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Full text of "A complete history of England : from the descent of Julius Caesar, to the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle, 1748. Containing the transactions of one thousand eight hundred and three years"

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SHELF    N° 





O    F 



Descent  of  Julius  C  je  s  a  r, 

TO     THE 

Treaty  of  Aix  la  Chapelle,  1748. 

Containing  the  Transactions  of 

One  Thoufand  Eight  Hundred  and  Three  Years. 
By   T.   SMOLLETT,    M.  D. 


Non  tamen  pigebit  vel   incondita  ac  nidi  voce  memorlam  prioris   fervitutis,  ac 
teftimonium  praefentium  bonorum  compofuifie.  Tacit.  Agricola. 


Printed  for  James  Rivington  and  James  Fletcher,  ai  the 
Oxford- Theatre;  and  R.  Baldwin,  at  theRofe,  in  Paternoiler-row. 


'  ADAMS  *A* 




O   F 




NOTHING  could  be  more  agreeable  to  the  Aic.  153* 
Englifli  than  the  humiliation  of  the  prelates. 
They  now  began  openly  to  difcufs  contro- 
verted points  of  religion  •,  and  were  by  their  indif- 
creet  zeal  hurried  into  dangerous  extremities.    The 
bifhops,  in  order  to  lighten  the  burden  of  the  fum 
they  had  granted  to  his  majeiiy,  were  defirous  that 
a  part  fhould  be  borne  by  the  inferior  clergy  ;  and 
the  bimopof  London  aflembled  fome  priefts  of  that 
metropolis  in  the  chapter-houie  of  St.  Paul's,  to 
propofe  an  afTefTment.     His  purpofe  was  to  obtain 
the  confent  of  a  few  at  firft,  hoping  the  reft  would 
follow  their  example.     But  all  the  London  priefts,  D.    .    . 
being  apprized  or   his  intention,    went  thither  in  a  priefts  of 
tumultuous  manner,  accompanied  by  a  great  num.-  Lond*I2» 
ber  of  laymen,  who  fomented  the  difpute ;    and 
when  the  bifhop  made  the  propofal,  they  anfwered, 

B  2  they 


a.  c.  1531.  t]iey  hac]  never  meddled  with  any  of  the  cardinal's 
faculties,  confequently  had  not  fallen  in  the  pre- 
munire :  that  their  livings  were  already  too  fmall 
for  their  fubfiftence  :  that,  as  the  guilt  lay  intirely 
among  the  bifhops  and  abbots,  who  had  good  pre- 
ferment, they  only  ought  to  fuftain  the  pumfhment : 
as  for  themfelves,  they  had  not  tranfgreffed,  and 
therefore  would  not  pay  for  a  pardon.  They  had 
already  burft  open  the  dcor,  and  committed  divers' 
irregularities  •,  and  now  that  the  bifhop's  officers 
threatened  them  with  condign  punifhment,  a  fharp 
conflict  enfued,  in  which  his  lordfnip's  fervants 
having  been  very  roughly  handled,  he  difmiffed  the 
rioters  with  his  bleffing,  affuring  them,  they  mould 
not  be  called  in  queftion  for  this  disturbance.  Far 
from  keeping  his  word,  he  complained  to  the  chan- 
cellor, by  whofe  order  fifteen  priefts,  and  five  lay- 
men were  committed  to  prifon  •,  but,  whether  or 
not  the  inferior  clergy  payed  any  proportion  of  the 
tax-,  we  cannot  determine.  Henry,  alarmed  at 
thefe  commotions,  refolved  to  convince  his  people, 
that  although  he  had  fhaken  off  the  papal  yoke,  his 
intention  was  not  to  violate  the  efTential  truths  of 
religion  ;  and  therefore  ordered  the  laws  againfb 
heretics  to  be  rigoroufly  put  in  execution  :  an  order 
which  was  attended  with  the  death  of  two  eccle- 
fiaftics,  and  a  lawyer,  who  were  condemned  to  the 
flames  in  Smithfield. 

Notwithftanding  this  feverity,  the  king  of  Eng- 
land, and  his  ally  Francis,  refolved  to  fupport  the 
protectants  in  Germany,  not  from  religious  motives, 
but  in  order  to  oppofe  the  growing  power  of  the 
Auftrian  family.  Ferdinand  was  by  this  time 
elected  king  of  the  Romans  -y  and  the  catholic 
princes  of  the  empire  had  entered  into  an  oftenfive 
league  aaainft  the  Lutherans.  The  French  king 
not  only  favoured  thefe  reformers,  but  is  even  faid 
to  have  inftigated  the  Turks  to  invade  the  Auflrian 




HENRY       VIII.  5 

dominions.  Charles,  without  pretending  to  fufpect  A- c-  »?3A 
him  of  any  fuch  defign,  fent  ambafTadors  to  follicit 
a  fupply  of  money  for  the  maintenance  of  the  war 
again  ft  the  Infidels  •,  and  to  this  addrefs  Francis 
replied,  that  the  emperor  had  received  money 
enough  from  him  already;  that  he  was  neither  sleiJan' 
merchant  nor  banker,  to  fupply  his  wants ;  bur, 
that  he  would  have  his  fhare  in  the  honour  and 
danger  in  all  enterprizes  which  it  might  become 
him  as  achriftian  prince  to  undertake.  The  aim  a.c.  153*, 
of  Francis  was  to  regain  the  footing  he  had  loft  in 
Italy,  by  the  affiftance  of  the  Englifh  monarch,  and 
fomenting  jealoufy  between  Charles  and  the  pope, 
whom  he  foothed  and  threatened  by  turns,  accord- 
ing to  the  prevailing  paftions  of  his  holinefs.  He 
likewife  cajoled  Henry,  by  flattering  his  inclina- 
tions in  the  affair  of  the  divorce  alluring  him,  that 
fhould  Clement  refufe  doing  him  juitice,  he  would 
join  him  in  withdrawing  all  fpiritual  obedience  from 
the  holy  fee.  He  concluded  an  agreement  with  the 
princes  of  the  league  of  Smaicalde  -,  and  perfuaded 
the  king  of  England  to  affift  them  with  fifty  thou- 
fand  crowns,  remitted  by  the  hands  of  the  French 
ambaffador,  as  a  fum  to  be  employed  for  the  de- 
fence and  conservation  of  the  rights  and  privileges 
of  the  empire.  The  two  kings  had  endeavoured  by  Heibert- 
negotiations  to  detach  the  pope  wholly  from  the  em-  New  treaty 
peror  ;  but,  Clement  dreading  an  open  rupture  Henry0" 
with  fuch  a  powerful  antagonift,  amufed  them  andFranri^ 
with  vain  hopes,  until  at  length,  fearing  he  would 
compromife  affairs  with  Charles,  they  refolved  to 
intimidate  him  from  taking  fuch  a  ftep,  by  diffufing 
the  report  of  a  new  treaty,  which  they  actually 
concluded  at  London.  Though  this  was  purely 
defenfive,  as  the  articles  were  not  known,  the  em- 
peror was  not  a  little  alarmed,  believing,  that 
while  the  Turks  mould  invade  his  Auilrian  domi- 
nions, Henry  and  Francis   would   attack  him   in 

B   3  Italy 

6  HISTORY   of    ENGLAND. 

a.  c,  1534.  i^iy  anc|  the  Low  Countries.  He  was  confirmed 
in  this  conjecture,  v/hen  he  underftood  that  thefe 
two  princes  had  agreed  to  have  an  interview  between 
Calais  and  Boulogne. 

The  parliament  meeting  on  the  fifteenth  day  of 
January,  the  commons,  who  were  previoufly  in- 
itructed  by  the  court,  prefented  an  addrefs,  be- 
feeching  his  majefty  to  confent  to  the  reformation 
of  divers  abufes  which  had  crept  into  the  immuni- 
ties enjoyed  by  the  clergy.  The  king  anfwered, 
that  before  he  could  afient  to  a  propofal  of  fuch 
importance,  he  would  hear  what  the  clergy  had  to 
fay  in  their  own  defence.  This  ftep  was  taken,  in 
order  to  fhew  them  how  much  they  needed  *iis  royal 
protection,  hated  as.  they  were  by  the  parliament. 
fbrid^g°r  Several  ftatutes  were  enacted,  which  (lightly  touch- 
the  popes  ed  upon  the  privileges  of  that  body  ;  though  they 
!mortiondin  were  abundantly  confoled  for  thefe  mortifications, 
England,  by  an  act  releafing  them  from  the  payment  of  an- 
nates to  the  pope,  which  had  ever  been  a  heavy 
burden.  The  ftatute  imported,  That  fince  the 
reign  of  the  late  king,  above  one  hundred  and 
fixty  thoufand  pounds  had  been  fent  to  Rome,  on 
account  of  annates,  or  firft-fruits,  palls  and  bulls 
for  bifhoprics :  That  the  annates  had  been  origi- 
nally intended  as  a  contribution  for  a  war  againft: 
the  Infidels-,  but,  as  they  were  not  employed  for 
that  purpofe,  it  was  enacted,  That  they  mould  not 
be  payed  for  the  future  :  That  not  above  five  per 
cent,  of  the  actual  revenue  fliould  be  paid  for  the 
bulls  of  bifhoprics  :  That,  in  cafe  of  the  pope's 
refufing  to  grant  them  on  thefe  conditions,  the 
hi  (hop  elect  mould  be  prefented  by  the  king  to  the 
metropolitan  of  the  province,  by  whom  he  mould 
be  confecrated  :  but,  mould  the  archbifhop  refufe 
confeeration,  on  pretence  that  he  himfelf  had  not 
as  yet  received  his  bulls  or  pallium,  two  prelates 
nominated  by  trje'king  fliould  perform  the  cere- 
mony 9 

HENRY      VIII.  7 

mony ;  and  then  the  elect  fhould  be  deemed  law-  A-  c-  £53=« 
fully  eonfecrated.  The  parliament  declared,  That 
it  fhould  be  in  the  king's  power  to  annul  or  confirm 
this  act  within  a  certain  time.  If,  in  that  interval, 
he  mould  make  an  accommodation  with  the  court 
of  Rome,  it  mould  be  deemed  inviolable  ;  but, 
fhould  the  pope,  on  account  of  fuch  accommoda- 
tion, pretend  to  harrafs  the  kingdom  with  kn- 
tences  of  excommunication  and  interdict,  thefe 
cenfures  fhould  be  held  as  null  and  void  ♦,  all  ec- 
clefiaftics  were  forbid  to  publifh  them,  but  ordered 
to  celebrate  divine  fervice,  as  if  they  never  had  Burner 
been  ifTued. 

About  this  period  the  king  received  a  letter  from 
the  pope,   obferving,  that  he  had  heard  of  his  put- 
ting away  his  queen,  and  keeping  another  perfon 
called  Anne,  as  his  wife,  to  the  great  fcandal  of  his 
character,    and  contempt  of  the  holy  apoflolic  fee, 
before  which  the  fuit  was  ftill  depending  :  he  there- 
fore exhorted  him  to  take  back  queen  Catherine, 
and  difmifs  Anne  •,  and  in  fo  doing,  he  would  avoid 
a  rupture  with  the  emperor,  who  could  never  other- 
wife  digeft  fuch  an  indignity  as  he  had  put  upon 
his  aunt  •,  and  prevent  an  interruption  in  the  union 
of  Chriftendom,  which  was  the  only  fecurity  againft 
the  progrefs  of  the  Infidels.   It  does  not  appear  that 
Henry  fent  a  particular  anfwer  to  this  letter  ;  but, 
he  difpatched  doctor  Bennet  to  Rome  in   quality 
of  ambaffador,   to  lay  before  the  pope  the  decifions 
and   opinions   of  univerfities   and    learned  men, 
touching  the  divorce  ;    and  he  was  charged  with 
a  letter,  in  which  the  king  taxed  his  holinefs  with 
ignorance,   partiality,   and   deceit-,  declared,    that 
he  did  not  intend  to  impugn  his  authority  further, 
unlefs  compelled  -,  defired  he  would  conform  to  the 
opinion  of  fo  many  learned  cafuifts  •,   and  do  his 
duty  according  to  the  dictates  of  his   confcience, 
Clement,  inftead  of  gratifying  the  king's  inclina- 

£  4  lion, 

*  H  I  STO  R  Y  of  EN  G  L  AN 

a.  c.  1532.  t*10n?  expedited  a  citation,  fummoning  him  to  ap- 
Henry  fends  pear  in  perfon,  or  by  proxy,  at  Rome,  to  anfwer 
^°r  tD  tne  queen's  appeal  ;  and  Sir  Edward  Karne  was 
fent  thither  as  Henry's  excufator.  He  was  in- 
ftructed  to  employ  the  belt  counfel  he  could  find, 
to  juftify  the  king  for  not  appearing  at  Rome,  on 
the  principles  of  the  canon-law,  and  the  preroga-  . 
tives  of  the  crown  of  England.  He  was  accom- 
panied by  Bonner  •,  and  found  the  confiftory  di- 
vided in  their  opinions  of  the  divorce.  Thofe  who 
favoured  the  emperor  preffed  the  pope  to  pro- 
ceed in  the  caufe.  The  more  moderate  cardinals 
advifed  him  to  a6l  with  caution,  as  in  all  probabi- 
lity he  would  lofe  England  by  adhering  to  Charles. 
The  pope  himfelf  being  informed  of  the  bill  con- 
cerning annates,  expoftulated  on  that  fubject  with 
the  ambaiTadors,who  anfwered,  that  as  k  was  ftill  in 
the  king's  power  to  revoke  the  act,  it  would  depend 
upon  his  holinefs  whether  it  fhouid  be  annulled  or 
confirmed.  They  retained  Rovidellus,  a  learned 
canonift  of  Bologna,  to  plead  the  king's  caufe  ; 
and  they  bribed  the  cardinals  of  Ravenna,  Monte, 
and  Ancona,  to  ufe  their  influence  in  his  behalf. 
The  excufatory  plea  was  argued  in  the  confiftory, 
and  after  much  diipute,  neither  allowed  nor  reject- 
ed :  bur,  the  vacation  approaching,  the  pope  and 
college  of  cardinals  wrote  a  letter  to  Henry,  intreat- 
ing  him  to  fend  a  proxy  in  the  winter.  Bonner, 
who  was  fent  over  to  England  on  this  occafion,  had 
inftructions  from  the  cardinals  who  were  gained 
over  to  the  king's  intereft ,  to  allure  him,  that  the 
affair  could  be  judged  in  no  other  manner  but  in 
the  confiftory  ;  and  that  he  had  nothing  to  fear 
from  the  decifion  of  the  pope,  who  now  leaned  to 
'***•        the  French  intereft. 

While  thefe  points,  were  debated  at  Rome,  the 
parliament  of  England  met  again  in  April;  and- in- 

the  courfe  of  the  feffiah,  a  member  of  the  name 



HENRY       VIII.  9 

of  Temfe  moved,  that  an  add  reft  might:  be  pre-  A-  c-  *53>* 
fentcd  to  the  king,  praying  his  majefty  to  take  back 
the  queen,  and  avoid  all  the  inconveniencies  thus 
might  attend  the  il legitimation  of  the  princefs. 
Henry  was  incenfed  at  the  freedom  of  this  com- 
moner, for  which  he  chid  the  fpeaker  of  the  houfe, 
and  appealed  to  the  teftimony  of  his  own  confeience 
for  the  j  unification  of  his  conducl.  He  afterwards 
represented  to  the  lower  houfe  his  intention  of 
peopling  the  Englidi  fide  of  the  northern  Marches, 
which  v/ere  uninhabited  ;  and  the  members  voted 
a  fubfidy  for  this  purpofe ;  but,  before  the  bill 
could  be  pafFed,  the  plague  broke  out  in  London, 
and  the  parliament  was  prorogued  till  February. 
Immediately  after  this  prorogation,  Sir  Thomas 
More  dreading  the  confequences  of  a  total  rupture 
with  the  court  of  Rome,  and  didiking  the  peiibn 
and  proceedings  of  Anne  Boleyn,  resigned  his  office  *,;r  rhr-~  n 
or  chancellor*,  which  was  conrerred  upon  oir  the  leaf*. 
Thomas  Audley.  Anne  was  created  marchionefs 
of  Pembroke,  and  accompanied  the  king  in  his  in- 
terview with  Francis. 

On   the  eleventh   day  of  October,   Henry  em  -  *"*«■*»«* 
barked  for  Calais  with  a  royal  retinue,  and  yifited  Hcnry"n4 
Francis  at  Boulogne,  where  he  was  entertained  with  £«««»* 
equal  magnificence  and  hofpitality,  for  the  fpace  of  Herbert 
four  days,  at  the  expiration  of  which  the  French 
king   accompanied  him  to  Calais.     There  he  was 
fplendidiy  regaled  with  entertainments  of  various 
forts.      Anne  de  Montmorency  conftable,  and  Phi- 
lip Chabot  admiral  of  France,   were  admitted  into 
the  order  of  the  garter,  as  the  dukes  of  Norfolk 

*  Sir  Thomas  More,  who  was  very  daughters,  upon  the  income  of  a  fmall 

much  addi&ed  to  jetting,    retired   to  eftate,    not    exceeding    cue    hundred 

Chelfea,  difmifled  his  fervants^  made  pounds  a-year,   and  the  intereit   of  a 

a  prefent  of  his  fool  to  the  lord  mayor,  little  money.    He  was  a  man  of learn- 

provoked  his  wife  by  fome  faicaitic  ing,  humour,  moderation,    and  int^- 

j^kes  to  leave  him;  and  lived  with  hi?  gri cy ,  Herbert. 




A.  c.  1532.  and  Suffolk  had  been  received  into  that  of  St» 
Michael  at  Boulogne.  The  two  monarchs,  in  or- 
der to  vindicate  themfelves  from  the  afperfions  of 
Charles,  who  taxed  them  with  indifference  to  the 
intereft  of  Chriftendom,  and  to  amufe  the  Italians 
and  Germans  with  the  hope  of  a  new  war,  which 
might  hinder  them  from  accommodating  their  dis- 
putes with  the  emperor,  mutually  engaged  by  let- 
ters patent,  to  raife  an  army  of  eighty  thoufand 
men  againft  the  Infidels,  and  march  with  them  in- 
to the  empire,  or  into  Italy,  according  to  the  emer- 
gency of  affairs :  but,  this  fcheme  they  never  in- 
tended to  put  in  execution.  In  this  interview 
Henry  loudly  complained  of  the  pope's  partiality  5 
and  Francis  feemed  to  encourage  and  foment  his  a- 
nimofity  againft  that  pontiff,  though  he  was  then 
engaged  in  a  fecret  negotiation  with  Clement,  about 
a  marriage  between  his  fecond  Ton  the  duke  of  Or* 
Hubert      leans>  ana"  Catherine  de  Medicis  the  pope's  kinf- 

Henry  mar-      When  the  two  kings  parted,   Henry  returned  to 
Boiefnnne    England  *>  and  in  January  was  privately  married 
to  Anne  Boleyn,  by  Rowland  Lee,  afterwards  bi- 
fhop  of  Coventry  and  Litchfield,  in  the  prefence  of 
Cranmer,  who  had  now  fucceeded  Warham  in  the 
archbifhopric  of  Canterbury,  the  dukes  of  Norfolk 
and  Suffolk,  and  Anne's  father,  mother,  and  bro- 
thers.    The  pope  had  fent  a  meffage  to  the  king, 
propofing  to  fend  a  legate,  with  two  auditors  of  the 
Rota,  to  try  the  caufe  in  fome  indifferent  place, 
Different      reserving  the  fentence  to  himfeif ;  and  that  a  truce 
r.egctiaticm  (hould  be  eftablifhed  for  four  years,  before  the  ex- 
Touvtor6      pi  ration  of  which  he  would  call  a  general  council. 
France.        Henry  difpatched  Sir  Thomas  Elliot  with  an  an- 
fwer  to  thefe  propofais,  importing,  That  he  could 
rake  no  refolution  concerning  a  peace,  without  the 
concurrence  of  the  French  king  :  that,  confidering 
the  prefcnt  ftate  of  religion  in  Germany,  he  appre- 



HENRY       VIIL  ir 

hended  a  general  council  would  be  altogether  un-  A.c.rjj$, 

leafonable  :  that  he  could  not  fend  a  proxy  to  Rome, 
or  any  other  place  out  of  his  own  dominions,  with- 
out giving  up  the  prerogative  of  his  crown,  and 
acting  contrary  to  the  laws  of  his  kingdom  ;  but, 
that  his  holinefs  might  remit  the  difcuflion  of  the 
affair  to  the  clergy  of  England,  and  confirm  the 
fentence  they  mould  pronounce.  The  emperor,  a- 
larmed  at  the  defigns  of  Solyman  emperor  of  the 
Turks,  as  well  as  at  the  interview  and  league  be- 
tween Henry  and  Francis,  thought  it  was  high  time 
to  quiet  the  clamours  of  the  proteftants  -,  and  for 
that  purpofe  repaired  to  the  diet  of  Ratifbon,  where 
it  was  decreed,  that  no  perfon  mould  be  molefted 
on  account  of  religion,  until  a  general  council 
fhould  be  convoked.  The  proteftants  were  fo  well 
fatisfied  with  this  indulgence,  that  th&y  joined  the 
other  princes  in  furnifhing  Charles  with  fuch  pro- 
portions of  men  and  fuccours,  as  enabled  him  to 
aflemble  a  very  powerful  army,  to  flop  the  pro- 
grefs  of  the  Infidels.  Thefe  invaded  Hungary,  and 
advanced  as  far  as  Auftria,  in  hope  of  drawing  the 
Imperialifts  into  a  battle  j  but  Charles  wifely  avoid- 
ed a  general  engagement,  and  hampered  them  fo 
much  in  their  progrefs,  that  they  were  foon  oblig- 
ed to  retreat  into  their  own  country.  Then  the 
emperor  repaired  to  Bologna,  where  he  had  an  in- 
terview with  the  pope,  to  whom  he  propofed  a  ge- 
neral council  for  the  reduction  of  the  proteftants,  a 
match  between  Catherine  de  Medicis  and  Sforza 
duke  of  Milan,  and  a  league  of  the  Italian  pow-  G 
ers,  who  fhould  maintain  an  army  to  defend  their  dini 
country  from  invafion.  Clement  would  not  agree 
to  a  council,  becaufe  the  laft  of  thofe  aflemblies  had 
encroached  upon  the  papal  authority  :  he  told  the 
emperor,  that  his  niece  was  already  engaged  to  the 
duke  of  Orleans ;  but  he  afTented  to  the  propofal  of 
the  Ieague}  which  was  accordingly  concluded,     A- 



12  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  rss2'  bout  this  time,  doctor  Bennet  the  Englifh  envoy 
made  frefh  overtures  touching  the  divorce ;  but 
they  were  rejected  by  the  pope,  as  expedients  that 
would  intrench  upon  his  prerogative.     He  ordered 
the  dean  of  the  Rota  to  fummon  Henry  to  ahfwer 
to  the  queen's  appeal :     Karne  protefted  againft  the 
Bumet.       citation,  as  the  king  could  not  expect  juftice  at 
Rome,  where  the  emperor's  intereft  predominated. 
He  demanded,  that  his  holinefs  would  defift,  other- 
wife  Henry  would  appeal  to  the  decifion  of  learned 
cafuiils  and  univerfuies  :  he  affirmed,  there  was  a 
nullity  in  all  the  proceedings :  that  his  king  was  a 
fovereign  prince,  and  the  church  of  England  a  free 
church,  over  which  the  pope  had  no  legal  autho- 
a.  c.  1533.      The  Englifh  people  refolved  to  concur  heartily 
with  the  king  in  all  his  meafures  for  abolimino;  the 
papal  authority  in  this  kingdom.     The  parliament 
afiernbling  in  February,  enacted  a  ftatute,  prohibit- 
ing all  appeals  to  Rome,  under  the  penalty  fpeci- 
Canmer       fie  J   in  the  ftatute  of  Premunire.     Cranmex  being 
totEe^ch-  m   Germany  when  the   archbifhopric   of  Canter - 
biftopricof  bury  became  vacant,  was  no  fooner  informed  of  the 
canterbury,  j^g^  intention  in  his  favour,  than  he  begged  to 
be  cxcufed  from  fueh  a  burdenfome  dignity  *,  but, 
his  refufal  ferving  only  to  confirm  Henry  in  his  de- 
fign  of  promoting  him  to  that  fee,    he  was  obliged 
to  return,  though  he  journeyed  flowly,  in  hope  that 
the  king's  reiblution  might  be  altered  before  his  ar- 
rival.     Henry  having  great  confidence  in  his  learn- 
ing,  courage,  and  integrity,  looked  upon  him  as 
the  only   man   who  could  put  the  finishing  ftroke 
to  the  divorce  -,  and  infifted  upon  his  receiving  the 
archbifhopric.     After  Cranmer  had  fubmitted  with 
great  reluctance  to  the  will  of  his  fovereign  in  this 
particular,  another  difficulty  occurred.     He  pro- 
feffed  fcruples  of  confcience  about  taking  the  ufual 
oath  co  the  pope  5  but,  at  length  the  king  found 


HENRY      VIII.  13 

out  a  falvo,  which  removed  his  objections.     This  A-c'  "533- 
was  a  previous  proteftation  againft  the  oath,  which 
he  accordingly  made,  not  much  for  the  credit  of 
his  character ;  and  was  put  in  pofTeffion  of  the  tern  - 
poralities  of  the  archbifhopric.     This  affair  being  convocation 
determined,    the  convocation   of  the  province  of d;cIares  the 

^  t  rr        1  1      1  J  •       j  •         marriage    of 

Canterbury  was  aiiembled,  and  required  to  give  Catherine 
their  opinion  on  the  following  queftions :  Whether  ^fj1"^'11'7 
or  not  the  difpenfation  of  pope  Julius  II.  for  the  void. 
marriage  of  Catherine  and  Henry  was  fufficient  to 
render  the  faid  marriage  binding  and  valid  ?  and> 
"Whether  or  not  the  consummation  of  Arthur's  nup- 
tials with  that  princefs  had  been  fully  proved  r 
On  the  fifth  day  of  April  the  convocation  declared, 
That  the  pope  had  no  power  to  grant  diipenlations 
againft  the  lav/  of  God ;  and,  that  the  confumma- 
tion  of  the  firft  marriage  had  been  as  fully  proved 
as  the  nature  of  the  cafe  would  permit.  The  fame 
anfwers  were  made  to  thofe  proportions  by  the 
convocation  of  York  ;  and  Henry  refolved  to  pro- 
ceed upon  the  caufe  of  the  divorce  before  the  judi- 
cature of  his  own  clergy. 

In  the  mean  time,  he  defired  Francis  to  fend  o- 
ver  fome  perfon  of  confidence,  to  whom  he  might 
impart  certain  things  which  he  did  not  care  to  di- 
vulge •,  and  the  French  king  pitched  upon  William 
,du  Bellay  lord  of  Langeais,  who  was  ordered  to  tell 
Henry,  that  the  marriage  between  the  duke  of  Or- 
leans and  Catherine  de  Medicis  was  concluded,  and 
would  be  celebrated  at  Marfeilles  in  the  prefence  of 
the  pope  and  Francis  :  that  the  prefence  of  the  king 
of  England  at  fuch  a  juncture  would  probably  in- 
duce Clement  to  comply  with  his  defires  :  or,  that 
mould  he  decline  coming  in  perfon,  he  might  fend 
thither  an  envoy  to  follicle  his  affair.  When  Du 
Bellay  arrived  in  England,  Henry  gave  him  to  un- 
derftand,  that  as  Clement  had  obltinately  rejected 
all  his  propofals,  he  was  refolved  to  renounce  Cle- 


a.  c.  i533.  ment  in  his  turn :  that  he  had  married  Anne  Boleyn ; 
but,  that  he  would  keep  his  marriage  fecret  until 
the  month  of  May,  to  fee  if  the  king  of  France 
could  prevail  upon  the  bifhop  of  Rome  to  do  him 
juftice  •,  but  mould  that  pontiff  ftill  continue  ob- 
ftinate,  he  would  intirely  withdraw  himfelf  from 
jkiiT* du     tne  PaPa*  power.     He  likewife  told  Langeais,  that 
he  had  written  a  book  upon  the  ufurpation  of  the  Ro- 
man fee,  and  the  prerogatives  of  crowned  heads  ; 
but  would  not  publilh  it  until  all  hope  of  accom- 
modation fhould  vanifh.     It  was  not  in  his  power, 
however,  to  conceal  his  marriage   much  longer  : 
for  his  new  wife  became  pregnant,  and  it  was  ne- 
cefTary  to  make  it  public,  in  order  to  preferve  her 
reputation.     The  archbifliop  of  Canterbury  now 
demanded  his  permiftion  to  proceed  againft  his  for- 
mer marriage  with  Catherine,  whofe  confent  to  the 
Canmer     divorce  the  king  attempted  to  obtain  by  fair  means  ; 
rent^ceTo    DUt  ms  endeavours  proving  ineffectual,  the  queen 
the  fame  ef-  was  cited  to  appear  at  Dunltable,  near  the  place  of 
confirms  the  ner  refidence.     She  rejecting  the  citation,  Cranmer 
king's  mar-  pronounced  fentence,  declaring  her  marriage  null, 
Anne  Bo-     as  being  contrary  to  the  law  of  God  j  and,  by  ano~ 
l*)'a*  ther,  confirmed  the  king's  marriage  with  Anne 

Boleyn,  who  was  crowned  on  the  firft  day  of  June. 
Henry  fent  the  lord  Mountjoy  to  intimate  thefe 
fentences  to  Catherine,  who  ftill  refufed  to  fubmit; 
and  the  king  ordered  that,  for  the  future,  fhe 
mould  have  no  other  title  than  that  of  princefs 
dowager  of  Wales.  He  likewife  notified  his  di- 
vorce and  new  marriage  to  all  the  neighbouring 
princes  •,  and,  among  the  reft,  to  the  emperor,  by 
the  mouth  of  Sir  Thomas  Wyat,  who  endeavoured 
tojuftify  his  majefty^s  conduct,  and  told  the  empe- 
ror, that  the  king  of  England  hoped  to  find  him 
his  friend  as  heretofore.  Charles  received  this  in- 
timation very  coldly;  and  anfwered,  that  he  would 
take  the  advice  of  his  council,  touching  the  mea- 


E     N  Y         III.  is 

fares  he  mould  purfue.     1  hp  pope  was  incenfed  to  A"G*  *S}* 
the  Utmoil  degree  of  indignation  at  the  fentence  of 
Cranmer,  and  the  book  written  by  Henry  againft 
the  papal  authority  ;  a  copy  of  which  had  been  al- 
ready perufed  at  Rome.     He  forthwith  reverfed  the  The  - 
fentence-,.  and  declared,  that  the  king  himfelf  &■££%£" 
ferved  excommunication,  unlefs  he  mould,  before 
the  end  of  September,  renounce  all  that  had  been 
done  contrary  to  the   authority   of  the  holy  fee. 
Clement  flill  hoped  that  fome  expedient  might  be  interview 
found  to  reclaim  Henry,   who  had  gone  too  far  to^6^ 
retract  ;  but  fent  the  duke  of  Norfolk,  as  his  am-  and  Francis, 
baffador,   to  accompany  Francis  in  his  interview 
with  the  pope  at  Marfeilles.    That  nobleman,  while  Herbert* 
he  refided  in  France,   being  informed  of  the  fteps  Burnet« 
that  were  taken  againft  his  mailer  at  Rome,  fent 
lord  Rochfort  to  England  for  new  inftructions,  and 
was  himfelf  immediately  recalled.     Neverthelefs, 
the  king,  at  the  defire  of  Francis,  fent  Stephen 
Gardiner,  lately  created  bifhop  of  Winchefter,  with 
Sir  Francis  Bryan,  and  Sir  John  Wallop,  to  attend 
him  at  the  interview ;  and  thefe  were  accompanied 
by  Edmund  Bonner,   an  ecclefiaftic  of  great  impu- 
dence and  refolution.     After  the  celebration  of  the 
nuptials  at  Marfeilles,  Francis  prevailed  upon  the 
pope  to  fatisfy  the  king  of  England;  but,  in  order 
to  fave  the  honour  of  the  holy  fee,  he  infilled  upon 
judging  the  caufe  in  a  confiflory,  from  which  the 
cardinals  of  the  emperor's  faction  mould   be  ex- 
cluded.    Bonner,  who  was  ignorant  of  this  refolu- 
tion, demanded  an  audience  of  Clement,  and  gave 
him  to  underiland  that  the  king  of  England  had 
appealed  to  a  future  council  from  any  papal  fen- 
tence that  either  was  or  might  be  given  againft  him. 
The  pope  faid  he  would  take  the  advice  of  the  car- 
dinals ;  and,   in  a  few  days,  told  him  that  the  ap- 
peal was  not  receivable:   but  Bonner,  without  be- 
ing intimidated  by  this  anfwer,  proceeded  to  notify 



a.  c.  1533.  the  appeal  of  the  archbifhop  of  Canterbury  from 
the  reverfion  of  the  fentence  he  had  pronounced  ; 
and  his  holinefs  was  fo  incenfed  at  Bonner's  pre- 
fumption,  that  he  threatened  to  caufe  him  to  be 
thrown  into  a  cauldron  of  molten  lead.  Francis 
likewife  expreffed  his  indignation  at  the  English- 
man's infolence,  and  promifed  to  aflift  the  pope  in 
Guicnardi-  takjng  vengeance  on  him  fcr  fuch  an  outrage;  ne- 
Bwnct.       verthelefs  he  allowed  the  delinquent  to  efcare. 

Notwithstanding   this    intervention  of  Bonner, 
which,   for  the  preient,  prevented  the  accommoda- 
tion •,   Francis  did  not  defpaif  of  feeing  the  difpute 
terminated  in  an  amicable  manner.     On  his  return . 
from  Marfeilles  he  lent  John  du  Bellay,  bifnop  of 
Paris,  with  new  propofals  to  Henry,  who  consent- 
ed to  the  difpute's  being  terminated  at  Cambray,  by 
judges  who  could  not  be  fufpected  of  partiality. 
The  bifhop,  having  gained  this  point,  fet  out  for 
Rome  in  the  middle  of  winter,  and  found  Clement 
very  well  difpofed  to  agree  to  this  expedient  ;  but 
he  infilled    upon  Henry's  figning  a  writing,    by 
which  he  fhould  be  bound  to  abide  by  this  deter- 
mination ;  and,  in  order  to  avoid  delays,  fixed  a 
certain    day   for    the  return    of  the  courier,  who 
THepope     was  difpatched  to  England  for  the  inflrument.    The 
Denounces    emperor's    minifcers  were  no  fooner  informed  of 
cnaicenfdre  "tts  negotiation,  than  they  prefled  the  pope  to  re- 
aga-nft        voke  his  engagement;  and,  by  dint  of  importunity, 
obtained  his  promife,  that  if  the  courier  mould  not 
arrive  within  the  limited  time,  hewould  hold  himfelf 
difengaged,  and  give  fentence  againft  Henry.    The 
rnefTenger  not  appearing  precifely  within  the  time, 
the  bifhop  of  Paris  follicited  a  delay  of  fix  days  on- 
ly; but  the  pope  was  fo  much  affected  by  the  me- 
naces of  the  Imperialifts,  that  he  would  not  comply 
with  this  requeft.     On  the  contrary,  he  fmifhed  in 
one  confiftory,  what,  according  to  the  ufual  forms, 
ought  to  have  been  canvaffed  in  three.     He  pub- 

HENRY       VIII.  1 7 

lifted  a  fentence,  declaring  the  marriage  of  Henry  Ai  c-  W* 
with  Catherine  good  and  legitimate,  and  command- 
ed that  prince  to  take  back  his  wife,  on  pain  of 
incurring  ecclefiaftical  cenfure.  In  two  days  after 
this  decifion  the  courier  arrived  from  England, 
with  full  power  to  the  bifhop  of  Paris  to  grant  what 
the  pope  had  demanded;  and  feveral  cardinals  ad- 
vifed  him  to  revoke  the  fentence,  but  the  emperor's 
partifans  prevailed  upon  him  to  reject  the  propofal. 
Thus  England  was  wholly  diimembered  from  the 
fee  of  Rome. 

In  all  probability  the  king  was  not  fincere  in  his  A  C' *534, 
propofals   of  accommodation  with  Clement;  for, 
even  before  he  could  know  the  ifiiie  of  that  nego- 
tiation,  the  parliament,   meeting  on  the  fifteenth 
day  of  January,  began  the  feflion  with  an  act,   re- 
pealing the  ftatute  of  Henry  IV.  againft  heretics. 
Not  that  the  parliament  intended  to  exempt  them 
from  the  penalty  •,  for,  by  the  new  law,  they  were 
condemned  to  the  flake :   but,   in  order  to  hinder 
the  clergy  from  being  fole  judges  in  fuch  cafes,   it 
was  enacted  that  heretics  mould  be  tried  according 
to  the  laws  of  the  kingdom,  without  any  regard  to 
the  canon   law.     By  another  act  it  was  decreed,. 
That  no  fynod  or  convocation  of  the  clergy  mould 
be  held  without  the  king's  licence :    That  his  ma- 
jefty  mould  appoint  two  and  thirty  perfons  from 
the    parliament    and    the   clergy,   to   examine  the 
canons    and   conftitutions  of  the  church  :     That 
thofe    which    were    necefTary  (hould   be  preferv-  as  forc- 
ed,  and  all  the  reft  abolifhed.     This  parliament  ^f^he 
paffed  an  act  of  attainder  or  conviction  againft  Eli-  tions  of  the 
zabeth  Barton,  known  by  the  appellation  of  the  church- 
maid  of  Kent,  a  native  of  the  parifh  of  Aldington,  Account  of 
who  was  tutored  by  certain  ecclefiaftics  to  excite  di-  B^"^m 
ilurbances  in  the  kingdom.     She  had  been  troub- 
led with  hyfterical  fits,   during  which   fhe  uttered 
many  incoherent  and  delirious  exprefTions,   which 

,N*  51.  C  in- 


i8  HIS  T  CRY  of  EN  G  LAND. 

a  c.  »S34.  induced  the  ignorant  by-flanders  to  believe  that  fhe 
was  divinely  infpired.  Richard  Mailer,  the  parifh 
piieft,  foreseeing  advantages  to  him felf  in  trump- 
ing up  an  impofture,  perfuaded  this  weak  fanatic 
that  fhe  actually  fpoke  from  the  infpiration  of  the 
Holy  Ghoft  ;  taught  her  to  counterfeit  trances,  and 
utter  fpeeches  which  were  deemed  the  oracles  of 
heaven  :  he  was  affifled  in  his  knavifh  defign  by 
one  doctor  Bocking,  a  canon  of  Chrift-Church  in 
Canterbury.  Elizabeth  thus  inftructed,  became  an 
apt  pupil  •,  prophefied  with  all  the  marks  of  holy 
emotion,  writhed  her  body  into  ftrange  contortions, 
inveighed  againft  the  favourers  of  the  new  doctrine 
as  abeminable  heretics,  exclaimed  againft  the  king's 
divorce  •,  and,  in  order  to  raife  the  reputation  of  a 
chapel  within  the  parifh,  declared  that  the  Blefled 
Virgin  had  appeared  to  her,  and  allured  her  fhe 
would  never  recover  until  fhe  ihould  vifit  her 
image  in  that  place  of  worihip.  She  accordingly 
went  in  pilgrimage  to  the  chapel  -,  where,  in  the 
midft  of  an  infinite  concourfe  of  people,  fhe  pre- 
tended to  fall  into  a  trance,  poured  forth  pious 
ejaculations,  declared  that  God  had  called  her  to  a 
religious  hfe,  and  appointed  Bocking  to  be  her 
ghoftly  father.  She  pretended  to  be  recovered  of 
all  her  diflempers  by  the  interceflion  of  the  Virgin  •, 
took  the  veil,  law  vifions,  heard  melody,  received 
from  Mary  Magdalen  a  letter  from  heaven,  was 
conveyed  by  an  angel  to  Calais,  while  the  king  re- 
fided  in  that  city,  received  the  facrament  in  his 
prefence,  though  invifible;  and  was  brought  back 
again  in  the  fame  manner  to  her  own  monaftery. 
Sht  prophefied  that  if  Henry  mould  proceed  in  the 
divorce,  and  marry  another  wife,  his  royalty  would 
not  be  of  a  month's  duration*  but  that  he  ihould  die 
the  death  of  a  villain. 

Her  pretended   revelations    were  collected   and 
inferted  in  a  book,  by  a  monk  called  Peering. 


HENRY      VIII.  19 

Warham,  archbifaop  of  Canterbury,  a  credulous  a.  c.  1534.. 
though  pious  prelate,   was  impofed  upon  by  her 
delufions.     She  was  countenanced  by  Fifher  bifhop 
of  Rochefter,  and  others,  who  adhered  to  the  inte- 
reft  of  Catherine.      They  held  private  meetings 
with  this  diviner,   arid   debauched  many    perfons 
from  their  allegiance,  particularly  the  fathers  and 
nuns  of  Sion,  the  Charter- houfe,  and  Sheen,  and 
fome  of  the  obfervants  of  Richmond,   Greenwich, 
and  Canterbury.    One  Peto,  preaching  before  the 
king  at  Greenwich,   told  him  he  had  been  deceived 
by  many  lying  prophets;  but  he  as  a  true  Micajah* 
warned  him  that  the  dogs  mould  lick  his  blood,  as 
they  had  licked  the  blood  of  Ahab.     Henry  bore 
this  infult  with  great  temper;  but,   to  undeceive 
the  people,  appointed  doctor  Corren  to  preach  be- 
fore him  on  the  enfuing  Sunday,  when  that  eccle- 
fi  aft  icjuftified  the  king's  proceedings,  and  branded 
Peto  with  the  epithets  of  rebel,  flanderer,  dog,  and 
traitor.     He  was  interrupted  by  an  Obfervant  friar 
of  the  name  of  Eilfton ;  who  calling  him  a  lying 
prophet,  that   fuught  to  eftablifh  the  fucceflion  to 
the  crown  upon  adultery,   he  fpoke  with  fuch  vi- 
rulence that  the  king  was  obliged  to  interpofe,  and 
command  him  to  hold  his  peace ;  and  he  and  Peto 
were  afterwards  fummoned  before  the  council,  and 
rebuked  for  their  intemperance.     The  ecelefiaftks 
engaged  in  this  confpiracy,  encouraged  by  the  leni- 
ty of  the  government,   had  reiblved  to  publifh  the 
revelations  in  their  fermons  throughout  the  king* 
dom  :  they  had  communicated  them  to  the  pope's 
ambafTadors,  to  whom   alio  they   introduced    the 
maid  of  Kent,  and  rhey  exhorted  queen  Catherine 
to  perfift  in  her  obftinacy.     At  length  the  confede- 
racy began  to  be  a  very  ferious  affair,   and  Henry 
ordered  the  maid  and  her  accomplices  to  be  exami- 
ned in  the  Star-chamber ;  where  they  confefled  all 
the  particulars  of  the  impofture,  and  appeared  upon 

C  2,  a 

20  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1534.  a  fcafFold  in  St.  Paul's  church,  where  the  articles 
of  their  confeiTion  were  publicly  read,  in  their  hear- 
ing.    From  thence    they   were    conveyed  to  the 
Tower,  where  they  remained  till  the  meeting  of 
the  parliament,  which  having  confidered  the  cafe, 
pronounced  it  a  confpiracy  againft  the  king's  life 
and  crown ;  and  the  nun,   with   her  accomplices, 
Biftop  of     were  attainted  of  high  treafon.    The  bifhop  of  Ro- 
Re,ch-f£r     chefler,    Thomas  Gold,   Thomas  Laurence,    Ed- 
adjudged      ward  Twaites,  John  Addifon,  and  Thomas  Abell, 
^Tpnfionof  were  adjudged  guilty  of  mifprifion  of  treafon,  to  for- 
treafon.       feit  their  goods  and  chattels  to  the  king,  and  to 
be  imprifoned  during  his  majefty's  pleafure;  and 
the  books  of  the  nun's  revelations  were  ordered  to 
be  fent  to  the  fecretary  of  (late,  on  pain  of  fine  and 
imprifonment.     In  the  courfe  of  the  inquiry  they 
difcovered  that  the  letter  faid  to  come  from  'Mary 
Magdalen  was  written  by  one  Hankherft  of  Can- 
terbury •,  that  the  door  of  a  dormitory  faid  to  have 
been  opened  by  miracle,  that  the  nun  might  go  into 
the  chapel,    and   converie  with   God,    was  really 
opened  for  carnal  communication  between  her- and 
her  accomplices. 

The  parliament   pallid  the    act,  declaring  the 


The  fuccef- 


• ;.  parna- 
n  at. 

led  king's  marriage  with  Catherine  void,  and  fettling 
the  iucceflion  upon  the  ifiue  of  his  lawful  wife 
Anne,  whether  male  or  female*;  the  members, 


*  Thty  confirmed  the  ftatnte  againfl  an  oath  to  ihe  king,  who  fhould  re- 
Afinatcc  5  they  enacted  that  for  the  commend  him  10  the  bifhop  for  confe- 
future  the  rope  mould  have  no  fliare  in  ciation;  and  fhould  the  elect  or  the 
the  election  or  confirmation  of  bifhops  ;  archbifhop  refine  to  conform  to  this  or- 
but,  that  in  cafes  of  vacancy,  the  der,  he  ihould  incur  the  penalties  of 
king  fhould  expedite  a  conge  d'elire,  or.  the  act  of  Premunire.  All  perfons 
iicence  to  elect  new  biinops  ;  and  if  the  v.ere  hkewife  forbid  to  addrefs  them- 
election  fhould  not  be  made  in  twelve  felves  to  the  hi/hop  of  Rome  for  bulls, 
days  after  the  date  of  the  licence,  the  palliums,  ot  any  other  religious  pur- 
power  of  electing  fhould  devolve  to  the  pofe-  Another  act  abolifhed  Peter- 
hat  the  bifhop  cleft  ftould  take  pence,  together  with  all  procurations, 


HENRY      VIII.  21 

having  fworn  to  maintain  the  fucceflion,  the  two  A- c-  T534» 
houfes  were  prorogued  to  the  third  day  of  Novem-  Burnet, 
ber.     On  the  twentieth  day  of  April,  the  maid  of 
Kent,  with  Booking,  Mafter,  Deering,  Rifby,  and 
Gold,  were  executed  at  Tyburn,  where  the  nun 
conferred  her  impoflure,  laying  the  blame  upon  the 
confederates,  who  had  impofed  upon  her  ignorance; 
me  craved  pardon  of  God  and  the  king,   and  be- 
fought  the  people  to  pray  for  her  and  her  fellow-  Stowe. 
fufferers.     When  the  cheat  was  firft   difcovered, 
Cromwell,  who  was  by  this  time  railed  to  the  office 
of  fecretary  of  ftate,  exhorted  Fifher  bifhop  of  Ro- 
chefter  to  acknowledge  his  offence,  and  afk  par- 
don of  the  king,  who  he  knew  would  grant  it  in 
confideration  of  his  age  and  infirmities.     The  bi~ 
mop  rejected  this  advice  with  difdain,  and  threat- 
ened to  fpeak  his  confcience  freely,  fhould  he  be 
further  troubled  on  this  account.     Cromwell  fent 
him  another  letter,  expoitulating  with  him  upon 
his  mifconduct,  reminding  him   of  having  con- 
cealed matters  that  concerned  his  majefty's  life  and 
dignity  ;  afTuring  him  that  mould  he  be  brought 
to  trial,   he  would  certainly  be  found  guilty ;  and 
prefling  him  again  to  have  recourfe  to  the  clemen- 
cy of  the  king,    who,    upon    proper   fubmifiion, 
would  pardon  what  was  pail,   and  take  him  into 
favour :  Fifher  continued  flill  obflinate,  refufing 
to  make  the  leaf!  fubmiffion,  and  was  included  in 
the  act,  as  guilty  of  mifpnfion  of  treafon. 

After  the  feparation  of  the  parliament,  Henry 
fent  cornmifTioners  through  the  whole  kingdom, 
to    adminifter   the   oath    to  all   his  ecclefiaftical 

delegations,  bulls,  and  difpenfations,  arifing,  fhould  be  brought  into  the 
sffusd  by  the  court  of  Rome  ;  impow-  king's  treafury.  Befides,  all  religious 
ering  the  archhifhop  of  Canterbury  to  houfes,  whether  exempted  or  non-ex- 
grant  fuch  difpenfations  as  fhould  not  empted,  werefubje&ed  to  thevifitation 
be  contrary  to  the  law  of  God,  on  con-  of  the  archbiihqp. 
dition  that  part  of  the  money  thence 

C  3  fub- 


22  HISTORYofEN  gland. 

a.c.  1534.  fubje&s,  importing  that  they  would  be  faithful  to 
the  king,   queen,   their  heirs,  and  fucceffors  •,  that 
they   held  the  king  to  be    the  fupreme   head   of 
the  Englifh  church,  and  the  pope  to  be  no  more 
th'an  any  other  bifhop  •,  that  they  renounced  all  o-* 
bedience  to  that  prelate;  that  they  would  preach 
the  pure  doctrines  of  the  holy  fcripture  •,  and  that 
they  would  publicly  pray  for  the  king  as  the  head 
of  the  Englifh  church,  for  the  queen,  and  the  arch- 
bifliop  of  Canterbury.     This  oath  was  voluntarily 
taken  by  the  majority  of  all  the  abbots,    priors, 
monks,  and  all  the  bifhops,    except  Fifher;  who, 
with  Sir  Thomas  More,  refufed  to  take  it  as  it  was 
then  conceived.     Sir  Thomas  declared  he  was  wil- 
ling to  fwear  to  the  fucceffion,  provided  he  might 
Sir  Thomas  De  allowed  to  draw  up  an  oath  for  himfelf.     Cran- 
Morc  and     mer  and  Cromwell  expreffed  great  ttndernefs  for 
committed"  mrn-     They  endeavoured  to  convince  him  by  argu- 
to  the  Tow-  ments,  and  Cranmer  propofed  that  his  expedient 
"'  mould  be  accepted  •,  but  the  king  being  mcenfed  a* 

gainft  them,  they  were  committed  prifoners  to  the 
Tower,  debarred  the  ufe  of  pen  and  paper  *,  and 
Fifher  was  dripped  of  every  thing  in  his  old  age, 
but  a  few  rags  which  hardly  covered  his  nakednefs. 
Henry,  having  in  vain  endeavoured  to  perfuade 
Catherine  to  fubmiflion,  began  to  apprehend  fome 
itorm  from  her  nephew  the  emperor,  who  had  un- 
dertaken to  execute  the  pope's  fentence,  and  propo- 
fed to  render  his  union  with  Francis  Thill  more  inti- 
mate, for  their  common  defence.  That  prince  a- 
mufed  him  with  fairproimies,  but  did  not  chufe  to 
contract  any  new  connections,  left  he  fhould  difo- 
blige  the  pope,  with  whom  he  had  been  fo  lately 
v--  .^Jlied.  His  chief  aim  was  to  recover  Milan;  and, 
in  order  to  pave  the  way  for  repclfeffing  himfelf  of 
that  dutchy,  he  endeavoured  to  detach  Sforza  from 
the  intereft  of  the  emperor,  who  had  reftored  him 
on  very  hard  conditions,  and  was  in  his  heart  dif- 


HENRY     Vtll.  23 

affected  to  the  houfe  of  Auftria.  That  the  nego-  A-  c-  '534. 
tiacion  might  be  kept  fecret,  it  was  carried  on  by 
one  Merveille,  a  native  of  Milan,  who  had  refided 
many  years  in  France,  and  now  returned  to  his  na- 
tive country  with  private  credentials  to  Sforza, 
who  received  him  as  the  French  envoy.  The  em- 
peror, being  informed  of  this  correfpondence, 
threatened  the  duke  in  fuch  a  manner,  that  he  re- 
folved  to  facrifice  Merveille  for  hfs  fatisfaction. 
He  hired  a  man  to  quarrel  with  this  envoy  ;  and 
the  fray  ending  in  the  murder  of  the  perfon  thus 
employed,  Merveille  was  imprifoned,  convicted, 
and  in  two  days  beheaded.  When  prancis  com- 
plained of  this  outrage  offered  to  his  honour  in  the 
perfon  of  his  envoy,  the  duke  denied  that  Merveille 
was  in  any  public  character:  but  the  French  king 
ufing  this  as  a  pretext  for  invading  the  Milanefr, 
afifembled  a  body  of  troops,  and  demanded  a  paf- 
fage  through  the  territories  of  the  duke  of  Savoy. 
That  prince  refilling  his  demand,  he  refolved  to 
flrip  him  of  his  dominions,  to  which  he  trumped 
up  a  claim  in  right  of  his  mother  Louifa  •,  and, 
during  his  preparations  for  this  war,  pope  Clement  Deathof 
dying,  was  fucceeded  in  the  papacy  by  cardinal  ^Ieltcle" 
Farnefe,  who  affumed  the  name  of  Paul  III.  In 
the  courfe  of  this  year,  the  landgrave  of  Heffe  de- 
feated the  army  of  king  Ferdinand,  and  re-efta- 
blimed  the  duke  of  Wirtemberg  in  poflefiion  of 
his  dominions :  at  length,  Ferdinand  was  acknow- 
ledged as  king  of  the  Romans  by  the  Huke,  the 
landgrave,  and  the  elector  of  Saxony,  in  confide- 
ration  of  his  giving  his  word,  that  no  perfon  in  the 
empire  fliould  be  molefted  on  account  of  religion,  sieidan. 

The  parliament  of  England  re  affembling  on  the 
twenty- third  day  of  November,    enacted   feveral  mentPcou-a~ 
important  laws,   to  deftroy  all  future  connexion  be-  firms  &* 
tween  the  kingdom  and  the  pope.     They  confirm-  p^macy*" 
ed  the  title  of  fupreme  head  of  the  church,  which 

C  4  the 

24  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.c.  1534.  the  clergy  bad    already  beftowed  upon  the  king. 
They  declared  all  thofe  who  mould  fpeak,  write,  or 
imagine  any  thing  to  the  prejudice  of  the  king  and 
queen,  guilty  of  high-treaibn.     They  deprived   all 
fuch  of  the  benefit  cf  fanctuaries.     They  drew  up 
a  certain  form  of  oath  to  be  taken  by  fu  ejects,  with 
regard  to  the  fuccefficn  of  the  crown,  abolifhing  all 
former  oaths  on  the  fame  fubject.     They  adjudged 
to  the  king  the  annates  and  firft  fruits,   together 
with  the  tythe  of  all  benefices.     They  eftablifhed 
five  and   twenty  fuffragans  to   be    chofen  by   the 
king,  and  to  depend  upon  the  bifliops  of  the  dio- 
cefes  to  which  they  fhould  belong  •,  and  granted  a 
general  amnefty,  frcm  which,  however,  they  ex- 
cepted Fifher  and  More,  who  were,  by  a  particular 
Bumst,        a£t3  declared  guilty  of  mifprifion  of  treafon.     After 
the  parliament  broke  up,  the  king  publifhed  a  pro- 
clamation to  fupprefs  the  name  ot  pope,    and  eraze 
it  from  all  books  and  writings.    All  the  prelates  re- 
nounced obedience  to  the    bifhop  of  Rome,   and, 
among  the   reft,    Gardiner  bifhop  of  Winchefler, 
though  in  his  heart  he  detefted  the  king's  meafures. 
By  this  time  the  reformation  had  made  great  pro- 
grefs  in  England  as  well  as  in  Germany,  notwith- 
itanding  the  perfecution  which  had  been  raifed  at 
the  inftigation  of  Sir  Thomas  More,  while  he  oc- 
cupied the  office  of  chancellor.     The  treatifes  of 
Luther  were  weli  known  to  the  fubjects  of  Henry  j 
and  the  Bible  was  tranflated  into  the  Englifh  lan- 
guage by  Tindal,    who  had   withdrawn   into  the 
Low  Countries.     The  bifhop  of  London  ordered 
fome  copies  of  this  tranfiation  to  be  burned  by  the 
hands  of  the  common  hangman.  ,  Several  perfons 
were  burned  and  fuffered  martyrdom  with  lurpri- 
fing  conftancy.     Thefe  feverities,  inftead  of  extin- 
guifhing,  ferved  only  to  feed  the  flame  of  religious 
oppofition,   which  was    likewife  increafed   by   the 
quarrel  with  the  pope.  The  reformation  was  favour- 

HENRY      VIII.  25 

cd  by  Anne  Boleyn,  archbiiliop  Cranmer,  and  fe-  AC  I534» 
cretary  Cromwell  ;  but,  at  the  fame  time,  it  had 
very  powerful  enemies  in  the  perfons  of  the  duke 
of  Norfolk,  Gardiner,  Longland  bifhop  of  Lin- 
coln, and  many  other  ecclefiaftics  who  had  accefs  to 
court;  and,  in  preaching  before  Henry,  filled  their 
fermons  with  invectives  againil  the  new  doctrine. 
The  king  himfelf,  though  he  had  fhaken  off  the 
papal  yoke,  was  a  bigotted  catholic  in  every  other 
refpecl ;  and,  to  his  dying  day,  believed  the  real  pre- 
knc&  in  the  Sacrament.  Beiides,  he  had  written  a 
book  againil  the  doctrine  of  Luther,  who  had 
treated  him  in  a  fcurrilous  manner ;  and  though 
that  reformer  had  afterwards  humbled  himfelf  in  a 
letter  to  Henry,  he  could  never  forgive  the  in  fa- 
ience of  his  firft  attack. 

In  the  beginning  of  theenfuing  year,  the  French  a  c.  1535, 
king,  in  order  to  found  the  inclinations  of  Henry, 
fent  over  Philip  Chabert,  admiral  of  France,  to 
communicate  fome  overtures  of  peace,  which  had 
been  made  by  the  emperor.  That  prince  proposed 
a  marriage  between  the  third  daughter  of  Francis, 
and  Philip  prince  of  Spain  ;  and  another  match 
between  the  dauphin,  and  Mary,  daughter  of  Hen- 
ry and  Catherine.  When  the  admiral  imparted 
thefe  particulars  to  the  king  of  England,  Henry 
replied  that  he  could  not  but  wonder  at  the  infolence 
of  the  emperor,  in  pretending  to  difpofe  of  his 
daughter,  over  whom  he  had  no  power  -,  but  he 
afterwards  propofed,  in  his  turn,  that  his  new-born 
daughter  Elizabeth  mould  be  married  to  the  duke 
of  Angouiefme,  third  fon  of  Francis,  on  condition 
that  he  (the  French  king)  his  three  fons,  the  princes 
cf  the  blood,  the  principal  nobility,  the  parliaments 
and  univerfities  of  France,  mould  engage  to  pro- 
cure a  reverfion  of  the  fentence  which  the  bifhop  of 
Rome  had  pronounced  againil:  Henry ;  that  the 
duke  of  Angouiefme  ihould  be  educated  in  Eng- 


A.c.  1535.  lancj}    an(jj    in  cafe  of  his   afcending  the  EngliiTi 
throne,   by  virtue  of  his  marriage,   the  dutchy  of 
Angoulefme  fhould  be  independent  of  the  crown  of 
France.     Thefe  propofals  were  favourably  received 
by  Francis,  who  neverthelefs  demanded  that  Henry 
would  furnifh  him  with  fuccoursfor  the  war  of  Sa- 
voy, and  releafe  him  intirely  from  the  perpetual 
penfion  of  one  hundred  thoufand  crowns,  which  he 
had  obliged  himfelf  to  pay  to  the  king  of  England. 
Henry,  judging  from  this  demand  that  Francis  was 
Sandoval,     not  in  earneft,   declared,  that  far  from  renouncing 
Herbert.      j-g  penf10n,    he  infifted  upon  the  payment  of  the 
Francis  in-   arrears  within  the  time  prefcribed.     This  reply  in- 
•McMm7'  terrupted  the  negotiation-,   and,  while  Charles  car- 
fMwn,       ried  his  arms  into  Africa,   where  he  reftored  Mu- 
ley  HafTem  to  his  kingdom  of  Tunis,  from  whence 
he  had   been  expelled  by  the  famous  corfair  Bar- 
barofa,     Francis    attacked    the  dutchy  of  Savoy, 
which  he  reduced  in  the  very  firft  campaign. 

Although  Henry  had  now  trampled  under  foot 
the  papal  authority,  conquered  ail  oppofkion  in 
his  own  dominions,  reduced  the  earl  of  Kildare, 
who  had  rebelled  in  Ireland  at  the  inftigation  of  the 
emperor,  and  concluded  a  treaty  of  peace  with  his 
nephew  James  king  of  Scotland  ;  he  did  not  enjoy 
that  tranquillity  which  he  might  have  expect- 
ed to  reap  from  his  fuccefs.  He  was  embroiled  by 
the  difputes  about  religion,  in  which  he  acted  fiich 
a  part  as  was  agreeable  to  neither  fide.  He  gave  a 
Jcofe  to  his  padions,  and  became  boifterous,  cruel, 
and  arbitrary.  The  monks  having  incenfed  him 
with  perfonal  abufe,  he  refolved,  with  the  advice 
of  his  council,  to  execute  the  laws  upon  them  with- 
out mercy.  He  was  in  particular  exafperated  againft 
the  new  pope,  who  created  Fifher  a  cardinal  during 
his  imprifonment,  as  a  recompence  for  having  de- 
nied the  king's  fupremacy.  The  king,  in  order  to 
ihew  his  refentment  and  contempt  of  the  honour 


HENRY      VIII.  27 

which  the  pope  had  bellowed,  ordered  the  oath  to  A*c>  ,535- 
be  tendered  once  more  toFifher,  who,  refufing  it  as  Thebi/hop 
before,  was  condemned  and  executed  as  a  traitor.  ®^f ^efter 
He  was  a  prelate  of  fome  learning,  of  an  exemplary  Thomas 
life,  great  aufterity,  and  devoted  to  the  papal  power.  JJjJj^J 
Sir  '1  nomas  More  was  inveigled  by  Rich  the  foli- 
citor-general  into  a  converfation  about  the  fupre- 
macy,   which,  joined  to  his  former  conviction  of 
mifprifion  of  treafon,  was  deemed  a  fufficient  caufe 
for   taking  his   life    away.     He  was  accordingly 
condemned  and  decapitated,  though  the  king  reap- 
ed nothing  but  reproach  from  the  death  of  a  man 
who  was  univerfally  efteemed  for  his  integrity,   and 
admired  for  his  wit  and  facetious  humour,  which  he 
exerted  to  the  laft  moment  of  his  life.     He  defired 
one  of  the  by-ftanders  to  help  him  to  mount  the 
fcarfold,    faying,    he  mould    not  be  fo  follickous 
about  coming  down  again.     When  the  executioner 
afked  his  forgivenefs,  he  told  him,  he  would  ac- 
quire very  little  honour  by  doing  his  work  upon 
him,  becaufe  he  had  a  very  fhort  neck ;  and,  after 
having  laid  his  head  upon  the  block,  perceiving  his 
beard  was  in  the  way  of  the  ax,   he  laid  it  on  one 
fide ;  faying,  it  did  not  dcferve  to  fuffer,  as  it  never 
committed  treafon. 

During  thefe  tranfactions,  pope  Paul  III.  ex- 
preffed  an  eager  defire  to  find  fome  means  of  ac- 
commodating matters  with  Henry  }  and  frequently 
conferred  on  this  fubjeft  with  Gregorio  Cafali,  who 
Hill  refided  at  Rome,  though  not  in  a  public  cha- 
racter. But  when  he  underftood  that  Fifher  and 
More,  together  with  feveral  monks,  had  been  exe- 
cuted for  refufing  to  own  the  king's  fupremacy,  he 
concluded  that  England  was  loft  for  ever  to  the  fee 
of  Rome  •,  and,  in  order  to  fupport  the  honour  of 
the  papacy,  thundered  a  bull  of  excommunication 
againit  Henry,  abfolving  all  his  fubjects  of  their 
oath  of  allegiance.     He  ordered  all  ecclefiaftics  to 


28  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

A- c-  T555-  retire  from  his  dominions,  commanded  the  nobility 
Henryisex.  to  rife  in  arms  againft  him,  laid  the  kingdom  under 
eom"1"ni-    an  interdict,   forbad  all  chriftians  to  communicate 
pope,  y       with  the  Englim,  annulled  all  treaties  which  other 
powers  had  concluded  with  Henry  before  his  mar- 
riage with  Anne  Boleyn,  and  declared  all  the  chil- 
dren that  mould  be  produced  from  that  marriage 
illegitimate  and  incapable  of  fucceffion  :    neverche- 
lefs,  he  delayed  the  publication  of  this  bull,  until  it 
could  be  fupported  by  the  imperial  arms.     The 
king  was  no  fooner  informed  of  this  attack,  than 
he,  in  conjunction  with  Francis,   fent  ambaffadors 
to  the  princes  of  the  league  of  Smalcalde  in  Ger- 
many,   to  propofe  an  union  of  interests :   but  the 
protectants,  whofe  only  aim  was  to  enjoy  liberty  of 
confcience,   faw  no  profpect  of  being  able  to  main- 
tain a  fincere  union  with  two  princes  who  condemn- 
ed  their   doctrines,  and  even  perfecuted   thofe  of 
their  own  fubjects  by  whom  thefe  doctrines    were 
profefied.      They    propofed,    in  their  turn,    that 
Henry  mould  fubfcribe  the  confefiion  of  Augfburg  ; 
and  he  defired  they  would  fend  fome  able  theologi- 
cians  to  confer  with  thofe  of  England  on  this  fub- 
iect.     But  he  had  no  intention  to  conform  to  their 
opinions  :  on  the  contrary,  he  himfelf  pretended  to 
dictate  to  all  the  world. 

As  the  monks  had  flandered  him  in  many  par- 
ticulars, and  even  debauched  a  great  number  of  his 
fubjects  from  their  allegiance,    he,  after  having  de- 
liberated with  his  council,  ordered   a  general  vifi- 
Geneml  yi,  ration  of  the  monafleries,  that  ftrict  inquiry  might 
rhTmoiu-     De  made  *nt0  their  titles,  revenues,  the  morals  of 
fteries.         the  friars  and  nuns,  and  the  regulations   obferved 
in  each  order.     By  this  expedient  he  forefaw  he 
mould  be  able  to  undeceive  the  public  in  their  opi- 
nion of  the  fanctity  of  fuch  characters,  to  wreak  his 
revenge  upon  the  monks,  whom   he  confidered  as 
his  implacable  enemies,  and  augment  his  revenue 


HENRY      VIII.  29< 

with  their  fpoils.  Thomas  Cromwell,  being  chofen  A-  Q-  *-&* 
vifi tor- general,  appointed  fubftitutes  for  the  exa- 
mination of  the  monafteries,  where  they  found  fuch 
irregularities  and  fcenes  of  vice,  debauchery,  and 
impofture,  as  were  difgraceful  to  religion,  and  in- 
deed mocking  to  human  nature.  The  examiners, 
who  were  by  no  means  friends  to  monaftic  inftitu- 
tions,  did  not  fail  to  exaggerate  thofe  particulars  in 
their  reports.  They  firft  threatened  the  delinquent 
friars  and  nuns  with  all  the  feverity  of  the  law,  and 
then  infinuated,  that,  in  order  to  avoid  punimmenr, 
and  conceal  the  diforders  they  had  committed,  they 
fhould  refign  their  houfes  to  the  king,  who  would 
take  care  to  provide  for  the  fubfiftence  of  every  in- 
dividual. This  advice  was  followed  by  a  great 
number  of  priors,  with  the  concurrence  of  their 
monks  ♦,  and  the  report  of  the  commiflioners  was 
publifhed,  that  the  world  might  fee  there  was  an 
abfblute  necefiity  for  fuch  a  general  vifitatiom 
Then  appeared  a  minute  detail  of  the  mod  furpri- 
fing  enormities.  Many  convents  were  divided  in- 
to factions,  which  exercifed  the  mod  barbarous 
cruelties  on  one  another,  as  they  chanced  to  pre- 
dominate. They  carried  on  an  idolatrous  traffic, 
by  impofing  upon  the  fuperftitious  people  with  re- 
lics and  images.  In  fome  houfes  the  vifitors  found 
the  implements  of  clipping  and  coining.  The  ma- 
jority of  the  nuns  in  many  nunneries  were  preg- 
nant; a  great  number  of  abbots  and  monks  were 
convicted  of  criminal  correfpondence  with  harlots 
and  married  women ;  and,  not  a  few  detected  in  the 
gratification  of  unnatural  lulls,  and  other  brutal 
practices.  After  this  publication,  the  king,  as  the  Burnet, 
head  of  the  Englifh  church,  abfolved  of  their  vows 
all  the  monks  who  had  engaged  in  a  religious  life 
before  the  age  of  four  and  twenty ;  and  permitted 
all  the  reft  to  quit  their  monafteries,  and  live  as  fe-  • 
culars,  according  to  their  own  pleafure.     But  this 

4  permiflion 

So  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1535.  permiflion  producing  very  little  effect,   Henry  had 
recourfe  to  other  meafures. 

In  the  courfe  of  this  year,  cardinal  Campejus, 
and  an  Italian  called   Ghinacer,  were  deprived  of 
their  bifhoprics  of  Salifbury  and  Worcefter,  which 
the  king  beftowed    upon  Nicholas    Chaxton,   and 
Hugh    Latimer,  who   favoured    the  reformation. 
John  Helfey  obrained  the  fee  of  Rochefter,  vacant 
by  the  death  of  Fifher,  and  Edward  Fox  was  ap- 
pointed bifhop  of  Hereford.     Henry,  apprehenfive 
that  James,  king  of  Scotland,  who  he  knew  was 
difaffected  to  his  perfon,  would,  notwithstanding  the 
peace,  take  the  firft  opportunity  of  invading  Eng- 
land, if  any  civil  commotion  mould  arife,  thought 
he  could  not  find  a  more  effectual  method  to  fecure 
himfelf  from  that  quarter,   than  by  perfuading  his 
nephew  to  follow  his  example,    in  renouncing  the 
papal  authority.     For  this  purpofe  he  wrote  a  long 
letter  to  that  prince,  explaining  the  reafons  of  his 
feparating  himfelf  from  the  fee  of  Rome  ;  then  he 
pot^anTn-  ^nt  an  ambaffador  to  prop  ;fe  an  interview.     Tho' 
tervkw  with  the   reformation  had  gained  footing  in  Scotland, 
if&Sdand?  James  himfelf  had  no  intention  to  rorfake  the  old 
by  whom  it  religion;   neverthelefs,    he  would  not  bluntly  de- 
**   tc         cline  the  interview  which  his  uncle  propofed  :   but, 

Bachanan.     t r  ,  j    1  1  r  1 

Herbert,      he  round  means  to  delay  the  conference,  under  va- 
rious pretences  ;  and  in  the  mean  time,  follicited  the 
pope  for  a  brief,  forbidding  him  to  hold  an  inter- 
view with  Henry.     Then  he  intimated  this  prohi- 
bition to  his  uncle,  who  having  already  made  pre- 
parations for  his  journey,  was  extremely  incenfed  at 
the  repulfe,  which  produced  a  quarrel  between  the 
two  monarchs. 
Death  of         *n  l^e  beginning  of  the  enfuing  year,  the  unfor- 
queen ca-    tunate  queen  Catherine  died  at  Kimbolton,    after 
thcrine.       having  fuftained  a  long  feries  of  afflictions.     She 
had  been  haraffed  by  repeated  meiTages  from  Henry, 
importuning  her  to  reiign  the  title  of  queen,  which 


HENRY       VIII.  3* 

fhe  never  would  lay  down,  proteiting,  that  as  the  A  a  * 
pope  had  declared  her  marriage  valid,  fhe  would 
fooner  lofe  her  life  than  her  title,  which  (lie  con- 
tinued to  exact  from  all  her  fervants.  She  became, 
however,  very  affable,  and  acquired  great  popula- 
rity among  the  country  people.  When  the  king 
propofed,  that  fhe  mould  re  fide  at  Fotheringay-caf- 
tle,  fhe  declared,  fhe  would  never  go  thither  un- 
lefs  as  a  prifoner.  She  lived  on  the  penfion  align- 
ed her  as  princefs  dowager  of  Wales  \  and  though 
fhe  could  have  no  great  comfort  in  England  where 
fhe  was  a  flranger,  fhe  never  difcovered  the  leart 
inclination  to  quit  the  kingdom,  where,  in  all  pro- 
bability, (he  was  detained  by  her  motherly  care  of 
the  princefs  Mary.  In  her  will,  fhe  defired  her 
body  might  be  buried  in  a  convent  of  Obfervant 
friars  :  that  five  hundred  maffes  mould  be  faid  for 
her  foul  :  and,  that  a  perfon  fhould  make  a  pil- 
grimage to  our  lady  of  Walfingham,  and  diftribute 
two  hundred  nobles  in  charity  upon  the  road  :  fhe 
likewife  bequeathed  fome  legacies  to  her  fervants. 
When  the  king  heard  of  her  illnefs,  he  fent  her  a 
kind  meffage,  and  fhe  dictated  a  very  tender  letter 
to  him,  in  which  fhe  called  him  her  dear  lord  and 
hufband  •,  forgave  him  all  the  trouble  in  v/hich  he  had 
involved  her ;  recommended  her  daughter  Mary  to 
his  care  and  affection  ;  defired  he  would  provide  for 
her  three  maids ;  indulge  her  fervants  with  a  fmaii 
gratuity  ;  and  concluded  with  thefe  words :  j*  I 
"  make  this  vow,  That  mine  eyes  defire  you  above 
"  all  things."  She  was  certainly  a  devout  and  vir- 
tuous princefs,  who  led  a  fevere  and  mortified  life  -, 
but,  fhe  was  a  bigot  in  religion,  and  of  a  fretful 
difpofition ,  which,  in  all  probability,  at  firft  alie- 
nated the  king's  affection,  as  fhe  had  no  perfonai 
eharms  to  fix  his  natural  inconflancy.  He  expref- 
fed  fome  regret  at  her  death  •,  but  would  not  allow 
her  to  be  buried  according  to  her  own  directions. 


32  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a-  c  1536.  Her  body  was  interred  in  the  abbey  church  of  Peter- 
borough, which  he  afterwards  converted  into  an  epif- 
copal  cathedral.  Queen  Anne  did  not  behave  with  due  ^ 

Poivd.virg.  decorum  on  this  occafion.     She  rejoiced  openly  at  J 

Hoi'iing/hed.  the  deceafe  of  Catherine  *  and  teemed  to  take  plea- 
BuTnet?  fure  in  communicating  her  fatisfadtion  to  the  public. 
The  parliament  had  impowered  the  king  to  no- 
minate two  and  thirty  perfons,  to  make  a  collec- 
tion of  ecclefiaftical  conftitutions  •,  and  now  that 
act  was  confirmed.  The  king  reprefented  to  the 
parliament  in  this  fefiion,  that  the  great  number  of 
monafteries  was  an  expence  to  the  kingdom,  and 
defired  them  to  apply  fome  remedy  to  this  evil :  in  j 

confequence  of  which  remonftrance,  they  palled  an 
A^forfup-  act,  fupprefiing  all  monafteries  whofe  revenues  did 
preffwgmo-  noc  exceecj  two  hundred  pounds-,  and  appropriated 
their  income  for  his  majefty's  ufe.  By  this  law  the 
crown  acquired  the  yearly  value  of  two  and  thirty 
thoufand  pounds,  befides  a  capital  of  above  one 
hundred  thoufand  pounds,  on  the  plate,  ornaments, 
and  effects  of  churches  and  convents.  Then  he 
erected  a  new  court  of  juilice,  called  the  court  of 
the  augmentation  of  the  king's  revenue,  for  taking 
cognizance  of  all  fuch  fequeft  rations.  The  clergy 
met  in  convocation,  propofed,  that  a  new  tran- 
flation  of  the  Bible  into  the  Englifh  language  mould 
be  made,  and  published  for  the  fake  of  thofe  who 
did  not  understand  Latin  •,  and  though  this  motion 
was  vehemently  oppofed  by  Gardiner,  and  his 
party,  Cranmer  carried  his  point.  The  king  was 
petitioned  to  employ  fome  capable  perfons  to  tran- 
slate the  fcriptures  -,  the  queen  feconded  the  peti- 
tion, with  which  Henry  complied  ;  and  though 
we  know  not  who  the  tranflators  were  the  work 
was  in  three  years  printed  at  Paris.  Henry,  hav- 
ing obtained  all  he  wifhed  from  the  parliament, 
difiblved  that  afifembly,  after  it  had  continued  fit- 
ting fix  years,    a  longer  term  than  parliament  had 


Henry    viil  33 

ever  fubfifted  fince  the  beginning  of  the  Englifh  At  c-  J536* 

By  this  time,  Sforza  duke  of  Milan  being  dead 
without  iflue,  the  dutchy  devolved  to  the  emperor, 
who  perceiving  Francis  bent  upon  the  conqueft  of 
that  country,  and  fuppofing  he  would  not  embark 
in  fuch  an  undertaking,  without  the  promife  of  af- 
firmance from  the  king  of  England,  refolved,  if 
poffible,  to  difunite  thole  two  potentates.  He  fet 
on  foot  a  private  negotiation  with  the  king  of 
France ;  and  promifed  to  cede  the  dutchy  of  Milan 
to  one  of  that  monarch's  fons.  At  the  fame  time, 
hearing  of  queen  Catherine's  death,  he  offered  to 
renew  his  alliance  with  Henry,  on  condition,  that 
the  king  of  England  would  be  reconciled  to  the 
pope  through  his  mediation  •,  that  he  would  fur-  - 
nifh  him  with  powerful  fuccours  againfl  the  Turks  ; 
and  aflat  him  in  defending  Milan  from  the  attacks 
of  Francis.  To  thefe  propofals  Henry  replied, 
that  the  meafures  he  had  taken  againfl  the  pope 
could  not  be  recalled ;  that  he  fhould  always  be 
ready  to  a6l  as  become  a  chriflian  prince,  againfl 
Infidels  :  that  he  was  willing  to  renew  the  alliance 
with  the  emperor,  provided  it  could  be  done  with- 
out prejudice  to  his  ally  the  king  of  France  ;  and 
the  emperor  would  own,  that  he  himfelf  had  been 
the  caufe  of  the  rupture.  Henry  plainly  perceived,  Herbert,; 
that  the  defign  of  Charles  was  to  detach  him  from 
the  interefl  of  France,  without  any  intention  to  re- 
new the  alliance  with  England.  Francis  had  given 
him  to  underftand,  that  Charles  intended  to  com- 
pel him  by  force  of  arms  to  acknowledge  the  pope's 
fupremacy  •,  for  which  purpofe  he  follicited  the  af- 
fiflance  of  Francis  ;  and,  omthat  condition  offered 
to  cede  the  Milanefe.  The  king  of  England  being 
thus  apprized  of  the  emperor's  intentions,  continued 
his  negotiation  with  the  proteflants  of  Germany, 
in  order  to  find  him  work  in  his  own  dominions. 

Nc  5i.  D  He 


/*  0.1536.  fje  |lac]  aireac|y  fent  Edward  Fox  as  his  envoy  to 
the  league  of  Smalcalde  ;  and  the  members  of  that 
affociation  agreed  to  unite  their  interefts  with  his, 
on  condition,  that  he  would  fubfcribe  the  confef- 
fion  of  Augfburg,  and  defend  it  with  all  his  power 
in  a  free  council,  which  mould  be  held  in  a  place 
chofen  for  the  purpofe,  with  their  content ;  that  if 
the  pope  mould  infift  upon  affembling  a  council, 
according  to  his  own  pleafure,  Henry  mould  join 
them  in  their  proteftations  againft  it,  and  aflume 
the  title  of  protector  of  the  league  :  that  he  mould 
never  acknowledge  the  pope's  fupremacy,  or  give 
the  lead  affiftance  to  their  enemies  :  that  he  mould 
fupply   the    league   with   one    hundred  thoufand 
crowns  for  their  prefent   cccafions,    and   furnifh 
double  that  fum,   in  cafe  the  war  mould  continue  : 
and  they  declared,   that  as  foon  as  he  mould  have 
agreed  to  thefe  articles,  they  would  fend  ambafia- 
dors  to  England,  to  bring  the  treaty  to  perfection. 
Henry  had  no  intention  to  fubfcribe  the  confeflion 
of  Augfburg  ;  but  as  it  was  his  intereft  to  protract 
the  negotiation,  he  gave  them  to  underftand,  that 
the  money  mould  be  furnifried  as  foon  as  they  could 
agree  about  the  other  articles  :  that  he  had  no  ob- 
jection to  the  title  of  protector  ;    but,  could  not 
profefs  the  faith  of  Augfburg,  until  his  confcience 
could  be  fatisfied  of  the  truth  of  that  confeflion;  for 
which  purpofe,  he  defired  to  be  better  informed  of 
their  particular  doctrines.  They  forth  with  nominated 
Sturmius,  Draco,  Melanchthon,  and  Bucerus,  to 
confer  with  Henry  and  his  theologians  ;    but  they 
were  forbid  to  come  to  any  conclufion  that  might 
be  prejudicial  to  the  emperor  or  empire. 

This  treaty  was  interrupted  by  an  event  equally 
furprifing  in  itfelf,  and  interefting  to  the  favourers 
of  the  reformation.  Henry  began  to  be  cloyed 
with  the  poiTeffion  of  Anne  Boleyn,  who  had  lately 
been'delivered  of  a  dead  male  child,  to  the  unfpeak- 


HENRY     VIII.         l  35 

able  difappointment  of  her  hufband,  who  was  fuper-  A-c*  %si6t 
ftitious  enough  to  believe  this  accident  was  a  judg- 
ment from  heaven.     He  was  about  this  time  cap- 
tivated with  the  beauty  of  Jane  Seymour,   one  of 
the  queen's  ladies ;   and  his  paflions  were  fo  ftrong 
and  impetuous,    that  he  facriflced  every  thing  to 
their  gratification.     Thefe  concurring  motives  for 
his  alienation  from  the  queen,  were  ftrengthened  by 
his  wife's  deportment,   which  was  too  frank  and 
unguarded,   to  fcreen  her  from  the  imputation  of 
levity  and  indifcretion.     Her  enemies,  in  particu- 
lar the  duke  of  Norfolk,    and  all  thofe  who  had 
adhered  to  the  old  religion,  took  advantage  of  this 
difpofition,    to   inflame  the  king's  jealoufy  ;    the 
principal  fomenter  of  which  was   the  lady  Roch- 
ford,  fifter- in-law  to  queen  Anne,  a  woman  of  an 
infamous  character,  who  hated  her  miftrefs  with  the 
moil  envenomed  rancour.     She  hinted  to  the  king 
that  his  wife  carried  on  a  criminal  correfpondencewith 
her  own  brother  the  lord  Rochford  •,  and  Henry's 
mind  being  prepared  for  this  poifon,  by  his  difguft 
for  Anne,  and  his  new  paflion  for  Jane  Seymour^ 
it  operated  with  great  violence.     The  infinuations 
of  the  lady  Rochford  were  confirmed  by  the  duke 
of  Norfolk,  who  enjoyed  a  great  fliare  of  the  king's 
confidence,  and  was  devoted  to  the  popifh  religion, 
which  could  not  flourifh  while  queen  Anne  lived 
to  countenance  the  reformation.     The  partifans  of 
the  pope  therefore  confpired  her  ruin.     She  was  noc 
only  accufed  of  incefl  with  her  brother  Rochford, 
but  likewife  of  living  in    carnal  commerce   with 
Henry  Norris,  groom  of  the  flole,  Wefton,  and 
Brereton,  of  the  king's  privy -chamber,  and  Mark 
Smeton,  a  mufician.     There  was  no  other  evidence 
than  an  hearfay  declaration  of  one  lady  Wingfield, 
who  conferTed  fome  particulars  on   her  death-bed  : 
but,  this  was  fuiHcient  to  rufBe  fuch  a  mind  as  that 
of  Henry,  who  is  faid  to  have  oblerved  Anne,  at 

D  2  a  tour- 



a.c.  1536.  a  tournament  in  Greenwich,  drop  her  handkerchief 
to  one  of  her  minions,  that  he  might  wipe  his  face, 
after  having  overheated  himfelf  in  the  exercife.    Be 
that  as   it  may,    the  king  returned   abruptly  to 
Whitehall  -,  Anne  was  confined  to  her  chamber  ^ 
and  the  fufpected  delinquents  being  apprehended  at 
the  fame  time,  were  committed  to  the  Tower.  Anne 
fmiled  at  firft,  thinking  the  king  was  in  jell  •,  but, 
when  fhe  found  it  was  a  very  ferious  affair,  fhe  re- 
ceived the  facrament  in  her  clofet,  and  prepared  for 
death.     This  reverfe  of  fortune  affected  her  in  fuch 
a  manner,  that  me  v/as  feized  with  hyfteric  fits, 
during  which  fhe  laughed  and  wept  by  turns  •,  and 
uttered  many  inconfiflencies  according  to  the  na- 
AnneBo-    ture  of  that  difeafe.     Next  day,  fhe  was  conveyed 
leyn  com-    to  the  Tower,    where  fhe  fell  upon  her  knees,  and 
SeTWr.   appealed  to  God  for  the  knowledge  of  her  inno- 
cency.   She  in  vain  begged  to  be  admitted  into  the 
prefence  of  the  king.     The  ladyBoleyn,  her  uncle's 
wife,    who  had  always  hated  her,    was  ordered 
to  be  in  the  fame  chamber  with  her  -,  and  fhe  made 
a  report  of  all  the  incoherent  ravings  of  the  afflicted 
prifoner.     She  was  vifited  by  the  duke  of  Norfolk, 
and  fome  of  the  king's  council,  who  endeavoured 
to  draw  her  into  a  confeffion,   by  faying  fhe  was 
atccufed  by  Norris  and  Smeton  :  but,  fhe  ftill  per- 
fitted  in  denying  the  charge ;   and  told  the  lieute- 
nant of  the  Tower,  fhe  was  not  more  guilty  with 
any  man  upon  earth  than  with  himfelf.     She  con- 
fe  ed  indeed,  that  fhe  had,  in  the  gaiety  of  heart, 
made  ufe  of  fome  indifcreet  exprefiions  to  Smeton, 
and  Wefton  •,  and  the  familiarity  of  her  behaviour 
had  encouraged  them   to   hint  a  paffion  for  her, 
which,    in  all  probability,  afforded  her  matter  of 
laughter  and  amufement  j  and  perhaps,  the  know- 
ledge of  thofe  frivolous  circumflances  increafed  the 
king's  jealoufy  and  indignation, 


HENRY      VIII.  37 

Every  perfon  at  court  abandoned  the  unhappy  A-c«  J536* 
queen  in  her  diftrefs,  except  Cranmer,  who,  tho' 
forbid  to  come  into  the  king's  prefence,  wrote  a 
Jetter  to  him  in  behalf  of  Anne  Boleyn  ;  but  his 
interceffion  had  no  effect.  On  the  twelfth  day  of 
May,  Norris,  Wefton,  Brereton,  and  Smeton, 
were  tried  in  Weftminfler-Hall;  when  Smeton 
confeffed  he  had  known  the  queen  carnally  three 
times  ;  but,  he  was  fuppofed  to  have  been  in- 
veigled into  this  confdfion  with  a  promife  of  par- 
don. The  other  three  pleaded  not  guilty  •,  but 
all  four  were  convicted  and  condemned  to  die  the 
death  of  traitors.  On  the  fifteenth  day  of  the 
month,  the  queen,  and  her  brother  lord  Roch- 
ford,  were  brought  to  their  trial,  before  the  duke 
of  Norfolk,  as  lord  high-fteward  for  the  occafion, 
the  duke  of  Suffolk,  the  marquis  of  Exeter,  the 
earl  of  Arundel,  and  five  and  twenty  other  peers.- 
The  queen  appearing  at  the  bar,  was  charged  with 
criminal  converfation  with  her  brother,  and  the 
other  four ;  as  alfo  with  having  confpired  the 
king's  death.  She  pleaded  not  guilty,  and  aa- 
fwered  diftinctly  all  the  evidence  that  was  produced 
againft  her.  As  fhe  was  not  confronted  by  Sme- 
ton, in  all  probability  he  had  bore  falfe  witnefs ; 
for  all  the  others  denied  the  charge.  Neverthe-  conviaed 
lefs  fhe  was  convicted,  and  condemned  to  be  burn-  pddb^ 
ed  or  beheaded,  at  the  king's  pleafure.  Her  bro- 
ther likewife  was  found  guilty,  and  fentenced  to  be 
beheaded  and  quartered.  The  king,  not  fatisfied 
with  this  vengeance,  was  defirous  of  feeing  her 
daughter  Elizabeth  declared  illegitimate.  He  re- 
membered a  report  of  a  previous  contract,  between 
lord  Piercy,  now  earl  of  Northumberland;  and 
Anne  Boleyn.  The  earl  being  queftioned  on  this 
fubject,  declared,  that  no  fuch  contract  had  ever 
fubfifted.  He  fwore  to  this  declaration  on  the  fa- 
crament,  which  he  wifhed   might  be  his  damna- 

D  3  tion 


a.  c.  1536.  tjon  if  ^e  did  not  fpeak  the  truth.  Neverthelefs, 
Anne  was  tampered  with  in  fuch  a  manner,  either 
by  promife  of  life,  or  threats  of  executing  the  fen- 
tence  in  all  its  rigour,  that  fhe  conferred,  fuch  a 
pre-contraft,  at  Lambeth,  before  the  afflicted  arch- 
bifhcp  of  Canterbury,  and  fome  other  perfons  of 
diftinction  ;  and  her  marriage  with  the  king  was 
declared  null  and  inefficient.  This  fentence,  how- 
ever, palpably  contradicted  the  other  which  had 
been  pronounced  againft  \gft  \  for,  if  her  marriage 
with  Henry  was  null  from  the  beginning,  me  could 
not  be  juftly  attainted  for  adultery.  In  two  days 
after  this  declaration,  me  was  ordered  to  be  exe- 
cuted in  the  green  on  Tower-Hill;  and  behaved 
with  great  piety,  refignation,  and  good  humour. 
She  is  laid  to  have  written  a  letter  to  the  king,  when 
Hie  firft  under  flood  the  caufe  of  her  confinement. 
Such  an  addrefs  was  afterwards  found  among  the 
papers  of  Cromwell,  drawn  up  with  fuch  pathetic 
eloquence  and  dignity  of  expreffion,  as  to  do  great 
honour  to  the  author  ;  but  it  is  generally  fufpeded 
to  have  been  written  by  another  hand.  On  the 
day  that  preceded  the  execution,  fhe  defired  the 
wife  of  the  lieutenant  of  the  Tower  to  fit  down  in 
the  chair  of  ftate ;  then  kneeling  before  her,  and 
fhedding  a  flood  of  tears,  fhe  conjured  her  to 
go,  in  her  name,  and  afk  pardon  of  the  princefs 
Mary,  for  the  harfhnefs  with  which  fhe  had  been 
treated.  On  the  morning  of  her  execution  fhe  fent 
for  the  lieutenant,  that  he  might  be  prefent  at  her 
receiving  the  facrament,  and  declaring  her  own  in- 
nocence. She  faid,  fhe  was  forry  to  hear  her  exe- 
cution was  delayed  till  the  afternoon,  becaufe,  be- 
fore that  time,  fhe  had  expecled  to  be  out  of  her 
pain.  Then  fhe  inquired  about  the  dexterity  of  the 
executioner  •,  fixed  her  hands  about  her  neck,  ob- 
ferving,  that  fne  had  a  very  little  neck,  and  laugh- 
ed heartily.  When  fhe  was  brought  to  the  fcaffold, 


HENRY      VIIL  39 

in  prefence  of  the  dukes  of  Suffolk  and  Richmond,  AiC<  !536* 
the  lord  chancellor,    the  fecretary  Cromwell,  with 
the  lord  mayor,  aldermen,  and  fherifFs  of  London, 
fhe  faid  me  was  come  to  die,  as  fhe  had  been  judged 
by  the  law.     She  prayed  God  would  preferve  the 
king,  who  had  been  always  to  her  a  mofi  merciful, 
good,    and   gentle   fovereign ;    and  delired,    that 
people  would  judge  of  him   with   charity.     She 
took  leave  of  all  the  fpectators,  defiring  they  would 
pray  for  her ;  and  after  fhe  had  fpent  fome  time  in 
devotion,  her  head  was  fevered  from  her  body  by 
the  executioner  of  Calais,  who  was  brought  over 
for  his  dexterity  in  performing  that  operation.  Her 
body  was  thrown  into  a  common  chefl,   and  buried 
in  the  Tower-chapel  without  any  ceremony.     Her 
brother,   with  the  other  convicts,   were  beheaded, 
except  Smeton,  who  was  hanged.     Norris  was  pro- 
mifed  to  be  forgiven,  if  he  would  confefs  his  guilt, 
and  accufe  the  queen.    But  he  rejected  the  propofal 
with  difdain,   faying,  in  his  confcience  he  thought 
her  free  of  the  crimes  laid  to  her  charge  -9  and  would 
rather  die  a  rhoufand  times,  than  ruin  an  innocent 
perfon.  Thus  fell  Anne  Boleyn,  whofe  fate  has  been 
the  fubject  of  muchcontroverfy.  She  feems  to  have 
been  a  lady  of  unaffected  piety,  and  a  very  charita- 
ble difpofition  •,  though  fhe  had,  by  her  education  in 
France,  contracted  a  kind  of  vivacity  that  did  not 
fuit  the  manners  of  an  Englifh  court.     She  was  na-  Hail, 
turally  volatile,  and  in  fome  cafes  childifhly  indif-  ^elber^' 
creet :  fo  that,  in  all  probability,  her  heart   was  spdman. 
better  than  her  underflanding.      She  encouraged  Burnet> 
learning  and  genius,  diftributed  great  fums  in  alms, 
and  died  a  facrifice  to  the  jealoufy  and  intempe- 
rance of  Henry,  inflamed  by  the  malicious  fuggef- 
tions  of  thofe  who  were  enemies  to  the  reforma- 
tion, which  fhe  in  a  particular  manner  patronized. 

Nothing  juflifi^d  Anne  Boleyn  fo  much  as  the 
conduct  of  the  king,  who  on  the  very  day  that  fuc- 

D  4  ceeded 

4o  HISTORY  of    ENGLAND. 

a.  c  1536.  ceeded  her  execution,  married  Jane  Seymour ;  fa 
Henry  mar-  little  regard  did  he  pay  to  common  decorum,  and 
rj?  Jane    the  opinion  of  his  fubjects,  over  whom  he  had  by 

Seymour.        ,  .       F  .       ,     ,      J        n    j    r  1  W 

this  time  acquired  the  molt  delpotic  authority.  1  ne 
princefs  Mary,  who  had  been  harfhly  ufed  by  her 
father,  on  account  of  her  attachment  to  her  mother, 
and  her  obftinate  refufal  to  conform  to  the  ftatutes 
which  had  been  lately  enacted,  was  advifed  by  her 
friends  to  fue  for  a  reconciliation  with  the  king  at 
this  juncture,  when  her  filter  Elizabeth  was  de- 
clared illegitimate.  She  accordingly  wrote  a  very 
fubmifTive  letter  to  him,  imploring  his  forgivenefs 
for  her  former  obftinacy  \  and  promifing  for  the 
future  to  obey  him  in  all  his  directions.  Henry, 
before  he  would  readmit  her  into  his  favour,  in- 
filled upon  her  fubfcribing  the  .act  of  fupremacy, 
the  renunciation  of  the  bilhop  of  Rome,  and  the 
invalidity  of  her  mother's  marriage.  Mary  ufed 
all  her  endeavours  to  be  excufed  from  a  fubmiffion 
of  this  nature ;  but  feeing  the  king  inflexible,  at 
length  complied,  and  figned  the  articles,  which 
were  contrary  to  her  confcience  and  perfuafion. 
Elizabeth  being  in  the  fourth  year  of  her  age,  was 
deprived  of  the  title  of  Princefs  of  Wales,  which 
fhe  had  hitherto  enjoyed  ;  but  Henry  carefully 
fuperintended  her  education,  and  treated  her  en 
all  occafions  with  parental  affection. 
The  fuccef-  A  new  parliament  being  afTembled  on  the  eighth 
hy  pjj£?  ^a>r  °^  Junt>  enacted  a  flatute  reverfing  the  former 
pent.  adt  of  fuccefllon,  declaring  the  children  of  the  king's 
two  Rrfi:  marriages  illegitimate,  and  excluded 
for  ever  from  the  fuceefiion  to  the  crown  ;  con- 
firming the  condemnation  of  Anne  Boleyn,  adjudg- 
ing the  crown,  after  the  king's  death,  to  his  illue 
by  queen  Jane,  or  any  other  wife  he  might  after- 
wards efpoufe  ;  impowering  his  majeft'y  to  regu- 
late the  manner  in  which  they  fnould  fucceed, 
either   by  will,  or  letters  patent  under  the   great 

leal  j 

HENRY       VIII.  41 

feal ;  and  declaring  all  thofe  who  mould  maintain  A- c>  x536, 
the  validity  of  his  firft  marriages,  guilty  of  high 
trealbn.     Pope  Paul  III.  when  he  was  informed  of 
Anne's  fate,  began  to  conceive  hopes  of  feeing  all 
that  had   been  done  againft  the  papal  power  in 
England,  revoked ;  and  conferred  with  Cafali  on 
this  fubject.     But,  times  were  greatly  altered  fince 
Henry  difcovered  the  lead  tendency  to  an  accom- 
modation with  the  fee  of  Rome.     He  had  now 
made  himfelf  abfolute  with  the  clergy  as  well  as 
laity  of  his  dominions ;  and  he  had  no  mind  to  part 
with  any  portion  of  his  authority.     In  order  to  de- 
prive the  pope  of  all  chance  for  retrieving  his  fpi- 
ritual  jurifdiction  in  England,  this  parliament  parted 
an  act,  fubjugating  to  the  penalty  of  Premunire  all 
thofe  who  mould  in  any  manner  attempt  to  re-efla- 
bliih  in  England  the  authority  of  the  bifhop  of  Rome; 
and  all  magiftrates  who  mould  neglect  to  put  this  law 
in  execution.  By  another  ftatute,  they  annulled  and 
abolifhed  all  difpenfations,  exemptions,  and  privi- 
leges, derived  from  the  court  of  Rome,  faving,  how- 
ever, to  the  archbifhop  of  Canterbury,  the  power  of 
confirming  what  mould  be  judged  for  the  benefit  of 
the  church  and  people.  A  third  prohibited  marriage 
with  any.  of  the  king's  relations,  unlefs  permiflion 
mould  be  previoufly  granted.    This  act  was  pafTed 
in  confequence  of  a  ftolen  match  between  Thomas 
Howard  brother  to  the  duke  of  Norfolk,  and  Mar- 
garet Douglas  the  king's  niece,  who,  together  with 
her  hufoand,  was  confined  in  the  Tower  for  this 
prefumption.     A   fourth   lav/  decreed,    That  all 
ufurpation  of  parliament  upon  the  king's  authority, 
before  he  mould  have  attained  the  age  of  four  and 
twenty,  might  be  annulled  by  letters  patent  under 
the  great  feal  of  England.     In  a  word,    one  would 
imagine,  that  this  parliament  had  met  with  no  other 
view  than  that  of  extending  the  royal  prerogative 
beyond  the  bounds  within  which  it  had  been  hither- 
to confined.     Nor  did  the  clergy  yield  to  the  par- 

42  HISTORY    op    ENGLAND. 

a.c.  1536.  lament  in  this  kind  of  flavifh  complaifance.  The 
convocation  confirmed  the  fentence  of  divorce  be- 
tween the  king  and  Anne  Boleyn,  upon  the  fup- 
pofed  precontract  fubfifting  between  that  lady  and 
the  lord  Piercy,  though  this  nobleman  had  denied 

New  confti-  it  Up0n  oatn  jn  tne  moft  folemn  manner. 

tutions  r  ...  - 

fanned  in         1  he  lower  houie  or  convocation  being  averfe  to 
convocau-    Cranmer,   Cromwell,  and  thofe  who  favoured  the 


reformation,  and  fuppofmg  that  the  perfons  whom 
Anne  protected  would  now  be  involved  in  her  ruin, 
fent  to  the  upper  houfe  fixty Teven  proportions, 
which  they  deemed  heretical.  At  the  fame  time, 
their  deputies  complained  loudly  againft  innova- 
tions in  religion,  and  thofe  by  whom  they  were  intro- 
duced, meaning  Cranmer,  Cromwell,  Shaxton,  and 
Latimer.  They  had,  in  their  proportions,  infert- 
ed  many  doctrines  adopted  by  the  Lutherans,  an- 
tient  Lollards,  and  Anabaptifts,  infinuaung,  that 
the  reformers  profefTed  them  all  equally.  But,  they 
v/ere  baffled  in  their  expectation  :  Cranmer  and 
Cromwell  flill  maintained  their  places  in  Henry's 
favour,  and  the  latter  was  created  king's  vicege- 
rent in  all  ecclefiaftical  affairs.  By  Henry's  order, 
he  declared  to  the  convocation,  That  the  rites  and 
ceremonies  of  the  church  mould  be  reformed  by  the 
rules  of  fcripture  ;  and,  in  a  few  days,  he  preferred 
to  them  a  fet  of  articles  drawn  up  by  the  king  him- 
felf,  touching  the  religious  doctrines,  that  the  con- 
vocation might  examine  them,  and  make  a  faithful 
reportof  their  deliberations  on  the  Subject.  In  this 
debate,  the  friends  and  enemies  of  the  reformation 
declared  themfelves  openly.  Cranmer  was  fecond- 
*  ed  by  Goodrick  bifhop  of  Ely,  Shaxton  of  Salis- 
bury, Latimerof  Worcefter,  Barlow  of  St.  David's, 
Fox  of  Hereford,  and  Hilfey  of  Rochefter.  At  the 
head  of  the  other  party  was  Lee  archbifhop  of  York, 
Supported  by  Stokefly  of  London,  Tonital  of  Dur- 
ham, Gardiner  of  Winchefler,  Longland  of  Lin- 
coln, SherburnofChichefter,  Nix  of  Norwich,  and 


HENRY       VIII.  43 

Kite  of  CarliQe.  Thefe  were  fecret  partifans  of  the  A* c-  *536« 
pope,  with  whom  they  hoped  a  reconciliation  would 
one  day  be  effected.  But  Cranmer  and  Cromwell 
had  the  king's  ear,  and  perfuaded  him,  that  the 
abufes  of  which  they  demanded  an  abolition,  di- 
rectly tended  to  the  fupport  of  papal  usurpation. 
After  warm  debates,  the  convocation  agreed  to  cer- 
tain articles  reduced  into  the  form  of  constitutions, 
importing,  That  the  holy  fcripture  was  the  foun- 
dation of  faith,  together  with  the  creed  of  the  apof- 
tles,  the  Nicene,  and  that  of  Athanafius:  That 
baptifm  was  abfolutely  necerTary,  as  \^t\l  as  peni- 
tence, comprehended  in  the  three  acts  of  contrition, 
auricular  confeilion,  and  amendment  of  life  :  That 
the  real  body  of  Chrift  was  prefent  in  the  eucharifl : 
That  juftificatFon  was  acquired  by  regeneration,  in 
contrition,  faith,  and  charity  :  That  images  ought 
to  be  preferved  in  churches  -,  but,  that  the  wor- 
fhip  mould  not  be  paid  to  the  image,  but  to  God 
himfelf :  That  the  faints  ought  to  be  honoured, 
though  without  believing  that  they  could  grant 
what  was  in  the  gift  of  God  alone  :  That  they  might 
neverthelefs  be  invoked,  without  fuperflition,  and 
their  feftivals  obferved;  but,  that  fome  of  thefe 
might  be  retrenched  by  the  king's  authority  :  That 
the  cuftomary  ceremonies  of  the  church  mould  be 
retained  ;  fuch  as  the  prieft's  ornaments,  holy  wa- 
ter, confecrated  bread,  tapers  on  Candlemas- day, 
afhes  on  Afh-Wednefday,  palms  on  Palm-Sunday, 
proftrations  before  the  crofs  on  Good -Friday,  hal- 
lowings  of  the  font,  exorcifms,  and  benedictions  : 
That  prayers  mould  be  put  up  for  departed  fouls, 
and  alms  given  for  maffes  and  exequies ;  but,  as 
the  place  they  were  in,  and  the  pains  they  fu tiered, 
had  not  been  afcertained  by  fcripture,  they  ought  to 
be  remitted  wholly  to  God's  mercy  :  That  the  ridi- 
culous  notions  of  purgatory  mould  be  exploded  -,  Bur  net.' 
fuch  as  that  fouls  could  be  delivered  from  it  by  the 

2  pope's 

44  HISTORY    or   ENGLAND. 

A.  c.  iy,5.  pope's  pardon,  or  by  mafTes  faid  in  certain  places,  or 
before  particular  images. 

Thefe  conftitutions,  corrected  in  fome  places  by 
the  king's  own  hand,  were  figned  by  Cromwell, 
Cranmer,  feventeen  bifnops,  forty  abbots  or  pri- 
ors, and  fifty  archdeacons,  or  deputies  from  the 
lower  houfe  of  convocation,  among  whom  were 
two  Italians,  namely,  Peter  Vannes  archdeacon  of 
Worcefter,  and  Polydore  Virgil  archdeacon  of 
Hewy  fum-  Weils,  who  wrote  an  hiftory  of  England.  Before 
"ouncVa0-3  t^ie  convocation  broke  up,  the  king  imparted  to 
Mantua,  the  two  houies,  a  citation  he  had  received  to  a  coun- 
cil, which  the  pope,  in  concert  with  the  emperor,  had 
afTembled  at  Mantua.  The  clergy,  having  delibe- 
rated upon  this  fubject,  declared,  That  neither  the 
pope,  nor  any  prince  upon  earth,  had  power  to 
convoke  a  general  council  without  the  confent  of 
all  the  fovereigns  in  Chriftendom.  Henry,  fatis- 
fied  v/ith  this  decifion,  publifhed  a  proteft  againft 
the  council  of  Mantua,  declaring  he  could  not  look 
.upon  that  as  a  free  council  which  was  afTembled 
in  a  fufpe&ed  place,  where  the  bilhop  of  Rome 
prefided,  and  which  could  not  be  compofed  of  any 
great  number  of  prelates  during  the  war  between 
Prance  and  the  emperor. 
-  0f car-  About  this  time,  Reginald  Pole  rendered  him- 
d^aiPpie.  felf  univerfaliy  famous  for  his  tafte  and  learning. 
He  was  defcended  from  the  duke  of  Clarence,  and 
confequently  related  to  the  king,  who  refoived  to 
raife  him  to  the  higheft  dignities  of  the  church,  be- 
llowed upon  him  the  deanery  of  Exeter,  and  fent 
him  to  finilli  his  ftudies  at  Paris.  He  refufed  to 
concur  with  Henry's  agents  in  procuring  the  fub- 
-  fcriptions  and  feals  of  the  French  univerfities,  in  fa- 
vour  of  the  divorce,  which  he  himlelf  difapproved. 
He  afterwards  returned  to  England,  and  concurred 
with  the  clergy  in  acknowledging  Henry  fupreme 
head  of  the  church.     Then  he  made  a  voyage  to 


HENRY      VIII.  45 

Padua,  where  he  diftinguifhed  himfelf  by  his  witA,c,I536» 
and  eloquence,  above  all  his  contemporaries ;  and 
contracted  an  intimacy  of  friendmip  with  the  mod 
eminent  men  and  writers  of  that  country.  The 
king  underfta  tiding,  that  he  openly  condemned  him 
for  his  feparation  from  the  apoftolic  fee,  fent  him 
a  book  written  by  doctor  Sampfon  in  defence  of  his 
proceedings.  To  this  performance  Pole  wrote  an 
anfwer,  intitled  De  unione  ecclefiaftica,  in  which 
he  reprehended  the  king  in  very  fevere  terms,  com- 
paring him  to  Nebuchadonofor  ;  and  conjuring  the 
emperor  to  turn  his  arms  againft  him,  rather  than 
againft:  any  other  infidel.  Henry,  though  incenfed 
at  this  prefumption,  diflembled  his  refentment,  and 
defired  he  would  come  over  to  explain  fome  paf- 
fages  in  his  book,  which  he  did  not  rightly  under- 
ftand  •,  but  rinding  him  upon  his  guard,  he  depriv- 
ed him  of  all  his  dignities,  and  wreaked  his  revenge 
on  Pole's  family  and  kindred.  The  pope  made  up 
all  his  lolTes,  and  prefented  him  with  a  cardinal's  hat. 
But  he  did  not  rife  above  the  degree  of  a  deacon  ;  H.ft  R  ^ 
neverthelefs,  he  became  more  and  more  attached  to  form. 
the  papal  interefts. 

The  fuppreffion  of  thefmall  monafteries,  though  Murmuw 
decreed  in  the  firft  feffion  of  the  parliament,  did  not  by  the  (up- 
take place  till  the  month  of  Ausuft,   when  it  pro-  Pieffionof 

,  \  i  i  -rv  /T         monaltenes.- 

duced  great  murmurs  among  the  people.  Many 
perfons  of  diftinction  were  diffatisfied  at  feizing  the 
effects  of  thofe  monafteries  which  their  anceftors 
had  founded.  They  faw  themfelves  deprived  of  a 
great  convenience  which  they  enjoyed,  while  they  . 
could  provide  for  their  younger  children  in  thofe 
convents;  befides  that  of  being  hofpitably  enter- 
tained by  the  abbots  and  priors,  when  they  had  oc- 
eafion  to  travel  through  the  country.  The  poor 
had  flill  greater  reafon  to  complain,  becaufe  they 
lived  upon  the  alms  daily  distributed  by  thofe  reli- 
gious houfes :    and  fuperfticious  people  lamented 


46  HISTORY    or    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1536.  tnat  the  fouls  of  their  friends  would  now  continue 
in  purgatory,  fince  the  prayers  for  the  dead  were 
abolifhed    by  the  fuppreflion  of  monafteries.    In 
order  to  appeafe  thefe  difcontents,  the  king,  by  the 
advice  of  Cromwell,   fold  the  lands  of  the  fuppref- 
fed  monafteries  at  a  low  price,  on  condition  that 
the  purchafers  fhould  maintain  the  practice  of  hof- 
pitality ;  and  he  re-eftablifhed  one  and  thirty  con- 
vents, for  the  further  fatisfacYion  of  the  people  :  but 
even  this  condefcenfion  failed  to  produce  the  delired 
effect,  though  it  reconciled  many  lay  gentlemen  to 
the  meafures  which  had  been  taken.    Yet  what  the 
king  gained  by  this  expedient,   he  loft  by  another 
flep,  namely,  that  of  publishing,   in  the  name  of 
his  vicegerent,  a  fet  of  injunctions  for  regulating 
the  lives  and  conduct  of  ecclefiaftics.     This   was 
the  Jirft  pure  act  of  the  king's  fupremacy  ;  for,  in 
all  the  preceding  tranfactions,  he  had  the  concur- 
rence of  the  convocation.     The  clergy  now  looked 
upon  themfelves  as  (laves  to  a  vicegerent.     The 
great  advantage  they  ufed  to  make  by  their  images, 
relics,  and  pilgrimages,  was  taken  away  by  thefe 
injunctions.      They  were  loaded  with  fevere  impo- 
sitions j  a  fifth  part  of  their  revenues  was  deducted 
for  repairs;  a  tenth  for  exhibitioners,  whom  they 
were  obliged  to  maintain ;  and  a  fortieth  for  cha- 
rity :  their  labour  was  increafed,  and  they  were  re- 
trained to  a  life  of  feverity.     The  fecular  clergy 
thus  hampered,  concurred  with   the  regulars,   in 
diffufing  a  fpirit  of  difcontent  among  the  people  ; 
and  they  were  fecretly  encouraged  by  the  great  ab- 
bots, who  trembled  at  the  diffolution  of  the  lefTer 
monafteries,  on  the   fuppofition  that  their  houfes 
would  meet  v/ith  the  fame  fate. 
infernal-        At  length  a  flame  of  rebellion  was  kindled,  and 
Coinfhi^n"  broke  forth  in  Lincolnihire,  where  above  twenty 
and  York-    thoufand  perfons  affembled,  under  the  conduct  of 
***•         doctor  Makrel,  prior  of  Barlins,  difguifed  like  a 


HENRY      VIII.  47 

cobler.     They  fvvore  to  be  true  to  God,  the  king,  A«c-  'ss6* 
and   the  commonwealth  ;   and   fent  a  petition  to 
court,   complaining,    That  many  religious  houfes 
were  fuppreffed  by  the  advice  of  fome  evil  counfel- 
lors :  That  they  laboured  under  fome  hardfhips  in 
their  fecular  concerns,  from  certain  late  acts  of  par- 
liament :    That  fome  bifhops  had  fubverted  the 
faith  :  That  they  apprehended  the  jewels  and  plate 
of  their  churches  would  be  taken  away.     They  in- 
treated  the  king  to  afTemble  the  nobility  of  the  na- 
tion, and  confult  them  touching  thefe  grievances  ; 
and  they  concluded  with  acknowledging  him  as  fu- 
preme  head  of  the  church,  to  whom  the  tithes  and 
firft  fruits  of  all  livings  juftly  belonged.     The  king 
publifhed  a  very  (tvert  anfwer  to  this  remonftrance, 
following  the  firfl:  dictates  of  his  pafiionate  temper 
and  imperious  difpofttion  •,  and  fent  Charles  Brandon 
duke  of  Suffolk  againft  them,  at  the  head  of  fome 
forces.     Though  his  anfwer  ferved  only  to  inflame 
the  multitude,  feveral  perfons  of  diftinclion  entered 
into  a  private  negotiation  with  the  duke,   alluring 
him,  that  they  had  joined  the  revolters  for  no  o- 
ther  purpofe  but  to  bring  them  by  degrees  to  a 
fenfe  of  their  duty  ;  and  that,  if  the  king  would  in- 
dulge them  with  an  amnefty,  they  would  foon  dif- 
perie  without  blobdfhed.     The  duke  wrote  to  the 
king  on  this  fubjec"t  •,  and  Henry  being  informed 
of  another  infurrection  in  Yorkfhire,  publifhed  an 
amnefty  in  favour  of  the  revolters  in  Lincolnmire, 
who  disbanded   accordingly,   though  fome  of  the 
number  joined  the  rebellion  in  the  county  of  York, 
which  v/as  much  more  dangerous  than  the  other, 
becaufe  the  effect:  of  premeditation,   and  encourag- 
ed by  many  perfons  of  confequence.     It  was  head- 
ed by  one  Robert  Afke,  who  had  attempted  to  en- 
gage William  lord  Dacres  of  Gillefland,   and  feve- 
ral other  gentlemen  in  the  confpiracy,    which  was 
called  a  Pilgrimage  of  grace,     The  infurgents  were 



a.c.  1536,  preceded  by  priefts  with  crucifixes  in  their  hands; 
and  the  paflion  of  Chrift  was  painted  on  their  ban- 
ners. They  compelled  all  the  freeholders  in  the 
neighbourhood  either  to  join  them,  or  fly  the  coun- 
try. They  re-eflablifhed  the  monks  who  had  been 
difpofTeffed.  The  commons  of  Richmond,  Lancaf- 
ter,  Durham,  and  Weftmoreland,  rofe  in  arms  at 
the  fame  juncture. 

The  earl  of  Shrewsbury  armed  his  vaffals  to  op- 
pofe  their  progrefs,  and  was  created  king's  lieute- 
nant againft  the  rebels  *,  while  the  duke  of  Suffolk 
was  ordered  to  remain  in  Lincolnfhire  to  hinder 
any  frefh  commotion  in  that  county.  Several  no- 
blemen were  commifTioned  to  levy  forces,  and  the 
king  himfelf  began  to  afTemble  an  army  to  be  com- 
manded by  the  duke  of  Norfolk.  During  thefe 
RoTrf5  °f  PreParati°ns>  Afke  reduced  the  caftle  of  Pontefract, 
A/ke,  chief  into  which  the  archbifhop  of  York  and  the  lord 
or  the  rebels.  £)arcv  hacj  thrown  themfelves.  He  afterwards 
made  himfelf  matter  of  Hull  and  York,  and  oblig- 
ed all  the  nobility  of  thole  parts  to  join  his  army. 
Lancafter,  the  herald,  being  fent  to  this  demagogue 
with  a  proclamation,  found  him  fitting  in  ftate  be- 
tween the  archbifhop  and  Darcy,  who  had  taken 
his  oath  upon  compulfion  ;  importing,  That  they 
fhould  engage  in  this  pilgrimage  of  grace  for  the 
love  of  God,  and  prefervation  of  the  king's  perfon 
and  iffue,'  the  purification  of  the  nobility,  the  ex- 
pulfion  of  bafe  blood  and  evil  counfellors,  the  refti- 
tution  of  the  church,  and  the  fuppreffion  of  heretics. 
Aske  being  informed  of  the  contents  of  the  procla- 
mation, would  not  fufFer  it  to  be  read  in  public  ; 
but  granted  a  fafe- conduct  to,  the  herald,  in  confi- 
deranori  of  his  office.  He  required  Henry  Clifford, 
earl  of  Cumberland,  to  furrender  his  caftle  of  Skip- 
ton,  and  join  his  forces  ;  but  that  nobleman  refuf- 
ed  to  comply  with  his  demand,  although  he  was 
forfaken  by  five  hundred  gentlemen,  whom  he  re- 

HENRY       VIII.  49 

tained  at  his  own  expence.  Then  the  rebels  befieg-  A- c-  l&^\ 
ed  Sir  Ralph  Ewers  in  the  caftle  of  Scarborough, 
which  he  gallantly  defended ;  though  he  and  his 
garrifon  talted  no  other  food  for  twenty -four  days 
but  fimple  bread  and  water.  Henry,  feeing  this 
affair  become  every  day  more  and  more  ferious, 
fent  the  duke  of  Norfolk  and  the  marquifs  of  Ex- 
eter, with  fome  troops  levied  in  hafte,  to  join  the 
earl  of  Shrewsbury  ;  but  even  after  the  junction, 
they  were  not  able  to  face  the  enemy,  who  advan- 
ced againft  them  to  the  number  of  thirty  thoufand 
men  ♦,  and,  in  all  probability,  would  have  attack- 
ed them  at  Doncafcer,  had  not  the  river  been  fo 
fwelled  by  heavy  rains  that  they  could  not  ford  it, 
and  the  bridge  fo  ftrongly  fortified,  that  they  had 
no  profpect  of  carrying  it  by  afTault. 

The  duke  of  Norfolk  who  favoured  them  in  his  Neg°tJat'pn 

i  f-  1.  .'  i  ','.       r  if  ji  with  the in- 

heart,  was  not  lorry  to  had  himlelr  unable  to  at-  furgent«. 
tack  them  :  he  maintained  a  private  intelligence 
with  fome  of  their  chiefs ;  and,  by  his  advice,  they 
prefented  a  humble  petition  to  the  king,  which  the 
duke  engaged  to  deliver,  and  fupport  with  his  in- 
tereft;  but,  in  the  mean  time,  he  infilled  upon  a 
cerTation  of  hoftilities,  to  which  they  agreed. 
Perceiving  however  that  Henry,  inftead  of  an- 
fwering  their  petition,  endeavoured  to  fow  divifion 
among  them  by  his  emiffaries,  they  refolved  to  at- 
tack his  army  without  further  delay-,  but  were  once 
more  prevented  by  the  rain,  which  rendered  the  ri- 
ver impaffable.  Then  the  king  propofed  they 
mould  fend  three  hundred  deputies  to  meet  his 
commiflioners  at  Doncafter  ;  and  the  duke  of  Nor- 
folk returning  to  that  place,  gave  them  to  under- 
fland  he  had  procured  an  amnefty  in  their  favour, 
from  which  however  ten  were  excepted  -,  fix  of  thefe 
by  name,  and  the  other  four  to  be  pitched  upon 
by  his  majefty.  This  indulgence  they  rejected,  but 
fent  their  three  hundred  deputies  to  Doncafter;,  and  as 
Numb.  LII.  E  they 

5o  HISTORY    of   ENGLAND. 

a.c.  1536.  they  knew  the  king's  intention  was  to  gain  time  by 
protracting  the  negotiation,  and  that  he  hoped  fuch 
a  number  of  deputies  would  not  agree  among  them- 
felves,  they  furnifhed  them  with  inftru6tions  in 
writing,  containing  certain  propofals,  from  which 
they  were  not  at  liberty  to  recede.  They  demand- 
ed a  general  pardon  without  exception :  That  the 
king  fhould  convoke  a  parliament  at  York,  and 
eftablifh  a  court  of  juftice  in  the  Norch  :  That  the 
inhabitants  of  thofe  parts  mould  not  be  obliged  to 
profecute  their  law-fuits  in  London  :  That  certain 
laws,  lately  made  to  the  grievance  of  the  people, 
mould  be  repealed  :  That  the  princefs  Mary  fhould 
be  declared  legitimate,  and  the  pope's  authority  re- 
eftablifhed  on  the  ancient  footing  :  That  the  mona- 
fteries  which  had  been  fupprefled  fhould  be  reftored 
to  their  former  condition  :  That  the  Lutherans  and 
all  innovators  in  religion  fhould  be  feverely  punifh- 
ed :  That  Thomas  Cromwell  and  the  chancellor 
fhould  be  expelled  from  the  crown  and  parliament; 
and,  That  Lee  and  Leighton,  the  commiflioners 
for  the  fupprefllon  of  monafteries,  fhould  be  impri- 
foned,  and  obliged  to  give  account  of  their  vio- 
lence and  extortion. 

Thefe  demands  were  rejected  by  the  king's  com- 
miflioners ;  and  the  conference  proved  ineffectual : 
but  the  duke  of  Norfolk,  being  equally  afraid  of 
their  ruin  and  fuccefs  againft  the  troops  he  com- 
manded, v/rote  a  letter  to  the  king,  reprefenting 
that  the  number  of  the  rebels  daily  encreafed  •,  and, 
that  as  he  was  in  no  condition  to  oppofe  them,  it 
would  be  necefTary  to  give  them  fome  fort  of  fads - 

The  king     faction.     Henry  forthwith  impowered  him  to  offer 

grants  an  ,  n  •    1  •  i 

amnrfty,      a  general  amneity  without  exception,  and  to  pro- 

dffVrfe7      m^e  m  k's  name  tnat  tne  next  parliament  fhould         ) 
pcre*       be  held  in  the  North.     Thefe  terms  were  accepted 
by  the  chiefs  of  the  infurgents  ;  and  the  accommo- 
dation being  concluded,  they  difperfed  to  their  own 


HENRY      VIII;  5E 

homes,    to  the  inexpreflible  difTatisfaction  of  the  A-c-  »s3'- 
monks  and  fanatics,   who  neverthelefs  frill  conti-  Herbert. 
nucd  to  cheriih  among  them  the  fpirit  of  revolt. 

While  thefe  events  engrofled  the  attention  of  the  The  empe- 
Englim.  monarch,  a  new  rupture  happened  between  theFrlnc" 
the  emperor  and  the  king  of  France.  Charles,  on  d<>mimoaa. 
his  return  from  Africa,  continued  to  amufe  Fran- 
cis with  a  negotiation  ;  insinuating  that  he  would 
cede  the  dutchy  of  Milan  in  favour  of  h;s  third 
fon,  the  duke  of  Angouleme,  on  certain  conditions : 
but,  as  he  wavered  in  his  propofals,  Francis  order- 
ed his  general  to  fufpend  all  hoftilkies  in  Piedmont, 
and  fe'nt  the  cardinal  of  Lorrain,  as  his  ambafTador^ 
to  demand  a  categorical  anfwer  of  the  emperor,  who 
had  repaired  to  Rome.  There,  in  a  public  con- 
fiftory,  he  declaimed  againft  the  king  of  France  as 
the  fole  author  of  all  trie  wars  which  had  afflicted 
Europe  fince  his  acceftion  to  the  throne  -,  and  ob- 
ferved,  that  inftcad  of  fhedding  fo  much  innocent 
blood,  he  would  have  acted  more  like  a  chriftian 
prince  in  deciding  the  quarrel  with  Charles  by  a. 
fword  and  poignard,  in  fome  boat  or  ifland.  Next 
day,  the  French  ambaffador  defired  to  know  if  his 
intention  was  to  challenge  his  mafter  in  fingle  com- 
bat; but  he  replied  in  the  negative,  faying,  his 
meaning  was  that  the  French  king  ought  to  have 
accepted  the  expedient  when  it  was  at  ntft  propof- 
ed.  The  cardinal  foon  perceived  tha:  Charles  had 
no  intention  to  bellow  the  dutchy  of  Milan  on  a 
prince  of  the  houfe  of  France;  and  wrote  to  Fran- 
cis that  he  had  nothing  to  expect  but  war  from  the 
emperor.  He  had  already  projected  the  fcheme  of 
.  an  invafion  againft  France,  and  began  ro  aflemble 
three  armies  •,  one  to  act  in  Piedmont  under  his 
own  command  ;  another  in  Picardy,  and  a  third  in 
Champagne.  Francis  being  apprized  of  his  defign, 
recalled  the  greateil  part  of  his  troops  from  Pied- 
mont, after  having  left  ftrong  garrifons  in  Turin 

E  2  and 

52  HISTORY  of  EN  GLAND. 

a.c.  i536.  an(j    the    other  places   he   had  conquered.     The 
French  forces  had  no  fooner  quitted  Piedmont  than 
Charles  inverted  Turin,  and,  during  the  fiege,  en- 
tered Provence  at  the  head  of  a  numerous  army ; 
while  Francis,  having  provided  for  the  defence  of 
Marfeilles,  ordered  two  camps  to  be  fortified,  one 
at  Cavaillon,  under  the  command  of  the  marechal 
Du  Beiiay.    fe  Montmorency,  and  the  other  at  Valence,  where 
BuXoan.    he  was  made    acquainted  with    the  death   of  his 
eldeft  fon  the  dauphin,  who  had  been  poifoned  by 
Montecuculli.      The    emperor,    having    reduced 
Aix,   undertook   the    fiege   of  Marfeilles,   which 
however  he  was  obliged  to  raife  ;  and,  for  v/ant 
of  provifion,    retreated  in  great  diforder  towards 
james  king  Genoa,  where   he  embarked   for  Spain.     In  the 
etou?e!and  mean  time,  the  count  de  Naffau  fell  into  Picar- 
Madeiaine,  ^y  with  thirty  thoufand  men,    took  Guife  by  af- 
rrancis?0   fault,    and   befieged  Peronne,  which  was  relieved 
by  the  duke  of  Guife.     Francis,    in   his  return  to 
Paris,  was  met  by  James  V.   king  of  Scotland, 
who  demanded   his  daughter  Madelaine  in   mar- 
A.  c,  1537.  riage5  and  the  nuptials  were  folemnized  in  January. 
England  was  ftill  agitated   by  the  remains  of 
the  laft  ftorm  in  the  North.     The  king  had  no  in- 
tention to  keep  his  word    with    the  rebels  •,  but 
ordered  the  duke  of  Norfolk  to  continue  in  arms 
among  them,  to  be  a  check  upon  their  conduct, 
and  to  exact  the  oath  of  fupremacy,  which  was  ad- 
miniftred  to  perfons  of  all  ranks  and  conditions. 
Aske  was  ordered  to  repair  to  court,  where  he  at 
firlt  met  with  a  civil  reception  ;  but  the  lord  Dar- 
cy  was  fent  to  the  Tower  as  foon  as  he  arrived  at 
Another  in-- London.     The  difcontents  among  the  people  of 
in  the '       the  North  foon  broke  cut  again  in  open  rebellion: 
North.        two  gentlemen,  called  Mufgrave  and  Tilby,  put- 
ting themfelves  at  the  head  of  eight  thoufand  mal- 
contents, made   an   attempt   upen   Carlifle*,    from 
whence  they  were  repulfed,  and  afterwards  entirely 


HENRY      VIII.  53 

routed  by  the  duke  of  Norfolk.  Mufgrave  efcap-  A« c-  lsv, 
ed  ;  but  Tilby,  with  feventy  of  his  followers,  were 
taken  and  hanged  upon  the  walls  of  Carlifle.  Ano- 
ther body,  commanded  by  Sir  Francis  Bigot,  and 
one  Hullam,  endeavoured  to  furprife  Hull,  but 
were  alfo  taken  and  executed.  Thefe  enterprizes  coe™Jmore 
exafperated  the  ferocious  temper  of  the  king  tofuch  auei. 
a'degree,  that  he  commanded  Aske  and  the  lord 
Darcy  to  be  put  to  death,  on  pretence  of  a  confpi- 
racy,  for  which  like  wife  the  lord  Hurley  and  many 
perfons  of  diftindtion  fuffered,  notwithftanding  the 
amnefty  which  had  been  granted.  The  Lord  Dar- 
cy, during  his  imprifonment,  accufed  the  duke  of 
Norfolk  of  having  favoured  the  rebels  at  Doncaf- 
ter.  The  duke  denied  the  charge,  which  he  impu- 
ted to  malice,  and  offered  to  clear  himfelf  by  fingle 
combat  \  but  the  king,  whether  convinced  of  his 
innocence,  or  unwilling  to  deal  feverely  with  fuch 
a  powerful  nobleman,  declared  himfelf  fatisfied  with 
his  conduct.  By  this  time  Henry's  difpofition  was 
fo  favaged,  that  he  became  terrible  to  his  fubje&s : 
not  fatisfied  with  the  blood  he  had  fhed,  he  order- 
ed Thomas  Fitzgerald,  fon  to  the  earl  of  Kildare, 
and  five  of  his  uncles,  who  had  furrendered  to  lord 
Gray  on  promife  of  pardon,  and  been  long  detained 
in  prifon,  to  be  hanged  at  Tyburn;  but  the  younger 
fon  of  Kildare  efcaped  by  being  packed  up  in  a 
bundle  of  cloaths,  and  was  conveyed  to  Ireland, 
from  whence  he  failed  to  France-,  and,  finding 
himfelf  unfafe  in  that  kingdom,  took  refuge  with 
cardinal  Pole,  who  was  his  kinlman,  and  received 
him  with  great  hofpirality.  The  king,  having 
quelled  the  rebellion  in  Ireland,  commanded  the 
parliament  in  that  kingdom  to  pafs  divers  ftatutes 
againft  the  pope's  authority,  for  the  eftablifhment 
of  the  fucceiTion,  the  ufe  of  the  Englifli  language, 
and  the  fupprefiion  of  certain  monasteries. 

E  3  On 


a-c.  1537.  On  the  twelfth  day  of  October,  the  queen  was 
Birthof  delivered  at  Hampton- court  of  a  prince,  who  was 
p  nice  Ed-  chnftened  by  the  name  of  Edward  •,  and,  though 
w*nl  the  mother  died  in  two  days  after  the  birth,   Hen- 

ry was  overjoyed  at  this  event,  which  not  only  gra- 
tified his  vanity,  but  removed  all  doubts  about  the. 
Poiyd.  vir.  fuccefTion.  In  fix  days  after  this  child  was  born, 
the  king  created  him  prince  of  Wales,  duke  of 
Cornwall,  and  earl  of  Chefter.  At  the  fame  time,  the 
queen's  brother,  Sir  Edward  Seymour,  lately  made 
lord  Beauchamp,  was  created  earl  of  Hertford  •,  Sir 
William  Fitzwilliams  honoured  with  the  title  of  earl 
of  Southampton  •,  in  the  month  of  March,  Sir  Wil- 
liam PauJec,  treafurer  of  the  houfliold,  was  creat- 
ed lord  St.  John  ♦,  and  Sir  John  RuiTel,  comptrol- 
ler, dignified  with  the  title  of  lord  RufTel.  In  the 
stateofaf-  courfe  0f  t^s  year    James  V.  of  Scotland,   in  his 

mqnyand  return  from  France  with  his  young  queen,  touch- 
Scotianti.      jng  on  t^e  coa^.  Qf  £ng\md)   had  been  follicited 

by  a  great  number  of  the  natives  to  take  up  arms 
againit  the  tyrant  Henry ;  but  he  declined  em- 
bracing their  propofals,  and  arrived  at  Edinburgh, 
where  his  queen  Icon  died  of  a  hectic  fever :  then 
he  fent  ambaiTadors  to  France  to  demand  in  mar- 
riage Mary,  filler  of  the  duke  of  Guife,  and  car- 
dinal of  Lorrain,  whom  he  actually  efpoufed  in  the 
fequel.  During' thefe  transactions,  the  proteftants 
Buchanan.  jn  Germany  were  ftill  perfecuted  by  the  intrigues 
of  the  emperor  and  his  brother  Ferdinand  king  of 
the  Romans.  The  council,  convoked  at  Mantua, 
was  a  Hep  directly  contrary  to  the  promife  Charles 
had  made  of  aflernbling  one  in  Germany  :  and  the 
Lutherans  complained  of  this  breach  >f  promife, 
refufing  to  iubmit  to  the  decifions  of  a  council  in 
which  the  pope  prefided.  The  emperor,  whole 
fcheme  was  to  crufh  them  by  force  of  arms,  endea- 
voured to  amufe  them  with  delufive  anfwers,  until 




he  iliould  be  in  a  condition  to  declare  his  defigns.  A  c  '537. 
That  he  might  be  enabled  to  execute  it  with  the  sieidan. 
fairer  profpecl  of  fuccefs,    he  concluded  a  truce 
with  Francis,  and  negotiated  for  a  peace,  in  hope 
of  detaching  the  French  king  from  the  league  of 
Smalcalde.      Mean   while  the    pope,    poftponing 
the  opening  of  the  council  from  May  to  November, 
directed  the  cardinals    Contarini,  Sadolet,  Polus, 
and  Bembo,  to   inquire   into  fuch  abufes  of  the 
church  as  required  reformation.     They  found  no- 
thing  amifs    in  point  of  doctrine  •,  and,  with  re- 
fpect  to  difcipline,  made  out  a  lift  of  divers  trifling 
irregularities,  which,   in  their    opinion,    deferved 
to  be  reformed. 

Henry  had  been  fo  provoked  by  the  ill  offices  Total  fcp- 
of  the  monks,  who  ftirred  up  the  late  infurrections,  [he^na- 
that  he  refolved  to  fupprefs  all  the  monafteries  in  fteries« 
England,  without  exception  ;  his  refolution  being 
in  this  particular  influenced  by  his  intereft  as  well 
as  his  refentment,   for  he  already  grafped  in  idea 
the  rents  and  riches  of  all  the  convents  and  religi- 
ous houfes.     To  pave  the  way  for  this  total  difto-  A,c-  '53 
lution,  he  ordered  another  minute  vification,  that 
he  might  bs  able  to  remove  the  prejudices  of  the 
people,  by  divulging  the  enormities  committed  in 
thofe  receptacles   of  vice ;  and   fuch  fcenes   were 
brought  to  light,  as  could  not  fail  to  excite  the  far- 
prize  and  abhorrence  of  the  public.     A  great  num- 
ber of  monks,  and  even  fome  abbots  and  priors, 
were  convicted  of  holding  correfpondence  with  the 
rebels,  and  executed  as  traitors.     Many  compro- 
mifed  for  their  lives,  by'refigning  their  houfes  into 
the  king's  hands  •,  fome  gave  up  their  monafteries 
from  motives  of  confcience  •,  others  to  avoid  pu- 
nifhment   and  difgrace ;  .but  all  of  them  received 
penfions  for  their  fubfiftence.     Had  nothing  ap- 
peared againft  thole  religious  foundation*  but  the 
vice  and  profl'gacy  of  the  abbots,  abbefles  nuns, 

E  4  and 

5<$  HISTORY    op    ENGLAND, 

a.c.  i558- and  friars,  the  people  would  have  naturally  thought 
that  the  inftitution,  which  was  good  in  itfeif,  ought 
not  to  have  been  abolifhed,  for  the  corruption  of 
the  members,  who  might  have  been  changed  and 
reformed.  But  the  king  chofe  a  more  effectual 
expedient,  in  opening  the  eyes  of  the  people  with 
re i peel:  to  the  pretended  fanclity  of  relics,  images, 
and  all  the  other  trumpery  of  fu perdition.  The 
vifitors  were  inftrucled  to  examine,  and,  if  poflible, 
difcover  the  arts  by  which  the  minds  of  the  vulgar 
were  infatuated  ♦,  and  then  the  whole  machinery  of 
monkifh  impofture  was  detected  :  not  but  that  the 
fcandalous  vices  pracYifed  in  convents  were  likewife 
publifhed,  in  order  to  undeceive  the  nation.  The 
imjMirities  of  Sodom  and  Gomorrah  are  faid  to 
have  been  exceeded  in  Battel-abbey,  Chrift- church 
in  Canterbury,  and  feveral  other  convents.  They 
found  innumerable  inftances  of  whoredom,  adul- 
tery, onanifm,  and  other  unnatural  lufts  and  Dead- 
ly practices^  with  arts  to  prevent  conception  and 
procure  abortion  among  the  nuns  who  were  de- 
bauched. With  refpec~t  to  monkifh  idolatry  and 
deceit,  Reading  feems  to  have  been  the  repofitory 
of  the  nation.  There  the  vifitors  found  an  angel 
with  one  wing,  that  brought  over  the  head  of  the 
fpear  which  pierced  the  fide  of  jefus  Chrift,  with 
fuch  an  inventory  of  other  relics  as  filled  up  four 
iheets  of  paper.  At  St.  Edmundsbury  they  feized 
fome  of  the  coals  that  roafted  St.  Laurence,  the 
parings  of  Sz.  Edmund's  toes,  the  penknife  and 
boots  of  St.  Thomas  Becket,  a  great  quantity  of 
the  real  crofs,  and  certain  relics  to  prevent  rain 
and  the  generation  of  weeds  among  corn.  The 
houfe  of  Weftacre  had  pawned  a  finger  of  St.  An- 
drew for  forty  pounds  ;  but  this  the  vifitors  did  not 
think  proper  to  redeem.  There  was  a  crucifix  at 
Boxley  in  Kent,  diftinguifhed  by  the  appellation  of 
the  Rood  of  Grace,  which  had  been  long  in  repu- 

HENRY      VIII.  57 

tation,  becaufe  it  had  been  feen  to  bend  and  raife  A<G*  'ss8* 
itfelf,  fhake  the  head,  hands,  and  feet,  roll  the 
eyes,  and  move  the  lips.  This  puppet,  being 
brought  to  London,  was  broke  in  pieces  in  fight 
of  the  people  at  St.  Paul's  crofs,  where,  with  their 
own  eyes  they  faw  the  fprings  by  which  it  had 
been  actuated.  At  Hales  in  Gloucefterlhire  the 
monks  had  carried  on  a  profitable  traffic  with  the 
blood  of  Chrift  in  a  chryftal  vial :  fometimes  this 
blood  appeared,  and  fometimes  was  invifible,  ac- 
cording to  the  faith  or  holinefs  of  the  fpeelator. 
This  relic  was  no  other  than  the  blood  of  a  duck 
renewed  weekly,  and  put  in  a  vial ;  one  fidt  of 
which  was  thin  and  tranfparent,  and  the  other  thick 
and  impervious  to  the  rays  of  light  :  it  was  placed 
near  the  altar,  fo  as  to  be  turned  occafionally  by 
thofe  fpiritual  jugglers,  according  to  the  bounty  of 
the  pilgrim,  or  votary,  by  whom  it  was  adored. 
The  vifitor  for  Wales  fent  up  to  London  a  huge 
image  of  wood  called  Dawel  Gatheren,  to  which 
incredible  numbers  of  pilgrims  reforted,  on  the 
fuppofition  that  it  had  power  to  deliver  fouls  from 
hell.  This  idol  ferved  for  fuel  to  burn  friar  Forreft 
in  Smithfield  ;  and  another  famous  image  of  our 
Lady  at  Worcefter  was  found  to  be  the  ftatue  of 
a  bifriop,  difguifed  with  veils  and  other  ornaments. 
Another,  in  the  bifhopric  of  St.  David's,  with  a  ta- 
per which  was  faid  to  have  continued  burning  nine 
years,  with  many  rich  fhrines  belonging  to  our  Lady 
of  Walfingham,  of  Ipfwich,  and  of  Iflington,  were 
committed  to  the  flames  by  order  of  the  vicegerent. 
That  of  St.  Thomas  Becket  at  Canterbury  excelled 
all  the  others  in  magnificence,  and  opinion  of  fanc- 
tity  :  vail  numbers  of  pilgrims  reforted  to  it  from 
all  quarters,  and  even  to  thofe  of  Chrift 
and  the  BlefTed  Virgin  ;  for,  in  one  year,  the  offer- 
ings at  the  altar  of  Chrift  and  his  mother  did  not 
exceed  four  pounds  j  and  thofe  at  the  fhrine  of  St. 


5S  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND, 

a.c.  i538.  Thomas  amounted  to  nine  hundred  and  fifty-four*' 
Lewis  VII.  of  France  had  vifited  and  prefented  at 
it  a  jewel  that  was  deemed  the  richeft  in  Europe. 
Not  contented  with  one  feftival  in  the  year,  they 
kept  the  anniverfary  of  his  tranflation  as  an  holiday; 
and,  in  every  fiftieth  year,  there  was  a  jubilee  for 
fifteen  days,  during  which,  indulgencies  were 
granted  to  all  thofe  who  came  to  vifit  his  fhrine. 
The  skull,  which  they  worfhipped  as  the  faint's, 
had  never  belonged  to  him  ;  for  the  true  skull  was 
found  lying  in  the  grave  with  the  reft  of  his  bones. 
The  fhrine  was  now  broken  down  and  carried  away, 
together  with  the  gold  that  adorned  it,  which  filled 
two  large  chefts  that  eight  ftrong  men  could  hardly 
carry  out  of  the  church.  The  king  ordered  his 
bones  to  be  burned,  his  name  expunged  from  the 
calendar,  and  the  office  for  his  feftival  to  be  ftruck 
out  of  the  breviary.  A  convocation  meeting  took 
into  confideration  the  articles  which  had  been  pub- 
lifhed  in  the  preceding  year,  and  given  great  of- 
fence *,  and,  at  the  conclufion  of  their  feffion,  they 
„  printed  an  explanation  of  the  Creed,  the  feven  Sa- 
craments, the  ten  Commandments,  the  Lord's 
prayer,  the  falutation  of  the  Virgin,  with  the  doc- 
trines of  JuftiEcation  and  Purgatory. 

When  Henry's  proceedings  were  known  at 
Rome,  that  city  was  filled  with  fatires  and  libels 
againft  his  perfon  and  conduct.  He  was  branded 
as  the  mod  infamous  and  facrilegious  tyrant  that 
ever  exifted.  They  accufed  him  of  violating  the 
afhes  of  the  dead,  which  even  the  heathens  had  re- 
vered -y  with  waging  war  againft  heaven  and  the 
faints ;  with  facrificing  confecrated  priefts  to  his 
favage  cruelty  and  revenge  •,  with  pilfering  ail 
that  the  devotion  of  former  ages  had  dedicated  to 

Burnet.'  God  and  his  fervice.  They  compared  him  tt>  Bel- 
fhazzar,  Nero,  Domitian,  Dioclefian,  and  efpeci- 
ally  to  Julian  the  apoftate,  whom  he  refembled  in 


HENRY      VILI.  -        59 

his  learning  and  apoftacy,  though  he  fell  fhort  of  A« c-  *53*. 
him  in  his  morals.     Henry  had  fpies  at  Rome, 
who  gave  him  to  underftand  that  the  intelligence 
from  England  was  generally  fent  to  cardinal  Pole. 
That  prelate's  pen  being  (till  recognized  in  fome 
of  the  keen eft  fatires,  Henry  conceived  fuch  an 
implacable  refentment  againft  him  as  he  had  never 
harboured  againft  any  other  perfon;  and  wreaked 
his  revenge  on  the  cardinal's  family.     Pope  Paul  ^p°pc 
III.  now  publifhed  the  bull  againft  Henry  which  bull  againft 
he  had  hitherto  fufpended  ;  he  endeavoured  to  in-  Henrjr* 
ftigate  all  chriftian  princes  againft  him,  and  even 
offered   the  kingdom  of  England  to  James  king 
of  Scotland. 

Henry,  being  made  acquainted  with  the  publica- 
tion of  this  bull,  exacted  of  the  bifhops  and  abbots 
a  new  oath,  by  which   they  renounced  the  pope's 
authority  ;  and  a  new  tranflation  of  the  Bible,  print-  Anewordiw 
ed  at  London,  beins;  prefented  to  him  by  Cromwell,  nam*a- 
he  permitted  it  to  be  diftributed  through  all   theryinEng. 
principal    churches  of  the  kingdom.     About  the land* 
fame  time,  he  ordered  the  clergy  to  read  the  Lord's 
prayer,  the  confeffion  of  Faith,  and  the  ten  Com- 
mandments,  in  Englifh.     They  were  directed  to 
jrecommend  good  works,  and  teach  the  people,  that 
relics,  rofaries,  and  fuch  trompery,  were  unneceflary 
to  falyation.     All  the  images   to  which  devotees 
made  offerings  were  pulled   down,  all  the  tapers 
were  taken  away,  except  thofe  that  burned  before 
the  reprefentation  of  Chrift ;  and  he  fuppreffed  ali 
the  invocations  of  Ora  pro  nobis,    added   to    the. 
prayers  addreffed  to  faints. 

Although  this  ordinance  was  a  mortal  blow  to  the 
old  religion,  the  king  was  now  fo  abfolute,  that  no 
perfon  would  venture  to  exprefs  the  leaft  difappro- 
bation.  Gardiner,  bifhop  of  Winchefter,  had  by 
this  time  returned  from  France  :  he  detefted  the 
reformation  in  his  heart,    was  fufpected  of  having 



a. c.  153S.  reconciled  himfelf  privately  to  the  pope;  and  of 
carrying  on  a  correfpondence  with  the  emperor. 
Neverthelefs,  he  difTembled  in  fuch  a  manner,  that 
the  king,  who  defpifed  his  intellects,  had  no  doubt 
of  his  fidelity  •,  and  even  beftowed  upon  him  fome 
degree  of  his  confidence,  on  account  of  his  com- 
plaifance  and  fubmifilon.  As  he  feemed  to  enter 
into  all  the  king's  meafures  with  the  utmoft  zeal  of 
obedience,  Henry  willingly  liftened  to  him  in  his 
fuggeftions  againft  the  iacramentarians,  or  thofe 
who  denied  the  real  prefence  in  the  eucharift,  efpe- 
cially  as  this  was  a  doctrine  to  which  the  king  him- 
felf was  firmly  attached.  Gardiner  imagined,  that 
the  zeal  of  thofe  who  favoured  the  reformation, 
when  perfecuted,  would  irritate  the  temper  of  the 
king,  who  was  impatient  of  contradiction ;  and 
that  he  would  crufli  them  during  the  prevalence  of 
perfects  his  indignation.  The  bifhop  carried  his  point  fo 
the  facn-     far  as  t0  raife  a  perfecution  againft  the  facramenta- 

rians,  one  of  whom,  called  John  Nicholfon,  alias 
Lambert,  fuffered  death  as  an  heretic.  He  had 
been  minifter  of  the  Englifh  company  at  Antwerp, 
from  which  office  he  was  difmiifed  on  account  of 
his  belief.  He  afterwards  kept  a  fchool  at  Lon- 
don ;  and  hearing  doctor  Taylor  preach  upon  the 
real  prefence  in  the  facrament,  prefented  him  with 
his  reafons  for  contradicting  that  doctrine.  The  pa- 
per was  carried  to  Cranmer,  who  was  then  of  Lu- 
ther's opinion  in  that  article,  and  endeavoured  to 
convince  Lambert  of  his  error.  But,  this  lad  ap- 
pealed to  the  king,  who  undertook  to  confute  him 
in  Weftminfter-Hall,  before  the  bifhops,  nobility, 
and  judges  of  the  realm.  A  fham  difpute  was  ac- 
cordingly maintained  by  Henry,  feconded  by  all  his 
prelates,  who  extolled  his  learning  with  the  moil 
Lambert  extravagant  encomiums.  Lambert  was  brow- 
herer  f°r  beaten,  confounded,  and  convicted  of  herefy  :  bur, 
he  chofe  to  refign  his  life,    rather  than  part  with 


HENRY     VIII.  s        61 

his  opinion  ;  and  was  burned  at  Smithfield,  with  a.  c.  153s* 
horrid  circumftances  of  barbarity.  The  adulation  of  Burnet, 
the  learned  infpired  the  king  with  fuch  an  opinion 
of  his  own  ability,  as  proved  equally  fatal  to  both 
parties  *,  for,  he  now  refolved  to  punifh  rigoroufly 
all  thofe  who  fhould  prefume  to  differ  from  him 
in  point  of  opinion,  without  making  any  diftin&ion 
between  papift  and  reformer.  Underftanding  that 
the  emperor  had  concluded  a  truce  for  ten  years 
with  the  king  of  France,  he  endeavoured  to  profit 
by  his  negotiation  with  the  League  of  Smalcalde ; 
and  defired  them  to  fend  over  theologicians  to  con- 
fer with  him  concerning  the  points  in  which  he 
differed  from  thofe  of  their  communion.  They 
difpatched  ambaffadors  to  England  for  that  pur- 
pose ;  but,  as  they  infilled  upon  his  embracing  the 
confeffion  of  Augfburg,  and  would  not  give  up  one 
tittle  of  their  belief,  touching  the  communion  in 
one  fpecies,  private  mattes,  auricular  confeffion, 
and  the  celibacy  of  priefts,  all  which  articles  they 
renounced,  he  was  obliged  to  difmifs  them  without  „  ,  „ 

r  1      •  Herbert. 

coming  to  any  reiolution. 

The  intereft  of  the  reformed  religion  in  England  du  Beihy. 
began  to  decline  fenfibly  at  court,  fince  the  death 
of  the  queen,  who,  as  well  as  her  predecelfor,  had 
favoured  its  progrefs.  Cranmer  ftill  kept  his  foot- 
ing in  the  king's  good  graces,  by  dint  of  perfonal 
merit ;  but,  Cromwell  is  faid  to  have  minded  his 
own  intereft,  rather  than  that  of  religion  :  Shaxton, 
bifhop  of  Salifbury,  was  proud  and  litigious  :  Lati- 
mer, of  Worcefter,  was  weak  and  fimple  :  Barlow, 
of  St.  Afaph,  fhallow  and  imprudent  :  and  the 
other  preachers  of  the  new  religion  were  generally 
enthufiafts,  who  fuffered  themfelves  to  be  hurried 
away  by  an  intemperate  zeal,  which  payed  no  je- 
fpecl:  to  the  temper  and  character  of  Henry  ;  and 
confequently  never  failed  to  incur  his  indigna- 
tion.    About  this  time  they  flattered  themfelves 



a.c.  i53s.  they  had  gained  an  accefTion  of  ftrerigth  in  the  pro- 
motion of  Bonner  to  the  fee  of  Hereford,   vacant 
by  the  death  of  Edward  Fox  :  but,  they  were  griev- 
oufly   difappointed ;    for,    that   prelate,    notwith- 
standing the  obligations  he  had  been  laid  under  by 
the  chiefs  of  the  reformation,  became  one  of  their 
mod  rancorous  enemies.     At  the  death  of  Stoke - 
ley,  he  was  afterwards  advanced  to  the  fee  of  Lon- 
projSh*      don.     Cromwell  and  Cranmer  perceiving  that  their 
another       credit  began  to  diminifh,  thought  there  was   no 
theking°.r     method  fo  likely  to  retrieve  their  influence  at  court, 
as  that  of  perfuading  the  king  to  marry  another 
wife,  upon  whofe  protection  they  might  depend. 
With  this  view  they  turned  their  eyes  to  Germany  ; 
and  Cromwell  undertook  to  negotiate  a  match  be- 
Herbert.      tween  Henry,  and  Anne  filler  to  the  duke  of  Cleves 
and  to  the  dutchefs  of  Saxony. 

By  this  time  the  pope  had  effected  an  interview 
at  Nice,  between  the  emperor  and  the  king  of 
France,  who,  though  they  could  not  agree  to  a 
treaty  of  peace,  concluded  a  truce  for  ten  years  ; 
and  then  pope  Paul  engaged  in  a  league  againft 
the  Turks,  with  the  emperor,  the  king  of  the  Ro- 
mans, and  the  Venetians.  Francis  having  nothing 
further  to  fear  from  Charles,  cooled  fenfibly  in  his 
friendfhip  towards  Henry,  who  refented  his  indiffe- 
rence, and  ordered  Bonner,  in  his  return  from  Spain, 
to  demand  of  him  an  Englifh  rebel  who  had  taken 
refuge  in  France,  together  with  the  arrears  of  his 
penfion.  Bonner  made  thofe  demands  in  fuch  in- 
folent  terms,  that  Francis,  by  an  exprefs  courier, 
defired  Henry  to  recal  him  ;  and  fo  far  the  king 
complied  with  his  requeft.  Mean  while,  cardinal 
Pole,  not  fatisfied  with  having  reviled  the  charac- 
ter of  Henry,  by  word  and  writing,  maintained  a 
private  correfpondence  in  England  ;  and  was  even 
faid  to  afpire  at  the  crown,  through  a  marriage 
with  the  princefs  Mary.     His  correfpondence  was 


HENRY      VIIX.  63 

ciifcovered  to  the  king  by  Sir  Geoffery  de  la  Pole,  A-C<*si*' 
his  own  kinfmah  •,  and  in  confequence  of  this  in-  Several  no- 
formation,    Henry  Courtney  marquis  of  Exeter,  £S  ti 
grandfon  of  Edward  IV.    Henry  de  la  Pole  lord  Jjightre*. 
Montague,  Sir  Edward  Nevil,  and  Sir  Nicholas  0,u  " 
Carew  knight  of  the  garter,  were  tried,  convicted, 
and  executed  for  high-treafon.  Herbert. 

