio   here   «hiiperg   to  to  Phonnio,  uid  at  ths  Bame  tima  !□  gin 

Oela,  '  If  Ton  remember  the  amme  wbich  Phormio  ■  moment  to  collect  himKlf ;  and 

1  gate  jaat  now,  prompt  me  ;'  and  tben  he  tben  Pbormio  dcclines  to  go  into  tlie  qoet- 

tDnifl  to  Demipho,  and  patj  ■  bold  facc  on  taon  a  aecoad  time. 

it,  '  1  will  not  tell  jna,  joa  ue  come  to        68.    Qnaiidoqmilem  lobu  rtgmai]     '  If 

trj  me.  jnit  ■■  if  jon  did  not  linow  him.'  yoar  son  wa*  auch  a  fool  ai  joa  ttj,    aaj* 

48.  Bgont  auletn  tenlo  /]      >  1  come  to  Phormio, '  yon  who  ire  andonbtadlf  a  «iw 

tiy  jou?'  For  'antam'  lee  note  on  Hecjn  man  hid  better  go  to  tbe  jadgs  aDd   have 

i.  2.  2S.     Getawhispen  '  Stilpho.'    'Well  the  csse  tried  orer  again.    Fiv  yon  ue 

thsn,'  lajs  Phormio,   '  what  mattera  it  to  absolate  liere ;  and  jon  are  tbe  onlj  man 

me  ?     It  i«  Stilpbo.'     Por  '  quid  mek'  tee  wlio  can  haTe  a  ca»  tried  twice  rner.'     For 

note  on  HecjrmiT.  3.  11.  'regnia'  compm  Adelphiii.  I.  21 :  "  Rej. 

Sl.  Qui  «Ml  cognala  f^     '  Qui '  ii  equi-  nnmne,  Aeschine,  hic  tn  pouidea.-"     For 

Talent  to  '  qno  modo.'     Wben   Demipho  the  whole  pauage  compare  DemostliBwa, 

pnta  this  direct  queation,   Geta  applaads  Leptinei,  p.  fi02  :  Oi  vsfiot  ti  ok  ivvi  lis 

him, '  Well  done,  mj  miater,' and  addi,  aa  rpic    T6r   aiiroi'   iinif    rmv   airmf    ain 

ifeiultingoTer  Phormio.  'Look  joo  now,  liras,   oSn    i^tfiivnf,    DEn    iiatitaaiar, 

talce  cuv.'     Some  critics  haie  dthated  the  oGr'  aWb  roiDvro  oiliv  il-ai.    Thii  would 

qneition  whetber   tbese  wordi  are  spokea  be  ■  piindple  of  law  gcnerallj.     The  Ro- 

■lond  or  aside.     Tbere  ii  no  real  difBcultj.  man  Uw  bad,  howerer,  appflkls,  and  tbere 

Geta  speaks  alond,  pnrposelj  (o  make  hu  was  the  '  rettitntia  in  integram.'    See  not* 

master  iuppose  that  he  ia  stTonglf  opposed  ii.  4.  11. 

Dc,  zecbvGoOglc 

ACTUS  II.    SCENA  III.  437 

Itidem  nt  cognata  si  stt,  id  quod  lex  jubet 

Sotem  dare,  abduce  hanc,  miiuis  quinque  accipe. 

Ph.  Ha,  ha,  he  I  homo  suaviB.    De.  Quid  est  ?  num  iniquum 

An  ne  hoc  quidem  adipiscar  ego,  quod  jns  publicum  est  P      6S 
Ph.  Itane  tandem  quseso,  item  ut  meretricem  ubi  abusus  ais, 
Mercedem  dare  lex  jubet  ei  atque  amittere  ?    An, 
TJt  ne  quid  turpe  civis  in  ee  admitterct 
Propter  egestatem,  proximo  jusBa  est  dari, 
Ut  cum  uuo  aetatem  degeret  ?  quod  tu  vetas.  70 

De.  Ita  prozimo  quid^nl     At  nos  undeP  ant  quamobrem — 

Fh.  Ohe, 
Actum,  aiunt,  ne  agas.     J)e.  Non  agam  ?  imo  baud  desinam, 
Donec  perfecero  hoc.     Ph.  Ineptis.     De.  Sine  modo. 
Ph.  Postremo  tecum  nihil  rei  nobis,  Demipbo,  est. 
Tuus  est  domnatua  gnatus,  non  tu;  luun  tua  76 

Prseterierat  jam  ad  ducendum  aetas.     De.  Omnia  haec 
Ulum  putato  quae  ego  nunc  dico  dicere ; 
Aut  quidem  cum  uxore  hac  ipeum  prohibebo  dtono. 
Oe.  Iratus  eet.     Ph.  Tute  idem  melius  feceris. 
De.  Itane  ee  paratus  facere  me  adversum  omnia,  BO 

Infelix  P    Ph.  Metuit  hic  nos,  tamctsi  sedulo 
Uifisiniulat.    Oe.  Bene  habent  tibi  principia.  Ph.  Quin  quod  est 

ttZ.  Ilidenul  eofnala  H  lU']  '  Althongh,'  Non  potMt  itiim  rem  obtiDBra  soU  nae 

nfB  Demipho,  '  I  htre  been  «ronged,  yet  mnltia  liri*." 

nther  lliu  p>  to  U>  or  liMen  to  yon.  .  y     •  „-,  Demipho.  '  I  mgna  with  jon. 

jnM  u  if  ihe  vere  mj  nbtion,  >.  the  Uw  gbe  i.  to  b«  giTen  to  her  iieweet  reUtJon  ia 

reqoini  ma  to  portion  her  ont,  ao,  l  uj,  ^   ^^  ^^      Bnt  «hen  did   ebe  get   U 

take  b»  ■wmj.  uid  take   fiTB  min»  with  f^^  ,.     Uow  did  «he  make  ont  thit  wa 

ber.      The  ientenee  u  nther  inTolied  ;  but  ^^g^   jj^    neerert    reUtioni  >      To    which 

the  ■neenmg  |a  clew.  Phonnio  repUei  only  with  tho  .dTlqa  of  tho 

6S.  Qiadjutpitbhnmairi  '.Amlnot  p^„b,   '  Don't  low  jonr  Uboor.'     For 

eren  to  obtun  what  u  the  oomman  nght  .  ,rtnm  uu  '  nae  note  on  Adelphi  ii  3.  84. 

of  aU  citiMna?'     ThU  uemi  to  bo  tbe  j^     7w™m  «(*«  rri  noH,   ...«(] 

maamugof  ■jDBpubbcnm'hera.     la  Ugal  Compere  Eonuehni  i».  7.  W  :  "  qeid  cmn 

Ungnage  It  b«  the  *ell-kiM)wu  mauung  au  rei  cat  >"    Compire  the  Gmek  phnM» 

ofcoruntntionalUw.'    See  Jnrtiiiiao,  Id-  ri  i^oi  mI  «oti   t1  t*P  /toxa'».  jcipei; 

■titt.  L  L  t. 

AiMi]     For   'abutor'   with  the  jg,  nit  idem  meliat /tetri,]    Dooatne 

KciuatiTe  aae  oote  on  Andria.  Prolog.  B.  ^  Eomphina,  whom  Parlet  foUowa,  laem 

70.    Ul  em  mo  nlaiem  degerel]     A  ^  ,„  righl  in   ooraidering  '  idem '  ta  bo 

common  eipresnon   to  deKnbe  ■  munad  ^    nmta.      Tte    Mnse    U,    '  Yoo    h»d 

womui  ■  bfe.     See  Heant.  u.  4.  13,  «id  ^^^^  ^^  ^^  ^  jourself,'— 'idem  fererie  ■ 

FUntna,  CietelUnai.  1,80:  beidg  equiTslent    to   '  domo  prohibneria.' 

"Hatronae  nugia  coadudbQe    eat    iitnc,  ■  Ta  idem  '  coileace,>otbat  tha  «owdi  form 

mea  SHeniDm,  one  long  ajlUble. 

Unnm  unwe,  et  cam  eo  aetntem  ailgere,  81.  >S«Jii/o]     Bee  note  on  AndrU  i.  1. 

cni  nnpte  eat  aemel ;  119. 

yamm  enim  merMrii  fortnTwti  et  oppidl  82.  Qtiin  .  .  .  ftnf]     Se« 


438  PHORMIO. 

Ferendum  fere  f  tuis  dignum  factis  feoeris, 

trt  amici  inier  noa  amm-     De.  Egon  tuam  expetam 

Amicitiam  f  aut  te  Tisum  aut  auditum  velim  ?  ts 

Fh.  Si  concordabis  cum  illa,  babebis  quae  tuam 

Scnectutem  obleotet ;  Tespice  aetatam  tuam 

D«.  Te  oblectet;  tjbi  habe.     Pk.  Minna  tcto  irom.     iV. 

Eoc  age:  . 

Satis  jam  Terborum  eet :  niai  tu  properas  mulierem 
Abdncere,  ego  illam  ejiciam.     Dixi,  Phonuia  90 

Ph.  Si  tu  illam  attigeris  aecns  qnam  dignum  e«t  liberam, 
Dicam  tibi  impingam  graadem  :  dixi,  Bemipho. 
Si  quid  opus  fiierit,  faeus,  domo  me.     Oe.  Intelligo. 


HEHIPHO.       GBTA.       HBQIO.       CRAniTOS.       CEnO, 

De.  Quanta  me  cura  et  sollicitudine  afficit 

OnatuB,  qui  m^  et  ee  hisce  impedivit  nuptiis ; 

Neque  mihi  in  conspectum  prodit,  ut  saltem  sciam 

Qnid  de  hac  re  dicat,  quidre  sit  sententiae. 

Abi ;  viee  redieritne  jam  an  nondum  domum.  *    < 

6e.  Eo,     Be.  Videtis  quo  in  loco  rea  haec  siet. 

Qnid  ago  ?  dic,  Hegio.     ffe.  Ego  Cratinum  censeo, 

Si  tibi  videtur.     De.  Dic,  Cratine.     Cra.  Mene  Tis  ? 

De.  Te.     Cra.  Ego  quae  in  rem  tuam  sint  ea  velim  faciaa :  mi^ 

Sic  hoc  videtur,     Quod  te  absente  hic  filius  W 

Egit  restitui  in  integrum  aequum  est  et  bonum, 

m.Hiieagt]  SnnotoonAndriaLa.  Ift.  back.ud  n^ithat  Antipho  ii  Dot  ■tboOfi 

9S'  -Dicam  libi  itnpaifam  grandnt^     '  I  Detnipho  detenniDca  to  TOt  lill  bi>  broA" 

will   bring  ■    heaTj  Ktion  «gwnst  fOD.'  Chremra  return»,  tai   goei  dovn  to  Ite 

*  ImpiDgere  '  pn^lj  mean>  '  to  duh  '  or  Bhippin;  to  inqoire  after  him.  , 

'  (lirow  ■gunit,'  knd  is  applied  in  min;  njt,         The  Melre  >■  iimbic  tnmetcr. 
3o  «e  b«Te  "  Pugnnm  in   o»  impingera."         i.ImprdM(\  Seanoteon  Anilri>iii.5.U-     | 
"  Jubetacruuicompedesiaipingier,"  Ptau-         8.   Vidtlii  fuo    in    leeo   rrt   Aarc  rirO     i 

tu,  C^  iii.  G.  76, '  (o  be  faiitened  on  him.'  Compue  PliutUB,  Epidicni  u  I.  84 :  I 

PoroelliDi  «nou.    ijut.n«.    o(   it«      ..  q^o  i„  |o™  h„  „,  ^t  ride^.  Eiwli»" 
■ppbed  OH.     Ai  Phormio  lasTes  the  et>g«  ^ 

he  whispara  to  Geta  th^t  he  will  be  «t  home  1 1 .  Rttlilui  in  infcjrnni]  CnitinDI  (<*<■ 

if  be  ■>  mDted.  bii  opinion  :    '  It  is  onlf  fur  Mid  parl* 
thst  «h^t  jont  aon  hu  done  bet«  dnriif 

ACT    IL    SciNK    IV.    Demipho    lende  ronr  «bieiice  shonld  l>e  ODCcUed.'    'tt- 

Geta  off  to  look  for  Antipbo;  and  then  taki  stitui  in  iutegnim'  hterallf  meaua  '  AmU 

his  friends  whU   ii   their   opiniau   of    Iha  be  repliced   on  ita  originkl  SuitiDg.'    S* 

afiUr.      Thejr  are  lerj  crremonioDs ;   uid  nota  on  '  ioleger,'  Hnnt.  ProL  4.    lo  Itp' 

l^ta  thair  optnioni  in  order,  contndictinf  Luijiu^  thia  was  called  '  rsstitutio  ia  int^ 

each  othar,   ■ud  laenng  Damipho   iu  bv  grum.'      AmoD|:  oth^  gronikls  od  ntoA 

Crekter  perplexjtr  tluui  erer.    Getk  oomM  ma  Bction  for  ■  rettitutio '  oonld  be  ntii- 

ACTUS  in.    SCENA  I.  439 

!E!t  id  impebDtnH ;  dizi.     Le.  Dic  noac,  Hegio. 

Me.  £go  eedulo  buite  dixiaae  credo :  Terum  ita  est, 

Q,uot  homines,  tot  senteDtiae ;  sdos  cuique  mos. 

Mihi  non  videtur  qnod  sit  factum  legibua  IS 

Besciudi  poose ;  et  turpe  inceptum  eat.     He.  Dic,  Crito. 

CrL  Ego  ankplios  deliberaDdum  cenaeo : 

fiea  magna  est.     Se.  Numquid  nos  vis  P     JDe.  FecistiB  probe  : 

Inc^rtior  sum  multo  quam  dudum.     Oe,  Xegant 

Beciisse.  -  I>e.  Frater  est  exspectandus  milii ;  ao 

Is  quod  mihi  dederit  de  hao  re  consilium  id  sequar. 

P^contatum  ibo  ad  portimi,  quoad  se  recipiat. 

Ge.  At  ego  Antiphonem  quaeram,  ut  quae  acta  hio  nnt  sciat. 

Sed  eceum  ipsum  Tideo  in  tempore  hac  w  recipere. 



An.  Enimvero,  Antipho,  multimodis  cum  istoc  animo  es  Titn- 

tniiwd,  ww  that  of  ■  dnmtik,'  where  i  mul  port  to   inqnire  bow  ■oon  be  ii  likelf  to 

liad  lafiered  injoTT  by  hia  aaaraid^le  ab-  come,'    CompBre  i.  2,  d& :  "  Senem  quoad 

■enGe.    8ee  Mr.  Ii0iig'>  >rtide  QDder  tbii  exipeotatia  Teatrnm  .'"     '  How    long  tiBTe 

titlB  in  the  Dictioiur;  of  Aotiqailics.      For  joa  been  waiCing  fbr?'  '  How  soon  do  joa 

'  uqDBa  et  bmam'  we  aota  oa  Adelphi  t.  eipect  ?'     For  '  pcrcontatam  '  aee  note  OQ 

t.  36.  Hecyra  i.  2.  2. 

19.  Diii']     '  I  bne  finiahed.'     ThiiwH  Colman   remarki   Ibe   gnat   hnmoar  of 

k  comnioa  foreniic  tarm.    8ee  Lotig's  note  tbis  ibort  sceae.    Terence  restndni  himself 

onCieero.ln  C.Terrem.AcCio  Prima  iSod  fsr  more   Ihan   nautas  wonld  have  done. 

fio.     In  Terenca  it  !■  lometimeB  nMii  u  a  The  idea  of  thia  scene    would  have    aug- 

kiitd  of  tbreet  or  m  the  eipre«)on  of  ■  de-  gested  to  him  »  long  scene  fiiU   of  drolIerT. 

termiaation.     See  t.   90.  93  of  the  l«t  But  TereDce's  hnmour  was  mors  delicate, 

■cene,  aiid  Hecfra  i*.  3.  6.  and   wuited   preciselj  that   rader  droaeij 

13.  Sgo  Mtdulo  kw»e  dlsittt  eredo]     '  I  io  whidi  Plantns  and  Uoltete  indiitged. 
bdiere  th>t  m;  leamed  brotlier  h*s  given 
bii  opinion  to  the  beit  of  hii  abilit;.'     For 

'  sadtlo^KeDOte  on  Andria  1. 1.  IIS.  Hegio  Acr  IIl.   Sckki  I.      Antipho    retomi, 

Mb  back  oa  tfae  general  Uw  wbich  we  hiTe  •ccnidng  hiRiielf  ot  aegligence   ia   having 

had  in  the  lut  HXne.     See  T.  G8.  abuidoned  bis  own  interesti.  mnd  left  othen 

17-  Ega  ampliiit  deliiimadum  eniMo]  to  Bttend  to  hia  ■ffairs  for  him.  Geta  ia- 
'  I  rewirTe  mj  decision  :  it  it  ■  difficult  formg  bim  tbst  thejr  bad  iKen  enibuTSSsed 
qantion.'  'Ampliatia'  meuit  the  ad-  bjhis  ■bsence,  bnt  bad  ncTerthcless  exerted 
jooniment  of  ■  oise-  aee  Dietionory  of  themtelves  in  his  behslf.  So  br  tbiogs 
Antiqaides,  Index,  p.  647,  ■-  On  the  bare  goae  on  wetl-  Demipho  w«t>  for  hia 
distinction  between  '  compereadinatio'  and  brother'!  wriTal,  intendinf  to  take  hii 
<  implietio '  Me  Cicera,  In  C.  Temm  ii.  1.  adTice. 

9,  wilh  Long*!  note.  The  Metre  is  as  ftiltowa;  1—4.  Ift,  16, 

18-  ffumquid  not  tit  -']  '  HaTe  joa  trochaic  tetrametcr;  ft,  6.  17 — 20,  trodiaio 
anr  fdrther  commHida  ?'  Thej  bU  take  tetrameter  calatectie;  7— U,i>mbio  tetra. 
tbeir  departnre.    8ee  note  on  Bnnucfaai  i.  meter. 

9.  S.  1.   Citm    ittac    onliM]       CoiBp«M    Bo- 

93.    Ptrtentalmm]     'I  will  pi  to  tb«  naehw  i.  9.  7S  i 


Itane  te  hino  abisae  et  Titam  tu&m  tutEindctm  aliis  dedisse  ? 
Alios  tuam  rem  credidisti  magis  quam  tet«  animadTerBaroe  ? 
Nam,  ut  ut  erant  olia,  illi  certe  quae  nunc  tibi  domi  est  con- 

Ne  quid  propter  tuam  fidem  decepta  pateretur  mali,  5 

CujuB  uunc  miserae  spes  opesque  sunt  in  te  uno  omnes  sitae. 
Ge.  Equidem,  here,  nos  jam  dudum  liic  te  absentem  incusamus 

qui  abieris. 
An.  Te  ipsum  quaerebam.     Cte.  Sed  ea  causa  niliilo  magis 

An.  Loquere,  obsecro ;  quonam  in  loco  ennt  res  et  fortanae 

Numquid  patri  subolet  ?     Ge.  Kihil  etiam.     An.  Et  quid  spei 

porro  eet  ?     6e.  Nescio.     An.  Ah.  10 

Qe.  Nisi  Fhaedria  haud  cessaTit  pro  te  emti.     An.  NihiL  fecit 

Qe.  Tum  Phormio  itidem  in  hac  re,  ut  in  aliis,  strenuum 

bominem  praebuit. 

■  fsctU  tibi  ro- 

in  of  tbe  infinitiTS  in  tbe  fol- 
lowing  liiie  hu  been  frequently  iioticed. 
Bee  Index  lo  the  Notet. 

3.  TVmt  Ttm  ....  imimadittrntriit  !^ 
'  Did  yoa  think  tb>t  otbera  would  itteud  to 
jaai  ■fTun  more  Xha.xi  younvlf  ?'  '  Atiim- 
BdTCrto'  ii  uBed  here  in  a  wnn  which 
doe«  not  occur  eliewhere.  Cicero  lues  it 
wilh  >a  (ccugstiie  in  tlie  KDte  ot '  ohserTe,' 

*  «tlend  to,'  u  in  Db  Officiii  i.  12  !  '■  Eqai- 
dem  illod  etiim  inimadverto  .  . .  lenitkte 
Terbi  trislitiam  mitigmlam  ;"  >  difficult  pai- 
B«;e  in  conitructiOD  on  alher  groandn. 

4.  Conre/«-M]  8ee  note  on  tho  im- 
perfect  conjuncliTe  Andria  i».  i.  S4.  In 
tbe  following  Une  Doniitua  mentions  kn- 
other  reading, '  potiretur,'  which  would  giTa 

•  good  sense.  But  tbe  metre  ia  agaiDiC  it, 
tor  the  third  metre  of  the  lioe  would  tben 
nm  tbui; 

de|erpfa  ;ijl|/t>2||tar ; 
riring  a  dectyl  joilekd  of  a  trocbee,  which 
ll  inadniiuibte.     The  Irue  reading  maf  be 
'  poteretur,'  u  in  t.  B.  2,  wbere  see  note. 

6.  Sfir*  opttqvt  nail  . . .  tilae^  '  Speg ' 
■ud  '  Dpee'  «re  eommonlr  connected.  Lin- 
denbrog  .qaatei  Pleutiu,  Ceptivi  iii.  3.  3  : 
"  Spea,  opeique,  Ktque  ■milia  ■  me  ■egre- 
gBUt  ■peruuntque  se."  Salluit  «idB  hii 
hiitory  of  Jagurtha  bj  laying  of  Huios, 

"  Eb  lempe«tkte  «pea  Btqne  opes  dritilis  in 
illa  liCse,"  «p.  114. 

Bentley  would  read  'Et  qnidem,'  conader- 
ing  ■  Eqoidem'  wilh  ■nj  bnt  Lbe  first  pcnoD 
■iagulu'  «1  ucluism  anlmown  to  Teimoe, 
■nd  notiaes  that  minj  mtnascripH  luic 
•Et  qnidem.'  But  the  bett  aulhoritiea 
■gree  in  the  reading  of  the  tait,  uid  we 
have  seen  oa  Euoucho*  t.  4.  3i  tbat  it 
wiB  aied  not  only  hj  Terence,  bot  alM 
more  than  one  handred  uid  fifty  yean  tHit 
hia  time  b;  PropertiDa,  uid  ■  genentioa 
kter  tg*in  b]r  Persins. 

10.  Nianftiid  palri  nAo/«/7]  '  Hm 
laj  Ikther  mny  aiupidon !'  The  phtase  ts 
common  in  I^atas,  and  occnn  more  tban 
once  in  Terence.  la  Heant.  *.  1.  38,  wa 
had  tbe  woid  in  tbe  fbrm  of  the  tfaird  con- 
jagation.  See  tiote.  A  ■ioiilu'  eipieeaon 
occun  in  Adelpbi  iiL  3.  43,  43 : 

"  - — -  ainerem  illum  ?  an  non  ta 
totii  mensibus 
Prius  olfbdisem  quam  iUe  qmcqoun  coe- 

12.  S/rmma»  hominimpratbial']  'Hoiv- 
orer  in  this  mstter,  just  aa  in  othen,  PhoF. 
mio  hu  ahown  himidf  an  actiTe  inan.' 
We  genermllj  find  '  praehere '  in  this  Bense 
followed  bf  tbs  icciisatiTe  caae  af  tbe  per- 
■oobI  proDODD.  ForcelUni  giTes  no  ollier 
lostsnce  of  the  preieiit  sse.     We  hare  tbe 

ACTUS  ni.    SCENA  II.  441. 

An.  Quid  is  fecit  ?     Ge.  Con&tavit  TerloB  admodum  iratmn 

An.  Eu,  Phonnio,     Ge.  Ego  quod  potui  porro.     An.  Mi  QeiA, 

omnes  tob  amo. 
Gfe.  Sic  faabeut  principia  seee  at  dico :  adfauo  traQquiUa  rea 

eat;  IS 

Mansuruaque  patruum  pater  eet,  dum  fauo  adTeniat.  An.  Qoid 

eum  P     6e.  TJt  aibat, 
'    De  ejufi  consilio  seee  Telle  facere,  quod  ad  hano  rem  attinet. 
An.  Qnantos  metus  est  mifai  Tonire  fauc  salTum  nunc  patruum, 

Nam  per  ejus  unam,  nt  audio,  aut  TiTain  aut  moriar  Bcnten- 

€h.  Ffaaedria  tibi  adeet.     An.  irbiaam  ?     Qe.  Eccum  ab  eua 
palaeetra  ezit  foras.  ao 


PHABDKIA.      DOBIO.      AHTIPHO.       OETA. 

Ph.  Dorio,  audi, 
Obsecro.   Bo.  Non  audio.  Pk.  Parumper.  Ih.  Quin  omitte  me. 
Ph.  Audi  quod  dicam.     Do.  At  enim  taedet  jam  audire  eadem 

wne  ellipBC  of  the  proDoan  hi  Eanndiui  ii.  See  Bacchidei  i.  I.  3S — S8,  where  Fbto- 

3.  B3 :  "  Pneterea  fomia  et  aetu  ipte  eat  denu  carriei  out  the  Idee  ftallj  : 

ftdle  Dt  pro  eunncho  probe.."     Por  ■  con.  ., ^amo  •dulnantuln» 

fiit»Tit    >u  the  foUomng  hne  «e  note  on  Penetmro  hquimodi  in  puUeitram   nbi 

Heeut.  T.  1.  7H,  «id  for  •  edroodum  mtum,'  dumnii  de»ud»Mtur ; 

note  on  H«nL  i.  I.  1.  Ubi  pro  di«co  dumnniu  npiam,  pro  cor- 

wished    to    Kt  bj  hii    conceraing         j„    Lb  y,  memor».      Pi.  Uhi  eito  cu- 
tliii  mitter.'     The  »me  u*e  of  '  de'  occBra  -^^  ... 

in  PUuniB,  BMchidea  iT.  8.  U3— IIS:  Ubiaw 

"  Nibil  ego  tibi  hodie  oonali   quia 

□  gilea  acaphiimi,  pro  inngni  lit  o 

Neqoe  e»  band  eoiamittMn  at,  ai  quid  "U»  plectiiii, 

raxAIum  liet,  "°   hoata   talui ;    pro    lonca   mMKcnm 

Fecine  di««  de  mea  KnteDtlft."  c^  palliom." 

20.  Ecnm  ai  ina  palaetlra  txit  Jbrat]  ACT  III.  Sc«Nn  II.    Phaedria  comea  in 

<  See  tliere  be  comei  out  from  hii  tnuninf  with  Doiio,  orging  him  to  ^tb  him  three 

■chooL'     Phaedriais  ■polien  of  humotousl j  dan  more,  and  l^lHing  out  everr  liind  of 

■s   Eoing  to  ■cliool  at  Dorio's  house,  bt-  indncement,  to  all  which    the  ilaTe-dealM' 

cauaB  he  wae  Terj  regular  in  hii  altendance  aiuwera  nntj  contemptuoualy.     He  refuiM 

there.     See  note  an  '  paedagogua '  in  i.  3.  to   be   won    oTer    by    flattei^.     He    aaji, 

04.     The  word  '  palaettra'  ii  apptied  bjr  '  Stick  to  jour  bargain,  and  let  me  do  wbat 

PUntiM  to  ta^  s  booBe  ae  that  of  Doiio.  I  like  with  mj  own  elaTe.    We  letded 


442  PHORMIO. 

Ph.  At  nimo  dicam  qaod  libenter  aadiac.    Do.  Loqueres  andio. 
Ph.  Neqneo  te  exorare  ut  maneas  triduum  hoc  P     Quo  nonc 

abisf  s 

Do.  Mirabar  si  tu  milu  qnicquam  a&rree  lum. 
An.  Hei,  metno  lenimem  ne  quid — «uo  not  capifi.     6e,  Idem 

ego  metuo. 
Pk.  !Non  mihi  crediiF    J)o.  HarioUre.     Ph.  Sin  fidem  do. 

Do.  Fabulae. 
Ph.  Foeneratom  iatuo  beneficiam  tibi  pulohre  dioes.     Do. 

Ph.  Crede  milii,  gaudebis  facto :  rerum  berde  boc  eet.     Do. 

Somnia.  lO 

Ph.  Experire ;  non  est  longum.  Do.  Cantilenam  eaadem  canis. 
Ph.  Tn  mibi  cognatns,  tu  pareni,  tu  amicaa,  tu— i>o.  G-arri 

J*A.  Adeone  ingenio  eeee  duro  te  atque  inezorabili 

thst  iF    ;ou  brongbt  ths  money  bj   to.  capitl   fiut.'     A  pouible   line,    bnt    Dot 

morrow  yoii  iboald  hsTe  her.     Ifjoudon^t  wricteti  br  Tereoce.     Hia  otgectioQ   tlut 

briug  it  I  luTe  ■nothn'  dntomer  «ho  «ill ;  '  «oo '  i*  nerir  lued  ■biolatelj  in  tbe  •enM 

sad  I  am't  give   up  a   cerlaioty  of  good  of  '  to  prepire  miachief,'  doea  oot  ^peer 

money  fbr  mere  promiMS  «ccompanied  «ith  fery  «eightj.     We  haTe  '  coniniti  doli '  in 

ever  so  many  tears  uid  pmyerfl/     Antipiio  PlAutua.     lo  Greek  we  luTe  pamiy  rav^ 

uid  Get>  joiB  in  Ph>edri>'a  entreUie*,  but  iikov,  &c..  wid  iokofipafia,    CSeero  qnotM 

Dorio'9    deCenninalioa   i*    fixed,  ud   ha  '  sdo  capiti'   u    ■  pcorerb   (Ad  Atticiuii 

letTea  tbem  to  find  tbe  money  if  the;  «n.  Tiii.  6).  but  not  ao  u  to  determine  «b*t 

The   Hetre   is  n   followi ;    1 ,   trochnic  word  waa  genervlly  u>ed  with  it.     On  tbs 

monDmeter;  2— 6.  8— 1 1.  Kl— l?- 80— 49,  whole  I  on  lee  do  suffident   rcMon   for 

trocbuc   letrameter    catalectic  ;    B,    i*mbic  altering   this   line.     The   omiujoa    of  the 

Irimeter  1   7,  trodiuc  tetremeteri    uid  12.  «ords  '  Idem    e^  metno'   iu   one   mmna- 

18,  19,  iambic  tetrsmeter.  Kript  ia  not  lufGdent  entirelj  to  eiclndB 

7.  JHti,  «MftM  /enmm]     '  I   km  a&nid  them. 
tbM  tbe  ilBTe-dealer  will  work  wime  mis-         S.  Harialart']   See  note  on  Adelplu  ii.  t. 

cbief—  1  meftu  for  hlmietf.'     TIw  eiplmu.  48,  and  fDr  '  fBbulae,'  note  on  Andrin  i.  S. 

Itoo  of  Douatna  ii  the  bert  that  bas  been  19. 

giTenofChis  much-debated  line.     He  ujg,         9.    Jbnera/uni]     '  Yon    ihall   My    (Ittt 

"'ATOffiunqaif  fid  rtv  ilifiiiiiapif  «uii  jroar  kindnesa  hu  beeu  phiced  out  at  good 

ei^iti   diiit,    quum   dictnma   •■let   PAae.  interest.'      See    note  on  Adelphi  ii.  S-  II. 

ilriae."     Muretos    takea    the   same    view.  '  Logi  '   ii   ■Iwiya  n»d   in    PUutua    in   k 

Anliplio  wu  going  to  iky,  '  I  va   tfraid  oaDtemptooDS  senae.    So  in  Ifeneedkinii 

thit  thiiDorio  wilT  min  Pli>edri>;'  bnt  he  t.  2.  29:  "Loquere,  uter  meraistii  cnlpam, 

tnrni  It  off — 'will  min   himaelF.'    Tbose  penda ;  non  longoi lagnB."    Hsre it is ec|Di- 

wbo    lure    tike    cnrioaitj    to    consalt    the  Tslent  to '  fBbuLoe.' 

Tirions  ediliona  of  Tereace  will  tee    sll         11.  Qinf iJenani  eaiufnii  eani*]  'YDUan 

kinda   of    ■rrangementa    and    eiplBDntions  still  huping  on  the  ume  string.'   Tlia  com- 

of  the   words.     Bvntiej  ejecta   the  worda  mentBtora  quote  ■  Oreeb  proTerb,  ri   airi 

'  idem  ego  metno,'  becaase  he  Ihiaks  tbnt  flng  diifiii.     Donatus  oomparea  the  ^inikr 

Geta  would  hiTe  uid,  ■  Idem  ego  precor.'  SBjing  in  l*tin,  '  letua  et  TalgBla  cMitiOL' 

Bnt  did  BeuUej  nsTer  hear  a  tchoolboj  'CantileDa'  is  commoDij  nied  bj  Geaa 

SBj,  '  I  nm    arraid  jou'll  catch  it  ?'     Get>  in    the  sense  of  '  ■  CriEe  sajing,'  ■  ■»  old 

of   courte  speaka    ironicdlj.     He   fnrther  hacknejed   role.'      See   ForoeUini  toc  ta- 

■Iters  '  >a*t '  inlo  '  fuBt,'  ■rrsn^ng  the  line  ■mples. 
thnt;  '  Metuo  IraoDem  ne  qnid.     Oe.  Suo 


ACTUS  lU.    SOENA  II.  443 

JJt  aeqnfl  miaBricordia  nequ*  preoilnui  molHri  qaeu  P 

Zh.  AxleoiiL  te  ene  moogitaittMji  stqug  impudentem,  Fhae- 

dria,  16 

T7t  phalwatiB  dictia  diica«  me,  et  meam  dnotee  gratuB  P 
An.  Miaeritmn  est.     Ph.  Hei  veria  Tincor.     G«.  Quam  utor- 

que  est  aimilia  sui. 
Ph.  Neque,  Antiplio  alia  quum  occupstus  eeset  Bollicitadine, 
Tmn  hoc  esae  nuhi  objectian  malum]     An,  Ah,  quid  istuc 

sutem  est,  Fhaedria  ? 
PA.  O  foriiunatiBsime  Antipho.     An.  Egone  P    Ph.  Coi  qnod 

amas  domi  eet ;  20 

Nec  cmn  hujuemodi  imqTiam  usns  Tenit  at  ctmflictsree  malo. 
An,   Mihin   domi   est  P    imo,  id  quod  aiunt,  anriboB  teneo 

Kam  neque  quomodo  a  me  amittam  inrenio ;  neque  uti  reti- 

neam  Bcio. 

16.  Ut  phalereta  diclit  daeiu  me]  •  Are      "  Staltam     me     &le(W,    lieeat    concedera 
joa  K)  lilly  or  m  inipndent  aa  to  tr?  to  Tcrii, 

deceiTe   mn  with  alioirj  luiguage,  >ad  to  Atqne  etimm  inumum." 

get  my  slave  «ithout  pif  iag  fbr  her  ?'    The 

metaphorical  nae  of  ■  phalenitDS,'   trom  b  18.  Nt^  . .  .  ftim  hae  tne  mlti  elfte- 

hone  coiered   with   tnppings,  hiirdlf   re-  hHH   maltim  ^]  '  And  how  I  wiah  thmt  th<s 

qnires  erplBnition.     Forcellini  quotei  ane  eril  had  not  oDme  upon  me  JDSt  now,  wheo 

or  two  inst&nm  of '  phaleme '  ipplied  nmi-  Aslipho  wu  fiillj  engmged  with  uxietiea  of 

larl;  lo  luigDi^.  his    own  1'      Zeune     auggeatt,    reuonablj 

17.  Mimrilum  a(]  Antipho,  who  U  enoogh,  that  we  mnst  tuppl;  the  ellipra  of 
■tuiding  OD  one  aide  witb  Gets,  ujs,  '  I  thia  sentsnoe  by  '  lellem '  or  some  umilar 
pitf  him.'  Pbaedria  dow  leaTas  oCT  talking  word.  Phaedria,  Cinding  that  Dorio  is  not 
to  Dorio,  and  wja,  '  1  >m  beaten  by  the  lo  be  peniDaded,  hegins  to  look  nbout  him 
trulh  of  what  be  ibt».'  Geta.  who  besra  Il3r  HHne  means  of  procoring  tbe  manejr. 
them  hoth  and  onderetanda  their  cases  He  nturall]'  thinka  of  his  cooiin  ;  but  theii 
thoroDgUr,  sara,  '  How  well  each  of  them  be  remembera  thit  Antipbo  has  enongfa 
presenes  his  charactsr  I'  The;  are  both  tntnble  on  his  own  handa,  and  ao  be  re- 
eqoaUr  distressed  at  their  own  minbrtaDea.  marki  tbat  it  ts  Qnfortnnate  that  both  of 
Anljpbo  ie  in  detpeir  betwue  he  baa  got  them  ■faonld  be  ia  troable  at  tbe  sarae  time. 
into  difficvltiei  witb  bia  ralher,  in  conse-  At  thia  moment  he  aees  Antipbo,  at>d  con- 
quEDce  of  bis  msrriags  witb  Pbanium  ;  gtatuIaCei  him  od  fais  good  fortane  aa  com- 
Phaedria,  becaose  he  cannot  orercome  pired  with  hia  owd  despair  of  obtaiDing 
Dono's  obstinac)',  and  oblaio  posMuion  of  what  he  wiabea.  Antipho  repliea  that  bis 
the  girl  wiih  whom  he  ia  in  la*e.  Tbis  in-  fbrtuDe  ia  a  lerf  queationable  one. 
terpretation  is  ane  af  thoH  SDggesCed  bf  22.  Auribia  ttneo  /<i;iiini]  'I  hara  at 
ZeuDe,  iDd  gi>ea  the  siDipleat  eiplanatian  home,  da  jon  sa;  ?  aj,  bnt,  aa  the  pro- 
of  tbs  passage.  He  also  mentiona  aDOtber  Terh  ■ayi,  I  bBve  got  a  wolf  by  tfae  ean; 
interpietation,  «hich  ■ooie  pref^,  that  for  I  do  not  know  eitber  how  to  let  her  go, 
'  utcrqne '  r«fcr«  to  Phaedria  and  Dorio ;  fbr  or  how  to  keep  her.'  Donatns  qnotes  the 
Phaedria  ii  persDaded  by  ressaD.  and  Dorio  Greek  proverb,  riiv  utmv  t%i-i  rbii  XiViDy, 
■how^  bimielf  to  be  ■  msn  of  inflexibilitj,  oSr'ixHi>,  ovt'  d^iivni  iirajiai.  Linden- 
■nd  is  nat  moied  bj  anj  of  Pbaedria'a  pro-  brog  qnotes  from  AriataeaetuD,  lyii  y dp  riv 
Diiies.  Bnt  tbe  passage  is  at  tbe  beat  ob-  Xuniv  t£iv  wruv  l%u,  Sv  ovti  laTix''"  't> 
scure,  and  we  csnnot  hope  to  do  more  than  «roXj  SvvaTbr,aiiTt  ii/)v  AwtiviiiFor  aftlva%. 

Suetoniua     msntiona    tbe    samB    prorerb, 
' '  ig  of  the  embajTuamentaofnberins. 


444  PHOEMIO. 

Do.  Ipsnm  istuc  milu  in  hoc  est.  An.  Heia,  ne  panua  leno  aiee. 
Nomquid  hic  confeoit  P    Ph.  Kicine  P  quod  homo  inhmnonis- 

simos :  3S 

Pamphilam  meam  Tendidit.     Oe.  Quid  P  vendidit  ?    An.  Aine 

Ph.  Yendidit.     Do.  Quam  indignum  facinus,  ancillam  aere 

emtam  sao  t 
Pk.  Nequeo  ezorare  ut  me  maneat,  et  cum  illo  ut  mntet  fidem, 
Triduum  hoc,  dum  id  quod  est  promissum  ab  amicis  argeutum 

Si  tum  non  dedero,  unam  praeterea  horam  ne  oppertos  sies.  ao 
Do.  Obtundis.     An.  Haud  longum  est  id  quod  orat,  Dorio: 

ezoret  sine : 
Idem  hoc  tibi  quod  bene  promeritos  fueriB  conduplicaTeTit. 
Do.  Yerba  tstaeo  sunt.    An.  Pamphilamne  hac  nrbe  privari 


miDentinm   iHienminiitB.  nt  laepe   lnpam  FUatiu,  Milca  Gilorionu  it- 1.  37,  38: 

teaecs  le  «uribui  diceret,"  c.  2B.    Bentlef  .<  pi,cet,  nt  dlcU.     Sed  na  iitaac  ■mittwa 

coDiiden    the    foUowing    leree   >puriouB;  et  laec  mntet  fldem 

"N»m  credibUe  non  eit,  nndem  eenten.        Vide  modo." 

tiuu   in  eadem  (kbaU  >b  wdem  pvnona  . .  , 

bii  did ;   pneurtim  cum  proTerbiom  ««-  }fn  "«*  1"  "'<«>  eipreeMon  :  "  Ad  Arto- 

Hiu  fnra  iuwi™    «tii  uQtae  lit  nrni-  '°'  "»'"  H»"»,  ne  geui  mq<iiet>  ^Tentii 

fictioni.."      Bnt  there  a  no  mu.i(e.t  kb.  Ro=»nori"n    fldem    mnt«et. ;    a^.    28. 

nrditT  in  loch  «  genenl  reiembluce  u  "•"''"  uk.  .  ■milu'  eipreenon  in  ■  cue 

there  i>    between  thi.  pl«e  and  i.  8.  24,  '^"'r  reeembl^nK  thrt  befbre  ua  : 

to  whioh   Bentlej  refer»  ;    ud  u  fbr  the  ..  Niei  mihi  [hodie]  attnlerit  milsi  qoinqae, 

«biurdity  of  Antipho"»  giTing  «n  eiplan^.  qm,  jobet,  minu, 

tioD  or  mppliemtion  of  tbe  proverh,  Bentley         Bieut  haec  ert  prmertitat»  fanmuimnlo 

11  uiwered,  u  Zeune  eBji,  hy  the  Greek  djg, 

proTerbs  quoted  .bOTe,  in  which  the  eune         gi    j,  'non   ederit,    poase  opina-    faon 

eipUnXiOD  i.  found.  offidum  me  menm. 

24.  Haa,  m  iMirum  Itno  r«]    '  H«h  1  Ca.  Qnid  id  e>t  >     Ai.  K  ta  vrentnn 

yon  ve  .frud  1  .appo»  of   not  being  ■  »ttuliiri.,  cam  iUo  perdiderim  fidem. 

thorongh-going  procurer.      Lmdflnbrog  ei.         Hoc  meum  ert  officium." 
pUine  tha  eUipae  here  bj  PUatni,  Peru  (Peeudolni  i.  8.  IH-IU.) 

"Nenon'«te»e,IeD<,,idmetaeb„mi«^,  ,,="■  «'^"3  ^  "«""<»  And™  iL  B. 

Impure.  .T»re,  ue  cmmen.m  ■mitte»»  ?"  ^   ^^  ^^  ,^.          «^^,(„^3 
'  He  wiU  certainly  repkj  jron  thii  nm  of 

„„    ,    ^     .  monoy  twofbhl,  if  you  do  him  ■  kimlMas.' 

Phaedri*  explaiiu  psthetically  that  Dorio  ii  Lncretiu  applie.  '  oDnduplioo '  lo  monaf : 

goiDg  to  «11  hi.  P.aiphilfc     ■y/htmn  out.  i.  Stngam  drili  rem  conflent  diritiuqa. 

ngeon.  cnme,'  nyi  Dono,   'for  .  in«.  to  Coudupliomt  e.idi,  oedem  cude  .cea. 

■elikgirl  whom  he  hu  bonghtwith  hi.  own  tnuleates."                        (iiL  70   71.) 

S8.  Ntqmm  «Drarel  '  I  euinot  preT.U  ''<'  "»T-  howeTCT,  Uke  the  word  men 

on  faim  to  wait  for  me,  and  to  break  futh  graer»llj  here,  compMing  t.  9 : 

witb  hii  other  ciutomer.'    '  Fidem  mutare'  "  Foenentnm  iituc  beneflcium  puldin  tiU 

ii  oppOMd  to  '  Sdem  eenue '  or  '  firmare.'  dii»*." 
See  note  on   Uecjr»  i*.  8.  8.    Compore 


ACTUS  ni.    SCENA  n.  446 

Tnm  praeterea  horaiic  amor«m  distrahi  poterin  pati  ? 

Do.  Neqne  ego,  neqae  tu.     Oe.  Bi  tibi  omnes  id  quod  es 

dignnB  dnint.  3S 

Ih.   Ego  te  oompluree   adTersom  ingeninm  meum  mensee 

FoUicitBntem,  nihil  ferentem,  flentem:   nnuo  contra  omnia 

Bepperi  qni  det  neque  lacrimet ;  da  locum  melioribna. 
An.  Certe  herclc,  ego  si  satifi  commemini,  tibi  quidem  eirt  olim 

Qnam  ad  daree  huic  praeetituta.     Ph.  Fsctom.    Do.  Num  ego 

istac  nego  ?  40 

An.  Jam  ea  praeteriit  ?    Jh.  Non ;  Terum  haeo  ei  anteceeslt. 

An.  Non  pudet 
Yanitatis  P    Do.  Minime,  dnm  ob  rem.     6e.  Sterquilimum. 

Ph.  Dorio, 
Itane  tandem  facere  oportet  ?    Do.  Sic  smn  :  ai  placeo,  utere. 
An.  Sicine  hunc  decipiB  ?    Do.  Imo  enimTero,  Antipho,  hic 

me  decipit : 
Nam  hic  me  hnjusmodi  esse  scibat;   ego  huno   esae  aliter 

credidi.  45 

Iste  me  fefeUit ;  ego  isti  nihilo  sum  aliter  ac  iuL 
Sed  utut  haec  sunt,  tamen  hoc  faciam :  craa  mane  argentum 

Miles  dare  se  dixit ;  si  mJhi  prior  tu  attuleris,  Fhaedria, 
Mea  lege  utar,  ut  potior  ait  qui  prior  ad  dandnm  est.     Yale. 

35.  Ntqve  tgo,  ntfiic  f s]    Ilorio  »i 
tbe  nnaiiig  or  Antipba'g  lut  vordB. 

tipho  Iwd  nid,  '  Will  fau  ti\aw  P>[nphila  it.'     Pram  the  follo<rin|>  renurk  of  An- 

to  be  ojned  Kwtj  froin  this  atji  uid  csn  tipho's,  'non   pndet  ranttatia,'  'Are  ■jaa 

7011  mSet  Fhaedria  and  her  Ut   be  upa-  HDtubamedoF  joar  tnlMhood  P '  jt  ie  denr 

rmtol  ?'     Dorio  replies,  '  Neither  I  nor  jon  tlwt  Doiio  IntcDds  to  uy, '  It  ii  troe  a  daj 

can  do  anj  tbing  in  the  nntter.     It  en-  nsfixed;  bat  to-diy  hBs  tskea  its  plsce. 

tirelf  depends  npon  Fhsedrie.'     For  '  Di  I  sm  going  to  settle  mBttets  to-daj.'     At 

dolnt'  eee  note  on  Andria  in  1.41;  and  the  end  of  the  icene  we  (ind  that  he  con- 

fbr  '  qnod  es  dignns,'  note  on  Andria  t.  4.  sents  at  last  to  wait  till  tbe  following  niom- 

37.  ing.     '  Sterqatlinium  '  is  a  terni  of  ihuse 

37.  Nme  contra  omnia  loec]     '  Now,  oceurrinf  in  Plantui. 

io  oppoaition  U>  all  this,  I  bBTc  (bond  one  43.  Sic  «um]     Campare  '  aic  est '  An- 

who  will  gire  tbe  moner,  aod  will  not  ahed  dria  iv.  5.  19. 

tem.'     Por  '  contra '  oompare  Adelphi  i.  ] .  iS.  Mta  lige  uler]     >  I  will  lieep  to  my 

19:    "  Ille  contTB  baec  omnia,"  '  He  did  conditions,  that  he  who  is  fiiBt  togiTS  siull 

precuelj  tbe  oppo^te  of  bU  tbis.'  hsTe  the  preferencB.'     Por  '  lege  '  seo  note 

4t.   Vtmm  hate  ei  tmtecatifl     Antipho  on  Eunndins  i.  S.  22. 
uki, '  Has  ths  dsj  flied  foi  the  pajment 




Ph.  Quid  fackm  P  Unde  ego  ounc  tam  gabito  huio  argentiun 

inyeniaiii  miaer, 
Oui  miitiis  nihilo  est  ?  quod  ai  bic  potniBaet  nnnc  exororier 
Triduum  hoo,  promiasum  fiierat.     An.  Ituie  Iiuno  patJrannr, 

Fieri  miserum,  qui  me  dudum,  ut  dixti,  adjurit  comiter, 
Quin,  quum  opua  est,  benoficiuin  ninnmi  ei  expemnmr  red* 

dereP  5 

Qe.  Bcio  quidem  hoc  ease  aequum.     An.  A^  ergo,  soIub  aex- 

vare  hunc  potes. 
Oe.  Quid  fociam  F    An.  InTenias  argentnm.     Oe.  Cupio ;  aed 

id  unde  edoce. 
An.  Fater  adeat  hio.     Qe.  Scio ;  sed   quid  tum  P    An.  Ab, 

dictum  sapienti  sat  est. 
Oe.  Itane  ?    An.  Ita.    Qe.  Sane  hercle  pulchre  suades :  etiam 

tu  hino  abis  P 
Kon  triumpho  ex  nuptiis  tuis  si  nihil  nanciacor  mali,  10 

AcT  III.  acKNB  m.  'What  ■m  I  to  23.      Bratl^   klten    thia    Une    entirdr : 

do?'  uyi  Fhudria.    'The  time  li  sd  «bort,  '  Qaod   a  hinc  pota  fnisMt  eionrier  toi- 

thit  it  19  impouible  to  get  tbe  moDer.     If  daum  hoc'     Bnt  theie  a  iut  UMeaaitj  far 

he  had  oni;  giien   me  three  dayi.  I  wu  any  change- 

promiiedit.'     Antipho  consulla  with  G«ta.  4.   Ut    dixll\     Bee  iii.    I.    II.     BenUer 

'TbemoDey  miut  be  faund,' he  «T*,  'snd  propoaee  '  (|Diii . ..  experimBr  ?' 'IiM  na  do 

jouue  themin  to  find  it,'    GeMwith  aome  our  Terj  t>est  to  repaj  him  tbe  kiDdnaa.' 

reiuclance,  and  onlj  kfter  Phudria  baa  de-  See  nole  on  Andria  ii.  3.  it.     Bnt  tbe  teit 

clared  bia  reaolution  of  foHawing  Pamphila  ia  aappoited  bj  all  the  good  aalhoritio*  ei- 

to   the  md   of  the  world,  nndertaiiea  to  oept  Ihe  Bembine  manascript,  whidi  ha» 

mamige  the  matter  fur  him.    Phormio  ia  'experiemiiT  i'  and  tliia  daoae  mnat  depead 

the  ontj  peraoQ  wbo  cbii  reallj  h^p  them  j  on  '  pademar '  in  the  preceding  daaaa. 

uid  to  him  thej  mait  go  immediatelj.  8.  Diclnm  tafitHli  tml  mtf]     '  A  woid  to 

Tlia  Ifetre  ia  trochuc  tetnmetel  ckta-  the  wiae.'     Tbe  ptorerb  ig  fonDd  la  Fhntoa, 

leetic.  Persa  n.  7.  18. 

S.  Quad  ti  hie  potuiutt  nuttc  mraritr  9.  Btimn  t%  himt  aH»  /]      '  Fnttj  ad. 

iriduMm  Aoe]     '  But  if  he  could  onlj  biTB  rice  jonrt,  indeed.     Begone,  caa't  jDn  !' 

been  penuaded  ont   of  these  tbree  daja.'  For  '  etiam  '  Interrogatiie,  with  tbe  indic»- 

'  Bioro'  ia  freqnenllj  aied  with  the  double  tiie,  aee  note  on  Heaat.  ii.  3.  6.    CompOM 

accnsabTe;  aa  in  FUutua,  Captivi  ii.  I.  17  :  Kunuchua  iT.  7'  3B;  "  Non  ta  hinc  abia  ?  " 

"  Unum  eiorareToa  ainitenoa."   Bacchidei  10.  ffoa   Iriumpio']     '  Can't  1    oongia- 

T.  S.  83,  S4 :  tolale  mjNilf  on  baTinf  got  triamphaallj 

"  Hanc  Teniam  iUi  .ine  te  eionm.    Wi.  o"'  "'j"^  mwriaje,  bnt  that  jou  mmt 

Ut  terebrat '     Batin   offirmatam  °°"  °"'*'  "*  *"  '"*  °'"  '"  ^™"  pnniah- 

Qaodmihier.t,idme'eionit.-"  ment  in  miKbief  on  Pliwrfri.^.  »on.m.t  ? ' 

For    tnnmpho    aee  oote  on  Eunncfaus  lii. 

Here  we  hSTe  tlte  accniatiTe  of  the  thing  1.  3  ;  and  for  '  cmcem  '  Me  ii.  ,<l.  S| ,  of  tbs 

retaiued  in   the  paaaice  voice.     See  natea  plaj,  and  note.     'Nandacor'  ia  apptied  ta 

on  Eannchui,  Frol.  17,  and  Hecjrair.  4.  hana  aa  well  ai  to  good  ;  He  Dot«  on  Andria 

ACTtJS  in.    SCENA  III.  447 

17i  etiun  nimo  me  Irajiu  caosa  quaerere  in  malo  jubeas  oracein  ? 
An.  yerain  hic  dicit.     Ph.  QuidP  ego  Tobifi,  Oeta,  alienus 

Bum  P     6e.  Haad  puto, 
Sed  perunuie  eet  quod  omnibus  nmic  nobiB  Baccenset  seaiez, 
Ni  infitigemuB  etiam  ut  nullufl  locufi  relinquatur  preci  f 
Ph.   Alius   ab  oculis  meis   illam  in  i^otum   hinc   abducet 

locum  P    Hem  I  15 

Tum  ^tnr  dum  licet  dumqoe    adsnm    loquimiui    mecum, 

Antipho ; 
Contemplamiui  me.     Att.  Quamobrem  ?  aut  quidnam  factu- 

nw  es  cedo? 
Ph.  Quoquo  bino  asportabitur  terramm  c^um  est  persequi, 
Aat  perire.  Q^.  Di  bene  Tertant,  quod  agas ;  pedetentim  tamen. 
An.  Yide  si  quid  opis  potea  afferre  buic.     Qe.  Si  quid  P  quid  ? 

An.  Quaere,  obaecro,  ao 

I^e  quid  plus  minnsre  faxit  quod  Qob  poet  pigeat,  Oeta. 
Ge.    Quaero.      SalTUB  eet,   nt  opinor ;    rerum  enim  metuo 


V.  6.  3.    TeTence  probabl j  giTei  hen  merelj  speaki    of   elepbuti  crcnsmg  the  Rhoae : 

•notber  form  of  the  pTDTdrb.  "Qiaereie  in  *' Eicidere    etlam     luvientee    qmdun    in 

toalo  malmn," 'To  add  evil  to  evll.'    Gct»  duinen  ;    aed   poodere   ipio    atsbilci,   de- 

ii  ni>de  to  Uy  I  Btreu  upon  '  hqjat,'  wbich  jectie   lectoribaB,    qnnereiidia    pedetentiDi 

leads  to  Fbmedria'B  replf.  tsdis  in  tertam  eTsaero,"  iii.  38.     Henoe 

13.]  '  I(  it  not  eaoagh  thmt  the  old  maa  it  mnaB  generally  'caatioasl;,'  'bj  d^rees,' 

ie  noir  uigrr  »ith  •■  iil,  «ithont  our  pro-  vid  bo  bere.     '  Uaj  Ihe  gifdi  protper  wbat  - 

vokiaghim  fiirtber,Mthat  no  place  shallbe  joiido;  bnt  urt  cmitionslj.'.    l>an't  be  in 

left  fbr  repeotancs  ?'     '  Succenseo  '  bas  oc-  ■  hnrrj  to  go  swsjr. 

cnrred  ft«qaent]j  in  tbiB  plaf  I  eee  note  on  21.  Ntquidfilutniittutt/axil']     '  That 

Amlriii  ii.  3.  3.   For  >  nnllas  lorus  relinqna-  be  msj  tiot  take  BOme  fboliBb  Bt6p  wbich 

tnr  pred'   see  nota  on  Andria  iii.  4.  !2.  we  aboll  be  Ibrrj  for  sflerwardB.'     'The  fnll 

The  stndent  should  notice   that   'parum'  eipreeaion  is  giien  lij  Plsutos,  Ckptrri  v. 

and  '  lociiB  '  ire  rad  si  monoajlUbles.  3.  18  : 

IS,  -*itw  o*  Dci.(ii  meitl     We  hsve  ■  ^ 

inwage  in  the  isme  prtbellc  Btjle  In  Adel-  "Kheu,  carero  pln»  mmnsTe  fea  ilU  qDm 

pbi  i..  6.  20— 3J,  where  Mido  pretendi  to  ■eqnuin  fuit  ? 

Aeschinna  thst  bis  mistrcas  is  going  lo  be  «""d  ■"■1"  f«a  orucior;  modo  si  iu&i^ 

talten  to  Miletmi.  »<""  A*"  possiet." 

l'J.  Ptdtttnlim-]     Ritocbl  obBerrej  tbst  .  „„,   „i„„a,e'    „„   be   eipUiaed  'plus 

Plautnfl   alwaji   uses   the   form    witb    the  ^^^    minuBve  honi'    »    '   ' 

Dubled    I 

r  phr* 

'tempto.''d«npnnm"coutempno,''tbea.  ^^^^,     Compare  Hecjr.  t. 

«nruB''Megdens.a.'    Bnlbewholeques.  „  h„e  ,  ^m^r  ^.«4«  : 

tion  of  the  orlhogrspbj  of  tbe  Latin  wntei-» 

1b  tOD  unaettled  to  entitle  ns  arbitrarilj  to  n  Videndnm   est  ne  mmns   propter   inun 

1   other    snthars. 

where  thej  sre  not  Bathoriied  bj  the  m«-  Aut  ne  qnid  ficiam  plus   quod  port  me 

nuBcripts,     t^ncb  criticB  forget  that  the  or-  minui  fedsse  latins  tit." 
thognphj  of   lAtin   Taried   fnm    time  to 

>a  leu  than  thit  of  EngUsh  baa,  ereo  22.   Quaero]      '  I  am  now  tbinkfng  of  a 

wnile  it  na  ■  \mng  langusge.     '  Pedeten.  plan.     He  is  all  rigbt,  I  tbiuk.'    I  ha*e 

tim  '  ia  nndonhtedlj  connecled  with  '  lento.'  fannd  a  phm  that  will  ssTe  him.     '  Bnt  ft^ 

LJTJ  nse«  it  in  Itl  original  seuse,  where  he  1  fear  some  miB^~  ' 



An.  Tfoli  metuere :  ims  tecum  bona  mala  tolerBbmiiis. 

Oe.   Quantma  tibi   opua  eet  ai^eutjF    loquere.     Ph.    Solae 

triginta  minae. 
€fe.  Triginta  P   hui  peroara  eet,  Phaedria.     Ph.  Istaec  Tero 

vilifi  oet.  as 

Ge.  Age,  age ;  inTentas  reddam.    Ph.  0  lepidum  1    Ge.  Anfer 

to  hinc.     Ph.  Jam  opus  eet.     Ge.  Jam  fOTes. 
Sed  opua  eat  mihi  Phormion^n  ad  hano  rem  adjutorem  dari. 
An.  Fraeeto  est :  audacisBime  oneris  qnidTiB  impone,  et  feret. 
Solus  eet  homo  amico  amicus.     Oe.  Eamaa  orgo  ad  eum  ocios. 
An.  Kumquid  eet  qood  opera  mea  Tobie  opus  sit  P     Oe.  Nihil : 

Terum  ahi  domum ;  30 

Et  illam  miseram,  quam  ego  nunc  intns  scio  esae  ezamniatani 

Conaolare :   Gessas  F     An.  Kihil  est  aeqne  quod  faciam  libens. 
Fh.  Qua  Tia  istuc  faoiesP     Oe.  Dicom  in  itinere:  modo  te 

hinc  amove. 



Ik.  Qxdd  qua  profectus  causa  hinc  es  Lemaum,  Chreme, 
Adduztin  tecum  filiam  P     Ch.  Non,     De.  Quid  ita  non  P 

36.  O  Ifpidum  .']     Tbe  Bsmbuie  mwia-  acoorduice  to  uulogy  that  tfae  obliqoe  aaa 

•cript  omitB  '  cnpuC,'  vhich  iiipflus  in  the  ihoDld  foUoii  the  ariginsl  form. 
commoa  teit.     It  ii  more  likel;  to  haTB 

been  added  than  to  haTS  been  araitl«d  de-  AcT  IV.    Sckni  I.     Cbremss  md   De- 

signediy.      Alter     vor.  37  theie  ii  a   line  mipho  come  OD  Ibe  «oeoe  together,  tklkiiif 

■dded :    "  Ph.    Abi :    dic    pneito     at  rit  of  Ihe  TOj*ge  whid)  the  former  haa  jut 

domi,"  «hicb  ii  not  fonnd  in  the  Bembine  ouKle  lo  Lemnos.    It  qipean   boif   tbit 

and  Victori*n  mkDUtciiptt,  and  ia  inooD-  Chremea  hwl  gone  to  Lemnoe  to   bring 

siaCent  «ith  vhat  folloin ;  for  Fbaedria  kc-  home  hla  danghter,  uid  that  ilie  wu  lo 

compinie)  Geta  to  Phormio'i  boiue.  hire  been  muried  to  Antipho,  his  nepfanr. 

29.  Soltu  ul  homo  amieo  amicu)]     Do-  Bnt   wben  he  reacbed  Lemnoa  he   fouod 

nitai   qnotea  fram   Apollodonia  Cbe  line,  that  ebe  ind  her  motber  had  ■tmrted  for 

li6voi  jwiiirarai  fiXiTi'  Toiie  ^iXovc,  wbich  Atbena,  lo  look  for  bini,  ud  (be  caplain  of 

Gufetai   bu  rectored    thus,  11610^    ^iXiIv  tbe  ship  in  which  thej  hid  sailed  h«l  told 

ydp  raii  ^iXiivc  IrittTaTai.  him  of  their  nfe  uriTal.     So  he  had  re- 

33.  Dieam  is  iVJnfre]    BenCey  propoaee  tumed   honie  u  soon  u   be  could.     And 

'  dicam  io  itere,'  u  he  doea  ■lio  in  HeMt.  now  Chis  bnsinefa  of  Antipbo'a  h>d  dermniced 

ii.   3.    30;    buC   in   neither   place   on   any  «ll  their  pUns  i  for  lie  doee  not  like  to  giie 

Mithority  liefond  hii  owii.  Theform  '  itere'  hia  dau|;hter  to  anj  ■trsnger.     In  tbat  ceie 

ii  fbund  onljin  one  place,  Lucretius  t.  6S2,  hewould  biTe  to  mske  M  bindsof  eiplui»- 

among  eitanC  clusicsl  ■athors.     In  ■ome,  tiona,  and  to  tell  bim  the  whole  itorj ;  snd 

where  it  i«  mpposed  to  he  found,  the  read-  tben  be  woutd  be  et  tbe  mercj  of  bis  sod. 

ing  is  bad.    8ee  PorceUioL     '  Iter'   is  ■  in-law.    If  thej  bappeDed  to  diagrce  tbe 

conCnded  fbrm  of  '  itiDer  /  asd  is  moet  in  whote  itory  woold  come  oat,  uid  readi  Ibt 

ACmJS  IV.  .  SCENA  I.  449 

Ch.  PofitquaDi  videt  me  ejus  mater  esse  hio  diutiuB, 

Simul  autem  non  manebat  aotas  vir^iniB 

Meam  uegligentiam,  ipsam  cum  omni  familia  5 

Ad  me  profectam  eeae  aibaDt.     De.  Quld  illic  tam  diu, 

Quaeso,  igitur  commoTabare,  ubi  id  audiTeraa  ? 

Ch.   Pol  me  detinuit  morbue.     De.   TTnde?    aut  quiP     Ck. 

Senectus  ipsa  est  morbuB ;  sed  TemsBe  eas 
Salvaa  audivi  ex  nauta  qui  illas  vexerat.  lo 

De.  QrOid  gnato  obtigerit  me  absente  audistin,  Chreme  F 
Ch.  Quod  quidem  me  factum  consili  incertum  facit ; 
Nam  banc  conditioiiem  si  cui  tulero  eitrario, 
Quo  pacto  aut  unde  "libi  git  dicendum  ordine  eet. 
Te  mihi  fidelem  eese  aeque  atque  egomet  sum  mibi  IS 

Scibam  :  ille,  si  me  alienus  affinem  vtiet, 
Tacebit  dum  intercedet  &miliaritBs  ; 
Sin  Bpreverit  me,  plus  quam  opus  eet  acito  sciet : 

esn  of  his  wife.    Demipho  Buurea  him  that  ■  ■  match.'     8ee  note  od  Andri>  L  1.  S2. 

be  will  itill  du  hii  beit  ta  mike  Aotipha  '  PeiTe  coudttianem '   ia   osed  bf   Caenrt 

TaaTTj  bia  coosin.  "  Quonim  ri  prindpea  «c  Mnitni  ribi  jun- 

The  Metre  i>  iinibic  trimeter.  jnnndo  fidem  fednet,  aa  olnditione  qnH  ■ 

4.  Nm  manetal  atlat  etrgiBit']     'And  CaeiBre   femtnr   se  nBiiiae    aitendebuit," 

mt  the  MDie  time  the  girl  «u  toa  ald  to  Bell.  Gall.  it.  11.     'Eitruio'  is  objected 

wait  aoj    longer  while    I    neglected   her.'  to  by  Huretns  aa  bad  Latin ;  batitiifbnod 

Compare  Adelpbi  iv.  fi.  38  :  in  aU  the  best  minaxaipta.   Forcellini  mjs, 

•I  — ~  An  Bedare  oportuit  "  ft"i"  inter  '  eitrmum '  et '  eitmneum ' 

Donti  Tirginem  lam  grudem,  dom  eog-  "ic  distingnit,  ut  Exlrariiu  at  nm  eitra 

natoe  hinc  focani,  ■acnmentunii  juique  sit;  ei-franew 

lUincTeniniteuperiuitem?"  ei  altera  terr»,  qoMi  siteti«iieuB."    'Bi- 

•Fwnili*'i>nwdfar'«rTi».'    See  DOte  on  tnmus' mEansgener^y  ■eitera.l  in  its  re- 

a      ,  ■     •   1  latiani,    '  eitrsDeoB,    '  eitemal  in  plso 

._«_.      1     II  j  _,       X     •  A    j  predsel*  m  tbe  leDse  of  '  alienQB.' 

qnoU.  from   ApoUodarn»    rA  y ^C  i""-  Jg  ^^\^  „„  i,,  4.  28  i  snd  the  m 

mtrJt   vnffniin.       ijndenDnw   quotes  from  .    !.  .  ' 

.    ^   ^  -  is  tlie  •ame  here. 

■7.  Dnm  intirctdttjamilitnlat'] 

Aristotle,     ri^v    ixir    viaov    ilvoi    j^pac 

11,  .       .       _    .  nected  with  me,  he  will  keep  ray  eemt  H 

oienHcnmei  ».  a.  l .  1^^^^^  ^  ^^  ^  ^  ^^  nndenrtnnding  b»- 

.' Consitna  lum  (ween  ns ;  but  if  he  cool  towerds  me,  he 

SoMwtHte,  oaostani  gero  coipui,  Tire.  wiltkDOw  fcr  more  th.n  heonght  to  know-' 

Eeliqnere.  Ut  setu  nud.  meri  est  wgo  1  .  intercedere'   1b   commanlT   n»ed   of   «nT 

Nsm   res  tiniimu  peswmu,  quum  «d-  f^n      e.isting  between  Iwo  penons.     See 

Temt,rert;  Hecjr.  iii.  1.  24,  aB  : 
Quu  n  «itnmem  omuei  nimis   longns  ■"  ... 

,„0,0  „t_"  "  Sed    msgnam    neKno    qnid    necesse   sst 

13.  Kam  ime  cmditiantm  . . .  wfrorio]  Unde  ir»  inter  eu  intercoOTt  qnae  tam 

•  For  if  I  olTer  her  In  majTiage  to  «nj  one  permanBit  diu." 

oat  of  oar  own  hmilr,  I  mnst  tell  him  the  ^"^  " 

whole  slorj  from  beginning  to   end,  how  For  the  true  meaning-  of  'resciscat'  in  t. 

■he  comes  to  be  mine  and  who  her  inotber  19  lee  note  on  Hecjrk  i.  S.  IIS. 
ia.'    '  Condilio '  1*  used  here  in  tfae  eense  ol 

O   g 
I    .         .,C:.OOglc 


Yereorque  ne  uzor  aliqua  Ijoc  resciscat  mea ; 

Quod  fii  fit,  ut  me  excutiam  atque  egrediar  doiuo 

Id  restat ;  nam  ego  meorum  solus  eum  meus. 

De.  Scio  ita  esso ;  et  istaec  mihi  res  Bollicitudini  est : 

Keque  defetiscar  usque  adeo  experirier, 

Donec  tibi  id  quod  pollicitua  sum  e&cero. 


Ego  iKnninem  oollidiorem  Tidi  neminem 

Quam  Phormionem :  Tenio  ad  hominem  ut  dicer^n 

diKOTer  this  bi 

SO.  Ul  mt  «enfrani]  •  And  if  m;  wifa 
hesn  ol  it,  ill  that  remoini  Ja  fbi  me  to 
clMT  mjteil  oat,  uid  get  ont  at  di;  booH  ; 
for  1  IwTe  notbing  but  myaelf  thit  I  an  ckll 
mi  own.'  '  Eicutiam  '  mky  meiin  either 
'  drive  mjielf  ont,'  which  is  Ruhiilien'e  in- 
terpretation  ;  or  '  itrip  mjwlf  of  lll  tliat  1 
IwTe,'  according  to  Zenne.  I  bsve  trana- 
Uted  tbe  word  'oijkd  AmbignouB  eipresiion; 
bot  I  inctine  to  Zeaoe'i  Tiew,  aa  moat  con- 
Bitent  with  wbit  fbltowe.  So  in  Honce 
we  h*Te  'excnuue'  in  the  aimilar  senBe  of 

" PoalqDkin  omnis  ree  mea  Jannm 

Ad  mediDm  tivtaesl,filienanegatiacun), 
Biciueua  propriis,"   (a«t.  ii.  S.  18—20,) 
Cum.  io.  9.  19: 

"  Si  flara  eicntitar  Cbloe" 
(•ee  Hacleuie'*  note) ;  nnd  Virgil : 

" Tn>    ne,    ipolinta    armii,    eicnua 

DeGceret  niTii  tutie  gargentibn)  nndia." 
[Aen.  Ti.  363,  3M.) 
Donatus  qnolei,  on  the  neit   line,  ttma 

lym  ynp  li/ii  tZi-  1/i£v  Ipbs  iiovoi. 
Cbremei  eridentlj  meani,  '  I  am  anforta- 
naCe  enougb  to  bave  mamed  ■  fartune,  and 
I  am  tberefiiro  at  my  wife'>  merey." '  It  ii 

much  difficulty  oa  Ihej  hare  done  of  ■ 
■imple  pamge.  Plaaliu  olten  noticei  the 
way  in  wbicb  the  huibande  of  monied 
women  were  benpecked.  See  Aiinaria  T.  3. 
40 — 48 )  aud  eapeciallj  a  fnmona  poaaage  in 

the  Anlnlaria,  Act  iii.  Scane  ft,  wker«  he 

descBDta  on  the  adTaotages  of  marrjing'  ■ 

poor  girl,  If  jon  can  afford  it.    Tba  whole 

Bcene  i<  eicellent.      The  faUowimg    lino 

enm  np  the  wbole  qoestion : 

"  Hae  sunt  atqne  alioe  multae  in  mngnts 


Incommoditates  aamtuBque  intolenbile». 

Nam  quae  iudotata  eat  ea  in  potattM*  «t 

DoUtae  moctont  et  malo  et 



23.  DtfiliicBT  wfM  adto  txfrriritr] 
'  Nor  (ball  I  he  wearj  of  trjing  to  tho  Tery 
Uat  moment,  Ull  I  haTi  manoged  for  jua 
wbat  I  have  promiaed.'  From  ita  origlaal 
■ense  of  'to  open  witb  chinfc*,'  'to  give.' 
■s  applied  to  .wood,  '  hliicor '  pasaes  into 
the  generml  aenw  of  '  to  give  wmj.'  Com- 
pue  the  niea  of  x"''*'.  Fnnn  '  defiitiecor,' 
which  doea  not  occnr  eUewhere,  we  liaTe 
the  common  partidple  'defenu*.'  Tbe 
readingof  tbe  teit  i>  based  upon  two  qoota. 
tiona  of  Priadon.  pp.  849  nnd  1147,  and 
wa>  tlrat  adopled  by  Bentley.  For  'efferero' 
■ee  note  on  Heaut.  ii.  3.  81.  'Quod  pol- 
UdCua  anm  '  refsra  to  tbe  preTioaa  under- 
atanding  between  tbe  two  (dd  mcn  tbat  the 
coaaini  abaold  marrj. 

AcT  IV.  ScKMK  II,  GeU  haa  Miw  >een 
Phormio.  '  Tbera  nerer  wai  a  more  intel. 
ligent  man.  He  understood  the  plan  b». 
fore  he  had  told  him  balf  of  it,  and  wrat 
ofT  at  once  to  look  fbr  Demipho,  that  be 
migbt  carry  out  his  part  in  the  pjot  wluch 
iru  to  be  jinctiMd  on  htm.  Ue  wai  it~ 
hgbled  to  hare  an  opportnnity  of  aBring 
Pliaedria  as  well  ai  Antipba.'  At  tlii*  mo- 
'mrat  he  aaea  Demipho  and  Chnmee  oan- 


ACTTTS  IV.    SCENA  in. 

Argentnm  optu  esse,  et  id  quo  pacto  fiedret : 

Yixduia  diinidiuni  dizerBm,  intellexerat ; 

Gandebat ;  me  Isadabat ;  quaerebat  Beoem ; 

Dis  gratiaa  agebat,  tempua  gibi  dari 

TJbi  Phsedriae  ease  ostenderet  nihilo  minns 

Amicum  sese  quam  Antiphom :  hominem  ad  forum 

Josai  operiri ;  eo  me  ease  adducturum  sonem. 

Sed  eccnm  ipsum :  quis  est  ulterior  ?  atat,  Phaodriae 

Fat«r  Tenit :  sed  quid  pertimui  autem,  bellua  ? 

An  quia  quos  &Ufan  pro  uno  duo  sunt  tniTii  dati  ? 

Ccoumodius  esse  opinor  dupUci  ape  utier. 

Petam  hinc  unde  a  primo  institui :  is  ai  dat,  sat  est : 

Si  ab  eo  nihil  fiet,  tum  buuc  adoriar  hospitem. 


AimPBO.       GETA.       CHREHES.       DEHIPHO. 

An.  Ezspecto  quam  mox  recipiat  huc  sese  Oeta ; 
Sed  patruum  rideo  cum  patre  adstantem.     Hei  mihi, 

iug,  and  magnkaiiittl  hfmself .  od  h*T!ng  seen  Wbrs  thst  in  mdis  nieli  (saes  traos- 

tira  atringB  to  hu  bow  iuitead  ot  one.     He  poaitioii  ia  ■  neceuary  Tcmedf . 

will  try  Demipbo  fint,  snd  if  fae  is  not  II.  Brllua]     Thii  term  ii  lued  in  the 

pncticable,  then  he  «ill  aee  wh>t  Chremea  lenae  of  '  blockhead.'     Comp4re   PUntna, 

will  do.  T^nmmniiY.  2,  112,  113: 

Tbe  Uetre  ii  iamhic  trimeter.  „  k     ^         j      i     u: 

3.  Argmlum   b;™   «„]      Thi.  i.   the  .   „     ""  *" ""  '^'P^  "'"^ 

reading  of  the  Bembine  nnunwript,  Mid  ii  ^,     "^'                                    „             , 

Jjento.'   For'opn.'«.p™dic»te«Snote.  cmn  «Utem  eiegennl. 

on  Andrik  ii.  1.  3? ;  it.  3.  13. 

7-   Ubi  Phardriar  iMimtlniderff}  Bent-         Act  IT.  ScENi  III.     Antipho  eome>  to 

ley  obeemd  the  hnlt  of  the  ordinmiy  teit,  aee  whether  Qel>  hu  retnrned,  and  flndl 

'nbi  Pheedriae  H'ud<amicameiH,' which  iiis   rither  wid   ande  together.  and   Geta 

ouaa  tn  kwkward  hi&tui  aflor  '  wmcum.'  with  them.     8o  he  ituda  on  one  side  and 

To  remedjr  tfaii  he  propoHd  to  resd  '  Pbme-  heam  theii  conTerution,  wfaich  oal;  aerTca 

driu   oMndaiet,'  and  to  tnnifer  <  le'  to  to  perplei  him,  for  he  is  not  in  the  lerret 

the  Mlowing  line,  'unicum    h  oh;'    bnt  of  the  acheme  which  haa  been  ■Trtmged  be- 

tbs    form    '  Phaedriai'   hu  alreadj    beea  tween  6eU  and  Phorraio.     Oeta  addrtsses 

■hown  to  be  objectionable.     fioe  noles  on  the  old  men,and  ifter  oondolinf;  with  then 

Andria  ii.  6.  8,  and  Hmt  iii.  3.  4 )  t.  t.  an  ths  nnlucky  scr^pe  inlo  wfaich  Andpho 

20.      Some  alterBtion    i>    neceoury   here.  has  been  drswn,  he  informi  them  that  he 

I  haTB  ■dopted  the   chuige  ■dToc^ted  tif  h^s,  he  hopes,  diicoTered  ■  waj  of  eitri- 

I^hmann    (on    LucTetins    iii.    SJ4)   uid  cating  him  ^m  it.     '  1  met  thia  Phormio,' 

Bitidd  (Ptol^omenB  to  PUntas,  p.  3S6),  he  ssje,  '  snd  nrged  faim  to  endesTour  b> 

whicb  eoDiiiti  in  truipoiing  >ein'   ■nd  compromise  the  m^tter  qnietly.     I  rapre- 

'ae,'  ■nd  foi  'h'  resding  <  seae.'     Snch  a  sented  to  him  tfaat  ran  intended  lo  toni 

ehsnge  ii  no  more  tban   maf  Tery  easily  Phaninm  ont  of  jonr  bonae ;    snd  ■■  fbr 

Ime  lad  bf  ■n  emir  of  tbe  tnnicriber  to  going  to  Isw  with  my  maater,  I  nid,  Toa 

Uie  pTMCnt  itirf«  of  the  tait ;  and  we  hsTe  little  knov  what  70D  «ill  bs  DndeMUnc. 
O  g  2 


452  PHOEMIO. 

Quam  timeo  adveiitus  hujns  quo  impellat  patrem. 

6e.  Adibo  Iiosce,  0  noster  Ghreme.     Ch.  Salve,  0eta. 

Ge.  Vemre  salvum  Tolupe  est.  CA.  Oredo.  ffe.  QuidagiturP    5 

Ch.  Multa  advenienti,  ut  fit,  m>va  hic  compluria. 

&e.  Ita :  de  Antiphone  audistiii  quae  faota  P     Ch.  Omnia. 

Ge.  Tun  dixeras  huio  P  facinus  indignum,  Ohrone, 

Sic  circnmiri.     De.  Id  cum  hoc  sgebam  commodum. 

Oe.  Nam  hercle  ego  quoque  id  quidem  ^tans  mecum  sedolo 

Inveni,  opinor,  remedium  huio  rei.     Ch.  Q,uid,  OetaP  11 

J)e.  Quod  remedium  f     Oe.  tJt  abii  abs  te,  fit  forte  obviam 

Mihi  Phormio.     Ch.  Qui  Phormio  ?     Ge.  Is  qui  istam.     Ch, 

6e.  Visum  est  mihi  ut  ejus  tcaitarem  sententiaffl. 
Frendo  hominem  Bolum :  "  Our  non,"  inquam,  "  Fhormio,    15 
Yides  inter  nos  sio  haec  potiua  cum  bona 
Ut  componantur  gratia  quam  com  mahi  P 
Herua  liberalifi  est,  et  fiigitans  litium : 
Nam  caeteri  qaidem*herole  amici  omnes  modo 
Uno  ore  auctorea  fnere  ut  praecipitem  hanc  daret"  20 

Whtt  «in  ;oa  tike  tlut  mj  master  stull  cclKni  for  eiuiiple*,  Hd  nota  aa  Hecjn, 

■tar  proceeding»,  and  let  Pbuiiuin  go  her  Alter  Prolog.  44.    For  '  commodam '  Ka 

wara  qoietlj?    If  jem  make  a  ftit  pro-  note  on  EiuiDcli.  ii.  3.  61. 

potal,  he  ia  not  the  maD  to  make  anir  dif-  13.  Qui  PkBrmia .']     '  What  Fhormio  V 

&calM.     At  flnt  PhormiD  made  bU  kiads  Thii  was  the  flrst  that  Chremes  had  hntd 

of  difficnltiea.      He    Hked    ■    talent.      I  of   him.      8ee  note  on  Ennoch.  T.    I.  8. 

■howed  him  that   that  *u   uDreaionable.  Geta  eipUns,  *The   man   by  wliom   that 

At  laat  be  made  thia  proponl :  I  ihall  be  giil — ,'  which  remiods  Chremea  of  what  ha 

taj  glad  to  man7  her,  be  sajs,  if  Deoii-  had  heard  Irora  Demipho. 

pha  will  giie  me  as  mnch  as  1  am  about  to  IC.   Vidti   iHler    not]      Bentlej   «Dald 

reoeive  with  a  bride  to  whom  I  am  alreadj  read  '  Videmus,  inter  nos  haec,'  but  with. 

engaged.'     Oeta  bj  degreea  meationa  tbe  ont    anj    anthoritj.      The    pbt»a    'ctna 

Bum     of    thirtj    minae,    whii^    Demipbo  gcBtia' occarB  in  AndriB  ii.  G.  II : 

thinks  preposteroos ;  bnt  Chremes  nnder- 

takes  to  pay  hia  wbole  demaud,  and  Phor-  " '  I^kcis  nt  te  decet 

pho  free.  g"^-" 

The  Hetre  ia  iambte  trimeter.  ,„    „    .,    _ 

6.  r«i«  M/twm  eoi«p.  «/]     Seenote  l»-  n^'-»* '•'<™]    The  pre«mt  p«ti- 

on  He<7i»  t.  *.    17,  aiJ  od  'cicdo'  sea  "V^  t«ns,t.Te  Tcrt«  wh^  UMd  «  « 

IMta  oo  i   a   as  adjertiTe,   takes  a  geniliTe  of  the  obiect. 

9.   C(r^m.rti'Asadborineaa,Chremes,  *^    f?    *  ™"»    ™P»>'";»«.'    '  ««otii 

tobecbeatedi^thUwaj.'    Weand'dr'  S^T- J  ^'•^Jf^iJ  •^T*"' .  f^ 

cumeo'    in    ,    similar  Use  in  PUutas,  ^  .;""  "^jt.^JJ^-i^' P"?^ 

P,eudotu.iii.a.l(»-110i                            '  '^,^'»"  1  "■  "*■     f?J"^ 

nj  '  negolinm  eallide  gerens,'  •  bomo  lacil* 

"  Vt  mihi  caTerem  a  Fsendolo  serro  sno  injnriaa  parfaren*.'    In  the  latter  ca»  the 

Neu  lidem  d  haberem  ;  nam  eam  drcuu.  actioD  is  the  predominant  element ;  in  tbe 

ire  in  bunc  diem,  former,  tha  tendencj  to  the  act- 

Ut  me,  ii  posaet,  mnliere  interrertetet."  aO.   Una   ort  ametora  Jktre]     •  For  all 
his  IHcoida  in  Ikct  haTe  joat  hetm  adnsiiig 

'  CircnmTeniri  'is  naed  ainiilarlj.    8se  For-  bim  to  tam  her  uat  of  doors.'    'ADctnt' 

ACTIJS  IV.    SCENA  III.  453 

An.    Quid  bic  coeptat?   ant  qno  evadet  hodieP     Cfe,   "Aa 

Daturum  poenas  dices,  si  illam  ejecerit  P 
Jam  id  exploratum  est.     Heia,  sudabis  satis, 
8i  cum  illo  inceptaa  homine ;  ea  eloquetitia  est. 
Venim  pone  esS^e  Tiotnni  eum :  at  tandem  tamen  25 

Kon  capitis  ejus  res  agitur,  sed  pecuniae." 
Fostquam  hominem  his  verbis  sentio  mollirier, 
"  Soli  sumos  nuno  hic,"  inquam ;  "  eho  dic,  quid  velis  dari 
Tibi  in  manum,  nt  herus  his  desistat  litibus  ; 
Haec  hinc  faceseat ;  tu  molestus  ne  sies."  30 

An.  Satiu  illi  Di  sunt  propitii  ?     Oe.  "  Ntaa  sat  scio, 
Si  tu  aliquam  part«m  aequi  bonique  dixeris, 
Ut  est  ille  bonus  vir,  tria  non  commutabitis 
Yerba  hodie  inter  yos."     De.  Quis  te  iataeo  jnsait  loqui  ? 
Ch.  Imo  non  potuit  melius  perTenirier  35 

Eo  quo  nos  Tolumus.     An.  Occidi.     Ch,  Perge  eloqui. 
Oe.  A  primo  homo  insanibat.     Ch.  Cedo,  quid  postulat  P 
Qe.  Quid  F  niTniiiTn  quantum  libuit.     Ch.   Dic.    Ge.  Si  quis 


is  commonlf  nwd  in  the  wdm  of '  an  >d-  psre    '  pne   nunn,'    Dots   oa  A<te1phi  t. 

■riHT.'   SesBlraaoteonADdri*,Prolog.  la.  t>.  23. 

^.  Jam  id  erphrahim  u(]     'Ttut  hu  30.  Hate    hinc  /acntafj      ■  Aad    that 

been    Blreuly    tskea    ioto    feonnderMion.'  Phsaium  shill  take  herself  off.'     Doaatos 

For  ■  sadabig  astia'    cooipare   Horace,  An  njs,  "  Fro  liine  ir  faciat,  id  eat,  abeat." 

Foetiat  240— S43t  LiiT   nws    the   word   ia   the  wme   nji 

"  E.  noto  fiotum  carmen  ■equar,  ot  Bil>i  "  ^»'»"  ^'^'^.  "»*""  "''  ?nperb«ra  r«. 

mytis  aponsDin  Teientis  MnBtus,  qnilcgntig  repe- 

Splret   idem,  andet  multnm  frnstraqae  ^^*»"  ^-  ■>'  f»««CTent  P™P^  "fl» 

Isboret  naitniHiue,  ditan»  quod   Lars  TolutnnjDi 

Auaufl  idem."  dedisnot  reeponderi  juuit,"  ir.  68.     Cioero 

■Ibo  h*a  Ihe    Bnnie  nse.     See  examplea  la 

8o  Geta  nys  here,  ■  Yoo  will  ti«  made  to  Porcellini.     Plantiu    liiia   the   word    in    n 

■weat  if  jran  commence  a  Iswiuit  with  that  (nnaltiie     wnse,    Menaechmei    ii.  1.   24: 

mvi/  ■■  Dictum    faeeesaa    doctum     et    diacsTeaa 

26.   Fenim  pan*  etw  tne/inn  ram]  ■  But  malo."  ■  Away  with  yonr  refineniental' 

■nppoae  be  loaes  hia  snit;  well,  sfter  all  it  31.  Satin  illi  Di  wml  propiiii  ^]  'Haahe 

ia   not  «ilh   him    a   qneation    of  life   and  logt  hia  aenaes  >'     8ee  note  on  Andria  iv.  1 . 

death,  but  onl;  one  of  money.'     If  Phor-  40.     Antipho  does  not  in  the  leaat  nnder. 

mio  wu  beitan,  lib  pretanaiona  would  be  itand  what  Getk  ia  atraat,  uid  thinks  he 

eTposed,    uid     bia   characCer  ruiaed  ;    bat  mast  be  out  of  Iua  aenaea  to  propoae  m  pLan 

Ctvemes  conld  only  loae  Iub  money.   '  Pono '  which  aeema  so  utterly  oppoied  to  their  in« 

ia  naed   liy  Cicero  in  ■tating  ■  case.     '  I  terests.     GeCs  goea  on  to  aay,  ■  I  am  qaite 

■nppoae  forths  sske  of  tiie  srgnment.'    3ee  certain  that  if  you  malce  any  tbin;  of  s  Ur 

Brutns  4S  ;  "  Nsm  etai  Don  fuit  ia  orKtomm  and    resaonable   prapoasl,  sa  he  ia  a  good 

nnmero,    tsmen    poao    aatis   in   eo   fuisae  maa,  yon  will  not  dissgree.'     Por  'aeqat 

ontianis  atque  ingenii."     ■  Pone,'  Ihe  read-  boniqne '  see  nota  on  Heaat.  It.  6.  39 ',  and 

ing  of  the  Bembine  aisnuscript,  ia  prefer.  for  '  commaiBbilii  verbs,'  note  on  Aadris 

sble  to  (he  oomman  reading  ■  pono.'  ii.  4.  7. 

28.  <iaidvelitdarilibii»Ma<ttim\  'How  38.  Niatiam  ptaahm  liiidf]     Bentle; 

iDDCh  ready  money  will  you  take } '    Com-  «oald  itnke  oot '  iiboit,'  snd  repest '  qaso- 


464  PHOEMIO. 

Talentum  tn&gnimi.     Ch.  Imo  malum  hercle ;  at  nlhil  podet 
6e.  Quod  dixi  adeo  ei.     "  Quaeso  quid  si  filiam  40 

goam  unicam  locaret  ?  parri  retulit 
Non  suscepiaee :  inv^ta  eat  quae  dotem  petat.'* 
Ad  pauca  ut  redeam,  ac  mittam  illius  ineptiae ; 
Haec  denique  ejus  fuit  postrema  oratio : 

"  Ego,"  inquit,  "  jam  a  principio  amici  £liam,  45 

Ita  ut  aequum  fuerat,  Tplui  uxorem  ducere : 
Nam  mihi  reuiebat  in  mentem  ejua  incommodum, 
In  serritutem  pauperem  ad  ditem  dari : 
Sed  TtiiTii  opus  erat,  ut  aperte  tibi  nnnc  fabuler, 
Aliquantulum  quae  afferret  qui  dissolTerem  so 

Quae  debeo ;  et  etiam  nunc,  si  vult  Demipho 
]>are  quantum  ab  bac  accipio  quae  spoasa  est  mibi, 
Nullam  mihi  malim  quam  istanc,  uzorem  dari." 
An.  Tltrum  etultitia  facere  ego  hunc  an  malitia 
Dicam,  scientem  an  imprudentem,  incertos  Bom.  ss 

De.  Quid  si  animam  debet  P     Oe.  "  Ager  opposituB  eek  pig- 

tnm,'  bnt   withoDt   anthoritj.     <  Wlut } ' 

Ml^  G«ta,   'whmt   h«  wutad   mt  >  TMt 

deal  loo  much.'     We  maj  oompare  ths  4deo  ez  hac  ra  Temt  in   mentwi  milu.'' 

Oommon  nu  of  orrai'.  'Dimdfo'  i>  aati  bj  Cicero  io  tba  ame 

40.   Qaid  n  ;!iMiN  niam   mueom   loea-  Kuee.  See  In  C.  VerrGm  iL  3-  76  :  "  .  . .  pe- 

rtl  /]  '  That  ie  exacllT  vhet  I  nid  to  him.  caoiBm  pablicuD  teDarrii  omoem,    DeqDe 

What  could  he  give  if  he  were  giiiog  in  qnicquam  ulli  dissolTeris  dritsd." 
muriage  u  ODlf  dMigbter  of  hia  own  i     It         K.   Quid  li  enimam  ifriff.']   'Wbetif 

hu  beeD  of  little  adivitage  to  him  not  lo  he  ii  orer  hesd  ■nd  em  in  debt !'    Tbe 

have  hAd  m  du^hter;  oiie  is  found  vho  re-  phnsQ  is  borrowod  from  ■  Grech  prorefb, 

quiree  ■  dowrj.'     For'loc»ret'  compue  *.  aiT^r  rif  i^x^^   6fti\ti,  «id  w«s  pro- 

1.  2fi:  'I^Nujplnm  Tirginem  loc»Ti  bnic  ado-  perly  nwdof  one  who  was  'addktne,'  m*ile 

leKGDtL"    'The  phrue  u  common,  u  ere  OTer  to  bia  crediton  from  delanlt  cf  p^y- 

'locve'  aad  '  ooUocare  in  matrimonium.'  ment. 

On  '  retolit '  lee  note  ou  Hecyra  it.  S.  11.        Oppariltit   ttfl    'A  tarm  ii  mottgagtd 

Donatui  layt,  "  In  Gnecs  &bula  senez  hoo  for  the  sum  of  tcn  minw.'     '  OppoDcn ' 

Sdt.  Qnid  iHlrrttl  mtnontuteepititfllittit  ia  osed    in    thii    aenu   by    Flaotu.      Stt 

ti  mado  doi  daHlvr  alitnatf"  Piendclua  i.  1,  B3 — ttli: 

43.  Ad  paaea  ul  rtdtam}   Compaie  He-  „ 8ed  potra  Dnnc  mntnMn 

i^rn  I.  js.  (W.  ^  Diaehmam  dare  unara  mihi,  qoam  ena 

47.   Vemeial  in  mailem  gtu  innminui-  reddam  tibi ' 

frr^i'  ^°'  '  "«'"!"»' J"''"."''""!!'.        P,.  yu  hndi  oiAior,  d  m.  o 

that  Bhe  beinE  pooi  Bhoulu  be  aiTen  orer  ■•  _; ;  „  ' 

a.U«to.richWi.     But  to  .peak  plainly  ^'<^"- 

with   jou,  whu  I  wuited  wia  a  «ife  who  Catnllus   pUys  upon  the  word  in  «  wM- 

■honld  bring  me  ■  small  inm  of  money  lo  '">o*ti  poem  : 

paj  my  debta  with ;  mad  eveu  Dow,  if  De-      "  Furi,  riUula  nottn  DOn  ad  Anitri 

mipho  «ill  gire  me  as  mach  ■.  I  eipecE         FhUui  opposita  eat,  nec  nd  F»ani, 

&om  tha  womu  who  ia  bebolfaod  lo  me,        Nec  aaeri  Bw^ve.  aut  Apeliotae, 

I  would  ■>  •oon  muTj  Phaniam  a>  any        Veram  ad  niilli*  quindedm  (C  daocatca. 

one.'    Bentley  propow  to  roHl-eimi  in-        O  TantDm  bonibilem  atqae  peatiknlHi  1" 

commodi,    the     more   Biaal   oonatniction  (CarB,  xzri.) 


AOTTTS  IV.    SCElf  A  ni.  455 

Ob    decem   minas,"    inquit.      De.   Age,    age ;   jam   dacat : 

Ge.  "  Aediimlae  item  sunt  ob  decem  alias."     De.  Oi  I  liui  I 
Nimium  est.     Ch.  Ne  clama  :  petito  Iiasce  a  me  decem. 
Oe.  "  Uxori  emenda  aacillula  est :  tum  pluscula  «0 

Supellectile  opus  eet :  opus  est  enmtu  ad  nuptiaa : 
Hifl  rebus  saae  pone,"  inquit,  "  decem  minaa." 
De.  Sexcentas  proinde  scribito  jam  tnihi  dicas. 
Nibil  do :  impuratue  me  ille  ut  etiam  irrideat  P 
Ch.  Quaeeo,  ego  dabo,  quiesce  t  tu  modo  filim  65 

Fac  ut  illam  ducat  nos  quam  Tolumm.     An.  Eei  mibi, 
Geta,  occidiati  me  tuis  fallaciifl. 

Ch.  Mea  causa  ejicitur :  me  boc  eat  aequum  amittere. 
Qe.  "  Quantum  potest  me  certiorem,"  inquit,  "  face ; 
Si  illam  dant,  banc  ut  mittam ;  ne  incertus  siem ;  70 

NEmi  illi  mibi  dotem  jam  constituerunt  dare." 
Ch.  Jam  accipiat ;  illis  repudium  rennntiet ; 
Hano  ducat.     De.  Quae  quidem  illi  rea  Tertat  male. 

Getft  doea  not  mentioa  tfae  vliole  >nm  be  ba  ^  rid  of  tliit  Antipho  migbt  ba  mt 

reijiiim  mt  anoe ;  bnt  bringe  it  oat  hj  in.  libotf  lo  marrj  ChreiDCs'    dxicbtsr  who 

■tolment».     Wben  Demipbo  bean  of 'teo  hu  joat  come  from  Lemnoi. 

minw '  be  at  once  conaents  to  give  it ;  but  eU.   Qutmliim  pelttl]  '  Let  me  knoir  for 

when  it  comes  to  '  twent; '  uid  '  tbirtj  '  be  certaia,'  be  ■ejs,  '  u  loan  u  pouibla  whe- 

dnwi  b*ck,  snd  reruws  to  t>e  cbeated  out  tber  Ibef  giTe  her  to  me,  tbat  I  mftjr  break 

of  hi)  moDST  in  tbi>  way.  off  vitb  my  intendod  wife.'    Tlie  ordinAiy 

63-  Stxetnlct , . .  dieat']  '  Let  bim  bring  teit  hu  '  quantum  potes ;'  but  the  rewjing 

■  thoumnd  ectioDi  ■guust  me  tf  be  will ;  of  tha  Bembine  minnscript,  '  qnantum  po. 

I  will  give  bim  natbing.     Is  tbia  •coundral  test, '  ii  better.  See  noto  on  AndriB  i.  3.  80. 

to  meke  a  Isngtaing-atock  of  me.*'    Some  78.  lilit  rtpudium  munlitl']  '  Let  bim 

oommentaton  bsie  frrand  ■  diScalCr  bere,  take  the  monejr  at  onoe,  and  let  bim  bre»k 

as  if  it  were  Demipho  who  wonld  hsve  lo  off  tais  contract  witta  them,  »nd  mury  Anti- 

bring  the  action  sgminnt  Phofmio.     Bnt  tbe  pho'*  wife.'     '  Repndiam  '  pnq>eriy  epplie*   - 

qneetion  it  wbether    Pbtmnm  csn   be  got  to   tbe  brealUDg   off  ■  Diktriige  {ontrect, 

rid  of  bj  a  compnmise,   or  wbetber  he  'dirortinm'  to  Bn  oetul  marrimge.    8ee 

■bsll  be  obliged  to  tnro  ber  ont  of  doora ;  tfae  IKctionarjr  of   Antiqnitiee,  Divortium, 

in  which  isBe   Pbormio,  u  ber  protector,  p.  419,  m.     The  ffmnuls  of  renonndng  ■ 

hsd  threatenad  to  bring  an  actioo  egainst  coDtrmct   wu    >  conditione   tn>  non   ntar.' 

him.     '  Seicenti '  ii  med  fbr  an  indeSnite  Por  the  pbraee  of  ttae  teit  oompare  Plau. 

nnmber,  like  the  Greek  imelot.     Donatni  tni,  AolnUria  it.  10.  fift— 68  : 

qnote»   Cicero,   In   C.    Verrem  iL    I.   47!         „ i,.  Ei  te  flliam  W  faabee.     Bh. 

'•  PoMum  seicenta  decrett  proferre.      Com-  j^q  ecdllam  domi. 

pare  PlautB»,  Trinnmmn»  iU.  3.  63  i  "  Sei-  j^     g,^  ^^  deroondijti.   ophior,    meo 

centae  ad  eam  rem  «uue  pounnt  coUigi.  aYnuculo.     Eh.  Omnem  rem  tenee. 

M«1T  other  are  given  fay  Forcel.  ^_  j,   „g  „„„j    , 

Lni.     For  the  fbrm  of  tbe  sentenco  '  impu-  -^j^j  y(^ 

cjni.  1.0. 

«8.  Mta  cauta  ^idlur]  ■  It  is  oi 
■ccoont,'  BTa  Chremea,  '  tbat  Pbanii 
tnnted  ont  of  doors ;  it  ii  onl)'  fair  t 
■hoold  loM  tha  mooej.'     Phaninm  « 

Eu.  Repudinm,  lebni  paratli. 



Ck.  Opportune  eAeo  argentiun  nunc  mecma  attuli, 
Fructum  quem  Lenmi  uxoris  reddunt  praedia :  7' 

Id  sumam :  oxori  tibi  (^us  esse  dixero. 



An.  G^ta.     Oe.  Eem.    An.  Quid  egistL?     Ge.  F.TniiTi-n'  ar- 

gento  eenee. 
An.  Satio  est  id  P     Oe.  Neacio  bercle :  tantnm  jubsub  som. 
An.  Ebo,  verbero,  aliud  milii  respondes  ac  rogo  ? 
Ge.  Quid  ergo  narras  P  'An.  Quid  ego  narrem  P  opera  tua 
Ad  reetim  mihi  quidem  rea  rediit  planissime.  s 

T7t  te  qiiidem  omnes  Di,  Deaeque,  Superi,  Inferi, 
Malifi  exemplis  perdant.     Eem,  ei  quid  Telis, 

7fi.  fynefum]  'The  prodnce  which  mj  Cioeni,  De  Amicitift  86,  «here  he  eipIiiDS 

wife's   Lemnian  forms  jield.'    '  Fructns  '  the  worJ,  "Towipe  &  inftn's  no*e  For  biin 

meant  originklly  the  incvQue  of  the  groond.  impliee  that  he  ii  ■  driTeller  and  csnnot  du 

It  ii  theo  >pplied  ta  prodnce  in  generBl.  it  for  himaelf;  md  hence  it  meana  toontvii 

whether  of  Isnd,  minea,  or  the  interest  of  uid  cheM  him."     See  the  well-kiiovD  liKi 

money.    Here  it  means  the  yearlj  rental  of  of  HorBce : 

hi<  wife-.  Uod    'Prmedinm '  origindly  m^t  ,.  jj^  ^^  ^j^  („^  ^^„^  ^^^ 

property  whui.  wu  m^e  .  Becuntjr  to  the  u^   ^ihn   „,^t  D«Tnsno    loqnatv  tt 

nate  bf  a  '  praas.      Subaeqnentlj  the  word  andai 

in.  limitttl  to  rigni^  land  generdly  (Dia-  p^t^j^  emuncto  Incnrfa  Simoite  talenln>, 

tioiapy  of   Antiqn.be5.  enb  Too.).     Many  ^^      ^^^     famnluiqne     Dei      Silenm 

taj^rtiTE  puatgeg  are  referred  to  by  For-  Ja,„ni."         (Ar.  Poelia  236-339.) 

See  Macteine'i  note  on  '  emnnciM  nari»,' 

AcT  IT.  SoBNB  IV.    Antipho  now  tkkea  SaL  i.  4.  8. 

Geta  to  task  for  hia  flitraordinu7  condnct  3.  ■Salin  eit  id  t~\    Antipho  meani, '  tai 

'  YonhaTeniined  me,'  he  says ; 'why  need  ia    that    all    jou   onght    to    care    aboal? 

jon  erer  have  mentioned   mj  wife }  Phor-  Ooght  not  jon  to  t^e  care  how  jou  gtt 

mlo  will  now  have  to  take  her  hame ;  and  I  the  monej  V     Geta  pretendi  lo  Dndentand 

■upposs  jou  wish  me  to  beliere  thst  he  will  faim,  '  Ii  the  monej  that  jod  haTe  got  suffi- 

not,  uid  will  refnae  to  paj  the  monej,  and  cient?'  and  Jio  he  aniweia,  ■  It  ia  all  that  I 

10  qnietlj  submit  for  onr  sakes  to  be  pat  wai  told  to  geC'    Por  '  tantnm '  aoe  aote  oa 

Into  jail.'     Geta  shows  him  that  there  ii  Bunuchns  t.  b.  36. 

aoother  nde  to  tbe  qoestion.     Phormio  will  9,  Ad  ratim]     '  Yoa  hsTo  brought  mj 

take  the  monej  ;  bnt  between  thatand  his  aflain  into  such  a  st*Ui,  that  J  maj  as  weU 

marriige    lome    liCtle   time   mnit  elapse;  go  and  hang  mjselfat  once.'     This  proTO- 

meanwbile    he   will   get   the  monej    from  bial  phrose,  'ad  reetim  res  redit,'  'aflurs 

Phudria   and   repaj   it.     If  jou    want  to  are  utt«rlj  despa^te,'  occnts  onlj  here,  aad 

know   how  he  wjU  get  ofF  the    marriage,  in   ■  Ingnienl  of  Caecilius,  quoted   fnn 

shj  he  will  find  a  hundred  eicnaea.     8o  Noniua  tii.  61: 

jou  maj  set  jour  mind  at  reat,  and  go  «nd  ,,  ,  ,       ^.                   ,.,.      .„          „           „ 

ieH  Ph^ri.  that  he  shall  h,Te  the  :5oney.  *•*   "*""   ^^   ~^' '    'T  ^^   "«" 

The  Metre  is  iambic  trimeter.  rea ;  mim  dle  argentum  habet." 

I.    Eimavci    argtnlo  lenet]      '  I   have  So  dyyitvi)  ia  naed.     See  8oph.  Oed.  Tji. 

chaated    the   old    men    of    Iheir    monej.'  1374:   Ipya  Kfiiitaey   dy;tdvitc,  and  Eai. 

'Emnngo'  occon   In   this  aense  not   nn-  Heracl.  246:  rSf  iyxBrtis  iri\nt. 

fteqnentlj  in  comic  writeri.     8ee  IiOng's  7-  Malit  rxtmptit}     Se*  note  on  Eddii- 

nota  on  the  paiaage  of  CoeciliDS  qnoted  bj  ^ui  t.  4.  84. 


ACTUS  IV.    SCENA  IV.  457 

Hmc  mandes,  qm  te  ad  acopulum  e  tranquillo  auferat. 

Qnid  minuB  utibile  fnit  quam  hoo  ulcos  tangere, 

Aut  nominare  uxorem?  injeota  est  Bpes  patri  10 

Foeee  illam  extrudi.     Gedo  nnnc  porro,  Fhormio 

Dotem  si  accipiet,  nxor  ducenda  est  domum : 

Qnid  fiet  P     6e.  Non  aiim  ducet.     An.  Novi :  caetorum, 

Quum  argentum  repetent,  noatra  cauaa  scilicet 

lu  nerrum  potius  ibit.     Oe,  Nihil  est,  Antipho,  i  s 

Quin  male  narroiido  poesit  deprararier. 

Tu  id  quod  boni  est  ezcerpis ;  dicie  quod  mali  est. 

Audi  nunc  contra  jam :  si  argentum  acceperit, 

Ducenda  est  uxor,  ut  aie :  coccodo  tihL 

Spatinm  quidem  tandem  apparandis  nuptiis,  30 

Vocandi]  Bacri£candi  dahitur  paolulum. 

Interea  amici  quod  polliciti  eont  dahunt : 

Inde  istis  reddet.     An.  Quamobrem  P  aut  quid  dicet  P  .  Qe. 

"  Quot  ree  postilla  monetra  evenenmt  mihi  I 
Introiit  iu  aedee  ater  alienus  canis ;  25 

n  Tflis,'  u  «ell  t»  '  qni  te  ad  Bcopa-  i.  37. 
lain  e  traaqDillatafeniti' BDd  theBembine,  14.  ^ojfra   eatoa   iciliHf]      >T   nnder- 

VietociMi,  Kai  Basilicaa  mKnascripl*  omit  stand,'  »;■  Antipho  Ironiralljj  'uid  tfaen, 

the  latter  clause  Blto^her.     But  Bentley  I  Boppoie,  nhea  they  uk  for  the  moDej 

vell  reiEarka  thaC  '  qood  qDidein  recte  cn-  a^in,  he  will  go  ofT  lo  jail  fbr  onr  wkes 

latum  lelii '  ii  nndoobtedly  a  glos»  deriyed  rather  than  marry  her.'     For  '  DerTum  '  see 

from  Addphi  iii.  3.   18,  and  Chat  in  Ibii  note  on  ti.  2.  11.     DonaCus  gives  B  cnrinns 

pasBBge  it  ii  a  repelicion  of  the  precedtDg  eiplanatlon  of  the  prewnt  line :  "  Dedpiet: 

claiue.     In  inch  a  cue  one  mniC  choose  a  prorerbio  tracto  a  sagittariis:  qaum  ria 

tbe  moat  probable  rtadlng,  In  apite  of  tbe  DODatnsqoe  tmdentia  arcnm  non  ia  Tolatum 

Keneial  authoritj  of  certaln  mMiDScripts.  t«Ii  aed  in  mptioDem  nerri  eipetator."  But 

The  text  girea  an  eicellent  wnge.     '  If  yon  tUi  is  struned,  and  the  common  Knte  of 

want  any  thing,  Chii  is  the  n»n  for  you,  to  '  nervum '  in  eomedjr  Memi  far  more  oatanl 

driie  yoD  ont  of  calm  water  od  to  a  rock.'  here. 

8ee  noteon 'in  traDqoillo,' Ennuch.  1.8. 8.         21.  8«cr()!aniili]   Liudsnbnig  hai  amass-  ' 

Ahoie  Geta  had  laid,  "  Sichabent  principia  ed  a  grat  boat  of  auCfaoritieB  in  illDsttatiOD 

seae  ut  dico:  adbuc  tranquiUa  res  CBt"  (iii.  of  then  few  linea,  most  of  which  can  ba 

I.  16).  diapensed  wiCb  here.     The  whole  ceremooj 

9.   Quid  mtnur  uiibHt]    '  Wbat  coald  be  preoeding  tlie  marriage  ia  descnbed  in  the 

lcfls  usefhl  thBD  to  toucb  this  sore,  or  men-  Dictionar;  of  Andquities  (Matrimoniam). 
tion  mjp  wife  ? '     '  Utibilii '  is  a  word  osed         23.  Indt  itlit  riddet']    '  Meanwhile,'  sajrs 

Ihree   or  fbnr  times   b]p  PlaatDS.     '  Ulcns  Gete,    '  Phaedria'»   (nends   will  giie  wl^t 

tangere,' '  Co  louch  a  teDderplac«,'isaUaded  tber  have  promised.    OuC  of  that  he  will 

to  bj  Orid,  Tristia  iii.  1 1.  63,  04  :  retnrn  it'    Antipbo  aaja,  ■  But  why  ahould 

"BrBO   qaicnmque  es   resdDdere  Tolnen  not Jia  niinrT  hor ?     What  eicnse  wiU  he 

„oli  maka  ?     '  How  cao  joa  aak  !   replies  Gel«. 

Deqne'p»rid«rasuIceretollemanua."  '  He  will  «ay  aa  foUows ;'  and  then  fbUows 

a  striDg  01  unlnckj  omens  eooagh  to  break 

Cicero  applies  '  ulcni '  to  the  weak  poluC  of  oS  twentj  matches. 

__ .    "Homm  qnicquid  attigeris        26.  Inlroiil  i»  aedu"\     liodeDbrog  ha* 


458  PHORMIO. 

Angaifl  per  implnniiin  decidit  de  tegolis ; 

GaUina  cecinit ;  inteidixit  hariolos ; 

Haruspex  Tetnit  ante  bnunani  aliqoid  nori 

Negoti  incipere ;  qnae  caosa  eat  jostifisiina." 

Haec  fieat.    An.  TTt  modo  fiant.     Oe.  Fient :  me  vide.       x 

Pater  exit :  abi,  dic,  esse  aigentnm,  Phaedriae. 

wma  ctirioiu  iiutucei  in  his  Dato  on  ihn    vind  hv  hnbaiHL 

omnu  EniiD  '  mice  '  uid  <  veaads.'  Ttae  Mtrdixii  htriolia]  ne'h>rkdiB'n 
weud  ii  meDtiomd  bj  PUotns,  SdchDi  iiL  ooe  «ho  predicled  fatnre  enaU  nndo'  m 
S.  7-  Tiia  '  cuii* '  occon  ia  Piiatiu,  s|rintiDn,  the  '  baiiiqiei '  dinDcd  fitMn  a 
CaetD*  *.  A.  II 1  "  CBninam  ■eeevuD  ipeio  ipection  of  the  ncrificeB.  See  a  slrin;  ti 
nulioreiD  fore."     Horue  girea  ■  liit  of    tbeae  olBci^  of  tbe  remale  tribe,  mentioKd 

bad    omeni   which    might  etop  a  joyme]!     ^    -"-   ^        —•....  r.....T .    —  ._ 

and  Quke  a  d>j'g  worli  anladijr : 
"  Impios  purae  redneDtia  ooien 

Dacat.  et  loseEiiuii  canis,  ant  ab  agra 

Ban  deciOTens  lupa  I^nuriDa, 
Foetaijue  Tnlpea. 

Bnm|iat  et  aapens  iter  inititutam." 

(Carm.  iii.  87-  1-6.) 
Tbe  bct  of  a  atrange  Aof  comlng  into  OTM)'a    ' 
boD»  waa  reckoned  of  importaoce.     Sneto- 
nioi  aajs  in  hii  lilb  of  Tespaaian  (cap.  5) : 
"  Pnndente  ea  qnondam  canii  eitnrins  e     i 
triTio  mBnuni  hnmanam  intnUt,  meni!Bei]ae     i 
■nbjeciti"  where  it  nuj  be  reraarked  that 
'  eiCrariua '  answers  to  '  alienQS.'     See  note 
OD  iT.  1.  13. 

26.  A»guitper  implmium]  Tha  ■ame 
tfaing  is  mentiaiied  b;  Plsutus,  Amphitnio 
T,  I.  Mt,in  tbsatarjoltheinfhDt  Hercolea: 
"  Derolant  angnes  jnbsti  deoranm  ia  im. 

platiam  duo  "  Parce,  preoor,  tenero;   non   illi  sontiM 

Maxiini."  cBusa  ett; 

_        _, .  .  n    ^,  , .  In  letem  esto  dora,  paetla,  aenes." 

From  whieh  passsge  Bentlej  aifnea  that  wa  -,  r      — • 

onghc  here  to  read  '  in  tmplnTiam.'  Bnt  if  The  eipreanon  doee  not  occnr  erea  ia 
•per  impluTium  '  is  wrong  here,  TeieDCe  Plaulus,  and  Beatlej  haa  no  aathoritj  ftr 
commits  the  lame  hnlt  in  Eanuchus  iii.  6.  iutroducing  it  here.  Forcelliai  eiplaint  tbe 
41.     See  Ihe  Dote  on  that  pusage.  word  fullj;    but  it  ii  not  to  onr  pieeeDt 

37.  Gatlina  crcinjf]  Danitos  tella  ui  purpoie.  The  wordi '  quae  cusa  est  justii- 
that  it  bad  bcen  obserred  thit  wfaere  a  hen  lima'  eipresB  the  same  general  nuAnin^ 
crow«d,  in  tbst  houae  the  «ife  alwajs  aur-    aod  ue  found  in  all  the  maaaacripta. 

bj  Plantui,  Hilea  Gloriosna  iiL   I.  »6,  ac 
'Hamapei'  a  decimd  bj  DooMtBi  fna 

•haruga'  (see  Forcellim, '  AnrigB '),  bnt  it 

mologj   with   LipiMnoiriic.     'Umriolns'   be 

eipUini    bj   'fkriolas'   ftom    '  (mri.'     H( 

mipei,'  sajing  thatthe  fbnaer  ia  ooncoTKd 

with  things  relatiDg  lo  D»n,  Ihe  HtUr  with 

diTine  things.     'Tbe  diTiner  (ortHd  me  lo 

enter  npon  anj   new  buiiness  befbre  tbe 

winter,  which  is  tfae  most  suffident  lasn 


Negoti  nihil  indpaw  cans.  «t  «mtic»." 

But   •eontica   causa'  occun  onlj  ODce  ii 

eitant  classical  autUHs.      See  Tibnllns  L 


ACTUS  IV.    SCENA  V.  469 



Jh.  Quietas  esto,  inquiim :   ego   curabo  ne  qoid  yerborum 

Hoc  temere  nunquam  amittam  ego  a  me  quin  Tnihi  testes 

Cui  dem,  et  quamobrem  dem,  commemorabo.     Ge.  TJt  cautus 

eat,  ubi  TJbil  opua  eet  I 
Ch.  Atqui  ita  opuB  iacto  est ;  at  matura,  dum  Hbido  eadem 

If  om,  si  altera  illaec  magifi  instabit,  forsitan  noa  reiciat.  5 

Qe.  Bem  ipeam  putoatL     De.  Duc  me  ad  eum  ergo.     Oe.  Non 

moror.     Ch.  TTbi  boc  egeris, 
Transito  ad  uxorem  meam,  ut  conTeniat  bauc  prius  quam  luiio 

abeat ;     - 
Dicat  no8  dare  eam  Pbormioni  nuptum,  ne  succenseat ; 
£t  m^pa  eBse  illum  idoneum,  qui  ipei  sit  famUiarior ; 
No6  noatro  officio  nihil  digreesos   eese;    quantum  ls  toIu- 

erit  10 

DflmiphD    ind  or  othn-. 
the  monor  lh>t         b.  Nam,  ti  aUrra  iUate  maffit  imtBbU'] 

Cknin«  '  Por  if  (hst  ather  girl  that  he  apeaki  of  if 

«mipho  to  more  prcsaing.  perhBpi  he  DIBJ  pnt  DS  off.' 

tslie  <ve  how  he  ported  wlth  the  monej ;  '  You  have  hit  it,'  wys  Gelk.     For  '  alteis 

and  Demlpho  ■ssam  him  th*I  be  bu  no-  iUaec'  see  iv.   3.  62.     With  '  rem    ipmn 

thing  to   feu'.  for  that  he  vill  take  cere  potuti'  we  may  compare  PlaotaB,  RndeDi 

that    Pbormio   ihaU    pla;   hiiu    no    trick.  T.  2.  18,  19: 

Both   the  old  men  .pree  that  there  »  no  ,.  j^    i^^  ^       ^   ^,   jiH^     ,„,   ^^ 
bme  to  be  lost;  that  Phormio  oiBy  perhspi  mediirul.      Gr.  Tam  tu 

cbange  hia  miod.    Chreme.  a.k8  Demipho        MeQdicu.e8.'    Xfl.  Tetjjristi  icu." 
to  go  to  Nansiatnt^  end  uk  to  ne  tbe 

girl  before  ahe  goet,  snd  eipbin  to  her  Witli  'reidat'  compate  ' eidat,' Pbormlo, 

that   Phormio,  ■■   her  most  intimata   ac-  Prolos.  17. 

qtiaiDtance,  hai  tbe  greateat  right  to  her,        8.  DieaQ   Tbe  prononn*  here  ere  nther 

■nd  tb*t  *he  hu  ■  huidMme  dowrj.    Thie  obecure.   Tbe  paange  means, '  Step  over  to 

Demipho  coDeants  to)  and  Chremes  parts  my  wife,  uid  wk  her  to  go  >nd  >ee  Pba- 

from  hia  friend,  being  now  bent  npon  la<A-  nium  belbra  *he  leiTeg  ua.     I«t  her  tell 

iDg  Ibr  hii  Lcmnian  wile  uid  danghter.  her  thkt  we  are  going  to  gire  her  in  mir- 

Tbe  Meti«  is  i^mbic  tctrameter.  riage   to  Pbormio,    that   ahe  mar  not    ba 

1.  m  quid  ttrborum  duW]     Fo*'Terb»  angrj  at  being  •ent  ■w«r!  «nd  be  ia  the 

dare'  eee  note  on  Andiia  i.  3.  6,  eud  fbr  maia  proper  per«on,  becaDse  be  is  ■  moch 

'dnit,'   Andria  i».    1.  41.     '  Hoc,'  in  tbe  more  intimate  fricnd  of  her  o*n ;  thit  we 

next   lioe,  namely  '■rgenturo.'      Demipho  h»vo    not    neglecled   onr  duty  ;   we   h^ve 

haa   a  pnrse   in  his   hand   contwning    Ihe  given  ■■  mnch  dower  ■■  he  ■skcd.'     '  Ido-  ' 

thirty  miD*e.     Get^  laiig;hs  at  the  cautioD  nenm'  ig  often  in  con^IrDcIion  with  >qui,' 

of  tbe  old  men  in  lending  mooey,  which  i^  but   here   tlie   reUtiTe    ctauae  ■uigng   the 

bormwed  only  th^t  it  m^y  ba  retnmed  to  reuon  fbr  '  mifii . .  .  idoDeum.' 
tiiem  ai  iooD  ■■  pofdble  aa  aaaie  pretenc* 

Dg  zecbvGoOglc 


Batnm  eeee  dotis.     De.    Quid  tua,  malain,  id  refert?     Ch. 

Magni,  Bemiplio. 
De.  Non  satis  eet  taum  te  officium  facere,  si  non  id  &nia  sp- 

Ch.  Volo  ipeina  qooque  volnntate  hoc  fierij  ne  ae   ejectam 

De.  Idem  ego  istuc  &cere  poasonu     Ch.  Mulier  mulieri  magis 




80.  Quid  agam  P  quem  mihi  amicum  inTeniam  mi^era  ?  ant 
quo  Gonfiilia  haeo  referam  P  aut 

It.  Quid  hia,  nalmH,  id  rrferl  ?]   Thii  nepliair  md   hU  daiigliter.    Bnt   he  docf 

Kne  ha>   tmta   Dotieed   in   tlie   nots   od  not  know  ot  prewnt  wherd  to  find  tbon. 
HecinilT.  3.  U,  wbere  tha  phme  '  tum  re- 

fert'  ia  itiscusBed.    'Tiu'  and  other  uiniUr  AcT  T.  Scene  I.     As  Chremei  is  aboit 

worda  irith '  refert' have  the  lut  nyllitile  long  to  go  in  warch  of  hi<  daughter,  Sophrona 

in  ever;  aae  tbat  I  hare  noticed  «icept  ia  her  nnne  appean,  lamenting  the  mirfor- 

thii  pBSsage,  where  '  tai  ai«||laiii'  forms  a  tnnei  which  she  ftait  are  abont  to  hapiwa 

tribrach  in  the  place  of  ui  iambos.    Donatiu  to   lier   miitress.      'I   did   mj   best,'   Ae 

oridently  had  tbe  eiisljng  order  of  the  teit,  ■■71.   '  to  proride  fbr  her   b;  getting  bcT 

and  so  bave  all  tbe  msnascripti.     I  baTO  married.  althongh  I  knew   that  the  nur- 

therefore  left  it,  and  the  more  beoaiue  it  is  riage  wss  not  of  anj  legal  Talae.     And  ■U 

If  genuine  an  impDrtsnt  eiceptioii  to  the  this  wbite  I  bave  been  unsble  to  diasoiir 

eommon    nle.     The  diScnltj  might  be  her  hther.'    Chremei  now  calls  her,  u>i 

ersded  by  mding  '  Qnid,  malum,    tna   id  on  her  roci^iiing  him  eipl^ns  that  tl» 

refert  ?'  which  maj  aller  sU  be  right.     In  name  nf  Stilpho,  bj  wbich  she  addressc! 

the  following  line  I  tiaTe  sdopted  '  bcere,'  him,  was  ■ssuoied  onlf  from  hii  fedr  thu 

the  resding  of  the  Bembine   MS.,    «ilh-  his  wife  woald  discover  his  eonneiioTu  it 

out    however     foUowing   Bentlej    in     bia  Lemnos.     Sophrona   then    tells    him  Ibd 

traaspositjon  of  the  remainder  of  the  line,  Plianinm    had   beea   marrieil  lo   Antjpbo, 

which  does  not  seem  to  be  neceawrj.  and  eiplains  how  the  nurriage  was  msds 

M.  Mulier     mulieri     aiaffii    emtgmit]  np.     Chremes  is  deti^ted  to  findthstdM 

Thli  ii  OD  the  prindple  of  '  eimilia  umiU-  verj  thing  that  he  haa  set  his  heut  on  bai 

bus,'    itifniuit    Kfpafiii.       A   provrab    ii  come  to  pass  without  an j  eSbrt  ,of  his ;  bit 

qnoted  from  Plntsrch:  be  wams   Sophrona  not  to   let  snj  oae 

irnlf    TniJi     »i     yet>nul     wp*ff4opev  ^^"  "^"  "  '°'!?"i'- ?•  ^i":;!'' 

^„^i                                           r-  T  r  irocbsic  tetmmeteri    2,  trochsic  dimetaj 

6.    12—14,  trochsic  tclrsmeter  cataledic; 

1S.1    Chreines,  now    lliat  be    hai  ar-  6,  7.  15 — 20,  iambic  tetnmeteri  ii— .3I, 

ranged  niormio|s  buiiDeB*,  and  got  rid  of  iambic  tetiameter  catalectic. 

Antipbo's  wife,  bopes  to  brins  abont  the  1.   Quo  contilia  Aarc   r^tramf]     'Of 

mateb  whieh  he  had  at  beart  between  his  to  wbom  thall  I  apply  for  advice  V    '  Qso' 


ACTUS  V.    SCENA  I.  461 

Unde  mihi  anxiliiim  petam  ? 

NanL  Tflreor  hera  ne  ob  mema  saasnia  iudigne  injuiia  affi- 

ciatur : 
Ita  patrem  adoleecentia  &cta  haec  tolerare  aadio  Tiolenter. 
Ch.  Nam  quae  haeo  anns  eat  exanimata,  a  &atre  qnae  egressa 

est  meoP  S 

80.  Quod  ut  facerem  egeetaa  me  impolit ;  qutmi  Bcirem  infir- 

maa  nuptiaa 
Hasce  ease ;  ut  id  conHnlemn,  interea  vita  tit  in  tuto  foret. 
Ch.  Certe  aedepol,  nisi  me  auimns  fallit,  ant  parum  prospi- 

ciunt  ocnli, 
Meae  nutricem  gnatae  Tideo.     180.  Keque  ille  inyestigatur^ 

Ch.  Quid  ago  P 
So.  Q,ni  eet  ejus  pater.     CA.  Adeo  P  an  maneo,  dnm  ea  qnae 

loquitur  magis  oognosco  ?  lo 

80.  Qnod  si  eum  nunc  rq>erire  possim,  nihil  eet  quod  Terear. 

Oh.  Eaeetipsa: 
Collo^uar.     80.  Quis  hic  loquitor  P     Ch.  Sophrona.     So.  Et 

meum  nomen  nominat  P 
Ch.  Respice  ad  me.     80.  Di,  obaecro  tob,  estne  hic  Stilpho  P 

Ch.  Non.     So.  NegaaP 
Ch.  Concede  hinc  a  forihus  paululimi  istorsum,  sodes,   So- 

TSe  me  istoc   posthao  uomine  appellassiB.     80.  Quid  P   non, 

ohsecro,  es  15 

Quem  semper  te  ease  dictitastiP      Ch.   Stl     So.   Quid  has 

metuis  fbree  P    ~ 
Ch.  Conclusam  hic  haheo  uxorem  saevam:   yerum  istoc  de 

Eo  perperam  olim  dixi  ne  tos  forto  impmdeDtea  foris 

I9  oKd  for  '  dd  qoMn.'    See  nole  on  Andria  w»  not  Tslid.'    Cotnpare  Hecyn  i.  2.  26 1 

lli.  4.  27.  "  8ed  flroiie  hne  Tereor  at  dnt  nnpUM ;" 

9.  Ot  vuum  uumttk]    '  Por  I  am  afiwd  and  see  note  on  Hesnt.  U.  3.  9fi. 

UMtmTmialrenwiJI  beiniwortlilly  WTonged  J.   Ut  id  eonn/cmn]     ' And  m j  object 

in  amieqDenee  of  mr  >dTice.'    'Snaans'  wu  to  proride  that  she  might  be  kble  to 

doea  Dot  oocor  elsewbere  in  l^tin  dusici.  liTe  nfely.' 

Porcellini  quotei  from  Ulpian,  Dig.  t.   2,  17-   Concliuam    hic  knhto  ttromt  tat- 

1.  9,  i   I :  "8i   qnie  per  rim  vel  BUASDm  mm]      'I  hsTe  f^t  a  stera  wife   nfe  In- 

medlomentnm  ■|[ciii  infndit."  doorg  here.'     '  CoDclimm'  {■  naed  aa  \f  she 

6.  Nitm   fnat  Aate   amit   etf]      '  Ntm  wScb  •  wild  beast.     See  nota  on  Andria  iL 

qnie'  for  'qiuenkm.'    See  nota  on  Andiu  3.  13. 

ii.2.24.  18.   Ptrprram']     ■  And  u  for  that  uam«, 

6.  QKnm  leirtin  infirmat  nupliat  iant  I  gsiB  jon  b  fslsa  name  then,  for  fter  tliat 

mm]    '  It  waa  poTcnr  that  drove  me  U>  do  joa  migbt  careleailj  mention  my  nam»  ont 

tbif,  illhongh  t  knew  that  tbii  nMrriage  of  doon,  and  ao  jnj  wile  ihould  diaoorei 



Effiitiretia,  atque  id  porro  aliqua  nxor  mea  reecisceret. 

80.   Istoc   pol   noa  te  hic  inTemre  miserae  mmquam   po- 

tuimnB.  10  I 

Ch.  Eho,  dio  mihi,  quid  rei  tibi  est  oum  faTnnia  hao  nnde   , 

TJbi  illae  suut?     80.   Miseram  me!     Ch.   Hem,  qnid  esXi  '■ 

Tivuntne  P     So.  Vivit  gnata : 
Matrem  ipaam  ez  aegritudine  miseram  mors  consecuta  est 
Ch.  Male  factom.     80.  Ego  autem  quae  essem  aQos  deeeita, 

egenB,  ignota, 
trt  potni  nuptum  Tirginem  locavi  liuic  adolescenti  ss 

Harum  qoi  eet  dominus  aedium.  Ch.  Antiphonine  ?  So.  Hem! 

lUi  ipsi. 
Ch.  Quid?  duasne  is  iixoree  habet  P     So.  Au,  obeecro:  unam 

iUe  quidem  hanc  solam. 
Ch.  Quid  illom  alterom  quae  dicitur  cogoata  P   Bo.  Haec  ergc 

est.     Ch.  Quid  ais  ? 
80.  Oomposito  &ctum  est  quomodo  hanc  amana  habere  posset 
Sine  dote.     Ch.  Di  veBtram  Mem,  quam  saepe  forte  temere  30 
Eveniunt  quae  non  audeas  optare  I     OSendi  adTeniens 
Qoicum  Tolebam,  atque  ut  yoleham,  oollooatam  filiam. 

Dif  ■ecrct  in  tarae  •mj.'     'Perperuii,'  va  ftker  est,  dum  hnc  sdTeniat.    Am.  Qud 

kdTcrbi*!  forni  fram  '  perpeniB     (compara  eum  ?"     8ee  elso  Heut.  t.  I.  77- 

the   Greek    npirfpgc).   genenllj  hu    Che  29.    Compotila]    '  It  wu  pRcoDCOtcd. 

■enee   of    '  badlj.'      It   is    here    uted   for  tbst  her  Iutbt   might  h»e  her  witlKHil  ■ 

'  hlielf .'     '  ESutta  '   ii    nlTictlf  equivetsnt  dawrj.'    'Compooilo' occtin  in  Virgil,  AtB. 

to  'efranda,'  and  w  puwa  iato  tbeaense  of  ii.  128,  129  : 

■f»  pr.t.  »cr.t./  't.  J.t  ■.«««;«.,' 'to  .. ,,,  „„j„  _^  ,a^    dm.orib« 

tBlk  >t  random.      Compare   'Funlia,    An-  ■ctus 

dn»  lu.  6.  3,  ■'"}"'>'*-  Compoiito  rompit  Tocem,  et  me  dotiiut 

20.  Iiloe]     •  TW  nime  of  yourj  then  ^^  „             "^ 
wu  the  remon  Trhj  ire  h«Te  nerer  ' 
*ble   to   find    you   in   onr   diitrese.' 
'iatoc'   see  Dotea  on  Andri»  i.   I.  { 

U.  Mol,  faehim]     Chremee  etpree»  30.'  *«».  «V< /■*''   '"■»f<  """"■ 

himMlf  r.tlii  cooily;  .nd  tbi»  ii  n.tuml,  ?>«»'««""*"  V'-^]  I-|«l"bro8  qi«.l« 

»   Don.tu.  ren..rkV;    for   it   murt   be   i  HMito..  Mwitelkn. ..  3.  40 . 

reliefto  him  Id  one  Tr*j  to  lind  thU  he  hu  "  iDipeiata  uddnnt    mtpE  nep*    qum 

no  longer  two  wiTet    in  the   mme   p\»ee.  qautperoi" 

J?!.?!'!!*! JjHt^l  ^"f  '  "*  '*^  """*>"■  .nd  from  Menuidcr, 

TaiTiiiaTov  ^jiiv  caXXjiii  PowXiilTaK. 

_  .  32.   Qucwii    eo/eioin]    Ftn'    '  qni '    ttr 

28.   Quid   illam    alfn-am]    '  Wh.t    hu  notes  on  Andri.,  Prol.  0,  Heaut.  i*.  9.  99. 

been  done  wilh  thit  olher  wife  of  hie  nho  >  Collaotiun  '   dependg   on   ■  off«MU  '    »ni 

la  uid  tobehii  ralatioD  ?'  Theu  eondenied  'Toleb.m,'     For 'tdIo  '  with  tbe  MCimtiTe 

eiprenloni  witfa  '  qoid  '  ue  freqoent.  Com-  of  Ihe  pvtidple  oompue  Heuit.  Pndof. 

|«ra  iil.  I.  16:    "  Muunnuqus  intniDm  S6:  "  Omnea  TOf  oraloe  toIo." 


ACTUS  V.    SCENA  II.  463 

Quod  nos  ambo  opere  maximo  dabamus  operam  ut  fieret, 

Sine  nostra  cur»,  timTiTim  Ema  cura,  haeo  sola  fecit. 

So.    Nunc  quid    opua  &cto   sit    -nde.      Fater   adolescentia 

Tenit ;  3S 

Eumque  aaimo  iniquo  hoo  oppido  feire  aiunt.      Ch.  Tfihil 

pericli  est. 
Sed  per  DeoB  atque  hominee,  meam  eese  hanc  cave  reaciscat 

80.   Nemo  ex  me  scibit.      Ch.   Bequere  mo:   intua   caetera 



De.  Nostrapte  culpa  facimus  ut  malis  expediat  esae, 
Dum  njjqiiim  dici  nos  bonoe  fitudemus  et  bemgnos. 
Ita  fugias  ne  praeter  caaam,  quod  aiunt.     Nonne  id  sat  erat, 
Accipere   ab   iUo   injuriam?  etiam  argentum  est  ultro  ob- 

36.  (^do]  See  DOte  oa  H«nt  IT.  2.  S.  Mmeg. 

38.  Iniat   entlera   auditi]    Thig   is    the  Tba  Metnt  ii  iamblc  ietnmeter  cslilectjc 

rndiDg  of  «11  tlie  muiiucripta ;  And  «Ithough  1.   Ui  malit    ipedial    ttt]     See   nale 

it  mek»  tha  metre  of   the  tine  irTegulaT,  on  Hcaut.  ii.  4.  B.     Some  M89.  Iutb  '  me- 

JA,  in  the  genenl  ■greement  of  the  copies,  los '  here,  bnt  '  mBlla '  Iku  the  Iwat  ■utho- 

it    maj    itanil.     Bentler   proposes   '»adi-  rity. 

emn»,'     Weiae,  in    hia  TenchniU   edition,  3.  Ita  fufiat  (u  pratltr   eatam,  jnod 

retii  'Bodietij.'     Either    would   do    Tety  aianl]   '  So    yoo   ongbt  DOt   to   pan  yonr 

well,  if  ihej  had  anj'  anthority.  maater'i  bonw  when  yoB  are  mnning  awar, 

u  tbej  uy.'     Donatai  giiea  Berer»)  eipla- 

Acr    V,    SciHI    II,       Sopbrona     and  nationB  of  this  prorerb  !  oneia, '  WhoD  70Q 

ChreniBi    hare    DO»   gone   to    DeDiipho'B  are  mnning    ■iraf,  don't   poaa  yonr    owa 

bonie  to  we  Pbanium.     Demipbo  rttumj  bouse,   for  tbat  i>  the  Bafest  place  that  joa 

wilh  Geta  after  banng  paid  the  monE;  to  caa  go  to.'     Tbia  <■  adopted  by  Eraamni. 

Phoniiio.     '  It  ia  our   own  faull,'  the  old  8ee  Forcellioi.     But,  aocMrding  to  our  no- 

<n*D  aaya,  '  if  we  find  that  men  are  icoan.  tions,  it  woold  be  the  Terj  wont  place  to 

dTEla.     WearetooacconimodatiDg.     ItnaB  go  to.     Tbe  beat  eiplan^tion  la  bie  •econd, 

quite  enongh  to  h^Te  been  iDJored  withont  wLich  I  baTe  adopled   in  the  teit.     If  a 

throwing  awar  oo«'a  nioney  into  the  b»-  mnaway  »Utb  wentnear  hismaater^a  hoaBe, 

gsin.'    ■  Well,'  says  Geta,  '  ;ou  at.j  caa-  he  atood  a  Terj  good  chance  of  being  cap- 

patnlaU  rootieir  on  it,  if  jron  get  rid  of  tared.    The  applicatioa  of  the  prorerb  to 

Kaninm,  eren  Bt  tbe  cost  of  joar  moaey.  Cbremea'    cmb    iceraa   to   be,    that  while- 

But  perhapa  the  man  will  cbange  bii  mind  trjing  to  aToid  one  eeil  he  has  ran  into 

•fter  ■II,'     GeU  now  begins  to  IbiDk  Bhout  another.     He  «anted  to  escape  the  conse- 

Setliag  the  money  for  Phaedria,  ao  that  this  qnencea  of  Pbormio'a  trick,  and  to  rdease 

monej  whicb  Phormio  haa  got  Diaj'  be  re-  his  son  Irom  his  marriage ;  and  while  doing 

tnmed.     Aa  for  himsdr,  he  feeta  that,  with  this,  he  bul  been  obliged  to  let  Phormio 

■II  hia  aipedienta,  he  is  onlj  putting  off  the  rob  bim  of  his  monej.     Tbe  proTerb  daei 

*ril  dij.  and  ibst  be  will  ha*e  to  paj  for  DOt  occor  elsewhere,  to  that  we  haTe  onlj 

-a  Iwlti  witb  intemt.     Ile  will  naw  go  the  conteit  and  the  eipUnatioD  of  Donatai 

\.  Eliam  arytnliM  ett  ullre  vlftcfMm] 



Ut  sit  qni  viTat  dum  aliud  aliquid  flagiti  conficiat.  i 

Ge.  FlaiuBBime.     De.  TTjr  niinc  praemium  eet  qui  reota  prava 

Oe.  Veriflsime.   De.  Ut  stultiseiiDe  quidem  illi  rem  geeserimus. 
Ge.  Modo  nt  boo  consilio  poasiet  diaoedi  ut  iatam  dncat. 
Be.  Etiamue  id  dubinm  est  ?     Qe.  Haud  scio  bercle,  ut  homo 

eei,  an  mutet  HninniTin. 
De.   Hem,  mutet  autem  ?     Ge.   Nescio :   Temm  "  si   fOTte " 

dico.  .  10 

De.   Ita  faciam,  ut  frater  censuit,  ut  uxorem  hno  ejus  ad- 

Oum  ista  ut  loquatur :  tn,  Geta,  abi  prae ;  nuntia  hanc  vcn- 

Qe.  Argentum  inventum  est  Phaedriae :  de  jurgio  siletuT. 

'  "i/ij  moner  bu  bendei  been  tbroim  h  ■ 
Kin  to  him.'  'Ultra'  impliet  'Not  onlj 
did  I  not  resent  Ihe  injury  which  he  h»d 
doiie  me ;  but  I  went  further  tbsD  thM,  and 
■ctnnlly  gsTB  him  my  monay.'  Thooriginal 
]de&  of '  objirere  '  would  be  '  to  throw  food 
before  ■nimiis.'  Compare  Virg;il,  Aendd. 
Ti.  410 — 422,  ipediinK  of  Cerberui : 
"  Cui  Talee,  horrere  Tideua  jun  ooIIa  coln. 

Melle  ■ojwrttun  et  mediotii  frugibai 

Objicit.     Ille  bme  nbids  tria  gattars 

Corripit  abjectmm," 
LiTj  u>ea  it  of  ■  concessloa  to  pi^Dlar  da- 
moar.  "  Aptiuimum  lempus  erat,  vindi- 
c«tia  leditlonibu»,  delenimentum  ■nimie 
Boteiu  agri  diTiiionem  objid,"  vi.  Sl.  Te- 
rence  generBlIy  uaea  it  wich  mcb  wonJa  aa 
'malam,'  'IhUU^,'  &c.  See  Hecjn  iii.  1. 
6.  Heaut  i,  3,  12.  WJth  '  qoi  Tivu'  in 
the  neit  line  compare  Adelphi  T.  9.  2:1 : 
"  Huic  ■liquid  psulum  pne  manu  Dederis 
Unde  utetar,"  uid  aee  note. 

8.  Modo  Mt  hee  eoiuilio  poMiitt  ditctdf] 
'One  csn  onlj  hope  th&t  by  tbii  pl^n  thingi 
mtiy  be  brought  to  ■  aucceeBful  iuue,  thet 
he  mey  mury  hv.'  'Discedo'  is  some- 
times  nsed  in  the  Hnte  '  lo  come  off  well, 
ontof  ■  baslnese.'     Compare  i.  8.  68: 

••Na.    Satin    tibi   eet,    Chreme?     Fh. 

