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ReJatfinfe' itt 


After Which Follow 


Relating to 


From the Latin 



Rev. H. L. Cornell, M.D., Ph.D. 

(Second and Enlarged Edition) 

Published By 

3108 Humboldt Street 

Los Angeles, California 





BORN JAN. 29ra, 1688. 
PASSED OUT, MCH. 29TH, 1772. 


The First Edition of this book, the revised translations of 
Conjugial Love, Part II, articles 423 to 476 inclusive, was pub- 
lished on January 29th. 1938. the 250th Anniversary of the birth 
of Emanuel Swedenborg. It was stated in the Introduction to the 
First Edition that the entire book on Conjugial Love, Parts I 
and II, should be revised and retranslated, in order to get rid of 
the faulty, natural, and sensual translations, made by the earlier 
translators of a hundred years ago, and soon after the original 
manuscripts were released by Swedenborg. These Revelation?, 
which were given to Swedenborg directly by the Lord, to interpret 
the Scriptures, and to reveal the doctrines of the Lord's New 
Church, the New Jerusalem, and the facts about the Last Judgment 
of the Christian Church, and the Lord's Second Coining, \vere 
rather a surprise and shock to the world, and to the men and 
women of Swedenborg's time, and the spiritual contents of the 
Writings were so far above the concepts of the earlier translators, 
that they made many mistakes of translation^ errors in grammar, 
syntax, meaning of verbs, adjectives, words, etc. that in order to 
try to make sense out of what Swedenborg said, the translators 
began to interpolate new words, omit some words from the Latin, 
change the punctuation, tone down, to disregard series and context 
to ignore correspondences, the References given by Swedenborg* 
and to make translations suited to their own natural, worldly, and 
sensual ideas, and to try to describe things, people, and conditions 
about which Swedenborg had said nothing. Thus the earlier trans- 
lators gave to the world profane, contradictory, injurious, and 
false translations, which have tended to work mischief, false doc- 
trines, heresies, slander and reproach to the New Church Organ- 
izations, almost from the time of the passing of Swedenborg 
himself, and the release of his last manuscripts. 

Bowing to what the people of the New Church Organizations 
thought was the superior knowledge and understanding of the 
earlier translators, these false and superficial translations have 
been allowed to stand, and to be declared official, for the past 
hundred years, and more. But, at last they were to be exposed 
through a Lawsuit over some property, and known as the **Kramph 
Will Case", a struggle between the General Convention and die 
General Church, or The Academy, in 1908 and 1909, two rival 
factions of the New Church Organizations. The trial of this case 
brought out the facts and errors of interpretation, of the book 
known as "Conjugial Love", especially Part II of this book, show- 
ing that the translations were so natural, erotic, and profane, 
that they allowed certain sex evils and licenses in the name of 
religion, and to such an extent that the Court passed a judgment 
upon the translations, that they were contrary to the Public 


MuraK to the Law- of the Mate, and of the Nation. This Judicial 
derision caused an awakening in the New Church Organizations, 
and also caused a public <*candal. and much adverse newspaper 
I u Mir it) over the uorld. 

Mr. William MrGeorire,, Jr. an Attorney, a man born and 
rai,*ed in the Neu Church. \\as retained on this case, to defend the 
property interest* of the General Convention, hut lost the case, 
\\hich \va# derided in favor of The Academy Branch of the New 
Church. Mr. McGeorge had gone along blindly all his life, 
accepting the translations as a matter of course, but this trial was 
an e\e-opener to him. and he decided to investigate, to do some 
translating for himself, some original study as to the meanings 
of the Writings- of Swedenborg, and as a result of his studies, and 
enlightenment, he wrote two great books, the first, "To the Law 
and to the Testimony", in 1912, and a second book, fct How Long 
Halt Ye Between Two Opinions", in 1919. In these two books he 
gave many ne\\ translations of Part I and II. of Conjugial Love, 
and what lie thought were the true meanings of what Swedenborg 
had written. These Looks brought much persecution down upon 
his head, from the older Leaders of the New Church, and also 
severe criticism, arid showed up the ignorance and prejudices of 
the leaders, that Mr. McGeorge completely lost his faith in the 
doctrines of the New Church, especially as to sex matters, and 
said, ipage 548, of the book. Halt Ye Between Two Opinions), 
"Personally, I was never willing to admit that I was a Sweden- 
borgian, and therefore 1 am not distressed about the passing away 
of the k Swedenborgian' church. Indeed, I hope it will soon pass 
away, and that the Lord's New Church will be established". At 
this time Mr. McGeorge was quite an old man, being over 70 
years of age, and he could not do much more to get these old 
translations revised, and he expressed the desire that others would 
take up the work where he left off, and carry it on. From years 
of study of the Writings of Swedenborg, and their Truth and 
spiritual power, I recognized the merits of the claims put forth 
by Mr. McGeorge, and decided to cany on his work, hand on his 
translations, and the new enlightenment he had received as to 
what Swedenborg was writing about. There are thousands of 
people over the World who are interested in the Writings of 
Swedenborg, and in these translations which I am now giving out, 
it was, and is. my purpose to give them to the World, to place 
them in the free Public Libraries, so that the young people, and 
those outside of the New Church Organizations, could see ihem, 
get the truth, and in the years to come help do their part in 
getting the truth about the Swedenborg Teachings, and the New 
Church, before the world, and thus remove the shame and scandal 
which has been brought upon this, the last great Church to be 
established and ordained by our Lord, and which Church is to 
endure to eternity, and which is now the Official Church of the 
Christian Heavens. 


Judging from the reception Mr. McGeorge had at the hand? 
of the old leaders of the New Church Organizations, I did not 
expect the sympathy, approval, and cooperation of these leaders 
when I got out the first, or abridged edition of this book of trans- 
lations on Conjugial Love, and therefore. I got out the book at rny 
own expense, and as my gift to the Lord's Work. The old leaders 
have heckled and condemned ray work very severely. One New 
Church Magazine Editor has condemned the book in very caustic 
terms. One has intimated that I should be "Reticent", keep quiet, 
and not try to hand on these ideas just because I have the money 
to do so. Others, the older leaders, have said that the new trans- 
lations which I have handed on, and also the translations made by 
Mr. McGeorge, are '"no translations at alT, because they help 
give the reader some idea of the spiritual content of the Writings, 
One has written, or intimated, that I should now give the New 
Church people a "breathing spell", and not try to hand them 
anything further at this time about what Mr, McGeorge has said 
and taught concerning the book on Conjugial Love. But, none of 
these things move me. In the first place, I am not giving out 
these translations, and carrying on the work of Mr. McGeorge, as 
a favor, or disfavor, to the present, and older leaders, in the New 
Church^ as they have already shown their antagonistic attitude 
toward any changes, but the work is done, and given out to the 
world at large, to new minds, to the young people of a new 
generation coming on. and that the true New Church may be 
carried on by open minds, and by those who are seeking the truth, 
and who are not willing to condone the evils of old translations 
because they are afraid to assert themselves, or to resist the estab- 
lished leaders, and do little, or no thinking for themselves. The 
young people, and the more enlightened New Church people, 
have responded very favorably to the first edition of this book, 
which has encouraged me to go on, and issue this larger and more 
complete revised edition of the book on Conjugial Love. Years 
of work and study have been given by me to the investigation of 
the Writings of Swedenborg, and also to the new ideas and views 
of Mr. McGeorge, both of the Latin and English texts, and the 
leaders of the present New Church Organizations are as welcome 
to the results of this study, as are the new-comers. 

In the Introduction to the First Edition, the abridged Edition 
of this Work, the especial meanings of terms, new words, coined 
words, capitalized words, are explained, and in order to get a 
deeper grasp of the purposes of this book you should read and 
study carefully the Introduction to the First Edition of this Work, 
which Introduction has been printed in this Second Edition. 

This book, and its translations, contains a complete Digest of 
what has been said by Mr. McGeorge, and also all the trans- 
lations made by him, of passages contained in Conjugial Love. 
Parts I and II. have been incorporated in these translations, in 
their proper place. Mr. McGeorge would have liked to have done 


this before he pasised on from physical life, but this work I have 
now done for you. Therefore, \\lien you come to a translation 
which you think is wrong, and not according to old and estab- 
lished ideas as to what the Writings teach, please remember that, 
if you desire to criticise or permute, you will be very apt to be 
persecuting Mr. McGeorjre. One Editor, in a Review, very severely 
criticised a translation made by McGeorge. which appeared in 
the First Edition of this book, and it seems, and from observation 
it would appear, that the older leaders of the present New Church 
Organizations, are rnuHi against the ne^\ and true translations 
made by Mr. McGeorge. and that they will fight and oppose any- 
body uho tries to hand them on, or keep them before the people, 
as the ideas of McGeorge. and my own ideas as well, do not 
harmonize with the present natural and sensual translations of 
Conjugial Love, that are so commonly accepted to-day as standard 
and official If you wish to be a deep student of Mr. McGeorge, 
and his two books, and of these new translations, you can do so 
by procuring copies of these two books, some of which can still 
be had, but they are rare. You may find copies of them in the 
Public Libraries of the larger Cities, as that is where I first saw 
them. A large part of these two books is taken up with the errors 
of translation, and it would take almost a volume in itself to 
record them here, and bring the facts before you, and if you 
would care to go into the details of these errors, it would be 
necessary for you to procure the books, and study them for 

Many of the old and original translations of this book on 
Conjugial Love have been allowed to remain, as they are in- 
offensive, and have caused no controversies in the Church. The 
principle articles which have given offense are those from 423 to 
476, of Part II of this book. It cannot of course, be claimed that 
these new translations, as advocated by Mr. McGeorge, and myself, 
are perfect, but they are a great advance over the old and estab- 
lished ones, in the opinion of the writer, and if studied, lived, 
believed, and followed up, should see a great and new spiritual 
era in the life, work, and usefulness of the Lord's New Church 
Organizations on earth. 


Los Angeles, Calif. 
Oct 1st, 1938. 


For many years I have been a student of Swedenborg's Theo- 
logical Works, and have quite a complete Library of his books. 
They have appealed to me very much, and his revelations have 
become my religion, and a fixed part of my life. These Writings 
are the first real truths I have ever encountered as to the inner 
and spiritual meanings of the Word, and I consider that they 
were handed down to us from the Lord, to Mr. Swedenborg. who 
called himself, "The Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ". In read- 
ing his books I was very much impressed with the high spiritual 
tone that pervaded them. The book on Conjugial Love was the 
last one to be read, and the present translations did not make a 
very favorable impression upon my mind, and I did not under- 
stand how Swedenborg could so completely reverse himself, end 
teach such natural, and what I call, unchaste things. Time went 
on, and eventually I came across one of Mr. McGeorge's books 
in the Public Library, his book called. "How Long Halt Ye 
Between Two Opinions", and his arguments for a more spiritual 
interpretation of Part Two appealed to me. and explained to me 
the deep, spiritual significations that were behind the literal words 
of these Scientifics. That was in 1933. and when I finished reading 
Mr. McGeorge's book, I said to myself that I would retranslate 
Part II, and put it on a higher spiritual plane, and give to the 
world the real message that Swedenborg was trying to convey. 
Some years passed by, and I did not know where I could get 
copies of the two books written by Mr. McGeorge, his first book 
being entitled, "To the Law and to the Testimony", published in 
1912, and his second book, "How Long Halt Ye Between Two 
Opinions", published in 1919. Finally, in answer to earnest 
praver, copies of these two books came into my hands, which I 
could call my own, and to mark as I pleased. Also a copy of the 
Latin text, a set of Pott's Concordance, and the other books 
necessary to work on this translation, and to read up the Refer- 
ences, were procured. It then took me several months to make a 
digest and index of Mr. McGeorge's books, so that what he had 
said about Swedenborg's meanings, and his use of Latin words, 
could be quickly located. The job of making this new translation 
seemed to be a large undertaking for me, in view of the fact that 
I was not a New Church Minister, nor a member of that Church, 
but my faith was large that the Lord had called me to do it to 
the best of my ability and knowledge, with His help and guidance, 
and the work was begun. The results of my effort I leave for you 
to judge. To make this translation., and possibly more, were the 
last great things I felt I must do before passing on to the Other 
Side of Life. Having retired from the active Practice of Medicine 
some years ago, I have had the time to do considerable research 


work, and study along religious and scientific lines, and also to 
engage in literary \\ork and writing. One of the main reasons also 
for undertaking this work was the urgent request of Mr. McGeorge 
in his books for some one to take it up and carry on, as he was 
too old to do much more, and was also in ill-health. Mr. McGeorge 
was born on Oct. 18. 1841. My birthdate was July 23rd, 1872, 
and my birthplace in a small town near Philadelphia, Penn., just 
a short distance from the present location of the Academy. If the 
Lord should >pare me for a few years yet for work here, it is my 
hope and purpose to do more study and research w r ork, and 
possibly more translating, in an effort to get the book on Con- 
jugial Lo\e in better shape, and that these doctrines may be better 
understood by New Churchmen, and the World At Large. The 
Church of the New Jerusalem is the last great Church of our 
Lord to be established, and which is to endure to eternity, and it 
is time now for the New Church to begin to take on new life, 
after these 150 years of its existence, and to revise translations 
which have given offense in the past, due to wrong interpretations 
of them by the early translators of a hundred years ago. I am 
not an entire stranger to the New Church Leaders, for it was in 
1934 that I had considerable correspondence with Rev. William 
Worcester, in regard to attending the Theological School, and was 
at that time accepted as a student, but w T as unable to attend, due to 
family and business cares and duties at the time. Locally, here in 
Los Angeles, I have attended the New Church, and met with the 
members, but have not joined. Being raised a Presbyterian, and 
educated for the w^ork of a Foreign Missionary of that Church, as 
a Physician and Minister, my study included a College Course, 
Theological and Medical. I did service in Siam and Burma. In 
College, Latin was a favorite study with me, and when I thought 
of renewing it. after forty years of absence from it, as was the 
case also with Mr. McGeorge, things looked more difficult, but 
those clouds cleared away when I got into it. 

In this translation I have incorporated all the translations of 
Part Two, numbers 423 to 476, made by Mr. McGeorge in his 
books, and also have left a great portion of the present translations 
stand, making changes only when necessary to give a more 
accurate meaning of Swedenborg's words. Mr. McGeorge confined 
himself to translating only a few numbers, the most important 
and controversial ones, and dwelt upon them at length in explain- 
ing principles, and giving spiritual interpretations, and the cor- 
respondences, to the teachings. There were some very difficult 
numbers for me to translate, using correspondences, and to get the 
translations away from the merely natural plane. Swedenborg 
said that the only way to know what he was writing about was to 
go to his Writings, read his References, and not to depend too 
much upon lexicons. Mr. McGeorge called the Writings the "Divine 
Lexicon". Also his use of CAPITALS was important, as he usually 
capitalized common words to give them a higher spiritual mean- 


ing. Many of the words he used he coined, to rive them a 
spiritual meaning, and to rai*e them above the ordinary lexicon 
meaning of words of similar appearance, Th5? is where the trans- 
lators have gone wronsr in so many instances hy translating his 
words literally, and to take them at their face value. His coined, 
or new words, are not to be found in any modern lexicon. The 
principle word? he coined were Scoriatio* Fornicatio^ Concu* 
binatus^ and Adulterium. whirh he said referred to spiritual con- 
cWons. and not to physical and material ones. He has said, that 
in Part II he was talking about the Spiritual Sexes, the Till and 
Understanding. Love and Wisdom. Good and Truth, and their 
Heavenlv Marriage, and not about physical sex relations. He said 
the words "Amor Sexus" are the Spiritual Sexes, and these words 
should be translated, '"Sexual Love'*, and not "Love of the Sex" 
as the translators have it. The word Adulterium also refers to the 
adulteration of good, and does not mean the common word, 
"adultery"', as we understand it. The word Scortatio* scortatory 
love, means all extra-conjugial loves, such as would destroy Con- 
jugial Love, and the heavenly marriage of good and truth. The 
word Fornicatio means falsity, to falsify truth, and does not mean 
the word "Fornication"* as used in the Scripture, as Swedenborg 
is talking about the spiritual sexes. The sins of Fornicatio refer 
to those of the Understanding alone. He uses the word Con- 
cubinatus as meaning sins, or evils, of the will and understanding 
combined. The words Amor Adulterii should be translated 
"Adulterous Love", and not the "Love of Adultery", as is done in 
every instance by the earlier translators. Swedenborg savs that 
these two words, "Amor Adulterii," are the equivalent of Scor- 
tatory Love. The word "Conjugial" does not mean "conjugal", 
but the celestial marriage of good and truth, and what he calls 
Conjugial is that which prevails in heaven among the angels, and 
is rarely seen on Earth, but did exist among the Peoples of the 
Most Ancient Church, who were a celestial people, and communi- 
cated directly with the angels. In C.L., n. 127, Swedenborg writes 
of Conjugial Love as follows: "Conjugial Love corresponds to the 
affection of genuine truth, its chastity, purity, and holiness. These 
are angelic qualities, and certainly are not very often attained by 
any human being during earth life. CONJUGAL LOVE means human 
loves, and human matrimonies, such as we have in the world. 
The Translators have constantly translated the word "Conjugial", 
as though it meant "Conjugal". The words "Amor Conjugialis" 
are translated "Conjugial Love". The word "Amor 9 ' is a sacred 
and holy word, and is always used in a sacred sense, to imply 
something heavenly, and when it means an evil love, it is modified 
by an adjective meaning such, as by "libidinis", which indicates 
a lower and illicit love. When an adjective is used with Amor^ 
the adjective should be translated first as Adulterous Love, Con- 
jugial Love, Sexual Love, Scortatory Love, Pellicate Love. Forni- 
catory Love, etc., and not as Love of Adultery, Love of the Sex, 


etr. Adult*- rou? Love S- quite different from the Love of Adultery. 
Also Sexual Lo\e i> quite different from the Love of the Sex. If 
these word> ^re properly translated in the New Church literature, 
the stigma \\hidi has been hanging over the New Church for 150 
\ears. would Mon pa^> away, in my opinion, and the Church 
would have a rapid growth to a million members, instead of the 
meagre arui ^mall membership it has to-day. The New Church is 
the C.iModian nf the greatest and most sacred truth in the world 
to-fit), and a mir-<ionar\ zeal should take hold of New Church- 
men, to -eo that the>e truths are properly given to the world, and 
a> Sweden horjr intended them to be. The old translations were 
made bj men uho did not seem to know what Swedenborg was 
talking about, and especially in Part II of this book on Conjugial 
Love. Part One also needs revision, and to get rid of many 
objectionable translations there, where these false translations 
occur frequently, as **Love of the Sex", etc. In writing Part IL 
Swedenhorg was dealing with a delicate subject literally, and it 
was very necessary to write in a somewhat veiled language, with 
an appeal to the natural men of his day, but also to contain a 
deeper meaning for spiritual people. He knew that in time the 
inner perceptions of New Churchmen w T ould be opened, and that 
they would come to know what he meant. All sacred and holy 
truths whirli have come down from the Lord have had to be 
veiled, or partially covered, to prevent their destruction, and such 
has been the case with what Swedenborg has given us in Part II. 
in my opinion. A Scientific is the outer shell which holds the 
precious kernel and meat on the inside, and every Scientific con- 
tains heavenly and celestial truths inside, as well as the outer 
husk, for those who want to feed on husks. Mr. McGeorge has 
been a new and modern Prophet, and Apostle of the New Church, 
a man with a new vision of the truths which E.S. has given us 
from the Lord, and we ought to carry on the work, give the world 
the new light on the Writings of Part II, which are very spiritual 
and holy, when understood, and to-day, I consider my study of 
Part II as the best part of Swedenborg's Writings, and with teach- 
ings that have drawn me closer to the Lord than ever. Let this 
Part II also be a help to you, and do not discard it, as it is a 
precious jewel of truth when you know what Swedenborg is talk- 
ing about. It has now fallen to my lot to gather up what Mr. 
McGeorge has taught, and put his teachings, views, and the new 
light he has given us, and his translations, into such shape that the 
world can have the benefit of them, and also to make further 
revisions and translations on those sections he did not have time 
to reach. If what I am doing for you appeals to you, and to the 
rank and file of New Churchmen, and also to others outside of the 
New Church Organizations, I will feel that I have done my duty, 
and that my life has been well spent, and of use. As these Writings 
were given to Swedenborg by the Lord, we will never in this 
present life be able to fully comprehend them, but we can do our 


best and make the effort. I have careful!) read the Arcana 
through twice., but every time I take down one of these volumes. I 
see new truths I did not comprehend in former reading*. Then* 
are celestial things, and better understood by the celestial angels 
than by us here. As you read through the translations I am sub- 
mitting here, you will see the words and terms explained by the 
correspondences, and also by phrases in parenthesis, so that it 
will not be necessary for me to make any great and lengthy 
explanation of them here in this Introduction, as it would take a 
large volume to write what I know, and would like to say about 
this Part II. Read these translations carefully, and I think you 
will agree with me that this is one of the Jewels of the Writings. 
and is intended to point men and women to heaven, and the 
heavenly marriage, such as is enjoyed by the angels. The main 
thing that Swedenborg was dealing with in Part II was the 
Heavenly Marriage of Good and Truth, and to teach people how 
to attain to such a conjunction in their own souls. In these writings, 
the MR stands for the Understanding, the Heavenly Husband. The 
UXOR stands for the Will, or the Heavenly Wife. HOMO stands for 
the natural man, or the external mind. Infantes are those young, 
still in states of Innocence and irresponsibility. The Adolescens 
are those in the next higher state, the state of the growing Under- 
standing, and in sins of ignorance. The Juvenis is the next stage, 
that of reason, also of lust and in the sins of lust, or scortations, 
and the falsifying of truth. The next stage after this, if the erring 
Understanding has not yet joined itself to good and truth, is 
where both the Will and Understanding become involved in evils. 
adulterations of good, and profanation of truth. You will fre- 
quently meet with these terms in the translations, and also find 
them explained there. 

The translations given here are Numbers 423 to 476, inclusive, 
the same as appear in the book. "Laws of Order*\ as published fay 
the Academy. As a concluding word I wish to impress upon you 
the fact that it is necessary to know Correspondences before you 
can understand the Writings of Swedenborg. He tells us so many 
times that a knowledge of Form, Order, Degrees, Influx and 
Correspondence, is necessary in order to understand and com- 
prehend his Writings. In C.L. n. 127, he writes, "These, however, 
are Arcana of too deep a nature to enter the understanding with 
any degree of light, unless preceded by Knowledge about Cor- 
respondence; nor is it possible so to explain them as to make 
them comprehensible, unless this Knowledge be disclosed to the 
understanding". What could be plainer instruction than this? 
Some people say there are no Correspondences in Swedenborg^s 
Writings, and that such are limited to the Word only, but from 
what I read in the Writings, they are mistaken, in my opinion. 
We must "know, and use Correspondences, and be familiar with 
the Writings as a whole, in order to understand the meanings in 
CL., and especially in Part II, and not make a new line of thought 


out of Part II. interpreted literally, which is against the general 
trend of his teachings. as. has been done by the Translators. 

There are 112 Numbers, or Article?, in Part II of C.L., but I 
have limited this book to the translation of only 53 of them, as 
the Academy has done in their "Laws of Order*'. But this has 
been done to sive \ou time to think the matter over, and to see 
how you receive these. There are some very important Articles 
and Teachings in Part Two, from 477 to 535, "about the Kinds and 
Decree? of "Adulteries", about the Lust of Defloration, the Lust 
of Varieties, the Lust of Violation, the Lust of Seducing Inno- 
cences. Imputation, etc.. which ought to be revised, and their 
spiritual meanings brought out, to give you the truth about these 
Teachings. Of course, it would mean some sacrifice of present 
literature and plates to make a complete revision of the Volume 
on Conjugial Love, but, as this is the one book of Swedenborg's 
Writings which has been in controversy, I feel that such a step 
would result in a great Forward Movement for the New Church, 
and rapid growth in its membership, influence, and power in the 
World for good, and upliftment of the people from the Heresies, 
Sects, and Creeds, which have grown up from a false interpreta- 
tion of the literal sense of the Word. I trust these translations 
I am now giving you will prove of great spiritual blessing to 
you, and that you w^ill all take a renewed interest in Part Two 
of this book, and discover its hidden treasures. 


