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Full text of "A Comparative Study of Dreams of the Blind and of the Sighted with Special Reference to Freud's Theory"

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COMPARATIVE    STUDY    '  ;       "  Pil-MAS 

OF    THE    BLIIID    AIJD    CI     i::!'    SIGHTED 

vJITH    SPECIAL    REFE?vZ::C"^-  TO    FP^EUD'S 

THEORY.        1913. 

BY      FRED   MORTOi:   McCartney 



ii^\  i 


^f":!.i  ^ 

A  Comparative  Study  of  Dre.  n^.a  of  the  ulind  c-nd  of  the 
Sighted,  with  Specie!  Reference  to  Freud's  Ti.eor-. 


Ciu-.ptcr  1.  .Ili.'jtorictl  ourvey  of  Dream  Theory, i-r.^e  3. 

Chapter  2.. Freud  and  i.^sycho-Analysl  s,  Pl  e  10» 

Dr^  am  Q,ucstionnaii-e,  Poje  ZO 

Chapter  3.. Tin  Bins   of  the  ulind  and  of  the  Si^ntcd,  i-eye   a,4 

Chapter  4.  .Sensations  and  ],:ental  Processes  in  Yn-.amB   of  tne 

Blind  and  of  ti.e  Sighted,  rQ;-e  55. 
Chapter  5.. Somnambul is:  ,  Reverie,  and  Conclusion.   Pa-e  1 1 
Eibliorrr;  phy,pace  80. 

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A  Coinnaretive  Study  of  Dr^-jonig  of  ti  e  Blind  and  of  the  Siehted, 
vjith  o  iCGir>l  Koforerioo  to  Freud's  'T'hcory. 

Chr-nter  1,   Historicol  Survey  of  Drcora  Theory. 

From  t!ie  very  e'rrliest  times  of  v/i.lch  v;e  have  Dd  outte  recoi'Os, 
dresris  have  continued  to  cliallence  tlie  T.'Cikinc  speculations,  philosoi-hic, 
scientific,  or  idle,  of  t:ie  hunrn  riind,  resultin'^';  in  the  formuleticn 
from  time  to  time  of  various  and  diverse  theories  to  account  for  this 
mysterious  phenomenon.   One  theory  vms  no  sooner  rejected  as  untenable 
before  enother  r/as  Ipunched,  and  not  infrequently  tv;o  or  more  explan- 
ations coexisted  side  by  side.   But  rll  these  solutions  have  been 
reached  either  t'lrourh  metaphysical  sneculation,  or  by  m^rns  of 
observations  m.ode  upon  normal  persons  v/ithout  reeprd  to  the  probable 
effect  resultinr  from  the  suppression,  deprivation,  derancenent ,  or 
distortion  of  anyone  or  more  of  the  physical  senses  or  mentrl  faculties.* 

It  vfEs  reserved  for  Heerman  in  ISZS,  (nhose  '.Tork  v;r  s  not  accessible 

to  me  except  as  utilised  by  Jastro.v),  and  for  Jastrov;,  to  make  a  prr- 

liniincry  study  of  dreacms  of  the  sirhtless. 

It  is  desirned  in  the  present  piece  of  inv-sti-ation  to  continue 
the  resea:oche3  of  these  pioneers  comp  rinc  and  contrasting  throuchout 
the  dreams  of  the  blind  v;ith  those  of  the  sighted  end  notin^;  the 
interp -etation  of  points  as  civen  by  the  Freudian  Schr.oi  . 

This  treatise  vrilL  be  divided  into  three  parts.   In  tiic  present 

chapter,  it  is  intendea  to  ^ive   a  bird's-e;-e  review  of  tlie  history  of 

dream  theory;  Vre   second  chapter  will  be  devoted  to  an  cxporsition  of 

Freud's  vie-;s  vpon  dreams;  after  nhich  -Jill  come  the  material  of  this 

study  accomoanied  by  t!:e  results  derived  t.  erefrcm. 

^=^   Freud's  t.-eory  of  dreams  as  set  lorth  in  Chapter  tv.o  of  this 
tr-atise,  and  nremonitory  dref-m.s  of  illness  siould  be  noted  as 

ITunoroua  or)  been  the  theories  C'lvcnced  to  explcin  the 
phenori'^Tioii  of  drenmir.r,  they  readily  cropp  themselves,  accordinc  to 
J.£ul]y,  nndor  two  hrr.da,  suprrnnturol  end  naturel.  The  first  of  tliece 
Crou!)y  yioldo  two  types.   Thun  v/o  have;  A,  tlie  naive  objective 
theory,  jiccordlnr  to  which  the  di-eam  i3  rr-^arded  as  the  Inmediate  effect 
of  r.ome  rorlity  corr'^npondinf  to  th^  actu'^l  ^^o^ld  of  our  v;aking 
experie!ice;  13,  tt;e  reli-ious  intemretations,  whei-eby  the  drean  is  coji- 
ceived  as  the  mediate  result  dependin'^  upon  the  volition  and  cornnand 
of  sone  absent  bei  nc;  C,  the  scientific  attempts  at  explanation  of  this 
phase  of  consciousness.   Let  us  consider  t'oce  briefly  in  the  oraer  named. 

The  primitive  nar  easily  conceives  cf  evfirythinr  as  duelistic, 
whether  aninate  or  ananinate,  each  side  oi  its  nature  capable  of  sepai-'te 
and  independent  activity.   Sleep  is  viev;ed  as  tlie  temporary  disembodincnt 
of  the  50i;l,  and  every  precaution  is  tr^ken  to  leeve  the  sleep? r  undis- 
turbed, lect  t]:e  spirit  be  frightened  av/ay  uermanently,  and  death  ensue. 
The  soul,  thus  freed  for  the  tine  beinc  from  its  mnrtrl  bends,  v.cnders 
at  random  over  the  earth,  but  still  endowed  v.'ith  tiie  snme  anpctitics, 
passions,  and  desires- rs  its  humen  correspon'.lent . 

Sleep  ceas's  os  soon  as  the  soul  is  leunited  T-ith  th^--  bo'iy.   Tlie 
dream  is  a  frrrmentrry  recollection  in  t}ie  -..Tkir  ■  strte  of  Trh't  tlie  spirit 
senses  '.nd  c:-:r<~rierccs  durin"  its  nocturncl  excursions.   Thu':,  our 
priri:eval  mrn  ±:ev.ns   of  an  exciting  chrse.   In  the  rioi'nin;;  he  i-'calls 
this  di'"r.'m,  and  d  scribes  it  as  one  of  the  episodes  er.cerionced  by 
his  spirit  durin,^  its  rovlr.cs  of  tlie  previous  niriit. 

Fassinr'  nov;  to  tlie  rcli::ious  view,  or  t.  vt   one  wldch  int'  rprcts  a 
dream  as  due  to  the  volition  and  conr,icnd  of  some  absent  beinc  v,e  find 
three  types  mcrlred  out  and  dif fcrentieted;  A,  a  messenf-er  :v-y   con\ey  the 
deity's  conr-nn!]  to  the  slcerier;  b,    tlie  chrer.t  beinc  raay  spc;.k  directly 
to  t.'.e  dreamer;  C,  trie  message  mfiy  be  conveyed  by  cr  using  a   vision  to 
xiass  bofo3'e  t'  e  passive  soul.'"   It  is  at  once  cpijai'ent,  acceutinL'  the 

relifjcu:?   hyroth-'si;.; ,    V,y  t   c.  dr- m   Vvculr]    ;t'£;cli  to  j<'>  litt?.; 

r>i   ii:i '^'.ifj-'T  c'j;      :  •■'f^o  t'.:r    Cw  cr-er  itcarlit,    ciDiT  t!;rou'j^   ?il-   o.Ti  i'r'iviaucl 

efforts,    T.'  '\,-    j'^.-..-;.i  ■::.'■.(•  cnother  p'.i'::on,    to  cluoidcito  the  r.-;  ninrj  of 

Ilia  dx"  r::'!'- .     i  arlioul:  rly  wL's  this    tr't-.-  of  c;  drrf.'m  Wijlch  o-.-cvi-i-cd  'Uvrinc 

a  cririn,    ir'^'ii^i'li.'-.  1   or  ■pullic,    mvl  v;h.i    h   E':c"-ed  to   be  rci't'- r.tic.r.   In 

its   intert.      To   cctis^fy  this,    there  crcsc   a   cl?cs  of  r-rr-or.s 

cl',  i'  inf;  to  possccs   r.hill   in  divir.f  ticn  dr- ci;'.j   bfin;^'  one   of  th'"    phenonejia 

with   v.Iiieh  t;icy   liad  to   cope.     Thus  v;e    :■■  td: 

"j^r-d   it   ccnie   to  prss  thet   in  the  i.oi'njnr;  his   spirit   v.'cc   trouble;    cvA 
he    .':ont   T'-'id   cc-lled   for  rdl   the  nr^^icicns   of  I^i'iTt,    and  ell   the      ir,e  nen 
thereof;    and  I'l'CiT.oh  told  then;  his   drccn;    end  there  T?r.E   none  t]:rt   ccjld 
internrot    ih^n  unto  the  raoh.  ".  .Gen.   41  ;C 

"Then  the  kinc   cornnanded  to  cell  t})e  m&^ricicns,    and  tl"e   astrolorers, 
and  the   sorcerers,    end   t;  e  Cheldeans   for   to   shov;  the  king  ]iis    di'eeins.".. 

Joseph  and  Deniel,    inspired  b'-  Jeho'vieh  Tiere  each  encbled  to   e;  lichten 
their  respective  sov^reip.ns,    rP:  reoh  end  I^ebuchadnezzer,    after  the 
prof  ens:' oncl   intomrrt-ro   lied  i'iled;    'i-ile   Jacob,    Joseph,    Laben,    r-eniel, 
St.Petnr,    Gt.    Feiil,    end  rilct=-'B  ^.'ife  T;ere    each  eble  to   divine   the  inl;»=rt 
of  their  ov/n  dreams  recorded   in  the  bcririturos.      hu':   prof essiontJ. 
interpret'-tion  v;ns   not   clv/eps   inirllible;    and  perhrps   I   ctn  do   no  better 
in  this   conn.cction  thfn   to  --uote  Ilinpocratcs,    his  v;ords  hfvinn  been 
preserved  to  us  by  his   disciple.Gi:  If  r.    Z> 

"^"-r.ionf;    urcar:^s,    those  7;hich   zxe  of  divine   ori.-in  and  pres:'^.--!    either 

to   citi'-s  or    to   individuals,    fortunrte   or  unfortunr-te,    events  not    incu^-red 

*3:?:en-!le3   of  A,    Gt.Pcul's  h-ticedonian  call, Acts  16;9,      His    dr:;aip.  durlnr 
his   voya--'to   Itone,    Acts   27:    2Z--Z5]    of  h,    Leb'.n's  drocn,    '-en   21;£4; 
of  C      Jr.cob's   dr   eM  at   -   t'nel,    Gen.    27;    12 — 15,    Joseph's  trO  dreens,    Cen. 

317.5 o     i]:ereoh'c.   dr- c::-r,    '-e::.   41;    1 — 7,    tv;o   of *s   dre&'-is. 

Den. 2,    'JeTi .    4;5 — 2C,    and  one  of  Drnicl's   ov.n   d^'Tms,    -i^cccu'dcd  in   ch-ntT 
7  of  his   OT.'n   property. 

■.  b;    the    i'lult   of  th^  prrtics  concernod,    hcivG  their  interprctert;,   v;ho   are 
vhle   to   r'-r^if-n  to   th^m  r.n    -r.cct  I'-.^cjiinc.      There  are   q1c;o   drrurii;   In  vlJch 
the  cou]    announces  coroorenl  r.ffecticn?,    be  it    excess  of  fulnesc,    or 
tlie   evaci;£?tion  of  conxnitr.l   thin  ,s,    or   '.  ^    it   chence  tov,Ti-d  uriscenstoned 
thin,':s;    end  these  are  explcined  by  the  sejie   interpreter^!,    who  are  some- 
times deceived,    e_nd   ycnetii^cs   predict   correctly,    without   l:nov;inr:  why 
they   succeed,    tnd   soriietirr.cs   fcil." 

Tills  fret  led  to   the   rendering  of  en  obscure   end  double   interpretcti  on 
Qs.a  meF.ns   of  inr.urinc  tlie   diviner  Ereinst   error.      Absolute  trust   was 
reposed   in  tho  r-nd-.  ring,    as   is  evidenced  by  Joseph  beinc  sold  into 
Efypt   to   pr-vent   hl-n  from  becominf-  Lord  over  his  brethren;    and  i'hareoh's 
precrutionnry  irersures   rrcinst   the   impendinf:   frnine.      In  Greece   and  lione 
various  uienns  were  resorted   to  to   obt?  in  the   ■.vill   or  r^andfte  of  a 
perticulnr   deity  rec' rdinr  an  enterprise    ^bout   to   lo  undei't^ken ;    tfius 
pray-rs,    fastin   s,    sncrifices,    and   sleeplnr   in  tcriples  of  Ineube-tion.    o 

In  the  midst   of -this   implicit    Iteith   in  the   sup~rnf'turrl   ori^-in  of 
dreams,'  v/e   find   r    fev;   scattered  attem.fts   at   sdi^ntiflc   expl "'nation. 
Democritus   evolved  the   conception  that   dreads    ere  the   products  of 
simulac:.'a,    or  phantasms   of  corporeal   objects,    wiiich  ar"   constently 
floatin;-   in  the   Pir,    and  v/hich  attack  t!ie    soul   during  repose.      lie   did   not 
discard   the  prophetic   value   of   dreams,    for: 

"lb    is  possible    for  the   ir.aces  wldch  haunt  us   in   sleep   to   reflect 
the    states   of  th.e    soul      and  tiie   intentions  of  other  people,    and   so   1  o 
rever-l  th.c    future." — i  onist   11;    187. 

Plato,    in  the   ninth  bock  of  t'le   Republic,    affirms   thpt   the   dreams 
of  the   virtuous   diff-i^r   from  t-:ose  of  the  unjust,    and    says   th- t   drf-ening 
illustrr.trs   the    dominant  m.ental   imjiulses   and  habits   of  the      individual, 
thus   form.lnr,  a  contlnu-^ty  T7ith  t>ie   normal   operations  of   fceiinf,  and   tijou;:tit. 

Aruitotlc  refers  dr- r.min.f  to  tJie   fiction  of  objects  of  outwarc    sense 
wliicli  Inf.vcn  hehind  thon  impressions  upon  the  soul  and  bodily   frerne. 
Ur-:o:ninr  i.-o   snid  by  bin  to  be  the  fujict^  oniric  of  the  sensitive  pert  of 
tl-.e  nind,    but   of  thic   no   for  as    Itntrotic;    and  the  dr6;am   is  defined  os 
a  phantrsm  arir.ln.-   from  the  notion  of  senr^ible  perceptions  vjhen  it  X 

present.-i   i  t:-elf  to  liin  wno   is   csleep.     He  does  not   fail  to  note  the 
tendency  of  the   dr  c:.i    fc.ncy   to   greatly   excrcerate   impressions   receivf,d 
durin^-  the   sleeping  state. 

Cicero,    in  th.e  iJivinEt ione,    occupies   a  uninue  pl::ce   !,"-,onG  ti^e 
nacient:;    in  his   cor.iplete   rejection   of   the    Eup^  rn^  tiirrl   ori.^.in  of  uraris; 
ivhile  i-liny  v/culd  exclude   from  this  catacory  only  the  most   obviously 

It   seemc   n-turrl    that   physicians   sLould  have  made   the   first 
observctions  approxinctinp;  the    truth  as   to  tlie    cause  of   di-'^.ajns.      Thus 
we  find  PI:ppocrctes  asserting  that   dreans  often  arise  from  the  action 
of  the  mind  and  the   boay  upon  each  othero      Both  he   and  Galen   point   out 
the  premonitory   c;u'racter  of   some  dreams   in  t^:at   they   announce   b'foi'e- 
hand  bodily  affections.      Oriental  doctrines   rcf--r  dr  rming  to  the 
putholocical   condit-'cn  of  the   five   orcans,    hpart,    lunrs,    kidn-ys,    spleen, 
and   liv  r.      Thus,    to  dream  of  smoke    is    indicative  of   infected  lunrr, 

■|/hen  v,e  apprcacli  the  rxdern  theorirs,    7;e   are   greeted   at   tlie  t^irosi-old 
by  tv.'o   controverted  ru'stions.      Is  drcarainr  continuous   th'-ou;:hout   deep, 
or  only  an  incider.t^-l,    flcetinc  phenom'-non,    occ-oriinc  liurinc  the 
transitional     star;rr  bctvieen  sleepin,'-  and    .,£kin-?(a)      Is   tii"^    ili.-cam  process 
accelerated  bp.",on(\   the      rapidity   of  tlie  v, akin;-  thou^h-t?    (b)      To 
settled  ansT.'ers  are  to  the   first   inruiry,   v?hile  to  tl:e 
second,    ■.'■codv/orth  4   has  ci'ven  us   a  very  nice,    and   I   think   co'^rect, 
ansTjrr.      His  n  thod  is  merely  to   time  ti-  ins  of  normal   free 
associ  L-tions,    rtcrted    at   a  c^ven   si;:nrl,    and  stopped  at   any  time, 
count   tlic  numl;c     of   im' r.-'^s   in  the  trcin,    and  thereby  ascertain 

the   rapidity  o'f"  thr;    ?:ssocictive  procens. 

G.      ]Jcsc;'rL'  s,    in    conl'onnity  with  liin  :^hilo3ophic   principle, 
"I  t'link,    thc•^c^olt^  I  vv.i,"   fovma  it  -very  necessary  ard  convenient  to 
raaintrin  that   dx-'roninf;  i.i  ccntinuouE   thi'oui-hout  the  sleopinc  ctnte, 
oth' rv,'ir.e  he  would  ceased  to  exist  q  portion  of  tlie  time.     Locke, 
on  the  other  hand,    held  it   to  be  absurd  t)iv.t    we  shouli   remember  only   r^.wih 
a  fracticna]    pert  of  our   dr';ens   if  they  vierc   continuous  for  so  long  a 
time.     He  v;as  ansv;ored  by  Lemnitz,   v;ho  maintained  that  in  sleep  the 
mind  al;"rys  has  sane  little  perception  or  confused  sentiments,    thouch 
it  m.ay  not  be  conscious  of  it.     iCant   and  Hamilton  ^lere  of  th.e  sj-ine  op- 
inion.    The  latter  lield  thct  the  riind  is  never  v^holl;^  unconscious  nor 
inactive   in  sleep,   and  ur£:ed  th:  t  a  somnambulist  rar:ly  remcT^bers  his 
acts;   also,    that    ..iicn  v;e  are   aroused   from  sleep,    v/e  alv/ays   find  oul'- 
selvcs   dreaminr.      On   tlie  other  hand,    physiolcrists  are   dispcsed  to  vicv; 
dreams  rrt'rr  rs,  en  incident   than  as  a  regular  and   constent   accompcninct  t 
of   sleep,    clrj.,  in~   tir^t   h  f.lthl'ul   sleep   is   d_-e.  rJess. 

b,      IVoodT.'orth's  anElysis  of  Maury's   i'omous  c^illotine   dr^  em,    recorded 
by  JI..'^  IdiiK-ton   'a-ncc    in   Outlook  9R;    GV5,    and   by  otiier  authors   shows   th;  t 
it    cont'iriGd     not  more   then   sixteen   imrtt:C3,    -..Inch  mirht   r-esily  have 
passed  throU;_li   t'ne   dr.cmcr's  mind   in   four  seconds.      Tl  is  period   v.-ould  be 
readily  undcr-cstirrted   in   the  transitional   sttce   from  sleepinr  to 
wakin,",    or,    for  thrt  matter,    by  a  wrkinf:  observen,    rs   experience  t''ac>.erc. 
i'urthf^rmoro,    I  believe   it   highly  probable   tr.'.t   tlie    I'allinr;  rod   initiated 
the   di'erm  by  su^^estin'j  the  g^aillotine   f'e  mind    pupplyinj  th.e  remninder 
of  t!  e  dr   in  to  h.  nr.onize  v/ith  this   suGC-stion  but   v/ith  the   seruentiel 
order   vcv'rr^cd;    oth-^rvi-ise,    v/e  have   tJic  of  account infj  for  trie 
rod   f:'llin  ■  at   precisely  the   rirh.t  moment. 

Freud,    in  his  Trcun  Deutunc,   Is-ce  297,    translated  Into  Tvi^lish 
by  A. A. Brill,    vouches   for  the  theory   t'-^t   t'e   v;]iole    fancy  has   been 
previously   created   in  the   sub-conscious,    and   is   called   into   cor'.sciousr.asc 
as  a  T/hole  upon  recoivin^  the  proper  stimulus,    thus   supportln.::  the 
ecceler"  tion  idea.      In  ray  ov;n  experience,    I  have   noted  that 
instPntnncouE   P'.Trk^ninr  invrri^bly  has   ti:e   effect   of  dissipating  the 
dream  iranedicitely. 

These  ii'.; ces  are  not  exclusively  "visual .  He  v/es  tins  led  to  eoseri. 
ti-,.-  t  tl;e  dreain  proceES  exhibits  no  extrrordinnry  QccolerQtlon.  '»e  ere 
now  rr-ndy  to  ct-  to  the  modern  throriea  of  dr^  erainr.. 

On  the  one  hand  there  arc  tho:3e  v;ho  conceive  of  raind  C3  d  spiritual 
substai't-;-  which  acts  upon  tlic  body  vjhile  on  the  other  hand  -fie   have 
those  7/I10  re;';-rd  mental  phenomena  as  the  outcome  of  bodily  chan[:'^'S 
as  the  result  of  ?:efined  physiolocical  processes.  An  intermediate 
position  is  also  possible,  one  in  v;hich  tiiC  mind  and  the  body  ere  con- 
sidered as  separate  entities,  yet  connected  in  such  a  -.Tay  as  to  react 
upon  eech  other.  These  theories  account,  not  for  the  m.tthoa  of 
dream  producation,  but  for  the  cardinal  factor  in  its  causation, 

Metephysicic-ns  commonly  explain  dreaming  as  broucht  about  by  the 
suppression  of  som.e  one  of  the  mental  faculties,  the  vjill  and  the     y-'' 
critical  faculty  beinr;  comm.orily  selected  out  for  this  purpose. 