Imo  Tcro  pulchre  disccdo  et  probe ; 

Et  pneter  spem." 

Cicero  uses  the  word  Bcretal  times  in  this 

way.  See  ForcelliDi.    Ths  Terb  is  ■  ptssiTe 

impenonal  in  tbis  pusage. 

12.  NtMtia  Aane  Mnfwmi] 
Gel%'  safs  Demipba,  '  go  to  Phuiii 
give  her  notice  th^t  NKUsistrsta  ie  eoming 
to  see  har.'  They  ■re  now  itMidiDg  I^ 
Chremos'  house,  BO  thst  Demipho  propalj 
OBea  '  hanc  '  for  Nsnsistrets,  who  19  at  home 

13.  ^r^nifMni]     Oela  now   soliloqiiiies 

on  Ihe  present  lUIe  of  alTun.  ■  1  h^ie  goC 
the  money  for  Pheedri^  ;  snd  not  ■  irard  is 
mii  about  Che  Uwsuiti  snd  it  ia  arrmnged 
Ihat  Fhuium  slwll  not  leaTO  this  honie  it 
preeent.  Now  what  will  come  next  ?  WhU 
vill  heppen  ?  You  ire  as  deep  in  the  mod 
■s  OTer ;  yoD  iriU  luTe  l^  psy  your  oeditoc! 
b;  boTTowing  Irom  othcn.  It  is  tme  thu 
tbe  pnniihment  which  was  imminent  hu 
been  itaTed  off;  bnt  meanwbile,  if  jon  da 
DOt  look  out,  yonr  siccount  of  laibes  ii  in- 
creadng.'  'Tbe  phrue  '  in  eoden  Into  bae. 
situ '  is  qnoted  by  LaclantiDS  vii.  X,  ■ccord. 
Ing  to  Lindenbrog.  PUutos  ose*  (he  word 
in  ■  similar  nnse.    Psendolus  ir.  3.  S7  : 

"  Ferii,  nnnc  homo  in  nuidia  lato  eM." 
Fenair.  3.  74: 

"  Neqne  mihi  Imud  imperito  eraniet  tali  st 

in  luto  b^etMm." 
Tbe  idea  is  simple  enough  ;  Get^  ia  reckon- 
irig  np  bis  liabiltties  to  pDniBhment,  u  if 
they  were  ordinsry  debts.  80  we  lay,  '  Yoa 
are  ovcr  besd  and  ears  in  debt ;'  '  yon  sink 
deeper  and  deeper.'  '  Versttra  solTcre  '  was 
•  term  nsed  of  those  who  borroired  monrr 
from  ■  ncw  crcditor  to  pav  sn  old  one ;  >n 
tbat  hesides  raying  tbe  inCerest  on  their  oU 
debts,  Ihey  bad  to  paj  interest  elso  on  cbe 
■nm  tbat  tliej  bonowed,  aod  so  tn,  till 


ACTUS  V.    SCENA  m.  465 

ProYiflum  est  ne  in  pra^entia  haeo  hino  abeat :  quid  nunc 

Quid  fiet  ?  in  eodem  luto  haeaitas :  veraura  solves,  1 5 

Geta.     Praeeeiie  quod  fuerat  malum  in  diem  abiit :   plagae 

Nisi  prospicis.     Nunc  liinc  domum  ibo,  ac  Phanium  edocebo 
Ne  quid  Tereatur  Phormionem  aut  ejus  orationem. 



De.  Agedum,  ut  Soles,  Nauaietrata,  fac  illa  ut  placetur  nohis ; 
Ut  8ua  voluntate  id  quod  eat  faciendum  faciat,  JVa,  Faciam. 
De.  Pariter  nunc  opera  me  adjuvaB  ac  re  dudum  opitulata  ea. 
iVa.  Factum  volo;  at  pol  minuB  queo  viri  culpa  quam  me 

dignum  est. 
De.  Quid  autem?    Na.  Quia  pol  mei  patris  bene  parto  in- 

diligenter  S 

Tutatur ;  nam  ex  hxB  praediie  talenta  argenti  bina 

thej  bMOme  hopeleBglj  mTolTsd.   CoDipan  sgreeB  to  lceep  Phuuum  and  diop  Cba  nther 

Cicero,  Ad  Atticnin  t.  15.  2  :  "  Adininbilui  conneiioii  of  vbich  they  b»d  been  talidng, 

sbBlineiittm  ta  pnecepdi  toli ;  at  vereAr  ae  AU  thii  ii  ouried  ou  rether  ohscnreLj,  h»- 

iUod  quod   tecnm  permntBvi  veraura  mibi  cause  thej'  wiib  to  keep  it  entirelj   from 

•oliendom  lit."     Foi  ■  in  diem  abiit'  lee  NHoaistTstB.     Tbeir  mjBter;  mskeBberBUi- 

note  on   EnnucbiiB  t.  6.  19;  uid  fbr  'in  pecC  Bometbing,  wbile  she  iB  glid  to  find 

pneteDtia'inT.  14,  note  on  Heant.T.  3.  9.  tbat  Pbanium  is  to  Btay.     Ab  soon  sa  ever 
she    baa    gone,    CbremeB    tells    Demipho 

AcT  V.  ScENB  III.     Demipho  hw  been  brieflr  tb&t  it  is  his  ovrn  d«a^ter  who  is 

to  lee  Nanuitratn,  and  to  peraiuute  ber  to  married  to  Atitipbo.     The;  go  in  doors  to 

trr  lo  reoondle  Phaniam  to  ber  msrrisge  talk  it  over  more  quLeC];. 
withPbormio.     He  be«<  hei  to  htlp  bim        Tbe  Metn  is  bb  rollowB;  1~1I,  iunbic 

now  with  her  eerriaM  u  she  hu  tlretidj  tetrameter  mtBlectic ;   13 — 36,  iimbictem- 

doue  with  her  purse.     Sha   exprcSBei  ber  meler. 

lesdinesa  to  do  >o  ;  uid  ouly  regretB  tbat         2.   Ul  iua  talmtati .  .  .  faeiat]     Com. 

in  consequance  of  hei  husbuid'!  careleBB'  poie  iT.  b.  13. 

neSB  ber  Lemniui  propertf  is  not  woith         3.   Ac    re    dudum    opitulala    u]       Por 

•o  mucb  u  it  wis  in    bec  tather^e   time.  Cbremes  bad  borrowed  the  monej  fram  his 

ChremesQowcomesoutof  Denupbo'>house,  wi(e'B  lents,  to  lend  to  Demipbo,  iv.  3.  70. 

snd  ia  Teied  to  find  that  be  is  too  lale  to  Meny  of  tbe  best  edilions  bsTe  '  adjuTu,' 

prerent  bis  brolber  pajing  the  mouef .     He  «hich  is  certainly  prefersble  to  the  leeding 

reports  tbat   Fbaninm   wiU  not  leSTe  bar  of  the  commonteit '  adjaves;'  for^uBent- 

buBbsnd,  uid  thst  he  hss  discovered  that  lef  obBerres,  NsnsiBlrete   bas  ab-eody  ei- 

she  is  reall;  attei  all  a  relstion   of  thein.  preBsed  her  williDgness  to  he  of  service. 
He  trie^  hard  to  make  Demipbo  undentand         6.  Aoin  ti  AU  pracdiii  lalenla  argenti 

him,  but  be  is  provokingl;  Btnpid;  and  at  bina  italim  capiebatl      '1   cannot   do   as 

first  is  fbr  tbeir  all  going  to  Pbanium  toge-  mncb  u  1  onght  lo  be  able  to  do,  from  m^ 

ther  and  iDqniring  from  her  who  she  is.  hasband'!  negligence  in  lookiDg  after  mj 

At  iBBt  he  seemi  to  take  Ibe  biut;    and  father'B  hooest  eamiugs.     For  na  used  to 

H   h        . 

46G  PHORMIO.  1 

Statim  capiebat.    Vir  viro  quid  praestat  1    De.  Binan  quaeeo? 
Jfa.  Ac  rebus  vilioribus  multo,  tamen  talenta  bina.    J)e.  HuL     | 
Na.    Quid  haec  Tidenturf      De.   Scilicet.      Na.   Yinun  me 

natum  vellem :  1 

Ego  ostenderem — De.  Gerto  Bcio.     Na.  quo  faxAo—De.  Parcf,    ! 

sodes,  10    , 

Ut  posais  cum  iUa ;  ne  te  adolescens  mulier  defatiget. 
Na.  Faciam  ut  jubes :  sed  meum  Tirum  abe  te  exire  vidca 

Cfi.  Hem,  Demipho,  . 

Jam  illi  datum  eet  argentum  P    De.  Curavi  ilico.    Ch.  Nollem 

Hei,  yideo  uxorem,  paene  pluB  quam  sat  erat.     De.  Cnr  nollee,    | 

Ch.   Jam  recte.     De.    Quid  tuP   ecquid  locutus  cum  ieta  es 

quamobrem  hanc  ducimus  ?  I5 

Ch.   Transegi.      De.   Quid   ait   tandem  P      Ch.   Abduci   non 

potest.     De.  Qui  non  potest  F 

recciTa  regnlariT  ersry  tw  t*">  talents  of  We  cannattherelorerecaTethenilaiiilkoal 

tilTar  from  tbat  property,'     '  Stkdni '  ori.  modititaticni. 

giDall;  meana   '■tsnding,'  at  io   Plantiu,  8.  Ae  rebtt  viiiorHiu   ml/o]    '  Ho« 

Amphitrao  i.  1.  8fi— 07 :  taz   one    n»n    nrpessa    uiotlieT!'       De- 

"SedAigaaiiiieetamennemocallTerlitar;  mipho  then  ulu,  ■  IVo   Ulenta,  did    joo 

Nec  recedit  loco  quin  ststim  rem  giirat  ■■T  ?'     *  Tfe»,'  sefs  Nsusiitrst»,  •  *nd  1b>t 

Animam  amittnnt  prius  qo»m  loco  demi-  when  thingi  «ere  tai  cheaper  thsn  they  »r» 

mat ;"  now.  when  the  times  were  not  so  good  (iv 

and  T.  120":  "  Ita  stati>n  itant  >ign..  neqae  ^"  ^^  *°  «1  hi.  p.»!»».'    Good  <ama 

no.    quoqnsm  «mcedit  die,"  '  So   etill  do  '^"  t^  ^"-  "  '»».  "PP°f^  "",  '*?! 

the  connlellatian.  rtsnd,  nor  Joes  night  in  pro"»!»"»  ™  et  &m.nB    piica.     In  tb» 

anj  psrt  of  the  Aj  glTe  pU«  to  dsj.'     8o  foHo-ing  Ime  'nalnm,    the  re.^  oT  th« 

it  ine«.  '  on  the    Bpot!'   .nd  from   thU  Bembino    is  ««rect.     P^t  P*i jnlo  • 

nieaningdiTergetheideu.'.l««li1.,"re«.  F*»'  difficul^  in  eipl«  the  ordin.^ 

Urly,'or'imm«di.lelj'  (compare  'iliM').  tf"'.»»^»-       He  oomp™  Jqsttn  u  S: 

Dan.tiu  obwrve.  th.t  in  the  wnse  of  ths  a*"!»"""    Puw   oeeo    <ndil>  •«,'  -. 

teit  'atetim'   h»   the  first  Sfll.ble  long,  totollj  different  cwe.                       _;_,_^   ■ 

in  if  more  ™mmon  mesning.^hort.     Ho  .'"■  P-™^rf«J    Th»  N«-»t»ta  |s 

is   followed   bj   most  a)mment.lo™.     See  "«l™llr .  ^Dg-minded  wm.»n.      Sbe  u 

Quicbemt,   Poeticns  (sub  toc.).  """"R''»  here  .t  »  dotmruned  i.t«, -ben 

Heqnote..deciaiTelineinfkTourothi.  D«»ipho   "^p.   h«.   «id   «!»««    ter    W 

riew  from  EnniDs  =  'P™  ^lf^''-  "^  ''^  ""  *",»^  *t^ 

,  , ,  ,                           .            .      .  ,.      ,      .  with  PhaDium  wben  .he  goee  lo  see  ber,  or 

"Adlorrsm  «  proftemant,  st.tim  Lkcrf.  elM  .he  will  be  berten  bj.  womu.  yonng» 

'^'"-  thnn  herself. 

Or  the  two  pusages  of  Plantns,  Iha  htler  i fi.  /0,^  reete']   '  Nolhing  st  .11  >t  pie- 

proT«  noChing  u  to  Ihe  qnuititj  of  tbe  MnC'     For  'recle'  KO  nole  on  Bnnnidiu 

word,  fbr  the  tirat  foot  of  tbe  line  m»j  be  ii.  3.  60.     '  you  toU  ha-  whj  wb  an 

either  .  trochee   or  a  spondee;    and   tbe  going   to  bring   Naasi)tr.t>  to   ne   ho'-' 

fonncr,  which  is  .  set  of  cteljc  lines,  ahow.  Cbremn  hwl  n^j  betnjed  bimnlf  whea 

Qiat  OTen  u.  tbe  aense  of  '  standing  still.'  be  flrst  came  out  of  the  bonw,  uul  he'  ih« 

'  Meadilj,' it  maj  be  aborL    The  line  miut  aMwersTer7caution.l;,  indeed  so  obscoretr 

1               1 .  ^^  Demipho  canuot  for  lome  time  teke 


ACrrUS  V.    SCENA  in.  467 

Ch.  Quia  aterque  utriqoe  eet  cordi.     De.  Quid  iHtuo  tiostra  P 

Ch.  Magni :  praeter  haec, 
Gognatam  comperi  eese  Qobis.     De.    QuidP   deliraaP     Ch. 

Sic  erit. 
'Saa.  temere  dico :   redii  mecum  in  memoriam.      De.   Satia 

sanua  ee? 
Na.  Au,  obeecro,  oave  ne  in  cognatam  peccee.     Be.  Kon  eet. 

Ch.  Ne  nega.  30 

Patris  nomen  aliud  dictum  est:   Iioc  tu  erraati.     De.   Non 

Qorat  patrem  P 
Ch.   Norat.     De.   Cur  aliad  dizitP     Ch.   Nunquamne  hodie 

concedea  mihi, 
Neque  intelligeeP     De.   Si   tu   nihil   narras — Ch.    PergiaP 

Na.  Miror  quid  hoc  siet. 
De.   Eqnidem  hercle  neecio.     Ch.   Yin  scireP     At  ita  me 

scrret  Jupiter 
TJt  propior  illi  quam  ego  sum  ao  tu  nemo  est.    De.  Di  Teatram 

fideml  ts 

EomuB  ad  ipsam:  una  onines  nos  aut  scire  aut  nescire  hoo 

Tolo.     Ch.  Ah. 
De.  Quid  estP     Ch.  Itan  parram  mihi  fidem  esse  apud  teP 

De.  Vin  me  credere  P 
Tin  satis  quaeaitum  mihi  istuc  eese  P     Age,  fiat :  quid  P  tUa 


reiii.'      Nor  doe»  Chrei 

19.  Nvn  lemere  Jieo]  •  I  do  not  ipwk  to  go  over  the  cue  with  bim;  tar  that  ii 

at  nndoni.    I  hsTB  recill«l  tbe  cose  to  tfae  verj  Ixt  thitig  he  «011111  h><ra  done  in 

mj    miDd.'     Tha    phrsH    •  In    Diemaruin  bii  iTifg'i  prcMnoe.      He  meiru  to  dlipoaB 

Tedeo  '   occon    in    Pluitiii   among    other  of  the  queation  samnurilT,   ud   to   itop 

wjtioajmet :  foTtber  qDestioDS. 

■*  Nnnc  demuDi  b  memorivn  redeo  qnDm  .  "■   t**  <T'^  l?,?"'  '^''f,  "*  "V^ 

mecam  moocito  -  hoevolo]     •  I  ghoiild  hka  uj  all  togelhcr  to 

NODC  edepol   demnm  in  m<«u>ri»n   i».  )■'»-  "'"»"',  '^  ^;  »"  f  S'^.''     ^^^ 

credior  «ndiMe  me.  •••■  "  eqmTrient  phn«e  1d  Epid«™»  111.  1. 

QD»i  per  ubDlun.    Hqionem  ptruD  ^'.  ■•Sitne  qmiz,«^«t«^caf<«.       Do- 

nMDB  Toarier  "  inipho  ii  prepinag  to  go  »nd  Ke  Pliuuiuo 

Vf.-i   -   1   ••■     M  ^  *t  oDce  wlwn  ChreDiee  stop«  him. 

(Cpi. ..  «.  js-n.)  „  yi^  „,„  ,„^,,J^,u  »1«  «., ;] 

Compare   Cicero,   De   Senectnte,    c^>.  7-  •  i)«.  Dojoa  *iih  me  to  inqnirenofaitherf 

'•  Nec  wpalcm  legeni  Tcreor,  qnod  ainnt,  Well,  be  it  Kt.     Bnt  nfaat  is  to  liecome  of 

ne  memoriam   penlBm  1  his  enim  ipns  le-  thit   daogbter  of  aor  friend  nf  whom  w* 

gendii   in   meaioriBm    redeo   morinomm."  were  ■peaking  ?    CA.  NoChing.  Dr.  Wemnjr 

'  Redii '  i(  doe  to  Bentlef ,  in  plue  of  the  let  Niuuiitnta  go  home  tben  !     Ci.  Ye*. 

old   mdiDg  'redi,'whicb  ii  neitber  good  De.  And  Phulam  ii  to  itsy?     Ch.  Ye*.' 

I^n  nor   good  «enie.     •  Hecnm '   occnn  The  (tndent   will  notiGe  thn   broe  of  IIm 

withmiii;ndi«Mdiu'repnto,*'co|ito;'  pofect  participle  'q—etttaw'  Imm.    For 
H  h  3 



Amici  nostri  qnid  futumm  eet  P     Ch.  Recte.     De.  Hanc  igitui 

mittimue  ? 
Ch.   Quidni?    Be.   Illa  maneatP     Ch.   Sic.     De.   Ire  igitnr 

tibi  licet,  Nauaistrata.  an 

Na.   Sic   pol   commodjus  esse   in   omnee  arbitror  quam  ut 

Manere  hanc ;  nam  perliberalis  visa  eet  quum  vidi  mihi. 
De.   Quid   istuc  negoti   eat  P     Ch.   Jamae  operuit  oetium  ? 

De.  Jam.     Ch.  O  Jupit«r, 
Di  noB   reapiciunt :   gnatam  invem  nuptam  cum  tuo  filio. 

De.  Hem, 
Quo  pacto  id  potuit  P     Ch.  Non  aatis  tutus  est  ad  narrandum 

hic  locus.  3i 

De.  At  tu  abi  intro.     Ch.  HeuB,  ne  filii  quidem  noetri  lioc 

resciscaut  volo. 



Laetus  sum,  ut  meae  res  sese  habent,  fratri  obtigisse  quod 

Quam  scitum  est  ejusmodi  pararo  in  animo  cupiditates 

■qoid    il1> 

Heuil.  iii.  1 



'     «»»P»" 

1.  ut 




H  '  ut  ut ' 

"Qnid  te 

iDi  usidue 

in  ihe  old  editioni,  u  \n 

1  Adelphi 

iL8.  40: 


"  Vt  at 

b>ec  SBnt  «cta.       BoC 

■U    Food 

editen  li 

nce  Bentier  har 


Ai  Chrcme. 


ned  determined  thU  Ph»- 

tbr  tbe  H 

ike  of  tbe  metn 

!,  ou  the 


Duld  >l»y  where  ■he  wu,  Demipho  of   the  Bembiue  and  foor  Bngliiih  a 

aiBsea  N.usnt™t(i,  whose  inflneiuM  Bcripta.    '  Frater  '  woi  M>medaieii  Bpplini  to 

TO  no  lonjer  required.  ,  coujin.     FoKMUiui  e  lew  inshuic« 

30.  Altuabx  iit/ni]  Thej  botb  go  iato  frain  Qoero  aod  other  enthote.  The  ■oni  o( 

Deoupho  s  honse.  (wo  brothert  wete  odled  ■  frBtna  pUraeln.' 

2.  QuAH  Kit»m   at}    Compare  HemuU 

AoT  V.  ScBNB  IV.    Aotlpho  i>  dcJighted  L  2.  Sfi  ;  ■'  Hoc  adtaDi  eit ;   periculam  n 

that  PhaedriB  hu  obtained  hia  wish.    A  aliig  facere,  tibi  quod  ei  uiu  aet."     Por 

goodeiampleof  theeTcellenceDrDioderate  '  quaa '  in  the  fitllowing   line  gome  eopiv* 

deiireg,  ror  then  ■  titUe  belp  serrBi  to  set  have   '  qoibai  j'    bnt   the   beit    ■Dlhariiin 

yoQ   rijht   when    jou   are   in   ■  diffieulty.  hsTe  '  qn»».'     Tbi>  nse  of  the  accDsaiiTe 

fhaedn»  !■  perfectlj'  happj  now  that  he  hea  with  '  roedeor '  retta  on  tbe  eole  ■uthoritf  ff 

Kot  the  moner.     As  for  himseir,  he  hu  no  this  psatage,  and  one  tnManee  in  VitruviiK. 

hopo  what«Ter  of  a  happy  termination  of  'Medicor'  ii  eimiluif  uwd  in  Virgil,  A«u 

hi9  tronble» ;    hie  oniy  cbance  being  that  rii.  760  ■ 
Phormio  wiU  be  able  to  breek  off  his  en- 

gegement  with  DeniiphoandleaTe  nuaium  "Sed    noo    Dudwiiae  mediari   ciupi.lii 

The  Hetre  ii  iambic  tetramelcr  catalectic. 


ACTUS  V.    SCENA  V.  469 

Quas,  qaum  res  odversse  sient,  paulo  mederi  poaeis  I 

Hio  siroul  ttrgentum  repperit  curs  sese  expedivit. 

£go  millo  possmn  Fcmcdio  me  evolvere  ex  his  turbia  6 

Quin,  si  hoc  celetur,  in  mctu,  sin  patefit,  in  probro  sim. 

Neque  me  domum  nunc  reciperem,  ni  milii  esset  spes  oatenta 

Hujusce  habendae.     Sed  ubinam  Getam  inyenire  poasum, 

TJt  rogem  quod  tempns  conyeniendi  patris  me  capere  jubeat  ? 



Ph.  Argentum  accepi ;  tradidi  lenooi ;  abduxi  mulierem ; 
CuraTi  propria  ea  Phaedria  ut  poteretur;   nam  emissa  < 

S.  Ego  nallo  . .  .  tvolvtre  ex  kii  iurtif] 

'  I  sm  not  able  bf  tnj  reinedjr  to  free  mj- 

■df  from  my  presenl  froablea.'     '  Evol*erB 

fbwa'  ii  '  (a  nDwind  the  tbTeiuil  froin  the  Acr  V.  Scbhk  V.     Phomiio  joios  Anti- 

■pindle,'  hence  to  eitriatte  ODeself  from  pho.    He  ii  boaiting  of   having  cheiit«d 

tnmhle ;  to  Mt  oncKlF  trt^     It  occun  alia  Demipho  oat  of  the  mone},  Bnd  bating  got 

In  EunochnB  iv.  4.  56:  tha  music  girl  fbr  Phaedria.     And  Dow  «U 

.,  „           ^  ^            ■  .    V           1            .  -.i-  ""'  ^'  w«nt«  iB  to  be  quiet  fDT  s  f«w  days, 

"  H«!  re  et  te  omni  turh.  e.ol™,  et  Jh  ^^  ^  ^^„j  himsdf.     Pb.edri«  hu  dw 

B"^  'x»™'-  got  Bhiit  hB  *i»he«,  «nd  he  fiDd*  himielf  io 

We  may  compue  AsKhylns'  phnee :  »«7  "noh  the  plight  in  wbich  Antipho  WM. 

He  in  afrAid  to  meet  hii  fatber,  Bod  hopea 

yvw  i'  4ir4  iTKiT^  Ppifti  Uut  Antipho  will  now  intercede  for  him,  u 

OvftakyiitTitaioilirlirAtrBHiva  lorJ  ha  h«d  done  wheo  ha  wma  io  trouble.  Phor- 

caipiDv  ItToXvriiiaiiii,  mjo  intendi  to  tell  tho  old  meo  that  fae  ii 

Ztrvpaviiifat  tpifot.     going  to  Sunium  lo  buy  »  bIbtb  for  hii  wife. 

.   Qoin,  ti  ioe  celtlarl   '  I  can  only  e: 

Tbo  Metre  is  iambic  lctrameter. 

pect  .■  long  »  tbi.  buainM  i<  con«.l^  to  „  ^.  iVo;.r.B]     '  I   h»"   tdten   c«e   IhX 

bTin  .  eonrinual  aUte  of  darm,  but  to  be  J"'-»^™  .hdl  havB  b«r  to^lf  for  «a-, 

diagneed  if  it  ie  Biphuued.'     A*  long  a.  he  for  8ho  «  now  free. '  '  Propno.    hM  .  m.icd 

conceaied  from  hi.  fkther  tbe  arrangemeDt  n;e«oing_of  ■  belonging    to    ODeieir      ana 

th»t  he  had  made  wilh  Phormio,  hia  ftther  Jf  *'"«  '    "^  """■  ""  Andn.  iv.  3.  1.    ibe 

woolil  Dot  conient  to  the  match.  bnt  would 
cndeMonr  to  make  Phoimio  take  Phanium 
off  big  band. ;  and  if  be  eiplained  all,  it 
wonhl  overwbelni  bim  with  disgrace.    For 

7.  Ki  miil  ettel  tpet  oiltnia]  '  I  abonld 
DDt  h.Te  come  home  igwn  now  hnt  tbat 
alight  hope  hju  been  given 

phrMB  'emi»»  est  muiu  '  rcfers  eaperi.lly 

'    'li.t  form  of  ■  '  whieb  wMbjr 

idicta,'  in  whicb  .fter  th.^  rod  hui  been 

on  hi«  head,  Ihe  Bla»e  WM  turacd  round 

Andri.^1!  l(l!     '"'     bythen. 

0,'  aiid  then  let  go.  Fl.n. 
tm  uiei  the  nme  eipreuion.  Captivi  iL 

'  Ostenl. '  ii  nsed  of  .  rve  and  ■'  Nunquam  eiit  tam  avanu  qtun  t«  gratiii 

pTBcioaa  opportnnity  io  Eun.  iii.  5.  G7i  snd  mitt.t  manu  ;" 

here  eairics  with  it  tho  kindred  sense  of  ,  „      ,  ,     .  _  ,_^ 

■  »i»nty.'     Foi-  ■  babendae '  Bentley  Bub.ti-  "'"■  ™naoin.  i.  a.  1«* : 

tDlea  withoQt  any  authority  '  b.beDdl '  bere  "  Nunquwn  «i   praetDrem  aequ.  conuu 

Bndinv.  6.  <0,raferriii|toUecyraiii.  3.  l2.  cumm,  nt  eoiittar  manM." 


470  PHOEMIO. 

Nuuo  una  mihi  res  etiam  restat  qTiae  est  coufioieiida,  otiutn 
Ab  senibus  ad  potandnm  ut  habeam ;  nam  aliquot  ho8  siunam 

An.  Sed  FboTmio  eat.     Qnid  aisP    Pk.  QuidP    An.    Qoid- 

nam  nunc  factums  Phaedria  P  5 

Quo  pacto  satietatem  amoris  ait  se  velle  Bumere  P 
Ph.  Vicissim  partee  tuaa  actnrus  eet.     An.  Quas?    Fh.  Ut 

^gitet  patrem. 
Te  suam  rogarit  rursum  ut  ageres,  causam  nt  pro  se  diceree ; 
Nam  potatuniB  eet  apnd  me.     Ego  me  ire  senibue  8unium 
Dioam  ad  mercatum,  ancillulam  emtum  quam  dudum  dixii 

Geta ;  m 

Ne  quum  hic  nou  videant  me  canfic«%  o^dant  argentum 

Sed  ostium  concrepuit  abs  te.     An.   Yide  quia  egrediatuT. 

Ph.  Getaest. 

Por  the  othar  modc  of  muiuniismon  lee  Mr.  7.  ViciiiimpaTlf  tiuu  aeitinu  af]   '  He 

hoag'*  ulicle  od   that   word  in  the   Dic-  u  now  gmog  ia  hi«  lani  to  sct  joar  pait.' 

ttanwT  of  Antiquiti».     Compue  note  oa  See  note  on  EnDUchoa  i.  2.  71. 

Adelphi  ii.  1.  40.     '  Poteretnr '  is  the  nd.  10.  MtriMluvi^  ■  1  wiU  teU  the  old  mra 

Id^  of  the  Bembine  and  nome  otheri  of  the  th&t  I  aia  goia^  to  Suniam  to  the   bir.' 

bcet  maDuscripta.     Thii  fomi  a  inpported  ■  Mercatns '  ia  aeed  in  thia  ■enu  bf  Fbui- 

bj  Uiid,  Metam.  xiiL  ISS  — 130;  tna,  Foen.  i.  3.  1S9  i 

"  Quia.  epud  ■edem  Vaueiii  hodie  e«t  mei- 

Non    foret   ■mbiguuj   tanti    certMninie  ^  con»oniimt  menatom  ■   ibi  eeo  me 

''"'•i    .                          . ortenaiioloj" 

Tuque    tnu   ■nma,   noa  te  potaemnr, 

Aehillo,"  and  by  Cicero,    In    C.  Terrem  ii.  2.  U: 

■ndigmeiutainedbr  Serrlniou  Aeneid.  iii.  "T*nto    mercatu    pnet/wia    indicCo,   con- 

fiS,  66:    •■Polydorum   obtttmcnt,  et  ■oni  cnrrilnr  ondique  ed  islmn  SytsciuMj"  and 

Vi  patltnr,"  wbore  the  third  conjugmtion  i»  '"  ■  ^ous  passpge  of  the  TWubn  Dii- 

Qsed.  putations,  where   Cioero  relslea   wlut  ee- 

4.  Aliquol  hoi  nmam  dia]  '  Por  I  will  «™'  PythegorM  gave  ot-  the  nune  f-^i- 

taletbenextfewdsrsMaholiday.'    Cotn-  •ofoc,  which  bahsd  cboeen:  ■' PjthigOTMi 

pwe   Adelphi  ii.  4.  23  :    "  HiUrsm    hunc  »i"eni  napondiue;  nmilem  libi  Tideri  ti- 

__    spend   the  daj 

in  pleaaure.'     Tbis  uw  oF  '  sumo '  is  con-  ro'^    muimo    ludorum     eppantn    tolini 

nected  with  ils  lense  of  '  to  ipend,'  which  G™«ci«e  celebritata "    (t.  3).     The  wboh 

occure  in  Plnutue,  tud  ftom  whicb  the  com-  P^sege  is  well  worth  mding. 
mon  word  ■  sumtua  '  ii  derived.     Bee  PUu-         !'■   Co^etrt  ertdanl  arsnttim  num] 

tui,  Hilei  GlorioBui  iii.  i.  79—81 :  'Tb^t  dM]r  mkj  not  think  th^t  I  Mn  wut- 

.. .,       .         ,  ,        , inr  their  moDer  beCBuBe  ther  do  not  see  me 

N«n  m  n»U  uor.  >^ne  innnico  s>  qwd  fc^-     Bimilulj  Cioere    (Pro  FUcoo,  S8) 

■noiss  siuitiu  eat;  s»ti  '  pstrimonium  ooofioero.'     See^difla-. 

Inbonoho.pitoe^ua«nicoqu«.tusert  ,„'(  ^^  „,    ^^^^    i^_  j_  „  ^ 

qnod  sumitur,  Phonnio  i    1    3 

Et  qnod  in  dlTinia  rebos  sumK  '       '  rnunnio  i.  i.  t. 

Incro  est." 
Oar  idlom  Ij  predsely  the  nme. 


ACTTJS  V.    SCENA  TI.  471 


GETA,.       ASTIPHO.       FHOKHIO. 

Ge.  0  Fortuna,  0  Fore  £>Ttana,  qoaittiB  commoditatibua 
Quam  Bubito  hero  meo  AntiphoQi  ope  Testra  himc  ODerafitis 

An.   Quidnam  hicsibi  TultP      Ge.  nosqne  amicos  ejus  exo- 

Sed  ego  naQO  milii  oeeso  qui  non   humerum  huno  onero 

Atque  hominem  propero  inTenire,  ut  haec  quae  contigerint 

sciat.  5 

An.  Kum  tu  intelligis  hio  qoid  oarret  ?    Ph.  Num  tu  P    An. 

Nihil.     Ph.  Tantundem  ego. 
6e.  Ad  lenonem  hinc  ire  pergam :  ibi  nunc  sunt.     An.  Heus 

G^ta.     Oe.  Hem  tibi. 
Nnm  mirum  aut  novum  eet  reTOcari,  oursum  qunm  institueris  ? 

An.  Qeta. 

AcT  T.    ScBKB  VI.    Get>  comea  ODt  of  1.  0  Pbrtfirlma]     Bee  note  on  Edim. 

t>cinJ|i)io's  hoiue.     He  is  liill  of  delight  st  chiu  i.  2.  54.     '  O  PoitDDe,  O  luckf  For- 

tbe  glorioQS  aemi  thet  he  hu  to  tell  Anti-  tnne,  «itb  nhat  blesHDga  h>Te  joa  »  sod- 

pbo.     Antipba  and  Phormio  heu  hiB  con-  denlj  loaded  thi*  daj  mj  muter  Antipbol' 

gratnlations.   and   encceed    in   cBlling  him  '  Qoeimre '  is  ■  cammoa  «ord  in  this  oHge, 

back.after  some  Cronble,  u  he  isBtutiDgoff  in  lAtin  comedf,  eitber  in  e  good  or  Md 

to  look  for  his  jonng  maiter.    Upon  seeing  •ense.     8o   we   hsve   in   Andiia  v.    1.  Si 

Ajitipbo  bereDewihieeipresBioniofiiclight,  "  Remittas  jam  me  oDetare  injnriis;"  uid 

Bud  sfter  ashort  dctij  tells  them  (he  newa.  in  Plautui,  PseudolDS  i.  3.  13S:  "PseDdole, 

He  teUe  them  that  aftec  Demipho  and  be  awste  allriDaecni  atqne  anen  bunc  male- 

lefl  tbe  Pomm  tiiej  went  stni^ht  bome,  and  dictia ;"  acd  in  a  good  Aenae  CaptJTL  iv.  1, 

Aa  he  w»  on  his  waj  Eo  har  apartment  ber  oneraTit  diea." 

pagB  met  him,  and  told  him  that  be  wu  4.  Sed  ego  mme  mihi  cfMs]     '  But  I  atn 

not  to  go  in,  foi  Chremes  was  at  present  loslng  m;  tioie  here,  inslead  of  tbrawiDg 

vith  hia  mistress.     Upon  leuoing  this  he  mj  closk  over  mj  dioiUder,  ond    making 

irent  quietljtotbedoar,aod  overheardwfaat  hute  to  find  the   mui,  that  he  maj  hear 

«u  pasaing  innde  Che  room.     Thns  be  dis-  what  bas  happened.'     '  Mihi '  addi  the  no- 

coiered  that  Cbremea  was   the   hther  of  tion  of  petsioal  loss  bj  tlie  actioii.    Com- 

Antiplio's  wife,  that  ha  mother  wu  a  na-  pue  PlauCue,  Epidicni  iii.  2.  S  — 8: 

tive  of  Lemno^     Phormio  ia  incredulons; 

bnt  Aulipho  ia  delighled,  and  goea  at  onoe 

wiCh  GetatoseehisratherBadhiannclo,  who 

are  «■iCiDg  lo  see  him.     Fbormio  remeiDs 

DU  the  Btage,  and  delermlnes  to  make  use  of 

the  secret  whicb  he  liu  jnst  leamt  in  order 

lo  compel  Chremes    to   make   Phaedria  a  ^'  "*'  "' 

preMDt  of  the  monej  which  he  haa  alreadj  "  A^  OTmc  jam  oma  te,  Epidiee,  et  pal- 

.r;..„  1,1..,  tiolnm  in  collum  conjice, 

Ita  assimolatD  quasi  per  nrbem  totam 
hominem  qnaeaireris." 

8.  tfm  niinin]  '  Mind  joo,'  hjs  Geta, 

impare  Flantns,  Efddicoi 


472  PHORMIO. 

6e.  Pergit  hercle.     Nunquam  ta  odio  tuo  me  Tinces.     An. 

Non  manea  ? 
6e.   Yapula.      An.   Id  quidem  tibi  jam  fiet,  nist  rerastis, 

verbero.  lo 

Ge.  F&miliariorem  oportet  eese  bmio :  minitatur  TnalnTii 
Sed  iene  es  quem  quaero  an  non  ?  ipsu^  est.     Ph.  Oongrederc 

actutum.  An.  Quid  eat  ? 
6e.    0   omnium   quantum  est    qni   Tivunt    hominnm   bomo 

Nam  sine  contxoTersia  ab  Dis  solus  diligere,  Antipho. 
An.  •  Ita   Telim :    sed  qui  istuc   credam  it&  eese  mibi   dici 

Telim.  15 

6e.  Satin  eet  si  te  delibutum  gaudio  reddo  ?    An.  Enicas. 
Ph.   Quin  tu  binc  pollicitatiDnes  aufer,  et   quod  fers  cedo. 

6e.  Ob, 
Tu  quoque  bic  aderas,  Pbormio  ?     Ph.  Aderam :  sed  cessas  ? 

6e.  Accipe,  bem, 
Ut  modo  argentum  tibi  dedimus  apud  forum,  recta  domum 

'  is  it  at  hU  stnuige,  or  titj  Doreltf ,  to  be  ibonid  lUTe  nlated  hsr  reqiectlullr,  io  u- 

oUed  buk  «hcD  fOD  luTe  nt  off  nuuuDg  ?'  awcrtoher  iiii)tren'B  nlntatioa.    Tbe  rol- 

The  iUtiNoii  a  to  tbe  comraon  practical  loiting  fnigment  ii  giTea  from  tbe  *  Foeoe- 

ioke  of  eal^Dg  after  bUtss  «bo  «ere  in  *  ratrii '  of  PlBataB ; 

huiiy.    The  aame  tbuig  oocara  a  bniidr^  ,.  Hcq,  tn,  in  Barlwri.  qnod  diiine  didtnr 

braes  iD   Plaatn*.     See  .boTe,  L  *.   18,  Libert»  .u«e>nM  id  ego  dia.  tibi : 

""if "  „      .   .      .  ,    n    ..              ..     ..i  Libert»«»lT6!  TmalaPepiri»." 

9.  Ptrgil  ktreli^    Bentkr  re-wntei  tbil  v          if 

liae;  bnt  we  need  not  enter  into  bis  emeD-  13.  QnmftiM  tit  q^i  nnni]     8ee  note 

datian*.     Some  read   '  pergia  hercle?'   on  on  Heaut.  ir.  6.  6. 

the  BOlhoritf  of  ■  single  msniucript.     Bnt  14.  Ab  Dit  tohw  diligtrt']     This  is  sm. 

the  teit  ia  Ter;  good  h  it  studs.     Get>  plf  a  ittong  eongntnlatory  eipresrioD,  u 

SBjra,  iTheD  he  heus  himHlf  called  sgsin,  p^haps  in  ADdriB  i.  6.  9.   See  note  on  that 

'  Tbe  fetlon  ia  Btill  going  on ;'  and  thea  passage. 

addiessing  his  [>enecator, '  Yoa  ■hall  neier  IG.     Saliyi   ttl   li  it   dtlidvlum  gmdh 

beatme/  be  bbjb,  'byjoui  boring,'     For  rtddo  f}       ■  Will  70U   be   contented    if  I 

'odio'  aeenoteon  Hecyra  i.  2.  iS.  steep  you  with  jo;?'     '  DeUhntaa  '  literallT 

10.  Vaplila]   'Go  andbeflogged.'    This,  means  ■Bmeared  with  oil,'or  anyolb»  oDC- 

when  one  wisbed  to  eipreaa  ntter  iudiffer-  other  writeia.  Apnltins,  Hetam.  iii.  (qooted 

ence.      Compare   Plaatos,    Asinari*  ii.   4.  hj  PorcelliDi)  has  '  ddibatos  UetitiB,'  pro- 

71 — 73:  bablj  an  imiUtioD  of  ttiii  paiaege  ofTe- 

■' J>.  Pergio  precari  pesrimo?     ilfi-.  Qaae  ""*?■ 
rea?  ton  hbero  homini  '''   ^ 

iqaero  ?    Lt.  V»pnlB.    Me. 

Id  qnidem  tjbi  hercle  fiet, 
Ut  TBpules  ~ 

Tlie  piorerb  '  TapuU  Papiri»  '  wbb  commoD  lej  propoaes  '  recta  ad  Chiemem,' 

in  the  same  seDse  accordiug  to  Feetui ;  snd  Demiplio  went  slnigfat  to  Nausistnta  trvm 

■rose  froni  the  snpposed  Bpeech  of  s  newl;  the  fbiam  (t.  3.  1 1,  and  t.  3.  7).      He  goa 

freed  female  slave  to  her  miatresB,  when  sbe  on  to  aaj,  "  8i  rtclt  domam  ibant,  qnem 

ACTUS  V.    SCENA  VI.  473 

Suniiis  profecti :  interea  mittit  KeruB  me  ad  uxorem  tuam.    m 
An.  Quamobrem  ?     Ge.  Omitto  proloqui ;  uam  nihil  ad  hanc 

rem  eet,  Aatipho. 
"Ubi  in  gynaeceum  ire  occipio,  puer  ad  me  adcurrit  Mida ; 
Pone  apprehendit  pallio ;  resupinat :  respicio ;  rogo 
Quamobrem  retineat  me:   ait  eeae  vetitum  intro  ad  heram 

Sophrona  modo  fratrem  huc,  inquit,  eeniB  introduzit  Ghre- 

mem,  9ft 

Eumque  nunc  ease  intus  cum  illis.     Hoc  uhi  ego  andiTi,  ad 

Suspenso  grodu  placide  ire  perrexi ;  acceBsi ;  adatiti ; 
ATiiTnnin  compressi;   aorem  admovi:   ita  animum  coepi  at- 

'  Hoc  modo   sermonem  captans.      An.   £u   Qeta.      Ge,   Hio 

Facinus  audivi :  itaque  paene  hercle  ezcIamaTi  gaudio.         30 
An.    Quodf     Oe.    Quodnam  arhitrareF     An.   Nescio.     Oe. 

Atqui  mirificisBimum : 
Fatruus  tuus  pater  est  inventuB  Phanio  nxori  tuae.    An.  Hem. 
Quid  ais  ?     Oe.  Cum  ejus  consuevit  olim  matre  in  Lemno 

Pk.   Somnium.     Utine  haec   iguoraret  suum  patremf'     Ge. 

Aliquid  credito, 

seiuQin  qoicaa  ponuDt  babere  verbB  «lillil  " f mpamt, 

me  ad  iLXortm  ttmm,  qase  ipu  ibi  domi  In  inteTiore  pute  nt  aaDeun  kiIiu  cum 

eTBt?"     Bot  tliii  ia  not  verf  coDclTuiTe.  aola." 

pBmeno  meong,   not  th»t   Uiey  Bcttudly  o.,    r.                   j      ,     j   ,             _n 

w«.t  to  Demipho'.  hou«,  bat  th.t  thcT  .   «■  Su^'^  ffr^«  pl^^d' tn  porrtJ^ 

«ent  on  their  V»,  there,  «md  «fter  ril,  If  '^  ^"^  *?  «°  -1?^? .""'  «P«»:    J^ 

«e  ren.en.ber  th«  Chremes'  hotue  »nd  De-  "i™  ^  tl"  Wfni  ">  hu  fcble  of  tbe  ct. 

inipho's  were  not  fcrther  mnoved  ftom  oiw  'liX^                           4nd    the   bott  to 

niiother  tban  tbe  length  of  tbe  staige.  mcb  ' 

an  inconmileiicj,  if  it   ii   one,  woold  not  ••  Inde  erftgeta  nocto  nupeDio  pede 

emhurmB  tbe  Bndiehce  Terj  nisteriallr.  Uhi  eic*  M  renlerit  et  prolBm  aasni, 

28.  UH  in  fynaietim  ire  ocnpto]    The  FiTorem  rimulBDa  prospieit  tolo  die." 

'  gjnBeceum,'  or,  Bs  il  wbb  more  properly  (■pj,.  jj,  4,  ]8— 30.) 
csUed,  '  rjnaeconitiB,'  WBB  behiad  the  *  r- 

hia  prefKe  deHribei  ite  titUBtion  thua  :  "  In 

ila  feet  Kemed  nat  ta  toucb  tbe  gronnd  : 

dicitnr."     Theiiftide  od  'Domnj'  in  Ihe 
Diotioowy  Of  Anliqmtie»  niBy  bo  poniinlted. 
Herodotu»   mention*   the  women'«   »p.rt- 
menti  in  t.  20.  itirac  raOra.  <,«rirt,.vo, 
ydp  ^aav  oi  Ilipirai,  jvraUac  itt»  IU\- 

"Ita  cerrnm  Tentiitiii  euspendit  ut   linom 
■ubtar  pedei  trahBtnr."     The  phrues  '  Tea- 

ferre,'  ue  common  io  Ihe  poet.,     Bee  For- 
cellinL                                    "^ 
33.  OwmeeJi]     See  note  on  idelpbi  iy. 


474  PHORMIO. 

Fhormio,  esee  cauaae :  eed  me  censen  potuiase  omnia  35 

Intelligere  extra  oatium  iutus  quae  inter  seee  ipd  egeriat  ? 
An.   Atque  hercle  ego   quoque   illam  audiyi  fabulam.     Gt. 

Imo  etiam  dabo 
Quo  magis  credaa.     Fatruus  inteiea  inde  huc  egreditnr  foras : 
Haud  multo  poet  cum  patre  idem  recipit  se  intro  denno : 
Ait  uterque  tibi  poteatatem  ejus  habendae  se  dare.  iO 

Denique  c^  miasus  sum  te  ut  requirerem  atque  adducerem. 
An.  Quin  ergo  rape  me :  quidceesaaP      Oe.  Fecero.     Ah.  0 

mi  Pbormio, 
Yale.     PA.  Yale,  Antipho :  bene,  ita  me  Di  ament,  &ctum : 

Tantam  fortnnam  de  improTiao  eeae  hiB  datam. 
Sununa  eludendi  occasio  est  mihi  nuno  senee,  is 

Et  Fbaedriae  curam  adimere  argentariam, 
Ne  cuiquam  suorum  aequalium  supplex  siet : 
Nam  idem  boo  argentum,  ita  ut  datum  eet,  ingratiiB 

mmn  to  •■;  that  ahe  «ould  not  Icdow  ba  itrj   likel;,  ind    hai  bean  comlMted  bj 

btber  } '       For    '  •DmDinin '    Me  ni>t«  on  UTenl  edilOTi.     *  EUpe '  wonld  not  be  BMd 

Adetphi  iu.  3.  41.    For  '  ntine  '  aee  Bscjak  in  that  eenM.    Zeune  tipllj  onmparae  Ea- 

ii.  1.  2 :  unchnB  ii.  S.  861  "  Abduc,  dnc,  qouitaoi 

"  UtiDe  omuea  mnlieres  eadem  aeqae  Bto- 
dsut,  nolintqae  omnia," 

43.   Bene, .  .  ./aelttm^     Huj    cdton 
have  ended  thii  sccne  «ich  tbii  tine;  Gny- 

uid  i.    1.   9i    "Utine  «limiam  neminem  etne  eodB  tha  piaj  bere.  cbuiginx 'Snnd»' 

hebeem?"      Bentl^  wonld  re>d   '  ntne'  into  'plandite.'    HiB  o^ion  luu  no  np- 

here,  es  he  «ould  iIm)  1d  Hecfn  iL  1.  2i'  port;  aad  we  ctm  eee  no  good  reuDn  fr 

bot  see  note  tbere.  lejecting  the  remunder  of  the  plaj.     Tb> 

37.  Algnt  herelt  tgo  .  .  ./aiulttml     In  notion  tbat  Phomuo  should  have  n  Kme  lo 

(U  tbe  old  editiona  tbiB  line  ib  actribated  to  himBalf  becsuMi  he  ii  lefton  tbe  ttage  bIow 

Fhannia ;  bnt  Bentley .  on  tbe  aathoritj  of  iB  dne  ori^nall;  to  Fiem,  and  ia  idopwd 

tbe  'Codei  AcademicnB,'  giTe»  it  to  Anti-  by  Bentler.     Bnt  as  Zenne  well  remufcs, 

pho.    In  this  he  i*  folbiwed  hj  Zenne,  who  Wh;  Bhould  we  make  this  a  Beparate  amt, 

nmirics  thst  in  Fhonnio'i  montb  it  wonld  and  not  do  tbe  saae  in  maoj  othcr  rawi 

be  at  Tuinnce  witb  what  he  had  nid  pre-  where  one  of  tbe  cbaracters  is  lell  od  the 

Tiouslj ;   and  igain,  tlut  Geta'B  Isngusge  stage   alooef      And   wbj  oommence   tbe 

immedisCelj  arterwardi  ■bowi  tbst  it  was  scene,    ss   Bentlej    doea,    wiib    the    wards 

Aatipho  who  ■poke  bere.  <  lantam  fortanani,'  rasber  than  at  '  bene, 

40.  Ailuleryue.  .  .tedarej  TbiilBtbe  ita  me  Di  unent,  &ctum  ? '     I  ha*e  Kcord- 

teit  of  the  best  muiaBcrijitB  aad  ediljons,  inglj  kept  tbe  arTsagement  of  the  old  cdi- 

except  the  Bembine,  which  has  'qni  nd-  Cions.     It  is  tme  ibst  in  some  caaea  tbi! 

bibendae  dsri.'     Bentlejr  conjectnres  'ejui  remaining  cbsrscter  bss  a  separata  sccne, 

bsbeadi  se  dare,'  ref^rring  lo  Hecjn  iii.  3.  ■■  in  HekuL  ii,  1,  Adelpbiiii.O,sad  HeCTn 

12.     See  nots  there,  and  an  i.  3.  34  of  thia  ii.  3,  but  the  rule  is  bj  no  means  nnifonn; 

plaj.     But   there  is  no  neceuitj  far  anj  aad  msnj  instuioa  quoted  bj  commetila- 

change  here  i  and  'balwadi'  in  tliiB  pu-  tore  are  nat  st  all  to  the  point. 

BBge  hsB  no  aacharitj  whaleier.  48.  JVam   idm   hoe   urfffljimi]       •  Por 

42.   Quin  ergo  rapi  me]      '  Awsj  witb  this  name  manej  slwll  be  giieu  to  him  in 

me  tben  as  qnick  aB  jou  like.'     Hadame  ipite  of  ibem,  ss  it  hae  been  giTen  lo  me ; 

Dacier  Buppo«es  tbaC  Antipho  bere  jumps  I  haie  discovered  iu  Che  facts  of  the  ease  ■ 

on  Geta'*  bsck  snd  is  curied  olTi  asa  kind  waj  to  compel  tliem  to  do  thii.'     The  old 

of  Btage  trick.    The  idea  doea  not  seem  editions  hava  '  hia  datnm  uit ;'   bnt  ttie 


ACTUS  V.    60ENA  VII. 

Ei  datum  erit :  hoc  qui  cogam  re  ipsa  repperi. 
Nuno  gestua  auM  Tultusqne  eat  captendua  uovufi. 
Sed  hinc  concedsm  in  Rngiportuni  hoc  proximum : 
Inde  hisce  ostendam  me,  ubi  erunt  egreesi  foras. 
Quo  me  aaaimularam  ire  ad  mercatum  non  so. 



De.  Dis  magnas  merito  gratiae  habeo  atque  ago, 

Quando  evenere  haec  nobis,  &ater,  prospere. 

Quantum  potest  nunc  conTeniendus  Fhormio  est, 

Friusquam  dilapidet  noetras  triginta  minas 

TJt  auferamua.     Ph.  Demi|^onem,  si  domi  est,  S 

Yisam :  ut,  quod De.  At  nos  ad  te  ibomua,  Phormio. 

Ph.  De  eadem  hac  fortawe  causa.  Se.  Ita  herde.  Ph.  Credidi. 

reidiiig  of  tlia   BembiDe   muiiucrtpt,    '  el  that  he  u  eeqnauited  wHh    hli   Lemiiuin 

iktam   erit,'  U   pnfenble.     Phonnio  wu  intrigna,  uid  thst  he  iatmdg  to  mmke  lue  of 

coDridering  onlj  how  to  obtain  the  motHiT  it.    Chremei  ii  et  once  «ubdoed,  ind  offers 

for  FhKdri*.  Htd  the  drcumstince  irhicfa  Fhormio   the   moaej  withoat  uj  fiiTther 

he  hed  joit  dilcOTered  of  Chremei'  relAtian-  troable,  provided    that    he   will    lceep    his 

>bip  lo  Phaaiam  h>d  placed  the  olii  men  ia  ucnt.      Demipho   taka   a  diflerent  liae. 

hii  power.  '  Yoar  Kcret  it  knowa,'  he  bbji  Io  Chremea, 

91.  Amfiporhaii]     On  tbe  meaaing  and  'put  ■  bold  feoe  on  it.     Yoer  wife  most 

etfmologj  of  'ugipartBa'  eeeths  note  OD  know  (11  abont  it,  and  ahe  had  better  hear 

EnDiLchai  v.  2.  6.  it  from  na  than  from  aay  ods  elaai  ud  if 

*he  ia  Bagrj  I  witl  aet  aU  right  for  joa.' 

AcT  V.     8cBHB  TII.      Demipbo  ud  Phormio  ii  oov  pat  on  hia  laat  deboce. 

ChiBna   come   oat  of   Demipbo'i  hovM,  Demipbo  ud  ChremaaMiie  npon  Pbormio, 

whcre   thej  had   aeen  Phaiuiim,   Bnd    bed  inteadiiiK  to  drag  him  to  initice.     He  ealli 

jnrt  ■mnged  with  Antjpbo  tbat  he  ehonld  Naaaiatnta,   determining   to   teil   her  the 

keep  hig  wife,  la  ahe  had  been  diaoorcred  whole  •torj,  and  eo  to  nre  himielf  ud 

to  be  the  Tery  peitoa  to  whom  thej  wiihed  rerenge  himielf  oD  Chremea. 

lo  aee  him  nkUTied.     Their  object  ia  now  to  The  Metie  ii  iambic  trimeter. 

nconr    from    Fhormio  tba    tliiKy  minM  8.  Qtuniliim  potfl},  8ee  oots  on  Andria 

whifl  ba  bed  got  bom  tbem  on  acconnt  of  T.  S.  20. 

thii  Terj  iDHiiiige.     Tbej  meet  Phormio  at  4,  IHIapidfl']    Tbe  word  properlj  meui 

the  enlnnce  of  the  honie.     He  profenes  to  to  '  pull  to  piecei '  and  '  Kalter  atwat,'  H 

hafe  eome  to   dtacharge    bia   engigemenC  ons  wonld  ■  wall  bollt  of  ttonea.  Colnmelhi 

coBecniiiv    Phaainm.      Demipho   repliei  nisi  itin  tb«  gena«l  aeaae  of 'to  dettroj:' 
that  be  ha*  beeo  sdTised  that  it  would  be 

diicraditBble  to  bim  to  tnm  Phuiam  oBt  of  "Saepe    fenii     doros    jecnlatnr    Jupiter 

dosn,  Bnd  to  tspsrals  her  from  her  hna-  imbrea, 

band;  aiid,  bsrides,  Anlipho  wiJI  nol  gJTe  Gnndine  dilapidans  homlnnmqne  bonm- 

)ier  Dp.     Phormio  unren  that  aa  for  tbe  qne  hUwrea."                          (x.  329.) 
inoBej  hs  baa  spent  it  in  pajing  his  debta ; 

and  as  th^  hsd  brokea  fsith  viib  bim,  bo  Hne  it  means  '  befbra  be  sqnsnden  awaj 

bia  ■  light  to  keep  the  moDej.     Demipho  tbat  tbirtj  minse  of  oun.'     In  thia  lenfe 

iMea  his  temper,  uid  aecoses  Fhonnio  o(  prodigala  and  Iniorioni  persoaa,  ■■  Donitus 

baring  sll  Blong  inteuded  to  ^j  tbem  ■  infbnDS  ua,  were  «alled  '  dilapidstons.' 
triek.    He  Ktorta  bj  letling  Chremes  see 


476  PHORMIO. 

Qoid  ad  me  ibatis  P     Ridiculum.  •  Yerebaimni 

Ne  non  id  facerem  quod  recepisBem  semel  P 

HeuB,  quanta  quanta  haec  mea  paupertos  eet,  tamen  lo 

Adhuc  curavi  unum  Iioc  quidem,  ut  mihi  esset  fides. 

Ch.  Eatne  ea,  ita  ut  dixi,  liberaliB  ?    De.  Oppido. 

Ph.  Itaque  ad  voa  venio  nuntiatum,  Demipho, 

Poratum  me  esse :  ubi  vultis,  uxorem  date ; 

Nam  omneB  poethabui  mihi  res,  ita  uti  par  fiiit,  li 

Poetquam  tantopere  id  tos  velle  animadverteram. 

Se.  At  hic  dehortatufi  eet  me  ne  illam  tibi  darem ; 

"  Nam  qui  erit  rumor  populi,"  inquit,  "  si  id  feceris  P 

Olim  quum  honeate  potnit  tum  non  est  data : 

Nunc  viduam  extrudi  turpe  est :"  ferme  ead^n  connia  w  \ 

Quae  tute  dudum  coram  me  incusaveras. 

Ph.  Satis  euperbe  illuditis  me.     De.  Qui  ?    Ph.  Bogas  f 

Quia  ne  alteram  quidem  illam  potero  ducere :  | 

Kam  quo  redibo  oie  ad  eam  quam  contemfierim  P  i 

Ch.  Tum  autem  Antipbonem  video  ab  eeae  amittere  a 

Invitum  eam ;  inque.     De.  Tum  autem  video  filium 

Invitum  sane  mulierem  ab  se  amittere. 

Bed  transi  eodee  ad  forum,  atque  illad  mihi 

Argentum  rursum  jube  rescribi,  Phormio. 

9.  Quad  rtcepUietn']  In  Hnut.  T.  0.  metre.  F<rf  'oppido'  wee  Doto  on  HtaatL 
12  we  h&ve  •■Ad  me  Kdpio?"     See  tbs     jv.  2.  2. 

Dote  there.  20,    Nanc   tnduam   rglntdi    tarpt    «<' 

10.  Quimdi  qwmla  hatc  fflea  pm^trlai  '  Now  it  is  diagncefbl  that  ihe  sbanld  br 
titj  •Look  yoa  now,  howerer  gmtt  mj  thrart  ont  uui  depriTeii  o(  ber  buAbud.' 
porertT  is,  I  hmfs  alwkya  (alien  good  cve  '  Vidiu '  wu  lued  of  s  woman  tepanted 
to  keep  m;  word.'  For  '  qauits  qtuDta . . .  trom  her  hDiband  or  ber  lorir.  Compaic 
eat'  oompue  Adelphi  iii.  3,  40:  Propertiuiiii.  8fi,  17:  "  QoidTe  tibi  produt 

■■Tuquantuj.quantu8esnihUni8iB.pien-  !!'''"!  ^"T^    C"^"  >^^    °°^    " 

ti2n"  Hesut.  r.  1 .  80.     The  Bembine  nuntucrqS 

'  hu  ■  Euo  Dunc  extmdi  tnrpe  eet ;'  ■  eor- 

wben  «ee  note.  rectjon  wblch  aroie  probabl;,  u  Bentln 

12.    Etlnt  ea,  iia  ul   dixi,  liieraiitf^  niggeeti,  from  a  niinmderMaiMltng  of  tbe 

lliesa  words  haTe  perpleied  oommentator*  aae  of  the  word  '  Tidna.' 

eieeedingly.     Tha  eiplanation  «bich   Pa.  24.  Nam   qw>  ndito  ort]      'For  wHh 

trick  bae  adopted  aeemi  ta  be  tbe  moct  what  bce  aball  I  retuTD  to  bar  TrbDm  1 

natnrsl.     Chremei  ia  entirely  taken  ap  with  bave   de>pi>ed?'     Compare    HcMt.   W.  3. 

hl*   daaghter   and   her  happy  inarriage  to  22,  and  tlie  eiamplea  qiiotad  in  the  tHMc 

Astipho.  and  >o  withoat  entering  into  tbe  2C.]  Chremea  ia  Tery  eagv  to  ptcmil 

oODTerwtian  now  going  on  betireen  Phonnio  Phormio  preanng  hia  daim;  aitd  ho  aow 

and  hig  IViend  be  speaki  liis  tboaghta  aloud.  laggeitstoDemiphoarnttherreaaDn  agaia* 

■  la   ihe   not,    ai   I    told   you,  >  Ihorough  it, — Antlpho'i  nnwillinjiiMa  ta  pait  wilb 

Udj  !'    Some  editora  omit '  ea,'  and  ands'.  hia  wife. 

■tand<libera]ii'of  Phormio.   Batthen<ita  28.  Soda]     See  note  OD   Aodtu  i   1. 


ACTITS  V.    SCENA  VII,  477 

Ph.  Quodne  ego  discripsi  porro  illia  quibua  debui  ?  sd 

De.  Quid  igitur  fiet  ?    Ph.  Si  vis  milii  uxorem  dare, 

Quam  despondiati,  ducam :  sin  eet  ut  tcHb 

Manere  illam  apud  te,  dos  hic  maneat,  Demipho. 

Nam  non  est  aequum  me  propter  ros  decipi, 

Quum  ego  Teatri  honoris  oausa  repudium  alterae  3S 

RemiaeTim  quae  dotis  tantundem  dabat. 

De.  I  hinc  in  malam  rem  cum  istao  magnificentia, 

FugitiTe :  etiam  nuno  credis  te  ignorarier, 

Aut  tua  &cta  adeo  ?    Ph.  Initor.     De.  Tune  Iianc  duceres, 

Si  tibl  data  e§8et  F     Ph.  Fac  periclum.     De.  Ut  filius  40 

Cum  illa  babitet  apud  t« ;  lioc  Testnuu  consilium  ftiit. 

Ph.  Q,uaeso,  quid  narras  ?    De.  Quin  tu  mihi  argentum  cedo. 

Ph.  Imo  vero  uxorem  tu  cedo.     De.  In  jus  ambula. 

Ph.  In  jus?  enimvero  ai  porro  esae  odioei  pergitis — 

directioiu  for  hftTing  that  mone;  rspiid  to  BembiiM  bu  '  discripd,'  Uie  readiog  wbich 

me.'    '  Rescribo '  itrictl}  means  '  to  make  a  I  hare  adoptod  id  the  lext,  in  preference  to 

new  entrr,' «faich  uinals  the^old  onei  aod,  ths  commoD  leadiDg  '  perseripsi.'    There  ia 

in  mone^  mattns,  to  repa^  money  receiTed.  no  donbt  that  '  discribo '  is  to  be  preferred 

Compare  Horace,  Sat.  ii.  3.  ^b,  76 ;  to  '  deacribo,'  the  readiDg  of  man;  mann- 

"  Pntidius  mnlto  cerebrem  e»t,  mihi  crede,  ^Pj"  ^-  *^}  '"  ""^  pl»™»  «*  Clcero. 

pg^Ui  See  Long'!  note  on  Cicero.  In  C.  Verrem  i.. 

Dictanfis   qnoJ  tn   nmiqn«n   r»cribero  \-^-     Cicero  nsa.  the -nrf  in  Phiiinp.  v. 

^i^,.^  ^  8  in  the  Benseof  Ihe  t«it!  "Qnornmbona, 

■^^'  qoaatacnaiqaB    evertit,     atstjm     comilibas 

Theee  monej  matten  wers  aTTanged  thniDgh  snia  compoiitoTibnsqne  distiipBit,"   where 

the    '  BTgentarii.'   «ho   had   stalls   m  the  the  ordinary  te<t  hai  ai  naoal  'descripsit.' 

Fonini,  and  ■  record  o(  anch  transactiaiu  '  Soibo '  ia  '  to  make  an  entr;  af^nst  a 

wss  k^  br  theH   n^odators.      Donatol  penon  to  «liom  jon  give  monef ,'  hence  to 

uys,    "Btnribi,  rsddi,   sea    per    menaas  paf  or  lend  moncj;  '  discribo,'  'to  paj  or 

■ixiptnrarD  dari;"  and  agoin,  "  Per  scrip-  lend    monej    to    Tarions    persons.'       For 

tnnm,  id  ert,  de   menne  scriptnra  dari;  'qnodne'    compare   Andria  iv.  4.  29   aod 

nnde  hodie  additnr  chirographij,  domo  tx  nole.     'Porro'    meana   origiDally    '  heDce- 

arca  tva  vel  n  mnuat  tcriplura."  Moncy  forth.'      H«e  it  ii  used  in  the  «ense  <rf  '  at 

inight  b«  given  and  paid  eilhar  in  cash,  ont  once,'  '  immediateij  aftetwards.'     Compare 

of  ODe'a  own  printe  boi.  or  bj  a  written  Eanachni  iii.  3.  32  :  "  Miiit  porro  oraro  nt 

■greement  tbrongh  one'B  boiiker;  'menn'  venirem,"    '  8he   sent    immediately  after- 

being  oneof  the  namea  for  the  connlen  of  wards  to  heg  me  lo  come;'  above,  T.  1. 1&: 

these  moDey-Iendcia.     8ee  Hoiace,  Sat.  ii.  "  Atqae  id  porro  aliqoa  nior  mea  reecis- 

3.  148:  ceret,"  'I  wa»  afraid  that  mj  wife  woutd 

" MensamponiJDheta^ne  •mMhow   immedi^ly   discorer    It.'      See 

Kffnndi     saccoB     Dammomm,     acoedere  noto  t™  Andna,  Prol.  23.  . 

[^j^  9S.  Rrjiudam  allerat  Ttmutnm\     Por 

Ad  nnmerandnm,"  'r'^'".'  T  "^  !?  "'  ^^  '  "? ^"  '"' 

the  ronn  '  alterse.    note   on  JSnnnchna  t. 

where  thii  nse  of  the  word  is  pethaps  allDded  6.  3. 

to,     Demipho  wishefl  Phoncio  to  go  with  S7.  /  *<>ic  i'n  malam  rem]      See  note  od 

him  to  his  bonker  Bnd  write  a  new  agree-  ii.  S.  21.     Por  'cum  iiUc  magnificentia' 

ment  for  the  pa;menC  of  tha  Ihirty  miDae  see  note  on  Heant.  iT.  6.  6.    Bentley  would 

which  he  had  receiTSd  frim  him.  haTe  '  Ine  bino  malam  rem ;'  but  there  is 

3V.   Quailn(  tge  diteriptl]     '  What  1  am  DO  reasoD  for  tbe  change :  and  in  Andria  ii. 

I  to  pay  jon  back  Ihe  mone;  which  I  im-  I.  17  we  bsTe  "Abin'  hinc  in  malam  rem 

medi^d;  paid  amy  to  my  creditorsl'  Tbe  crnn  Buspicione  iBtac,  Bcelni?" 


478  PHORMIO. 

De.  Quid  facies  P     Ph.  Egcme  f    Toa  me  indotatda  modo     *i 

Patrocinari  fortasae  arbitramini : 

Etiam  dotatis  aoleo.     Ch.  Quid  id  nostra  P    Ph.  Nihil. 

Hio  quandam  noram  cujus  vir  uxorem Cb.  Hem.    Ik. 

Quid  e6t  P 
Ph.   Lemni   habuit  aliam: — Ch.   NuUus  eum.     Ph.  ex  qoa 

Soacepit ;  et  eam  clam  educat.     Ch.  S^ultua  sum.  so 

Ph.  Haec  adeo  ego  illi  jam  denajTabo.     Ch.  Obseoro, 

Ne  facias.     Ph.  Oh,  tuue  lb  eras  P     Ut  ludos  iacit. 

Ch.  Missum  te  facimus.     Ph.  Fabulae.     Ch.  Quid  vis  tibi  F 

Argentum  qnod  babea  condonamna  te.     Ph.  Audio. 

Quid  Tos,  malnm,  ergo  me  aic  ludificanuni,  si 

Inepti,  vestra  puerili  senteQtia  P 

"  Kolo,  Tolo :  Tolo,  nolo  rursum :  cedo,  cape. 

Quod  dictum,  indictum  est :  quod  modo  erat  ratum,  iiritum 

Ch.  Quo  pacto  aut  unde  haec  hic  reacivit  P    De.  Nescio ; 
Nifii  me  dixiase  nemini  id  certo  scio.  60 

Ch.  Monstri,  ita  me  Di  ament,  simile.    Pk.  Xnjeci  acrupulum. 

De.  Hem. 

tb.   Vot  «t   indotatiM]      '  Perhaps   jon  qneDtlr  in  Homer.     Kndu'  alaa  bu  ra«r. 

tbink  that  I  act  the  pamm  on\y  tor  por.  Fjrlh.  it.  168.    Compue  Hnodotu  iL  \M 

tJonleM  girls.     I  ua  Id  the  hibit  of  doing  riOiiira  tt  iiKoimr,  (i  vqouc  aA^wc  wri 

■o  tor  bnreuea  too.'     Pbonnio  purpawlf  «AairA. 

axpremes  himHlf  unbignoailj.     Heniwu,         63.  Ut    Iiufoi /nciJ]      ■  How   ha    maka 

'1  vill  elioir  you  tbat  I  c&n  uBert  the  riglit  gune  of  the  tbingl*   See  QOte  oxk  Auirift  m. 

of  women  vith  fortanei,  luch  u  yoor  wife  1.  31. 

Nenaiatrsta,  u  «eU  u  af  poor  joong  women         53.  Minum  le  /actm»]      '  W«  lat  joa 

like  FhuiiuDi.'     Hii  wordB  will  >1»  beu  ga,'     See  note  an  Andri*  ir.  1.  £6. 
tbe  meening,  '  Do  jou  think  that  I  will         M.  Argnlum .  . .  eoiuhtumta  tr'\    •Ve 

wMie  mj  right  of  being  tbe  palraa  of  Fh>-  mske  yoa  a  prewut  of  tba  mouey  that  nra 

ninm    now  that  ihe  ia  no  longer  poor?'  hnve.'     '  Condono  '  it  n«nl  b;  PUBtni  with 

Bu(   the  mewiing  ia  left  Dncertun  ;    4od  n  donble  »ccu«Miiei  we  Buxhides  t.  2.  2C: 

Demipho,  leeiDg  no  puticakr  ■ppliatiaD  "  Si  quwn  h»beste  condono."     Undemun 

of  the  words  to  tbeir  own  bnBinen,  trcate  alio  qaotee  a  pesnge  froni  Aftmniiu  :  *■  Id 

tbem  with  contempt.     Phormio  then  goee  uimm   ne  condonst."     In  raast  pmanfa 

on  to  ibow  them  that  he  ii  BcqneJnted  with  of  PluitD*  one  of  the  (ocimtiTei  b  onaitted, 

their  Mcret,  uid  c>n  nu  it  ao  u  to  plaee  genoatlj  the  «ccnnljie  of  tbe  (hing ;  tai 

Nanriitntk  on  hi>  ride  iguntt  tbem.  in  GunDcbni,  Prol.  17,  we  h*Te  the  pMsre 

GO.  Sgniltiu  Jim]      '  I  uq  b  deul  mMi.'  imperton»!  used  wilh  tbe  accnwtiTe  of  the 

FlsDtDi  osce  the  word  rether  more  litentllj  thing.  se  is  comnon  with  Terba  that  take  e 

of  m  swoon  in  Amphitmo  T.  1.  91 — 24 :  doable  sccuntiTe  io  tiie  BCtiTe.     See  note. 

"  Sed  quid  hoc  ?  qnie  hic  est  >eiiei !  ,  ^   ^*""]     •,'  "^^  ■""'  '"i/^"  "^ 

Qui  Mte  eede.  nortxw  ric  JBcet  ?  '  >»'!  ''«T^,'?''*  "J  °"«:      ^hi.  eUipt>»l 

KumnsmhuncperrunitJnpitar?  u«  of  -nm     u  oorainon  m  Tennco.     8m 

BepuItDi  ett  qu^d  >i  ■  ""'"  ™  "-"*  '  "  ■* 

Ho-e   It  i>  eridenllT 

D  Heeut.  T.  a.  4. 
--,    Irutci   lerapuitim]     See    1 
t  i>  eridenllT  *  trui>l>tion  of  the    Adelphi  ii.  2.  20^ 
Q  Graek  word  rjeqwa  occDning  fre> 



Hicine  ut  a  nobis  hoc  tantum  argenti  anferat, 
Tam  aperte  inrdraifi  ?    Emori  herde  satius  est. 
Animo  virili  praesentique  ut  sis  para : 
Yidea  tuum  peccatum  esse  ektum  foraa ; 
Ifeque  jam  id  celare  poeae  te  uxorom  tuam. 
Nunc  quod  ipsa  ez  aliis  auditura  sit,  Chreme, 
Id  Qosmet  ipsos  indicare  placabilius  eet. 
Tum  hunc  impuratum  potenmua  noatro  modo 
Ulcisci.     Ph.  Atat,  nisi  mihi  prospicio,  haereo. 
Hi  gladiatorio  animo  ad  me  affectant  Tiam. 
Ch.  At  Tereor  ut  placari  posait.     De.  Bono  animo  ee. 
Ego  redigam  vos  in  gratiam,  hoc  Iretus,  Chreme, 
Quum  e  medio  ezcessit  unde  haec  suscepta  est  tibi. 
Ph.  Itane  agitis  mecum  P     Satis  astute  aggredimim. 
Non  herde  ex  re  istiufl  me  inatigasti,  Demipho. 
Ain  tu  P     TTbi  quae  libitum  fuerit  peregre  feceris, 
Neque  hujns  sis  veritus  feminae  primariae. 

mon^,  nbiie  be  openlj  makes  g>me  of  nu  f 
FoT  the  term  of  tbe  tentence  compaM 
3 :  "  Hidne  nt  tibi  retpoudeat  ?"  n 
Dot«  oD  Eunochna  iv.  7<  1- 

6a,  Elalmm  /oriu]  ■  Yoq  we  tiut  ,  ^^^  ^ 

huit  ia  pnbHahed  abroad,  and  that  jod  cmn.  "^'^  '■"'ii 

not  coooeal  it  anj  loager  trom  foor  wife.'  '  Who  wiiih  to   get  into  hToor  with  their 

This     line    staoda    lu    moit     muiiucript*  miBtrena.'     In  PlaBtDB  it  hu  the  limple 

*  Videa  peccstam  tnnm  eBie  elatum  fbraa.'  unH  of  ■  to  intend  to  do  ■  thing.'     Com- 

Bentl^  wonld  read  ■  Tidei  peccatum  tDnm  pare  Aulnluu  iii.  6.  3S,  39  : 

Aoc  ^  elatnm  farH. '  to  aroid  Ihe  hiMn, ;  '■  —  Sdo  qttam  rem  »B.t ; 

bat  tfae»  1.  not  the  .hBhtert  anthontr  for  „(  ^  j           ^  Tioo,  oam  aiTedM  vSm " 
the  pronODU.    Tfaa  Bemoine  manuicnpthM 

'  delatum,'   on    the    wme    prindple ;    hnt  '  That  ii  what  he  iDtends,  to  fioor  me  witk 

'  delatnm   foraa '   ii  not   fonnd  elNwhore  ;  vine.' 

Dor  ia  ■  deterre  '  used  in  this  sense.     'Tliere  74.   Qiwm  e  mtdia  excrail']  '  I  will  ra- 

can   be   no  daubt   thal   <  elstam   fbnu '  ii  condle  yoD ;  fbr  I  am   the  moie  confident 

tfae  geniune  reading.     See  note  on  Adelphi  becansa  the  motber  of  this  Fhaninm   hai 

iT.  4.  8.     It  ia  luffident  with  msDy  good  now  departed  this  life.'     Compsre  T.  8.  30 : 

editors  to  read  ■  tDuiD  peccatnm.'  "  Ea  mortem  obiit,  e  medio  abiit,  qni  fnit  tn 

68.  P/orafttJJut]   'The  more  likeiy  waj  re  hac  icnipDluB."    We  ms]' contrast  Adel- 

to  appeaie  her  is  far  ns  to  tell  her  wlist  sbe  phi  iii.  4.  S2  :    "  Mster  Tirginis  in  medio 

mll  leam  withODt  ui  from  others.'     'Ipss'  eat;  ipsa  virgo  ;  res  ipsa.'' 

liteimllf    ■of    henelf;'    and   so,    '  wlthont  ^^.  Ain  tu  ?    Ubi  qtiae  UMmt  Jkerif] 

our  beiDg  abla  to  prerent  it.'    ■  Placabilioi'  TheordiDsrrteit  tus  '  Ain'  tn?  nbi  peregre 

faaa  here  an  actiie  ■ignificstion,  si  ia  <re.  tibi  quod  iibiCum  foit ;'  bnt  tbe  Bembine 

qneDtlf  tha  case  with  theie  sdjectiTee.   The  Ikas  tfae  reading  of  tbe  teit,  whicb  i>  mnch 

word  occnri  in  the  same  lense  in  Adelpbi  better  in  reapect  of  metre. 

iT.  S.  17.     Seenote.  78-   ATrjat  htgHi  mi   terHta'\    'What 

Jl.  Si gladialorioammoadnit  ^ntani  do   jou   mcan?    Aftar   yon   haie   taken 

<rfi»>]  *l^ej  are  making  lowsrde  me  with  jaat  pleaaure  abroad,   and    haTe   not  re- 

thasir  of  glsdiston.'    'Ajnimo,'  aafi  Dona-  sp^cted  voor  wife  here,  a  lsd]>  of  the  fint 

tna,  "  its  pordito  ac  temacaiio  ut  non  tibl  UaOj,   bnt  haTe  iuanlted  ho'  in  ■  Mv 


idllas  primnm  sd  dominai  qui  afTec- 


Quin  novo  modo  ei  faceres  contnmeliam; 

Venias  mihi  precibus  lautom  peccatum  tuutn  F  st  ■ 

Hifice  ego  iUaro  dictis  ita  tibi  incensam  dabo 

Ut  ne  restinguas  iacrimis  si  exstiUayeris. 

J)e.  Malum  quod  iati  Di  Deaeque  omnes  duint. 

Tantane  afiectum  quenquam  eaae  bominem  audacia  ? 

Non  hoc  pubUcitus  scelus  hinc  deportarier  Si 

In  solas  terras  ?     Ch.  In  id  redactus  sum  loci 

Ut  quid  agam  cum  iUo  neeciam  prorsum.     De.  Ego  scio : 

In  jus  eamua.     PA.  In  jus  P  huc,  si  quid  Ubet. 

"  Malam   qnod  iiti   Di  Deuqne   oouk) 

Ita  mea  connlia  pertdrbat  peniaDme." 

the  tcit.     Ci<»ni  iu«  it  ta  iu  uae  puoue,  „   ,    ,               -  >       .        ,  i      ^      . 

".DionT«ni  qnideni  .  .  .  ne  tm  qnidem  te.ti-  jt  j,  ^  [„  ths  iwnM  of'  diqnod  '  u^  ^ 

moniiqnodBimepespndmededBmapiBiltul,  "■  "  ^T   7      ,       ,          •■■    ,?        '.T.r^,. 

^perbnm»p«eUtiofbrtnn.qn:n.pntJ  '"^  "  ,^"'?-    T^^J^^L-TS*  ^ 

Tit^t™n.  f^"  Ad  Atticnm  viLi.  4.  1    Ac-  "'^  *«"  ^.  »  "t™!  '»?»l«™'  -rf  "'-,■ 

coniingtoFo««llinitherei»thereidins'tea.  """"^    ''    "'""."",. ■^'"'■'-    ,     ,'-    ,*'' 

.timoniumtuum.'  l'orcelliniqnote..l^ftem  Comp»re  Pl«itna,  Ampbitmo  u.  I.  13,  14: 

Aociai  ftnd  Ptcnviui.    This  nse  of '  lantnm,'  '' Mnlnm  qnnd  tibi  Di  dibunt,  ntqoe  efp 

litenJlr,  '  to  wwh  >*«;,'  mky  be  compued  hodie 

nith  the  mon  iwui  pbrue  'luere  peco-  Daba." 

tum.'     'Lno'«.Mmetimesn«edinthe  F« 'daint' «•  iiote  on  Andri.  iT.  1.  48. 

KDse  of    Uto.  u  by  Sihn.  It^icn. :  g^      T<mtttM    ^ftelam  .  .  .  mtima»  r 

"Idem   etiun    Locn»    hnbnit    fnror,    oi*  '  Waa  erer  k  nun  jifted  witk  •odi  a  ■toei 

vadoa  of  impadence  ? '     For  Ihe  lona  tt  tbe  lai- 

litoris,  ArgiTOS  mijar  qnn  Onedi  mora)  tenee  >ee  iKite  on  Andria  i.  fi.   10.     '  Af- 

Berret,  et  lonio  luitur  cunatn  protiindo."  ftetn.  '  ii  laeA  bjr  CicetD  «ith  ndi  vonli 

(Punic.  li.  20 — 32.)  u  'preemio,'    '  benefido,'  end  tiiar  cod- 

Thi.  ienw  «.me»  out  more  .trongly  in  the  t""" '"""".  l»  :"7""« 

oompounds,«»'diluo,"elno.'  ""«  "f  '  prKKiitui   m  h<«. 

«ripbh,Te'nuncmihi;'  «.mcomit  ■  mihi,'  »»■]  'O»*"   "■*   t^"   *            ,         ,^ 

bnfnnnc'   ■■  teuit  neceiwrT,  >nd  '  mihi'  t™n«Pi>rted  to  ■  deeert  wluid  «t  the  psbtoc 

mo.t  likelT  to  h.Te  been  omitted  through  S'"'"''',    'T^'^^^  ■  ^    ™J»?"    " 

ienonncp.  PUntnt.     In  Amphitmo  it  u  qqilied  to  ■ 

81.  Hi«;»<jo....iMmiMmrffl4o] 'With  P™»"-  I  will  make  her  *o  inflamBd  ^^uit  <■  Quid  hciun  nnnc  «i  TretTiri  me  in  car- 

C.,  thnt  jon  ehall  not  be  able  to  quench  ceram  oompegerint, 

«.ger  <rere  jovl  to  melt  entirely  .11./  inde  cru  e  promptuuis  celU  deptomu 

iu  tean.'     '  Dve'  vith  the  putidple  is  .  ^d  flngTum, 

oammon   periphiuii  fbr  the  future.     See  Nec  canum  liceat  dice»  mihi,  Dcane  in 

Andria  It.  I.  69  :  "  At  jtm  hoc  tibi  inTon-  hero  quicqaun  «niiU  luet, 

tam  debo."    '  Bistillo '  ie  n  Ter}  rwe  «ord.  iifec  qniw)mun  sit  qnin  me  omnea  «e 

It  occuii  once  onlj  In  Flautue :  dignum  depntent;  ita 

"  Teritnr  elnnpii   icelerMa  cnm   illis   qui  'A<iKa  incudem  me  miserum  hominea  octo 

temnt  \  Tnlidi  c«cd»nt ;  itn 

Priauunm  triTurunt,  oculi  ut  exatiUent  PeregrewiTeiuonshoapitiopublidta.  »03- 

fcdt."  pi","                                 (i    1-  3—8.) 

(Pseudolua  iii.  2.  28,  20.)  . ,  .^ould  be  entertained  on  myr^  (ron, 

83.  MalMm   .  .  .  daiiif]    Thii  ieemi  to  mf  tnTeli  *t  tbe  public  eipcnse,'  i.e.  kepl 

baTB  been  s  common  rormnla,  fbr  we  hmTe  in  priion. 

tbe  mrne  Une  in  Plautaa,  Hortelkria  iit.  1.  88.  ffne,  ri  qvii  UM^     Demipbo  bad 

m,mi  i^, 'IkaoWTrW  to  dowithUnii  letu 


ACTUS  V.    SCENA  YU.  481 

De.  Aaaequere  ac  rotiiie,  dum  ego  huc  Berroe  evoco. 
CA.  Eoim  eolus  nequeo :  accnrre  huc.   Ph.  TJna  injuria  est  90 
Tecam.     Ch.  Lege  agito  ergo.   Ph.  Altora  est  tecum,  ChTeme. 
J>e.  Bapo  hunc.     JPh.  Itane  agitia  P  enitnTero  voce  est  opua. 
Nausifltrata,  exL     Ch.  Os  opprime.     De.  Impumm  vide, 
Qtiantum  yal^.     Ph.  Nausistrata,  inquam.     Ch.  Noa  tacee  f 
Ph.  Taceam  f  De.  Nied  Bequitur,  pugnoe  in  Tentrem  ingere.  gs 
Ph.  Yel  oculum  ezclude :  eet  ubi  tos  ulciscar  probe. 

go  to  Ihe  magiilivta.'     ■  To  tbe  magu-  old  men  hsTe  OTerpowerad  Phonnki,  wha 

tnte  i '     ■■7*     Pborauo.      '  Here,    if    yoD  doabCleu  wu  QOt  k  Ter;  atalwart  Qpponent, 

pleue,' DUkiDglbr  Chremea' hoiue.    Demi-  and  mre  dngging   him  otT  to   the  forDm. 

pbo  tben  calli  on  Chramea  to  hold  Phormio  Hs  haa  to  ue  hiB  Imigi  u  ■  lait  naort, 

while  lie  alli  oat  his  ■Uiee,  ■nd  ■  ilraggle  uid  calla  Naiuijtiala,  who  ii  ia  Chtemee' 

enniee  betweeu  Fhormio  and  the  two  old  hoiue,  et  the  door  of  which  the  acuSe  talces 

men.      Por  '  in  jus'  eee   Long'B  DOte   on  pUce.     Thef  fiud  him  now  Toy  tranble- 

C%»ro,  la  C.  Verrem  ii.  3.  16.  lome,   uid  their  ilnDgtb  b^iDi  la  f(iL 

90.  B»im  loliu  ntgttto}    'Dojoucome,  'Take  hii  wiud,' eajs  Demipho, '  if  he  doea 

for  1  mi't  hold  him  bj  myeelf.'     For  Ihe  not  follow  you.'    'Ay,'  aiiEwen  Fhormio, 

pomtiDn  of  '  enim '  at  tbe  begiuoiDg  of  tbe  '  or  kuock  oat  an  eje.    I  iball  haTe  anei- 

KaCBnce  aee  Hecyra  ii.  1 .  41  aud  uoto.    In  ceOeat  opportDnity  of  tekiiig  my  rerengB 

both  am  we  baTe  to  npplr  tbe  ellipae,  aa  on  jon.'    ETery  word  )n  theee  Kiies  is  per- 

i>  Tei7  often  the  caae  with  f  ip  in  dialogne.  facUf  natural,  aad  bardly  refiuirea  a  oom- 

The  old  editioni  baTe  'eteoim,'   bnt  the  ment.    I  cannot,  howeTer,  forbor  meiilioD- 

BemlHDe  hai '  eniin.'    And  ao,  according  to  ing  that  Perlet  haa  a  choice  nole  on  '  oe 

Bentlej,  haTe  the  nuqcnitj  of  good  manu-  opprime ;'  "  In  menlem  incidit,  ob  ^oili- 

■cipta.    Demipfao  appean  lo  lun  np  at  tndiuero  rei  et  Terbi,  Euripid.  Hecnb.  r. 

thU  moment  and  atrike  Phormio,  wbo  aaje,  I2fiB,  nbi  AgamemDou  in  Poljmneatorem 

'Una  injtnia  eet  tecnia,'  'one  aiaanlt  for  adcomites:  ait  Ii^%iti  vriiux  \    ftoia  inde 

TOD.'    Oa  whicb  Cbremei  appeara  to  itrika  non  ndet,  Tereutio  aoeCro  Euri[HdBm  aatia 

him,   with  tbe  words.   '  Bring    an    actiOD  ct^nitum  fniiae  ? " — A  wonderfDl  argament, 

thea;'  and  Pbiwmio  repliee,  'And  uiotber  iialee*   he  «■>  joliing.      Tbe   wordi  .' tcI 

for  joD,  CbTcmea.'     I   heTe  fbllowed  the  ocalnm  eidade '  *n  in  K«ne  editioiiii,  ■•  in 

old  editioni  in  giTiog'lege  egito  ergo'  to  the  Twudmils,  giTen  to  Demipbo;  bnt  it  i« 

Chremee ;  for  tbough  Demipbo  mi^t  ttj  bettar  to   make  tbem    part  of  Phonnio'1 

tbii  ai  an  aoewer  to  Pbormio,  jet  the  tiil-  answer.      Ub  dares  thmn  to  injure  him. 

lowinK  words  of  Phormio  leem  to  show  that  Many  edilioua  baTe  followed  tbe  Bemliine 

Chremee  had  now  stepped  in  and  sb^uck  mannseript  in  reading  'eicalpej'  bnt  Iha 

him,  and  we   mnit   netarallr  connect  the  tt^antj  of  good  aqtharitie*  luTe  the  re^d- 

word  wich  tbs  blow.    '  Injnria '  ti  beie  nsed  ing  of   tbe  teit,    wbich  is   supportod   bj 

>a    one    of    its     ipede]    sensei, — thit  of  PUntns,   PHudolas  i.  6.  96:    "  Eiclndilo 

'  (triking  ■  man  <n  inf  w^y.'      See  nole  mihi  hercle  ocalum  li  dedero."     Tbe  Bem. 

on  ii.  2.  14.     Many  caies  of  'inJDiu'  were  bine  reeds  '  probe,'  whidi  is  connected  with 

■Bbject  to  the  puaiibment  of  ' deportalio )'  'uldscor'  in  Plautiu,  Poeaulai  t,  4.  72: 

aDd  w>  we  may  suppose  Fbormio  here  to  "Nunc  pol  ego  te  nldicar  probe)"  and  for 

retert  apoo  the  old  men  their  words  ia  t.  '  nbi '  see  Paeudolufl  t.  3.  44 :  "  Eiit  nbi  te 

66.    Bee  the  article  oa  'lujnria'  in  the  nlciicar,  n  riTo."    Tha  old  editions  haTe 

Kcdcnsry  of  Antiquillee.  'locui,' whleh  ia  unneceseary  to  the  saise, 

^  Ot  eppritHi]     '  Gag  him.'    Tbe  two  and  siKiili  the  metre. 



HAUSm^TA.       CHOEltBS.       FHORHIO.      DEJlIPHtX 

Na.  QuiB  nominat  meP     Ch.  Hem.     Ifa.  Qaid  istuc  turbu 

eat,  obsecro,  '  ! 

Mi  virP     Ph.  Ehem,  quid  mmo  obatipuistiP    JVb.   Qois  hiei 

homo  eet  f 
Noa  ndbi  reapondes  P    Ph.  Hicine  ut  tibi  reapondeat, 
Qui  herde  ubi  sit  nesoit  P     Ch.  Oare  isti  quicquam  creduas. 
Ph.  Abi,  tange :  si  non  totus  friget,  me  enica.  i 

Oh.  Nihil  est.     Na.  Quid  ergo  est  P  quid  iatie  narrat  P     Pi. 

Jam  Bciee: 
Aosculta.      Ch.  Pergin  credere  P     JVb.  Quid  ego,  obseiao, 
fiuic  credam  qni  nJTii)  dixit  ?     Ph.  Delirat  miaer 
Timore.     iVo.  Non  pol  temere  eet  quod  tu  tam  timee. 
Ch.  Ego  timeo  P    Ph.  Uecte  aane :  quando  nihil  timee,         is 
Et  hoc  nihil  eat  quod  ego  dico,  tn  oarra.     J)e.  Scelus  I 
Tibi  narretP    Ph.  Eho  tu,  factum  est  abe  te  aedulo 

ActV.  acKNKVIII.    NaadrtntB,  hflv-  old  formi  '. 

ing  henelf  ealled,  coma  ont  Bnd  bnjnins  uid  'trtAdi,'  'mdDlC,'  ia  Biauf  itai  iii 
theiDauingDrt^tUataTbuKeat  ber  door.         8.  Dtliral  mittr  limort}  *l4e  wi^M 

Pbonnio  it  once  tella  lier  aboat  Clmmta'  aiaii   li    nad   widi  fmz.'      •  Dditmn  '    b 

JinniiiKi  affiun,  io  *pile  of  nnah  inteTnip-  niopaTlT    to    '  swene    fraoi    tho    atnifbt 

tlon  ftoni  Iroth  tbe  old  meil.    NanalBlTatB  liiM  in  plooghing.'    '  lira '  ta    tb»  Mgt 

1*  anffidently  augrf  at  beariDg  tbtaa  new> ;  between  two  fnnowe,  alae  from  ita  ibaft 

wblle  Damipbo  endaaToaia  to  padfy  her..  caUed  'poroa,'  or  'lMf'i  back;'  tn  aonr 

HiOTmio     gioriea     onr     tbe     QnfoTtaDate  writcn   '  lira '   and   '  porta '  Bie   diMiDi:tlT 

Chrames,  aod   promin*  to  poniih  in  tlie  idmitilied,  whiie  othBa  atm    to  voBfUrt 

■ame  «ly  anj  one  that  annoya  him.     Fmd-  '  lin '  to  be  the  lune  u  '  talciu.'    '  Salcas,' 

ing  that  Damipbo'BiTgnmeiit(arepre*ailing  or  i\t6t,  ueoeaairil;  meana  no  nHwe  Um 

with  NaaiiBtrata,  he  takea  tbe  opportonitj  *  a  diawn  line,'  tbe  id«  of  depth    boi^ 

of  telling  ber  the  whole  atoiT  of  the  thirt;  eoSrtlj  adTeutttMnu  i  and  oT  oonm  wIh- 

minae.  aod  bow  he  had  amp1o]red  tbem  hr  aver  tbere  wai  a  '  lira '  thare  wonld  b«  a 

Fbaedria.    Naomitnta  determinea  lo   Me  ■■alcBa'  too.      '  Uraie '  ii  to    tara    tlir 

Phaadria,  and  plaoe  the  whoie  matHr  at  hia  lidges  oreT  aeed  wblcfa  bai  been  plantad  ib 

diaponL     8he  expreeaea  a  wisb  to  lepaT  tha  fnirow.    8ce  Foradlini  on  both  wecdi^ 

ber  ohligalion  to  PbDnnio,  whieb  he  cha-  '  Ncm  temen  eat '    occsri  in   Ueaot.   n. 

radCTiaticaUT  adtDowladgea  by  telling  ba  I.  7. 

to  hIc    bim  to   rapper;    aod  n  the   plaj  10.  JtKfoMc]   •  Oh,  DOt  at  all ;  aiid  aa 

Gondadea.  Ton  an  not  at  all  aAaid,  aad  what  I  aay  if 

Tbe  Hetre  ii  aa  foUowa;  I— Sl.iambic  nothing,  do  700  Ml  it.'     Fer  this  H 

ben  i  but  the  text  is  giTen  bj  the  Bembina  that  if  it  liad  not  beeu  fbr  Demipho'»  ag. 

manutcript.      Ccmpare  Andria  i.  S.  31 ;  graratiou  he  would  not  haTe  appealed  to 

Adelphi  JT.  4.  6.  NaoiiatiBta,  aod  dtodoaed  to  ba  tbe  bitUrj 

4,   Oedoat]     In  Plantaa  «e  haTe  tb«  of  Chraowa' lore  aOoin  at  Lwpqat. 


ACTUS  V.    SCENA  Vni.  483 

Pro   &atra.     Na.  Mi   vir,   non  milii  nanaaP     Ch.  At ■ 

JVfl.  Quid,  "  at  ?" 
Ch.  Noa  opus  eat  dicto.     Fh.  Tibi  quidem:    at  scito  limc 

opua  eat. 
In  Lemno — Ch.  Hem,  quid  ais  P    Le.  Noa  taces  F    Ph.  dam 

te — Ch.  keimihi.  15 

Ph.  Uxorem  duxit.     Na.  Mi  homo,  X>i  melinB  duint. 
Ph.  Sic  factum  eet.     JVa.  Peiii  miBerj^     Ph.  Et  inde  filiam 
Suscepit  jam  unam,  dum  tu  dormis.     Ch.  Quid  agimua  ? 
JVa.  Pro  Di  ioimortalefi,  facinua  indigmm:!,  et  malum. 
Ph.  Hoc  actum  eat.     Na.  An    quicquam  hodie  eet  Cootum 

indigninsP  30 

Qui  mihi  ubi  ad  uxorea  ventum  est  tum  fiunt  senes. 
Demipho,  te  app^o ;  nam  me  cuia  hoc  ipeo  dietaedet  loqui. 
Haecine  erant  itionea  crebrae,  et  mansiones  dintinae 
LenmiP    haecine    crat    ea  quae    nostroe    &uctus    minuebat 

De.  £go,  Ifausistrata,  esse  in  hac  re  culpam  meritam  non 

nego ;  95 

14.  M)  Aomo}    '  Uj  cood  m>n,  iobt  the  23.  Hnciiu']     •  TUb  wu  ths  mMulne;, 

goia  pn  m  betler  lack.      '  Hi  hoaio '  wu  wu  it,  of  hii  ftvquent  joorneji,  sod  pro- 

•  cominan  form  of  adclresi.     Id  Adelphi  iii.  longed  Bbtencei  U  Lemnoa  ?     Tbtae  wera 

2.  31  Cknthum  tbos  »ddraw«  Gela.     TIm  tha  low  iHice*  whkh  ■!**;■  loMDed  oor 

wordi  probkbtj  cwTied  with  them  «n  iro-  prafita?'     '  Haec '  la  for  '  hiie.'     Compere 

niol  meuiiDg,  u  onr  own  eipreHion  ■ame.  Eunochiu  iii.  A.  34 1  "Continiii)  hKCBdor- 

timeidoet.  nant   nt  UTet;"    snd    Ueant.   h.    7.    10: 

1 8.  Onm  lu  dermit']   '  And  by  bar  he  hu  "  PorTo  hiec  tdenta  dotii  adpouent  dao," 

alreadj  oDe  daaghter,  while  jou  hsTe  beaa  where  see  note. 

nepping.'     '  Dormire  '  ii  nsed  of  being  in  ■  2C.  Eue  ib  iae  rt  cufyam  aitrilani  iiaii 

■taleofiecority.    ConipMre  U»at.ii.  3-101 :  ntgo']     '  1  do   not   laj,    Naiuirtnte,    that 

••             ••                uv    ■         b  blame  h^l  not  beendeBtared  in  thia  nutterj 

I    tilii  j^m    (uo   omnem  ^^^^    ^^^^   thrt    it    i«    not    nnpmionablo.' 
leritam  '  ia  the  reading  of  bII  the  autho- 
titiea,  with  the  exception  of  the  Bembine 

A  makinf  N 

«  wonl*  '  Demipbo,  te  ■ppello.'  But  j'"  "' 

■    nNin  for  dirt«Wa«  tbe  ""        ,__,             „ 

I   the  old   editiona   ■nd  ^"i!?'"^ *!-'"""'"' 

""Miucripta.   The  worda  'An  qnioqum  . . .  '■'"' .  ^.uncti a^nt,  m 

*oa  Gnnt  Mnea '  are  aot  inupr^ri^te  in  1«"""»  pelmae."    The  teit  hu  merj  ngbt 

»■»  i«o«th  of  ■n  tagrr  malroa,  who  baa  *"  "™-     '  ™  ~  5"""  ■"  ignoKani»' 

jiut  heard  for  the  flnt  time  of  her  bna-  '"«^y  ^*^"?  '•  denj  that  it  ought  oot  to 

euoan-     Phormio  trinmpha  IwWe»»^  with  allowuiie.'  '  Nego  '  mottbe 

•  It  ia  dl  ow  with  Toa  now  XVC''™  >'°'''  ^^  preceding  duue.  We  iind 

«im'   ii   redundut   hen,  ■■  in  tl"  P«i"  in  Virpl.  Georgic  It.  488, 489 1 

^T  piMa.    Compwe  Eunmdiw  IL  2. 113,  "  Qaam  iobitk  Invutam  dameotia  oepit 

I  i  2 



Sed  ea  qam  sit  ignoacend&.     Pk.  Yerba  fiont  mortuo. 

De.  Nam  neque  negUgentia  tua,  neque  odio  id  fecit  tuo. 

Yinolentus  feie  abhino  annos  quindeoim  molierculam 

Gam  compreesit,  unde'  haec  nata  eet :  neque  poetiUa  imquam 

Ea  mortem  obiit,  e  medio  abiit,  qni  fiiit  in  re   bac  acm- 

pulns.  30 

Quamobrem  te  oro,  nt  alia  &cta  tua  Enmt,  aequo  animo  hoc 

Na.  Qroid  ego  aequo  animoi'     Oupio  miaera  in  hac  re  jam 

Sed  qnid  sperem  P  oetate  porro  minus  peccaturum  putem  ? 
Jam  tum  erat  senex,  aenectus  si  Terecundoe  facit. 
An  mea  forma  atque  aetas  nano  magis  expetenda  est,  De- 

mipho  ?  35 

Qoid  mibi  nunc  affera  qnamobrem  ezspectem  aat  sperem 

porro  non  fore  P 
P&.  Ezsequiaa  Chremeti    quibus  eat    commodimi    ire    h^n 

t^npus  eet. 

IgfDOMenda  qnidem,  ■drcut  >i  igtioian  liderio  id  fini  too ;"  uKt  ne  HwiTig'*  Laliii 

HAnn."  Grammir,  {  297- 

30.  B  mtdie  aHU]  See  note  cn  v.  7-  7*. 

Compara  Heejim  t.  I.  II :    "Nim  aetate  For  'Mxnpiiliu'  eompus  Andiis  t.  4.  37^ 

JHD   ea  emji    ut    non    Biot    peccato    mihi  *^  Hihi  iiniu  ■mxpuliu  edun  leetat  qm  me 

IfnoMa  aeqnnm,"  where  kb  noEe.  mile  habet,"  uid  •ee  uote  o&  Addplu  iL  1. 

26.    Vtria  Jhni  morimi}      ■You   are  ». 

wutiag  TOOT  wDnia  on  the  d«d ;'  jon  hafe  32.  (Tiipfo  muera  in  kae  rt  jam  tl^fia- 

■    bid    UatencT.      Tha   Greek    proverb   ie  ffitri  '  I  ouly  hape,  ODhappr  •>  I  un  ■bwt 

qooled  :    vitfiip    /iMdvc    ilf    oif    Xi^ttc.  it,  to  be  qmt  of  rt  «ith  thia  hiuinen;'  thit 

Bmnoa  «ecoanla  tm  the  prorcrb  bj  the  I  ihall  hw  no  more  of  each  offencea.    Coa- 

comnion  onHom  of  caliiiiB  oa  the  dvd  ■fter  pue   Adetphi  iii.  4.  63  :  "  Utinui  hic  lit 

their  bKath  liad  left  thun,  and  when  tbirj  modo Defiuictam."  Seenote.  OthenooDii- 

«ere  «aid  to  be  ' condaoMti.'     Bat  thia  ii  der ' defongier '  to re&r  to Cimmee.    'loolf 

not  ■  cocrect  accoant  of  thet  caitom.     8ee  hope  th^t  he  ii  noir  -'*'""g  aii  ead  of  il: 

Dote  on  Eonuehua   jj.  3.  Sfi.    The  nme  that  tliii  !■  hi>  lut  icniM.'    Ttte  gencnd 

ezpreMon  occura  in  Plautoi,  Poenulua  it.  aenie  i«  the  Bame  oi 
3.  18  :  "  Nun  ii  quidam  illi,  nt  mediCMur, 

Terba  fkdt  emortuo."    We  nuiy  cDmpare  of  the  worde. 

HeBBt.  iL  I.  10:  "  Nee  Ule  h*ud  tdt  qnun  ■  Je  Teui  rompre  STeo  lni  posr  taajooTe;' 

mihi  Dunc  luido  nuret  iabnlun."    8ee  note.  bnt  thii  ii  not  conwlaat  with  tlie  «wolnt, 

S7.  Ntgligmlia  ttui]  '  For  he  did  not  do  or  with  tha  OM  of  the  word  in  tha  peanfB 

it  ftom  any  neglect  ^  wewineea  of  ^ou.'  referred  to  in  the  Ad^phL 

It  ia  Dot  uDCommon  in  I^tin  (o  mbMitnte  3?.    Biutfviiu    CMremeH]      '  Whoenr 

the  poneaBTe  pronoun  fbr  the  genidTe  of  wiahei  to  atleQd  Chremea'  hnenl,  ■«»■  ii 

the  peraoDBl  proDOUD  wheD  the  use  of  the  the  time.'     PboTniio  quotea  p«<t  of  Iha  fbr- 

genitite  mlght  lead  lo  unbignity.    Thia  ii  mal>  which  wu  osed  b;  the  critr  at  pabbc 

more  rare  with  the  objectiTe  geaitiTe  than  foneraU  ('fanen  indictiTk.'  See  IMctiDDaij 

witb  the  genitite  of  Uie  subjecti    but  we  of   Anliqoitiei,   '  Fanni'),    of  wbicji  lin. 

"    '                                  ' "  '     ■"                       "       fbltowing    I 

flnd  muiy  ingtuiceB  of  thia  idiom.     Com-     denbrog    gireB    tbe 
pu«Haaat.iLS.66:  "Ut  (kdletdreade-         


ACTUS  V.    SCENA  Vin.  485 

Sio  dabo :  age  mijio,  age,  Fhormionem  qni  volet  laceeaito. 
Fazo  tali  eum  mactatmn  atque  hic  est  infortiuiio. 
Bedeat  aane  in  gratiam :  jam  aupplici  satis  est  Tnihi :  40 

Habet  haeo  ei  quod  dum  Tirat  usque  ad  anrem  oggaimiat. 
2fa.  At  meo  mento,  credo:   quid  ego  nunc  commenLorem, 

Singulatim   qaalifl   ego  in  huno   fuerimP     De.  Noyi  aeque 

Tecum.    Na.  Merittme  hoc  meo  Tidetur  factum  ?   De.  Minime 

Yerum,  quando  jam  accusando  fieri  infectum  non  poteet,       4i 
Ignosce:  orat;  confitetur;  purgat:  quid  vis  amplius  f 
Ph.  EnimTeto  prius  quam  haec  dat  veiiiam,  mihi  prospiciam 

et  Phaedriae. 
Heas,  NaufiiBtrsta,  priua  quam  huic  reepondee  temere,  audi. 

Ifa.  QnidestP 
Pk.  £^  minas  triginta  per  faUaoiain  sh  illo  abstuli ; 
Eas  dedi  tao  gnato ;  is  pro  sua  amica  lenoni  dedit.  so 

Ch.  Hem,  quid  aisP    Na.  Adeone  hoc  indignum  tihi  Tidetur, 

Homo  adolescens  si  habet  unam  anucam,  tu  uzorea  duas  ? 
Nihil  pudere !    Quo  ore  illum  objurgabisP  reeponde  mihi. 

in  .   CDI      ,     COMMODDU 
qootei  fron  mut  luticiu,  ! 

" Vo.  it 

Eneqniu    HiiiiiH.    et  c 

.     B«T    .   H«M 

cruiioB.     Ho 
e  gUperbu 

in  the   neiMe  ol 
T.7.M.     Pl»nt 
in  the  nme    n 
qnoted   in  tbe 
wbere  we  h>*e 

'  'Bffectiu.'    8ee  note  on 
lu  nM  the  «ord  fteqnentlf 
unner.    8ee  tha  pungei 
note  011    Heaat.  1t.  I.    IS, 



the   dmikr   phrue  'er(0 

41.  Haiti  .  . .  quod  .  .  .  adncrtm  ag- 

CoBiiMre  Aodiia  1.  1.  90,  «nd  nola.  gatadal']  '  Bba  ha*  «>metMDg  to  din  into 

36.  Pum  . .  tHM  wunlatam  .  .  .  fif/br-  his  mn  for  erer,  »  loBg  u  be  liiei.'    Ths 

<*auB]     •!  will  take  cwe  tbit  he  ia  lap.  rimple  Torb  'gannio'  ii  Mid  to  be  properlr 

ptied    with    juit    mch    *    pnniehnient    H  apfjied  to  tbe  wbining  of  dc^.     It  occore 

Chremei  it.'     '  Uacto '  is  connected  witb  In  Adelphi   {t.  S.  17'     The   oomponnd  i( 

'iDvtni.'     The  woid  wai  oiiginaUr  wed  nsed  bj  PUatiu,  Asiaaria  il.  i.ib,  16: 

in    ncrifidel   ritei.       When    Aej   ponied  ..  q^  nnnquim  anaoi  rem  me  Ucet  lemel 

wme,  or  pl«*d  <nea>«>  on  the  he.d  of  the  p^d^  fori 

netmi,  th^  wonld  «y  that  the  Tiebm  tw  Qoi„  centi™  eedem  imperematqneoggMi. 

■<MctQi  nno,    or  'mactna  tnra.      "Hao  niun  " 
M,"Mri8erTinioaAa>dd.ii.  Sll  (qoated 

bj  ForalUni),  "  camnlBta  cat  hoetU  et  ma-  Por  '  u»qne '  lee  not*  an  Heejn  iii.  4.  9. 

r>  ueta;"  and  in  addreMins  the  deit;  to  44.  Jtfinnu  fm/ttim]  Bee  note  oo  Ennn- 

■hom  the  ncriGee  was  oSmd,  tbej  nMd  chna  It.  1.  11. 

the  fintnuke    "  Macta    boc    Tioo  infsrio  S3.  Quo  ore  >/Jii»i  ebjitrfata  f]   •  How 

eMo:  macte  hocce  fercto  eeto  :  maeCebaoce  will  jon  hare  the  face  to  flnd  fanlt  witb 

dape  poUocenda  efto."     Uence   tba  word  bim  ?'    For  '  qao  ore '  lee  nota  on  HeaiA. 

twnd  inlo  the  a  ' 

nae  of  '  to  ncriflee,'  and,    \i.  3.  SS. 
Here  it  i>  nMd  in  le- 



Ik.  Faciet   ut  voles.     Na.  Imo,  ut  meani  jam    Bcias   sen' 

Neqiie    ego    ignosco   neque  promitto  quicquam;    ueque  re- 

Bpondeo,  && 

PriuB  quam  gnatum  video :  ejus  judicio  permitto  omiiiA ; 
Quod    ia   jubebit,    faciam.      Ph.   Mulier    sapiena   ee,    Nau- 

Na.  Satin  tibi  eat  [Ohreme}  P     Ch.  Imo  vero  pulchre  disceda 

et  probe, 
Et  praeter  spem.     Na.  Tu  tuum  nomen  dio  quod  est.     Ph. 

Mibiu  P    Fhormio : 
Yestrae  familiae  heicle  amicuB,  et  tuo  Bummns  Phaedriae.     6o 
Na.  Phormio,  at  ego  eoastor  posthac  tibi  quod  potero  et  quae 

Faciamqite  et  dicam.     Ph.  Benigue  dicis.     Na.  Pol  meritum 

est  tuum. 
Ph.  Tin  primum    hodie    faoere    quod  ego   gaudeam.   Nau- 

Et  quod  tuo  viro  oculi  doleantP    Na.   Oupio.     Ph.  Me  ad 

coenam  voca. 
Na.  Fol  vero  vooo.     De.  Eamna  intro  htmj.     Ch.  Fiat :  sed 

ubi  est  Phaedria,  65 

Judex  aosterP    Ph.  Jam  hic  fazo  aderit.     Q  Yoe  valete  et 


68.  Sali»  im  ttl  lCAremt^  7]  Bentlflr  ■!]  <Id  wlut  I  •b»0  be  ^  of,  b 

*■■  the  firet  to  wld  'Cbrente,'  witboat  tnj  ud  «hat  will  be  ta  ejesore  to  jour  hm- 

■utbiKitf .    At  tbe  wioe  tiins  be  gaie  tbe  bKiid  ?'    ■  Ocuti  dolent '  litenlly  m«iu  '  I 

followiag  mtda   (which  b&Te   oa  Miue  u  bcie  ■  pain  in  taj  ejea.'     Heiodotus  as» 

oaming  tram  Pbonnio,  u  tbej  do  in  »11  the  *  omilir  pbrase  m  T.  18.  wbere  Ibe  Pb- 

old  edition*)  to   Cbremei.     Sappoiin|,  u  liani  wbo  were  entertained  b;  Amyntu  ue 

I  thialc  we  niaat  do,  that  tbia  wsi  m>  ia  tbe  mmde  to  nj,  ri  rotnOiy  rgBro  tv3ir  timi 

earlieet  meniucripte,  it  ii  rery  eu;  to  eee  ot^v-    rpiviiav    jip   ilvai    Apxifiiai    p^ 

bow  'Chreme'    might  bmTe  been    omitted  iAfiiiv  rdc  •fvyaUac  4  iAS«£a«c  nai  ^i 

carele«al7   before    *  Chrem,'   wbich   would  raptlatiiimcavtUt^iZniBot  i\j^i6tmf  fi 

gtand  m  the  merk  of  the  ■pealier.     l  b&Te  if  9iiX>i£v, — apaenfe  wbicfa  h»  bee»  iniuifa 

therefore    restored   the  word    t»  tbe  teit,  eommenled    on.     Blakeilef    coaiidets   thc 

thong:h  I  h*TS  marked  it  to  ■bow  that  it  (erm   to    hkTe    baeii    camphm«itar]r ;    btf 

hai    QO   manascnpt  ■athorlty.     'Are   joa  wnmgly,  I  think.     Thej  wera  ui  aXf  if^vr 

■adsfied,  Cbreines  V  NeusiHnla  njB.  •  Not  ifBaX/iiv  limplf  becui»  tbej  were  oot  of 

ODlj  satislied,  bnt  I  get  off  ■plendidlj  and  readi,  farbiddeii  frait.     '  Qood  '    ben  W 

well,   end   bejond   mj  eipedation.'      For  ths  leiua  of 'praptO' qnod,'     Soo  aote  oa 

*  discedo '  m  note  on  t.  2.  8.  Uecjn  ii.  S.  31. 

89.    Btniipie    difii]    '  HiBBk    joa   Tsrj  66.  Jam  Aie  fiun  aif<ri(]    Bm  aote  ca 

mach.'    See  note  ou  EDnucbns  ii.  3.  60.  Fhonnio  ii.  I.  78. 

Pborauo  tbea  goet  oo  to  preu  hi*  lait  ptt>-  O  Kot  >sJe(«  it  plaadile']     Bee  nate  oa 

fessiaiiallj.    'Will  tob,'  ha  sajs,  'Grstof  Aiidria  t.  fi.  17. 



Tm  Boman  Comedy  poBseaaes  bo  mucli  in  commoa  with  the  Ifew 
Comedy  of  the  GreeliB,  that,  eren  were  tbere  no  cloBer  connezion 
between  the  two,  a  conBideration  of  the  Uterary  poaition  of  Terenco 
would  be  iocomplete  without  eome  notice  of  the  Greek  authora  from 
whom  he  copied.  And  this  beGomea  esBential,  as  a  eupplement  to  the 
general  consideration  of  Terence'»  litenuy  pOBition  which  has  been 
undertaken  in  the  Introduction  to  thie  volume,  when  we  find  that  all 
of  the  existing  plays  of  Terence  were  confeeaedly  copied  from  Qreek 
origioab.  We  have  Already  aeen  tbat  Terence  waa  in  general  terms  a 
copfiet.  This  objection  was  made  againfit  bis  plajs,  and  anawered 
during  his  owa  lifetime.  But  I  cannot  hut  consider  that  thia  charge 
hss  been  preeaed  too  cloaelj.  It  is  the  fashion  to  consider  Tereace's 
playe  ae  simple  trftnslations  in  the  cloeeet  senee.  It  will  therefore  be 
interesting,  and  importsnt  for  the  due  estimation  of  our  author,  to 
ezamine  in  detail  the  imitations  of  and  allusions  to  Menander  in  his 
plajB,  whicb  can  be  now  ascertained.  With  this  view  I  shall  place 
before  the  reader  tbose  fhtgments  of  theseveral  plays  of  Menander 
which  hare  apparentlj  been  imitated  hy  Terence.  After  Buch  a  atate- 
ment  of  detaila  we  shall  be  prepared  to  go  on  t«  eume  more  general 
remarks  npon  the  relation  of  Terence  to  hia  Oreek  originala. 

Taking  the  playa  in  the  order  in  whicb  we  find  tbem  in  Terence,  we 
come  first  to  the 


This  play  waa  tidten   froni  tbe  'Andria'   and  the   '  Perinthia'   of 
Menander.     The  most  trustworthy  account  of  these  plajB  is  that  wbioh 
Terenoe  himself  gi?e»  us  in  the  Prologue  to  tbe  '  Andria,'  tt.  9—14 : 
"  McDander  feoit  Aadiiaro  et  Perinthiam. 
Qui  utramTis  recte  norit  ambas  noverit. 
Non  ita  diaaimili  Bunt  argumento,  sed  tamen 
Dissimili  oratione  sont  &ctae  ac  stilo. 
Quae  convenere  In  Andriam  ez  Ferinthia 
Fatetur  transtulieae  atque  ueum  pro  suis." 



In  defaalt  of  filrther  information  we  maj  obserre  that  from  tlie  wordi 
of  Terence  it  appe&ra  (1)  tbat  tbeae  two  pUja  of  Mesander  were  in 
pk)t  mucb  alike,  but  different  in  language  and  etjrle;  and  (2)  that  he 
borrowed  certsin  Buitabte  piecea  from  tbe  '  Periatbia,'  and  inBerted 
them  in  bis  translation  of  the  '  ADdria.'  Tbe  plote  of  Menander  wei? 
veTj  simple,  and  Terence  waa  probably  obliged,  iii  order  to  suit  tbe 
taste  of  bis  Soman  audienoe,  to  eke  ont  the  '  Andria'  hj  snppljiDg 
Bome  iucident  irom  the  '  Ferinthia.'  Unfortunatelj  materiala  are  oot 
left  to  enable  ub  to  adjudge  the  comporatiTO  obligations  of  Terence  to 
these  two  plays.  The  following  aie  tbe  oaij  paesagea  of  Terence  to 
whicb  the  ingennity  of  critics  have  aa  jet  heen  able  to  find  paiallela  tn 
Menander . — 

AoT  I.  ScEiTE  1.  Of  this  Bcene  Donatua  says,  on  Prolog.  y.  10: 
"  Frima  scesa  Ferinthiae  paene  iisdem  verbiB  quihua  Andria  acripta  eat; 
caetera  dissimilia  sunt,  ezceptia  duobua  locia,  altero  ad  reraus  xi,  alt^o 
ad  versus  sx,  qui  in  utraque  fabula  poaiti  sunt;"  and  an  v.  13  be  aaks: 
"  Quare  ae  onerat  Terentiua,  quum  possit  videri  de  una  tranatulisse  P " 
Vfhj  does  Terence  mention  the  'Ferintbia'  at  all,  wben  it  waa  bo 
aimilar  to  the  '  Andria'  tbat  it  would  scarcely  appear  that  hebad  copied 
from  more  than  one  plaj  ?  "  Sic  solvitur,"  anawers  Donatus;  "quia 
conscius  aibi  eet  primam  acenam  de  Perinthia  esse  tranBlatam,  ubi 
Benex  ita  cum  uzore  loquitur  ut  apud  Terentium  cum  liberto;  at  in 
Andria  Menandri  soIub  senei  est."  From  the  account  of  Donatus  it 
appeare  that  the  '  Andria'  and  '  Perinthia'  resembled  each  otber  in  the 
firat  Bcene,  and  in  two  other  paBsagea  of  eleven  and  twenty  versea  in 
length  reepectivety.  In  tbia  firat  acene  itself  tbe  reaemblance  appeara 
to  baTs  been  close,  witb  tbis  ezception,  tfaat  in  the  '  Andria'  the  old  man 
was  made  to  soliloquize;  in  the  '  Perinthia'  he  waa  made  to  talk  to  his 
wife, juet  as  in  Terence*s  'Andria'  we  have  Sosia  introduced  merelj  for 
the  purpose  of  breaking  tbe  monotony  of  a  Botiloquj.  8ee  note  on  tt. 

And.  i.  8.  12 : 

"  Andireque  eoram  est  operse  pretium  sudaciam : 
Ssm  inceptio  est  amentium  haud  am&ntium." 
TVith  tbese  lines  Meineke,  following  Grauert,  compares  the  foUowing 
fragment  of  Menander : 

To  S  ip&ir  jgrHncoru 
an-uriv,  is  toiKt,  Kot  riMc  t^4ym 

KoX  Toii  Koxuf  J^otw».  (Frsgm.  'AvS.  i.) 

Tbe  reader  may  decide  whether  the  resemblance  is  close  enougb  to  fii 
tbe  imitation  of  this  passage  upon  Terence.  The  foUowing  ia  also  not 
very  obvious. 



And.  Ui.  2.  8 : 

"  Nunc  primum  fac  ifitaec  lavet ;  post  delnde 
Quod  juBsi  ei  dari  bibere  et  quaatum  imperavi 

irith  whicb  Meineke,  following  Gniuert  and  Sobree,  oompBres  the  foU 
lowing,  which  be  conBidera  to  have  been  part  of  Lesbia'a  preacrip- 

Kcu  TrrrafMav  ^"v  f^ri.  tovto,  ^(A.ra7-i}, 

t6  vtoTTtov,  (rragui.  'Av8.  ii.) 


Xovmxr'  airilv  oiruta.  (Fragm.  'Ai^  ri.) 

And.  ii.  4.  3 : 

"Tenit  meditatuB  alicunde  ex  Bolo  loco: 

Orationem  Bperat  inveniBse  se 

Qui  differat  te." 

«vpcrucov  f&a/  tfiatn  Tip'  tfnjiAiav 

ol  ris  o<f>pvs  alpovm.  (Fragm,  'AvS.  iv.) 

And.  iii.  5.  5 : 

"  Foathac  incolumem  aat  ecio  fore  me  nunc  si  hoo  devito  malum." 

DonatuB  Baye,  "Menander  aic,  ip  fft^  ^cvyct  ovk  iv  <Ea^v/uT«," 
evidentlj  a  corrupt  paBsage,  which  baa  been  TariooEly  rcBtored.  The 
pBBBBge  of  Menander  ia  tbua  explained  bj  BonatuB :  "  Tam  difficile  eBt 
hinc  evadere  ut  qui  hinc  evaserit  videatur  immortaliB  futuruB ;"  and  in 
accordance  with  tbia  Meineke,  follawing  closely  the  reatoration  of 
Gasaubon,  reads : 

tvdivff  dbti^vyw  ofuc  ttv  i.Trakotit.ijv  irorc. 

(Fragm.  'AvS.  ix.) 
And.  iv.  8. 11 : 

" Ex  ara  bine  anme  verbenas  tibi 

Atque  eas  Bubateme." 

Tbe  fragment  of  Menander,  of  which  this  line  ia  evidently  a 
translation,  bas  heen  preaervedf  and  bas  given  riee  to  much  difficulty. 
An  quoted  by  Donatus  it  stands  thuB : 

KfuaiuK  cru  ^uppivat  ^vSicniVf, 

and  ia  clearlf  coirupt.  The  pasBage  ia  also  alluded  to  bj  Servius  od 
Tirg.  Aeneid.  xii.  120,  where  he  Ba;s  that  the  Bacred  herb  mentioned 
by  MenaDder  waa  tbe  mjrtle,  for  whicb  Terenco  used  the  generic  term 
'  verbenae.'  Many  conjectnres  have  been  hazarded  m  order  to  reetore 
the  line  of  Meuander,  of  wbich  none  seem  to  come  bo  near  the  mark  aa 



tbat  of  Meineke  in  his  note  on  Monander,  Fnigm.  Fab.  Incert.  CM. 
Epimetrum  iii.  pp.  709,  710.  He  conceives  that  the  name  of  ApoUo, 
\oiim,  must  have  heen  mentioned  hj  Menandar,  u  the  altar  ra 
dedicated  to  him  (eee  m;  note  oa  the  pasBage),  and  that  the  word  Ha 
hid  in  the  oorrupt  reading  A^Xiov  or  Cauion  of  Donatus*  text.  He 
acoordiiigly  reftds : 

dird  Aojta  crt!  [i-vpptviK  rcurfii  [Xa^SucJ 

We  mhj  notice  that  the  aame  fr^ment  bu  been  interpreted  bj 
Bentley  Am  8(£ias  av  nv^yip  iiAa&nit  Xo^f,  and  hj  Jacobs,  &^  Jcnw 
<rii  fivpfiivan  Si)(°"  ^vimivi.  It  is  not  for  aa  to  decide  between  thesc 
differing  maateri  of  tbeir  craft. 

And.  iv.  6.  9,  in  ftnewer  to  the  question  of  Crito: 
"Quidvos?  quopactohicP  sttinrecteF" 

MfsiB  anawers : 

"—■ — NoBneP    '8ic 
TJt  quimuB,'  uont, '  quaodo  ut  Tolumus  noa  licet.' " 

Witb  this  is  justly  oompared  the  fragment  of  Menander  whicb  occors 
in  Monosticb.  190,  and  is  plsced  hy  Meineke  ezpresal^  among  the 
&agmeiitfl  of  his  'Av^ut,  xiii. : 

In  addition  to  these  more  ezpreBS  quotationB  we  bave  a  number  of  lesi 
striking  inetanceB,  consiBting  of  short  phrBseB  or  mere  allusion!i, 
gathered  &om  the  notes  ofDonatua  and  Eugrapbius.  Such  are  Ihe 
following : 

"  Nibil  me  &llt8."  (And.  i.  2.  33.) 

OiSiv  fit  XavOdvoK  clv.      (Mein.  Ftagm.  'kv6p.  iii.) 

"  Ke  me  obBecia."  (And.  iiL  3.  11.) 

M^  XtTOttVt,  fOI  llA)(OV. 

Tbia  Iflst  ia  doubtfuL    See  Meineke,  Fragm.  *Av^  Tii. : 

"  Quidnam  audio  P"  (And.  iiL  4.  8,) 

where  Donatua  notices  anotber  reading, '  sudiam,'  agceeing  witli  the 
words  of  Meuander,  rl  S^  nr*  &Koia^ ; 

"8ic,  Crito,  hicest."  (And.  v.  4.  le.) 

oSnof  aMi  iuTi.      (Meiu.  Fragm.  'A>^.  xiL) 

And  tm  Andria  iii.  1. 15 1 

"  Juno  Ludoa  fer  opem," 



both  Do&atuS  «od  EagrapbiuB  notice  that  Terenoe  ufieB  tho  Boman 
natne,  while  Menimdor  bad  expresely  mentioned  'A^^uc.  8ee  the  oote 
OQ  the  pasaage. 

The  '  Perinthia'  of  Menander  funiiBhea  us  with  two  fragmenta  only 
capable  of  being  identified  with  Terence's  plaj.  The  first  eceDe,  ai  haa 
been  already  obBerred,  was  tranBfeired  nearly  word  for  word  to  the 
'  Andria'  hj  Terence.  The  followiug  paaBages  may  be  compared  with 
parts  of  the  Latin  plaj : 

oi$*iiiav  ii  ypavt  SXdis 
KvXina  irafnJK€i'  dXXa  invci  rrpi  KvitXif, 

(Fragm.  n^u^.  y.) 

which  Beema  moat  probably  to  belong  to  the  desoriptioa  of  '  Leebia'  the 
'  obatetrix.'     Compare 

"  Audivi  Archylis  jamdudum :  Leabiam  adduci  jubea. 
Sane  pol  iUa  temulenta  est  mulier  et  temeraria," 

(And.  i.  4. 1,  2,) 

To  TcuSun'  7  tla^kStv  ^Tfrovt  ^fitpov,  (Ti.) 

of  whioh  we  probably  find  an  imitation  in 

** Stiam  puerum  inde  abieuB  conTeni  Chremi 

Olera  et  piBcicfuloB  minutos  ferre  obolo  in  eoenam  aeni," 

(And.  ii.  2.  81,  82,) 

whatever  maj  be  the  tme  reading  of  tbis  diffieult  Une.     See  the  note. 

Beaidee  these  paBBagea,  which  can  be  traoed  to  one  or  other  of  the 
aokuowledged  prototjpee  of  tbe  '  Andria,'  there  are  two  otbera  whioh 
aeem  to  hare  been  imitated  b;  Terence  in  that  play : 

*Eyiu  cr  IBt}Ka  SovXov  Svt'  iXmfitpov. 

(Meiueke,  Fragm.  Comio,  Anonjm.  ziii.) 

Tbia  is  quoted  by  Arietotle,  Soph.,  Elench.  4,  aa  an  instance  of  an 
ambignooa  Bentenoe.    W»  maj  oompare 

"  Feci  6  eervo  nt  eBses  libertns  mihi," 

(And.  i.  X.  10,) 

thongh  there  seems  good  reason  for  hesitating  to  refer  the  &agment  to 
the  '  Andria '  of  Menander.     See  Meineke  aa  quoted  abore. 
Finallj,  we  are  informed  hj  Donatua  on  Andrla  v.  6.  8 : 

"  Ego  Deonun  ntam  propteraa  sempitemam  esse  arbitror 
Quod  Toluptates  eomm  propriae  Bunt ;  nam  mihi  immortalitaa 
Parta  est  si  nnlla  aegritudo  huic  gaudio  interoesaerit," 



that  this  vhole  pauage  is  transfeiTed  from  the '  Eunuohus '  of  ACeiuiidR 
Compare  Terent.  Eun.  iii.  6.  8,  4.  Tbe  liiieB  of  MeaandeT  hftre  not 
been  preserred. 


The  '  Eanuchns '  of  Terence  wu  taken  partlj  from  tbe  '  Enanehus,' 
portlj'  &om  tbe  '  Colax,'  of  Menander,  which  latter  play  had  apparentlr 
been  imitated  by  NaeviuB  and  PlautoB  before  our  author.  See  Prol.  sd 
Eunuch.  notea  on  vv.  2S.  27.  In  this  instance  the  two  plajs  of  Me- 
nander  must  have  been  altogether  different  in  subatance  and  plot — the 
'  Eunuchuii '  was  probably  entirely  devoted  to  the  plot  by  which  Chaerea 
obtfuna  poBseBBian  of  Pamphila,  to  Fbaedria'8  love  afiair  with  Thaia, 
and  the  interventiou  of  GhremeB  to  clear  up  the  myster;  banging  about 
Famphila;  with  the  ludicrous  revenge-of  Pythiae  taid  the  perplezity  of 
tbe  outwitted  Parmeno.  These  materials  compose  the  greater  portion 
of  Terence'B  play,  and  were,  no  doubt,  the  whole  of  Menander's.  Tbe 
cbaracter  of  Antipho  was  introduced  hj  Terence  himself  to  serve  as  a  foil 
to  Obaerea.  8ee  Donatas  on  iii.  4. 1.  The  '  Colax '  would  give  the  cha- 
racters  of  Thraao  (or  Biaa  in  Menander,  see  Meineke,  EOAAH  i.)  and 
Gnatho  (or  Struthias)  ;  and  was  particularly  devoted  to  the  sketch  of  the 
Braggadocio  and  the  Poraaite.  Terence  introduces  tbese  two  cbarsctera 
into  the  plot  of  the  'Eunuchus,'  coanecting  them  with  Thais.  This 
portion  of  tbe  play  consists  of  Act  ii.  Scene  2 ;  Act  iiL  Scenes  1  and  2 ; 
Act  iv.  Scene  7 ;  Aut  v.  Scenes  7  and  8 :  certainly,  vitb  the  exceptioD 
□f  Chaerea'B  adventures,  tbe  most  apirited  part  of  the  play,  and  in  point 
of  humour  among  tbe  beet  soenes  remaining  to  ub  in  IJatin  Comedj. 

The  fragments  which  have  been  preserred  of  the  'Eunucbns'  of 
Meaander  are  very  few.  The  most  lengthy  eitract  from  this  play  is 
found  in  Pereius,  Sat.  r.  161,  &c.,  where  it  appears  that  Cbaerestratus, 
ChrysiB,  and  Davua  were  the  names  of  the  characters  which  appear  in 
Terence  as  Phaedria,  Thsis,  and  Farmeno.    This  is  not  a  great  matter. 

Tbe  openiDg  words  of  the  play, 

"Quid  igitur  faciamP"  (Eun.  i.  1.  1,) 

are  said  hj  Donatus  to  be  a  translation  of  Meaander's  tlra  rl  «tH^ow; 
and  tbe  following  words,  be  remarks,  ahould  be  read  '  Non  eam  ne  nunc 
quidem  t'  without  any  break,  if  we  would  keep  dose  to  Menaader'a 
original.  On  this  bint  Meineke  has  reatored  (conjecturally)  the  fiag- 
ment  thua : 

cTtii  t(  TTotJ^oTit ;  fii]  TrpotriXBai  P''^!^  vvf, 

avr^s  KoXxiwnji ;  (^tv.  Fmgm.  i.) 


TERENCE  ASCD  THB  NEW  COMEDY.        ^  498 
Eua.  i.  1.  31 : 

" Ne  to  afflictes.     Ph.  Itane  auadea  P    Pa.  Si  upis : 

!Neqiie  praeterquam  quas  ipae  amor  moleatiaa 

Habet  addae,  et  illaa  quaa  habet  recte  feras." 

Thia  posBage  aeemB  undoubtedl^  to  be  a  cloae  imitatioa  of 

H^  6€o[iA.)(ti,  fi.i)&i  trpotrayov  t<|>  ■n-pa.yfuxrt 
jftmua/at  iripcvt,  Toiis  S  iyayKoiaiK  il>ipt. 

(Evv.  Fngia.  ii.) 
Eun.  iT.4.  22: 

"  Hio  est  Tetus,  Tietns,  Teternosui  Benex, 
Colo»  muBtelino." 

Here  we  are  informed  b;  DoDatiu  that  Bf  enander  vrote 

otrnff  itTTi  yaXc^/rtjt  yipiM', 

and  that  Terence  miBunderstood  his  meaning.  9ee  the  note  on  the 

Fassing  to  the  '  Golax '  of  Menander,  we  find  two  fragments  of  wMch 
we  hare  ezprese  tracee  in  Terence. 

In  Eun.  ii.  2.  7,  tbe  poor  acquaiutance  of  the  FaraBite  Bajs: 

"  Quo  redactus  Buml  omneB  noti  me  stque  amici  deserunt." 
Compsre  Menander : 

*AAX'  ovS)  yaniT^  &Syafuu  tiptiv  o^iya 
ht  rwr  roioiTTan-,  nai  intCkriiifuu  /iovik. 

(EdXaf,  Fragm.  vii.) 
Tfae  fragment 

Tikian  Jrpos  tAv  Kvirpu»'  iKOavovitaw, 

(KdAof,  Fragm.  ii.) 

is  referred  by  Meineke  to  Terence,  Eunuch.  iii.  2.4A,4&: 

" ' J%r.  Quid  ridee  F     6n,  Istuc  quod  dixti  modo ; 

Et  illnd  de  Bhodio  dictnm  cum  in  mentem  Tenit." 

TbiB,  howeTer,  is  b;  no  meaos  a  close  parallel.  I  woold  nther  oompsre 
Eun.iii.  1.42: 

"  !RiBU  omnes  qui  aderant  emoriri." 

Aod  it  ie  not  improbable  that  we  sbould  read  ji[Amn!/ifvo> :  'The  guests 
vere  all  readj  to  die  with  laughter  at  the  Cyprian.' 
There  is  one  other  paBsage  of  the  KdAof  which  I  cannot  re&aio  irom 



qnotisg.  It  haa  already  been  noticed  in  the  Introdactioa  to  the  '  Eiuia- 
chiu '  that  the  chBracters  of  TbraBO  snd  Gnatho  are  in  a  great  degm 
different  from  the  atock  ideft  of  the  Bully  and  the  Toady.  It  is  io- 
teresting  to  obeerre  that  in  the  foUowing  passage,  which  is  diatinctlt 
ucribed  to  the  K6Xai  of  Menander,  the  groBBer  traits  of  the  charmct»  cf 
the  Braggadocio  appear.    He  ia  ntade  to  sa; : 

tf  Kainra£oKif  kAvSv  )(p)tirovv,  SrfMnitiui, 

rpif  jf^uif  /uirrov  y ,     ST.    AAc^ivSpou  rKioii 

ToC  fiatriXiios  irivuiKai,     B.  Ouk  cXarrov,  oS, 

/ik  -njv  'A&tp^.     ST.  Mc)u  yt,  (KdX.  Fragm.  i.) 

In  a  paasage  of  Suidaa,  ii.  p.  327,  quoted  bj  Meineke,  the  Stnitbias 
of  Uenander  ii  classed  witb  tbe  old-faBhioned  panuitea,  auch  as  appear 
in  the  plajB  of  Flautue.  Ol  *EAAtfrcs  KAcW^ovf  rt  fSoucrt  Kot  di^KMt 
Ktu  Srpovtfuis  Kcu  Xaipn^wvras,  ^li4p«»Tov$  iiTSUw  ■iSoTac  (tc  Kiipo>-  ml 
Stivotit  yaaripa,  This  broad  Beneual  trait  ib  Buppreesed  in  TereDce'9 
adaptation;  thougb  we  find  the  same  tendencj  to  exaggerated  flatteiy 

Iii  the  foUowing  paasage  of  tbe  '  Eunuchua,'  where  Parmeno  proaents 
tbe  gift«  of  Pbaedria,  he  speaks  of  hia  maater  tbus: 

"  Atque  baec  qui  misit  doq  Bibi  Boli  postulat 
Te  vivere,  et  sua  causa  excludi  caeteros ; 
Neque  pugnaa  narrat;  neque  cicatrices  Buas 
OsteDt^ ;  neque  tibi  obst&t,  quod  quidam  £acit." 

(Eunuch.  iii.  2.  27—80.) 

We  find  a  connterpart  to  tbeee  Unes  in  tbe  following  fragment  of  an 
unknown  plaj  of  PboeoicideB.  Doubtless  the  idea  was  a  common  one ; 
bnt  it  is  bere  expreased  in  a  mauner  rerj  eimitar  to  that  of  Tereuce.  A 
courteEao  is  expressing  her  determination  to  abandon  ber  profession. 
It  baa  been  a  &ilure. 

MSi  r^  ^h^pt^TTjv  ovK  Av  inroiiMyatfjL  tri, 
UvfftM,  inufitiv  x'*?^"^'  ^^  f^  Xiy<. 
&Kiroxoy  oiSiv  vp6t  ifU'  utraXvmu  MAta. 

And  ehe  goes  on  to  give  an  account  of  the  VBrious  ezperiencea  she  has 
bad  with  ber  lorera.    Tbe  first  was  a '  mileE  glorioaus.' 

Ev^vt  ^(pftip^onoa  ijiiXm'  itf^oy  tum 
«ipartwrutdv  SiaTorr^  oCrot  t^  I>^}^ 
IKrya',  i&tiKrv  iifta  Ajyw  r&  rpat^TO, 
Ari^  ^  oi&iy-  &aptia- 1^  nrcL 



■Kop^  Tov  fiotnX^at  Xofifiitim',  koI  ravr'  dd 
IKtytf  Sia  Tovnp'  ^  Xiyv  TTflf  Sntptan 
AtuvT&i'  itr)(4  /i  i  KOKo&aifxtai'  Siaptiv. 

(Meineke,  Frag.  Poot.  Comic.  vol.  ir.  p.  611.) 

In  the  Frolt^ue  ta  tliis  plaj  Terence  Mjt : 

"  Ez  intf^Ta.Qraeca  int^ram  comoediftm 
Hodie  sutn  actonu  Heautontimorumenon ; 
Duplex  qiue  ex  argumento  facta  eet  eimplici." 

(vr.  4-6.) 

It  has  been  laaintained  in  tlie  note  on  tbat  paasage  that  theee  words  of 
Terence  moat  probabljr  mean  that '  now  there  are  two  plajs  on  the  same 
Bubject,  a  Greek  and  a  Latin  one,'  and  in  accordauce  with  this  Tiew  we 
find  no  other  plaj  but  tfae  'Bavray  Tt/uupou^crot  of  Menander  noticed  hy 
aaj  authoritj  as  the  original  of  the  '  HeatitontimorumenoB.'  Tbe 
extant  TerseB  of  MeooDder  to  which  we  can  find  a  parallel  in  the  Latin 
play  are  veiy  few.     The  following  paasages  may  be  compored. 

Heaut.  i.  1.  9,  10 : 

"  Nsm  proh  Deum  atque  hominum  fidem,  quid  Tis  libi  P 
Quid  quaeriB  P  anaoB  Bezaginta  natua  es." 

The  Scholiast  on  Pbto  (Bekk.  p.  880)  haB  preaerred  theee  linea  of 
Menander : 

Ilpot  T^  'AA^riw,  Saifitnfs,  •ftyoviK  fni 

Toam(f ;  ofuw  -/ip  Joru-  ^f^orra  mn. 

(Frag.  'Eavr.  i.) 

MenedMnns,  describing  his  feelings  when  he  retumad  to  the  comforts 
of  bia  hoDie  after  the  lote  of  hia  son,  Bafs : 

"  ITbi  video  haec,  coepi  cogitare :  '  Hem  I  tot  mea 
SoliuB  Bolliciti  Bint  cansa,  nt  me  unum  ezpleantP 
Ancillae  tot  me  Teatiant  F  Bu\utus  domi 
Tantoe  ego  solus  laciam  f '  "  (Heaut.  L  1.  76 — 79.) 