The  king  having  extorted  refignations  from  all 
the  abbots  and  priors  of  monafteries,  acquired  a 
vaft  accefiion  of  revenue,  not  only  by  the  rents  of 
thofe  houfes,  but  alfo  by  their  moveables,  clocks, 
bells,  lead,  and  other  materials  ;  for,  notwithftand- 
ing  the  induftry  which  the  monks,  and  their  fupe- 
riors,  exerted  in  pillaging  their  churches  and  con- 
vents, when  they  found  themfelves  on  the  brink  of 
being  fupprelTed,  a  great  quantity  of  rich  movea- 
bles ftill  remained;  infomuch,  that  in  the  abbey  of 
St.  Edmundfbury,  the  king  found  to  the  value  of 
five  thoufand  marks  in  gold  and  filver  bullion.  The  A-  c.  1539. 
parliament  being  alTembled  on  the  twenty-eighth  Tranfaai- 
day  of  April,   and   being  properly  tutored  by  the  ^"J"" 
king,   enacted  the  law  of  the  Six  articles,    com-  The  future  t 
monly  called  the  Bloody  ftatute,  denouncing  death  ofblood- 
againft  all  thofe  who  mould  deny  tranfubftantia- 
tion  ;  maintain  the  neceffity  of  communicating  in 
both  fpecies  •,  affirm,  that  it  was  lawful  for  priefts 
to  marry  •,  that  the  vows  of  chaftity  might  be  vio- 
lated ;  that  private  malfes  were  ufelefs  •,  and,  that 
auricular  confefllons  were  not  neceffary  to  falvation. 
That  ftatute  was  fuggefted  by  Gardiner  bifhop  of 
Winchefter,  who  told  the  king,  that  nothing  would 
more  effectually  prevent  the  formation  of  a  league 
againft  him  :  that  he  had  not  altered  the  eflentials 
of  religion  :  and,  that  no  potentate  or  perfon  could 
believe  him  an  heretic   while  he  maintained  thefe 
fix  articles,  which  fo  fignally  diftinguifhed  the  true 
catholics  from  fectaries  and   innovaters.     Cranmer 
oppofed  this  ftatute  in  parliament  for  three  days 

fucceflively  y 

64  HISTORY   or    ENGLAND; 

a.c,  1539.  fuccefilvely  ;  but  as  foon  as  the  bill  pafTed,  he  fent 
his  wife  abroad  to  Germany,  of  which  fhe  was  a 
native.  Henry,  in  order  to  reconcile  the  people  to 
the  fupprefllon  of  the  monaileries,  pretended  he  had 
undoubted  intelligence  of  an  intention  to  invade 
England,  vifited  the  fea-coafts  in  perfon,  and  be- 
gan to  build  bulwarks  for  the  defence  of  the  king- 
dom, as  well  as  a  navy  to  protect  commerce  ;  de- 
claring, that  all  this  extraordinary  expence  would  be 
defrayed  by  the  revenues  of  the  monafleries,  with- 
out any  additional  tax  upon  the  people.  The  par- 
liament, which  was  intirely  devoted  to  his  will,  con- 
firmed him  in  pofTefllon  of  thofe  houfes,  on  the 
fuppofition  that  he  would  employ  their  income  in 
other  religious  foundations ;  and  by  another  fla- 
tute  impowered  him  to  erect  fome  new  bifhoprics. 

Camden.  The  number  of  monafleries  fupprefTed  in  England 
and  Wales,  amounted  to  fix  hundred  and  forty- 
five  :  ninety  colleges  were  deflroyed,  together  with 
twO|fhoufand  three  hundred  and  feventy-four  chan« 
tries  and'free-chapels,  and  one  hundred  and  ten  hof- 
pitals  :  the  yearly  revenue  of  the  whole  being 
equal  to  one  hundred  and  fixty-one  thoufand  and 
one  hundred  pounds.  Henry  from  this  fund  aug- 
mented the  number  of  colleges  and  profeffors  in  the 
univerfities,  erected  the  bifhoprics  of  Weflminfler, 
Oxford,  Peterborough,  Briflol,  C  heller,  and  Glou- 
cefler  :  that  of  Weftminfter  was  diiTolved  by  queen 
Mary,  and  Benedictines  placed  in  the  abbey  ♦,  but 
queen  Elizabeth  afterwards  converted  it  to  a  col- 
legiate church,  and  a  feminary  for  young  fcholars. 
Bumet.  In  this  feflion  of  parliament  an  act  was  pafled,  de- 
creeing, that  the  fame  obedience  fhould  be  payed  to 
the  king's  proclamation,  or  an  order  of  council 
during  a  minority,  as  was  due  to  an  act  of  parlia- 
ment-, but,  this  under  certain  limitations.  Ano- 
ther flatute  regulated  the  rank  of  the  nobility  ;  and 
Cromwell,  though  the  fon  of  a  blackfmith,  ob- 

HENRY      frill  65 

tained  the  firft  place  immediately  after  the  princes  A-c ■*$&• 
of  the  blood.  Then  the  feflion  confirmed  the  Aft.  Pub. 
fentence  pronounced  againft  the  marquis  of  Exeter, 
and  the  reft  who  had  been  executed  for  carrying  on 
a  correfpondence  with  cardinal  Pole  :  and  for  the 
fame  offence,  condemned  the  cardinal's  mother  the 
countefs  of  Salifbury,  and  the  marchionefs  of  Exe- 
ter, without  allowing  them  to  plead  in  their  own 
defence,  though  they  were  both  princerTes  of  the 
blood  royal.  The  king  granted  a  pardon  in  favour 
of  the  marchionefs,  and  a  reprieve  to  the  countefs^ 
who  neverthelefs  died  afcerv/ards  on  a  fcaffold. 

Henry  ftill  efteemed  Cranmer  for  his  confcientions 
behaviour,  though  he  oppofed  the  ftatute  of  the  fix 
articles  ;  and  fent  the  duke  of  Norfolk  to  allure  him 
of  the  continuation  of  his  affection.  He  afterwards 
difcourfed  with  him  upon  that  law  ;  and  allowed 
him  to  explain  the  reafons  that  induced  him  to  op- 
pofe  it.  He  even  ordered  him  to  commit  thefe 
reafons  to  writing,  though  fuch  a  Hep  was  render- 
ed capital  by  the  ftatute.  Cranmer  accordingly 
drew  up  a  memorial  on  the  fubjsft,  which  being 
loft  by  accident  fell  into  the  hands  of  a  perfon  who 
would  have  delivered  it  to  the  king,  had  he  not 
been  prevented  by  Cromwell.  Shaxton  bilhop  of 
Salifbury,  and  Latimer  of  Worcefter,  who  had 
likewife  oppofed  the  articles,  were  not  fo  favour- 
ably dealt  with.  In  order  to  appeale  the  king's  re- 
fentmenr,  which  they  had  incurred,  they  thought 
proper  to  refign  their  bifhoprics  •,  but,  they  had 
no  fooner  made  this  facririce,  than  they  were  ac- 
cufed  of  harbouring  fentiments  contrary  to  the 
flatute,  and  committed  prifoners  to  the  Tower 
of  London.  When  the  fefiion  of  parliament  pfr&tiiiiih 
broke  up,  the  king  appointed  commiftioners  ce-  in  £»#***< 
voted  to  the  catholic  religion,  arid  fent  them 
through  the  kingdom  to  difcover  all  thofe  who 
condemned   the  iix   articles,    that  they  might  be 

N?  52.  F  punilhed 


a.  c,  1539,  punifhed  with  all  the  rigour  of  the  law.     In  Lon- 
don alone,   above  five  hundred  perfons  were  im- 
prifoned  on  this  account,  after  having  been  in- 
veigled into  confefiion  by  the  cornmifiioners  -7  but, 
the  chancellor    reprefented  the  pernicious  confe- 
quences  of    fuch    a  perfecution,  in   fuch   pathetic 
terms  to  the  king,  that  he  pardoned  all  thofe  who 
had  been  apprehended  •>  and  put  a  flop  for  the  pre- 
fent  to  all   further  enquiry.     The  king's  will  was 
now  become  the  meafure  of  the  law,  becaufe  both 
parties  cultivated  his  favour  with  the  mod  abject 
complaifance.     Bonner  bifhop  of  London,  though 
in  fecret  a  zealous  partifan  of  the  papal  power,  ma- 
naged his  intererx  with  fuch  dexterity,  that  he  ob- 
tained letters  patent,  adjudging  to  him  the  fpiritua- 
lities  as  well  as  the  temporalities  of  his  bifhopric, 
during  the  king's  good  pleafure  ;  and  Gardiner  (till 
maintained  his  influence  by  the  moft  extravagant 
complaifance,  and  the  moft  profound  difiimulation. 
Henry  forefeeing  a  rupture  between  the  emperor 
and  the  protectants  of  Germany,   fent  new  am  oaf- 
fadors  to  the  league  of  Smalcalde,  to  encourage 
them  in  their  oppofition  to  the  hcufe  of  Auftria  y 
man       anc^  t0  Promife  fte  would  engage  in  their  afibcia- 
Hcrbcrt'.      tion.     They  perceived  his  drift  was  only  to  amufe 
them,  and  intimidate  the  emperor  by  means  of  a 
negotiation  with   his  enemies  \   and  they  frankly 
-  gave  him   to  underfrand,    that   they  would  unite 
with  him  on  no  other  terms,  than  that  of  his  em- 
bracing the  confeflion  of  Augfburg.     They  faids 
they  had  heard  with  great  mortification  of  his  per- 
iecuting  their  brethren  in    his  kingdom-,  and  in 
particular,   complained  of  the  law  of  the  fix  arti- 
cles, the  injuftice  of  which  Melanchthon  explained 
to  him  in  a  fubmi-Mive  letter.     Henry  was  mocked 
2t  the  freedom  of  their  expoftulation  ^  and  Gar- 
diner, by  flattering  his  vanity,   added  fuel  to  his 
yjfentment.     It  was  not  in  his  power>  however,   to 
6  prevent 

H    E     N     R    f      VIII.  6f 

prevent  an  incident  which   in  a  great  meafure  for-  A>  **  lsw% 
warded  the  reformation.     Though  the  king  was  in 
poiTeffion  of  the  fupremacy,  he  could  not  be  fat isfied 
until  the  people  fhould  be  convinced  of  his  right 
to  that  preheminence ;  and  Cranmer  knowing  his 
anxiety   on   this    fubject,  told  him,   that  nothing 
wpuld  contribute  to  their  undeception,  more  than  a 
free  ufe  of  the  fcriptures,  by  which  they  would  fee 
that   the  pope's  authority  was  not  founded  on  the 
word  of  God.     Henry  no  fooner  fignified   his  ap- 
probation of  this  propofal,  than  Gardiner  employed 
all  his   art  and  rhetoric,  to  prevent   fuch   a  fatal 
blow  to   the  catholic  religion.     The  two  prelates 
difputed  on  the  fubject  in  prefenceof  the  king,  who 
decided  in  favour  of  Cranmer,    telling   the  other, 
he  was  but  a  novice,  who  ought  not  to  enter  the 
lifts  with  fuch  an  experienced  general.      The  truth  ,  -   _, 
is,  he  thought  his  own  intereft  coincided  with  Cran- 
mer's  propofitions.    He  granted  letters  patent  to  The  king 
Cromwell  as  his  vicegerent,   importing,  That    his  p^mitsthe 
fubjedls  mould  have  free  and  liberal  ufe  of  the  Bible  tranflated.6 
tranflated  into  the  Englifh  tongue  -,  and  that  for 
five  years  there  mould  be  no  impreMion  of  the  Bible 
or  any  part  of  it,  but  only  by  fuch  as  he  mould  ap- 
point.    Towards  the  end  of  this  year,   the  inhabi- 
tants of  Ghent  mutinied,  and  offered  to  acknow- 
ledge  the  French  king    as  their  fovereign,  if  he  Burnet* 
would    protect  them   from  the  refentment  of  the 
emperor.     But    Francis    rejected    their   propofal, 
which  he  communicated  to  Charles,  who  had  by 
this  time  amufed  him  fo  effectually  with  the  pro- 
mife  of  reftoring  to  him  the  dutchy  of  Milan,  than 
Charles  ventured  to  pafs  through  his  dominions  on 
the  faith  of  a  fimple  fafe- conduct,  and  even  vifited 
him    at   Paris,  where  he   was    received    with  the 
fame  honours  which  the  French  payed  to  their  own 

F  2  At 

6S  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.  6.1539.  At  this  very  period,  Anne  of  Cleves  arrived  in 
England,  after  the  match  between  her  and  Henry 
had  been  concluded,  under  the  direction  of  Crom- 
well. The  king  no  fooner  heard  fhe  had  landed  at 
Rochefter,  than  he  went  thither  incognito,  to  fee  his 
future  confort,  and  found  her  fo  different  from  her 
picture,  which  had  been  drawn  by  Hans  Holbein, 
that  in  the  impatience  of  his  difappointment,  he 
ibid.  iwore  they  had  brought  him  a  Flanders  mare.  Never- 

thelefs,   reflecting  that    her  brother  the   duke  of 
Cleves  was  the  emperor's  neighbour  in  the  Low 
Countries,  aud  his  competitor  for  the  fucceffion  to 
the  dutchy  of  Guelderland  •,    that  her  filler  was 
married  to  the  duke  of  Saxony,  chief  of  the  league 
of  Smalcalde  i  and  that  the  emperor   was  then  at 
Paris,    endeavouring   to  detach  Francis  from  the 
He«ry  weds  incerefts  of  England  ^  he  would  not  run  the  rifque 
cievTs.        of  affronting  two  fuch  powerful  princes,  at  a  time 
.  n  when  he  might  (land  in  need  of  their   affiflance  •, 

A.  t.,  1540;  ,  o  * 

and  therefore  he  married  the  princefs  on  the  fixth 
day  of  January.  Next  day  Cromwell  afked  him 
how  he  liked  his  new  bed-fellow  ;  and  he  declared 
to  him  in  confidence,  that  he  liked  her  worfe  than 
ever  •,  chat  he  fufpected  /he  was  no  maid  •»  that  me 
had  uniavoury  fmells  about  her;  and,  that  he  be- 
lieved he  mould  never  be  able  to  confummate  his 
nuptials.  Yet  he  lived  decently  with  her  for  five 
months,  during  which  his  averfion  feemed  to  in- 
creafe;  though /he  did  not  appear  much  afflicted 
at  his  difguil.  She  was  naturally  dull  and  phleg- 
matic •,  altogether  unfkilled  in  mufic,  which  was 
always  agreeable  to  Henry  ;  and  ignorant  of  the 
Englifh  language,  in  which  however,  /he  focn  be- 
'came  a  proficient. 

The  parliament  meeting  on  the  twelfth  day  of 
April,  Cromwell  opened  the  feffion  with  a  fpeech, 
in  which  he  informed  the  two  houfes,  that  the 
king,  in  order  to  terminate  all  difputes  about  reli- 


HENRY      VIII.  69 

glon,  had  appointed  commifiioners  to  examine  the  A-c«  *54©. 
contefted  articles,  that  a  ftandard  of  faith  might  be  He  appoints 

o  mmi/jio- 

after  the  truth  mould  be  thus  made  known  to  his 

eftablimed  upon  the  word  of  God  alone;   and,  that 

*  .         ners  to  exa- 

mine tne 

people,  he  was  refolved  to  punifli  without  mercy  all  cd°^f^  of 
thofe  who  mould  prefume  to  prefer  theirown  opinions  religion. 
to  the  eftabliflied  articles  of  belief.  Thofe  commiffio-  r<  _ 
ners  being  approved  by  the  parliament,  received  or-  cromweM 
ders  to  begin  their  enquiry  without  delay  :    and,  in  JJJ?^ 
the  mean  time,   the  king  created  Cromwell  earl  of 
EfTex.     In  this  felTIon,   the  order  of  the  knights  of 
St.  John  of  Jerufalem  was  fuppreffed,   on  pretence 
of  their  dependence  on  the  pope  and  the  emperor  : 
and  all  their  effects  in  England  and  Ireland  confif- 
cated  for  the  ufe  of  the  king,  who  allotted  three 
thoufand  pounds  yearly  for  their  maintenance. 

Immediately  after  the  prorogation  of  this  par- 
liament, the  fall  of  Cromwell  was  decreed.  He 
was  hated  and  envied  as  an  upftart  by  the  nobility 
in  general,  and  detefted  by  all  the  Roman  catho- 
lics, as  the  inveterate  enemy  of  their  religion.  The 
king  had  expreffed  great  diflatisfaclion  at  his  con- 
duel  in  effecting  this  difagreeable  marriage  •,  and 
the  duke  of  Norfolk  and  Gardiner  did  not  fail  to 
inflame  his  difcontent.  They  reprefented,  that  the 
kingdom  was  rilled  with  malcontents  on  the  fcore 
of  religion ;  that  they  looked  upon  the  vicegerent 
as  author  of  all  thofe  meafures  which  they  difap- 
proved  ;  that  Cromwell  had  deceived  his  majefty 
in  the  affair  of  his  marriage ;  that  he  had  railed  an 
immenfe  fortune  by  opprefTion  ;  and  that  the  king., 
by  facrificing  him  to  the  refentment  of  the  public, 
would  entirely  conciliate  the  affections  of  his  peo- 
ple. This  laft  argument  had  great  weight  with  Herbert 
Henry,  who  was  really  incenfed  in  his  heart  againft 
Cromwell,  and  thought  he  had  no  further  ufe  for 

his  fervice  in   treating  with  the  league   of  Smal- 
ts t3  ^ 

calde,  as  he  had  by  this  time  determined  to  make 
peace  with  the  emperor,  who  he   forefaw  would 

F  3  break 


a. c.  1540.  break  with  Francis  about  the  dutchy  of  Milan.  On 
Burnet.       theie  conficjerations,    he  gave  up  Cromwell  to  the 
revenge  of  his  enemies.     Upon  the  meeting  of  the 
parliament,  the  duke  of  Norfolk,    at  the  council  - 
table,  ar  re  (led  the  earl  of  Eiftx,  in  the  king's  name, 
for  high  treaibn  ;  and  he  was  immediately  fent  pri- 
foner  to  Vclq  Tower.     His  difgrace  was    no  fooner 
known,  than  all    his  friends  forfook  him,   except 
Cranmer,  who  wrote  fuch  a  letter  to  Henry  in  his 
behalf,  as  no  other  man  in  the  kingdom  would  have 
prefumed  to  indite ;  but  it  produced  no  effect  in  fa- 
fjromveiiis  vour  of  the  unfortunate  Cromwell,  who,  without 
juumted  <?f  being  heard  in  his  own  defence,  was  by  a  bill  of  at- 
/on,  tainder  found  guilty  of  divers  herefies  and  treafons; 

and  condemned  to  fuffer  the  pains  of  death,  as  the 
king  fhould  think  proper  to  direct. 
uveln^h/*  The  fall  of 'Cromwell  was  immediately  followed 
king  and  by  the  diilblution  of  the  marriage  between  Henry 
£e?M  and  his  new  wife  :  a-diffblution  on  which  he  had 
fet  his  heart,  not  only  on  account  of  his  averfion  to 
Anne  of  Cleves,  but  alfo  becaufe  he  was  by  this 
time  enamoured  of  Catherine  Howard,  daughter 
to  lord  Edmund,  brother  to  the  prefent  duke  of 
"Norfolk.  The  whole  houfe  of  lords,  with  a  com- 
mittee of  the  commons,  waited  upon  the  king  with 
an  addrefs,  defiringhe  would  order  trial  to  be  made 
of  the  validity  of  his  marriage  •,  and  his  majefty 
complying  with  their  requeft,  a  commifiion  was 
granted  for  trying  it  in  convocation.  They  forth- 
with proceeded  to  the  examination  of  witnefTes,  in- 
cluding the  depositions  of  the  king  and  members 
of  the  privy-council  ;  a  declaration  under  the  hand 
of  Cromwell,  figned  in  the  Tower,;  the  evidence 
of  the  earl  of  Southampton  ;  the  lord  RufTcJ,  at 
that  time  admiral  ;  Sir  Anthony  Brown,  Sir  An- 
thony Denny,  doctors  Chambers  and  Butts  the 
queen's  phyficians,  and  fome  ladies  of  the  chamber. 
The  fubftance  of  the  whole  amounted  to  thefe  par- 
tictui^s ;  That  th^ere  had  been  a  pre-contract  be- 

HENRY       VIII.  -  71 

tween  the  queen  and  the  marquis  of  Lorraine  :  that  A'c*  *54o. 
it  did  not  appear  whether  thefe  fpoufals  were  made 
by  the  parties  themfelves,  or  in  the  words  of  the 
prefent  tenfe :  that  the  king  having  married  her 
againft  his  will,  had  not  given  a  pure,  inward,  and 
complete  confent :  and,  that  he  had  never  confum- 
mated  the  marriage.  Thefe  frivolous  objections 
were  ftrongly  infilled  upon  by  the  popifh  party,  and 
Cranmer  being  influenced  by  the  fear  of  his  life, 
yielded  his  affent ;  fo  that  the  convocation  unani- 
moufly  judged  the  marriage  null  ;  and  on  the  ninth 
day  of  July,  fentence  was  given  for  its  diflbiu- 
tion.  On  the  tenth  day  of  July,  this  fentence  was 
notified  to  both  houfes,  by  whom  it  was  approved ; 
then  the  king  fent  the  duke  of  Norfolk,  the  earl  of 
Southampton,  and  the  bifhop  of  Winchefter,  ta  in- 
timate the  tranfaction  to  Anne  of  Cleves,  who  ex- 
prefTed  no  fort  of  diftatisfaetion  at  the  divorce. 
They  told  her  the  king  would,  by  letters-patent  de- 
clare her  his  adopted  fifter,  give  her  precedency  be- 
fore all  the  ladies  in  England  but  his  own  wife  and 
daughter;  that  an  eflate  of  three  thoufand  pounds 
a  year  would  be  allotted  for  her  maintenance  *,  and, 
that  fhe  might  either  live  in  England,  or  return  to 
her  own  country.  She  chofe  to  live  in  England,  and 
was  prevailed  upon  to  write  a  letter  to  her  brother, 
approving  what  had  been  done.  Then  the  bill  for 
annulling  the  marriage  palled  both  houfes  without 
the  leaft  oppofition. 

This  important  affair  being  terminated,  the  par-  Tranfaft?- 
liament,  by  a  new  act,  mitigated  the  penalties  in  JS^tT*" 
one  of  the  fix  articles  of  the  ftatute  of  blood,  rela- 
ting to  ecclefiaftics  who  fhould  violate  their  vows  of 
chaftity.  The  commiffioners  appointed  by  the 
king  to  examine  the  doctrines  or  religion,  having 
drawn  up  a  long  report  on  that  fubject,  a  ftatute 
vas  enacted,  implying,  That  their  report  mould 
h'Ve  the  force  of  a  law,  as  well  as  every  thing  that 

F  4  the 


a.  a  1549.  the  king  mould  ordain  on  the  fubject  of  religion/ 
Thus,  they  vetted  in  the  king,  that  infallibility  of 
which  they  had  deprived  the  pope.  This  complai- 
iant  parliament  gave  away  the  liberties  of  the  na- 
tion in  every  refpect :  they  firft  made  the  king  ab- 
folute  mafter  of  their  lives  and  fortunes,  and  now 
they  fubjeeted  their  confeiences  to  his  will  and 
pleafure  •,  but  this  laft  act  they  clogged  with  a  con- 
tradiction,  in  theie  words,  Provided  nothing  fhould 
be  done  contrary  to  the  Jaws  of  the  realm,  They 
pa(Ted  another  act,  ordaining  that  a  marriage,  al- 
ready confummated,  fnould  not  be  diffolved  on  ac- 
count of  a  pre-contract,  or  any  other  hindrances 
thanthofe  of  the  divine  law.  This  ftatute,  which 
.  fo  palpably  contradicted  the  king's  own  conduct 
in  the  cafes  of  his  wives,  was  intended  as  a  previous 
flep  towards  the  legitimation  of  the  princefs  Eliza- 
beth, and  his  marriage  with  Catherine  Howard. 
The  convocation  of  the  clergy  in  the  province  of 
Canterbury,  granted  one  fifth  of  their  revenues,  . 
payable  in  five  years  to  the  king,  as  a  mark  of 
their  gratitude  for  the  pains  he  had  taken  to  deliver 
the  Englifh  church  from  papal  tyranny.  Notwith- 
itanding  this  ample  gratification,  the  king  demand- 
ed a  fubfidy  from  parliament ;  and  tho*  the  mem- 
bers had  been  ib  long  accuttomed  to  behave  to- 
wards him  with  the  molt  fervile  complaifance,  they 
could,  not  help  expreffing  their  furprize  at  this  de- 
mand, confidering  the  tranquillity  of  the  times, 
and  the  great  funis  the  king  had  derived  from  the 
dififolution  of  the  monafteries.  Warm  debates 
were  maintained  on  this  fubject  in  the  houfe  of 
commons  :  but  the  partifans  of  the  court  repre^ 
femting  the  great  expence  the  king  had  incurred  by 
putting  the  fea-coaft  in  a  pofture  of  defence,  tie 
majority  acquiefced  in  this  reafon,  and  vote*  3 
very  confiderable  fubfidy. 


HENRY      VIII.  73 

This  condefcending  parliament  was  clofed  with  A- c-  1H°* 
an  act  of  amnefty  ;  from  the  benefit  of  which,  how- 
ever, the  countefs  of  Salifbury,  and  Cromwell, 
were  excluded,  as  well  as  thofe  who  were  convict- 
ed of  having  denied  the  king's  fupremacy,  or  of 
having  violated  any  of  the  articles  in  the  ftatute  of 
blood.  Cromwell's  fortitude  feemed  to  for  fake 
him  when  he  was  arrefted  :  being  required  to  fend 
to  the  king  a  full  account  of  his  tranfaclions  in  the 
marriage,  he  concluded  his  letter  in  the  moft  ab- 
ject manner.  He  fubfcribed  himfelf  a  moft  woeful 
prifoner,  ready  to  take  the  death,  when  it  fhould 
pleafe  God  and  his  majefty  ;  yet  (he  faid)  the  frail 
fiefh  incited  him  continually  to  call  to  his  grace 
for  mercy,  and  grace  for  his  offences .  He  dated 
the  letter  "  at  the  Tower,  this  Wednefday  the  laft 
"  of  June,  with  the  heavy  heart  and  trembling 
*4  hand  of  your  highnefs's  moft  heavy  and  moft 
miferable  prifoner,  and  poor  flave,  Thomas 
Cromwell  •,"  ar?d  below  the  fubfcription  he 
wrote  "  Moft  gracious  prince,  I  cry  for  mercy, 
*'  mercy,  mercy."  He  afterwards  wrote  fuch  a 
pathetic  letter  to  the  king,  that  Henry  feemed  af- 
fected with  it,  and  caufed  it  to  be  read  thrice  over 
in  his  hearing ;  but  thefe  impreflions  were  effaced 
by.  the  beauty  of  Catherine  Howard,  and  the  in» 
finuations  of  the  duke  of  Norfolk  and  the  bifhop 
of  Winchefter  ;  fo  that  a  warrant  was  granted  for 
his  being  beheaded  on  Tower-hill.  When  he  was  CwmweWij 
brought  to  the  fcaffold,  his  regard  for  his  fon  beheadcd* 
hindered  him  from  expatiating  upon  his  own  in- 
nocence. He  thanked  God  for  bringing  him  to 
that  death  for  his  tranfgreflions.  He  acknowledged 
his  offences  againft  God  and  his  prince,  who  had 
raifed  him  from  a  low  degree  -,  confefled  he  had 
been  feduced,  but  that  now  he  died  in  the  catholic 
faith.  Then  he  defired  the  bye-ftanders  to  pray 
for  the  king,  the  prince,  and   for  himfelf;  and, 





a.  c.  1540.  having  fpent  a  little  time  at  his  own  private  devo- 
tion, fubmitted  his  neck  to  the  executioner,  who 
mangled  him  in  a  mocking  manner.  This  great 
minifter  was  the  fon  of  a  blackfmith  -9  and,  though 
he  had  not  the  benefit  of  a  liberal  education,  he 
raifed  himfelf  by  his  natural  fagacity  and  dexterity 
in  bufinefs  to  the  higher!  offices  of  the  ftate.  He 
bore  his  profperity  with  great  moderation  ;  was 
particularly  grateful  to  thole  who  had  aflifted  him 
in  his  neceffities ;  and  fuch  was  his  integrity,  that 
his  enemies  could  not  fix  any  (tain  of  corruption  on 
his  character.  The  king  is  faid  to  have  lamented 
his  death  ;  and  the  fall  of  the  new  queen,  who 
did  not  long  furvive  Cromwell,  together  with  the 
miferies  that  fell  upon  the  duke  of  Norfolk  and 
his  family  in  the  fequel,  were  confidered  as  the 
judgments  of  heaven  upon  them  for  their  cruel 
perfecution  of  this  minifter.  Walter  lord  Hun- 
gerford  furFered  at  the  fame  time  for  forcery,  trea- 
fon,  and  beftiality.  In  a  few  days  after  Crom- 
well's death,  a  number  of  people  were  executed  to- 
gether for  very  different  crimes  :  fome  for  having 
denied  the  king's  fupremacy,  and  others  for  hav- 
ing maintained  the  Lutheran  doctrines.  Thefe  laft 
were  three  priefts  of  the  name  of  Barnes,  Gerard, 
and  Jerome.  They  had  been  condemned  by  act  of 
parliament,  for  fpreading  herefy,  and  falfifying  the 
holy  fcripture  i  and  they  fuffered  at  the  flake  with 
great  conftancy,  praying  for  their  perfecutors. 
The  king  ®n  tne  eighth  day  of  Auguft  the  king  declared 
declares  his  his  marriage  with  Catherine  Howard,  whom  he  had 
wkhcf,  fome  time  ago  privately  efpoufed ;  and  as  this 
.therine  lady  was  wholly  devoted  to  her  uncle  the  duke  of 
Norfolk,  and  Gardiner  bifhop  of  Winchefter,  the 
partilans  of  the  pope  began  to  flatter  themfelves 
with  the  profpect  of  a  change  in  matters  of  reli- 
gion. They  marked  out  Cra;  mer  as  a  facrifice. 
Already  they  began  to  revile  him  openly  ;  and  a 


HENRY       VIII.  75 

member  of  parliament  publicly  declared  in  theA,c,,540' 
houfe,  that  he  was  chief  and  protector  of  the  inno- 
vators. The  commiffioners  appointed  to  draw  up 
an  expofition  of  the  chriitian  doctrine  having  fmifh- 
ed  their  work,  it  was  publifhed  by  the  king's  or- 
der; and  then  the  world  perceived,  that,  inftead  of 
advancing,  it  checked  the  progrefs  of  the  reforma- 
tion. Other  commilTioners,  employed  to  reform 
the  miflaJs,  made  hardly  any  other  alteration  than 
that  of  razing  out  the  pope's  name,  when  it  oc« 
purred  •,  and  every  thing  feemed  to  prognofticate 
the  fall  of  Cranmer,  though  his  enemies  proceeded 
very  gradually  in  the  work  of  his  deftruction,  well 
knowing  that  he  was  perfonally  beloved  by  his  fo- 


During  thefe  tranfaclions  in  England,    the  good  caufes of 
understanding  fo  lately  eftabliflied  between  the  em-  ?' fcontent 

o  j  between 

peror  and  Francis,  Suffered  a  fudden  interruption.  Henry *n:» 
While  Charles  tarried  at  Paris,  he  pofitively  pro-  Fraiicis« 
mifed  to  bellow  the  dutchy  of  Milan  on  the  duke 
pf  Orleans  ;    but  postponed   the  cefTion  until  he 
Should  arrive  in  the  Low  Countries,  that  he  might 
not  fcem  to   have  acted  on  compulsion,  in  which 
cafe  the  ceSTion  would  be  deemed  void.    After  his 
departure  from  France,    however,  he  (till  found 
neiv  pretences  for  delaying  the  execution  of  his  pro- 
mife  •,  and  in  the  mean  time  fubdued  and  chaStifed 
the  inhabitants  of  Ghent,  who  had  revolted.  Fran- 
cis, finding  that   he  had  no  intention  to  part  with 
the  Milanefe,  was  fo  incenfed  at  his  difappointment 
that   he  difgraced   the  chancellor  Poyet,,  and  the 
confrabie  Montmorency,  who  had  advifed  him   to 
trult  to  the  word  of  the  emperor.     In  the  courfe  of DllBella^ 
this  year,   a  rupture   had  well  nigh  happened  be- 
tween the  French   and  Englifh,  on   account  of  a 
bridge  that  Francis  ordered  to  be  built  upon  a  river, 
which  divided  his  dominions  from  the  Englifh  ter- 
ritory in  Picardy.     The  garrifon  of  Calais  having 



A.  c.  1540.  cleftroyed  the  bridge,  the  French  king  began  to 
levy  forces ;  and  Henry  reinforced  the  garrifon  of 
Calais.  That  fuch  a  frivolous  caufe  might  not 
produce  a  war  between  the  two  nations,  commif- 
fioners  were  fent  by  both  kings  to  examine  the 
affair,  and  terminate  the  difference  in  an  amicable 
manner ;  but  the  conference  proving  ineffectual, 
they  began  mutually  to  provide  for  the  defence 
of  their  frontiers.  It  was  likewife  in  this  year  that 
pope  Paul  III.  by  a  bull  confirmed  the  order  of 

£.c.  »54T'  A  new  flame  was  now  on  the  point  of  breaking 
out  in  Europe.  The  emperor  was  threatened  with 
a  war,  not  only  by  Francis,  but  likewife  by  Soly- 
man  emperor  of  the  Turks,  who  had  taken  into 
his  protection  young  Stephen  Sepufa,  who  difputed 
the  kingdom  of  Hungary  with  Ferdinand  king  of 
the  Romans.  Charles  endeavoured  to  intimidate 
the  Porte  from  a  commiffion  of  hoftilities,  by  af- 
fecting an  intimate  union  with  the  kings  of  France 
and  England  :  he  promifed  to  erect  the  Low  Coun- 
tries into  a  kingdom,  and  bellow  it  upon  the  duke 
of  Orleans.  Francis,  who  perceived  his  drift,  and 
knew  his  infincerity,  appointed  ambaffadors  for  the 
courts  of  Conftantinople  and  Venice,  in  order  to 
difabufe  thofe  powers  ;  but  as  they  failed  down 
the  Po  in  a  boat,  they  were  affaflinated  by  the  di- 
rection of  the  marquis  of  Guaft,   governor  of  Ml> 

M«Crai.  Ian.  The  French  king  complained  loudly  of  this 
outrage  ;  for  which  however  he  received  no  fa- 
tisfaction  from  the  emperor  -,  and  this  was  a  frefli 
fource  of  animofuy.  Charles,  at  this  time,  had 
convoked  a  diet  at  Ratifbon  ;  and,  as  this  was  no 
feafon  for  difturbing  the  protectants,  he  granted 
them  another  refpke  called  the  Interim,  that  they 
might  the  more  cheat  fully  furnifh  him  with  fuc- 
cours  againft  the  Infidels.  The  king  of  the  Ro- 
mans had  already  inverted  Buda,  which  he  hoped 


HENRY      VIII.  77 

to  reduce  before  the  Turks  mould  come  to  its  af-  A«c**'s<*% 
fiftance :  but,  the  garrifon   making  a  gallant  de- 
fence,   the  Ottoman   army  came    to  their  relief, 
and  obtained  a  fignal  victory  over  the  Germans. 
Neverthelefs,  the  emperor,    inftead  of  marching  Theempe- 
into  Hungary,  great  part  of  which  was  now  in  the  dkio^tT 
hands  of  Solyman,  repaired  to  Italy,  and  embark-  Aigiew. 
ed  at  Porto  Venere  with  an  army  of  five  and  twenty 
thoufand  men,    deftined  to  act  againft  Barbarofla, 
who  had  feized  the  fovereignty  of  Algiers.     He 
landed  in  the  neighbourhood  of  that  city,  on  the 
twenty- fecond  day  of  October ;  but  before  he  could 
undertake  any  thing  of  confequence,  a  violent  tem- 
ped deftroyed  the  bed  part  of  his  fleet,  and  he 
was   obliged  to   re-imbark  in   the  beginning  of 

Mean  while,  Henry  king  of  England,  under- 
ftanding  that  his  nephew  James,  the  Scottish  mo- 
narch, was  entirely  directed  by  the  council  of  fome 
churchmen  devoted  to  the  fee  of  Rome,  began  to 
be  afraid,  that  he  might  be  brought  over  to  the 
interefts  of  the  emperor,  and  at  his  inftigation  di- 
fturb  the  Englifh  dominions.  He  earneftly  defired 
to  perfuade  James  to  follow  his  example  in  renoun- 
cing the  papal  authority,  and  was  vain  enough  to 
believe  his  own  eloquence  was  fufficient  for  this 
purpofe.  He  therefore  fent  ambafTadors  to  demand 
an  interview  at  York,  and  James  agreed  to  the  pro- 
pofals :  but  the  Scottifh.  clergy,  fearing  the  confe- 
quences  of  this  interview,  found  means  to  diiluade 
their  fovereign  from  going  to  York-,  and,  after 
Henry  had  waited  for  him  fome  days  in  that  city, 
he  received  letters  of  excufe,  at  which  he  was 
exceedingly  incenfed.  The  chagrin  he  felt  at  this 
difappointment  was  a  meer  trifle  in  companion  of 
what  now  awaited  him  on  his  return  to  London. 
He  had,  upon  all  occafions,  exprefTed  the  moft  per 
feet  fatisfaction  in  his  prefent  marriage.     He  was 

The  queen 
accufed  of 

7&  HISTORY  of  ENG  LAND, 

A.  c.  1541.  f0   captivated  with  the  queen's  accomplifhments* 
that  when  he  received  the  facrament  on  All  Saint's 
day,  he  thanked  God  for  his  felicity,  and  defired 
his  confeffor  to  join  with  him  in  the  fame  thankfgiv-^ 
ing.    This  joy  however  was  of  very  fhort  duration  : 
while  he  was  at  York,  a  man  of  the  name  of  Laf- 
feU  had  waited  upon  Cranmer  at  London  ;  and* 
from  the  information  of  his  fifter,  who  had  been 
fervant  to  the  dutchefs  dowager  of  Norfolk,  gave* 
him  a  very  furprifing  account  of  the  queen's  incon- 
tinence*    He  laid  fhe  had  led  a  very  lewd  life  be- 
fore her  marriage,  carried  on  a  fcandalous  corref- 
pondence  with  two  men  called  Dierham  and  Man- 
nock  •,  and  that  me  continued  to  indulge  herfelf  in 
the  fame  criminal  pleafure  fince  fhe  was  raifed  to 
her  prefent  greatnefs.     Cranmer  was  equally  fur- 
prifed  and  embarrafied  at  this  intelligence,  which 
he  communicated  to  the  chancellor  and  fome  other 
members  of  the  privy-council, j  who  advifed  him  to 
make  the  king  acquainted  with  the  whole  affair,  at 
his  return  to  London.     The  archbifhop  knew  what 
a  rifque  he  ran*  by  intermeddling  in  fuch  a  delicate 
fubjec~V.  with  a  prince  of  Henry's  difpofition  :  but 
he  likewife  knew  the  danger  of  fuppreffing  fuch  in- 
formation.    He  therefore  refolved  to  commit  what 
he  had  heard  to  writing,  in  the  form  of  a  memo- 
rial, which  he  delivered  into  the  king's  own  hand, 
defiring  his  majeily  to  read  it  in  private.     Henry 
believed  at  nrft  it  was  a  piece  of  calumny,  and  de- 
termined to  punifh  the  authors  with  the  utmoft  fe- 
verity.    With  this  view  he  ordered  the  keeper  of 
the  privy-feal  to  examine  LafTels,  who  repeated  the 
fame  ftory,  and  even  produced  his  fifter,  by  whom 
it  was  confirmed.     Then  Deirham  and  Mannock 
being  arretted,    confefled  that  they  had  carnally 
known  the  queen  ;  that  one  of  her  principal  confi- 
dents in  thole  ftolen  debauches  was  the  lady  Roch- 
ford,  who  had  accufed  her  husband  of  inceft  with 





Anne  Boleyn-,  that  this  lady  introduced  into  theA,c,,5^ 
queen's  bed  chamber  one  Culpeper,  who  had  flay- 
ed with  her  from  eleven  at  night  till  four  o'clock 
in  the  morning.     As  the  queen  had  taken  Dierham 
into  her  fervice,  it  was  prefumed  that  (he  intended 
to  continue  in  the  fame  courfe  of  life.     When  (he 
was  firft  queflioned  about  thefe  particulars,  (he  de- 
nied the  charge  •,    but  afcerwards,  underftanding- 
that  Dierham  and  Mannock  had  difcovered  what 
they  knew,  (he  confeiTed  that  before  her  marriage 
(he  had  admitted  feveral  men  to  her  bed.    Henry  Herbert, 
was  fo  affected  at  this  difcovery,  that  he  fhed  a  flood   urnet* 
,*pf  tears,  and   bitterly   lamented    his    misfortune. 
Dierham,  Mannock,  and  Culpeper,  were  convict- 
ed and  executed  :  but  he  referred  the  queen's  fate 
to  the  confideration  of  the  parliament,  which  he  af- 
fembled  on  the  fixteenth  day  of  January. 

The  lord  chancellor  having  moved  the  houfe  of 
lords  to  take  the  king's  cafe  into  confideration,  and 
fend  fome  of  their  number  to  examine  the  queen  -3 
the  archbifhop  of  Canterbury,  the  bilhop  of  Weft- 
minfter,  the  duke  of  Suffolk,  and  the  earl  of  South- 
ampton, were  pitched  upon  for  that  purpofe.    To 
thefe  (he  repeated  her  confeflion ;  and  when  they 
made  their  report,  both  houfes  declared  her  guilty. 
They  then  petitioned  the  king  that  (he  might  be 
punifhed  with  death ;  that  the  fame  penalty  might 
be  inflicted  on  the  lady  Rochford,  the  accomplice 
of  her  debauches,   her  grandmother  the  dutchefi 
dowager  of  Norfolk,  her  father  and  mother,  the 
dutchefs  of  Bridgewater,  five  other  women    and 
four  men,  on  account  of  their  having  been  privy 
to  the  queen's  diffolute  life,    without  making  it 
known  to  his  majefty.     Henry  having  confented  Attainted 
to  the  requeft  of  his  parliament,  they  were  con-  ^ 
demned  to  death -by  an  act  of  attainder,  which  at 
the  fame  time  decreed  the  penalties  of  treafon  againfl 
all  thofe  who,  knowing  the  debauchery  of  any  fu- 

So  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.c.;54».  |-ure  queen,  mould  not  difclofe  them  immediately; 
againft  any  young  woman  who,  being  follicited 
in  marriage  by  the  king,  mould  deceive  him  with 
refpect  to  her  virginity ;  againft  any  queen  or  prin- 
cess of  Wales  who  mould  allow  herfelf  to  be  de- 
bauched ;  againft  any  man  who  mould  prefume  to 
follicit  a  queen  or  princefs  on  fuch  a  fubject;  againft 
all  thofe  who  mould  in  any  fhape  affift  him  in  fuch 
addrefifes ;  and  finally  againft  any  perfon  who,  know- 
ing the  young  woman  demanded  in  marriage  by 
the  king  to  be  no  virgin,  fhould  conceal  this  cir- 
cumftance  from  his  majefty's  knowledge.  Henry 
having  palled  this  ftrange  act,  his  wife  Catherine 
and  lady  Rochford  were  beheaded,  the  queen  ftill 
owning  fhe  had  led  a  diftblute  life  before  marriage* 
but  denying  on  her  falvation  that  fhe  had  ever  defi- 
led his  majefty's  couch.  The  public  exclaimed  lb 
loudly  againft  the  feverity  of  the  act  of  parliament, 
by  which  her  parents  and  relations  were  condemned, 
that  the  king  did  not  think  proper  to  execute  the 
Sentence  upon  them,  though  fome  of  them  were 
long  detained  in  confinement. 

This  affair  being  terminated,  the  parliament  con- 
firmed an  act  of  the  irifli  parliament,  erecting  that 
country  into  a  kingdom;  and,  from  this  period, 
the  Sovereigns  of  England  have  affumed  the  title 
of  king  of  Ireland;  whereas  they  were  formerly 

Hcriert,  (tiled  lords  of  that  ifland.  As  Henry  intended  to 
feize  the  colleges  and  hofpitals  of  the  kingdom,  as 
he  had  already  made  himlelf  mafter  of  the  mona- 
fteries,  this  complaifant  parliament,  in  order  to  pave 
the  way  to  the  execution  of  his  defign,  parTed  an 
act,  annulling  the  particular  conftitutions  of  colleges 
and  hofpitals  ;  and  this  obftacle  being  removed, 
fome  of  them  were  refigned  to  his  majefty,  but  a 
fhorter  method  was  taken  in  the  fequel.  While  th6 
parliament  was  employed  in  this  manner,  the  con- 
vocation was  divided  into  parties,  touching  the  new 

HENRY       VIII.  Si 

tranflation  of  the  Bible;  which  Gardiner  and  his  ac. i54i% 
partifans  maintained  was  full  of  errors  \  and  that 
therefore  the  people  ought  not  to  read  it  until  it 
mould  be  corrected.     Cranmer,  perceiving  his  in-  Theum- 
tention  was  to  gain  time,  in  hope  that  the  king's  ^dnesor~ 
opinion  would  change,   obtained  an  order  from  his  reel  the 
majefty,  referring  the  correction  to  the  two  univer-  Blble* 
fities  ;  and  a  patent  was  granted  to  a  London  book- 
feller,  giving  him  an  exclufive  right  to  print  the 
Bible  in  Englifli.  Aa.  Pub. 

While  the  king  of  France  attacked  the  emperor 
in  five  places  at  once,  without  any  great  fuccefs, 
Henry  refolved  to  take  vengeance  on  the  king  of 
Scotland  for  the  affront  he  had  fuflained  at  his 
hands  in  the  affair  of  the  interview  -,  to  compel  the 
Scottifli  nation  to  relinquim  their  connexions  with 
the  enemies  of  England ;  and  to  oblige  James  to 
renounce  the  papal  authority.     As  a  pretext  was 
wanting  for  his  committing  hoftilities,  he  pretend- 
ed that  the  truce  had  been  violated;  that  certain 
Englifh  rebels  had  been  entertained  in  Scotland ; 
and  he  publifhed  a  manifefto,  in  which  he  claimed 
that  right  of  fuperiority  over  the  kingdom  of  Scot- 
land which  we  have  enlarged  upon  in  the  reign  of 
the  firft  Edward.     James,  being  apprifed  of  his 
uncle's  intention,   began  to  put  himfelf  in  a  poflure 
of  defence,  and  fent  two  ambafladors  to   London 
with  propofals  of  accommodation.    Thefe  were  de- 
tained at  the  Englifh  court,  under   various  pre- 
tences, until  Henry  was  ready  to  take  the  field,  and 
even  then  they  were  obliged  to  attend  the  army, 
which  was  fent  into  their  country  under  the  com- 
mand of  the  duke  of  Norfolk.  Two  other  Scottifli 
ambaffadors  meeting  that  nobleman  on  his  march, 
were  detained  as  prifoners  until  he  arrived  at  Ber- 
wick.    Mean  while  king  James,  hearing  of  his  ap- 
proach, detached  a  body  of  ten  thoufand  men  to 
the  frontiers,  under  the  command  of  Gordon,  who 
Ng  s2.  G  could 

g2  HISTORY    oi    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1542.  could  not,  however,  prevent  the  duke's  entering 
Scotland,  where  he  ravaged  the  country  bordering 
on  the  Tweed,  and  then  retreated  to  Berwick  on  ac-j 
count  of  the  feverity  of  the  feafon.  James,  in  the 
mean  time,  affembling  an  army  of  fifteen  thoufand 
men,  with  a  train  of  artillery,  appointed  the  lord 
Maxwell  general,  and  refolved  to  invade  England 
on  the  weftern  fide  by  Solway  frith.  Thither  the 
king  went  in  perfon  ;  but  he  foon  quitted  the  field, 
after  having  bellowed  the  chief  command  upon  his 
minion  Oliver  Sinclair,  an  upftart,  v/ho  was  ex- 
tremely difagreeable  to  all  the  nobility.  They 
were  fo  incenfed  at  his  being  appointed  general, 
that  they  refufed  to  ferve  under  his  banner,  and  the 
whole  camp  was  filled  with  mutiny  and  confufion; 
when  Sir  Thomas  Wharton  appearing  with  three 
hundred  horfe,  they  fuppofed  it  was  the  van  of 
Norfolk's  army ;  and,  being  feized  with  a  pannic, 
tiflTarmy"  ^^  m  tne  utmoft  trepidation.  The  Englifh  per- 
routed.  ceiving  their  rout,  purfued  with  great  diligence; 
and,  without  the  leaft  refiftance,  took  the  earls 
of  CafTik  and  Glencairn,  the  lords  Maxwell,  Fle- 
ming, Somerville,  Oliphant,  Gray,  and  Oliver 
Sinclair,  with  about  two  hundred  gentlemen,  eight 
hundred  foldiers,  and  all  their  baggage  and  ar- 
Stow.  The  news  0f  tn/is  difafler  affected  James  fo  deep- 

Buchanan,  ly>  that  in  a  few  days  he  died  of  grief  and  morti- 
fication, leaving  his  new-born  daughter  Mary  heirefs 
of  the  Scottifh  throne.  Another  fubject  of  chagrin 
is  faid  to  have  alfo  contributed  to  his  death.  The 
duke  of  Norfolk  having  fent  an  herald  about  the 
ranfom  of  the  prifoners,  he  was  murdered  by  one 
Leech,  a  Lincolnfhire  rebel,  who  was  afterwards 
delivered  up  to  the  king  of  Fngland.  The  pri- 
foners being  brought  to  London,  were  carried  in 
proceflion  from  the  Tower  to  Weftminfter,  where 
the  king  reproached  fome  of  them  with  having  mif- 


HENRY       Vltl.  8  j 

led  his  nephew  by  their  pernicious  coxmfels.     Ne-  Ac- 154*. 
verthelefs,  they  were  treated  with  more  hofpitalky 
than  they  had  reafon  to  expect  •,  and   diftributed 
among  the  principal  noblemen,    v/ho  entertained 
them  at  their  houfes.     When  the  tidings  of  Mary's  He%'8 
birth   and  her  father's  death  arrived  at  the  fame  feSing'aV 
time,  Henry  thought  this  was  a  favourable  con-  unior  of 
juncture  for  effecting  an  union  of  the  two  king-  w*ithEjjg4 
doms,    by  a  match    between    Edward    prince  of land- 
Wales,  and  the  young  queen  of  Scotland.     He  or* 
dered  his  emhTaries  to  found  the  difpofitions  of  the 
prifoners  on  this  fubject  *  and  finding  them  well 
inclined  to  fupport  fuch  a  propofal,  he  fet  them  at 
liberty,  on  condition   that  they  fhould  return  to 
London,  in  cafe  the  project  mould  not  fucceed. 

Scotland  was  left  in  great  confufion  by  the  un-  a.  C.1543; 
timely  death  of  its  monarch.  The  next  heir  to 
the  crown  after  young  Mary,  was  James  Hamil- 
ton earl  of  Arran,  a  man  of  a  moderate  genius, 
and  quiet  difpofition.  He  favoured  the  reforma- 
tion •,  but  was  altogether  unfit  for  the  management 
of  public  affairs.  On  account  of  his  bias  towards 
the  new  religion,  he  was  hated  by  the  clergy,  and 
the  queen  dowager,  who  was  fifter  to  the  duke  of 
Guife,  and  blindly  devoted  to  the  papal  authority. 
Her  bigotry  and  fuperftition  were  encouraged  by 
David  Beaton  archbifhop  of  St.  Andrews,  a  prieft 
of  a  violent  temper,  who  had  perfecuted  the  refor- 
mers with  the  utmoft  rancour  ♦,  and  obtained  a  car- 
dinal's hat,  as  a  recompence  for  his  zealous  attach- 
ment to  the  fee  of  Rome.  This  prelate,  feeing  all 
the  nobility  of  the  kingdom  at  variance  among 
themfelves,  refol'ved  to  make  his  advantage  of  .this 
civil  confufion ;  and  produced  a  forged  will  of  the 
late  king,  by  which  he  himfelf  was  appointed  re- 
gent or  viceroy  during  the  minority  of  Mary.  He 
v/as  fupported  in  his  pretentions  to  this  office  by  all 
the  credit  and  influence  of  the  queen  dowager.    On 

G  2  the 

84  HISTORY   of    ENGLA  N  D. 

AC.  1543.  the  other  hand,  the  friends  of  the  reformation  in- 
cited the  earl  of  Arran  to  claim  the  regency,  by 
virtue  of  his  proximity  of  blood  •,  'and  thus  animat- 
ed, he  determined  to  demand  it  at  the  meeting  of 
the  next  parliament4,  after  he  fhould  have  detected 
the  forgery  of  the  will  produced  by  Beaton.     His 
party  gained  a  confiderable  accefiion  by  the  arrival 
of  Archibald  Douglas  earl  of  Angus,  and  his  bro- 
ther William,  who  now  returned  from  England, 
after  an  exile  of  fifteen  years.     When  the  parlia- 
ment affembled,  the  will  was  examined,  the  fraud 
difcovered,  and  the  earl  of  Arran  appointed  regent 
of  the  kingdom.     Henry  fent  Sir  Ralph  Sadler  as 
his  ambafiador  to  this  affembly,  to  propofe  the 
match  between  prince  Edward   and   their  young 
queen.     Notwithftanding  the  cardinal's  oppofition, 
the  propofal  was  embraced  ;  the  parliament  appoint- 
ed the  two  Douglafes,  and  fome  other  perfons,  as 
hS  with  ambafiadors,   to  negotiate  the  treaty,  which   was 
the  scot-      concluded  at  London  on  the  firft  day  of  July,  im- 
porting, That  the  young  queen  fhould  be  educated 
in  Scotland  until  fhe  fhould  have  attained  the  tenth 
year  of  her  age  :  and,  that  the  Scottifh  parliament 
fhould  fend  three  hoftages  of  diftin&ion  to  refiae 
in  England,  until  the  marriage  fhould  be  accom- 

Thefe  meafures,  however,  were  defeated  by 
the  intrigues  of  Beaton,  who,  by  means  of  a  large 
contribution  from  the  clergy,  bribed  and  cabal- 
led with  fuch  fuccefs,  that  the  people  in  general 
exclaimed  againft  the  treaty  with  England,  as  an 
union  that  would  end  in  their  own  flavery.  The 
Englifh  ambafiador  was  infulted  by  the  populace; 
the  regent  had  no  longer  power  to  protect  him, 
much  lefs  to  fend  the  hoftages  ftipulated  in  the  trea- 
ty. Then  he  fummoned  the  prifoners  to  return  to 
England,  according  to  their  engagement ;  but,  none 
o£  them  would  truft  themfejves  in  the  power  of 


tifh  parlia 
merit « 

Aft.  Pub. 

which  is 
defeated  by 

HENRY      VIII.  85 

Henry,  except  Gilbert  Kennedy  earl  of  Caffils,  who  A  c  JW* 
prized  his  honour  above  his  liberty,  and  returned 
to  London,  where  Henry  compared  him  to  Atti- 
lius  Regulus  •,  and  was  fo  pleafed  with  his  punctili- 
ous behaviour,  that  he  difmiffed  him  without  ran- 
fom,  after  having  bellowed  r^on  him  extraordi- 
nary marks  of  favour  and  efte^.n  :  at  the  fame  time, 
he  refolved  to  declare  war  againft  Scotland.    Mean 
while,  the  queen    and  the  cardinal,    in   order  to 
ftrengthen  their  party  againft  the  intereft  of  the 
Hamiltons,  invited  Matthew  Stuart  earl  of  Len- 
nox to  return  from  France,  where  he  had  refided 
for  fome  time,  promifing  that  he  mould  marry  the 
queen  dowager  •,  and,  in  cafe  of  the  infant  Mary's 
death,  fucceed  to  the  crown  in  preference  to  Ar~ 
ran,  whole  father's   marriage   was  liable  to  fome 
objections.     Allured  by  this  bait,   the  earl  of  Len- 
nox  returned  to  Scotland,  and  levied  a  body  of 
men,  in  order  to  refcue  the  young  queen  from  the 
hands  of  the  regent,  who  propofed  an  accommoda- 
tion, which  was  accordingly  effected.     The  earl  of 
Arran,  tired  of  oppofing  the  queen  dowager  and  car- 
dinal, refolved  to  unite  himfelf  with  them  for  the 
future ;  but  before  they   would  receive  him  into 
their  confidence,  he  was  obliged  to  abjure  the  doc- 
trines of  the  reformation,   which  he  had  hitherto 
profeffed.    When  they  gained  this  important  point, 
they  had  no  further  occafion  for  Lennox,  whom 
the  queen  dowager  amufed  with  hopes  of  the  mar- 
riage, while  fhe,  by  letters,  intreated  the  king  of 
France  to  recal  him  to  that  kingdom,    as  a  perfon 
whole  prefence  obstructed  the  French  intereft  in 
Scotland.     Before  thefe  letters  arrived  in  France, 
however,  the  French  king  had  remitted  a  confide- 
rable  fum  to  Lennox,    in  order  to  be  distributed 
among  his  friends  in  Scotland ;  for  this  was  the  me- 
thod  by  which  he  and  Henry  fupported  factions  in 
that  country.     Lennox,  perceiving  that  the  queen 

G  3  had 


a.c.  1543.  hac[  n0  intention  to  fulfil  her  promife,  divided  pare 
of  the  money  among  his  own  friends  -,  and  the  car- 
dinal, who  expected  to  have  received  the  largeft 
portion,  was  fo  exafperated  at  his  difappointment, 
that  he  inftigated  >  the  regent  to  raife  a  body  of 
forces,  and  furprife  Glafgow,  to  which  Lennox 
had  retired  with  his  acquifition.  This  nobleman 
fufpecting  their  drift,  levied  ten  thoufand  men  for 
his  own  defence,  and  fortified  Glafgow  and  Dun- 
barton,  while  the  regent  proceeded  very  flowly  in 
his  endeavours  to  afTemble  an  army.  At  length  a 
peace  was  concluded  between  the  two  parties,  and 
the  chiefs  were  externally  reconciled  at  Edinburgh, 
from  whence  they  repaired  together  to  Stirling  •,  but 
Lennox  receiving  intimation  of  a  confpiracy  againft 
him,  quitted  the  court  abruptly,  and  retired  to  his 
fortrefs  of  Dunbarton,  where  he  firft  learned  the 
ill  offices  the  queen  dowager  had  done  him  with 
the  king  of  France. 

piichasan,  While  Scotland  was  agitated  with  thefe  commo- 
tions, the  parliament  of  England  meeting  in  Janu- 
ary, granted  a  fubfidy  to  the  king,  to  reimburfe 
him  for  the  expence  of  the  Scottifh  war,  as  well  as  his 
other  occafions.  Then  they  enacted  a  ftatute,  per- 
mitting the  nobility,  gentry,  and  merchants  to 
have  Englifh  Bibles  in  their  houfes,  together  with 
certain  other  religious  books  mentioned  in  the  ad, 
for  the  inftruction  of  their  families.  This  law, 
which  was  granted  to  the  follicitations  of  Cranmer, 
contained  a  claufe  that  mitigated  the  penalties  of 
thofe  who  mould  be  accufed  of  herefy ;  but  the  par- 
liament left  it  in  the  king's  power  to  annul  or 

Herbert  change  this  act  as  he  mould  think  proper.  Imme- 
diately after  the  fefiion  broke  up,  Henry  conclud- 
ed a  league  with  the  emperor,  which,  though  con- 
trary to  the  interefts  of  England,  gratified  his  fpleen 
againft  Francis,  whom  he  now  perfectly  hated  for 
{lis  lelfifh  difpofuion,  as  well  as  for  fome  farcaftic 



HENRY      VIII.  g7 

raillery  which  he  had  thrown  out  againft  Henry's  AC»54r 
perfon  and  marriages.     Charles  defired  nothing  fo  Henry  con* 
paflionately  as  an  alliance  with  England,  which  he  k^ueVith 
concluded  would  counterballance  the   enmity  of  the  emperor. 
France,  and  the  oppofition  of  the  German  protef- 
tants.    He  had,  by  this  time,  forgot  the  difgrace 
of  his  aunt  Catherine,  or  at  leaft,   the  fuggeflions 
of  his  intereft  and  ambition  ftifled  thofe  of  his  re- 
fentment.     Bonner  bifhop  of  London  was  fent  to 
Spain  to  manage  the  negotiation,   in  which  one 
considerable  obflacle  occurred.     The  emperor  in- 
filled upon  Henry's  acknowledging  his  daughter 
Mary  as  his  legitimate  offspring  •,  and  the  king  of 
England  obflinately  refufed  to  give  him  that  fatis- 
faction.     Yet  he  promifed  to  give  her  a  rank  in 
the  fucceffion,  according  to  the  power  vefted  in 
him  by  parliament ;  and,  at  laft,  Charles  was  con- 
tented with  this  verbal  promife.    The  treaty,  which 
was  concluded  at  London,  contained  in  fubftance, 
That  the  emperor  and  the  king  of  England  fhould 
fend  ambafTadors,  to  tell  the  king  of  France,  that 
as  the  Turks  had  invaded  Chriftendom  at  his  folli- 
citation,  theyexpedted  he  would  bieak  off  all  com- 
munication with  thofe  Infidels,  and  repair  the  da- 
mage they  had  done  in  Europe :    That   he  mould 
defift  from  all   hoftilities  againft  the  emperor,   re- 
ftore  the  places  he  had  taken  v/idi  the  aififlance  of 
the  Mufiulmen,  and  pay  the  debts  he  owed  to  the 
king  of  England.     The  contracting  parties  more- 
over agreed,  That  neither  peace  nor  truce  mould 
be  made  with  France,  but  on  condition  that  the 
French   king  fhould  difcharge  his   obligations  to 
Henry  ;  and,  as  a  fecurity  for  the  future  payment 
of  the  penfion,  put  into  his  hands  the  counties  of 
Ponthieu,  Bologne,  Montreuil,  Ardres,   and  Te- 
rounne  i  and  reftore  the  dutchy  of  Burgundy  to  the 
emperor :    That  fhould  Francis  refuie  to  comply  Aa*  Pub' 
with  thefe  conditions,  the  two  monarchs  would  ue- 

G  4  claret 


a  c.  i543.  c|are,  anc}  profecute  the  war  againft  him,  until  Hen- 
ry mould  be  in  pofleflion  of  the  crown  of  France, 
and  Charles  mafter  of  Abbeville,  Bray,  Corbiel, 
Peronne,  Hamme,  St.  Quintin,  and  Burgundy  -9 
finally  they  agreed,  That  each  mould  attack  France 
with  five  and  twenty  thoufand  men,  five  thoufand 
Herbert.      0f  which  mould  be  cavalry. 

Henry  ef-         In  the  month  of  July,  Henry  once  more  chang- 
poufesCa-    ed  his  condition,  by  marrying  a  fixth  wife,  in  the 
Parr.16       perfon  of  Catherine  Parr,  the  late  lord  Latimer's 
widow,  a  woman  of  difcretion,  already  patted  the 
meridian  of  life,  who  managed  his  temper  with 
prudence  and  fuccefs.     She  favoured  the  reforma- 
tion in  her  heart :  but,  fhe  knew  how  dangerous  it 
was  to  contradict  the  king  in  religious  matters  ;  and 
therefore  fhe  would  not  venture  to  interpofe  in  be- 
half of  three  proteiiants  that  were  burned  at  Wind- 
for,  immediately  afier  her  marriage,  at  the  follici- 
£X*?  tation  of  Gardiner  bifhop  of  Winchefter.    That  pre- 
iWHon  of  late,  and  the  other  enemies  of  the  reformation,  not 
corner.     contented  with  the  deftruclion  of  thofe,  and  other 
fuch  innocent  enthufiafts,  eagerly  afpired  at  the  ruin 
of  Cranmer,  whom  they  conlidered  as  head  and  pro- 
tector of  all  thofe  innovators  in  religion  ;  and  on  the 
fuppofition,  that  the  king  would  bear  no  contradic- 
tion in  articles  of  faith,  they  ventured  to  infinuate  to 
his  majefty,  that  herefy  would  never  be  weeded  out 
of  the  land,  while  its  protector  was  fuffered  to  flou- 
rim.    Henry  at  firfl  made  no  anfwer  to  thefe  insinu- 
ations, becaufe  he  guelTed  their  aim,  and  fuppofed 
his   filence  would  difcourage  them  from  renewing 
their   attempts ;    but  Gardiner,  and  the  duke  of 
Norfolk,  with  other  partifans  of  popery,   repeated 
the  fame  ftrain  fo  often,  that  his   curiofity  was  in- 
terefled.     He  feemed  to  liften  with  pleafure  to  their 
remonftrances,  and  even  received  fome  articles  of 
accufation    againft  Cranmer,  fubferibed   with  the 
names  of  his  accufers  $  for,  the  duke  and  the  bifhop 


HENRY       VIII.  S9 

being  unwilling  to  appear  as  parties  in  the  affair,  A- c- 1543* 
had  prevailed  upon  the  canons  of  Canterbury,  and 
fome  juftices  of  the  peace  in  Kent,  to  prefer  thofe 
articles  againft  the  archbiihop.     Henry  thus  infor- 
med, took  an  opportunity,  while  he  diverted  him- 
felf  on  the  river  Thames,   to  flop  at  Lambeth,      ' 
where  Cranmer  refided ;   and  that  prelate  coming 
down  to  receive  his  majefty,  was  ordered  to  come 
into  the  barge,  where  the  king  converfed  with  him  in 
private.  He  exprefTed  his  uneafinefs  at  the  growth  of 
herefy,  which  he  faid  he  was  refolved  to  extirpate, 
by  punifhing  its  fautors  and  protectors  with  the  ut- 
moft  rigour  of  the  law.     Cranmer  applauded  his 
refolution;  but  intreated  him,  in  the  name  of  God, 
to  examine  well  what  was  branded  with  the  name 
of  herefy,  left,  in  punifhing  fuppofed  heretics,   he 
mould  wreak  his  vengeance  on  the  faithful  (ervants 
of  the  Almighty  :  then  the  king  told  him,  that  he 
was  fuppofed  to  be  the  chief  protector  of  the  here- 
tics, and  put  into  his  hand  the  articles  of  accufa- 
tion ;  which   the  archbifhop  having  perufed   with 
great  compofure,  fell  upon  his  knees,   and  defir- 
ed  he  might  be  brought  to  trial.     He  frankly  own- 
ed, that  with  refpect  to  the  law  of  the  fix  articles, 
which  he  had  fo  flrenuouQy  oppofed,  his  fentiments 
ftill  remained  unaltered,  though  he  had  never  fpoke, 
nor  acted  againft  it  in  any  fhape,  fince  it  acquired 
the  force  of  a  law.    When  the  king  afked  if  he  was 
really  married,  he  anfwered  in  the  affirmative;  but 
declared,  that  as  foon  as  the  law  of  the  fix  articles 
had  pafTed  through  both  houfes,  he  fent  his  wife  to 
Germany.     Henry  was  fo  ftrucfk  with  the- candour 
and  integrity  of  this  truly  primitive  bifhop,  that 
he  allured  him  of  his  protection,  made  him  ac- 
quainted with  the  fcheme  that  was  formed  for  his 
deflruction  •,  difclofcd  to  him  the  names  of  his  ac- 
cufers ;  and  commanded  him  to  profecute  them  for 
defamation,  Cranmer  begged  to  be  excufed  j  but  the 



A.  C.  1543 





king  infilled  upon  his  proceeding,  and  defired  him 
to  nominate  the  judges.    The  archbifhop,  however, 
proceeded  fo  coldly  in  this  profecution,  that  Henry 
feeing  it  was  againft  his  inclination,  allowed  him 
to  drop  it,  though  he  could  not  help  admiring  his 
generoficy.     Such  was  the  fimplicity  of  Cranmer's 
heart,  that  he  could  not  diftinguifh  his  own  ene- 
mies •,  and  fuch  his  benevolence,  that  he  could  not 
with-hold  his  afliftance  from  thofe  whom  he  knew 
to  be  his  enemies.     One  day,  he  went  to  court  to 
follicit  in  favour  of  a  perfon  who  had  craved  his  in- 
tereft.     Henry  asked  him,   if  he  thought  that  per- 
fon was  his  friend,  and  he  replying  in  the  affirma- 
tive, "  No  (faid  the  king)  he  is  your  inveterate  foe, 
and  I .  order  you  to  call  him  knave  when  next 
you  fee  him."     Cranmer  begged  he  might  be 
excufed  from  ufing  fuch  exprefllons  as  did  not  be* 
come  the  mouth  of  a  bifhop.     Henry  faid  he  would 
be  obeyed  \  but  Cranmer  found  means  to  avoid  the 
meeting  •,  and  the  king  continued  to  admire  and 
love  him  for  his  chriftian  meeknefs  and  integrity. 
On  the  twenty-third  day  of  December,  lord  Parr, 
qoeea'sk'm-  the  queen's  brother,  was  created  earl  of  Effex-,  and 
her  uncle  was  honoured  with  the  title  of  baron  Parr, 
and  the  office  of  queen's  chamberlain.     The  war 
ftill  continued  between  the  emperor  and  the  king  of 
France.     In  the  beginning  of  the  campaign  Fran- 
cis obtained  fome  advantages  in  Flanders,  which  he 
loft  ag;ain  when  Charles  arrived  in  the  Low  Coun- 
tries  with  an  army  of  Spaniards.     BarbarofTa,   the 
Turkifh  admiral,  having  joined  the  count  d'Eng- 
hien  at  Marfeilles  with  one  hundred  and  ten  gallies, 
the  united  fleets,ileered  towards  Nice,  which  they  at- 
tacked, and  reduced  the  town  ;   but,  the  cafble  was 
defended   fo  vigoroufly,  that  they  were  obliged  to 
aba  ado  n  the  enterprize,  and  BarbarofTa  returned  in 
the  fpring  to  Turkey. 

of  the 

Prop-eft  of 
the  war  be- 
i  .     -n  the 
emperor  and 




HENRY      VIII.  9I 

All  the  afliftance  Charles  received  from  the  king  A-G-  *543» 
of  England  during  this  campaign,  was  a  body  of 
fix  thoufand  troops  fent  over  under  Sir  John  Wal- 
lop, who  joined  the  emperor's  army  in  the  Low 
Countries ;  but  the  two  allies  formed  the  project  of 
entering  France  by  Picardy  and  Champagne  in  the 
enfuing  fummer.  Mean  while,  that  nothing  might  A#  C' t544# 
interrupt  the  good  underftanding  re-eftablifhed  be- 
tween them,  Henry  refolved  to  keep  his  v/ord  with  The  fuccef- 
regard  to  the  princefs  Mary  ;  and  the  parliament  {j0"* "}.ed 
being  afTembled  in  January,  pafTed  an  act,  regulat-  parliament. 
ing  the  different  degrees  of  thofe  who,  after  the 
king's  death,  might  pretend  to  the  fucceffion. 
Prince  Edward  and  his  pofterity  held  the  firft  rank 
in  this  act  of  fettlement :  the  next  place  was  occu- 
pied by  the  male  irTue  which  the  king  might  have 
either  by  the  reigning  queen,  or  any  future  lawful 
wife ;  the  third  rank  was  allotted  to  the  princefs 
Mary  and  her  hTue  :  and  the  fourth  to  Elizabeth 
and  her  children  :  but,  to  convince  thefe  princefles, 
that  they  owed  this  diftinction  intirely  to  their  fa- 
trier's  favour,  this  act  fubjecled  them  to  any  condi- 
tions he  mould  pleafe  to  impofe,  which  mould  they 
reject,  they  were  deprived  of  all  right  of  fucceffion  : 
befides,  in  cafe  of  difobeying  their  father,  or  dying 
without  iffue,  the  king  was  impowered  to  regulate 
the  order  of  fucceMirtn  according  to  his  own  plea- 
fure,  either  by  will  or  letters  patent.  By  a  claufe 
of  this  ftatute,  all  the  fubjects  were  obliged  to  take 
£  new  oath,  renouncing  the  authority  of  the  bimop 
of  Rome,  on  pain  of  incurring  heavy  penalties, 
which  were  likewife  decreed  againft  thofe  who 
mould  violate  any  articles  contained  in  this  act  of 
parliament.  In  this  feffion,  the  title  of  King  of 
England,  France,  and  Ireland,  Defender  of  the 
Faith,  and  Supreme  head  of  the  Anglicane  and 
Irifh  churches,  were  infeparably  annexed  to  the 
crown  of  England,    Another  act  deprived  the  eccle- 


92  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

A.e.  1544-fiaftical  courts  of  the  power  to  opprefs  the  fubje&s 
on  pretence  of  herefy,  by  decreeing,  That  no  per- 
fon  could  be  judged  on  the  ftatute  of  the  fix  articles, 
before  the  accufation  fhould  be  approved  by  a  jury 
of  twelve  men,  fworn  before  the  king's  commiffio- 
Heibert.      ners,  to  be  appointed  for  that  purpofe.     Then  the 
parliament  pafed  a  ftrange  bill,  by  which  the  king 
was  releafed  from  all  the  debts  he  owed  to  indi- 
viduals •,  and  laftly,    they  granted  him  a  pov/er  to 
appoint  commiffioners  for  examining  and  altering 
the  ecclefiaftical  conftitutions.     About  this  period, 
the  lord  Audley  dying,  was  fucceeded  in  the  office 
of  chancellor   by  Thomas  Wriothefley,    a   great 
1    ftickler  for  the  old  religion. 

The  king  of  France,  underftanding  that  the  em- 
peror and  king  of  England  intended  to  attack  him 
i'n  the  center  of  his  dominions  with  an  army  of  one 
hundred  thoufand  men,  recalled  twelve  thoufand 
men  from  Italy,  where  they  had  ferved  under  the 
young  count  D'Enghien,  who  had  obtained  a  fig- 
nal  victory  over  the  marquis  de  Guaft  at  Cerifoles, 
and  would  in  all  probability  have  fubdued  the  Mi- 
laneze,  had  not  he  been  thus  difabled  from  pur- 
fuing  his  good  fortune.  Henry,  mean  while,  con- 
tinued to  make  preparations  for  this  mighty  inva- 
iion  ;  and  refolved  to  render  them  fubfervient  to 
two  purpofes.  His  defign  was  to  humble  Scotland 
before  he  fhould  embark  for  the  continent.  He 
had  no  intention  to  make  conquefts,  but  only  to 
compel  the  Scots,  by  the  terror  of  his  arms,  to  con- 
fent  to  the  marriage  which  he  had  already  pro- 
pofed.  That  people  was  in  no  condition  to  main- 
tain a  war  •,  but  cardinal  Beaton,  who  now  govern- 
ed them  under  the  name  of  the  regent,  was  a  pre- 
late of  fuch  violence  and  obftinacy,  that  he  chofe 
rather  to  expofe  his  country  to  deftru&ion,  than 
confent  to  a  match  that  would  ruin  his  own  for - 
Expedition  tune.  Henry  therefore  refolved  to  fend  into  Scot- 
intoscot-  land  pa.rt  of  the  forces  intended  for  France;  and 
Iand*  the 

HENRY      VIII.  93 

the  care  of  the  expedition  was  intrufted  to  the  earl  A« c-  w* 
of  Hertford,  and  John  Dudley  baron  of  Lille,  the 
admiral  of  England.  The  army  embarked  at  New- 
caftle,  and  landing  at  Leith,  marched  directly  to 
Edinburgh,  which  they  pillaged  and  burned,  with- 
out meeting  the  lead  oppofition.  They  did  not 
attack  the  caftle,  but  returning  to  Leith,  reduced 
that  town  to  afhes ;  and  reimbarking,  returned  to 
Berwick.  Henry  had  occafion  for  his  troops  in  the 
execution  of  his  great  project  againlt  France  •,  and 
he  thought  he  had  done  enough  to  intimidate  the 
Scots  into  his  meafures.  But,  on  this  occafion  he 
deviated  from  the  dictates  of  found  policy.  Inftead 
of  intimidating  the  Scots  into  compliance,  he  ren^ 
dered  himfelf  cdious  to  the  whole  nation  by  this 
cruel  defcent.  He  ought  either  to  have  conquered 
the  whole  kingdom,  while  it  was  in  his  power,  or 
to  have  conciliated  the  affection  of  the  natives  by 
the  lenity  and  generofity  o£  his  conduct,  while  they 
were  at  his  mercy.  He  might  have  made  his  own 
terms  when  his  troops  were  in  pofTeffion  of  Edin- 
burgh, before  he  had  driven  the  Scots  to  delpair, 
by  reducing  their  capital  to  afhes. 

Mean  while,  the  earl  of  Lennox  finding  himfelf 
abandoned  by  the  French  king,  whom  the  queen 
dowager  and  her  relations  of  the  houfe  of  Guife  had 
prepofterTed  againft  him,  began  to  found  the  difpo- 
fition  of  Henry  towards  himfelf  and  his   intimate 
friend  the  earl  of  Glencairn.     The  king  of  Eng- 
land lending  a  willing  ear  to  his  propofals,  Glen- 
cairn, and  the  btfhop  of  Caithnefs,  brother  to  Len- 
nox, with  two  other  perfons,   repaired  to  Carlifie, 
where  they  treated  with  Henry's  commifiioners  ;  Henry's 
and  engaged  in  the  following  conventions :  That  the  wrTof 
they  would  caufe  the  true  word  of  God  to  be  preach-  Lennox, 
ed  in  their  territories  :   That  to  the   bed   of  their 
power  they  would  hinder  their  young  queen  from 
being  removed  out  of  Scotland,  uniefs  (he  could  be 

2  put 

94  HISTORY    o»    ENGLAND. 

a.c.  1544.  p^  into  the  hands  of  the  king  of  England  :  That 
they  would  employ  all  their  interefl  in  obtaining 
for  Henry  the  adminiftration  and  protedtorihip  of 
Scotland  :  and,  That  the  bifhop  of  Caithnefs  and 
Hugh  Cunningham  mould  remain  as  hoftages  in 
England.  Henry  promifed,  on  his  part,  that  his 
army  mould  not  fpoil  their  lands :  That  the  re- 
gency of  the  kingdom  mould  be  beftowed  upon 
Lennox,  on  condition,  that  he  mould  do  nothing 
without  Henry's  advice  :  That  this  nobleman 
mould  receive  out  of  the  crown -revenues  a  reafon- 
able  proportion  for  the  maintenance  of  that  dignity ; 
That,  in  cafe  of  Mary's  death,  the  king  of  Eng^ 
land  mould  fupport  his  pretentions  to  the  crown 
againft  thofe  of  the  earl  of  Arran  :  That  Glencairn 
fhould  have  a  penfion  of  one  thoufand  crowns : 
and,  That  Henry's  niece  the  lady  Margaret  Dou- 
glas mould  be  married  to  the  earl  of  Lennox. 
This  treaty  being  figned  at  Carlifle,  the  earl  repair- 
ed to  London,  where  he  confirmed  the  agreement, 
and  promifed  to  deliver  the  caftle  of  Dunbarton, 
and  the  ifle  of  Bute,  into  the  hands  of  the  Englifli  -, 
Henry  engaging  to  furnifri  him  with  five  hundred 
men,  and  a  penfion  for  himfelf  and  Striveling  go- 
vernor of  Dunbarton  caftle.  Thefe  conventions 
being  ratified,  Lennox  failed  thither  with  Cix  hun- 
dred Englifli  foldiers  in  thirteen  veifels ;  but  Strive- 
ling preferring  his  duty  to  his  friend fhip  for  the 
earl,  refufed  to  admit  them  into  the  fortrefs.  Thus 
difappointed,  they  ravaged  the  ifles  of  Arran  and 
Bute,  plundered  Kintyre  and  fome  other  villages ; 
and  failed  back  to  Briftol,  while  Henry  was  abroad 
on  his  expedition.  While  Lennox  was  employed  in 
this  fruitleis  attempt,  a  body  of  Englifli  made  them- 
felves  mailers  of  Jedburgh,  Kelfo,  and  Coldingham, 
which  laft  place  they  garrifoned  before  they  retired 
to  their  own  country.  The  cardinal  and  regent 
raifed  about    eight   thoufand  men  to  retake  this 


HENRY      VIII.  q5 

town*,    but,  the  former  hearing,  that  a  detachment  A* C-J5H. 
was  on   its  march  from  Berwick  to  the   relief  of 
the  place,  was  feized  with  fuch  confirmation,  that 
he    betook    himfelf    immediately    to   flight  ;    the 
greateft  part  of  the  army  inftantly  difbanded,  and 
the  artillery  would  have  been  abandoned  to  thefirft 
comer,  had  not  the  earl  of  Angus  carried  it  off  by 
means  of  his  own  vallate.     After  this  difperGon  of 
the  Scottifh  forces,  parties  of  the  Engliih  ravaged 
the  Merfe,  Teviotdale,  and  Lothian,  and  even  com-  HerheJt. 
pelled  the  inhabitants  to  take  the  oath  of  allegiance  Buchanan, 
to  the  king  of  England. 

By  this  time,  the  emperor  having  granted  a  tole- 
ration to  the  proteftants,  who  purchafed  this  in- 
dulgence with  a  good  fubfidy,  he  fettled  a  new  re- 
gulation touching  the  enfuing  campaign,  with  his 
ally  the  king  of  England  ;  and  thefe  two  powers 
agreed  to  bring  above  an  hundred  thoufand  men 
into  the  field,  fo  as  to  join  in  the  neighbourhood  of 
Paris.  Charles  reduced  Luxemburg,  fell  into  the 
Barrois,  where  he  took  Commercy  and  Ligny  •,  then 
he  entered  Champagne,  and  invefted  St.  Didier 
about  the  beginning  of  July.  Henry  underltand-  Coaiato 
ing,  that  the  imperial  army  was  in  motion,  ap-  Fka*dy. 
pointed  his  queen  regent  of  the  realm  in  his  ab- 
sence, with  a  proper  council,  embarked  his  forces, 
amounting  to  thirty  thoufand  ;  which  landing  at 
Calais  about  Midfummer,  the  duke  of  Norfolk 
with  a  detachment  joined  the  count  de  Bure,  who 
commanded  about  twelve  thoufand  Imperialifis ; 
and  thefe  together  undertook  the  fiege  of  Mon- 
treuil.  If  Charles  and  Henry  had  not  amufed 
themfelves  in  befieging  towns,  but  marched  di- 
rectly to  Paris,  according  to  the  plan  of  opera- 
tions, Francis  would  have  been  reduced  to  extre- 
mity ;  for,  his  who'e  army  did  not  exceed  forty 
thoufand  men.  Henry  arriving  at  Calais,  and  un-  ^  B4lay, 
dcrftanding  that  the  emperor  was  employed  in  the 



a.  c- '544- fiege  of  St.  Didier,  inftead  of  advancing  towards 
the  heart  of  France,  fat  down  before  Boulogne, 
which  furrendered  on  the  twenty- fixth  day  of  July. 
From  that  period  the  two  allies  began  to  diftruftone 
another.  They  were  both  guilty  of  having  in- 
fringed the  treaty.  The  emperor,  by  indirect  me- 
thods, propofed  terms  of  peace  to  Francis,  and  Hen- 
ry openly  granted  fafe-conduct  to  the  French  ambaf- 
fedors,  who  came  to  treat  with  him  on  the  fame 
fubject.  Mean  while,  Charles  having  at  laft  made 
himfelf  mafter  of  St.  Didier,  fummoned  Henry  to 
march  towards  Paris,  according  to  their  conven- 
tion •,  and  the  king  of  England  excufed  himfelf  un- 
til hefhould  have  reduced  Boulogne.  The  emperor 
had  already  advanced  as  far  as  Chateau- Thierry, 
and  filled  all  Paris  with  confternation ;  but,  con- 
cluding, from  Henry's  anfwer,  that  the  projected 
operations  of  the  campaign  would  not  be  put  in 
execution,  he  renewed  his  fecret  negotiation  with 
Francis,  which  had  been  fufpended  ;  and  conclud- 
ed a  feparate  peace,  which  was  figned  at  Crepy  on 
the  nineteenth  day  of  September,  without  Henry's 

Herbert,      being  either  included  in   the  treaty,  or  made  ac- 

Mezerai,      quainted  with  the  tranfaction. 

Having  thus  delivered  himfelf  from  the  burden  of  * 
the  war,  he  recalled  his  troops  under  the  command 
of  the  count  de  Bure  -,  fo  that  Henry  was  obliged 
to  abandon  the  fiege  of  Montreuil,  and  retire  to 
Calais  with  all  expedition,  as  the  army  was  greatly 
diminifhed  by  ficknefs,  and  a  draught  made  for  the 
garrifon  of  Boulogne  ;  and  the  dauphin  advanced 
againfl  him  at  the  head  of  a  numerous  army.  That 
prince,  who  did  not  reach  the  Boullonois  till  after 
the  retreat  of  the  Englifh,  attempted  to  furprife  the 
city  by  the  breaches  which  were  not  yet  repaired,  and 
his  troops  had  actually  penetrated  into  the  lower 
town  •,  but,  thofe  in  the  upper  p3rt  making  a  vigo- 
rous, fally,  obliged  the^m  to  retire  in  diforder.     A 


HENRY      VIII.  '97 

conference  was   afterwards  opened  at  Calais  by  the  A.  0,1544. 
commiflioners  of  both  nations,  to  treat  of  a  pacifi- 
cation *,    but   the  French  infilling   upon   Henry's 
abandoning  Boulogne  as  a  preliminary  article,  the 
negotiation    produced    no   erTeft.     The  king,    at 
his  return   to  England,  ordered  fortifications  to  be 
raifed  at  Gravefend  and  Tilbury,  for  the  defence 
of  the  river  Thames,  and  took  all  the  neceffary  pre- 
cautions to  repei   an  invafion,  which  he  imagined 
Francis  would  attempt  in   his  turn.     The  earl  of  Hoftiiitieg 
Lennox,  the  lord  Dacres,  and  Sir  Thomas  Whar-  ^aiaft  the 
ton  were  fent  with  a  body  of  forces  into  Scotland, 
where  they  tock    Dumfries,    and    plundered   the 
country,  from  whence  they  carried  off  a  very  con- 
fiderable  bootv.     The  fuccefs  of  this  incurfion  en- 
couraged  Sir  Ralph  Evers,  now  created   a  baron,    • 
and  Sir  Bryan  Layton,  to  make  another  inroad  in 
the  winter,   when  they  laid  wade   all   Teviotdale, 
with  the  fpoils  of  which  they  returned  in  triumph. 
In  order  to  animate  their  endeavours  in  the  profecti- 
tion  of  this  war,  they  were  indulged  with  a  grant  of 
ali  the  lauds  they  mould  conquer  •,  and  thus  encou- 
raged, they  renewed  their  incurfions  in  the  fpring. 
By  this  time,    the  earl  of   Angus  had  raifed  fome 
*  ^forces  for  the  defence  of  his  country  ;  and  drawing  a.c,  1545; 
the  Englifh    invaders   into  an  ambufcade  at   An- 
cram,    fell  upon  them  with  fuch  fury,  that  all  the 
leaders  were  (lain  or  taken  prifoners,  and  the  whole 
body  entirely    defeated.       Among     the    prifoners 
was  one  Read,  an  alderman  of  London,  who  had 
refufed  to  contribute  to  a  benevolence  exacted  by 
the  king,  and  for  that  reafon  was  imprelfed  as  a  Godwin; 
foldier."  Habere, 

In  the  beginning  of  the  year  the  marechal  de 
Biez  encamoed  with  fourteen  thoufand  men  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  Boulogne,  in  order  to  build  a 
fort  that  fhould  command  the  harbour  •,  but,  the 
earl  of  Hertford,  who  commanded  in  the  town? 
Numb.  LIII.  H  making 


a.c.  1544.  making  a  fally  with  part  of  the  garrifon,  compelled 
him  to  retire  with  precipitation,  leaving  behind  fome 
artillery,    and  great  part  of  his  baggage.     Francis 
now  determined  to  make  one  great  effort  againft 
England.     He  equipped  a  vaft  fleet,  and  raifed  a 
very  numerous   army,    defigning  to  attack  Bou- 
logne both  by  fea  and  land.     He  fent  a  reinforce- 
ment to  the  marechal  de  Biez,  with  order  to  build 
that   fort  which   he    had    been  obliged   to    leave 
undone.       Mean  while,    he    himfelf  repairing  to 
Havre  de  Grace,  which  was  the  rendezvous  of  his 
Shipping,  commanded  his  admiral  Annebaut  to  fet 
fail  for  the  coaft  of  England.    The  French  fleet  ar- 
rived on  the  eighteenth  day  of  July  at  Spithead, 
in  fight  of  Portfmouth,  where  they  were  encoun- 
tered by  the  Enghfh  navy,  which  being  greatly  in- 
ferior to  them  in   number,  after  a  flight  fkirmifh 
retired  into  the  harbour.     Then  the  French  made 
The  French  a  defcent  upon  the  ifle  of  Wight,  where  they  burn- 
fc'nTuot   ed  a  few  farms  and  villages  j  and  afterwards  they 
the  iiicof     landed  on  the  coaft  of  SufTex,  in  hope  that  Henry, 
Wlght*       who  had   come   to  Portfmouth,  would  order  his 
fleet  to  quit  the   harbour,  and  fail  to  the  afiiftance 
of  the  country.  But,  Annebaut  being  difappointed 
in   his  expectation,  and  rinding  that  excellent  pre- 
cautions had  been  taken  for  the  fecurity  of  the  coaft, 
he  watered  on  the  ifle  of  Wight,   and  retired  to- 
wards Boulogne,   where  he  fet  on  more  four  thou- 
fand  foldiers  with  all  the  pioneers    which  had  been 
embarked  for  the  expedition.      Then   he  fet  fail 
again  for  the  Englilh  coaft  5  and  Henry's  fleet  be- 
ing by  this  time  augmented,  put  to  fea  to  give  them 
battle  :   they  met  in  a  little  time,  and  engaged  each 
other  with  equal  fury  -,  but,    night  parting  them, 
after  they  had  fought  two  hours,   the  French  re- 
tired to  Havre  de  Grace,  and  the  Englifh  admiral 
fleering  towards  Normandy,  ravaged  the  coafts  of 
that  province. 


HENRY      VIII.  $h 

The  principal  aim  of  Francis  was  the  reduction  A-c-  '545» 
Of  Boulogne :  he  had  hired  ten  thoufand  Land- 
fquenets  for  that  fervice,   and  bellowed  the  com- 
mand  of  his  whole  army  upon  the  marechal  de 
Biez,  who  encamped  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the 
fort,  which  he  had  undertaken  to  build  at  Portet. 
This  work,   however,   advanced  very  flowiy,  thro*  and  a  fnfit- 
the  ignorance  of  the  marechal  and  his  engineer.   At  fefs  attempt- 
length  being  alarmed  with  a  report  that  Henry  had  j0gnc. 
likewife  engaged  a  ftrong  body  of  Landfquenets  iri 
his  fervice,  and  intended  to  fend  over  an  army  for 
the  relief  of  Boulogne,  he  left  the  fort  unfinifhedj 
and  took  poft  on  the  mountain  of  St.  Lambert,  that 
he  might  prevent  the  enemy  from  throwing  fuccours 
into  the  town.     No  enemy  appeared  ;  for  although' 
Henry  had   actually  enlifted    ten   thoufand    Land- 
fquenets, they  came  no  farther  than  Liege,  where 
finding  themfelves  difappointed  in  the  expectation 
of  their  levy- money,  they  returned  to  their  own 
country,  whither  alio  they  carried  theEnglifh  com- 
mifiioriers,  whom  they  purpofed  to  detain  until  they 
fhould  receive  proper  fatisf action.  While  the  French 
army  lay  encamped  at  St.  Lambert,  the  duke  of  Or- 
leans died  at  Chateau- Montier,  to  the  unfpeakable 
regret  of  his  father  Francis,  whofe  peace  with  the 
emperor,  in  a  great  meafure,  depended  upon  the  life 
of  that  young  prince.  Skirmifhes  were  daily  fought 
between  parties  of  the  Englifh  garrifon  of  Boulogne 
and    the  French  army,  in  one  of  which  the  duke 
d'Aumale,    afterwards  duke  of  Guife,    received  a 
furprifing  wound  from  a  lance,  which,  penetrating 
at  the  corner  of  his  eye,  advanced  half  a  foot  with- 
in his  fkull,  and,   the  lance  breaking,  the  head  of  it 
remained  in  that  pofition.     It  was  withdrawn  with  bu  Bills?, 
great  difficulty,  and  the  wound  cured  by  the  admir- 
able (kill  of  Ambrofe  Pare,  furgeon  to  the  king  of 
France ,  but  a  dreadful  fear  was  left  on  the  face  of 

H  2  thti 




a.  c.  1545,  the  duk^  wh0  thence  acquired  the  epithet  of  Balafre 
or  Slafhed  Face. 

The  feafon  being  now  pretty  far  advanced,  the 
marechal  de  Biez  was  ordered  to  ravage  the  terri- 
tory of  Oye,  belonging  to  the  Englifh,  in  which  he 
accordingly  reduced   a  flight  fortification;  but  he 
was  foon  obliged  to  quit  his  ground  on  account 
of  the  rains,  and  the  low  marfhy  fituation  of  the 
country.     Such  were  the  tranfadlions  of  a  cam- 
paign,  which  Francis   began  with  an  army  of  two 
hundred  thoufand  men,  railed  and  maintained  at  a 
prodigious  expence.     The  French  king  feeing  all 
his  meafures  had  mifcarried,  that  his  kingdom  was 
exhaufted,  and  himfelf  threatened  with  a  new  war 
by  the  emperor,  as  the  conditions  of  the  laft  treaty 
werediMolved  by  the  death  of  the  duke  of  Orleans, 
began  to  be  extremely  defirous  of  reconciling  him- 
felf with  England  :   but,  as  he  did  not  choofe  to  be 
a  fuitor  in  his  own  name  to  Henry,   he  took  fuch 
meafures,  that  the  princes  of  the  league  of  Smal- 
calde  offered  themfelves  as  mediators.     This  inter- 
pofition  appeared  the  more  natural,    as  they  were 
menaced  by  the  emperor,  who  had  entered  into  a  ne- 
gotiation with  the  Turks,  and  could  not  be  fuppofed 
to  find  a  better  expedient  for  their  own  fkfety  than 
that  of  compromifmg  the  difference  between  Francis 
and  Henry,  and  folliciting  the  protection  of  thefe  two 
princes.    They  accordingly  fent  envoys  into  France 
and  England,  with  propofals  of  mediation.     Thefe 
were  well  received  at  both  courts :   a  congrefs  was 
opened  between  Ardres  and  Guifnes;    but,  Francis 
demanding  that  Boulogne  fhould  be  reftored,  and 
the  Scots  comprehended   in  the  treaty,  Henry  re- 
fufed  to  comply  with  thefe  articles  ;  and  the  nego- 
tiation proved  ineffectual.     The  king  of  England, 
however,  in  hope  of  over-awing  Francis  into  more 
condefcenfion,  fent  the  biihops  of  Winchefter  and 
3  Weftminftejr 

congrefs  be 
tween  Ar- 
dres and 

HENRY       VIII.  ior 

Weftminfter  on  an  embafify  to  the  emperor,  as  if  he  A,c-  J545. 
had  been  inclined  to  a  reconciliation  with  Charles. 
On  the  other  hand  Francis  fent  a  body  of  five  thou  - 
fand  men  into  Scotland,  under  the  command  of  the 
count  de  Montgomeri,  that  a  powerful  diverfion 
might  be  made  upon  the  Englifh  frontiers.  The 
Scottifh  army  thus  reinforced  amounted  to  fifteen 
thoufand  men,  advanced  towards  the  Tweed  ;  and, 
fmall  parties  patting  the  river,  made  fhort  incurfions 
into  the  territories  of  England  :  but  the  French  ge- 
neral could  not  perfuade  his  allies  to  venture  them- 
felves  wholly  in  the  enemy's  country.  On  the  con- 
trary, hearing  the  earl  of  Hertford  was  on  his 
march  to  give  them  battle,  they  retired  with  great 
diligence,  and  in  a  few  days  difperfed.  The  pro- 
tectants of  Germany  began  to  be  very  roughly- 
handled  by  the  emperor,  who  told  them  in  the  diet 
at  Ratifbon,  that  they  had  no  favour  to  expect, 
unlefs  they,  would  fubmit  themfelves  entirely  to  the 
council  of  Trent,  which  the  pope  intended  to  open 
on  the  thirteenth  day  of  December,  on  the  fpecious 
pretences  of  extirpating  herefy,  reforming  church- 
difcipline,  and  eftablifhing  a  folid  peace  among  the  siwdao, 

c  fy\     •  /y         j  Burnet. 

princes  or  Chnltendom. 

The  parliament  of  England,  meeting  on  the  Herbert« 
twenty-third  day  of  November,  pafled  an  act,  fup- 
prefling  all  colleges  and  hofpitals,  and  appropriat- 
ing their  effects  to  the  king's  ufe,  on  pretence  that 
the  purpofes  of  their  foundations  had  been  hitherto 
perverted :  they  likewife  voted  a  confiderable  fum 
to  indemnify  his  majefty  for  the  expence  of  his 
wars  with  France  and  Scotland  -,  and  the  clergy 
granted  a  fubfidy  for  the  fame  purpofe.  The  war 
was  carried  on  even  in  the  winter  feafon  :  the  earl 
of  Surrey,  fon  to  the  duke  of  Norfolk,  who  com- 
manded at  Boulogne,  being  informed  of  a  convoy 
which  the  French  conducted  to  the  fort  of  Outreau, 
attacked  it  with  part  of  his  garrifon,  but  was  de- 

H  3  feated 


102  HISTORY   of    ENGLAND, 

a.  c.  154.6.  feated  and  obliged  to  retreat  in  great  con fufion  ;  and 
Henry  was  fo  mortified  at  this  check,  that  he  re- 
called the  earl,  and  lent  the  lord  Grey  to  com  mane) 
in  his  room.  At  the  fame  time  the  king,  hearing 
the  French  defigned  to  cut  off  the  communication 
between  Boulogne  and  Calais,  ordered  the  earl  of 
Hertford,  with  ten  thoufand  men,  to  go  and  take 
poll  at  Ambleville,  where  he  built  two  forts  to  fe- 
cure  the  communication.  Notwithstanding  thefe 
hoftilities  both  kings  pafifionately  defired  an  accom- 
Treaty  of  rnodation  :  Francis  perceived  that  the  reduction  of 
tleen '  Boulogne  was  a  much  more  difficult  tafk  than  he 
|ra"ce*nd  had  imagined  ;  and  he  faw  himfelf  upon  the  eve  of 
a  war  with  the  emperor,  in  which  cafe  he  mould  want 
the  affiftance  of  fuch  an  ally  as  the  king  of  England. 
Henry,  en  the  other  hand,  was  become  fo  corpulent 
that  he  could  not  afcend  the  fteps  of  the  (lair  that 
led  up  to  his  chamber,  without  the  utmoft  diffi- 
culty. This  unwieldinefs  rendered  him  indolent 
and  unfit  for  managing  the  adminifl  ration  ;  and  grew 
upon  him  fo  fail  that  he  believed  it  would  foon  put 
a  period  to  his  life  :  fo  that  he  was  unwilling  to 
leave  an  expenfive  war  upon  the  hands  of  his  infant 
fucceflbr.  Befides,  he  dreaded  the  power  and  am- 
bition of  the  emperor,  and  defigns  of  the  pope, 
againft  which  he  wifhed  to  raife  a  bulwark,  by  ma- 
king an  alliance  with  the  king  of  France  and  the 
proteftants  of  Germany.  Both  parties  being  thus 
favourably  difpofed,  the  plenipotentiaries  of  France 
and  England  opened  a  congrefs  at  Campes  between 
Guifnes  and  Ardres.  In  the  beginning  of  June, 
they  concluded  a  treaty,  importing,  That  Francis 
fhould  pay  to  Henry  at  a  certain  day  two  millions 
of  golden  crowns,  in  lieu  of  the  arrears  of  his  pen- 
fion,  and  the  money  expended  in  the  fiege  of  Bou- 
logne, which  town  Henry  fhould  keep  in  his  own 
hands,  until  he  fhould  receive  payment  of  all  that 
was  due  to  him  from  the  king  of  France  •,  but, 

7  *  thofe 

HENRY     VIII.  105 

thofe  debts  being  difcharged,  Boulogne,   with  its  Ai  c>  '546. 

territory,  fhould  be  reftored  to  its  former  owner. 

The  emperor  was  comprehended  in  this  treaty  as  Ry*»«-. 

well  as  the  Sects,  on  condition  that  they  mould 

give  no  new  caufe  of  provocation ;  and  both  mo- 

narchs  agreed,  that  certain  difputes  concerning  the 

legality  of  demands  on  either  fide,  fhould  be  dif- 

cuffed  and  determined  by  commiflloners  appointed 

for  that  purpofe.      At  the  publication  of  this  peace 

in  London  there  was  a  folemn  prccefTion,   in  which 

all  the  rich  ornaments,  plate,  and  jewels,  belonging 

to  the  churches,  were  exhibited  with  great  oftenta- 

tion :   but  this  was  the  laft  time  they  made  fuch  a 

public  appearance  •,  for,  foon  after,  the  king  feized 

the  whole  for  his  own  occafions,  by  virtue  of  his  fo- 

vereign  authority. 

The  war  had  proved  fo  expenfive,  that,  notwith- 
(landing  this  acceffion   to  the  fubfidies  granted  in 
parliament  and  convocation,  and  the  fpoils  of  cha- 
pels, colleges,  and  hofpitals,  he  was  obliged  to  inv 
pofe  a  new  tax  upon  his  fubjecls,  under  the  title  of 
Benevolence.   The  univerfities  of  Oxford  and  Cam- 
bridge,  alarmed   at  the  act  by  which  the  colleges 
were  granted  to  his   majefty,  prefented  petitions, 
imploring  his  favour  and  protection ;,  and,  altera 
long  deliberation,  he  confirmed  their  charters  and 
foundations,  to  which  he  added  Trinity  College  in 
Cambridge  at  his  own  expence.      Before  the  con- 
clufion   of  the  peace  the  proteftants  of  Germany 
lent  prince  Philip,    brother  of  the  elector  palatine, 
to   demand  fuccours  from  Henry  ;   and,  in  parti- 
cular, K>  follicit  a  fupply  of  one  hundred  thouland 
crowns  for  the  defence  of  the  league  :  but,  inftead 
of  money  he  fent   them  feven  prcpofitions,    con- 
taining the  terms  upon  which  he  was  willing  to  en- 
gage in  a  defenfive  league  with  the  proteftants.     In 
the  mean  time  the   emperor  and  pope  formed   an 
alliance  for  their  deitruction  :  his  holineis  iupplied 

H  4  him 

xo4  HISTORY  of  EN  G  LAND. 

a.  c.  :546.  fcm  w'tj1  mgney  and  a  n-rong  body  of  troops  under 
The  empe-  the  command  of  Octavian  Farnefe.     The  protef- 
aglin/the  tants  armed  in  their  own  defence,  under  the  elector 
proteftants    0f  Saxony  and  the  landgrave  of  Hede  ;   but  nei— 
owny!"       ther  fide  cared  to  hazard  an  engagement.  At  length, 
the  king  of  the  Romans,  falling  into  the  territories 
of  the  elector  of  Saxony,  that  prince  was  obliged  to 
go  to  the  relief  of  his  own  fubjects  y  and,  the  land- 
grave being  weakened  by  his  departure,  retired  into 
*  his  own  dominions  :   (o  that  the  emperor  being  left 
matter  of  the  field,   reduced  Frankfort,  Ulm,  and 
sicidan.       feveral  other  towns  of  the  league,  where  he  found 

money  for  the  maintenance  of  his  army. 
^Scotland  While  the  proteftants  in  Germany  took  arms  in 
defence  of  their  doctrine,  thofe  who  favoured  the 
reformation  in  Scotland  were  per  let  u  ted  by  cardinal 
Beaton,  under  the  regent's  authority.  Several  per- 
fons  were  condemned  to  the  flames  for  herefy;  and 
among  the  reft,  a  minifter  of  the  name  of  Wifhart, 
who  had  diflinguifhed  himfelf  by  his  piety  and 
learning,  and  was  univerfally  beloved  for  the  in- 
tegrity of  his  heart,  and  the  innocence  of  his  man- 
ners. He  was  burned  at  St.  Andrew's,  in  fight  of 
the  barbarous  primate,  who  had  rejected  the  inters- 
cetfion  of  the  regent  and  many  other  noblemen  •, 
and  now  feafted  his  eyes  with  the  execution  of  this 
unfortunate  man  from  a  window  of  his  own  palace. 
Wifliart  fufTered  with  admirable  conftancy  ;  but  the 
zealots  of  his  perfuafion,  not  contented  with  descri- 
bing him  as  a  primitive  martyr,  in  point  of  courage 
and  refignation,  endeavoured  to  raife  him  to  the 
dignity  of  a  prophet,  by  alledging  that  he  predicted 
the  fate  of  his  perfecuior,  who,  in  a  few.  days  after 
his  death,  was  aiTaffinated  hy  Norman  Lefley  and 
Buchanan,    his  aflbciaies. 

In  England  the  reformation  fcemed  neither  to 
advance  nor  gain  ground.  The  king  dictated  in 
all  matters  of  faith,  and  neither  party  dur|t  avow 



HENRY      VIII.  105 

the  leaft  deviation  from  his  opinions.     For  fome  A,c-  'S*6, 
time  he  had  been  incommoded  by  an   ulcer  in  his 
leg ;  the  pain  of  which,  added   to  his  corpulence 
and  other  infirmities,  rendered  him  fo  peevifh,   and 
increafed  his  natural  irafcibility  to  fuch  a  degree, 
that  fcarce  any  perfon  approached  him  without  fear 
and  trembling.     In  matters  of  religion  he  was  ever 
impatient  of  contradiction  -,  but,  by  this  time  his 
temper  was  fo  irritated,  that  thofe  who  prefumed  to 
differ  from  him  in  opinion  could  expect  no  mercy. 
Shaxton,  who  had  refigned  the  bifhopric  of  Salif- 
bury,  and  flill  remained  in  prifon  for  having  refufed 
to  conform  to  the  fix  articles,  being  now  accufed 
of  denying  the  real  prefence  in  the  facrament,  the 
king  ordered  that  he  mould  be  profecuted  with  the 
utmoft  rigour  of  the  law ;  and  he  was  condemned  to 
the  flake  :    but  he  faved  his  life  by  figning  his  re- 
cantation, and,  in  the  fequel,  became  a  cruel  perfe- 
cutor  of  the  proteftants.     Anne  Afkew,  a  woman  AnneA/kew 
of  good  birth  and  uncommon  talents,  who  was  well  smithfieid. 
known  to  many  perfons  at  court,   being  convicted 
of  the  fame  crime,  chofe  rather  to  fuffer  death  than 
purchafe  pardon  at  the  expence  of  fuch  abjuration. 
She  was  fuppofed  to  be  favoured  by  fome  ladies  of 
high  rank,  and  even  to  have  maintained  fome  fort 
of  religious  correfpondence  with  the  queen  ;  fo  that 
chancellor  Wriothefley,  hoping  fhe  might  difcover 
fomething  that  would  furnifh  matter  of  impeachment 
againfl  that  princefs,  the  earl  of  Hertford,  or  his 
countefs,    who   favoured    the  reformation,  caufed 
this  poor  woman  to  be  put  to  the  rack  •,  and  is 
even  faid  to  have  manually   affifted  in  augment- 
ing the  torture  which,   though  adminiflered  with 
unufual  violence,  (he  endured  with  the  mofl  amazing 
fortitude.     Her  bones   were  diflocated  in    fuch  a 
manner,    that  they  were   obliged  to  carry  her   in 
a  chair  to  the  flake,  where  fhe  fuffered  with  four 
men  condemned  on  the  fame  account ,   and  the 



a.  c.  1546.  apoftate  Shaxton  attended  them  to  the  place,  where 
he  preached  a  fermon,  reproaching  them  in  the 
harmed  terms  for  their  wilfuinefs  and  herefy. 
Another  at-  The  enemies  of  the  reformation  perceiving  the 
tempt  to  king  was  now  more  furioufly  than  ever  incenfed 
Oanmer.  againft  the  facramentanans,  made  another  effort  to 
deftroy  Cranmer.  They  renewed  their  complaints 
againft  the  archbifhop,  as  the  protector  of  that  per- 
nicious fe&  ;  and  told  Henry,  that  were  he  once 
committed  to  the  Tower,  fuch  proofs  would  appear 
againft  him  as  would  aftonifh  his  majefty.  The 
king  loved  Cranmer  with  an  affection  which  feem- 
ed  to  contradict  every  other  part  of  his  character ; 
and  he  now  refented  the  prefumption  of  thofe  who 
attempted  to  ruin  a  man,  in  whofe  favour  he  had 
fo  often  interpofed.  Neverthelefs,  he  diffembled 
his  fentiments,  received  the  articles  of  his  accufa- 
tion,  and  permitted  that  he  fhould  next  day  be 
examined  in  council.  In  the  night,  however,  he 
fent  privately  for  Cranmer,  told  him  what  had 
patted,  and  defired  to  know  in  what  manner  he  pro- 
pofed  to  defend  himfelf  The  archbifhop  thanked 
the  king  for  his  great  goodnefs  in  making  him  pre- 
vioufly  acquainted  with  the  defign  of  his  enemies, 
and  humbly  intreated  him  to  appoint  fuch  judges 
for  his  trial  as  mould  understand  the  fubject  on 
which  he  would  be  tried.  Henry,  fmilmg  at  his 
iimplicity,  told  him  he  v/as  a  fool  to  make  fo  light 
of  his  own  fafety  •,  that,  if  he  was  once  in  prifon, 
they  would  find  abundance  of  falfe  witneffes  to  ruin 
him  ;  and  that,  fince  he  could  not  take  care  of  him- 
felf, he  (the  king)  would  look  after  his  affairs.  He 
directed  him  to  appear  before  the  council  whm 
fummoned,  and  plead  his  privilege  as  privy  coun- 
fellor,  that  his  accufers  might  be  brought  before 
his  face  ;  that  in  cafe  they  mould  infift  upon  com- 
mitting him  to  the  Tower,  he  mould  appeal  per- 
fonaliy  to  the  king,  and  produce  his  majefty's  feal 


HENRY      VIII.  io> 

ring,  which  he  then  took  from  his  finger,  and  de-  A,c»  's*6* 
livered  to  Cranmer.  Next  morning,  being  fum- 
moned  to  appear  before  the  council,  and  going  to 
the  place  where  they  fat,  he  was  kept  waiting  in  a 
lobby  among  fervants,  to  the  aftonifhment  of  all 
the  fpectators,  until  doctor  Butts,  the  king's  phy- 
fician,  having  feen  him  by  accident,  communicated 
this  circumftance  to  Henry,  who  forthwith  fent  an 
order  that  he  mould  be  admitted.  When  he  ap- 
peared before  the  board,  they  gave  him  to  under- 
ftand  they  had  received  divers  informations,  affirm- 
ing that  all  the  herefies  in  England  fprang  from 
him  and  his  chaplains.  He,  in  his  anfwer,  con- 
formed to  the  king's  direction ;  and,  perceiving 
them  bent  upon  committing  him  to  the  Tower, 
told  them  he  was  forry  to  be  fo  ufed  by  thofe  with 
whom  he  had  fat  fo  long  at  the  fame  board.  So 
faying,  he  prefented  the  ring,  at  fight  of  which  they 
were  aftonifhed  and  confounded,  and  repaired  in  a 
body  to  the  king,  who  chid  them  feverely  for  hav- 
ing treated  the  primate  of  England  in  fuch  an  un- 
worthy manner.  He  faid,  he  though  the  had  a 
wifer  council  than  now  he  found  they  were.  He 
He  laid  his  hand  upon  his  breaft,  and  declared, 
by  the  faith  he  owed  to  God,  that  he  believed 
the  archbifhop  was  the  moft  faithful  of  all  his 
fubjecls.  The  duke  of  Norfolk  endeavoured  to 
excufe  their  conduct,  by  faying  that  all  they  intend- 
ed was  a  trial,  by  which  the  archbifnop's  innocence 
would  have  been  vindicated,  fo  as  to  free  him  from 
all  future  afperfions.  Henry  replied  with  a  frown, 
he  would  not  fuffer  perfons  who  were  fo  dear  to 
him  to  be  handled  in  that  fafhion  :  he  faid  he 
knew  their  factions  and  malice,  and  was  refolved 
to  extinguifh  the  one  and  punifh  the  other  without 
mercy.  In  the  mean  time  he  commanded  them 
to  be  reconciled  to  Cranmer,  and  the  ceremony  was 
performed  in  his  pre  fence. 



a.  c.  1546.  'phg  pop^  party  were  not  fo  difcouraged  by  this 
theriL?«"  mifcarriage,  but  that  they  attempted  another  ftroke 
ganger  of  be-  of  flill  greater  importance.  The  queen  was  a  favourer 
icgruiaed.  Q£  t^Q  reformation ;  and  fermons  were  often  preach- 
ed in  her  apartments  by  miniflers  of  that  perfuafion. 
The  king  was  apprifed  of  thefe  particulars,  at  which 
he  connived.  He  was  even  indulgent  enough  to  bear 
her  difputing  with  him  on  points  of  religion  ;  and 
fometimes  her  zeal  got  the  better  of  her  difcretion. 
One  evening  fne  had  proceeded  fo  far,  that  he  was 
exafperated  at  her  petulance  :  perhaps  his  vanity  was 
mortified  by  her  foiling  him  in  the  way  of  argu- 
ment. When  me  quitted  the  apartment,  he  com- 
plained of  her  prefumption  to  Gardiner,  who  fed  his 
refentment  with  malicious  infinuations  •,  and,  afTo- 
ciating  the  chancellor  in  his  defign,  reprefented  the 
queen  and  her  principal  ladies  as  heretics  who  fa- 
voured the  innovators,  and  had  correfponded  with 
Anne  Afkew,  They  even  affirmed  they  were  trai- 
tors as  well  as  heretics,  and  inflamed  Henry's  paffi- 
ons  in  fuch  an  artful  manner,  that  he  fubfcribed 
certain  articles  againft  the  queen,  intended  as  the 
foundation  of  an  impeachment.  The  chancellor, 
chancing  to  drop  this  paper,  it  was  found  by  a 
perfon  who  delivered  it  to  Catherine.  She  no  fooner 
faw  the  king's  fubfcription,  than  (he  concluded  her- 
felf  ruined,  and  was  overwhelmed  with  fear  and 
confirmation.  The  agitation  of  her  mind  produ- 
ced violent  fits,  of  which  Henry  being  informed, 
vifited  her  in  her  chamber,  and  fpoke  to  her  with 
fuch  exprefTions  of  tendernefs  as  greatly  contributed 
to  her  recovery.  Next  night  fhe  waited  upon  the 
king  in  his  apartment  j  and  he  turning  the  conver- 
fation  upon  religious  difputes,  fhe  faid,  that,  confci- 
ous  of  the  weaknefs  of  her  fex,  fhe,  as  in  duty 
bound,  would  fubmit  in  thefe  and  all  other  points 
to  his  fuperior  judgment.  Henry,  flill  piqued  at 
her  former  oppofition,  replied,  "  Not  fo,  by  St. 
*'  Mary !  you  are  become  a  doctor,  Kate,  to  in- 

«  ftrufta 

HENRY      VIII:  ,o9 

"  ftruct,  not  to  be  inftructed."  She  then  very  art-  A.c.  i546, 
fully  allured  him,  that  fhe  mould  never  have  pre- 
fumed  to  argue  with  him  on  any  fubject,  except  to 
amufe  the  pain  of  his  infirmities,  or  with  a  view  to 
profit  by  his  fuperior  learning.  Hearing  this  de- 
claration, "  Is  it  even  fo,  fweetheart  (cried  he)  then 
f?  we  are  perfect  friends  again."  He,  at  parting, 
embraced  her  with  great  cordiality,  alluring  her 
fhe  might  depend  upon  his  affection.  Next  day, 
while  he  walked  with  her  in  the  garden,  the  chan- 
cellor appeared  with  the  guard  afiembled,  to  con- 
duct her  and  feveral  other  ladies  to  the  Tower. 
When  the  king,  ftepping  afide  with  him,  was  heard 
to  call  him  knave,  fool,  bead,  and  ordered  him 
to  quit  his  prefence.  The  queen,  who  knew  not  his 
bufinefs,  interceded  in  his  favour  •,  and  Henry  ex- 
claimed, "  Poor  foul,  thou  little  knoweft  how  ill 
*'  he  deferves  thy  good  offices !"  Henry  was  totally  Herbert. 
alienated  from  the  bifhopof  Winchefler  by  his  con-  Biu-net, 
duct  on  thisoccafion.  Heexpelled  him  from  thecoun- 
cil ;  and  tho'  that  prelate  evaded  further  difgrace  and 
punifhment  by  the  moil  abject  fubmiffion,  he  could 
never  retrieve  any  fhare  of  his  fovereign's  favour. 

The  proteftants  had  dill  more  caufe  to  triumph 
in  the  ruin  of  the  duke  of  Norfolk,  who  had  been 
their  moil  powerful  and  implacable  enemy.  The 
dtike  was  a  nobleman  who  had  ferved  the  king  with 
talents  and  fidelity,  and  his  fon  the  earl  of  Surrey 
was  a  young  nobleman  of  great  courage  and  viva- 
city, though  not  without  a  tincture  of  pride  and  af- 
fectation. The  family  was  not  only  powerful  in 
its  own  ftrength,  but  rendered  ftill  more  important 
by  being  at  the  head  of  the  popilh  party.  Of  courfe 
it  became  formidable  to  the  earl  of  Hertford  and 
Sir  Thomas  Seymour,  who  pretended  to  the  ma- 
nagement of  affairs,  in  cafe  of  the  king's  deceafe. 
They  knew  the  enmity  which  the  Howards  bore 
{hem,  and  dreaded  their  competition  in  a  minority. 



a,  c.  1546.  They  perfuaded  Henry  that  the  earl  of  Surrey  af= 
pired  at  a  marriage  with  the  princefs  Mary,  in  which 
cafe  he  might  embroil  the  government  of  young 
Edward.     They  even  hinted  he  had  defigns  upon 
the  crown,  and  bore  the  arms  of  Edward  the  Con- 
feflbr,  without  any  badge  of  diftinction  or  diminu- 
tion.    This  was  a  firing  that  Henry  never  heard 
touched  without  emotion.    He  refolved  to  facrifice 
the  family  of  Norfolk  to  the  fecurity  of  the  fuccef- 
fion.     That  unhappy  family  was  divided  in  itfelf. 
The  dutchefs,  who  had  lived  fome  years  in  a  ftate 
of  feparation  from  her  hufband,  turned  informer 
againft  him :  his  fuppofed  concubine*  Mrs.  Hol- 
land, acted  the  fame  treacherous  part.    His  daugh- 
ter Mary,    dutchefs  dowager  of  Richmond,  was 
at  variance  with  her  brother  the  earl  of  Surrey*  and 
enlifted  herfelf  among  the  number  of  his  accufers, 
the  chief  of  whom  was  Sir  Richard  Southwell,  who 
charged  him  with  infidelity  to  the  king.     The  earl 
denied  the  charge,    and  challenged  Southwell  to 
fingle  combat :  indeed  the  whole  imputation  brought 
againft  this  noble  family  amounted  to  no  more 
than  fome  hafty  exprefllons  of  difcontent,  and  the 
earl's  bearing  the  arms  of  Edward  the  Confefibr, 
while  his  father  ufed  thofe  of  England,    with  a  di- 
ftinction  of  labels  of  filver,  which  were  peculiar  to 
the  prince  of  Wales.     Thefe  armorial  bearings  had 
been  authorifed  by  the  heralds ;  and,  for  a  feries  of 
years,  obferved   by   the  king,    without  giving  of- 
fence :   but,  now  that  a  pretence  was   wanting  for 
the  ruin  of  the  Howards,  they  were  deemed  fuffi- 
cient  grounds  for  an  attainder.     The  earl  of  Surrey 
was  tried  by  a  common  jury,  convicted,    notwith- 
ilanding  the  excellent  defence  he  made,  condemn- 
ed, and  beheaded  on  Tower- hill.     The  father  en- 
deavoured to  mollify  the  king  by  letters  and  fub- 
miffions ;   but   Henry's  heart  was  rarely  fubjecl:  to 
tender  lmpreffions.     The  parliament  meeting  on 


HEN     R     Y      VIII.  in 

the  fourteenth  day  of  January,  a  bill  of  attainder  AC-  *$& 
.was  brought  againft  the  duke  of   Norfolk,  who  The  duke  of 
could  not  have  been  convicted  on  a  fair  hearing  be-  t  a°nrt°d  a*d~ 
fore  his  peers  •,  and  this  patting,  received  the  royal  condemned 
alTentfrom  the  lord  chancellor,  the  earl  of  Hertford,  t0  death* 
and  the  lords  St.  John  and  RufTel,  joined  in  com- 
miflion  under  the  great  feal  for  that  purpofe.    The 
death  warrant  was  immediately  fent  to   the  lieute- 
nant of  the  Tower,  and  the  duke  would  have  been 
beheaded  next  morning,  had  not  an  event  of  greater 
confequence  to  the  kingdom  intervened,  and  pre- 
vented the  execution. 

Henry  had  for  fome  time  perceived  himfelf  fad 
approaching  the  goal  of  life.  On  the  eleventh  day 
of  December  he  had  eftablifhed  the  noble  founda- 
tion of  Trinity  College  in  Cambridge:  and  on  the  „ 
thirtieth  day  of  the  fame  month,  he  made  his  will,  make«hia 
bequeathing  the  crown  to  his  fon  prince  Edward  witt- 
and  his  iffue  *,  failing  which,  to  his  daughters  Ma- 
ry and  Elizabeth-,  in  default  of  whom  and  their 
ifTue,  to  the  heirs  of  his  nieces  Frances  and  Eleanor, 
daughters  of  his  filter  Mary  late  queen  of  France  ; 
and  after  them,  to  the  next  lawful  heir :  fo  that 
the  children  of  his  elded  fifter  Margaret  queen  of 
Scotland,  were  excluded  from  their  rank  in  the  fuc- 
ceffion.  He  willed  that  his  own  daughters  mould 
forfeit  their  right  of  fucceflion,  fhould  they  marry 
without  confent  of  the  privy-council.  In  the  mean 
time,  to  each  of  them  he  left  ten  thoufand  pounds, 
by  way  of  dower,  and  three  thoufand  for  their  fub- 
fiftence,  until  they  mould  be  married.  The  queen 
was  intitled  to  three  thoufand  pounds  in  plate,  and 
one  thouland  in  money  over  and  above  her  jointure. 
He  left  fix  hundred  pounds  a- year  in  land,  to  the 
dean  and  chapter  of  Windfor,  for  the  maintenance 
of  thirteen  poor  knights,  and  other  pious  ufes. 
His  executors  were  directed  to  pay  his  debts,  re- 
pair any  injuries  he  might  have  unknowingly  com- 

i!2  HISTORY   of   ENGLAND. 

A.  c.  1546.  mitted,  and  confirm  all  his  grants  and  promifes  not 
perfected  at  the  time  of  his  deceafe.  Legacies  were 
left  to  each  of  his  executors,  and  many  of  his  faith- 
ful fervants.  On  the  third  day  of  January,  he 
pafTed  a  grant  of  St.  Bartholomew's  Hofpital,  with 
the  fcite  of  Chrift's  church,  and  five  hundred  marks 
a-year  to  the  city  of  London.  Though  Henry  be- 
lieved his  malady  was  incurable,  perhaps  he  did  not 
think  death  was  fo  very  near ;  and  no  perfon  would 
venture  to  tell  him  his  fituation,  until  Sir  An- 
thony Denny,  out  of  chriftian  companion,  ex- 
horted him  to  take  care  of  his  foul,  as  he,  in  all 
probability,  had  not  many  hours  of  life  to  enjoy. 
He  thanked  him  for  his  charitable  candour,  own- 
ed he  had  been  a  great  finner  •,  but,  expreffed  his 
confidence  in  the  mercies  of  Chrift.  When  Denny 
propofed  a  ghoftly  director,  he  defired  him  to  fend 
for  archbilhop  Cranmer,  who  had  retired  to  Croy- 
don, that  he  might  not  be  prefent,  nor  concern- 
ed in  the  fcandalous  bill  of  attainder  againft  the 
duke  of  Norfolk  who  had  always  been  his  enemy. 
Before  he  reached  the  palace,  Henry  was  fpeechlefs, 
though  not  infenfible ;  for,  when  the  archbifhop 
defired  him  to  make  fome  fign  of  his  dying  in  the 
faith  of  Chrift,  he  fqueezed  his  hand  with  feem- 
His  death,  jng  ferVour,  and  in  a  few  minutes  expired,  on  the 
a.  c.  1547.  twenty-eighth  day  of  January,  in  the  fix  and 
fiftieth  year  of  his  age,  after  a  reign  of  thirty  fe- 
ven   vears  and  nine  months.       The  death  of  the 


king  happening   between  the  date  of  the  warrant 
Herbert,      and  the  execution,   the  duke  of  Norfolk  was  fav- 
Bumet.       ed  by  this  providential  interpofition  •,  though  there 
feems  to   have  been  fome  difpute  in  the  council 
about    his  fate,    for  they  concealed  his  majefty's 
deceafe  for  three  days  •,  and  then  the  lord  chan- 
cellor declared  the  parliament  difiblved. 
andcharac-      Henry  VIII.  before  he  became  corpulent,  was  a 
prince  of  a  goodly  perfonage,  and  commanding 


HENRY      VIII.  113 

afpect,  rather  imperious  than  dignified.    He  excel-  sA-c-  (547* 
led  in  all  the  exercifes  of  youth,  and  pofleffed  a 
good  understanding,  which  was  not  much  improv- 
ed by  the  nature  of  his  education.     Initead  of  learn- 
ing that  philofophy  which  opens  the  mind,  and  ex- 
tends the  qualities  of  the  heart,  he  was  confined  to 
the  fludy  of  gloomy   and    fcholaftic  difquifitions, 
which  ferved  to  cramp  the  ideas,  and  pervert  the 
faculties  of  reafon,  qualifying  him  for  the  difputant 
of  a  cloifter,  rather  than  the  law- giver  of  a  people. 
In  the  firft  years  of  his  reign,  his  pride  and  vanity 
feemed  to   domineer  over   ail  his  other  pafnons  -, 
though  from    the   beginning  he   was    impetuous, 
headftrong,  impatient  of  contradiction  and  advice. 
He  was  rafh,  arrogant,  prodigal,  vain-glorious,  pe- 
dantic, and  fuperftitious.     He  delighted   in  pomp 
and  pegeantry,  the  baubles  of  a  weak  mind.     His 
paffions,  foothed  by  adulation,  rejected  all  reftraint: 
and  as  he  was  an  utter  rlranger  to  the  finer  feelings 
of  the  foul,  he  gratified   them   at  the  expence  of 
juftice  and  humanity,    without  remorfe  or  com- 
punction.    He  wrefted  the  fupremacy  from  the  bi- 
fhop  of  Rome,  partly  on  confcientious   motives, 
and  partly  for  reafons   of  ftate  and  convenience. 
He  fuppreffed  the  monafteries  in  order  to  fupply 
his  extravagance  with  their  fpoils  •,  but  he  would 
not  have  made  thofe  acquifitions  lb  eafily,  had  not 
they  been  productive  of  advantage  to  his  nobility, 
and  agreeable  to  the  nation  in  general.     He  was 
frequently  at  war-,  but  the  greatelt  conqueft  he  ob- 
tained, was  over  his  own  parliament  and  people. 
Religious  diiputes  had  divided  them  into  two  tac- 
tions.   As  he  had  it  in  his  power  to  make  either  fcale 
preponderate,  each  courted  his  favour  with  the  molt 
obfequiousfubmiffion,  and  in  trimming  the  ballance, 
he  kept  them  both  in  fubjection.     In  accuftoming 
themfelves  to  thefe  abject  compliances,  they  dege- 
nerated into  flaves  $  and  he  from  their  prostitution 
Ng  5$.  I  acquir- 

ii4  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

-A.  c.  $54f.  acquired  the  mcft  defpotic  authority.  He  became 
rapacious,  arbitrary,  froward,  fretful,  and  fo  cruel, 
that  he  feemed  to  delight  in  the  blood  of  his  fubje&s. 
He  never  betrayed  the  leaftfymptoms  of  any  tender- 
nefs  in  his  difpofition;  and,  as  we  have  already  ob- 
ferved,  his  kindnefs  to  Cranmer  was  an  inconfif- 
tency  in  his  character.  He  feemed  to  live  in  defi- 
ance of  cenfure  whether  ecclefiaftical  or  fecular \  he 
died  in  apprehenfion  of  futurity  ;  and  was  buried  at 
Wiiidfor  with  idle  proceflions,  and  childifh  pagean- 
try *,  which  in  thofe  days  palled  for  real  tafte  and 

*  Henry,  by  bis  firft  wife  Catherine  zabeth  Blount  widow,  of  Sir  Gilbert 

of  Spain,  had  two  fans,  who  died  m  Taillebois,    he   had   Henry    Fitzroy* 

t^eir  infancy,  and  a  daughter  Mary,  created   knight  of  the  garter,  earl  of 

who  fucceeded  to  the  throne  of  Eng-  Nottingham,  duke  of  Richmond  and 

land.     Anne  Boleyn  was  mother  of  Somerfet,      warden    of    the  Scotti/h 

Elizabeth,  and  a  male  child  fHll-bom.  marches,  admiral  of  England,  and  Jod 

By  jane  Seymour  he  had  a  fon  named  lieutenant  of  Ireland.   He  was  a  young 

Edward,  his  immediate  fucceffor.  Anne  piince  of  promifing  part?,  and  died  in 

of   Cieves,    Catherine  Howard,    and  the  feventeenth  year  of  his  age, 
Catherine  Parr,  had  no  ifTue,    By  Eli- 


C  115] 

EDWARD      VI. 

HENRY  VIII.  was  fucceeded  on  the  throne  of  A  c-  W- 
England  by  his  only  Ton  Edward  VI.  now  in  Edward  vi. 
'the  tenth  year  of  his  age.  At  the  time  of  his  fa-  faccecds  to 
ther's  death  he  refided  at  Hertford  with  his  fitter 
Elizabeth,  from  whence  he  was  conducted  by  his 
uncle  the  earl  of  Hertford,  and  Sir  Thomas  Brown, 
to  the  Tower  of  London,  where  he  was  received  by 
the  council  in  a  body,  and  proclaimed  king  of  Eng- 
land. Next  day  the  late  king's  will  being  opened, 
it  appeared  that  Edward's  majority  was  fixed  at  the 
age  of  fifteen  :  that  *  fixteen  perfons  were  nominat- 
ed as  executors  of  the  will,  regents  of  the  kingdom, 
and  tutors  to  the  young  king  *,  and  that  thefe,  or 
the  majority  of  them,  were  impowered  to  regulate 
the  affairs  of  the  adminiftration.  They  likewife 
found  another  council  appointed,  to  be  aiding  and 
afllfting  to  the  executors  when  called  upon  for  their 
advice -f.  Henry's  will  being  read  in  public,  the 
regents  and  counfellors  immediately  took  poffeffion 
of  their  feveral  offices.     Then  fome  of  the  mem- 

*  Thefe  were  archbifhop  Cranmer,  Wotton    treasurer    of  Calais,  do&or 

lordWriothefly  chancellor,  lord  St.  John  Wotton  dean  of  Canterbury  and  York; 

fteward  of  the  houfhold,   lord  Ruffel  Stephen  Gardener  was  expunged  from 

keeper  of  the  privy  feal,  earl  of  Hert-  the  will  by  the  king's  own  hand, 

ford  lord  chamberlain,  thclord  vifcount  -hThecouncil  confifted  of  the  earls  of 

de  Lifle,  Cuthbert  Tonftal  bifhop  of  Arundel  and  Effex,  Sir  Thomas  Che* 

Durham,  Sir  Anthony  Brown  mafter  ney  treafurer,  Sir  John  Gage  comp- 

of  the  horfe,  Sir  William  Paget  fecre-  troller  of  the  houfhold,  Sir  Anthony 

tary  of  ftate,  fir  Edward  Northe  chan-  Wingfield  chamberlain,  Sir  William 

teller  of  the  court  cf  augmentations,  Petri  fecretary  of  ftate,    Sir  Richard 

fir  Edward  Montague  chief  juftice  of  Rich,     Sir    John  Baker,  Sir  Ralph 

the  common  pleas,  Mr.  Brom'ey  one  Sadler,    Sir  Thomas   Seymour,     Sir 

of  the  twelve  judges,    Sir    Anthony  Richard  Southwell,   and  Sir  Edward 

Denny,  Sir  William  Herbert  gentle-  Pickham,              Hayward,  Herbert, 
snan  of  the  privy-chamber,  Sir  Edward 

I  2  bers 


4.  c.  1547.  bers  obferving,  that  it  would  be  troublefome  to  the 
people,  and  efpecially  to  foreign  minifters,  to  addrefs 
themfelves  to  fixteen  different  perfons  of  equal  autho- 
rity, propofed,  that  one  of  the  number  mould  be 
chofen  as  chief  and  prefident,  under  the  title  of  Pro- 
tector. This  propofal  was  vehemently  oppofed  by 
the  chancellor,  who  forefaw  the  choice  would  fall 
upon  the  earl  of  Hertford,  with  whom  he  had  been 
long  at  variance  on  account  of  religion.  His  ob^ 
The  earl  of  jedtions,  however,  were  over-ruled.  That  nobleman 
Hertford      was  cnofen  pj-ctector  of  the  realm,  and  governor  of 

ehofen  pro-  r  '  p 

teftor.  the  king's  perfon,  on  this  exprefs  condition,  That 
he  fhculd  do  nothing  without  the  confent  of  the 
other  regents.  While  preparations  were  making  for 
the  funeral  of  Henry,  and  the  coronation  of  his 
fucceflbr,  the  regency  took  an  extraordinary  flep, 
on  pretence  of  fulfilling  the  intentions  of  the  late 
king,  who  had  refoived  to  make  fome  promotions 

Hayward.  among  his  courtiers.  Evidence  was  examined 
touching  the  particulars  of  Henry's  defign,   and  in 

And  created  confluence  of  their  depofitions,   the  earl  of  Hert- 

dui:eof  so-  ford  was  created  duke  of  Somerfet ;  the  earl  of  Ef- 
fex  made  marquis  of  Northampton  •,  the  title  of  earl 
of  Warwick  was  conferred  upon  Dudley  lord  vif- 
count  de  Lifle ;  chancellor  Wriothefley  was  pro- 
moted to  the  earldom  of  Southampton  ;  Sir  Tho- 
mas Seymour  was  created  baron  Sudley  ;  and  Rich- 
ard Willoughby,  and  Sheffield,  were  erected  into 

Aft.  pub.  |3arons  of  the  fame  appellations.  At  the  fame  time 
the  duke  of  Somerfet  was  created  treafurer  and 
marechal,  vacant  by  the  condemnation  of  the  duke 
of  Norfolk  ;  and  his  brother  the  new  baron  Sudley 
was  appointed  admiral  of  England.  After  the  ob- 
fequies  of  the  late  king,  they  proceeded  to  the  co- 
ronation of  Edward,  which  was  performed  on  the 
twentieth  day  of  February  ;  and  on  this  occafion 
pn  amnefty  was  publifhed,  from  which  however, 



T  *> 

EDWARD      VI. 

the  duke  of  Norfolk,  cardinal  Pole,  Edward  Court-  A  c-  *s*t 
ney,  eldeft  fon  of  the  marquis  of  Exeter,  and  three 
other  perfons  v/ere  excluded. 

The  lord  chancellor  being  a  man  of  a  fiery,  am- 
bitious, turbulent  difpofition,  whole  politics  and  re- 
ligion v/ere  very  different  from  thofe  of  the  protector, 
this  laft  refolved  to  feize  the  firft  opportunity  to  ex- 
pel him  from  the  regency  ;  and  he  foon  fu mimed 
him  with  a  pretence.  He  granted  a  commifnon 
under  the  great  feal  to  certain  fubflitutes,  to  hear 
and  decide  caufes  in  chancery  in  the  fame  manner 
as  if  he  himfelf  were  prefent.  And  this  ftep  he 
took  of  his  own  fimple  authority,  without  the  con- 
fent  of  the  king  or  other  regents.  The  council  be- 
ing apprifed  of  the  affair,  ordered  the  judges  of  the 
realm  to  give  their  opinions  on  the  fubject  y  and 
they  unanimoufly  deciared,  that  the  chancellor 
could  not  delegate  his  power  to  any  other  perfons, 
without  the  content  of  the  king  and  regency  ;  other- 
wife  he  forfeited  his  office,  and  became  liable  to 
fine   and   imprifonment.     When  he  was  made  ac-„.„    Pij 

a  _  Hut.  or  the 

qnainted  with  this  declaration  in  full  council,  he  Reform, 
inveighed  againfc  the  judges,  and  even  reviled  the 
council  and  proteclor.  In  a  word,  his  behaviour 
incenfed  the  members  to  luch  a  degree,  that  he  was 
confined  to  his  own  houfe,  and  deprived  of  the  great 
feal,  which  was  put  into  the  hands  of  the  lord  St. 
John,  until  another  chancellor  could  be  appointed: 
but,  the  earl  of  Southampton  was  afterwards  re- 
leafed,  on  his  giving  fecurity  for  the  payment  of  the 
fine  to  which  he  mould  be  condemned.  Somerfet 
having  removed  this  troublefome  opponent,  gave 
his  coljegues  to  underftand,  that  the  French  ambaf- 
fadcr,  and  other  foreign  envoys,  defired  to  be  fa- 
tisfred  concerning  the  extent  of  his  power,  before 
they  would  treat  with  him  on  the  fubjecls  of  their 
feveral  embafiies  5  and  therefore,  it  would  be  necef- 
fary  that  his  proteclorfiiip  mould  be  eftabliftied  by 

I  3  patent, 



A  c- !  54/- patent.  They  thought  the  propofal  was  reafonable, 
He  covins  and  joined  him  in  a  petition  to  the  king,  who  by 
his  authority  patent  conitituted  the  duke  cf  Somerfet  governor 
of  his  perfon,  and  protestor  of  his  realm  and  fub- 
jects.  All  the  executors,  except  the  earl  of  South- 
ampton, were  with  the  twelve  additional  counfel- 
lors,  afligned  to  him  for  a  council ;  but  they  v/ere 
reftrained  from  doing  any  thing  without  his  confent 
and  advice  •,  whereas  he  was  impowered  to  fwear  of 
the  council  any  perfon  he  mould  think  proper  for 
that  flation,  and  in  conjunction  with  any  number 
of  the  counfellors  which  he  might  choofe,  to  con- 
vene, annul,  or  change  whatever  they  mould  think 
proper  to  alter  or  abolifh.  Thus  he  made  himfelf 
abfolutely  matter  of  the  government,  though  in  fo 
doing,  he  intailed  upon  himfelf  the  hatred  and  en- 
vy of  many  ether  noblemen,  by  which  he  fuffered 
feverely  in  the  fequel. 

Since  the  death  of  Henry,  two  new  treaties  had 
been  concluded  with  France.  The  firft  was  a  re- 
newal of  alliance  between  Frahcis  and  Edward ; 
and  the  other  related  to  the  limits  of  the  territory 
of  Boulogne,  and  the  fortifications  which  the  two 
kings  had  erected  in  the  neighbourhood  of  that 
place.  It  was  agreed,  that  the  Englifh  might 
rinifh  the  works  they  had  begun  at  Boulemberg, 
Blacknefs,  and  Ambleteufe  :  and,  That  the  French 
fhould  have  the  fame  liberty  with  refpect  to  thofe  at 
St.  Etienne ;  but  difcontinue  their  works  at  Portet 
and  La  Pointe.  But,  Francis  dying  before  the  ra- 
tification of  this  treaty,  the  politics  of  the  court  of 
France  aflumed  another  afpect  under  HenryTI.  his 
fucceflbr.  The  protector  of  England  was  no  fooner 
informed  of  the  death  of  Francis,  than  he  difpatched 
a  courier  to  Nicholas  Wotton  the  Engliili  ambaf- 
fador  at  Paris,  directing  him  to  receive  the  ratifi- 
cation of  the  new  king,  and  fee  him  fwear  to  the 
obfei  vance  of  the  treaties.  By  this  time  the  inte- 
4  «ft 

Death  of 
Francis  kin 
of  France. 

A&.  Pub. 


EDWARD      VI.  119 

reft  of  the  cardinal  of  Lorraine,  and  the  duke  of  A-Cl^?. 
Guife,  predominated  at  the  court  cf  France  •,  and 
being  devoted  to  the  old  religion,  they  exerted  all 
their  power  in  preventing  the  marriage  between 
young  Edward  and  their  niece  the  queen  of  Scot- 
land. They  perfuaded  Henry,  that  it  was  his  in- 
tereft  to  recover  Boulogne  at  any  rate  j  and  there- 
fore he  not  only  refufed  to  ratify  the  treaties,  but 
even  difowned  the  ambaflador  whom  his  father  had 
fent  to  London.  Thus  the  unfettled  limits  of  the 
territory  of  Boulogne,  and  the  new  fortifications, 
remained  a  fubject  of  contention  between  the  two 
crowns  ;  and  from  Henry's  refufing  to  confirm  the 
alliance,  it  plainly  appeared  his  intention  was  to  in- 
fringe the  treaty. 

The  eyes  of  Henry  VIII.  V/ere  no  fooner  clofed,  The  protef. 
than  the  friends  of  the  reformation  congratulated  S princi- 
themfelves  on  the  event.  They  no  longer  fuppref-  pies. 
fed  their  fentiments  on  religion  •,  but  maintained 
their  doctrines  openly  in  preaching  and  teaching, 
even  while  the  laws  continued  againft  them  in  full 
force.  Indeed,  at  this  juncture  they  had  very  little 
to  fear  from  their  adverfaries.  The  king  himfelf 
was  bred  up  in  the  reformed  religion  by  his  precep- 
tor doctor  Coxe,  and  had  already  given  furprifing 
proofs  of  genius,  capacity,  and  an  amiable  difpofi- 
tion,  averfe  to  cruelty  and  perfecution.  The  pro- 
tector profeffed  the  fame  doctrines,  which  v/ere 
efpoufed  by  Cranmer  of  Canterbury,  Holgate  of 
York,  Holbech  of  Lincoln,  Goodrick  of  Ely,  doc- 
tor Ridley,  and  Latimer,  who  was  by  this  time  re- 
leafed  from  prifon*  The  proteftarits  in  Germany 
had  received  a  private  fupply   of  fifty  thoufand  « 

crowns  from  the  regency,  which  refolved  to  feize 
this  favourable  conjuncture  for  promoting  the  re- 
formation. With  this  view  they  appointed  vifitors 
to  examine  all  the  churches,  and  impowexed  them 

I  4  t0 

l2o  HISTORY   of   ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  7547.  to  abolifh  certain  grofs  abufes  which  had  crept  into 
Hayward.    the  worfhip,  particularly  that  of  images. 