Los Angeles. 
Jan. 29th, 1938. 



(nos. 1-26). 

MARRIAGES ix HEAVEN fnns. 2741). noc. 

I. Man lives a man after he leave? the natural ^tate, . . 28-31 
II. The male ( understanding ) then U a male, an*] the female 

(will), a female, \ 32.33 

HI. Every one's own love remain? with him after death. . . ?A-fo 
IV. Sexual love especially remains; and with those who '-nr^e 
into heaven, as those do who become -piritual hi the 
natural world, conjupal love remains 37,38 

V. These things fully confirmed by personal observation, . 3^ 

VI. Consequently there are marriages in the hea\ens. . . 40 
VII. Spiritual weddings are meant by the Lord's words, that 

after the resurrection they are not given in marriage, . 41 

Conjugial love seen in ito own form with two married part- 
ners who were conveyed down from hearen in a vhantjt^ 42,43 
Three noiitiates from the world receive information nn the 
subject of marriage.* in heaven, 44 


L Sexual love remains with every man (or woman) after the 
death of the physical body, such as it had been interiorly, 
that is, such as it had been in his interior will and thought 

in the natural world, * . .46,47 

II. Conjugial love likewise remains such as it had been inter- 
iorly; that is, such as it had been in the unarms interior will 
and thought in the natural world, 48 

III. The two married partners most generally meet after the 

death of the physkal bodies, recognize each other, again 
consociate, and for some time live together: this takes 
place in the first state, thus while they are in externals 
as in the natural world, 47b 

IV. But successively, as they put off their externals, and enter 

into their internals, they perceive what had been the 
quality of their love and inclination for each other 
mutually, and consequently whether they can live together, 

or not, 48b 

V. If they can live together, they remain married partners; but 

if they cannot, they separate; sometimes the husband <vir) 

from the wife, sometimes the wife from the husband, and 

sometimes both mutually from each other, ... 49 

VI. Then there is given to the man a suitable wife, and to the 

woman likewise a suitable husband, 50 

VII. Married partners enjoy similar consociation with each other 
as in the natural world, but more delightful and blessed; 
yet without prolification, for which, or in place of which, 
they have spiritual prolification, which is that of love and 
wisdom, 51,52 


VIII. This takes place with those who come into heaven; but 

it is otherwise with those who go to hell, . . . 53, 54 

Chaste sexual love, 55 

The temple of wisdom, where a discussion was held by the 
wise men on the causes of the beauty of the feminine sex, 56 


I. There exists a truly conjugial love, which at the present 
day is so rare that it is not known what its quality is, 

and scarcely that it exists, 58,59 

II. The origin of that love is from the marriage of good and 

truth, 60,61 

III. There is a correspondence of that love with the marriage 

of the Lord and the church, 62, 63 

IV. That love, on account of its origin, and on account of its 

correspondence, is celestial, spiritual, holy, pure, and clean, 
above every other love which from the Lord is with the 
angels of heaven and with the men of the church, . . 64 

V. It is also the fundamental love of all celestial and spiritual 

loves, and hence of all natural loves, .... 65-67 
VI. And into that love are collected all joys and all delights 

from first to last, 68, 69 

VIL But none others come into that love, and are able to be in 
it, but those who approach the Lord, and love the truths 

of the church, and do its goods, 70-72 

VIII. This love was the love of loves with the Ancients, who lived 
in the golden, silver, and copper ages; (but afterwards it 

successively departed,) 73 

Conjugial love among those who lived in the Golden Age, . 74, 75 
Conjugial love among those who lived in the Silver Age, . 76 

Conjugial love among those who lived in the Copper Age, . 77 

Conjugial love among those who lived in the Iron Age, . 78 

Conjugial love among those who lived after those Ages, . 79, 80 
The Glorification of the Lord hy the angels in the heavens, 
on account of His advent, and on account of (the restora- 
tion of) conjugial love then,. . 81 
The precepts of the New Church 9 82 

AND TRUTH (nos. 83-102). 

I. Good and truth are the universals of creation, and hence are 
in all created things; but in the created subjects they are 

according to the form of each, 84-86 

IL There does not exist solitary good, nor solitary truth, but 

they are everywhere conjoined, 87 

III. There is the truth of good, and from this the good of truth ; 

or, the truth from good, and the good from that truth: 
and in those two there has been implanted from creation 
an inclination to become conjoined into a one, . . 88, 89 

IV. In the subjects of the animal kingdom, the truth of good, or 

the truth from good, is masculine; and from that the good 

of truth, or the good from that truth, is feminine, . . 90, 91 

V. From the influx of the marriage of good and truth from the 

Lord, there is sexual love, and there is conjugial love, . 92, 93 
VI. Sexual love belongs to the external or natural man, and 

hence it is common to every animal, .... 94 

C( A TEXTS xv ii 


VII. But conjugial love belongs to the Internal or spiritual man, 

(and hence this love is peculiar to man), . . . 95,96 
VIII. With man conjugial love is in sexual love, as a gem in its 

matrix, 97 

IX. Sexual love with man is not the origin of conjugial love, 
hut its first manifestation; thus it is like the natural 
external into which the spiritual internal is implanted, . 98 

X. When conjugial love has heen implanted, sexual love inverts 

itself, and becomes the chaste love of the sex, . . 99 

XL The male and the female were created to be the very form 

of the marriage of good and truth, 100 

XII. The two married consorts are that form in their inmosts, 
and hence in the things that are derived from those in- 
mosts, in proportion as the interiors of their minds are 

opened, 101,102 

The origin of conjugial love, and its virtue or potency, 
discussed by wise men summoned together from the 

European world, 103-114 

A paper let down from heaven into the earth, on which was 
written: "The marriage of Good and Truth", . . . 135 

SPONDENCE (nos. 116-131). 

I. The Lord in the Word is called the Bridegroom and Hus- 
band, and the church the bride and wife; and the con- 
junction of the Lord with the church, and the reciprocal 
conjunction of the church with the Lord, is called marriage, 117 
II. The Lord is also called the Father, and the church the 

mother, . . . 118,119 

III. The offspring from the Lord as the Husband and Father, 

and from the church as the wife and mother, are all 
spiritual; and in the spiritual sense of the Word are 
meant by sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, sons- 
in-law and daughters-in-law, and by the other names of 
relationship, 120 

IV. The spiritual offspring, which are born from the marriage 

of the Lord with the church, are truths, from which there 
are understanding, perception, and all thought, and goods, 
from which there are love, charity, and all affection, . 121 
V. From the marriage of good and truth, which proceeds from 
the Lord, and flows in, man receives truth, and to this 
the Lord conjoins good, and thus the church is formed by 

the Lord with man 122-124 

VI. The husband does not represent the Lord, and th.e wife the 
church; because both together, the husband and the wife, 

constitute the church, 125 

VII. Therefore there is no correspondence of the husband with 
the Lord, and of the wife with the church, in the mar- 
riages of angels in the heavens, and of human beings on 
earth, 126 

VIII. But there is a correspondence with conjugial love, fecunda- 

tion, prolification, the love of children, and similar things 
which are in marriages and from marriages, ... 127 
IX. The Word is the medium of conjunction, because it is from 

the Lord, and dius is the Lord, 128 

X. The church is from the Lord, and is with those who come 

to him, and live according to His precepts, . . . 129 


XL Conjugial love is according to the state of the church, 

because it is according to the state of wisdom with man, . 130 

XIL And, since the church is from the Lord, conjugial love also 

is from Him, . 131 

What the image and likeness of God are, and what the tree 
of Ufe is, and what the tree of knowledge of good and evil, 132-136 

A conversation with two angels from the third heaven on 
the subject of the conjugial love in that heaven, . . 137 


I. Hie chaste and the non-chaste are predicated only of mar- 
riages, and of such things as helong to marriage, . . 139, 140 

II. The chaste is predicated only of monogomous marriages, or 

of the marriage of one man with one wife, ... 141 

El. The Christian conjugial (principle) alone is chaste, . . 142 

IV. Truly conjugial love is chastity itself, .... 143 

V. All the delights of truly conjugial love, even the ultimate 

ones, are chaste, 144 

VI. With those who are made spiritual by the Lord, conjugial 

love is more and more purified and made chaste, . . 145, 146 
VII. The chastity of marriage comes into existence by means of 

a total renunciation of scortations on account of religion, 147-149 
VIII. Chastity cannot be predicated of little children, nor of boys 
and girls, nor of youths and maidens before they feel in 
themselves/ sexual love, 150 

IX. Chastity cannot be predicated of eunuchs so born, nor of 

eunuchs so made, 151 

X. Chastity cannot be predicated of those who do not believe 
scortations to be evils of religion; and still less of those 
who do not believe scortatory love to be hurtful to society, 152 

XL Chastity cannot be predicated of those who abstain from 

scortations only for various external reasons, . . . 153 
XIL Chastity cannot be predicated of those who believe mar- 
riages to be unchaste, 154 

XIII. Chastity cannot be predicated of those who have renounced 

marriages by vowing perpetual celibacy, unless there be 

and remain in them the love of a truly conjugial life, . 155 

XIV. The state of marriage is to be preferred to the state of 

celibacy, 156 

Of the Ancients in Greece, who enquired of new-comers, 
"What of regeneration from the natural state? 99 , and 
are told by them about men that have been found in the 

forest, 151a-154a 

The golden shower, and the palace where the wives spoke 
various things on the subject of conjugial love, . . 155a 

ARE NO LONGER Two, BUT ONE FLESH (nos. 156a-181). 
I. From creation there has been implanted in both sexes a 
faculty and inclination, whereby they are able and willing 

to be conjoined as into a one, 157 

II. Conjugial love conjoins two souls, and hence two minds, 

into a one, 158 

HI. The will of the wife conjoins itself with the understanding- 



of the man, and hence the understanding of the man con- 
joins itself with the will of the wife, . 159 
IV. The inclination to unite the man to herself is constant and 
perpetual with the wife, but inconstant and fluctuating 

with the man, 160 

V. Conjunction is inspired into the man by the wife according 
to her love, and is received by the man according to his 

wisdom, 161 

VI. This conjunction is effected successively from the first days 
of marriage; and, with those who are in truly conjugial 
love, it is effected more and more thoroughly to eternity, 162 

VII. The conjunction of the wife with the rational wisdom of 
the husband, is effected from within, but with his moral 
wisdom from without, 163-165 

VIII. For the sake of this conjunction as the end, there has been 

given to the wife a perception of the affections of the 

husband, and also the utmost prudence in governing them, 166 

IX. The wives conceal this perception with themselves, and hide 

it from their husbands, on account of causes which are 

necessities, in order that conjugial love, friendship, and 

confidence, and thus the blessedness of dwelling together, 

and the happiness of life, may be secured, . . . 167 

X. This perception is the wisdom of the wife; and this wisdom 

is not possible with the man: neither is the rational wisdom 

of the man possible with the wife, 168 

XI. The wife, from love, is continually thinking about the man's 
inclination towards her, with the purpose of conjoining 
him with herself; it is otherwise with the man, . . 16^ 

XII. The wife conjoins herself with her husband by means of 

applications to the desires of his will, .... 170 

XIII. The wife is conjoined with her husband by means of the 

sphere of her life, which goes out from her love, . . ' 171 

XTV. The wife is conjoined with the husband by means of the 
appropriation of the forces of his virtues or manhood ; but 
this is effected according to their mutual spiritual love, 172 
XV. Thus the wife receives into herself the image of her hus- 
band, and hence perceives, sees, and feels his affections, 173 

XVI. There are duties proper to the man, and duties proper to 
the wife; and the wife cannot enter into the duties proper 
to the man, nor the man into the duties proper to the wife, 

and perform them rightly, 174, 175 

XVII. These duties, according to mutual aid, also conjoin the two 

into a one, and at the same time constitute one house, . 176 
XVIII. Married partners, according to the above-named conjunc- 
tions, become one man (homo) more and more, . . 177 

XIX. Those who are in truly conjugial love, feel that they are a 

united man, and as it were one flesh, . . . . 178 
XX. Truly conjugial love, considered in itself, is a union of 
the souls, a conjunction of the minds, and an effort for 
conjunction in the bosoms, and hence in the body, . . 179 

XXI. The states of this love are innocence, peace, tranquility, 
inmost friendship, full confidence, and a desire of the 
disposition and of the heart to make all good mutual to 
each other; and the states arising from all these are 
blessedness, blissfulness, delightsomeness, and pleasure; 
and from the eternal enjoyment of these is heavenly 
feisty, 180 


XXIL These things can by no means exist except in the marriage 

of one man with one wife, 181 

The opinions of the ancient Sophi in Greece on the subject 
of the life of human beings after death, . . . . 182 
The wedding garden called "Adramandoni", where a con- 
versation was held on the subject of the Influx of Con- 
jugial Love, 183 

I. The state of a man's life from infancy even to the end of 

his life, and afterwards to eternity, is continually changing, ' 185 
II. A man's internal form, which is that of his spirit, is like- 
wise continually changing, 186 

III. These changes are different with men (viri) from what they 

are with women; since men from creation are forms of 
knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom, and women are forms 
of the love of those things with men, .... 187 

IV. With men there is an elevation of the mind into a higher 

light, and with women an elevation of the mind into a 
higher heat; and the woman feels the delights of her heat 
in the man's light, ......... 188, 189 

V. With both men and women, the states of life before mar- 
riage are different from what they are after marriage, . 190 

VI. With married partners the states of life after 'marriage are 
changed and succeed each other according to the con- 
junctions of their minds by means of conjugial love, . 191 
VII. Marriages also induce other forms on the souls and minds 

of married partners, 192 

VIII. The woman is actually formed into the wife of the man 

according to the description in the Book of Creation, . 193 

IX. This formation is effected by the wife by secret means; and 
this is meant by the woman being created while the man 
slept, 194 

X. This formation by the wife is effected by means of the con- 
junction of her own will with the internal will of the man, 195 

XL This is for the sake of the end that the will of both of them 
may become one, and that thus they both may become one 

man (homo), 396 

XII. This formation by the wife is effected by means of the 

appropriation of the affections of the husband, . , 197 

XIII. This formation by the wife is effected by means of the 

reception of the propagations of the soul of the husband, 
with the delight originating from the circumstance that 
she wills to be the love of he,r husband's wisdom, . . 198 

XIV. Thus a maiden is formed into a wife, and a bachelor into 

a husband, ]99 

XV. In the marriage of one man (vir) with one wife, between 
whom there exists truly conjugial love, the wife becomes 
more and more a wife, and the husband more and more 

a husband, 200 

XVI. Thus also their forms are successively being perfected and 

ennobled from the Interior, ...... 201 

XVII. The offspring born of two who are in truly conjugial love, 
derive from their parents the conjugial principle of good 
and truth; whence they have the inclination and faculty* 



if a son, for perceiving the things which belong to wisdom, 
and if a daughter, for loving the things which wisdom 

teaches, 202-205 

XVIII. This happens because the soul of the offspring is from the 

father (the Lord), and its clothing from the mother, . 206 

A conversation of the ancient So phi in Greece on the sub- 
feet of employments in heaven, 207 

The golden shower, and the palace where the wives again 
spoke on the subject of conjugial love, .... 208 


I. The especial sense of conjugial love is the sense of touch., 210 
II. With those who are in truly conjugial love, the faculty of 
becoming wise increases; but with those who are not in 
conjugial love, it decreases, 211,212 

III. With those who are in truly conjugial love, the happiness 

of dwelling together increases; but with those who are not 

in conjugial love, it decreases, 213 

IV. With those who are in truly conjugial love, the conjunction 

of minds increases, and thereby friendship ; but with those 
who are not in conjugial love, it decreases, . . . 214 
V. Those who are in truly conjugial love, continually desire to 
be one man; but those who are not in conjugial love, 

desire to be two, 215 

VI. Those who are in truly conjugial love, in marriage look to 
what is eternal; but with those who are not in conjugial 

love, the case is reversed, 216 

VII. Conjugial love resides with chaste wives;; but still their 

love depends upon their husbands, 216a 

VIII. Wives love the bonds of marriage, provided only that the 

men also love them, 217 

IX. The intelligence of woman is in itself modest, elegant, pacific, 
yielding, soft, tender; but tie intelligence of men is in itself 
grave, harsh, hard, daring, fond of licentiousness, . . 218 
X. Wives are in no excitement as men are; but they have a 

state of preparation for reception, 219 

XL The men have abundance according to the love of pro- 
pagating the truths of their wisdom, and according to the 
love of doing uses, ........ 220 

XII. The determinations are at the good pleasure of the husband, 221 

XIII. There is a conjugial sphere which flows in from the Lord 

through heaven into each and all things of the universe, 

even to its .ultimates, 222 

XIV. This sphere is received by the feminine sex, and through it 

is transferred into the masculine sex, and not contrariwise, 223 
XV. Where there is truly conjugial love, this sphere is received 

by the wife, and solely through the wife by the husband, 224 
XVI. Where the love is not conjugial, this sphere is indeed 

received by the wife, but not by tie husband through her, 225 
XVII. Truly conjugial love may exist with one of the married 

partners, and not at the same time with the other, . . 226 
XVIII. There are various likenesses and unliken esses, both internal 

and external, with married partners, 227 

XIX. Various likenesses can be conjoined, but not with unlike- 



110 S. 

XX. The Lord provides likenesses for those who desire truly 
conjugial love; and if they do not exist on earth, He pro- 
vides them in the heavens, 229 

XXI. According to the defect and loss of conjugial love, man 

approaches to the nature of the beast, .... 230 

The judges of friendship, of whom the exclamation, "0 how 
just!" was made, 231 

The reasoners, of whom the exclamation, "0 how learned!" 

was made, 232 

The confirmers, of whom the exclamation, "0 how ui-ac!" 

was made,' 233 

(nos. 234-260). 

I. There is spiritual heat and there is spiritual cold; and 
spiritual heat is love, and spiritual cold the deprivation 

thereof, 235 

II. Spiritual cold in marriages is a disunion of the souls, and 
a disjunction of the minds, whence come indifference, dis- 
cord, contempt, loathing, and aversion; from which, with 
many, there at length ensues separation as to bed, bed- 
chamber, and house, 236 

III. There are many causes of cold in their successions, some 

internal, some external, and some accidental, . . . 237 

IV. The internal causes of cold are from religion, . . . 238, 239 
V. The first of these causes is the rejection of religion by both 

of the married partners, 240 

VI. The second is, that one of the married partners has religion, 

and the other has not 241 

VII. The third is, that one of the married partners has a different 

religion from the other, 242 

VHI. The fourth is, imbibed falsity of religion, .... 243 
IX. These are causes of internal cold, but, with many, not, al 

the same time of external cold, 244, 245 

X. There are also many external causes of cold; and the, first 

of them is, an unlikeness of disposition and manners, . 246 
XL The second is, that conjugial love is believed to be one with 
scortatory love, except that the latter is not allowed by law, 

but the former is, 247 

XII. The third is, a striving for pre-eminence between the married 

partners, 248 

XIII. The fourth is, a want of determination to some employment 

or occupation, whence comes wandering cupidity, . . 249 

XIV. The fifth is, inequality of state and condition in externals, 250 
XV. There are also some causes of separation, .... 251 

XVI. The first of them is, a vitiated slate of mind, . . . 25% 

XVII. The second is, a vitiated state of body, .... 253 

XVIII. The third is, impotence before marriage, .... 254 

XIX. Scortatory love is the cause of divorce, . 255 
XX. There are also many accidental causes of cold, and the !irnt 
of these is the commonness of delight which results from 

its being continually allowed, 25d 

XXI. The second is, that living with a married partner from 

covenant and law, seems to be compulsory and not free, 257 


XXII. The third is, affirmation by the wife, and a talking about 

love by her, 258 

XXIII. The fourth is, the man's thought by day and night, that the 

wife is willing; and on the other hand, the wife's thought 

that the man is not willing, 259 

XXIV. In proportion as cold is in the mind, it is in the body also; 

and according to the increase of that cold, the externals 

of the body also are closed, 260 

Of those who are in the love of ruling from the love of self, 261-266 
Of those who are in the love of possessing all the things 

of the world, .... * 267,268 

Of Lucifer, 269 

Conjugial cold, 270 

MARRIAGES nos. 271-292). 

I. In the natural world almost all are capable of being con- 
joined as to the external affections, but not as to the in- 
ternal affections, if these disagree and appear, ... 272 

II. In the spiritual world all are conjoined according to the 
internal affections, but not according to the external affec- 
tions, unless these act as a one with the internal affections, 273 

III. It is the external affections according to which matrimonies 

are generally contracted in the world, .... 274 

IV. But if the internal affections, which conjoin the minds, are 

not within, the bonds of matrimony are loosened at home, 275 
V. Nevertheless matrimonies in the world ought to continue till 

the end of life, 276 

VI. In those matrimonies in which the internal affections do not 
conjoin, there are external affections which stimulate the 

internal ones, and consociate, 277 

VII. Hence there are apparent love, apparent friendship, and 

favour between married partners, 278 

VIII. These appearances are conjugial simulations, and they are 

praiseworthy, because useful and necessary, ... 279 

IX. These conjugial simulations, with a spiritual man (homo), 

conjoined with a consort who is natural, derive their quality 

from justice and judgment, 280 

X. These conjugial simulations with natural men derive their 

quality from prudence for the sake of various reasons, . 281 
XL They are for the sake of amendments, and for the sake of 

accommodations, 282 

XII. They are for the sake of preserving order in domestic affairs, 

and for the sake of mutual help, . ... 283 

XIII. They are for the sake of unanimity in the care of the 

younger and older children, 284 

XIV. They are for the sake of peace at home, . . . . 285 
XV. They are for the sake of reputation outside of the home, . 286 

XVI. They are for the sake of various favours expected from the 
married partner, or from his or her relatives, and thus for 
fear of losing such favours, ...... 287 

XVIL They are for the sake of excusing blemishes, and conse- 
quently for the sake of avoiding disgrace, . . . 288 

XVIII. They are for the sake of reconciliations, .... 289 



XIX. If favour does not cease with the wife, when faculty ceases 
with the man, there may be formed a friendship emulating 
conjugial friendship, when the consorts grow old, . . 290 

XX. There exist various kinds of apparent love and friendship 
between married partners, of whom one has been brought 
under the yoke, and consequently is subject to the other, 291 

XXL In the world there exists infernal marriages between mar- 
ried partners who inwardly are the most inveterate enemies, 
and outwardly are as the most attached friends, . . 292 

The seven wives sitting in the garden of roses * who spake 
various things on the subject of conjugial love, . . 293 

Observations by the same ivives on the subject of the pru- 
dence of women, 294 


I. The choice belongs to the man and not to the woman, . 296 
II. The man ought to court and entreat the woman respecting 

marriage with him, and not the woman the man, . . 297 

III. The woman ought to consult her parents, or those who are 

in place of parents, and then deliberate with herself, before 

she consents 298, 299 

IV. After the declaration of consent, pledges ought to be given, 300 
V. The consent ought to be confirmed and corroborated by 

means of solemn betrothal, 301 

VL By betrothal both are prepared for conjugial love, . . 302 
VII. By means of betrothal, the mind of the one is conjoined 
with the mind of the other, so that a marriage of the spirit 
may be effected before the marriage of the body, . . 303 
VIII. This is the case with those who think chastely of marriages; 
but it is otherwise with those who think unohastely of 

them, 304 

IX. "Within the time of betrothal, it is not allowable to be con- 
joined corporeally, 305 

X. When the time of betrothal is completed, the wedding ought 

to take place, 306 

XI. Previous to the celebration of the wedding, the conjugial 

covenants ought to be ratified in the presence of witnesses, 307 
XII. The marriage ought to be consecrated by a priest, . . 308 

XIII. The wedding ought to be celebrated with festivity, . . 309 

XIV, After the wedding, the marriage of the spirit is made also a 

marriage of the body, and thereby a full marriage, . . 310 
XV. Such is the order of conjugial love with its successive stages 

from its first heat to its first torch, 311 

XVI. That conjugial love precipitated, without order and its 

modes, burns out the marrows and comes to an end, , . 312 
XVII. The states of the minds of both parties proceeding in suc- 
cessive order, flow in into the state of marriage; neverthe- 
less in one manner with the spiritual and in another with 

the natural, 313 

XVIIL Because there exist successive order, and simultaneous order, 

and the latter is from the former and according to it, . 314 
A discussion on the subject of the soul and Us quality, , 315 
The garden where a conversation took place on the sub feet 
of the Divine Providence in relation lo marriage, , , 316 


REPEATED MARRIAGES (nos. 317-325). 