In  the  following  fragment  of  Menander, 

Aovrpoi'  Btpa.raiHfK  iipyuputiuKra,  (Fragm.  ^lavr.  ii.) 

ne  probably  bave  a  portion  of  a  similar  speecb  where  the  old  man  ia 
deserihing,  witb  more  detail  tban  he  doea  in  Teience,  the  Tarious  pre- 



parationB  tnftde  hy  hu  Berriuito  for  his  comfort:.    The  paraUel  ia  uot 
improbable,  tbough  not  veej  important. 
Heaut.  ii.  8.  61—61 : 

Bnbtemen  nebat :  praeterea  una  aDcillula 
'Ent ;  ea  tezebat  ima,  paoniB  obsita, 
Neglecta,  immnnda  illuvie." 

The  Bembine  copy  hu  preserred  in  its  Scholiast  the  following  lines  of 
MenAuder : 

*££  Itrraptov  S*  litpifiaTO  ^iXoTrovot  votv. 

Koi  Otpairaanv  fyr  /lia' 

alrij  (Tuvv^atvc  ptnraptut  Suucci/xoi]. 

(Tngm.  *Eavr.  iii.) 
Heaut.  ii.  4.  4 : 

"  Nam  mihi  qu&le  ingenium  haberes  fiiit  indicio  ontio." 


'AvSpb^  )(apaxTi]p  ix  Xoyov  yviepiierat, 

(Fngm.  *Eavr.  iT.) 
«hich  has  been  preseired  bj  the  same  ElcholiaBt. 
Heaut.iii.  1.31: 

"TehemeuB  in  utramqne  partem,  Menedeme,  es  nimia," 

where  the  Bembine  Scholiast  observea,  "  Ghrsece  vut  «trqp  futpot;" 
which  maj  rery  probablj  be  a  iragment  of  the  correBponding  psaBage  of 

Meineke  girea  anothet  fragment  (vii.)  : 

McT  apurroy  yap  its  ifuryBaXa^  iyit 
rttpi9i)Ka^  Kol  Twr  poi^iav  tTpmyopw, 

whicb  we  may  well  refer  to  the  description  giren  \»j  Chremes  of  the 
excessiTe  lusuiy  and  diasipation  of  Bacchis  and  the  young  men  at  bis 
honse.  Compare  Terence,  Heaut,  iii.  1.  46 — 68,  though  in  Tereace's 
deacription  there  is  no  passage  that  anawers  to  tfaese  linee  of  Menander. 
From  the  JlXoiuov  of  Menander  ia  quoted  a  Iragment  comroencing 
with  the  foUowing  lines : 

'Kt'  ip/^toTtpa  vwi  Sr  JffucXijfXK  oStra  S^ 
fiiXXu  naSaAiirtw. 

(Meineke,  Foet.  Comic  toI.  iv.  p.  189.) 

'  Zenne  restorea  the  line  Tery  difierently.  See  note  on  Heaut.  ii,  S.  101. 
If  Meineke'B  conjecture  is  right,  Menander  meant  '  M^  wife  maj  nov, 
in  Tirtue  of  her  being  aa  heirese,  aleep  securelf .    She  has  made  me 



sell  my  slave  becanse  she  was  good-looking ;  and  has  eveiy  tiaag  now 
her  own  way.'  See  Meineke.  Tercnce  has  a  Une  iu  the  Heautontimo- 
rumenoa  which  has  been  compared  with  thia,  and  which  Meineke  has 
taken  for  hia  guide  in  hia  reatoratioD : 

" Ademtam  tibi  jam  faxo  omnem  metum, 

In  aurem  utramviB  otioae  ut  dormias," 

(ii.  3.  100,  101.) 

We  have,  bowerer,  no  reason  for  BupposiDg  that  Terence  had  in  view 
the  nAoKun'  aa  well  as  the  'Eavrov  Tifuopmfityoi.  As  the  ezpresBioD  ap- 
pears  in  his  play  it  is  a  generol  one,  aad  may  well  have  occurred  in  many 

One  fraginent  remuns  which  we  may  refer  to  its  probable  place  in 
the  plaj  of  Menander  by  a  comparison  with  Terence : 

Oucot  fiivtil'  )(pii  Kai  /tiivta'  iXcaOtpov, 
t^  IxtfKir  clviu  T^v  KoXws  (vSatfuiva. 

(Mein.  Fragm.  'Eaur.  n.) 

TUb  is  refeired  by  Meineke  to  the  dialogne  between  Meuedemus  and 
Chremes,  in  which  he  snppofles  tho  htter  thuB  to  ezpress  his  dis- 
apprabation  of  ClioiB^B  flight  &om  the  coonti;,  and  flerriee  in  a  foreigu 



The  'Adelphi'  of  Terence  woa  in  main  taken  &om  the  'AScX^  of 
Menander.  One  of  its  scenes,  the  rape  of  the  muaic-girl  from  Sannio^s 
house,  was,  as  Terence  eipressly  tells  ua,  taken  word  for  word  &om  the 
^waJtoOy^KOVTtv  of  DiphiluB : 

"  SynapothnescoDtee  Diphili  comoedia  est. 
Eam  Commorientes  Flautns  fecit  fabulam. 
In  Graeca  adolesceiiB  est  qiu  lenoni  eripnit 
Meretricem  in  prima  fabula.     Eum  Plautus  locum 
Beliquit  integrum :  eum  hic  locum  sumpsit  -sibi 
In  Adelphos ;  rerbum  de  verbo  eipresaum  extulit." 

(Prolog.  VT.  e— H.) 

Of  the  Siira>ro^v7ricotTcs  no  recogniEod  fragments  remain.  Its  plot 
may  be  conjectured  with  probability.  8ee  note  on  Prologue  to  Adelphi, 
T.  6.  Some  of  the  frngmentB  of  the  uncertain  plays  of  DiphiluB  which 
have  been  preeerred  appear  to  have  belonged  to  a  scene  much  reBem- 
hling  the  opening  scene  of  the  'Adelphi'  of  Terence.    One  or  two 

K  k 



ezamplea  will  be  suffideiit  to  prove  a  geDeral  reseinblance,  whicfa  ia  a)i 
that  ia  contended  for,  and  which,  witbout  any  additional  testiinoDy,  will 
not  warrant  us  in  referriDg  these  fragmentB  to  the  ^wurodi^Kofm. 
Thua  in  Diphili  Fab.  Incert.  Fragm.^xr.  ve  hare : 

'OoTis  yap  qJtos  avroi-  ovK  aurxyvcTM 
(rarti&off  avr^  ^vXa  Siav^payii.<vtf 
TTO)^  Toy  yt  fLT/oiy  tiooT  aurj^yvBtjfftnu  i 

which  remindB  us  in  Bome  degree  of  the  foUowing  lines  of  Terence : 
"Nam  qui  mentiri  aut  fallere  inBuerit  patrem,  ant 
Audebit,  tanto  magis  audebit  caeteroa." 

(Adelph.i.  1.3(^81.) 
Again,  Fragm.  zzi. : 

'AvSpot  ^Aov  Kal  iTvyycvout  xai  oucuiv 
aiiTOV  yofultw  Stt  Toy  6p6&i  ovyytt^. 

Compore  Adelpbi  t.  3. 17, 18 : 

" Vetufl  verbum  hoc  quidem  eat 

Communia  esBe  amicorum  inter  se  omniB," 

on  whicb  a  common  Greek  prorerb,  kou^  tq  tuv  ^ilW,  is  quoted  from 
Menandw.    See  note. 

Tlie  following  fragmeut  (Diph.  Fab.  Incert.  zvii.)  : 
*0$  S^  oiV  ipxSpiSy  oIScv  oi^c  S^tivat, 
vk  jrpfOT  amunjs  TTji  ivailicitK  '^'t, 
is  given  again  aa  f  ragm.  clxxiii.  of  tbe  uncertain  plays  of  Menander; 
which  18  to  some  extent  a  proof  that  tbere  was  a  play  of  Diphilui^ 
resembling  one  of  Menander'B.     And  we  are  perhaps,  from  Terences 
account  of  bis  play  noticed  aboTe,  justified  in  concluding  tbat  theae  tno 
similar  plays  were  the  'AScX^  and  the  SvmiroA^KOvm. 

Passiug  to  the  asceitained  fragments  of  the  'AficX^ot  of  Menandw,  vre 
find  some  plain  parallels  to  pasBages  in  Tereiice'8  pUf,  vhich  are  placod 
bere  iu  the  order  of  the  Latin  Comedy. 
Adelpbi  i.  1. 16 : 

" Quod  fortunatum  iati  putant, 

Uiorem  nunquam  habui." 

Menander,  Fragm.  'AficX^.  i. : 

*0  /uufopMV  /»■  [oot«]  ywtuic  ofi  )wfifidtm, 

according  to  Meineke's  restoration.    In  my  note  on  the  passage  of 
Terence  I  have  read,  <!i  /toKc^tov  /xe.  o£  ywaUa  Xajxfidtv. 



Adelphi  i.  1.  82,  83 : 

"  Pudore  et  liberalitate  libero8 

Betinere  aatiuB  eese  credo  quam  metu." 

MenBiider,  Fragm.  ii. ; 

ofi  A.viro5lTa  &ti 

Hai&ofiuiv  ip$tniy,  i^Ka  Kai  vt^ovrd  t(. 

Adelphi  i.  1.  47,  48 : 

"  Hle  quem  beDeficio  adjungaB  es  aiiimo  fadt ; 
Studet  par  referre:  praeeenB  KbaenBqae  idem  erit." 
Menander,  Pragm.  iii. : 

KijSfiiov'  iXrjSm,  ovK  hptSpov  £f  £i$  /3u>v. 

The  following  fragment  probabljr  belongs  to  the  dialogue  between 
Deroea  and  Mido  iu  the  second  acene  of  the  first  act ;  though  it  doca 
not  fit  into  the  dialogue  aa  it  appeara  in  Tereuce : 

Od  vavTtkuK  Sti  TOK  voytjpoXv  hrtTpena; 
&kX  ivTtTwtrtirff'  <1  St  /i^,  rSvia  Karfa 
-i^/uuv  h  filoi  k^(rti  /ur(WTpa^«($  o\ot. 

(Men.  Fragm.  iv.) 
Adelphiiv.  8.  14— 16: 

"Omnea  quibus  res  suut  mintiB  aecnndae  magis  Bunt  nescio  quo- 
SuBpiciosi ;  ad  contumeliam  omnia  accipiunt  magis ; 
Fropter  auam  impotentiam  Be  semper  crednnt  negligi." 

Menander,  Fragm,  iz. : 

'jrpoi  airafTa  SttXbv  o  Trhrrp  itnt  yap, 

■ai  viiiTtK  avroS  Karaiftpovttv  viraXa/xjSava' 
i  y^  IttTpOiK  vpaTTiM/  irtpta^KtXitTTtpov 
S-vavTa  Tiviapi,  Aa/tirfKa,  ifiipti. 

Adelphi  t.  4. 12 : 

"  Ego  ille  agT6Btia,  saerus,  triBtis,  parcua,  truenlaituB,  teiiax." 
Menander,  Fragm.  xiii. : 

'E^  S*  arfpdtKtK,  ipyarift,  (rKvdpo^,  Trtxpiis, 


This  !b  an  intea«Bting  example  of  Terenoe'B  practice  of  changing  the 

metre  of  his  original.    The  trochaic  tetrameter  was  probably  more 

K  k  3 

C  k")0<^  lc 


Buited  to  biB  audience.  Bnfious  (Be  MetriB  Com.  p.  2707),  quotied  hv 
Meineke  (HiBtoria  Gritica,  p.  HA,  4)15),  expreBslf  sajB  that  the  Ltttin 
comedians  preferred  the  longer  meaaures  of  tbe  Old  Gomedj  to  the 
iambicB  of  Menfmder.  The  whole  queation  of  Terence'B  metreti  is  dis- 
cuaaed  in  the  Introduction  to  thia  votume.  Some  haTe  endeaTonred  to 
bring  the  verBS  of  Menander  into  the  form  of  a  tetrameter;  hut  the 
penultimate  of  ^ciSuiXov  forbide  the  change.  Compare  a  simikr  instance 
ofchaugeofmetrebyFlaatuB(Menand.  Fab,  lac.  Frag.  xxiii.  Meineke). 
Menandei  is  known  to  have  uaed  trochoic  tetramctere  as  well  as  iambic 
trimeters  (eee  Meineke,  Hist.  Crit.  p.  442),  but  amoug  all  his  frog- 
ments  I  have  found  only  one  inBtonce.  Sce  Fab.  Incert.  Fragm.  xviL 

Fragment  viii.  of  Meineke  (quoted  in  the  note  on  Phormio  ii.  3. 10) 
is  compared  hj  him  vith  Adelphi  iii.  2.  65 : 

"Nam  hercle  alius  nemo  reapicit  nos." 

But  tbe  pasBage  in  the  Phormio  is  quite  as  cloae.  Netther  seems  to 
bare  any  neor  connexion  with  it. 

Other  fragmenta  of  the  "AScX^ot  are  noticed  by  Mcineko ;  but  Done 
of  them  have  any  close  reaemblance  to  the  words  of  Terence. 


This  play  is  attributed  to  ApoUodorus  on  the  authority  of  tho 
Didascalia  to  the  '  Hecyra'  of  Terence.  It  may,  however,  be  doubted 
whether  the  authority  of  this  iuacTiptioo  (for  there  ia  alao  the  reading 
'  Menaudru')  is  BufHcient  to  settle  the  queation.  Meineka  determiucs 
it  for  ApoIlodoruB,  and  for  ApoDodoruB  of  GarystuB  in  preference  to 
ApoUodorus  of  Gela,  oo  the  evidence  of  a  certain  anonymous  biographer 
of  Terence  edited  by  Mai.  See  his  Historica  Critica,  pp.  462,  463. 
But  whether  this  play  ia  Menander'a,  or  belongs  to  either  of  the  Apol- 
lodori,  it  is  known  only  by  the  quotatiouB  of  Donatus  in  his  com- 
meutary  on  the  '  Hecyra'  of  Terence.  The  'EjrtTpeiroKMs  of  Menander 
appears  to  have  been  a  Tery  simiJar  play,  so  nearly  resembting  the 
'Hecyra'  that  it  could  be  read  with  it.  See  the  passage  of  Sidonius 
quoted  by  Meineke,  Frogm.  Poet.  Comoediae  Novae,  pp.  118,  119. 
From  Donatui  we  gather  the  following  brief  noticeB  of  tbe  'Eki^  of 
Apollodoms : 

I.     'OAIycut  ipa<n^  yhfc»  fnujMus,  &  Sqpo, 




"  P«r  pol  qnam  paucos  reperiaa  meretiJcibua 
Fidelea  eTeoiie  amatoies,  Sjn."  (Hec.  i.  1. 1,  2.) 

Here  aome  read  '  paiicia,'  but  aee  note. 

II.     Su  fiM  -rarrdraau'  ^yu  XWof. 
"  Tu,  inqoam,  mulier  quae  me  omniDO  lapidem  non  hominem  putaa." 
(Hec.  u.  1.  17.) 


"  Nam  noB  omnofl,  quibua  eit  alicuDde  oliquie  objectus  laboa, 
Omne  quod  est  iuterea  tempus  priua  quam  id  rescitum  est  Incro 
eet."  (Hec.  iii.  1.  6,  7.) 

The  quotation  of  Sonatua  is  endentlj  comipt,  nor  is  it  eas^  to  supply 
the  lacuna. 

IV.      OvTUK  I«acnA  ^i  8(^  ra  vpdyiiMTa 

"  Omnibus  nobis  ut  res  dant  sese  ita  magm  atque  humiles  snmos." 
(Hec  iii.  3.  20.) 

Tfae  '  Fbormio'  of  Terence  wbs  taken  from  tbe  '  Epidicasomenos'  of 
ApoUodorus.  See  note  on  Prologue  to  Phormio  7.  24.  Douatus  gives 
ua  the  foUowing  quotations  &om  the  Greek  plaj,  besides  some  re- 
fereaces  to  it,  which,  in  the  existing  state  of  his  text,  are  too  cormpt  to 

I.     Tfii'  &7&r  l)(a  rov  Xjukov'  <At'  ^w  vSt  Ai^ivai  Suv/uu. 

Thia  ia  quoted  by  Donatus  on  Fhormio  iii.  2.  21,  and  ia  conjecturally 
referred  to  Apollodorus. 

II.     Mdvof  hrurraTm  ^cXnv  ^Aovt. 


"Solua  est  homo  amico  amicua." 

(Phorm.  iii.  3.  28,  and  note.) 



III.     'Ejylt  jap  tSfii  tSm  tfitm  t/iat  /uvds. 

" Kain  ego  meoniiii  Bohu  Bnm  meua."    (Ptiormio  it.  1.  21.) 

A  ahi^  Une  inaj  here  be  sdded  &om  tbe  'OXimBia  of  Meiun^, 
wbicb  Ksembles  two  pUces  in  Tereoce: 

Hf  o6x  ^*^PX^i  JAAa  TtfAttpOVILtWOS.        (iL) 


"  Hic  respondere  rolnit,  dod  laceeaere ;"  (Phorm.  Prol.  19,) 

"  Besponmim  Tum  dictam  esM,  qiua  laedt  pnor." 

(Bim.  Frol.  6.) 

It  18  possible  tbst  this  line  formed  pui;  of  the  poefs  defence  io  bii 
prologue  agUDBt  some  attack.    8ee  Meineke,  aod  compore  Menanda',   i 
Fftb.  IncOTt.  2d7. 

The  foregomg  paraHele  betTeen  Terence  and  bia  Greek  OTginala  bave 
been  carefull;  noticed,  because  tbey  seem  to  give  ns  a  clue  to  the  soln- 
tion  of  tbe  qnestion  of  TereDce'a  originalitf .  A  close  compariMn  will 
sbov  tbat  be  did  not  st  all  erents  Berrilelj  imitate  bis  master ;  that  if 
he  copied  from  a  Greek  original^  be  drew  with  a  Boman  pencil,  and 
kept  in  view  hia  owd  theorr  of  dramatic  excellence  as  well  aa  tbe  necea- 
aity  of  euiting  a  verj  different  audience  to  tbat  which  liatened  to 
Menander.  The  pecnliar  circumBtances  of  tbe  Boman  etage  called  for 
Bometbing  more  varied  in  interest  than  were  the  plays  of  Menander,  as 
they  lay  readj  to  his  hand.  When  be  did  follow  tho  New  Comedy  inoet 
literally,  as  in  tbe  case  of  the  *  Hecjra,'  bis  failaie  was  at  first  most 
signaL  We  cannot  but  Buppose,  therefore,  that  be  sbould  bave  adopted 
a  different  plan  in  followiug  attempta,  and  that  bis  other  plays,  wbicb 
all  most  probablf  were  subBequent  to  the  first  representation  of  the 
'  Hecyra'  (see  note  on  tbe  Ftrst  Frologue,  t.  8),  Bbonld  have  been  con- 
Btructed  with  a  more  explicit  intention  of  amusing  and  catcbing  the  eer 
of  biB  andience.  Menander^B  playa  were  too  unerentful  to  Buit  the 
Circue.  Tbis  Terence  remedied  by  unitiag  the  plots  of  more  than  one, 
and  bj  meauB  of  a  ekilful  bye-plot,  such  as  tbose  ef  the  '  Andria'  and 
'  EuDuchue,'  be  kept  the  attention  of  bie  bearera  &om  fiag^ng.  Tbere 
were  many  pointa  of  minor  importance  iu  wbicb  he  deviated  from  biB 
original.  Tbese  I  will  now  brieflj  indicate,  and  bring  into  one  place 
the  various  intimationB  which  are  scattered  up  and  down  tbe  eom- 



mentariea  of  Donatus  and  othera.  If  the  detail  appears  irksonie  It 
muat  be  remembered  thnt  it  is  only  bj  a  miiiute  induction  auch  as  tte 
prcaent  tbat  we  can  hope,  in  the  detauU  of  tbe  plaje  themRelTes  of 
T^IeDander  and  Apollodorua,  to  form  an^  idea  of  the  Telations  of  Tereace 
to  his  Greek  mastera. 

In  tbe  '  Ansbia,'  for  inatance,  Terence  not  only  adopted  eucb  por- 
tions  of  the  '  Ferinthia'  of  Menander  as  suited  the  general  plot  of  his 
play,  but,  according  to  the  testimony  of  Donatus,  he  added  the  whote 
hje-plot,  in  vhich  Charinus  and  Byrrhia  are  actors :  "  Haa  peraonas 
TerentiuB  addidit  fabulae  (nam  non  sunt  apud  Menandmm)  ne  rpayucw- 
Ttpov  fieret,  Philumenam  apretam  relinqucre  sjne  sponso,  Fnmphilo 
alium  ducente."  Golman  has  censured  Terence  on  this  very  accoimt, 
considering  that  the  double  plot  spoila  the  unity  of  the  play. 
"  Chapinus,"  he  says,  "  and  Byrrhia  aro  but  poor  oounterparts  or  fiiint 
shadowB  of  Famphilus  and  Darus;  and  instead  of  adding  life  ond 
vigour  to  the  &ble,  rather  damp  its  spirit,  and  stop  the  actirity  of  its 
progreas."  Diderot,  too,  considerB  that  the  introdnction  of  this 
secondaiy  intrigue  rather  takes  off  from  the  interest  of  the  main  plot. 
This  is  one  of  those  points  on  which  every  reader  may  fairly  bold  his 
own  opinioD.  To  mj  mind,  indeed,  the  double  set  of  characters  ia  a 
great  addition  to  the  force  of  the  various  situations  of  the  play,  to  say 
nothing  of  the  acenic  convenience  of  a  confidant  such  aa  Charinns  is  to 
Pamphilus.  The  despair  of  both  Cbarinas  and  Farophilua,  their  croes 
purpoees,  and  their  common  indignation  against  Davus,  or  admiration  of 
him,  aa  circumstanceB  favour  the  one  feeling  or  the  other,  could  not 
well  be  spared  Irom  the  '  Andria.'  What,  bowever,  I  would  notice 
here  is,  that  we  have  in  this  case  an  important  instance  of  the  variation 
whicb  Terence  allowed  bimaelf  from  tbe  original  from  which  be  waa 
working.  He  ia  generally  accused  of  too  literal  and  meagre  an  imita- 
tion.  This  ezample,  at  all  evente,  shows  poaitive  invention  united  with 
great  art  in  the  construction  of  his  play.  We  can  hardly  fimcy  that  the 
'  Andria'  of  Menander  was  so  plastic  ae  to  permit  two  new  charactera 
to  be  foisted  into  the  plot  witbout  sny  disturbance  of  tbe  order  of  tbe 
dialogue  or  tbe  sequence  of  events ;  and  I  should  certainly  claim  for 
Tcrence  in  this  particular  case  sometbing  more  than  tbe  originality  of  s 
compiler.  He  cannot  simpl^  have  dovetailed  hia  new  matter  into  the 
oiisting  plot.     He  must  to  a  great  eitent  have  recast  the  whole. 

Passing  on  to  tbe  '  Euncchub  '  we  find  one  or  two  trifling  alterations 
in  addition  to  the  general  change  of  plot,  which  conaisted  in  the  Intro> 
ductionof  the  characters  of  the  Broggadocio  and  Farasite  from  the  'Co- 
lax' of  Menander.  See  above,  p.  492.  Thna  we  have  tbe  change  of  QflmeB 
in  the  opening  scene,  the  introduction  of  the  cbaracter  of  Antipho  in 
Act  iii,  Scenes  4  and  6,  to  avoid  the  awkwardnesB  of  the  soliloqny  in 



«hich,  accordii^  to  Meaander,  Chaeiea  told  the  tale  of  his  adTeatore  in 
Thaia'B  house  (aee  DonatuB  on  Eun.  iii.  4.  1) ;  and  probably  the 
character  of  Chremes  wbb  aoftened  hy  Terence,  tbr  we  fiud  tbaC 
Menander  made  it  the  repreaentatire  of  a  rough  countryman  (see  note 
on  'Ean.  iii.  1.  1).  This  laat  alteratioa  we  must  attribute  to  Tereiice'a 
own  taete,  if  there  was  any  marked  departure  from  Menander.  For 
we  ahould  have  ezpected  that  a  broad  and  rough  character,  aoch  aa 
would  be  that  of  a  countiyman  just  come  up  to  town,  would  bave 
pleased  the  Soman  audience.  The  introduction  of  Antipho  ia  morc 
attributable  to  dramatic  conBiderations.  It  ia  noticeable  that  Terence 
is  peculiarlj  free  from  BoliloquieB,  and  what  he  haa  are  short.  The 
following  are  all  the  inatancee  in  his  playe : 

Andrio,  Act  i.  Scenes  3  and  4. 

IBunuchuB,  Act  iii.  Scene  5  ;  Act  iv.  Scenes  1  and  2. 

Heautontimorumenos,  Act  ii.  Scene  I;  Act  iv.  Scene  2. 

Adelphi,  Act  i.  Scene  1 ;  Act  iii,  Scene  5  ;  Act  iy.  Scenes  4  and  6 ; 

Act  r.  Scene  4. 
Hei^ra,  Act  ii.  Scene  8 ;  Aot  lii.  Scese  8, 
Phormio,  Act  i.  Scene  1 ;  Act  iv.  Scene  2  ;  Act  v.  Scene  4. 

Menander,  following  the  ezample  of  EoripideB,  probablj'  indulged  in 
long  soliloquiea,  chiefl^  as  prologuos ;  and  he  waa  foUowed  !n  this 
reapect  far  more  closely  by  PUutus  than  by  Terence.  In  the  rem&rks  od 
Meineke's  f  iret  Fragment  of  the  '  CoUz '  of  Menander,  I  have  already 
obserred  that  Terence  departed  considerably  from  the  ordinary  practice, 
and,  as  we  may  conclude  from  that  fragment,  from  the  particular  ezam- 
ple  of  Menander,  in  his  treatment  of  the  cbaracter  of  the  Braggadocio. 
(See  p.  494.) 

In  the  '  HEAUTOTmMOBUKKKOB'  we  have  loBt  tbe  belp  of  the  com- 
mentary  of  DonatUB;  and  from  hia  Bubstitute,  Eugraphiue,  we  gsin  no 
informatioD  of  value  on  the  tezt  of  Meuander.  Tbis  plaj  haa  a  more 
complicated  plot  than  any  of  the  othera ;  and  we  might  eaailj  con- 
jecture  that  part  of  tbis  complezity  is  due  to  the  iatrodaction  by 
Terence  either  of  original  matter  or  of  the  plot  of  some  other  play. 
But  we  have  not  eren  a  hint  upon  which  to  ai^e,  and  a  mere  con< 
jecture  ie  worse  than  abaolute  ignorance. 

In  his  commentarj  on  the  '  Aselphi  '  Donatus  mentions  one  or  two 
{trifling  departureB  from  the  origioal  of  Menander.  Thua  in  Menander 
it  is  a  brother  of  Sostrata  that  ia  introduced  to  protect  her  and  her 
daughter.  In  Terence  it  ia  Hegio,  her  late  huBband^B  intlmate  friend 
(Don.  on  Adelpbi  iii.  2.  53).  The  author  of  the  lifo  of  Terence 
(whetber  be  was  Suetoniue  or  Donatus)  informs  ub  that  Yarro  pre- 
ferred  the  exordinm  of  Tereace'B  play  to  that  of  Meaaader's. 



Of  the  '  Hecjrra '  and '  EpidicazomenoB  *  of  ApoHodorufl  ve  know  rerj 
little.  In  bia  commentaTy  upon  the  'FhoFmio'  OonatuB  noticeB  one  or 
two  digbt  diacrepancies  (eee  note  on  i.  2. 12) ;  affecting  merely  worda 
or  minoF  incidents. 

I>om  tbie  conBideration  of  tbe  pointa  of  reBemblance  and  dtffer- 
ence  between  Terence  and  the  Greek  writers  of  tbe  New  Comedy, 
I  now  pass  to  Bome  general  concluBionB  wbicb  arise  &Dm  the  foregoing 

We  cau  hardl;  doubt  tbat  in  tbe  tima  of  Terence,  and  &om  a  mucb 
earlier  period,  as  ia  shown  in  the  similar  case  of  FlautuB,  tbe  worke  of 
the  Oreek  dramatiats  were  generally  known  and  popular  at  Bome. 
There  waa  no  doubt  a  large  party  among  the  literar;  public,  if  indeed 
all  tbe  literaiy  mon  were  not  of  thia  claea,  wbo  looked  to  Greece  as 
tbeir  mistreaa  in  literature  as  well  aa  in  philosophy.  The  taate  for,  and 
knowledge  of,  the  Greek  origiuals,  was  in  Terence'a  time  generaUy 
diffiised,  and  many  Greek  plays  wero  probBbly  well  known  hefore  they 
hod  been  reproduoed  in  a  Latin  form.  Wo  hare  aeen  in  the  case  of  the 
'Phormio'  that  that  play  waa  probably  familiar  to  the  Itoman  puhlic 
before  it  was  produced  on  the  itoman  Stage  by  Terence  (see  note  on 
Proli^.  T.  26) ;  and  tbe  same  fact  appeara  in  the  constant  quotationa 
of  the  Qreek  plays  by  Cicero  and  otber  autbora.  The  !Romans 
affected  to  admire  the  tranelations  of  their  own  countr;men  abore  the 
originala  from  which  they  copied.  Some,  indeed,  of  them,  who  had  paid 
a  more  careM  attention  to  the  comparative  merita  of  the  rival  nationa 
aa  snthors  and  poeta,  hare  had  the  candour  to  acknovledge  that  the 
Greeks  surpassed  in  delicacy  of  langnage,  and  in  refinement  of  wit,  the 
compositiona  of  their  moat  succeasful  followera ;  and  that  the  hest  parts 
oF  Terence  seemed  flat  and  insipid  wben  compared  with  the  ctear 
diction  and  sparkling  wit  of  Menander.  But,  without  endeavouring  to 
discriminate  between  tbe  riral  claima  of  tbe  forelgn  aud  native  scbools, 
we  mey  conclude  that  the  knowledge  of  tbe  Greek  drama,  and  more 
particuiarly  here  of  tbe  New  Comedy,  was  widely  diffused  among  the 
literarj  men  of  Bome  during  the  lifetime  of  our  autbor.  Terence  had 
not  to  create  a  taste  for  tbe  Greek  drama.  He  fouud  it  in  exiatence ; 
and  he  limited  himBelf  to  the  skilful  reproduction  of  the  beat  modela  of 
that  literature. 

And  as  tbis  taste  for  Greek  literature  was  widely  diffused,  so  we 
may  feel  aure  that  the  Bomans  had  the  adrantage  of  poaaesaing  in  their 
integrity  thoBe  works  of  Fbllemon,  Menander,  Diphilua,  Apollodorua, 
and  others,  of  which  we  can  gain  only  a  faint  conception  irom  the  study 



of  their  Latin  pupils.  A  vaBt  mass  of  C^reek  literature  was  at  tbe  coia- 
mand  of  the  pla;-wnght.  It  wae  geuerally  admired ;  and  a  play  well 
written,  or,  rather,  well  trauBlated  froia  one  of  the  Qreek  plajrB,  traa  sure 
of  aucceBS.  But  the  poiut  on  which  I  wish  here  to  insist  waa  tbe  extent 
of  that  literature,  aad  the  farailiarity  with  it  which  was  possessed  bj  all 
the  best  Boman  writere.  VTe  must  therefore  rememher,  in  adjusting 
the  ohhgatioDB  of  Terence  to  aay  one  play  of  Menander,  that  while  be 
had  before  him  as  the  apecial  object  of  his  imitation  some  particuliir 
play — Bay,  for  instance,  the  '  Andria'  or  the  'Eunuchus,' — he  was  abo 
well  acquainted  with  the  wkole  of  the  Menandrian  repertoiy,  and 
undoubtedlj,  whether  unconscioualy  or  intentionally,  availed  himaelf 
alwaya  of  bia  knowledge.  So,  to  take  an  inatance  from  our  own  litera- 
ture,  Shakespeare,  in  the  composition  of  manj  of  his  pieces,  had  before 
him  more  than  one  author  whom  he  partially  followed ;  and  if  in  his 
case  we  allow  the  eiistence  of  a  preBiding  geniua  informing  the  whole, 
and  working  up  the  old  materialB  into  a  new  and  consistent  creation,  we 
may,  without  any  violence  to  historical  truth,  aasume  tbe  same  ia  the 
case  of  Terence.  Our  want  of  information  should  lead  ub  to  be  wide 
rather  than  narrow  in  our  conclusionB;  and  we  may  foirly  suppose 
that  even  had  we  before  us  tho  plays  of  Menander  from  which  Te- 
rence  is  aaid  more  exproBsly  to  bave  copied  in  hie  euBting  comedies,  we 
should  yet  find  in  him  much  that  is  uot  in  anj  aiogle  Greek  plaj, 
and  which,  if  not  original,  is  to  be  gatbered  from  many  other  plaja 
of  the  same,  or  perhaps  of  other  authora.  (See  on  the  'Adelphi,' 
p.  *97.)  The  number  of  fragments  of  unascertained  plays  of  Me- 
nander  which  fit  raore  or  leas  closely  with  Terence,  many  of  them 
quite  ae  well  as  tboae  passageB  wbicb  are  directly  quoted  from  tbe 
correspondiiig  playB  of  Menander,  leads  us  to  the  concluaiou  that 
Terence  drew,  not  only  from  fcbe  Bingle  play  which  he  bad  before  him, 
but  also  from  his  general  knowledge  of  the  works  of  Menwider,  and  of 
the  otber  authora  of  Q-reek  Comedy  wlth  which  he  was  fiimiliar. 

These  conBiderations  aro  tmportant  if  we  would  estimate  rightly  the 
geuius  of  Terence.  In  language  he  was  doubtlesB  original.  His  diction 
beors  with  it  the  mark  of  a  refinement  and  a  poliBhed  idiom  which  is  not 
found  in  other  Boman  writers  of  that  period,  and  whieb  is  far  superior 
to  the  Btyle  of  Plautus.  The  characters  and  situations  of  his  drama 
were  no  doubt  the  usual  characters  and  aituations  of  the  Xew  Comedy. 
Of  tbeae  ettough  hsB  heeo  said  in  the  Introduction.  But  his  manner  of 
treatment  muBt  have  been  his  own.  And  if  this  ia  true  of  his  language, 
we  muat  demand  a  more  accurate  acquaintance  with  the  plots  of  tbe 
plays  of  Menander  before  we  refuse  to  ollow  Terence  originality  in  the 
general  subject  of  his  comedies.  The  discrepancies  which  have  been 
already  noticed  muBt  be  taken,  as  fi»  as  they  go,  for  a  proof  of  tbi^ 



originality,  and  we  have  aeen  that  thej  extend  not  onlj'  to  minor  dif- 
ferences  of  name  and  incident,  but  to  a  new  conception  in  aome  instances 
of  the  plots  of  the  plays  which  he  had  in  hand,  and  of  the  characters 
which  he  waa  reproducing.  Imitation  waa  no  bugbear  to  the  Roman 
plaj'  writer.  It  waa  to  a  great  extent  what  he  conrideFed  his  legitimate 
field  of  nction.  But  to  give  a  new  turn  to  tbe  incidenta  and  the 
charactera  of  the  drama,and  to  inveat  the  wbole  with  an  original  form — 
this  waa,  we  conceive,  tbe  mark  of  tbe  writer  of  geniua ;  and  to  this 
kind  of  originali^  we  maj  feel  sure  tbat  Terence  at  all  eTenta  hoa  a 
Bolid  daim. 

For  some  otber  reniarks  belonging  more  eapecially  to  Terence'a  posi- 
tion  as  a  Boman  poet,  I  refer  the  reader  to  the  iQtroduction  prefixed  to 
this  Tolume. 







Abin,  18 

AbhtiTfl  aboolate,  327 


Ablignrui,  98 

Absnito  nobii,  129 

Abaqve  luc  eoKit,  374 

■bhUTe,  341 

Abnti  apcnm,  7 
Ac,  aftsi  onniMntiTe,  6B 
—  nf  compaiiKiD,  67 
Acd^t  Tatnim  in  al^nBai,  71 
AcEipio  conditioDeDi,  7^^ 

(lo  attartun),  IBO 

Accmte,  43 

AccnsitiTe  bj  attnctian,  38S.  3 

reteinBii  with  peraii 

•etbi  Trhidi  luTe  I 

tire,  86,  37B,  446 
Actor,  ISB 

Adjntor,  388 

AdmlMera  le,  2S1 

Admodam,  173 

Admntilo,  33a 

AdTem  (nbtt.),  369 

Advenibira,  361 

AdTCTiom  itiniiikM  ealcea,  410 

AdTotstiu,  107 

Aedepol,  146 

Aedilea,  S6 

Aegre  eet  mihl,  367 

Aequalei,  39 

Aeqne  qiiicqUAm  Diinc  quidem,  38 

Aeqni  boniqae  fkcers,  St93 

Aequim  eclmnam,  322 

AeBcul^iiiii,  3A6 

Aetx  (iUonun),  3G6 

ASectae,  480 
Affinis,  183 
Ageis  Qmc,  id),  30 

201,  2S0,  461 
Aibui,  Aiabun,  332 
Aleiii  (qooted),  142 
Algeo,  261 



Alieoa  (mulier),  900 

Alieno  moie,  17 

Alieaoi  metOB,  2M 

Alio  (in  ■limm),  114 

Aliqaie  folloiTed  b;  plaial  Teib,  297 

Alind— (Ui,  349 


AUi^re  ee  fortl,  141 

Alteru  (dat),  164 

Altcrcoi,  64 

Amabo,  »2,  130 



Auctue  eA  du.DO,  300 

AmslOT,  »1111018,  130 

Aadi  paucii,  367 

Amhu.,  33 

ABdio  tinmicJ),  46 

Ambivius,  6,  10 

bene,  m.le,  *c.,  403 

Ambo,  04 

Aufer,  317.  421 

Amitto.  mitto,  71 

Auferent  (H-ud  «c).  282 

Amo  te,  408 

Aurem  in  utremTis  dormiH!.  ISl 

Auribui  teneo  lupnm,  443 

ANDaiA.  (d»lB  Of),  0 

Aumm(jewBU),  127 

AuecnlO  paucii,  46 

Aoipiato,  4fi 

Antem.  330 

ADiDum  debera.  4M 


redpere,  87S 

Animi  hlnu  «at,  103 


Bibrlo,  318 

Belli,  176 

infirmum  gecere,  3S3 

Animui,  m 

Bdlnae,  113 

ert  in  p.tiiiii,  142 

AnDolai,  2«a 

Beoe  (Talde),  84 
(nonl   :07 

fed«ti,  116 

Aal«cedo.  446 

BeniBue,  107 
Benignua,  38» 

BiHh-daT  preeento,  407 
Bolna,  312 
Bona  leuia,  431 


Appellne  uiimnm,  7 

Applio»,  Appliratio,  73 

Apporto.  159 

Apprime,  3« 


Apti  lamu.,  SI4 

»ApDd  Die  luin  mm,  332 


«il  TOlQ,  178 

Calamilas,  80,  32B 

AqDilu  ^ectu..  302 

Calidni,  100 

At«,60.  asa 


Arbiter.  997 

Calpnmina,  173 

Arceao.  27 

Cali,  m 

Cania  (an  omen),  458 

reacribare,  477 

Aridui.  30S 

CapiWi»,  803 

Arrlubo,  206 

01^.1™,  283 

AnJgoeMire*,  74 

rd,  2S1 


Carcer,  436 

AMeroe  Dunn,  263 

Canm,  ne  tbglu  t»M(er,  463 


Astn,  153 

(omitted  before  genmd  gtnit},  270 

Cannm  ndi.  dioo  qnin,  4S7 

Cantim,  22? 

AtiUui,  610 

Cautio  eit,  36 

Attendo,  349 

Cid6.  cette,  228 

AttoUere  pollium,  133 

iUTtne,  7.  210 

Ceuo,  •ith  inflnitiTe.  31 

of  eccuMtiTe  ia  ncond  ebtlM,  S8 

Cbremi  (cenitiTe),  39 

AuctoT,  8,  300 

Circum  (not  eUded).  20 

Ciicnmiri,  462 



Circnmv«llo,  273 
CircumTeutiu,  334 
Cistella,  13« 
Clam,  calim,  106 

hsbere,  368 

li,  precario,  103 

Claino,  303 
CUDCulam,  363 
Oaodo,  47,94 



Cliniae  (not  •^'),  301 
CoenB  dubia,  433 
Cogitani  cum  uiimo,  28(1 
Cogntti  (dutieB  of),  12 
CognoBcera,  9 
Coitia,  433 
CollB^mo,  14 
CoUaioT  ■jmbolaniD,  120 
C<dlects,  13 

ColumeD,  Colnmdhh  437 
Comediei  (■UndBd  to),  303 
ComiBiMor,  307 
Commereor,  365 
Commeto,  197 
ComDugro,  299 
CommiDDO,  140 
CommitigD,  169 
Committo,  23,  216 
Commitlere— nt,  Z61 
Commodum,  107 
CoDimotiu,  69,  123 
ComaiuDe  (ia),  46 
CammnnicstDm  oportnit,  23 
Cammnuia,  231 
Commntve  Terbs,  30 
Compuare,  63 


CampuMnm  eat,  406 

CompwGo,  406 

CoiDplei  fnbjeet  of  seDteuce,  34 

Complnviim,  124 

Componere  gratiam,  36S 

Compooo,  375 

Compodto,  463 



CoDcUio,  130,  341 
Candamatnm  e«t,  108 
Condaie,  123 
Condoda,  34 
Coacrepo,  6d 
CanewiD,  185 
Candecoro,  333 
CoDditio,  13, 190 
Condidonem  atxipera,  78 
Condono,  with  double  accui 
";       ■ —  imperaonal  with  ai 
Condnplito,  414 
wiBfBctn»,  27 

Contido,  149,  222,  406 

argentnm,  470 

Confidentia,  69,  70 
Conflictor,  14 
Confore,  17 
CoDfuto,  233 
Congerro,  240 
CoDglatiDa,  73 
Congruo,  201 
CoDjido,  49 

fbllowBd  by  iDfiuitlTe,  391 

Conjunctiie  and  iDdicatire,  47,  64,  104 

Imperfect,  63 

oDd  iDfinitiTa,  64 

Conor,  ISfi 

iBcinda«  npiUo,  129 

iBdos,  with  daCiTe  and  gcDitlTe,  410 
CoDBobriniiB,  363 
CoDfltabilire  rem,  306 
CoDStitna,  96 
ConBtiingere,  70 

I,  36 

Connilere,  CoDiiUum,  25S 

■ in  commuDB,  46 

Id  laDgitndiiiem,  236 

Conromo,  17 

CoDtamlDO,  8 

CoDteDmeie  conailinm,  338 

CoDlor,  337 

ContDmai,  366 

CoDturbare  nlionei,  146 

CODTBSO,  419 

CoDTeDire  in  aliqnem,  328 

,  witb  iDfiDitiTe,  33 

CoDTeDit  numerns,  408 
CoDTicinm,  262 
CoDTiTium  agitBre,  338 
Copia,  2» 
Correclor,  304 
CorrniDpo.  35 
CrepnDdia,  119,  136 
CrimeD,  386 
Crm,  53,  110 

-Diala,  434 
Cudetur  fiiba  in  me.  110 
Cnm  iitoc  inTcnto,  &c.,  233 
"     ediwii.  100 

io,  with  datiTe,  73 
Cappel,  100 
Curriculo,  218 
CnBtos  pnblice  a*t,  103 

le  mihi,  214 
Dactyl  (not  ID  place  of  Trochee),  8! 
"    ino  auctn».  209 



Dare  (dieae),  168 

Diem  C™),  IM 

Difftro,  36,  109 

(medicsl),  43 

Diffluo,  233 

Terh»,  21,  8G 


De  coiuiUa,  441 

Diltpido,  476 

—  dk,  820 

Diligeotu.  349 

—  in  compoeitian,  260 

Diligimt  Di,  77 

—  nilulo,  3(11 

Diminuo,  140 

—  nocte,  311 

Debeo,  145 

DioUTSi»,  178  ■ 

aniTnani,  4M 

Diphilu,  848 

Deceptus,  66 

—  (quoted),  1« 

D«cut,  with  dttiTe,  284 

DiKBdo,  484,  344 

Dincere  bbnLun,  332 


DeeurrerB  .p.tinm,  318 

DtMiplin»,  100 

DediU  opera.  144 

Dedneere  morem,  341 

Di«Tucior»mmi.  296 


DiTidnum  Uam,  268 

Debtigettu.  6« 

DiTiliu  (pton.  ditiu),  64 

Defendo,  300 


Defeneo,  aeo 

Do  (intniuilin!),  231 

Defetiscor,  460 

Doetni  «d  m>liti>m,  346 

Defit,  386 


Defradere  geninm,  406 

Dolo.  ne  diam,  378 

DefuQgor,  86,  285,  484 

Dolui  milui,  16,  U8 

Dai  irati,  propitii,  66 


Dejero,  107 


Deltbntua,  473 

DBliro,  4S2 

Doon  of  Rauua  houMB,  Se 

D<»cium,  4W 


Dei>eg»is,  200 

Dormire  in  «>rem  .rtnmrie,  191 

Deoiqae  (poiition  Bnd  fiwoe).  173 

Dot«t»e  uiorM,  460 

Denuo,  37» 

Dotis,  226 

DepeciKOT,  4L0 

Dowrj  rep«d  in  cue  of  tUToroe,  366 

Dubi»  coen».  432 

Depeioi,  233 

Dubio  (in),  31 
Duco,  dncto,  64    ' 

Depinpt.  426 

Depre™tor,  236 

Duint,  66 

Deputo,  425 


Derepente,  »68 
DeriiD,  4M 

Dune  partee,  108,  196 
Dure,  aoriter,  12 

Desideo,  388 


Danu,  434 

DcBidero,  366 

Deterreo,  174,  269,  401 

V  n  nats,  272 

DeTerticulam,  DiverUculnm,  128 

Deitnun  clM,  200 

Betnr,  219 

Diana  Lndna,  41 


Ecutor,  Bccere,  430 

BcdUe,  Eceiate,  69 

»crib«™,  413 

Edepol,  14« 

I^ce  (gune  ot),  304 

Eflero,  16 

Dico  tibi  operam,  408 

me  mi^fice,  216 

Dictum  >c  factnm,  S* 

BBferrl,  897 

hrtum  reddidi,  220 

Effido  pecomam,  190 

upicnti  ut  est,  446 

Elbtio.  463 

Die  (de),  3» 

Ebo,  346 

DiecnUm  tdd<^,  5S 



Eiicere  fnna  (mortun 
Eileitlioia.  41 
ElegNU,  112 
BUipH,  17,  88 

ElDDDgO,  4S6 

En  Dnqaun  P  431 
Enim  U  begJDnin;  of  w 

rsduDduit,  363    ' 

Enclitica,  Sl 
EiadaM  (ige  o{}.  8 
(quoted),  432 

EqnidecD,  161 

Eradioi,  306 

Eripait  (pranODQCed  u  '  erpnit'},  249 

Erompa  (IranntiTe),  131 

£]  Inst  in  tranMritriag,  62 
En  faUowed  b;  iQGmti>e,  ISl 
Et,  eniphBtic.  299 
Etiua,  15,68,  185,391 
E*eniD,  30!),  334 
ErenH  oerTice*,  193 
Enolien  m  ez  tarba,  469 
Evomeie  (inm  &c.},  387 
EuripjdM'  '  Iphigenia  at  Twb,'  384 


Eicedore  ei  epbebi^  11 
Eiddera  niora,  37 
EiclndD,  34 
Eiclodere  ocatum,  481 
Eicludi  roru,  268 
EicOTKi  spDtia.  312 


EipoBlnlatio,  343 
EipoBure  of  childreD,  i 
Eucnlpo,  133 
Eiuquiei  ire,  484 
Biitiiisna,  3R3 
EitemplQ,  4 

r,  331 

e,  440 

Eioiior,  316 
EionuCni,  233 
Expectetns,  2S7 
Eipecto,  13« 

aiid  rapeto,  276 

Eipedit  booM  eue  vobia,  194 
Eip«riri  {=  Biperiri  jn»),  278 

vith  ■ccniBtiTe  or  ■blitiTe,  140 

EipiMor,  4S5 
Eipolitni,  188 
Eiporge  boatan,  311) 

Fiba  cndetnr  in  me,  110 
Fabnla  mm,  378 
F*bulu,  21 

Ficere,  «ith  ibUtlTe,  61 

P>do  ( =  eSda),  with  ■ccnsatiTe,  3G3 
Facbi  opoi  ert,  with  accaeUiTe,  42 
Fdsniee.  64 

■niini  est,  102 

Funilia  (ikTo),  220 

(=  rea  fiuDiliuls),  231 

F^rtor,  100 


Fkiim,  62 

^uo,  with  ftitnre  indiemtiTa,  420 

Felidtu,  108 

FcDesln,  19» 



Fart  ■doleacentjs,  183 

Fidibni  sdre,  93 

Finem  fticere  dicendi,  «03 

Fingo,  2S9 

Firmus,  191 

Flegitinm,  267 

Podio,  384 

FooDeror,  366 

pDro  uti,  410 

Fon  fbrtuDa,  92 

fiut  pol,  376 

Portaue,  foHowed  b;  infiniliTe,  364 

Portea  rortUDS  Kljunt,  420 

Forum,  23 

Fnm,  73 

Frequeni,  14 

Fiigeo,  101 

Frigot  rea,  1 19 

Frncd  (genitiTe),  313 

FmgBlior,  213 

Fmgi,  128 

Fmor,  316 




Fucnm  facere  aliciii,  125 


Fogiu  ue  prHter  OMm,  463 

Heire^seiuidorphao!!,  13 

Fugiti™,  213,  221 

Helioi-Rminaa,  Z<>3 

Hem  tibi  nDlem.  288 

Faneor,  foUowed  bj  ■ccnHtiie,  178 

Hi»lua.  24,  63,  129 

Fnrciter,  53 

Hic,  ille,  Ute,  26,  44 

Fartum,  141 

illic,  69 

Fntoram  Eiictnm,  21,  47. 300 

HiDc  dvis,  67 

Futilii,  62 

id  abeat,  68 

ilbe  licrimu,  16 

ilUnc.  300 

Hoc  .fo,  19 

Giudere  K>Qdk,  70 

Homini.  fwto.  di«,  122 

Genitive  ia  -al  not  Ter«Dtiati,  38 

qnid?   120 

Homo,  292,  304 

.nm,  174 

Gntek  proi»r  ium«,  32 

Homundo,  125 


HDDfeUomlio,  IB 

Genium  defradsre,  406 

Horreo,  90 

Geuna,  FBmili»,  273 

Horridui,  411 

Gentiom,  minime,  &c.,  127 

Hospile.  rU-auiti  or),  66 

Gerere  ■nlmum,  3M 

Huc  *ioinUe,  12 

Huic,  Dot  >  diesylkble,  42 

Gerurd  in  -i,  *ilh  genitive  plurd,  17» 

■  .:.i.         ....              ■--       ' : 

vnca     gen.     mD^ur     lemi- 

DJne,  358,  417 

Gerru,  geno,  240 

Jnm,  31 

GeMu^iDOCDlii,  113 

GeKio,  122 

Ibi,  17,  199 

Glidio  :  >ua  «ibi  gUdio  JDgnlu«,  319 


—  pn>)>ter«.  37 

Gntcaui,  lOS 

-qu<il,  428 

IdODeu  qui,  4» 

Grsti..  cum  bo.«,  maU,  37 

i.  177 


Gr^^m  d*re,  36» 

l«bere.  63,  13« 

inire,  122 



Ilico,  16,  44 

GrMulor.  228 

lUaec,  203 

Oi»tum,Gnau»,  111,127 

GmTiu.  dioere  in  aliqueai.  70,  289 

—  »ndhic,26,44 

Greek  proper  cameg,  32 

Illi(=illic),  36»,  811,318.  411 

Gjnaeceom,  473 

—  »nd  hic  6» 

Illicere  m  fr»adem,  73 

Illim,  863 

lUudo,  68,  160 

ImiUort-lit..,  78 

Haboe  fidem,  48 

ImmaDi*,  432 

Imo,  61 

foUowed  bj  pawivB  putidple,  372 

-  -  enim,  6G 

— -vero,  69  13 

H«hitudo  corporia,  99 
H.bitUi  (adjeetivo),  lOB 

mpendio,  134 

-— (I«.iclple,lfl6 

H»ec  (—  hee),  225 

Haerera  kpud  «liquem,  167 

mperio  (pro),  420 

Huiolos,  Hiroipez,  468 


Hu4alor,  264 

mpwtire  Balute,  101 



Impenin.  mdQ,  274 

Iropiago,  138 

ImplnnDm,  124 

Intero,  430 


Inrem  rerbe.  193 


InieterMco,  33 1 

InnltDm  ■uferre,  Sl 

ImpmMbcere,  310 

In*oatui,  1S8 


Ip.iie.  32,  37 

In  ?  {=  i.M.'),  477 

Irati  Dei,  5a,  409. 

Id  breve  temi.iui,  3U1 

Ire  foru.  346 

—  me.  47 

].,  lengtbeoN]  b,  ittui,  2^2 

—  nienten.ert,237 

Utu  (detire  feminine).  164 

—  te,  84 

I.te,  10,  28,  262 

iDcedo,  148 

ledc,  47 

IitDcaetatig,  17B 

lnd.(=ra[ii.),  283 

>go,  19 

Indicenteiue,  28» 

Itane  tudem,  43 

Indiciaiii,  S48 

Indigniui  qoi,  364 

Jabeo,  42 

Ipdiligen.,  30] 

—  wlrere,  45 

Indu™,  217 

Jngulo,  112 

— «nimaBi,  33» 

JunceuB,  lOS 

Jono  Lncin.  uid  Pioaab^  41 

Inem,  6U 

jDrandam,  60 

Inraeere  hominw,  268 

Jaro,  followed  b}  dttive.  336 

Jui  (brotb),  14» 

cUn.B,  64, 

in  indignut  queetione,  SS,  67, 

—  .ammnm  .omm.  m.Uti.,  29J 


for  Snpine,  343 

Ingeninm,  redips  «i,  S3a 

IngretiU.  »7 


InRTslum.  238 

L^boret  e  dolore,  36 



LtKonee,  99 

Initiare,  40? 

LKto,  Ucio,  64 


Ueline,  I70 

lnjuii.e,  66 

Injurianim  dioa.  431 

Lapi.,  224 

Injuria.,  33« 

Lmsu.,  27 

Injnwn  meo,  371 

LMere  fecto,  212 

ItiaeitUf,  383 

LMerem  laTsre,  418 

Jnscfibepe  udeg  mercede,  ven«le»,  177 

Luiniui,  84,  86,  402 

Inwsten,  foUo.ed  b,  inlii>i>i*e,  411» 

La.o  (middle),  42 

viun.  103 

Lent.  et  bene  «t.  pan,  228 

Ineolen^  73 

iDeomDi.  (fem.).  »7 

LedDli  in  «>le,  295 

Inrtnicla  vl,  19S 


Integer,  188 

Inlegro  (de),  9 

Intesrom,  redire  id,  238 

Lei,  01 

Intendo,fil,  11» 

liberale  conjaeiam,  48 

Intendere  nerros,  190 

Inrer.  in  rompOMtion  wilh  »erb»,  143 

Liberaliter  .errire,  10 

—  ™,  K7 

Liberi,  71 

Intercedere,  419 

Liberius  liTtndi  pote.lM,  1 1 

laterdpio,  89 

Ugnrio,  I4S 

Inlere.  lod,  82 

Limi.  .peclsre,  126 

Linr.  eitrema  nniwe,  128 

I.    1 




liquet,  107 

Hecutor,  89,  337 

Uquida,  60 

Hedio,  e«t  io,  283 



Literw.  1 16 

poeitiu  in,  403 

UM  •eqni.  66 


Locsre  fiHmm,  4H 

Meditor,  36,  72 

Lod  iatar»,  99 


Loeo,  in  nUo,  303 


Laeiuditnr,  IH3 

(=  ordo),  98 

Logi,  443 

Lot>ginqaiM>,  374 

77,86,   im.   157.   188,   191,  194,   201. 

212,  222,  263,  2S3,  2B4,  2S5,  266,  2.19. 


3S4,  396,  2U8,  360,  374,  389,  480,  4SI. 

Ludidt  boc  j>n>,  196 


Lurn  cum  primo,  311 

HeMDder-e  Audri.,  8 

Ludera  Dpenm,  431 

Cotar,  86 

Romuii,  400 

Lodificor,  129 

ThBauraB,  83 

LqdOB  Blicui  Rddere.  4! 

>liqiHm  beere,  41 

Heu»  KrqttOT..  477 

Lapnm  uiribna  tedere,  443 

Uent«m,  «t  in,  237 

Lupus  iu  fabula,  SS8 

Tenire  iu,  130 

Luto  in  eodem  liedtwe,  4M 

Meritoi  (pM.ive),  428,  483 

Metue  .lienne.  2M 


Mi  homo,  4B3 

MMero,  67 

Mihi  (redundut),  109 

MBcto,  485 

Militiw,  178 

Madmen  uDder  -tuteU.'  S3A 

Mioime  sentium,  127 

M»ei>  . .  .  «,  68 

Minirter,  19 

Magi-ter,  19,  409 

Hinuo,  36 

MnKnitica  Tertw,  136 

Minus  (en,ph.(ic).  378 

M>gniii(»  me  efTera,  S16 

MiBCeo.  821 

Hiijiuculiu,  66 

MiBaum  fiicers,  66 

Miil>  cmi.  434 

Mitte,  371 

Mitto,  .mitto,  71 

M>litU  mmmi,  JQi  ■ummum,  323 

Miila  hbule,  171 

Hilum  (-  po«n>),  ii6t 

Modeetia,  373 

quod  iMi  Di  Dewqne  omaei  duint  > 

Modo,  390 

Modoi  been,  ft 

Muiu,  emittcn.  469 

Hannm,  due  in,  36 
HuriBge,  Cualoms  at,  33 

Uw  el,  18.  899.  412 

.  with  •  dliien,  33 

Maiimo  opere,  119 

Me  (enclitie),  90 

Me  lide,  31 

Me«  •olini  CMisa,  176 

Meat>,  houn  of,  393,  390 

Manitor,  1 

Mordeo,  112 
Morem  gerere,  381 

geelnm  oportnit,  86 

Mores  (In  bwl  Hmae),  364 



Morao,  *i,  73 
MulcD,  Multo,  139 
Mnlier  eise,  238 
HuUum,  Jj3 
Mandos,  I 



Musica,  Miuictu,  llff,  169 
MuaLcml  ternii,  fi 
Uusdbi,  264 
UuAtelinDfl  cdIot,  133 
UnUre  futnni,  10 

fidem,  444 

Untatio,  377 
MDtilo,  33» 
Mnttito  opD*  eat,  393 
Mutnnm  dve,  306 

Nu,  freqaentiy  wiitten  Ni 
Nterin*,  8,  86 
N»ni  (intern^ntiTe),  33 
NnniquB    -■" 



NuTD,  434 

Nit^liK,  407 

riitaa  ad,  llW 

faUowed  by  d»ti«,  I  Ifi 

Kitu  graiior  animiu,  310 

KiTigare  Sd  portu,  4l 

He  qoid  (Apoeiopeda),  214 

nimii,  IS 

Ne...nt,  138 

NeccsBiB  Necemu,  163 

Ncglectn  «t,  1D2 

Negligentia,  249 

Nego,  fDltoired  bj  oegatiTe  daoM,  434 


;  121 

Nemo  qniaqnam,  336 
Neinpe,  304 
Nequior,  butlo,  287 
Nequitia,  277 
NtTvos  iateDdere,  105 
Nerruin,  emmpere  in,  430 

ire  in,  467 

Kesdo  [=  aihU  moror),  l&ft 
Kihil  maror,  96 

■ qoicqnam,  1 3 

Nifailo,  de,  381 

Kin,  idD  qood,  66,  334 


Nobilii,  184 

NofailituT  flagitiiB,  166 

NobilitM.  38B 

Kocta,  de,  311 

KominatiTe  nppHed  Iram  the  fint  of  two 

clantea,  2M 
Ndd  Ita  HiTrfp."!',  8 

Norter,  88 

NoaCnirum,  131 

NoaCri,  416 

Nostmm,  131 

Noiitiu3,  133 

Nola.  426 

Noiim,  423 

Nnllne  (dntiTe  feminine},  164 

Nnllum  bnjui  rimile  (kctnm,  366 

NuUui  mofun,  9? 

quidem,  33 

Nnmqni,  308 
Nnmquid  ris  ?  06 
NnDU|uidiuuD,  83 
Nddc  jun,  313 
Nnncnbi,  04 
Nnnqnnm  (=  non),  8tt7 
Nnpbim  dare,  2? 
Nnaqnam  geutiom,  127 

Obitni,  392 

ObjiciD,  463 

Oblectue,  &c.,  06 

Obnuntio,  289 

Obiecnndo.  224 

Obaidao,  303 

Obaitns,  98 

ObaCipeacD,  24 

Obdceo,  142 

Obtinei«  aatiqnam  istioMm,  309 

anliqanin,  M 

Obtundo,  31 

Ocddi  snd  Optime    confonnded  i: 

nuaciaCion,  40 
Oocnlle  ferre,  S7I> 
Oculi  dolent,  486 
OcDlia  geatare  in,  IIS 
Odinm,  112, 162 
OHeodo,  131 



OgguDio,  4BS 
OmiMO  aiiimo  eue, : 
Omnii  (=  ulina},  3< 
Omnlnm  ...  I  70 
Onera,  471 
Opera,  dedita,  144 

Opinio.  ISfi 

Opinor  (qnoted),  31 

Oportet  (quoted),  431 

Oportuit,  fDllowed  b;  paarive  paifect  p 

Opjiida,  213 
Oppignero,  332 
Opponere  pignori,  464 
Oppnmo,  287 
OptaU  loqnoc,  907 




OpUto,  4S 
Opliiu  CHN,  7J 
Optimc  Hid  ooddi,  49 
Opiii.  n  a  prsdicsta,  90,  60 
eat  bcio,  with  accaastir*,  42 

• prol>to,S30 

lomiiw,  378 

Opiufaoe»,  426 
'  Oistio  Obliqos,'  3U 
Onttio  tennis,  402 
OntoT,  lea,  330 
Omuiienta,  22S 
Ore,  cjQO?  315 
Oro,  379 


n,  141 

Otdto,  la' 

Ot«ni,  tND  ptaddnm  qaam,  28B 

lupo  comiuittire,  1 43 


PwUgDgiu,  409,  414 

Pduitn,  441 

PiUiam  BttoUsra,  138 

PalmuQ  dire,  316 

Palaiuiiia,  149 

Puiigster,  149 

Pumii  uiiiiwjae  olMitiu,  98 

Far  terurre,  264 

Fknvsie,  99      - 

nrati  (gm.  of  fbufth  dedBniioD),  190 

Farato  opai  eM,  with  ■ccniHtiTe,  44 

Pantoa.  72 

Pan»  (pusi),  SM 

Pwo,  31)2 

PuiodurM,  108 

priTDU  egeni  40h 

priortw  habere,  O; 

Pvtiaepi,  177 
Piriidpiee,    praeat    i 
tive,  4«» 

FiTeo,  ne  at  at,  31 
Pu,  188 
Pedem  ttm,  66 
Pede»,  >Dte,  279 

ego  me  in,  144 

Feccve  in  *liquaDi  putera,  26 

PeccstODi  ■  me,  178 

Pedetentim,  447 

Pedieequiu,  16 

Pednm  vis,  431 

Pellido,  400 

Pendeo,  1611,  SI7 

Penetrare  se,  47 

Peoiculnj,  130 

Fer,  Baparated  frain  wocd  bj  ti 

Fer  «go  te  D«iM  oro,  4S 

—  iDe,S«7 

PerbeDigiie.  302 

Pcrcontor,  337 

Penlere  ecspuiu,  409 

Peregrina,  marriage  with,  40 

PeregrinQ»,  137 

Pvauo,  ■nd  perpluo,  01 

P«ii,  74 

ParmMio,  271 

PernoK»,  9 

Perpauconun  boiniaum  tne,  112 

Feiperam,  461 

Ferpea,  348 

Peipetuua,  167 

Perplaxe,  143 

Perquam,  291 

Pernpto,  303 

PetwitDi,  49 

Peniai  ud  pertiDai,  368 

Phaler^  dicCs,  443 

'  Phuma '  of  HeDander,  86 

Philemon  fquoted),  2LS 

'  Phormio,  deriTation  of  luuiia,  4( 

Fieturea  on  wallt,  124 

Firaeaiu,  103,  110 

Piatiilla,  393 

FiitiiDum,  20 

pluabiUi,  2»S 

PUgu  pati  (nagipaddae),  0» 

PUudite,  78 

PlaDtu,  7,  8,  84,  8«,  S49 

Pleriqoe  omna,  1 1 

Pluperfect  tenae,  33 

Plurima  «Inte  impertio,  101 

Plng  miniure  facOTe,  447 

Poenilet,  164 

Polliceor,  384 

Pono,  453 

Fopnluii,  40n 

Porca,  481 

Porro,  9 

Porticna,  S03 

PortilarM,  414 

Porto,  367 

PiHta  UTigare  1d,  41 

Portoi  (_—  domui  privata),  144 

Pondippns  (quoted),  109,  360 

Ponljon  ud  mebe,  10,  1 1 

Pintus  iD  madio,  403 

Ponideo,  7S 


Poeteriores  fene,  313 


Postulaie  indichiB,  S46 

Foatulatio,  349 

Fostolo,  witb  iafioitlTe,  64 




— —  ofUdngnW,  77 
Pods  (iKateT),  100 

muia,  321 

Prsebere  ■trenniuii  hommem,  441 

Praediceree.  63 

Praediuni,  4S6 

Pnefectun,  306 

Praefinito,  338 

Pra^ou,  -■tis,  377 

PneiDODitralar,  33» 

Pnesens  <!eai,  432 

ProeaeudD,  in,  236 

Praestolor,  132 

Prwnt,  prwquam,  104 

Prandium.  2S3 

Precirio,  m 

Preoitor.  413 

Prece,  pretio,  tI,  106 

Preci,  40 

PrepontioDS,  foUowed  b;  encjitira,  21 

Preieiits,  biitbday ,  from  glaves,  407 

Preti,  minimi,  314 

quwtiTia,  fiO 

Pretia,  306 

Fretimn  ferre,  61 

Priaia  fitbula,  249 

Primaa  putea  ageK,  404 

Primuliim,  316 

Principio,  29 

Friores  partee  habere,  93 

Priua,  0 

PriTnte  prisoui,  431 

Frob*re  pro  aUquo,  109 

Frobnun,  71 

Procu,  184 

ProdiTii  in,  »8 

Producere  diem,  294 

' — ' — '  mornm,  6] 

(=  Teodere).  »2,  177 

Prodiue,  291 
Proferre  diem,  29 

iDdidnm,  248 

Profiteri  nomen,  84 

proinde  quui,  173 

Prolato  opna  eat,  330 

Proliiuj,  160 

FrologueB  of  Tereooe  ■iid  nwtn*,  7 

Prolubiam,  331 

Promitto,  178 

PromoTeo,  5S,  389 

Propediem,  314 

PrDpiDD,  leO 

Fropinqus  parte  amidliM,  IJ3 

Froprium,  60 

Propterea,  Eh:.,  376 



I   Frorana,  160 
Froruere  ee,  136 
Protelo,  421 
Protinam,  419 
ProTinda,  202 
Prorisa,  314 

Publice  cusloa,  103 
Pnblicitua,  480 
Pudet,  256.  387 

me  tui.  301 

Fudidti&  (prun.  poditlB),  26 
Fuer,  367 
PugnaTeria,  311 
Pulpamentnm.  113 
Pulure  oatium,  66 

teUurem.  61 

Punctum  temporis,  418 

Purchau  of  pl&ya  bj  tbe  Aedilea,  S6 

ManiiKera,  334 

FnrfBtul  (partidple),  893 
FnrgD,  113,348 
Futo,  128.  265,  308 
FytiaKi,  198 

Qnadmpedem  oonstring«re,  70 

Quaerere  (=:  lo  tortura),  2S4 

Quaesti  (genitiTe),  382 

Quaestns,  13 

Quam,  «ith  po^titES,  16 

Quam  .  . .  tam,  «ith  aupaUtJTe,  237,  386 

Qnamobrem,  iSl 

QuamTia,  266 

QuantiTia  pretJ,  69 

Quantum  eat,  223 

potB»,  89 

QnaDtua  qnantna  es,  279 
Quaai,  46,  177 
Qna^,  lOH 
Quemne?  Quodne?  62 
Qui  (sbktiTe),  8.  221 

-  (interrogatiTe),  142 

Qui  (=  utinam)  in  imprecatjoiu,  412 
Quicquam  (  =  nihil),  14& 
QaiGqtlid  bujus  fed,  06 
Qnidom  (ehdfd),  22 

herde  certe,  31 

Quidfactousuaait.  2B1 

bominia  1  120 

bominnm,  with  plnral  Terb,  61 

itlam  censes  ?  68 

istie?  47 

opns  ^Kto  eat  i  42 

Quin  (interTogatlTe  and  cipostulatorr),  S» 
Qoippiam,  356 
Qniapiim,  2&4 
QuiiqnBm  (feminine),  109 

(negaldTe},  38,  214 

Quisqne  (feniinine),  349 
(=qniennqne),  334 




=\d  quod,  in  qaog),  60 

'  -  |aa  proptar),  37 
■jnreqiuqueiDJuri»,  21 
-miiiiu,  with  indicatiTe,  Sft 

ore,  21S 

i,  at  beginning  of  Mntence,  411 
-f=q™mTi.),  158 
--  (=qaapraptOT),  3S0 

-  ego  (fl  per  Deoa,  &c,  S6 

-  diaeDdDm  hic  liet,  39 

—  Ibcto,  panto,  opni  e«t,  43 

—  quoo,  281 
ranm,  25 


RHpere  de  rogo  ooauam,  117 
Rapiiu,  Raptio,  Rmptiia,  277 
Rationem  uitiqaam  obtJDere,  309 

.ubdacere,  S12 

Rationes  conturbare,  I4G 

patus,  Z65 

RatinDculk,  405 

Re.  e 


Rebus  Tilioribai,  41 

,  ipmo,  178 

Rectiaa  (enphemigm),  296 
Reddere  placidnm,  &&,  2S8 
Redeo,  64,  267 

Redl,  263  ' 

Reditio  hoc,  131 
Reditni,  26? 
Refert,  tua,  meB,  376,  460 

RektiTe  daDee  aaticipatad,  210 
ReUctu  apartait,  186 
Kelictii  reboa,  38 
Ra1i3o,  IS8 
Reliquai,  0 
Rem,  eueiu,  48 

diviaamfMBre,  118 

Remitlo,  66,  306 
Reprehendo,  349,  297 
R^mdio,  60 

Repudiam  renDUtJare,  409 
Reputo,  38 
ReadM»,  343 
ReKiibere  argeDtum,  476 
Rcqiecto,  260 

Re^ndo,  63,  386 
Sestim  ductwe,  305 

rea  redit  ad,  456 

ReetiCuere  locam,  56 
Reetitatio  in  int^ram,  43!l 
Realo,  236 
Rei,409,  432 

{=rtnkli  kiDg),  11 1 

RlttmDiuina,  74 
Rhodioi,  113 

RiyaUi,  I6B 

Rogo,  rapere  coenam  de,  II 7 

Bogaa,  16 

RajTiam  pronum,  364 

Roa  abdidit  ae,  342 

9alaamentB,  278  ' 
Saltem,  24.  43,  268 
SalDi,  305 

SalDla  imperlire,  101 
Salvam  adTenira,  426 
Sanctai,  315 
Sandoliam,  152 
Sapieati  dictum  nt  ett, 
SaUgo.  164 

Saium  nrito,  ISO 
Scapulai  perdoe.  4t 
Scelua,  106 

•djediTe,  60 
Sdenle  te,  227 
Sdlicet,  19,  107.  193 
Sdn  qaid  conare  >  68 
Sdo  (iranical),  66,  67 
Sdre*  (Dot  adre  eet),  310 
Sdrpai,  74 

Bcribae  dkam,  413 

Dule,  86 

Scriptura  levit,  402 

Scrapalna,  267 

"    '-D,67 

Sedilco,  341 

Sednlo,  16 

Segc^,  26,  384 

Seaatai  oonialtnm  Maeedoiuaiinni,  438 

Soniam  (maacaline),  60,  104 

Sententia  ez  toa,  «nd  ex  toi  «01101  aen 

tcDtia,  S13 
Sentio,  and  cauao,  SS 
Sentns,  98 
Sepnldunm,  16 
Sotinltn*  Mun,  478 



Serritiam,  56 
Serro  (=to  nmemb«r),  3? 
Serrus  cnmns,  ITl 
Sese  (pleoiuutic),  64 


Siliceniiani,  S93 

Simi»,  117 

Sinreru.,  M 

Sine  (pmn,  ■  w'  aiKl  eUded),  34,  27S 

Sioe  modo,  88 

SingnlBr,   change  &om  liDgulMr  to  pla 

nuinber,  64 
Sino  (lued  in  two  woua],  62 
8i  qnid  haJDs  aimile,  ZSO 
Si  qaid,  ns  qnid,  203 
Sitos  in  spe,  Z37 
Sice,  105 
Slates,  eduCBtioa  of  domestic,  1 16 

not  ■Uowed  to  be  witneMea,  C3 

pnctical  jokes  on,  274,  420 

preaents  giren  by,  407 

refnges  of,  236 

tortured  for  evidence,  386 

SobriDos,  43S 

Socors,  fbllowed  bj  geaitiTe,  301 

Sodes,  13 

SoUe  (dati*e  reminine),  154 

Sol>nain.  293 

Solidni,  M 

SoUicitor,  67 


Solus  est  quem  dilignnt  Di,  77 

Somnium,  279 

Sonlidatai  aod  Sordidui,  189 

Sorei,  166 

3ors,  268 

Sotulee  qooted,  4>7 

Spatioin,  340 

decarrere,  312 

Spectatara  M  the  theatre,  S7,  333 
Spectatui,  13 
BpODte,  U 
Stet  rabula,  402 

•ententi&,  97 

atatBTik  fibnle,  171 
aialim,  4B6 
StBtuere  ia  tsmm,  374 
Stimuloi  ■dTermm  caloes,  410 
Studeo,  with  iccusatiTe,  12 

with  '  M '  aiid  iuBnidTe,  84 

StultiliB,  23» 

Stupidas,  339 

Snideo,  with  ■ccnnliTe  ind  iufiutiTe,  3 

Souus,  401 

Sukriam,  116 

SubjaDctiTe,  26,  47.  64,  63 
Sablimem  rapere,  69 
Sabolet,  with  daCire,  440 

Succeatariati,  433 
Saccarrendom  eet,  308 
Soere  100  c^iti,  442 
SaffudnatDi,  63 

SainDW  rerom  redit  ad  te,  429 
Sammnm,  ad,  61 
Snmmus  suos,  lUl 
Snmtam  exercere  nium,  177 

Soperbia,  250 
Supine  in  -a,  192 

um,  27 

Suppeditare  (intruritiTe),  ISS 
"  «nmtihuB,  233 

Sunh)  DUTue  fithalsm,  186 
SarBom  deorsam,  103 
SnapeDdere  gradum,  473 
Suapicarier,  300 
Suspicio  (verb),  63 
Sfcopbanta,  66 
^mbok,  13,  120 
SjmboUrom  colUtores,  120 

t>aU  pictA,  l^-t 

men  (at  eud  of  se 

ice),  S 

Tangcre  utcas,  4S7 
Tantidem  emtus,  264 
Tantisper,  17S 
Ttuto  Dielior,  203 

oequior,  267 

Tantum  est,  1S3 

lat  habes  ?  216 

qaam,  360 

Techns,  133 

Tempeslss  wltersa,  361 

Tempmuis,  (bllowed  bf  genitiTe, ' 

Templum,  tempua,  44 

Tempus,  per,  63 

Teraulentu.,  23 

Tenuii  ontio,  402 

Terence,  order  of  hia  phja,  330 

TetuU,  66 

Theatre,  apectatora  at,  87 

Tihiae  deitrae,  linistrae, 

pares,  impares,  5 

Titubo,  193 
Tolerabilis,  183 
Tollo,  21 

Torture  of  sUTe*.  386 
Totns  ene  in  Bmi»e,  29! 




Trsnqailli],  in,  1B6 
TnDsdo,  401 

Translatians  rrom  Qreek,  88 
Tridao  hoc  perpetno,  2fl6 
Tripudium,  60 
Trittia.  69 
Triumpho,  111 
Trodo,  G3 
TruutiliB  m(d»,20 
Tamuld  (geniUTo),  3S7 
Tondo,  340 
Tuiu,  tui,  484 

Lbi,  07 
Ulcna  tangere,  4ft7 
Ull*e  (dUiie  femiaiDe),  1 
Uttro,  14,  80,  204 
Uode  (=  s  qnibiu),  91 

(=  >  qno).  321 

Unuaquisqukm,  392 
UBpiwn.  2:>2 
Usqusm.  266 
Usqae.  116,  266,  361 



Usua,  aa  ■  predi 

eit,  Temt.  174,  31S 

ftcto.  2til 

Ut  (=  utimim) 
Ut . . .  ne,  138 
—  (Uti)  in  elliptic*!  qi 




._uime,  340 

iTith  plonl  DT  ■ognlar  Terb,  2G9 

— .  pOB(ideliB,  lntsrdict  of,  K 
UtiliB  (ironiod),  26,  6S 
Utlne,  344 
Ulor,  fbUowBd  bj  acctuatiTe,  BOi 

(=  rmctum  habere),  321 

fbro,  410 

Utriqne,  utneqQe,  26 

Utrnm,  pronoun  followed  bj  a 

qneition,  134,279 
Uiorem  daie.  31 
deducue  domnm,  341 

VBdo,reBe>tin,  68 

Tagio,  368 

TalcBt,  TiTit  onm  iUa,  71 

Taleuit.  97 

Tapola,  472 

Tapub,  266 


VectlB,  139 

Vel  (of  ieitan 

Vellem,  363 

Venilei  iuBcribera  aedei, ' 

Veaia  baaii,  496 

Venire  (of  propert  j),  64 

Venit  in  oientem,  130 

Vennt  (ofdice),  24 

VeDUitaa,  391 

Verba,  bons  qnBBO,  20 

commnlare,  36 

inveisa.  193 

and  Verbera,  012 

Vsrb,  supplied  from  its  contnir,  52, 9A 

VerbaJi,  foibwed  bj  caae  of  Terb,  131 
Verbena,  60 
VerbiB  meis,  3B1 
Vere  TiTerv,  I7H 

,"  12 


fbllowed  bj  gniitiTC 

Vero  (7t)>  4!» 

1=  reren).  Z3S 

Versnra  Bolvere,  464 

Tersatilii  mola,  200 

Tertat  male,  2(i3 

Venu,  63 

Vetmm  ingenium,  169 

Veatrarnm.  &c.,  131 

Vetertni  123 

Tetentor.  89 

Ti,  dam,  precario.  106 

Viam  aOectare  479 

indttere,  103 

Viaa,  inter,  127 

Vicem  alicnina  vaaaH  me,  219 


Victns,  13 

VideliM,  201 

Vide  me,  31 

Tidendi  qn»  (hm.),  368 

TiduuB,  234 

ViUnm,  307 

Vindbilis,  422 

Vincto  pectore,  106 

Vindiciae  Becundura  libertitem,  2SS 

Til»,  66,  190 

Titium,  329 

TlTendi  (diBBjIlable),  11 

ViTnB  Tidensqoe,  89 

Tixit  dum  rizit  bene,  368 

Toluntu,  404 

Voluntate,  284 




at6\mi,  10 

ail.  oiitfi  Ad)>oi,  18 

niViac  iiit,,  431 

droiii»  ™X«c,  iikSc.  403 

d((ii^\a],i'a,  dipiSolUaiat,; 
itfirT>,piaaii6e,  336 




nio^XJxjiv,  260 
dppa^iiv,  207 

^''oc.  231 
|oiiAo/ii.T,  » 

rBXiwrirc,  132 
jifiia,  240 

ra,  116,  169 

JivripaTWPiaTqt,  404 
i.>.lv  rprf^iv.  413 
oiMivviti,  107 

lAiipivSf,  96 
i"riv«,  14S 
liroXv»^.,  469 

ivri/iFti,  «0 
iiriSn^irSai,  Iriliiii 
itritXjlpoi,  12,  299,  4 

titnfa  Ixar,  i 
fff/So.,  11 
ixnr,  witti  I  ai 

Blp^iat,  110 

KQIJV,  16 

/iiJM»'-".  186 

icJpJaE,  305 
tpiirn,,  48,  8«,  343 

IP^BIHff^lOC,  70 

>$jMi,  940 
Aixioc,  Xixv(u*>,  140 
Xo{dv  ifi/iaat  ^Xixiv, 
Xvoic,  64 

/ii|Hi.  Iv /i.  nvic  rifiivai,  173 
f<DI,<Fu4,  116,  160 
fiuriAoc,  /lirtiXac,  335 

E/ioioc,  38 

oHaiiov  XJTiiv,  i7v(u,  367 

ifOaXiul  ^affiXfMC,  112 

x-aTc,  357 

vailafMySt,  M 
irtpianxvov,  29 


rpovipiru,  290 

roOro,  roSr'  a£r j,  30 



■rp6t  ai  rfi*  OiSy,  46,  67 
wpOTarmi  rpiauira,  109 
«'poirrdriil'  ypdfia9ai  riviCi  1S7 

xx*«(c,  6 

ffVfliriHrjapi^o;,  130 

!   f  up^v  rdc  i/iqf  aoc,  146 

XoAtlrwc  flpiiv,  Z7S 
XopiwwMcaXac,  332 


AnuntiBDi  iime  ■morii  int^ntio  ett,  48 

Animam  debere,  4M 

Aqoike  unectUB    (dtrou  j^pac   topuSiia 

AQrani  in  ntramTii  damiirt  (iir'  i/i^Ttpa 

TiliTa  taeiulnp),  191 
|3Xi>ri.>'  rA  tiipiv-v  iv  roic  irosiV,  27» 

rd  riii'  fiXmv).  809 
Beptem   CanTiTiam,  novem  tbto   Conii- 

dam,  262 
Cndetur  hh*  in  me,  110 
Dictnm  fJKtnm  (jfia  frec  S/ia  ipyiii'},  34. 
DubU  coena,  433 
E  flammB  pttere  dbum,  117 
Extrema  liaea  *mare,  128 
FabuU  lam,  376 
Fortee  (ortuns  ndjnTat,  420 
Fngiu  oe  praeter  otsun,  469 
Gladio  nio  nbi  hnnc  jngnlo,  310 
Hinc  ilUe  Ucrimke,  16 
Homo  lam,  bumuii  niliil  i  me  >l<eDum 

puto,  174 
Tnte  hoc  Intriiti:   tibi  amoe  eat  eiedeu- 

dum,  429 
JuB  lummum  lummi  m^tU,  222 
jAterem  Utus  ('Xiveovc  rXi-mv),  418 
Lepog  es,  et  pnlpunentnm  qoavi*,  113 
Lupnm  ■oribna  teneo  (rwv  Jrwt-  txv  t6v 

Xvcoi').  443 
Lnpui  in  {kbnla,  288 
Lupo  OTem   oommittKO  (tiS  Xixif   riv 

8f),  143 

Lato  in  eodem  husiUre,  464 

M*nibu  pedibn^ne  (XdC  cbI  ifa^.   ri^ 

•tal  Xal.  xrpfiy  r<  «-wri*  n),  17 
.Hortuo   Terbk    finnt    (vdcpfi   itiOoiic    its 

ovt  \ijllt),  *ei 
■  faX        ■     — 


s,  12 

Nodnm  in  Mdrpo  qn*eran,  74 
ObiequiniD  amicoa,  Taicu  odium  paiit,  l; 
Pednm  *iM  eet  Tia,  431 
In  PMtn  nango,  41 

Ad  Ratim  rea  redit,  466 

Sibpienti  dictam  iiat  eM,  448 

Saxum  TolTere  (Xieev  n\ivSiiv),  160 

Sic   ut   qnimna,  quudo  nt  TolaiUDi   non 

licat,  64 
Solui  est  qaem  diligunt   IX   (tv    ol    Sioi 

^iXawiv  diroflvii"«  «oj),  77 
Ueo  indido  miia'  qnu!  Sotvi  pcvii,  1 65 
'  c^ces,  410 


fBbuUm    (Svfi    rtc    l\i^ 
fiHeov),  183 
Tiaaapac  Eif  nXdc  Ixnv,  136 
Tradeie  operu  mutnti,  436 
Ulcni  tuigere,  467 
VapuU  Pafdrii,  473 

TiTui  Tideaeijue  (£»>>  cnl  (SXjtmii),  89 
Viiit  dom  Tizit  beoe,  363 




A,  lA,  <At\  Pluim.  S«c 
Iiulel  M  Ihs  Noto. 

hMdI  Shifx  Tui  lAdidit  ■«. 
Hr.  i.  3,  100. 

altduTiKii\  Abdomini  hunc 
■uluQi  dicM.  Eun.  iii.  -2.  7. 

aidim]  M«  c^onTinm  k. 
lum  oidMaAat  lihi.  Enn. 
iii.  1,  17.  M»  innto  oA- 
daiUmetn'.  Adelpb.ii.  1,44. 
H.ine  «idi«,  *inci ;  qiiun 
rrm.  Adelph.  iii.  4,  36.     Ne 

Hh.  Alt.  Prol.  11.  ^Mxa* 
«boculii?  Picinna indiinum. 
Adelpb.  iT.  S,  35.  Credo  af- 
dae/am  in  mnenm  «liquo. 
Adelpb.  iil.  ^6.    AbdanBoji 

que  eit  Gonli.  Phonn.  t.   3, 

.   le- 

ii.  3,  38. 

Ktia  1,17.     Nontu 

-■■  *    ^un.   i».   7,  29. 

labii?    Phonn. 

ii.  S,  9. 

aliiil.   HMUt.    i.  1,  6fi.'    Rui 
oAuf.  Adelph.iii.3.e2.    Pne- 

diem  abiU.  Phonn.  t.  S,  16. 

hutcnipuliiB.  pliomi.  t.S.30. 

tdrlph.  iT. 

illie  abTiun.  Heutt.  ii.  8,  8. 

tperi,  Adelph.  ii.  1, 13.  AU; 

irini*e.  And.  i.  1,  42.  Ab- 
inc  moDKi  dertm  fere.  Hec. 
.  3,  24.     Fere  attinc  Mnoi 

oMorrvo]  OmninoaUorrerv 

uioriik  Aoa.  T.  1,  10. 

uA^n]  Abiffum  haot 
Adel^h.  iii.  3.  47. 

o*»™,]  Qu.e^iimtun 
Mt.  ftLiqno  abiictandn 
Adrlph.  IT.  7,  36. 

ifiUtu]    Propler  euu 

oi/^]  Aliqnomihiedhini! 
abitiiaodut.  Hec  iii.  3,  fil 

rMigario]  Itidem  patriaqui 
oiJui.rienU  bauii.  Eun.ii.3,4. 

abar1tis\     Dium     i^trtmm 

abrado]  Aliii 
^ridum  uniie  tl 
Hnt.  Phann.  ii 

abripio\  Hanc 

And^iTVri?.  "PuelUm'^ 
Attio  fainciiir«7ifaiii.  Eun.  L 
2,  30.  Jmm  iiitro  abripitn. 
Adrlph.  ii.  1,27.  Idilliuni- 
Tenum  oirmil.  PhDnn.  i.  1, 

hueir>ii£KnfM.  H«.t.2,15. 

abiolval  Eaa  wl  rorum  ibo 


4,13.    HQmiuem  ittum  impu' 


I  "/oti  OT 

ui.f«9«.]   Qui 

Tulnen.  Eun.  It. 

ahittrreal    Hkt 

li.  1, 14. 
I,  'Hcuit  ii; 

icii  ideQ  'n^jP^ 
I.'  SMuriH,  3,  4. 



luc  mecum  liiae  <AiiraJiam, 
Adclph.  T.  3,  57.  Viiniisll- 
linc  altlrari.    Hcm  novi  rea 

dMraioL  HTC.iii.  1,  17,  18. 
oAfia]  Diiin  ■!>■  te  aA«m. 
Hnutil.  4, 19.  McnmtrM 
oW.  HcBut  i.  1,  GG.  Quod 
a£«il  noD  qiiuria.  Ucknt.  T. 
4,  16.  Hiud  perniulliim  m 
maafor«liiifbrtuoiam.  Hnut 
iv.  %  I.  Non  oAeHf  loDriui. 
H«ut.  f.2,  31.  Cumn>i]il. 
itto  pruKDi  abvjH  ut  liei. 
EuD.  1.2.112.  PnHCM  ai- 
MJuqiu  idem  BTit.  Adolpb.  i. 
],   48.      Peiyin  liFro  a^fndi' 

Phorm.  a.  3,  2fi.  Ne»i:io 
qoid  profcci 

3.  7.    P« 

it  doini.  Eun.  i' 

t«kt.  Eun.  T.  R,  39. 

oinMol  Pjtiwinda  nibi 
quid  Tinf  alimiiaill  ,Kesut. 
iii.  1,  43.  Qiium  ille  et  eon 
et  lumtu  oinHiitliir.  PhorDi. 
ii.  2.  26. 

oiiwvlw]  &lfaercle(l 

inepta.  ne  cJicmn  dala,  umie 
alnrdd.    Adclph.  iii.  3,  ii. 

Tidfltur.  Adelph. 

Etn  hoc  mihi  priTU 

nr]  In  prolo^iicrihen- 

ac]    8ee  Index  lo  Notei. 

qiiin  kIh  te  ■bam  doctior. 
EiiD.  i..  7,  2i.  Aefedo  ui 
maliui  dicu.  Adelph.  iii.  2, 
52.  Ad  hiee  rnnU  hoc  mihi 
aeaidit  etiMn.  Aod.  i.  3,  10, 
PoitqnnmaimnianHil.  And. 
i.  1,49.  AdRnmmamaawutf 
impntdentiua.  And.  i  1.  lOi), 

de  Incni  putalo  eu*  omn*. 
Adelph.  T.  3,  30.  Voluntu 
•cgln  il  >d  poelam  aceemril. 

id  poelam 

anident  boni.  And.  ii.  3,  24. 
Eiidsm  die  iituc  Terimm  len 
in  te  aceidit.  And.  t.  3,  U. 
Ad  gcnue  ooChiit.  Hec  iii.  3, 
18.     Unde  exordiir  nunre. 


I.  Phot 

i.  1,  20. 

O.  Aedngar.    Eun.  t.  B,  30. 

Mt  eiedenduia.  AecimKr*. 
Phorm.  ii.  2,  4. 

ueeipio']  Dos,  Puuphile,  Ht 
decem  UlentL  P.  Accijiio. 
And,  T.  4,  48.     &|uiilrm  pol 

TOl™Em.  "^rwr^^Ofri- 

pii'  And.  ii.   2,  nO.     Alilar 

^'hhu  "r  S,^  "(^^ 

aeeejMaiK  Krnbo.  Anil.  i,  fi, 

And.  i.  1,  S2.  Si  te  nequo 
3,  23.  R«titue  In  qnem  me 
58.     .^cc^  honllncm  nemo 

5uf  ega  feci  aaeeperU.  1 
,  2.     Miio  ego  nog  1 

rrj^  injurit    Eun.  it. 

piMnt  DiigiB.  Adclph.  iv.  3,15. 


Adelph.   ii.    1.  5.1,     Indlgnil 

Jii.  Adelph.  ii.  1,  12. 
iia^^ji^r]  Non  rcte  acciy>tfri 

chre  •obriuiP  Eun.  It.  6,2. 

accitmbo^  Tpu  aociuilicra 
necuin.  Eun.  itl,  3,  9. 

acamile)  Siltem  omniti, 
And.  iii.  2. 14. 

aanra]    Quo  migii  om»i 

le  leinere  bciim 

T.  I,  11. 

I.  Hec. 

ciuaM    Nwviuio.     Plnutnm, 

18,  19.  Te  ullra  neciuoAil! 
Eun.  i.  1,24.  Quotidieaco- 
'         '■       -  ■   1,50.    Am- 

67.     Ne 


i.2,35.     Qnod  oi 
Hee.  11.3,3.     .«eei 


li  rto  pUr« 

fKundU.  Uenul.  Prol.  IZ  13. 

Aetorii  opm  Dnffii  itetime 
quim  lUL  Phorm.   Prol.  10. 

•tiluit  locum.   Pbonn.   l>f^. 


aclui]    Primo  ad* 
B«,  Alt,  Prol.  31, 
adatmm]     Aperite     nliquh 


ociicl.  Adelph.  t.  3,  49. 
ad]    See  Indel  to  NoM. 

tiqBa  ilu  etitm  arfiniitu  •it 
Heut.iiL  1.26. 

oi/MdI  Ii  milii.  bU  niMU 
plni  pauio,  im  anaeMitnlli- 
dnonl  Haul,li.  1,8. 

addo]   Quod  titu  dicmUn 
uddo.  And.  iv.  2,  27.    V«-    j 
bum  li  addideriM.  Aiid.  t.  'J, 
19.   Keopa,  prMHenoun  •■■■ 



rtmor  molettEfei  lulMttuf- 
Edh.  i.  J,33.  Niiimihi 
quidemiHUifiiiilmaiii.  HMut. 
iii.  2,  31.  Ut  wiiiper  aliquid 
addaKt  diniiaribni.  Phorui. 
i.  1,  8.  Preptpr  miirricor- 
diuo  addml  uiuperi,  Plioim. 

ii.  1.47. 

wMKnl  Qiug  mllil  >nle 
ocul«  CDnm  unuorem  ad~ 
dioHWiam?  Eud.  ii.  7.  24. 
Nsman  m«i>riun  adduxit  1 
Hec.   iii.    1,   43.      Nucauun 

iHiuUwxrin  putea.  Uec.  t.3, 
38.  AMtai  uj  oonum.  He- 
Dut.i.2,9.    AdmiiericoHiam 

fmii  tDDrn  PuDiihiluifc.  And, 
1>,  2.  1,  AdduM  qui  illun 
civcm  hlne  dicwiL  Aod.  *.  3, 

Adtipii\  Bom  hje  lonim 
ninjiii  •ibi  In  Adtiphi: 
Adelph.  Pml.  II, 

adto  uivBrh.J  Valla  adta 

hiliupT^,  And,  i.  1,93.    Mi- 

del,  And,'i,  1,  135.  "  Ip^m 
adte  pneito  Tideo  cum  Dito, 
And,  ii.  S,  4.  Aat.  ■!  adto, 
hidui  etl  int  Irldui  h*ee  Klli- 
citudD,     And,  ii,  6,  9,    Atqne 

iimm.  And,  iii,  %B2.  Sua- 
derc,  onre.  aaque  adto  donee 
perpuliL  And,  i*.  1,  38,  Pro- 

And.  iT.  4,  36.  Alqnea<to> 
lonfum  «t  00*  tllum  eipec- 
tire,  And.  v.  6.  13,  Ad» 
I CHvutrm  ad«o  nobileoi.  Eun, 
i.  2.    124,     Nnn  adeo   inha- 



T.  4,  a>,      Neque 

i^,23.  CredTi  lo  IpiDnirien 
>ut  IH>  htttadti.}  Phorm,  t. 
7,  89,  Vium  io»m  Dmni- 
ii.4,G,   Jffco  riamitum  dibo 

nid.H«u't.™'l.'77*,78.  Cwp. 
Het  ii,  2,  e, 
aiboH]    Adtomt  homtnem 

I  amore?  Eun 
Irfwn  nni  rediii 
■,  a.  27,  &c. 

5.  tlliS. 

»?    Heiut. 

eumP  'And  .il,  I,  15,     Ali- 

JDDt  me  adim.  And.  iiL  3. 
.  Kdicit  ne  vir  quiuuun  lul 
eam  adral.  Eun,  iii,  6,  30, 
..Idute  hari  de  liliL  U«c,  ii. 
2,  9.  Eccum  Tideo  ;  aditn. 
6,  5. 

adi.    Phor 

..   3,  £6.     Ad 

PhDrni,  i.  2,  90.  Ckpitii  peri- 
elum  adir».  And.  ir.  1,  A3. 
CoiDp.  And.  T,  I,  2.  Hero- 
Iricem  hiinc  jirimum  adeun- 
d>m  cenieo,  Hec.  iv.  4,  81. 

adhiitn]  Quin  mihi  teiiei 
adiiitam.  Phorm,  iv.  5,  2. 

ad/toTlor]  Adkorlor  prope- 
reai,  Eud.  iii.  6.  35.    t^elei 

Kieui  ree  te  adhoriatur  in. 
adkat}    Qui   m.  t.m    lcnl 

And,  i.  3,  27,  A^iaa  aani 
omnii  huir  Bua  Tidco.  And. 

t,  Hck 

i.  2,  1.     Cc 

"2,47. '^is-t 

rnit   Adelph.  i. 

:,20.     Adktc 

me.     Heiul. 

'.  2.  42.  8«t 
fruitnti  «t 
fldei.  Adelph,  It,  4,  13.  Cci- 
HtumuiquaiiiJiueiC  Adtl- 

quim  'Tiii  u»ue  'adkM.  Adel- 
ph,  V,  4.  5.     Qnid  adhv!  hi- 

Hec,  i,  2,  ^l.  Nii  'et^^Iti 
uiquei»UKc,  Hec,  It.  1,2», 

adigo]  Tu  homo  adigir  me 
kd  insiDiam,  Adelph,i,  2,  31, 
Mol  noclu  te  adigtl  honura 
iniomni.,   Eun,  ii,  1,  13, 

aifjiao]  Ad  Tirginem  «ni- 
mum  adjecit.  Eun,  i.  2.  G3. 

mctum,  in  qno  uudc  nt.  odi- 
aam.  And,  ii.  2,  2,  Hinr, 
oiii  mon,  mihi  odinttl  Btrao. 
And,  iT,  2,  U,  Lbiat  esuu 
eril  ddemrahii,  And.T.l.lS, 
Diem   adimert  ugritudinem 

Dtm.    Ffaorm,   i.  3.   9,     Qul 

moMl  Jiviti.  Phom,  li,  1,  46. 

gtnuriun,  PhDrui.  v.  6,  4fi. 
adipiicor]  Nuptiu  eflugrre 

,.d" '°"'" 


ai{)iu)Kiifiini|  Nibil  tdent 
adJvmtnH  ad  nulchrilDdiaem. 
Phorm,  i,  2.  £5, 

«(pmj»]  Ut  inimnm  id 
altquod  itudium  adjH»gatit. 
And  i.  1,29,  Hec,  iv,  4,  61, 
Ille.  quam  betieBcio  nd™^, 

47.  Imperiuoi  , . .  quod  nmi- 
citil  <i4w>)tf<''iir,  Ailelph,  1. 1, 
42.  Unu^  ru:ere  hmiliam, 
colera,  adjnvue,  adnnifftrr. 
Adeluh,  T.  8,  4. 

«(S.™]  Per  omne.  titn 
adjuro  deot,  And.  >•.  2,  11. 
Snnclo  adii,rat.  Het  il.  2, 

oij^]   PiDiphilumna  o.^- 

i.  3.  4.  Id  iniiibo  adjida  me! 
qUD  id  liiil  ruiliui,  ^n.  i,  2, 
70,  Quod  pDlcra.  adjtiidio 
ienem.  HrauT,  iii.  1,7.  At 
le  adjklan  opartet  ■doleicen- 
tuli  canu.  Hfaut,  iii,  2,  35. 
Hominea  nebilei  eum  sifib- 
lan.  Adelph,  Prol,  16.  Bi> 
onen  adpUa.  Hec.  iii.  2,  24. 

at^jmior]  Hic  adjntor  mcne 
hoc  mihi  praeiLit,  Heui,  t. 
1,2.  Aul  edaut  ai{n(<ariim 
ijui  irvrundine,  Adelph.  i  2, 
6U.  8ed  oDui  eit  mihi  Phor- 
mionem  id  binc  reni  oi^ 
forni  dui.  Phorm,  iii,  8, 

adjulrix]  TeinhacremJhi 
oro  ut  adntTii  iiet.  Enn.  t, 
2,  46.  Untn  onmei  filiii  Id 
neccato  adjidriat.  Heiut  t, 
2,39.  Vnin  iDieillgeiiliiai 
«rii  admlrit  noeimo  indui- 
iriio,  Hec,  Alt  Ptol,  24.   Vt 


tim  in  et  nqnnm  iit  niihi  ad- 
julrix  Hcnii.  Uec  iT.  4.  81 

adimoX  Vl  me  adjmtt  tn 
h«  n.    And.  iii.   3,  10.     I<t 

rnadiaiiiTBtieoi.  And.  iii. 
.  42.  Fuiun  Kduio,  dibo 
optnm^at^jtnjaLo.  Eun.  ii.  B, 
7I.  NequeniequicqDinicon- 
■iUa  o^iinu ;    Hcwit.   r.  2, 

Phorm.  i.  4.26.    Puiternune 

opitulun  e>,   FhDm.  t.  3,  3. 

tcr.  Phorm.  iii.  3,  4. 

ndmimatro]  LaDtequo  mu- 
niu  oiiHtMiitnitf ■  tunm.  Adel- 
pb.  T.  1,  2. 

sifiiiiror]  Hi>  nllra  urideo, 
et  eurum  ingenik  admirBr  M- 
muL    Eun.  li.  2,    19.    Ci,n 

Siiequm      admiraim     «ti. 
«ut.  iT.  6.  23. 
lujBiuwa]  1»  tu  iitiec  tui 

H«ut.  ii 

!.  HauL. 

>,  35.    Ne  >e 


ii.  2, « 

it  illim  a 

tA  ilUm.  Ki 

jnbeU.  Eun 

■en  *d  etm :  admint  nemo. 

"       ■   -    114.    Sed  lu  quij 


hiin.  T.  2,  14.    Quidegoiui- 

Heinl.  T,  2.  3.     HuK  le  <uf- 

Adel™b'.''iiif  3,'«*"^^  ti^ 
delictum  adnitiae  in  me. 
Adslph.  iT.  5.  46.  Sumtum 
oJ«aw.  Adelph.  ».  7,  15.  8i 

Ph^^ii.  1,40.*°       ""* 
.,     admodum]  I[tee  inter  n« 

Hnat.i.1,1.  Advenii  mo- 
do7  Admodam.  Hec  iii.  5. 
8.  llnne  p^lrii  >i>  coDBpectum 

ntdBM.  Phorm.  ii.  2, 1.    In- 
UimadmodMm.  Adelph.  iiL  3, 
49.    Cf.  Phorm.  iil.  1. 13. 
admomroi   Rrcte  admom. 

te  iiiuc  me  adao*en.  Heaut, 
ii,  3, 112. 

adaioino]  AeceHi ;  idatili; 

mori.' Pho™.  ..  V,  Ts"" 

adtJiaai^]  ^iiD/eKenj  luiu 
Dcrdiltn.    Adolph.  iv.  7,  42, 

Ct  'po^eKt?'  Uec   i.  ^,''^*. 
Mnter  iiuad  >iiuit  lui,  ailo- 

1,  8.      Fero  slis    fluiiin  nd 
te    faoni    i]liu>    adoutcestit. 

DobiiP  Adelph,  i.l.3G.  Con- 
ferunt  ennijlitmd  adoietcania. 
Heiut.  jii.  I,  65.  Cur  piruw 
Kui  poetft  doderit,  quu  nDl 
-       He.ut.PrDl.2. 

jn  KiurfufeKenlui»  e*t.  Adel  ph. 

ado/etcentijil  Nog  noelr&m- 
que  adoiacentvim  hebenl  de- 
■piaUia.  Eun,  il,3,9I.  IIU- 

fan  adalexeiaia.  H»ul.  ii.  1 , 
3,  J>m  inde  ih  adoleieeiitia. 
Adelph.  i,  1,  16,  Sfienbem 
jem  dtferciite  odaittaMtiam. 
Adclph,  i,  2,  72,     Penuuil 

tmiia.     Adclph,    iii'.    4,    24, 

adi^ttetntr^]  Porle  unun 
upicio  adoittoenlaian,  And, 
i,  1,  91.  K.  mnrlue  e>l :  n- 
liquLt  filimm  adoietcentHiam. 
Heaut  iii,  3,41.  Comp.  ir. 

adifittotMulMt]  Quod  pleri- 
que  omne)  ficiunt  atfousceii- 
tuii.  And,  i.  1,  28.  Perpu- 
lliti  me  ot  hamiui  adobnii- 
(ii/aDltiim  dirtm.  Aud,  t.  I, 
9,  Hamino  adBlexeftidoi  in 
fraudem  illiciL  And.  t.  4,  7. 
Kliodiui  adoietoenlaiui.  Eun, 
iii,  1,  33.  Hrri  iiliquat  ado- 
twmtali  cailmu)  in  Pineeo, 
Kun.  iii,  4,  1.  Qud  modo 
adoUicenitUia  moretricum  in- 

Snie  et  mom  pouot  noecen. 
un.  t.  4,  8.     Qui  adoletam- 

T.  4, 18.     Ui  uimum  dni 
HgrotumadofeiDai^ii/t.  He«i 

L  1,  48.     NoD  eit  Bagiliui 

■etii  adaletonUtiii.  Hec.  ir. 
3,  13.  Qnii  nuiquam  inunua 
fiicii  odoleiceatidMm,  PhomL 
Frol.  6. 

adi^ito]  lude  020  htmc  ma- 
jorem  ad^pJiivi  minL  Adelph- 
1.1,22.  f  uum  Hliuin  dediui 
adoptandan  mihi.  Adelpb.  i. 

mihi.  And.  L  1,  lU.  In  de- 
negindo  modo  qui>  pndot 
Hulum  adett.  Aiid.  it.  I,  6. 
NoD  quia  adit  praeteDI,  dica 
hac.  Adelph.  iii.  3,  39.  Mu- 
lier  tihi  udtit.  H«nt.  ii.  3. 
2.     Illo  nd  dcfeDdendkm  au- 

udibo).  Eun  ii.  3,  76.     Jun 

Eun.  ir.  7,  4i.  At  pol  jnm 
aderit,  t  quoqne  clinut  cum 
aderit.  HeciT.  1,28.  I>.tt, 
aiiet :  re>i)ie.  A  ad.  ii.  2.  7- 
Phidippe,  adei.  audi    p«Dci). 

.    Prol.    24.    Jim    par- 
iMet.  Adeloh.  It.  4.  11. 

>  in  turbi  hic  £un.  iT. 
i.  Comp.  Photm.  ii.  3.  3 

oiiiiJioo  D«*a  ?  Henut. 

adveJUf]  liuu  niu 

i|ute   adieeta  nt,  i 


liic  adtieaa  antu  puipcrcDli. 
Hnut.  i.  I.  44. 

admao^  Ad  tt  advemo. 
And.  ii.  I,  19.  OpUto  adro- 
™.  And.  iii.  3.  1.  P«  («m 
put  wWu.  And.  ii.  4,  44. 
la  tempore  ip»  oiihi  ad- 
rem.  Aoi  T.  6, 10.    Om»r- 

>,  non  lidi.  And.  t.  3.  8. 

pu>,  non 


ii.  2,  28.  laie  dicito  pvrpon- 
Utam  adraiam  Pimphili 
Hec  i.  2,  2  Incommoda  lUii 
fonoblulcntaifiimdiM  menm. 
Hec  iii.  3,  10.    Vi  Toliipiu 

Hee.  1 

.   IS. 

pcTC  m  pciaram  Mi-lem, 
Je1ph.P™1.2.  Poe:i.m™- 
.tui  iu  Wum,  pmpc  jnm  rc- 

ec.    All.   Prol.    14.      Iriju- 


i.  2.  SS.     lUne  ri  puatui  I 
FhBtm.  ii.  3,  SO.     Te  coi 

advenia]  Adttmu  neminl. 
And.  i.  1,  37.  Cui  migil 
bDDu  fclicitmtet    omnet   ad- 

81  qiiid  nobii  ^rta  adverti 
BTeiieril.   He.ut   ii.   3.  lU. 

dium'  etl.  HK^iL  1^'  Uli 
adocna  ejua  per  ta  lecU  Uci- 
Uque  und  omneitient.  Hoc. 
iii.  3,  28,     lu  uique  adtiena 

4.  9.  Quo  wclo  adTenam't^ 
lumnim  ferul.  Pfaarm.  ii.  ], 
adneraiK.   Ht.ot.  IT.  3,   21. 

adwTierat  ia    hnn 
pUlani.      Eun.     i 

censet^  ^"t. 

Haut.  iT.  1,43. 
advaperaacit\  Ci 

srStr  " 

advig\td\    Si 

3,    Sl. 

nuptiu.  ADd,iT.l,50.  Tuta 
migit  te  advu/iiart  Hqaum 
eiL  Pbortn.  i,  4.  26. 

H«ut.  T.  S,  IR 

adncaliaX  Advooaiat  mine 
mihieueutmeioiueril,  Eun. 
ii.  3,  4&  Volo  ego  ulcw  faic 
advoaitot  nobiB  ia  turta  b«e. 
Eun,  iT.  6,  26.  Me  >  forD 
mbduiit  modo  fauc  advotatam 
«ibi.    Adelph.  iT,  fi,  12.     Ad- 

rem  cui  TCDeTTm  adtoeoiial 
Adelph.  iT.  5,  43. 
adKH»]  Ibo  >d  forum,  >t- 

que  mliquot  mifai  unicoa  ad- 
T«n£o.  Pfaorm.  iL  1.  83. 

faoc  aduitum  ett.     Adclph.  iii. 

aedibv:  And.  ii.  2,  27.    Si 

yiderit.  And.  iT,4,  34.  Aedei 
eipu^mha.      Eun.   it.  7,   3. 

de  «xludendii  aedUnt.  Eun. 
iT.  7.  14.  Aderitun>iauni) 
aaJiiu.  Euo.  ii.  3,  76.  Hunc 
tu  iu  atda  cojiuu  reeipere 
poithmeP  Eun.  t.  2,  *8.  In- 
acripn   llico   atdee  marcede. 

26.  Fr>tria«£<i£entperTiu 
Adrlph.  T.  7,  14.  Eitulin 
eilr»onJi>  pucfum.    Hec.ii 

aedtfviaji]  Aediada*  item 
SHDI  oh  decom  iliu.  Pharm. 
iT.  3,  58. 

Aediia^i  Menandri  Eanu- 
cliumpHtqaim  AedHee  tma- 
ruut.  Eiin.  Prol.  20. 

aeger]  Video  lenlum,  •quu- 

que  obtilum.     Euq.  ii.  2,6. 

rem.  Hee.i.2,  113  Cum  In 
jiniiimD  faic  )it  aegra.  Hec 

aegre]  Redeo  inde  ititut, 
itquii  OMrg  fenni.  And.  L  I, 
110.  VoluitlkcerecontnhDle 
ae^.  Eiin.iT.l,10,  £^hia4 
miDuscBsrrepmtior,  Heuit.T.3, 
5.  Aesreait.  Adelph. i. 2, 57. 
Ottendeio  me  aeare  fUi  illi 
nolui,  Adelph.  i,  2,  63.  Na 
(|aid  aegrc  enct  mifai.  Hec, 
ii,  1,30.    Ne  oa^  qiiicqunm 

39,  Fuiuet  tum  illoa  mifai 
aegre  iliqaot  diet.  Phorm. 

atgritvda]  8i  nulU  aegri- 
tudo  faaic  nudia  intercemerit. 
And.  T.  o,  h.     N«  hoc  gui- 

ludine  tliqut.  Enn.  iii.  &,  4. 

Dtmio.iDtawrtJufbfi.  Henul. 
iii.  1,S6.  Uiem  kdimere  oegH- 
tadivm  hamiDibui.  Hetul. 
iii.  1,  13.  NulU  r»  Unta, 
quae  mi  aegritudineM  tlTertt. 
HetuL  iT.  S,  2  UignirDm 
uepe  id  reDiediam  aegriludi- 
■■i«  etl.  Hetut.  iii.  2,  28. 
Mibi  quidem  quotidie  ium. 
Bcit  mtgit  de  fliio  aegritiido, 
Heaut.  iii.  1. 15.  Animo  ia- 
cerloptiio oe^rthiifBiB.  Heuit. 
i.  1,  71.  Diim  aefjritudo  ett 
h>«c  rcceni.  Adelph.  iii,  2, 
14.     AegrHndo    faiec    orituT 

^  Cooglc 

myTtitiu]    Animum  atgrv- 

pliwl.  And.  i.  2,  22.  Pncr- 
peiuD  duei  |>«  Tiim  aram- 
tam.  Adalph.  T.  7,  24.  Fuile 
omnci,  cum  Ttlfmus,  ree» 
coniiliB  o^roM  duan».  And. 

osinBli»]  IMnm  atmalim. 
quod  potern^  nb  a  pelJilo. 
Ena.  ii.  I,  e.     Sihi  puUrtid- 


■niJiiitbH]  Adelpb.  Pivl. 
-   .'honn.  Prol.  S5. 
<K7h]^     .4evn*     <|uicqunm 

Hiaer,  oniM  >tqug  tini. 
iT.     2,    l^.     Cuiqunm 

«TcuiueP    Htaal,    iv. 
que  omdiP    H< 
Virii.  «Me  adnTW 
dium  «t  H<HL  i 

T>     Aa- 

a«9iiiBl   Adeile  «oiiD  Bn 
»D.  ADif.  Prol.  24.     PoiEu). 

3,  23.     ^foium  ef 
cen.  Euu.  P™1.  4! 

Adelph.  lii.  4.  £8.  V.  medlo 
atfanm  eicedere  nt.  Hec  ir. 
3,  14.  lilue  B«aiB  boniqiie 
&cia.  Henut.  iT.  S,  40.  Cu- 
pia,  aiifai  modo  lilquid. 
Adelph.  ii.  1.  33.  Prneter 
«qiiiDBqueetbannm.  Adelph. 
i.  1,  S9.  Si  iln  atwaiin  cen- 
n.  Adelpii.  iv.  3.  10.  Non 
aeipiMm  ilinL  Adelph.  t.  3. 
17,  Ne<)ue  ideo  el  ii«iki  el 
boQo.  Adelph.  t.  9.  30.  Qua 
aeqiHBT  <um  Punpliilo.  And. 
Ii.£,  18,     .^sTiiade  me  dix- 

Qul  u«,ue  ji 

Aeacitlajma\  Quod  1e,  Aei 
culapi  et  ts  8lJa>,   se  qui< 

knd.  i.  1,  27.  Hajui  fomu 
tque  tuiaiem  TiiicL  And.  i 
.,  61.     Dum  licitum  «I  ri 

And.  iii.  S,  7.  Neqne  Kibu! 
nequeperiutoteiBellftm  potu- 
eni.  Eun.  i.  S.  33.  Form.  el 
«etai  ip«a  eat  Eun.  ii.  3.  83. 

et'  beneToleDtin  plDS  •ein. 
Hnut.  i.  1,  63  Illa  ttai 
mngil  itd  hKC  utenda  idon« 
«C.    Hennt.   i.    1,  31.      Ego 

nm  dtbam.  Heaut  i.  1,^. 
Mihi  Tidere  pneler  aeialtm 
tuim  luere.  He.ut.  I,  l,  7. 
Cnm  uno  «taten  ngere  Tiro, 
HcLut.  ti.  4, 12.  ataetattm 
eenHeTelle  id  udmuluierP 
Heut,  iT.  3,  3B,  Quod  lllot 
■M  aelai  «uet.  Adelph.  v,  3, 

■pmprr  aliqnid  apportet  nnTi. 
Adelph.  r.  i.  S,     CuutTiTi  in 

2,30.  Ad 
Mjiimu.  roctiOL  Adelph.  t.  3, 
46.  Odlou  hiee  eel  aelai 
■ilDlcKeutuiii.  Hec.  iv.  3.  13. 
Ul  ne  cui  mea  longinquil». 
aelala  obitel.  Hoc.  it.  2,  20, 
C.pili  at<)ue  aetali  illonim. 
Hec.  iii.  1.54.  Un.intfrnot 
•  gen  atiatem  \\ee»t.  Her.  ii. 
1, 10.  UbiTii  jreDtium  wrre 
aetatem.  U<».  111.   I,  4.    I4e- 

a2ta!^X-t\  21™  T« 

prmeterierat  jun  mA  duefudBm 
aelie.  1'hDrm.  ii.  3,  76.     Ndd 

neBllKentiun.    Phonn.  i»,  1, 
4.    Utrumuno  oefa/eiB  drfe- 

atUnm]    Spero    aefcnm 

inter  noe  gnliun  finc.  EuD. 

Aiiiiepia}  Eon.  iii.  3. 13. 

afMii,]  Veditoreaeajr..- 
ftiVu,  et  bene  pnicedii.  Adcl- 
phi  T.  6.  S. 

q^K«oJ  Hi  gWi.torio  ui- 

Tvt.    And.  i.  4,  8.     Hiec  pri- 

muma^rfnr  jimmihiabW 
falluiii.  Aud.  lii.  1,  13.  Hic 
quoque    bou.m<]Be 

3L  23.  D.  mihi,  itoue  ajTtf 
mihi.  ii.  1.  11.  Nuli. 
rei  qiuo  mihi  ugritudinen 
afferat.  iT.  3.  2.     So- 

CD.  ajirt  hominibuL  AMph. 
T.  3,  47.  lAborem  ininem 
i|*B>  cuHt,  et  ilii  moleelism 
aJfM  Her.  iii.  9.  9.  Qnod  =1. 
ipcDiittafni  h(.  >ibi  oiHid  rel- 
Utam  pulet.  Phorai.  Frol. 
32.  Minbuii  tu  raihi  quic- 
qu»m  aftrrw  novi.  Phorm. 
iii.  3,  6.  Vide  liqDid  opii 
pDtc*t  aArre  hnic.  Phonii. 
lil.  3.  20.  Mlhi  apna  mi 
■tiqumnluluin  quBe  afierrei. 
Phorm.  iT.3,5a  Aniilii  ni- 
hil  aferva.  Adelph.  iii.  2. 
2.  Vide  etiun  udei  ut  nilii 
haec  rert.  et  cUnt  hMb/ptv. 
Hec  T.  4,  1. 

ajficiol  Quon.ra  Btodo  Dnric 
te  uffeaduB  aJTeHam?  Her. 
III.  1.45.  Alio  niipKUK  iDsr- 
bo  meTiturum<i^cte]iL  Her. 
iii.  3.  6.  dm  irtin  el 
•olliciCudiBO  nfflcit  rnBlnt.' 
Phorm.  ii.  4.  1.  TBUtBne 
afftetttm  qiieriou.m  cmc  ho- 
ininem.ndui.?  Phaiin.  t.  7. 

q^ini]  I4eqne  illBram  a/- 

lenentJL  Homl  ii.  1,  &  Ei 
genoretii^liMaplBewit,  Hcbbl 


T.  1,63.  AOiiuMfut.  Adclpb. 
T.  8,25.  Phonn.  ir.  1,16. 

qginlat]  NaltaneegD  Chrs- 
mcUt  pacto  affimlaUiH   eSu- 

Sn  polero?    And.   i.  S,   12. 

litemeaffiiBlaieaihuic.  Hee. 
ii.   3,   lO:     AJiMiialeai 

4,  14.  HiDeiv  amtdiatem 
bmnc  intar  n»  Tolo.  U«.  iv. 
4,  101. 

afflicto]  Nc  tBa^iu^  Eun. 

'  (^K^l  AgiUi  at  hic  >ub 
nrbe  Hulmn.  Addub.  t.  8, 

qjrer']  Ne4)uc  agri  niquc 
nrb»  odium  me  unquim  per- 
cipil.  Eua.  T.  5,  2.     Affrva 

Heant.  i.  1,2.     AgnimiBhii 

«ut.  i.  1,  II.    jloB- oppo- 

S6.     Agnun  d«  nutio  y%- 
colondum  hmbcbaL  Phcrm. 


iv.  1,47  Aggndiar,  Bvcbii, 
ulTe.  H.-C.  T.  1,  5.  Sitit 
^Uitt  oggrediniinL  Phorm.  t. 

agHo]  ApDd  CDm  mila 
Jyionynt  agiiaL  H«uC.  It.  4, 
1 1.    Agitwem  libercintrrToa 

ii.  8,  4.  Id  quidcm  agiUua 
mecum  wdula.  Phorm.  It.  3, 

affnum]  1d  medium  hnc  aa- 
mem  cnm  vecti.  Eiin.  it.  7, 

afio]  Obferrei  filiniD,  <iuid 
agat.    And.  i.   1,   14Sl     Ah, 

agm?    And.  i.  s!lB.  "« 

Snid  auam  cectum  e*t.  Aod.  i. 
,  4.  Quid  aanRhabeo.  And. 
iii.  2,  13.  Ageage,  ut  libct 
Aud.  ii.  1,  10.  Aae  nunc 
iuD.  And.  T,  2,  23.  Agi 
FKiDphile ;  eii  Pamphife. 
And.  T.  3,  30.  Scd  quid 
agam  1  ideunne  ed  enm  ? 
Aad,  iT.  1, 15.     Mt>  Gl^cc- 

fi,  a  Quohincleaau?And. 
iT.  2,  23.  pDdicg  Tltwi]  pvce 
mc  duriler  ogetaL  Aad.  L  I. 
48.  Ego  id  agam,  qui  mlhl 
ne    delur.     Aud.   ii.    1,    39. 

Suid  aaun  «sito.  And.  li.  2, 
.  Hocqjnm.  And.  ii.£,4. 
Hociae  IV»  an  non  ?  And.  i. 
2,16.  QuidtuP  quoliincle 
agiil  Aiid.  iT.  2,  '25,  Aliu 
rte  agiM.  Eun.  ii.  3,  56.  Qnid 
aaii,  homo  impudnn»?  Eun. 
iii.  1.33.  Sidueo^f  Eud. 
iT,  7.  84.  QuidnnnciMiiniit? 
Eun.i..7,41.     Velniu-m- 

guia)uid  foccnm.  Eun.  iii,  1. 
3.     Agi  inepte.    Eun.  ii.   3, 

iv.  4,  37.     Mi^i«  rero  agere 

1,  1.     Rem  »riHm  Tcilea^tfre 

__ 3,102. 

qiiiddeillo.  qand  dud 
cum  tyi. 
34.      Qi 

9,  Meluo  quj<l  iraaiR,  Ho,i 
iT.3,42.  Quidcumilliiu^ 
qui  neqoc  ju)  ncque  honi 
«ique  nequum  Kiunt?  H»i 
iT.  1.  29.  Cuni  uno  leteti 
Heaut.  ii.  4,  1 

Heant.  iii.  1,  67.  Aeta  hiec 
ne   «t.    H»ut.    iii.    3,    3. 

Ofialin'  qtiam  lua.  Heuit.  ii. 
3,113.  .^ou^tiaiF  Adelph. 
iT.  3,  B.  Xibilaoi».  Adelpb. 
T.  8,  12  Quam  toi  lacillime 
•Vttu.  Adelpb.  iii.  4,£6.    llle 

otio,  in  conTiviii.  Adelph.  v. 
4,  9.  Quid  hciam?  quid 
.^n?Adelpb.  T.3,3.  Vide, 
qnam  rem  agai,  Adelph.  iii. 
2,  46.  Kuri  o^e»  TiUm. 
Adelph.  i.  1,  20.  Quidflt? 
quid  affHur  ?  Adelph.  t.  £,  2. 
Ot,  ac/a  haec  unt, 
Kiat.  AdeljJi.  It.  S.  2.  Quid 
atnlHrJ  D.  Quid  agal*rJ 
Adelph.  iii.  3,  19,  W.  Bcnc 
dicat  aecnm  emiactim.  Adel- 
Dbi   ii.   2.  2.     Omnea  le  iu 

tanl.  Heaut.  it.  S.  50.     flle 

Hcc.  T.  3,  28.  Lcen  iwifo. 
Pl«™.   ..   7.   91,    Viciiaim 

liuut,  D»  agai.  Fhorm.  ii.  3, 


M  m  2 

!  i..  r*?" 

Ut  quill 

Ain  tandem  t  And.  t.  3,  4. 

Ait?    aw.     Eun.   >!.    2,    21. 
Quid  tu  ou,  Onatho  ?  quid  tn 

Quid  aiiJ    Hcai 
Quid    ip«e?     C 


■uslneanL  Phnrm! 
Id  qniid  ouuM  !  au- 
rjuui  Eeneo  lupum.  Pfaorm. 
iii,  2,21.  Ita  fuKiai,  nc  pra». 
tcrcmm,quod  aimt.  Pfanim. 
T.  2.  3.  Aieia.,  Heaut,  t.  t, 
£l(Kenote).  Aiihant.  Aoi. 
>ii.  3,  2.  Aiiiat.  Aod.  t.  4, 
27.  Aiibat.  And.  t.  4,  29. 
Adelpb.  i..  6,  S.  Phorm.  iiL 
1.  16!  Aiiai.  Heaut.  t.  2, 
7.  Adelpb.  i..2.22.  Aiianl. 
Hcc.  ii.  1,  41.  Phonn.iT.  1, 

aiacrii]  Quld  tu  ea  tiiitii  ? 

iuidTe  ea  alanriil  Eun.  ii.  3, 
algeo]  Ne  aut  ille  alieril, 
BUt  niiuam  eeciderii.  Adelph. 

lUiai]  Qaid  a!iai  malim 
quam  hodie  haa  fieri  nuptiaap 
And.  iii,  2,  49.  Aiiai  tlt  uti 
pooim  caim  hac  iDlegra.  Hec 

alibn  Neque  ii^.  peqne 
ahbi  tibi  erit  aiqium  in  me 
maia.  And  iL  fi,  S.  Hinciriii 

S™t.  iT  3.°S8!'"H'aheUm  ' 
aiibi  animDm  amori  deditum. 
Hec.  iii.  1,  14. 

o^ichIi]  Ulinam  hic  prope 
ademel  oJiciiii.  Adelph.  iii.  4, 

aliaimie,alufiide]  Venitme- 

2.34.   Quil 
?,"6,  si™ 

aliao]    lU  Doa   aliina 
Heant.  t.  2,  36. 
aliiMMi]  Prope  adcat  c 

C  k")0<^  lc 

mihi.  And.  1.1,125.  Vi.1fn 
oCtuni  etdbutanid&cimt oiie- 
au  f  Enn.  ii.  %  34.  Uliora 
atiami  puum  gloriBui.  Eua. 

tait  oti  tiU.  atiemi  ut  curk? 
Heuil.  i  1,  34  CoiDp.  2S. 
Alie,»  ut  meliui  Yldntit 
ounm  tut..  HhuL  iii.  1,  91. 

«(wm  alinto  metn.  Adelph.  i. 
1,60.  IB  Mdii  irniii  a/>«>at. 
Adelpb.  i.  3.  9.  Aliniiore 
•atatB.  Adelph.  L  2,  30.  11- 
)um  ofM»  uiimoinobiinH. 
Adrlph.  iil.  2.  40.  Aliema 
Mt  «bnottn&milia.  Adelph. 
iii.  2.28.  Alimi  n«n  »10, 
Adelph.  i.  2,  57.     Vobi.  .  .  . 


Bi«L  Adelph.  T.  8,  3 

3,  84.     gnum  uiel 

renim  lolli  proBUo. 
.61.  QnumejuiaJH 

|t.  4,  36.  QiKiiD  eiro  *e- 
quitur  aiiemu  piter.  Hec. 
Ir.  4,  27.  111«  li  me  atii-m 
■fflnem  Tolet.  Phorm.  i*.  1, 
16.  AtttaliamtMait.  Pbor. 
iy.  4,  25. 

oitjiUfifHnl  (MiDu)  pro 
Mmanii  ittoi.  Heul.  ir.  7, 

s/tal  ForUne  m  preTectni 
o&o  tuem-  Eun.  ii.  2,  49. 
Fruotum  ne  quindo  Intnl  tu 

Illi  •num  uiimum  alia  eonre- 
TUDt.  H»ot.  ii.  4.  10. 

ationam  |  Neve  aliomm 
■Iqne  ego  feci.uceperiL  Ban. 

aliqaa'^  Ne  oJijua  wi  p*' 
Irem  hoc  nemunet.  Adelph. 
ii.  4.  19.  Ne  uinr  uJipia  hec 
reuiKtt  me*.  Phorm.  ir.  1, 
roa/i^Bauxor  mn 



■.  Hr»ut.iil.  3,  II.  Cur 
non  ludo  hunc  aliqiiaitiijperf 
Adelph.  iv.  5,  *. 

ahriiiaiitiil^iii]  Sliblriilii  vi- 
■ui  e>l  «M  n/ianaiif  t/niii  mih  i, 
Aud.  ii.  2,  16.  4»Mto,  tw)- 
dem  a/iowiiidi/iiM  tihl  puce, 
Heut.  L  1,  111.    aed  mibi 


Eun.  i.  2,  £1.  AliqMaBta«i 
iuiquior  ervt  pruter  cjui  lihi- 
dinem.  HnuL  i.  3,  sf. 

o/roiM]  Aliaxid  motutri 
«lunt.  And.  i.  S.  16,  Ali- 
qtnd  fhcerem  ut  hoc  ne  fkce- 
rem.  And.  i.  6  24.  Alqoe 
aliqmt  dicat,  nil  promoTorie. 
And-iT.1, 16.     Hicnnncme 

li.3  19.     Dummliod 

a/(«H<fligiti  conBml.   Pbor. 

a/igw]      Dum    prefieitcor 
o/tfw.    And.  il.1,29.    lllum 

ir.  3,  2fi.  Ne  denuo  milcr 
a/iono  eitnidirhine.  He«ut. 
It.  6,  5.  Crcdo  ■bduclum  Id 
nneum  a/ifuo.  Adelph.  iii. 
S,  6.  llinc  egeni  profugiet, 
aiiqao  milibitum.  Adelph- 
iii.  S.  31.  Quintura  potetl, 
o/ifw  ibjiciend*  eiL  Adelph. 
iT-7,28.  Iniiigulum  -'--- 
ibeun.      Adelph.    t.    ! 

guuluL  Hsc.  iii.  8,  S4. 


iiiptiii  prodct  dite.    ADi 


_         _        Pbmi 

1.   B3.      AlioMl  im  Hmm 
dieo.  Phorm.  T.  2,4. 

aUler]  Aliteremiitm^i-' 
Intelligit.  Aud-  Pnl.  4  Ti 
u  hic  ei*,  alilfr  ■eotJH-  iod 
il.  1.  10.  AlittT  Mm  u» 
rem^tgue  e«i  101011.  Hnn 
11-  3,  23.  Siu  aiiltT  mw.': 
leMer  eU.  Adelpb.  iiLI.4e 
NuiiqQun  te  aliltr  ilqiic  r>, 

Adeipb.  iT.   3,  6.    8i  od" 

BtBa.       Adelph.    It-  .1.  1- 
■ud  aliler  cenKO.  Adfl[* 

rcm  ei  a/ui  eogiure.  EaD. 
IT-  2,  S.  .i4/ku  ree  •g».  Ed- 
ii.  3,  S7.     AUad  ex  alie  » 

Miiit.  iii,  1,61.    Apudo/n" 
cihibetdigDJtu;  «pudaJ™» 

o/tiiif  ■peetm.  Heaut.  r.  S. 
Ut  n/ilirf  rx  atit  incii 
Heut.  iii.  3,  37.    Ut 

-i4iiW  f 
Hcc.  ii.  2,  30.  AUtd  ti  »'■ 
rem.  Hec.  t.  1,  24.  Illeiil«> 
rc«  igert  m  ■imuW.  Hk  ' 
3,  Sa  Timeo  ne  aW  cR' 
dun,  ■tqne  tliud  Buniir*. 
HscT.4,4.  QuMRfeliihM 
TinuB.  Pbor.ii.  1,W.  Nar 


5.     Ut  iiiia    ficM   l 
Phorm.  T,  8.  31. 
alltffn]  Vt  Bt  cm 

Adclph.  T.  S.  5fi. 

ADd.   ii.   i  6.     Quid  «uu 
homincm  ulin,  et  bUnde  in 

{riueipio  ailamit  Fhorm.  ii. 
atfwfo]    Forto  hibui   Kor- 
tam :    eoBpit  iid  id  ailadm. 
Euiuiii.  1,34. 

alo]  Aliqiiid  moiulri  alual. 
And.  i.  fi,  15.  Aul  eqiiot 
And.  i.  1,  30.  Qiiui  illim 
alnil  pVTulsm.  Eun.  t.  "3, 
£3.  Illukeine  mulierein  alen 
can  Jlla  &miliBp  HeauC  iv, 
5,3.  .^/ililluiuliuamiiom 
funillua  •oMentat.  Adelph. 
Ui.4,36.  Huie  tuDn  rediW 
Kiliecti  ot  alamal  noitrurn. 
P.  Qa«m  ipM  negleiit  iiater. 
ego  alam?    L.    Quid  diitiP 

eedo ;  ego  aJam.    Hcc.  iv.  i, 
86.     ASn  nnlunt  hominem 
edKem.  Phorm.  ii.  S,  21. 
alltr)   Unui  el  item  altar. 

ett.  Enn.  v.  «,  a  Allenie 
dnm  nunt,  forle  kudiri. 
Heaut.  ii.  3,  30.  Repodium 
aUerae  nmiwrim.  Phorm.  T, 
7,35.  Cammui  K<|uun  nter- 
qua  ptTtem,  tu  alUram,  tpt 
ilem  alleram.  Adelph.  i.  2, 
fiO,  61.  Uiu  injnri*  eii 
lecum :  altera  »t  tecum. 
Fhorm.  t.  7.91.     Huce  or- 

oiwiAo]   Hoc  agilo,  anoio. . 
EuD.  i.  2,  50.     Id  amabo     '    ' 
JuM  me.    Eun  i.  S,  70. 
amaho.  Eun,  iii.3,36,  A 

5,    31.      AmabOj    quid 

tn  !niidi*bereP     Hcc 

n  Incile  luec  Anial. 

■t.   3,   23. 

iloi  conm 
uum.  Eun. 

pol  ifUkm  piucoi  nperiu  i 
letrlcibui  lidelt*  CTeni 
amalora.  Ueci.  1,1,2, 

miiiffaat}  Etiun  : 

flMnl     aui&HnHIIII    h 

Hw,  iT.  1.^. 

i.  2,  se. 

amlio]    Ambo    oppBrtnoB : 
r«Tolo.   And.  ii.  2,8'     Q^i 

lovent,  And.  Prol.  10.    Poit 

2,    fe^' 

aiaio&iH  dodi.  Eun 

F.  3,  33.  Ego  Tnpulnndi 
le  TcrbeTando  utque  ain&c 
efeniiumuL     Adolph.ii.  2 

el.  Phoim.  i.  2,  lA. 
mbulo]  Aialmia.  Heiut. 
3,139.  DefDHUi  <um  ani- 
II  n^.  Adf-lph.  It.  G,  I, 
me  am/mia»do  Tiimperel. 
c  iii.  4,  21,     AmimlaiHlo 

T.  7.  43. 

6Wc(.  Phi 

anwiu]    iDceptii 

i.  3, 13. 

ttoMbtcameiUiaenf  H« 

1.  iii.  %i2.    Timel  «ni- 
s.   Ilnui.  i.2,l£     Megia 

.    Uade 
1.  Ami- 

n  ut  bftbeu  prope  jan 

Cuc  emil  amicaml  Adelph. 
T.3.14.  Uetut  e>t  de  anuo. 
Adelph.ii.2,16.  SciTiillum 
a>H>a.«  h>bere.   Hec.  it.   1, 

Hec.  T.  2.  25.     Humo  ido 

Fhorm.  t.  8.  62. 

amidlia]  Nunc  te  peroMi- 

And.  ii.   1,  26.     Per  ego  to 

liain.   Aiid.  iii.   3,   6.     Buia 

citia  ttt  mn.    And.  t.  1,  1. 
QuDd  ego  iu  proiiinqum  parlB 

•djungilur.     Adelpb.  i,  1,  42. 

42.     Ei  qui 

.  Adclph.  ii,  2, 
flrmioiem  iiiler 

li.  2,7.     Sie  Mleoaeu- 

IL  lil.    1,  8, 

Homo  amieM  nobi 
■  pufTO.    Adelph. 

■  hm  lnd< 
m.  S,  )I6 

.    Adelph.  7.  3 

™,  ^"""Hec 

ii.    1,  U.^    Solui 

Phorm.  U.  3.  84.  Aliqnot 
mihianHwmdxHsiibo.  PhanD. 
ii.  1,  83. 

mnHo]  TliBWuarem  dn- 
etnt  liuie  «luHanT  And. 
T.  S,  27.  ]IImii  •  caniwctu 
",S,2.     8i- 


lillum  C11 
ii.2, 10.     OiTBnepriui 

iltat.  Eun.  iv.  6,  13.  An 
.  ouuionem  amUfmn  t 
n.  iii.  5,  fiS.  QuidTit 
Is,  <IDmm  hnac  amiimni. 
«ut.  IT.  8,  18.  T«tl>  me- 
n  eit  «nnuiui,  quem  ipK 
iKnii.  Adelph.  lii.  S,  1». 

i.   2,  S?,™ 


ii.  2.  9. 


10.   Phon 
eque  quomo 
nTcnio.   Phi 

relinenrii  copi».  Pborm.  i. 
3,  34.  Video  filium  inTitDm 
une  malierem  ■))•  m  oauC- 
(m.  Pbc™.  Y.  7, 27. 

amo]  Hi   tree  tnm    rimul 
omaAaiif.  And.  1,1,61.  Dnm 

11.6,13.    Inceptio  «tuneii- 

1,3,13.  8cimui,<|iHmmlK- 
rebnneaiiurif.  And.iii.-J,  M. 
Anantium  iru  unorii  ints- 
p«tio.  And,  iii.  3.  2S.    Ni>i 

de  fidicin 

i>taeP  Edh, 


H.  Enn.  i.  2 


nTeni   modo 

mL  Eun.  iT.  2.  18.  Nibil 
cM  Tbtide  hM  dirnint  qnod 
onwftir.  Kun.  t.  B,5a.   Q„,n- 

wnt.  T.  4,  a  Hcrilo  to 
».  Adelph.  T.  S,  33.  M>- 
i  ts  quim  oculot  nnnc  anio 
eia.      Adelph,    It,    S,  67. 

iuicn.  Adelph.  t.  7,  5.  Hn- 
li,  awan  pro  mro.  Adelph. 
1,22.  Quun  hjc  noti  ana- 
fmentricsm?  Adelph.  i.  2. 
1.  Inter  •«  anMr*.  Adelph. 
3,  42.     Keno  anaiO'  ux- 

1»   lo 

«   h.b.o    gTmti.m. 


2.  4.     Ita-me  Di 

ai  amat,   ul    mihi  licnt 

m    diu 

qnod    aiiio    frui. 



1   Hine  toi  oikA- 



And.  T.  ],  10.  Mfretrieioi  Dnptiii  conjjluliiuii  ? 
And,  T.  4, 1«.     Utin.ra  «Kt 

Ein.T^?"]""^  a^ 
bircomniainvintTiliL  Ean. 
I.    1,    14.      Meque,    prMler- 

Om  hiUt.  addu,   Ei<n.  i.  1, 

■b>ii>.  Hoiut 

m  pennitK 
3.  110.  » 
>  dr  amoT, 

Menm  aMon> 

Adelph.  ir. 


Hihrbuu  ^libi  ini- 

iii.  1,  J4.     He  pamiti  potiin, 

SLAm  antori  olvequi  OHrtet. 
ec.   iii,   4,   34.     Qoa  |Mo 

ri  tuQ.  Hec.  iTT?-  Hotnne 
aJifom  diitnhi  poterinmti? 
Phon*.  ili.  ■•.  34. 

i.  2,  10.     Pranu)  B  ne  opil 

deiph.    ir.    3.    14.      T^em 

Hec,  ir.4.72.  Hadotobine 
aimxc.  Fborm.  iii.  8,  S4. 

amfUrlar]  S\  M>  illsm  m 
iomnK  quim  illum,  OMpfati 
Duluit.  Aad.  ii.  5,  19. 

ampiaor]   Mittojin  aera- 

iH.    ].  9.      8i    fertc  ftwrhui 
amplior  ttctMi  tiet.    Hec.  iii. 

aw^jiu]  Qnid  nt  quod 
llbi  moi  m  elBrere  bor  p«- 
>it  ampliiul  And.  i.  1,  4. 
XDmqnidnim  amvtia»  tihi 
cnmitUfuiir  And,  U.  1.25. 
Etianine  ttmplinl  Emi.  i.  2, 
G8,  Nee  rei  fore  iUH  oif 
n/uir  quicquim  fiiit.    Heoqt. 

amplimt.    Adelph.  i 
23.      Quid    bciun 

Adelph.  iT.  7,  14. 

Killa]  Ab  Andrit  rM  m- 
haec,  And.  iii.  I.  3. 
A  DkTo  egoiHt  Tidi  jui^ 

:  SCTliuit?  HMUt  i.  1,  7a 

dominu  qui  ilfKiuit  viav. 
wDt.  ii.  3,  S9,  60.    Spoi»r 


HMnl,  ii.  3,  62.  Uiori 
emcada  (mciUiila  tat.  Pbenn. 
■T.  3.60.  He  ire  •Uaun  wJ 
laerotmii,  iButUiifuii  eiotiim. 
Fhonn.  T.  S,  10. 