The  next  affair  that  engroffed  the  protector's  at- 
tention was  the  war  with  Scotland.    Henry  had  on 
his  death -bed  laid  ftrong  injunctions  upon  his  exe- 
cutors to  effect,  if  poflible,  the  match  between  Ed- 
ward and  Mary  •,  and  as  the  French  party  prevailed 
in  Scotland,  there  was  no  profpect  of  executing 
what  he  had  fo  much  at  heart,  in  any  other  way 
but  by  force  of  arms ;  the  protector  therefore  be- 
gan to  make  preparations  for  profecuting  the  war 
in  Scotland,  while  the  French  king  declared,  that 
he  would  not  abandon  his  antient  allies  in  their  di- 
ftrefs.     At  the  defire  of  the  French  ambafifador,  the 
duke  of  Scmerfet  confented  to  try  the  effect  of  a 
negotiation,  before  hcflilities  mould  be  commenced. 
Conferences    v/ere  opened  on  the   fourth   day  of 
Auguft  ;  and  Tonftal,   chief  of  the  Englifh  pleni- 
potentiaries,  was  directed  to  break  up  the  congrefs 
immediately,    if  the  Scottilh  ambaflfadors   had  no 
power  to  confent  to  the  marriage.    Accordingly,  as 
no  fuch  power  was  vefted  in  them,   the  negotiation 
„,  proved   fruitlefs.     The  protector  therefore  entered 

The  protec-  r  ,     r 

toe  inarches  Scotland  in  the  beginning  ot  September  with  an  ar- 
ian°dScot"  ™y  °f  frfteen  thoufand  infantry,  and  three  thoufand 
horfe,  well  appointed,  provided  with  a  train  of  ar- 
tillery. John  Dudley  earl  of  Warwick  was  the  pro- 
tector's lieutenant  5  and  the  cavalry  was  command- 
ed by  lord  Gray,  lord  Dacres,  and  Sir  Francis  Bry- 
an. The  regent  of  Scotland,  alarmed  at  this  inva- 
fion,  ordered  the  fire-crofs  to  be  carried  through 
all  parts  of  the  realm,  and  made  proclamation,  that 
all  men  above  fix  teen  years  of  age,  and  under  fixty, 
mould  refort  to  Mufleburgh  with  arms  and  provi- 
fion.  Thus  fummoned,  a  great  number  appeared 
at  the  place  of  rendezvous ;  Co  that  the. regent  dif- 
miiled  a  great  fuperfiuity,  after  having  retained  an 
©  army 

E    D    W    A    R    D      VL  121 

army  of  thirty  thoufand  men,  well  ftipplied  with  A,c- 1547* 
arms,  ammunition,  and  ordnance.  They  took  poft 
near  Mufleburgh  within  four  miles  of  Edinburgh, 
in  order  to  attack  the  Englifh  in  their  march  -,  and 
the  duke  of  Somerfet  encamped  at  the  village  of 
Preftonpans,  at  the  diftance  of  about  two  miles 
from  their  front.  While  the  two  armies  lay  in  this 
fituation,  the  Scottifh  regent  detached  beft  part  of 
his  cavalry  to  infult  the  Englifh  quarters;  and  thefe 
being  encountered  by  the  lord  Gray,  and  Sir  Francis 
Bryan,  were  totally  defeated,  after  an  obftinate  and 
furious  engagement,  in  which  the  lord  Home,  and 
about  eight  hundred  Scots,  were  left  dtad  upon  the 
field.  Next  day  a  trumpeter  came  with  an  info^ 
lent  meffage  from  the  Scottifh  general,  permitting 
the  protector  to  retire  in  peace  to  his  own  country  ; 
and  propofing  from  the  lord  Huntley,  that  the 
quarrel  mould  be  decided  by  twenty  againfl  twen- 
ty, ten  againfl  ten,  or  by  fmgle  combat  between 
himfelf  and  the  duke  of  Somerfet.  A  proper  an- 
fwer  was  made  to  this  bravado  by  the  protector ; 
and  the  earl  of  Warwick  begged  leave,  that  he 
might  be  allowed  to  accept  of  Huntley's  challenge  : 
but  the  duke  would  not  grant  his  permiffion ;  and 
it  afterwards  appeared  that  Huntley  had  fent  no 
fuch  mefTage.  Before  the  protector  would  engage 
the  enemy,  he  fent  a  letter  to  the  Scottifh  re- 
gent, alluring  him  his  intention  was  not  to  hurt 
the  realm  of  Scotland,  but  rather  to  defend  it,  by 
promoting  an  union  of  the  two  kingdoms  on  fair  • 
and  honourable  terms,  by  virtue  of  the  marriage  to 
which  the  Scottifh  parliament  had  agreed  in  the 
moft  folemn  manner.  He  pointed  out  the  advan- 
tages that  would  accrue  to  Scotland  from  fuch 
a  match.  He  propofed,  that  if  all  the  nobility  of 
the  kingdom  were  not  inclined  to  a  peace  upon 
fuch  terms,  hoftiiities  fhould  ceafe  until  the  queen 
mould  be  of  age  to  choofe  for  herfelf. 



a.c.  1547.      The  regent  communicated  thefe  honourable  pro* 
pofals  to  his  brother  John  archbifhop  of  St.  An- 
drews, and  a  few  other  individuals,  who  being  e- 
lated  with  the  hope  of  victory,  advifed  him  to  con- 
ceal them  from  the  reft  of  the  nobility  ;  and  in  the 
mean  time  diffufed  a  report  through  the  whole  ar- 
my, that  the  Englifh  were  come  to  carry  off  the 
queen,  and  enflave  the  country.     The  foldiers  be- 
lieved this  infinuation,  and  took  to  their  arms  in  a 
tumultuary  manner.    Underftanding  that  the  Eng- 
glifh  were  in  motion,  they  paffed  the  river  Efk, 
and  took  pofTellion  of  a  riling- ground,  while  the 
protector  wheeled  about,  and  encamped  upon  the 
hill  of  Pinkencleuch,  near  the  fide  of  the  Frith, 
where  their  fleet  lay  at  anchor.     The  enemy  ima- 
gining he  intended  to  reimbark,   quitted  their  ad- 
vantageous ground,  in  order  to  attack  them,  and 
this  precipitate  ftep  was  the  caufe  of  their  deftruc- 
tion.     The  Englifh  began  to  be  in  want  of  provi- 
fion  ;  and  had  the  Scots  maintained  their  poft,  the 
protector  could  not  have  retreated  without  expofing 
his  army  to  the  moil  imminent  danger.     But,  the 
irripetuofity  of  the  enemy  faved  him  the  rifque  of 
any  fuch  difafter.     On  the  tenth  day  of  September 
they  divided  their  forces  into  three  bodies.     The 
firfr,  under  the  command  of  the  earl  of  Angus,  was 
flanked  on  the  right  with  four  or  five  pieces  of  ar- 
tillery, and  on  the  left  with  about  four  hundred 
horfemen.     The  fecond  line  was  commanded  by 
the  regent.     The  third  by  the  earl  of  Argyle,  who 
had  brought  into  the  field  four  thoufand  Highlan- 
ders ;  and  thefe  were  difpofed  on  the  left  flanks  of 
the  fecond  and  third  bodies.     The  protector  feeing 
them  abandon  their  poft,    congratulated   himfelf 
upon    the    event  •,    and  caufed  his   army   to   be 
-drawn  up  in  order  of  battle.     The  van  was* com- 
manded by  the  earl  of  Warwick,  and  took  poft  on 
the  fide  of  the  hill,  where  the  great  artillery  was 


E    D    W    A    R    D      VI.  n3 

polled.  The  main  body,  under  the  general,  was  A-c '547. 
drawn  up  partly  on  the  hill,  and  partly  on  the  plain, 
and  the  rear  was  extended  on  the  plain,  at  fome  di- 
ftance  from  the  van  and  center.  The  lord  Gray,  who 
commanded  the  men  at  arms,  was  pofted  on  the  left 
wing,  fo  as  to  flank  the  Scots  j  but,  forbidden  to 
charge  until  the  front  of  both  armies  mould  be  en- 
gaged. The  enemy  advancing  along  the  more, 
were  galled  from  an  Englifh  galley,  the  mot  of 
which  killed  the  lord  Graham,  and  threw  the  High- 
landers into  confufion.  The  lord  Gray  perceiving 
their  diforder,  advanced  immediately  to  charge  the 
enemy's  van  in  flank ;  but,  met  with  fuch  a  warm 
reception  from  their  fpearmen,  that  he  himfelf  was 
dangeroufly  wounded ;  and  as  the  action  happened 
in  broken  ground,  his  men  at  arms  were  actually 
routed,  and  the  ftandard  in  great  danger  of  being 
loft.  Had  the  Scots  been  furnifhed  with  horfe  to 
purfue  this  advantage,  in  all  probability,  the  Eng- 
lifh would  have  been  intirely  defeated  \  tho'  the  wind 
and  fun  were  full  in  the  faces  of  the  enemy ;  but, 
as  they  were  deftitute  of  cavalry,  the  lord  Gray  had 
time  to  rally  his  horfe  behind  his  infantry.  The 
earl  of  Warwick  detached  Sir  Peter  Mewcas,  and 
Peter  Gamboa,  a  Spanifh  officer,  with  all  the  muf- 
quetry  to  attack  the  Scots,  whoie  Highland  archers 
were  not  yet  come  up.  The  Englifh  mufquetry  ad- 
vancing to  a  flough,  where  the  horfe  had  been  dif- 
cornfited,  fired  in  the  faces  of  the  enemy.  Thefe 
were  fuftained  by  the  archers,  who  fnot  their  arrows 
over  the  heads  of  the  mufqueteers ;  at  the  fame 
time,  the  artillery  planted  on  the  hill  on  the  left, 
and  the  ordnance  of  the  galley  anchored  clofe  to  the 
fhore  on  the  left,  made  fuch  havock  amongft  them, 
that  they  fell  in  heaps,  without  having  it  in  their 
power  to  annoy  their  enemies.  In  this  diilrefs,  their 
van  fell  back  a  little,  in  hope  of  drawing  the  Eng- 
lifh over  the  flough  and  broken  ground,  that  they 


124  HISTORY    of -ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1547.  might  have  an  opportunity  of  acting  hand  to  hand  3 
Defeats  the  but  the  Highlanders  in  the  fecond  line,  imagining 
Mufle-'  tne*r  fr°nt  was  defeated,  betook  themfelves  to  flight 
burgh.  in  a  body  :  and  this  circumftance  overwhelmed  their 
whole  army  with  confternation.  Diforder  and  rout 
immediately  enfued.  The  Scots  threw  down  their 
arms,  and  fled  in  the  utmoft  confufion.  Then  the 
Englifh  cavalry  being  rallied,  fell  in  among  the  fu- 
gitives, and  meeting  with  no  refiftance,  made  fuch 
a  terrible  carnage,  that  they  lay  like  fheep  in  a  field 
of  pafture.  The  whole  furface  of  the  ground  was 
fire  wed  with  fpears  and  fwords ;  the  river  Efk,  and 
feveral  petty  brooks  were  fwelled  with  the  blood  of 
the  flain,  which  amounted  to  fourteen  thoufand,  in  - 
fomuch,  that  when  the  flaughter  was  over,  the  very 
foldiers  were  afhamed  of  their  own  cruelty  -9  for  the 
Englifh  did  not  lofe  above  fifty  horfemen,  and 
their  infantry  did  not  flrike  a  ftroke.  About  three, 
thoufand  ecclefiaflics,  who  made  a  feparate  body 
for  themfelves,  were  mafTacred  without  mercy. 
Fifteen  hundred  of  the  vanquifhed  were  taken  pri- 
foners,  and  among  thefe  the  earl  of  Huntley,  the 
lords  Yefter,  Hamilton,  and  Wemys,  together  v/ith 
the  mailer  of  Sempil.  Nor  was  this  the  only  over- 
throw which  the  Scots  fuftained  in  the  courfe  of 
this  year.  While  the  regent's  attention  was  wholly 
turned  againft  the  duke  of  Somerfet,  the  lord  Whar- 
ton, and  the  earl  of  Lennox  entering  Scotland  by 
the  weftern  Marches,  took  feveral  forts,  and  ravag- 
ed the  whole  country ;  fo  that  the  earl  of  BothwelJ, 
and  many  gentlemen  of  Teviotdale  and  the  Merfe, 
rather  than  be  continually  harrafled  by  thefe  depre- 
dations, fubmitted  unto  the  king  of  England,  and 
were  received  into  his  protection.  The  duke  of 
Somerfet,  had  he  taken  advantage  of  the  confterna- 
tion which  filled  all  Scotland  immediately  after  the 
battle  of  Mufsleburgh  or  Pinkey,  might  have  fub- 
dued  the  whole  country  without  any  further  oppo- 


E    D    W     A    R    D      VI.  125 

fition.  But,  he  was  prevented  from  reaping  theA-c-x547. 
fruits  of  his  fuccefs  by  the  intrigues  of  his  brother 
in  England.  Having  gathered  the  fpoils  of  the 
field,  in  which  he  found  thirty  thoufand  jacks  and 
fwords,  and  thirty  pieces  of  cannon  that  were  tranf- 
ported  to  England,  he  ordered  his  navy  to  fcour  the 
Frith,  in  which  they  took  or  deftroyed  a  great  num- 
ber of  Scottifh  veiTels,  Then  he  plundered  and 
burned  Leith,  and  all  the  neighbouring  villages  on 
the  fea-coaft,  made  an  unfuccefsful  attempt  on  the 
caftle  of  Edinburgh,  fortified  the  ifland  of  St.  Co- 
lli mba  in  the  Frith,  and  the  caflie  of  Broughty  in 
the  mouth  of  the  Tay  ;  and  the  feafon  being  far  ad- 
vanced, returned  to  England,  where  he  was  grati-  H  . 
fied  by  the  king  with  lands  to  the  value  of  five  nun-  Buchanan, 
dred  pounds  a-year.  Burnet* 

He  acquired  great  popularity  by  this  profperous 
expedition,  but  at  the  fame  time  attracted  the  envy 
of  divers  noblemen :  nor  did  he  feem  to  bear  his 
fortune  with  moderation  ;  for  he  obtained  a  patent 
under  the  great  feal,   to  fit  in  parliament  en  the 
right  hand  of  the  throne  under  the  cloth  of  date, 
and  to  enjoy  all  the  honours  and  privileges  that  at 
any  time  any  of  the  uncles   of  the  kings  of  Eng- 
land had  poifelTed.     In  his  abfence  the  vifitors  had 
performed  their  task  without  oppofition,    except 
from  Gardiner  and  Bonner,    who  refufed  to  obey 
the  order  of  council,   alledging  it  was  contrary  to 
the  agreement  by  which  they  had  engaged  to  make 
no  change  in  religion  during  the  king's  minority. 
Thefe  prelates  being  examined  in  council,  and  per-  Therefor* 
filling  in  their  obitinacy,  were  committed  to  pri   mation 
fon.     Gardiner  expoftulated  with  the  protector  in  a  ce'd  byThe 
letter,  and  the  princefs  Mary  wrote  to  him  on  the  Prote&or. 
iamefubject;  but,  the  duke  was  bent  upon  pro- 
tecting the  reformation,  and  therefore  payed   very 
little  regard  to  their  remonftrances.     The  lord  Rich  Aa>pu&, 
was  created  chancellors  and  the  parliament  meeting 



a.  c.  1547.  on  the  fourth  day  of  November,  manifefted  the  ut- 
And  con-     moft  attachment  to  the  protector.     They  repealed 

thTed?y     a^  t^ie  ac^s  toucmng  high-treafon,  which  had  paf- 
mcflt.         fed  fince  the  reign  of  the  third  Edward  *,  all  acts  of 
felony  fpecified  fince  the  rupture  with  the  pope ;  the 
ftatute  which  veiled  the  king's  proclamation  with 
the  power  of  an  act  of  parliament ;  two  acts  paf- 
fed  again  ft  the  Lollards ;  and  the  famous  ftatute  of 
the  fix  articles.     The  king's  fupremacy  was  con- 
firmed a-new,  and  the  pains  of  treafon  were  decreed 
againft  thofe  heirs  of  the  crown  mentioned  in  Hen- 
ry's will,  who  fhould  attempt  to  difturb  the  order 
of  the  fucceflion  :  their  adherents  and  abettors  were 
likewife  fubjected  to  the  fame  penalties.     The  be- 
nefit of  the  clergy,   and  the  privileges  of  fanctuary 
were  reftored  *,  from  thefe  however,   afTaffins  and 
four  forts  of  thieves  were  excluded.    It  was  decreed, 
That  the  act  impowering  Henry's  fucceffor  to  an- 
nul the  laws  made  in  his  minority,  mould  take 
place  with  regard  to  what  mould  be  done  hereafter, 
but  not  in  that  which  had  been  already  tranfacted. 
Private  maffes  were  prohibited,  and  the  people  per- 
mitted to  receive  the  communion  in  both  fpecies. 
The  king  was  impov/ered  to  fill  vacant  bifhoprics ; 
fo  that  fham  elections  were  intirely  aboiifhed.    The 
cognizance  of  matrimonial  and  teftamentary  caufes 
was  transferred  from  the  ecclefiaftical  courts  to  thofe 
of  the  regal  jurifdiction  ;  and  they  paffed  a  law,  en- 
acting,  That  if  any  common  perfon  mould  refrain 
from  working,  or  at  leaft  from  offering  to  work 
for  the  fpace  of  three  days,  he  mould  be  branded 
in  the  face  with  a  red   hot  iron,  and  become  the 
flave  of  the  informer.     This  rigorous  decree  was 
levelled  againft  the  monks,   who  fince  the  diffolu- 
tion  of  the  monafteries,  inftead  of  working  for  their 
livelihood,  ftrolled  from  family  to  family,  and  en- 
deavoured to  breed  difturbance  in  the  ftace.    Never- 
thelefs,  this  law  was  not  rigoroufly  executed,  and 


E    D    W    A    R    D      VI.  127 

foon  repealed  by  a  fubfequent  parliament.  Finally,  A« c- 1547» 
they  granted  to  Edward  all  the  foundations  for 
chantries,  chapels,  and  colleges,  of  which  Henry 
had  not  already  taken  pofTeflion.  This  act  met 
with  great  oppofition  from  feveral  prelates,  and 
from  Cranmer  in  particular.  He  hoped  to  find 
fome  opportunity  of  converting  thofe  benefactions 
to  religious  purpofes ;  whereas,  by  being  in  the 
hands  of  the  king,  the  church  would  be  deprived 
of  them  for  ever.  But,  he  was  not  able  to  carry 
his  point.  The  nobility  thirfted  after  the  effects  of 
the  church,  and  thefe  they  eafily  obtained  from  the 
court :  and  the  executors  of  Henry's  will  wanted 
money  to  pay  his  debts  and  legacies.  The  fefTion 
was  concluded  with  an  act  of  amnefty,  from  which 
however,  the  prifoners  in  the  Tower  were  exclud- 
ed ;  but  as  Gardiner  had  been  confined  in  the 
Fleet,  he  enjoyed  the  benefit  of  the  ftatute. 

Among  thofe  who  envied  the  protector,  was  his 
own  brother  Thomas  the  admiral,   a  man  of  un- 
common talents,  though  proud,  turbulent,  and  un- 
traceable.     He  could  not  endure   the  difunftion 
which  king  Henry  had  made  between  him  and  his 
elder  brother,  with  whom  he  thought  himfelf  equally 
intitled  to  a  fnare  in  the  adminiltration.     He  had 
addrefled  himfelf  to  the  princefs  Elizabeth  on  the 
fubjeft  of  marriage  ;  but  feeing  no  profpect  of  fuc- 
ceeding  in  that  purfuit,  he  infinuated  himfelf  into 
the  affection  of  the  queen  dowager,   who  gave  him 
her  hand  in  private,  immediately  after  the  death  of 
her  former  hufband.     He  found  means  to  obtain 
from  the  king  a  letter,  exprefling  his  defire  that 
luch  a  match  fhould  be  effected ;  and  then  he  pub  - 
HOied  his  marriage,  in  open  defiance  of  the  protec- 
tor.    His  next  ilep  was  to  cabal  and  make  a  party  intrigues  of 
among  the  nobility,  who,  as  they  hated  his  brother,  ^infthif 
fomented  his  ambition.     He  bribed  the  king's  do-  brother  the 
meftics  to  his  intereft  5   and  young  Edward  fre- proteaer* 


lag  HISTORY    or    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1549.  quently  went  to  his  houfe,  on  pretence  of  vlfiting 
his  Step-mother.  There  he  ingratiated  himfelf  with 
his  fovereign,  by  an  affected  affability,  officious 
complaifance,  and  fupplying  him  with  money  to 
distribute  among  his  Servants  and  favourites,  with- 
out the  knowledge  of  his  governor.  The  protector 
being  informed  of  thefe  infiduous  proceedings,  ex- 
postulated with  him  on  the  bafenefs  of  his  conduct, 
and  he  anfwered  in  fuch  a  manner  as  gave  the  duke 
to  understand,  he  had  nothing  to  hope  from  his 
brotherly  affection.  In  the  protector's  abfence,  he 
redoubled  all  his  art  and  infinuation,  and  obtained 
a  new  patent  for  admiral,  with  an  additional  ap- 
pointment. Sir  William  Paget  perceiving  the 
progrefs  he  daily  made  in  the  king's  affection, 
wrote  to  the  duke  on  the  fubject ;  and  he  finifhed 
the  campaign  in  Scotland  with  all  poffible  difpatch, 
that  he  might  return  in  time  to  counterwork  his 
machinations.  But,  before  he  arrived  in  England, 
the  admiral  had  engaged  in  his  party  fome  privy 
counfellors,  feveral  noblemen  of  diitiriction,  and  a 
great  number  of  the  members  of  the  lower  houfe  of 
parliament.  He  prevailed  upon  the  king  to  write 
a  letter  to  the  two  houfes  with  his  own  hand,  de- 
fi ring  the  admirai  might  be  appointed  his  governor; 
but,  before  this  was  delivered,  the  council  being  ap- 
prized of  his  defign,  fent  deputies  to  affure  him,  if 
he  did  not  clefift,  they  would  deprive  him  of  his 
office,  lend  him  prifoner  to  the  Tower,  and  profe- 
cute  him  on  the  laft  act  of  parliament,  by  which  he 
was  fubjected  to  the  penalty  of  high  treafon,  for  at- 
tempting to  dilturb  the  order  of  government.  Thus 
intimidated,  he  humbled  him/elf  before  the  coun- 
cil -,  and  was  leemingly  reconciled  to  the  protector. 
Yet  he  Still  nourished  the  fame  defign  in  fecret ;  and 

Bumet.       his  brother  fuipecting  his  Sentiments,  employed  fpies 
to  inform  him  of  all  his  fecret  tranfactions. 


£    D    W    A    R    D.      VI.  129 

In  the  courfe  of  this  year  the  emperor  defeated  AkC- 
and  took  John  Frederick,  elector  of  Saxony,  whofe 
territories  and  electorate   he  bellowed    upon   that 
prince's  couMn  Mauric^  who  had  aflifted  him  againlt 
his  own  relations.     The  landgrave  of  He  fife  made 
his  peace  with  Charles,  and  repaired  to  his  court  on 
the  faith  of  a  fafe-conduct :  notwithstanding  which 
he  was  arretted  ;  the  emperpr  juftifying  this  out- 
rage by  a  word  inferted  in  the  fafe-conducl  on  pur- 
pofe  to  trapan  the  landgrave.    The  proteftants,  thus  Troubles  of 
deprived  of  their  chief,  were  obliged  to  fubmit  to  k*nt*Tn~ 
whatever  terms  the  emperor  thought  fit  to  impofe.  Germany. 
The  archbifhop  of  Cologne,  who  had  embraced  that 
religion,  faw  hi mfelf  compelled  to  renounce  the  dou- 
ble dignity  of  archbilhop  and  elector.     The  pope  Aa-  Pul?» 
himfelf  became  jealous  of  the  emperor's  profperity, 
and   removed  the  council  from  Trent  to  Bologna ; 
while  great  numbers  of  the  proteftants  fled  for  re- 
fuge into  England,  where  the  mod  remarkable  men 
among  them  received  penfionsfrom  the  miniftry  of 
Edward.     In  the  beginning  of  the    next  year  the  A»  c.  154^ 
council  made  feveral  alterations  in  the  ceremonies  of 
religion.     It  forbade  the  ufe  of  candles  on  Candle-  sieidan, 
mas-day,    palms  on  Palm-Sunday,  and  creeping  to 
the  crofs  on  Good  Friday.     It   left   the  people  at 
liberty  to  practife  or  lay  afide  auricular  confeffion  -9 
and  ordered  all  the  images  to    be  removed  from 
churches.     All  the  popifh  parity  were  alarmed  at 
thefe  changes,  which  produced  great  murmuring* 
amongfl  the  priefts  and  people  of  the  old  religion  ; 
and  when  the  proclamation  that  confirmed    thefe 
changes  was  publifhed,  Gardiner  inveighed  againfl 
it  openly,  on  his  old  maxim,    that  there  mould  be 
no  innovation  during  the  king's  minority.     Being 
fummoned  again  before  the  council,  he  fub'mitted 
to  the  authority  of  the  board,  and  was  ordered  to 
preach-  a  fermon  at  St.  Paul's,  maintaining  that  the 
king's  authority  was  the  fame  before   as  after  his 
N°  z$*  K  majority. 

l3o  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1548.  majority.  He  performed  this  tafk  fo  little  to  the 
fatisfaction  of  the  regency,  that  they  committed 
him  to  the  Tower  •,  and  this  act  of  feverity  intimi- 
dated the  whole  party  to  fuch  a  degree,  that  they 
conformed  to  the  new  ordinance,  without  further 

Bamn.       hefitation. 

The  protector  had  offered  a  truce  for  ten  years 
to  the  regent  of  Scotland  ;  but  that  nobleman  being 
entirely  governed  by  French  councils,  rejected  his 
proposals,  in  hope  of  being  previoufly  fuccoured  by 
the  king  of  France  ;  fo  that  the  duke  of  Somerfet, 
being  obliged  to  continue  the  war,  took  a  number 
of  Landfquenets  into  his  pay,  and  appointed  the 

fnSaSnd  ear*  °f  Shrewsbury  his  lieutenant.  The  regent  of 
'  Scotland  opened  the  campaign  with  the  fiege  of 
Broughty-caftle,  which  he  could  not  reduce  5  while 
the  Englifh  troops  fortified  Haddington  and  Lau- 
der, and  made  incurfions  to  the  gates  of  Edinburgh. 
In  the  monthx)f  May  the  regent,  receiving  a  rein- 
forcement of  Cix  thoufand  men,  and  fome  artillery 
from  France,  under  the  command  of  Defik  d'Ef- 
panvilliers,  reinvefled  Broughty,  which  he  took, 
putting  all  the  garrifon  to  the  fword.  The  queen- 
mother  pafiionately  defired  that  young  Mary  mould 
be  educated  in  the  French  court,  where  her  two 
brothers  had  fuch  influence  ;  and  the  king  of  France, 
in  order  to  facilitate  the  confent  of  the  regent, 
created  him  duke  of  Chateleraut,  with  a  yearly  re- 
venue of  two  thoufand  livres.  Thus  gratified,  he 
allowed  the  young  queen  to  be  put  on  board  of  the 
fleet  which  brought  over  the  foldiers;  and  this 
failing  north  about  round  the  Orkneys  and  Ireland, 
landed  her  fafely  at  Bretagne,  from  whence  fhe  was 
conducted  to  Paris.  The  French  mips  made  this 
circuit  in  order  to  avoid  the  Englifh  navy  under  ad- 
miral  Seymour,  who  cruized  in  the  frith  of  Edin- 
burgh, and  landed  in  feveral  parts  of  Fife ;  but 
was,  by  the  gallantry  of  Dun,  repulfed  with  dif- 


EDWARD      VI;  i3t 

grace.  By  this  time  the  Scots  and  French  under-  a,  0,154s* 
took  the  fiege  of  Haddington,  and  carried  on  their 
operations  vigoroufly,  until  the  Englilh  forces  ap- 
proaching under  the  command  of  the  earl  of  Shrew- 
fbury,  they  abandoned  the  enterprize.  The  earl, 
having  thrown  into  the  place  a  fupply  of  men,  pro- 
vifion,  and  ammunition,  advanced  to  Mufsleburgh, 
where  the  enemy  lay  intrenched,  and  offered  them 
battle;  which  they  not  choofing  to  accept,  he 
fuddenly  retired  to  England.  Immediately  after 
his  departure,  Defie,  the  French  general,  attempted 
to  furprife  Haddington ;  but  the  garrifon,  being 
feafonably  alarmed,  obliged  him  to  retreat  with 
great  lofs  and  precipitation,  even  after  part  of  his 
troops  had  entered  the  town.  The  Englifh  in  this 
place  were  occafionally  relieved  by  the  garrifon  of 
Berwick,  until  Sir  Thomas  Palmer,  with  fifteen 
hundred  horfe,  was  routed  and  taken  3  the  greater 
part  of  his  followers  being  flain.  In  order  to  com- 
penfate  for  this  difafter,  the  lord  Gray  entered  Scot- 
land by  the  Weft,  and  ravaged  Teviotdale  and  Lid- 
defdale,  from  whence  he  carried  off  great  booty. 
At  length,  the  protector,  perceiving  that  he  could 
not  maintain  Haddington,  ^without  expoling  his 
troops  to  unnecefTary  danger,  detached  the  earl  of 
Rutland  with  fix  thoufand  men  to  demolish  the  for- 
tifications, and  bring  off  the  artillery.  This  fer- 
vice  was  performed  without  lofs :  and  the  earl,  in 
his  retreat  to  Berwick,  laid  wafte  the  country  ;  but, 
at  the  fame  time,  the  Scots  took  the  caftie  of  Hume 
by.furprize,  and  all  the  Englilh  in  the  place  were 
either  killed  or  taken. 

At  this  conjuncture  a  quarrel  happened  between 
the  pope  and  the  emperor.  Charles  protefted  againft 
the  tranflation  of  the  council  to  Bologna  •,  and  the 
pope  rejected  his  proteft.  Then  the  emperor,  to 
fhew  his  independence,  propofed  articles  of  accom- 
modation to  the  proteftants.     Thefe  were  known 

K  2  by 

132  1    HISTORY  of  ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  154S.  by  the  appellation  of  Interim,  becaufe  they  were 
~,  no  other  than  expedients  to  be  ufed,  unci!  a  council 

ror  -rams  could  be  held  in  fome  town  of  Germany.  Though 
inC favour™  l^e  expreffions  were  foftened,  they  at  bottom  Con- 
or the  pro-  tained  almofl  all  the  doctrines  of  the  Roman  church  : 
teftants.      yet  t^ey  a]|ovvec|  tnat  a  man?s  marriage  mould  be  no- 

Slcidan.       objection  to  his  receiving  the  order  of  priefthood  ; 
and  that  the   communion,  in  both   fpecies,  mould 
not  be  with-held  from  thofe  who  might  demand  it 
in  that  manner.     This  Interim  was  prefented  in  a 
diet  convoked  at  Augsburg,  and  enacted  into  a  de- 
cree, notwithstanding  the  proteils  of  feveral  towns 
of  the  empire.    While  the  emperor  thus  endeavour- 
ed to  crufh  the  reformation  in  Germany,   it  gained 
ground  every  day  in  England  under  the  protection 
of  Cranmer  and    the    miniilry.     The  parliament 
meeting  on  the  twenty-fourth  day  of  November, 
enacted  a  flatute,   by  which  priefts  were  permitted 
to  marry  ;    and  by  another  confirmed  the  new   li- 
Hift  of  theturgv5   on  which  commiflioners  had  been  employed 
Retorma-    in  the  fummer.     This  is   nearly  the  fame  liturgy 
tmn.  which  is  now  ufed  in  the  church  of  England. 

The  protector  had  nothing  more  at   heart  than 
the  progrefs  of  this  work,  though   he  was   obliged 
to  proceed   gradually,   becaufe  the  greateft  part  of 
the  inferior  clergy  was  ftill  attached  to  the  old  reli- 
gion, and  he  himfelf  had  a  great  number  of  enemies, 
among  whom  his  own  brother  was  the  moll  violent 
A.c.  1549- and  dangerous.     The  queen  dowager,  having  died 
in  September  of  the  preceding  year,  the  admiral  re- 
newed his  addreifes  to  the  princefs  Elizabeth-,  but 
as  the  will  of  the  late  king  exprefly  excluded  her 
from  the  fucceffion,   mould  fhe  marry  without  the 
confent  of  her  father's  executors,    he  contrived  a 
fcheme  for  gratifying  his  ambition  in  another  man- 
ner.    He  is  laid  to  have  formed  the  defign  of  ma- 
king himfelf  mailer  of  the  king's  perfon,  and  feizing 
the  reins  of  government  into  his  own  hands  :  for  the 

2  execution 

EDWARD      VI.  \i5j 

execution  of  which  project  he  had  affembled  two  A  c-  li*9* 
thoufand  men  in  different  places.  The  council, 
having  received  fome  intimation  of  his  practices 
againft  the  government,  committed  him  prifoner  to 
the  Tower,  and  appointed  commiflioners  to  take 
the  depofuions  of  his  accufers.  Thefe  taxed  him 
with  having  confpired  againft  the  adminiftration, 
protected  pirates,  and  committed  acts  of  violence 
againft  the  fubjects  of  different  ftates,  which  were 
at  peace  with  England.  The  protector,  perceiving 
that  his  authority  would  be  precarious  as  long  as 
his  brother  had  any  fhare  in  the  government,  ex- 
horted him  to  refign  his  office  and  retire  from  court; 
but  finding  him  deaf  to  his  remonftrance,  he  reiblv- 
ed  to  facrifice  him  to  his  own  fafety.  His  accusa- 
tion was  reduced  to  three  and  thirty  articles;  and 
certain  members  of  the  council  were  fent  to  inter- 


rogate  him  on  the  particulars.  He  refnfed  to  an- 
fwer,  demanding  a  legal  trial,  and  that  he  might 
be  brought  face  to  face  with  his  accufers.  Next 
day  the  council  repaired  to  the  Tower  in  a  body, 
when  he  ftiil  infifted  on  his  former  demand,  which, 
however,  was  not  granted.  Then  he  defired  they 
would  leave  the  articles  of  his  accufation,  that  he 
might  examine  them  at  his  leifure,  and  prepare  for 
his  defence  :  this  requeft  was  likewife  denied.  The 
council  then  refolved,  that  he  fhould  be  condemned 
in  parliament  by  an  ad  of  attainder.  In  the  mean 
time  it  appointed  commiiTioners  to  hear  what  he 
had  to  fay  in  his  own  defence.  The  king  was  per- 
fuaded  to  fignify  his  difapprobation  or  the  admiral  ; 
and,  the  commifTioners  making  their  report,  a  bill 
of  attainder  was  brought  into  the  houfe  of  peers.   It  Thead 

accufed  him  of  an  attempt  to  feize  the  p:rfon  of  ^lo^°"^" 
the  k;ng,  and  the  government   of  the  realm  •,  of  treafbn, 
laying  up  great  (tore  of  provifion  and  money  -,  of  *  dtehead- 
endeavouring  to  efpoufe  the  lady  Elizabeth,  and  of 
perfuading  the  king  in  his  tender  age  to  take  upon 

K  3  himfelf 


a.  c.  1549.  himfelf  the  adminiftration  of  affairs.  The  bill  paflecf 
both  houfes  with  very  little  oppofition  ;  and  receiv- 
ed the  royal  affent.  The  admiral  was  beheaded  on 
the  tenth  day  of  March,  contrary  to  the  fenfe  of  the 

Haywooa.    nation  in  general,  who  thought  the  articles  of  accu^ 

Hereford,  fation  frivolous  in  themfelves  •,  and  that  the  admi* 
ral  had  been  cruelly  dealt  with,  in  being  condemned 
upon  fuch  allegations,  without  having  an  opportu- 
nity of  making  a  defence,  or  confronting  his  accu- 
fers.  But  the  chief  odium  fell  upon  the  protector, 
whofe  character  is  not  to  be  vindicated  from  the 

RcformJhe  imputation  of  cruelty  and  injuftice  in  the  affair  of 

*i°n.  this  profecution. 

The  king  having  received  a  fubfidy  from  the 
clergy  and  the  commons,  for  the  conqueft  of  Scot- 
land, the  parliament  was  prorogued  till  November. 
The  new  liturgy  was  received  in  all  the  churches, 
and  met  with  no  oppofition  but  from  the  princefs 
Mary,  whom  the  king  and  council  refolved  to  hum- 
ble :  but  the  emperor  interceded  in  her  behalf,  and, 
rather  than  difoblige  that  potentate,  they  allowed 

Two  per-    her  to  enjoy  her  own  religion  in  peace.     The  re- 

for  hercrnt  formers  now  began  to  perfecute  in  their  turn  :  Joan 
Bocher,  an  ignorant  woman,  being  convicted  of 
herefy,  becaufe  me  adhered  to  the  feet  of  the  ana- 
baptifts,  was  condemned  to  the  flames,  though  the 
young  king  refufed  to  fign  the  death-warrant,  until 
he  was  prelTed  by  Cranmer  ;  and  then  vanquifhed 
by  his  importunity,  declared  that  if  he  did  wrong, 
the  fin  fhould  be  upon  the  head  of  the  archbifhop. 
In  the  fequel,  another  perfon  was  burned  for  the 
fame  crime  in  Smithfield. 

At  this  juncture  the  kingdom  was  expofed  to  very 
-  dangerous  commotions,  which  had  been  brewing 
fince  the  late  reign.  When  the  monasteries  were 
fupprerTed,  a  prodigious  number  of  monks  were 
obliged  to  earn  their  fubfiftence  by  their  labour  $ 
fo  that  every  fpecies  of  bufinefs  was  overftocked. 


EDWARD      VI.  135 

The  lands  of  the  monafteries    had    been  formerly  a, c.  1549., 
farmed  out  to  common  people,  fo  as  to  employ  a 
great  number  of  hands ;  and,  the  rents  being  mode- 
rate,  they  were  enabled  to  maintain  their  families 
on  the  profits  of  agriculture  :  but  now,  thefe  lands 
being   pofTerTed    by  the  nobility,    the    rents  were 
raifed;  and  the  farmers,  perceiving  that  wool  was 
a  better  commodity   than  corn,    turned  all  their 
fields  into  pafture- ground.    This  practice  was  at- 
tended with  divers  inconveniences.     The  price  of 
meal  increafed,  to  the  unfpeakable  hardfhip  of  the 
lower  clafs  of  people  >,  and,  as  few  hands  were  re- 
quired to  manage  pafture-grounds,  a  great  number 
of  poor  people  was  utterly  deprived  of  fubfiftence; 
while  the  nation  was  rilled  with  murmurs  and  com- 
plaints againft  the  nobility,  who  were  the  fources  of 
this  misfortune.     The  protector  efpoufed  the  caufe 
of  the  fufFerers  :    he   appointed  commiffioners  to 

m  examine  whether  or  not  the  pofTeflbrs  of  church- 
lands  fulfilled  the  conditions  on  v/hich  thofe  lands 
had  been  fold  by  the  crown  ;  he  demolifhed  a  royal 

„  park  at  Hampton- court,  of  which  the  inhabitants 
of  that  diftricl:  complained,  and  took  feveral  other 
fteps  for  the  relief  of  the  common  people.  This 
conduct  intailed  upon  him  the  hatred  of  the  nobi- 
lity. In  the  laft  fefiion  of  parliament  the  lords  had 
projected  an  act,  impowering  the  poiTerTors  of 
church-lands  to  farm  them  in  any  manner  they 
mould  think  proper  %  but  the  bill  was  rejected  by 
the  lower  houfe.  Neverthelels,  the  lords  continued 
to  inclofe  their  grounds,  and  the  peafants  imagined 
their  defign  was  to  reduce  them  again  into  fervitude. 
On  this  iuppofition,  the  common  people  of  Wilt- 
fhire  and  Somerfetfhire,  aiTembling  in  a  great  body, 
began  to  pull  down  the  inclofures  ;  but  they  were 
foon  difperfed  by  Sir  William  Herbert,  afterwards 
earl  of  Pembroke.  Infurrections  happened  at  the 
fame  time  in  Suffex,  Hampfhire,  Kent)  Gloucefter- 

K  4  mire, 

i36  HIS  TOR  Y  of  ENGLAND. 

AC  1549.  fhire,  Warwickshire,  Effex,  Hertfordshire,  Leice- 
ln^-^e_  fterfhire,  Worceflerfhire,  and  Rutlandlhire:  thefc 
rent  parts  of  however  were  appeafed  by  the  interpofition  of  mo- 
EngUnd.      derate  perfons. 

This  ilorm  was  fcarce  overblown,  when  ftill  more 
dangerous  commotions  were  excited  in  Oxfordfhire, 
Devonmire,  Norfolk,  and  Yorkshire.  Into  the 
firft  of  thefe  counties  the  proteclor  detached  the 
lord  Gray  with  fifteen  hundred  horfe  and  foot,  who, 
falling  upon  them,  flew  a  great  number-,  and  of 
the.  prifoners  divers  were  executed.  The  infurgents 
of  Devonshire,  amounting  to  the  number  of  ten 
thoufand,  were  headed  by  one  Humphrey  Arundel, 
an  experienced  icJdier,  and  encouraged  by  the  fer- 
mons  of  fomeecclefiaitical  incendiaries.  They  fent 
a  fee  of  articles  to  the  king,  demanding  that  curates 
fhould  adminifter  baptifm  at  ail  times  of  neceffity  : 
That  their  children  might  be  confirmed  by  the 
biihops  whenlbever  they  mould  refort  unto  him  : 
That  the  mafs  mould  be  celebrated  without  any 
man's  communication  with  the  prieft :  That  they 
might  have  a  referve  of  the  Lord's  body  in  their 
•churches  :  That  they  might  have  holy  bread  and 
holy  water  :  That  God's  U:  euce*imight  be  laid  and 
fung  with  an  audible  voice  in  the  choir  :  That  priefls 
fhould  live  in  celibacy  :  and,  That  the  fix  articles 
fhould  be  ufed  as  they  were  in  the  time  of  Henry, 
until  the  king  fhould  be  of  age.  Thefe  demands 
the  miniftry  anfwered  by  a  formal  manifefto,  con- 
cluding with  an  offer  of  a  general  pardon,  fhould 
they  return  to  their  own  homes  :  but  the  popifh 
monks  among  them,  who  had  already  converted 
this  rebellion  into  a  religious  affair,  periuaded  them 
that  this  lenity  was  the  effect  of  fear  •,  that  the  mi- 
niftry intended  to  tax  their  fheep  and  cattle,  and 
raife  an  excife  upon  all  their  drink  and  provificn. 
Thus  inftigated,  they  undertook  the  fiege  of  Exeter, 
which  was  gallantly  defended  by  the  inhabitants. 


Russell  firft  Ear 

EDWARD      VI. 

John  lord  RufTel,  privy-feal,  had  been  fent  againftA*  fc  1549. 
them  with  a  fmall  body  of  forces,  and  taken  up  his  The  ini*. 
quarters  at  Honiton,  from  whence  he  marched  to|ege^c~ter. 
the  relief  of  Exeter,  in  hope  of  being  able  to  throw 
fuccours   into  the  town :  but  the   infurgents  had 
taken  fuch  precautions  as  baffled  his  endeavours ; 
and,  in  his  retreat,  he  found  himfelf  ericompafied 
by  a  great  number,  through  which  he  fought  his 
way  back  to  Honiton.     The   citizens  of  Exeter 
were  reduced  to  great  extremity,    when    the  lord 
Gray  joined  the  lord  RufTel  with  a  flrong  reinforce- 
ment.   Then  they  marched  towards  Exeter,  routed  f^Tata 
the   rebels  with  great  (laughter,  and   relieved  the  quelle«*  *>y 
city,  which  was  recompenfed  for  its  loyalty  with  an  gS^** 
addition  of  revenue,  and  an  extenfion  of  its  liberties. 
The  infurgents,  not   yet   difpirited,  alTembled  on 
Clifton -heath,  with  a  crucifix  in  a  covered  waggon, 
adorned  with  tapers  and  trumpery  ;  and  they  were 
again  charged  by  the  lord  Gray,  who  made  a  terrible 
carnage.     Their  ringleaders  were  taken  and  hanged, 
and  feveral  innocent  pejibns  afterwards  fuffered  from 
the  cruelty  of  Sir  Anthony  Kingfton,  provoft-mar- 
fhal  of  the  king's  army. 

The  fedition  in  Norfolk  appeared  (till  more  ter- 
rible. The  malcontents  increafed  to  the  number 
of  fixteen  thoufand,  under  the  conduct  of  one  Kit 
a  tanner,  and  Coniers  an  ecclefiaftic,  who  perform- 
ed the  office  of  their  chaplain.  They  broke  down  in- 
clofures,  ravaged  the  country,  and  denounced  ven- 
geance againft  the  gentlemen  of  the  neighbourhood. 
They  prefented'  articles  of  complaint  to  the  king, 
demanding,  That  lands  and  farms  mould  be  re- 
duced to  their  ancient  rents  :  That  the  price  of  wool 
mould  be  lowered  ;  and,  That  all  inclofures  mould 
be  taken  away.  The  king  promifed  that  all  their 
grievances  mould  be  redrefTed  in  parliament ;  and, 
in  the  mean  time,  offered  to  indulge  them  with  an 
amnefty,  if  they  would  lay  down  their  arms  and 



a.c  1549-  taken  next  day  in  a  barn,  with  his  brother,  was 
hung  in  chains  on  Norwich  caftle  -,  his  brother  was 
hanged  on  Wymondham  fteeple,  and  nine  of  their 
accomplices   furTered  on  the  Oak  of  reformation, 
farrcaion^n  While  Norfolk  was  expofed  to  thefe  commotions,  a 
YoikUiire.    third  fedition  broke  out  in  Yorkfhire,   where  Wil- 
liam Ombler,  a  man  of  fome  diftinction,  with  Tho- 
mas Dale,  a  parifh  clerk,  and  one  Stevenfon,  milled 
by  a  ridiculous  prophecy,  arTembled  about  three 
thoufand  people  by  ringing  bells  and  firing  beacons, 
as  if  the  coaft  had  been  invaded,  and  perfuaded  them 
to  take  arms  to  reftore  the  church  to  her  antient 
rights,  humble  the  rich,  and  relieve  the  poor,  and 
redrefs  the  grievances  of  the  nation.     They  mur- 
dered feveral  perfons  out  of  meer  wantonnels-,  and, 
marching  into  the  Eaft -riding,  increafed  to  a  for- 
midable number :   but,  no  fooner  was  the  king's 
pardon  prefented,  than  they  began  to  dilperfe  •,  and, 
the  ringleaders  being  abandoned,  were,   with  fcur 
of  their  accomplices,  executed  at  York.     Thefe  in- 
furre&ions  being  quelled,  the  protector,  who  had 
acted  during  the  whole  difturbance  with  remarkable 
lenity,  now  publifhed  a  general  amnefty,  in  order  to 
reftore  the  peace  of  the  kingdom;  and  this  indul- 
gence confirmed  the  hatred  of  the  nobility,  which 
he  had  already  incurred,  as  well  as  of  fome  privy- 
counfellors,  who  refented  his  prefuming  to  ad  in 
fuch  an  affair  without  their  concurrence. 

Henry  II.  of  France,  refolving  to  make  advan- 
tage of  thefe  difturbances,  equipped  a  navy,  in  or- 
der to  attack  a  fleet  of  Englifh  mips  lying  at  an- 
chor in  the  ifland  of  Jerfey ;  but  they  met  with  fuch 
a  warm  reception  that  they  thought  proper  to  retire, 
though  not  before  they  had  fuftained  confiderable 
damage.  Then  the  French  king,  entering  the  Bou- 
lonnois,  reduced  feveral  caflles ;  but  was  vigoroufly 
repulfed  from  the  fort  of  Bullenberg,  froni  which, 
however,  the  Englim  withdrew  their  artillery,  and 


E    D    WARD      VI,  Ht 

blew  up  the  fortifications.  In  September  Henry  A<-c»  *549* 
undertook  the  fiege  of  Boulogne;  but,  his  army 
being  infected  with  the  plaguej  he  himfelf  retired 
to  Paris,  leaving  the  conduct  of  the  fiege  to  Gafpar 
de  Coligny,  lord  of  Chatillon,  who,  after  fome  in- 
effectual endeavours,  converted  the  fiege  into  a 
blockade.  The  protector  was  not  a  little  difturbed  by 
thefe  hoftilities,  efpecially  when  he  understood  that 
Henry  was  on  the  point  of  concluding  an  alliance 
with  the  proteftants  in  Germany.  The  king's  cof- 
fers were  fo  empty  that  he  could  not  maintain  a  war 
without  demanding  new  fubfidies,  which  would  ex- 
cite frefli  murmurs  among  the  people  -,  and  the  fini- 
fter  accidents  of  war  might  furnifh  his  enemies  wifti 
pretences  for  condemning  his  condu6t  :  befides,  he 
forefaw  that  war  would  retard  theprogrefs  of  the  re- 
formation. Moved  by  thefe  confiderations,  he  propo- 
fed  in  council  that  peace  with  France  mould  be  pro- 
cured at  the  expence  of  reftoring  Boulogne,  which  teft0!Pp°ro- 
coft  the  kingdom  an  incredible  fum  of  money,  and  pofeato  give 
would  be  a  perpetual  bone  of  contention  while  it  H%n^~ 
remained  in  the  hands  of  the  Englifh  :  whereas  by 
giving  it  up,  they  would  not  only  fecure  an  advan- 
tageous peace  with  France,  but  alfo  detach  that 
power  from  the  intereft  of  Scotland.  The  council, 
having  taken  this  propofal  into  confideration,  de- 
termined that  Boulogne  fhould  not  be  reilored  \  but 
that  an  ambaflador  fhould  be  fent  to  conclude  an 
alliance  with  the  emperor. 

Sir  William  Paget  was  immediately  difpatched  ciamou* 
for  this  purpofe  i  and,  in  the  mean  time,  the  pro-  *z*iniih\au 
tector's  enemies  employed  emiffaries  to  blacken 
his  character.  They  prefented  him  as  a  parricide, 
a  traitor,  and  a  facrilegious  tyrant,  who  not  only 
betrayed  the  intereft  of  his  country,  but,  in  order 
to  gratify  his  pride,  deftroyed  churches  and  tombs, 
that  he  might  ufe  the  materials  for  building  his  own 
fuperb  palace  of  Somerfet-  Houfe.    They  taxed  him 



A  c.  1549.  w;tft  having  betrayed  the  forts  in  the  Boulonnois,  by 
leaving  them  unprovided  for  defence ;  with  having 
abandoned  Haddington  in  Scotland,  feized  the  ad- 
miniftration  into  his  own  hands ;  rejected  the  ad- 
vice of  council,  mifmanaged  the  affairs  of  govern- 
ment; and,  when  Paget  returned  without  having 
fucceeded  in  his  negotiation,  they  affirmed  he  was 
inftructed  by  the  protector  to  avoid  an  alliance  with 
the  emperor,  that  he  might  have  a  pretence  for  re- 
fignin'g  Boulogne.  The  protector  being  informed 
of  thefe  fuggeftions,  began  to  be  apprehenfive  of  a 
defign  to  carry  off  the  perfon  of  the  king,  by  cor- 
rupting his  fervants;  and  therefore  he  employed 
fome  of  his  own  domeftics  near  his  majefty,  with  di- 
f^Tof  h  re<^ons  to  watch  over  all  his  actions.  On  the  fixth 
council  de-  day  of  October,  the  lord  St.  John,  prefident  of  the 
eiare  againft  council,  the  earls  of  Southampton,  Warwick,  and 
Arundel,  Sir  Edward  North,  Sir  Richard  South- 
well, Sir  Edward  Wotton,  and  doctor  Wotton  dean 
of  Canterbury,  repaired  to  the  bifhop  of  Ely's  houfe 
in  Holborn,  to  hold  a  council,  as  if  there  had  been 
no  other  members  •,  and  the  king  fending  fecretary 
Petre  to  know  the  reafonof  their  meeting,  they  de- 
tained him,  to  afiift  at  their  deliberations.  They 
began  by  confidering  the  ftate  of  the  kingdom  ;.and 
laid  the  blame  of  all  the  diforders  which  had  hap- 
pened at  home,  and  all  the  lofTes  fuftained  abroad, 
upon  the  protector.  They  declared  their  intention 
was  to  confer  with  him  on  thefe  fubjects  *,  but,  un- 
derflanding  he  had  armed  his  domeftics,  and  fur- 
rounded  the  king  with  a  guard,  they  would  not  ex- 
pofe  themfelves  to  the  violence  of  his  defigns. 
They  fent  for  the  mayor,  aldermen,  and  common- 
council  of  London,  together  with  the  lieutenant  of 
the  Tower,  and  forbade  them  exprefly  to  acknow- 
ledge the  duke  of  Somerfet  as  protector.  This  laft 
promifed  to  comply  with  the  order ;  but  the  others 
made  an  equivocal  aafwer :  though  all  of  them 





EDWARD      VI.  j4£ 

feemed  to  favour  the  proceedings  of  this  committee.  A«c«  »549« 
The  protector  was  no  fooner  informed  of  thefe  tranf- 
actions,  than  he  fent  the  king  to  Windfor,  and 
armed  the  inhabitants  of  that  place  and  Hampton- 
court  for  his  fecurity :  and  next  day  the  malcon- 
tents were  joined  by  the  chancellor,  lord  Riche,  the 
marquis  of  Northampton,  the  earl  of  Shrewfbury, 
Sir  Thomas  Cheney,  Sir  John  Gage,  Sir  Ralph 
Sadler,  and  Sir  Edward  Montague.  Thus  rein- 
forced, they  wrote  a  letter  to  the  king,  complain- 
ing of  the  duke  of  Somerfet ;  and  ordered  the  arch- 
bifhop  Paget  to  take  care  that  his  majefty  mould  be 
ferved  by  his  own  domeftics.  On  the  eighth  day 
of  October  they  repaired  to  Guildhall,  where  they 
declared  their  fole  aim  was  to  deliver  the  king  from 
the  hands  of  the  duke  of  Somerfet,  who  minded 
nothing  but  his  own  private  advantage  $  and  the 
burghers  of  London  anfwered  aloud,  that  they 
would  fupport  them  to  the  utmoft  of  their  power. 
The  duke  finding  himfelf  abandoned  by  the  ci- 
tizens of  London,  and  the  lieutenant  of  the  Tower, 
was  overwhelmed  with  defpondence  :  he  affembled 
thofe  members  of  the  council  who  had  not  yet  for- 
faken  him,  and  offered  to  fubmit  to  the  judgment 
of  any  two  of  them,  joined  to  a  like  number  of 
the  malcontents.  The  confequence  of  this  pufil- 
lanimous  declaration  was  his  being  immediately  de- 
ferted  by  the  lord  Ruffel,  Sir  Anthony  Brown,  Sir 
Anthony  Wingfield,  Wentworth,  and  Baker, 
fpeaker  of  the  houfe  of  commons.  At  length  the 
malcontents  declared  him  unworthy  of  being  pro- 
tector, and  publifhed  a  manifcfto  for  the  j unifica- 
tion of  their  conduct.  Then  they  wrote  a  letter  to 
the  king,  importing,  That  his  father  had  appointed 
them  executors  of  hh  will  and  regents  of  the  king- 
dom :  That  they  had  elected  the  duke  of  Somerfet 
to  exercife  the  office  of  protector,  on  the  exprefs 
condition,  that  he  mould  do  nothing  without  their 


144"  HISTORY   of   ENGLAND. 

A:c.  1549.  approbation;  but,  that  he  had  tranfgreffed  thefe 
terms,  and  made  himfelfabfolute  matter  of  the  go- 
vernment: for  which  reafon,  deeming  him  unwor- 
thy of  the  truft,  they  defired  his  majefty  would  al- 
low them  to  execute  the  office  with  which  they  had 
been  inverted  by  the  late  king,  and  difmifs  the 
troops  which  the  duke  of  Somerfet  had  affembled 
about  his  majefty's  perfon.  The  archbifhop  of  Cart- 
.  terbury  and  Paget  advifed  the  king  and  the  duke 
to  comply  with  the  demands  of  the  council,  which 
had  already  fent  deputies  to  Windfor  to  prevent  the 
efcape  of  the  protector  and  fome  of  his  confidents. 
When  Edward  fignified  his  afTent  to  their  propofals, 
they  went  to  him  in  a  body,  and  met  with  a  graci- 
ous reception :  and  all  the  duke's  friends,  except 
Heisac-  Cecil,  were  fent  to  the  Tower ;  he  himfelf,  being 
verenSf/e-  brought  before  the  council,  was  accufed  of  having 
msanours,  violated  the  condition  upon  which  he  was  chofen 
protector :  of  having  treated  with  ambafiadors,  and 
difpofed  of  bifhoprics  and  governments  by  his  fole 
authority:  of  having  held  the  court  of  requefls  in 
his  own  houfe  ::  of  having  debafed  the  current  coin 
of  the  kingdom  :  of  having  publifhed  proclamations 
touching  the  inclofures  of  land,  contrary  to  the  de- 
liberations of  the  council :  of  having  neglected  to 
fupprefs;  and  even  of  having  fupported  and  favour- 
ed the  infurrections :  of  haying  neglected  to  fupply 
the  forts  of  Boulonnois  with  provifion  and  ammuni- 
tion, fo  that  they  fell  into  the  hands  of  the  enemy  : 
of  having  endeavoured  to  prejudice  the  king  againffc 
the  members  of  the  council,  by  falfe  infmuations  : 
of  having  proclaimed*  them  traitors  :  of  having  ma- 
licioufly  alarmed  his  majefty,  by  fending  him  fud- 
denly  to  Windfor,  thereby  endangering  his  health: 
of  having  armed  his  own  friends  and  domeflics, 
while  the  king's  fervants  were  left  defencelefs ;  and 
of  having  intended  to  fly  to  Jerfey  or  Guernfey. 
On  thefe  articles  of  impeachment,   which  he  had 


E    D     W     A     R     D      VI.  1 45 

hot  time  to  anfwer,  he  was  fent  to  the  Tower :  and  At  e-  1549. 
the  council  appointed  fix  lords  to  act  as  governors  And  ccm- 
to  the  king,  two  at  a  time  officiating  alternately.  Sf-rwr. 
Then  the  earl  of  Warwick  appeared  to  be  the  prin-  Tjr 
cipal  promoter  or  the  protector  s  ruin  •,  fcr  the  otner 
members  of  the  council  permitted  him,  without  the 
lead  oppofition,  to  alTume  the  reins  of  government. 

The  enemies  of  the  reformation  triumphed  in  the 
fall  of  Somerfet,  perfuaded  that  Warwick  was  a 
catholic  in  his  heart,  as  he  maintained  fitch  an  in- 
timate correfpondence  with  the  earl  of  Southamp- 
ton.    Bonner  arid  Gardiner^  who  continued  prifon- 
ers  in  the  Tower,  wrote  letters  to  him,  congratula- 
ting him  upon  having  fr^eed  his  country  from  fuch 
?  tyrant  -,  and  people  began  to  imagine  the  duke  of 
Norfolk  would  be  fet  at  liberty.     They  were  mif- 
taken  in  their  conjectures ;  Warwick  had  no  reli- 
gion but  ambition.     He  knew  the  young  king  was 
ftrongly  attached  to  the  new  doctrines,  and  it  was 
his  intereft  to  gain  the  favour  of  his  fovertign. 
Bonner  was  brought  before  the  council,  and  made 
acquainted  with  the  fubjects  of  complaint  laid  to 
his  charge.     He  was  ordered  to  preach  a  fermon 
in  St.  Paul's  church,  maintaining  that  the  authority    - 
of  a  minor  king  is  equal  to  that  of  a  king  come  to 
the  age  of  maturity.     In  his  fermon,   which  was 
preached  before  a  very  numerous  audience,   he  did 
not  once  mention  the  fubject;  but  expatiated  on  the 
real  prefence  in  the  facrament,  and  inveighed  againft 
thole  who  did  not  believe  tranfubftantiation.     Wil- 
liam Latimer  and  John  Hooper  informing  againft 
him,  a  commiffion  was  granted  to  the  archbifhop 
of  Canterbury,  and  Ridley,   with  the  two  fecreta- 
ries  of  ftate,  and  the  dean  of  St.  Paul's,  to  try  him 
in  a  fummary  way.     His  deportment,  when  he  en- 
tered the  court,   was  ridiculoufly  extravagant  \  he 
pretended  that  he  did  not  fee  his  judges,  until  they 
Numb.  LJY.  L  were 


a.  c.  1543.  were  p0inted  out  to  him  by  one  of  the  bye-ftanders. 
When  the  evidences  were  examined,  he  faid  one 
'talked  like  a  goofe,  and  another  like  a  woodcock  ; 
he  treated  the  court  with  contempt,  and  laughed  at 
the  people,  calling  them  fools  and  dunces •,  doctor 
Hooper,  he  affirmed  was  an  afs  indeed  :  he  told 
fecretary  Smith  that  he  was  a  liar;  and  being  re- 
primanded by  Cranmer,    who  faid  he  ought  to  be 
frnt  to  prifon  for  the  infolence  of  his  behaviour, 
he  replied,    that  he  cared  not  whither  they  fent 
him,  provided  they  did  not  fend  him  to  the  devil  •, 
but  thither  he  would  not  go.     He  faid  he  had  a 
few  goods,  a  poor  carcafe,  and  a  foul ;  the  two  for- 
mer were  in  their  power,  the  laft  was  in  his  own. 
The  court  was  feveral  times  adjourned  -,  at  length, 
finding  his  defence  could  not  avail  him,  he  appeal- 
ed to  the  king,  and  was  fent  to  the  Marfhalfea,  after 
having  reviled  his  judges  in  the  mod  abufive  terms. 
folm.*e      He  was  again  brought  before  them,  and  folemnly 
Aa.  Pub.    deprived  of  the  bifhopric  of  London,  becaufe  he 
ptaTtfliii  had  not  declared  the  king's  power  in  his  minority, 
feiftopric      as  he  was  commanded  by  the  protector  and  council. 
The  earl  of  Southampton  was  fo  much  mortified  to 
find  himfelf  difappointed  in  the  conduct  of  War- 
wick, that  he  retired  from  court  without  taking 
leave,    and  died  of  chagrin   at  his   houfe  in  the 
country.     Though  the  earl  of  Warwick  was  thus 
delivered  from  an  intriguing  rival,  he  found  himfelf 
not  a  little  perplexed  by  the  conduct  of  the  French 
king,  who  perfifted  in  his  refolution  to  recover  Bou- 
logne, which  the  Englifh  were  in  no  condition  to 
relieve.     The  council  fent  another  embalTy  to  the 
emperor,  defiring  him  to  take  that  city  under  his 
protection  •,  but  he  treated  the  propofal  with  great 
indifference,  alledging,  that  he  was  at  peace  with 
France ;  and  at  lalt  frankly  owning,  that  they  had 
very  little  reaibn  to  expect  afliftance  from   him, 
while  religion  remained  on  fuch  a  footing  in  Eng- 

E    t)    W    A     R    D      VL  i47 

larid.     From  this  anfwcr  the  council  determined  to  A  c-  x^9- 
make  peace  with  the  French  monarch. 

The  parliament  meeting  on  the  fourth  day  of 
November,  enacted  a  fevere  law  againft  unlawful 
alTemblies,  in  order  to  prevent  future  infurrections ; 
but  they  repealed  the  laft  ftatute  againft  vagabonds, 
as  it  appeared  too  rigorous,  and  renewed  an  act 
upon  the  fame  fubject,  which  had  palled  in  the 
reign  of  the  lad  Henry.  Then  a  bill  of  attainder  A.G.  t$$o$ 
was  read  in  the  houfe  of  lords  againft  the  duke 
of  Somerfet,  founded  upon  a  confeflion  figned 
with  his  own  hand.  A  deputation  of  the.  mem- 
bers was  fent  to  know  from  his  own  mouth,  whe- 
ther or  not  this  confelTion  had  been  extorted.  He 
thanked  them  for  their  candour;  owned  that  he 
had  voluntarily  figned  the  writing;  but  folemnly 
protefted,  that  he  never  harboured  a  finifter  thoughc 
againft  the  king  or  commonwealth.  In  confe- 
quence  of  this  confeffibri,  he  was  deprived  of  all 
his  offices  -,  and  all  his  moveables,  together  with 
great  part  of  his  landed  eftate,  were  forfeited  for 
the  ule  of  his  majefty.  His  total  deftruction  was  The  duke  of 
prevented   by  his  fubmiffive  behaviour,  which  left Somerfetis 

{  .  J  r  ,  .         .-        1  r     Umd  and  fe- 

ll IS  enemies  no  room  to  prolecute  him  rurtner :   10  i^j, 

that  he  was  releafed  from  his  confinement,  after 
having  given  fecurity  for  his  future  conduct  •,  and 
in  two  months  after  his  enlargement,  re-admitted 
to  a  place  in  the  council.  The  parliament  mean 
while  confirmed  the  new  liturgy,  decreed,  That  all 
the  old  offices,  miffals,  and  breviaries,  mould  be  de- 
livered to  certain  commiflioners  appointed  tor  that 
purpofe :  That  all  the  prayers  addreffed  to  faints 
fhould  be  razed  out  of  the  books  printed  in  the  late 
reign  :  and,  That  ail  the  images  taken  from  churches 
(hould,  within  a  fixed  time,  be  committed  to  the 
flames.  Then  they  granted  a  fubiidy,  which  was 
followed  by  an  act  or  amnelty,  though  the  prison- 
ers in  the   Tower  were  excluded  from  ics  and  the 

L  2  meet- 

i48  HISTORY   of   ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  i55c,  meeting  was  prorogued  till  the  fecond  day  of  Feb- 
ruary. During  this  feffion,  the  fons  of  peers  were 
for  the  firft  time  permitted  to  fit  in  the  houfe  of 

The  earl  of  Warwick  had  been  appointed  lord 
high  admiral,  and  great  mafter  of  the  houfhold,  and 
now  directed  the  council  with  the  moll  abfolute  au- 
thority. He  wanted  to  purchafe  a  peace  with  the 
French  king  by  the  reftitution  of  Boulogne :  but, 
knowing  what  a  load  of  popular  odium  the  duke  of 
Somerfet  had  incurred  by  making  an  overture  of 
that  nature,  he  employed  an  Italian  merchant  cal- 
led Guidatti,  who  lived  at  Southampton,  to  fet  on 
foot  the  negotiation,  in  fuch  a  manner  as  would  ac- 
quit him  of  all  fufpicion.  That  foreigner  repairing 
en  fome  pretence  to  Parrsy  insinuated  himfelf  into 
the  houfe  of  the  conftable,  the  great  favourite  of 
Henry  -,  and  in  converfation  with  fome  of  that  mi- 
niiler's  officers,  faid  he  believed  the  court  of  Ens- 
land  would  willingly  part  with  Boulogne  for  a  pro- 
per confideration  in  ready  money.  The  conftable 
being  informed  of  this  hint,  conferred  with  Gui- 
datti ;  and  underftanding  the  meaning  of  what  he 
had  dropped,  defired  he  would  tell  fome  individual 
of  the  Englifh  council,  that  the  king  of  France 
would  rather  terminate  the  affair  of  Boulogne  by 
accommodation  than  by  war.  Thus  by  the  inter- 
pofition  of  this  foreigner,  plenipotentiaries  were  ap- 
pointed on  both  fides,  and  a  congrefs  was  opened 
Pt-ace  con-  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Boulogne.  After  fome 
eluded  vsi.h  warm  debates,  the  treaty  was  concluded  on  the  fol- 
lowing terms  :  That  Boulogne  fhould  be  reftored 
to  the  king  of  France,  who,  in  confideration  of  the 
improvements  made  in  that  fortrefs,  and  theexpence 
of  furfti  filing  it  with  provifions  and  munition, 
mould  pay  four  hundred  thoufand  golden  crowns 
to  the  king  of  England  :  That  France  and  Eng- 
land fhould  mutually  give  hoftages  for  the  perfor- 

7  ma  nee 

EDWARD       VI.  i49 

mance  of  thefe  articles  :     That  Edward  fhould  re-  A-  c-  '550; 
llore  to  the  queen   of  Scotland,   the  two  forts  of  H;i>uard- 
Lauder  and  Douglas,   which  fhould  be  demolifhed, 
together  with  thole  of  Ayrnouth  and  Roxburgh, 
that  v/ere  likewife  occupied  by  the  Engliih :    That 
the  king  of  England  fliould   deiift  from  all  hofti- 
Jities  againft  Scotland;  but,  That  he  fhould  referve 
to  himfelf  the  power  of  profecuting  all  his  actions, 
demands,  and  pretentions  againft  France  and  Scot- 
land ;  while  the   French  king,  and   the  queen  of 
Scotland  fliould  enjoy  the  fame  privilege  with  re-  Rymer. 
lpect  to  their  demands  upon  England. 

When  this  treaty  was  brought  over  to  London, 
the  earl  of  Warwick  feigned  himfelf  fick,  that  he 
might  not  be  obliged  to  fign  his  name  to  conditions 
againft  which  his  tongue  had  formerly  exclaimed. 
He  could  not,  however,  elude  the  reproaches  of  the 
public,  who  plainly  perceived,  that  thofe  who  accepted 
of  four  hundred  thoufand  crowns,  inftead  of  two  mil- 
lions, which  Francis  I.  had  engaged  to  pay,  were 
the  very  perfons  who  inveighed  fo  bitterly  againft 
the  protector,  for  barely  propofmg  the  reftitution 
of  Boulogne  on  reafonable  terms.  This  conftdera- 
tion  excited  fuch  murmurs  among  the  people,  that 
the  earl  of  Warwick  thought  proper  to  divert  their 
attention  to  other  objects  ihat  would  conduce  more 
to  their  fatisfaction.  He  made  an  inquiry  into  the  A*i>itrafy  1 
practices  of  thofe  wffo  had  embezzled  the  king's  of 'th^cari^f 
revenue,  or  been  guilty  of  oppreflion  in  the  exer-  Warwick. 
cife  of  their  offices.  An  additional  motive  to  this 
inquiry  was  a  defire  to  pay  the  king's  debts.  Nor 
did  he  fpare  his  own  friends  whom  he  had  ufed 
as  inftruments  to  ruin  the  duke  of  Somerfet.  The 
earl  of  Arundel  was  condemned  in  a  heavy  fine ; 
Southwell  was  committed  to  prifon  ■,  and  others 
purchafed  his  forbearance  with  round  fums  of  mo- 
tley.     This  feverity  pleafed  the  nation  in  general., 

L  3  and 

i to  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  i5S».  ancj  eilabliflied  Warwick's  authority  among  the 
great,  who  perceiving  the  vigour  with  which  he 
a&ed,  began  to  dread  the  weight  of  his  refentment. 
In  the  courfe  of  this  year,  Thirleby  refigned  the 
fee  of  Weftminfter,  which  was  reunited  to  that  of 
London,  and  beflowed  upon  Ridley  of  Rochefter. 
The  bifhopric  of  Norwich  was  given  to  Thirleby  ; 
that  of  Rochefter  to  Poinet ;  and  John  Hooper  was 
created  bimopof  Gloucefter.    Folydore  Virgil,  who* 

Atf.  Pub.  had  refided  forty  years  in  England,  obtained  per- 
million  to  pafs  the  reft  of  his  days  in  his  own  coun- 
try ;  and  the  king  allowed  him  to  enjoy  his  bene- 
fices, in  confideration  of  his  havii>Vj  fpent  the  beft 
part  of  his  life  in  compiling  the  Englifh  hiftory. 

Death  of  Pope  Paul  III.  dying  in  the  latter  end  of  the  pre- 

popc^nims.  cecjjng  year,  the  cardinals  afTembled  in  the  con- 
clave agreed  to  elect  Pole  as  his  fuccefTor ;  and  ac- 
tually repaired  to  his  chamber  in  the  night,  to  adore 
him,  according  to  cullom ,  |but,  he  defired  they 
would  defer  the  ceremony  tiil  next  day,  that  it  might 
not  be  a  work  of  darknefs.  This  fcruple  feemed  fo 
extraordinary,  that  fome  of  them  concluded  he  had 
loft  his  fenfes  ;  others  were  apprehenfive,  that  mould 
he  obtain  the  papacy,  he  would  exert  himfelf  in  re- 
forming the  court  of  Rome,  and  the  college  of  car- 
dinals. They  from  that  moment  refolved  to  elevate 
fome  other  per  fan  to  the  papal  chair ;  but,  being 
divided  into  three  factions,  they  could  not  agree  till 
the  month  of  February,    when  they  elected  the  car- 

s'-oncian,  dinal  de  Monte,  who  a  {Turned  the  name  of  Julius 
III.  The  emperor  at  the  diet  intended  to  compel 
the  proteitanis  to  fubmit  to  all  the  decifionsof  the 
council  which  had  been  brought  back  to  Trent; 
but,  he  was  warmly  oppofed  by  Maurice  elector  of 
Saxony,  tho'  that  prince  uied  fuch  circumfpection 
in  his  conduct,  that  he  did  not  forfeit  the  favour 
of  Chaiks,  who  contented  to  his  being  appointed 


E    D    W    A    R    D      VL  151 

general  of  the  army  of  the  empire,  to  finifh  the  war  A  ClssQ* 
by  the  fiege  of  Magdeburgh,  the  only  proteftanc 
city  which  had  not  fubmitted. 

In  England  the  reformation  was  fo  agreeable  to  a.  c.  1551, 
the  young  king,  that  the  miniftry,  in  order  to  gain 
his  favour,  countenanced  and  encouraged  it  with 
all  their  influence,  while  Cranmer  was  indefatigable 
in  the  fame  work.  Gardiner  was  depofed  for  the 
fame  reafon  on  account  of  which  Bonner  had  been 
deprived  of  his  bifhopric,  and  fent  back  to  the 
Tower,  where  he  remained  till  the  reign  of  queen 
Mary.  A  new  confefiion  of  faith  was  finifhed  by 
the  commiffioners  appointed  for  that  purpofe,  and 
the  new  liturgy  was  in  many  places  corre&ed.  The 
king,  whofe  understanding  far  exceeded  his  years, 
began  to  take  cognizance  of  different  affairs.  He 
wrote  a  journal  of  all  the  tranfa&ions  that  fell  un- 
der his  obfervation  ;  and  became  fo  zealous  for  the 
new  religion,  that  he  infilled  upon  its  being  em- 
braced by  all  his  fubjects  without  diftin&ion.  The  Theprincefs 
princefs  Mary,  however,  would  never  conform  to  Bfamrfufca 
the  alterations  which  had  been  made  -,  and  her  op- 
pofition  fubjedted  her  to  many  mortifications  from 
the  council,  and  the  king  himfelf,  whofe  zeal  on 
this  occafion  rofe  almoft  to  a  fpirit  of  perfec- 
tion. His  fifter  Elizabeth  was  educated  in  the 
principles  of  the  reformation,  which  was  afterwards 
brought  to  perfe&ion  under  her  adminiftration.  The 
princefs  Mary  was  fo  alarmed  at  the  infults  fhe 
had  received,  that  fhe  refolved  to  quit  the  kingdom, 
and  actually  conceded  a  fcheme  for  that  purpofe, 
with  the  governante  of  the  Low  Countries  •,  but  her 
defign  was  difcovered,  and  meafures  were  taken  to 
prevent  the  execution  of  it.  The  earl  of  Warwick,  scieme  of 
perceiving  the  king  was  incenfed  againft  his  fifter  l^eeu}^ 
Mary,  formed  a  project  for  excluding  her  intirely 
from  the  fuccefiion,  to  match  Elizabeth  in  a  foreign 
country,  and  effect  a  marriage  between  one  of  his 

L  4  own 

i32  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

A.  c.  1551.  own  fons  anc|  ]acjy  jane  Grey,  eldefl  daughter  of  the 
earl  of  Dorfet,  and  Frances  Brandon,  who  in  the 
order  of  fuccellion  held  the  next  place  to  the  two 
daughters  of  tlenry.  For  this  purpofe,  the  eari  of 
Warwick  contracted  an  intimacy  of  friendmip  with 
Dorfet ,  and  two  fuccefllve  dukes  of  Suffolk  of  the 
family  of  Brandon  being  cut  off  by  the  fweating- 
ficknefs,  which  now  raged  in  England,  the  title 
was  conferred  upon  the  earl  of  Dorfet.  Yet  it 
will  be  found  difficult  to  reconcile  this  project  of 
Warwick  to  his  negotiation  for  the  marriage  of  the 
king  with  the  daughter  of  Henry  II.  the  French 
monarch  The  marquis  of  Northampton,  the  bi» 
fhop  of  Ely,  and  fome  other  perfons  of  diftinction, 
were  fent  ambaffadors  to  France,  with  the  order  of 
the  garter  for  Henry  ;  and  the  propoial  of  a  match 
between  his  daughter  Elizabeth  and  the  king  of 
England.  Commiffioners  were  immediately  ap- 
pointed to  treat  with  them  on  this  fubject,  and  the 
treaty  was  figned  at  Angers  *,  but  Edward  died  be^ 
fore  the  princefs  was  of  age.  In  the  mean  time, 
Henry  returned  the  compliment,   by  fending  the 

Rymer.  marechal  de  Montmorency  at  the  head  of  afplendid 
embaffy,  with  the  order  of  St.  Michael,  to  the 
king  of  England. 

Immediately  after  thefe  t  ran  factions,  the  earl  of 
Warwick  was  created  duke  of  Northumberland; 
nor  were  his  intimate  friends  forgot  in  this  promo- 
tion. William  Pawlet  earl  of  Wiltfhire,  and  lord 
high  treafurer,  received  the  title  of  marquis  of 
Winchefler,  and  Sir  William  Herbert  was  created 
earl  of  Pembroke.  The  new  duke  did  not  think 
his  authority  was  perfectly  fecured  during  the  life 
of  the  duke  of  Somerfet,  who  made  great  pro- 
grefs  in  retrieving  the  king's  favour  ;  and  actually 
began  to  take  meafures  for  re-affuming  the  office 
of  protector.  In  order  to  prevent  the  elevation  of 
iuch  a  powerful  rival,  Northumberland  refolved  to 


EDWARD      VI.  IB3 

ruin  him  effectually.  He  found  means  by  artful  A  c  ,55I> 
infinuations  to  alienate  the  king's  affection  from  that 
nobleman  ;  and  then,  by  repeated  infults,  provoked 
him  to  take  fuch  meafures  as  furnifhed  a  handle  to 
work  his  deftrudtion.  Somerfet's  patience  being 
exhaufted,  he  is  faid  to  have  contrived  a  fcheme  for 
affafiinating  this  troubleibme  upftart.  One  of  his 
confidents,  called  Sir  Thomas  Palmer,  betrayed  his 
private  converfation,  and  declared,  in  the  king's 
hearing,  that  the  duke  of  Somerfet  had  laid  a  plan 
for  affailinating  the  duke  of  Northumberland,  the 
marquis  of  Northampton,  and  the  earl  of  Pembroke. 
The  evidence  of  this  perfon,  who  was  a  man  of  an 
infamous  character,  was  corroborated  by  the  con- 
fefTion  of  one  Crane ;  another  of  the  name  of  Ham- 
mond owned  that  the  duke's  chamber  had  been 
flrongly  watched  by  night  at  Greenwich  ;  and  the 
lord  Strange  voluntarily  declared,  that  Somerfet  de- 
fired  he  would  perfuade  the  king  to  marry  his  third 
daughter,  and  aft  as  a  fpy  about  his  majefty's  per- 
fon. The  duke  was  immediately  arreted,  and  ient  Thedukf  of 
to  the  Tower,  together  with  the  lord  Grey,  and  f^ff? Is 
fome  other  adherents :  next  day  the  dutchefs  was  refted. 
committed  to  the  fame  place,  as  well  as  Sir  Thomas 
Holdcroft,  Sir  Miles  Partridge,  Sir  Michael  Stan- 
hope, Wingheld,  Bannifter,  Vaughan,  and  many 
others.  The  duke  of  Somerfet  was  foon  brought 
to  his  trial  before  the  marquis  of  Wincheiler,  who 
fat  as  high  fteward  upon  the  occafion,  and  the  reft 
of  the  peers,  including  the  duke  of  Northumber- 
land, the  marquis  of  Northampton,  and  the  earl  of 
Pembroke,  who  were  both  parties  and  judges  in 
this  court  of  judicature.  He  was  accufed  of  a  de- 
fign  to  fecure  the  perfon  of  the  king,  and  realTume 
the  adminiftration  of  affairs,  to  afTaffmate  the  duk 
of  Northumberland,  and  raiie  an  infurrection  in  the 
city  of  London.  He  pleaded  Not  guilty,  and  de- 

*54  HISTORY    of   ENGLAND; 

a.c.  t55t.  [irec]  ne  might  be  confronted  with  his  accufers.  His 
Tried  and  requefl:  was  rejected  :  he  was  acquitted  of  treafon, 
^ieW*  but  condemned  to  death  for  fimple  felony,  on  a  fta- 
tute  palled  in  the  reign  of  Henry  VII.  declaring  it 
felonious  for  any  peribn  to  harbour  the  thought  of 
killing  a  privy-counfellor.  This  fcandalous  fen- 
tence  being  pronounced,  Somerfet  craved  pardon 
of  the  duke  of  Northumberland,  the  marquis  of 
Northampton,  and  the  earl  of  Pembroke,  tor  the 
enmity  he  had  bore  them.  The  populace  feeing 
him  reconveyed  to  the  Tower  without  the  axe,whkh 
was  no  longer  carried  before  him,  becaufe  he  was 
condemned  to  be  hangeo\  imagined  he  had  been  in- 
tirely  acquitted ;  and  in  repeated  fhouts  and  accla- 
mations manifefted  their  joy,  which  was  foon  con- 
verted into  forrow,  when  they  were  better  inform- 
ed of  his  doom. 

The  nation  in  general  believed  he  would  obtain 
his  pardon-,  but  the  king's  heart  was  hardened  againft 
him  by  the  arts  of  the  minifter,  who  prevailed  upon 
one  Bartuille  to  declare  to  his  majefty,  that  Somer- 
fet had  employed  him  to  arTaflinate  the  duke  of 
Northumberland.  He  was  even  told,  that  the 
duke  had  confened  the  whole  fcheme,  after  his 
condemnation  :  he  was  amufed  with  diverfions, 
that  his  mind  might  not  have  leifure  to  reflect  upon 
the  nature  of  the  trial;  he  was  befieged  in  fuch  a 
manner,  that  no  friend  of  his  uncle  could  approach 
his  perfon.  That  unhappy  nobleman  had  indeed 
interefted  the  lord  Riche  the  chancellor  in  his  fa- 
vour ;  but  the  correfpondence  between  them  being 
accidentally  difcovered,  the  lord  Riche  was  de- 
prived of  the  great  fea],  which  was  given  in  charge 
Paywwd.  to  the  bi (hop  of  Ely.  At  length,  the  king  figned 
an  order  for  the  execution  of  his  uncle,  who,  on 
the  twenty-fecond  day  of  January  appeared  on  the 
fcaffold,  without  the  leail  emotion,  in  the  midft  of 


EDWARD      VI.  ,55 

a  vaft  concourfe  of  the  populace,  by  whom  he  was  A»  C.  1552. 
beloved.     He  fpoke  to  them  with  great  compofure,  He  is  he, 
protefting  his  innocence  of  the  crimes  laid  to  his  kwW- 
charge  ;  and  that  he  had  always  promoted  the  fer- 
vice  of  his  king,   and  the  intereft  of  the  true  reli- 
gion to  the  utmoft  of  his   power.      The  people 
attefted  the  truth  of  what  he  faid  by  crying  aloud, 
"  It  is  molt  true  :"  and  when  he  prayed,  that  the 
king  might  enjoy  heath  and  profperity,  there  was  a 
general   refponfe  of  Amen.     The  fpeclators  Teem- 
ed to    be   in  great  agitation,    and  on   the   brink 
of  taking  fome  violent  meafure.     Certain  people, 
who  had  been  ordered  to  affift  in  arms  at  the  exe- 
cution, perceiving,   as  they  approached  Tower-hill, 
that  the  duke  was  already  on  the  fcaffbld,  mended 
their  pace,  crying  aloud  to  each  other,  "  Come 
*c  away !"   The  precipitation  with  which  they  ad- 
vanced,   and  this  exclamation,  which  was  ecchoed 
through  the  whole  multitude,  produced  an  univerfal 
tumult.      After  this   had  fubfided,    Sir  Anthony 
Brown  riding  towards  the  fcaffbld,  the  people  ex- 
claimed, "  A  pardon,  a  pardon."     But,  the  duke 
with  great  compofure,  afTured  them  they  were  mif- 
taken  ;  and   intreated  them   to  be  quiet,  that  he 
might  pafs  his  laft  moments  in  peace.  Then  he  con- 
tinued his  fpeech ;  and  concluding  with   a  defire  Fo*' 
that  they  would  join  with  him  in  prayer,  fubmitted 
to  the  ftroke  of  the  executioner.     Thus  fell  the 
duke  of  Somerfet,  a  facrifice  to  the  ambition  of  his 
rival.  He  was  a  nobleman  of  a  middling  genius,  not 
without  virtues,  though  warmed  by  ftrong  paflions, 
among  which  vanity,  pride,  and  ambition,  feemed 
to  predominate.  The  people  were  fo  well  convinced 
of  his  innocence,  that  they  looked  upon  him  as  a 
martyr ;  and  dipping  handkerchiefs  in   his  blood, 
prelerved  them  as  precious  relics.    Sir  Ralph  Vane, 
£  brave  old  foldier,  and  Sir  Miles  Partridge  were 



a.c.  1552.  hanged,  and  Sir  Michael  Stanhope,  with  Sir  Thomas 
Arundel,  beheaded  as  the  duke's  accomplices.  Vane 
encountered  death  with  equal  intrepidity  and  dif- 
dain,  obferving,  that  the  time  had  been  when  he 
was  of  ibme  eftimation,  but  now  the  cowardly 
and  courageous  were  treated  alike  •,  and  all  of 
them    declared,    in   their   laft  moments,   that  they 

Harvard,  had  never  offended  againft  the  king,  or  any  of  his 

While  the  Englifh  miniflry  was  intent  upon  thefe 
tranfactions,  the  emperor's  affairs  in  Germany  af- 
jumed  a  new  afpecl.  Maurice  elector  of  Saxony 
entered  privately  into  a  league  with  France,  and 
the  proteftants  of  his  own  country.  He  fent  am- 
baffadors  to  engage  Edward  in  the  fame  affocia- 
tion  -,  and  fbllicit  a  fupply  of  four  hundred  thou- 
fand  crowns  to  maintain  the  interefl  of  the  reformed 
jeligion.  The  miniftry  gave  him  to  underftand, 
that  the  king  was  not  averfe  to  a  league  calculated 
Entirely  for  the  fake  of  religion  ;  but  that  he  would 
not  be  concerned  in  any  league  or  alliance  which 
was  concerted  on  political  maxims.  Neverthelefs, 
if  the  elector  of  Saxony  would  confer  more  parti- 
cularly with  the  proteftant  princes,  and  then  fend 
ambaffadors  fufhViently  authorifed  to  the  king,  he 
would  return  a  more  pofitive  anfwer.  The  par- 
liament affembling  on  the  twenty-third  of  January, 
a  ftatute  was  ena£ted  againfl  thofe  who  fhouid  write 
or  fpeak  evil  of  the  king  -9  but  in  this  act  was  in  - 
ferted  a  claufe,  importing,  That  no  perfon  mould 
be  convicted  except  upon  the  evidence  of  two  wit- 
r.effes  at  leaft,  or  be  confronted  with  the  criminal. 
Then  they  pafTrd  an  act  to  authorize  the  New 
Common  Prayer-book ;  another  for  afcertaining 
the  fads  and  holidays  ;  a  third  for  the  relief  of  the 
poor ;  a  fourth  allowing  the  marriage  of  the  clergy  *? 
a  fifth  againft  ufury  ^    and  a  fixth  againfl  fimony. 

A  bill 

EDWARD       VI.  157 

A  bill  was  brought  into  the  houfe  of  peers,  for  fet-  A,c- 1>>2* 
ting  afide  the  entail  of  Somerfet's  eftate  in  favour  of 
the  children  of  his  firft  marriage,  whom  he  had  ex- 
cluded from  his  inheritance  •,  but  as  a  claufe  of  this 
bill  declared,  that  the  late  duke  and  his  accomplices 
had  been  juftly  condemned,  the  houfe  of  commons 
refufed  to  pafs  the  act  until  the  claufe  was  removed. 
In  the  fame  ceflion,  the  duke  of  Northumberland 
attempted  to  deftroy  Tonftall  bifhop  of  Durham  by 
attainder,  on  pretence  of  having  concealed  a  con- 
fpiracy  againft  the  king  •,  but  the  commons  rejected 
the  bill,  becaufe  the  defign  was  to  condemn  the 
bifhop  without  his  being  confronted  by  his  accufers. 
The  duke's  aim  was  to  obtain  for  himfelf  the  dig- 
nity of  palatine  of  Durham,  which  was  annexed  to  The  parifa- 
the  bifhopric.  But  perceiving  that  this  parliament,  Jy^*1^ 
which  had  been  elected  during  the  prote&orihip  of  another  coa- 
Somerfet,  was  not  difpofed  to  comply  with  all  his  1 
wifhes,  he  took  care  that  it  mould  be  dillblved,  and 
another  convoked  for  the  enfuing  year.  In  the 
mean  time,  he  continued  to  indulge  his  refentment 
againft  the  memory  and  adherents  of  the  late  duke 
of  Somerfet.  He  commenced  a  rigorous  inquifi- 
tion  about  the  lands  formerly  belonging  to  the  chan- 
tries, which  had  been  given  away  during  the  admi- 
niftration  of  that  nobleman ;  and  fome  of  the  new 
proprietors  were  condemned  in  heavy  fines,  while 
the  reft  appeafed  him  with  large  fums  of  money. 
He  conceived  a  violent  antipathy  to  the  lord  Paget, 
who  had  been  always  a  ftaunch  adherent  of  Somer- 
fet -f  and  that  nobleman  was  not  only  fubjected  to  a 
grievous  fine,  but  even  degraded  from  the  order  of 
the  garter,  on  pretence  that  he  was  not  a  gentleman 
by  birth.  Thus,  the  duke  at  once  gratified  his  re- 
fentment, and  procured  the  vacant  garter  for  his 
own  Ion  the  lord  Warwick.  In  the  ccurfe  of  this 
year,    Heath  and  Day,    the  bifhops  of  Worcefcer 


158  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  155a  and  Chefter,  were  depofed  on  account  of  their  operi 
P*m.  of  the  opposition  to  the  reformed  religion.  The  patents 
Retoim.  by  which  the  king  filled  the  vacant  biihoprics, 
were  altered  in  the  form,  fo  as  that  he  was  left  at 
liberty  to  deprive  them  of  their  fees,  according  to 
his  own  pleafure,  without  obferving  the  ordinary 
formalities.  The  company  of  German  merchants 
known  by  the  appellation  of  the  Steel-yard,  was 
fupprerTed  becaufe  it  monopolized  the  exportation 
of  the  woollen  manufacture  ;  and  a  project  was 
formed  for  converting  Hull  and  Southampton  into 
free  ports ;  but,  the  fcheme  was  never  carried  into 
execution.  The  king  of  France  having  declared 
war  againft  the  emperor,  and  taken  Mentz  by  fur- 
prize,  the  elector  of  Saxony  aflembled  his  troops, 
and  pulling  off  the  mafk,  marched  directly  to  In- 
fpruck,  where  he  had  well  nigh  taken  the  emperor, 
who  now  found  himfelf  obliged  to  favour  the  pro- 
A  c  ,5S3  teftancs,  by  confenting  to  the  famous  edict  of 

The  duke  of  Northumberland  found  the  new 
parliament  as  obfequious  as  he  could  have  wifhed. 
They  granted  a  very  confiderable  fubfidy  to  the 
king,  on  a  fuppofition  that  his  finances  had  been 
difiipated  during  the  administration  of  Somerfet. 
They  fupprerTed  the  bifhopric  of  Durham,  in  lieu 
of  which  one  was  founded  in  the  fame  place,  and 
another  at  Newcaftle  -9  but,  the  dignity  of  palatine 
was  conferred  on  the  duke  of  Northumberland. 
Then  the  parliament  was  difiblved,  after  a  fhcrt 
fefiion  of  one  month ;  though,  during  that  time, 
the  minifter  accomplifhed  the  purpofes  for  which 
it  had  been  convoked.  The  king,  who  had  been 
for  fome  time  indifpofed,  in  coniequence  of  the 
fmall  pox,  which  left  a  diforder  upon  his  lungs, 
figned  an  order  for  the  vifitation  of  the  churches, 
that  their  luperfluous  plate  and  ornaments  might  be 


-EDWARD      VI.  i59 

converted  to  the  ufe  of  the  poor;  but  fuch  fraud  AC«  '553* 
and  extortion  were  practifed  in  this  inquiry,  tkac 
the  poor  reaped  very  little  benefit  from  the  king's 
charitable  intention.  His  difremper  now  degene- 
rated into  a  confirmed  confumption  ;  and  many 
people  did  not  fcruple  to  infinuate,  that  the  duke 
of  Northumberland  had  tampered  with  his  confti- 
tution.  Edward  faw  his  own  danger,  and  bore 
the  profpect  of  death  with  uncommon  fortitude; 
all  the  concern  he  manifefted  was  for  the  Hate  of 
religion,  which  he  forefaw  would  be  altered  in  the 
reign  of  Mary  his  fucceflbr.  He  was  greatly  dif- 
turbed  by  this  reflection  ♦,  and  the  duke  of  Nor- 
thumberland did  not  fail  to  feed  his  difquiet,  by 
defcribing  the  fcenes  of  perfecution  that  would  be 
'acted  under  apopifh  fovereign.  His  deCign  was  to 
pave  the  way  for  Edward's  fetting  afide  the  fuccei- 
fion.  When  the  phyficians  defpaired  of  the  king's 
iife,  he  was  committed  to  the  care  of  an  obfcure 
woman,  who  undertook  to  cure  him  by  means 
which  fhe  would  not  difcover.  No  hopes  of  his  re-  LorfG»a*. 
covery  now  remaining,  the  duke  would  no  longer  ford  Dudley 
delay  the  marriage  of  his  fourth  fon  lord  Guilford  u&yjw 
Dudley,  with  the  lady  Jane  Grey,  eldelt  daughter  Grey» 
of  the  new  duke  of  Suffolk,  and  Frances  Brandon, 
mentioned  in  Henry's  will,  as  next  in  fucceffion  to 
his  own  daughters.  At  the  fame  time,  Jane's  fe- 
cond  fifter  Catherine  efpoufed  the  lord  Herbert  eidefl: 
fon  of  the  earl  of  Pembroke  ;  and  -the  third  was 
married  to  Martin  Keys  the  groom  porter. 

Thefe  knots  of  intereft  being  tied,  the  duke  re- 
folved  to  take  the  firrr.  opportunity  of  executing  the 
other  part  of  his  project.  One  day,  when  the  king 
lamented  his  fitter's  averfion  to  the  reformed  reli- 
gion, Northumberland  told  him  there  was  only  one 
way  of  preventing  the  misfo.rtunes  which  threatened 
his  country  $  and  that  was  by  excluding  thevprin - 

••  3  cefs: 


I  £0 


who  is  de- 
clared next 
h-  i<-  of  the 


The   king's 

death ,  and 
hai  after. 


Cefs  Mary  from  the  fucceflion,  and  transferring  the* 
crown  to  lady  Jane  Grey.  He  reprefented,  that 
the  princefs  Elizabeth  could  not  help  fharing  her 
filler's  fate,  becaufe  the  only  pretence  they  could 
nfe  again  ft  Mary  was  illegitimacy  ;  and  that  equally 
affedled  Elizabeth,  as  the  marriages  of  both  their 
mothers  had  been  declared  unlawful  by  a6r,  of  par- 
liament. This  expedient  was  well  relimed  by 
Edward.  The  int^reft  of  religion  was  his  prevail- 
ing care,  which  on  this  occafion  furmounted  every 
other  confideration  ;  and  he  entertained  the  moft 
tender  regard  for  lady  Jane  Grey,  who  poflefTed  all 
the  amiable  accomplishments  of  mind  and  perfon. 
Three  of  the  judges  were  forthwith  ordered  to  draw 
up  an  acl:  of  conveyance,  transferring  the  crown  to 
lady  Jane  Grey  upon  the  death  of  Edward.  They 
at  firft  refufed  to  comply  with  this  order,  alledging, 
that  in  framing  fuch  an  acl,  they  mould  render 
themfrlves  liable  to  the  pains  and  penalties  of  high- 
treafon,  according  to  adt  of  parliament.  The  duke 
of  Northumberland  was  fo  incenfed  at  their  refufal, 
that  he  could  hardly  refrain  from  perfonal  violence. 
In  a  word,  partly  by  threats,  and  partly  by  letters 
of  pardon  granted  in  their  favour  by  anticipation, 
they  were  prevailed  upon  to  draw  up  the  acl:  of  con- 
veyance, which  was  figned  by  all  the  other  judges, 
except  Sir  James  Hales,  and  all  the  members  of 
the  privy-council,  Cranmer  himfelf  not  excepted. 

The  king  ftill  continued  under  the  regimen  pre- 
fcribed  by  the  woman  who  had  undertaken  his 
cure ;  but  the  diftemper  gaining  ground  every  day, 
fne  was  dil miffed,  and  the  phyficians  were  recalled, 
Notwithstanding  all  their  endeavours,  he  died  on 
the  fixth  day  of  July,  in  the  Seventeenth  year  of  his 
age,  and  in  the  Seventh  year  of  his  reign,  after  hav- 
ing exhibited  marks  of  the  moft  pious  resignation. 
Edward  is  celebrated  by  historians  for  the  beauty  of 


EDWARD      VI.  151 

jiis  perfon,  the  fweetnefs  of  his  difpofition,  and  the  A,c,t^3. 
extent  of  his  knowledge.  By  that  time  he  had  at- 
tained the  fixteenth  year,  he  understood  the  Greek, 
Latin,.  French,  Italian,  and  Spanifh  languages ;  he 
was  verfed  in  the  fciences  of  Jogic,  mufic,  natural 
philofophy,  and  mafter  of  all  the  theological  difputes  s 
infomuch  that  the  famous  Hieronymus  Cardanus, 
in  his  return  from  Scotland,  vifuing  the  Engnfli 
court,  was  aftonimed  at  the  progrefs  he  had  made 
in  learni-ng*,  and  afterwards  extolled  him  in  his 
works  as  a  prodigy  of  nature.  Notwithftanding 
thefe  encomiums,  he  feems  to  have  had  an  inijredienc 
of  bigotry  in  his  difpofition  that  would  have  ren-  N 
dered  him  very  troublefome  to  thofe  of  tender  con- 
fciences,  who  might  have  happened  to  differ  from 
him  in  religious  principles  \  nor  can  we  reconcile 
either  to  his  boafted  humanity  or  penetration,  his 
confenting  to  the  death  of  his  uncle,  who  had 
ferved  him  faithfully,  unlefs  we  fuppofe  he  want-ed 
refolution  to  withftand  the  importunities  of  his  mi- 
nifter  ;  and  was  deficient  in  that  vigour  of  mind, 
which  often  exifts  independent  of  learning  and 
culture  *. 

*  He  died  at  Greenwich*    and  \Vas     great  pomp,  near  the  remains  of  His 
buried  in  Weitminfler  Abbey,    with     grandfather  king  Henry  VII. 

N°  $1.  U  MAR  y. 

>52    J 


A.c.  1553.  f~Tp  HE  duke  of  Northumberland  carefully  con- 
J^     cealed  the  death  of  Edward,    in  hope  of  fe- 
curing  the  perfon  of  the  princefs  Mary,  who,  by  an 
order  of  council,  had  been  required  to  attend  her 
brother  in  his  illnefs.     She  had  come  as  far  as  Hod- 
defdon,   within  feventeen  miles  of  London,  when 
fhe  received  a  meflfage  from  the  earl  of  Arundel, 
informing  her  of  Edward's   death,  and  the  fteps 
which    had   been  taken  to  exclude  her   from  the 
throne.     Alarmed  at  this  intelligence,  me  retired 
immediately  to  Kenning-Hall  in   Norfolk,    from 
whence  flie  fent  orders  to  Sir  George  Somerfet,  Sir 
William  Drury,  and  Sir  W.  Waldegrave,  to  attend 
her  immediately  with  all  the  forces  they  could  raile. 
Circular  letters  were  difpatched  to  all  the  great 
towns  and  nobility  of  the  kingdom,  reminding  them 
of  her  right,  and  commanding  them  to  proclaim 
her  without  delay.     Then  fhe  wrote  to  the  council, 
exprefling  her  furprize,   that  as  they  knew  her  un- 
doubted right  of  fucceflion,  they  had   not   made 
her  acquainted  with  her  brother's  deceafe  ♦,  and  pro- 
mifing  to  take  them   into  favour,  provided  they 
would  immediately  proclaim  her  in  the  city  of  Lon- 
don, and  other  places,   according  to  the  dictates  of 
their  duty.     Having  taken  thefe  fteps,  fhe  retired 
to  Framlingham-Caftle  in  Suffolk,  that  fhe  might 
be  near  the  fea,  and  efcape  to  Flanders,   in  cafe  fhe 
mould  find  herfelf  hard  preffed.     Mean  while  the 
duke  of  Northumberland,  who  governed  the  king- 
dom in  the  name  of  the  council,   being  apprifed  of 
Mary's  retreat,  went  with  the  duke  of  Suffolk  as 
deputies  from   the  council,    to  intimate   to   Jane 
Grey  her  acceffion   to  the  throne,  by  virtue  of  an 
act  of  conveyance.     They  found  this  young  lady  at 

2  Sion- 

MARY.  153 

Sion-houfe  ;  and  when  they  made  her  acquainted  A-c>  J5S3. 
with  the  defign  of  their  vifit,  fhe  was  overwhelm- 
ed with  grief  and  aftonimment.     She  fhed  a  flood 
of  tears,  appeared  quite  inconfolable ;  and  it  was 
not  without  the  utmoft  reluctance,  that  me  yielded 
to  the  intreaties  of  Northumberland,  Northampton* 
her  own  father  and  hufband,  fo  far  as  to  accept  the 
crown.     At  length,    however,    they  extorted  her 
confent ;  and  next  day  conveyed  her  to  the  Tower. 
On  the  tenth  day  of  July  fhe  was  proclaimed  in  Lady  jane* 
London ;  and  the  council  fent  an  anfwer  to  Mary's  ^mJdT 
letter,  importing,  That  as  fhe  was  born  of  an  unlaw-  London. 
ful  marriage,  formally  dhTolved   by  act  of  parlia- 
ment, fhe  ought  to  drop  her  pretentions,  and  ac- 
knowledge the  fovereignty  of  queen  Jane,  who  had 
afcended  the  throne  by  virtue  of  the  late  king's  let- 

The  people  were  fo  aftoniftied  when  they  heard 
this  lady  proclaimed,  that  they  exprefTed  no  marks 
of  joy  and  exultation.  They  could  not  conceive 
for  what  reafon  king  Henry's  two  daughters  were 
excluded  from  the  fucceflion  •,  and  they  hated  the 
duke  of  Northumberland,  as  the  perfon  who  had 
ruined  their  darling  Somerfet.  Nor  was  their  ha-  J?ukfof 
tred  alleviated  by  the  conduct  of  the  duke  on  this  beriandde- 
occafion.  A  low  plebeian  having  uttered  fome  far-  tefte(J  b*th« 
caftic  obfervation  upon  this  unexpected  fucceilion, 
he  ordered  him  to  be  apprehended,  deprived  of  his 
ears,  and  expofed  in  the  pillory  for  his  infolence ; 
an  act  of  feverity,  from  which  the  populace  drew 
an  ill  omen  of  the  new  government.  The  duke 
knew  he  had  incurred  the  odium  of  the  people*  and 
even  of  the  great.  He  fufpected  fome  members  of 
the  council  of  averfion  to  his  perfon  and  meafures ; 
and  for  that  reafon  continued  to  keep  them  in  the 
Tower,  on  pretence  of  conforming  to  the  practice 
of  the  Englifh  fovereigns,  who,  with  their  council, 
ufed  to  re  fide  in  the  Tower,  on  their  firfl  accefLon 

M  2  to 

i54  HISTORY    of   ENGLAND. 

A-  c  »553-  to  the  throne.  His  fufpicions  were  not  without 
foundation.  The  earl  of  Arundel  was  attached  to 
the  old  religion,  and  hated  Northumberland,  who 
had  extorted  from  him  a  large  fine,  on  pretence 
that  he  had  diffipated  the  king's  revenues.  The 
other  members  were  difgufted  by  his  infupportable 
pride  and  arrogance  y  and  longed  for  an  opportu- 
nity to  make  off  the  yoke  of  his  authority.  At  pre- 
fent  they  found  themfelves  in  effect  prifoners  *,  and 
were  fain  to  temporize,  by  afTenting  to  every  thing 
he  propofed.  The  death  of  Edward,  and  acceffion 
of  lady  Jane  Grey,  were  notified  to  the  Engiiih  am- 
bafladors  at  foreign  courts  •,  and  Richard  Shelly 
was  difpatched  as  envoy,  with  a  letter  from  Jane  to 
the  emperor,  offering  to  renew  the  treaty  of  peace 
between  him  and  England.  Shelly,  however,  did 
not  demand  an  audience,  until  he  mould  fee  what 
turn  affairs  might  take  in  his  own  country. 

Northumberland  underftanding  that  Mary  was 
joined  by  John  Bourcher  earl  of  Bath,  Henry  Rat- 
clifre  earl  of  Suflex,  the  Ions  of  lord  Wharton,  and 
Mordaunt,  Sir  Henry  Bedingfield,  Sir  W.  Drury, 
Sir  Henry  Jernegan,  and  many  other  perfons  of 
diftincrion  ;  that  (he  had  been  proclaimed  at  Nor- 
wich ;  and  that  the  people  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk, 
had  rifen  in  arms  for  the  defence  of  her  claim  •,  he, 
with  confent  of  council,  afiembled  fome  troops  at 
tflr1?^"    Newmarket,  fct  on  foot  new  levies  in  London,  and 

EifS  troops  '  * 

at  New-  different  parts  of  the  kingdom^  and  appointed  the 
■*rket'  duke  of  Suffolk  general  of  the  army,  becaufe  he 
himfelf  was  afraid  to  leave  the  council,  of  which 
he  had  reafon  to  be  jealous.  Neverthelefs,  the  earl 
of  Arundel,  who  wanted  nothing  but  an  opportu- 
nity to  a<5t  openly  in  behalf  of  Mary,  made  fuch 
rernon  (trances  to  Jane  Grey,  touching  the  military 
character  of  the  duke  of  Northumberland,  which 
would  flrike  terror  into  the  hearts  of  her  enemies, 
that  flie  infilled  upon  his  taking  the  command  of 


MARY.  155 

the  forces  in  lieu  of  her  father,  from  whom  (he  A-c- J553» 
could  not  part  without  the  utmoft  reluctance.  Nor- 
thumberland could  not  help  complying  with  her 
requeft.  He  fet  out  for  the  army  at  Newmarket, 
attended  by  his  fon  the  earl  of  Warwick,  the  mar- 
quis of  Northampton,  the  earl  of  Huntingdon,  and 
the  lord  Gray  of  Wilton  •,  and  foon  found  himfelf 
at  the  head  of  eight  thoufand  men,  with  whom  he 
advanced  to  Bury.  Mean  while,  Mary  was  joined 
by  the  lord  Thomns  Howard,  fon  to  the  duke  of 
Norfolk,  with  all  the  friends  of  that  family.  Six 
fhips  being  ordered  by  the  council  to  cruife  on  the 
coaft  of  Suffolk,  in  order  to  prevent  her  efcape  by 
lea,  were  driven  by  ftrefs  of  weather  into  a  port  of 
EfTex,  where  the  crews  imprifoned  their  comman- 
ders, and  revolted  to  Mary.  Four  thoufand  men 
were  raifed  in  her  behalf  in  Bucks,  by  Sir  Edward 
Hafrings,  the  lord  Windfor,  and  Sir  Edward  Peck- 
ham :  another  body  had  arfembled  in  Oxfordshire, 
under  Sir  John  Williams;  and  a  third  in  the 
county  of  Northampton,  commanded  by  Sir  Tho- 
mas Trefham.  Neverthelefs,  when  her  friends  were  Goodwin, 
informed  that  the  duke  of  Northumberland  had  be- 
gun his  march,  fome  of  them  advifed  her  to  retire 
into  another  country  ;  and  perhaps  flie  wou!d  have 
complied  with  this  advice,  had  he  acted  with  vi- 
gour and  difpatch.  But,  in  all  probability,  he  per-  Ban** 
ceived  marks  of  difTatisfaction  among  his  troops. 
Inftead  of  marching  directly  to  the  enemy,  he  loi- 
tered fevcral  days  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Cam- 
bridge •,  and  ordered  doctor  Edwin  Sandys  vice- 
chancellor  of  the  univerfity,  to  fupport  the  iuccef-  , 
(ion  of  Jane  in  a  fermon.  The  doctor  preached  ac- 
cordingly  ;  but  fpoke  with  fuch  circumfpedion,  that 
he  offended  neither  party.  This  was  not  the  cafe  Heyim* 
with  Ridley  at  London,  who  preached  with  more 
zeal  than  difcretion  ;    and  made  fo  free  with  the 

M  3  cha- 

156  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.c  1553.  character  of  Mary,  that  fhe  never  forgave  him  for 
the  attack. 

The  duke  wrote  to  the  council  in  the  moft  pref- 
fing  terms  for  a  reinforcement ;  and  they  actually 
offered  eight  crowns  per  month,  befides  fubfiftence, 
to  every  volunteer  who  would  inlifi:  in  the  fervice ; 
but,  fuch  was  the  general  odium  againfi  Northum- 
berland, that  few  or  none  would  engage  even  on 
thefe  terms  ;  while  they  crowded  to  the  banners  of 
Mary,  and  maintained  themfelves  at  their  own  ex- 
pence.    In  a  little  time  her  army  amounted  to  forty 
thoufand  men,  and  great  numbers  of  people  aMifted 
her  with  money,  plate,  and  jewels.     Their  regard 
for  the  heir  of  blood  concurred  with  their  detec- 
tion of  Northumberland,  to  produce  a  torrent  of  po- 
pularity in  her  favour.     The  earls  of  Arundel  and 
Pembroke,  finding  themfelves  ftill  detained  in  the 
Tower  under  the  infpection  of  the  duke  of  Suffolk, 
who  was  instructed  by  Northumberland  to  watch 
their  conduct,  took  an  opportunity  from  that  duke's 
preifmg  letters  to  propofe,  that  as  the  French  am- 
baffador  was  averfe  to  enter  the  Tower,  they  fhould 
meet  him  at   Baynard's  CaflJe,  a  houfe  belonging 
to  the  earl  of  Pembroke,  where  they  might  confer 
with  him,   and  take  meafures-  for   bringing  over  a 
body  of  troops  which  had  been  raifed  by  the  direc- 
tion of  the  duke,   for  the  fervice  of  queen  Jane. 
Suffolk  alTenting  to  the  propofal,    they  invited  to 
the  place  all  the  noblemen  about  London  who  were 
thought  well   affected  to   Mary ;    and   when  they 
met,  the  earl  of  Arundel  made  a  lpeech  in  favour 
of  that  princefs,  propofing  that  fht  might  be  pro- 
claimed queen  of  England.     This  motion  being  fe- 
conded  by  the  earl  of  Pembroke,  who  laid  his,  hand 
upon  his  fword,  and  declared  he  would  defend  her 
againft  all  opponents,  the  whole  affembly   anent- 
ed  to  the  propofal,     They  forthwith  lent  for  the 


MARY.  157 

lord  mayor  and  aldermen,  and  informed  them  of  A* c-  *  553- 
the  refolution  which  they  had   been  taken  :  then  The  reft  of 
mounting   their   horfes,  they  rode  to  the  crofs   in  Jeekrefor1 
Cheapfide,  where  Mary  was  proclaimed  queen  of  Mary, 
England,  by  Sir  Chriftopher  Barker,  principal  king^.^5™" 
at  arms :  Te  Deum  was  fung  in  the  cathedral  at  Loud™. 
St.  Paul's ;  and  the  event  was  celebrated  with   all 
manner  of  rejoicings  ufual  on  fuch  occafions.     The 
earl  of  Arundel  and  lord  Paget  were  difpatched  to 
Framlingham-Caftle,  to  give  the  queen  an  account 
of  thefe  proceedings.     Some  companies  took  pof- 
fefiion  of  the  Tower   without   oppofition.     Lady 
Jane  Grey  refigned  her  royalty  with  marks  of  real 
fatisfaclion  ;  and  retired  with  her  mother  to  their 
own  habitation. 

The  duke  of  Suffolk  acquiefced  in  all  thefe  tran- 
factions ;  and  next  day  that  nobleman,  with  arch- 
bifhop  Cranmer,  chancellor  Goodricke,  the  mar- 
quis of  Winchefter,  and  the  reft  of  the  council, 
figned  an  order  to  the  duke  of  Northumberland,  to 
dilband  his  forces,  and  behave  himfelf  like  a  dutiful 
fubjecl  to  queen  Mary.  He  had  already  been  in  • 
formed  of  this  fudden  revolution  ;  and  difmifled 
the  remainder  of  his  army,  which  had  been  greatly 
reduced  by  defertion.  His  firft  intention  was  to 
quit  the  kingdom  immediately;  but  being  prevent- 
ed by  the  band  of  penfioners,  who  told  him,  he 
muft  (lay  to  juftify  their  condudb,  he  endeavoured 
to  recommend  himfelf  to  Mary  by  extravagant  de- 
monftrations  of  zeal  for  her  fervice.  He  repairec 
to  the  market-place  in  Cambridge,  and  proclaiming 
her  queen  of  England,  threw  up  his  cap  in  token 
of  joy.  But,  he  reaped  no  advantage  from  thefe 
exterior  marks  of  attachment.  Next  day,  he  was  Duke  of 
arrefted  in  the  queen's  name  by  the  earl  of  Arundel.  ^orthum- 

*  J  *  b?r!and  and 

at  whofe  feet  he  fell  down  upon  his  knees,  begging  hisadhe- 
his  proteclion  in  the  mod  abject  terms  of  iapphca-  y?^s/e:u 
tion,     His  three  fens,  the  lord  Warwick,  Ambrofe, 

M  4  and 

15-8  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

A-  c-  ISSV  and  Henry,  his  brother,  Sir  Andrew  Dudley,  Si? 
John  and  Sir  Henry  Gates,  Sir  Thomas  Palmer, 
and  Dr.  Sandys,  fhared  the  fame  fate  ;  and  were 
committed  along  with  him  to  the  Tower  of  Lon- 
don. It  was  en  this  cccafion  that  a  woman,  ap- 
Ambair.  de  proaching  the  duke  in  his  way  to  prifon,  prefented 
an  handkerchief  which  fhe  had  dipped  in  the  blood 
of  the  duke  of  Somerfet  ^  and  upbraided  him  with 
{he  ruin  of  that  innocent  nobleman.  About  the 
fame  time,  the  earl  of  Huntingdon,  the  marquis 
of  Northampton,  the  lords  Hallings,  and  Robert 
Dudley,  Sir  Robett  Corbet,  and  bimop  Ridley, 
were  J  ike  wife  taken  into  cuftody  :  as  were  the  duke 
of  Suffolk,  Sir  Roger  Cholmley,  and  Sir  Edward 
B^It/'     Montague,  the  chief  juftices  of  England  ^  but  thefe 

three  were  afterwards  fet  at  liberty. 
Mary  On  the   third  day  of  April  the  queen  made  her 

nui^nceTn-  entry  into  London,  accompanied  by  her  filler 
to  Umdon.  jilizabeth,  who  had  joined  her  on  the  road  with  a 
thoufand  horfe  raifed  for  her  fervice.  When  fhe 
arrived  at  the  Tower  me  releafed  the  duke  of  Nor- 
folk, the  dutchefs  of  Somerfet,  the  bifhops  Gardi- 
ner and  Bonner,  and  the  lord  Edward  Courtney, 
fon  and  heir  of  the  marquis  of  Exeter,  a  young 
nobleman,  whom  in  a  few  days  fhe  created  earl  ot 
Devonshire.  Thus  Mary  became  miftrefs  of  the 
realm  without  bloodfhed;  though  fhe  owed  her  fuc- 
cefs  in  a  great  meafure,  to  the  popular  hatred  which 
the  duke  of  Northumberland  had  incurred  :  but  fhe 
forgot  the  good  offices  of  the  Suffolk  people,  who 
had  firft  declared  in  her  favour,  on  the  exprefs  pro- 
mife  of  being  indulged  with  liberty  of  confeience. 
She  was  indeed  a  bigot  to  her  religion  in  the  mod 
gloomy  fenfe :  and  her  attention  during  her  whole 
reign  was  engrofped  by  the  eager  defire  of  reftoring 
the  papal  power  in  England,  and  of  gratifying  her 
revenge  againft  thofe  who  were  averfe  to  her  princi- 
pies  and  f  uceeflion.     Sh&  propofed  in  council  to  re- 


MARY.  *59 

eftablim  the  catholic  religion  at  once,  and  fend  for  A- c>  J5S3- 
cardinal  Pole,  in  quality  of  pope's  legate.  Gardi- 
ner dreaded  the  effects  of  fuch  a  fudden  change,  and 
fore  law  that  cardinal  Pole,  who  was  not  his  friend, 
would  foon  fuperfede  his  influence  with  the  queen. 
He  therefore  privately  fent  an  exprefs  to  the  empe- 
ror, reprefenting  that  the  queen's  propofal  was  dan- 
gerous, ■  becaufe  the  Englifh  people  could  not  be 
brought  all  at  once  to  recognize  the  papai  autho- 
rity, and  the  zeal  of  the  cardinal  would  produce  dan- 
gerous convulfions  in  the  kingdom :  that,  on' the 
contrary,  every  thing  would  fucceed  to  the  fatisfac- 
tion  of  her  majefty  and  the  advantage  of  religion, 
provided  me,  the  queen,  would  appoint  him  chan- 
cellor, that  he  might  be  veftcd  with  authority  fuf- 
ficient  to  manage  fuch  a  delicate  affair,  and  execute 
the  fcheme  which  he  had  projected.  Charles  was 
lb  convinced  of  the  folidity  of  his  remonftrance, 
that  he  wrote  to  Mary,  exhorting  her  to  moderate 
her  zeal,  and  Jiften  to  the  advice  of  Gardiner,  to 
whom  fhe  at  length  committed  the  great  feal  of 
England,  even  before  his  pardon  was  expedited  : 
fo  that  he  fat  as  judge  in  chancery,  while  he  him- 
(elf  .was  under  fentence  of  death. 

On  the  eighteenth  day  of  Auguft,  the  duke  of  2ukf of 
Northumberland  was  brought  to  his  trial  in  Weft-  beriandc 
minder-hall,  Thomas  duke  of  Norfolk  fitting  as  ^Idtd"1* 
high-Reward.  He  defired  to  know,  whether  a  man, 
acting  by  orders  under  the  great  feal,  could  be 
juftly  charged  with  treafon  for  thefe  actions?  and 
whether  thofe,  who  were  at  lead  equally  culpable, 
could  fit  as  his  judges  ?  The  high  fteward  replied, 
that  the  great  feal  of  an  ufurper  could  be  no  war- 
rant ;  and,  that  any  perfon,  again (t  whom  there 
was  nothing  upon  record,  was  reputed  in  law,  ca- 
pable of  fitting  on  any  trial.  From  this  lad  anfwer, 
which  is  fo  repugnant  to  common  fenfe,  the  duke 
forefaw  that  any  objection  he  could  make  would  be 



1%  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a,.c.  1553.  over-ruled;  he  therefore  confeffed  the  indictment, 
and  referred  himfelf  to  her  majefty's  mercy.  His 
example,  in  this  particular,  was  followed  by  the 
earl  of  Warwick  and  the  marquis  of  Northampton, 
who  were  tried  at  the  fame  tribunal  •,  and  all  three 

Burnet" '  were  condemned  to  death  as  traitors.  Sir  John  and 
Sir  Henry  Gates,  Sir  Andrew  Dudley,  and  Sir 
Thomas  Palmer,  pleaded  guilty,  and  underwent 
the  fame  fentence.  The  duke  confeffed  on  the 
fcaffold,  that  he  had  been  always  a  Roman  catholic 
in  his  heart,  and  expreifed  great  forrow  for  having 
plundered  the  effects  of  the  church,  efpecially  as 
he  could  not  now  make  restitution.  He  is  faid  to 
have  been  amufed  with  a  promife  of  pardon,  in  con- 
fequence  of  which  he  made  this  confeflion:  if  that 
was  the  cafe  he  was  miferably  deceived,  and  died 
unregretted  by  both  parties ;  Gates  and  the  infa- 
mous Palmer  fuffered  death,  but  the  other  con- 
demned perfons  were  firft  reprieved,  and  afterwards 
pardoned.  When  the  obfequies  of  Edward  were 
performed  in  Weftminfter-abbey,  the  new  minifters 
propofed  to  ufe  the  old  office,  which  had  been  abo- 
lifhed  •,  but  Cranmer  oppofed  this  defign  with  great 
vehemence,  and  in  perfon  celebrated  the  fervice 
according  to  the  new  liturgy. 

Though  the  queen  declared  in  council,  that  (he 
would  not  force  the  confciences  of  her  fubiects,  (he 
favoured  the  Roman  catholics  lb  openly,  that  they 
did  not  fcruple  to  fay  in  public,  their  religion 
would  foon  be  re-eftablifhed.  Bonner's  chaplain, 
Bourn,  preaching  in  St.  Paul's  church,  extolled  his 
matter  with  fuch  extravagant  encomiums,  and  men- 
tioned king  Edward  in  fuch  contemptuous  terms, 
that  his  audience  being  incenfed  at  his  infolence, 
began  to  pelt  him  with  Hones,  and  handled  him  fo 
roughly  that  he  would  have  loft  his  life,  had  not  he 
been  protected  by  Bradford  and  Rogers,  two  pro- 
teftant  minifters.     The  queen  afterwards  publifhed 

a  pro- 

MARY.  1*1 

a  proclamation,  profefTing  the   faith  in  which  (he  A<  c-  '5S1* 
had   been  educated ;  but  promifed    that  no  perfon 
fhould  be  punifhed  for  religion,  until  it  fhould  be 
eftabHfhed  by  adr.  of  parliament.    In  the  mean  time  ™^  p™^" 
fhe-ferbad  all  unlawful  afifemblies,  and  ail  perfons  treated. 
were  prohibited  from  preaching  without   licences. 
Shj  cjedared  that  no  man  fhould  be  punifhed  for 
the  laftf  rebellion,  without  her  own  exprefs  order ; 
but  t-hat  (he  would   punifh   feverely  all  thofe  who 
fhoijld  promote  fuch  pernicious  defigns  for  the  fu- 
ture.   The  inhabitants  of  Suffolk,  truiting  to  the 
verbal  promife  of  her  majefty,  did  not  fcrupuloufly 
obferve  the  injunctions  in  this  proclamation  -,  and, 
an  order  being  fent  to  their  magistrates  to   puniih 
the  delinquents  with  the  utmoft  rigour  of  the  law, 
they  fent  deputies  to  court,  to  remind  the  queen  of 
her  promife :  but  their  remonftrance  was   treated 
with  great  contempt,  and   one  of  their  deputies 
placed  in  the  pillory  for  the  freedom  of  his  expoftu- 
lation.     Bradford  and  Rogers  were  confined  on  ac- 
count of  their  popularity.    Bonner,  Gardiner,  Ton- 
ftal,  Heath,  and  Day,  were  re  eftablifhed  in  the  dio- 
cefes  of  which  they  had  been  deprived.     Hooper, 
bifnop  of  Gloucefter,  and  Coverdale  of  Exeter,  with 
feveral  other  proteftant  divines,    were  imprifoned, 
becaufe  they  would  not  fubmit  to  Gardiner,  who 
was  impowered  by  the  queen  to  grant  licences  for 
preaching.     Divine  fervice  was  openly  celebrated 
in  the  old  manner,  though  contrary  to  the  laws  dill 
fubfifting.    Judge  Hales  was  fined  in   a  thouland 
pounds  for  having  directed  the  judges  of  Kent  to 
conform  to  the  laws  of  Edward,    which  had  not 
been  repealed.     Montague  was  difmifTed  from  his 
office,   which  was  beftowed  on  Bromley,   a  papift. 
Peter  Martyr,  profefTor  of  theology  at  Oxford,  un- 
derwent fuch  infults  from  the  enemies  of  the  refor- 
mation, that  he  was  obliged  to  take  fhelter  in  Cran* 
mer's  hoiue;  though  that  prelate  was  in  no  condi- 



a.  c.  1553.  tioa  to  pro  ted  himfelf,    for  the  court  had  already 
doomed  him  to  deft  rue!  ion. 

Bonner  not  only  endeavoured  by  coarfe  raillery  to 
ridicule  the  good  biihop,  whom  he  called  Mr.  Can- 
terbury, but,  in  order  to  fcandalize  the  archbifhop's 
character,  diffufed  a  report  that  he  had  fubmitted  to 
the  queen,  and  promifed  to  make  a  public  recanta- 
tion of  his  errors.  Cranmer,  in  order  to  vindicate 
himfelf  from  this  afperfion,  drew  up  a  declaration 
of  his  faith,  which  he  offered  to  maintain  in  public, 
with  the  queen's  permiiTion.  On  account  of  this 
writing,  which  was  publifhed  without  his  know- 
ledge, he  was  fummoned  to  the  Star-chamber, 
where  he  owned  himfelf  the  author  of  the  paper  ; 
and  was,  for  that  day,  difmiffed.  Some  of  the  coun- 
cil advifed  the  queen  to  treat  him  gently,  as  he  had 
always  been  remarkable  for  the  mildneis  of  his  dif- 
pofiuon.  Gardiner  fpoke  in  his  favour,  becaufehe 
knew  that  the  archbifhopric  would  be  given  to  car- 
dinal Pole,  mould  the  fee  be  vacated.  The  queen 
herfelf  forgetting  that  Cranmer  had  interpofed  in 
her  behalf,  when  her  father  intended  to  have  facri- 
ficed  her  to  his  refentment,  refolved  to  ruin  him 
effectually.  She  remembered  nothing  of  Cranmer, 
but  that  he  had  pronounced  her^mother's  divorce, 
and  promoted  the  reformation.  He  was  fummon- 
Cranmer  is  ed  to  appear  before  the  council,  together  with  old 
committed  Latimer,  which  lad  was  fent  directly  to  the  Tower, 
er.  and  next  day  he  was  followed  by  Cranmer,  on  pre- 

tence that  he  had  been  guilty  of  trealonable  prac- 
tices, and  publifhed  feditious  libels.  Several  other 
preachers  were  imprifoned  at  the  fame  time  :  Peter 
Martyr,  John  Lafco,  and  all  the  foreign  proteftants, 
who  had  taken  refuge  in  England,  were  allowed  to 
quit  the  kingdom  in  peace  *,  a  good  number  of  the 
Englifh,  who  profeiTed  the  reformed  religion,  fore- 
ieeing  a  perfecution,  withdrew  into  foreign  coun- 
tries on  pretence  of  being  natives  of  E  ranee,  until 


Hi  ft.  of  the 

MAR      Y.  i63 

orders  were  fent  to  all  the  fea-ports,  that  noperfonA-c',55i 
Ihould  be  allowed  to  leave  the  kingdom   on  that 
pretence,  without  producing  a  paffport,   figned  by 
the  French  ambaflador. 

The  queen  now  refolved  to   recompence   thofe  Pr<5m<*;or* 
noblemen  who  had  exerted  themfelves  vigoroufly  in  " 
her  favour.     The  earl  of  Arundel  was  appointed 
lord-fleward  of  the  houfhold,  Sir  Edward  Haftings 
was  made  mafter  of  the  horfe,  and  afterwards  a  peer 
of  the  realm.     The  earl  of  SulTex  was  created  a 
knight  of  the  garter,  with  the,  particular  privilege 
of  appearing  covered  in  the  queen's  prefence.  Lord 
Paget  was  re- admit  ted  into  that  order  •,  Francis  earl 
of   Shrewsbury    was    appointed  prefident  of    the  - 
North  •,  Sir  John  Williams  promoted  to  a  peerage, 
and  afterwards  to  the  office  of  chamberlain  to  the 
houfhold  ;  Sir  Henry  Jernegan  was  conftituted  cap- 
tain of  her  guard,  which  was  increafed  with  the  ad- 
dition of  four   hundred   men  ;    and  Sir  Thomas 
Trefham  was  created  lord  prior  of  the  order  of  St. 
John  of  Jerufalem,  which  was  now  revived  ;  con- 
fequently  he  took  rank  as  the  firft  baron  of  Eng- 
land.    Thomas  lord  Delaware,  Sir  William  Drury, 
and  Sir  Richard  Southwell,  were  gratified  with  pen-  Rym«r, 
fions.     The  queen  promoted  her  chaplain  Hopton 
to  the  fee  of  Norwich,  appointed  Englefield  mafter 
of  the  wards,  Rochefter  comptroller  of  the  houf- 
hold, and  Waldgrave  mailer  of  the  wardrobe.    On  Mary  u 
the  firft  day  of  October  Mary  was  crowned  by  the  "owns* 
hands  of  Gardiner  bifhop  of  Winchefter  •,  and  (he 
that  fame  day  publifhed  an  amnefly,  from  the  be- 
nefit of  which,  however,  all  thofe  that  had  been  ar- 
retted before  the  month  of  September,  and  many 
others,  were    nominally  excluded.      Then   Mary, 
with  a  view  to  ingratiate  herfelf  with  her  fubje&s, 
and  difpofe  the  people  to  return  members  of  parlia- 
ment who  mould  a&  agreeably  to  her  intention,  re- 
mitted the  fubfidies  which  had  been  granted  for  the 
6  payment 

i£4  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1553.  payment  of  Edward's  debt :  bur,   immediately  af- 

and  remits    ter  this  popular  ad:,  me  re-eftablifhed  John  Wefey 

1  y*     in  the  fee  of  Exeter,  which  he  had  refigned  in  the 

late  reign  -,  and  committed  Holgate,   archbifhop  of 

Godwin.      York,  to  the  Tower,    on  a  general  accufation  of 

having  committed  divers  capital  crimes. 

The  next  care  of  the  miniftry  was  to  pack  a  par- 
liament that  mould  be  favourable  to  their  defigns  ; 
and  fuch  fcandalous  methods  were  taken  for  this 
purpofe,   that  although  the  proteftants  were  much 
more  numerous  than  the  papifls  in  England,  almoft 
all   the  members  of  the  houfe  of  commons  were 
Roman  catholics.   In  the  houfe  of  lords  the  queen 
had  a  great  majority  ;  for  even  the  greater!  part  of 
thofe  noblemen,    who  had  profefTed  the  reformed 
religion  in  the  reign  of  Edward,    now  infamoufly 
conformed  to  the  court  doctrines,  from  motives  of 
intereft  and  ambition.    All  the  proteftant  btfhops 
were  either  imprifoned  or  depofed,  except  Taylor 
of  Lincoln,    and   Harley  of  Hereford ;  and  thefe 
were  expelled   from  the  houfe  of  peers  on  the  firft 
day  of  the  fefllon,  becaufe  they  refufed  to  kneel  at 
the  mafs.     The  only  ftatutes  enacted  in  this  friort 
fefilon,  were,  an  act  to  limit  all  treafons  to  the  cafes 
fpecified  in  a  former  ftature  on  the  fame  fubject  in 
the  reign  of  Edward  the  Third ;    and   another,  to 
repeal  the  act  of  attainder  parTed  againft  the  mar* 
chionefs  of  Exeter,  whofe  ion,  the  earl  of  Devon- 
mire,   was  now  re-eftablifhed  in  all  the  honours  of 
The  P.atiia-  his  family.     The  two  houfes,  meeting  again  on  the 
mem  repeals  twenty  fourth  of  October,  after  a  very  fhort  proro 
confirming    gation,  palled  an  act  for  reverfing  the  fentence  of 
SetheVOrce   divorce  between  Henry  VIII.  and  Catherine  of  Ar- 
queen's  mo-  ragon,  and  for  repealing  all  the  acts  by  which  that 
tber*  fentence   had   been  confirmed.      By  this  law  the 

princefs  Elizabeth  was  again  declared  illegitimate  ; 
and  Mary,  having  no  further  occafion  for  her  con- 
currence, treated  her  with  harflinefs  and  even  cruelty. 


MAR      Y.;  i% 

Before  the  meeting  of  the  parliament  fhe  had,  by  a.  0.155,3. 
dint  of  importunity,  prevailed  upon  Elizabeth  to 
accompany  her  to  mafs,  that  the  people  might 
think  fhe  did  nothing  without  the  concurrence  of 
the  prefumptive  heir  ;  but  now  that  fhe  was  render- 
ed incapable  of  fucceeding  the  queen,  fhe  withdrew 
from  her  all  marks  of  affection  or  regard.  An  act  hwsatouch- 
was  panned  for  abolifhing  all  the  laws  which  Edward  in£  religion* 
had  made  touching  religion;  and  all  form  of  pub- 
lic worfhip  was  prohibited,  except  that  which  had 
been  ufed  at  the  end  of  Henry's  reign.  Another 
ftatute  decreed  rigorous  penalties  again  ft  thofe  who 
mould  maltreat  ecclefiaftics  on  the  fcore  of  the  re- 
eftablifhed  fervice,  or  profane  the  Eucharift,  or  pull 
down  croiTes,  crucifixes,  and  images.  Then  the  par* 
liament  renewed  an  act  of  the  laft  reign,  making  it 
felony  for  twelve  people,  or  any  greater  number,  to 
aflemble  with  a  view  of  changing  the  eftablifhed 
religion ;  and  repealed  the  act  of  attainder,  which 
had  parTed  againft  the  duke  of  Norfolk. 

On  the  third  day  of  November,  the  lady  Jane 
Grey,  her  hufband  lord  Guilford  Dudley,  his  two 
brothers,  and  archbifhop  Cranmer,  were  brought 
to  trial ;  and,  confefiing  their  indictments,  were 
condemned  to  death  for  levying  war  againft  the 
queen,  and  confpiring  in  favour  of  an  ufurper.  Yet 
the  fee  of  Canterbury  was  not  declared  void,  be- 
caufe  Mary  intended  that  Cranmer  fhould  be  depof- 
ed  in  a  canonical  manner ;  and  to  make  a  merit  of 
pardoning  his-  treafon  againft  herfelf,  while  (lie  re- 
folved  thacdhe  fhould  fuffer  death  as  an  heretic. 
Mean  whilejfche  revenues  of  the  archbifhopric  were 
fequefteredsMR£l  the  prelate,  with  the  other  convicts, 
fent  back  to  the  Tower.  Upon  the  death  of  Ed-  -Burnet. 
ward,  cardinal  Brandini,  the  pope's  legate  at  Bruf- 
fels,  had  fent  over  an  agent,  whofe  name  was  Com- 
mendoni,  to  found  the  inclinations  of  Mary  \  who 
told  him  that  her  intention  was  to  re-eftablifh  tfttt 



-A-c*  »553-  papal  authority  in  England,  and   defired  that  his 
holinefs  would  fend  over  cardinal  Pole  as  his  le- 
Maryfoiii-   gate-     At  tne  fame  time  me  exhorted  Commen- 
cits  the  pope  doni  to  continue  the  difguife  in  which  he  had  come 
cardl"ai°vcr  to  England,  that  her  defigr.s  might  not  be  too  pre- 
PoJeashis.  cipitately  divulged.      The  pope  being   made    ac- 
ingiLd.      quainted  with  her  defire,  advifed  with  his  confiflo- 
ry,  which  declared  that  it  would  not  be  for  the  ho- 
nour of  the  holy  fee  to  fend  over  a  legate  until  one 
fhouid  be  demanded  in  form  ;  but,  the  pope  giving 
them  to  understand  that  he  knew  more  than  he 
thought  proper  to  difclofe  on  that  fubjedt,  they  af- 
fented  to  the  propofal. 

The  nomination  of  Pole  to  this  office  was  equal- 
ly difagreeable  to  the  emperor  and  bifhop  Gardi- 
ner.    Charles  had   projected  a  match  between  his 
fon  Philip  and  Mary,  and  was  apprehenfive  of  the 
icheme's  mifcarrying  by  the  interpofition  of  Pole* 
whom,  it  was  reported,  the  queen  intended  to  take 
for  her  hufband  :  Gardiner,  on  the  other  hand,  fore- 
faw  that  this  legate  would  ftep  between  him   and 
the  archbifhopric  of  Canterbury -,  and,  in  all  proba-- 
S^iVT"    kilitys  deftroy  his  influence  at  court.     He  therefore 
tained  by     reprefented  to  the  queen,  that  Pole  would  ruin  her  in- 
tbe  m-        tentions  in  favour  of  the  Roman  catholic  religion,  by 

tngues  or  o  7       / 

Gardiner,  his  unfeafonable  zeal.  The  emperor  wrote  to  her 
on  the  fame  fubject  in  the  mod  earned  manner,  and 
propofed  the  marriage  between  her  and  his  fon  Phf- 
Jip  prince  of  Spain,  of  which  fhe  perceived  all  the 
advantage,  and  accordingly  embraced  the  propofah 
She  likewife  wrote  to  Pole,  who  had  been  detained 
in  his  journey  to  England  by  the  emperor's  order, 
that  the  intereil  of  religion  would  not  permit  him 
to  come  ove^r  immediately  to  England,  where  the 
people  were  not  yet  properly  difpofed  to  recognize 
the  pope's  authority  :  neverthelefs  me  carried  on  a 
literary  correfpondence  with  the  cardinal,  whoadvifed 
her  to  reconcile  h^r  kingdom  at  once  to  the  holy  fee, 


Mary.  ig7 

without  regarding  the  murmurs  of  the  people.  Gar-  A- c-  J5S3. 
diner  fcrenuoufly  oppofed  this  council,  alledgmg  that 
the  marriage  ought  to  be  concluded  before  a  total 
re-union  with  the  holy  fee,  becaufe  in  that  cafe  her 
meafures  would  be  fupported  by  a  powerful  alli- 
ance. Gardiner  defpifed  Pole  as  a  fhallow  politi- 
cian ;  and  the  cardinal  looked  upon  him  as  a  man 
of  intrigue,  who  made  religion  fubfervient  to  his 
own  intereft :  in  a  word,  they  hated  one  another. 
The  commons,  being  informed  of  the  intended 
match,  lent  the  fpeaker,  with  a  deputation  of  twen- 
ty members,  to  fupplicate  the  queen  that  ilie  would 
not  give  her  hand  to  any  foreign  prince ;  and  fhe 
perceiving  fhe  had  nothing  to  expect  from  them, 
unlefs  fhe  would  give  them  fatisfaction  in  this  par- 
ticular, immediately  diffolved  the  parliament. 
During  the  feffion  of  parliament,  the  convocation,  Difputeeon- 
fitting  as  ufual,  re-eftablifhed  the  doctrine  of  tran-  "aS/tan- 
fubftantiation,  which  was  oppofed  by  fix  deputies  Nation, 
only,  and  three  of  tbefe  maintained  a  public  dis- 
pute againft  the  real  prefence  in  the  Eucharift ; 
but  they  were  reviled,  threatened,  infulted,  and  in- 
terrupted in  their  arguments ;  and  the  victory  was 
of  courfe  adjudged  to  their  adverfaries  :  for,  by  this 
time,  one  hundred  and  fixty  benefices  had  been 
bellowed  upon  the  creatures  of  the  court ;  fo  that  Burnet. 
there  were  very  few  protectants  in  the  lov/er  houfe 
of  convocation. 

In  the  beginning  of  the  next  year  the  emperor  A- c-  rS54« 
fent  over  the  count  of  Egmont,  at  the  head  of  a 
magnificent  embarTy,  to  regulate  the  conditions  of 
the  marriage;  and  the  queen  entrufted  Gardiner 
with  the  care  of  this  negotiation.     This  prelate  had  Treaty  of 
already  received  twelve  hundred  thoufand  crowns  {J^m^e  th 
from  Charles,  to  render  certain  individuals  propiti-  queen  and 
ous  to  the  match ;  and  now  he  affected  to  infift  lhlhp  of 
upon  conditions  that  fnould  be  very  advantageous 
to  England.     The  treaty  was  concluded  on  thefe 

N8  54.  N  terms : 

r68  HISTORY   of   ENGLAND. 

Ai  e.  1554.  terms  :  That,  by  virtue  of  the  marriage,  Philip 
fhould  enjoy  the  title  of  king  of  England  conjunct- 
ly with  Mary,  as  long  as  the  marriage  mould  fub- 
fift  ;  but  that  the  queen  mould  difpofe  of  the  reve- 
nues of  England,  and  the  nomination  of  all  em- 
ployments and  benefices,  which  fhould  be  conferred 
upon  the  natives  of  England  only :  That  fhe  fhould 
enjoy  the  titles  belonging  to  the  king  her  hufband  : 
That  her  jointure  mould  be  fixty  thoufand  livres ; 
That  the  children  of  the  marriage  fhould  fucceed 
to  the  effects  of  the  mother  :  That  the  archduke 
Charles,  the  fon  of  Philip,  fhould  enjoy  the  king- 
dom of  Spain,  Naples,  and  Sicily,  with  the  dut- 
chy  of  Milan  and  all  the  Italian  dominions ;  but,  in 
default  of  prince  Charles  and  his  ifTue,  thefe  fove- 
reignties  fhould  devolve  to  the  eldeft  born  of  Phi- 
lip and  Mary  :  That  this  firft-born  fhould,  at  any 
rate,  have  Burgundy  and  the  Low  Countries  :  That 
the  younger  ions  and  daughters  of  the  marriage 
mould  be  provided  with  appanages  and  portions  in 
England  :  That,  in  cafe  the  marriage  fhould  pro- 
duce daughters  only,  the  eldeft  fhould  fucceed  to 
Burgundy  and  the  Low  Countries,  provided  fhe 
fhould,  with  the  confent  of  her  brother  Charles, 
efpoufe  a  native  of  thefe  countries,  or  one  of  her  mou- 
ther's dominions  ;  otherwife  prince  Charles  fhould 
keep  poffelTion  of  thefe  countries,  and  provide  her 
with  a  portion  affigned  upon  Spain  and  the  Low 
Countries  :  That,  if  prince  Charles  mould  die  with- 
out ifTue,  the  eldeit  fon  of  Philip  and  Mary,  or,  in 
default  of  fons,  the  eldeft  daughter  fhould  fucceed 
to  all  the  dominions  of  her  father  and  mother  ;  and, 
that  the  fuccefTor  fhould  not  intrench  upon  the  laws, 
cuftoms,  and  privileges  of  the  countries  compofing 
his  or  her  inheritance,  nor  adminifler  the  govern- 
ment by  any  other  than  natives  of  the  refpeclive 
countries.  There  was  a  claufe  annexed,  importing, 
That,  before   the   confummation  of  the  marriage, 


MARY,  i69 

Philip  fhould  folemnly  fwear  to  the  obfervation  of  A--c«  lss& 
the  following  articles :  That  all  his  domeftics  fhould 
be  Englifh,  or  fubjects  of  the  queen  :  That  he  fhould 
bring  no  foreigner  into  England,  who  might  be  dif- 
agreeable  to  the  natives  of  this  country :  That  he 
fhould  make  no  change  in  the  laws,  ftatutes,  and 
cuftoms  of  England  :  That  he  fhould  not  convey 
the  queen  from  her  dominions,  without  her  own 
exprefs  defire  ;  nor  any  of  the  children,  without  the 
confentof  the  nobility  :  That,  in  cafe  of  his  furviv- 
ing  the  queen  without  iffue  by  her,  he  mould  not 
arrogate  to  himfelf  any  right  upon  England  or  its 
dependencies  ;  but  leave  the  fuccefiion  to  the  law- 
ful heir :  That  he  mould  not  carry  jewels  or  other 
things  of  value  out  of  the  kingdom;  nor  alienate 
any  thing  belonging  to  the  crown,  nor  fuffer  any 
fort  of  usurpation  :  And  that,  notwithflanding  this 
marriage,  the  alliance  between  England  and  France  Aa.  pUb 
mould  remain  uninfringed. 

Immediately  after  the  ratification  of  this  treaty, 
which  brought  no  advantage  to  England,  though  it 
ftrengthened  the  hands  of  a  popifh  miniftry,  the 
queen  pardoned  the  marquis  of  Northampton,  who 
had  been  condemned  with  the  duke  of  Northumber- 
land ;  and  fufpended  the  effect  of  the  ads  of  parlia- 
ment which  had  been  made  to  the  difadvantage  of 
the  monopolizing  company  of  German  merchants. 
The  marriage  was  univerfally  difliked  by  the  peo- 
ple, who  were  afraid  of  Philip's  introducing  into 
England  the  arbitrary  maxims  of  the  Spanifh  go- 
vernment. The  whole  nation  was  filled  with  mur- 
murs and  difcontent,  which  at  length  degenerated 
into  a  confpiracy  :  at  leafl  the  Spanifh  match  was 
the  pretence  for  countenancing  a  rebellion  contrived 
by  the  duke  of  Suffolk,  Sir  Peter  Carew  of  Devon- 
fhire,  and  Sir  Thomas  Wyat  of  Kent,  though  their 
intention  was  certainly  to  depofe  Mary,  and  reftore 
the  lady  Jane  Grey  to  the  throne  of  England.    Ca- 

N  2  rew's 

i ;o  HISTORY  of  ENGLAND. 

a.c.  1554.  rew5s  defign  being  difcovered,  and  one  of  his  ao 
Confpiiacy  complices  arretted,  he  efcaped  to  the  continent ; 
andcarew  wn^e  Wyat,  in  apprehenfion  of  being  detected, 
haftened  the  execution  of  his  project.  He  affembled, 
a  fmall  number  of  people,  and  proclaimed  at  Maid- 
ftone,  that  his  intention  was  to  prevent  the  king- 
dom from  being  enflaved  by  the  Spaniards.  Then 
he  repaired  to  Rochefter,  and  fortified  the  bridge 
with  fome  pieces  of  cannon.  The  queen,  alarmed 
at  this  revolt,  which  fhe  was  in  no  condition  to  fup- 
prefs,  as  fhe  had  disbanded  her  army,  fent  an  herald 
with  offers  of  pardon  to  the  rebels,  if  they  would  lay 
down  their  arms  and  fubmit.  This  offer  being  re- 
jected, fhe  ordered  the  duke  of  Norfolk  to  march 
againfl  them  at  the  head  of  her  guards,  reinforced 
by  five  hundred  Londoners,  commanded  by  one 
Bret ;  and,  in  the  mean  time,  the  fheriff  of  Kent, 
raifing  a  poffe,  encountered  one  Knevet,  in  his 
march  to  join  Wyat,  and  routed  him  at  the  firfl 
onfet.  Sir  George  Harper,  one  of  Wyat's  parti- 
fans,  feigning  to  defert  to  the  duke  of  Norfolk, 
perfuaded  Bret  with  his  Londoners  to  join  the 
rebels  ;  and  their  example  was  followed  by  the  ma- 
jority of  the  guards:  fo  that  Norfolk,  Arundel,  and 
Jernegan,  betook  themfelves  to  flight,  while  their 
baggage  and  artillery  fell  into  the  hands  of  the 
Wyat  ad-  Wyat,  thus  reinforced  to  the  number  of  four 
Londln°.  thoufand  men,  began  his  march  for  London.  Being 
met  at  Deptford  by  two  deputies  whom  the  queen 
had  fent  to  know  his  intention,  he  demanded  for 
himfelf  the  government  of  the  Tower  and  the  guard 
of  the  queen's  perfon,  and  infifted  upon  the  coun- 
cil's being  changed  at  his  difcredon.  Thefe  extra- 
vagant demands  the  queen  in  perfon  reported  to 
the  citizens  of  London  affembled  in  Guildhall,  de- 
firing  their  afiiflance  againft  the  traitor ;  and  de- 
claring file  would  take  up  her  habitation  within  the 


MARY.  i7l 

city,  to  manifeft  the  confidence  fhe  repofed  in  their  A-  c«  1ss4» 
loyalty  and  affection.  Mean  while  fhe  armed  a 
body  of  five  hundred  men,  chiefly  foreigners,  for 
the  defence  of  the  bridge.  Wyat,  on  the  third  day 
of  February,  arrived  in  Southwark  :  but,  finding 
the  bridge  fecured  againft  him,  he  marched  along 
the  river  Thames  to  Kingfton  ;  and,  though  the 
bridge  at  that  place  was  cut  down,  and  the  oppofite 
bank  guarded  by  a  fmall  number  of  men,  he  repair- 
ed the  breach,  and  parTed  with  his  army,  by  this 
time  increafed  to  fix  thoufand.  Then  he  proceeded 
directly  to  London ;  and,  on  the  fifth  day  of  the 
month  in  the  morning,  reached  Hyde- park, where  he 
was  deferted  by  many  of  his  followers,  and,  among 
the  reft,  by  Sir  George  Harper ;  who,  in  order  to 
make  fome  amends  for  his  treafon,  difclofed  the 
whole  fcheme  to  her  majefty.  Wyat,  leaving  his 
artillery  and  the  greateft  part  of  his  followers  in 
Hyde-park,  advanced  at  the  head  of  the  reft  into 
Weftminfter,  repulfed  Sir  John  Gage  with  the 
guards  at  Charing-crofs,  and  continuing  his  march, 
through  the  Strand  and  Fleet-ftreet,  found  Ludgate 
ftrongly  barricaded  and  well  guarded  againft  his 
entrance.  Being  refufed  admittance,  he  wheeled 
about,  in  order  to  retire  j  but,  by  this  time,  the 
earl  of  Pembroke  had  afTembled  a  good  number  of 
horfe  and  foot,  and,  by  means  of  chains  and  bar- 
ricadoes,  intercepted  his  retreat.  Then  his  courage 
began  to  fail  him.  Clarencieux  the  herald  coming  wh*rc  he  Js 
with  a  mefTage  from  the  queen,  and  exhorting  him  furrender°. 
to  deferve  her  clemency  by  fubmiffion,  he  furren- 
dered  himfelf  to  Sir  Maurice  Berkeley,  and  all  his 
followers  laid  down  their  arms. 

The  duke  of  Suffolk  had  retired  to  Warwick- 
mire,  where  he  was  difcovered  to  have  had  a  fhare 
in  this  confpiracy,  by  an  intercepted  letter  from 
Wyat ;  and  the  earl  of  Huntingdon  received  an 
order  to  arreft  him.     The  duke  being  informed  of 

N  3  this 

172  HISTORY  of   ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1554.  thjs  circumftance,  difmifled  his  followers,  and  con- 
cealed himfelf  at  the  houfe  of  one  Underwood,  his 
own  ranger,  who  bafely  betrayed  him  to  the  earl, 
by  whom  he  was  conveyed  to  the  Tower  of  London. 
This  confpiracy  proved  fatal  to  lady  Jane  Grey,  to 
whom  Dr.  Fecknam,  dean  of  St.  Paul's,  was  fent 
with  a  meffage  from  the  queen,  defiring  that  fhe 
and  her  hufband  mould  prepare  for  immediate 
death.  She  received  this  notice  with  marks  of  real 
joy  ;  and,  when  Fecknam  exhorted  her  to  embrace 
the  catholic  religion,  fhe  told  him  fhe  had  no  time 
to  enter  into  religious  controverfies.  He,  miftaking 
her  meaning,  prevailed  upon  the  queen  to  reprieve 
her  for  three  days  longer ;  but,  when  fhe  was  in- 
formed of  this  refpite,  fhe  aflfured  him  it  was  far 
Grey  and6  fr°m  being  agreeable  to  her  wifhes.  Then  he  dif- 
her  hufband  puted  with  her  on  different  points  of  doctrine,  con- 
are  behead-  cernjng  which  fhe  argued  with  uncommon  flrength 
of  reafon,  difplaying  a  furpnfing  fund  of  knowledge. 
Her  husband  had  obtained  leave  to  take  his  laft 
farewel  of  her ;  but  fhe  would  not  confent  to  fuch  an 
interview,  left  it  fhould  fhake  their  mutual  fortitude  : 
fhe,  neverthelefs,  viewed  him  through  the  window 
as  he  went  to  execution,  and  even  faw  his  headlefs 
body  brought  back  in  a  cart,  to  be  interred  in  the 
Tower  chapel.  She  herfelf,  in  two  hours  after  his 
execution,  fuffered  on  a  fcaffold  within  the  fortrefs, 
left  her  fate  fhould  excite  dangerous  commotions 
among  the  populace.  The  lieutenant  of  the  Tower 
begging  fhe  would  favour  him  with  fome  memorial, 
ihe  prelented  him  with  tablets,  in  which  fhe  had 
written  three  fhort  fentences  in  the  Greek  and  Latin 
languages,  declaring  her  own  innocence.  In  her 
way  to  the  fcaffold  fhe  faluted  the  fpectators  with 
equal  affability  and  compofure,  holding  Fecknam 
by  the  hand.  When  fhe  reached  the  fcene  of  her 
fuffering,  fhe  embraced  him  affectionately,  faying, 
*'  God  will  requite  .you,  good  Sir,  for  your  huma? 

2  nity 

M      A      R      Y.  173 

**  nity  to  me:  though  it  gave  me  more  uneafinefs  AC>*5S4- 
*'  than  all  the  terrors  of  approaching  death."  Then 
turning  to  the  fpedtators,  fhe  obierved  that  inno- 
cence was  no  excufe  for  facts  that  tended  to  the  pre- 
judice of  the  public.  Having  fpent  a  little  time  in 
devotion,  her  female  attendants  took  off  her  gov/n 
and  the  ornaments  of  her  head  and  neck,  and 
covered  her  eyes  with  an  handkerchief.  Thus 
prepared,  fhe  laid  her  head  on  the  block,  and  en- 
couraged the  executioner,  who  hefitated  to  do  his 
office;  which  at  length  he  performed  :  her  fate 
drawing  tears  from  the  eyes  of  all  the  fpectators, 
even  thofe  who  were  zealouily  attached  to  queen 
Mary.  Her  death  was  followed  by  the  execution 
of  Wyat's  accomplices.  Twenty  gibbets  were 
erected  in  different  parts  of  the  city,  and  on  thefe 
fifty  rebels  were  hanged. 

Alexander  Bret,   with  feveral  perfons  of  diftinc- 
tion,  fuffered  the  fame  fate  in  Kent ;  four  hundred 
appeared  before  the  queen  with  halters  about  their 
necks,  and  were  pardoned.     The  duke  of  Suffolk 
received  fentence  of  death  on  the  feventeenth  day  of 
February,  and  was  beheaded.     Wyat,  being  tarn-  wyatj»«- 
pered  with  by  fome  of  the  court  emifTaries,  accufed  princefs 
the  marquis  of  Exeter  of  having  a  mare  in  the  con-  Elizabeth-; 
fpiracy.     Mary  is  faid  to  have  looked  upon   this 
nobleman  through  the  medium  of  jealoufy,  becaufe 
he  feemed  to  neglect  her  advances,  and  preferred 
his  addreffes  to  the  princefs  Elizabeth.     Being  ac- 
cufed by  Wyat,  he  was  committed   to  the  Tower, 
and  Elizabeth  fent  thither  as  his  accomplice.     But 
Wyat,  being  touched  with  remorfe,    in  his  way  to 
execution,  begged  leave  to  feethermrquis,  and  on 
his  knees  implored  his  forgivenefs  for  having  load- 
ed him  with  fo  foul  a  calumny.     He  likewife,  in  stowe. 
prefence  of  the-meriffs  and  ail  the  fpedtators,  excul^ 
pated  Elizabeth,   whofe  life  was  violently  purfued 
by  Gardiner  bifhop  of  Winchester.  On  the  twenty- 

N  4  feventh 

j 74  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

A.  c.  1554.  feventh  day  of  April  lord  Thomas  Grey  was  be- 
headed, as  an   abettor  of  his  brother  the  duke  of 
who  is        Suffolk.     In   the   following  month  Elizabeth  was 
barfhiy       removed  from  the  Tower  to  Wodeftoke,  where  fhe 

treated.  7 

was  detained  in  cuftody  by  Sir  Henry  Bedingrleld, 
and  the  marquis  of  Exeter  was  fent  to  the  caftle  or 

Godwin.      Fotheringay. 

This  confpiracy  being  totally  quelled,  the  queen 
ordered  the  chancellor  to  purge  the  church  of  mar- 
ried ecclefiaflics  *,  and  the  archbiihop  of  York,  with 
the  bifhops  of  St.  David's,  Chefter,  and  Brifcol, 
were  depofed  becaufe  they  had  not  lived  in  celibacy  : 
thofe  of  Lincoln,  Gloucester,  and  Hereford,  met 
with  the  fame  fate,  on  pretence  that  they  had  preach - 

Proteftant    ed  erroneous  doctrines.    Of  fixteen  thoufand  inferior 

ciergv  de- 
prived Of     ecclefiaftics,  two-thirds  were  deprived  of  their  bene- 

the:rjmngs.  ficeSj  on  account  of  their  being  married  ;  and  the 
rnafs  was  re-eftablifhed  in  all  churches,  together 
with  the  liturgy  ufed  in  the  latter  part  of  Henry's 
Mafsre-  reign.  The  parliament,  which  was  at  this  time 
ftored.  affembled,  was  even  more  complaifant  than  the  laft ; 
becaufe  Gardiner  had  diftributed  among  the  elec- 
tors a  great  part  of  the  money  he  had  received  from 
£°3£?  the  emperor.  The  firft  ad  of  the  feffion  imported, 
beat.  That  the  prerogative  royal  was  attached  to  the  per- 
fon  who  enjoyed  the  crown,  whether  male  or  female; 
2nd  confequently,  that  the  queen  pofTefTed  all  the 
rights  of  her  progenitors,  according  to  the  confti- 
tution  of  England.  The  intention  of  this  act,  plan- 
ned by  Gardiner,  was  to  hinder  Philip  from  taking 
poiTefnon  of  the  adminiftration,  and  rendering  him- 
felf  abfolute  in  England.  A  fcheme  of  government 
had  been  projected,  for  abfolving  Mary  of  all  re- 
ftrictions,  en  the  ridiculous  pretence,  that  all  the 
laws  enacted  for  limiting  the  prerogative  had  alluded 
to  kings  only*,  and  that  fhe,  being  a  queen,  was 
not  bound  by  fuch  reftraints.  This  projector  had 
been  encouraged  by  the  emperor's  ambaffador  •,  and, 

MARY.  175 

at  the  fame  time,  the  Spaniards  affected  to  publifti  A*a,55+- 
a  genealogy  of  Philip,  deducing  him  in  a  direct  line 
from  John  of  Ghent,  duke  of  Lancafter  \  as  if  he 
had  intended  to  avail  himfelf  of  that  title  in  his  ef- 
forts to  enflave  the  Englifh  nation.  The  parlia- 
ment re-eftablifhed  the  bimopric  of  Durham,  which 
had  been  fuppreffed  in  the  late  reign  ;  it  confirmed 
the  fentence  againfl  the  duke  of  Suffolk  and  thofe 
who  had  been  lately  executed,  and  approved  the 
treaty  of  marriage  between  the  queen  and  Philip. 
Towards  the  end  of  the  feffion  a  new  conference  was 
appointed  at  Oxford,  on  the  fubjecl:  of  tranfubftan- 
tiation.  As  the  proteftants  complained  of  the  man- 
ner in  which  the  lad  difpute  on  that  fubjecl:  had 
been  carried  on,  the  court  ordered  it  to  be  recom- 
menced at  Oxford  :  and  Cranmer,  Ridley,  and  La- 
timer,  were  fent  thither  from  the  Tower,  as  the  pro-  p^atox- 
teftant  champions.  In  the  courfe  of  their  argumen-  ford« 
tation  they  were  infulted,  interrupted,  and  filenced. 
On  the  fuppofition  of  their  being  confuted,  they 
were  fummoned  to  abjure  their  errors,  and  on  their 
refufal  excommunicated. 

On  the  twentieth  day  of  July  prince  Philip  ar-  p^p  ar- 
rived at  Southampton,  with   a  fleet  of  fixty  fhips.  England, 
When  he  fet  foot  on  Englifh  ground  he  unfheathed 
his  fword  \  and,   being  prefented  with  the  keys  of 
the  town  by  the  magiftrates,  he  reftored  them  with- 
out fpeaking  one  wTord.     The  queen  met   him  at  His  nuptial 
Winchefter,  where  they  were  married  by  Gardiner,  folemnized« 
and  their  nuptials  folemnized  with  great  ftate  and 
magnificence.     Philip  was  in   the  twenty -feventh 
year  of  his  age,  and  Mary  turned  of  eight    and 
thirty.     After  the  ceremony  of  the  marriage  they 
were  proclaimed   king   and    queen   of    England, 
France,  Naples,  and  Jerufalem,  with  the  addition 
of  many  other  high  founding  titles.     He  was  a 
prince  of  the    moft  profound  diflimulation,  and 
maintained  a  referve  which  was  extremely  difgufting 

4  to 


a. c.1554.  t0  tne  Englifh  people:  neverthelefs,  he  brought 
over  great  fums  of  money,  which  reconciled  many 
perfons  to  the  marriage.  From  Winchefter  they 
removed  to  Windfor,  where  Philip  was  inflalled  a 
knight  of  the  garter.  In  order  to  conciliate  the  af- 
fection of  his  new  fubjects,  he  interceded  in  behalf 
of  theprincefs  Elizabeth  and  fome  others  whom  Gar- 
diner had  devoted  to  deftruction.  By  his  media- 
tion, Elizabeth,  the  archbifhop  of  York,  and  ten 
knights  were  pardoned.  Notwith (landing  this  ge- 
nerofky,  he  was  very  difagreeable  to  the  nation  : 
no  perfbn  could  approach  him  or  the  queen  without 
having  firft  demanded  and  obtained  an  audience  ; 
fo  that  her  court  was  almofl  wholly  deferted.  The 
duke  of  Norfolk  died  in  September  ;  and  the  lord 
Paget,  with  another  nobleman,  was  fent  over  to  the 
Low  Countries  to  conduct  cardinal  Pole  into  Eng- 
land, as  the  pope's  legate. 