I. After _ the death of a married partner, again to contract 

matrimony depends on the preceding conjugial love, . 318 
II. It depends also on the state of marriage in which they had 

lived 319 

III. With those who have not been in truly conjugial love, there 

is no obstacle or hindrance to their again contracting 
matrimony, - 320 

IV. Those who had lived together in truly conjugial love are 

unwilling to many again, except for reasons separate from 

conjugial love, 321 

V. The state of the marriage of a bachelor with a maiden is 

different from that of a bachelor with a widow, . . 322 
VI. The state of the marriage of a widower with a maiden is 

also different from that of a widower with a widow, . 323 
VII. The varieties and diversities of these marriages as to love 

and its attributes exceed all number, .... 324 
VIII. The state of a widow is more grievous than the state of a 

widower, ' 325 

The difference between what is spiritual and what is natural, 326-329 
Discussing whether a woman who loves herself on account 
of her beauty, loves her husband; and whether a man who 
loves himself on account of his intelligence, loves his wife, 330, 331 

POLYGAMY (nos. 332-342). 

I. Truly conjugial love cannot exist except with one wife, con- 
sequently neither can truly conjugial friendship, confidence, 
potency, and such a conjunction of the minds that two may 

be one flesh, 333, 334 

II. Thus the celestial blessednesses, spiritual blissfulnesses, and 
natural delightsomenesses, which from the beginning were 
provided for those who are in truly conjugial love, can 
only be given with one wife, 335 

III. All those things cannot possibly exist except from the Lord 

alone; and they do not exist with any others than those 
who approach Him alone, and at the same time live accord- 
ing to His commandments, 336 

IV. Consequently, truly conjugial love, with its felicities, can 

exist only with those who are of the Christian Church, . 337 
V. Hence it is that it is not allowable for a Christian to marry 

more than one wife, 338 

VI. If a Christian marries several wives (has several wives at 
the same time), he commits not only natural adultery, but 

also spiritual adultery, 339 

VII. The Israelitish nation was permitted to marry several wives, 
because the Christian Church was not with that nation, 
and consequently truly conjugial love could not exist with 
them 340 

VIII. At the present day, the Mohammedans are permitted to 
marry several wives, because they do not acknowledge the 
Lord Jesus Christ to be one with Jehovah the Father, and 
thus to be the God of heaven and earth; and therefore 
they cannot receive truly conjugial love, .... 341 

IX* The Mohammedan heaven is outside of the Christian heaven, 
and is divided into two heavens; a lower and a higher; 



and no others are elevated into their higher heaven but 
those who renounce concubines, and live with one wife, 
and acknowledge our Lord as equal to God the Father, 
to Whom has been given dominion over heaven and earth, 342-344 

X. Polygamy is lasciviousness, 345 

XI. Conjugial chastity, purity, and holiness, cannot possibly 

exist with polygamists, 346 

XIL Polygamists, so long as they remain polygamists, cannot 

become spiritual, 347 

XIII. Polygamy is not sin with those with whom it is in accord- 

ance with religion, 348 

XIV. Polygamy is not sin with those who are in ignorance about 

the Lord 349, 350 

XV. Of these, such, although polygamists, are saved as acknowl- 
edge a God, and from religion live according to the civil 

laws of justice, 351 

XVI. But none either of the latter or of the former can be con- 

sociated with the angels in the Christian heavens, . . 352 

Self-prudence, 353,354 

The perpetual faculty of loving one's wife in heaven, . . 355, 356 

JEALOUSY (nos. 357-379). 

I. Zeal, considered in itself, is like the fire of love blazing up, 358 
II. The blazing up, or flame of that love, which is zeal, is a 
spiritual blazing up or flame, arising from the infestation 
of and assault upon the love, 359-361 

III. The quality of a man's zeal is according to the quality of 

his love; thus it is different with him whose love is good 

from what it is with him whose love is evil, . . . 362 

IV. The zeal of a good love and the zeal of an evil love are 

alike in externals, but utterly unlike in internals, . . 363, 364 

V. The zeal of a good love in its internals contains a hidden 
store of love and friendship; but the zeal of an evil love 
in its internals contains a hidden store of hatred and 
revenge, 365,366 

VI. The zeal of conjugial love is called jealousy, . . . 367 

VIL Jealousy is like a blazing fire against those who infest the 
love with the married partner, and it is like a terrible fear 

for the loss of that love, 368 

VIII. There exists spiritual jealousy with monogomists, and natural 

jealousy with polygamists, . 369, 370 

IX. Jealousy with those married partners who tenderly love 
each other, is a just grief arising from sound reason, Jest 
conjugial love be divided, and thus perish, . . . 371,372 
X. Jealousy with married partners who do not love each other, 
arises from many causes; arising with some from various 
distempers of the mind, 373-375 

XI. With some there is not any jealousy; and this also is from 

various causes, 376 

XII. There is also jealousy in regard to concubines, but not such 

as in regard to wives, 377 

XIII. Jealousy likewise exists among beasts and birds, . . 378 

XIV. The jealousy with men and husbands is different from that 

with women and wives, 379 

A discussion whether nature is of life, or life of nature; 


also, on the subject of the centre and expanse of life and 

of nature, 380 

Orators delivering their opinions on the subject of the origin 
of the beauty of the feminine sex, 381-384 

(nos. 385-414). 

I. Two universal spheres proceed from the Lord to preserve 
the universe in its created state; of which the one is the 
sphere of procreating, and the other the sphere of pro- 
tecting the things procreated, 386 

II. Those two universal spheres make a one with the sphere of 

conjugial love and the sphere of love of children, . . 387 

III. Those two spheres universally and singularly flow in into 

all things of heaven and all things of the world, from first 

to last, . 388-390 

IV. The sphere of the love of children is a sphere of protection 

and support of those who are unable to protect and support 

themselves, 391 

V. That sphere affects both the evil and the good, and dis- 
poses every one to love, protect, and support his offspring, 
out of self-love, 392 

VI. This sphere principally affects the female sex, thus mothers, 

and the male sex, or fathers, by derivation from them, . 393 
VII. This sphere is also a sphere of innocence and peace from 

the Lord, 394 

VIII. The sphere of innocence flows in into the children, and 

through them into the parents, and affects them, . . 395 

IX. It also flows in into the souls of the parents, and conjoins 
itself with the same sphere in the children; and it is chiefly 

insinuated by means of the touch, 396, 397 

X. In the degree in which innocence departs from children, 
affection and conjunction also abate, and this successively 
even to separation, 398 

XL The state of rational innocence and peace with the parents 
towards the children is (grounded in the cirsumstance), 
that they know nothing and can do nothing from them- 
selves, but from others, especially from the father and 
mother; and this state also successively departs, in propor- 
tion as they know and have ability from themselves and 

not from others, 399 

XII. The sphere of the love of procreating progresses in order 
from the end through the causes into the effects, and 
makes periods, by means of which creation is preserved 
in the state foreseen and provided for, .... 400, 401 

XIII. The love of children descends, and does not ascend, . 402 

XIV. Wives have one state of love before conception, and a 

different state after conception even to the birth, . . 403 
XV. With parents, conjugial love is conjoined with the love of 

children by spiritual causes, and thence by natural ones, 404 
XVI. The love of children is different with spiritual married 

partners from what it is with natural ones, . . . 405-407 
XVII. With the spiritual* that love is from what is interior or prior, 

but with the natural from what is exterior or posterior, 408 
XVIIL Hence it is, that that love exists with married partners who 

mutually love each other, and also with married partners 

who do not love each other at all, 409 

xxviii CONTENTS 

XIX. The love of children remains after death, especially with 

women, 410 

XX. Children are educated under the Lord's auspices by such 
women, and grow in stature and intelligence as in the 

world 411,412 

XXI. It is there provided by the Lord, that with those children 
the innocence of childhood should become the innocence 
of wisdom, and that thus the children should become angels, 413, 414 
That all things that exist and take place in the natural 
world, are from the Lord through the spiritual world, . 415422 




(nos. 423-443). 

I. That the quality of scortatory love is not known unless the 

quality of conjugial love is known, 424 

II. That scortatory love is opposite to conjugial love, . . 425 

III. That scortatory love is opposite to conjugial love, as the 

natural man, viewed in himself, is opposite to the spiritual 

man, 426 

IV. That scortatory love is opposite to conjugial love, as the 

connubial relation of evil and falsity is opposite to the 

marriage of good and truth, 427,428 

V. That scortatory love is therefore opposite conjugial love, 

just as hell is opposite to heaven, 429 

VI. That the uncleanness of hell is from scortatory love, and 

that the cleanness of heaven is from conjugial love, . . 430 
VII. That it is similar in regard to the uncleanness in the church, 

and the cleanness there, 431 

VIIL That the union of evil and falsity more and more makes 
good not good, and truth not truth, and that, on the other 
hand, good and truth conjoined makes good more and 

more good and truth, 432,433 

IX. That there is a sphere of scortatory love, and a sphere of 

conjugial love, 434 

X. That the sphere of scortatory love comes up out of hell, and 

the sphere of conjugial love comes down from heaven, . 435 
XL That in each of those worlds those two spheres meet, but 

do not conjoin, 436 

XII. That between these two spheres is an equilibrium, and in 

this is man, 437 

XIII. That man is able to turn himself to whichever sphere he 

will, but that in so far as he turns himself to one, he turns 
himself from the other, 438 

XIV. That each sphere brings with it delights 439 

XV. That the delights of scortatory love begin from the flesh 

(the natural mind), and that they are of the flesh even in 
the spirit; but that the delights of conjugial love begin in 
the spirit, and that they are of the spirit even in the flesh, 440, 441 
XVL That the delights of scortatory love are pleasures of insanity, 
and that the delights of conjugial love are the delights of 

wisdom, 442,443 

Of the angels who were ignorant of what scortation is 9 . 444 

FORNICATIO (nos. 444a-460). 

I. That fornicatio is of sexual love 445 

II. That sexual love, from which is fornicatio, begins when the 
growing understanding commences to think and act from 
its own intelligence, and the affection of its thought begins 
to become intellectual, i.e., has good from truth or truth 
from good, 446 

III. That fornicatio is of the natural man, 447 

IV. That fornicatio (falsity) is lust, but not the lust of scortatory 

lore, 448,449 



V. That sexual love, if that does not pass off into fornicatio, 
cannot with certain ones be entirely restrained, without 

most evil results, 450 . 

VI. That, therefore, those in corporeal love, who think of 
marriages as scortations, who attribute the origin of con- 
jugial love and its potency to other than the Divine, in- 
augurate, maintain, and populate the lupanaria of hell, . 451 

VII. That forrdcatio is light, so far as it looks to conjugial love, 

and the understanding puts that foremost in thought, . 452 

VIII. That a corrupt affection for falsifying is grievous in the 
degree that it looks to (or regards) a complete union 

with falsity, 453 

IX. That the lust of fornicating is more grievous as it inclines 
towards the lust of varieties, and towards the lust of 

defloration, 454 

X. That the sphere of the lust of fornicating, such as it is in 
principle, is in the middle between the sphere of scortatory 
love and the sphere of conjugial love, and makes the 

equilibrium 455 

XL That care is to be taken, lest conjugial love, by immoderate 

and inordinate fornications, should be destroyed, . . 456 

XII. Inasmuch as the holy marriage of one man (vir) with one 
wife (uxor) is the jewel of human life, and the pearl of 

great price of the Christian religion, 457, 458 

XIII. That this conjugial (principle) can possibly be kept in 
existence with those who, because of manifold (or varying) 
false pretexts (or excuses), cannot initiate (or intend) 
marriages, and likewise, because of a condition in which 
they are constantly exciting their salacity, they are unable 
to govern their lusts, if sexual love is confined strictly 
(or briefly to the understanding alone, .... 459 

XTV. That pellicatus is preferable to wandering lust, provided 
that it is not implanted in many (i.e., in both the will and 
understanding), nor in a perfectly innocent heavenly love, 
nor in the affection free from all falsity, nor with a good 
that is united to truth, and is held separate (or distinct) 
from conjugial love, . 460 

Of delight, that it is the universal of heaven and hell) . 461 

CONCUBINATUS (nos. 462-476). 

I. That there are two kinds of concubinatus, which greatly 
differ from each other: one conjointly with conjugial love, 
and the other separately from that love, .... 463 
II. That concubinatus conjointly with conjugial love IK not per- 
missible to Christians, and is detestable, .... 464 

III. That it is polygamy, which by the Christian world is damned, 

and ought to be damned, 465 

IV. That it is scortatio (all forms of extra-con jugial love), by 

which conjugial love, the most precious treasure of the 

Christian life, is destroyed, 466 

V. That concubinage disjointly from conjugial love, while 
entered into from causes legitimate, just, and truly weighty, 
is not (or may not be) unpermissible, .... 467 
VI. That the legitimate causes of this concubinatus are likewise 
the legitimate causes of divorce, when the adulterous will 
is fully united to the adulterous understanding, . . 468,469 


VII. That the just causes of this concubinatus are the just causes 

of separation from the bedchamber (separation of minds), 470 

VIII. That the weighty causes of this concubinatus are real and 

not real, 471 

IX. That the really weighty causes are such as are based upon 

what is just, 472, 473 

X. That the weighty causes not real, are those which are not 

from the just, although from an appearance of what is just, 474 
XL That those, who from the spiritual causes explained above, 
are in this external marriage, may, or can be, in internal 

marriage, 475 

XII. That when concubinatus persists (or becomes permanent), 
active cooperation (or mixing together) with conjugial love 

is not permitted, 476 

Of an adulterer who was taken up to heaven., and who 
there saw things contrary to what they really are, . . 477 


I. There are three kinds of adulteries, simple, twofold, and 

threefold 479 

II. Simple adultery is that of an unmarried man with the wife 
of another, or of an unmarried woman with the husband 
of another, 480,481 

III. Twofold adultery is that of a husband with the wife of 

another, or of a wife with the husband of another, . . 482, 483 

IV. Threefold adultery is with blood relations, . . . 484 
V. There are four degrees of adulteries, according to which 

their predications, their charges of blame, and after death 

their imputations take place, 485 

VI. Adulteries of the first degree are adulteries of ignorance, 
which are committed by those who cannot as yet, or cannot 
at all, consult the understanding, and thus check them, . 486 

VII. Adulteries committed by these persons are mild, . , 487 

VIII. Adulteries of the second degree are adulteries of lust, which 
are committed by those who indeed are able to consult the 
understanding, but from accidental causes at the moment 

are not able to do so, 488 

IX. Adulteries committed by these persons are imputatory, 
according as the understanding afterwards favours them 

or does not favour them, 489 

X. Adulteries of the third degree are adulteries of the reason, 
which are committed by those who confirm with the under- 
standing that they are not* evils of sin, .... 490 

XL The adulteries committed by these persons are grievous, and 

are imputed to them, according to confirmations, . . 491 

XII. Adulteries of the fourth degree are adulteries of the will, 
which are committed by those who make them allowable 
and pleasing, and who do not think them of such great 
importance as to make it worth while to consult the under- 
standing about them 492 

XIII. The adulteries committed hy these persons are exceedingly 

grievous, and are imputed to them as evils of set purpose, 

and remain seated in them as guilt, 493 

XIV. Adulteries of the third and fourth degrees are evils of sin, 

according to the measure and quality of the understanding 


and the will in them, whether they are committed in act, 

or not committed in act, 494 

XV, Adulteries from set purpose of the will, and adulteries from 
confirmation of the understanding, render human beings 

natural, sensual, and corporeal, 495,496 

XVI. And this to such a degree that at length they reject from 

themselves all things of the church and of religion, . 497 
XVII. Nevertheless they possess human rationality like others, . 498 
XVIII. But they use that rationality when they are in externals, but 

abuse it when in their internals, 499 

Of the three priests who were accused by adulterers, . 500 

THE LUST OP DEFLORATION (nos. 501-505). 

I. The state of a maiden or undeflowered woman before mar- 
riage and after marriage 502 

II. Virginity is the crown of chastity, and the pledge of con- 

jugial love, 503 

III. Defloration without a view to marriage as the end, is the 

villainy of a robber, 504 

IV. The lot of those who have confirmed themselves in the per- 

suasion that the lust of defloration is not an evil of sin, 

after death is grievous, : 505 

THE LUST OF VARIETIES (nos. 506-510). 

I, That by the lust of varieties is understood the lust of scorta- 

tion entirely unrestrained, 507 

II. That lust is love and at the same time loathing for the sex, 508 

III. That lust utterly annihilates conjugial love with itself, . 509 

IV. The lot after death of those (who have been addicted to 

that lust) is miserable, since they have not the inmost of 

life, 510 

THE LUST OF VIOLATION (nos. 511, 512). 


SPIRITUAL MARRIAGE (nos. 515-520). 

Of those who are adulterers from set purpose and from con- 
firmation, that they do not acknowledge anything of heaven 
and the church, 521,522 

(nos 523-531). 
I. The evil in which any one ia, is imputed to him after death; 

likewise the good, 524 

II. The transcription of the good of one person into another is 

impossible, 525 

III. Imputation, if by it is meant such transcription, in a frivolous 

term, 526 

IV. Evil is imputed to every one according to the quality of his 

will, and according to the quality of his understanding; 

likewise good, ' 527-529 

V. Thus scortatory love is imputed to every one, . . . 530 
VL Thus conjugial love (likewise) is imputed to every one, . 531 

Of the new things that have been revealed by the Lord, . 532-535 


Relating to 



1. I FORESEE that many who read these things that follow, and 
the Memorable Relations at the end of the chapters, will believe 
that they are inventions of the imagination; but I asservate in 
truth that they are not inventions, but have of a truth been done 
and seen; and that they have been seen, not in any dozing state 
of mind, but in a state of full wakefulness. For it has pleased 
the Lord to manifest Himself to me, and to send me to teach 
those things which will belong to the New Church, which is meant 
by the "New Jerusalem" in the Apocalypse. For the sake of this 
end He has opened the interiors of my mind and spirit; by virtue 
of which it has been given me to be in the spiritual world with the 
angels, and at the same time in the natural world with men, and 
this now for twenty-five years. 

2. On a certain time I saw an angel flying underneath the 
eastern heaven, who had a trumpet in his hand and at his mouth, 
which he sounded towards the north, towards the west, and to- 
wards the south. He was clad in a cloak, which streamed behind 
him as he flew; and he was girt with a girdle which as it were 
flamed and shone with fiery stones and sapphires. He flew down- 
wards, and let himself slowly down on to the earth, near where I 
was standing. As soon as he touched the earth, he stood erect on 
his feet, and paced to and fro; and then, seeing me, he directed 
his' steps towards me. I was in the spirit, and was standing, in the 
spirit, on a hill in the southern quarter. 

When he was near me, addressing him I asked, "What is the 
matter now? I heard the sound of your trumpet, and saw your 
descent through the air." 

The angel replied, "I have been sent to call together those 
who are the most celebrated for learning, the most clear-sighted 
in genius, and the most eminent in the renown of wisdom, who 
are on this part of the earth from the kingdoms of the Christian 
world, that they may assemble on this hill where you are standing, 
and from the heart utter their minds, as to what had been their 
thought, understanding, and wisdom, while in the natural world, 
concerning HEAVENLY JOY, and concerning ETERNAL HAPPINESS. 
The cause of my mission was this, that some new-comers from 
the natural world, having been admitted into our heavenly society, 
which is in the east, have informed us, that not a single person 
in the whole Christian world knows what heavenly joy is, and 
what eternal happiness is, nor, consequently, what heaven is. My 



brethren and companions wondered much at this, and said to me, 
'Go down, call together and assemble the wisest in the state of 
spirits, (into which all mortals are first collected after their 
departure out of the natural world,) to the end that we may know 
of a certainty, from the mouth of many, whether it be the Truth 
that there is such thick darkness, or dense ignorance, among 
Christians, concerning the future life'." 

And he said, "Wait a little while, and you will see companies 
of the wise ones flocking hither; the Lord will prepare a house of 
assembly for them." 

I waited, and lo! after half an hour, I saw two troops from 
the north, two from the west, and two from the south; and, as 
they came, they were introduced by the angel of the trumpet into 
the house prepared for them, where they took the places assigned 
them according to the quarters. There were six troops or 
companies; and there was a seventh from the East, which, by 
reason of its light, was not seen by the others. When they were 
gathered together, the angel explained the reason of their being 
called together, and desired that the companies in order would 
utter their wisdom concerning HEAVENLY JOY, and concerning 
ETERNAL HAPPINESS. Then each company formed themselves into 
a ring, with their faces turned towards each other, in order that 
they might recall that subject according to the ideas which they 
had conceived in the former state, and then examine it, and that, 
after having examined it, and consulted together, they might 
state what they thought about it. 

3. After consultation, the FIRST COMPANY, which was from the 
north, said that heavenly joy and eternal happiness are one with 
the very life of heaven ; wherefore every one who enters heaven, 
enters into its festivities as to the life; no otherwise than as a 
person who goes to a wedding enters into its festivities. u ls not 
heaven before our sight, above us, and consequently in a place? 
and are there not there, and nowhere else, states of bliss on states 
of bliss, and pleasures on pleasures? Into these blissful states 
and pleasures a man is introduced, both as to the perception of 
the mind and as to every sensation of the body, in consequence of 
the fullness of the joys of that place, when he is admitted into 
heaven; wherefore, heavenly happiness, which is also eternal 
happiness, consists solely in admission into heaven, and admis- 
sion into heaven depends on the Divine favor." 

When they had said this, the SECOND COMPANY from the North 
uttered this conjecture from their wisdom: "Heavenly joy and 
eternal happiness consist solely in most delightful social gather- 
ings with angels, and sweetest conversations with them, whence 
the faces are kept continually expanded with gladnesses, and the 
lips of the whole company are kept continually in pleasant smiles 
at kind speeches and pleasantries. What else are heavenly joys, 
than the variations of such things to eternity?" 



The THIRD COMPANY, which was the first of the wise ones from 
the western quarter, gave utterance to the following opinion from 
the thoughts of their affections: "In what else do heavenly joy 
and eternal happiness consist than in feasting with Abraham, 
Isaac, and Jacob, on whose tables there will be delicate and rich 
foods, and generous and noble wines, and after the banquets 
games and dances of maidens and young men dancing to the 
music of svmphonies and flutes, with sweetest songs and odes 
interspersed; and lastly in the evening stage performances; and 
this again to be followed by feasts, and so on every day to 

When they had said these things, the FOURTH COMPANY, which 
was the second from the western quarter, expressed their opinion, 
saying, "We have entertained many ideas concerning heavenly 
joy. and concerning eternal happiness: and we have explored a 
variety of joys, and compared them one with another, and have 
come to the conclusion, that heavenly joys are paradisiacal joys. 
What is heaven but a paradise, whose extension is from the east 
to the west, and from the south to the north, wherein are trees of 
fruits, and flowers of delights, in the midst of which is the mag- 
nificent tree of life, around which the blessed will sit, eating fruits 
of delicate flavor, and adorned with garlands of the sweetest 
smelling flowers? These fruits and flowers. -under the influence of 
a perpetual spring, are renewed, and renewed again, every day, 
with infinite variety; and bv their perpetual growth and blossom- 
ing, and at the same time bv reason of the constantly vernal tem- 
perature of the atmosphere, the minds (animus) of the blessed, 
being continuaUv renewed, cannot but attract and breathe daily 
new joys, and thus be restored to the flower of afire, and thereby 
to the primitive state, into which Adam and his wife were created, 
and thus he led back into their paradise, which has been trans- 
ferred from earth to heaven." 