Andi-ia}  HenuideT  fecit 
^■JruBi  etPeriathism.  And. 
Pral.  9.     loAndritnviyt- 

And.  Prsi.  13.  Vereor  db 
qoid  Attdria  apportct  m&li. 
And.  1.  1.  46.  Ab  JndHa 
cKaodllahuc.  And.iii.  1,3. 
Ab.iii^n<i  at  tiaec.  And.  it. 

Andrhu]  AsdHum  ego  Cri- 
tonam  lideo?  And.  t.  4,  3. 

Aadm]  El  Aitdro  com- 
miirnTit  bac  (icinlM.  And. 
i.  1,  43.  NmT*m  ii  tregit 
apud  Andnm  iniiiUm.  And. 
i.  3,  17.  Naii  fnLcta  ipud 
.^iidndii  eiectui  eat.  Aud.  i. 
4,20.  Eadeni  hiec  multi  ilii 
iD.JiiiJ»audiTere.  AihI.t.4. 

je&i.  iT, 

oitswiil  jjii^Htper  implu 
Tium  decidit  de  (egulii 
Phorai.  iT.  4,  26. 

angidur]  In  oiii^Wiifli  ftli 
qua  >be>m.  Adeiph.  t.  S 

lujri'!'!^]     If*e  re   ib  oH 

<i»Ub]  Memini  td  me 
nocte  pnma  coDfuffrre  ojtAtf- 
/aatoH  doiDuai.     }lec   t.   3, 

aaiada]  Importuniutem 
BpecUte  aniailae.  And.  i.  4, 
4.     Neqoe  notui,  aeqiie  cog- 


nHtta  extinguerem.  Adefph. 
iji.  2,  16.  ..Iiuiiiam  recipe. 
Adelpb.  iii.  2,  26.  Animaia 
relinquun  poliiu  quam  illiu 
dewrun.  Adelph.  lii.  4.  53. 
Quid  li  «ixian  debetP 
Pbonn.  iT.  3.  56.  Animam 
campretu  -,  lurem  BdmoTi. 
Phonn.  T,  6,  28. 

aBimadrerlo]    Ek  primum 

eet.  Anil.  i.  1,  129.     O  faci- 

credidiid  magii  qutm  tete 
oiiinaiftvniiru*  i  Phonii.  iii. 
1,  3.     Foitquun  tantepere  id 

And.i.  1,29.  PerciiHil  ilico 
aniKiiiB.  ADd.i.  1,98.     SItI 

Alld.i.2,17.  Ipeum  (Mlnnn 
ftcgrotiim  ul  deteriorem  par- 
tem  plerumque  «ppliciit.  And. 
i.  2,  22.     dutn7TnouH.  ™- 


i.  5,  25.  Qdus  mihi  t 
afliinHiii  mtqua  omnem  Titu 
ciedidil.  And.l.  6,  37.  Rei 
diditti  aflirniuii.  And.  ii.  1 
33.  Ftiui  qa«a  tuon)  ti 
KBe  hebcat  aniniaM  ed  nu[ 
ilu  penpexerit.  And.  il.  3, 4 

And.  ii.  6, 15,    Lncriiiue  n 


Uri   meo.     And.   It. 
Ne  iltii  annKin  indui 
dere.    And.  t,  1,  15. 
mi.noli  te  mnretwe.  1 
2,   2      ScripU    ill>  1 

Adeate  Kqua  oiitiw'. 
Prol.  24.  Ei  iHinia 
at  fert  nUum,   &ciu. 

lal   Aad.  T.  3,  8. 

aiuiinH  nadebtt  mihi.  Eun. 
iii.  5,  39.     Jun  dudum  on- 

rV  E^ic^^dli^^herde'  M 
huc  molliltet  niniiit.  Enn.  ii. 
I,  16.  Ilt  Utiui  animi  fU 
Eun.  ii.  2,  43.  Quid  iUi 
crsdit  inm  aiiii»'  fuixe  7  Euo. 

iliiui  aninitu  qui  «■  pDiridet. 
Huut.  i.  2.  21.     .dm^iuubi 

matL   Ilenut.  i.2,35.     Nec 

cio  quid  profccto  mibi  oniMiit 

fruugit  m«1L  HeBUl,  ii.  2, 
.  ..liiimiii  10  erza  idem  w 
fuiL  Henut.  li.  3,  24.  NotI 
(go  amutium  amniin.   Ho- 

lemuL'  He^uL  It.  1,  34. 
Xiii  me  oximiw  fnlllt.    He- 

deWl   "aiti^i.'  IIe»ut.   iT.   4, 

lieaut,  ii.  4,  2S.     Opiuionet 


drreL  hUuI,  ii.  3,  126.  llli 
luum  DHiiRui  mtlo  conffrunL 

ille   inteltei- 
l,6S.     Hihi 

m.'2™t'.  'A^^m  non"i- 
verti  primuui.  Hemiit.  iT.  I, 
43.  Ut  ejut  animuiB,  qni 
nunc  tniui^s  et  Ia*ciTii 


.   Heu 


'■  }' 

daat  tnam.  Heiat.  t.  4,  6. 
Credat  aHiiRiiiit  ibi  e»e.  Ho' 
6,    19,     - 

I.  KcauL 

5,  IB,    ^iti» 
perlurbato.  Henat.  i.  t 
70.     Cnm  egomet  nunc  me 

considero.  Hemut.  il.  4,  l 
31  te  Um  leni  et  vlcto  eu 
annio  «lcaderii.  HemuL  ii: 
1,  29.  Tmntunoe  eiae  ii 
oiiiaio  in>citiuml>  Hemut.  ii 
I,  17.      Ne   nunc  oniiiio  it 

LUt.  r.  2,  9.  ' 
ru  f.m>time  oi 
'etlo.  Adelph. 

7.  3!.     Tu 

C  k")0<^  lc 

Adelph.  T.  e 

?!"s,  ee.   1 

T.  S,  32.  A 
Adelph.  ii. 
booa  ORino 
2,  *.  Bon 
Adelpfa.  iit. 
siifiiio  «eqiu 
Adelph.  iii. 

Adelph.    iii 

AdBlph.  ili. '  . 
fiKdt  Adelph.  i. 

«cere  oportet 
58.     ifoc  tu 

ph.  <. 

V  co^Ut.    Adelpi 

ienbh.  AJelph.  W.  3,  il. 
Nunquni  te  aliter  «tiiue  e>  in 
a-imum  indiai  lueum.  Adel- 
ph.  iv.  3,  6.  Age,  noii  taani 
anin«i>ii.   Adelpfa.   ii.   2.   1£. 

Adclph.  i.  1,  43.  In  ammo 
inttituen.  Adelph.  i.  I,  13, 
..4iHnui.olMequi.  Adelpb.  i.  1. 
8.  Animo  n»l«  «it.  Adelph. 
iv.  6,  21.  Quid  illi  ttmdeta 
crediti»  fore  aainii  mit«ro  P 
Adelph.  i*.  5,  32.  DiKnicior 
amal  Adelph.  ir.  4, 1.    Vix 

iil.  2,  12.  Animiu  tibi  pen- 
det.   Adelph.  ii.  2.  I&    Sin 

ph.  i, 

4,  46. 

mon    obitipnlL   Adelph.   ii 

4.3.    .^niiiiu  ■equin.  Adel 

T.  3,  51.     AntmMtnnh 

it  niiKricordlKdBTinctui 

.  huju.  iiyurii 

•ui  esl.  Heo.  i 

iii.  1,31 

diit.  Hee.  iii.  2,  12 



Mw,  inflnnuni  genint.  Hec. 


ui  ul  )it.  Hec. 
Fecit  asirni  ut  in- 
el.    Hec.    i.  2,  46. 

.     Tui 

,  iT.  4,  ea     In   tunam- 

.   Heci< 

Hec.  AlL  Fnil.  42    AnimHH 
induco.    Hec  ii.  2,  22,     Hi 

btbini    tlibi  aaimam   unor 

.^■iniuH  Oectere.  Hec.  Ir.  3, 
2.  Ejui  (lienum  iHe  i  mo 
amimum.  H«.iT.4.S6.   T>n- 

iDnm.  Hcc.  It.  4,  Gl.    Aiti- 

mKta  id  mereaicem  induxti. 


Hcc.  iT.  4.  92.  Eiple  aui- 
Rtin  liL  Hf«.T.  1,28.  Nun- 
quam  AilwBiR  >d  milu  id- 
juum  pirtet.    Hcc.  v.  3,  38. 

Alt.   Prol.  20.     Uno  .niin». 

1.  Hec. 

i.  2,  2. 


mli  ?  Hee.  i«.  4,  63.  NequB 
ille  hoc  <HiiiH>  erit  >eti.leni. 
He«.   T.  1.    90.      Quod   fon 

Phann.  i.  2,  B8.      Oiioium 

1.  1.     Awiino  iiliqilD   hoe  op- 

diuto.  Ph( 
mc  Tirili  pr 
pan.  Phon 
Tiun.  Phor 

f.7,  64.  OU- 
id  me  mfleeunt 
T.  7,  71.     Me 


,  1. 16. 

funiiliulDmti  aiiini&. 
iii.  4,  5.  De  digito  on 
detrkho,  i«  bic  eiE  iwi 
HeauL  iT.  1,  37.  40.  1 
mcciim  ea(  anaijai.  Ad 
iii.   2,    49.     Eripuit   i 

hihen.  Hec.  v.  4,  6. 
™i««™l    Argcntum    o 
srtinC  ilico.  Adelpb.  i 

Heuit.ii.  2, 11.  ^noden- 
ffinla  natuft  ea,  «ut  plm.  Ife- 
*UL   i.    1,    10.      Kgo    novn> 

et  •euRwmo  fiun  ?  AdeliJi. 
V.   8,   rs.      Purre    jun  dio 

Adelplv   T.    8,  6.      Qiucinn 

anlcl  Soliiudaoateoitiuili. 
And.  ii.  2,2S.  A-dn  olium. 
And.   iii.    1,   16.    .,4itta  nM- 

iv.  3,  10.  Addnctum  oi>(e 
oeuloi.  Eua.  iv.  1,  9.  Anle 
■edei.Adelpti.ii.  1,26-  Qa«( 

4.  23.  AaU  bi 
'     4,28. 

iw(<,advcrb.]  Xonneopor- 
tuitpncHiBemeante!  And. 
i.  5,  4.  Id  te  on,  ut  amle 
eamui.  dum  lcmput  datur. 
And.  iii.  3,  23.    AnU  qoBIii 

Hec  i.  2,   71,    Teqne 

,    Hec. 

rumhKcaiiuiMnnl.  Phorm. 
iii.  2.  40. 

Ph^rm.  a.".  17.  "***  '*" 
anUiae}  Quod  anldme  fe- 
eit.nibil>dme>ttineL  And. 
i.  2,16,  UH|aeaiifciae.  And. 
ii.  1,  3.  AaUiat  nunquim. 
And.  T.  4,14.   QuueildictB 

fu'L  H^uLii.  3,29. '  III.. 
quu  aiUehac  bctt  aanL  omil- 
to.    Adelph.  i.  2,  6.    Scio  te 

ciiii  DieL  Adclph.  ii.  2.  42. 
Qau  oiifeiac  fecil  Ubulas. 
Phoim.  Fnl.  4. 

>io]  ThniBmnltatM- 

atilmrlB]  Miror  ubl  r^ 
hiiic  anltTrnarim,  EoB.  IT. 
5,  12. 

Anlipiila]  Teiieanete..4K- 

tatunneo?   HeauL  ii.  4,  ^ 

Antipio]    Apnd    .^iif^- 

domiennL     Eun.T.3,  I. 
anH^tnui     Anliqntm   ob- 


26.     Antiqua  TJ 
Adelph.  iil.  3,  1 

tine,    Adelph,  t 

2,  IT.  "Mo"m 

Y.  4,  20!^  Itor  . 

KrcDU.  H«ut.  L  1,  44. 
iltHt  ton» :  awr  quscflani 
pn>dit.  H»ut.ii.3,3S.  Avta 
Bubtemcn  nebat.     Ueaut.  ii. 

crepiUiiD  dnrnn  ?  Adelph.  t. 
8,  16.  Cum  inullB  oiiiin  lui. 
tepim)  iuiiDieitiu  nan  pu- 
det?  Hec.  ii.  I,  34.  Nun 
quu  haec  <mt»  «t  euni- 
mtt*?  Phann.  t.  1,  5. 

apage\  Ajwgettf.y^Bntox- 
tD\ia\ova?  Kun.  \i.  6,  IG. 
Apofft  le.    Eun.  t.  2,  65. 

aperio]  CoMti  neM«»rio 
K  egierittnt.  And.  iv.  I,  8. 
tlao  difitulo  foret  apvri$ 
fortunatui.  Bun.  ii.  3,  63. 
Ajitnit  ntiuiD.  Hetul.  ii.  3, 
35.  Senet  qui  primi  Tenient 
ii  putem  apenent.  Adelph. 
Prol.  23.  Forei  aperi. 
Addpb.   ii.    I,    13.     AperiU 

Adelpb.  iT.  4.  36. 

apertc]  Keoipe  ergo  aperle 
Tiimeloqui?  And.  i.  3.  34. 
Non  tn  tituc  mibi  diotur* 
aperU   e>  ?     Enn.   t.    I,   3. 

narrato.      Heuil.  it.   3,   34. 

Adelpb.  i>.  fi,  30.    VXaperte 

3.  4».  Tam  apertt  irTideni? 
Pborm.  T.  7,  63. 

anim>r|  Uwrum  TiCam 
<i;>frVumui.  H«ut  i..  3, 

Apelloi  Noa  ApoOitiie  ma- 
gia  wnim  ^ue  W  reapon- 
tum  ett.  And.  it.  3, 15. 

rique.  EuD.  iii.  3,  33.  ille 
banua  Tir  nutquam  aj^rei. 
Eua.  iv  3. 18.  Rsiafswret. 
Adelph.  T.  9,  7. 

apparoi  Nnpliat  domi  ap- 
parari  And.iii.2.34.  Jian- 
Tolur.  EuB.  iii.  5,  35.  Lecioi 
■t^nien,  eoenam  af^iartire. 
Heut.  i.    1,  74.     In  appi- 


Adelph.  T.  7,  3.    Apparare 
j-  j!.   -,nTivinm.     Adelph. 

lEJtu""  Km.  IT. 

appello]  Quo  are  appeUab 

te  mmeUaret  patniin.     H« 
JT.     4,    30.       Nf,     me     i.tnr 

'.  1,  16.    Te  appdh. 


ad  uiorem  opptlil,   And.  ii. 
e,    16.     Kauii  autpiata  huc 

i.  2.^.  Tum  ille  HTnifarle 
opplitBl  primum  >d  CliiTtidii 
patremie,  ADd.T.4,21.  Re- 

Prol.  23.  Hi  te  td  Toa  appli- 
aat.  lleaul.  ii.  4,  13. 

appoao'}  Pmlnlare  id  gra- 
tiae  apponi  uhi.  And.  ii.  I, 
31.  Purr  hercle  eet.  Mulier 
tmiD  appaeuieti  huncp  And. 
iT.  4,  3.     At  iitot  rutraa  In- 

1,   37.     Coena    dubia    aj^- 

aiipartol  Quidntm  omioi^ 
taei  And.  T.  2.  17.  Venor 
ne  quid  Andri4  atnjorff^ 
mali.  And.  i.  I.4S.  Nuntium 
anfit?rto  tibi.  Hraut.  iii.  1, 18. 
Nte  ille  haud  tcit  paullum  lu- 
eri  quantum  ei  dmmni  appor- 
fe(- Bcant.  iT.  4,  25.  Quin 
utni  •eainer  aliquid  apporirt 
noTi.     Adclpfa.  T.  4,  3.     Ap- 


itile.  And 

arm.  Prol.  34. 
ipprtkeiid6\   Pani 
hemlU  pallio.    Phor^    ..   », 


apprime\    Id    arbitrDt   ap- 
DriBMinTitaef--"-     »-■* 
1.  1,  34,  Fmtrei 
prime  nahilem  ?    Eui 
30.      Eltl  rf(a  meii  m 
but  tcio  ette  OTiprini 
quenlem.  H«.  ii,  2,  ^ 

approbo\  Nontatiitc 

lama  oniralia'.  Phon 
approfKTO)  Poalqu 

I.  0,  JV.  .^lpnd  lorum.  ADd. 
i.  6,  19.  Pac  ajmd  le  at  riee. 
And.  ii.  4,  S.  Vii  lum  apud 
me.  And.  t.  4,  34.  Sum 
apud  te  primi».  Eun.  i.  '2, 
lu.  Apud  taeclum  priui. 
Eun.  ii.  2,  15.  Ul  bienani 
in  pkrte  aiiqua  tandem  apnd 
Tbaidem.    *  "  "     - 

Tolo.  Heaut.  1 
fidee  apnd  boi 
iii.  3, 10.    Nei 
amicoram  bodie  apud  queua 

cultt  audeam ;  apad  alinm 
pmbibet  dignitai,  apadtiivm 

riutlacti  pndet.  HeauL  iii. 
.  14,  16.  Frae  inuondia 
non  lum  apud  me.  Heant. 
T.  1,  48.  Aiwd  Tilltm  est. 
Adeli^i,  iT.  1,  1.     Ut  a;>iBj 

weCati  BCJai.     Hee.  ir.  2,  8. 

■eM?  Hec  iT.  (,  86.  Emtci 
d«  Tnti  uncula  jampri  dcm  ajnbl 
me  nliquum  pauiillalnni 
DDmmorum.  Phorm.  i.  1,  3. 
Ilan  pnrram  mihi  Gdem  eue 
ojnd    te  t     Pborm.     t.     3, 

ofiia]       CoDgnim     iitDm 

1  Vi.aTer< 


o^oiia]  VitaTero  eit,  quod 
tolet,  aqiala*  wtiKtut. 
...  ,::  2_  10. 

«nattibi.  ADd.  iT.  3,11. 

Ulmnl  Adelph.  i.  2.  43. 
ar6i]CnifiR]    Ar5£fr1Min  Tct- 

il.  Heaut.  Prol.  25. 
ar^arnr]     Si    fauDc    Daria 
>tii.  non  lU  oriWrBn.  And. 
,  4,  12.     AThilTDr:  certnm 
DD  Kimae.    Eun.  i.  3,  30. 

un.  iii.  1,  19.  Sanuia 
credii  cBte?  M.  Rquidem 
iUror.     Adelpb.  ir.  7,  30. 

Wrnn  viierc?  Adelpb.  It. 
.,51.  Neque  adeo  a>^(rari 
Dtuii  ett  aJiter.  Hec.  it.  1, 
14.    Neque  canTCDlnrum  in- 

C  k")0<^  lc 

S.      Cum  :    abttstriuTn 
*w.     Adclph.  ill.  2,  5e. 

ul,  ».    1,    76,      Provi» 

.     Adclph,  T.  6.  2.     Non 

3,    4.     Ccmmn  Hec.    i.   2, 
109,  110.  iii.  6.  16- 
ArckUemida]    Patrii  cog- 

ehuUmitUiii  aoviftine?    Eun. 
ii.  S,  S6. 
Artianda']  ArAonidihu- 

£  *"-  "-••  •■  '• 

jimdnJum.  And.  i.  4. 1. 

ardeo]  Amnnanito.  Eiin. 
i.  I,  27.  .^nio  iTwinndii. 
Adelfdi,  iii.  3, 12, 

ai^Vnfuniii]  Phudriae  cu- 
nm  adlmere  arumfariain. 
Phann.  t.  6,  46. 

Fugitivuni  arQeahan.  Hnut, 
JT.  2,  11.  Argintam  cuda. 
Hewt.  i*,  4,  n,  Quin  t*t 
puntiim  anjentum.  HauL 
1T.  4,  ]£.  Dfl  arWH/o  HDm- 
nium.  Addph.  ii.  1,  SO. 
An^am  >nniiiiieimTit  liicu, 
Adelph.  iii.  3,  15.  Ncn  tu 
hoc  argtHtam  perdiB,  ied  vi- 
tam  tuiim.  Adelph.  iii.  3,  56. 
Ipcc  Dgcmet  •olvi  arffemium. 
Adelph.   iv.  4,   19.      A   me 

mito.  Adalpii.  t.  9.20.'  Ncu 

Phoi^.ii.  1,  €9.  Ar^lum 
inTcDiBm.  Fhorm.  iii.  3,  1. 
ArgtBtai»  TepeleDk  Phonn. 
IT,  4,  14,  Emunii  aronlo 
■enea.  Phorm.  iv.  4,  1.  Ar- 
Dltro    objectum. 


ynwfidim]      An 
nnrrei.     And.   Pt 

Non  it*  dlUim 
mmlo.    And.  Prol.  II.     Du- 
plcx  qntt  ex  arvnmenlo  fiictB 
ot  limplid.     Hnut.  Prol,  6. 

bbuliw.    Adelnh.  ^rol.  22. 
aridiit]     Hiibet      pitirm 

Heut.  iil,  i,  42. 

orTwtei]    Sed  hii  nltro  oi 
rid».    Enn.  ii.  2,  19.     Nnl 

Tui,  quDd  ego 
i.  5,  23.  SdV 

•mpliiiiF  a  Nibil  i«u  apui 

pirc.  And.  i.  1,  4,  5,'  NiiD' 

arli  meM.  Hwut.  Prol.  48, 
Hsbet  henc  et  pndice  educ. 
tim,  igDMm  aiiii  meretri' 
ciic.  naut.  ii.  1,  14.  ArU 
tncubit  Tirum.    lleiiut.  ii. 

11"  CS 

em.  Adelph.  i' 
um  ,.  ,  Lb.'. 
Hec.  Alt.  Pr>: 

Hec.  Ait.  Prol.  » 

ciJo  opprmit.    Aiielph.  ii.  2, 
arH/ej^]    O  arHJicem  pro- 

onnaelt.  P.  In  ar«iii7  ouid 
00?  Hec.  iii.  4,  17.  Dom 
sxpeeto  in  arte  Callidemi- 
dem.  Hec.  t.  3,  3. 

oawn/D]  Naiem  aietndil, 
Adclph.  iT.  5,  69.  Ibi 
iijc«iido  in  queadkm  excel- 
>um  lorum.  And.  iL  2, 

Ana-\    Msqnii    in    Atiam 

Knequena.     Aiid.  v.  4,  32. 

i.  1,  A9,  la  Atiam  «d  T»ea 
miliUtum  abiiL  Heut.i.  1, 
b'A.  Huic  lllinm  k1(  cmc? 
C.  AudiTi  «M  in  Aria. 
H»ut.  i.  2.  7. 
a«'iiu]    Flibellum    tenere 

■UKultu?      Adelpli. 

leuTui  «»1«  Tide.  Ueut.  iiL 

oJTitfniorJ  Qnun  ie  iMMptT' 
Htair  nDDc  tun  illibetmliirr. 
Phonn.  ii.  3,  24. 

ajnao]  FanenDunitnKiia 
■doUvcDtulun.     AndTL    1, 

And.  ii.  2,  28.    TotiB  Hm» 

hinc.  Euti.    1,   2.   4.     Qdub 

tur.    Ein.  V.    1722.     Port- 

peieram  lo.    Adelph.    iii.  3, 

. . ,  Poilqnm  atpeni,  O  tuino* 
indinium  I  ipDuua.    Hec  iii. 
3,  S.  16, 
aiporto]  Quoquo  blM    »■ 

ert  penequi,  Phaim.  iii.  3, 18. 

2,  22.     Qui  buie  uitmuoi  oi- 
37.     Ne  iJ 

quem  aaufiiEexedent?  Hniii. 
iii.  1,  53.  Hominem  Dohiln 
eum  adjuiue,  aHHfarque  uu 
•cribere.  Adclph.  Prol.  IR 
lllirubiinmaMii^M.  Hcc.  j. 

ui  tute  intelleiti  boc  oi 


tariJ  And.  iii  %  20.  Hine 
■b  deilsn  vcnin  ine  xihniii- 
laie.  And.  It.  3,  20.  Amh- 
jnula&o    quiul    nunc    ff»ain. 

hIi^i.  iL^arilT^M^Utem 
cenHe  reUe  Id  ojnmifJaTvrf 
Heiuit.  i*.  3,38.  Oaatui^uod 

Haul.  T.  1,  15.     Qui  ku  mi 

tir^iiie.    Pherm.    i.    2,   78. 

Phonn.  i.  4,  S2.  Qno  me 
otimataTtnii  in  ed  mercUiim 
noD  ee.  PtiDrm.  *.  S,  53. 

luwto]  Hic  proplw  hune 
(wufa.  Adrlph.ii.  1,16. 

qne  oportet  iipin  e«M  td  lelu- 
I«ID.  And.  iii.  2,  1. 

oitol  Hie  iMlrem  utmn 
■ibuP  Haut  T.  2,  7.  P«- 
n  petre  talan- 

.    PharDi 

i.  Phon 

'.   S,  2. 


aafrtafie]      Hbg     lcge 
mcAm  attraga  i^dem.  Eui 

<ute]    An  in  aita  nn 
Eiin.  T,  fi.  17. 

i.  4,  5.     Hi  ai<ii  I 


lUMe]  .JKkli.  And.  i.  3, 
12.  He  th  s>  aHnlt  vidra 
l«be£»ctuier.  Enn.  iii.  3,  3. 
Satti  oiliito  ■f^redimini. 
Phonn.  T.  7,  76. 

a^aliaj  HemaXMiiu.  And. 
1^.4,25.     Upuieiltuimihi 

(«I    Tene 
nf    Phenr 


iii.  1,41.  J>m  id  tH^nium 
priinum  nugnum ;  munum 
ol  hanunum  Uunen.  Adel|>h. 
iT.  6,  54.  Mi  Tir.  non  mihi 
diciif  C.AI.  If.  Quidalf 
Pboim.  *.  S,  13. 

at  at,  aOafj  Ai  aJ  /  hu 
illad  eit.  And.  i.  1,98.  A 
<a  data  heiele  Terbn  mih 
•unt!  Eun.  ir.  6,  I.  .,4fui 
T.  Num  fonoidnWi  ob 
•eeroH,  mihomap  Rnu.  ii 
6,  la.  Jtlat,  niu  mi  pm 
Biino,  hureo.  Pl.or. ».  7,  70 

a(nri=.J  .^1  fli.'»  i.t»c  i: 
me  cndetur  fiba.  Eiin.  ii.  l 
SS.  At  eriiii  niTe.  Eun.  ii 
6,  13  At  e«n  dicet,  qoui 
tum  bic  opeHf  fiit,  poenitet 
Heent.  i.  1,  20.  il  n>» 
C.  Quid  ef»'n  1  Heuit.  i 
3.  76.    At  eum  Uedet  j 


li.  2,  2, 

oftHw]  Pro^niom  Tetlriai 
•qne     ab    ftvo   elqne   aJaf<c 

ater]  Quo  pu:ta  e 
ntema  pftoem  a^rvJit' 
Lun.  T.  4,  17.     T.m 

Atie«at\  Quidtu  Ailiemu 

tror  crpiwe  uepe.  llec.  i.  2, 

atifae\  Alium  ceneet  nunc 
me  abpu  olim  ?  And.  iii.  3, 
13  Non  Apnllin»  miRii  >e- 
rnm  aff»  hoc  rit. 
And.  iT.  2,  16.  Miicr  erfiue 
lO^cfa.  And.  i>.  2,  19.  Ne 
elLoniim  itique  ho  feci  ■eee. 
perii.     Bun.   i.   2.  2.    Etism 

^lTll'  'XlitJ 
3,21    Tim™ 

1.  H» 

t^que  adeo\  Atgm  ai 
ipto  Itmpore  ecciim  A 
2.  52.    .i<7u  ai^  lon^ 

S,  13.     Ut  clun  «Tenii 
tne  petrem,  alqm  adn  o 
Hec.  iii.  3.  37! 
offHil  Nihil  pronni. 

'.  5,  &.  Almi  nihil  fbcil  quod 
uccenHU.  Phorm.  ii.  1,  33. 
atroa}  lucredihiU  ivUque 

afroet  percitUL    Hbo.   ii).   3. 
aU<n«i,  <a  lamai)    Atta- 

dent.    And.  it.  1,  13*    D.«, 

oUamtM.  Nibilhibeo.  V.At 
laaenABmi.  And.  ir.  2,  27, 
30.  HeiDt.  ii.  1,  13. 

1]  AUalae!  And.  ir. 

:.  16. 

ipelB  nop- 
iii?  And.  V.  4, 13. 

aUindo]  Arqna  anlmo  at- 
emtila.  Bn.  Alt.  Prol.  20. 
Poiiquun  ailemii  muii.  Hee. 
i.  2.26.  Quid  velim  uimum 
laeadiU.     Fharm.    Prol.  2S. 

.  3,  48.     Nimiam  id 

.  8,  31. 
AlUca^  Purlli 

AudiTieiillo  w  e 


am  eltginliBmP  Eun.  t.   8, 
atfijw]  Neineatf^.  And. 

attineo]  Comperiebun  nihil 

d  Pamphilum  quicquioi  oM- 
«e.  /nd.  i.  1,  §i.  Nihil 
dmeaUiHtf.And.i.2,lfi.  Ad 

id  qUHl  ed  te  <i«mrjf  Adel- 
pli.  ii.  1.  82.    Qiiod  Bd  illiim 

Adelph.  ili.  3.  82.  Quod  nii 
hiirc  rem  atttwf.  Phorm.  i<i. 

aUuwo]  Si  itlim  dleitoolW- 
ptrit.  Eun,  iT.  6. 2.  Telijin 
tui  quicquamP     JR.  Si  alli- 

Adel^.  ii.  1.24.     NDcie"ilU 

Simi  Tininem  non  attiril- 
ec.  i.  2.  61.  8i  la  illim 
atHjitrit  leRui  quim  dinDra 
e*t  iibenm.  Phonn.  ii.  3,  01 . 


Nmiiii  poitllls  naaaim  etti- 
ail.  Pbami.  t.  8,  29. 

aUollo]     AUolk     pdliam. 

«.]  Dicli 
Am.    Aad.  ir.  t.  12.   .4a, 
Kcro.  Edo.  !•.  3,  U.  A. 


pb.  iU.  2,  38. 

■iHin]  NnDifaun  ann  pro' 
liam  •Utni  uii  mcie.  Umui, 
Prol.  *8. 

rJir  P^orm'.  ii™    ' '  '''' 
faenim  iDumulibii 
ouloiuliH.  Phorm 
o™™]    Amor.m 

i,  3,   U. 

i.  3, 12. 

at.  Eun.  T.  4,  5.  Avar— 

Hmut.  Prol,  3S. 
Etor]  Quot  hic  ooiteraKi- 

h»b«t.    And.    Pral.  19. 

leieani.  Eun.  *,  ( 
hi.  »bui  qnii  . 
ii.  5,  37.  Ind«  I 
mihi?  Adeliih.  V 

3,  12.    Mmnc  »  in- 

i.  3,  19.  O  boniiaii 
ntcm  auiiadam.  He- 
3,72.     J«:ul.iema>- 

<uc»r,  quun  Danc  ludiL,  li 
derEl.Phonn.Pml.  11.  .du 
cuBiiu    aneri)     quidvii    ii 

rne,  el  feret.     Pborm,   i 

hamioeni.  BDn.iT.1,42.  Ro- 
4,  26.     Qui  tatn  aiirfacu  (ta- 

awtei]  Hcrcla  nihil  jim 
mallin  aadto.  And.  iii.  2, 
25.  QuiliduciiidfKenaB- 
dtBMl  And.  iii.  5,  7.     Nan 

3,  «.    Qa. 



fedt.  Hsult.T.  1,80.  Quiim 
lupe  fbrie  temere  enniunt, 
quu  nen  aikfeor  optve? 
Pharm.  T.  1,  31. 

KiKiv]  Aadm,  Alchjlio, 
jundudunt.  AniL  i.  4,  1. 
Miienm  me,  qnod  verbum 
aaJio!  And.  i.  b.  &.     Quu- 

A^ulio.  And.  iii.  3,  20.  Quid- 
um  aadiot  And.  iii.  4,  13. 
Jmm  ■uiDmri  amrlBi.  And. 
IT.  4,40.  Nihil  amiio.  And. 
T.  2.  22,  Alque  aKf»  1  And. 
V.  2,  -24.  E  Dmn  awtiet. 
And.  ii.  1,  2,  Eao  amdiamt 
quid  Fgo  oiirfiaiii  7  And.  t.  3, 
23.  HiK  awU.  Aad,  iii.  4, 
11.  Tem  mn  &lim  amtierii 
jmm  8cin  poleet.  And.  t.  4, 
19.  Ei  te  a^ifus  qui  mie- 
bmat.  Aiid.  iii.  3,  2.  Quem 
egohieawjuf  Eun.  t.S,30. 
JWiB  tu,  hic  quid  milF  Eun. 
T.  8,  7.  Qume  Term  amdin, 
lncea.  EuQ.  I.  2,   23.     Plui 

T.  4,  S.    Egu  Tero  awf»  c 

HemuL  ii.  3,  3.     Valga  oi 
dici.    Hrmul.  iit.  1,  12. 

quid    cODcer 
>h.ti.2,2.  lau. 

>    Adali>h. 

'teiiuiiflibentcr  Adel- 
T.  1,  19.     Nondum  a»- 


cro.  D.  Noo  aadio.  Pbarm, 
iii,  3,  l. 

amlo]  !•  Tenil  ut  •eeum 
at^duU.  J&.  Viririiiem  al  ae- 
cuni  avtialt  Adtlph.  ir,  5, 

arefb]  IiHMint  inter  Olj- 
cerium  etgnatum  tu  mmgnme, 
ut  ■nrem  poime  antUi.  And. 
iii.  8,  21.     Credo  ei  plmcen 

EuD.  uL».  h 

wn,  AnJ.  T.  6.  1 


iii.  4,  R.  Omile  hoc  matn 
ot/erA  Pborm.  i.  1, 15.  S^ 
met  ipeea  finxEV  opiM-tet-  P. 
' "    -" ...      Pto^.  i. 

5.     Qoite 

aafiir,  Phonn.  t.  6, 
17.  Hiciaculmoobimhoetmn. 
tum  mnrenti  aafiruiT  Pharm. 
r.  7.  fi-i 

aii^ir'»]  Dic  mibi.  oB/ii. 
gittiMt  1  EuD.  T.  2, 12.  Henje 
ai^Tii^eniii    ^tinm    qoam   n- 

»<i)  li 


-    1-   4 

Poetae  md  •cribeB' 

miuMdinduttrimm.  Adel- 
.  Prol.  25.    Si  a^HB.  mnt 

Martiui  qni  aKAii  net.  Uec 

oi^rKio]  Mibi  qaidem  qoo. 
.tidie  aagaeii  muie  de  nlie 
■egHtudo.  Kaut.  iii.  1.  14. 

aeidat)  BuiintermliqDaB- 
tum  md  rem  c^l  ocMvr.  Edii, 
i.   2,  51.     Qumm   infauDetlme 

^"  Elin.   "  4^  i"    Hmhrt 
pmtrem  aaendun  oetfH.  He- 
mut  iii.2,  15. 
ovm»]    Miiitae    miant   in 

Eiin.  iii.  5,  37. 

aarit]  Arripr  oimt,  Pmni- 
phila.  And.  r.  4,  30.  Oimiida 
murdmm  jmm  oiiiin  red<lidet«i 
mthi.    Hetut.  ii.  3,  S9.     In 

32.  Amriiut  tenta  lupi 
Phonn.  iii.  2,  22.  Amrtm 
meti.  Phorm.  t.  6,  2& 



nit.  Pbonn.  i 

7.     Vntiitni    rette    lugubri, 
■iDe  aurv.    Hrul.  ii.  3,  iS. 

Ancillu  ancntu  Tote  itque 

..  Adrlph.  T.  3,  20, 

a«(]  )«w<tn, 
aUiiRj  See  Indf 
(UdinHi]    Ne*t»e 
et  deirule  &cLurui 

aui/iur]  Fari 
non  p«K  to 

,    nihil    tibi    i 
cr.  Adelph.  ii. 

,.]  VI...  ,.,; 

P.  N«|w  pol  o 
habea,  neque  cd 
And.  ii.   1,  19, 

aKn&*nihil  xlfi 
iii.a,2,  Und* 
pettm  ?  Phonn. 

Oifrrb]  Dtn.i 
tvto  Tisiuti  miu 



baliKuml     tlncti 

Mfw,  cr»dia  huic  quod  dicitP 
Eun.  ii.  4,  38.  Quid  per- 
timui  uilcm  Miiia  7  Phoim. 
iT.2,  II. 

6>^aai1  Brliim  fhzieni. 
And.  T.  4.  32.  Sr^iiin.  pu 
nmam.  Uun.  i.  1,16.  Simul 
nm  et  teUi  gloriun  innia 
repKri.  HeiDt.  i.  1,  60,  In 
Mbi,  in  olio,  in  negDlie.  Adet- 
phi,  Prol.  20, 

Mlatl     Unnm     ouidiiuid. 

Ar>»  runim.  Aud.  y.  6,  11. 
Beia  diiti.  Eun.  iii.  1.  61. 
ll>  me  Di  ki»  Hnenl.  Eun. 
T.  S,  43.  Iituc  pol  Tere  beiie. 
Run.  iT.  1.  B,  Bene  putu 
Eun.  iT,  7, 43.     £«7«  tedepol 

Bene  Tmle.   Hesut.  i.  1, 

25.  sim  Bcu  pwte.  H«ul.' 
iv.  6,50.  Tibi  ieiH  ex  aDima 
lolo.  Haut  T.  2,  e.  Tibi 
buH  eue  «li,  .]num  libi  >it 
milo.  Adelph.  i.  I,  9.  Bese 
promeruit     Adelph.  ii,  1,  47. 

*!Mdi«tiBt   - -  - 

Adelph.  ■  ~ 
•ueceiuC  Adelph.  ii.  4,  23. 
Di  bent  TCTtniL  Adclph.  It, 
7,  10.  Quui  re  beite  ECfllL 
Adelph.  V.  1,  IS.  Bene  lab- 
ducU  ntione.  Adelph.  t.  4, 1. 
Tlbiliben>l«iefBXini.  Adelpb. 
T.5,6.  &Heprocedit.  Adp]i,b. 
T.  6,  9.     Bene  n«  >li 


I  illi  dco 


iliquid  h- 
lclpb.  T,  6. 
ebit  use 
03,   Bew 

Phorm.  Prol.  20.  Bexe  lil 
libi.  Phorm.  i.  2,101,  Bent 
hmbent  tibi  principin.  Phann. 
ii.3,S2.  MeipiLriiEmr  )uti 
indiliEester  tutUar.    Phorm 


17,     Vl  benrfidan  ti 
probc».     And.   t.    I, 

jungia,  Adelph.  i.  1,47.  Abe 
quiTii  iiomine  Am^feiMm  mc- 
cipere  giiidHU.  Adclph.  ii.  3, 
1.    Pro  mdclicio  li  beiuficiim 

Phann.  ii.  2,  22.  Foeoermtuiii 

hwcofnf]  Neque  illi  bau- 
voUnt,  neque  uolug,  neque 
coTOilni.  Phorm.  i,  2,  M. 

ieneiMlailia]  Et  lelile  et 
benepoienlia  pJuB  Kire  et  pro- 
Tidere.  llenat.  i.  1,63. 

Aenero/u]    Fmcilem  benevo- 

reildidit.'lKc.  T,  l',™ . 

itn^}  BUode  dicere  iDt 
beniffne  ficere.  Adelnh.  t.  4. 
3«.   J 

comi.    Hec,  t,  3,  39,      Duni 

mui  ot  imtuiio»,  Phona.  v. 

ieo]  O&ctumbene:  ieiuh'. 
And.l.  1.79.  Eniuidiiwte? 
Eun.  ii.  2.  48. 

Uio]    Quod  juni  ei   dmra 

■i,  S.  Prior  frAm,  priar  de- 
cunibu.  Pborm.  ii.  2,  2B. 

baee  Klliciludo.  And.  ii,  6, 9, 
Ego  impetnre  nequeohoc  ibt 

nbo  MJNnin.  In  hoc  WiiBin, 
Thmii,  Tmle.  Eun.  i.  2,  101, 
102,104,  107,  110     Sine  bi- 


Umuiinl  SK»ni»ii  iU  per- 

fBtuDD  illum  tuli.  H«c.  1.  2, 
Mm]     Ei  prudiii   ttlenu 


Mi]  Bit  &cen  itnlta  duco. 
H<K.iii.2,S.  DeMdeincuiHi 

biandil  Quid  ego  poHiem 
blaadt  dicer«  aut  beainie  fa- 
cere.  Adelph.T.l.iU.    llUadi: 



>w]   Abi  Ksut 

Hec.  i.  2,  13. 

w]    CruciorMiin  mil 

H«u"  iv.'^  B.™  * 

Umiitu]  BtmiUupie  vealr 
uliuUai  BUiiie  kequuiiDiiui 
Plnmo.  Prol.  35. 

ioun.iubit.l  SnitaiHufn 
huc  libi  iKTmitto.    And.  i.  £ 

1  qui  ibligurient  liona. 
ii.  2,  4.  O  Jnpiler, 
obaecro  haec  nobi»  hotut. 
v.8.19.  Quu  qni<leni  in 

7,13.  MeiD«niiim>Ai«a 

diiiiHilli.    Heout.  v.  1, 

inmMM]    Udd  ore  Dinnci 

3.33.  floniiiHingeniiim.  And. 
iii.l.S.  InninioW).  And. 
iii.  2,  7.  Inlena  «liquid  u 
ciderit  lnKi.    Anil.  ii.  ),  24. 

Tidere.  Aod.  ii.  6,  17-  Bho- 
dnili  hncTir.quidini?  And. 
lil-  5.  10-  Stln  toH  Tir. 
And.  T.  3,  5.  Qnod  tibi  ere- 
nitten.  And.  T.e,4.  OMHt 
Mt  hie  Tir.  S.  liic  Tir  «l 
«M»;    And.  T.  4,  IZ     Hic 

nugu  bana»  felicitita  omnei 
■dTcrBii  lient.  Eun.  ii.  3,  33. 

utitur  mt^,  Z»\^  Hau°T 
2,  23.     Qui  neque  jut  nsquc 

iO,  Boao  uinM  ee,  Hniiit. 
It.  6.  18.  Di  bori.  Adelpfa. 
ili.3,  86.  PrMleTMqaumque 
et  b.miim.  Adelph.  !.  1.  30, 
IT  2,4.  Neque  mdeo  ei  uquD 
alboao.  Adelph.  T.9,30,     In 

4,  1).  Plui  hodic  W  fec 
Hec.  T.  4,  311.  Bunom,  &mi 
DTi^nitun.    Phorm.  i.  2,  61 

rotmii.PhDnn.i.2,57.  Boaa 

til  »liq'i»m  ptrtem  Mqui  imi- 
aoe  diierii.  Phann.  iT.  9,  32. 
Abj  te  lioc  6r>ird  TeniH  peto- 

I,  17.     Ut  eit  ille  6ofHii 
l-horm,  iv,  3,  33. 

brtBii]      OcQutonem 
TnviM.  filun,  iii.  5, 57, 

pii>  giudio  boc  &lto  fini,  Hec. 
T.  4,  2. 

?'honn°i''.'4.''^'    '"'■""■ 

fiymUul  QuidwgSvTTiwr 

Anil.  ii.  1, 1.     Ibi  forte  huiut 

TideaJ^fTTiUii».  And.ii.2,20. 

CWawwH]      Ctidamiota 

i,  I.  12.  Homini  ilico  Ucri- 
mu  ooifiDif,  qiuw  poera,  gtu- 
dia-  Adelph.iT.  1.20.  QikhI 
muime  opnt  ett  itclu  oon 
radil.     Adelph.  iT,7,22. 

Oudiin]  (tat*  pTimum 
Cawi/ididici  novu,  Hec.  All. 
Pral.  6. 

mtda]    Verberibui  oneHM 

i.  2.38,     Tuilloapraculhinc 

7, 17-  Dnm  «ermKnet  aitd^ 
■wr-  Hc>u(.  ii.  3,  1. 

««W1  VirginemaMHKM- 
Hetui,  V.  S.  18.  Criipui,cni- 
ti»,  OHftM,  Hec  iil  4,  26, 

onlaaiteiu]  FuDdi  mlri  «- 
iamilai.  Eun.  i.  1,  3t.     Ku». 

dere  poait  eaiamilat.  Hcaul. 
ii.  4,  1&     NoTum  iateTTenit 

Pro].  2.     Kun  oppmut  cait- 

ir»  inii^iligcnti»  eeiUbic.  Uer. 
Alt  Pn>i.  22.  23. 

ealaca]  Acceile  id  ignem 
Ku"'i!^i-  P  *"  -»•■ 

oalida]  Vide  no  nioiiiiB 
oa/ir/iii«hociit mado.  Kun.iL 

callto]  Qno  pBcio  id  iScii 
•nlatooU».  HuuLiii.2.37, 

w.  Adclph.iv.  1,  17. 

eallidc]     Qoiil.  hoc    imtrl- 
Bitin?   D.  ImoeatiHl^   And. 


D.  Hoi; 

aiiHUmidei]  CaUidemiJrat 
biupitein  MrcDnium.  Hec.iii 
4.  18.  Dum  eiipccto  in  mrre 
CMidimSdcm.    Hec  v.  3.  3. 

j  Mjro 

it  OMidtmid 




.  1,  14. 

]ci//iiju]  Vclle  in  e>  R  ot- 
idiquuntiaoiUiiJBi.  And. 
!,  27.  Tmh  cotiuliiim  «f- 
■m.    And  iii.  4,  10.     OU- 

F.6.10.  Siquid 
1  el  eaUidim. 
D.     Ego  b«Di- 

Z^!T-"2.V  '™"™- 

nlT]  Fuo  ea£n&M  iKpc 
lulubit  fnutn.  likin.  ii. -J. 
.    Advenum  ■timulom  rvi- 

m,.  Prol.  7. 

I    Ctntili 

7,33.  'cei™ 

nii.  Pho 

iamtnMit.  F 



taena]   Ouil 
mit.  Phorm 

iT.  *,  30, 


aHlifol  Ui  hkbets  quicum 
aaHia.  Adelph.  It.  7,  32. 

mToremui.  £un.  iii.  I,  U 
jui  hinim  tDain  ontaU 
nihi.   HeuiL  ii,  3, 19.     Uj- 


jnUun.  Ln.  t.  2.  21.  Oi- 
ptUw  uuiiii.  Hnut  ii.  3, 
4fi.     pbomi,  i.  2.  J6. 

And  i.  2,  21,  G.uMm  mjk- 
rit.  And.  i.  3.a  Id  coniili 
cupEiv.  And.  iii.  2,  38,  D« 
t«  li  emDpliiiu  ei^At.  Add. 
iv.  1,  2^1     9]  capiendfa  mihi 

iiu  tu  illiui 

Cibam  nom 
cum».  O.; 
tcm.  Cibum  i 
ii.  3,  76,  78, 

iii.  b,  66.  Negdti  ai  quftndo 
odium OTianit.  £un.iii.l,U. 

cDmmodiP  Eun.  iii.  6,  25. 
Quut«m  et  qum  vonm  Uo- 
drm  <ni>M(  l*armenD?  Eun.  t. 
i.  3l  Temilii  jHtroDim  ei^iic. 
Enji.  T.  2,  18.     Ei  meo  pro- 

m^i.  Kun.  T.*^,  ?  Oumei 
mibi  liborea  fi. 





13.     Me 

iil.  I.  91. 
n.Dom  JB^ 

riiUD  omnem  evD  capio.  Adei. 
T.  4.  22.  To  denderiDm 
AtfaeDUiim  ctpitK  depe. 
H«.  L  2. 14.  ADdivi  npuH 
odinmtui  Philnmemm.  Hec. 
ii.  1,  22.  Qum  Tik  le  rBpleDl 
odera  ipeot  capil  Mu.  i. 
i.  1, 16.  Quid  i^  ei  hic  iu- 
opii  nnnc  ciuwin  !  Phcvm.i. 
3,15.  ProTinciiim  iwuh' dn- 
nm.  Pharm,i.2,2;i.  Tftlenti 


3,7.    Con 

mtru  tempDi  capere. 

T.   t.9.      &!.■ 

V.  7.  57. 

aipilaiu]   I 


]   No*«; 
-        .         '.  7. 5. 
eapiltlum]   O  enp 

ei^r^km^  Illic  ubi  e 

eaprifiaa  DHgnk  nL  Adelph. 

iT.  2,  sa 

eop/oj  Quid  eum  illo  eon- 
■ilicopM.  And.  i.l.4S.  Quid 
■gnnt.  mul  ouid  captmt  < 
Aiid.  ii-4.1.  O---^- 
le  illi.  exlem  if 


captiu}    L't  Ba^iB 

(uiwt]      RUicutun 
And.  ii  2,  S4.     Illic 

Ti*  \!\i^' 

I.  And.iL6,27.     Ca- 

■iidilio  capnt.  hun. 
r.  7,4.  Cmpiliusciicura  aipiif 
rejecloi  negliBentor.  He.ut. 
ii.  3,  49.  NoD  poitum  pili 
quin  Hbi  capiU  demulowili. 
Hnut.  ir.  5,  14.  Non.  u  u 
capile  aig  meo  mtui.  Heaut. 
T.  4,  12.  Cotiphii  tuber  «t 
totum  capia.  Adolph.  ii.  2. 
37.  OiPtfepronMuiinteiTim 
•Utuenm.   Adelph.  iii.  2,  IB. 

Adelph.  i' 

2,29.  OiiiiltBlqne 
.     .  um.  Hec  iii.  iTS, 

Ao]  T«m  excoclun  red- 

itque  ilrmm  qumm  carlio 

tdelph.  T.  3,  63, 

rer]  Ain  t*aden,(iiinw7 

m.  li.  3,  26. 

H>l    Tmodem    HOD    efto 

areamt    Eun.  ii.  1.  17. 

Dpmtrim.  HeuiU  1.1,85, 


Mullerem  qui 

Uec.  iT.  4,  4«. 

Caria]  In  C 

■l  libi  diiti 



'i.2, 12.  Meu> 
T.1.27.   Eho, 

Adelph.  i. 

,24.     Qumm 

Phorm.  ii.  2.  30. 

cata]  Ita  ruEiM  ne  praeter 
«HW    quod  miunt.     Phorm. 

'eaitiffo]  Hemal-iii.  3,3]. 
co^]  Senex  eonfidenm,  ea- 
IM.  And.  V,  2. 14. 

oauiiuj     Caudtx^      ■tipei, 

And.  i.  2,^.  Verbumunum 
mihi  hiii  oin.  And.  it.  4, 
14.  Quod  eaaer»  powii  glnl- 
lum  mdmitleto  eiC  Eun.  iT. 
6.  23.  Ipgu)  «bl  earit  loco. 
Eun.  iv.  7.  13.  Cavi  m. 
Kun.  iT.  7,  29.  Tibi  «b  IMoc 
oarsHifiiDi  intelligo.  Eun.  t, 
2,44.  ElUmomMtf  Hemut. 
il.  2,  6.  Can  biii.  H«ut. 
i.  2,  13.  Pmeiet  aiu  eaeto. 
Hnut  It.  4, 8.  Eiimm  tmcea  P 
egocxtKhi.  Adelph.  iT.2, 12. 
OtH  diieria,  Adelph.  iii.  4. 
12.  Dum  id  rcKitum  iri 

1.1,45.     Ecomei 

Hec  iii.  S,  20,  Heu>  Iii, 
ona.  Phoim.  ii.  3,  51.  Cate 
itKiMatquiequmm.  Phorm.T. 

ibjurgmndi  eat 
II.     Tmndem 

Dptimm  eit  And.  t,  4,  46. 
Nec  ntirn  id  objuigmDdDm 
eaiHae.    And.  i.   1,  5.     Quid 

2l'*™UIUm''''.^B.°  'mIiW 
iueptmm,  fmlwm,  iniqumm, 
And.  i.  «,  32.  Camam  ee- 
perlt  And.  L  3.  a  MulUe 
■uDl  omuaa  qDmouibrem  eu- 
pimm.    Eun.  i.  2,  6G.     Num 


M/a.  Adelph.  lii.  3,  9. 

Prol.  10.      Oaiuam  repperit. 


EuD.    iii.    3,    6.       Aliqumm 

cniuaiH  qamerebmt  Eun.  t.  5, 

po».  Adelph,  iv,  2,  52. 

30,  Fingit  eouiu.  Eun.  i. 
2,  58.     iPem  ea«a  »t    He- 

^r«]    Annonm  cara    e.t 

And.  i..  4,  7.     fieque  meo 

mut.  li.  S,  35.    Id  rmcen  mmii- 

mo  cOMta  mem.  Eun.  t.  8,  40. 

rtm.    Bun.\   2^  121,     F«o 
quoque  anm  pereo,  quod  milii 

Me*  caua  cauan  jui- 

um    e»  .nimam    indueite. 

«i    «r,-»,   l:un.    ii.    1.  5- 

Hemut.  Prol.  41.    Hec.  It.  2, 

Amorcm  djfficillimDm  et  ca- 

17.    Phorm.  IT.  3,  68.     Noii 

ruWHm.    Eun,  ».  4,5.     Pm- 

tmm     meaple     oaiiKi    Imelor, 

^  (•V.lbL  "AdS^ri.  ?,™ 

qumm  UliD..  Hemut  It.  S.  B. 
Nortn  cawa  Kiliort  id  mt- 


eui     nnenm     uIto- 
Adelph.    iT.    5,    «2, 

22.  Qdu 
*A  Aitcot 
¥utr    « 

I.  16.     JuiUm  il- 
n>m.  Pho^.  i.  4, 

Qm  dieo  quio.     Scrrum 

liMin  camam  orare  IfBn 

■inuDl.   Pliorai.  ii.  1,42, 

JudiciuDi     de     eadem 

de  odem  c 

IT.  4,  29.     Ali- 


Phorm.   r.  7, 

amftin]  Oitifiiii  et  puiUtim 
dibii.  Unut.  JT.  8.  29. 

«uXwl  Na  mciiat  ai.Ma 
(•t.    ADd.   ii.  3,  26.     Piicet 

eit.  Adelph.  iii.  3,67.' 
eauiat]    Vt  caKliH  eit,  ubi 

nihil  apui    eil.    Phorm.  i*. 

cido,  impent]  Qni,  eedo  t 

And.  i.  I.  123.     CMo  iriliir 

qutd  fiiclunP    And.  ii.  3,  9. 

Cedo  quid    iuTgtbit   t«um  P 

Aud.  ii.  3.  li.    Quid  u>  ei^ 

tliud  Mlliciut?  (W^u.     Euu. 

i.2,82.     CMualiot.  Run,  iv. 

7.6,    QuidfBCIumnt?  frdo. 

Eun.  T.  4,  28.      (Jtda  dei- 

43L  Gormm  ipam  cedo 
ph.  iii.  4,  3S.  Fnerui 
rer^;  «ro  «lim.  Hec 
86.  OiVum.  »  u 
tudittiP  Phorm.  ii. 
Quod  fen  oxfo.  Phon 

UDplmi  , 
.    Ph™ 


Ceda,  . 

tEbr]  Niti  coDiilium  b 
reppertri».  Phonn.  i.  4.  1 

•xlia]  Me  in  oeilbn 
quun  tum  illi  eondui 
Adeluh.  IT.  2. 13. 

tdi^]  Cum  in  eilb 
■d  le  patrig  venum  tnn 

fdo]  Bene  diNimuli 
■morem  et  cdaUn  ind 
And.  j,    1,    lOG.     Vn  o 

t.  ir.  3,  20. 
.   1,  29.     Ha 

.  7,  42,      SkDga?  EuD.  iv.  7,  6. 

lorm.  T,         wreAraufi]   Ut  eenbm   dit- 

pngM  Adelpb.  iiL  2. 
m  oekn!  19.  Diminuetur  tibi  quidem 
4.  1,  iun  eenbrnm,    Adelph.  iT.2, 

'am    ili-     32.     An  tibi  jsm  miTii  aen- 
LCludiuL      brmm  ditpergi  bic?    Adelpfa. 

T.  2,  7. 
etUmlam         Oina]  Sine  Ocrert  et  li- 
oinDcm      bero  rriget  Venui.    Eun.   i*. 

»lum  me  celai. 
a.     Te    itiiue  I 

■iu  patefit.  in  probro  iiem. 
Phorm.  T.  4,  S.  Neque  id 
eelart  poMe  te  Ulorem.  Phor. 
T.  7,  66. 

anu»]  Ceiaen  me  Torbum 
potuiue  ullum  praloqui  ? 
And.    i.    5,  21.      Dui    libi 

2,  25.  IJIgo  rus  ibo,  itque  ibi 
muiebo.  P.  a<ueo.  EuD. 
ii.  ],  11.  Qoid  beiendum 
««ei?  Eun.  iv.  4,53.  Recle 
dicii ;  ee-mo.  Hckui,  iii.  3, 
27.     OnMeH  Ten?  Hnut  iii. 

3.  30.  Aniuum  esM  caueia. 
Hnutii.  1,2.     Animum  id- 

c^i^.  l^ut.  iii.  3^  "  Q^u™ 

oi.  Hesut  T.  3.  21,  Cetueii 
Dminem  me  nte?  Adelph. 
.2.40.  Hitidiilitcroni». 
.delph.  T.  8,  5.     Adeon  me 

«tun.   Adetph,  iu  2,  4. 

And.  li.  2.  10.  Mole* 
eerte  ei  fiiero.  And.  iT.  I, 
OarU  poL   Eua.  i*.  5,  6. 

Adelpli,  iT.  7,  16.  Certtat 
P.  Certe.  Hec.  t.  4,  3,  CMt 
■edopal.    Phonn.  T.  1,  a 

oerto,  verb.]  Benedictii  ii 
eeriaaii,  ■udincl  bcne.  Phor. 

arfo,    tdierb.)  Hoc    «rfs 

hmirtt  And,  ii.  1^11.  "Nee 
quid  aEUD  oerliun  eit  And. 
I.   3,  4,      Uio  ndde*  omni» 

ii.  3,  16.  lu  ftcen  etrtmm 
tU.  Eun.  i.  2,  toe.  Si  «r- 
Jirn  eat  ^cere,  &ciu.  KuQ. 
ii.  3,  97,  Arbitror:  artam 
non  «imo..  Eun.  i.  2.  31. 
.Sitin  hoc  ixrlum  nt?  O. 
a-rlumeH.  Adrlph.  iiL  2,  31 . 
Nec  quicquun  eerli  reepDnde* 
mihi>  Hec.  it.  4,  84.  Yi.!r 
ut  mibi  hice  eertn  et  clum 
■  llulerii.  Hec.T.4,  1.  Quw- 
tum  potnt  me  urt* 
(u&  Pfaoim,  iT.  S,  69. 

verboem  et  phbasium. 

wrra]  Ottxam  Tidere  ta- 
«r<,MMciuictDei.  Phom,. 
Pral.  7. 

««ir)  In'em  verl»,  ey™- 

odI  Obu ■lloquiP  And. 
6.  OsM  mlloquL  And. 
,  4.  Quid  itnP  Quid 
•  ;  6,  13.     Phu- 

owl.  AdDlph.  iT.  2,  49.  Soi 
cu[«)(cu7  Adelph.  JT.  5,  69. 
OmfHn  uiqus  idhuc  eit. 
Adelph.  IT.  i,  13.     Vi  olioi 



atariu,-}  Cetarii,  luii.  co- 
qui,  fiulorefi,  piiaitorcB.  Eud. 

il.  2,  ae. 

ulrri,    OHttri]    LuunilBii 
pneter  ooiteni»  tJu.     Fortq» 

libfntli.    ADd.   i.  1,  94.   9£. 

|>neler  coe'«^  iludElsl.  And. 

do.  Adolph.  iT.5,61.     Quiim 

S^™1,"33.'     Tu  eo"j™ 
attra.  Phorm.  i.  3. 14. 
eeltnm,  oideniml  Cueltnm 

eniaMs.  Eua. 
CUerm,  pUcet  tihi  rutumP 
Adelph.  iT.  7,  16.  Cbetorwn 
do  mducendi  id  bciu,  i[aad 

Ckarma]  Andriu  peTvanm 
«mt.  Qumm  Tillmin  demon- 
itTBTit  CAnrm?  Hemnt  iT. 
4,  10. 

Cimnei]     Andriae,      Eu- 

Cirjta]  Hojiu  mentio  e>t 
in  Andris  Imcpe. 

cifwi  Vidcn  otiuni  et  et- 
»»  quid  &cit  mliennm.  Eun. 
ii.  2,  34.  Deducunt  abnm. 
Cibum     aonnuDqumin    cmpiet 


dla?  And.  iii.  1,16.  Qumm 
dto }  Eun.  i.  2,  98.  Hmud 
aKu  mmli  quid  artum  ei  hoc 
■it  pnblice.  Adelpb.  iii.  3,  69. 
OUo  mb  eo  hsFc  Im  ibmcedct. 
Hee.  T.  2.  IS.  Tuitne  cHiat 
•ndieL  Eun.  iii.  5,  23. 

oru]  Cmm  AtticmiD  eue 
hmne.  And.  i.  3,  16.  lUmm 
hinc  etnm  ewe  miuDt.  And. 
T.  1,  14.  Praetereitnnnmo- 
itm  mtqiie  lr{;tm.  And.  t.  3,  S. 

T.l!  19. 'lloc  pcccUum  lu 
Tirjinem  eii  etrein,  Adelph. 
iT.7,  8.  Nme  illiuimodl  jtim 
nobil  mmgnm  en-iiin   penuiim 

ert.  Adelph.  iii.  3,  B7.  Hoi- 
pitet,  tum  ctna.  Pliona.  il.  2, 
14.  Ne  quid  dnli  turpe  lo 
■s  mdmitterel.      PLorm.  it.  3, 


eiritOM]  In  qum  cirritale  tin- 
dem  te  mtbitrmrm  Tivere  P 
AdElph,  iv.  S,  61. 

dam]    Stc    eiam    te    «t. 

id  dan.  And.  ii.",  13.'  Yol 
Tl.  >el  daw,  Tel  precmrio. 
Eun.  ii.  3,  37.  Clam  te  wb- 
duiti  mihi.    S,oo.  It.  7,  3S. 

eluh.  i.  1,46.  HaudrbM 
eit.  Hec.  iii.  4,10.  Non 
ffan  limheret.  quod  c^ 
le   inUlli^    Hee.  It.  4, 

117.  And.iT.  5,  19.  Adelph. 

c/ano]  Illiaq 

lliaqumeauut  inlni 
rim.  And.iii.  2,11. 

Adelph.iT.7,9.  Quidmgmmp 
quid  eUmeml  mut  quenrF 
Adelph.  T.  3,  3.  Tumultiimn- 
• ' H«.  All.  Prol. 

33.     Ne  etama 



daiKor]  C^antors  lummo. 
Hcmut.  Proi,  40.  aainar  mn- 
lierum.  Hec.  Alt,  Prol.  27. 
Pro  Jiipiier,  damOTcm  (udio. 
Uec.  iir  1,  37. 

daicalani]  Penumomnem 
connrebmm  danadBm.  Eun. 
ii.  3,  16.  Mordere  </<«ciiiMt. 
Enn.  iii.  1,  31.  In  mlienmm 
tegulu  TenitHi  danailBM. 
Eun.  iii,  5.  41.  Specco  per 
nmbellum  c/aNca/un.  Enn. 
iii.  S.  54,  Agere  inier  le 
dancalum.   Heiut.  !ii.  1,  63. 

liKiunt.    Ade™b.'*i."V''™ 

daZ,S"   "Phorm.     t.     e, 

dan]  UndeeitP  DlcL«Ira. 


cfemntf  (dl     Hec   tii.    S, 
cUmenfia}  FieiliMM  nibil 

cbnnlKI.  Adetph.  T.  4,  7. 

diciu]  Clisa,  unictu.*  hoa- 
pet,noiiiOMlTobii?  Adelph. 

wTi,  18.  ■ 

tlieiUela]  Tliui  pMri  M 
CODUneDdmTit,  in  ckaiUiaiH 
M  Adem  nobii  dadit  h.   Ean. 

lam  raU?  Hout.  jv.  3,  41. 
O  «•)■«,  0  lenm,  p  nmri» 
NeptDni.  Adelidi.  v.  S,  4. 

illuc  vcber»  multi.  Adclph. 
II.  2, 17. 

And.  ii.  2,  32.  Qiiem  Tocaba 
$A  eoenamf   And.  ii.  6.  23. 

Ean.  il,  2.  35.  Eunui  erni 
>d  «««»■.  Euo.  ui.  2,  6. 
Cbenani  ■ppmnre.  Hnul.  i. 
1,  74.  Abduii  ed  comk». 
HhuL  i.  2,  9.  Nnbia  qaid 
ooewK  uet.    Hemul.  i.  2,  37. 

eamitlbut  dedL  HeuiL  ili. 
1,  46.  Noa  Tediit  ■  ttaema. 
Adelph.  i.  1.  1.     Me  td  ooe- 

»i)H  Ton.  N.  Pol.  Ten>  tbco. 
Phom.  t.  a.  64. 

oonol  aTmbolim  dedlt, 
eoe»etf.  And.  1.  L,  63. 
■Cum  unetore  •uo  cun.  «» 
naKt,  ligurlunt  Eun.  t.  4, 

eo«D]  Heri  iliquot  uiulo- 

i.  Sliiulcautm  hodiehlctur- 
bee  coerieri..    Gun.  It.  7,  30. 

1,  42,  47,    fe.      Hoc  qu»d 

ii.  3    32;  It.  5,  39.     Vidw 

perieniiere!     H«uL  t.    G,   9. 
8ei  mentlbus  ptiu»  olfeci»- 

perili    Adelpb.   iii.    S.   43. 

«MDfol   Qaid  hie  eooiM  f 
PSonn.  iT,  S,  31. 



Quid  uun,  eogito.  And.  ii. 
2,  21.  Neque  fuid  me  om 
tngitat:  nuu  at  engitei,  re- 
mittu.  And.T.  1.7,S.   Quod 

giiai.  Bun.  i.  1,  IS.  Prorecto 
quuito  muii  muinne  eogito. 
Eun.  iil.  £  1.  Etiun  itqne 
etitm  boc  aaffUa.  Eun.  L  1, 
11.  Non  cnim  eogitara^. 
Eon.  lii.  1,  62.  Coepi  ego- 
mel  mecum  . . .  elitm  rem  tx 
aliiDc^nfan.  Bun.  It.  2, 1.  3. 

It",  ^'"HunT 
eogittie  recinct 
Eun.  T.  2,  fiBT 
gUato.  Eun.  iv.  e.  21.  Oogita 
modo.  Eun.  v.  8.  43.  Quld 
Bunc  &cerc  eogOatl  Hcaut. 
iil.  3,  4G.  Qiiii  non  rediit 
filiui,  quu  cogUor  Adelph. 
L  1,  10,  CoffHo  id  quod  tee 
e*L  Adelpb.  ii.  1,  62.  Ubi 
illnm  qaiertm.  oi^o,  AdeL 
JT.  2,  30.  Quu  in  anlmo  SD- 
gilal.  Adelph.  i.  1.  i.     Hoc 

Adelph.  iii.  4,  55.  QuhhI 
ficito  btce  tecnm  engiUi. 
Adelph.  T.  3,  22.  Hiec  li 
Tolci  in  uiimo  Tere  cegHare. 
Adelph.  T.  S,  32.     lu  tum 

Dcmipho?  Ilanc  nemipho 
negit  ette  oomafriiR  r  Phonn. 
il,%6,6.  Ctve  ne  in  e>>a- 
peocee.   Fhorm.  t.  S, 

Pnl.  42.  Mtture  nl  cum 
cogMorit,  pcrpetDO  odrril. 
Eaii.T.4,II.  El(«^»cndi' 

locut.  Hctiit.ii.  l.^e.  Alie^ 
cogBoelii  pint :  qutc»  htnr 
Da«:ite.     Hec.  Pnl.  8.     Ibi 

Hcc.  AU.  P»l.  12. 

Kij»]  CoaettBn  caaUte  in- 
genium.  And.  i,  6,  441.  S> 
nollt,  quin  enm  merito  pw 
■Im  eogerr,    And.  iil.   2.  5\. 

And.  iv.  1,  34.  Ooaelm  legi- 
buB  ctm  uinnm  dneet.  And. 
It.  4,  41,    Jubeo.  eaga.  atque 

tof^litum  opoldo  nanc  mene 
ctwinfiir  copine.  Heuxt.  ir, 
2,  2.  Htlo  eoaeba  qni  innm 
officlun  &clL   Adelpb,   L  I. 

Tolunute  JmppliTt.  Adclidi. 
liL  4,  44.  Hnic  Imt  c^ol 
nabne  huc.  Ade]|A.  it.  5, 
la  Ii^lium...ayiui.  Adrl. 
T.  S,  65,  Ti  coepi  ooaete. 
D«  ;:  o  oc      i.^h..  c : . 


lex  teegil.  Phoim.  ii.  1,  «. 
Etiimneid  leiDO^r  Pbcno. 
il.  I.  8.  Vi  coocfiui  tp  rse. 
invttnm,lcg«,jndicto.  Pliom. 
L  4,  37. 

aoiaersal    Nan    eokmnl. 
And.  112,24. 

hibce?  Hetut.T.  1,46.      "^ 

plui  quinpnttit  oofe^ 
firegic  mihi.  Auclpb.  ii 
GJapUe  tnber  etC  tol 
pnt.  Adclidi.  il.  2,  37. 
Oolat]  Colaeemr». 


et   Pltii 

Eun.  Pnil.  2,9.  CMu  Hc- 
ntndh  ctl :  in  et  ett  panii- 
tutCWor.  Eun.  Prol.  90. 

eallaetimo]  Trlntiiiiilniis, 
nonnunqntm  eoUaeruNotul 
And.  I.  1,B2. 

eofiawio]  Ad  fortuiuiB  etJ- 
laHJem  f  Enn.  t.  8, 16.    G^- 



Co/landacil  Gliuni.  Adslpb. 
iii.  3.13. 

eolliiel^  Si  ((uid  eoliibial, 
QOTi  tc.  Ean.  r.  8,  26. 

cd/%o]  OaJlainU  tum  mi- 
•erii  moilii.  P.  Oitfuun;!? 
Enn.  ».  4,  33,  34. 

ealligo]  Mnidie  ip»  &ctiia 
ol  ■lipulimeDttf^.   Adelpb. 

f.  3.  6i 

eoliiaj]  Kun  i 
ilUe  eolheiui.  Gqi 
Amici  qaoque  m  in  tutd  ot 
eoUooHiT.  Hant.  ir.  3,  11, 
17-  Quicam  volsbuii  oiUa- 
eaioni  filiam,     Plunn.  t.  I, 

toilocmplfto}  Tu  intem 
loci  eoltocmaUlaiti  te.  Hsut. 
ii.  3,  17. 

od^mtI  CU/oowir.  And. 
«.  6,  10,  Phorm.  v.  i,  13. 
Tidebit,  cMxpntur.  Eun.  li. 
3.  7^  CnaveniiD  el  oajjuoiii. 
Kun.  iii.  2,  14.     Ut  eoUo<,n 

tslo]  Dum  ille  ntun  illMn 
eelH  iaopeiD.  Heuit.  i.  1 ,  84. 
Nm  tmElora  eela»L  He>Dt. 
ii.  4,  9.  Nos  eolait  muime. 
Adelpb.iii.2,M,  Cbbn,  ul- 
jUTuc,  idjungere.  Adeiph. 
T.  S,  4.  Quod  potero  hciim, 
t«DWD  u[  pieutem  «ijant. 
Hec  iiL  4,  33,  Agrnm  de 
uoelra  pitre  ealtaitm»  hkbe- 
iMkt.  Pboriu.  iL  3, 18. 

ealor]     Num    eju*    CDJor 

aicmtP  And.  t.  3,  7.  Qui 
eotor,  uilat,  Tcttinu?  Eun. 
ii.  3, 11.  CoUir  TerUL  Eud, 
ii.  8,  2S.   OeloTt  muttelino. 

miliu,  Pbo 

ij  GjlMnem  Tero  T*- 

ifoj  Hun 

.  1,  57. 

Eun,  T.  a,  57.  Quid  coae 
iemll  qnid  ebibent?  Hwit 

.   1,  46.    Comutai» 

Hee,   AtL    Prol. 

Tmite.  Hec.  t.  3, 2S. 

Jnt  lum  benigno  et 
™.-,  Het  T.  8.  aS. 

(vnnterj    Qni   me   dudum 

PMD.  PbDnn.  i.  4,  2a 

omiHrieorJ  Nmiqnun 

qnicquun  er^  me  oonioienlii 

Quid  uun? 
ii>i»ii<»r7  ifennt. 


eommiligo]  UlinMH  titn 
eommilwari  Tid«m  luulaliD 
c»ut.  £un.  T.  7,  4. 

oimiHiUo]  Cui  eatsaiiHtu 
primo  putu  mulierem.  And. 

Eun.  T.  2  63. 

BommoAt\    Non   ut 
modi  divim 


iii-  1,  17. 
Qulntum  ille  pDluil  cwitu» 
0DiHiiia<Je.  HeauL  PtoI.  14. 
8i  quli  rects   nut  ODiiiinai/a 

tncmet,    lleiut.   i.  1,  100. 

Heiut.iii.2,4S.  Hmnd  opinor 

H«"i.  2^.  '"* 

DDnuioiJifat]  Qnot 
diialet,  Tjde.  And.  ii 
Mignun    nubi 


1'.  u,  ii>.  t^umiui  commadi- 
tatibHi  hunc  onerutii  dina? 
Phorm.  T.  6,  7. 

oommodo]  Qiiodquetm  ilh 

ineommuA«m.  Uec,  v.  I,  33. 

ODiiliiiwiJaiii,    idTIrb]     111« 

____   . ^  oomiiw'        ' 

Eun.  i 

rpho^  ""^ 

i»Miiudif«,  gubn.)  Plu> 
mili  ett  quim  oamiiocri.  And. 
iii.  3,  Ifi,  Nola  tibi  Dllum 
anubuiiint cliDdier,  Aud.iii, 
8.  41,  Ex  incammodti  iltB- 
iiu>  lua  nt  cotnpirent  coni- 

3,  24.     Tu 

«it.  ^"."sl™  C^ 

o    tot    contigCTint 
Eun.    T,    S,     S. 

:tda.    Heaut.  Pnl. 

mn.  Hcaut.  ii.  4,  17,  Quin 
mntt  tibi  pottpuliTlt  cue 
ru  meo  eomnioin.  Adelph, 
I.  3,  9.    Sine  inbon  pntiii 


Mquum  M  feire.  Hec.  v.  3, 42. 

commodut]    COmmodiortm 

bDminem,    idTCTituin,     tcm- 

pui.Doa  Tidi.    And.  <r.  2,  3. 

mcKiaotf^ti^  Hoaut.  iii.  3, 
10.  Comiwtonm  Uud  une 
mtamoduai.    Adelph.  t.  2,  6. 

Alioniin  exompUconm 
And.  iv.  S,  17. 

oom«o,.^n>]  Pirenle. 
ul  ooauiv/tatnt  mihi.   11 

Plio^^u.  1,75." 
CommorietiUt]  £uu   Com- 

mormln  Pliuliia  fe«iC  bba- 
lun.  Adttlidi.  Prol.  7. 

coiniRonir]  Qiiid   iltic  tun 
eommoraian  1 

H«c  i.  2.  «2.    Gn- 

.    Phorm.  ii. 


imnUo]   Nanquitm  bodic 


4,  7.  CbMiaBto  locum.  Eun, 
T,  5,  3,  Trii  Don  eommala- 
lalit  Tcrbi  hodic  int«i  tu 
Phonn.  iT.  3,  33. 

cnnwo/ui]  Quu  &cict  do 
intesn  amocdioM.  And,  Piol, 
36.     Ki   intcgn  Ciuu  to- 



«]    Noquo  0 

And.   i.    1,  67.     Cbmn 

edem.  And.  1.  fi,  46, 
movi.  And.  ii.  G,  53,  I 
i,  2,  61,  Jam  1«  eom 
leddBm.  And.  t,  2,  23. 

JSfc"  H^lTt.  4,  8." 

omnn  no«.  Fhonn.  i.  2,  51. 

«>ii.iiiHn»]     Nonn.    priu. 
iDiniiiHuaifiiiii  oportuitP  Aud, 

Adeipb,    T.    ; 
nniL  Adotph.  ' 


.  Frol,  4 


Plual  non  fien  ilidcm  ut  in 
BimnediU.  .IIcc  T,  4.  26. 
EpidicDiomenon  qu«OTOc«nt 
eomoediam  Giucj.  Pborm. 
Pml.  26. 

comparco]  Sduiu  defrudoui 
nnium      eompartU      miwr. 

comparo]  Ex  iucommodii 
(Iteciui  iiu  ut  «iiiniamf 
Gomnioda.  iud.  iT.  1,4,     An 

Enn.  i.  1,  3.     Quod  donum 

Euu.  ii.  3,  G4. 
ruudiu  hic  quiacm  ta  iiii 
«t.  EuD.  ir.  4,  14.  tlt 
illiui  commodo  mcum  oii 
funimn  commodum,  Hc> 
Ti.  4,  17.  Quu  opui  ■! 
tompanl.  Hnut.  iv.  8. 
llAcompamlumou^  homini 

iii.    1,  94.      Nunquun    i 

ralam.      Addph.    ii.     2,' 


oompedei]  Ilibcndu  cdih- 
peda.  Phorm.  iL  1,19. 

co««™,  -orl  Cbi. 
bam  nibil  id  Pimphilaic 
gii»m  «tlinero.  And.  i. 
De  imore  hoc  eoinpenl, 
i.  3,  6.  Dum  ne  ib  h> 
&lli  eomptriar.  And. 
31.  Atqiil-  ccrto  cumperi. 
Eun.  T.  1,  d.  Ubi  eoiRfieTi 
ciii..  UnuLi.  1,69.  Hee. 
T.1.36;  T.  2,13.     Fhoim.T, 

H«at.i.l,13.    UbiillicdiM 

eucomplara.    HecL2,lla. 

OonpUm . . .  Dxnn.  Pfaanii. 

iii.  2,  36.      NoTi  eoMn/ar». 

Phonn.  iT.  3,  6. 
eou^uea/u]     Primo     din 
'mpiiucvlia  beiic  eonTcnicbmt 
ter  HL  Hec.  i.  2,  102. 
CDH7W1»)    Nec  nuM  cam- 

Reg    I 


^  29.     Caimioiie  qiue  ie- 
jmal  fcmntur.    H«c  It. 

..uui  bouA  ut  compaiiaHlmr 
Erati&  quim  cam  nuls. 
l-honn.  iT  3,  17. 

ipoi)  Vix  *nm   cBvnn 
i.  Adelph.  iii.  2,  la 
vporiiii]    CoBrpaeUo    ffec- 
Bt.  Phorm.  T.  1,  29, 
npolrv]  Quia  campotriM 

npreeor]  De«  AHiipr^ 
Tn  ppliu*  Den*  cw 
ir«.  Aifclph,  iT.  6,65,70. 
».ii|iFicjlew/o]  Compreiendi 
jube,  quintum  polal.  Euu. 
T.  1.  20.  Hunc  nn  ma«ho 
DcieA  eomprfieiiaerv  et  c«a- 
jiniere.     Eun.  v,  5,-23. 

COTIIflFmillJ      Vit^     u    SD 

Adeipb.  iu.  4,  29. 

tapriata]  At  In  pnl  tibi 
poBlhu  0DinMT.iiia  lu- 
HeiuL  iii,  3,  29.  Quum 
trttta  cit  snnta.  He«.  ir. 
',  SehicturneKioquw 
i  30. 

iibi     compiadiam 
He«u[.  iT.  5  24. 

oon^ibctorj  Medib 
rem  eomplti^iiiiT.  Ai 

■«If-mtMmu _ 

AdelDb.     ii.    2, 
og  eomplmi  habfs. 

.    PUor 

ODnproAoJ  Bencficiu 

conaiiit)  MuDO  jam  amal^ 


cDiMe^,  laryior]  Qunndo 
BflH  indigium  dcfrtit.t  m«iri 
mea  quu  eoncediU.  Hec  iii, 
6,  27.  28.  FKiun  M  tilH 
eoacedam.  Ueud  tibi  bae 
eameido.  Hec  ii.  2,  3,  16. 
Fhorm.  iv.  4,  20.  Nuib- 
quuflne  hodic  i»iie«fet  iuihi? 
Phorm.  T.  3  22. 

oomdo,  OMo]  Bidanm  ul- 



1.  1,  22.  CbH»/af  hiBe 
quo  >b  on  eorum.  He, 
ii>.  3,  II.    Si  Dtin:  d< 

Adtlpfi.  ii.  %_9.    Teinpui  «it 


,    2.  21. 

Uec.  JT.  4,  57. 
aMocrteJ   Te  audio  nncio 

Adilpb.  ii.  2,  3. 

owncol  Qumntu  turbu 
tMKiri.  HeiuLT.2,  17.  For- 
tuio  unTtm  ■liquod  verbum 

Hce.  iii.  1,33. 

condiia]  Pndi  niAle  coq- 
ciliata.    Euo.   iT.  «,  2.      Ut 

eel.  Eun.  ii.  3,  S7. 

amdore]  Virgo  in  eendavi 
■edet.  Eun.  i]i.  5,  35.  Ulti- 
inii  ooK^H  in  eedibui. 
Hfl.ul.T.  1,29. 

ow^wju]  Ut  ib  ill>  ei- 
cludu,  huc  amdiular.  And. 
ii.  3,  12,  lllum  Blimia  ««- 
dMmutm.  Ken.  ir.  3,  25.  Tot 

Adelph.  IT.  2.  13  Tot  mi 
nunc  Rbut  miKrum  ctnutudii 
p«ter.  Het  it.  4,  80.  0«. 
elmtaat  hic  fatbeo  uiorem  ne- 

Ktnpo]     Concrepail      m 
.   Mec  iT.  1,  6.   Pfaona. 

owohM  Teci 

it  duo 

Uee.  iii.  3,  33. 

amcami  Multa  eoaair- 
nul  limul.  And.  lii.  2,  31. 
OnmmiiJ  luti  mihi  obTiem. 
EuD.  ii.  '2,  25.  OinnmHj 
mnltw  opinionei.    Heul.  il. 

toiliiL.  Adelph.  It  4,  19. 
»■«<(»]  iiui  templ.c»11 

duarum  oHHMwiiiin  Dunc 
nErmm  maliiTids.  Hsant.  ii. 
3,  SS.    Qnu  voU*  pltdta  Mt 

arMrfaiw}  Hsbeo  iJ 

Prol.  17.  Acgentum  quod 
habu  omifuitaiiiiu  te.  Phana. 
T.  7,  54. 

cvHdueo]  Hmmemd» 
Adelph.  ii.  2,  17. 

eswfBn/uol  Quod  b«ni 

Pharm.  iii.  2,  32. 
oiHi^ii&r]    8i  qunndo  4d 

Hec.  i.  2,  107.  "" 

Bon/ero]    He  poit  cimfirai 

culpim  iu  me.   Eun.  ii.  3,  96. 

Fructum  ne  quando  tu  alio 

i*.l,26,5aCf.Pliorm.ii.  1, 
W.  EimcM/M^  line  mol». 
tift.  Eun.  T.  4,  6.  Cfain^n 
&d1iui  guod  Tolo.  HauL  ir. 
S,  55.  Ut  hodis  eoii/terwilv 
Tiupiiu.  Heiut.  T.  1,  22. 
Pacem  in  Icm  eoiifidl  luu. 
Haut.  T.  2,  45.  Aliquid 
gnito  tBnficia  msli.  Heiut. 
T.  3,  1.  Dormienti  fauc  tibi 
em/ietm*  Ovttf  Addph.iT, 
5,    59.      PuuEUIulum    num- 

Om/«M.'pfaortn.i.  1,4.  Uni 
mihi  rea  .  .  .  eomjieiemia.     Xs 

amfidtn]  EllumaaiifUm, 
Unt.  aU  t.  2.  14.  Homo 
jmfidia.  Phsrm.  l  2,  73. 

amJUimtrr]  Inqu*  re  nnne 
un  eoflfUen^  mtu,  Hemu  t, 

«mfUaitta]  O  ingentem 
mjideidiam.  And.  t.  3,  5. 
Qune    eju>    eonfiiieatiii    «t  ? 


delph,  T,  3,  40, 

eonfiKgB]  Lurlmae  i!si;f!ctae 

dolii.  And.  iii.  3,  26.  Om- 
aiii  fanec  oonfiiwin.  Phonn. 
i.  2.  31. 

(unjSaJ  Spero  eoit/ort,  Aud. 
i.  I,  140, 

emfitaor]  HocAxi/itwrniihi 
Jurs  Dbtigiw.  And.  iii,  5,  1. 
Unod  unl»  ooiiAtanHJ  line 
psricloMM.  Hent.  ii.  S,  97. 
Onifiiert.  Eaon  eomfitaar  1 
Heuit.  T.  3,  13,  14,  Unl, 
eoajilelur,  puinL  Phorm.  t, 

coi^icio]  Cum  hujurmodl 
ut  eowticAiru  duIo.  Pborm. 
iil.  2,  21. 

eonjlidor]  Qui  eum  iagmiii 
««^trta(<irejuimodL  And.  i, 

oon^]  Miffnft  funiliaritu 
oDii^fa  ML  Knn.  t.  2,  36. 

oosfipia]  Neque  lueonnnc 
coH/ugiti :  quid  mn  ?  Heeut. 
iT.S,45.  Nunchueoo«(W. 
Hm.  iii.  3.  24.     Memini  .  ,  , 

\^ltJ"omT^  H^"t.  b"  25". 

eoMfiila]  DiclJicaiiMlWer. 

Heiul.  t.  1.  76,     Ooi,/iilavit 

Terbii  idmodum  intum   pe- 

eoitffcr,  oon^tvr]    Congmm 

to  lnden.  Adelph.  iii.  3,  2.1. 

coii^ero]  Adtepatriipenam 
suinem  cowervMira  clancu- 
lum.  Kun,  11.3,  18. 

ooi^itfuo]  Heretricioteme- 
reannpiiiioaiu^iwur  And. 
T,  4, 10. 

eotigrtdior]  Comgrtdtr*  ac- 
tntnm,  PhDrra,  t.  6, 12. 

oinorao]  Omnee  conanm/. 
Photm.  il.  l,  34,  Mulier 
mulieri  muEii  eomjntit.  Phsr. 
iT,  5,  14.  Ne  nos  inter  noe 
eoiianiBrfl  eenlieat.  Hemut. 
iii.1,  102. 

eori>K<o]    Ne<|ue  •rio  qnid 

"'"°iii'4,  fi.'''" 

*ji«Afra)  Cbimcfiiriifii 
.._..j  nune  ricia.  And.  iii.  2, 
32.     QuBntnmeiipMronii- 

3.  25,     Ei  qaibul  ooiiK^ni 
&ci!a  flt.    Adelph,  t.  3,  3«. 
£00  de  me  fiiceo  coniecturum. 
lf«nLiii.  3,131 
emjieio,    tuipieor]    Neqno 

coiirKia.     HeluL  1.  1,  11. 

co^risu,  jacta]  In  nupliu 
(mwif  herilem  Hliam.  And. 
ii.4,  23;  JT.  1,  48.    Heut. 


OBiHKna.  Hriiut.  ii.  3.  51. 
Nb  me  in  bnTo  cmjicia, 
lcmpiu  ■uidio  hoc  fkl»  fnii. 
H«.  *.  4.  2.  Hine  mo  pro- 
tinuu  o»iH«rFn  la  pedtt. 
Phorro.  i.  4. 13. 

(viiwniim]  Ojiiiiwio  libe- 

«■rHni/ioJ  Quod  hoc  grnul 

Aail.  i.  S.  35,     0«ari  Duai- 
boi,  pedtbui.  And.  iy.   1,  53. 

(v,  lanDi  Ht.  Hnut  ii.  2. 12. 
At  Mo  abnim  oonaiar.  Phor. 

ODHfwmr]  Ncquo  rocc  alil 
. . .  potsnt  OMfKri,  Hcc.  iii. 

ODnrafio]  Oouran  omnia. 
HnuLi.1,89.  Miaud«:cm 
cmradel  Blicunile.  Adel.  ii.  2, 
SL  EirndoinumiihiKRiii- 
radHar.  Phorm.  i.  1.  6. 

oowcun^]  Ipnm  apillo 
«mniif.  Eao.  iT.  3,  4.  Tirgo 
nuwwaTata,  Euu.  t.  1,  £ 

anucuil  Quia  mihi  Mini 
eontoia.  Euu.  i.  2,119.  Ubi 
comperi  ei  iii,  Dai  fuoni  ci 
eoiadL  Hcnut.  i.  1,  69.  Qai 
Um  ludacia  raeinDrii  mi  oua- 

iubwiAh-]    Emc  prii 

twmqmnr]  Nccewe  eat  c 

H«ut.™T1lS.    Hi^'"r 
moDtii    cofuWHenJcr    iltci 
Hewtt.  ir.  7.  §-     Rort»  on 
gaar.    H«.   iii.   3,    13. 
■cgtitiidiae  miMism  monc 

rum  Tolunl :    hol 

»]     : 

n.  ii.  3, 74. 

oae  illam.  Heaut.  ri 
ftiiweTo,  quoere,  p» 


coiHBm  lUiilL  And.  li.  1,  30. 
Cnjii)  amtilio  frrtni  nim. 
And.  ii.  1,  36.  Fuile,  cum 
TnlomOK,  reGtKCDiifi/iiEi  utTD- 
tiidunuL  And.  ii.  1,9.   Hic 

lieaL  And.  ii,  3, 16.    latimui 

Bepudia  qnod  eomilitm  pri- 

18,     Quu  tn  iD   H  neoue 

bet  ulliioi.    Eun.   i.    1,    12, 



HmtUiam]  6i  quid  ooHiVi 
h«bel,  ut  coniumit  nunc. 
Quid^^eum  illo  dMO^' ruiet. 
And.i.l,139,US.  N«iue]»t 
ooi>ii&'  locam    hibeo,   neque 

in.   ii.   2,   10.      Nun- 

un.  ii.  3,  85.  Omn- 
liim  Talo  cttnre  uni  iccum. 
Eun.  iii.  5,  66.  OniiiiuR 
illud  rectum  eiL  Eoit.  iT.  7, 

opiim.  Kio.  Eon.  t.  2,  7B, 

Hitrejunni.  Heut  i.  l,U- 

que  me  quicquEm  etnuiJio  id- 
JuTu?  B«ut.T.2,29.  Nm- 
turm  lu  illi  paler  ci.  oouiJiil 
«D.  Adelph.  1.  3,  4B,     Quod 

confennL  Adelph.  iii,  2,  1. 
Prctore  confitte»  nil  oomili 
qaiL  Adelpli.  i*.  4,  G.     Illi 

phi  T,  4,  16.     Non  c«  imui- 

ilit   Hrc. 
ccn,  quod  ad  hu 

iT.  4.  93. 
:  Telle  fe- 

31.     Qua  axuilia   bu-c  i 

ui  cofoimUia.  Heanl 

•iiie,  Adcl[Ji.  i 
Adelph.  It,  4^ 
in^  nD.ier.  > 


ic   axuDteria.  Adelph. 

Quid  OHUDbrc  dh? 

.  1,  19.     PhorrD.  iJi. 

KliaA  Illuiiemv7rc> 
.  meo.  Eun.  ii.  i.  % 
»ufiectfitiBfu^l«t.  He- 
1,S5,  Fugcre  e  a» 
Hec  i.  2,  1Q7.      lii 

2,  22.     Ipwi 

i.  I, S.^pErii 

iu   commditm 

1   Cur 

Eun.  T 

8,  32.      Quin  ta  in 
<u><io«9>nr      ne.      « 

comdiMlio]  Tuun  nnu  tom- 

itoWina.  Adelph.  t.  1,  9. 

miutitiio]  Diem  quin  olim 
in  huDc  lunt  coiiWibiCtw  nup- 
tiie.  And.  i.  5,  34.  Ventu- 
rum  id  ma  comatiliBL  Edil 
1,2,135.    Loni,  tempnaaw 

nm.  Hec  i,  2,  120-,  iii.  4, 
23.  Nimillimihidatemjun 
comitUmeTmU  dua,  Photin.  iv. 

emilriiijnl     Qnidnipedeoi 
eaatrmaUo.    And.   *.  2,  -24. 

m.  Exm.  T.  5,  33. 

rr : 

fiKCre.     quam 
Adelpii.    1.    I, 
29.  49,     Cf.  iii.  3,  60. 

etl.  Adolpfa,  i'.  5,  32.     Qna. 

iT.],40.  CumcjuicOMKTti 
milre  cUncnlam.  Pharm.  r. 

eomtmgtmdol  Pune  eoiuiif- 
ladimH  nuM.  And.  L  1,  83. 
Vt  neqite  me  OHUiKtKfo,  i>e- 

m^™  aSJ"  1^4?  'm- 
imam  piaptw  caatmfnSmtm 




«1  ipsoruin.  Adclph. 
U.      Cimitetadwe    el 

0  liberUi  i1e»inctuni. 
i.  3,  2S.     Quoiidluu 

ii.  3,  42.  Velen  uli  amu- 
tadim,.  Hcc.  Ali.  Fnil.  29. 
Anliqua  aiiuwfWiiu.  H«.  i. 
2,     17,     Amor    me    KnTitei 

COUMHttudotli  " "     "    " 


•l  buic 

3,  IS.  PcMume  ittuc  i»  U 
■tque  in  illnm  CDRwfti.  He- 
BUl.  iii.  1,  2a  ComJm  iii 
langitiiijmem.  Heiut.  t.  2. 
10.  TunomnitsquicquimF 
Adelph.  i,  2,  47.  Poit  «■■ 
miUam.  Adetph.  t.  9,  25,  3(t. 
RectatgDoonnJoimue.  Uec. 
ir.  1,  44.  Dum  tibi  teaipiu 
cwmteidie».  Hec.  r.   1,  ^ 

eontuUnSi^  qu  id 
.  i.  3,123.     Ul 

hebe  t.  ut  ewiniinuf  ngDC.  Ai 
i.  I,  133.     Quod  in  apciti 

66.     Ln  apHnjido  con 
diem.  Mi\ph.  i.  7,  2. 

linu.  HMut.  Pnl.  17. 
«■eepD]  Illi  miiene  indjgnc 

Hec,  iii.'3^41. 

eDiiMtwi]  Quotmodii  SDH- 
taitvlMi.  ■pretuiF  And.  i.  5, 
13.     Hic  ^  illum  anleiiiA 

HM.  Hec.  i.  2.  1«, 

comttmplor]  Ut  utii  oo> 
lemplata  modo  li*.  Hesut.  ii 
1,4.     VultumoDiteiRp/iiiiH 

coitBihif]  Ifeqae  tn  uim 
>ru  amle^  Eun.  i.  2,  42. 
juu  pulnlo  tnln  ent  soii- 
ntat.  Hcant.  lii.  1,  K 

ooAlatv]    CtiMlrni 

meim.     Adelph. 
Cunando    alque    um 

He^°T.  S,""?.  "qi^" 
(sriniu  Dpenm  fiurtn? 

con/iiifiit]    Hdc  Den: 
. .  -  nikgii  con/iiHfif.  E! 



2,23,  Vi 
me  linlaeo.  Euii.  t.  2,  20. 

CuKtiiuiit  poithu,    I 
■MHU.    Adclph.    iT. 

r.  3,  9.    Rar 

^l  t 

,  3, 17. 

'nd^U!  "fa 
Gui  tam  Bubito  tct  cojtfuvniif 
caiamDilik  Euu.  *.  S,  3l 
Velle  le  id  qood  non  poteit 
amtiiigm.  Heaui.  ii.  3,  83. 
Haec  gaudlft  illl  OHif wius  lu- 
tor.  ifec.  T.  3,  35.  Fhonn. 
T.  6,  6. 

doitiiiiM]  Egomel  eosliino 
ateeum.  And.  i.  1,  &£.  Mon 
con^viiD  ip«m  accnpAt.  Aad. 
i.  5.  62.  CWiMia  palim  eit. 
Eun.  i.  2,  21.  Ubi  nomiiiiblt 
PhMdriun,  tu  PmmphiUm 
oaHliauo.     Eon.     lii.    1,     50. 

rt  comtavo  exeo.  Eun.  iii.' 
40.      Hue  ubi  iperit  o» 

intni!  H«ut.  ii.  3,  36.    N* 
mora  »it,  «i    inuerim,    ouiB 

tnL  Adeiph.ii.  1,  17.     Cim- 

tor,  lcvum  noiiJorlAr.  PhDrm. 
ii.  3,  &. 

amlra\  8i  Hiu  quod  do- 
num  ilano  huic  atmtm  compk- 
ret.  Eun.  ii.  3,  63l  Bi  Iwid*- 
bil   huc   iiliui  rormun :    lu 

wgte.   Eun.  iT.  1,   10.     llle 

fkdo  lediilo.     Adelph.   i.    I, 

laidiebeni?  Hec.  i.  1, 
inc  tihi  mo  «rtnm 
m  gnlinm  retem. 
.    2,  7.     Nunc    im- 

fm  omnio  huc  Phorm.  iii. 
2,36.  Audi  uuaeaMtfra  Um. 
Phorm.  iT.  4, 18. 

miifrDcerRii]  8ine  caitro- 
tvnu  ib  Dit  lolut  dilisnuQ. 
Phorm.  T.  6.  14. 

oMfiwie/iul  Quid  eit,  li  hoc 
oon  amlamdia  nt?  Amt.  I. 
S,  2.  LibidD  DCdun  nt  txm- 
tmmetii,.  Aad.  iii.  3,2S.  Noa 
peipeti  nuretricum  ooitdi- 
Buliin.  Eun.  i.  1,  3.   Hincine 

piuut  mijii.  Adolph.  iv.  3, 
l£.  Trgen  coiifiiiM/tai.  Hec 
i:  2,  91.  Ne  ulK  meriio  am- 
tmmelia  Beri  Tubii  pottet.  Hee. 
iii.  IS,  20,  Abienti  tibi  te  jn- 
di^u  oonfiifli^iai 

li.  8, 

-1  E". 

bctim  injuiiug.  Fhano. 

<»(■/«(•}  Qmtiobatti 
lone.  oninit.  Eun.  t.  " 
«woam>\     Alinuid     , 

T.  2, 29. 

tuJ.  i. 

i*.  2,  13. 
it.    And. 

Bt  eolloqtij.  Huid  aB^BwiH. 
Bun.  iii.2,U,41.  Cf.  HcauL 
i.  1,  113.     Dic  goimmiui 

HMtnimil.  Adelph.  i.  1, 
84.   Bene  comveniebai  Hne  in- 
eu.  Hec.  i.  2,  103.     Nee 


uDienit  qiuntum  debui. 
Fhonu.  i.  2,  3.    Quod  temput 

jubent.  Phorm.  T.4,  9.    Niuo 
-lienilmi  Pbormio.  Phot. 



Inm  ■bdiierbu  tibi.  Enn.  ii 
1, 17.  EKOmet  ««nnu  mi 
ror.  HMiit  i.  I,  120. 

ri^TT^rifio.  "un^in  ^ 
nnD  ent  bie.  Eun.  iii. 
30,  32.  In  eanmum  ilUni 
EoB.  iv.  1,  12.  Ille  tuiu 
•empcr  egit  yiltm  in  otio,  i 
oDiKnnu.  Adeiph.  i.  4,  : 
Appuire  de  dn  ooiipiriii" 
Adelnh.  T.  9,  8.  Agiurei 
intpr  T«  cmviviim.    Hec 

11.   1,  28.     Neqne  meo  eonfi 

i.  2, 121.  Cun  ei  oorrfn  ex- 
ceetiL    Hec.  iii.  2,  13.      la- 

■truclft  tunt  mihl  onnla  con- 
■ilii  omnit  Phorm.  ii.  2,  7. 
Uterque    iitrique    e»l    tordi. 

Adelph.  ii.  4,5.  Oimui  ipsum 
cedo.  Adelpb.  lii.  4,  38. 

Oorinlhiia]   Qiiudun  tnu* 
Corinaia.    H»ut.  iii.  3,  39. 

Oinnfjliiil  E  CorinlliH  id- 
eni  uiiu  piunerculs.  Heaul. 
1,44.     CbrnfiBiihiDOUUi 

corpia]  Qnle  bmbitndo  eil 
«irTw™?Eiin.ii.2,ll.  Oar- 
put  nlidum  et  Bucci  plennm. 

oc.  All.  Prol.  32. 

cojiia}     Neque  pnl  eoniili 

cum   hibeo,   neque  oopiunt 

ixili.  And.ii.I,20.  Sibi  ut 

rol,   21.      &   non   tuigendi 

f"Vr!i'    Eun."ir2,S"o! 

■      Ji  fuiunt  eo- 

piam.  HesuL  Pi 
E>  m  dtdic  eiii 
piaiii.     Tiu  unica  tecnm  tine 

ii.  3,41,  87.  No  qunm  aliuD 
quient  eaiiAuii,  %t  le  dnernL 
Hciat.  y.  1.  64.  ObHcnt  libi 
ut  eint  &ciiil  «^ni.  Fhorm. 
i.  2.  63.  Quid  ego  ei  hu  in- 
opia  nani;  opiim,  et  quid  in 
ei  iBtueo^nd.  Ul  neque  Diihi 
ejoi  nt  nmitlondi,  nec  reti- 
nendi  oopio.  PhDTm.  1.  S,  Ifi. 

eopiae^  Vidn  ln  illmn  mi- 
litem  Kcnm  md  le  quuitaa 
ODiiBU  ■dducareP  Run.  It.  6, 
17.  In  ■nguitum  oppido  mei 
cognnluT aoitEM.  He*ul.i>.2, 

eotpto\  Qwnffldoiit  raxo  et 
molendo.  Adeiph.  t.  3,  61. 

ouquial  Cetarji,  1uiii,cuqui, 
firtoiee.  pitc^loret.  Ean.  ii,  2, 

oor)  Anl  libi  nuntlH  biec 
■Dnt  oordL   P.  CWW   And. 

.  3,  26. 

!iiimo.  Adelph.T,  8,^7^ 
corfflrforj  Corrtclor^  ncm| 

iffo\  Corriffen 
D  porro  eniwre. 
17.      CoTFtiU    n 

Tnliii  oorTHemu,    Hbc.  ii,  2 
CoTTipit>\    loln)  ulme  cor 

Hec.  iii.  3,  S,  16.  Cf.  ir.  1,  3 

eornaapo]    Poliu»  qii»m  te 

17,  Himihineroi 
cLuliool.  Adelpl 
Pnndium  eomrnn] 
iT.  2.  49. 

comiplfla[  Con 
ruplda  t,o«™m 
Adelpb.  T,  3,  7. 

™]  Thu.  mu 

iii.  C37.  Moi: 
Adrlph.ii.  1,50.  i 
primolucu,  Adeh 
Cna  muie.  Phom 

Cralvna)  Scin  Cratin 
uidttitiedet?  Adelph.ii 
2.    Cratiuwm  ceDwo :  ti 

idetur.  I).  Dic,  CVatnr. 
•bonn.  il  4.  7. 

crrUr]  Hieeine  ennt  illo- 
nea  crtbnaJ  Phorm.  t.  8,  23. 

crvbnt]    Scortiui  crtbrv  ua- 

icr.^Heaut.  i.  2,  32.      Qcim 
uri  «u  c>W,m  uleo.  HeciL 
,  16;  iii.  3,52. 
frtriHAii»\  Ho^rtt  crfditi/f^ 
ul  memonbile?  And.  ir.  1, 

'cmlol  Quuimibiniiimuii- 
didit.   And.  i.  3.  37.     Crnlo 

.    1,     13L 

Crrdoi,  tibi  hoc 
iii.  2.  17.  Audi 
And.  iii.  2.  31. 
credam.  fiirclfrr?  Aud.  li 
12.  S^lii  ertdo.  And-  it.  I, 
49.  Perpulchn  endv  doom, 
uit  nortrii  limiiim.  Enn.  liL 
2,  15.  Nibil  tibi  qntcqukm 
ereifu.  Qtd»  hoc  Be*«  fidei. 
Eun.  T.  2,  43,  89.  Erm, 
li  id  CTtdit,  et   me  1^001« 

Hemut.  T.  1,  53.  CrtJB  hw. 
c«o  meum  jut  pencqaw. 
Adelph.  ii.  1.  5.  inicnoAnf 
eoniiW  onmia.  Adelph.  t.  4, 
18,  Quod  ego  nunqoim  err- 
didi  fore.  Hee.  i.  2,  23.  Ti- 
meo  nc  aliud  nTi(aM,  atqiK 
■liud  nancin.     Hw.  t.  4.  4. 



rfn»]  Sed  fnm  ernmfimnl 

bcs.  Eiin.  T.7,5.  Sed  quid 
cr™«riui(  fom  hinc  ■  me? 
Hnul.  i.  1,  121.     Quid   «I 

piariml  forei?  I^ut.  11^3. 
52.  Quid  nmm  furii  errvnf  r 
Adalpb.  ii.  3, 11. 

o*i<d]  Dmle  emrrmdi  eo- 
piim.  HemaLPro1.38.  P1*(M 
creicwt.  PhoKD.  t.  2, 16. 

erinni]  Hen  in  erimen  ve- 
niet.   Hec.  iii.  1,55.      Eiple 

esqiedl.    Hec.  r.   1,  2a      'si 

didino.  Hec.  t.  2,  13.  Bx 
crtiAHH  hoc  Antipbonenq  eii- 
plmui.  Phorm.  ii,  2,  8, 

cr»n'»r]  Hmnc  mctui  i» 
uiecnwibarWvtiU.  Enn.  v. 
2,  16. 

criipia]    Hignut,  rubicmi- 

erwutfiu)  Hmncjmmo) 
n  eradalum  Udc  mbripi. 



iv.4,47.    Aiwil1udi!do:<|iia- 

libet  cmcialii  per  me  ciquire, 
IJec  T.  2,  7. 

'  crvcio]  Cnicio  oiiier  And. 
▼.  2,  10.  Ns  srBcia  U.  Bun. 
1.   2,   15.     Quu  UDt  >«inp«r 

21.     Qaunirsmmaliijubcu 

ClaMio]  Psnoiia'  »t  iu 

aMcalum]    Ciedebu  illam 

deductuni  domum  ?  Adelph. 
iv.  5  60. 

ctibv]  Filiumeonmut  eum 
ilU  UDs  eiitl,  Adclpli.  v.  3, 
65.  Cum  TirgiDe  uiu  idol»- 
ceu  CB&iHrtl.  Hec.  i.  2,  63. 

fiW  Eun.  ii.  3,  69.  Aisea- 
tiim  cado  quDd  libi  ileni. 
IIaut.iT.  4,18. 

citHu]  CnjiM  puenim  hic 
Bdpotuiitii-  And.  iv.  4,  24. 
(Juid,  virgo  enja  eat  ?  Eua.  ii. 
3,  39. 

""  """    '"nc 

■niferet.  Aad. 

Kun.  ii.  3.  96.     (Juicquid  ku- 

r.  5, 10. 

u  (actum  Ht,  euipa  n< 
Mihi  uim 

tuMfaBDceHoprocul.  Adelph. 
iii.   2,  60.      NoD   me>  culpa 

adpa  sota.  Hec.  ii.  1,  31.  32. 

TualiereDi,  quu  camt  cuipa 
Hee.  iv.  4.41.  1>  qaidem  i 
adpa  non  nL    Hec.  It.  4.  7f 

didi,  quu  to  ral  pcnei.  H» 
It.  1,20.     Nullim  de  faiiR 

Hoc  iT.  4. 10.  Arbitnbid 
cammenaii»  adjxtm,  Phoni 
i.  4,  28.     8i  eM  adpa^  at  i 

iili,24.  NolomeinTiBcnni 
hu  Tcite  videit.  Eun.  t.  2, 
GB,  Mu  lu  hciio  eiuii  uimo 
cogitea.  Adelph.  iti.  4,  bb. 
Bui  ci3a  eam  tiiio  cum  primo 
lucu.  Adelph.  t.  3,  b&.  Cvai 
ii:Dnupn.Hec.iT.l,19.  Cum 
illo  haud  >Un>  Phonu.  ii.  1, 
39.  Mullimodii  «un  iitoc 
■nimo  ea  Tiluperwidu>.  Pher. 
iii.  1,  1.  Cunt  illo  ut  nutet 
adcm.Phorm.iii.  2,28.  luler 
nDB>ichiKC  pDtiu>cuifl  bonaut 
componBnturgrmtift,  quun  cum 
mBl*.  Phonn.  it.  3,  IS,  17. 
cum,  iptuml    Cian  id  mihi 

ommmbDnBdiceTe.  And.  i.l,69. 
Prope  BdcBl,  cum  ilieao  mon 
Ti.eDdaio  eit  mihi.  Aod.i.  1, 

'ECDS  profuffict.  Adelph.  iii. 
(,30.  HoccKnfitquodTolo. 
\delufa.  T.  B,  23.    BBccliidein 

\S.     Qam  sccundu  m  >nii 

Uri  Becum  opoilet.  PhDrm.  ii 

CBpirfe]  dipiii(Bixipi«tl»i(i 
AdElpfa.  ii.  2. 1. 

aipcdianu,]        CoDcurreo 

omne«"Eun.Ti.",  24. 

ctpidHas]    Aaimu^  ubi  m 

mcl    te    cufAiitate    devinxi 

•      ■■  i.2,34.  Piinir 

'c^Mi)  I11iu>Bn 
piduM  mopio  inccDderet. 
Ueant.  ii.  3,  126.  N< 
poteat  qoBm  eapido  rruo  buc  1 
redenndi.  Heci,2.16.  Tbd- 
toprn  capiduM  rcdeundi    do- 

hoc  meralli  comperiiir. 
T.  3,31.  Ip>i  conin  Glj- 
And.  T.  i,  2.     NoloDt 

pectKi  mortecnna. 


«rj    Quid  obHM 

taletD  hujuBulllciiD 
Aod.  T.  3,  1£,  16. 
quuritBt?  Ean.iiiS 

And.  i 

fi,3S.    . 

i^inped.ont  c 

H.  El  m 
1.  2,  49.  Quum  ef;o  vo,  «A.i 
•mrif  cuteriB.  Hec.  ii.  1.  33. 
Cura  ei  coide  eicenit.  Her. 
iii.  2,  12.  Huc  mihl  nunD 
am  eel  muinu.  Hec  It.  2. 
19.  QnolButemtdemiunu? 
Hec.  t.  3,  19.  Non  quoti- 
diBDB  eura  hBec  Buseret  Bui- 
mum.  PhDrm.i.3.£  Etewii 
etBumpioBlMumitur.  Pborm. 
ii.  2,  2S.  QuuU  me  euni  el 
Ballicitudine     «fficit     gnBtui. 

Id  papulua 
i.i.2.14.    1 

T.  4.  IB.  Carabilur.  And.  ii, 
3,29.  Oinuftprabe.  And.T. 
2.   6.      Diligenter  £bo  cnrwj 

udcB,  tiquid  nele  oanitam 


.     8i   melai* 

lomi  eanlur 
ii.3, 15.    Ad- 

7,  ]1. 

curnis/jtJii}    Gtrnaiio  wr- 
CDrn.  Uaut.  i*.  4,11. 

cuml       8rr.iu      cm 
Hetut.  Prdl,  37.    Eun.  ProL 
36.     8i  quu  laboTioH  «t. 

dt\  Punm.  SMlndczM 

iAus]  Ut  illum  Di  iW 
omDM  HDium  perduit.  Bun. 
ii.  3,  10.  Cf.  Huut.  iT.  5, 
$.  Hk.  i.  3,  £9.  lu  Di 
/Wque  bxinl.  H«c.  i.  2, 37. 
Hulum  quod  iili  Di  ftauqua 
oauM  duint.  Pliarm.T.7,83. 


S,  56. 

Iiriun.  Hm.  iii.  2,  34. 

»1    Ne  lumm    ' 

10]  N«  quii  fi 
atnoKdo    «tqt 

i.  2,  47. 


iiL  1,  S5. 

ennwl  t^mnn  nim  initi- 
tBefit  Phorm.  t.  fi.  8. 

culoi]  Numnnm  hle  m. 
lictu9CN<ot7  NuaibiciB<af 
publice  e>t  nuac.  Eud.  ii.  2. 
55,  59.  Ofa,  boDe  cutoi, 
ttlTe.  PhonD.  iL  1.^7. 

(WoMw]    CyaHat  i 

Si'™."Adei£h."iV.  afs 

CJtprw]  TetiuDlproficiKi 
qwrvB.  Adelpb.  il\  2,  16. 
AJime  quu  porto  Cvprum. 
Adelph.  ii.  2.  22.  Hic  pro- 
perat  in  Cj/pnm.  Adelph.  ii. 

meP  Adelph. 

dtiro]  Egu  iiDi: 
Hrrilio  debto.  And. 
Dtbwm,  c»<to,itti  quicquftDi 
furcifrro,  >i  itl  fecenm.  Eun. 
V.  2.  22.  Convsniet  nuDie- 
ru>.  quintutn  dtiid.  Phonn. 
i.  2,  i-  Qui  diuolrfrem  qufte 
(M-a.  Quid,  li  uimun  de- 
M?  Phorm.  iv.  3,  £1,  56. 

debSiM]  MombfK  melu  dt- 
biiia  lunt.  Adelpb.  iv.  4,  4. 

rfwclo]  SerTO  cutTeuCi  in 
Tit  lieeeM  populum.  HeuiC. 
Prol.  32.  De  miunu  nihil 
dfodet.  Adelph.  t.  3,  30. 
Otcrdet  jun  ira  huc  Hec 
'■i.  5,55. 

dtceno]  Qaici|a>d  peperii- 
Mt.  dtcrmenut  toUere^  And. 
1.  3,  14.  SawU,  coniumu, 
perdit,  dtcretum  «t  nti, 
He.ut.iii.  1.56.     IdTilJum 


dtal]    Fui 

:.  Hec 

r.  1,S 

rnui,  heluo,  nneo,  ifiiiiH 
Hetut.  T.  4,10. 

rfannMin]  DederitifaR 
mut  Dulum.    Aud.  i.  1,  116. 
NniDqnid  eat  nliud  mmli  dai 

Vmm  rEun"™  5.  M."  h" 
^oi»»  nuctui  eit.  HeuiL  i 
i.  15.  P.i.llun.  lucri  qut 
tnm  el  danni  «pportct.  Heu 
ir.  4,  25.  Z>ajnRiiM  riuviinu 
cat.  Adclph.  li.2,23.  Phon 
ii.  I.  13. 
pamat]   Jovem  .  .  .  DaK. 

Daaai     Penou     ett    i 

dtcidl]  'QuuiU  de  ■»  dt- 
eidi.  Henul.  ii.  3,  9,     ADguii 

Phorm.  iT.  4.  26.  Meniit 
hic  dicimu)  eat.  Adelph.  iii. 

dteipifiy  Dtctjitua  iudi,  mt 
non  deftlVt»!.  And.  iT.  I, 
45.  I}ieipuin,  ec  non  ve- 
niiDi.  Heuit.  iv.  4,  6  Ne- 
quid  propler  tuim  Gdem  de- 
<^a  ^Utc  ur  m    1.        orm. 

decUiTxt\  CujuH|ue  in^ 
nium  ut  Mdtclarat  muinie. 
Haut  iii.  9,  43. 

dtcrtpiltu]  Cam  mce  dr- 
ertpitn  b«  euBucbo.  Enn.  ii 
I,  25.  Anum  decrrpilam 
dacsm  P  Adelph.  v.  8,  16. 

dmnio]  Prior  lahH: 
pnsr  deemmbat.    Piuinii.  ii.  '1, 

dedttarti\  He,  et  to,  r(  fa- 
mi]t>m  dedecorae-  Uec  it  1, 

dedeca,-]  81  aiu  h>«  dedt- 
iriestpuuD.  Heaut.  1^3.93. 

dedo]     Cnm     qaibiu    eixl 

jmm  neniti.  And.  v.  4,  5U. 
Quui  Sedita.  opet*.  Kns.  t. 
3,2  Qnidcocptmi?  Rpiae? 
nt  Tbmidi  toeibiloas.  ^in.  t, 
7,  2.  Hibebmm  mJibi  mBimam 
unori  dedilmu.  Hec  i  iL  1 , 1 4. 

dadmu]  DedmMM  cibatn. 
Eun.  ii.  \  23.  Credebu  il- 
Imm  line  tum  operm  in  cobicB- 
lum  iri  deductiim  domun' 
Adelnh.  iv.  5,  60  Vxorem 
dedualAomam.  Hec.i.S^ea 

defaiiqo\  Deccptut  muin.  it 
non  dtfaUmtu.  And.  it.  1, 
45,  OpuihciuD.  ot  rf^iibfiB- 
UHine.  Eun.  ii.  1, 14.  Itmme 
d^biigarU  Tclim.  Addph.  iv. 

dtfemdo]  S 

i.*Adelph.  iiL4,47. 
Aa  o^fBiHiAtriaiii  DSTbim. 
Pborm.  L  4,  4a  IUe  nd  dt- 
Anrfflnjinm  cuimm  ■dc*L 
Phorm.  ii.  1,36. 
rf^Aiuor]       ElH     mliqaem 

And.  iv.  5.  ta  Hoic  ipsi  emt 
opui  patronn,  qnem  dtfim» 
rcM  pmni.  Eun.  iv.  G,  & 
dtfrro]  Moi  d^emd  pnD- 
im  huc  mnle  ostinm.  And. 
.  2,  27.     Ad  mlinm  deMmr 

Epiitolmm  .  .  .  md  partitoTes 
H  delalam.  Phorm.  i,  2,  100. 

liaAmil  Spenbmm  jmai  do- 
Tcitm  mJoleicentimm.    Adcl. 


defetiKxrr]  Defimajtm  mnm 

7.'  UMue  i^h^'  rfc/«n'» 
mnL  Adelph.  ii.  2.  5.  Dt- 
/cni  lum  mmbulmado.  Adel. 
iT.  6.  L     NoB  queo;  ilm  de- 




il^fieiol       Kqnld     dtfida, 
Phorm.  1.  4.  £3.     E*  c>uh 

Nihil  mpnd  idb  tibi  drfitri 
piliar.  Hec.  v.  2,  2.  Quiii 
diiit  qnod  Mnut,  mgn  «t. 
Phorm.  i.  3,  10. 

drfrTtii'^  Eliam  ilitupCTi^ 
fndaH  Adclpb.  ii.  2.  38. 
Siium  Hefmdaiu  noium. 
Piiorm.  i.  1.  10. 

difiimM-']     DtfuiHiia   jun 

•um.^D.T^].  Ifi.  Dlinini 
hic  lit  modo  dtfmdm. 
Adelph.  iii.  4,  G3.  Cupic 
~'-  —   '- '"-Q  <*</"■ 

gitr,  Phomi. 

tttg6\  Diem  .  .  .  perwluam 
in  liietiliai^EMrT.  Adelp''' ''- 
].  6.  Ut  cum  DDO  uUtcm 
dcQr:Ttl.  Fhonn.  ii.  B,  70. 

dtkae]  DdanB  ut  quici- 
niitporTa.moDeo.  And.Prol. 

uimo  muliem.  Eud.  ii.  3.  £. 

daLirior]     Hie 

Pho™  t";',  17. 

i.  I.  Si.  Hprm  . . 

^,    Bk^ST. 

drinje    tmod    Tcni    eloquu 
n«ut   ^l.   3.      NequD  ■ 

dikiiaio]  Dum  Dnlli  al: 
deUtialio.  Hnut  *.  3,  34. 
dtlfOo]  PiTupbiUm  irce» 


I.  PbDn 

^  delUitut]    SetiD  dM,  >i  1 

.  6,  16. 

(1   Me  boe  ddKim 
iD  me.  Addph.  r 


deliro]  Mirae,  And.  i'-  4, 
13.  SenuiWirxBU.  Adelph. 
JT.  7,  43.  QnldP  dttirm, 
Phonn.  T.  S,  16.  Deliral 
miHT  timore.  Pborra.  v,  8.  B. 

delado}  Ubi  vii  bciliui 
pusLis  sim.  quftm  ta  hiic  re 
me  deladier.  Aud.  i.  S,  32. 
Doii*  nt  mo  d^tdere».  Aad. 

^enMnniBl  De  iJmnini  <ua 

devuntia]  Crcdo ;  nt  Mt 
demeslia.  Adelph.  iii.  3.  36. 
HudDe      Titun  ? 

dtminrr]  At  hoe  deminr 
qni  tun  neile  potuerii  per- 
•UBdcT*.     HeuiL    ii.   3,    121. 

mulier  drmiL  Kun.  iv.  1.  13. 
Dmui  metum  omncm.  Adel. 
iT.  7.  IS.    Et  mibi  rl  libi 

«it  ubi  hnbiteL  (fenioititraner. 
Ptaorm.  li.  1,76. 
demoeeo]    Cnve  Dnnc  JUD 


demi^eeo]  Non  pooum  pcti 

guiu   libi    opii'    -■- — ' 

H»ut.  iT.  fi.  U 

dmHiml  Nun 

MDdooe  dt- 
mf  And.  T.  3,  11-  Nnnc 
uun.  BnnL  il.  3,  12.  Id 
im  jiiviit.    Adelph.   ii.  3, 

iemm]  Huc  edeoego  ilU 

S'  m  dmttmAii,  Phons.  t.  7, 

dtiHgo]  \m  obiurgmniil 
auw  lit  «  dentgrt.  And.  i.  1, 
131.     DtMntiral   H   coniniil- 

6,    6.     In    tUnegamdo    modo 
qnii  pndor  peulum  ideit.     Bt 

tmncn   tcb    prcmit    dewgare. 
And.  iT.  1,  6,  9.     Dere  dan- 
gari,.  Heeut.  iii.  1.  78. 
dtwiqnej   JDeait/m  ila  tum 

1'20,     iDci^mmodilu    dtniqiat 

bne  redeunt  dariqut.  EuiL 
2,  7&  Fodrre  aut  Bnre,  i 
eliquid ferre.  Deni^.  Hn 

Deaufue   ftDimAm    rciinqiuim 

KtiuL  Adelph.  iii.  4,  fil. 
indendo  ■iqne  odio  deniga» 
etltcH  leiiei.  Hee.  i.  2,  4B. 
Danoae  hcnlc  nurutnrim  im- 
liue.Her.  iiL4,10.  Oiem/^; 
kcciitrmui  :  rmviuB  ^emiaiia 
mlnilemur-  Hec.  i*.  4,^ 
Quid  Gl  dmioutl  Phonu.  i. 
2,71.  Hue  iU»iM  rjui  ruit 
poitreiDm  oimlio.  Pborm.  It. 

Enn.  iT.  4,  24.  Dmliil  hic 
■liqvmm  purnmm  ifefmo.  Kun. 
T.  i,  60.  Hemut  iii.  2,  3Z 
PhoTm.  >.  6,  39. 

deomnil  No  iunum  dtor- 
im  cur««.  Euu.  ii.  2,  47. 
Noetin  parlirnm  ipud  taicel- 

eK.  Adelph.  It.  2.  34.  36. 

dtptaeeor]  Jim  drpeeiiiei 
mone  cupio.  Pborm.  1.  3,  14. 

dtpereo]  Clinii  huc  di- 
perit.  Hemnt  iii.  2,  14. 

mpnident     dtpiiiMt 


depida]  Mmlo  quidem  me 
digDum  qnovii  dtpultm. 
HWnt    i    1,    83.     QuHtd» 


ccdtL  Hec.  iii.  5, 


deputai  parvi  pi-eti.    Hcc. 
a,  1.     OmDO  iide]«aart  • 

,1    Con 

C(.  21. 

^nrfe  iTellenL 

dtriJeo']  Eti 
ni<i  adveDil.  J 
Deridfl    Ho 

iie   dsKrof 

m  Die  ^ufrfu. 
.  2,  1 1.  OmD« 
t  imiri  deicnat. 


Adelpb.  '> 

I,  13, 


I   Alheni 

ii.  6.  in.  Ah  daime. 
V,  6,  8.     Aurxaf  lieet- 

Eon.  Pnl.  16.  Hicet: 
.  Eun.  ii.  S,  S6.  Au( 
,  uit  ceJo  quomi ' 

u7  Ad.i 

i.  2,  43.     Poii 

1,23.  Jun 
rS,S7.  Tu» 
l,  peceoiitui 
i,i2.    Den- 

1   Bd  Glim 

lH.iT.  1,S, 

I  ultro  dert- 

deKroJ,      Heiut.     *.     1, 

quam  illu  detiran.    Adelph. 
iii.  4,£2.    Amieu  t«  et  «- 
nUu  datren,  el  reit«  di 
Hec  iT.  2,  16. 

deordul  Angii»riami(ii( 
■llin  deiertuta.  Eun,  t.  2, 
Deiertae  TiTimua.   Heaut. 

deriilo]    NunqnHi 

1,36,    Hoc 
I.  Hec.  i.  2, 


30,     Daialat  litibu). 

iT.  3, 29. 

dapieatsi\  No«  noitnm- 
qne  adDleecentitm  h*lNnt  de- 
ipkalam.  Eun.  ii.  3,  91. 

DOD  liMt   ADd,  iT,  S,  ^l. 

dannvbo]  DeipcmdL  Hic 
Duptiit  dictu  Mt  diet.  Aud.  i, 
1,  75.  latui  dapondtiMur. 
And.  T.  6,  16.  F«a  illi  neqoa 
do  DBqDO  de^tondeo.  Cui  do- 
turui  noD  «101  ut  el  de$poi^ 
dtaml  HmuI.  it.  fi,  Sl,  36. 
Z>u/VRBin  eHedicilo.  HetuL 
iT.  B,  2G,  Qni)  dapundHi 
quiidodit?  Ad.  It.  G,  36. 

dtmbOi]    CmciDr,    b«1nm 

de  jtdiify}  e  liDcibui.    Heuit, 
It.  2,  6. 

dauni]  Quut  deiU  locai. 
He^ut.  iij,  3.  26,     DaHl.   Id 

27.     Beutua  ni  unum  boc  de- 
lit.    Phonn.  i.  3,    18.     Non 

id  detenortm  tar- 

Lmqiie  ip;i1lcHt.  Aud. 

111  um   cHe   qnam 

deeedi  iiem.  Hec.  t.  3.  2. 

dedderiaiii]  Scin*  demUrio 
id  Heri  tuo.  He»ut.  ii.  3.     " 
>    deeideno  fuit 

i,  S,     Te 

tror  cepiue.  Hec.  i.  2,  U, 

dt»idtrn-\  Wtdttidera.Ea 
1,2,113.  Quuitoiliutiuiibci 
tuilo  mDgii  daaderu.  Heai 
iji.  1,  16,  I4on  detidero.A 
ii.  1,  23.  Vehementer  dei 
dero.  llec.  iii.  A.  38. 

denoMo]  Hodo  quid  deatff- 
aatil.  Ad.  i,  3,  7, 

detim]  Dtmitant  mmledj- 
cere.  And,  Prol.  23,  Hiec 
toUicitudii     doindo 

Alt.  Pml.  17,  19.     Maledict 

Soccoi  iMrainnf.  Henut, 

detrimeaiua]  Do  te  qu 
pecci,ndo  detrimeiUi  nibil 
poiwt.  Hee.  ii.  1,  37. 

devenio}  Tutum  dert 

devtTior]  E^o  dea>  PeDUci 
inc  ulnutuni  domuiD  dettr- 
T.  Phorm.  ii.  1,82 

dmncio]  Coujuf^o  librrali 

bi  nnimiil  Kmel  K  cnoidi- 

icordin  oEcriJirfii*. 

ncquenti^ffF/fBmcio.  Phom. 

'  De^]  Proite«>,..fidm. 

Aod,  i.  6,  2.  Id  spcni  ndju' 
tur«  Dt,^.  AnA.\ii.  2.  ix 
Pcr  te  Z^eoioni.  Aod.  iii.  3. 
6.  Qund  Ci  prDtiibeaat.  And. 
iii.  S,36.  Niiiquid£>;'ivtfii- 
ciunt.  And.  ir.  1, 18.  Uihi 
CeoifniBeintoa.  Anil.  JT.  1. 
40.  Di  Tcrtnm  Gdon.  Anil. 
ir,  3,  I.  Dii  pnl  hsb»  rn- 
-'—     '-'    ■-   ■  31.    sSut 

omnrt  Mniuni  pnduiL  Enn. 
ii.  3, 10.  At  ts  Di  perJuit. 
Bun.  iii.  I.  II.  Dm  kw  in 
hominem    eonTertine.    Eun. 

54.  QuuilumlibiopiiZlida: 
Heiut.iii.  S,  Sl.  UtleqDidi 

Dii  neacque.  qumntuin 
-iiduiDl,    Hemut.   it. 

ipnd  illumi>«i«.  Ad.  It.  I. 
19.  i>i  hene  Tortuit.  Ad.  ir. 
7,  10,  Di  boni.  Ad.  iii.  .1. 
86.  ProDiimmortden.  Adel- 
pbi  iii,  4,  I.  Demi  luni,  *> 
hoc  itn  eU,  Hec.  t.  4,  3.  Id 
tetlor  Deot.  Hec,  iii.  S,  -J.L 
Non   tu  hunc  hnbcu     plmne 

rrHDtciiiiVm!  Pfaoma.  iL 
31.  Di  tibi  DulefuiiDi. 
Phonn.  ii.  S,  47,  E«o  Drot 
penati)    hine    Hlntatuin   <'- 

82.     Sin. 

i.  1. 



V,  3,  34.  Hilnin,  qnoa  Utl 
IH  DacquB  omsn  duint. 
rharm.  t,  7.  81 

dariir]  Qiiod  >go  te  per 
hSDC  dtilram  rm.  And.  i.  G, 
54.  Ab  dtitera  itain.  Aud. 
iT.  3,  19.  Concede  md  daU- 
rm».  And.  i».  4, 12.    Tu  in 

nia.  Knn.  ir.  7.6.  Ccdn  der- 
tram.  Hruu.  ili.  1.  84.  Ito 
■d  ileHrvm.  Ad.  ir.  2.  44. 

dica\  Tibi 



Diibi  Kripuiin  dieam.  PhDrai. 
ii.  2.  15.  Dicam  tibi  im- 
piitflm  ^nndflm.  Pbonn.  ii. 
3,  S2.  SeiKiiuu  proinds  Hri- 
bilo  jim  milii  if tou.  Pfaorm. 
io.  3,  63. 

dkn,  orc)  Hinc  npenm  Ubi 
diea.  Phoim.  i.  2,  12. 

ditny  Diamt  pot*.  And.  i. 
1.2.  VeniniinudTerbumet^ 
vvAao  quod  did  >Dl(]t.  And, 
ii.  5,  15.  Quin  dic  ouid  at. 
And.  li.  6.  16.  Kem  ipwm 
ific  And.  T.3,2,  Haud  iitnc 
diau,  li  cotinorii  me,  And. 
\i.  1,28,  Num  eogiCit  quid 
dicatl  And.  t,  3,  6,  Quui 
qmcqnm  iu  huiie  jam  jnTiui 
dici  poniet,  And.  t.  3,  3.  In- 

Eun.  ii.  3,  39.  Fieete  dto- 
lam.  Eun.  ii.  2,  67,  8i  iitue 
cnderem  (incere  diti.  Eun, 
i.  2,  97.  Nan  lu  iilue  mihi 
didara  nperte  eiP  Eun.  t,  1, 
3.  Nullam  cat  jtni  dielmi, 
quod  non  dictitm  lit  priue, 
EuD.  Piol,  41.  Cianm  di- 
vre.  Eun.  Prol.  10.  Neque 
Kio  qold  dieam,  aul  qaid  con- 
jectem.  EuD.  iii.  4,  6,  Heui 
heui,  libl  i/tso.,  3.46. 
Verum  dieo.  Hrnit.  {t,  fi,  18. 
Recte  dica.  Heanl.  iii.  3,  27- 
Vemm  illud  diaaU.  Howit. 
iv.  5,  48.  Mntum  diea.  Ha- 
■ut,iT.  4,26.     VideieTemm, 

4,  19.  et  plurim»  kliii  locie, 
dictio]    Tatimoni     diCtio. 

Phorm.  11,  I,  63. 
dietito}     MnleTalnt    Tetus 

fOt\t.di^at.  Hnnt.Prol,23. 

(ifiiiadictitat.  Phoim.  Prol. 

4,     Noa    DbKcro    «•    qnem 

S.4a    iMcfHi  u:  hctun 

ii,  3, 7.  Me  dnccra  iilii  n 
poatulu?  Aiid.iT.1,20,  . 
lam  tU  jun  didum,  quod 

i.  1,  11.     NoD  •unl 

t.  1,  76.    Heic  dictii 

"  ciT,  1,49.    Nbm 

I    wvidicii    diciii 

'hami,  iii.  2,  16,  Dictwm  m 
ilenliHtnt.  PbonD.iii.3,  i 
dirada]    Non  ■    " 

ipliii  djctui  ert 
diei,  Fm  in  didiiu  MUcla, 
And.  i,  I,  75,  77.  HicrfiM 
■linin  Tium  nfrcn,  And.  1.  S. 
18.  Ut  ■liouot  nllrm  nnp- 
tiii  prodmt  dia.    Sftltem  %\\- 

!iiot  dit9  proler.  And.  ii.  1, 

diliu*.  noctcHUe  et  diet.  And, 
>T,  1,  b2.  O  reitai  dia  ho- 
minii,  Eun.  iii.  S,  IZ  In 
hnnc    rfirni    ni  de  «jmbolit 

ditm  iituc  nt  fartuae,  qued 
minue.  Eun.  t.  G,  19.  Tot 
rei  .  .  .  io  nnnm  concluut 
ditm.    Eun.  T.  8,  17,  Slertit 

diem.   Ad.    iii.  1,  6.    Unum 

A'de3™iii."3."'34,  Videro 
Tideor  jun  diem  ilium.  Ad. 
iii.  3,  30.  Huiic  dirm  . . . 
ptrpetunm  in  Uetitis  d^re. 
Adelph,  iT.  1,  (,  PtaUllm 
hane  prodocam  diem,  Ad.  IT. 
2,  £2.  Cui  rd  «1  ei  rei  hune 
tumuniu  djetn.  Adeipb.  T,  3, 

I.  Ad.  T,  9, 

.  2,  102,  DcMTere  feitoa  dii 
iic.  iT.  2,  16.  Hunc  Tidc 
arpe  optnbBmui  diem,  He 
T,  4,  29.  Totani  deiedi  rftn 

Phorm.  *,  3,  16,  Qnintie 
CDmmodituibut    ,   .  .    Anli- 

Phofm,  T,  6,  2. 

difero]  Or»tionem  .per»l 
lu.cniue  »,  qui  dijfirui  te. 
And.  ii,  4,  5.  Rumur»  dit- 
Iwlenmt  milcToli.  Heaut. 
Prol.  16.  JMferw  dolDribni. 
Adelpb,  iii.  4,  40, 

difflcHiiJ  Cui  vertn  diro 
diffiale  m.  And.  i.  3,  It. 
Qiiui  dijieile  tll.    Enn,  ii.  1, 

canfecl.  Enn.  T.  4,  4,  Diffl- 
c^«»»r»retKncn.  HnuU 
iii,  2,  24.     Nibil  tun  diffleita 

nri  pouicl.  HruiL  It,  2,  8. 
Diffleilrm  oitend»  (e  euo. 
HeiutT,  1,60;  It.  6, 1. 

diglao)  Lniurii  et  ItsciTia 
di^it.  tle.ul.T.1.73. 

diyiltilm]  Qui  mihi  nune 
uno  diailalo  ram  iperit, 
Enn.  ii.  2,  S3. 

if^liHl  Si  ilUni  dlgilo  nt- 
lifierii.  Eun,  It.  6,  -i.  De 
diailo  annuluni  delnliD. 
Hcaut,  iT,  1,  37.  Eripuit  ti 
in  iftottD  qnem  habuil,  Tiriini 
■hient  uinulnm.  Uee.  It.  1, 
SS;  T,  3,32. 

digtiitiu]  Apud  ■linmpnhi- 
ittdigttiiai.  HcKnt.  iii.  3,1». 

d^itM]  Nec  Hlii  dtvH  cut 

,    And.  i 

>  reli 

-,37.     At  tibi  Di 

dij/nim  fkclit  eiitium  duint. 
And.  iT.  1,  42,  ^n  tdeo 
digaa  rei  eM  ubi  tu  nerToa 
intendu  tnot.  Enn.  ii.  3,  20. 
EdacU  !<■  uti  tequ*  illMiue 
digmmt  etL  Eun,  It.  6,  10, 
Ine  hinc  qno  dianm,  Eun,  It. 
3. 9.  Nou  te  rfunni  fecitli. 
Eun.  T,  2,  35,  hihil  ett . . . 
digmiutowid  imetur.  Eun,  t. 

22,    h" 

ilo,  d 

a  quod  ta 

i.  1,'5J— 66.  Homi- 
Irino  digtnm.    Heiut. 

wot.  Pharm.  iT,  5, 10. 
irol  Pergin  itlucprio* 

«nVii,  ^.^.'''Alien» 
lui  Tideuit  et  dijadi- 
■ni  »■.   Hennt  !h.  I, 



menleai :  tn  dmdita.  Heut. 
T.  2,33. 
dUapido]  PriiuqDiim  dSa- 

dil^^enUr)  DaignUr  nvn- 
tica  julri.  EUD.  JL  S,  4a 
DiligaOir  &c  cur«i.  Cuntte 
iiUna  dUigemier  virnDciD. 
Eun.  iii.  2,  ff,  *2.  Jfee.  ii. 
2,  IS. 

dUigemlia}  Aemulul  obKU- 
imm  daigaUiaM.  Aiid.  Pni. 
32.  Et  dUigadioA  THtnm 
et  beDignitklem  DOTi.  Hecii. 

rfilMol  Te  in  gennini  fi«- 
\radUfxi\iKO.  And.  i.£,  57. 
Et  dilu/Hot  Di. 

SdIui  SBt  qu( 
And.  T.   "     ' 

9.      Quu 

i4  iib  Dii  »lui  dili- 

nu.   Ad.  ii 

iXauniHim     cvo 
rx  k^i.     Eun.  IT. 
tibi  <)ui- 
.    Adelph. 

7.  33.  i>i'i 
doDi  }.m  c 
i».  2.  32. 

dimiUo]  JuD  liniitUa  enr- 
cilum?  EDn.iT.  7.44. 

rfnwiuni]  i>i'jnaii«K<  ilii 
Btiijlo  Tiginti  miu^  Adelpb. 

i>Hniivu1  Ditmyna  bie 
•uiit  hodie.  Haut.  i.  i,  110. 
Apud  eum  milei  Dionyna 
ositiL  Heiut.  iT.  4,  11. 

Di]Mliu\  ayn*pathiie«ont« 
AuU/i  comoedii  cat  Adelpb. 
Prol.  6. 

dtrnol  Huie  in  orto  nuce- 
riem  iube  ifinH.  Adelpb.  t. 
7, 10, 18. 

diM\  Diliu  et  nobilem. 
Hctut.  iii.  3,  4&  Poiniiei. 
rftte,G)rluniti,nobiW  Aiiel. 
iii.  4,  67.  8cin  Cnlini  hnjni 
ififuHdetl'  Adelph.  iT.  3,42. 
i>u  qDldem  euea,  u  tuun 
r«iD  cBDitibiliHcg.  Ailalph.  t. 
1,  8.  In  «rritutcm  peupe- 
nm  ad  ifilimdui.  PbDRa.iv. 

ditanlo]  lu  lum  Jitenlo  tb 
ilio.    Anil.  i.   I,  121.     Modo 

P1io™."t."2°  8.  Imo  T«ro 
pulrhre     ditatlo     et     probe. 



■o]  Si  eTcniit,  auod 
pTDhibeuit,  diiBfio.  And. 

ditddimm}  Vdeaat  qoi  ic 

erDuiifiBidiiuiiToiunt.  And 
T.   2,    U.      Hoc    ifiMu/in 

iJuniiifs]  Vnteai  omnem 
miiene  diicidil.  Eun.  iT.  3, 
4.  Ditddit  teiteni?  mutj- 
Blur.  Adelpb.  i.  2,  40.  Vide, 
ut  diiadit  UliTvai.  Adelpb. 
iT.  3,  20. 

diteiptima]  DimiBlina  ett 
eiidem.  HuuL  ii.  3,  59.  Phi- 
Igeapboniin  bibeDt  diicMima 
ei  ipiii  vocibuli.  Eun.  iL  2, 
32.  ExempJuD 
Adeiph.  T.  1,  &. 

ifiK^w)  Num 
1  And. 


Heaut.  Prol.  10.  Priui  dif 
quid  lit  TiTeiiL  HeuiU  r.  2, 
IB.  Ptter  «Mt  diie»  ib  iilii, 
oui  Tcn  KiHnL  Adelph.  i.  3, 
46.  InquD  knecifiieEAiitludo. 
Fhorm.  i.  3,  38.  Cwili  di- 
dici  noTii.  Uoc  All.  ProL  6. 
Cf.  10. 

m  finfii  U- 

mi.  Adeiph.  iT.  4.  1. 

iMieiuj  Apud  liberlui 
Diiemn.  Eun.  til.  S,  60. 

diHrABH]  Cillidum  etifuer 
tom  crcdidi  bamiaem.  Eur 
T.  6, 10. 