Mean  while  the  parliament  meeting  on  the  eleventh 
day  of  November,  repealed  the  act  by  which  that 
prelate  had  been  condemned  in  the  reign  of  the  laft 
Henry.  He  was  received  in  England  with  extra- 
ordinary marks  of  joy  by  the  king,  queen,  and  no- 
bility. The  parliament  being  fummoned  to  attend 
their  majeilies  in  the  houfe  of  lords,  the  cardinal 
declared  the  fubject  of  his  legation,  which  was  to 
bring  them  back,  like  fo  many  ftrayed  fheep,  into 
the  fold  of  Chrift.  He  fpoke  fo  pathetically  on 
this  occafion,  that  the  queen  was  tranfported  with 
an  excefs  of  pleafure,  and  declared  fhefelt  the  child 
leap  in  her  womb.  This  declaration  was  immedia- 
tely publifhed  through  the  whole  kingdom  •,  and  Te 
Deum  was  fungat  St.  Paul's  church  with  great  fo- 
lemnity.  Her  female  attendants  encouraged  her  in 
the  conceit  of  her  own  pregnancy,  till  the  middle  of 
next  year,  when  fhe  was  effectually  undeceived,  to 

wayward,    her  unfpeakable  mortification.      On   the  twenty- 
ninth  day  of  November  the  two  houfes  prefented  a 


MARY.  177 

petition  to  their  majefcies,  intreating  them  to  inter-  A* c-  f5S4* 
cede  with  the  legate,    that  the  kingdom  might  be 
reunited  to  the  church  from  which  it  had  been   fo 
long  feparated  by  a  horrible  fchifm  ;  and  promifing 
to  repeal  all  the  acts  which  had  been  made  to  the 
prejudice  of  his  holinefs.     This  requeft  being  com- 
municated to  the  legate,  he  repaired  to  the  houfe  of 
peers  ;  and,  after  having  expatiated  upon  the  pope's 
tender  affection  for  the  people  of  England,   pre- 
fcribed,  by  way  of  penance,  that  they  mould  abolifh 
all  the  laws  enacted  againft  the  papal  authority. 
Then    he    indulged  both    houfes  with  abfolution,  Cardinal 
which  they  received  on  their  knees,    and  removed  fbfoiutTonto 
all  ecclefiaftical  cenfures.     They  accordingly  enact-  both  houfes 
ed  a  flatute,  re-eftablifhing  the  pope's  authority  in  menT/and 
England,  under  certain  limitations,   however,    one  the  F°Pe\ 

r      1  •    1  r       1       r       t*i  i."  •  r  authority  is 

or  which  was  an  expreis  claule,    That  alienations  of  ie-ertabiiih- 
church  lands  mould   be  authorized;  and  that  the  cd« 
pofTeflbrs  of  them  fhould  not  be  fubjecl  to  any  cen- 
fure  or  profecution  on  that  account. 

This  was  a  very  delicate  point,,  and  retarded  the 
reunion  of  the  Englilh  church  with  the  fee  of  Rome. 
The  pope  practifed  feveral  artifices  to  procure  a  re- 
flitution,  or,  at  lead,  to  fave  the  pretentions  of  the 
church  to  an  indemnification.  But,  as  the  nobility 
of  England,  among  whom  they  had  been  diftributed, 
were  tenacious  of  their  poffeilions,  and  a  powerful 
body  not  to  be  difobliged  at  this  juncture,  the  legate 
received  powers  to  compromife  the  affair,  and  the 
parliament  paffed  a  law,  importing,  That  whoever 
mould  attack  any  poffeffor  of  church-lands,  on  pre- 
tence of  ecclefia&ical  right,  mould  be  fubject  to  the 
penalties  fpecified  in  the  ftaruteof  Premunire.  The 
houfe  of  commons  was  fo  forward  in  its  zeal  for  the 
queen's  fervice,  that  feveral  bills  were  brought  into 
it,  which  the  lords  would  not  pafs,  left  the  protef- 
tants  mould  be  driven  to  defpair.  They  compli- 
mented Philip  with  an  act,  condemning  to  perpe- 

i78  HISTORY   of   ENGLAND. 


A-c- r554«  tual  prifon  and  confifcation  of  goods,  any  perfon 
who  mould  aver,  that  Philip  had  no  right  to  aflame 
the  title  of  king  of  England,  while  his  marriage 
with  the  queen  fubfifted.  The  penalties  attached 
to  high  treafon  were  decreed  againft  any  who  mould 
make  an  attempt  upon  his  life,  while  he  acted  as 
adminiftrator  for  the  heir  of  the  crown,  as  well  as 
againft  thofe,  who  mould,  in  prayer,  petition  God 
to  touch  the  queen's  heart,  fo  as  fhe  mould  re- 
nounce idolatry,  or  otherwife  abridge  the  days  of 
her  life.  The  fiatutes  againft  heretics,  enacted  in 
the  reigns  of  Richard  II.  Henry  IV.  and  Henry  V. 
were  now  revived  •,  and  though  cardinal  Pole  ad- 
vifed  in  council,  that  perfecution  mould  be  avoided, 
and  the  morals  of  the  clergy  reformed,  the  queen 
adhered  to  the  opinion  of  Gardiner,  who  declared 
for  the  rigorous  perfecution  of  nonconform  ills. 
Mary  left  to  Pole  the  care  of  reforming  the  morals 
of  the  clergy  ;  but,  the  charge  of  extirpating  herefy 
£umet.  was  committed  to  Gardiner.  In  the  mean  time, 
s;r  Edmund  me  difpatched  the  lord  vifcount  Montague,  the 
Karne  fent   bifhop  of  Ely,   aud    Sir  Edmund  Karne,  to  yield 


toVome.0    obedience   to  the  pope,   in  the  name  of  the  king 


queen,  and  three  eftates  of  the  realm. 

Gardiner  had   now  almoft   attained  the  accom- 
plifhment  of  his  wifhes.     He  fat  as  judge  in  the 
high  court  of  chancery  \   he   acted   as   prime  mi- 
nister,  and  chief  counfellor   to    the  queen ;    from 
thence  he  thought  his  glory  would  be  completed  by 
compelling   the  proteftants  to  recognize  the  papal 
a.  c.  1555.  authority.     He  began  the  perfecution  with  Hooper, 
who  had  been  bifhop  of  Gloucefter,  and  Rogers, 
Several cc-   one  of  the  mod:  popular  proteftant  preachers.  They 
burned  for    were  condemned  for  herefy  by  the  chancellor,   and 
herefy.       other  cornmiflioners  appointed  to  judge  thefe  mat- 
ters ;  and  being  delivered  over  to  the  fecular  arm, 
Rogers  was  burned  in  Smithfield,   where  he  fuffer- 
ed  with  great  conftancy,  rather  than  enjoy  an  offered 


MARY.  i79 

pardon  at  the  expence  of  changing  his   religion,  a.  c.  1555. 
Hooper  was  fent  to  Glcucefter ;  and,  after  having 
rejected    a   pardon  on    theie  terms,    was  brought 
to  the  ftake.      There  he  fuffered  inexpreflible  tor- 
ment  by  being  burned   piecemeal,    infomuch  that 
one  of  his  arms  dropped  off  before  he  expired  ;   yet 
he  bore  his  fate  with  furprifing  patience  and  refigna- 
tion.     The  next  victim  was   a  preacher  called  San- 
ders, who  fuffered  death  at  Coventry  ;    and  he  was 
foon  followed  by  Dr.  Taylor,   vicar  of  Hadley,  an 
old  reverend   ecclefiaftic,   who  ventured  to  oppofe 
fome  Romifh   priefts,    who  celebrated  mafs  in  his 
church.    Gardiner  being  informed  of  his  behaviour, 
fent  for  him  to  London,  where  he  reviled  him  with 
the  epithets  of  traitor,   villain,  heretic,  and  knave, 
committed  him  to  the  prifon  of  the  King's-bench, 
from  which,    in  a  few  days,  he  was  brought  to  his 
trial,  condemned,    and  fent  down  to  be  burned  at 
Hadley.    When  he  was  conducted  to  the  (lake,  and 
began  to  harangue  the  by-ftanders,  one  of  the  guards 
(truck  him  on  the  head.     Then  he  was  fixed  in  a 
barrel  of  pitch,    and  one  of  the  fpectators  flinging  a 
faggot  at  the  good  old  man,   which  wounded  him 
feverely,  fo  that  his  whole  vifage  was  covered  with 
blood,  he  replied,    "  Oh   friend !    I    have    harm 
"  enough,  what  needed  that  ?"    When  he  repeated 
a  pfalm  in  Englifh,  one  of  the  guards  (truck  him  on 
the  mouth,  bidding  him  fpeak  Latin ;  and  while  he 
was  employed  in   pious  ejaculations,  another  cleft 
his  head  with  an  halbert  in  fuch  a  manner,  that  his 
brains  came  out,  and  he  expired.     Perhaps  hiftory 
cannot  parallel  a  more  infamous  fcene  of  unpro- 
voked cruelty.     Bradley  was   condemned   at   the 
fame  time,  but  Gardiner  thought  proper  to  delay 
his  execution. 

Perceiving  that  the  execution  of  thefe  four  eccle- 
fiaftics  ferved  only  to  increafe  the  zeal  of  the  pro- 
teftants,   and  excite  murmurings  among  the  peo- 


a.  c.  1555.  p^  ne  transferred  to  Bonner  a  commifllon,  from 
which  he  had  nothing  to  expect  but  the  hatred  of 
the  public  ;  and  in  fo  doing,  he  let  loofe  the  mod 
favage  minifter  of  vengeance  upon  the  proteflants  ; 
for  the  zeal  of  Gardiner  was  cruel,  but  that  of  Bon- 
ner altogether  furious.  Every  perfonof  humanity, 
whatever  might  be  his  perfuafion  in  points  of  reli- 
gion, was  fhocked  at  this  barbarity  -3  even  the 
bifhops  were  afhamed  of  it,  and  on  all  occafions 
publickly  difclaimed  the  perfecution  :  fo  rhat  the 
odium  of  courfe  fell  upon  the  king  and  queen,  par- 
ticularly on  the  former,  who  was  a  foreigner,  and 
had  been  educated  in  a  country  fubjeel  to  Ehe  inqui- 
daim^the"  Gtion.  Philip  being  informed  of  this  calumny,  and 
jerfecution.  opinion  of  the  Englifh,  ju (lifted  himfelf  by  the 
mouth  of  Alphonfo  his  confeffor,  who,  inptefence 
of  the  whole  court,  charged  the  bifhops  with  thofe 
cruelties  againfl  which  the  nation  exclaimed  •,  and 
defired  them  to  produce  one  paffage  in  f.  .:ripture, 
authorifing  them  to  put  people  to  death  merely  for 
matters  of  faith.  It  was  not  without  aftonifhment 
that  the  audience  heard  a  Spaniard  condemn  perfe- 
cution ;  and  the  bifhops  were  fo  confounded,  that 
for  forr.e  v/eeks  the  effects  of  their  inhuman  rage 
were  fufpended :  but,  at  the  expiration  of  that 
term,  the  barbarous  flame  broke  out  with  double 
Bonnets  Bonner  behaved  with  the  utmoft  brutality  of 
krutauty,  f"rantic  zeal.  He  tore  off  the  beard  of  a  poor  weaver, 
and  tortured  him  with  the  flame  of  a  taper,  until 
his  veins  burfl,  and  his  finews  were  confumed,  be- 
caufe  he  could  not  convert  him  to  the  Romifh  faith. 
Young,  raw  apprentices,  ignorant  fifhermen,  and 
peafants,  perfons  of  family,  worth,  and  character, 
were  facrificed  without  diflin6tion  j  and  among 
thefe  Ferrars  formerly  bifhop  of  St.  David's,  tho* 
he  appealed  to  cardinal  Pole,  who  was  averfe  to  this 
religious  butchery.     The  bifhops  and  civil  magi- 

5  Urates 

MARY.  i8i 

Urates  feemed  to  vie  with  each  other,  the  firft  in  A  c-  '555° 
condemning,  the  lad  in  executing  the  unhappy  Hift.ofthc 
proteftants  -,  till,  at  length,  the  people  were  pro-  Reform- 
voked  almoft  to  rebellion  againft  fuch  monfters  i 
and  then  their  proceffes  were  for  fame  time  inter- 
rupted. By  the  interceftion  of  Philip  the  princefs 
Elizabeth  was  releafrd  from  Wodeftoke,  and  al- 
lowed to  refide  in  a  little  country- houfe,  where 
knowing  herfelf  under  the  obfervation  of  fpies,  flic 
applied  to  ftudy,  and  made  fame  progrefs  in  learn- 
ing ;  but  fhe  was  obliged  to  conform  to  the  efta- 
blifhed  religion,  otherwife  fhe  muft  have  fallen  a 
victim  to  the  ill  offices  of  Gardiner,  who  eagerly 
wifhed  for  an  opportunity  to  accomplifh  her  defini- 
tion ;  becaufe  he  knew  me  was  a  zealous  proteftant, 
and  forefaw  that  fhould  fhe  ever  afcend  the  throne, 
all  his  labour  would  be  defeated. 

The  queen  was  now  feized  with  a  fcruple  of  con- 
fcience,  under  which  fhe  became  very  uneafy.  She 
pofTefTed  fame  of  the  lands  which  had  belonged  to 
monafteries ;  and  pope  Julius  III.  notwithstanding 
his  compromifing  that  affair  by  means  of  cardinal 
Pole,  had  publifhed  a  bull,  excommunicating  all 
thofe  who  had  feized  the  lands  of  the  church,  or  of 
religious  communities,  as  well  as  all  the  princes  by 
whom  fuch  invaders  were  favoured  and  aflifted. 
Mary  believing  herfelf  far  advanced  in  her  preg- 
nancy, would  not  run  the  rifque  of  dying  in  a  date 
of  excommunication.  She  declared  to  her  miniflers, 
that  fhe  was  refolved  to  refign  all  the  church-lands 
that  were  in  her  pofTefiion ;  and  ordered  them  to 
deliver  a  lift  to  the  cardinal  legate.  Julius  III.  dy- 
ing about  this  period,  was  fucceeded  in  the  papacy 
by  cardinal  Marcellus  Cervinus,  who  did  not  many 
days  furvive  his  exaltation.  When  the  tidings  of  ^'Jf^ 
his  death  arrived  in  England,  the  queen  took  fame  th«  papacy, 
meafures  for  elevating  Pole  to  the  pontificate ;  but 
the  conclave  elected  cardinal  Caraffa,  who  afTumed 


i82  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.c.  1555.  the  name  of  Paul  IV.  one  of  the  mod  proud,  arro- 
gant, and  ambitious  pontiffs  who  had  ever  poffeffed 

Eumet.  the  fee  of  Rome,  He  refufed  to  give  audience  to 
the  Englifh  ambafTadors,  becaufe  Mary  affumed 
the  title  of  queen  of  Ireland ;  but,  as  the  Englifh 
envoys  would  not  give  up  that  addition,  he  thought 
proper  to  erect  Ireland  into  a  kingdom  by  virtue  of 
his  pontifical  power.  Then  he  demanded  full  re- 
ftitution  of  all  the  church-lands,  and  a  continuation 
of  St.  Peter's  pence,  which  he  faid  he  would  fend 
over  a  collector  to  receive. 

During  thefe  revolutions  at  Rome,  the  Englifh 
council  being  informed  that  the  juftices  of  the  peace, 
and  particularly  thofe  of  Norfolk,  favoured  the  pro- 
teftants,  fent  them  inftruclions  to  conduct  them- 
felves  in  another  manner,   and  maintain  fpies  upon 

StkmraSs,  tno*~e  °f  c^e  reformed  religion.  This  order  favour- 
ed fo  much  of  an  inquifition,  that  the  nation  in  ge- 
neral believed,  it  was  fuggefted  by  the  Spaniards, 
againft  whom  the  people  conceived  an  implacable 
hatred.  The  feverities  already  practifed  had  excit- 
ed fuch  murmurs,  that  even  Bonner  reflrained  his 
furious  zeal,  and  difmiffed  feveral  perfons  who  were 
fent  to  him,  accufed  of  herefy  -,  till,  at  length,  the 
queen  and  her  confort,  fcandalized  at  his  modera- 
tion, wrote  a  letter,  exhorting  him  to  obey  as  ufual 
the  dictates  of  his  duty.  Thus  animated,  he  renew- 
ed the  perfecution  with  redoubled  violence.  John 
Card  maker  a  prebendary  at  Bath,  John  Warne  an 
upholfterer  in  London,  Thomas  Hawkes  a  gentle- 
man of  EfTex,  John  Sampfon,  and  John  Audley 
hufbandmen,  Thomas  Watts  a  linen-draper,  Ni- 
cholas Chamberlain  a  weaver,  Thomas  Ofmund  a 
fuller,  and  William  B an i ford  another  weaver,  were 
committed  to  the  flames  for  having  denied  the  real 
prefence  in  the  Eucharift.  Even  one  Tool,  who 
was  hanged  for  robbery,  having  exprefTed  fome 
doubts  about  tranfubftantiation  at  the  gallows,  un- 

M      A       R  •   ■  Y.  i  $3 

derwent  a  trial  afcer  his  death ;  and  his  body  was  A»c-  '555. 
burned  for  herefy.  Thefe  victims  were  followed  by 
Bradford  the  proteftant  preacher,  who  had,  with  the 
afliftance  of  Rogers  already  executed,  faved  the 
life  of  Bourn  now  promoted  to  the  fee  of  Bath  and 
Wells.  He  was  burned  at  Smithfield,  together 
with  John  Leafe,  an  apprentice  nineteen  years  of 
age.  Several  perfons  furTered  at  Canterbury,  and 
other  places-,  and  among  them  Margaret  Polly, 
the  firft  woman  who  died  for  herefy  in  Mary's  reign. 

In  the  month  of  October,  the  bifhops  of  London,1  Latimer  and 
Gloucefter,  and  Briftol,  were  fent  to  Oxford  with  a  j^J  at 
commiilion  from  the  cardinal,  to  try  old  Latimer  Oxford. 
and  Ridley,  who  were  convicted  and  condemned,1 
though  pardons  were  offered  to  them,  if  they  would 
recant.  When  they  were  brought  to  the  flake  be- 
fore Baliol  college,  Ridley  faid  to  his  feliow-fuffer- 
er,  "  Be  of  good  heart,  brother ;  for  God  will 
"  either  affuage  the  flame,  or  enable  us  to  abide  it." 
And  Latimer  confoled  him  in  his  turn,  faying, 
"  We  fhall  this  day  light  fuch  a  candle  in  England, 
<c  as  I  truft  by  God's  grace,  fhall  never  be  put  out/' 
They  bore  their  fate  with  admirable  courage  and 
conflancy  •,  and  were  two  of  the  befl  men  who  had 
hitherto  furTered  in  England  for  religion.  Gardiner 
was  fo  eager  after  the  blood  of  thofe  prelates,  that 
he  would  not  dine  on  the  day  of  their  fullering,  un- 
til he  received  the  news  of  their  death,  which  did 
not  arrive  till  four  o'clock  in  the  afternoon.  Then 
he  ate  his  meal  with  marks  of  uncommon  fatisfac- 
tion  ;  but  was  that  fame  evening  feized  with  a  fup- 
prefTion  of  urine,  which  in  lefs  than  a  week  brought 
him  to  his  grave.  He  is  faid  to  have  felt  fome  re-  Death  of 
morfe  in  his  laft  moments,  and  to  have  exclaimed,  Gardin5r' 
"  I  have  finned  with  Peter  °,  but  I  have  not  wept 
**  with  Peter."  He  was  certainly  a  prieft  of  a  fel- 
jfim  character,    a  profound    diffembkr,    and  of  a 

Numb,  LV-  O  proud. 


1S4  HISTORY   of    ENGLAND. 

a.c.  1555.  proud,  vindictive,  cruel  difpofition  *.     It  was  bf 
Godwin.      njs  ambition  that  Cranmer's  fate  was  fo  long  de- 
layed ;  for  he  knew  that  mould  the  archbifhopric 
be  vacated,  the  queen  would  confer  it  immediately 
on  his  rival  Pole,  whom  he  had  flandered  in  fuch 
a  manner  to  the  reigning  pope,  that  his  holinefs 
hated  the  cardinal  as  a  favourer  of  the  reformation. 
Pole  was  undoubtedly  a  man  of  moderation  and  hu- 
manity, and  of  courfe  difapproved  of  the  perfecution. 
In  fummer  the  queen  had  fuppofed  herfelf  feized 
with  the  pains  of  child-bed,  and  couriers  were  pre- 
pared, to  carry  the  news  of  her  delivery  into  dif- 
ferent countries.    The  report  of  her  having  brought 
forth  a  fon,  was  diffufed  into  different  counties  of 
England.   The  bifhop  of  Norwich  caufed  Te  Deum 
to  be  lung  in  his  cathedral  for  the  birth  of  a  prince, 
and  a  certain  prieft  ventured  to  defcribe  the  linea- 
Vary  brings  ments  of  the  child  from  the  pulpit.     But,  all  the 
SSl"        queen's  hopes  vanifhed  at  her  bringing  forth  a  fub- 
ftance  known  by  the  name  of  mola,  to  her  own  un- 
fpeakable  grief,  as  well  as  to  the  aflonifhment  of  the 
whole  court,  and  the  confufion  of  Philip,  who  had 
flattered  hirnfelf  with  the  profpect  of  uniting  Eng- 
land and  Spain  by  the  iilue  of  this  marriage.    This 
difappointment  did  not  help  to  foften  Mary's  difpo- 
fiticn.     Informations  were  given  of  fome  pretended 
confpiracies  in  Dorfetmire  and  Eflexr  and  feveral 
perfons  were  imprilbned,  and  put  to  the  torture  : 
but,  nothing  was  difcovered,  and  the  whole  was  fup- 
pofed to  be  a  calumny  invented  by  the  priefts  again  ft 
the  favourers  of  the  reformation.    Mary  fet  on  foot 
a  rigorous  inquifition  againft  thofe  who  had  pillaged 
churches  and  monafteries  in  the  time  of  the  vifita- 

*  Though  h?.  aiTumed  the  name  of  on  account  of  this  confanguinitjv  that 

fjardiner,  he  was  a  natural   ion    of  Henry  VIII.    promoted   him    to   the 

Richard  Wideviile,    brother  to  Eliza-  biihopric  of  Winchefter. 
bf  tbt  confort  of  Edward  IV,  and  it  was 

tion  % 

MARY.  185 

tioh  ;  and  they  were  now  obliged  to  compound  forA«c-l55s« 
their  rapine,  by  difgorging  beft  part  of  die  booty* 
Philip  holing  all  hope  of  having  children  by  the  Philip  quits 
queen,    and  conceiving  a  difguft  to   her  perfon,  dom^8" 
which  was  by  no  means  agreeable ;  being  moreover, 
informed  of  his  father's  intention  to  refign  his  do- 
minions ;  he  quitted  the  kingdom,   and  retired  to 
Flanders,  leaving  his  confort  extremely  chagrined  Burnet. 
at  his  diftafte  and  indifference. 

The  parliament  meeting  on  the  twenty- firft  day 
of  October,  confirmed  the  queen's  ceftion  of  the  firft - 
fruits  and  tithes  -,  but  the  commons  abated  confi- 
derably  of  their  former  compfaifance  in  other  par- 
ticulars.    The  miniftry  having  gained  their  ends  in 
the  laft  fefTion,  neglected  the  payment  of  penfions ; 
the  people  were  generally  fhocked  at  the  cruelties 
which  had  been  perpetrated,  and  the  lower  houfe 
could  not  without  regret  behold  the  lands  of  the 
church  wrefted    from  the  pofieiibrs.     When  the  Godwin 
queen  demanded  a  fubfidy,  fome  of  the  members 
openly  obferved,  that  fhe  could  not  expect  the  peo- 
ple mould  be  burdened  with  thofe  expences  which 
might  have  been  defrayed  by  the  church  lands  •,  and 
it  was  with  great  reluctance  that  they  indulged  her 
with  an  inconfiderable  fupply.     Gardiner,  who  had 
ufed  to  manage  the  parliament,  was  now  no  more  -y 
and  Mary  had  put  his  office  of  chancellor  in  com- 
mifiion,  till  the  firft  day  of  January,   when  it  was 
bellowed  upon  Heath  archbifhop  of  York. '    Afcer 
the  difiblution  of  this  parliament,  the  queen  receiv- 
ed a  bull  from  the  pope,  erecting  Ireland  into  a 
kingdom  •,  and,   towards  the  end  of  the  year,   the 
emperor  Charles  V.  refigned  his  dominions  to  his 
fon  Philip.     He  afterwards  ceded  the  imperial  dig-  Tneetripc* 
nity  to  his  brother  Ferdinand  ;  though  the  pope  re-  «?*!>*"«*■ 

rrj  en.  •  1  his  throne. 

ruled,  at  nrit,  to  recognize  the  new  emperor,  on 
pretence  that  the  refignation  ought  to  have  been 
made  to  him  only. 

O  z  Although, 


a, e.  1555.      Although,  in  the  courfe  of  this  year,  fixty-feven 

perfons  were  burned  for  religion,  including  four  bi~ 

fhops,   and  thirteen  priefts,   the  zeal  of  the  papifts 

Trial  and    was  not  yet  moderated.    On  the  twelfth  day  of  Sep- 

deathof      tember,  Brooks  bifhop  of  Gloucefter,  as  the  pope's 

Cranmer.       r  •      1   1  1  •   t       -  -re  r 

iub-delegate,  together  with  two  com millioners  from 
the  king  and  queen,   had  condemned  Cranmer  at 
Oxford,  for  herefy  ;  and,  on  the  fourteenth  day  of 
February,  Bonner  and  Thirleby  were  fent  thither  to 
degrade  that  prelate.     lie  was  cloathed  in  derifion 
with  pontifical  robes  of  coarfe  canvas  •,  and  Bonner 
a,  c.  1556.  having  infulted  him  with  the  moil  indecent  raillery, 
ordered  him  to  be  dripped  of  his  ludicrous  attire, 
.    according  to  the  ceremony  of  degradation  ufed  in 
the  church  of  Rome.    Thirleby  wept  bitterly  during 
this  whole  fcene,  protefting  to  Cranmer,  that  this 
was  the  moft  forrowful   action  of  his  whole  life ; 
and  that  nothing  but  the  queen's  peremptory  com- 
mand could  induce  him  to  be  preient  at  the  afflic- 
tion and  diftrefs  of  a  perlbn  with  whom  he  had  liv- 
ed in  the  moft  perfect  friend/hip.     After  the  arch- 
bifhop's  condemnation,  a  great  number  of  divines 
both  Englifh  and  Spaniards,   afiailed  him  in  diffe- 
rent fhapes,  with  a  view  to  make  him  a  profelyte  to 
their  opinions.     They  threatened  and  foothed  him 
by  turns ;  they  flattered  him   with  a  promife  of  a 
pardon  •,  and  in  a  word,  tampered  with  the  infirmi- 
ties of  his  nature  fo  effectually,    that  he  fubicribed 
an  abjuration,   renouncing  all  the  errors  of  Luther 
and  Zwinglius,  acknowledging  the  pope's  fuprema- 
cy,  the  feven  facraments,   the  corporal  prefence  in 
the  Eucharift,  purgatory,  prayers  for  the  dead,  and 
the  invocation  of  faints.     His  recantation  was  im- 
.  mediately  printed,  and  furnifhed  the  popifh  party 
with   infinite  matter  of  triumph   and    exultation, 
while  the  proteftants  were  overwhelmed  with  dejec- 
tion and  difgrace.     The  queen  now  exhibited  a  fig- 
nal  proof  of  her  own  revengeful  difpofition.     She 

5  had 

MARY.  i$7 

had  afTe&ed  to  forgive  the  archbifhop  for  the A*  &  ls,5e' 
crimes  committed  againft  her  as  his  fovereign,  in 
full  expectation  of  his  being  burned  as  an  heretic; 
but,  being  difappointed  in  this  hope,  by  his  recan- 
tation, fhe  pulled  on  the  mafque,  and  figned  a  war- 
rant for  his  execution.  He  was  conducted  to  St. 
Mary's,  where  being  placed  in  a  confpicuous  part 
of  the  church,  Cole  provoft  of  Eaton  preached  a 
fermon,  in  which  he  magnified  Cranmer's  conver- 
fion,  as  the  immediate  work  of  God's  infpiration. 
He  then  flattered  the  archbifhop  with  the  hope  of 
heaven  -,  and  allured  him,  that  dirges  and  mafles 
fhould  be  faid  for  his  foul  in  all  the  churches  of 
Oxford.  During  the  whole  fermon,  Cranmer  ex- 
prefled  the  utmoft  anxiety  and  internal  agitation, 
lifting  up  his  eyes  to  heaven,  fhedding  a  torrent  of 
tears,  and  groaning  with  unutterable  anguifh. 
When  he  was  defired  to  declare  his  faith,  he  pray- 
ed with  the  moft  pathetic  exprefllons  of  horror  and 
remorfe*  He  then  made  a  fhort  but  moving  ex- 
hortation to  the  people  ;  repeated  the  creed  of  the 
apoftles,  declared  his  belief  of  the  Scriptures,  con- 
fefTed  that  he  had  figned  a  paper  contrary  to  his 
confeience,  from  the  apprehenfion  of  death  \  for 
which  reafon,  the  hand  that  fubferibed  the  recanta- 
tion fhould  firfr  feel  the  torture  of  the  fire.  He  re- 
nounced the  pope  as  the  enemy  of  Chrift,  and  pro- 
fefTed  the  fame  opinion  of  the  Sacrament  which  he 
had  publifhed  in  a  book  written  on  that  fubjedL 
The  aflembly  confiding  chiefly  of  papifts,  v^ho  hop- 
ed to  triumph  ftill  further  in  the  J  aft  words  of  fuch 
a  convert,  were  equally  confounded  and  incenfed  at 
this  declaration.  They  called  aloud  to  him  to  leave 
ofTdifTembling,  and  pulling  him  down,  led  him 
to  the  fta-ke  at  which  Latimer  and  Ridley  had  fuf- 
fcred,  upbraiding  him  by  the  v/ay  with  this  fecond 
apoltafy.  When  the  fire  was  kindled,  he  ftretched 
forth  his  right  hand  to  the  flame,  in  which  he  held 

O  3  it 


-a.c.  1556.  jt  untjj  \t  was  intirely  eonfumed,  exclaiming  frorn 
time  to  time,  "  That  unworthy  hand  !"  but  exhi- 
biting no  other  figns  of  pain  or  diforder.  He  con? 
tinued  to  pour  forth  pious  ejaculations  until  he  ex- 
pired •,   and  after  his  body  was  deftroyed,  his  heart 

Bumct.      was  founcj  intire  among  the  afhes.     Such  was  the 

unworthy  fate  of  Thomas  Cranmcr  archbifhop  of 
Canterbury,  who  with  a  very  fmall  alloy  of  human 
weaknefs  and  irrefolution,  poflelied  all  the  candour, 
fimplicity,  meeknefs,  and  benevolence  of  a  primi- 
tive chriitian. 

On  the  very  day  of  his  death  cardinal  Pole  was 
Bymer.      put  in  pofTefTion  of  his  archbilhopric,  in  confequence 
of  bulls  which  he   had  already  received  from   the 
Barbarities   pope,  at  the  queen's  defire.     The  perfecution  flilj 
iT^'the     ra£ec*  w*tn  unceafing  fury,  under  the  conduct  of 
piotehams.  Bonner,  who  fent  the  poor  wretches   in  troops  to 
the  flake,   without  diftinction  of  age,   fex,  or  cir- 
cumftance.     Thirteen   were   facrificed  together  in 
-  one  fire  at  Stratford  le  Bow  ;  and  in  the  liland  of 
Guernfcy,  a  fcene  of  almoft  incredible  barbarity 
was  acted.     A  mother  and  her  two  daughters  be- 
ing committed  to  the  flames,  one  of  them  being 
married,  and  in  the  laft  month  of  her  pregnancy, 
was,  by  the  violence  of  the  pain,  taken  in  labour, 
and  produced  an  infant,  which  a  humane  bye- {land- 
er refcued  from  the  fire.     But,  after  fome  confu- 
tation, the  magiftrate  who  fuperintended  the  exe- 
cution, ordered  .the  innocent  to  be  thrown  back 
into  the  flames,  where  it  perifhed  with  the  mother. 
WJien  we  confider  the  barbarity  of  thefe  proceed- 
ings againft  poor,  harmlefs  people,  who  had  com- 
mitted no  outrage  againft  the  eftablifhed  govern- 
ment,  or  religion,  but  been  condemned  for  fimple 
anfwers  touching  their  belief,  extorted  from  them 
by  violence,  we  can  hardly  believe  the  perpetrators 
were  the  children  of  human   nature,  far  lefs  the 
fervants  of  Chrift,  whofe  doctrine  was  mercy  and 


MARY.  1S9 

benevolence.  They  looked  rather  like  the  mini-  A  c  jss6» 
Hers  of  infernal  malice,  let  loofe  upon  a  wretched  Burnct- 
world.  Within  the  compafs  of  this  year,  fourfcore 
and  five  perfons,  mert,  women,  and  children,  the 
lame,  the  blind,  and  the  ignorant,  fufftrcd  death, 
becaufe  they  would  not  believe  in  purgatory,  tran- 
fubftantiation,  and  other  popifll  tenets,  which  are 
now  juftly  exploded  by  the  church  of  England. 
Nothing  could  be  more  impolitic  than  this  inhuman 
perfecu tion  ;  for  opinions  are  ri vetted  by  oppofition. 
The  indignation  of  all  moderate  people  was  aroufed 
by  fuch  barbarity  •,  the  furprifing  refolution  with 
which  the  martyrs  fuffered  the  mod  painful  death, 
diffufed  a  general  notion  of  their  fanctity,  and  in- 
hanced  the  merit  of  the  religion  which  they  profef- 
fed  :  fo  that  this  frantic  zeal  of  the  papifts,  in  a  great 
meafure  contributed  to  the  fubfequent  eflablifhmenc 
of  the  reformation. 

While  the  miniftry  thus  endeavoured  to  extir- 
pate the  proteftant  religion,  the  queen  refolved  to 
ftrengthen  the  intereft  of  the  Roman  catholics,  by 
refloring  fome  old,  and  founding  fome  new  mona- 
fteries.  She  certainly  would  have  reeftabliihed  all 
the  religious  houfes  which  had  been  fup  pre  (Ted,  if 
the  fear  of  difobliging  the  nobility  had  not  deterred 
her  from  the  execution  of  her  defign.  Several  mem- 
bers of  the  lower  houfe  in  the  laft  feflion,  hearing 
fuch  a  propofal  mentioned,  layed  their  hands  upon 
their  fwords,  faying,  They  knew  how  to  defend 
their  property.  Mary  being  informed  of  this  op- 
pofition, poftponed  her  fcheme  to  a  more  favourable 
opportunity.  In  the  mean  time,  (he  commiflloned 
Bonner  and  others,  to  eraze  from  the  public  regi- 
flers,  all  her  father's  tranfaclions  againft  the  monks 
and  the  pope,  particularly,  on  account  of  the  vift- 
tations,  and  the  renunciation  of  the  papal  autho- 
rity, made  by  the  monks  and  abbots.     Nor  was 

O  4  the 



A.c.  1556. the  queen's  attention  fo  much  engrofTed  by  the  af" 
fairs  of  religion,  but  that  fhe  intermeddled  in  the 
interefts  of  the  continent.     She  had  offered  her  me- 
diation between  France  and  Spain,  and  the  ambaf- 
fadors  of  both  nations  had  affembled  between  Ca- 
lais and  Ardres ;  but  the  peace  was  retarded  by  the 
elevation  of  Paul  IV.  to  the  papacy.     This  pontiff 
was  outrageoufly  proud,   infolent,   and  ambitious, 
though  already  fourfcore  years  of  age.     He  was  an 
inveterate  enemy  to  the  Colonefi ;  and  his  two  ne- 
phews perfuaded  him,  that  the  king  of  Spain,  who 
fupported  that  family,   had   formed  a  confpiracy 
againfl:  his  life.     They  pretended  to  have  difcover- 
ed  the  particulars  of  this  plot,  in  letters  to  the  duke 
of  Alva  governor  of  Naples,  which  letters  they  had 
intercepted.     Cardinal  Colonna  was  imprifoned,  the 
envoys  of  Philip  and  Mary  v/ere  put  under  an  ar- 
reft,  and  the  pope  feized   Palliano  and  Nettuno, 
Mezefai.      tw0  P^aces  belonging  to  the  Colonefi.     Then  he 
The  pope     declared  war  againfl  the  king  of  Spain,  and  fol- 
fga^ftSthear  licited  the  affiftance  of  the  French  monarch;  pro- 
king  of       mifing  to  aid   him  in  his  turn  with  all  his  forces 
£?am.         £or  t£e  Conqueft  of  Naples.     The  propofal  being 
fupported  by  the  cardinal  of  Lorrain,  a  league  of- 
fensive and  defenfive  was  figned  at  Rome-,  but  this 
was  almofl  rendered  ineffectual  by  the  mediation  of 
Mary,  in  confequence  of  which,  a  truce  for  five  years 
was  concluded   between  France  and  Spain.     The 
pope  being  thus  abandoned  by  his  ally,  the  duke 
of  Alva  began  to  approach  the  city  of  Rome,  after 
having  taken   Oflia,  and  fome  other  places  ;  but, 
the  cardinal  Caraffa  being  lent  as  legate  a  latere 
to  Paris,  managed  his  intrigues  with  fuch  art  and 
fuccefs,   that  the  king  of  France  broke  the  truce, 
without  alledging  any  other  caufe  than  that  of  the 

pope's  being  opprefTed  by  the  Spaniards. 

i  .  .  1       ■     ~   ■    ■■     ■ 

MARY.  191 

At  the  commencement  of  the  fucceeding  year,  A< c-  »5S7- 
cardinal  Pole  vifited  the  two  univerfuies  ;  and  while 
he  refided  at  Cambridge,  Bucerus  and  Fagius,  two 
German   theologians,  who  had   been  dead   feveral 
years,  were  fummoned  to  give  an  account  of  their 
faith.    As  they  did  not  appear,  they  were  condemn- 
ed to  be  burned  for  herefy ;  and  their  remains  be- 
ing dug  up,    were  confumed  to  allies  at  Oxford. 
The  wife  of  Peter  Martyr  was  likewife  taken  out  of 
her  grave,  and  buried  in  a  dunghill,  becaufe  fhe  had 
been  a  nun,  and  broken  her  vow  of  celibacy.    The 
magiftrates  began  to  be  afhamed  of  acting  as  in- 
ftruments  of  fuch  unheard-of  barbarity,  and  relaxed 
fo  much  in  their  diligence,   that  the  council  fent 
circular  letters,    exhorting;  them  to   redouble  their 
zeal  in  the  profecution  of  heretics.     The  queen,  be-  The  queen 
ing  incenfed  at  hearing  from  all  quarters  that  the  ^o^nd 
number  of  proteftants  daily  increafed,  notwithftand-  morecmeL 
ing  the  executions,  began  to  entertain  thoughts  of 
eftablifhing  an  inquifnion  in  England.  As  a  previous 
ftep  to  this  meafure,  fhe  renewed  the  commiffion  of 
the  preceding  year,  impowering  one  and  twenty  com- 
missioners to  judge  heretics  of  all  ranks  with  unli- 
mited authority.  Theperfecution  revived,  and  feventy 
nine  perfons  were  committed  to  the  flames.  During 
thefe  tranfactions,   the  duke  of  Guife  marched  with 
an  army  into  the  kingdom  of  Naples,  from  whence 
he  was  foon  recalled  by  the  pope  to  the   relief  of 
Rome,  which  was  hard  preMed  by  the  duke  of  Alva. 

Philip,  exafperated  at  Henry  of  France,  for  hav- 
ing broken  the  truce,  levied  an  army  of  fifty  thou- 
fand  men  to  act  in  Picardy  ;  and,  by  divers  artifices 
and  infinuations,  prevailed  upon  his  confort  Mary 
to  efpoule  his  quarrel.  She  granted  commiffions  to 
the  merirrs  and  jultices  of  the  peace  to  enlift  fol- 
diers,  that  they  might  be  ready  to  march  at  the  fir  ft 
notice.    Jn  the  interim  one  Stafford  having  received 


rebel!  ion. 


192  HISTORY    ©f   ENGLAND, 

a.c.  1557,  fome  afliflance  from  the  court  of  France,  afiembled 
Stafford's  fome  Englifh  refugees  ;  and  embarking  in  a  vefTel, 
landed  in  Scotland.  From  thence  marching  to 
Scarborough,  he  furprifed  thecaftle,  and  publifhed 
a  manifefto,  in  which  he  affirmed  that  Mary  had 
forfeited  all  right  to  the  crown,  by  introducing  Spa- 
niards into  the  kingdom,  of  which  he  declared  him-* 
felf  the  protector.  But  his  fuccefs  was  of  very  fhort 
duration ;  the  earl  of  Weftmoreland  having  raifed 
fome  troops,  retook  Scarborough,  in  which  he  found 
Stafford  and  three  of  his  accomplices,  who  were 
executed  at  London, 

On  the  twentieth  day  of  May  king  Philip  arrived 
in  England,  where  by  this  time  eight  thoufand  men 
were  ready  to  embark  for  the  Low  Countries  ;  and 
the  queen  having  fent  a  herald  to  declare  war  againft 
FYance,  thefe  troops  were  tranfported,  on  the  feven- 
teenth  day  of  June,  under  the  command  of  the  earl 
of  Pembroke,  who  joined  the  Spanifh  army  com- 
manded by  the  duke  of  Savoy  :  then  Philip  return- 
ed to  BrufTeis.  The  Spanifh  general  having  inverted 
St.  Quentin,  the  conftable  of  France  detached  the 
admiral  de  Chatillon  with  three  thoufand  men,  to 
The  French  throw  himfelf  into  the  place.  He  found  means  to 
enter  with  feven  hundred  ♦,  but  the  reft  were  bewil- 
dered in  the  night.  With  this  reinforcement  he  de- 
fended the  place  vigoroufly,  in  expectation  of  being 
relieved  by  his  uncle  the  conftable,  who  being  greatly 
inferior  in  number  to  the  allies,  contented  himfelf 
with  introducing  the  admiral's  brother  d'Andelot, 
with  a  fupply  of  five  hundred  men  ;  but,  jtn  return 
from  this  expedition,  he  was  attacked,  routed,  and 
taken  prifoner  by  the  duke  of  Savoy,  after  two 
thoufand  five  hundred  men  had  been  killed  upon 
the  fpor.  In  this  action,  which  was  fought  on  the 
tenth  day  of  Auguft,  and  thence  called  the  battle  of 
St.  Laurence,  beiides  the  conftable  Montmorency 


defeated  at 
St.  CHientin. 

MA       R      Y.  193 

and  his  Ton,  the  dukes  of  Montpenfier  and  Longue-  A- c- l^7, 
vilie,   Ludovico  Gonzaga,  brother  to  the  duke  of 
Mantua,  the  marechal  St.  Andre,   the  Rhingrave 
Roche-dumain,  the  count  de  Rochefoucault,  the 
baron  of  Curton,   and  many  other  perfons  of  dif- 
tinclion,  fell  into  the  hands  of  the  Spaniards.  Among 
the  (lain  were  John  duke  of  Enghien,   the  vifcounc 
of  Turenne,  the  lords  of  Chandinier  and  Pontdor- 
my,  and   a  great  number  of  officers.     France  was 
overwhelmed  with  fuch  confirmation  at  the  news  of  Codwin. 
this  difafter,  that  if  the  duke  of  Savoy  had  marched 
directly  to  Paris,   he  might  have  entered  that  city 
without -oppofition  :    but  he  proceeded  to  the  fiege 
of  St.  Quentin,  which  in  a  few  days  he  took  by  af- 
faulf,  when  the  admiral,  with  his  brother,  and  all 
that  furvived  of  the  garrifon  were  made  prifoners. 
The   whole   French  nation   exclaimed  againft  the 
pope,  who  had  occafioned  the  rupture  of  iht  truce, 
and  Henry  recalled  his  forces  from  Italy. 

When  his  holinefs  firft  under ftood  that  the  queen  The  pope' 
of  .England  had  declared  war  againft  France,  he  J*^J? 
was  violently  exafperated  againft  cardinal  Pole,  as  Pole, 
if  he  had  advjfed  that  meafure,  and  would  have  re- 
called him  immediately,  had  not  Carne,  the  Englilh 
ambaffador,  reprefented  the  injury  that  he  would  do 
to  religion  by  fuch  a  procedure  ;  but  when  the  news 
of  the  battie  arrived,  he  was  feized  with  a  tranfport 
of  rage,  and  refolved  to  facrifice  Pole  to  his  revenge. 
He  lent  for  Pay  ton,  the  queen's  confeffor,  to  Rome, 
where  he  beftowed  upon  him  a  cardinal's  hat,  ap- 
pointed him  legate  in  England,  and  difmifTed  him 
with  a  decree,  by  which  Pole  was  recalled.  But  the 
queen,  being  informed  of  this  mandate,  gave  notice 
to  Payton,  that  fhould  he  attempt  to  let  foot  in  Eng- 
land, me  would  caufe  him  to  be  punifhed  with  all 
the  rigour  of  the  Premunire.  This  letter  flopped 
the  new  cardinal  in  his  journey  •,  and  Pole,  though 
lie  had  not  received  the  pope's  decretal,  abftained 



r94  HISTORY   of    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  ,557.  from  all  the  functions  of  a  legate,  that  he  might  not 
furnifh  the  pontiff  with  a  pretence  to  take  any  ftep 
to  his  prejudice.  Neverthelefs,  the  pope,  finding 
himfelf  unable  to  cope  with  the  duke  of  Alva,  con- 
cluded a  peace  with  Spain'-,  and,  by  the  article  of 
the  treaty,  Pole  was  re-eltablifhed  in  his  legation. 

The  French  king  created  the  duke  of  Guife  his 
lieutenant-general  for  the  whole  kingdom  of  France, 
and  excited  the  queen-regent  of  Scotland  to  infringe 
the  peace  with  Mary.  As  fhe  could  not  prevail 
upon  the  flares  of  the  kingdom  to  comply  with  her 
wifhes,  fhe  ordered  Aymouth  to  be  fortified,  con- 
trary to  an  article  of  the  laft  treaty  •,  and  the  Eng- 
lifh  oppofing  this  meafure  by  force  of  arms,  a  rup- 
ture eniued.  D'Oyfel,  at  the  head  of  the  Scottifh 
army,  entered  the  frontiers  of  England,  but  he  was 
immediately  recalled  by  an  exprefs  order  of  the 
parliament  -,  and  the  queen  regent  advifrd  Henry 
of  France  to  haflen  the  marriage  between  the  dau- 
phin and  her  daughter  Mary  ;  that  he,  being  matter 
of  Scotland,  might  exert  his  authority  with  the  na- 
tives. Flenry  relifhed  this  advice,  in  confequence  of 
which,  he  fent  ambaffadors,  to  regulate  the  articles  of 
the  marriage  with  the  parliament  of  Scotland.  In  the 
latter  end  of  the  year,  Philip  fent  intimation  to  Mary, 
that  the  court  of  France  had  projected  fome  fcheme 
againft  Calais,  and  offered  to  fupply  her  with  troops 
for  the  guard  of  that  fortrefs,  which  was  in  a  de- 
fencelefs  condition.  The  council  looked  upon  this 
intimation  as  a  ftratagem  of  Philip  to  gain  pofTeflion 
of  Calais ;  and  the  queen  not  only  declined  accept- 
ing his  offer,  but  alio  neglected  to  put  the  place  in 
a  pofture  of  defence,  notwithftanding  the  repeated 
follicitations  of  lord  Wentworth  the  governor.  The 
miniftry  was  too  much  engroffed  by  religious  affairs 
to  beftow  proper  attention  upon  this  object  of  im- 
portance. In  the  beginning  of  the  year  Calais 
was  inverted  by  the  duke  of  Guife,   who,  having 



taken  by  afiault  the  two  forts  of  Newnambridge  and  A*c*  f557» 
Rifband,    battered  the  town,   and  obliged  the  go-  The  French 
vernor  to  furrender  on  the  feventh  day  of  the  fiege.  tl£  c^Sis, 
He  was  no  fooner  matter  of  the  place,  than  he  ex-  Guifces  and 
pelled  all  the  Englifh  inhabitants  :    then  he  fat  down 
before  Guifnes,  in  which  the  lord  Grey  commanded  ; 
but  the  garrifon,  ccnfifting  of  eleven  hundred  men, 
were  fo  difcouraged  by  the  lofs  of  Calais,  that  at 
the  firft  attack  they  retired  to  the  citadel,  where  they 
fuftained  another  afTault,  and  then  furrendered  them- 
felves  prifoners  of  war.     The  caftle  of  Hames,  be-  Godwin* 
ing  fituated  in  a  morafs  which  was  almoft  inaccef- 
fible,  might  have  made   a  vigorous  refiftance  j   but 
the  garrifon  abandoned  it,  and  fled  at  the  approach 
of  the  enemy.     Thus,    within  the  fpace  of  fifteen 
days,  in  the  middle  of  winter,  all  that  remained  of 
the  Englifh  conquefts  in  France,  was  loft  by  the  ig- 
norance and  neglect  of  the  queen  and  council  -,   and 
this  was   the  fruit  of  the  alliance  between  England 
and  Spain. 

The  lofs  of  Calais  filled  the  whole  kingdom  of 
England  with  murmurs  and  complaints  :  the  mi- 
niftry  were  fo  confounded,  that  they  could  not  open 
their  mouths  in  their  ov/n  justification,  and  the  queen 
felt  all  the  pangs  of  the  mod  mortifying  difappoint- 
ment.  Philip  prefied  her  to  make  a  powerful  effort 
for  the  recovery  of  the  place,  before  the  French 
fiiould  have  time  to  repair  the  fortifications :  but 
the  minifters  could  not  find  means  to  execute  fuch  an 
enterprise  ;  and  they  were  afraid  that  the  underta- 
king would  detach  their  attention  too  much  from 
the  concerns  of  religion.  The  parliament  meeting 
on  the  twentieth  day  of  January,  granted  a  fubfidy 
to  the  queen,  and  fhe  received  another  from  the 
clergy.  Some  of  the  partifans  of  the  court,  propo- 
fing  an  act  for  giving  the  force  of  a  law  to  all  the 
queen's  proclamations,  one  of  the  members  oppofed 



iq(5  H  1  S  T  O  R  Y  of  E  N  G  L  AN  15. 

A-c  *5S7<  the  propofition,  alledging  that  the  queen*  by  virtu£ 
of  fuch  an  unlimited  power,  might,  by  a  fimple 
proclamation,  alter  the  fucceflion.  The  houfe,  of- 
fended at  this  member's  fufpicion,  committed  him 
to  the  Tower  •,  but  no  further  mention  was  made 
of  the  act,  becaufe,  in  all  probability,  Mary  per- 
ceived the  nation  was  attached  to  the  right  of  the 
princefs  Elizabeth,  who  after  the  prorogation  of  the 
parliament,  was  demanded  in  marriage  by  the  king 
of  Sweden;  but  Ihe  rejected  his  propofal.  In  the 
month  of  April  the  dauphin  efpoufed  Mary  queen 
of  Scotland  ;  and,  in  June,  Philip  king  of  Spain, 
by  his  general  the  count  d'Egmont,  obtained  a  com- 
i>h;iip  ob-  plete  victory  over  the  French  at  Gravelines,  where 
*h«  vidcr  ^ie  French  general  de  Termes  and  his  principal  offi- 
»t  Grave,  cers  were  taken.  This  victory  was  in  a  great  meafure 
tnes*  owing  to  ten  Englifh  men  of  war,  which  chancing 
to  fail  along  more,  while  the  battle  was  maintain- 
ed with  equal  fury  on  both  fides,  made  a  terri- 
ble (laughter  among  the  French  with  their  cannon, 
infomuch  that  the  rout  began  from  this  quarter* 
About  the  fame  time,  lord  Clinton,  high  admiral 
of  England,  with  a  fleet  of  one  hundred  and  forty 
ihips,  made  a  defcent  upon  Conquefl  in  Normandy, 
which  he  t©ok  and  plundered ;  but  fome  of  the 
Flemings,  that  were  on  board  the  navy,  making  an 
excurfion  farther  into  the  country,  were  attacked 
_,  and  routed  by  the  militia  :    and  the  admiral  retired 

to  his  imps  with  precipitation. 
Theperfe-        Mean  while  the  perfecution  was  renewed  inEng- 
tmuestT*  land  with  frelh  fury.     The  queen  ordered,  by  pro- 
rage,  clamation,  that  thofe  who  fhould  receive  heretical 
books,  without  delivering  them  immediately  to  the 
magiftrate,  mould  be  forthwith  executed  by  martial 
law  j  and  all  perfons  were  forbidden  to  pray  for 
fuch  as  fuffered  on  account  of  herefy.     A  man,  of 
the  name  of  Bambridge,  being  condemned  to  the 


MARY.  197 

flames  in  Hampfhire,  and  unable  to  bear  the  tor-  A>c-,557. 
ture,    cried  aloud,  "  I  recant,    I  recant."     TKe 
fheriff  immediately  ordered  the  fire  to  be  extinguish- 
ed, and  the  man   figned  an  abjuration.     But  the 
court  fent  down  an  order  to  burn  this  unhappy 
wretch  even  after  his  recantation  i  and  the  fheriff 
was  committed  prifoner  to  the  Fleet,  for  having 
prefumed  to  fufpend  the  execution.     In   this  laft  Bum*, 
year,  nine  and  thirty  proteftants  fuffered  martyrdom 
in  different  parts  of  England  ;  fo  that  the  number 
of  thofe  who  died  for  their  faith  in  the  reign  of 
Mary  amounted  to  two  hundred  and  eighty-four, 
befides  many  who   fuffered  long  confinement  and 
incredible  mifery,  though  their  lives  were  not  taken  F°*« 

Mary  having  obtained  nothing  but  damage  and 
difgrace  from  the  war,  the  more  willingly  liilened 
to  a  negotiation  for  a  peace  between  France,  Spain, 
and  England  ;  and  the  conferences  were  begun  at  Godwia, 
Cambray  in  the  month  of  October.  In  November 
the  queen  demanded  a  fupply  from  parliament,  in 
cafe  the  treaty  fhould  not  be  concluded :  but  the 
commons  were  very  backward  in  complying  with 
her  requeft  •,  and,  before  the  bill  paffed,  the  queen 
expired.  Her  health  had  been  infirm  fince  the  iffue 
of  her  fuppofed  pregnancy  -,  and  the  different  mor- 
tifications to  which  fhe  was  afterwards  expofed,  had 
fuch  an  effect  upon  her  conftitution,  that  fhe  was 
feized  with  a  dropfy,  which  put  a  period  to  her 
life  on  the  feventeenth  day  of  November,  in  the 
forty-third  year  of  her  age,  after  fhe  had  reigned 
five  years,  four  months,  and  eleven  days.  We  have 
already  obferved  that  the  charadteriftics  of  Mary 
were  bigotry  and  revenge  ;  we  fhall  only  add,  that 
fhe  was  proud,  imperious,  froward>  avaritious,  and 




a.  c.  1557-  wholly  deflitute  of  every  agreeable  qualification  f: 
She  was  furvived  but  fixteen  hours  by  cardinal  Pole, 
a  prelate  of  a  foft  and  moderate  difpofition,  who 
difapproved  of  perfecution,  and  wifhed  to  bring 
back  the  Englifh  to  their  antient  faith  by  mild  and 
gentle  exhortations,  recommended  in  the  example 
of  a  reformed  clergy. 

•f  Mary  was  buried  at  Weftminfter,     with  a  mafs  of  Requiefce,  according  to' 
in  the  chapel  of  her  grandfather  Hen-     the  form  of  the  Roman  church. 
ry  VII.  and  her    funeral    celebrated 




C    199   3 


TH  E  members  of  the  privy  council  concealed  A.  c.  i55s. 
the  death  of  Mary  for  fome  hours,   during  Ell-zabeth 
which   they   deliberated    upon   the  meafures   they  aliens  the 
fhould  purfue.     At  length  they  imparted  this  event thrrne* 
to  the  houfe  of  lords.    They  made  no  fcruple  of  de- 
claring for  the  princefs  Elizabeth,  who  fucceeded 
according  to  the  will  of  her  father  Henry,  and  was 
agreeable  to  the  nation  in  general.     The  majority 
of  the  peers  were  either  altogether  indifferent  with 
regard  to  religion,  or  fecretly  favoured  the  reforma- 
tion;   and  the  reft  believed   that  popery  was  too 
firmly  eftablifhed,  to  be  overthrown  by  a  female  fo- 
vereign,  who  was  fo  far  from  being  a  bigot,  that  fhd  \-. 
conformed  to  the  religion  of  her  fifter,  and  even  de- 
clared herfelf  a  Roman  catholic.     The  lords  hav- Camd^ 
ing  deputed  Heath  archbifhop  of  York,   to  fignify 
their  refolution  to  the  lower  houfe,    it  was  unani- 
moufly  approved  by  the  commons  •,  and  Elizabeth 
was  immediately  proclaimed,  amidft  the  acclama- 
tions of  the  people,  in  the  five  and  twentieth  year  of 
her  age.     She  forthwith  repaired  from  Hatfield  to 
London  ;  and,  after  having  received  the  compli- 
ments of  the  nobility,  fhe  fent  ambafTadors  to  the 
different  powers  of  Europa  to  notify  her  accefiion  to 
the  throne  of  England.     Lord  Cobham  was  dis- 
patched to  Philip,  whom  file  confldered  as  her  friend 
and  ally  ■,  Sir  Thomas  Chalons  fet  out  for  the  Im- 
perial court ;  and   fhe  joined  Howard  lord  Effing- 
ham to  Thirkby  bifhop  of  Ely,  and  doclor  Wotton, 
who  were  the  plenipotentiaries   at  the  congrefs  of 
Cambray.     Killegrew  was  fent  to  found  the  pro- 
teftant  princes  of  Germany  *,  and  Karne  had  orders 
to  make  the  pope  acquainted  with  the  death  of  Mary, 
N°,  55.  P  and 


200  HISTORT    of    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1558.  an(]  fbccefficn  of  Elizabeth.     Then  me  formed  her 
council,  in  which  fhe  retained  thirteen  of  her  filter's 
counfellors,   to  whom  fhe  joined  eight  perfons  who 
were  attached  to  the  proteftant  religion  -f .     Philip 
of  Spain  was  not  a  little  alarmed  at  the  death  of  his 
confort.     He  dreaded  Elizabeth's  marrying  a  pro- 
teflant prince,  in  which  cafe  all  his  influence  in  Eng- 
land would  vanifh  :  he  was   not  without   fear  that 
the  French  king  would  fupport  the  claim  of  Mary- 
queen  of  Scots,  and  unite  England,   Scotland,   and 
Philip  of     Ireland,  to  his  own  dominions.     In  order  to  prevent 
bands' her    fuch  an  accefTion  of  power  to  his  enemies,  he  fent 
in  marriage,  j^g  count  fe  Feria  to  propofe  a  match  between  him 
and  Elizabeth,  who,  notwithflanding  his  promife  to 
procure  a  difpenfation  from  the  pope,  declined  the 
propofal ;  though  in  fuch  obliging  terms,   that  the 
king  of  Spain  could  not  juftly  take  offence  at  her 
refufal.     Indeed   fhe  had  great  reafon   to  avoid  a 
rupture  with  that  monarch  ;   for  fhe  was  involved 
in  a  war  with  France  and  Scotland  •,    the  crown  was 
overwhelmed  with  debts  contracted  in  the  two  pre- 
ceding reigns,  and   the  finances    of  the  kingdom 
were  quite  exhaufted :   befides,  fhe  was  not  a  little 
embarrafTed  on  the  fcore  of  religion. 

Her  council  being  confulted  on  the  fituation  of 
affairs,  adviied  her  to  forward  the  negotiation  for  a 
peace  with  France  and  Scotland  •,  in  the  mean  time 
to  fortify  the  frontiers,  equip  a  flrong  fleet  for  the 
defence  of  the  ccaft,  and  change  thefheriffs  and  ma- 
giflrates,  in  fuch  a  manner,  that  a  majority  of  pro- 
teftant members  fhould  be  returned  to  the  next  par- 
liament, which  was  accordingly  convoked  for  the 
twenty -fifth  day  of  January.  In  the  interim,  fhe  en> 

f  The  old  members    were   Heath  the  lord  Clinton,  high  admiral  ;  lord 

arch  bi /hop  of  York  5  Paw  let  marquis  Howard  of  Effingham,  chamberlain; 

of  Winehefter,  lord   high   treafwer  j  Sir  Thomas  Cheney,  Sir  WTilli?m  Pe- 

Fitj;- Allen  earl    of  Arundel  ;  Talbot  tre,    Sir   John  Mafon,     Sir   Richaid 

earl  of  Shrewsbury^    Stanley  earl  of  Sickville,  and  Nicholas  Wotton. 
Derby  j    Herbert  carl  of  Pembroke  j 



ployed  doctor  Parker  to  reform  in  private  the  liturgy  A>  c«  '559 
of  Edward  VI.  then  publifhed  a  proclamation,   al- 
lowing  divine  fervice  to  be  performed  in  the  vulgar 
tongue,  and  her  fubjects  to  read  the  fcriptures.     In 
the  beginning  of  the  year,    the  marquis  of  Nor- 
thampton, condemned  in  the  late  reign,  was  reftored 
to  his  honours  •,  Edward  Seymour,  fon  of  the  duke 
of  Somerfet,  was  created  baron  Beauchamp  and  earl 
of  Hertford  ;   Thomas  Howard,   fecond  fon  of  the 
duke  of  Norfolk,  was  promoted  to  the  honour  of 
vifcount  Howard  of  Bindon  ;   her  kinfman  Henry 
Cary  of  Hunfdon,  and  Oliver  St.  John  of  Bletmifto, 
were  elevated  to  the  rank  of  barons.     Thefe  pro-  coronTtio".3 
motions  were   fucceeded    by    the  queen's    corona- 
tion, which  was  performed  in  the  church  of  Welt- 
mi  niter.     The  archbifhop  of  York,  and  fome  other 
prelates,    refufing  to  aiuft  at   the  folemnity,    and 
the  fee  of  Canterbury  being  vacant,  the  crown  was 
placed  upon   her   head   by   Oglethorpe   bifhop  of 

The  feffion  of  parliament  was  opened  with  a 
fpeech  by  Nicholas  Bacon,  keeper  of  the  great  feal, 
who,  after  having  founded  forth  the  praifes  of  the 
new  queen,  and  the  mifconducl:  of  the  laft  miniftry, 
gave  the  members  tp  underftand,  that  it  was  the 
queen's  pleafure  they  mould  regulate  the  affairs  of 
religion;  and,  in  fo  doing,  choofe  a  middle  courfe 
between  the  extremes  of  iuperftition  and  irreligion, 
that  the  nation  might  be  re- united  in  one  kind  of 
worfhip  :  he  concluded  his  harangue  by  reprelent- 
ing  the  neceflities  of  the  government,  and  recom- 
mending a  fupply  to  her  majefty.  The  commons, 
though  they  had  been  haraffed  by  impofitions  in  the 
late  reign,  chearfully  granted  the  tonnage  and 
poundage,  together  with  a  large  fubfidy  on  funds 
and  moveables.  And  for  the  fupport  of  the  queen's 
royal  eftate,  they  paffed  a  bill  for  reftoring  the 
fir  ft  fruits  and  tythes  to  the  crown  ;  the  revenue  of 

P  2  which 

202  H  IS  TO  R  Y  of  ENG  LAND. 

A. c.  >SS9'  which  was  likewife  improved  by  the  diflblution  of 
all  the  abbeys,  nunneries,  hofpitals,  and  chantries, 
founded  fince  the  reign  of  Edward.  On  the  fourth 
day  of  February,  the  commons  had  prefented  an 
addrefs  to  the  queen,  advifing  her  to  marry,  for  the 
benefit  of  a  quiet  fuccefiion  :  and,  in  her  reply, 
flie  faid  me  was  obliged  to  them  for  having  forbore 
to  mention  any  time  or  perfon ;  but  that  me  looked 
upon  herfelf  as  married  to  her  people  ;  that  me 
had  no  inclination  to  alter  her  condition  ;  and  that 
(he  mould  be  very  well  pleafed  with  the  thoughts  of 
their  infcribing  on  her  tomb,  "  Here  lies  a  queen, 
"  who  lived  and  died  a  virgin."  The  parliament 
enacted  a  ftatute,  recognizing  Elizabeth  to  be  the 
lawful  fovereign,  by  virtue  of  the  acl:  palled  in  the 
thirty- fifth  year  of  her  father's  reign.  But  the  fen- 
tence  of  divorce  between  that  king  and  Anne  BoJeyn 
was  not  reverfed  ;  nor  the  act  which  confirmed  the 
fentence,  repealed.  Then  both  houfes  converting 
their  attention  to  the  affairs  of  religion,  paiTed  fe- 
veral  laws  ordaining,  that  fervice  mould  be  perform-  - 
The  pariia-  ec|  ;n  tke  vulgar  tongue  :  That  the  fupremacy  of 
foms  the  the  church  of  England  mould  be  vefted  in  the  fo- 
outens  fa-  vereign  :  That  all  the  acts  relating  to  religion,  which 
had  paiTed  in  the  reign  of  the  laft  Edward,  mould 
Camden.      ^Q  renewecj  ancj  confirmed  :   That  the  nomination 

to  bimoprics  fhould  be  vefted  in  the  queen,  who 
might  exerciie  her  fupremacy  by  any  perfon  fhe 
mould  think  proper  to  appoint  for  that  purpofe  : 
That  all  perfons  in  office  mould  take  the  oath  of 
fupremacy  ;  and  that  no  perfon,  under  fevere  penal- 
ties, fhould,  by  word  or  writing,  fupport  any  fo- 
reign authority  in  this  kingdom  :  That  there  fhould 
bsali  uniformity  of  worfliip  :  That,  on  the  vacancy 
of  any.  bifhopric,  the  queen  might  relume  its  man- 
ours  and  temporal  poiTeiiions,  making  a  jufl  re- 
compence  to  the  fee  of  perfonages  impropriate. 
Elizabeth  abufed  this  Dower,  by  {tripping  the  fees 


ELIZABETH.  "  203 

of  all  their  bed  manours,  under  the  colour  of  giving  A,c*  1ss9* 
equivalents  in  other  impropriations.  She  was,  by 
another  aft,  put  in  pofTefTion  of  all  religious  houfes; 
and  they  parTed  a  ftatute,  declaring  that  the  condem- 
nation of  the  Romifh  bifhops,  in  the  reign  of  Ed- 
ward VI.  was  both  juft  and  lawful. 

Elizabeth  being  verted  with  the  fupremacy,  erected 
a  tribunal  called  the  High  Commifiion-court,  com- 
pofed  of  a  certain  number  of  commiflioners,  who 
acted  with  the  authority  of  the  vicegerent,  appointed 
in  the  reign  of  the  eighth  Henry.  Some  ecclefia- 
flics  having  preached  againft  the  reformation,  the 
queen  forbad  all  perfons  to  preach  without  licence 
under  the  great  feai ;  and  this  prohibition  irritated 
the  lower  houfe  of  convocation  to  fuch  a  degree, 
that,  in  a  petition  to  her  majefty,  they  maintained 
the  doctrines  of  the  Roman  church.  They  after- 
wards propofed  a  public  difpute  between  nine  doc- 
tors of  each  party  :  but,  when  the  difputants,  af- 
fembled  for  this  purpofe,  the  Roman  catholics  de- 
clared they  would  not,  without  the  pope's  permif- 
fion,  difpute  upon  points  which  were  already  de- 
cided. Of  nine  thoufand  four  hundred  ecclefiaftics, 
who  held  benefices  in  England,  thofe  who  chofe 
rather  to  renounce  their  livings  than  the  Roman  ca- 
tholic religion,  amounted  to  fourteen  bifhops,  twelve 
archdeacons,  fifteen  heads  of  colleges,  fifty  canons,  Therefor- 
and  about  fourfcore  of  the  inferior  clergy  •  their  "bSEd." 
places  being  filled  with  proteftants,  the  church  of  Burnet. 
England  was  intirely  reformed. 

While  the  queen  effected  this  fudden  change  in 
religion  within  her  dominions,  the  plenipotentaries 
of  France  and  England  continued  their  negotiation 
ax  Cateau  in  the  Cambrefis;  and  the  envoys  of 
Philip  II.  who  Mill  entertained  fome  hope  of  ef- 
poufing  Elizabeth,  infilled  upon  Henry's  refloring 
Calais  co  the  Englifli :  but,  when  he  faw  the  refor- 
mation eftablifhed  in  England,  and  met  with  a  final 

P  3  repulfe 


a.  c.i 559.  repulfe  from  the  queen,  he  abandoned  her  intereft, 
and  compromifed  his  difference  with  the  French 
monarch.     Elizabeth,   finding  herfelf  thus  deferred 

Tac^  with    ky  the  king  of  Spain,  concluded  a  treaty  with  France, 

jvunce.       importing,  that  Henry  mould  retain  Calais,  and  the 
oth^r  places  he  had  wrefted  from  the   Englifh,  for 
eight  years  ;   at  the  expiration  of  which  they  mould 
be  reftcred  to  the  queen  of  England  :  That  he  mould 
give  fecurity  for   paying  to  Elizabeth,  or  her  fuc- 
ceffors,  the  fum  of  five   hundred    thoufand  golden 
crowns,  in  cafe  thofe  places  mould  not  be  rellored 
at  the  appointed  time  :   That,  over  and  above  this 
payment,  Henry  and  his  fucceffors  fhould  be  obliged 
to  reftore  Calais,  and  other  places,  according  to  the 
ilipulations  of  the   treaty  :    That  the  French  king 
mould  give  hoflages  for  the  performance  of  this  ar- 
ticle :  That  neither  he,  ncr  the  king  and  queen  of 
Scotland,  nor  Elizabeth,    mould  attempt  any  thing 
againfleach  other,  directly  or  indirectly,  to  the  pre- 
judice of  this  treaty  :  That  the  fortifications  of  Ay- 
mouth,   and  all  others  railed  in  Scotland  fince  the 
treaty  of  Boulogne,   mould   be  demolifhed  :    That 
all  the  other  pretenfions  of  the  contracting  parties, 
fhould  remain  in  full  force,   until  all  difputes  could 
be  amicably  compromifed :   And  that  they  fhould 
not  encourage  or  protect  the   rebellious  fubjects  of 
each  other.     At  the  fame  time,  a  feparate  treaty  of 
peace,  to  the  fame  purpofe,  was  concluded  between 
the  queens  of  England  and  Scotland,  and  ratified 
by  Mary  and  her  hufband  Francis  the  dauphin. 

Henry  would  not  have  granted  fuch  favourable 
terms  to  Elizabeth,  had  he  intended  to  obferve  the 
articles  of  the  treaty  :  but  his  fole  defign  in  con- 
fenting  to  this  peace,  was  to  humour  Philip,  who, 
from  a  notion  of  punctilio,  would  not  ratify  his 
own  peace  with  France,  until  he  had  mediated  a 
treaty  between  the  French  king  and  Elizabeth.  Not 
that  he  preferved  the  leaft  regard  to  the.,  intereft 




of  England,  or  defired  that  Henry  mould  adhere  to  A-  c<  *55& 
the  articles  of  the  peace ;  but  he  thought  his  ho- 
nour repqired  that  he  fhould  effect  an  apparent  ac- 
commodation in  favour  of  his  ally.     Immediately  Thheda'l" 

/  J    prvn  and 

after  the  peace  of  Cateau,  the  dauphin  and  his  con-  Mary  queen 
fort  Mary  queen  of  Scots,  affumed  the  title  of  king  j^0^  af" 
and  queen  of  Scotland,  England,  and  Ireland  •,  and  arms  of 
caufed  the  arms  of  England  to  be  engraved  on  their  Ens,anJ- 
feals  and  plate.     Sir  Nicholas  Thrcgmorton,  the  Camden* 
Englifn  ambaifador  at  Paris,   complaining  of  this 
iniult,  received  a  very  frivolous  anlwer ;  and  he  re- 
peating his  remonitrance,  the  French  miniitry  told 
him,  the  king  and  queen  of  Scotland    had  as  good 
a  right  to  ailume  the  arms  of  England,  as  Eliza- 
beth had  to  arrogate  the  title  of  queen  of  France. 
Though  the  conitable  Montmorency,  who  hated  the 
Guife  faction,  prevailed  upon  Henry  to  lay  afide 
this  diftinction,  Elizabeth,  from  this  period,  confi- 
dered  Mary  as  a  formidable  rival,  and  the  princes 
of  Lorraine  as  her  mortal  enemies.     Certain  it  is, 
they  endeavoured  to  raiie  their  niece  Mary  to  the 
throne    of  England  ;    and   perfuaded   the  French 
king,  that  through  her  means  he  v/ouid  in  time  be 
able  to  unite  all  England  and  Ireland  under  his  do- 

This  vail  project  flattered  the  ambition  of  Hen- 
ry -,  and,  as  a  preparatory  ilep,  he  endeavoured  to 
render  his  fon  abfolute  in  Scotland.  The  queen- 
regent  of  that  country  was  very  well  difpofcd  to  con- 
cur with  his  meafures  •,  but  the  attachment  of  her 
brother  the  cardinal  to  the  Roman  catholic  religion, 
and  her  own  biafs  to  thofe  principles,  defeated  their 
icheme.  The  reformation  had  made  great  progrefs 
in  Scotland,  under  the  auipices  of  John  Knox,  and 
others,  poffelled  with  the  fanatical  fpirit  of  Cal- 
vin, and  the  French  minillry  concluded  that  they 
fnould  never  be  able  to  carry  their  point,  until  they 
had   totally  fuppreifed  thofe  religious  republicans, 

P  4  .who 


a.  c.  1550;  wn0  would  never  join  in  favour  of  a  Roman  catho- 
lic prince,  againft  Elizabeth,  who  was  a  profefled 
proteftant.  Henry  II.  at  the  inftigation  of  the 
Guifes,  directed  the  queen- regent  of  Scotland  to 
fupprefs  the  proteftants  ;  and  fhe  publifhed  an  edicl: 
for  that  purpofe,  which  involved  the  whole  king- 
dom in  confufion.  Not  contented  with  this  ftep, 
fhe  convoked  the  eftates  at  Stirling,  and  proceeded 
fo  feverely , againft  fome  minifters  of  the  reformed 
religion,  that  Knox  and  his  afTociates  openly  preach- 
ed againft  the  catholic  doctrine.  He  inflamed  the 
people  of  Perth  to  fuch  a  degree,  by  his  remon- 
ftrances,  that  they  pillaged  the  churches,  burned 
the  images  and  ornaments,  and  deftroyed  the  mona- 
stery of  the  Carthufians.  The  regent,  incenfed  at 
thefe  proceedings,  afTembled  fome  troops,  by  means 
of  the  earls  of  Argyle  and  Athol,  and  began  her 
march  for  Perth  \  but,  underftanding  that  the  earl 
ofGlencairn,  with  feveral  other  noblemen,  were  en- 
camped  in  the  neighbourhood  of  that  place,  with  a 
view  to  oppofe  her  progrefs,  fhe  propofed  terms  of 
accommodation  •,  and  the  peace  was  concluded,  on 
condition  that  the  difputes  about  religion  mould  be 
referred  to  the  determination  of  the  parliament. 
The  confederates  had  no  fooner  difmhTed  their  troops, 
than  fhe  re-eftablifhed  the  mafs  at  Perth,  and  fecured 

The  protef-  the  town  with  a  ftrong  garrifon.     It  was  on  this  oc- 

ofnscotUnd  caf10n> tnat  tne  eai"l  of  Argyle  and  James  Stuart, prit- 
revoit  a-  or  of  St.  Andrews,  natural  fon  of  James  V.  declared 
gamft  the  ag^jnft  trie  regent,  and  joined  the  proteftant  par- 
ty. While  tney  were  employed  in  levying  forces, 
the  inhabitants  of  Cupar,  St.  Andrews,  and  feveral 
other  towns,  publicly  renounced  the  Roman  catho- 
lic religion,  and  committed  the  moft  barbarous  ex- 
cefies  againft  the  churches  and  convents,  facrificing 
every  thing  they  contained,  not  even  excepting  the 
archives,  in  which  the  moft  material  tranfa&ions 
of  their  nation  were  recorded.     The  confederates 



affembling  another  army,  made  themfelves  matters  a.  0.1359. 
of  Perth,  Scone,  Stirling,  and  Linlithgow;  and 
their  forces  daily  encreafmg,  the  queen-regent,  and 
D'Oyfel,  who  commanded  two  thoufand  French 
auxiliaries,  retired  with  precipitation  to  Dunbar. 
Religion  was  the  pretence  which  covered  all  thefe 
commotions  •,  and,  in  fact,  the  motive  which  ani- 
mated the  people:  but  the  chief  actors  were  influ- 
enced by  far  other  confiderations.  The  French 
king  wanted  to  crufh  the  proteftants,  becaufe  they 
were  attached  to  queen  Elizabeth,  whom  he  defign- 
ed  to  dethrone.  She,  on  the  other  hand,  perceiving 
his  drift,  fupported  the  reformers  in  Scotland,  that 
they  might  employ  all  the  forces  he  could  lend  into 
that  kingdom.  The  Scottifh  nobles  declared  for 
the  proteftant  religion,  in  hope  of  one  day  enjoying 
the  lands  of  the  church ;  and  James  Stuart,  prior 
of  St.  Andrews,  is  faid  to  have  thrown  himfelf  into 
the  fame  fcale,  that  he  might,  on  the  ruin  of  his 
filter  Mary,  afcend  the  throne  of  Scotland.  The 
reformed  clergy  were  generally  wrong-headed  fana- 
tics, employed  by  more  defigning  heads  to  kindle  a 
fpirit  of  madnefs  and  enthufiafm,  which  they  con- 
verted to  the  purpofes  of  their  own  intereft.  Meivii, 

Such  was  the  fituation  of  affairs  in  Scotland,  when 
Henry  II.  of  France  being  accidentally  (lain  in  a 
tournament,  the  crown  of  that  kingdom  devolved 
upon  his  fen  Francis  I.   who  had  married  the  queen 
of  Scotland ;  and  her  uncles  engroffed  the  whole 
adminiftration.  They  forthwith  fent  a  reinforcement  Camden. 
of  three  thoufand   men,  under  La  BrofTe,   to  the 
queen  regent,  who  now  compelled  the  confederates 
to  retire  in  their  turn,  and  harrarTed  them  in  fuch  a 
manner,  that  they  had  reccurfe  to  queen  Elizabeth,  cittheaVft- 
whofe  afTiftance  they  follicited  in  an  addrefs,  which  anc,of  eu- 
was  prefented  to  her  by  William  Maitland  of  Lid-  ' 
ington,  lord  fecretary  of  Scotland.     Cecil,  who  was 
the  queen's  chief  «ounfellor,  employed  Henry  Pier- 


2o3  HI  S  TOR  Y    of   EN  GLAND. 

a.  c.  1559.  Cy^  as  an  agent  v/ith  the  Scottifh  confederates,  who 
ftiled  themfelves  the  congregation ;  and  they  canted 
in  fuch  a  manner  about  the  gofpel,  and  the  extirpa- 
tion of  idolatry,  that  Elizabeth  believed  they  were 
all  hypocrites  at  bottom.  Neverthelefs,  it  was  fo 
much  her  intereft  to  prevent  the  French  from  get- 
ting footing  in  Scotland,  that  fhe  diflembled  her 
fentiments,  and  promiied  to  fupport  them  againft 
the  enemies  of  the  true  religion.  Sir  Ralph  Sadler 
was  fent  to  confer  with  Piercy  concerning  the  de- 
fence of  the  Marches  ;  and  proper  directions  were 
communicated  to  Sir  James  Crofts,  governor  of 
Berwick.  The  duke  of  Norfolk  was  appointed  lord 
lieutenant  of  the  northern  counties ;  William  lord 
Gray  conftituted  Warden  of  the  Middle  and  Eaft 
Marches  ;  Thomas  earl  of  SufTex  fent  back  as  lord 
lieutenant  of  Ireland,  which  he  had  formerly  govern- 
ed with  great  conduct  and  moderation  ;  and  Wil- 
liam Winton,  mailer  of  the  naval  ftores,  was  pro- 
moted to  the  command  of  a  fquadron,  with  which 
he  failed  into  the  Frith  of  Forth,  deftroyed  feveral 
French  mips  of  war,  and  annoyed  the  forces  of  that 
kingdom,  which  were  in  garrifon  in  the  ifte  of  Inch- 
kieth.  While  Elizabeth  took  thefe  meafures  for 
fupporting  the  proteftant  intereft  in  Scotland,  Phi- 
lip II.  of  Spain  began  to  execute  a  refolution  he  had 
Affairs  of  formed,  to  exterminate  that  religion  from  the  Low 
the  Low  Countries,  which  he  meaned  to  enflave.  He  fecur- 
ed  the  principal  towns  with  Spanifh  garrifons,  con- 
trary to  the  privileges  of  the  country.  When  he  fet 
out  for  Spain,  he  left  the  government  in  the  hands 
of  his  aunt,  Margaret  dutchefs  of  Parma,  fo  as  to 
excite  the  refsntment  of  the  prince  of  Orange,  and 
the  count  of  Kgmont,  who  afpired  to  that  dignity  : 
but  they  were  lull  more  incenfed  at  his  leaving  as 
her  chief  counfelior  the  cardinal  of  Granville,  their 
profefled  enemy,  whom  they  confidered  as  the  au- 
thor of  thejeheme  for  enflaving  their  country,    la 



die  courfe  of  this  year,  pope  Paul  IV.  dying,  wasA-c-'5'9. 
fucceeded  by  cardinal  Angelo  de  Medicis,  who  af-  Dcathof 

'  _       .  to  pope  Paul 

fumed  the  name  of  Pius  IV.  iv. 

The  fuuation  of  Elizabeth  at  this  juncture  was  Gl0tlU3- 
extremely  perplexing  and  precarious.  The  pope 
and  the  French  king  were  her  profeffed  enemies. 
Mary  of  Scotland  claimed  her  crown  by  a  title 
which  many  of  the  Englifh  fubjects  privately  re- 
cognized. Philip  of  Spain  had  conceived  an  anti- 
pathy to  her,  from  the  repulfe  he  fuftained  at  her 
hands,  and  the  alteration  me  made  in  the  eftablifh- 
ed  religion  of  he  country  :  the  Irifh  were  arrogant, 
ferocious,  and  blindly  devoted  to  the  papal  autho- 
rity ;  and  all  the  catholics  in  England  were  averfe 
to  her  dominion.  In  this  emergency,  fhe  laid  down  Eiixabetv* 
two  maxims,  from  which  me  never  fwerved  through  Tms^Tgol 
the  whole  courfe  of  her  reign.  The  firft  was  to  ver^n^^ 
conciliate  the  affections  of  her  people ;  and  the 
other  to  find  work  for  her  enemies  in  their  own  do- 
minions. She  was  endowed  with  a  great  ffiare  of 
natural  penetration  :  fhe  had  obferved  the  charac- 
ters of  mankind.  Knowing  how  to  diftinguifh  me- 
rit, me  made  choice  of  able  counfellors  :  fhe  admi- 
niftercd  juftice  impartially,  without  refpect  of  per- 
fons:  fhe  regulated  her  expence  with  fuch  oecono- 
my,  as  could  not  but  be  agreeable  to  her  fubjects, 
who  had  been  fleeced  under  the  preceding  reigns  j 
and  having  been  accuflomed  to  diffimulation,  fhe 
not  only  afllimed  the  utmoft  complacency  in  her  de- 
portment, but  affected  fuch  an  ardour  of  love  and 
regard  for  her  fubjects,  as  could  not  fail  to  produce 
the  v/armefl  return  of  confidence  and  affection.  Her 
frugality  was  not  lb  much  the  effect  of  her  natural 
difpofuion,  as  the  refult  of  good  fenfe  and  delibe- 
rate reflection  •,  for,  when  ihe  thought  the  interefl 
of  her  kingdom  was  at  flake,  fhe  diftributed  her 
wealth  with  uncommon  liberality,  in  fomenting  the 
troubles  of  France,  -Scotland,  and  the  Low  Coun- 

210  HISTORY  of  ENGL  A  ND, 

a.  c.  1559.  tries,  to  employ  her  foes  in  fuch  a  manner  as  would 

prevent  them  from  uniting  for  her  deftruction. 
sfeefendaa      Influenced  by  thefe  principles,  Elizabeth  under- 
ws^nto    landing  that  the  princes  of  Guife  were  employed 
Scotland,     in  making  great  preparations  for  fending  an  army 
into  Scotland,  concluded  a  treaty  with  the  earl  of 
Arran,  Due  de  Chateleraud,  and  the  reft  of  the 
Scottifh  confederates,  whom  fhe  promifed  to  fup- 
port  againft  the  French  forces,  which  ftill  continue^ 
to  purfue  them  among  their  mountains  and  morafles. 
Martigues  had  arrived  from  France,  with  a  freih 
reinforcement ;  and  a  very  confiderable  armament 
was  daily   expected,  under  the  command  of  the 
A. C.156CV  marquis  D'Elbeuf :  but  his  fleet  being  difperfed  in 
a  ftorm,  he  was  obliged  to  return  and  refit ;  and 
domeftic  troubles  intervening  in  France,    the  troops 
were  converted  to  another  purpofe.     The  French 
forces  in  Scotland,  after  their  expedition  againft  the 
lords  of  the  congregation,  returned  to  Leith,  which 
they  had  fortified  ;  and  the  confederates  marched 
towards  Haddington,  to  join  the  Englifh  army  un- 
der the   lord   Gray,  amounting  to  eight  thoufand 
men.     In  the  mean  time  the  queen- regent,  afraid 
of  being  fhut  up  in  Leith,  retired  to  Edinburgh- 
caftle,  where  fhe  was  honourably  received  by  Erf- 
kine,  the  governor ;  though  he  ftill  retained  in  his 
own  hands,  the  command  of  the  fortrefs.     Lord 
Gray,  being  reinforced  by  the  Scottifh  malecontents, 
refolved  to  undertake  the  fiege  of  Leith ;  which  was 
accordingly  invefted.      During  thefe  tranfadions, 
the  French  king  fent  Monluc,  bifhop  of  Valence, 
as  his  ambarTador  to  England,  with  inftru&ions  to 
def  re  Elizabeth  would  recal  her  troops  from  Scot- 
land.    And  this  prelate  even  propofed  to  reftore 
Calais,  if  fne  would  comply  with  the  requeft.     To 
Camden,     this  embafiy  the  French  king  added  De  Seure,  who 
joined  Monluc  in  prefling  her  upon  the  fame  fub- 
jed.     She  faid  fne  was  ready  to  withdraw  her  troops 



from  Scotland,  provided  Francis  would  recal  thofe  a.  c  15591 
he  had  fent  thither ;  but,  in  the  mean  time,  fhe  de- 
clared fhe  would  not  put  a  poor  fifhing-town,  fuch. 
as  Calais,  in  competition  with  the  fafety  of  her 
kingdom.  The  fiege  of  Leith  was  ftill  carried  ort 
by  the  Englifh,  though  they  made  but  little  pro- 
grefs  againft  fuch  a  numerous  and  gallant  garrifon. 
At  length  the  duke  of  Norfolk  arrived  in  the 
camp  of  the  befiegers,  with  a  new  reinforcement ; 
notwithstanding  which,  they  would  have  found  it  a 
difficult  tafk  to  reduce  the  place,  had  not  the  con- 
fpiracy  of  Amboife  been  detected  in  France  ;  and 
the  princes  of  Lorraine  found  it  necerTary  to  recal 
tKeir  troops  from  Scotland.  Monluc  and  the  count 
of  Randan  were  fent  thither  with  full  powers  to  con- 
clude a  treaty  with  Elizabeth  and  the  malcontents. 
Secretary  Cecil  and  doctor  Wotton  were  appointed 
plenipotentiaries  for  the  Englifh.  The  conferences  £^"0V 
were  begun  at  Edinburgh  ;  and,  in  the  mean  time,  Edinburgh* 
both  parties  agreed  to  a  truce,  during  which,  the 
queen-regent  died  in  the  caftle.  The  French  ple- 
nipotentiaries refufed  at  firft  to  treat  with  the  Scot- 
tish confederates,  alledging,  they  were  in  a  ftate  of 
rebellion  :  but  an  expedient  was  found  to  remove 
this  objection.  Namely,  that  Francis  and  Mary 
fhould  make  fome  conceffions  to  the  confederates, 
purely  as  the  effects  of  their  royal  grace  and  favour; 
but  that  thele  fhould  be  neverthelefs  confirmed  in 
the  treaty  with  the  queen  of  England.  They  agreed  Tke  Frenck 
that  the  French  troops  fhould  in  twenty  days  be  re-  ^ces  return' 
conveyed  to  their  own  country  in  Englifh  bottoms  : 
That  Leith  fhould  be  evacuated,  and  its  fortifica- 
tions demolifhed :  That  the  works  raifed  by  the 
French  at  Dunbar  fhould  be  difmantled  :  And  that 
the  king  and  queen  of  Scotland  mould  grant  an  am- 
nefty  in  favour  of  the  confederates,  to  be  confirm- 
ed by  the  parliament  of  Scotland.  The  French, 
however,  were  at  liberty  to  leave  fixty  men  in  the 



a.c  1560*  ifle  of  Inchkieth.     The  treaty  with  Elizabeth  inf- 
Buchahan.    p0rted,  That  for  the  future,  the  king  and  queen  of 
Scotland  mould  refrain  from  affuming  the  title  and 
arms  belonging  to  the  fovereign  of  England  and 
Ireland  :    That  the  acts  or  patents  which  they  had 
expedited  under  that  title,  fhould  be  altered  or  an- 
nulled :   That  a  conference  fhould  be  held  in  Eng- 
land, between  the  commirlioners  of  the  two  crowns, 
in  order  to  determine  what  further  fatisfaclion  was 
due  to  the  queen  of  England  :  That,  if  they  could 
not  agree  on  this  fubject,   the  difference  mould  be 
referred  to  the  decifion  of  the  king  of  Spain  :  And, 
that  the  king  and  queen  of  France  and  Scotland 
fhould  be  obliged  to  confirm  the  conceflions  which 
had   been   made  by  the  French  plenipotentiaries  to 
Rymer.       the  Scottifh  confederates.     After  the  conclufion  of 
the  treaty,    the   French  and  Englifh  retired  from 
Scotland  ;  the  works  of  Leith  and  Dunbar  were  de- 
molifhed ;  and  the  amnefly  was  confirmed  by  the 
eflates  of  Scotland,  which  enacted  divers  laws  in 
favour  of  the  reformation.     Though  Francis  and 
Mary  confirmed  thefe  laws,  they  refufed  to  ratify 
the  treaty  with  Elizabeth,  on  pretence  that  fhe  had 
treated  with  their  rebellious  fubjec~ts,  as  if  they  had 
formed  an  independent  ftate  :   but  the  real  defign  of 
the  princes  of  Lorraine  was,  to  wreft  the  crown  of 
England  out  of  the  hands  of  the  prefent  poflfefTor. 
Elizabeth   was   well  aware  of  their  intention,   for 
which  fhe,   in  the  fequel,  wreaked   her  vengeance 
upon  their  niece,  the  unfortunate  queen  of  Scotland. 
Notwith [landing  the  queen's  declaration,  touching 
her  refolution  to  live  unmarried,  people  in  general 
believed    her    fentiments    on   that    fubject    would 
change  •,  and  not  only  fovereign  princes,    but  even 
fome  of  her  own  fubjecls,  afpired  to  the  honour  of 
a  matrimonial  crown.     Charles,  archduke  of  Au- 
ilria,  fecond  fon  of  the  emperor  Ferdinand,  the  king 
of  Sweden,  and  the  duke  of  Holftein,   were  num- 

vountc  at 



bered  among  thofe  who  demanded  her  in  marriage.  AC*  Js6°* 
The  earl  of  Arran,  fon  to  the  duke  of  Chateleraud, 
prefumptive  heir  to  the  crown  of  Scotland,  flattered 
himfelf  that  Elizabeth  would  prefer  him  to  all  his 
competitors,  from  a  profpecl:  of  uniting  the  two 
kingdoms.  The  earl  of  Arundel,  trufting  to  his 
noble  birth,  and  ancient  lineage,  entertained  hopes 
of  efpoufing  his  fovereign.  Sir  George  Picker- 
ing haying  received  fome  particular  marks  of  her 
efteem,  amufed  himfelf  with  the  notion  of  having 
captivated  her  affection :  but,  of  all  the  courtiers, 
lord  Robert  Dudley,  fon  of  the  late  duke  of  Nor-  Ztl?,^ 
thumberland,  enjoyed  the  greateft  fhare  of  her  fa-  great  fa-^ 
vour.  At  her  accefllon  to  the  throne,  me  appoint- 
ed him  mafter  of  the  horfe  ;  and  he  was  admitted 
into  the  order  of  the  garter.  She  feemed  to  take 
pleafure  in  diftributing  her  favours  through  the  ca- 
nal of  this  nobleman,  who  was  diftinguifhed  at  court 
by  the  appellation  of  My  Lord,  as  if  he  alone  was 
worthy  of  that  title.  He  was  made  acquainted 
with  all  the  fecrets  of  ftate  affairs.  The  ambafla-* 
dors  reported  the  fuccefs  of  their  negotiations  to  him, 
as  to  their  fovereign ;  and  to  him,  all  follicitations 
were  addreffed.  In  a  word,  it  plainly  appeared  that 
Elizabeth  felt  fomething  more  than  bare  efteem 
for  Dudley,  whofe  character  by  no  means  juilified 
her  favour*,  he  inherited  all  his  father's  vices,  and 
had  nothing  but  perlbnal  accomplifhments  to  re- 
commend him  to  a  lady  of  Elizabeth's  penetration. 
Neverthelefs,  her  behaviour  with  regard  to  him,  was 
fuch  as  afforded  fubjecl  for  the  molt  fcandalous  in- 
finuations  to  the  prejudice  of  her  reputation  ;  and 
he  was  laid  to  have  poifoned  his  own  wife,  that  he 
might  be  at  liberty  to  wed  his  fovereign.  Befides 
Dudley,  fhe  had  two  ether  favourites  of  another 
kind,  namely,  Nicholas  Bacon,  keeper  of  the  greac 
feal ;  and  William  Cecil  her  fecretary,  a  minifier  of 
cenfummate  judgment,  extenfive  knowledge,  inde- 



214  HISTORY  of    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  i56o.  fatigable,  impenetrable,  and  implicitely  attached  to 

Omden.     the  interefl  of  his  fovereign. 

Elizabeth  found  herfelf  the  more  neceffitated  to 
employ  able  minifters  at  home,  as  fhe  had  fcarce  an 
ally  abroad  upon  whom  fhe  could  place  the  leaft  de- 
pendence. Montague,  whom  ihe  had  lent  as  her 
ambaflador  to  Philip,  met  with  a  very  cold  recep- 
tion. That  prince  bewailed  the  alteration  which  had 
been  made  in  religion  within  the  queen's  dominions  \ 
reftored  the  collar  of  the  order  of  the  garter,  which 
he  would  no  longer  retain,  and  declined  renewing 

f/oTthe5  tne  aMance  witn  England.  The  pope  fent  Vincent 
pope  to  Parpaglia,  abbot  of  St.  Sauveur,  with  inftructions, 
and  a  brief  to  queen  Elizabeth,  exhorting  her  to  re- 
turn within  the  pale  of  the  church  ;  promifing  that 
a  genera]  council  mould  be  convoked  with  all  con- 
venient expedition.  The  nuncio  is  faid  to  have  pro- 
mifed  that  the  pope  would  annul  the  fentence  of  di- 
vorce between  Henry  VIII.  and  Anne  Boleyn,  con- 
firm the  Englifh  liturgy,  and  allow  the  people  to 
communicate  in  both  fpecies  at  the  facrament.  But 
all  thole  offers  were  rejected,  becaufe  the  queen  had 
no  opinion  of  the  pope's  fincerity.  While  the  pro- 
tectants in  England  enjoyed  liberty  of  continence^ 
and  the  mod  agreeable  repofe,  the  Calvinifls  in 
France  were  periecuted  without  mercy,  until  they 
formed  a  confpiracy  againft  the  duke  of  Guife  and 
the  cardinal  of  Lorrain,  who  were  their  profeffed 
enemifes.  The  prince  of  Conde  was  faid  to  favour 
them  in  private ;  and  a  gentleman  called  la  Renau- 
die  laid  a  fcheme  for  carrying  off  the  duke  and  the 
cardinal  from  the  court  of  Amboife,  This  defign 
being  difcovered,  was  interpreted  into  a  confpiracy 
againft  the  king,  and  twelve  hundred  perfons  were 
put  to  death,  for  having  been  concerned  in  the  con- 
trivance. The  eftates  of  the  kingdom  being  con- 
voked at  Orleans,  die  king  of  Navarre,  and  the 
prince  of  Conde,   went  thither  5  though  they  knew 



themfelves  fufpected  and  hated  by  the  princes  ofACl$6&» 
Lorraine.  The  firft  was  fo  narrowly  watched  that  Mezerai-J 
he  could  not  efcape;  the  other  was  imprifoned, 
and  afterwards  condemned  to  lofe  his  life  by  the 
hands  of  the  common  executioner  :  but  the  death 
of  Francis  II.  faved  him  from  that  ignominious 
fate.  This  event  produced  a  total  revolution  in  the p^Jn. 
politics  of  the  French  court.  Charles  IX.  who  fuc- 
ceeded  his  brother  Francis,  being  frill  a  minor,  his 
mother,  Catherine  de  Medicis,  affumed  the  regency, 
with  the  confent  of  the  king  of  Navarre,  who,  as 
firfl  prince  of  the  blood,  was  intitled  to  that  office. 
-In  order  to  maintain  her  power  ihe  fomented  the 
factions.  The  catholics  v/ere  headed  by  the  duke 
of  Guife,  the  conftable  of  Montmorency,  and  the 
marechal  de  St.  Andre  :  the  chiefs  of  the  Huguenots 
or  proteftants,  were  the  prince  of  Conde,  the  ad- 
miral de  Coligny,  and  his  brother  D'Andelot  -,  and 
the  king  of  Navarre  fluctuated  between  the  two  par- 
ties. The  princes  of  Guife  having  occafion  for  all 
their  power,  to  fupport  their  intereft  at  home,  laid 
afide  all  thoughts  of  the  fcheme  they  had  formerly 
projected  in  favour  of  their  niece  Mary  of  Scotland, 
who,  finding  herfelf  flighted  by  her  mother-in  law. 
refolved  to  return  to  her  native  land  ;  and,  in  the 
mean  time,  quitted  the  title  of  queen  of  England, 
which  fhe  had  hitherto  affumed  fmce  the  treaty  of 

Elizabeth  mean  while  employed  her  attention  in  Re„uIation9 
making  neceffary  regulations  for  the  welfare  of  her  in  England. 
people.  She  iffued  a  proclamation,  commanding 
anabaptifts  and  heretics  to  quit  the  kingdom  in 
twenty  days,  on  pain  of  imprifonment;  and  forfei- 
ture of  goods  and  chattels.  She  pubiifhed  another 
againft  thofe  facrilegious  perfons  who,  under  colour 
of  abolifhing  fuperftition,  defaced  ancient  monu- 
ments and  epitaphs,  and  robbed  churches  of  bells, 
leaden  roofs,  and  other  appurtenances.     She  con- 

N°  55.  Q^  vert: 

216  HISTORY  of   ENGL  AND. 

A  c.  156©.  verted  Weftminfter -abbey  into  a  collegiate  church  ; 
and  the  coin,  which  had  been  debafed  in  the  reign 
of  her  father,  (he  now  reduced  to  its  iritrinfic  va- 
lue.    Shan  O'Neal,   an  Irifh  nobleman,  raifing  a 
rebellion   in.  that  kingdom,   a  body  of  forces  was 
fent  over  to  reduce  him.     After  fome  fkirmifties, 
finding  himfelf  unable  to  cope  with  the  govern- 
ment, he  laid  down  his  arms,  by  the  advice  of  his 
kinfman  the  earl  of  Kildare,  and  fubmitted  to  the 
a.  c.  1561.  queen's  mercy.     Elizabeth  was  no  fooner  apprifed 
demands^   °*  ^  death  of  Francis,    than  fhe  fent  the  earl  of 
confirma-    Bedford  into  France,  with  compliments  of  congra- 

treatvV/18  tulati°n  t0  tne  new  king,  and  inftrucYtons  to  de- 
Edinburgh,  fire  Mary  queen  of  Scots  would  ratify  the  treaty 
of  Edinburgh.  This  demand,  however,  Mary 
eluded,  by  faying,  that  as  fhe  was  altogether  with- 
out advifers,  fhe  would  wait  the  arrival  of  fome 
Scottiih  noblemen,  whom  lhe  expected  in  France  ; 
and,  with  their  concurrence,  give  fatrsfacYion  to  the 
queen  of  England. 
MeWr$  In  the  interim,  that  princefs  quitted  the  court  of 

Memoirs.  France,  and  retired  to  Rheims,  where  fhe  fpent 
part  of  the  winter  with  her  uncle  the  cardinal. 
There  fhe  was  vifited  by  Martigues,  La  BrofTe,  and 
D'Oyfel,  on  their  return  from  Scotland,  who  advifed 
her  to  conciliate  the  affection  of  her  baftard  bro- 
ther James  Stuart  prior  of  St  Andrews,  the  earl  of 
Argyle,  fecretary  Lidington,  and  thelaird  of  Grange; 
and  to  confide  in  her  proteftant  fubjects,  who  were 
much  more  numerous  and  powerful  than  the  catho- 
lics. On  the  other  hand,  John  LeQey,  afterwards 
bifbop  of  RofTe,  to  whom  fhe  granted  an  audience 
in  her  journey  to  Nancy,  gave  her  to  underftand 
that  he  was  commiflioned  by  the  catholics  of  Scot- 
land, to  affure  her  that  fhe  would  find  them  ready 
to  rife  in  a  body  under  her  royal  banner,  and  re- 
eftablifh  the  ancient  religion  by  force  of  arms  :  they 
therefore  intreated  her  to  repair  to  Aberdeen  with 




all  convenient  fpeed  •,  and  to  diftruft  the  prior  of A  c- Is6^ 
St.  Andrews,  whole  ambition  afpired  at  the  throne 
fhe  pofTeiTed.  Next  day  fhe  was  at  Joinville  vifited 
by  the  prior,  who  had  gone  over  to  France  to  pre- 
fent  his  refpects  to  his  fbvereign.  He  confirmed 
her  in  the  refolution  to  return  to  her  native  king- 
dom, and  found  means  to  ingratiate  himfelf  with 
her  to  fuch  a  degree,  that  me  impowered  him  by 
patent  to  afiemble  the  Rates,  that  they  might  pais 
fuch  acts  as  fhould  be  found  neceflary  for  the  good 
of  the  kingdom.  He  forthwith  returned  to  Scot-  Ba^nz*, 
land  •,  then  convoking  the  parliament,  the  reforma- 
tion was  eftablifhed  by  law,  and  all  the  monafleries 
were  demolifhed.  Mary  being  refolved  upon  her  Mary  de- 
voyage,  difpatched  D'Oyfel  to  queen  Elizabeth,  to  ^Zla% 
follicit  a  fafe-conduct,  which  was  refufed,  except  Elijah, 
on  condition  that  the  queen  of  Scots  ihould  previ-  £h 
oufly  ratify  the  treaty  of  Edinburgh.  This  refufal 
was  deeply  refented  by  Mary,  who  complained  to 
Throgmorton,  the  Englifh  ambalTador,  that  Eliza- 
beth, not  contented  with  having  fupported  her  re* 
bellious  fubjecls,  wanted  to  hinder  her  from  return- 
ing to  her  own  dominions ;  an  infult  which  fhe 
had  no  reafon  to  expect  from  any  crowned  head, 
much  lefs  from  one  to  whom  fhe  was  fo  nearly  re- 
lated. With  refpecl:  to  the  treaty  of  Edinburgh, 
fhe  faid  it  had  been  concluded  during  the  life  of  her 
hufband ;  and  if  he  refufed  to  ratify  it,  the  fault 
ought  to  be  imputed  to  him  only ;  that  fince  me 
had  been  a  widow,  the  council  of  France  did  not 
choofe  to  intermeddle  in  the  affairs  of  Scotland ;  and 
that  the  Scottifh  fubjects  who  attended  her  were  pri- 
vate perfons,  whom  fhe  neither  could  nor  would 
confult  in  an  affair  of  fuch  importance. 

Although  fhe  had  reafon  to  believe  that  Eliza- 
beth would  endeavour  to  intercept  her  at  fea,   fhe 
ventured  to  fet  fail  for  Scotland,  where,  though  fhe  Sk 
arrived  in  fafety,   amidft  the  acclamations  of  her  b  Scotland, 

Q^  2  peo- 

ie  artiveu 

2*8  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1561.  people,  fhe  had  the  mortification  to  fee  fuch  fevere 
laws  in  force  againft  her  religion,  that  it  was  with 
difficulty  fhe  herfelf  was  permitted  to  celebrate  mafs 
in  her  own  private  chapel.     There  was  nothing  li- 
beral, generous,  or  difinterefled,  in  the  firfl:  Scottifh 
reformers.     They  were  actuated  by  a  Gothic  fpirit 
of  ignorant  fanaticifm,   which  they  had  imbibed 
from  Calvin,  and  the  apoftles  of  Geneva.     Among 
the  noblemen  of  Scotland,  the  earls  of  Huntley, 
Athol,  Crawford,  and  Sutherland,  flill  adhered  to 
the  old  religion  ;  and  the  duke  of  Chateleraud  feem- 
ed  quite  neutral.  The  Roman  catholic  lords  and  pre- 
lates did  not  doubt  but  that,  with  the  countenance  and 
protection  of  the  queen,  they  mould  be  enabled  to 
reftore  the  papal  authority.     As  a  previous  ftep  to 
this  event,  they  endeavoured  to  prepofTefs  their  fo- 
vereign  with  a  bad  opinion  of  her  natural  brother 
James  Stuart,  to  whom  fhe  had  in  a  great  meafure 
committed  the  adminiftration  of  her  affairs.     In  the 
mean  time,  Mary  had  been  inftrucled  by  her  uncles 
to  cultivate  a  friendfhip  with  Elizabeth,  in  hope  of 
prevailing  upon  that  princefs  to  declare  her  the  fuc- 
cefTor  to  the  crown  of  England.     Accordingly  Ma- 
ry difpatched  Maitland  as  her  ambafiador,   to  in- 
form her  fitter  queen  of  her  happy  arrival  in  her 
own  dominions,   and  follicit  the  friendmip  of  Eli- 
zabeth.    He  likewife  delivered  a  letter,  fubferibed 
by  the  principal  noblemen  of  Scotland,  who,  after 
a  profuficn  of  compliment,  advifed  the  queen  of 
England  to  declare  her  coufin  Mary  her  preemp- 
tive heir  y  a  declaration  that  would  produce  a  per- 
fectly good  underftanding  between  the  two  nations. 
Elizabeth  exprefTed  her  furprife  that  the  queen  of 
Scotland  had  not  ratified  the  treaty  of  Edinburgh 
fince  her  arrival*,  but  fhe  admitted  the  excufeof  the 
ambailador,  who  told  her  that  Mary  had  not  yet 
found  leifure  to  deliberate  upon  a  matter  of  fuch 
importance.     With  refpect  to  the  letter  fhe  had  re- 


ceived  from  the  Scottifh  lords,  fhe  flatly  refufed  A  c  »56«- 
to  make  any  declaration  that  would  expofe  her  to  ^w^1™8 
the  rifque  of  feeing  her  fubjedh  adore  the  rifing  fun.  ham. 
She  laid  fhe  had  no  intention  to  deprive  the  queen 
of  Scotland  of  her  right ;  but  that  fne  would  not 
allow  her  to  pluck  the  crown  from  her  head  ;    and 
expected,  in  the  mean  time,  that  Mary  would  make 
proper  fatisfaction  for  having  ufurped  her  arms  and 
title.     Neverthelefs,  fhe  agreed  to  maintain  a  corre-  Mary  corre- 
fpondence  with  her  ♦,  and  many  letters  parTed  be-  {*^vv*\ 
tween  them,  rilled  with  profeMIons  of  the  moil  un-  betjt. 
referved  friendfhip,   while  they  hated  each  other  in  Mdvii'i 
their  hearts,  with  all  the  rage  of  jealoufy  and  dif-  Mtmoits- 

The  pope,  notwithflanding  the  anfwer  which  had 
been  made  to  Parpaglia,  appointed  the  abbot  Mar- 
tinengo  his  nuncio  in  England,  to  go  thither  and 
notify  to  Elizabeth  that  the  council  of  Trent  would 
be  continued,  and  defire  that  fhe  would  fend  fome 
Englifh  bifhops  to  that  affembly.  The  queen  for- 
bidding the  abbot  to  enter  her  dominions,  her  am- 
baffador  Throgmorton  was  defired  by  the  nuncio  at 
Paris,  to  communicate  this  intimation  to  his  fove- 
reign;  who  anfwered,  that  fhe  had  no  bufinefs  with 
the  pope ;  that  fhe  wifhed  with  all  her  heart  to  fee  an 
oecumenical  council  afTembled  :  but  that  fhe  would 
never  acknowledge  a  council  convoked  by  the  bifhop 
of  Rome,  who  had  no  more  power  than  any  other  , 
bifhop.  She  was  utterly  deftitute  of  allies,  and  had 
reafon  to  dread  every  thing  from  the  enmity  of  Phi- 
lip, who,  now  that  Francis  II.  was  dead,  made  no 
fcruple  of  avowing  his  animofity,  excited  partly  by 
the  repulfe  he  had  fuftained  when  he  demanded  her 
in  marriage,  and  partly  by  his  refentment  for  her 
having  fupprefTed  the  catholic  religion.  He  folli- 
cited  the  pope  to  denounce  the  fentence  of  excom- 
munication againft  her  •,  he  treated  her  ambafladors 
with  contempt,  and  allowed  the  officers  of  the  in- 

Q^  3  qui- 

220  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.c.  iS6i.  qvjiflt'10n  t0  perfecute  the  Englifh  traders  in  his  Spa- 
nilh  dominions.  Elizabeth  expected  a  florm  from 
that  quarter.  She  doubted  the  iincerity  of  the  Scot- 
tifh  queen,  who  (till  eluded  the  ratification  of  the 
treaty,  and  carried  on  a  correfpondence  with  the 
catholics  of  England  :  it  was  therefore  time  to 
take  the  wifeft  precautions  for  the  defence  of  her 
Elizabeth  crown  and  dignity.  She  equipped  a  noble  fleer, 
tJhinV?  "which  fecured  the  empire  of  thefea-,  fhe  erected 
pofture  of  forts  for  the  protection  of  her  harbours  -,  fhe  aus> 
mented  the  garrifons,  and  flrengthened  the  fortifi- 
cations of  Berwick  •,  lhe  trained  the  national  militia 
to  the  exercife  of  arms  ;  fhe  encouraged  trade  and 
manufacture,  reformed  the  oeconomy  of  her  hou- 
fhold,  and  won  the  favour  of  her  fubjects,  by  avoid- 
ing demands  of  fubfidies,  and  adminiftring  juftice 
with  the  utmoft  impartiality. 
a,  c.  1562.  jc  was  non  w}thouc  reafon  that  fhe  exerted  her  en- 
deavours in  this  manner.  The  catholics  began  to 
cabal  in  private,  and  form  fchemes  for  the  re-efta~ 
blilhment  of  their  religion.  The  queen  found  upon 
inquiry  that  Mary  of  Scotland  maintained  a  corre- 
fpondence with  the  malcontents,  and  that  the  earl 
and  countefs  of  Lennox  had  fome  fecret  communi- 
cation with  the  queen  of  Scots  ;  and  therefore  com- 
mitted them  cJofe  prilbners  to  the  Tower  of  Lon- 
Confpiracy  don#  g'r.e  afterwards  difcovered.  that  Arthur  Pole, 
Pcie!  u*  nephew  to  the  late  cardinal,  with  his  brother  Ed- 
mund, and  Anthony  Fortefcue,  had  engaged  in  a 
confpiracy  againfl  the  government :  that  their  in- 
tention was  to  repair  to  France,  where  the  Guifes 
promiled  to  fupply  them  with  five  thousand  men, 
to  be  tranfported  into  Wales  ;  and  there  they  de- 
figned  to  proclaim  Mary  queen  of  England,  while 
Arthur  Pole  fhould  be  declared  duke  of  Clarence, 
They  were  immediately  arretted,  with  their  acconv 
pi  ires,  and  confeffed  they  had  formed  fuch  a  fcheme  ; 
but  protdted  they  had  no  defign  to  put  it  in  exe- 


cution  before  the  death  of  queen  Elizabeth,  which,  A-c  'S62* 
from  the  prediction  of  two  pretended  aftrologers, 
they  believed  would  happen  in  the  fpring.     They 
were  upon  their  own   confefFion  condemned  ;  but 
the  queen  pardoned  them,  in  confideration  of  their 
illuftrious  origin.     She  did  not  manifeft  the  fame 
clemency  towards  Catherine  Gray,  daughter  of  the 
duke  of  Suffolk,  and  filler  to  lady  Jane,  who  had 
been  beheaded  in  the  preceding  reign.     This  lady 
having  been  married  to  the  earl  of  Pembroke,  and 
divorced  from  him  for  political  reafons,  afterwards 
efpoufed  in  private  the  earl  of  Hertford,  who  went  to 
France,  upon  his  travels,  after  the  marriage,  which 
was  difcovered  by  Catherine's  pregnancy.     Eliza-  Im  „ 
beth,   who  looked  upon  this  lady  as  a  rival  in  her  mentof.a'y 
title  to  the  throne,   was  fo  incenied  when  fhe  heard  Catherine 
of  her  condition,  that  flie  fent  her  prifoner  to  the 
Tower,   whither  alfo  her  hufband  was  committed 
when  he  returned  to  England.     As  he  could  not 
prove  his  marriage  by  legal  evidence,  it  was  annul- 
led by  a  fentence  of  the  archbifhop  of  Canterbury.  Camden. 
Neverthelefs,   the  earl  found   means  to  vifit  Ca- 
therine after  her  delivery ;  and  me  conceived  again. 
Then  he    was    accufed  and  convicted  of  having 
efcaped  from  prifon,  corrupting  a  princefs  of  the 
blood,  and  cohabiting  with  a  woman  from  whom 
he   had    been  feparated   by  a  legal  procefs.     He 
was    fined  in  five  thoufand  pounds ;  and,  after  a 
long  confinement,   obliged  to  relinquifh  Catherine 
by  a  formal  deed  1  but  the  queen  never  could  for- 
give his  wife,  who  died  in  prifon. 

She  had  a  much  more  formidable  competitor  in 
the  perfon  of  Mary,  whofe  uncles,  of  the  houfe  of 
Guife,  now  began  to  renew  their  old  fcheme  in  her 
favour.  They  had  engaged  the  king  of  Navarre, 
and  the  conftable  Montmorency,  in  their  intereft : 
they  detained  the  king  and  the  queen- mother  in 
captivity  :  they  covered  their  defigns  with  the  pre- 
text of  religion,  and  even  maffacred  the  Huguenots 

Q  4  at 

222  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

A.c.  1562.  at  Vaffy.     The  queen-regent  had  written   to   the 
prince  of  Conde,   conjuring  him  to  affift  her  and  the 
king  in  their  diftrefs  -,  and  that  prince,  putting  him- 
feif  at  the  head  of  the  proteftants,  furprifed  Or- 
civiiwarin  ]eans.     a  civji  war  immediately  commenced,  and 
The  HugUe-  the  Huguenots  being  feverely  handled,   in  the  firft 
notsaflifted  campaign,  deputed  the  vidame  of  Chartres  to  im- 
beth/who   plore  the  affiftance  of  Elizabeth.     She  was  glad  of 
takes  poHef-  an  opportunity  to  foment  the  divifions  of  France, 
vrede-       for  her  own  prefervation  *,  and  forthwith  concluded 
Grace.        a  treaty,  by  which  fhe  engaged  to  furnifh  the  Huge* 
nots  wich  one  hundred  thoufand  crowns  in  money  * 
and  fix  thoufand  foot  fjldiers,  for  the  defence  of 
Dieppe,   Rouen,  and  Havre- de-Grace,    which  laft 
place  me   intended  to  keep,  until  Calais  mould  be 
Mezcrai.     restored,  according  to  the  ftipulation  of  the  treaty 
of  Cateau  and  Cambrefis.     Paul  de  Foix,  ambaf- 
fador  of  France  at  the  Englifh  court,     demanded 
that  the  vidame  and  all  his  attendants  mould  be  de- 
livered into  his  hands,  as  traitors  to  their  country  ; 
but  Elizabeth  rejected  his  requeft.     In  September, 
the  earl  of  Warwick  was  fent   to  Normandy  with 
the  promifed  reinforcement;  and  Rouen  being  at  that 
time  befieged  by  the  king  of  Navarre,  he  divided  them 
between  Dieppe  and  Havre-de-Grace,  of  which  the 
queen  had  appointed  him  governor.     Rouen  was 
taken  by  arTault,    where  the  king  of  Navarre  was 
mortally  wounded.  The  prince  of  Conde  having  re- 
ceived another   reinforcement  from  the  proteftant 
princes  of  Germany,    advanced  to  the  neighbour- 
hood of  Paris,  where  he  was  amufed  by  the  Guifes 
with  a  negotiation,  until  the  city  was  rendered  defen- 
fible,  and  fortified  too  flrongly  for  him  to  attempt 
the  fiege  ;  fo  that  he  retired  towards  Normandy, 
whither  the  enemy  attended  his  motions.     Imme- 
diately after  Conde's  departure  from  the  neighbour- 
hood of  Paris,    war  was  proclaimed  in  that  city 
agamft  Elizabeth  ;  but  the  king,  and  queen  regent, 
who  was  by  this  time  reconciled  to  the  Guifes  and 
4  the 


the  conftable,  finding  themfelves  unprepared  for  hof- A  c«  ,s6a» 
tilities,  difowned  the  proclamation  ;  aud  Elizabeth 
was  fatisfied  with  a  letter  from  the  king  on  that 
fubjecl:.  Yet,  on  this  occafon,  fhe  acted  contrary Forbes* 
to  the  advice  of  Sir  Thomas  Smith,  and  Sir  Nicho- 
las Throgmorton,  who  exhorted  her  to  feize  this 
opportunity  of  recovering  Calais,  the  fortifications 
of  which  were  in  a  ruinous  condition,  and  the  place 
almoft  deftitute  of  a  garrifon.  In  the  latter  end  of  Mezerai. 
the  year  a  battle  was  fought  at  Dreux,  between  the 
Catholics  and  Huguenots,  with  doubtful  fuccefs. 
In  the  beginning  of  the  action,  the  conftable  Mont- 
morency fell  into  the  hands  of  the  proteftants,  who 
conveyed  him  to  Orleans  ;  but  afterwards  the  prince 
of  Conde,  being  deferted  by  the  German  auxiliaries, 
was  taken  by  M.  Damville  ;  and  the  duke  of  Guife 
encamped  on  the  field  of  battle,  tho'  his  lofs  ex- 
ceeded that  of  the  proteftants. 

Elizabeth  was  juft  recovered  of  the  fmall  pox,  A« c*  xsgs« 
when  the  parliament  meeting  in  January,  petitioned, 
in  an  addrefs,  that  fhe  would  alter  her  condition, 
and  fettle  the  fucceflion,  in  order  to  avoid  the  cala- 
mities which  a  competition  might  produce.  She 
did  not  chufe  to  declare  her  fentiments  with  regard 
to  marriage;  but  allured  them  that,  before  her 
death,  fhe  would  provide  for  the  fafety  of  the  na- 
tion. Several  laws  were  made  for  the  relief  of  the 
poor,  and  the  encouragement  of  commerce  and 
agriculture  ;  and  the  parliament  indulged  her  with 
an  entire  fubfidy,  and  two  fifteenths,  for  enabling 
her  to  counter- work  the  efforts  of  her  enemies.  The 
convocation  likewife  granted  a  fubfidy  of  fix  {hil- 
lings in  the  pound,  and  drew  up  a  confeflion  of 
faith  in  thirty  nine  articles,  as  an  improvement  up- 
on thofe  eftablifhed  in  the  reign  of  the  fixth  Edward. 
While  Elizabeth  thus  regulated  her  domeftic  affairs, 
the  duke  of  Guife  inverted  Orleans,  which  was  de- 
fended by  JD'Andelot,  brother  of  ;he  admiral,  who 


2*4  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.c.  1563.  m arched  into  Normandy  with  the  Huguenot  army, 
to  make  a  diverfion  in  favour  of  the  befieged,  and  re- 
ceive fupplics  of  men  and  money  which  he  expect- 
ed from  the  queen  of  England.  Orleans  was  almoft 
reduced  to  extremity,  when  the  duke  of  Guife  was 
mortally  wounded  with  a  piftol  bullet,  by  a  young 
gentleman  called  Poltrot.     The  duke  finding  his 
end  approaching,  exprefTed  a  deep-felt  remorfe  at 
the  remembrance  of  his  having  excited  a  civil  war, 
and  exhorted  the  queen  regent  to  conclude  a  peace 
Pacification  with  all  pofiible  expedition.     Both  fides  were  by  this 
TheEnCuft  time  weary  of  the  war,  and  a  pacification  enfued,  in 
ate  befieged  which  Elizabeth  was  not  comprehended.     Nay,  the 
leGrlce"     Huguenots,  whom  fhe  had  aflifted,  actually  joined 
and  obliged  the  forces  of  the  French  king,  which  undertook  the 
uiaptu"    fiege  of  Havre- de-Grace,  occupied   by  the  earl  of 
Warwick  at  the  head  of  an  Englifh  garrilbn.     The 
place  was  defended  with  uncommon  courage  and  per- 
feverance,  until  the  plague  mfinuated  itfelf  among 
the  befieged ;  and  then  they  were  obliged  tocapitu- 
dmdea.      jate<     The  remains  of  the  garrifon  carried  over  the 
infection  to  Condon,  where  k  fwept  off  above  thirty- 
thoufand  of  the  inhabitants  ;   and  the  reduction  of 
Mezersi.     Havre-de-Grace  was  iucceeded  by  a  true  between 
the  two  nations. 

The  death  of  the  duke  of  Guife  produced  a  great 
change  in  the  affairs  of  the  Scottifh  queen.  Charles 
IX.  of  France  was  now  governed  by  the  counfel  of 
his  mother,  who  fubjected  Mary  to  divers  mortifi- 
cations. The  payment  of  her  jointure  was  inter- 
mitted, the  Scottidi  guard  difbanded,  and  the  duke 
of  Chateleraud  deprived  of  his  French  revenue.  Her 
uncle  the  cardinal  fearing  that  this  treatment  would 
provoke  her  to  a  fmcere  coalition  with  Elizabeth, 
preiTed  her  to  marry  Charles  archduke  of  Auftria, 
brother  to  Maximilian  king  of  the  Romans  y  and 
fhe  feemed  to  relifh  the  propofal,  which,  as  an  in- 
stance of  confidence,  fhe  communicated  to  the  queen 

3.  of 


of  England.     Elizabeth,  alarmed  at  the  profpect  of  A«c-  J563- 
foch  a  powerful  match  as  might  enable  her  rival  to  Elizabeth 
execute  the  fcheme  which  the  cardinal  had  projected,  ?re0jeftS0V* 
ordered  Randolph,  her  minifler  in  Scotland,    to  tell  ««*& *«- 
Mary  in  her  name,  that  out  of  fifterly  affection  and  ^Scotland* 
regard  for  her  intereft,  fhe  could  not  help  exhorting and  Charles 

.     °  -  ,  1,-1  11-  »     1  archduke  ot 

her  to  confider  that  luch  an  alliance  might  remove  Auflria# 
her  for  ever  from  the  throne  of  England  ;  ,as  the 
Englifh  would  never  run  the  rifque  of  being  fub- 
ject  to  the  houfe  of  Auftria  :  fhe  ought  therefore 
to  confult  her  own  intereft,  in  conciliating  the  af- 
fection of  the  Englifh  people,  by  matching  with 
fome  popular  and  diftinguifhed  nobleman  of  their 
country.  Though  Randolph  pointed  at  no  parti- 
cular perfon,  he  infmuated  to  Mary's  natural  bro- 
ther, by  this  time  created  earl  of  Murray,  and  to 
fecretary  Lidington,  that  he  believed  his  queen  had 
lord  Dudley  in  her  eye,  as  a  proper  hufband  for 
their  fovereign.  Mary  imparted  this  anfwer  to  her 
uncle  the  cardinal,  who  vehemently  diffusded  her 
from  contracting  a  match  fo  unworthy  of  her  dig- 
nity, and  flattered  her  with  the  promife  of  an  alli- 
ance in  her  favour,  to  be  formed  by  the  pope,  the 
kings  of  France  and  Spain,  and  the  Englifh  Roman 
catholics.  Mary  was  not  a  little  perplexed  by  thefe 
oppofite  counfels ;  at  length  fhe  refolved  to  think 
no  more  of  the  match  wich  the  archduke,  and  to 
decline  the  hinted  propofal  of  Elizabeth,  without 
interrupting  the  correfpondence  between  them,  which 
afforded  opportunities  of  cultivating  her  Englifh 
friends  ;  and  thefe  were  now  become  very  numerous 
by  the  death  of  Frances  Brandon  dutchels  of  Suffolk, 
who  was  her  rival  in  the  fucceffion,  as  having  been  de 
grand-daughter  of  the  feventh  Henry. 

The  truce  between  France  and  England  was  at 
length  improved  into  a  peace,  negotiated  by  Sir 
Thomas  Smith,  and  Throgmorton,  who  had  been 
arrefted  in  France  zz  the  declaration  of  war.     The 


226  HISTORY   of   ENGLAND. 

a.  c.1564.  treaty^  which  was  concluded  at  Troye  in  Campagne, 
peace  with  made  no  mention  of  the  reditu tion  of  Calais,  but 
fheLownd  imported  that  the  hoftages  fhould  be  fet  at  liberty 
Countries,  on  the  payment  of  one  hundred  and  twenty  thou- 
fand  crowns  to  Elizabeth  ;  and  that  peace  and  amity 
mould  fubfifb  between  the  contracting  powers,  with 
full  refervation  of  their  mutual  rights  and  preten- 
fions.  Immediately  after  the  ratification  of  this 
treaty,  Charles  IX.  was  created  knight  of  the  garter, 
and  the  lord  Hunfdon  fent  over  to  Paris  to  inveft 
him  with  the  enfigns  of  the  order.  England  at  this 
juncture  enjoyed  the  moft  profound  tranquillity. 
Her  trade  with  the  Low- Countries  had  been  inter- 
rupted by  the  intrigues  of  cardinal  Granville,  who, 
forefeeing  a  war  in  the  Netherlands,  wanted  to  re- 
move the  Englifh,  and  perfuaded  the  government 
to  prohibit  the  importation  of  Englifh  broadcloth  ; 
a  branch  of  traffic  which  was  carried  on  to  a  prodi- 
gious extent.  But  Philip  perceiving  this  prohibi- 
tion was  in  all  refpects  as  detrimental  to  his  own 
fubjeds  as  to  thofe  of  England,  defired  the  old  treaty, 
made  in  the  reign  of  Maximilian,  might  be  renew- 
ed ;  and  the  affair  was  determined  to  the  fatisfadtion 
of  both  nations. 

The  repofe  of  queen  Elizabeth  was  ftill  invaded 
by  the  apprehenfion  of  Mary's  defigns  upon  her 
crown  and  dignity.  She  could  not  bear  the  thoughts 
of  competition  for  the  throne  me  pofiefied  :  fhe  had 
not  forgiven  that  princefs  for  having  afTumed  her 
arms  and  title,  and  refufing  to  ratify  the  treaty  of 
Edinburgh  :  fhe  dreaded  her  marriage  with  fome 
Roman  catholic  prince,  who  might  be  able  to  aflfert 
her  pretenficns  •,  and  fhe  was  even  weak  enough  to 
repine  at  the  fame  of  her  beauty  and  perfonal  ac- 
compiifhments.  On  the  other  hand,  Mary  had  been 
taught  to  confider  the  queen  of  England  as  a  baftard, 
an  heretic,  and  ulurper,  who  intercepted  her  right  to 
one  of  the  faired  kingdoms  of  Europe,  and  fomented 



rebellion  in  the  heart  of  her  dominions.  The/e A  c-  '564- 
caufes  of  animofity  fubfifting,  there  was  no  room  for 
fincerity  or  friendfhip  and  mutual  confidence;  ne- 
verthelels,  both  found  their  account  in  difTembling 
their  real  fentiments.  Elizabeth,  in  order  to  dif- 
fuade  her  from  marrying  the  archduke,  made  ufe  of 
fome  arguments  which  gave  offence  to  Mary  ;  and 
me,  in  her  anfwer,  ufed  expreflions  of  difguit  that 
incenfed  the  queen  of  England  •,  fo  that,  for  fome 
time,  their  correfpondence  luffered  an  interruption. 
Mary  reflecting  how  much  it  was  her  intereft  to 
maintain  an  intercourfe  with  Elizabeth,  fent  Sir 
James  Melvil  to  London,  with  a  letter  containing  Meivii's 
fome  concefiions ;  and  a  propofal  of  renewing  their  Memoirs, 
former  friendfhip.  The  queen  of  England,  who 
furpafifed  her  in  diffi mulation,  admitted  her  excufes 
with  great  good  humour,  expreffed  the  warmed  af- 
fection for  her  royal  kinfwoman ;  and,  in  order  to 
prevent  her  efpoufing  a  foreign  prince,  endeavoured 
to  engage  her  in  a  negotiation  for  a  marriage  with 
lord  Dudley,  to  whom  ihe  plainly  alluded,  though 
fhe  never  mentioned  his  name.  Not  that  fhe  wifhed  propofesiord 
this  match  might  really  take  effect :  Ihe  loved  Dudley  Du?le^ as 

,,  °  •  «     1  «  i         n      1      •        1         1  an  husband 

too  well  to  part  with  him  to  a  deterred  rival ;   butfortheScor- 
her  aim  was  to  detach  the  queen  of  Scotland  from tl/h  ^uecn' 
the  alliance  with  the  houfe  of  Auftria,   and  am  ufe 
her  with  a  treaty  which  never  would  be  brought  to 

Mary,  far  from   thinking  ferioufly  of  efpoufing  Mutuaiani- 
Dudley,    had  already  refolved  to  give  her  hand  tomofityand 
the  lord  Darnley,  fon  of  the  earl  of  Lennox,  whotion™n>otix 
had    married  the  daughter  of  Margaret  queen  of  {*ucens« 
Scotland,  and  Archibald  Douglas  her  fecond  huf- 
band.     Henry  VIII.  who  was  this  lady's  uncle,  be- 
llowed her  in  marriage  upon  Matthew  Stuart  earl  of 
Lennox,  who,  in  his  reign,  took  refuge  in  England  ; 
fo  that  the  queen  of  Scots  purpofed  to  unite  the 
rights  of  the  two  families  by  her  marriage  with  lord 



a.  c.  1564.  Darnley,  who,  as  well  as  herfelf,  was  a  grandchild 
of  the  feventh  Henry.  Sufpecting  that  Elizabeth 
would  thwart  her  in  this  defign,  fhould  fhe  difcover 
it,  fhe  acted  with  great  circumfpection  -,  and,  as  a 
previous  flep,  recalled  the  earl  of  Lennox  into  Scot- 
land, that  he  might  be  put  in  pcfTeflion  of  his  lands, 
which  had  been  confifcated  during  the  regency  of  the 
duke  of  Chateleraud.  The  queen  of  England  per- 
ceived her  drift,  though  me  feemed  entirely  ignorant 
of  her  purpofe ;  for  fhe  was  not  forry  to  find  fhe  had 
call  her  eyes  on  a  young  nobleman  whofe  father 
pofTerYed  a  great  eflate  in  England,  ccnfequently 
would  be  fo  far  fubje6l  to  her  will  and  pleafure,  that 
fhe  could  prevent  the  marriage  without  interrupting 
the  treaty.  Mary  difguifed  her  fentiments  with 
equal  art :  fhe  pretended  to  be  guided  entirely  by 
the  counfels  of  Elizabeth •,  and,  even  after  fhe  re- 
folved  to  wed  the  lord  Darnley,  appointed  commif- 
fioners  to  treat  with  thofe  of  England  on  the  fubjedt 
of  her  marriage,  though  fhe  very  well  knew  that 
Elizabeth  would  propole  Dudley,  whom  fhe  had  by 

Canuiea.  this  time  created  earl  of  Leicefler.  Accordingly, 
the  earl  of  Bedford  being  appointed  commiffioner, 
conferred  with  the  earl  of  Murray,  and  fecretary 
Lidington,  at  Berwick,  where  he  recommended  Lei- 
cefler as  a  proper  hufband  for  queen  Mary  :  but 
the  propofal  was  received  fo  coldly  by  the  Scottifh 
deputies,  that  he  did  not  think  proper  to  infift  upon 
it,  efpecially  as  the  earl  of  Leicefler  had  defired  he 
would  not  prefs  the  affair,  either  becaufe  he  knew  it 
would  be  difagreeable  to  Elizabeth,  or  would  inter- 
fere with  the  defign  he  harboured  of  efpoufing  his 
own  fovereign.  Sir  James  Melvil,  at  his  return  to 
Scotland,  afTured  his  miflrefs  that  there  was  no  fin- 
cerity  in  the  profeffions  of  Elizabeth,  who  never  in- 
tended that  fhe  fhould  marry  Dudley ;  but  only 
amufed  her  with  fuch  propofals,  that  fhe  might  be 
diverted  from  the  Auflrian  match.     He  gave  her 


-.-feLIZABETH.  .    22cj 

to  underftand,  that  the  queen  of  England  had  Tent  AC-  's6** 
the  earl  of  Suflex  to  the  Imperial  court,  on  purpofe 
to  prevent  the  marriage,  by  infinuating  that  fhe  her- 
felf  was  well  difpofed  to  accept  the  archduke  for  her 
husband ;  and  this  difcovery  did  not  diminlh  the  ha- 
tred of  Mary  towards  Elizabeth.  The  emperor  dy- 
ing in  the  courfe  of  this  year,  was  fucceeded  by  Ma- 
ximilian, who  had  been  always  averfe  to  the  Scottiih 
match  ;  fo  that  Elizabeth  having  nothing  farther  to 
fear  from  that  quarter,  began  to  difcover  her  real 
fentiments.  Mary,  in  order  to  found  her  inclina^ 
tions,  had  promiied  to  comply  with  her  defire  in 
wedding  the  earl  of  Leicefter,  provided  fhe  would 
declare  her  prefumptive  heir  of  the  Englifh  crown  ; 
and  now  Elizabeth  inflrucled  Randolph,  her  ambaf- 
fador  in  Scotland,  to  tell  her  coufm  Mary,  that  fhe 
would  raife  Leicefter  to  all  the  honours  fhe  could  be- 
llow upon  a  lubjecl,  and  favour  the  title  of  the  queen 
of  Scots  in  every  thing  but  the  inquifition  of  her 
right,  and  the  declaration  of  her  fucceflion,  in 
which  fhe  would  do  nothing  until  fhe  herfelf  mould 
either  marry,  or  notify  her  determination  on  that 
fubject.  Though  Mary  had  never  repofed  any  real 
confidence  in  her  fincerity,  fhe  was  fo  fhocked  at 
this  meffage,  that  fhe  could  not  help  burfting  into 
tears,  and  reviling  Elizabeth  for  her  double  deal- 

By  this  time  the  queen  of  Scotland  was  in  a  great 
meafure  directed  by  David  Riccio,  an  obfcure  Pied-  , 
montefe,  who  came  to  Scotland  in  the  fervice  of  the 
count  de  Moretto,  the  ambaflador  of  Savoy.  He 
was  firft  employed  as  mufician  at  the  court  of  Mary, 
with  whom  he  foon  ingratiated  himfelf  by  his  infi- 
nuating addrefs,  and  was  promoted  to  the  office  of 
fecretary  for  the  French  language.  She  was  weak 
enough  to  make  him  afterwards  her  chief  favourite 
and  counfellor-,  and  he  attracted  the  envy  and  hatred 
of  the  nobility j  who  looked  upon  him  as  a  pre- 


230  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.c.  1564.  fumptuous  upftart,  intoxicated  and  rendered  infolent 
by  the  favour  of  their  fovereign  ;  and  all  the  pro- 
teftant  lords  detefled  him  as  an  agent  of  the  pope. 
In  all  likelifhood  this  ftranger  had  a  confiderable 
fhare  in  perfuading  Mary  to  efpoufe  the  lord  Darn- 
ley,  who  was  a  profefTed  Roman  catholic,  and  there- 
fore agreeable  to  the  cardinal  of  Lorraine ;  though 
he  affected  at  firft  to  difapprove  of  the  marriage, 

fe^t^T"  Darnley  having  obtained  leave  from  Elizabeth  to 

in  Scotland,  make  ajourney  into  Scotland,  was  received  by  queen 
Mary  with  extraordinary  marks  of  efteem  ;  and  the 
beauty  of  his  perfon  foon  made  an  impreflion  upon 
her  heart.  He  forthwith  engaged  in  the  ftridteft 
intimacy  with  Riccio  ;  and  now  the  credit  of  Mur- 
ray, who  was  at  the  head  of  the  proteftant  party* 
vifiblv  decreafed.  All  his  enemies  were  called  to 
Court ;  and  he  entered  into  an  affociation  with  the 
duke  de  Chateleraud,  the  profefTed  enemy  of  Len- 
nox, the  earls  of  Argyle,  Rothes,  Marr,  Glencairn, 
and  feveral  other  noblemen,  to  oppofe  a  marriage 
which  they  believed  would  be  fatal  to  the  reformed 

Camden,  religion.  Mean  while  Mary  obtained  a  difpenfa- 
tion  from  the  pope,  together  with  a  formal  appro- 
bation of  the  marriage,  figned  by  the  noblemen  who 
were  devoted  to  her  intereft  and  inclination ;  then 
fhe  wrote  a  letter  to  Elizabeth,  communicating  her 
intention,  againft  which  fhe  feemed  to  think  her 
fitter  and  coufin  could  have  no  objection. 

The  queen  of  England  immediately  convoked  a 
council  to  deliberate  on  this  affair  ;  and  the  refult 
of  their  confultation  was,  that  the  marriage  would 
endanger  the  religion  and  fafety  of  England,  in 
eftablifhing  the  Roman  catholic  doctrine  in  Scot- 
land y  and  uniting  the  intereft  of  two  houfes  which 
pretended  to  the  Englifh  crown.  Sir  Nicholas 
Throgmorton  was  immediately  difpatched  with  in- 
flections to  expostulate  with  Mary  againft  the 
match ;  and  reprefent  that  by  fuch  a  ftep,  which 



Was  extremely  difagreeable  to  the  Englim  nation,  (lie  A  c'  *564. 
would  run  the  rifque  of  feeing  all  her  hopes  of  the 
fucceffion  defeated.  Mary  replied,  that  fhe  had 
gone  too  far  to  recede  •,  and  that  queen  Elizabeth 
had  the  bis  reafon  to  complain,  as  fhe  had  followed 
her  advice,  in  chufing  for  a  husband  an  EngliiTi 
nobleman  of  the  royal  blood  of  both  kingdoms. 
The  queen  of  England  finding  her  remonftrances 
ineffectual,  fent  orders  to  the  earl  of  Lennox  and  his 
fon  to  return,  on  pain  of  forfeiting  their  eftate  •,  hue 
they  did  not  think  proper  to  obey  her  command  : 
then  fhe  directed  Throgmorton  to  encourage  the 
malcontents  of  Scotland,  with  the  prefmife  of  her 
affiftance  and  protection  ;  but,  notwithstanding  all 
her  endeavours,  the  marriage  between  the  Scotnuh  andisitisir- 
queen  and  Darnley  was  celebrated  on  the  twenty-  riedtoCj^ 

•*•  *  '  J       queen  or 

ninth  day  of  July.     Mary  putting  herfelr  at  the  that  coun- 
hcad  of  fome  troops,  purfued  the  malcontents  from  try- 
place  to  place,  until  they  were  obliged  to  take  re- 
fuge in  England.     Murray  being  chofen  their  de-  Theeariof 
puty,  repaired  to  London,  and   ibllicited  the  pro-  Murray  and 
tection  of  Elizabeth,  who  gave  him  to  underftand,  ing  Scottish 
by  her  emiffaries,  that  he  had  nothing  to  expect  from  [jjjf'^ 
her,   unlefs  he  would  publicly  own  that  fhe  had  no  England, 
concern  in  their  revolt.     Having  extorted   iuch  a  MeivU. 
confeffion  from  this  mean-fpirited  nobleman,  in  pre- 
fence  of  the  French  and   Spanifh  ambafTadors,  fhe 
reviled  them  as  rebels  and  traitors,  and  forbad  them 
to  appear  before  her  face  :    neverthelefs,  they  found 
protection  in  her  dominions  ;  and  the  earl  of  Bed- 
ford, by  her  private  order,  fupplied  them  with  mo- 
ney for  their  fubfiftence.     Mean  while  Mary  con- 
voked an  affembly  of  the  eitates  of  her  kingdom,  \^'XJ 
that  the  fugitives  might,  by  an  edict,  be  degraded  waifing" 

o  o      '        J  J  '->  harp 

and  banifhed. 

As  Mary  and  her  new  husband  engaged  in  frefli 
fchemes  againft  the  intereftof  Elizabeth,  this  prin- 
cefs  fent  a  perfon  called  Tarn  worth,    with  a  letter 

Numb.  LVI.  R 

232         ,      HISTORY  of  ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  i564  t0  the  queen  of  Scots,    demanding  that  the  lord" 
Darnley  mould  be  delivered  into  her  hands,  accord- 
ing to  the  ftipulation  in  the  laft  treaty,   by  which 
the  two  queens  obliged  themfelves  to  give  up  the 
rebellious  fubjecls  of  each  other.     To  this  letter 
Mary  replied,  that  me  would   attempt  nothing  in 
England  during  the  life  of  Elizabeth,  provided  me 
might  be  declared  prefumptive  heir  of  the  crown  by 
Keith,        act  of  parliament.     She  had,  however,  fent  Yoxley 
to  the  court  of  Spain,   and  put  herfelf  and  her  huf- 
band  under  the  protection,  of  Philip.     After  the 
diflblution  of  the  council  of  Trent,  the  pope  had 
endeavoured  to  form   a  league  with  the  courts  of 
France,  Spain,  and  the  empire,  for  the  extirpation 
of  the  reformed  religion  :  at  length,  in  a  conference 
between  the  queen  of  Spain  and  her  brother  the 
French  king,  who  met  on  the  frontiers  •,  and,    by 
means  of  a  correlpondence  between  the  queen-mo- 
ther  and  the  duke  of  Alva,  the  refolution  was  taken, 
and  meafures  were  concerted  for  crufhing  the  Hugue- 
nots in  France,  the  proteilants  in  the  Low  Coun- 
tries,  and  the  reformation  in  all  parts  of  Europe. 
This  league,  thus  formed  at  Bayonne,  was  fent  over 
gl^ll'm'thb to  Scotland,  and  fubfcribed  by  Mary  ;   and  her  re- 
embolic       lations,  of  the  houfe  of  Guife,  prefTed  her  to  pro- 
Bayonne.     cee^  w^tn  rigour  againft  the  fugitive  lords.     Thefe 
folicitations  were  fupported  by  her  minifter  Riccio, 
Tiiuanu;.     wn0  maintained  a  correfpondence  with  the  pope  %. 
and  Mary's  council  agreed  that  the  forfeiture  of 
the  rebels  mould   be  propofed  in  the  parliament, 
which  had  been  prorogued  immediately  after  its  laft 
meeting.     In  a  word,  the  Roman  catholic  intereft 
now  prevailed  at  court :  fhe  admitted  the  earls  of 
Huntley  and  Bothwell  into  her  council  and  confi- 
dence,   and   every  thing  feemed  to  portend  the  re- 
eftabliiliment  of  the  old  religion. 

Almofl:  all  the  common  people  of  Scotland  were 
proteltant  fanatics.     The  majority  of  the  nobles. 

7  h^ 


"had  embraced  the  fame  religion,  becaufe  they  found  A-c-  '5^ 
their  account  in  porTefUng  the  church-lands,  which 
they  feized  at  the  beginning  of  the  reformation. 
Some  of  thefe  reformers  dill  maintained  an  in- 
fluence at  court  •,  namely,  the  earl  of  Morton,  and 
the  lords  Ruthven  and  Lindfay.  They  dreaded 
the  forfeiture  of  the  fugitive  lords,  which  would 
have  ruined  the  protefrant  intereft  in  Scotland.  They 
perceived  the  king  was  difgufted  at  Riccio,  on  the 
fuppofition  that  he  had  hitherto  prevented  him 
from  obtaining  the  matrimonial  crown  :  that  he 
engrofTed  too  great  a  (hare  in  the  queen's  favour, 
and  aflumed  the  whole  administration.  Henry  was 
weak,  giddy,  and  inconftant  \  difiblute,  proud,  and 
imperious.  He  had  folicited  the  matrimonial  crown 
with  the  utmoft  impatience,  and  treated  the  queen 
in  the  mod  infolent  manner.  Mary  could  not  6ra*&4 
help  defpifing  his  character,  and  refenting  his  pre- 
fumption.  The  earl  of  Morton  knew  his  difpofi- 
tion,  and  tampered  with  his  paffions,  by  means  of 
his  emiflary  George  Douglas,  the  king's  natural 
uncle.  His  refentment  was  inflamed  againft  Ric- 
cio, whom  they  reprefented  as  his  inveterate  enemy* 
who  would  alienate  the  queen's  affection  from  htm$ 
and  entirely  fuperfede  his  authority,  unlefs  he  would 
form  a  balance  of  power  in  his  own  favour,  by  pro- 
curing the  pardon  of  the  exiled  lords.  In  which  cafe 
they  would  not  only  fix  the  matrimonial  crown 
upon  his  head,  but  alfo  pafs  an  act  of  parliament 
for  continuing  the  royal  fucceffion  in  his  perfon, 
(hould  he  furvive  queen  Mary.  They  refolved  up-  Keitfej 
on  the  death  of  Riccio,  as  a  neceffary  (lep  towards 
the  fuccefs  of  this  alliance.  Henry  took  an  oath  of 
fecrecy.  Articles  were  drawn  between  him  and  the 
rebel  lords.  He  bound  himftlf  to  obtain  their  re- 
mirTion,  reftore  them  to  their  eftates,  efpoufe  their 
juft  quarrels,  and  concur  with  them  in  fupporting 
and   eftablifliing   the    proteflant    religion,     They 

R  2  obliged 

•  * 

254  HISTORY   of   ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1565.  obliged  themfelves  to  procure  for  him  the  matri- 
monial crown,  and  to  maintain  his  title  to  the  fuc- 
ceflion,  fliould  the  queen   die  without  iflue.     He 
likewife  figned  a  bond,  declaring,  that  as  the  mur- 
der of  Riccio  was  undertaken  at  his  own  defire,  he 
would  bear  the  perpetrators  harmlefs.     Thefe  arti- 
cles being  fettled,    the  king,  on  the  ninth  day  of 
March,    about  feven  in  the  evening,  entered  the 
queen's  apartment,  while  fhe  was  at  fupper  with  the 
countels  of  Argyle,  her  natural  brother  the  com- 
mendatorof  Holy  rood-  houfe,  David  Riccio,  and  fe- 
veral  other  perfons.     He  was  followed  by  Patrick 
Ruthven,   who  commanded  Riccio  to  follow  him, 
in  the  king's  name.     Mary  afking  if  her  husband 
had  given  fuch  orders  •,  and  he  anfwering  in  the  ne- 
gative,  me  ordered  Ruthven  out  of  her  prefence, 
declaring  that  Riccio  fliould  appear  bofore  the  par- 
liament,  and  anfwer  to  what  might  be  laid  to  his 
charge.     Then  Ruthven  attempting  to  feize  the  fe- 
cretary,  he  fled  for  refuge  behind  the  queen's  chair. 
Da'-'d^!n:  At  that  inftant  George  Douglas,  with  a  party  of 

CIO  IS  3113111-  j  rt.  "  '   •  I  nil* 

aatedinthe  armed  men,  ruining  into  the  apartment,  itruck  him 
prefenceof   witn  a  dagger  over  her  fhoulder,  while  the  queen 

oueenMary.  .      Do       .  r      .  .        . *  1   .   , 

attempting  to  interpole  in  his  defence,  was  with- 
held by  her  husband.     He  was  then  dragged  into 
another  chamber,  and  butchered  by  the  confpira- 
tors.     Ruthven  returning  to  the  queen,  upbraided 
her  with  following  the  counfels  of  Riccio  •,  with 
having  favoured  the  Romifh  religion ;    admitted 
Huntley  and  Bothwell  into  her  council ;  engaged 
with  foreign  powers  for  the  deftrudtion  of  the  pro- 
teftants  5  and   with  having  attainted  the  fugitive 
lords,  who  were  expected  in  Edinburgh  next  day, 
in  confequence  of  the  king's  pardon  and  meffage. 
While  the  confpirators  acted  this  tragedy,  the  earl 
of  Morton  fecured  the  gates  of  the  palace  with  a 
body  of  troops.     Huntley,  Bothwell,   and   fome 
others,  efcaped  out  at  windows  7  but  the  earl  of 



Athol,  fecretary  Lidington,   Tullibardin,    and  Sir A>c-  l$6s> 
James  Balfour,  were  permitted  to  retire.  The  queen 
was  detained  all  night  a  prifoner  in  her  apartment. 
Next  morning  Henry  iflued  a  proclamation,  com- 
manding all  the  lords  ipiritual  and  temporal  con- 
vened in  parliament  to  retire  in  three  hours  from 
Edinburgh;  and,  in  the  evening,  the  earls  of  Mur- 
ray and  Rothes,   with  their  friends,   arrived  from 
England.     A  council  being  held,   it  was  relblved 
that  the  queen  mould  be  fent  under  a  guard  to  the 
caftie  of  Stirling,   to  remain  in   cuftody  until  fhe 
fhould  approve  in  parliament  of  all  they  had  done, 
eftabliih,  the  proteftant  religion,  bellow  the  matri- 
monial crown  upon  the  king,  and  refign  the  whole 
adminillration  into  his  hands. 