The FIFTH COMPANY, which was the first of the men of genius 
from the southern auarter. pronounced the following opinion: 
"Heavenly joys and eternal happiness consist solely in most 
exalted power, and overflowing treasuries, and thus in more than 
kingly magnificence, and splendor bevond that of the mreatest 
nobles. That the joys of heaven, and their continual enjoyment, 
which is eternal happiness, consist in these things, we have clearly 
perceived from the case of those persons in the former state who 
have possessed them; and especially from this circumstance, that 
the happy in heaven are to reign with the Lord, and to be kings 
and princes, because they are the sons of Him Who is King of 
kings and Lord of lords: and that they are to sit on thrones and 
be ministered to bv angels. The magnificence of heaven we have 
clearly perrewed from this fact, that the New Jerusalem, whereby 
is described the glory of heaven, is to have gates, each of which 
will consist of a single pearl, and streets of pure gold, and a wall 
founded upon precious stones; consequently, that every one who 



is received into heaven will have a palace of his own, glittering 
with gold and precious materials, and that the government will 
pass in orderly succession from one to another. And since we 
know that in such things joys are innate, and happiness is in- 
herent, and that they are the promises of God, which cannot fail, 
we could not deduce the most happy state of heavenly life from 
any other source." 

After this, the SIXTH COMPANY, which was the second from 
the southern quarter, raised their voice, and said, "The joy of 
heaven and its eternal happiness consist solely in a perpetual 
glorification of God, a never-ceasing festival of praise, and most 
blessed worship, with songs and shouts of joy, and thus ia a con- 
stant elevation of the heart towards God, with a full reliance on 
His acceptance of the prayers and praises for the Divine bounty 
in imparting blessedness to them." Some of this company added, 
that this glorification would be attended with magnificent illumi- 
nations, with most fragrant incense, and with stately processions, 
preceded by a high pontiff with a great trumpet, who would be 
followed by primates and office-bearers, great and small, and, 
after these, by men carrying palms, and by women with golden 
images in their hands. 

4. The SEVENTH COMPANY, which, by reason of its light, was 
not seen by the rest, was from the east of heaven; they were 
angels of the same society as the angel of the trumpet. When 
these heard in their heaven, that not a single person in the 
Christian world knew what the joy of heaven and eternal happi- 
ness were, they said one to another, "Surely this cannot be the 
truth: such thick darkness, and such dullness of mind, cannot pre- 
vail among Christians. Let us also go down and hear whether il 
be the truth ; for if it be the truth, it is indeed a monstrous thing." 

Then those angels said to the angel of the trumpet, "You know 
that every man that had desired heaven, and had thought anything 
definite concerning the joys there, is introduced after death into 
the joys of his imagination; and that, after they have found out 
the quality of those joys, in that they are according to the idle 
ideas of their mind, and according to the ravings of their own 
phantasy, they are led away from them, and instructed. This 
happens in the state of spirits to most of those who in the former 
state had meditated about heaven, and had drawn some conclusion 
concerning the joys there, till they desired to possess these joys." 

On hearing these things, the angel of the trumpet said to the 
six companies of the wise ones of the Christian world who had 
been called together, "Follow me; and I will introduce you into 
your joys, and consequently into heaven." 

5. Having said this, the angel went before them; and he was 
first accompanied by the company of those who had persuaded 
themselves that heavenly joys consisted solely in most delightful 



social gatherings and sweetest conversations. These the angel in- 
troduced to companies in the northern quarter, who, in the former 
state, had considered the joys of heaven to be no other than these. 
There was there a spacious house, into which such had been gath- 
ered together. In the house there were more than fifty rooms, 
distinguished according to the various kinds of conversation. In 
some of these rooms they conversed about such matters as they 
had seen and heard in the public places of resort and in the 
streets; in others they spoke about the various charms of the 
beautiful sex, with a mixture of pleasantries, so that the coun- 
tenances of all in the company were expanded in cheerful merri- 
ment; in others they talked about the news relating to the courts, 
administrations, and the body politic, and to various matters which 
had transpired from privy councils, with reasonings and conjec- 
tures of their own about the outcomes of such councils; in others 
again they conversed about business matters; in others about 
literature; in others about such things as belong to statesmanship 
and moral life; and in others about affairs relating to the Church, 
and about the sects; and so forth. 

It was given me to look into that house; and I saw people 
running from one room to another, seeking such company as best 
suited their own affection and consequent joy; and in the different 
companies I saw three kinds of persons ; some as it were panting 
to speak, some eager to ask questions, and some greedy to listen. 

The house had four doors, one towards each quarter; and I 
observed that many broke away from their company, and hastened 
to go out. I followed some of them to the East door, and I saw 
several sitting by it with sad countenances. I went up to them, 
and asked why they were sitting thus sadly; and they replied, 
"The doors of this house are kept shut against those who would 
go out, and this is the third day since we entered, and we have 
completely exhausted the life of our desire in company and con- 
versation, and are so tired out with continual conservations, that 
we can scarcely bear to hear a murmur of the sounds which come 
from them ; wherefore, we have betaken ourselves in weariness to 
this door ; and we knocked, but it was answered us, that the doors 
of this house are not opened to those who would go out, but only 
to those who would enter, and that we must remain and enjoy the 
joys of heaven; from which answer we concluded, that we are to 
remain here to eternity; hence sorrow has come over our minds, 
and now our breast begins to be oppressed, and anxiety begins to 

The angel then spoke to them, and said, "This state is the 
death of your joys, which you had believed to be the only heavenly 
joys, when yet they are only accessories of heavenly joys." 

And they asked the angel, "What then is heavenly joy?" 

And the angel replied briefly thus, "It is the delight of doing 
something that is of use to oneself and others; and the delight of 
use derives its essence from love and its existence from wisdom. 



The delight of use, originating in love through wisdom, is the sou! 
and life of all heavenly joys. In the heavens there are most delight- 
ful social gatherings, which exhilarate the minds (mens) of the 
angels, amuse their lower minds (animus), delight their breasts, 
and recreate their bodies, but they hold these gatherings after 
they have done uses in their respective function and work. From 
these uses there is soul and life in all their gladnesses and delights; 
but if you take away that soul or life, the accessory joys gradually 
cease to be joys, becoming first indifferent, then as it were trifles, 
and at last sorrowful and anxious." 

When he had said these things, the door was opened, and those 
who were sitting near it bounded out, and fled home, each one to 
his own function, and to his own work, and they were warmed 
into life again. 

6. After this the angel addressed those who had deluded them- 
selves with the idea that the joys of heaven, and enternal happi- 
ness, consisted in feasts with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, suc- 
ceeded by sports and public shows, and these by other feasts, and 
so on to eternity. He said unto them: "Follow me; and I will 
introduce you into the happiness of your joys:" and he led them 
through groves into a plain floored with planks, on which were 
set tables, fifteen on one side and fifteen on the other. 

They asked, "Why are there so many tables?" and the angel 
replied, "The first table is for Abram, the second for Isaac, the 
third for Jacob, and by the side of them, in a series, are the 
tables of the twelve apostles. On the other side are the same 
number of tables for their wives; the first three are for Sarah, 
Abram 's wife, for Rebecca, the wife of Isaac, and for Leah and 
Rachel, the wives of Jacob : and the other twelve are for the wives 
of the twelve apostles." 

After a slight delay, all the tables appeared covered with 
dishes, the little spaces between which were adorned with little 
pyramids holding sweetmeats. Those who were about to feast 
stood around the tables waiting to see the presidents of the tables ; 
after they had waited a little while, these were seen entering in 
order of procession, from Abram to the last of the apostles; and 
then each president, going up to his own table, reclined on a couch 
at the head thereof; and they said thence to the bystanders, 
"Recline ye also with us ;"and the men reclined with the patriarchs 
(and apostles), and the women with their wives: and they ate and 
drank in gladness, and with reverence. 

After the repast, the patriarchs (and apostles) went out; and 
then were introduced games, and dances of maidens and young 
men, and after these there were public shows* 

At the conclusion of these entertainments, they were again 

invited to feasts, but with this restriction, that on the first day they 

should eat with Abram. on the second with Isaac, on the third 

with Jacob, on the fourth with Peter, on the fifth with James, on 



the sixth with John, on the seventh with Paul, and with the rest in 
order till the fifteenth day, when the banquets should be renewed 
again in like order, only changing their seats, and so on to 

After these events the angel called together the men of the 
company, and said to them, "All those whom you have seen at the 
tables, had been in a similar imaginary thought as yourselves, 
concerning the joys of heaven, and thus concerning eternal happi- 
r^s; and it is with the intent that thev may see the vanity of their 
I'rhns, and be led away from them, that such representations of 
banquets have been appointed and permitted bv the Lord, Those 
Dersonages whom you saw at the head of the tables, were old men 
in feigned characters, many of them of the peasant class, who 
wore long beards, and on account of their comparative wealth 
^ 7 ere exceedingly haughty, who were deluded by the phantasy that 
rhev were those ancient patriarchs. But follow me to the ways 
that lead out of this place of sports." 

They accordingly followed, and saw groups of fifty here and 
fiftv there, who had surfeited themselves with dainties to the point 
of vomiting, and who wished above all things to return to their 
domestic emplovments, some to their professional duties, some to 
their business affairs, and some to their works; but many of them 
were detained by the keepers of the grove, and Questioned con- 
cerning the days they had feasted, and whether thev had as yet 
eaten at table with Peter and Paul ; and it was represented to them 
that it would be unbecoming and a shame of them to go out 
before they had done so. But most of them answered, "We have 
exhausted our jovs; our food has become insipid to us, and its 
flavor dry: the stomach loathes it, and we cannot bear the taste 
of it: we have spent some days and nights in that luxury: we 
earnestlv request to be set free." Then being set free, they fled 
home with panting breath and at full speed. 

After this the angel called the men of the company, and in 
the way he taught them the following particulars concerning 
beaven: "There are in heaven, the same as in the natural world, 
both foods and drinks, both banquets and feasts; and at the houses 
of the more distinguished there are tables on which are the richest 
foods, dainties and delicacies, wherewith the minds (animus] are 
exhilarated and recreated. There are also sports and public shows, 
concerts of music, vocal and instrumental, and all these things in 
the highest perfection. Such 'things are a source of jov to them. 
but not of happiness; for happiness ought to be within JO^ T S and 
consequently to flow from them. The happiness within the iovs 
causes them to be jovs; it enriches them, and prevents the ; r 
becoming worthless and loathsome; and every one has this happi- 
ness from the use in his own function. There is a certain vein 
latent in the affection of the will of every angel, which attracts hi? 
mind (mens] to do something: bv this his mind calms itself, and 
is satisfied. This satisfaction and that calmness constitute a state 



of mind capable of receiving the love of use from the Lord ; and 
from the reception of this love comes heavenly happiness, which 
is the life of the above-mentioned joys. Heavenly food in its 
essence is nothing else than love, wisdom, and use together; that 
is, use done through wisdom out of love; wherefore food for the 
body is given to every one in heaven according to the use which 
he performs; sumptuous food to those who are in eminent use; 
moderate, but of an exquisite flavor, to those who are in use of a 
middle degree ; and common to those who are in common use ; but 
none at all to the slothful. 

7. After this the angel called to him the company of the so- 
called wise ones, who had placed heavenly joys, and the eternal 
happiness flowing thence, in most exalted power and overflowing 
treasuries, and in more than kingly magnificence, and splendor 
beyond that of the greatest nobles, because it is said in the Word, 
that they are to be kings and princes, and to reign with Christ to 
eternity, and to be ministered unto by angels: with many other 
similar expressions. 

The angels said unto them, "Follow me, and I will introduce 
you into your joys." And he introduced them into a colonnade 
constructed of pillars and pyramids: in front there was a palace 
of lowly structure, through which there was an open entrance into 
the colonnade; through this palace he introduced them, and lo! 
there were seen people in groups of twenty. So they waited, and 
suddenly there stood present a certain one who had the appearance 
of an angel, and he said to them, "The way to heaven is through 
this colonnade: wait a little while and prepare yourselves; for the 
elder ones of you are to be kings, and the younger ones princes." 

When he had said this, there appeared beside each pillar a 
throne, and on each throne a silken cloak, and on each cloak a 
sceptre and a crown: and beside each pyramid there appeared a 
chair of state raised three cubits from the ground, and on each 
chair of state a chain of links of gold, and the badges of an order 
of knighthood, fastened at the ends with diamond clasps. And 
then they heard a voice saving, "Go now, and array yourselves in 
vour robes; be seated, and wait:" and instantly the elder ones ran 
to the thrones, and the vounger ones to the chairs of state; and 
they arrayed themselves in their robes and seated themselves. And 
then there appeared as it were a mist rising up from below, which, 
on being inhaled by those who sat on the thrones and chairs of 
state, made their faces puff up and their breasts swell out, and 
caused themselves to be fully persuaded that now they we#e kings 
pnd princes. That mist was an aura of the phantasy with which 
thev were inspired. And suddenly several young men flew down 
as it were from heaven ; and two of them stood in waiting behind 
each throne, and one behind each chair of state: and then by turns 
acclamation was made by a herald, in these words: "Ye kings and 
princes, wait a little longer; your palaces in heaven are now being 


made ready for you; your courtiers and guards will soon come, 
and introduce you." They waited and waited, till their spirits were 
exhausted, and they grew weary with desire. 

After a space of three hours, the heaven above their heads was 
opened, and the angels looked down in pity upon them, and said, 
"Why sit ye here like doltheads playing comedv? They have 
made a mockery of you, and have changed you from men into 
mere images, because you have induced on vour hearts the phan- 
t-sv. that you should reign with Christ as kings and princes, and 
that angels should then minister unto vou. Have you forgotten the 
Lord's words, that whosoever would be great in heaven must 
become a servant? Learn therefore what is meant bv being kings 
and princes, and what by reigning with Christ; that it means 
being wise and doing uses. For the kingdom of Christ, which is 
heaven, is a kingdom of uses; inasmuch that the Lord loves all, 
and consequently wishes good to all; and good is use; and because 
the Lord does goods or uses mediately through angels, and in the 
world through men, therefore, to those who do uses faithfully, He 
gives the love of use, and its reward, which is internal blessed- 
ness; and this is eternal happiness. There are in the heavens, 
as in the earths, lofty administrative positions, and overflowing 
treasuries; for there are governments and forms of government, 
and consequently greater and lesser Powers and dignities. Those 
of the highest rank have palaces and courts, which for magnifi- 
cence and splendor exceed the -palaces and courts of the emperors 
and kinsrs of the earth; and they derive honour and glory from 
the number of their courtiers, ministers, and retinue, and their 
magnificent vestments. But these persons of the highest rank are 
chosen from those whose heart is in the public welfare, and only 
their bodily senses in the dignity of magnificence for the sake of 
obedience: and as it is for the public welfare that every one should 
be of some use in society, as in the common body, and as all use 
is from the Lord, and is done through angels and men as if by 
them, it is manifest that this is meant by reigning with the Lord. 

On hearing these things out of heaven, the kings and princes 
descended from their thrones and chairs of state, and cast away 
their sceptres, crowns and cloaks; and the mist in which was the 
aura of phantasy, departed from them, and a bright white cloud, 
in which there was the aura of wisdom, covered them, whence 
soundness returned to their minds. 

8. After this the angel returned to the house of assembly of 
the wise ones from the Christian world, and called to him those 
who had persuaded themselves that the jovs of heaven and eternal 
happiness consisted in paradisiacal delights. 

To these he said, "Follow me, and I will introduce you into a 
paradise, your heaven, so that you may enter upon the blessedness 
of your eternal happiness." And he introduced them through a 
lofty gate, constructed of the boughs and shoots of noble trees 


woven together. After their entrance, he led them through winding 
paths from one quarter to another. The place was actually a 
paradise, in the first entrance to heaven, into which were admitted 
those who in the world had believed that the whole heaven is a 
single paradise, because it is called paradise, and had impressed 
on themselves the idea that after death there would be a perfect 
rest from all kinds of labour, and that this rest would consist in 
inhaling the very souls of delights, walking on roses, being glad- 
dened with the most delicate vintages (mustum) of grapes, and 
frequenting festive gatherings; and that this life did not exist 
except in a heavenly paradise. 

Led by the angel, they saw a great multitude of both old and 
young men and boys, and also of women and girls, sitting by 
threes and tens on banks of roses; some wreathing garlands to 
adorn the heads of the old men, the arms of the young men, and 
in festoons the bosoms of the boys ; others gathering fruits off the 
trees, and bearing them in baskets to their companions; others 
pressing the juice (mustum) out of grapes, cherries, and currants, 
into cups, and drinking jovially; some inhaling with their nostrils 
the fragrant smells that exhaled, and were diffused around, from 
flowers, fruits, odoriferous leaves; others singing sweet odes, by 
which they charmed the hearing of those present, others sitting by 
fountains, and diverting the waters of the leaping jets into various 
forms; others walking, conversing together, and jesting; others 
running, playing games, dancing in one place minuets, in another 
round dances; others retiring into little summer-houses to lie on 
couches; besides manv other paradisiacal enjoyments. 

After these things had been seen, the angel led his companions 
bv roundabout ways hither and thither, and at last led them to a 
most beautiful bank of roses, surrounded by olive, orange, and 
citron trees: here there were some persons sitting disconsolate, 
with their hands under their cheeks, mourning and weeping. The 
companions of the angel accosted them and said, "Why are you 
sitting thus?" and they replied, "This is the seventh day since we 
came into this paradise: when we entered, our mind seemed to be 
as it were elevated into heaven, and admitted into the inmost 
blissful nesses of its joys; but after three days those blissfulnesses 
began to pall, and in our minds they began to decay and to become 
tasteless, and consequently to become no blissf ulnesses ; and when 
our imaginary joys had thus died out, we were afraid of losing all 
the delightsomeness of our life, and began to doubt whether anv 
such thing as eternal happiness existed. We then wandered through 
the wavs and paths, in search of the gate through which we had 
entered; but we wandered round and round about, and asked 
those we met, some of whom said that it was impossible to find 
I he gate, because this paradisiacal garden is a spacious labyrinth 
of such a nature, that whoever wants to go out, enters further and 
further into it; 'wherefore,' said thev, 'you cannot but remain 
here to eternity; you are in the middle of the garden, where all 


delights are centered'," They further said to the angel's com- 
panions, "We have now been sitting here for a day and a half, 
and as we are without hope of finding the way out, we have sat 
down on this bank of roses, where we view around us olives, 
grapes, oranges, and citrons, in abundance; but the longer we 
look at them, the more our sight is wearied with seeing, our smell 
with smelling, and our taste with tasting: and this is the cause of 
the dejection, sorrow, and weeping, in which you now see us." 

On hearing this, the angel of the company said to them, "This 
paradisiacal labyrinth is truly an entrance into heaven; I know 
the way out; and I will lead you out." When he had said this, 
those who were sitting down rose up, and embraced the angel, and 
accompanied him, together with his company. And the angel, as 
they went, taught them what heavenly joy, and eternal happiness 
flowing thence, were; that they do not consist in external para- 
k disiacal delights, unless together with these there are also internal 
"paradisiacal delights: "external paradisiacal delights are merely 
.delights of the external mind; but internal paradisiacal delights 
are delights of the affections of the soul: unless the latter be in 
the former, these have no heavenly life, because they have no 
soul ; and every delight without its corresponding soul, forthwith 
'becomes feeble and dull, and fatigues the lower mind (animus) 
more than labour. There are everywhere in heaven paradisiacal 
gardens, and from these also the angels derive joys; and in so far 
as in these joys there is a delight of the soul, in the same pro- 
portion those joys are joys to them." 

" On hearing this, they all asked, "What is the delight of the 
soul, and whence is it?" 

The angel replied, "The delight of the soul is from love and 
wisdom from the Lord; and as love is the efficient, and as it is the 
efficient through wisdom, therefore the seat of both love and 
wisdom is in the effect, and the effect is use. This delight inflows 
.from the Lord into the soul, and descends through the higher and 
lower parts of the mind into all the senses of the body, and fulfils 
itself in them: thus joys becomes joy, and becomes eternal from 
the Eternal Being from Whom it is. You have just now seen 
paradisiacal places ; and I assure you that there is nothing therein, 
not even the smallest leaf, which is not from the marriage of love 
and wisdom in use; wherefore if a man be in this marriage, he is 
in a heavenly paradise, and consequently in heaven." 

9. After this, the angel conductor returned to the house of the 
assembly, to those who had firmly persuaded themselves that 
heavenly joy and eternal happiness consist in a perpetual glorifi- 
cation of God, and an unceasing festival (of worship) to eternity; 
because they had believed when in the natural world that they 
should then see God, and because the life of heaven, by reason of 
the worship of God, is called a perpetual sabbath. 

To these the angel said, "Follow me, and I will introduce you 



into your joy." And he introduced them into a little city, in the 
midst of which was a temple, and all the houses were called 
sacred abodes or chapels. In that city they saw a concourse of 
people flocking together from all parts of the surrounding 
country, and among them a number of priests, who received and 
saluted them on their arrival, and taking them by the hand led 
them to the gates of the temple, and from thence into some of the 
chapels around it, and initiated them into the unceasing worship 
of God; telling them that the city was an entrance-hall to heaven, 
and that the temple of the city was an entrance to a magnificent 
and most spacious temple in heaven, where God is glorified by 
the angels with prayers and praises to eternity, "It is ordered," 
said they, "both here and in heaven, that you shall first enter into 
the temple, and remain there three days and three nights: and 
that after this initiation you shall enter the houses of this city, 
where are so many chapels consecrated by us, and that you shall 
go from chapel to chapel, and, in communion with those who are 
gathered together there, pray, give praise, and repeat chants ; take 
heed, above all things, that ye think within yourselves, and speak 
with your companions, nothing but what is holy, pious, and 

After this the angel introduced his companions into the temple 
which was filled and crowded with many of those who in the 
natural world had been in great dignity, and also with many of 
the common people : guards were stationed at the doors to prevent 
any one from going out until he had stayed there three days. And 
the angel said, "To-day is the second day since the present con- 
gregation entered the temple: examine them, and you will see 
their glorification of God." And they examined them, and saw 
that most of them were asleep, and that those who were awake 
were gaping and yawning; and some of them, in consequence of 
their thoughts being so continually elevated towards God, and not 
allowed to relapse into the body, seemed to themselves, and thence 
also to others, as if their faces were cut off or separated from 
their bodies; some had wild and raving eyes, on account of their 
being constantly kept raised upwards ; in a word, all of them had 
an oppression at the chest, and great weariness of spirits from 
irksomeness, and they had turned away from the pulpit, and were 
crying out, "Our ears are stunned: put an end to your sermon; 
we no longer hear your voice, and the very sound of it begins 
to disgust us." They then all rose up, and ran in a body to the 
doors, broke them open, and pressed hard on the guards, and 
drove them off. 

On seeing this, the priests followed them, and placed them- 
selves at their sides, teaching and teaching, praying, sighing, and 
saying, "Celebrate the festival, glorify God, sanctify yourselves; 
in this entrance-hall of heaven we will inaugurate you into the 
eternal glorification of God in that magnificent and most spacious 
temple which is in heaven, and thus (introduce you) to the enjoy- 


ment of eternal happiness." These words, however, were unheeded 
by them, and scarcely heard, on account of the dullness caused 
by two days' inactivity of mind, and detention from household 
and public affairs. But when they attempted to pull themselves 
away from the priests, the priests caught hold of their arms and 
also of their garments, in order to force them back again into 
the chapels to a repetition of their prayers and chants; but in 
vain: they cried out, "Let us alone; we have a sensation in the 
body as of fainting." 

As they said this, lo! there appeared four men (vir) in shin- 
ing white garments, with mitres on their heads; one of them in 
the natural state had been an archbishop, and the three others, 
bishops; they had now become angels. They called the priests 
together, and addressing them, said, "We have seen from heaven 
how you feed these sheep. Ye feed them so that they become 
insane, ^ou do not know, what is meant, by the glorification of 
,God. It means bringing forth the fruits of love, that is^ doing the, 
work of one's $&ctip.n faithfully, sincerely, and diligently, for 
this is of the love of God, and of the love of the neighbor; and 
jhis is the bond of society, and its good. Thereby God is glorified, 
and in that case He is glorified by worship at stated times. Have 
you never read these words of the Lord, "Herein is My Father 

florified that ye bring forth much fruit; and ye shall become My 
isciples" (John xv. 8) ? Ye priests are" able to be in the glorifi- 
cation of worship, because this is your office, and from it you 
derive honour, glory, and remuneration; but even you could not 
be in that glorification more than they, unless honour, glory, and 
remuneration were annexed to your office." 

Having said this, the bishops ordered the doorkeepers to let 
all in and out freely: "for there is such a multitude of people, 
who could think of no other heavenly joy than the perpetual 
worship of God, because they have known nothing of the state 
of heaven." 