Cudv/orth  reasons  frcm  the  orderly  coherence  of  dream  in'.rginetions, 
and  from  tl-e  novelty  of  their  combinations,  this  ntcte  crises 
from  tlie  action  of  the  fant-.stical  po'.er  of  the  soul  end  not  from  any 
fortuitous  dE'uces  of  the  spirit;  -.vhile  Chopinlieuer  believ-'d  the  excit- 
inc  cause  of  dr^-ar.s  is  to  be  soucht  in  the  impressions  received  from 
tiie  int':rnel  orf-ans  of  the  orc:cnism  throuch  tlie  s^Tupathetlc  norvcus 

David  Hartley  is  p'xited  by  Sully  5  to  the  effect  that  tiie  elements 
of  dreams  are  derived  from  three  distinct  sources:  A,  im.pi'cssions 
and  iQe""as  lately  received;  B,  states  of  t'ne  bcdily  organs,  especially 
of  tlie  stomach;  C,  ideas  revived  end  restored  to  us  thrcurh  essoci'itlon. 
These  three  sources  readily  fall  into  two  classes,  peripheral,  end 
central  excitations,  and  tne  dreams  rrisin^  therefrom  are  rcsicctively 
desicnated  by  es  Calkins  6  as  presentative  and  representative.  Anyone 

V7ho  hrs  ci"'^Gn  ci  moment 'c   reflection  to  his  ov.'n   drcBins  v?ill  not   dip-'ute 
the  pibtency  of   recency  in  tlie   production  of  dreams.     Kost  of  us  have 


doubtless  liad  di'eariis  tr;.ceeble  to  sonr-tic  stimuli  indigestion,  position 
in  bed,  chrmce  of  temperrture,  eto.   The  fnird  source  will  n  ed  no 
demonstrstion  for  anyone  v/lio  will  cive  tlie  matter  a  brief  oondi  deration. 

In  formul.-.'tins  for  us  t]ie  theory  most  widely  eccerted  by  psyohol- 
Ot'-ists  ouily  stortr,  with  Hartley's  contribution,  then  seeks  to  ansv;er 
tv;o  ad'litionyl  nuestlons.   V/hy  does  the  dream  appocr  to  be  so  rcsl  to 
the  dr^rancT?  To  whr-.t  ceuse  or  causes  mu;  t  v;e  attribute  tie  emotional 
hrmony  of  o.  '^iven  di^'^nm? 

In  rcrl  life  v;e  ore  constantly  the  Yicti'is  of  illusi  ons.   liut 
these  illusions  nev:r  continue  to  dom.inate  us  for  any  period,  for  v;e 
as  constartly  coi'rect  or  verify  the  impressions  of  one  sense  orccn  by 
those  of  another.   lTo\7,  this  is  obviously  impossible  in  sleep,  since  all 
tlie  avenues  of  sej-ise  are  closed  up,  and  can  be  aroused  only  yiU'a   difficulty, 
Such  impressions,  then,  as  r'ach  and  excite  the  cortical  centres  have  sole 
rigbt  of  7/ay,  and  cannot  be  contradicted,   Tl;is  was  led  to  the  erroneous 
belief  tnr-t  the  imacination  is  stronger  in  dreams  tlian  in  v.akinc;  life., 

In  ansv;er  to  the  second  question  Sully  rays:   "If  any  emotion, 
whether  of  a  pleasurable  or  painful  chrrcctcr,  ^ets  a  certain  footing 
in  consciousness,  it  begins  to  play  the  tjTrant  in  relation  to  our  ide.^s, 
and  even  our  p^rcer.tions,  by  prcdisposinr;;  the  attention  tcverd  those  mental 
images  which  hcrmoni;:e  'r^ith  the  state  of  feeling."  Thus  results  the 
emotioncl  conrruity  of  a  dr*. ajn. 

Fo.'  Sully,  associ'-tion  is  very   important.   The  mind  is  passive,  and 
all  se-'uenccs  ajre  referred  to  the  action  of  association,  com.plicated 
by  the  o-cr-i'ecurrlnr;  introduction  of  ncv;  initirl  impulses,  both  peripheral 
and  centr-  1,  The  denree  of  cohere  ce  in  a  civen  dr'-ajn  is  due  to  ti;c 
reciprocal  modi  f ;  c  tionn  of  in^'f- s  by  their  respective  associative  fordos, 
both  d-f'nitc  and  specific,  and  indefinite  and  cenerol,  under  the  con- 
trollinr  influences  of  attention,  v.-i-ich  a-rin  is  stlr.ulr.ted  by  a  sen-- 



copsoious  iinoulce  to  cccMre  unity. 

Some  Guch  thcorj--  as  this  scens  to  be  Dt  the  bcsls  of  ti'e  vjork 
done  by  J'iss  Cnlkins  G_  at  '..'elleslcy.  She  divides  her  di'' onr;  into 
thone  of  p.'-.  cen' r  ticn  end  represer.t'^tion,  ccco.ainfj:  ns  they  tirise 
from  pcriphcTCl  or  cr-'.'nic  stiF.ull,  or  fron  c  erebrcl  activity.   Slie 
then  str.tes  the  follcv/inr  rules  and  principles.   The  drcel  v.ill 
reproduoe  in  renerc-1  tie  p-^rsons,  pieces,  and  content:;  of  riceiit 
sense  perception  or  of  very  vivid  incrin' tion — not  the  objf-ctG  of 
ordinrry  i-c.rin;  t  ion,  of  thought,  of  emotion,  or  of  vtIII  so  fcr  as 
these  nre  not  also  perceived  object.?.   T]ie  dr- rn  is  dintin-^in  r.hf'd  frcn 
v/pkinc  exiierie':Ge  in  t/rL  the  fc?Tner  presents;  A,  comparative  ff-eble- 
ncss  of  attention  and  of  Trill;  j,  77ant  of  di  ccri^-iinaticn ;  C,  relative 
lack  of  perce2)tlon.  The  incoherence  in  drear:s  is  to  be  accounted  f-;r 
by  the  svjift  c'lanrine  imagery,  and  by  the  intrusion  of  presentation 
into  the  triin  of  tr.ou^ht.  The  absurdity,  rhich  she  diFtin£uiEhed 
from  inocl'.'rence,  is  due  to  T'eckness  of  judrment. 

-island  7  he s  riven  us  an  interestinr  hypothesis  in  escribing 
dreams  to  t"..e  action  of  nemory.   i:y  his  teiin  "I.lemory"  he  includes  both 
instinct  and  hereditj'.   Ilis  idea  is  a  repetition  of  that  found  in 
'.I'ordS'Vorth's  "6de  on  Inctini.  tions  to  Irmor  tality. "  Ke  asserts  as  a 
noteworthy  feet  tlirt  those  in'':ividuals  who  come  of  inactive  pt  rents 
drTri  but  little;  while  those  individucLs  who  are  descended  from  an 
ancestry  which  has  always  led  rn  active  ar.d  stirrine  life,  such  as 
the  CczTrn.s  ard  the  horse,  dr-.a".  most  oft'n, 

3cl;-rn-r{E; ,  according  to  Freud,  (b)  advocct  s  or_"-r  nic  sections 
as  the  initirto.y  --cuse  of  drear'.s,  the  dream  be  inc  concerned  with 
interpj'ctinf  those  sens:Jtions  after  some  ixnner.  The  drecm  activity, 
as  this  theorir;t  putr  it,  strives  to  i-'-:presGnt  si'-mbolically  the  natujec 
of  the  orfn  from  whiich  the  stirnlus  proceeds.   Th.e  body  is  iraa'-;inc<i 
to  be  a  houf^e,  and  each  or  vt.   sone  particular  part  of  the  house. 

;i':b.-.:rt    (c)    ijclicv   s   f '.t   ti.e   f'l.iiotion  of  the   rlr  jpi  is   to   I'idtl'c 
r-nory  oV  u:.el-:33    -— --::-cr.E  rcc<;lvod  au..-in;  tli-  dcy,   belJyvi:-  th- t 
the  drci-i  tJiuc  rc'rj  err  c  caf  ty  \.'luc,    clitr/rir-  h-.:mful  F.r.t'- rif.l   into 
horT"l'-T,3.      I'or  i-.-'r-   t:-:r   'L'-'.rn  Is   c  nrocers  of  ppyri-ilc   -^.l  in  i  not  ion.    bv  ens 
eye   elininr-ti  ons  of  ti:ou;:^ts   nirpcd   in  the   b-.:d.      :o   thus   rrcr:l,cs   to 
di-;ans   ■:.:;.lir.c  r.r.d  unburdcninc   rrcr-rti '■.s.     The    ir:^i,ilsc  to  a/  f  :".  li'.s   in 
the  r;iin'l   Itrrif,    In  f  c   c:    r'oli^arin-  -./hi-"':  dernnds  dischrivo. 

^elcre    (d)    stands  s]^or.sor  i'or  a  nost   inter- stin;;:  hypothesis, 
namely,    t.:- t   ench  i'.oa   is  enJo-cd   v.l   h   a   certain   CTiciint   of  intcrn-jl   fo.r-c' 
An  unusucl   ex[-:vience,    as,    for  ezrnple,    tlie   d-^ath  of  a  nenr  relative 
or   friend,     ;'rr.-,vs   hec.vily  upon  this   supply  of  encrcy;    hence,    •.7hen   the 
subject    Irlls   asleep,    that    ilea  has  not   sufficient   force  left   to  me5-c 
itself  felt  as  a  drecri.      On  the  other  hand,    comrn.pnplace  ideas  retain 
their  store   of   enerry,    end  arc   liereby  enabled  to  assert   themselves   in 
the   foiTa  of   dr~cns.      His  o,7n   v;ords  v/ill   here   be    cuoted. 

"Sn  rdrle   r6n6ralc   Ics   idees   oui   ont   obsede  1'    esprjt   pendant   la 
veille   ne  rcYien:iant  pas   en   reve;    on  ne   reve   d   s   evenencnts   iP-portantc 
cue  Ic'rn.'M-   I'er'ooue   ou   lis   preoccupait   1 'esprit   a  un  haut   decre   s'est 
eloirn<?e. " 

Little  s-ei'iis  tc    r  .va   bee;i   done    L -■;...•■■'    .re  rr.tholoiy-  of   di'cor-.s 
except  to   record  remarkable  instances.   i:.oth  Fere   and  Ficlc  9   described 
in  detail   cases   in  vjiiich   certain  types  of   drcens   have   follov;ed  as   the 
result   of  underlyinc  patholoeical   conditions,    but   so   far   as   I  have  been 
able  to    ascertain,    vje   iiave  no   reliable  r   cord,    based  upon  direct  proof, 
as   to   the  exact   nature  of  these  disturbances. 

a.  Freud's  Traum  Dsutunc,    Faje  IG'J 

b.  All    i ef erences  to  Freud's  Draun  Deutunc  ere  understood  to 
refer  to   the  Fn^lish  trrnsl-  tion  by  A.A.Lrill,    published  by  tiie  I.'acriillan 

c.  Cf.      Freud'r:   Trr  un  Dcutun~,    i-c^xs  139,    4G7,    G6 

d.  Cf .A'-.erican  Jourr.' 1   of  i^sycholoyy  "<ol.    5,   Face  C2. 

Cur  kno'.iea:;e  of  the  physiological    coiviitions  undorlyinj  Siiid 
acconiinnyinc  drcaminc  is  but  little  better.     JJefore  surveying:  this 
evidence,    ho->7ever,    I  shall  fi.-st   (.-Idcs.    ty  ^/ey  of  (ligression,    ot   t;\e 
vorious   nleep  hypothesis. 

Sidi:;'  10  and  Poster  11   sunr.ri^e  ti'.e  numrous  theories  of  sleep 
under  five  heads  A,    physiolocicel,    ^7hich   comprises   the  mechaniccl 
and   chemicpl   theories;   B,    nctholoricca ;    C,    hietologictil ;    D, 
psycholoricel;    I'.,    biolcGicr.l.      Accrv'dine  to   the  raechcnic-.l  ti:eorics, 
sleep   is  rttributcble  to  alteretioi;s   in  tlie   circulctory  process. 
On  the  otnor  J.and   it   v;03  held  tl:rt    sleep   Is   brought   about   by  pressure 
of  the  blood  upon  the   brain  and   spinel  ncrrovf.      Opposed   to  thin  viev? 
is   t!ie  theory   thrt   sleep   is  due   to   cerebrf^l   aenemie.      Kammond,    by 
means  of  the  milometer,    proved  that   the    inter-cranial  blood  pressure   fs 
less   durin,';:   sleep   then   in  the  T/aklnc  state;   and  Howell  12  reached  the 
same  conclusion  throunh  ai    elaborate   series  of  plethysmoeraphic   ex- 

The   suppat-ters   of  the   chemical   theories  attempt   to   exploin   sleep 
as   the  outcom.e   of  the   loiTiation  v.'ithin  the  blood  end   about   the  brain 
of   some  deliteriouG   substrnce,    lactic   end   ncrbonic    acids  beinp   t.'.e  -lost 
comn'.only  d   sici^fted  of  tl':ese   foriT^-ticns. 

Patholocice.llj',    sleep   is  vj  e^ed  as   a  kind   of  lecvirrinr:  epileosy. 

■  ■hen  v;e  approach  hii3tolo~y,    v;e   find  sleep   explainable  en  the 
assumotion   of   Interrupted  neural  cor.Uucti' !■•  y .      iatieue  or  otii-.-.-r    causes 
■,7idcn  the   synapses  by  causinf;  the  dendrites  to   contrf;ct,    so  t::t   the 
nervous  cuiTent    cannot   circulste,    and   sleep   eots   in.      GraOnr.lly   the 
synapses   are   r' stores  to  nomif  lity,    ti:e   circuit    is   r- --^etr  Mirhed,    and 
t;:e   sleevior  c:ic]:^s. 

I'sycho]  0,-y,    in  the  v;or-'.s  of  I'anaceii^e,    recerds   sleep  as   "'^he 
restin.^  ti:e   of  consciousness."      It   is   essential  for   tiie  r.aintr  nance  cf 


of  conscious  activity.  The  explt'nftion  is  rormulated  L;.  Ileubsl. 
"I.xnt.-.l  acti-;ity  clencnds  upon  inconin;;  P' rlphcral  Gensory  ctiinulotiors. 
'•^hen  r:vir;h  prriphcrpl  sensory  stimuLrtjons  are   absent,  mental  cctivity 
in  In  ilvymico,  find  pTo'^ji  rcrailt.?!." 

An  to  tii'^  blo.loclo.'l  cf'uno  oJ'  sl'^f^ii,  it  w^y  bo  boat  suira'vri^.ed  in 
the  one  v/ord,  evolution.   Sleep  is  tx   hcbit  v/Lich  hcs  been  foined  on  the 
basis  of  the  Ititcrn-  tion  p-;:riods  of  licl'-t  and  darkness. 

It  is  bryond  mi'  scope  to  inouire  into  the  arguments  and  evidence 
for  end  arainct  etch  and  all  of  tiicse  hypotheses,  so  t  .et  I  shall 
pass  imnedictely  to  the  physiolccicol  basis  of  drcsminc. 

It  is  ass'Kied,  says  Sully,  that  each  drecm  ansv.-ers  to  some  local  and 
circunsdrilied  cerebi'al  excitation.  As  sleep  comes  on,  tr^e  brain  sinl:s 
into  a  nuiescent  st;te.   Accovdini"  to  ic  ttr  11  obser'. ations  mcde  in 

18?^1  upon  a  I'ontecelier  v;omcn  who  had  lont  a  oortion  of  !!■  r  Elavil, 
shov;  that  tbe  brain  becomes  at  the   same  tine  aenemic.   It  wr,   observed 
^hat  durinr   ctivity,  the  paleness  of  the  ortex  ri:ave  place  to  a  rosy 
flush,  the  suritce  I'occ,  :;onetim'--3  even  filling  the  openinr.   :iut  tlie 
record  I'ils  to  state  rriiether  physicaJL  or  ncntrl  activity  is  r,  '"nt,  or 
both,  and  no  distinction  is  d_avrn  bct.vcen  ',aid.n~  and  sleepirf:  activity. 
■  ■e  m'-y  tli-  rcfcrc  acsume  t  at  ejcai-eful  sci'v.tiny  v.'ould  rov':alrd  soi-ie 
evidence  of  t,l;c  sunplartinc  of  this  aen- nia  by  t^e  flush,  c- en  in 
dr  cminr,  v.hich  is  a  kind  of  mental  activity.   Tl;e  flush  on  the  fact 
of  the  drcT.i'.er  has  often  been  noted  as  indicative  of  the  sajnc  condition, 
nam.ely,  cerebral  excitation, 

Kercicr,  13  in  his  Sanity  and  Insanity,  has  constructed  upon  this  basis 
a  iieli-'itful  hypoth  sis.   He  t'.r.t  the  brain  becomes  --uiraccnt  in 
sleer,  but  net  every  xrt  of  it  simultaneously.  Portions  stand  out  here 
and  there  like  islands,  unsubmcrccd  beneath  the  G-r.ercl  flood  of  lethr.'rc.v. 
Str^  aric  of  :iervous  er--r  y  circulrte  i.-cn\:   these  islands,  tlius  conrectlnr 
tlicm.   T'-is  p-;rtial  activity  of  the  briin  constitut  s  t'ne  phenomenon  of 

clrc&ninc,    and  would  i''..'adjly  ciccounl;   for  the   inoon^ruity  of  drecuiis. 

Like   evevy  othor  phn:  e  of   activity,    no  natter  of  what,    dJ-'-om- 
in.2  hcs  b'.en   subjected  to    c-::pcripentction.      It  -.vould  teke  me  too  fer 
afield    Lo  diycufjs  tids  ni-'ttcr,    qo   1   Imvc  no   orirln^l  natter  to  O-ftr. 
but    it    is   ii^tcrcstiiif,    rince   it   denionstrct'-.s   vdth  whrt   eesc   and   cert;  inty 
drrains  m- y  be   induced  or    effected.     AndrcBs,    14,    l^rmccdra,    11  Ilonroe.lC 
end  ot.-mley  17   hsve   ci''en  the  r-'fults  of  tl'.eir  expo   imonts;   v/hile   'Jornin' 10 
does  not    cpcnl:  of   ch'caina,    but   conflner,   his  tittention  to   sleep  exclunively. 

One   v;ord   in  closinc,    v/Mch  T.ill  else   serve  as   a   prrliminc-ry  pre- 
paration  for  tie  n^zt    cliipter,    as  to  the   sicnificance   of   dr-'cns   to  !::y. 
Those  v.-^io   ctudy  this  ph.vse  of  conscious"er.s   frora  a   scientific    st- ndpoint 
are   in-^lffi!ied   to    -tt'cii  no   si^jnificance   to   it,    but   coniinc   thcrncelv--  to 
foiTfiulc -I  inr  tlie   l^v;s    :y  T.hich   it    is   ccntrclled,    a::d   to   jTvcclin^-   its 
.  ounces. 

-Ironr:  t-e  rxss  cf  people,    however,    dr'cns    ere   net    so   re^-rirded.      'I'ruc, 
raany     ;ercons   speak  derislv   ly  of  the   i'.ea  t   ct   a   dr-cn   s'Oulf3  hnvc   a 
TTieaninE,    bi:t   this   is   not   borne   out   b  y  their  conduct,    nor  their  ircrc 
sincere  utterendes.      I  have  had  nuiierous   vcrbrl   a^'d   T.Tittcn   rv-ui-sts   to 
supply  n-anlii   3   for  -.Prious   types   cf   di^eans;    ard  riost   individuals  ccnfcs" 
thct   a  bed   diccri  worries  then.      Thus  we   find  dream  interpretation  to  be 
not   e'iti-":ly  a  thin:j  of  the  pcst„      The   follo'.in-;  quotation,    taken  frcn  the 
letter   of   'n  educcled,    and  not    aiprrstitious   t--Echer,    is  typical:    "I  have 
often  wondered   if,    tlircu  h  tlie  ir.edi'jm  cf    di":exis,   we  occasionally  ret   a 
glinpse   into   t::G   future."     Sur.ce  drcairs   as   those  recorded  by  i^ruce,    19   t'.ct 
of  Prof.   TlilprechtjEO   and  the   telepathic  drva^s   of  I.Iyers,21  make  us    stop 
and  nond- r,    ar.d  h'-'.-^i   ate  to  clacs   then  all  as   idle  fancies. 

A  Com:  arative  Studi^  of  Dreams  of  the  Blind  and  of  the  Sighted, 
with  Special  Reference  to  Freud's  Theory. 

Chap.  2.   Freud  and  Psycho-AnaL ysia 

In  the  preceding  ch^ter  I  have  reviewed  somewhat  ejigramatically 
the  history  of  dream  theory,  and  in  a  still  more  precursory  manner 
that  of  sleep.   In  that  survey,  however,  i  reserved  for  this  chapter 
the  most  modern  dream  theory,  that  reservation  being  based  upon  the 
psychological  and  psychiatrical  significance  of  this  discovery.   I  refer 
to  the  work  of  Sigmund  Freud  of  Vienna.  The  facts  of  this  theory 
have  been  corroberated  by  all  who  have  taken  the  trouble  to  try  out  the 
psycho-analytic  method  scrupulously  and  conscientiously,  and  vdthout 
prejudice.  The  theory  is  based,  not  upon  mere  hypothesis,  nor  upon 
hastily  adduced  conclusions,  but  upon  the  careful  and  minute  analysis  of 
not  less  than  fifty-thousand  dreams. 

It  was  said  in  the  last  chapter  that  very  little  exact  and  scientific 
work  had  been  done  toward  tracing  the  pathology  of  dreams.  That 

assertion  needs  now  to  be  modified.  The  subject  of  the  present  chapter 

is  purely  pathological,  for,  as  William  A. White   points  out,  every 

psychic  fact  or  mental  state  is  dependent  upon  some  antecedent  psychic 
fact  or  mental  experience  which  exercises  a  determining  influence  over 
the  present,  and  without  v,hich  the  present  would  have  been  impossible. 
The  work  of  the  psycho-analyst  consists  merely  in  tracing  back,  link 
by  link,  bit  by  bit,  the  concatenation  of  mental  experience,  till  the 
troublesome  factor  has  been  disclosed. 

I  cannot  hope  to  convince  anyone  of  the  validity  of  the  con- 
clusions I  am  about  to  state,  since  I  can,  in  the  space  at  m^'  disposal 

do  little  more  than  give  a  bare  outline  of  the  fundamentals  of  Freud's 
theoz-y.  But  I  confidently  trust  that  my  readers  will  take  the  first 

opportunity  to  become  acquainted  with  the  more  extensive  literature 

upon  the  subject,  and  verify  for  themselves  the  claims  made  by  tl^e 

originator.     Ferenzzi  remarks  that  each  one  must  prove  for  himself 

the  facto  obtained  by  psycho-analysis. 