Mary,  in  this  deplorable  fituation,  had  recourfe 
to  the  friendmip  of  her  brother  Murray,  who,  ra- 
ther than  incur  any  fhare  of  the  odium  refulting 
from  the  murder  of  Riccio,  refufed  to  join  the  per- 
petrators. The  king,  who  was  extremely  fickle 
and  irrefolute,  began  to  repent  of  that  barbarous 
tranfaclion  •,  and  the  queen  perceiving  him  fluc- 
tuating, propofed  an  accommodation,  which  they 
were  now  glad  to  embrace.  When  the  articles 
were  drawn  up,  (he  obferved  that  it  would  be  of  no 
force  fhould  fhe  fign  them  while  fhe  remained  in 
captivity  •,  and  the  guard  being  withdrawn,  fhe  ef- 
caped  to  Dunbar,  whither  fhe  was  accompanied  by  Mary  ef- 
her  husband.     Having  thus  recovered  her  liberty,  caPes  to 

Dunbar  • 

fhe  pardoned  the  earls  of  Murray,  Argyle,  Rothes, 
and  Glencairn  ;  as  for  the  duke  of  Chateleraud,  he 
had  parted  from  them  before  their  flight  to  Eng- 
land. Then  fhe  gave  vent  to  her  indignation  againft 
the  murderers  of  Riccio.  Morton,  Ruthven,  and 
Douglas,  fled  to  Newcaftle  ;  but  fome  of  their  ac- 
complices were  executed  ;  and  now  fhe  laid  afide  ail 
marks  of  regard  for  Henry.  Indeed,  when  we  con- 
£der3  over  and  above  the  former  provocations  fhe 

R  3  had 

ijS  H  I  STORY  of  ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1565.  }iac|  undergone  from  his  infolent  behaviour,  this  lad 
additional  outrage,  we  cannot  fuppofe  that  any  wo- 
man of    fpirit  and    fenfibility  could  help  looking 
upon  him  with    abhorrence  and   detedation.     He 
had  even  contrived  the  murder  of  her  favourite  in 
m1,       fuch  a  manner  as  would  mod  conduce  to  her  hor- 
ror and  affliction.     He  infided  upon  Riccio's  being 
affailinated  in  her  prefence,  although  die  was  at  that 
time  fix   months   advanced  in  her  pregnancy ;    al- 
lowed  her  to  be  infulted  by  Ruthven,   while  her 
mind  mud  have  been  in  the  utmoft  agication  -,  and 
afterwards  confined  her  in  a  chamber,  fecluded  from 
her  attendants,   when  mod  (he  needed  their  aflif- 
fesabody  tance  and  confolation.     No  wonder  then  that  fne 
-I.^Sk    now  treated  him   in  her  turn  with  indifference  and 
the  diftorb-  difdain.     When  Hie  affembled  a  body  of  forces  and 
kngto. t:  returned  to  Edinburgh,   he   difowned  the  tranfac- 
tion  in  the  privy-council,  and  figned  a  declaration 
to  this  effect,  which  was  publifned  by  way  of  pro- 
clamation j    fo  that  he  incurred  the  univerfal  con- 
tempt of  the  people.     The  queen  effected  a  formal 
reconciliation  between  the  fugitive  lords  and  the 
earls  of  Huntley  and  Bothwell  ;   though  it  does  not 
feem  to  have  been  fincere  on  the  part  of  the  latter, 
who  endeavoured  to  perfuade  her  that  Murray  in- 
tended to  bring  back  Morton  and  his  confederates, 
while  (he  mould  be  confined  in  child- bed. 
a.  c.  1566.       On  the  nineteenth  day  of  June,   Mary  was  de- 
is  deii-  jivered  of  a  fon,  in  the  cadle  of  Edinburgh  :  and 
prhi«°  af-    Sir  James  Melvil  immediately   difpatched  to   the 
prwa.ds      court  of  England,  to  notify  this  event  to    Eliza- 
n$and.      beth,  who  was  delired  to  (land  godmother  to  the 
prince  of  Scotland.     The  ambaffador  found  Eliza- 
beth at  Greenwich,  where  he   was  gracioufly  re- 
ceived ;  and  the  queen  expreffed  uncommon  joy  at 
the  news  of  Mary's  delivery.     But  this  was  all  af- 
fectation :  for  when  Cecil  made  her  acquainted  with 
the  event  on  the  preceding  evening,  while  (he  was 



engaged  in  a  ball  with  the  nobility,  £he  forthwith  a.  c.  iS6$, 
•difmiifed  the  company,  and  exhibited  marks  of  for- 
*row  and  mortification.  She  feemed  to  think  Mary's 
pregnancy  a  reproach  upon   her  own   barrennefs. 
She  looked  upon  that  princefs  with  the  eyes  of  jea~ 
joufy  and  envy.     She  had  been  lately  fei-zed  with  a 
diforder  ;  and  during  her  indiipofition,  the  miniftry 
began  to  cabal  about  the  fucceffion.     Eoth  parties, 
though  ignorant  of  each  other's  refolution,  had  de- 
termined, in  cafe  of  Elizabeth's  death,  to  raife  Mary 
to  the  throne  of  England.     Perhaps  the  queen  had  Meivii. 
received  fome  intimation  of  their  defign,   and  con- 
fidered  the  birth  of  this  child  as  an  event  that  would 
corroborate  the  interefl  of  her  rival.  Her  fears  from  Secret  Prac- 
that  quarter  were  lately  increafed  by  the  intelligence  Jwo'queens 
received  by  one  Rooksby,  whom  Cecil  employed  as  ">.the<k>- 
a  fpy  at  the  court  of  Mary.     This  man  pretended  to  SchTther. 
be  a  refugee  from  England,  andprofefTed  the  deeped 
rancour  againft  Elizabeth.     He  found   means  to 
infinuate  himfelf  into  the  confidence  of  Mary,   and 
diicovered  all  her  practices  in  England  to  his  patron 
Cecil.     Sir  Robert  Melvil,  the  Scottifh  ambaffador 
at  London,    was  forbid  the  court,  for  having  ca- 
balled in  favour  of  his  mifixefs  among-  the  Enslifh 
malcontents.      He,    being  informed  of  Rooksby 's 
real  character,  gave  notice  to  his  miftrefs,  who  or- 
dered the  fpy  to  be  arrefted,   and  feized  upon  his 
papers,   among  which  were  fome  of  Cecil's  letters 
in  cypher.     Sir  Henry  Killigrew  had  been  ieht  to 
Scotland  as  ambaiTador-extraordinary,  to  congratu- 
late Mary  upon  her  recovering  her  liberty  •,  and  to 
allure  her  that  the  queen  of  England  had,  by  a  pro- 
clamation,  ordered  the  earl  of  Morton  and  his  ac- 
complices to  quit  her  dominions  :   notwithstanding 
which  proclamation,  they  were  privately  afiured  of 
her  protection.     Killigrew  was   likewife  inftructed 
to  complain  of  fome  diforders  upon  the  border;   of 
Mary's  correfponding  with  O'Neal  of  Ireland,  to 

R  4  Ipiri: 

233  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  r566.  fpjrit  up  a  rebellion  in  that  country;  and  of  her  pro- 
tecting Rooksby,  who  was  a  rebellious  fubjedt  of 
England.  This  la(t  article  of  complaint  furnifhed 
the  Scottifh  queen  with  a  pretext  for  arrefting 
Rooksby  ;  but  Killigrew  hearing  of  the  difcovery 
{he  had  made,  communicated  the  particulars  to 
Cecil,  and  Elizabeth  thought  proper  to  drop  the 
affair.  t 

Thefe  circumftances  confidered,  the  two  queens 
mud  have  hated  one  another  with  the  moft  impla- 
cable animofity.     Yet  they  ftill  preferred  the  ex- 
Camden.      ternal  marks  of  friendfhip.     Mary,  in  order  to  ef- 
face the  impreffions  which  Rooksby's   intelligence 
muft  have  made  upon  the  mind  of  the  Englifti 
queen,  wrote  a  letter  to  Sir  Robert  Melvil,  forbid- 
ding him  to  maintain  any  correfpondence  with  the 
malcontents  of  England ;  and  fent  another  to  fe- 
cretary  Cecil,  protefting  that  me  v/ould  give  them 
no  fort  of  countenance.     Elizabeth,  on  the  other 
hand,    confented  to  ftand  godmother  to.  the  young 
prince  of  Scotland,  who  was  baptized  by  the  name 
of  James,  at  Stirling,  in  prefence  of  the  ambaffa- 
dors  from  France,   England,  and  Savoy.     After 
the  ceremony,  the  earl  of  Bedford,  who  was  Eliza- 
beth's   ambaffador,  prefTed  the  queen  of  Scotland 
to  ratify  the  treaty  of  Edinburgh  :  but  Mary  de- 
clined complying  with  this  requeft.     Neverthelefs, 
flie  offered  to  fign  a  new  treaty,  importing,  that  me 
fhould  not  affume  the  title  or  arms  of  the  queen  of 
England,    during  the  life  of    Elizabeth  and  her 
Henry,  king  pofterity.     By  this  time  her  husband  was  treated 
d!|i£ilaby'  with  fuch  indignity,  that  the  earl  of  Bedford,  when 
the  queen    n,»  departed  from  Scotland,  defired  Sir  James  Mel- 

Sn^ge-    V^  t0  te^  tne  °iueen  fr°m  mm> tnat  *he  ought  to  live 

nerai.         m  another  manner  with  the  king,   for  the  fake  of 

Meivii.       ner  own  reputation.     He  is  even  faid  to  have  been 

kept  deftitute  of  decent  apparel,    fo  that  he  could 

not  appear  in  public  y  while  the  earl  of  Bothwell 



flourifhed  in  the  queen's  favour,  and  (hone  with  the  A- c*  *566* 
utmoft  magnificence,  to  the  manifeft  diffatisfaction 
of  the  people,   who  looked  upon  him  as  an  ambi- 
tious and  profligate  nobleman,  devoid  of  principle 
and  decorum. 

About  this  period  Elizabeth  vifited  the  univer-  The  queen 
fity  of  Oxford,  where  fhe  was  magnificently  enter-  un;verfity 
tained  for  a  whole  week,  during  which  (he  affifted  of  orford, 
at   feveral  academical  exercifes.     She  anfwered  a  Camden, 
Greek  oration  in  the  fame   language  ;  and,   in  a 
Latin  fpeech,  afTured  the  univerfuy  of  her  conftant 
favour  and  protection.  She  had  been  at  Cambridge 
on  a  former  occalion  ;    and,    in  the  fame  manner, 
teftified  her  approbation  of  that  univerfuy.   On  her 
return  to  London  from  the  fummer  progrefs,  the 
parliament  was  aflembled  ;   and  a  motion  was  made 
in  the  lower  houfe  for  petitioning  her  majefty,  that 
fhe  would  be  pleafed  to  marry,   and  fettle  the  fuc- 
ceflion  of  the  crown.     This  motion  was  fuggefted 
by  the  earls  of  Pembroke  and  Leicefter,  who  had 
openly  declared  for  the  fucceffion  of  queen  Mary,  as 
well  as  by  the  duke  of  Norfolk,   who  acted  more 
covertly  in  her  behalf  \  yet,  in  the  debates  which  it 
produced  among    the  commons,   no  mention  was 
made  of  that  pnncefs.     Some  maintained  the  claim 
of  Catherine  Grey  countefs  of  Hertford -,  others  pro- 
pofed  her  younger  filler  the  countefs  of  Cumber- 
land.    Cecil  oppofed  the  motion,  and  was  reviled 
without  doors,    in  lampoons  and  defamatory  libels. 
The  populace  inveighed  againft  the  queen's  phyfi- 
cian  doctor  Huic,   who  was  faid  to  have  diffuaded 
her  from  marrying,   on  account  of  fome  bodily  in- 
firmity •,  and  fome  members  within  the  houfe  ven- 
tured even  to  charge  her  with  abandoning  her  coun- 
try and  pofterity.     The  addrefs  being  prefented,  The  par]l-a_ 
fhe  fignified  her  intention  to  marry  ;  but  obferved  mentaddreis 
that  fhe  could  not  declare  her  fucceffor  without  dan-  mar?y,eeand° 
ger  to  her  own  perfon.     The  commons,  dififatisfied  J5ttle  *he 


240  HISTORY   of   ENGLAND, 

A.c.  1566.  w;tn  thjs  anfwer,  began  to  refume  the  matter;  and 
fhe  fent  two  meffages,  requiring  them  to  proceed 
no  further.  At  length  fhe  remitted  the  third  pay- 
ment of  a  fubfidy  they  had  granted,  in  hope  of  pre- 
vailing upon  her  to  declare  her  fucceflbr  ;  and  dif- 
miffed  them  with  a  fpeech,  in  which  fhe  reprimand- 
ed them  harfhly  for  their  officious  interpofition. 
She  knew,  that  although  they  had  not  named  Mary, 
fhe  was  the  perfon  at  whom  they  aimed  :  fhe  could 
diftinguifh  the  friends  and  abettors  of  that  princefs; 
and  the  earls  of  Pembroke  and  Leicefter  were  for 
ibme  time  difgraced  on  account  of  their  attachment 
to  the  -queen  of  Scotland.  Nor  was  it  without 
reafon  that  Elizabeth  declined  taking  any  open  flep 
in  favour  of  Mary's  fucceffion,  if  there  was  any 
truth  in  the  afTertion  of  MelviJ,  who  affirms  the 
friends  of  the  Scottifh  queen  were  increafed  to  fuch. 
a  degree  in  England,  that  fome  whole  counties 
were  ready  to  take  up  arms  in  her  favour,  under 
officers  already  named  by  the  chief  nobility. 

Thefe  fteps  taken  in  behalf  of  Mary,  by  her 
friends  in  England,  were  fruftrated  by  an  unfortu  - 
nate  event  which  about  this  time  happened  in  her 
own  jkingdom.  She  had  for  fome  time  lived  un- 
happily with  her  hufband,  whole  folly,  caprice, 
and  prefumption,  feemed  daily  to  encreafe.  He  had 
!©(!  all  credit  at  court,  and  of  confequence  hated 
thofe  who  feemed  to  have  fuperieded  his  influence. 
Among  thefe  were  Both  well,  Murray,  and  Liding- 
ton,  who  had  by  this  time  prevailed  upon  the  queen 
to  pardon  Morton  and  Lindfay,  for  the  murder  of 
Riccio  :  Ruthven  would  have  enjoyed  the  fame  fa- 
vour, had  not  he  died  at  Newcaftle  before  the  re- 
miffion  could  be  obtained.  Henry  was  fo  incenfed 
againft  Murray,  that  he  threatened  to  take  away 
his  life  •,  and  the  other  receiving  intimation  of  his 
defign,  is  faid  to  have  contrived  a  fcheme  for  anti- 
cipating his  purpole,  by  afTaffinaung  the  king  him- 




felf.  That  this  project  might  operate  the  more  AC- 's66* 
effectually  for  his  own  intercft,  he  is  faid  to  have 
engaged  Bothwell  in  the  execution  of  the  murder, 
by  foothing  his  vanity  and  ambition  with  the  hope 
of  efpoufing  his  fovereign.  He  looked  upon  this 
nobleman  as  the  rival  of  his  intereff ;  and  therefore 
fought  to  raife  him  to  a  dangerous  pinnacle  of  pow- 
er, from  which  his  fall  would  be  the  greater.  Mor- 
ton and  Lidington  were  the  confidents  and  abettors 
of  Murray  in  this  enterprife.  They  had  propofed 
a  divorce  to  the  queen,  and  fhe  could  not  be  averfe 
to  a  feparation  from  the  man  whom  me  could  nei- 
ther love  or  effeem  :  but  flie  charged  them  to  take 
no  ftep  which  mould  hurt  her  confcience,  or  ble- 
mifh  her  reputation.  The  king  being  taken  ill  at 
Glafgow,  of  a  diftemper  which  fome  people  believ- 
ed to  be  the  effect:  of  poifon,  adminiftred  by  thefe 
confederates,  Mary  halted  thither,  and  attended 
him  with  the  moil  conjugal  tendernefs,  until  he 
was  in  a  condition  to  travel ;  then  he  was  conveyed 
in  a  litter  to  Edinburgh  ;  and,  as  the  air  of  Holy- 
roodhoufe  was  damp  and  unhealthy,  lodged  in  a 
higher  fituation,  at  a  place  called  the  Kirkfield, 
on   the   fouth  fide  of  the  city.     The   houfe    being  Henry,  king 

•j  •         i  ,   ,  J    .   y  i-ior  Scotland, 

undermined,  was  blown  up  with  gunpowder  in  the  is  blown  up 
middle  of  the  night,   and  his  body  found  at  fome  withsun- 

o      '  j  powder. 

diftance  under  a  tree.  The  earl  of  Murray  had  fee 
out  for  St.  Andrews  on  the  preceding  day,  on  a  vi- 
fit  to  his  wife,  who  had  mifcarried  :  but,  as  he  de- 
clared to  one  of  his  attendants,  that  the  lord  Darn- 
ly  would  lofe  his  life  before  morning,  many  peo- 
ple fufpe&ed  that  he  was  acceflfary  to  the  murder. 
But  the  voice  of  the  public  became  fo  clamorous 
againft  Bothwell,  that  he  could  not  help  taking 
fome  fteps  for  his  own  j  unification. 

Mean  while  Murray,  being  informed  of  the  king's 
fate,  returned  to  court,  where  he  found  the  queen 
inconfolable  :  yet  Bothwell  ttill  engroffed  the  great- 


i^z  H  1  STORY  of  EN  G  LAN 

a.c.  *$€£.  eft  fliare  of  the  adminiftration.    He  offered  to  main- 
tain his  innocence  in  fingle  combat ;  and  a  paper 
was  fixed  up  in  feveral  public  places,  accepting  his 
challenge,  provided  he  would   fight  in  a  neutral 
place,  where  his  own  influence  did  not  predominate. 
The  earl  of  Lennox  wrote  a  letter  to  the  queen,  im- 
peaching Both-well  of  the  murder,  and  demanding 
juftke  of  her  majefly  :  on  the  other  hand,  Murray, 
and  feveral  other  noblemen,   recommended  him  to 
the  queen,  as  a  proper  peribn  for  her  hufband,  both 
on  account  of  his  ancient  family,  and  faithful  fer- 
vices,     A  proclamation  had  been  iiTued  for  detect- 
ing and  apprehending  the  perpetrators  of  the  king*s 
murder  -%  and  Murray  having  concerted  proper  rnea- 
fores  with   his  anociates,  obtained  leaye  to  retire 
from  the  kingdom ,  that  his  abfence  might  the  bet- 
ter fcreen  him  from  fufpicion.     He  accordingly  fet 
out  for  France*  taking  his  way  through  England, 
where  his  conduct  feems  to  have  been  countenanced. 
That  he  was  concerned  with  the  regicides,  we  may 
conclude  from  his  declaration    above  mentioned, 
which  the  lord  Herries  affirmed  to  his  face,  at  his 
own  table,  a  few  days  after  the  murder  ;  from  the 
protection  of  the  earls  of  Huntley  and  Argyle  to 
queen  Elizabeth,  in  which  they  accufed  Murray, 
Morton,  and  Lidington,    as  the  contrivers  of  the 
alfafTination  ♦,  and  from  many  other  circumftances 
of  Murray's  character  and  conduct*     At  the  fame 
time  we  mud  own,   it  is  very  ftrange  that  neither 
Bothwell  on  his  death-bed,  nor  Morton  in  his  con- 
feflion,  nor  any  one  perfon  concerned  in  the  mur- 
der, directly  accufed  Murray  of  being  an  accom- 
plice.    The  earl  of  Lennox  continuing  to  impor- 
tune Mary  for  juftice  on  Bothwell,   and  the  other 
affaflins  of  his  fon,   this  nobleman  applied  himfelf 
to  the  earl  of  Argyle,    lord  judiciary  of  Scotland, 
defiring  that  he  might  be  brought  to  his  trial,    The 
day  was  accordingly  fixed,  and  intimation  given  to 



the  earl  of  Lennox:  but  this  accufer,  confeious  of  A  c  a5u- 
his  own  weaknefs  in  point  of,  did  not  think 
proper  to  appear  againft  Bothwell,  who  had  the 
whole  power  of  the  kingdom  in  his  hands.  Hede-  eau-fea, 
fired  that  the  trial  might  be  poftponed  •,  and  his  re- 
queft  being  denied,  contented  himfelf  with  fending 
an  agent  to  proteft  againft  the  proceedings  of  the 
court;  notwithstanding  which  proteft,  Bothwell  was  B°aT® 

P  a  t       -acquitted  aw 

acquitted,  as  no  perion  appeared  to  carry  on  the  the  :murifcr, 
profecution  ;  and  his  acquittal  afterwards  approved 
and  confirmed  by  parliament.  Then  a  good  num-  Keith. 
ber  of  the  nobility  engaged  in  a  bond  of  affeciation 
to  maintain  his  innocence  with  their  bodies,  heri- 
tage, and  goods,  and  to  promote  and  advance  his 
marriage  with  her  majefiy. 

Thus  fupported,  Bothwell  refolved  to  marry  the 
queen  by  force,  provided  he  could  not  obtain  her 
voluntary  confent:  v/ith  this  view  he  raifed  a  body 
of  eight  hundred  horfe,   and  intercepting  her  on 
her  return  from  Stirling,  conveyed  her  to  his  caftle 
of  Dunbar,    where    he  completed  his  rape.     He 
forthwith  commenced  a  fuit  for  a  divorce  from  his 
wife,    who   was  filler  to  the  earl  of  Huntley,   on 
pretence  of  confaneuinity9  in  the  court  of  the  arch- 
bifhop  of  St.  Andrews  j  and  me  profecuted  him  at 
the  fame   time,  before  the   commiffary-  court  for 
adultery  with  his  maid-fervant.     He  was  convicted 
of  the  adultery,  and   fentence  of  divorce  awarded 
againft  him;   and  the  archbimop  declared  his  mar- 
riage null  and  void,  becaufe  he  had,,  without  a  dif~  i; ,;u... 
penfation,  married  a  perfon  within   the  prohibited  Bothw, 
decrees  of  confanguinity.    Being  now  fepa  rated  from  capvl™  -r: 
his  wife,   in  due  courfe  of  law,  he  conducted  the  to  wwa« 
queen  to  the  caftle  of  Edinburgh,  where  Ihe  par-  is  af8er- 
doned  him  for  the  rape,  created  him  duke  of  Ork-  nea. 
ney,  and  finally  married  him,  on  the  fifteenth  day 
of  May,  contrary  to  the  general  fenfe  of  her  peo- 
ple,   and  that  regard  fhe  ought  to  have  preferved 
for  her  own  reputation,     Notwithftandmg  the  for- 

244  HISTORY    or    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  i566  geries  and  calumny  of  her  enemies,  fhe  appears  to 
have  been  noc  only  innocent  and  ignorant  of  the  de- 
fi^n  againfl  her  hufband's  life,  but  alfo  convinced  of 
Bothwell's  integrity.    Neverthdefs,  we  cannot  vindi- 
cate her  from  the  charge  of  indifcretion,  in  efpoufing 
a  profligate  nobleman,  equally  notorious  for  info- 
lence  and  bad  morals,  fuppofed  by  the  generality  of 
her  people  guilty  of  her  hufband's  murder ;  one  who 
had  preiumed  to  ravifh  her,   while  his  wife  was  flill 
living,   and   his   marriage  in  force  ;  and  who  was 
afterwards  convicted  of  adultery  with  another  wo- 
man.    This   was   undoubtedly  an  imprudent  and 
fatal   ftep,     by  which    fhe   entailed    upon    herfelf 
numberlefs  mortifications,  mifery,  and  ruin.    Both- 
well,  not  fatisfied    with   the  honour  of  efpoufing 
his   fovereign,  endeavoured  to  make  himfelf  maf- 
ter  of  the  perfon  of  the  young  prince,  who  had 
been     committed    to    the    care   of  the   earl    of 
Marr  •,    but  this  nobleman   refufed    to  part   with 
his  charge.     On  the  contrary,    he  engaged  in  an 
aflbciation  againfl  Bothwell,  with  thofe  very  lords 
who  had    bound    themfelves  to   maintain  his  in- 

He  had  now  rendered  himfelf  odious  to  the  na- 
tion •,  and  Murray,  by  whofe  inftigation  they  a&ed3 
thought  it  was  high  time  to  labour  at  his  deftruc^ 
tion.  Having  formed  a  league  at  Stirling,  they 
raifed  a  body  of  troops,  on  pretence  of  defending 
the  young  prince  from  the  machinations  of  his  ftep- 
father  -,  and  they  had  well  nigh  furprifed  the  queen 
and  her  hufband  at  Holyrood-houfe,  from  whence 
Hie  efcaped  with  difficulty  to  the  caftle  of  Borthwick  : 
there  fhe  was  beleaguered  by  the  earl  of  Home  -9  but 
he  could  not  prevent  her  efcaping  to  the  caftle  of 
Dunbar.  Mean  while  the  rebel  lords  entering 
Edinburgh,  declared  by  proclamation,  their  defign 
was  to  take  vengeance  on  Bothwell  for  murdering 
the  king,  ravilhing  the  queen,  and  confpiring 
againft  the  life  of  the  prince.     From  hence  they 



proceeded  againft  the  queen,  who  had  levied  forces,  A,c-  ls6*- 
and  advanced  as  far  as  Preftonpans.     The  confede- 
rates found  her  polled  upon  Carberry-hill,  and  both 
fides  prepared  for  an  engagement.     De  Croc,    the 
French  ambaffador,  endeavoured  in  vain  to  effect  an 
accommodation.     After  his  mifcarriage,  fhe  defired 
to  fpeak  with  Kirkaldy,  laird  of  Grange,  who  aflur- 
ed  her,  the  confederates  defired  nothing  elih  than 
that  fhe  would  fend  away  the  murderer  of  her  huf- 
"band.     Bothwell  challenged  any  man  that  would 
tax  him  with  that  crime.     His  challenge  was  ac-  Meivii. 
cepted  fucceffively  by  Kirkaldy,   Tuliibardin,  and 
fhe  lord  Lindfay  :  but  his  heart  failed,  and  he  chofe 
to  retire.     The  queen  having  complied   with  the 
conditions  propofed  by  the  confederates,   was  con- 
ducted to   Edinburgh,   where  the  populace  treated  Crawford. 
her  with  the  utmoit  indignity.     From  her  palace 
of  Holyrood-houfe,    fhe  was  fent  under  a  fcronp:  Qiie?nM^rr 

11  n  r  >i'i  O   is  confinea' 

guard  to  the  cattle  of  Lochlevin,  belonging  to  Wil-  to  the  caft& 
liam  Douglas,  uterine  brother  to  the  earl  of  Mur-  ofLocW3- 
ray,  who  received  an  order  figned  by  the  aflbciated 
lords,  to  detain  her  in  fafe  cuftody.  She  was  accord- 
ingly clofely  immured,  and  cruelly  infulted  by  Mur- 
ray's mother,  who  pretended  fhe  had  been  lawfully 
married  to  James  V.  and  that  Murray  was  the  le- 
gitimate fruit  of  that  marriage. 

The  lords  having  taken  this  rebellious  flep  againfl 
their  fovereign,  apprehended  feveral  perfons  fuipect- 
ed  of  having  been  concerned  in  the  murder  of  the 
king ;  and  among  thefe  William  Blackadder,  who 
was  convicted  and  condemned  by  a  packed  jury, 
and  declared  at  his  death  that  he  was  innocent  of 
the  crime  laid  to  his  charge  j  but  that  he  believed 
Murray  and  Morton  were  the  contrivers  of  it. 
They  allowed  Bothwell  time  to  efcape  to  the  Ork- 
neys, and  then  they  fet  a  price  upon  his  head  by 
proclamation.  The  laird  of  Grange  equipped  two 
vcfTels  5.  and,  being  accompanied  by  the  bifhop  of 


246  HIS  TOR  Y  of  ENGL  AND. 

A.  c.  1566.  the  Orkneys  and  the  laird  of  Tullibardin,  failed  di- 
rectly to  thofe  ifles,  from  whence  Bothwell  efcaped 
with  difficulty    to   Norway  :    but   they  took  one 
of  his  fhips,  with  fome  of  his  fervants  and  adhe- 
rents, who  were  afterwards  executed  for  the  murder. 
Some  noblemen,   who  difapproved  of  the  proceed- 
ings of  the  confederates,  affembled  at  Hamilton,  to 
deliberate  upon  means  for  releafing  their  fovereign ; 
and  to  thefe  the  general  aflfembly  of  the  kirk,  then 
fitting,  fent  an  invitation  to  come  and  afiift  in  regu- 
lating ecclefiaftical  affairs  ;  but  they  refufed  to  truft 
themfelves  in  a  place  where  they  imagined  their  per- 
QueenEii-  fons  would  not  be  fafe.     The  queen  of  England 
zabethin-    being  informed  of  Mary's  imprifonment,  affected 
hwbehaif.  to  refent  fuch  an  outrage  offered  by  fubjects  to  their 
fovereign  ;  and  perhaps  me  actually  felt  an  emotion 
of  jealoufy  at  their  prefumption  againft  the  regal 
power,  though  from  the  beginning  fhe  had  certainly 
fomented  the  troubles  of  Scotland.     She  difpatched 
Sir  Nicholas  Throgmorton  to  intercede  for  the  cap- 
tive queen,  and  to  exprefs  her  difpleafure  at  Mary's 
confinement.     He  was  inftructed  to  threaten,  in  her 
name,  that  fhe  would  releafe  their  queen  by  force, 
Hiould  they  refufe  to  fet  her  at  liberty  on  reafonable 
terms.     He  was  furnifhed  with  a  plan  of  accommo- 
dation between  their  fovereign  and  them  ;  and  di- 
rected to  propofe  that  the  young  prince  fhould  be 
educated  in  England.     He  was  not  permitted  to 
fee  the  queen,  and  all  his  endeavours  proved  inef- 
A.  c.  1567.     Knox  and  all  the  other  prefbyterian  preachers, 
exerted  their  talents  and  influence  to  inflame  the 
minds  of  the  people  againft  the  perpetrators  of 
Queen  Mary  Darnley's  murder ;  and  did  not  fcruple  to  accufe  the 
is  compelled  queen  as  an  accomplice  in  that  afifafii nation.     The 
crownfLiiT  rebel  lords  prepared  three  inftruments  to  be  figned 
Murray  is    by  tne  qUeen ;  namely,  her  refignation  of  the  crown 
to  her  infant  fon  ;  a  commifiion  appointing  the  earl 






of  Murray  regent  during  his  minority  ;  and  another  A*c- 1567 
nominating  a  council  to  govern  the  realm  in  cafe 
of  that  nobleman's  death,  or  his  declining  the  of- 
fice of  regent.     Theie  deeds,   fhe  was  compelled,  Cdmden« 
by  the  mod  brutal  ufage,  to  fubfcribe;  and  Mor- 
ton accepted  her  refignation,  in  the  name  of  the 
three  eftates  of  Scotland,  though  he  was  veiled  with 
no  fuch  power  by  that  afTembly.     Then  they  pro- 
ceeded to  crown  the  prince,  who  was  but  thirteen 
months   old  -,  and  the  ceremony  was  performed  at 
Stirling,    by  Adam   Bothwell  bifhop  of  Orkney  ; 
but  Throgmorton  refufed  to  affilt  at  the  corona- 
tion, and  was,   in  a  very  little  time  after  this  tranf- 
a£tion>  recalled  by  queen  Elizabeth.     The  lords, 
arTembled  at  Hamilton,  now  entered  into  an  aflb- 
ciation  for  effecting  the  queen's  releafe ;  and  had 
they  been  unanimous,  they  might  have  faved  that 
unhappy  princefs  from  deftrucYion  :  but  when  Mur- 
ray returned,  and  reaffumed  the  regency,   they  en- 
deavoured fingly  to  make  peace  with  him ;  and  he 
perceiving  their  di (union,  compelled  them  to  accept 
of  fuch  terms  as  he  thought  proper  to  propofe.    In  jebb« * 
his  way  through  England,   he  was  indulged  with  a 
penfion  from  queen  Elizabeth.    When  he  vifited  his 
fovereign  at  the  caftle  of  Lochlevin,  far  from  com- 
forting  her  under  her  affliction,  he  reviled  her  with 
the  moft  injurious  reproaches,    and  treated  her  fo 
barbaroufly,  that  from  thence  forward  me  confider- 
ed  him  as  her  mortal  enemy.     His  regency  being 
confirmed,    in  a  parliament  convoked   by  him   at 
Edinburgh,   he  figned  a  warrant  for  the  execution 
of  Dalgleifh,   Powry,   and  two  other  fervants    of 
Bothwell,   who  had  been  tried  and  convicted  of  af- 
(ifting  in  the  king's  murder.     They  folemnly  pro- 
tefted  before  God  and  his  angels,  they   had  heard 
Bothwell  declare  that  Murray  and  Morton  were  the 
contrivers  of  the  murder  ♦,  and  that  the  queen  was  camdenj; 
entirely  innocent. 

N2  a6,  S  The 


a.  c.  1567.      The  prench  king  being  informed  of  Mary's  mif- 
fortune,  was  fo  incenfed  at  her  rebellious  fubjects, 
for  fuch  an  outrage  againfl  the  royal  prerogative, 
that  he  fent  over  Pafquier  to  London,  to  concert 
meafures  with  the  queen  for  compelling  the  Scottifh 
rebels  to  fet  their  fovereign  at  liberty.     Elizabeth 
declined  ufing  violent  methods,  on  pretence  that 
they  would  endanger  the  life  of  her  dear  coufin  -,  but 
fhe  propofed  that  the  Scots  mould  be  entirely  pro- 
hibited from  trading  with  France  and  England,  un- 
til their  queen  mould  be  releafed.    This  was  the  on- 
ly meafure  in  which  Elizabeth  and  the  French  king 
were  likely  to  concur.     The  term  of  eight  years 
fince  the  treaty  of  Cateau  being  now  expired,   Sir 
Thomas  Smith  was  fent  over  to  Picardy,    with 
"Winter  matter  of  the  ordnance  for  the  fea-lervice, 
to  demand  the  reftitution  of  Calais,  which  they  ac- 
cordingly claimed  by  found  of  trumpet,   at  one  of 
the  gates,  in  prefence  of  a  notary,  and  feveral  wit- 
k^g^efufo  neffes.     Then  Smith  proceeded  to  Paris,  where,  in 
to  deliver     conjun&icn  with  Sir  Henry  Norreys,  the  Englifh. 
Enl'^ac-  refident  at  that  court,  he  made  the  like  demand  of 
cording  to     Charles,  who  appointed  the  chancellor  de  L'Hopi- 
treaty.        taj  tQ  fignjfv  t^e  reafons  which  hindered  him  from 

reftoring  Calais.  Thefe  arguments  were  anfwered, 
and  refuted  by  Smith  ;  and  the  affair  produced  a 
long  difpute,  which  was  not  finifhed  when  the  civil 
wars  broke  out  in  France :  but  the  place  was  never 
reftored.  Mean  while  the  emperor  Maximilian 
fent  the  count  of  Stolberg  into  England,  to  renew 
the  treaty  for  a  marriage  between  his  brother  Charles 
the  archduke,  and  queen  Elizabeth,  who  had  often 
expreffed  her  approbation  of  fuch  an  alliance :  but, 
after  long  debates  touching  the  maintenance  of 
Charles,  his  affuming  the  title  of  king,  and  the 
fettlement  of  the  fucceflion,  it  was  wholly  broke  off, 
on  account  of  their  differing  in, point  cf  religion  -, 
and  Charles  efpoufed  Mary,  daughter  to  the  duke 



of  Bavaria.     At  the  fame  time  ambafladors  arrived  A-  c«  fs67 
from  John  Bafilowitz,  emperor  of  Ruffia,  with  rich  Embafly 
prefents  of  furs  to  the   queen,   and  afiurances  of  Bafiiowt™ 
friendfhip  and  protection  to  the  Englifh  merchants,  emperor  of 
who  mould  fettle  or  trade  in  his  dominions.     An-  qu"enEH- 
thony  Jenkinfon,  a*h  Englifhman,  who  had  travel-  Be^. 
led  through  part  of  the  Ruffian  dominions,  accom- 
panied the  ambafladors,  with  directions  from  the  Czar 
to  propofe  an  offenfive  and  defenfive  alliance  with 
the    queen   of  England    againft   all    the    world. 
Though  fhe  civilly  declined  fuch  a  league,  he  indul- 
ged the  Ruflia  company  with  an  exclufive  trade  to 
Archangel ;  and  the  Englifri  merchants  in  general 
with  a  monopoly  for  their  cloth  and  other  commo- 
dities throughout  all  his  dominions. 

About  this  period,  Sir  Henry  Sidney,  the  queen's 
lord  lieutenant  for  Ireland,  extinguifhed  fome  dan- 
gerous commotions  which  had  arifen  in  that  coun- 
try.    Shan  O'Neale  had  tyrannized  over  the  inha-  l^°*ja 
bitants  of  Ulfter,  reduced  Armagh  to  allies,  expel-  shan 
led  Macguire  from  his  paternal  inheritance,  ravag-  ONea,e« 
ed  the  lands  of  Macguire  and  others,  who  were  un- 
der the  protection  of  the  Englifh,  and  openly  rebel- 
led againft  Elizabeth.     But,   upon  his  fubmiffion,  ■ 
me  created  him  baron  of  Dungannon,  and  earl  of 
Tyrone.     Not  fatisfied  with  thefe  honours,    he  af- 
fembled  an  army  of  his  vafials,  afiumed  the  title  of 
king  of  Ulfter,  and  offered  to  hold  the  kingdom  of 
Ireland  under  the  fovereignty  of  Mary  queen  of 
Scotland.     Randolph,    a  brave  officer,  being  fent 
againft  him   by   the  lieutenant,   routed  him   with 
great  (laughter  at  Derry,  though  the  victor  loft  his 
life  in  the  engagement.     Shan  fled  to  the  bogs  and 
faftneffes,   while  Sir  Henry  bidney  built  fome  forts 
to  ftraiten   him  in  his  quarters,  and  re-eftablifhed 
O'DonneL  who  had  been  driven  from  his  country. 
But   Sidney  being  called  away  to  comprife  a  quar- 
rel between   the  earls  of  Ormond  and  Defmond, 
Shan  re  aflembled  a  bodv  of  troops,   and  attacked 
;  S.2  Dun-   . 

25o  HISTORY    ofENGLAND," 

a  c.  ifr.  Dundalk,  from  whence  he  was  repulfed  by  the  gar-* 
rifon.  Then  he  carried  off  O'Donnel's  wife,  and 
retired  to  Clandeboy,  to  follicit  the  affiftance  of  the 
Scottifri  Highlanders,  who  had  formerly  joined  his 
enemies,  and  been  defeated  by  his  forces.  He  had 
even  (lain  two  brothers  of  the  Highland  chieftains, 
who  received  him  with  feeming  courtefy;  but  whether 
they  had  determined  to  make  away  with  him,  or  he 
provoked  them  over  his  cups  with  brutal  language* 
touching  the  chaftity  of  their  mother,  they  (lew  him 
with  all  his  company.  Though  he  left  two  legiti- 
mate fons,  his  eltate  was  conftfcated  by  the  lrifli 
parliament,  and  Tirlogh  O'Neile  was,  by  the  queen's 
permiflion,  elected  chief  of  the  fept,  by  the  appella- 
tion of  O'Neile.  Neverthelefs,  as  a  check  upon 
this  new  chieftain,  (he  received  into  favour  Shan's 
nephew  Hugh  baron  of  Dungannon,  a  young  man 
of  a  very  intriguing  genius.  The  diforders  of  Ul- 
fter  being  thus  appeafed,  the  quarrel  between  the 
earls  of  Ormond  and  Defmond,  who  had  fought  a 
battle  near  Dromille,  was  partly  quelled  by  the  au- 
thority of  the  lieutenant,  who  was  afterwards  oblig- 

Camden.      ed  to  furprife  Defmond  and  his  uncle  near  Kilmal- 

a.c.  i568.  loc,  and  fend  them  prifoners  to  England. 

By  this  time  the  kings  of  France  and  Spain  feem- 

civiiwaiin  ecj  t0  |iave  engaged  in  a  league  to  exterminate  the 

*  ranee  ic~  *^   ^  '-' 

jiev.ed.  proteftants  from  their  dominions.  The  duke  of 
Alva  entering  the  Low  Countries,  at  the  head  of  a 
powerful  army,  committed  unheard-of  cruelties 
upon  thofe  who  profeffed  the  reformed  religion. 
The  court  of  France  levied  fix  thoufand  Swifs,  irt 
order  to  crufh  the  Huguenots.  The  prince  of  Con- 
de  and  the  admiral  reaffembling  fome  forces  for 
their  own  defence,  attempted  to  furprife  the  king 
at  Meaux  :  but,  failing  in  that  enterprife,  the  prince 
blocked  up  Paris ;  and  in  the  neighbourhood  of  that 
capital,  engaged  the  conftable,  who  was  (lain  in  the 
action.  The  prince  was  afterwards  joined  by  Cafi- 
mir  count  Palatine,  with  ten  thoufand  horfe  and 

foot ; 


foot :  and  La  Noue,  one  of  the  chief  of  the  Hugue-  a.c.  i56g. 
nots,  made  himfelf  mailer  of  Orleans.  Queen  Eli- 
zabeth, looking  upon  her  own  fafety  as  infeparably 
connected  with  the  proteftant  intereft,  ordered  Nor- 
reys,  her  ambalTador,  to  intercede  with  Cnarles  in 
behalf  of  the  Huguenots-,  and  to  allure  him  thac 
me  would  not  tamely  fufter  them  to  be  opprefTed. 

This  infinuation,  together  with  the  fuccours  they 
received  from  Germany,   induced  the  French  court 
to  confent  to  a  pacification ;  the  terms  of  which, 
however,  they  had  no  intention  to  obferve.     Cathe- 
rine  de   Medicis,    the    queen-mother,    forefeeing 
a  fpeedy   rupture,  endeavoured  to  alienate  Eliza- 
beth from  the  interefts  of  the  French  proteftants  ; 
and  for  that  purpofe  propofed  a  marriage  between 
the  Englim  queen  and  her  ion  the  duke  of  Anjou, 
who  was  then  but  feventeen  years  of  age.     While  Caufe*  of 
this  was  in  agitation,  Philip  king  of  Spain  took  oc*jJ^j°n 
cafion  to  manifeft  his  difgufl  to  the  Englim  nation.  Elizabeth 
Man,  who  was  Elizabeth's  ambaffador  at  Madrid, %\*ffi 
was  forbid  the  court,  and  confined  to  a  country  vil- 
lage, for  having  dropped  fome  difrefpectful  expref- 
fions  concerning  the  pope  and  the  Roman  catholic 
religion  •,  and  Sir  John  Hawkins,  who  commanded 
a  fleet   of  merchant-fhips  in  the  bay  of  Mexico, 
was  attacked  by  the   Spaniards,   who  flew  a  great 
number  of  his  men,  and  took  and  plundered  three 
of  his  veftels.     The  queen  was  not  a  little  incenfed 
at  thefe  outrages,  though  me  found  it  convenient  to 
fupprefs  fome  part  of  her  refentment.     Her  atten- 
tion was  turned  upon  events  that  ftill  more  nearly  Camdcn- 
affected  her  intereft. 

Mary  queen  of  Scotland  having  efcaped  from  the  Mary  of 
caftle  of  Lochlevin,  by  the  means  of  George  Douglas  eS^Lm 
the  governor's  brother,  repaired  to  Hamilton,  where  her  confine. 
me  found  herfelf,  in  a  few  days,  at  the  head  of  fixment* 
thoufand  men3  affembled  by  the  earjs  0/  Huntley, 

S  3  Suthez- 

252  H  I  STORY   of    ENGL  AND. 

a.  c  1568.  Sutherland,    Errol,  Montrofs,  Crawford,  Argyle, 
Cafiils,  Rothes,  and  Eglington,  the  lords  Somer- 
ville,  Yefter,  Livingfton,  Borthwick,  Herries,  San- 
quhar, Rofs,  Boyd,  Ogilvy,  Oliphant,  Drummond, 
Elphinfton,  Sinclair,  Cathcart,  Claude  Hamilton, 
and  a  great  number  of  bifhops,  abbots,  lairds,   and 
perfonsof  diftinction.     Thefe  engaged  in  an  aflbci- 
ation  for  the  defence  of  her  perfon,  and  the  fupport 
of  her  royal  authority  :  fhe  ifTued  a  proclamation, 
declaring  that  the  inftrument  fhe  had  figned   at 
Lochlevin  was  extorted  from    her  by  the  fear  of 
death  •,  and  the  lords  there  aflembled  adjudged  her 
refignation  to  be  null  and  invalid,   as  the  effect  of 
compulfion.      Murray    was    at  that  time   within 
eight  miles  of  Hamilton,  holding  a  juftice-court 
at   Glafgow,   attended    by    the  earls   of  Morton, 
Marr,  Glencairn,  and  the  lord  Sempil,  and  others 
of  the  council.     He  forthwith  fent  for  a  fupply  of 
five  hundred  men  from  Stirling,  and  was  joined  by 
the  earl  of  Home,  with  fix  hundred  men  from  the 
Merfe  and  Lothian  •,  fo  that  he  refolved  to  give 
battle,  though  his  army  did  not  exceed  the  num- 
ber of  four  thoufand.     The  queen  fent  John  Beaton 
to  England  to  foliicit  the  afiiftance  of  Elizabeth; 
and  he  was  ordered  to  proceed    to  the  court  of 
France  on  the  fame  errand  :  but  the  queen  of  Eng- 
land, who   did   not  relifh  her  application  to  the 
French  monarch,  arTured  this  envoy  that  fhe  would 
aflifthis  miilrefs ;  and,  in  her  inftructions  to  Leigh- 
ton,  whom  fhe  difpatched  to  Scotland  with  offers 
of  her  mediation,  fhe  directed  him  to  tell  Mary's 
rebellious   fubjects,  that  the  whole  power  of  Eng- 
feate^i      laRd  fhould  be  employed  in    her  behalf.     In  the 
Langfide  by  mean  time  the  loyahfts  advifed  the  queen  to  march 
hisTo^fe^    towards  Dumbarton,  which  was  a  fcrong  fortrefs, 
derates.        where  fhe  could    remain  in  fafety,    until   all   her 
faithful  fubjedts  fhould   affemble  in  arms  for  her 




defence.     In  their  rout,  they  found  Murray  ad-A»c-'568- 
vantageoufly  pofted  at  Langfide  ;  and,  attempting  Keith. 
to  diflodge  him,  were  defeated.  Jebb* 

The  queen  fled  wirh  the  utmoft  precipitation  to  she  flics 
the  abbey  of  Dundrenan,  near  Kirkudbright,  in  Gal- t0  Eng!"»d 
loway  *,  and  embarking  with  the  lord  Hemes,  and 
a  train  of  fixteen  perfons,  landed  at  Wirkington  in 
Cumberland.  From  thence  fhe  was  conducted  to 
Cockermouth,  and  afterwards  conveyed  to  the  caf- 
tle  of  Carlile  by  Lowther,  depury-governor  of  that 
fortrefs.  On  her  firft  arrival  in  England,  fhe  wrote 
a  letter  to  Elizabeth,  giving  a  detail  of  her  misfor- 
tunes, intimating  her  confidence  in  her  filler's 
princely  affection  and  affiftance ;  and  requesting  that 
fhe  might  be  conducted  immediately  into  her  pre- 
fence.  Sir  Francis  Knolles  was  fent  to  comfort  her 
with  a  verbal  promife  of  affiftance  ;  but  me  declin- 
ed feeing  her,  on  pretence  of  her  being  charged 
with  divers  attrocious  crimes,  of  which  it  would 
be  neceffary  to  acquit  herfelf.  From  Carlile,  Mary 
fent  the  lord  Henries  with  another  letter,  renewing 
her  requeft  of  being  admitted  into  Elizabeth's  pre- 
fence,  that  fhe  might  anfwer  to  the  crimes  laid  to 
her  charge.  It  was  but  reafonable,  fhe  faid,  that 
a  princefs  fo  near  to  her  in  blood,  mould  hear  and 
relieve  her  in  her  diflrefs  ;  fhe  therefore  defired  that 
Elizabeth  would  either  affifl  her  againft  her  rebellious 
fubjects,  or  allow  her  to  follicit  fuccour  in  fome  other 
country  -,  obferving  it  was  unjuft  to  detain  her  a  pri- 
foner  in  the  caftle  of  Carlile,  as  fhe  had  voluntarily 
come  into  the  kingdom,  confiding  in  the  affection 
of  her  majefty,  fo  often  expreffed  by  meffengers, 
letters,  and  remembrances.  The  council  of  Eng- 
land were  not  a  little  perplexed  at  this  event.  They 
forefaw  that  fhould  Mary  be  allowed  to  retire,  fhe 
would  find  refuge  in  France,  and  the  Guifes  would 
revive  her  claim  to  the  crown  of  England  -,  the  old 
alliance  between  France  and  Scotland  would  be  re- 

S  4  newed; 

254  HISTORY   or    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1568.  newecj .  anc]  t}ie  Englifh.  faction  in  this  lad  king- 
dom be  wholly  fupprefied.  On  the  ether  hand, 
her  detention  in  England  would  be  condemned  all 
over  Europe  as  an  act  of  the  mod  flagrant  inhu- 
manity and  injuHice  :  and  perhaps  excice  the  com- 
panion of  the  Englilh,  (o  as  to  produce  fome  dan- 
gerous commotion  in  favour  of  a  princefs  whom 
the  majority  of  them  efteemed  as  the  prefumptive 

tained'p"-"  ^xir  to  tne  crown*  Notwithstanding  this  apprehen- 
foneratcar.  fl0n,  they  determined  to  detain  her  as  a  prifoner, 
until  (he  fhould  renounce  her  prefent  claim  to  the 
crown  of  England,  and  vindicate  herfelf  from  the 
charge  of  being  accdlary  to  the  murder  of  lord 
DarnJy,  who  was  a  natural  fubjedt  of  England. 
This  determination  may  be  afcribed  to  the  political 
maxims  of  Cecil,  whole  conftant  aim  was  to  em- 
broil all  the  neighbouring  kingdoms-,  but  in  all 
probability  it  was  influenced  by  the  private  pafljons 
of  Elizabeth,  who  hated  Mary  as  her  rival  in  royal- 
ty, and  her  fuperior  in  beauty  and  other  female  ac- 
complifhments.  She  wanted  nothing  but  a  pretence 
for  detaining  this  i'lluftrious  captive  wirh  fome  fba- 
dow  of  juftice-,  and  (he  feemed  to  be  aihamed  of 
founding  her  detention  upon  the  accusation  of  rebel- 
lious fubjects,  againft  whofe  treafon  it  was  her  duty 
to  have  protected  her  kinfwoman.  Befides,  fhe  had 
no  right  to  exercife  any  jurifdiction  over  an  inde- 
pendent fovereign,  who  was  moreover  intitled  to  all 
the  rights  of  hofpitality  j  aud,  by  admitting  the 
charge  of  notorious  rebels  againft  their  miftrels,  fhe 
would  have  created  a  precedent  equally  difgraceful 
and  dangerous  to  regal  authority.  On  thefe  confl- 
derations,  (lie  tampered  with  Margaret  countefs  of 
Lennox,  Darnley's  mother,  who  had  been  impri- 
foned  on  account  of  her  ion's  marriage,  and  releaf- 
cteied«fher  cd  after  his  deceaie.  This  lady,  who  entirely  de- 
huiland's  pended  upon  Elizabeth,  was  perfuaded  to  prefent 
a  petition  to  the  queen,  praying  that  Mary  of  Scot- 


land  might  be  profecuted  for  her  hufband's  murder.  A*c-  '568« 
The  countefs,  afterwards  being  convinced  of  Mary's 
innocence,  implored  forgivenefs  of  that  princefs, 
alluring  her  (lie  had  been  deceived  with  falfe  fug- 
geftions,  by  the  exprefs  command  of  Elizabeth, 
and  the  perlbafions  of  the  lords  of  the  privy-council.  Keith* 

The  earl  of  Murray  in  the  mean  time  punifhed 
the  Hamiltons,  and  all  who  were  concerned  in  the 
queen's  defence,  with  the  utmoft  rigour  ;  he  had 
fpies  among  the  pretended  friends  of  queen  Mary, 
who  perfuaded  her  to  forbid  all  her  loyal  fubjects  to 
carry  on  hoftilities  in  her  behalf,  and  to  rely  entirely 
on  the  afliftance  of  Elizabeth,  who  fent  Mr.  Mid- 
dlemore  to  fummon  the  earl  of  Murray,  either  in 
perfon  or  by  proxy,  to  appear  in  England,  and 
Jhew  caufe  for  the  cruel  treatment  to  which  he  had 
fubjecled  his  own  fovereign,  and  her  kinfwoman ; 
otherwife  fhe  would  aflift  her  to  the  utmoft  of  her 
power  againft  ail  her  enemies.  Murray,  who  was 
perfectly  well  acquainted  with  the  real  fentiments 
of  queen  Elizabeth,  caufed  a  commiflion  to  be  ex- 
pedited under  the  great  feal  of  Scotland,  empower- 
ing himfelf,  the  earl  of  Morton,  the  bifhop  of 
0.  kney,  the  lord  Lindfay,  and  the  abbot  of  Dum- 
fermling,  to  meet  the  Englifh  deputies,  and  explain 
die  reaibns  which  induced  them  to  proceed  infucha 
manner  againft  Mary.  To  thefe com miiTioners,  James 
Macgill,  Henry  Balnaves,  and  the  celebrated  George 
Buchanan,  were  joined  as  afiiftants.  They  were 
accompanied  by  the  bifhop  of  Murray,  fecretary 
Lidington,  the  lairds  of  Pittarrow,  North-Berwick, 
and  Cleiili,  Nicholas  Elphinfton,  and  Tohn  Wood-,.  ■.  , 
fecretary  to  the  regent.  They  were  met  at  York,  appoints 
in  the  beginning  of  October,  by  the  duke  of  Nor-  comn;iffi<>- 

o  P  J  rrrs  to  exa- 

folk,  the  earl  of  Suffolk,  and  Sir  Ralph  Sadler,  ap-minethe 
pointed  commiflioners  by  Elizabeth,*  to  hear  and^^" 
examine  all  difputes  between  Mary  and  the  regent,  ana  her  re- 
At  the  fame  cim?  the  Scottifli  queen  lent  thither  John  S£ 


25^  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.c.  1568.  Lefley  btfhop  of  Rofs,  the  lords  Livingftone,  Boyd, 
and  Herries,  Gavin  Hamilton  commendator  of 
Kilwinning,  with  the  lairds  of  Lochinvar,  Kirling, 
Roflin,  and  Garntully,  as  her  friends  and  commif- 
fioners, to  promote  an  agreement,  under  the  media- 
tion of  Elizabeth  *  for  they  did  not  at  all  expect 
tefley;  that  the  queen  of  England  intended  to  act  the  part 
of  a  judge.  When  they  were  undeceived  in  this 
particular,  they  entered  a  proteft  in  the  name  of 
their  fovereign,  importing  that  though  fhe  had  con- 
fented  to  her  coufin's  hearing  and  terminating 
in  perfon  or  by  commiffioners,  the  differences  be- 
tween her  and  her  rebellious  fubjects,  fhe  did  not 
acknowledge  herfelf  fubject  to  any  judge  upon  earth, 
being  a  free  princefs,  and  holding  her  imperial  crown 
of  God  alone.  The  Englifri  commiffioners  made 
a  proteft  in  their  turn,  for  faving  the  fuperiority 
which  England  claimed  over  Scotland.  Next  day 
Mary's  agents  exhibited  a  paper,  containing  a  de- 
tail of  the  rebellions  which  had  been  raifed  againfl 
UhTe m  ken  This  was  anfwered  by  Murray,  who alledged 
ray  accufcs  that  the  lords  had  taken  arms  to  revenge  the  death 
^Ln°vc"  °f  king  Henry  upon  Bothwell ;  and  that  the  queen, 
being  weary  of  the  toils  of  government,  had  volun- 
tarily refigned  the  crown  to  her  fon,  and  appointed 
the  earl  of  Murray  regent  of  the  kingdom  during 
his  minority.  Mary's  commiflioners  refuted  thefe 
allegations,  and  requefted  that  the  queen  of  England 
would  affift  and  fupport  their  miftrefs  in  the  reco- 
very of  her  crown,  and  the  fuppreffion  of  fuch  re- 
bellious attempts  :  they  likewife  prefented  an  at- 
tefted  copy  of  the  proteflation  made  by  the  earls  of 
Huntley  and  Argyle,  charging  Murray  and  Mor- 
ton as  the  contrivers  of  the  king's  murder. 

The  duke  of  Norfolk,  a  nobleman  of  an  amiable 
character,  who  had  ever  been  zealous  for  Mary's 
fucceffion  to  the  crown  of  England,  was  fo  fcanda- 
lized  at  this  renunciation,  and  apprehenfive  of  its 




being  ufed  to  the  prejudice  of  the  Scottifh  queen,  A-  c«  x56&* 
that  he  contrived  an  expedient  for  putting  a  flop  at     . 
once  to  the  proceedings.     He  contracted  a  friend-  greement" 
fhip  with  the  regent ;  and  in  a  private  conference,  between  the 
reprefented  the  difgrace  and  injury  that  would  ac-  Norfolk 
crue  to  him  and  his  nation,  as  well  as  to  the  young  andthe 
prince,  from  this  accufation  of  his  mother.  Hegaverege 
him  to  underftand  that  queen  Elizabeth  would  not 
determine  either  for  or  againfl  the  queen  of  Scots, 
whether  fhe  mould  be  found  innocent  or  guilty; 
and  he  advifed  him  to  demand,  at  their  next  meet- 
ing, whether  or  not  the  Englifh  commiffioners  had 
authority  to  pronounce  a  definitive  fentence,  in  cafe 
of  conviction.  Murray,  who  began  to  fear,  not  only 
that  he  mould  fail  in  his  endeavours  to  give  an  air 
of  probability    to    his   allegations,    but    alfo  that 
Mary's  agents  would  retort  the  guilt  upon  his  own 
head,  relblved  to  comply  with  the  duke's  advice ; 
and  next  day,  when  he  was  called  upon  to  produce 
his   evidence  againfl  Mary,  he   defired  to  know 
whether  they  had  power  to  pronounce  the  Scottifli 
queen  guilty,   or  not  guilty ;  whether,  in  cafe  of 
her  conviction,    fhe  mould  be  delivered  into  his 
Rands,  or  detained  in  England  ;  and  whether  or  not 
queen  Elizabeth  would  maintain  the  authority  of  c    d 
the  young  king,  and  his  own  regency?     When  the 
commiffioners  anfwered  they  had  no  fuch  power, 
but  the  queen's  royal  word  was  fufflcient,  Murray 
refufed  to  proceed,   until  he  mould  fee  the  queen's 
hand  and  feal  for  the  performance  of  what  he  re- 
quired  ;  and  this  demur  produced  a  delay,  during 
which  the  duke  of  Norfolk  and  the  regent  agreed  Keith. 
that  this  laft  fhouJd  not  accufe  queen  Mary  ;  that 
the  duke  fhould  reflore  Murray  to  the  queen's  fa- 
vour,  and  obtain  her  confirmation  of  his  regency  ; 
and  that  thefe  two  new  friends  mould  labour  jointly 
for  the  good  of  both  nations.     Elizabeth,   without  MelvH- 
taking  the  leafl  notice  of  Murray's  demands,  evoked 


evoked  to 

258  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.c.  156s.  the  wh0je  affajr  t0  London,  and  conftituted  a  new 
Thecaufeis  conimiffion,  from  which  the  duke  of  Norfolk  was 
excluded,  becaufe  the  Scottifh  deputies  reprefented 
him  as  a  favourerof  Mary,  who  entertained  thoughts 
of  marrying  that  princefs.  She  had  been  conveyed 
from  Carlifle  to  Bolton  in  Lancamire  :  but  this 
country  being  full  of  Roman  catholics,  who  might 
raife  a  rebellion  in  her  favour,  me  was  now,  at  the 
requeft  of  her  accufers,  removed  to  the  caftle  of 
Tutbury,  in  Staffordshire,  and  committed  to  the 
charge  of  the  earl  of  Shrewsbury-  The  duke  of 
Norfolk  had  found  means  to  make  Mary  acquaint- 
ed with  what  had  paffed  between  him  and  Murray  ; 
and  fhe  communicated  the  tranfacYion  to  one  of  her 
confidents,  who  was  a  fpy  employed  by  Morton,  to 
whom  it  was  immediately  imparted.  He  forthwith 
difcovered  it  to  the  earl  of  Leicefter,  who  durft  not 
conceal  it  from  the  queen  ;  and  fhe  was  incenfed 
againi!  Norfolk,  who  candidly  owned  the  corres- 
pondence, and  declared  his  zeal  for  the  fucceffion 
of  young  James  to  the  throne  of  England  ;  while 
Morton  was  exafperated  againft  the  regent  for  hav- 
ing taken  fuch  a  Hep  without  his  privity  and  con- 

Murray  wanted  to  return  to  Scotland,  on  pre- 
tence of  a  fcheme  which  he  faid  the  earl  of  Argyle 
had  formed  for  furprifing  the  caftle  of  Stirling,  in 
which  the  prince  refided  :  but  now  the  real  caufe  of 
his  backwardnefs  to  proceed  in  the  accufation  being 
difcovered,  he  was  importuned  in  fuch  a  manner  by 
his  own  colleagues,  who  reproached  him  with  his 
falling  off,  and  fo  artfully  cajoled  with  the  Englifh 
miniftry,  that  he  at  length,  with  an  appearance  of 
reluctance,  exhibited  his  charge,  containing  the 
pretended  confeftions  of  Dalgleifh,  and  thofe  whom 
he  had  put  to  death  as  accefifary  to  the  king's  mur- 
der j  the  queen's  extorted  refignation  of  the  crown  ; 
the  decrees  of  his  own  facYion  affembled  in  parlia- 

Mary  pro- 
ceed? with 
the  accufa- 


ment,  and  fome  copies  of  letters  and  verfes,  with-  A*c«  ls&. 
out  date  or  fubfcription,  faid  to  be  written  by  the 
queen's  own  hand  to  Bothwell,  and  found  in  a  box 
given  by  Sir  James  Balfour,  governor  of  the  caftle 
of  Edinburgh,  to  Bothwell's  domeflic  Dalgleifh, 
upon  whom  it  was  feized,  before  he  could  convey  it  Lefl*^ 
to  his  matter.  Thefe  letters  and  verfes,  produced 
in  order  to  prove  a  criminal  correfpondence  between 
the  queen  and  Bothwell,  even  before  the  death  of 
her  former  husband,  were  forged  for  the  purpofe 
by  Murray  and  his  confederates ;  and  now  rein- 
forced by  a  paper  called  The  Detection,  written  by 
Buchanan,  to  the  eternal  difgrace  of  that  incompar- 
able genius.  It  contained  a  mod  virulent  accufa- 
tion  of  the  queen's  conduct,  founded  upon  falfe  and 
malicious  mifreprefentations,  and  the  pretended  con- 
fefiion  of  fome  unhappy  people  who  were  executed  c  dP„ 
as  accefTaries  to  the  king's  murder. 

Elizabeth,  although  pleafed  with  thefe  calumnies, 
which  ftained  the  character  of  her  rival,  could  not 
help  defpifing  and  detefting  the  authors  of  fuch 
treachery  and  (lander.  She  even  wrote  a  letter  to 
Mary,  comforting  her  in  her  affliction,  declaring 
fhe  believed  the  accufation  was  falfe  and  malicious, 
and  exhorting  her  to  be  patient  under  her  gentle 
confinement,  where  fhe  was  nearer  the  crown  of 
England,  than  me  would  have  been  in  her  own 
country.  Notwithstanding  this  profefiion  of  friend- 
fhip,  me  payed  no  regard  to  the  remonltrances  of 
Mary's  commiflioners,  who  defired,  in  her  name, 
that  fhe  might  be  heard  in  perfon  before  the  Eng- 
lifh  nobility,  and  the  ambafTadors  of  foreign  princes  ; 
in  which  cafe,  fhe  did  not  doubt  of  being  able  to 
clear  her  own  innocence,  and  prove  the  guilt  of 
her  adverfaries.  Perceiving  fhe  had  nothing  to 
hope  from  the  impartiality  of  Elizabeth,  who  treat- 
ed her  fo  cruelly,  fhe  inhibited  her  commiflioners 
from  proceeding  farther  in  what  related  to  the  dif- 

260  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  r568.  -fertnCe  between  her  and  her  rebellious  fubjects  of 
Scotland.     The  commiflion  tor  hearing  the  caufe 
was  difiblved  *,  but  the  queen  of  England  did  not 
Ser"11"  tni*nk  proper  to  pronounce   any  fentence.     Before 
gent  as  the  a  flop  was  put  to  the  proceedings,  the  bifhop  of 
herht>Vf-C    R°^s  delivered  to  the  council  a  meflage  from  his 
band's  mur-  rniftrefs  to  queen  Elizabeth,  importing^that  mould 
me  be  admitted  to  the  prefence  of  her  good  lifter, 
as  her  adverfaries  Jjad  been,  fhe  would  undertake  not 
only  to  vindicate  her  own  character  from  their  af- 
perfions,  but  even  to  prove  that  they  themfelves 
were  the  authors  of  that  murder  which  they  had  laid 
a.c.  1569.  to  her  charge.  The  accufers  were  not  a  little  ftartled 
at  this  declaration  •,  and  lord  Patrick  Lindfay  fent  a 
perfon  to  give  lord  Herries  the  lie,   and  challenge 
him  to  fingle  combat,    mould  he  charge  him  with 
Levy's       the  king's  murder.     Herries  replied,    that  he  did 
tiofs.Ua*      not  charge  Lindfay  in  particular ;  but  the  names 
of  the  guilty  mould  be  fpecified  in  proper  time ; 
and  then,  if  Lindfay   would  undertake   their  de- 
fence, he  (Herries)  fhould  be  ready  to  accept  his 
challenge.     The   bifhop  of  Rofs    perfifted  in  his 
propofal,  and  demanded  a  copy  of  the  procefs  and 
allegations  produced  againft  his  rniftrefs,  that  fhe 
might  know  how  to  frame  her  anfwers  ;  but  the 
council   excufed  themfelves  from   complying  with 
thefe   demands.     M.   de  la  Mothe   Fenelon,    the 
French  ambaffador,  interpofed  in  her  behalf,   and 
importuned  Elizabeth   and  her   minifters  to  grant 
Mary's  requeft ;  but  he  was  amufed  with  evafive 
anfwers,  and  general  profeffions  of  Elizabeth's  good 
■**nl.       wiH  towards  her  gentle  filler. 

By  this  time  Murray,  through  the  mediation  of 
Sir  Nicholas  Throgmorton,  and  fecretary  Liding- 
ton,  was  admitted  again  into  the.  favour  of  the  duke 
of  Norfolk,  who  communicated  his  intention  of 
marrying  the  queen  of  Scots,  and  effecting  a  match 
between  young  James  and  his  only  daughter  Mar- 


garet.  He  likewife  became  bondfman  to  Eliza- 
beth, for  two  thoufand  pounds  lent  to  the  regent, 
which  he  was  afterwards  obliged  to  pay.  He  made 
Mary  acquainted  with  this  new  bond  of  friend- 
fhip ;  and,  as  he  had,  in  the  firft  emotion  of  his 
refentment,  engaged  the  earl  of  WeftmoreJand  to 
cut  off  the  regent  in  his  return  to  Scotland,  he  now 
delired  thjui  nobleman  to  let  him  pafs  unmolefted. 
In  return  for  all  this  generality,  the  perfidious 
Murray  betrayed  the  correlpondence  to  Elizabeth,  trays^L 
who  engaged  in  a  verbal  league  with  the  traitor,  for^uk«of 

/•  Norfolk  * 

the  defence  of  the  young  prince,    and  the  mainte- 
nance of  his  own  adminiftration.     She  accommo-  Rymer* 
dated  him  with  the  loan  of  five  thoufand  pounds,  J*.*0™  Int0 
promifed  to  fupply  him  with   three  times  the  fum,  country, 
and  permitted  him  to  retire  into  Scotland.     Before 
his  departure  from  London,   the  duke  de  Chatele- 
raud  arrived  in  that  city  from  France,  where  he  had 
relided  during  the  late  troubles  in  his  own  country, 
and  demanded  of  the  Englifh  court  that  Murray 
fhould  be  degraded  from  the  regency,  on  account  of 
his  fpurious  birth,    and  ambitious  practices.     He 
told  Elizabeth,  that  fhould  the   regency  be  con- 
ferred upon  him,  to  whom  it  of  right  belonged,  ac- 
cording to  the  cuftom  of  the  country,   he  would 
foon  put  an  end  to  the  civil  war,  and  reftore  his  fo- 
yereign,   without  bloodfhed.     This  propofal   was 
far  from  being  agreeable  to  the  queen  of  England, 
who  declared  fhe  would   oppofe  him  by  force  of 
arms,  fhould  he  pretend  to  any  (hare  in  tjie  admi- 
niflration,  or  refufe    to    acknowledge    the  young 
prince's  authority.     She  would  not  even  allow  him 
to  fee  his  captive  miflrefs  at  Tutbury,   but  caufed 
him  to  be  detained  at  York,  until  he  was  releafed, 
at  the  inftances  of  Mary  and  the  French  ambafla- 
dor.     When  he  returned  to  Scotland  with  the  lord 
Hemes,  and  the  conimendator  of  Kilwinning,  he 
raifed  fome  forces,  by  virtue  of  a  comrniffioh  from 


2  62 

A.  C.  1569. 

and  impri- 
fons  the 
duke  of 


Philip  and 


his  fovereign :  but  in  a  conference  held  at  Edin- 
burgh, with  Murray  and  his  partifans,  touching  a 
pacification,  he  was  arretted,  and,  with  the  lord 
Herries,  committed  prifoner  to  the  caftle  of  Edin- 

During  thefe  tranfactions   the  court  of  France, 
notwithstanding  the  late  accommodation  with   the 
Huguenots,  formed  the  defign   of  furprifing  the 
prince  of  Conde  in  his  own  houfe  •,  but  he  received 
intimation  of  the  fcheme,  and  efcaped  to  Rochelle. 
Then  trte  king  forbade  the  exercife  of  the  protec- 
tant religion,  and  banifhed  all  the  minifters  who 
preached  up  that  doctrine.     The  perfecution  raged 
at  the  fame  time  in  the  Low  Countries ;  and  the 
prince  of  Orange  was  obliged  to  take  refuge  among 
the  French  Huguenots,  whom  Elizabeth  fuccoured 
with  a  fupply  of  one  hundred  thoufand  crowns,  and 
a  fine  train  of  artillery.     A  great  number  of  Fle- 
mifh  families  removed  to  England,  and  fettling  un- 
der the  queen's  protection,  in  different  parts  of  the 
kingdom,  contributed  greatly  to  the  improvement 
of  commerce.     Towards  the  latter  end  of  the  laft 
year  fome  Bifcayan  vefTels  being  taken  by  French 
pirates,  who  carried  them  into  Englifh  harbours, 
Elizabeth  understanding  that  there  was  a  confider- 
able  fum  of  money  on   board,   for  the  ufe  of  the 
duke  of  Alva,  who  was  the  great  enemy  of  the  pro- 
teftants  in  the  Low  Countries,  feized  it  for  her  own 
purpofes,  by  way  of  loan,  and  gave  fecurity  to  the 
Spanifh  ambaflador  for  the  payment.     The  duke  of 
Alva  demanding  it  in  a  peremptory  manner,  and 
receiving  nothing  but  evafive  anfwers,  caufed  all 
the  Englifh  merchants  in  the  Netherlands  to  be  ar- 
retted, and  feized  upon  their  effects.     Elizabeth  re* 
torted  this  act  of  hoftility  upon  the  Flemings  in 
England,  and   publifhed   a   proclamation  on  this 
fubject,  which  was  anfwered  by  the  Spanifh  ambaf- 
fador,  '  who  likewife  circulated  fcandalous  libels, 


h   1   2  A   B   E  T  H,  £ty 

&fperfing  the  queen's  reputation.     She  ordered  him  ^^  l&9* 
to  be  put  under  a  guard  for  two  days,  and  com- 
plained of  his  infolence  to  Philip ;  from  whom, 
however,  fhe  received  no  fa'tisfadiion.     Thi3  qUar- 
rel  having  interrupted  all  commerce  between  Eng- 
land and  the  Low  Countries,  the  Englifil  mer- 
chants fent  their  commodities  to  Hamburgh  ;  and 
the  duke  of  Alva  not  only  forbade  all  communica- 
tion between  the  Flemings  and  Elizabeth's  fubjects, 
but  appointed   fpies  to  inform   him  of  whatever 
ihould  be  tranfacted  contrary  to  this  prohibition. 
Among  thefe  was*  an  Englifh  papift   called  Story, 
who  had  been  a  violent  perfecutor  in  the  reign  of 
Mary,  and  taken  refuge  in  the  Low  Countries,  at 
Elizabeth's  acceflion.  He  was  now  extremely  active 
againft  his  countrymen,  till  at  length  being  decoyed 
on  board  of  a  veflel,  laid  to  be  loaded  with  contra- 
band goods,  he  was  brought  over  to  England,  and 
afterwards  executed  for  treafon.     Mean  while  the 
Englifh  fhips  in  Spain  were  confifcated,  and  the? 
crews  either  confined  in  the  inquifition,   or  fent  to 
the  gallies.     Philip  prohibited  the  importation  of 
oil,  allom,   fugar,   rmd  aromatics,  from  his  domi- 
nions into  England  ;   and  tampered  with  the  duke 
of  Norfolk  and  the  earl  of  Ormcnd  to  excite  do- 
meftic  difturbances  :  but  they  rejected  his  propofals, 
and  difcovered  his  defigns  to  their  fovereign,  who> 
granted  letters  of  marque  againft  the  lubjecls  of  % 

Philip,  until  fuch  a  number  of  prizes  were  taken, 
that  fhe  found  it  neceifary  to  recal  the  commiflio- 
ners,  rather  than  involve  Herfelf  in  a  war  for  which 
Ihe  was  not  provided. 

At  this  period,  a  ftorm  was  brewed  againft  Cecil,  8cJ£**  f. 
by  the  duke  of  Norfolk,  the  marquis  of  Nor-8amc 
thampton,  and  the  earls  of  Arundel  and  Pembroke* 
They  refented  his  great  influence  in  the  council  j 
and,  on  the  fuppofition  that  his  deflgn  was  to  inter- 
rupt th6  advantageous  commerce  with  the  Low 
N?.  56.  T  Cour^ 


a.  c.  3569,  Countries,  and  engage  the  nation  in  an  expenfive 
war  with  a  powerful  enemy,  they  refolved  to  call 
him  to  account  for  his  evil  adminiftration,  and  the 
fal (hoods  by  which  they  affirmed  he  had  milled  her 
majefty.     They  were  even  joined  by  the  earl  of 
Leicefter,    who  complained  to  the  queen  of  Cecil's 
management ;  but  he  met  with  a  very  cold  reception 
from  Elizabeth,  who  efpoufed  the  caufe  of  Cecil, 
becaufe  he  had  always  flattered  her  private  animo- 
fity  againft  the  queen  of  Scotland.     The  earl  of 
Murray,   in  his  return  to  Scotland,  had  fent  Sir 
Robert  Melvil  to  Mary,  with  proteftations  of  the 
mod  dutiful   regard,  and  a  propofal  of  marriage 
betwen  her  and  the  duke  of  Norfolk,   which  could 
not  but  be  agreeable  to  queen  Elizabeth,  as  well  as 
to  her  own  fubjects,   and  be  attended  with  her  im- 
mediate reftoration.     To  this  meffage  he  received  a 
favourable  anfwer  from  his  miftrefs,  who  confided 
in  his  fincerity,   which  had  been  vouched  by  Nor- 
folk •,  and  flie  not  only  fent  orders  to  Chateleraud, 
Argyle,  and  Huntley,  to  difmifs  the  forces  they 
had  raifed  againft  the  regent ;  but  alfo  furnifhed 
lord  Herries  with  inftrudlions  to  accommodate  mat- 
ters with  him  in  a  private  treaty.     Elizabeth,  with 
whom  Murray  correfponded,  had  begun  a  treaty  for 
the  releafe  and  reftoration  of  Mary,   with  monfieur 
de  Fenelon  and  the  bifhop  of  Rofs,  who  acted  as 
the  ambalTador  of  the  captive  princefs.     This  pre- 
late prefented  articles  to  the  council,   which  were 
deemed   not  unreafonable,  though  fome  few  alte- 
rations were    made.     To  thefe  Mary  took  no  ex- 
ceptions i  but  fhe  defired  time  to  procure  the  ap- 
probation of  the  French  king,   without  which  her 
friends  in  Scotland  would  not  agree  to  the  treaty. 
In  this  interval,  her  hnglifh  parti  fans,  at  the  head 
of  whom  were  the  earls  of  Leicefter,  Arundel,  and 
Pembroke,  fent  Mr.  Candifh  to  Mary,  with  a  let- 
ter recommending  Norfolk  to  her  as  an  hufband> 
6  and 

.    ELIZABETH.  26} 

and  alluring  her  of  their  attachment  and  a  Gl  fiance, A>  c-  ls6(>\ 
touching  her  fuccefllon  to  the  crown  of  England. 
When  fhe  accepted  of  their  recommendation  in 
good  part,  they  fecured  the  approbation  of  the  earls 
of  Derby,  SufTex,  Northumberland,  Weftmoreland, 
and  Cumberland :  the  duke  of  Norfolk  prolecuted  his 
fuit  with  Mary  by  letters,  meffages,  and  tokens  -,  the 
French  ambafTador  obtained  the  confent  of  his  ma- 
tter,  of  the  duke  and  dutchefs,   and  cardinal  ofr  „  ,    MM 

Lelley  s  n2* 

Lorrain  5  and  Mary  figned  the  contract,  which  wa$?otiat.e* 

deposited  in  the  hands  of  monfieur  de  Fenelon,         Anderfori. 

Mean  while  the  public  treaty  between  Elizabeth  ,Elifabeth  i8 
and  the  Scottifh  queen  was  interrupted  by  the  mu-inthe 


tual  jealoufy  and  diitruft  of  the  parties.  Mary  fnf- tiatkm  *?T * 
pected  Elizabeth  of  a  deilgn  to  fecure  the  perfon  Mary. 
of  her  fon,  together  with  fome  of  the  fortrefles  in 
Scotland.  Her  couriers  had  been  intercepted, 
and  her  letters  feized  upon  the  Englifh  border* 
while  thofe  of  her  adverfaries  pafild  to  and  fro  un  - 
molefted.  On  the  other  hand,  the  queen  of  Eng- 
land dreaded  Mary's  intriguing  with  the  kings  of 
France  and  Spain,  in  confequence  of  the  ieague  of 
Bayonne,  formed  for  the  deitruction  of  the  protef- 
tant  religion.  She  apprehended  a  double  invafian 
from  France  and  Flanders  ;  and  pretended  to  have 
received  intimation  that  Mary  had  ceded  her  preten- 
tions to  the  crown  of  England,  in  favour  of  the  duke 
of  Anjou,  whom  fhe  propofed  to  marry.  The, 
Scottifh  queen  not  only  denied  this  ceffion  and  pur- 
pofed  alliance,  but  even  procured  a  declaration 
from  the  French  king,  the  queen -mother,  the  duke 
of  Anjou,  and  the  cardinal  of  Lorraine,  importing 
that  no  fuch  ceftlon  had  ever  been  made  or  intend- 
ed. Then  the  .  French  ambafTador  Fenelon,  and 
the  bifhop  of  Rofs,  infixing  upon  the  performance 
of  Elizabeth's  promife  to  releafe  and  reftore  queen 
Mary,  fhe  delayed  giving  her  final  anfwer,  until 
Hie  Ihould  have   confidered  this  declaration*  and 

T  2  afcer- 

266  HISTORY   o?   ENGLAN  K 

A.  e.  J569.  afterwards  craved  longer  refpite,  until  fhe  could' 
hear  from  the  earl  of  Murray.  She  accordingly 
received  letters  from  that  nobleman,  intimating 
that  the  eitates  of  Scotland  would  not  confent  to- 
their  queen's  reftoration  upon  any  terms  whatfo- 
ever  *,  and  making  her  acquainted  with  the  pro- 
grefs  of  the  projected  match  between  Mary  and  the 
duke  of  Norfolk. 

Elizabeth  was  equaUy  chagrined  and  perplexed 
st  this  intelligence.     She  wifhed  that  Mary  was 
removed  from  her  dominions,  where  fhe  acquired 
new  intereft  every  day  -,  and  fhe  could  not  bear  the- 
thoughts  of  releasing  a  princefs,  who  might  join  her 
enemies  and  endanger  her  royalty.    Leiceiter,  who* 
attended'the  queen  in  her  progreis,  pretended  to  be 
taken  ill  at  Titchfield  ;  and,  when  the  queen  vi- 
fited  him  in  his  apartment,  he  in  conlequence  of 
the  meafures  he  had  taken  with  his  confederates, 
difclofed  to  her  the  whole  defign  of  the  marriage. 
On  all  other  emergencies,    fhe  could  difTemble  her 
fentiments  •,  but,  when  Mary  was  the  fubject  of  the 
difcourfe,    fhe  could  not  command   her  temper. 
Even  in  prefence  of  foreign  ambalTadors,   her  paf- 
fion  fometimes  vented  \tkW  in  very  indecent  terms* 
©n  this  occafion  Pne.  ftormed  with  extraordinary^ 
violence.    Arundel  and  Pembroke  had  retired  from 
court  •,  but  Norfolk  was  loaded  with  reproach,  for 
prefuming  to  treat  of  fuch  an  alliance  without  hei1- 
knowledge,   and  ordered  to  defift  from  the  purfuit, 
on  pain  of  her  higheft  difpleafure.      He  retired 
abruptly  from  the  court  at  Southampton  to  Lon- 
don, where,  being  apprifed  of  the  queen's  menace:,, 
he  repaired  to   his  howie  of  Kenninghall  m  Nor- 
folk.    He  was  fo  much  beloved  in  that  country, 
that  he  could  Jhave  aflembied  a  confiderable  army 
in  his  own  defence  :  but  he  piqued  himfelf  upon  his 
loyalty,  and  quietly  accompanied  a  lieutenant  or 

the  band  of  pensioners,  who  was  feat  to  bring  him 



<wp  to  London.    He  was  confined  at  Burnham  near  a.c.  i569. 
Windfor,  where  he  underwent  divers  examinations  Dukeof 
touching  the  marriage:   his  coffers  were  fearched,  Norfolk 
his  papers  feized,   and  then  the  queen  committed  ted to&lT 
him  prifoner  to  the  Tower  of  London.     Leicefter,  Tower, 
after  an  examination,  obtained  his  pardon.     Pem- 
ibroke,  Arundel,  and  Lumley,   were  confined  to  other^o- 
their  houies  •,   Sir  Nicholas  Throgmorton,  and  Ro-  Memen  ais 
bert  Ridolphi,  a  Florentine  merchant,  were  im-  con  nc 
prifoned  ♦,  the  earls  of  Northumberland  and  Weft- 
moreland  made  their  fubmiflion  to  the  earl  of  Suf- 
fex,  lieutenant  of  the  northern  Marches.     All  thefe 
noblemen,  as  well  as  the  bimop  of.Rofs,  agreed 
in  declaring  that  the  marriage  had   been  propofeU 
by  the  eari  of  Murray  ;  and  that  neither  the  queen  L^Vt 
of   Scots    nor    they  would    have   concluded    the  MeVrf. 
match  without  the  knowledge  and  confent  of  Eliza-    eiieon' 

The  queen  did  not  think  proper  to  declare  all  me 
knew  relating  to  this  confederacy :  but  hearing  that  a 
defign  was  formed  for  the  efcapeof  Mary  from  Wink*, 
field,  fhe  iffued  orders  for  removing  that  princefs 
to  Tutbury,  where  fhe  was  €lofe  confined,  under 
the  joint  charge  of  the  earls  of  Shrewsbury  and 
Huntingdon  ♦,  notwithstanding  the  remonftrance  of 
the  bifhop  of  Rofs,  who  reprefented  the  injuftice 
of  putting  the  perfon  of  his  miflrefs  in  the  hands 
of  the  earl  of  Huntingdon,  he,  as  a  pretender  to 
the  faccehion,  having  an  intereftin  her  death.  The 
fcheme  for  her  efcape  was  projected  by  Leonard 
Dacres,  uncle  to  the  lord  Dacres  of  Gillefland,  who 
undertook  to  conduct  her  fafely  into  Scotland.  But, 
when  fhe  communicated  this  defign  to  the  duke  of 
Norfolk,  he  oppofed  it  with  all  his  influence,  fear- 
ing that  mould  fhe  efcape  by  means  of  the  papifts, 
they  would  difTuade  her  from  marrying  him,  who 
was  a  proteftant,    and  promote  a  match  between 

T  3  her 


a.c.  15G9.  her  anc}  don  John  of  Auftria,  which  had  been  pro* 
Scheie  of  P°fed  by  Philip  king  of  Spain.  This  plot  mifcar- 
an  infurrcc-  rying,  Mary  follicited  the  affiftance  of  the  duke  of 
llnVtobe^"  Alva  towards  her  deliverance:  and  that  nobleman 
fopportedby  promifcd  to  fupply  her  with  a  body  of  forces,  and  a 
AWa"  fum  °f  money,  to  fuppart  any  infurrection  that 
T '   '  ,        fhould  be  raifed  in  her  favour.     But  this  expedient 

4-ej!ey  s  ne-  •■  •*■#•• 

locations,  was  declined  by  her  Englifh  friends,  who  declared, 
that  whatever  inclination  they  had  to  releafe  her 
from  captivity,  and  fettle  her  fucceiTion  to  the 
crown,  they  would  never  affift  the  Spaniards  in 
making  a  conquer!  of  their  country.  Neverthelefs, 
the  duke  of  Alva  afiernbled  a  body  of  forces,  to  be 
tranfported  to  England,  in  cafe  of  any  difturbance. 
La  Mothe,  governor  of  Dunkiik,  was  fent  to  found 
the  Englifh  harbours,  in  the  difguife  of  a  failor  5, 
and  the  marquis  of  Cetona  was  difpatched  to  Lon- 
don, in  the  character  of  a  public  minifter,  on  pre- 
tence of  demanding  the  money  which  Elizabeth 
had  intercepted,  and  compromising  the  differences 
between  the  two  nations ;  though  his  real  errand 
was  to  watch  the  progrefs  of  the  expected  rebel- 
lion, and  take  the  command  of  the  Spanifh  forces 
on  their  arrival  from  the  Netherlands. 
The taris  of  Xhe  malcontents  of  the  North  were  certainly 
beriln^a  r'-Pe  f°r  revolt.  The  earl  of  Northumberland,  a 
Weftmore^    bigot  ted   Roman   catholic,    had  been    exafperated 

land  excite      ,    °     «  ,        r  .     .  .  i  •    1 

^tebeUion,  by  the  queen  s  leizing  a  copper  mine  which  was 
found  on  his  eftate.  He  and  Weftmoreland  had 
been  concerned  in  the  fcheme  of  Norfolk's  mar- 
Mage  with  the  queen  of  Scots  ;  and  though  they 
had  excufed  themfelves  in  fuch  a  manner  as  to  fa- 
tisfy  the  earl  of  Suifex,  they  were  {till  fufpected  by 
Elizabeth,  v/ho  had  received  fome  dark  hints  of  an 
intended  rebellion.  She  fent  an  herald  to  fummon 
the  two  earls  to  appear  at  court,  on  pain  of  being 
^teemed  rebels  ;  but,  before  they  received  this  cita- 
tion, the  earl  of  Northumberland  was  befet  in  his 



houfe  by  fome  gentlemen  of  the  country,  who  re-  A-c-l56^ 
folved  to  fignalize  their  loyalty  on  this  occafion. 
He  found  means,  however,  to  make  his  efcape  to 
Brancepath,  the  feat  of  the  earl  of  Weflmoreland, 
where  the  Roman  catholics  flocked  to  them  in  great 
numbers,  and  prefTed  them  to  take  arms  in  their 
own  defence.  Thus  flimulated,  they  publifhed  a 
proclamation,  declaring  their  defign  was  to  re-efta- 
blifh  the  catholic  religion  :  but  this  was  foon  fol- 
lowed by  another  manifefto,  in  which  they  pretend- 
ed their  motive  for  taking  arms  was  to  fettle  the 
fucceflion  of  the  crown,  and  prevent  the  deflruction 
of  the  antient  nobility.  Theydifpatched  an  officer 
to  BrulTels,  to  implore  the  affiftance  of  the  duke  of 
Alva  •,  but  they  had  engaged  in  the  rebellion  fo 
precipitately,  that  he  had  not  provided  vefTels  for 
tranfporting  his  troops,  and  he  liftened  to  their  fo- 
licitations  with  great  coldnefs  and  indifference.  In 
the  mean  time,  the  infurgents  entering  Durham, 
caufed  the  Bible  and  book  of  Common  Prayer  to 
be  torn  in  public,  a  crucifix  to  be  erected  in  the 
cathedral,  and  mafs  to  be  folemnly  celebrated.  They 
propofed  to  feize  York  and  Newcaftle  •,  but  were 
prevented  by  the  vigilance  of  the  earl  of  SurTex. 
Their  numbers  daily  increafing,  they  detached  five 
hundred  horfe  to  releafe  the  queen  of  Scots  -,  but, 
before  their  arrival,  flie  was  removed  to  Coventry. 
Then  they  reduced  Bernard -caftle,  and  fortified 
Hartlepool.  Their  army  now  amounting  to  eigh- 
teen thoufand  men,  they  made  excurfions  to  the 
gates  of  York,  in  which  the  earl  of  SufTex,  the  lord 
Hunfdon,  and  the  marfhal  of  Berwick,  were  lb ut 
up  with  five  thoufand  men,  who  could  not  pretend 
to  keep  the  field  againft  fuch  numbers:  but,  as 
they  were  deftitute  of  money,  they  neither  could 
profecute  their  fcheme  of  marching  to  London,  nor 
keep  their  forces  together.     A  considerable  defer^ 

T  4  tioa 



^.hich  is 
«h-utfied   by 
fhe  earl  of 




£.c.  1569.  tion  enfued  among  their  troops;  notwithftanding 
which,  they  made  a  iriift  to  maintain  their  ground, 
until  Suffex  was  reinforced  with   a  ftrong  body  of 
forces  raifed  by  Sir  George  Bowes  in  the  palatinate 
of  Durham;  and  the  earl  of  Warwick,   with  the 
lord  admiral  Clinton,  approached  at  the  head  of 
the  eari  of  another  army,  levied  in  the  midland  counties.  Then 
|7arwick.    tfe  rebe]s  being  intimidated,  retired  to  Hexham, 
and  from  thence  to  Naworth  in  Cumberland,  where 
they  difperfed.     The  two  chiefs,  with  the  principal 
gentlemen,  and  five  hundred  horfe,  took  refuge  in 
Scotland,  Where  Northumberland  was  apprehended 
by  the  regent,  and  lent  prifpner  to   the  caftle  of 
Lochlevin  •,  but  the  earl  of  Weflmoreland  efcapec) 
tp  Flanders. 

The  infurre&ion  being  thus  fuppreffed,    Eliza- 
beth affected   to  laugh  at  it   as  a  ridiculous  enter- 
prize,  while  the  earl  of  Suflex,    and  ,Sir  George 
Bowes,  caufed  a  great  number  of  the  infurgents  to 
be  tried   by  martial  law,  and   hanged  in  different 
places,.     Leonard  Dacres  had  raifed  three  thoufand 
men,  on  pretence  of  auditing  the  government ;  but 
he  privately  encouraged  the  rebels  with  a  promrfe 
of  joining  them,  after  lie  mould  have  cut  off  the 
lord  Scroop,   warden  of  the  weftern  Marches,   and 
the  bifhop'of  Carlifle.     Finding  himfelf,   however^ 
unequal  to  this  enterprize,  he  'furprifed  the  caftlei 
of  Greyftoke,  Naworth,   and  other  houfes  belong- 
ing to  the  Dacres  family,  as  his   right  of  inheri- 
tance, though  they  were  in  effect  the  property  of 
his  two  nieces,  contracted  to   the  fons  of  the  duke 
of  Norfolk  their  father-in-law."     As  he  had  now- 
pulled  off  the  maique,  and  appeared  a  declared  re- 
bel, the  lord  Hunfdori  marched  againfl  him  with 
the  garrifon- troops  of  Berwick  ;  and  Leonard  meet- 
ing him  at  the  little  river  Gelt,  was  defeated  after 
&  very  obftinate  engagement.     He  retired  to  the 


by  Leonard 


neareft  part  of  Scotland,  from  whence  he  w*s  coit-  A- c-  is** 
veyed  to  Inland,  and  ended  his  days  miferably  at 

In  the  courfe  of  the  war  that  flill  raged  between  the  Afoirsof 
French  miniftry  and  the  Huguenots,  the  prince  of  fh™£^* 
Conde  was  (lain  in  the  batttle  of  Jarnac ;  and  the  Country 
admiral  receiving  a  reinforcement  of  Germans  under 
count  Mansfeldt,    engaged  the  king's  troops   at 
Montcontour,   where  he  was  defeated.     Then  he 
demanded  fucgours  of  Elizabeth,    who  lent  him 
fome  money,  on  the  jewels  of  the  queen  of  Na- 
varre, and  permitted  a  company  of  Englifb  gentle- 
men to  ferve  as  volunteers  in  his  army :  but  not- 
withstanding all  his  efforts,  the  king  made  himfelf 
rnafter  of  St.  Jean  d'Angely  \  with  the  conqueft  of 
which  the  campaign  ended.    In  the  Low  Countries,  M«ewt 
the  duke  of  Alva  eftablifhed  the  inquifition,  and 
fei^ed,  in  behalf  of  the  king,  all  the  privileges  of 
the  towns,  univerfities,  and  provinces.     He  laid 
grievous  impofitions  on  the  people :  thofe  who  pre- 
fumed  to  complain  were  feverety  chaftifed  :  in  a 
word,  the  provinces  were  treated  as  a  conquered 
country,  and  the  iubjecte  driven  to  defpair. 

Queen  Elizabeth  had  engaged  in  a  treaty  with  Grotius« 
the  regent  of  Scotland,  obliging  herfelf  to  deliver 
Mary  into  his  hands,  on  condition  of  his  furrender- 
ing  fome  of  the  Scottifh  fortrefies,  and  the  perfon 
of  the  young  prince,  to  the  queen  of  England :  but 
the  execution  of  this  treaty  was  prevented  by  the 
northern  infurrection.  Murray  having  feized  theA,c,57^ 
perfon  of  Northumberland,  fent  Sir  Nicholas  El- 
phinfton  to  London,  %p  propofe  that  queen  Mary 
Ihould  be  exchanged  for  this  nobleman,  and  fome 
Scottifh  hoftages  as  a  fecurity  for  Murray's  adhering 
to  the  intereft  of  England,  in  cafe  of  a  war  between 
France  and  Elizabeth.  This  fcheme  being  vigo- 
rou-fly  oppofed  by  the  bilhop  of  Rofs,  Murray  ac- 
£ttfed  him  of  having  majnr,aine4  intelligence  with  the 

'  re- 

2  72  HISTORY  of  ENGLAND. 

a.c, icjoi  rebels;  and  he  was  committed  prifoner  to  London- 

Feneion.  houfe,  where  he  remained  four  months  in  cuftody 
of  the  bifhop.  The  propofal  of  Murray  was  de- 
bated in  council,  and  all  the  members  being  ene- 
mies to  the  Scottifh  queen,  it  was  favourably  re- 
ceived •,  but  the  effect  of  their  deliberation  was  pre- 
vented by  the  death  of  the  regent,  who,  in  paffincr 
through  Linlithgow,  was  fhot  by  James  Hamilton 
of  Bothwellhaugh,  who  had  been  forfeited  after  the 

fpwford.     batde  of  Lang.flde#     The  eftate  of  his  wife,  who 

was  an  heirefs,  Murray  gave  away  to  one  of  his 
favourites  -9  and  the  officers  who  took  polTefiion  act- 
ed with  fuch  inhumanity  as  deprived  the  unhappy 

Buchanan,  woman  of  her  fenfes.  The  hufband  was  fo  exai- 
perated  againft  the  regent,  on  account  of  this  me- 
lancholy event,  that  he  vowed  revenge,  pofted  him- 

Death  of     felf  at  a  window,   before  which  he  knew  Murray 

^Sttf'  rc°  wou^  Pa*s>  faot  n^m  m  tne  belly,  took  horfe,  and 
Scotland,  efcaped  into  France.  Elizabeth  was  tranfported  to 
an  excefs  of  grief,  when  fne  received  the  tidings  of 
Murray's  death.  She  fhut  herfejf  up  in  her  cham- 
ber, weeping  and  lamenting  that  fhe  had  loft  the 
moil  ferviceable  friend  fhe  had  in  the  world. 

Montluet  ambafTador-extraordinary  from  France, 
fent  over  to  prefs  the  conclufion  of  the  treaty  for 
the  reft-oration  of  the  Scotrifh  queen,  having  an  au- 
dience at  this  j unci: ure,  the  queen  complained  of  Ma- 
ry's practices  with  the  earl  of  Northumberland-,  faid 
fhe  was  not  obliged  to  give  an  account  of  her  actions 
to  any  perfon  upon  earth  ;  that  the  queen  of  Scots 
mould  be  tenderly  treated  -,  and  with  refpect  to  her  be- 
ing fet  at  liberty,  fhe  (Elizabeth)  would  fignify  her  re- 
CarrefFtr-  folution  to  the  French  king  by  her  own  ambafTa- 
s'rtofBuc-  ^crs'     Immediately  after  Murray's  death,  Thomas, 
cieugh,        Carr  of  Ferniherft,  and  Waiter  Scot  of  Buccleugh, 
make  an  m-  ftaunch  adherents  to  Mary,  aflembled  a  number  of 

ruption  into  ,  .  J  ' 

Engiaud.      borderers,  and  joining  the  Engiifh  rebels^  laid  wade 



the  frontiers  with  fire  and  fword.  Elizabeth,  who  a.  c.  1570. 
would  let  flip  no  opportunity  of  maintaining  the  ci- 
vil war  in  Scotland,  difpatched  Thomas  Randolph 
with  complaints  of  this  outrage  to  the  afTembled 
ftates  of  Scotland,  and  with  intimation  that  if  they 
could  not  fupprefs  thofe  difturbers  of  the  peace,  on 
account  of  the  diforders  of  their  kingdom,  fhe  would 
fend  forces  to  chaftife  the  offenders.  In  the  mean 
time,  fhe  ordered  the  earl  of  Suffex  to  raife  an  ar- 
my, and  invade  Scotland,  on  pretence  of  punifhing 
Carr  and  Scot,  though  her  real  defign  was  to  fo- 
ment the  troubles  of  Scotland.  The  laird  of  Grange, 
who  commanded  in  the  caflle  of  Edinburgh,  had 
fet  at  liberty  the  duke  of  Chateleraud,  lord  Herries, 
and  others  of  the  queen's  party,  who  had  been  con- 
fined by  Murray  in  that  fortrefs;  and  the  chiefs  of 
the  two  factions  engaged  in  a  negotiation,  on  pre- 
tence of  re  eflablifmng  the  peace  of  the  kingdom  ; 
though  nothing  was  farther  from  their  thoughts 
than  a  coalition  for  the  good  of  their  country. 
Mary's  partifans  expected  afliftance  from  the  king 
of  France,  and  the  duke  of  Alva  ;  and  the  other 
party,  headed  by  Morton,  depended  upon  the  pro- 
tection of  Elizabeth.  When  Huntley  and  Argyle 
heard  of  her  preparations,  they  endeavoured  to  di- 
vert her  from  her  purpoie,  by  demanding  a  truce, 
which  (he  refufed. 

in  the  month  of  April,  the  earl  of  Suffex,  with  The  eari  of 
the  lord  Hunfdon,  and  Drury  marfhal  of  Berwick,  v^Scot. 
entered  Scotland  at  the  head  of  an  army,   ravaged  land, 
the  lands  of  Ferniherft  and  Buccleugh,  burned  a- 
bout  three  hundred  houfes,  and  fifty  caftles  -,  and 
garrifoned  Home  and  Faftcaftle,  belonging  to  lord 
Home,   who  had  hitherto  obferved  a  kind  of  neu- 
trality.    The  eftates  of  Scotland  affembling  in  the 
beginning  of  May,  deputed  Robert  Pitcairn  to  con- 
ciliate the  favour  of  Elizabeth,  and  afifure  her  they 
were  difpofed  to  elect  fuch  a  regent  as  ihould  be 

agree  • 


/>,<:.  157©,  agreeable  to  her  inclination.  This  afTembly,  how? 
ever,  was  compofed  of  Mary's  enemies.  Thofe 
who  adhered  to  that  unfortunate  princefs,  con- 
vened in  the  Weft,  and  attacked  the  caftle  of  Glaf- 
gow,  that  it  might  not  ferve  as  a  retreat  or  fortrefs 
to  the  earl  of  Lennox,  who  was  expected  from  Eng- 
land, where  he  had  for  fome  time  refided.  The 
place  was  vigoroufly  defended  by  the  friends  of  that 
earl,  until  Sufiex  fent  Drury  to  its  relief.  The  be- 
fiegers  retiring  at  his  approach,  he  joined  a  party 
of  the  Scots  who  were  averfe  to  Mary,  ravaged  the 
]ands  of  the  Hamiltons,  and  took  the  caftle  of  that 
name,  plundering  and  burning  the  adjacent  country. 
During  thefe  tranfactions,  Pitcairn  returned  with 
Elizabeth's  aniwer  to  the  eftates,  propofing  a  con- 
ference for  an  accommodation  between  the  two 
parties ;  in  which  cafe  fhe  offered  herfelf  as  media- 
trix; and  the  defired  they  would  poftpone  the  elec- 
tion of  regent,  until  they  fhould  fee  the  fuccefs  of 
that  expedient :  bur,  as  the  nation  could  not  be  go- 
verned without  a  chief,    they  chofe   the    earl    of 

The  eari  cf  Lennox  lieutenant  or  interex  *,   and  he  was  after- 
Lennox  15  * 

chofenre-  wards  confirmed  regent,  with  the  approbation 
IX'Apia!6  Df  Elizabeth,  who  knew  he  would  not  venture  to 
act  contrary  to  her  inclination,  while  his  wife  rer 
m^ned  as  an  hoftage  in  England.  The  duke  of 
Alva,  by  order  of  Philip,  fent  a  fupply  of  arms 
and  ammunition  to  the  duke  of  Chateleraud,  the 
earls  of  Huntley  and  Argyle,  who  acted  as  Mary's 
lieutenants  In  Scotland  ;  fo  that  they  were  enabled 
to  take  the  f^eld,  and  Huntley  fortified  the  caftle 
of  Brechin,  which,  however,  was  foon  reduced  by 
the  regent.  They  at  this  juncture  difpatched  lord 
Seaton,  as  their  queen's  ambaffador,  to  the  duke 
of  Alva,  whom  they  follicited  for  further  afiiftance 
in  troops  and  money ;  and  he  amufed  them  with 
fair  promifes,  while  a  truce  was  concluded  in  Scot- 
land, at  tht  defire  of  Elizabeth. 


£   L   I   2   A   E   E   f   H.  27^ 

The  bifhop  of  Rofs,  having  recovered  his  liberty,  a.  c..  1570* 
ftill  laboured  for  the  releafe  of  his  fovereign  ;  and 
the  French  and  Spanifh  monarchs  ordered  their  am- 
barTadors  to  join  him  in  his  remonftrances  to  the 
court  of  England.    Elizabeth's  hatred  to  the  queen 
ef  Scots  was  now  become  habitual :  fhe  imputed 
all  the  dangers  and  difquiets   fhe  had  undergone 
fince  her  acceffion  to  the  throne,  to  the  ill  offices  of 
Mary  and  her  adherents  -,  and  ihe  was  in  particular' 
irritated  by  the  conduct  of  pope  Pius  V.  who,  with- 
out any  previous  admonition  or  citation,   ifTued  a 
private  bull  againft  her  and  her  heretical  adherents, 
excommunicating    herfelf,    abfolving  her  fubjects 
from  their  oath  of  allegiance,   and  denouncing  an 
anathema  againft  all  who  fhould  yield  her  obedi- 
ence.    This  bull  was  fixed  on  the  gate  of  the  bi- 
fhop's  palace  in  London,  by  one  Felton,  who  being 
detected  and  apprehended,  gloried  in  the  fad,  and 
was  hanged  for  his  ofncioufnefs.    The  fame  punifh- 
ment  was  inflicted  upon  John  Throgmorton,   and 
two  other  perfons,   v/ho  formed  a  fcheme  to  fet  the 
duke  of  Norfolk  at  liberty,   by  afTembling  forces 
at  Hurlefton  fair.     That  nobleman  owning  he  had 
been  guilty  of  indifcretion,  and  giving  bond  and 
fecurity  that  he  would  proceed  no  farther  in  the 
marriage  between  him  and  Mary,  without  his  queen's 
confent,  was  releafed  from  the  Tower,  and  permit- 
ted to  refide  in  his  own  houfe,  under  the  eye  of  Sir 
Humphrey  Nevil.     About  the  fame  time  Thomas  confP;rae>* 
and  Edward  Stanley,  fons  to  tlie  earl  of  Derby,  to-  in  England 
gether  with  Thomas  Gerard,  Rollflon,  Hall,  and  iTveranWo'f 
other  natives  of  Derbyfhire,  contrived  a  fcheme  for  ^eScottife 
delivering  the  queen  of  Scots ;  but  this  being  dif-  * 
covered   by  Rollfton's  fon,    who  was  one  of  the 
band  of  penfioners,  the  confpirators  were  imprifon- 
ed  before  they  could  execute  their  refolution. 

Notwithstanding  thefe  provocations,  Elizabeth 
confented  to  the  renewal  of  the  treaty  for  the  Scot- 




Progrefs  of 
the  treaty 
for  the  re- 
lea  fe  of 

A.  c.  1570.  tifh  queen's  releafe  and  reftoration :  but  the  true 
motive  of  this  condefcenfion   was    her    apprernn- 
fion  from  France,  where  a  peace  was  likely  to  en- 
fue  between  the  king  and  the  Huguenots.     In  that 
cafe,    me  knew  Charles  would  be  more  at  liberty 
to  take  effectual  meafures  for  the  afliftance  of  the 
captive  queen:  (he  knew  he  was  well  difpofed  to- 
wards that  princefs ;  and,   in  order  to  amufe  him, 
ihe  confented  to  a  renewal  of  the  negotiation,  tho* 
fhe  was  determined  againfl  fetting  Mary  at  liberty. 
She  affected  great  good  humour  and  affection  for 
her  kinfwoman,  favoured  the  bifhop  of  Rofs  with 
a  mod  gracious  reception,  and  fent  by  him  certain 
propofals  to  his  miftrefs,  who  forthwith  difpatched 
the  lord  Livingfton  to  communicate  them  to  her 
friends  in  Scotland.     That  nobleman,  after  having 
been  detained  twenty  days  at  Alnwick  by  the  earl 
of  Suffex,  who  had  returned  from  his  Scottifh  ex- 
pedition, at  length  found  the  queen's  lieutenants, 
with  fome  other  noblemen  of  her  party,  at  Strath- 
tay  in  Athol,  where  they  confidered  the  articles, 
and  appointed  deputies  to  affift  at  the  treaty  in  Lon^ 
don.     Mean  while  Elizabeth  pretending  to  have 
received  intimation  that  a  body  of  troops  was  ready 
to  embark  in  France  for  Scotland,  fhe  ordered  ad- 
miral Clinton  to  put  to  fea  with  a  fquadron  of  fhips 
of  war,  and  the  earl  of  Suffex  to  re-enter  Scotland, 
where  he  ravaged  Annandale  with  fire  and  fword, 
until  the  queen's  lieutenants,   Chateleraud,   Hunt- 
ley,  and  Argyle,  obliged  themfelves  by  bond  to 
abftain  from  all  ac~h  of  hoftility  againfl  the  Engliih: 
then  he  returned  to  England,   and  was  appointed 
one  of  the  queen's  privy-council.     Fenelon  afluring 
Elizabeth  that  the  report  of  the  French  armament 
was  entirely  without  foundation,   Ihe  revoked  her 
order  to  the  admiral,   received  with  uncommon  ci- 
vility M.  de  Joigny,  whom  the  French  king  had 
fent  over  to  prefs  the  conclufion  of  the  treaty,  and 





declared  her  refolution  to  reftore  her  dear  coufin.  a.c«»57* 
Neverthelefs,  when  flie  heard  the  peace  between 
Charles  and  the  Huguenots  was  concluded,  and 
that  fome  of  the  articles  were  kept  fecret,  fhe  fent 
Sir  Francis  Walfingham  to  the  French  court,  on 
pretence  of  afluring  the  king  of  her  good  will  to- 
wards Mary  •,  but  he  had  inftructions  to  learn  the 
tenour  of  thofe  private  articles-,  and,  if  poffible,  to 
difcover  the  real  intention  of  Charles  with  regard 
to  the  queen  of  Scotland.  At  the  fame  time  fhe 
fent  Sir  Henry  Cobham  to  Bruffels,  with  compli- 
ments to  Anne  of  Auftria,  daughter  to  the  emperor, 
who  arrived  in  the  Low  Countries  in  her  way  to 
Spain,  as  a  wife  to  Philip  ;  and  Howard,  with  a 
fquadron  of  mips,  efcorted  this  princefs  through 
the  Englifh  channel.  Cobham  proceeded  to  the 
court  of  the  emperor,  to  make  him  acquainted  with 
the  affairs  of  Scotland,  the  differences  between  Eng- 
land and  the  Low  Countries,  to  obtain  his  protection 
for  the  Engliih  merchants  fettled  at  Hamburgh, 
and  endeavour  to  renew  the  negotiation  for  a 
match  between  Elizabeth  and  his  brother  Charles  ; 
though  fhe  certainly  had  no  intention  to  conclude 
fuch  an  alliance. 

TheambsffadorsofMary,  France,  and  Spain,  conti- 
nuing dill  to  importune  her  on  the  fcore  of  the  trea- 
ty, (he  appointed  Cecil,  and  Sir  Waiter  Mildmay 
chancellor  of  the  exchequer,  her  commiffioners  to 
treat  with  the  queen  of  Scots  ;  and  they  accordingly 
fet  out  for  Chattefworth,  where  that  princefs  was 
confined.  Walfingham  returning  from  France  im- 
mediately after  their  departure,  affured  her  that  the 
French  king  was  warmly  attached  to  the  intereil:  of 
Mary  %  and  he  extolled  the  capacity  of  Charles  in 
fuch  a  manner,  that  Elizabeth  being  afraid  of  em- 
broiling herfelf  with  fuch  an  antagonist,  difpatched 
an  exprefs  to  Cecil,  with  orders  to  proceed  in  ear- 
ned on  the  treaty.     The  minifter  thus  inftrucled, 


27s  HISTORY  of  ENG  LAN  D. 

a.  c.  1570.  offered  the  following  propofitions  for  effecting  £ 
Propofais     lafting  peace  between  the  two  kingdoms  :  That  the 
t^quefnof  treatY  of  Edinburgh  fhould  be  ratified  :  That  Ma- 
Scotland,     ry  fhould  renounce  her  claim  to  the  crown  of  Eng- 
land, during  the  life  of  queen  Elizabeth,  and  her 
heirs  lawfully  begotten  r  That  fhe  fhould  not  enter 
into  any  confederacy  againft  England ;  nor  permit 
forefgn  forces  to  land  in  Scotland ;  nor  maintain  cor- 
refpondence  with  the  Englifh  of.Irifh,  but  with  thg 
knowledge  of  Elizabeth  :  That  fhe  fhould  deliver 
up  the  Englifh  fugitives  who  had  taken  refuge  in 
Scotland,  and  repair  the  damage  done  to  the  Eng- 
lifh frontier :    That  fhe  fhould  punifh  the  murder- 
ers of  her  hufband  and  the  earl  of  Murray,  and  fend 
her  fon  to  be  educated  in  England  :  That  fhe  fhould 
not  marry  an  Englifhman,  without  the  confent  of 
Elizabeth,  nor  any  other  perfon,  except  fuch  as 
fhould  be  approved   by  the  e dates  of  Scotland  : 
That  her  iubjecrs  fhould  not  crofs  the  fea  into  Ire- 
land,  without  permifiion  from  the  queen  of  Eng- 
land :    That  this  treaty  fhould  be  figned  by  Mary 
and  her  delegates  :    That,  for  the  ratification  of  the 
articles,   Cix  hoftages,  to  be  named  by  Elizabeth, 
fhould  be  fent  into  England  :  That  Mary,  by  en- 
gaging in  any  attempt  againft  the  queen  of  Eng- 
land, fhould  forfeit  all  title  to  the  fuccefTion  of  the 
crown  :    That  Hume-caflle  and  Faft-caftle  fhould 
remain  three  years  in  pofTeflion  of  the  Englifh,  and 
fome  other  fort  in  Galloway  or  Cantyre  be  deliver- 
ed  up   to  Elizabeth,    for    preventing   the   Scots 
from  infefting  Ireland  :  and,  laftly,  That  the  eftates 
of  Scotland  fhould  ratify  thefe  articles  by  acl:  of  par- 
liament.   Queen  Mary  referred  Cecil  and  Mildmay 
for  an  anfwcr  to  the  bifhop  of  Rofs,  her  ambaffa- 
dor,  the  bifhop  of  Galloway,  who  was  uncle  to  the 
earl  of  Huntley,  and  William  lord  Levingfton,  de- 
legates from  her  lieu  tenants  in  Scotland.     Thefe 
agreed  to  fome  of  the  articles,  but  refufed  to  re- 



nounce  the  ancient  league  with  France,  becaufe  the  A-  C.  157®' 
queen  would  lofe  her  dowry,  and  the  Scottifh  na- 
tion forfeit  the  valuable  privileges  they  enjoyed 
in  that  kingdom.  They  promifed  that  no  foreign 
troops  mould  be  admitted  into  Scotland,  except  m 
cafe  of  a  rebellion,  which  could  not  be  fuppreifed 
by  the  domeftic  forces  of  the  nation.  That  the 
queen  of  Scots  mould  not  maintain  any  corref- 
pondence  with  the  fubjecls  of  England  to  the 
prejudice  of  Elizabeth,  provided  this  laft  would 
enter  into  the  fame  engagement  with  refpecl:  to 
the  fubjecls  of  Mary.  They  laid  they  could  net 
deliver  the  prince  to  Elizabeth,  becaufe  they  were 
not  matters  of  his  perfon.  That  the  demand  with 
refpecf  to  their  queen's  marriage  was  altogether  nn- 
reafonable,  confidering  fne  was  an  independent 
princefs.  That  the  Scots  fhould  not  moleh:  Ireland,  Camae?li 
provided  the  Irifh  were  prohibited  from  making 
defcents  on  Scotland.  That  any  hofrages  required 
iliould  be  given,  except  the  duke  of  Chateleraud, 
the  earls  of  Huntley,  Argyle,  and  Athol.  That 
Mary  fhould  forfeit  her  title  to  the  crown  of  Eng- 
land, according  to  the  prcpofal  oh  that  fubject,  pro- 
vided queen  Elizabeth  fhouid  be  retrained  by  the 
fame  penalty  from  attempting  aught  to  the  pre- 
judice of  the  Scottifh  queen:  but  they  abfolutely 
infilled  on  Elizabeth's  reftoring  Hume-cafde,  and 
Faft-caftle  to  the  proprietor,  and  refufed  to  deliver 
any  fortrefs  either  in  Galloway  or  Cantyre  into  the 
hands  of  a  foreigner.  After  thefe  articles  had  been  Lefl 
debated  twenty  days  fucceffively,  theEngiifh  com- 
mifhoners  returned,  and  made  luch  a  report  to  Eli- 
zabeth, that  me  declared  herfelf  perfectly  well  fa- 
tisfied  with  the  anfwers  of  the  Scottifh  queen  ;  and 
faid  fhe  did  not  doubt  that  the  only  difference  re- 
maining would  be  removed  at  the  arrival  of  the 
commiiiioners  from  the  regent  of  Scotland,  with- 
Numb.  LVH.  U  out 


a.c.  i57c.  our  whofe  confent  the  young  prince  could  not  be 
conveyed  to  England. 

In  the  mean  time  the  propofals  and  anfwers  were 
by  Mary  communicated  to  the  kings  of  France  and 
Spain,   with  intimation,   that  (he  mould  be  obliged 
to  fubmit  to  the  conditions,  unlefs  they  would  fend 
immediate  fuccour  to  her  friends  in  Scotland.    But 
all  fhe  reaped  from  this  remonflrance  was  their  in- 
terceflion  with  Elizabeth,   whom  they  prefTed  by 
letters  and  embaffies  to  haften  the  conclusion  of  the 
treaty.     Charles  of  France  had  never  heartily  en- 
gaged in  the  intsrefts  of  Mary,  and  at  prefent  his 
whole  attention  wes  employed  in  lulling  the  Hugue- 
nots into  a    falfe  fecurity  by  an    infidious   peace. 
And  the  duke  of  Alva  faw  himfelf  on  the  brink  of 
a  fevere  war,   maintained  by  the  prince  of  Orange, 
who  had  raifed  an  army  in  Germany  to  join  the  mal- 
Lefley.        contents  of  the  Netherlands.    Mary  queen  of  Scots 
being  feized  with  a  dangerous  diflemper,  Elizabeth 
Elizabeth     fent  two  eminent  phyficians  to  attend  her;  and,  up- 
prefents       on  ner  recovery,  prefented  her  with  a  ring,  as  a  to- 
aring.;v      ken  of  her  friendfhip  renewed  -,  but,  in  fact,   fhe 
had  no  intention  to  relieve  that  unfortunate  princefs. 
The  commiffioners  appointed  by  Lennox  and  his 
faction  arriving  in  London,   refufed  to  give  up  the 
prince  on  any  conditions  -,  and  defired  the  treaty 
might  be  laid  afide.    Elizabeth  was  not  only  refolv- 
ed  againft  releafing  her  rival,  but  alfo  averfe  to  the 
Ion's  being  educated  in  England,  where  his  prefence 
might  ftrengthen  his  mother's  intereft ;  and  Lennox 
and  his  confederates  now  acted  by  her  particular  di- 
a.  c.  1571.      when  the  Scottifh  commiffioners  arrived,  with 
Morton  at  their  head,  the  conferences  were  opened 
in  prefence  of  the  lord  keeper,  the  lord  chamberlain, 
the  lord  admiral  Clinton,  the  earls  of  Leicefter  and 
SuiTex,  Cecil  lately  created  lord  Burleigh,  Sir  James 
Crofts,  Knolles,  Mildmay,  and  Sir  Thomas  Smith, 



now  appointed  fecretary  of  (late  in  the  room  of  Ce-  A  c*  '57*. 
cil.    Thefe^  in  the  name  of  their  fovereign,  demand- 
ed that  the  duke  of  Chateleraud,  the  earls  of  Hunt- 
ley and  Argyle,    the    lords    Hume  and   Herries> 
ihould  be  detained  three  years  as  hcftages  in  Eng- 
land, and  the  caftles  of  Dumbarton  and  Hume  be 
delivered  for  the  like  caufe,  to  be  kept  as  a  fecuri- 
ty   for    the  performance  of  articles.     The  bifhop  The  a<*getf* 
of  Rofs  and  his  colleagues  rejected  thefe  demands,  £X&2T 
alledging  that  a  compliance  with  them  would  rob 
their  miftrefs  of  her  belt  friends  and  places  of  fecu- 
rity.     The  lord-keeper  told  them,  in  a  contemptu- 
ous manner,  that  their  whole  kingdom,  though  de- 
livered  up,   would  not  be  a  fufficient  fecurity  j   and 
declared,  that  if  his  advice  might  be  followed,  the 
queen  mould  not  releafe  Mary  upon  any  condition 
whatfoever.     The  bimop  oblerved,    that  if  queen 
Elizabeth  was  of  the  fame  opinion,   it  would   be 
needlefs  to  proceed  in   the  treaty,  and  defned  to 
know  her  refolution  in  that  particular.     The  Eng- 
lifli  deputies  promifed  to  confult  her  majefty  on  the 
fubject  ;  and  in  the  mean  time,  having  conferred 
with  Morton  and  his  affociates,    declared  at  their 
next  meeting,  that  the  commiflloners  from  Lennox 
refufed  to  treat  about   the  delivery   of  the  prince, 
or  the  reftoration  of  his  mother,  alledging  that  their 
commiffion  did  not  extend  fo  far;  but  that  Morton 
would  return  to  Scotland,  in  order  to  procure  full 
powers  from  the  parliament  of  that  kingdom.     The  &"*<&», 
bifhop  of  Rofs  could  not  help    recapitulating  the 
particulars  of  Elizabeth's  evafive  conduct  and  in- 
sincerity, fince  the  beginning  of  this  difpute  ;  and 
then  declared  he  and  his  followers  had  no  power  to 
agree  to  any  further  delay.     The  Englifh  commif-  Lenev% 
fioners  infifted  upon  having  the  concurrence  of  the 
whole  Scottifh  nation  for  their  fecurity.     The  con- 
ferences were  broke  up :  the  bifhop  of  Rofs  was 
ordered  to  withdraw  from  London  5  but  his  mif- 

U  2  trcfs 


a.  c.  1571.  trefs  commanded  him  to  remain  in  that  city,  as  her 

ambaffador  and  agent. 
PropofaUf        After  the  mifcarriage  of  this  negotiation,  Cathe- 
"veenTi-06"  r'ne  ^e  Medicis,  queen  mother  of  France,  propofed 
zabethand    a  match  between  her  fecond  fon  Henry,  duke  of 
Ar"ouke°f  ^nj°u5    anc*   queen  Elizabeth,   who  expreffed  no 
averfion  to  the  alliance.     She  agreed  to  be  (low  up- 
on him  a  matrimonial  crown,  with  a  fhare  in  the  ad- 
miniftration  cf  public  affairs  •,   but  fhe  would   not 
confent  to  his  hearing  mafs  even  in  private-,   and 
this  difference  was  the  pretext  for  breaking  off  the 
treaty  :   but  indeed  there  was  no  fincerity  on  either 
fide.     The  queen  mother  of  France  wanted  to  di- 
vert Elizabeth  from  a  rumoured  match  between  her 
and  the  king  of  Navarre,  and  to  create  a  falfe  con- 
fidence in  the  chiefs  of  the  Huguenots,  whom  me 
devoted  to  deftruclion  •,  while,  on  the  other  hand> 
Elizabeth's  aim  was  to  amufe  the  king  of  France 
with  a  negotiation,  which  would  prevent  him  from 
Fendon.      fending  fuccours    to  Mary's  friends   in    Scotland. 
After  this  treaty  was  laid  afide,   Francis  duke  of 
Alencon,  younger  brother  to  Henry  of  Anjou,  was 
propofed  as  a  hufband  to  the  queen  of  England ; 
but  the  fame  difficulties  about   religion  recurred. 
Elizabeth  objected  to  his  youth  j  and  declared  fhe 
would    not  engage  in    any   contract    of  marriage 
before  fhe  mould  have  feen  the  perfon  propofed  for 
hir  husband.     The  plague,  which  had  raged  two 
years  in  London,  being  now  abated,  the  queen  made 
a  public  entry   into  that  capital  \  and  vifiting  the 
itruclure  which  Sir  Thomas  Grefham  had  raifed  for 
the  convenience  of  merchants,   it  was  denominated 
Camden       t^e  R°Yal  Exchange,  by  found  of  trumpet. 

In  the  beginning  of  February  *,  the  lord  Buck- 


*  On  the  feveateenth  day  of  Fehru-  Hereford,  was  moved  from  the  place 
ary,  at  fix  o'clock  in  the  evening,  Mar-  where  it  ftood,  and  continued  in  mo- 
ds-y  hill    in    the    neighbourhood    of    ticn     from    Saturday    till    Monday* 



fourft    was  fent   to  congratulate  Charles   IX.    ofA-Cl57i» 
France,  en  his  marriage  with  Eiizabeth  of  Auftria, 
daughter  to  the  emperor  Maximilian;  and  a  new- 
parliament  was  fummoned  to  meet  on  tfte  fecond  of 
April.     The  firft  law  ena&ed  was  levelled  at  thofe^tutes  ™- 
who  mould  attempt  any  thing  again  It  the  queen,   or  the  paplfts" 
queftion  her  right  to  the  crown,  or  call  her  heretic, 
fchifmatic,   infidel,  or  ufurper,   either   by  word  or 
writing,  or  maintain  during  her  life,  that  any  per- 
fon  was  or  ought  to  be  her  luccerTor,  except  the  na- 
tural iffue  of  her  body.     Another  lav/  denounced 
the  pains  of  high-treafon  againil  thofe  who  mould 
obtain,  publifh,  or  execute,  any  papal  bull  or  writ- 
ing, or  reconcile  any  perfon  to  the  church  of  Rome; 
it  likewife  decreed  the  penalties  of  a  pemunire  againft 
the  aiders  and  abettors  of  fuch  offenders,  and  thofe 
who  mould  introduce  into  the  kingdom,  or  receive 
agnus  dei,  croffes,  pictures,   beads,    or  any  thing 
hallowed  by   the   blihop  of  Rome;  and  all  thofe 
who  mould  conceal  fuch  bulls  and  offenders  were 
pronounced  guiky  of  mifprifion  of  treafon.     By  a 
third  flatute,  all  natives  and  denizons  of  the  realm 
departing   the  kingdom,  and  not  returning  within 
fix  months  of  the  proclamation,   were  fubjecled   to 
forfeiture  of  perfonal  or  real  eftate,  to  be  reftored 
however   on   their   fubmiffion  -0  and  it  annulled  all 
fraudulent  deeds  and  conveyances,  executed  in  order 
to  prevent  the  queen's  enjoying  the  benefit  of  their 
confifcation.     The  attainders  of  the  earl  cf  Weft  d'Ewc. 
moreland  and  fifty-feven  other  perfons,   concerned 
in  the  northern  rebellion,  were  confirmed,  and  the 
forfeited  eftates  veiled  in  the  queen,   to  reimburfe 
her  for  the  expence  of  quelling  that  infurreclion. 
Some  other  acts  were  paffed,  to  prevent  the  fraudu- 

when  it  refted.  It  carried  along  the  an  opening  where  it  flood,  forty  fret  in 
trees,  hedges,  and  fheep,  that  grew  and  depth, an  height  ells  in  length,  and  form- 
fed  upon  its  furfacej  overturned  Kyna-  ed  a  large  hiil  twelve  fathom  highj  in 
Hon  chapel,  which  flood  ini:s  way,  left  the  place  where  it  iefh;d.        Camden. 

U  3  lent 

2$4  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.c.  J57i.]enC  deec}s  of  ecclefiaftics,  defrauding  their  fuccef- 
fors  of  remedy  for  dilapidations  ♦,  to  regulate  the 
leafes  of  lands  belonging  to  fpiritual  promotions,  as 
well  as  the  admiffion  of  perfons  prefented  to  benefi- 
ces. The  commons  voted  a  large  fubfidy,  and  the 
convocation  followed  their  example,  after  having 
revifed  the  thirty-nine  articles,  which  were  fubferib- 
ed  by  all  the  members  of  both  houfes. 

Mary,  queen  of  Scotland,  having  loft  all  hopes 
of  being  delivered  from  her  confinement  by  fair 
means,  refolved  to  avail  herfelf  of  the  afTiftance 
which  the  pope  and  the  king  of  Spain  had  offered 
;■  during  the  treaty.  The  lords  of  her  party  in  Scot- 
land had  loft  the  fortrefs  of  Dumbarton,  which  was 
furprifed  by  Lennox ;  and  John  archbifhop  of  St, 
Andrews,  brother  to  the  duke  de  Chateleraud,  being 
found  in  the  caftle,  was  fhamefully  put  to  death,  for 
having  rebelled  againft  the  young  prince  in  behalf 
of  his  mother.  The  war  being  renewed  between 
the  two  parties,  Lennox  was  worfted  in  feveral  en- 
gagements :  the  friends  of  Mary  convoked  a  par- 
liament at  Edinburgh,  in  which  the  queen's  reflg- 
nation  was  declared  of  no  force  or  effect  -,  and  ail 
fubjects  were  enjoined  to  obey  the  queen  as  their 
lawful  fovereign.  Sir  William  Drury,  marfhal  of 
Berwick,  was  ordered  by  Elizabeth  to  march  with 
a  body  of  forces  to  the  neighbourhood  of  Edin- 
burgh, where  he  found  borh  parties  drawn  up  in 
order  of  battle  :  he  interpofed  his  good  offices  to 
prevent  mifchief ;  and  they  confented  to  wheel  about 
and  retire  from  each  other,  when  he  mould  throw 
up  his  hat  for  a  fignal.  Accordingly,  the  queen's 
party  turned  their  faces  towards  Edinburgh  •,  when 
Morton  perceiving  that  they  marched  in  a  carelefs 
and  tumultuous  manner,  fell  upon  their  rear,  and 
purfued  them  to  the  gates  of  the  city.     This  trea* 

Crawford,     chery  the  Scots  afenbed  to  the  inftigation  of  Dru- 
ry,    It  was  denominated   Drury's  peace,    or  the 



black  Saturday  ;  and  that  officer  became  extreme-  A-  c<  *&*: 
ly  odious   to  the  Scottifh  nation.     Mary's  friends 
had  difpatched  one  Mr.  ChiiTolme  to  follicit  fuc- 
cours  from   the  French  king,   who  fent  M.  Verac 
with  afupply  of  money,  arms,  and  ammunition,  part 
of  which  fell  into  the  hands  of  the  regent;  but   he 
did  not  long  furvive  this  good  fortune.    While  he 
held  a  parliament  at  Stirling,   he  was  furprifed  by 
the  earl  of  Huntley  and  lord  Claud  Hamilton,  who, 
at  the  fame  time,  feized  the  earls  of  Morton,  Glen- 
cairn,  Caffils,  Eglington,  Montrofs,  and  Buchan,  to- 
gether with  the  lords  Sempiil,  Cathcart,  and  Ochil-  Deafhofthe 
tree ;  but  the  earl  of  Marr,  fallyingfrom  the  caftle,  re-  earl  or  Len- 
took  all  the  prifoners  alive,  except  Lennox,  who  was  eadf^M^r 
(lain  in  the  tumult :  and  his  death  being  known,  the  ^cred  re 
lords  chofe  their  deliverer  Marr  regent  in  his  place.  f^d° 

At  this  period  a  new  confpiracy  was  hatched  in 
England,  by  Robert  Ridolphi,  a  Florentine  mer-  Confpira-cy 
chant  and  banker,  who  long  refided  in  London,  and  ' 
adted  privately  as  agent  for  the  pope.  He  had,  at 
the  defire  of  the  Scottifn  queen,  conferred  with 
the  bifhop  of  Rofs  about  the  offers  which  had 
been  made  to  her  by  the  pope  and  the  king  of 
Spain  -,  and  the  fubftance  of  this  converfation  was 
fent  in  cyphers  to  the  duke  of  Norfolk.  They  were 
conveyed  to  him  by  Banifter  and  Barker,  two  of  his 
domeftics,  in  whom  he  chiefly  confided,  and  decy- 
phered  by  his  fecretary  Hickford.  Ridolphi,  being 
introduced  to  the  duke,  prefled  him  to  head  an  enter- 
prize  which  he  had  projected  for  the  releafc  of  Ma- 
ry. This  was  no  other  than  an  infurrection  at  home, 
raifed  by  the  friends  of  that  princefs,  and  fupport- 
ed  by  an  invafion  of  Spanifh  troops  from  the  Low 
Countries.  The  duke  of  Norfolk,  who  was  a 
good  proteftant  and  a  loyal  fubject,  could  not  reliflj 
a  fcheme  patronized  by  the  pope  and  the  catholic 
intereft;  but  he  civilly  told  Ridolphi,  that  he 
would  do  every  thing  in  his  power  for  the  relief  of 

U  4  the 

286*  HISTORY   of    ENGLAND. 

4*  q.  1571.  t£e  Scottifh  queen;  and  that  his  project  was  fea- 
iible.  Me  abfolutely  refufed  to  fign  letters  of  cre- 
dence, which  Riciolphi  had  prepared,  to  the  pope, 
the  king  of  Spain,  and  the  duke  of  Alva.  He 
would  not  even  confer  with  the  noblemen  whom 
the  Italian  reprefented  as  friends  to  the  undertaking; 
and  he  ordered  Hickford  to  burn  the  papers  which 
he  had  received  ;  .though,  in  this  particular,  the  fe- 
cretary  did  not  obey  his  matter's  command.  Ri- 
dolphi,  repairing  to  BruMels,  imparted  the  project  to 
the  duke  of  Alv<%  who  promifed  to  recommend  it 
m  the  ifrono-eii'  manner  to  his  mailer  the  king  of 
Spain.  Then  the  Italian  explained  the  refult  of  his 
conversation  with  the  duke  of  Alva,  to  one  Charles 
Bailiff,  in  the  fervice  of  queen  Mary,  who  was  at 
that  time  in  BruiTeis,  and  ready  to  depart  for  Eng- 
land. This  man  he  likewife  intruded  with  letters 
to  the  queen  of  Scotland,  the  duke  of  Norfolk,  the 
Spanifh  amhaffadcr,  the  lord  Lumley,  and  the  bi- 
fhop  of  Rofs.  Being  fearched  at  Dover,  he  was 
committed  to  the  Marfhalfea,  after  all  his  packets 
had  been  feized.  When  put  to  the  torture,  he  con- 
feifed  the  whole  tranfaclion.  The  bifhop  of  Rofs 
was  immediately  examined  ;  and,  though  he  had 
previoufly  fecreted  all  the  letters  of  any  confequence, 
the  council  difmiffed  all  his  fervants  but  two,  and 
confined  him  to  Ely-houfe  in  Holbourn. 

While  he  continued  in  cuftody,  the  French  am- 
balTador  having  occafion  to  fend  a  fupply  of  money 
to  Verac  the  agent  in  Scotland,  it  was  intruded  to 
the  care  of  one  Browne,  a  domeftic  to  the  duke  of 
Norfolk,  in  order  to  be  forwarded  to  the  frontiers. 
This  man,  being  a  fpy  in  the  family,  delivered  the 
money  to  the  council,  declaring  he  had  received  it 
from  Hickford  ;  and  that  it  came  from  the  French 
ambalTadcr.  Hickford  being  committed  to  the 
Tower,  and  afked  if  he  knew  of  any  letters  which 
had   paffed    between  the  queen  of  Scots  and  his 



matter,  owned  that   he  had    fecreted  fome  papers A' c-  1S7*. 
under  the  mats  of  the  duke's  bed,   where  they  were 
immediately  found  •,  and  the  whole  correfpondence 
was  difcovered.     Barker  being  apprehended    and 
threatened  with  the  rack,  confeflfed  all  he  knew  of 
the  trail faction   between  Marv,    the  duke  of  Nor- 
folk,  the  bifhop  of  Rofs,  and  Ridolphi.     The  duke 
himfelf,   fuppofing  all  the  letters  had  been  burned, 
according  to  his  directions,  denied   at  firit  that  he 
maintained  any  correfpondence  with  the  queen  ofFeneion. 
Scotland  by  letters.    Neverthelefs,  he  was  lent  pri-Theduke 
foncr  to  the  Tower,    together  with  lord  Cobh am  of  Norfolk 
and  his  brother  lord  Lumley,  Sir  Thomas  Stanley,  £™ittcd 
the  earls  of  Arundel  and  Southampton,  Sir  Henry  Tower, 
Piercy,  and  many  other  gentlemen.     The  queen strype. 
returning  from  her  fummer-progrefs,   ordered  the 
duke  to  be  re-examined.     When  he  heard  the  con- 
fefiions  of  his  fervants,  and  knew   that  the   letters 
were  difcovered,  he  exprefTed  great  aftonifhment ; 
delired  the  council  to  intercede  with  the  queen  in  his 
behalf,  and  allured  them  he  would  explain  all  his 
tranfaclions,  affirming,  that  whatever  might  have 
been  propofed  to  him,  he  had  never  agreed  to  any 
fcheme  which  might  tend  to  tne  prejudice  of  his  fo- 
vereign,  or  difturb  the  quiet  of  her  kingdom.     He 
owned,  that  the  greater!:  pare  of  the  defigns  formed 
for  fetting  the  queen  of  Scots  at  liberty  had  been 
imparted  to  him,  but  that  he  had  always  declared 
againft  their  being  put  in  execution :  and  that  he 
was  no  ftranger  te  Ridolphi's  project  ;   in  which  he 
had  never  engaged.     The  fubftance  of  the  duke's  and  his  con- 
confeffion,  together  with  thofe  of  his  domeftks,  was,  [f^™  Pub" 
with  many  exaggerating  annotations,  drawn  up  in 
a  kind  of  narrative,  and  delivered  in  the  Star-cham- 
ber to  the  lord  mayor  and  aldermen,  who  after- 
wards communicated  the  contents,  in    a  common- 
hall  to  the  citizens.     Another  tract  of  the  fame  im- 
port was  publifhed  and  difperfed  over  the  nation, 


z$$  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a»c.  J57J.  jn  order  to  diminifh  the  duke's  popularity,  and  pave 

the  way  for  his  deftruction. 
Bi/hopof  The  next  ftep  of  the  council  was  to  extort  a  con- 
ttcatoi.  ;  y  feflion  from  Lefley  bilhop  of  Rofs,  who  was  brought 
before  the  council,  and  told  he  was  a  falfe  traitor 
Scot,  to  whom  no  credit  mould  be  given.  He 
pleaded  his  own  caufe  fo  ftrenuoufly,  that  his  exa- 
miners were  puzzled  -,  and,  after  having  threatened 
him  with  the  rack,  committed  him  prilbner  to  a 
dungeon  called  the  Bloody  Tower,  where  he  was 
deprived  of  light  and  frefh  air,  and  debarred  the 
ufe  of  pen,  ink,  and  paper.  From  thence  he  was, 
in  a  few  days,  brought  to  the  houfe  of  the  gover- 
nor of  the  Tower,  where  Burleigh,  and  the  other 
counfellors,  renewed  his  examination.  They  gave 
him  to  underftand,  that  the  queen  looked  upon  him 
as  the  author  of  all  the  confpiracies  which  had  been 
hatched  againft  her  government :  neverthelefs,  he 
fhould  fuflain  ho  hurt,  if  he  would  freely  declare 
the  part  which  he  had  acted  in  thofe  defigns.  They 
did  not  defire  him  to  own  any  thing  which  was  not 
already  confened.  They  allured  him  his  evidence 
fhould  not  be  ufed  to  the  prejudice  of  any  perfon 
whatever:  whereas,  fhould  he  refufe  to  anfwer,  fhe 
would,  without  hefitation,  caufe  him  to  be  exe- 
cuted, as  one  of  her  own  fubjects  who  had  fought 
the  fubverfion  of  her  efiate.  The  bifhop  being 
allowed  to  perufe  the  depositions  of  the  other  prifo- 
ners,  and  finding  all  the  papers  were  difcovered, 
confirmed  their  confeflions,  except  in  the  article  of 
breaking  up  the  parliament  and  feizing  the  queen, 
which  he  denied,  in  oppofition  to  Barker,  with 
v/hom  he  was  confronted.  Elizabeth  fufpecting 
that  there  was  fomething  more  in  referve,  which 
he  had  not  confeffed,  he  was  again  examined,  and 
required  to  tell  the  names  of  the  noblemen  who 
had  treated  with  him  about  bringing  over  foreign 
troops  into  England;    but  he  iblemnly  declared, 

.    that 

Howard  Buke  oSWohfoijK. 


that  no  nobleman  of  England  had  ever  fpoke  to  A-c-»57*» 
him  of  fuch  a  defign.  Camden. 

On  the  fixteenth  day  of  January,  the  duke  of  The  duke 
Norfolk  was  brought  by  water  from  the  Tower  to  rf  Norfolk 
Weftminfter-hall,  in  order  to  be  tried  by  his  peers ;  condemned. 
George  Talbot  earl  of  Shrewsbury  being  appointed 
high-iteward  for  the  occafion.     He  was  arraigned 
for  having    entered   into  a    treafonable  correfpon- 
dence  againft  the  queen's  dignity  and  life  :  for  hav- 
ing treated  of  a  marriage  with  the  queen  of  Scot- 
land, contrary  to  his  folemn  engagement :  for  hav- 
ing fupplied  the  earls  of  Northumberland,   Weft- 
moreland,  and  other   traitors,   with    money :    for 
having  craved  auxiliary  forces    of  the  pope,    the 
king  of  Spain,  and  the  duke  of  Alva,  to  fet  the 
queen  of  Scots    at  liberty,  and  reftore  the  popifh 
religion  in  England  :   and,   laftly,   for  having  re- 
lieved the  lord  Herries,  and  others  of  the  queen's 
enemies,  in  Scotland.     He  was  denied  the  privi-  FeneI°n. 
lege  of  council ;  and  though  no  part  of  the  charge 
which  amounted  to  treafon  could  be  proved  againft 
him,  he  wasfound  guilty,  to  the  aftonifhment  of  all 
wife  and  unprejudiced  perfons,  and  the  unfpeakable 
regret  of  the  nation  in  general.     About  this  time  TrleSp:,,V 
the   Spanifh  ambalTador  was  ordered  to  quit  the  fadorcom- 
kingdom,  on  account  of  his  connexion  with  Ridol-  ™tndthdeto 
phi,  and  the  part  he  had  acted  in  other  conipiracies.  kingdom. 
He  had  exerted  all  his  endeavours  to  prevent  the 
match  between  Elizabeth  and  the  duke  of  Anjou. 
He  offered,  in  the  name  of  Philip,  to  acquit  her 
of  the  money  me  had  detained  ;  and  to  repair  the 
damage  fuftained  by  the  Englifh  merchants  in  the 
Spaniih  territories.     He  propofed  a  marriage   be- 
tween the  queen  and  the  emperor's  Ton  Rodolphus  : 
he  attempted  to  bribe  the  ladies  of  the  court,  and 
the  lords  of  the  council  •,  and  all   his  efforts  mif- 
carrying,  he  charged  Cecil  as  the  caufe  of  all  the 
mifunderftanding   between  the  courts  of  London 



A- C.  1572. 

Recueil  des 

Traites  par 

concludes  a 
treaty  with 
Charles  of 
France  at 


lam  s 




and  Madrid.  Borghefe,  his  butler,  was  accufed  of 
having  hired  Kenelm  Barney,  and  Edmund  Mather, 
to  murder  the  lord  Burleigh,  and  they  being  con- 
victed of  the  undertaking,  were  executed  according 
to  law  *,  but  Borghefe's  life  was  fpared  in  confide- 
ration  of  his  being  fervant  to  an  ambafTador. 

The  difgraceful  difmiffion  of  the  Spanifh  ambaf- 
fador  was  fo  highly  refented  by  Philip,  that  he  or- 
dered all  the  Englifh  fubpcts  in  Spain  to  be  impri- 
foned,  and  their  effects  confifcated,  and  prohibited 
all  commerce  between  the  two  nations.  His  re- 
fentment  was  very  little  regarded  by  Elizabeth, 
who,  in  the  month  of  April,  concluded  a  defenfive 
league  at  Blois,  with  Charles  IX.  of  France,  by 
which  both  parties  engaged  to  afliffc  each  other 
againfl  all  invafion.  They  agreed  that  no  innova- 
tion fhouid  be  made  in  the  kingdom  of  Scotland ; 
but  that  they  would  jointly  defend  it  from  all 
foreigners  •,  and  it  was  ftipulated,  that  in  cafe  any 
Englifh  (hips  mould  be  taken  or  feized  in  the  Low 
Countries,  or  in  Spain,  the  French  king  mould  fol- 
licit  reftitution  at  the  court  of  Madrid  *  or  that  in- 
terceMion  failing,  make  reprifals  upon  the  Spanifh 
and  Flemifh  fubjects  in  his  dominions,  Elizabeth 
engaging  to  act  in  the  fame  manner  in  his  behalf. 
The  earl  of  Lincoln,  lord-admiral,  was  fent  with  a 
magnificent  train  to  Paris,  to  fee  this  treaty  ratified 
by  Charles ;  and  the  marechal  de  Montmorency 
arriving  in  England  to  procure  Elizabeth's  ratifi- 
cation, was  invefted  with  the  order  of  the  garter. 
Immediately  after  this  event,  the  poft  of  lord  trea- 
furer,  vacant  by  the  death  of  the  old  marquis  of 
Winchefter,  was  conferred  upon  lord  Burleigh  •, 
the  privy-feal  was  given  to  lord  Effingham  •,  the 
earl  of  Su (Tex  was  appointed  lord-chamberlain  of 
the  houfhold,  and  fecrecary  Smith  created  chancel- 
lor of  the  order  of  the  garter. 



The  fatisfaction  produced  by  this  alliance  wasA*c>,572« 
foon  interrupted  by  an  event  which  evinced  the 
French  king  and  his  mother  two  monfters  of  per- 
fidy and  diffimulation.  They  had  invited  the  ad- 
miral de  Chatillon,  and  the  count  deRochefoucauk, 
the  chiefs  of  the  Huguenots,  to  Paris,  on  pretence 
of  their  aflfifling  at  the  marriage  of  the  princefs 
Margaret  with  the  king  of  Navarre,  and  there  they  The  tef- 
were  cruelly  butchered  on  St.  Bartholomew -tide,  tantsmafla- 
togcther  with  about  two  thoufand  other  perfons  paerdismand 
who  profefled  the  reformed  religion.  The  fame  0: her  pans 
maflacre  was  perpetrated  upon  the  Huguenots  0fofFrance* 
Rouen,  Meaux,  Troyes,  Orleans,  Anjou,  Bourges, 
Lyon,  Tholoufe,  and  other  places,  where  above 
thirty  thoufand  were  facrifked.  This  butchery, 
which  was  highly  approved  at  Rome,  overwhelmed 
ail  the  proteftants  in  Europe  with  lbrrow  and  con- 
firmation. Elizabeth,  in  particular,  looked  upon 
it  as  the  fird  overt-act  of  the  league  of  Bayonne, 
which  was  formed  for  the  extinction  of  the  protec- 
tant religion.  Charles  perceiving  that  the  mafTacre 
had  driven  the  remaining  Huguenots  to  defpair, 
infomuch  that  they  began  to  take  up  arms  in  feve- 
ral  provinces,  while  the  city  of  Rochelle  refufed  to 
admit  his  forces,  refolved  to  cajole  Elizabeth,  in 
order  to  prevent  her  afTifting  thofe  malcontents. 
When  her  ambalTador  Walfingham  told  him,  in  her 
name,  that  no  confidence  could  be  repofed  in  a 
prince  who  could  be  guilty  of  fuch  an  infamous 
action,  he  endeavoured  to  excufe  himfelf,  by  alledg- 
ing  that  the  admiral  had  formed  a  confpiracy  to 
aflaffinate  him  and  his  whole  family  •,  and  he  pro- 
tefted  that  he  had  nothing  fo  much  at  heart,  as  to 
live  in  friendlhip  with  Elizabeth.  This  princefs 
found  it  convenient  to  diffemble  in  her  turn.  She 
received  intimation  from  Walfingham,  that  there 
was  an  intimate  union  between  the  kings  of  France 
and   Spain,    notwithstanding    the-  profefiions    cf 



a.c.i57z.  Charles,  who  pretended  to  dread  the  defigns  of 
Philip  :  that  the  duke  of  Guife  had  frequent  con- 
ferences with  the  Scots  in  Paris ;  and  that  the 
queen-mother  conferred  in  private  with  the  bifhop 
of  Glafgow,  who  redded  at  the  court  of  France  as 
Mary's  ambaflador.  From  this  information,  Eliza- 
beth and  her  council  concluded,  that  the  friendfhip 
of  France  was  not  to  be  depended  upon  ;  but  that 
it  would  be  neceffary  to  dhTemble,  until  they  mould 
procure  farther  intelligence  touching  the  defigns  of 
the  catholic  princes.  The  queen  therefore  admitted 
of  the  excufes  made  by  Charles  j  affured  him  of  the 
continuance  of  her  friendihip;  confented  to  the  re- 
newal of  the  treaty  for  a  match  between  her  and  the 
duke  of  Alencon  ;  and  the  queen  of  France  being 
delivered  of  a  daughter,  flood  godmother  to  the 
infant,  which  was  chriftened  by  the  name  of  Mary- 
Elizabeth,  in  prefence  of  the  earl  of  Worcefter, 
who  acled  as  proxy  for  the  queen  of  England. 

Notwithstanding  this  mark  of  her  confidence,  fhe 
iflTued  orders  for  fortifying  Portfmouth,  and  other 
fea-port  tov/ns ;  for  exercifmg  the  militia;  and 
keeping  a  flrong  fleet  ready  equipped  for  fervice  ; 
and  by  popular  ads  fhe  fecured  the  affection  of  her 

Camden,  fubjecis.  She  continued  to  foment  the  troubles  in 
Scotland,  where  fhe  fupported  the  intereft  of  Mor- 
ton againfl  the  friends  of  Mary,  publicly  declaring 
that  llie  would  never  fee  that  princefs  at  liberty  ; 
but  would  maintain  the  government  of  the  young 
prince  with  all  her  power.  Her  agent,  Sir  W. 
Drury,  and  the  French  minifter  Du  Croc,  on  pre- 
tence of  mediating  a  pacification,  found  means  to 
keep  up  a  diffention  betv/een  the  two  parties.  The 
earl  of  Marr,  and  the  laird  of  Grange,  governor  of 
Edinburgh-caftle,  were  fo  fincerely  difpofed  to  an 
accommodation,  that  Morton,  who  gaped  after  for- 
feitures, and  found  his  account  in  the  troubles  of 
the  kingdom,  knowing  no  other  method  for  pre- 


venting  a  reconciliation   and  coalition,  is    faid  to  A  c-  *$fcm 
have  poifoned  the  regent  at  a  banquet.     Certain  it  The«ariof 
is,  the  earl  of  Marr  was  fuddenly  taken  ill  at  Mor-  JJjgJ^ 
ton's  houfe,  and  dying  in  a  few  days,  was  fucceed-  gent  of 
ed  by  this  nobleman  in  the  regency.  Scotia^. 

The  parliament  meeting  in  May,  the  commons  Mdv'd* 
addreffed  her  majefty,  that  the  duke  of  Norfolk 
might  be  put  to  death  without  further  delay,  alledg- 
ing  this  ftep  was  necefTary  for  her  own  preferva- 
tion,  and  the  peace  of  the  kingdom.  This  addrefs 
furnifhed  her  with  a  pretence  for  doing  that  which 
fhe  had  hitherto  affected  to  poftpone,  from  confede- 
rations of  piry  :  me  granted  a  warrant  for  his  exe-  Thedukeof 
cution  ;  and  he  was  beheaded  on  Tower-hill,  where  ^T°rloJkbe- 
he  fuifered  with  great  fortitude,  procefting  the  in- 
nocence of  his  intention  towards  the  queen,  and 
profeffing  the  protectant  religion.  He  was  the 
worthier!:  and  bed  beloved  nobleman  of  all  Eng- 
land. The  tears  ran  down  the  cheeks  of  the  earl 
of  Shrewsbury  when  he  pronounced  his  fentence  -9 
and  the  multitude  wept  bitterly  at  his  death.  The 
queen  dreaded  his  popularity  fo  much,  that  fhe  did 
not  think  herfelf  fafe  while  he  exifled,  ccnfcious 
as  (lie  v/as  of  his  attachment  to  the  interefl  and  per- 
fon  of  Mary*  This  unfortunate  queen  was  the 
other  great  object,  of  her  jealouly  and  apprehenfion. 
She  had  fent  the  lord  Delawar,  Sir  Ralph  Sadler, 
Sir  T.  Bromley,  and  doclor  Wilfon,  to  expoftulate 
with  her  upon  her  afiuming  the  Englifh  arms,  up- 
on her  intrigues  with  the  duke  of  Norfolk,  the 
pope,  and  the  rebels  of  England  •,  and  fhe  acquitted 
herfelf  of  every  imputation.  Mary  had  been  more 
chearful  than  ordinary  on  the  eve  of  the  maflacre  of 
Paris-,  a  circumltance  from  which  her  keepers  con- 
cluded that  fhe  knew  of  their  deteftable  enterprize 
before  it  was  executed :  they  fignified  their  fufpi- 
cion  to.  the  miniftry,  and  fhe  was  more  clofely  im- 

2  The 

2Q4  HISTORY    of     ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1572.      Y]ie  commons  of  this  parliament  were  chiefly  pu* 
Ksncour  of  ritans  ;   a  ic6t  which  had  darted  up  fince  the  refor- 
pari^.menf  mation,  pretending  to  greater  purity  in  doctrine  and 
againfiMa-  wordi'p,  than   they  couid   find  in  the  eftablifTied 
ry  queen  c    ^^^     They  were  the  mod  rancorous  enemies  of 
queen  Mary-,- as  a  popifh  princefs  ;  they  were  returned 
to  this  parliament  on  that  account,  and  tutored  for 
the   occafion.     They   refolved  to  proceed  asainft 
Mary  as  a  perfon  guilty  of  high  treafon-,  and  had 
actually  made  fome  prcgrefs  in  a  bill  of  attainder, 
when  the  French  ambafTador  remonftrating  againft 
their  outrageous  prefumption,  the  queen  fenta  mef- 
fage  to  the  houie,  thanking  them  for  the  care  they 
took  of  her  fafety,    and  approving  their  method  of 
proceeding,   in  concurrence  with  the  lords  :   but, 
for  certain  refpects,  fhe  defired  they  would  podpone 
'  that  defign,  and  bring  in  another  bill  to  fecure  her 
from  the  machinations  of  the  Scottifh  queen,  with- 
,      out  either  impairing  or  confirming  her  title  to  the 
journal,      crown  of  England.  An  act  was  accordingly  parted, 
importing,    that  whofoever  mould  devife  the  en- 
largement or  efcape  of  any  prifoner  committed  for 
.    treafon,  or  fufpicion  of  treafon,   againft  the  queen's 
perfon,  mould  be  held  guilty  of  mifprifion  of  treafon, 
even  before  the  faid  prifoner's  indictment.  Another 
ftatute  declared   it   felony  to   take,  detain,  burn, 
or  ruin   any  of  her  majedy's  mips,   fortreffes,  or 

Elizabeth,  at  this  juncture,  had  very  little  to 
fear,  either  from  her  domeftic  or  foreign  enemies. 
All  the  malcontents  of  England  were  intimidated 
into  fubmiflion,  by  the  fate  of  the  duke  of  Nor- 
folk •,  and  the  duke  of  Alva  was  lb  embarrafTed  in 
the  Low  Countries,  that  he  could  not  fpare  the 
lead  affidance  to  the  friends  of  Mary  queen  of  Scot- 
land. The  cities  of  the  Netherlands,  that  refilled 
to  pay  the  exhorbitant  taxes  which  he  impofed, 
were  deprived  of  their  privileges,    and  garrifoned 



With  Spanifh  foldiers,  who  lived  at  difcretion  among  A-c-  '57*. 
the  inhabirants  •,  fo  that  all  the  provinces  were  ripe 
for  revolt.     The    prince  of  Orange,    who  was  atprogrcfSof 
the  head  of  the  oppcfition,  follicited  the  zrTiftance  ^princeof 
of  Elizabeth,  offering    to  cede  Holland  and  Zea-  the  Low 
Jand  to  her,  if  fhe 'would  join  the  infurgents  in  ex- Countries' 
pelling  the   Spaniards :  but  Hie  declined  engaging 
in  an  expenfive  war;  though  fhe  granted  refuge  to 
the  Gueux  Marins,   a  confiderable  party  of  noble- 
men, and  others,    who    had  fled   from   the  Low 
Countries,  and  fubfifted  by  exercifing  piracy  on  the 
fhips  belonging  to   the  fubjects  of  Philip.     They 
fold  their  prizes  in  England,  and  their  veffels  lay 
at  anchor  in  the  Downs,   or  fonne  harbour  in  that 
neighbourhood,  until  the  duke  of  Alva  agreeing  with 
Elizabeth  to  expel  all  the  Englifh  refugees  from 
Flanders,  fhe  ordered  the  Gueux  to  quit  her  ports, 
and  forbad  her  fubjecls  to  furnifh  them  with  pro- 
vifions.     In  this  emergency  they  united  under  the 
count  of  La  Marche,  to  whom  the  prince  of  Orange 
granted   a  commiffion  ;    and  failing  for  Holland, 
madethemfelves  mafters  of  the  Brille,  which  afford- 
ed them  the  convenience  of  a  good  harbour.    The 
count  de  BofTu,  governor  of  Holland,  attempted  to 
retake  it,  but  mifcarried.     Flufhing  and  Campvere 
revolted  from  the  Spaniards;    Delft,  Rotterdam, 
and  Dort,  foon  followed  their  example ;  and  Enck- 
huyfen,  with  all  the  towns  of  North  Holland,  de- 
clared for  the  prince  of  Orange,  who  reduced  feve- 
ral  towns  in  Friefland,  as  well  as  upon  the  Meufe  ; 
while  Mons  was  furprifed  by  count  Lewis  of  Naf- 
fau.     The  duke  of  Alva  immediately  invefted  the 
place  ;  and  the  prince  of  Orange  attempted  in  vain 
to  raife  the  fiege.     Failing  in  that  enterprize,  he  Grotius.  3  : 
marched  into  Holland,  and  convening  an  affembly 
of  the  Hates,  fettled  a  plan  for  the  eflablifhment  of 
good  order.     Then  he  took  Haerlem,  Alckmaer, 
N?  57.  X  Leyden, 

2€)  G 


dation be- 
tween Eli- 
sabeth and 
Philip  of 


a.  c.  1573,  Leyden,  and  Middleburgh  -,  and,  in  a  little  time,, 
cleared  all  Zealand  of  the  Spanifh  forces. 