10. After this the angel returned with his companions to the 
place of assembly, from whence the companies of the wise ones 
had not yet departed, and there he called to him those who 
believed that heavenly joy and eternal happiness ^consist only in 
adjoissiop, into., heaven, and this out of Divine favpuf n ; T amirthat 
then they would have joy, just as do those in the world who enter 
into the courts of kings on days of festivity, or into weddings to 
which they have been invited. 

To these the angel said, "Wait here a little while, and I will 
sound the trumpet, and hither will come those who have been 
most renowned for wisdom in the spiritual things of the church." 
After some hours, there were present nine men (vir), each wear- 
ing a wreath of laurel as a mark of his renown: these the angel 
introduced into the house of assembly, in which there were present 
all those who had been called together at the first: in the presence 



of these the angel addressed the nine laureates, and said, "I know 
that by your desire, formed according to your idea, it has been 
given you to ascend into heaven, and that you have returned to 
this lower or sub-celestial state, with a full knowledge of the 
state of heaven: relate therefore what sort of a place heaven 
appeared to you." 

And they replied in order. And the FIRST said: ' u My idea of 
heaven from my earliest childhood to the end of my life in the 
natural world was, that it was a place abounding with all bless- 
ings, blissfulnesses, delightsomenesses, pleasantnesses, and pleas- 
ures; and that if I were admitted, I should be encompassed by die 
aura of such felicities, and should imbibe them with a full breast, 
like a bridegroom when he celebrates his nuptials, and when he 
enters the bridal chamber with his bride. With this idea I 
ascended into heaven, and passed the first guard, and also the 
second; but when I came to the third, the chief of the guard 
accosted me and said, 'Who are you, friend? 9 and I answered, 
'Is this not heaven ? I have come up hither by reason of the long- 
ing of my desire; admit me, I pray you:' and he admitted me. 
And I saw the angels in,. white garments, and they came about me 
and examined me, and muttered, 'Behold a new guest, who is not 
clothed with a garment of heaven,' and I heard this and thought, 
This seems to me to be a similar case to his of whom the Lord 
says that he came into the wedding without a wedding garment: 
and I said, 'Give me such garments;' and they laughed; and then 
one came running from the government-house with this command: 
'Strip him naked, cast him out, and cast his garments after him' ; 
and so I was cast out." 

The SECOND in order said: U I believe as he did, that if I were 
but admitted into heaven, which was over my head, I should 
there be encompassed with joys, and inhale them to eternity. I 
also gained my desire; but the angels on seeing me fled away, 
and said one to another, "What prodigy is this? how came this 
bird of night here?' and I really felt as if I had undergone some 
change, and was no longer a man: although I was not changed 
but the feeling arose from breathing the heavenly atmosphere. 
Presently, however, there came one running from the government- 
house with an order that two attendants should lead me out, and 
conduct me by the way I had ascended, till I reached my own 
house; and when I was at home, I appeared to others and to my- 
self as a man." 

The THIRD said : My constant idea of heaven was derived from 
place, and not from love; wherefore, when I came into this state, 
I desired heaven with a great desire. And I saw some who were 
ascending thither, and I followed them, and was admitted, but 
not beyond a few paces. But when I wanted to gladden my mind 
(animus) according to my idea of the joys and blessednesses in 
heaven, a stupor, caused by the light of heaven, which was as 
white as snow, and whose essence is said to be wisdom, seized on 


my mind (mens), and a consequent darkness seized on my eyes, 
and I began to go mad: and thereupon, by reason of the heat of 
heaven, which corresponded with the brightness of that light, and 
whose essence is said to be love, my heart palpitated, anxiety 
seized me, and I was tortured with inward pain, and threw myself 
prostrate on the ground. While I lay prostrate, one of the attend- 
ants came out of the government-house with an order that they 
should carry me slowly down into my own light and heat; and 
when I came into my own light and heat, my spirit and my heart 

The FOURTH said, that he also had been in the idea of place, 
and not in the idea of love, when thinking about heaven. "As 
soon", said he, "as I came into the spiritual world, I enquired of 
the wise ones whether it was allowed to ascend into heaven, and 
they said to me, that it is allowed to all, but that there was need to 
beware lest they should be cast down again. At this I laughed, 
and ascended, believing, as did the others, that all in the entire 
natural state were capable of receiving the joys of heaven in all 
their fullness; but, as a matter of fact, when I was within I was 
almost deprived of life, and by reason of the pain and the con- 
sequent torture in my head and body, I threw myself prostrate 
on the ground, where I writhed about like a snake when it is 
brought near the fire: and I crawled to the brink of a precipice, 
from which I cast myself down; and I was afterwards taken up 
by those who were standing below, and carried to an inn, where 
health returned to me." 

The OTHER FIVE also related wonderful things about their 
ascents into heaven, and compared the changes of the states of 
their life with the state of fish when raised out of the waters into 
the air, and with the state of birds in the ether; and they said 
that after those hard experiences they no longer desired heaven, 
but only a suitable life among their like wherever they might be. 
"We know," added they, "that in the state of spirits, where we now 
are, all are previously prepared, the good for heaven, and the evil 
for hell ; and that when they a"re prepared, they see ways opened 
for them to societies of their like, with whom they are to remain 
to eternity; and that they then enter these ways with delight, 
because they are the ways of their love." 

When all of the first assembly heard these relations, they 
likewise confessed that they had had no other idea of heaven than 
as of a place, where with open mouth they should be drinking 
in to eternity the joys that surrounded them. 

After this the angel of the trumpet said to them: ^You^ge, 
j&0w that ^4oys, ( ,Qf,,bBayeii r .aiid eternal happiness, do not belong 
"to "a plage,, but to the. ptate of a man'$ life; and a state of heavenly 
lifers dsriYedJjW* love and wisdom; and since use is the con- 
tafiant of love amd windom,, a fltntfi o f hfflYfiply Hfc is- derived 
jfrnin frg conjiinjGtioa.>xxOayfc.and wjLsdpja.wa use- It is the same 
if we call them charity, faith, and a good work; for charity is 



love, faith is truth whence wisdom proceeds, and a good work is 
a use. Moreover, in our spiritual world there are places as in the 
natural world; otherwise there could be no habitations and dis- 
tinct abodes; nevertheless place there is not place, but an appear- 
ance of place according to the state of love and wisdom, or of 
charity and faith. Every one who becomes an angel carries his 
own heaven within himself, because he carries within himself the 
love of his own heaven. For a man is, by creation, a least effigy, 
image, and type of the great heaven ; the human form is nothing 
else. Wherefore, every one comes into that society of heaven of 
whose form he is an effigy in particular; therefore, when he enters 
into that society he enters into a form corresponding to his own ; 
thus he enters from his own individual self, as it were, into a 
society of his own self, and from this society of his own individual 
self, as it were, into that same society in himself, and inhales its 
life as his own life, and his own life as that of the society; every 
society is as one common body, and the angels in it are as the 
like parts, from which the common body co-exists. Hence, then, 
it follows, that those who are in evils and consequent falsities, 
have formed in themselves an effigy of hell, and this is torture in 
heaven by reason of the influx and violence of the activity of one 
opposite upon another; for infernal love is opposite to heavenly 
love, and consequently the delights of those two loves come into 
collision with each other like enemies, and whenever they meet 
they destroy each other." 

11. After these occurrences a voice was heard from heaven, 
saying to the angel of the trumpet, "Choose ten out of all those 
who have been called together, and introduce them to us. We 
have heard from the Lord that He will prepare them so that, 
during the space of three days, the heat and light, or the love and 
wisdom, of our heaven, shall not do them any injury." 

Ten were then chosen, and they followed the angel. They 
ascended by a steep foot-path up a certain hill, and from thence 
up a mountain, on which was the heaven of those angels, which 
had before appeared to them at a distance like an expanse in the 
clouds. The gates were opened for them: and after they had 
passed through the third gate, the angel introducer hastened to 
the prince of that society or heaven, and announced their arrival ; 
and the prince answered, "Take some of my attendants, and tell 
them that they are welcome, and introduce them into my ante- 
chamber, and apportion to each a separate room with a bed- 
chamber, and appoint some of my courtiers and servants to 
minister to them, and do their bidding." And it was done so. 

On being introduced by the angel, they asked whether they 
might go and see the prince; and the angel replied, "It is now 
morning, and it is not permissible to go and see the prince before 
noon; till that time all are engaged in their particular duties and 
works; but you are invited to dinner, and then you will sit at 


table with our prince; in the meantime I will introduce you into 
his palace, where you will see the magnificent and splendid 

12. When they were led to the palace, they first viewed it from 
without. It was large, and built of porphyry, with a foundation 
of jasper; and before the gates were six lofty columns of lapis 
lazuli; the roof was of plates of gold; the lofty windows, of the 
most transparent crystal, also had frames of gold. After viewing 
the outside, they were introduced within, and were conducted from 
one room to another; and they saw ornaments of inexpressible 
beauty, on the ceilings, decorations of inimitable carving; near 
the walls they saw set silver tables overlaid with gold, on which 
were placed various utensils made of precious stones and of entire 
gems in heavenly forms, and many other things such as no eye 
had ever seen on the natural plane, and consequently such as no 
one could bring himself to believe existed in heaven. 

While they were in astonishment at these magnificent sights, 
the angel said, "Be not surprised; the things which you now see 
were not made and fashioned by any angelic hand, but were 
framed by the Maker of the universe, and presented as a gift to 
our prince; wherefore the architectonic art is here in its very art, 
and from it are derived all the rules of that art in the natural 
world." The angel said further, "You may possibly suppose that 
such things charm our eyes and infatuate them to such an extent, 
that we believe them to be the joys of our heaven: but because 
our hearts are not in these things, they are only accessory to the 
joys of our hearts; therefore, so far as we contemplate them as 
accessory, and as the workmanship of God, so far we contemplate 
in them the Divine omnipotence and clemency." 

13. After this the angel said to them, "It is not yet noonday: 
come with me into the garden of our prince, which is near this 
palace." So they went; and as they were entering, he said, "Behold 
the most magnificent of all the gardens in this heavenly society!" 

But they replied, "What do you say? there is no garden here. 
We see only one tree, and on its branches and at its top as it were 
fruits of gold, and as it were leaves of silver, with their edges 
adorned with emeralds, and beneath the tree little children with 
their nurses." 

At this, the angel said, with an inspired voice, "This tree is in 
the midst of the garden; and by us it is called the tree of our 
heaven, and by some the tree of life. But advance, and approach 
nearer, and your eyes will be opened, and you will see the 

They did so, and their eyes were opened, and they saw trees 
most heavily laden with fruits of fine flavour, entwined about with 
tendrilled vines, whose tops with their fruits inclined towards the 
tree of life in the midst. 



These trees were set in a continuous series, which began from 
a point and was continued into endless rings or gyres, as of a 
perpetual spiral. It was a perfect arboreal spiral, in which species 
followed species without a break, according to the nobleness of 
the fruits. The beginning of the circumgyration was at a con- 
siderable distance from the tree in the midst, and the intervening 
space glittered with a beam of light, which caused the trees of the 
gyre to shine with a graduated splendor that was continued from 
the first to the last. The first trees were the most excellent of all, 
being laden with the choicest fruits, and were called paradisiacal 
trees, being such as are never seen in the earths of the natural 
world, because they do not, and can not, exist there; after these 
came trees of oil; after these trees of wine; after these trees of 
fragrance; and lastly, trees of wood, useful for building. Here 
and there in this arboreal spiral or gyre, there were seats formed 
of the young shoots of the trees behind, brought forward and 
entwined together, and enriched and adorned by their fruits. In 
this perpetual ring of trees, there were gates which opened into 
flower gardens, and from these into greenswards, laid out in 
borders and beds. 

At the sight of these things the companions of the angel 
exclaimed, "Behold heaven in form! wherever we turn the glances 
of our eyes, there flows in something heavenly-paradisiacal, which 
is inexpressible." 

On hearing this the angel rejoiced, and said, "All the gardens 
of our heaven are representative forms or types of heavenly 
blessednesses in their origins; and because the influx of theae 
blessednesses elevated your minds, therefore you exclaimed, 
'Behold heaven in form!* but those who do not receive that influx, 
regard these paradisiacal things no otherwise than as things of 
the forest; and all those who are in the love of use receive the 
influx; whereas those who are in the love of glory, not proceeding 
from use, do not receive it. He afterwards explained and taught 
what the particular things of that garden represented and signified. 

14. While they were thus employed, there came a messenger 
from the prince, who invited them to eat bread with him ; and at 
the same time two attendants of the court brought garments of 
fine linen, and said, "Put on these ; for no one is admitted to the 
prince's table unless he be clothed in the garments of heaven." 

So they girded themselves, and accompanied their angel, and 
were introduced into an open court of the palace, where there was 
a promenade, where they waited for the prince; and there the 
angel introduced them to the company for conversation of the 
magnates and ministers, who were also waiting for the prince. 
And lo! in about an hour the doors were opened, and through a 
wider door on the west, they saw the prince entering in order and 
pomp of procession. His privy councillors went before him, after 
them his councillors of the treasury, and next the chief officers 



belonging to the court; in the midst of these was the prince; after 
him followed courtiers of various ranks, and lastly the guards; in 
all they amounted to one hundred and twenty. 

Then the angel, placing himself before the ten new-comers, 
who by their dress now appeared like inmates of the palace, 
approached with them towards the prince, and respectfully intro- 
duced them ; and the prince, without stopping the procession, said 
to them, "Come with me to bread." 

So they followed him into the dining hall, and they saw a 
table magnificently laid out, having in the middle a tall golden 
pyramid, with a hundred salvers arranged in three rows on their 
forms or stands, containing sweet-cakes, and wine-jellies, with 
other delicacies made of bread and wine ; and through the middle 
of the pyramid, there gushed as it were a leaping fountain of 
wine sweet as nectar, whose jet fell in different directions from 
the top of the pyramid, and filled the cups. At the sides of this 
high pyramid were various heavenly forms of gold, on which were 
dishes and plates loaded with food of every kind: these heavenly 
forms on which were the dishes and plates, were forms of art 
derived from wisdom, and can neither be produced in the world 
by any art, nor described by any words. The dishes and plates 
were of silver, engraved in relief, on their surface, with forms 
similar to those on their supports; the cups were of transparent 
gems. Such was the splendid furniture of the table. 

15. The dress of the prince and his ministers was as follows: 
The prince was clad in a long robe, reaching to the ankles, of a 
crimson color, set with stars of a silver colour wrought in needle 
work ; and under this robe he was girded with a tunic of bright silk 
of a purple colour; this was open about the breast, where there 
appeared the fore part of a kind of zone with the ensign of his 
society: the ensign was an eagle brooding over her young at the 
top of a tree; this ensign was of shining gold surrounded with 
diamonds. The privy councillors were dressed after nearly the 
same manner, but without the ensign; instead of which they wore 
cut sapphires, hanging from their necks by a golden necklace. 
The courtiers were in cloaks of a chestnut colour, on which were 
wrought flowers surrounding young eagles; the vests which they 
wore under these were of silk of an opaline colour; so also were 
their breeches and stockings. SucK was their apparel. 

16. The privy councillors and councillors of the treasury, and 
the ministers, stood around the table, and at the order of the 
prince folded their hands together, and at the same time uttered 
in a low voice a devout thanksgiving to the Lord, and after this, 
at the prince's bidding, reclined themselves on couches at the 
table; and the prince said to the ten strangers, "Do you also 
recline with me; behold, there are your seats:" and they reclined; 
and die courtiers who had previously been sent by the prince to 



minister unto them, stood behind them. Then the prince said unto 
them, "Take each of you a plate from its ring, and afterwards a 
salver from the pyramid;" and they did so, and lo! instantly new 
plates and salvers appeared in the place of those that were taken 
away; and their cups were filled with wine from the fountain that 
leaped out of the great pyramid; and they ate and drank. 

When dinner was about half ended, the prince addressed the 
ten guests, and said, "I have heard that you were called together 
in the sphere which is under this heaven, to disclose your thoughts 
concerning the joys of heaven and the eternal happiness llience 
resulting, and that you expressed different opinions, each accord- 
ing to the delights of the external mind. JJjjt what are the delights 
Q{ the natural mind, without the delights' of the soul? It is the 
soul that enjoys them. The delights of the soul are in themselves 
imperceptible blessednesses; but they become more and more 
perceptible as they descend into the thoughts of the mind s and 
from these into the desires of the external mind. In the thoughts 
of the mind they are perceived as blissfulnesses, in the desires of 
the lower mind as delightsomenesses, and in the sensous mind 
itself as pleasures. Eternal happiness is derived from the latter 
and the former together; but from the latter alone there results a 
happiness not eternal but temporary, which comes to an end and 
passes away, and in some cases becomes unhappineas. You have 
now seen that all your joys are also joys of heaven, and that these 
are far more excellent than you could have conceived: but still 
these joys do not inwardly affect our minds. There are three 
things which flow in as a one from the Lord into our BOU!$; these 
three as a one, or this trine, aretlp^ r \5sd&m, &nijl&&! fjlbve and 

wisdom exist only ideally, because they exist onlylln the affection 
and thought of the mind; but in use they exist really, because 
they exist at the same time in an act and work of the natural 
mind; and where they exist really, there they also subsist. And, 
since love and wisdom exist and subsist in use, it is uses that affect 
us; anijAfie*-conaists,.Jua 4aithullyy sincerely, and diligently ...di* 
jcj^y^ng^jhej^ The love of use, and a 

consequent busying oneself in use, keeps the mind together and 
prevents it from melting away, and from wandering about, and 
imbibing all the lusts which flow in through the senses,, with 
allurements through the lower mind and the natural world, 
whereby the truths of religion and the truths of morality, with 
their goods, become scattered lo every wind; but the busying of 
the mind in use keeps and binds those truths together, and dis- 
poses the mind into a form capable of receiving the wisdom 
derived from those truths; and then it exterminates from the &$$.. 
the idle sports and pastimes both of falsities and of vamtiegAmif 
you will hear more on these subjects from the wise ones or our 
society, whom I shall send to you in the afternoon." 

So saying, the prince arose, and the guests with him, and said 
grace, and charged their angel conductor lo lead ihem hack to 


their rooms, and to show them all the honours of civility, and also 
to summon men (vir) of urbanity and affability to entertain them 
with conversation on the various joys of the society. 

17. When they were returned, it was done so, and those who 
had been summoned from the city to entertain them with con- 
versation concerning the various joys of the society, arrived, and, 
after courteous greetings, spoke in choice and elegant phrases 
with them, walking up and down the while. But their angel con- 
ductor said, "These ten men were invited into this heaven to see 
its joys, and to receive thus a new idea concerning eternal happi- 
ness: recount therefore some of its joys which affect the external 
mind; and afterwards some wise ones will come, who will men- 
tion some of the things which render those joys blissful and 

On hearing this, those who had been summoned from the city, 
related the following particulars: 

"1. There are here days of festivity appointed by the prince, 
in order that the lower minds may be relaxed from the weariness 
which the lust of emulation may have brought upon some. On 
these days there are concerts of music and singing in the public 
places, and outside the city there are games and shows: in the 
public places at such times there are raised orchestras, enclosed 
by barriers, formed of vines entwined together, from which hang 
clusters of grapes; within these barriers in three rows, one above 
another, sit the musicians, with stringed instruments, and with 
wind instruments, both alto and bass, loud-toned and soft, and at 
the sides there are male and female singers, who entertain the 
citizens with most pleasant solos and part songs, varied at in- 
tervals. These concerts continue there on those days of festivity 
from morning till noon, and afterwards till evening. 

"2. Moreover, every morning from the houses around the 
public places are heard the sweetest songs of maidens and girls, 
with which the whole city resounds. It is one affection of spiritual 
love, which is sung every morning, that is, sounded by modifica- 
tions of the singing voice, or by modulations, and that affection 
in the song is perceived as the affection itself; it flows in into the 
souls of the hearers, and excites them to a correspondence with 
it; such is heavenly singing. The singers say, that the sound of 
their song is as it were self -inspired and self-animated from 
within, and exalted delightfully according to its reception by the 
hearers. When this is ended, the windows of the houses of the 
public places, and at the same time of the houses of the streets, 
are shut, and so also are the doors; and then the whole city is 
silent, and no noise is heard in any part of it, nor is any person 
seen loitering about: all then are strictly performing the duties of 
their employments. 

"3. At noon-time the doors are opened, and in the afternoon 
the windows also in some houses, and boys and girls are seen 



playing in the streets, while their nurses and tutors sit in the 
porches of the houses, keeping them within bounds. 

"4. At the outskirts of the city, there are various sports of 
boys and youths; there are races, and games with balls; there are 
games with little balls which are struck back, called rackets; there 
are trials of skill among the boys, in order to discover which is 
the quickest, and which the most backward, in speaking, acting, 
and perceiving; and the quickest receive some leaves of laurel 
as a reward ; besides many other things of a like nature, designed 
to call forth the latent abilities of the boys. 

"5. Moreover outside the city there are dramatic entertain- 
ments, in theatres, by actors who represent the various honourable 
qualities and virtues of moral life, among whom there are lesser 
actors for the sake of representing relatives." 

And one of the ten asked, "What is meant by c for the sake of 

And they replied, "]NTo virtue^idth-ats honourable qualities 
and beauties, can be exhibited to the life except ,ty means of 
relatives, from the greatest of them to the least; the lesser actors 
represent the least of them, even till they become none; but it has 
been decreed by law, that nothing of the opposite, which is called 
dishonourable and unbecoming, should be exhibited, except 
figuratively and as it were from afar. The reason for this decMfe" 
is, that nothing that is honourable and good in any virtue can by 
successive progressions pass over to what is dishonourable and 
evil, but only to its least till it perishes ; and when it perishes the 
opposite commences; wherefore heaven, where all things are 
honourable and good, has nothing in common with hell, where 
all things are dishonourable and evil." 

18. During this conversation an attendant came running, and 
announced that eight wise ones, by order of the prince, were 
present, and wished to enter; on hearing which, the angel went 
out, and received them, and brought them in ; and presently the 
wise ones, after the customary and becoming formalities of intro- 
duction, spoke with them, first concerning the beginnings and 
increase of wisdom, with which they intermixed various things 
concerning its progression, showing, t^at^ with the Angela Jvdsdom 
never has.. .ari-end,.ar. JMubut JBKat it grows and increases 

hearing this, the angel of the company said to them, "Our 
prince at table spoke with them concerning the seat of wisdom, 
as being in use: will you also be pleased to speak with them on 
the same subject." 

And they said, "Man at his first creation, was imbued with 
wisdom and its love, not for the sake of himself, but that he 
might communicate it to others from himself. Hence it i in- 
scribed on the wisdom of the wise, that no one is wise, or lives, 
for himself alone, but for others at the same time: this is the 


origin of society, which otherwise could not exist. Living for 
others consists in doing uses. Uses are the bonds of society, and 
these bonds are as many in number as there are good uses; and 
uses are infinite in number/There are spiritual usps, which belong 
to love to God and to love towards the neighbo|$ahere are moral 
and civil uses, which belong to the love of the society and city in 
which a man is, and of his companions and fellow- citizens with 
whom he isj^there are natural uses, which .belong to the love of 
the world and its necessities; and there arWcorporeal uses, which 
be'ong to the love of self-preservation for the sake of higher uses. 
All these uses are inscribed on man, and follow in order one after 
another; and when they are together, one is in the other. Those 
who are in the first uses, which are spiritual, are also in the 
following ones, and these persons are wise; but those who are 
not in the first, and yet are in the second, and thus in the follow- 
ing ones, are not so wise, but only appear to be so by virtue of 
external morality and civility. Those who are in neither the first 
nor the second, but only in the third and fourth, are not wise in 
the least, for they are satans, since they love only the world, and 
themselves for the sake of the world; but those who are only in 
the fourth, are the least wise of all, for they are devils, because 
they live for themselves alone, and if they live for others, it is 
only for the sake of themselves. Moreover, every love has its own 
delight; for love lives by means of its delight: and the delight of 
the love of uses is a heavenly delight, which enters into the follow- 
ing delights in order, and according to the order of succession 
exalts them and makes them eternal." After this they enumerated 
the heavenly delights proceeding from the love of use, and they 
said, that there are myriads and myriads of them ; and that those 
who enter into heaven enter into those delights. With further wise 
conversation on the love of use, they passed the day with them 
until the evening. 