■fifnHoo}  Eit  ret  mullo  mmi 
ime  diAmtil  illnm  mb  illi 
"       i.  2,  8«. 

iT.  «,  71. 

diieoTrto]  Qui  Kit  eo*  sui 
diidordan  inter  lo?  And.  ii 

diicribo]  Qaodne  ego  d 
loripii  porro  iilii  quibui  di 
bui?  Phom.T.7,  ia 

I-  1.  4.  7. 
UtgrMiim  inesliiDeeuoiJi*- 
pendio.  Hec.  t.  2,  29. 

dinwml  i>awni,  perii  mi- 
•enT^aut.  ii.  4.  &  Dii- 
ftrii  Htanl.T.2,l7.Ade1pb. 

dimrgo)  Utcerebrorfi'8wr- 
gal  Tiun.  Adelph.  iii.  2.  19. 
An  libi  jmm  mmrii  cerebmm 

diyieiyi  bic  t  Adelph.   t.   3, 


ditpiciu]  Jim  mliquid  dii- 

diijHulet]  DitpmM  mic  Bibi 

ifiipiilol    In    e«   < 


diiniiiinirj  Ititrmiiaar. 
Adelpb.  !ii.  3,  15. 

ditumilii]  Kon  iim  dini- 
■Hfi  lUDt  ufiuuentD  aeA  u- 

futmo  mc  ililoL  And.  PmL  11. 
12.     " 

L  Aielfb. 

oH.  Adelpb.  i 
quod  dimimilii 
T.  3,39. 

diiiimvlo]  Bcnc  dimim^ 
lalum  mmoiem  me  celitno 
indicmL  And.  L  1.  105.  Nod- 
ne  em  diaimalart  aim  meij 
Hct    iv.   I, 

£iu  « 

'.  2,  2.      Metnit 

Dleemi  qnae  dGhta.  Pfaoim. 
T.  3.50. 
diMtaidi^  Ue  cam  Inc  ipeo 

ifi^rDiMt  lllud  Tkdc  c 
itiibiiiUinilcuiiifez-  Eui 

diilraAo]      QQind«|iudei 

4,  23.  Honiuc  unanm  di,- 
fro&i  poterin  pmti?  Pbimii.iii. 

'diilrilmo]  Id  diMrA^int 
mne  ett «  •DOIcutia.  AMpli. 
iii.  S.  17.  "^ 

diiliuio]  Spmtium  cesitandi 
■dditbiritMiainupiua.  Aitd. 
i.2, 11. 
din,  dimliMi]  Pmuim. 

diunt  cane,  qume  nwnm  ini- 
mum  diurwae  inliunL    And. 
dtecrticmfMil  Chi  id  ipsum 


1.    EUD.  h 

dim]  Qni  miniu  lulKnt 
nt  iempei  Uiqnid  widuil 
dipilioribmi.  Phwv.  i.  I.  & 
Proplcr  invidiun  ■dimunl 
diviH.  Phorm.  ii.  1,  4& 

diride]  Ndu  imt  eomiBode 
diniia  >unt  Icmporibiu  tibi 
hmec  Aud.  iii.  1,  1& 

dividia]  DiridmKm  ftct. 
Adelph.  1L8,S3.    - 

C  k")0<^  lc 


Rniui]   Pluia  hie  din 
:.  iT.  4,  7*. 

hnaHl  Alt  nm  rftn 
■M.    Bun.  iii.  3.  7. 


infi»]    lEhoo»».  p* 

Jw.  And.  ir.  5,  'i.     .^ 

Hmat  Lemni.  PbDna.  t.  8,23. 
do}  Sjia]io\uBdtdit.  And. 
i.1,^2.  Qui  dBfarit  dnmnum 
■ot  nxiliiln.  Nnnc  id  aMnm 
do.  And.  i.  1,  116,  13U.  Te 
iiti  tirnm  da.  And.  i.  5,  60. 
Ilk  DbitiuBta  oprnm  dall 
And.  L  £,  8.  TM  uznism 
noD  r^dJ  imni  Chmaei,  And. 
ii.  2, 15.  Jim  hoc  tibi  invni- 
tnmc^.  And.iT.l,fi9.  H» 
aut  herum  peHum  daAmiU. 
Aud.  i.  3,  S.  Mhic  Gdem  libi 
V»  ahaccnTit .  .  .  nt  darem. 
And.ii.  S.2S.  Quo  mc  nnnc 
mecipHem  dareit.  And.ii:.4, 
27.  Cui  Terbi  dan  difficiie 
e>t.  And.  i.  3,  6,  Nuuqnam 
Tidi  meliu*  «Huilium  dari. 
Eun.  it.  3.  &S.     FaTtuaitiim 

(UBrdomnm!  Eun.  ii.  3,74. 
Kat  igtue  datitn  prDfecto,  ut 

amniiu    Enn.  iii.  I,  S,     Ae- 

bet  quod  dtl,  el 
^UL  EuD.  T.  - 
igimr  peululi 
Euu.  11.2.50 

Enn.  iT.  7, 1 
dtdUt  Enn. 

Eun.  i.  2,  24. 
iip;num   dabo. 

hioc  dt*nibnUtiD  »1  lunia- 
r«m  dedit.  Hant.  JT.  6,  2 
Quot  ree  dtdtr*  abi   poiKm 

43.  Din  rtiim  duru  dabii. 
Heuit.  ii.  4,  22.  Sine  me  n- 
ciTum  tempui  ne  qiiad  Jem 
mihi.  Heaat.  i.  I,  3a  Pro 
Tiivine  dari  nuptuTn  non  po- 
-  ].  Adelph.iii.2,48,  Heo- 
■  — '-^  meliorem  dari. 
.3,  7B,  Ja.jur«i- 
aum  Baomrr.  Adelph.  ii.  1, 
11.  Hocvitio</(ih»-.  Adelph. 
iii.  3,64.  Pnecipitem  ilamn. 
Adelph.   iii.  2,  20.      D»  la 

Adelph.  i: 

bodiemlhL     Adelph.v 

mliua  nt  libi  d«.  Hec.  ili. 
3,30.  OiJiwi  in  gUdiitare*. 
Hec.  Alt.  Frol.  32.  Cui  dala 
at  nupCum.    Hee.  iv.  1,  13. 

■peetam.  Phonn,  ii,  1,  31. 
Qujd  vciii  dari  tibi  in  nu- 
nump,2a   Giu- 

1.  a,  37. 

MiJe  doeel  (e   ram   bcilitu 
mnltL  HeauL  iv.  1.  35.    Du- 

Adelpb.  V.  9,  6. 

iJaa(u]  Benc  et  pudif  e  dnc- 
Iwm  &tque  sductum  iognninm. 
And.  \.  5,  3».  Nanquam  iic- 
cedo  quin  tbi  te  abcun  doe- 
tiar.  KnB.iv.  7,2].  lueodem- 


miUliun.   Hee.  i 

doiio]  Utinam  hoc  tibi  liD' 
tttt  iddera  nt  mihi  dolti. 
Run.  i.  2,  13.  Dolet  dictnm 
imprudenti  ■dDlncenil.  Eun, 
iii.  I,  40.  Illi  fuile  flt  quod 
doltai.  Eua.  iii.  1,  59.  Ah 
neKii  qnun  doltam.  Hekut, 
V.  1,G1.  Hocmihido/r(.no« 
pune  aem  Kiwe.  Adelph.  ii. 
4.  B.  Id  mihi  vehementer 
doltl.  Adeiph,  iv,JS,48,     Tin 


itqne  eiuBdoJanjn»tout  me- 
dic«er  tna.  Ai.3.  t.  1,  12. 
Diffenr  doloHhtt.  Adolph. 
iii.  4,  40.  Modo  doiorti  dc- 
dpiDnlprimulum.  Adelpb.iii. 
■    •!.     llli  iinimT '- — '- 

dpb.  iT.  3,  II       

lor».  Hec  lii.  2,  14.  An 
doloT  repents  iuTuit?     Hcc. 

am    aperte    fBllere     incipiu 
dalit?    D&Ti  fiLCtum  cuntiliD 


iii.  3,  26.  Doht 
luderc».  And.lii.4,  4.  Ut» 
nw  luditur  do/it.  Eun.  ii.  3. 
94.  Dalo  Dulo  haec  Oeri  om- 
nJL  EuD.  iii.S,9.  Ncdicun 
dolo.  Adelph.  iii.  3,  21. 
domiaa]  Dominam  fm*  ei- 

■Srclant  viim.     Heout.  li.  3. 
57,60;  iv,  1,15. 
^BUiititl     Apptnt  «irvnBl 

Kriqne.  Domini  timilii  ea. 
Enn.  iii.  2,  33,  43.  Iw  nt 
fit  doaiin  ubi  abianl.  Euu. 
lii.  6,  52.  Hoc  p^Ur  tc  do~ 
«tuu  iiiterMt.  Adelph.  i.  1, 
5\.  Ainnwn  atqiie  omnem 
liniiliam  raaloTit  utqiie  ad 
morlem.     Adclph.    i.    2,    9. 

iint  doMHi'.  AdriiJi.  iv.  2, 
16.  Servui  ipecUitui  uti>, 
cui  iJoiiiiiiiii  ruru  nt.  Adel. 
V.  6,  6.  Harum  qui  ett  do- 
anw  nedium.  Phaim.  t.  1, 

doitwi]  Domt,  nior,  liberi 

T.  7.  10.     J 
\  77«,° 

pneKnteabecnle  paleat.  Eun. 
V.  8,  28.  Uni  Msmper  mili- 
tiHC  et  domi  fuimu^.  Adeli^. 
iii,  5,  49.  And,  lii.  4,  19 ; 
lii.  2,  34.  Heu  donri.  Hec 
ii,  3, 15. 

ZtouuJ  Eun.  i».  7.  U. 

done}  Utque  uleo  domee 
perpulit.      And.     iv.    1,    38. 


»]    Egon*  t«   1 
o  quid  ^ofHiii  r 

Eaiii  e 
mihi.  EuD.  i.  2,  29,  55.  Si 
■ciu  quod  doamm  huic  iJoito 
coutn  mmfaret.  guii.  ii.  3, 
63.  In  hinc  quo  dignnt  it 
eura  donit  tuis  tam  TcpidiL 
Eun.  iv.  3,  9.      Quodvit  do- 

i>or«{(]    EoD.    iii.  S,  83, 

Dc,  zecbvGoOglc 


Doriii]   Pborm.  ili.  S,  1, 

dorniio]   Tnterdana  pT^pUr 
dornul.  Eun.  ii.  3,  77.    Dor- 

vebo. '  ^uL*  iT.  ^.'XTn 
■unm  ulnuntia  gtioK  ulifor- 
■NUJ.  H«Di.  ii.  3, 101.  Quid? 
cmlebiu  dirrmwti  tibi  huc 
confectnrDi  Dm?  Adelph.  ir. 
6,  J>9.  Filinm  lUKcpil  jun 
unm^^un.  u  onn. 

iJDntl  Eun.  T.  4,  57,  *e. 
dbjj  Unicam  ^atjim  ■unm 

iii.  5,  52.  Id  quod  Idx 
dattm  dtrctia.  Pliann.  i 
67;  ii.  3,  63.     Dattm  m 

dMto]  Numquid  id 
lat  quiu  KD  nuBc  pecpetuo 
pericriinp  Kun.  t.  8, 13.  And. 
li.  4,  %     Huc  dum  dsbibu 

"hiTrfi,fi7™"  """^ 

^■tiwl    Vna  dMiim   «t 

i!  2.  1.    Eun.  T.  6,  27.     Dum 

■hMt.  H«ut 

In  d««o  «t  »nim„,.  And.  i. 

5.  31.     M«  quidem    tacrcU 

nu>   ciL      H 

certe  in  dMo  *ia  c*t.  And. 

H«c    .i-n 

ii.    1,   10.      Eti>in   do   urte 

•UBt,  dnniiuf 
».  S,  14.     Q 

nunc  icnio  in  rf=4iKi«  miier? 

Adel|Ji.  ii.  S.  SS.     Tiim  f»>ui 

1,89.    Dicd 

«p.M«yiitin  rf-6.-«.yc-  Uu 

niel.  Adclph.  lii.  S,  iS.    Sci- 

T.  4,4.    V 

bam  dMan    fortuoun    eae 

diieram.  PU 

dnco,  ezutimn.Jndioo]  Ltu- 
dine  ^  fitia  iJiMa  id  ^ftum 
oporComt.  Eun  Uudcm  taic 
d-cif  moxiawm.  Addpta.  Pr;>i. 
5.  18.  Non  cum  bominsm 
dBCtTTHi.  Hm.  iT.  1,40.     fto 

Hcmut.  i*.  7.  B.  Bi>  fuero 
■tullednDa.  Hec.  iii.  2,  &  Id 
Uudi  diieii.  Adelph.  1.  2,  25. 

-■■■-.]    Nec   --■ — -'-    -"--* 


giudio.    And.  i 

2.  9. 

DKdt  wcoi 

ginBm,  Eun.  ii.  1,2 
qoquiJem  duamda  c 

HemuL  T.  6,  3).    ' 

un.  Adel- 
bi  iii.  4,  27.  Seeiui,  in  lo- 
um  ducerv  cl  reducere.  Pber. 
S,  36.     Uior  dtianida  eit 

dvclant  Bmltmbii.  Adolpb.  It. 
7.».  Mnm  dacla  grmtiii? 
Pborm.  iii.  2,  15. 

d>rf-n]  AndinimDirfiiduiL 
And.  i.  4,  1.     Qumm  dudam  1 

daleitX  Cni  nltail  jim  pne- 
ter  pretium  dula  «L  HeuiL 

Rsmlnlit.  And.  1.2717.  Pn>- 

-  ■  -■  liquo. 

And.  ii.  1.  26. 

And.  ii.  6, 12. 
cliimmdire,  dum 
iT.  1,53.    QDidTii 

Aiid.T.3.31.  Z>iinnltcm- 
pu>.  Eun.  i.  1, 11.  Ej»pec- 
tabo,  d»m  Tcnil.  Eun.  1.  2. 
126.  Tmntiner,  dum  qnod  le 
dignnm  cit  fmcict.    Hnut.  I. 


oL   il.  2,'  11. 

n™  iS^uL 
<m7  Heciil. 
ii|u*e».  Hec 
MMde*.  Hec 

d»/Ja]  Di^iax  qnae  (i 
mrnimentD  cflt  &ct&  miajplLri. 
Heaut.  Prol.  6.  Dmfilia  nc 
utier.  Ptaorm,  i..2.Tl 

dariier]  Pudic«  Tituu  |utc 
ic  dnriltr  mgcbU.  And.  i.  1. 
47-  Semper  pmm  mc  dunttr 
H  hmbere.  Adeluh.  i.  l.-JO. 
FmctummTol>ii.fKriter.  Adel 
i*.  5. 2f 


fit.  poteil.   aJi 
dury]  D«n 

etimm  diirat  dmbiL  llcmuL  iu 
4.  32.  Smtii  imm.  nth  pater 
dnnu  fiii.  H~nt.  iii.  I,  30. 
Nimiumip«ett(fvB(.  AdeL 
i.  I,  39.    riUin.liiniat.quHi 

Adelph.  T.4.5.  Illiidrfaw 
Pborm.  ii.  1,  S.     PniTiDcism 

23  Adeon  inf^io  «hc  dw 
tfl  ttque  ineiiormbili  ?  Phami. 
iiL  3, 12. 

E]  QraTide*  PunptiilaeiL 
And.  i.3,11.  LAborst  c  de- 
lore.  Apd.  i.  fi,  S3.  S  Ddto 
mudiTi.  And.  ii.  1.2  Pipe- 
ritee  bmne  «  Pupphilo.  And. 
lii.  2,  17.  lllmm  ■  connectu 
wuiii  meo.  Eun.  ii.  S.  1  E 
Corintho  . . .  inut.  HeeoL  i. 
1,  44.  B  UTi  egredinitrm. 
HemuL  i.  2,  a  £  r«  ntlt. 
Adelph.  iii.  I,  a  E  leria 
•umre.  Adripb.  ir.  1,  4.  K 
media  cicedere.  Hce.  i*.  &, 
14.  Unctnm  mtqoe  Uutum  e 
bmlneim.  Phona.  li.  2, 25.  Ad 
tcopulumetrmnquilU.  Phenn- 
ir.  4,  8.  B  media  eicewL 
Phorm.  T.  7,  74.  B  Diedia 
■biit.  Phom.  T.  H,30. 

Mbo)  Quidcomcdent?  qaid 
efiOnC?  HcmuL  ii.  3, 14. 

eiraj]  Qnun  - 
qne  e6rni  ei>.  H 

ecai^]  Per  rmmor  wLLia 
puer.  And.  iii.  2,  6.  Siirni 
aauter.  Hec.  It.  S.  5.  Fm 
nimgnm  tcattor  gntim  de  ittmc 


T,  1,  H 

»J      . 



1,  34.  JEriM  ipanm 
And.  in.2.53.  Pro> 
ogMrimphilui:  itiiii 
And.  T,  6,  1.     Seita 

i-r.  7,  1.  St^d  ttxMm  inuia. 
Adelph.  iT.  7,  2.  £«■ 
ndnt.  Adclpb.  >.  3, 6.  £^11 
MicioegiedJlurforu.  Adelpli. 
V.  7,  aS.  i:»'»  Phidippum 
ci  pntRm  Tldco.  H«.  lli.  1, 
35,     £aiHi  Tiileo.    Hec  ir. 


eapM,  etgmtd}    Eoftid  M 
>udel7  Aad.r.2,S0.    £^'</ 

-   ~         ii.  2,  48.     Bc- 

kiii  Suaio  eaiaod  lubenim. 
£un.  iii.  3,  ]3l 

fccnu,  c0oihJ     EoqMH  mfl 

hodicTiTitfDnnnUior?  Eun. 
V.   8,   1.     Baqma  inde  parrn 

BriiiKl  Knr.  Eun.  iii.3  15. 
OBpium  eapietA  Pftranhilam 
hichabeiP  Hbu.  t.  3,6. 

tdat]        Edaa     piruitnL 
Haui.  Frol.  38.  Aienaalunt 

edtpol}  Beno  edgpol  nHTU. 
Kun.  T.  3,  7.  Bcete  mletioi 
•wro.  Adelpb.iii.  1,2.  Nod 
f^lepoimiiMm.  Heci.  2,35. 
Ceiie  tdtpol.  Photm.  v.  1, 

aJJi»]  Ediat  tibi  ne  tetDera 
&ciM.  And.  i.2.33.  Cf.  Eiin. 
iT.  7,  SG;  V.  b,  40.  £iju> 
tibi.  And.  iii,  2,  15.     EdieU 

Kun.  iS"  6, 30"  " 

fdiditm]  Ne  qnid  credu  me 

iji.  4'?°       •""""■       ^ 
rda]  [JtcnitieeiemplKin  ta 

edivt.  Eun.  T.  6,  21. 

edaeeo]    Cupio,  ted  id  unde 

edrtt.  Phonn.  iii.  3,  7.    Flu- 

rar."Fhonn.  T."  ?"    ""*" 
ed-imiiieiil  In  innilum  «li- 

qiio  Lbeun,  ktguo  edormiKam 

boc  ^in.  Adelph.  T.  2,  11. 
edtai\    FiliiUB  luecepit,  ct 

enm  clim  edaeat.    Pbar.  t.  7, 

50.     SiudioM  amaia  docere, 

eJaam.  Eun.  i.  2,  37. 

edaail  Bene  el  pudicc  doo 

tum  atqae  «diHAnt  ingeiuam. 

Eun.  i.  2,  76.  Edmi  ■  pir- 
Tul».  Adelpb.  i.  1,  23.  Vow. 
m  piieTiapariuliKnmuierfiKti. 
Adelph.  iii.  4,  4S;  t.  4, 

edm  form».  Hec.  iii"8,  4.  ™ 
^en]  E^rtnr.  And.  i.  1, 
90.  CllteUam  domo  e/Ar. 
Ean.  iT.  6,  15.  Id  quldem 
minime  e>t  opu>  UHi»m  ef- 
/«ri.  Adelpb.iT.4,lb.  Videi 

tHM  fbru.  Phorm.  t.  7,   65, 

■iit,  iT,  sfll.  N«  quoqanm 
effirTi  linuit.  Hec.  it.  1,  50. 
Vcrbnm  de  Terba  eiprranim 
eiHalU.     Adelpb.  Prol.  11. 

qf^Icio]  Quid  set  qnod  Eibi 
niem  mn  e^Eoere  bocpouit  am- 
pliuiP   £,d.  i.  1,  4.     Solu* 

lii.  4,  1€.  Hoe  evo  tibi  pro- 
(eclo  ^tetum  reddmoi.  And. 
iT.  2,30.  Quln  rjfsiiuii  dabo. 
EoD.  li.  1,  6.  Piiunnun  ego 
nrgentum  ^tarti.  Heeut.  ili. 
3,23.  Comp.  ii.  3,  81.  Tan- 
dendo  ntque  adln  denique 
ejrecii  mtx.  Hee.  L  3, 
eifliio]     Ulnimque  boc  fml- 

(^B]  Ocull  ilieo  t^ 
diaUur.  Eun.  it.  6,  2. 

ifr«(po]  Poree  ^fregiL 
Nea  eil  flagitinm  .  .  .  foraa 
^ringen.  Adel^  i.  S,  B,  23, 

^ffiigio\  Affiniutem  tga- 
gen.  And.  i,  5,  12.  Nupliu 
efftigtre  t^  iHtu  uulo.  And. 
li,  l,  32,  Huc  i^ttgi  foru, 
Eun.  T.  4, 21.  Himc  muulm 
ao»  docet  qfiijjm.  Adelph.  t. 
B,  32.  Bine  me  hoc  ^iigeTt 
Talim)  quod  n»le  ludit  nu- 

^anda]  EffiBKlil»,  emlte, 
beite  qned  lAi»  libel.  Adel, 
T.  9.  34. 

^Tiiio]  Ne  Tot  fbrte  Empru- 
dentet  fbria  ^idirelit.  Fhonn. 
T.  1. 13. 

que  e^eret.  H«ut.  t.  2,  11. 
.£h;kiu  iipplicnt  md  Cbmldit 
pmlremK.  And.  t.  4,22.  'Hinc 
effHU  prDfuiict  mliquo  miliU- 
luiu.  Adelph.  ui.  8, 30.  Anui 
deurU,  (gmt,  ignotm.  Pborm. 

■Illa;r«<a(<>cere  no*.  Adelpb. 
i,  2.  24.  Quod  ut  (uercm 
«olMi  meimpnliL  Pbarm.  T. 
1,  6.  Prapler  egedattm  proli- 
mo  iu»  ut  dui.    Phonn.  ii. 

rrfiorj  MTmii  ab  em  «ra- 
And.  i.  3,  21.     Undo 
egrtdilur?  And.T.2.S.  Enn. 
'    34.   Nunqumm  tunniHie 


li.  2,  50.     Hi- 
u.  Adeiph.  T. 

0.  Hant.  iii,  !,  l¥. 
rrgie]  Homm  ille  nibil 
'/ie  praeter  cieter»  itado- 
And.  i.  1,31.  Qummep> 
10  e^rtffie  cmrmm  pro  uioie 
lerim?  And.i.5,SB,     In- 

Pborm,  i.  2,  50. 

eWj  Pmuira, 

ein]  Blu*.  qumi 

totni  digpliceo  mih 

V.  4,  20.     &'ji«i>  rai 

Hec.  i.  1, 17,  *c. 

e*o]  Pi    ■ 


•m]    EkK 

i.  i  13.     . 

£W»  md  DW. 
13.     EMv»  dic 
ihi.  1,24.  £loifBii^ 
boneTir.  ADd.JiL5, 10.  Eun. 

f^ictol  ^jMaii,  orbun,  pmr- 

T^m.  And.  i.  3,  IS.  £Sciat 
oppido.  And.  ii.  3.  8.  N^ri 
fncu  ipud  Andrum  ejeetat 
eit.  And.  1.  4,  20.  Eiiaimda 
henle  ett  beec  mollitiu  mniml 
Euii.  ii.  1, 16,   Euni_^  hino 

H«ut.  L  1,  82.  Ut  pkter  tmm 
in  bnTi  temporia  ifalie  ani- 

^m?'  Sttal.  T.  2.  3"  °Ubl 

Ad"X^.  2"S.  ^™" 

rpamodi]       Cum     lngMitim 

connicMur  ^WnoJt.    Aad,  i. 

1,  66.      Efiemodi  pmrue  In 

wiimo  cupiditaie».  Phorm.  t. 


eliJier]    Animui ,  ,  ,  pmuU- 

tiia  e/apiiKcit  Becthidi.  Hec, 

i.  3,  94. 

^tgnt]  Hni,  Rjcm  e/^TiIK- 

Elegam  fbnnamm  wedilor. 
Eun.  iii.  5,  18.  Nec  migli 
compoaitiim  quicqumm,  nec 
mtgla  drgam.    Ean.  t,  4, 13t 


Ucii,  ut  ibgaia  n 

T.  S.  19. 
tlifamliai     Dili 


doqaor]  Tii  djjcuia  nt 
boc  Eun,  iii.  S.  61,  Quod 
leoi  t^mar.  Houit.  Prol.  3. 
Perge  eJugu.  Phorm.  ir.  3. 
36.     Eloqatrt.  Adclpb.  iii,  2, 

aumn»  tluJtndi  occui< 
milii  nune  mdh.  Pbnn 

tmergo^  Spflro 

illi.'»»  » 

.    And.  i 

3.  30.     Qao 

cumTdUDt  nnde  «iicn)t 
potcat.  Adcipli.  iii.  2.  j. 
-  '  "      IdDbioin,  , 



'^^  9,  19.     £ 

!il«  «nwnnit. 
a.  i.  2,  55.  E 
i,  2,35, 


H«,'  Alt,  Pnl"i9.  Ancillim 
un  «i/an  »0.  Phorm.  iii. 
3,  36.  Uiori  tmtmda  incil- 
loli  c«t.  Pbonn.  St.  8,  60. 

tdtnai  anoHri.  Eun.iii.  I, 
42.  Emoriar  il  non  fauic 
oiorem  dnic».  Eun.  t.  2, 
49.  Bmori  caino.  Heuit.  v, 
3.  18.  Emori  itmie  ntiM 
wl.  Phorm.  T.  7,  63, 

tmaaa]     Emmi  ugcnto 

Phonn.  ii.  2,  15.  Em  on™ni 
ruiquam  coutuiDclioiiu*  au- 
diMu&cUmlniuriamP  Phor. 
il.  3.  1. 
ntam]  Hoc  quod  co^I  pri- 

3,  63. 

2,  23. 

iin  te  pciElulo 
T.  I.VT 
m.  ii.  2,  24. 
Atnim.  Kun.ii.3,B<l.  HnuL 
ii.  3,  76.  (juii  «in.  Unut. 
1.2,  14;  i..  fi,  sa  Hoe,  iil. 
1,31.  Phorai.ii.2,18.  Nihil 
«RM.  Adclpb.  iT,  fi,  32;  T. 
7,  24.  Hec,  T  4,  10.     Verum 

nat.  Adeliih.  ii,  1,  47.     Emim 

H™ii!T  4l!'°.&!iM'«lui 

1.  Pbor 

1.  H« 


ThTl  I, 

T.6,l.    Ve 

Adelpb.  ii.  3,  2.     £iirWr 

SJ!rw,'4,°l.   Cf.Hmt^ 
3. 79.    Enimmro  li  porie  ev 

Eo  poqieTiuDi   oLia  dJxL 
Pborm.  T.  I,  la 
tadtai)    FunBmbnli  ae^ni 
nMoSt  exncctnlio.  Hce.  Alt. 
Prol.  36. 

0,  Terb.1  Effi^rbir:   w» 
d.  i.  1,90.    Suintn.  An^ 

1,  53.     Qiiid  ■ 


ieP  Bui 

Phorm.  T.  7.  S7.  Eneqnkl 
Chremeli  quibiu  tmt  «ntm»- 
dum  tn  hera  tflmpKo  cM- 
Phorm.  T.  U,  37. 

fli  ijAtlm.  A^  i.  1.  21. 
I(te  •pUniM  rnlcr  Phafldriw. 


r.  1,  8. 


diun.  Phonn.  PmL  2S. 

epiMola]   Sencm    mt  av 
foJui  pclleiiL  Phano.i.2,li. 

T^^.  i.m"'"'^»™ 

ii.  3,  66,  87.     Creda 




ram.    Eu. 
ife_  b. 

.     .■       .  -.        ^** 

do.  HcBut.  iT.^S,"»!*'*^!^ 
d<iii  minr.  HcHUL  T.  1,  34. 
SciT^  eoiirrfnit  Tolo.  qaitl  mihi 
•inldominL  Adelph.  iT.2,16. 
Minimfl  tqaidrm  mo  «blflctnTL 
Hec.  1  2,  10.  Egtidam  htt- 
cle  nodo.  Phoim.  r.  3,  24. 

flfnu]  Aul  «fao*  mltn,  ul 
cnna  lui  TCUHHlum.  And.  L 

1]  Speetntn  e>ga  te  uni- 
Aud.  T.    1,  1.     Tiiwl 

«!H«o"i™  15.T™ 

ma  rtte  ■mieo.  Rt<L  iii. 

Quae  nunquKm  iDW- 

B«c  iii.  5,  S6,  S». 


nw]  Qui  Kit  trgo  itlncP 
AniT    iil.  3,  33.     Hlhi  F   8. 

."  Adelph.''iii.  4^""^^ 

etntiitf\  Sue  hkc  inaltD 
nronim  Ibia,  el  minar  tM  em- 
tio.  A<Ielph.  iT.  2,  41. 

eiroi  Tmeo  aHld  mrri. 
And.  iii.  3,  IS.  ^otm  «toj 
tIl  Enn.  ii.  a,  14.  Em*, 
patrii  car».  H«ut.  il.  3,  16. 
/^iTodonn.  Adelph.  1.1.40. 
EmiH.  H«pt.  iT.  8,  11. 
Adelpli,  )T.  2,  40. 


or]  lllu 

1«  exHlTa,  H«c. 

eet.  Adelph.  It.  B. 

ermmpoS    Yena 

fonWaioia  nem 

deniiiue.    Phonn. 

g^," iu™C!  ii 
einrioj  Eit  tpa 

Aud.  1.2,  30.     Non 


1  eMan  reititu?  Eun. 
.    Qnempuiler  nCihii 

■ul    eliam    impliDi. 

i.   1,   BO.     HiDdquft- 

:,  Hca 

i.  2,  1.  Etiamtie  tecum  hic 
ret  mlhi  wtP  Hnut.  It.  4, 
20.  Herele  ettaat  Iidc  nttBL 
Adelph.  li.  1,  36.  Viirere 
ttiamuuve  libet  Adelph.  hi, 
9,  91.     Ut  TiiKft  >b  ie  fnlqt'* 

EIH  mibi  Giclii  injuriB 
TeniniUmen.  Phorm, 

eii]  CHnotterlUndn. 
1.2,74.  Cii.  PhoimliwPhDr, 
:ii.  1,N,  £■>,  OelL  Phonn. 
T.  6, 29. 

And.  i.  2,5.  Ub;'lHmt,  buc 
tvaiii.  Eun.  lii.  3,  11.  Nlmli 
illHee  llcenti»  prDfrilo  emdei 
in  niiquod  mvnnui  milum. 
Adelph.  jii.  4,  64.  Quld  hic 
eorptKt  ?  tut  quo  evadei  ho- 
dle?  Phorm.  {t.  3,  21 ;  i,  2, 

««»««1  Ne  cum  poetn 
•cnptuni  emneieireL  Hec 
Alt.  Prol.  6. 

mnia)  Sin  avntiof,  qnod 
Tolo.  And.  I.  1,  13R.  Aliter 
ille  intelliglt.  And. 

Prol,  4 

Quod  il  qnl- 

And.  iiL  4,  25.  More  homi- 
nDm  Msnt.  Quod  tibi  ereiiii 
boni.  And.  t.  6,  3,  4.  »un- 
qiiuu  aedepal  quiinjutm  qaod 
mtffii  Tellem  euettire,  mihi 
evenil.  Eun,  t,  8,  1,  2.  Si 
quid  nobii  forte  ulTeni  eve- 
neril.  Hnnt.ii.  3.114.  Cui- 
quini  Kqiie  indiiti  eommndi 
quicquun  ennnw  J  Hemil.lT. 
3,  7.  aioriire  «xnitM  » 
■enKutU?  Hetut.  It.  S,  17. 
Mi^um  neicio  quid  neeeeie 

qnite  non  &udeu  optueP 
Phorm.  T.  1,  fll.  EiiBm* 
haec  uobii  proiperv.  Phorm, 

jam  lepldu 

Eamiiit]  Cum  meo  decre- 
piio  hoc  eminKho.  Eun.  ii.  I, 
2S,  FMrile  ut  pro  «Riiniki 
pnbei.  Eun.  ii.  S.  83.  Hero 
euueAxin  tihl,  qunm  llbenli 
^ir,  quim  utmte  integrm  [ 
Eun.  lii.  2,  19.  Qui  ittue  fs- 
cere  anMiiHpoiiiil?  Enn.  It. 
9,  IS.  EuD.  Prol.  20,  32,  45. 

«nK»]  Hent,  ivoeal»  huc 
DiTum,  And.  iii.  3,  4a 
Nunqutm  eoooari  hine  tI. 
font  f  EuD.  ii.  2,  G2.  Quld 
iit,  qutpropter  te  huc  fonjg 
juemm  e«™r«  ]n«™.      ec  t. 

nwJoo]  Te  omni  tnrha  enot- 
■      ■     -     Nniio 


t  ewleei 


etiomo]  Ut  ego  iimm  huc  in 
eoB  enHnun  omnem.  Adelpb. 
iil.   2.     14.      Requinun    In- 

Adelph.   ili.  4,  65.     In  eaiii' 
hoc  omne  quod  mihi    aefja 

"el^^pj^m.  "■ '"'    ' 
tBidrtraimi     EradTtnmt 

EibricL    Adelph.   i\.   S,    45. 

Ei     ii»     ent     aiHHJMrniiH. 

Phorm,  I,  2,  47. 
eBUHRo)  £niiiiBiii[H  Pun- 

philui.And.i.  1,104;  1.4,7; 

l).  a,  S.     Ontlo  IiHC  me  mt- 

i,  5,  16.     £nii>i«>ifam  metu! 
Pbonn.  iil.  3,  81.     Qiitd  ea- 
annaAuetDbaeerD?  Hec  v. 
3,27;  ili.  3.4. 
ejmtgeo]  Concummt  mnl-* 

«zoilnn;!!»]  Hujaimodi  rei 
■emper,  comminiicere  nbi  me 
acamifica.  Hnut.  It.  6,  9. 

enKdoJ  jSarfttii  ei  ephe- 
bit.  And.i.1.24.  Cbtc  qno- 
anim  ei  ittoe  exaatii  loco. 
And.  iT,  4,  21,  Cun  ei 
CDide  &Ki>i>il.  Hee.  iii.  2,  12. 
E  msiiio  uquum  erBedere  cit, 
Hec.  It.  3,  14.  E  medio  u- 
CMit.  Phorm,  T.  7,74. 

B«K7»ii«]  Atcendo  in  qnen- 
dvn  Ibi  uabHn  locom.  And, 
ii.  2, 19. 

«toai7>o]  Ta  id  quod  boni 
cit  .«»7«.         orm.   .t.      , 

««iijol  Uioreainrfif.  And. 
ii.  S,  12. 

anrifu]  tiOB  vldci  quntnm 
m«li  ei  «  n  ircitetf  Hctut. 


enfano]  Erdiaiiai,  tumi, 
nou  poeUm  fiibnltm  dedkMh 


Eun.  1.  2, 


K<tD.  Prol.  2S.  HU  eatiamat. 
I-:uD.  jr.  1,11.  Adelph.  1<.  4, 
10.  Hh.  iii.  3.  8.  Puni 
btrda  t/tlamim  gKudlo. 
Phonq.  T.  6.  30. 

efdmda]  Ulkli  in^etdiidar, 
huc  condudv.  And.  ii.  3, 12. 
£M>M(.'  nvoat  Ean.  j,  1, 

daili  buiH  tolw. 
IS.  En>  •nbidiH  , 
pllDT.  Eiin.i.2,  79.  It«r< 
iHinc  txdiiJm.  Uec  iil.  2 
Kaa.  iii.  3.  28.  Vel  «uli 
idmde.  Phonn.  t.  7,  96. 
ttriMtio]  Cuterum  ie  i 

nddiun    ■Inoe    txnm   quui 
orbo  tnt.  Adelpb.  t.  S,  63. 

15,      Spero  n3A    habero    qui 
Eun.  T.  3,11.   Sallicitudintm 

cjui  abiin.  Heaut.  iii.  1,  4. 
Antlpho  me  eiicndat  uimi. 
Fliorm.  i.  4,  10. 

«BWWf]  Propo  iun  axcar- 
to  apuio  mitto.  Adolph.  t.  4, 

me  (dUBfuiit   attiue    «rediu' 
damo.  Phonn.  It.  1,  2n. 

eiudo)  Quiil  te  futamm 
caoBe*,  qucm  m^AwesedniJ 
.Hcwit.  lii.   1,  £3.     Tulabi» 

And.  i*.  1,  27. 
«i.pb  comioone 
J(,  17.     "        ' 



4,  24,  26.    UteniH  tfeapla 

in  tc  cdont  Eun.  t.  6,  21. 
EstmvlmH  ititaite  ia  mo. 
He>iit.  PnL  Sl.  8i  eonfc- 
rondnmanipftMicat.  Adelph. 
I.  2,  14.  Ei  >1ii>  •umen  ci- 
tm,<lm  libl.  Adclph.  iii.  3, 
()2.     BiemjiliB»  omnibu  eu- 

9.     Ut  10  qaldcni  omnei,  Di, 

e»1  Sed  IDM  «>«  foru 
And.  r.  3.  3.  An  Punphile 
eri  Pampbilc.  And.  t.  2,  3( 

quiiuil.  Heiat.  iil.  1,  lUl. 
SuicaDllembucanlut.  Adel- 

i.  1,  22.    Qui  nimtunianr 
aimi  wum.  Hnut.  i.  1,91 

94.  JCgo  tfl  trerr^  iiDdie  ul 
dignai  ta.  Adrlph.  It.  2,  48. 
■  ■   .]  Prit 

Prol.  27.     Quo  itudio  Titu 

Hunt.    ii.    3,    39.      Eratlt 
nente.  Aadpb.  T.  4,  l(t.   Ko 

eaaitia.  Hcc  Alt.  Pnl.  4,  7. 
Ubi  duxeni  itDpaliu  Tntro, 
Tntro  impnlu  eeedem  ut- 
gmiU.  Hee.  li.  1,  45.     Ut  nli- 

eniMl  Fnebcnt  ecHne 
•umtum.  He.ut  i.  2,  33. 

txitimm]  FerirU.  ilunnm, 
acif».  Phorm.  ii.  I,  13. 

minem  hiibeam?   Hcc.  l.^l, 

erima]  Si  lc  inde(u*«mn, 
«0  pro  ta  moUm.  And.  i.  2, 

■.  UenuU  Fnl.  2£. 

1.  Frol.  B.    Hirtuo  i|am1em 

uL  ii.  B,  41,   Bonot  o  quum 

9.  Ad  eiemplum  ■in'buuni 
martt  evum  tndimam: 
H«.  i.  2,  eft.     Ni^i  itm  eum 

enfHn]  Al  tibi  DidiEnum 

nufit  metn.  Phorm.  t 

snpfo]    Quuruin  u 

ftopltti    neglifcnliun. 

Prol.  20,    TepcoDe  t, 

anralOT]  Onlor  lul  to 

Alt.  Pnl.  2. 
ewrdiifr]     tJndo    txoi 

16,  A  Hjrrhiaa  hsec  %t 

exormainm  dsbo.  He&ut,  t.  1, 

onro]  ReMU  Chnme*,  qoi 
mihi  uonudu  eat.  And.  L 
1,  140.  auWm  at  det  oro, 
Tiiqne  id  easn.  And.  iii.  4, 
11  SincteboCMnraii.  And. 
T.  3,  30.  Eun.  L  2,  105,  &c 
Huid  longum.  cit  qnod  ent : 
aortt  line.  Phorm.  iii.  2,  3«. 

txotm]  Coagnim  Utnm  ii 
max  •iaito  ludcn  :  ubi  rn 
Tcnero,  Bt«ia£t(iir.  AdeliriL 
iii.  3,  21.  ^ 

ent^to]  Viden  me  comniii 
InU  impeditura  tttnt  D.  Al 
jam  expidi-m.  P.  Emdial 
And.iiLS,  II.  Hoc  ttptdi. 
Eun.  iT.  t,  37.  V>h,  «o- 
modo  me  cl  bac  aKpniam 
turbL  Aditlph.  ir.  4.  S.  U- 
pedilum  la  eo  eipediri  ui- 
mnm.  H«.  ilL  1,  17.  Si 
trpedL    Phonn 


ptdi.  H( 

.    DiliKide 

ilhi  txptdiat 
iL3,96.  £i 
I  voW  H»i 


aiTwU)]  laTrnla  eat  oiu 
quK  te  expeliereiU.  Henut  t. 
2.  36.  At>  hu  pie  atpeOen. 
Hcwit  ii.  3,  20. 

ejrptrgiKorJ     Nanc    pom. 

•qwnor]   OmaU   ei^enn 



»rtum  ut,  prini  (puun  pereo. 
And.  (1.1,11.     d>t>ni.>TU. 

arvtriri  flUBiu  irmii,  wpiea- 
H«uC  iv.  6,  20.    Intuc  Tolo 

eTRD  ipH.1»  «ipmri.  Addph. 
ii.  1.18.  Etpniar,  Adelpb. 
iii.  3,  B%   Q..U  tibi  piitu.1 

Si«.*'Add^.    T.    4,    i"'lD 

«t«™«/=  ut  e«m.  H«. 
All.  Prol.  80. 

«t  dc  ii»tiii  bonii.  Haut. 

ei^sto]  Spem,  nluteiii.  caO' 

And.  ii.  1,  19.  Umciniliiu^ 
fvftR,  contigit.  And.  iT.  2, 
13.  Minime  . . .  miror,  il  tc 
■Ibi  quLKue  txpetit.  Heaut. 
ii.  4,  3.  He  ccDTenUni  ok 
opttiL  Hec.  T.  1,  1.  Nulli 
«t  mihi  Tita  snwteiida. 
Phorm.  i.  4.  25.  E^on  tuuu 
ttjxlam  unteitimm  ?  Phorni. 
ii.  3,  B4,     Ad  mn  forn»  >t- 

la^a  esl  ?  Phonn.  v.  8,  3A. 

pia«  mihi.   Pharm.  ii.  3,  33. 

apUa]  Kii  Miionm  ut«- 
^  .unm.  And.  i.  2,  1/. 
Itt .  .  .  nrpltam  tnimnm  nu- 
dio.  Anii:  ii.  2,  2.  Tol  mei 
•oliiu  •olliciii  itnt  cuih,  ut 
me  Dnani  «ntfaanf  T  Hewil.  i. 
I,  77.  Aba  te  nt  blinditiii 
•nit  tamm  Tolnputem  tnvbat. 
Htc  i.  1,  12.  ErrU  uimum 
i».  Hec.T.1.28;  T.2. 19,21. 
-  trpicrn]  CirGunupecto  n- 
tin  «nbnda  11111.  EoD.  lil.  S, 
£5-  JuD  id  enfETrofm  ett 
Phorm.  iT.  S,!a 

EipBliiia]  NdIIb  mmU  re 

™  ii.  B,  «"  °°  "  "■ 

apitmo\  Hic  pro&eto  eat 
unuln^, .  .  .  ouicum  irpatila 

Qnnm  apontkdam  do  iUf,  de 
dicito  luinnlum  detnbo.  He- 
•ut.  iT.  I,  37.  Continna  ix- 
pBMtitt.  H«c.  iii.  3.40. 

tem.  Ailelph.  t.  3,  53 

expedalei  Cum  en  injarlim 
li^nc  eapeil^emj  And.  iv.  1, 
15.  PuUnt  •ibi  fleri  injumm 
dIi™  (i  qum  fecere  ip«i  u- 
pe>bile$.  Adelpb.  it.  3,  4. 

«jpriimi   Vm  Giln  Iwrl- 

i.    i,  23.     Verfr^dTverbo 
etprtMgun    extulit     Adelph. 

io  quiai  Krprobrotio  «i 

proneTt  omnift  mem  oeciill* 
■Ddeam.  He>ut.  iil.  S,  14. 
erpnmlm]    Opiia    clt    tui 

pngDBbo.  Eiin.  i*.  7,  3. 
aST^S,  '29."  wS^SiTe 

Qui  |M>tI  bcun>  inJDrura  k 
mpuTgel,  p»™m  mihi  protit. 

ejnparo]  Em  me  emidrBre 
iDiqui  pUrii  eU.  And.  i.  2, 
15.  Aucillu  dedo  :  qnolibet 
eruci«tu  permeeiwiiire.  Hec. 
T.  2,  7,  ». 

exaiipo]  Poenmne  ego  hi^. 
die  «X  te  ertciUptre  Temm  f 
>^an.  It.  4,  45. 

ejwqaiae]  Emqinai  Cb: 

.  [ 

^"  „,,_ 

ST"  ^rii"^  — 

.nemArMMi.  Hnul.  iii.  1.26, 
en^iol  Adlee«i^    He- 

>ut.  iT.  1,  44. 
«no^]  Quo  Telii  ia  tem- 

rreutteaiw/fiiu.  Huut.iT. 
,43.     Me  b«e  M]>(dclaiM  tr- 

it  Pliidippo  fdit 
:  S.  22.*^"^ 
eitpeeiaiio]  Fi 

r.  2,  23 ;       _, 


exmeta}  Ejnpeeio  gnid  tb- 

mtiabam  oiiier.  Uec.  iii,  4, 
i.  Senom  quoad  Artp^ctaiit 
— ■ f  phonn.  1.  2,  98. 

enpno]  Qiiui  nbi  illamu- 

SH^iii.T"™  "  """^' 

utii^o]  LAcrimli  u  etalit- 
lattrii.    Phorm.  i.  7,  82. 
un^vroj    EtMperai    ejni 

T.  1,  6. 

eilmfia]  Cnr  aon  diiti  er- 
ttmjJo  FDmphilo.'  Aod,  iii. 
2,  3B.  Pa^iqiunintniDdTenC 
e^feinpfo  ejui  morbum  coffDaTi 
mieer.  Hec.  lii.  3. 13. 

rifH»»]    Extimai   illico. 

Hec.   T.  3,  26.     Adeon  lem 

rediue;    pMrrm  ut  siA'iitn- 

camt  Pharm.i.3,  1,2. 

eifiiwiiol  Seni  •nlmim  er- 

Adeluh.  iii.  2,16. 

[•m    Talitit   eiMc- 

I.  Ni  Tii 


Phornt.  I.  2.  5a 
ulDn/Bni]    Hunc    ibdnre, 

hercle  uferfn*.  Adelph.  lii. 

txlorU>r\  BofiDrum  trtortor, 
l»Dm  coDtortor.  Phorm.  ii. 

«Att]  Dominun  eMeeatm 
Doilam.  Unnt.iI. 3,57.  Uee. 
li.  S,  3.  Eituiiur  eXni  ledeL 
Uec.  It.  1,  48.  Ncqne  notut 
neque  cogtiatiu  ei^m  unAm 
■itirulsm,    Pharm.    i.   2,   48. 

telligtreerintotliumP   Phor. 
-.  6,  S6. 
ej^raiif]  Me  cx  qnmnu  le- 

6.    Qno  mado  me  inde  «• 
■viam.  Phorm.  i.  4,  3. 
eaAwut]     Hinc  eondilio- 
_em  ri  cni  tnlrro   tttrario, 
Phonn.  iT.  1, 13. 
ertmiiu]     Certe    eifnina 
nea  tmMni  faaud  nihil  cet 
lun.  iT.  2,  12. 
ertiw/o]  Me  eifrwii  foiu. 

jWal  Iitiec  in  me  cudetnr 
fiia.  Eun.  ii.  3,  89. 

/obtiBa]  Nonnc  •d  •enem 
liquam/oirwanflnEitP  He- 
ut  iii.  2,  34.  E»  pi.iiill*, 
I  DMilTelium  fUrim.  Adel. 
F.3,45;  6,4. 

>Mal   Populo  ul  pttee- 



rcnt,  qnu  feriiHt  fitatoM. 
ConUmiuri  non  ittxnja- 
&afaL  And.  Pral.3.  16.  Eun. 
Prol.  33.  Pliorm.  Prol.  4,  i% 
Fahalat.  And.  i.  9,  19  ;  iii. 
S,  31.  U«ut.  ii.  3,  9G. 
PhoriD.  iii.  2,  7i  V.  7,  53. 
Quae  «at  lA«/uiii^;  And. 
■T.  4,  8.  /^.&i./<ii>i  iDcopImt. 
And.  T.  4.  S-2.  llUhiDdKit 
^oun  mihi  nuTic  «urdo  Dmmt 
fibalam.     HmuI.    ii.    I,    10. 

merclricflin  in  atiiti^ /aOMia. 
Adelph,  ProT.  9.  Lnpi»  in 
/oMa.  Adelph.i*.l,Sl.JiLm 
DBl/abiita  ■umui.Hnel  aliine 
■niii.  Hec  <*.  3,  14. 

/abulor]     Noli  /alnilanar. 

Hec.  lii.  I,  36.    Vt  .piiRe  tibi 

nonc/aWer.  PhonD.ii.S.49, 

/iioBK)  Huc  hinc  filOlHf, 

Phonn.  iT.  3,  30. 

/aafal^arwtedictnm.  EoD. 
Ji.3.S7.  f oo^,  lepide,  Unte, 
nlhil  101».  Eun.  iil.  1,  37. 
Adel|>h.  T.  3, 19. 

/aocioM]  Mulier  toinini>dk 
tHjaeila  laec  menlrii.    Ue- 

honeit*.    £uo.  ii,  1,  3^     O 
/aeiem  pulebrvn.  Bnn.  ii,  3, 

fi.  Qnmm  libenli/uH/  Bnn. 
iil.3.2l)._  Nonnovi'-— ■-■- 


L  Hec.  iii,  4,35.    Virgo 
•  .  Pbono.  i. 

/acUa]    FaaU  omnei  por- 

lu/ociUt^  aine°inTidu'Uu- 
dem  iDTonime.  And.  i.  1,  3H 
FadU  hic  ploi  mmli  nL  qumm 
illic  boni.  Aud.  ir.  3.  5.  Uli- 

poai*.  Enn.  ii,  1,  4.  Ct  i&- 
eiU  Kim  denderio  id  lleK 
tas.  Hemnt.  li.  S,  66.  Qno 
nrbm  ficHiKt  dentor  mihl. 
Hemol.  T.  I,  41.  QummTH 
/acillimt  mgiti*.    Adelph.   lii. 

'/u^w)  Qumm  Id  mihi  «t 
JueSe  itque  uiile.  And.  It. 
5,  16.  Nullm  «t  xua/aci/u 
ra.  Hemut  It.  6,  1.  Reir 
, .  .  fkctu  /aeiltm.  Hemut.  i 
8,  26.  Quod  te  iili  /aciit 
at  reiliTum  pulmnt.  Adelpl 
*,   9,  29.      FaciUm   beneT< 

/ui/teae]  Mei  petrii  temti' 
liUtem  a  /iici'iJalem.  Eun. 
T.  8,  17.  Hmledocet  la  mn 
/aeilUai  mulu.  Hemut.  It.  1, 
35.  Iiieptm  lenitma  pmtrii,  pl 
/aeUHat  prmTm.  Adolph.  iii.  3, 
37,     Ke  ipim  rcpperi /aELUate 

que  clemeDtia.  Adel.  t.  4,  7. 
/aevnt]  0/aciii<u  mnimwl- 
TerleDdum.    Aod,  It.  4,  28. 

mudimm."ADrT2, 13.  HDcioe 
l«m  mudai  Aiciiiiu  rmgen  ewe 
mu-um?  Tmm  inlmndum/>i3- 

Eun.'  'iT.  3.  2,  23.  8u>  auie 
nmrTmt/aemora  J  Hcmul-  ii.  1, 
8,  Vido,  quod  iDctplct/un- 
■w.  Hemut-iii,  3.3ir  Xon  «1 

Adelph.  i 


■ut/unw  qnod  plmcemt,  Aod. 

nuptiig'  filimeuiD,   And.  i.  3, 

iiuin  Tfrbuni.^cit.  Aud.  i,  2, 
7.     Herilo  te  umpcr  mmiimi 

fiei.  Aod.  iii,  3,  42.  Qnic- 
ouid  hujui,^»,  cmuH  Tinrinii 
hei.  Eim.  i,  2,  132.  133. 
Opui  /aciam.  Euu.  ii.  1,  14, 
Fie  pericluni  in  Hlerii.  Eun. 
iii.2,23.  Ne  qnmm  ilie  hodie 
inmmuui  Inrham  /aciat^  mul 
*im  Thmidi.  Eun.  ii,  I,  2, 
Neque  pea  noque  meni  vitiB 
luum  offlciuai  fiMcit.  Eun. 
It.  5,  3.     Ah,  non  acquum 

/aeit.  Heaut.  i.  1,39.  Utinmm 
ilmDi/an>(.  Hemuti.  1, 109. 
Redocem  mein  avtam/aei». 
Hemul.  ii.  4,  18.  Fatiam 
honi  tihi  mliquid,  Hemut.  ii, 
5,  15,  Snm  ■ponle  recte  /t- 
ctre.  Adelph.  i,  1,50,  Non- 
nullmm  in  hnc  n  nohi>/K>l 
injurimm.  Addph.  i.  2.  68. 
Hmeciue  Bagilia  /uore  te? 
Adeiph.  iii.  3.  54.  J^acto  te 
■pud  illum  Deum,  Adclph. 
il.  I,  19.  Quidigilur/odet! 
Adelph.  ir.  7.  38.  BUade  di- 
eere,  mut  benigne /fioere.  Adel- 
phi  r.  4,  34.     PmuUtim  plc- 

Adclph.  T,  6, 10,  Nimii  muc'- 
tu  Dupllu  iludenl  /aan. 
Adelph,  T.7,3.  Benenoamli- 
quid/oiwnillidecet.  Adelph. 
I.  8, 25.  HiMm^ctD.  Adelph. 

S,  34.  Bi>  /aan  atiil 
.eo,  iii.  2,  8.  Non  mim 
cil.  Hee.  iT.  4.  87,   IH  ii 


/BCil.  Phorto-  ».  7,  52.  Se- 
-ectai    ei    nrTCnndoa   fiuii. 

homi.  T.  B.  M.    Vide/W. 

/actitio]  Qume  Tctem   IW- 

tariBil,  B  &:iunt  no*i.  £un. 
Prol.  43l  Idcni  hoc  jmm  Fir- 
ihat/aciilaeit.  Eun.  ii.7,  ii 

fititam]  Id  iiti  litupennl 
/aftun.  And.  Prol.  15.  Fae- 
'-iiH  gamdto.    And.    i-   1,  13. 

■liqumm  cmutmm.  And.  ii.  3, 
7.  Al  libi  Di  dignBm  /uctit 
elitium   duinl.    Aud.    ir.    1, 

tii  /umt  tlbi  mpondemm  ? 
Enn.  i.  2,  73.  Ega  pol  u 
pro  iilb  dictiH  txfiimt.  ecelui, 
olciicmr.  Euu.  t.  4,  19.  Dio- 
tum  tc/attum  reddidi.  Hcmut. 
It.  5,  13.  Nnllum  huju>/ac- 
iHit  limile.  Adelph.  i.  2.  16. 

dignum  te  dtci  poieat?  Hec 
ii.  1,  12.  Non  Dmui/ue*)  eM 
mihl.  Hoc.  iiL  1,  47.  Fael», 
ul  credmm,  hcii.    Uec.  t.  4, 

ria!  Phorm.  ii  3;  B3.  ^ 
opu^cto  emL  Pborm.  i*.  5. 4. 
/aciUlat]  K  i»\e /aeiJlaUm 

obmecro  huic  pmiiendL    A&d. 

' /iciatdia]     Sed    hic    atm 

HewTpKr"!'  "■ 

/alia«a\  Quiequ.m  .  .  . 
/ailaeiiit  eonmri.  And.  i.  2, 
36.  Quod  luperemt  /aiiacitm. 
Hcmut.  ii.  e,  23.  Nb  qnmm 
&eimm  in  nuptiii  /aUaeiam. 
And.  i.  3,  7.  Fingunt  qumo- 
dam  inter  ■e/iiUuoam.  And. 
i   S,  15.     Hic  nunc  me  ciedit 

Urel^And.  ii.  6,  iT^  1  !vi 
Faiiada  alim  aliani  tradit. 
And.  ii.  4,  39.  Intendcndm 
in  aenem  eit  fidtaeia.     Fin- 

Oitendun  bcrani  auid  aii  pe- 
rieli  fidUrt.  And.  i.  2,  2«. 
Qui  meutiti  mut  /aUer^  im- 
)ueiit  pmlnm.    Adelpb.  i.  I. 


M.  Em  itiden  fyUam  nt  ib 
111»  AJ/iow.  EuD.  ii.  3,  93. 
Num  mi  /t/Hm  bw»  id 
•trtien?  He.m.  iii.  2.3;  ir. 
3.  4.     Niit  ne  mDimut/allU. 

S.  Niti  quid  ma  li/tUtrii. 
Pb«nn.  i.  i, «. 

/ahal  Dari  tibi  lerUt  ccdui 
/<^.  Add.  iii.  2,  25.  FulKt 
•ui|uaritr.  Memt.  ii.  3,  27. 
NoalTU  mnli«n  •iiiprctu 
fuitK/al».  Hee.  t.  S,  11. 

/aUm\   Ut  per /ttitat  nvp- 

Aai.  i.  I,  ]3U.  Duci/<^ 
giudio.  Ani.i. -2,9.  FaUn 
a.  Niii  me  /alta  tpe  pro- 
ducetn.  And.  it.  1,  23.  24. 
Ven  .n  /atmi  Aodiem.  Aiid. 
T.  4.  19.  Neque  nie  Hniiue 
/alri  Dnicquim.  Eun.  i.  2, 
130.  Vt  /ainu  ■nimi  eiL 
Eun.  ii.  3,  43.  Un.  /„Ik> 
iMrinnU.  Ean.  L  1.  22.  8ol- 
lidtudinem  iMamfiliam  mii- 
tu.  Hnut.  i.  2, 1     C)iTe  ne 

He.ut.n^3,  61.  Nolo  ;Ww 
fdmn  ei«  gn«(am  ■uf[tectiim 
lunm.  Hec.  T.  1,31.  Qiudie 
/ulto  frnL  Hoc.  i.  4,  2. 

Jama]  Hu:/un«  imputtnr 
And.i.1,72.  Etmeetmeum 

AiS^  ii!"3,'lO.  TW/aM 
in  dubiam  Tcnict.  Adelph. 
iii.2.  42.  UtTo^  mihi  domi 
eriti.,  nroinde  e«D  ero  /ania 
forii.  Hee.  ii.  1,  21.     Fml» 

°  STa   H.bit 


/ama  appniiai.   I^oni 

Jameliati]     Itlo  obl 

/ama]   Vt  perictum  etiim 
/imt  mihi  ait.    Hnut.  t.  2. 

•tudio  itudait  reiwe.  PhonD. 
Pnl.  19. 
/amitia]  DKera  dierumTii 

36.      Ipinm  dominnm  Uque 

aTS-     N«am  tx  twitn  /S™i- 
iu.  Adelph.  iii.  1,  10.    Solua 

2,35.  Mihi 
_Rgna  cnm  eo  fiiil  .ernpcr 
/amiUariiat.  Hnut.  i.  2, 10. 
Dnm  inlcrcednl  familiaritat. 
Phorm.  iT.  1,  17. 
/amlliaTHrT]    Mortem  hn- 

1.  1,  S4.  ifrjecit^^e  in  cum 
flen^  ouim /amZtanier.  And. 
i.  1,109.    fjt  ID  ludiuler  Dio- 

Adelph.  iii.  4,  35.  Ipm  n 
cupiit  Stlui,  •erTin  prenD^ 
non  pate»  benc  /irmilion. 
Adel|di.  ii.  7.  44.  Me  ei  to 
et  /amaiam  dcdcconi.  Hec. 
ii.  1,  13.  Columen  Ten  /a- 
nuliat.      Phorm.    ii.    1,    S7. 

miliam.    Phorm.    ii.    3.   23. 

/amiliarii]  Ipti  qui  sit 
IKiliarior.  Pbaim.  ii.  £,' 
Famiiiariorem  opoTtct  c 
bunc.  PhorBi.  T.  6,  12. 
/amiliariiat]  Malo  prii 
'- /amiaarHia  e 

_fariorta^  i 

/at]  Nee  fit  a 
ralapUlo  hic  frui 
l,  97.   Si  jm,  ti/ 

teoT.  Hnut.  ii.  1,  31.  Hoc 
qui  nequit,  /altatwr  sewire 
imprm  libciir  Adclph.  i. 
1,  62.  Si  nuiime /<il«f«'. 
Adclph.  iii.  2,  43.  Huc  *deo 
mnculp«_/ii(iiirBeri.  Adelpb. 

/oiiit»']  (^id^&fwf    Eun. 

•ui.  Urdui.  T.  B,  49. 
fiatt]  Crucior,  bolum  lin- 

bito  e  /aw^Mt.  HuuL  ii. 

/avta]  FamU.  adnte  uquo 
.nimo.  AnH.  Pn.1.  24.  tlli 
/dOBo  Tirrini.  Eun.  t.  3,  7. 

/avHia]  Faviiiae  pleni, 
fumi  tc  poUini*.  Adelph.  t. 

/uwftu]  O  /wtfiiM  et  feli- 
cem  diem.  And.  v.  4,  A3. 

/aMirit]  Koalne  omni  nt 
faidrU  ftoilliM.   EuB.  T.  S, 

23.  Fai^Tia  ■djntriiqae. 
Hee.  All.  Pnl.  40. 

celcibiii  nepe  in^ultahia  ffm- 
tn.  Eun.  ii.  2,  «4.  Jem 
/o»  .deL     Eun.  iT.   3,  21. 

100.  Cupide  ucipiat  /am. 
Adelpb.  ir  2,  t.  FtTillu 
plen«  .  .  .  .it  /am.  Adelpb. 
V.  3,  61.  J.m/uM  bic  •dcrit. 
Phorm.  ii.   I,  78;    t.  B,  6«. 

nihi  iinun./(Mii  nie.  And. 
T,  4,  U.  C.>e/™.  Hctut. 
.2,13.  Verter  oe  quid  inlu 
>la>  Hiti>/<ui'(.  Knut.  i.  3. 
!4.  Phoim.  iaS,21.  luDi 
'ttiiiil.     Hnut.   i.    1.   109. 

2,19;  i.  2,27. 
/ibrii]    Quid    morbi    ntP 
'     Fibrit.      S.    quotidiuuP 




ftlkUat'\   Cui  migi 


Aaw.]  Fem 
Pborm.  T.  7,  71 

/c«ml  Met. 

1. 2.  e. 

,1  Qu«i«m  W  ■ 
trant  lut  ncquiliim  pnlcfece- 
ri^.  Hnut.  iii.  1,72. 

fiKut)   Sumcret .  .  .  Abotb. 
Phorm.  ii.  7,  71. 

/tn]  Pert  in  diebai  piuci^. 

l*  1 

77.    /W 




iT.  5,  IB, 




m  ftiit. 




rbeto.  '  Hnnl.  i 

1.  70. 

AhUnc  inenKi 

dccom   /ct». 


T.  3,  24.   Hic  •» 






■i..  i.  «.'S9 



nrbtl.  Ffa 

3.  16. 


.bhinc  •nn 



■n..T.8,2B.     - 


•.0]     Gci» 


■r    nlio 

/emui]  Itxa  /trmt  morieni 
me  Tont  Ani  i.  5.  49.  Fi- 
delcD.  b.ud  /trme  mulirri  In- 

Puentum  injnriBe  nniuim'od) 
•unt  /mit.  Hnnt.  i.  2,  Sl. 
Muliere*  nuit.^niu  ut  pneil 
Hec.  iii.  1,  Si.  Firm»  u- 
dem  onuiiL  Pbonn.  i.  7,  30^ 


firo]  Hottem  hnjna  tun 
/ik  (uniliuitH.  And.  i,  I, 
84.  Intin,  ttdna  •eg™ /»- 
rtm.  And.  i.  f,  110.  Grm- 
irilcr  libi  dvi  moRni  firtal. 
And.  i.  2,  20.  Dum  Unipi» 
md  nin  nm  hUit.  And.  i.  3, 
17.  VitmequliuiiliumfKU. 
And.  i.  1.  115.  Aet»  Mil. 
And.  ii.  6, 12.  Ego  rmium 
ol>  atullitiun  firo.  And.  ilL 
5,  4.  Acquo  ■nimo  fim. 
And.  ii.  3,  23l  NnDquun 
buc  WkUMen  pedem.  And. 
I  is  I — u  HiMna  jSr 
I,  15.     Dum 

fenu    And. 
Non  nTl^i 

r.  6,  13.     JUno 



>  illii 

11.  8, 

6,  i.  OpUtiimy^.  Eun.  t. 
8,  27.  kerum  quu  firl  ido- 
Ie»enti>.     Hrwit.    >i.     1,    3. 

firnl  nmm  P  I^^C.  i.  2,  27. 
Illud  hiud  inuhum,  ai  TiTO 

firvH.  Hmit.  T.  1,  *S.  Ego 
illi  mutmuD  putem  firam. 
Adelph.  i.  B,  Ae.  Neqne  id 
Dcculle/sri.  Adolph.  iii.  2, 
ao.  Bi  Utigiun,  firm  in- 
fonuninm.  Adelph.  ii.  1,  24. 
Noa  polero  hoc^im.  Injuriu 
Tlri  omn«  Arn.  Hec  i.  2, 
58,  91.  Nihil  mibi  iiImg  ir> 
TDluptmtii  reruDE.  Hec.  iT.  2, 
17.     QninDDOdnt /in«Wii« 

fin?   Phorm.  ii.  S,  83.     Non 


firoxj  Bone  et  fina  quii, 
lul>e>  imperinm  in  belluuF 
Eoa.  iii.  1.  25. 

firvo}  Qnum,/bTt(muime, 
tam  pUcidam  awm  OTem 
nddo.  Adelph.  <T.  1,18. 

finu]  Innntani,  itihuDU- 
num,  l^«.  And.  i.  6,  43 

fittao]  Qiiid^/Winaf  r  Eun. 
It.  3.  B.  Vjdro  liiatfiMiuirt, 
leetot  •lecncre,  cornim  kppa- 
nre.  Henut.  i.  1.  73.  Quid 
fiituHu  i  iDimim  recipe. 
Adeliih.  m.  2,  26. 

fiiiir&at]  Hei  pttrii  fiili' 
tUaltm  et  bciliiitem.  Eiin. 
T.  8,  18. 

fittiw]     Fatitnim    cepnt. 


M»]  Ofiihu  diet  homi- 

n&l  Enn.iii.£,  12.     Amicu 
ta    gt     eocDilu    dBnmro    et 

fikoi  dis>  . .  .  nolo.  Hec  ir. 

AMial  FSdtlim  hiud  fsrme 
mulieri  InveniH  yirum.  And. 
iii.  1.2.  Paucoi  reperiu  me- 
retriclbui  fiidf  o«enin  ■n»- 
tom.    Hec.   i.    1,  2.     Quim 

fiUii    luimo    in     illun    fni. 
Hec    iii.     S,    22.       Senibui 

fildit  dum  lum,  npulu  pei^ 
didi.     Phorm.  L   2,  26.     Cf. 

And.  i.  S,  55.  Nulline  In  re 
ewe  homini  oniquui  jUent. 
And.  ii.  5,  14.     HucyUe» 

And.  iiL4.7.  SolTiiti  Afei. 
And.  iT.  1,  19.     Di  Tnlni 

yUni.  Aad.  It.  3,  1.  Triiti 
HToriiu  inett  in  Toltn,  itqa 
inTeibiijUs.  And.T.  2,1( 
Hic  Irge  tibi  meiia  uiHde 

fidewL  Eun.  I.  2,  22.  Foi 
iitmn  hic  mihi  pmmm  habei 

fdm.  Eun.  i.  2,  117-  Pmh 
Deum  jSrf™/  Ean.  *.  4,  21. 
In  cliemelmm  n  filei»  nobit 
dedit  M.  Do  lUfiii  rnlnruni. 
Euu.  T.  8,  9,  30.  O  Jupiter, 
ubinim  nt  fibtl  Hnnt.  iL 
a,  15.  Hibi  ida  ipud  hunc 
nt,  Hemul.  iii.  3,  10.  Ut  ui- 
qumm  fuit  A^  quiiquun  o| 
timi.  Adrlpfa.  ii.  1.  7.     Ai 

iii.  3,  88. 


frudimtm  cKl/iila.  Adolph.  !t. 
4,  12.  rm  DiTum  fiilem.' 
Adolph.  iT.  7.  28.  Obunire 
cum  jMe.    Adolph.   t.   9,  7. 

(luod  diii  jidni.  Hec  iii.  3[ 
42.  Ei  rei  flnnHtl  fidm. 
Hec.  iT.  2.  5.  Diiit,  iuriju- 
nndo  meo  M  fidtm  hihaiH. 
Hec.  T.  4,  31.  Cujui  tu 
fida»  Id  pecnnii  penprieiii, 
Phorm.  r.  2.  10.  Ncqnid 
. fidem   decepu 

rlenlar   mili.     Pbonu. 
5.      Nequeo    eionn    . .  . 

Pbon^.  Tii.V  28.  Itu  ^ 
Tim  mihi  l!i/«>i  eine  ipud  (a. 
niarm.  T.  3.  27. 

Jidmcii]  Qn>  fidKia  id  &- 
cereiudeui?  And.  iii.  5.  7. 

figura]  Noti  figfira  mm. 
Eun.  li.  3.  25. 

filia]  Itm  (Dm  dieeedo  mt 
illo,  ut  qui  u  fiia*  nrcrt 
diiurum.  Aad.  i.  I,  121- 
Fiiiatii    memm     nnbere     tao 

Slo.    lilnc:  periclam  in  g/i.i 

34.  (^duara  iu  uti  li  cvrt 
fiOa.  Eun.  1.  2,  37.  Reliquii 
jUtaiit  >do1e«entuiim.  Haal. 
iiL  3,  41.  Nunc  itm  tempoi 
cM.mihi  ni  cnpiim  jVnB. 
HeiDt.  iT.  1,  54.  Fi/!ae  ht~ 
rili.  A4rlph.  iil  2,  3.  /U« 
ojuiTirvinemTiliiTit.  Adelph. 
iii.  4,  W.  Abduetm  m  tdUs 
pnrcnu  fuenl  filia.  Hec  It. 
4,  l£    OIFendi  mdTenieni  qni- 

bmm,collMUmfi/u{L  Phor^ 
t.  1.  S2.  Ei  oDi  aiam  wat- 
capit.  Phorm.  t.  7,  49. 

lUaul  AmicajSJ^ni  mtitit- 
erti.  And.  iij.  S.  38.  In  nnp- 
liu  conjeci  herilem  jETim. 
Aiid.  iii,  4,23L  NnmjKiDTi- 
detuT  uxonm  dwe?  And.  ii. 
6.  21,     Hihi  li  uiiqoun  filiae 


:  ille  bcili 

.  1,  S.   J 

2.34.     Hoe 

ttn  omnu  JOiiM  in  pecealn 
iiliutrieo.    Haut  t.   2.  38. 

e«e  J«iM«.  qui  til  mri»? 
Tilem,  Diii  lu  nulli  pirerat 
Jf/iim.  Hcut.  T.  a.  14.  20. 
Cpnniefeci  J«w».     Hoc    pm- 

Adrlpb.  i.  I.  29,  49.  ' 
jVnm  dediill  '  - 
mihL   Adelph.  L 

fiin  eue.B  Adelph.  It.  5. 
73.  MmiorjUiwlnui.  Adel)^ 

j!iK»]  Pimml  qnmndam 
inter  le  Ihlluiim.  And.  i.  3, 
15.  Fim/ile.  And.  ii.  1,3«. 
Nupliimm  gn tti  hiee  Hiit 
fieia.  And.  t.  1,  17.  Ntqua 
mo  fitinem  filu  qDicqnmoi. 
Enn.  i.  S,  ISO.  Vultn>  qno- 
qm  hominam  fiairl  icoliu. 
nTnn  min  jiiuiil  Rliutn. 
Huut.  T.  1,  14,25.  Nonne 
■d  unem  mliquim  Imbricuu 
Jii^f    Herat.    liL    3,  3<. 



Quam  AioH  &l>u  caitHa  ul 

diKordimm.    Hec  U.  4,  71. 

FhHient  &lliciH.   Hcuil.  iii. 

2.ii.  Cf.  Eun.i.2,52.  Sin 
JlcUmftt.  Kun.  i.2.24. 

fitit]  Talc  )pH  hii  nbui 
Juem  pn«icri»ti.  And.  i.  1, 

121.     Onndi  jam  Ibiem  &». 

And.  T.    1,    2.      fjiii    fifen 

nuiledictit  ftcit.  Haut.  Prol. 

liifEuot  Ae  fiiibtn.  UoanL  iii. 
1, 90.  Id  iitu  fiMtia  hcist 
Adelph.  T.  9.  40.  Hiud 
opinar  eomninle  liwM  •!■- 
tuii»  onlioni  milSlem.  Hec. 
i.  3,  21  De  illo  tinn  jtiu» 
&ciuu  dicendi  mibi,  peccjindi 

fuit  Phorm.  Prol.  22,  23. 

So\  Iti  Ul  fit.  And.  i.  I, 
£3.  Mihi  qnidem  lienile  nou 
fit  TcriHinile.  And.  i.  3,  20. 
Hocine  e»  humuiam  rivian 
■ui  incepcum?  And.  i.  B.  1. 
OMiortune  bie  fit  mihi  ob- 
Tiim.  And.  iii.  i,  11.     Facta 

6, 2S.  I»  ut  nupttu  fuemnt 
futniu  fianl.  And.  iii.  3,  II. 
Non  poteat  id  Jim  qnod  vii. 
And.  ii.  1,6.  Bene/iu^H. 
And.  T.  6,  II.  Dico  ego 
mlhi  inaldlM  fieri.  Euu.  iii. 
3,  2e.  QiLicqnid  bujut  /ae- 
l«i  eit.  culp*  BDn /iutiuii  eit 
mu.  Enn.  t.  5,  10.  Quin- 
tiim  bie  oftra  fial  poenilet. 
Heaut.  i.  I.  20.  Quid  me 
fiat  puri  pcndii.  Heuit.  it. 
3,37.     Nallem/Muia.  Adel. 

fieri  hwid  poinil  quun  Acftrm 
nC  Adelph.  iii.  I,  8.  8i 
CMCt  uade  id  fiirel,  Ikcere- 
ann.  Adelph.  l  3.  26.  Si 
ric  fii.  Adelph.  ir.  2,  16. 
Quidjtl?  aaid  uitur?  Adel. 
T.  i,  2.  UKoridfial  «lun. 
Hec.  i.3,30.     Si^idnon 

iirS,  37.  Quid  ftdeniqueP 
Pfaorm.  i.  2. 71.  Fiel  wdulo. 
Photm.  i.  t.  50.     Opui  ruri 

Phom.  T.  1 ,  2».     Accnnndo 
jSrri     infectum     non    poIeiL 
Pbonn.  V.  8,  46. 
lini»]  Firmamt  fidem.  And. 

11.'^    1     t     U»    .     I     90 

firmiu]    Tibi  generam  fir- 

And.'  iii.  S,  S9."1<ihil  uti> 
irmi  ildeo.  Hetut.  ii.  S.  96. 
FVnwH  hu  Tereer  ut  ^nt 
luptiie.  Hec.  i.  2,  26.    Fir- 

^ibi  firmiortm.     Uoc    T.   I. 
jJaUI»]  CBpe  hoc  fioiil- 

fuila.     Ftahdtum  tenei 



d  fiaffitimm 

pei  fiabfUitm  ■ 
1.  iii.  6,  47.  W. 
jlagitiMm\  Fta^itit 
luj.  C.  An  Id 
,1?  EuD.  ii.  S.90.  ■ 
itebil  fiai/ili?  Adoletcen- 
'um  nobititu/!a?ifat.  Eun. 
6,  12,  20.  Per  fi^fitinm 
inopiim  redigftt  pfttrem. 
nuL  T-  1.  56.  FlagHiu 
iimeinhmBmfleH.  HauL 


Adelph.i.  2,21,32.  Hueine 
fiagilia.  Id  aabi>  tam  fia- 
gmum  «t  quun  illa  uon 
beere  Tobii.  Adelpb.  lii.  3, 
26{M],S8.    Vm  wyi^fiagitia 

capitdiL  AdBliih.'iT.  7.  3.' ' 
fiamma^  Ad  JJiniHUiili  u- 

eeMii  imwudeatiui.     And.  i. 

I,  103.     &fiamma  pelere  lc 

dbum   po«M   BrbitTnr.    Eun. 

lii.  2,  38. 
fieet6\  Utuc  eit  mpere.  qui 

fomit  fiicten.  Hec.  iT.  3,  2. 

Jfeo]  lu  ignem  p«ilm  e«; 
fiemr.  Rejecit  m  in  eum 
fiene  ouun  ftuailiariter.  Aad. 

i.  1, 102.  109.     PDlliciCuitem, 

fiucei pendo]  Erxo  ponjftjcc» 
fiadert.  Eun.  iii.  1,21. 

Awl  Anni?  ecderim.  P. 
fice  ipu.  Euu.  ii.  S,  26, 

jfmf]  Domi^nque  lec 

fodio]  Quiu  le  in  fun 
ronlpiccT  fadtrt  Wlt  KK 
He-ot.  I.  f,  17.    NoUjMei 

fBedv\  Tidetur  fWiu. 
Eun.  iT.  4,  17.  Pn  Denm 
fidem.  fiuiaui /osifna/  Eua. 

/nvitl  ExXTtfarae.  And.  i. 
2,  3;  lii.  3.  48.  Eun.  iii. 
2,16;  iT.  4,1.  Hunt.  it.  3, 
44:  T-2,47.  Hcc.  AlLPivl. 
28.  Phorm-iil-1,20-  Eirrcdi 
finva.  Heuit.  iil-  1,  17;  2, 
60.  Adel^-  T.  7,  25.  Phorm. 
T.  6,  S8,  62.  EToare  /i™>. 
Enn.  ii.  2,  62    Hcr.  t.  1,6. 

Eun.  ii),  5.  h\.  . 
ium,  quod  loci 
Adclph.  V.  S,  26. 

i.2,69.   Sedui 
It.  1,  7.      Vidi 

Phorm.  T.  7,  65. 
fbrii,  fbrei]  Hi 

iC/ifrot.  Hcf. 
(   luum   pec- 





Quid    cre- 
nc    >    mc? 

>  effnyiL 
'Wn  ■pcri. 

lclpb.  iT. 
/trriM     crepuitP 
Aacipn.  II.  0, 11.     Tunc  bu 

nulitti  fbrrt  f    Adelph.   ir. 
.    Concede  hinc  «  Ariln». 
Phorm.  T.  1,14. 
forit,  kdTcrbJ    Qnie  dom 

dii».    Ei 

,  13. 


illii  fort 
4.      Qaod 


fi<TlUKa,     O     firrt    firbtaa. 
Phonn.T.G,l.   Hecrii.3.26. 

/oriaM3e\     Bonn     fuTiaat, 
And,  i.  1,  32.    D.t;iKo  te: 

fuvTu.  EiTd.  ii.  2,^9.  F^ 
Uam  tliqauiliini  iniquior 
enU  He.ul.  i.  2.  2?.  For- 
tBBt  extludetur  foru.  Adslph. 
i.  2.39.     Fariaae  anum  di- 

33.      Audiiti 
mullnm  habet  q 


i.  2.  96. 
J    F«nt,    ita     Dt 

ji  pFrdaiere.   And,  i, 

63.     Si  fotf    *■"'   f*'^- 


"1.   2,   4«. 
Alteise    dum    uamt   fortt 

T    ftctui 

Hec  iii.  1,  51 
firit    temere    . 
non  ludui  oplire,  Pbonn.  t. 

form  Ut  Tiram  Arteiit 
dec«l.    ApcI.  ii,  6,  14.      Nihil 

1,5.  Ita  ul/irt«t  decet  mi- 
lileg,  Ean.  iv.  7.44.  Forta 
fonuoa  idjuTat.  Phonn,  i. 
4,  26.  O  Tir  fonii  ttque 
Muicua,  Phunn.  li.  2, 10. 

fortHtr]  FoHUer  .  .  .  hui, 
pNfartiter!  Adelph.  ir.  2,  27. 

foTiamilo'\  Verear  ne  iituc 
fbrtitudo  in  nervum  efumpit 
dcnique.  Pbonu.  ii.  2.  11. 

furtuKa]  Omnii  bon.  di- 
ccce,     el     UudiTo    forUma 

beniatrix  fuii?  EuD.  t.  8, 
16.  Mo  tu.ram  miieritam 
nt/«tiBiar»sa.  HcBut  iii.  1, 
6«.      Qai>    Kibun     dubinm 

Hec.  Alt.    Prol.   8,      O^ 

bon»!   Hec.   iii.  3,   46.      Ne 

Quod  li  eo  meae  /orlunat  n- 
deual.  Foita  foriana  tA- 
juTit.   PhonD.  i.  4,  33,  2S. 

forlsnalwi.     En 


quii  nie  Tiiit  hodie  forlm- 
aatior?  Eun.  t.  9,  1.  Quii 
te  tMt  fortatialior  7  Keiut.  ii. 
3,  55.  Aodepol  te,  mei  Anti- 
pbila,  Undo  et  fbrtviatam 
judico.  H»ul.  ii.  4. 1,  Nu 
eno  /brlimaitia  bomo  Bum. 
Heiiut.  iv.  fi,  21.  Malto 
amnium  nunc  me  fbriiaatia- 

IIe.ut.  iT.  8™-  ''cjuod^ 

nuuquun  h.buL^^AderiA™!'. 

/orm)  ^o  hine  me  ad 
fontm.  And.  L  3,21.  Qaid 
turbu  eet  apud /ivnt  ?  And. 
iT.  4,  6;  h'.  1,  2.  Amicui 
qaidun  me  i  />ro  ■hduiii 
mode.     Adeipb,     it.    fi,    11. 

'2,31.   Scitti  uti/m,  Ptaotm. 

i.  2,  29. 
/UMO]     N»Tem    ii  /*yil 

ipud  Andrum  intuUm.  And. 

i.   3,  17.     MiTi  fraita  ipud 

Andrum  ejeclui  nl,     Aul.T. 


fraler]    Si   t*  iu    b*™"' 
fralnM  dilcii  locii.    And.  I.  S, 

57.     Frairtn  bDmini  neraini 

Srincipem.  Adelpb,  ii.  3,  6. 
i  fivter  iLut  .odiilii  e»el, 
oiii  mtgii  morem  gereretP 
Adelpb.  i»,  fi,  74.     Fralrtm 

Plionn.  i.  2.  13,  &c. 

/««]     Educt™  lib™    in 
Jraadem  illici>P   And.  t.  4. 

HeBM.  T,  4,  lU, 
/^wm]    Cum    llKi    .  .  . 

uni  iderM/rraww,  And,  L 

fretai]  Cujai  coniilio  frt- 
tia  mm.  And.  ii.  1,  9G. 
Hem  quo /«(iit  lim.  And. 
iii.  5,  l^  Vobii  frelat. 
P.  SHn  qaun/Ww?  Run, 
V.  8,  33.  ADiii-nni  inienio 
freiua.  Heiut.  Prol.  24.  Si 
quis     forte,     militii    /rc<iu 

frigeiil  Niminun  honiM* 
fripnU.  Eon.  ii.  2,  37.  Uhi 
fi^  boc  eTuit.  Enn.  iii.  3, 
11.  Sine  Cerrm  ct  Libero 
friffd  Vcnui,    Euo.  iT.  &,  6. 

Avul  ExporBB  fromttm, 
Adelph.  T.  3,  fi3 

/rmcAu]  Melait  ■emprr 
qocm  ipu  nunce>pil/rw(in> 
ne  quuido  into*  ta  lilio  eon- 
fetu.  Eon.  iii.  1,  60.  Hee 
fncli  pio  Ubore  ab  iii  fen. 
AdeJph,  T.  4,  16.  In  illii 
/rmftu  «t.  Phom.  ii,  2,  18, 
Fi-iMimi  quem  leddunt  piw- 
dii  Pborm.  iT.  3,  75.  Qw 
noBtnii  minuil  fmitMM  Tilibu. 
Pborm.  T.  8,  34. 

/Hffij  Frns'  «■  Eon-  ■''- 
S;  iT.  7,  4«,  60.  Hominie 
frtgi  et  tempenali*  funrliit 
r>  ofncium  ?  Hnnt.  iii.  3, 
IS.  Fmgihamoat.  Adclph. 
V,  9.  ib.  Dedo  pctri  me  nune 
j«m,  ulfrtffalior  «m,  qi» 
Tnlt.HeHl.iT.  3,3. 

fnor]  Tu  i11it/«re  cotn- 
modi*.  EuD.  ii,  3,  80.     Nca 

hic/ri  Haat.i.1,^.  Ho- 
dumlicel,'  H'ciat.'iL3.  105. 

folK  fnu.   Hee.  i.  4.  2.     Cf. 

Phom.  IL  3.  13. 

frailra]  Qud  migli  libids 
frtatra  inceiidatar  tus.    And. 

Ubi<'/rwtm.  Ein.  ii.  2,  &t. 
Ne  me  in  Imatitiun  fivttn 
CDDJiciu.  Hesnt.  ii.  3,  61. 
Friitra  tmenm  opinor  ■uhm. 
HcMut,  iT.    3,    16.    Frmttm 

puto.  Adelpb,  ii.  1,  54    Qaid 
nic  contenmui  Dper*m_^is- 
(m)  Phoni.  L  4.  31. 
fnutror]    8*epe     jmm    me 

ra  ^iart fruMrala  eet.  And. 
2.  37.  Ne/nrfrdw  ipn 
■e.  Eua.Pnl.l4.  H>t>dhH 
lu>  not  Jrtalraia  e«t  fiiica. 
Adelph.iT.  4,13. 
fuai]    Fon/nf  pol.    Hec 

/mi]  Acm  Inclnm  ma- 
lisri,  EuD.  iii.  S,41. 

/ml  It.i.tnonui.t./i.. 
gam.  Eun.  iT.  4,  6.  Ficcnot 
fiigamL.  Eun.i»,7.17.  Qnun 
hic  >^ioiiM  aal  fuitani  paratf 
,  Phoim.  L  4, 13. 



J^nu]  Fiigii  faiiK.  AmL  li. 
1,  37.  Racte  tgo  lenipn  Ajoi 
bu  RUptiia.  Aod.  jr.  4,  27. 
BflUum  fiigitv,  And.  *.  4. 
32.  Non  era-Knit.  ^ai  illum 
ad  Iftbonfn]  impnlcrlirif  puqc 
roe  ipnmi  fngin.  He»ut.  L 
1.  114.  8i  puilulnm  moda 
quid  Us/i«rE(,  Hnuv  ii.  3, 
75.  Hdc  htiu.  U«/uito. 
Addph.  iii.  3,  63.  Fagen  e 
coiupFCtu  ilico.  Hec.  i.  2, 
107-     ll»J^ff*MnepIMlercB- 



MEua.  It.  "a,  W 
. . .  id  me  idem  illud 
/ibAfiwm  Bisenlum.  Huut 
1^:2.11.  IbTiieii.m.1.mniD 
cum  iitu  raiignifictalj»,yi^- 
tie*.  Phonn.  T.  7,  38. 

jSmtol  MiiemaiUi fiiiAyi- 
f«^.  Euu.  T.  2,  e.  Tuum 
canipcclum  fagilai.  Heiut. 
iii.t,25.  Me>nla>i(.  Henut. 
"   ■-     —  Phoi  -    - 

Herui  libeisli)  »t,  el/iwilaiu 
litiuiii.PhormiT.3,13.  Qued 
bIiw  meietricei  fiigUaxt  &- 
«n.  Hee.  t.  2. 10. 

/i(i>iu]  FkTilluplena^i», 
mc  pollin'U.  Adelph.  t.  3,  60. 

/BHntiWiu]  Popului  Kudio 
mtupidui  in/iiflanni^mnimum 
occu«r»t.  Hrt  Pn.1  4.   J^m- 

•pectuio.  Hoe.  Alt.  Prol.  26. 

fmla\  Ftmdatn  tibi  nunc 
Dimii  Tellem  dui.  Eun.  iT. 

/ndifw]  Quod  li  flt  pereo 
faiditaM.  And.  i.  j,  9, 

jWoJ  Tu  Terb>>in/u  bic, 
niueniim?  Adelph.  t.  1,  7. 

AioiH]  Noilri  /Wi  oilii' 
mW  Ean.  i.1,34.  Quin  te 
in/iiBi& cDHipicer,  Heut. i.  1. 
16.  ProiinumciKliuicyiBKb 
■dduteimra.  Hamut.iT.  4.  10. 

f»tgor\  lU  tulo  Ulrnle  il- 
lonim  ofBcim /iifMtfn.  Hemut. 
i.  1,  14.  Hominie  fhi^  el 
lempetmntii  fwKiia  officiuoL 
Hcmut  iii.  3,  19.  Tuo  gfficio 
liierii/Micliit.  Adtlph.  iT.  3, 
12.    AxcfM.  mdo!arri.tDU  eit 

/%ra^1  Tibi  c(0  nt  at- 
dmmjirn/%r}  And.  iii.5.12. 
Debonn,  ciedo,  itti  quicqumm 
Jara/ini.  Eun.T.2,2S,  Bgo, 
te  /wTrifer,  li  viro.  Enii.  T. 
6,19;  iT.7,28, 

fartuni]  Furimm  fmeete, 
Eun.  Pr^  28,  Hic  fuHi  me 
mligmt,  E>.n,iT,7,39.  Qumm 
bic  fugun  mul /itrtnm  pmimt? 
Phonn.  i.  4,  13.  J^W^ue 
ficlum  Biittimetit.  Adelph. 
Prol.  13l 

JUaii]  Servau  fortunu  memi 
me  commiiii»yti(>Jtr  And. 
iii.  5.  3. 

OalllBa]    Oidliaa   cednil. 
Phorm,  iT.  4,  27. 

befua,  qamio,  dmmnoiui.    Ue- 
mul.  T.  4,  10. 

gaKeum]    Credo  mbductom 
in  goMeun  mJlquo.  Adelph,  iiL 

«iiBiiol    Quid  ille  «nnif; 
quidTult?  Adelph,  iT.  2,  17, 

rTw]    airTu.  Euo,  ii,  3, 
Gorrimodo,  Phorm.  iiL 
ffamdta\  Ke  quid  de  fntn 
-       '     -         Adelph. 

],  Sl,  cr.  Adelph.  iii,  4,  IS. 

/wRw)  Ftam  inteiim  pro- 
eedit.  And.  i.  1,  100.  Curm- 
bmlunm/kiiu,  And,  I,  1.81, 
Id.^m  prDdea.  And.  L  l, 
ea  Nequc.quiiquam  md- 
ermt,  aui  mdiutmnt/nwa.  Phoi. 

peetmm  fiibulam  deiine.  Ean. 
Prol.  23,     Hinipului  yiirMi. 

iuin  mceipere  gatkdiat. 
Adelph,  ii,  3. 1.  Crede  mihi, 
ffaviiMt  fmcto.  Phonn.  iii,  2, 

gatiiiam]      Nac    opiiunlei 
duci  liilta  gaudio.    And.  i.  2, 

And.  ii.^     Non  ti^riali^ 

u  gaadia,    And.  t.  5, 

t  Tjim  Hegritudine  mli- 
^n,  iii.  e,  4.  Scin  me 
luggim^w^tiir  Kun. 
Celem  Um  iniperm- 
titdiml   HcmuLlii.  1, 

,    1.  '■ 

iii.  3,  t 

cpolitur^iHJia.  Adelpb.  t. 

it  onwliiuii.  Adelpb.  t.  9, 
i.  Pmenn  hercle  Hclunmvi 
tadio.  Phonn.  v.  6,  SO, 

Tei.  Adelph.  ii.  I,  19. 



.  Hoe.i< 

geniiti]      Suum    defrudmni 

^ol^  i.  riiT™     ™'**'' 

aesiiMii]  Miuime  genfiiiw. 
Bun,  iv,  1,11,  AdelpV  iiL  2, 
44.  Fharm,iii,8,44.  Quotti 
gaili>m.  Hcimut.  t.  1,  56. 
Nuiqumm  gBnUum.  Adelph, 
iT,S,l.  Ubivii^fniH.  Hec 
iii.  1.  4.  Uiqumm  ^eBfiim. 
HeciiL  1,13. 

pniil      Ad  gnm   mccidit. 

d  eet  gtnia  homi- 
Bum.An(l,iv,  1,6. 
iul  Minri  quDndmm 
pu<rimeclum  prinm.  2,  15,16.  Ogt- 
te  mdiniitera  itidignm  je- 

Intrii  dileli  loo 

57.  D  mi  aamafie.  Adelpb. 
ii,  4,  6.  Nunc  tu  mihi  ee 
oeraiaHir  pmriiei  corpore  et 
mnimo,  Adelph.  v,  B.  34. 

Aad.  iv.  ],17.  Momg^rBHfiu 
eat  ThmidL    Bun.  i,  2,  108. 

m^m'  Hem"l,".^,'R°llt 

Adelrii.  lii.  S.  77.  Cf.  iT.  .■>, 
71.  Nan  ms  hwic  Ttni  p*tii, 
ul  ut  «nt  gttia,  {ndicuHP 
Adelpb.  1t.  4,  -21.  Quui  ni 
bcne  pata.  Addph.  *.  1,  13. 
Poeri  iDler  ene  qium  pm  Is- 

pnpter?  qoit  enim  qui  ein 

.varwt/.  Hec.  iii.  1,  30,  Sl. 
'Quid  ni  oeriir  Pharm.  i.  2, 

«m)]  drn),  infn,  fi«ni, 
hclloo.  Haut.  T.  4,  10. 
^^<        '     " 


pMto]  Rex  te  erga  In  ocnlii 
palan.  Enn.iii.  1,12.  Qnem 
ego  inodo  paernm  taotillum 
tli  mtqibni  gatavi  meia. 
Adelph.  iT.  2,34.  Hieine  non 
«i<«diuinunneit?  Adelph. 

Nunc  9ei<u  mihi 


^aiJtLriarl  RumorTenitili- 
tUDi  Iri  (rfiHtiafuraj.  Hec.  Att. 
Prol.  31 

aiadiatorim]  il\  tjladialono 
•nimo  id  ue  KStattat  Titm. 
Phorm.  V.  7,  71. 

•ihi   gladio 

oalM.]     t 

..  Adel[ 

fftonor]   VA.h,  j^forvin  ere- 

Eun.  Proi.  31. 

mnmllllem.     ! 

{•'yMTtiuii]  I 

D.  Pml.  38. 

rem.  And.l.  .^7.  Dapondll 
eioiulaiii  hujui  Ticini  proii- 
ml.    Hcc.  i.  2,  4S.     Onalam 

OnaOol  PMattn  In  Bjinucho 
Omuitmiaa]  Puuiti  item 

yimdw]    Qui^naftai  hibe. 

A^.  i.  1,  7"/' Corngere^mihi 
onatiH*  porTo  cnltei^  And. 
iii.  4,  17.  Ont»  gmaio  oio- 
rtm.  ADd.iii.2,ta  Pieotem 
gmaii.  And.T.2,38.  DecnTi 
tutiipcr  me  minni  injuri«e 
. . .  meo  gnalD  fiiccn.  Heaut 
1.  1,  96. 
jroctfi»]  Vineto  pectort,  1 

Ean.  ii.  .1,  22. 
Sn^nH  gradu 
perrexi.  Phorm.  t. 

OnMCM]  Eun.  Pml.  8,  S3. 
He>ut.Pml. 4,8,17.  Arlelph. 
Ptot.  8.  PhoriD.  P»l.  27. 

^nw^ip]  An  »1611  oportnit 
domi  Tiivinem  tuu  ffroMeiiiF 
Adelph.TT.5,39.  Nilutfnu- 
rfibr.  Adelpb.T.8,7.     Homo 

ttm  gramdaiT.  Phonn.  ii.  S, 
5.  Dicmm  libl  impinnm 
grandtiu.  Phorm.  ii.  S,  91 

jrnuif/HwniduI  VvngnnnU- 
■inia  jim.  And.  ir.  £,  19. 

gTxttta\  HHl>eo  gratiaa, 
And.  I.  1,  15.     Portalnn  id 

1,  31.  Quum  lituc  qnod  po*- 
taloirapetrocamjrnM.  And.,  11.  Enoni/Hi  livuUTi. 
And.  liL  4,  i.  Jam  dudum 
ree  redduxit  me  ipie  in  j^ro- 
Nam.  And.  T.4,4j.  Eeo  ei- 
illc  racipitnr.     Qi 

ial  Enn 

i.  2, 79 


Bun.  IT.  4, 61.  Et  b&betur  el 
nfvretnr,  iln  utt  molitii  ei, 
.^rafia.  Enn.iT.6,12.  Dehine 
■pero  Mtemun  inlsr  noi  gra- 
funfore.  Enn.  T.2,33.    Gra- 

8,61.  Ci 

!.  Heeut. 


SjTo  nihi 
2,  46.  DJioratta.  Adelph.  i. 
2,41.  Mihl.  ..«Ht  iralia: 
Adelph.  lii.  3,  14.  Itunum 
InjTraMun  mtilDe*.  Hec  iii. 
1,  11.  Dii  gratiaa  hibeo. 
Heciii.S.ll.    HaDConfna 

re^t.  Hec.  iii.  3,-30.    Neqi 

W-  -.-     - 

Phorm.  T.  7,  78. 

oro^]  Si  nan  preUo  at 
araftii.  Adelph.  ii.  7,  96. 
MoKm  dnctaiTra^f  Phorm. 
iil.  3, 16 

gratnlor}  AdTOntum  frolH- 

grvtia]  U  gralmM  fuiiae 
■drennm  te.  Atid.  i.  1,  IS. 
Illi  gratum  feceria.  Bdd.  ii. 
i,bS.  QutmboriiiliiiiHp^ 
lam  Thsidi  ■rbimre  cact 
Kun.  ij.  2.  44.  Eel  iiEnc  d»- 
lum  profecto  ut  grvta    mihi 

tli.  1,  6.     Qdum  gratmat  mihi 

H^ut.  ii°3,  21.  I27.     HetiiD- 

Adelph.  11.  2.  43.     Ne  id  m-' 
■enlindi  megift  i^nua  qoD  h»- 
hcam  grvimm.  rmcere  eiietin». 
Adelpb.  ii.  4,  6. 
aravidmt]    Gravida  0  Pui- 

Siloret.  And.  L  3.  ll;iii.-^ 
.  VirgoeiHesmpnHnvn- 
graviM}    Iitue  perScluiti  ia 
HltDfleTl  OTTnit  ett.    And-  iii. 
3,   34.      Qnaii  qnicqiu 

And.  T.   i,  3l      . 

Heiut.  i*.    1,  33.     S^otiU 

I.    HeDut 

*  mnlLo  Dc  da- 
'.  2,  4.     Impi^ 

«1.  i^oDnumtuoini.qiioant 
grtniimimMm.  Adelph.  iii.  4, 
22.  PDnpertDlciD  uiw  p«tn- 
Ijmni  omDnie.  Adelph.  iii.  4, 
£0.  Ofque  illud  tuiiib  eM 
Pimphilo  aenlinnun  oran. 
Hbc  i.  2,  £0.  Cf.  Phomi,  i. 
2,44.  Qnid  beeteeiiarvnH 
lliud  tibi  nunc  briendnm 
foretP  Phaim.L4.S9.  Nnn- 
qnuD  tun  grava  ob  hue  ini- 

iuniliim.  Pfaorm.  ii.  \  22. 

a.  Heant 

1.1.62.     Ad- 
.    Hnut  iii. 

foTe>.'HeiMit.iii.3,5SL    Nimii 

aranCiir  cruciil  ■daleaCTHIa- 

iDm.  Hnnt.T.  5, 1.   Qwiuib 

mo    pepnlil    tim  gtaritrT 

re»?  Aiie1ph.T.S,2     Ora- 

Mf-leiurDDi.    Hecii.  2,  1!). 

^Eu  imor  me  ^ronler  een- 

■netndDqne  ejui  leneL    Her. 

lii.  3.44.    TitulnlnKuiD... 

■'    ,.  H*ciT.4.a 

anr  ne   illnd 

i.  2,  6a     Gn- 

n.    Adelph. 



T,  8,  19. 
ffnrniuMj  Jottm  qao  |i«to 

dftin  in  ommiMm  itnbrein  u- 
nam,  Eiia.  lii.  6,  37.  Qui 
te  Jn  tui  gnmia  poHlDniin 
piicnim  diccbU  patrn.  Adel. 
Iii.  2,  SS. 

pnx]  Ore  at  ms  in  vnlnun 
yrepBfli  recipimlii.  Enr.  ».  8, 
S4.  SiUDi)«t.«dml<ande- 
(ertaransHn.  [Irtut.Pro].4£. 
AncilUnim  jjrnKia  ducanl 
KCUOL  Ketut.  ii.  3.  4.  Hic 
de  gnfft  illo  «t.  Adelph.  iii. 
3,  B.     Quum  per  tnuullam 

^nAenva^ru]  An  fortuDnm 
eollnudnn  qiue  aaimatriie 
fuit?  Euu.  f.  8,16. 

Hec.  ill.  1.  31. 

gfncartum}    Ubi  in  gyiae- 
erxm  in  occipio.  Phorm.  t.  6, 

jkiiB]  Qna  hic  noilsr  ■aC' 
tort»  ilaM.  And.  Pml.  19. 
In  memoria  habeo.  And.  i.  I, 
13.     /latieo  graiiun.   And.  i. 

6».  Bi  qnid  conilli  kaM. 
And.  i.  1,  13i  9U  iotto. 
And.   ii.   1,   35.      Hoc  BuJc 


eii.  Quid  anm  katto.  And. 
ili.  2,  IB.  Non  iaUi  mtiaai. 
And.  iii.  S,  17.  Dii  pol  ilaieD 
gntitm.  Anil,  ir.  4, 31.  Dicin 
en  eja>  hiec  ■tque  katUa  nt 
»ror.  And.  It.  S,  14.  Imo 
And.  T.  3,  18.  OmDim  Mea, 
nciiDe  quicqutm  kabeo.  Eun. 
ii.  2.  12,  Qoi  iobtt  Hlem. 
Kiin.  iii.  1,10.     Haiaiaipe- 

rium  in  bellnii 
£5.      QuH  rea 

L.  Eun.  i.  1,13.     Poti 


i.   2,   48. 

£9.     Sine 

melokiv.  Bnn.t2.71.  Qui 

luiieHi  dripicHiAm.  £utj.  ii.  l 
S±     Et  iaMnr  et  rereretu 

3,11.  UlcpraillDmunere 
bi  bonat  cel  iiAilui.  Enn.  v. 

22.  Graiiun  luito  mui- 
■m.    Eun.  T.  8,  61.     HaM 

rol.    20.     'Pilium'  nnkHm 

li?  taier«me?  Imo 
Heaut.  i.  1,  42.  Coi 
!>ponJewa  niliil  laiito, 
li.  1,  13.     Amicam  ut 

iDdicio  I 

»lne  magno  intenrimento  non 
poteU  Cabtri.  Henul.  iii.  J, 
39.  Authecc  cam  iiiii  nmt 
habeiuia,  aut  I11&  cnm  hi>  tnit- 
tendi  •unt.  Heiat.  ii.  3,  84. 
!!■  ut  lee  KB  ioAef.  Heiut. 
It.  3,  24.  Su^Tiftiopnuentlft 
■      '       '   ■     I.  He- 

iiut.T.2,10.  N< 
Adelph.    1.    \, 


Adclph.i.  1,20.  llleulitem 
conln  me  liateat  &cId  ledulD. 
Adelph.  i.  1,  2S.     Quod  fot- 

nnnqiiam  AaMi.  Adelph.  i, 
1.  19.  Ha/na,  mm^Ti  pra  meo. 
Adelph,  1,  1,  23.  Slndione  id 
>ibi  iatn.  Adelph.  iii.  3,  28. 
SKti*  mihi  id  ioMam  lupplici. 
Adelph.iii.  2, 16.  Virio  nihil 
iatti.  Adelph,  It.  7,  10.  Lu- 
lilbrio  jl<>6ert'.   Hec.  i.  2,  74. 

>-7  Hec. 

,  I.  9.  f/abtbam 

mkle  iaitt  qnun  te. 
3,  31),    Quo  pulo  nn 

grentDU   jiaMUHe 
^■m|.hilum.    Hcc, 

pneientem  Deum  ?  Phonn.  il. 
2,  31.  Concluum  hic  kabae 
nioremeuT^m.  Fhono.  r  1, 
17.  Ul  me»  T»  HH  kattnl. 
Fhorm.  t.  4.  1. 

katHior]  Si  qna  e(t  jtoM- 
fiorptula,  pogilem  ene  linnt. 
Eun.  ii.  3,23. 

jkiitfa]  In  b(c  iabilaat 
plUeadlclum  eit  Chryiidem. 

eitcorporii?  Eun,  ii.  2,  11. 

Hac\  PaBlm.  HacUnw 
llUc  pfrflno.  Eun,  i.  2.  2fi. 
iii,  2,  1.  /^uc  le  praecipitnlo. 
Adelph.  iT.  2,  36. 

Jwrwl  Ipeft  cet,  ibureD. 
Edd.  t.  2,  9.  LiDgu&  knrret 
metn,  EuD.  *,  S,  7,  Ul  *aii- 
rtam  ia  ijarte  ■liqu^  tuiden] 
■nid  TliijUem,  Eun.  t.  8,  25. 



latrtt  cnlpa  tolk.  Hec.  ii.  1, 
32.  Nit!  toihi  proipicio,  Im- 
r*>.  Phoim.  T.  7,  7fi. 

jlofnCoJ  In  eodem  luLo  jlotf- 
Rtoi.  Phonn.  V.  2. 16. 

kanolor]  Sed  egobocAar»- 
lor.  Adelph.  ii.  F,  48,  NoD 
mibi  cn^ii?  D.  Hariolan. 
Phonn.  iii.  2,  7. 

barioliit,  lianupa]  Inler- 
diiilAarKf^,'  Aaruva Tetuit 
&c  Phonn.  ii.  4,  27. 

jiaarfj   Pioim. 

tfejnoj  In  Audrik  cM  per- 

jWt»l  Oerro,  iDcre,  fmut, 
litlao.  Hnat.  t,  4. 1». 

jlmi]  i/rvi  quid  eit?  And. 
1,1,89.     tfen,  reimdietni  re- 

Cr.  And.  i.£,  13.  NihilneP 
And.  IL  6,  4.  Htm  illic 
Hl  huic  rai  apuL  Aud.  ii.  6, 
27,  Hem  ututiii.  And.  iil. 
4,24.  //eH,quidui,ece1aiP 
And.  It.  1, 41,  //an  H»lcn. 
Aud,  It.  4,  46.  Hem  DnTum 
tlbl.  And.  T.  2,  1.  Htm  ea- 
nuebum  tibi.  And.  iii.  2,  19. 
Hem,  quui  huK  eit  fibuUI 
KuD,  iT.  4.22.  Him.  oWccro 
■D  itoit?  Eun.  T.  4,  40.  Htn, 
ouid  diitiP  Heuit.  ii.  3,  89. 
Ifeni,  iitDCTciboinimui  mihi 
rediit.  Hcc.  iil.  2, 12.  Geti. 
0.  /Tm.  Pbonn.  It.  4,  t. 



htna,  iera]  pMnm. 

Itentt\  Mu  Midem  itnie 
«rUiDdul.ioiiU  ert.  And. 
li.  2,10;  1.  3.  20.  Ph«™-i. 
3,  12.    Cetu  hmU.  Ai 

2,    IS.     Phon 

ili.    2.   38, 

S,  9.     Perii  tani>.  Hnut. 

1.14.     . 

g  KriD. 

Adclph.  T.II,IB.  HmU 
H«u(.  iT.  3.  U;  ii.  £,  la 
Adelph.  T.  7,  4;  t.  9.  18. 
TennD  Aerab.  And.  t.  4.  36. 
Adelrh.  iT.  2  39. 

Htnxlet]  Qui  minui  quim 
Htnala  KrTiTit  OmphilM? 
EUD.  T.  7.  3. 

imdilatX  HendUatii  pei- 
wqui.  Anil.  iv.  6,  30.  Ad 
lioi «  redihnt  Inn  lnnMat. 
Hec.  i.  3,  W. 

htra\  Telpw)  itndt  hiec 
pOHidere  Baccbidem.  Hwut 
T.  3,  16.  Qui  tic  innl  hiiad 
roaUuoiAeiMflBJuTut.  Hee. 
III.  6,  10. 

fenl  Puelm. 

Wu)  Herum  fefelll :  In 
nuptiu  eonjeci  httiUi*  Hllum. 
And.  iii.  i,  24.  Video  ktri- 
laa  flliiim  miiinrem  buc  idTe- 
Dln.  Eun.  It.  2.  68.  Mihi- 
qne.  heneque,  flliuque  Ittrili, 
Adclpb.  iii.  2,  8. 

'     -      !■•]      QUD    pMtO    ei 

}ure   * 

.  4, 17. . 

And.  It.  1.  23.  Hea  me  ml- 
•enm.  Kee.  ji.  2, 29.  Hat  me 
inrelictm.  Hee.  iii.  1,  3. 

iIbh]  //eM  in«.  And,  i. 
I,  S8.  Htt,  CTocsle  bnc 
DiTum.  And.  iii.3.47.  Haa 
tu.  Edd.  i,  2,  22,  Hau  htat, 
tibidico.  3. 46.  Syre, 
Srre,  lnqiiuiii,  htut,  iaa, 
Sjn.  Heiut.  il.  3,  107,  Htut 
tim;  AeechiDui  ego  ■um. 
Adelph.  iT.  3,  26.  Hni  tu, 
OTe.  Ph«nn.  ii.  3,  61 

'  lerb.]  PMeim.  See 


iMne]    Htan»    libeitatem 

Adclph?^™29,  et  puiim. 

kie  ntmiDDi,]    PMeim.  3«e 
Indei  lo  Notee. 

kilarit,  Manu]  Tu  ouidem 

rlet  mulloi^rur. 
5,  HHaina  bunc  lumimui 
diem.  Adelpb.  ii.  4,  33. 
Hifarum  ic  libentem  be  te 
■nati  in  nuptii*.  Adelpb,  it. 
7.  38.  Hoilie  modo  ttlnrwii 
tu  ta.  Adelph.  t.  S,  66, 

1,94.  N«eem>fo 

■nm.  H«ui.iT.  6,21,  Ha«ii- 
wnobilee.  Adelpb,  Prol,  15. 
ffaiMuiim  komo  ■lultiuime. 
Adelpb.   K,   3,   10.     //imii->h 

i^SltluV  "aS  J"p™i.''2"^l^0 
Aomaifm  impurum.  Adclph. 
ii.1,29.  OjiowiWnimpium, 
Adelph.  ii>.  3,  6.      Non  pu- 

uem  ?  Adelph.  <t.  2, 33.  Cen- 

3,  77.  8i 

T,    8,    I 

11.     Fniji    iomo 



i.  3,  7S.  Hbnoivnnudior, 
penper.  Pborm.  ili^S.  Ho- 
■u  IDhunHniHJmD*.  Phonn. 
iii.   3.  35.      8olni  en  AaM 

3,    '29.      Haud    ecio     hmle. 

e^  juif 


Jlim  enm  toiieite  polnil,  tum 
lon  ent  diU.  Phann.  t.  7,  19. 
kaneiliu}     Forma     pneter 

,   24.     Its  n«  Di 

unent,  Himeiltii  CM.  Eud.  iii. 
2,21.  Neqne  ibMatUimiU, 
nrque  ntile  ipli  nrsioi  ot. 
Hcc.  i.  2,  76. 

ilowii]  Tidel  me  «w  in 
tinio  kBwBTt.  Eun.  ii,  2,  39. 
Hic  pro  illo  mDuere  Ubi  kww 
ert  liiblCal,    Eiin.  T,    6,   23. 

qDOTii  dirnim,  RcMit.  it,  3, 
9.  TdtrilowuaDiL  Pbor. 

ADrTeol  Tolni  Ircmo  ior- 
eoqae.  Eun.  i.  2,  4. 

jlorrejoj]  Hofrtieo  ecmpcr 
ibi  piilt>rc  heece  oc^iiHo  mi- 
er.  Adelpb.  It.  4.  26. 





io^m]  Nunr  me  iotpilent 
liUi  traai.  Aod.  iv.  i,  1£. 
Cli«»,  ■mici»,  iMp»,  ncmx 
HtTobi.?  Addph.  iv.  i,  13. 
Itcr  md  kofiiem  uiiquum. 
Pfaorm.  i.  %  17.  Haipila. 
tum   dm    Phonn.  ii.  2,  U, 

r.  And. 

5,31.     Uli 

ii.3,  12.  «Bc 

iii.  i,  15.  OmiiU  faue  nunc  Ter~ 
im  ndeuol  denique.  EaD.  i.  2, 
7aiIbifrint,*weTuit.  Eun. 
iii.  3.  if  //u  tnaMulil 
■moiem.    Hec.  i.  2,  94.     Ra- 

.    6,    62.     Aliqi 

i»]  Jf^,  Um 

IIL.     1,    16.       ^IU. 

(^uutun  fcneiinii 

-  Hec. 

itDp  And. 

tlun.  iT.  6,  S.  Hujurmodi, 
eWni,aliqDidreperi:  H«ut. 
ii-  3,  98.    llujmadi  mihi  r» 

iv.  6,  B.  Uic  me  Aigiimiidi 
me  •clbal.  Phonn.  iii.  2, 15. 

innaHl  Vii  InnaiM  pHi- 
tni.  Adrl^.  I.  2.  65. 

iMwntfH]  Coepi  non  iu- 
«luilu,  trutui.  fleiul.  i.  1, 

twninnu]  //inuBn  inseni 
"«n.ueiique     Bninii     offlci». 

ilnna.     Hnnl.   iiL    S,  41. 
Jun     id    peccatum    primum 

Ean.  ii.  3,  33.    Qiii  n 

Henut.   iii.    1,  33. 

j^nijl     Obteczxi,    dlvfBine ? 
And.  iT.  3,  11. 

inmi/u]  Omnibut  nobii  ut 

kinaila  ■umui.    Hec.   ii[.    3, 

ifaicina.  et  ijrauiiaom 
qui  anlauL    Miau  hiee  Ikcv, 

Ubicinia.  Adol[di.  t 

,  luuHdu, 
T.7,7,  S. 

JactuM']  Siillndqiiodm 
Imo  apui  etl  jaetu  non  ci 
Adelph.  iT.  7,  5 

imni  nunc  jaM  in- 
i.  1,  145,     Primum 

fi,  39.  Jam  Inde  luqne  K 
pueriliL  H«nt.i.3.9.  Jam 
lade  >b  ^olrK^liiL  Adelph. 
i.  1.  i6.  Jam  inde  i  pucro. 
Adelph.  iii.  3,  66.  Jam  nt 
iimeneiirem.  Hec  lii.  3.  16. 
Jam  X  prindnio.  PboTm.  it. 

jam  ^ihiHil  Jam  dudm 
Ce  ■m&t.  >iin  dwim  illi  fuile 
ai  quod  dolctt.  Eun.  iii.  1, 
58.  Jam  dndum,  utUnn. 
Eun.  iT.  5,  8.     Eeo  jam  dn- 

.   Jamdadwm 

.  i».  B, 

.    .  dico.  Her.  iT.  4,  lOO. 

joJiitti]  Anto  noitrmin  ja- 
fnwH  tppone.  And.  iv.  3.  IQ. 
Propcn  mdeo  pacruBi  tallere 

H:']  Iti  tum  Gliui  cdid  illii 
.  uotkdcril  frequont.  And. 
.1.79.  /Mucendoinquen- 
lun  eicelium  locum.  And. 
i.  3,  1».     /bi  colpua  i: 

iliidem)  Teque  i 


idcinii]  Iddreo  irKWor, 
Duptiu  quod  mihi  ippmri 
KMit.  And.  iT.  2.  7.   Iddnn 

Tilld^^H^n.iii'.^."    ^ 

idiml  Animui  te  nn  idem 

u  fuii.    HetuL  ii.  3,  24.     In 

ideo\  /dco  quiL,  ut  T» 

Inut.  i.  1,  81.  Initium  tdo- 
aim.  Hec  iii.  3,  I.  Magit 
•M  iliam  idoneum  qui  Ipu 
il  &ini1ittrioT.  Phonn.  W.  fi. 

Eun.  i.  1^56.  /usoroiii  utii 
mentriciae.  Hnut.  ii.  t,  14. 
Me  le  ignanm  fuiiw  dic» 
meonim  morum.    Adelpfa.  ii. 

4,  5S.  EiTu,  lui  uimi  li  me 
MM^Wnanim  pu 

igmtna]  Adeone  me  iOM- 
vum  Dutu?  And.  i.  5,  42. 
Quid  homo,  inouem,  igiiaiv- 
NOH?  Eun,  ii.  2,  8,  Quid 
tgmaTt  1  EuD.  iT.  7,  7  ;  3,  20. 

wiifi]  1n  ianem  «nitft  ett. 
And.  i.  1,  10-2.  Qum  HM  in 
Hwn  injicet*  voluit.  And,  i. 
I,    113.      Accsda    uj     ^imih 

iffiio/iUit]  IiIb  JDdotntui 
Tireinem  tlqiie  ioHohiien  dH- 
letilli?  Phono.  i.  2.  70. 

iffwtrol  Iiti  te  imiora&amt. 
Eun.  T.  e,  59.  Eiru,  li  id 
cicdii.  ct  me  icmorar,  CliniA. 
He>ut.i,  1,53.  Ct:ii.3,28; 
T.  6,  15.  Quii  egetiB  n^IiiU 
eet  miecn,  unorafnr  pinnB. 
Phoim.  ii.  3,^0.  Etiun  nunc 
ciedit  te  ig»trarier?  Phonn. 

*nptenD  nugii 



m  «t.  Scilicet  wini- 
Adel|ji.  iii,  4,  2a  Ae- 
•m  aa  anm  ul  dod  nel 
lo  mihi  ^^»«1  Mqaam. 

C  k")0<^  lc 

.  1,  II.    CiJpMn  me- 

lit  ijpmteenila.   PboRD. 

ft  dflHrtA,  egeni,  io- 

rm.  V.  J,  3i 

Actum    nt,     ilicet. 

9  ;  ii.  3,  S5.  Ilial. 
lut  V.  2,  21.  H<k:  nihil 
PlmsdlU;  iliaet.    Phonn. 


iiiaa']  PnrcuMit  i 
Diaui.  And.  i.  1,  9 
34.  Eun.  i.  2,  63;  i 

Snamilim  itTiNn  >d  eam. 
llM.  L  2,  113.  Sla,  iUca, 
Phnnn.  t  4, 17. 

iUlimm)  Loetulo*  in  wU 
(fiviui  psdibni  bdandcK  ds- 
dit.  Adelph.  it.  S.  46. 

if^l  Hu  ktqu«  itiaa  pvr- 
fliio.  Eun.  i.  2,  -25.    Hmc  1000 

tUa]  Fiuim.  S«  Ihc  indei 
t»  Ihe  Nolfii. 
^i,  illic]    FacilB  hic  plui 

Hli  tnuiDiain  pirtem  fenin. 
Adelph.  i.  2,  36.     Cf.  t.  3, 

iiiia,  quam  hue  rrrerti  poHttt 
ilerum.  Adelph.  iT.  1.  9.  Il^ 
lic  Bllinna  firinm.  Adelph.  t. 
3,  6B.  m  houd  licebal  niii 
nruHDito  loqul.  Hec  I.  2,  19. 
Cf.  Phnrni.  1.  9,  41.     Hulu 

illie  Bbi  >um  uiidne  ^^ 
Hec.  ii.  1.  20. 

ilUhiralii]  lUiUralt  fKi- 
nii>.  Adclpb.  lii.  4,  S.  Ser- 
Tum  hnud  iiiiiieraifm  prmebet 
te.  Adelpb.  t.  S,  S. 

illibenililtr]  Futum  ■  to- 
bi)  .  .  .  UlilitTalHeT.  Adelph. 
W.  5.  30. 

illie]  Hem  iHie  ett  bnic  rei 
«imL  And.  ii.  6,  27.  Ubi 
illiBtnr  And.iii.6,  1.  lUnc 
.  7,  12. 


1  ui  tUne  bomlne  qDoeua 
>pui  e>I.    Eun.  t.  6,  M. 

i>  Ulie  rt 

i>?  He» 

6,  3. 

cq?  Adolub'iil\S' 
illieiii    tnnc  bie  bominei 
■dalnrentuloa  in  finudem  U- 
ticie.  And.  t.  4,  & 
iilnci    Fere    (ludioKtiLt 

lun  pnfecl*  eit  HSae,  And. 
iT.5,19.     8e  iJ/ns  iubdncet. 

Eun.  iv.  1,  14.  Ubi  iltiwii 
ndierii.  Adelpb.  ii.  3,  18. 
Dum  cogn&tui  hinc  ifimc  tq> 
ninL  Adelpb.  n.  5,  40.  /i- 
liK  buc  DuufentDT.  Adetph. 
iv.  7,  la  Vii  me  iiliMe  ib- 
>liui.  Hec.  iii.  1,  17. 

illiuimodi]  Nec  UHatmodi 
jnm  nobi)  mwi».  dvium  pe- 
nuriB  caL  Adelpb.  iii.  3, 

illo:  Cnm  illo  «dtenio  (oli- 
ludo  ule  oitium.  And.  ii.  2, 

illic]    Dnm    in   dDbie   e>l 

vel  iUue  impellitur.  And.  i. 
6,  31.  Edd.  iii.  6,54;  4.31. 
Accede  iUtK!.  Adelph.  ii.  1. 
14.      lUac   quuio    ndi   quo 

niiitL  Adelph.  ii.  1,  36; 
7.  Phenn.  ii.  1,  80. 

iiiitdo]  In  qnibiu  aic  Uluda- 
lil.  And.  iT.  4,  19.  PuDe 
Hluii  vitui  Gliie.  And.  t.  1, 
3.  Ut  ne  impune  in  n«  iUii- 
Krii.  Eun.  I.  4.  30.  niiniwi 
aieputa>(|unm  illadail  Heu. 
iT.  4.  19.  Setia  pol  (nperbe 
illmliiit  me.  Pbprm.  t.  7, 

iUuBiiil  Hunm  Tidere  il- 
Itaim,  xHdei,  inopiui.  Eun. 
T.  4,  15.  Neglecti^  immuDdn 
iUami.  HeaDL  ii.  3,  54. 

imAir]  Quo  puto  Duue 
mi>i>»    niunt     quoDdftm    iu 

ESn.'iii.5,S7.™     """"" 
imbrai]  Uec.  i.  296. 

1,  17.  Nnm  immmar  e>  dii- 
cipulip  And.  iii.  1,19. 

T.  1,  14. 

immar^]  Nenne 
Adelpb.  It.  4,  B. 

Tobii    duri»r    imr 
fcrque.  Adelph.  It.  5,  W. 

imo]  /Roiliud.    And.  i.  1, 
3;  2,31);  iii.  2,43;6,I2;iT. 

1,  31,  60;  2,  a5;    v.   1,  4; 

2,  13.  fmo  enim  vera  inrdi- 
ciler.  Eun.  ii.  3,  SB;  iii.  5, 
60;  iT.  7,  4Z  /MoibeM  po- 
liu»  milo  quoii)  nntium. 
Heul.1.  1,42;  ii.3,94;  iu. 
1,  38;  iT.  6,  22;  2,  10;  I; 

!8;  1.  1.  56.  /w  berw 
^e  utorqne.  Adelph.  in. 
l,37;iT.3.l3;T.8,5.  /ib 
reroibL  Uee.iT.  4,  104;  iL 
..  31;  ui.  4,  23;  t.  4,  37. 
'•B  Tcro  nxonm  to  eedei. 
?borm.  V.  7,  43;  iiL  2,  43; 
V.  3,  56;  T.  6.  37;  7,  43; 
I,  64,  58.  See  lndfix  t» 

inrwKdalia]  Qaam  immo- 
Mu  rutati,   HeraLiiL  3.  7. 

immorUilii]  Di  Hneortafat. 
£UD.  ii.  2,  I.  Pn  Di  n- 
norialei.  Adelpli.  iiL  4.  I. 
Pro      Deum       rmmorlaliam. 

Id  mutiTil 

mut.Til,  qnU 

TideL  And.  L 

CoKtum  cgaUta  incc- 

11  imiHfanB-.  And.  i.  5, 

Admne  hominei  immm- 

tr  ex  uionF  Eun.  iL  1. 

iriiiAi  (tt.    HeuL    ii.   4. 

iFi  omniam.  Hec.  iii.  3, 

.    11,   li. 

itdilae  luBt.  HeauL  iL  3. 

oTm.  H"i'i"T'?QZi 

impello]  Uu  bio.  impmltm 

.9.     Te   c 


iaipillftaiU  IcTo 
12.  Vide,  ne  imjnJmu  iu 
prmve  iniiitu.  quibin  irii 
xmpttltiii  nunc  in  illftm  int- 
qiiui  )iem?  Hee.  iii.  5,  54, 
35.  NcD  me  cnpidnm  c« 
impntinrt.  Phoim.  i.  3,  fi. 
Tn  impiUiMi.  Pborm.  ii.  3,  6. 
Quui  limto  ■dTeotiM  knju 



o  impillat  f.tTtm.  Fhorm. 
3,  3.     EgMUi  n»  ia^it. 

v1  impumtuni  tn 
uIl    PhomL    [. 

tmperator]    Haud  canwiit 

■m  et  nm  militam.  Bnii.  it. 
imptntMt']    HominM   •do- 

ffniiiu  int  •Ubiliiu.  idelp 

mperv']  Qaod  juni  «i  dui 
biben,  ct  quaatuiD  iaptravi, 
dale.  Aad.  iii.  2,  «.  /m/ie- 
raiTi  «[am«t  mibi  omaia  u- 
tHjnUri.  Eao.  ii.  3,  21.   Num- 

!uid  aliud  imperai?  EuD.  ii. 
,  7.  Omnia  fuiun  :  in. 
pe™.  HeiHt.  ».  i,  11.  Hw 
qni  nequif  fttMlur  nflicirQ 
iiiiperart  liberi".    Adelph. 

■a.  Pboi 

i   propsre  ?    Adalph. 

And.    ii.    I.    IS. 

lerMam  &tqas  imp 

ai>m?  Eun.  i<.  3,: 

inpioro]    Fidem 

'    Addph.ii 


quod  poAtnlc 
jmti.,  And.  ii.  a, 
l.  Effo  tnnrfrarfl  qnuoo 
1«  (ba  te.  Eua.  i.  2,  101. 
Quod  ToiTii  cogit,  id  Tolon- 
Ule  impetnt.    Adelph.  iii.  4, 

inipii^]    Dicun   libi  im- 
Riwain  Rudtm.  Phoim.  i). 

impiia]  Ubi  «go  iUum  KC' 

Adelph.  iiu  4, 

iHnJ   Dwun   tc 

ineuium     par     imptm 

ipluniim  decidlt  de  tefulii. 

onsria  impoa»,  And.  T.  3,  26, 

Pbonn,  iii.  3,  29. 

ini;»r(iuutii>]   /Dtporhnifa- 
fns  ipecUls  anicalaa.  And.  i. 

■m^rtiMiiiI    Ido  ille  fiiil 

iS^uLlTV  "*  "'"'™' 
iMattMii   Ade»   tmnitoili 

OHanimo,  And.  v,  8,  B.    Te 

^'  Suut."^^,'»)"  ""'"' 
impnttaiiu]    PiDptei  luim 

duntncgligi.  Adelpb.  it.  3, 16, 
improbaM]  Si  quia  magiatrum 
ipil  ad  eim  rem  rmpmdum. 


2,  21, 
impnibo.  Hee.  ii 

imprtmto]    Da    improTiao 

aaptiae.     And,     IL    2,     23, 
Quui  de  imfmmao  napice  id 

Adfllpfa,  i 

1,  52. 

mihi   ob- 
jid.   Xdolph.  i».  *,  2.     Tin- 

euehiidalam.  Pborm.  t,6,44, 
tiiuirwffliul  Et  me  et  te  ni. 
prndeHt  pflrdidi.  And,  it.  1, 
13.  Ut  .  ,  .  ne  de  hao  re 
pater  impradentem  opprimal, 
And.  i.  3,  22.  /mpmdnu 
harum  renim  inuruaque  om- 
ninm,  Euo.  i.  S.  sellS-rMifl,. 

20,     Ne  forte  imprmltta  b- 

ciuu  quod  nolit,  Adelph.  iT, 
S,  77,  Plai  hodio  boai  fflci 
ii^jradtju  quun  acieni  ante 


impadeiu]  VA  tum  eamm 

ipiiieatitnma  ontio  eat. 
nii,  iT,  1,  10,  Quid  iigii, 
quua,  bomo  tn^Hiiia»  7  Eun. 

Prol.  38.     O  hominia  impu- 

3, 73,  ■      ma.  n. 

impudamter]    Himm  Teio, 

tnpiKJntgr  mulier  li  bcit 
meretrii.  Aad.  1t.  4,  16. 

impmdeiitia}  Tn  »U  elo- 
roro  quae  perinrbea  faaec  tui 
inoii^jitu.  Hec  ii,  I,  16. 

impmlior]   Tddi  autem  Sj- 

t,  7.    Credin 

T.   2,    13.      QuinnciedBrem 

iii,  2,  iSl  Hoe  licet  impmmt 
bcere  huic,  illi  noo  licet. 
Adelph.  T.  3,  3B,  /rhh 
oplMe  iainc  licct,  Heo-  iJL  6, 

iji^nitwl  Impmrattie  mo 
ille  ut  etiamirrideaif  Phoim. 
iT.  3,  64,     Imparaim  pote- 

.  ■m.  Eun,  iL2,4.  Anu» 
haud  ininira.  HeauL  It.  I. 
16,  O  komineia  inpnrwn  ,' 
Adelph.  ii.  1,  29.  Ea  lerrie- 
bal  lenoniimpurtntno,  Phor. 
L2,  33. 

iaj  SeeNotea. 

ipgui  capit,  Hee.  iii.  2,  9. 

imceda]  NoTa  nunc  leligio 
In  te  iataec  inaail  eedo  ? 
And.  IT.  3,    16.    Tirum  bo- 

Tideo.  Bnn.  t.  S,  9. 
mial  Libido  fiuitra  h- 

.  :iir  tna.  And.  ii,  1,  8. 
Vt  illlut  imlmum  cupidum 
inopia  imceiiderel.  HeauC  ii. 
3,  126.  /jiauBiar  irs.  Hec. 
ir.  1,47.  LoquamePiiiiinKfiM. 
Phorm.  i.  4,  8.  HiH»  ega 
illun  dictia  iu  tHnuamdabo. 
Phoim,  T.  7.  81. 

ijwnitiu]  laoeplio  eat  amen- 

I.  3, 13. 
BU^iio]   PabuUm  imeeptat. 

imoepltt  beiniu.    Hewil. 

3,39.    QaidHSq-     

P  p 


iiKeptor]    Mnrum  yt 


iiKiptH<H]  Hoclns  rit  bn- 
ininuiD  hclum  tiit  uetplmm  J 
AdiL  i  6,  I.     lllud  aiepliim 

;;  "u"'°'."in^«i' H-T!!"; 

67.     Ut  IB  Di  Dcuiiue  .  . . 

:.    UtiHt.  i>. 
nicerfiu]  Incertam  ot  quid 

B.  7. 

m  Kcidmt.    And.  L 

Aud.  ij.  3. 18.  Filum  dan 
.  .  .  in  norioi  nnptiu?  Ai 
T.  1,  11.  Intirta  hi«  ai 
DDitult»  ntione  cfita  fkcc 
EuD.  i.  1.16.  Quiminiiiii 
Tiun  aarha  lum.    Eun. 

Hec  il.  3,  9.    De  niorc  u- 

fkclnmi.  Hw.  n.  3.  S.    h- 

dum.  Phono.  iL  4,  IS.  Quod 
qnidcm  at  fictiim  couHli  tir- 
CTttm  fiicit.  Pborm.  tr.  1. 

UKU<0]  Ei  ipu  R  mihl  in- 
tidH  lutpicia.  And.  ii.  2.  32. 

pune  ineidi.    Anit.  i*.  4.  43. 

tm  indden  poMit  CHiwnilu. 
HcKUt.  ii.  4.  \B.     lu  undrtn 

iiU  imida.  Hnul.  iii.  I,  3A. 

iueidit.  Adelpb.  iv.  4.  7. 
SHapio]  Amiclti»m...qu»e 

KcroTil  'iiSIil"  And!"iii"s.'7° 
NamtloniB  inciplt  mibi  ini' 
Uum.  And.  ir.  3,  26.  Si  M- 
eam,  neqne  pertendet  ni- 
«fler.  EuD.  i.  1,  e.  Quid 
igitur  ficiim  mJKrP  qnidve 
Imc^iiam  1  Eun.  >.  4,  45.  Jsm 

Eun.  ir.  4,  &8  Quid  "x  W 
nuDC  tic  nmitDmf  uibll  eet. 
Heiut.  IT.  S.  9.  Turpe  ■■- 
eaplBi  Nt  Fboim.  iL  4,  16. 

.UquiiTnoTi   negol 

Adeon  te  ew    .. 
Pborm.  iii.  2,  14. 
noJ-nii]    Po«thi 

HeeuL  i'.  2720. 

,c»e>7  HetuL 
lol  Hibi  Ql  IMOH- 


/nannmoiJa  ttqne  injuriuTiri 
omiwi  ferre.  Hec  L  2.  90. 
Hic  tlbl  nibil  ett  qnlcquun 
iwBnnaodL  Hec.  iii.  3.  40. 
MultK  ei  quo  iiiGriiit  com- 
mode.  ejm  inmmmoda  ee- 
quum  Mt  ferro,  Hec.  t.  3,  42. 

mr«  «Knnimwja.  Phomi.  ii, 
■    -     ■      3.47. 

39.     Hoc  ego  pi 
i.  2,  /8.     Aiu  I 

Hec.  iT.  2,  27. 

incredibitiM]  IncndibUin 
Pirmeno  niodo  quie  nunviL 
Eun.  V.  8,  19.     ViD  me  iMue 

lUi*.  Hec.  iii.  3.  17.  /hi 
dSiOe  hoc  mihi  obtiglL  / 
erfditiiit  etl  < 

««»]    Quid  n»   wwc 
Clltipbo?    HoBt.    V.    2, 

n.  And.  i.  2.  29.     Jun 

ntie.  Adelph.  i. 
cn.  .^E 

Aihi  qniJe  i 

I  Non  me  iaditrmte 
Adelph.  iii.  4,  <J2. 

■     ■■  6.23. 

u  illi  pericli  n 
tiet.  HeeuL  ii 

K.  /BdicH  de  w  ipee  ent. 
Adelpb.  Pral.  4.  Id  inui 
mihi  tixficwiii  feriL  Adelph. 
iT.  4,  9.  Id  nunc  m  indi- 
owMluecfkciL  Hec.iv.  1,31. 
iKdicu}  AdolcKentulum  no- 
bilitai  fliflTiit,  et  enndem  ■■- 

Jwdicni]  Elephuilig  quem 
IndiciM  iHwfecent.  Enn.  iii. 

indiqao]  Quui  In  h^nt  iit- 
digeai  pttrit.  Aud.  v.  3,  19. 

indiipie]  Ficie  eileo  tWnv 

Gui  mitene  indifpae  per  vim 
vitinm  abiuleinL  Adciph.  iiL 
2.  10.    Clunint  omoe*  india- 

■    ■       -  -  l^. 


lili  I 

imdigina]  Climilant,  w^m 
m  fuinut.  Anil.  i.  1.  118 

ti-replut  modit.  Adeliib  iL  I. 
12  Rem  ullim  .  . .  illa  lui 
Tne  indignam.  Adelph.  iiL  2. 
Sl.  Hhc  le  idmitlere  ta- 
digna  genere  noalro.  Adelpb. 
iii.  3,  S5.    Quwido  mw  eMe 


quu  eencwUt.    Hoe.  iii,  S, 

MiiigtMl)  Vcrtor  m  indi- 
|V~^ia>ium  .1«.         >=p  . 

iKdiligtntffr}  M«  fKlrii 
bcne  iMirta  indUwenUr  m- 
Utur.  Vbann.  t.  ,<5. 

ndrita/iB)  DucnHl&  w/o- 
lofa  <atP  Adclph.  it,  7,  il. 
Cf.  iii.  2. 17.     lllo  w^ufuiB 

nti  iuPp 'piior^V™/^ 
Voa  me  hdiitatii  mndo  pttro- 

etiim  doulii  lolco.  FhomL 
T.  7.  45. 

M«»]  Yide  <,DO  mc  h- 
iarai.  Aad.  ii.  3.  25.  i^  itn 
iituc  uimum  imtiuti  «k 
ulilc    And.  iii.  3,  «0,     Oro 

cicdcn.  And.  y.  1,  ]5.    Olim 

toL.'Andl"'i"'°Cls"  Qui 

«u.    Eun.   iii.  3,  37.     Me* 

Pnl.  41.  Ms  STri  proDiiHu 
hne  iaidvermi.  HhuL  iv.  4, 
1,  Sic  mimum  wduni  meum. 
Adclph.  i.  I,  43.     Bum  ftv 

HMiimum.  HecAlt.  Fnil.4-2. 

.  "ii7~  "" 


di>4w.  Eun.  IL  1.  l(t.  Mi- 
miumillii«li>4ra.  Hrsut.  ir. 
B.  30.  T«  i^tlgehaiH:  libi 
dihut.  Ue&ut.  T.  2,  35.  Vei- 
tilu  tilmio  vtdijga,  Adelph. 
i.  1,  38.  Auenuiado  »/»/- 
gaido  et  iBijieadD.    Adelph. 

'.  9,  31. 


EuFL  iT.  4.  34.  Tuu»  •< 
detiuit  tihiP  et  «m  « 
diAuf  EuD.  iT.  4,  41; 

Aenuuiimiliit  poetie  id  Hn- 

AdelX  P^.  25.  Vntn 
iDleliigciitii  li  eiit  ■djulrii 
HHine  htdtatrvii.  Hec,  Prol. 

»17«.  H«»t  ii.  3.  62.  Raiio 
de  integio  iMunda  *«  milii. 
Mmut,  IT.  2.  7.  Cuni  ntig. 
nem  imu..  Pliona.  ii.  2,  30. 

ineyiftul  T/MiiEe  edi^o  ego 
iUiUi  rerrc  pouum  inepiiua. 
Eun.  iv.  6.3.  Lt  Tideo  efo 
iium  m/jtfiaeL  Adelph.  iT.7. 
31.  I)t  Dittum  illiut  nHpUu. 
Phottn.  iT.  3.  43. 

iMnlio]  Inrplit.  AiVclnh.  t. 
B,  11.  Phorm.  ii.  S,  73. 

BajOu,]  Ullam  ctuHm,  u1- 

And.  1.  2,  b.  Kho  iiitvta. 
iieKii  quid  lil  utumP  And. 
iT.  4.  52.  Hoc  nemo  fuit 
minai^iu,  Euu.  ii.  1,21. 
Aga  i^pU.  Eun,  il.  3,  19. 
Nc  inepha,  ne  proterTua  vi- 
inx.  iletut.  iii.  8,  16.  Miioi 
qiurmodo  um  tM^i^iiin  qnie- 

nlii  ntionein.  8v.  Eat 
le  intpta.  Intpla  lcDitu 
1.  Imepta  liBec  eue  .  ,  . 
o.  Adelpb.  iii.  3,  21.  36, 

Adclph.  ii 

H/anifl  Fligillie  tui*  me 
In/anietK  Brri.   Ueeut.   T.   4, 


iii/aidm]    Tun    u/oWmi 

Eun.'iv.  3,  22. 
Bifiaai]  Inftda  pue.  Eun. 

B{iUtafai]    Qnid  hoc,  im- 

p  p  2 

lam,  BifiliaUatii  1  Adelph.  iv. 

ia/elir]  Adeone  hnmioem 
ewe  iiiTcnuiium  lui  inltlinn 
quenqa.m.  ul  ego  rum?  And. 
1.  A,  10.  O  w/Vi««  ■ilalet- 
ceiilunm.  Eun  v  4.21.  Nee 
cgahDinOBunitii/e/tc.  Adelpb, 
i*.  2,  I.  Hau  me  «Muwn, 
Hee.  iii.  1, 2. 

Di,  DfH,  8up.-ri,  h/iii.  tr». 
lii  ciemjjit  perdut.    Ffaarm. 