T2ie  first  fact  with  which  Tie   have  to  become  acquainted  is,  that 

the  dream  consists  of  tv/o  parts  in  contradistinction  to  each  other, 

the  manifest  content,  and  the  latent  content.  The  former  is  what  we 

remember  and  i-elate  as  the  dream.   It  is  the  senseless,  illogical, 

incoherent,  often  fra^nentary  recollection  of  the  conscious  activity  of  the 

sleeping  state.  The  latent  content,  on  the  other  hand,  sometimes  called 

the  underlying  dream  thoughts,  is  the  entire  netv.-ork  of  ideas,  thoughts, 

associations,  and  experiences  which  are  discovered  to  be  the  motivating 

source  of  the  manifest  content.  This  latent  content,  when  completely 

worked  out,  which  requires  a  painstaking  effort,  is  found  to  be 

associatlvely  congrous  and  coherent.   It  is  found  to  contain  certain 

well-marked  experiential  and  ideational  elements  which  I  shall  later 

seek  to  point  out.  There  come  to  the  surface  not  infrequently  during 

the  psycho-analytic  process  certain  forgotten  memories  belonging  to 

the  experience  of  the  individual,  which  have  been,  as  it  were,  covered 

up.   Another  difference  between  the  manifest  and  latent  contents  should 

be  here  noted,  namely,  that  whereas  the  former  is  usually  brief,  and  can 

be  told  or  written  in  a  few  sentences,  and  is  often  disconnected,  the 

latter  is  many  times  longer,  often  filling  many  pages,  and  frequently 

requiring  hours  to  be  developed;  and  it  is  quite  closely  connected.   It 

would  be  well  here  to  say  a  word  concerning  the  psycho-analytic 

method,  or,  a  s  Brill  terms  it,  psycho-analysis. 

The  patient  or  subject  is  instructed  to  assume  an  easy  and 

restifful  posture.  Freud  preferred  his  patients  to  lie  down,  he  sitting  at 

the  head;  while  Brill  obtained  his  results  by  having  the  patient  sit 

in  an  easy  chair,  the  physician  and  patient  facing  one  another. 

The  dream  is  then  related  and  divided  by  the  psycho-analyst  into  iti 
parts  or  elements,  each  consisting  of  a  single  bit  or  i:.^;::e.  The 
patient  must  now  throw  aside  altogether  the  critique  which  he  ordinarily 
exercises  over  his  v/aking  thoughts,  thereby  abrogating  the  selective 
control  over  his  incoming  ideas,  and  let  his  mind  be  perfectly  open  to  what- 
ever associations  may  happen  to  come.  The  first  bit  of  his  dream  is 
presented  to  him,  and  he  relates  faithfully  every  idea  that  occurs  to  him. 
Nothing,  relevent  or  irrelevant,  must  be  suppressed.   TThen  no  further 
associations  are  forthcoming,  the  next  image  of  the  dream,  or  perhaps 
it  may  be  a  phrase  or  a  single  word,  is  tr^  ated  in  the  same  manner,  and 
so  on  for  the  entire  dream.  The  mass  of  associations  thus  obtained  con- 
stitute the  latent  dream  content.  The  manifest  content  is  developed  from 
the  latent  content  by  means  of  what  is  known  as  the  distorting  inechanism, 
which  we  shall  not  consider. 

There  are  four  distinct  distorting  mechanisms  concerned  in  the       / 
process  of  dream  building;  A,  condensation;  B,  displacement;  C,  dramat- 
ization; D,  secondary  elaboration. 

Condensation  expl-ins  how  the  large  mass  of  associations  constituting 
the  latent  content  is  capable  of  biing  boiled  do\7n,  as  it  were,  into  the 
manifest  content. 

The  dream,  therefore,  is  merely  representative  of  the  latent  con- 
tent. Each  element  in  the  dream  trails  behind  it  a  long  chain  of 
associations.  Not  only  is  this  true,  Uit  each  element  in  the  latent  con- 
tent is  connected  to  several  in  the  manifest  content.  The  elements  of 
the  dream  are  not,  therefore,  representative  in  the  accepted  sense  of 
the  word.  Thus  the  lines  of  association  cross  ajid  recross  each  other, 
as  shor.'n  in  the  accompanying  diagram.  Yfere  it  not  for  this  condensation 
factor,  each  dream,  if  we  Bver  dretoned,  would  coincide  with  the  latent 
content;  but  this,  as  we  shall  later  see,  would  not  be  permissible. 
In  this  fusion  brought  about  by  condensation,  we  should  note  that  some 

.  Df  the  elements  in  the  manifest  content  are  very  rich  in  associatloi-s, 
while  others  furnish  us  with  meagre  connections. 

There  are  t-flo  methods  by  which  condensation  may  be  affected,  com- 
position, and  identification.   If  the  fusion  of  elements  has  taken  place 
in  the  latent  content,  v?e  have  identification.  Thus  I  may,  in  my  v/aking 
life,  identify  one  person  or  place  with  anotjier  person  or  place.   In  my 


dream  only  one  of  these  appears,  but  the  analysis  gives  me  to  understand 
that  the  other  one,  with  which  this  one  was  identified,  is  meant. 
Identification  is  concerned  chiefly  with  persons  and  places.  On  the 
other  hand,  if  the  fusion  of  traits  has  taken  place  during  the  construction 
of  the  dream  itself,  we  have  what  is  called  composition.  One  of  my 
own  dreans  furnishes  me  with  an  example.  I  was  in  Indianapolis  and  went 
to  call  upon  IMble   B.  during  the  afternoon.  She  lived  on  Laurel  Street. 
Only  her  parents  were  at  home,  but  they  yiere   very  entertaining.  Mable  B 
is  one  of  my  home  friends,  but  I  haye  a  friends,  Zoa  H.,  living  on  Laurel 
Street  in  Indianapolis.  Previous  to  the  tire  of  this  dream  I  had  been 
in  Soa's  home  only  twice,  one  afternoon,  and  again  the  next  monring.  I 
have  called  at  Liable 's  home  and  found  her  absent.   I  have  always  wanted 
to  live  in  Indianapolis.  Now,  since  I  would  never  have  fused  these 
Elements  when  aviake,  they  have  taken  place  during  the  construction 
of  the  dream;  hence  we  have  composition.  Thus  it  becomes  apparentat 
once  how  a  single  image  in  the  manifest  content  may  represent  a  much 
larger  portion  of  the  underlying  dream  thoughts. 

Turning  now  to  the  second  of  the  distorting  mechanisms,  dis  - 
placements,  we  find  a  means  or  accounting  for  the  bizarrences  of  dreans. 
Those  elements  which  turn  out  in  the  process  of  anlaysis  to  be  most 
significant  are  least  emphasized  in  the  dream,  or  else  they  are  torn  from 
their  natural  surroundings  and  installed  in  a  foreign  environment;  while 

The  circles  in  this  diagram  indicate  the  elements  in  the  manifest 
content.  The  crosses  represent  the  associative  elements  of  the  latent 
content.  The  straight,  smooth  lines  connect  single  elements  of  the 
manifest  content  with  one  or  more  elements  in  the  latent  dream  thoughts- 
while  the  dotted  lines  connect  several  of  the  elements  in  the  manifest  ' 
content  to  single  latent  dream  thoughts. 

greatest  stress  is  laid  upon  the  psychically  loss  important  elements. 
V/e  thus  see  that  there  is  no  correspondence  bet\7een  the  psychical  inten- 
sity of  a  given  element  in  the  dr-am  and  its  associative  elements  in 
the  latent  content.   If  we  employ  the  phrase  "Transvaluation  of  all 
values,"  v?e  at  once  get  a  conception  of  the  work  accomplished  by  the 
displacement  factor  in  dream  formation.  Examples  of  condensation  and 
displacement  are  revealed  only  through  psycho-analysis,  Eind  cannot, 
therefore,  be  given  here. 

V/hen  ve   turn  to  the  factor  of  dramatization,  we  find  at  the  outset 
that  dream  imagery  is  predominantly,  but  not  exclusively,  in  visual  terms. 
The  scene  depicted  in  the  dream  passes  before  the  sleeping  consciousness 
as  if  being  enacted  from  a  theatrical  stage.  The  dreamer  is  merely  a 
passive  spectator,  while  the  dream  is  rehearsed  before  him. 

Just  as  the  dramatist  of  real  life  must  conform  to  certain  rules 

in  order  to  represent  action,  so  the  dream  consciousness  has  its 

restrictions.  J.Iental  processes,  judgnient,  reasoning,  etc.,  are  not 

really  a  purt  of  the  manifest  content,  but  are  taken  bodily  from  the 

underlying  dream  thoughts.  A  dream  is  not,  therefore,  a  piece  of  reasoning 

work.   I  am  v;ell  avmre  that  the  opposite  viev;  is  held  by  llaveloc  Ellis 

who  contends  that  dr  earns  are  predominantly  exhibitions  of  logic,  the 

accuracy  of  the  logic  depending  upon  the  materials  with  which  the  dreamer 

is  presented.  The  logical  concatenation  between  two  thoughts  is  indicated 

by  the  synchronous  appearance  representing  them  in  the  manifest  content 

of  the  dream.   If  the  cause  of  connection  between  two  dream  thoughts  is 

indicated,  it  is  done  by  making  one  thought  represent  the  other,  or  else 

by  a  transformation  of  one  into  the  other.  An  examination  of  dreams 

hhows  that  we  do  not  find  an  alternative  expressed.   If  a  choice  is  to 

be  made,  it  is  not  done  by  "Either,  or,"  but  the  two  are  connected  by 

"And,"  giving  the  dreamer  both  choices.   Very  frequently  a  dream  is 

inverted,  or  a  portion  of  it,  in  which  case  its  meaning  becomes  quite 

'.'    '•■'•'     ■ 

obvious  as  soon  as  the  conditions  are  reversed.  This  inversion  ma:  be 
with  respect  to  the  actual  incident  in  the  dream,  or,  with  respect 
to  its  meaning.   I  shall  illustrate  the  first  frcm  my  ovm  dreams. 

I  was  at  the  University  v?ith  Liarie  H. ,  a  sichtless  friend.   V/'e 
were  going  from  Tirkwood  Hall  to  the  library  by  way  of  the  Student 
Building.  As  we  neared  the  flight  of  steps  by  the  west  entrance  of 
the  Student  Building,  I,  as  a  sign^al  that  we  were  about  to  descent, 
pressed  v;ith  my  left  on  her  right  hand,  which  had  hold  of  that  arm. 
But  her  foot  slipeed  and  she  fell. I 'asked  her  if  she  were  hurt,  and 
she  replied, "Not  much,"  Once,  when  alone,  I  slipped  in  the  same 
place,  and  went  to  the  bottom  of  tiie  steps,  but  without  serious  con- 
sequences.  Last  spring,  after  I.^rie  had  been  here  attending  my 
commencement,  we  were  both  in  the  home  of  a  mutual  friend  in  Indianapolis. 
Early  in  the  evening  we  were  all  upstairs.  There  had  been  a  mutual 
spirit  of  ti-asing  all  evening,  and  as  we  started  to  descent,  I  picked 
Ivlarie  up  in  my  arms.  But  my  foot  slipped  on  the  third  or  fourt  step. 
The  same  question  and  answer  ere  exchanged.  This  dream  thus  combines  the 
two  incidnets,  and  reverses  the  situation  in  the  onfe. element  of  falling. 

Secondary  elaboration  is  the  name  which  Freud  gives  to  the  last 
of  his  means  of  distortion.   Condensation,  displacement,  and  dramat- 
ization are  due  to  the  activity  of  the  underlying  dream  thoughts,  or, 
more  properly,  to  the  endo-psychic  censor,  which  we  shall  shortly  con- 
sider. Secondary  elaboration,  on  the  contrary  arises  from  the  activity 
of  the  more  conscious  processes.  To  this  factor  is  due  whatever 
ordering  sequence  and  consistency  there  mtiy  be  in  the  dream.  Anything 
which  serves  as  a  connecting  link  between  two  portions  of  the  dream, 
anything  which  determines  the  sequential  order  of  the  various  parts, 
is  attributable  to  secondary  elaboration. 

In  the  dream  making  process  there  is  exercised  no  creative  act 
whatever.   Fancies  are  sometimes  interpolated  bodily  into  the  dream. 

in  fact,  there  is  in  dr  am  construction  nothing  but  previously  fonrer 
mental  processes  transformed  into  the  dream.  The  dream  ignores  the  most 
obvious  contradictions,  makes  use  of  highly  strained  analocies,  and 
brings  together  v;idely  differentiated  ideas  by  means  of  the  most  super- 
ficial associations. 

By  Tihy  all  this  distortion?  Any  v/hy  this  complicated  medhanieni? 
The  answers  to  these  interrogations  can  best  be  found  if  we  consider 
the  meaning  and  purpose  of  the  dream.   Such  an  inquiry  will,  perforce, 
take  us  into  the  very  heart  of  Freudianism. 

In  our  every-day  waking  life  we  become  conscious  of  many  vjishes, 
some  of  which  are  realized,  some  of  which  may  possibly  be  realized,  and 
some  of  which  are  beyond  our  attoinment,  either  because  of  conventionality 
limited  means,  lack  of  opportunity,  or  other  barriers.  If  a  wish  is 
granted,  we  no  longer  have  anyting  to  do  with  it.  If  there  is  a 
possibility  of  its  gratification,  we  at  once  set  about  to  gain  our  end. 
Buf,  if  satisfaction  of  the  wish  is  impossible,  we,  in  common  parlance,  set 
about  to  rid  our  minds  of  it.  In- reality,  however,  it  is  disnisaed 
only  from  consciousness.  Suppressed  though  it  be,  it  still  lurks  in 
the  recesses  of  our  sub-conscious  strata.   If  a  favorable  opportunity 
offers,  this  suppressed  or  repressed  wish  will  again  assert  itself 
in  consciousness.  But  sane  wishes  are  of  such  a  nature  that  theyd;  are 
not  present  themselves  in  their  true  guise.  The  sleeping  state  makes  it 
easier  for  these  wishes  to  assert  themselves,  and  they  are  not  slow  to 
take  advantage  of  the  opportunity.   In  our  dreanis,  therefore,  we  realize 
the  fulfillment  of  our  wishes.   In  early  childhood  these  wishes  are 
literally  fulfilled. 

The  ciiild  dreams  by  nieht  that  he  ic  inipossesaion  of  sor-.ethlnc 
that  he  has  Been  denied  by  day.   But  as  the  inhibitions  of  cociety 
are  ci'adually  ;  uilt  up  within  the  child,  as  his  little  viorld  expands  and 
becomes  more  and  more  intricate,  as  his  wishes  become  more  numerous  and 
varied,  some  of  them  are  repressed  and  can  make  their  way  into  con- 
sciousness only  in  discuise.   Freud's  formula  mny  therefoi^  be  rendered, 
"A  dream  is  the  (disguised)  fulfillment  of  a  (suppressed  or  repressed) 
wish."  Let  me  illustrate. 

In  a  dream,  I  had  just  leturned  from  school  at  Indianapolis,  and 
-was  informed  by  father  that  I  had  an  overdraft  at  the  bank.  I  called 
the  cashier  and  inouired  about  the  matter,  infonning  him  that  I  still 

had  53.05  to  my  credit.   He  then  explained  it  as  not  equivalent  to  an 
overdraft,  but  something  which  I  could  easily  avoid.   In  my  three  years 
experience  in  decline  at  the  Bloomington  National  Bank  I  never  filled 
out  the  stubs  of  my  checks,  but  carried  the  am.ount  of  my  deposit  in 
my  Bemory.   Two  days  after  the  dream  I  wrote  and  cashed  a  check  for 
$3.05,  and  left  my  book  to  be  balanced,  calling  for  it  two  days  there- 
after.  I  found  upon  reviewing  mj^  checks  that  I  was  overdrawn  sti.20,  instead 
of  being  even  as  I  had  intended.   Obviously  the  dream  revealed  my 
situation,  but  contradicted  this  in  the  information  from  the  cashier, 
thus  fulfilling  my  wish  not  to  be  overdrawn.   I  found  a  check  for  Cl.20 
•which  I  had  given  last  spring,  and  w:iich,  evidently,  I  had  failed  to 
take  conscious  note  of,  but  which,  nevertheless,  had  registered  itself 
upon  my  unconscious  mind.   V/e  thus  realize  in  sleep  what  we  cannot 
obtain  when  awake.   Dreams  are  not,  t'nerefore,  as  is  commonly  supposed, 
disturbers  of  sleep,  but  in  their  intent  its  guardians. 

The  nature  oi'  the  wish  to  be  expressed  determines  whether  it  v.ill 
or  will  not  appf-ar  in  disguise.  Every  thought  or  idea,  before  raining 
admittance  into  consciousness,  must  pass  in  reviev;  before  the  endo- 

l.sychic  cnnsor.   Tl  ir-  censor  is  tje  sum  tot'.l  of  the  inhibitions 
and  conventiorolitics  ^^r.lch  are  gradually  .Toven  into  our  psychic  lif 
plus  the  faculty  of  tlie  mind.  Anythino  vrdch  is  distasteful 
to  this  censor  must  find  some  means  of  evadine  it  in  order  to  rain 
expression.  The  four  m-chanisms  discussed  above,  condensation, dis- 
placement, dramatization,  and  secondary  elaboration,  are  nothinr  more 
than  Bieans  of  evading  the  censorship.   In  wakinp  life  the  censor  is 
active,  and  is  aulck  to  repress  any  unvjelcome  iuea.   In  sleep,  however, 
the  censorship  relaxes  its  vieilance  to  a  considerable  degree,  so  that 
the  subconscious  thou-hts,  by  diseuisin,;;  themcelves,  may  eluiie  the 
censorship,  and  thus  come  to  the  focus  of  consciousness. 

i^xamininc  nov?  the  latent  content  with  a  viev/  to  ascertaining  the 
sources  of  the  materials  that  enter  into  the  composition  of  the  dream, 
v;e  find  that  the  dream  :  as  its  starting  point  in  some  recent  extjorience. 

In  the  majority  of  cases  this  experience  is  found  in  the  program  of 

the  previous  day.  Lliss  Calkins  reports  tliat  89'/c'  and  90^?:^  respectively 

of  the  dr- arr.s  in  the  t.vo  diaries  at  her  disposal  were  thus  traced, 

while  in  the  t.vo  I  have  examined  I  find  this  element  demon Etr!:.ble  in 

90/1-  and  85/^  respectively.   Freud  contends  t).cit  if  we  could  get  complete 

records  in  all  cases,  we  would  doubtless  find  that  the  previous  day  had 

contributed  something  toward  the  formation  of  each  dream.   The  dream 

instif  ator  may  be;  A,  a  recent  significant  cxp-::rience  directly  represented 

in  the  manifest  content;  B,  a  recent  si'-niricant  experience  indirectly 

represented  in  the  manifest  content  b^  the  appvarance  there  of  an 

indifferent  associated  experience;  C,  an  internal  significant  process, 

(memory),  regularlj'  fepresented  in  the  manifest  content  by  an  associated, 

recent,  indifferent  fxrerience.   This  leads  us  to  two  concluGions;  first, 

that  the  dream,  never  deals  with  trifles,  but  with  experiences  of  great 

physchical  importance;  second,  that  these  signifi  :a'!t  exreriences  are 

most  freone-itly  concealed  in  the  manifest  content  behind  something  trivial. 

Both  th'/se  conclusions  are  amply  verified  by  prrycho-analycis. 


The  other  two  pecullEiritios  of  drp'ani  memory,  preference  for  recercy 
beinc  already  noted,  ure  exprnssed  thus:   experiences  are  selected 
other^7i3e  than  In  our  v/akiuc  life;  and,  hyp'-rnmesi  a  for  forcotten 
experiences.  T;  is  last,  vrhen  traced  out  thorouehljr,  reverts  in  most 
cases  to  infantile  exiDeriences.  Freud  includ.:  s  in  his  term  "Infantile" 
the  early  years  of  childhood  also.   The  instance  of  a  youns  man  who 
dreamed  that  he  saw  his  childhood  tutor  and  nurse  in  bed  together  is 
in  point  here;  for,  upon  relating  it  to  his  elder  brother,  he  was 
laughingly  confir-ed.  The  dreamer  was  but  three  years  of  age  at  the 
time  of  th^se  occurences. 

This  example  leads  naturally  to  a  discussion  of  the  nature  of  the 
material  v.ith  which  our  dreams  deal.   All  dreams  of  anxiety,  says  Freud, 
have  a  sexual  basis;  and  in  fact  the  vast  majority  of  dreams  have  the 
same  foimdation.  by  sexual  Freud  includes  the  'ihole  love-life  of  the 
individual,  and  do:3  not  by  any  manner  of  means  refer  exclusively  to 
the  gross  sexual.   In  his  "Three  contributions  to  the  theory  of  sex," 
Freud  sho\7s  that  the  beginning  of  sexuality  is  not  deferred,  as  most 
persons  believe,  to  the  period  just  prior  to  adolescence,  but  it 
dates  almost  from  birth. 

Infants  soon  manifest  signs  of  sexuality.   Children  are  polyinorphus 
perverse,  that  is,  if  an  adult  behaved  as  a  child  does,  he  would  be 
deemed  sexually  perverse.  Thumb-sucking,  displaying  or  looking  at 
his  genitals,  or  at  those  of  other  persons,  various  excitations  connected 
with  the  skin  in  r::eneral,  and  the  sensations  accompanying-  the  bladder 
and  anal  discharges,  all  tend,  directly  or  indirectly,  to  av.-aken  and 
nourish  the  sexual.  As  the  child  gror.s  oldor,  ho-,7ever,  no  group  of 
feelings  ss  repressed  with  more  rigor,  and  yet  no  group  of  feelin  s  so 
completely  dominates  him  as  docs  the  sexual.   His  sex  lile  demands 
gratification,  but  conventionality  represses  and  restrains  it.   Is  it 
not  normal,  then,  that  sexuality  should  seek  some  outlet  for  its 

expression?  In  psycho-neurotics  we  invariably  find  sex  pla^'ing  a 

/-  / 

pi'eponderatin,'-  role  in  1"  rnishinf;  dream  vriahes.  Since  it  is  new  knr  v.n  that 
abnormality  is  nothing  more  or  less  than  exaf--gc; rated  nonr.allty,  is  there  any 
reason  for  exrpectin,';  the  dreams  of  normal  persons  shall  differ 
essentially  I'rom  t'jose  of  abnormal  pf.rnions?  I  think  not. 

with  this  important  inform-ition  in  hand,  the  reason  for  such  manifold 
distortion  in  the  manifest  content  becomes  at  once  apparent.   The  sexual  is 
rigidly  repressed  in  v/aking  life,   when  the  censorhhip  has  been  somiev?hat 
relaxed,  those  feelings,  formulated  into  v/iches,  strive  to  assert  themselves. 
But  tlie  censor  is  not  entirely  asleep,  therefore  the  censor  must  assume  a 
disguise.   Should  the  censor  be  eluded,  it  counteracts  the  v/ioh  by  sucsest- 
ing  that  "It  is  only  a  dream,"  and  so  allov/s  the  subject  to  slumber  harm- 
lessly on.  The  diseuise  is  aifected  through  a  mass  of  symbols,  many  of 
Tjhich  retain  essentially  the  same  m'-.aninc  for  practically  all  di-eams; 
though  the  psycho-analyst  must  avoid  too  hasty  and  arnitrarj'  a  conclusion. 
Thus  animals  indicate  sexuality,  but  the  behavior  of  the  animal  must  dedide 
for  any  rjiven  dream,  the  nature  of  the  v/ish.   Long  objects,  candles,  canes, 
etc.,  symbolize  tlie  male  genital;  V7Jdle  boxes  and  other  hollov;  objects 
denote  the  fem-'.le  genital.   Flov/ers  are  apt  to  sirnify  offspring,  and  so  on. 

l.'e  may  nor;  recast  our  formula  into  like  the  lollovjing: 
"A  dream  is  the  (disguised)  fulfillm.ent  of  a  (suppressed  or  rtrpressed}  v/ish, 
traceable,  at  least  in  the  majority  of  cases,  to  infantile  sexual  memories." 