19. Towards evening there came a courier clothed in linen, to 
the ten strangers, the companions of the angel, and invited them 
to a wedding which was to be celebrated the next day; and the 
strangers were very glad that they also were to see a wedding in 
heaven. After this they were conducted to the house of one of the 
privy-councillors, and supped with him; and after supper they 
returned to the palace, and separated, each one to his own bed- 
room, and slept till morning. 

And when they awoke in the morning, they heard the singing 
of the maidens and young girls from the houses around the public 
place, which singing was mentioned above. That morning there 
was sung the affection of conjugial love; the sweetness of which 
so affected and moved the hearers, that they perceived a blessed 
pleasantness instilled into their joys, which elevated and renewed 

When it was time, the angel said, "Gird yourselves, and put 



on the garments of heaven, which our prince sent you." So they 
put them on, and lo ! the garments shone as from a flaming light ; 
and they asked the angel, "Whence is this?" He replied, "Because 
you are going to a wedding: on such occasions our garments 
shine, and become wedding garments." 

20. After this the angel conducted them to the house of the 
wedding, and the door-keeper opened the doors; and presently 
within the threshold they were received and greeted by an angel 
sent by the bridegroom, and were brought in and led to the seats 
assigned to them: and soon after they were invited into a room 
adjoining the bridal-chamber, in the middle of which they saw a 
table on which was placed a magnificent candlestick fitted with 
seven branches and sconces of gold: against the walls there were 
hung lamps of silver, which being lighted made the atmosphere 
appear golden: and they saw at the sides of the candlesticks two 
tables, on which were placed loaves in three rows; and in the 
four corners of the room there were tables, on which were crystal 

While they were surveying these things, lo! a door opened 
from a chamber near the bridal-chamber, and they saw six maidens 
coming out, and after them the bridegroom and bride, holding 
each other by the hand, and leading each other towards a seat 
which was placed opposite to the candlestick: on this seat they 
placed themselves, the bridegroom on the left, and the bride on 
his right, and the six maidens stood at the side of the seat near 
the bride. The bridegroom was dressed in a cloak of bright crim- 
son, and a vest of fine shining linen, with an ephod, on which 
there was a thin golden plate set all around with diamonds, and 
on the plate was engraved a young eagle, the wedding badge of 
this heavenly society: and on his head he wore a mitre. The bride 
was dressed in a scarlet robe, under which was an embroidered 
gown that reached from her neck to her feet, and below her 
breast she wore a golden girdle, and on her head a crown of gold 
set with rubies. 

When they were seated, the bridegroom turned himself towards 
the bride, and placed a golden ring on her finger, and he pro- 
duced bracelets and a necklace of pearls, and fastened the brace- 
lets on the wrists of her hands, and the necklace around her neck, 
and said, "Accept these pledges;" and when she accepted them, 
he kissed her, and said, "Now thou art mine," and he called her 
his wife. 

When this was done the guests cried out, "May there be a 
blessing!" This was first cried out by each one separately, and 
afterwards by all together. One who had been sent by the prince 
as his representative also joined in this cry; and at that instant 
the room adjoining the bridal-chamber was filled with an aromatic 
smoke, which was a sign of blessing from heaven. 

Then the ministers took loaves from the two tables near the 


candlestick, and cups, now filled with wine, from the tables in 
the corners, and gave to each guest his own loaf and his own cup, 
and they ate and drank. 

After this the husband and wife rose up, and the six maidens 
followed with the silver lamps, now lighted, in their hands, as 
far as the threshold; and the married pair entered the bridal- 
chamber, and the door was shut. 

21. Afterwards the angel conductor spoke with the guests 
about his ten companions, telling them that he had by command 
introduced them, and showed them the magnificent things of the 
prince's palace, and the wonders there; and that they had dined 
at table with him, and afterwards had conversed with the wise 
ones of the society; and he requested that they might be allowed 
to enjoy some conversation with them also. So they approached, 
and conversed with them. 

And a wise one of the men at the wedding said, "Do you 
understand the significance of what you have seen?" 

They replied, that in some little degree they did; and then they 
asked him why the bridegroom, now a husband, had been dressed 
in that particular manner. 

He answered, "That the bridegroom, now a husband, repre- 
sented the Lord, and the bride, now a wife, represented the church, 
because weddings in heaven represent the marriage of the Lord 
with the church. Hence it is that he wore a mitre on his head, 
and was dressed in a cloak, a vest, and an ephod, like Aaron; 
and that the bride, now a wife, wore a crown on her head, and 
wore a robe like a queen; but to-morrow they will be dressed 
differently, because this representation lasts only to-day." 

They asked further, "Since he represented the Lord, and she 
the church, why did she sit at his right hand?" 

The wise one replied, "Because there are two things which 
constitute the marriage of the Lord and the church love and 
wisdom; the Lord is love, and the church is wisdom; and the 
wisdom is at the right hand of love. For the man of the church 
is wise as of himself, and in proportion as he is wise he receives 
love from the Lord. The right hand also signifies power; and love 
has power by means of wisdom: but, as was just now said, after 
the wedding the representation is changed; for then the husband 
represents wisdom, and the wife the love of his wisdom. This 
love, however, is not a primary love, but a secondary love, which 
the wife has from the Lord through the wisdom of the husband. 
The love of the Lord, which is the primary love, is the love of 
being wise with the husband; wherefore after the wedding, both 
together, the husband and his wife, represent the church." 

They asked again, "Why did not you men stand beside the 
bridegroom, now the husband, as the six virgins stood beside the 
bride, now the wife?" 

The wise one answered, "Because to-day we are numbered 



among the virgins ; and the number six signifies all and what is 

But they said, "What does this mean?" 

He replied, 'Virgins signify the church; and the church con- 
sists of both sexes: wherefore also we, as to the church, are 
virgins. That this is the case, is evident from these words in the 
Apocalypse: 'These are they who have not been polluted with 
women; for they are VIRGINS ; and they follow the Lamb whither- 
soever he goeth 9 (chap, xiv.4). And because virgins signify the 
church, therefore the Lord likened it to ten virgins invited to a 
wedding (Matt, xxv.l). And because by Israel, Zion, and Jeru- 
salem is signified the church, therefore mention is so often made 
JERUSALEM. The Lord also describes His marriage with the church 
in these words in David: 'AT THY RIGHT HAND (DID STAND) THE 
QUEEN in fine gold of Ophir: her garment is of brocades of gold: 
she shall be brought unto the king in GARMENTS OF NEEDLEWORK: 
THE VIRGINS AFTER HER, her friends, shall come into the king's 
palace' (Psalm xlv.9-16)." 

Afterwards they said, "Is it not expedient that some priest be 
present and minister at the wedding?" 

The wise one answered, "This is expedient in the natural 
spheres, but not in the heavens, on account of the representation 
of the Lord Himself and the church. On the natural planes they 
do not know this; but even with us a priest administers at 
betrothals, and hears, receives, confirms, and consecrates the con- 
sent. Consent is the essential of marriage; and all the things 
which follow are its formalities." 

22. After this the angel conductor went to the six maidens, 
and gave them an account of his companions, and requested that 
they would favour them with their company. And they approached; 
but when they were near, they suddenly retired, and entered into 
the womens' apartment, where also were the maidens their friends. 

On seeing this, the angel conductor followed them, and asked 
why they had retired so suddenly without speaking with them; 
and they replied, "We could not approach." He said, "Why not?" 
and they answered, "We do not know; but we perceived some- 
thing which repelled us and drove us back again: we hope they 
will excuse us." 

The angel then returned to his companions, and told them of 
this answer, and added, "I conjecture that you do not possess 
chaste sexual love. In heaven we love maidens on account of their 
beauty and the elegance of their manners; and we love them very 
much, but chastely." On this his companions laughed, and said, 
"You conjecture aright: who can see such beauties near and not 
feel admiration for them?" 

23. After this festive companionship, all those who had been 


invited to the wedding departed, and also those ten men with their 
angel: the evening was far advanced, and they went to bed. 

At daybreak they heard a proclamation, "To-DAY is THE SAB- 
BATH", and they arose and asked the angel what it meant. He 
replied, "It is for the worship of God which returns at stated 
times, and is proclaimed by the priests. It is performed in our 
temples, and lasts about two hours; wherefore, if it please you, 
go with me, and I will take you there." 

So they dressed themselves, and accompanied the angel, and 
entered the temple. It was a large temple, capable of containing 
about three thousand persons. It was of a semicircular form: 
the benches or seats were continuous, being carried round in a 
circular sweep according to the shape of the temple; and the 
back seats were raised higher than the front ones. The pulpit 
in front of the seats was drawn back a little from the center ; there 
was a door behind the pulpit, on the left. 

The ten strangers entered with their angel conductor, and he 
pointed out to them the places where they were to sit, saying to 
them, "Every one who enters into the temple knows his own place; 
he knows it by virtue of what is innate; nor can he sit anywhere 
else: if he sits anywhere else, he hears nothing and perceives 
nothing, and he also disturbs order; and when order is disturbed, 
the priest is not inspired." 

24. When the congregation had assembled, the priest ascended 
the pulpit, and preached a sermon full of the spirit of wisdom. 
The sermon was about the holiness of the Sacred Scripture, and 
the conjunction of the Lord with both worlds, the spiritual and 
the natural, by means thereof. In the illustration in which he was, 
he fully proved, that the Holy Book was dictated by Jehovah the 
Lord, and that consequently He is in it, so far that He is the 
wisdom therein; but that the wisdom which is Himself therein, 
lies concealed under the sense of the letter, and is opened only to 
those who are in the truths of doctrine, and at the same time in 
the goods of life, and thus who are in the Lord, and the Lord in 
them. To this sermon he added a devout prayer, and descended. 

As the audience were going out, the angel requested the priest 
to speak a few words of peace with his ten companions; so he 
drew near to them, and they conversed together for half an hour; 
and he spoke about the Divine Trinity, that it is in Jesus Christ, 
in Whom all the fullness of the Divinity dwells bodily, according 
to the declaration of the Apostle Paul ; and afterwards about the 
union of charity and faith; but he said the union of charity and 

25. After expressing their thanks, they returned home; and 
there the angel said to them, "This is now the third day since your 
ascent into the society of this heaven, and you were prepared by 
the Lord to remain here three days ; wherefore, it is time that we 



separate ; put off, therefore, the garments sent you by the prince, 
and put on your own;" and when they were in their own gar- 
ments, they were inspired with a desire to depart ; so they departed, 
and descended, the angel accompanying them to the place of 
assembly; and there they gave thanks to the Lord for vouchsafing 
to bless them with knowledge, and thereby with intelligence, con- 
cerning heavenly joys and concerning eternal happiness. 

26. I again asservate in truth, that these things were done and 
said as they are related ; the former in the state of spirits, which 
is intermediate between heaven and hell, and the latter in the 
society of heaven to which the angel of the trumpet, who acted as 
conductor, belonged. Who in the Christian world would have 
known anything about heaven, and the joys and happiness there, 
the knowledge of which is also the knowledge of salvation, unless 
it had pleased the Lord to open to some person the sight of his 
spirit, and to show and teach him? That similar things exist in 
the spiritual world appears very manifestly from the things which 
were seen and heard by the Apostle John, and which are described 
in the Apocalypse; as, that he saw the Son of Man in the midst 
of the seven candlesticks (chap, i.12, 13) ; also a tabernacle, 
temple, ark, and altar in heaven (xv.5, 8; xi.19; vi.9; viii.3; 
ix.13) ; a book sealed with seven seals; the book opened, and 
horses going forth thence (v.l; vi.l, 2, 4, 5, 8) ; four animals 
around the throne (iv.6) ; twelve thousand chosen out of each 
tribe (vii.4-8) ; locusts ascending out of the abyss (ix.3,7) ; the 
dragon, and his combat with Michael (xii.7) ; a woman bringing 
forth a male son, and fleeing into the wilderness on account of 
the dragon (xii.l, 2, 5, 6) ; two beasts, one ascending out of the 
sea, and the other out of the earth (xiiiJ, II) ; a woman sitting 
upon a scarlet beast (xvii.3) ; the dragon cast out into a pool of 
fire and brimstone (xx.3,10) ; a white horse, and the great supper 
(xix.ll, 17) ; a new heaven and a new earth, and the holy Jeru- 
salem descending, described as to its gates, wall, and the founda- 
tions of the wall (xxi.l, 2, 12, 14, 17-20); also a river of 
the water of life, and trees of life bearing fruits every inonth 
(xxii.l, 2) ; besides many other things, all which were seen by 
John, while as to his spirit he was in the spiritual world and in 
heaven. Not to mention the things which were seen by the 
apostles after the Lord's resurrection; and the things which were 
afterwards seen by Peter (Acts xi) ; also the things which were 
seen and heard by Paul. Besides tlie things which were seen and 
heard by the prophets; as by EZEKIEL, who saw four animals 
which were cherubs (chapter i, and chapter x) ; a new temple and 
a new earth, and an angel measuring them (chapters xL-xlviii) ; 
and was led away to Jerusalem, and there saw abominations; and 
also into Chaldea into captivity (chapter viii. and chapter xi.). 
The case was similar with ZECHARIAH, who saw a man riding 
among the myrtle trees (chap, i.8, and following verses) ; also 


four horns; and afterwards a man with a measuring line in his 
hand (chap, ii.5; iii.l, and following verses) ; likewise a candle- 
stick and two olive trees (chap, iv.2, and following verses) ; also 
a flying roll, and an ephah (chap, v.l, 6) ; also four chariots 
going forth between two mountains, and horses (chap, vi.l, and 
following verses). So likewise with DANIEL, who saw four beasts 
ascending out of the sea (chap, vii.l, and following verses) ; also 
combats of a ram and a goat (chap, viii.l, and following verses) ; 
who also saw the angel Gabriel, and spoke much with him 
(chap. ix). The youth of Elisha saw chariots and horses of fire 
round about Elisha; and he saw them when his eyes were opened 
(2 Kings vi.15, 17). From these and many other instances in the 
Word, it is evident that the things which exist in the spiritual 
world appeared to many both before and after the Lord's coming; 
what wonder, then, is it, that the same things should now also be 
seen when the church is commencing, or when the New Jerusalem 
is coming down from the Lord out of heaven? 



27. That there are marriages in heaven, cannot enter into the 
faith of those who believe that a man after he leaves the natural 
state is a soul or spirit, and who conceive of a soul or spirit as 
of a thin ether or breath of air: who believe also that a man will 
not live as a man till after the day of the last judgment; and, in 
general, of those who know nothing about the spiritual world, in 
which angels and spirits are, consequently in which the heavens 
and hells are; and because that world has been heretofore un- 
known, and it has been altogether unknown that the angels of 
heaven are men in perfect form, and in like manner the spirits 
of hell, but in imperfect form, therefore it was impossible for 
anything to be revealed concerning marriages in that world; for 
they would have said, "How can a soul be conjoined with a soul, 
or a breath of air with a breath of air, as one married partner 
with another in the natural world?" besides many other tilings, 
which, the instant they were said, would take away and dispel all 
faith concerning marriages in the other world. But now, since 
many things have been revealed concerning that world, and its 
quality has also been described in the Work on Heaven and Hell, 
and also in the Apocalypse Revealed* the fact that marriages take 
place there, can be confirmed, even before the reason, by the 
following propositions: 

I. Man lives a man after he leaves the natural state. 

II. The male (Understanding) then is a male, and the female 
(Will), a female. 

III. Every one's own love remains with him after death 

IV. Sexual love especially remains; and with those who come 
into heaven, as those do who become spiritual in the natural world, 
conjugial love remains. 

V. These things fully confirmed by personal observation. 

VI. Consequently there are marriages in the heavens. 

VII. Spiritual weddings are meant by the Lord's words, that 
after the resurrection they are not given in marriage. 

Now follows an explanation of these propositions in their 

That man lives a man after he leaves the natural state, has been 
heretofore unknown in the natural world, for the reasons men- 
tioned just now; and, what is surprising, it has been unknown 
even in the Christian world, where there is the Word, and 
enlightenment thence concerning eternal life, and where the Lord 



Himself teaches, "that all the dead rise again; and that God is not 
the God of the dead but of the living' (Matt, xxii.31, 32; Luke 
xx. 37, 38). Moreover, man, as to the affections and thoughts of 
his mind, is in the midst of angels and spirits, and he is so con- 
sociated with them, that he cannot be separated from them without 
expiring. It is still more surprising that this is unknown, when 
yet every man that has passed from the natural world since the 
first creation, after this event has come, and still comes to his own, 
or, as it is said in the Word, has been gathered, and is gathered 
to his own. Besides, man has a common perception, which is the 
same thing as the influx of heaven into the interiors of the mind, 
by virtue of which he inwardly in himself perceives truths, and 
as it were sees them, and especially this truth, that he lives a man 
after death, a happy man if he has lived well, and an unhappy 
one if he has lived ill. For who does not think this, when he 
elevates his mind a little above the natural, and above the thought 
which is nearest to his sensual mind; as is the case when he is 
more interiorly in Divine worship, and when he lies on his 
expiring couch, and is awaiting his passing; in like manner when 
he hears about those who have left the natural state, and about 
their lot? I have related thousands of particulars about the 
departed, as in what sort of lot were the brethren, married part- 
ners, and friends of certain persons. I have also written concern- 
ing the lot of the English, the Dutch, the Papists, the Jews, the 
Gentiles, and likewise concerning the lot of Luther, Calvin, and 
Melancthon; and hitherto I have never heard any one say, "How 
can such be their lot, when they have not yet risen out of their 
natural state, for the last judgment has not yet taken place? Are 
they not in the meantime souls which are breaths of air, and 
which reside in some indefinite place?" Such things I have never 
yet heard said by any one; and from this circumstance I have 
been able to conclude, that every one perceives in himself that he 
lives in human form after death. What man (vir) who has loved 
his married partner and his children, will not say to himself, 
when they are passing, or have passed out, if his thought be 
elevated above the external and sensuous mind, that they are in 
the hand of God, and that he shall see them again after his own 
resuscitation, and again be conjoined with them in a life of love 
and joy? 

29, Who cannot see from reason, if he is willing to see, that 
man after resuscitation is not a breath of air, of which there is no 
other idea than as a puff of wind, or as of air and ether, and that 
it constitutes or contains the soul of the man, which desires and 
waits for conjunction with its own cast off natural body, in order 
that it may enjoy again the things of the natural mind, and their 
delights, as before in the natural world? Who cannot see, that if 
this were the case with man after his passing from the natural 
state, his future state would be more contemptible than that of the 



fishes, birds, and animals of ,the natural world, whose souls do not 
live, and consequently are not in such anxiety by reason of desire 
and expectation? If man, after his spirit leaves his natural body, 
were such a breath of air, and thus a puff of wind, he would 
either float about in the universe, or, according to the traditions of 
some, would be reserved in some indefinite place, or in the limbo 
of the Fathers, until the last judgment. Who cannot from reason 
conclude thence, that those who have lived since the first creation, 
which is asserted by some to have been six thousand years ago, 
must be still in a similar anxious state, and progressively more 
anxious, because all expectation from false hopes produces 
anxiety, and from time to time increases it; consequently that they 
must still be either floating about in the universe, or be kept con- 
fined in some indefinite place, and thus in extreme misery; and 
that the case must be similar with Adam and his wife, with 
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and with all who have lived since that 
time? Hence it follows, that nothing would be more deplorable 
than to be born a man. But, on the contrary, it has been provided 
by the Lord, Who is Jehovah from eternity, and the Creator of the 
universe, that the state of the man who conjoins himself with Him 
by means of a life according to His precepts, becomes more 
blessed and happy after resuscitation (death of the physical body) 
than before in die natural world; and that it is more blessed and 
happy from this circumstance, that the man then is spiritual, and 
a spiritual man feels and perceives spiritual delight, which is 
super-eminent in comparison with natural delight, because it 
exceeds the latter a thousand times. 

30. That angels and spirits are men, may be manifest from 
those seen by Abraham, Gideon, Daniel, and the prophets, and 
especially by John when he wrote the Apocylypse, and also by 
the women in the Lord's sepulchre; yea, from the Lord Himself 
being seen by the disciples after His resurrection. The reason of 
their being seen was, that the eyes of the spirit of those who saw 
them were opened at the time; and when the eyes of the spirit 
are opened, angels appear in their own form, which is the human 
form; but when the eyes of the spirit are closed, that is, when 
they are veiled by the sight of the natural eyes, which derive from 
the material world all that pertains to them, then they do not 

31. It must, however, be known, that a man after he leaves 
the physical state, is not a natural, but a spirit man; and that, 
nevertheless, he still appears in all respects like what he was 
before; so like, indeed, that he knows no otherwise than that he 
is still in the natural world: for he has a similar body, a similar 
face, similar speech, and similar senses; because he has a similar 
affection and thought, or a similar will and understanding. He is 
indeed actually not similar, because he is a spirit, and con- 



sequently an interior man; but the difference does not appear to 
him because he cannot compare his state with his previous natural 
state, for he has put off the latter, and is in the former; wherefore, 
I have often heard such persons say, that they know no otherwise 
than that they are in the former state, with only this difference, 
that they no longer see those whom they have left in the natural 
world; but that they see those who have departed out of 
that world, or have expired. The reason why they now see the 
latter and not the former, is, that they are not natural, but spir- 
itual, or substantial men; and a spiritual or substantial man sees 
a spiritual or substantial man, as a natural or material man sees 
a natural or material man, but not contrariwise, on account of the 
difference between what is substantial and what is material, which 
is like the difference between what is prior and what is posterior; 
and what is prior, because in itself it is purer, cannot appear to 
what is posterior, which in itself is grosser; nor can what is pos- 
terior, because it is grosser, appear to what is prior, which in itself 
is purer ; consequently an angel cannot appear to a man of the nat- 
ural world, nor a man of the natural world to an angel. The reason 
why a man after resuscitation is a spiritual or substantial man, is, 
that this spiritual or substantial man lay concealed inwardly in the 
natural or material man; this natural or material man was to it 
as a covering, or as a skin about to be cast off; and when the 
covering or skin is cast off, the man comes forth spiritual or 
substantial, and thus purer, more interior, and more perfect. That 
the spiritual man is still a perfect man, although he does not 
appear to the natural man, was plainly evidenced from the Lord's 
appearing to the apostles after His resurrection, in that He 
appeared, and presently did not appear; and yet He was a man 
like to Himself both when seen and when not seen: they also said 
that, when they saw Him, their eyes were opened, 

FEMALE (WILL) A FEMALE. Since a man lives after leaving the 
natural state, and man is male and female, and there is such a 
distinction between the masculine and feminine that the one cannot 
be changed into the other, it follows, that after the death of the 
physical the male lives a male, and the female a female, both 
being a spiritual man. It is said that the masculine cannot be 
changed into the feminine, nor the feminine into the masculine, 
and that therefore after resuscitation the male is a male, and the 
female a female. But because it is not known in what the mascu- 
line essentially consists, and in what the feminine, therefore it 
shall here be stated in a few words. The difference consists essen- 
tially in this, that the inmost in the male is love, and its covering 
is wisdom; or, what is the same thing, the male is love covered 
or veiled by wisdom; and that the inmost in the female is that 
wisdom of the male, and its covering is love thence derived; but 
this love is feminine love, and it is given by the Lord to the wife 



through the wisdom of the husband; whereas the former love is 
masculine love, and is the love of growing wise, it is given by the 
Lord to the husband according to the reception of wisdom. Hence 
it is that the male is the wisdom of love, and the female, the love 
of that wisdom ; wherefore from creation there has been implanted 
in both the love of conjunction into a one; but of these things 
more will be said in the following pages. That the feminine is 
from the masculine, or that the woman was taken out of the man 
(vir) is manifest from these words in Genesis: "Jehovah God took 
one of the ribs of the man (vir) and closed up the flesh in the 
place thereof; and He built the rift, which He had taken out of the 
man (homo) into a woman; and He brought her to the man; and 
the man said, This is my bone of bones, and flesh of my flesh; 
hence she shall be called Ishshah (woman), because she was taken 
out of the man (vir, Hebrew Ish) (chap, ii.21-23) : the significa- 
tion of a rib, and of flesh, will be stated elsewhere. 