Il*  iiijtHior  omnet  putn  ho- 
mineL  Eun.  iii.  2.  36. 

tir^nqi^]  Quid  edhuc 
hl.bent  i»fi:mitalii  uupliteP 
flec,  i.  a,lU!. 

iiifiriiiuj  Qai  en  gubemat^«yi>™^erun^Hec. 

fimat    nuptiu     huco     ctte. 
?horm.  ..  i,  B. 
ti,_^i3j]     Ille  iafiliat   ibit. 

«luiului.    Adeipb.iii.2,  41, 

H/Mina(iu1  O  »/ar«Hw- 
■m  lenem  t  Lnn.  iii.  3.  7. 
™/if(i»itiiH]  H«nd  pcrmul- 
.  ^(,p,.^^  infortitmium^ 
2,1.  Sr«.tieiur,, 
'iiwtm.  Aderph.  li. 
1.  24.  Fuo  Uli  eum  mwM- 
tum  trquc  bic  ctl  iii^rtena. 
Pbonn.  T.  8.  39. 
ti|i^iv]    Euc  w/ro  InflnuM 

iii.™3r  ™"™' 

i^^uj»]  Homini  miMro 
plui  quingentoi  eoliphoi  tn- 
/h^mihi.  Ailclpb.  ii.  1.  45. 

min.ueiiqne  uimt  ofBcie. 
And.  i.  1.  B6.  Qui  eum  in- 
omif  conAielaiui  ejutmDdi. 
And.  i.  1,  «>.  Qui  gn.iuni 
haberem  tiili  ingtnio  prtedl- 
tum.    And.   i.    I,  71.     Bene 

And.  L  5,  40.     Bonun 

Eoram  ikwiiiii  >di 
Eun  ii.  2, 19.   Nt 


.  EuD.  f.  2,  41,    HOTr- 

cere.  Eun.  T.  4,10.  f-oatum 
Ptolit     Tngaiio  M 

liv«n  meo  modD  uaminm 
Ihii  P  Hnot.  ii.  4.  21.  /r- 
gmio  tgregie  «d  miMriiim  nn- 
tut  tum.  HuaL  iii.  1,  11. 
Niil  llloa  ex  loa  i-yfnio  juJi- 
eu.  HtBut.  V.  I,  7.  Ronum 
■d  BKflitDnndic   Ade1|di.  i. 

li^beraiii.    itdelph.    if.   5,   49. 

,j^  n™^     Po.^u.m 
2,77.  S5.^  Fui»«  erg»  m» 


inffeniim  obtinra. 

Fhorm.  1.  3,  SO.     Adeone  it 

or»bili  ?     T«  . . .  idTenuii 

Ph^^iii.""^.  9S,'  ■ 

Mjwu]  0  HjfDi'""  confl 
dsnDuii.  And.  (.  3,  6.  Afen 
«■tlu  . . .  inaealeM.  Eun.  iii 
I,  2.  Fero  ilii  fli^ti.  td  U 
itii/entia.  Adelpti.  iv.  7,  3. 

miwa.  Eun.  IL  1, 14.  Coubi 
namlBt  poatiUm  coe|Ht  victum 
Tvlga  qatents.  H«ut.  iii.  1, 
S7.  noc  uventum  inintltif 
.  .  .  ei  ditom  erlt.  Phoim.  v. 

in^ratei]  Adeone  me  Ignk- 
nm  pulu,  Bdeone  pom  ir- 
ffnluail  And.  1.  b,  43.  Ig- 
DDicei  tamen  poit :  et  id  «■ 
gralam.  H«ul.*.l,61.  Ab 
niminm  mo  uMnitiint  pniu. 
Hee.  r.  «;  18. 

nfTiRJior]  Nnnquun  ei  in- 
jnwfiu  mue.  Hee.  iii.  4,  B. 

iiJiimeilt]  SoH  inhtmalt 
oplBTit  pirere  bie  diTiiiM. 
Xnd.  i».  fi.  2. 

tnknKMu]    IllQmne  obie- 

Eun.  ii.  3,  65.  Qusm  n&i. 
■Tidae  cibl.  Emi.  t.  4, 16. 

■hAiuiuihu]      AdeoiH     nii 

$3.  u'ec."iii.  5,  4.9.   Non'.de< 
V.  2."^  '^"'militi  »A* 

nmciol  »<««  in  Ijtnem  Brn- 
M  ToliiL  And.  1  1,  113. 
n/fnni  Tcrbe  Cibi.  HeauL  t. 
,  19,  Imid  icnipulum  bo- 
Jni.  Adelph.  ii.  %  SD.  Mig- 

.    Adel; 

;«]   1 

T.2,  11.    In 

tia:  injuriu,  lutpicionn,™- 
nidfw,  iaduiite.  Eun.  i.  1. 
16.     Cum  puelli  ■ 

H«.  il.T.  ai.   Nun 

nerem  in  Teilr»i 
Phonn.  ii.  3,23. 

hominM.  ™d.'™™Z°p" 
tiut  quam  te  Hmtc»n  ha- 
bam.  EuD.  i.  3,  94.  Hnne 
tnntum  hommem  (aciuMHRt- 
cum  libi,  Eun.  ir,  7,  32.     la- 

13.  FiamieiiunnMatiint 
nobiiaSnei  facli.  Hec.  ii.  I, 

ciniww.  Hec.iii.1,29.  Ami- 

qmor  ent.   Heint.  i.  2,  27. 
(juam  iniiiiix  nmt  fatna  in 

H^ut.  ii.'l,  1.    Port*  teniit 
•criptunm   iiwm  nb  wifiiii 

rridtuL    Uec 

-.  Hec.  i 


e!    iii.  5,  23. 

Hk."  iii.  's,   35™«™   u,i- 
«nt  poitnloP  Pbonn.  ij.  3, 

inifio]  Ubi  erit  pucro  DUa- 
1i<  din;  nbi  tinliainL  Phor. 
i.  1.  IS. 

iind'*»]  Nan 

,   potiuj 

ulum  faciu.  Hec,  t.   1, 
uijM]    Kanqoam  Tidi  in- 

am.    Adelpb.   ii,   2,  3.     Ne 

It,  2,  2«. 

Hec.  iii.  2,  16.     Nequeo  m^- 

Teniro  idontum.  Hec.  iu.  3, 
1.  Hii  nbni  annnloi  fuit 
tiHfiHi  inTeniendli.  Hec  t. 

I.  I,  so.     Es  pnmnm  al 

animadTertenda  iiniirvi 
And.  1.1,129.  QuDJor 
imiuTiii.  And,  i.  3.  9. 


T,  1,  B.  la  amore  hwc 
■imt  TJtia:  iiywvu  iiu|»ri 
onn.  Eon.  i.  1, 14.  Ac«pi 
uuwno.  EuB.  It.  6,24.     Mi 


uninae  umusmodi  Bnat  fennr. 
Heaut.  i.  2.  SO.    Fu»  idrn 

indigne  Bmrian  illi.  Heaul. 
iiLS.t.    Hancn>rumini1ii 

notle  factam   c 

iadtgauaiiiiniria.  Accipienil* 
et  muuitanda  vijiina  adolo- 
Adelpb.  ii.  1.  V., 

qui  irriJeanl.  Hec.  Prol.  46. 

12.  3S.53.  Incom>aod«>tq»e 
iii/iir»i  tiri  omnu  ferre.  Her. 


i.2,90,     Enunqnami-p™- 

aevue    omnu    inTiue    Tint. 

mm  aaditli  mibi  Knptain  di- 

lUe.  ii.  3.  1.     Qnw.  i-t^ 

cam?  Phorm.  ii.  2.  15.      Fji 

unquam  rniqnam  eontumello- 


wiORuJ   Ea  me  eiqnirrn 

Phonn.  ii.   3,  3.     Venor  ne 

inifj  n.tri>  «t.    Aod.  i.  2. 
16,      itllaai   canum,   ullem 

indigne      imiima      oiBdatiiF. 

Pho™.   T.    1.  3.     Nonne  i.l 

inepum,     falum.     imqtam. 

ut  erat,  accipen  ab  iUo  £.»- 

And,   i,   fi,  22.     Yide  quam 

nom?  Ph«m.  T.  3,4.     IW 

tRMiiiw  li.  prae  «tudio.  And, 
».  1,  6.     Ne  1.IBC  lam  ittifu 

i»>™  ett  tKum.  Pbotm.  .. 

7,90.  - 

patiare  animo.  Kun,  it.  1,  G. 
Ne  pUl  ii»7iiBin  pouit  quam 
uquum  oratio,    H«ut.  Prol. 

i.j««t]  lp.u.  .iU  nu  i«- 

juria,  Tid«lur.  Aod.  li.  3.  :i. 


1.  2,  2G  i  li.  1, 51.  Hm.  ii.  S, 

iiMMn«l  la/Han  nKo.  Hec 
iT.  I,  47;  i».  4,  B2.  Phorm. 
U.  1,  1. 

^i^iu(t((a]  Eum  tga  hiac 
cjeci  iDiferuni  v^pisiiiia  met^ 
Heaot.  L  i,  82.  Vii,  wniu, 
muuitia,  »liUido,  ioluaii. 
Adelpb.  iii.  2,  5. 

7,  11. 


Adelpb.  i.  2,  la 
juitk  iB/nrfu  pronui 
linoobBMiior.  AdeL 

iiaalail  Tuta  THoidia  n- 

?a(a   cuiquun  ut  liel.    And. 

V.  1,2.   IdomnibutWKiiia.. 


u.  1,  1. 

iBnnD]  Abieoi  mibi  unuiil. 
EUD.  iv.  5,  9.     Si  iuRBEriin. 

inopia]  Iwpia  et  cognLto. 

viem,  totdea.  nonan.  Euo. 
T.  t,  15.  Ut  illiui  uiimum 
cupidum  tflosia  iDcitiileret 
H«ut  ii.  S,  126.  Gmlai 
eiui  proluEil  inBpia,  Henut. 
iS.  2.  17.  Per  Angitium  «i 
twptani  pedigmlptlreli 
~      '      "■       Feciiii 

delph.  i.  3,  Sa.    Qui 

22.     Utqua 

,  85.   Inopi, 
>t  mei.  ife- 

Ade1pb.ii.  t.2.     Qun 

I,  IB.  ImuM.  EuD.  iT.  ^ 
15.  ainn*  uiii,  una  mm- 
«imrEon.  iiL  S,  8.  /ao- 
Bn  ocdpiaBt  tx  iaitirie. 
Adelph.  ii.  1,  43.  Iiuaaiam 
profHU)  cum  illo.  Adelpb.  i. 

Adflpb.    "l,  ^    NoTX 

ii.  7. 9.  A  piimo  homo  Bt> 
ia»6at  Phona.  iv.  3,  37. 

Prol.  32.     Nuiqu&m  imit 
Prol.  6. 
luciflu)  Joculuiumin 

I.  Pliorm.  i.  a.  S. 
Vo>  non  ficen  n- 

Eun.     T.    B,    41. 

ilenul.   iT.     1,    17. 
?  Phorm.  i.  2.  27. 

iHTtnye.  Uewit. 
a*J  Dicoegomil 

tuiMWo]  Quod  illum  t«i- 

l»ut.   i.  2,  30.     9i   hcruni 

icL  Piiorm.  ii.  3,  12. 
■nniU]      QuaiD      Buii^an 
iuiL    Eun.ii.  3,3Hunch»- 
era  ontiDnem  mecum  prin- 
ipio  iniHlit.  Hec.  in.  3.  21. 

uirioi.  Hec.  iil  5,  34.  ^aaa 

'borm"i.  4,  14.  "" 

tuvieii.ll  Quid  tu  Atbenu 
udZcu  ?  Aad.  T.  4,  4. 

inaciDutial  Noctu  te  idiget 
orium  MMmiua.        n.  it.    , 

tiupgrcni]    /iup«n«l<   hoc 

itqne  inTito  Punphilo. 
iL  4,  2t. 

inperalui]  An  cgo  oc 

EiUT^iciol  Perfecil  libi 
itpiciendi  eiaet  copia.  Ei 
*rD].  21.     Intpicer^  tuiqui 

iibeo.     TanqU3.m    In  ipei 
im  in  mtinu,  troaeere 
iii.  3,  61,  76.' 

ifu/h/o]  3i  t 

Dufaj  Ego  ilind  eeduli 
e«re  fuiium :  iUe  sutaf 
lum.  Aod.  i.   1,  120.     I 



detitii  Bignum,  ei  ddu  iiutre- 
Bia.  Hewit.i.  1,68. 

iulnio]  Tu  hotce  6utrw. 
Ut  hoice  iiatmjtt,  ipiui  libi 
aiitloco.  Eun.  iT,  7.  11,12. 
InMmcta  pulchre  id  pemi- 
ciem.  H«ut.  iii.  1,  41^/«- 

■ilU  niQUiii.  Phonn.  li.  3,  7. 


innibiw]  Fatnni  eet,  tnnf- 
■w,  tudut.  EuD.  T.  8,  49. 
«iu&o]  Fom  . .  .  liio  cal- 

In  unore  h*ee  ik 

8«.    Muii*  ii 

1*  \ue.  Enn.  iil.  fi, 

1*  in  homine  iiiiBii 
Jplph.  T.  3,  36.     Si 

5«:.  ili 

aTsS    Fun.  T.  9 
iii.  3,  48. 

im^r]    q«i. 

intriimliiamP  B«n.  r,  6, 13 
EtitmuuperdernidnP  Adel 
phi  ii.  2.  S8 

■irMv"-]  Quu  licict  de  <■• 

irsfoi. ' 

ir.  2,  7.  Rfdit  ad  iw^ranuii 
«drin  onlio.  Hetut.  T.  3.  S. 
Ec«  >atFin  de  utB^ro.  Adel- 
pbi  i.  2.    7i.,    Euio    Plin- 

Adelpli.  Pnl.  10,  Aliuitt 
Qti  poHim  caHH  Ilac  Mv/ra. 
Hec.  i.  S.  5.  Vt  Tirgo  ^  le 
wteni  eiiem  tam  >iet.  Hec. 
i.2.70.  CuidenlAftTieit)wieB- 
tu  oonraltndL   Phsim.  i.  3. 

iiil^igmtia\  Bam  ekliml- 
t*tem  T«tn  aiUllmmtia  m- 
dabil.  Hee.  Prol  23. 

MteUu/ol  AlitcT  evenin 
mnWti  iMltlligit.  And.  Prol.  4. 

,e  NoH- 

im.  Sce  ladei 

urfcnsdu)  Bi  nnlU  •egri- 
todn  hnir  «udio  ialeTCeimril, 
And.  T.  G,  5.  Ncque  ullaiii 
rem  ■«(■nircite.  Adelph.  iii. 
2.  51.  Unde  ira  inlrr  ru  h- 
Urraal.  Hec.  iii.  1.25.  Dum 
Mireerfsfbmiliuitu.  Phonn. 

i».  i,  17. 


ititmipio\  Qnod  DM  eapere 
opnriet  liiec  iiiierapU.  Eun,  i. 

MfenffcDl  Inlmtiea  ne  ex- 
quam  Telie.  Her,  iv.  1,  48. 
hltrdirit  huiolui.  Phorm. 
iT.  4,  27. 

inlr,-dm\  Patntfleri...n- 
terdiu.  Adelph.  It.  1.  15. 

ri/«rrfiini  1  laterdvm  pronler 
dormi.t.  Eun.  ii.  3,77.  Pe- 
cuainni  iDlocDaegligcreDiixi- 

Adelph.  ii.  a.  8.    Quu  muti- 

iii.  ],  27. 

dei  iTNoiei"""' 

viltrto]  Perii.  iirfmi.  And. 
ii.2,9.  Hec.iii.1,42.  Hcaul. 
iT.  1.46. 

uitenK]  Piullum  iiitemw 
cenM  ?  And.  it.  4. 55.  Stnllu 
iatrllinni  quid  iiitereilf  Ean. 
ii.  2,  2.  Qnui  Ten>  piuluni 
intiTtid.  Eon.  iv.  4, 18.  Hoc 
pkter  *e  dominut  inltral. 
Adolph.  i.l,£l.  Niminmin- 
CFr  vo»,  pemimium  inlert^. 
Adetph   iii.  3.  39. 

inltijleini  Nunc  eit  profecto 
inlerfici  quum  perpeli  me  pM- 
iuD>.  Eun.  iil.  5, 1 

•Rtenii]  Triiti)  iMleriai. 
□  i>nnunqu>m  collncriniBbit. 
And.  i.  1.81,  Fuauin/enai 
lirocedit.  And.  i.  1,  100.  Scd 
tRfenfli  de  tymbolii  quid  nc- 

MterurJ  In  nterwra  pari 
L  m>i)«m  mIui   cum   lab 

un,  iii.  5,  31. 
'lerloipinr']  Sicineinibtp 
>fiKn?  Hnut.iT.  8,  13. 

•um  ne  rnceree.  And.  iii.  2, 
16,  IiturinentenmwAiium 
binc  iliieni  tibi?   Eun.  t.  1, 



Tcniat  Aitclph.  ii 

ntenwiJtiif]  Quum  ejuitftn 
neglipmtur  inlenmlii  He 
■  Ul.  a.  3.  58.     Ne  qui>  forti 

■•»m  curtet,  Eun.  ii.  2.  56. 

itlenil  Tulo  hoc  tnMrfi. 
tibi  onwe  eat  eiedendum 
Phorm.  ii.  2,  4. 

Hternwil  Rectc  une  nter. 
ngaMli.  jtun.  T.  5, 1 1. 

Mm  r>t  mu^eri.  Heut.  i>.  3. 
40.  NulU  mihi  m  mttaK 
\r.  3.  I.  NoTum  iirimtmil  -n- 
tinmetcdimitM.  Hrc.  ProL 
2.  Qnu  iatcr  rm  iidermit. 
Hec.    iii.  2,    16.      Inlmnit 

»1  Ip.u.  , 


iixii.  And.  iit.  3,  44-  Tnt 
ci>  poglilla  qum  nJimn  ha- 
«m  te.  Eun.  i.  2,  47. 

ntfro^iKe]  Hid  priiu  imtro- 
Ikuh,  Eua.  iii.  2,  39.  Tn 
>Iie  niine,  ut  Chimea  n- 
rvdnat.  Ean.  *.  2.  70.  Fn- 
rem  .  .  .  aeni*  introdiiril. 
I^horm.  T.  6,  25. 

wtrD»]  lnlroin  DemiiKm 

.    I,   36.     /mtnml  ii 

DrfininHa]  Qn«d  h 
(rnMHH  non  «t.  Eii 
3.  eoDiini 

.H-]  Teri 

I.  5.  32.     Qui^- 

nim  hie  idolnceni  ert,  qni 
nWu-  a«  P  Hrsut.  ii.  4,  33. 
»(11.1  PuMm. 

ia^r  Hec.''i[i.a"2l'.''™ 

imwia]  Tibi  leacniin  Gr- 

Aad.'iii.  3,  39.     Aliqnid  V 

il.  3,'17,e°  pwim>libi. 

ee)itor.  pcTfectDr.  F.nn.  t.'8,5. 

ipmntdrml     Ut  te    qnideu 

amnc*  Dii  Deuqne,  cnm  too 

iiloc  »r«(D,  cumigne  incepto 

licem  quemqnamut  esetnm.' 
AndJ?^10.  ^ 


evema  cerritwi  tuu.  H«>ut 
ii.  3. 131. 

Hiwf^l  Ubi  qnwram,  ahi 

.   3.  3.     Nihil  Um  difflcilc 

uc  ille  ttTeMiigaitir.  Phurm. 

1  fcci 

Um.  AIl  Pnl.  4. 

inridfoi  Ineuiere  amn( 
inifai,  illl  inMtrt  maeit 
Kuo.  iii.  1, 30,  22. 

unrfia]  Ita  (ulllime  liTi 
urrtr/faluideminTeniu.  An< 
i.  1,  39.  Qui  •upe  nrop 
ter  iimiiain  idimuDl  diiit 
IL  i,  46. 


L  Hcc 

teniio.   Hee.  lil.  I,  48.    Ii< 

Dem  iimiet.  Iimiat  Iriiti 
■niiuit.  Eun.  i*.  1,  fi, 
Qium    nllem    M«i«lemu 

utnfitf-ia.  Hekut.  i.  2,  tl. 
invUat]    Domui,   uxor,  \ 

iii.  2,  24.  E«a  it»m  imlii 
omnibua.     Adelpli.   ii.    1,   4. 

mihi  ucetiit  Imia.  Hec.  iii. 
6,  32.  InvitoM  feti,  lex  coeail. 
Pfaorm.  li.  1,6. 

Be/JuI   haltHM   nnnquuD 
id  mnrcTel.     And.    iii.   h,   4. 

itnolo]  tllego  unguibui  fi- 
fico?  Eua.  1t.  3,fi.     Vii  me 

pillum.  EuD.  •.  2,  20. 

Jtnnr]  Joaa&flr  equidem. 
Bun.ii.  3.  B7.  Alqni  M  Wic 
joairi  credii  ?  Hcnut.  it.  t,  7. 

jonil-irul  Jocslarttit  «udn- 
ci>m.  Pfaorm.  i.  2,  84. 

Jncalarius]  Jocuiarium  ia 
milum  inicicna  pune  incidi. 
And.  iv.  4.  43. 

jocmi]  Qu«m  jboo  rem  to- 

2,  99.  Ludnm  noHBque  dicei 
illaiD  >lierum  ^ine.  Eun.  >i, 

3,  8.  ./'AM  in  Hrio  ille 
hur.  dicnl  ncBcio.  Hcaui.  iii. 


■ra  I  Irat  «lul  intcr  Gljc». 

^-    -   And.  iii.  3, 

20.     Amn' 
integratiD  < 

L  And.  iii.  3,  23. 

um  amnem.  Adelpfa.  iii.  2, 
4.  Huc  inu  (kctie  eeient 
lullo  amplior».  Hec.  iii.  I, 
I.  Unde  in  inter  t*t  inier- 
eHil.  Ueciii.  1,2«.  Dece- 
ct  jm  ira  hiec.  iii.  S,  55. 
X  V.  %  15.  Ir,a,  upedici. 
ii,  1,11.  MiMUuirun  fuiel. 
.  2,  14.    In  me  omnem  >ntm 

iraewtdia\    Pru  rracvT<Jia 
iion  lum  und  me.    Hemt.  t. 

1.  47.  A<ljutar  lim  ajui  tm. 
aa^iat.  Adelph.  i.  2,  66. 
Ar<)eo  increturfu.  Adclph.  iii. 

2,  12.     Jam  Tcro  omitte  .  .  . 

iT.  7.  87.     Tsndem  nprimc 

Ad<:lpfa.  T.  3,  8.  Senii  encm 
ulliu  <rTT<:uq<itriiH.  Pfaorm. 
i.  4,  12.     Remedium  tmcin- 

Gcc.  .ulem  tu  quo^.  p 
terTft  imciimiHt  et.  Hc<?. 
5,  53.    Animo  iraiMado  tu 

And.  ii.  3,  20.     IDc 

,   Eun.  i 

I,  4. 

if    Adel[ji.  i.  3, 

iratia\  Niti  mihi  De«  mtia 

40.  Quod  DUDC  iDte  tccuoi 
irrfxt  cDgitu.  Eun.  i.  1, 19. 
/rtifwKuci.  Hnnt.  Prol.  37. 
Ne  quid  in  illum  iroiia  plns 
utlt  fkxit  Hnut.  i.  %  24. 
IratiM  ■dmodam.  Adelph, 
iii.  3,  49.     Tibi  quoq^un  mcde- 

S^m.'  H"c."i"  STl'  Nrio 
imfid  luii  Hcvidicig  di<:Iia 
prolelcl.  Phorm.  i.  4,  36. 
Memini  relinqui  me  Deoviil<i 
mco.  Pfaotm.  i,  2,  24, 

irrribo]     Etiun  nunc  non 

2,  29.  Tun  •perte  irridtnl 
Pfaorm.  T.  7,  63i  i».  3,  64. 

(a/Mcat.  And.  iii.  4,  18.  8i 
nagii  irTitatKi  set.  A^lelph. 
ii.   4,  IS.     lla  lum  irrifuKM, 

Undum  initituere.  Pharm.ii. 

irrtioj  Queni  mai  wni- 
•m.?  KuD,iT.  7,8.  Inudei 
irrwi  ilicnu.  Adelpfa.  i.  2,8. 
Vidc  ne  illr  hnc  pronui  le 
irrmat.  Adclph.  i*.^  U, 

u,  «,  lilj  Id  (ipenm  do. 
And.  i.  1,  130;  11.1,7.  Jem 
uUlcMium.  Hec.  T.  1.  II. 
iDU^reduIuiiumloci.  Phor. 
T.  7,  86,  al  piMim  alibi.  Se« 
Indei  to  thc  Nutei. 

gentiam.  And.  Frri.22.  %an 
quicquim  cum  ii<i>  (ulii  tibi 
rripond«mP  Eun,  i.  2,  73, 
{•/t  Chufei.  Iile  ephcbui 
ftalcr  Phicdrii       "" 

Pii  poJ  tihi  idai  poit- 

imum    quimnriDmni 
lc.   Adslpfa.  li.  4, 18. 

17,  elmcpiuinlibi. 

itlie,  iiTab.\    Nequc  iM 
nequa  ilihl  tibi  erit  ounui 

qu.m  M!i!''H»^  il.  3.^3. 

iilM,  pTDiiom.J  /ilucipaum. 
D.  Atque  ti<iio  ipanm  nihil 
pericli  «t.  AnJ.  ii.  2,  13. 
I,lmim>  inlerminmu  gum  hinc 
■hicni  tibi?  Eun.  t.  1,  14. 
Ego  ulnc  Ktalil  Don  nmori 

iKiMl  lt«um  «li»  elcla- 
dcie?  Hec.iil.2,4, 

HliBiflbMJiJ  Vog  nu  tAio- 
i»<<i.  el  noi  Don  cMe,  biud 
minbile  eat.  HeuK.  0.  4,  7. 



3,  27-  Coneede  liinc  ■  fori- 
ba>  Hu)uluia  utomn»,  •odn, 
Phorm.  T.  1,14. 

utvcl  Concedo  irfiM  j»-ii\a- 
lum.  Eun.  iT.4,38;  t.G.SB. 
Po»l  «(«  ™  H«iit.ii. 
3,  33.     /s(Ki  ibuD.    Adc1{ih. 

'(to,idnib..ffinn.l  D.  Mi- 
bina?    S.  Ila.   And.  v.  2,8. 
Ila  ut,  &c.    See  Index  lo  ths 
ilm]    Ucut  flt  <f«R  .ller. 

Huut.  T.  4,  U  IHe  tit  (IflR 
contn  mt  hBbeatbcio  Kduln. 
Adelph.  I.  1,  2B. 

iterl  litr  hu  bsbui.  Enn. 
T.  B,  36.  Pen»m  quo  roBpi 
hocid»'.  H«.  1.2,  119.     Ain 

iii.1,46.  /immsicmcmcnlo. 
Ad«lpb.iii.3,T2.  Priaaquim 
^"  U     pDuet     AffTHnt. 

1,9.   ObeimRBi 

pouet  Tendcn.  Hec.  ProL  7. 
JudieiDm  de  oidem  cuin  Ot- 
nun  ut  Teddint  tibL  Pbonn. 
IL  3,  S7. 

ilideai]    Eulem    buc   tiln 

JiH  dixi  dicua  ilidem  illl. 
nd.  iii.  4,  20.  Ut  aot  hoc 
tibi  dolerel  ifrdrn  ut  mihi 
dolcL  Euo.  1.  2,  13.  Celi- 
bituT  iiiden  at  ceUla  «dbuc 
etL  Hetnt.  iT.  S.  20.  Ut 
Tenl  ttidem  inecrtum  uniiti. 
Hcc.  ii.  2,  9.  Ilidm  in  bu 
n,  a(  aliiL  Fbonn.  iii.  1, 12. 
Eun.  ii.2,4;  iL3,93.  Hec 
L  2,  75;  lii.  I.  S2;  T.  i,  26. 
Phoim.ii.  3,62. 

ifu}  Haecine  erut  ulioMt 
erebru  ?  Ffaorm.  t.  3,  23, 

jaUo]  Jabeo  Cbremelem. 
And,  i"    «    '      '■-'- 


I  Hc 

EionnnplnrilnumRiin).  Adel. 
BL4,  iS.  Nimeqtiuivnin 
nilo >6n»  crucem.  Pborm. 
iii.  S,  II.  Qood  juui  ei  dui 
blb^  et  quintum  impeniTi 

cogo,  atiiae  impera.    Enn.  li. 

3,1(7.  Qui  K«  uiqoM^- 
6«imHacY:fiiclBt?  Eun.  It. 
7,  20.  FcciiH  id  quod  jiuM- 
ram.  HemuL.  iv.  1,  48.  Ftc- 
lum  Ht  quodjiufwh'.  Adclpfa. 
T.  8,  1.  Itn  ut  jiAa  l»ci«m. 
Hec.  It.  3,  fi.  Quit  te  i>l«c 
JBMil  loqui  ?  Phorm.  iT.  3, 34. 
Ttntum  «unu  lum.  PfaDrm. 

»^'i  ™n«  ^"oJ^n^tS 
iuiiMirHau"iL  1, 1.  Voa 
eritii  judica.  Adelph.  ProL 
4.  Tc  ndi«  ipM>.  Hec.  ii.  2, 
13.  Ad  jadiat  TeniemuL 
PhDrm.  i.  2.  79.  An  quit- 
qu.mjnib(«tqui  poaul  not- 
cere  tu.  iu.U?  Ph^.  ii.  1, 

raificiknlCruettmilu  udi- 
ciuv,.  Eun.iL3,4B.  Ve>truni 
■mdieiam  fecit.  Hcaut.  Prol. 
"12.  VI  coKtum  to  e«e.  in- 
Titum,  1egs,ji>(/tnb.  Phorm. 
i.   4.  36.      Muiitntua  uii ; 

mni  ut  redduit  tibi  :  qn.ndD- 

cuii.  bli  jndiciiifli  uJipitrier. 
Phorm.  ii.  S,  S7,  59.  Ejut 
juficiQ  parmitto  omniL  Phor. 
T.  8,567 

judiai]  Ez  .liwum  ingeniit 
nunc  meJvJKel.  Eun.  i.  2, 
116.     AcdepolteUuiIaetfoi- 

1.  Hiuicm.le>fKa«.  Adelph! 
i.  2,  SO.  Abi,  Timm  tejBtiioi. 
Adelph.  iv.  2.  25.    Hominem 

uimo  jiii/ibain  meo.  Adclph. 
T.  6,  l     Tun  protpicere  .ul 

lit  polelP     Hec.    It.    I,  34. 
Adelidi.  T.  9,  3.     IlewiL  t. 
^i^  ]P.p.e,™ffii/aroi  h  o- 

«eai.  Edd.  ii.  S,  24. 

jtmgo]  Unwiue  noi  ubi 
ouere  unicai jBx^'! ,  Hecr.2, 

>inwViiuLucialfciopem,,obtecni.  And.  iiL  I, 
IS.  Adelpb.  iii,  4,  41. 

,7iipif«rJ  O  JufnterT  ijnid 
«o  .udio?  And.  iiL  1,  6. 
Pro  JtpUer.  And.  It.  3,  17. 
Japiler  iii.gne.  Eqd.  It.  4. 
11.  O  Jmter.  abinun  ett 
° '  .?  He.nL  ii.  3,  Ifi.  Ut 
..__!,  HinorTunnaeelJ^oni. 
HonL  T.  4, 13.  f  ro  luprtme 

pi'ler.  Phorm.  t.  3.  24. 

jBrrniiviBl  Si  forte  opn.  hI 
ad  homm  Jurrvtdum  mihL 
Anii.  iT.  3, 13. 

juryium]   Inde  tA  juryima. 

ftatiim!  Adelph.  iii.  X'^. 
Potta  ^ocjmyium  .d  uiroma. 
Hoc.  iii.  5,  63.  De  jmrmo 
lilrtur.  Phorai.v.  2,  1< 

jurgo]  Ccdo  quid  jkrga£i/ 
tecnm?  And.  ii.  3,  IS.  fcam 
D.TO  egomet  Tidi  JmroaitieiK 
Bni-iil.111.  And.T,l,!9.  Credo 
j«mu[io1ct>n?aiii.  Adel{A. 

,fiiro]  Qui  tine  huc  jmraial 

diom."Aiiri^.  iir^.^M."™ 
deni  duii,jiirTiiu  te  iltua  duc- 
m.  Adelph.  iii. 
Bucnidi,  quun 
uncle.  Hec.  i.  1,  3. 

JumJ  Quo^nt  quv;ae  in- 
jun.  piaecipitcm  in  pittTinuin 
d.biL  And.i.  3,9.  bt.quum 
TBlil,tifai >re  iiMci  non  qaciL 
And.  ii.  3,  30.  II«c  coafilror 
mlbijvre  obligiiae.  And.  iii. 
5,    1.     Si   yim   £uiet,  io  ju 

30.     Qui  DequejM  Dcqoe  bo- 


4,27.  VelbicPto) 

re.    Adelph.  iVl,™ 

jure  igen.    Adelph.  i 
Ego     meum   >ii    pcneqou-. 
Suum  tw  poetuUt.     Adelpb. 
ii.  1,3,47.     Si  nunc  de  tue 

Adclpb.  ii.  2,  S.  Numqui 
minui  mibi  idem^w  aequuio 
etl  eaae  quod  mccum  ral  libi? 
Adelph.  T,  3,  IG.     Eodem  ut 

■um  uiui  .doleacentior!"'^^ 
Alt.  Prol.  2,  3.  Si  Ju,  ti  r.t 
ett.  Hee.  iiL3,27-  Etuado 
egomoumnueMe  ntteconm. 
Hec.ii.2,1.  Inwuneuk, 
In  nu  eamui.  Pnoim.  t.  7, 
13,  88. 
jiu]   Quo  pKto  ex.^irB  be*- 

S%T.7. ""-  """■■ 

jumraiiifiDii]  ^iiniinntfni 
It^ilui.  Adelph.  u.  1,  II. 
Juem  neque  Gdet  neque_^i». 
araiiifinn  nequa  illam  miteri- 
ordi.  teprenit,  Adelph.  iii. 
1,8.  Dabown»Wmi.  Hec 
>.  4,  IS.  Aliud  «i  tdttm  ^ 



Bdem  •uiciii»  fluun  nimirafl' 
dum,  ii  pollicerei  tiU.  H« 
T.   1,  24,   27.      Dinit,  ^ri 

jB^ia]  Ul  meu  itDltititi 
IB  juitiiia  ttu  >it  iliqoid  pns 

juiltH]  Jnifa  t\  demeDB . . 

Pnl.41.  Banun  itque  mitam 
rcm  oppido  imperu.  Umit 
iT.  3.26.  NonM  huc>>fa 
libi  vidtDturpiHtea?  Adeliih. 
iT.  5,  26.  Quia  n<m>ula  ID- 
jun»  pronui  omnia  onmino 
abKquor.  Adelph.  t,  9,  33. 
An  qiu«)a»m  judel  «t  qni 

Qu«e    . 


.    JuKani  il- 
orm.  i.  4,  49. 

ijnvro.  HeKUt 
1,34.  EnimTBroiddcmum 
luJ.    AdElph.  ii.  3,  2.     Qui 

LabaKo\  LabateS.  EuD.  i 
2,  38,  AdelfJi.  ii.  2,  31. 

fai«^c«>|  Onme)  dnil««  £i- 
A»^  mibi.    Adelph.  iL  2, 

Ki  labe/aet 

liaor]     Ingenium  «l  om- 

eliUadlibidiDiin.  Aad.i.  ], 
Sl.  Tuitum  latotrm  apFK 
ob  tkJem  fllium?  And.  t.  2, 
29.     Ejui  laiort  itqao  ejui 

nihi  laUTt»  ftlere  quoi 
levei.  Hnut.  ii.  4,  19. 
4  qbad  iabore  inTeiieiit. 
iL  T.  4,  17.  Hoc  frucli 
aton  tb  hi*  leni.     Sine 

{oAon  patiii  potitnr  coramoda. 
Meo  iabfm  eductn  muimo. 
Adelph.  T.  4,  16.17,21.    Spe 

■uatuli,  Piope  juQ  remotuoi 
ab  fttudio,  atque  ftb  ItUfore. 
Hec.  All.  Prol  9,  IS,  Meo 
laboti  hHud  ptrcenL    Hec.  ii. 

labort  p»ttuiu.  Phorm.  i.  I, 

ioioi)  Quibui  at  ilicunde 
iliquii  abiectut  laboM.  Hec. 

/aAoribttit]  Si  qu»e  laborioaa 
elt,  ad  me  cumtur.  Henul. 
Prol.  44.  Vel  me  huc  d«m- 
bulstlo,  qiiiim  aou  labBrioia 
ad  luifliiarem  dedzt.  Heaut. 
iT.  6,  i 

iaboro']  Laborat  e  dolore, 
And.   i.  5,  33,      Ne  labora. 

labrvm,  Adelph.  i 

2,  17.     N 


Hec.  i."  1, 




ruiuiquim  mi- 
poliei,  mulile^ 

lacritiNi]  Hinc  illu  ioen 
mae,  And,i.  1,99.  Laerima 
confictH  doDi.  And.  iii.  i 
26.  Laerifiiai  eicuMil  mih 
HoiDt.   i.   1,    IIG.    Xomni 

ii.   3,   G£.      Lacrin^  milli 
Adelph.  iii.  2,  37, 



iT.  4,  63,     Lacriai 
]»Teri,.  Phorni.T.T 


T.  I,  4.     Ne  lacrima. 
i.  1,  32.     Oh,  facrnio  i 

Adclph,  iii,  3,  £6,    Qi 
aimail     Adrlpfa.  ii. 
Nequeo  quin  laerimem 
Hec.  iii.  3  25. 
lacrimn/ai    Vot  toe 

laeiul   Apud  ip(um  laeMM 

e«l  piitrilU,  Adflph.  iT.2,44. 

Minni  n 

un  nunc  U 

1.  ProL 

lulto  ai 

laeiaia]  Ut  hi 
X  opinuiti  primna  ej  obji- 
iiem  domi,  Ueaut  1.  2,  12. 
e  me  in  laelHam  frniM 
injiciu.  H«at.  ii.  3,  61. 
tinta  bacc  laetUia  ol>orta  ett 
eiutiv.  3,2.    Hunc  diem 

delph.  It.'  1,  6.     Quutua 
>iu]i . , .  laeiaiam  PatuphiloP 
oc.  T,  3, 18, 
fador]    lituc  tibi  ex  »en- 

on  tim  mcapte  rautt  la^or 

i  illi  r 



tetMr.  Het  t.  3,  3S.  37. 

obviam,  Eun.  ii.  2,  26.  Gna- 
tui  quod  M  uiimulat  laetum. 
He&ut.  T.  1,  16.     Nihil  Tidi 

JuicQuam  laetiitt.  Adelph.  ili. 
,  12.  Laelin  eit  de  amica. 
Adclph.  ii.  2,  44.  ^ocfKi  <um 

Phoim.  T.  4,  i 
lantenlor'}  l 

Adclph.  T.  7,  9. 

/ajgnl  Lana  %c  telaTictom 
auaeritauE.  And.  i.  1,  48. 
Ad  lanam  ledii.  Heant.  il.  S, 

iaaguor]  Tel  me  haec  Aetm^ 
bulado,  quam  non  laborioea, 
ad  lomMorem  dedit.   Hcwit 


faaiiia]  Celaiii,  £aieo,  coquj, 
fartora,  piacUarai.  £un,  ii. 

lapii]  Hei,  qnid  itnt,  iasuT 
Heaut  It.  7.  3.  Ubi  p«™ 
prrwntitcere,  niu  caiem  lapit. 


Itunt]  Animui  .  .  .  iatwiaj 
cnn  canFgctiu,  itupec  And. 
iL  1,4.  Vifilib»  ;««•.  GuD. 
il.  1,  \B.     Hmm  Wsin  Dp- 

f,  41.  "  ™  " 

lal<r\  Punnm  nu?  lattrtm 
Unin.  Phorm.  i.  4,  a 

Xatwni]  Eun.  ProL  B,  31. 
Hmut.     Fn^     18.      Ptaorm. 
Prol.  37. 
'     latiu]    Triumpbo,   >1   llcct 

laudtt]     Laudart    fortunu 
mcu.  And.  i.   ],  70.     Qmc- 

iiiin  «  neg;uil,  Umda  id  qiio- 
^ua.  Eun.  ii.  2,  20.  Quid 
ego  ejui  tibi  budc  ftcieni 
prMdicoPl  BQt  laadtm  1  \i,ua. 
lii.  5,  17.  Vereor  cortm  in  ot 
ta  laudaTt  uupliui.   Adelpb. 

Iim\  Ubi  noa  Imeiimu  ti 
volnfumto.  Eun.iii.5,48.  Cf. 
44,45,47.  UDCIumUqusdM- 
lam  t  bilneit.  Pliorin.  ii,  2, 
23.  Veniu  precibni  fiHifinit 
pecoilnm  tuum.  Phorm.  v.  7, 
bO.  Conti.ine  hi«  idamuit. 
ut  latxt.  Eun.  iii,  fi.  34.  Cf 
Haut.  iT,  1,  6.  And.  iil.  2. 
nlKia.    Eun.  iii.  G,  44 

62.  Hn 


/a»]  ItH 

Tidii  Jaudan.  ... 

i.  1,  39.    Quul 

3, 74.  ?w!'. 

twlat   \d   >o1b  ilignii  pedibut 
JkcisndH   dcdit.    Adelph.  iv. 

D   Uti 


V.  1,  80.     Ut  Iriduo 
peluo  ptoraum  e  Itelo  nntnei 
■urgvre,  Adelpb.  It.  1,4. 
Sgo'\    Accipe,  hem  Itetmi 

tnm  debui.  Phorm.  i.  2,  3^ 

Lemmu']   Iler  illi  in  Leni 
nn  ut  «Kt.  Pbonn.  i.  2.  1< 

,    1, 

reddunt  pnediii.  Fhorm.  It. 
3,  7S.  Cum  Hui  coniueTit 
□lim  miln  in  Lsiim  cluicu- 
lum.  PhDnn  t.  6,  33,  Uio- 
rem  ,  .  .  Leimi  hsbuit  kliun. 
Pborm.  t.  7,  49.     In  ieiiiiki 

^u)  Qui  me  tlDi  Itmi  pu- 
.  5.  27.    Si  /M^'rgt.  >d'>lium 

oitendcrig,  Hcmut,  iii.  1,  S 

diceuB :  ABptrum.  peter,  h 
e>t;  lUind  iem—  udo  vi^ 
Heut.     iii.    1,    60.      Quei 

oportnu     Eom    laudeia 
dueit    muimBD).      Adr 
Prol.  fi,  16.     An  lamdi  p 
ion?   Hatlaaditau  Adcluh. 
iii.3,28,64.     Sibi  — -  '^--- 
tiiudem  reiinQnuDt 

Jiiiibl  Fecclo,  lepide,  dntfe. 
nil    ■uprn.    Eun.    iii.    '     "" 
Laal»    munui    Bdraii 
tuum.  Addph.  v.  1,  i 

ioMlaii   Omncl  te  i 

HoMit.  iv.  6,  iO.   Hoc 

um,    bleor 
iiunia     ^ol 

Adelpb.  ii.  1, 

•FTTiebat  lei-^i 

i.  2,  33. 

:1S.   S4. 

Heit,    ne    pi 
Phorm.  iil.2,1i». 

Irpidt]  FKPte,  fenWe,  Uute 
niltupn.  Eun.  iii.  1,S7. 

Itpidia]  O  l»fidum  fttTem. 
And.  T.  4,  45.     O  cMitulDm 

lepidmmum.  Enn.  iii.  3,  3S. 

dDuii  luli^^um  /^ii.     Eo" 
iT.  3,  10.     lun  lepidmm  tibi 

16.  0/«n^Binciput.  Addph. 
T.  9,  9;  T.  7,  13.  16. 

fcjim]     hepmi   e»,    e*   pol- 
'   ?   Eon.  iiL 

Urii\  Omnea  mihi  labom 
fuere  <|iiol  cepi  leTtt.    HesuL 

ijum  incluili  tuum.  Purri 
iDxii^  inu  geiunl  ]  MDliem 
eutin.  Hec  iii.  1.  12,  30,  3^ 
lallehuit  leeet.  Hec  iii.  4, 12. 


•cripnu*  U 

Ifi]  Ei  le 
And.  i.  "  ~ 

rolH*   V 

H«c   T 

W.     C«c.b1 

22  Pilrii  ptceiD  in  trmit  eon- 
flciel  .u..  Hiaut.  v.  2.  4S. 
Neque  legem  puUt  tenerr  k 
uilun.  Adclph.  i.  2,  b.    Zajn 

.    Mnfeyeul 

,  Phori 

>   l>bor 



/>Vih|  Em  illnd  vm  iti 
r«i  u:  ISien.  Eun.  iii.  5,  43. 
Faciun  hDni  tibi  iliqiiid,  >c 
libaa.  Heaut.  iv.  S,  15.  TiU 
/ibaw  hene  Ciiim.    Adt-lph.  v. 

iv.  7.  M  Nihil  ( 
quod  biiam  lAemt, 
iii.  3,  33. 

W^Hter\    Cnat  ill 


iiL  S,  19.  Phorm.  iii.  2,  3, 

Uhr]  Sine  Ceruo  et  1 
bero  ftifet  Vennt.   Bun.  i 


It&erl  NciUiquaia  offlcinm 
b>nFHahomini>puto.  And. 
.  1,30.    lnpBHciido>ti<|uoCEf- 

ILuii.  iji.  2,24.  LHiaeiuliie- 
cn.  apperion  lorii.  a  Lorii 
ii^r  ?  Ncqiie  Tfnd^iiam 
leaveo,  quae  f j£«rd  «t,  Adcl. 
i.  1,  28,  40.  Scim  liAenm 
inzrnium  itqn»  Mitnnm. 
Aaelpb.  T.  3,  42.  Eho  u- 
»de  Iinc  Bil  me:    lilKr  eiio. 

ciim  Tl.leiuii  li/ieTam.  Adeiph. 

V.  9.  13,  16, 

li/jeraliii]  Foraiii  pnsler  ce- 

teru  honoiB  ot  liUrali  And. 

i.    1,    96.      CDnjuKio  liitrali 

deTinetiiDi.  And.  iii.  3,  09. 
Quun  lilirTali  (icie  7  Ego 
litcruli  illim  uuro  cauia 
manu.  Adelph.  ii.  1,  40. 
Neqiie    bonr    neque    liheralit 

Adelph.  iii.  4,  16.  Ingeainm 
noTi  tunm  MerWs.  Adelph. 
i*.  6.  60.  Iti  uti  iiberuli 
fne  iniienia  drctt.  Hoc  i.  2, 
89.  Henu  UUrali,  eit.  et 
fugitftnfl  liiium.  Phonn,  iT.  3, 

liieraliler]  Servibu  lilie- 
rnlileT.  And.  i.  1,  II. 

lAfT*]  li^dnctot  libere.  And. 
T.  4.  8.     Agitaicm  inler  voi 

32.     Hoe 

i.  l,  B2. 

1«.  Adelph.  i.  1, 
ui  neqHil  folemur 
;™re  liberit.  Adel. 

I  libertim.  Ad^pb. 
••  o,  (.  K{a\  illum  decrenint 
dignuin  luos  eui  tibemr  com- 
miltcrent.  Hec.ii.  1,  15.  S< 
»  me  itU  libera  vellet  tibi. 
Hk.  It.  4.  33. 
lAern]  Quim  piimam  hoc 

Hem,  lihero.     LHterailu  Bum 


2,   14, 

^tJKrfai]   Hicins  IHertaleni 

Adelpini.  "-jg.  "    " 

liierliii]   Feci  ei   nrro  ul 

«Kt 'lieriiii  mibi,  And.  i,  1, 
10.  EBn.iii.S,  60 

.    1,   10     Quae  me» 

IVKI.    nnub.    IT.    1,    ou,      xj 
liiel.  Adeloh.  ii.  2.  38.    Huc 
ri  quid  Utei.    Phorm.  t.  7 
Hbidol  Ei  tna  KS«Kim  mo 

tuL    And.  ii.  1,  S.     Dun 


And.  ii 
II  liiiditu 

.   He. 

2.  27;i>i.  3, 12.  Hee.  ii.  2,3. 
Pbann.  iT.  5.  4. 

liixntia]  Deteriorra  omnea 
anmiit  lirgBlia.  Hetui.  iii.  1, 
74.  NimiB  iiliec  lieenHa  pro- 
fecto  ettdet  ia  aliquod  m^- 
num  nulum.  Adelph.  iii,  4. 

licel]  Sic  ul  qnimua,  liunt, 
quando  ut  Tolumn*  iiun  lial. 
And.  i*.  3,  10.  NuD  licet  ho- 
mincm  cmo  mspe  ita  nt  Tull, 
>i  re>  nou  tiuil.  HfbuI,  i*.  1. 
33.  Hoc  licel  impune  fBceni 
huic.  illi  non  lieel.  Adeiph. 
T.  3,  38.  Dnm  lidtam  «I. 
Hec  T.  S,  39.  8i  uiorem 
velil,  lego  id  (were  fBcero. 
Phorm.i.3,  66. 

qnum  coenant,  ^nrwRf.  Eun. 

limeii]  Jam  ut  limtH  exitem. 
Hec.  iii.  3,  18. 

fimiul  Ego  iiinn  ■pcclo  fic 
per  RBbFllum  clanculum.  Euo. 
lii.  6,  53. 

Snea]  EitremB  linea  amin: 
linud  nihil  eat.  Eun,  it.  2, 

Hitpiiii]  Perii ;  Ungva  hae- 

HmX  Xiieinqui.  An 
16.  1/1«  .nnt  inter  « 
maiimie.  Eun.  ir.  5. 
mtae  lOet.  Adelph.  ^ 
Neque  fttef  nllie  ill 
Ilee.  i.  3,  105.    Tu  ji 

1.3,61.    Herua  libeTBlit  eat, 


Ut  h 

hi>  dreigial  IHSaie.  Phorm.  iv. 
S.  18, 29. 

lilerae]  Fbc  periclom  in  ^ 
tarif .  Gun.  iii.  2,  23. 

lHij)o\  Quid  illic  hominum 
liligaiitl  And.  It.  4,  6.  Cum 
illB  liHgat.  And.  i.  2,  12. 
Eliam  mccom  lUigael  Hec. 
iii.  S,  57. 

loeHo]  Agelli  est  .hic  lab 
uriie  paulum,  qnod  locHae  fo- 
ru.  Adelph.  >,  6.  26. 

2acD]    Qaid  >1  filiam  luam 


iii.  4,  32,  Virum  in  quoTiB 
loeo  paiatum.  And.  It.  3,  3. 
Restitue  in  qnem  me  aeeemati 
lucm.  And.  It.  1,  57.  In- 
lerea  loci.  EuD  i.  2,  46. 
Viden  me  ejt  eodem  ortum 
lncol   Eun.  ii.  2.  10.     Uhi 

locmnl.  Eiin.  t.  5,  3,  Et  cog- 
noscendiet  iguDKendldahitur 
pcccali  hiaa.  Hraut,  ii,  1,  6. 
In  eum  jam  m  rediit  iocUH. 
llcBui.  li.  3.  118.  Da  illit 
iBOim.  Hcaut.iii,S,2S.  Eum 
Plaului  /omm  reliqnit  inte- 
grum.  Enm  hie  Aieiiin  tump- 
dt  >ibi  in  Adelphui,  Locum 
reprehentum  qui  pTaeteriiua 
negligentia  eil.  Adelph.Pnl. 
9,10,  13,  Pccuniam  in  hco 
negligete.  Adelph.  ii.  2,  8, 
Pe5o«    ret  ^/«o^no^n^^polort 

«t. '  Adelph.  iii.  2,  46.  Pa«- 
lam  Te.tilui  in  locum.  Hec. 
Prol.   13.     Pugnant  i<s  lcm. 

luiari  locam.  Hec  AlU  ftol. 
33,  34.     Notler  grel  molui 

n™iB  re>t?tuit  bnUL  Phorm. 
Prol.  32.  33.  Eoo  in  eum 
incidi  infelix  locam.  Phorm. 
i.  3,23     ViJcti.  ■      ■ 

.    Ph<,n 

ii.  4.  6. 

iii.   2*"37-'"'ln'i.notum  . , . 
ioeum.  Phorm.  iii.  3,  15. 

ijn]  PoeiierBtum  iituc  be- 
neficium  tibi  pulehie  dicet. 
D.  Lofp.  Phons.  iji.  2,  8. 

ioiy«]      AecuTril    ui    nu 

3,  43.     Qutm  Ung»  t.  m.ri 
EuD.  iii.  3,  ]3.      Zoww  ju 

l<mffiMqMiiat\  Ul  ns  ci 
mcM  lomiiupatia  MUtil  ol 
*»t.  H<>?  i?.  %  70. 

Iongiiudo\     CoDiulero      j 

tonguie)    Non  cogitu  hinc 

iowiili  eweP  Uunt.  ii.  2, 10. 

uagia\    LoHffum    ett    noi 

illuBi  eipecture. 
13.     Quim    Im^t 

H«.    iT.  4,  62.      Eipei 
it  lor^at.    Phonn 


i.  2,  31. 

2,  10. 

tojBor]  Apei 
modo  focii^. 
Auiculto,  loQvere  quid  v4 
And.  iii.  3,  £.  Mitte  m.ic 
fof».  And.v.  3,3.  Perplcn 
/ofui.  Eun.  T.  1,  1.  OpbU 
loquere,     Hciut.     iit,    3,  50. 

Siam  berum  ludivi  toina. 
eiul.  lii.  2,  48.  lUi  h.ud 
licebtt  Liii  pneGnito  loqui. 
Hec.i.2,19.  (Jiederem  TBis 
hunc  loaaL  Pbonn.  ii.  1,  48. 
Pergin  hero  nbBenti  mile  lo- 



I  ilibi. 

opperieiv     lont.       S.     LoriM 

lilwr.AdelBh.ii.  1,28. 

48,     Nu  ille'hBud  tcit  p^ul- 

■pporlet.     HcBul.    i..  4,  25! 
r^eeuni.m  in   loco    negligere 

E«dtum  eit,  luero  eit.  Hec. 
ii.  1,7.  Quid  mihilkoneit 
e  bllero?    Phorm.  i.  2,  11. 


Itmhui  Filic  laetam  p>rai. 
Hec  ii.  1. 13. 

laruitntiu']  Vonaa  («■- 
/nXn.  Hoiut.  iil.  2,  12, 

bcw]  Rui  crM  cum  filio 
cum  primo  Imm.  Adelph.  v. 


ludibrium]  Lmdibrio  lubni. 
Hec.  i,  2,  74.  Nou  lic  l*di- 
brio  tnii  &etii  bahitui  eaem. 
Hec.  iv.  1,  II. 

liidiJicor\  Poitiguim  ladi^ 
fiaaltu  egt  •irjinem,  Eun.  iv. 

\ivio,  tadificaUrtl  Eun.  i'v,  4, 
50.     Quia  Toi,  malum,  ergo 
ms  >ie  tudifimmiiU^   Phorm. 
T.  7,  SS. 
lado\  Nc  ■     ~ 


1, 4B,      Ne- 

upiu,  uiiB,  tuini, 
ipter  dormiu.  EiiD. 
Conumilem  iMtrat 
ille  luduiu.   Eun, 

're  paulisper.  Adeiph. 
iiperP  Obiecninnm 
nunc  me?  Adelph. 
63.     Ite  -ntt,  etl  bo- 

Welpb.  iT.  7,  21. 
)pen/ui^r.  Photm. 
Iwi«\     Quo.     mi 

Zniiuiii  jocumque  dicu  fiiiufl 
illum  slterum,  Eun.  ii.  3.  8. 
Contimilem  luaerat  tudMia. 
Eun.  iii.  5,  39.     Non  poaum 

Ivdai  iotia.  Eun.  t.  6,  s! 
Vobi»  ditur  potntu   conde- 

7.  Ssctiri,  in  ladum  dni 
Bl  leduerre.  In  quo  l 
diicebit  ludo.  Phorm.  i 
3fi,3S.  Vtladoiftcit.  ['ho 
T.  7,  62. 
lMgiiMt\  Mediocriter  vi 

tupia]  Lapo  ovsm  com- 
niaii.  Eun,  t.  1,  16.  LMjmi 
n  bbulL  Adelpb.  iT.  1,  21. 
Auribot  (eneo  tMpMn.  Phorm. 

Ineodem  hieaituUo.  Fb 
T.  2,  15. 

/ul  Neve  uuue  id  l 
Tigilei.    Eun.  ii.  2,  47. 
■b    Oreo    mortuum    mt 

Atae^tmm]  Inten*  lod  i'. 

Ruu.  ii.  2,  21.  Nonia  por' 
ticiim  a^Mid  — niiffMw  hn 
deommi'      Adelpfa.     iT.   -1 


nKieenaHjuhe  diruL   Addfk, 

o?  ADd.T.: 
■  huctew 
e.    Adclph.  ii 

tunio.  Piiorni,  v.  B,  39. 

«nctija]  Hanc  manda» 
n«  decot  effugere.  Adel^T. 

'iKi^JPudiii.  Seelndtl 
to  Noiei. 

mciffiater]  Dum  Ktu^  nr- 
tiu,  ■iiM^r  pnihilwtiut! 
And,  L  1,27.  Si  quii  ku»- 
1,-iM  cepit  Md  tmm  n^m- 
probum.  And.  i.  2,  21.      He 

tnL.  Photi^.^i.  2.  22.  ^"^ 
magittratia]  Magittr^v 
cum  ibi  ftdcuent,  occeptA  #*i 
igi.  Euu.  Prol.  22.  A/<hu- 
Imfw  luli.  Photm.  n.  3,  5fi. 
9iaffmfia\  ^o  te  .  .  .  flu^ 

riS^t'  iii.'  2,  45."  Hi7%» 
■ui^j&v  efltro.  Heftut.iv.3i. 
31.     Nunqnnm   it>  maf/m^ 


ficeatia.  Phorm.  v.  7.  37. 
moffxifieo]  Quem  ego  inlrl- 

magnifira  Terb».    Kun.  iT.  6, 
3,     Mei  est    poleni,  piwti, 
magMifieit,  BumtunM,  aobiiif. 
Haut.  ii.  1,  15. 
ni^^in  pead6\  Ego  qtio<|iie 


C  k")0<^  lc 


BH&1  Hoc  nob  hkbat  tS- 
inm.  And.  ii.  6,  6.  Hitti 
naJs  Iniui,  Kai.  r.  3,  2.  Te 
Dt  male  unt.  Eun.  iii.  1,13. 

flu!b™lunt  Enn.V  3.13. 
Pndi  male  cDncililate.  Eun. 
■T.  4,  Z  Malt  mnlabo  ip- 
«m.  Enn.  W.  7,  S.  Titi 
XimxamaU.  H«uL  iii.  2^  20. 
JWbJa  docet  te  nc*  hdlitu 
inaltL  Heuit.iT.  1,3.S.   Tibi 

mala.  Adcl|ib.'i.  1,  9.  H*ee 
mi/(Judicu.  Adelph.  i.  21, 
20.  Quienalibi>crttt«ci&. 
Adelpli.  ii.  I,  37.  MaU  odi. 
Adelph.  iT.  1,  7.  Animo 
su/n  mL  Adelpb.  It.  6,  21. 
Malt  nutuo.  Hec  lii.  2,  2. 
Effugere,  Tolgui  qi»d  nob 
■odit  mnlimim.  Hdc.  iv.  S, 
24.      Nihil    cct,    quin    vnJ» 

ph^lT.T^ie.       ™"' 

malidm]  Deiintnt  maU- 
diOTt.  Aud.  Pnl.  23.    NMcia 

U.     Niii   bnbeiet  cui  maU- 
dicerrt.  Phann.  Prol.  15. 

nH/HfitfBin]  Tetecii  poetie 
nalediclii    re>ponil»E.    And. 

10.  Mitlu  maUdifia  omaiL 
Adelph.  T.  3,  9.  MalnliHit 
detcmn  na  Kribit  pant. 
Phorm.  Prol.  3. 

naie/aeio]   Qonm    tnaU/a- 

maUfacliai)  Mal^ada  nc 
iKwant  •OL  And.  Prol.  23. 
Ob  maU/aela  hwc.  Adelph. 
ii.  1,4^ 

na/ff^dwK]    Pto  maZff^iflb 

lunt  reddcn.    Pherm.   ii.  2, 

maUmlKM]  Qui  maifvo/i 
releris  poetu  maledictiB  it' 
ipondeet.  And.  Prol.  6.     Ru- 

no/t^Mu]  MaHgna   multo 
!t  muni  procu  &ctm  ilico  eet. 

■epe    >unim&     «ofilu     ctt. 
rlnut.  iT.  6,  48.      DoetH  id 

mab/}  Nnptiu  elTugere  cgo 
ietu  maU  quem  tia  ■diniacier, 
And.  il.  1,  32.  Maoola. 
Hh.  iv.  1,  25.  Mcri  me 
malim.  Eun.  I.  1,21.  Nihil 
Nt  quod  tHo/iu.  Adelph.  iii. 
3,  ]S.     Quid  Ht  mihi   quod 

i.    1,  89. 

'■aiala!»]    Nihil  ' 
eliuo  malL    And. 
Qui  dederil  dwnniim  lut  ma- 
lum.  And.  i.  1,116.     Ei  illit 

iii,  S.  30.     NeKii  qnutit  in 

l,2^"pI^!™hTpli.i  ™K 
at^qnimiUicboni.  And.  i». 
S,  5.  Quod  lim  lurlua  maii. 
Acd.   T.   G,  S.      Dihit  huc 

^amalL    Non  Tidei  q^u&u- 

leiut.    T.  3,   1,    11.      Mala 
[HcluB,     Adelph.    i.    1,  44. 

I  hoc  git  publiee.    Adelph. 
i.  3,  89.     In  quod  mc  cr- 

in  quDd  mc  can- 
aa.     Hec.   i.  3,  57. 

Teniet,  tm  yer 
malim.  Hce. 
Neuio     quod 

ipcctaWni».  Pbr 

i.  4,  15. 

<ii.2,  18,21.  TenUteinipcn- 
dent  M-la.  Phona.  i.  4,  2. 
Malm  quod   iiti   Di  Dsu- 

?ue  omnci  duint.   Pborm.  *. 
malim]  QDi.  malim,  *lii7 
Eun.   iT.  7,  10,     Qiiu,   ma- 

accipii?  HfMt.  ii.  3,  77; 
iT.  3,  38.  Quid  hoc,  mu/iin, 
inreliciteCiiP  Adetph.  iv.  2, 
5.  Quid,  moZKiit,  bono  Tir 
mihi  nanruf   Adelph.  i*.  S, 

I.  And.i.l, 


137.'    Abin 
1  ?  Anl  li. 


iot.    Enn.    Pro).   37. 

0  huc  flcri  omniL  Kun. 
3,  9.  Malam  rem  hinc 
?  Eun.  iii.  3,  30.  Ex... 
0  priDcipio  megn*  &mi- 
—  conflBt»  ett.   Eun.  v. 

35.  Ubi  I 
iditnte  devi 
lut.  i.  2,  34. 
ne  inen.  Ai 
«a£u  addi 
t  t.  8,  88. 

dpb.  iii.  4, 

niniuT  gntm  qaun  cu:u 
mala.  Phonn.  It.  3,  17.  Vl 
le  quidem  amnc*  Di  Deac- 
qnc  .  .  .  midit  eiemplit  prr- 
dant.  Phorm.  it.  4,  7.     Fa- 

Phorm.  T.  eTig.  ""' 

namiiia]  Hujut  Hlio  hodie 

Adelpti.  T.  9,  18. 
naiapiiini]    Qnid    Tidetnr 

hoc  nunr^ahiiii  eet  tibi?  Enn. 
ii.  1,2.  Hnic  miMi/ei,  li  quid 
rccle  cumtum  Telia.  Adclph. 
iii.  3, 18. 

noiHl  ObiemtlHun  maat 
illorum  aervnlot.  And.  1.  1, 
A6.  Nunquem  t«m  wtne 
cgTcdior.  Hniit  i.  1,  IS.    Jt 

i>  hic.  Adclph.  ii.  4,  15. 

1   hoc   matiemliim    eat 

fiutavuw/iul  AfoinBi 
um.  Eun.  iT.  7.6. 
m.«ia]  I- 


DiiMniiKj  diutinme.  Plums.  t. 

qn»m  nt  i»ftm,».  And.  iiL 

mrriperenu  Addpli.  iii.  2   18 


H«,ut.  iii.    1,   87.     Maiura. 

AMph"!^"*'  33.      E^Jdi, 

oSciiL  Aiid.  i-1.87. 

AnJ.T.4,  G3.  Pboim.  iT.  5. 

n*^™!"  -eJi^o^inibu^pl- 

ma.«]     M^mlm.    p^ibu, 

obniigomDiiriuturum.  Aiid. 

'nia»/o}    QuimTl.  uuum 

Ditm  eue  patit»iu.  Fbonn, 
Prol.  16.     E  mtdio   excwl. 

i.  1,  m.     Hmk  mibi  ii  -a- 

hunc   su.picnri  quuu    ipuoi 

■■«  du.  And.  1.  6.  b-2.     Co- 

Phomi,   T.   7,  74.      E   Mtdi, 


.biit.  Phom,  T.  8,  30. 

i<.  1,  52.     Maaaa  in  linum 

muiiHl  Nunc  quum  na>. 

•KilWcl  tlux   .erh»  lun 

mentrici  ioKnrt.     Qui  d»d 

■bi^ncu  Buiiuii.  Heaut.  iii. 

And.  V.  1,  4.    QuibuiidDUi^ 

iuet.  fiin.  i.  1,22.      Pul.hie 

3.  2,  4.    Tu  pol  libi    iitu 

i-u,  utile    et.  And.  t.  1,  16. 

•meitrdt  dietuiD  tc  «a|>ieDlu. 

Huiil.  iii  3.  29.     Ego  libo- 

Eisi  Dgo  digni  hac  coDtumoli. 


tuiD  mntio,».  EuD.  T.  2,  27. 

Wior]  Mrli^  t«t.  reperi. 

Quam  Bionine  •errlr»  Tetlri. 

And.  i..  l,  66.     Niiuq.i»m 

Adelpb.  ii.  1,  40.     ^ufm  ego 

modo   pueruol    UDiillum    m 

Cuiut  mot  Tflwii»  «t  eonti- 

Eim.  ii.  3,  85.     Agmm  mtlio. 

niiri.  vetlrum.  Hewit.  ii.  4, 

Dcbit  poitliu;  li  upiet  naiiu. 
Eat  >d  huic  »i»i>«  uccUum. 

13.     Amatat  ut  quum  i»u- 
t»..  Hec.  i.  3,  40.    E>  ret 

12  Jtfrfiu.  pejot.,  ob- 
tit,  Dihil  Tideut.  H^nt.  iv.  1. 

Adolph.  i..  2,  24,    26,   37. 

30.      TtDto     herele      nriiur. 

Huie    *li<iuid    uulum    piM 
».<.«  dederii.  Xllelph.  t    9, 
23.    TiU  id  in  mu»  m  at 

rb^ill..™"?.  2,''as."  quum 

UeMl.  liL   2,  38.      HrnWm 

fiit.  Hec  iii.  5,  43.  Quid  t» 

oportet.  PhoriD.  li.  1,11. 

Pborm.  iii.  2.  37.     lli   nViw 

li.d»™.!  Phor. 

duini.  Pborm.  T.  8,  16. 

iT.  3,  29.     Bniiu  «1  nuu». 

«mper  fecit  «DMni.    And.  l 
5,m-    MeritotetcmperiiKU~ 

««/.■«,  ulTerb.]  A«ipit  1»- 

Phonn.  T.  5.  2. 

nanl  Qiiim  loage  >  mari 

i»..-fed.  And.iii.3,42. 

DtqneproliiiuL  Eun.v.B.Si 

Eun,  iii!  3,  13.     0  eoclum,  o 

«omiBO  opertj  Tbtit  iiio*- 

Alien.  ul  mtliMt   Ti.lnni  « 

ten»,OBia™Nepluni.  Adol. 

iflio  te  ombu  o/m.  Eun.  iii. 

T.  3,  4.     Nuniiuim  et  iagm- 

3,26.  Cf.  H«m.  iT.  1,  13. 

iii.  1.9S.     ADte  »sla  Doa  [^ 

.u)  «a«.  H-rc  iii-  4.  5. 

eiue  eril  mtliM,    bic    conTi- 

BiarifB»]  EuonoTui  maritia>a.?  Adelph.  T.  3,  l£. 

P«meno.  Hee,  i.  2,  8. 

cium.  Adelph,  ii.  i.  26.    Ac- 

««ieor:    Cupldittle.  .    .    . 

cedn.utmdiK.dicu.   Adelph. 

•lin«,t!l<ijm'  Adelpb.   T. 

quu     ptulo     meJtri    powii. 
korm"T.  4.  3. 

lii.  2,52.     Non  potuit  in^i..- 

Adelph  iv.  2.  29. 

2, 6. 

WAiiiwr]    nt  medi- 

nihil  eue  homini  mtiiM,,  ac- 

maiar]  S>mlii  mihi   m-ttr 

«r^    tuo.    And.    T.    1.    12. 

que  clemeuU^  Addpt.  .,  4, 

fuit  Euo.  i.  2,  37.     jtfairi. 

Quum  egomet  pouim  U  W 
re  medicari  milii.  And.  t.  4. 

7.     Multo  meiiii.   .   .    .   ^a. 

Domen  rt  nlrii  dicebat  ilm. 
Eun.  i.  2,  M.     Quun  priJem 

Her.ii.1.20.    Tutoid™  «*- 


/iu  feceri»   Phorm    ii.  3.  79. 

piter  mihi  ei  hjiUa-  monui 

««fic-l    NemoD  miicni 

Idrm  lioc  tuta  »w/nn  qnuU 
iDTeniKt.  RuD.  iii.  1.  63. 

.-uenl.  Eun.  Ul.  3.  12.     Afa- 

■dduiit?  Hec.  iii.  1,  43. 

ttr  tuju.    lub    imperio    e.t. 
melL  H«ut.  ii.  2.  4.     Ma- 

homiDi.     >UDt     officit. 

trw  omn»  fiiiii  in  p«a:>Io  iid- 

Adelpb.  T.  9,  9. 

Hee.  i;L2,  19. 

jutric».     Hetuc    T.    2,     38. 

niAiiocri(«']  Honim  ille  oi- 

mtmbmm]    Mtmbra   melu 

Vim.Mtcumma/«.  Adelpb. 
iv.  6,  16,  elurpiu.  «libi. 

hil  egrcgie 

dohili»  tunt.  Adelph.  i..  4,  4. 

debtt,   et  <unen  omni*  biee 


«aUrfi^milia.]  Uerelrii  et 

Mtdi^tiUr  TuiiluD  Tuie  lu- 

5, 18.  et  Huim  nlihi. 

Adclph.  iT.  7,  29- 

guhii.  Hnut,  ii.  3.  4fi. 

im>Jitor]     Venit    atdilatn 

P.  Mrmor  attm?  And.  i.  S. 

■nimut  maUmiH.  Unut.  it. 

.licunde  ei  tolo  loco.   Aud. 

te.  47.     Mtmortm  me  di«. 


ii,   4.   3.      C.u.»m    mMit-ri 

et  gT.tum.  Adclph.  ii.  2,  43. 

luun.  Adelph,  ii.  1.  41.    Mt- 

diior  ette  mil^hilik     Adel|d>. 

Hec  iT.  1,  33. 

T..6,  e.  AfediUri  tecum  opor- 

iv.  1,  1. 

moirowl    Matronam   nul- 

let  jW«fita/amihi.unlQmDiB 

lnm  in  ■ediliui.    Alid.  ii.  2, 

beo.    And.   i.    1.    13.       H*ec 

1.  13.  18. 

Bun.  Prol.  37. 

nn^iiu]  Mtdiam  mulienm 

2.  90.     Oput  e>l  tu>  mibi  .d 

niaiKrB]  Fiet     Al  maiari. 

coiDplei-liW.  And.  i,  1.  lUB. 

EiiiL  li.  1,  2    Maturt  nt  cum 

1d  midiam  Ti»m  proTolrBm. 
And.  iv.  4.  37.     In  aKdiiiin 

>tque  aUMlia.    And.   i..  3,  0. 

owDorit,      perpetuo      oderit. 
Eiin.  T.4  n. 

Redig»ia«flw>>a>.   Phono, 

huc  UDKD  cnm   vetCi.  Eud, 

ii,    3,   36,     Redii  m«um  i> 

MafnrDj  Nuptiu  quulum 

iT.  7,  4.     Suhlimem  me.ii.fl 


C.  Ac  «.»«*«■.  Eun.  ..  8, 

He  iie . . .  dlrui  ul  «ra»»!. 

l.  2,  106.  Hewt.  ii,  3,  119. 

Pliam..  T.  S,  10. 

AdeVh.    T,   8,    23.     Derid» 

«rrito,  He.ut,T.l,42.     M,-  oHiiie  ib  iio  mque  «Uto 

«m™.-.  .irti,  Adelph.  i.,  2, 

rAiii.tu.n1.  Hee.iiLS,5S. 

prt>f«nni.  Phorm.  iL  3,  4?. 


Di>  m.gnM  mtrilo  Kniiu  hi- 

tJ^^^iic  .e'}i'm.  Hee,"u^ 

beo  .tque  .jo.  Phorm.  ».  7, 
1.  And.  iiL2,51.  Comp.Heo, 

«e™fc.     He.ut.    i.    1,    93, 


MiTCtdt«i  dwe  lex  jubei  ci 

T.  3,  41 ;  .T.  2,  4.  Euu,  ii.  3, 

■Ique  unillero?  Phonn.  ii.  3, 



mirilum^  jW*rfloloo.  Eun. 

mercorl  InhoDatun.  hemi- 

PhuiDB    Duni:    nuper    dedit. 

ncm,  quem  merca(D»  eit  heri. 

meum.  H«ut.  i.  1,  40.    P^ 

JVwiHjn'  EuDuchiim.  Co1>I 

EUD.  ii.  3,65,     Quemni>m.- 

mtriU..  Phoim.  ii.  2,  23.  24. 

lu  ruent  fnlei  Th.idi.  Euu. 

At  mea  mtTilo  eicdo.    Meri- 

iii,  S,  21.    ABruni  hDDc  «w- 
«<lH.Dm.  Hl.ut.Ll,94. 

Um  hoe  moD  Tidelur  fulum  P 


Phorm.T,  8,42,44.     PoIh»- 

mfli<fuw]  Hcmditatei  per- 

mtrta.  wereorl  UuDm  hoc 

•ilwm  eu  tDun.  Fbann.  t.  8. 

21:    ' 

«MK  Hi  And.  i.  5.  46.  Quid 

mervi]  Nihil  niii  ipem  ih- 

mfriluei    D.  Crueem.  And. 

r™.  Phorm.  i.  2,  96,"^ 

mortimeDO    pt-im    «rarrii 

lii.  6, 15.     lu  uli  «erila  «. 

utlm>]    MelMi  .  Chrjiide. 


Euu.  iT.  6.  12.     Quid  do  1« 
tnnluiin««riiu(i?He.ul.i.  1. 

And.  Ll,79.     «■«Boutmb- 

■nrwl     M4lk    ««H    mBlui 

tlet  hfftt.   And,   T.  4,   11. 

31.    8upe  quod  Tcncm  ncrv 

Melao  fntrem   ne  into)  ut. 

.deo  01  b«  re  TCDit  iu  ««,- 

lamvaa.  Hee.  iii.  5. 37.     Nil 

Eun.  iii.  5,  63.     No  «el«u. 

l,ni  mihL  BiiD.  ii.  2.  3.     Ne- 

•u>Te  mtrilum  «L  Phorm,  ii. 

EuD,  i<.  7,  16.    Mttso  quid 

qua    pe*    neiioo    men    nti> 

1,  75,     Eue   iu  hu  re  cul- 

•it.  Haut.  i..   1,  7,     8i  me 

•uumoffidum  iicit,  Eun.  iv. 

ii.m  rveritani  non  aeaa,  Phor. 

niitm,  moie»  an  iu  te  eue 

5.  3.     QuodcuoquB  iiicidcrit 

T.  B,  2S. 

iitoi  >cntUm.  Hcut  y.  4.  S. 

iu  mrwlem  valet.  Hemul,   iii. 

«ertlrici>U\  At^ricio,  a- 

Nec  metua  qnenquun.  Adel. 

1.75.     I^dicitn.quodmihi 

morn    nuplii.    congluliiuup 

i.  2,  5.    M.le  meh^,.  H«.  lii. 

in  «a,k».  He.ut.  T.  2.  33, 

And.  T.  4,10.     Siiu  domum 

2,  2.     Nee  pol  i.t»  mel«ml 

MmU«  rabii  meliorem  dari. 

«erelrKi™  deducr,  Eun.  ii. 

Deoc :    nequc    hu    mpicere 

Adrlph.  lii.  3.  73.    Nilne  in 

3.  91.     Id  douio  merelriaa. 

De«  aplDoi,    Uec.  t.  ^2,  6, 

niMn.;   Adelph.  iy.   1.  12. 

Eun.  T.  4,38.     Ign.nuu  uti. 


Lhi  in  mnfen  cjua  «l»niii 

nuful    Dnm  utu,  mttm. 

*enil.  Ph»rm,  i.   3.  2.  Milii 

migiitei  pruhibebuic  And.  i. 


pudenler  mulier  .i  ftcit  men- 

\.-^.     Amoto  vulu.  And.  L 

tri^.  And.   iT.  4,  16.     Bou» 

2.  11).     Oniio  h4e«  me  mi»- 

«mmi]  Ilium  liquct  mihi 

miitntn..    fKcre,    mertlrieti 

nm  eunim.Tit  vefD.  And.L 

atjcnre,  hi«  «uu>(w  hi  Hp-  Eun.  Prol.  St.    Non 

fi,   16.      Ut   «(■».    in    OD» 

W  Eun.  i.  1,3.   QDomodo 

Z»  w^e' m:;J*mi"iC 

p™im''ir""Eun.'"ii.   3,  'ta. 

Mmaa  tr«  ahett  He«ut.  i. 

mriii.  And,  ii,2,2, 14.     Ani- 

1.66.     Nou  •»  totli  ■»..»'- 

Beni.  et  morc.  pe«et  noicero. 
llun.  T.  4,  10.     jTd  .*it>m 

bn  piini  DlfeciHem  quuD  il]e 

T,  4,  34.    Lingu.hMretixd.1. 

oDicquKucoeperil?    Adelph, 
ili,   S.  irt     Maia  «bieruni 

T.  5,  16.  mtr^ri- 

hun<i  ilH  e.t  utile,  Haut.  L 

dccem.      Adelph.  ir.  5,  57. 

enm  tpeetk    Eup.  t,  5   U. 
Mulier    cammod.    ct    fiieeU 

2.  25.     Liberw  ntinen  .  .  . 

«e(ii.  Adelph.  L1.33.  Mem- 
bnDW(»debilU.unt.  AJciph. 

phi  iii.  *,  39.    Jlf™«  .«iiDr 
hiDJusKptimu..  Hee,iii.  3. 

hMC  mettlrii.  lle.ut.  iii.  2, 

i..  4,  4.     Dcmii  mcium  om- 


Dem.  Adclph.  iv,  7,  18.   N«- 


ititerereP   Hnut.  iii.   3,   2, 

«liclo  .imu>?  Phatm.  i,  2, 
7.    QD>ntB.  mtlt  ert  mihi. 


He.ut.   iiL  3.  3a     Merrlrix 

MO<»rl  «  iiuicquun  in- 


ei  miletftmiliM  un»  iu   do- 

Phorm.  iii.  l.  18.     N«  .  .  . 

mo?  Adelph,  iT.  7.29.     Per 

eionerutU  mtl,.    Phonn.  t. 

And.  T,a.22.  An  menttft.  e..' 



Enn.  T.  6.  16.     Kon  e.1  nxii- 

0™]  Pi.«im. 

(■'ninciKD-  H«ut.  iiL  3,  38. 

lore..  Hec.  i.  1,  1.     Nupum 

MicC,]  Vide  Adelphoi 

niUm . . .  cum  co  qui  men- 

Midal  Phorm.  .,  6,  22. 

tricemimutt.  Hee.V  1.  24. 

migro\  Ei  urbo  lu  lu.  h.- 

i,  3. 17.    MBtri  pirTul.m  pu- 

Animum  ,  .  ,  .d  merrfrtwui 

bti.tum  miifre,}  Uee.  It.  2. 

ellain  dana  qiiidam  merador 

iDd.ali.  Hee,  iT.  4,  67. 


dedit.  Eun.  i.  2,  29. 

mtridie,]   Mtridit  ipu  U.- 

Eun,  Prul.  31.     »fin   Tero 

««nf»]  ISi>i  co  .d  >«r- 

cUnt    ut   '.tipuUm    collig.1. 

ol».    .enio,     d.muum    e.( 

Adelph.  T.  3,  6i 

niiilivat  plueuit.    Evn.  iL 

muimum.  Adelph,  ii.  2,  23. 

MentolJtfmftit.ui».  EuD. 


7.   7.  «. 

Eun.  W.  7.  B.    lu 

deeet  Ml/ift).    Bni). 

Cum   ntftte  . , .   InbDminlt- 

■imo.    HbuiI  opiDor  eDmnioda 

fiuem  •Utuiuc  Dnlioai  mili- 

Mn.     Uoc  i.  2,  10,  21,    tt 

Milain]  Hle  utii  «1  Afift- 
<{N9?  Adorph.  iT.  i,  6B. 

Milttatl  Hibittt  A/ibM. 
JHiltiim  luquD  obiecro  7 
Adelph.  iT.  5,  30,  21. 

■DMia]  Uni  KmpcT  ntfi- 
/faeetdomifuimui.  Adelph. 
iii.  t,  t9. 

mOilo]  In  Aiiun  *d  ragein 
■uftlodin  abiit.  Hoiut.  t.  1. 
65.  Profugiot  oliquo  mili- 
UUMm.    Adolpli.  iii.  3.  31. 

milU]  Huic  druhnunim 
uventi  hmcc  mitf'  dedorbL 
muluum.      MilU    

acit.  Haul.  i      ~ 

miUia)  Ei  i] 

mtUK)  ■odivi.  Eiin.  iii.  1,  3-1 


i.  3, 10,  a. 

mmbobui  dedi 
Hic  lunt  tm 
2,  IH.     Emill 

Tibi    perdero 

"nL.  ^Heonl. 

eunde.  Adelph.  ii.  3,  34.  l>e- 

midium  mtinu.  Adelph.  iii.  3, 

16.  DiDumeret  itli  Bnbrlo 
Tiiinti  tninai.   Adelph.  t.  7. 

17.  MirnH  quinaue  •ccipe. 
Phorm.  ii.  3,  63L     Solu  tri- 

34;  i».  3,57,62, 

iiiiwu]  Si  illum  Klinqno, 
ejni  Titu  timoo:  tlu  Dpi- 
tulor  hujui  miaat.  And.  i. 

Jtfuarm]   S  ex  capite  lii 

ib™i»  e««  01    ore.        cmu  . 

iMdece.  EnQ.  Prol.  2.    Cuni 

opnt  fblt.     Eun.  ii.    8,    42. 

1 1  "HfML  "Jriium^Viut! 
li.  3,  4.  JtfiniiM  mirar.  Ad. 
u.1,43.     Id  mem  niiiiti»  n- 

«mo)  Nec 

3,  18.     Vt  (liqum  pmn  U- 

il.  42.  Non  nianin  meum 
illiUBi.      tlee.   ir.   3,    10. 

,»l    Qno    flmnt  mi» 
i.  i.  3(i.    Qno  tu  mU 

Eun.  iii.  1,  45.  Miim 

Eun.  iT.  G,  22.     Qui  nitnui 
Eun.  ..  7,  3.     Qumnto  «•'«« 

EuD.   T.'  8,  23.      Hihi  jun 

Heant.lii.03.    Nihilo  mi- 


».  8. 10. 

ntmtfu]  Olen  cl  piiciei 
nixnluf.  And.  ii.  2,  32. 
mirabiliii    Voa  ohc  iiti 

nUrJnle  oil.  Hemut.  ii.'4, 
mtnmifiu]      Minado     i 

Aod.  T 

1,35.     Mintndwi: 

Kun]    Mirt   fioiit  Slium. 
Icmut.  T.  1,25. 
Mtrifloiit]    Fmcinui   mudiTi 

6,  '^'"        """■       ™" '' 

ntHurl  Miratar  koc  mi  tic 

abint.  And.  i.  2,  4.    Mimr 

unde  iit.  And.  iT.  4,  1.      Ne- 

inirwl  Mirit  modit  odine 
coepit  Soilntmm.  Hee.  i.  2, 1  (M. 
^finm  ni  domi  ett  And.  iii. 

rsnr^Aud.  iT.  1,  27.  Mira 
TSTD  milici  qume  plmceuii. 
Euu.  li.  2,  67.  Mirvm  tcto 
impudenle  mulier  n  ficit  DJe- 
retrii.  And.  iT.  4,  16.      Non 

S7.  Num  mirH  mut  dotIiiu 
ett  reTocmri?  Phorm.  t.  6,  8. 


•n-]   Hen  me  i 

,  22.     Vmo  Hiuinic 

mihi.  And.  ir.  4.  4.  Peni, 
quid  ogo  egi  iftiierF  Eud.  ji. 
3,  86.  Appuet  leFTum  hune 
eiae  domini  pmuperii  mirri- 
quo.  Eun.  iii.  2.  34.  Milr- 
rimai  fui  fu^tmodo.  Ban.  t. 
2,  7.  Qitid  lene  erit  no*In> 
mivriiu?  Hemal.  ii.  3,  14. 
Hmbet  pmtrem  quondmm  mTi- 

Hemut.  iii.   2,'  15^      Nullmm 

rtm  TiTere.  Het  It.  1,  31. 
Ehen  me  tniainun.  Phorm.  i. 

«iK»  mmmrit.  And.  iit.  2,  40. 
Ilii  inriden  niMrc.    Bun.  iii. 

Adelph.W  1,  6.    And.  iif  1. 
22.    TiemnL  1.  2,  16;    iL  3. 
124;  ir.  1,  36.    Adelph.   JT. 
6,  33,  64. 
Rivmii]    Inopi*  nniH:  te 

meTTAni.  T.T^a.    He  lui- 

nim.  Heinl.iii.   1,54?    mJ- 

Homut.  iT.  S,  I. 
«i.«ri<i]    Quui    nbi   ilUn, 

Eun.  iii.  1,  lE.     lllmm  lotlil 

I,  75.  InEenlo  unsio  md  mi- 
mrioM  nmtui  ium.  HemuLiiL 


>ii.  1,  7.     Niu  me  cndo 

Wu.  Adclph.  iV.  2,  le. 
larewmusria  tnbcKiL  i 


BitMribffn/>a]  Ilii 
iMrinuc;  hueilUn 
corriia.  And.  i.  1,  99 
Beducnat  knimuin  iid 
atrdiam.  And.  iii.  3,  27.  Ad 
HtKTUBtdtan  mmb«  adduu* 
ritu.  Ha<it.T.  2,  i2;  ir.  I, 
24.  AniniiTt  uiiirii  miieri- 
eordia  danneiiu.  H«.  i.  2, 

wtAI  Qnid  dl  liDdnn  no- 
bii  Sinnio?  8.  Jmm  in(u 
est.  Adsiph.  ii.  4. 12. 

niOo}  Mia»  id  auod  Kio  : 
die  quod  rogo.  And.  iv.  4,  2S. 
Noi  Kifoi  firt.  And.  r.  1, 
14.  Aftlto  n»lf  loqui.  And. 
*.  3,  2.  AfiUi  onn.  And, 
T,  4,  I.     Jojnm  D-nue  mi- 

bnm  tureum.  Eun.  iii,  B,  TCl. 
SolliciCudinem  iilam  niOia. 
Httut.  i.  2,  3.  Alina  ut  omil- 
tam  mJMiia*.    H«.  iii.  4,  6, 

r.  3.  43,  el  tKpiua 



ialt]  Ai>nua,  lemm  ir 
ifl«£<fe.  Eun.iii.  £,  K 

o  boc  fe 

■7.     Animui  qui 
c  fent.   Pborm. 

hclum.  huid  >U4  mo- 
Hm.  i».  2,  16. 
atai]  Vultii  kdeo  mo- 

8,  7.     Fndeai,  nuKfata.  Hec. 
i.  2.90. 

medo]  ApQd  fonim  moiJa  e 
IHto  audiTi.  Aod.  ii.  I,  2. 
Modo  ut  pouim.  And.  ii.  4, 
6.  Madoat  \i  demum  lentti  ? 
And.  T.  3,  II,  Sino  fnoffa. 
EuD..i.  1.  20.  Hoc  nKvto  tine 
te  einnm.  Eun.  1.  2,  lOJ. 
Afo^  sit,  noiJa  negat  Eon. 
iT.  4,  46.  Modo  licul  'iTcn. 
Hout  T.  3,  2a  Modo  do- 
lom  occipinnt  primutDm. 
Adelph.  iii.  1,  21.  AdTBnit 
«oifoT  Hec  iij.  fi,  a    Sdei, 

stDiio  ut  l*cere  poBii.  Phorm, 
i.  2.  9.  AfAfo  noD  naDtei 
luri  poDiceni.  Phorm.  i.  2, 

taoifw]    Haben  tiiie  TiUe 
iRoifiiiii.    ADd.i.  1,63.     Sine 

I,  126.  Neque  inoiiHHi  bft. 
iiif[Diutii  . . .  eoritu  A^d. 
>.  1,  7.  Quu  rei  In  te 
neqae  consilium.  oeoiie  «•- 
dim  htbct  ullum.  Eun.  i. 
1,     12.      Nm   omiiibut    eru- 

5,  7.  Vili,  quibua  illam  lice- 
ruem  aodiil  Adelpb.  iii.  2, 
17.  Eodem  moiJo.  Adelph. 
iT,  B,  61.  Mirii  modii  odiHe. 
Hec.  i.  2.  104.  Omnibua 
madii  miwr  .um.  Hec.  i.. 
4,  79.    Huoc  impuntum  po- 

QuiD  noTo  mjdn  ei  fiuent 
contumelim,  Phorm.  t.  7, 
GS,  79. 

mn^wj  Ut  te  mrbitntur 
■ihi  ptintnm  momdn».  And. 
ii.  1, 16.  Miuiur  norro  teie 
id  quod  moe^ia  folet.  Bun. 
T.  4,  SS.     HuDC  pn  monAa 

mottdio]  Neque  quu  i»e 
amor  moUttuu  habot,  iddu. 
Eun.  i.  I,  32.  Ita  ut  fit,  ubi 
quid  in  uimo  eit  moiaHtu. 
Eun.  iT.  2,  2.     Siue  niiJtslia. 

haeo  Mt  mof^ifia  iDimL  Eud. 

'tndo.  Adolph.  T.  3.  61, 


23,     Beoe 

ii,  2.  36.  Ni  ip« 
And.  iii,  3,  19, 
™m,  Eun,  Prol. 

Adelph.  T.  3,  33.  Itli  » 
latiaM  *aen.  Hec  iii.  ! 

mofiHftul  Num  illi  mobii 
qoippiam  liMi  luot  nuptiie 

i  malatiu  mngii  eiL    Eun. 

1,  24.     Ubi  molahm  uoa 

cnl.  Eun.  i<i.  2,  SI.     A«tdi- 

c«t  quod  Tult,  «il  molfla  ne 

tiel.    Eun.  iii.   B._  23.     Aui- 

eaC.  Adelph.  t.  3,  30. 

moiiar}     Dnin    moUtailmr, 


nolVio]     Neque  miiericor- 

queiu.  Pliorm.  iii.  3,  13. 
Hominem  hii  Terbil  lentio 
molUrirr.  Phorm.  ir.  3,  27. 

moliiler]  Te  curuti  moUi- 
ttr.  Adelph.  T.  1.  1. 

mdlitkt]    Ejicienda  henle 

16.     Ut  t< 

ct  bmiliariter.  H«ul.  i.  I,  6. 
Sedulo  moiuo.  Adelph.  lii. 
3.73,  Ftdim  nt  mow-  Hec. 
iv.  4.  97.  Te  hoc  liamto 
DDum.  Hec  v,  l,39.&c. 

Monitorl  Nihil  oput  fuic 
noniion.  He.ut.  L  1,  119. 
Hic  tdiutoT  meui  et  nonitor 
el  pTumon.tnIor.  Heiul.  t. 
I,    2.       O     GoM    monilorl 

Jupiler.  Adolph.  iv.  6,  2. 
mo<ulr.,]   Sc%  ubi  liC  Te- 

•trabo.  Aittlph.  ?v.  2,  31. 

«lunt.  And.  i.  6,  16.  Nonno 
hoc  numltri  liniile  eit?  Eun. 
ii.  3,  43.  Quid  iituc  nun 
monarxm  tiiit?  Eua.  iv.  3, 
U.  jVo«tni>i>hDminii.Eun. 
iv.  4,39;  T.  2.  2i.     Quotr» 

mihi.  Ph< 

im]  F 


D  pmducua 
S,  9.     Nec 

d.   T.   fi,   7. 

17.     Ne  monu  mc»  d 
eEFomet  tim.     Adelph.  i 


maralam  niDribniP  Hec  it. 

ctiuo.  And.  i.  6,  Eb.  Di 
boni,  qiiid  liDC  fnor^'  nt  ? 
Eun.  ii.  I.  19.  81  fbrte  fHor- 
W*inpiio[f>ctn>iicL  Afor- 
bui  qui  ■uclui  lit,  Hec,  lii,  I, 

Inn  mi^t  «ggnveKftt.  Hfc. 
iii.2,2.  AliD  lutpiciiu  nor^u 
me  Tiiurum  kfTectun.  Hrc. 
iii.3,G.  Poi  mc  detinuic  mar- 
Imt.  Seoeelut  inu  ctt  Moriio, 
Phann.  ir.  1.8,9. 

«ordcoj  Mordtn  clincii- 
lum.  Qnod  euu  moniid. 
Eun.  iii.  I,  21.  55.  81  id  <e 
moniet.  Adelph.  t.  3,  21. 

«oj^rorj  AdolcKenti  e*- 
m  moriaeraiia.  Adelpb.  ii, 
3,  10, 

I  And.   W.  2,  13.      Mon  h 


Hetut.  ii. 
bn?  Kemi 

Quuu  mulu 


ii.  2,  3.  Malier  commoda  et 
fkaU.  He>ut.iii.2,lU.  Noa 
&ude>vt  fkccTfl  luec  induu 
malieri.  Hemtt.  v.  1.  80. 
Ji/u/tfrffpftnpFrcnlae.  AdelpTi. 
iT.  S,  13.  niue  Dmue.  tiH^ 
tiera  eadnn  uque  itudcuit 
oolinuue  omui.?  Hcc.  ii.  1, 
2.  Afaliira  ninl  fcniie  ut 
pueri     leii    KntenliL     Hcc 

T.  7,  li. 

.    ii. 

,  13. 

Knu}    Tibi    morigera 
nbua  onioibut.  Aad. 

■)  Jnm    ferme    «o- 

11.  Qui  kb  OrcD  mortaniR 
Hec.  T,  1,  12.  35.      De  ejui 

1,  19.  Vcrbi  fiunt  uorlm. 
Phorm.  T.  8,  26.  Ad.  iii.  4, 
47.  Phorm.  i,  2, 46.  Si  aton- 
nlnT.  Hesot.  iT.  1,  39. 

And.  1.  I,  87,  Nitiil  nrorw. 
Eun.  i.  2,  104.  Ubi  Tia.  non 
moror.   Eun.  iiL  2, 17.     Ego- 

And.  i.  3,  la  Phorai.  t.  8^ 
SO.  Mori  eoullnuo  ipHio 
occupat.  And.i.5.62,    Hanc, 

And.  iT,  2.  iV    HuiAn>- 

Joe  ad  niDrteBi,    Adelph.  ' 
0.  MeimiiwrtffltcTt — ' 
4,  20.   H( 

delph. ' 

III  cxtpectuit. 

•emper  niortaii  ■iipeclibBm 
miHT.  Hec.  iii.  4,  T  J.m 
^ejeciKi«r«.copi<.-       orm. 

inOf]    Pivplie    ulnt    cum 

mibi.   And.  i.    1,  12».      Hic 

dlec  ■liDEQ  Titun  (ffert,  BllDt 
mom  pogtulit,  And.  i.  2,  IS, 

tum  opoituit.  Adelph.  i 
6.  Ut  bomo  «I.  iU  Mi 
ffciu.      Adelph.    iii.    3, 

.  3,  BB.     Quid  n 
■m  DwrtAiit?   ili 

qaod  milg  ■udit  maliermiii. 
Hec.  iT.  2,  24.  Malier  m— 
/Ktt  oufia  CDiiEniet.  Phomi. 
ii.  a,  14.  AdoleKeBi  iiiKZin-. 
Phonn.T.  3,  11.  MnUer  imr 
'cn>  ct.    Phorm.  t.  8,  A7,  et 

mtiiiercuto]  Potiut  quim 
pitercre  filium  commetart  kd 
malier^lam.  Heaut.  iii.  1, 
35.  Mulierailam  eira  eom- 
prettit.     Phoim,  t.  8,  28. 

niJtimifdix]  M^liaoda 
giudeo,  And.  i.  4,  36.     Miil-^ 

3,  79. 

I.  H« 

,  7.     Mtitimodi 
:upenindni.       Phorm. 

\.   Eun.  1.  3,  4.     Ego  ii 

Haui.  r,  1,  66.     Noal 


y.  2,  4. 

mox  Tcni.t.  Phorm,  i.  8,  S 
Afa,r.'  cm  redi.  Adelph.  il 
I,  £0.  Tuim  nu  viiviBcn 
«rcatint.  Adelph.  t,  6,  1 
PhoTTB,  It,  3, 1, 

mttleo]  H.le  jiuJcdAo  ip 
•un.  EuD.iT,7,l,  Omne^ 
fupiliim  mnleavil  naque  u 
mDrtem.  Adelph,  i.  2,  lo, 

miUiebrii]     Null.  nuli  f 

.    And.  i. 

ficlnm  puto 
T.  8,  1.  Gn- 
lunut.    He«iL 

mmiio  probiiit 


Btuiiiiiij     aajTo     mbm. 
Hsc.  i.  S,  7.     Hind  mmHmm 

10.     Nee  N^MBlta^  Ulit! 

Hcc  T.  I,  2.     Nsn  mbA» 

habct     quod      det     fbrUMC. 

™-rm.  i.2,95. 

■bHl  Quid  mallit  mo- 
'  And.  i.  1,  87.  Af-O» 
;urrunt  timuL    And.  iii. 

2.31.    Hibeo  ■]!■  ■•■Aa  nanr 
■       ■  -.n.Piol. 


ri   l«il  mere- 
4,16.     BeDcm 
IQ.    ii.    B,    65. 
Nori      inccaium     inabertnii. 
E»n.  iT,  7,  42.      Vereor  ne 
miditr  cormpta  tit    Hiaut. 

f  Aad, 

2,  3.  QuuD  ■Wta  iniu.t.  ik 
pi>Tafiant  moriboiP  lleuiL 
1T.  7.  11.  M*lla  cx  quo  fue- 
rinl  comBiod»,  ejui  incvm- 
mod»  Bequum  ett  fene.  U<c 
T.  3,  42. 
mradai]   Dnm  To»  CTnt, 


Dibil  TidMor  mimdiin.  Bdd. 

▼.  4, 12. 

doiD  mujKTarier  mncillu  pri- 
ataa.  Heuit.  ii.  S,  59. 

tuits  mmun  hoe?  Eon.  il.  3. 
61.  Hic  pro  illo  imen  tibi 
hono*  0»  nthlliu.  Bnn.  v.  6, 

Prol.    14,    JB.      Qui    i 
^l.  18,  "™°™" 
wiw^I  AccipiandB  c1 

CM.   Adelpb.  ii.  1   fia 

laiKteJuiu]  CDlara  i 
IsB.  Eun  iT.  4.  22. 

malul»]  Votli.  qaid  , 
tiDf  Enn.  ir.  4.  4.  jtf 
at  H«.  iT.4.  U. 

nwfifo]  Spolici,  niiia 
oen,  oaemqiu  mcti 
Uec.  i.  I.  9. 

■Htol  Hind  iBiito  & 
And.  i.  1,  U      Id  ni 

And.  i.  fi,  7.  Ne  ii 
nimiD  Bntontiani.  And. 
19.     Da  uiorc,  iU  ut  pc 

tan.  Adelph.  ir.  7,  19.  Qu 
*i»  «enlenii»  ejui  nMdt  «■- 
(oK.  Hec.  W.  1,  M.  Cum 
UU  nl  aiMia  Gd«ro.  Phonn. 
iii.  2,  27;  Ir.  2,  9. 

mUuf  Nihil  iun  maKnv 
■udeo.  Aad.  lii.  2,25.  Ne- 
que   opu    emt  ndeo   Miitf^. 

MHdu]  UliDUi  tol  hio  tur- 

And.  ili.  1,  5.  Muiitm  dicei. 
Hewit.  It.  4, 36.  JVnlwiiicn. 
Bun.  iii.  1,  27. 

■MfH»}  DTuhumimm  u- 
nnti  hnec  mille  dedertl  ah- 
Stn.  Hunt.  iii.  S,  40.  Tn- 
dunt  «CM  mttiKi».  Phorm. 
ILl,  "^ 

Miiamiia\  Ctllidemidan 
iMpllem  Myermimm  conTenL 
{ec.  iii.  4,  19.  My>mium 
iMpitem  eupecto.  Ei  tui 
Hmniuil  Hec,  t.  3,  3,  5, 

Msrrkv>a\    Vido     '  Hec;- 

lUym]  Tide '  Andntm,' 

AdelDh.  iii.  3,  67,  Spollet, 
mutitn,      Ueerei,     qnemcue 

Hcfo^..  Uoc.i.i,V    ly 

pnelluluii.  Phoim.  i.  2,  31. 
In^nuim  libermlem  wutat 
HL    Phorm.   I.   3,    16.    Ei 

nupllll  t 
m^i.  Pl 

norro]  Non  qnl  uvnmen- 
tum  iwrwt.  And.  Prol.  6. 
AIorRu  probe.  And.  t.  6,  6. 
Regem  e1oii*ntem  tuarrat. 
Eun.  iii.  1,  IS.  Bene  ude- 
pul  urttu.  Bun.  t.  3,7.     Tu 

ul  Itctum  ilet.  Bun.  t.  4.  4s! 

H»^"!!.",'^,  Him  mii^ 
nu.  H«ut.T.  1,23.  Fuio 
U  uiud  illum  Deum:  vir- 
tnt«  tmm.  Adeli^.  iT.  1, 
20.  CteiljAanem  hic  nu- 
nHt  Adrfph.  T.  2,  2.  Comp. 
Phorm.iL3,3l.54.  Enn,  ii\ 
l.  la  •  Oplnor'  nuiul> 
And.  ii,  2,  30,  dihi.  Quid 
mihi  iitue  namul    Hee,  t. 

Phonn.  ii.  3,  64.  Quid  ergo 
mirntl  Nihil  M  qnln 
nuld  narranda  poidl  de- 
pt«.«ri8r,     Phorm.    It.  4,  4, 

Iw  P 


Eun,  iii,  2,  7.     J 

iii.  3,  20.™'  Anno 

jW  liaut.lT 

capile  li)  meo  M 

Q  q  ' 

,    15.      Uion 

....  __..  Adelph.  i.  _, 
21.  Natam  n  tul»  bmilift. 
Adelph.  lii.  1,  10.  SumwKu 
mulmui.    Adelph.  t.  4,  27, 

tie    eit     Adalph,  t.   3,   19, 

Het.  ii.  ^.'^""'eJ  te  reMO 

iu]  Rufunne  illuD 
ginein.   oieiiHn,    ipueo 
n  H»;     Ueuit.  < 

Ut  fsrt  iHfiini. 
K.  Tamctii  bnna 
Eun.  il    3,    24. 

Frol.    24.      Ita    cDmparatam 

flfatmv  tn  ilU  pale^  c«!  con- 
liltli  ego.  Adalph.  i.  2,  46. 
Tuui  htrcle  *eni  el  aniino  e( 
rP    Adelph.  t.  7, 

doiph.  i.  5,  4. 

viffo.  And.  IM.  1.  22.  Nani- 
gan  Incommodum  tat.  H«c 
nl.4,  3. 

■ofu]    M»«ii     i>    fttgil. 
And.  I.  B.  17.     JVoeJ  fnela 


.    Adeluh. 

»ivHtr\  Sl  Indpice,  neqne 

A^amtfnKii]    Vide  •  Phor- 

■inifa)  Tenima  eu  mItu 
.udiTi  ai  Hiifa  qui  111» 
axent.  Fborm.  ii.  1, 10. 

»    Paulm. 

■cMiJo]     iVeititaiieiK     hanr 

38.     Tu    me 

Wa,  ludlRciibc 

4,  50.      tlic    Htbulo    mwni 

eet,  Eun,  i..  7.  15. 

^^^i^STo]     CoMi    »» 
■•  ^ierlnnt.    And.  i 




And.  il.  S,  35.     Ntctm  eU 

muliiim     mccipen    Thaidem. 
Eun.  1.  8.  45,     Wwae   «1 

H«utt.TM^"'  «"rii^iu- 

wn.    "Adtliih.     i.     1,    26. 


1  llUm  t.  1 
mlm.   Hcc 

r]  NrfOBiM  fuit  bo 
aevn.     GuD.    t.  5.  2a      li 

Htfim]    Satnpa    u    tic 

Dtaa  ■ninlut   queat;     Wui 

tu  pouii.  HhuI.  iii.  1,  45. 

■i^MiuJ    Huc  r»  ncDti 

s^t.  irr^rs.  ** 

w^ipBKi]  Nfgiigaiien   U 

n^igaatT\    Tintun     tec 
timi  nvyligenttr  igere?   Anc 

m^igniia,J  AemulBri  iw- 
gligtntiam.  And.  Pnil.  21. 
Cavut  tarum  ii^is^^  And. 
i.  !,  U.  Pr«t«ritui  migU- 
goriia  nt.  Adelph.   ProL  14. 

iT.  1,  S.  NHue  neglifailia 
tua  id  fecit.  Karm.  t.  8, 

ne^)  Pannit»,  iin- 
f{R<a.iDimundiillu<ie  Hc 
lut.  )i.  3.  54.     FccuniaDi  in 

l^iim  ^TTuc"  ml^ATelph, 
ii,  2,  8.  Quem  ipM>  iKgUrU 
j»IBr  ego  alim?  Hec.  ir,  4, 
48.  Amo  te,  etnon  iH^fuiiK 
halien  graliim,    Phorin.  i.  2, 

miaera,  ijpionitur  )]iiTeiu : 
mgligituT  ipea.  Namliat  le 
hunc  iir^igm  cognalum 
inum.  Pborm.  ii.  3,11,  19. 
■eag]  Ego  illud  aedulo  ik 
gain  factum.  And.  i.  1.  120. 
Ntgai  quit?  neoo?  aitp  aio. 
Eun.  ii.  2,  21.      Faetum  bic 

iii.  2,  41.  Quid  I 
nnoM  eat?  And. 
Nefoti  n  qoando  « 

lum  ■roo<i'  mihi  obttat.  Heaot, 
iii.  1.  89.  In  brllo,  in  otio. 
in  >H!golio.  Adelph,  Prol,  20. 
Quid'hQC  eit  w^r  Adelph. 
ii.  5,  73. 

iKiiK)]  Hanc  niii  mon  mihi 
adimelMno.  And.  It.  2.  U. 
Nino  hercle  quitqium.  Eun. 
T.  8.  2.  Nemo  «I  miieriot 
me.    Hcwit.  ii.  3,  22.     Fn- 

eipem.  Adelnh.  ii.  3,  6,     Ego 

■empff]   Nempe  eigo  apcrte 

illi   prodiu 

«t  pUniuime,  Hoaul 
26.  Comp.  And.  i.  1,  3;  iii. 
3,  5;  5.  12;  T.  4,  47.  Eun. 
ii.  2,  34;  3,  13;  iii.  G,  15. 
Adelph-  iT.  7,  24.  Hec.  i.  2, 
30,  Ph(  ■ 


«1  J 

■Hpm]  Natui  ttt  nobiiiu- 
pot.  Hoc.  iT,  4, 17.  Adolph. 
T.  9,  17. 

^epAimtl  Ocaelum.o ter. 
n,  D  maria  Ntpimi,  Adelph. 

■meo]  Neqneo  latii  deeer- 
nen.    Adelph.  iT.  2.5.     Nt- 

Hec.    iii.    S,    25,  et    paoim 

ntipue^mm)  Hodie  mtta  mc 
•H^Mam     0  eau 

■aoiiwr]  Nihilne  in  men- 
lem?  C.  Kunquam  qnic- 
quam.  8.  Tanto  neqtiat. 
Adelph.iT.  1.12. 

irefri£rui]  Hui,  quantam 
Teneitnm  ad  neqtiiiiam  pile- 
frccrii?  Heaut.  iii.  1,  72. 
Etiam  eum  ad  neqmliam  ab- 
ducen.  Adelpb.  iii.  3.  4. 

I  Hjno  quD  impretn.  Hec. 
i.  3.  23,  ct  urplui  alibL 

neu.  nen]    Ne  (bg  1«  hanc 

liquL    Hee.  iT.  2.11;  W.  1. 

Adelph.  T.  3. 1Z 

tmOer]  Quum  Ibi  me  ide«M 
MBler  tum  pmcntcni.  And. 
V.  1.  20.  Neulm  in  n  TotHt 
diffleallu  a  me  erit.    H«.  it. 

Uamm  nefflcctu  at  mihi. 
Heant.  ii.  3.  1 16.  Neatiquam, 
gnTc  Hec.  i.  2.  50.  Nrfti- 
qaam  honeatum.  Uec  iii.  3, 

lel^.  ii.  I,  iS.     Homine* 
•erMnuee  uqae  td  ■ecmi. 

■iUIJ  Pti^m. 
"'     i)JVatbae< 

ii.  3,  !3fi.  Hec.  i.2.G2.  Cui 
niaDi  MUo  eat.  Phonn.  iii. 
3,  2.  Non  boc  de  nUb  eet. 
Hoc,  T,  1,  1,  NHao  miDoa. 
Phorm.  iT.  2,  7.  Niltilo  plui 
igai  quam  hc.  Eun.  i.  1, 17. 

utnmque  paitoni  e«  iniai 
HeMi.  il).  1,  Sl.  CC  T.  5, 
2.     Nihtl  mimk.  HeauL  lil. ! 

««■■i}  Nimirnm  pam. 
And.  ii.  6.  19.  Nimimm  ttI- 
lem.  Eun.iii.5.49.  Nimmm 
,  8,20. 

nii  indaliei.  1 


».  *,  13.'m- 

™1  AutUjgiu 


32.      Vhi 

Adelph.    i.    1,  3a      NimYui 

quaDliim.  Plionn.  iv.  3,38, et 

iwi  I  Putim.  Sm  iDdei  to 

■itorl  Qqi  eolor,  nlor,  tm- 
titui.  Bun.ii.2,11. 

aoSiliM]  Fntnm  ejua  «He 
tpprims  Kiiifsn.  Enn.  t.  4, 
30.  Ditaai  el  ncA^.  Hwut. 
iii.  8, 48.  Quun  atit  muimi 
potentn,  d(t«,  foKiiniti,  m- 
bHtt.  Adelph.  iii.  4,  S7. 

■uM/iCui]  Sdt  >ihi  rnASila- 

gloriim  ^*  H™»°2,  31, ' 
moAaioT,      Adolncenlulam 

aoLiliiaa  ftagiciit,    Eun.  t.  ti, 


WK^)  Mdt  no^  1e  ■diget 

bonum  ioumDiL    Eun.  ii.  1, 

13.    (ju*mTellcmetiimw>eli> 

KaI\1^.  iT™  le"'  ™ 
Mwiu]     Nudam    ia  Kirpo 

wnHol  Ubi  flonin 
Ph.edri«ii.  tu  P.mphi 
eontlnDo.    Adolph.  ' 

2.3.  Edu.  iii!  1,50.  Quid 
ut,  ubi  me  noHiimu  ?  H«ut 
li.  3,  6i.  yui  i»«i«J  me? 
Fbom,  ».  8,  t,  Piol.  27. 

■omiliO  Nomtiiil  Teritua 
■nm  st»  le.  And.  iii.  4,  3. 
NanMl  timeo  miten.    Enn. 

flOMiui/u]  Nontndla-m 
faac  re  nobia  hcit  iDJuri 
Adelph.  i.  2.  68, 

noitmiiaam']    Trittii  i 

msIe&cUiiona«aK((aL  Aud. 
Prol.  24.  Quo  modo  idolri- 
ceDtului  aierelricum  Ingeniii 
et  mam  poMct  iKint».  Enn- 

r.4,10.     AeqaauiimBieqiu 

tnurn   oponet.     Adclpb.  liL 
I,  58.     .Alia*  cognoalia  rjua; 

■o(w}  Omnnwiim 

netMi.    Eun.  ir.  Ij,  '22. 

7,42.  Si  caid  cunlibuit,  «ori 
le.  Eun.T.H,26.    VeapcniKit, 

il.  S.  7.     %o  ts  inteiin  noei 

Hesnt.  ii.  3.  130.    JVoei  tga 

iii.  3.  9.  JVorerKSi.'  Aod.  iii! 
2,22.  Adeli^.  T.  4,31.  Eun. 
iT.  7,  8,  Fhorm.  ii.  3,  44 :  t. 
7,  48.  EuD.  iT.  4.  31.  Heaut. 
1.  1,  101.  Adelph.  iii.  4.19. 
Phorm.  ii.  3,15,37.43.  Nmi 
tuum  uiinuiii.  Adelph.  ii.  2, 
15.  Quiii  nuDC  Don  norimm 
Doe  inler  nt».    Adelph.  ii,  4, 

lec.  T.  4,  33.     %)m< 
4,39.   QuoBiiguwiei 

nl  ■ucDpium.  EuD. 
Nora  figun  ori^  l 
25.    Naoai  qui  tcrib 

kam  Doi  icturi  lumi 
Adel^  Frol.  12.    1 

et  ■exunimo  AunP   Adrltih. 

T,  STlS.  N-mum  inieiT.ait 
Titium  et  rmkmiTu.  Hcc. 
Pivl.  2.  A'"t«  m  orlo  eti. 
Hec.tii.1,18.  Nil  f.ciT  ■on'. 
Phorm.  iti.  1.  11.  Hallkul- 
Trnienti.  iit  fit,  nopa  l.ircom- 
p1uri)i.  Pbonn.iT.3  6.  Num 
Kimniutmirumat?  Pburai. 
T,  6,  8.  Nuoc  gntui  mihi 
TulluBiiue  al  npiendiu  ■onu. 
Phorm.  T.  6,  50. 

■ofj  A^ucCuqueetdin,  ADd, 
i>.  1,  53.     OSrudi   mititem 

ii.  3,  125.  Atqne  hue  una 
■M.  Hnul.  iii.  1,52.  Fer- 
«luil  «a.  mmor,  Tinnm,  ■do- 
leu-cnliL  Adelpfa.  iii.  4,  24. 
Priu»  ■of  ojiprewiFeet  lllie. 
Adclub.  1t,  I.  9.  De  nocii. 
Adelph.  T.  3,  55.  Noelt  illa 
nriom  Ti.ginrm  uon  utigil, 
Hec,  i,  %  61,  Mcmini . . . 
mi  me  mxlt  primft  CDnfuHTe. 
3,  24. 

»]     Hic 
m.  ii.  1,  " 

«.]   Uni 

D  hue  noa^M 
,2,13,  Donii- 
■onum.  Hnnl. 

eemni?   Heo.  iii.  1,30,     Ad 

■iiia]    Datume  ilU  Pun- 

1,  1.  Fillam  mnm  MAm 
tUD  t°>ilo.  And,  iii,  8.  3. 
Aniinhili  mra  »tJiti  mihi. 
He>«t,  i",  3.13,  Provirgine 
diri  HHniiim  nOD  poletl.  Adel. 
2,  48.     Cr,  Uec,  iT,  1, 13. 


.   1,  '■ 

BHjitn  eadcm  huc  ditcct? 
Adelnh,  iT,  7,  33,  Cum  illo 
B»;*!.  HeciT.  1,19,    Nttpta 

2.  23,     NuplnM  Tirginrin  lo- 

T,  1,25,  Adelph.  t.  3,34;  il! 

■itifiitl  Cipillot  puaua,  ■«- 

dw  poL  Phorm,  i.  2,  56. 

nupaa]  Magno  jtm  conetu 
munu  Hiwu  dixciit.  Haul, 

fli>//u)  Nulliu  rna.  And. 
liL4,2(P.  Fhorro,  T.7,  49;  i, 
4,  1,   Hec.iT,  1,6,     Memini, 

ii.  1,  10.  Naaut  iixtiin'. 
Hec  L  2,  4.  NtUlo  modo. 
Eun.  T,  2.  2.  Hetut  T.  4, 19. 
NmHo  puM.  And.  i.  5,  12. 
niorm.    iL    1,   71-      N^o 

NaUi  c 

»Dd.  iii. 

..(m1  Puum. 

■•uHenil  Ut  nnnoialKr 
toTtc  tmtttmn.  Adclpfa.  iii, 

iKuHaru]  Niii  li  me  ia  illo 

■wra.  AdBl|.h.  iv.  3.  3.    Coo- 

boi,  lC^!T2?3."'  "" 

poIdrBt.ut.  iii. V™"b" 
liqDum     uuxiUulum     nui- 

«riimuif  And.  ili.  i.  12. 
Ifaaaam  hie  nlictui  cuitM? 
Eun.iL  2,«;  1.6.  5.  JV.«. 
aun  haeoudJTlt?  HeuiLiii. 

3,  6.  Arunmiii  ilim  qiue» 
ptitnrit?  Adclpli.  iii.  4,  42. 

nuBvnud]  ^wnouid  menii- 
mtti?  And.  V.  4,40.  tfum- 
«iiiTiiiiiDd?  £un.i.a,lll. 
Miiflatuif  ¥ii,  quin  «bitm? 
Adglpb.  ii.  2.  8».  Cr.  il  3, 49. 
71;iii.3,7S.  Arnnaiit'' (liDd 
imperM?BuB.iL  1,7-  Num- 

rUdizli  jmm  pitii?  H«.  T. 
25.      .\7^^^     .^ 

■m^iDt  tibi  cam  ilU  fiiit? 
And.  ii.  I,  25.    Nsmq^Kom 

Jnod  nolii  lidn?  Edd.  ii.  2. 
1.  Ce  Haut.  iii.  1,  30. 
AdBlpb.  ii  1,  I.   Hm.  ii.  2, 

iHiiqiiitin]  Puaim. 
nanlio]    tl  dtligeiitsr  hwi 

aMtfiiit]  tfimtinm  unwrto 
Ubi.  Heuiiii.  1.  IS;  i.  2,2. 
BfODe  te  pro  hoc  «nfio  quid 
donem  ?    Ne<)ue  in  atalio  ne- 

Hec.   r.  4,  9,    11. 
m    hoc 

L  Phor, 

iiin»rl  Nunc  HMieT. 
■»1.9;  i.  2,M.  H«ui 
;  iii.  S,  36. 

ffii;»rH«)    Huc    intci 


■ii^ifiaa]     Quu  credit 

>d  noittiu  penpeierlt.  Aud. 
ii.  3,  4.  Hie  nufiHat  non  u- 
ptnbuitur  mihi.  And.  iv.  i, 
32,  iDin^itiiuconjeriherilcin 
fiiium.  Aud.  iii.  4.  23.    Spem 

35.      Gwdere    ulco    coepit, 

35^1.1.  t"\,  IT^Hil^mK 
libeDlciu  fiic  to  in  gnmti  mp- 
tii,.    Adelph.  iT.  7,  3a     Om- 

.   HmuI. 

38.  Ntamam  pcdem.  Adel. 
ii.  2,  19-  Hee.  t,  4,  21. 
Phorm.  Pml.  6.  Homo  ipH 
ntwjurm  ni.  Ean.  iii.  4,  JS. 
A^nffWin  mbw,  Adelph.  ii.  2, 
38.  Pntrem  iitwfiiafii  inTo- 
nio  gentium.    Adelph.  iT.  2, 

fiet?  AdBlph.  iii,  1.  1. 

abdit  jieuulum.  HcauL  ii.  3, 

2.  Qinliut  «t  ^icunde  mli- 
quii  o£jK^  labot.  Hec.iii.  I, 
6.  Tum  lioc  esne  milii  Mk- 
tsn  uimlDm  !  Phoim.  iii.  2, 
oUlu]  Ut  Tslaptad  oUlu, 


pcr  11«.  Hec  ».  4,  19. 
iib^rga\  Nec  imtii  md  tilgur- 

111,  m °Quo'oie  mninofr^ 
jtrgiJvl  Pfaora.  T.  8,  53. 
ObmrgoMti  locui :  cawa. 
And.  1,1,127,  131. 

oUnio]  Ho  iprrem;  me  te 
aUtO^.  Eoo.  i,  2.  115.     In 
Maio.  Adelph.   I.  I, 

ill,  le  fntu.  ot- 

.  4,  20.     Ubi 

24.     Td 

t«  obladaMt  t^ 

Hec.   i.   2,   9,    10.      Ukbcbii 
quu  tumm  Hnectulem  oi/ac- 
M,     TetMtcM.  PhoiBi.iL  3, 
oMinnMr]    Keedo  qiu  titn 

m  oblilia  hodic  mc 
And.   ' 

,    22.      Ita 

,..___jmoi/i(iuium  mei 

ii.  3,  14. 

ofrnu/aco]  And.  L  5,  22; 
ii.  i.  10. 

oinda]  Quem  rgo  crcdo 
muihut  pedibuique  obmiM 
imnU  bctunim.    And.  L    1, 


I    U.0 

aAauJn]  Primui  rr 
omnim;  primut  porro  o 
tio.  Adrlph.  iT,  2,a 

i>  oborla  ett.  Uowii.  iT.  3. 

Ditoten)]  Ut  iilmm  ma  ti- 
leo,  ittius  obaataraben.  He- 
.ut.  iT,  8,  28- 

oiicsnu]  Obtairam  diligen- 
imm.  And.  ProL  32. 

oiKcra]  Ab.  ne  me  ofteeena. 

3,    II- 

?  And.  iv.  5,  fi. 

Hec.  iiL    1,   38! 

uAaMiior]  Eonim  oAeeou' 
•ludiii.  Aud.  i.  1,  37.  Stu- 
deo  obiqm  tibi.  And.  t.  1,  3l 
Senrt  e.1  .oituum  unibum  sA- 
«fiiL  Uemut.  iiL  1,10.  Po- 
tmre  mul  uiimo  oivTia.  Adcl. 
L  1,  8.    Fueoti  poliM  qnau 


■mori  o&Kqu  oporUI.    Hec. 

iii.   t.    34.     Homc  *o1ii|.t>ti 

iii.  5,  9.     Cocpi  iia  Dmiui  fa- 

•■tn,,    oijBi»    qu»    nllent. 
Phorm.  i.  2,  29. 

olwrol    Oioni  grtium  in- 

illomm  KT.ul<4.  And.  i.    1, 

36.       OAktwi    fiUura,    niiid 

■p>t?  Aud.  i.  ).U2.     Honu 

mo  relicti.  rebi»  juait  Pini- 

pbilum  hodic  obKrvarr.  And. 

li.  5,  2.     Poet.  kobU  Mrip- 

M.^A™lph'  PralTa' 
o6ndA>]  CertumsinsfsneM 

uM)uodonecrcdlerit.  Adelph. 

i».  6.  6. 

o&n(.»]_  PMini.    (DniKiue 
obtlimL  'EuD.  ii.  2,  S.     Pao- 

nii  oihlo.  neglecl».  immmidB 

illuvit.  Heeut  ii.  3.  53. 


Aud-  ii.   2.  23.     CanTeilkm 

me  domum  cum  <A»«w.  Adel. 

ii.  i.22. 

otwxol  Vii,  inquit,  drwh- 

mii    at    clmmatmm    deeem. 

And.  ii.  6.  20.     Of*»«l.  po- 

Ut,  olet  nnguenU;  de  nHO. 
Adelirii.   i.  2.  37.    OUiman 

^Kil    '(^rioi.'  «- 

idelph.  iii.  1.  6.  et  ilibi. 

nmdat.  And.  i.5.8. 


•(.»«.      Adelph.    iy.     *,    fi. 
Kliem,<|uid  nuneoAHtpHuli? 

Phorm.  I.  a.  2. 

.oit,]  E^nehuju.memo- 

n»m  Mtur  me»  volUBtili  ot- 
ihrti  And.  V.  «,«.    Nequo 

tibi  obUat,  quod  iiuidem  ruiL 
Fao,.  iii.  2.  30.    Piulum  ne- 

wii  mi  oWo/.  H«ut-  iii.  1. 
89.      No  mea  pnuwnti.  ot- 

M.  Ne  cui  me»e  longinqui- 

tu  letatii  oM<J.  Hec  it.  2, 


Phorm.  ii.  1.  &t. 

OJJnml  Quum  nifail  olmt 

Mi.  And.  i.  1.  133.    Melius, 

pcjt,,;  o4n(.  He.ut.iv. 

Wuti    Hee.  iii.  S.  13. 


iii.  3,  S3.    ai  quid  bena  prK- 
ffi^r^^o oSiempe»t.  ki^l 

i<i.3,W.    TibieoiGertouio 

ra«l.  Hoc.  iii.S,"^^. 

Adelph.  T.  3,  26,  Hec. 

oUiago^  Hoc  confitee 
bi  jure  Udfiiiai.  And. 

Di'  ■men 

i.  Hcc. 

r.  2,  3.     Praetrt 

ii.1.9.  I 

lui  >um  .  .  .  fratri  oUiuiwe 
quod  vulL  Phorm.  v.  4,  1 ; 
iv.  1,  11. 

oUrudo]  En  qu<miftm  nemi- 
ni  ohtradi  palBt.  itut  *d  me, 
And.  i.  5,  15.  Nunquim  ui- 

mihi  aUmdit  pater.  Hec.  iii. 

oi<»K(DlRogitu  d  0  ohtuadat. 
Eun.  iii.  S,  6.  Doino  Deoi, 
luor.  vtatulnndo  obtundere. 
Hesut  V.  1,  6.  Ne  me  oUim- 
ti<u  dd  hu  re  Hepiiii.  Adolph. 
i.  2,  33.  OUmdit.  And.  ii. 
2.11.  Phorm.  iii.  2,  30. 

oMarfel  Ilwie 



ic  fit 

ri  mihi  almaia,  Adelph.  ii 
2.  IB.  Tu  puerii  cune  ol 
eum.  Hec.  iii.  2,  24.  At  h 
ohmam  conabar.  Pherm.  i,  j 

r.  2,  22.     Si  'iliara  id- 
unquim,      oeddHa. 

atqne  oeeidit.  Adelph.  iv.  2. 
20.  OaMiMi  me  tuii  fill»- 
ciii.  Phorm.  iv.  3.  67. 

ocddu']    Occidi  dupotintii 
farmuli  pcr  omnea  hbul». 

And!i.  I,  ffii.Tddph.  ii.  l' 
S2.  Ibi  ilU  cum  illo  ■enno- 
nem  «.11^.  Eun.  iv.  I,  8. 
Oroeni  raecum  cogitnre.  Eun. 

1,36.  Occeplant  tsn.  Eun. 
Prol.  22,  a Were  >3eo  uax- 
pii.  Heuit.  V.  1,  12.  Modo 
dolorei  i.oisjiiiiiii  primulao). 
Adclph.iii.1,2.     Quum  p.- 

dpil.  Hoc  i.  2,  41.  Ubi  in 
ir)il»Beeum  ire  oceipio.  Phor 
V.  6.  22.  Qni  li  occeperU. 
Eun.  ii.  S.  B. 

ocdadoi  Libido  ocdiua  eit 
coniumeli.B.  And.  iii.  3,  25. 
Conallium  illud  nctum  eet  dc 

ocmliiu]  Vi  tu  il1o>  proeul 
hinc  ex  o(Vh£(o oiederc*.  £<». 
iv,  7.  17.  Apud  quem  expro- 
niarc  opinii  mea  oocaUa  au- 
deum.  Henut,  iii.  3.  14. 

nm  axapat.  And.  i.  S,  62, 

!  parat.    Hee.   Prol. 


idine.  Phor. 

Uin.  iv.  1,9.  Utegoui 
cnefico?    Eun.     iv.     3 

nuaquun      quiKiuam     vidit. 
Eun.  iv.  4. 10.     On^iHilli- 

Somaam  berol*  ego  1h«  docIs 

16.      AdoWFnti  ipa 
delph.  ii 

Adflpli.  iii.  3. 
oninet  aderint  ni  inagit  U 
qauD  octtin  nunc;  aL-o  mmr 
mcf».  Ail(lph.iv.5,67.  Qui 
t«  inut  nhii  qiian)  hoKC  ocu- 
1m.    Adelph.  >.  7,  S.     Nun- 

denm.  Hcc.  t.  4,  3S,    Rhi>. 
bmt   mliud    nihil    niii    ocn/i» 

Pliorm.  • 

et?  Phorm.  iil.  3, 
me  ■nimui   fillil. 

]  prmpiriunl  ociili. 

.1,8.  Vcl  <n>/i>ffi 
eii:lude.  Phonq.  i.  7,  96. 
Tia  fucre,  quod  tuo  viiM 
ocii/t  dolrint?  Phcrm.T.  8.64. 
oJi]  Amm,  odiue.  >u>pi- 
cui.  Eun.  Prol.  4».  Mgtun 
Dt  qnum  cognoril  penietuo 
Ddtrit.  Euu.  1.  4.  IT;  lilud 
rui  mmle  odi.  Addph.  W.  1, 
7.  ni  ms  amnei  odtrint. 
Adelph.  iv.  £,  R7.  Miriiina- 
dii  aJhb  coepit  Sottracmm. 
Hee.  i.  2,  104.    Une  mniinD 

H«'.".T*'.'  '"™* 

odiatt']     Aetcliinui    o^hh 
cetaat.  Adelph.  It.  1.  49. 

oJtTMUl  Odiaom.  Hce.  iii. 
4,  10.  Odiota  hmec  eet  Betii 
■dolncentulii.  Hec.  iT.  3, 13. 
EnlmTerD  li  pDiro  eoe  odioa 
pergitJL  Phonn.  t.  7.  44. 
a-fwnl  VeritM  adhim  pm- 
.  And.  i.  I.  41.  Neioti 
tit.  Eun. 


qiiuido  odium  i 
I,  14.     Xeqi 

DMD.  Hec  ii.  ],  22,  Qui 
mmit,  cui  odio  iptui  «t.  Hec. 

me  Tineei.  Phorm.  t.  6,  S; 
i.  S,  43,  59.  Nequo  «j»  id 
ftcit  luo.  Phomi.  t.  8,  27. 
Ut  cmperat  oduon  inei.  Hk. 
iT.  2.  4. 

tW>>>w]  DiTui  iiiio,  non 
Otdipat.  And.  i.  2,  23. 

q^Smi^l  PmuluTii  ti  ceaMt- 

T.  8,  34.  Teientem  telim 
■tudiote  ipmim  BjhndimMi 
Hemut.  ii.  3,  44;    Ui.  1,  4«. 

q^rol  OnporUine  ts  mihi 

ifert.    A>id.    It.   2,  S.     Cui 

quo  improba.  Hee.  iii.  3.  10, 
23-  Intcitum  offim  inju- 
riimtihimeimmerenti.  Hec. 
T.  1,  13l  Quintmm  ctMi  md- 
Tentn  meo  ImetitiuiP  Hec.  t. 
qjKwm)    HaiDmiii    inHni 

And.  i.  \,  87.  Hocine  eat 
officiiim  pmtritP  And,  i,  5,  I, 
NeutiquuD  ^^Ecifloi  liberi  eBia 
hominii  pulo.  And.  ii.  1,30. 
Neqne  pet  neque  mena  •mtii 
luum  amdam  fmcit.  Eun.  it, 
5,  3.  ^ute  mttcnte  illomm 
oMda  fnnf[Fre.  Hemut  i.  1, 
14.  HominiB  fnigi  el  tempe- 
nintia  functut  et  t#oiBm. 
Hemut  iii.  3,  19.  MmTo  e«c- 
tui  qui  luum  tifflcinai  ftcil. 
Adelph,  i.  1,44.  Nequeboni 
nequo  llbenlli  liinclni    <^ 

t  u^ciii».  !ib 

B.  CertBm  <Mr 
me  qumm  dec 
Hec.  iii.  5.  4. 

ofjpaHtol    U» 

og^i-iat.  Phon 

oh,  oAel  PiH 

olto]    Ob»n 

olfacii]  N. 
sibutprit  ' 
iii.  3,  43. 

Cratea  poaM  me 
Eun.  i.  3, 11.  Ne 
a  te.  Hemui,  t.  6, 

ipnmo^^nnBBi?  Ade]| 

o/w]  Oltra'et  plMicQlot 
minuioa.  And.  ii.  2,32. 

AndT  2,  M,**^  '  ''"*  """■ 

omiift')  Ubi  te  vldi  mnimo 

e«H  omiao.    Hemut.  T.  2.  9. 

pmulto.  Adrlph.  T.  3,  iS. 

«HiUoj  Atid  Dmiflo.  Heiut. 
iT.  j,24.  Ade[ph,l2,7;  ii. 
2,  24  ;  T.  8,  19.  Omaio  pro- 
loqni.  Piiorm.  t.  6,  21.  Cf, 
Biin.  T.  e,  19.     OnMt  de  te 

diim  Ade1|.li.  it.  7,  36.  Qsin 
onUle  me.  Phonn.  iii.  %  1. 
Cf.  Adelph.  ii.  I,  18. 

rem.  And.  iii.  2,  44.  Qi^ 
non  jnalm  i>ijuBtm  promia 
omnimonauDoUequor.  Adel- 
phl  T.  9,  33.  QuBo  me  ohwk. 
iBpidem  non  hominem  pulm*. 
Hcc  ii.  1,   17.     Omaiio  mb- 

uuptiiB.  Hcc  iT.  4,  92. 

t.  ■feuo.  T.  7,  3. 
Reniittm.  1.« 
Djuriii.  AdcL  t. 

Dim    fon«»m. 

And.  T.  3.  26.  Bii  owra  md- 
JDlm.  Hee.  iil.  2.  24.  Pmuper- 
tmm  mihi  a*iu  tium  e*t  ct  mi- 
•enim  et  gimTe.  Phorm.  i.  2. 

Tii  jmpone,  et  (creL   Phorm. 
iii.  3,  &. 

opera]  In  prolo^  aoiben- 
dla  ojvnm  mbutitnT.  An>l. 
Pnl.  5.  Et  nunc  id  anerDH 
do.  And.i.  1,  130.  cf  ii.  1, 
7.  Itm  abttinmte  operam  dmL 
And.  i.  S.  0.  Pmdun  •tdnln, 
dmbo  D^ienTaL  Edh.  ii.  A,  70. 

tIto.  Adelph.  ii.  3.  8.  Dc- 
diuopent.  eu>i.T.2.2.  Uu 
opwn.  Hec.  T.  2,  32,  Non 
frmtrem  Tidel  rrl  dui  operwa*  f 
Addph.  i.  2,  15.  Nau  mn 
awru,  neqne  pal  culpm  ennit.  1.31.  In  ini(a«m 
luditur.  Phorm.  ii.  2.  IB. 
Tndnnt  opfrat  mntuma. 
Phorm.  ii.  1,  37.  Open  Tiim 
ent.  II.  3,  16. 

Dperu]    Optrtitrt    oatinm. 
Hrtnt.  ».  1,  B3.  Pborm.  T,  S, 



CoDcumint  muluc  opDiKwfi 

H«Dt.  ii.  3,  3.    Te  eme  pne- 

ptri.  H«.  V.  T^ 36. 
opuorj    NequOi  at  apiitor, 

iaa  hlw  guidio.  And.  i.  2, 

ii.  3, 13.  Sine  dubio  ojmn^. 
Eun.  ».8,  1*.    Ut  hine  l«fr 

objicemi  doQiL  Hetnt.  i.  S, 
IS.  Fniiln  openm.  osnor. 
tHDiD.  Hnut.  !•.  S,  1£.     Cr. 

dut.  HHDt.  lii.  S,  31.  JuDo 
Lucina,  fer  ofwiii.  Adclph.  ili. 
4,  41.  Giijiii  Dune  niHne 
tp«  apM)ae  lunt  in  Is  tiiiD 


Adelph.  iii.  3,  i 
tn.  Pbonn.  *.  6 
oinr  poteB  ftffem  I 

opifdbr]  Si  illum  Tclinquo. 

nfortet]     Noane      oportial 

prini    commiinicstnai     opor- 

M!»,d.  1.  s,  <,s.  ii;» 

iduleDI.  quiiequeoj»rl«f  ligni 

I.  HuicjiiH  opnrUt  in  cru- 
ciilum  binc  mbnpi.  And.  It,  4. 
47.     Quod  noB  miiete  nporlft, 

lUne  fleri  oportcl  7     Hea 

.i.  3.  1 

1,  a'^. 

i.  3.  26.  Iitocine  pulo  opor- 
trtl  Adelpb.  iv.  7,  14.  E>t 
quod  me  tnniiro  md  forum 
jiBi  cparlttU.  Bce.  ii.  S.  31. 
Kegem  me  cbh  wortuU. 
Phorm.i.S.2a.  AufeTmitai 
'oporltt.'  i,  4.  45. 

OTOrribrl   Pirnmper  oppe- 
rirtbic  And.  It.2,31.  Ptu- 

interea     ojaterHiere. 
It,  7,  6,      Opperiar 

I.  Adelph.  iii.  3,  94 

coiHiie.  Heui.  I*.  2,  2.    Wc 

lleant.  ^4,    12.     Oppirio 

ol>Ti>m,  Adelph.    iii.   2,   24. 

libint.  Hcc.  i?V41-     Eum- 

?ene"innV  pUrm."  T^ 
ii.3,  3:  T.  7, 13. 

ovpidioB]  Quem  ego  nune 

inimitum  quiCTero.  And.  ii. 
2,5.  E*m(jiciiilD;]^o.  And. 

oppignem']  Num  iUa  a;i;i^- 
iwtw«  filiim  mrmm,  me  in- 
rlto.polnit?  Heuit.  iT.  5.46. 

oppito]  lAcrimit  uppiei  oi 
lolumiibi.  IfwuL  ii.S,  65. 

o^iprMtiHeJ     Ambo     oppor- 

pertvta  mdi 
mecum  tlti 

Ic  iMDin  qnierito. 
2,  1.  Opporttmt 
ec.  T.  S,  IflT  Op- 
j  iTjrentum  nuno 
11.  Fbonn.  iT.  S. 

:.  Eho.Tt. 

M]     Aeer    oppoiitia 

Phorm.  i^.  S.  66. 

Dt  hiinc  mihi  eripere  poktulet  P 
Adelpb.  ii.  2.  30. 

opprimo]  Interei  OKitintea 
apprimi.  And.i.2.  10.  Ne  de 

Eun.  ili,  5,  43.  Ul  in  ipw 
mrticulo  oppnMtU.  Adelph.  ii 
2,  31.  Ita  eilln  apprwHil 
caUmitu  Hce.  A1tProl.32. 
r.  7,  93, 

Adclph.  i< 

nptalD\  OplaloiivBBit.  A 
iil.  3,  t. 

optalitt\  AnegoooculDn 

optime]  DtTum  nptime  tI- 
deo.    Kai.    ii.    1,  3fi.     Quu 

tinao  optinui.    Eun!  i.  2,  3S. 
AdMt  opftiw  IpM  fnUr.  Ean. 

,  2, 66.  Srnim  oplimt  eecnm. 
leiut.  iT.  5,  9.     Eccum  Phi- 

S,'X."uuiinihi  diniullum  '171- 
fine  »elit  cMe.  Pbotm.  i.  S,  1. 

eoii.    ADd.  iil.  2,  8.  Crumi 
pdnaeit.  And.  *.4.  46.  In 
t  utqnHD  fuil  fide  qaiaqumin 
jitinia.  Adelph.  ii.  1,7. 
oplo]  Qu»  iahoneite  op- 

T.  5,  3.  Quen 

..  dtri? 

And.  T.  5,  6.  QuodTig  don 
cl  pngmiam  »  mo  071*  ' 
DTMo^n  ferei.  Eun.  v. 
:  4,  20.     Hune 

Juo  pacta  Dfnif  ett.  Eun.  t.  S, 
3.  Tibi  ut  opiit  fKlo  ett, 
tiicB.  HcauL  i.  1,  2(L  Sponno 
turum,  Totlem,  ■nciMu  oput 
cito.  H»ul.  V.  1,  20.  Flat 
Kii,  quod  fmcto  opua  eet. 
Adelph.  T.  9,  39,  et  pamlni 
■libi.     See  Indei  to  Nctea. 

opat,  laior]  Opm  raciam, 
Eun.  ii.  1,  14.  Thaii  maiiDio 
te  onbat  optrt.  Eun.  iii.  3, 
37.  Quod  noa  ambo  optrt 
maiimo  dahuniu  openm 
Dt  fierct.  Phorm.  t.  1.  33. 
Quod  in  opere  facimdo  1 

At  euim 

i.  1, 

&ciendo   racilo  lumpl 
arccrent  tuum.    Heai 

20,  21,  90.     Nunc  cul 

ime  operif  aliquid  ftcere  cic- 
do.  Adelpb.  iT.  I.  2. 

lunt  rtcUe    iG    ililo.     And. 