Just  a  Yjord  as  to  the  role  of  somatic  stimuli  in  the  production  of 
dreams.   Hartley  and  the  older  writers,  and  l^veloc  Ellis,  a  re  inclined 
to  accord  a  prominent  place  to  this  causOo   On  the  other  liand,  Liss  Calkins 
found  it  to  be  rather  unimportant,  and  my  o..n  dreams  verify  her  results. 
Freud  vjould  agree  v?ith  this  conclusion.   Ke  says  tl--.t  a  sleeper  may  i-eact  to 
a  somatic  stimulation  of  a  lively  n>iture  in  anj-  ofle.  of  four  v.-ays; 
a.  he  mj.y   ignore  it,  as  in  bodily  diseare;  b,  he  may  feel  it  during,  or  even 
throughout  sleep  without  dr-aming  at  all;  c,  he  miiy  be  av.'akeded  by  it;  and 
d,  it  may  be  woven  into  a  dr  an.   In  tiie  last  case,  however,  it  ent'-rs  in 

2-  ^ 

'.''iscuirf;,  and  depenia  upon  tlje  nature  of  the  clreom. 

i3eCoj-e  boclnnin/3  the  work  of  psycho-analys  i  e,  as  has  already  been  aaid, 
the  subject  must  tbror;  aside  tl:e  critlnue  V7ith  wluch  he  juoees  his  waking 
thoughts.   He  must  do  moi-e  than  this.   He  must  aid  actively  in  brr  akinr  do;vn 
the  rsistance  -.^aich  is  interposed  between  the  analyst  and  certain  elements 
in  the  latent  content.  Freud  empirically  found  an  intimate  and  l^eitimate 
relation  betv.een  the  dejjree  of  confusion  and  incomprehensibility  present  In 
a  given  dr-^am,  and  the  di^'ficulty  erDerienced  by  the  patient  in  corniTiunicat- 
ing  the  free  associations  leadinfr  to  the  dr'.  am  thoughts.   The  anount  of 
distortion  V7as  found  to  be  related  to  th-^  resistance  to  the  processes  v;hich 
prevented  the  unconscious  processes  fromi  becoming  conscious.   It  therefore 
becomes  important  to  break  every  psychic  barrier  to  the  free  associations, 
for  behind  each  resistance  is  concealed  some  experience  or  association  of 
signific?.nce.   In  this  same  connection  it  is  v  luable  to  note  thct  the  v;:ak 
points  of  a  dream  fabric  are  the  first  to  drop  out  of  consciousness;  hence 
a  dream  i^elated  at  tT;o  different  times  will  present  certain  dif ferei;ces, 
which  differences  are  of  no  small  importance  from  the  standpoint  of  the 

■'hatever  else  may  be  said  of  a  dream,  it  is  decidedly  egotistical.  The 
dream  is  alv.ays  concerned  v.'ith  the  dreamer,  and  with  him  alone,  and  lias  no 
thought  for  other  persons.   True,  other  individuals  appear  in  the  dr-'-am,  but 
it  is  eitijer  because  they  have  some  relation  with  the  dreamer,  or  becauE=-    S>^ 
they  conceal  behind  their  personality  that  of  tj:e  dreamer.   To  I'epeat,  dream 
thoughts  are  processes  of  the  greatest  importance,  never  about 
matters  v;hich  concern  others. 

Uo  matter  hov;  different  dreams  may  appear,  careful  analysis  shows  that 
all  the  dreams  of  a  given  night  spring  from  a  common  source,  and  portr>,.y  a 
common  wish.   Analysis  may  therefore  be  facilitated  if  the  subject  is  able 
to  recall  more  than  one  of  his  dreams  for  a  given  night. 

In  closing,  then,  I  can  do  no  better  than  to  use  the  final  words  of  Dr. 


Ernest  Jon-s,  "Der  Traum  ist  die  via  noria  Lur  Kenntnlss  des  UnbeTmsster 
ir.  Seelenleben. " 

Drsoni  Quostlonncire, 

1.  General   Ir.forration. 

A.  li.'imo   In   l"ull,    and  conoral   stato  of  liculth. 

B.  Sex. 

C.  Date  of  birth. 

D.  Nationality,  of  parents. 

E.  Extent  of  education;  indicate  hov?  much  of  it  v/as  received  before 
failure  of  sight. 

F.  Describe  your  tei;iperarnent  or  disposition. 

G.  Is  your  life  more  or  less  secluded  and  quiet,  leavinr  you  much  time 
for  •editstion;  or  is  it  filled  V7ith  social,  business,  or  other  enc-ageinents? 

H.  At  v?hat  ase  di<i  your  sight  begin  to  fail?  "..hen  did  it  recii  its  present 

I.  Indicate  as  nearly  as  possible  the  extent  to  '■.;.ich  you  see, 

J.  Your  usual  hoar  for  retiring;  for  risinr, 

A,  Do  you  sleep  sou  dly,  lichtl;,-,  brokejily,  or  continuously? 

L.  ])o   you  in  h'-alth  dream  constantly,  that  is,  every  niy"-t,  or  ^e_rly  so? 

I.;.   Do  you  usually  dream  one,  or  more  than  one   dream  in  a  circle  nifl*? 

2.  Character  and  effect  of  Dreams. 
Ao  Do  you  ever  have  nici^tnare? 

E.  Do  you  dream,  of  tJungs  reyulsive  to  you  in  rahinc  life;  reptiles, 
toads,  blc:>d,  accidents,  etc.? 

C.  Do  you  dresj::  of  friglitful  objects  and  occurrences;  stoirts,  earthqu:.::es, 
volcanic  eruptions,  accidents  by  laud  or  sea,  strcnce  person?,  places,  or 
things,  etc.? 

D.  Do  you  dream  of  pleasant  events,  experiences,  and  places;  your 
friends  and  relctivea,  travel,  etCo? 

E.  Are  your  .va'iin--  aribitionc  fuiriileU  in  :.our  dreains? 
Y.   Do  yon   drea'i  of  the  dead,  fre'.Miontl..-  or  rarely? 

G.  Do  tile  dead  in  your  dre.-.'j-s  appear  as  living  or  as  dead? 
II.  Do  such  dreaiic,  in  the  drear  state,  excite  sympathy,  Porrov;,  joy, 
indifference,  or  vjhat? 

I.  Do  you  dream  over  the  events  of  the  r-receedinr,  day,  cither  exactly 
or  slir:'  tly  altered? 

J.  Do  you  fremic.ntly  dream  of  the  t]:incR  uripen^ost  in  your  i.iind  in 
\7akinr;  life? 

II,  Ar-  your  drea':.':  ever  fulfilled,  ficuratively  or  literally? 
Lo  Vro:;t  is  ti-e  effect  upon  you  of  a  coed  drean;  of  a  bad  drecm? 

3o   Sensations  in  Dreanso 

A.  Do  you  ever  dream  of  falling,  or  flying? 

Bi  "j'ith  v,'hat  are  these  dreains  associated;  bridges,  staircases,  l:oles, 
precipices,  otc^? 

Co  '.iTiat  froup  of  sensations,  visual,  auditory,  snell,  taste,  tactile, 
tenperature,  or  nuseular,  seen  to  predoninate  in  your  dreans,  both  in  frequency 
and  in  ireportance? 

D.  Do  you  in  drems  h-'ve  visual  inaces? 

E„  Are  these  ir'ares  freeuent  or  rare? 

F.  -Ji'e  these  ina-^es  clear  and  sharply  defined,  or  blurred  and  indistinct? 

G.  Docs  color  ap-ear  in  your  visu'il  inai^es? 

II.  '.xe   t-; ese  ii-ares  noriral  as  you  think  of  tl'iem,  or  see  t);eri  in  v:akinc 

I.  Do  auditory  sensatjons  play  an  inportant  role  in  your  drears? 

Jo  Are  your  auditor:.^  sensations  limited  to  only  a  fev?  sounds,  or  do  they 
embrace  a  v/ido  s'fhere  as  in  ncnnal  T;akinr  life? 

K.  Do  you  have  distinct  c:^ell  sensations  in  dreams? 

L.  Do  you  have  taste  sensations  in  drcf'jnn? 

11.  Do  tactile  sensations  frecuejitly  au- eiT  in  your  dreains? 

N.  Sixe   these  sensations  general  over  large  areas  of  the  body,  or 
are  the;,  I'colised? 

0.  Have  you  ever  been  able  to  read  words  or  sentences  in  your  accustomed 
embossed  tyre? 

P.  Do  te.  ijeraturo  sens'dtions  frequently  a  I'ear  in  your 

Q,.  Do  muscular  sensatjons  play  an  inporta::t  part  in  your  dreau  life? 

4.  i^notions  and  I/er-tal  Irocesses  in  Dreams, 

A.  Do  hate,  love,  sorrow-:,  joy,  fear,  envy,  sexual  excitation,  pride, 
anper,  je:  lousy,  or  other  emotions  a  rear  in  your  dreans,  or  only  a  fev;  of 
these;  or  is  your  dreari  life  indifferent? 

B.  Do  you  carry  on  reasoning  r/ithin  your  drearis? 

C.  Do  you  ever  solve  difficulties  in  your  dreans  which  have  re rplcxed  you 
in  wakinc  life? 

D.  Do  you  in  dreans  observe  objects  very  minutely? 

E.  Is  your  dream  ner.iory,  as  compared  v/ith  your  -iaking  neniory,  stronger 
or  wea.iCer? 

r.  Have  you  ever  remembered  v/ithin  a  dream  that  you  have  had  that  dream 

G.  Is  there  a  tendency  manifested  in  your  dream.s  to  rerceive  objects 
as  larger  or  smaller  than  the  normal? 

5.  Sonnamlulistic  Phenonena  of  Dre-'-r.So 

L.   Do  ycu  m':ke  unsucccrsfal  effort.-:  to  move  or  speak  in  your  dreams? 
B,  Do  you  ever  talk  aloud  in  your  sleep? 

C.   Reveries. 

A.  Do  you  iiave    f-pveri?:;   or   dcy-diTons? 

B.  '.ilvxt  conditior.s  are   favorable  lor  nrotUicinc:  them  in  your  case? 

C.  Relate   in  detail  one  or  tvjo  of  your  i-cveries. 

D.  .:-re   they  becoiun.::  nore    IrenueTit   or  rarer? 

E.  ',lin.t   is  your   feeling  or   attitude   to'.-ard  tlieii? 

7o  Conclusion. 

A.  Do  you  as  a  rule  rerienber  your  dreoris  T;eil  upon  awakeninr?     Do  you 
rer.:enber  the   somnExrabulistic   features,    or  krovj  then  only  from  report? 

B.  Are   you  tired  or   exhausted  in  tlie  norninc  after  having  a  drt-ai'i  in 
v;hich  you   eit.'.er  did  r.ove  or   speal;,    or  atte  pted  to  nove  or   spcal'? 

C.  ..'hat   is   trie   effect  upon  you   of  an  unusual   ar.ount   of  dreominc? 

D.  Do  you  employ  any  rietliods  to   influence  your  drearas?      If   so,    descri-re 
them  in  full. 

E.  To  what   causes  do  you  ascribe  your  bad  or  disagreeable 

A  CO.i.-JlATIVi,  c'J-JUY  OF  DR]:;j'S  OF  TIC'J  ULliiU  .J.Jj  Ci''  Tlii  oIGr/Il-ID, 

■..■■J.Tn  3Pi;Gi:i  :'t:.-;F--iit:'cv  to  frj^ud's  t:zchy. 

Chapter  3,   Dre-.ns  of  the  Llind  and  of  the  oichted. 

I  have  nov;  Gc-;nleted  tlie  historical  survey  of  dre:jji  tJieory,  ard  uiri 
ready,  after  a  fev;  prelininary  remarks,  to  attack  the  specific  problem  v.j.ich  I 
have  undertaken  to  sol-;e.   T'liis  problera  is  a  detriled  ezanination  into  the 
dreams  of  the  blind  and  of  tiie  sighted,  point  by  point,  comparinc  ,:.nd  con- 
trasting the  one  v/ith  the  other.   It  is  -y  purpose  to  inquire  Into  the  re- 
semblances and  differences  of  tlicse  tv;o  classes  of  individuals  MiVr.   resTC  ct 
to  their  drearis,  an.d  if  possible,  to  seek  a  cause  xihich   will  ader.uately  account 
for  these  similarities  and  dissimilarities.   It  tlms  becomes  apparent  at  once 
that  I  a^m  using  the  adjective  "Comparative"  in  the  title  of  this  ^7ork  i7lth  a 
double  m.eaning,  namely,  tliv.t  of  comparison  and  contrast.   This  is  cractly  v/liat 
I  intended  to  do.   It  is  unon  the  contrasting  points  tliat  I  shall  lay  the 
greatest  stress,  though  the  resenblance  dare  not  be  overlooked. 

As  a  side  issue  of  t}iio  subject,  I  stlcII  endeavor  to  set  fort;-  the  blind 
in  their  true  light,   iuch  7,'as  the  m.otive  v;ith  yihich  I  initiated  and  continued 
this  research.   T!:e  blind  have  often  been  n-ainted  in  fiction  and  poetry,  aiid 
have  received  soiiie  m,entio!i  frcri  psychologists;  but  in  literature  they  a"  ear  as 
abnormal,  uncouth,  uncanny  beings,  rerrese  .tat j ves  of  some  rare  sp^.'Cies  of 
creature.   In  Tsycbology  tlie  state-^fnts  concerning  tJ;is  class  arc  for  t}.e 
most  part  based  upon  current  ideas  and  sayings,  or  else  uron  facts  gleaned 
fromi  too  fe'.7  individuals,    -is  an  era!  pic,  I  need  only  mention  the  "Sijrth 
sense"  idea,  v.'iiich  is  ever:a7heTe  current,  and  •.7aic.-  has  crept  into  i-'sychology. 
It  is  my  hope  in  this  thesis  to  contribute  one  rate  to.ard  a  better  under- 
standing of  the  sightless  •  s  a  class.   If  I  succeed  in  this,  I  shall  be  con- 
tent,  ierhans  others  vill  study  one  by  one  the  vast  array  of  psychological 

differences  and  sinilaritios  betv^ecn  these  t-.7o  classes. 

I'y  invent i cation  has  included  not  only  dreans,  but  two  kindred  phases 
of  activity;  A,  soruu-mbulism;  D,  reverie.   T:,e  rel(.;tion  ar:onc  tiicse  tJ'roe 
is  cuite  jntiMate.  Reverie  rescribles  dreaming;,  according  to  Freud,  in 
having  a  common  sexular  oricin,   Scmnanbulism  seems  to  belong  to  the  province 
of  Q  doei:er  slocp  tlian  docs  tlio  mere  dream.   Thin  distinctirn  munt  suffice  n 
here,  deferring  the  more  minute  study  until  the  proper  place  is  reacl'ed. 

The  ]:'.aterial3  for  this  treatise  have  been  ca't'iered  from  five  distinct 
sources;  A,  a  nuestionnaire  consisti^r  of  sixtj'--thj7ee  questions,  anJ  which 
V7as  placed  in  every  school  for  the  blind  i^  the  United  States  and  Canada,  and 
fifteen  liluropean  schools,  including  England,  Scotland,  France,  £v7itzerl?_nd, 
Germany  and  Austria;  3,  t-o  dream  diaries,  m;'-  ov/n,  containing  174  dreams,  and 
that  of  a  frierd,  103;  C,  individual  dreams  and  reveries  accom.pamyine  the 
questionnaire  returns,  or  sent  in  by  interested  friends;  D,  additional  facts, 
mostly  in  the  v;a.y   of  verification  of  doubtful  questionaire  ansv/ers,  ca-'th  red 
through  personal  conversation  V7herever  ;:os3ible,  otherTJise  by  caref'jlly 
v/orded  correspondence;  E,  such  literature  as  was  available,  though  t':is  last 
Tjas  scanty  indeed.   The  total  returns  to  mif   questionaire  amounted  to  IOC 
from  the  blind,  of  vrnich  t7?elve  were  ruled  out  on  account  of  thie  amount  of 
sight  possessed  by  tliose  persons.   The  remaininf  ninty-four  are  eitlier 
totally  blind,  or  barely  able  to  distincuish  li';ht  from  darlniess,  and  came 
from  various  parts  of  the  country,  but  do  not  represent  all  the  states;  while 
five  are  fro'u  ILanover  Cerm.ani/'.   Only  nineteen  returns  were  received  from  the 
sighted,  nest  of  these  comine  from,  students  of  Indiana  University;  l:ence  it 
will  be  neccss-^r:,  to  draw  heavily  upon  the  vrorh  of  other  invcsti.-:,ator3  for 
this  cl'.r.s  of  individuals.  \ 

7  1. 

The  net'-od  of  keepinr;  tbe  tvjo  dream  diaries  v;a3  the  sane  as  that 
emiiloyed  by  Tiss  Calkins,   nodified  sufficiently  to  be  adaptable  to  sic  tlf^-ss 
persons.  'I'h'^  slate,  as  it  is  called,  {3ee  diacr.-im  on  nert  pace),  r/ith  a 
sheet  of  paper  in  place,  nas  laid  vjithin  easy  reach  of  the  sleeper;  the 
stylus  and  >7atch  under  the  pilloiv.   Upoi'  VJakine  from  the  dreara  the  subject 
noted  do',-)n,  the  time  and  a  fcv;  words  of  the  dream.  At  the  first  opportui.ity 
in  the  morninc  tl.'e  dream  vias  written  out  in  full,  comi.ents  added,  and 
Yilierever  possible,  it  s  connections  vdth  previous  wakinc  experience  were 
traced.   Botli  these  diiries  have  already  been  referred  to  in  Chapter  Two, 
and  my  ovm  record  furnished  :  e  V7ith  tliree  illustrative  dreaas. 

In  classifyinc  the  material  derived  from  tlie  cuestionaire  returns,  the 
papers  v/ere  first  divided  according  to  sex.   Each  clcss  v;as  then  divided  into 
three  grouDs,  accordinc  to  tlie  ace  at  v?hich  sicht  was  lost.   In  the  first 
class  were  placed  all  those  Tiho  had  lost  their  vision  during  the  first  five 
years  of  life;  thd  second  contained  those  who  beca':e  blind  between  the  fifth 
and  seventh  years;  wiiile  in  tlie  t..ird  is  to  be  found  all  tl'cse  who  v.'ej.e 
deprived  of  sight  after  the  seventh  yec-r. 

It  is  quite  a"  arent,  j owever,  that  no  real  differences  are  to  be 
adduced  from,  this  minute  classif  cation;  hence  tlie  firuies  are  co-bined  in 
two  groups  according  to  sex,  except  in  ejection  Tiiree,  nuestions  A  and  B 
excented,  v/here  sex  distinction  is  obliterated,  and  the  cl.isslf  i  c-tion 
according  to  date  of  loss  of  vision  is  retained. 

Tlie  scanty  returns  from  the  sighted  were  lihevdse  worked  over  on  tl.e 
basis  of  sexo  But  t::cse  ficures  are  too  small  to  be  of  value  in  ost  cases, 
so  tht't  I  shall  endeavor  to  confirm  or  disprove  them,  by  drawing  upon 
statistics  from  other  sources. 

It  was  intended  originally  to  make  a  study  on  the  basis  of  sore  of 

the  otiier  ion  contained  in  section  one  of  tlie  nuestionaire,  questions 
D,  F,  and  Q  bein::  desicnated  for  this  purpone,  but  that  study  had  to  be 
abandoned  in  view  of  the  fact  that  those  tla-eo  quest  Jons  were,  in  mcEt  cases, 
too  inddermately  and  variously  ansr/ered  to  admit  classification.   Question  E 
also  served  as  criterion  by  vjhich  to  judge  the  paper,   I  shall  nov?  take  up  the 
material  bit  by  bit,  follo'.Tinc  the  ruestlonaire  as  a  guide,  becinr.lnc  v;it  h 
question  A  of  Section  2„ 

The  folloninc  table  will  reveal  the  exact  figures  available  for  tliis 

Table  PJ^<,        91   19^ 

Blind  Sighted, 

M.  F  I,;  F 

Yes        2O(64::0  17(2Gf.)  4(3?-:)  4(6C;0 

1-0.        11  45  0  3 

a.  Uupibers   follo'-ving  the   table   deoign^'t  ion  indicate  resrectively  the  number 
of  blind  and  the  sighted  answering  that  questiono 

b.  I'l  and  F  in  ti;e   tables  are   sex  designations. 

But,    for  t.-.'o  reasons,    no  conclusions  must   bedr<v.7n   from  t'lis  tabfc  ;    A,    the 
inadequacy  of  tiie   figures,    especially  these   from  t;  e   sighted;    B,    failure   to 
comprehend   exactly  what   characterizes  a      A  glance   at   the  table  dis- 
closes the   fact   that   the  l;=.rgc-st   group  of  cncvrers,    namely,    t/'cse   fror'  tJi  e 
female   blind,    represent   the  1'  rest   p'rce::ta-:e  of   t   ct  e  having  I'.igj.tmare,      .-jiy 
correlation,    therefoi'e,    '.vould  be  grossly-  riislcading. 