33. From this primitive formation it follows, that the male is 
born intellectual, and that the female is born voluntary; or what 
is the same thing, that the male is born into the affection of know- 
ing, understanding, and growing wise, and that the female is born 
into the love of conjoining herself with that affection in the male. 
And because the interiors form the exteriors to their own likeness, 
and the masculine form is the form of intellect, and the feminine 
form is the form of the love of that intellect, therefore the male 
and the female differ as to the features of the face, the tone of the 
voice, and the form of the body ; the male having harder features, 
a harsher tone of voice, and a stronger body, and also a bearded 
chin, and in general a form less beautiful than that of the female ; 
they differ also in their gestures and manners ; in a word, there is 
nothing alike; but still there is conjunctiveness in every par- 
ticular; yea, the masculine in the male is masculine in every part 
of his body, even the smallest part, and also in every idea of his 
thought, and in every spark of his affection; so, likewise, the 
feminine in the female; and since thus the one cannot be changed 
into the other, it follows, that after the death of the physical the 
male is still a male, and the female a female. 

DEATH (RESUSCITATION) . Man knows that love is, but he does not 
know what love is. He knows that love is, from common con- 
versation, as from its being said: such a one loves me, a king 
loves his subjects, and the subjects love the king; a husband loves 
his wife, and a mother her children, and conversely; also, such or 
such a person loves his country, his fellow citizens, his neighbor; 
in like manner of things abstractedly from person, as when it is 
said, that a person loves this or that thing. But although love is so 
universal in conversation, scarcely any one knows what love is. 
While meditating on the subject, as he is not then able to form 



any idea of thought concerning it, and thus to convey it into the 
light of the understanding, because it is a matter not of light but 
of heat, he either says that it is not anything, or else that it is 
merely something that flows in from sight, hearing, conversation, 
and thus makes the spirit. He is altogether ignorant that love is 
his very life, not only the general life of his whole body, and the 
general life of all his thoughts, but also the life of all their 
particulars. A wise man can perceive this from queries like these: 
if you remove the affection of love, can you think anything, and 
can you do anything? Do not thought, speech, and action grow 
cold in proportion as the affection which belongs to the love 
grows cold? And do they not grow warm in proportion as the 
affection which belongs to the love grow warm? Love therefore 
is the heat of man's life, or his vital heat. The heat of the blood, 
and also its redness, are from no other sources. The fire of the 
angelic sun, which is pure love, effects this. 

35. That every one has his own love, or a love distinct from 
the love of another; that is, that no two men have exactly the 
same love, may be manifest from the infinite variety of faces: the 
faces are the types of the loves ; for it is known that the faces are 
changed and varied according to the affections of love; a man's 
desires also, which belong to his love, and likewise his joys and 
sorrows, shine forth thence. From this consideration it is evident, 
that a man is his own love; yea, that he is the form of his own 
love. It must, however, be known, that the interior man, which is 
the same as his spirit which lives after the death of the physical, 
is the form of his own love, but not so the exterior man in the 
natural world, because the latter has learned from childhood to 
conceal the desires of his love, to make a pretense and show of 
desires which are different from his own. 

36. The reason why every one's own love remains with him 
after he leaves his material body, is, as was said just above, 
No. 34, love is the life of man ; and hence it is the man himself. 
A man also is his own thought, thus his own intelligence and 
wisdom; but these make a one with his love. For a man thinks, 
yea, if he be in freedom, speaks and acts, from his love, and 
according to it; whence it may be seen, that love is the Esse or 
essence of a man's life, and that thought is the existere or existence 
of his life thence derived ; wherefore speech and action which flow 
from the thought, do not flow from the thought, but from the love 
through the thought. From much experience it has been given me 
to know, that a man after he departs the physical is not his own 
thought, but that he is his own affection and consequent thought; 
or, that he is his own love and consequent intelligence; also that 
a man after resuscitation puts off everything which does not agree 
with his love ; yea, that he successively puts on the face, the tone 
of voice, the speech, the gestures, and the manners of the love of 



his life. Hence it is, that the universal heaven is arranged in order 
according to the varieties of the affections of the love of good, 
and the universal hell according to all the affections of the love 
of evil. 



sexual love remains with man after the death of the physical, is, 
that the male then is a male and the female a female; and the 
masculine in the male is masculine in the whole and in every part 
thereof ; and in like manner the feminine in the female ; and there 
is a conjunctivness in all their singulars, yea, even their variest 
singulars. Now, since this conjunctiveness was implanted by 
creation, and hence is perpetually within, it follows, that the one 
desires and breathes conjunction with the other. Love, considered 
in itself, is nothing else than a desire and a consequent effort for 
conjunction; and conjugial love for conjunction into a one. For 
the male human being and the female human being have been so 
created, that out of two they may become as it were one human 
being, or one flesh; and when they become one, then, taken 
together, they are a human being in his fullness ; but without such 
conjunction, they are two, and each of them is like a divided or 
half a human being. Now, since this conjunctiveness lies inmostly 
latent in every singular of the male, and in every singular of the 
female, and the faculty and desire for conjunction into a one is in 
every singular, it follows, that the mutual and reciprocal sexual 
love remains with human beings after the death of the physical 

38. It is said ? sexual love and conjugial love, because sexual 
love is different from conjugial love. Sexual love is with the 
natural man, but conjugial love with the spiritual man. The 
natural man loves and desires only external conjunctions, and the 
pleasures of the lower mind arising therefrom; whereas the 
spiritual man loves and desires an internal conjunction, and the 
blissfulnesses of the spirit arising thence, and these blissfulnesses 
he perceives are possible with one conjugial partner, with whom 
he can be perpetually more and more conjoined into a one: and 
the more he is thus conjoined, the more he perceives his blissful- 
nesses ascending in a like degree, and enduring to eternity. But 
the natural man does not think so. Hence then it is that it is said, 
that after the death of the physical, conjugial love remains with 
those who come into heaven, who are those who become spiritual 
while in the natural world. 

TION. That man lives a man after resuscitation, and that the male 
then is a male, and the female a female; and that every one's own 
love remains with him, and especially sexual love and conjugial 



love, are positions which I have thus far endeavored to confirm 
by such things as belong to the understanding, and are called 
rational things. But, since man from his childhood has obtained 
from his parents and masters, and afterwards from the learned 
and the clergy, the belief that he will not live a man after the 
death of the physical body until the day of the last judgment, in 
the expectation whereof they have now been for six thousand 
years ; and since many have alleged that this is one of the articles 
of faith, which ought to be embraced in faith, and not by the 
understanding, it was necessary that the above positions should 
be confirmed also by the proofs of personal observation; other- 
wise, a man who believes only the senses, would say, from the 
faith previously impressed on him: "If men loved men after the 
death of the natural body, I should see and hear them: who has 
ever descended out of heaven, or ascended out of hell, and related 
such things?" But, whereas it was never possible, nor can it ever 
be possible, for any angel of heaven to descend, or for any spirit 
of hell to ascend, and speak with any man, except with those who 
have the interiors of the mind, which are the interiors of the 
spirit, opened by the Lord ; and this opening of the interiors can- 
not be fully effected except with those who have been prepared 
by the Lord to receive the things which belong to spiritual wisdom, 
therefore it has pleased the Lord thus to prepare me, so that the 
state of heaven and hell, and the state of the life of men hereafter, 
might not remain unknown, and be laid asleep in ignorance, and 
at length buried in denial. Nevertheless, the proofs of personal 
experience on the subjects above mentioned, cannot, by reason of 
their abundance, be adduced here; but they have been already 
adduced in the Work on fjeayqn and Helb and afterwards in the 
Continuation concerning the Spiritual World, and lastly in the 
Apocalypse Revealed; and especially in the Memorable Relations 
which follow after the paragraphs or chapters of the present 

Since these positions have been confirmed by reason, and at the 
same time by experience, they need no further demonstration. 



MARRIAGE. In the Evangelists the following words are read: 
"Certain of the Sadduces* who deny the resurrection, asked Jesus, 
saying, Master, Mosjes wrote, If any ones brother die, having a 
wife, and he be childless, his brother shall take his wife, and raise 
up seed unto his brother. There were seven brethren, of whom one 
after the other took the wife; but they died childless; last of all 
the woman dted also; in the resurrection therefore whose wife 
shall she be of the seven? But Jesus answering, said unto them, 
The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage; but those 



who shall be held worthy to attain to another age and the resur- 
rection from the dead 7 shall neither marry nor be given in mar- 
riage, for they can die no more; for they are like unto the angels, 
and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection. But that the 
dead rise again, Moses also shewed at the bramble-bush^ when he 
called the Lord the God of Abraham* and the God of Isaac, and 
the God of Jacob; for He is not the God of the dead, but of the 
living; for all live unto Him" (Luke xx.27-38; Matt xxii.22-31 ; 
Mark xii.18-27). There are two things which the Lord taught by 
these words: first, that man rises again after death; and secondly, 
that in heaven they are not given in marriage. That man rises 
again after death, He taught by these words, "That God is not 
God of the dead, but of the living, and that Abraham, Isaac, and 
Jacob are alive": and further in the parable concerning the rich 
man in hell, and Lazarus in heaven (Luke xvi.22-31). Secondly, 
that in heaven they are not given in marriage., He taught by these 
words, "that those who shall be held worthy to attain to another 
age, neither marry nor are given in marriage." That none other 
than spiritual weddings are here meant, appears manifestly from 
the words which immediately follow, "that they can no more die; 
because they are like unto the angels, and are sons of God, being 
sons of the resurrection." By spiritual weddings is meant con- 
junction with the Lord, and this is effected in the natural world; 
and when it is effected in the natural state, it is also effected in 
the heavens ; wherefore in the heavens they are not married again, 
nor again given in marriage: this is also meant by these words. 
"That the sons of this age marry and are given in marriage; but 
those who are held worthy to attain to another age neither marry 
nor are given in marriage." These are also called by the Lord, 
"sons of the wedding" (Matt, ix.15; Mark ii.19) ; and in this 
passage, "angels", "sons of God", and "sons of the resurrection". 
That making a wedding denotes being conjoined with the Lord, 
and that entering into a wedding denotes being received into 
heaven by the Lord, is manifest from the following passages: 
"The kingdom of the heavens is like unto a man, a king, who 
made a wedding for his son, and sent out servants and invited to 
the wedding" (Matt, xxii.2-14). "The kingdom of the heavens is 
like unto ten virgins, who went forth to meet the bridegroom; of 
whom five being prepared entered In unto the wedding* (Matt 
xxv.l and following verses). That the Lord here meant Himself, 
is evident from verse 13 of that chapter, where it is said, "Watch 
ye* because ye know not the day and the hour in which the Son of 
Man will come: 9 ' also from the Apocalypse: "The time of the 
wedding of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself 
ready: blessed are those who aw called to the wedding mpper of 
the Lamb" (xix.7, 9)> That there is a spiritual meaning in each 
and all things that the Lord spoke, has been fully shown in th(* 
Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning the Sacred Scripture, 
published at Amsterdam in the year 1763. 


42. To the above I shall add two Memorable Relations out of 
the spiritual world. The first is as follows: 

One morning I looked up into heaven, and I saw above me 
expanse above expanse; and I saw that the first expanse, which 
was the nearest, opened, and then the second, which was above it, 
and lastly the third, which was the highest; and, from the enlighten- 
ment thence, I perceived, that upon the first expanse were the 
angels of which the first or ultimate heaven consists; upon the 
second expanse were the angels of whom the second or middle 
heaven consists; and upon the third expanse were the angels of 
whom the third or highest heaven consists. 

I wondered at first what this meant, and why it happened: 
and presently there was heard out of heaven a voice as of a 
trumpet saying, "We have perceived, and now see, that you have 
been meditating on CONJUGIAL LOVE ; and we know that as yet no 
one in the natural world knows what truly conjugial love is in its 
origin and in its essence; and yet it is of importance that it should 
be known: wherefore it has pleased the Lord to open the heavens 
to you, in order that enlightening light and perception thence may 
flow in into the interiors of your mind. With us in the heavens, 
especially in the third heaven, our heavenly delights are prin- 
cipally from conjugial love; wherefore, in consequence of leave 
having been given us, we will send down to you a married pair, 
in order that you may see." 

And lo! there then appeared a chariot descending out of the 
highest or third heaven, in which there appeared one angel; but 
as it approached, there appeared therein two. The chariot at a 
distance glittered before my eyes like a diamond, and to it were 
harnessed young horses white as snow; and they who sat in the 
chariot held in their hands two turtle-doves; and they called out 
to me, "Do you wish us to come nearer to you? but in that case 
take heed, lest the coruscation which flashes out of the heaven 
whence we have descended, and is flaming, penetrate interiorly; 
by its influx the higher ideas of your understanding, which in 
themselves are heavenly, are indeed enlightened; but these ideas 
are inexpressible in the state in which you dwell: wherefore 
receive rationally what you are about to hear, and explain it 
rationally to the understanding." 

I replied, "I will take heed; come nearer." 

And they came nearer ; and lo ! it was a husband and his wife ; 
and they said, "We are married partners : we have lived happy in 
heaven from the first age, which by you is called the golden age, 
and we have lived perpetually in the same flower of age in which 
you see us to-day." 

I observed them both attentively, because I perceived that they 
represented conjugial love in its life and in its attire; in its life in 
their faces, and in its attire in their garments; for all angels are 
affections of love in human form. The ruling affection itself 
shines forth out of their faces ; and garments are allotted to them, 



from the affection, and according to it: wherefore it is said in 
heaven, that every one is invested with his own affection. The 
husband appeared of age intermediate between youth and young 
manhood: from his eyes darted forth sparkling light by reason 
of the wisdom of love, from which light his face was as it were 
inmostly radiant; and in consequence of the radiance the surface 
of his skin as it were shone; hence his whole face was one resplen- 
dent beauty. He was dressed in a garment reaching down to his 
feet, and underneath it was a garment of a purple colour, girt 
about with a golden girdle, upon which were three precious stones, 
two sapphires at the sides, and a fiery stone in the middle; his 
stockings were of shining linen, with threads of silver interwoven, 
and his shoes were all of silk. This was the representative form 
of conjugial love with the husband. But with the wife it was as 
follows: her face was seen by me, and it was not seen; it was 
seen as beauty itself, and it was not seen because this beauty was 
inexpressible; for in her face there was a splendor of flaming 
light, such as the angels in the third heaven have, and this light 
dimmed my sight; wherefore I was simply lost in astonishment. 

Observing this, she spoke to me, saying, "What do you see?" 

I replied, "I see nothing but conjugial love and the form there- 
of; but I see, and I do not see." 

Hereupon she turned herself sideways from her husband; and 
then I was able to observe her more attentively. Her eyes sparkled 
from the light of her own heaven, which light, as was said, is 
flammeous, and therefore is derived from the love of wisdom ; for 
the wives in that heaven love their husbands from their wisdom 
and in their wisdom, and the husbands love their wives from that 
love and in that love towards themselves: and thus they are united. 
This was the origin of her beauty, which was such that it would 
be impossible for any painter to imitate and exhibit it in its form, 
for there is no such lustre in his colours; nor is such beauty 
expressible in his art. Her hair was arranged in beautiful order 
according to its correspondence with her beauty; and in it were 
inserted flowers of diadems; she had a necklace of fiery stones, 
from which hung a rosary of chrysolites; and she had bracelets 
of pearls. She was arrayed in a scarlet robe, and underneath it 
she had a crimson stomacher, fastened in front with clasps of 
rubies ; but what surprised me was, that the colours varied accord- 
ing to her aspect towards her husband, and according thereto 
sparkled sometimes more and sometimes less; in mutual aspect, 
(or face to face) more, and in sideways aspect, less. 

When I had seen these particulars, they again spoke with me; 
and when the husband was speaking, he spoke at the same time 
as from his wife; and when the wife was speaking, she spoke at 
the same time as from her husband; for such was the union of their 
minds from whence their speech flowed; and then also I heard the 
tone of voice of conjugial love, that inwardly it was simultaneous, 


and also that it proceeded from the delights of a state of peace 
and innocence. 

At length they said, "We are recalled; we must depart." And 
then they again appeared to be conveyed in a chariot as before. 
They were conveyed by a paved way between flower beds, from 
the beds of which arose olive trees, and trees full of oranges: and 
when they were near their own heaven, maidens came to meet 
them, and received them and led them in. 

43. After this an angel appeared to me out of that heaven, 
holding in his hand a parchment, which he unrolled, saying, "I 
saw that you were meditating upon conjugial love. In this parch- 
ment there are arcana of wisdom concerning that love, which have 
never yet been disclosed in the natural world. They must now be 
disclosed, because it is of importance that they should be. Those 
arcana "abound more in our heaven than in the rest, because we 
are in the marriage of love and wisdom; but I foretell that no 
others will appropriate that love to themselves but those who are 
received by the Lord into the New Church, which is in the New 
Jerusalem." Having said this, the angel let down the unrolled 
parchment, which a certain angelic spirit took, and laid on a table 
in a certain chamber, which he instantly locked, and held out the 
key to me, and said, "Write." 

second Memorable Relation: 

saw three novitiate spirits from the natural world, who 
were wandering about, examining everything, and asking questions 
about it. They were in wonderment on finding that men lived 
altogether as before, and that they saw similar things as they had 
seen before; for they knew that they had departed out of the 
former, or natural world, and that in that state they had believed 
that they should not live as men until after the day of the last 
judgment, when they should again be clothed with the flesh and 
bones that had been laid in their graves ; wherefore, in order that 
they might be freed from all doubt that they were really and truly 
men, they by turns viewed and touched themselves and others, 
and felt objects, and by a thousand proofs convinced themselves 
that they were now men as in the former natural state; besides 
which they saw each other in a brighter light, and objects in 
greater brilliance, and thus more perfectly. 

Just then, two angelic spirits happened to meet them, and 
stopped them, saying, "Whence are you?" 

They replied, "We have departed out of a world, and again 
we live in a world; thus we have migrated from a world (one 
state) into another world (another state) ; this surprises us." 

Then the three novitiates questioned the two angelic spirits 
concerning heaven; and as two of the three novitiates were youths, 
and from their eyes there flashed forth as it were a fiery ardour 
of lasciviousness, the angelic spirit said, "Possibly you have seen 



some women;" and they replied, "We have." And as they made 
inquiry about heaven, the angelic spirits made the following 
statement: "In heaven there are all kinds of magnificent and splen- 
did things, and such things as the eye had never seen; there are 
also maidens and young men ; maidens of such beauty that they 
may be called beauties in beauty's own form, and young men of 
such morality that they may be called moralities in morality's 
own form; and the beauties of the maidens and the moralities of 
the young men correspond to each other, as forms mutually re- 
lated to and fitted for each other." 

And the two novitiates asked, "Are there in heaven human 
forms exactly similar to those which are in the natural world?" 

The answer was made, "They are exactly similar; nothing is 
taken away out of the man (vir), and nothing out of the woman; 
in a word, the man (vir) is a male, and the woman (ferriina) a 
woman, in all the perfection of form in which they were created: 
retire, if you like, and examine yourself, whether anything is 
wanting to make you less a man (vir) than before." 

Again, the novitiates said, "We have heard in the natural state 
from which we have departed, that in heaven they are not given 
in marriage, because they are angels: does sexual love, therefore, 
not exist there?" 

And the angelic spirits replied, "Your kind of sexual love 
t* exist in heaven; hut the.angejic sexual love, which, is 
and devoid of all allurement from lust." 

To this the novitiates said, "If there exists sexual love devoid 
of all allurement, what in that case is sexual Jove?" And while 
they were talking about this love, they sighed, and said, "Oh how 
dry is the joy of heaven! What young man, if this be the case, can 
possibly wish for heaven? Is not such a love barren and devoid 
of life?" 

To this the angelic spirits replied, smiling, "Angelic sexual 
love, or such sexual love as exists in hfeaven, is nevertheless full 
of inmost delights: it is a most pleasant expansion of all things 
of the mind, and consequently of all things of the breast, and 
inwardly in the breast, it is as if the heart sported with the lungs, 
from which sport proceeds a respiration, a tone of voice, and a 
speech which cause the social gatherings among the sexes, or 
among young men and maidens, to be heavenly sweetnesses them- 
selves, which are pure. All novitiates, on ascending into heaven, 
are explored as to the quality of their chastity, for they are let 
into the company of maidens, the beauties of heaven, who perceive, 
from their tone of voice, their speech, their face, their eyes, their 
gesture, and their exhaling sphere, of what quality they are as 
regards sexual love; and if their love be unchaste, they flee away 
from them, and tell their companions that they have seen satyrs 
or priapuses. The new comers also undergo a change, and before 
the eyes of the angels appear rough and hairy, and with feet like 



those of calves or leopards, and presently they are cast down, lest 
by their lust they should pollute the heavenly aura." 

On hearing this, the two novitiates again said, "So there is no 
sexual love in heaven; what is chaste sexual love but a love 
emptied of the essence of its life? And thus, does not the con- 
sociations of young men and maidens in heaven consist of dry 
joys? We are not stocks and stones, but perceptions and affec- 
tions of life." 

On hearing this the two angelic spirits indignantly replied, 
"You are utterly ignorant of what chaste sexual love is, because 
as yet you are not chaste. That love is the very delight itself of 
the mind, and hence of the heart, and not at the same time of the 
sensuous mind beneath the heart. Angelic chastity, which is com- 
mon to both sexes, prevents the passing of that love beyond the 
enclosure of the heart; but within that enclosure, and above it, 
the morality of a young man is delighted with the beauty of a 
maiden in die delights of chaste sexual love; which delights are 
too interior, and too abundant in pleasantness, to be described in 
words. The angels have this sexual love, because they have con- 
jugial love only; and this love cannot exist together with unchaste 
sexual love. Truly conjugial love is chaste love, and has nothing 
in common with unchaste love; it is restricted to one only of the 
sex, and removed from all others; for it is a love of the spirit and 
thence of the body, and not a love of the body and thence of the 
spirit; that is, it is not a love which infests the spirit/' 

On hearing this, the two novitiate youths rejoiced, and said, 
"There still exists in heaven sexual love; what else is conjugial 

But to this the angelic spirits replied, "Think more deeply, 
weigh the matter well, and you will perceive, that your sexual 
love is an extra-con jugial love, and that conjugial love is 
altogether different; and that the latter is as distinct from the 
former, as wheat is from chaff, or rather as the human is from 
the bestial. If you were to ask the women in heaven, 'What is 
extra-conjugial love?' I asservate that they would reply, 'What is 
this? What are you talking about? How can you utter such an 
expression which so wounds our ears? How can a love not created 
be generated in man?' If you were then to ask them, 'What is 
truly conjugial love?' I know they would reply, 'It is not sexual 
love, but the love of one of the sex; and it comes into existence 
no otherwise than when a young man sees a maiden provided by 
the Lord, and a maiden a young man, and both feel what is con- 
jugial being kindled in their hearts, and perceive, he that she is 
his, and she that he is hers, for love meets love, and causes them 
to know each other, and instantly conjoins their souls, and after- 
wards their minds, and thence enters their bosoms, and after the 
wedding penetrates further, and thus becomes a full love, which 
grows every day into conjunction, till they no longer are two, 
but as it were one/ I know also that they would swear that they 



do not know any other sexual love; for they say, 'How can sexual 
love exist, unless it be so mutual and reciprocal as to breathe 
after an eternal union, which consists in two being of one mind?'" 
To this the angelic spirits added, "In heaven they are utterly ignor- 
ant of what scortatory love is; nor do they know that it exists, or 
that its existence is possible. The angels grow cold all over the 
body at unchaste or extra-conjugial love; and, on the other hand, 
they grow warm all over the body from chaste or conjugial love. 
With the men (viri) there, all the nerves are unstrung at the sight 
of a fornicator, and recover their tension at the sight of a wife." 

The three novitiates, on hearing this, asked, "Is there a similar 
love between married partners in the heavens as in the natural 

And the two angelic spirits replied, that it was exactly similar. 
And as they perceived that the novitiates wished to know whether 
in heaven there were similar ultimate delights, they said, that they 
were exactly similar, but much more blessed, because angelic per- 
ception and sensation are much more exquisite than human per- 
ception and sensation: "and what," added they, "is the life of that 
love unless derived from the vein of potency? When this vein 
fails, does not that love fail and grow cold? Is not this virtue the 
very measure, degree, and basis of that love? Is it not its begin- 
ning, its support, and its fulfilment? It is a universal law, that 
primary things exist, subsist, and persist, from ultimate tilings; 
this applies also to that love; wherefore, unless there were ulti- 
mate delights, there would be no delights of conjugial love 
at all." 