And.  IT.  1.  10.  SutwrTiat 
oraUiml  And.  It.  3.  21.  Re- 
dil  ad  integriim  eadem  onUio. 
Hnut.  t.  3,  S.     In  bac  «1 

-  Prol.  46. 

Lode  Anein 

Htud  opiiiti 

Hec.  i.  3.  21.  Tenui  i^'^'- 
liime  et  tcriptnrm  leTi.  Phomi. 
Prol.  5.  Nuiic  demam  itlaco 
Adeli^.   T. 

C  k")0<^  lc 

oraior]  Oraloren  ette  n- 

luil  me,  aon  prolDgnia.  Ht- 
aut.  PidI.  11.  OraluT  ad  toi 
Tcnio.  ornatu  pralogi,  Ucc. 
Ali.  Prol.  1. 

ortut]  Hanc  ejrcUiu  rer«- 
piwe,  or^iii,  pwun.  Aod.  i. 
3,  19.  Hiec  vir^  orte  e» 
palT«.  Adelpii.  iv.  5,  16,  Lei 
eit,  m  ortuj,  lui  lunljenete 
proiimi,  iii  nubut.  Phorm. 
1.  2,  74. 

Ormi]  Qui  nb  0™  mor- 

~  e  »b   Oreo 

mibi  ail  d 


vr]  lloc  quit  non  credi 
ib>  M  «ue  orfnn  f  And.  iii,  2 

icol"  Eun.  ii.  2,  10,    TiN  i 

Adelph.  ii,  1,  86, 
niBll  ijuid  ortiiiB  ■ 
publice,  Adelph.  i 
ki  iltu  funilia  t 
phi  iiL  4,  3.    Quod 

Adelph.  iT.  2,  3. 

te.  Hec  li.  J,26, 


int.  Heciii.i,18.  Unde 
Hn  «t  iiiiitum  ine.  Uec. 

trmmtltiMm]   Huce  onta- 
luenlur  tllene. 

Semu"  ""tX 
wnalta]    Qui 

Tenio,  onuUu  prulogi.  Hec. 
Ah.  PtoI.  1, 

>iabi<erbii.  Eun.  ii.  1.8.  Ita 
J4m  onviral  fupuQ.  Eun.  ir. 
4,  6.  OntaJaJn  ita  uti  qou 
annvilMrnbi,  Hcuit.  ii.  3,47. 

bua.  Adelpl..  ii.  1,  22.     Ho- 

minum     haino     omaHBme. 
Phorm.  r.  6, 13.    Oma  me. 
Eiin.  ii.  3,  Ki. 
oro]  Poalulo,  «Te  iiei|uum 

fluemlice.  Aud.*.  1,2.  Pei 
ego  te  D*o«  oro,  Antt.  t.  I, 
15.  Thaii  muimo  te  nfniaf 
opBi«,  Eun.  iii.  9,  27,  Otnn» 
Toa  orvka  toIo.  H«uL  Pntl. 
26.    Ontiulo  Hirdu  JMD  aurea 


iT.  3,  22.  SpuH  or*.  Heaut. 
iT.  6,  18.  In  on  Ht  omni 
popolo.  Adelph.  1.  2, 13.  Hs. 
die  ei  uiqueoiprubui.  Adel- 
phi  li.  2,  T.  Vereor  conm  in 
«  te  Imudire.  Adelpli.  ii.  4, 
S.  Nnllilaedereot.  Adelph. 
T.  4,  10.  Uno  <>r«  ■uctom 
fuere,  Pborm.  It.  3,  20.  Quo 
onillumobjui^bii?  Phona. 
r.S,£3.  Ofoppprime.  Phor. 
T.7,93.    Cf.Sl. 

ol  Intet 

ind.  i. 


,  2,  26.     Nunc,  Pen 

.  EnD.  iii.  5.  37.    In 

T.  8,  3.  Tu  illum  nunnus 
imendaH  quuii  pcnderc 
Hniit.  i.  1.  103.     Qui  mil 

'.  E%ouif»iitiinrii/P: 
3,  lO.     Ut  de  Uli  c 

tiMa.  Aod.  ii.  2,  2S.  Con- 
crepuil  hincB  Glveeriii  utiu. 
And.  ir.  I,i8.  H«.  It.  1.6. 
ObeeiB  ontiiim  intuk  Eon.  iv. 
6,  25.  PulUle  «HmL  Heut. 
iii.  1,  1.  OHmeTe  atUnm. 
Hemnt.  t.  1,  33.     Aperlts  eli- 

ir.  4.  26.  Ipium  Tideo  «■» 
■nle  tulixiii.  Bee.  iii.  4.  14. 
Eitn  ottiam.  Pbonn.  t.  6. 

oCwg]  In  uiiem  uDuiTif 
oUoM  ul  dDrmi».  Hcut.  ii. 
3,  101.  Otioti.  nunc  jim  ilico 
hicconiiHe.  Adelph.  iL  1,2. 

.    Adelph.  ii.  4.  13.     (Mio- 
(  eb  uiiiuo.    Photm.  ii.  2, 

otiam]  Videoo/i»  et  cibu» 

quid  b 
2,  34. 


i.   1,  1 

Adelph.  i 
•emper  t 
Adidpb.  1 
euet  poti 
Hec  Alt. 

po««t  p« 

I,  9.    Ut  i»  Biio 

L  Prol.  2.      OHmm  a.b 

Eun.  T.  1,  16.  T>m  pUcidnn 

!uam  OHM  reddo.  AdDlph.iT. 

Padu>ii\  Eo  pado.  And.  i. 
1,22.  Nullone. .  ./mdo?  And. 
i.S,\Z     AMopaelo,  And.  i*. 

29.    8i  n 
paOo.  Phomi.  ii.  1,71. 

paedaaigiii]    Quid   patda. 
«••ffiit  ille  qui  ciOiuietrinm.' 

nmel    Paem  illfu  Tian 
libu.    And.  t.  I,  3.     Qnu 


ttn.  Addpfa.  ii.  4, 8.     Pati 

gaudio.  Phonn.  r,  6.  30. 

paiuofral    Fnc  periclum  in 

lilori»,  r«c  io  palarilra,  fM  in 

l>>u.kiL  EuD.  iii.3,  24.     Ab 

iii.  1,30. 

fx^mi  Cantiduo;u£iiiieiC. 

Bun.   i.  2,  24.     Uli  TBolret 

palam.  H«nl.i,.l,27.    B.p, 

&ciu/»^M.  H«aLiT.3,43. 

RtmyralKpala».   Haul.  i. 

2.41.  Cf.Aadpb.iii.2. 30.41. 

EripuitpcJuB.  Adelph.iii.2, 

30.  lrinoidfi.lpaiim.  U«. 
i.   2,  30.    AdelpC.   ir.  4,  14. 

NuDC  •«&«  »C.    H«.  iT.  4, 

91.      iflM™  UO,   D..1.  &». 

SrEhenditnulJiis.  Fhor 
^Hal   In  mcdio  o 

/«/mariu]    Qnod  fgo  mih 
nata  patnaHum.    Eaa.  t.  4 

PampUla^  Panpkilaiiicii 

1,52.    Bagita,  ^OItwikAl  qui<l 
■gii.  Adefph.  iT.  4,  11. 
/'anpWiii]     Andriw  pcr 

^unij    QuD  pacto  ex  jun 

obutum.  Bun.ii.2,£.  Pamilt 
obiiUk  Hcuit  ii.  3.  S3. 

popiul  Papae.  {tcie  he- 
DcMi.  EuD.ii.  1.23.  /'opiK, 
juffuUcu  hoDunem,  £ud.  iji. 

par)  Par  vropari  referto. 
Eun,  jii.  1,55.  InieniuD  pal 
hodir^rvnr  ubi  rereiun  gn- 
ti»m.  Eun.  ir.  4,  52.     Sludei 

KrnlnTe.    Adelph.  i.  1,  48. 

tui  «t.  Hac.  i.  2,  9B.  Cujui 
■pici.    He^.  iv.  1.  4^  Donu 

34.  "^"  ™" 

paraiilatler]    Eit  illi 

delp^T.  2, 

lliui  oni- 

poni/u,  tubat.]  Partili  uihjl 

para]  Viuoj  parte  kc  du ' 
riter  .gebat.  And.  i.  1,  47. 
Niminm  parcB  f^een  *um- 
tum.  And.  ii.  6.  19.  Semper 
nires  ■c  duritei  m  hibere. 
Adelph.  i.  1,20. 

ein»]    NoTu  ani  (cHbact, 
IparnsrtKini.  He^aLProl. 
43.    I«baruu,  qnieien*,  par- 

libi  paroe,  Hpmut.  i.  I,  67, 
112.  NihilnTMreil.  Adelpii. 
n.  3,  23.  CoDMiTi,  quiere, 
parte.  Adelph.  v.  3,  27.  Mea 
^■t>aii  h*ud  parefflu.     Hec.  ii. 

pamu]      Mei    G 

.aot  parailtt  reppet 
r.  G.ST    Quem  fem 

30.  Non  lunt  htec  parenlii 
dicl».  Hcuu  T,  4,  13.  Pa- 
TBUei  propilii.  Adetph.  i.  1, 
6.  Me  partaH  patiu.  qnuD 
■mori  obaaqui  opoitet.  Hec. 
iii.  4.  34.  Te  pcatpuluH  oid- 
nes  leipnepomi/a  intelligo. 

«rwl  Meia  diclii  vartrt 
huic.  [fec.  iT.  1,  49. 

pnrii]  Veriims  adium  «ril. 
And.  i.  1,41.  Di,  d^leficul- 
tAlem  obwcID  huic  parietidi. 

P^mphiloP  And.  ili.  2,  17. 
Mi  laiiiiontUM  parta  eiL 
And.  T.  5,  A.  In  parieado 
iliquot^ffuEruntlibtiu.  Aod. 
iT.  4,  32.     Ul  ■olidum  jHire- 

boreparfu.  PhDroi.  i.  1.  12. 
Mei  patrii  beno  parjQ  iQdiii' 

Heeut.  i.  1, 80.   Nuie  n  m 

■  EermHnui  pariler  coiporo 
>t  BDituD.  Adelph.  t.  6,  31. 
Fariler  nunc  opon  me  ■dju- 
'ei,  ec  re  duduin  opimlsu 
•.  Phonn.  t.  3,  3.  Ulinun 
'ariUr  . . .  fleiet.  Eun.  j.  2, 

paro\  Nihil  ittac  opui  eit 
irte  ad  huic  nm  quuu  poru. 
^nd.  i.  1,5,  Quod  parM'i 
ipuinlDaro.  And.  iii.  2,  43. 

rideut.  Eun.  ii.  2.  18.  lUu 
paraMi  te?  Eun.  ii.  2,  9.  Vt 
iiDtdamipani/a.  Euo.  iii.  2, 
47.     DefeuoKm  poro.   Eun. 

47.     Tibi 
hulehom..._  . 
ii.    3,    116. 

.    Haul. 

I.  85.  Nec  tu 
>i,  pee  preektorempa- 
I«ut.  T.  2,  23.  flle 
iinobi*  pHllriim  . . . 
Adelpb.  iii.  4,  31. 
le  lite*.    Adel^.  t.  3, 

vara.  Hec  ir.  4.  10 
hic  fuguD  ■ut  furt4i 

PhoTID.  T.  4,  2. 

pari)  Animum  iid  dete. 
rionm  pariBiii  «pplieit  And. 
i.  2,22.  Na.Ine  tiiDeopard'. 
And.  fi.  5,  8.  Utintm  cMct 
m  i  h  i  par»  ■equ  »morii  t«nm. 
Eun.  i.  2,  12.     Bunim  m^g- 

i.  2,  71.     Dui».  fntria 
>  pnedicu.    Eun.  ii.  3, 

Euii.  y.  2,  37.     Quunobreni 

mihi.'"He^ul,  Pr'ol."io"  4^ 
Phaim.  Prel.  36.     Qnod  ego 

puto.    Ileiui.  1,  1,5.     Vehe- 

uuntrtepuiuiL  Ueaut.  iv 
5,  50.  Riipere  jn  pejateii 
parlem.      Adelph.     FroL     : 


partem.  Adslph.  i.  3,  60;  t. 
4,  26,  Ta  iiUm  pariem  m- 
tluB  poceilo.  Adelph.ii.  1,30. 
Ut  ■ddunm  partei.  Hec.  t. 
3,  38.  Viciuim  paria  tuu 
Mtunn  eil.  Phorm.  ».  5,  7. 
parvtnunia]    Aul  Juyitale 

,™.,«™.™,  ..ul  luyit»! 
Dimla  ini  ninisioRia.  Ilnu 
iil.  1,  S2. 

pariioewl  Meui  parlieep, 
Hout.  i.  1,98.  Cujuamu: 
me  le  fieri  «rttcn»iii  cupL 
H«nt.  iii.  ifli». 

pattim]  PaTtimmatinii 

Alt.  Prol.  7.  Partim  qiu 
pmpexi  hia  ocaliB,  parlij 
qnme  ucepi  muribuL  Hoc.  ii 
8,  3.  Cf.  I.  2,  93,  93. 

parluna}  Adelph.  iii.4,4; 
PariKrin  emm,  neqTio  griTi 

Hec.  iii.  3,  32,' 63. 


tuiT  i. 

Adelpli. ThI^S,  9"'j™oeM7- 
fumduet.  Adetph.  ir.  4,  11. 
Vt  cUm  evenimt  parnit  pi- 
trem.  Hec.  iil.  3,3«.  Omnu 
BM  cclmri  Toluerit  pariUM. 
Hee.  iT.  !,  16. 

pim»]  Prima  proceMit 
parum.  ^ancn  luccMilquod 
igo.  And.  iT.  1,  47,  55.     Pa- 

■Ddmt^.  Eun.  r.  2,  61.     Si 
unm  haec  dedt^h  «t  param. 
Hnut.    ii.    3,    93,    et    mlibi 
parumperX    PaTnmper  op- 

Kriie  hic.      And.  iv.  3,  31. 
ionn.iii.2,  1. 

parvniiii]  Aimnaifo.  And. 
i.X».  Parv<Jam  puelli.m. 
Eun.  i.  2.  38.  Llmm  mluil 
^rWan.  EnD.  t.  %  S3     A 

reri.  pamtia.  Adclpb.  iii, 
4S,  Jmm  abnamufamrem. 
Adelph.  ii.  4, 10.  Pmnaitmiter 
parvlta.  Adelph.  r.  2,  4. 

«an»u)  J^aroae  conmuetu- 
dinii  cmium.  And.  i.  1.  84. 
Pam'penda.  And.  iii.  2.  46. 
Cf.  Hemut.  JT.  3,  37.  Hcc. 
iii.  h,  63.     Parm  lelulit  non 

..    Phor 

a,  7. 

Parva  Tirgi 

hmbemtHdei^''  Eu n'.  L^SJIt! 
Nnm  poTva  emuim  int  pami 
nUo  eilP  Eun.  iil.  &,  27 
Fani  pendi..  Hemut.  It.  3. 
S7.  Memm  openm  depntat 
jMrnpretl.  HeCT.  3,1.  Ilmn 
partOM  mihi  fidem  ene  mpud 

patooi  tteatmbmtmliudnihi 

niai  vculM  niMKre.  Phoroi.  i. 

piMiiwial  And.  T,  4,  4Z 

pamu]  CmpiiiuifMunf^nil- 
du>  pei.  Phonn.  i.  3,  66. 
Heiul.  ii.  3,  49. 

pcO^aao]  QuinUmeifenei- 
tnm  md  nequiliem  patifieerit. 
Heiut  iii.  1.  72.  Qume  nun- 
gnmm  in  nulla  paUfidl  Idcd. 
Hee.  iii.  1.  23.  Sin  «ite» 
Pboim.  T.  4,  6. 

paiao'}  QuimTemhme  mihi 
paUnl  lempei  fona,  Enn.  i. 
3,  9;   ii.  3,  31.     Poitulo  m 

peccmto  migno  pmulum  Bup- 
plici  imtia  eal  patri.  And.  t. 
3.  33.  Hmbet  patrrrm  qnen- 
dtm  mTidum  miierum,  mtqne 
■ridum.  Hemut.  iii.  2,  15. 
Fmcilimeuteturpoln.  HemuL 

Adelph.  i.  1,  51.  Nmtun  tu 
illi  pattr  ea,  conailiii  ego. 
Adelph.  i.  2,  46.  Huc  ni^o 
orbm  eat  patro,  Adelpfa.  iv. 
5.  16.  Pro  in/n  huic  eaL 
Adelph.  T.  6.  &.  HuncTidere 
uepe  opubimui  djem  quum 
ex  te  euet  mliquia  qui  te  ma- 
peliuet  palr^m.  Hec.  iv.  4, 
30.    Lenem  palrtm  illum  fmc- 

Phorm.  >i.  1,  32. 
palemf\    Hatrei  . .  .  flliii 

»lenl"^.  '"iS^r^.  i^ST 
Haudsa^rnvnn  iiluc  dediati. 
Adelph.  iii,  4,  4.  Palinium 
vnicam  oie  ■nimnlibo  Tir- 
ginia.  Phorm.  i.  2,  78. 

paftnal  Anima)  eit  <n  pa- 
fini.  EuD.  iT.  7.  46.  Tui- 
qnim  in  *peculum,  in  paHaat 
. . .  inapicere  jubeo.  Adelph. 
iii.  8.  74. 

paiior]  He  tmm  leni  panta 
uiima  eat  uanue  mdlmc.  And. 
i.S,37.  QuidTiiDo^iar.  And. 
ii.  S,  e.  Ne  iituc  um  inique 
/xirvire  mnimo.  Ean.  ii.  1.6. 
\eque  plmgaa  pati  ponum. 
Eun.  ii.  2,  13.  Non  poeaum 
pati  quin  libi  cmpul  demul- 
cemm.  HemuL  iv.  o,  13.  Ego 
hmud  minus  ^^gre  patior. 
"     Lt  T.  2.  5.     Vix  hummnr 

Samtaa  mtm  otinmoae  M 
UMlrm  rM  pamet  do^  Hh  ii. 
1,38.  ^oneilhm  eum  ili» 
ulnofiarnnpum?  Pbomt.i.. 
1,  74.  Cf.  Hec.  iv.  1.  23 
Amnmn  diitTmfai  potnin 
patiJ  Phoim.  iii.  2,  33.  CC 
And.  i.  3,33:  t.  4,  40.  Her. 
T.  2.  2.  Phorm.  iiL  3,3;  iii. 
patria]   Honeate  in  patrfa 

Cueni  pofriii.  Homt  i.'l. 
83;  ii.  S,  16.     Tmm  ob  lur. 

Adelph.  ii.  i.lLPatriam  in- 
colnmem.  Hemni.i.2.3D.  Ke- 
dncem  me  in  patriam  (atia 

«^rmnequoan     t       un.  .. 

■U,  Tiram  tejudico,  Adelph. 
iv.  2,  35. 

Dajrinil  Pairiitm  mo»D- 
mentum.  Eun.  Prul.lS.  Pa- 
tria  qui  mfaligariermt  bona. 
Eun.  li.  3.  4.  Hoc  palrium 
ert.  Adelpb.  i.  1,49.     Putr^, 

arbitimmiiil.  Pharm.  t.  7. 

ndrwial  Te  mihi  notm»» 
cmpio.  Bun.  v.  2.  4& 

paboina']  Huic  ips  en 
opui  patrtmo,  qiteai  defeiuo- 
rem  pmro.  Eun.  iT.  6, 32.  Tu 
nfKdmmi.tu  pmier.  Adclph. 

malieria.  'PhonB,  ii.  I,  77- 

1,  J6.  Palnmm  Tidco  ma, 
pmtremdatutcm.  Pfaanii.iT.  3, 

iKwfil  Loqui 
«tiipaiL  Hec.i.  2,68. 

A  paaca  ndtua.  Hec.  i.  2. 
>0.  Pbarm.  iv.  3,  43.  Paaei, 
«toId.  And.  i.  ),  9.  Au>- 
!nlu  pamoM.  And.  iii.  3,  4. 
^delph.  T.  3,  20.  Cf.  Eno.  v. 
I,  37.  Hec.  iii.  5,  6ll.  ^oiirii 
Imbo.  Hemnt  Pntl.  10. 

Hnwl  Id  nitKt  ne  duni 
uillim.  And.ii.2.  IZ  Mihi 
mao.  Fhann.  i.  4,  Iti. 

ponla]   Fbilun«iuD  for*- 

lart  nrMnoqDiddixemnt.  Hec. 

pinilatim]  Cinlim  et  iKui- 
lalim  tlnb».  Hnut.  iv,  S.  29. 
CyabhoB  lorbiUEU  pmUaiim 
huDCbToducun  dinD.  Adrliili 
ir.  2,  62.     PanJatm  plgbcm 

pautuwrl  /"aiiiuiKrmBne. 
Ilraut.  li.  2.  4R.  Adslph.  ii. 
2,  45.  Conrrum  iitum  uniLo 
in  mqpa  ludera  ^ii/iiper. 
Adelph.  iii.  3,  24. 

poMo}  8i  ql»  Mt  hilritior 
panlo,  pueilfm  hh  uant. 
EuD.  ii.  3,1i3.  Paulo  qui  «t 
homo  toler&bilii.  HauC.  i.  2, 
31.  Ubi  ndbibit  vlat  paaia. 
HeuiC  ii.   I,  e.    Uetnu  ne 

Adelpfa.  V.  3.  4£. 
niHZn/a]    81   neqncu  ;iaii- 

1.30.  /'aWii'o  tnm  er«t  con- 
tcntL  Ueaut.  iii.  1.35. 

paMlMlMm]  Paulalum  ob- 
•oai.    And.   il   2,  23.     Sioe 


qnu  . . .  panlo  mederi     8i  Id  p 


16.     Tum 

o°priiw.  ^un.  ii.  2,  60.  Paw 
inlum  opperiricr  li  vii.  Enn. 
■>.  2.  fil.  Si  pamlalum  modo 
qnid  te  fiigcril.    Heiut.  ii.  3, 

ii.  2™  8fi.t!HBi'..  ,  ■rri- 
ficmndi      dfebitur     pauininm. 

paalum']  Qiiia  pndor  «■- 
lioi  (dcet.  Anil.  ir.  1,  6. 
Pro    naccito  migno   paulum 

F.Ts.   "^i 

inteniet.    Eun. 

Qtiid    feceru? 

guid.     Eho  mniiuiii, 

VidelurrBun.  V.  2. 

17,  IB.  CDncede  paulum  i>- 
luc.  Quod  dn  pautuui  rai. 
Eun.  T.  8,  38,  i!..  Paulun 
boc  negoti  mihi  obttit  Hciiut. 
iii.  I,  89.  Paalmm  lucri. 
Haul.  iT.  4,  25.  Agelli  «t 
hic  lub  urbe  pcwJiMI .  Paidum 
id  ■ntem  nt?  Adrlph.  t.  8, 
36.27.     Huiciili(iuidpai.^ii« 

•u|mliei  BLi 
T.  S.  32.     j 

paulia]  Paulo  momenlo. 
ADd.  i.  fi,  81.  PaiJo  Mimlu. 
Adelph.    T.  4,  22.    Cupidi- 

pai^er]    In  pilriii 

scrTitntFm  |Hi^»rcni  id  di 
d«rt  Phnrm.  ii.  8,48. 

«£!   H«u"l.  ^"«.'"Hi 

pai^/iTaila».    Adelph.    i*. 

propter  TUHprrHiii.  Hca' 

reliquum  f>aiiz^i>;iia.    Phor. 
i.  1,3. 

piu]  Infrtts  paa.  Indu- 
tiu,  bellum,  POM  ruT«nm. 
Eun.  i.  1,  S.  16.  Paa  qiiod 
flit  tuL  Eun.  iii.  2,  13.  Pi. 
trii  pawiii  in  lege>  conliciel 
■uu.    Heaut  v.  S,  45.     Eieo 

Haul.  T.  .^a  ™' 

pax]  Cipillui  puui,  pro- 
liim.  cin:um  oiput  rejectua 
neglinnter:  pax.  Heeut.  ii. 
3,M.  Udtii  Mt  diei,  dum  u- 
nntum  eripio :  par.     Heeut. 

penalum]  Au  ut  pco  hujut 
peeoalia  tgo  uipplicium  Hiffe- 
i\m?  So  fneaio  migno 
puulnm  lupplici  ■itii  ett  pii- 
Iri.   And.  t.  3, 17,  32.     8i  id 

^uiSI^^.'   KiTpJ^l.  27. 

Mnledict^  fkmem. 
'  Adelph.  1? 
irTigo.  Adel. 

5,  53.     MIMe 

L.  Adelph.ii 

;t  peccato  mihi  irnoeci  u 
lum.   Hec.  t.  1.  11.     ^ 

enm.  Phora.  i.  4,  M:      " 

lobit.  Hec.  ii.  2,  11.  Ciito 
le  in  coirnatwn  DeaiB.  Phonn. 


II  re«  kritur 
orm.  iT.  8. 26. 
II  fwnmtii  per- 
1.1.2,10.  Cf. 

.]  Di  bene  ver- 
luii.  ijuDu  flgu  ;  pedeieiiUm 
tuora.  Phnrm,  iii.  3,  19. 

peditBqva}  Accedo  ui  pidi- 
jv^Bor.  Aod^  I.  i,96. 
pejor]    OmDiB   in  jMiiimn 
—     ".un.  1t.  2,  r  Me. 



:  Adelph.  i 

D  perepii^ 

I.   2, 

peOol  litam  ■emulum.  qaod 
■alerii.  ebeaneUilO'  Eod.  ii. 
1.9.  Mi1e>iieatfiirrDru.Eun. 
r.  9,  11.  Cf.  I.  B,  50.  Tune 
iM  pepmiiMii  fbrs?    Adelph. 

/■^satet]  Ege  Dece  Pemala 

■    Phon 


lal  ulmi.  Heiiut.  iv.  ,,  ... 
Animni  tibi  pendet.  Adelph. 
ii.  2. 18.  Ein  nlectu  pemdeia. 
Phorm.  i.  4,  42. 

pario]  Pirri  twnfo.  Aud. 
iii.  2.  46.  Hcunt.  It.  9.  37. 
Adelph.  iii.  4,  6.  Hec.  iii.  S, 
63.  Ego  non  flocci  veadere. 
EDU.iii.  1.21.  Nihilinanfi- 
n<«.  Euo.  i.  2.  14.    TuiDnm 

peiidera.  Ueuit.  I.  I,  103. 
Hf  rnt  mihi  tergo  poeau  pem- 
dtt.    Huut  IT.  4, 6.     Anwi 



["nt^.   3, 

jwjli™iiu]  Ptmmilen  pug- 
nuBcogilu?  EuD.  iv.  7.  7. 

ptnia]  P»lrii  peniim  oni- 
Dem  canranibun.  Kun.  ii.  S, 

«rl  Quod  tg  «a  per  dei- 
tr^U>con>.  And.  i.  i,U. 
MuDc  nr  hune  tiull*  eti 
mon.    And.  iii.  *.  14,     Per 

1t.  2. 16. 18.   Ptr  t«mpu>  md- 

Dom     pa 
Adelph.  i. 

4.    18, 

2,  28.   Eun, 
nui,   AdBlph. 
10.    Dnd  wr  Tiun.  Adelph. 
▼.7.23.     Pil»re. 

8.    Quollbst 

Ptr  oppHiiianeni,  Adelnh. 
ii,  3,  X).  /■■i-eileDtium,  Hk, 
Alt,  Prol,  21,  Plionn,  ProL 
31.  PiT  epiitolu.  Pborm.  i. 
2,  17.  Ptr  De«  ft^ue  bo- 
mino.  Phorm,  f.  2,  37,  Fer 
ta.  Hec.  iil.  3,  28. 
ptrbefiigm]    Adelph.  iv.  6, 

percana]  Hni,  penam  Mt 
P.  Ulaec  Tcro  Tilii  eit. 
Pharm.  iii.3,3S, 

pentUo)  Quo  trudit  ?  ner- 
cii&uJBmtume.  Eiut.  uTa, 

pirapio\  Neqne  igri  meiiDe 
Drbii  aillum  me  uiqaun  par- 

ptrmitor]  Quie  }i«reoiitDr. 
Hec,  i  2,  36,  8ed  qaoi  wr- 
rattr  Tideo.  And.  it.  5,  6, 
Ubi  inTHtigem?  qaem  pir- 
comUrl  Uec  i.  S,  2,  Pborm. 
ii.  4.  22,   EuD,  ii,  3,  2.    Vel 

|HiU?°HeDnt  i.n,  26.     H« 
ptrevntarier  de«iit«.    H«.   t. 

3,2».     Ttuquodaihilnifen. 


iT.  4. 11, 

Demrtwl  PijieimaillcoMj- 
mum.  And,  i.  1,  S8. 

perditt]  Hiac  iniiire  coepit 
perdHt.  Pborm,  i,  2,  32. 

ptrdo]  Cvc  te  n  pertlilam? 
And.  i.  1,  107.  Tu  mn  im- 
ped  itim  et  fKnlifain  mii  tuu  P 
And.  iii.  S,  13.  HiHr  qood 
babui  ptrdidi.  Eun.  ii.  2,  6. 
Ut  illnm  Di  Dwnuo  Hnium 

«rdtml.     E«n.    ii.    8,    10. 
«ut.  iT.  6,  7.  Hec  i,  2,  59. 

temnobit?  Adelpb.  i.  1.  36. 
Non  tD  hoc  ■Tgentum  perdat, 
>ed  vitaDi  tuuo.  Adelph.  iii, 
3,  ie.  Serreina  au  perdia 
totum.     Adelpb.    ii.    2,    33. 

tione  muDDi  perdat  Japi- 
<er.  Adelptu  i*.  6,  2.  Ado- 
Inceni  luiu  omfEteL  Adelpb. 
iT.  7,  42.  Di  illuiii  perdiaiiL 
Hec  iii.  4,  27.  ttaman  pir- 
didi.  Phorm.  ii.  3,  39.  aeni 
fldelli  dnm  iDm,  ■eapolu  nr- 
didi.  Pborm.  i.  2,  26. 

perditcliii]       Ptrdocta    cal 
imba.  Heaut.  iL  3.  120. 

>Hn<obf  I  Tuidem 
Edd.  i.  2,74. 

perdm\  V 

perdMv]   NoQ  peiie  «pad 

penWTVJ    Pertgre  redien*. 
Phorm.  ii.  1,  13. 

riRweM-  Eun.  iT.  6. 
/■er»ruBditni.  And. 

•ua  TidenHDe  pereo.  EuD.  i, 
1.  2&  Acu  haec  ret  eiL 
Perii.  U«ut.iii.  3,3.  Patii, 
Tui  dnpetintiB,  occairit  pae- 
lim.  Perpetuo  Mrierin,  Ad, 
ii.  4. 19.  />eruH  me  nna  hiiid 
dubium  nt.  Hec,  iii.  I,  46. 
rtum  eit  penequi  ut  iv- 
!.  Pbonn.  iii.  3,  18.    Pro- 

peifietar'^   Meannn  Tolap. 
ceptor,  pnfeelor.    Saa.  t.  8, 

duome  infenia/iertHZiL  Hfc. 
iii,  1,  22.  Vrstrura  aiBDFia 
periiilL  Hec,  v,  I,  IB. 

perfiM   Tempui  pevmiBa 
jam  peifia.    And.   ir,    i,  7, 

taDdcmqnin  wAogjit.*  Euel 
i.  2,  100,  Ptr/iea  hoe  miU 
perpetno.  Htaut.  It.  8,  21. 
Haad  dcainam.  doDec  perTi- 
^■.orm.   fi.    i  71 

per/lmo]  Pleniu  rimannB 
•um;  hae  atque  illae  neHw. 
Eun.  i  2.  25. 

peifhrliter']  ForlJter  .  .  . 
Hui  nerybrttter.  Adelph.  iT. 
2, 28.  "^ 

perfiagor)      Dum     aetalia 

■umrHec.ii.?18.  ""* 

pergo)  Tu  tamcn  idam  tae 
nnpiiai  peroe  bceie  ita  nc  la- 
cia  And.  iii.  2.  42.  8i  mihi 
pergit    quaa    Tult   dicerp,  n 

i.    1.^23.  "v^ 

.  ii.  3, 106.  Cean 

?    Ade1pfa.iT. 

ail?    Eun. 

poTTO.  Heu 

ad  eDm  iwpfn: 

2.47.    Honum 

iii.   4,  36.     Ad    anum   taci> 

petyil.  Pharm.  12,62.  Ptnjt 

eloqui.     Pherm.    ir.     S,    3li. 

7-     Cf.  Eim.  T.  1,  1.  He^t! 
iL2,  & 

^Mt^niru]  Leriaannt  haR 
qua*  tti  per^Twia  eave  in  aoi' 


periibeol  8i  t«*  Tnltia  ;D«r- 
ttArri  praboL  Adelpb.  iiL  4, 

pericdnm}  Sotit  eam  peri- 

efnn  ia  fllia  fieri  imiTe  eiL 
And.  iii.  3,  S3,  34.  Fartini 
atHTiiViML  Pham.ii2.l3L 
Ce  EnK.  UL  2,  31  Hec.  t.  I, 




Cipitii  MrUiin  «lin.  And. 
iT.  I,  63.  Ui  piHeliim  Bdim 
fkine  mihi  ut.  ilcaul.  v.  2, 
27.  Poliu.  qui>n  Tcniu  in 
perielum.  Adelph.  ii,  2,  32. 
Si  pendMH  in  Dllum  te  ineil. 



Hii  Bl  quuito  in  pericio  •: 
luP  Phonn.  i.  S!  a  M: 
nio  Bcrida.    Heaut. 

I  Non  flt  tine  ptrid 

II  facinu*.    Haul.  ii. 

perude]  Uiee  ptrinda  mnt 
at  illiuB  iniinua  qui  e&  poui- 
det.  Hwiii.  i.  2.  21. 

i>criw4ibl  Nomen  Com»- 

diw  Men»ndri.  Aod.  Prol.  9, 

perpma^  Lena  .  .  .  periu- 
na.  polii.  Adelpb.  ii.  1,  &. 

periili«raiiA\        "    '"       " 

4, 34.  Phon 
Ferlm^     s 

T.  3,  32: 

Eun.  iii.  e.  61. 

permagni]    Illud  prrsu^ 
refem  ubitnr.  Heut.iii.  1, 

permoMtoj  In 

pfttnm  noc  wmi 

«nRitto]  Bon 
tibi  petimtlo.    A 

.  iii.  i,  25. 
iliqiiB  id 
f.  Adolpli. 

ii.  3,  110.     Tibi,  |i>ter,  per- 
millimat.    Adelph.  t.  9,  38. 
Eiua  judicio  permiUo  omiiiL 
Pborm.  T.  8,  «6. 
permultam']  Hiud  permmi- 

HMul"iT.2  1.""°      '""°' 
pemMD]  Id  TOTD  penuaat. 

Eun.  Prol!  94. 
pemiaei]  Initmct*  pulrbre 


Adelph,  ifi.  3.  39. 

nemoctoj    Si   hii 

Ad«lph.  iT.  1,  15. 

nofianl  fbrii.  Hec 

ai  pentoacaiit.  And. 

quiaii  lim.    And.  iii.  2,  23. 
AninudvertiLe,  iit  penoteaiu. 

peTpara,]  Tu  qnooae  per- 
panemmiuni.   And.  li.  6,  24. 

verpaiiei]  Ferpavoanim  ho- 
minumett.  Eun.  jii.  1,  19. 

Hnw/Iol  Uique  ulea  donec 
periKdit.  kai.\i.  1,38.  Per- 
pJiHime.  And,  T.  1,9. 

perveram]    Eo      ptrjienm 

perpelior]  Ego  non  poiie 
l^bilror  .  .  .  me  perpeli.  And. 
iii.  3,  32.     NoD  perpeli  mera- 

pelao  hibero.  And,  iii,  3,  S2. 
Ferpetao  oderit.  Eun.  t.  4, 
11.  T^eirigtiiD  perKTim,  Eua. 
T.  8, 13,  Perticc  hoc  mihiEW- 
pelm.  Hcnut.  IT.  6,  21.  Ad. 
>i.  4, 19.  Hec.  iii.  3,  46. 

perpelma]  Triduo  hocjwr- 
prtw,     Hunc  diem  .  .  .  per- 

Adolph.  It.   l",'^'  TJtm.m 

^'de^lh^T"™!^.'  ^nnuISi 
perjielminll.   Hoc.  i.  2,  12.    Af- 

Tolo.  Hec.  iT.  4,  iL^ 
perpiacel]  HeHiI.  >.  S.  22. 
tjeiWueJ     PerpUie   toqui. 

Euu.v,  1,  1, 
perpulcher]  Perjmielira  cn- 

pgl  gmam  ptucoe  reperiu  me- 
uu«.  Heo.i.1,1. 

pemplo]  Pirreplavi  uinai 
omne  oppidum.  Adelpb.  it. 

pereancte']     Dejent     per- 

perwciliH]  Per  ecutor  Ktlu 

[nut,  t.I.ISl 

5.20.  Belllmi 

ugieni,  iwque  in  Aiiim  par- 
nfaau.  And,  t,  4,  32.  Y^o 
ncum  iufeMrKaHar,  Adelph. 
i,  I,  4.     6r,  ii.  2.  27.     Cer- 

nni  qaod  sit  id 

let  !t,  S,    10. 

uportabitur  l«- 

nnim    ccrium     eel    wriBOlri. 

Phonn.  iii,  3,  18. 
pervivo]  IJuod  hi " 

And.  i,  1,  '12™ 

imoiiii]  Pmsiti  «nDnai» 
inde  BblHIam  el  militii.    Fer- 

chnm    luim.      Pertmit    iit- 
dem  uli.   EuD.  Prol.  26,  32, 

And.  ii.  S,  4.     Ptnim  quM 

ptripexi  hii  ocaliL  pertim  qius 
Mc^  ■uribui.  Hec.  iii.  3,  3. 
Cujui  lu  fldem  In  peounin 
pertptMjie.  Phorm.  i.  2,  10. 
Fmm  pertperiur  cjni  Tiden 
■Dduiun.  Eun.  T.  2,61. 
perelrepo]  Fenirtpinil,  Ut, 

Eun.  iii.  5,  62. 

ptnaadeo]  T»m  ftcilB  po- 
tucrii  uemaiJerv  illi.  HesDt 
ii,  3,  122,  PeruaeU  noi, 
iiuDr,  Tinum,  idolcKentia. 
Adelph,  iii,  4.24;  iii.  3,  fi, 

perUwrfo]  Si  indpiea,  neqae 
pertendei  niviler,  Kun.  i,   1, 

perttnlo]  3iai 

ptrleidarem.  Ai 


And,  i.  1,142, 

perlemti]  Hnnc 
ncrilc^m.  Eun. 

u,  iT,  2, 

perliitaeia]  9imiliitier(Ha- 
cuHi.  Hcc  li,  ],  5,     Quio 

5,*«."  Cf,  iT,  2™*.      °^ 

BBrtnrioJ  J«ni  perlartapi 
omnih  And.  iil.  4,>J.  Ani- 
mo  rero  perturiaio.  HeAut.  i, 
1,70.  Eaboi ptrtMtiat.  Hee. 
iv.    1.  14.     T^   uk  eiorere 

!uu  pertarbco  huc.  Hec.  ii, 
fierveMio]       Unde     in    jm- 

,S!"E°n°''prel?l5.'°  CT^o 

44.     Noo  potuit  meliui'  ptr- 


'ut]  Tdi|uid«rn  ugipor' 

Bmlprniae.  Adelph.  t.  7.  U. 

peivolvo]  Tb  .  .  .  penoi- 
vam  in  luts.  And.  ir.  i,  38. 

pirPiiigaJiu]  Vi»  pemd' 
gata  Hlrum.    Haot.  1. 1,  iS. 

pei\  Mnihui,  psifitui|ua 
obniu  amnii  futurum.  And. 
I.  1.  1*4;  ir.  1.  M.  Nun- 
qniLiD  hnc  tetulloem  pedem. 

gium  prdem. 
tfl.  Non  qi 
modo  at  TJdg 

.  3,  S.      Nut. 
■  ■  Iph.  ii.  2, 





.    <   13.     Jim  pe- 

.]  /•««™  i 
in  illum  c 
i.  I,3& 

«jjimu}  Id  eit  «nni  ho- 

S.  Hem,  quid  •tiiti,  bm- 
nmal    Eua.  v.  6, 16.    Peai- 

iii"^™''  ™ 

fwn/iu)  PittaliLm  oatio 
Dbdo.  Gun.  iii.  6.  bh.  Anu> 
foribui  obdil  patulum.  He- 
lut.  ii.  3,  37. 

^WMMiuio]  Ma  lut  henim 
peasnmdiibuid.  Aod.  i.  3,  3. 

uiol««ntium ;  prrjunii,»!- 
lie.  Adelfl..  ii.  1,  »i. 

Dnde  prftliu-  ,  .  .  quun  ille 
qui  nlit.  Eun.  Pnit.  11,  13. 
B  fumma  petert  ts  cibum 
pone  vbilTOr.  Enn.  iii.  2, 38. 
Aba  Is  ptttrt  e(  paecere. 
Heut.  T.  1,  G3.  Unde  mihi 
p^tTtnt  dbum.    HHQt.  v.  S, 

■25.    r    ■      ■       -   - '- 


pifat.  Phorm.  "It.  3, 
Undo  mihl  ■uiilinm  pn 
Phorm.  I.  1,  3. 

Phaedria]  Pcruu  ti 
'  Eunnrhci.' 

rialiratf]     Ut   fliaU 

i.   3,"  100. 

dictii  dncae  me.    Pbonn.  iii. 

PlLanma]    Henuidri  Phat- 
nu  nnnc  nnper  dedit.    Eun. 

kllqUDd    itudiuni    idjungint, 

TcuDdutn.  uit  ad  nUbw- 
nbi.  And.  i.  1.  30. 

PUlotit\  Uec.  i.  8,  6,  7. 

PhHlere]  Houl.  i*.  1,48. 

PWwwsm)    Vide    -Hecy- 

Pliormia\  Tide  'Phomio- 

""^inwiaj  Adolph.lT.  4, 9; 
T.  9,  18. 

p^l  Pty.  Dsmi  htbtul 
unde  diKerat.  Adelph.  iil  3, 

jHolim,  fiitia']  Suipectui 
tmbuUm  quujdflm,  pu:iaBi, 
ubi  incAt  picltara  huc  Eun. 
iii.  S,  36. 

pie]  Neque  &ciem,  neque 

Adelph.  ii  ™,  11 

pietae]  O  Chreme,  fnela- 
tet,  •nitl.  And.  *.  2.  2H. 
Mitni  ferre  ininriu  me  .  .  . 
pielat  jubet.    H«.  iii.  1,21. 

33.  Me  pietai  metria  potiua 
iil.  £,  31.     Utipud  me  paa- 

pigtt]  Num  ficti  pipell 
a£7t.  3,  6.  Id  ews  Acium 
hic  nDD  negit.  neque  u  ■»*- 
gere.    Helut.  Pwl.  19,      P»- 

que.  Adclph.  iil.  3,  38.  Ne 
quid  plui  miauSTe  tkiit  qnod 
Doi  poat  pigiaL  Phwm.  ill. 

piffnia]  Ager  Di^Hwtua  eit 
piqxori  ab  decem  mluu. 
Phorm.  iT.  3,  56. 

piecator^  Ccluil,  Iviii. 
qui.  larlDrea.  piacatorei.  1 
11.2,38.        \ 

2,  82.  Piieii  crlecDt  p«r«. 
AdelT>h.lll.  3.  23.  /■£«»« 
■ententift  nutut  >um.  Adelph. 

patriUa]    Apud  ipeum   U- 
Fum  citfiufn^a.    Ade1ph.iT. 

inm  te  In  inj^rbiue  de^m. 
ind.  i.  3,  28.  Praecipi  ou 
n  iiu(riiHMidi,hit.  Aad.    .  3, 

whI     Hu    mt:    pDdicnm 
ii.Eenium.  Hec.  i.  2,  f?. 
plaoahihi\  Te   itBUiD    por- 

ett.   Adel|A.  iT.  O^ld 

eat  Phorm.  ».  7,  W. 

p^awl  Pfimo  ecta  plaeeo, 
Hec.  Afi.  ProL  Sl.  Pbm. 
Phorra.ii.  l,e.  Plaeit.  Eui. 
T.  S,  67.  Adelph.  It.  f,  19; 
T.  S.63.  Phonn.  i.3,88.  Et 
gener  et  ifGnet  pLml.  Hr- 
uit.  T.  1.  63.  Si  IJbi  quid 
fcci  ut  faclo,  quod  p/atral. 
And.  1.  1,  U.  Ipa>.  cou- 
menlani  plairl.  And.  i.  3. 
30.  Vlde  nt  otiatvi  il  ei  Dit 
plaeil.    Eun.  T.  3,  10.     Tbi 

Hee.  J^  Pnl^  SI^ 
Tobu  piaeila  eat  condilio 
dttur,  Hoc.  ii.  1,  44.  Sic 
■um  :  ti  n<aeea,ntere.  Pbonn. 
iil.  2,  42. 
plaeidt]    Sntpeota     gnilu 

plaeidiH\      Qnum      ferrit 

oTem  reddo.  Adelph.  It.  I. 
18.  Clement,  D^iMiw,  null) 
ludere  ai,  iTxiilorB  omnibnl. 
AdeliA.  T.  4.  10. 

piacB\  Neque  qnod  princi- 
pinm  incipliim  vl  pleeimitm, 
Kio.  Heiut.  T.  4.  21.  Q<.ui>. 
placo  tdTenar  ndula  el  de- 
teneo.  Adelph.  l  2,  64.  Fu 
illiul^ifrwfarnabii.  Pbarm. 
T,  3. 1.   Cf.  T.  7,  72. 

piagaj  NequeridicuIniHae 
nequeiiii^nipalipottaiii.  Ea. 
ii.  3,  13.  Plaaae  creMnt,  ni- 
li  protpicli.  Pliann.  *.  2.  16. 

;iiijiej  1n  me  plaiie  Di  po- 

dere.  Euo.  T.  8.  3.  Tn  qui- 
detn  illum  ^iiiiw  prodii. 
Hetnt.  It.  3,  29.     Equidnn 

H^lV  l."24™Sw  "w 

S.  Pla^  hic  dlTinu,  H«; 
iT  4,  71.  Non  m  hunc  bt- 
bei  p/oM  prutentcm  Deimi  ? 
Phorm.  ii.  2,  31. 

ditt  tbt  la  fil»  etl^t^i^ 
Hotut  iT.  1,  26.  Ad  ram. 
mihi  quidem  lee  radiit  bAbu- 
nw.  Fbactt.  ir.  4,  3. 


ptaiea]  UU.  WM  i 
couimodnm  huc  mdTrrti 
liaftc  noctnB  plaleam. 
ii.  3,  53.  PiuieriU  bu 
piaiea  lunum.  Adelpb,  rid«  iu  , 
plaUtM.  rhonn.  i.  i,  37. 
/•laudiltj  In  fino  ui 
niiu  fktiuluiim. 

ftu^iai  UuJDi  tnentia  fit 
And.  Prol.  16.  Eua.  Prol.  25. 
Adelph.  Pn>L  7,  9. 

plMi  Piulitim  pleteta  |iri- 

"VlO.       "      ^™"  ^  ' 

pleeloj  Ego  vbetar  pendgi». 

ple^Bt]  Plnimi  rimuum 
nun,  hic  itijue  illiic  petfluD. 
Bun.  i.2,25.  Coniui  ■olidum 
ct  *ac«i  pienmm.  Eun.  ii.  3, 
20.  PraecepLorum  D/cmritlo. 
rum  ilU.  Adelpb.  uL  3,  5B. 
Fk^ill»  ptn»,  fumi.  u  pol- 
liaie.  Adelpb.  t.  3.  60.  Vini 
ple-nm.  Hec.  T.3.2S.     Qui. 

titque  lAea  plenior?  H«.  *. 
pieriijiie]     Quod      plerigae 

And.  i.  i.  28.  Diii  pleramie 
ooiDiB.  Heaul.  iv.  T,  '2.  Ita 
pUrigiie  nmua  nimui  in(tenio. 
Phom.  i.  3,  90.  I-leriqm. 
Eun.  i.  3,  Sa 

plemmqii*]  Ipanni  inimuDi 
tegratum  ui  deteriorem  pir- 
tem  fi/srwoaiH  ■pplicnt.  And. 
i.  2.  21  Hic  •olebunui  fere 
p/«nimnw  eun  opperiri.  Phor. 

nibro]  Plorare,  onn  ul 
■ubTBDiat  ubL  Fhorm.  Pml. 

plunmiu)  Eun.  Pnl.  2. 
Hec.  iv.  I,  55.  rUrima  h- 
lute     Pirmrnonein     inpenil 


And.  iii.  3,  15.  Hmm  nlie. 
Cr.  Phorm.  t.   >,   14.     /Vu 

uiemiutp/udiligim.  Non 
>W<ifl»duum.  Eun.  i,  2,5. 16. 
104.  Ftm$  Diilliee  iun  au- 
diii.  Eun.  iii.  I,  32,     Ubi  *d- 

8.     i^c   mihi 

lideo  qiuiio  Ti .  . 

1,  46.  Homini  iniMrD  ;ifiit 
duinnnitot  coltphoa    infrevit 

mihL  Adcl[Ji.  il.1,45,  Ado. 
lcKeni    plm     potui.       Hec 

loe  qnuitii 
omet  mihi  P 
.Plu  )pei 

I.  2,  M.  Diee  tnpol»  lut 
p/iiieoinn.Tifbi,  Hec.iti.4, 
7.  Nequidfaciunp/v.  Ue.-, 
T.  I,  4,  Ne  <iuid  o/umi- 
nntTeruiL  Phonn,  iii.  S,-J1, 

pliaemivl  PlMtcula  «iiiel- 
ieclile  opu.  e.t.  Phorm.  iT.  5, 

poena]    Sjru.  mibi    tcrjfo 

6.  An  leiFihuiditurum  nmOT 
dic»  f  Phorm.  ir.  3,  22. 

poenHel]  Aa  poemlebal  tlx- 
giti?  Eiin.  T.  6, 12.    Al  cnim 

poaiLl.  Htsut,  i.  1.  20.  Nan 
pBemilel  me  fuou.  Hec.  t.  2, 

Phonii.  i,  3s  30. 
Poeia]  In  unoquequs  Pny. 


pallen]  p^.illH  plena,  fb- 
ml,  K  peilini:  Adelph.  *,  3, 

pollieeor]  Pc.qo.m  .mw. 


p-Jl.atatio]  Quin  tu  hii 
pMicitatiomei  aufer.    Phon 

icAor]    SolliciMndo 

Phorm.  iii.  2,  38. 

pompal  Tufe  pofltpa  eo  tn- 
ducendTat  HeouC  it  4,17. 

BDfie]  i^iMfepprelieodil  pel- 
tio.  Phorm.  T.  6,23. 

po»o]  Qui  H,  in  .,,i  Kremio 

eMC  rjoBhn  j^etati  tciu.  Hec. 
iT.  2.  6.  In  mrdio  omnibui 
palmem  tMibporHam.  Phorm. 
Prol.  18.     PoM  fWB  Tietum 

Inquit,  decgiD.  PhDrm.  it.  3, 

jmpBinrMl  O  pofnJam,  cc- 

3or?  Eun,  t.  6,  1.     ObMcro, 

ii.  I,  I.  Amicui'  tnmmui 
meui  et  popnfana.  Phorm.  i. 

poptiui]    Id  popmlut  <-ani 
Kmoet.    Aud.  i.  3,  14.    In 

ore  e«t  omni  piHNifo.  AdelBli. 
i.  3,13     Q«reSrrum«r  po- 
piJi.  u  id  f«eii.P  PhDim,  *. 
7. 18,  &c. 
^urTT.)    Debinc,  Dt  quie^ 

22.     Hi.iL|iDrTii  ame  ut  Te- 

AtnirTiD  loctr  t|>m.  Heiul. 
i.  I,    IU7.      Ceuitum  UH|ue 

eiperei.cer8,  Adelpli.  It.  4, 
33.     Te  oro  porn  in  bu  re 

99.  Et  quid  uiei  porra  eUt 
E^onn.  iii.  1,  10,  el  pkwm 

fiorial  Piiuiqn.ra  ul  por- 
lamyeiimM.  A^elph.  iT.  2, 
44.  Adinrfani.  Adelph.  iv. 

porUcmi]  Adelph.  ir.  2,31, 

por<itor]  E|n.ta1.m  .  .  .  .d 
»11  (ieorri  ewe  del*[*m.  Fbor. 
1.2.  100. 

^orlii]  Di  boni,  boni  quid 
pirloi  And.  ii,  2,  1.  Uic 
iiuiic  nw  cndit  .liauwn  tlbl 
rsllui.m  porlar*.  Aod,  ii.  6, 
2.  Ne«io  quid  pcccaLiporfirf 
baec  purptiD.  HeiUL  i*.  1, 
12.  Ilem  binc  aliji  qn«e  por- 
to  Cjiiriim.  Adelph.  ii.  2,  23. 
Porlo  hoc  iumiim  ul  MX- 
onm.  Hec.  iii.  3.  63.     Cedo 


iiiwl  Eia  in  paTlii  n»i- 
And.  iiL  I,  22.  Modo 
diriio  ■dTiortiiH.  Hec  i. 

poteo]  Tuilo  ociiii  te  4f 
»..«(.  Heiiut.  i..  8,  26.  Ju- 
bebitpDKi.  Heiui.  It.  6,  'ii. 
Aht  le  petere  el  paeeere. 
H»nt,  T,  1,  53.  Mille  num- 
mum  ;»Kil.  Heiul.  ilL  3,  45. 

paae^^i  De  uxon,  ita  ul 
potavli,  □inii  mut.tChremn. 
And.  T.  4,46.  Te  ipu  hen- 
de  hue  pDaiiirTB  Buxhidem. 
Hnut.  T.  2,  16.     Hfeec  per- 

iiui  e>  poaldet.  Heut.  i.  2, 

21,  Regnnmne.  AeKhine, 
hic  tn  pomdeiJ  Adelph.  ii. 

f»  Quoniun  non  po- 
fed  id  Hen  quod  .!>,  id  Tclit 
qnod  ptmil.    And.   ii.    1,   6. 

3,  3r  Hnc  fiu»  »d  ino  re- 
niu,  n  qnid  palerii.  Aud.  ir. 
2,29.  UtpntorD,  fiinun.  And. 
T.  3,37.  MunutndMnwM- 
ET      , 

niif .  pnepni.  ]  Gga  m>  post 
pnncipii.  Eua.  Ir.  7,  H. 
/"nirf  btec  pnecipileni  direm. 
Adelph.  iii.  2. 10.  Pott  br- 
tun  injiiriuD.  Uk.  t.  1,  16. 

poil,  ulirerb.]  Poit  dein<icu 
Aud.  iii.  2,  3.  Qaw  pn>rc- 
ntitDT  DOi^,  u  par^et  ludnre. 
Euo.   Prol.    IB.      DifEcileiD 

tamen  poil.  11^«*.  vfl™ 
/*(«(  conauUm.  Adelph.  t.  9, 
25.  i>GiW  ia  mitni  Tidtn. 
H»e.  iT,  4,  78.  Huid  mull» 
f»i<.  Phonn.  T.  6,  39,  el  plu- 
lioii)  «lii(  locii. 

fuitoiil  Quld  tum  ToiUal 
EHn.ii.4,7fl;iT.2,S;  it.  7, 
33.  Adelpb.  i>.  6,  15.  Hec 
It.  I,  36.  Qnid  polta  7 
Adilpfa.  iT.  I,  13.  Noune 
hue  jnita  libi  TidnttuT  ^uj^ 
tat  Ailalpfa.  iT.  fi,  2ii,  &c 

patierinr^  Non  potienont 
fenUB.  Adelp>>-  *-  *•  ^- 

poKernil  Ns  tu  boc  mihi 
pnfariiu  dicu.  Aud.  iii.  2, 
29.  IpH  KDti«t  puteriu. 
Adelph.  i.  2,  60.  Quod  te 
fwfttfriu  puEvet.  Adelph.  ii. 

poMalno]  OiDDetpMfiaM 
mihit«t  Phorm.  T.7,  Ifi- 

potlhac]  Saepiiilme. 

-  -[M  r  ■■" ■ 


Tnts  tcitpoiima  quan 
mDin  habrun  u.  Eon 


i.  2. 

47.     Add.  Hant.  iii. 

1,  38 

Phorm.  ii.  2,  33;  it. 


T.  8,  29. 


rewiKce.  Hec  li.  1.  1 

podpmlo]  Omniiiilii 


aZ^  ITg,"?"  Q° 


^Dto  iDtelligo.  Uoc.  Ul.  S 

mibi  negoii.  And.  iii. 

id  da 


Potlrtmo    impeTDTi 




tHHfk/oJ  Iti Tolo itune^wf- 
fnlo  ut  fiM.  And.  iii.  3,   18. 

d«  n  tanlA  partvlet-  Hemut. 
«,3,9.     Ego  qiioc|ue  ■  meii 

talo.  Adelph.  T.  4,  25^  Nam 
iniquum  roilidol  Phorni.  ii, 
3.  64.  Eliwn  OUBC  me  dn- 
CBTO  iUii  dictii  podahul 
And,  it.  l,  20.  Incerti  huc 
li  tu  noite/»  ntioae  certm  b- 

•fiw  nojfiiZmme  fftll 
.1.  Ac^n.  %  4. 


Cujat    tibi 

poltilai.    AbA.  \.  1,  2fi. 

'-    ^^-    potatat    inmmi 

iT.  And.  iii,  3.  9 

Quati  Don  M  paltt- 
L.  Hetut.   iv.  3.  42. 

bendie  «e  d«w.  PhgrDi.  t.  6, 
40.      Date   pelalaliM    mihi. 

Heknt.  Prol.35. 
poiior,  adject.1   Potior  iil 

Phorm.  iii.  2,  4B. 

otyortar,  Eud,  ii.  3,  28,  70. 
c^um  D^i"i.^He.Dt.  ^3^ 

CBnio;  hie  wMthir  mndi.. 
Adclph.T.  4,17,22.    Abduii 

Pbtcdna  ut  puUnlmr.  Phorm. 
T.S,  2. 

polt\  NihilBoOinpis.  Adel. 
ii.  3,  II. 

poCii]    PofiB  ei  mlhi  Temni 

i.  2,  21.  Adelph,  It.  1,  23. 
Nrque  ferri  potiM  e*.  HeDul, 
ii,  3,  80. 

iK^lneDt.)]  Si  »Wt)e>t.Eim. 
il^M,  Adol.  IT,  i,  fi;  i.. 
4,16.  Hec.  iii.  3,  35.  Phorm. 
iL3,  3a 

pofiiiniuni]  Quem,  iaqait, 
Tocabo  md  coenun    meorDin 

Aod.  li.  6.33;  t.  5,  6.  Qiud 

Adelph.  iii.  1,9.     Ubi  tn  du- 
bllee  quid  iiimu  iKi(iniii>m. 
Phorm.  ii.  2,  29. 
pBliMM]  Fiuiini. 

tatl  Adelph,  i,  1,  37.     Obeo- 
n«t,    potai,    ol«t    ungimtA; 

potia]    Cnm    virgin»    ims 

oritP  Hec.  i.  2.64. 

prae,  praeposit.  ]  Abi  prae. 
And,  i.  1,  144,  et  HpinL 
yide  quUB  ialqDa  iil  imw 
iludio.  And.  T.  t,  6.  Pn» 
UDore,  Eim.  i.  2,  IS.  %o 
11!  um  contempu  prat  mo. 
Eiin.  ii.  2,  a  Prae  ueritD- 
dine.  H™t.  i.  J.7I,  >*f^ 
gndio,  iu  D»  Di  imeDt.  nU 
lim  neerio,  Heut.  ii,  !t.  67- 

11.3,9.   Huie 

HmdL  t.   1,  47. 

L    poet    PDtDTil    OBD 
KlUinado.   Adelpb. 
id  pftDlom 
QuuiB  le  paatpatave 

telligo.  Hee.  iii.  5.  33^ 

pratbto]  Non  poHDm 
tiume  qaoe  ladiM  prwi 

S&.     Hodie  uaque  oi  prailmi. 
Adelph.    ii.  2,    7.      SerrHm 

prateaveo]  Hoc  lempat 
pratcarer»  mihi  me,  hDad 
ieu1ciici,unit.  ADd.iii.3, 18. 

praeapt]    PratcipHtm    in 

Citrinum  dibit.  And.  i.  3,  !>. 
linem  mihi  etHt  iliquid 
hic  quo  mr  nuno  praecwilrm 
duein.  Aud,  iii.  4,  W  Cf. 
Adel.iii.2,20.  Aactanati»Tc 
nt  pratr^aHtm  huic  dairt. 
Pfaonn.  JT.  3,  20. 

pratetplam]  Praeetpomm 
plenoi  litorum  illr.  Adclph. 


pnuDHiiol  Hue  en  prat- 
cipio  libi  f  HeuL  iii.  3,  IB. 
dooKTTii  Dd  euDdem  atoDC 
pnteipia  medum.  Adelpb.  iii. 
3,  70,    Docui,  UHmiO,  Ine 



emnU.  AMX  V.  9,  6.  Ct. 
iii.  3,  B«. 
tmMcintD]  HMlesnunm- 

tato.  A.lBlph.  JT.  3,  3B. 

ptnetmrn>\  Uuillarinn  in- 
tcna  pTBpsre  pnMDHmrnf, 
HM.iiiis.  11. 

r>nuilin>]     ActDm  ot    «■ 

And.  iii.  1,  7.  Cf.  ^.  t.  li 
12.  Uac  i.  3,  36.  Ulniffl  U- 
c«udne  in  praiidieiml  Buo. 
ii.  *,  Bi.  llt  pniatitamt. 
And.  t.  S,  4.  &  DurHfratna 
valf  pnHlieat.  Eun.  ii.  3. 
o2.  Na  K  ejertun  pmAfKH^. 
Phorn.  W.  5,  13. 

prcwfKiD]  Hac  primam  iu 
hu  re  praediai  libi.  And.  i, 
1,  19.  N«)De  tti  hoc  diat 
tibi  DDD  prvedktiHii.  And.  i. 

pmtMlmJ  Qai  gutDm  hi^ 
bsmn  tali  innnla  pratdiliim. 

pniflla]  E />nwi{s»6iif  nn- 

e  Sqnio,  Eon.  i.  2,  3«."''    " 
pnmfieia]  Klepbiqlii  qnflm 

Indicie  prwfmertU.  Kun.  iii. 

1 ,  23.     Chui^m  ef  nl  pma- 
ficianu.  Ean.  iii.  *.  3. 

prai^imlaj    Illi  htad  lice- 

bKt,  niu  pnH/iiBtolDqui.  Hcc, 

i.  2,  19. 
praeffwrt]  Ai>diicl>  l  TDbii 

praepim  FucnL   nlia.    Hqiie 

fuiiH  praefftialtm  unqnam  u- 

ts  hanc  leiTi  dien,  Hcc  ir. 

2,  K    Qood- 

itrBlor.  HeiiiL  *.  1,  3. 

iz  ™™"  "'■  ""'■ 

o«(ar»   pgrin.    Hee.    i*.    1, 
praeptdHm]  Ra  hi  natn 

prarpnitftj  Niinqnam  pnu- 
poKen  H  illii.  Ad,I,  i.  \,  38. 
Si  fidem  hibnt  ■eiri  praapo- 
-Utmi  tibi  ■pud  me.  Eiin.  i.  2, 
59.  Quo  p«lo  me  hkhnerlt 
praeptmiam  UQori  tuo.  Hee. 

iT.  a;?. 

pntHpio]  Timei  .  .  .  ne 
illum  ulcm  pratrwial  llbi, 
Eud.  i.  2.81, 

praaaaioj  NeKis  qnid  fto- 
&cto  miJii  nniioui  praetaail 

3,  12.     »«•!>  in  jiracKnlia 

Hnut.  >,  2,  9.     Mnllcrn  ■u- 

Adelpb.  ii.  2,  14.  Ne  mra 
Bratitniia  ohttct.  Het  i».  2, 
11,  ProTinimnlneiniinK- 
«f»  huc  hinc  •beet,  Pbarm. 
T.   2,    U.     Hoe,     Alt.    Prol. 

(srtim  Clr*ivtMiii.  Adelpb.  t, 
2,  9.  Prattertim  ut  □nnr 
•unt  mara.  PbDim.  i,  2,  S. 
PratteHiai  qnum.  Htc.  it.  1, 
16:  iT.  4.ft3. 
7)r(iA(if^nflit]  Meo  praetidio 
'  ipiiii.  And.  T,  2,  2. 
■  iltiliie  ■     ■        ■ 

Vt  meee  itultiliie  in  inatitii 
luK  lil  ■liquid  pnundh  He- 
Liit.iT.  1,83.     Ibi  tuu  itnl- 

B  r  3 

btlea  MDper  eril  vroaiftiiiit. 
Hcnl.  T.^,  14.     Pramidima, 
Telle  le  goneeiuti  ■us.  Hec. 
i.  2,  +i. 
pnutfdli/vi]  Qnuita  fucnt 

■gen  irtMomP    Hec.   iii.    1, 

praeiHlii^]  Tlbiqnidem  est 
allni  diea  quim  mA  dkirc*  huie 
pRHtfifiidi.    Pherm.    liu    2, 

pmafo,  •erb.)  Hominl  ho- 
mo  aiiid  pratHal }  Eun.  ii.  3, 
1.  ChreBiea  hoe  mihi  prae- 
•tat.  Heuit.  T.  1.  3,  Vir 
vira  quid  pratttatl  Phomi. 
T,  3,  7. 

pratilo,  ulTirb,]  Ipnin 
idoo  praealo  Tideo,  And.  ii. 
5,    4,      Jim     dudum     doQii 

Heut.  i,   1,  ISa     Cum^ille 
eit,  pratito  hic  eu.  Pharm.  li. 

1.37;  i.  3, 1;  iil.  3.  29. 

iltr  biec  Adelph. 
UoTum  lile  nihil 

i.   I,  31,   M.  96. 

■,  ct  praeter  quam 

Pmrler  utarui. 
.  6,  i.  Praeler 
Heiul.  L    2.  37. 

Apd,  T.  3«  a 

O    ipM 

Addph.  J 

rv"" ' 

esH  pratler  n«LTem  aainio- 
nFiD  comperi.  Hec.  t.  1,  37. 

Pulehrs  diacedo  eL  jffobs 
ct  pratier  apem.  Pnom. 
T.8,Sfl.  And,  ii.6,  5;  It.  1, 
5fi.  Hnul.  iT.  1,  b\.  Adelpk. 
T.     3,    29,    &e.      Fngiu    ne 

wl  Pwim. 

m]      Sine     blduum 

<reaL  E»n.  iL  2,  S3. 

tempui.    Eun.  ili. 

AdelphV  iT.    2,    SS.   "k^s 

Siiid  mali  praelerterit.   Hec. 
i.   4,    5.      Tue  pmtttritral 

vim     id     duccndiim     letM. 

quicqaun  Panuenoiiem  pru- 

Hac.  T.  4,  38.     Jam  «■  pro»- 

Adelph.    ili.    3.   60.      Nihil 

pnntor^imiii)  VBrbum 
Diibi       uaiim      pr<iBtBripaim 

ind.  i».  4.  1i  N«n«j)™«- 
ttrtpuim,  qntB  ipte  Kmor  mo- 
iHiiuhiibetuJdu.  Eun.  i.  1, 
S3.  Fnulert/Kam  lai  arcD- 
dnm  quod  dnl.  Heaal.  il  4, 

pmzflilj  Ludum  jocumquc 
dico  illum  &lterum  falufl, 
vraeat  quu  diliit  hujot  n- 
\ia.  Eu^.  ii.  3,  9. 

pmmdiitm]  Pramdiwm  cor- 
rumpitur.  Adelph.  it.  2,  49. 

;nir«]  Vido  ne  impuliui 
In  prtm  inaittu.  Hec  iii.  fi. 
34.  N«qu>a  ntii  quam  hoc 
mihi  vidctur  &ctum  prtm 
proloqiii.  Hec.  iv.  4,  24. 

pravibu]  Qiud  i«t4  trit  pm- 
rJoi.  qoBen  imenlja  ett? 
Uewit.T.  2^30. 

pratmi]   Neque  id   puUbii 

nioribiii.  HeauL  It.  7,  11. 
Inepti  Imitu  pMriL  rt  &cl- 
litu  pmoa.  Adelph.  iii.  3. 
37.  Eui  hoc  milii  pravwii, 
incptum,  ibiurdum,  itquo 
■Jienum  ■  tIii  mci  TidDlur. 
Adelph.  T.  8,  21.  H»  niii)i: 
prsrmiUDi  r*t,  qui  recln  prava 
fiuiunt.  Phorm.  v.  2,  6. 

pmiortu]  Huic  tu  mibi 
Tel  Ti  TSl  cUm  Tcl  prtcario 
fac  tndu.  Eun.  ii.  3,  27. 

piwator)  Nec  tu  usin  titn, 

T.    ^23.      Ad    prvalmn, 

onl.  Phonn.  i.  2,  90. 

preti)  Nibil  ett  pred  loci 
relictum.  AdiI.  iil.  4,22.  Per- 
fice  hoc  prenb»,  pRlio.  Eun. 

qani.  Phorm.  lli.  2.  13.  Ut 
nal  ln*  locua  relinqiHitur  pnd. 
FhDTm.  iii.  3, 14. 

preeor)  PnEhnc.  ai  quic- 
qokm,  nihil  invoor.  Pborm.  i. 

qo»m,  D 

jirejl«n/o1  Tui 
modo  prKiiiidil. 
16.     Quiihomo 

Frtmdo      hominem      m 
Pborm.  iv.  3,  15. 
prttinaKi  Qaod  hkbui 


A,  4.     Quum  fuiem  Ti<ln.-i, 

And.  T.  2,  IS,  Ajinim  pnli 
mtjorii  nemo  babcL  HnuL 
i.  1.  12.  Pr^rm  •penni 
lliea  pmducit,  Tcndit.  Eun.  i. 
2,  53.  »  nuaoDim  «nrepH- 

Prol.  48.    CDiniljamprultr 

2,  5.  Eko  ipcm  protia  tian 
ema.  Adelph.  ii.  2,  11.  Bl 
non  pre/w  it  gntiiB.  Adtlph. 
iT.  7,  26.     /'reliB  emu  meo. 

wnt.  Eun.  ilL  3.  II.  I 
rffD  mili  UDU  pridtm  \utv 
Henutil.  1,  17.  Jimcrid 
equidom  udiTi.  Hcc  ii. 
priHiarni]  Ncqne  hnjnl 

Pb^m.T™'?"     '"""" 
prtnia)  Siepe. 
;>.in»iIiiiH]    Mado   doloi 

Ade1{<h.  *.  6.  10. 

prima  bibere.  Hnut.  t. 
CC  Adeltih.  T.  4,  4.  Ei 
9,  M-  In  nrina  U 
Adelpb.  Prol.  9.  Primo 
Hec.   Ali.   Pral.    31.     Norie 

Adel{d>.  i 

3,  6._ 

prinvt  lucu.  Adelpb.  t.  S,5 
Pnmajpulnqui  igel.  Pbon 
Prol.38.  A  primo.  Fhon 
iT.  2. 14;  iT.  3,  37. 

prmeepi]  FrioiHMin  trtiu 
muia  primdpem.    Adelph. 

primcipia]    Tn    hoMS    io' 

■true  :  bic  ego  em  poat  priit- 
dpia.  Eun,  iT.  7,  ll. 

firtiinwi']  Prindpio  ■mira 
filiam  RUiiucrit.  And,  iii.  3, 
38.  Primdpio  eun  me  dica 
libenm.  Eun.  iT.  7. 35.  Prim- 
eipiti  et  habet  qnod  det,  et  d^t 
nemo  lirgiuL  Eun.  t.  8,  46. 
Adelpb.  V.  3.21. 

pnmdptm]     AudiTi' 

Quod  d. 

2,  S.     SuH 

T.  2.  35.  In  primcieio.  Hec. 
iii.  3,  21.  fil.  Pharni.  iL  ], 
22.  Bene  bibent  libi  ^rn- 
cipia.  Phorm.  ii.  3,  82.  Sic 
hnbent  pivtdpia  me  nl  dico. 
Phorm.  lii.  1,15. 

prtro]  Punpbilunne  bne 
nrbe  ifnnlri  linet  ?  Fbotm. 
lil.  2.  53.  Pwim. 

pro,  ]neposit.1  Punphilnm 

Jri°nM"And'i."ll9!  E^c 

.i.m  ei..ume..  H^t.^Prol' 
30.  Pro  H  quitque  ndulo 
ruiebuit.  HnuL  i.  1,  74. 
Halmi.  ■DWTi  pr>  meo.    Noi. 

iure  woro.  Adelph.  L  1.  23. 
27.    Pro  Tipjine  if    ■ 

Sedulo  nioaeo  qi 

dirit?  Adelph. 

\m.    Adelph. 


iii.  5,  2.  Pro  Di 

Irlph.  >.  S.  23. 
ic  «I.  Adelph. 
rimi*  ■liirlocia. 
cL]  Pn,  Deum 

1.     />RiDeiim 
FhDrm.  ii.  3,4, 


Proiimm*.  Adelpb.  iiL  3, 
6S.  Fecittii  proAa.  Phomi. 
ii.  4,  18.  Pulchre  diteedo,  ei 
finj^,  et  pnctcr  tpein.  Phor. 
T.  8,  58. 

prvio]  Farm*  «t  Mitkla  ipae 
nt,  teale  ut  pre  EnDUcha 
prtiei.  Esn.  ii.  3, 14, 


prolmt]  Si  *«  Tultii  perhi- 
heri  prvioi.  Adelph.  lii.4,S9, 
Praba  «I  aiodau,  Adglpb.  t. 
8,  7.  O  utitiiEm  pnbuai! 
Phonu.  ii.  1,29. 

pnHu]  Ha  Mt  poleiu, 
prooua,  inufnific&,  inmtQiM, 
nobili*.  H(sut.  ii.  1,  ]£. 
M>li[eiu  mullo  et  louia  nro- 
ou  £cu  iUco  «L  U«.  i.  3, 

prottdo^  Fimui  iaterira 
pntendil.  And.  i.  1.  101. 
Primo  pnettril  nuuTti,  And, 
i*.  1,  47.  P-oadt  a  huc, 
EuD.  iiL  2,  17.  Bcn*  pro- 
udU.  Adclph.  T.  6,  9,  Pro- 
miitfihadie  pulchn,  Adelph. 
T.  9,  22- 

pn>diva\  Ingeniam  e» 
omnium  liDminum  b  Uhare 
pnafm  id  lihidiar-m.  Aiid.  i. 
1.  61.  Id  fuUin  ia  pmlivi 
quod  eit.  And  ii.  2.  18. 

pneni]  Ul  (u  illot  proeui 

ii.  2,  50.  Quem  ( 
Uo.  «cepi.  Hec. 

pulut  fam :  uiu)  quudun 
;>nK/i<.  ll«aL  ii.  3,  3A.  Ne- 
mnne  hur  pndUl  Phano.  i. 
2,  102.  Neqiie  mihi  in  con- 
spectum  prodH,     Phonn.  ii. 

prodo}    Ul  iHquot  nllem 

1,  13.  Priai  pmditmm  te 
tnim  Tium,  ei  priut  pecu- 
niem  emntm.  Haut.  lii:  I, 
70.  Anui  illi  praUla  iitM  te 
Hl»  ert  |.liniieime.  Heaut.  ir. 
1,26.  Tui|uld(>>>>llum].1>ne 
pndii.  Heaut.  it.  3.  29.  Cf. 
Adelsh.  It.  6,  51,  Hec,  iT,  4, 
pndtia>\    Ui  hDiemilo  ■1i- 

Prodwdl!  Tendil.  t 

illud  si>diutt  (celuL 

iii,  %  16.     Qiii  egamel  prti 

diai.  Adelph.  iii.  3.  4«.   Noi 

«L    Eun.  '^i.  ^ittKem 

S.  »9.     Non  ett  opus 

prWfTdlt  llia 
•i,  49.  Clwi: 
Hnut   i.  1, 

e  pnfieiMt. 

pTf/Ueor]  In  hSe  poetA  hic 
noDienpm/fMw  luum.  Eup, 
Prol.  8. 

prr^i^:  Gnntnt  ejut  pro- 
/wit  inopiB.  Heiut.  iii.  2,  17. 
Hiric  egent  pn^'iuprt  nliouo 
miliuiiim.  Adelph.  iii.  3,  31. 

pn^imilo]  pTti/taidai,  prr- 


utquo  I 

ii.'3,'*8.'      ** 

^m^Ra/w]  Bonnm.  honi. 
prrjynalam,  Fhorm-  i.  2,  G^. 

pnniiieo]  Qiiee  •eee  in  ig- 
Bcm  inj  eere  Toliiit,  pnAHmi. 
And.  i.  l,  113.  Qood  Dipro- 

me  vrohilteaj  meam  ne  Un- 
gamP  Ean.  ir.  7,  36.  Deoi 
iiuuH)  ui  i.uec  pnA3itait. 
Adtlph.  ii.  4,  II.  Di  maU 
p.-otaeant.  Hec.  il.  I,  10. 
Ciim  uion  hu  ipuim  pniii- 
Mo  domo.  Pliorui.  il.  9,  78. 
Hetui.  iii.  S,  12,  15. 

pniiiil  Pron  lu  &c  ■pnd 
te  nt  tiet.  And.  ii.  4,  S.  En» 
i.  I,  11.  Pnim  tn,  tueri  >i 
Tii,  Ten  didto.  Eun.  i.  2, 26. 
Heral.  L  2,  3. 

pndndA  Proiad*  hine  T« 
■molimim.  And.  it.  2.  24. 
Pborm.  It.  3.  63.  Ul  To. 
domi  uiilii  erilit  npviAj^  pflu 
en  fnm^  liina.  Hec  ii.  1.  -Jl. 

Iiatte..'phornTiT3!35'  '"'" 
prwin\  Acripil  humo  nenio 

meliui  proniit  aequi  piWuiw. 

Eiin    T.  6,  52.     An  prUirt. 

AJelph.  T,  8,  20. 
pii/Lntl     Cipittot  PtJHi., 

;inAnii.  Haul.  ii.  3,  49. 
pniogiu\   In  proliiyit  tcri- 

bendii  ajier&iu  ■hulltur.  Anil. 

Frol.  5.  Ontorem  e«e  Tuluit 

me,    non   pruLtgnm.    Heaut, 

ProL  II.     Ointor  lA  tu  te- 

nio  amitu  proloj/i.  Hec  Alt. 

Aud.  I.  5,  21.     Neqiie. 

unTe^Hu/o^n.  Ho.  It.  4, 24. 
Non  potuil  cointiiU  prol.tnii. 
Phorm.  ii.  I.  53.  Oiu.ttomi.- 
lufw'.  Phortu.  *.  6,  21. 
^mfnitiiwj    Qu^e   n«  Uni 

quod  pniiiiUiiiR  1  Adclidl.  t. 
premmol      Venim     en!m 

Adflph.  iL  I,  47.     lu^liin 

piler,  Adclph.  i*.  5, 

47.    Idem 

prMwrilni    fiieril.   condupli- 

«Ttrit.  Phorm.  liL  2,  32. 

promiairm]      Ubi     tempna 
pniDuaii  jsm  perlicL  Aud.  iv. 

tgo   igno 

hnie  proiuono  uupliiu.  And. 
iT.  2,  28.  MoTeo.  Video,  wd 
nlhil  projnocei.  Eun ,  t.  3,  4. 
Abibo  hiDC,  pnrKDt  quanilo 
promoreo  puum.  Uec.  it.  4, 

yronK.]  Cipite  ^itwiimt  in 
temm  lUtuerem.  Adelpb.  tii. 

propt]    Prope  *itu,   enm 

miU.  AniLi.  1, 12«.    Fropt 

■Ubit  pTvvi.     Frtmut  Mce- 

dBmn*.  Adelph.  iU.  2,9,  11. 
miile.  oili  niii  qaii  pnipe  «t. 
Adelpfa.  iT.  1,  7.     Pnm  jnn 

6.  Prope  JHD  reinciluja  in- 
iurii  idvcrurium.  Hec.  Alt. 
Pr..l.  1*. 

proptJUm]  Illum  litii  «I- 

propeilUBi.  Ueiuf.  t.  1,  lOS. 
NOB  tu  pnpeditm  utiui  ob- 
Htumbere.  Heuit.  i*.  S,  28. 
Ipu  re  «iperiFre  propidiem. 

tmj^tflBatfm]  Propemodmm 
hftbeo  jmra  GdFm.    Aad.  iii.  4. 

7.  Ue  ejui  •pero  fntremjpm- 
osinM/iuHiBinrepperitie.  Guu. 
Ta,  123.    Egomethibrop™- 

V,  5,  aO.  Ambo*  eunro  prt>~ 
pemodun  rcpoecrre  illum  est 

■•■--'     Adelph.  i.  2, 

ic  «1?    Prvpe 


And.  V.  G.  15. 
■d  Toe  pi-Bpett.  Hciui.  It,  4, 
22.  /"niiere  ptMcucurrit. 
Hk.  iii.  a,  11;  t.  S,  10. 
Adelpli.  iii.  2.  22. 

pmp€ro\  ContJDuo  ad  to 
pnipeniRt  perrDrTo  vt  foruin. 
ADd.  ii.  2.  IS.  Tuito  ociHi 
propereniKt.  Ein.  lii.  S,  61. 
Hic  pmpeml  Id  Cvprum. 
Adelph.  li.  4,  14.  Homiuem 
prnptrti  inTcuin.    1'honD.  t. 

pn^ino]  HDoe  eamedeDdDai 
et  deridFnduio  labit  praptiK. 
Enn.  T.  S,  £7. 

modi.,l.  QuodeKo 
ln  prvviaifia  ptne  uiiicitiw 
puto.  H«uit.i.  1,£. 

imiputr]  Diim  nullm  alii 
delectalio  ouae  praviur  cMCt. 
Hnot.  t.  i,  35.  lu  me  Mr- 
Tot  Juplter  ut   prvpior    illi 

il  pnf^i  t    Phorm.  Iv.  3, 

pngpniH)  NihilDe  «e 
siinu-iiim  cuiquiiD  ?  And.  IT. 
%f.  VolDpateeeoruiD  •)»- 
prtoe  lUjit.  And,  t,  &,  4. 
CuriTi  pnpria  et  Phdedri» 
ut  pataretul.  Phorm,  t.  5,  2. 

pnjpftrl  Inierdiim  pnwler 
darmiet  Euu.  li.  3,  77,     Uic 


prepltr  husc  iditate.  Adelph, 
li.  I,  Ifi.  Ihi  mngiporiDm 
propltr  ett.  Adelph.  it.  2, 87, 
El  ■lepiaHaie  ilibi. 

prt^mieo']  Qaod  tu  <prT« 
DTJpiHciAo  fkciie.    And-  ii.  3. 

tletut,  T,  2,  8.  IIU  qnM  f^- 
tun  iunt^rtwKifre.  Addph. 
iii-  3,  34.  Keo  jim  pranH- 
liiwfmihi.  Adelph.  iT.  2,aO, 
Nuniquid  tulrpru7>UA'  tiblP 
Adelph.  iT.  5,  5&.  Adora.m 
cujoi  cDnulio  ei  fiienit  ^r 
proiptia.  Hec,  iT.  1,48.  Ni.i 
me  viimui  fillit  uil  puiim 
proipKUMl  oculi.    Phorm.  •, 

proiteraa]  Ceteroa  menim. 
tgerem,  iBperem,  funderem, 
et  sroiferKereH.  Adelph.  iii, 

prunjit]  CmpLtii  periclum 
maiTB,  dumproniii  libi.  And, 
iT.  1,  «3.     (juibni  et  re  hIti 

nn  >upe.  Eun.  ii.  2,  27. 
Cf.  iii.l,S6;T.  5,23;  t,  8, 
41.  Heliut,  peiua:  Dronf, 
iT.1,30,   Quic- 

5, 13.     Qi.i  poil 

/mt.  Hec 

H>rummihi;uuitf.   Hec 

proldo}  Se  te  inin>  (Uli 
■UTidicitdictitprotefcl.  Phor. 
i.  4,  36. 

protorrml  Filinm  . . .  pra- 
(.rriiBli  hinc  H«ut.  ii!.  1, 

profrmj  Suii  pol ju^i^^gm 

aeSyri  pnmimlwc  iDdaxe- 

HeuiL  iT.  e,  10. 

pmteriw]  Ne  ioeptat,  ne 
pnlemu  Tideei.  Heuit.  iiL 

profiinH]  Hine  meprn^int 

prori^flo]  Henii  eot,  Bcque 
prvMeraa.  Aad.  i.  2, 12.  Si 
non  Mtn  prveideHlvr.  And.  i. 
3,  3,    Phoim.  i.  4.  5.     PuW- 

videre.  Huul.  i.  1, 64.     ^^ 
cuHii  eetuein  oruMnlithaee 
T.  2, 14. 

pnmij-tiii)  Uuii 

2,  fi.  /mri«iini  cepiiti  do^ 
mm.  Phorm.  i.  2,  22. 

pnivuD]  Prorimj  quid  ant 
PunphiluL  Aud.  T.  S.  1.  Ifiic 
nrveiia.  Eun.  iii.  1,  4.  bo 
hnc  ul  hoi  srueiBiin.  AdeliA. 
».  6.  1. 

pranioo]  PiEapbiluiimits- 
lum  provDceui.  £dd.  iii,  I, 
53,  Eoprvmal.  Adelph.  t. 
4,24,      '^  *^ 

pnHa^]  Ego  hanc  in  me- 

iT.4, 3«.      ^* 

pmriinH]  Priuimme  musd 
HODiet  mthi.    And.  ir.  1,  IZ 


i.  3,4a     Eunuisdii 
itiaism  eU.    Edd.  ii 

Hec.  iii.  2,  6      Lei  «t  ot 

peoZlria]  llle  bonni  Tir  no- 
bii  piailriQm.  ii  Dii  pluvt, 
umTit.  Adelph.  iii.  4,  Sl, 
Tu«  «Tte  iJgiDti   mims  ptD 

^delpb.  i< 

Htnuur.  Eua.ii.2,59.  Hud 
Bita  mili  quid  onnm  ei  hoe 
■it  pMice.     Adelph.   iii.  3, 


»lu  teim?    Phtnn.  t.  7, 

«gD  ulipiHar  qui>d 

UMaC  i.  1, 63.     Ptidaa,  mo- 
deiU.  H«.  i.  2,  90. 

p<idtl\  Cujua  nnnc  jhhU 
ms  tt  miaerct.  Hfaat.  ii.  3, 
19.  Fnitrii  meaui.|gm  piid«f 
pigrtriue.  AdeliA.  iii.  3,  38. 
J^udet  Phbl..!.,™..  M~.  ■ 

8.  S3. 

"■    l,"s;ii' 


l  W;  ' 

m.  iii.  2,  11 ,  ei  ueiNUi 

pudiotl  Pudict  TiUm  . . . 
agelxt.  Aod.  i.  1,  47.  Beue 
m  pudia  doctam  atqns  educ- 
tam  ingeniain.  And.  i,  6,  39. 
Beue  et  padiee  eductun. 
Haut.  U.  1,  14. 

padiedia}  Et  ad  pudidtiani 


neque  me  coaBuetudo  oeque 
unor  tttt\nr  pador  commoieBl- 
And.  L  5,  27,  14.     In  dene- 

SDdo  modo  quii  pvdor  ptu- 
lum  idnt.     And.  it.  I,  6. 
I4am  ejui  color  pMdorit  aig- 

:•;  7.  Padort  et  libenJitite 
libemretiuen.   Adelpb.  i,  1, 

pWar.Adelph.iL4, 10.  PudB- 

migii.  Hee.i.2,47rrtini.Ium 
oUtupefedl   pador.    Phons. 

puj/nl  PiTTuliunsiwaigB. 
Eun.  i.2,  29.  Natilitepml- 
lae.  Eun.  iii.  5,  34.    8i  pmi- 

ptteUula']  Continuo  quan. 
dam  nactut  eit  ptuUidan 
dtbuiitriam.  Phorm.  i.  2. 

pwr]  AequumeHecenBent. 
Doa  jun  a  paerit  ilico  nnaci 
•en».  He>ucii.1,2.  Adetph. 
iii.  4,  40;  T.  9,  fi.  Homini 
ilico  lacriiDM  cadnDt  quui 
paero.  Adelph.  it.  1,  20. 
(^m  ef^  modo  pmernm  tan- 
■lUnm  m  lunibui  mlavi 
ineii.  Adelj.h.iT,2.e4.    Pn- 

^r,  Adcl^h.  T.  B,'l7"*Mu- 

liereH  BUnt  ferme  nt  tnien  lcTJ 
•ententia.  llec.  iii.  f,  32. 

^aer^J  Quidnameit?  D. 
pKeriie  ctt,  And.  ii.  18.  Vei- 
m.fiivrT/i  lentcntia.  Fhorm. 

indfl  uH^ue  a  pueritiii  luit  lem- 
per  bmiliaritaa.    HeMit.  i.  2, 

patrperd)  Quid  opui  ficlo 
eBiet  paerperae.  And.  ili.  2, 
10.  P.<e>7>c»m  nunc  duci 
buc  pecTiam  aegrottm.  A.IcL 
V.  7,  23. 

/liiiFi^    8i  qua  eit  habiiioi 

gilla,    puj/ilem    eue    aiuot 
in.  ii.  3,  24.     Piwi^uRi  glo- 
ria.  H«.  Alt.  Proi.  25. 
piiffna]    NequopiWBiif  nar- 

paytia*]  PagiHH  continuo 
in  mala  haereaL  Adelph.  ii. 
1 ,  17.  Me  piunu . . .  uuue 
«ddil.  Adel^.  i..  2,  19. 
Pagnoi  in  rentram  iDfteie. 
Phorro.  T.  7.  95- 

piddur]  O  faciempklciniiB. 
Euo.  ii.  3.  5.  Tiigo  palAra. 
PhoriD.  i.  2, 54.  Hic  puUAer- 
rimum  fiuinuiaudiTi.  Phorm. 
T.  6,  29. 

pviiATe]  Dixtipii/dkn.  Eun. 
ii.  3,  84.  Pburoi.  iv.  1,  72. 
Ptddin  meherele  diclum,  el 
i.piFUlcr.  Eun.  iii.  ],  26. 
Videbar  mihi  eue  pidiAn  ao- 
briut.  Eun.  IT.  5,2.  IntlrucU 
pii^n!  ad  pemiciem.  HeauL 
lii.  1,  41.  Salumenla  haec 
fac  DWEerenturpiiteire.  AdeL 

tum  iitnc  beoeficinoi  paitAn 
tibi  dieei  Phoim,  iii;  2.  ft 
Saoe  herde  paleire  tnade*. 
Phorm.  iii.  S,  9.  Imo  Tcro 
puteire  diueilD.  Phorm.  v.  8, 
.^6.  Paicirt.  Euu.  i>.  7,  3. 
Ueaat.  iL  3.  92. 
pa/cMWa]    Nihilenlad- 

piJTinmflrfiim]    I*pui  ce,  et 
pit^puMHjiin  quiciii?    Eun. 

Qnii  ottium   hoo 

pallamlJ  Adalph.  ly.  6,  3;  iT. 

puafdim]  Temporii  mihi 
puaclam  ad  buic  tem  eit. 
Phonn.  i,  4,  6. 

pargaiiu]  Neteio  qnid  pec- 
cit  portat  haec  tumn/u, 
Heaul.  i..  I,  12. 

pnroo]  Puranne  ego  me  de 
iMacThaidi?  Eun.  lil.  1,44. 
Tu  quod  te  potteriui  pnngit*, 
hanc  injuriam  mihi  nolle  flu- 
lam  eaie  hi.iut  non  faciim. 
Adclph.  ii.  1,8.  PIkh  oete- 
losfmrga.  Adelph.  iil.  3,  22. 
Te  rpiiim  pargare  ipija  coram, 
placibiliuiett.  Adelpb,  It.  B, 
17;  iT.  4,  n.  Aut  ea  refel- 
lendo  autptt»afni4  Tobiaoor- 
rigemui.  Hec.  ii.  2,  12.  Te 
eibiptiriTci^ni.  Hec.  t.  4,  31. 
Onit;  confitelur;puroai:  quid 
Tiiampliui?  Pbonn.T.8,46. 

pvruf]  In  hac  eitpupa  ora- 
tio.  Heaot,  Prol.  46: 

pH<o1  Dictum  pala.  And. 
i.1,2,  He>ut.LI,&.  Adelph. 
T.  3,  31.  Phorm.  H.  8.  77. 
Aliquii  fonan  me  puM  noD 

r'ar*  hoc  Terum.  Aod.  t.  6. 
,2.  Beiiepnbu.  Eun.  iT.7, 
43.  Recte  patof.  And.  i.  1, 
114.     Magii,  u  Diaglt  norit, 

palo.  Heuit.T.  1,16,27.  Qui, 

ni)i  quod  ipte  ferit,  nihit  rec- 
lum  paiai.    Adelpb.  i.  2,  19. 
Quae  tibi  puiarit  prima  in  oi- 
periendo  repudiet.  Adeluh.  r. 
4,4.  BemipaiDipiifajli.  Phor. 
T.  5,  6,  et  paiiinx  allbi. 
Pyrrhat]  Eun.  iT.  7,  H 
Pyliiia]  Eua.  it.  3, 14. 
P^iKi]      Pflitanda    modo 

H«al.'*iiL  l.^w! 

91«  exeat.  Adiilph.  IT.  4,  18. 

conilrinpV  And.  T.  2,  24. 

oBaentol  Lana  ac  lela  Tie< 
tum  gaaeniaa.  And.  i.  1, 48, 
UaeccaroiKia-iMi  Euu.  iiL 
3,  17.  Te  ipium  qaaeriio. 
Adclph.  L  3,  1;  iii.  2,  2S; 
iii.  3,  9. 

qaaero]    Te  ipium  guaera. 

quaero.  And.  It.  2,  19.  Fa- 
lile  vicium  qaarnrt.  Eon.  ii. 
2,  30.  Ubi^  quaeraml  ubi 
ioTeitiBcm  P  feun.  ii.  3,  3. 
^CTmonem  9«*™™.  ^^^'^■^'^^ 

lilui  oiKtml  1  Eun.  iii.  6, 
10.     Qaatrt  qul  ropoTideat. 

Euu.iT.7,40.    Nillamdiffi- 

own.  HHnt.  t.  -i,  41.  Ab- 
<lu«.*iDci,awmre[n.  Adel. 
lii.  4,  36,  Contrn.  qm^. 
fute.  Ailelph.  T.  3.37.  Con- 
■nri  iu  gmirrtiiilo  Tium  atqu^' 
■etatrm  Dieiini.  Adelph.  v.  4, 
IS.  (tmurmi  ■liiim  Tiiuai. 
Phonn.  ii.  1,  67.  Quofrtrc 
m  nuilo  . . .  enicnn.  Phann. 
iii.  3,  II.  VjD  Mi> «luiaihnB 
mibiiilaceKi' T.  3,2H.     In 

maeiitmil     Hetnl.     ii.      S, 

ouMD,  Bbai>lute]  Cr.  And. 
P.dI.B:  i.2,33  He.iit.i.  I, 
31,  40,  llli  It.  8.  7;  •-  6. 
a  Adelph.  T.  3,  22,  Phonn. 
IT.  3,  40,  &c.  Pmmilhelice, 
Eun.  iii,  6,  14;  It.  8,  7. 
Heuit.  iiL  Z  36;  iii.  3,  32; 
T.  3,  1, 18,  A<le1ph,  ii,  I,  36. 
Hec.iT.4,50,&c.  HocDHie». 
Adelph.  ii.  2.  39.  Qaaait  4- 
ft.  Aod.  iii.  3,  7.  Eun.  iii.  2, 
13.  Adelph.  ii.  4,  II;  iii.  1. 
11 ;  iii.  4,  46.  Hec.  t.  2, 

Ipaeiba']  Aecepit  conditio- 
nem,  dein  quaeaiM  occipii, 
And.  i.  I.  Sl.    Ade!))h  ii.  1, 

«uL  Pnl.  49.     Uli  qaaa- 
mUanl.   H«ut.  iv.  1,  27. 

Eun.  i 

6,  20.     Qmile  ing:e- 

pMiem.  Hk^,  1,  3S.  Qwi/u 
eiED  in  hanc  fiieriin.  Phonn. 
T.  8,43. 

fiian]   PMim  ncrurril, 
qitaiiH]tmn\  Nihil  utii  flr- 


uiLii.  3.9(1.  Cf  Adel] 
3,  1.  li  quamei/rem  h 
enm  ni>  Hhiit.  Adrl] 
t.81.  QnanDAmn haec  1 

fH»ipfiiruniiii]  F*e  qiKym- 
o/iiniaiin  illii  relinquu, 
Adelph  T,  3,  37.  niii  iiudeo 
Dt  iwann/iinMiiii  bcerem, 
Adcli^L  T.  4.  14. 


mera.  And.  ii.  2.  U.  Fk 
TIKinnnmiiat  haec  ftodiU. 
EuD.  T.  8,  13.  Ut  <|nid  unm 

lii.  6,  6:  H.  4.  \6.  Ut  hw 
aKinipriniin  qutcquid  e>i 
?erto  Wm,  hW  !ii.  1,  44 
Ceus  edire  fnaniiiriiiiiHii  H- 
DeiuP  Photm.  ii.  1,  5S. 

oiunrul  Qiunni  ct^un 
muico  oliotu>  hic.  Adelph 
ii.  4,  16. 

fwiWo]  Ul  qiiirani,  uunt, 

And.  iT.6, 10.  Hcu>  fn  ii> 
poatremo  tnimui,  Qbaii^  ego 
■um  tnue.  EuQ.  i.  2.  116. 
Qiuaidii  i)liie  erit?  Heint. 
il.   2,  9.     Qaamlo  ego  Iiium 

QnoiKfofwrfen  illirum  aeque 
W  quiwu.n.  noTil,  Enn,  ii. 
3,82.  (}Banfa?ii]iffliiducrndi 
evC.  cgDmet  habeo  propcmo- 


QiHiid.janilnii  •oliit    regi 
Phorm.ii.  3,5a 

oiiaMwiM]  Qnainuiii  ilt 
cupio  ibducere.  Eun.  i.  2, 

1,  32.     Quinita  fii- 

S.  12.'  QwiiifiDii  luipiror  ul 
tipfpnmi  ■ntmum  «djeeit 
Eun.  i.  2.  63.  QwmfiuR  in- 
lelligD.  And.  It,  4,  17.     Cf. 

dninium  fivudm  e*i  qni  n- 

time.  Ph..rm.  t.  6.  13. 
fwiH/iu]    Nescii  qmanttM  n 

1,26.  Qw(ii(ie(l>sprre?Eai]. 

Ditcnditti  ipiaKti  pendem. 
Heiiit  i.  1, 103    Tu,  fwuteT 

ea.  Adrlph.  iii  3,  40.  Oihui- 
fan  ohtuli  ■dTcntu  meolteti- 
tiam  Pmmphilo  hodie  t  Hec 
V.  3,  18.  Qjunta  qmnla  hiee 
mea  pnapritu  nl,  Phortn,  t. 

qnapnrpter,  edTerb-]  Qno- 
prvpterl  BDgu?  And.  i.  I, 
136.    Qaajmpilerl  n-ai*  rmvi 

3ui  eoi  Kul«n»l  inimnt  in- 
rmum  geninL  Hec  iii.  1, 
31,  &c 

fiiapini^,  eonjunct.1  ^ia- 
;iiuiter  htcc  m    nrnciquun 

)i  oput.  Adelph. 
3,f7-    Qiia^ 

ednii  fonit,     Hec.  iiL  3,  4; 
T.  !,  6. 

^imrT]  Qnre  tequtim  ett 
TDt  c«uo«™  atqne  ipiot- 
nne.  Eun.  Prol  42  QKirer 
Adelph.  iii.3,29. 

morii  benefiri.    And.  i.  1,  17- 

.  ii.  2,  3S. 
Qwiri  Itlr 


nimre  hoc  mihi.  Hec  i.  2, 
36.  Pninde  eipime,  okui 
noD  noiK*    Plioim.  ii.  3,  35. 

onatiD]  Homo  fncifKfiir  i-rr- 
te  cUDj  irDno  fbru.  Eun.  ii.  3, 

omd]  NunquiDiatiin  JDtrl- 
linre.  And.  iii.  4,  10.  Cf. 
i»,   1,  30.     Cum  Telil,   tlbi 

3.20.    Ut°nMuuun(,auu- 

Aod.  IT.  5,  10.     Te  redima^ 

«<  lequru  piululo,  tt  qutnii 



^ri   Qui. 

».  3,  3. 

irl  Adclpb. 

fw]  P».im. 

ifiii,  ut]  EfBcito  7»  dilnr 
tibi ;  w>  id  inni  on  mibi 
n.  deW?.  AndT  ii.  f.  JM,  95. 
Id  quiera  tibi  f»  fliiani  ra- 
•litutnm.   Hnat.  iii.  1,  &i. 

Adelph.  T.  6.  S7.  A)i<)DUitn- 
luCD  quae  ftff&TKt  qmi  diaol 
Tcrnn  qou  dnbeo.  Fham 
T.  S, ». 

'qi«n]    Qmn 

And.  ii.  I.  2.     Qu  iituc  fx- 

iit  quld  ett 

rere  fnnuchui  potuilP    Eiin. 
T.  3.  15.   Qm  ilU  poierit  eue 

And    i.  1,  16 

e.t  ^  u«r 

dtnto?dicmihi,  H«ut  It. 

And.   i.   2.  1 

3.    30.     Qn    potni    md>tu>' 
Adelph.  ii  3,7.    Necfnhoc 

udL    And. 

UeeeF  And.  i 


qomm  ■«edo. 


eim  doctior. 

dici  relim.  Phorm.  t  6,  l.S. 

Nibil   taul   d 

See  Indri 

4-  (fenitiTe]      Puiin 

1  NoU 



.  Aud.  1.  3.  16. 
Nhus  tibi  obttit,  qaud  dh- 
dam  Ihclt  Enn.  ili.  2.  30. 
Aniicin  Bndam  nie  ■  fbro  ib- 
Huiit  modo.  Adel|rii.  >T.  5. 
11.  ModoowiiHliin  Tidi  Tir- 
ftinem  hine  •iciaiu.  Phorm. 
fn/in]  Mihi  qmidem  nnn 

37.    1«  ■ 


.    H«.  i 

niihi  CMtl  fidefc  Plionn.  t.  7, 
11.  QniiJMiherele.  And.  i.  3, 
20;  >i.  2,  10.  Eun.  i.  1,  £. 
Adelph.  iT.  2.  ii.  Hec.  iii.  1, 
26 ;  T.  2,  17.  Pborm.  i  3, 

qmdiri]  AdeiiDe  md  enm? 
B.  Quidmir  And.  ii.  1,  15. 
Hahenie   honiiiem,  unabo  p 

P.  QniMhmbeimi 

i.  7.     Clini.  hi« 
b>l?  M.  Qaidt 
liinDl.  H 

1,34.     No- 

im  apud  OBCelium 

-  D.  QmdwiBO- 

•cHm'     Adclph.   i  igitur  milllniu.P      C. 

Qauinf  Phorm.  T.  3.  30, 

gaiacB]  Dehinc  ui  v»u- 
iBiti  noiTo  mone.  And.Ptnl, 
23.  Quibni  quldcm  quim  ft- 
rile  polnent  qmiaci,  li  hic 
«i^f  And.  iT.  2.8;  ui.  4, 
25.  QuUK,  ego  dabo.  onaic. 
Phorm.  iT.  3.  SS.  HemuE.  ir. 
3, 12  And.  iii.  1, 19. 

oBiKn]  Sei  ego  ta  tolo., 
Pamieno  hoo  mcMn  OHKdnn 
reddun.  Eun.  ii.  2^.   Qiat. 

i'i.  2,   9.     Qmim 

ii.  3,  3S.  Nun- 
D,  oan  ■b.  te  ■b- 
.    Eun.  iT.  7,21, 

^a^"  iT,'° 

oKipjie]  Q» 


t  iii^,  27.     Qaippe  i 
n  giwidior,  p^nper,  ci 

iil!o"AnS'^,  6,  7.     Qu^d^ 

Fmiiamnr    >n    nirreinui  aa'- 
jriam.  Aiielph.  iii.  2,  38.     Si 

fniinun]      Quid,     DiTu 
luntF     D.  Aeqiit  uvieaiiai 

lunc  quidem.    And.  il.  G.  1 

And.  iT.  S,  I.  Qnul  q^ 
qmam  inhnnc  jimmTliudiei 
pouiel.    Anil.  T.  3,  a.     Hoc 

f'i  Ktenit  qaitqtam.  Knn.  U. 
.  21.  NiLil  Tideiur  mun- 
diu..  ucc   migifl  coiijpoHiiam 

Bicqaam,  nec  nitii.  elnnni. 
in.  T,  i,  13.  iJeque  m« 
t/uuqiiain  tu  mTKnor.  Heaut. 
ii.   I.  12.     Qiifliifinimie  tim 

Ilmi.  Adelph.  ii,  1,  7.  Nec 
rntrem  liouio  TJditie  le  ub«t 
tnitqiiam.    Adeipb.  \x,  6,  S. 

■dleTcnit  Hec.  i.l,  10.  An 
gnaTiiaHj  UMiiim  rentium  eil 
.eque>  HerT  iii  1,  13. 

muTiui]    Fro  »  oiiuau  »e- 
dolofiicieh.t  HMut.i.  1,7*. 

■11  decli^i^ui^tl^H^ent 
ii,  3,  43.  Ut  fnufiu  tunm 
•nlt  eiK,  iU  rtt  Adelidi.  iii. 
3,  45.  NeKin  .rbiiruiilDi 
<|iio  Tktniie  pacio  hic  TiUm 
veMnnim  eiigw  p  Hec.  ii.  1, 

quimo  p.cto  Dpug  e.t.  Eun. 
1,  8,  63.  I.tuc  onrviitif  eil 
fic  me  ut  teUio.  He^nl.  i.  1, 
32.  QiHcqaid  ott  toIo  tcire. 
Adclph,  1.  2,  73, 

oinrii)  Virumino»D™foeo 
nintum.  Aud.  iv.  3,  3    Un. 

r^ci.m  monet  And.  t.  4,  1. 
Qnidti»  poMem  pcrpeti.  Eun. 
i.  2,  9f.  MbIo  qnidem  mo 
difnum  quardi  denutem.  Ho- 
.nti.  1.83.  QnHtn.  Hti>  «t 
dum  TiTBi  modo.  Heaut  ir. 
1,  28.  Ab.  Dneu  bomine, 
cnm  e.t  onu.,  beneHciuni  tr- 
eipeie  giudent.  Adelpb.  ii.  3, 
I.  CWtu  bcilB  etc  nowere. 
Adelph.  T.  4,  8  Ut  wfBU 
'"""  credere.  Hee.  i. 


II  him 

.Dtpiari  OR* 

miTolo.  Hcc.  iT.  1,  25.     An- 

pono,  et  rereu    Phona.  iii.  3, 

eeplei.  H«ul.  ».  2.  15.  II- 
luc  quK»  ndi  ono  Goepiill. 
Adeipb.  ii.  1,  36.  Pernin 
«u  corpi  hoc  iLer.    H«.  I.  3. 

119.    UHlCTulBttille.  PIWTBI. 


>t  miDui.  Aud.  i 
2,36:  Per  mi  (tetiue  cit-di 
Qw  miDui  h»e  fifnml  nupliu 
And.  iv.  3,  17-     He  nnita 

.    Hec  V 



14,  I<t,  amilxi,  uJjiiU  me, 
goo  id  Gat  ficiLiut.  Buil.  L  2, 
70.  Qmo  Terb>  rMiUui  den- 
tuT  mihi.  Heuit.  t.  I,  41. 
lao  eiiam  dibo  ono  tnigii 
cndM.  Pliorm.  *.  fi,  38. 

fHO.    V*^l      ^B"    P°''    'P" 

quenqium  pLu^ameiiiKUCpJud 
.liligim,  eo  feei.  Edd.  i.  3, 16. 


u  illum 

2.  43. 

omi,  qaan\     Qiu)   aeqiitar 
im  Pamphila.  And.  ii.  i,  IH. 

I    »»ta 


S,  46. 

Qho  mBgii,  <in«  igiB, 

lunt  mihi.    Adelpb.  ir. 

.     au  Bigii  noTi,  tuito 

11.  Phonn.  ii.  3,  14. 

9WaJ]     Scnem  V*»rf  ei- 

»pMt«li»  wilrum  ?   Pborm.  i. 

3,  98.     PereonlitDDi  ibo  td 

K^ii''r^."  ""*""■ 

OHOcimTiw]     Ut    Toluptftti 
obltiu,  lermD,  •dventua  tuui, 

qmtd.  Qval  Praptem  owtd 
■iiiBtfiliut.Aiid.iii.  4,  £.>ri- 

Knn.  i.  3,  66.  Inde  xlea  ^od 

'^Tt^ii^at.  i.  1,3  Qaod 

buifore.  Adetpb,  t.  3,34. 

^^^  ^™|,"tUi."3 

quod  potcrii.  ib  e»  pellito. 
Eun.  ii.  1.  S.  9.  Qrnid  polero. 
■djuiBboKnem.  Hiuit.  iii.  1, 
7.  Rbd  •f^  poieio,  tedulo. 
Ueout.  T.  4,  15.  IiUm.  q^ 
pole»,  fae  eaniolere.  Adelph. 
[ii.  5,  1.     Mentu»  de  mo  »t, 

3^  S"""'  1.  3*"    """^' 

9i»tf,  prupterquBdJ  Siqsid 
eit,  quod  me&  apei»  opuB  lil 
Tobi».  And.  iT.3,3S.  Quid 
eat,  o»rf  lic  gettii  ?  Eon.  lii. 
S,    10.     NihTl  B>t  illic  qaod 

.    Phorm. 

7.  6.     <^  mo  1 
ii.  3,  3.    AdolBK» 


qmodMi  ]  Qnodiu  fiuBiBm  in- 
cogituu.  Pborm.  i.  3,  3. 

qMod  n)  QboiJ  «'  cgo  re- 
(cieieiu  id  priua.  And.  i.  5, 
23.  Qaad  n  utu  rem  tneta- 
Tit.  Eun.  T.  4,  3.     QmoiJ  r  i> 

4.     Qaod  ■  eo  mei 
iB  RdeouL   Phonn. 

fawwods]  Quod  il 

l™*'l£u"t.  VX"i 

quoadait]  Eun.  ji.  2,  15; 

waiaMJ  And.  i.  5,  15 ; 
ii.  1,  5;  i>L  4,16.  Euo.  ii. 

qaopiam}  lEnrui  Tbiii 
fsspiaB  e*>  Eun.  iit.  S.  S. 

qtKtqvam]  Cbtb  qmqmam  ex 

4,  31.  Cbto  nunc  jam  aculoa 
B  meii  oculii  owanaM  de- 
moTeis  tuoB.  Adelph.  ji.  1, 
16.     Edicnm    Krvit  no  qao- 

rin  el&TTi  liunt.  Hec.  It. 
qunqno]    Qui   mo  HquBtnr 
qaoquB  eBm.    Eun.  iiL  5,  6. 
Qnofiio  binc  BiponBbitur  ter- 

nwnfnt  OTBdBi.  And.  i.  I, 
lOO;  i.  2,  5;  i.  S.  29.  At 
CEO  ncscibBm  qvmat  tu  im. 
Eun.  i.  2.  75.  QwnMiiitucP 
Adelph.  i.  3.  30.     Suie  cui» 

S'et.'H™r2"l8.''""°      " 

qiKt\  Puaim. 

fiiafiiJHiml     SDintui   dooii 
vmidiamo  Beri.  Hobuu  jt,  5, 

fnofii/uiiiiul    Febt-ii  qitoli- 

Qwilidiaitaa  TiBe.  UeBuI.  ii. 
3;  43.  Taedet  qmDidiaaia- 
niA  bBTum  fbimBram.  Edd. 

wlHtti]  HeBiU.  i.  1,  50: 
i.  1.14.    Hee.  L2,82. 
fiutiai]  Tel  hje  Pampbil» 
-ibBifwiCtn  Baccbidi.  Hec. 

ni]    Ime    Bbrat   polini 
ibJ  o  oiioiw  gsnti  u  m.    Heaul. 


Rabiet]   Ludum  jociUDqae 
pneut  quBidabii.  faujuB  niWn. 

nfii]  Sublimera  bunc  in- 

troRne.quuiumpoIeB.  And. 
T.  3,  3U.  Raptn  m  pcjorem 
pBrtem.  Adelpb.  Prol.  3    Cc- 

lundeirm,  et  praBtcrneiTm 
Adelph.iti.2.21.  Rapohm. 

nibilo  plu.  Bgai  quam  ai  d« 
operam  ut  eum  nrfiaac  inM- 
iilBt.  Ena.  i.  1,  17,  18.  Qoi 
nXiMcamiali?  Eun.iLS.») 

3,  30.     Raiio  dc 

pi    m- 

HeBUt.    iY.   3,   7.     Ce( 

t"tti"  "i3"r 

Adelpb.  il.  1,  J 
Adelph.  iii.   3. 

Si    Tja     Ttm    TeiBm     mlia- 

36.  Haec  ca»  iWkimbi  Idw 
quBni  unt  lUBTiB.  Phorra.  ii. 
2,  30.     Non  nUio  TFmm  v- 

mttnaib]  Erat  ei  de  re- 
liiBKala  jtmpridem  apu.l  mt 
leliquum   pBuiiUuliim   BnBi- 

rotal  Nes  quod  ago  «git- 



311.  QuMlniodo  rrmt  roOiH, 
irritum  nt.  Pbonn.  t.  7, 

neaul  Dnzn  acffrilndobKC 
»t  mai.  Adelph.  iii.  %  14. 

rtai4o]  (iuo  in  t«tuin  to 
Ttafta.  U»ut.  T.  %  16. 
Meuiu  tfctptat  fiiium  md  te. 
H«,T.  \,il. 

rtado-\    NolitB  «ine»  per 

•A  piiuM.  Hec.  Alt  Pml.  39. 

ndpio\  Ibi  tom  buic  QJeC' 

tun    Cbryiidii  nlreiD   rta- 

piim.  And.  i.  3, 19;  t.  4,  21 ; 

ireimufu,  Eun,  ».  8,  iTcf 
42,  43.  Uominem  imicun 
rKipen  id  te.  Hnut.  ili.  3 

H«qtT.5,  12.     CrPbonn 

T.  7.  9.  Animua  napi 
Adelph.  iii,  2,  36.     Cur  re 

liuc  M  f«tvMr«.  Pbaim.  ii. 
i,  24;  iT,  S,  1.  Ncq^ue  me 
ilaiDum  nunc  rvciBemii, 
Phonn.  T.  4,  7 ;  t.  6.  39. 

rectal  Cur  non  nda  in- 
troib»?  Eun.  i.2,  7,  Tu  rui 
liinc  ibiL  Aeodi.  Adelph.  iii. 
3.  79.  A«te  conKqnor.  Hec. 
i<i.  3,  12.  IMa  damum  tu- 
mue  pnlrctL  Phonn.  t.  6, 
19;  i.2.fi2. 

,nefa)  Qni  nHsmTii  rac^ 
nnrit,  ambH  aoTeiit.  Aud. 
Pni).  10.  Vt  cunntur  rei^e 
hi«c.  Ani].  i.  1.  3.  Jfecie  pu- 
1».  Ai.d,i.  1,114.  Aicfedi- 
cie.  And-  ii,  3,  26.  Eun.  iii. 
5,  64.  Non  wtii  uHpi*.  And. 
ii.  2,  30.  E^  iatuc  rwte  nl 
liuit  Tidero.  And.  ii.  6,  25. 
Jircte  ego  lemper  lugi  hu 
nuptiu.  Atid.  iY,  4.  27.  (luid 
vot?  quo  pacto  hicP  intin 
rtclr.  ?  Ani  ir.  fi,  .3.  ««rfe 
vinciu»  HL  T.  4,  50,  62. 
RtcU  ftru.  EuD.  i.  1  33. 
Rogo  numouid  Telit?  tlatl». 
iuquiL  Eun.ii.3,GI,  Si  qui< 
Ttete  mnt  eamniada  tneimrdt, 
Porro  rec<e  ipera,  Hcmut,  1. 1, 
100,  107.  Quod  dem  ej  nelt 
est.  Hemul.  iL  1.  16.  Rtct» 
•mne.  Uemnt.  iii.  2,  27.  flft=te 
detiu.  Adelpb.  t.  8.  28.  Rala. 

i.  3,  39.  Quid  et  Imm  Irii- 
II?  P.  IteeU^  nuter,  Ucc, 
li,  2,  20.  Alwi^ue  eo  ewt 
tiic    ego     mibi    Tidinmi. 

rtetiai]  Adelph. 
recfiHl  Fmcila 


illud  Ttelm  Mt.  f 

Hemnl.  rr.  S,  28.  Niu  i|uoc 
iue  fecil,  nibil  mliiiii  puut 
Adelph.  i.  2,  19.     Prmeteriti 

ph.  It.  2.  35.  Jttela  tii 
•^anidcm  illuc,    Pborm.  ii,  1 

Adolph.  iT.  1, 10. 
reifiio]    Hic  nji 

dertll  And.  iiL  1,  21.  Vl 
•ui>  reitituim  mc  ndrlam. 
Kun.  i.  2,  fi7,  Ptmiiliilmm 
ergo  hnc  ra^.  Eun.  rr.  7, 
2<  Dictum  mc  ftttnm  ftd- 
didi.  UnMt.  iT,  5,  12.    Tun 

T.  3,  63.  Iie<tdi,mt  cuiaturm 
juncemm  Eun.  ii.3.24.  Effec- 



'.   2, 

23.     guie 

ii.  2,  4G.  inTenimi  reaaojn. 
PhanD.  iii,  .1,  26.  Beneflciun 
rtdden.  Phorm.  ii.  2,  22  ; 
iii.  3,  fi.  itrddidiiti  u\iaiaai. 
And.  li.  1,  33.  Fmcilem  hc- 
■iPTBlumque  lingum  tum  juE 
tibi  me  rtddulit.  Hec.  t.  1, 
35.  Judidnm  de  emdcDi  csuh 
iIenimuln<J.AullihL  Pborm. 
iL   3,    i7.     Fnicluio     quem 

Pboim.  T.  6,  16. 
rWivl   Salto   inde.    And. 

i.  ],  110.  Ul  iWmlimni  in 
vi.m.  And,  i.  2,  Ifl.     locom- 

rtdil.  And.  iii.  3,  35.  Ad  me 
lcge  reditnmt  bonm.  And-  iv. 
5,  4.    Omnim  hm«  nnnc  Terbm 

r.  2.  6. 

Pomtrema  mdso  P 
rmot.   L    1,  61.     1 

riim  r«e  ndat  um  loeum. 
Hraat.  ii.  3,  llS.  Runum 
ad  ingeninm  ndU.  Adelpb. 
i.  1.  46.  Hec.  L  2,  38.  Ad  lo 
ndi.  Adelph,  t,  3.  8.    JainDe 

dilanm  putet?  Adelpb.  ii.  2, 
2H.  Ittoc  rerho  inimui  mihi 
rtdiil.  Hec.  iii.  2. 12.  Em  md 
bntmitiiil  legtlicRdilu  Uec 
LS,  97.  CtmdpauratHJeaH, 
Hfc  i.  2,  60,  Per^re  mdiaa. 
fhorm.  ii.  1,  13.     Quwl  lieo 

i.  4,  23.  Ad  mlim  i^ihi  quil 

Pborm.  iT.4,5.  Adi»ir«rea 
rw/it.  Heaut.T.l,  ia  Ad  te 
■umma  talum,  Phormio,  re- 
rum  ndil.  Phann.  iL  2,  3. 
Quid  Bi   ndeo   ad    illoi    qni 

Fampbilc.  HcciiLfi,54. 

rtdigo\  Hem  qoo  >«dactu> 
Kim.  £un.  ii.  2,  7.     Eo  rei^i- 

:  Duid  tt 

.   Ad 

inopiam  ndigat  patrei 

•cimt^Hcmut' T.T  i6,'73.  ^- 

3,   36.     Effo  rtdiffan  Toa  in 
nstiain,     In  id  mliHAK  tum 

neiriam  prsnnm.    Pbann.  t. 
7.  73,  66. 

rerfimii]  Ut  te  rtdimai  «p- 
tuB.  Eun.  L  I,  29.     3i  ttdi- 

"ii^iT^Hui,  *SiX*^  -" 

Ttditio]    Quid  bnc  litn  n- 


,    3.    44. 

4,  ib.  De  TtdBtefda  id  fickm 
i(uod  in  rem  tit  tumm.  Hec 
iii.  3,  31.    In  ludum  ducen, 



licet.  Pbono.  I.  2,  82.    Si  id 

&1iumfuerat,  fltiui  enr  non 
rr/rliiir  Pharm.  ii.  3,  H. 

n/irin]  fleftriw  non  ind»- 
bMi.  Adnlph.  ir.  2,  28. 

refiro]  llli>  cruribu)  nuoc 
rtferam  gnliim.  Eun.  ii.  3, 
93.  Tafmrirt/rrto.  Kun.  jiL 

1,  SB.  InTtniim  pol  hodie 
Hnm  ubi  r^^traai    «nttiun. 

rrrmtv  intiL  Knn.  i*.  6, 
lE,    Cf.  T.  3,2. 

2.  23,  24.  Hec  t.  2,  32. 
Studal  pu-  rt/errt.  Adeluh.  i. 
I,  48.  It^ni  denDO.  Hec 
Alt.  Prol.  30.  Quod  ab  ipao 
ilUtuoi  ett  ilhi  e*w  id  rel- 
lalum  putet.  Phonn.  Prol.  21. 

Quo  o 

T.  1,  1. 

.  3,  28.    Illud 

...    _,    __.     per- 

tmrmnfyrrttrialm.  Heint, 
iii.^,5A.  IdmeBminimerr- 
jftrt,    Adelph.  ».  4,  27.     Tua 

3nod  nihiJ  njert..  percontin 
ennu.  Hee.  t.  3, 12,  Quid 
IDi.mmlnm,idn/%T«f  Phonn.,]!.  Piinire(»/i(.iT,8,1l. 

r^tectQ]  Ne^ue  illum  miBfl- 
ricordia  R|>reBit,  neque  n- 
Jkxil.  Adelpb.  iii  2,  9. 

r*/iipe*co]  Nibil  ait:  re 
/rireril  rei.  Adelph.  il.  2,  2S. 

TVffima]  Eunuc-bum  dixti 
Telle  le,  qni>  •»l>e  utunlui 
bii  rrMKae.  Eud.  i.  2.  B8. 

ntjfS]  Cur  te  efji.  in  hii 
egocoiiipicorre^'ofiwiv7  Eiih, 
T.  8,  32.     Agnim   in  bii  re- 

majorii  nemo  hibet.  Ha&ut. 
1.  1,  11. 

rtffno]  Quindoquidem  »- 
Ini  Hgm.  Pbomi.  ii,  3,  58. 

ti^iiiit]  Jhjwnnno,  Aei- 
rhine.  bic  tu  potiidee?  Ade]- 
|ji.  ii.  1.  21. 

rtgo]  Eom  coonlio  r^ere 
non[>oi«.  Eun.i.  1,  13. 

negliirenler.  Hnut.  ii.  3.  60. 
lli;  >d  hmem  hunc  >b  •tiidio 
•tuduit  reicert.  Vhana.  Pro1. 
19.  Fotiitia  iio>n>a<K.  Phor. 
IT-  5,  5. 

relew,]  Illi  inimum  iam  re- 
bntv    Adclph.  iv.  3.11. 

rel^io]  Novft  nunc  reiigio 
te  iitarc  incruit  ceda?  And. 
It.  3. 15.  Dignui  «  cum  tui 
njw^aiie  gdium.  And.  t.  4. 
38.  Nihil  ei«  mihi  rtligio 
ta\  dicm.  Hetiit.  li.  1, 16. 

rriinipto]  Qui  igilur  ns/K^ 
rftt  Dhuir^mudj  locut?  And.  j. 
1,  127.  Si  illnm  rrliit^, 
ejua  Titie  thneo.  And.  i.  3, 
S.  Herui  me  rdidiM  rebua 
ju^dl  Pimphllum  hodie  ob- 
terTue.  And.  ii.  6,  1.  Cf 
Enn.  i.  2,  86.  HenuL  It.  7, 
13.  Nihil  eM  preel  loci  rtlit:- 
hiM.  And.  ili.  4,  22.  Cf. 
Pborm.  iil.  3, 14.  Qui  mibi 
rrHquit  buK  qume  bibeo  om- 



19.  Euro  Plnutu»  loeuro  n- 
/rainf  intrgrum.  Adel.  Prol. 
10.  A  nimnni  nt/woaa»  potiui 
^uun  illii  dcHnm.  Adelph. 
■ii.  4,  52.    Sibi  Tm>  hinc  Uu- 

Tliii,  bene.  Hec.  R  5.  11. 
Memini  n/uoiu  me  Dao  iruo 
meo.  Pbonn.  i.  2,  24. 

Ttliiftnae]  Hujnageoeritra- 
liquitu  rettare  Tideo.  Adelph. 
iii.  3,  90. 

rtliqiau]  Utpemoa(«ti«,ec- 

Kid  ipei  iil  muKm.  And. 
ol.  25.  lUD  puull  te,  ut 
ipci  nulli  rrliqwi  in  le  lit 
tfbi?  EuD.  li.  2.9,     QuiUn- 

8.     NdIIuid  mmi 
Hnul.  i.  I.  la 


.       .   e  hodie  rt 
L  Edd.  ii.3,  la 

rtrmtio]      Hue     renM 
And.  iiL  4,  15.     qnid   di 

Chreme?  HeDul.  It.  8™ 
Dcliberel,  mmmtittiiaf  bo* 
mihi.  Hcc  iii.  5,  iK  II 
repDdinm  rtmamliiH.  Phor 
IT.  8.  T2.  Cf.  And.  iii. 
28,21,  19;  ii.  5,20.  Hea 
i*.  4,6;  1,4a 
^^'■]  TeqDe  uile  qtttm  I 

Gdero.  Hee.iT.2,5.    Uiore 

lur<im.  tTd< 
Vide  Aitai 

Hec. "  9^  21 

rrptnle]   Jieptmle    ad     nn- 

mulicum.  Hnnt.  ^l.  23. 
Qnie  ra  tun  rtpewie  mom 
mulDTit  iBOi?  Adrlpli.  *.  !l. 
27.  An  dolar  minte  in- 
cuit?  Hec.  iii.  2,  31. 

tintDpere.  Adclph.  it.  3,  1. 
Verum  r^rigf.  Hec  t.  4, 
S.  Niai  jim  ■liquod  con- 
•ilinB  eelerrnTierertt.  PbanB. 

rwKfti]  RcpDdiUni  rrptfer. 
And.i.5,U.  Hmnctihidano 
do,  neque  rrptlo  pm  iHn  qu>e- 

Suim  ibt  te  pttti.  Eun.  iv. 
,11,  RtpetofR  qoem  iitdi? 
Adelph.  i.  2,  56.  Qusm  u^ 
genlum  rtptttnt.    n»nm.  ir. 


Ht.  quflm  dediflti.    Adelph.  i, 

rvpraladaj  Lwmn  r^m- 
inuwN,  qni  pnetcrinu  negli- 

Sntim  «t.  Adrlph.  Pral.14. 
e  npnA«iuf>.  Adelph.  it. 
4. 15.  Hiec  rrpnAtmder*  «l 
carHgrre.  Aiielph.  t,  9,  S7. 

rfprniuj  Neqae  illum  mi- 
Kriconls  rrwwU.  Adeiph. 
iii.  2,  9.  Awnnis  ineun- 
diam,  alqDe  uT  lo  redi.     Aa- 

9.     ntprHiaM  D 


lo  n^MtfHi.   Adeiph. 
m]    Illifl    reptidiitJn 

EoD.  lii.  S,  44. 

rronEflCnl    An 
Toleiu.  F.un.  jii. 

I^Dnn.  ii.  1,  7 

m]   Ad  pDdiclUim   el 
nsiii  lnluulun.  And.  i.  S, 

■ecundu.    Adelph. 
Tu«p      nm      coDi 

T.  3.  14. 


ii.  2,14.     Ubi  nmn- 

Hnut.  i.  1.  47.      Dun 

Adelph.  i.  1,45.     Qu> 
mni    AdBl[ih.  JT,   6, 


reapedo]  Quid  rap«Uu  ? 
Adelph.  ii.  1.  3. 

rBf»c»J  Qnflfli  de  impro- 
Tiioniwvmd  enm,  Apd,  ii, 
S.  6.  Piifti  quid  Di  rtnii- 
dnd.  And.  It,  ],  18.  Me  in 
And.  V, 

i.  11.     Cun 

,    3,    l 


l,  la.  HcRle  ■iiu(  neina  rr- 
Knat  DOL  Adeiph,  iii,  S,  SS. 
Mec  qiii  eaa  rtrpKtat  quii- 
juam  tflt.  Adclph,  t,  H.  9, 
rtiptotrfl   Deofl 


.   2,   6,     Rt- 

i!.  4.  87. 

rtipini]  Setpim.  Hnnt. 
ii.  ■!,  12, 

rtmimdto^  QuBcn  qui  rv- 
tpamdtat.  KuD,  iT.  7.  4D. 
Pro  Menedemo  nnnc  tiln  ego 
rapnynltB.  Hemut.  lii.  3,  49. 
Qnid  mihi  mpondti  ?  Adel  ph . 
iii.  4,  53.  >!«  quirquflui 
«Ttl  nnnw/fl  mihi.  Hec.  it. 
4.  84.     Hic  rtipaidera  Tolult, 

.   Fhon 
IS,  et  nepiDi  dihi.      Pmr  par 
ul  rtipoadtat,    Pbonn.  i.  4 

mpoimin]   Nun   ApDtlinii 

mmnm  eot,  And.  It.  2.  IS 
U  libi  rwmiuiini  hoc  hmbcat 
Phom..  Prol.  17. 

raliwwl  Hiec  Tcrba  uDi 
mebercle  lUflt  iHcrimulii . . 
raHijnitt.  Eun,  1.  t,  24 
Kiflca  fgo  illuD  dictifl  iui  tib 

fuai  iKrimii  ■!  ciMllUTerit. 
Phann.  ».  7,  82. 

rtiln\  Tn  inter  e«  r<M>n 
ductiofl  Hlubit.  Adelpb.  iv. 
7,34.  Admtiiitmibiqnidem 
ediit  pUniuime.  Phorm. 

,  4.  S. 


J    Al  ( 
■  Enn,  i 

■tol  Amico  flliDm  rt- 
,.  And,  iii,  8,  38.     Tu 

TfliluaiiAai.  iii.  b,  13. 
Reitiiut  in  quem  ms  aciwpiflti 
locum,    And.  It,  1,  S7.     l>l 

Eun.  i.  2,  67'  Forei  ef- 
fiegit^  rvjri/Beiiiifr.  Ad«]ph,  L 
S,  4U.  PoeluD  Ttitilai  io  lo- 
cum,  Hec,  AlL  Pnil.  13. 
Runum  in  gntiAm  reitiiiiei. 
Heciii.  1,11,  ActDriiTimii 
nobifl  rtMiBi  locum.  PboriD. 
Frol,  U.  Anlit»  iu  in- 
iHTum,  Pharm.  il  4,  11. 
Hec  T.  3.  -20, 
tttto]  Rtilat  Chremo,  qui 

'.3,7.  Idmi»ran.falmihi 
nmli.  Adelph.  lii.  3,  3,  Quid 
TiM,    nifll     porro     ut    HuD 

nCel  Non  rvt»  mcdpitri  ten- 
diturnequemiluo,  Phorm,  ii. 
2,  16. 

refiow]  Fiir  nie  ut  iciim. 
Ne  rvti».    H«nt.   i,  1,  33. 

Heiut.  ii.  3.  79.     Nihii  rt- 
tienl.  Adrlph,  iii.  3,  51, 

rrfuH»]  Id  ficiehit  r«- 
tiatndi  illinl  caneL  Eun,  iT. 
1,  6,  Ah,rttitie  me.  cbtecro. 
Henut  ii.  4.  23.  Fudore  et 
lihenJilnte  librroa  nlintrt. 
Adelph.  i.  1.  33.     Ut  neque 

24._   Neque  quo  pflcloime 

lineam,  «io.'  Phorm.   tii.", 

Ttlraho}    Rttraliam    berrle 

■  .  Adclph.  iT.  1,9. 
rtBuo]  itenao  qujd 
id.  ii.  4,  1.  Bnu 
m  Cbiere*  kie  ranii 

iwj  Val  na  hid] 
m»     mihi     i^bit 


d  ieRio- 

1.  2,  20.     Ncmo  i 


iii.  1.  30,  33. 

KDit.  ^"."^11.2,45,™ 

ridto]  HiHa  cfo  non  piro 
ms  ul  ridaaiil.  Eun.  ii.  2,  18. 
Quid  tibi  vit?    qiiid  riiUil 

ridado.     Enn.   v.    6,  6,  7. 

^)ii«  hune.    Adelpli.  itI  2, 
IIU  ringitur,  to    rirf»o». 

ridku:*]     Ridia 

34.    Mrqtie  ndiailiH 

ii.3,13.    UtklMberi 

len.  H«nt.ii.  3,112. 

lu  alqua  illu  perftuo.  Enn. 

-3.  as. 

riaaor]  lile  ringititr:  tn 
idt».    Phonn.  ii.  2,  27. 

npwl  Ubi  lita  nir  T. 
n  TMiL  Eun.  iT.  6,  IG. 

nau]  Aun  mna  qai  u)- 

roTifuj  Ah  nKnHarB,  qnui 
2,  35.     A^ 

Aui&ini  ul  ei 
nint.  Bnn.  ii. 
iamdo  obtundal, 

ciuineP  Run.  t  4,  28. 
Regitaa  quid  liet?  Henut.  ii. 
S,  10.  RogitaiH  ms,  ubi 
fuerim.  Adglgfa.  iT.  1,  II,  et 
■upiwme  mliti. 

n«B]  At  Bliiuo  ragaiT  Dic 
qnad  n^.  And.  it.  i.  23, 26. 
Hog^  qnii.  Bun.  iii.  3,  5. 
De  inu  rooin  nrnne?  Bun. 
;t.4,63l    Hennwu)  HeHit. 

rii/u)  Ai/imoe  illui  Tir- 

iduneo   Dsw?    Hait   t.  & 
17.     Cf.  Phorm.  i.  3,  1. 

niiBffr]  Meum  gnitum  n- 

Rianora    diitulrrunt    milo- 
-    .1.   16.      " 

31.     Qni 

.    Hm.  . 

Phom.  ».  7. 18. 
■Mmprral.  Hoe.  iii.  4 
irudena  ma.     Hew 

,   Prol. 

T  populi? 


r.  3,  41.     Ce^ 


n  Boilnm,  pu  mr- 
M.    Enn.  I.    1,   16.     Qui- 

rum  V  nogut,  ludo  id  qha- 
que.  Eun,  ii.  3,  20.  Roisil 
mniia.  Eun.  It.  2,  6.  IMr 
dumhocnRwiii.    Eub.  ir.  4, 

■b*  M  Bliu.  Heast.  i>.  S.  8. 

7,  29,  57. 
1  nt|  R«  ibo.  Ean.  i.  Z 
'■  107.  Videe  rwi>  redeitnirn 
Knem.  Enn.  t.  4.  4A.  Ei 
mea  prefiiTmi»  r«ne  hoc  OLp» 
FomnwdL  Gan.  t.  A,  1.  Akn' 
uenTiUm.  Adelph.  i.  I.3U. 
gU»  rm,  .bdit  a^  Hee.  > 
2,  IIW.  Aw  bsbitatsm  nbii. 
Hec.  iL  1,  27.  Aan  fert  m 
continebnt.  Fbsim.  ii.  3.  16. 

taerifto\  9rintiam  . . .  m- 
crifieandi  dnfaitur  pMilalDm. 
PhBrm.  iv.  4,  20. 

aocrifepiu'}  Quid  ui  aorr^ 
l/gal  Ew.  T.  I,  13.  Honc 
perlerreho  loeri^HH.  Enn, 
T.  S,  13.  Cf.T.8,2;  iii.1.2». 
O  Kelcri.,  D  gtnen  aarri/rfu. 
Adalph.  iii.  2.  6.  Cf.  iL  4,  I. 

aaadim]  Olim  .  .  .  ^oOB- 

ES,'ii.'2.1i  h"»?^ 
dMm.  Adelph.  iii.  2,  R. 

n^,  «IlTNiBl    PuiBI. 

Buii  ■ontiiUEu  diciia  pretelet. 
Phorm.  i.  4.  3S. 

IDMM}  Ab,  ue  tani  lutif 
pen,  And.  t.  3,  27. 

■Kvib^]  Num  me*m  iMn- 


nO  Qni  hdict  aaiem,  qaad 
intOHt-  Eunin.  1,10. 

an/ianKaH)      fiWiaHHJ^ 

chre.  Adalpb.  iii.  3,  26l 
aaliui]    Uoc   aabmm    rt: 

l  punm. 

iii.    1 



tailo]  Td  JDter  eu  mlic 

H/n]  Sstiiu  milvt }  dic  mi 
hi.  Eiin.  T.  S,  8. 

taive]  QDi>  hic  lcKioiliiT 
M.ii>7  SaltK.  M.  OnZn 
Puu^ila.  AdiL  1.  S,  B2,  ( 


Adtrpti.  iii 

d.  iy.  6, 

1]  Ip«.i 

S.  EuD.  V.  9,  31. 
Salu3,  D«  Skli 
CDpiat  &>/■•,  Hrnre  pnrn» 

AM^.  iT.  7.  43.     Quod  U. 
Aaciilapi,  et  te,   Salmj    » 

Ciid  lit  huiiis  oro.   Hm.  iii. 

talmi]  Ai  ttiinmo tvma. 
talaltm,  Mniiliuni,  Buiiliuni 
uptliBi.  And.  ii.  1, 19.  Quac 
Auoleat  quvquc  oporteE  siipift 

tho.    Eun.  ii.  2,  3 

tal^lSalmltait ;  ad  eoenun 
Toam.  Eun.ii.2,2a  Sdten 
laliUart.  HnuC  ii.  3,  13S. 
OppeiiEr  hominem  hic,  ul  »- 
Inleii  ct  callaquu,  Adelph. 
>ii.  3,92.     Ef^Dea  PcDitci 

tu.  Phonn.  ii.  1,81. 

BJnt]  .Wtn»  lii  Crito. 
And.  iT.  fi,  7.     &Jnif  niDi  >i 

r«n  ei  filium.  Hmut  *.  3. 
ee.  Sahmi  nohii,  Deoe  qaie» 
oltiet.  Adelph.iii.l,ll.E™- 
Imit;  Kiha  rea  «t  Adclph. 
».A,9.  Ooideo  niiD»  illum, 

ii.  I.  2£.     VcDin  mhiwtt 

lnpoett  Phonn.iT.  3, 6. 

&iiiwf ]  Samia  mihi  m 

;     et    haUuM     llhadi. 

1. 1.  2,  27. 

iilBfO  Vel  hlc  PamphilDi 
.)»tquDtie=Biechiili,  qnuu 
^.  Hec  I.  1,  3.  &titc<e 
■djunt  Hcc.  ii.  3,  26. 


I.  Adelph.  T 

.  2,  34.    &«  pol.  And.  i 

Hoc  iiL  5,  9.     Redut  »« 

in  giatiiili.  Pboim.  *.  8,  40, 

Sav]  Eun.  iT.  7,  6,  44. 

foji^ifu]  Siue  «j^^BHve  hnc 
non  potH  tieri.  Etm.  iT.  7.  9. 

Sanxib]  Eunucfat  et  Adel- 
phoruBi  penftD&  cot 

me  id  rc^tetP  And.  ir.  4,10. 

BuD.  iii.  fi,  B.    An,  mi  homa, 

Smwfllcandiicwe?  Adelpfa! 

iliai^  rcdire.  Hec.  iii.  fi,  43. 
JU71U1U]  Omnii  priui  eipe- 

cet  Edu.  iT.  T^^a^Ai  tn 
qui  pttmmcs,  migiitTmtmftdj. 
Phonn.  ii.  9,  56.    Dictum  u- 

r'  ili  wt  etl.    Phonn.  lii.  3, 
Muliernninuei.  Pkocm. 
T.  8,  67. 
mvinter]   S(natKter  Tilftm 

ct     «owfltier     dixti     dudqm. 
AdeliJi.  T.  a,  30. 