Philip,  in  this  low  ebb  of  his  affairs,  folicited  an 
accommodation  with  Elizabeth,   who,   with  a  view 
to  obtain  fome  advantages  in  trade  to  her  fubjects, 
agreed  to  adjufl  the  differences  fubfiftincr  between 
the  two  crowns.     Commiffioners  were  appointed 
for  fettling  the  accompts  of  the  feizures  made  on 
both  fides :  the  balance   was  paid  to  the  king  of 
Spain,  and  the  commerce    between  England  and 
his  territories  renewed,  by  a  treaty  concluded  at 
Briftol.     The  queen  took  care   that  the  Englifh 
merchants  mould  be  indemnified  for  the  lofTes  they 
had   fuftained  ;    fhe  likewife  difcharged  the   debts 
which  had  been  contracted  by  her  father,  brother, 
and  filter  ;  and  the   bonds  granted  by  the  city  of 
London,  for  the  payment  of  thofe  incumbrances, 
were  now  delivered  up,   to  the  inexpreffible  joy  of 
the  inhabitants. 

Rochelle,  the  great  bulwark  of  the  proteflants, 
being  befieged  by  the  duke  of  Anjou,  and  reduced 
almoft  to  extremity,  for  want  of  powder  and  pro- 
vifions,  large  contributions  were  raifed  in  London, 
to  equip  an  armament  for  its  relief.  When  re- 
monftrances  were  made  to  the  queen  on  this  fu  eject 
by  the  French  ambaffador,  fhe  faid  fhe  did  not  be- 
lieve fo  much  money  as  he  mentioned  could  be 
found  in  the  city  of  London  -,  but  that  it  was  very 
natural  for  the  merchants  to  fell  their  provifions  and 
commodities  where  they  could  find  the  bed  market. 
The  count  of  Montgomery  was  at  the  head  of  this 
armament,  confiding  of  five  and  fifty  fhips,  that 
failed  in  April  for  Rochelle  ;  but  rinding  it  imprac- 
ticable to  fuccour  the  place,  they  returned  next 
month  to  England,  in  order  to  raile  a  greater  num- 
ber of  forces.  The  bilhop  of  London,  and  the 
earl  of  Effex,.  in  the  name  of  the  clergy  and  nobi- 


iity,  demanded  her  majefty's  permifllon  to  levy  ten  a. c.  1573, 
thoufand  men,   by  private  collection,  for  the  fup- 
port  of  the  inhabitants  of  Rochelle-,  but  this  fhe 
refufed,  as  an  act  contrary  to  her  laft  treaty  with 
France.     M.  de  Fenelon  demanded  that  Montgo- 
mery and  his  accomplices  fhould  be  delivered  into 
the  hands  of  his  matter,  that  they  might  be  punifli- 
ed  for  their  rebellion  :  but  Hie  told  him  fhe  would 
repeat  the  anfwer  which  Henry  II.  of  France  made 
on  the  like  occafion  to  her  fifter  Mary  :  She  would 
not  be  the  French  king's  executioner.     The  duke  The  duke 
of  Anjou  loft  four  and  twenty  thoufand  men  before  cieaTking 
Rochelle,  which  was  defended  with  fuch  defperate  of  Poland. 
obftinacy,   that  he  had  made  but  little  progrefs  in 
the  fiege,  when  he  received  the  tidings  of  his  being 
elected  king  of  Poland.     This  event  affording  him 
a  falvo  for  his  reputation,  he  concluded    a  treaty 
with  the  inhabitants,  in  which  their  allies  of  Nif- 
mes  and  Montauban  were  comprehended.     Queen 
Elizabeth  took  offence  at  her  lover,  the  duke  of 
Alencon,  for  acting  as  volunteer  at  this  fiege,  againft 
the  French  protectants  %  but  he  excufed  himfelf,  on 
account  of  his  honour's  being  engaged  in  fuch  a 
manner,  that  he  could  not  quit  the  fervice  without 
a  blemifh  on  his  reputation.    He  profecuted  his  fuit 
in  a  great  number  of  letters  :  his  picture  was  fent 
over  to  England  \  and  the  queen  granted  a  fare- 
conduct,   by  virtue  of  which  he  might  fafely  viflc 
the  court  of  London  :  another  was  expedited  for 
the  duke  of  Anjou,  who  purpofed  to  pafs  through 
the  Britifh  feas  to  Poland  :  but  no  ufe  was  made  of 
either.     The  duke  of  Anjou  repaired  to  Poland  by 
land  \  and  his  brother's  intended  voyage  was  pre-  Feneloa? 

By  this  time  the  friends  of  Mary  in  Scotland 
were  compelled  to  fubmit  to  Morton  the  regent. 
They  confided  of  two  parties,  one  of  which  had 
adhered  to  her  from  the  beginning,   and  the  other 

X  2  favoured 


a.c.i 573 -favoured  her  caufe  that  the  troubles  of  their  coun- 
try might  be  the  fooner  pacified.  The  firft  was 
headed  by  the  duke  de  Chateleraud  and  the  earl  of 
Huntley.  The  chiefs  of  the  other  were  the  earl  of 
Home,  fecretary  Lidington,  and  the  laird  of  Grange, 
governor  of  the  caftle  of  Edinburgh,  in  which  they 
redded.  Morton  employed  Sir  James  Melvil  to 
effect  a  feparate  accommodation  with  thefe  laft,  and 
propofed  fuch  terms  as  they  would  have  willingly 
embraced,  provided  the  reft  of  the  queen's  friends 
might  have  been  comprehended  in  the  treaty.  But 
Morton  did  not  defire  to  be  at  peace  with  the  whole 
party  :  his  view  was  to  enrich  himfelf  with  forfei- 
tures. He  therefore  propofed  a  feparate  peace  or 
none  ;  and  Grange  rejected  his  propofal  from  mo- 
tives of  honour.  Then  the  regent  had  recourfe  to 
the  duke  and  Huntley,  who  were  not  fo  fcrupulous. 
They  accepted  of  a  feparate  peace  ;  and  now  he 
■  would  not  indulge  Grange  and  his  afTociates  with 
fegesthe  the  terms  he  had  offered  before.  Sir  W.  Drury 
*arde°f .    marched  from  Berwick  with  a  reinforcement,  and 

Xoirc  burgh,  „ 

a  train  of  artillery,    to  afiift  him  in  reducing   the 
caftle  of  Edinburgh,  which  was   very  ill  provided 
with  ammunition  ;  and  the  number  of  the  foldiers 
in  garrifon  did  not  exceed  one  hundred  and  fixty, 
Notwithftanding  thefe  difadvantages,  the  governor, 
who  was  a  man  of  great  courage,  conduct,  and  ex- 
perience,  made  a  vigorous  defence  for  three  and 
thirty  days,  during  which  the  water  in  the  draw- 
well  failed.     Then  the  befieged  were  fain  to   let 
down  the  foldiers  by  ropes  over  the  walls,   to  fetch 
water  from  a  neighbouring  fountain,  which  being 
poifoned  by  the  enemy,  the  garrifon  that  drank  of 
it  fell  fick  and  died  j  fo  that  it  was  now  reduced  to 
fifteen  individuals.      In   this  emergency,  Grange 
furrendered  to  Sir  W.  Drury,  upon  an  honourable 
capitulation  :    but  Elizabeth  refufing  to  accept  of 
him  and  his  friends  as  her  prifoners,  they  were  de- 


livered  to  Morton,  who  caufed  the  governor,   and  A-  c-  '573- 
his  brother  Sir  James  Kirkaldy,  to  be  hanged  on  a  and  puts  the 
gibbet,  at  the  market-crofs  of  Edinburgh  :  fecre-  Grmls  t9 
tary  Lidington  is  faid  to  have  died  at  Leith  like  an  d"th» 
old   Roman  ;    and  Home,    paying   ten   thoufand 
pounds  to  Morton,   was   put  in    pofTefTion  of  his 
caftles.     The  regent,   not  yet  fatisfied  with  blood, 
demanded   that  Elizabeth  would   deliver  into  his 
hands  the  bifhop  of  Rofs,  who  had  been  releafed 
from  the  Tower,   at  the  interceffion  of  the  mare- 
chal  de  Montmorency,    and  committed  in  cuftody 
to  the  bifhop  of  Winchefter.     But  the  French  am- 
baffador  remonftrating  againfl  fuch  an  outrage  upon 
good  faith,   and  the  law  of  nations,   the  queen  of 
England  rejected  Morton's  demand,  and  allowed  Eendon. 
the  bifhop  to  withdraw  himfelf  into  the  French  do-  Laiey." 

Charles  IX.  of  France  being  feized  with  a  lin- 
gering diftemper,  the  queen- mother  fufpe&ing  that 
the  duke  of  Alencon  intended  to  fupplant  his  bro- 
ther Henry  in  his  abfence,  in  cafe  the  king  mould 
die,  prevailed  upon  this  monarch  to  confine  him, 
and  the  king  of  Navarre,  his  fuppofed  confident 
and  couniellor.  Charles  dying  in  May,  his  mo-A,c;T57<; 
ther  refumed  the  regency  by  virtue  of  his  will,  and  Anjou'r^1 
governed  the  kingdom  until  the  king  of  Poland  «eds  to  the 
arrived,  and  fucceeded  him  on  the  throne  of  France,  rvlnce.° 
by  the  appellation  of  Henry  III.  This  was  a  for- 
tunate event  for  Elizabeth,  as  the  new  monarch 
was  extremely  averfe  to  the  family  of  Guife,  and 
to  Mary  queen  of  Scotland  as  their  relation.  Every 
thing  feerned  to  confpire  for  the  quiet  of  the  Eng- 
lifh  queen.  The  duke  of  Alva  was  recalled  from 
Flanders,  and  fucceeded  in  command  by  don  Lewis 
Zuniga  de  Req.uefenos,  who  fent  an  envoy  toaflure 
her  of  his  endeavours  to  cultivate  a  good  under- 
Handing  between  England  and  the  Low  Countries. 
Scotland  was  united  under  her  creature  the  earl  of 

X  3  Morton  i 


a.c.  1574.  Morton  ;  the  friends  of  Mary  in  England  were  ef- 
fectually quelled  ;  and  the  nation  enjoyed  the  moft 
profound  tranquillity.  In  the  preceding  year, 
Walter  Devereux,  lately  created  earl  of  Eflfex,  had 
been  fent  into  Ireland  with  fome  forces,  to  fupprefs 
Brian  Macphelim  in  Claneboy,  who  had  rebelled, 
together  with  Tirlogh  Leinigh,  fupported  by  the 
Scottifh  highlanders.  The  earl  advancing  againft 
Macphelim,  defeated  and  took  him,  with  his  wife 
and  brother-in-law;  but  finding  himfelf  thwarted 
by  the  earl  of  Leicefter,  in  the  plans  he  had  formed 
for  keeping  the  Irilh  in  awe,  he  defired  leave  to  re- 
turn to  England.  Being  ordered  to  relume  the 
command  next  year,  he  made  peace  with  Tirlogh, 
and  drove  the  Scots  out  of  Claneboy.  Then  he 
was  required  to  refign  his  authority :  Sir  Henry 
Sidney  was  fent  over  as  lord  lieutenant,  and  re- 
ceived the  fubmiflion  of  the  Irifh  chieftains  in  Ul- 
fler  and  Leinfter. 
a.  0.1575.  Elizabeth  no  fooner  underftood  that  Henry  III. 
of  France  was  returned  to  Poland,  than  fhe  fent  an 
ambalfador  to  compliment  him  upon  his  accefTion 
to  the  throne,  and  know  his  fentiments  with  re- 
gard to  the  treaty  of  Troyes  •,  which  he  readily  con- 
firmed, and  was  elected  knight  of  the  garter. 
Neverthelefs,  as  he  renewed  hoftilities  againft  the 
Huguenots,  fhe  furnifhed  John  Cafimir,  fon  to  the 
elector  palatine,  with  a  fum  of  money  to  levy  a  body 
of  German  auxiliaries  for  the  fervice  of  the  duke  of 
Alencon,  who  had  made  his  efcape  from  court, 
and  joined  the  malcontents.  The  queen  of  Eng- 
land had  now  accompiifhed  all  her  aims,  but  that 
of  having  the  prince  of  Scotland  in  her  hands  ;  and 
the  earl  of  Morton  would  have  willingly  gratified 
her  in  that  particular,  had*  not  young  James  been 
carefully  protected  by  his  governor,  Alexander 
Erfkine,  in  the  caftle  of  Stirling,  who  refufed  to 
give  up  his  charge  without  an  order  of  parliament. 



Elizabeth  fent  large  Turns  to  Scotland  with  Sir  H.  A  C-I575. 
Killewrew,    to  facilitate  this  event;   but  the  Scots 
would  not  differ  their  prince  to  be  carried  out  of 
the  kingdom.  Sir  John  Carmichael,  warden  of  the 
Scottifh  Marches,    meeting,   at   a  place  called  the 
Redfquair,  with  Sir  John  Fofter,  who  acled  in  the 
fame  capacity  on  the  Englifh  borders,    and  was  be- 
fides  governor  of  Berwick,   the  Scottifh  warden  de- 
iivered   up  the  Englifh  fugitives  who  were  in   his 
-hands,  according  to  cuftom  and  convention ;  and5 
when  he  demanded  the  Scottifh  refugees  in  return, 
Sir  John  Fofter  treated   him  with  intolerable  info- 
knee.     A  fkirmifn   immediately  enfued,   in  which  s^rmlfhon 
the  Englifh  were  worfted.     Sir  George  Heron  and  between  the 
four  and  twenty  perfons  were  fiain  on  the  fpot  :  Sir  EngiiA  and 
John  Fofter,  Francis  Ruffel,  fon  to  the  earl  of  Bed-  wardens  of 
ford,    Sir    Cuthbert   Collingwood,     James    Ogle, themarches* 
Henry  Fenwick,  and  other  gentlemen,  v/ere  carried 
prifoners  to  Edinburgh,    v/here  they  were  fumptu- 
oufly  entertained  and  difmiffed  by  the  regent.   Nay,  Crawford. 
at  Elizabeth's  defire,  he  fent  Carmichael  to  Lon- 
don to   afk  her  majefty's  pardon  ;   but,    upon  in- 
quiry,  file  found  Fofter   had    been   the    aggrefTor, 
and  the  Scot  was  gratified  with  an   honourable  re- 

The  commerce  between  the  Englifh  and  Philip's  A-G-  '576. 
fubjecls  in  the  Netherlands  haa  been  reftored,  to-  Affair  of  the 
gethcr  with  the  s;ood  underftanding  between  that  Low  Co"a~ 
prince  and  Elizabeth.     Zuniga,  in  confequence  of 
this  harmony,  defired  leave  to  hire  fhips  and  mari- 
ners in  England  ;  and  demanded  that  all  the  Dutch 
rebels  (hould  be  expelled  from  the  kingdom.     Al- 
though me  refufed  to  comply  with  thefe  requefts  ; 
yet,  upon  his  fending  away  the  earl  of  Weftmore- 

•  land,  and   the   Englifh  fugitives,   from    the  Low 
Countries,   and  diilblving  the  feminary  at  Douay, 

%£he  banifhed  all  the  Dutch  who  carried  arms  again  ft 
the  king  of  Spain,  and  prohibited  her  fubjects  from 

X  4  receiving 

312  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

A.  c.  i576.  receiving  any  fuch  perfons  into  any  of  the  ports  or 
harbours  of  England.     The  prince  of  Orange,  and 
theeftates  of  Holland  and  Zealand,    finding  them- 
felves  unable  to  lupport  the  v/ar  much  longer  againft 
the  wcaith  and  power  of  Philip,  fent  deputies  to  im- 
plore the  affiftance  of  Elizabeth,    and  offer  to  her 
the  fovereignty  of  their  country,  as  the  lineal  heir 
of  Phiiippa,  wife  of  Edward  III.   and  daughter  of 
William  count  of  Hainault,  Holland,  Zealand,  and 
Friclland.     Thefe  deputies  were  kindly  received  by 
Elizabeth,     notwithstanding  the  remonftrances  of 
Champigny,  whom  the  governor  of  the  Netherlands 
fent  over  to  traverfe  their  negotiation  •,  but  fhe  was 
very   loth   to  engage  in  a  war  upon  their  account. 
The  governor  of  the  Low  Countries  dying  fuddenly, 
the  council  of  ftate  took  the  government  into  their 
own  hands,  until  the  arrival  of  don  John  of  Auftria, 
who  was   appointed    governor  of  thofe  provinces. 
The  Walons  in  garrifon  at  Ziriczee,    expelled  the 
Spanifh  troops,   who,   to  the  number  of  two  thou- 
fand,  plundered  the  villages  of  Brabant,  and  even 
made  themielves  matters  of  Antwerp.     The  fpirit 
of  mutiny  fpreading  among  their  countrymen,  they 
rendezvoufed  at  Aloft,    beino-  now  increafed  to  fix 
thoufand  infantry,   and  twelve  hundred  horfe;   and 
fome  German  regiments  joined  them  in  this  rebel- 
lion.    They  plundered  Maeftricht  and  Antwerp, 
where  they  ma^kcred  feventeen  thoufand   perfons, 
without  diftincYion  of  age  or  fex.     At  length  the 
eftates  of  the  Walon  provinces  called  in  the  prince 
of  Orange  to  their  affillance.     They  engaged  with 
the  ftates  of  Holland  and  Zealand,  in  a  treaty  for 
driving  the  Spaniards,  and  other  foreign  troops,  out 
of  the  country,  and  holding  a  general  affembly  for 
regulating  the  article  of  religion,  and  eftabjiihing  a 
ib!id  union  among  all  the  provinces.     Accordingly, 
the  Spaniards  were  expelled  from  many  towns  and 
caftles,  wiien  don  John  of  Au Una  arriving  at  Lux- 

The  Haul  o£ Leicester*  1588 


embourg,  demanded  the  fo!e  command  of  their  AC*  'S/** 
ftanding  forces,  and  a  certain  number  of  hoftages 
for  his  fafety.  The  elates,  alarmed  atthefe  marks 
of  diftruft,  infifted  upon  having  a  fhare  in  the  go- 
vernment. They  refolved  that  no  forces  mould  be 
levied,  nor  towns  garrilbned,  without  their  confent ; 
they  demanded  that  he  fhould  take  an  oath  to  main- 
tain their  antient  privileges  ;  and  refufed  to  treat 
with  him,  until  the  Spanifh  and  other  foreign  troops 
mould  be  fent  out  of  the  country.  In  order  to  fup-  Grotlus, 
port  thefe  refolutions,  they  began  to  levy  forces, 
and  fent  an  envoy  to  England,  to  reprefent  their 
grievances  to  queen  Elizabeth,  who  fupplied  them 
with  a  loan  of  twenty  thoufand  pounds,  and  pro- 
mifed  to  advance  four  times  the  fum  on  the  credit 
of  the  fcates- general.  She  at  the  fame  time  dif- 
patched  agents  to  the  king  of  Spain  and  don  John, 
prefling  the  departure  of  the  foreign  troops  from  the 
Low  Countries  ;  declaring,  that  fhould  they  re- 
fufe  to  comply  with  this  remonftrance,  fhe  would 
aflat  the  natives  in  expelling  them  by  force. 

Slit  was  the  more  enabled  to  fuccour  the  ftates  at 
this  juncture,  as  the  parliament,  which  met  in 
February,  and  the  convocation,  had  granted  a  con- 
llderable  fubfidy.  In  return  for  thefe  fuccours,  the 
queen  renewed  the  treaty  of  commerce  with  Portu- 
gal, by  which  her  fubje&s  were  allowed  to  trade  to 
Madeira  and  the  Azores.  The  fuccefs  of  the  Por-  M  ;  F 
tuguefe  had  infpired  the  Englifh  with  a  fpiritof  ad-  bifher  fails 
venture  by  fea  :  and  Martin  Forbifher  now  fet  fail  in  q"efto/fa 

3  -  r  north-weft 

from  Harwich  with  five  mips,  on  the  difcovery  o;  paffage  to 
a  north- weft- pafTage  to  the  Eaft  Indies  5   but  this  f*df^' 
enterprize  did  not  fucceed.     *  In  the  courfe  of  this 
year   too,    Walter  Devereux  earl  of   EfTex    died  Camden. 


*  The  earl  of  Leicester,  who  had,  two  hundred  thoufand  crowns  in  the 
in  the  courfe  of  this  laft  year,  re-  revenues  of  vacant  bifhopric-,  and 
Reived  from  ths  queen's  bounty  above    other  grants,  entertained  the  que.:  n  at 




.*.«•  1576.  in  the  caftle  of  Dublin,  not  without  fufpicion  of 
having  been  poifoned  by  the  dire&ion  of  the  earl  of 
Leicefter,  who  repudiated  his  own  wife,  and  mar- 
ried the  widow  of  EfTex.  Several  infurrections  were 
raifed  in  Ireland,  by  the  fons  of  the  earl  of  Clanri- 
card  in  Connaught,  and  by  Rory  Oge  in  Leinfter  ; 
but  the  rebels  were  reduced  by  the  valour  of  Sir 
Henry  Sidney,  the  lord  deputy,  and  Sir  W.  Drury, 

jpamden.     now  prefident  of  Munfter. 

The  court  of  France  was  not  lefs  embaraffed 
than  the  new  governor  of  the  Low  Countries.  The 
duke  of  Alencon  had  levied  an  army  againft  the 
king,  in  favour  of  the  Huguenots  •,  and  he  was 
.  joined  by  the  prince  of  Conde,  with  the  troops  of 
prince  Cafimer  :  in  a  word,  the  proteftants  were 
fupported  by  the  duke  of  Alencon,  the  king  of  Na- 
varre, and  the  prince  of  Conde,  with  an  army  of 
thirty  thoufand  men.  Neverchelefs,  the  queen- 
mother  found  means  to  difunire  their  councils,  and 
then  offered  fuch  terms  of  peace  as  they  did  not 
think  proper  to  refufe.  The  treaty  was  confirmed 
by  the  parliament  of  Paris  •,  the  duke  of  Alencon 
repairing  to  court,  was  detached  from  his  party, 
and  affumed  the  title  of  the  duke  of  Anjou.  The 
peace  was  no  fooner  ratified,  than  the  queen-mother, 
in  conjunction  with  the  pope's  legate,  the  duke  of 
Guife,  and  don  John  of  Auftria,  began  to  concert 
meafures  for  exterminating  the  proteftant  religion. 
The  zealous  catholics  all  over  the  kingdom  engaged 
m  affociations  againft  the  enemies  of  the  ancient  re- 
ligion.    Thefe  were  known   by  the  appellation  of 

Kenilworth-caftle,  for  nineteen  days 
iuccefiively,  with  fcrprifing  magnifi- 
cence. One  and  thirty  baron?,  be- 
fides  the  ladies  of  the  queen's  hou- 
ftiold,  were  lodged  in  the  caftle,  and 
attended  by  four  hundred  fervants  be- 
longing to  Leicefter,  all  in  new  live- 
ries.    His  gentlemen  who  w«ked  at 

tab!?  were  cloathed  in  velvet.  Six- 
teen hegfheads  of  wine,  forty  of  beer,, 
and  'ten  oxen,  were  confumed  every 
day,  befides  a  vaft  quantity  of  fruit 
and  comfitures.  Their  paftime  con- 
fifted  in  hunting,  ruftic  revelry,  co- 
m«dies,  concerts,  and mafqu erases. 




the  holy  union,  or  league.     Of  this,  the  king  of  A«c«fS7^ 
Spain  affumed  the  title  of  protestor,  and  the  duke  ThekI      f 
of  Guife  declared  himfelf  the  chief.  It  was  promoted  France  fub- 
by  the  pope,  patronized  by  the  queen-mother  •,  and  £"bu"  ^e 
Henry  himfelf,    an  indolent  and  effeminate  prince,  gainftthe 
was  hurried  into  the  fcheme  by  the  torrent  of  evil  Husuenots« 
counfel.     He  was  even  inflamed  with  extraordinary 
zeal  upon  this  occafion.     Being  jealous  of  the  duke 
of  Guife,   he  declared  himfelf  chief  of  the  league, 
which  he  figned  with  his  own  hand.     All  the  gran- 
dees followed  his  example,  and  it  was  fent  through, 
the  provinces  to  be  fubfcribed  by  all  the  catholics. 
The  ftates  afTembled  at  Blois  fent  a  deputation,  de- 
firing  he  would  not  fuifer  any  other  woribip  but 
that  of  the  old  religion  •,  and- -he  aflured  them  it  MezeiaI* 
was  his  intention  to  abolifh  all  innovation. 

Don  John  of  Auftria,  whofe  great  aims  were  to  a.c,  1577^ 
fubdue  the  Low  Countries,  and  become  mailer  of 
Great  Britain,  by  a  marriage  with  the  queen  of 
Scotland,  was  obliged  to  hgn  the  pacification  of 
Ghent,  which  Philip  thought  proper  to  confirm  by 
edict.  Then  it  was  refolved,  in  anaffembly  of  the 
ftates  convened  at  Marche  en  famine,  to  publifh,  a 
perpetual  edict  for  compelling  the  Spaniih  troops  to 
quit  the  country,  Thefe  troops  were  accordingly  _ 
fent  into  Italy,  and  all  the  places  remained  in  the 
hands  of  the  ftates.  At  length  don  John  pulled 
off  the  mafque,  and  furprifed  the  caftle  of  Namur. 
Then  he  attempted  to  gain  over  the  German  Hoops, 
who  waited  for  their  arrears,  to  deliver  the  places 
where  they  were  in  garrifon  :  but  his  fucceJs  was 
anticipated  by  the  ftates,  which  engaged  thofe  troops 
in  their  fervice.  Thofe  of  Brabant  conferred  the 
fuperintendency  of  their  country  with  the  title  of 
Ruart,  upon  the  prince  of  Orange  ;  and  this  ftep 
excited  the  jealoufy  of  the  duke  de  Arfcot,  and 
fome  other  Brabantine  noblemen,  who,  in  order  to 
diminifh  the  credit  of  the  prince,  propofed  to  the 



A.C.  1577. 

brother  to 
tke  emperor, 
is  eholen 
goyernor  of 
tke  Nether- 




confederate  provinces  that  they  fhould  elect  one  go- 
vernor-general. The  election  fell  upon  Matthias, 
brother  to  the  emperor  Rodolphos  II.  and  the 
prince  of  Orange  was  declared  his  lieutenant.  Mat- 
thias, pretending  to  efcape  from  the  imperial  court, 
repaired  to  the  Netherlands,  where  he  was  inverted 
with  his  office  -,  and  then  the  eftates  declared  war 
againft  Don  John,  who  had  already  prepared  for 
the  rupture,  by  fending  for  the  troops  from  Italy. 
Elizabeth  being  informed  of  the  fcheme  which  Don 
John  had  projected,  with  regard  to  her  dominions, 
interested  herfelf  fo  warmly  in  the  caufe  of  the  con- 
federates, that  me  infifted  upon  being  made  ac- 
quainted with  every  material  deliberation  of  the 
ftates-general :  but,  at  the  very  time  when  fhe  lent 
them  money  to  maintain  the  war  againfl:  Philip,  fhe 
afTured  him  by  letters,  that  fhe  had  no  intention  to 
infringe  the  ancient  alliance  between  England  and 
houfe  of  Burgundy,  alledging  that  her  fole  view  in 
fupplying  the  confederates  with  money,  was  to  hin- 
der them  from  throwing  themfelves  into  the  arms 
of  France.  Philip  was  not  at  all  fatisfied  with  this 
argument ;  but,  he  diffembled  his  real  fentiments, 
left  fhe  mould  be  tempted  to  engage  more  effectu- 
ally in  their  behalf.  With  reipect  to  the  affairs  of 
France,  the  Huguenots  feeing  the  king  bent  upon 
their  destruction,  formed  a  counter  league  for  their 
own  preiervation,  declared  the  king  of  Navarre 
their  general,  and  the  prince  of  Conde  his  lieute- 
nant. The  edict  of  pacification  being  revoked,  hof- 
tilities  recommenced,  though  greatly  to  the  difad- 
vantage  of  the  Huguenots,  :  but,  as  the  duke  of 
Guife  derived  great  credit  from  the  management  of 
the  war,  the  king,  who  hated  that  nobleman,  grant- 
ed another  peace  to  his  protefcant  fubjects.  From 
this  period  Henry  abandoned  himfelf  to  effeminate 
pleafures,  and  the  moft  exceffive  expence,  by  which 
conduct  he  loft- the  cftcem  and  affection  of  his  people. 


England  mean  while  enjoyed  peace  and  plenty  A*  c«  '577* 
wnder  the  wife  ad miniftration  of  Elizabeth  •,  though  Black  affize 
in  the  courfe  of  this  year,  the  nation  was  alarmed  at 
with  the  fear  of  a  contagion,  from  an  accident  that 
happened  at  the  fummer  aflize  in  Oxford,  where  the 
ftench  and  putrid  air  brought  from  the  jail  by  the 
prifoners,  affected  the  bench,  juries,  and  fpectators 
in  fuch  a  manner,  that  three  hundred  perfons  were 
taken  ill  and  died  of  the  infedion.     The  plague  a-  Camd€J>* 
bout  the  fame  time  broke  out  in  the  temple  at  Lon- 
don ;  but  was  hindered  from  fpreading,    by  the 
great  care  of  Fleetwood  the  recorder.     Cuthberc 
Maine,  a  Romifh  pried,   was  condemned  and  exe- 
cuted at  Launcefton  in  Cornwall,  upon  the  laft  fta- 
tute  enacted  againft  the  pope's  emiffaries  ;  and  Tru- 
geon,  a  gentleman  who  entertained  him  in  his  houle, 
was  confiscated,    and  fentenced  to  perpetual  impri- 
lonment.     Philip  of  Spain  being  apprifed  of  Eliza- 
beth's connection  with  the  confederate  dates  of  the 
Low  Countries,  to  whom  fhe  had  promifed  by  trea- 
ty a  loan  of  one  hundred  thoufand  pounds,   and  a 
reinforcement  of  five  thoufand  foot,  and  one  thou- 
fand horfe,   endeavoured  to  retort  her  ill  offices  by 
exciting  a  rebellion  in  Ireland,  by  means  of  Tho- 
mas Stukely,  an  Englifh  fugitive,  on  whom  pope 
Gregory  XIII.  conferred  the  titles  of  earl  of  Wex- 
ford and  marquis  of  Leinfter.     The  defign  of  his  A.c.157*. 
holinefs  was   to  procure  the  crown  of  Ireland  for 
his  own  fon  or  nephew  James  Buon  Campagno  -,  and 
eight  hundred  Italians  were  levied  for  the  enterprize. 
With  thefe  Stukely  fet  fail  from  Civita  Vecchia,  and, 
arriving  at  Lifbon  was  perfuaded  to  engage  in  the 
fervice  of  Don   Sebaftian  king  of  Portugal,  juft 
ready  to  embark  for  Africa,  where  both  he  and 
Stukely  perifhed  in  the  battle  of  Alcazar. 

In  the  Netherlands,  Don  John  of  Auflria  being 
reinforced  by  the  Spanim  troops  from  Italy,  and 
another  body  of  forces  from  that  country,  under 

308  HISTORY    of   ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1578.  the  command  of  Alexander  Farnefe,  obtained  a  fig- 
nal  victory  at  Gemblours  ever   the  confederates* 
whofe  affairs  began  to  decline  in  confequence  of  re- 
Diflentions  ligious  difputes.     The  towns  of  Amfterdam,  Haer- 
amougthe    ierri)  and  Utrecht,  expelled  their  magiftrates  and  put 
S^heLoT  tne  government  into  the  hands  of  the  protectants. 
Countries.    The  catholics,  alarmed  at  thefe  events,  which  feem- 
ed  to  portend  the  deftruction  of  the  old  religion, 
propofed  to  confer  the  government  of  the  (late  up- 
on the  duke  of  Anjou,  who  was  accordingly  declar- 
ed protector  of  the  Belgic  liberty.     The  proteflants 
demanded  that  they  mould  be  admitted  to  the  ex- 
ercife  of  public  employments,  as  well  as  the  catho- 
lics.    This  demand  was  granted  by  the  frates,    on 
condition  that  the  catholics  mould  enjoy  the  fame 
privilege  in  Holland  and  Zealand.     Thefe  two  pro- 
vinces eluded  this  article,  and  hence  difTentions  arofe 
among  the  confederates.     This  divifion  was  increa- 
fed  by  the  inhabitants  of  Ghent,  who  expelled  the 
Roman  priefts  from  their  city  •,  while  the  people  of 
Artois  and  Hainault  banifhed  the  proteflants  in  their 
turn.     Don  John,  in  hope  of  profiting  by  this  ani- 
mofity,  attacked  the  army  of  the  dates  in  their  camp 
at  Rymenant  in  Brabant,  and  was  repulfed  after  a 
very  cbftinate  engagement,  in  which  Sir  John  Nor- 
reys,  fecond  Ton  of  the  lord  Norreys  of  Rycot,  and 
colonel  Steuart,  at  the   head  of  two  regiments  of 
Englim  and  Scottifli  volunteers,  fignalized  them- 
felves  by  remarkable  acts  of  valour.     This  attempt 
mifcarrying,  Don  John  endeavoured  to  amufe  them 
with  propofals  of  peace,   until  his  army  mould  be 
reinforced.     They  agreed  to  the  negotiation  for  the 
fame  reafon  \  for  they  expected  to  be   joined   by 
prince  Cafimer,  and  a  confiderable  body  of  Ger- 
mans •,  and  the  duke  of  Anjou  had  already  advan- 
-    ced  to  the  frontiers  of  Hainault,  v/ith  eight  thou- 
fand  auxiliaries.     By  thefe  junctions  on  both  fides* 
Don  John  found  himfelf  at  the  head  of  fifty  thou- 
4  :  fand 


fand  men,  including  infantry  and  cavalry  ^  and  the  a.  c.  1575* 
army  of  the  eftates  amounted  to  threefcore  thoufand ; 
but  this  laft  v/as  rendered  ufelefs  by  the  difputes  be- 
tween the  inhabitants  of  Ghent,   and  the  provinces 
of  Hainault  and  Artois.     Some  of  their  troops  mu- 
tinied, and,  joining  the  people  of  Artois,  made  in  - 
curfions  into  Flanders  ;  and  the  inhabitants  of  Ghent 
brought  over  prince  Cafimer  to  their  intereft,  by 
promifing  to  pay  his  foldiers,  he  having  fquandered 
away  the  money  which  Elizabeth  had  remitted  to 
to  him  for  that  purpofe.     Davifon  was  fent  over 
by  the  queen  to  make  fevere  remonftrances  on  this 
fubjecl  -,  but*  he  made  fuch  ^n  apology  as  me  ad- 
mitted ;  for  in  the  winter  he  vifited  her  court,  where 
he  was  gracioufly  received,   and  invefted  with  the 
order  of  the  garter.     Don  John  dying  fuddenly,  Don  *ohn 
not  without  fufpicion  of  poifon,   was  fucceeded  in  dying,  is 
command  by  the  prince  of  Parma,  to  whom  the  ^prince7 
eftates  of  Artois  and  Hainault  fubmitted  ;  and  the of  Parma. 
duke  of  Anjou  feeing  this  defection,  difrmfled  his  Grotius. 
troops,  and  retired  to  France.    While  he  refided  in  Elizabeth 
the  Low  Countries,  he  had  difpatched  Martel  de  receives  a 
Bacqueville  to  England,  in  order  to  renew  the  ne-  S^^"*' 
gotiation  of  his  marriage  with  Elizabeth :  afterwards  France, 
the  king  of  France  fent  over  Rambouillet  for  the  ^J"^  e 
fame  purpofe ;  and  both  thefe  envoys  were  received  with  the 
in  fuch  a  manner  as  feemed  to  denote  her  approba-  f0uu^eof  Aft" 
tion  of  the  pfopofal.     This  was  thought  to  be  the 
more  fincere,  as  fhe  had  now  no  diffemble 
her  fentiments. 

Morton,  the  regent  of  Scotland,  had  by  this 
time  rendered  himfelf  odious  to  the  whole  nation, 
by  his  lewd  life,  perfidy,  oppreflion,  and  rapaci- 
oufnefs.  Elizabeth,  whofe  creature  he  was,  alarm- 
ed at  his  conduct,  fent  Randolph  into  Scotland,  on 
pretence  of  congratulating  the  young  king  upon  the 
progrefs  he  had  made  in  his  ftudies :  but  his  real 
errand  was  to  recommend  moderation  to  the  re- 

320  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a,  C.  1578.  gent,  and  to  exhort  him  to  live  in  good  underftand- 
ing  with  the  earls  of  Argyle  and  Atho],  and  fome 
other  malcontent  noblemen,  who  might  otherwife 
Meivii.  excite  frefh  difturbances  in  the  kingdom.  Notwith- 
JbiTeTto  ftanc^ng  tn*s  ^lutary  advice,  he  dill  perfifted  in  his 
reiign  the     own  way,   until  Erfkine  the  king's  governor,    and 

&tfJand°f     n*s  ^our  PrecePtors5  infpired  him  with  an  antipathy  . 
to  that  nobleman.     The  earls  of  Argyle  and  Athol 
being  apprized  of  this  circumftance,   repaired  pri- 
vately to  court,  and  perfuaded  him  to  take  the  reins 
of  government  into  his  own  hands,  though  he  was 
no  more  than  twelve  years  of  age  •,  and  meafures 
were  taken  for  this  .purpofe  fo  expeditioufly  that 
Morton  could  not  prevent  the  execution  of  their 
fcheme.      The   parliament   afTembling,    confirmed 
what  the  king  had  done,  and  appointed  twelve  no- 
blemen for  his  privy- council.  Morton  was  one  of  this 
number  •,  but  he  feigned  himfelf  difgufted  with  the 
world,  and  retired  to  his  caftle  of  Lochlevin,  where 
he  employed  his  time  in  cultivating  his  garden. 
James  The  young  king  fent  an  embafTy  to  make  Eli* 

fcS3fi«Tof  zabeth  acquainted  with  his  having  affumed  the  ad- 
Ms  grandfa-  miniftration,  to  renew  the  alliance  between  the  two 
of  Lennox.""  nations,  an^  demand  the  fucceflion  of  his  grandfa- 
ther the  late  earl  of  Lennox.     The  queen  had  no 
intention  to  deprive  him  of  this  eftate ;  but  that  he 
might  fee  his  fucceflion  to  the  crown  of  England 
depended  in  a  great  meafure  upon  her  good  will, 
fhe  pretended  that  the  effects  of  the  earl  of  Lennox 
were    claimed    by  Arabella  Stuart.      This    lady, 
though  the  daughter  of  the  earl's  younger  brother, 
was  a  native  of  England,  and  therefore  conceived 
herfelf  preferable  to  James,  who  was  a  foreigner. 
The  eftate,  however,  was  fequeftred  in  the  hands  of 
lord  Burleigh.     The  commifTioners  appointed   to 
treat  of  the  alliance,  demanded  that  the  king  of  Scot- 
land mould  not  engage  in  any  treaty  or  contract  of 
marriage,  without  the  confent  of  the  queen  of  En g- 
6  Lland: 


land:  but  the  ambaffadors  rejected  this  propofal.   In  A  c*  *  57«« 
the  mean  time,  the  earl  of  Morton,  who  entertained 
fpies  about  the  king's  perfon  at  Stirling,  -entered  that 
town  in  the  night  with  a  troop  of  armed  men,  and 
relumed  the  poft  which  he  had  been  obliged  to  refign.  Camden. 

The  queen  of  England  feemed  now  more  than 
ever  intent  upon  her  marriage  with  the  duke  of  An 
jou  ;     befides    Bacqueville    and    Rambouillet,    the  Carriage 

V  L    1   ■  1       j    r  rf  r   •     1  between  the 

rrench  king  had  lent  over  Simier,  a  iubtJe  agent,  queen  and 
pofTeiTed  of  the  moil  infinuating  addrefs,  who  eairi-  thvl,ikedf 
ed  fuch  an  afcendency  over  the  paffions  of  Eliza-  feem^ngiyia 
beth,  that  fhe  feemed  to  have  conceived  a  vejy8rtl!ftJ1 
warm  affection  for  the  perfon  of  the  duke  of  Anjou  -, 
infomuch  that  Leicefler  and  others  affirmed  fhe  was 
infatuated  by  the  arts  of  incantation.  Simier,  in 
revenge,  did  the  earl  ill  offices  with  the  queen;  and 
was  the  fir  ft  who  informed  her  of  that  noble- 
man's private  marriage  with  the  widow  of  EiTrx. 
She  v/as  fo  incenfed  at  this  information,  that  fhe 
ordered  the  earl  to  be  confined  in  the  caftle  of 
Greenwich,  and  would  actually  have  committed 
him  to  the  Tower,  had  not  the  earl  qf  SufTex,  tho' 
his  enemy,  generoufiy  interpofed  in  his  behalf,  and 
reprefented  the  injuftice  of  punifhing  any  fubject  for 
contracting  a  lawful  marriage.  Leiceiter,  enraged 
to  find  his  influence  thus  fuperfeded  by  an  obfcure 
foreigner,  is  faid  to  have  employed  one  Teuder,  a 
fife-guard  man,  to  afiarfinate  Simier  •,  and  the  queen 
being  apprized  of  his  refentment,  ifTued  a  proclama- 
tion, forbidding  all  perfons  to  injure  or  affront  this  a- 
gent  or  any  of  his  attendants,  In  a  few  days  after  this 
proclamation,  Elizabeth,  being  in  her  barge  upon  the 
Thames,  with  Simier,  the  earl  of  Lincoln,  and  the 
vice-chancellor  Hatton,  one  of  the  rowers  was 
wounded  in  the  arm  with  a  mufket  bullet,  difcharg- 
ed  from  a  fhip-boat;  and  the  young  man  who  fired 
the  piece  was  apprehended  and  convicted  of  trea- 
fon :  but  protefting  even  at  the  gallows,  that  the 
-  N°.  $j,  Y  .    (hot 

3  2  2  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

A-c- 'srs-fhot  was  merely  accidental,  the  queen  pardoned 
him,  declaring  that  fhe  could  not  believe  any  thing 
of  her  fubjects  which  a  mother  would  not  believe 
of  her  own  children.  The  duke  of  Anjou,  Batter- 
ed by  the  intelligence  he  received  from  his  agent, 
came  over  to  England  incognito,  attended  by  two 
domeftics  only.  He  was  introduced  to  Elizabeth, 
who  expreffed  great  fatisfaction  at  his  unexpected 
arrival  -,  and,  after  they  had  conferred  feveral  times 
together  in  private,  he  returned  to  France,  in  fall 
hope  of  feeing  his  aim  accomplifhed.  This  match 
was  very  difagreeable  to  great  part  of  the  nation,  and 
to  the  puritans  in  particular.  John  Stubbs  of  Lin- 
coln's Inn  publifhed  a  virulent  in-ve  olive  againft  it, 
called  the  Gacins;  Gulch,  for  which  he  was  fenten- 
ced  to  lofe  his  right  hand,  and  underwent  a  long 
imprifonment.  The  queen  appointed  a  felecl  com- 
mittee of  her  council,  to  consider  and  draw  up  in 
writing  the  advantages  and  inconveniences  which 
might  attend  the  match,  and  to  confer  with  Simier 
on  the  articles.  Thefe,  however,  they  neither  re- 
jected nor  approved  •,  but  referred  the  difcufiion  of 
them  either  to  a  parliament,  or  a  conference  be- 
tween the  queen  and  the  duke  of  Anjou. 

While  Elizabeth  was  employed  in  thefe  meafures 

for  cementing  her  friendship  with  the  French  king, 

the  duke  of  Guife  refoived  to  embroil  her  with  the 

KfmeStuart  prince  of  Scotland .     For  this  purpofe,  he  made  ufe 

lord  d'Au-  0f  ]Vfme  Stuart,    baron  D'Aubigny,    fon  of  Tohn 

btgny  arrives  D     J  - 

in  scoiJanc,  Stuart,  fecond  brother  to  Matthew  earl  of  Lennox. 

This  young  nobleman,  who  was  educated  in  France, 

repairing  to  Scotland,   on  pretence   of  paying  his 

refpeets  to  king  James,  who  was  his  near  kinfman, 

infinuated  himielf  into  the  good  graces  of  the  Scot- 

andbecomrs  tifh  monarch.      He  was  created  earl,  and  afterwards 

the  chief  fa-  fafe  of  Lennox,  and  divided  the  king's  favour  with 

James!        another  youth  called  James  Stuart,  fon  of  the  lord 

Ochiltree.    Thefe  two  uniting  their  imereit  for  the 



deftruction  of  Morton,  eafily  found  means  to  render  A- c-  ,5?9' 
that  nobleman  cdious  and  deteftable  in  the  eyes  of 
his  fovereign.  The  regent  perceived  the  progrefs 
they  had  made  againft  him,  and  endeavoured  to 
baffle  their  arts,  by  reprefenting  Lennox  as  a  papift, 
and  creature  of  the  duke  of  Guife,  come  over  for 
the  deftruction  of  the  reformed  religion.  The  mi- 
nifters  of  the  kirk  were  tutored  to  thunder  thefe  af- 
fertions  from  their  pulpits,  as  well  as  to  impeach 
the  morals  of  Stuart,  who  was  certainly  a  youth  of 
a  moil:  diffolute  life  and  converfation  ;  but  Morton 
was  fo  univerially  hated,  that  thefe  fermons  produ- 
ced very  little  effect,  and  he  now  faw  his  ruin  ap-  u&vL 

Nothing  elfe  remarkable  happened  during  this 
year  in  England,  except  the  execution  of  Matthew 
Hamont  for  blafphemy  at  Norwich  ;  the  eftablifh- 
ment  of  the  Turkey  company,  by  virtue  of  a  treaty  ^t^ofth- 
with  Amurath  fultan  of  the  Turks,  managed  by  Turkey- 
William  Harbourn;  the  death  of  Sir  Nicholas  Ba~  2aJs. 
con,   keeper  of  the  great  feal,  who  was  fucceeded  Nicholas 
by  Thomas  Bromly,   appointed  lord-chancellor  of  o^Th"4 
England ;  and  the  deceafe  of  Sir  Thomas  Grelham,  mas  Gre, 
who  built  the  Royal   Exchange,  and  dedicated  a  ^^ 
large  houfe  to  the  purpofes  of  learning,  where  he 
founded  lectures  on  divinity,   the  civil  law,  medi- 
*"^ine,  aftronomy,  geometry,  rhetorick,  and  mufic. 

In  the  Low  Countries,  the  prince  of  Parma  amuf- 
ed  the  confederates  with  a  negotiation  at  Cologne ; 
and,  in  the  mean  time,  fomented  their  difTentions 
and  mutual  animofity.  The  prince  of  Orange,  far 
from  being  difpirited  by  the  defection  of  Hainault, 
Artois,  and  fome  other  provinces,  which  fubmitted 
to  the  dominion  of  Philip,  exerted  all  his  influence 
and  induftry  in  ftrengthening  the  confederacy  of 
thofe  provinces,  which  ftill  perfided  in  the  resolu- 
tion to  throw  off  the  Spaniih  yoke.  At  length  he 
effected  the  famous  union  of  Utrecht,  between  Hoi- 

Y  %  land3 

324  HISTORY   of   ENGL  AND. 

A-c.  1579.  land,  Zealand,   Fridland,  and  Utrecht,  to  which 

The  prince  Ghent   and  Ypres   afterwards    acceded;    and   the 

eff.aTthe    prince  was  elected  governor  of  Flanders.     Mean 

union  of      while  the  prince  of  Parma  reduced  Maeftricht,  and 

then  difmiffed  the  greateft  part  of  his  Spanifh  and 

Italian  troops,  according  to  his  engagement  with 

the  ftates  who  had  fubmkted :  an  act  of  honour  and 

good  faith,  which  was  attended  with  the  fubmiflion 

of  Mechlin,  Lifle,  and  Valenciennes. 

a.  c.  i'So.      ^ne  Roman  catholics  in  Ireland,  being  excluded 

from  offices  under  the  government,  inftigated  by 

popimpriefts,  and  encouraged  by  foreign  potentates, 

irehrndty"  were  now  upon  tne  eve  °f  a  general  revolt.  James 
james  Fkz-  Fitzmorris  repairing  to  Rome  undertook  to  reduce 
the  kingdom  of  Ireland  to  the  obedience  of  the  ho- 
ly fee,  and  was  furnifhed  by  the  pope  with  a  fmall 
lum  of  money,  a  confecrated  banner,  and  letters  of 
recommendation  to  the  king  of  Spain,  who  fup- 
plied  him  with  a  party  of  foldiers,  and  three  fhips5 
in  which  they  arrived  at  Kerry.  They  were  accom  - 
panied  by  the  two  priefts,  one  of  whom  was  digni- 
fied with  the  title  of  nuncio.  They  built  a  fort  at 
Smerwick  :  but  the  velTels  were  deftroyed  by  Tho- 
mas Courtney,  captain  of  an  Englifh  fhip  of  war  ; 
and  Fitzmorris  was  (lain  by  his  own  kinfmen,  the 
fons  of  W.  Burgh  of  Caftle-Conell.  The  rebels 
were  joined  by  John  and  James,  the  brothers  of 
Gerald  Fitzgerald,  earl  of  Defmond,  who  likewife 
engaged  to  raife  his  valTals  for  the  fame  fervice. 
Sir  W.  Drury,  the  lord  deputy,  being  taken  ill 
at  Waterford,  the  command  of  his  troops  devolv- 
ed to  Nicholas  Mai  by,  prefident  of  Conaught,  who 
routed  John  Fitzgerald  ;  but  his  commifiion  expir- 
ing at  the  death  of  the  deputy,  Sir  W.  Pelham 
was  appointed  lord  juftice  of  Ireland,  and  Thomas 
earl  of  Ormond  governor  of  Munfter.  The  earl  of 
Defmond  declaring  for  the  rebels,  was  proclaimed 
a  traitor.     His  country  was  laid  wafte  by  Ormond, 



while  Pelham  marched  into  Munfter.  The  princi-  A* c  'i8^ 
pal  inhabitants  were  obliged  to  give  hoflages  for 
their  fidelity ;  and  the  Spaniards  being  taken  in 
Carig-foyle,  were  hanged  with  Julio  their  comman- 
der, contrary  to  the  law  of  nations,  and  the  dictates 
cf  common  humanity.  James  Fitzgerald  being 
defeated  and  mortally  wounded  by  Donel,  brother 
to  Cormac  Maccarty,  was  delivered  to  Worham  St. 
Leger,  and  Walter  Raleigh  an  officer  lately  fent 
over,  then  tried  and  executed  as  a  traitor ;  while  his 
brother  the  earl  of  Defmond  fled  from  one  lurking- 
place  to  another,  fuing  in  vain  for  pardon.  The 
Ipirits  of  the  rebels,  dejected  by  this  bad  fuccefs, 
were  raifed  by  a  reinforcement  of  feven  Hundred 
Spanifh  and  Italian  foldiers,  with  arms  for  five  thou-  - 
fand  men,  who  arrived  atSmerwick,  under  the  com- 
mand of  an  officer  called  San  Jofeph.  There  they  were 
befieged  by  the  earl  of  Ormond,  the  lord  lieutenant, 
Raleigh,  Mackworth,  Denny,  and  other  officers, 
while  a  fquadron  of  fhips  commanded  by  Winter 
blocked  them  up  by  fea.  After  a  iiege  of  five  days, 
San  Jofeph,  though  his  garrifon,  reinforced  by  the 
natives,  amounted  to  fifteen  hundred  men,  furren- 
dered  at  difcretion.  All  the  Spanifh  foldiers  were 
mafiacred,  and  the  Irilh  hanged  as  rebels,  by  or- 
der of  a  council  of  war,  to  the  eternal  difgrace  of 
the  victors.  At  the  fame  time  an  infurrection  was 
raifed  in  Leinfter  by  Fitz-Euftace,  and  Pheogh 
Mac  Hugh,  chief  cf  the  O  Byrnes.  The  lord  lieu- 
tenant marching  thither,  had  the  mortification  to 
ice  the  befl  part  of  his  troops  cut  off  by  an  ambuf- 
cade  in  the  vale  of  Glandelough  :  but  the  lord  Grey 
fupprerTed  the  O  Connors,  the  O  Carrols,  and  Mac- 
geoghans,  who  had  engaged  in  a  confpiracy  to  maf- 
facre  the  lord  lieutenant  and  all  the  protectants  in 
Ireland.  The  O  Byrnes,  the  O  Moores,  and  the 
Kavenaghs,  were  obliged  to  fubmit  and  give  hof- 
tages  j  and  Tirlogh  Leinigh,  who  had  begun  to  ex- 

Y  2  cite 


a.  c  i53o.  cite  difturbances  in  Ulfter,  following  their  example, 
wTrel*1'      tne  tranquility  of  Ireland  was  reftored. 

Elizabeth  was  not  free  from  the  apprehenfion  of 
Praftkes  of  feeinff  England  involved    in   the  like   calamities. 

the  lefuits  *~'  <-J 

againft        When  Pacheco  expelled  the  Engl ifh  fugitives  from 
oucenEH-    t^t  low  Countries,  the  members  of  the  colleges  at 
Douay  retired  to  Rheims  and  Rome,  where  they 
eflablifhed  feminaries,  under  the  protection  of  the 
pope  and  the  cardinal  of  Lorraine  ;  and  from  thefe 
a  number  of  prieits  were  fent  over  to  England, 
where  they  preached  up  fedition.       Four  of  thefe 
emiffaries  were  executed,  for  having  publickly  main- 
tained that  the  queen  had  been  lawfully  depofed  by 
his  holinefs.     Thefe  examples  were  followed  by  a 
proclamation,  enjoining  all  perfons  who  had  chil- 
dren, wards,  or  relations,  in  foreign  feminaries,  to 
deliver  their,  names  to  the  ordinary  in  ten  days  ^  to 
bring  them  home  in  four  months ;  to  certify  the  or- 
dinary of  their  return  •,  or  mould  they  refufe  to  come 
heme,  to  with-hold  from  them  all  fupplies  of  mo- 
ney ;  to  forbear  maintaining,  relieving,  or  lodging, 
any  prieft  or  jefuit,  on  pain  of  being  reputed  and. 
punifhed  as  favourers  of  rebels  and  fedition.  Among 
thofe  who  came  over,  were  Edmund  Campian  and 
Athenae      Robert  Parfons,  the  firft  jefuits  that  ever  fet  foot  in 
Oxon.        England.    Campian,  who  pubiifhed  a  treadle  called 
the  Ten  Reafons,  in  favour  of  the  church  of  Rome, 
was  taken  and  executed  ;  but  Parfons  making  his 
eicape  to  the  continent,  joined  the  Englifh  refugees 
in  folliciting  the  king  of  Spain  to  invade  England. 
A  new  feci,  founded  by  Nicholai,   a.  Dutchman, 
and  termed  the  family  of  Love,  began  at  this  time 
to  gain  ground  in  Norfolk  and  Suffolk  :  they  reject- 
ed the  Lord's  prayer,  the  facraments,  and  the  out- 
ward admiffion  of  minifters.     They  confined  falva- 
tion  to  themfelves,  holding  all  the  reft  of  the  world 
as  reprobates  :  they  we're  guilty  of  the   moft  fcan- 
cklous   impurities  and  Iibertinifm,   and  publifhed 



$r.FRAJsrcis  Drake 


apologies  filled  with  all  the  abfurdities  of  fanaticifm  •,  A- c-  1s80' 
till  at  length  a  proclamation  being  publifhed  againft 
them,  they  were  profecuted  and  fupprefTed.     Ano- 
ther   proclamation    was    iflued  to  reform  extrava- 
gance in  apparel ;  and  a  third  to  prevent  the  increafe 
of  London  with  new  buildings,  the  enormous  bulk 
of  that  city  being  already  attended  with  many  incon- 
veniencies  to  itfelf,  as  well  as  with  confequences  Camden. 
to  the  prejudice  of  the  kingdom  in  general. 

In  the  courfe  of  this  year,  Francis  Drake  return-  Francis 
ed  to  England  from  a  voyage  in  which  he  had  encir-  ^  fr*£ 
cled  the  terreftrial  globe.    He  had  entered  the  South  ^s  voyage 
fea  or  Pacific  ocean  -through  the  ftraits  of  Magellan,  *J]J*t  tie 
taken  a  prize  at  Lima  of  immenfe  value,  difcover- 
ed  New  Albion,  failed  over  to  the  Moluccos,    and 
returned  by  the  cape  of  Good   Hope  to  his  own 
country.      Mendoza  the  Spaniih  ambafTador  com- 
plaining of  his  depredations,  and  demanding  refti- 
tution  of  the  money  which  he  had  plundered  from 
the  fubjecis   of  Spain  in   a   piratical  manner  \  the 
queen  jiiftihed  what  he  had  done,  by  recriminating 
upon  Philip,  who  had  fomented  rebellions  among 
her  fubjects  in  Ireland.     She  faid  Drake  was  ready 
to  anfwer  at  law  for  any  thing  that  mould  be  laid  to 
his  charge  ■,  fhe  dined  on  board  of  the  fhip  at  Dept- 
ford,    and  honoured  him  with  the  order  of  knight- 
hood.    But,  notwithstanding  thefe  allegations,  this 
countenance,  and  all  his  merit  and  fuccefs  as  a  fea- 
officer,   it  mult  be  owned  that  Drake  had  been  a 
downright  pyrate.     The  treafure  was  fequeftered  -, 
and  great  fums  were  payed  to  Pedro  Sebura,  a  Spa- 
niard, impowered  by  letters  of  attorney  to  fue  for 
the  prizes  which  Drake  had  taken  without  a  com- 
million.    Bat  this  money,   inftead  of  being  reftored 
to  the  proprietors,  was  employed  by  Philip  in  main- 
taining the  war  of  the  Netherlands. 

The  pieafure  which  the  queen  enjoyed  on  this  oc- 
cafion  was  interrupted  by  the  diitrefs  of  the  earl  of 

Y  4  Mor- 

328  HISTORY    op    ENGLAND. 


a,  c.  r^Sr  Norton  in  Scotland,  who  had  always  been  her  abject 
dependant.     He  had  formed  a  fcheme  for  deliver- 
ing his  mafter  into  the  hands  of  Elizabeth  ;  but  this 
taking  air,  was  prevented.     The  queen  of  England 
perceiving  that  Morton's  ruin  was  planned  by  the 
duke  of  Lennox,  and  his  colleague  Stuart,  by  this 
time  created  earl  of  Arran,  fent  Bowes  into  Scot- 
land to  open  the  eyes  of  the  young  king  with  refpect 
to  thefe  favourites  •,  and  toaccufe  Lennox  of  hold- 
ing correfpondence  with  the  court  of  France,   and 
with  the  duke  of  Guife  in  particular,  to  the  preju- 
dice of  England  and  Scotland.     This  envoy  being 
refufed   audience,  was   immediately  recalled  ;   and 
Alexander  Hume,  fent  to  England  by  James  to  ex- 
cufe  his  conduct,  was  treated  with  the  fame  indig- 
nity.    The  Scottifh   council    being   affembled  in 
Holyrood  houfe,    James  Stuart,   a  younger  fon  of 
lord  Ochiltree,  falling  on  his  knees  before  the  king, 
accufed  the  earl  of  Morton  of  confpiring  the  death 
of  his    majelly's  father.     In   confequcnce  of  this 
charge,  Morton  was  apprehended,  and  conveyed  to 
the  caiile  of  Dumbarton.  Elizabeth  no  fooner  heard 
of  his  arreft,  than  fhe  difpatched  Randolph  to  inter- 
cede in  his  behalf.     This  minifter  endeavoured  to 
intimidate  James,  by  reprefenting  the  danger  of  a 
quarrel  with  England.    Being  allowed  to  harrangue 
the  Hates  when  they  met,  he  told  them,  in  the  name 
of  his  miftrefs,   that  the  duke  of  Lennox  had  en- 
deavoured to  deftroy  the   friendly  correfpondence 
between  the  two  nations,  to  alien?te  the  heart  of 
the  king  from  his  faithful  clergy,    and  even  prac- 
tifed  with  foreign  princes  to  invade  England.     In 
fupport  of  this  charge,  he  produced  fome  letters, 
the  forgery  of  which  was  fo  palpable,  that  nothing 
but  his  character  of  ambaffador  faved  him  from  be- 
ing fent  prifoner  to  the  caftle.     Thus  difappointed, 
fhe  engaged  the  earls  of  Argyle,  Montrofs,  Glen- 
Cairn,  Angus,  and  Marr,  in  a  fcheme  of  rebellion  for 



the  deiiverance  of  Morton  •,  an  Englifh  army  com-  A  c  158r- 
manded  by  the  earl  of  Huntingdon  and  lord  Hunf- 
don  lay  ready  on  the  frontiers  to  join  the  revolters; 
but  the  confpiracy  being  difcovered,  Argyle,  Mon- 
trofs,  and  Glencairn,  returned  to  their  duty,  on  pro- 
mife  of  being  pardoned  :  the  king's  guards  were 
doubled,  his  troops  and  garrifons  augmented,  and 
his  fubjects  ordered  by  proclamation  to  hold  them- 
felves  in  readinefs  to  attend  the  royal  ftandard.  The 
Englifh  generals  being  apprifed  of  thefe  particulars, 
difmififed  their  forces  in  Northumberland :  Angus 
was  confined  beyond  the  river  Spey,  and  afterwards 
denounced  a  traitor :  Marr  was  obliged  to  deliver  up 
the  caftle  of  Stirling ;  other  friends  and  relations  of 
Morton  were  declared  rebels.  Randolph  withdrew 
himfelf  to  Berwick :  Sir  John  Seaton  was  fent  to  com- 
plain of  his  conduct,  and  to  know  if  Elizabeth  intend- 
ed to  engage  in  a  war  with  Scotland  -,  but  he  was  de- 
tained at  Berwick  by  an  order  from  the  court  of 
England.  Morton,  being  brought  from  Dumbar-  Theeariof 
ton,  was  tried  at  Edinburgh,   and  being  convicted  Morton  is 

,.         .         ,  °  ,  c  1   •  j  t  condemned 

as  an  accomplice  in  the  murder  or  king  Henry,  was  and  behead- 
eondemned  to  be  hanged,  drawn,  and  quartered.  edinScot- 
The  fentence,  however,  was  changed  into  decapita- 
tion, which  he  next  day  underwent  with  great  com-  Crawford. 
pofure,  after  he   had  owned  that  he   knew  cf  the 
king's  murder,  though  he  was  not  an  actor  in  that 
tragedy  ;  that  the  queen  had  no  concern  in  the  af- 
fair -,  and  that  he  had  figned  an  affociation  for  de- 
fending Bothwell,   who  was  the  perpetrator.     But  MeM?. 
he  would  not  difcover  the  place  in  which  his  natu- 
ral fon  James,  and  one  Macmorran  had   depofited 
his  treafure  ;    and  all  the  money,  amounting  to  a 
prodigious  fum,   was  loft  to  the  nation.     He  died 
unlamented  ;  and  fo  little  regarded,  that  after  he 
was  beheaded,   his  body  lay  all  day  upon  the  fcaf- 
fold,  covered  with  an  old  blue  cloak,  without  at- 



a.  g.  1581.  tracking  the  companion,  or  even  the  notice  of  the 
people.  Morton  being  thus  removed,  the  two  fa- 
vourites reigned  without  controul,  not  only  over 
the  people,  but  al'b  over  the  mind  of  their  fove- 
reign,  who,  with  feme  capacity  and  inclination  for 
fchool-learning,  was  a  filly,  weak,  irrefolute  prince, 
of  a  very  defpicable  character.  Lennox  was  not 
deftitute  of  good  qualities  •,  but  he  was  giddy  and 
unexperienced,  a  profeiTed  Roman  catholic,  and  a 
fuppofed  adherent  of  the  duke  of  Guife  •,  fo  that  he 
fbon  became  odious  to  the  nation.  His  colleague 
Arran  was  a  young  man  void  of  principle  and  reli- 
gion, who,  under  the  mafque  of  friendfhip,  encou- 
raged Lennox  to  follow  unpopular  ccurfes,  that  he 
might  incur  the  hatred  of  the  people,  and  fo  con- 
tribute to  his  own  deftruclion. 

During  thefe  tranfac~tions,  the  court  of  France  vi  • 
goroufly  preiTed  the  execution  of  the  marriage  be- 
tween the  duke  of  Anjou  and  Elizabeth.  Simier 
having  agreed  with  her  upon  the  principal  articles  of 
the  contract,  Henry  III.  fent  over  to  England  a 
very  honourable  embafTy  \  and  the  lord  Burleigh, 
with  the  earls  of  Lincoln,  SufTex,  Bedford,  and  Lei- 
cefter,  Chriflopher  Hatton,  and  Francis  Walfing- 
ham,  lately  appointed  fecretary  of  ftate,  were  com- 
midioned  to  confer  with  the  French  plenipotentia- 
ries, fo  that  the  treaty  might  be  brought  to  perfec- 

Articfesof  t'Gn-     They  accordingly  agreed   that  the  marriage 
emar-      fhould  be  confummated  in  fix  weeks.     Among  the 

meecon-    arcjcjes  ro  which  they  gave  their  affent,  the  moil  re- 

trace  bp-  /    O  <  ' 

■    =» eh-    markable  were  thefe  :    1  hat,    in   cafe   the  king  of 
,     £*"d    prance  fhould  die  without  male  iflbe,  and  the  duke 
Anjon.        of  Anjou  mould  have  two  fens  by  this  marriage, 
the  elded  mould  fucceed  to  the  crown  of  France,  and 
the  other  afcend  the  throne  of  England  :    in  cafe  of 
one  fon  only,    he  fhould  inherit   both  realms ;    and 
of  every  two  years,    refide  eight  months  in  Eng- 
land : 


land  :  That  the  duke  fhould  not  fill  up  any  poft  or  A,c-  '5** 
ofEce  in  England  with  a  foreigner  :  That  he  fhould 
not  convey  the  queen  out  of  the  kingdom,  without 
the  exprefs  confent  of  the  nobles :  That  he  mould 
not  tranfport  the  jewels  of  the  crown  to  any  other 
country  :  And  that  all  the  (Irong  holds  of  the  king- 
dom fhould  be  garrifoned  by  Englifh  troops  com- 
manded by  Englifh  governors.  By  a  feparate  ar- 
ticle both  parties  agreed,  that  the  queen  fhould  not 
be  obliged  to  confummate  the  marriage,  until  flie 
and  the  duke  of  Anjou  mould  have  explained 
certain  circumftances  to  each  other,  which  they 
fhould  in  fix  weeks  communicate  to  the  French  mo- 

Thefe  articles  were  no  fooner  ratified,  than  Eli-  The  queen 
zabeth  feemed  to  repent  of  her  bargain.  In  order  finghamto" 
to  protract  the  conclufion  of  the  marriage,   fhe  fent  Fjance  to 

o  t»      ■  '     r  n  t  t  s  protract  the 

over  bommers  to  Pans,  to  mint  upon  Henry  s  en-  conclufion 
gaping  with  her  in  a  league  offenfive  as  well  as  de-  °.fthismar~ 
fen  five.  This  envoy  was  followed  by  fecretary 
Walfingham,  who  told  the  French  king,  that, 
notwithstanding  the  treaty,  it  would-  be  neceffary  to 
poftpone  the  confummation  of  the  marriage,  until 
her  fubjects  fhould  be  better  reconciled  to  the 
match  :  and  until  fhe  herfelf  fhould  have  more  ma- 
turely  weighed  certain  circumftances  of  impor- 
tance which  had  happened  fince  the  conclufion  of 
the  treaty.  He  oblerved  that  the  duke  of  Anjou 
had  accepted  the  fovereignty  of  the  Low  Countries ; 
a  dignity  which  might  involve  England  in  an  ex- 
penfive  war  with  Spain  :  that  therefore  the  queen 
judged  it  convenient  to  delay  the  match,  until  the 
duke  fhould  have  extricated  himielf  from  this  diffi- 
culty ;  and  a  league  offenfive  and  defenfive  fhould 
be  concluded  between  France  and  England.  To 
this  remonftrance  Henry  anfwered,  That  he  was 
ready  to  renew  the  defenfive  league,  and  would 



a.  c.  1581.  treac  about  a  league  offenfive  after  the  confumnu- 
tion  of  the  marriage. 

Walfingham,  in  his  return,  pafTed  through  the 
Netherlands,  and  vifited  the  dukeofAnjou,  who 
had  compelled  the  prince  of  Parma  to  raife  the 
blockade  of  Cambray,  reduced  Arleux,  and  other 
places,  and  driven  the  Spaniards  out  of  the  Cam- 
brefis.  His  troops,  amounting  to  fixteen  thoufand 
men,  confifted  chiefly  of  gentlemen  and  their  vaf- 
fals,  who  engaged  in  the  fervice  as  volunteers,  with- 
out thinking  themfelves  fubjedt  to  military  difci- 

cSden.      phne,  and  dropped  ofFoccafionally,  for  want  of  pay 

Rymcr.       or  neceffaries  *,   fo  that  the  duke  was  difabled  from 
joining  the  army  of  the  eftates,  which  waited  for 

Tbedu!"of  him  betwixt  Lifle  and   Quefnoy.      He  therefore 

Anjou  ar-  r  Z^-  J 

rives  in      polled  himielf  under  La  Catelet,  with  the  remains 

l^thti  f  °^  ^IS  arrnv »    an<^  m  tne  Jatter  end  of  November, 
ted  by  Eli-   arrived  at  the  court  of  London.     There  he  was  re- 
*abethj      ceived  by  Elizabeth  with  all  the  demonstrations  of 
the  warmed  affection.     On  the  anniverfary  of  her 
coronation,  (he  with  her  own  hand  fixed  a  ring  up- 
on his  finger,  in  token  of  pledging  her  troth,  ac- 
cording to  the  contract.  She  even  proceeded  fo  far  as 
v/ho breaks  CQ  take  up  tne  pen   jn  order  to  fubfcribe  the  articles  ; 

Tnatch  with  when  all  of  a  fudden  fhe  threw  it  away,  with  violent 
indignation.  marks  0f  indignation  ;  and,  turning  to  the  lords  of 
the  council,  aiked  if  they  did  not  know  that  the 
marriage  would  put  an  end  to  her  days ;  and  that 
after  her  death  they  would  cut  one  another's  throats 
about  the  fucceflion?  Leicefter,  Hatton,  and  Wal- 
fingham, were  averfe  to  this  match.  After  me  had 
delivered  the  ring  to  the  duke  of  Anjou,  the  ladies 
of  the  bed-chamber  confumed  the  night  in  weeping 
and  wailing.  Next  morning,  when  fhe  was  vifited 
by  the  duke,  fhe  told  him  three  fuch  nights  would 
bring  her  to  the  grave  -,  that  the  averfion  of  her 
fobje&s  to  a  French  prince  was  infurmountable ; 




at  he  would  derive  little  or  no  advantage  from  the  A-c«  ***** 
alliance ;  but  that  in  all  probability  it  would  pro- 
duce great  evils;  and  numberlefs  inconveniencies 
would  arife  from  their  differing  in  point  of  religion. 
She  was  feconded  by  vice-chamberlain  Hatton,  who 
diffuaded  him  from  proceeding  further  in  the  affair, 
as  the  queen,  being  now  in  the  forty-ninth  year  of 
her  age,  was  not  likely  to  have  children  ;  and,  as 
the  king  of  France  had  not  yet  ratified  the  arti- 
cles of  the  marriage.  The  duke  retired  to  his 
lodgings,  in  the  utmoft  mortification  of  difappoint- 
ment  ;  he  darned  the  ring  upon  the  ground,  ex- 
claimed againft  the  ficklenefs  of  the  female  fex,  and 
curfed  the  inconftancy  of  the  Englifh  people. 

Elizabeth  was  no  lefs  afflicted  with  various  con- 
siderations. The  duke's  perfonal  accomplifhments 
had  actually  made  an  impreffion  upon  her  heart. 
She  had  conceived  a  paffion  which  fhe  was  reftrain- 
ed  from  gratifying  by  fome  bodily  infirmity,  by  the 
fear  of  dilbbliging  her  fubjects,  and  the  apprehenfion 
of  parting  with  fome  fhare  of  her  authority:  fhe 
dreaded  the  refentment  of  Anjou,  who  might  efpoufe 
a  daughter  of  Spain,  and  multiply  the  dangers  to 
which  her  kingdom  was  expofed.  Such  an  alliance 
was  even  faid  to  be  upon  the  anvil  •,  and  therefore 
fhe  would  not  allow  the  duke  to  return  to  the 
Netherlands,  though  the  eftates  preffed  him  to  ga 
thither  and  oppole  the  progrefs  of  the  prince  of 
Parma.  He  was  flattered  with  new  hopes  of  the 
marriage  -,  entertained  for  three  months  with  an  un- 
interrupted feries  of  diverfions  ;  and  at  length  dif- 
miffed  with  a  confiderable  prefent  in  money,  after 
he  had  promifed  to  return  in  a  month,  and  confum- 
mate  the  marriage.  It  was  during  the  duke's  reft-  stubbspc- 
dence  at  court  that  Stubbs,  the  author  of  the  book  ?5P:-nJ7 
written  againft  the  marriage,  and  Page  the  printer,  scathe 
were  condemned  to  lofe  their  right  hands ;  and  mamag* 
the  fencence  was  executed  on  a  fcaffold  in  Weft- 


7  mmiter. 


a.  c.  i58i.  minfter.  When  the  right  hand  of  Stubbs  was  cut 
off  with  a  cleaver,  he  lifted  off  his  hat  with  the 
other,  exclaiming  with  a  loud  voice,  "  God  fave 
"  the  queen."  And  the  populace,  in  profound 
filence,  teltified  their  horror  of  this  barbarity,  prac- 
tifed  upon  a  man  of  fome  note  and  unblemimed 
reputation.  This  was  a  facrifice  offered  to  the  re- 
fentment  of  the  duke,  who  had  been  fcandaloufly 
reviled  and  infulted  by  the  Englifh  nation.  But 
the  queen,  in  order  to  convince  him  of  the  little  in- 
fluence he  had  to  expect  from  the  marriage,  cauied 
Campian,  and  the  other  priefts  whom  we  have  al- 
Camden.      ready  mentioned,  to  be  put  to  death  for  fupporting 

the  papal  authority  in  England. 
a.  c.  15S2.       ^he   parliament    meeting  in  the  beginning  of 
January,   enacted  a  fevere  law  againft  fuch  delin- 
Aniou°re-     quents,    declaring  all  thofe  guilty  of  high-treafon 
tums  to  the  wno  fhould  endeavour  to  alienate  the  fubjects  from 
lands/attd     their  fidelity  to  the  queen,  or  perfuade  them   to 
difconcerts    aDancjon   tne   tftablifhed   religion.     Elizabeth  ac- 
of  the  cor-  companied  the  duke  of  Anjou  to  Canterbury.     She 
federates,      ordered  the  earl  of  Leicefter,  with  feveral  other  no- 
blemen, to  attend  him  to  the  Low  Countries,   and 
recommend  him,  in  her  name,  to  the  eftates  of  the 
Netherlands.      He   made    a    pompous  entry  into 
Antwerp,  where  he  was  inaugurated  duke  of  Bra- 
bant, and  afterwards  invefted  at  Ghent  as  count  of 
Flanders.     He  was   reinforced  by  a  body  of  Ger- 
man horfe,  under  Charles  de  Mansfield,  four  thou- 
fand  Swjfs,   and  a  ftrong  detachment  of  horfe  and 
foot  from  France  -,   but  the  queen- mother  gave  him 
to  underftand,  that  this  was  the  laft  fupply  he  fhould 
receive,  unkfs  the  eftates  would  acknowledge  the 
king  of  France  as  their  fovereign,  in  cafe  the  duke 
mould  die  without  iifue  :   a  propofal  which  was  no 
fooner  made  than  rejected.     The  eftates  were  even 
io  jealous  of  their  new  fovereign,  that  they  allowed 
him  little  or  no  fhare  in  the  government.     They 



managed  the  finances  without  fupplying  him  with  *.*5.-is*fci 
money  :  they  difpofed  of  all  magiftracies  and  offices  : 
they  would  not  admit  the  French  troops  into  their 
towns,  without  the  utmoft  precaution  :  and,  in  a 
word,  he  found  himfelf  a  perfon  of  very  little  im- 
portance ;  while  the  prince  of  Orange,  and  a  few  de- 
puties of  the  eftates,  engrofled  the  whole  admini- 
ftration.  In  order  therefore  to  acquire  more  autho- 
rity, and  intereft  France  in  his  behalf,  he  formed  a 
fcheme  for  making  himfelf  matter  of  the  principal 
towns.  Some  of  them  he  furprifed  accordingly  ; 
but  he  mifcarried  in  his  attempts  on  Bruges  and 
Antwerp,  loft  about  fourthoufand  of  his  belt  troops, 
which  were  either  (lain  or  taken  prifoners,  exafpe- 
rated  the  eftates  againft  him,  and  difconcerted  all  Mete«n* 
their  affairs. 

Elizabeth,  who  forefaw  the  bad  confequences  of 
their  diffenfion,  endeavoured  to  ftrengrhen  htr{c\f 
againft  the  defigns  of  Phihp,  by  forming  a  league  of 
the  proteftant  princes  of  the  empire  ;  and,  in  the 
mean  time,  fhe  fenc  the  order  of  the  garter  to  Fre- 
deric II.  king  of  Denmark,  a  prince  of  great  merit 
and  reputation.  She  was  the  mere  follicitciis  about 
taking  thefe  precautions,  as  her  intereft  had  declin- 
ed in  Scotland  fince  the  death  of  Morton.  She  con- 
fidered  the  duke  of  Lennox  as  an  agent  for  the 
duke  of  Guife,  and  cenfequently  an  enemy  to  her 
perfon  :  Pat  faw,  with  regret,  the  young  king  in- 
tirely  guided  by  his  counfels  :  but  ihe  was  foon  de- 
livered from  all  apprehenfion  of  that  favourite.  By 
the  in  {ligation  of  Arran,  he  abufed  his  power  to  fuch 
a  degree,  that  he  loft  the  hearts  of  the  nation,  and 
rendered  himfelf  very  odious,  in  particular  to  the 
friends  of  the  late  regent.  He  recalled  the  laird  of 
Ferniherft,  ana  feveral  other  perions  of  diftinclion, 
who  had  been  banifhed  for  their  adherence  to  the 
king's  mother.  Heeftablifhed  a  friendly  correfpon- 
dence  between  that  princefs  and  her  fon?   whom  fhe 


336  HISTORY   op    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1582,  now  confented  to  afTociate  in  the  government,  that 
all  difputes  about  the  fupreme  authority  might  be 
removed.  So  far  be  acted  wifely  for  the  benefit  and 
quiet  of  the  kingdom  :   but  at  the  fame  time  he  dif- 
obliged  and  perfecuted  the  lords  who  had  fupported 
the  king  in  his  minority.     At  length  they  formed 
a  confpiracy  for  expelling  him  from  the  realm.  The 
king  returning  meanly  attended  from  Athol,  was 
feized  by  the  earl  of  Marr,  the  lords  Lindfay  and 
Ibyd,  the  matter  of  Oliphant,    with  feveral  other 
perfons  of  diilinction,  and  conveyed  to  Ruthven - 
caftle,  the  refidence  of  the  earl  of  Gowry,  who  had 
been  drawn  into  the  plot  on  falfe  information.   Len- 
nox, being  at  that  time  in  Glafgow,  took  refuge  in 
the  caftle  of  Dumbarton  :    Arran  was  taken  and 
confined  in  Ruthven.     The  king  being  conducted 
to  Stirling-caftle,  was  obliged  to  ngn  a  declaration, 
importing,  that  what  the  lords  had  done  at  the  Raid 
The  d-Ae  of  of  Ruthven  was  for  his  fervice.     The  duke  of  Len- 
Lennoxis     nox  was  orc]erecl  t0  qUjt  the   realm ;    and   Tames 

obliged  to  *  . 

qmt  Scot-     wrote  a  letter  to  the  queen  of  England,  afTuring  her 
iand*  that  he  was  not  under  the  Jeaft  reftraint.   Elizabeth 

advifed  him,  for  the  peace  of  the  kingdom,  to  recal 
the  earl  of  Angus,  and  fend  the  duke  of  Lennox 
into  France.  This  nobleman  immediately  com- 
plied with  his  mailer's  defire  •,  and  pafiing  through 
Meivii.  England,  returned  to  France,  where,  in  a  few 
jebb.  months,  he  died    a  proteilant,   not  without  fufpi- 

Spottiiwood.       •  r  •  r 

-  cion  or  poilon. 

The  Engliih  perceiving  that  the  authority  of 
James  began  to  be  eftablifhed  in  Scotland,  endea- 
voured to  keep  him  in  awe,  by  renewing  the  treaty 
for  his  mother's  releafe  and  reftoration.  Beale  had 
been  fent  to  queen  Mary  at  Sheffield  with  certain  pro- 
portions, to  which  (he  partly  agreed  :  but  perceiv- 
ing Elizabeth's  drift,  and  being  debarred  all  in- 
tercourfe  with  her  fon,  fhe  alarmed  Elizabeth  in 
her  turn,  by  declaring  her  refolution  to  refign  all 



her  rights  and  preienfions  in  Scotland,  and  elfe-  A»c-  "s**- 
where,  to  her  fon,  that  he  might  act  as  he  mould 
judge  proper  for  his  own  intereft,  without  being 
prejudiced  by  her  captivity.  In  that  cafe,  fhe  faid 
fhe  could  be  no  longer  charged  with  practices  againft 
the  Englifh  government ;  and  her  enemies  would 
have  nothing  upon  which  they  could  exercife  their 
cruelty,    but  her  poor,  infirm,    languifhing  body,  . 

worn  out  with  hardfhips  and  affliction.     It  was  not  fiJatioVof 
without  reafon  this  unhappy  princefs  complained  of  M*ry  queen 
hardfhips.     She  had  been  confined  thirteen  years0  Scots* .  - 
under  different  keepers,  and  often  treated  in  the  moft 
rigorous  manner.     She  faw  herfelf  deprived  of  her 
crown  and  liberty  :    her  youth  had  pined  away  in 
dreary   imprifonment :    her  reputation   had   beeri 
blafted  by  the  venomous  tooth  of  malice  and  defa- 
mation :  all  her  fchemes  were  defeated  ;    all  her 
profpects  of  relief  entirely  vanifhed  :  her  life  was 
in  the  power  of  a  jealous  rival,  who  could  brook  no 
competition :  her  health  was  in   a  great  meafure 
impaired  by  confinement  and  vexation  •,  yet  (he  was 
denied  the  conveniency  of  having  female  fefvants 
to  attend  her  in  fuch  diftrefs  f . 

This  was  the  forlorn  fituation  of  Mary,  when  fhe  a.  c.  ,5g^ 
was  informed  of  her  fon's  captivity.  Her  parental 
tendernefs  awoke  :  fhe  fummoned  all  the  mocher,  all 
theprincefs  to  her  aid,  and  wrote  a  pathetic  letter  to 
Elizabeth,  in  which  fhe  upbraided  her  with  all  the 
miferies  me  had  undergone  *,  and  conjured  her  to 
interpofe  in  behalf  of  a  prince,  a  neighbour,  an 
ally,  a  kinfman,  in  diftrefs.  Elizabeth  was  piqued 
at  this  warm  expoftulation,  and  defired  her  council 
to  deliberate  upon  the  conditions  on  which  fhe  mould 
be  releafed.     They  accordingly  drew  up  the  fol- 

•f  In  the  courfe  of  this  year,   pope  form  to  this  ordinance  of  the  pope;  f« 

Gregory  XIII.  publifhtd  a  bull  for  re-  that  there   arofe   a   difference  of  ten 

forming  the  calendar,  cutting  off"  ten  days,  in  the  computation  between  the 

days  of  the  current  year-  England  and  Roman  catholic  countries  and  thofe 

Other  proteftant  eftates,  would  not  cen-  of  the  reformed'  religion. 

Numb.  LVIIl.  Z  lowing 

338  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  i583.  lowing  articles,  which  were  prefented  to  Mary  on 
conditions  the  fuppofition  that  fhe  would;  alTociate  her  fon  in 
EHTabethtotn€  adminiftration.  The  queen  of  Scotland,  and 
that  prin-  the  king,  fhall  attempt  nothing  to  the  prejudice  of 
cef$*  England :    She  fhall  difapprove  of  every  thing  that 

was  done  by  her  hufband  Francis  II.  and  ratify  the 
treaty  of  Edinburgh  :  She  (hall  difcover  and  con- 
demn all  the  confpiracies  which  to  her  knowledge 
have  been  formed  againfl  queen  Elizabeth  :  She 
fhall  project  no  fcheme  againfl:  the  government  of 
England,  either  temporal  or  fpiritual  :  She  fhall 
not  pretend  any  right  to  the  crown  of  England 
during  the  life  of  Elizabeth  ;  and,  after  the  death 
of  this  princefs,  fhall  fubmit  her  pretenfions  to  the 
determination  of  parliament :  She  and  her  fons 
fhall  confirm  thefe  articles  by  oath  and  fubfcription  j 
and,  for  the  ratification  of  this  laft  article,  hoftages 
fhall  be  delivered  to  the  queen  of  England.  No- 
thing was  farther  from  the  intention  of  Elizabeth 
than  the  releafe  of  Mary,  whom  fhe  thus  amufed 
with  articles  which  were  rejected  by  the  Scottifh 
lords  of  her  intereft,  who  had  fecured  the  perfon  of 
their  fovereign. 

She  had,  when  he  was  firft  feized,  fent  her  kinf- 
man  Henry  Cary  to  offer  him  her  afliftance  ;  and, 
though  he  was  furrounded  by  his  captors,  he  found 
means  to  make  this  envoy  acquainted  with  his  real 
fituation.  Cary  had  been  accompanied  by  the 
French  ambafTador  de  la  Mothe  Fenelon,  whom 
his  matter  had  ordered  to  go  thither  and  fupport  the 
faction  of  the  favourites,  whofe  difafter,  however, 
he  could  not  prevent.  The  lords  of  Ruftiven  hav- 
ing banifhed  one  minifter,  and  imprifoned  the  other, 
advifed  the  king  to  aflemble  the  eftates,  to  whom 
he  declared,  in  perfon,  that  he  was  very  well  fatis- 
fied  with  thofe  noblemen  by  whom  he  had  been 
conveyed  to  Ruthven.  He  wrote  the  fame  decla- 
ration to  the  general  affembly  of  the  kirk,  which 



by  authentic  acts  approved  of  the  tranfaction  called  A,c'  ,583, 
the  Raid  of  RuthvSn.  Then  the  greater  part  of 
the  lords  retired  to  their  own  houfes  ±  fo  that  the 
king  found  himfelf  at  liberty  to  follow  his  own  in- 
clination. He  convoked  an  aflembly  of  his  nobles 
at  St.  Andrews,  where  he  owned  that  he  had  been 
apprehended  for  his  own  good,  and  that  he  would 
publifh  a  general  amnefty  in  favour  of  thofe  who 
had  conducted  him  to  Ruthven  -,  he  even  vifited 
the  earl  of  Gowry,  who  falling  upon  his  knees  be- 
fore him,  and  imploring  pardon  for  his  fhare  of  the 
confpiracy,  into  which  he  had  been  feduced  by  falfe 
information  of  a  plot  hatched  by  Lennox  againft 
his  life,  the  king  raifed  him  up,  and  afTured  him 
of  his  forgivenefs  and  friendfhip.  James  afterwards  The  earl  of 
nominated  twelve  counfellors  toaflifthim  inmanag-  g^nThlTri- 
ing  the  reigns  of  government;  but  the  earl  of tereft.atth« 
Arran,  whofe  life  Gowry  had  faved  from  the  enmity  coc°rt; 
of  the  other  confpirators,  being  permitted  to  return 
to  court,  regained  all  his  former  afcendency  over 
the  fpirit  of  the  king,  who,  by  his  advice,  inftead 
of  an  amnefty,  publifhed  a  proclamation,  offering 
pardon  to  all  the  confpirators  of  Ruthven,  who 
fhould  come  and  afk  pardon  for  the  crime  of  which 
they  were  guilty.  The  lords,  alarmed  at  this  de- 
claration, by  which  they  were  held  as  criminal, 
and  fubjected  to  the  mercy  of  a  prince  governed 
by  the  very  minifler  againft  whom  they  had  tranf- 
grefTed,  retired,  fome  to  their  own  houies,  and 
others  into  England,  for  protection. 

Elizabeth  reproached  the  king  of  Scotland,  in  a 
letter,  for  having  broken  his  promife  ;  and  he  re-  Ei^e* 
plied,  that  the  promife  was    extorted    by  rebels,  therWfc- 
while  he  was  in  captivity.    Then  fhe  fent  Walling-  cretaryWai- 
ham,  her  fecretary,   into  Scotland,  on  pretence  of  mgii™' 
eftablifhing  a  more  intimate  union  between  the  two 
powers ;  but  his  real  defign  was  to  ruin  the  earl  of 
Arran,  ftrengthen  the  Englifh  faction,  and  examine 

Z  i  the 


a,  c.  1583.  tne  y0Ung  king's  capacity.  Fenelon  had  carried 
thither  his  mother's  refignation  in  his  favour  :  and 
the  king  of  France,  with  the  neighbouring  fove- 
reigns,  had,  in  confequence  of  that  refignation, 
acknowledged  him  as  king  of  Scotland  :  fo  that 
Elizabeth's  jeaioufy  prompted  her  to  fend  her  own 
fecretary,  notwithstanding  his  infirm  ftate  of  health, 
to  make  his  obfervations  on  the  difpofition  and  real 
ftate  of  the  Scottifh  monarch.  This  Englifh  am- 
baflador  would  not  confer  with  the  earl  of  Arran  ; 
nor  could  he  procure  any  indulgence  for  the  lords 
of  the  Raid  of  Ruthven  ;  but  he  had  feveral  confe- 
rences with  the  king,  whofe  pregnant  parts  he  af- 
fected to  admire  :  he  obtained  a  promife  from 
James,  that  he  would  make  no  alteration  in  the 
eftablilhed  religion  ;  diftributed  fums  of  money 
among  the  Scottifh  courtiers,  and  returning  to  Eng- 
land, gave  his  miftrefs  fuch  an  account  of  her  cou- 
Spottifwood.  fin>  as  for  the  prefent  quieted  her  fears  and  fuf- 

Mediates  a  At  this  period,  the  king  of  Sweden  finding  him- 
twecnbRuf-  ^  unable  to  oppofe  John  Bafilowitz  emperor  of 
fiaandSwc- Ruffia,  with  whom  he  was  at  war,  follicited  the 
mediation  of  queen  Elizabeth,  who  prevailed  upon 
John  to  grant  him  peace  on  equal  conditions.  The 
Ruijian  had  a  very  particular  veneration  for  the 
queen  of  England,  and  defired  fhe  would  fend  him 
3r*wife  from  her  kingdom  :  but,  as  he  arrogated 
to  himfelf  the  power  of  repudiating  his  conforts, 
according  to  his  own  pleafure,  no  Englishwoman 
would  accept  of  the  dignity.  In  the  courfe  of  this 
year,  Thomas  RatclifFe  earl  of  SufTex  died  without 
irTue,  and  Mary  queen  of  Scots  loft  a  zealous  friend 
by  the  death  of  Henry  Wriothefly  earl  of  South- 
ampton. Gerald  earl  of  Defmond  was  flain  in  a 
cave  in  Ireland  ;  and  doctor  Sanders,  agent  for  the 
pope  in  that  kingdom,  perifhed  by  famine.  Some 
part  of  the  lands   of  Defmond  was  given  by  the 



queen  to  his  kinfman  the  earl  of  Ormond,  and  theAi c*,583. 
reft  granted  to  adventurers,  who  undertook  to  cul- 
tivate and  improve  the  country.  In  a  v/ord,  Ire- 
land was  kept  tolerably  quiet,  by  the  vigilant  and 
prudent  conduct  of  Sir  John  Perrot  the  lord-de- 
puty, Who  adminiftered  juftice  with  the  utmofl  im- 

In  England  the  popilh  emhTaries  continued  their 
practices  againft  Elizabeth,  whom  they  privately 
reviled  as  an  excommunicated  perfon,  a  perfecutor 
and  ufurper.      John  Somerville,   a  gentleman  of  ^wvuie" 
Warwickshire,  was  difordered  in  his  brain  by  thefe  executed  for 
infinuations  •,  he  repaired  to  London,  breathing  de-  ^ftthV 
flruction  to  the  protectants,  and  actually  afiaulted  queen's  life. 
feveral  perfons  with  his  fword.  Being  apprehended 
for  thefe  outrages,  he  confefTed  his  defign  was  to 
murder  her  majefty.     Though  the  man  was  ap- 
parently frantic,    his  father-in-law,   Edward  Ar- 
den,  a  gentleman  of  an  unblemifhed  character,  with 
his  wife,  his  daughter,  and  one  Hall  a  pried,  were 
tried,  convicted,  and  condemned,   on  the  evidence 
of  this  lunatic,   who  ftrangled  himfelf  in  prifon  : 
Arden  was  executed  ;    but  the  two  women  and  the 
prieft   enjoyed  the  queen's  pardon.     Archbifhop  Dugdaie. 
Grindal,  a  great  favourer  of   the  puritans,  dying 
in  July,  was  fucceeded  in  the  fee  of  Canterbury  by 
Whitgift  bifhop  of  Worcefter,  a  prelate  of  uncom- 
mon learning,  judgment,   and  refolution,  who  had 
already  employed  his  talents  in  refuting  the  notions 
of  the  prefbyterians,  a  feet:  of  fanatics  headed  by  one 
Cartwright,  which  was  become  very  troublefome 
to  the  hierarchy.     In  the  Netherlands,  the  affairs  of 
the  confederates  declined  apace.     The  duke  of  An-  state  ©f 
jou  had  been  obliged  to  retire  to  his  own  country  ;  ^rea^ce  anl 
and  the  prince  of  Parma  made  fuch  progrefs,  that  countries 
the  provinces  were  on  the  eve  of  being  reduced  to  Grotim. 
the  dominion  of  the  Spanifh  monarch.      In  this 
emergency,  they  exprefied  an  inclination  to  acknow- 

Z  3  ledge 

342  H  I  S  T  O  R  Y   or  ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  ,583.  ledge  the  fovereignty  of  Henry  III.  king  of  France. 
Philip  dreading  this  ftep,  endeavoured  to  embroil 
Henry  in  his  own  dominions.  He  exhorted  the 
king  of  Navarre  to  take  arms  againft  that  mo- 
narch, promifing  afiiftance  and  protection  to  the 
Huguenots  :  but  his  propofal  being  rejected,  he 
had_.recourfe  to  the  duke  of  Guife,   who  accepted 

Mezerai  h,s  affiftancei  in  revenging  the  mortifications  which 
he  daily  fuftained  from  Henry's  favourites. 

a.  c.  1584.  James  king  of  Scotland  convoked  his  nobility  at 
Edinburgh,  where  the  earl  of  Arran,  tampering 
with  the  individuals  in  private,  gave  them  to  un- 
derstand, that  the  king  was  fincerely  difpofed  to 
pardon  the  lords  of  the  Raid  of  Ruthven,  after  his 
own  conduct  fhould  be  vindicated  in  their  being 
found  guilty.  The  noblemen  believing  that  the 
fugitives  would  receive  no  prejudice  from  an  ex- 
pedient contrived  to  fave  his  majefty's  honour,  de- 
clared, in  their  affembly,  that  the  king  acted  with 
.  uncommon  clemency  in  granting  them  an  opportu- 
nity to  fue  for  pardon.  When  the  minifter  had 
obtained  this  declaration  of  their  guilt,  he  dhTuad- 
ed  his  matter  from  publishing  the  amnefty.  He 
perfecuted  the  earl  of  Gowry  in  fuch  a  manner,  that 
he  begged  the  king's  permiffion  to  quit  the  king- 
dom :  and  had  repaired  to  Dundee,  in  order  to  take 
fhipping,  when  he  underftood  that  the  fugitive  earls 
of  Angus,  Marr,  and  Glamis,  had  concerted  ano- 
ther fcheme  againft  the  favourite.  This  informa- 
tion detained  him  at  Dundee  ;  and  at  length  he  en- 
gaged in  the  confpiracy.  The  other  lords  coming 
privately  from  Ireland,  furprifed  the  town  of  Stir- 
ling •,  but  Gowry  being  apprehended  by  an  order 
from  court,  they  imagined,  as  he  was  the  king's  re- 
lation, he  had  Suffered  himfelf  to  be  taken  in  order 
to  impeach  them  ;  and,  on  this  fuppofition,  they 
abandoned  their  enterprize  by  leaving  the  king- 
dom. The  earl  of  Gowry  was  brought  to  Edin- 


burgh,    where  he  was  tried,  condemned,  and  be-  a.c.  i584. 
headed  :   and  Arran  ftill  maintained   his  influence.  The  earl  of 
Elizabeth  underftanding  that  James  kept  up  a  fe-  ^™rJd  ¥' 
cret  correfpondence  with  his  mother ;  that  through  Scotland. 
Arran's  means  the  French  intereft  predominated  at 
the  court  of  Scotland  •,  and  dreading  the  thoughts 
of  the  king's  marrying  a  foreign  wife,    of  the  Ro- 
man catholic  religion,  fent  Davifon,   afterwards  fe-  Elizabeth 
cretary,  to  engage  the  favourite  in  her  intereft  :  and  f0"  ass  a^.1" 
he  fucceeded  to  her  wifh,  by  means  that  are  eafily  baflwkw  to 
conceived.     Before  this  agent  returned  to  England,  James* 
the  two  courts  agreed  that  the  lord  Hunfdon  for 
Elizabeth,  and  the  earl  of  Arran  for  James,  fhould 
meet  upon  the  border  to  eftablifh  proper  regulations 
for  maintaining  a  good  underftanding  between  the 
two  kingdoms.     There  thefe  two  noblemen  con- 
cluded a  fecret  treaty,  by  which  the  earl  of  Arran 
engaged  to  hinder  king  James  from  marrying  with- 
in the  term  of  three  years  -9  Elizabeth  pretending 
fhe  would  furnifh  him  with  a  wife  of  the  blood  royal 
of  England,  who  was  not  yet  marriageable. 

During  thefe  tranfactions,  lord  Grey,  a  young 
Scottifh  nobleman  of  infinuating  addrefs,  acquired 
fuch  a  fhareof  the  king's  favour,  that  Arran  be- 
came jealous  of  him  ;  and,  in  order  to  remove  him 
from  court,  perfuaded  James  to  fend  him  as  his 
ambaflador  to  England.  He  was  foon  gained  over  MelviIt 
to  the  intereft  of  Elizabeth  by  prefents  and  carets  •, 
and  affecting  uncommon  zeal  for  queen  Mary,  be- 
came mafter  of  all  her  fecrets,  which  he  communi- 
cated to  the  queen  of  England.  The  earl  of  Arran, 
being  informed  of  his  practices,  accufed  him  to  the 
king  •,  but  he  acquitted  himfelf  fo  artfully,  at  his 
return  to  Scotland,  that  no  regard  was  paid  to  the 
infinuations  of  his  rival.  Elizabeth's  miniftry  was 
fo  indefatigably  vigilant,  that  fhe  received  inteili- 
gence  of  every  hint  that  was  dropped  in  favour  of 
the  captive  queen,  who  lived  in  clofe  confinement, 

Z  4  under 

344  HISTORY  of  ENG  LAN  D. 

a.  c.  1584.  under  the  eye  of  the  earl  of  Shrewfbury.     Francis 
Francis       Throgmorton,  a  gentleman  of  Chefhire,  was  taken 

tonh8aree£-  *mt0  cuft°dy  f°r  correfponding  with  this  unhappy 
ed  for  cbr-  princefs  -,  and  Thomas  lord  Paget,  with  Charles 
wfthnqdueeSn  Arundel,  hearing  he  had  made  a  confeffion,  fled 
Mary.  into  France  with  the  utmoft  precipitation.  There 
they  loudly  complained  that  the  catholics  of  Eng- 
land were  harfhly  treated  and  ignominioufly  ufed  : 
that  tricks  were  invented,  and  fnares  laid  for  their 
deftruction.  Certain  it  is,  very  fcandalous  and  un- 
fair devices  were  pradtifed  by  the  queen's  emiffaries. 
Counterfeit  letters  were  fent  to  the  houfes  of  papifts, 
in  the  name  of  Mary,  or  the  catholic  fugitives 
abroad  :  fpies  were  employed  through  the  whole 
kingdom,  to  obferve  and  report  the  words  and 
actions  of  thofe  who  were  fufpected  ;  all  fqrts  of  in- 
formers were  credited  and  encouraged  :  many  per- 
fons  of  diftinction  were  imprifoned,  examined,  and 
fome  individuals  put  to  the  torture. 

Elizabeth,  underflanding  (he  was  taxed  with  thefe 
cruelties  in  foreign  countries,  refolved  to  transfer 
the  blame  upon  her  miniftry.  She  reprimanded  her 
judges  very  fharply  for  having  proceeded  with  fuch 
rigour  againft  the  catholics ;  and  they  publilhed  a 
j unification  of  their  conduct,  affirming  that  no  per- 
fon  had  fuffered  for  religion,  though  fome  had  been 
put  to  the  torture  for  machinations  againft  the  flate 
They  owned  indeed  that  Campian  the  jefuit  had 
been  racked,  though  not  with  fuch  violence  but 
that  he  had  been  able  to  walk  immediately  after 
.  the  torture  :  and  that  Bryan,  one  of  his  accomplices, 
refilling  to  declare  the  name  of  him  who  wrote  the 
letters  found  upon  him,  they  had  ordered  him  to  h$ 
debarred  of  nourifhment,  until  he  had  demanded  it 
in  writing.  Nevertheless,  the  queen  forbad  them 
to  put  any  perfon  whatfoever  to  the  torture ;  and 
releafed  feventy  popifh  priefts  who  were  in  prifon. 
Throgmorton,  before  he  was  arretted,  had  con- 


yeyed  a  cabinet  of  private  papers  to  the  hands  ofA«c«'s*4« 
the  Spanifh  ambaffador  Mendoza ;  but  in  his  other 
coffers  were  two  lifts,  one  of  the  principal  catho- 
lics in  England,  and  the  other  of  the  lea-ports  at 
which  a  defcent  might  be  conveniently  made  up- 
on the  kingdom.  Thefe  he  infilled  upon  being 
falfe  and  counterfeit  papers,  put  into  his  coffer  in 
order  to  effect  his  ruin  :  but  being  threatened  with 
the  rack,  at  his  fecond  examination,  he  confeffed, 
that,  when  he  was  at  Spaa,  he  had  confulted  with 
Jeney  and  Englefield,  in  what  manner  England 
might  be  the  moft  eafily  invaded,  and  the  govern- 
ment altered  ;  and  on  that  occafion  the  two  lifts 
were  drawn  up.  He  owned  that  Morgan,  the  Eng- 
lifh  refugee  in  France,  had  affured  him,  in  a  letter, 
the  catholic  princes  were  refolved  to  invade  Eng- 
land under  the  duke  of  Guife,  in  order  to  fet  the 
queen  of  Scots  at  liberty  :  that,  in  hope  of  railing 
money,  and  promoting  this  expedition,  Charles  Pa- 
get had,  under  the  name  of  Mape,  arrived  in  Suffex, 
where  it  was  propofed  the  foreign  troops  mould 
land :  that  he  (Throgmorton)  had  imparted  the 
fcheme  to  the  Spanifh  ambaffador,  with  whom  he 
had  concerted  a  method  by  which  the  Roman  catho- 
lics might  levy  men  in  the  queen's  name  to  join  the 
foreign  forces.  This  confeifion  he  retracted  on  his  He  u  con. 
trial;  yet  neverthelefs  he  was  found  guilty,  though <iemned  a«a 
two  months  elapfed  between  his  conviction  and  ex_executed- 
ecution.  In  this  interval,  he  endeavoured  to  obtain 
the  queen's  mercy,  by  fubfcribing  his  former  con- 
feffion ;  but  being  difappointed  in  his  hope,  he  at 
the  gallows  denied  every  circumftance  he  had  be- 
fore confefled.  Mendoza  being  brought  before  the 
council,  and  examined  touching  this  tranfaction,  in- 
ftead  of  anfwering  the  queftions  that  were  put  to 
him  by  the  members,  upbraided  the  queen  with  all 
her  iil  offices  towards  his  mafter,  and  was  ordered 
to  quit  the  kingdom  immediately.    Elizabeth  pub-r 


34$  HISTORY  of   ENGLANp, 

a.  c.  1584.  lifted  a  declaration  to  juftify  her.  conduct  with  re- 
The  Spani/h  gard  to  this  ambaffador,  and  difpatched  Wade  with 
cSige?tor    an  excufe  to  the  king  of  Spain,    who  refufed  him 
quit  the       an  audience.     Lord  Clifford,  the  Englifh  ambafTa- 
kiogdom.     dor  at  pariSj  demanded  that  Morgan  mould  be  de- 
livered into  the  hands  of  his  miftrefs :  Henry  cauf- 
ed  him  to  be  arretted  for  this  purpofe  •,  but  fuch  a 
clamour  enfued  among  the  zealots  of  his  own  king- 
dom, that  he  would  not  venture  to  fend  him  over, 
jebb#         though  he  tranfmitted  his  papers,  from  which  Eli- 
strype.       zabeth  hoped  to  make  important  difcoveries. 

The  queen  living  in  continual  difquiet,  from  the 
apprehenfion  of  confpiracies  formed  in  behalf  of 
Mary,   refolved  to  amufe  that  princefs    and  her 
friends  with  a  new  negotiation.     Wade,  on  his  re- 
turn from  Spain,  was  fent  to  tell  her  that  Elizabeth 
would  renew  the  treaty  which  had  been  interrupted, 
on  condition  that  Mary  would  prevail  upon  her  fon  to 
pardon  the  lords  of  the  Raid  of  Ruthven  ;  and  that 
fhe  would  put  a  flop  to  the  intrigues  of  the  bifhop  of 
Glafgow,  her  ambaflador  at  Paris.     Beale  was  fent 
upon  the  fame  errand,  with  particular  inftructions 
to  difcover,  if  poflible,  the  nature  of  the  corres- 
pondence which  the  duke  of  Guife  maintained  with 
Mary.     She  undertook  to  intercede  for  the  Scot- 
tifh  fugitives,  provided  they  would  own  themfelves 
guilty :  fhe  confefTed  fhe  had  intreated  the  duke  of 
Guife  to  ufe  his  endeavours  for  her  deliverance ; 
but  faid  fhe  was  utterly  ignorant  of  his  defigns, 
which,  had  fhe  known  them,  fhe  would  not  difco- 
ver, except  upon  afTurance  of  being  fet  at  liberty  : 
in  the  mean  time,  fhe  begged  fhe  might  be  treated 
with  a  little  more  humanity  than  fhe  had  hithert6 
experienced  at  the  hands  of  her  coufin.     Elizabeth 
perceiving  herfelf  difappointed  in  the  hope  of  mak- 
ing fome  ufeful  difcovery,  dropped  the  negotiation  : 
and  Mary  defpaired  of  relief.     All  her  friends,  how- 
ever, did  not  defift  from  their  endeavours  in  her 



behalf.     One  Creighton,  a  jefuit,  in  his  pafiage  to  A-  c«  x5*4. 
Scotland,  beingchaced  by  pyrates,  torefome  papers,  creighton^ 
the  pieces  of  which  were  gathered  up  and  delivered  to  ^"€fKcy 
Wade,  who  pafted  them   together  upon  another 
ground,  and  found  they  contained  the  particulars 
of  a  delign  formed  by  the  pope,  the  king  of  Spain, 
and  the  duke  of  Guife,  for  invading  England. 

This  fcheme  being  communicated  to  the  mini-  General  *r- 
ftry,  the  earl  of  Leicefter  fet  on  foot  a  general  af-  the  defence 
fociation,    obliging  all  the  fubfcribers,  under  tfye  ?f^liza" 
moll  folemn  vows,  to  profecute  to  death  all  that 
fhould    attempt    any    thing   againft    her    majefty. 
Mary   confidering   this  engagement  as  a  previous 
ftep  to  her  deftruction,  fent  her  fecretary  Nau  to 
Elizabeth   with  fuch   propofals    as  muft  have  fa- 
tisfied  any  perfon  actuated  by  the  dictates  of  jus- 
tice and  humanity  :  but  the  queen  of  England  had 
been  long  refolded  againft  releafing  her  upon  any 
terms  whatfoever  ;  and  upon  this  occafion  (he  fhel- 
tered  her  cruelty  under  the  intereft  of  the  Scot- 
tifh   prefbyterians,    who   remonftrated  ftrongly  a- 
aginft  all  accommodation  with  Mary ;  while  their 
preachers  inveighed  againft  their  unfortunate  fove-    • 
reign,  as  an  implacable  enemy  to  the  true  reform- 
ed religion.     Elizabeth  alfo  pretended  to  have  re? 
ceived  information  of  a  new  plot  to  deliver  the  queen 
of  Scots  •,  and,  withdrawing  her  from  the  cuftody 
of  the  earl  of  Shrewfbury,  committed  her  to  the 
charge  of  Sir  Drue  Drury,  and  Sir  James  Pawlet, 
two  rigid  puritans,  whole  feverity,  it  was  hoped, 
would  drive  her  to  defpair,  or  perhaps  provoke  her 
to  take  fome  rafh  meafures,  which  would  furnifh 
tier  enemies  with  a  fufficient  handle  for  her  deftruc- 
tion.     The  earl  of  Leicefter  being  baffled  in  his  ex- 
pectation, by  her  temper  and  refignation,  is  faid  to 
have  hired  ruffians  to  murder  this  forlorn  princefs  ; 
but  Drury  was  a  man  of  too  much  honour  to  admit 
them  into  her  prefence,     ISeverthelefs,  fhe  under- 


State  of 
France  and 
the  Low 

348  HISTORY   of    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1584.  went  (kg  moft  barbarous  treatment.  She  was  now 
Sfi'cn  deprived  of  the  conveniences  fhe  had  hitherto  en- 
Mary,  joyed.  She  was  prohibited  from  giving  alms  to  the 
poor,  according  to  cuftom :  (he  was  confined  to 
two  wretched  chambers,  in  fuch  decay  that  they 
could  not  fcreen  her  from  the  inclemencies  of  the 
weather  •,  fo  that  me  was  feized  with  rheumatic  dif- 
orders,  by  which  her  life  was  endangered  ;  and 
though  (he  appealed  to  queen  Elizabeth  for  redrefs, 
the  winter  was  far  advanced  before  fhe  was  remov- 
ed to  Chartley-caftle. 

The  prince  of  Parma  continued  to  gain  ground 
upon  the  confederated  provinces  of  the  Low-Coun- 
tries, which  fuftained  an  irreparable  lofs  by  the 
death  of  the  prince  of  Orange,  who  was  treacherouf- 
Jy  fhot  by  one  Balthazar  Gerard,  a  Burgundian. 
His  eldeft  fon  Philip  being  in  the  hands  of  the  king 
of  Spain,  and  bred  in  the  Roman  catholic  religion, 
the  Hates  conferred  the  government  of  Holland  and 
Zealand  upon  his  fecond  fon  Maurice,  tho'  he  was 
but  eighteen  years  of  age;  and  the  prince  of  Parma 
taking  the  advantage  of  their  confternation,  invelted 
Antwerp.  In  this  diftrefled  condition,  they  offered 
to  acknowledge  the  fovereignty  of  the  French  ;  but 
Henry  being  too  much  embarrafled  in  his  own  af- 
fairs, to  accept  an  offer  that  would  engage  him  in 
further  trouble  and  expence,  they  had  recourfe  to 
th^  queen  of  England,  who  likewife  declined  their 
offer,  though  fhe  promifed  to  afiift  them  in  main- 
taining rhe  war  againft  their  opprefTors.  Henry  III. 
of  France  having  no  iffue,  and  being  fuppofed  im- 
potent, the  duke  of  Guife  afpired  to  the  crown  of 
that  realm,  upon  the  death  of  the  duke~of  Anjou, 
which  happened  in  the  courfe  of  this  year  :  but  as 
Henry  of  Bourbon,  king  of  Navarre,  was  now  be- 
come the  next  prince  of  the  blood,  Guife  endeavour- 
ed to  exclude  him  from  the  throne,  on  account  of 
his  profeffing  the  proteftant  religion.     Henry,  who 




perceived  his  drift,  employed  all  his  influence  in  A«  c«  lsH* 
perfuading  the  king  of  Navarre  to  embrace  the  ca- 
tholic doctrines,  while  the  duke  renewed  the  league, 
firft  in  Paris,  and  afterwards  in  the  provinces. 
Hearing,  however,  that  the  king  intended  to  arreft 
him,  he  retired  to  his  government  of  Champagne, 
where  he  engaged  in  a  private  league  with  the  king 
of  Spain.  He  durit  not  yet  openly  avow  his  de- 
ft&n  upon  the  crown  ;  therefore  this  treaty  import- 
ed, that  the  cardinal  of  Bourbon  fhould  afcend  the 
throne  after  the  death  of  the  reigning  king ;  and 
that  Philip  of  Spain  mould  fupply  him  with  fifty 
thoufand  crowns  a-month,  for  the  accompliihment  Rap,-n, 
of  that  purpofe. 

In  the  beginning  of  the  following  year,  a  new  a.c.  15S5, 
confpiracy  was  difcovered  in  England.  William 
Parry,  a  Welmman,  and  member  of  the  houfe  of 
commons,  had  manifefted  his  zeal  for  the  Roman 
catholic  religion,  by  fingly  oppofing  with  great  vio- 
lence a  bill  that  was  brought  into  the  houfe  againft 
the  jefuits.  He  had  fpoke  with  fuch  indecent 
warmth  on  this  occafion,  that  the  houfe  confined 
him  to  his  lodgings ;  from  whence,  however,  he 
was  in  a  few  days  releafed,  and  refumed  his  place 
in  parliament.  Then  it  was  that  Henry  Nevil,  the 
pretended  heir  of  the  earl  of  WeftmoreJand,  lately 
dead  in  Flanders,  accufed  him  of  having  confpired 
the  death  of  the  queen  :  and  he  was  committed  to 
the  Tower  on  this  impeachment.  He  confeffed  he 
had  been  perfuaded  to  afTaflinate  the  queen  by 
Morgan  the  Englifh  refugee  in  France :  that  he  had 
procured  admittance  into  her  majefty's  prefence  by 
difcovering  a  feigned  confpiracy  -,  but  that  being 
{truck  with  remorfe,  he  had  laid  afide  his  dagger 
and  his  treafonable  defign  :  but  chancing  to  read  a 
book  written  by  cardinal  Allen,  who  maintained  ic 
was  not  only  allowable  but  honourable  to  kill  ex- 
communicated princes,  he  had  refolved  to  execure 


350  H  IS  TORY  of  ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1585.  his  former  purpofe  :  that  his  accufer  Nevil  having 
propofed  to  him  fome  enterprife  for  the  releafe  of 
queen  Mary,  he  anfwered,  that  he  had  a  fcheme  of 
much  greater  confequence  in  his  head,  which  he 
accordingly  imparted  :  that  they  had  agreed  to  mur- 
der her  majefty,  when  flie  mould  ride  forth  to  take 
the  air ;  and  fworn  upon  the  evangelifts  to  keep 
their  purpofe  fecret ;  but  the  earl  of  Weftmoreland 
dying  in  the  interim,  Nevil  had  accufed  Parry,  in 
hope  of  obtaining  for  this  difcovery  the  inheritance 
of  the  earl,  to  which  he  had  fome  pretenfions.     In 

Parry  is  ex-  confequence  of  this  confefllon,  Parry  was  condemn- 

ecuted  for  a  ecj  an(J  executed  as  a  traitor;  and  the  parliament  re- 

defign  to  af-  '  r 

foffinate  the  folved  to  take  extraordinary  precautions  for  the  fare- 

^een.        ty  of  the  queen  and  the  realm. 

They  forthwith  enacted  a  (latute,  receiving,  ap- 
proving, and  confirming  the  general  affociation  ; 
ordaining  that  four  and  twenty  commiffioners,  to 
be  appointed  by  the  queen,  mould  fet  on  foot  an 
inquiry  concerning  thofe  who  might  endeavour  to 
excite  a  rebellion,  attempt  any  thing  againft  the 
life  of  the  queen,  or  arrogate  any  right  to  the  crown 
of  England  ;  and  that  any  perfon  convicted  of  fuch 
attempts,  mould  not  only  forfeit  for  ever  that  right, 
whatfoever  it  might  be,    but  alfo  be  profecuted  to 

Severe  fta-    death,  by  fentence  of  the  commiffioners.     Another 

tutfts  ens  l— 

ed  againft"    bill  palled,  ordaining  that  all  Komifh  priefts  mould 

cathhiicTof  *n  ^our  ^ays  Qult  tne  kingdom,  on  Paui  °f  being 
England,      declared  guilty  of  high  treafon  ;  while  thofe  that 

received  or  concealed  them,  mould  be  profecuted  as 
felons  :  that  all  the  fubjects  of  England  maintained 
in  foreign  feminaries  mould  return  to  their  native 
country  in  fix  months  -,  and  make  their  fubmiffion 
before  a  bifhop,  or  two  juftices  of  the  peace,  on 
pain  of  being  denounced  traitors ;  and  that  even 
this  fubmiffion  mould  be  deemed  null  and  of  no  ef- 
fect, in  cafe  the  perfon  who  made  it  fhould  in  ten 
years  come  within  ten  miles  of  the  court:    That  all 



convicted  of  having  directly  or  indirectly  remitted  a«c,  ijg*, 
fums  of  money  to  foreign  feminaries,  mould  be  pu- 
niftied  with  perpetual  banifhment,  and  confiscation 
of  effects :  That  all  perfons  knowing  of  any  popifh 
prieft  or  jefuit  concealed  in  the  kingdom,  without 
difcovering  the  faid  prieft  or  jefuit,  within  four 
days  after  the  publication  of  this  ftatute,  mould  be 
imprifoned  and  fined  at  her  majefty's  difcretion : 
That  perfons  fufpected  of  being  priefts  or  jefuits, 
refufing  to  fubmit  to  proper  examination,  mould  be 
imprifoned  till  compliance :  That  perfons  fending 
their  children  to  popifh  colleges  and  feminaries, 
mould  be  condemned  in  a  fine  of  one  hundred 
pounds,  for  every  offence  \  and  that  the  children  fo 
fent,  if  not  returned  within  the  year,  mould  be  in- 
capable of  fucceeding  to  any  inheritance  :  That  no  Camden, 
governor  of  any  fea  port  town  mould  allow  any  per- 
ibn  but  merchants  to  leave  the  kingdom  without  the 
queen's  exprefs  commiffion,  figned  by  fix  members 
of  the  council,  on  pain  of  being  deprived  of  his 
employment ;  and  the  fhipmaflers  receiving  fuch 
paffengers  without  this  permifiion,  mould  be  punifh- 
ed  with  confifcation  of  goods,  one  year's  imprifon- 
ment,  and  declared  incapable  of  navigating  any 
Englifh  mips  for  the  future.  This  was  the  moll 
rigorous  ftatute  which  had  been  enacted  againft  the 
papifts  fince  the  queen's  acceffion  to  the  throne, 
and  was  in  a  great  meafure  owing  to  their  own  reft- 
lefs  conduct,  in  forming  machinations  againft  the 
government.  As  for  the  other  law,  it  was  evident- 
ly levelled  at  Mary  queen  of  Scotland,  and  the  ef- 
fect; of  a  refolution  taken  againft  the  life  of  that  un- 
fortunate lady,  which  Elizabeth  now  deemed  in- 
compatible with  her  own  fafety. 

In  this  feffion  the  puritanical  members  were  ex- 
tremely troublefome  in  bringing  in  bills  and  peti- 
tions for  a  further  reformation  of  religion  :  at 
length    they  demanded  a  conference,    which  was 



a  c.1585.  held  at  Lambeth,  between  archbifhop  Whitgift  arid 
their  ableft  minifters,  in  prefence  of  the  earl  of  Lei- 
cefter,  and  others  of  the  privy-council,  who  were 
aftonifhed  at  the  weaknefs  of  the  arguments  ufed 
by  the  puritans,  and  endeavoured  to  perfuade  them 
The  com-    t0  conformity.     The  commons  were  not  more  offi- 
dc"Sofna"  cious  in  point  of  religion,  than  jealous  of  their  owri 
their  privJ- privi]eges#   Richard  Cook,  member  for  Lirhingtonj 
being  ferved  with  a  fubpoena  out  of  chancery*  the 
houfe  fent  three  other  members,  attended  by  the  fer- 
jeants  at  arms,  to  fignify  to  the  chancellor,  and  the 
mafter  of  the  rolls,  that  by  the  ancient  privileges  of 
the  houfe,  the  members  are  exempted  from  fubpoe- 
nas :  the  houfe  therefore  required  that  Cook's  ap- 
pearance mould  be  difcharged  •,  and  that  the  chan- 
cellor, and  the  mafter   of  the    rolls,   would    for 
the  future  admit   the    fame   privileges   for  other 
members,  to  be  fignified  to  them  in  writing,  under 
the  hand  of  the  fpeaker.    Sir  Thomas  Bromley  dif- 
puted  this  privilege,  and  a  committee  was  appoint- 
ed to  fearch  for  precedents ;  but  it  does  not  appear 
D'Ewe^s      that  any  report  was  made.     Neverthelefs,   Allan 
joum  .      stepnith,  member  for  Haverfordweft,  being  after- 
wards ferved  with  a  fubpoena,  followed  by  an  at- 
tachment from  the  Star-chamber,  the  houfe  refolv- 
ed  that  Anthony  Kirke,  who  ferved  the  fubpoena, 
was  guilty  of  a  contempt  of  the  houfe,  and  the  pri- 
vileges thereof.    He  was  committed  prifoner  to  the 
fcrjeantj  but  releafed  upon  making  his  fubmifiion. 
The  convocation  granted  a  fubfidy  to  the  queen, 
who  received  another  from  the  parliament,    which 
fhe  now  prorogued,  and  afterwards  difiblved. 

Philip  earl  of  Arundel,  eldeft  fon  of  the  late  duke 
of  Norfolk,  had  embraced  the  catholic  religion,  to 
which  he  was  zealouQy  attached  :  he  had  been  twice 
examined  before  the  council,  and  confined  to'  his 
own  houfe,  on  fufpicion  of  practifing  againft  the 
government.     On  the  firft  day  of  this  feffion,  he 



withdrew  in  the  time  of  divine  worfhip;  and  at  a. 0.1585* 
length  refolved  to  retire  to  another  country,   where 
he  could  enjoy  his  religion  in  quiet.     He  wrote  a 
letter  to  the  queen,  to  be  delivered  after  his  depar- 
ture, in  which  he  told  her,  that,  in  order  to  avoid 
the  misfortunes  which  had  befallen  his  father  and 
grandfather,  he  had  taken  the  refolution  to  quit  the 
kingdom,  though  he  fhould  never  quit  his  allegi- 
ance.    Before  he  could  embark,  he  was  betrayed  EarI  of 
by  fome  of  his  own  dorneftics,  and  fent  prifoner  to  Arundel 
the  Tower,  which  was  at  this  time  the  fcene  of  a  JoThT^ 
remarkable  tranfaclion.    Henry  Piercy  earl  of  Nor-  Tower, 
thumberland,  brother  of  him   who  had  been  be- 
headed, being  accufed  of  having  had  fome  fhare  in 
Throgmorton's  confpiracy,  and  of  having  corre- 
fponded  with  lord  Paget  and  the  duke  of  Guife, 
was  committed  to  the  Tower,  where,  either  confci- 
ous  of  his  guilt,  or  forefeeing  that  evidence  would 
be  fuborned  for  his  deftru&ion,  he,  in  order  to -dis- 
appoint Elizabeth  of  his  forfeiture,  and  retain  his 
fortune  in  the  family,  fhot  hirnfelf  in  the  bread  with 
apiftol.  Camden< 

At  this  period,  a  gathering  cloud  of  mifchief 
feemed  to  hover  over  the  head  of  Elizabeth.  The 
power  of  her  inveterate  enemy  the  duke  of  Guife 
daily  increafed.  Philip  of  Spain,  after  having  made 
hirnfelf  matter  of  Portugal,  was  now  en  the  brink 
of  fubduing  the  revolted  provinces  of  the  Nether- 
lands -,  and  means  were  ufed  to  render  James  of 
Scotland  iubfervient  to  a  deiign  of  invading  Eng- 
land. The  captive  Mary  was  the  center  upon  which 
all  thbfe  defigns  had  ever  turned;  and  therefore  fhe 
was  devoted  to  deftruction.  The  miniftry  of  Eng- 
land, in  order  to  avert  the  impending  danger,  re7 
folved  to  engage  in  alliances  with  the  two  northern 
crowns,  and  the  proteftant  princes  in  Germany ;  to 
fupport  the  confederates  in  the  Low  Countries  5 
fuccour  the  Huguenots  in  France,  fo  as  that  they 

NS  58.  A  a  fhould 

354  HIS  TOR  Y   of   ENGL  AND. 

a.  &  ^s5-  iliould  not  be  oppreiTed  ;  and  either  make  fure  of 
the  perfoa  of  James,  or  excite  fuch  troubles  in  his 
kingdom  as  would  render  him  incapable  of  form- 
ing fchemes  to  the  prejudice  of  England.  Thomas 
Bodley  was  fent  ambaffador  into  Germany  and  Den- 
mark, to  propofe  a  defenfive  alliance  with  Eliza- 
beth, who,  being  informed  that  James  intended  to 
demand  the  daughter  of  his  Danifh  majefty  in  mar- 
riage, refolded  to  ufe  all  her  efforts  to  divert  him 
from  his  purpofe  ;  for  me  apprehended  fuch  a  mar- 
riage would  diminifh  her  influence  in  the  councils 

Elizabeth    0f  Scotland.     She  therefore  fent  Edward  Wotton, 

fends  Wot-  r      i  (\     '     r  •  jir  r  i 

ton  into  a  man  or  the  molt  lnlinuating  addrels,  to  reiide 
Scotland,  wjtjj  t}ie  Scottifli  king,  as  the  companion  of  his  lei- 
fure  hours  and  amufements,  that  he  might  gain  the 
afcendency  over  the  fpirit  of  that  weak  prince ;  and 
he  fucceeded  to  admiration.  The  king  of  Den- 
mark, being  apprifed  of  the  Sccttifh  monarch's  in- 
tentions, fent  an  embaffy  to  Scotland  on  pretence  of 
demanding  the  reftitution  of  the  Orkney  iflands, 
which  had  been  long  ago  mortgaged  to  the  Scottifli 
crown  •,  but  Chriftian's  real  motive  for  fending  thefe 
ambafTadors  was  to  give  James  an  opportunity  to 
propofe  the  marriage. 

By  this  time  Wotton  had  taken  full  poiTeflion  of 
the  Scottifli  prince.  He  had  captivated  his  fancy 
by  giving  a  romantic  account  of  his  travels ;  enter- 
taining him  with  ridiculous  ftories  of  goblins  and 
witches ;  flattering  his  vanity  with  exaggerated  en- 
comiums on  his  wifdom  and  learning;  and  attend- 
ing him  afliduoufly  in  all  his  parties  of  pleafure. 
Having  thus  acquired  an  oracular  authority,  he 
perfuaded  James  that  the  king  of  Denmark  was  not- 
of  royal  extraction,  but  defcended  of  a  race  of  mer- 
chants y  and,  for  this  reafon,  the  ambafTadors  were 
treated  with  the  moil  provoking  contempt,  until 
the  king  was  undeceived  by  Sir  James  Melvil. 
^Then  they  were  honourably  difmiiled  5  and  in  a  lit- 


tie  time  followed  by  Patrick  Young,  chaplain  A-c*  *585« 
to  James,  who  fent  him  to  thank  the  king  of  Den- 
mark for  his  embaffy,  and  to  fee  the  two  princeffes, 
that  he  might  be  able  to  defcribe  their  perfons  at 
his  return.  In  the  interim,  the  earl  of  Arran  was 
fuperfeded  in  his  influence  by  the  mailer  of  Gray, 
feconded  by  the  intereft  of  Wotton  :  and  an  acci- 
dent which  happened  on  the  frontiers,  had  a  very 
bad  effect  upon  that  minister's  fortune.  The  laird 
of  Ferniherft,  who  had  married  Arran's  niece,  hold^ 
ing  a  conference,  according  to  cuftom,  with  the 
warden  of  the  English  Marches,  an  Englishman 
was  detected  in  the  act  of  dealing ;  and  this  circum- 
fiance  excited  a  fray  between  the  followers  of  the  s-r  rrancIs 
two  wardens,  in  which  Sir  Francis  RufTel,  eldeft  R«flH  «« 
fon  to  the  earl  of  Bedford,  loft  his  life.  Elizabeth,  ^^ 
who  hated  Ferniherft  for  his  inviolable  attachment 
to  queen  Mary,  and  wanted  a  pretext  for  the  de- 
ilruction  of  Arran,  affected  to  believe  that  the  tu- 
mult was  raifed  at  the  inftigation  of  the  Scottifh  mi- 
nifter ;  and  demanded  that  he  and  his  ally,  the  laird 
of  Ferniherft,  mould  be  delivered  into  her  hands, 
Though  James  refufed  to  comply  with  this  requeft, 
he  ordered  the  earl  of  Arran  to  be  confined  in  his 
own  houfe,  and  Ferniherft  was  fent  prifoner  to  Aber- 
deen. This  was  all  the  fatisfaction  Elizabeth  could 
expect,  confidering  that  the  affair  could  not  eafily 
be  determined  in  a  court  of  juftice;  becaufe,  by 
the  mutual  confent  of  both  nations,  the  evidence  of 
a  Scot  did  not  convict  an  Englifhman ;  nor  was  an 
Englishman's  depofition  ever  taken  againft  a  native 
of  Scotland. 

Wotton  having  removed  Arran  from  the  Scot-  wotton 
tifti  court,  and  corrupted  great  part  of  thofe  who  cSToffthe 
were  in  daily  attendance  upon  the  king,  refolved  to  king  of 
feize  the  perfon  of  that  prince,  when  he  mould  ride 
forth  a -hunting,  and  convey  him  directly  to  Eng- 
land.    Being  difappointed  in  this  fcheme,  he  form- 

A  a  2  ed 


a  c.  *5S5.  ed  a  plan  for  forcing  the  caftle  of  Stirling ;  but 
James  being  informed  of  thedefign,  retired  to  Kin- 
cardin  before  the  fcheme  was  ripe  for  execution. 
Wotton,  finding  himfeif  detected,  fled  into  Eng- 
land •,  Gray  withdrew  himfeif  to  Athole,  and  the 
earl  of  Arran  refumed  his  miniftry.  The  fugitive 
lords  being  fupplied  with  money  in  England,  en- 
tered Scotland,  where  they  were  joined  by  a  ftrong 
reinforcement  under  lord  Maxwell,  and  advanced  to 
Stirling,  which  they  entered  without  oppofition. 
Arran  made  his  efcape ;  but  they  were  admitted  in- 
to the  caftle  by  the  king,  towards  whom  they  be- 
Meivii.  haved  with  the  utmoft  reverence  and  circumfpeclion. 
Such  was  their  moderation,  that  they  did  not  even 
take  vengeance  on  their  enemies.  At  a  parliament 
held  in  Linlithgow,  their  pardons  were  confirmed. 
The  Hamiltons  were  reftored  to  their  eftates  and 
honours,  and  Arran,  who  had  decked  himfeif  with 
their  fpoils,  was  reduced  to  his  primitive  title  of 
captain  James  Stewart  *. 
Elizabeth  By  this  time  the  eftates  of  the  Netherlands 
Sfwith"  were  fo  hard  preffed  by  the  forces  of  Philip,  that 
thefhtes.  queen  Elizabeth  perceived  the  neceffity  of  furnifh- 
ing  them  with  effectual  affiftance.  She  there- 
fore engaged,  by  treaty,  to  fuccour  them  with 
five  thoufand  foot  foldiers,  and  one  thoufand  ca- 
valry, under  the  command  of  an  Englifh  general  j 
and  to  pay  thefe  troops  during  the  war,  on  condi- 
tion of  being  reimburfed  after  peace  fhould  be  re- 

*  In  the  ccurfe  of  this  year,  John 
Davis  finifhed  his  third  voyage  in 
queft  of  a  north-weft  paftage  to  the 
Eaft  Indies.  Hedifcovered  the  ftreight 
which  bears  his  name,  and  failed  beyond 
the  83d  degree  of  northern  latitude  ; 
but  was  obliged  to  return  without  fuc- 
cefs.  Camden. 

In  the  fame  year,  the  burghs  of 
Ireland  raifed  two  fucceffive  infurrec- 
Hem  j  but  were  reduced  by  Sir  John 

Perrot  the  lord  deputy,  reinforced  by 
the  earl  of  Clanriciccard,  who  not  only 
compel hd  them  to  give  frefh  hoftagee, 
but  deftroyed  their  allies  the  Hebredian 
Scots  j  three  thoufand  of  whom  were 
cut  in  pieces  at  Ardavar  ;  fo  that  their 
countrymen  ware  deterred  from  profe- 
cuting  fuch  adventures,  and  Ireland 
for  fome  time  remained  in  traaquil- 
lity.  Carte. 

*  efta- 


•eftablifhed.    In  the  mean  time  it  was  ftipulated  that  A-  c«  '^s* 
fhe  mould  be  put  in  pofTefiion  of  Fleflingham,  Ram- 
mikens,  and  the  Brille,  as  fecurity  for  the  repay- 
ment :  that  the  Englifh  governors  of  thefe  places 
fhould  have  no  jurifdiction  over  the  inhabitants : 
that  the  towns  mould  be  reftored  to  the  dates  on  the 
payment  of  the  money  :  that  the  Englilh  general, 
and  two  other  perfons  nominated  by  the  queen  of 
England,  fhould  have  places  in  the  affembly  of  the 
flues ;  and  that  neither  peace  nor  truce  fhould  be 
made  without  the  mutual  content  of  Elizabeth  and 
tnt  confederates  :  that,  in  cafe  of  her  fending  a  fleet 
to  lea,  they  fnould  join  it  with  a  like  number  of 
fhips,  to  be  commanded  by  the  Englifh  admiral : 
and,  Jaftly,  that  the  harbours   of   both  countries 
mould  be  open  to  the  fubjecls  of  each  nation.     In 
purfuance  of  this  treaty,  the  Brille  was  delivered  to 
Sir  Thomas  Cecil  •,  Sir  Philip  Sidney  was  appointed 
governor  of  Flulhing ;  the  earl  of  Leicefter  was 
appointed  general  of  the  auxiliaries  i  and  the  queen 
j.'iiblifhed  a  manifefto  to  vindicate  her  conduct,   al- 
led^ing  that  the  alliance  between  England  and  the 
Netnerlands  related  to  the  mutual  welfare  of  both 
countries,  rather  than  to  any  perfonal  connection  be- 
tween the  fovereigns :  fhe  therefore  deemed  herfelf  at 
liberty  to  fuccour  the  people  of  the  Low-Countries, 
who  were  opprefled  by  the  Spaniards.    As  fhe  knew 
thefe  arguments  would  not  be  fatisfactory  to  Philip, 
me  refolved  to  anticipate  his  vengeance  ;  and  equip-  c    ,  _  , 
ping  a  fleet  or  twenty  ihips,  lent  them  under  the  to  the 
command  of  Sir  Francis  Drake,   to  infeft  the  Spa-  w*ftMo» 
nifh  fettlements  in  the  Weft  Indies.     In  his  pafTage 
he  took  St.  Jago,  one  of  the  cape  de  Verd  iflands  ; 
made  himfelf  mafter  of  St.  Domingo  and  Cartha-  Meterea, 
gena.     In  his  return  through  the  gulph  of  Florida, 
he  burned  St.  Augultine  and  St.  Helena,  and  touch- 
ing at  Virginia,  took  on  board  captain  Lane  and 
his  companions,  who  having  been  fent  by  Sir  Walter 
Raleigh  to  plant  that  colony,  were  greatly  reduced 

A  a  3  ia 


a.  c.  15S5.  in  point  of  number,  and  in  a  ftarving  condition? 
They  therefore  took  this  opportunity  to  relinquifh 
their  infant  fettlement,  and  brought  home  fome  to- 
bacco ;  a  plant  which  had  never  been  feen  before  in 

Elizabeth  not  only  fupported  the  eftates  of  the  Ne- 
therlands againft  the  oppreflion  of  Spain,  but  alfo 
extended  her  afliftance  to  the  Huguenots  in 
France,  headed  by  the  king  of  Navarre  and  the 
•prince  of  Conde.  The  duke  of  Guife,  covering  his 
ambition  with  the  pretext  of  religion,  interefted  the 
court  of  Rome  and  the  clergy  in  the  defign  which 
he  had  formed  for  the  extirpation  of  the  prcteftants. 
He  publifhed  a  manifeflo  in  the  name  of  the  cardinal 
de  Bourbon,  pretending  to  prove  that  he  was  next 
heir  to  the  crown ;  while  pope  Sixtus  V.  who  fuc- 
ceeded  Gregory  XIII.  fulminated  the  thunder  of  the 
church  againft  the  king  of  Navarre,  and  the  prince 
of  Conde,  as  heretics,  apoftates,  and  the  offspring 
of  a  baftard  generation.  Thefe  princes  finding 
themfelves  thus  afaulted  by  the  duke  of  Guife,  and 
abandoned  by  Henry  III.  who  was  obliged  to  join 
Guife  for  their  deftruclion,  re-affembled  their  troops ; 
Mezera*.  which,  however,  were  fo  inconfiderable  that  they 
The  pr.nce  could  not  withftand  the  power  of  their  enemies. 
^rrhesln  Tne  VrinCQ  °f  Conde  attempting  to  fuccour  the 
inland,  caftle  of  Angers,  which  Guife  had  befieged,  was 
fuddenly  furrounded  by  the  enemy,  and  efcaping 
Camden.  ^-^  gfeat  difficulty,  repaired  to  the  court  of  Eng- 
land, where  he  was  hofpitably  received  by  Eliza- 
beth. She  knew  her  own  intereft  was  connected 
with  the  fafety  of  the  Huguenots  ;  and  fupplied  the 
prince  with  fifty  thoufand  crowns  and  ten  ihips,  by 
means  of  which  he  raifed  the  blokcade  of  Rochelle. 
When  the  earl  of  Leicefter  arrived  in  Holland,  the 
eftates  conftituted  him  governor-general  of  all  the 
United  Provinces,  with  an  almoft  dictatorial  power, 
which  was  by  no  means  agreeable  to  Elizabeth,  who 
perceived  their  aim  was  to  engage  her  farther  than 





fhe  chofe  to  embark  in  their  interefts.  The  confe-  A-c^s**' 
derates  had  conceived  great  hopes  from  the  abili- 
ties of  Leicefter  •,  but  they  found  themfelves  griev- 
oufly  difappointed  in  his  adminiftration,  which  was 
weak,  cruel,  and  oppreflive.  Notwithflanding  all 
his  endeavours,  the  prince  of  Parma  continued  his 
conquefts,  reducing  Grave,  Nuys,  and  Venloo, 
while  the  Engiifh  forces  atchieved  nothing  of  im- 
portance. Sir  Philip  Sidney  indeed  helped  to  fur- 
prife  Axele;  but  failed  in  his  attempt  upon  Grave- 
lines,  and  was  afterwards  mortally  wounded  in  a 
fkirmifh,  to  the  inexprefiible  regret  of  the  Engiifh 
nation,  by  whom  he  was  univerfally  beloved  and 
admired,  as  a  pattern  of  generality  j  gallantry,  tafte, 
learning,  and  every  perfonal  accomplimment.  Af-  Metcren« 
ter  an  inglorious  campaign,  the  earl  of  Leicefter 
left  the  adminiftration  to  the  council  of  fcate,  and 
returned  to  England  in  the  beginning  of  No- 
vember -f\ 

During  thefe  tranfactions,    Elizabeth  fent  Ran-  JltltyoF" 
dolph  to  the  court  of  Scotland,  with  prcpofals  for  defenfivl" 
an  offenfive  and  defenfive  league  between  the  two.™*!1  Scot" 
nations,   as  a  mutual  fecurity  againft  the  machina-  *  *' 
tions  of  the  catholic  princes.     Notwithstanding  the 
efforts  of  Defneval  the  French  envoy  in  Scotland, 
the  plenipotentiaries  of  both  kingdoms  opened  a 

-b  On  the  twenty- firft,  day  cf  July,  feconc  of  the  fame  nature-:  but  he  was 

Thomas  Cavendifh  of  Suffolk,  fet  fail  hindered  by  contrary  winds  from  paf- 

from  Plymouth  with  two  fhips  and  a  fmg  through  the  (freights,  and  driven 

bark,  paffed  through  the  (freights  of  back  to  the  coaft  of  Brazil,  where  he 

Magellan  into  the  South-fea,  where  died»     About  the  fame  time  James 

he  plundered  fome  fmall  towns  upon  Lancafter  and  George  Ryman  fet  fail 

the  coafts  of  Chili  and  Peru,  took  the  for  the  Eaft  Indies.     Ryman  with  his 

tichAcapulcofhip,  with  nineteen  other  ftnps  was  loft.     Lancaffrr's  crew  was 

prizes,  and   returned   by  the  cape  of  reduced  to  the  number  of  thirty-three: 

Good  Hope,  having  made  the  circuit  neverthelefs  he  returned  richly  laden  5 

of  the  earth    in   two  years  and  two  and  his  failors  were  afterwards  fervice- 

months.      The  fuccefs  of  this  expe-  able  in  teaching  their  countrymen  the 

dition  encouraged  him  to  undertake  a  method  of  trading  in  the  Eaft  Indies. 

A  a  4  con^ 

36o  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

&,crfi%§>  congrefs  at   Berwick,    where   the  treaty  was  con- 
cluded, on  condition   that  both  powers  mould  de- 
fend the  proteftant  religion  againft  all   its  enemies 
in  either  kingdom  :  That,  if  either  of  the  powers 
fhould  be  attacked,  the  other  fhould  give  no  af- 
firmance directly  or  indirectly  to  the  aggrefTor,    on 
pretence  of  any  former  treaty  or  alliance  whatfo- 
ever  :  That,  in  cafe  England  fhould  be  invaded  at 
a  diflance  from  Scotland,   James  mould  furnilli  the 
queen  with  two  thoufand  cavalry,  and  five  thoufand 
foot  foldiers,   to  be  fubfifted  by  Elizabeth  from  the 
day  en  which  they  mould  enter  the   kingdom  of 
England  \   and  that,  in  cafe  Scotland  mould  be  at- 
tacked in  the  fame  manner,  the  queen  fhould  aflift 
James  with  three  thoufand  horfe,   and  double  the 
number  of  infantry  ;  but  in  cafe  of  England's  be- 
ing invaded  in  any  place  within  fixty  miles  of  the 
border,  the  king  of  Scotland  fhould  join  Elizabeth's 
army  with  all  his  forces  :  That,  mould  England  be 
invaded,  James  fhould  prohibit  the  inhabitants  of 
Argyleihirefrom  making  defcents  on  Ireland  :  That 
the  two  powers  mould  mutually  deliver  up,  or  at 
leaft  expel   from   their  dominions,    the  rebellious 
fubjedls  of  each  other  :  That  in  fix  months  they 

Cuuden.  fhould  fend  commifTioners  to  the  borders,  to  regu- 
late and  determine  all  differences  between  the  two 
nations  :  That  neither  party  fhould  conclude  any 
treaty  to  the  prejudice  of  thefe  articles,  without  the 
other's  confent :  That  this  treaty  fhould  be  ratified 
on  both  fides  by  letters-patent :  That  it  fhould  not 
derogate  from  former  treaties  made  between  the  two 
crowns  -,  or  from  thofe  made  by  either  crown  with 
other  potentates,  except  in  what  concerned  religion  ; 
with  regard  to  which  this  league  ofTenfive  and  de- 
fenfive  fhould  remain  firm  and  inviolable  :  That 
this  treaty  fnould  be  confirmed  by  the  ftates  of  Scot- 
land3  when  the  king  fhould  have  attained  the  age  of 

'  five 


five  and  twenty  •,  and  in  like  manner  it  fhould  re-  A-  G«  J586» 
ceive  the  fanction  of  the  Engliih  and  Irifh  parlia- 

Immediately  after  the  ratification  of  the  league  B^ng*™'* 
with  Scotland,  the  Engliih  miniftry  difcovered  aconpiracy' 
confpiracy  againfl  the  life  of  Elizabeth.  Doclor 
Gifford,  Gilbert  Gifford,  and  Hodgefon,  Romifh 
priefts  of  the  feminary  at  Rheims,  perfuaded  one 
John  Savage  that  there  could  not  be  a  more  meri- 
torious action  than  that  of  killing  an  excommuni- 
cated prince  ;  and  this  mad  enthufiaft  made  a  fo- 
lemn  vow  to  murder  the  queen.  John  Ballard 
another  prieft,  who  had  been  privately  in  England, 
returned  to  Paris,  accompanied  by  one  Maude,  a 
fecret  fpy  of  Walfingham,  and  exhorted  Mendoza, 
the  Spanifh  minifter  at  the  court  of  France,  to  pro- 
mote an  invafion  of  England,  while  the  belt,  of 
the  queen's  troops  were  employed  in  the  Nether- 
lands. He  confulted  Charles  Paget  on  the  fame 
fubjecl ;  and  coming  back  to  England,  imparted 
the  fcheme  to  Anthony  Babington,  a  young  gen- 
tleman of  Dethick  in  Derbyshire,  who  propofed  that 
he,  and  five  other  flout  men,  mould  aflaflinate 
Elizabeth.  For  this  purpofe  he  engaged  Edward, 
brother  to  the  lord  Windfor ;  Thomas  Salifbury  of 
Denbighshire ;  Charles  Tilney,  one  of  the  band  of 
penfioners ;  Chidrock  Tichburne,  of  Southamp- 
ton ;  Edward  Abingdon,  whofe  father  had  been 
cofferer  of  the  houlhpld  ;  Robert  Gage,  of  Surry; 
John  Travers,  and  John  Charnock  of  Lancafhire ; 
John  Jones  5  Patrick  Barnwell,  an  Irifhman  ;  and 
Henry  Dun,  a  clerk  in  the  firft  fruits  office.  Thefe 
were  all  bigotted  Roman  catholics  *  and  admitted 
into  their  afTociation  one  Dolly,  who  communi- 
cated all  their  delibeiations  to  Walfingham,  toge- 
ther with  Savage,  who  had  already  devoted  the 
queen  to  deltruction.     They  bound  themfel^es  by 



^.c.  15S6.  an  oath  of  fecrecy,  and  were  even  vain  enough  to 
employ  a  painter  to  draw  them  in  one  piece,  with 
myfterious  mottos,  alluding  to  Tome  deiperate  un- 
dertaking. This  performance  was  fhewn  to  Eli- 
zabeth, and  the  picture  made  inch  a  ftrong  impref- 
fion  upon  her  memory,  that  fhe  recognized  Barn- 
well in  her  garden,  when  turning  to  the  captain  of 
the  guard,  "  Am  not  I  well  guarded,  (faid  fhe) 
"  without  one  armed  man  in  my  company  ?"  Ba- 
bington  feeing  the  neceflity  of  an  invafion,  to  faci- 
litate the  fuccefs  of  their  meafures,  introduced  him- 
felf  to  Walfingham,  whom  he  folicited  for  a  pafiport, 
by  virtue  of  which  he  and  Ballard  might  fet  out  on 
their  travels.  That  minifter,  being  well  apprifed  of 
his  intention,  promifed  to  grant  his  requeft,  the 
more  readily  as  he  undertook  to  difcover  the  fecret 
defigns  of  the  Scottifh  fugitives  in  France  :  but  in 
a  few  days  Ballard  was  apprehended.  Babington, 
alarmed  at  this  circumftance,  directed  Charnock  and 
Savage  to  execute  the  murder  with  the  firft  oppor- 
tunity ;  yet  afterwards  underftanding  that  Ballard 
had  been  feized  as  a  popifh  prieft,  he  changed  his 
refolution,  and  by  letters  prefied  Walfingham  to 
procure  the  licence  and  releafe  of  his  friend,  who 
would  be  of  fingular  fervice  to  him  in  executing  the 
plan  he  had  projected  in  the  queen's  behalf.  The 
fecretary  ft  ill  amufed  him  with  hopes  of  obtaining 
his  defire  \  and,  in  the  mean  time, -ordered  Scuda- 
more,  his  own  fervant,  to  watch  him  in  fuch  a  man- 
ner that  he  mould  not  efcape.  Babington  difco-« 
vering  by  accident  that  Scudamore  was  employed 
as  a  fpy  upon  his  actions,  found  means  to  efcape 
into  the  fields,  where  he  was  joined  by  Dun  and 
.  Barnwell.  A  proclamation  was  immediately  iiTued, 
in  which  they  were  defcribed,  and  declared  traitors. 
They  were  apprehended  at  Harrow,  in  the  difguife 
ofpeafants.     Their  accomplices  likewife  fell  into 



the  hands  of  the  queen's  officers.     They  confeiTed  A,Ci  -$Z6* 
the  confpiracy,  pleaded  guilty  at  their  trials,  and 
were  executed,  to  the  number  of  fourteen,  •  in  St, 
Giles's  fields,  their  ufual  place  of  meeting. 