In  corir  on  parlarce,    a  nightmare   is   synonjr-.ous  vrith  a   fearl\il   or 
oppressive   dream,    and  doubtless  this   idea   is  Mrevalent   in  tl-e  answers  returned 

to  m.y  question,      I   sh.all  t:.erefore  parse  to   inquire   into   the   real   constituent 


characters  of  nightmare,      Jewell        surmnri:  es  r&inmond   and  I.^naceine   to  the 


effect  that  nightmare  is  a  physical  rat!  er  t;;an  a  nervous  matter.   Jones 

enuriierates  the  various  thoorics  thr.t  huve  been  adva.-iced  to  erpl-j^in  tlds 
imludy,    for   n    I3   li:doc-d  a  r-^ulid:.'.      Lovjcr  bciievcG   the  condition   is   due  to 
the   collection  01"  IjTiph  in  the   fourtJi  ventricle  of   tl^e  brain.      '.Villis 
ascribes   it    to  t]ie  ni::i:;c  of   inccncruous  iiiatter   in  th.e  blood  vjith  the  nervous 
fluid   in  the   cerebelluii'.      Fossate  would  have  uc  believe   it   to  be   an 
affection  of  tl->e   anterior  colurm   of  the   :;pinal  ir.arrov?  and  the   nerves  arisinc 
therefrom.      :L3ail]  ey  attributes   it   to  undirected  hwiors   stoppinc  the  pussace 
of  the   ani'nal    spirits   so   that   the   body  can:!Ot  Dove.      llohnbaun  assur^es   that    it 
is   produced  by  the   rresence   of  poisonous  cases  or  miasnata.      Splittrerber 
fantastically   asserts   that   it   occurs   at   certain  phases  of  the  noon.      Laillar'-ei 
and  Rousset   lay  the  ailTnent   to  the   cliar^e   of  cerebrid   conrestion,    hrdllarcer 
attributing   it   to  primary   conrestion,    r;hilc  hnusset   states   that    it    is  due  to 
active   con-j-stion  of  the  brain,    brourht   about  by   fearful   or  e;:citii;c  ideas 
of  the  previous   eveninr.  Current   opinion   fron  the   tine  of  Calen  ascribes 

nightr;are  to   rastric   disturbances.      There  nay  be  of  tvjo   sorts,    overeating-,    or 
in  the  presence   in  the   stonach  of  undicested   substances.      Lrasnus  Darv;in 
affirms  ni^htnai-e  to  be   caused  by  the   effort   to   arouse  one's   self  fron  tea 
deep  a   sleep. 

All   those  theories,    lov.-ever,    niss   tiie   essential  poi'^t,    nuf.ely,    tj;e 
predisposition  of  the   sufferer  to   t]'e   attaches. 

This   is   esseiitioJL,    ar:d  T/itrout    it   these  otJier  t)  eories  are, 
AG   to  the   ear-marhs  of  nicl-tnare,    or  Arir-st   attack,    as  Jones   e^rpresses 
it,    affirrinc  thet   tlicre   is  no  v/crd   in  Irf-lish  wliich  so  well   cor'.biries   the 
fearful   arprehen:  ion,    panic-stricken   terror,    and  awful   anxiety,    dread, 
and   anguish,    the:    are  three   in  nunber:   A,    aconizinc  dre".d;    B,    sense  of 
oporession  of  weicht   on  tl:e   ci;est   whic!.   alar^i^cly   interferes  with 
respiration;    C,    conviction   of  helpless  paralysis,      '..'e  need  not   here  note 

the  subsidiary  cii^^racteiT. 

ITow,    if  VIC  revert   to  Freud,    and   assune  T/ith  Jones  that   _nc2t   is  closply 
connected  uitli  tlie  sercual,    '/;e  have   a  Tforkable   hjT3ot::Ocis.      ./e  have  alreedy 
noted  that   the   greater  tlie  re:;ressinc  influence   exerted  by   tlie  endo-psychic 
censor,    the  nore  distorted   is  the  dream  that   reui-esents   the   fvafillment    of 
that   v/isb.      "/e  nay  noi?  add  that,    wlien   tbe   distortion  is   not   sufficient   to 
conceal   tlie  v/lsh,    that    is,    v.-hen   the  conflict   is   so   G^eat   that  no   coriT-roi'iise 
is  possible,    sleep   is  broken,    and  the   subject   awakes.      "Je  have  already   seen 
the   importa -ce  of   sex,    a;:d  rJGor  '.vith  vrhich   it    is  repressed,      .'^supiir^,   then, 
that   ni:::]tinare   is  alv;ays   an  expression  of   ir.te':::e  r-ental   conflict   centering 
about   some   forii  of  repressed   sexual   desire,    r/e  '■^y  note  '.Valler's   observation, 
confimed  by  Jon'-s,    tliat   tMs   co:  plaint    is  r:cre  prevalent   arjor^  un  arried 
T7omen  than  ainonc,  the  riarriedo 

'Yhan  the  desire  s'  o"/3   such  veherence  as  to  t'lreaten  to  cverpov.'er  the 
repressing;  force  exercised  by  conscious:'ess,    and  at   the  same  tine  is  of  s-'.ch 
a  nature   as   to  be   in  the   liighest   decree   inaccaptable,    then  vie  have  present 
the   conditions   for  the  -'ost  violent  mental   conllict   inaGinable,      In  proof  of  these 
seem.incly-  chi   crical   assertions,    it   is   instructive  to  note   tlic^t   the  translation 
of  these  desires   into   consciousness   is   follov/ed  by  the   immediate  disaiipearai.ce 
of  the   sj-TTiptoms. 

Table   23.      68       19, 

Blind  SiGhted. 

1.1  F  I.I  F 

Yes     17  (53^^)        57  (esf:)  7  {50^!)  4  (66::) 

Wo      15  19  5  3 

Despite  the  s'  allness  of  the  above  fiioires,  v?e  find  tiiat  they  tally 
very  closely,  there  beii'C  ^  variation  of  only  5';'  and  2-/j   resp  ctively  for  the 

inale  and  the  fen^ale  oontrlbutora.   V/iccam'^'  rer.  rts  out  of  20=]  retuxnc 

as  drearlnn  of  tl.ln.n  they  abhor  in  wakinc  l^.fe.  Tnis   lower  flru.e  i.ay 

probably  be  due  to  the  strnncth  of  the  idea  of  abhorepoe  as  contrasted 

vn-th  that  Of  repulsivenes3.   One  thlrc  at  least  is  e,,arent  fron  the  table. 

that  the  blind  receive  ideas  of  repvasivenesc  as  freely,  ,s   easily,  and  in 

practically  the  sa^ne  proportion  as  do  the  seeing   Superficially  t;,is  would 

seen  a  contradiction,  since  vision  is  so  all -import ant.  T.e  repulsiveness. 

then,  would  beem  to  lie,  not  in  the  i^ediun  by  which  it  is  transmitted 

to  the  blind,  but  in  the  relation  of  the  nind  itself  to  that  object.   It 

TOuld  seem  to  be  a  quality  possessed  by  the  idea  independently  of  sense 

perception,  \!e   ,,.ust  not  fail  to  notice  in  passins  that  the  fer.ales  reveal 

a  hieher  percentage  of  these  dreams  than  do  the  m.iles.  This  fact  is  wholly 

in  accordance  with  the  more  sensitive  fem,inine  mind.  A  woman  will  recoil 

from  an  object  or  situation  which  a  man  regards  as  quite  comr.onplace. 

Table  EC.   07   19. 

Blind  Sicnted 

I.I  F  H  p 

^^^      -2(69;  )  33  (60:)  7  (58^;)  4  (6O:;) 

^To      10  22  C  3 

•  Here  again  we  see  a  fairly  close  correlation  between  the  dreams  of 
the  blind  and  of  the  sigiited.  Two  explanEtions  nir-ht  be  offered  for  the 
excess  of  the  blind  over  the  seeinc;  first,  that  the  number  of  tJie  latter  is 
too  small  to  ad_nit  of  any  valid  conclusions;  second,  that  the  blind,  being 
deprived  of  sight,  must  depend  more  upon  tlieir  i-  aginative  powers  than  is 
required  of  thicse  wh.o  have  vision.   It  goes  wit:  out  saying  that  ir.acina- 
tion  al^es  victims  of  us  all.   A  blind  nei'son  will  hoar  a  sound  and 
being  unable  to  identify  it,  will  construct  a  h^-pothetical  caune»   The  same 

The  same  rdcht  easily  he  transferred  to  drcvjnl.i  I'e.  The  lliiitation  of 
blindness  oxTers  j'et  another  solutioji  vj'iich  I  will  illustrate  by  exa  nle. 

A  sjiort  ti'  e   Qco,  as  a  pure  jol:c,  I  sl.ov.ed  a  kitteji  to  a  younc  I'-dy 
T7hom  I  Icnev;  to  have  u  regular  phobia  for  cats.   Ciie  v/as  on  t  e  oj^posite 
side  of  t]ie  street,  but  irs-ediately  t?olc  tc  flirht.   Ilad  she  been  va  thovit 
sip:ht,  I  would  have  been  eble  to  a  nroach  i":ear  enough  to  allcw  her  to 
touch  the  aniiial.   In  tnis  case  the  fear  T/ould  have  been  inteiisified  by 
tlie  close  proxiniity  of  tfie  1-  aclned  danger. 

One  I'lore  peculiarity  is  noticeable  in  table  2C,  najTiely,  that  fear  Feens 
to  be  more  i^'evalent  in  t  iie  nale   eribers  than  in  the  female  in  case  of  t}ie 
blindo   V/e  naturally  expr-.ct  women  to  be  raore  sensitive  to  fear,  as  in  the 
case  of  tlio  sighted,  but  the  condition  is  reversed  for  the  blind.  The 
answer  is  simple.   It  is  nuite  a  cornon  thinr;  to  see  sightless  nen  goi^^C 
about  the  streets  alone,  even  in  crowded  citjeso  Girls  and  wcnen,  however, 
without  siGi''fc>  ^-^'^'   not  seen  out  alone.   I  jave  ore  totall^  blind  lady 
acquaintance  wiio  will  not  under  any  conditions  cross  the  road  alone  in  front 
of  her  hcne;  while  another  irfonned  me  that  she  never  ventured  farther 
than  the  blcok  in  which  sne  lived.   A  sic'itlcss  lady  never  r-ocs  out  except 
in  company  with  someone  upon  whom  she  can  dei'end.   In  this  ociidition  she  does 
not  ac  uire  a  certain  nervous  tension  t];,?t  licr  siglitless  brother  unconsciously 
assumes.   She  de.r-ends  solely  upon   er  rtiide.   The  blind  rai!,  on  trc  con- 
trary-  mjist  he  alert  tr^i   atte  tive,  n:id   I'ot  1'^ frequently  ':ets  ii'to  hazardous 
places,   he  does  net  c:-nscic-.:sly  feel  fc  r,  but  it  is  t:  cro,  nevertiielcss, 
in  a  verv  subtle  form,  and  crops  out  ordy  in  oxceyticnal  cci^es.      I  do  net 
mean  to  imnly  that  f  e  blind  va;  is  in  any  red  da  gor  unon  the  stroots.   He 
uses  his  '.ars  for  eyes,  a-d  is  rerfectly  s?fe.   It  is  morel  the  difference 

in  habit  between  the  sexes  t}-ct  1  tyi  trying;  to  onnhasize.   Is  t]iere  any 
Tei\son   for  supposinr;  th^t  tendency  nir,!  t  not  enter  into  drevc-life  as 
a  predispoGinr,  factor?  Only  a  fev;  Inatci'ccs  did  my  papers  np-cify  the  fenr- 
producinp-  objec,  so  that  the  above  is  mere  hypothesis,  based  upon  uctur.;! 
v/akinc  conditiors.  TMs,  lioviever,  could  be  cde  mately  determined  only  from 
a  study  of  c.  lar^e  number  of  dreams.  The   elonent  of  fear  is  v;i  oily  absent 
in  my  record;  v;hile  in  th-it  of   ,  H. ,  v.ho  became  totally  blind  at  thirty, 
and  v;lio  noycossod  considerable  siclit  until  lier  twenty-sixth  year,  frirhtful 
objects,  as  do  all  others,  ap^^ear  visually  as  to  a  normal  individual. 

Table  2Do   89  19. 

Blind  Sighted 

M  F  II  F 

Yes  ,-39(97^)  57(95,1)  11  (CS;',)  6(86^) 

No  1  2  11 

The  lo-i7ered  percentaixs   in  this   table   on  the  psa'-t   of  the   sl{:;-.ted  erqu-oss 
nothinr  but   t)ie   inade'juacv  of  these   fi,n.ires,    si:  ce   the^e   is  onl^-  one   in   each 
sex  claii.'  not   to  have  pleasant   dreaj-is. 

But,    tahinrj  the   fif;;ujes   as   they   stand,    they   are   corroberative  of     the 

assertion   th'it   tlie   dream-life   strives   to  ci'-'''  us  v;hat   ne  TJant    in  7'akin,';-. 

Certainly  v/e   idl   v;ant   pleasure,      ,,'eed   .-nd   Vall:'jn       report    'ho   follcv/inr' 

f injures,    based  upon   a  total   of  .181   drea"'s. 

Pleasurable   emotions   in     140,    neutral   in  ir:3y   disacrecable   in   "lO. 

ronxoc'"     records  only  tv;o  pleasurable  reactions,    29  ma' e   or  less  painful 
out   of  a  total   of  117  dreai'.:-;   containing  e:  ction.      Ti>ese   firaiv   s  -.vould   seen 
to   contradict   the   above   table,    bat   not   so.      '..'ced  and  Ilallc.m's   fifn'res   arc   based 
upon  onlv   seven   subjects.      Torroo   has   a  total   of  15   fc- ^le   subjects,    v.ho  pl;icc 
in  his   h:ind3   ,".C7   drc-;  s,   but   he   fails   to   i-dicate  tl'.c  c  uruatpv  of  tlie 
remainin:;:  170,   T;hicn   r.'i  must   su-^-pose   to  be  neutral.      }ic  liJx'.'ino   fails   to 

charactrri:  c   t!ie  romainin::  OG  'Ire.ur'.a   out   oi'  t)ie  117   emotional   ones. 
Ill  addit:on,    "nis  subj-cts  v/ero  Irstructe'l  to  attend  specifically   to  tlie  typos 
of  iina--,ery,    ;jnd  to     tracinc  the   conne-;tioii  of  each  dre-aiii  T,'ith  walcinc 
exoer'enec,    so   the  conolusicis  of  neitliri'  of  these  autiors   invri  idate 
the  resulLs  of  our  table.      Loth  these   aati.ors   fail  to   state  v/hether  the 
eiiTotions  arouss   in  correciiondfrnce  to    the  por.'icns,    places   or   situations 
in  the  dr<  c'lc.      :Jinco,    in  v/akinc   life   r.t   Ifact,    tl;e  object   or   situation 
presenttd  to   the    jndividua].   dctci-ninec;   t   e   enoti  ns,    after  making  allov.  ■■;  ce 
for   nervous   cons  ititut  ion,    I   s!  all   here   introduce  my  table  sijO'vinf  the 
various   er'otions.      If  I   a''  not   unj-ii    dtul  of  tj.o   eritoional  rervci'sion  in  drea's, 
but   since  rv  papers  as   a  rule   do   not   s^e.-ify  th.c   objects   cai  cin-j  re:ul.':ion, 
fear,    and  pleasure,    v.'o  nay  overlook   th.e  connection  betv/een   tlie   erotion  ai'd 
its  ohj    ct. 

Tfeblc  4--.      ?1        18 
Elind  oichtecl. 




2  10 

15  10 







Sf  rrov/ 










Pri  de 
















The  curv-  on   the  next  pare  -.vill   llluatrute  tiiese  ficures  er-jiphicaHj^ . 

Jer;ell  rsports  tlint  about   hrJf  Ids  ouesticmaire  retuniD,    but  does  not 
specify  the  luunber,    3vy  that  tiieir  dreojis  tend  to   Tollov;  t}io  under  cm-reit 
of  tlieir   eiaotional   life.      I   siiall   refrain   from  enuneratinp  or   discussinc 
any  of  the   theories   th.ut   have  been  advanced  to   explain  the  origin  of  eiotion 
in  drensia,    end  proceed   at   once  to   tne  v.ce  "idcli    I   Intend   to  i-ake  of  t.hia 
table.      .J.I0V.'  me   first   to    state  m;,-  belief  th;-t   if  the  nupiber  of  sir:  ted  con- 
tributors   equaled  that   of  the  blind,    there  v/ould   be    found   Ijttle   subjective 
differej-eeo      The   difference,    if  discoverable,    r.'ould   scarcely  er-cecd   that 
revealed   in  tables   .niJ  ?nd   C.      I  do  not   think   arc   to   infer,    a-   our  tal-les 
\7ould   indicate,    that   tiie  blind   are    excessively   emotional.      I   s'oLl   tlierefore 
ignore   the  meacre   fi^nres   from  the   E;';hted,    L:nd   bare  n:'  conclusion  upon  the 
much   fuller  table   fron  the   blind. 

A  glance  at   the   table  reveals   thut   love,    sorry,    joy,    fear,    seaual 
excitation,    and  dream  eiiotion,    iv'.jch  last    includes   all   of  most   of  tiie   emo- 
tions v;it   out   indicatin?:   any  of  them  definitely,    are  the  riost   prominent   in 
drea;>]-life„      These   arc   also,    i^erhaps,    ^-ost   nroninent   in  raklnr,  life.      Pulinc 
out      love,    sc-:eiial   excitation,    and  dreaJi   er-otion,    wiiich  tliree  are  un^^uestionably 
connected  and  concerned  77itli  the  x  sexual,    v/e   have  left    joy,    sorrow,    and 
fear.      Y.or.   I  maintain  that   th-ree   are   also   connected  ^7ith  the   sexual 
and   th£it   to  this   connection  is   due  their  prominence   in  dreams.     Let  us   ta^E 
a  minute  to   investinate. 

'.Thatever   else  may  excite   joy,    certain   it    is   that   this   ei.otion   is   not 
absent    from  sexual   excitation  of  any  kind  7;"iatsoever.      So  r<.uc]i  T;ill   be 
adr-itted.      Hy   first   poi'it    is   t    en   estallished.      Su   pose,    faov?,    tliat   sexraul 
Cnatification   is  not   obtalp'tble.      Tlie   subj-ct  ray   a     ear  and  beliave  per- 
fectly n'^riralo      "et   bene^^th   the   neneer  of  a'pearance  there   is   an  unrest,    a 

dissatisfaction.        Juppose  onco  r.ore  t}iat  precnancy  has  resv;l'ec).     The 
prospective  ■  ,ot '"cr  is   assuiled  v;ith  c  host   of  hct;   feellnpr.,    new  so.-sations, 
new  t-oucht.".      In   citier  of  these  tvio   sir  positions,    is   it   to   bo.  doubted  that 
a   subtle   S'^rrov;  v;iLl   rot   be  uresent,    even    thoufh   it    is   not   specifica.  ly 
defined   by   tiie   subject?     The      sex  life   is   intended  to   be   C-^tified,    but   in 
that   c^^iti-Tifation,    or   l''.ck  of  (gratification,    It   rnt^jls   scrrov,'.      jio'v   for 
fear.      Doubtless   f e;  r   exerts   a  powerful   restrainiic   influeiice  o^.cr  the   sex- 
ual in  the   case   of  the  umaarried.      Go- ventionaJ.ity,    fear  of  probabl:    con- 
sequences,   fear  of  cc  tractin;   scne  cr.e  of  ti  e  venereal   diseases,    ajl   eater 
into   this   fear. 

In  the  event   of  prarnancy,    assiminc  t'lat   t^e    .air  are  narricd,    tlcre   is   tiie 
fear  on   the  part   of  the  not]:er  that    she  nay  !iot    survive,    wiile   tJia   sa-  e   fear 
in  behalf  of  t:;e  notl'or   is  not   absent    fron  the    fatlier's  rp.ind.      I   do   act   con- 
tend  that   all   joy,    fear,    a   d   sorroT;   are   of   ses'.ial  oricin,    I  nerely  hold  t   er'  to 
be   constituents   of  the   sexijal.      I   no'.v  addvoe  t^eae   six  eroticrial    states,    Io"e, 
joy,    sorrov;,    fear,    sexual  excitation,   an.''   dreaii  cot  ion,   as  a  confer' ati  on  of 
Freud's  t'-eory   relative  to   the  rr'pond-rar.ce   of  the   sexual   in  the  production 
of  our  drea-  a.      If  v;e  rccoynize  all   t/iase  to   be   related  to   the   aexur-l   as   I 
hold  t-ievi  to   be,    there  ou^-ht   to   be   r.o   difficulty   in  nal:in£:  tiie  adduction  1 
have  T;ade.      hi-en  ti  ese   e-^otions   a     ear   in  a  areata,    they  nay  be   recn.rdrd  as 
attached  to    so-  c   object   or   situation  '■;' ich    is   coacealing  soietiiiG  oH  a 
sexual  nature.      Doubtless  the  tv;o   cases  of  c^^barrass'iont ,    and  tl'ose  of    jealoucry 
if  v,'e   lanev;   tl:o   cxcitinc   cause,    would  ra-dil;-   yield  up   their   sexual   connection. 

It    is    yjita   noticeable   fror   even  a  h.asty   cX^^oe  at   t}.G   table  that   the 
fcrales   are   ^rcatl^-   in   excess   ever  tlie  r-alas    in   their  enotion?!  life.      Cnly 
in  case   o^  fr^   r   do   the  r'.alcs   exceed,    •_  ■  d  f  is   is  nor?  than  counterbalaiccd  by 
the  dreari  crotion.     The  arju-  cnts   in  favor  of  fear  as  one  of  the  conconitaats 

of  the  cc:oirJ.,    ever,  thoufjli  tliG:ce   Ic  nore  reL.con  iov  this  eniibtion  on  tb.p  pj^rt 
of  the  fcD-j.le  than  of  thn  "-le,    are  not   therefore   i  "Validated. 