Pro  mea  lapiaitia.  Adelpfa 
iii.  3.  40,  73.  Tu  T>rh>  (iiudii 
faic  tapuBtia.    Adrlpb.  t.  I, 

lituc  nt  iapert.    Adclph.  111 
3,  32.  Hcc.  iT.  3,  2     Ad  un 

tiui.  Adelph.  T.™46.    Sa 

pint  DHa  qnldem  ■enteiidi. 
Phonn.  ii.  2.01. 

tat]  SaliA  And.  i.  1,  l43. 
&abM.beo.  And.  ii.1,36.  S.,t 
hibel,  >i  tum  reripitUT.  Sat 
■eio.  Eua,  iii.  2.  32,  34.    Eui 

I.   1,  13.     Tin. 


ii.  3,  e.     Pune  pltu  qui 

Bfiirtai]  Sicub 
uuda  odiiii^  a 

id  dire  openm.  And.  ii.  1,  7. 
Mori  DiB  •aliut  eit  Bllil.  IT. 
7,  2.  SatiMM  rtt  quam  le  ino 
herade  hiec  ponidrn  Beouii- 
deni.  HeiuL  t.  2,  Ifi;  lii.  1, 
6S.  Adelpb.  i.  1,4;  11.2.26. 
Puilon  et  liberalilite  liberoi 

mctu.  Adeiph.  i.   1,  3a     He 

minui"«"»  B^  J^S^. 
T.  1,  i.     Kiiiari  hercle  mtiiu 
cit  Phorm.  T.  7,  63. 
•atTapa]    Salrafni  tl  liet 

'.  Adclph.  V.  1.  3.    Cun 

*J2iir7olTO.  'EDn.%X5S.'" 
Knpm/a]    Seui   fidciii  dum 

■um,«aH/iupeididi.  PfaDRa. 

i.  2,  26. 
■B^eniliu]    Saleraliii    Db- 

rnt.  And.  i.   1,  132.   Eccum 

ledeTalum   Bjram.     AdFlph. 

iT.2,  14. 
KxItTomi]    Uhi   ego   illum 

tceleranm    .   .   .    inTeniun  P 

Eun.  i<.  3,  I. 

B,  qnD  illun 
1,71,  Mnt- 



wsbu]  ITbiillicatn/iuqui 
ms  penlidit?  And.  iii.  S,  1. 
Quidtiac«t*safen>7  Eua.ii, 
St'M.  Quid«ffotuitDm  woeUru 
admiil  miKF?  Mtsut.  t.  2.  3. 
O  toeitra,  o  nnen  lurilt-gE. 
Adelph.  iii.  2.  6.  Saiia.  Euu. 
It.  3,  3,  Haut.  T.  1,  1«. 
Phorm.  T.  7.  85. 

Hec.  AU.  P^l.  8.  37- 

Mcilicei]  Id  populut  cunt 
leiUal.  And.  i.  2,  U.  Salixi 

i.  2,  lUS.  SaUieet  betaruin 
mg  ewe.  Hiwiii.  ii.  3,  117. 
ScHical.  it>  tsmpai  fen.  Adel- 
ph.  T.  3.53.  HuioiuDmnd- 
du  leiiioei.  Hk.  iv.  4.  47. 
Quam  tu  horum  iiibil  lefella, 
viniam  MciliaeL  Phono.  i.  3, 

<lem  nn>i  •talidaa.  And.  iii. 
1,  II.     Unde  teiit  And.  iii. 

4.62.'  Nh  quid  iguo  Kiii'. 
Eun.  i.  1,  38.  Nequefctxqiiid 

eeia.  Heaut.  il.  3,  90.  Te 
acBnfe  ruHam.  quicquid  tfiero. 
Heaut.  iT.  8,  32.  Non  Hini- 
dam  i>lii>,  qDod  niiaiii.  Adel- 
ph.  iT.  5,  7.     SeiHi  liherum 

Adelph.  T,  3.  42.     SriiH  uti 
foro.  Phorm.i.2,29,  Pidibui 
teire    Eun.i.  3,  53, 
aoirma]    Nodum   in  tdrpo 

Sdrtn]  Audin  quid  diani, 
SdrUJ  Hac.  i.  2.  3. 

eciieilor]  Pcocul  hinc  libet 

fi™,1o.  "'  ™^"- 

eeilr]  Sitia  leile  praTtiiltlt 
tibi.  Hevjt.  It.  4,  7.    Si  «iu 

Scile  poterat  fieri.  Hent.  W. 
6,  16,  37. 

ett  n*iiii  Pnmpliilo.  And.  lii. 

Itmt.  Heuit.  i.  2,  32,    Nsi 

ii,  3,  132. 
leriia]  lo  proli^i  wrtAen- 

Prol.  3.  Etiim  auni 
icripUt  illi  laat  in  uin 
M  Chniidii.  And.  i.  6,  48. 

Scriiddomile.  Eun,  Pml.; 
In  Thcnun  icripeit.  Eui 
Prol.  10.   Quieniienemhui 

He.ut  ffl"li,'*Nn™  n™ 

H«ut,   P»l,    43.     Homini 

Pnlr.  16. 

2.77.  DeterruiHe 
^iu  leriberti.  Hee. 
19.  Qiiii  nuiquci 
KripiU  uloleeccnlu 
Prol.  6.  Ce  Eun, 
En  unqoun   injur 


Kriplura]  Poetquim  poet* 

!uii  obiervmri,  Adelph.  Prol. 
.  Nd  eum  ooeU  icriBtitra 
BTueurret.  Hee.  All.  Frol. 
5.     Quod  li  KTxplMram  m 

Alt.    Prol.    W.      Tenui   « 

KrMpulia]  Mibiunuia 

37.  liTJeci  KrwmfiMi  hon 
Adelph.  ii,  2.  9).  Cf.  Plit 
T.  7,  61.     Qui    fuit   in 

rfuil     CallindaTi  w- 

iiiit.  Adelph.  iii.  2,  4! 
Adeipfa.    i*.     3.    U 

Jtm  ffnndeni?  AAdpA.  it. 
18.  iDeptui  bodie  dum  i1 
tdto.    Uec.  T,    3,  4.     Di 

.tn    intelligenli. 
t.  Alt.  Prol.  2*. 
Ve  Hlum  mdmcil 

KrfBfol  Bmo  illnd  •rJs/d 
nenie  f>etum.  And.  i.  1. 
119,  Fviam  mdido  ic  dabo 
Dpenm,  uljuMbD,  Ean.  ii.  3. 
Heini.  il.  4,  16.  Adelph.  L  1. 
25.  PhoTm.i.4,50:  v.  8.  12. 
Qnnni  plKo,  idTenor  mdido 
et  deterreo.  Adelph.  i.  2.  64. 
PiD  M  qniHUe  Kdmh  bdebal. 
H«ul.  i.  I.  74.  Ego  quwl 
pnletn  Krfv/D,  Heeut.  T.  4, 
IS.  Fit  HiJiifo.  Adelpb.  iu. 
3,  «9,  Te  tedJa  ei  maneo  rt 
hortor.     Hoc.   L    1,   fi.      F^ 

>]  Ne  mbi  te  bmnc  le- 

Hec.  iii.  S,  30.     Si^Trfiaiwm 

mo  P.mplillum,  Het""  l. 
26.  Nupta  nHntiici  benii 
«t,  »  Tira  abi  trsrwtalii  rV. 
Si  eit  nt  haec  nunc  I^mphi- 
lum  ven  ab  ••  •eunwril. 
Heo.  T.  2,  23,  8ft 



«wfl    Ubi    >nimu<   Kmel 

iii.     3,    «6.      Siu    .lller   do 

poTTo  or«re  ut  Tenirem  ttria. 
Kun.  iii.   3.  22.     Jocone  tn 

u  ru(n<iit»iB   dcTiDiil  mil&. 

Haiit.  i.  2,  3*.     Vobi.  cuin 

A^delp"  11^5,  ^'''itidem  illu 

KTio     illwc     di«c     neKlo. 

nnn  lemd  ubi  «etilcni  Bgera 

muliere.  .unt  ferme  ut  pueri 

HeuiC  iii.  2,  30.  Herclevero 

mri...  Adelph.  v.  9,  18. 

•rnHi]    Rera  «riam  Tellg 

decrelum  eiC  Tin.  Hnut.  ii. 

4.    12.     Si   »««;    tuum  Mi- 

Sin  e.C  ut  ■iiter  tu.  »e<  tn- 

■uum  iUe  iotellonriL  H«.ut. 

Mifui.  Hec.  <T.  4,  15.     Quid 

.gera  mecum.  Eun.  iii..3,  7. 

iii.    1,   69.      Verelnmiiii   ue 

de  hu  n  dict,  qoidoe  .il 

non  id  &f™tn  quod  rrMIH^ 
Km«m(f?  Phorm.  T.  7,  9. 

>»«iaUia».    QuoC  homine..  toC 

Eun.  iii.  3, 10.     Ibi  ilU  mm 

»r«(ue.  Phorm.  ii.  t,  4, 14. 

illo  strmimtm  occipit.    Eon. 

iT.    1,   8.     Inlere.  ^um   mr- 

•oli.  And.  i.  5,  M). 

It.  ».  14.  puerili««- 
timti^.  Phona.  t.  7,  66. 

».o»i  aedimu..  He.ut.  ii.S, 

««^-■rl  P«.im. 

1.  H.udinvitD.d.ure..eri>»> 

tempitaTiiu]    %d  Deonim 

uiihi  acreHit  tnuL    Hec  iji. 

TiUm    propler    ex    KmpHer- 

■■1»]    Quem  quidem  ego 
«  ««««.     And.   i.    1.   13^. 

S,  32.     Qupm  cum  i«oc  «r- 

«am  «Me  «rhitrDr,    And.  v. 

»<.>en  h.bueri>  piwul   hino 


Vix    Undem    mmri    ttolidu.. 

.Un.  ucepi.    H«.  It.  3,   1. 

amH^o]  Nimiam  «d  rem  in 

Quid  hie  M>uiiM  tHt    And. 

Ut    Tolupleti    ohitu.,   lermo. 

KnectaattenUnimoa.  Adelub. 

iii.   1,    13.      Senliet  qui     Tir 

.dTpntu.  tun.,  quocunqae  nd- 
Toneri.,  wmper  aiet.    He*.  v. 

..  B,  31. 

riem.     Nnnc   ego   et   illHn 

Kaeefia]  Cur  meuD  MKee- 

4, 19.     Animun.  cnqn  .tten- 

t»itm  bujue  wllidto  ■menlia.' 

™m  «n(.o."Ein'  i.T^Srse! 

And.  T.'3,  16.     AquilM  m- 

HoKo  .liqnot  die.  non  «»- 

Ui,.;  Phoru.,  T,  6.  29,       ^ 

pertM.  Hoiul.  iii.  2,  10.     8o- 

(«i.  He«at.  iT.  5,  4.     Nom- 

KT.,]   Uodie  KTO  u  ne.,uic- 

luiD  unuiii  hne  Titioni  teita- 

fut  me  »xn»i.    He*».  iv.  8. 

q.i.mTole..  H«ut.  il.  3,  104. 
Hnc  mihi  dolei.    n.«    p.ene 

lat  afCert  hominibui.  Adelph. 

19.      MoTH  OTO  in    le  ene 

T.  3.  47.     H.hebib  qa«  lu™  KMam.    H«ul.  T.  4,  9. 

«™«i»e.  Adcli.b,  ii.  4.8. 

I.te  luu.  ipK  leMiet  poitiriu.. 
Adel^  \.  2.  £9.     iJem  quod 

Memilnr]     0    Bicehi.,    a 

ii.    3.   S7.     Snat»  ip»  e>t 

me.  Buch»,  Krrafru  me«. 

moTbui.Pliorm.iT.  1,9.  Jmm 

CEO  vnnr.  Adelph.  iT.  2,  29, 
B%o  KBtto.   Adrtph.  T.  3,  67. 

Hec.  V.4,  16. 

lum  ent  wne»,  «sertw  ti  to- 

wxio]  ServOai  !ibcr.liter. 

recundo.  &cit  Phorm.  t.  8, 

Et  .i  tibi  ra>  .ii  cum  eo  le- 

And.   i.    1,   11.     Qul   n.ina* 


none  quocum  mihi  e.t.  tum 

qu.m  Uercule.  itniiat  Om- 

*»«]     Srmta    muliertDi. 

«,««:  Phorm.  i.  3.  19. 

ph.l.eP    Ean.  ..  7,  3.     Cuf 

Eun.  ii.  3,  65.   Hic  etl  Tetu., 

mft»]  Videon(H>.>qu«-  mrnatl    Quun  m»- 

iT.4,2i.  I«tu.*™«.  H«ut: 

q«  ob.i^.^EuTii!'^""  '" 

HauL  Prnt.  32,  50.     labo- 

Pro).  37.     Ille  foit  «ma  im- 

»ow>)  Omniboi  gntitm 

ru...  quuien.,   pereen.,    iUi 

ponnnua  •emper.  HmuL  i.  2, 
23.  Aequum  «w  cenHnt  no. 

bnbeo,  el  Memini  tibi  pne- 

«n™.      lte.uC    i.     I,    87. 

teretu  Adelpfa,  *.  9,  14. 

Rei  Kruie<H.   Hec  ii.  1,  27. 

fiwut.T'"',  2!"°N^iiI^B 

M;>e/»].9<p«a«.>nm.  PliOT. 


Hec  iii.  6,  45.     E.  Krviitat 

•epum]  Eun.  iL  3,  40. 

lenoni  impuriHimu.    Pbann. 

t^tTi.^HetT^H!  1.  10.     *- 

wptimiu]  Hec.  ili.  3,  34. 


n<-j>  deliran..     Adelph.  iT.  7, 
43.     EodemutjureutiaiMn 


wiiodeheo.  And.  iT.  1,61. 

.fflMor]  Funu.  interim  pro- 

Kmpcr  titi,  .pud'*™  °ju.t. 
et    clemen.     ^oric    tereitiu. 

adoleKentior.  Hec.  Alt,  Prol. 
2.      J.m  no.  fcliul.  <umu., 

™i'r.'  A^.™!".'!,   l5™]44. 

,S:«Kr.^ueuiu..   Hee.  iT.  3, 

Liie.  K>pd.    And.  iT.  5.  16. 

And.   i.    1,  9.     In  HVtMo 


Comite.    Kcati   Kilicel   .uul 

Mupercm     ti     dilem     d.ri. 

"ho^.  iT.  3.  48. 

mdam\  Ut  Di  De.e- 

Tirginem.  Eun.  ii.  3,  54.    Se- 

gue  omne.    wnHin    penUnt. 
£un.  ii.  3,  10. 

0«7.  me  iulra   hu.    He.ut. 

lenro]    Me  infen.u.  Kreat. 

i'v.    t,  fil.     Se/pure  hu   me 

And.i.  3,7.  Ut«rt™fidem. 

ociu..  Heiut.  iv.  7.  4.    £gu 

Acerpi :      .dceuUm    «roaio. 

palchrecaW  Adelpb,  it.  1. 

huic  clementem  TiUm  urb.- 

And.i.  5.45,63.  Hem.Kma. 

And.  ii.  6,  S.Phorm.  1.4,36. 

Adelph.  i.  1.  la  Potiu.  quim 
lite.  Kouar.  Adelph.  ti.  2,  40. 
It  quoj  mihi  de  hu  re  dedc- 

Juno  Ludn>,  fer  opem.  wroa 

me,  obwcro.     And.  iii.  1,  15. 

And.  i.  3,  2,     Ne  i*  mnlel 

Cuju.    libi    polHU.    .umm. 

•uiim  Kntatiam.   And.  ii.  3, 

rit  ron.ilium  id  «7«ar.  Adel. 

iii.  4,  54.     Pielu  nwlri.  po- 

9.     Tu    me  «reafa.     Nequ. 

I,   18.     aciue  e.t  KoUmtiaJ 

He.ut.  i.  1,  114.     I«uc  libi 

Hec.  iii.  5.  31. 

K^I^TT.sT,'^  oT^"t. 

tor.    HG.ut.  ir.  3,  l.    Emi 

■ria]  BeloTi  doli»  omoi^ 

amne.  «ruu.    He.ut.  iii.  1, 

Ad^fph""  iT^K^S 


b  ™E^n.  T.  B,  IS^Vuuc  d^- 

«nol  Id  Tero  «r»  trium- 
phmt.    Euu.  iO.  1,  3.     Hiut 

ficiiem   inTitum   «mir«<  at- 

laUtHtia  nKtui  »0.  Adelph. 

nem.  Heuit.  iii.  2,2i.    Sir- 

I.  S,  81.     Serva,  qund  in  te 
ItlDt.  IT.   G.  1.     iltiTM  quoil 

buic  fHniliain,   Adeiph.ii 

..  2, 20. 
Bolin  »«ti»rt  bunc  polet. 
Phonn.  iii.  3,  6.  Iti  me  ter- 
m    JupLIel.     Phorm.    t.    3, 

Hevit.  L  3, 17.    F>lli  i 

Adelpb.  iT.  2.  37. 

mZ^]  Pe.-i  e  »™.  ot 
en»  librrtH  mihi.  And.l.  I, 
in.  Vnlru)  •nwwH.  And. 
ili.  4,  *.  Srma  fiiniinn 
meu  ma  commldM  fiitill  P 
Aod.  iii.  6.3.  Cuirtntn  Kr- 
»•  Kribtn.  Kun.  Pnl.   36. 


mini  psupenimiifriqiir.  Eiin. 
iii,  2,  39.  Semu  nimD*. 
Hemal.  Prol.  37.  Semt  tar- 
diiiwulin.  H»iil.  iil,  3,  4. 
Strri  TillidiUiei.  Hemul.  *. 
I,  13.  Srrm»  hiud  illibcn- 
lem  praclxi  te.  Adelph.  t. 
6.  G.  Semu  ipTrUiii)  ntii. 
Adeli-h,  T,  6.  S.     Stnmm  ho- 

imrilai'1  Triiti)  tm: 
InektinTnTtD.    And.  t.  2 

wrenu}  Hocnemoruil 
■mt    ineptn*.     inagii    kt 

Ipie  «FmlituTj    qumm    j 
rml  tlaul  t  3,21. 
«)  &rego  le  loto). 

40.     An  non  x 

I.  2.  46i   3, 
■ol<)  mcnil- 
m  priiit  olfcciwmP  Adelph. 
iil.  3.  42. 

>(]    Qnid   «t,  B  hoe  non 

Mlil  II  me  in  illo  credidiiU 
«•e  bominum  nanero.  Adrl. 
1«.  3.  3.  Si  qoando  ad  eem 
•erewntconhbnliliim.  Hrc. 
L2,1(M,     Mimbuejtumlbi 

nij    Redeii 

Id  quidem  eto,  s  lu  negrt, 
ceno  icio.  H«Dt  iT.  1,  19. 
NoD,  Mi  «t  «pite  lie  meo  ni. 
■iii.  Heaut.  T.  4. 12.  Mmul- 

Adelph.  T.  8,27.  Ut  ne  n^ 
■tingu»  licrimii  li  exttilU- 
*erit,  Phoim.  T.  7,  82." 

n',  in)  Vinm  •>  domi  nl. 
Eun  11).  4.  7.  Slo  eirpeetui 
•t  quid  mihi  imperrDt.  Ean. 
iii.  S.  46.     lilt  n  jui  UTrrit 

.   Heml 

Si  fonr  fnter  Rdierit  Tiao. 
Adelpb.  iT.  2. 10.  Idxforte 
«t  netdo.  Hee.  ili.  1,  41. 
Vide  tt  qnid  opii  poln  mjteire 
huie.  Pliorm.  »1.3,20. 

tfV]  Sie  TiU  ermt  And.  i. 
1,33.  ^ic  wd»  mmicoL  £dd. 
ii,  2.4«.  Sieioc.  Hrmut.  iii. 
1,  49.  Mem  tK  eM  niio,  el 
lie  inimum  induco  nenm. 
Adel^.  i.  1.43  Qui  •«  lunt 
hiud  muhum  bnrdem juvmDt. 
Hh.  iii.  5.  la  &  «im  ;  ai 
plttwi,  uteit.  Pborm,  iii.  2, 

•Hvh']  Sieulii  eam  tmllelmi 
homiDum,  mutncfoti  uqumudo 
oilium  cepermt.  Edd.  ili.  1, 

•mnnil  Mtgnum  •MHimi. 
And,  ii.  2.  29.  Signa  uT  tDlu- 
lem.  And.  iii.  8,  2  Pd^Ioth 
tivnH.  And,  *.  3,  7.  Hoc 
etl   liiimi.     P.un.    It.    I,    U. 

Multa  in  liomine  tHHi  in- 
■uDt.  Adelph.  T.  3,  36.  Non 
•uni  boc  Ht  eil?  Hoc.  ii.  1, 

n7»tnrM]  Ciim  nleolio  miii- 
midvertiie.     Eun.   Pnl.   44. 

"n/lJum.  'fl»iil.  Pnl  ^. 
Oliiim  el  tUenlium  »L  Dmte 
nla,Hf,m.  Her,  AU.  Prol.  36, 

iil'e«lim    rhorm.  Prol.  30. 

iHaeo]  Dum  h*»  lileKmi 
tuilw.  Adrlpli.  T.  2,  )0. 

lilrlMr]  r>e  ioriio  lUeho'. 

HVwtniiHii]  Kfa  \»  ntt- 
reha  bodie,  ut  digniii  n,  liii' 
iminm.  Adrlph.  ir.  2,  4& 

limilii]  MonnehocDionttri 
tii.ili  e>l?  Enn.  ii.  3,  43. 
PrlTHili  tim  doDt  hi«d  notlrii 
nniyia.  Run.  iii.  2.'  16.  81 
qoid  bujum  tnw/e  forte  mli- 
qumndo  eTeDcrii.  Heaul.  tii. 
3,  40.     Tni  limilii  ett  pn)». 

HemDl.  T.  3, 18.  KullDBbQ. 
jut  fiictum  liwilt.  Adrtpb.  L 
a,  16.  E»  •nwt/w  Diminnm 
num.  Adc1pb.iii.3.57.  Tiiii 

^^•i<nVi>pen*DmriIrtl.  Htt:. 
,    1,  £.     Ne  limili  otamBt 


Phonn.  PnV  Sl.  Em  ■ 
tem  timilia  omnim.  P^orm. 
ii.  1,  34.  Qiimiii  BtcrqiHr  ru 
umilii  >ni    Plii.Tm   iii.  2.  17, 

mniumeplD  tKlm  c«t  •nW», 
Hrmnl.  Pral.  6. 

timidalia]  Non  mrmrmtfi- 
mnlalio.   Hrmul.  It.  S.  34. 

ttHvif/o,  tnui/or]  £b  grmtii 
jHtn/ari,  Tm  ul  perlcntarrm- 
And.  iii.  4,9.  Tnm  »1  '«a 
i)  eatem  Ter«  qui  limMttr. 
Eun.  iii.  5,  «8.  SimiJatt 
mortrm  Terbi*,  re  ipom  lartrt 
TlUe  dore.  Heut.  ir.  1.  2^ 
Quid  rit  qDad  unpliDm  li- 
mulflTl  flemut.  t.  I.  2ft 
Sl  000  it>i«  re  tiU  itnn 
dnlet.  inialart  erite  M  bo- 
minim.  Adelpfa.  ir.  7.  18-  Hle 
mli»  mt  •lere  M  «■■tiiii. 
Hcc.  T.  3,  28. 

•tnu/fai]     Non    liwftjrf 

ii.™a.  " 


•Hil  Pmtiim. 

T-l  S 
oiceTidici.  I 

lime]  Pntii 

recU  pimt«.    Adelpfa.  It.  2, 

•no}  ^H  nniK  am  me 
Tivcre  inietem  modo.  And.  i. 
1.126.  5iM-p>Dlu>uia>dDM 
ndemm.  Aod.  iii.  5,  Ifi.    Nmni- 

mihi  nie  htud  t^  Dfnll^^^ 
And,  iii.  5,  1S.  StM  medo. 
Eun.  I.  I,  20.  Sm  vrDimt. 
EuB.  iT.  e,  1.  Si  timm.  d- 
nm.  Hemiit.  ii.  3.  7«       Fmlli 

Hnut.  iii.  1.  &.  Tn  illuit 
conumpi  •tntt.  Adelph.  i.  3. 

Adelph.  ii.  1,  14  5lnlr 
eiontor  ut  •Im.  Hrc  AIl 
Pnl.3  .Wmeobwcroboe 
effiigetv.  Hce,  i(.  2.24.    Srr- 


].  63.  Eiont  HH.  Fhorn. 
iii.  2.31. 

bmh]  Vidins  ego  te  mod» 

tiici  inKien?  HnaL  iii.  3, 
%  Hiciae  Diin  guUrdui  iii 
MBHtP  Ai<elph.  iT.  5,  75 

nfnoin/D]  Ncgnti  Rfuim/o 
odium  cepernl.  SiqmiHdo  ill« 
mentiaticni  Pbudri»  ^it. 
Eim.  iii.  1,  14,  47,  51.     Si- 

tm  ittuc  prodniet. 
1,36.     SgMidrm  id 

Stgiailttii  porro  .  .  .  lu  luuni 
ofncinm  fuin.    Adelph.  t,9, 

22.  Stmidtm  ille  ipw  non 

THIL      HM.iT.     I,     45.        Si- 

Phann.ii.  1,72. 

mwf]   And.  i.  2.  21 :  i  6. 

23.  Eun.  Pn.1.  4;  ii.  3,23. 
Heaiit.  PidI.  44.  Hec  ii,  2, 
11.  P>iann.i  2, 1 1  ii.  1,43. 

^sH^cln"^.  Eiin'!''i».''  i. 
S9.  Vide  w.  Hetut.  i.  2, 
Sa     Illuc  m  *ide.    Adelph. 

T.  2,  44.  In  quD  noeirne  «|i« 
omneique  opei  rA».     Pejore 

io  quo  nunc  tila  tnx.  Adelph. 
iii.  2.  33,  4ti;  4,  9.  Pborni. 
iii.  I,  6. 

«aMnu)  B«tne  hic  Crlto 
■nirnia  ChrTiidiii>  And.  it. 
S,6.  Ehe,  tu  ntrti»»  luum 
non  naruP  Phorm.  ii.  3, 

mbriaii  Tu  pal  hame  nan 
o»  wAriiu.    And.    W.   4,    39. 

b»r  mihi  eue  'pulihre  »- 
btiai!  Eun.  ii.  5.  2.  Sitin 
nnui  ei,  >nl  Kl>ri<a1  Hekut. 
iT.  3.  29.  Ruri  pmc  pnrcnm 
:    tahriM,m1     Adelpb.   i.   2, 


«.]    , 

delishunt.  Heaul. 


gotiit  Hcaut.  iii.  1,  9. 

1.  Adeliib  ir.  5, 
:"ale!^m  "u"' 

iniquxL   H«.  ii.  S,  4. 

fdufii]  8i  ftnler  aut  «o- 
i£i/ue«et.  i)ai  migta  niDrem 
genRtP  Adelph.  It.  G,  74. 

tadai  Dicn^n.  And.  1. 1, 
58.  Ticenin.  Hriiul.  iii.  3, 
19,  Itaftrintni.  Hee.  ifi,  3, 
23.  Mineilum  toda.  Hec  *. 
4,  4.    P«rcB  •adn.  Pborro.  t. 

»']  Lectnlot  in  talt  ilignia 
pedihu>hciend»dedit.  Adel. 
IT.  2.  46. 

K>tt6\  VutfaquoddiriaoZeJ. 
And.  ii:  5,  \3.  Slc  lolm  ami- 
coa.    Eun.  ii.    2,  4fl.     Quo 

Kto  id  flrri  ideat  ralleo. 
Mit.iii.2,37.  Credojim, 
ul  iJii.  jurxnhiE.  Adelnh.  i. 
1.  54.  duU  mri  rrehra  ew 
»/»,  Hec-.il1,1&  ARdum. 
ut  kI«,  Nnuiiitn...  Pliorm. 

T.  3,  1. 

talert}  Quu  lihentm  «1» 
meqnum  e>t  «lolrKentrn.  m- 
laieiH  dibo.  Eun.  iii.  2,  24. 

KliJt]  Hunc  icio  nie»  «- 

«]    Non 

tibi    I 

«udiiimP  And.  iv.  1,  23, 
Corpoi  mAidiim  ct  lucel  ple- 
nnin.  Ei.n.  ii.  3,  26.  Ut  »■ 
lidum  pererem  hoc  mibi  bene- 
acinm.  Ean.  v.  2.  33. 

mililado\  Per  tuKm  fldem, 
perque  hujui  Kliladatem,  te 
obteator.  And.  i.  fi,  55.  Sa- 
mwlo  1010  oeiium.    And.  ii. 

iii.  2,  S.     Ubiaimoue  duum 


totticilalio\  Nuptinnim  tol- 
lieilalio.  And,  i.  5,  26. 

KiUieiUi]  Sieine  ne  ntque 
illun  openi  nw  nunc  miMraa 
„Utiab,rH  And.  iv.  2,  6. 
Cur  meun  •encAuiem  hujni 
KUiaio  amentiiP  And.  t.  3, 
16.  Soaieilamie  et  polliei- 
lujdo.  And.  t.  4,  9.  Quid 
te  ergo  ■liud  Baici/a(7  Kun. 
i.  2,  82.  Quie  re>  le  loUidlal 
lutem'  Hcnut.  ii.  3,  1» 
QuibiK  nant lollieitor  nhvt? 
Adelpb.  i.  1, 11.  Quideilid 
S   8  2 

Juod  loliieilnt  nd  fa 
um.  Hec.  ir.  4.  54. 

loaicilula]    Bidul 

quumoi-cupitua  euet  •ollieilit- 
dt».  Phorm.iii  2.17  letaee 
mihi  re>  aotlidindiiii  eit 
Phorai.  iv.  1, 22. 

m-llieHai]  Er  bac  miKn 
KllitUa  rnl.  And.  I.  6,  33. 
Hem,  toC  men  »liu>  nMidti 
>illt  cnuM.  He.ut  i.  I,  77. 
Dmnei  lullieiUa  b>huit.  He- 
«it  iii.  1,  52. 

Mi/iiml  Id  libi  Dcgoti  cre- 
didit  KiJui  dkri.  And.  Prol. 

»(n>]  Solriili  fldem.  And. 
iv.  I,  19.  Neque  Cu  Terhli 
»trei  unqiiim,  quod  milii  ro 
mile  fe*-eria.  Aclelph.  ii,  1, 
10.      Ip»   e 


.   4.  20. 

■  Klvi  r 
Hec.  ii.  1,33.    Venur«»<i«K 
Phonn.  T.  2,  15. 

•o/ihI  Voa  Mmatie:  oot 
loli.  And.  i.  S.  50.  Veoit 
meditttui   (liFunde   ei    lalo 

*qae  cotfnttum.  Ei 
J.  Solui  cum  teU 
i.  5,  31.  Sumtui 
<D>o.  ee;o  »fi»  lKi.D 
iiv  i.  I.  79-  Tibi  b. 
Ji,  qunm  eibi  ti 
.dclpb.  i.  1,9.      Sol. 

inm.    Adelph.  iii.  I,; 
.  S,  47.  Omnem  n 
ibit  Kia.  cantinuo  i 
lec.  lii.  2,  15.     Svli 

24.  Non  hoc  puhlldtut  tee- 
liu  hine  deportuier  in  to/at 
lcmtP  Phorm.  «.  7.  86. 

»mi»|  Num  ille  manMf 

nitiai    ■gere.     Adetph.   It. 
ii^niiHiii]  Deai 


drlph.  iii.  3,  4l. 
grni.  ili.  S,  10. 
hami.  T.  6,  34. 

nou  Tldi  meii.  Hai 


m]    Qui   ttmpU  cti 

iSbninHH]  Eun.  iv.  7,  37 

Phom, ».  r.  la.  u. 

lorbilo]  Crmlbot  nr6iA>iu 
inalmlim  hunc  pmlucuiD 
diem.  Addph.  i>.  2,  «2. 

«mf»]  HimmvidereillD 
Tiem,  lordei,  inopiuu.  Bun 

»nfiriiilH,  tordidiu)  Scir 
huic  quBm  dicil  lardidalait 
sl  lOR/iifuBit  Heaut.  ii.  3 

wn]  Etitm  de  » 
Tenia  in  dubiDm 
Adelph.  ii.  2.  3A. 


And.  i.  2,11.     N'o: 


h^ben  ipati 

■upplldum.   And.  iii.  5,  17, 

».2,2.  Prope  excuru  nu^ 
Adelph.  V.  4,  6.  (fuim 
longum  jpnftiiH  imuiili  uni- 

cim  Ubi  dedi?  Hec.  ir.  4, 
62,  Ubican(|Ue  dilum  emt 
iwifnin  tatiludinii.  Hec.  i. 
2,  5S.  Nniue,  ut  celiri  poe- 
tet  lempui  naiaim  ulliini 
dabel.  Hat,  1«^  3. 14.  ^- 
liiHii   quidcm    tindem    •pp>- 

|i"lu*lum^  Pl',<.r^,'iv.  *,  2o"' 

^dalor]    ElrsiDa    roinia- 

™m  ipertnior.        un,     il.     , 

ipectatyi']    ^}ectatam   mit 

rlum  continentiue.  And,  i. 
,  64.  Setii  jim  ulii  .  ,  . 
irieetala  mn  te  imiciliii  rit 
me*.    And.  t,  1. 1.      U  milii 

Prol,    27.       ImponuTiiUtcD 

rale   uiculee.     And.  i.  4 
ruumuimumei  uiimi 

Eun.  T.  5,  18,  24.  ^Tme 
kliud  HKcta.  Huul.  T.  2, 
Sa      Ui  neqno  ipnAin  ne- 

Prol.  3.  Nonnim  qul  mee- 
tandi  hciunt  copiun.   Heuit. 

rpecalua^    Intpicen     t&n- 

i/iectdifm  in  pntin»  .  .  .  inini- 
cerejubeo.  Adelph,  iii,  3,  61, 

13.      Ob    liarc 

ipenor.  Eim.  i,  2.91,     Quae 

3,  l^  Sin  mmril  mt. 
Phorm.  iT.  1.   18.      Quod  li 

Ki.tim.  Hee,  All.  ProriS.  " 

jwrv]     Itft    jrpero  quidem, 

Aiid.  i.  6,  63.     Nim  quod  tu 

nMrH  propulHbo  fiiHe.  And. 
iS.   3,  21,      Uiiniim     id    «t, 

Siiod  ifrm.  And,  T.  4,  28. 
prro  »cle™.n)  inter  no.  gm- 
linm  rore.  Eun.  t.  2,  33. 
Porro  rwte  ipmi,  Ho«uL 
i.  1,  107.     Quod    de  ■raento 

ir.  2.  4.'  '  SalTua  lit.  mero. 
Adelph,  ii 

gu  haee  Ihiiinli  ett. 
ii,  2.  37,  PrwliT  ipem 
.  And,  ii.  6.  S.  Aol- 
n  tpe  ktque   in  timora 

ii.  I,  3.    Niri  nie  Ue- 

:erea.   Aud.    Iv,  1,  t^. 

lUn  peruti  te  ul  Ipet 
reliflumin  leait  libi?  Ei 
2, 9.  Ui    ■ 

■M  at.  Ruo.  T,  S,  23,  24, 
QumnU  de  vf>e  decidi.  Hemiit, 
ii,  3, »,    Sytm  .  .  .  niiplimnim 


11  tA.    Ajlelpb. 

c  illi  ne  h« 
Adelph.  ij.2,  19. 
itru  flMi 
>r.    Adelph. 

itulL  He 


I  mihi  la- 

ert,  Pborm,  i.  2.  89.  Nob 
multum  limbet  quod  det  for- 
tm»,  G.  Imo  nihil  ni*i 
itMiii  inerun.  Pbomi.  i.  2, 
96.    Commodiui  c«te  opjnor 

a,  f  3.        "    '      ^™"  "' 

ipolio]  Spnlia,  mntilem,  Im- 

S^lJT'"  """  " 

a»iui]  ^»uaii  Mc  tiMm 
mmml.  And,  ii.  I,  24.  Srii 
noiuaiii  mibiP    Eun.  v.  8,  6. 

ilpio.  qume  ipantn    c 
iponWi  Afc  li  hic 

Adelpb.   l    I. 

itaUiii]  Qi 
du  mvju.  c 
Adelph,  i. 



■'oluniH]  Slalariam  ■nn' 
ul  licemt  per  ulenlium.  UikaL 
PtoI,  36. 

italim]  Ei  iii  prmediii  u- 
lenta  usenU  binm  cspielimt 
ilalim.  rtioim,T.3.7- 

•tofno]  ^  nunquun  mTmn 

Klemplum    ilaliiile    in    me, 
Hemut,  Pml,  48,  51.      Cmpile 

itaiai]    Qni    tHet    Hatn. 

!un.  lii.  5,l0. 
Slrpiiaiio]   AMfb.    tii.   3. 

■ferfHYiiniii]  Phonn.  iit,  S, 

•Cen»]  Featinmre,  lectoe 
Irmere,  roenmin  mppmiwe. 
HemuL  i.   I,  73.     E>l  intn 


hH»t.  HHUI.T   1,30.     Lsc-  I 
tplu  jube  <<tna  nsbu.  Aitl 

Itorfoi  SUriit  ngcteHue  el 
diet.  EuD.  V.  S,  19. 

Kfn.]  Hed  Umen  diuiniili  ' 
onliorie  lUDt  facUe  >c  MUo. 
Aod.  Pfcil.  12. 

■balN^]  M*gj)  nunc  me 
unicte  iicititimiilamt.  Heaut. 
ii.  I,  II. 

<b'Hii/i»]  iDKitii  »t,  ad- 
Tcnum  liimidim  olcst.  Pbor. 
i.  2,27. 

«Mpuil  Cuidez,  MiptM,  ui- 
nui,  plumbeut.   Heant.  t.  1, 

I    81  poterit 


ii.  2,  lO.     Quid  (fui 
HeuiL  iT.  7,  3.     Oli:      . 
tletil  noi4,  tclorii  open  mi- 

f'*ttttiaae  quAm  iua.  Pborm. 
roL  10.     Sla  ilico.  Phorm. 
i.  4, 17. 

ia]  Vi.  Undem  »ii.i 
t  And.  iii.  1, 12.     SUj- 

ttomadior]  Id  equidem  i 

modo.  Eun.  ii.  3,  31. 
(toru]  Adelpfi.l.  1,  1. 
Kni<oj  1,24. 

Adelph.  li.  1,  l^      ' 

Mrtmau]  Slrmmm  boc 
DCm  pnebuit.  Pburm.  iii. 

11  qnuB  plunn; 
.     Id  cuiu  (ted 

Texmtem  telun  «idtaw  <p- 
um  offcndioiui.  Hrwt.  li.  3, 
44.  Euilem  uere  coepi  , . . 
•Ifidiam.  Hec.  AlL  Prol. 

•tidium]    Ut  inimum   »1 
uliquDd    ttudiani    idjuDgint. 

aai  itMdiii.     And.   i.    1,  ^. 

iladio.  And.  T.1,6.  Repenie 
■d  itudiain  hunc  ae  ippliuoe 
niuurum.  Heuut.  Prol.  23. 
Quo  iludio  Titun  unm  te  ab- 

59.  li  adeo  dinimili  itadio 
ai.  Adclpli.  i.  1,  16.  Popu- 
luidkdiuitupidur  Hec.Prol. 
4.     Ne  illum  ab  (iKi^w  nbdii- 

Hic.  Alt.  Pnl.  11,  16.  Virii 
eaw  idTcru*  leque  •fndiiin 
Ht.  Hec.  ii.  l.S.  S*tiuJBm 
imet  ifWtvrwm  iilaniu,  Hec. 

itiilluJ  Kun.  V.  1,  21.  t'i 
ilallae  et  miMre  omnn  lumui 
religiou.  HnuL  ir.  1,  36. 
In  qu  re  nui.c  Um  conlideu- 
ter  rctlu,  itulUiJ  He*m.  t. 
S,  7. 

tfn/fej  Ftctum  1  nobit  HiJU 
tU.  Haud  Halti  npii.  Heiiit. 
ii.  3,  S.  K2.  Bi>  &c:ere  dWle. 
Hec.  iii.  2.  B. 

iliilliuimt]     Vt    italtiiMiiai 

I.  2.  7. 


tnaBitiliquidiineeidi.  Heiut. 
iT.  1.  U.  ^iupent  rjiii 
italHHa  biec  omnia.  Hnul. 
T.    I,  5.     Ibi   tuu  UallUiae 

V.  i.  14.  Smllilia  Ht  iiluc, 
non  Dudor.  Adelph.  ii.  4,  10. 
Pro  Jupiler,  hominii  MaHi 
tiaml  Adelpb.  iii.  3,13.    11- 

iT.  2,  13.  Cujue  de  ^allilia 
dicl  nt  diinum  eU.  noo  po- 
t«t  Phorm.  ii.  3.U.  UlTum 
ilallllia  hctn  rgo  buiic  an 
militii  diom.  Pborm.  it.  3, 

ilidlai]  Homini  bomo  quid 
pnetiiil  ?  iliiffa  intclhieni 
quid  intereit?  EuD.  ii.  2,  1. 
Hlcbominei  pronum e»  rfiJ- 

'.  6.  23.  NuoquuD  pol  ho- 
linem  ilaUiartm  Tidi  nfc 
Idcbo.  Euii.T._6.8.     Vitilu 

[nui.  iii.  S.  34.     Qute  aiint 

iru  iii  >f./rK«.  Hf>ut.  T.  1, 

O  Midlr.  tu  de  piallrii  mt 

6.  Hominum  homo  ilallil- 
limt.  Adel|'fa.  ii.  2. 10. 

ilHpeo]  LtHui  conconrec- 
>  daptl.  And.  ii.  1,  4. 
uid    A^H  1    Heaul.   ii.    4, 

itiaiidai]    Populiu     Madio 
Hapidai    Hec.  Pnl.  4. 
mn/eD]  Snadtrt  BalL  And. 

1,3S.  iuatnadtil  Eua.  i. 
1,  31.  RecM  imidti.  Heaut. 
r.  2,  43.  Pieiu  m>tnt  po- 
iut  commodum  laadet  leqiLi. 
Hec.  iii.  5.  31.  8>ne  hercle 
.ulclire  «laJt,.  Phorm.  iii.  3, 

Pbo™*  r.T/s."' 

«o™]  Tibi  .u.em  porro 
Itnon.ilnanlvivfce.  Heuit. 
ii.  1.  73.  £tiacia  in  pneim- 
i>  qute  euentprimi  hibere. 

nanan]    Meum 
quld    iigilur  ?     Eu 

tai]  Maler  cujut 

lia]  SabdiliiM  te  luapi- 

35.     Kunquim  iU  quiiquim 

ruii.  Adelph.  T.  4.  1. 
ialiJitio\    Si    mcminltti    id 

«.Mol  Cui  Um  niilo  tot 

8,  3.      Unde  ego  nunc  Um 
labib,    buic  .«enluni    iOTe- 
Diimmiicr?  Pborm,  iii.  3.  1, 

n4»]  QuM  iiuec  «Ula 
eit  lii^UiP    Adebh.  r.  ■», 
38.  Nunquodegohulenunc 


nAUo  exido  nm«dlum  Inr»- 
nisin  minr?  Pbann.  i.  4,  22. 

Mim^™t.  Kc"  \^'&'b7. 

nlJma]  SalJimm  honc 
iDlrn    noc.     And.    v.   2,   ZO. 

Adrliih.  ilt.  2. 18. 

nJWefj  Ut  DC  panlulum 
qaldem  mlf-liU  tne  nniiain 
WieainiM.  Hmul.v.  1,26. 
Nddi  quid  patri  nMH  t  Plior. 

niitaitia]   Etii  tahimui  id 

ili^Tfii'   °"  '  ™" 

niAHrr»1  Tu,  Dt  niiKmiH 
«•tloni,  utTDnquB  opiii  «it, 
TerUt  TidB.  And.  >t.  S.  20. 

niMiiim}  Ego  in  Wuiiiiu 
UcerniucccntunKtui.  Phorm. 
L  *.  51. 

HiUenw)  Ei  u*  hine  •ume 
nrbenu  libi,  ftlque  su  lai- 
itenK.  And,  It.  3.  12. 

nMo]    Metuo 


nebkt.  Heii 
Hblriili-]SMriilU  TituaMl 

ii,  e.  Iff. 

miiinitbl  Hnic  Dt  ni^- 
•liiU.  Eun,  V.  4,  47.  iSnAra- 
fltte  inopi.  Adrlph  ii.  1.  2. 
Onre  ul  i^reniai  lihi.  Phor. 
Pml.  8,  SK/mtii.  PbDrm.  ii, 

tubueiie]  Ne  nimiDm  modo 

,  .  ,  nforriaiK.  Adeiph.  t.  3, 

ncsBin]  Hh  non  mco-nil, 
mlif.  ■ggrediemur  tIl  And.  iT. 
I,  46.     Puiiin  iwvedit  quod 

nm»»»]  Si  id  imrtnmat. 
And.  ii.  3,2.  Fm  quiid  nc- 
«>»i«  lilri.   And.  ii,  6.    17. 

Hrtnt.  T.  1,  42.     Niiiil  (M- 
aDiKO.  He»ut.  ».  2.  23.     An 

Phorm.  i. 

4,  Sl. 

mJr^]  *Corpu.  «glidum  et 

waciplenimi.  Eun.  ii.  3,26. 

n£.l  Hei>  ~>IMt  Bti..  >i 

Pbonn.  iT 

.^  ..„».. 

mfainaJiul  Vidi  Cintht- 
«D  nrfar™!»».  Aod.  1., 

njHro]  Ad  ut  pro  huju. 
•ecciii)!  Fgo  inppljcium  iiif- 
iraml  And.  t.  3,  17.     vTi 

□,  reram  rtdi 

<j  Quod  hibui  R» 
,  12.     Unicam  gnft 

itur.  Anil. 
«  bDnum 


i.  1.  1;  T,  8,60,   ; 
dendi  orcuio  eit 

I^ciiim.  And.  iii.  £,"17.  £ 
And.  iT.  3,  II.     QundinopF- 

dit,  plua  igni.  Heiiit,  i.  1,'J2. 
5'iiM(i(.<-on.nm»t.pcr.l.t.  He- 
>iit.  iii.  I,  56.  Fmtlr.  ojie- 
lUD  opinor  Hnw.  Hniit.  iT. 
3,16.    Bum  hic  locnm  nnrif 


in    Adelphoi.     Ad 




*Cf.  't."3,  «a'  ''e.' 

3,  62.     A   me  tir« 

ll»Xtu«.ilo.    Adelp^; 

l.  20.  Piiorm.  il.  1.  69.     In 
detcrTendo  TolaigKoi  nwnni 
umere.    Uec.  Alt    Pni   17. 
Coen.  dubii  .ppoiiiiur.     O- 
Quidi.iacTerbict?   P.  Ubi 


nu.  finUww.  Adeiph.  i«.  7,]  Niminm  pure  tk~ 

Heeut  i. 


0  Iiciundo  liinl* 

i>n  qDot.  H«i>t.  i.i.  2. 
!r.  iii.  1.44.  UbiTidcMt 
■  .Ibi  «iiitriD  domi  quMi- 
fieri.  Hcuii.  iT.  5.  S. 
illi  pcrn  Miupeditars 
bm.  Hnnt.  t.  I.  57. 
n  hii  rcbn.  n 
<  Ad.-lph.  L  ~ 
it  prwtciea  in  » 

.    Paulo  n>B.fii    AdeL 

qae  al  noitn  m  pou»  ptu. 
Hec.  ii.  1,28,  AiMnqDoa 
rrciui  in  cwn.  Hec.  It.  4.  tO. 
Sine  nnifii.  Phami.  i.  9.  16. 

m]  Ahreplu 
l.  35 ;  iil.  3, 

nnBfiel   Sitig  nfvrAe  illn- 
lltii  me.  honn.  r.  7,  12. 
lu/ieriia]  Qiiorum  open  in 


maperiia.  Aadpb.  Prol.  31 
tttfirbt\  Non  cognMcD  i 

8.  X.     R«.ldi  {Wlri  uiK 

SapeH]  Ul  lo  qui.lem  oni- 
n».  Di  DcM.  .SKpcn  InF^rl, 
nimlin  exeuiplii  peniut,  Pbor 
i*.  i.  6. 

tMpeiv]  Hkcc  amperat  ip< 
■am  Tlimldem.  Kun.  ii.  1.25. 
NuDqniin  iu  miignifiw  quie- 

tuprrH  lui.  Aietpb.  <i.  8.  4. 

•apentM}   Dcm  qnmevi  Qt 

■it  i*JlrnUi.    Altii.  iii.  2,  7. 

lU  milii  mU)ue  huic  lii  ■ipn'- 

•urgo]  Pmlqumm  mrren, 
nuuv  pe«  nen"0  mnis  utis 
•uunii>fflHunif.rit.  Eun.  iv 
5,  3.  Ui  tritua  h<ic  perprtuii 
prorauiu  B  lei  to  iwqnat  i nr- 
jk™.  Ailrlph.  ii.  I,  4. 

»»»«]  Ne  nnn»  dmr- 
•am  cunitn.  Eun.  ii.  2.  47. 
Pneterito    hu    r>c'm    plmte* 

puelL)  mnum  ( 

r«pla  Mt  tiki.  Phonn.  t.  7, 
I  60.  74.  lii.l«  filiun  «Mitntl 
jmni  uiimm.  Phorm.  t.  8,  IH. 


,«]   Qiiu 

iKpp/biiMi.    Aiid.  iii.   j,    17. 
An  ut  pro  hujui  necrmtiiofo  1 
Kif^Jiauai  tuffcnmiP  And.  v.  I 
3,    17.     Pm    pfermlo   mtj 
pkulum  eipp/iei  uiii  hi  pai 
And.  Y.  3.  32.    Dmbii  cl  ut 
aipplidm.     Eun.  L    1, 
Uuue  illi  da  ma  appliei 
dnbo.  Hemnl.  i.  1.  66.     fk 

Mififinil   Huic  I 
AnTli.  1,12.  Hm 


Eun.    Pnl.   39.     Qni 
nppoait  nflhim.  Eun.  v.  o.  o. 

fWini]  Adto  mintemlo,  ul 
Diliil  apra.  And.  L  1,  9\ 
Fmcete,  Irpide.  Imutej  nihil 
MBpra.  Eun.  iii.  1,  37. 

mimniai  PranpmHJa- 
pil«:.  Adel  .h.  ii.  1/43. 

wdw)  Uunim  ant  hic 
tarHaa  mut  bmtc  muim  fmctm 
■it  And.  iii.  1.  3.  Nw  ille 
Iimud  Kit  qnmm  mihi  nunc 
innfo  nmrret  (■buUm.  Hemut 

II.      Qni    r«   mrprelia    luo 

Btri  et  Pliidippo  fuit,  ciiolTi. 
ec.T.3.32'       ^ 

dicorc.  mhl  riio  el  Mwpm.'*  tc 
And.  i.  £,  20. 

JnupeKem]  SHJafento  grmda 
lni-ide  ite  petrexi.  Phonn.  t. 

tttmcio]  Qni  tibi  iilaec  in- 
cUiiriapidu}  And.  iii.  2,  21. 

Titim:     injurime,    mpirioiia, 

nmi  luimum.    Eun.  i!  1,  I4-I 
lii.     Jmm  tam  ermt  Bupiao. 

Hemut  It.  .^,  52.  Satpiriimim 
i>imiiceiil1i>qumere.  Hemut 
T.  2,  41.  Tnntm  Pimc  laipicia 
de  me  Inci.lit   Adelpli.  it.  4, 

(■■picKiiM  cxidIto.  HecT.  2, 
2<i.     And.  ii.2,32. 

nUTunanuj   Omnei  quihni 

I»>it  ii.  3,  27.    Senu  ilico 

.  IS.  Neo  pal  me  multum 
illit  quin  oiiod  tutpieor  tit 
uod  JhI..    Het  T.T72,  cl 

»<Oii(dJ    Solo*  omncm  b- 

tyypiunla]  Clmmitent  me 
tfcepiaiaei*.  Anil.  i*.  A,  20. 
.^ifctpiiatitti  iiupaiicni.  H«nt 

ntaMa]  Swmii-lam  dedit,  And.  i.  1.  61.     1n 

S^prJk«eK-iilei\  Syia- 
y^.,ric>ile-  Diphlll  comae- 
limeit.  A.l«lph.  Prat  ' 

.,       ..  _.,.iiii.iiii.    __ 

7,  2   EilepaL  Striiee,  t 

rmttimoniter.  Adclph.  * 

Sgm.,]      ride     '  Uem' 

TbAeaea]  Dolon  *e  niwtia 
dieteil.  Adet|.h.  it.  3,  12. 

lalmUi\  Suapectmni luMwn 
lauidmin  picMm.  Eiin>liL  6, 

iaeert  de  re  tmnlm  poitulem, 
Heiint  T.  3,  9.  Tiiet  modo. 
Adelph.  iL  4,  16.  TMiri  A 
Tii  Trrm  dieito.  Eun.  i.  2,  26, 
28,  Ignatum  eit :  lacif uni  e«L 
Ailelpl..  iii.  4,  28.  Quoquo 
pmcia  Juctfo  emt  opui.   Adelph. 


inn  queo.     Hec. 

.  4,  Jl.elHiepemliM. 
tactlmmitaMi   Pide  et   laei- 

2,  33.     Uti  mdveiu  eju>  per 
licDt  Hcciii.  3,38.    Coni- 

C  k")o<^  lc 

pait  dflrepntfl  iadtua  »h  mA 
fllimnl.  Hec.iT.  1,3.  Phorm. 
ii.  1,  7. 

latdel}  Et  laedit :  et  ainiin 
■rcleo.  Eun.  i.  1.27.     TWcl 

nim.  BiiD.  ii.  3.  6.  Vidio  et 
me  Awt^.  Eiin.  iil.  S,  11. 
Cndii  iun  omniam  laedtiat. 
Adelpk.  i.2,71.     TWrfjam 

48.  Quui  lalmla  %i  quinde- 
rim  coe^  He&ut.  i.  1,  93. 
Tibl  perden  b^enlam  bac 
ftcto  Hliiii  ttl  quuu  illo 
miaam.  Heaut.  iii.  1,  66. 
Parn>  hirc  lalnta  dolii  sp- 
pMcent  dno.  H«iiat,  iv.  7,  l<1. 
Duo  tobnfti  pn>  re  noitn  ego 

buur]  Qoi  gntlnm  halicrerD 
loli  inMnia  umedilum.  And. 
i.  1,  71.  tuiium  Ulwrem 
oueK  ah  l^rm  Hlium^  And, 
T.  2,  29.  Ne  illum  lalem 
pnerlpiu  tibl.  Bun.  i.  2,  Rl. 
rafrm  niti  tn  Dulln  pirrrct 
flliiim.  Hnrat  t.  S.  20.  Jh- 
lam,  tali  Ecnere  ataue  uiiino. 
Adelph.  ili.  1,  10.  Henc  me- 
Irem  habeni  lahm.  Hec.  It. 
2,36.   Ut  te  lo/i  «I1H  nupUe 

1,  31.    t\xD  luli  eum  micli- 

Phonn.  T.  8,39" 

Phonn.  ii.  3.  81. 

taniem]  Vii  Imdtn  tenii 
«tolidni.  And.  iii.  1.12.  Tan- 
rfm  non  «o  illa  caream,  (i 
•it  opu*,  Tel  tatum  triduum  ? 
BaD.  ii.  1,17.  Qauu,(ua,<em 
■liiioinlulum  Ilbi  pln-e. 
Hewtl.  1,111.  In 
Tilaie  laiHfeiii  te  arbllnre  ri- 
ToreP  AdelDli.lT.6,«l.  Ali- 


I.  Hrc. 
2.  12.  PI1D1 

tango]  Qno  pacto  Rhodiam 

tttigerm  inconTiTio.  BuD.iii. 
1,30.     Sl  noD  AuqiKnJi  copi» 

Virginem  Ti.i.«r,  quim  t> 
non  jut  fuent  Imorra.  Adel 
iT.  5,  S2.    Quid  inmut  utibili 

Pho™'"",  <"  "  ™'  ^*™ 
fanfifaml      Inipicen     &u- 

t/man    ID   ipeculum   in  Tilai 

omnium  jtibco.    Adelph.  iii. 

3,61,74.  EuD.  ii.  2,32. 
iauH]  Ubi  nie  diiero  duf 

la-li.  Adelph.  ii.  1,  49. 
laitlidemj     Tantiden    tm- 

AdelpLii.  1,46. 

latailiM]  Quem  ego  modc 
piierim  tamtillum  ia  muiibui 
leiUTi  meii.    Adetph.  iv.  2. 


e,  Chremi 

«tol    I 

I,  And 

1,64,95.     nuDi  id 
iri  crodil,  tamti>jnr 
Irlph.  I.  1,46. 
Tiato  hrrele  nigii 
(,36.  Quiinlo 

diutina  nbFit,  m^i  rupii: 
tanfo  etmigiideuiien).  Heiuc 
iii.  I,  IC  Tanlo  nequior 
Adelph.  It.  1, 12.  Quo  migii 
aoTi,  tanfo  raiirins.  Phorm. 
ii.  2,  14.  Talo  ociuL  Eun 
iii.  i,  61.  Hout.  iv.  8.  26. 

Ualofiere]  Ah,  ne  buti  tait- 
toiier».    And.  t.  2.  27,     Quii 

fi.  3S!si  II 


T,  6,  'X.    Hie  «dor  tanUiiii 

Piteril  ■  hcandiL  Heiut. 
rol.  13,  Qui  beri  tenfim 
hibrrii.  Heiut.  Ui.  2,  8. 

lanUmdem]  Tanluidtta  egc- 
n.  Hetut.  iv,  2.  9.  Qiiic  do- 
tit  latttmdm  dnhat.  Phoim. 
T.  7,  36.  Eun.  ii.  3,  29. 

Htit,  i"3il,  Kiu  «t""raii" 

trctial     Parmnianlt     lun 

me°Xen.  Euo.  iy"^?"" 
Falii  te  >inu  iw4in>  pcr  hi- 
Tulum.  Hr.uc.  iii.  1.  62. 

recrptcL   Hiriut.  T.  2.  15. 

le^]  Triiimpho,  (i  liccl  inc 
Uierc  leeto  ■liKedvn.  HeLut. 

Hec.'i.  2.  9^     AdreriB  eju< 

per  te    Itda    tscit4que   ipuil 
cmnn  urat.  Her.  iii.  3.  ^. 
teymla]    In  alienu  te^ii 

5,  40.  Anguit  per  impluTiain 
deridit  de  Itgaiit.  Phona.  iv. 

<efal   lua  u  Itla  Tictaui 
quuriluiL     Aad,    j.    1,    48 

tam  offirndimDL  Malicr  Ir- 
lam  dewrit  coniinao.  Ueuit. 
ii.  3,  44.  64. 

MncmWu]    Saoe  pol   ilU 
'    lUrtlmalicrel  teme- 

I.  And.  i. 

1  Ubi  I 

,nd.  i.  2,  3t 
iNon  Ki»e>«  e>i.  Ean-  ii.  2. 
fO.  Heaut.  it.  4.  19.     Ad  le- 


ciiim?  Huut 

iii.  3,  19.     Kjt 

qn.  n  mlnu 

•  rei    foiet  eiit 

unu  frnpsriHL    Phonn.   ii. 
1   41 


UKjue    .dvr-. 


.iiniuL  Hcc.  111. 

lemplaml  (^ii  Itmpla  ^e'., 

caucutiL    Kiiii. 

ii.  S.  42, 

Itnlo]  Quu 

nnn  nori.,  (r.- 

lal-m  ti^n^i. 

D,  Ei^  ..I. 

lem  lemlal   Phorm.  ii.  3.  4l. 

42.     Viram 

-.1  mihi  nl  rju. 

u.     uDtenti^,, 

Pharm,  i,.  3 


Itmp»]    p 

um    trnpi»   „1 

And.  1,  2, 17. 

Aiid.  1t.  4,  44 

d.lDi.    Aod.  lii. 

mode  diviu 
libi  hiec.  An 

d.  iii.  1,  I8.     In 


niilii     nd.riii.. 
PiMtoriil  ((«■ 





,    m      NuUuDi 

ttapiu  ne  quod  drm  uiilii 
Uborii.  HoitL  i,  1  IS,  36. 
llM  lempu  ftn.  Adelph.  t.  3, 
£3.  Dam  Kiiiig  ItMiiu  tulit. 
H«,  iv:  2.  la    Non  «>  nunc 

ub^.  Hbc.  iv-  4, 77.  r™- 

poru  mihi  pu 

1.  Phora 

I.  Kem, 
..    ,      .       ..  .8,37. 

IttiHiaitiu]  Temvimta  e>t 
muliar  et  i^enrii.  And.  i. 
4,  2.  EuD.  iT.  3.  12. 

tewH]     F«o    ille    «greitit, 

Adelph.  T.  4,  12. 

fflKfol  Miinfnr/eni.  Eun. 
iT.  1.  li  Non  nle  Kripilri 
ienJihn- ncque  miluo.  Ptiorm. 
ii.  3,  16. 

Uitebrat\  Fonn*  in  IrtArit 
noeci  noD  quita  «at.    H«.  It. 

1,  57. 

tmeo]  ADdrioe  illi  id  ent 
DomtD.  TVfMD.  Aod.  i.  1,  £9. 
Ttmo   quid  eirel,    Aod.  iii. 

2,  I&  ^eiD  (««.  And.  ii. 
2,  12.   Eun.  iii.  1, 16.     Fl*- 

tum.  Euti.iii.G,50.    TWone 

eioiMAUm  meii  P  Heiul.  ik  4, 
27.  TVw.quiddiomPHout. 
iT.  3,22.  Meque  lennm  pulal 
taHKKullim.  Adeipb.  i.2, 
6.  Amor  idb  pmTiler  con- 
nelndoque  ejii>  InKf.  Heo, 
iii.  3,  U.  S>tiu  j>m  lciKl 
Mudloiam  iitonim:  Hec  iv. 
2,  18.  Ai<ribu<  fflup  lupum. 
Phorm.  iii.  3,  22, 

tMMi]  Quu  uilebu  faclt 
Abulu.  iaaii  ttst  oroliDne,  ei 
■criptun.  leri.    Phorm.  Prol. 

tfgiaii\    Sjrai  mihl  irryo 
pomM  pendi^L    He«ut.  It.  4, 

tm\   Oculm  tomfo, 
i.  1.23. 

(mil  r*f™m  inluen 

iiE.  S,  18,    NoD  hoe  pnblitdna 

lao]  TttetUn»  lelBm  ilii 
diaaeipumolTendirnut,  Piw 

Uitiai  uni.  Hnut.  ii.  s!  44 

Thaii]  Vide  '  Eunucham 

Tliaamnt\  In  Titiaar 
•cripiit,  nuiun  dioere  priu 
unde  petiiur,  «unim  qu«re  si 

bDiDO  toimiWu.    HnuiL  i.  S, 

72.  Cujuique  momi  tolent 
lodotia.  Hoc  iii.  5,  2)1. 
lecum  t>on«  mila  tofem- 
I.  Pbonn.  iii.S,23.  Fg. 
adoleKcntii  r«i.tii  hue 
lu/eninaudlOTioleater.  Pfaor. 
t.  J,  4. 

toilii)  Quicquid  peperiitef, 
decnTerant  I^Utt.  Aad.  i.  S. 
14.  Propen  adeo  puerum 
M/>rebincBbJBnuii.  Jlud.  iy. 
,20.  _     _ 

nlle  lidiL  Ch,  Rcio 
icerii.  SuMiili.  Hnut  W. 
,14,15.  Tu>li»duoiolim 
pro  re  loilttai  lua.  AdSlph.  T. 
3,  23.  Spe  incert*  certuDl 
ilhi  Ubonm  ju^n^  Her. 
.ll.Pn.1.9.  Cumuielilic- 
jm  puerqra  loili  pro  mo. 
[ee.  i^r.  1,  61.     Puenim  In- 

Hee,  iT,  4,  82. 

'  itfiuaj  EiadTenum  ei 
tomttniia  etnt  quBedam, 
m.  i.  2,  39. 

ies\    A  n  cflo  lotiet  de  en- 
reudiim?  Adelph,  i.2, 

qui  nntent,  Hymente 
turbu,  lampadu,  tiiHa 
Adelph,  »,  7,  7.  9, 

«.■meo]  Eiu.  Tit»  rt 
ADd.  i.  3,  S.  NunC  noi 
limeo  perli.  And.  ii.  S 
NonDihil  fiTMo  mlKn,  I 
iT.l,I.  7i'««omni>.  Hc 
i,  2,  15.  Tibi  Hmui  n_... 
HeanL  iii.  2,  20.  Nb  Unie. 
Adelph.ii.4.15.  E 
Phorm.  T.  8,   10,  i 

tniJiiiii  ei  propenniem 
Bm.  Adrlph.  jil.  2.  7.     E 

^^dor.'  Pharm.ii.°,54;  i 


tiuOo]    Veram  HIb  ncquid 
UuM.  IleBui,  ii.  3, 130. 
loieraliilit]    Paulo  qui 

I  lureniD, 

>i « fofan  >ibl.  HeBut,  ii. 
...     Qu.m  ego  nuncloto» 

^^'''sexMif  meniibuL  AdcK 
ii,3,42,  r»laiR  hBne  odiuel 
lomum.  Hrc.iLl,24.  Fru.- 
.n  ubi  Wi»  dnedi  diem. 
i^umndo    Blque    BmbulBndo 


.  3,  2,  17. 

ii.  3,  125,  Ego  te,  li  aaua 
Teaiit,  mBgalAce  .  .  .  Iraetare 
pouim.  HcBul.ili.2,46.    Qui 

trtidoj  Hulc  noatm  (nufifc. 
Ht  proTinciB.  HcBUL  iii.2,5, 
Cuum  IrWerv  ■dTcruriiB. 
Phorm.ii.  1,7,  Tradunt  of- 
nimuluu.  Phorm.  il.  1.37. 
Cf.  Phorm.  *.  6,  I.  Eun.  ii. 
3,  28;  T.  2,  31;  iii.  5,  27. 
Adflph.  ii.  1,45. 

IradiKo]  TiBiucaiidam  nnnc 

inc  wl  TOi  pnnii 
iT.  4,  18,  22;  iv. 

B,  e.      Adhuc 

(nHudo]    Rpmlien  ib  itu 

Nol     Aoiil 

u  ubl  ilti  M 

Hnut.  i<r.  4.  17.     Etl  quod 

opuneit.  Hec.  ii.  2, 3!.  TVoiu- 

il.  S,  7.  Tniiai  «KiBi  kd 
foruiD.  Phomi.  v.  7,  Sa 

PeriDiliii  &1emr  traailiiluK. 
And.  Piol.  U.  Culpiin  in  te 
bviufeni,  And.ii.3,5.  Quie 
enim   in    hunii    luwriciD    «l 

5,    &3.       Mnledicti,    ramun, 

iii  w  rnUHfnU.  'Aitelph.  li.  3, 

And.  i.  5, 13.  Iniui 
c<icr,  ai  quii)  eat  qued 
And.  T.  6. 17.     rnni- 

r.     Adelph.   ii.    i,  2-2. 

(rOMmowo]  Liboie 
migum  pertnBI  gloiia 
bla  nrpe  in  le  (run 
EuD.  iii.  1,10. 

26,     TrttMan     _ _.  pronum. 

fnWii]  Batne  hic  Hegio 
tribuiH  Dotter?  Adelph.  iil 
3,  B5. 

Iniinim]  Bidui  oit  iiit  Iri 

a^l  Eun.ii.  1,17.    Tr 
boc  peppctuo.  Adelph.  i 

i.  3,  3. 

■]      Ahhin. 


triilis]  rrirfKinieriio.non- 
nunmiim  csllicrimalnt.  And. 
1.1,6).  7rali(Kverliuinat 
in  Tultn.  And.  t.  2, 16.  Quid 
la  et  triila,  quidvo  a  ilacrii  ? 
Eun.  ii.  3,  13.  Nckio  (juid 
IriHii  tn.  HeiBL  It.  1,  7. 
Ego  ille  igreiiii.  neTut,  Irii- 

triHiliitt}  OmiUe  nru  Irii- 
tUim  num.  Adelph.  ii.  4,  3. 

friiuipila]  Id  Tere  Krio 
tTiHniphat.  Eiin.  iii.  1,  4. 
Triamaia  ai  licel  me  tecto 
I.U:»  .bKcd.™.  UauL  iv.  2, 

(raiJol  FilUeie  ilii  alimn 
IradiL  And.  iT.  4,  40.  Qud 
trmtii  i  prrrnlefu  iam  In  me. 
Eun.  ii.  3.  Se. 


tntemet]  Tniem^  minbete, 
Ueiiit.  ii.  3,  133. 

(iiAerJ  Cotiphi*  tmher  t%\ 
totum  ciput.  And.  ii.  2,  37. 

Hec.  iil.  2,  1. 

(HMiuKiu]  Nihilam>li,nihil 
ii-m>Jli  And.  ii.2,2S.  Quld 
fuit  lunndtil  Hec.  iii.  2.  21. 
Per  l-multuia  noUrr  irci  uio- 
luilacaeti.  PI.Dmi.Prol.  82- 

lnitdo]  7aiii/«ii^oitqiieodi« 
dmique  eSbcii  tenex.  Hec.  i. 

i.  1,   8.      Ti 
fienl.     And. 

3.  6.  Quid 
6ae  eat  Ipud  fontm?  And. 
4.6.     rcDmiii(i.>«aeTo|. 

3,  11.  Qaintu  tej&u  con- 
ciTi  I  HrwiL( 
QUDmDdo  me  ei  hu  eipcdiui 
Itria,  ncKio.    Adclph.  i*.  4, 

Adrlph.  T.  2, 10.     Nunc  Iwwia 

nt.  Hec.  AIl  Pral  35.  E>i> 
nullo  poMum  reniedio  me 
eTolTere  ei  hi>  (irAu.  Pboltn. 
T.  4,  5.  Quid  iitue  Imiat 
euF  PhDrm.  v.  S.  1. 

(NrAo]  Nercio  qiiid  pnreclo 
■biente  nobia  '■rViadni  n( 
domi.  Kuu.  iT.  3,7.     Tmrint 

tarpU)  Padel  diccn  hie 
pnneiite  verbuin  '«*.  Ue- 
lul.  T.  4,  19.  nuw  dieM- 
Adrl|.h.  ii.  4.  U.  Ve«im 
tinjiii.   Phoim.  i.  2,  57.     Ut 

mil'wnl."fl'i™.'it  "  a. 
Tmc  incepluin  »L  Phorm. 
il.  4,  16.  Viduim  eitmii 
lurpt  nt.  Fhnrm.  t.  7,  20. 

ItrpHfr]  Mirnn.  ni  ego  me 
ittjiUrT  hodie  hic  dibo.  Eun. 
ii.  I,  24.  Herrle  ibi  te  rit 
(«ctum  Itr^tT.  Hec.  It.  4,  % 

tujtii)    □DiailQi,    imatua. 

All.  Frol.  44. 

(■fol  S*tii(i.(atimeii.  Eua. 
tii.  5, 29.  Loquen.  St.  At 
(iKo.  Ueuil  T.  2,  20. 

(■(orj  TeiiiiTiruradii.imi- 
cum,  (■(um,  nitnm.  AJid.  L 

Mar]   El  id  pudicitiun  M 

53.     Ego  ii 

Ptx.1.  34.     : 

xara.  Hce.  Alt. 

(v/u]  Conuliiun  hoc,  qued 
cio    HeauL  ii.  3,  86.     Amici 

Adilpb.  ii.  < 
nrnn  e«L  A 
Viu  nt  in  (■ 
V.  1, 7.     Noc 

'forcL  Phaim. 
:  locui.  Pkonn. 



Fnctcw]  Bine  mevaeitwio 
tempiu  ns  fluod  <!ani  mihi  1*- 
boriB.  Hriiit.  i.  1,  38. 

And,  i*.  2,  23 

vadim]  Omnii  rel  ot  jun 
in  wda.  And.  T,  2,  4. 

R«|  rwmiKnmlhi.  And. 
ji.  I,  2.  Vae  miHnu  mibi. 
Adelph.  iii.  3,29.Mnlihi. 

vagio]       AndiTitM    iMnn 

r.  1.2. 

I.    Hec 

UinuL  ii.  3,  la.  rdl, 
I  illDin  Urenirnn  mo- 
Ad,lph.   iii.  2,   17,  M 

duniit.  And.i1. 1.9.     VaieoHl 

lunt.  And.iT.2,1S.  Hibnt; 
«i£aif.-  TiTitrumilla,  And 
T.  3.  IR.  Haul.  iii.  1.  21. 
Arbilrium  Tr«tiiim,  TMtr» 
niiCimilio  valtiil.  Hnut. 
Prol.  26.  Vm  vaUte  ct  pl*u- 
dite.  Eiin.  T.  8,  64.  Brne 
nait.  HnuL  I.  I.  115.  Ut 
mlti?  He>ut.ii.  4.  28.  Va- 
£«u.  habru  illun  quae  plirct. 
Adrlpb  IT.  4,  M.    Gt  lu  bm< 

T.  7,  9*. 

valianl  Ssl' 
lillam.  H(        - 

vultt.    Phorm. 

■t^ne  va- 

vatalatl  Noo  iiiidet  eoRtta- 
r  Phorm.  iii.  3.41, 

delph.  ii. 
1,  5.  Ego  mimlandn.  ille  Tcr- 
bervndo,  mque  ftnibD  defrui 
■iimui.  Adelph.  Ij.  S.  6.  Mo- 
lendum  in  piitrino  ;  rofHiZaii. 
ifimi ;  hiibend»  comprdei. 
Pborm,  ii.  I.  19.  Vapnla. 
Phnrm.  T.  6.  10. 

Eun.  ii.  3.  3.  Hocqiie  flt, 
■&•  nan  Tcn  tjtHut.  H»ut. 
i.  1,  102.  Si  ib.i>  u>pi»m, 
>nt  nU  gi  ceun.  Adeluh.  i. 
I,  4.  Uhi  u  nblecluiium 
diuP  Hec.  i.  2,9.     r6i  illu 

glto,  Phorm.  iT.  6,  15. 

aU.  n)l.ti™ni]  TabuUm 
qamndnm  pirtim,  uAa  inent 
M<  lun  faaec.  Kun.  ili.  5.  3«. 
Quot  rra  dcderc  «U  poflaem 

43.  In  comord^iu', '  omai* 
omnre  dH  rc«iKunL  Hcc.  t. 

abi.  ti,  qanniln]  IJlii  toIci. 
irceue.  And.  t.  2,  7.  Rcqni- 
FKcie  u/n  TolehiL  Eun.  iii.l. 
Ifi.  Nolnnt  i>UTe1it;iiMua- 
li>  cuptunl  ulin.  Eiin.  It.  7. 
43  CTbi  me  illie  naii  Tidebit. 
Adelpb.iT,  1.10.  Ubi  Taltii. 
uxorem  dite.  Phonu.  T.  7, 

uAt.poetqutm]  ITMnnnu 
quimobtrm  hiec  bciant  erit 
■dcmtt  hii.  And.  t.  1,  IB. 
Eludet,  Mit  Tletnm  wnMril, 
&ID.  i.  1,  10.  Qiiid  >it  «M 
menominu?  Hout.  il.  9, 62. 
Ubi  illinc  rediera.  Adelpb. 
ii.  2.24.  HocxUcx  teiiidi- 
Terit.  Hec.  t.  3.  Ifl.  Ubi  ben 
penereril :  «U  cilt  pucro  iii- 

Phorm.  i.  i,  13, 14. 16. 

kAa  nfd]  Uhi  fe£i  erlt.  in- 
Tcntam  libi  runbo.  A  nd.  rr. 
2. 1.  UM  uU  ett.  dia  ceUri 
non  poleM.  Eon.  ii,  3.  3.    Tu 

nbtcimyH]  Utcunque,  iiAi- 
OMtow  opm  >it  ob»rqui.  Heiu. 
iii.  S.  17.  Ubicwqut  diitum 
en.t>»liom.olilud^ni.,  Hcc. 
i.  2,  S5.  UUcupqat  oput  liL 
Hec,  iT.  3.  2, 

■rMum]  Pamphilul  ahi- 
M«ett?  And.T.  6,1.  O  Ju- 

ii.  "'iS,  "Wnun  Geaiirili- 
renin  pounmF  Phorm.  t. 

■tinf]  Ubid»  hciKutpat- 

deltidier.  And.  i.  2.  S2.   Ubi- 

veclii]  In  medinui  bue  mg- 
Dcn  cum  vreii.  Eun.  i«.  7,  4. 

oeieuKiit]  Ne  h»ec  quldem 
■ti>  HAemnu  cuin  ad  objar- 

i.  2.  S4.     Omn 

iii.  I.  31. 
it.  Adelph. 

<bo>  boc . 
I.   Eun. 

niihiiv^ii0AterdoUL  Adclph- 
iv.  &.  48.  VekeniBdeT  deu- 
den.  Hee.  iii.  6.  3S. 

vehfA  Coflmtite  binc  qiue 
i]lnctrA«iTa  mulii.  Adelph. 
11.   2.  17.     AudiTi   ei  niuta 

!ui  iltuiwenif.  PlioraL  It. 

«/j  Vil  hoc  nxA»  noa  cre- 
dBi,  qui  W  norit,  ■b>  le  eue 
ortumP  And.  iit.  2.  9.  Tu- 
dem  Don  ego  illL  caream,  al 
ait  apu>.  fKTtotum  IriduomP 
Enn.  ii.  1.  17.  Vel 
iiero  boc,  ™/pcrconiiui  put». 

philm   jurmbnt   qnotin   Bac- 

],  3.  Ubi  cgo  hinc  ■bi^rn, 
vl  arcidito.  Pherai.  i.  2,  93. 
0.    " 

delph.  ii.  i,  3 

liben  rtb   .nuciuu.  n. 

iT.  7,  27.    Ob  e«m  fl 

luit  Itei-iim  nfem  ut  iterum 

r.tH't  eBicfrrt.    Hec,  Prol.  7. 
honm.  111.  2.  25,  26. 
KeMfai]  qiai tit.venejical 

T.  1,  9. 

vintSnaX  Ut  ego  unguibui 
hcile  illi  lo  ocufn  iiiToleii 
Mifjkul  Ean.  JT  3,8. 

Ricerct,  tcI  uti  «nBrel  palu 

'!'R.'l4.  19.  'r>in»tu;,.  .I.UV 
nihi.   Hec.  It,  2.  29.     Non, 

n.  ii.  3,  31 : 

Keiri  in  lenipore,  And. 

l>cto.  Phor 
Mn»}  Huc  r^ce  ■d  me  ta 

2.  29,'  Veni  In  lenipo 

iT.  4,  19.     Mihi  itm 

61.  An  io  Aitumtf}  Eun. 
T.   6.    17.       Hoc  quod  co«]d 

lue^W^Il^HauL  Ji.^T.'»." 
Miror  quomodii  tam  ineplum 
qiiicqu^m  Ubi  In  menlem  vt- 
mre  potuerit.  Heaut.  t.  3.  3. 
Nuncdemnmeen»}  Adelph, 


63.  P«i 

,  Utdein  inceTtum  tm 
.  ii.  2,  9.     Imui :  s 

>.   1,  S3. 

inuminodi.  PbonD.  iv.  3, 47. 
Ubi  ul  uior»  »«!■«  «I. 
tum  flant  tenM.  Piiorm.  t.  8, 

vmor]  Cuitt  »d  venandum. 
And.  i.  I,  30. 

vnferl  PngniM  in  vtnlivm 
iagm.  Fhonn,  t.  7,  95. 

naJnJni]    Cmpc  hoc  fl*lie1- 

quod  dedit  pnncipiuni  adre- 

dnia,  Hleo  iwiv 

■npn.  And.  i.  1 

wrienaf  Ei  i 

28.  Tibi  erunturaUTerb*. 
huic  homini  oerbera.  Ueaut, 
ii.  3.  115. 

«nWo.  ■iihtt]  Eho.  WP' 
bero,  klinil  mihi  reipondea  u 
rogoF  Phonn.  iT.  4,  3.  Id 
qnidem  libi  iim  fiet,  ni>i  re- 
■»tii,  ttiieni.    Phnim.  t.  G, 

fvroemnab,  usque  unbo  dc- 
fe»i  aumut.  Adetph.  ii.  2.  5. 
Non  puduisu  Hneraro  hn- 
minBm  •enem  P  Adelph.  iv. 

tvrAkJHl    Quid   veriit  o|nii 
e>i?  Aod.  i.  1,  73.    Vrruui 

«1  inioi  uuum  pneierquiini 
qnod  te  roeo  fajiii  ravfl.  And. 
It.  4,  13,  Bonii  iwrJ^a.  qufteao. 
And.  i.  2,  S3.  Dnri  tibi  oeria 

mutaturum  patreD  nnnm  e<M 
vtTtmnt.    Anil.  II.  «,  a      r«-- 

50»  (i  iddiderifl.  Aud.  t.  2. 
19,  Tuteidw  JUD  eiutt«r5a 
■udiee.  Aod.  iii,  S,  47.  Tri^- 
^i  HTeiitu  innl  in  Tultu, 
aJque  iii  TVF^if  fideL  And,  t, 
2,1S,      Ul  beneficium  «rMi 

And,  T.  3,  R  Hunui  uo^^ 
tniin  omBto  vtrine.  Kun.  ii. 
I.  8.  Quid  mulla  verba? 
Eun.  ili,  5,  20,  Viqot  ideo 
ept  illiHi  fcrre  poiaum  inep- 
tlu  el  miAnilln  verba,  verba 
dum  liDt.  Eun.  It.  6,  S.  4, 
Tibi  mnt  pmta  veria,  huio 


terta.    Ua< 


Adelph.    Prol,    11,     Forl 

29.  Kerfmni  «r*o,  p«r  p»ri 
ut  relDondeBL    Phorm,  i.  4, 

■ponde^*.  Phomi.  li,  1  50. 
Satia  Um  terioram  eet,  Fhor, 
ii,  3.  89,  Feria  iitaec  ■unt. 
Phorm.  iii,  2.  32.  Eao  Fnnbo 
ne  qnid  (w«or«m  duit.  Phor, 
iv.  5, 1.  CerAa  fluni  mottuo, 
Phorm,T,  8.26 

95.  Hocqu*  fit,  nbl  non  t«ni 
TiTilnr,  Hnut,i  1,102,  Pra- 
feeto  ho«  t«r<  dieunt.  Adelph. 

nre  faie  velim,  quim  fideli 

olcmrDti    fiii,    t«ra    pomum. 
Hec.  iii.  6,  23. 
vereetaidia]  Jam  lum  ent 

T.  8,34, 

Mnor.  Eon.  it.  3.  2.  Kihil 
m,pt  wrvBT.  He.ut.  i.  2.  24. 
Kenror  nc  indillnnk  nimiam 
UBL  Adelph.iT.5.50.  Piraue 
bu  nrvor  ut  unt  nupliv, 
Hec.  i.  2,  26.     Nibil  eM  qiu»! 

nrmiHfii]     Mihi    quidem 

.  2,  6.     QuiiD    briie 

It.  1,  25,     Ain  n^? 
iii,  3.  51.   Heu  ven,. 

j.  T.  2,  IS. 
«]  Cliv, 

T,  2.  36 


Adclph,  i 
verlo]  Bene  Twrifvio.  cun. 
Prol,  7.  Rrdigim.  ul  qHD  le 
tvrlol  neiciiit.  HeuiL  y.  ]. 
73.  Dibenerertiut.  Adelpli. 
iT.  7. 10.  Qu»  m  tibi  veri.'! 
ie.  AdeliA,  ii    '    "      " 

nile.  Adelph 

llec   i 


Hre,i,  2.121.  Quwquidtm 
ilii  m  veriat  niElo.  Pborm. 
iT.  3,  73, 

1«™«!  VerMn,  diler  eTt- 
nin  multo  intelligiu  And, 
1^1,  4.  Siquidem  bidnum, 
Venm  ne  liint  idi  Ticinii 
din.  Eun.  1,2.103.  Dicam: 
Hnut.  iii.  3.  37. 

Dram,fui*mutjuMeriL  Ean, 
i,2.94,     "- 


,    PhoF 

qu>m  li 

een»]  3umw 
5,  12.      rero  TULiii.    nno,  v. 
1.20,  QuienniiudiTi.   IVni 
dicito.  EuD.  i.  2,  23, 2e.  Poi- 

-t  ADd.ii. 


r*re  nraml  Kan.  iv.  1.  ' 

95.     Pater  «H  di>o«  *b  III 

%.  Et  ncta  et  «cniadU 
Adelph.  iT.  3,  1&  »  tu  t< 

Hec  i.  3.  36.  Verii  Tiuc 
Pbonn.  iiL  2, 16. 

iHJwrJ  Uuue  Hd  vemn 
Hec  iii.  4.  28.  V-afvn.  Ai 
iT.4,2».  TimnsJiwn'.  H« 
i.  1. 15. 

ve^ifmaeil]  HeiiiL  ii.  3, 

ratio]  Ancillu  t«t  me  »- 
(Knt7  Hc-uC  1.  1,  78.  He- 
diocriter  vettaant  TeiE»  luru- 
bri.  Hcut.  ii.  8,  45. 

ratu]  Capiai  tu  illiui  nw 
Itn.  Eun.  ii.  3.  78.  C<i(u 
nuid  mutuio?  Eun.  iT.  4,  4. 
Ui  iHtem  cum    eo   niuiem. 


Hcmui.   iii.    1,  43.      DiKi.iii 

i.  2,4l!  ™"'' 

wriihit]  Qui  cQlor,  nilor, 
raUliit  f  quM  tubilado  c it 
conmril?  Eua.  ii.  2,  11.  Ulu 
«iem  Bolilim  bune  Dscnu. 
Quid  ■ihi  hie  «Kiruouurit? 
Eun.   iii.   S,  8,   10.     Viclui, 

crplefc  Heuit.  t.  2.  IS.  Va- 
lilu  nimio  iDdulgei.  Adelph. 
i.  1,  m  Faliln  turpia. 
Phorm.  L  3.  S7. 

Tflrralnr]  Quid  hicTnU  n- 
imlor  «bi?  And.  iL  6,  2(i. 
Velrralor.  Heaul.  ».  1, 16. 

BriemuBU,  «enei.  Eud, 

-.-,    ,    ilieper.     S. 

Vtla.  Hont.  ii.  3, 137.  Taie 
loqucrie.  me  teAu.  Hec.  iii. 
1,37.  Pborm.  ii.S,70.  Aru- 
■pn  cwMt  PhonD.  ir.  4, 38. 


nlia]  MftleToli  «ferv  pne- 
tae  iDHledittiB  nspondeat. 
And.  Prol.  7.  Pliuti  wtm. 
fitbaUm ;  quae  «rtom  fncliti- 

Prol.  25,  43.  row.Tietu^ 
veiemoHit,  •«».  Eun.  iT.4, 
21,  Kitfu  Tcrbum  boc  qui- 
dem   eiL    Adelph.  t.  3,  17. 

tuetudine.      Hec.    Alt.   Prol. 

naTAnd.  iL 

eu]  Utreda 
Ind.  i.  12.  19. 

miu  iDTeni  cuiiL  Buo.  ii,  2, 
14,  16.  Qun  iniiUam  via. 
Eua.ii.3,3.  Inter  eiui.  Eun. 
iT.2,  1.  Non  noTenint  euiii. 
He*ul.iii.  3,7.  Ad  domiuu 
qui  eifecFant  fftcnn.  Heeut.  ii. 
3t  60,  Vi  el  via  pci-rul^ti 
pntrum.  HeBiit.  i.  1 ,  49,  Servo 

lum,    Heiut.   Pral.   31,     Ut 
recu  via  nm  nimt  ordine 
T.3,28,    C»- 

Sjn,  die  qu 

die  quu  illi  eet  ilteri. 

Tidtalado)  Oniniuiii  itrum 
heui  Tidttilndo  «L  Eun,  ii. 

nttUo]  Etrnimbrnetiben- 
ter  riiiilat,  KuD,  T.  B,  44. 

vii^Hl  LiDB  tc  teli  etetan» 
enKriteni.  And.  i.  1,  48. 
TBm  hcile  vidum  qiuerei*. 
Edd,  ii.  2,  30.  VidKm  Tnl» 
ouunre.    Heut  iiL    1,  Si. 

terecepT^    Hi^M.'t.2^™ 
ndtliBfl]    Hie    de    noelrji 


1.  Heei 

eu.  Hcc.  T.  3,  30.    Hi 
UM.  Phorm.  T.  7,  71. 
«]    Commlgravit  hue 
1.    And.  i.  1,  43.    Vidi 

vicima]  9edi>t*m  Tbeidem 
lODMiTinobiieHitMiiii,  Eun. 
i.  3,  67.    Himc  Menrdemum 

,e  IH  amibuDl, 
dcDii  vieaa  mi- 
■it.  iv.  S,  1. 

It.  7,  4S.    Afedum  v 

H.  3.  22;  i 
de  pHltrie 
iii.  4,  5. 

lUo.  1,36.  Siid 
hodie  poetremum  me 
ADd.  ii.  I.  32.  Vide  qi 
induru  And.  ii.  3,  25. 

Eu";!.  r'%.  r.cSqui/^ 
Eiin.  ii,  1,  13.  NuDiquidnim 
auwl  nolis  ruf»  r  Eun.  ii,  3, 
41,  3i  DDn  tuiyendi  copia  eet, 
ebo  Do  videndt  quiiiem  erilP 
Eun.iT,2,ll.  EteuieoetTa- 
leo.    Heanl.  ii.  3,  3,     AUlid 


i.licent,  quimiui 
1,  95.  Filt  qiu 
Adclpb.  iiL  2,  4 

leriBm  ridi!  Adelph.  v.  4.  13. 
i'ait  de  miiin  videro.  Hcc 
T,  4,  7fl.     H  unc  vidm  uepe 

Siabiimui  diem.   Hec  ir.  4, 
Vidtat  te  etque  illan, 
it  nemi.   Pboim.  il.  3,  31. 

n  idoDci  In  quihui  ■ 
■•?  And.iT.  4,19.  Ai 

cJnocrtur.  H..-iiut.  iv.  3,  U. 
Vidrrfl  mdior  jim  diem  il- 
Inm.  Adelph.  iii.  S.  30, 

vidwil  Noa,  ila  me  Di 
■ment.  «nderel  fuere  huc 
eufnaa  mulieri,  qnu  in  roe 
fecit.    Uaai.  t.  1,  81.    Pi- 


rfkan  eitndi  lurpe  ett.  F 

T.  7,  90. 
vidai)  Vetu*.  vietat,  ti 

v^Ua\  Num  ille  ■oniniftt 
eaquu  wiJuH  vDloil?  ADd. 
T.  e,  S  l%Uif  luiuL  Eiin. 
ii.  1,  15.  >Jeve  uique  ■il  lu- 
eem  viuilet,  Run.  >i.  2,  47. 

«^-]   EuQ.  i.  i,  B9,  103, 

■cienrEDn.iT.  2,6,13.  Md- 
do  ide  homn  quim  t>il!am  de- 
■nontCnTit  Unut  ir.  1, 
t».  Apud  WJ^n  e».  Addph. 
iT.  1,  1.  A  eil/a  mcnxni- 
rium  Tidi.  Adclph.  it,  2,  2. 

nUanl  Edarmiinm  hoc 
vOli.  Adelph.  V.2.  II. 

vhuibHit^     JuUam      illun 

opliroui  r  Pliorm.  i.  4,  49. 

euKi»)  Cun  ■•HrTnndum 
rii^iim.  And.  *.  2,  24 ;  t.  4. 
61.  5-2.  Demiuia  hnmcria 
o  pcctnre.     Eun.  ii. 

8,  2-1     Hunc 

.    Adolph.   i 

21.  Eliidst,  ubl  ce  mdHm 
Mmerit.  Eun.  i.  1.  10.  L>- 
hucil,  twtw  uno  Terbo.  Eun. 

1.  %  96.  Vidl  TiDum  quod 
bibi.,  I.  Adolei- 
eenlului  Hrpe  eulvm  et  gn- 

He>ut*i.  T,"^  8i  u  tlm 
detii.  HeoDt.ili.  1,39.  Pec- 
e>vi.  ftteor :  «Min-.  Heiut. 
IT.  1,31.  Me  lerTulum,  qui 
referint  non  lu.lcbam,  mdt. 
Adclpb.  iv.  2,  28.  Animu) 
™y«hmu.  injnri..   Hce.  i. 

2,  93.     Fvrio  «1100  pMw. 

m  nii|n«>F  Hec  It.  2.   13. 


icon  Kilicet.  Phorm.  i.  2, 

Terii  DuiDDr.  Phorm.  iii. 

mulierrul.m  e*m  (!• 
Phorm.  T.  8,  Sa 
ni»«]  Vicit  D» 

ntiL    Adelph.   iiL  4. 
■i  plenam.  Hoe.  t.  3, 

vioJrnUri   It.  patrcm 
udio  violtaltr.    Fhorm. 

i.  S,  60.  Ut  rimB  fortcm  ds- 
cet  And.  )j.  6,  14.  Ehodum, 
hone  vir.  And.  iii.  6.  10.  O, 
ul.e  bone  vir.  And.  t.  2.  fi. 
Bonui  athic  ejr.  8.  Uic  eir 
•it  bDnui?  Aad.  v.  4,  12. 
Fili.F  inveniH  tusa.  And. 
iii.  3,  39.  Kin»!  in  quotit 
loco  p>T.tum.  And.  iv.  3,  3. 
ScDIiel  qui  eir  >irm.  Eun.  i. 
1,  21.  V.V  f.  Eun.  i.  2,  74. 
Nunc,PiinnRiD,  ta  «tendrria, 
qni  «r  >it«.    EuD.  ii.  8,  Ifi. 

eiM,  hic  nebulo 

'.  7,   16.    Ne* 

.    Eun. 

■ut.  ii.  4,  12.  Neque  boni 
neque  libcnlii  fiinciua  nfB- 
cium  eat  viri.  Adeluh,  iii.  4, 
18.  Abi,  vimi  te  JudicD. 
Ailelph.  iT.  2.  '2fi.  Eme  ei 
dio  mno  ncKio  qno  puerum 
natuoi.  Adelph.  iv.  6,  23. 
Firi.  e-e  adverwat  uqne  Mn- 
dinm  ett.  Hec.  ii,  1,  S.  An 
oui.  non  delinquunt  viri? 
Hec.  iT.  4,  11.    O  virfottl* 

■tque  • 
10!     At 

.   Phorm 

Ji  in  Tiu  optimum. 

Pborm.  ii.  3.  20.  Ul  e«i  i)1e 
bnnu.  hV.  Phorm.  iv.  S,  S3. 
Vir  viro  quid  pTU*t.tP 
Phoim.  T.  3.  7.  H>  vir.  hon 
mihi  Dam.  ?  Phorm.  t.  8. 13. 
Wraol  Un«  piirv.  wron. 
And.  T.  4.  31.     H.uri  .imilii 

'.  ii,  IB.  Fonuk  videt  bone. 
•irjfaem.  Enn.  i.  2,52.  A 

7»Tida  bcta 

Adelph.  ii 

miidf  m  ?  Add^l?^""*,  "^ 

2,  70.^  X^te^llVpriiBj^ii^ 
;i»«  non  ntiigit.  Hcr.  i.  2, 
61.  Cum  nn/iH  un.  ulole*- 
ceni  rubuerit  plui  putiu.  ilU 
u.bitinereutpomeril?  Hcr. 
i.  i.  63.  Viryo  ipn  facie  egT«- 
git  riiyj  pulclir».  Phi.rm. 
1.  2.  60,  64.     llle  indotinm 

relijliP  Phorm.  i.  2,  70.     Ut 

liuic  .dele«Dti.  Phonn.  t. 

untiquo  ut  ais,  pun.    Phonn. 

T.  7.  64. 

nHnr]    Impentori.    virtm- 

.    CullandaTi  K- 

I.     Hwc  aunt  l>- 



Hnnt.  i.  2,  33.  Onuhurun 
ei  tuii  viri^ilmi.  Adrlph.  ii. 
1.  32.  Nnnquun  il«  DM^i- 
Aee  quicqmim  diam  id  f*Jtn 
quin  •uperel  tu..  Adelph.  ii. 
3,  4  ADiiqna  nrhitr  nc  Gde. 
Adelph.  iif.  3,  88.  te 
■pud  illum  Deom  ;  ivMn 
niiTTO.      Adelph.     It.    I,    Sa 

Uiluit  locnm.  Phonn.  Pn^ 

eu]  H.nd  TrrFor.  n  in  te 
■olo  .it  •ilum:  ■rd  ut  ?£■ 
quru  ferre.  And.  i.  6.  42. 
Un.  .  . .  lili.luTimal..qitun 
ocula.  teiendu  miirn  >ii  ei 
Blpreurrit.  Enn  i.  1,23.  Tel*dprcorii>.  Enn. 
ii.  3,  37.  Stne  «'.  Enn  iv.  7. 
2a  Huc  reddr,  nitl  «'  m.tit 
«i|H.  Enn.  It.  7.  26,  8i  rni 
ftriet,  io  jiB  dacilA  hominev. 
Ean,  iT.  6.  30.     Ne  qiiun  in 

:  i<.  3.  32.    Emt 

qu.m  illiidfluad  ■miciluul- 
j.inBiIur.  A^lelph.  i.  1.  42. 
Cut  mitrne  indipie  pfTriH 
Tilinm  olitulrnl.  Adr)ph.  iii. 
2,  10,  aomm.  vi  dcf^nd.B 
hanc.     Quod  TOi  ca  cegit,  ii! 


TolDDUIe  imHtnt.  Adelph. 
IIL  4.  44,  47.  Vu  «t  btrc 
quidem.  Ailelph.  v.  S,  20.  Fi 
coepi  cogCTS,  Uce.  li.  2,  W. 

IpM  eriiiuit  ri  in  dlgifi  quem 

'   -       Hm.  W.  1,69.     Uomo 

.    Uec. 

r.  3.   30. 

Ni  «f   b 

nni.  Phorm.  i.  2,  S7.  I 

Euii.iii.4,7.  Cf.iT.3,21;  t. 
8,  12.  Si  (iirM  friUt  ndierii 
frw.  Adelph.  It.  3,  lU.    Nr»- 


I.  2.  ii 



vOa]  Id  ■rbilr. 
in  alat-e  utlle.  And.  i.  I, 
84.  Hiheni  tuu  «/«  mo- 
iw.    And.  i.  I,  68.     FiAie 

3ui  ■oiilium  tiilit.  And.  i.  1, 
16.  aEfienter  nfain  Inill' 
tnil.  Pudico  tnlam  p»rte  « 
duriter  egcbaC.  And.  i.  I,  40, 
47-  Hie  dieg  mliim  vitara  »r- 
fsrt.    And.   L   2,    18.      Quu 

i.  5,  S7.    F«i 


quiilela  hrirle  cerle  )n  duhro 
vila  »1.  And.  ii.  3,  10.  Ego 
Deorum  viiaJti  proplrm  «cm- 

t.  S,  3.  Ne  boc  giudliim  con- 

tBnJne*  vUa  legrititdioe  •li- 
ana.  £ub.  lii.  S,  4.  (JiDne 
juni  illeeiyai»  ilUm  colei  in- 
opem.  UeiDt.  I.  1.  84.  VHa 
eit  ndrm.  Hetnl.  ii.  3,  24. 
Quo  itiidio  mtam  >iimm  te  ab- 
•enie  eirgrrit.  Unnl.  li.  i. 
3S.  OuoliJiinxe  riA»  coniue- 
.   3,  42. 

Spem  rtb»  dara.  Heku 

vilam  ipli  Mi- 
V.  3,  15.     Nul- 


ili.  3,  33. 

im.    Run  .Krre  vilaTt. 

.    i.  I,  17.  "20.     No.- 


Dinmnm  JHbeo.    Adelpb.  iii 
3,   61.     Nnnquim    iti   ifUii 

Mm  meim.  Adelph. 
i.9,  IS.  Aliruum  ■ 
1  Tidetur.  Adelph.  t. 

?  Hecili.  1,2.     Inei 

oila  buc  cxprlCDdB  opt^ndi- 
jue  e.t  ithorm.  i.  3,  13, 
SulU  rit  mihi  nla  cipclendm. 
Pharm.  i.  4,  34.  Ci>i  op<n 
aila  ent.    Pliarm.  ii.  3,   Iti. 

Adelph.  liL  4,  21.  Viriini 

Unffere.     Ai'elpb.  It.   S,  i 
Eim.  T.  2.  19. 

n(wn]     Quim  rem    n 

deni,    Aild.  Prol.  8,     Ncq 

Dkte  crarendi  co|»im.  uotb- 
nim  qui  ipectandi  ^innl  ro- 
piim  . .  .  (ine  vUiit.  Hctul. 
Frol.  30.  Illi  Dlhll  mh'  «1 
rrlictUDi  qnin  til  el  ideni  tibl. 
Hciint.  T.  3,  1».  Uudiae  an 
vtfibddei  id  fiKtum  oponeit. 
Adelph,  Prol.  S.  Cui  miHru 
indirne  per  liia  eAiua  ahin- 
1er*L  Adelph.  liL  2.  10.  Uoc 
-■■■    ^  -   -    Adelpii  '"  •  " 


Adelph.   T.  3,  47. 

37-     Fifmn  eit  oblUi 
gini.  Uec.  lii.  3,  93. 

ftetum.  And.  Prol.  IS.   Mnl- 

nirHperaniJu.    Phorm.  ilL   1, 

erco]   I^beriu  maidi  tait 
poiritu.  And.  i.  I.  2G.  Pnpe 

DKienwninlercmmoila.  And. 
i.  1,  \2S,  )2G.     Follua  quun 

rrl.  And.  ir.  S,  3  l^o  pol 
hodir,  ai  neo.  tibi  oaieniiuD. 
And.  T.  2,  25.  Umbcat;  •■- 
leit;  enaf  ciimilli.  And.  t. 
3,  18.  8i  tccum  viril.  Eun. 
iii.  1,  20.  Egnn  fnrmiiliilo- 
uiaP  nrmo  hI  hominum  qai 
vivai  minui.  Eun.  It.  6,  Is. 
NoD  libi  loli  po>iulU  le  »■ 
vtn.  Eun.  lii.  2,  Sa    Kequif 

EoD.  t.  8,  1.  Hocaue  Gl,  ubi 
Don  Tcie  nrifiir.    iWal.  i.  1, 

103,  Huncias  eru  ■rquum 
ei  illiu.  more.  ui  illum  ei 
liniuie^wer  HenuL  i.  2,  29. 

iirft.  Heiut.  iiL  t.  21.   Moda 

niifldlem.  Adelph.  ilL  3,  34. 
Viven-  etiem  nnnc  libet. 
Adelph.     iii.    S,    91.     Vltun 

hue.  AJelpb.  T.  4,  S.  Slbi 
nml,-  ufai  lumtiim  fecil. 
Adelph.  T.  4, 11.  F^iiil,  diim 
nji^  bene.    Uec  iii.  S,  11. 

S.  7.  IUum  etrnn  el  •■Imm 
lellem.  Hee.  iii.  S,  14.  Te 
ries.  Phorm.  ii.  1,  73.     JIU 

lidnt.   Aud.  ili.   1,  12.      Cu 

i.  2,  6S.     Cupio ;  r 
IHid«D.    Phorm.  i 

'.  2,  20. 

ii.  4,  20. 
r.  Adelpb. 



cim  uniL  And.  iii.  G,  lE 
Milo  cgo  nos  pr«|uwn  <|ium 

R^.  iv™e,  ™''  V.  '4^  2a 

Ad«lph.  iii.  2,  15.  Injurium 
Dulem  al  uUua  airtntriat  7 
Hrc  i.  1. 16.    Hiinc  impan- 


fl  proioqui  P 


NdIo  tibi  «Uwii  FamoioilL 
in  mc  clMidicr.  And.  iii.  3, 
41.  Nec  marB  <dUt  etl  antu 
nm  niarem  ducun.  And.  t. 
C,  7.     Qdu  m  in  m  ouue 

bet'ilj)!!»i.  Eun.  i.  1,  13.     Ne 

1.  iT.  7.  3 

Ai.  HeauLi).  4,  15. 

d^pt^i.  2,  6.     Si 

ii.  2,  34. 

«itoriorl  3fd  occu 
QuiiHt  uJkHor?  F 
2, 10. 

n/ti'iaMl  EaC  mil 
codcIhc  ia  nedibai 
nlra    Hrmut.  t.  1. 1 

And.  i.  1,  73.  Te  ii/fro  icca- 
labit :  «t  dkbii  ci  alin  luppli- 
.ium.  Eun.i.  l,e,  24,25;  ii. 
2,  19.  Novi  ingenium  mulie- 
nim:  nolunl  ubi  veliii  ubi 
nolii  cuplunt  yllro  Eun.  iv. 
7,  43.  Sibi  fieri  iajnriim  ■/- 
tro.  Adelpb.  iv.  3,  4.  Eii. 
■m  m«  )i/('o  ueuiUDm  ad- 
TcnitP  Phorai  ii,  3,13.  Cf. 
Eun.  T.  3.  21.  Etiiim  uiku- 
tumeitBAraDbjectum.  Phor. 

12.  Quieto  ut  iBta  meciim 
■d  mHtrem  virnnii  eu.  Adol. 
iv.  3,  7.  Cum  TiiviriB  m 
(dolenrenl  cubueHC.  llec  i.  2, 
63.  U«a  leciim  twn.  ^xXx 
tDlenbitou«.  Pborm.  iii.  3, 

<»««^>"^  Qnod  illo  «<*.- 

dcfnidini  genium,  companit 

tatgtuwtKnH  Obunlt,  potAt, 
olet  DjKHBriu!  de  meo.  Adel. 
i.  2,3^ 

HWKul  Ut  flge  «^inbiif  &- 

Heiut.?i.  2,  S^  SeLi  i^Tm 


laHiiaml  Pusim. 

■11»]  FiMim. 

taiUTiiufiiiii]  UnMmqiiid- 
tptid,  quod  quidem  eric  bellii- 
■imum,  ciTpua.  Adelub.  iv. 
2,  fil. 

iHMfwnil      Utia    haium 

m^^  A™™i,  1" 

voaA^um'1  Tuiqiiun  phi- 
loiaphoniBi  fatbent  ditcipliiui 

IBt  VKOt.  And,  i,  b.  49.  Ad 
cornim  cactuK.  Eun.  ii.  2, 
2a  Qu<  vomnl  Adelph.  t 
6,  3,  «l  pM»im. 

ni/a]  QuidceMf  ...Dofa. 

votn]  Piucieten^.  And. 
i.  1,  2.  lu  valo  iiuue  po*- 
tulo  ut  fiat.  And.  iii.  3.  18. 
Qui>  ms  m&r  And.  1.  3,  1. 
Siuo  me  perTenlre  quo  oo^. 
Eun.  i.  ST".  Notunl  ubi 
Tdit :  ubi  uoli>  cupiunl  ultro. 
Edd.  It.  7,  43.  Omuii  voe 
oruoa  tulo.  Hnut.  Pnl.  36. 
Quidmiiibir  Hcaui.  i,  1,9, 
Numquideuf  Adelph,  iii,  3. 
78.  Quim  t«^em,  Adelpfa,  iv. 

Uec,  iil.  k,  37.  Numquii 
■tiud  me  eur  Phonn.  li,  S 

tri».    And,    *.    3,   9. 
Rliui     Cuua     Cua      n 
Heiut.  T.  4.  2.     Qasd  t, 



Adelph.  iii.  4. 
viumlalt  id  quod  ett  ( 
dum  (iiriM.   Phorm.  t. 
Cf.  PrDl.  30;  iv.  5,  11 

votvol  SatiB  dm  li«  i«Di 
■uum  Bo/00.  Eun,  T.  8,  S5. 

ratmpe]  Bene  fkctDDi  \  rX 
bd/i^  e*t.  Hec.  *.  4,  17. 
Vcnire  ulruiii  eo/u  cU. 
Phorm.  i.,  3.  S, 

m/iTitai]  Egone  faujniDe- 
mariim  paCimr  nit»e  rijiailali 
obaUreP  And.T,4,4l.  To- 
/inrfa/e^  eorum  propriac  nnt 
And.  T,  5,  4.  O  mnrum  m- 
/^rKo/irn  DiDDiBm  inTentof. 
iuceptnr,  perfocCor.  Eud.  t.  8. 
I.      rntuplniem  mui 

.    Heai 

2,To,     Haee 

uiC.  i.  1,  19. 
me  volmptalt 
i.  1,97.  Afa> 

",12;  iv.a; 

ipo]  QuD  pictoex  jurebo- 


no]    FDnwhuncdinm. 

Hec.  i..  1,  2. 

vriojiiui  Clemeutnn  Tit^En 
■riiuiim.  Adelph.  i.  1, 17. 

■rft]     Ncqoo    agri    neque 

cipiL  Enn.  v.5,2.  SerTnlou 
idnuninBr^miBit.  flcwiL 
i.  2,  17.  Agelli  e>t  faic  nib 
•ab)  pualum.  Adelph,  v.  8, 
26.  llucr>rDin  ■rU.cMa- 
melt.    Hoc   i.  3,   100.      Ei 



UmoBi  «ddirit.    Adelph.  L 

ujkub]  NeqneuUc  dc^m 
llibi  libi  erit  mqiiam  io  ms 
mon.    Aod.  li.  B,  9.     Num 

OHH  indicu?  And.  v.  3.  7. 
N«qse  TJfia  «t  lUfWMa.-  na- 
qua  egs.  Eun.  iL  S,  2.  Nua- 
qa»ia  fliiam  fui  latfuan  «tuin 

EUD.T.8,6S.  Itaut^M^M 
tuic  ]id«  quiiqmm  optinu. 
Adelph.  ii.  1,  7.  Qiiui  j»m 
iHnaa  tibi  tint  viiiali  min». 
Adelph.   ii.   3,  IS.     An   hac 

^1»?"  Adelph.  iii.*2,  M. 
quidcm  minliiKi  m  opui 
wiuiii  «ffem.  Adc]]ih.  iv,  4, 
16?  An  qaiwjuiim  nwiufn 
gealium  nl  «que  miierP 
Uec.  iii.  1,  la. 
Wfue]      Utque    ed    aecem. 

Aethiopiiett  BBu*  huG.  Bua. 
iii.  2,  18.  Ux/M  illi  de  me 
•npplicium  dabo.  Hetal. ).  1. 
86.    ^ROWodnecem.  Adelph. 

it  1,28.     Ut^  nmbo  defmi 

.bui.  Adelpb.  iL  S,  G,  7.     Ui- 

36:  ii.  1,9.  Non  imu  veniet. 
•pero.  Haul-iiL3,<2.  Qaid 
fiKto  luM  ut.  Adelph.  iii,  3, 
75.  SiqnidnnlTOaei^l.  Adel. 
T.  6,  7._  KoQ  iit«  fiKlo  ett 

.    Heciii 

I.  47.    8i  . 
Hec.  i 

33.  Eximi  aaoi  ett,  id  per- 
•eqiiu.  Hec.  it.  3,  10.  Mihi 
•nKTeait.  Pharo.  l  2,23; 
iii.  2,  20. 

1}  Modc 
11.  (,    6.      Amibo    I 

Hjm.  Aad. 

Eun.  iiL  3,31.     Si 

e^t  &ctunii  at  tit  □filcium 
■uum.  Adelph.  iii.  5.  3.  Hic- 
ine  nl  tibi  renHudett  ?  Phor. 


•U,  quenudmodumj  Age 
•le,  ut  iibet.  Aod.  ii.  1,  ib. 
Vi  fil.  Enn.  i.  2,  18.  It>  tU 
r»  leM  babet.  Hcmut.  it.  3, 

Ui    h«mB    ael. 

(^UDmode,  qufem  TildeJ 

Ul  ftl>ui 

2,  43.     Ut  en 

8,    S.     O  For 

altit]  UlMt  ent.  Hcmut  i. 
2,  26.  IIuc  ul  ul  aunt.  Me- 
■ul.  It.  8,  29.  Ul  lU  hicc 
«unt  BctL  Adetph.  ii.  2,  4U. 

i.  a,  17. 

kbvsrow]  Uleamga»  opni 
at.  AniL  iT.  3,21.  UUmm. 
aue,  abicuiogue  opnt  ett.  He- 
«ul.  iii.  3,  if. 

vido^HworiL  3,  ™W™ 
Tult.  Ueaut.  T.  5.  14.  ^lnuii 
mtlit  (cia.  Hee.  iii.  6, 15. 
Klerqite]  Ulnu^iH  rm.  And. 

patei.  EuD.  T.  2,  I.'     Ulrimie 

Hruit.  iii.   1,  31.     Cuniuue 

Uierqut     mtriqHe 
Pi,orm.T.  3,17. 

vtervu]  Qui  iitranint  recle 
nont,  unhu  noTeril.  And. 
Pn>t.  10.     la  Bunm  ■franni 

3,  101.  8i  ■h-nntru  horum, 
molier,  unquem  tiU  Tinu 
forem.  Hec  ir.  J,  la 

m]  lu  ■'i  (i  eint  filia. 
Eun.  L  3,  37.  Ita  (tfiquie 
arowitur  ubL  Hcwit.  ii.  9, 
47.  luotidecet.  Adelpfa.  it. 
7,  J7.  Siquuretme,  Biitum 
dicu.  Heo.  i.  2,  3.  I»  mli 
p«fuil.  Phoim.  T.  7,  IS. 

■fiiiViiJ  Qaid  miDU)  utilnU 
fuit?  Phorm.  iT.  4,  9. 

■rtifii]  Id  nTbitroT  ■pprime 

34.     Qui 

u  ilH 

tiuque  re« 
And.  I.  £, 

on  cit  iii^  hane.  Adelph. 
i.  2,  4S.  Neque  hoBntum 
ihi,  aequfl  ume  ipti  Tirgini 

L  3, 17. 

«bI  ttuia»  id  lit  qDOd 
Aad.  T.  4,  38.  ^luiini 

c  perpetaum    ft 
^delpli.   T.  9,  1. 

Co  tait.  And. 
I    cireuitione 
1.  i.  2,  31.     Solu 

3,  38.    Ficili  Die  1 
Htaut.  ii.  1,  6. 

li.  2,  42.    Het, 

me*.  Adelph.  ii 
qnM  pruter  tpcm  eTcuere. 
■tcnfir  uue.  Adrlph.  t.  8, 
29.  Huic  ali^uidpaiiluta  prse 
mAUu  dtrdene,  unde  ulatur. 
Adelph.  T.  9,  24.  Eodem  ut 
jure  aH  •cnem  licett,  quo  iure 
eum   iHui  ndoleicentior.  Ve- 

ludine.  Hec.  Alt.  PrS!""!, 
29.  Aliu  ut  ufi  pouim  cauu 
h(C  integn.  Hec.  i.  2,  5.  Ne 
iimili  KaBiiir  fonuni  mque 
1«™;  tumui.  Phonn.  Prol.M. 

.peartrr.   Pbor 

Biniinl  Wrsi 

pnedicem.     E 

Ulnm  itultilit  fiKeie  ega 
hnncanmilititdicun?  Phor. 
iT.  3,  54. 

«■^1   Valgo  quod  dlci  lo- 
let.,15.  rn^iadio 

mdgus]  Vulgw  terTomm. 
\ail.  iit.  4,  4.  Vuigue  qnu 
ib  le  legreguit.  Hetul.  11.  4, 
1.  Vuigue  quod  mde  eadit 
nulierum.  Bee.  ir.  2, 24. 

ratfu]  FiiU>  tdeo  modeeto, 
deo  TenuiUi,  nl  nihil  nipn. 
Ind.  L    1,  93.     Tero  «iiftii. 




Itu  iaeat  in  vuUu. 

1,  U.  Valtim  conumpU- 
mlm.  Phonn.  i.  4,  33.    Kunc 

pisiidua  noTu*.    Pbonn.  t.  6, 

u^^mt,  mTidi  t  Punphil^ 
«at.  And.  TS,!!.  l/aartibi 
dnoBndt  Mt.  And.  i.   5,   19. 

1-2.     Don 

:.  And.  li 

3,30.  Amicmn 
ut  hftbeu  prope  jam  in  uor^ 
loco.  Heuil.  i.  1,  S2.  tTjr» 
rtm  nnnqnim  h»bni.  U.ioren 
duiic.  Adelph.  i.  1,  19,  31. 
CTW  line  <lot«  Tcaiet.  Adel- 
^.  I>.  7,  41.     Cdt  non 

iium.    Hec.  1.  2,  60.    Qnid 

illeril  uvmii  bibee?   Re- 

:  uore».  Hec.   iT.  4,  23, 

Qnnd  bab«,  il>  n(  to- 

Dnune  ia  uone  Iksbet  i 
onn.T.  ],27. 
UDnul  Abhonesti  eb  n 
no.  And.  t.  1, 10. 




PuB   47i  line  i9,fiir  iDTenJu  nad  iDTsnica 

—  145,  —   14,>r  Mitts  noi/ OmitM 

—  171,  —    4*./i>r  qo»  «orf  quw 

—  195.  —  28j^or  noptaU  Tmd  iioptaluii 

—  20fi,  —  Viifirr  dimeliniiiruin  rnarf  drBehnminini 

—  314,  ~     l,fi>r  commodiue  Ttad  commodi 

—  319.  —  34,jf>r  tibi  iMif  hunm  raoii  ilbi  M^  hanuc 

—  339,  —  33,/>r  dic«  luD  nad  tim  dics* 

—  865,  —  94,^  it*  nad  ir» 

—  391,  —     S,  Aw  diiine  psod  diio 

—  479,  —  GB,  drOu  ott  ipK* 


te    IS^farTbennadTiana 
.    144,iMiigaiit— 114 

-  on   Metnt,  rtad  17.  cliainla  18—25   troclulc  tstiunstcn  oUseUe. 

the  tioch^c  tetnmcten  iu  thia  niie  ire  atalectic  eicept  tt.  10  uid  1! 
.    15, /br  Pulet  «arf  Potlet 
.    gn    Metrei,   Tead  5   immbio  dimeter  catalecdc      7—16  iunblc 

6,  17, 18  iuDbic  trimeter 

-  on  Heim,  the  troclimic  tetnmeten  in  Ihi)  ecnie  tn  cmUlectic 

.    14,.^  sllonid  . .  .  con6rDiLTe  rtad  c^mfirmuv  hoo  liquido,  judlcei,  pofl«um 
.      8,  nad  In  both  cua  the»  m 

-  12.  Thii  note  ii  inucurmte.     Thc  line  It  qnoled  in  the  Inlroduction  (p.  zlTii] 

irhen  the  pronunciUion  of  the  wordi  ii  propcrij  eiplftined 

-  45,  i^ttr  Phonuio  v.  S,  96,  MMrt  ucarding  lo  one  nading 

-  6.  line  10  Inm  ead, /or  bnt  rvad  not 

-  48,  ilrUie  oid  tte  mrdi  I . .  .  senH,  and  rtad  Tiiiaiiurar  ■wauir 

-  7  &«m  lop,.;^  penDltimmle  rtad  fint. 



Mi^Tch,  1S79. 



FxAl  Calaiogtie»  teill  be  »ent  prnl  free  on  applUation. 


JKsohyliu.    B<r  F.  A.  Paley,  MJL.    ie>. 

Clo«ro'a  OnUon*.    B7 O.  Long,  M.A.  4  toIs.    16f„lli.,16*.,iet. 

DemoattaMtoa.    B;  B.  mistoii,  M.A.    2  toIs.   16».  eacb. 

EnrlpldM.    By  F.  A.  Palej,  MA.    S  Tola.    16(.  eaoh. 

Homer.    B7  F.  A.  Paley.  M.A,    Vol.  L  12«. ;  ToL  H.  14«. 

HOTodotus.    By  Bav.  J.  W.  BUkesley,  BJ).    3  toIb.    32t. 

HeBlod.    B;  F.  A.  Paley ,  M.A.    10«.  61I. 

Horaoe.    By  Bey,  A.  3.  Mscleane,  M.A.     1B<. 

Juvenal  uul  PerElua.    By  Ber.  A,  J,  Madeane,  M.A.    12(. 

Plato.    B;  W.  H.  ThompsoD,  D,D.    2  toIb.    7».  6d.  aach. 

BopbooleB.    By  Ber.  F.  H.  Blaydee,  M.A.    Vol.  I.    16«. 

PhilocteteB.    By  F,  A.  Paley,  M,A.  [In  the  Pre«. 

Tatdttu :  The  Annals.     By  the  Ber.  P.  Fiost.     IS5. 
TeFenoe,    By  E.  St.  J.  Porry,  M.A.    16«, 
VlrglL    B;  J.  Conington,  M.A.     StoU.    12d.,  11«.,  14«, 
Aji  Atlaa  of  ClaaBloal  a«oerai>hT;  Tweoty-foar  Maps.    By  W. 
finffb»  ud  G«or^  LoDff,  U-A..    Nar  edition,  vlth  oolonnd  ontitBM. 

Uniform  ici(ft  above. 
A.  Complete  Latln  anunnur,    By  J.  W.  Donaldaon,  DJ).    Srd 

Bdition.    lli. 
A.  Complerta  araek  Onunmar.    By  J.  W,  Donalilaoa,  DJ).     Srd 

Bdiaon.    16i.  

A  SerietofOreelctmdLatinAtMior*,with^igtithttetet.   Fetf.ivo. 
Ossar :  De  Bello  QaIUoo.    B7  0«oige  Long,  M.A.    Gi.  id. 

Booba  L-m.  For  JunJorClMwa.  By  O.Long.M.A.  2t.  6J. 

OktOllnB,  TlbaUiu,  and  PropertlaB.    SelectedPoema.  WithLife- 
Bj  B».  A.  H.  Wmttalaw.   «nej 


George  Bell  and  Soni' 

Cloero:   De  Ssnectate,   De  Amicitia,  and  Select  EinBtles.     B7 

GWV«  Long,  M.i..    4i.  Sd. 

COTneliiu  Nepoa.    By  Bei.  3.  F.  MBcnuchaeL    2i.  6d. 
Homer;  □iod.    Boolca  I.-XII.    ByF.A.Paley,  H.A.    6t.  M. 
Horaoe.     With  Lite.    Bj  A.   J.   MacleaDe,  U.A.      Si.  &t.     [In 

£  p*rU.    St.  6d.  eaoli.l 
JnTenal :  Siiteen  SatireB.    By  H.  Prior,  M.A.    4i.  6<i. 
lbimLl:SeleotEpigTamB.  WithLife.  B;F.  A.  Pale;,  U.A.  ^.6d. 
Orld:  the  Fasti.    By  F.  A.  Pale;,  M.A.    55. 
SaUnst :  Catilina  and  Jngmth».  With  Life.  B7  O.  Long,  M.A.  6t. 
Taoitus :  Oennanm  and  Agricola,    Bj  Ber.  P.  Frost.    3f .  6(1. 
Vligll:  Bncolica,  Oeoigice,   and  £n^d,  Books  I.-IT.     Abridged 

from  PrareKor  CDningtoii'e  Editioii.    Si.  6d. 

(The  BucolicB  and  Oeoigics  in  one  Tolnme.    3i.) 
ilneiJ.BookBT.-XII.  AbridgedfroinProIeBsorComngton'8 

Editlon.    ii.M. 
Zenoptaon:  XheAnabasis.  WithLife.  ByRev.J.F.HtKmiebael.  5*. 

. The  CTTopndJti.    Bj  G.  M.  Goiham,  M.A.    6t. 

Memorabilia.    B;  PenuTal  Fnwt,  M.A.    4i.  6i. 

A  arammar-Sobool  Atlaa  of  OlasBloal  Osograpby,  oontuiiing 

T«n  •eluted  Uapa,    Imperial  Sto.    it. 

Uniform  viith  tht  Series, 

1  Enghsh  Notea,  &e,     Bj 


JCBohylui.    B7  F.  A.  PaleT,  U.A,     S>. 

CEMor:  De  Bello  aalllco.    B7  G.  Long.  M,A.    2(. 

Closro :  De  Beneotute  et  de  AmlnlHn,  et  Epiitolte  Seleotsi.  By 

O,  1x111«,  1I,A,    1j,  Od. 
OloaronlB  OrstioneE.  Tol.  I.  (in  Verrem.)   BjO.Long,M.A.  Si.Bd. 
Xoripldet.    By  F.  A.  Faley,  M,A.    3  toIs.    3i,  6d.  each. 
Herodottu.    By  J.  0.  BlakeBlej,  B.D.    3  toIb.    7i. 
Homeri  nlaB.    I,-XII.    By  F,  A.  Paley,  M.A.    2.,  6d. 
Horattiu.    B7  A.  J.  Macleane,  M.A.    2t.  6d, 
JuTenal  et  Fenitu.    Bf  A.  J.  Madeane,  M.A.    la.  M. 
LuoretluB.    Bj  E.  A.  J.  Mucro,  M.A.    2i.  6d. 
SaUuBU  OrUpl  OatUlna  et  Jugurtha.    Bj  Q.  Long,  M,A.  1«.  Bd. 
Taroitl  Cfmuadin.    B7  W.  Wagnec,  PhJ>.    8(. 
Thuordides.    By  J.  G.  Donoldaon,  D  J>.    2  Tola.    7i. 
Virgmu».    Bj  J.  Conington,  M.A.    3i.  Gd. 

Xenophontls  EzpediUo  CttL   B7  J.  F.  Macmichael,  B.A.  2i.  Gd. 
NoTum   Teatamentum   Orsoum.      By   F.  H.   Scrivener,  U.A. 

4M,9d     An  edltion  with  wlde  mugin  for  notei,  iail  boDnd,  12t. 


EiiucaiiofUil  Workt.  3 

A  Seltctien  of  ihe  moit  iMuaffy  read  of  the  Oreei  and  iMtin  Authart, 

Annotated  foT  Schooti.    Fcap.  8eo.  li.  6(1.  taeh. 
ButptdM.    AlceeiiB.     By  F,  A.  Palej,  Af  .&. 
Medea.    By  F.  A.  Paley,  M.A. 

Hippolytns.    Bj  F.  A.  PalBy,  MX 

Heouba.    By  F,  A.  Pftley,  M.A, 

BaocbEB.    Bj  F.  A.  Palsj,  UA. 

lon.    Bj  F.  A.  PaUj,  M.A.    [Price  2».] 

JBBobylua.    PrometheaB  TmctnB.     Bj  F.  A.  Palej,  M.A. 

Bept«m  contTft  TheboB.    Bj  F.  A.  Polej,  M.A. 

0»ld.    BeleetioBs,    Bj  A.  J.  M«*leane,  M.A. 


A  Seriet  of  Clatiical  Texti,  annotated  by  well-Iinoinn  Scholan. 
Crown  Svo. 
Arlatc^haiies.    The  Peace.    Bj  F.  A.  Falej,  M.A.    4j.  M. 

Tha  Achamiftna.    By  P.  A.  Palaj,  M.A    4».  M. 

The  Progi,    By  P.  A.  Psley,  M.A.    4i.  M. 

Cioveo.    The  Letters  to  Atticm.   Bk.  I,   By  A.  Fretor.  M.A.  it.  6d. 
DoinoBtheiieB  de  Falsa  Iiegattone.    Bj  B.  Shilleto,  M.A.    6«. 

The  Lbw  of  Leptinei.     Bj  B.  W.  Beatfloa,  M.A. 

VMo.    The  Apolofu  of  Booratea  and  Orito.    Bj  W.  Wsgner,  PhJ>. 

ithXdltioiL    it.M. 

The  Phndo.    By  W.  Wagner,  Fh.D.    6i.  M. 

The  Piotagoras.    Bj  W.  Wayte,  M.A.    4*.  M. 

Flantiu.    The  Anlnlaiim.    Bj  W.  Wagner,  FhJ).    2ad  editiou. 

TrinnnuniiB.    Bj  W.  Witgner,  Pb.D.   2nd  editioD.    is.  M. 

The  Menaeohinei.    Bj  W.  Wagner,  PhJ),     4i.  6d. 

SophooU)!  Traofalnife.    Bj  A.  Pretor,  M.A.    U.  M. 

TerBEioa.    Bj  W.  Wagner,  Ph.D.    10>.  6d. 

TheoorltaB.    Bj  F.  A.  Palej,  M.A.    4i.  6d. 

Otheri  in  prepaTalitm. 

JBtna.    Bj  H.  A.  J.  Mtuuo,  M.A.    Si.  6<f. 
Arlitophanli  Comcedie.    Bj  H.  A.  HoUea,  LL.D.    8to.    3  foli. 

Pai.    By  F.  A.  PaUy,  MA.    Foap.  8to,    4».  6d. 

Catollna.    By  H.  A.  J.  Hnnro,  M.A.    7>.  6d. 

Honw*.    Qninti  Horatii  Flacei  Open.    Bj  H.  A.  J.  Mnnro,  M.A 

lAcgaSTo.    II.  U 
Uff.    The  fiist  fire  Booka.    Bj  J.  Preaderille.    12mo.  rooQ,  (b. 

Or  Book)  I.-UI,  Sl  ed.    17.  Bod  T.  Sl  M. 


George  Bell  anit  8ons' 

LwmUtu.    Titi  Lacratu  Can  de  Beraia  Nstaia  Libii  Sex.    Vntlb 

B  TnuiaUtiDn  ud  RotM.    B/ H.  A.  J.  Kusro.  M.A.    Z  toI>.  Sro.    VsL  I. 
Tait,  ISl    VoL  IL  TnuuUtion,  Si.    (Bold  Htsntslj.) 

Ovld.  P.OriduHaBwasHeroideBXIV.   BrA.P«tai8r,M.A.  SmSi. 
Pmpertlufl.     Bei  Anrelii  Propffitti  Oitnniiift.    Bj  F.  A.  P»li;,  HJL 

8ro.    ciotli,  M. 
BophoolM.    The  AJaz.    Bj  C.  E.  Falmer,  M.A.    4(.  G± 
Tttuoydldaa.    The  Hiatory  ol  the  Pelopotmeiiian  Wor.    Bj  Bicliard 

BhlUeto.  U.A.    Bookl.    Sro.    «t.  td.    (Book  II.  »  tfuimi.) 
areek  Taatamant.    B7  Henry  AUiKd.  D.D.     4  vols.  Sro.    (Sedd' 

HwntelT.)  Vol.I.lLSa;  To1.II.1I.Il  VoLIILlBt  VoLIV.PutL18i.| 

Partll.llH  or  in  ODO  VoL  32i, 

AuziUa  LaUno.     A  Senea  at  PiogTesaive  Latin  Ezsimaea.     Br 

BeT.  J.  B.  Boddelar,  U.A.    Fcap.  Sro.    2t. 
Ak  Intbodcctoiiy  Pabt  to  the  abova  on  Aooidenoe.      [7n  the  Preti,. 
Latla Troee Lmsous.   ByA, J.Chnich.M.A  2ndEdit  Fcap.Svo. 

lAUn  ExeroliM  and  Qrs,miiiu  PapeTs.    B;  T.  CoUina,  M.A    Snd' 

Bdlticoi.    Fcap.  8to.    it,  ei, 
Acal]rtloal Latln Ezaralflas.  B7C.P.MaBon.B.A.  SndEdit.  &i.M. 
SaalaOneoa:  aBeriGBDfElementaiyOieekEierciecB.  ByBav.J.W. 

Diils,  M.A.,  andE.  W.  Biddaioj,  St.A,    3ri  Kdltion.    Fcap.  Bio.    St-K. 
areek  Tena  CampoalUaii.     By  O.  PreBton.  M.A    Cnnni  8to. 

Bt  the  Bbv.  P.  Fsobt,  M.A,  Sr.  Johi<'b  Oou^b,  CAuaaiDm. 
SologEe  IaUdb  ;  or,  Firat  Latin  Bo«dtng-Book,  wiOi  Engli»h  Ifotaa- 

ud  ■  IHctioiiuy.    Kew  Edltion.    Fup.  Sro.    £1.  Bi. 

lCaterial«  foT  Latln  Proaa  Oompoaltlon.  NewBdition.  Fup.Sro. 

SLSd.    Kej.U. 

A  Lattn  Terae-Book.    An  IntTodoctor?  Work  oa  Eexameten  aod. 

PBatuneton.    New  Bdition,    Fonp.  Sto.    3i.    Xej,  5i. 
Analeota  OnBCia  lCnara,  ^th  IntTOdQOtoif  BeDtenoea,  Engliab 

IIotst,(uidBDictiDDU7.    ?<eir  Edition.    Fokp.  Bto.    3>.  6d. 
l[at«TialB  tot  arMk  Frote  OompoBlllon.    Nev  Edit.    Fcap.  Sro. 

3i.  «d.    Kar.St 
FlorQagliun  Foetlonm.    Elep^  Eztraeta  fiom  Ovid  and  TdMUna.^ 

NawKditian.    WithKotM.    Fnp.  Bn).  3^ 

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Bt  H.  A.  Holsin,  LL.D. 
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SlegiH Hid  Heroio  Vong.    Sth  EOnioa.    PoftBro.    7>.6d. 

Part  U.    Seleot  Passaeee  for  Tranilation  iuto  Latin  ZQii» 

■nd  Oomio  Iiunblo  T*na,    Srd  Edition,    Port  Bto.    5«. 

PaitlU.    BalectPanasesfocTniulatiuiintoOraekTetw^ 

trdBdmon.    PottBTO.   S^ 


Edueaiional  Works. 

Ik^  ffllviilee,  aive  Eologe  Poetaiam  A«iflii.vifnTii  in  Latianni  et 

QmnimiMiiwM.    fini.    VdI.  1. 1D>.  Gd.    Tol.II.lEi. 
TPnHiMiiTn  Centuilw.     Selact  F&uuea  lor  Tmulation  iiito  Latin 

udOreekPro».    Stli  Bditioa.    PoataiD.    8t. 

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J.  OodId^ok,  U.A.    7t)i  edJtlon.    Pokp.  Sto.    Si.Sd. 

The  Satires  and  Epistlea.    In  EDslish  YerBC  b;  3.  Coninfi- 

tsn,K.A.    MheditloD.    (k.ed. 

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t«It  leriHd  nith  IntrodiiatloiL  b;  H.  A.  J.  Uimro,  U.A.  Luga  Bto.   II.  U 

i£nm  Stonenaea,  Bive   CarminTm  Etoiia  Conditorrm  DslectTt. 

By  aicbud  Okei.    S  to1>.  Sto.    ISa. 
FlopertlDB.    Verse  tiaaBlatioiis  from  Book  Y.,  nith  lerised  Latin 

Teit.    B;  F.  A.  PnlaT,  U.A.    Fap.  Sro.    Si. 
Tlato.    Qorgiaa.    TrannUted  by  E.  U.  Cope,  M.A.    8to.     7«. 

PhUebua.    Trauslatedbf F. A.Faley,M.A.    BmallSTo.    4t. 

TheietetuB.  TranBlatedbjF.  A.Paley,  M.A.   SmallSro,    4«. 

Analj-ais  and  Indei  of  tbe  Dialognea.    By  Dr.  Day.    Foat 

8td.    b. 

JtBdiienda  Beddlta  :  Pascagee  from  Engliah  Poetry,  irith  a  Latin 
Vbt»  TmiulitioB.    Br  F,  E.  Grartoa.     CtowbSto.    S: 

SkbrituB  CoTollBinhorltiliaRegiie  Scholie  SalopienaiBContoxQenmt 
trw  Tiri  fioribua  l^endin.    Bditlo  tertU.    Sto.    St  6d, 

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Oeorge  Beil  and  Son»' 


A  LaUnGtraminar.  ByT.H.Eej,  M.A.   6th  ThonBUid.   PoatSro. 

A  Staort  Iiatlii  arBinniar  for  SchoolB.      Bj  T.  H.  Eef,  M.A.. 

F.R.8.    Utli  Edition.    PoitSro.    Si.  «d. 
A. O-ulde  to  tha  Clioloe of  Clualcal  Booka.  Bj  J.B.Mbjis.H^ 

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Poit  8to.    Si.    With  Indu  Terbonun,  Sh 
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thsnniverritjorTObliigen.  Bj  W.  Wwiier, Ph. D.  i  vol».  Bemj Sro.  Hj. 

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<KmtiM.    ardEdlUon.    F»p.8To.    «l  ed. 


arMkyerba.  ACBtalogneof Terba^IrregiilaraiidDefective;  tlkeir 
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Otaek  Aocente  (NoteB  od).    By  A.  Bairy,  D.D,    NewEdition.   1*. 

Homerlo  Dloleot.  Ite  Leodmg  Forma  and  Fecnliaritiea.  By  J.  S. 
BaJnl,  I.C.D.    Sew  edition,  reTiied  b^  W.  OoDioii  Butbeifon).    li. 

Oresk  Aooidenoe.    By  Ihe  Ber.  P.  FroBt,  M.A.    Nev  EditioQ.    1>. 

LaUs  Aooldenoe.    B;  the  Bsr.  F.  Ficwt,  M.A.    li. 

Latln  Tenlfioatlon.    li. 

Kotabnia  Qtuedam:  or  the  PrincipBl  Tenses  of  mo«t  ol  the 

IrrwulBr  Onek  Terbl  mi  Elamentarr  Qreek,  Latin,  and  Frsnah  Con- 
itmotiaa.    Hnsditlon.    Ij. 

Blohmoud  BiUeB  for  the  Ovldlsii  DUtJota,  •^c.     Bt  J.  Tate, 

M.A.    1«. 

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A  Seritt  o/  EUmentaty  Treatua  for  the  vte  of  Studmtt  ttt  the 
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Arittametlo.    By  BeT.  C.  Elsee,  M.A.   Fc«p.  Svo.   Tth  Edit.   8f.  td, 
Alsebra.    By  the  fier.  C.  Eliee,  M.A.    4th  Edit.    4j. 
AriUunetto.    By  A.  Wrigley,  M.A,    8».  64 
— A  Progi«eBive  Coniee  of  EiampleB.    With  AnBwen,    Bj 

J.  Wntnn,  U.A.    SrdEdJUon,    lto.ed. 

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Eddcatioml  Works.  7 

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Srd  Editian.  [In  th*  Pnm. 

Oonlo  Seotions  treated  (jeomethcallj.    Bj  W.  H.  Bewiit,  M.A. 

2iidEdition.    4a.  S<1. 
Mlemeiituy  CmiIo  SeoUoiu  treated  Cleometrically,     By  W.  H, 

Beunt,  U.A.  [iHtktPnH. 

Statlo*,  ElemeDtary.  B;  Bev.  3.  Goodwin,  DJD.  2nd  Edit.  St. 
HTdrostatlos,  ElementMy.  By  W.  H.  Befwnt,  M.A.  7th  Edit.  i». 
Hensur&tion,  An  Elementaij  Tieatise  on.    Bj  B.  T.  Moore,  U.A. 

H«wton'a  Frlnolpla,  The  Ficst  Three  SectianB  of,  with  an  Appen- 

^ !  u>d  the  Ninth  mnd  Elaicnth  gectioni.    Bt  J.  H.  ETiin!,  M.A.    Sth 

Sdi»on,bjP.  T,  UuD,  U.A.    U. 

TrlgonomebTi  Elcmentmy,    Bj  T.  P.  Hndson,  M.A.    8».  M. 
Optloa,  OeometncaL  With  Answere.   Bj  W.  B.  AJdis,  M.A.   Si.  6i. 
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teeek  TsBl&msnt,  Compsnion  to  the.     B;  A.  C.  Banett,  A.M. 

Srd  Edltion.    Fap.  Sio.    5a. 
Book  of  Common  Frarer,  An  EiBtorical  and  Eiplanatorj  TreatiBe 

outbe.    Bt  W.  ».  Hiunplu7,  B.D.    Hli  Edition.    Fnp.Bro.    4Kfld.| 
Utuio,  Text-book  of.    Bj  H.  C.  BaniBter     7th  Edit.  remed.    S(. 
Concise  Histoij  of.     Bj  H.  (i.  BonsTia  Hant,  B.   Mob. 

OioD.    Srd  Editton  rariied.    Si.  «d. 


fHnolplea  and  FKwtlcM  of  Arithmetto.    Bj  J.  Hind,  M.A.    «h 

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Oholce  ond  Chonce.    A  TreatiBe  on  PermntationB  and  Combina- 

tiann.    B7  W.  A  WMtworth.    2nd  Edition.    Cnmn  aro.  tr, 

See  aUo  foregoing  Stritt. 


Text-Boolt  of  OeoraetiT'     Bj  T,  a.  Aldia,  M.A.     Small  Sva 

U.ei.    Pnrtll.  31. 
Thtt  ElemeuU  of  BuoUd.    Bj  H.  J.  Hose,    Fcap.  Sto.    U.  6(1. 

filerciSM  icpu«t«l7,  it. 
The  First  Sii  Boobs,  with  Commentaij  b;  Dr.  Lardner. 

lOth  Edilion.    Bvo.    tn. 

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Witliont  tle  Fignroa,  «d. 

BzeTclBea  on  Euolid  &nd  tn  M odero  Oeometry.  B;  J.  McDowell, 
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8  Qeorge  Bell  and  8om' 

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Ths  a«omstr7  at  Oonloa.    B7  C.  TkjIoz,  U.A.    2Qd  Edit.    8to- 

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arloal  TrigoiiometiT.    B7  i.  Hii 

t  MeDauratJon.    B;  B.  T.  Uoore, 



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Bro.    3i.  6d. 

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BdlUoD.    3l 
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Drnamloa,  A  Tre&tiM  on  Elementary.     B;  W.  Qamett,  B~A. 

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Sdacational  Works.  9 

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.  Oeometcloal  OpHoi,  Fignrea  Dltistrative  of.     From  Schelbaoh. 

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