Mary  queen  of  Scots  was  charged  with  having 
carried  on  a  correfpondence  with  Babington,  by 
means  of  Gilbert  Gifford,  who  betrayed  her  letters 
to  Walungham,  In  thefe  letters  fhe  approved  of 
his  fcheme  for  affaflinating  Elizabeth,  and  fettlng 
herfelf  at  liberty.  She  advifed  him  to  form  an  af . 
fociation,  but  to  abftain  from  railing  an  infurreclion, 
until  allured  of  foreign  affiftance ;  to  engage  in  the 
fcheme  the  earl  of  Arundel  and  his  brothers,  the 
earl  of  Weflmoreland,  Paget,  and  others ;  and,  in 
order  to  procure  her  own  deliverance,  fhe  di reeled 
him  to  overturn  a  cart  in  the  gate  of  the  caftle ;  to 
fet  fire  to  the  (tables,  or  intercept  her  as  (he  rode 
out  for  exercife,  between  Chartley,  and  Stafford.  Im- 
mediately afteFthe  confpirators  were  apprehended, 
Sir  Thomas  Gorges  was  fent  to  make  Mary  ac- 
quainted v/ith  the  tranfaclion.  He  accofted  her 
purpofely  when  (he  had.  taken  horfe  to  ride  ouc 
from  the  caftle  of  Chartley,  to  which  fhe  never 
returned.  She  was  conducled  from  one  gentle- 
man's houfe  to  another,  until  (lie  reached  the  caftle 
of  Fotheringay,  in  Northamptonfnire,  where  (he 
was  clofely  confined.  Her  papers  were  feized,  and  Thepapers 
fent  up  fealed  to  court ;  and  her  money  fecured,  on  andle5reta- 

r  r  ....  ii        ries  °f  Mary 

pretence  or  preventing  its  being  converted  to  the  queen  of 
purpofes  of  bribery.  Nau,  a  Frenchman,  and  ^^G 
Curie,  a  Scot,  her  two  fecretaries,  were  arrefted  and 
committed  to  prifon.  Upon  examination,  they 
are  faid  to  have  owned  a  correfpondence  v/ith 
Babington  ;  that  their  miitrefs  diclated  the  letters 
in  French,  which  Curie  tranflated  into  Englifli, 
and  then  they  were  written  in  cypher.  Attefted 
copies  of  thefe  letters  were  fent  by  Sir  Edward  Wot- 


364  HISTORY    of   ENGLAND. 

a,c.  i5S6s  ton  to  Paris,  that  the  courc  of  France  might  be 
convinced  of  Mary's  being  concerned  in  the  con- 
The  council  "  nphe  council  of  England  was  divided  in  point  of 
opinion  con-  opinion,  about  the  meafures  to  be  taken  againft 
ccmiag  that  ^  qUeen  0f  Scotland.  Some  members  propofed, 
that,  as  her  health  was  very  infirm,  her  life  might 
be  fhortened  by  clofe  confinement,  fo  as  to  avoid 
any  imputation  of  violence  or  cruelty ;  others  in- 
filled upon  her  being  put  to  death  by  legal  procefs ; 
and  the  earl  of  Leicefter  propofed  that  me  mould 
be  difpatched  by  poifon.  Sir  Amias  Paulet  was 
directed  to  kill  her  without  hefitation,  fhould  any 
difturbance  happen  in  or  near  her  lodgings ;  and, 
when  the  chimney  of  her  chamber  took  fire  by  ac- 
cident, he  actually  appointed  four  fervants  to  be  her 
affafiins,  mould  fhe  attempt  to  make  her  efcape. 
Eiackwood.  /pnjs  iii_fi-arrecj  princefs  was  fo  confcious  of  the  dan- 
ger that  hung  over  her  head,  that  fhe  wrote  a  let- 
ter to  her  kinfman  the  duke  of  Guife,  in  which  fhe 
informed  him  of  her  being  accufed  of  practifing 
againft  the  life  of  Elizabeth ;  protefted  her  inno- 
cence, and  affirmed  that  her  fecretaries  muft  have 
been  put  to  the  torture,  otherwife  they  could  not 
have  given  evidence  to  downright  falfhoods.  Be- 
ing in  continual  expectation  of  death,  either  by  pri- 
vate means  or  public  execution,  fne  intreated  her 
,  coufin  to  reward  her  poor  fervants  for  their  fidelity, 
as  fhe  herfelf  had  been  deprived  of  all  her  effects, 
to  convey  her  body  to  France,  that  it  might  be 
buried  near  her  mother  at  Rheims,  and  caufe  her 
heart  to  be  depofited  befide  that  of  Francis  II.  her 
firit  huhband.  The  miniftry  of  England  at  length 
refolved  to  proceed  againft  her  by  public  trial ;  and 
a  eommiffion  was  iflued  to  forty  peers,  with  five 
judges,  or  the  major  part  of  them,  to  try  and  pafs 
featenee  upon  Mary,  daughter  and  heir  of  James 



ELIZABETH.  •        $65 

V.  king  of  Scots,  commonly  called  queen  of  Scots,  A-c>  's**- 
and  dowager  of  France  *. 

Thirty-fix  of  thefe  commiflloners  arriving  at  Petr.iaI  at 
Fotheringay  on  the  eleventh  of  November,  pre-  gay, 
fented  her  with  a  letter  from  Elizabeth,  command- 
ing her  to  fubmit  to  a  trial.  She  perufed  the  letter 
with  great  compofure*,  and  complained  that  every 
threatened  danger,  either  from  fubjecls  or  fo- 
reigners, was  imputed  to  her  by  certain  courtiers, 
who  were  her  mortal  enemies.  She  wondered  the 
queen  of  England  mould  command  her  as  a  fub- 
je£t,  whereas  fhe  was  an  abfolute  fovereign,  and  in- 
dependent princefs.  She  faid  me  would  never  ftocp 
to  any  condefcenfion  which  might  derogate  from 
her  royal  majefty,  or  prejudice  the  rank  and  dig- 
nity of  her  own  fon  •,  that  the  laws  of  England 
were  unknown  to  her ;  that  fhe  was  deftitute  of 
counfel ;  nor  could  fhe  conceive  who  were  to  be  her 
peers  •,  that  me  was  even  robbed  of  her  own  papers, 
and  no  perfon  durft  undertake  to  be  her  advocate. 
This  declaration  being  committed  to  writing,  and 
read  to  her,  fhe  added,  that  initead  of  enioving 
the  protection  of  the  laws  of  England,  as  Eliza- 
beth alledged  in  her  letter,  (he  had  been  confined 
in  prifon  fince  her  firft  arrival  in  the  kingdom  ;  fo 
that  fhe  neither  derived  the  leaft  benefit  from  the 
Englifh  laws,  nor  could  fhe  ever  learn  what  fort  of 
laws  they  were.  When  the  commiffioners  prefied 
her  to  fubmit  to  the  queen's  pleafure,  otherwife 
they  would  proceed  againfl  her  as  contumacious, 
fhe  declared  fhe  would   rather  fuffer   a  thoufand 

*  Thefe  wtre  the  lord  chancellor  Mordaunt,  St.  John  of  Bletfo,  Comp- 

Bromley,  lord  tfreafurer Burleigh,  the  tor,  and  Cheney  j  Sir  James  Crofts,  Sir 

earls  of  Oxford,  Kent,  Derby,  Wor-  Chr.Hutton,  Sir  Francis  Walfingham, 

cefter,    Rutland,  Cumberland,  War-  Sir  Ralph   Sadler,  Sir  W.  Mildmay, 

wick,   Pembroke,  and   Lincoln  j  the  Sir  AmiasPauletj  the  lords  chief  juf- 

vifcount  Montacute,  the  lords  Aberga-  tices  Wray  and  Anderfon  ;  thelord  chief 

venny,  Zouch,  Morley,  Stafford,  Grey,  baron  Manwood,  and  the  j\i  ft  ices  Gaa- 

Lumley,  Stourton,  Sand£s,Wentworth,  dy  and  Periam,  Cart~4 



a.  c.  1586.  deaths  than  own  herfelf  a  fubject  to  any  prince  on 
earth ;  yet  fhe  was  ready  to  vindicate  herfelf  in  a 
full  and  free  parliament ;  that  for  ought  fhe  knew, 
this  meeting  or  affembly  was  devifed  againft  her 
life,  on  purpofe  to  take  it  away  under  colour  of  le- 
gal proceedings.  She  exhorted  them  to  confuk  their 
own  confidences,  and  remember  that  the  theatre  of 
the  world  was  much  more  extenfive  than  the  king- 
dom of  England.     At  length  the  vice- chamberlain 
Hutton  vanquished  her  objections,  by  reprefenting 
that  me  injured  her  reputation  by  avoiding  a  trial, 
in  which  her  innocence  might  be  proved  to  the  fa- 
tisfacYion  of  all  mankind.     This  obfervation  made 
fuch  impreffion  upon  her,  that  fhe  agreed  to  ap- 
pear, if  they  wculd  admit  and  allow  her  protefl 
difowning  all  fubjeclion  :  even  when  they  refufed 
to  allow  it,   fhe  was  contented  with   its  being  re- 
ceived  and  entered  in  writing.     Then  they  pro- 
ceeded to  the  trial,  and  ferjeant  Gaudy  charged  her 
with  knowing,   approving,   and  contenting  to  Ba- 
bington's  confpiracy.     She   denied  that   fhe  had 
ever  known  or  correfponded  with  Ballard  or  Ba- 
bington,  or  had  the  leafl  intimation  of  fuch  a  con- 
fpiracy.     Babington's  confeffion   being  read,    in 
which  mention  was  made  of  the  earls  of  Arundel 
and   Northumberland,  fhe  fried   a  flood  of  tears, 
exclaiming,  "  Alas !  what  hath  the  noble  houfe 
c<  of  Howards  endured  for  my  fake!"  But,  foon 
recollecting  herfelf,  fhe  faid  Babington's  confeffion 
might  be  extorted  by  the  rack,  which  was  really 
the  cafe  •,  that  her  adverfaries  might   procure  the 
cyphers  which  fhe  ufed,  and  forge  whatever  they 
pleafed  to  invent  to  her  prejudice  ;  that  it  was  im- 
probable fhe  fhould  advife  him  to  folicit  the  afTif- 
tance  of  Arundel  who  was  fhut  up  in  prifon,  or 
that  of  Northumberland,  a  very  young  nobleman, 
with  whom  fhe  never  had  the  leafl  connexion.    She 
owned  that  fhe  had  ufed  her  beft  endeavours  to  re- 

2  cover 


cover  her  liberty,  as  nature  herfelf  dictates,  and  had  AC*  l&*» 
folicited  her  friends  for  that  purpofe  •,  but  pofitively 
denied  that  ever  me  harboured  a  thought  again  It 
the  life  of  Elizabeth.  She  obferved  that  many 
dangerous  enterprizes  might  be  attempted  in  her 
behalf,  even  without  her  knowledge ;  and  exprelTed 
her  fufpicion  that  her  cyphers  and  characters  had 
been  counterfeited  for  the  purpofe  of  taking  away 
her  life,  by  Walfingham  and  his  emifTaries,  who 
fhe  heard  had  already  practifed  againft  her  perfo- 
nal  fafety,  and  even  contrived  the  dea&di  of  her  fon." 
Walfingham,  thus  accufed,  rofe  up,  and  protefted 
that  his  heart  was  free  from  malice;  that  he  had 
never  done  any  thing  unbecoming  an  honed  man 
in  his  private  capacity,  not  aught  unworthy  of  the 
place  he  occupied  in  the'ftate;  though  his  zeal  for 
the  queen's  prefervation  had  prompted  him  to  fife 
and  examine  carefully  all  the  confpiracies  that  were 
formed  againft  her  life  and  dignity.  The  queen  of 
Scots  declared  herfelf  fatisfied  of  his  innocence,  and 
defired  he  would  give  as  little  credit  to  the  mali- 
cious  accufatioas  of  her  enemies,  as  fhe  now  gave 
to  the  reports  which  (he  had  heard  to  his  prejudice. 
The  written  evidence  of  her  two  fecretaries  being 
produced,  fhe  affirmed  they  had  been  either  intimi- 
dated, tortured,  or  bribed,  into  a  confeffion  of  what 
was  abfolutely  falfe  :  me  faid  me  was  not  to  be  con- 
victed but  by  her  own  words  or  hand- writing:  fhe 
defired  (he  might  be  confronted  with  her  fecretaries; 
and  obferved,  that  were  me  in  pofieflion  of  htr  notes, 
(he  could  anfwer  more  particularly.  Sh-2  demand- 
ed a  copy  of  her  protefl,  an  advocate  to  plead  her  . 
caufe,  and  an  impartial  hearing  in  full  parliament. 
Her  requefts  were  rejected ;  and  the  court,  after 
having  fat  feveral  days,  adjourned  to  the  twenty- 
fifth  day  of  October,  at  the  Star-chamber  in  Weft- 
minfter,  when  all  the  commifTioners  appeared,  ex- 
cept Shrewfbury  and  Warwick, 


■363  HISTORYof    ENGLAND, 

a. c.  1586.  ]vjau  anci  Curie  having  fworn  to  the  letters  and 
copies  which  had  been  produced,  fentence  was  pro- 

demned™"  nounced  againft  the  queen  of  Scots,  for  having  been 
privy  to  Babington's  plot  \  and  imagined,  fince  the 
firfl  day  of  June,  divers  matters  tending  to  the 
hurt,  death,  and  deftruclion  of  Elizabeth's  perfon, 
contrary  to  the  form  of  the  ftatute  in  the  commif- 

Camden.     fion  fpecified.     On  the  fame  day,  the  commifTioners 
publifhed  a  declaration,  that  the  fentence  did  not 
at  all  derogate  from    James  king  of  Scots  in  his 
title  and  honour  ;   but  that  he  was  in    the   fame 
place,  degree,  and  right,  as  if  the  faid  fentence  had 
never  been  pronounced.     To  condemn  a  fovereign 
princefs    lb  circumftanced,   againft  whom  neither 
word,  writing,   or  fubfcription,  could  be  produced-, 
on  the  teftimony  of  her  own  fervants,  who  were  re- 
warded for  their  evidence  ;  and  without  bringing 
thofe  witnefTes  to  confront  her  at  her  trial,   was  of 
a  piece  with  that  iniquity  and  inhuman  oppre/Tion 
to  which  fhe  had  been  expofed  fince  the  day  of  her 
arrival  in  England.     The  parliament  meeting  on 
the   twenty- ninth  day  of  October,    approved  the 
fentence ;  and,  in  an  addrefs  to  the  queen,  defired 
it  might  be  put   in  execution.     She  expreifed  the 
utmolt  averfion  to  fuch  violent  meafures ;  and  in- 
treated  the  two  houfes  to  find  fome  expedient  to 
fave  her  from  the  neceflity  of  taking  a  ftep  fo  re- 
pugnant to  her  inclinations  :  but,  at  the  fame  time, 
fhe  informed  them  of  a  confpiracy  to  aiTaflinate  her 
within  a  month  ;  fo  that  they  renewed  their  inftances 
for  the   execution  of  Mary,  and  fhe   affected  to 
and  her  fen-  amufe  them  with  myftenous  anfwers.  On  the  fixth 
lifted/"      day  of  December,   the  fentence  againft  Mary  queen 
of  Scots  was  publicly  proclaimed  through  the  whole 
kingdom;    and  the  lord  Buckhurft,   with  Beale, 
was  fent  to  notify  it  to  that  princefs,  and  exhort  her 
to  prepare  for  death.     When  their  mefTage  was  de- 
lived,  ihe  betrayed  not  the  lead;  emotion ;  but,  with 

a  chearful 

ELIZABETH.  (         369 

a    chearfu'l    countenance,     thanked  God   that  her  A- c-  '5s6* 
troublefome  pilgrimage  would  foon  be   at  an  end. 
Then    Sir  Amias   Paulet    ordered    her  canopy   of 
ftate  to  be  taken  down,    and  diverted  her  of  all  the 
other  badges  of  royalty  :   an  indignity  of  which  fhe 
complained  in  a  letter  to  queen  Elizabeth,  as  well 
as  of  the  unfair  ufe  which  had  been  made  of  her  let- 
ters and  papers.   She  de  fired  her  body  might  befent 
to  France-,    that  lhe  might  not  be  put  to  death  ia 
private;  that  her   fervants  might  enjoy  the  fmall 
legacies  fhe  mould  bequeath,  and  befuifered  to  de- 
part in  peacvi  to  their  own  country. 

Henry  III.  of  France  being  apprifed  of  their  pro-  The  French 

v  -i-itv/t  r  on-  •  king  inter- 

ceedings  againtt  Mary,  lent  over  Bel  hevre  to  inter-  cedes  in  hey 

cede  for  her  life  with  qiu-en  Elizabeth.     That  mi-  behalf- 
nifter    arriving  in  London,    was   admitted   to   an 
audience,   and  made  a  very  ttrong  remonrtrance  in 
favour  of  the  captive  queen.     After  having  waited 
feveral  days  for  an  aniwer,  he  fent  M.  de  St.  Cyr 
to  court,  renewing  his  requert  for  Mary's  life,  and 
defiring  time  to  make  his  matter  acquainted  with 
the  fituation  of  that  unfortunate  princefs.     In  an- 
fwer  to  this  requeft,  he  received  a  verbal  mefiage^ 
importing  that  the  qjueejl  would  wait  twelve  days 
for    Henry's  remonttrance.       In  the   mean    time, 
Bellievre  being  admitted  to  her  prefence  at  Green- 
wich,  repeated  his  former  arguments,    to  diffuade 
her  from  imbruing  her  hands  in  the  blood  of  her 
kinfwoman  ;   an    unhappy  princefs,  doubly  intitled 
to  the  rights  of  hofpitality,  as  a  guert  and  fuppliant. 
He  demonftrated  that  the  execution  of  Mary  would 
be  an  outrage  aeainft  the  law  of  nature  and  nations- 
the  dictates  of  humanity,  and  the   fuggertions  of 
Elizabeth's  own  intcrert  -,'  and   concluded  his   ha- 
rangue by  telling  her,  that  ihould  lhe  proceed  to 
extremities  of  rigour,    his  matter  would  refsnt  her 
conducl,  as  an  injury  to  the  common  intereft  of  all 
kings,   and  an  iniulc  to  every  fovereign  in  particu- 
N°,  58,  Bb  lar. 

370  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a,  c.  1586.  ]ar<     Elizabeth  afking   if  he  was  charged  to  uk* 
fuch    language,    he   anfwered   in   the   affirmative. 
"  Have  you  fuch  orders  under  your  matter's  hand  ?" 
(faid  he).      He  told  her  they  were  in  letters  written 
with   the  king's  own  hand  :    fhe  required  him  to 
avow  this  attention  in  writing  *,  and  he  wrote  with- 
Carte'         out  hefitation.     She  faid  fhe  would  fend  an  ambaf- 
fador  to  Paris  to  inform  Henry  of  her  refolution  : 
when  Bellievre  v/as  ready  to  depart,    (lie  de fired  he 
would  tarry  two  or  three  days  longer  j  at  length 
he  received  his  pattports,  and  returned  to  the  con- 
tinent.     Notwithstanding  the  earned    manner    in 
which  Bellievre  folicited  for  the  life  of  the  Scottifh 
queen,  he    is   faid  to  have  exhorted  Elizabeth  in 
private  to   haften  the  execution  of  that  princefs  ; 
and  fuch  collufion  is  not  at  all    improbable,  when 
we  confider  Henry's   implacable    animofity  to  the 
DuMauner  duke  °f  Guife,  the  kinfman  of  Mary  queen  of  Scot- 
a. c.  1587.       The  miniftry  of  England,  in  order  to  pave  the 
way  for  the  execution  of  the  Scottifh  queen,    tqok 
care  to  alarm  the  nation  with  falie  furmifes  of  new 
ft-  d'      pl°ts>  ana"   projected  invafions.     One  Stafford,  be- 
piot.  ing  arretted  on  fufpicion  of  treafon,  confefled  that 

he  had  conferred  with  De  Trappes,  fecretary  to 
Chateauneuf,  the  French  ambattador  in  ordinary, 
about  hiring  adefperado  to  murder  the  queen.  De 
Trappes  had  fet  out  for  Dover,  in  hope  of  over- 
taking Bellievre  with  fome  difpatches,  when  he  was 
feized  upon  the  road,  and  conveyed  prifoner  to  the 
Tower  of  London.  Nothing  material  appearing 
in  his  papers,  the  council  fent  for  Chateauneuf,  and 
taxed  him  with  having  been  concerned  in  a  confpi- 
racy  againft  the  queen's  life.  Stafford  being  brought 
before  the  board,  in  fitted  upon  the  ambaflador's 
being  privy  to  the  deiign  •,  and  his  evidence  was 
confirmed  by  Moody,  the  pretended  aflafiin.  Cha- 
teauneuf owned  that  Stafford  had  mentioned  fome 



Such  project  to  him  -,  but  that  he  had  turned  him  A-c- vs5?* 
out  of  his  houfe,  and  threatened  to  deliver  him  into 
the  hands  of  her  majefty.  The  council  reprimand- 
ed him  Hiarply  for  having  concealed  Rich  a  trea- 
fonable  defign  -,  and  the  queen  complained  ©f  his 
conducl  to  Henry,  by  the  mouth  of  the  ambafia- 
dor  whom  fhe  fent  to  Paris  immediately  after  the 
departure  of  Bellievre.  By  thefe  complaints,  and 
other  pretences  of  defigns  formed  againft  her  life^ 
fhe  eluded  the  folicitaticns  of  Henry  in  favour  of 
the  Scottim  queen.  Stafford's  plot  was  devifed 
for  the  purpofe.  Rumours  were  railed  and  induf- 
trioufly  propagated  to  frighten  and  provoke  the 
people.  A  Spanifh  fleet  was  faid  to  have  arrived 
in  Milford-Haven.  It  was  reported  that  the  Scots 
had  made  an  irruption  into  England ;  that  thel 
duke  of  Guife  had  landed  with  an  army  in  Suflex  5 
that  the  queen  of  Scots  had  efcaped  from  prifon  ; 
that  a  rebellion  was  raifed  in  the  North  ;  and  a  new 
confpiracy  hatched  to  murder  the  queen,  and  burn 
the  city  of  London  ;  nay,  in  fome  counties  queen 
Elizabeth  was  believed  to  he  already  murdered. 
Such  were  the  arts  praclifed  by  the  miniftry,  to 
excite  a  ferment  in  the  nation,  and  exafperate  the 
fubjecls  againft  the  queen  of  Scots,-  as  thecaufe  of  c    ♦  ... 

111(1**  'wftiiivtwiaj 

all  theie  calamities. 

James  of  Scotland  was  rio  fooner  informed  of 
his  mother's  diftrefs,  than  he  difpatched  W.  Keith, 
gentleman  of  his  bedchamber,  with  a  letter  to 
Elizabeth,  conjuring  her  to  fpare  the  life  of  his 
parent,  otherwife  he  mould  think  himfelf  bound 
by  the  laws  of  God  and  man  to  revenge  her  death  % 
and  befeeching  her  at  any  rate  to  refpite  the  execu- 
tion of  the  fentence,  until  he  could  ferid  an  ambai- 
fador  with  further  proportions,  which  fhe  might 
find  fatisfadlory,  She  was  feized  with  a  tranfport 
of  indignation  when  fhe  perufed  this  letter  *,  in 
which  James  prefumed  to  threaten  her  with  ven- 

B  b  2  geance  % 


a.  c.  1587.  geance  •,    but  her  pafnon  fubfiding,  fhe  granted  the 
James  of     defired  refpite.     At  length  the  mailer  of  Gray,  and 
Scotland      Sir  Robert  Melvi],   arriving  in  London,   propofed 
ambaffXs  that  their  king  mould  give  the  chief  of  his  nobility 
extraordina-  as  hoitages,    .to  fecure  Elizabeth  from  any  future 
land.  ng~    practices  of  his  mother,  who  fhould  refign  her  right 
of  fucceffion  to  her  fon  :  and  this  refignation  fhould 
be  guaranteed  by  foreign   princes.     Thefe  propo- 
fals  the  queen  rejected  with  difdain  \  and,  when  Sir 
Robert  Melvil  begged  earneftly  that  the  execution 
might  be  deferred  for  a  vveek,   fhe  anfwered  with 
great  emotion,  "  No*  not  for  an  hour."  We  have 
already   obferved,    that    Elizabeth's  diffimuiation 
failed  her  whenever  Mary  was  the  fubjectcf  con- 
verfation.      James  recalled   his   ambafifadors  in    a 
paftion,  which  however  was    foon    cooled   by  the 
mailer  of  Gray,  who  was  a  penfioner  of  the  queen 
of  England. 

Elizabeth  now  proceeded  to  act  the  lafl  part  of 
the  tragedy  relating  to  the  unhappy  queen  of  Scot- 
land. In  order  to  poflefs  her  people  with  an  opi- 
nion of  her  clemency,  and  averfion  to  violent  mea- 
fures,  we  have  feen  that  feveral  noblemen  had 
thrown  themfelves  at  her  ittt^  befeeching  her  to 
take  pity  upon  them  and  their  pofterity ;  and,  by 
the  death  of -Mary,  provide  for  the  fafety  of  reli- 
gion and  the  realm.  This  farce  they  performed 
before  the  cemmiffion  was  expedited.  After  the 
fentence  v/as  pronounced,  me  iuffered  herfelf  to  be 
twice  addrefTed  by  the  parliament,  which  even  re- 
proached her  with  having  refufed  her  people  juf- 
tice,  becaufe  fhe  delayed  the  execution  of  the  fen- 
tence :  fhe  thought  it  necefTary  to  circulate  faife 
reports,  and  alarm  the  nation  with  imaginary  dan- 
gers, before  fhe  would  fign  the  death-warrant  •,  and, 
iaftly,  fhe  contrived  means  for  infpiring  the  peo- 
ple with  a  belief  that  this  warrant  was  executed 
without  her  knowledge,  and  contrary  to  her  inten- 


tion.     She  made  ufe  of  Davifon  as  her  tool  on  this  A-  c-'587- 

occafion.     Ke  had  been  lately  appointed   fecretary 

of  ftate  for  the  purpofe.     The  queen,   in  ieeming  Elizabeth 

.      r        *       r  .  o  jigns  the 

terror  at  thole  reports,  which  her  own  creatures  had  warrant  for 
diffufed  through  the  kingdom,  delivered  to  Davi-  tf0ene^CH" 
fon  an  order  figned  with  her  own  hand,  and  lealed  Mary. 
with  her  own  leal,  to  make  out  a  warrant  for  the 
execution  of  Mary,  under  the  fandlion  of  the  great 
leal,  and  to  keep  it  fecret  in  his  own  custody,  until 
he  fhould  receive  further  directions.  Next  morn- 
ing me  fent  two  gentlemen  fucceffively,  to  defire 
that  Davifon  would  not  so  to  the  chancellor  until 
fhe  fhculd  fee  him  :  when  he  told  her  that  the  chan- 
cellor had  already  put  the  great  feal  to  the  warrant, 
fhe  pretended  to  be  diflatisfied,  and  afked  what 
need  there  was  for  fuch  hurry?  The  order  for  the 
execution  was  directed  to  the  earls  of  Shrewsbury, 
Derby,  Kent,  and  Cumberland,  who  were  ordered 
to  fee  the  queen  of  Scots  beheaded  in  their  pre- 
fence.  Davifon,  who  was  well  acquainted  with  the 
real  fentiments  of  Elizabeth  touching  queen  Mary," 
communicated  what  had  pafTed  to  the  members  of 
the  privy  council,  who  unanimoufly  refolved  that 
the  order  fhould  be  put  in  execution.  It  was  im- 
mediately delivered  to  Beale,  who  fummoned  the 
noblemen  to  whom  it  was  directed,  and  let  out  for 
Fotheringay  with  two  executioners. 

Mary  heard  the  death-warrant  read  without  ex-  That  pi-in- 
hibiting the  lead  marks  of  difcompofure  -9  though  cefsPre- 
fhe  exprefTed  her  furprize  that  the  queen  of  Eng-  death. °r 
land  mould  content  to  her  being  executed  ;  and  lay- 
ing her    hand   on  a  New  Teftament   which   hap- 
pened to  be  upon  the  table,    fhe  folemnly  protefted, 
that  fhe  had  never  deviled,  purfued,   or  confented 
to  any  defign  againft  the  perfon  of  Elizabeth.     ShQ 
denied  her  having  had  the  lead  concern  in  Babing- 
ton5s  confpiracy  ;  and  inquiring  about  the  fate  of 
Nau  and  Curie,   afked  whether  it  had  ever  been 

B  b  j  x  heard 


374  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.c.  1587.  heard  cf  before,   that  fervants  were  fuborned  and 
admitted  as  evidence  againfl  their  mailer  ?  She  de- 
fired  that  her  ccnfelTor  might  attend  her  :  a  favour 
which  is  granted  to  the  worft  of  malefactors,  tho? 
now  cruelly  denied  to  the  queen  of  Scotland.  After 
the  earls  had  retired,  fhe  eat  fparingly  at  fupper  \ 
and  her  attendants  weeping  and  lamenting  her  fate, 
fhe  comforted  them  with  a  chearful  countenance, 
telling  them  they  ought  not  to  mourn,  but  rejoice 
at  the  profpect  of  her  fpeedy  deliverance  from  a 
world  of  mifery.     The  earl  of  Kent,  who  feems  to 
have  hated  her  with  an  uncommon  degree  of  ran- 
cour,  had  told  her  that  her  life  was  the  death,  and 
her  death  would  be  the  life,  of  the  proteftant  reli- 
gion.    Mu'ry  feemed  to  triumph  in  this  declara- 
tion,  obferving  to  Burgoign  her  phyfician,    that  it 
was  a  plain  acknowledgment  of  her  being  put  to 
death  on  account  of  religion,  and  not  for  any  of- 
fence fhe  had  committed  againfl  the  perfon  of  Eli- 
zabeth.    After  fupper  fhe   reviewed  her  will*    and 
perufcd  the  inventory  of  her  effects.     Thefe  fhe  be- 
queathed   to    different    individuals  -,    and   divided 
her  riioney,  which  bv  this  time  ihe  had  recovered, 
into  a  number  of  little  purfes,  and  diftributed  them 
among  her  fervants,  whom  fhe  warmly  recommend- 
ed in  letters  to  the  king  of  France  and  the  duke  of 
Guife.     Going  to  bed  at  her  ufual  hour,  fhe  pafled 
part  of  the   nrght  in   uninterrupted  repofe;  then 
rifing,  foent  the  remainder  in  prayer  and  a£ts  of 
,  -  .  On  the  day  of  her  death,   which  was  the  eighth 

traded  in  of  February,  fhe  dreffed  herfelf  with  equal  elegance 
v^kCafHeu  and  decorum;  and  caufing  her  will  to  be  read  in 
ngi  the   hearing  of    her    fervants,  defired  they  would 

take  their  legacies  in  good  parr,  as  her  ability  did 
not  covrefpond  with  her  wifhrs  in  their  favour. 
When  Thomas  Andrews,  high  iheriff  of  the  county, 
came  to  call  her  to  execution,  fhe  was  employed  in 



prayer.  Sht  came  forth  with  a  compofed  counte-  A-C»J587. 
nance,  and  majeftic  demeanor,  with  a  long  veil  of 
linen  on  her  head,  and  in  her  hand  a  crucifix  of 
ivory.  At  the  bottom  of  the  frairs,  Sir  Andrew 
Mel vil,  mailer  of  her  houfhold,  fell  upon  his 
knees,  and  fhedding  a  flood  of  tears,  lamented  his 
misfortune  in  being  doomed  to  carry  the  news  of 
her  unhappy  face  to  Scotland.  "  Lament  not 
(Taid  fhe)  but  rather  rejoice,  that  Mary  Stuart 
will  foon  be  freed  from  all  her  cares.  Tell  my 
friends  that  I  die  conftant  in  my  religion,  and 
firm  in  my  fidelity  and  affecYiori  towards  Scot-  . 
land  and  France.  God  forgive  them  who  hav6* 
thirfted  after  my  blood,  as  the  harts  do  after 
the  water  brooks.  Thou,  O  God,  who  art  truth 
itfelf,  and  perfectly  underftandeft  the  inward 
thoughts  of  my  heart,  knoweft  how  greatly  I 
have  defired  that  the  realms  of  England  and 
Scotland  might  be  united.  Commend  me  to 
my  fon,  and  aflure  him  I  have  done  nothing 
prejudicial  to  the  ftate  or  crown  of  Scotland. 
Admonifh  him  to  preferve  amity  and  friend- 
fhip  with  the  queen  of  England  •,  and  fee  that 
thou  do  him  faithful  fervice."  In  this  place  fhe 
was  received  by  the  four  noblemen,  who  with  great 
difficulty  were 'prevailed  upon  to  allow  Melvil,  with 
her  phyfician,  apothecary,  furgeon,  and  two  female 
attendants,  to  be  prefent  at  the  execution.  Then 
the  noblemen  and  the  fheriff  going  before,  and 
Melvil  bearing  up  her  train,  fhe  walked  to  the 
Jcaffbld,  which  was  raifed  about  two  feet  from  the 
floor  of  the  hall,  and  furnifhed  with  a  chair,  a 
cufhion,  and  a  block,  covered  with  black  cloth. 
As  foon  as  me  had  feated  herfelf,  Beale  began  to 
read  the  warrant  for  her  execution  •,  then  Fletcher, 
dean  of,  Peterborough,  ftandino;  without  the  rails, 
repeated  a  long  exhortation,  which  fhe  interrupted 
twice,  defiring  him   to  forbear,  as  fhe  was  firmly 

B  b  4  refolved 

376  HISTORY  of  EN  GLAND.     . 

A.e.  1587.  fefoived  to  die  in  the  Roman  catholic  religion. 
The  lords  induflrioufly  tormented  this  poor  lady 
in  her  laft  moments.  They  ordered  the  dean  to 
pray  i  and  he  proceeded,  although  (he  told  them 
that  flie  could  not  join  with  them,  and  had  very 
little  time  to  fpare  for  her  own  devotions.  '  She 
therefore,  with  her  fervants,  fell  on  her  knees,  and 
prayed  aloud  in  Latin,  from  the  office  of  the  Virgin 
Mary.  When  the  dean  left  off  {peaking,  me  prayed 
again  in  the  Englifh  tongue,  fervently  recommend- 
ing the  church,  her  fon,  and  queen  Elizabeth,  to 
the  protection  of  Almighty  God.  When  her  a& 
of  devotion  were  finifhed,  me  ordered  her  women  to 
undrefs  her  for  the  block  ;  and  the  executioners 
rudely  interfering,  bade  them  (land  off,  faying,  fhe 
was  not  ufed  to  undrefs  herfclf  before  fo  much  com- 
pany, nor  accuftomed  to  fuch  valets  de  chambre. 
Her  two  women  burfting  into  tears,  and  loud  ex- 
clamations of  forrow,  (he  reminded  them,  in'  the 
French  language,  of  h-rr  having  undertaken  for 
their  difcreet  behaviour ;  (he  embraced  them  ten- 
derly, bidding  them  forbear  their  womaniiTi  lamen- 
tations, for  now  me  mould  reft  from  all  her  for- 
rows  -,  then  turning  to  her  men  fervants,  who  were 
overwhelmed  with  unfpeakable  affliction,  fhe,  with 
a  gracious  fmile,  bade  them  fare wel.  The  two 
executioners  kneeling,  and  afking  her  pardon,  fhe 
laid  (he  forgave  them,  and  all  the  authors  of  her 
death,  as  freely  as  (lie  wifhed  God  would  forgive 
her  own  tranfgreffions.  She  once  more  made  a 
folemn  proteftation  of  her  innocence.  Her  eyes 
we  re  covered  yj\th  a  linen  handkerchief:  fhe  laid 
her  head  upon  the  block  without  the  ieaft  mark  of 
perturbation,  recited  a  pfalm,  an.d  having  repeated 
a  pious  ejaculation,  received  the  fatal  ftroke.  She 
was  cruelly  mangled  by  the  executioner,  who  hav- 
ing at  length  fevered  her  head  from  her  body,  and 
holding  it  up  in  his  hand,  the  dean  of  Peterborough 



exclaimed,  "  So  let  all  queen  Elizabeth^  enemies A»c>  *s%7* 
"  perifh."  The  earl  of  Kent  anfwered,  Amen  ; 
while  the  red  of  the  fpectators  wept  and  fighed  at 
this  affecting  fpectacle.  Her  women  begged  they 
might  be  allowed  to  perform  the  laft  offices  to  their 
deacj  miftrefs,  offering  to  pay  thrice  the  value  of 
what  remained  about  her  breathlefs  coarie ;  but  their 
requeft  was  denied  :  they  were  roughly  commanded 
to  be  gone,  and  the  body  was  left  to  the  difcretion 
of  the  executioners,  by  whom  it  was  indecently 
ftripped,  and  carried  into  an  adjoining  room,  where 
they  covered  it  with  a  coarfe  ruffet  cloth  belonging 
to  an  old  bdliard-table.  It  was  afcerwards  imbalm- 
ed,  inciofed  in  a  leaden  cotnn,  and  interred  with 
great  pomp  and  folemnity  in  the  cathedral  of  Peter- 
borough ;  from  whence  her  fon  James  removed  it, 
in  thefequel,  to  the  chapel  of  Henry  VII.  in  Weft-  j^f™* 

Such  was  the  untimely  fate  of  Mary  Stuart,   a  Hercha- 
princefs  unmatched  in  beauty,    and  unequalled  in  ™"  "': 
misfortune.     Perhaps   the  charms  of  her  perfon, 
and  the  accomplifhments  of  her  fex,    in  which  fhe 
far  cutfhone  ail   her  cotemporaries,  contributed  as 
much  to  her  ruin,  as   did  her  title,  to  the  crown  of 
England,  which  is  generally  fuppofed  to  have  been 
the  cauie  of  her  death.     Elizabeth  was  a  woman  as 
well  as   a  politician.     She  not  only  dreaded  Mary 
as  the  rival  of  her  dignity,   but  alio  envied  her  fu- 
perior  qualifications.     Though  other   motives   in-  Camde*. 
fluenced   her   miniftry  againft    that   princefs,    the 
queen  of  England  feems    to   have  been  in   a  great    * 
meafure  actuated  byperfonal  malice,  founded  upon 
the  refult  of  a  companion  betwen  her  own  charac- 
ter and  that  of  the  all-accomplifhed  Mary  queen  of 
Scots.     This  was  the  original  grudge  upon  which 
ail  her  future  rancour  was  grafted  •,  for  after  Mary 
had  been  detained  nineteen  years  in  captivity  ;  after 
thofe  confpiracies  which  had  been  formed  in  her  be- 



A.c,*5$7.  J^alf  by  the  firft  noblemen  in  England,  were  utterly 

crufhed   and  extinguifhed,   and  Elizabeth's  throne 

eftablifhed   upon  univerfal  popularity  •;    while  fhe 

lived  in  harmony  with  the  king  of  France,  found 

employment  for  Philip  in  the  Netherlands,  and  her 

kingdom  was  altogether  free  from  difturbance  or 

commotion,    we   cannot  fuppofe    that    fhe    really 

thought  herfelf  in  danger  from  the  machinations  of 

her  prifoner.     Had  (he   been  guided   by  political 

views  only,   perhaps  fhe  would  nave  releafed  the 

queen  of  Scots  in  the  beginning  of   her  captivity. 

In  that  cafe   fhe  would  have  been  exempted  from 

the  danger  of  thofe  commotions  which  were  excited 

by  her  imprifonment ;  and  the  factions  would  have 

been  continued  in  Scotland,  where  fhe  might  have 

eaffy  managed  both  fides  for  her  own  advantage. 

Mary  queen  of  Scots,  bating  fome  ads  of  iftdifcre- 

tion,  excufable  from  her  youth   and  inexperience, 

was  a  lady  poffeffed  of  the  mcfl  amiable  virtues  : 

over  and  above  her  amazing;  beaurv,  and  the  ex- 
es /  * 

qui  Cut  fymmetry  of  her  perfon,  fhe  was  learned, 
penetrating,  invincibly  fecret,  liberal,  charitable, 
unaffectedly  pious,  meek,  affable,  magnanimous, 
and  endowed  with  fuch  fortitude  as  no  adverfity 
could  difcompofe. 

When  the  tidings  of  Mary's  death  were  brought 
to  queen  Elizabeth,  fhe  affected  to  exprefs  the  ut- 
moft  aftonifhmenr,  with  all  the  marks  of  extrava- 
gant forrow.  She  commanded  the  members  of  the 
council  to  quit  her  preience  i  and  Davifon  to  be  pro- 
fecuted  in  the  Star-chamber.  She  wept,  wailed, 
and  lamented  the  hard  fate  of  her  dear  kinfv/oman. 
Sht  di! patched  her  relation  Robert  Cary  with  a  let- 
ter to'  James  king  of  Scotland,  exprefling  her  in- 
comparable grief  of  mind  at  the  lamentable  acci- 
dent which  had  happened,  contrary  to  her  inten- 
tion i  and  profefling  the  warmer!:  regard  and  affec- 
tion for  him  and  his  coactnis.     The  Scottifh  king 



breathed  nothing  but  revenge  againft  thofe  who  A>c,,ss7' 
had  brought  his  mother  to  the  block.  He  would 
not  admit  Cary  into  his  kingdom  -,  but  fent  Sir 
George  Hume,  and  the  matter  of  Melvil,  to  re- 
ceive his  letter  on  the  border.  He  was  not  fatis- 
fied  with  Elizabeth's  apology,  nor  the  confinement 
of  Davifon,  whom  fhe  had  ordered  to  be  profecuted 
in  the  Star-chamber.  The  eilates  of  Scotland 
meeting  at  Edinburgh,  promifed  to  aflift  their  fo- 
vereign  in  revenging  his  mother's  death,  with 
their  lives  and  fortunes.  But  the  queen  of  Eng-  Her  fim' 
land  had  emirTaries  in  the  court  of  James,  who  /0a"nesa^_ 
found  no  difficulty  in  appeafing  his  indignation,  peafed." 
They  appealed  to  his  prevailing  paflions  of  fear  and 
vanity.  They  repreiented  the  danger  of  engaging 
in  a  war  with  England,  a  rich,  powerful  nation, 
able  to  crufh  him  in  one  campaign  ;  and  the  folly 
of  incenfing  a  people  over  whom  he  had  the  faireft 
profpedt  of  reigning,  provided  he  mould  not  pro- 
voke them  to  take  fome  ftep  to  the  prejudice  of 
his  fucceffion.  By  fuch  remonftranccs,  he  was  dif- 
fuaded  from  commencing  hoftilities,  until  the  arri- 
val of  lord  Hunfdon  as  ambafTador  from  England, 
a  nobleman  for  whom  he  k^ad  a  particular  regard, 
and  by  whom  he  was  eafily  prevailed  upon  to  lay  cimdw 
aiide  all  refolutions  of  revenge. 

Davifon  was  a  facrifice  offered  up  to  the  refent- 
ment'of  the  Scottifh  monarch.  That  fecretary  was 
accufed  before  the  flar  chamber,  of  having  con- 
temned the  queen's  orders,  violated  his  oath  of  fi- 
delity, and  neglected  the  duties  of  his  office.  He 
faid  he  would  rather  be  found  guilty  than  prefume 
to  conteft  with  her  majefty ;  protefted,  that  if  he 
had  erred,  he  had  erred  through  ignorance  only, 
and  a  full  perfuafion  that  what  he  did  was  agreea- 
ble to  the  queen's  intentions.  He  therefore  fubmh- 
ted  to  the  judgment  of  the  council,  was  fentenced 
?:o  pay  a  fine  of  ten  thoyfand  pounds*  and  remain 

380  HISTORY  of    ENGLAND. 

A,c.  1537.  in  prifon  during  her  majefty's  pleafure.  He  begged 
they  would  intercede-  in  his  behalf,  that  he  might 
be  reftored  to  the  queen's  favour  j  which,  however, 
he  did  not  retrieve,  but  languished  a  long  time  in 
confinement,  during  which  fhe  fometimesr  relieved 
his  necefiities.  While  he  remained  in  cuftody  he 
wrote  an  apology,  addrefled  to  Walfingham,  to  the 

gdo"1*6  following  eneel:  That  before  the  departure  of  the 
French  and  Scottifh  ambaffadors,  he  delivered  into 
the  queen's  own  hand,  the  order  for  the  execution 
of  Mary,  which  fhe  immediately  figned,  defiring  it 
might  receive  the  fanclion  of  the  great  leal.  Then 
fhe  bade  him  mew  it  to  Walfingham,  who  was  al- 
ready fick,  faying,  in  derifion,  he  would  certainly 
die  at  the  fight  of  the  warrant.  She  obferved  fhe 
had  delayed  it  hitherto,  that  fhe  might  not  be 
thought  to  act  with  violence-,  but  there  was  a  ne- 
ceiTity  for  its  being  executed.  She  broke  forth  in- 
to pafiionate  exprefnons  againft  Sir  Armas  Paulet, 
and  Sir  Drue  Drury,  becaufe  they  had  not  fpared 
her  this  trouble,  and  defired  that  Walfingham 
would  feel  their  pulfes  touching  the  affair.  Next 
day,  when  fhe  underftood  that  the  great  feal  was 
affixed,  fhe  blamed  Davifon  for  his  precipitation,  fay- 
ing, a  better  courfe  might  be  taken.  To  which  hint 
the  fecretary  replied,  that  the  jufteft  courfe  was  al- 
ways the  beft.  Fearing,  however,  that  fhe  wonld 
lay  the  whole  blame  upon  him,  as  fhe  had  formerly 
imputed  the  death  of  the  duke  of  Norfolk  to  lord 
Burleigh,  he  communicated  the  whole  tranfaction 
to  Sir  Chriflopher  Hatton,  by  whom  it  was  impart- 
ed to  Burleigh.  This  nobleman  laid  it  before  the 
reft  of  the  council,  who  unanimoufly  refolved  to 
haften  the  execution,  and  bear  an  equal  mare  of 
the  blame  :  then  Beale  was  difpatched  with  the  war- 
rant and  letters.  On  the  third  day  after  this  refo- 
lution,  Elizabeth  relating  a  dream  about  Mary's 
death,  Davifon  allied  if  Ihe  had  changed  her  mind  : 



ihe  anfwered,  No*,  but  another  courfe  might  have  a. c.  1587* 
been  devifed  \  and  defired  to  know  if  he  had  receiv- 
ed any  anfwer  from  Paulec.  He  produced  the  let- 
ter, in  which  that  gentleman  rlateiy  refufed  to  un- 
dertake any  thing  which  mould  be  inconfiftent  with 
juftice  and  honour.  Then  fhe  exclaimed,  in  a  vio- 
lent paffion,  againfl  the  nicenefs  of  thole  precife 
fellows  who  promifed  mighty  matters,  but  indeed 
would  perform  nothing  for  her  fafety.  She  accufed 
them  of  perjury,  in  breach  of  their  aiTociation-vow  ; 
and  obferved,  that  there  were  ibme  perfons  who 
would  ftill  do  it  for  her  fake.  Davifon  reprefented 
the  injuftice  and  diihonour  of  fuch  proceedings, 
expatiated  upon  the  danger  that  would  accrue  to 
her  reputation,  and  told  her  that  the  council  had 
already  taken  order  in  the  affair,  tie  likewife  de- 
clared, that  on  the  very  day  of  Mary's  death, 
flie  had  chid  him,  becaufe  the  queen  of  Scots  was 
not  yet  executed.  Camden' 

The  parliament  meeting  on  the  fifteenth  day  of  proceedings 
February,  a  motion  was  made  in  the  houfe  of  corn- In Parlia" 
mons,  to  prefent  an  addrefs  of  thanks  to  her  maje- 
fly,  for  having  put  the  queen  of  Scots  to  death  : 
but  this  did  not  pafs,  becaufe  it  would  have  fixed 
upon  Elizabeth  an  imputation  which  fhe  fought  fo 
eagerly  to  avoid.  A  petition,  with  a  directory,  or 
book  of  difcipline,  from  the  puritans,  being  pre- 
fented  to  the  houfe,  and  feconded  by  four  gentle- 
men, the  queen  fent  for  the  book,  and  committed 
the  four  members  to  the  Tower,  for  having  pre- 
fumed  to  meddle  in  church-matters,  in  contempt 
of  her  repeated  inhibition.  A  motion  was  made 
to  addrefs  her  for  the  releafe  of  the  imprifoned 
members  ;  but  over-ruled,  and  they  continued 
in  confinement,  until  the  parliament  was  difToived. 
This  feverity  did  not  hinder  the  commons  from 
granting  a  fubfidy  •,  and  afterwards  a  benevolence 
for  the  fuppoitof  the  war  in   the  Netherlands  : 

5  *ke 


a  g.  1 5S7  fhe  met  with  the  like  indulgence  from  the  lords  and 

Rymer.       the  clergy  afifembled  in  convocation. 

Such  a  iupply  was  abfolutely  neceftary,  to  pre- 
vent the  ruin  of  the  confederates  in  the  Low  Coun- 
tries, Leicefter,  during  his  administration,  had  not 
only  exercifed  the  moft  arbitrary  and  defpotic  pow- 
er, but  alfo  encouraged  factions,  which  had  well 
nigh  deftroyed  the  union  of  the  provinces.  Stanley 
and  York,  whom  he  had  appointed  governors  of 
Zutphen  and  Deventer,  betrayed  their  truft,  and  fur- 
rendered  their  fores  to  the  prince  of  Parma ;  and 
the  ftates  fearing  that  all  the  other  Englifh  gover- 
nors of  his  nomination  would  follow  their  treache- 
rous example,  elected  prince  Maurice  provifionally 
ftadtholder  and  governor-general  in  his   abfence. 

The  ftates-  Then  they  wrote  a  letter  to  Elizabeth,  complaining 

complain  of  that  Leicefter  had  iftued  placarts  againft  trade,  and 

wn'duc^'8  corrimittec,t  tncir  *owns  to  the  charge  of  fufpected 
perfons,  protected  traitors,  and  reftrained  the  pow- 
er of  the  ftates.  Lord  Buckhurft  was  fent  over  to 
compromife  the  quarrei :  and  then  theyextended  the 
lift  of  their  grievances  againft  the  earl  of  Leicefter. 
They  taxed  him  with  having  refufed  inftructions  % 
nominated  counfellors  of  ftate  •,  quartered  his  own 
arms  on  the  feal  of  the  ftates  ;  coined  rofe  nobles, 
to  pafs  for  double  their  intrinfic  value  •,  inftituted  a 
new  court  of  exchequer  •,  filled  the  colleges  of  the 
admiralty  with  unqualified  perfons  \  hindered  the 
levy  of  fix  thoufand  Germans  •,  and  excited  the  com- 
mon people  againft  the  magiftrates.  Elizabeth  was 
not  pleafed  with  thefe  complaints,  which  produced 
an  animofity  between  Leicefter  and  Buckhurft.  Sir 
John  Norreys  was  recalled  :  the  Englifh  troops  were 
greatly  diminifhed  and  ftarving  for  want  of  pay  5 
Gueldres  was  betrayed  to  the  enemy,  and  the  prince 
of  Parma  had  inverted  Sluys.  The  queen  difpatch- 
ed  Leicefter  with  five  thoufand  men  to  the  relief 
©f  this  place,  which,  however,  he  could  not  luc- 

cour ; 


cour;  and  therefore  marched  into  Zealand,  where  a.c.  1^7, 
he  renewed  his  old  practices,    while  Sluys  was  ob- 
liged to  capitulate.     The  earl  having  rendered  him- 
felf  extremely  odious  to  the  people  and  the  dates  of 
the  Netherlands,  refolved  to  employ  force  in  the 
execution  of  his  projects.     His  defign  was  to  ap- 
prehend and  put  to  death  John  Olden  BarneveJt,  and 
thirteen  other  flrenuous  oppofers  of  his   arbitrary 
meafures,  aad  to  feize  Dort,  Enckhuifen,  Leyden, 
and  other  places :    but  his  defign  being  difcovered, 
the  queen  recalled  him  to  England,  obliged  him  to  Camden,; 
refign  his  government,  and  fent  over  the  lord  Wil-  cStS" 
loughby  to  command  the  Englifh  forces. 

Elizabeth  having  been  apprifed  in  the  begin-  p10grefs  ©f 
ning  of  the  year  that  Philip  of  Spain  had  begun  to  ^rTraTKis 
make  preparations  for  invading  England,  fent  Sir  ^\nk  the 
Francis  Drake  with  a  fleet  of  mips  to  deftroy  his  bPaniards« 
veiTels,  and  intercept  his  provifions.  This  com- 
mander funk  two  gallies  in  the  bay  of  Cadiz,  took, 
burned,  and  deftroyed,  an  hundred  velTels  loaded 
with  provifions,  and  munition  of  war,  together  with 
a  galleon  of  fourteen  hundred  tons  belonging  to  the 
marquis  of  Santa  Cruz ;  and  another  of  Regufa, 
Joaden  with  merchandize.  He  then  reduced  three 
forts  at  cape  St.  Vincent,  and  deftroyed  ail  the  boats 
and  fmall  craft  along  the  coaft  as  far  as  Cafcaes, 
at  the  mouth  of  the  Tagus,  where  the  marquis  of 
Santa  Cruz  lay  with  his  fquadron  :  but  he  could 
not  be  provoked  to  hazard  an  engagement.  After 
thefe  exploits,  Drake  failed  to  the  Azores,  and  in 
his  way  took  the  St.  Philip,  a  carrack  of  enormous 
bulk,  returning  from  the  Eaft  Indies,  richly  laden. 
He  not  only  gained  an  immenfe  booty,  but  alfo 
found  papers  on  board  which  ferved  to  indraft  the 
Englifh  in  the  nature  of  the  Eaft  Indian  commerce. 

Thefe  depredations  ferved  only  to  ftimulate  Phi-  a  c.  1525. 
lip  in  his  preparations  for  v/ar,   againfr.  Elizabeth, 
who  had  not  only  interrupted  the  trade  of  his  fub- 



A»c,  1588.  je&s  to  the  Eaft  and  Weft  Indies  ;  but,  by  fuccour- 
ing  the  ftates,  prevented  him  from  putting  an  end 
to  the  troubles  in  the  Netherlands.  He  refolved 
therefore  to  make  a  conqueft  of  England,  which 
being  an  open  country,  without  fortified  towns, 
muft  at  once  fall  to  him  who  mould  conquer  in  the 
field.  He  procured  from  the  pope  a  confecrated 
banner,  with  frefh  bulls  for  excommunicating  Eli- 
zabeth as  an  heretic,  publifhing  a  crufade  againft 
her,  and  abfolving  her  fubjecls  from  their  oath  of 
allegiance.  He  pretended  to  be  the  next  catholic 
heir  to  the  crown  of  England,  as  a  defcendant  from 
the  two  daughters  of  John  of  Gaunt,  duke  of  Lan- 
cafter :  and  he  determined  to  difembark  his  forces 
at  the  mouth  of  the  river  Thames,  in  the  nieghbour- 
rhiiippte-  hood  of  London.  For  the  purpofes  of  this  expe- 
Ebi/ar-  dition,  he  equipped  one  hundred  and  thirty  fhips, 
mamenta-  manned  with  nineteen  thoufand  two  hundred  and 
fand.ftE"S"  ninety  foldiers,  eight  thoufand  three  hundred  and 
fifty  feamen,  two  thoufand  and  eighty  galley- flaves, 
and  mounted  with  two  thoufand  three  hundred  and 
fixty  pieces  of  cannon.  The  duke  of  Parma  was 
ordered  to  provide  tranfports,  and  an  army  of  five 
and  twenty  thoufand  men,  to  be  conveyed  to  Eng- 
land as  foon  as  the  Spanifh  fleet  mould  appear  on 
the  coaft  of  Flanders.  The  duke,  in  purfuance  of 
his  orders,  caufed  a  great  number  of  large  flat-bot- 
tomed vefTels  to  be  built  for  the  tranfportation  of 
the  cavalry  •,  provided  other  mips  for  the  foot  fol- 
diers, and  quartered  his  troops  in  the  neighbour- 
hood of  Gravelines,  Dunkirk,  and  Newport ;  fe- 
ven  hundred  Ensfiifh  fugitives  having  inlifted  un- 
der  his  banner,  to  afliit  in  the  conqueft  of  their 
own  countrv. 
precautions  Elizabeth  having  learned  the  particulars  of  this 
Elizabeth,  formidable  armament,  which  was  ftiled  the  Invin- 
forthede-    c;ble  Armada,  took   the   neceftary  precautions  for 

j p ncc   of  thQ 

kingdom,  "giving  the  Spaniards  a  warm  reception.     Having 


E    L    I    Z    A   B    E    T   H.  gtij 

equipped  a  con liderable  fleet,  me  created  Charles  A-c-  »ss-\ 
lord  Howard  of  Effingham  lord  admiral  of  Eng- 
land; and  he  was  fent  with  a  ftrong  fquadron  to 
the  Weft,  where  He  was  joined  by  Sir  Francis  Drake, 
now  appointed   vice-admiral.      She   ordered   lord 
Henry  Seymour,  fecond  fon  to  the  duke  of  Somer- 
set, to  cruize  along  the  coaft  of  Flanders,  with  for- 
ty Englifh  and  Flemilh  fhips,  to  prevent  the  prince 
of  Parma   from    putting   to  fea  with  his  forces. 
Twenty  thoufand  men  were  cantoned  along  the 
fonthern  coaft  of  England  -,  another  body  of  well 
diiciplined  troops  encamped  at  Tilbury,   near  the 
mouth  rathe  Thames,  under  the  condu'cl;  of  the 
earl  of  Leicefter,  whom  the  queen  created  general 
in  chief  of  all  her  forces;  and  the  lord  Hunfdon- 
commanded  a  third  army,'  amounting  to  fix  and 
thirty  thoufand  horfe  and  foot,  for  the  defence  of 
fier  majefty's  peribn.     Arthur  lord  Gray,  Sir  Fran- 
cis Knolles,  Sir  John  Norreys,  Sir  Richard  Bing- 
ham, arfd  Sir  Roger  Williams,   men  renowned  for 
their  valour  and  experience,  were  confulted  about 
the  management  of  the  war  by  land.    In  purfuance 
of  their  advice,  all  tlie  landing-places  on  the  coaft 
were  fortified  and  garrifoned,  from  Hull  to  the  Land's 
end,  and  Milford  Haven  :  the  militia  of  the  coun- 
try was  armed,  and  regulated  under  proper  officers^ 
who  received  inftruccions  for  interrupting:  the  dif- 
embarkation  of  the  enemy,  wafting  the  country 
before  them,   and  amuilng  them  with  flight  'fkir- 
miihes  and  continual  alarms,-  until  the  army  could 
be  aiTemb'kd  at  the  place,   in  order  to  give  them 
battle.      The    queen    impriibned   fome   fufpected 
papifts ;  fent  new  mftruclions  to  Sir  William  Fitz- 
williams  lord  deputy  of  Ireland ;  and,  by  her  friends 
in  Scotland,  .mitigated  James  againft  the  Roman 
catholics  and  the  Spanifh  faction.    That  prince  was 

more  afraid  than  fhe,  of  the  luccefs  of  fuefi  an  in- 

•  ...  i 

vafion,  which  would  have  deprived  him  of  his  fair 
^\j:ts.  L.DC  Ge  *  f**-> 


386  HISTORY  of    ENGLAND. 

a.  c  1588.  fucceflion,  and  expofe  his  native  kingdom  to  the 
arms  of  a  foreign  conqueror.  The  lord  Maxwell 
returning  from  Spain,  landed  at  Kircudbright, 
where  he  began  to  aflemble  troops,  as  if  he  had 
expected  the  Spaniards  would  make  a  defcent  in 
Galloway.  James  being  informed  of  thefe  practices-, 
marched  againft  him  wkh  fuch  expedition,  that  with 
difficulty  he  efcaped  in  a  bark ;  but  wa&purfued,  ta- 
ken, and  imprifoned. 
Fruiticrs  Philip  and  Elizabeth,  notwithftanding  thefe  pre- 

nrcotintinns  parations  for  offence  and  defence,  endeavoured  to 
amufe  each  other  with  a  negotiation,  to  gain  time, 
until  the  one  mould  be  able  to  ilrike,  and  the  other 
to  ward  off  the  intended  blow.     The  duke  of  Par- 
ma having  received  a  commiffion  for  treating,  the 
Englifh  envoys  repaired  to  Oftend,  although  the 
eflates  of  the  Netherlands  had  refufed  to  concur  in 
the  treaty,  and   the  conferences  were  opened  at 
Bourbourg.     The  Englifh  commiftioners  propofed 
a  truce,  which  was  rejected.     Then  they  defired 
that  the  ancient  alliance  fhould  be  renewed  between 
England  and  the  houfe  of  Burgundy ;  that  all  the 
foreign  troops  fhould  be  withdrawn  from  the  Low 
Countries-,  that  the  people  fhould  be  fecured  in 
their  liberties,   and  indulged  with  a  toleration  in 
matters  of  religion ;   and  that  the  money  which 
quten  Elizabeth  had  lent  them  fhould  be  repayed 
by  the  king  of  Spain.     The  debates  upon  thefe  ar- 
ticles were  fpun  out,  until  the  Spanifh  Armada  ap^ 
peared  in  the  channel  •,  and  then  the  Englifh  com- 
miiTioners  were  diirniiied  with  a  fafe-conduct  to 

Alonzo  Perez  de  Guzman,  duke  of  Medina-Si- 
donia,  commander  of  the  Spanifh  fleet,  had  failed 
from  Lifbon  on  the  twenty-ninth  day  of  May;, 
but  being  overtaken  by  a  florin,  the  mips  were  dif- 
perled;  though  in  a  few  days,  they  re-affembled  at 
Corurma,.  and  in  the  neighbouring  harbours.  Ef- 


Hngham,  the  Englifh  admiral,  having  received  an  A.c,  ,588. 
exaggerated  account  of  the  damage  received  by  the 
Spanifh  navy,  fet  fail  towards  Spain,  with  a  view 
to  attack  and  deftroy  them  in  their  harbours  :   but 
the  wind  fnifting,  he  returned  to    Plymouth,  on 
the  fuppofition  that  they  might  chufe  this  favoura- 
ble gale  to  enter  the  Englifh  channel  while  he  was 
abfent.     This  was  really  the  cafe:  they  had  pro- 
bably palled  him  in  a  fog ;  for  on  the  very  day  af- 
ter his  return  to  port,  being  the  nineteenth  of  July, 
the  Spanifh  fleet  was  feen  off  the  Lizard,  on  the 
coaft  of  Cornwall.     The  admiral  forthwith  ordered  TheSpanUfo 
his  (hips  to  be  towed  out  to  fea,  againft  a  ftrong  rn™^ 
breeze  that  blew  in  fliore  •,  and  then  he  defcrierf  the  chanudj 
Armada  failing  up  the  channel  in  line  of  battle,  like 
fo  many  lofty  callks  floating  on  the  bofom  of  the 
fea.     He  allowed  them  to  pals,  that  he  might  have 
the  advantage  of  the  wind,  and  difpatched  his  bro- 
ther-in-law, Sir  Edward  Hobv,  to  court  for  a  fur- 
ther  fupply  of  men  and  (hipping.    Upon  this  occa- 
iion  many  noblemen,  and  perfons  of  faih ion,  diftin- 
guifhed  themfelves  by  fitting  out  fhips  at  their  own 
expence,  and  engaging  as  volunteers  in  the  fervice 
of  their  country.     Among  thefe  were  the  earls  of 
Oxford,    Northumberland,    and  Cumberland*  Sir 
Thomas  and  Sir  Robert  Cecil,  and  the  celebrated 
Sir  Walter  Raleigh;     On  the  twenty-firft  day  of 
July,  the  admiral,  feconded  by  Drake,   Hawkins, 
and   Forbifher,  attacked  the  rear  of  the  Armada, 
commanded  by  John  Martinez    de  Recalde,    and 
maintained  the  engagement  about  two  hours,  pour- 
ing in  their  broad-fides,  and  tacking  about  with  ad- 
mirable dexterity.     They  did  not  chufe  to  engage 
the  enemy  more  clofely,  becaufe  they  were  greatly 
inferior  to  the  Spaniards  in  the  number  of  (Hips* 
guns,  men,  and  in  weight  of  metal ;  nor  could  tliey 
pretend  to  board  fuch  lofty  ihips,  without  a  mani- 
feft  difadvantage.     Nevertheless,  two  Spanifh  gal- 

C  e  2  kons 

38-8  HISTORY   of    ENGLAND; 

a.  c.  iSS3.  leons  were  difabled  and  taken.     On  the  twenty- 
third  day  of  July,  the  duke  of  Medina-Sidonia  bore 
down  upon  the  Engliffr  fleet,:  and- both  fides  ilrove 
for  ibme  time  to  gain  the  weather-gage :  at  length- 
the  battle  began,,  and  was  fought  with- great  con~ 
fufion  and  various  fuccefs ;  though,  the  lofs  on  ei- 
ther fide  was  not  confiderable.     This  engagement 
was  followed,  by  a  cerTatioiii  becaufe  the  lord -admi- 
ral could  not  renew  hoftilities,  until  he  received  a 
fupply  of  powder  and'  ammunition.     On  the  twen- 
ty -fifth,  a  Portuguefe  galleon- was  taken,  not  with- 
{banding  the  vigorous  efforts  of  Don  Diego  Telles 
Enriqnez,  who  brought  three  galeafTes  to  her  ai- 
fiilance.     On  the  twenty-feventh,  the  Arraada  an- 
chored before  Calais,  and  were  again-  attacked  by 
the  En-glim  Jleet,   now  reinforced,  and  amounting 
to  one  hundred  and.  forty  mips,  well  manned  and 
provided  for  action.     The  Spanifh  admiral  preffed 
the  duke  of  Parma  for  a-  reinforcement  of  forty  fly- 
boats,  that  he  might  be  the  better  enabled  to  deal 
with  the  light  Englifb  frigates  ;.  and-  he  did  net 
doubt  but  by  this  time  the  Ne the rl and  forces  were 
embarked  for  the  defcent  upon  England,    The  duke 
was  not  at  all  prepared  to-  join  the  Armada..     His 
veffels  were  leaky,  and  deititute  of  provifions  j  the 
greater  part  of  his  feamen  had  deferted-:  the  troops 
v/ere  not  yet  embarked;  and  the  harbours  of  Dun- 
kirk and  Nieuport  were  blocked  up  by  a  fquadron 
of  ihips  belonging  to  Holland  and  Zealand.     After 
lord  Effingham  had  cannonaded    the   Armada  for 
feme   time,  he  prepared  .eight,  fire-fhips;  and   at 
midnight  fent  them,  under  the  conduct  of  Young 
and  Prowie,  into  the  midfl  of  the  enemy,  where, 
being  let  on  rirc,  they  produced  uniyerial  terror 
and  confufion.     The  duke  of  Medina-Sidonia  or- 
dered his  captains  to  ilip  their  cables,  and  put  to 
fea  with  all  expedition.     They,  practifed  this  expe- 
dient but  with  iueh  diibrde«\,  that  they  ran  foal  of 

E    L    I    Z    A    B    E    T    H.  3.S9 

e&ch  other  in  the  dark  ;  and  their  whole  navy  was  A'  e-  x58g» 
filled  with  tumult  and  uproar.     A  large  galeais, 
commanded  by  Don  Hugo  de  Moncada,    having 
,loft  her  rudder,   next  day  .{truck  upon  the  fands  of 
Calais;    and  was,  after  a  very  defperate  engage- 
ment, taken  by  three  Englifh  captains,  who  found 
on  board  a  great  quantity  of  gold,  and  delivered  the 
vefTel  and  guns  as  a  perquifite  to  the  governor  of 
Calais.     The  Englifh  -fleet  taking  die  advantage  of 
the  enemy's  confufion,    engaged  them  with  great 
fury,  as  they  endeavoured  to  re-affermble  off  Gra- 
velines.     The  engagement  began  at  four  o'clock 
in  the  morning,  and  lafted  till  fix  in  the  evening. 
The  Englifh  having  the  advantage  of  wind  and  Meterm. 
tide,  handled  them  fo  roughly,    that  thirteen  of  Ca>te. 
their  belt,  mips  were  either  funk  or  driven  ailiore  ;  where  u  u 
cne  of  their  galleons  was  taken,  and  another  fell  d.efeat(,H  a,ld 
into  the  hands  of  jtbe  Zealanders.     The  duke  of    * 
Medina-Sidonia  being  driven  towards  the  coaft  of 
Zealand,  held  a  council  of  war,  in  which  it  was  re - 
-161  ved,  that,  as  their  ammunition  began    to  fail, 
their  (hips  had  received  great  damage,   and  they 
defpaired  of  being  joined  by  the  4uke  of  Parma, 
they  mould  return  to  Spain,  by  failing  round  the 
Orkneys,  .the  Hebrides,  and  the  ifland  of  Ireland. 
Accordingly  they  proceeded  to  the  northward,  and 
were  followed  by  the  Englifh  fleet  as  far  as  Flam- 
borough-head,  where  they  came  up  with  the  fugi- 
tives -,  and  the  Spanifh  admiral,  intimidated  by  the 
profpecl  of  a  long  and  dangerous  voyage,  would 
have  furrendered,  had  he  been  attacked    by  the 
Englifh  navy.     But  a  council  being  called  by  lord 
Effingham  to  regulate  the   particulars  of  the  en- 
gagement,  it  appeared  upon  enquiry,    that  their 
ammunition  *ma  alroof}:  exhaufted  -,  lb  that  they 
were  obliged  to  let  the  Spanifh  fleet  proceed  on 
their  voyage,  while  they  returned  to  the  Downes. 
7  hat  very  night  the  Armada  was  terribly  mattered 

Cc  j  in 

39o  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

4.  c.  1588.  in  a  dorm.  Seventeen  of  the  mips,  having  five 
thoufand  men  on  board,  were  afterwards  caft  away 
upon  the  weilern  ifles,  and  the  coafl  of  Ireland, 
Some  were  wrecked  on  the  rocks  of  Norway,  and 
many  perimed  by  fire,  and  other  accidents.  Seven 
hundred  Spaniards  landing  in  Scotland,  were  treat- 
ed with  humanity  by  James  ;  and,  with  the  con- 
tent of  Elizabeth,  fent  over  to  the  duke  of  Parma 
in  the  Netherlands  ♦,  but  thofe  who  got.  afhore  in 
Ireland,  were  butchered  by  the  natives,  or  the  lord 
cleputy.  Of  the  whole  Armada,  three  and  fifty 
fhips  only  returned  to  Spain,  in  a  miferable  condi- 
tion •,  and  the  commanders  imputed  their  ill  fuc- 
cefs  to  their  not  being  joined  by  the  duke  of  Parma, 
and  their  being  too  feverely  reftrided  to  the  letter 
of  their  infirudtions. 

The  Englifh  ftruck  two  medals  to  perpetuate  the 
memory  of  the  Armada's  mifcarriage ;  and  the 
king  of  Spain  bore  his  dii appointment  with  great 
fortitude.  He  ordered  a  general  thankfgiving  to 
God  and  the  faints,  that  the  misfortune  was  not 
greater  ♦,  and  treated  the  foldiers  and  feamen  with 
uncommon  humanity.  Nor  was  Elizabeth  back- 
ward in  acknowledging  the  divine  protection,  in 
public  prayer  and  thankfgiving.  She  had  animated 
the  army  at  Tilbury  with  her  prefence;  and  now 
made  a  iblemn  proceflion  in  triumph  through  the 
city  of  London.  She  rewarded  the  lord  admiral 
with  a  penfion  :  me  fcnt  Sir  Robert  Sidney  as  her 
ambafiador  to  James  of  Scotland,  to  thank  that 
monarch  for  the  alacrity  with  which  he  had  offered 
his  afliflance  again!!  the  Spaniards,  and  to  amufe 
him  with  promifes  which  were  never  performed  : 
but  her  joy  was  interrupted  by  the  death  of  her 
favourite  Leicefter,  who  was  feized  with  a  fever, 

rVifn  of  the  j  '        '      •        j  /~>  t  11  •         >*.    r  «     1  /1  • 

6ari  of        and   expired   at  Cornbury-lodge  in   Oxrordlhire, 

Ufccfler.     when  the  patent  was  actually  drawn  for   creating 

him   queen's   lieutenant,    in    the    government  of 



England  and  Ireland.  Notwithstanding  her  forrow  A-c-  15S8- 
for  this  event,  fhe  ordered  his  effects  to  be  fold  at  Camden, 
public  auction,  to  pay  his  debts  to  the  crown.  Af- 
ter all  the  encomiums  which  have  been  bellowed 
on  Elizabeth  for  her  conduct,  in  the  precautions 
taken  againfl  the  Spanifh  armament,  fhe  certainly 
hazarded  the  fafety  of  her  kingdom,  by  her  parfi- 
monious  diipofition,  2nd  blind  attachment  to  tftis 
favourite  :  for  her.  mips  were  very  poorly  fupplied 
with  ammunition  and  prOvifion ;  and  her  captaia- 
general  by  land  was  utterly  devoid  of  courage,  con  - 
duct,  experience,  and  difcretion.  Inftead  of  pro- 
tecting and  fecuring  the  union  of  the  efrates  of  the 
Low-Countries,  by  a  lage  and  upright  adminiftra- 
tion,  he  had  kindled  diiTentions  among  them,  which 
were  not  extinguished  at  his  death  •,  and  thefe  pre  • 
vented  them  from  profiting  by  the  inactivity  of  the 
duke  of  Parma,  whild  his  forces  were  drawn  down  „„  . 

1  -  T-11  G  tonus. 

to  the  iea-ports  or  Flanders. 

After  the  difperfion  of  the  Armada,  that  noble- 
man inverted  Bergen-op-Zoom,  which  was  defend- 
ed by  an  Englifn  garrifon,  under  the  command  of 
lord  Willoughby,  who  acted  with  vigour  and 
intrepidity,  that  he  was  obliged  to  abandon  the  en  • 
terprize.  Before  Leiceiler  died,  the  puritans  were 
by  his  encouragement  grown  to  an  intolerable  de- 
gree of  inibience.  They  pubiifhed  fcurrilous  libels 
againit  the  liturgy  and  conititution  of  the  church, 
and  even  fet  up  the  prefoyterian  form  of  difcipline 
in  feveral  counties.  In  France  the  duke  of  Guife  Kin-  of 
was  become  fo  powerful  and  popular,  that  he  infti-  ^dbf  tif 
gated  the  Parifians  to  make  barricadoes  in  their  cuke  of 
itreets,  and  prepare  for  attacking  the  king  in  his 
palace  of  the  Louvre  •,  fo  that  Henry  was  obliged 
to  quit  his  capital,  and  make  a  diihonourable  peace 
with  the  chiefs  of  the  league  :  but,  in  the  month  of 
December  he  revenged  this  outrage  upon  die  duke 
and  his  brother  the  cardinal,  whom  he  caufed  to 

C  c  4  be 



a.  c.  15SS.  foe  aflfaffinated  at  Blois  ;  an  ad  of  barbarity  which 
Mezerai,     produced  an  open  rebellion  of  the  League,  and  the 

city  of  Paris. 
England  en-  Elizabeth  now  enjoyed  fuch  tranquility  as  (he  had  not  known  fince  her  acceffion  to  the  throne.  Her/ 
!?; lty'  formidable  rival  was  no  more.  The  king  of  Spain 
was  difabled  from  profecuting  his  refentment  •  the 
affairs  of  the  ftates  in  the  Low  Countries  began  to 
aftume  a  more  favourable  afpect,  under  the  wile 
conduct  of  count  Maurice  ;  and  the  king  of  Scots 
was  entirely  governed  by  thofe  who  received  pen- 
fions  from  England.  He  had  fen't  arpbafTadors  to 
Denmark,  to  treat  of  a  marriage 'with' the' eldeft 
daughter  of  that  monarch ;  but  his  chancellor  Mart- 
land,  who  was  influenced  by  Elizabeth,  limited  the 
powers  of  the  envoys  in  fuch  a  manner,  that  the  Da- 
him  king  imagining  they  wanted  to  trifle  with  him, 
beftowed  the  princefs  upon  the  duke  of  Brunfwick, 
The  queen  of  England  had  recommended  the  filler 
of  Henry  king  of  Navarre  as  a  wife  to  James,  who 
fenf  the  lord  Tungland  into  France,  on  pretence  of 
negotiating  an  affair  with  her  brother,  •  though  in 
reality  to  fee  and  make  a  report  of  Catherine.  The 
defign  of  Elizabeth  was  to  protract  the  treaty  about 
this  match  as  long  as  fhe  could  ftart  objections  :  for 
me  imagined  that  James  would  not  be  ib  eafily  ma- 
naged .Were  he  once  married  to  a  woman  of  fenfe 
and  difcemment,  or  connected  by  fuch  an  alliance 
with  a  prince  of  power  and  capacity. 
a.c.  ic?-),  jn  me  beginning  of  the  following  year,  the  Scor- 
tifh  '  mihiftry  intercepted  letters,  by  which  it  ap- 
peared that  the  earls  of  Huntley,  Errol,  Crawford, 
and  Bothwel,  ion  to  a  baftard  of  James  V.  main 
tained  a  correspondence  with  the  duke  of  Parma, 
who  had  ftfpplied  them  with  a  fym  of  money  to  raiie 
difturbanoes  in  Scotland,  '  Thev  had  diipatched  co  • 
lonel  Serhpil  to  ibllicit  Philip  ioT  another  invafion  : 
Bothwel!  undertook  to  feize  the  kind's  perfon  •,  but 



was  difappointed  •,  the  other  three  advanced  with  a  A-  c.  15S9. 
body  of  forces  towards  Aberdeen  -,  but  the  king  a£* 
fembling  a  greater  number  of  troops,  they  were  ob- 
liged to  furrender  at  difcretion,  and  remained  in 
cuftody,  until  the  new  queen  arrived  in  Scotland,, 
The  king  of  Denmark  had  another  daughter  un- 
married •,  and  James  laying  afide  his  defign  upon 
Catherine  de  Bourbon,  fentthe  earl  Marefchal  as  his 
ambaflador  to  Copenhagen,  to  demand  this  prin- 
cefs  in  marriage.    'Though  her  father  was  by  this  eamdtn, 
time  dead,  the  treaty  of  marriage  was  concluded 
with  the  ftates  of  the  kingdom ;  and  the  princefs 
embarking  about  Michaelmas  for  Scotland,  was  dri- 
ven  by  a  ftorm  into  Norway.     James,  impatient 
to  fee  his  bride,  failed  thither  in  October,  attended 
by  his  chancellor,  feveral  noblemen,  and  a  nume- 
rous retinue.    The  nuptials  were  fblemnized  at  Up- 
fld :  they  patted'  the  winter  in  Denmark  ;  fet  fail  Jr^otUn! 
for  Scotland  in  the  fpring,  and  landing  at  Leith  in  efpoufes    ' 
the  beginning  of  May,  the  new  queen  was  crown-  Denmark, 
ed  in  the  church  of  Holyrood-abbey.  m  1  u 

During  thefe  traniactions,  Philip  earl  of  Arundel, 
a  prifoner  in  the  Tower,  having  expreffed  his  joy 
at  the  arrival  of  the  Spanifh  Armada  in  the  channel, 
and  caufed  a  mafs  of  the  Holy  Ghoft  to  be  faid  for 
its  fuccefs,  was  now  brought  to  his  trial,  convicted 
of  high  treafon,  and  condemned.     The  fentence, 
however,  was  not  executed,  though  he  was  detain- 
ed a  prifoner  to  his  dying  day  -,  and  fpent  his  time 
in  the  mqft  auftere  exerciies  of  devotion.    The  par-  Tne  v„\\^ 
liament  meeting  in  February,  petitioned  the  queen  to  ment  p.cti- 
denounce  war  againil  the  king  of  Spain,  as  the  root  queUt© 
and  fountain  of  all  the  confpiracies  and  rebellions  dcdare  war 
which  had  been  hatched  and  railed  againft  her  ma-  spSn. 
jelly/     To  defray  the  expence  of  this  war,   they 
granted  an  extraordinary    fubfidy ;    and,   on   the 
twenty-ninth  day  of  March,  Sir  Chriftopher  Hat- 
ton,  v/ho  had  lately  been  appointed  chancellor  on 



a.  c.  1589.  die  death  of  Bromley,  told  them  it  was  her  ma-- 
jefty's  pleafure  that  they  mould  be  dillolved. 

Though  Elizabeth  was  thus  enabled  to  carry  the 
war  into  Spain,  me  did  not  think  proper  to  rifque 
her  fubfidies  upon  the  precarious  iiiue  of  an  expen- 
five  expedition.     Don  Antonio,  prior  of  Crato,  had 
arrived  in  England,  and  follicited  her  for  fupplies 
to  afTert  his  title  to  the  crown  of  Portugal.    As  Phi- 
lip continued  to  opprefs  that  nation,  this  was  judg- 
ed a  favourable  conjuncture  for  raifing  Don  Anto- 
nio to  the  throne.    Sir  Francis  Drake,  and  Sir  John 
Norreys,  undertook  his  refloration,  as  private  ad- 
venturers ;  the  queen  permitting  them  to  raife  for- 
ces, and  equip  a  fleet,  which  was  joined  by  fix 
fhips  of  her  navy.    The  emperor  of  Morocco,  jeal- 
ous of  Philip's  power,  promifed  to  lend  two  hun- 
dred thoufand  crowns  to  Don  Antonio,  who  fent 
his  own  fon  to  Fez,  as  an  hoflage  for  the  repay- 
ment of  the  money :  but  the  Moor  did  not  perform 
his  promife,  becaufe  Philip  delivered  into  his  hands 
SwVnmcis   the  fortrefs  of  Arzila.     Drake  and  Norreys  hating 
Drake  and   embarked  about  twelve  thoufand  foldiers  and  failors, 

Sir  John  .  •  * 

Norreys  fail  fet  fail  in  April  irom  Plymouth,  with  a  fleet  of  one 
^edition  to"  hundred" and  forty-fix  veffels,  and  landing  near  Fer- 
spain  and  rol,  invefted  Corunna.  They  took  the  lower  town  by 
Pc:»ugai.  afirau}t.  but  the  upper  part,  fituated  on  a  rock,  they 
could  not  reduce  for  want  of  artillery.  The  count 
de  Andrada  marching  to  its  relief  with  a  body  of 
eight  thouiand  men,  they  railed  the  fiege,,  and  at- 
tacked him  at  the  bridge  of  Burgos,  where  he  was 
defeated.  The  troops  being  greatly  diminifhed  by 
an  epidemical  diftemper,  they  reimbarked,  and 
iteering  toward  the  coait  of  Portugal,  were  joined 
by  the  earl  of  Efl'ex,  and  Sir  Roger  Williams 
with  a  regiment.  The  Hrfb  had  Hole  from  court 
without  the  queen's  knowledge.  Landing  again 
near  Peniche,  they  reduced  that  place*  and  march- 
ing to  Liibon,  entered  the  iuburbs  of  that  city;;  but 


the  town  being  defended  by  a  flrong  garrifon  ofA.c.  i5sg# 
Spaniards,  the  mortality  ftill  raging  among  the  Eng- 
liih  troops,  and  not  a  lbulitirringin  behalf  of  Don 
Antonio,  they  proceeded  to  Calcaes,  which  Drake 
had  taken,  and  having  feized  threeicore  vefTels  la- 
den with  corn,  belonging  to  the  Hanfe  towns,  re- 
imbarked  for  England.  In  their  return  they  plun- 
dered Vigo;  and,  in  the  latter  end  of  June,  arrived 
at  Plymouth,  without  having  indemnified  them- 
felves  for  the  expence  of  the  expedition,  in  which 
fix  thoufand  men  perifhed  by  ficknefs. 

The  Hanfe-towns  fent  ambafTadors  to  complain 
of  Drake's  having  feized  their  mips  •,  but,   initead 
of  receiving  fatisfaclion,  the  Englifh  miniftry  gave 
jthem  to  imderftand,   that  in  the  patent  granted  to 
them  by  Edward  III.  it  was  expreily  flipulated,  that 
they  fhould  not  trade  to  any  country  openly  at  war 
with  England;  that  provisions  were   contraband, 
and  fubjecl  to  conhTcation  ;  and  that  they  had  no 
reafon  to  complain  of  the  capture  of  their  vefTels,  as 
the  queen  had  cautioned  them  againft  importing 
fuch  provifion  into  Spain  and  Portugal.    This  year  Camden, 
was  not  lefs  remarkable  in  France  than  the  former 
had  been  in  England.     Henry  III.  feeing  himfe If  Henry  in. 
in  danger  of  being  oppreffed  by  the  League,  called  r).^cfaf. 
jn  the  king  of  Navarre  and  the  Huguenots  to  his  feffinated, 
afTiftance.     Thefe  auxiliaries  enabled  him  to  form  ceeVeVb^ 
the  blockade  of  Paris,  with  an  army  of  eight  and  Peking  of' 
thirty  thoufand  men;  and  he  was  on  the  point  0f  ^ava,:rc' 
reducing  the  place,  when  he  was  (tabbed  by  Jaques 
Clement,  a  Jacobin  friar.     In  his  laft  moments  he 
declared  the  king  of  Navarre  his  fuccefTor;  and  that 
prince  affumed  the  name  of  Henry  IV.     Though 
his  Swifs  troops,  and  fome  of  the  French  nobility, 
took  the  oath  of  allegiance  to  the  new  monarch,  he 
was  deferted  by   the  duke  D'Epernon,  and  other 
perfons  of  diftinclion  ;  difowned  by  the  League  as 
an  heretic,  and  in  danger  of  being  abandoned  by 


$96  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a,-c.  15-39.  the  Huguenots,  who  perceived  hiin  wavering  in 
his  religion. 

In  this  emergency,  he  retired  to  Normandy  with 
feven  thouiand  men  ;  the  duke  de  Mayenne  pursu- 
ing him  with  a  numerous  army.  At  length  he  was 
reduced  to  the  alternative  of  making  a  ftand  at 
Argues  againft  four  times  the  number  of  his  troops, 
or  of  embarking  at  Dieppe,  and  taking  refuge  in 
England.  He  had  already  folli  cited  fuccours  from 
Elizabeth ;  and,  in  hope  of  their  fpeedy  arrival,  re- 
ibl  ved  to  Hand  the  brunt  of  an  attack  from  the  duke 
de  Mayenne,  general  of  the  League,  who  was  re- 
me  receives  pulfed  with  conficlerable  lofs.  In  a  little  time  after 
Jpioii  rf6"  rn*s  a&ion>  Peregrine  lord  Willoughby  arriving 
BngHrti  -with  a  reinforcement  of  four  thoufand  men,  and  a 
film  of  money ;  and  Henry  being  joined  by  the 
duke  cf  Longueville,  the  count  de  SohTons,  and 
the  marechal  d'Aumont,  he  advanced  to  Paris,  and 
made  himfelf  mafter  of  the  fuburbs  of  that  capital : 
but  he  could  not  reduce  the  city,  which  was  de- 
fended by  the  army  of  the  League,  commanded  by 
the  duke  de  Mayenne,  who  had  proclaimed  the  old 
cardinal  de  Bourbon  king  of  France,  and  acted  as 
his  lieutenant.  Henry  abandoning  his  enterprize, 
retreated  to  Normandy,  great  part  of  which  he 
fubdued,  together  with  Le  Maine  and  Touraine  ; 
lizzz:a.  then  the  Engliih  troops  returned  to  their  own 

Philip  king  of  Spain  infifted  upon  being  declared 
protector  of  France,  in  consideration  of  the  fuc- 
cours he  had  granted  to  the  League  {  and  his  party 
in  that  kingdom  was  fo  ilrong,  that  the  duke  de 
Mayenne,  not  daring  to  oppofe  his  demand  direct- 
ly, found  forne  difficulty  in  delaying  the  nomiria- 
tion,  iirrtrl  the  arrival  of  the  pope's  legate,  who 
Wduld  in  ail  probability  claim  it'  for  his  holinefs. 
in  the  mean  time,  this  general  recovered  Pontoife 
and  ihVcfted  Meulafc  %  the  liege  of  which,  however, 

ELI    Z    A   B   E   T   H.  357- 

tke  king  obliged  him  to  raife.  Henry,  in  his  turn  A-c-  *5¥* 
ikt  down  before  Dreux  ;  and  the  duke,  reinforced 
with  two  thouland  Spanifh  horfe  under  count  Eg- 
mont,  pafled  the  Seine,  in  order  to  relieve  the  . 
place.  The  king  met  him  near  Ivry,  and  an  ob-  thdaukof 
itinate  battle  enliiing,  gained  a  complete  victory  -9  ***** 
after  which  he  advanced  to  Paris,  and  tried  to  re- 
duce it  by  famine.  Thirteen  thoufand  of  the  in- 
habitants actually  died  of  hunger;  but  Henry, 
through  a  princely  excefs  of  generofity  and  com- 
panion., allowed  all  the  old  men,  women,  and  chil- 
dren, to  pafs  in  fafety  through  his  camp;  ib  that 
die  place,  difencumbered  of  ib  many  uieleis  mouths, 
was  enabled  to  hold  out  till  the  latter  end  of  Au- 
gult,  when  the  duke  of  Parma  marched  with  the 
Spanifh  army  from  the  Netherlands  to  its  relief.  Meztr&u 
His  arrival  obliged  Henry  to  raife  the  blockade  ; 
but  the  duke  avoided  a  battle,  and  retreated  im- 
mediately to  the  Low  Countries.  Neverthelefs,  camdea. 
the  king's  intereft  gained  ground  ;  his  caufe  was 
efpoufed  by  the  chief  of  the-  nobility,  and  the 
League  was  not  a  little  difconcerced  by  the  death  of 
their  titular  king  the  old  cardinal  of  Bourbon.  At 
the  fame  time  Henry  was  fupplied  by  the  queen  of 
England  with  fums  of  money  for  levying  German 
auxiliaries  under  the  prince  of  Anhault :  yet  fhe 
was  too  good  an  ceconomift  to  lend  money  without 
furflcient  fecurity,  if  luch  iecurity  could  be  obtain- 
ed. Henry's  agents  found  means  to  fatisfy  her  in 
this  particular.  In  the  Netherlands  fhe  pofTefTed 
Oflend,  befides  the  other  cautionary  towns,  for  the 
fums  fhe  had  advanced  to  the  ftates  of  Brabant  and 
Flanders.  She  involved  herfelf  in  no  unneceifary 
expence  :  fhe  lived  in  a  very  penurious  manner; 
fo  that  very  few  even  of  her  own  courtiers  tailed 
her  bounty ;  and  me  found  means  to  annoy  the 
public  enemy  at  the  expence  of  private  adven- 
turers.    We  have   feen   how  Drake  harafled  the 


3*g8  HISTORY   of   ENGLAND. 

a.c.  1590.  Spaniards,  both  in  the  European  feas  and  in  Ame- 
rica •,  at  this  period  the  earl  of  Cumberland  failing- 
to  the  Azores,  took  and  demolifhed  the  caftle  of 
Fayal,  and  brought  home  a  great  number  of  rich 

Murbances  jn  the  courfe  of  this  year,  fome  disturbances  hap- 
pened in  Ireland,  partly  owing  to  the  ferocity  of 
the  natives,  and  partly  occafioned  by  the  oppref- 
five  conduct  of  Fitzwilliams  the  lord  deputy.  The 
earl  of  Tiroen  having  caufed  Hugh  Gavilloch,  the 
natural  lbn  of  Shan  O  Neale,  to  be  ftrangled,  was 
fnmmoned  to  England,  where  he  obtained  the 
queen's  pardon,  upon  his  lblemnly  engaging  that 
he  would  live  in  peace  with  Tirlogh  Leinigh,  and 
all  his  neighbours  •,  that  he  would  not  affume  the 
title  of  O  Neale,  impoie  taxes,  exercile  any  juris- 
diction, intercept  ammunition  or  provisions  intend- 
ed for  the  uie  of  the  Englifh  garrifons,  nor  admit 
into  his  territories  monks,  friars,  or  malcontents. 
This  nobleman  was  very  punctual  in  fulfilling  his 
engagements,  and  pofieffed  many  excellent  qualifi- 
cations, both  of  mind  and  body.  Hugh  Roe  Mac 
Mahon,  a  powerful  lord  in  Monaghan,  having 
exacted  the  tax  called  Bonaghty  from  the  people, 
according  to  the  cuftom  of  Ireland,  was  apprehend- 
ed by  order  of  the  lord  deputy,  tried  by  a  jury  of 
common  foldiers,  .condemned,  executed,  and  his 
eftate  divided  between  fome  of  his  own  fept  and  the 
Englifh  fettlers.  Brian  O  Rork,  the  chieftain  of 
another  powerful  fept  in  the  county  of  Brenn,  ap- 
prehending the  fame  fate,  broke  out  in  open  rebel- 
lion -,  but  being  routed  by  Sir  Richard  Bingham, 
governor  of  Connaught,  he  Med  into  Scotland  * 
and,  being  claimed  by  Elizabeth,  was  delivered  in- 

CajDden.      to  the  hands  of  that  princefs,  who  caufed  him  to  be 
tried  and  executed  at  London.  • 

In  the  midft  of  thefe  fortunate  events,  the  queen 
fuftained  irreparable  lofs  in  the  perfon  of  ok  Fran- 

E   L   1    Z    A  B   E  T   H.  $99- 

cis  Walfingham  fecretary  of  (late,  chancellor  of  the  A- c-  x59®. 
duchy  of  Lancafter,  and  knight  of  the  garter  :  he  ^fj  °f 
was  a  confummate  ftatefman,   inviolably  attached  ham, 
to   the  intereft  of  his  iovereign.     He  died  poor, 
leaving  one  daughter  married,  firft  to   Sir  Philip 
Sidney,  and  afterwards  to  Robert  Devereux  earl  of 
Eifex.     He  was  furvived  but  a  very  little  time  by  amJot,hef, 
Ambrofe  Dudley  earl  of  Warwick,  SirThomasRan-  men. 
dolph    chamberlain  of  the  exchequer,  Sir  James 
Crofts  comptroller  of  the  houmold,  George  Talbot 
earl  of  Shrewsbury,  and  Thomas  lord  Wentworth, 
fomerly  governor  of  Calais.     Thefe  were  all  faith-  A'c-  z59^ 
ful  fervants  to  the  crown  •,  though  none  of  them 
was  more  regretted  by  the  nation  than  Sir  Chrifto- 
pher  Hatton,   chancellor  of  England,    and  of  the 
univerfity  of  Oxford.     He  was  a  perfon  of  great 
abilities,  unftiaken  probity,  firmly  attached  to  the 
conftitution  of  his  country,  and  a  munificent  patron 
of  learning.     He  is  faid  to  have  died  of  grief  and 
vexation  at  the  feverity  of  the  queen,  who  infulted 
him  with  abufive  language,  and  exacted  with  great 
rigour  a  debt  which  he  had  incurred  in  managing 
the  tenths  and  firft  fruits.     Immediately  before  his 
death,  HackevCoppinger,  and  Arthington,  three 
puritanical   fanatics,    uttered    many   blalphemous 
and  treaibnable  expreifions   againit  God  and  the 
queen;  the  firft  was  tried,   condemned,   and  exe- 
cuted; Co'ppinger  ftarved  himielf  to  death  in  pri- 
fon  ;  but  Arthington  was  pardoned  upon  his  recan- 
tation.    That  the  Iriifi  iubjecte  might  no  longer  be 
tempted  to  fend  their  children  to  foreign  feminaries 
for  education,   the  queen  founded  Trinity-cgllege 
in  Dublin,  endowing  it  with  a  power  of  conferring 
degrees,  and  other  privileges  of  an  univerfity. 

The  lord  Thomas  Howard  having  failed  to  the  Lord  Tho- 
Azores,  in  hope  of  intercepting  the  Spanifh  plate  fleet  ^fSTto 
in  its  paifage  from  America,  was  almoft  furDiiled  by  the  azoics* 
Alphonfo  Bailan,    who  commanded  three  and  fifty 


4oo    ,  HISTORYof  ENG  L  A  N  D. 

a.c.i  59f-fhips  deflined  for  its  convoy.  ;  Howard  flood  out  rq 
fea  with  five  fhips  of  his  fquadron  ;  but  Sir  Richard 
Greenville  in  the  vice-admiral  called  the  Revenge, 
was  furrounded  by  the  whole  enemy's  fleet.  .He 
endeavoured  to'  right  his  pafla'ge  through  them, 
and  maintained  a  .defperate  engagement  for  fifteen 
hours,  during  which  he  was  boarded  by  fifteen 

Gallantry    galleons  fuccefiivelv.    At  length  his  crew  being  al- 

or  captain      O  J  o  o 

Greenville,  mofl  killed  or  difabled,  his  mails  fhot  away,  his  hull 
pierced  by  eight  hundred  cannon-balls,  his  powder 
ipent,  and  himfelf  covered  with  wounds;  he  or- 
dered the  gunner  to  blow  up  the  fliip,  that  fhe 
might  not  fall  into  the  hands  of  the  enemy.  The 
execution  of  this  order  was  prevented  by  the  lieu- 
tenant, who  capitulated  for  the  life  and  liberty  of 
the  crew,  giving  hoflages  for  the  payment  of  their 
ranfom  •,  and  Greenville  being  brought  on  board 
of  the  Spanifh  admiral,  died  in  three  days  of  his 
wounds.  The  Spaniards  were  amazed  and  con- 
founded at  his  excels  of  valour,  which  eoft  them 
two  thoufand  men,  who  perifhed  in  the  engage- 
ment :  two  of  their  largefl  galleons  were  funk  y 
two  of  them  turned  adrift  as  unferviceable ;  and 
the  Indian  fleet  being  difperfed  in  a  ftorm,  fome  of 
the  fhips  fell  into  the  hands  of  the  Ertglifh. 

Elizabeth  was  not  more  attentive  to  the  means  of 
diflrefling  the  Spaniards 'at  fea,  than  vigilant  in 
checking  Philip's  progrefs  on  the  contiaent.  The 
duke  de  Mercoeur,  of  the  houfe  of  Lorraine,  re  - 
duced  the  province  of  Brittany,  with  the  afliflance 
of  the  Spaniards,  who  took  polfeflion  of  Henebonde 
and  Blavet.  Philip  either  intended  to  difmember 
the  kingdom  of  France,  or  procure  the  crown  for 
his  daughter  Ifabel,  as  grandchild  of  Henry  If. 
notwithstanding  the  Salique  law.  Pope  Sixtus  V\ 
favoured  this  project;  and  nothing  prevented  its 
being  put  in  execution  but  the  jealoufy  of  the  duke 
de  Mayenne,  who  did  not   chufe  to    labour   for 

i  the 


the  advantage  of  a  foreigner.  Henry  IV.  found  A-c-  ,59'» 
himfelf  in  the  utmoft  perplexity.  He  was  under 
the  neceffity  of  conquering  all  France,  and  the 
catholic  noblemen  in  his  army  ferved  him  with  re- 
luctance ;  nay,  even  upon  the  expreis  condition  that 
he  mould  be  inftructed  in  fuch  a  manner  as  would 
induce  him  to  change  his  religion.  In  this  necefiity 
of  his  affairs,  he  had  recourfe  to  Elizabeth,  and  the 
proteftant  princes  in  Germany.  The  queen  pro- 
mi  fed  to  fupply  him  with  fuccours,  on  condition 
they  mould  be  ufed  to  drive  the  Spaniards  from 
the  maritime  provinces  of  France  oppofite  to  the 
coaft  of  England.  Though  it  was  Henry's  interert 
to  expel  them  firfl  from  the  center  of  his  dominions, 
he  promifed  to  comply  with  her  propofal  5  and  fhe 
engaged  by  treaty  to  fupply  him  with  three  thou- 
fand  men,  ftipulating,  that  within  one  year  fhe 
mould  be  reimburfed  for  the  expence  of  their  levy, 
tranfportation,  and  fubfiftence.  In  purfuance  of  this  Rym«-. 
convention,  fhe  fent  part  of  thefe  fuccours  into  Brit-  Elizabeth 
tany,  under  the  command  of  Norreys,  and  the  reft  fends  fuc- 
into  Picardy  with  Sir  Roger  Williams.  Henry  at  the  Henry  of 
fame  time  negotiated  for  eleven  thoufand  men  France« 
with  the  elector  of  Brandenburg,  and  Cafimir 
prince  Palatine  ;  but  all  thefe  auxiliaries  being  in- 
fufficient  for  his  purpofes,  he  demanded  a  fecond 
reinforcement  from  the  queen  of  England,  on  pre- 
tence of  inverting  Rouen.  She  was  fo  anxious  to 
fee -the  Spaniards  driven  from  the  maritime  places, 
that  fhe  obliged  herfelf  by  another  treaty  to  fupply 
the  French  king  with  four  thoufand  men  for  this 
fervice.  She  beftowed  the  command  of  thefe  forces 
on  the  earl  of  EiTex,  who  had  fucceeded  Leicefter 
as  her  majefty's  chief  favourite.  When  he  arrived 
in  France,  he  found  Henry  employed  in  the  liege 
of  Noyon,  and  refolved  to  fend  the  Englilh  auxi- 
liaries into  Champagne.  He  therefore  returned  to 
England,  after  having  promifed  to  return,  in  cafe 
N*  59.  D  d  Rouen 


She  is  m- 
cenfed  a- 
gainft  that 


a.  c.  1591.  Rouen  fhould  be  inverted  ;  and  left  the  command 
of  his  forces  to  Sir  Roger  Williams. 

Elizabeth  was  incenfed  to  find  herfelf  thus  duped 
by  Henry,  to  whom  me  wrote  a  letter,  upbraiding 
him  with  breach  of  promife,  and  threatening  to  re- 
call her  troops  from  his  dominions.     Alarmed  at 
thefe  menaces,  the  French  king  ordered  the  mare- 
chal  de  Biron  to  invert  Rouen ;  and  this  flep  fur- 
nimed  him  with  a  pretext  for  demanding  a  fur- 
ther reinforcement  from   England,  alledgi-ng  that 
the    lafl  was   confiderably  diminifhed  by  ficknefs 
and   defertion.      The  earl  of  EfTex,  mean  while, 
no  fooner  underflood  that  the  nege  of  Rouen  was 
undertaken,  than  he  embarked  for  France,  contra- 
ry to  the  exprefs  order  of  the  queen,  which  he 
thought  could    not  abfolve  him  of  his  promife. 
From  this  inftance  of  difobedience,  fhe  conceived 
fuch  a  difguft  both  at  the  earl  and  Henry,  that 
when  the  French  ambafTador  follicited  her  for  the 
reinforcement,  he  was  difmiiTed  from  her  prefence 
with  a  very  rude  anfwer  -,   and  fhe  fent  Ley  ton,, 
uncle  to  EfTex,  with  an  exprefs  order,  commanding 
that  young  nobleman  to  return  immediately,  on 
pain  of  her  highefl  difpleafure.    Henry  underftand- 
ing  that  the  duke  of  Parma  had  begun  his  march 
from  the  Netherlands,  repaired  to  his  army  before 
Rouen,  in  order  to  forward  the  operations  of  the 
ficge,  and  difpatched  Du  Pleffis  Mornay  toprefs  queen 
Elizabeth  for  the  reinforcement.  That  princefs  tolcT 
the  ambafTador,  that  fhe  would  no  longer  be  a  dupe 
to  the  French  king,  nor  afiift  him  in  any  fhape 
but  with  her  prayers  ;  that  fhe  had  fent  him  auxi- 
liaries for  the  fiege  of  Rouen ;  but  that,  inflead 
of  undertaking  that   enterprize,  he   had  amufed 
himfelf  elfewhere,  and  given  the  duke  of  Parma 
time  to  come  to  the  relief  of  that  city.     She  in- 
veighed bitterly  againft  EfTex,  faying,  he  wanted 



Mem  de 


to  make  the  world  believe  that  he  governed  Eng-  a.  c.  1591. 
land  -,  but  that  nothing  was   more  falfe,  and  Hie 
would  make   him  the  mofl  pitiful  fellow    in   the 
whole  kingdom.     Far  from  fending  another  body 
of  troops  into  France,  me  fwore  ihe  would  recall 
thole  that  were  already  fent  •,  and  difmifled  de  Plef- 
fis,    on    preterl:e    of  being  indifpofed.     He  then 
prefented  a  memorial,  which  Ihe  defired   him  to 
deliver  into  the  hands  of  the  treafurer.     In  a  word, 
he  returned  without  fuccefs ;  and  EiTex  was  obli- 
ged to  come   home,  where  he  foon  appealed  the 
queen's  indignation.     In  the  mean  time  the  duke 
of  Parma  marching  into  France,  and  being  joined 
by  the  dukes  of  Mayenne  and  Guile,  advanced  to 
Rouen,  the  fiege  of  v/hich  Henry  was  obliged  to 
abandon  at  their  approach.     The  duke  reduced  A  c- *59*« 
Caudebec :  but  the  king  could  not  draw  him  to 
an  engagement.     At  length  he  retreated  through 
Champagne  to  the  Low-Countries,  and  in  Decem- 
ber died  at  Arras.     Henry  having  cut  off  all  com- 
munication with  Rouen  by  the  river  Seine,  difmif- 
fed  the  greateft  part  of  his  forces,  and  the  Engliih, 
auxiliaries  returned  to  their  own  country. 

Henry  now  bent  all  his  endeavours  to  be  recon- 
ciled with  the  queen  of  England.,  who  fent  him  a 
new  reinforcement  of  two  thoufand  men  ;  and  be- 
ing extremely  uneafy  at  the  neighbourhood  of  the 
Spaniards,  who  had  taken  pofTerTion  of  Brittany, 
engaged  in  a  new  treaty,  importing,  That  (he  mould  j^wfcom, 
fupply  him  with  four  thoufand  men,  ibme  pieces  Ae  engages 
of  artillery,  and  a  certain  quantity  of  ammunition,  ^j*tIJfcW 
on  condition  that  the  Engliih  forces  mould  be  join- 
ed by  four  thoufand  French  foot  foidiers,  and  one 
thoufand  cavalry,  to  be  deftined  for  the  recovery  of 
Bretagne  :  That  the  French  king  ihould  reimburfe 
her  in  one  year :  That  he  mould  not  make  peace 
with  the  Leaguers,  until  they  mould  engage  to  join 
him  in  driving  the   Spaniards  out  of  ihz   king- 

D  d  2  dom ; 

404  HISTORY   of   ENGLAND. 

A.  c.  1592.  jom  :  And  that,  in  eaie  of  peace  with  Spain,  Eng- 
land fhould  be  comprehended  in  the  treaty.  Eli- 
zabeth performed  her  part  of  the  contract  with  great 
punctuality,  and  fent  over  her  proportion  of  troops 
under  the  command  of  Norreys  -,  but,  inflead  of 

Camden,      acting  in  Bretagne,  they  were  obliged  to  ferve  in 
Normandy,  as  Henry  was  hard  prfwed  in  that  pro- 
vince.    The  queen  complained  loudly  of  the  con- 
travention, and  even  threatened  to  recal  her  troops  : 
but  her  own  intereft  was  fo  much  connected  with 
the  fafety  of  the  French  king,  that  me  would  not 
put  her  threats  in  execution.     She  ifTued  out  pro- 
clamations, prohibiting  her  fubjects  from  affifting 
the  Leaguers,  or  the   king  of  Spain,  with  corn, 
ammunition,  or  naval  (lores.      She  equipped  fifteen 
fhips  of  v/ar,  under  the   command  of  Sir  Walter 
Raleigh,  to  diftrcfs  the  Spaniards  in  the  Weil-Indies ; 
but  his  fleet  being  difperfed  in  a  florm,  the  expedi- 
tion was  countermanded.     Then  fhe  difpatched.  a' 
imail  fquadron  to  cruize  offthe  Azores,  and  Sir  Mar- 
tin Forbifher  to  the  coaflof  Spain,  in  order  to  lie  in 
wait  for  the  Spanifh  carracks  from  the  Eaft -Indies. 
Burroughs,  who  commanded  the  firfl  of  thefe  fqua- 
drons,  drove  one  galleon  on  more,  where  it  was 
burned,  and  took  another,  worth  above  one  hun- 
dred and  fifty  thoufand  pounds.     About  the  fame 
time,  Thomas  White,  a  Londoner,  made  prize  of 
two  Spanifh  veffels  loaded  with  quickiilver  and  in- 
dulgences, to  be  fold  in  the  Mexican  empire. 

During  thefe  tranfactions,  Sir  John  Perrot,  late 
lord  deputy  of  Ireland,  which  he  had  governed 
with  equal  addrefs  and  impartiality,  fell  a  facrifice 
to  a  faction  of  his  enemies,  who  accufed  him  of  hav- 
ing reviled  the  queen,  correfpohded  with  her  ene- 
mies, and  fomented  the  rebellions  in  Ireland.  He 
was  convicted  of  treafon  upon  partial  evidence, 
and  died  in  the  Tower  after  a  long  imprilbnment. 
The  Irifh  chieftains  in  Ulfter  engaged  in  a  private 





league  for  expelling  the  Englifh  garrilbns.  The  A-  c  '593- 
caftle  of  Montrofe  was  furprifed  by  O  Donel  j  Troubles 
Macguire  raifed  an  infurreclion  in  Fermanagh,  and ln  Irdand> 
entering  Connaught,  was  defeated  by  Sir  Richard 
Bingham.  Hugh  earl  of  Tyrone  engaged  in  this 
confederacy  ;  and,  upon  the  death  of  Tirloch  Lei- 
nich,  affumed  the  title  of  O  Neale ;  but  he  after- 
wards fubmitted,  and  was  forgiven.  The  queen 
was  more  nearly  touched  by  a  confpiracy  which 
had  been  lately  difcovered  in  Scotland.  The  earls 
of  Huntley,  Errol,  Angus,  and  feveral  other  per- 
fons  of  diftinclion,  follicited  the  king  of  Spain  to 
make  a  defcent  upon  that  kingdom.  Their  agent 
George  Kerr,  bi  other  to  the  laird  of  Newbottle, 
being  feifed  with  his  difpatches,  juft  as  he  was  going 
to  embark,  the  miniftry  became  acquainted  with 
the  particulars  of  the  fcheme.  David  Graham  of 
Fintry,  one  of  the  accomplices,  was  condemned 
and  beheaded :  and  the  reft  were  fummoned  to 
appear  before  the  parliament.  Elizabeth,  alarmed 
at  this  confpiracy,  and  fufpicious  of  the  king's 
own  inclinations,  fent  the  lord  Burrough  to  con- 
gratulate him  upon  the  difcovery  of  the  plot :  to 
allure  him  of  her  aiTiftance,  and  prefs  him  to  punifh 
the  popifh.  lords,  by  the  confiication  of  their  eitates. 
She  like  wife  defired  a  pardon  for  Bothwell,  who 
having  made  two  attempts  to  feize  the  king's  per- 
fon,  had  been  proclaimed  a  traitor,  and  fled  into 
England.  There  he  was  protected  by  Elizabeth, 
who  refilled  to  deliver  him  up  when  James  de- 
manded him,  according  to  the  ftipulations  of  the 
lafl  treaty.  He  now  excufed  himieif  from  pardon- 
ing fuch  a  notorious  offender,  but  promifed  to  pro- 
ceed judicially  againfl  the  Roman  catholic  noble- 
men. Kerr  efcaped  from  prifon,  and  the  parliament 
could  not  confiicate  the  lords,  for  want  or  evidence. 
Sir  Robert  Melvil  was,  difpatched  to  England,  to  de- 
mand of  queen  Elizabeth  a  fum  of  money  which 

D  d  3  would 


A.c.  1593.  would  enable  the  king  to  levy  forces,  and  expel  the 
rebels  from  the  kingdom.  James  was  fo  wretch- 
edly poor,  that  he  could  neither  keep  a  table,  nor 
maintain  a  guard  for  the  defence  of  his  perfon. 
He  therefore  became  an  importunate  beggar  with 
the  eflates  of  the  Netherlands,  as  well  as  with  the 
queen  of  England,  who,  though  me  fometimes 
parted  with  trifling  fums,  was  too  penurious  to  fup- 
ply  him  with  a  furficiency  for  his  occafions.  Mel- 
vil  did  riot  fucceed  in  his  negotiation :  and  Both- 
well  returning  privately  to  Scotland,  tampered  fo 
effectually  with  the  duke  of  Lennox,  the  earl  of 
Athol,  the  lord  Ochiltree,  and  other  enemies  of 
chancellor  Maitland,  that  they  introduced  him  into 
the  king's  bedchamber,  where  falling  on  his  knees, 
and  imploring  his  majefty'sforgivenefs,  he  was  par- 
doned at  the  requeft  of  the  Englifh  ambaffador. 
This  pardon,  however,  as  the  effect  of  compulfion, 
was  annulled  by  the  convention  of  the  eflates ; 
though  he  was  promifed  to  be  indulged  with  an 
abolition  of  all  his  pad  treafons,  if  he  would  fue 
for  it  within  a  certain  time,  and  then  quit  the  king- 
dom. Bothwell,  dirTatisfied  with  thefe  conditions, 
renewed  his  former  practices  againft  the  king's  per- 
fon, but  mifcarried  in  his  attempts.  A  fubiequent 
convention  paffed  an  act  for  the  more  firm  eftablifh- 
ment  of  the  proteflant  religion  in  Scotland;  and 
Caioerwood.  the  catholic  lords  were  fummoned,  either  to  com- 
spottif-       ply  with  the  doctrines  of  the  kirk,  within  a  limited 

wood.  *.'?  , 

time,  or  quit  the  country. 
proceedings  The  Englifh  parliament  meeting  in  the  month 
L"<TtlIla~  °f  February,  took  cognizance  of  a  book  written  by 
one  Parfons  a  jefuit,  endeavouring  to  prove  that 
the  right  of  fuccefiion  to  the  throne  of  England 
was  legally  vefted  in  the  infanta  of  Spain.  This 
performance  was  condemned  by  the  parliament, 
which  declared,  that  all  perfons  keeping  it  in  their 
houfes  fliould  be  deemed  guilty  of  high-treafon. 



The  puritans  having  grown  intolerably  inlblent  and  A* c-  '593. 
troublefome,  were  now  laid  under  fevere  reflricti- 
ons,  by  an  act  for  retaining  the  queen's  fubjects  in 
tl^ir  due  obedience.  This  law  decreed  that  all 
perfons  above  the  age  of  fixteen,  abfenting  them- 
ielves  from  church  for  a  month,  fhould  be  impri- 
foned,  until  releafed  in  confequence  of  their  public 
declaration  of  conformity.  They  were  obliged  to 
conform  within  three  months  after  cqnviction,  or 
abjure  the  realm  •,  otherwife  they  were  liable  to  be 
punifhed  as  felons,  without  benefit  of  clergy.  The 
itatute,  though  enacted  feemingly  againft  the  Ro- 
man catholics,  was  principally  levelled  at  the  Puri- 
tans •,  and  indeed  equally  affected  all  non-confor- 
miits.  The  commons  granted  a  large  fupply,  in 
confideration  of  the  great  expence  to  which  the 
queen  had  been  expoied,  for  the  defence  of  Eng- 
land againrt  the  Spaniih  invafion,  as  well  as  for  the 
fupport  of  the  French  king  and  the  United  Pro- 
vinces ;  but  this  fubfidy  was  granted  with  a  claufe, 
importing,  that  it  mould  not  be  drawn  into  prece- 
dent: two  fubfidies  were  likewife  voted  by  the 
clergy  in  convocation. 

This  generofity  of  the  parliament  and  clergy  con- 
foled  Elizabeth  in  fome  meafure  for  the  mortifica- 
tion me  underwent  from  the  conduct  of  Henry 
king  of  France.  That  prince,  inflead  of  ufing  the 
Englifh  auxiliaries  for  expelling  the  Spaniards  from  " 
Brittany,  employed  them  only  as  a  check  upon 
thofe  invaders,  while  he  exerted  his  chief  endea- 
vours in  other  parts  of  his  kingdom  :  fo  that  Eli- 
zabeth would  have  recalled  her  troops,  had  not  the 
been  diverted  from  her  purpofe  by  the  intreaties 
and  remonftrances  of  the  marechal  d'Aumont,  who 
allured  her,  in  his  mailer's  name,  that  a  powerful 
effort  would  foon  be  made  for  the  reduction  or  Bre- 
tagne.  At  this  period  Henry  finding  it  impoflible 
to  reduce  the  kingdom  of  France  to  his  obedience, 

D  d  4.  while 


a,c.  1593.  while  he  profefied  the  proteflant  religion,  and  be- 
Henry  of     ing  hard  prefTed  by  his  Roman  catholic  friends, 
feff"sCtbero~  renounced  the   reformed  doctrines,  and  declared 
Roman  ca-   himfelf  a  convert  to  the  church  of  Rome.     Tfee 
g?on!°    l"   q^een  of  England  was  no  fooner  informed  of  this 
event,  than  lhe  wrote  a  fevere  letter,  upbraiding 
him  with  his  apoftacy  •,  which  he  frankly  imputed 
to  the  necefTity  of  his  affairs.     But,  notwithftand- 
ing  Elizabeth's  refentment,  (he  confented  to  engage 
in  a  new  league  offenfive  and  defenfive  with  Hen- 
ry, when  me  underflood  that  the  king  of  Spain  in- 
tended to  make  a  powerful  effort  to  fupport  the 
League ;  and  this  alliance  was  actually  concluded 
at  Melun,  in  the  month  of  October,  ftipulating, 
that  no  peace  mould  be  made  with  Spain,  without 
the  mutual  confent  of  both  parties.     Elizabeth  then 
recommended  the  proteflants  to  the  protection   of 
Henry,  and  propofed  Breft  as  a  place  of  retreat  for 
the  Englifh  forces,    and  cautionary  town  for  the 
repayment  of  the  money  with  which  fhe  had  fup- 
plied  him  in  his   necefTities  \  but  this  fecurity  he 
.  carefully  evaded.     The  queen,  to  fecure  herfelf  ftill 
more  effectually  from  the  infults  of  the  Spaniards, 
-ordered  the  ifies  of  Scilly  to  be  fortified  and  garri- 
joned;  while  Jerfey  and  Guernfey  were  fecured  in 
the  lame  manner.     The  Englifh  fugitives  ftill  con- 
tinued to  plot  againfk  Elizabeth  and  her  government. 
One  Hefket,  at  their  infligation,  exhorted  Ferdi- 
nand earl  of  Derby  to  affume  the  title  of  king,  as 
grandibn  of  Mary,  daughter  to  Henry  VIJ.     He 
affured  the  earl  he  mould  be  powerfully  fupported 
by  Philip  of  Spain  ;  and  threatened,  in  cafe  of  his 
declining  the  propofal,   and  revealing  the  fcheme, 
that  he  mould  not  long  enjoy  his  life.     The  earl 
immediately  informed  againfl   Hefket,    who   was 
condemned  accordingly  :  but  his  threats  were  cer- 
tainly executed  upon  the  earl,  who  in  a  few  months 
Camden,     died  of  poifon, 
*  The 


The  death  of  the  duke  of  Parma  did  not  wholly  A«c- 1593* 
put    a   flop  to  the  intended  invafion  of  France. 
The  Spanifh  army  entering  Picardy,  reduced  Noy- 
ons,  and  then  marched  back  to  the  Low  Countries. 
The  count  de  Fuentes,  and  Don  Diego  d'Ibarra, 
who  were  now  at  the  head  of  the  Spanifh  affairs  in 
the  Netherlands,  not  only  fomented  the  troubles 
in  Scotland,  by  feeding  the  malcontents  of  that 
kingdom  with  promiies  of  fuccour ;  but  they  refolv- 
ed  to  take  off  Elizabeth  by  poifon.     For  this  pur-  Scheme  to 
pofe  they  corrupted  Roderic  Lopez,  a  Portugueze  murder  the 
Jew,  who  was  one  of  her  phyficians,  with  a  bribe 
of  fifty  thoufand  crowns.     The  defign  being  difco- 
vered  by  intercepted  letters,  he  and  two  of  his  ac- 
complices were  apprehended,  and  conferTed  the  na- 
ture of  their  correfpondence  with  Fuentes  and  Ibar- 
ra.   At  the  place  of  execution,  Lopez  declared  that 
he  loved  the  queen  as  well  as  he  loved  Jems  Chrifl ; 
.an  expreflion,  which  coming  from  the  mouth  of  a 
Jew,  excited  the  mirth  of  the  fpectators.     At  the 
fame  time,  Patrick  Cullen,  an  Irifh  fencing-mailer, 
was  convicted  of  having  been  fent  from  the  Low 
Countries  to  afTafiinate  the  queen  ;  Edmund  York 
and  Richard  Williams  were  like  wife  apprehended, 
as  ruffians  fuborned  by  Ibarra  for  the  fame  purpofe. 
Elizabeth  wrote  a  letter  to  Ernefl  archduke  of  Auf- 
tria,  by  this  time  appointed  governor  of  the  Low 
Countries,  defiring  he  would  punifh  the  authors  of 
fuch  treachery  -,  and  demanding  that  the  Englifh 
fugitives  concerned  in  fuch  defigns  fhould  be  de- 
livered into  her  hands.     But  fhe  had  very  little  rea- 
fon  to  expect  any .  fatisfaction  on  this  head,  as  fhe 
herfelf  protected  Antonio  Perez,  late  fecretary  to 
Philip,  who  had  excited  fome  commotions  in  Ar- 
ragon,  and  rled  to  England,  where  he  was  enter- 
tained and  careffed  by  the  earl  of  Effex. 

The  affairs  of  the  French  king  began  to  take  a  a.  c.  1594. 
more  favourable  turn  immediately  after  his.  conver- 



A.  C.  1 594- 

The  French 
king's  af- 
fairs take 
a  more  fa- 

James  of 
Scotland  to 
en a&  Jaws 
ajjainft  the 
Ronlan  ca- 


fion.  Meaux,  Orleans,  and  Bourges,  fubmitted. 
He  reduced  La  Ferte  Milon,  and  was  crowned  at 
Chartres.  Then  he  publifhed  an  amnefty,  was 
joined  by  a  great  number  of  gentlemen  who  deferu 
ed  the  League,  admitted  into  Paris,  and  proclaim- 
ed at  Rouen.  He  concluded  an  accommodation 
with  the  dukes  of  Lorraine  and  Guife^  and  all  the 
principal  towns  in  the  heart  of  France  declared  for 
their  lawful  fovereign.  The  marechal  d'Aumont 
having  taken  the  town  of  Morlaix  in  Brittany,  the 
duke  de  Mercosur,  and  John  d'Aguilar,  who  com- 
manded the  Spaniih  auxiliaries  of  the  League,  ad- 
vanced to  the  relief  of  the  caitle  :  but  the  mare- 
chal being  joined  by  the  Englifh  troops  under 
Norreys,  they  would  not  hazard  a  battle  -9  and  the 
caftle  furrendered.  After  this  conqueft,  the  mare- 
chal reduced  Quimpier,  and  took  Crodon  by  af- 
fault.  Sir  Martin  Forbifher  was  mortally  wounded 
on  this  occafion.  The  Englim  troops  behaved 
with  fuch  gallantry  in  this  war,  and  were  fo  for- 
ward in  expofing  themfelves  to  the  moft  imminent 
dangers,  that  Elizabeth,  in  a  letter  to  Norreys, 
defired  he  would  not  be  fo  lavifh  of  the  blood  of 
her  fubjects. 

This  princefs,  underftanding  that  there  was  a 
party  at  the  court  of  Scotland  which  favoured  the 
Spaniards,  fent  thither  the  lord  Zouch  to  obferve 
their  motions,  and  keep  James  fleady  to  the  inte- 
reft  of  England.  This  ambarTador  reprefented,  in 
the  queen's  name,  that  the  Roman  catholics  of 
Scotland  enjoyed  in  public  the  exercife  of  their 
religion,  and  openly  correfponded  with  the  king 
of  Spain.  James  replied,  that  he  would  acl  a- 
gainft  them  according  to  the  laws  of  the  land  > 
and,  if  they  would  not  fubmit  to  the  laws,  he 
would  purfue  them  by  force  of  arms,  provided  the 
queen,  who  was  as  much  interefted  as  himfelf,  in 



the  fuccefs  of  the  war,  would  contribute  to  the  A- c-  *sW* 
expence.  Lord  Zouch  ftill  preffing  him  to  enact 
feverer  laws  againft  them,  the  king,  anfwered, 
with  fome  emotion,  that  the  queen  of  England 
had  no  right  to  command  him,  or  prefcribe  the 
rules  by  which  he  mould  govern  his  own  king- 
dom. Then  he  demanded  that  fhe  would  deli- 
ver up  Both  well,  who  had  again  taken  refuge  in 
England.  Far  from  giving  him  that  iatisfa&ion, 
fhe  in  all  probability  furnifhed  Bothwell  with  means 
to  return  and  raife  four  hundred  men,  with  whom 
he  furprifed  Leith.  Then  he  publifhed  a  mani- 
fefto,  declaring,  that  he  was  come  to  join  divers 
noblemen  and  others,  in  expelling  thofe  evil  coun- 
fellors  who  favoured  the  deiigns  of  the  Roman  ca- 
tholics, and  the  Spanilh  invafion.  The  citizens  of 
Edinburgh  taking  arms  againft  him,  he  retired  to- 
wards Dalkeith,  and  routed  the  lord  Hume,  who 
commanded  the  advanced  guard  of  a  body  of  for- 
ces headed  by  the  king  in  perfon  :  but,  not  dar- 
ing to  ftand  the  brunt  of  a  general  engagement, 
he  difmifTed  his  troops,  and  took  refuge  once  more 
in  England.  James  immediately  difpatched  two 
envoys  to  complain  to  Elizabeth  of  BothwelPs  be- 
ing ftill  harboured  in  her  dominions  •,  to  affure  her 
he  would  profcribe  the  perfons,  and  cortftfcate  the 
lands  of  the  popifti  lords  ;  and  to  delate  a  fupply 
of  money  in  the  mean  time.  She  promifed  to 
comply  with  his  requeft,  and  forthwith  publifhed 
a  proclamation,  forbidding  her  fubjects  to  give 
fhelter  to  the  earl  of  Bothwell.  The  Scottifh  par- 
liament meeting  in  May,  pronounced  fentence  of 
forfeiture  againft  the  three  pophn  earls,  and  the 
laird  of  Auchindown  :  but  the  execution  of  the 
fentence  was  deferred  on  the  account  of  the  bap- 
tifm  of  Henry  prince  of  Scotland.  Elizabeth  fent 
the  earl  of  SulTex  as  ambafTador-extraordinary  to 



a.c.  1594.  attend  at  this  folemnity,  at  which  alio  were  pre- 
lent  the  envoys  of  Denmark,  Brunfwick,  Mecklen- 
burgh,  and  the  United  Provinces. 

Mean  while  Bothwell  engaged  in  aflbciation  with 
the  popiiri  lords  ;  and  having  received  a  lhare  of 
dome  money  remitted  from  Spain,    undertook  to 
raife  fuch  a  commotion  in  the   fouthern  parts  of 
Scotland,  as  would  prevent  the  king  from  profe- 
cuting  his  nothern  expedition  againfl  the  outlawed 
noblemen.     His  defign  was  to  feize  and  confine 
James  in  the  cattle  of  Blacknefs ;  the  governor  of 
which  was  James  Cochran,  who  had  joined  in  the 
confpiracy,   wThich  was  accidentally  difcovered  by 
intercepted  letters.     Cochran  was  arretted,    con- 
demned,   and   executed.     The   earls  of  Argyle, 
Athol,  and  others,  marching  with  five  thouiand 
men  againtt  the  profcribed  lords,  were  met  in  Ba- 
dinoch  by  Huntley,  who  defeated  them  with  great 
(laughter.     Then  the  king  himfelf  took  the  field, 
and  advanced  as  far  as  Aberdeen,  where,   under- 
ftanding  that  the  earls  of  Erroi  and  Huntley  had 
retired  to  Sutherland,  he  ordered  the  duke  of  Len- 
nox to  purfue  them  with  a  body  of  forces.     This 
iervice  he  performed  with  fuch  vigour,   that  the 
enemy  was  reduced  to  extremity,  and  offered  to 
lay  down  their  arms,    provided  they  might  be  al- 
B^ht*'*n0_  lowed  to  quit  the  kingdom.     Their  requeft  was 
pini  lords     granted  ;  and  they  went  into  perpetual  exile.  Both- 
.obiiguiro       n  finc]ino;  himfelf  totally  abandoned  by  his  old 

quit  tnat  O  J  m  J 

kingdom,     and  new  accomplices,  fled  into  France,  and  after- 
Meivii.      wards  retired  to  Naples,  where  he  died  in  great  in- 
Spottif-       digence,  profefTing  the  Roman  catholic  religion. 
<wocd"  Incenfed  as  Elizabeth  was  againtt  the  Spaniard, 

for  his  unceafmg  endeavours  to  diftrefs  her  and  her 
allies,  fhe  would  not  expend  her  fubfidies  in  the 
operations  of  an  ofrennve  war,  but  annoyed  the 
enemy  by  granting  commimons  to  private  adven- 
turers, who  acted  againtt  them  at  their  own  ex- 



a§?  Walter  Aalegs. 


pence.     Richard  Hawkins,  thus  authorized,  failed  A c  lsn- 
with  three  fhips  towards  the  ftreights  of  Magellan. 
One  of  his  veffels  was  cafually  burned,  and  another 
quitted  him  on  the  coaft  of  Brazil.     Nevertheleis, 
he  failed  into  the  South -fea,  where  he  took  feveral 
prizes  ;    but  was  at  length  attacked  by  a  ftrong 
fquadron,  which  compelled  him  to  furrender  upon 
articles   of  capitulation.      James  Lancafler   took 
nine  and  thirty  Spanifh  mips,  on  the  coaft  of  Brazil, 
and  made  himfelf  mailer  of  Fernambuco,  where  he 
loaded  fifteen  veffels  with  fugar,  and  the  cargo  of  a 
rich  carrack  which  he  found  in  the  place  :  then  re- 
turned to  England  with  an  immenfe  booty.     Sir  a.  c  15^5, 
"Walter  Raleigh  being  forbid  the  court,  for  having 
debauched  a  maid  of  honour,  whom  he  afterwards 
married,  undertook  a  voyage  to  Guiana,  took  the 
city  of  St.  Jofeph,  failed  up  the  river  Oroonoque  in 
qiieft  of  a  gold  mine,  which,  however,  he  could 
not  find ;  fo  that  he  was  obliged  to  return  without 
fuccefs,  after  having  loft  the  beft'part  of  his  men 
by  the  unhealthy  climate.  He  made  another  voyage 
at  his  own  expence,  and  mifcarried  as  before.    Eli- 
zabeth, encouraged  by   the   fuccefs   of  her  fub- 
jects,  fent  a  ftrong  fleet,  under  Sir  Francis  Drake 
and  Sir  John  Hawkins,    with    a    body  of  land 
forces,    commanded  by  Sir  Thomas  Bafkerville, 
to  feize  a  vaft  treafure  which  had   been  brought 
to  Porto  Rico  for  the  ufe  of  Philip.     They  arrived 
in  fafety  at  St.  Domingo  •,  but  their  defign  being 
accidentally  difcovered,  the  Spaniards  fortified  the 
harbour  of  Porto  Rico  in  fuch  a  manner,  that  when 
they  attempted  to  force  it,  they  met  with  a  fevere 
repulfe.     Hawkins  dying  after  this  mifcarriage, 
they  failed  to  the  continent,  where  they  burned 
Rio  de  la  Hacha,  Santa  Martha,  and  Nombre  de 
Dios.     They  made  an  effort  to  march  acrofs  the 
Ifthmus  of  Darien  to  Panama ;  but  met  with  fo 
many  difficulties  that  they  abandoned  the  enter- 



A- c-  r595-  prife,  and  refolved  to  attack  Porto  Bello.  Be- 
sTitaL  f°re  ^s  fcneme  could  he  executed,  Sir  Francis 
Drake.  Drake  died  of  a  dyfentery,  and  the  fleet  returned 
Camden,      t0  England. 

Philip  ex-  Philip  of  Spain  retorted  thofe  hoftilities  by  ex- 
TCbaitonlil  citing  a  fre{h  rebellion  in  Ireland,  under  the  con- 
ireJand.  elud  of  Macguire  and  Mac-Mahon.  Sir  W.  RufTel 
had  been  fent  over  to  fucceed  Fitzwilliams  as  lord 
deputy ;  and  the  earl  of  Tyrone  having  been  ac- 
cused of  correlponding  with  the  rebels,  pleaded 
his  own  caufe  fo  effectually,  in  a  vifit  to  the  new 
governor,  that  he  was  difmiffed  as  a  loyal  fubjecT. 
Notwithstanding  his  profeflions,  he  attacked  the 
fort  of  Black- water,  in  the  abfence  of  the  governor ; 
and  being  declared  a  traitor,  openly  joined  the  re- 
bels, whofe  forces  in  Ulfter  andConnaught  amount- 
ed to  near  ten  thoufand  horfe  and  foot,  commanded 
by  experienced  officers,  who  had  ferved  in  the 
Low- Countries.  Elizabeth,  alarmed  at  this  formi- 
dable rebellion,  recalled  Sir  John  Norreys,  with  a 
.  body  of  veterans,  from  Brittany ;  and  thefe  being 
joined  with  a  reinforcement  in  England,  were  fent 
over' to  Ireland  to  crufh  the  rebels  before  they 
ihould  receive  the  fuccours  they  expected  from 
Spain.  When  Norreys  advanced  to  Armagh, 
Tyrone  abandoned  the  fort  of  Black- water,  reduced 
the  town  of  Dungannon  and  the  neighbouring  vil- 
lages to  allies,  and  was  driven  almolt  to  defpair, 
when  the  want  of  provifions  compelled  the  Englifh 
general  to  retire,  after  he  had  left  garrilbns  in  Ar- 
magh and  Monaghan.  Neverthelefs,  Feagh  Mac- 
Hugh,  chief  of  the  Byrnes,  fubmitted  to  the  lord 
deputy  ;  and  Norreys  agreed  with  Tyrone  and  O 
Donel  for  a  truce  till  the  end  of  December.  This 
'  introduced  a  treaty  or  negotiation  with  the  rebels, 
who  demanded  a  general  amnefly,  the  free  exer- 
cife  of  their  religion,  the  reftitution  of  their  eftates, 
and  an  exemption  from  all  garrifons  and  impofi- 



dons.     The  queen  offered  to  pardon  them  for  their  A« c-  *sas* 
rebellion,  provided  they  would  difmifs  their  forces, 
repair  the  forts  they  had  demolished,  re  (lore  the  ef- 
fects they  had  feized,  admit  garrifons,  iheriffs,  and 
other  officers,  and  difcover  their  traniadlions  with 
foreign  princes.  They  rejected  thefe  propofals,  tho* 
the   truce  was  prolonged  to  April.      The  queen 
would  have  repaired  their  lories,   but  would  by  no 
means  indulge  them  with  a  toleration.     Tyrone  in 
the  mean  time  treated  with  Philip  as  well  as  with 
Elizabeth,  and  cunningly  tranfmitted  to  the  lord 
deputy  the  letters  which  he  received  from  that  mo- 
narch.    Thefe  he  prefented  as  proofs  of  his  loyalty 
to  Elizabeth  -,  though  his  aim  was  to  deceive  the 
vigilance  of  the  deputy,  and  inhance  the  opinion  of 
his  own  importance.     Before  the  truce  expired  he 
capitulated  with  Norreys,  and  delivered  hoftages, 
in  confequence  of  a  pardon  for  himfelf  and  his  ac- 
complices :  yet  he  refufed  to  take  the  oath  of  alle- 
giance.    The  rebels  in  Connaught  fubmitted  on 
the  fame  terms  :   but  this  peace  was  of  fhort  dura- 
tion.    O  Donel  ravaged  the  country  :  Feagh  Mac- 
Hugh,  at  the  mitigation  of  Tyrone,  renewed  the 
rebellion  in   Leinfter,    and    furprized   the  fort  at 
Balencore  •,  but  he  was  foon  routed  and  (lain,  to- 
gether with  George  and  Peter  Butler,  nephews  to 
the  earl  of  Ormond,  whom  Feagh  had  perfuaded 
to  join  in  the  revolt.    Tyrone  attacked  the  garrifon 
of  Armagh  -,  but  after v/ards  made  an  apology  for 
this  act  of  violence,    and  propofed  a  new  confe- 
rence with  the  lord  deputy,  for   a  full  and  final 
compofition.     His  aim  being  only  to  amufe  him,, 
this  conference  wTas  poftponed  from  time  to  time* 
and  at  lait  the  defign  was  wholly  laid  afide.     The 
progrefs  of  the  rebels  was  in  a  good  rneafure  owing 
to    a  jealoufy  that   fubfifled  between   Rudel  and 
Norreys ;  and  Tyrone  did  not  fail  to  take  the  ad- 
vantage of  their  miiunderltanding.  Camdea. 

2  lien- 


a.  c.  1596.  Henry  IV.  of  France  was  reduced  to  great  per- 
TheFrench  plexity  by  Elizabeth's  recalling  her  troops  from 
ftrefred  by  Brittany.  He  had  declared  war  againft  Spain,  and 
the  spa-  philip  fent  the  conftable  of  Caftile  into  Franche- 
Comte  with  an  army  of  eighteen  thoufand  men  : 
at  the  fame  time  the  count  de  Fuentes,  who  now 
commanded  the  Spanifh  forces  in  the  Low  Countries, 
entered  Picardy,  reduced  Catelet,  and  defeating 
the  French  army  at  Dourlens,  took  the  place  by 
affault.  Henry  being  apprized  of  thefe  unfavour- 
able events,  difpatched  Chevalier  to  the  court  of 
England,  to  follicit  an  immediate  reinforcement 
for  the  prefervation  of  Picardy.  Elizabeth  offered 
to  fend  a  body  of  troops  to  garrifon  Calais,,  Bou- 
logne, and  Dieppe  •,  but  Henry  did  not  chufe  to 
truft  her  with  the  keeping  of  thefe  places.  After 
the  reduction  of  Dourlens,  the  Spaniards  inverted 
Cambray,  and  Henry  fent  over  Lommenie  his  fe- 
cretary  of  ftate,  to  prefs  the  queen  of  England  for 
a  fpeedy  reinforcement,  which  fhe  refufed  to  grant ; 
fo  that  the  place  was  furrendered  to  the  enemy. 
She  was  loth  to  part  with  her  money,  and  greatly 
difgufted  at  Henry  for  having  neglected  to  drive 
the  Spaniards  from  Brittany.  It  was  not  without 
reafon  fhe  difliked  their  fettlement  in  that  province. 
They  actually  equipped  a  fleet,  and  made  a  defcent 
upon  Cornwall,  where  they  plundered  and  burned 
feveral  villages :  but  they  retreated  to  their  mips, 
Mezerai.  without  having  done  any  confiderable  damage. 
The  French  king  was  extremely  chagrined  at  the 
repulfe  he  hadfuftained  from  Elizabeth  ;  and  many 
members  of  the  council  advifed  him  to  make  a  fe- 
parate  peace.  He  complained  flill  more  loudly  of  the 
United  Provinces,  which,  though  in  alliance  with 
him,  had  taken  no  ftep  for  the  relief  of  fuch  a  con- 
Caraden  fiderable  place.  They  derived  incredible  advan- 
tage from  the  war  between  France  and  Spain  •,  and 
therefore  appeafed  his  warmth  with  a  round  fum  of 




money,  a  couple  of  complete  regiments,    and  aACl596- 
large  quantity  of  corn. 

The  queen  of  England  was  no  fooner  informed  JhneAqudf* 
of  this  tranfaction,  than  flie  lent  Sir  Thomas  Bod-  rCjmburfe 
ley  to  demand  of  the  flares  the  repayment  of  the  ™ent  of 
money  with  which  fhe  had  fupplied  them  in  their  rai. 
diftrefs.     Though  they  had  actually  grown   rich 
during  the  war,  they  pleaded  inability,  exaggerat- 
ing their  loftes  at  fea,  the  inundation  of  their  coun- 
try, and  the  great  expence  which  they  had  under- 
gone in  equipping  Meets  to  join  her  navy  againft 
the  Spaniards.    She  would  not  admit  of  their  excu- 
ies,  alledging,  that  if  they  had  money  to  give  away 
to  the  king  of  France,  they  finely  could  not  be  in- 
capable of  paying  their  juil  debts.     She  upbraided 
them  with  their  ingratitude ;  and  reminded  them 
of  the  deplorable  fituation  in  which  they  were  when 
fhe   generoufly   took   them   into    her   protection. 
They  might  have  juitly  told  her*  that  the  aflifiance 
they  had  received  was  more  owing  to  a  fenfe  of  her 
own  interelt,  than  the  motives  of  generofity  and 
companion  ;  and  they  might  have  pleaded  the  con- 
dition of  the  loan,  by  which  fhe  was  not  intitled  to 
a  reimburfement  until  the  war  mould  be  finifhed  : 
but  they  deprecated  her  wrath  by  lubmiflioni  and 
obtained  a  refpite,  by  furnilhing  her  with  four  and 
twenty  fhips  well  manned,  and  provided  for  five 
months,  to  join  her  navy  in  an  attempt  againit  the 
Spaniards.     During  thefe  tranfactions,  the  cardinal 
Albert  of  Auitria  iucceeding  his  brother  Erneft  in 
the  government  of  the  Low  Countries,  threw  a  re- 
inforcement into  La  Ferre,  which  Henry  IV.  be- 
fieged  in  perfon,  and  then  inverted  Calais.     The  Elizabeth 
French  king  immediately  diipatched  Sancy  to  Eng-  [^f^f8 
land  for  fuccour :  he  was  followed  by  the  marechal  1^  of  Ca- 
de Bouillon,  who  importuned  Elizabeth  fo  induilri-  ("sJj^jJ 
oufly,  that  fhe  ordered  eight  thoufand  men  to  bei^.ch- 
levied  and  fent  over,  under  the  command  of  Effex  -,  jj^e  Al" 
N°  zq.  E  e  but. 

4i8  HISTORY   of    ENGLAND. 

a,  c.  1596.  but,  before  they  could  embark,  the  place  furren> 
dered,  and  the  troops  were  difmifled,  though  me 
fupplied  Henry  with  a  fum  of  money  on  the  cre- 
dit of  his  two  ambaffadors. 

The  queen  being  apprifed  of  Philip's  great  pre- 
parations againft  England  or  Ireland,  equipped  a 
fleet  of  one  hundred  and  fifty  mips,  including 
thofe  that  were  fent  by  the  ftates-general.  Ro- 
bert earl  of  EfTex,  and  Charles  Howard  lord  ad- 
,  miral  of  England,  who  had  expended  vail  fums  on 
this  occafion,  were  appointed  chiefs  of  the  arma- 
ment, though  with  different  commands ;  the  ad- 
miral directed  the  operation  at  fea,  and  the  earl 
conducted  the  forces  at  their  landing.  The  fleet 
was  divided  into  four  fquadrons,  of  which  the  third 
was  commanded  by  the  lord  Thomas  Howard,  and 
the  fourth  by  Sir  Walter  Raleigh.  Having  receiv- 
ed their  inftructions,  they  fet  fail  from  Plymouth 
in  the  beginning  of  June :  and,  on  the  twentieth 
day  of  that  month  anchored  near  St.  Sebailian's 
chapel,  on  the  weft  fide  of  the  ifland  of  Cadiz. 
The  Spanifh  fhips  of  war  retiring  into-  the  Puntal, 
were  next  day  attacked  by  the  Englifh ;  and  the 
engagement  kited  from  break  of  day  till  noon, 
when  the  enemy  feeing  their  galleons  miferably 
mattered,  and  a  great  number  of  their  men  killed, 
refolved  to  fet  fire  to  their  vefTels,  and  run  them 
afriore.  The  Spanifh  admiral,  called  the  St.  Philip 
was  burned,  together  with  three  others  that  lay 
near  her ;  but  the  St.  Matthew  and  St.  Andrew 
were  faved  and  taken.  Immediately  after  this 
action,  the  earl  of  EfTex  landed  at  Puntal  with 
eight  hundred  men,  and  advanced  againft  a  body 
of  five  hundred  Spaniards,  who  retreated  into  Ca- 
diz at  his  approach.  Thefe  were  fo  clofely  purfued, 
and  the  inhabitants  were  in  fuch  confufion,  that  no 
ileps  could  be  taken  for  the  defence  of  the  place,* 
until  the  Englifh  had  burft  open  the  gate  and  en- 



tered  the  city.    After  a  fhort  fkirmifh  in  the  flreets,  A- c *&6i 
the  affailants  made  themfelves  mailers  of  the  mar-  Cadiz  taken 
ket  place,  and  the  garrifon  retired  into  the  caflle;  Jeii* 
though  they  foon  capitulated,  on  condition  that  the 
inhabitants  Ihould  have  liberty  to  depart  with  their 
wearing  apparel,  and  all  their  other  effects  be  di- 
flributed  as  booty  among  the  •  foldiers  ;  that  they 
fhould  pay  five  hundred  and  twenty  thoufand  du- 
cats for  the  ranfom  of  their  lives,  and  fend  forty  of 
their  chief  citizens  to  England,  as  hofbages  for  the 
payment  of  the  money.     The  earl  of  Effex  being 
now  entirely  mailer  of  the  place,  turned  out  all 
the  inhabitants,  and  loaded  the  fhips  with  the  mo- 
ney and  rich  effects  which  the  foldiers  had  not  yet 
taken  in  plunder.     Mean  while  admiral  Howard 
detached  Sir  Walter  Raleigh  to  burn  the  merchant 
fhips  which  had  retired  to  Port- Real.     Two  mil- 
lions of  ducats  were  offered  as  their  ranfom;  but  he 
rejected  the  propofal,  obferving  that  he  was  come 
to  burn,  not  to  ranfom  their  fhips.     The  duke  of 
Medina-Sidonia,  however,  found  means  to  unload 
fome,  and  fet  fire  to  others,  that  they  might  not 
fall  into  the  hands  of  the  Englifh.    Befides  the  lofs 
which  their  merchants  fuflained  in  thh  expedition, 
the  king  loll  two  galleons,  thirteen  fhips  of  war,- 
and  four  and  twenty  veffels  laden  with  merchandize 
for  the  Indies,  over  and  above  the  ammunition 
which  he  had  provided  for  his  defign  upon  Eng- 
land.    The  earl  of  Effex  was  of  opinion,  that  Ca- 
diz ought  to  be  kept  as  a  thorn   in  the  fide  of  the 
Spaniards,  and  offered  to  remain  in  perfon  for  its 
defence :  but  the  majority  being  impatient  to  re- 
turn to  their  own  country  with  the  booty  they  had 
obtained,  his  motion  was  over- ruled,  arid  they  kz 
fail  for  England,  after  having  fet  fire  to  the  town 
and  adjacent  villages.     When  they  arrived  at  Faro 
in  Algarbe,  they  found  the  place  deferted,  and  all 
the  effects  removed.     The  Meet  being  afterwards 

E  e  2  driven 




a.  c.  1596.  driven  out  to  fea  by  a  ftrong  northern  gale,  EiTex 
propofed  to  make  an  attempt  upon  the  Azores  ; 
but  no  body  feconding  the  propofal,  except  the  lord 
Howard,  they  returned  to  England,  enriched  with 
the  fpoils  of  the  enemy.  EfTex,  however,  had 
the  mortification  to  find  that  Sir  Robert  Cecil,  fon 
to  the  lord-treafurer,  had  in  his  ablence  been  ap- 
pointed fecretary  of  fiate  -,  an  office  to  which  the 
earl  had  ftrongly  recommended  Sir  Thomas  Bodley, 
who  had  been  lent  as  ambaiTador  to  the  Low-Coun- 
tries. His  chagrin  was  Hill  augmented  by  the 
queen's  appointing  Sir  Francis  Vere  governor  of 
the  Brille  •,  a  place  of  truft  which  Effex  follicited 
for  himfelf. 