Table    DU.        ZB       17. 
Elind  Sic'l'ted 

:;  F     "  I.I  y 

Yes  10(07,:)  K-UK)  5(04'/.)  7(07,',') 

Eo  IC  17  11 

The  al  normally  hirj^'  iiercentQ[:e  indicated  by  the  sighed  rales  is  dno, 
untuectionably,  to  the  criallnecs  of  the  fic'J'SG.   The  same  fact  ae^'  s  to  hold 
VJith  respect  to  the  ot'ier  ficures,  for  the  ci:_htless  females,  t:!  ic''  .~io  up 
offers  the  I'^r.^-'^-t  niri^er  of  ansT.'ers,  presents  at  the  same  time  the  lf.i77est 
affirr.ative  rcrce  ";t?p-e.   V.'l^cam  indicat'^s  th^t  nan;.'  of  her  contributors  :.:reari 
of  the  thinrs  u.-^per-'iost  In  tlieir  riinds  in  wahinc  life,  particularly  of  t'neir 
ambitions:  but  she  cites  inst-'^jices  from  younc  adolescents  alriost  exclusively. 
It  T/ould  seen,  however,  tliat  ambition  does  net  enter  constantly  into, 
for  many  of  my  subjects  state  th  t  they  dream  only  occasionally  of  the  ful- 
fillment of  treir  ambitions.  Any  deduction  from  this  table  would  be  ex- 
ceedingly hazardous,  since  the  fieures  indicate  that  the  answers  are  sufficient. 


CF,   0. 

L   17. 





25 (42^) 







10  (ro:) 








Table  2G   70   9 
Elind  SiEhted 

Livine     17  (04;: 

F  n  F 

37(73^)  '1(C7';')  2(07',; 

Dead        5(1G;.)  ^(G-)  2(3^^  K^^^) 


5(10';:)         11  (2i;;) 

Tabic   ^H.      G8       G 





Indifl'er-      5(24', 


Sorrow  3(14' 

Sa'^e  as   in 
T/akinG  life8(S8-J 









Dre;]Lni3   of  the  dead   are  ojiite  coKi"on;   but   to   tl^.e   individual  unacaiai-'tod  T?ith 
drearas   other  tlian   his  o\7n,    it  inirht   seer  stran^-e  that   there   should   be   exhibited  an 
attitude   so   out   of  kcepirn  vrith  death  as   is   joy  or   indifference.      ;ji  crarii'-aticn 
into  the  t,  pes  of  these  dread's   throws  but  little  lieht  upon  tlie   inouii'y  cortainod  in 
the   above   statf-ront.      h'e   note   fror_  table   EC-   the  largest   peroentace   of  these 
answering  tlie   'uestion  drears,  of  t}iem  as  liY.'.r.r,    but   tlus   does  not   correspond  v::th 
those  7;ho   desi:3nate   their   attitude  as   joyf'i.l,      oinilar   inconsistencies   exist    v/ith 
respect   to   the  otl'er  attitudes   or   e:'otions„      Table   r.F  shows   us  that  nest   people  at 
scr.e   time  or  other  dream  of  the  dead,    either  as   living  or  as   dead,    t;:ou£;h  a  creater 
number   of  people  have   these  dreans   but   rarel:;.      'Jinoe  no   quentitative  dif fere^-ccs 
that   can  be   relied  UT)on  a--::cai',    either   in  respect   to   sex,    or  by  v;av   of  ccmparison 
bet.veen   tiie   blind  and  the   seeing,    the   differences   being  too   fluctuating   in 
re   ard  to   sux,    or    .ased  upon  too   srall   figures   Iron  tiio   s:g]ited,    ..'e   sliall   Ui  rn  to 
the   origin  of   such  dreams. 

i'myone   v/iio   has   passed  through  a  bereave   '--nt   is   struck  with  tl;e   fact   tb  t   tlie 
lost,    contrary  to   e::pectation,    do^s   not   a  pe  r   in  drca-.s.      Sue),  a  cc;iditic:;  cf 
affairs   dem,andr,   an   ejrnlanation,   v.-hich    is   cffersd  by  l^Slage, whose  t   oory   .'us 
rcviGv.od  on   •'.-j.  o   i::  of  t-iis   v;cn'>,    bt   v;   ich  v,i]]    be- r   ve^^etition   ^cre   jn   t':i: 
connection,      hv-r     icV.^:,    says  helag-,    is   e   do^ed  :;it-   a  certain  ..r-ou  t   o"  i:  tergal 
force.      If  t-us   zur^   1/   is   ;!e-..vily  drav;n  u.  on   during  th-  da;  ,    as   in  the  care  of 
d^ath,   there   ir   n<  t    sufficient   energy  left    -t   --i^-ht  tc  r^.iae   th-t   iO-.  tc    tho 

level  of  ocnr-cicurnsss;  Lonoe  the  failure  of  thz^t  id-a  to  a^  p-..r  in  drer-c. 
-Ji  uninpcrtant  idea,  on  t;  r  cmtrary,  retui?^c  its  enercy,  and  ec  ia  enabl-d 
to   rine  to   ccnrciousnc';"   j.n  cle-m.      I   v;ill   r.,:-  ote   U6la/(ce. 

"En  rf:,':l(=   c^r.'.'^rale  Ir^   jd^ec   Ciui  v.nn   obG'5d'';  1 'esprit  pendavt   2a  vcillc 
no  revic-r-iienl.  rnc  en  ev6;    on  r.o  rov-  dec   iv^noir.cnts  important squc  Icrs^ue 
I'Spoquo  ou  ils   prCoccuriait  1' esprit  a  un  Kaut  docr6   c'est   eloicn^e." 

Vflien  tlie  ',7-i:irK-  turaO.t   lius   r-nh-ided,    IcEceninG  t' ereby  the  draft   U])on   t'le 
inter-nal   eiinrc.'  of  the   idoa,    the   experience  of  vj"iic>i  that   idea   is   reprose-.tative 
beeins   to   force   itself   into   drea^-  conscicuGness.      '.fnen  re   seek  to   delve   i\to 
th.e   orifjin  of   Lhic  qtovv  of  di'e.-jj^.s,   v/e  mrat   +i'rn  to  Jii.^jnurd  Freud. 

As   cur  tables   i"/:iicate,    tlie   dreaner   frecuently  r.anifests  unconcern  tc  .ard 
the  dead   in   pia   drea:ia.      T'-iiG   is   iner^rrli cable  until  v?e   are   in  possession  of  t:'.e 
latent   drea^^i  thouriits,    vhen   it   becoy-es  at   once   a  parent   t>iat   the   death   id  a  ic 
merely   serving  as   a  cloa^-;  to   a  ^lore   ir'portar.t   but    suppressed  mental   corrde:;, 
Th^  drean   r   is  vot    interded  to   re' ard    sericusl;-   the   idc-e.  of  d.atb.,    a.  d   sl    decs 
not.      Ore  of  i'reud's  patients   fur^is'ies  an   GxaJiple.      j;-.e  dreamed  of  the   de.-th 
of  her   nephev  .   but   fe'.t   no   ci'ief.      -Jialysis  revealed   thut   at   tiie   funeral  of 
another  nephev/  she  hr,s  :;et   tlie  nan  7iJici:i  she  Ic-ec,    but    froin  v;hoiii  she   been 
separated  by  t'le   ccntrivance   of  her  people;    a:'d  that    she   t}ien,    at  the   th';e   of 
the   drear,    had  a  tichet   to   a  concert   v/j.ere   she   e:qoected   to    see   ti^e  ^an.      Th.e 
dream  therefoi'e   anticipa  ed  by  a   fer;   hcurs   her  e7;pectation„      L'f  ccK.rse   slie 
felt   no   sorro"'. 

',7e   have   already  beccire   fa  iliar  rith  t    e  v;ish-fulf illii^q  attribute  of 
drear.G,    and   Me   shall   non   see   if  t    is  v.'ill   a  ply  to   t'.o  t^—'e  of  dre?;is  under 
crnsideratiop.      -•-s   c'-ildre-'  v;e  ver;     often,    T'^en  s(-et    Inc  crosses   o)ir  natii,    v.ish 
either   tli;'t   v;n   die,    or  that   the  offendin;:  part;-   die.      Of  courre  th^ce   v;is- es 
become  repressed   os  7;e  r,To;-i  older,    but   tliey  arc  reverth.el'-ss  retaJned  in  the 

sub-conscious  mind.  In  this  state  these  wishes  may  slumber  on  for  years,  until 
a  favorable  opportunity  offers,  when  they  come  to  the  surface  of  consciousness 
in  dreams,  unrecognized  by  us  as  our  own  creations.  This,  in  general,  aay 
operate  irespective  of  sex, 

V/hen,  however,  we  find,  as  we  so  often  do,  that  the  son  or  daughter  dreams 
of  the  death  of  the  parent  of  his  or  her  sex  and  manifeats  joy  or  indifference 
toward  the  situation,  we  must  seek  another  explanation.  This  we  find  in  the 
so-called  Oedipus  Complei,  Every  normal  individual  is  so  constructed  as  to  de- 
mand sexual  gratification.  This  includes,  not  only  the  gross  sexual,  but 
companionship  with  the  opposite  sex,  thoughts,  imaginations,  and  reveries  center- 
ing about  sex,  and  many  more  subtle  manifestations.  This  craving  is  not  absent 
even  from  young  children,  so  that  we  find  the  daughter  becoming  attached  to  the 
father,  and  the  son  to  the  mother.  The  child,  too,  often  projects  himself  into 
imagination  into  the  place  of  the  parent  of  the  same  sex,  who  thus  becomes,  as  it 
were,  a  rival  for  the  favor  of  the  other  parent.  The  child  often  exhibits  un- 
bounded joy  when  the  absence  of  his  rival  parent  makes  it  possible  for  him  to 
realize  more  nearly  his  desires.  Of  course  I  do  not  wish  to  be  understood  '"'at 
the  child  has  any  idea  of  sexuality  in  the  comr:only  accepted  sense  of  that 
word,  Tliis  attachment  between  the  child  and  parent  of  opposite  sexes  is  vlat 
Freud  has  termed  the  oedipus  complex.   In  dreams  of  the  adult  it  often  finds 
expressions  in  actual  intercourse.   In  normal  individuals  the  oedipus  complex 
is  suppressed  with  growth  in  years,  but  analysis  of  drear.s  of  the  death  of  the 
parent  of  the  saine  sex  readily  reveals  the  true  basis.  In  such  dreams  we 
invariably  find  joy  or  indifference  exhibited,  never  sorrow,  sjonpathy,  awe,  cr 

kindred  emotions. 

Turning  now  from  Freud,   we  will  conclude  tliis  discussion  with  a  few 
additional  remarks.      If,    after  the  death  of  a  beloved  relative  or  friend,    tlie 


bereaved  person  dreams  of  that  friend  or  relative  as  dead,  there  is  apt  to 
accompany  the  dream  a  keen  sense  of  realization  of  the  truth,  and  the  sleeper 
will  dream  in  sorrow.  One  of  my  contributors  vrrites  that  during  the  past 
year  and  a  half  since  her  father's  death,  to  whom  she  was  deeply  attached,  she 
has  dreamed  of  his  funeral  five  times,  and  each  time  awakened  in  tears. 
Apparently  this  is  an  exception  to  the  wish- fulfilling  motive  of  the  dream,  but 
the  absence  of  the  analytic  associations  will  prevent  a  discussion  of  this 
matter.  If  the  dead  appear  in  the  dream  as  living,  it  may  be  due  either  to  a 
wish  to  see  and  communicate  with  them  once  more,  or  to  Inability  on  the  part 
of  the  dreamer  to  realize  the  truth  of  the  death  of  the  friend  or  relative. 
Again,  in  real  life  we  entertain  and  display  all  manner  of  attitudes  toward 
death,  ranging  from  the  keenest  sorrow  to  almost  complete  indifference,  de- 
pending upon  the  relation  of  the  dead  to  ourselves.  In  the  dreams  we  find  the 
same  variability  of  attitude  exhibited,  but  depending  in  this  case  largely 
upon  the  purpose  of  the  dead  in  each  particular  dream. 

Let  us  now  consider  the  relation  of  our  dreams  to  our  weiking  experience. 
Table  21  will  give  us  the  necessary  data. 

Table  2  1,   70   17 


M  F 

3(27>o)  5(50^;) 

4(36fs)  3(50f.) 

Accepting  the  table  of  fig\ires  for  the  blind,  we  find  that  there  is  a 
slight  sex  difference,  that  the  females  seen  to  dream  over  the  events  of  the 
preceeding  day  to  a  somewhat  greater  extent  than  do  the  males.  This  fact  is 
perfectly  in  accord  with  Delage's  theory  of  the  internal  energy  of  ideas. 













The  monotony  of  female  life  as  compared  T7ith  the  variability  of  that  of  the 
male  would,  upon  this  hypothesis,  tend  to  produce  exactly  this  result.  This 
same  sex  difference  is  found  among  the  blind  in  virtue  of  the  greater  in- 
dependence of  the  boys.  During  school  life,  and  these  statistics  came  moe  tly 
from  pupils  in  schools,  this  difference  is  less  marked.  But  during  the 
vacation  it  becomes  widened,  since  the  girl  without  sight,  unless  she  has 
Interested  friends,  is  left  to  while  away  her  time  as  best  she  may,  usual  ly 
at  some  monotonous  task,  or  else  in  sheer  idleness.  It  would  seem  plausable, 
too,  that  the  blind  should  more  often  dream  of  the  experiences  of  the  previous 
day  than  do  the  seeing,  owing  to  the  limited  opportunities  of  the  foriuer;  but 
in  the  absence  of  adequate  figures  from  the  sighted,  such  a  conclusion  would 
be  hazardous. 

Closely  akin  to  t!:is  question  is  that  of  the  prominence  in  dreams  of 
thoughts  uppermost  in  the  mind  in  waking,  which  vdll  now  receive  our  considera- 

Table  2J,   79    17 

Blind  Sighted 

M  F  M  r 

Yes       20(69^5)  36{803t)  7(64^.)  5(83^;) 

No         9  9  4  1 

It  is  currently  believed,  though  often  refuted  by  prolific  dreamers, 

that  the  thoughts,  ideas,  experiences,  etc,  upp  ermost  in  the  mind  in  waking 

life  enter  into  dreams.  Several  remarkable  dreams  have  been  produced  in 

proof  of  this  belief,  among  which  we  may  mention  that  of  Prof,  Hilprecht 

as  the  most  notablso   M-SS  Wiggam  found  thut  29  out  of  222,  13?!-,  dre;jned  of 

things  upper;  lost  in  their  :'inds  in  waking.  Our  table  shows  us  three  things: 

A,  that  the  belief  is  not  altogether  groundless;  B,  that  there  is  probably 

no  quantitative  difference  between  the  blind  and  the  sighted  in  this  respect; 

C,  that  there  is  a  sex  difference.  The  firures  agree  more  closely  thai 







to  dream) 



insufficient  figures,  but  for  the  most  part  inexplicable.  Some  dreai.iB  ^thout 
a  doubt  are  fulfilled,  and  the  fulfillment  is  easily  explained;  while  with 
others  it  seems  as  if  some  miraculous  agency  T?ere  at  work,  Llany  so-called  ful- 
filled dreams  are  such  only  by  virtue  of  interpretation,  some  incident  in 
waking  life  being  twisted  to  fit  the  conditions.  But  consideration  of  this 
nature  need  not  detain  us  longer. 

Table  2L.  81  16 


M  F 

5(50^.)  3(50f.) 

5  3 

Jewell  shows  that  about  one  half  the  returns  he  received  claimed  to 
experience  no  effect  from  the  dream,  which  coincides  exactly  with  the  figures 
from  the  sigl:ted  in  our  table.  Evidently,  thep,,  the  blind  are  more  strongly 
influenced  by  their  dreams  than  are  the  seeing.  Only  a  knowledge  of  the  life 
and  conditions  incumbent  upon  loss  of  vision  can  furnish  ns  with  the  key  to 
this  problem,  Vision  is  so  all-pervasive  in  its  potentiality  that  the  flocd. 
of  impressions  and  sensations  derived  through  this  channel  quickly  dispels 
any  effect  that  the  dream  might  have,  Y7ith  this  channel  closed,  the  mind  has 
greater  leisure  to  turn  in  upon  itself.  The  effect  of  any  impression  cam ot  be 
so  quickly  dissipated.  This  has  been  assumed  to  be  the  fact,  but  those  who 
advance  it  have  exaggerated  beyond  all  bounds  the  difference  in  this  respect. 
It  is  probably,  however,  d-rspite  our  figures,  that  the  majority  of  persons,  even 
including  the  sighted,  are  more  or  less  subtlely  effected  by  t.eir  dreams, 
at  least,  during  the  earlier  hours  of  the  daj',  y 

To  summarise  the  chapter,  then,  we  find;  A.,  that  nigiitmare  isnot  so 
coraiiion  as  supposed,  and  is  of  sexual  originK;  B,  that  repulsiveness  is  a  mental 
not  a  visual  property,  and  is  therefore  shared  by  the  blind;  C,  that  the  blind 
are  slightly  more  predisposed  to  fear  than  are  the  seeing,  and  the  male  blind 

might  be  expected  from  the  smallness  of  those  from  the  sij^hted.  This  very 
fact  T/arns  us  to  beware  of  attributing  to  the  sightless  man  any  psychic 
peculiarities  differentiating  hin  from  Lis  seeing  conpanion,   Differei.ces 
there  are,  indeed,  but  they  must  be  proved,  not  assuiaed  as  heretofore.  Of 
course,  it  is  not  to  be  xmderstood  that  these  dreams  occur  with  any  greet 
degree  of  frequency,  for  most  of  my  ansvrers  indicate  their  raxity.  Does  this 
table,  then,  contradict  the  theory  of  DSlage?  I  think  not.  In  the  first 
place  it  is  ouite  clear  that  intense  grief  is  more  exorbitant  in  its  demaitl  a 
upon  energy  than  are  the  ordinary  ideas  which  preoccupy  the  mind,  so  that  any 
important  idea  during  the  day  might  easily  retain  sufficient  energy  to  make 
itself  felt  in  dreams.   In  the  second  place,  DSlaxge  does  not  state  the  whole 
truth.  Tie  have  already  noted  the  capricious  nesa  of  dream  memory,  and  this 
may  have  something  to  do  with  the  results  of  the  table  before  us.  At  any 
rate,  it  is  cuite  certain  that  we  occasionally  dream  of  that  which  is  uppeirxast 
in  the  mind  when  awake o 

The  sex  difference,  which  is  here  quite  narked  in  both  classes,  is 
explicable,  I  believe,  on  the  same  principle  as  are  many  other  similar 
differences,  namely,  the  m.onotony  of  the  feminine  life  as  compared  with  tl-e 
masculine.   Even  under  the  best  conditions,  the  girl  is  restrained  by  con- 
ventionality to  a  greater  extent  than  is  the  boy,  which  would  tend  to  minir.ize 
the  draft  upon  her  energy,  thus  giving  free  play  to  DSlage's  prii.clple. 

Not  infrequently  do  we  he^^r  of  dreams  being  fulfilled,  so  that  a  oiestion 
was  framed  upon  this  point  in  the  questionaire.  The  following  table  gives  the 


Table  2K  75   17 
Blind  Sighted 

M  F  H  F 

Yes  18(58fo)        17  (39?^)  2  (18f.)         2(33f.) 

NO  13  27  9  4 

This  table  expresses  a  confusion  and  heterogeneity  due  partially  to 

more  than  the  female;  D,  that  pleasant  dreams  occur  to  the  vast  majority  of 
persons,  blind  or  seeing;  E,  that  the  females  are  more  emotional  than  the 
males,  and  that  those  emttions  most  akin  to  the  seiual  axe  most  prominent 
in  dreams;  F,  that  ambition  enters  into  dreams,  but  to  a  very  uncertain 
extent;  G,  that  the  blind  differ  little  from  the  sighted  with  respect  to  dreams 
of  the  dead,  and  that  such  dreams  often  represent  wish  fulfillment;  H,  that 
the  events  of  the  proceeding  day  figure  more  prominently  In  the  dreaiis  of  the 
females  than  of  the  males;  I,  that  the  same  sex  difference  is  discernible 
■with  respect  to  prominent  77aking  thoughts  and  experiences;  and  J,  that  the 
blind  axe  more  strongly  effected  by  their  dreams  than  are  the  sighted. 

A  Qonparatlve  Study  of  Drear;s  of  the  blind  and  of  the 
Sighted,  with  special  Reference  to  Freud's  Theory. 

Chap.  4. 
Sensations  iind  I'.ental  Processes  in  Dreans  of  the  Llind  and  of 
the  Sighted. 

Resuming  our  comparative  study  of  the  dreair.s  of  the  blind  and  of  the 
seeine  at  tlie  point  where  it  v;as  dropped  in  the  preceeding  chapter,  r.Q   shall 
survey  the  riass  of  evidence  placed  at  our  disposal  by  returns  to  sections  three 
and  four  of  the  questionaire.  Our  attention  is  therefore  first  attracted  to 
dreams  of  flying  and  of  falling,  in  connection  •nith  vihich  are  inserted  tables 
5A  and  B. 

Table  3A.   89    16 




































Table  3B  found  on  next  page. 

Little  nore  is  accor-plished  by  this  table  than  to  establish  stnti  stictCLly 
the  fact  that  such  drearis,  designated  by  Havelock  Ellis  as  aviation  drears, 
are  not  altogether  unlmoTm.  I  can,  therefore,  make  no  deductions  fron  these 
figures.  Table  5B,  hov/ever,  v;hen  taken  into  consideration  ■.;ith  other  geographical 
matter,  reveals  one  interesting  feature,  nanely,  that  those  T3ho  associate  their 
dreams  of  flying  and  of  falling  rith  precipices  live  in  lianover,^r;  Utah 
and  North  Carolina. 


Ttib^e  3B    50 

Precipice,  10, 

Bed,  2, 

r/indow,  2, 

Staircases,  8, 

Holes,  7, 

Buildings,  3, 

Fallins  backward,  1, 

Top  of  hich  objects,  2, 

Falling  in  water,  2, 

Cellar,  2, 

Stone  \7all,  1 

Bridges,  6, 

Lcdder,  1, 

Rocking  chair,  1, 

Great  height,  4, 

Flying  nachine,  1, 

Caverns,  1, 

Hills,  4, 

IvLacliiner   ,   1, 

bear  pits,   1, 

Building  construction,  1. 

No  other  definite  geographical  traces  were  discernible.   In  the  case  where 
the  flying  machine  figures  as  the  associated  object,  we  may  consider  it  de- 
notative of  sex,  as  it  T?as  given  by  a  male;  -.-rhile  rocking  chair  and  bed  cone 
from  femfiles. 

As  to  the  cause  of  this  dream  aviation,  Ellis  T7ould  ascribe  it  to 
respiratory,  cardiac,  or  CQstric  disturbcuiceo,  accompanied  by  a  eupersen- 
aitiveness  of  the  !)kin  in  dreutis  of  fallin;:,  or  by  derrral  anaesthesia  in 
the  event  of  flying.  These  two  factors  tocether  make  it  possible  for 
subjectivation  to  occur,  and  the  dreamer  either  falls  or  flies,  depending  upon 
the  appropriate  alteration  in  the  skin  sensitivity.   In  case  of  object ivation 
the  dreamer  becomes  a  passive  spectator  while  a  dream  personality  perforps 
the  feat. 

C§3ar  de  Desme  affirms  that  dreams  of  flying  constitute  an  hallucinatoyy 
phenomenon  of  an  exclusively  physiological  kind,  and  ore  not  an  evidence  of 
the  existence  of  an  astral  body. 

G.  Stanley  Hall,  evidently  forgetting  that  he  is  discussing  dream.s  of 
flying,  says  that  "Vi'e  have  here  a  faint,  reminiscent,  atavistic  echo  from  the 
primeval  scene,  and  that  such  dreams  are  really  survivals  of  psychic  vestigial 
remains  com.parable  to  the  rudim.entary  gill  slits  not  uncomr.only  found  in  man 
and  other  mammals,  taking  us  back  to  the  far  past  v.hen  man's  ancestors 
needed  no  feet  to  svjim  or  float." 

Freud,  hov;ever,  infoiViS  us  that  both  dre&'  s  of  flying  and  of  falling 
are  manifestations  of  sexual  symbolis:%   Ellis  }:as  doubtless  civen  us  the 
cause  of  at  least  many  of  tl'.ese  drea-ts,  ?.'hile  Freud  has  reve:.led  their 

The  author  would  beg  to  m.ake  a  modest  suggestion  through  the  medium  of 
an  illustration.  Several  ye^rs  ago  I  had  a  dream  in  which  I  feil  into  a 
cistern  from  V7hich  all  the  water  had  been  drawn.  As  I  awoke  almost 
instantaneously,  I  was  enabled  to  verify  by  introspection,  corroberated  by 
report,  that  I  had,  by  a  nervous  erqilosion,  made  a  vertical  Jur.p.   In  this 
case  the  falling  actually  occurr-  d,  but  was  Y;oven  into  the  dream  of  the 

In  turning  nov/  to  the  nost  sicnificant  group  of  questions  before  us  for 
solution,  it  is  first  necessary  to  peruse  carefully  the  fourteen  accompanying 
tables,  59 — Q  ts.   inclusive,  0  excepted.  For  this  group  of  questions  I  have 
obliterated  sex  distinctions,  because  they  proved  valueless,  and  have  divided 
my  answers  into  three  groups,  the  first  group  containing  those  individuals  T(ho 
lost  their  sight  before  the  close  of  the  fifthyear;  the  second,  those  who  became 
blind  betvjeen  the  fifths  and  seventh  years;  and  the  third,  tliose  who  lost  their 
sight  after  the  seventh  year.   The  reason  for  this  classification  v;ill  foilovi. 
One  7;ord  of  v/arning.  No  correlation  between  the  figures  in  table  3C  and  those 
in  any  other  table  of  this  group  is  to  be  sought,  because  in  nnsv7ering  question 
3C  manj^  persons  indicated  two,  and  some  tliree  groups  of  sensations  •i7iiich  seer.ed 
to  them  to  be  of  e^^ual  inportanoe  in  their  drears.   It  mas  imppssible  to  draw 
the  expected  distinction  as  to  frequency  and  inportanoe  of  these  various  grouiE 
of  sensations,  since  only  one  contributor  out  of  the  89  drew  this  distirction. 

As  indicated  at  the  opening  of  this  treatise,  there  are  two  pioneers  in 
dreams  of  the  blind,  Jastrow,   and  Heermann,  Both  found  that  ".hen  vision  was 
lost  prior  to  the  beginning  of  the  sixth  year,  no  dream  vision,  the  term  designa- 
ting the  faculty  of  seeing  in  dreains,  was  to  be  noted. 

Table  3C.  89,   17 
Blind  Sighted 

r  0 

































The  term  intuition  is  used  to  desicnate  nere  conscious- 
ness of  surroundines,  not  perceived  thxoucli  i.ny  special 
sense   channel. 

Table  3D       80,      16 
Yes  3        3        29  16 

No  38     2  5  0 

Table  5E       32,      16 

Frec^uent       1       3       19  15 
Rare                2       0          7  1 

Table   3F.      32,      16 

Distinct        1        3       16  14 
Blurred         2       0       10  2 

Table  3G       30,      15 

Yes  1        3        25  12 

No  2       0  0  3 

Table  3H       31,      16 

Yes  3       3       25  15 

Ho  C)       0  0  1 

Table  31  85,      18 
Yes                 44       4        22  6 

Wo  7       19  12 

Table  3J  73,      12 

V/ide  33       3       18  8 

Limited       14       0  8  4 

Table   31:  83,      18 

Yes  16       1       14  4 

llo  34       4       14  14 

Table   3L  91,      18 
Yes                 30        3        21  6 

No  29        0  9  12 

Table  31.1.  86,   18 
Yes      34   C    22  12 

No        16   2    10  6 

Table  3N   66,   10. 

General   11   0     5  6 

Localized  27   2    21  4 

Table  3P   76,  18 

Tes       32   2    20  8 

No       16   1     5  10 

Table  30,   79,  17 

Yes       35   2    21  14 

No        13   0     8  3 

32  and  14  persons  in  this  class  are  reported  by  the  respective  men.   If  sight 
failed  betvfeen  the  fifth  and  seventh  years,  dream  vision  occurred  in  f)  ur  out 
of  six  of  Jastrow's  subjects,  and  in  two  out  of  four  of  Heermann's.  20  and  25 
subjects  respectively  were  reported  as  losing  their  sight  after  the  seventh 
year,  and  all  see  in  their  dreans.   It  is  nore  important  here  to  bear  in  mind 
the  distinction  made  at  the  beginning  of  chapter  3,  that  only  subjects  are  in- 
cluded in  this  classification  vjho  are  either  totally  blind,  or  who  can  barely 
distinguish  light  from  darkness. 

JastroT;  deduces  the  folloT/ing  theory  in  explanation  of  the  facts  as  head 
Eeermann  found  them.  The  brain  reaches  its  maximum  size  at,  or  sJiortly  after 
the  eighth  year.  Prior  to  this  period  all  t]\e  centres  are  sirnltuneously  de- 
veloping. It  requires  at  le^st  five  ye-rs  for  the  visual  centres  to  attain 
sufficient  development  so  that  they  may  maintain  their  activity  if  dcprivedof 
external  sti  ul-tion;  hence  decay  of  the  occipital  centres  sets  in  if 
sight  is  destroyed  during  the  first  five  years  of  life.  The  possibility  of 
maintaining  independent,  internal,  visual  activity  vrhen  the  brain  is  deprived 


of  external  stimulation  depends  upon  the  previous  development  of  these 

centres;  hence  from  the  fifth  to  the  seventh  year  is  the  critical  period. 

But  after  the  seventh  year  the  occipital  centres  are  capable  of  riaintuining 

their  activity,  even  when  deprived  of  external  retinal  stimulation.  Jastro? 

haa  probably  surmised  the  correct  cause  of  the  facts  as  he  found  them,  bit  I 

shall  produce  evidence  in  this  chapter  to  shov;  that  his  divisions  cannot  be 

too  arbitrarily  made. 

In  the  matter  of  cerebral  development,  it  is  interesting  to  note  LU.£s 
Shinn's   observations  made  upon  her  niece.  She  discovered  that  during  the 

third  year  a  child  acquires  a  fair  knoT/ledge  of  the  principle  colors,  which 

indicates,  I  believe,  consider,  blenent  development  of  the  visual  centres.  There 

is,  then,  unlecs  her  niece  were  precocious  in  this  respect,  but  one  inference 

possible,  namely,  that  tTJO  years  at  le;;st  is  required  after  this  period  to 

insure  sufficient  stability  of  the  occipital  centres  as  to  enable  them  to 

maintain  their  activity  independently  of  external  retinal  stimulation. 

In  his  study  of  dreams  of  the  blind,  Jastrow  states  that  it  is  comm.only 
believed  that  those  r.lio   lose  their  sight  at  the  fourth,  tlilrd,  or  even  second 
year,  retain  some  traces  of  visual  imagery,  but  that  it  has  not  yet  been 
possible  to  discover  them..   I  shall  nofv  discuss  three  cases  in  vjliich  si  ght 
V7as  lost  before  the  close  of  the  fifthjr  year,  and  in  which  dream  vision  has 
been  retained. 

Nancy  J.,  46,  who  became  totally  blind  at  tlrree  years,  has  frequent 
dream  vision.  Not  only  does  form  appear,  but  more  remarkable,  color  also. 
She  is  able  to  describe  objects  naturally  and  intelligently  in  visual  tenr.s. 
Her  ans?:ers  to  many  and  various  questions  bore  close  scrutitijr  from  a  competent 
judge,   I  was  unable,  hov;ever,  to  ascertain  vihether  there  is  any  precocity 
in  the  familv.  Her  images  are  in  every  respect  quite  clear  and  distinct,  and 
conform,  exactly  to  her  r.aking  visualization. 

Dorothea  Ivayer,  25,  bec-.irie  totaUy  blind  at  the  beginninc  of  her 
fourth  year,  -ud  yet  retains  visual  in..ces  in  her  drea;Tis.   These,  ];of;  ever  , 
are  infreciuent,  and  are  devoid  or  color.   Tlie  visualized  objects  conform 
to  her  wakinc  i'-aeery,  but  are  only  indistinctly  visualized. 

Paul  E.,  22,  who  is  consenitally  blind,  distinguishing  only  light  fm 
darkness,  reports  that  he  has  had  one  drean  visual  ir'aee.  It  consisted  uerely 
of  a  brilliant  flash  of  licht,  more  btilliont  than  his  miking  ir.agination  has 
ever  permitted  him  to  conjure  up.  Helen  Ileller  reports  u  sinilar  phenomenon 
in  her  account  of  her  dreams  as  reproduced  by  Jastrovj. 

These  three  cases  have  been  verified  by  careful  and  minute  .uestions; 
hence  prove  that  the  visual  centres  may,  at  least  in  exceptional  cases,  attain 
sufficient  development  before  the  fifth  year  to  give  rise  to  internal  activity 
independent  of  esternal  retinal  stimulation.  An  investigation  of  three  other 
cases  7ms  atterjpted,  but  no  replies  vrere  received,  hence  their  ansvjers  on 
vision  were  rejected.   One  other  case,  ho^vever,  deserves  mention. 

Frances  L.,  21,  who  became  totally  blind  at  six  months  of  age,  maij.tained 
that  she  occ.:.sionally  had  dream  vision.  In  a  dream  she  saw  a  man  v/hom  sbe  ted 
met  for  the  first  ti;  e  the  previous  day,  and  surprised  to  learn  later 
that  she  had  received  a  correct  inage  of  him  in  the  dream.  The  ir.age  -.7as  r.ot 
detailed,  ho7;ever,  and  she  kno'.vs  nothing  of  color.   In  the  actual  meeting  of 
the  previous  day,  she  had  form.ed  an  idea  of  his  height,  eund  that  .  is  manner 
was  pleasing.   Not  very  much  could,  under  the  circumstances,  have  been  added 
in  the  dream.  She  does  not  give  her  dream  picture.   One  or  two  explanations 
may  be  offered.  Her  dream  worked  over  and  utilized  in^^ressions  received 
sub-consciously  during  the  previous  day,  combining  them  in  a  thought  or  wcrd 
picture.  She  m.ay  have  confused  the  later  description  of  the  man  with  the 
dream,  remembering  the  composite  picture  thus  formed  as  the  dream.  Probably 

both  these  explanations  contribute  elements  to  the  situation.  She  asserts 
that  she  is  never  able  in  v/aking  life  to  visualize,  not  even  in  reverie. 

In  contrast  to' this  group  of  cases,  let  us  no;"  pass  to  a  consideration 
of  two  instances  where  blindness  after  the  seventh  year  is  follov.en  by  a 
total  lack  of  drean  vision. 

James  J.,  20,  was  attacked  at  one  year  of  age  by  a  fever  whicli  iripaired 
his  vision.  He  was  able,  however,  to  enter  the  public  schools  at  six,  where 
he  continued  till  nine,  making  nomal  progress.  At  this  period  liis  sight  be- 
gan to  fail,  which  caused  his  withdrawal  from  school.   At  fourteen,  after 
a  steady  diminution  of  vision,  he  was  totally  blind. 

Dolores  D.,  22,  was  unusually  active  as  a  child.  At  nine  an  accident 
destroyed  the  sight  in  one  eye,  followed  by  sympathetic  inflammation  in  the 
other,  leaving  her  totally  blind  within  a  few  months.  She  attended  the 
Colorado  School  for  the  Blind,  and  at  present  is  just  completing  her  first  year 
in  college. 

Jaines  J,  does  not  say  whether  or  not  he  has  a  memory  of  color,  nor  of 
fonn  as  perceived  visually,  but  he  does  not  visualize  in  waking  or  in  drea. s, 
Dolores  D,,  on  the  other  hand,  has  a  perfect  remembrance  of  colors,  is  able 
to  visualize  form,  features,  and  outline  in  her  waking  imagination  and  reveries, 
but  her  dream-life  is  devoid  of  all  traces  of  dream  vision. 

As  to  the  group  who  became  blind  betT.een  the  fifth  and  seventh  years, 
two  never  have  dream  vision,  three  do,  one  of  thc-se,  L!ary  C,  who  becurre 
totally  blind  at  five  and  a  half  years,  very  frequently  and  distincijy, includ- 
ing color. 

Jastrow  has  doubtless  drawn  the  true  dividing.:  lines,  but  tlie  five 
cases  alre-:;dy  cited,  togetl:er  with  tlie  tiiree  unverified  ones,  which  were  di  s- 
carded,  prove  that  the  lines  cannot  be  arbitrarily  detcrlned.  Precocity 
must  be  reckoned  with,  and  other  factors,  at  present  unidentif .■  ed,  are  likely 


to  intervene  and  destroy  dream  vision,  even  where  sight  is  retained  until 
after  the  critical  period. 

Jastrov;  [_;ives  the  averc^ce  age  of  loss  of  sight  for  those  v;ho  have 
color  vision  in  dreujiis  as  16.6  years,  v;hich  is  v,onderfully  meanincless,  ^s  I 
shall  presently  demonstrate.   I  find  on  ny  list  28  persons  nho  have  colcr 
vision,  the  tiii;e  at  which  loss  of  sight  occurred  varying  from  three  to  thirty- 
five  years,  giving  an  average  of  13.43  years,  or  3.17  years  less  than  Jastrow's 
average.   If  I  rule  out  the  three  persons  v<ho  becEDae  blind  between  24  ani  35, 
I  reduce  my  average  to  11.48  years.   It  therefore  becomes  clear  that  such  in 
average  is  v;ithout  meaning. 

jlnother  question  of  interest  which  naturally  arises  is,  do  the  blind  rver 
dream  of  reading  tactile  prints?.  Jastro\:  is  of  the  opinion  that  this  rarely 
or  never  occurs.  Sighted  persons  read  in  dreams  with  their  eyes,  why  should 
not  the  blind  read  with  their  fingers?  Me   will  seek  our  answer  in  the 
figures  of  the  following  table. 

Table  30.   85,   17 

12  3 

Yes         30   59-;;        1  20^0         14  4Cfj  6   35f= 

No  21  4  15  11 

This  table  proves  conclusively  that  tactile  reading  in  dreams  is  r.ot 
unknown,  and  that  it  is  mo^t  likely  to  occur  where  the  subject  has  been  bltdd 
from  early  dhildhood.  Those  who  have  first  learned  the  ink-print  seldom 
dream  of  tactile  reading,  and  when  they  do,  it  is  frequently  very  unsatisfactory. 
In  some  instances  the  dreamer  is  unable  to  ascertain  whether  he  read  Point  or 
Braille.  r,!uny  of  my  contributors  have  read  and  remembered  entire  letters, 
and  I  myself,  before  one  of  the  final  exa^.inatio^3  of  the  fall  tem,  in  the 
university,  read  one  of  the  questions  which  failed  to  appear  in  the  list 
next  day.  Tie   may  then  consider  this  (;uestion  settled. 


Jastro'.v  reports  the  ctise  of  a  young  nun  who  visualized  the  objects  nd 
scenes  of  Iiis  childhood,  but  never  those  of  his  post  blindness  period,  1^ 
questions  did  not  enable  ne  to  Gather  any  siriilar  material.  One  girl  related 
to  me,  hoTfever,  that  she  occasionally  dreams  of  being  in  a  ■wood  v/ith  a  numbe 
of  people,  and  sees  everything  distinctly,  until  her  companions  in  fun  run 
avfay  and  hide,  when  she  is  unable  to  see  anything,  A  man  who  lost  his  sight 
at  seventeen  al\Tays  visualizes  in  dreavis,  except  when  he  mal:es  a  conscious 
effort  to  do  so,  v;ben  liis  visual  activity  ceases. 

In  the  absence  of  vision  in  dretms,  we  are  confronted  with  the  problem  <f 
ascertaining  the  relative  importance  of  the  other  senses,  Jastrow  here  found 
that  he  ring  v;as  first,  which  is  borne  out  by  table  2C,  tactile  standing  next 
in  importance.  These  two  senses  together  serve  the  sightless  inthe  stead  d 
vision.  Audition  would  naturally  supersede  touch  because  of  the  wider  range 
of  the  former. 

By  way  of  comparison  between  the  blind  and  the  sighted,  the  fo  lowing 
table  in  per  cents  is  instructive.  The  first  column  represents  the  total  of 
S81  dreams  of  seven  sighted  subjects,  reported  by  '.Veed  and  Ilallam;  the  second 
is  based  upon  116  dreams  from  I'arie  H. ,  who  became  blind  at  thirty;  while  tie 
third  column  is  derived  from  177  dreams  of  my  own.  I  might  add  that  I  lost 
my  sig'it  at  seventeen  months  of  age. 

























These  figures  merely  Indicate  the  possible  tendency  in  the  respective 

conditions,  but  statistics  of  this  nature,  baaed  upon  a  large  number  of 
dre;un  diaries,  are  needed  in  ord.r  to  ussicn  to  each  £roup  of  sensations  its 
proper  place  in  importance  in  dreans,  bot};  of  the  blind  and  of  the  si^hfeea   In 
my  discussion  I  have  left  out  of  account  the  flcurcs  from  the  sigi.ted,  becau3  e 
of  their  meagreness.  The  first  column  in  the  above  table  is  representative 

of  the  general  concensus  of  opinion,  and  must  suffice. 

Titschener   seems  to  be  of  the  opinion  that  taste  dreams  are  a  rarity. 

The  above  table  largely  supports  that  idea,  yet  it  reveals  a  fair  number  of 

gustatory  dreams.   In  my  own  case  the  taste  has  often  persisted  after  awakening. 

Table  4B.   69,   16 

Blind  Sighted 

M    F      M     F 
6    4      60^0   67 













Table  4  C 

























The  second  of  these  two  tables  is  too  confused  to  adrdt  of  utilir,ation. 
The  two  v/ere  introduced  together  by  7;ay  of  contrast.  ]3oth  sj-ow  that  reasoiing 
is  an  i:iTportant  factor  in  dream-life,  thouch,  as  one  of  my  papers  expressed  it, 
it  is  "Unreaconable  reasoning-."   Ellis  affirms  the  dominance  of  reasoning, 
pointing  out  that  its  fallaciousness  is  due  to  the  materi'ils  at  the  cormand 
of  the  slumbering  brain.  Freud,  on  the  other  hand,  maintains  that  reasoning 
does  not  take  place  in  the  dream  itself,  but  that  it  is  transferred  bodily  from 
the  latent  content.  At  any  rate  v;e  find  reasoning  present  in  the  dream.  The 
best  examples  of  correct  reasoning  are  to  be  found  in  the  field  of  I.lathem.atics, 
though  other  instance  s  are  not  unkaown.   I  shall  cite  one  instance  of  correct 
reasoning  from  mj'  ovm  dreams. 

A  fevf  nig'ts  ago  I  dreamed  that  Dr.  L.  informed  me  th:-t  only  the  comp- 

letion  of  the  composition  of  this  thesis  7.-as  recutred  by  the  first  of  June, 
and  that  I  had  till  June  ^2  to  make  and  file  the  tv;o  copies  vjith  the  department. 
I  calculated  th  t  June  P.Z   cane  on  Sunday,  counting  forv;ard  from  June  IB, 
corar.-.en cement  day,  which  is  Viednesday,  andthat,  to  be  safe,  I  would  have  to  He 
my  copies  of  the  thesis  on  Saturday,  June  21,    I  thought  it  stroiige  that  I 
should  be  allo\-;ed  to  graduate  before  completing  my  work. 

In  normal  T/aking  life  vje  find  manifested  all  degrees  of  observation, 
varying  from  the  n-.ost  detailed  scrutiny  to  the  perception  of  mere  aitline.   I 
was  anjcious  to  see  if  these  individual  differences  v.ere  discoverable  in  dreams, 
and  accordingly  I  framed  a  question  to  this  effect,  the  results  of  vvhid-  are 
given  In  the  follcwing  table. 

Table  4D.   82,   16 

M     F     H   r  II   r    i-i   F 

Yes         18      32      60f.   62/.  5    4      45f.   60^J 

No  12      20  6    1 

By  personal  interviev/s  I  Tfas  permitted  to  ascertain  in  a  nu-'ber  of  cases 
that  the  habit  of  observation  in  vraking  life  is  transferred  to  the  drean  state. 
Those  who  observe  minutely  when  awake,  therefore,  tend  to  do  so  in  their  cteaJtB  . 
The  sex  difference  of  35f.  for  the  sig'^ited  in  the  above  table  will  not  be  con- 
sidered, as  it  probably  indicates  nothing  more  than  lack  of  material.   There 
is  this  to  be  noted,  however.  Illnuteness  for  the  seeing  differs  widely  ftm 
minuteness  for  the  blind.  Vision  enables  the  subject  to  make  a  much  tier  dis- 
crimination of  details  than  is  perndtted  by  any  of  the  other  senses.   On  the 
other  hand,  cultivt.tion  of  audition  a.  d  touch  by  the  blind  gives  ther  in  these 
respects  a  superiority  over  the  seeing.  T- is  surcriority  is  gre _ tly  exag- 
gerated by  current  belief,  however.   -Jiy  sighted  individual  co  ,ld  easily,  vdth 
a  little  atteition  directed  to  the  cultivation  of  touch  and  he:;rinc,  rE  ke 
rapid  improvements  in  these  two  senses.  T  is  proble-  of  minuteness,  then,  is 

still  open  er  invest!. /..tion,  as  our  figures  yield  no  reliable  concludions, 
unless  we  accept  the  appearance  of  practical  equality  of  the  sezes.  of  the 
tlind  in  this  res^^ect.   Our  table  would  seem  to  indicate  that  at  least  50^:^  of 
persons  do  observe  more  or  less  in  detail,  even  in  their  dreans. 