Elizabeth,  though  Hie  had  a  particular  attach- 
ment to  the  peribn  of  Effex,  payed  very  little  re- 
gard to  his  recommendations,  partly  becaufe  me 
looked  upon  him  as  an  impetuous  youth,  without 
experience  and  difcernment  •,  and  partly  becaufe  he 
was  privately  oppofed  by  old  Cecil,  who  had  long 
ferved  her  with  the  utmoft  fidelity,  was  clofe,  care- 
ful, penurious  •„  and,  in  a  word,  a  minifler  after 
her  own  heart.  It  was  by  his  fuggeftions  that  the 
queen  became  fo  importunate  with  the  flates  of  the 
Netherlands  for  the  payment  of  the  debt  they  had 
contracted.  They  were  fufficiently  able  to  dii- 
charge  this  obligation ;  but  they  confidered  the  debt 
as  a  tie  which  connected  Elizabeth  more  firmly  to 
their  intereft  •,  and  therefore  were  extremely  averfe 
to  part  with  this  bond  of  union.  When  me  renew- 
ed her  demands,  they  lent  deputies  to  London,  to 
make  frefh  remonftrances  •,  they  offered  to  pay  two 
hundred  thouiand  florins  yearly,  either  for  her  life, 
or  during  the  war,  and  four  millions  in  as  many 
years  after  the  peace  mould  be  concluded.  She  re- 
fufed  to  clofe  with  this  propoial ;  the  deputies  re- 
turned, and  the  affair  was  poftponed  to  further  con- 


The  qxieen 
tfenews  her 

upon  the 
ft  »tes  e<"ne- 


Notwithftanding  the  difguft  which  Elizabeth  had  A  c-  -596' 
conceived  againft  the  French  king-,  and  that  prince's 
refentment  of  her  refilling  to  iuccour  Calais,  their 
mutual  intereft  was  fo'  infeparably  connected  in  the 
war  with  Spain,  ►that  they  agreed  to  open  confe- 
rences for  a  treaty,  which  had  been  propofed  before 
the  Spaniards  had  reduced  the  towns  in  Picardy.  The 
duke  of  Bouillon  was  fent  over  to  afiift  Sancy  in  the 
negotiation  •,  and  Englifn  commiflioners  being  ap- 
pointed to  treat  with  them,  the  league  was  foon 
concluded,  on  condition  that  Elizabeth  mould  fur-  A  ncw 
nifh  four  thoufand  men  for  the  defence  of  Picardy  tZZn  ' 
and  Normandy :  That  the  king  of  France  mould  {^"  M* 
fupply  her  with  the  like  number,  in  cafe  her  kino;- 
dom  ihould  be  invaded;  and  that  neither  party 
mould  make  peace  without  the  other's  confent. 
The  ftates-general  acceded  to  this  treaty ;  though 
their  admiilion  was  retarded  by  the  jealoufy  of  Els 
zabeth,  who  pretended  that  they  had  no  right  to 
accede  as  a  ibvereign  power,  but  merely  as  affoci- 
ated  towns  under,  her  protection.  At  length  the 
French  king  prevailed  upon  her  to  wave  this  di- 

Philip  of  Spain,  exafperated  by  the  conduct  of 
Elizabeth,  and  the  loffes  he  had  fuftained  from  the 
arms  of  her  people,  refolved  to  make  another  ef- 
fort for  the  conqueil  of  England.  He  affembled  a 
formidable  fleet  at  a  time  when  the  queen  thought 
him  utterly  difabled  from  executing  any  fcheme  of 
revenge*,  and  this  navy  having  taken  land-forces  on 
board  at  Fariola,  fleered  its  courfe  for  England  -y 
but  was  difperfed  by  a  violent  ftorm,  which  render- 
ed it  altogether  unferviceable  for  that  feafon.  The  A  c-  '597. 
king  of  Spain  had  begun  to  treat  privately  of  a  fe- 
parate  peace  with  Henry  ;  but  the  negotiation  was 
altogether  interrupted  by  the  fuccefs  of  Porto-Car-4 
rero,  governor  of  Dourlens,  who  found  means  to 
furprife  Amiens ;  though   this  advantage  did  not 

E  e  3  recom- 

42?      0        H  I  S  T  O  R  Y  o  f  E  N  G  L  A  N  D. 

a.  c.  iS96.  recompence  Philip  for  the  defeat  of  his  troops  at 
Philip  con-  Turnhaut  by  prince  Maurice.  Neverthelefs  de- 
in"rSi«  in  pending  upon  a  feparate  peace  with  France,  he  de- 
ireiand.  termined  to  make  a  defcent  upon  Ireland,  where  he 
ftill  fomented  the  difcontent  of  the  natives ;  but  his 
fleet  was  again  difperfed  and  difabled.  Almoft  all 
the  native  Irifh  in  Ulfter  and  Connaught  being  en- 
couraged by  his  emiflaries  with  hope  of  aftiftance, 
had  rifen  in  arms  ;  and  Thomas  lord  Burrough  was 
fent  over  by  Elizabeth  with  the  commiiiion  of  lord 
deputy.  Tyrone  endeavoured  to  amufe  him  with 
excufes,  profeflions,  and  propolals ;  but,  inftead  of 
iuffering  himfelf  to  be  cajoled  by  that  crafty  rebel, 
he  marched  againft  him  and  took  the  fort  of  Black- 
water-,  then  he  returned  to  Dublin,  where  he  diedj 
and  Thomas  earl  of  Ormond  was  conilituted  lieu- 
tenant-general of  the  army.  This  nobleman  ad- 
vanced agaiinff.  Tyrone  •,  but  his  troops  being  in  a 
miferable  condition,  he  agreed  to  a  truce  for  a  few 
months,  during  which  he  expected  to  receive  a^re- 
inforcement  from  England. 
EiieViafis^  Elizabeth  now  refolved  to  make  anAattempt  up- 
ugon  an  ex-  on  Tarcera,  the  principal  ifland  of  the  Azores,  and, 
thtAzore?.  if  pofiible,  intercept  the  Spanifh  flota  in  their  paf- 
fage  from  the  Weft-Indies.  Five  thoufand  foldi- 
ers  were  embarked  in  a  fleet  of  one  hundred  and 
twenty  fhips-,  and  to  thefe  were  added  five  and 
twenty  Dutch  fhips,  under  the  command  of  admi- 
ral Warmout,  having  on  board  one  thoufand  Eng- 
Jifh  veterans  from  the  Low-Countries,  headed  by 
Sir  Francis  Vere,  governor  of  the  Brille.  The  chief 
command  of  this  armament  was  conferred  upon  the 
earl  of  EfTex.  The  lord  Montjoy  was  his  lieute- 
nant for  the  land-forces  -,  and  his  fecond  and  third 
fquadrons  were  conducted  by  lord  Thomas  Howard 
and  Sir  Walter  Raleigh.  He  was  inftructed  to  de- 
ftroy  the  Spanifh  fleet  at  Ferrol,  and  then  proceed 
to  the  Azores.     He  failed  from  Plymouth  on  the 



tenth  day  of  June,  but  the  fleet  was  fcattered  by  a'A«c.  1597. 
violent  temped,  and  the  fhips  were  obliged  to  put 
in  at  different  ports  of  England  -,  though,  in  a  few 
tlays,  they  rendezvoufed  at  Plymouth.  They  fail- 
ed again  in  August,  and  were  damaged  in  luch  a 
manner,  by  another  llorm,  that  they  laid  afide  their 
defign  upon  Ferrol,  which  was  by  this  time  ftrong- 
ly  fortified,  and  proceeded  directly  to  the  Azores. 
Raleigh  being  parted  from  the  other  admirals,  ar- 
rived at  Flores,  and  failing  to  Fayal,  in  queft  of  the 
earl  of  EfTex,  took  that  town  before  he  joined  the 
general,  who  relented  his  acting  without  orders  ; 
but  was  pacified  by  Raleigh's  submission.  The  earl 
propofed  to  wait  at  the  ifland  of  G  raciofa  for  the 
Indian  fleet ;  but  was  perfuaded  by  a  pilot  to  fail 
for  the  ifle  of  St.  Michael,  where  he  would  find  a 
fafer  harbour.  He  had  not  failed  two  hours  from 
Graciofa,  when  the  plate  fleet  arrived  at  that  ifland; 
and  being  informed  of  the  Englifli  amament,  fleered 
directly  for  Tercera,  where  they  anchored  under  the 
town  of  Angra,  and  caftle  of  Brafil.  They  paffed 
in  the  night  through  a  fmall  fquadron  of  four  fhips, 
commanded  by  Sir  W.  Monfon,  who  difpatched  a 
veflel  with  intelligence  to  the  earl  of  EfTex:  but 
they  were  posted  in  fuch  a  manner,  when  that  no- 
bleman came  to  obferve  them,  that  it  was  judged 
impracticable  to  attack  them,  without  the  utmoft 
danger  •,  and  all  their  treafure  was  by  this  time  fent 
on  fhore.  He  had,  however,  taken  three  vefTels  Camdeu« 
which  had  ftraggled  from  the  flota.  He  now  failed 
back  to  St.  Michael,  and  made  himielf  mafler  of 
Villa  Franca,  where  he  found  a  considerable  booty, 
and  flore  of  refrefhment  for  his  people.  Raleigh, 
mean  while,  drove  afhore,  and  destroyed  an  Indian 
carrack.  Then  the  earl  fet  fail  for  England,  and 
arrived  at  Plymouth  in  the  latter  end  of  October. 
The  lord  treasurer  had  resigned  the  place  of  master 
of  the  court  of  wards,  in  favour  cf  his  fon  Sir  Ro- 

E  e  4  bertj 

424  HISTORY    pf    ENGLAND. 

a.c.  1597.  foert .  anc[  Effex  complained  that  old  Cecil  had  ta- 
ken the  advantage  ^of  his  abfence.     The  earl  was 
likewiie  mortified  to  fe£  the  admiral  created  earl  of 
Nottingham,  fo  as  to  precede  him  in  rank  •>  but  he 
received  fome  fatisfaclion  in  being  promoted  to  the 
honour  of  earl  marechal  of  England. 
Difeutefe.       ^yye  }iaye  already  obferved,  that  the  Hanfe  towns 
zabeth  and  had  complained  that  the  Englifh  fleet  had  feized 
townl!nfe    their  mips  at  Lifbon.     As  they  were  not  fatisfied 
with  Elizabeth's  aniwer,  they  appealed  to  the  diet 
of  the  empire,  and  obtained  a  decree,  prohibiting 
the  Englifh  to  trade  in  the  dominions  of  Germany. 
The  Englifh  merchants  were  driven  from  Ham- 
burgh,   and  other  Hanfe  towns-,  and  Sigifmund 
king  of  Poland  fent  over  an  ambaffador  to  England, 
to  demand  the  mips  belonging  to  his  fubjects,  which 
had  been  taken  in  Portugal.    This  envoy,  in  a  La- 
tin oration,  fpoke  in  very  high  terms,  and  even 
threatened  the  queen  with  his  matter's  refentment. 
Elizabeth  anfwered  him  extempore,  in  the  fame 
language,   telling  him  his  matter  was  a  raw,  hot- 
headed, young  prince,  who  did  not  know  the  na- 
ture of  fuch' negotiations  j  and  that  he  himfelf  was 
a  pedant,  ignorant  of  mankind,  and  unacquainted 
with  the  rules  of  decorum.     She  juftified  her  con- 
duct, by  the  law  of  nations-,  faid  the  king  of  Poland 
was  impertinent  to  mention  and  boaft  of  his  alli- 
ance with  the  houfes  of  Auitria  and  Spaing  obferv- 
ing  that  (he  was  very  little  obliged  to  the  firft,  and 
had  let  the  other  at  defiance.    The  difpute  between 
England  and  the  Hanfe  towns  became  fo  ferious, 
that  Elizabeth  iifued   a   proclamation,    inhibiting 
them  from  trading  to  her  dominions,  and  ordering 
the  lord-mayor  to  difpoiTefs  them  of  the  fteelyard.' 
The  towns  on  the  other  hand  refolved  to  form  an 
affociation  to  prevent  the  Engliin  from  trading  to 
Germany  and  Poland  •>  but  this  confederacy  was  pre- 
vented by  $ir  George  Carcw,  who  being  impower- 



ccl  to  offer  an  enjoyment  of  their  ancient  privileges,  A.c«  1597, 
as  an  indulgence  from  the  crown  of  England,  and 
a  free  traffic  to  Spain  with  corn,  and  all  other  com- 
modities, except  naval  ftores,  the  magistrates  of 
Dantzick  refilled  to  fend  deputies  to  the  congrefs 
at  Lubec,  and  all  differences  were  compromifed  be-Rrmcr# 
tween  the  citizens  of  Elbing  and  the  Englim  factory.  Camdeo, 

It  was  the  fate  of  Elizabeth  to  be   continually 
wrangling  with  her  allies,  becaufe   they  were   in 
continual  want  of  her  affiflance,  which  fhe  feldom 
granted,  except  upon  fuch  terms  as  they  could  not 
eafily  obferve.     Henry  IV.  being  greatly  incom- 
moded by  the  Spaniards,    fmce  they  had    made 
themfelves  mailers  of  Amiens,  refolved  to  retake 
that  city,  and  fummoned  the  queen  of  England  to 
fend  over  the  four  thoufand  men  ftipulated  in  the 
laft  treaty.     She  confented  to  his  requeft,  on  con- 
dition that  he  would  pay  them  while  they  mould 
be  in  his  fervice  ♦,    but,   this  being   a  condition 
which  he  could  not  eafily  fulfil,  he  endeavoured 
to  extort  her  compliance  by  alarming  her  jealoufy. 
He  gave  her  to  underfland,  that  he  had  it  in  his 
option  to  make  a  feparate  peace  with  Philip,  who 
had  offered  to  reftore  all  the  towns  he  had  taken 
but  Calais  and  Ardres,  provided  he  would  detach 
himfelf  from  the  intereft  of  England.     This  ex- 
pedient anfwered  his  purpofe.     Elizabeth  defired 
her  ambafiador  to  tell  him,  that  fhe  could  not  per- 
fuade  herfelf  he  would  violate  the  treaty,  to  the 
obfervation  of  which  he  had  fo   folemnly  fworn  : 
and  that  he  might  be  encouraged  to  fulfil  his  en* 
gagements,  fhe  lent  over  her  troops,  with  a  round 
fum  of  money.     By  virtue  of  this  fupply,  he  was 
enabled  to  carry  on  the  fiege  of  Amiens,   which 
furrendered  to  him  in  September.     Then  the  pri-?enry<>f 
vate  negotiations  between  him  and  Spain  were  re-  treats  Pn- 
newed  ;  and  the  principal  articles  were  fettled  be-  S^ 
fore  he  dropped  the  ka(t  hint  of  peace  to  his  allies.  D^.'c 



a.c.  1597.  Xhe  queen,  however,  difcovered  thefe  practice?* 
at  which  fhe  was  not  a  little  alarmed.  The  par- 
liament meeting  on  the  twenty-fourth  day  of  Oc- 
tober, me  gave  them  to  underftand,  that  fhe  hacj 
expended  in  the  wars  of  France,  Flanders,  Spain, 
and  Ireland,  above  three  times  the  amount  of  the 
fubfidies  fhe  had  received.  The  commons  and 
convocation  indulged  her  with  a  confiderable  fup- 
ply ;  and  the  parliament  was  diflblved  in  February. 

A.c.  r598.  Sir  Robert  Cecil  was  difpatched  to  France  to 
know  upon  what  footing  Henry  treated  with  Spain  ; 
and  that  prince  owned  that  Philip  had  made  fuch 
ofters  as  he  could  not  refufe  with  any  regard  to  the 
welfare  of  his  people.  He  promifed,  however, 
that  he  would  employ  all  his  influence  in  obtaining 
honourable  and  advantageous  terms  to  the  queen  of 
England  and  the  flates-general.  As  he  expe&ed 
nothing  but  reproaches  from  his  allies,  he  refolved 
tro  lpare  himfelf  the  mortification  of  bearing  them 
in  his  own  perfon  -,  and  therefore  appointed  com- 
mifTioners  to  treat  with  the  Englifh  and  Dutch  am- 
bafladors.  At  this  conference,  Barnevelt,  one  of 
the  Netherland  envoys,  fummoned  Henry,  though, 
abfent,  to  anfwer  on  his  confcience,  whether  or  not 
he  thought  it  was  beneath  the  honour  of  a  prince 
to  abandon  his  allies  in  fuch  a  manner.  Cecil  fpoke 
with  great  freedom  on  the  fame  fubjedt  -,  and  de- 
manded that  the  peace  might  be  deferred  until  he 
could  receive  new  inflruclions  from  his  miftrefs. 
The  two  ambaffadors  even  offered,  in  the  name  of 
their  conftituents,  to  furnifh  him  with  ten  thou- 
fand  infantry,  and  one  thoufand  horfe,  to  be  main- 
tained by  England  and  the  Netherlands  through 
the  whole  courfe  of  the  war,  provided  Henry  would 
renounce  his  treaty  with  Philip,  and  engage  with 
them  in  a  perpetual  alliance.  The  chancellor  of 
France  expreffect  the  utmoft  gratitude  for  the  fuc- 
cours  the  king  had  already  received  •,  and  exculed 



his  matter's  conduct  from  the  necefllty  of  his  affairs.  A«c«  '598. 
In  vain  did  Elizabeth  upbraid  him  in  a  fevere  let- 
ter with  his  ingratitude  and  perfidy  :    he  ftill  per- 
fifted  in  his  defign,  to  give  peace  to  his   country. 
The  negotiations  were  carried  on  at  Vervins  ;  and  peaCe  be- 
on  the  twelfth  day  of  June,  the  peace  was  ratified  tween  th^ 
by  Henry  -,  after  he  had  delayed  it  for  a  few  weeks, 
in  order  to  fave  appearances.     Then  he  declared  he 
would  procure  an  honourable  peace  for  his  allies, 
and  exhorted   them  to   take   this  opportunity  of 
treating  with  Philip  under  his  mediation. 

Elizabeth  immediately  fent  Sir  Thomas  Vere  to 
know  the  refolution  of  the  Hates-general.  She  was 
already  determined  to  maintain  the  war,  by  which 
alone  fhe  thought  Philip  would  be  fo  much  em- 
ployed in  the  N  etherlands,  that  he  would  not  find 
it  practicable  to  execute  his  fchemes  againft  Eng- 
land. But,  fhe  affected  a  ftrong  propenfity  to 
peace,  alledging  that  fhe  could  no  longer  bear  fuch 
a  heavy  burthen.  The  ftates,  whofe  fafety  in  a 
great  meafure  depended  upon  her  friendfhip  and 
alliance,  were  fo  alarmed  at  her  declaration,  that 
they  agreed  to  fuch  terms  of  a  new  league  as  fhe 
thought  proper  to  propofe.  The  treaty  was  ac-  Anewnea- 
cordingly  concluded,  on  condition,  That  the  ftates  ^^^ 
mould  give  fecurity  for  the  payment  of  eight  mil-  an<*  *he 
lions  of  florins,  to  which  fhe  limited  her  demands :  J\"'zn 
That  one  half  of  this  fum  fhould  be  liquidated  dur- 
ing the  war,  by  certain  annual  payments  -,  and  that 
the  reftitution  of  the  places  which  were  in  the  hands 
of  the  Englifh,  together  with  the  payment  of  the 
Other  half,  mould  be  amicably  fettled  after  the 
eftabliihment  of  the  peace  :  That  the  queen  mould 
furnifh  eleven  hundred  and  fifty  men  to  garrifon  dif- 
ferent fortreffes,  and  be  paid  by  the  ftates  :  That 
for  the  future,  the  queen  fhould  ftand  difcharged 
of  the  engagement  to  furnifh  any  other  auxiliary 
$rpops  j  but,  that  the  Englifh  who  either  were  at 



a.c.  1598.  that  time,  or  might  be  in  the  fervice  of  the  ftates, 
fhould  take  the  oath  to  the  faid  ftates,  be  maintain- 

Cretins,  cd  by  them,  and  obey  their  generals  :  That  the 
power  of  the  deputy  of  England,  ftipulated  in  the 
former  treaty,  mould  be  abolifhed;  though  the 
queen  relerved  to  herfelf  the  liberty  of  fending  one 
perfon  to  fit  in  their  council :  That  when  fhe  fhould 
be  engaged  in  war  againft  the  common  enemy, 
whether  offenfive  or  defenfive,  the  ftates  fhould 
furnifh  her  with  forty  or  fifty  mips  of  war,  five 
thoufand  foot  foldiers,  and  five  hundred  cavalry. 
About  this  time  the  earl  of  Cumberland  returned 
from  the  Weil- Indies,  where  he  had  taken  Porto 
Rico,  and  fent  away  the  inhabitants,  that  he  might 
convert  it  into  an  Englifh  fetdement ;  but  having 
loft  a  great  number  of  men  by  the  dyfentery,  he 
re-embarked  his  people  for  England,  having  reaped 
very  little  fruit  from  his  expedition,  in  which  he  had 
plundered  Lancerata,  one  of  the  Canary  iflands. 

In  the  laft  voyage  of  Sir  Francis  Drake,  one 
Squire  had  been  taken  by  the  Spaniards,  and  per- 
,  fuaded  by  Walpole,  an  Englifh  jefuit,  to  attempt 
the  lives  of  the  queen  and  the  earl  of  EfTex.  He 
furnifhed  him  with  a  poifonous  powder,  to  be 
fprinkled  upon  the  earl's  chair  and  the  queen's  fad- 
die  -,  and  Squire,  at  his  return  to  England,  tried 
the  experiment,  without  effect.  Walpole  fuppo- 
fing  that  Squire  had  deceived  him,  as  Elizabeth 
and  EfTex  ftill  continued  in  good  health,  fent  over 
a  perfon  in  revenge  to  accufe  Squire';  who  being  ap- 
prehended, confeffed  the  whole  affair,  and  was  exe- 

Deatfe  of     cuted  as  a  traitor.     Elizabeth  never  thought  her- 

dShf"8  ^  $*&  fr°m  facn  attempts  during  the  life  of  Phi- 
lip II.  king  of  Spain,  who  now  died  in  the  fixty- 
fecond  year  of  his  age,  after  having  reigned  two 
and  forty  years,  during  which  he  had  embroiled  all 
Europe  by  his  ambition,  and  loft  the  feven  United 
Provinces  by  his  cruelty,  bigotry,  and  arbitrary 




adniiniftration.  The  fire  of  rebellion  which  he'A-c«  »59«. 
kindled  in  Ireland  continued  to  burn  violently, 
even  after  his  deceafe.  The  earl  of  Tyrone  had 
again  rebelled,  defeated  and  (lain  Sir  Henry  Bag- 
nal,  and  reduced  the  fort  of  Black-water.  Though 
his  progrefs  was  checked  by  the  arrival  of  Sir 
Samuel  Bagnal,  with  a  reinforcement  from  Eng- 
land, all  Connaught  revolted;  and  a  rebellion  was 
raifed  in  Munfter,  by  Owny  Macroryage  and  Sir 
Thomas  of  Defmond.  They  drove  the  Englifh 
fettlers  from  their  houfes  and  plantations,  and  in- 
veiled  Kilmallock  ;  but,  the  earl  of  Ormond  ad- 
vancing with  a  body  offerees,  compelled  them  to 
raife  the  liege,  put  Cork,  Kinfale,  and  Youghal  in 
a  pofture  of  defence,  exacted  hoftages  from  the 
chieftains :  then  marching  into  Leinfter,  he  routed 
a  body  of  the  rebels,  and  relieved  the  caftle  of  Mary- 
borough. c*mim< 

Elizabeth  confulting  with  the  earl  of  EfTex  and 
the  admiral  about  the  choice  of  a  proper  perfon  for 
the  adminiftration  of  Ireland,  EfTex  recommended 
Mr.  George  Carew,  in  oppofition  to  Sir  George 
Knolles,  whom,  however,  the  queen  preferred  to 
his  competitor.  The  earl  was  fo  provoked  at  her  The  <***» 
flighting  his  recommendation,  that  he  turned  his  *rike6  Eft 
back  upon  her  in  contempt ;  and  fhe,  incenied  at 
his  infolence,  gave  him  a  box  on  the  ear,  bidding 
him  go  and  be  hanged.  EfTex  laying  his  hand  up- 
on his  fword,  fwore  he  would  not  have  taken  fuch 
an  affront  from  Henry  VIII.  and  retired  from  court 
in  a  transport  of  paflion.  Notwithftanding  all  the 
remonftrances  of  his  friends,  he  for  fome  time 
breathed  nothing  but  revenge  and  defiance  •,  but? 
at  length  his  paffion  fubfiding,  he  was  pardoned, 
and  received  again  into  favour.  In  the  midft  of 
thefe  broils,  the  lord  treafurer  Burleigh  died  in  ex- 
treme old  age,  having  preferved  his  influence  to 
the  laft  moment  of  his  life,  againft  all  the  intrigues 


*3o  H  I  STORY  of  ENGLAND. 

a.c.  1598. 0f  Leicefler,  EfTex,  and  other  perfons  who  fhared 
the  queen's  favour.  He  was  one  of  thofe  cold,- 
plodding,  illiberal  ftatefmen,  who  think  honefty 
and  plain-dealing  are  incompatible  with  the  art  of 
government.  He  had  ordinary  parts,  was  capable 
of  incredible  application,  and  inculcated  upon  Eli- 
zabeth the  maxim  which  influenced  her  whole  con- 
duel  •,  namely,  that  it  was  her  intereft  to  keep  all 
the  ftates  of  Chriftendom  embroiled  by  domeftic 
diffentions.  He  was  an  excellent  minifter  for  the 
revenue,  which  he  managed  with  equal  frugality 
and  addrefs.  In  his  private  behaviour  he  was 
clofe,  covetous,  ill-bred,  and  ungracious.  He 
died  unregretted  by  the  people,  and  was  fucceed- 
ed  in  office  by  the  lord  Buckhurft. 
a.c.  1599.  The  rebellion  continuing  ftill  to  rage  in  Ireland, 
the  queen  and  council  deliberated  upon  the  choice 
of  a  proper  perfon  to  fend  over  as  lord-deputy,  and 
the  majority  inclined  to  Charles  Blount,  lord  Mont- 
joy  ;  but  EfTex  objected  to  him  as  a  nobleman  of 
little  experience,  and,  without  an  open  declaration, 
gave  them  to  underftand,  that  he  himfelf  was  de- 
t -he  eari  firous  of  the  office.  He  was  accordingly  appoint- - 
pointed  lord  ed  lord-deputy  of  Ireland,  with  a  more  extenfive 
deputy  of  commiffion  than  ever  had  been  granted  to  any  of 
his  predeceflbrs  ;  and  fetting  out  immediately  for 
his  government,  arrived  in  Dublin  the  feventeenth 
day  of  April.  Inftead  of  advancing  directly  againft 
Tyrone,  according  to  the  inftrudtions  he  had  re- 
ceived, he  marched  into  Munfter,  where,  having 
reduced  the  caftle  of  Cahir,  received  the  fubmiffiorr 
of  the  inhabitants,  and  performed  fome  inconfider- 
able  exploits  againft  a  body  of  the  rebels,  he  re- 
turned to  Dublin  in  the  latter  end  of  June,  after 
having  loft  a  great  number  of  men  by  ficknefs  and 
fatigue.  The  queen  being  informed  of  his  trans- 
actions, wrote  a  fevere  letter,  reproaching  him  with 
his  contempt  of  her  orders.    He  excufed  himfelf  by 



faying  he  had  followed  the  advice  of  the  council  of  A* c-  *599* 
Ireknd,  and  promiled  to  march  into  Ulfter  againfl 
Tyrone:  neverthelefs  he  turned  his  arms  againfl 
the  O  Mores  and  O  Conners  in  Leix  and  OrTaly ; 
and  by  that  time  he  returned  from  this  petty  expe- 
dition, his  forces  were  fo  much  diminifhed,  that  he 
demanded  a  reinforcement  of  one  thoufand  men 
from  England.     In  the  mean  time  he  ordered  Clif- 
ford, governor  of  Connaught,  to  make  a  diverfion 
on  the  fide  of  Belick,  where  he  was  routed  and 
(lain  by  O  Rourke.    EfTex,  having  received  a  fup- 
ply  of  troops  from  England,    marched  againfl  Ty- 
rone to  the  borders  of  Ulfler,  and  obliged  him  to 
retire  into  woods  and  faftneffes.     Then  that  rebel 
craved  a  parley,  which  he  obtained  at  Louth,  where 
both  parties  agreed  to  a  cefTation  for  fix  weeks,  to 
be  renewed  occafionally  for  the  fame  term,  or  va- 
cated on  a  fortnight's  notice  from  either  fide.  Hav- 
ing concluded  this  inglorious   truce,   he  marched 
back  to  Dublin,  where  he  underflood  the  queen 
was  greatly  incenfed  againfl  him,  for  having  pre- 
fumed  to  difobey  her  orders  a  fecond  time.     He 
therefore   refolved  to    return   to  England,    even 
without  leave,    to  counter- work  the  efforts  of  his 
enemies  at  court ;  and  his  departure  is  faid  to.  have 
been  haflened,  by  falfe  reports  of  the  queen's  be- 
ing dangeroufly  ill  and  defpaired  of  by  her  phyfi- 
cians.  Thefe  rumours  were  induflrioufly  circulated 
by  his  adverfaries,  who,  at  the  fame  time,  flopped 
all  mips  but  thofe  that  carried  this   intelligence. 
The  friends  of  EfTex  advifed  him  to.  land  in  Wales 
with  the  Irifh  army,  which  was   at  his  devotion  •, 
but  he  rejected  this  counfel,  and  leaving  the  admi- 
niflration  of  Ireland  in  the  hands  of  the  lord  chan- 
cellor Loftus  and  Sir  George  Carew,     fet  fail  for  » 
England  with  a  very  fmall  retinue. 

Elizabeth  had  received  fach  bad  impreflions  of 
him  from  his  enemies,  that  fhe  now  began  to  ixif- 


432  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

a.  c.  1599.  peel  him  of  defigns  upon  the  crown,  and  made  pre^- 
parations  for  her  own  fafety.     On  pretence  of  hav- 
ing received  intelligence  that  the  Spaniards  were 
employed  in  equipping   a  powerful    fleet  againft   . 
England,  fhe  granted  commifiions  for  levying  fix 
thouiand  men,    and  bellowed   the  command  of 
them  upon  the  lord  admiral,  who  was  no  friend  to 
EfTex.     She  ordered  the  train-bands  of  London  to 
be  armed  and  exercifed.     Chains  were  drawn  acrofs 
the   principal  flreets  of  London,    and  the  gates 
were  flrongly  guarded,  as  in  times  of  the  moil  im- 
minent danger:    but,    when  fhe   underflood    by 
letters  from  Ireland,  that  the  earl  of  EfTex  had  no 
intention  to  bring  over  the  forces,  fhe  difbanded 
to  England,  the  new  levies,  and  the  citizens  were  releafed  from 
fuch  feverity  of  watch  and  difcipline.     EfTex  mean 
while  landing  in  England,  with  the  earl  of  Soudi- 
ampton,  and  lbme  other  officers,  polled  immedia- 
tely to  court,  which  was  then  at  Nonfuch,  about 
ten  miles  from  London ;  and,  without  fhifting  his 
drefs,  or  cleanfing  himfelf  from  the  foil  of  his  jour- 
ney, went  directly  to  the  queen's   bed-chamber, 
Camden,     where  he  found  her  majefly  juft  rifen,  with  her  hair 
hanging  over  her  eyes.    He  kneeled  and  kifTed  her 
hand ;  and  after  fome  private  converfation,  returned 
to  his  own  apartment,  flufhed  with  joy  at  the  gra- 
cious reception  he  had  met  with  from  his  miflrefs. 
After  having  changed  his  apparel,  he  again  vifited 
her  majeily,  with  whom  he  conferred  lbme  hours 
in  private,  and  afterwards  dined  in  great  good  hu- 
mour.    In  the  afternoon,   when  he  repeated  his 
te'rsT        vifit  to  the  queen,  he  found  her  very  much  altered 
in  her  behaviour.     She  taxed  him  with  neglec"l  of 
and  is  df-    her  orders,  and  defired  that  he  might  be  examined 
grace '       by  the  lords  in  council.     Thofe  in  waiting  met  im- 
mediately; but,   after  having  fat  fome  time,   the 
affair  was  referred  to  the  determination  of  a  full 
Council,  which  was  fummoned  accordingly,  and 



Sidney's  let- 


lh  the  mean  time  the  earl  was  confined  to  his  cham-  ^c-  lM* 
ber.  Next  day  he  was  interrogated  at  the  council- 
board,  touching  his  contempt  of  the  queen's  or- 
ders, his  making  a  truce  with  Tyrone,  and  his 
leaving  Ireland  without  her  majefly's  permifiion. 
His  anfwers  Were  fo  little  fatisfaciory,  that  he  was 
committed  to  the  cuftody  of  die  lord  privy-feal. 

In  the  mean  time  Tyrone  being  appriied  of  the  The  rebel- 
carl's  departure,  refolved  to  take  advantage  of  his  ll0n  conti*  a 

x  c  nucs  to  rsfS 

abfence.  He  had  by  this  time  received  a  fupply  of  m  Ireland. 
money  from  the  king  of  Spain,  and  a  crown  or 
plume  of  phenix  feathers,  with  ample  indulgences, 
from  the  pope.  Thus  animated,'  he  a/Turned  the 
title  of  O  Neile,  and  advanced  with  an  army  of  fix 
thouiand  men  within  fifteen  miles  of  the  Navan. 
The  earl  of  Qrmond,  who  commanded  as  lieute- 
nant-general, marching  againil  him  with  the  wreck 
of  the  Englifh  forces,  was  fain  to  conclude  a  truce, 
and  wrote  to  the  queen  for  a  fpeedy  reinforcement : 
but  before  this  arrived,  the  earl  drove  Owny  and 
Redmond  Bourke  from  Leix  and  Tipperary. 

During  thefe  tranfactions,  the  friends  of  Eifex  in 
England  caballed  among  the  people,  endeavouring  cabaisof 
to  raife  a  powerful  faction  in  his  favour.  They  Jjj£ earl  «* 
exaggerated  his  good  qualities,  and  exclaimed  with 
iuch  virulence  againrr.  the  miniflry,  that  the  queen's 
indignation  was  augmented,  and  all  her  fufpicion 
of  the  eaiTs  defigns  recurred.  She  determined  there- 
fore to  convince  her  people,  that  flic  had  not  confined 
EfFex  without  a  caufe  •,  and  ordered  him  to  be  tried 
ih  the  lord  keeper's  houfe  before  the  council,  af- 
fifled  by  the  four  judges.  He  wa*  there  found 
guilty  of  divers  mifdemeancurs,  and  fentenced  to 
be  removed  from  the  council-board,  fufpended 
from  the  offices  of  earl  marefchal  and  mailer  of  the 
ordnance,  and  detained  in  prifon  during  her  ma^ 
jefty's  pleafure.  The  earl  behaved  oh  this  occa-  A>  c  j66§. 
lion  with  great  humility,  and  the  queen  declaring 
her  intention  was  not  to  ruin  but  chailife  him,  he 

Numb.  LX  F  f  was 

a*a  HISTORY   ofENGLAN  E>. 

a.c.  ffieu  was  permitted  to  retire  to  his  own  houfe,  under  the? 
cuftody  of  Sir  Richard  Berkley.     He  had,  from  his- 
ririt  imprifbnment,  dedicated  all  his  time  to  devo- 
tion, and  undergone  a  fevere  fit  of  illnefs,  the  con- 
fequence  of  his  chagrin  •,   ib  that  the  queen's  heart 
was  by  this  time  almoft  mollified:     He  had  hoped 
his  lubmifiive  behaviour  would  have  entitled  him  ta 
a  free  pardon  -,  but  finding  himfelf  ftill  under  re- 
ilriclions,  and  having  met  with  a  mortifying  repulfe 
when  he  petitioned  the  queen  for  a  renewal  of  the 
leafe  by  which  he  farmed  the  fweet  wines,  his  pati- 
ence forfook  him,  and  all  his  impetuofity  of  refem> 
ment  awoke.     He  broke  out  into  unguarded  ex- 
•  clamations  againft  his  enemies  at  court,  and  did  not 
even  abftain  from  fevere  farcafms  againlt  the  per- 
fon  of  Elizabeth,  faying,  fhe  was  now  grown  an 
old  woman,  and  as  crooked  in  her  mind  as  in  her 
body.     He  was  furrounded  by  fpies,  who  reported 
thefe  expreflions  to  Elizabeth ;  and  this  preemp- 
tion extinguifhed  all  her  companion  and  regard. 
Such  perfonal  reflections  fhe  never  forgave.     She 
now  lent  a  willing  ear  to  the  fuggeftions  of  fecreta- 
ry  Cecil,  Sir  Walter  Raleigh,  and  the  reft  of  his 
enemies.    She  rejected  with  difdain  all  the  petitions 
and  memorials  that  were  prefented  in  his  behalf  by 
himielf  and  his  relations  •,  and  ieemed  bent  upon- 
provoking  him  to  fome  ftep  that  would  be  produc- 
tive of  his  own  deftruction.     To  the  indignation  of 
an   incenfed  fovereign,  was   added  the  rage  of  a 
flighted  woman.     EfTex  was  furrounded  by  a  num- 
ber of  adherents,  who  poiibned  his  mind  with  the 
moft  fatal,  counfels.     The  chief  of  thefe  were  Sir 
Chriftopher  Blount,    Sir  Giles  Meyrick,  and  Hen- 
ry CufFe.     They  fomented  his  anger,  and  inftigat- 
ed  him  to  violent  meafures. 

He  by  letters  endeavoured  to  perfuade  the  king, 
of  Scotland  that  the  Englifh  mirafters  favoured  the 
iucccflion  of  the  Infanta  of  Spain,  whofe  pretend- 
ed right  had  been  afTerted  in  a  late  performance  \. 



and  he  exhorted  the  Scottifh  king  to  infill  upon  A-c-  ,fco°' 
Elizabeth's  declaring  him  her  fuccefTor.    James  was  Camden, 
afraid  of  teazing  Elizabeth  upon  fach  a  difagreea- 
ble  fubjedt:  for    he  had  already  fent  ambaffadors 
to  the  king  of  Denmark,  and  feveral  other  powers 
of  Germany,  defiring  their    mediation   with    the 
queen  towards  her  doing  him  jultice  •,  but  they  ex- 
cufed  from  giving  her  any  unneceffary 
offence.     Befides,   he  was  fo  much  embroiled  at 
home,  that  he  would  not  run  the  rifque  of  incurring 
her  difpleafure,  at  a  time  when  he  might  have  oc- 
cafion  for  her  affiflance.     He  was  at  continual  vari- 
ance with    his  clergy,  who  were  generally  four, 
gloomy  pedants,,  equally  infpired  with  pride  and  fa- 
naticifm.  They  found  him  lukewarm  to  their  forms 
of  religion,    averfe   to  their   perfonal    characters; 
and,  by  their  influence  among  the  populace,  fub- 
jected  him  to  divers  mortifications.     They  even 
refufed  to  give  public  thanks  to  God  for  his  mira- 
culous prefervation   from  the  fwords  of  the  earl 
Gowry  and  his  brother,  who  had  decoyed  him  to 
their  houfe  in  Perth,  in  order  to  facrifice  him  to  the 
manes  of  their  father,  who  had  been  executed  for 
treafon.     James  was  already  removed  from  all  his 
attendants  ;  and,  on  pretence  of  receiving  a  hidden 
treafure,  conveyed  into  a  folitary  apartment,  where 
he  found  a  man  Handing  in  armour.     Gowry's  bro-  Gowry '5 
ther  Alexander,  who  was  his   conductor,  having  a^iSnu* 
locked  the  door  as  he  entered,  told  the  king  that  >meq  of~ 
he  now  would  take  vengeance  on  him  for  the  mur- 
der of  his  father,    and   drawing  a  dagger,  would 
have  plunged  it  in  his  breaft,  had  not  he  been  re- 
ftrained  by  the  man  in  armour,  who  wrenched  the 
dagger  from  his  hand,    declaring  that  he   fhould 
not,  while  he  lived,  commit  fo  foul  a  deed.     The 
king  himfelf  argued  fo  pathetically  againft  the  per- 
petration of  fuch  an  act,  that  Alexander  was  con- 
founded 5    and   alluring  his  majefty  that  his   life 
fhould  be  iafe,  deiired  he  would  remain  in  that 

F  f  2  p 



43&  H  ISTORY    of   E  N  G  L  A  N  tt 

■\-.  2.  j6oo.  place,  until  he  could  fpeak  with  his  brother.     So- 
laying,    he    retired  •,    but   foon    returned,    faying, 
the   earl  was  implacable,  and  iwearing  by  God  he 
mould  die.    He  then  endeavoured  to  tie  the  king's- 
hands  with  a  garter,  and  James  ftruggled  manfully 
in  his  own  defence.  The  perfon   in  armour,  wha 
was  Gowry*s  fervant,  inftead  of  afiifting.  the  aiTaffin, 
opened  a  window,  towards  which  James  pulling  his 
antagonilt,  cried  murder!  treafcn!  and  demanded 
alliftance.     His  voice  being- known  by  fome  of  his 
attendants- in  the  ftreet,  Jbhn-Ramiay,  one  of  his 
pages,  ran  up  the'  back-ftairs,  xn&  entering  the  a- 
partment,  found  the  king  flill  frruggling  with  Alex- 
ander Ruthven.     James  defiring  him  to  ftrike  the- 
traitor,  he  wounded  him  in  two  or  three  places 
with  his  dagger,  while  the  man  in  armour  retired  a- 
nother  way.     Alexander  then  quitted  his  hold,  and' 
running  down  ftairs,  was  met- by  Sir  Thomas  Erf- 
kine,  who  killed  him*  outriglit.     This  gentleman, 
followed  by  doctor  Hugfr  Hereifc  a  phyiician,  and" 
one  Wilion  a  footman,  repaired  immediately  to 'the' 
place  where  the  kingremained'wkh  Rarrrfey.  As  they 
expected  an  afiault  from  earl  Gowry  hhrifelf,  they 
locked  their  fovereign-  in  a  clofet,  and  prepared  to 
defend  the  entry.     Immediately  they  were  attacked1- 
by  the  earl  with  a  fword  in 'each  hand,  attended  by 
ieveral  armed  domeftics;  and  a  fierce  conflict  en-1 
iiied.     The  defenders  of  James  were  in  danger  of 
being   worfted,    when    one   of  them  exclaiming, 
"  You  have  killed  the  king  our  mattery  will  you* 
take  our  lives  alio  ?"    Gowry  was  fo  confounded'at 
this  exclamation  that  he  fet  the  psints  of  his  two- 
'^°of~       'words  to  the  ground,  in  token  of  a  ceffation.    He* 
Mo.ies.       was  that  initant  run  through  the  body  by  Ramfayy 
and  fell  dead  at  his  feet.     His  (ervanti  feeing  him' 
tali,   betook  themfelves  to  flight  -,  though  not  be- 
fore Sir  Thomas  Erikine  and  doctor  Kereife  were 
dangeroufly  wounded.     By  this  time  the  noblemen 
Sftd  their  followers  had  broke  open  the  doors  of  the 

1  or- 


ordinary  pafTage,  and  rufhing  into  the  chamber  ex-  A  '£.  *>&>« 
tprefTed  their  joy  at  the  iafety  of  the  king,  who  fall- 
ing upon  his  knees,  gave  thanks  to  God  for  his  deli- 
verance. A  day  of  public  thankfgiving  being  ap- 
pointed, the  minifters  of  Edinburgh  refufed  to  blefs 
-God  for  having  protected  his  majeity,  *alledging  that 
•it  was  a  fnam  confpirac.y  The  king  and  council 
therefore,  went  in  proeelfion  to  the  market-place^ 
to  countenance  Lindfay  biihopof <Rofs,in  preaching 
a  fermon  fuked  to  the  occasion.  After  this  cere- 
mony, the  king  repaired  to  Dumfermling  to  vifit 
the  queen,  who  had  been  juft  delivered  of  a  prince, 
chriftened  by  the  name  of  Charles,,  afterwards  king 
of  Great-Britain  and  Ireland. 

In  the  cowrie  of  this  year,  Elizabeth  treated  with 
the  kings  of  France  and  Denmark,  about  the  regu- 
lations of  traffic,  and  fome  difputes  fubfifting  be- 
tween the  Englifn  and  Danes,  touching  the  fifhery 
on  the  coaft  of  Norway.     Commiffioners  being  ap- 
pointed on  both  fides,  met  at  Bremen  ;  but  they 
could  not  agree,  and  the  matters  were  left  .undeter- 
mined.    At  the  prefling  foEicitation  of  Henry  king 
of  France,  the  queen  appointed  Sir  Henry  Mewl,  Congref* 
Sir  John  Herbert  lecretary  of  ftate,  Sir  Thomas  .J^i^* 
Edmonds,  and  Sir  Robert  Beale,  her  commhTioners 
to  treat  of  a  peace  with  thofe  of  Spain  and  the  arch- 
duke Albert;  and  the  conferences  were  opened  in 
May  at  Boulogne ;  but,  after  feveral  previous  ob- 
jections   had    been  .removed,    the   plenipotentia- 
ries difagreed  about  precedence,  and  this  difpute 
could  not  be  decided :  ib  that  tfae  congrefs  proved 
ineffectual.     During  thefe  debates,  the  archduke  TV  srch- 
Albert  advanced  to  the  relief , of  Nieuport,  which  ddclt^b'/ 
prince  Maurice  had  inverted,  and  was  defeated  in  prince 
a  pitched  battle ;  the  victory  having  been  in  a  great  Maunce* 
rneafure  owing  to  the  valour  of  fifteen  hundred 
Englim  auxiliaries  commanded  by  Sir  Francis  Vere, 
who  fufbained  the  whole  fhock  of  the  Spanifh  in- 
fcntry,  until  the  prince's  horfe  had  routed  the  ca- 

F  f  j  valrv 

438  HISTORY    of     ENGLAND, 

a.c.  i6co.  va|ry  0'f  t]ie  enemy,  and  then  attacked  their  foot  in 

flank.  This  difafter  did  not  at  all  diminifh  the  pride 

and  inflexibility  of  the  Spaniiri  plenipotentiaries, 

wiHwood.    w^°  d  upended  upon  the  fuccefs  of  the  rebellion 

which  their  mafter  fomented  in  Ireland. 
Mhnt?d,s        Elizabeth  refolving  to  quell  at  once  thofe  infur- 
rrogrefs  a-    rections  by  which  me  had  been  alarmed  through  the 
gainft  the     wnoIe  courle  of  her  reign,  fent  over  the  lord  Mont- 

hxih  rebels.    .  -ijj  i-L      '        jic     ^  r> 

joy  as  lord  deputy,  and  appointed  Sir  Cjeorge  Ca- 
rew  prefident  of  Munfter.  Sir  Henry  Docwra,  and 
Sir  Matthew  Morgan  landing  with  a  considerable 
body  of  forces  near  the  mouth  of  Lochfoyle,  erec- 
ted two  forts,  and  fortified  Derry.  The  earl  of 
Ormond  being  treacheroufiy  furprifed  at  a  confe- 
rence, by  Owny.'O  More,  was  detained  by  Tyrone, 
until  he  gave  hodages  for  the  payment  of  three 
thoufancl  pounds  ,  and  engaged  that  he  would  ne- 
ver carry  arms  againft  that  chief,  or  any  of  his  con- 
federates. The  lord  deputy  marching  into  Uliler, 
compelled  Tyrone  to  retire  into  the  woods  and 
faftnefies,  fupplied  the  Engliih  garrifons  in  thofe 
parts,  and  afterwards  falling  into  Leinder,  defeated 
and  flew  Owny  O  More.  In  the  mean  time, 
Ormond  being  releafed,  reduced  all  the  rebels  of 
Leinfter.  The  lord  deputy  having  received  a  re- 
inforcement from  England,  marched  towards  Ar- 
magh, and  erected  a  fort  which  he  called  Mount 
Korris,  the  command  of  which  he  bedowed  upon 
Edward  Blaney,  an  officer  of  approved  courage, 
experience,  and  fidelity.  The  rebels  were  worded  ■ 
in  feveral  fkirmiiries,  and  at  length  defeated  near 
Carlinford :  Sir  Henry  Docwra  reduced  the  whole 
country  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Lochfoyle,  while 
Sir  George  Carew  lowed  diflentions  among  the  re- 
bels of  Munder :  he  drove  Sugan  earl  of  Del- 
roond  out  of  the  country,  Florence  Maccarty,  O 
Sullivan  Be  are,  the  white  knight,  John  and  Theo- 
bald Bourke3  with  other  chieftains,  were  intimida- 


Dmybubtjx.  Earl  of  Essex  1601, 


ted  into  fubmiffion;  and  the  peace  of  the  whole  pro-  Ac-  *6o°' 
vince  was  eftablifhed  before  the  end  of  December.  r    .  „ 


The  earl  of  Effex  ftill  continued  to  miniifer  food  ( 

for  the  queen's  jealouiy  and  indignation.  Finding 
James  of  Scotland  averfe  to  his  propofals,  he  took 
under  his  protection  fome  prefbyterian  minifters, 
who  preached  at  his  houfe  ♦,  and  multitudes  of  peo- 
ple went  thither  on  pretence  of  hearing  their  fer- 
mons.  He  formed  a  kind  of  council,  cornpoied 
of  the  -earl  of  Southampton,  Sir  Charles  Danvers, 
Sir  Ferdinando  Gorges  governor  of  the  fort  of 
Plymouth,  Sir  John  Daveys  furveyor  of  the  ord- 
nance, and  Sir  John  Littleton  of  Franckel. 
Thefe  being  aflembled  at  Drury-houfe,  he  pro- 
duced a  lift  of  individuals,  whom  he  fuppofed  at- 
tached to  his  fortunes.  It  contained  the  names  of 
a  great  number  of  noblemen,  knights,  and  gen- 
tlemen. There  they  deliberated  upon  the  mea- 
fures  to  be  taken  ♦,  and  refolved',  that  the  palace 
and  perfon  of  the  queen  being  fecured,  the  ear] 
ihould  throw  himfelf  at  her  feet,  demanding  that 
certain  perfons  mould  be  removed  from  her  pre- 
fence,  and  deprived  of  the  offices  they  enjoyed. 
The  queen  and  council,  alarmed  at  the  great  refort 
of  people  to  EiTex,  and  fufpecling  the  earl's  inten- 
tion, fent  lecretary  Herbert  to  require  his  appear- 
ance before  the  council,  convened  in  the  lord 
keeper's  houfe.  EfTex,  dreading  a  fecond  impri- 
fonment,  exasfed  himfelf  on  account  of  indiipofi- 
tion,  and  confulted  his  friends  touching  the  emer- 
gency of  his  fituation.  He  was  deftkuije  of  men, 
arms,  and  ammunition  ♦,  the  guards  were  doubled,- 
and  he  was  averfe  to  any  attempt  againft  the  palace, 
which  would  look  like  open  treafon.  While  he 
and  his  confidents  were  in  confutation,  a  perfon, 
probably  employed  by  his  enemies,  came  in  as  a 
merTenger  from  the  citizens,  with  tenders  of  friend- 
ship and  affiftance  againft  all  his  adverfaries.  This 
intelligence  was  confirmed  by  others,  who  afTured 

F  f  4  him 


A.c.  i6ci.  him  that  Sir  Thomas  Smith,  one  of  the  meriffs, 
would  raife  one  thoufand  men  of  the  trained- bands 
The  Ear!  of  for  his  feryice.     The  earl's  vanity  being  flattered 
temptsVo     by  thefe  infidious  propofals,  he  refolved  to  enter 
raifeanin-  the  city  next  day,    and,  in  the  mean  time,  fent 
uidpn!" *"  notice  to  his  friends,  that  the  lord  Cobham  and 
Sir  Walter  Raleigh  lay  in  wait  for  his  life.     Early 
in  the  morning  he  was  yifited  by  the  earls  of  Rut- 
land and  Southampton,  the  lord  Sandes,  Parker, 
and  Monteagle,  with  three  hundred  perfons  of  dis- 
tinction, The  doors  of  EfTex- houfe  were  immedia- 
tely locked,  that  none  might  go  forth  without  per- 
miflion  :  Sir  Walter  Raleigh  fending  a  meffage  to 
Sir  Ferdinando  Gorges,  this  officer  vifited  him  in 
a  boat  upon  the  river,  and  dilcOvered  all  their  trans- 
actions.    The  lord  keeper,    accompanied  by  the 
earl  of  Worcefter,  the  lord  chief  juftice  Popham, 
and  Sir  William  Knolles,  uncle  to  the  earl  of  EfTex, 
were  fent  by  the  queen  to  learn  the  meaning  of  fuch 
a  concourfe  of  people.     Being  admitted  through 
the  wicket,  they  found  the  court-yard  filled  with 
the  populace.     When  the  lord  keeper  mentioned 
the  caufe  of  their  coming,   EfTex  replied   aloud, 
that  there  was  a  confpiracy  againft  his  life  *,  and 
that  his  friends  were  afTembled  for  the  fecurity  of 
his  perfon,  fince  nothing  but  his  blood  could  fatisfy 
his  enemies.     The  lords  endeavouring  to  expoftu- 
late  with  him,  were  interrupted  by  the  multitude, 
which  raifed  a  terrible  clamour,  threatening  them 
with  inftant  death.   The  lord  keeper  charged  them, 
upon  their  allegiance,  to  lay  down  their  arms,  and 
following  EfTex  into  the  houfe,  was,  with  his  at- 
tendants, committed    to  the  guard  of  Sir   John 
Daveys,    Francis  Trefham,  Owen  Salifbury,   and 
ibme  mufketeers.     The  counfellors  being  thus  fe- 
cured,  EfTex  leaving  two  hundred  men  with  Mey- 
ric  to  defend  his  houfe,  repaired  to  the  city,  where 
he  exclaimed  in  the  ftreets,  "  For  the  queen  !    For 
M  \hc  queen  !  My  life  is  in  danger!"  hoping  to  en- 


gage  the  citizens  to  rife  in  his  behalf:  but  they  had  A.dfoi. 
received  orders  from  the  mayor  to  keep  within  their 
houfes  -,  ib  that  he  was  not  joined  by  one  fingle  per- 
ibn.  Then  he  proceeded  to  the  houfe  of  fherifr 
Smith,  whom  he  difpatched  to  the  lord  mayor,  de- 
firing  he  himfelf,  or  four  aldermen,  would  come  and 
confer  with  him  upon  the  fituation  of  his  affairs : 
but,  before  he  received  any  anfwer  from  that  quar- 
ter, the  earl  of  Cumberland*  with  Sir  Thomas  Ge- 
rard knight-marfhal,  came  into  the  city,  and  pror 
claimed  him  and  all  his  adherents  tractors.  This 
circumftance  was  no  fooner  known,  than  many  of 
the  earl's  followers  flunk  away  -,  and  he  himfelf,  in 
manifeft  dejection,  attempted  to  return  to  his  own 
houfe,  intending  to  make  his  peace  with  the  queen, 
by  means  of  the  counlellors  whom  he  had  left  in 
cuftody.  Finding  Ludgate  guarded  by  Sir  John 
Levifon,  who  denied  him  paffage,  he  afked  and  ob- 
tained leave  for  Gorges  to  pais,  that  he  might  re- 
leafe  the  counfeliors,  whom  he  forthwith  conduct- 
ed to  Whitehall.  The  earl  in  returning  towards 
the  heart  of  the  city,  found  a  chain  drawn  a-crofs 
the  ftreet,  at  the  corner  of  St.  Paul's,  and  guarded 
by  armed  men,  who  had  been  afTembled  by  the  bi- 
fhop  of  London.  In  fighting  his  way  through  this 
obftruction,  Henry  Tracy,  a  young  gentleman  for 
whom  he  had  a  lingular  affection,,  loft  his  life ;  and 
Sir  Chriflopher  Blount  was  wounded  and  taken. 
The  earl,  going  down  Friday-ftreet,  embarjeed  in 
a  boat  at  Queenhythe,  and  landing  at  EfTex-houfe, 
began  to  make  preparations  for  his  defence. 

He  was  immediately  inverted  by  the  lord  admir 
ral,  at  the  head  of  feveral  regiments  provided  with 
artillery,  and,  about  ten  at  night,  he,  with  his  com- 
pany, furrendered  at  difcretion.  He  and  Souths 
ampton  were  immediately  conveyed  to  the  archbi- 
shop's palace  at  Lambeth,  from  whence  they  were  t0't£ cnt 
next  day  lent  to  the  Tower;  and  his  friends  were  Tower} 
pjnfined  irj  other  prifons.    The  miniftry  ftill  alarm- 

f         "         '     ?a 

44*  HISTORY  of    ENGLAND. 

A.C1601,  ed  the  queen  with  affurances  that  the  danger  was 
not  yet  over.  The  citizens  were  obliged  to  keep 
double  watch  and  ward  :  and  captain  Thomas  Lea 
was  executed  at  Tyburn,  becaufe  he  had  faid  to  Sir 
Robert  Crofts,  "  Might  not  feven  or  eight  honed 
"  fellows  as  we  are,  throw  ourfelves  at  her  majef- 
"  ty's  feet,  and  reprefent  the  injury  that  is  done  to 
<c  fo  many  brave  gentlemen,  who  may  one  day  do 
"  her  good  fervice  ?"  This  infinuation  being  re- 
ported by  Crofts,  was  interpreted  into  a  defign  of 
letting  EfTex  at  liberty  :  Lea  was  apprehended, 
convicted,  and  condemned.  He  died  with  great 
intrepidity,  declaring  himielf  intirely  innocent  of  the 
crime  laid  to  his  charge.  EfTex  and  Southampton 
were  tried  by  their  peers  on  the  nineteenth  day  of 
February ;  lord  Buckhurit  prefiding  as  high  ftew- 
trini,  con-  ard,  and  both  were  condemned  as  traitors.  EfTex, 
€x^uted.and  a^*ter  condemnation,  was  viiited  by  that  iuperftitious 
devotion  which  took  poffefiion  of  his  mind  in  all  his 
diigraces.  He  was  terrified  almofl  into  defpair  by 
the  ghoitly  remonftrances  of  his  own  chaplain  A  fh- 
ton-,  he  was  reconciled  to  Cecil,  and  the  reft  of  his 
adveriaries,  and  made  a  full  confeffion  of  his  con- 
spiracy. On  Afh-wednefday  he  was  brought  to  the 
icaffold,  which  was  erected  within  the  Tower,  and 
Suffered  in  prefence  of  the  earls  of  Cumberland  and 
Hertford,  the  lord  vifccunt  Bindon,  the  lord  Tho- 
mas Howard,  the  lord  Darcy,  the  lords  Compton, 
Morely,  and  many  other  peribns  of  diftinction  :  Sir 
^Walter  Raleigh  retired  into  the  armoury,  from 
whence  he  law  the  execution,  at  which  he  could 
not  help  medding  tears.  EfTex  appeared  in  a  fuit 
of  black  fattin  ;  and  after  having  made  an  obeifance 
to  the  Spectators,  confefTed  his  fins  with  marks  of 
uncommon  lbrrow  and  contrition,  though  he  pro- 
tefted  that  he  never  entertained  a  thought  to  the 
prejudice  of  her  majefty's  perlbn.  His  behaviour 
denoted  penitence,  not  without  a  mixture  of  ap- 
prchenfi.on  :  he  refigned  himielf  intirely  to  the  di- 
6  reclion 


region  of  the  divines  who  attended  him  ;  and  after  A»c-  ,6o*« 
let  exercifes  of  devotion,  iubmitted  his  neck  to  the 
executioner,  who,  with  three  ftrokes  fevered  his 
head  from  his  body.  Thus  died,  in  the  thirty-  Camden, 
fourth  year  of  his  age,  Robert  Devereux  earl  of  Ef- 
fex,  once  the  minion  of  fortune,  and  always  the 
darling  of  the  people.  He  was  a  nobleman  poffef- 
ied  of  excellent  and  amiable  qualities ;  brave,  libe- 
ral, and  humane ;  a  patron  of  learning,  in  which  he 
himielf  had  made  good  progrefs  •,  a  warm  friend, 
and  an  avowed  enemy.  His  foibles  were  vanity, 
ambition,  and  an  impetuofity  of  temper,  by  which 
he  fell  a  facrifice  to  the  artful  intrigues  of  thofe  who  RcH  w 
dreaded  his  power,  and  envied  his  good  fortune,  ton. 
His  accomplices  Meyric  and  Cuffe  were  executed 
at  Tyburn  ;  Sir  Charles  Danvers  and  Sir  Chriflo- 
pher  Blount  were  beheaded :  Littleton,  Orel,  and  wlnwoos3« 
Sir  Edmund  Bainham  were  tried  and  condemned  j 
but  the  firft  dying  in  prifon,  the  others  were  par- 
doned. The  earl  of  Southampton  was  detained  in 
the  Tower  til]  the  acceffion  of  king  James,  by  whom 
he  was  fet  at  liberty,  and  reftored  in  blood  by  acl 
of  parliament.  Elizabeth  certainly  looked  upon 
Elfex  with  the  eyes  of  particular  affection,  which  in 
all  probability  was  not  extinguifhed  at  the  time  of 
his  condemnation  •,  for  me  betrayed  great  agitation 
of  mind,  and  even  countermanded  the  order  for  his 
execution.  But  ihe  was  provoked  by  his  contemp- 
tuous forbearance  to  implore  her  mercy;  and  being 
alarmed  at  his  own  declaring  that  his  life  would  be 
dangerous  to  her  fafety,  me  ordered  the  fentence  to 
be  executed.  He  is  laid  to  have  made  application 
to  her  for  pardon  •,  but  his  letters  and  meffages  were 
intercepted  by  the  earl  and  countefs  of  Nottingham, 
It  does  not  appear,  however,  that  ihe  underwent 
any  violent  tranfports  at  the  news  of  his  death ; 
though  when  her  indignation  fubfided,  me  became 
penfive  and  melancholy,  and  never  heard  his  name 
mentioned  without  fighing. 



444  HISTORY  of  ENG  LAND. 

a.c.  i6ot.  The  king  of  Scotland,  when  he  heard  of  the  earl's 
AmbafTa  being  apprehended,  had  difpatched  the  earl  of 
doN  arrive  Mar,  and  the  abbot  of  Kinlofs,  as  his  ambufiadors 
fan?  Scot"  to  t^ie  court  of  England  ;  and,  by  the  notes  with 
which  they  were  furnifhed,  we  may  conclude  that 
he  was  interefted  in  fome  project  which  did  not  take 
-effect.  But  the  earl  being  executed  before  they 
■arrived,  they  pretended  their  errand  was  to  congra- 
tulate her  majefty  upon  her  happy  fuccefs  in  quel- 
ling the  late  audacious  attempt.  Elizabeth  afrect- 
ed  to  take  the  compliment  in  good  part :  and  was 
even  prevailed  upon  to  add  two  thoufand  pounds  a 
year  to  their  mailer's  penfion.  During  their  resi- 
dence in  England,  they  managed  his  affairs  fodex- 
teroufly,  that  the  majority  of  the  council  was  won 
.over  to  his  intereft  5  and  among  the  reft  fecretary 
Cecil,  who  from  this  period  corresponded  with 
James,  by  means  of  the  lord  Henry  Howard. 
About  the  fame  time  Oflend  was  inveiled  by  the 
archduke  Albert,  and  defended  with  incredible  va- 
lour by  Sir  Francis  Vere,  .at  the  head  of  the  Eng- 
lish garrifon.  Henry  IV.  of  France,  repairing  to 
£rotrus.  Calais,  Elizabeth  fent  Sir  Thomas  Edmonds  with 
a  compliment  to  that  prince,  who  returned  it  by 
the  marechals  du  Biron,  de  Lavardin,  and  the  duke 
d'Aumont.  Thefe  noblemen  were  received  at  the 
court  of  England  with  great  magnificence;  and, 
though  no  part  .of  their  negotiation  tranfpired,  are 
laid  to  have  conferred  with  her  majefty  upon  a 
Scheme  which  Henry  had  formed  againft  the  houfe 
of  Auftria,  The  parliament  meeting  on  the  twenty- 
feventh  day  of  October,  the  queen  gave  them  to 
underftand,  that  the  wars  in  Flanders  and  Ireland 
had  drained  her  exchequer  in  fpite  of  all  her  fruga- 
lity ;  and  they  indulged  her  with  a  more  consider- 
able fubfidy  than  had  ever  been  granted  fince  her 
acceffion.  In  confideration  of  this  Supply,  (he  iffued 
a  proclamation  for  repealing  fome  monopolies  of 
felt,  oil.  Starch,  and  otjrer  commodities,  which  had 



given  offence  to  the  nation  -,  and  the  commons  de-  A,c- ldof* 
puted  fouricore  of  their  body  to  prefent  their  hum- 
ble thanks  for  this  inftance  of  her  parental  regard. 
Then  they  pafTed  an  act  for  the  relief  of  the  poor  : 
and  having  made  fome  other  laws  of  public  utility, 
were  difTolved  in  the  month  of  December.  D'Ewc, 

The  rebels  in  Ireland  being  again  put  in  motion, 
by  fupplies  and  promiies  from  the  king  of  Spain, 
the  lord  deputy  marched  againft  Tyrone,  whom  he 
drove  from  his  camp  under  Blackwater,  expelled 
the  MacgenifTes  from  Lecale,  took  Dundrum,  and 
feveral  other  caftles  belonging  to  the  rebels,  fe- 
cured  the  abbey  of  Armagh  with  a  flrong  garrifon, 
advanced  as  far  north  as  Dungannon,  and  routed' 
them   in  ieveral  encounters.     Sir  Henry  Docwra. 
compelled  Macfwiny  Fanagh  to  fubmit,  and  re- 
trieved fome  caftles  which  had  been  betrayed  to 
the  rebels  ;  and  Sir  George  Carew  feizing  the  titu- 
lar earl  of  Defmond,  and  Florence  Maccarty,  fent 
them  to  England,  where  they  died  in  prilbn.     On  JJ^ 
the  twenty-firft  day  of  September,  a  Spanim  fleet  troops  amv$ 
entered  the  harbour  of  Kinfale,  and  Don  John  de in  IreUnd* 
Aguila  landing  with   four  thoufand  veterans,  Sir 
Richard  Piercy  retreated  with  his  men  to  Cork,  in 
obedience  to  the  order  he  had'  received.     The  Spa- 
nim general  immediately  publifhed  a  manifefto,  de- 
claring he  was  come  to  execute  the  pope's  bull 
againft  Elizabeth,  and  re-eftablifh  the  catholic  re- 
ligion.    Tyrone   and   O  Donel   afTembling   their 
forces,  refolved  to  join  him-,  but,  before  they  could 
advance  into  Munfter,  the  lord-deputy  had  inverted 
the  Spaniards  in  Kinfale  -,  and  detached  Carew  to 
flop  their  progrefs  on  the  frontiers :  but  another 
reinforcement  of  two  thoufand  Spaniards  landing  at 
Beerhaven  and  Baltimore,  under  the  command1  of 
Sibeure  and  Alonfo  O  Campo,    were  joined  by  O 
Donel  and  Tyrone,  fo  as  to  conftitute  an  army  of 
feven  thoufand  horfe  and  foot,  with  which  they  ad- 
vanced to  the  relief  of  Kinfale.     Inftead  of  thrown 


446  HISTORY   o*   ENGLAND.    ' 

a.c.  1601.  ing  a  fupply  into  the  place,  they  were  defeated  by 
the  lord-deputy,  with  the  lofs  of  twelve  hundred 
men  killed  upon  the  fpot ;  and  O  Campo  with  three 
Spanifh  officers  were  taken.  Syriago  arriving  with 
feven  hundred  recruits  at  Caftlehaven,  was  no 
fooner  informed  of  this  defeat,  than  he  fet  fail  for 
Spain,  carrying  O  Donel  with  him  -,  and  Tyrone 
retired  to  his  taftnefles  in  Ulfter.  Aguiia*  difcou- 
raged  by  theie  difaflers,  furrendered  upon  honour- 
able conditions,  and  the  lord-deputy  took  porTefllon 
of  Kinfale.  The  Spaniards  were  conveyed  to  their 
own  country  in  Englifn  bottoms  •,  and  Aguila  gave 
fuch  an  unfavourable  account  of  Tyrone  and  his 
confederates,  that  Philip  would  fend  no  more 
troops  to  Ireland,  though  he  ftill  fupplied  the  re- 
Camden.     bels  with  money,  arms,  and  ammunition. 

,  „    .  In  the  beginning  of  this  year,  an  ambafTador  ex- 

traordinary  arriving  from  France,  in  order  to  regu- 
late the  navigation  which  had  been  interrupted  on 
both  fides  by  depredations,  the  queen  appointed 
commifiioners  to  treat  upon  the .  lubject;  and  all 
differences  were  compromiied.  The  Englifh  mi- 
nirler  in  Paris  had,  in  the  name  of  his  miftrefs, 
made  a  propofal  to  Henry  of  a  league  offenfive  and 
defenfive,  in  order  to  drive  the  Spaniards  intirely 
out  of  the  Low-Countries  -,  but  the  finances  of  the 
French  king  were  fo  difordered,  and  his  kingdom 
ib  filled  with  malcontents,  that  he  could  not  engage 
in  an  enterprize  of  fuch  importance.  The  arch- 
duke Albert  had  made  fome  advances  towards  a 
peace  with  Elizabeth,  but  me  rejected  them,  left 
the  ftates  of  the  Netherlands  mould  be  tempted  to 
throw  themfelves  into  the  arms  of  France.  -That 
they  might  be  encouraged  to  maintain  the  war,  fhe 
fufpended  their  annual  payment  for  two  years,  and 
allowed  them  to  raife  feven  thoufand  men  in  Eng- 

Wwwocd.    land.     Frederic  Spinola  had  undertaken  to  fortify 
himfelf  on  the  IQe  of  Wight;  and  his  mailer  Phi- 
lip had  equipped  fifteen  gallies,  having  two  thou- 


fend  foldiers  on  board  for  that  fervicc.    The  queen  A-C,  160*. 
being  informed  of  his  defign,  fent  vice-admiral 
Leviibn,  and  Sir  William  Monfon,  to  deftroy  the       , 
Spanifh  fleet  in  the  harbours  of  Portugal.     Mon-  Depredat?- 
ibn  being  left  behind  to  wait  for  a  reinforcement ons  on  rhe 
of  Dutch  mips,  Levifon  proceeded  on  his  voyage,  J^S  u- 
and  fell  in  with  the  Spanifh  plate  fleet  from  Ame-"  a"d 

.  .    ,       ,  t         i  ii'i  r  Sir  William 

nca,  which  he  immediately  attacked  without  luc-  Monfon. 
cefs.  It  was  fo  numerous,  and  ftrongly  convoyed 
by  galleons,  that  he  was  furrounded,  and  in  great 
danger  of  being  taken.  He  made  fhift,  however, 
to  retire,  and  being  joined  by  Monfon,  failed  to 
the  port  of  Selimbria,  in  which  he  found  an  Eaft- 
India  carrack  of  fifteen  hundred  tuns :  me  was 
richly  laden,  and  guarded  by  eleven  gallies,  under 
the  command  of  the  marquis  de  Santa  Cruz  and 
Spinola.  Neverthelefs,  the  Englifh  admiral  at- 
tacked her  without  hefitation,  funk  two  of  the  gal- 
lies, compelled  the  reft  to  fheer  off  in  a  mattered 
condition,  and  taking  poffeffion  of  the  carrack,  va- 
lued  at  one  million  two  hundred  thoufand  crowns, 
brought  her  in  fafety  to  England.  Spinola  having 
refitted  fix  of  the  gallies,  let  fail  from  Lifbon  for 
Elanders ;  but  falling  in  with  Sir  Robert  Manfel 
in  the  channel,  two  of  them  were  funk,  a  third 
wrecked,  and  he  efcaped  with  the  reft  to  Dun- 

In  the  courfe  of  this  year,  a  rancorous  quarrel 
broke  out  between  the  jefuits  and  the  fecular  priefts 
in  England,  which  laft  accufed  the  others  as  the 
caufe  of  all  the  fevere  laws  which  had  been  enacted 
againft  the  catholics  •,  becaufe  they  had  been  con- 
cerned in  all  the  confpiracies,  and  even  hired  ai- 
faffins  to  murder  her  majefty.  Bitter  pamphlets 
were  publifned  on  both  fides.  The  fecular  priefts 
were  faddled  with  a  fuperior  called  Blackwell,  at  ■ 
tached  to  the  jefuits,  who  continued  to  opprefs^ 
and  even  declared  them  fchifmatics  -s  but  they  ap- 
pealed to  the  pope,  who  revoked  his  authority.  Se- 

44S  HISTORY    of   ENGL  AN 

a4c.  1602.  cretary  Cecil  recommended  the  feculars  to  the  pro- 
jection of  the  French  king ;  but  Elizabeth  ifTued  a 
proclamation,  commanding  all  the  jefuits  to  depart 
the  kingdom  immediately  •,  and  this  order  was  ex-> 
tended  to  fuch  feculars  as  would  refufe  to  take  the 
The  duke  de  oath  of  allegiance.  It  was  at  this  juncture  that 
WeVT"  Henry  IV.  of  France  ordered  the  marechalde  Biron 
France.  to  be  beheaded,  for  having  confpired  with  other 
noblemen  to  difmember  the  French  monarchy.  The 
marechal  de  Bouillon,  who  was  like  wife  concerned 
in  this  confpiracy,  retired  to  Germany,  from 
whence  he  follicited  Elizabeth's  interceflion  with 
his  mafter;  and  (he,  by  her  ambaflador,  hinted  to 
Henry,  that  this  might  be  a  Spanifh  ftratagem  to 
infect  him  with  fufpicions  of  his  bed  fubjects  ;  but 
that  prince  told  the  Englifh  ambafTador,  his  mif- 
trefs  had  a  better  opinion  of  Bouillon  than  he  de- 
ferved,  inafmuch  as  he  had  actually  engaged  in  the 
confpiracy  of  EfTex,  againft  her  own  perfon  and 

The  rebellion  in  Munfter  being  revived  by  a 
fupply  in  money  from  Spain,  the  prefident  took  by 
afiault  Dunboy,  which  had  been  fortified  by  O 
Sullivan,  and  drove  him  with  his  confederates  out 
of  the  province.  The  lord-deputy  marching  to 
Blackwater,  erected  a  bridge  over  the  river,  and 
a  fort,  to  which  he  gave  his  own  name  of  Charle- 
jnont  :  Tyrone  having  fled  to  caftle  Roe  on  the 
Ban,  the  whole  country  was  wafted,  and  the  caftle,- 
in  which  his  molt  valuable  effects  were  fecured,  fell 
into  the  hands  of  Sir  Arthur  Chichefter,  on  whom 
the  lord-deputy  beftowed  the  government  of  Mont- 
joy,  another  fort  which  he  had  juft  railed  at  Loch- 
eaugh.  O  Cahan,  Macguire,  Rory  O  Donel  and 
the  O  Rileys  having  iubmitted,  he  directed  his 
route  into  Connaught,  where  he  rimmed  the  fort  of 
Ga)lway :  then  Sir  Arthur  Chichefter,  and  Sir  Hen^ 
ry  Docwra  joining  their  forces,  purfued  Tyrone 
through  the  foftnefie*  riU  the  approach  of  winter. 



By  this  time  the  native  Irifh  were  reduced  to  a  de-  A-c  «6ci. 
plorable  condition.     Their  corn  and  houfes  were  Re^toon \h 
deftroyed,  their  cattle  driven  away  ;  ib  that  many  ^tuiX 
thousands  of  them  perifhed  in  the  woods  by  cold 
and  famine.     They  now  curled  Tyrone  as  the  au- 
thor of  all  their  miferies.     His  adherents  dropped 
off  daily,  and  fubmitting  to  the  deputy,  met  with 
a  favourable   reception.     Tyrone  himfelf  had,  in 
the  fpring,  fent  propoials  of  iubmiflion  which  the  a.c.  i6~5. 
queen  rejected  with  difdain,  until  me  was  importu- 
ned by  Cecil,  by  the  French  ambaffaclor  at  his  re- 
quell,  and  laftly  by  her  council,  to  indulge  him 
with   fuch  terms   as   would  put  an  end  to  an  ex- 
penflve  rebellion,  fraught  with  mifery  and  blood- 
med.     At  length  (be  consented  to  fign  his  pardon, 
which  was  fent  to  the  lord  Momioy,  with  oowers 
to  grant  part  of  the  conditions  he  demanded.    The 
neceflities  of  Tyrone  were  fo  urgent,  that  he  re- 
paired to  Millefont,  where,  throwing  himfelf  at  the 
deputy's  fcety  he  fubmitted  his  life  and  eftate  to 
the  queen's  mercy.     O  Rourke  followed  his  exam- 
ple ;  and  the   rebellion  being  entirely  fuppreffed, 
the  whole  kingdom  was  reduced  to  obedience  and  Wars* 

The  queen  had  pardoned  him  with  fuch  reluct- 
ance, that  many  people  imagined  her  laft  illnefs 
was  produced  from  her  chagrin  at  that  event:  It 
muft  be  owned,  however,  fhe  had  many  more  pow- 
erful caufes  of  grief  and  mortification.  She  was 
very  loth  to  relinquifh  the  pleafures  of  life  and  roy- 
alty. She  endeavoured  to  conceal  the  ravages 
which  time  had  made  upon  her  coniiitution,  even 
from  her  own  knowledge.  She  affected  an  extra- 
vagant gaiety  both  in  her  dreis  and  diveriions,  and 
even  engaged  in  a  childifn  inter courfe  of  love  with 
the  earl  of  Clanrickarde.  a  young  Irifh  nobleman^ 
who  refembled  EfTex  in  his  peflbnal  qualifications  j 
but  he  did  not  meet    her  advances   with  equal 

Ny  60.  G  g  warmth* 

jL*o  HISTORY   of   ENGLAND. 


a.  c.  1603.  warmth,  and  for  that  reafon  the  intercourfe  was 
loon  laid  afide.  She  tried  to  divert  her  attention 
from  dif  agreeable  objects,  by  hunting,  tournaments^ 

!rhe]^uee"  and  parties  of  pleafure  :  but,  in  ipite  of  all  her  en- 
'  deavours,  (he  was  feized  with  the  horrors  of  me- 
lancholy. She  became  peevifh,  penfive,  filent, 
and  fighed  and  wept  infenfibly.  Perhaps  the  fa- 
culties of  her  mind  were  impaired  by  long  and  vio- 
lent exerciie.  Perhaps  rne  reflected  with  remorfe 
upon  fome  actions  of  her  life,  which  were  contrary 
to  humanity,  candour,  and  good  morals.  She  had 
iuft  loft  a  friend  and  confident  in  the  countefs  of 
Nottingham  -,  fhe  had  been  thwarted  by  her  mini- 
ftry  and  council  in  the  affair  of  Tyrone  •,  me  found 
her  conftitution  decaying  j  ilie  forefaw,  through  the 
exaggerating  mift  of  jealoufy,  her  courtiers  and' 
dependants,  fhrinking  away  in  the  evening  of  her 
life,  in  order  to  recommend  themielves  to  her  fuc- 
ceffor  y  and  her  indignation  againft  the  unfortunate 
Effex  having  fubfided,  fhe  lamented  his  fate,  re- 
membring  nothing  of  him  but  the  amiable  fide  of 
his  character,  and  the  pleafure  fhe  had  enjoyed  in 
his  converfation.  Such  a  concurrence  of  caufes,. 
pined  to  the  infirmities  of  her  body,  was  more  than 
iufficient  to  plunge  her  into  an  abyfs  of  defpon- 
dence.  She  loft  her  appetite,  and  could  enjoy  no  re- 
pofe :  feeling  a  perpetual  heat  in  her  ftomach,  at- 
tended with  an  unquenchable  thirft,  flie  drank  with- 
out ceafmg,  but  refufed  the  afllftance  of  her  phy- 
ficians.  When  the  archbifhop  of  Canterbury,  fe- 
cretary  Cecil,  and  others  of  her  council,  in  treated 
her  on  their  knees  to  take  what  was  neceffary  for 
her  iuftenanee  and  relief,  fhe  peeviihly  replied,  that 
fhe  knew  her  own  conftitution,  and  was  in  no  dan- 
ger..  At  length,  teized  by  their  intreaties,  me  de- 
iired  that  they  would  let  her  die  in  quiet.  Her 
melancholy  and  diftemper  gaining  ground,  Cecil 
and  the  lord-admiral,  deiired  to  know  her  feniiments 



with  regard  to  the  fucceffion  •,  and  flue  laid,  as  the  vc-  ,6o3. 
crown  of  England  had  been  always  held  15 y  kings, 
it  ought  not  to  devolve  upon  rafcals,  but  upon  her 
immediate  heir  the  king  of  Scotland.  Having 
continued  fitting  upon  cuihions  for  ten  days,  with- 
out clofing  an  eye  or  uttering  a  fy liable,  Hie  was 
put  to  bed  partly  by  force,  and  ieemed  to  revive  a 
little :  me  heard  ibme  pious  meditations,  and 
joined  in  prayer  with  the  archbifhop  of  Can- 

After  me  was  deprived  of  her  fpeecH,  the  noble- 
men of  her  council  defired  me  would  give  fome 
token  of  her  approving  the  Scottiih  monarch  as  her 
fuccefibr*  and  Hie  laid  her  hand  upon  her  head  as 
a  mark  of  her  approbation.     On  the  twenty-fourth  t>  queen's 
day  of  March,  about  two  o'clock  in  the  morning, dcath- 
me   expired,    in   the  feventieth  year  of  her   age, 
and  in  the  forty-fifth  of  her  reign.     She  had  given 
orders  that  her  corpie  mould  not  be  touched  or    - 
ihen  by  any  perfon   but  her  own  women :  it  was 
therefore  not  expofed  to  public  view,  but  being 
conveyed   from   Richmond   where  me    died,    to 
Whitehall,  was  interred  in  the  chapel  of  Henry 
VII.    at   Weitminiter,    with  great   magnificence. 
Elizabeth,    in    her   perfon,    was  mafculine,    tall,  -Icr  charac- 
ftraight,  and  flxong  limbed,  with  an  high  round ter- 
forehead,  brown  eyes,  fair  complexion,  line  white 
teeth,  and  yellow  hair.     She  danced   with  great 
agility;  her  voice  was  ftrong  and  (brill;,  me  un- 
derftood  mufic,  and  played  upon  feveral  inftru- 
ments.     She  porTerled  an  excellent  memory,  un- 
derftood  the  dead  and  living  languages,  had  made 

good  proficiency  in  the  fciences,  and  was  well 
read  in  hiftcry.  Her  conversation  was  fprightly 
and  agreeable,  her  judgment  folid,  her  apprehen- 
fion  acute,  her  application  indefatigable,  and  her 
courage  invincible.  She  was  the  great  bulwark  of 
the  proteflant  religion  :  me  was  highly  ccmmend- 

G  g  2  able 

452  HISTORY   of    ENGLAND; 

a.c.  1603.  able  for  her  general  regard  to  the  impartial  adminif- 
tration  of  juftice  •,  and  even  for  her  rigid  ceconomy,, 
which  faved  the  public  money,  and  evinced  that  love 
for  her  people,  which  me  fo  warmly  profefTed:  yet 
,  flie  deviated  from  juftice  in  fome  inftances  when  her 
intereft  or  paffions  were  concerned  ;  and  notwi th- 
ing all  her  great  qualities,  we  cannot  deny  that  fhe 
was  vain,  proud,  imperious,  and  in  fome  cafes 
cruel :  her  predominant  paffions  were  jealoufy  and 
avarice  •,  though  Die  was  alio  iiibjecttofuch  violent 
gulls  of  anger  as  overwhelmed  all  regard  to 
the  dignity  of  her  flation,  and  even  hurried  her 
beyond  the  bounds  ot  common  decency.  She 
was  wife  and  fteady  in  her  principles  of  govern- 
ment •,  and,  above  all  princes,  fortunate  in  a  mi- 
niftry  *. 


*  Her  vanity  appeared  in  her  love  whether  fhe or  hi?  miftrefs  was  the  bet- 

of  flattery,  which   (he  greedily  fwal-  ter  mufician.     In  order  to  difp lay  her 

lowed  even  when  it  was  fulfome  and  learning,  fhe  fpoke    to  him   in    the 

abfurd  ;  and  in  the  variety  and  rich-  French,  High-Dutch,  and  Italian  lan- 

nels  of  her  apparel,  which  fhe  con-  guages  j  and  detained   him  two  day, 

tinued  to  wear  even  in  her  old  age.   Her  until  he  fhould  fee  her  dance  a  fara- 

bdiaviour  to  Sir  James  Me!  vil  whenhe  brand. 

came  as  ambaffadcr  from  Mary  queen:  Her  cruelty  and  jealoufy  were  too 

61  Scots,  was  alt-  gather  childifh.  Un-  confpicuous  in  the  fate  of  the  duke  ©f 

derflanding  that  he  had  been  a  travel-  Norfolk  and  Mary  queen  of  Scots.  Of 

ler,  fhe  fhifted  h=rdrefs  every  day,  that  avarice    and   parfimony  fhe  exhibited 

he.  might  tell  her  which  kind  of  habit  numberlefs   proofs,  in  extorting    pre- 

became  her  ben*.     She  afked  whether  fents  from  noblemen,  on  pretence  of 

fl»e  or  his   queen  was  the  fairer,  the  vifiting  them  at  their  houfes:  in  allow  - 

taller,    and   the   better   dancer  j    and  ing  ner  am bafTadors  in  foreign  c:>un- 

when  he  faid  that  Mary  was  taller  than  tries  to  live  at  their  own'  expence,  nh- 

h'r  highnefs,  fhe  anfwercd,   that  thtn  til    feme  of  them  were  ruined  j  and  in 

Mary  was  too   high,  for  fhe  herfelf  carrying  en  the  war  againft  Spain  at  the 

was  neither  too  high  nor  toolow.    Shz  charge  of  private  adventurers.     When 

direcled  the  lord  Hunrdon  to  conduct  me  died,   befides   a  vaft  quantity   of 

Melvil,  as  if  by  accident,  into  a  gallery,  plate  and  jewels,  fheleft  three  thoufahd 

where  he  fhculci   hear  her  play  upon  rohef,  none  of  which  fhe  had  the  libe- 

the  virg:nals.     He  guefTed  the  contri-  rality  to  diftr;bute  among  her  fervants. 

vance,  and  without  leave  entered  her  She  raifed  one  hundred  thoufand  crowns 

apartment.     Thrn  fhe  ddn'ed-io  kno>  yearly,  by  granting  licences  to  Roman 

[     453     3 

Of    the   CHURCH. 

Hiftory  of  the  Englifh  Church,  from  the  Union 
of  the  two  Roles  to  the  Union  of  the  two 

ARchbifhop  Bourchier,  who  crowned  Henry 
VII.  dying  ibon  after  that  ceremony,  was 
fucceeded  by  Morton  bifhop  of  Ely,  who  had  been 
fo  inftrumental  in  raifing  Henry  to  the  throne.  One 
of  this  prince's  maxims  was  to  live  well  with  the 
clergy :  and  therefore  we  find  no  disturbance  in 
the  Englifh  church  during  his  whole  reign  •,  nor 
any  eccleiiaflical  ftep  of  importance,  except  a  regu- 
lation of  fancluaries,  which  the  king  obtained  from 
the  pope,  who,  by  way  of  recompenfing  himfelf 
for  this  favour,  fent  Jafper  Pons  as  his  agent  to 
collect  money  from  the  Englifh  people  for  dif- 
peniations  from  going  to  the  jubilee.  We  have, 
in  the  courie  of  the  hiftory,  mentioned  this  pontiff's 
fcheme  againfc  the  Turks,  in  which  he  invited 
Henry  to  engage.     His  iuccefTor  Julian  II.  wrote 

cafholirs  and  non-conform'/U, exempt-  revile  foreign  ambafTadorsinthe  proflefl 
ing  them  from  the  penalty  inflicted  by  terms  j  to  infult  her  ministers  and  fub- 
law  upon  thofe  who  did  not  regularly  je£ls  in  the  mofr  abufive  language,  and 
attend  divine  worfhip.  She  exacted  e-  even  to  chaftife  her  ff male  attendants 
very  new-year's  day  above  fixty  thou-  with  her  own  hand.  On  fuch  occafi- 
fand  crowns  in  gilts  from  her  dcprn-  on-,  /he  ufed  to  utter  oaths  and  impre- 
dants.  She  entertained  (pies  in  all  the  cations  in  the  mof!  vulgar  icile  j  and 
houfes  of  th"  nobility,  encouraged  in-  the  ladies  of  her  court  did  not  Ample  to 
former?,  introduced  the  ufc  of  tortures,  follow  her  example.  Ker  great  art 
enacted  a  L'reat  number  of  penal  laws}  confifted  in  cajoling  her  parliament  and 
and  by  the  terror  of  her  fuipicion,  people  with  the  mofr  flattering  caref- 
which  was  generally  fatal  to  the  object  ft',  the  fincerity  cf  which  they  could 
drove  mny  g-ntk-men  into  exile,  th.'t  not  doubt,  when  they  found  them- 
■fhe  might  piofccutc  them  to  confjfca  felves  rich  and  happy  under  her  addi- 
tion, and  enjoy  the:r  eftates.  Her  cho-  niftration 
leric  difpofitlon  prompted  her  often  to  Winwpod.  Melvil.   Ofborne.  Carte. 

G  g  3  to 

454  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND, 

to  him  on  the  lame  fubje£U  and  he  am-ufed  both  with 
Bacftn.        general  vpromifes  which  he  had  no  intention  to  per- 
form.     1  he  -affairs  of  the  church  are  lb  interwoven 
with  the  civil  hiiiory  of  Henry  VIII.   in   whofe 
reign  the  reformation  began,  that  the  chief  eccle- 
.fiaftical  events  are  there  recorded;  and  indeed  there 
was  no  room  to  treat  of  the  Englifh  church  apart, 
Henryvm.  after  it  had  renounced  the  papal  fupremacy.  During 
" -cSon  the  firft  eighteen  years  of  this  prince's  reign,  he 
ze;»i  tor  rhe  a£t/ed  in  fpiritual  matters  as  an  humble  dependant 
^fcrs*  of  the  Roman  pontiff.     He  exercifed  his  pen  in 
defence  of  the  papal  authority  :  he  fent  deputies  to 
the  council  of  the  Lateran,  which  had  been  con- 
voked in  oppofition  to  that  of  Piia.     He  called  in 
all  the  books  of  Luther,  from  whole  doctrine  two 
and  forty  articles  were  collected,  and  condemned  by 
virtue  of  a  commiffion  which  Wolfey  iffued  as  le- 
gate in  England :  Henry  likewiie  granted  a  privi- 
lege for  printing  Fimer's  book  againft  the  German 
reformers  *,  and,  upon  all  occafions,  manifefted  un- 
common zeal  for  the  catholic  religion.     The  car- 
dinal  being  veiled  with  his  legatine  power,  ex- 
prefTed  uncommon  animofity  againft  thole  who  pro- 
le {fed  the  new  doctrine.     Six  men  and  one  woman 
were  condemned  to  the   flames  at  Coventry,  for 
having  taught  their  children  to  repeat  the  Lordas 
prayer,  the  ten  commandments,  and  the  apoftles 
creed,    in  the  vulgar  tongue.     Severities  of  the 
ime  nature  were  practiied  in  different  parts  of  the 
kingdom,   where  the   reformation  began   to  gain 
^ound.     This,  however,  was  the  only  practice  in 
vkich  the  cardinal  and  the  clergy  could  agree.    He 
n  flurried  a  power  cf  calling  convocations,   and  lay- 
-ing    them  under   contribution-,    and,   when  they 
.complained  of  theie  encroachments,  he  threatened 
them  with  a  geneta!  vifitation.     He  was  fupported 
in  thefe  arbitrary  proceedings  by  the  king,    who 
reaped  the  fruits  of  his  exaction,  and  began  to  hold 

the  perions  of  the  clergy  in  contempt,  on  account 


Of    the    CHURCH.  455 

of  their  ignorance  and  profligacy.  Neverfhelefs, 
he  flill  retained  his  attachment  to  the  old  religion. 
When  Luther,  at  the  defireof  his  patron  the  elector 
of  Saxony,  wrote  a  letter  to  the  king  of  England, 
excufing  the  acrimony  and  abufe  with  which  he 
had  treated  him  in  his  writings,  Henry  in  his  an- 
iwer,  retorted  the  other's  virulence,  in  farcafms 
upon  his  doctrine,  and  refufcd  to  forgive  him  on 
.any  other  terms  than  thole  of  his  retracting  his  er- 
rors, renouncing  his  wife,  and  retiring  from  the 
world,  to  pafs  the  remainder  of  his  days  in  pen- 
ance and  mortification.  It  appears  from  a  let;er  of 
cardinal  Wolfey  to  the  bifhop  of  Winchefter,  that  - 
the  flrft  had  formed  a  plan  for  a  reformation  of  the 
clergy  •,  and  pope  Adrian  himfelf  was  fo  well  dif- 
pofed  in  this  particular,  that  the  German  princes 
were  encouraged  to  prefent  him  with  the  grievances 
of  the  church,  cligeftcd  into  an  hundred  articles, 
containing  an  account  of  the  luxury,  prophanity, 
avarice,  fuperilition,  and  pride  of  ecclefiaftics : 
but  the  good  effects  of  the  pope's  moderation  Were 
prevented  by  the  cabals  and  intrigues  of  his  clergy, 
and,  in  England,  Henry  flill  continued  to  prole-  stmu 
cute  the  Lutherans. 

After  the  fall  of  Wolfey,  we  have  feen,  in  the 
civil  hiftory,  the  demands  of  Henry  upon  his 
clergy;  and  in  what  manner  they  fubfcribed  to  the 
articles  in  which  they  owned  his  fupremacy.  Cran- 
mer  being  appointed  archbifhop  of  Canterbury, 
the  king  deliberated  with  him  about  the  fuppreffion 
of  monaileries ;  and  k  was  refolved,  that  this 
fbould  be  preceded  by  a  vifitation,  which  in  all  pro- 
bability would  reconcile  the  pecple  to  the  fcheme, 
by  bringing  to  light  the  vices  and  impoftnre  prac- 
tiled  in  religious  houfes.  Cromwell  was  created 
vicar-general,  with  iuch  powers  as  abfolutely  iuf- 
pended  all  epifcopal  juriidiction  :  and  this  power 
he  delegated  to  his  deputies,  enabling  them  to 
confirm  or  annul  the  election  of  prelates,  to  fuf  • 

Gg  4  pend 

456  HISTORY  of   ENGLAND. 

pend  or  deprive  them  j  to  convene  fynods,  try  ec~ 
clefiaiiaftical  caufes,  pafs  ceniures,  and  grant  pen- 
fions  to  fuch  monks  as  might  be  willing  to  quit  a, 
monaitic  life.  Their  inftruccions  were  extremely 
minute  touching  their  inquiry  into  the  doctrines, 
morals,  and  behaviour  of  abbots  and  abberTes,  nuns, 
and  friars  -3  and  they  followed  them,  with  the  utmoft 
rigour,  difclofing  fuch  fcenes  of  vice,  obfcenity, 
and  impoflure,  as  expofed  them  to  the  cleteftation 
of  all  thofe  who  retained  the  leaft  regard  for  de- 

a.  c.  1535,  Cency  and  good  order.  After  three  hundred  and 
feventy-fix  abbies  had  been  fupprefled,  when  a  mo- 
tion was  made  in  convocation  for  tranflating  the 
Bible  into  the  Engiifn  language,  Gardiner  and  the 
popiili  bifnops  oppofed  it  v/ith  all  their  power, 
till  Henry  himielf  ordered  that  the  tranflation 
mould  be  begun  -,  and  it  was  afterwards  printed  at 
Paris.  In  the  mean  time,  an  Engliih  book,  called 
the  King's  Primer,  was  publifhed,  containing  the 
doctrines  of  chriftianity,  let  forth  in  a  plain,  fami- 
liar manner,  and  expofing  the  fuperitUions  of  the 
Romifh  clergy. 

£.0.15.6.  A  convocation  being  held,  to  confirm  the  fen- 
tence  againft  the  king's  late  marriage,  the  lower 
houfe  prefented  the  upper  houfe  with  fifty- nine  opi- 
nions meriting  reformation,  extracted  from  the 
fermons  and  writings  of  Cranmer  and  the  proteflant 

Articles       party.     After  a  long  debate,  they  eilabliihed  a  let 

religion       of  articles  concerning  religion,  ordaining  bifhops 

theconvo-1"  t0  "$***&  tne  People  m  tne  Bible  and  the  Creed, 
cation        and  to  condemn  all  doctrines  that  were  declared 


heretical  by  the  rirft  four  councils  of  the  church  ; 
namely,  thofe  of  Nice,  Conftantinople,  Ephefus, 
and  Calcedon :  acknowledging  baptifm  to  be  a 
divine  inftitution,  and  condemning  the  doctrines  of 
the  Anabaptifts  and  Pelagians  on  that  fubject :  li- 
miting penance  to  the  articles  of  contrition,  con- 
femon,  and  amendment  of  life,  as  necerTary  to  fal- 
vation  •,  and   declaring  absolution   pronounced  by 

7  the 

Of    the    CHURCH.  457 

the  prieit  to  be  as  effectual,  as  if  by  God  himfelf : 
confirming  the  doctrine  of  tranfubftantiation  \  and 
defining  j unification  to  be  a  perfect  renewal  in 
Chrift,  the  fruit  of  the  chriftian  virtues  operating 
both  outwardly  and  inwardly  ;  and  recommending 
images  in  churches  as  helps  to  devotion  :  exhort- 
ing the  people  to  honour  the  faints  as  perfons  in 
glory  j  to  praife  God  for  them,  and  imitate  their 
virtues  •,  and  to  follicit  their  interceffion  at  the 
throne  of  grace  :  to  retain  certain  iymbols,  as  con- 
taining myftical  fignifications,  and  ferving  to  lift 
up  the  mind  to  God  :  fuch  as  the  prieft's  veftments, 
the  ceremony  of  iprinkling  holy  water,  to  remind 
us  of  our  baptiim  and  the  blood  of  Chrift ;  of  giv- 
ing holy  bread  in  fign  of  our  union  with  Chrift,  and 
in  remembrance  of  the  facrament ;  of  carrying 
candles  on  Candlemas-day,  alluding  to  Chrift  as 
the  fpiritual  light  \  giving  afhes  on  Afh-Wednef- 
day,  in  token  of  penance  and  mortality  •,  bearing 
palms  en  Palm-Sunday,  thereby  mewing  a  defire 
to  receive  Chrift  in  our  hearts  as  he  entered  into 
Jerufalem  ;  creeping  to  the  crofs,  killing  it,  and 
letting  up  the  fepulchre  on  Good-Friday,  in  token 
of  humility,  and  in  remembrance  of  his  death  ;  of 
hallowing  the  font,  together  with  exorciims  and 
benedictions  ;  recommending  prayers  for  departed 
fouls  as  good  and  charitable  :  but,  as  the  fcripture 
did  notafcertain  the  pains  they  fufTe red,  or  the; 
place  in  which  they  were  confined,  the  people  were  en- 
joined to  remit  them  wholly  to  God's  mercy,  and  to 
rejeel  the  notion  of  their  being  delivered  from  pur- 
gatory by  the  pope's  pardons ;  by  maiTes  laid  in  and  bIia- 
particular  places,  or  before  certain  images.  Thefe  ed. 
articles  were  publifhed  with  a  preface  by  Henry 
himfelf ;  and  the  emperor  made  them  the  bafis  of 
the  famous  Interim  which  he  granted  in  favour  of 
the  German  proterlants. 

The  pope  having  fummoned  Henry  to  his  coun- 
cil at  Mantua,  the  king  protefted  againft  the  lega-  • 



lity  and  proceedings  of  this  affembly,  and  was  fe  • 
conded  by  the  convocation  of  Canterbury.  Hither- 
to he  had  acted  under  the  fanction  of  this  authority ; 
but  now  Cromwell,  as  his  vicar,  independent  of 
all  reftriction,  publifhed  a  let  of  instructions  to  the 
clergy,  inforcing  the  late  articles,  and  recommend- 
ing order  and  difciplinc  among  the  people.  Thefe 
were  followed  by  a  new  vifitation  and  difTolution  of 
the  greater  monafteries.  Some  infamous  methods 
were  practifed  to  perfuade  and  intimidate  the  ab- 
bots and  monks  into  a  furrender  of  their  houfes  and 
Henry Ts  Jrt-  charters.  Henry  was  refolved  to  be  abfolute  both 
i&reiigiea!  m  church  and  ftate :  he  had  formed  a  religion  of 
his  own,  and  perfecuted  equally  the  papifts  and 
proteflants,  who  refilled  to  conform  with  his  opi- 
nions, notwithltanding  the  remonstrances  of  Me- 
lancthon,  who  by  letters  exhorted  him  to  a  greater 
confiftency  in  his  doctrines  and  conduct.  There 
was  not  one  perfon  in  his  dominions  who  durft 
openly  difTent  from  his  fyftem,  except  Cranmer 
archbifhop  of  Canterbury ;  and  we  have  already 
obierved,  in  the  civil  hiftory,  that  this  prelate  was 
fcreened  from  deftruction  by  the  perlbnal  affection 
of  Henry. 

After  the  fall  of  Cromwell,  the  archbifhop  was 
obliged  to  proceed  with  great  caution,  and  re- 
folved to  befriend  the  proteflants,  by  gradually 
lapping  the  foundations  of  the  Romifli  religion. 
He  called  a  convocation  in  London,  to  confult 
upon  means  for  putting  a  flop  to  the  perfecution, 
and  reforming  the  clergy  \  he  recommended  a  re- 
vision of  the  laws  and  canons  enacted  again  ft 
fimony,  perjury,  blafphemy,  and  other  crimes, 
and  propofed  a  tranflation  of  the  Bible,  which  was 
actually  printed  by  Grafton,  and  publifhed  by  the 
king's  authority.  He  likewife,  with  the  king's: 
permiffion,  decreed  that  the  ufe  of  tapers,  filk  ha- 
bits, and  other  ornaments  of  images,  mould  be 
aboiifhed  -3  that  a  chapter  of  the  New  Teftament 


Of    the    CHURCH,  459 

fhouM  be  read  in  every  parifh,  morning  and  even- 
ing ;  that  the  mhTals,  and  other  books  of  liturgy, 
mould  be  examined,  corrected,  and  caftigated  of 
all  feigned  legends,  fuperflitious  orifons,  collects, 
verficles,  refponfes,  and  names  of  faints,  not  men- 
tioned in  the  fcripture.  The  king  afterwards 
granted  a  commiffion  to  afelect  number  of  the  con- 
vocation, to  draw  up  a  declaration  of  the  chriilian 
doctrine,  for  the  neceiTary  erudition  of  a  chriftian 

r.  1  •  r  '1111-         Declaration 

man.     inis  performance  contained  the  declaration  ©fdodivine 
of  faith,  the  creed,  the  feven  facraments,    the  ten  j°r.^e  c'a_ 
commandments,  the  Lord's  prayer,  the  Ave-Ma-  chrrftb* 
ria  ;  an  article  of  free-will  ;  an  article  of  juitirica-  waUm 
tion ;  an  article  of  good  works,    and  another  of 
prayer  for  departed  fouls. 

Notwithstanding  thefe  points  which  Cranmer 
gained  in  favour  of  the  reformed  religion,  in  op- 
pofition  to  Gardiner,  Bonner,  and  other  Romifh 
prelates,  the  doctrine  of  tranfubftantiation  ftill  re- 
mained in  full  force,  under  the  protection  of  the 
king  himfelf,  who  was  fo  bigotted  to  this  article  of 
belief,  that  many  perfons  were  brought  to  the 
flake  for  diibelieving  the  real  prefence  in  the  Eu- 
charifh  We  have  feen  what  fnares  were  laid  for 
the  deftruction  of  Crarfmer  ;  and  that  they  not  only 
mifcarried,  but  even  ferved  to  confirm  Henry's 
confidence  in  that  prelate's  innocence  and  integrity. 
The  king  was  fo  much  convinced  of  the  purity  of 
his  intention,  that  he  did  not  take  umbrage  at  the 
archbiihop's  making  a  motion  in  the  houfe  of  lords 
for  moderating  the  proceedings  upon  the  act  of 
the  fix  articles,  which  had  been  the  foundation  of 
a  moil  cruel  perfecution.  Though  Cranmer  was 
on  this  occafiqn  uniupported  by  the  other  prelates, 
he  argued  with  fuch  itrength  of  reaibn,  that  the 
houfe  agreed  to  the  act  of  mitigation.  In  the  fame  Pwjie*  ** 
parliament  he  propofed  a  digeil  of  the  ecclerlafucalanddigefteaS 
laws;  and  an  act  palled^  authorifmg  the  king  to th 
nominate  fixteen  ecclefiaitics,  and  as  many  laymen, 


tlis  can  y-iis. 

460  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

for  reviewing  the  canons.  Cranmer  actually  fini fri- 
ed the  draught  of  a  code,  intitled  Reformatio  le- 
gum  ecclefiafticarum,  which  he  prefented  to  the 
king  at  Hampton-court  •,  and  letters  patent  were 
Bumet.  drawn  up  for  authorifing  this  digeft.  Nay,  Henry 
about  this  time  feemed  bent  upon  a  further  refor- 
mation. In  a  letter  to  the  archbifhop,  he  forbade 
the  practice  of  creeping  to  the  crofs,  and  of  feveral 
other  fuperilitious  ceremonies  of  popery  :  but  his 
intention  was  partly  frustrated  by  the  remonflrances 
of  Gardiner,  who,  in  a  letter  to  him  from  the  im- 
perial court,  where  he  refided,  gave  him  to  under- 
hand, that  if  any  further  innovations  mould  be 
made  in  the  religion  of  England,  the  emperor 
would  never  confent  to  a  pacification.  This  was 
the  true  reafon  for  dropping  the  fcheme  of  the  di- 
geft, in  which  Cranmer  had  made  fuch  consider- 
able progrefs.  Nevertheleis,  Cranmer,  in  obe- 
dience to  Henry's  commands,  tranflated  the  li- 
turgy, and  fome  procefTions,  into  the  Englifh  lan- 

1  owards  the  latter  end  of  his  reign,  he  became 
more  and  more  arbitrary,  both  in  fpirituals  and 
temporals.  The  archbiihops  of  Canterbury  and 
York,  Bonner  of  London,  and  feveral  other  pre- 
lates, were  fain  to  make  conveyances  in  his  favour, 
of  many  manours  belonging  to  their  different  dio- 
cefes,  upon  very  flight  considerations  -,  and  thefe 
deeds  were  confirmed  by  parliament,  which  had  al- 
ready beflowed  upon  him  all  the  colleges,  frerchapels, 
a.  g.  1546  and  other  remaining  religious  endowments.  In  the 
Propooi  for  jaft  V€ar  0f  n*ls   reign,    the  French  king  fent  over 

tfcemafsln  Annibauk  his  admiral,  with  a  propoial  for  abojifh- 
Fianceand  jng  tne  m2fs  jn  ^^  kingdoms  ^  and  Henry  relihV 

ed  the  fcheme  \o  well,  that  he  ordered  Cranmer  to 
draw  up  the  form  of  a  communion,  to  be  fub- 
ftituted  in  the  room  of  it  •,  but  his  death  prevented 
it  from  being  put  in  execution. 


Of    the    C  H  U-  R  C  H.  461 

When  Edward  fucceeded  to  the  throne,  th* 
archbifbop  exerted  all  his  influence  to  complete  the 
reformation.  The  king  had  been  inftrucled  by 
tutors,  who  were  attached  to  the  proteftant  doc- 
trines ;  and  the  proteclor  openly  favoured  that  re- 
ligion. Cranmer  was  afiifted  by  Barlow,  bifhopof 
St.  Davids,  Ridley  afterwards  bifliop  of  London, 
and  feveral  other  able  preachers,  who,  by  their 
zeal  and  elocution,  contributed  to  the  fuccefs  of 
his  endeavours.  Gardiner  perceiving,  from  the 
complexion  of  the  miniflry,  and  the  inclinations  of 
the  people,  that  he  mould  be  of  very  little  fervice^ 
to  the  caufe  of  popery,  by  openly  oppofing  the 
tenets  of  the  reformation,  endeavoured  to  check 
the  progreis  of  them,  by  reprefenting  to  the  pro- 
tector, that  ail  innovations  during  a  minority 
would  produce  confuiion  and  difturbance  in  the 
date  •,  and  propofing  that  matters  of  religion  mould 
continue  as  they  were  left  at  the  death  of  Henry, 
until  the  reigning  king  Ihould  take  the  manage- 
ment of  affairs  into  his  own  hands.  Very  little  re- 
gard was  paid  to  his  infinuations.  A  book  written 
againfl  the  corruptions  of  popery,  and  pubiifhed 
by  Herman  archbiihop- elector  of  Cologne,  was 
now  tranflated  into  the  Englifh  language,  and 
printed  in  London  by  the  direction  of  Cranmer. 
This  performance  made  a  ftrong  imprefTion  up^ 
on  the  minds  of  the  people,  which  were  further 
enlightened  by  Marcart's  declaration  of  the  mals, 
and  the  paraphrafe  of  Eralmus  on  the  New  Tes- 
tament, which  were  carefully  tranflated  and  pub- 
liflied  for  the  general  ufe  of  the  nation.  Glafier, 
in  a  fermon  at  St.  Paul's  church,  affirmed,  that 
the  inilitution  of  Lent  was  no  more  than  a  pofl- 
tive  law  ;  and  others  preached  againit  other  parts 
of  the  popifli  worfhip  :  bur,  thele  were  virulently 
oppofed  by  the  inferior  clergy,  who  derived  their 
fubiiftence  from  the  fees  thev  received  bv  the  la- 
crarrients,  and  other  facramentals,  and  chiefly  by 


4&*  HISTORY   of    ENGLAND. 

finging  mattes  for  the  departed  fouls  of  the  poor  * 

Orpofiton   for  which  they  charged  two-pence  a  mals.     Thefe 

formed  doc-  therefore  were  enemies  to  the  reformation,   which 

tofccs;        would  have  deprived  them  of  bread;  and  they 

were   fupported  by  Gardiner,  Bonner,  and  Ton- 

ftal,  who  declared  againfl  all  alteration  in  religion  : 

but,  the  chief  of  the  party  was  the  princefs  Mary, 

who  now  openly  efpoufed  the  regulations  of  her 

father,  and  in  particular  the  act  of  the  fix  articles. 

On  the  other  hand,  the  props  of  the  reformation 
were  ntft,  the  young  king  himfelf,    who  had  been 
carefully  educated  in  protefrant  principles  by  Dr. 
Cox,  and  Mr.  Chiek,  the  protector,  the  archbifhops 
of  Canterbury  and  York,     Holbeach    bifhop  of 
London,   Goodrich    of  Ely,  and  Ridley  elect  of 
Rochefter.     Old  Latimer  was  now  releafed,    but 
refilling  to   refume    his  epifcopal  function,  lived 
Agenfrai     privately  with  Cranmer.      This   prelate  and  his 
^er'Eng-    friends  obtained  letters  patent  for  a  vifitation  over 
land.         England,  during  which  all  bifhops  were  prohibited 
from  preaching  in  anyplace  but  in  their  own  cathe- 
drals •,    and   other  ecclefiaftics   were   reflricted  to 
their  collegiate  or  parochial  churches,  unleis  pro- 
vided with  the  king's  fpecial  licence.  The  kingdom 
wras   divided  into  fix  feparate  diilricts  or  circuits  \ 
and  the  vifitors  for  each  confuted  of  two  gentle- 
men, a  civilian,  a  divine,  and  a  regifler.     They 
were  furnifhed  with  injunctions,  articles,  and  ho- 
milies, drawn  up  for  the  inftruction  of  the  people  •, 
and  they  were  accompanied  by  the  moil  eminent 
preachers,  to  explain  the  moit   ufeful  articles  of 
religion.      The    common    people   confidered    the 
priefts  as  fo  many  mountebanks,  who  had  fecrets 
for  the  falvation  of  their  fouls,  and  thought  nothing 
was  neceffary  but  to  leave  their  fpiritual  concerns 
to  the  (kill  and  direction  of  fuch  empirics.     Some 
preachers    had   run  into  the   other  extreme,  and 
perfuaded    their    hearers,    that  if  they  magnified 
Chriii,   and  depended  wholly  upon  his  merits  and 

b'  inter- 

Of    the   CHURCH.  463 

interceffion,  they  could  not  perifh,  even  though 
they  fhould  lead  the  moil  profligate  lives.  In  the 
homilies  thefe  errors  were  rectified.  They  afcribed 
the  falvation  of  mankind  to  the  death  and  fufferings 
of  Chrifl :  but  they  declared  there  was  no  falva- 
tion through  Chrifl,  but  to  fuch  as  truly  repented, 
and  lived  according  to  the  rules  of  the  gofpeL 
The  articles  and  injunctions  related  to  the  renun- 
ciation of  the  papal  power,  the  acknowledgment 
of  the  king's  iupremacy,  preaching  and  teaching 
the  elements  of  religion  in  the  vulgar  tongue, 
taxing  the  benefices  of  the  clergy  for  the  fupport 
of  the  poor,  the  maintenance  of  fcholars  and  man  - 
fion-houfes,  regulating  the  lives  of  churchmen, 
and  abolifhing  fuperftition,  pilgrimages,  images, 
and  other  abiurdities  of  the  popiiri  religion.  In  a 
word,  the  iriflru6lions  and  injunctions  contained 
excellent  rules  for  the  reformation  of  the  clergy, 
as  well  as  of  the  ignorant  laity,  and  for  the  ad- 
vancement of  true  piety  and  good  morals.  Never- 
thelefs,  they  met  with  great  oppofition.  Bonner 
received  them  with  a  proteflation,  that  he  would 
obferve  them,  if  they  were  not  contrary  to  God's 
law,  and  the  ordinances  of  the  church.  Sir  An- 
thony Cook,  and  the  other  vifitors,  complaining 
of  this  proteft  to  the  council,  he  was  ordered  to  ap- 
pear ♦,  and  though  he  made  a  full  fubmiflion,  was 
committed  to  the  Fleet-prifon.  The  council  be- 
ing informed  of  Gardiner's  attention  to  reject  the 
homilies  fummonedhim  to  the  board,  and  expos- 
tulated with  him  upon  the  fubject.  He  affirmed 
that  the  homilies  contained  manifefl  contradictions, 
and  excluded  charity  from  j unification  •,  he  offered 
to  difpute  upon  this  fubject  at  Oxford,  againft  any 
opponent  whatfoever :  and  he  exclaimed  againft 
the  paraphrafe  of  Erafmus,  which  he  faid  was  bad 
enough  in  the  original,  but  much  worfe  in  the 
Engliih  tranflation.  Notwithstanding  all  his  argu- 
ments, he  was  iikewife  fent  to  the  Fleet,   from 


in  convcca' 

464  HISTORY   of  ENGLANtf. 

Burnet.  whence  he  wrote  a  letter  in  his  own  vindication  to 
the  protector,  when  this  nobleman  returned  in 
triumph  from  Scotland :  but  he  was  not  releafed 
till  after  the  feflion  of  parliament,  when  he  was  fee 
at  liberty  by  an  act  of  pardon. 

a.  c.  1547.      Qn  j-^g  fifcn  day  0f  November,  the  convocation 

met,  and  Taylor  dean  of  Lincoln  was  chofen  pro- 
locutor.    Cranmef  opened  the   aCembly   with   a 
tion.  fpeech,  in  which  he  prefTed  the  members  to  a  fur- 

ther reformation,  that  the  remains  of  popery  might 
be  entirely  laid  afide.  The  lower  houie  prefented 
four  petitions  to  the  upper  houfe,  praying  that  the 
ecclefiaftical  laws  might  be  reviewed  and  publifhed 
purfuant  to  a  ftatute  enacted  in  the.  late  reign, 
that  the  clergy  of  the  lower  houfe  might  be  admit- 
ed  to  fit  in  parliament  with  the  commons,  accord- 
ing to  ancient  ufage.  That  the  corrections  made 
by  the  bifhops  and  others  in  the  office  of  divine 
fervice,  by  order  of  the  convocation,  might  be  laid 
before  the  houie  •,  and  that  the  rigour  of  the  fta- 
tute for  the  payment  of  firft  fruits  might  be 
mitigated.  The  attendance  of  the  lower  clergy  in 
parliament  had  been  two  hundred  years  in  difufe ; 
and  therefore  no  regard  was  paid  to  this  petition^ 
It  was  refolved,  however,  that  fome  bifhops  and 
divines  fhould  be  appointed  to  labour  for  the  refor- 
mation of  the  church  fervi<  e.  In  this  convocation, 
a  motion  was  made  for  annulling  all  canons,  laws, 
and  ufages  again  ft  the  marriage  of  priefts,  and  like- 
wife  all  vows  of  celibacy  ;  and  a  refolution  taken 
to  adminifter  the  communion  in  both  kinds:  this 
was  immediately  confirmed  by  act  of  parliament. 

At  the  fame  time  the  privy- council  publifhed  a 
proclamation,  indemnifying  all  thofe  who  had  0- 
mitted  bearing  candles  on  Candlemas  day,  taking 
afhes  on  Afh-Wednefday,  creeping  to  the  crofs, 
carrying  palms,  and  other  ceremonies  of  fuperfti- 
tion.  They  likewife  directed  a  mandate  to  the 
archbimop  of  Canterbury,  for  a  general  fuppreHion 


Of  the    CHURCH.  4^5 

of  images  %  and  this  order  was  rigoroufly  put  in  ex- 
ecution, though  not  without  a  dangerous  opposi- 
tion Cranmer's  next  care  was  to  form  a  commit- 
tee for  reforming  the  offices  of  the  church.  It  was  The  new  li- 
compofed  of  eminent  prelates,  and  doctors  in  divi-  *™%y  «  e- 
nity,  who  proceeded  with  equal  accuracy  and  cir- 
cumfpection.  A  form  being  drawn  up  for  the 
communion  in  both  kinds,  was  published  by  the 
king's  proclamation,  and  the  books  diftributed 
through  all  the  parifhes  of  England.  The  new 
book  of  Common-prayer,  and  the  other  offices 
compofed  by  the  committee,  were  extremely  difa- 
greeable  to  Gardiner,  who  exerted  all  his  eloquence 
and  influence  in  exciting  the  people  to  reject  fuch 
innovations  \  he  preached  openly  againft  ths  pro- 
ceedings of  the  government,  and  employed  all  his 
emiffaries  to  bring  their  injunctions  into  contempt 
with  the  multitude.  Accordingly  feveral  danger- 
ous commotions  were  raifed;  and  the  Lollard  mob 
being  the  ftronger,  became  very  infolent  and  li- 
centious, until  they  were  fupprelTed  by  the  care 
and  vigilance  of  the  administration.  Gardiner  was 
feveral  times  fummoned  before  the  council,  and 
reprimanded  for  the  liberties  he  had  taken  in  de- 
fending popery ;  at  length  he  flatly  told  the  pro- 
tector, that  as  a  biibop,  he  could  not  be  anfwera- 
ble  to  his  own  confcience,  for  omitting  to  preach 
upon  th(t  mafs  and  the  euchariil,  which  he  con- 
ceived to  be  the  principal  points  of  the  Chriflian  Gardiner  ia 

...  tt  i  r  -j  ^       committed  - 

religion.      He  was   therefore  committed   to   the.tothe 
Tower,  and  all  his  papers  were  fecured.  Tower. 

The  new  liturgy  being  eftabliffced,  and  the  act  a.  0.1549, 
of  uniformity  palled,  another  vifitation  was  fet  on 
foot.  The  inductions  given  to  the  vifitors  im- 
ported, That  in  alt  parifh  churches  the  fervica 
fhouJd  be  read  in  a  plain  audible  voice,  as  the 
people  did  not  underftand  it  while  the  priefts  re- 
tained the  tone  they  ufed  in  reading  Latin  pray- 
ers :  That  fome  of  the  old  rites  mould  be  abolifh- 
ed,  fuch  as  the  prieft's  killing  the  altar,  the  prac- 

N°.  60.  H  h  tice 

465  HISTORY   of    ENGLAND. 

tice  of  cro fling,  lifting  the  bock  from  one  place 
to  another,  breathing  on  the  bread,  and  fhewing 
it  before  the  diftribution,  praying  by  beads,'  and 
fubftituting  a  certain  number  of  Ave-Marias  for  one 
Pater- nofler.  That  the  priefte  fhould  exhort  the  peo- 
ple to  remember  the  box  of  the  poor ;  and  that  cu- 
rates fhould  preach  and  catechife  at  lead  once  in  fix 
weeks  :  That  the  communion  fhould  not  be  fold 
in  trentals ;  and  that  there  fhould  be  but  one  com- 
munion in  one  church,  except  on  Eafter-day  and 
Chriftmas,  when  people  came  to  the  facrament  in 
greater  numbers;  and  that  no  markets  fhould  be 
held,  or  bargains  made  in  churches  or  church- 
yards, efpecially  in  time  of  divine  fervice  or  fer- 
mon.  Cranmer,  at  the  fame  time,  held  a  provin- 
cial vifltation,  in  which  the  articles  were  drawn  ac- 
cording to  the  king's  injunction.  The  council 
fent  orders  to  the  bifhop  of  London,  to  forbid 
fpecial  mafles  in  St.  Paul's  church ;  and  to  take 
care  that  there  mould  be  only  one  communion  at 
the    great  altar.      Bonner  immediately  complied 

Bumet.  with  this  order,  and  the  new  fervice  was  univer- 
faliy  received,  except  by  the  princefs  Mary,  whofe 

f0°^Jlce#  chaplains  ftill  continued  to  fay  mafs  in  her  own 
family,  notwithftanding  the  exhortations,  and  even 
threats  of  the  council. 

In  the  courfe  of  this  year  public  difputations  were 
held  at  Oxford  and  Cambridge,  touching  the  real 
pretence  in  the  facrament.  The  Lutherans  affirmed, 
that  in  the  facrament  there  was  both  the  fubftance  of 
the  bread  and  wine,  and  Chrift's  body  together.  The 
proteftants  of  Swifferland  taught,  That  the  facrament 
was  only  an  inftitution,  to  commemorate  the  death 
and  fufTerings  of  Chrift.  Martin  Bucer  believed  in 
the  real  prelence,  though  he  did  not  think  the  my- 
llery  was  to  be  explained  ;  and  Calvin  agreed 
with  him  in  maintaining,  that  the  body  and  blood 
of  Chrift  were  really  prefent.  Peter  Martyr,  fettled 
at  Oxford,  publickiy  explained  the  Eucharift.  in 
She  Helvetian  manner,  and  a  tumult  was  raifed  on 


Of  the  C  H  U  R  C  H.  46J 

the  occafion.  Public  ciifputations  were  afterwards 
held  in  prefence  of  the  king's  commiilioners. 
Cranmer  collected  and  publifhed  all  the  reaibns 
againft  the  doctrine  of  tranfubflantiation,  and  was 
anfwered  by  Gardiner,   under  the  name  of  Marcus 

*-^        n  t  1   •  ii  'i   Sects  ofana- 

Conitantius.  It  was  at  this  time,  that  the  council  baptifband 
ordered  the  laws  to  be  put  in  execution  againft,  a-  g°fpeii*»« 
nabaptifls,  and  other  heretics,  who  began  to  abound 
in  England,  and  broach  doctrines  equally  abfurd 
and  blafphemous.  Of  thefe  we  have  already  men- 
tioned Joan  Bocher,  or  Joan  of  Kent,  whefe  death- 
warrant  the  young  king  figned  with  the  utmoft  re- 
luctance. There  was  another  feet  called  Gofpellers> 
who  profefTed  the  doctrine  of  predeftination,  from 
which  they  made  fuch  inferences,  that  many  peo- 
ple gave  way  to  their  paOions,  under  the  notion  of 
their  being  predeftinated  to  fuch -actions  ;  fo  that 
impiety,  and  even  defperation,  was  often  the  con- 
fequence  of  fuch  a  beJief.  Luther  altered  his  opi- 
nion concerning  this  tenet,  and  Melancthon  con- 
demned it  in  his  writings  :  but  it  was  iliil  main* 
tained  by  Calvin  and  Bucer. 

We  have,  in  the  civil  hiftory,  feen  how  Gardi- 
ner was  deprived,  and  the  protector  difgraced. 
Upon  the  fall  of  this  nobleman,  the  hopes  of  the 
papiits  began  to  revive ;  they  even  gave  out  that 
the  old  religion  would  prevail,  as  the  new  fervice 
Was  nothing  more  than  an  act  of  the  duke  of  So- 
merfct.  The  council  being  apprifed  of  this  report,  implehienM 
wrote  to  all  the  bifhops  of  England,  requiring  all  o£fuperftu 
clergymen  to  deliver  up  all  antiphonales,  mifials,  puffed?" 
grayles,  procefficnals,  manuals,  legends,  pies,  por- 
tuaffes,  journals,  and  ordinals,  to  fuch  as  fhould 
be  appointed  by  the  king  to  receive  them  •  injoin- 
ing  the  bifhops  to  obferve  one  uniform  order,  in 
the  fervice  fet  forth  by  the  common  confent  of  the 
realm  :  and  in  particular,  to  take  care  that  there 
fhould  be  provifion  made  of  bread  and  wine  for 
the  communion  on  Sunday.     At  the  fame  time,  an  a,c  15:9, 

Hh2  act 


act  pafled  in  parliament,  decreeing,  That  all  books 
of  fuperftition  mould  be  deftroyed  ;  that  all  images 
in  churches  mould  be  defaced  ;  and  that  the  pray- 
ers to  faints  mould  be  expunged  from  all  the  pri- 
mers which  the  late  king  had  publifhed. 

Ridley's  elevation  to  the  fee  of  London,  and 
Hooper's  promotion  to  that  of  Gloucefter,  were 
events  that  operated  ftrongly  in  favour  of  the  re- 
SfeTto'6"  formation.  Yet  this  lad  refufed  to  wear  the  epif- 
wearthe  copal  veftments,  which  he  faid  were  human  inven- 
YdtSl.  Pon*9  anc*  not  fuitable  to  the  simplicity  of  the 
chriftian  religion.  In  vain  Cranmer  and  Ridley 
exhorted  him  to  comply  with  this  ceremony,  as  a 
law  injoined  by  the  magiftrate,  and  a  matter  of 
little  or  no  confequence  in  religion.  In  vain  did 
Bucer  and  Peter  Martyr  fecond  the  opinion  of  thofe 
prelates :  Hooper  continued  obftinate,  and  was 
for  fome  time  fufpended  from  preaching.  In  the 
courfe  of  this  fummer,  John-a-Lafco  was  allowed 
to  preach  at  St.  Auftin's  in  London,  to  a  congre- 
gation of  Germans,  who  had  fled  from  their  own 
country,  rather  than  receive  the  interim  of  the  diet. 
They  were  erected  into  a  corporatipn,  and  four  other 
minifters  were  affociated  with  John-a-Lafco,  tho' 
he  was  fuperintendant.  At  this  juncture,  Polydore 
Vergil  was  permitted  to  retire  to  his  own  country, 
and  to  hold'the  archdeaconry  of  Wells,  with  his  pre- 
bend of  Nonnington,  notwkhftanding  hie  abfence 
from  the  kingdom.  Poinet  was  declared  bifhop 
of  Rochester,  and  Coverdale  was  appointed  coad- 
jutor to  Veyfey  bifhop  of  Exeter.  The  book  of 
Common  prayer  was  reviewed,  and  many  articles 
of  it  cenfured  by  Martin  Bucer,  who  now  wrote 
a  book  for  the  king's  ufe,  intituled,  Concerning 
the  kingdom  of  Chrilt.  Young  Edward  was  bent 
upon  reforming  the  abufes  of  the  church.  He 
even  began  to  write  a  difcourfe  about  a  general 
reformation :  and  it  was  at  this  period,  that  the 
journal  of  his  proceedings  commenced. 


Of    the    CHURCH,  469 

In  the  beginning  of  the  following  year,  Bucer 
died  at  Oxford,  univerfally  regretted  by  all  thofe 
v/ho  favoured  the  reformation.  He  was  a  perfon 
of  great  learning,  modefty,  and  zeal,  and  had 
nothing  fo  much  at  heart  as  the  union  of  thofe 
v/ho  profefifed  the  doctrines  of  Chriftianity.  The  a,c,  1551. 
greateft  part  of  this  year  was  fpent  by  Cranmer 
and  Ridley,  in  preparing  the  articles  which  mould 
contain  the  doctrines  of  the  church  of  England,  in 
a  concife  and  plain  form,  cutting  off  the  errors  of 
popery,  as  well  as  thofe  lately  introduced  by  the 
anabaptifts  and  enthufiafls  of  Germany ;  avoiding 
the  niceties  of  fchoolmen,  together  with  fome 
points  of  controverfy  ;  and  with  regard  to  others 
leaving  a  liberty  to  divines  of  following  their  pri- 
vate opinions,  without  difturbing  the  peace  of  the 
church.  The  next  care  of  the  reformers  was  to  The  book 
correct  the  book  of  Common-prayer,  in  which  they  ofcommon- 
macle  fome  additions  and  alterations,  which  were  J^yedr  cor" 
authorifed  by  act  of  parliament.  In  the  fame  fe{- 
f:on  another  act  v/as  pafTed,  relating  to  holidays 
and  fafling-days.  It  was  decreed,  That  all  Sun- 
days, with  the  days  marked  in  the  calendar  and 
liturgy,  mould  be  kept  as  holidays  ;  and  that  the 
bifhops  fnould  proceed  by  the  cenfures  of  the  church 
againft  the  difobedient.  A  provifo  was  added,  for 
the  obfervation  of  St.  George's  feaft  by  the  knights 
of  the  garter  •,  another  in  favour  of  labourers  ot 
fifhermen,'  v/ho  might  work  on  thefe  days,  in  cafe 
ofnecefBty.  The  eves  of  holidays  were  ordained 
to  be  kept  as  fads ;  and  on  Fridays  and  Saturdays, 
as  well  as  in  Lent,  abftinence  from  flefri  was  en- 
joined. Other  laws  were  enacted  againfl  ufury  and 
fi mony,  and  in  favour  of  the  marriage  of  the 

After  the  diflblution  of  this  parliament,  the  chiefs  Rcformati- 
of  the  reformed  religion  were  employed  in  devifing  jjJ^J*1** 
proper  rules  and  regulations   for  the  ecclefiadical  laws, 
courts,  and  all  things  relating  to  the  government 

H  h  3  of 

4/0  HISTORY    of    ENGLAND. 

A.  C,?ssz.  $f  the  church.  An  a6l  had  parted,  empowering 
the  king  to  nominate  two  and  thirty  perfbnrfer 
making  a  general  reformation  of  the  ecclefiaftical 
laws:  and,  during  this  feflion,  a  commiffion  was 
given  to  eight  perfons  to  prepare  the  matter  for  the 
review  of  the  two  and  thirty,  that  it  might  be  the 
more  eanTy  compiled.  This  work  was  chiefly  com- 
pofed  by  Cranmer,  and  proves  that  he  was  the 
greateft  canonift  then  in  England.  Dr.  Haddon, 
univerfity  orator  at  Cambridge,  and  Sir  John  Chiek 
were  employed  to  tranflate  it  into  the  Latin  lan- 
guage; a  talk  which  they  performed  with  equal  ac- 
curacy and  elegance.  It  was  digefted  into  fifty  one 
titles;  and' the  thirty  two  commissioners  divided 
themfelves  into  four  clafleS,  in  order  to  revife,  cor- 
rect, and  bring  it  to  perfection  :  they  accordingly 
iinimed  the  work;  but  the  king  died- before  it  re- 
ceived the  royal  confirmation.  At  this  period,  the 
clergy  were  brought  into  contempt  by  their  extreme 
poverty.  Many  ecclefiafiics  exercifed  the  trades  of 
carpenters,  taylors,  and  publicans.  The  rich  did 
not  maintain  ftudents  at  the  univerfities,  according 
to  the  king's  injunctions.  The  places' defighed  for 
poor  fcholars  in  fchools  and  colleges,  were  given  to 
the  children  of  wealthy  people  :  the  livings  were  fold 
in  a  fcandalous  manner,  and  the  majority  of  the 
country  clergy  were  fo  ignorant,  that  they  could 
hardly  read -the  fervice. 

The  council  of  Trent  was  now  {ufpended  for  two 
years,  without  having  made  any  progrefs  in  the 
reformation  of  the  church.  When  it  was  convok- 
ed by  the  pope,  the  king  of  France  had  protefled 
againft  it,  and  threatened'to  call  a  national  council 
in  France.  Nevertheless  the  emperor  prerTed  the 
Germans  to  go  to  Trent ;  and  Maurice,  with  the 
other  princes  of  the  Augfburgh  confeflion,  ordered 
their  divines  to  confider  of  the  matters  to  be  pro- 
pounded in  council.  They  demanded  a  fafe-con- 
dudl  from  the  council  as  well  as  from  the  emperor ; 


Of    the    CHURCH.  471 

and  this  was  obtained,  though  not  in  the  terms  of 
that  which  was  granted  by  the  council  of  Ban!  to 
the  Bohemians.  Mean  while  the  fathers  pub-  ^fr"feed; ^ 
limed  their  decrees  about  the  Eucharift,  confirm  ciioflient, 
ing  the  doctrine  of  tranfubftantiation.  Then  they 
proceeded  to  enjoin  auricular  confedion  as  neceffa- 
ry  to  falvation.  The  ambaffadors  of  the  duke  of 
Wirtemberg  moving,  that  they  might  have  a  fafe- 
conduct  for  their  divines  to  come  and  propofe  their 
doctrines,  the  legates  anfwered,  that  they  would 
not  engage  in  any  difputation  with  the  proteftant 
divines ;  but,  if  they  had  any  fcruple,  in  which 
they  defired  fatisfaclion,  with  an  humble  and  obe- 
dient mind,  they  fhould  have  a  hearings  with  re- 
gard to  the  fafe- conduct,  they  fata  it  argued  a  di- 
ftruft  of  the  council,  to -afk  any  other  than  what  was 
already  granted.  When  the  ambaffadors  of  Maurice 
arrived  at  Trent,  they  defired  that  every  article 
might  be  reconfidered  :  but  this  propofal  was  re- 
jected with  difdain.  -1  hen  they  excepted  to  the 
fafe-conduct  which  had  been  given,  as  different 
from  that  of  the  council  of  Bafil  ;  the  legates  pro- 
mifed  to  take  that  affair  into  ccnfideration.  The 
pope  underflanding  that  the  emperor  intended  to 
revive  the  fpirit  of  former  councils,  in  order  to 
lefTen  the  pontifical  power,  made  peace  with  France, 
and  ordered  the  legates  to  proceed  in  the  clecifion 
of  the  doctrine,  hoping  the  protectants  would  re- 
tire from  Trent,  in  defpair  of  obtaining  their  de- 
mands. The  fafe-conduct  they  defired  was  refus- 
ed $  and  another  being  granted  for  the  fecurity  of 
their  perfons,  divines  arrived  from  Wirtemberg 
and  Strafbourgh  ;  but  the  war  of  Germany  break- 
ing out,  the  bifhops  of  the  empire  and  the  am- 
bafTadcrs  retired,  and  the  legates  fufpended  the 
council  for  two  years.  The  hiftory  of  this  fa-  Earnet- 
mous  council  which  ended  in  fmoke,  was  written 
with  equal  elegance  and  impartiality  by  father 
Paul  of  Venice  -,  though,  after  the  death  of  this 
celebrated  author,  Pallavicini,   a  Jefuit,  pretended 

H  h  4  to 

chu-ch  un- 
esr  Mary, 

472  HISTORY   of   ENGLAND. 

to  refute  him  in  another  hiftory  on  the  fame  fuh- 
jecl,  from  pretended  journals  and  memorials  of 
thofe  who  were  prefent  at  the  council. 
The  fee  of  In  the  laft  parliament  of  Edv/ard,  an  act  was 
vidiaaidi"  paffed  for  dividing  the  diocefe  of  Durham  into  two 
bishopries,  one  of  which  was  denominated  the  fee 
of  Ncwcaftle.  The  council  afterwards  appointed  vi- 
fitors  to  make  an  enquiry  about  the  plate,  jewels*  and 
other  furniture,  in  all  cathedrals  and  churches,  and 
compare  what  they  mould  find,  with  the  inventories 
made  in  former  vifitations,  that  they  might  know 
how  far,  and  in  what  manner,  it  had  been  embezzled. 
State  of  the  When  Mary  afcended  the  throne,  the  deprivecj 
bifhops  were  reftored,  the  proteflant  prelates  were 
fet  afide,  and  the  council  wrote  a  letter  to  the 
bifhops,  attended  with  a  proclamation,  forbidding  all 
perfons  to  preach  or  expound  the  fcriptures  with- 
out the  queen's  licence.  The  papifts,  even  before 
they  were  fupported  by  any  legal  authority,  began 
to  erect  altars,  and  revive  the  iuperftitious  ceremo- 
nies which  hud  been  abolifhed.  We  have  fecn,  in 
the  civil  hiftory,  how  Mary,  with  the  aiTiftance  of 
cardinal  Pole,  re-eirablifhed  the  Roman  catholic 
religion.  After  the  iuppreflion  of  Wyat's  rebel- 
lion, inflruclions  were  fent  to  the  bifoops,  enjoin- 
ing a  visitation  of  their  clergy,  and  a  reftorat  on  of 
aii  the  rites,  ceremonies,  and  canons  of  die  Roman 
church.  The  bifhops  who  favoured  the  reitoranon, 
were  now  deprived  in  their  turn  ;  and  the  jails  were 
filled  with  proteflant  divines.  Cranmer,  Latimer, 
and  Ridley  were  committed  prifoners  by  the  queen's 
precept,  to  the  mayor  and  bailiffs  of  Oxford, 
where  they  were  obliged  to  difpute  with  four  po- 
pifh  divines  in  public,  and  treated  with  the  mod 
inlcient  partiality.  Thofe  who  were  impriibned  in 
and  about  London,  drew  up  repeated  add  re  fifes  and 
petitions  to  the  queen  and  parliament  •,  and  thefe 
being  altogether  neglected,  their  friends  and  par- 
tifans  were  inflamed  into  fome  indecencies  againn; 
ihi  government,  which  were  productive  of  a  ievere 



Of    the    CHURCH. 

perfecution.  In  the  beginning  of  this  reign,  a 
great  number  of  Engliih  proteftants  retired  to  the 
continent,  and  fettled  in  feveral  different  places. 
Thofe  refiding  at  Franckfort  were  greatly  influ- 
enced by  John  Knox  the  Scottifh  reformer,  who  ex- 
claimed againft  the  Englifh.  liturgy,  and  was  a  vio- 
lent arTerter  of  purity  in  church-government.  Thefe 
principles  produced  a  fchifrn  among  the  Englifh 
refugees.  Thofe  who  had  retired  to  Zurich  dis- 
claimed all  fuch  innovations.  Knox  and  Whit- 
tingham  confuked  Calvin,  who  difapproved  of  the 
Englifh  fervice.  Nevenhelefs,  they  agreed  to 
compromife  the  difference,  and  to  compile  a  new 
liturgy  from  thofe  of  England  and  Geneva.  Dr. 
Cox,  however,  with  fome  other  refugees,  arriving 
at  Francfort,  acquired  a  majority  in  the  aflfembly, 
and  fixed  the  imputation  of  treafon  on  Knox  and 
his  party.  They  fuppoited  the  charge  from  parts 
of  his  own  writings,  levelled  not  only  at  queen 
Mary,  but  alfo  againft  the  emperor  ^  fo  that  he  was 
obliged  to  take  refuge  in  Geneva  j  and  Cox  mo- 
delled the  church  at  Franckfort  according  to  the 
En  glim  conftitu'tion. 

Upon  the  acceiTion  of  Elizabeth  to  the  throne,  The  rec- 
all the  ecclefiaftical  meafures  which  had  been  taken  jr*atj.°" J* 
in  the  laft  reign  were  reverfed.     She  affumed  thebyEiiza- 
fupremacy,    ejected    the   popifh   bifhops,    reflored beth< 
thofe   few  of  the    protectant    prelates   who   were 
alive  •,  prepared  a  fet  of  injunctions  that  differed 
very  little  from  thofe  of  Edward ;  and  gave  order 
for  a  royal  vifitation  of  the  clergy  all  over  Eng- 
land.    The  commiffioners  were  chiefly  laymen,  to 
whom  fhe  delegated  her  whole  fupremacy.  The 
Englifh  refugees  now  returned  to  their  own  coun- 
try, the  greater   part  of  them  with  ftrong  preju- 
dices againft  the  church-fervice  ;  and  feveral  foreign 
princes  interceded  with  the  queen  in  behalf  of  thofe 
diffenters,    that  they  might  be  indulged  with  the 
liberty  of  a  feparate  worfhip.     This,  however,   fhe 
would  never  grant,  though  they  enjoyed  a  tolera- 


tion  from  her  connivance.  Dr.  Parker  had  been 
prevailed  upon  to  accept  of  the  archbifhopric  of 
Canterbury  ;  and  the  papifts  affected  afterwards  to 
ridicule  the  irregularity  of  his  ordination,  which 
they  branded  with  the  name  of  the  Nag's  head  con- 
fee  ration  ;  becaufe,  after  he  had  b^en  confecrated 
in  Lambeth- chapel,  the  officers  of  the  court  of 
Canterbury  were  entertained  at  a  tavern  of  that 
name  in  Cheapfide.  It  appears,  however,  from 
■inconteftible  evidence,  that  he  was  duly  confecrated ; 
and  thus  authorized,  he  proceeded  to  the  confe- 
cration  of  other  prelates,  who  were  elected  into  the 
vacant  fees.  Jewel  bifhop  of  Salifbury  published  a 
lift  of  the  abfurdities  in  the  religion  of  Rome  •,  and 
declared  from  the  pulpit,  that  if  any  papift  would 
make  good  a  fingle  proportion  of  thofe  he  had  ftig- 
matized,  either  from  the  fcripture,  or  the  ancient 
fathers  and  councils,  he  would  give  up  the  conteft 
and  fubferibe  himfelf  a  profelyte.  He  afterwards 
diflinguifhed  himfelf  by  his  apology  for  the  church 
of  England,  and  acquired  great  reputation  for 
learning  all  over  Europe. 

Notwithstanding  Elizabeth's  averfion  to  popery, 
me  did  not  approve  of  the  marriage  of  the  clergy. 
She  even  directed  an  order  to  the  archbifhop  of  Can- 
terbury, implying,  That  no  head  of  a  cathedral  or 
college  mould  keep  his  wife  or  family  within  thofe 
places  •,  and  fignified  herdiilike  of  marriage  among 
the  clergy,   in  a  private  letter  to  Parker  himfelf, 
who  was  a  married  prelate.     The  diffenters,  who 
uitha vigour  aDouc  this  time  publifhed  the  Geneva  Bible,    were 
againft  the  become  fo  bold  and  troublefome  with  their  fana- 
ticifm,  that  the  queen  found  it  convenient  to  check 
their  vivacity,  by  a  proclamation  commanding  all 
heretics,  whether  foreigners  or  natives,  to  depart 
A.c,  J563.  t^e  kjngdom  jn  one  anc|  twenty  days.     This  ferved 

to  keep  them  within  bounds  -,  and  the  majority  of 
them  thought  proper  to  diffemble  their  opinions. 
Neverthelefs,  the  woriTiip  of  Geneva  continued  to 
make  profelytes,  even  in  the  convocation,  where 


Of    the    C  H  U  R  C  H.  475 

fome  prelates  propcfed  a  further  reformation  in 
church  ceremonies :  a  propoial  which  occanoned 
very  warm  debates,  though  no  innovation  was 
made.  They  infilled  upon  doctrinal  points,  and 
fettled  the  articles  of  refigibn  as  they  now  Hand  in 
the  book  of  Common  Prayer.  Yet  the  heats  con- 
cerning fome  forms  were  fo  violent,  that  Elizabeth 
in  a  letter  to  the  archbifhop  of  Canterbury,  required 
him  to  exert  his  authority- againfl  thole  who  re- 
fufed  to  conform  with  the  eftablilhed  church, 
threatening  to  employ  more  rigorous  methods  for 
that  purpofe,  fhould  the  efforts  of  him  and  the 
other  prelates  mifcarry. 

The  puritans  were  patronized  by  the  earl  of  Lei- 
cefter,  and  Pilkington  bifhop  of  Durham :  but,  not- 
withftanding  their  intereft,  Elizabeth  refolved  to 
make  fome  examples.  Sampfon  deanof  Chrift-church 
in  Oxford,  was  deprived  of  his  deanery,  and  Hum- 
phrey, prefident  of  Magdalen-college,  was  con- 
fined and  ce'nfured.  The  diffenters  ftill  gaining 
ground,  under  the  aufpices  of  Beza,  a  foreigner, 
archbifhop  Parker  prevailed  upon  the  queen  to 
publifh  a  proclamation,  enjoining  conformity  to 
the  habits  ;  and  fome  of  the  inferior  clergy  were 
filenced,  fufpended,  and  even  imprifoned.  Thfc Jefuits  ap- 
puritans  are  faid  to  have  been  clandeflinely  encou-  SifguifeJf? 
raged  by  the  jefuits,  fome  of  whom  were  taken  in  puritan*, 
the  act  of  preaching  their  doctrines,  in  order  to  fo- 
ment divisions  in  the  church  of  England.  It  mull 
be  owned,  however,  that  if  the  difTenters  were 
thus  encouraged,  they  themfelves  did  not  know 
the  real  characters  of  their  auxiliaries  \  for,  of 
all  other  chriftians,  they  were  the  moil  rancorous 
enemies  of  popery,  and  all  its  adherents.  We  have 
elfewhere  obferved  that  mifTionaries  were  fent  over 
from  the  Englifh  feminaries  abroad,  to  foment  the 
interline  troubles  of  the  kingdom  -,  and,  as  they 
wore  all  kinds  of  difguife,  fome  of  them  might 
appear  in  the  fhape  of  puritans,  that  they  might 
the  better  avoid  the   cognizance  of  the  law,  and 


476  HISTORY   of    ENGLAND. 

have  opportunities  of  mifleading  the  weakeft- mind- 
ed people,  who  are  thofe  that  are  the  mod  fubjecl: 
to  the  impreffions  of  fanaticifm. 

The  chief  preacher  and  director  of  the  puritans 
was  Thomas  Cartwright  of  the  univerfity  of  Cam- 
bridge ;  and  the  tenets  in  which  he  difTented  from 
Opinions  of  the  eftablifhed  church  were  thefe  that  follow.     He 

teresdflen  taugnt  tnat  tne  names  and  functions  of  archbifhops 
and  archdeacons  ought  to  be  fupprefTed  :  That  the 
office  of  a  bifhop  ought  to  be  limited  to  preaching 
and  praying;  and  that  of  a  deacon  to  the  employ- 
ment of  taking  care  of  the  poor:  That  the  go- 
vernment of  the  church  ought  to  be  vefled  in  the 
minifter  and  elders  ;  and  that  every  minifter  ought 
to  belong  to  a  particular  congregation  ;  and  that 
his  office  ought  to  be  conferred  upon  him  by  the 
public  choice  of  the  congregation  :  That  no  perfon 
ought  to  be  admitted  into  the  miniftry,  unlefs  he 
had  the-  talent  of  teaching  and  preaching  •>  and 
that  the  fame  perfon  ought  to  preach,  pray,  and 
adminifter  the  facrament :  That  nothing  but  cano- 
nical fcripture  ought  to  be  read  in  the  church  :  That 
there  ought  to  be  no  private  prayer  in  the  church  li- 
turgy ;  but  all  the  audience  mould  attend  to  the 
minifter,  whether  preaching  or  praying :  That 
the  minifter  has  no  exclufive  privilege  for  burying 
the  dead,  which  equally  belongs  to  the  reft  of  the 
parifn  :  That  all  portions  of  fcripture,  names,  and 
diflinclions  of  God,  ought  to  be  treated  with  the 
fame  degree  of  regard  ;  fo  that  the  people  need  not 
Hand  at  the  reading  of  the  Gofpel,  or  bow  at  the 
name  of  Jefus  :  That  the  pofture  of  fitting  at  the 
communion  is  as  lawful  as  that  of  kneeling  or 
{landing,  and  exhibits  a  more  natural  representa- 
tion of  a  fupper  :  That  the  facrament  ought  not  to 
be  adminiftered  in  private,  even  to  thofe  in  danger 
of  death  :  That  the  fign  of  the  crofs  in  baptifm  is 
a  fuperfiitipus  practice  :  That  the  father  ought  to 
prtfent  the  child  for  baptifm,  and  make  a  confef- 
fion  of  the  faith   in   which    he  intends   to  inftruct 

4  him 

Of    the    CHURCH* 

him  :  but  that  there  ought  to  be  no  fee  form  ;  nor 
mould  the  child's  name  be  given  by  a  woman  ; 
nor  mould  any  perfon  be  allowed  to  engage  for  the 
education  of  the  infant,  but  fuch  as  is  qualified  to 
receive  the  Lord's  lupper  j  and  all  names  of  paga- 
nifm  mould  be  avoided,  as  well  as  facred  epithets, 
fuch  as  Chrifl,  Angel,  Baptift,  &c.  That  ma- 
trimony ought  to  be  celebrated  at  all  times  of  the 
year ;  and  that  it  was  fcandalous  to  take  money 
for  a  licence  to  marry  at  certain  prohibited  times  ; 
That  no  perfons  ought  to  marry  without  the  know- 
ledge of  the  congregation .  That  it  is  unlawful  to 
faft  in  Lent,  as  v/eli  as  on  Fridays  and  Saturdays  : 
That  the  keeping  of  holidays  and  fairs  upon  the 
Lord's  day  is  unlawful :  That  kings  and  bifhops 
ought  not  to  be  anointed ;  and  that  thefe  words, 
"  Receive  the  holy  Ghoft,3'  at  the  ordination  of 
rniniflers,  ought  to  be  omitted,  as  a  ridiculous  and 
wicked  expreilicn.  Collier. 

Thefe  were  the  opinions  efpoufed  and  afTerted  by 
Cartwright,  who  made  fuch  progrefs  in  his  teach- 
ing, as  alarmed  the  eftablifhed  church.  Dr.  Cha- 
derton  of  Cambridge,  and  afterwards  the  two  arch- 
bishop?, complained  of  him  to  Cecil  and  the  coun- 
cil. In  the  next  parliament,  an  act  was  paiTed 
obliging  the  clerpy  to  declare  their  affent  to  the 
thirty -nine  articles;  and  feverai  canons  for  dilcip- 
line  were  enacted  in  the  convocation,  Two  pro- 
teftations  were  impofed  upon  the  papifts,  and  thofe 
of  the  reformed  religion.  By  the  firft  they  ac- 
knowledged the  queen's  fupremacy,  and  difcl aimed 
the  power  of  the  pope.  By  the  other,  they  re- 
nounced any  act  or  fentence  of  any  fynod,  church, 
ccn'fiilory,  or  eccieiiaftical  afiembly,  to  the  preju- 
dice of  this  fupremacy.  Cartwright  publifhed 
pamphlets  in  defence  of  his  tenets.  He  was  fe- 
conded  by  one  Edward  Deringe,  who  gave  lectures 
in  Sr.  Paul's  cathedral  ;  and  a  preibytery  was 
formed  at  the  village  of  Wandfworth,  on  the 
model  of  the  Geneva  inftitution.    Some  dignitaries 



478  HISTORY  of  ENGL  AND. 

of  the  church  took  up  the  pen  and  anfwered  thofe 
pamphlets.     A  proclamation  was  iflued  for  execut- 
ing the  laws  againft  nonconforming  ;  and  fome  of 
the  principal  dhTenters  were  fufpended,  deprived, 
whoiverefe-  and  imprifoned.     The  feverities  exercifed  againft 
IdbJarch-  them  were  chiefly  attributed  to  archbifhop  Parker, 
bi/hop  far-  y/ho  fufpected  them  of  practices  againft  his  perfon. 
He  had  always  been  a  bitter  enemy  to  their  opi- 
nions ;  and  now  perceiving  they  were  countenanced 
by  perfons  of  high,  rank,   he  complained  that  the 
church  had  no  friend  at  court,  but  the  queen  her- 
fdf.     She  ordered  the  lord  treafurer  Burleigh  to 
make  a  fevere  fpeech   in  the  council  againft  non- 
conformity.     She  declared   againft   the  religious 
exercifes  of  the  diftenters  ;  and  feemed  at  this  junc- 
ture inclined  to  a  perfecution  •,  for  ten  Dutchmen 
and  one  woman  were  condemned  to  the  ftake  for 
herefy.    Though  the  fentence  was  afterwards  miti- 
gated into    banifhment ;  yet  two   perfons   of  the 
fame  nation  were  actually  burned  at  Smithfield. 
ac.  1575.      Parker  dying,  was  fucceeded  in  the  archbifhop- 
They  are      ['IC  Dv  Grindal  of  York,  a  prelate  of  great  mode- 
favouredby   ration.     He  was  favourable  to  the  puritans,   and 

his  fuccefTor  i     i     1     •  •  r       r  \     r 

Crbdai.  even  recommended  their  exeraie  or  prophelying  to 
the  queen  and  council.  But  fhe  ordered  him  to 
fupprefs  them,  though  they  confided  in  nothing 
but  an  expofition  of  the  fcripture.  He  wrote  fome 
flrong  remonftrances  in  their  favour ;  and  was  fo 
inflexible  en  the  fubjecl:,  that  the  members  of  the 
Star-chamber,  by  virtue  of  their  ecclefiaftical  com- 
miflion,  confined  him  to  his  houfe,  and  fequeftred 
him  for  fix  months  from  his  jurifdiclion.  The 
perfecuting  fpirit  feemed  to  revive.  Two  fanatics 
were  put  to  death;  and  all  the  jails  of  the  king- 
dom were  filled  with  popifli  and  proteftant  recu- 
fants.  GrindaFs  fequettration  was  continued,  be- 
caufe  he  refufed  to  fubmit,  and  alter  his  opinion 
of  the  prophefyings.  At  length,  however,  he  was 
reftored  to  his  functions,  whjch  he  exercifed,  un- 
til finding  himfelf  preffed  with  infirmities,   he  re- 


Of    the    CHURCH.  479 

figned  his  archbifhopric,  and  retired  to  Croydon, 
where  he  died  in  a  few  months  after  his  refignation, 
He  was  fucceeded    by  John   Whitgift    bifhop  of^.c.  i58j. 
Worcefter,  at  a  time  when  the  nation  was  infelied 
by  the  feci;  of  Brownifts,  the  mod  rigid  of  all  pu-  Browniftr. 
titans,  who  derived  their  name  from  their  founder 
Robert  Brown,  a  weak  enthufiafl  of  Rutlandshire. 
He  had  written  fome  pamphlets  againft  both  church 
and  (late ;  and  Elias  Thacker  and  John  Copping 
were  executed  for  having  difperfed   them  among 
the  people.     Brown  was  faved   by  the  intereft  of 
lord  Burleigh,  to  whom  he  was  related.     He  con- 
formed and  relapfed  feveral  times,  and  at  lad  died 
in  a  jail,  to  which  he  had  been  committed  for  a 
breach  of  the  peace. 

Whitgift  harboured  the  keened  animofity  againft 
the  diffenters,  whom  he  reprefented  to  the  queen 
as  a  feci  which  reftrained  her  fupremacy  to  a  tem- 
porary jurifdiclion.  jealous  of  her  power  and  pre- 
rogative, me  conceived  a  very  bad  opinion  of  the 
puritans :  and  rinding  the  archbifhop  a  prelate  of 
refolution,  according  to  her  own  heart,  fhe  dele- 
gated all  ecclefiaftical  power  to  him,  that  fhe  might 
not  be  importuned  by  the  patrons  of  the  diffenters, 
fome  of  whom  were  her  chief  minifters  and  favour- 
ites.   The  firft  ftep  the  archbifhop  took,  was  to  prefs  ThePun* 

I  r  '  1  tans  perle- 

the  clergy  of  his  dioceie  to  fubferibe  three  articles  cuted  by 
declared  legal  by  the  civilians  and  judges  of  Eng-  ^JSSj? 
land.  Thefe  imported,  that  the  bifhop  might  pu- 
nifh,  by  a  pecuniary  rnulcl,  any  perfon  whether 
ecclefiaftic  or  layman,  guilty  of  any  ecclefiafticai 
crime  or  offence:  That  the  ordinary  may  inflict  a 
pecuniary  punifhment  upon  fuch  as  abfent  them- 
felves  from  divine  fervice,  without  reasonable  ex- 
cufe ;  and  that  a  bifhop  may  make  an  ordinance, 
by  which  an  excommunicated  perfon  fhall  pay  ten 
pounds  for  every  month  during  which  he  fhall 
fland  excommunicated  for  contempt.  His  impof- 
ing  thefe  articles  ferved  only  to  draw  upon  him- 
felf  a  load  of  calumny  and  refentment.    At  length 

z  ne 

48a  HISTORY   of   ENGLAND. 

tie  difputed  with  the  heads  of  the  difTenters  at  Lam- 
beth,  in  prefence  of  the  earl  of  Leicefter  and  o- 
ther  minifters,  who,  though  puritanically  inclined* 
could  not  help  deciding  it  in  his  favour.     Never- 
thelefs,  in  the  next  parliament,  a  flrong  party  in 
the  houfe  of  commons  joined  in  prefenting  a  peti- 
tion to  the  upper  houfe  in  favour  of  the  noncon- 
forming :   but  they  were  baffled  by  the  vigilance  of 
the  archbifhop,  who  prevailed  upon  the  queen  to 
quafh  all  objections  to  the  eftablifhed   religion  in 
the  houfe  of  commons,  and  inflict  further  feverities 
on  the  difTenters.     They  were  fubje&ed  to  the  oath 
ex  officio,  as  often  as  it  mould  be  adminiftered,  on 
pain  of  imprifonment.      Cartwright  was   fent  to 
the  Fleet  for  refufing  it.    Udal,  one  of  their  preach- 
ers, was  condemned  to  death  •,  and  Penry  was  ex- 
ecuted for  having  written  fome  fatyrical  libels. 
but  multiply      Puricanifm,  like  every  feci,  flourifhsd  under  per- 
ground?      fecution  ;  and  almoft  ail   the  towns   in  England 
wcte  filled  with  difTenters.     At  lad,  they  difputed 
the  legality  of  the  ecclefiaftical  commiffion,  under 
which  they   had   fuffered  fuch  feverities  ;  and  the 
matter  was  folemnly  argued  at  the  bar,  in  an  ac- 
tion brought  by  one  Caudrey,  a  deprived  minifter. 
Many  learned  arguments  were  produced  on  each 
fide  of  the  queftion ;  but  the  judges  came  to  a  re- 
folution,  that  if  the  act  of  fupremacy  had  never 
been  made,  the  king  or  queen  of  England,  for  the 
time  being,  might   eftabiilh  fuch  an  ecclefiaftical 
commiflion  as  was   then   in  force,  by  the  ancient 
prerogative  and  law  of  England.    John  Greenwood 
a  prieft,  and   Henry   Barrow  a   gentleman,    were 
condemned  and  executed  for  herefy  :   but,   in  the 
latter  part  of  Elizabeth's  reign,  thofe  fanguinary 
laws  were  not  put  in  execution. 

The  End  of  the  Sixth  Volume* 