7>e  shall  now  pass  to  a  brief  study  of  memory,  based  upon  the  figures  de- 
rived fr.n  two  questions,  vjiicli,  however,  do  not  furnish  adequate  materials 
for  the  subject. 

Table  4E.   66,    16 




















100  Jb 





07  fo 















No  16  15  5     3 

If  these  tables  areto  be  accepted  as  valid,  and  I  adnit  the  possibility  of 
question  4S  h-jvinc  been  risunderstocd  in  some  instances,  '.ve  have  the  Collovjing 
interesting  fact,  namely,  that  the  larger  number  of  individuals  anchibit  an 
amnesic  condition  of  mem.ory  in  dreams,  a  smaller  number  displgy  a  hypBrmneslc 
condition,  \7hile  another  small  number  notice  no  difference  between  their 
waking  and  dream  me'nories.  The  characteristics  of  mem.orj''  in  its  selection 
of  experiences  for  the  iream  were  noted  in  chapter  2,  where  we  saw  that  one 
of  these  conditions,  the  recall  of  childhood  experiences,  provides  en  opparrtunity 
for  hypermnisia.  An  examination  of  the  various  types  of  memory,  including 
paramnesia,  which  does  not  appear  in  our  tables,  would  take  us  too  far  afield, 
Ellis  has  written  a  very  comprehensive  chapter  on  the  subject,  to  which  the 
reader  is  recommended. 

But  there  is  one  feature  that  is  very  striking  in  our  tables.  It  is 
commonly  asserted  that  the  blind  are  endowed  with  extraordinary  memories.  This 
assertion  is  traceable  to  at  least  two  sources;  A,  records  of  prodieies  in  this 
respect;  and  B,  superficial  observation,  coupled  with  a  profound  failure  to 
comprehend  that  blindness  does  not  necessarily  abnormalize  an  individual.  I  do 
not  believe  it  can  be  proved  that  the  blind  as  a  class  are  endowed  with  extra- 
ordinary memory  powers.   If  good  memory  is  the  property  of  the  blind,  it  results 
from  the  fact  that  the  blind  depend  more  upon  retentiveness  than  do  the  seeing, 
which,  In  itself,  would  tend  to  insure  a  certain  amount  of  cultivation  of  this 
ability,  but  not  to  the  extent  commonly  affini;ed.   In  any  event,  we  do  not  find 
the  dreams  of  the  blind  preponderately  hypermnesic,  though  it  is  not  necessary 
that  a  good  waking  memory  be  treuisferred  to  the  dream-life.  As  a  matter  of 
fact  we  find  all  manner  of  perversions  in  dreams,  as  has  been  repeatedly 

Frequently  there  is,  as  is  shov/n  in  table  4F,  a  memory  within  the  dream  of 
having  previously  had  that  dream  before.  Both  Miss  Wiggam  and  Jewell  speak 
of  this  phenomenon,  and  the  latter  ascribes  it  to  different  depths  of  sleep,  the 
memory  being  in  a  different  depth  from  the  actual  dream,  Freud,  however,  offers 
the  following  explanation.  The  wish  has  succeeded  in  eluding  the  endo-psycMc 
censor,  and  lest  the  dream  be  taken  too  seriously,  some  such  remark  as  "It  is  only 
a  dream,"  or,  "I  have  had  that  dream  before, "  is  inserted  in  the  drear:  by  the 
censor.   If  this  sort  of  memory  be  taken  as  a  hypermnesic  character,  we  f:nd 
even  here  that  the  blind  do  not  greatly  outdo  the  sighted. 

Table  4G.   78,    18 
M    F 

OZfo     OOyS 

83^.  95^. 
































,1  \  :        .  ■  '  '> 

Miss  7/iggam  speaks  of  a  tendency  in  dreams  to  magnify  objects,  which 
furnished  the  suggestion  for  this  question,  Tliis  table  indicates  an  over- 
whelming tendency  on  the  part  of  dreams  to  preserve  the  normal  size  of  objects, 
while  at  the  same  time  revealing  a  departure  from  normality  in  a  few  instances, 

We  may  now  summarize  the  chapter  briefly  thus:  A,  dreans  of  flying  and 
of  falling  have  a  seiual  significance,  though  they  may  be  initiated  by  somatic  f 
stimuli;  B,  those  who  lose  their  sight  prior  to  the  fifth  year  do  not  dream 
of  seeing,  leaving  precocity  out  of  account;  those  who  become  blind  between  the 
fifth  and  seventh  years  may  or  may  not  have  dream  vision,  depending  upon  the 
developr:ent  of  the  occipital  centres  previous  to  the  loss  of  sight;  while  all 
who  become  blind  after  the  seventh  year  see  in  their  dreans,  barring  certain 
unknown  factors;  C,  the  blind  do  dream  of  reading  tactually;  D,  minuteness  for 
the  blind  and  the  sighted  is  different,  and  needs  further  study;  E,  there  is 
no  evidence  for  attributing  to  the  blind  the  supposed  extra-ordinary  memory 
endowment,  but  we  have  rather  a  freer  exercise  of  memory  by  the  blind  than  by 
the  sighted;  and  F,  dream-life  tends  to  preserve  the  normality  of  objects. 

A  Comparative  Study  of  Dreams  of  the  Blind  eind  of  the 
Sighted,  with  Special  Reference  to  Freud's  Theory, 

Chap,  5.  Somnambulism,  Reverie,  and  Conclusion. 
We  have  thus  far  been  occupied  with  the  study  of  dreams,  comparing 
and  contrasting  those  of  the  seeing  with  those  of  the  blind.  We  shall  now 
continue  the  same  method,  considering  two  kindred  phases  of  activity,  somnambu- 
lism, and  reverie.  Let  us  therefore  turn  without  further  ado  to  the  tables 
on  Somnambulsim, 






































No         11     35 

Table  5D.      83, 
M     F       M    F 
Yes         2     5      06fo    1055 

No  30     46  11 





































No  12     15 

Table  7B. 



M         F 



52%     7355 

81,   15, 

M    F      M      F 
5    5      56%    85% 

Chllde  is  reported  by  Jewell  as  finding  somnambulistic  features  in  4)% 

/  ^ 

males  and  30°to  females,  and  41^  and  375^i  reported  that  they  talked  In  their 
Bleep.  The  group  of  tables  above  show  a  range  in  the  case  of  the  blind  from 
66^  to  825b  displaying  some  form  of  somnambulism,  and  175^  to  75^^  for  the 
sighted.  It  is  very  probable  that  Childe  did  not  Include  in  his  somnambuiistic 
features  the  milder  manifestations  such  as  unsuccessfully  attempted  movement,  or 
actions  performed  witliout  leaving  the  bed.  But  the  figures  from  the  sighted  , 
although  they  tsdly  quite  closely  in  ir.ost  respects  with  those  of  the  blind,  are 
too  insufficient  to  admit  of  any  adequate  comparisons.  It  is  quite  noticeable 
from  table  7B  that  sonmambulism,  attenpted  or  executed,  has  a  tendency  to 
leave  the  sleeper  fatigued  or  exhausted  in  the  morning.  It  was  u  nable  %q 
ascertain  numerically  how  many  of  my  contributors  remembered  their  somnambulism, 
as  that  portion  of  question  7A  seems  to  have  been  quite  generally  overlooked.  We 
will  accordingly  pass  to  the  consideration  of  the  nature,  and  the  condition 
favoring,  somnambulism. 

In  my  questionaire,  and  In  ray  work,  I  have  used  the  phrase  "Somnambulistic 
phenomena"  to  include  all  physical  activity  during  sleep,  whether  that  activity 
be  executed  and  In  a  pronounced  form,  as  in  sleep-walking;  whether  it  be  more 
circumscribed  in  extent,  or  In  the  part  of  the  body  effected,  as  talking,  or 
whether  It  be  only  attempted  activity.   It  is  distinguished  from  dreairis  in  that 
it  is  physical  activity  during  sleep,  while  dreamng  is  mental  activity.  This 
distinction  will,  I  believe,  partially  account  for  the  rarity  T?ith  which  somnambu- 
listic features  especially  all  tint  but  the  more  subtle  forms,  are  recalled  upon 
awakening.  This  leads  to  a  second  distinction  between  and  somnambulism, 
namely,  that  whereas  the  former  is  the  activity  of,  and  is  confined  to  the 
higher  nervous  centres,  the  latter  is  brought  about  by  the  activity  of  the 
lower  centres,  which  liave  been  split  off  from  the  higher,  and  are  acting 

This  fact  prevents  the" higher  centres  from  taking  cognizance  of  the 
resulting  activity,  and  of  course  bars  out  memory.  A  third  distinction  is 
yet  possible.  Dreaming,  or  rather  that  portion  of  nocturnal  consciousness 
which  we  remember  as  the  dream,  is  a  product  of  the  lighter  stages  of  sleep, 
most  frequently  of  the  transitional  stages;  vrhile  somnambulism  belongs  to  the 
province  of  a  deeper  sleep. 

V/e  may  regard  an  unsuccessful  effort  to  move  in  a  dream  as  intermediary 
between  a  true  dream  and  somnambulism,  since  it  contains  a  drean,  and  in 
addition  an  effort  at  movement.  7/e  may  therefore  inquire  with  Bradley**  why 
movement  fails  to  occur.  He  states  his  problem  thus:  when  we  dream  of 
movement,  why  can  we  not  execute  it?  In  answer  o  this  interrogation,  he 
deduces  two  reasons;  A,  comparative  weakness  of  the  psychic  states  during  sleep* 
and  B,  lack  of  definite  knowledge  as  to  the  eract  position  of  the  body  4n 
reference  to  its  environment.  He  affirms  that  the  mental  states  in  dreams 
are,  despite  our  feeling  about  the  matter,  weaker  as  compared  with  waking  life. 
In  considering  the  second  of  his  reasons  Bradley  says  that  any  movement  is 
impossible  unless  we  have  a  definite  knowledge  of  the  position  of  the  member 
t6  be  used.  Vfe  must  know  its  relation  to  externeil  objects.  I  cannot  raise 
my  arm  until  I  know  that  it  is  in  some  other  position,  and  until  I  know  in 
what  position  it  is.  How,  in  dreams  this  knowledge  is  absent,  and  hence 
movement  is  impeded. 

A  third  reason  might  have  been  added,  namely,  that  there  has  not 
resulted  a  splitting  in  the  nervous  levels,  and  consequently  the  motor 
centres  are  still  inhibited  by  the  higher.    This  separation  is  requii^eu  to 
produce  true  somnambulism. 

The  next  subject  to  engross  our  interest  is  that  of  reverie.  This 
topic  is  of  special  interest  in  view  of  the  fact  that  the  blind  are  comnionly 

believed  to  be  abnormal  day-dreamers.   I  shall  present  the  statistical  material 
at  my  command,  then  proceed  to  inquire  into  the  validity  of  this  belief. 

Table  6A.   86,   16 






Depression,  2 

Pleasant  surroundings,  1 

Reading,  4 

Music    3 

Solitude  26 

Listening  to  stories,  1 

Riding  on  train,  1 

Quiet,  7 

Lcnesome,  4 

Walking  rapidly/-,  1 

After  retiring,  5 

Care-free,  1 

Failure,  1 

IlonotonouE  sound,  1 

M     F 
75fj   82^ 

M    F 
?0f.  100^ 

Table   6D. 





















1     0 

Table  6B.  74.  From  blind  ordy. 
Idleness,  2 
Perplexity,  1 
Writing  stories,  1 
Sitting  before  fireplace,  1 
Annoyance,  1 
W..en  singing,  1 
Ilechanical  work,  2 
Fatigue,  1 
TTarm  day,  5 

Q,uiet  and  in  good  health,  1 
Warm  place,  1 
Anticipation,  1 
Success,  1 
Summer  breeze,  1 

M  F 

2095  67?^ 

50fj  17^ 

30fo  17j6 

Table  6E.   43,   17. 





































If  the  figures  of  our  tables  ajre  to  be  trusted,  ne   certainly  find  no  support 
for  the  popular  opinion.  It  is  strange  that  the  variation  should  be  nine  and 
ten  per  cent  respectively  betv/een  the  seres  in  the  two  classes,  and  that  this 
variation  should  be  in  favor  of  the  same  sex  in  both  groups.  Were  it  not  for  this 
fact,  we  T/ould  be  entitled  to  accept  with  some  hesitation  the  figures  from  the 
sighted.  But  I  take  it  that  they  represent  somewhat  near  the  average.   In  any 
event,  it  would  be  improper  to  discard  them  upon  no  better  evidence  than  mere 
current  belief.  But,  if  we  accept  the  figures  as  approximating  the  truth,  we  have 
on  our  hands  the  problem  of  justifying  the  calim  made   by  the  tables,  namely,  that 
the  sighted  are  more  addicted  to  reverie  than  are  the  blind.  Before  undertaking 
the  solution  of  that  problem,  l*t  me  first  define,  or  rather  characterize  reverie. 

Reverie  is  a  w  king  fantasy,  characterized  by  partial  or  complete  absent- 
mindedness  and  unconsciousness  of  surrourdings,  pertaining  either  to  the 
possible,  probablp,  or  desired  future  of  the  individual,  or  else  to  the  past 
as  it  might  have  been.   It  thus  differs  from  dreams  in  that  it  occurs  in  the 
waking  state,  but  it  resembles  them,  according  to  Frued,  in  its  structure  and 
and  behavior.  It,  like  the  dream,  is  the  fulfillment  of  a  wish,  and  reverts  to 
infantile  memories  and  experiences;  and,  like  the  dream,  it  is  indulged  to  a  certain 
extent  by  the  censor.  Brill,  in  his  Psychoanalyiss,  traces  the  various  stages  of 
the  reverie  thus:  there  is  first  a  drawing  anaj^  from  the  present.  The  first 
stage  is  that  of  fantastic  exaltation,  the  content  of  which  deals  with  the 
individual's  hopes  and  aspirations.  This  is  followed  by  a  dream-lil.e  withdrawal 

from  reality.  The  third  stage  is  distinguished  by  a  euspenaion  of  consciousness, 
and  by  absent-mindedness,  during  which  there  are  no  thoughts,  so  to  speak,        \ 
'Tholo  episodes  are  then  folltjwed  by  depression,  c):iaraoterized  by  anxiety  with  its 
concomitant  manifestations. 

Returning  now  to  the  problem  bef-re  us,  we  shall  seek  our  answer  in  the 

causes  of  reverie,  the  material  of  which  is  found  in  table  6B.  Partride,   who, 

In  conjunction  with  E,  H  .  Lindley,  collected  S37  returns  to  a  questionaire  on 

reverie,  groups  his  99  causes  into  three  classes,  general  conditions,  such  as 

heeilth,  environment,  weather,  etc.,  mental  and  emotional,  and  hypnotic.  The 

second  group  exhibits  a  strong  reactioneiry  tendency  against  unpleasant  situations 

or  thoughts,  therein  resembling  the  dream.  In  the  third  group  ar-e  to  be  found  all 

those  objects  which  appear  to  the  senses,  especially  to  the  eye  and  to  the  ear. 

Sky,  clouds,  trees,  music,  etc.  are  to  be  found  in  this  category.  Now,  it  is  quite 

obvious  that  this  third  group  must  be  largely  excluded  from  the  lives  of  the  blln-^, 

7/hereas  nmay  persons  reported  by  Partridge  said  that  they  could  not  studj-  if 

sitting  where  they  could  loo'c  out  of  a  window,  a  sightless  individual  would  be 

unaffected.  This  would  tend  to  reduce  greatly  the  probability  of  the  occurence 

of  reveries.    But  this  is  not  the  whole  story.  The  very  fact  that  vision  has 

such  a  wide  range  gives  its  possessor  Innumerable  opportunities  f«r  variety.  One 

of  the  favorable  conditions  for  inducing  reveries  is  monotony;  hence  vision  vould 

tend  to  nullify  the  effects  of  this  factor.  Deprive  an  individual  of  sight,  and 

his  range  in  any  respect  is  greatly  narrowed.  At  best  he  can  get  througli  his 

own  efforts  what  transpires  within  his  hearing.  Even  this  has  to  be  guessed  at 

very  imperfectly  at  times.  Cut  off  from  external  stimulation  to  a  large  extent, 

the  blind  individual  has  to  turn  his  thoughts  in  upon  hi:  self.  And  what  does 

he  find  there  in  his  mind?  V7ell,  very  often  th«t  mind  is  as  impoverisl^.ed  as  is 

bodily  reactions  to  external  stimuli.  r.onotony  without  and  within,  what  is  he  to 

del  There  is  but  one,  natural  thing  that  he  will  doe  He  will  try  to 

forget  the  present  ..ith  all  its  linitaticns  and  roughnesses,  and  w:ll  construct 

for  himself  an  ideal  present  where,  even  though  his  blindness  still  persist, 
he  is  freed  from  its  ha^idicap,  and  moves  about  at  ease  in  his  id-^.ally  con- 
structed vjorld.   His  defect  is  unnoticed  by  others,  and  he  is  supremely  happy, 
until  he  is  suddenly  recalled  to  the  stern  reality.  Blindness,  the?i,  tends  to 
make  the  individual  introspective. 

But  this  predisposition  on  the  peirt  of  the  blind  to  introspection  has  been 
greatly  exaggerated,  as  I  believe  tabel  GA  clearly  demonstrates.  If  it  existed 
to  anything  like  the  extent  currently  designated,  it  ought  to  more  nearly 
counterbalance  the  absence  of  the  majority  of  the  hypnotic  causes.   I  do  not 
maintain  that  the  blind  are  not  Introspective,  but  I  do  hold  that  this  tendency 
is  unduly  exaggerated  in  the  public  mind.  In  my  acquaintance  embracing  a  few 
hundred  persons  partially  or  altogether  sightless,  I  recall  only  five  who  were 
abnormlly  given  to  day  -dreaming,  four  boys  and  one  girl.  Of  these  five,  one 
was  mentally  -neak,  and  was  at  one  time  thought  to  be  in  the  first  stages  of 
dementia;  one  v?as  exceptionally  nervous,  which  he  still  retains  to  a  marked 
degree,  though  he  has  somehwat  outgrown  his  abnormal  reverie  condition;  one 
had  defective  hearing,  while  the  girl  and  the  other  boy  are  not  so  well  known 
to  me. 

These  facts  would  seem  to  suggest  a  certain  relation  between  reverie  and 

abnormality;  and  J.  Crichton  Brown   has  shown  that  abnormal  reverie  is 

pathological.  He  has  shown  Its  relation  to  epilepsy,  and  statistically  traced 

its  inheritability.  The  person  entirely  free  from  reverie,  whether  blind  or 

seeing,  must  either  have  e^ery   minute  of  his  time  ta::en  with  work  tJat  requires 

more  or  less  thought,  or  else  he  must  be  abnon;:al. 

In  all  cases  where  I  was  able  to  secure  furtJier  information  not  contained 

in  the  answers  to  tlie  qucstionaire,  I  fou'-d  thut  any  chrnge  in  the  frequency  of 

reverie  was  quite  closely  correlated  with  the  occupied  time  of  the  individual, 

and  the  nature  of  his  work.   If  his  time  was  decreased,  either  by  adding  more 

duties,  or  by  diminishing  the  mechanical  viork  to  give  place  to  newer  tasks. 


ttie  reveries  became  less  frequent;  while  if  his  time  were  increased  by 
diminishing  the  work  requiring  thought,  op  by  increasing  the  mechanical  work 
his  reveries  became  more  frequent^ 

As  to  the  attitude  toward  reveries,  i»e  find  an  evidence  that  the 
phenomenon  fulfills  its  mission  in  a  large  number  of  cases  by  sweetsning  life* 
Those  who  expressed  a  dislike  or  unconcern  for  reveries  were  Influenced  to  a 
very  high  degree,  as  I  had  opportunity  to  verify,  by  the  popular  sentiment 
toward  this  phenomenon,  especially  as  considered  in  relation  to«  the  blind.. 

}fy  actual  reverie  material  is  too  meagre  to  permit  me  to  enter  into  a  dis- 
cussion  of  the  nature  of  this  state  as  induced  in  the  blind,  and  Mr.  Partridge 
has  dealt  quite  fully  with  the  manifestation  in  the  seeing.  This  field,  however, 
offers  a  valuable  opportunity  for  an  investigation  of  the  mental  contait  of 
the  blind  man's  mind,  and  I  hope  it  will  be  conscientiously  taken  up  by  some 
Tinprejudiced  psychologist. 

The  remainder  of  the  questions  of  the  questionaire  will  here  be  ignored  for 
two  very  good  reasons;  A,  their  insignificance,  psychologically;  and  B,  the 
scantiness  of  the  returns  received.  It  was  hoped  that  some  material  would 
have  been  derived  from  question  7A  to  throw  some  light  upon  the  memory  state  of 
the  blind,  but  I  was  disappointed  in  that,  only  a  conqiBratively  few  answers 
being  received  to  the  questions;  so  that  the  figures  will  not  be  here  given. 

We  may  now  conclude  this  work  with  the  following  brief  summary;  A,         y^ 
Freud's  theory  is  by  far  the  most  reasonable  yet  offered  for  the  explanation  of 
dream  pheonomena;  B,  that  both  classes  tend  to  be  alike  in  their  dreams  with 
respect  to  pleasant  dreams,  emotional  content,  dreams  of  the  dead,  memory 
processes,  and  preservation  of  the  normality  of  objects;  C,  dreams  of  the 
blind  manifest  sex  differences  .in  regard  to  presence  within  the  dreams  of  fear, 
prominent  waking  thoughts,  daily  work,  emotional  content;  D,  the  blind  exceed 

the   sigiited  in  respeots  to  the   presenoe  in  their  dreams  of  the  element  of 
fear,  the  effect  upon  the  waking  consciousness  of  the  dream;  E,  repulslTeness 
in  dreams  is  possible  and  frequent  for  the  blind;  F,  the  question  of  minute- 
ness, which  differs  in  the  two  classes,  that  of  memory,  and  of  reason,  will 
bear  further  study;  G,  the  blind  are  not  more  given  to. reverie  than  are  the  sightei 
E,  the  blind  do  dream  of  readiJig  tactually;  I,  J°astrow'8  conclusions  respecting 
the  relation  between  dream  vision  and  time  of  Ics^.  of  alght  are  reasonably  ' 
correct,  but  we  must  reckon  with  other  factors,  of  which  precocity  la  one* 

1.  Jastrow,  J,,   Dreams  of  the  Blind;  Fact  end  Fable  in  Psychology, 
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