The novitiates ,then,3sked whether offspring were born from 
the ultimate delights of that love in heaven; and if not, of what 
u$e.w<ere those dejights? 

The angelic spirits replied, that no natural offspring were 
born, but spiritual offspring. 

And the novitiates asked, "What are spiritual offspring?" 

They replied, "Two married partners by means of the ultimate 
delights are more united in the marriage of good and truth, and 
the marriage of good and truth is the marriage of love and 
wisdom; and love and wisdom are the offspring which are born of 
that marriage; and since in heaven the husband is wisdom, and 
the wife is the love thereof, and both are spiritual, therefore no 
other than spiritual offspring can be conceived and begotten there, 
Hence it is that the angels, after the delights, do not become sad, 
as some do in the natural world, but cheerful ; and this they have 
from a continual influx of fresh powers (vires] succeeding the 
former ones, which renovate, and at the same time enlighten: for 
all who come into heaven, return into their vernal youth, and 
into the powers of that age, and remain so to eternity." 

~ The three novitiates, on hearing this, said, "Is it not read in 
the Word, that in heaven they are not given in marriage, because 
they are angels?" 


To this the angelic spirits replied, "Look up into heaven, and 
an answer will be given you." 

And they asked why they should look up into heaven. 

The angelic spirits said, "Because thence we have all inter- 
pretations of the Word. The Word is inwardly spiritual, and the 
angels, because they are spiritual, will teach the spiritual under- 
standing of it." 

After a little while the heaven over their heads was opened, 
and two angels came within sight of them, and said, "There are 
weddings in the heavens, as in the natural world; but for no 
others in the heavens than those who are in the marriage of good 
and truth; nor are any others angels; wherefore, it is spiritual 
weddings, which are of the marriage of good and truth, that are 
meant in the Word. These spiritual weddings take place on the 
natural plane, but not after the death of the physical body, thus 
not in the heavens; as it is said of the five foolish virgins, who 
were also invited to the wedding, that they could not enter, 
because they did not possess the marriage of good and truth; for 
they had no oil, but only lamps. By oil is meant good, and by 
lamps truth; and being given in marriage denotes entering into 
heaven, where the marriage of good and truth is." 

The three novitiates were made glad on hearing this, and being 
filled with a desire of heaven, and with the hope of wedding there, 
they said, "We will diligently practice morality and virtue of life, 
that we may obtain what we wish for." 



45. That there are marriages in the heavens has been shown 
just above; it remains now to be shown whether the marriage 
covenant which has been contracted in the natural world will 
remain, and be in force after leaving this state, or not. As this is 
a matter not of judgment, but of experience, and as the experience 
has been given me by consociation with angels and spirits, it must 
be adduced by me; but yet in such a manner that reason also may 
assent thereto. It is also among the wishes and desires of married 
persons to know this; for men (viri) who have loved their wives, 
and likewise wives who have loved their husbands, wish to know 
whether (if they have expired) it will be well with them, and 
whether they shall ever meet again. Many married pairs also 
wish to know beforehand whether they will be separated after the 
death of the physical, or whether they will live together: those 
who disagree in their dispositions wish to know whether they will 
be separated; and those who agree, whether they will live together, 
Since these answers are wished for, they shall be given, and in the 
following order: 

I. Sexual love remains with every man (or woman) after the 
death of the physical body, such as it had been interiorly, that is, 
such as it had been in his interior will and thought in the natural 

II. Conjugial love likewise remains. 

III. The two married partners most generally meet after the 
death of the physical bodies, recognize each other., again con- 
sociate 9 and for some time live together: this takes place in the 
first state, thus while they are in externals as in the natural world. 

IV. But successively, as they put off their externals, and enter 
into their internals, they perceive what had been the quality of 
their love and inclination for each other mutually, and conse- 
quently whether they can live together, or not. 

V. // they can live together, they remain married partners; 
but if they cannot, they separate; sometimes the husband (vir) 
from the wife, sometimes the wife 'from the husband, and some- 
times both mutually from each other. 

VI. Then there is given to the man a suitable wife, and to the 
woman likewise a suitable husband. 

,<^VIL Married partners enjoy similar consociations with vac/i 
other as in the natural world, but more delightful and blessed; 
jyet without prolification, for which, or in place of which, they 
have spiritual prolification, which is that of love and wisdom. 

VIII. This takes place with those who come into heaven; but 
it is otherwise with those who go into hell. 


Now follows the explanation, by which these articles are 
illustrated and confirmed. 


AND THOUGHT IN THE NATURAL WORLD. Every love follows man 
after his physical death, because it is the esse of his life; and the 
ruling love, which is the head of all the others, remains with man 
to eternity, and together with it the subordinate loves. The reason 
why they remain, is, that love belongs properly to the spirit of 
man, and to the body from the spirit; and a man after physical 
death becomes a spirit, and so carries his love with him; and as 
love is the esse of man's life, it is evident that such as a man's 
life has been in the natural world, such does his lot become when 
he enters the spiritual world. As regards sexual love, it is the 
universal of all loves, for it has been implanted from creation in 
the very soul of man, from which the essence of the whole man 
is, and this for the sake of the propagation of the human race. 
The reason why this love especially remains, is, that after resusci- 
tation a man (vir) is a man, and a woman is a woman; and that 
there is nothing in the soul, in the mind, and in the body, which 
is not masculine in the male, and feminine in the female; that 
these two have been so created, that they have a powerful striving 
for conjunction, yea, for conjunction so as to become a one. This 
effort or striving is sexual love, which precedes conjugial love. 
Now, since the conjunctive inclination is inscribed on each and all 
things of the male and of the female, it follows, that this inclina- 
tion cannot be obliterated, or die, with the natural body. 

47. The reason why sexual love remains such as it had been 
interiorly in the natural world, is, that with every man there is an 
Internal and External, which are also called the internal and 
external man ; and hence there is an internal and an external will 
and thought. A man, when he expires, leaves his external mind 
behind, and retains his internal; for externals, strictly speaking, 
belong to his natural mind, and internals, strictly speaking, belong 
to his spirit. Now, since a man is his own love, and love resides 
in his spirit, it follows that sexual love remains with him after 
the death of the physical body, such as it had been interiorly with 
him; as for example, if that love interiorly had been conjugial or 
chaste, it remains conjugial and chaste after he leaves the phys- 
ical ; but if it had been interiorly scortatory, it remains such also 
after his resurrection. But it ought to be known that sexual love 
is not the same with one person as with another; its differences 
are infinite: nevertheless, such as it is in the spirit of any one, 
such also it remains. 






love is one thing, and conjugial love another, therefore a distinct 
name is given to each, and it is said, that the latter also remains 
after death such as it has been with a man, while he lived in the 
natural world, in his internal man. But as few know the difference 
between sexual love and conjugial love, therefore, on the threshold 
of this Treatise, I will preface something about it. Sexual love is 
and with several, is a natural love; for it is common to man with 
love is towards one, and with one of the sex. Love towards several, 
and with several, is a natural love; for it is common to man with 
beasts and birds, which are natural. But conjugial love is a 
spiritual love, and it is peculiar and proper to men, because men 
were created, and therefore are born, in order that they may 
become spiritual; wherefore, in the proportion in which a man 
becomes spiritual, he puts off sexual love, and puts on conjugial 
love. In the beginning of marriage sexual love appears as if 
conjoined with conjugial love; but in the progress of marriage 
they are separated; and then, with those who are spiritual, sexual 
love is exterminated, and conjugial love is insinuated; but with 
those who are natural, the contrary takes place. From what has 
now been said, it is evident, that sexual love, because it is a love 
with several, and in itself natural, yea, animal, is impure and 
unchaste, and, because it is roving and unlimited, it is scorlatory ; 
but that conjugial love is altogether otherwise. That conjugial 
love is spiritual, and, strictly speaking, human, will manifestly 
appear from what follows: 



EXTERNALS AS IN THE NATURAL WORLD. There are two states into 
which man enters after death, an external and an internal state. 
He comes first into his external state, and afterwards into the 
internal ; and while in the external state, married partners, if they 
have both died, meet each other, recognize each other, and if they 
have lived together in the world, consociate again, and for some 
time live together; and when they are in this state, they do not 
know the inclination of each to the other, because this conceals 
itself in the internals. But afterwards, when they come into their 
internal state, the inclination manifests itself; if it is concordant 
and sympathetic, they continue their conjugial life; but if it is 
discordant and antipathetic, they dissolve their conjugial life. If 
a man has had several marriage partners, he conjoins himself 
with them successively, while he is in the external state, but when 
he enters the internal state, in which he perceives the inclinations 
of his love, as to their quality, he then either adopts one, or leaves 
them all; for in the spiritual world, as well as in the natural, it is 
not allowable for any Christian to marry several wives, because 


this infests and profanes religion. The case is the same with a 
woman who has had several husbands : nevertheless the women do 
not adjoin themselves to their husbands; they only present them- 
selves, and the husbands adjoin them to themselves. Be it known 
that husbands rarely recognize their wives, but that wives well 
recognize their husbands: the reason is, that women have an 
interior perception of love, and men (viri) only an exterior 



CAN LIVE TOGETHER, OR NOT. There is no need to explain this 
further, because it follows from what was explained in the pre- 
ceding article; here it shall merely be shown how a man after 
death puts off his externals and puts on his internals. Every one 
after death is first introduced into the world which is called the 
state of spirits, and which is intermediate between heaven and 
hell ; and in that state he is prepared, the good man for heaven, 
and the evil man for hell. This preparation has for its end, that 
the Internal and External may agree together and make a one, and 
not disagree and make two: in the natural world they make two, 
and only make a one with those who are sincere at heart. That 
they make two is manifest from the deceitful and the cunning; 
especially from hypocrites, flatterers, dissemblers, and liars. But 
in the spiritual world it is not allowable thus to have a divided 
mind, but he who has been evil in internals must also be evil in 
externals; likewise, he who has been good in internals must be 
good in externals. For every man after death becomes such as he 
had been interiorly, and not such as he had been exteriorly. For 
the sake of this end, he is let alternately into his external and his 
internal: and every man, while he is in his external, is wise, that 
is, he wishes to seem wise, even if he be an evil man; but an evil 
man is insane in his internal. By those changes he is able to see 
his insanities, and to repent of them: but if he had not repented 
during his earth life, he cannot afterwards; for he loves his 
insanities, and wishes to remain in them : wherefore he forces his 
external also to be insane likewise; thus his internal and his 
external become a one; and when this is effected, he is prepared 
for hell. But it is otherwise with a good man: such a one, because 
in the natural world he had looked unto God and had repented, 
was more wise in his internal than in his external : in his external 
also, through the allurements and vanities of the natural world, 
he had sometimes raved; wherefore, his external is likewise 
reduced to agreement with his internal, which, as was said, is 
wise; when this is effected, he is prepared for heaven. From these 
considerations it plainly appears, how the putting off the external, 
and putting on the internal, after death, is effected. 




why separations take place after death is, that the conjunctions 
which are made in the natural world are seldom made from any 
internal perception of love, but from an external perception, 
which hides the internal. The external perception of love derives 
its cause and origin from such things as belong to the love of the 
material, and of the sensuous mind. Wealth and possessions 
especially are objects of natural love, and dignities and honours 
are objects of the love of the natural mind: and besides these 
things, there are also various allurements that entice, such as 
beauty, and a counterfeit grace of manners, and sometimes even 
unchastity. Besides, matrimonies are contracted within the dis- 
trict, city, or village, in which the parties were born, or where 
they live, and even there the choice is confined and limited to the 
families that are known, and, among these, to such as are of a 
corresponding condition of life. Hence it is that marriages con- 
tracted in the natural world are for the most part external and 
not at the same time internal; when yet it is the internal con- 
junction, which is the conjunction of souls, which constitutes 
marriage itself; and this conjunction is not perceptible until man 
puts off the external and puts on the internal, which takes place 
after death. Hence now it is that separations take place then, and 
afterwards new conjunctions with similar and homogeneous part- 
ners; unless these conjunctions have been provided in the natural 
world, as takes place with those who from early manhood have 
loved, wished for, and asked of the Lord a lawful and loving 
companionship with one woman, and who spurn and detest 
wandering lusts. 



is, that no other married partners can be received into heaven, so 
as to remain there, than those who are interiorly united, or are 
capable of being united as into a one. For in heaven two married 
partners are not called two, but one angel ; this is meant by the 
Lord's words, "that they are no longer two, but one flesh." The 
reason why no other married partners are received into heaven 
is> that no others can dwell together in heaven, that is, be together 
in one house, and in one bedchamber and bed; for all who are 
in the heavens are consociated according to affinities and relation- 
ships of love, and have habitations according to these. For in the 
spiritual world there are not spaces, but there are appearances 
of spaces ; and these appearances are according to the state of life 
of those who are there, and states of life are according to states 
of love. Wherefore, in that heavenly state no one can dwell but in 
his own house, which is provided for him and assigned to him 


according to the quality of his love: if he dwells in any other, 
he is distressed in his breast and breathing; and it is not possible 
for two to dwell together in the same house unless they are like- 
nesses; and married partners are absolutely unable to do so 
unless they are mutual inclinations; if they are external inclina- 
tions; if they are external inclinations, and not at the same time 
internal, the very house or place itself separates, rejects, and 
expels them. This is the reason why, for those who after prepara- 
tion are introduced into heaven, there is provided a marriage with 
a consort whose soul inclines to union with the soul of the other, 
so that they no longer wish to be two lives, but one life. This is 
the reason why after separation there is given to the man a suit- 
able wife, and to the woman likewise a suitable husband. 



IS THAT OF LOVE AND WISDOM. TTie reason why^marrkd^|)artneFS 
epjoy- similar intercourse as in the natural w-orfd,, is, .that after 
death the male is a male, and the female a female, and there 
Jbas been implanted in both from creation an inclination . tp , con- 
junction; and this inclination with man belongs to his spirit, and 
thence to his natural mind and externals. Wherefore after death, 
when man becomes a spirit, the same mutual inclination remains, 
and this cannot exist without similar consociation. For after 
death man is a man as before ; neither is there anything wanting 
either in the male or in the female: as to the form they are like 
themselves, and also as to the affections and thoughts; what else, 
then, follows thence, but that they must enjoy similar fellowship? 
and also that, since con jugial love is chaste, pure, and holy, this 
intercourse must be full? but on this subject see the several 
particulars in the Memorable Relation*. jp^JfJoJJM^ The reason 
why the intercourse"^ more delightful and blessed is that when 
conjugial love becomes of the spirit, it becomes more interior and 
pure, and consequently more perceptible; and every delightsome- 
ness grows according to the perception, and grows even until its 
blessedness is discernible in its delightsomeness. 

52. The reason why the marriages in the heavens are without 
prolification, and that instead thereof there is spiritual prolifica- 
tion, which is that of love and wisdom, is, that with those who 
are in the spiritual world, the third degree, which is the natural 
is wanting; and it is this which is the containant of spiritual 
things; and spiritual things without their containant have no con- 
sistence, like the things which are procreated in the natural world. 
Moreover, spiritual things, considered in themselves, have relation 
to love and wisdom; wherefore love and wisdom are the things 
which are born of marriages in the heavens. It is said that love 



and wisdom are born, because conjugial love perfects an angel, 
for it unites him with his consort; whence he becomes more and 
more a human being; for, as was said above, two married partners 
in heaven are not two, but one angel. Wherefore, by means of 
the conjugial unition they become filled with the Human, which 
consists in being willing to become wise, and in loving that which 
belongs to wisdom. 


The statements that after death a suitable wife is given to the 
man (vir), and a suitable husband to the wife, and that they 
enjoy delightful and blessed intercourse, but without any other 
prolification than spiritual prolification, must be understood of 
those who are received into heaven and become angels; the reason 
is, that these are spiritual, and marriages in themselves are spir- 
itual, and hence holy. But those who go to hell are all natural; 
and merely natural marriages are not marriages, but conjunctions, 
which originate in unchaste lust. The quality of these conjunctions 
will be stated in the following pages, where the chaste and the 
unchaste principles are treated of, and further where scortatory 
love is treated of. 

54. To what has been above related concerning the state of 
the married partners after death, the following statements must 
be added. I. That all those married partners who are merely 
natural, are separated after death; the reason is, that with them 
the love of marriage is cold, and adulterous love is warm. Never- 
theless after separation they sometimes consociate as married 
partners with others; but after a short time they withdraw from 
each other: and this in many cases is done repeatedly; and at 
length the man is made over to some fornicator, and the woman 
to some scortator, which is effected in an infernal prison, which 
is treated of in the Apocalypse Revealed* No. 153(10), where 
promiscuous scortation is forbidden to both of them under a 
penalty. II. Married partners, of whom one is spiritual and the 
other natural, are also separated after death ; and to the spiritual 
one is given a suitable partner; but the natural one is consigned 
to places of lasciviousness among his or her like. III. But they 
who in the natural world have lived unmarried, and have alto- 
gether alienated their mind from marriage, if they are spiritual, 
remain unmarried ; but if they are natural, they become scortatorw. 
It is otherwise with those who in their single state have desired 
marriage, and especially with those who have solicited it without 
success; for these, if they are spiritual, blessed marriages are 
provided, but not until they are in heaven. IV. They who in the 
natural world have been shut up in monasteries, both virgins and 
men, at the conclusion of the monastic life, which continues some 
space of time after death, are set free and discharged, and obtain 



the wished-for liberty of their desires, whether they are desirous 
of living in a married state or not: if they are desirous of living in 
a married state, this is granted them; but if not, they are con- 
veyed to the unmarried at the side of heaven ; but those who have 
burned with forbidden lust are cast down. V. The reason why the 
unmarried are at the side of heaven, is that the sphere of per- 
petual celibacy infests the. sphere of conjugial love, which is the 
very sphere of heaven; and the reason why the sphere of con- 
jugial love is the very sphere of heaven, is, that it descends from 
the heavenly marriage of the Lord and the church. 

55. To the above I shall add two Memorable Relations. The 
first is this: 

On a certain time there was heard out of heaven a very sweet 
tune: there were there wives with virgins, who were singing a 
song. The sweetness of their singing was like the affection of 
some love flowing forth harmoniously. Heavenly songs are noth- 
ing else than sonorous affections, or affections expressed and mod- 
ified by sounds; for as thoughts are expressed by speech, so 
afflictions are expressed by song; from the symmetry and fluency 
of the melody or modulation, the angels perceive the subject of 
the affection. 

On this occasion there were many spirits about me; and some 
of them informed me that they heard this very sweet tune, and 
that it was the tune of some loving affection, the subject of which 
they did not know: they therefore made various conjectures about 
it, but in vain. Some conjectured that the singing expressed the 
affection of a bridegroom and bride when they are betrothing 
themselves, some that it expressed the affection of a bridegroom 
and bride when they are going to their wedding; and some that 
it expressed the primitive love of a husband and wife. 

But at that moment there appeared in the midst of them an 
angel out of heaven, and he said, that they were singing about 
chaste sexual love. 

Hereupon the bystanders asked, "What is chaste sexual love?*' 

And the angel said, "It is the love of a man (vir) towards a 
maiden or wife who is beautiful in form and graceful in manners, 
free from any idea of lasciviousness, and the same love experi- 
enced by a maiden or wife towards a man." Having said this the 
angel vanished. 

The song continued ; and as the bystanders then knew the sub- 
ject of the affection which it expressed, they heard it with much 
variety, each one according to the state of his love. Those who 
looked upon women chastely heard that song as a symphonious 
and sweet song; those who looked upon women unchastely heard 
it as a disharmonious and melancholy song; and those who 
looked upon women with loathing heard it as a discordant and 
hoarse song. 

At that moment the area on which they were standing was 



suddenly changed into a lecture hall, and a voice was heard, 
saying, "Discuss this love." 

And suddenly there were present spirits from various societies, 
and in the midst of them some angels in white. The latter then 
spoke and said, "We in this spiritual world who have inquired 
into every species of love, not only into the love of a man (vir) 
towards a man, and of a woman towards a woman; and into the 
reciprocal love of husband and wife; but also into the love of a 
man (vir) towards women, and of a woman towards men; and it 
has been granted us to pass through societies and explore them, 
and we have never yet found sexual love chaste except with those 
who from truly conjugial love are in continual potency, and these 
.are in^ the., highest Jieavens! It has also been granted us to per- 
ceive the influx of this love into the affections of our hearts, and 
we have experienced that in sweetness it exceeds every other love, 
except the love of two married partners whose hearts are a one; 
but we ask you to discuss this love, because to you it is new and 
unknown; and since it is pleasantness itself, it is called by us in 
heaven, heavenly sweetness." 

When, therefore, they discussed it, those spoke first who were 
unable to think of chastity in relation to marriages, and they said, 
"Who, when he beholds a beautiful and lovely maiden or wife, 
can so chastise and purify the ideas of his thought from con- 
cupiscence, as to love the beauty and yet have no desire to take a 
taste of it, if he is allowed to? Who can convert the concupiscence 
which is innate in every man, into such chastity, thus into what is 
not itself, and yet love? Can sexual love, when it enters from the 
eyes into the thoughts, stop short at the face of a woman? Does 
it not instantly descend into the breast, and beyond? The angels 
spoke unmeaning words when they said, that this love exists 
chaste, and yet is the sweetest of all loves, and that it can only 
exist with husbands who are in truly conjugial love, and thence in 
supereminent potency with their wives. Are those husbands more 
able than other men, when they see beautiful women, to keep the 
ideas of their thought on high, and as it were to suspend them, so 
that they shall not descend and proceed to that which constitutes 
that love?" 

Afterwards those spoke who were both in cold and in heat; in 
cold towards their wives, and in heat towards the sex; and they 
said, "What is chaste sexual love? Is not sexual love a contradic- 
tion in terms when chastity is added to it? What is the contra- 
diction involved in the added term, except that the 'subject is 
deprived of its predicate, and then is not anything? How can 
chaste sexual love be the sweetest of all loves when chastity 
deprives it of its sweetness? You all know where the sweetness 
of that love resides; when therefore the idea of conjunction, which 
is usually associatd with that love, is banished, where and whence 
then is the sweetness?" 

Then some others took up the word, and said, "We have been 



with the most beautiful women and have felt no desire ; wherefore 
we know what chaste sexual love is." 

But their companions, who were acquainted with their lascivi- 
ousness, replied, "You were then in a state of loathing towards the 
sex, by reason of impotence; and this is not chaste sexual love, 
but the ultimate of unchaste love." 

On hearing what had been said, the angels were indignant, and 
requested those who stood on the right, or to the south, to speak. 
These said, "There is the love of a man (vir) and a man, and also 
of a woman and a woman; and there is the love of a man for a 
woman, and of a woman for a man ; and these three pairs of loves 
totally differ from each other. The love of a man and a man is as 
the love of understanding and understanding; for the man was 
created, and consequently is born to become understanding: the 
love of a woman and a woman is as the love of affection and 
affection of the understanding of men; for the woman who was 
created and is born to become the love of the understanding of a 
man. These loves, namely, of a man and a man, and of a woman 
and a woman, do not enter deeply into the breasts, but stand with- 
out and only touch each other: thus they do not interiorly conjoin 
the two : wherefore also two men, by their antagonistic reasonings, 
combat together like two wrestlers; and two women, by their 
antagonistic concupiscences, deal blows at each other like two 
pugilists. But the love of a man and a woman is the love of the 
understanding and its affection; and this love enters deeply and 
conjoins, and this conjunction is that love. But the conjunction 
of minds, and not at the same time of the bodies, or the effort 
towards that conjunction alone, is spiritual love, and consequently 
chaste love; and this love exists only with those who are in truly 
conjugial love, and thence in eminent potency, because these, on 
account of their chastity, do not admit the influx of love from the 
body of any other woman than their own wife; and as they are 
in supereminent potency, they cannot do otherwise than love the 
sex, and at the same time hold unchastity in aversion. Hence they 
have chaste sexual love, which, considered in itself, is interior 
spiritual friendship, which derives its sweetness from eminent but 
still chaste potency. They possess eminent potency in consequence 
of a total renunciation of scortation: and as the wife alone is 
loved, the potency is chaste. Now, since that love with those does 
not partake of the lower mind, but only of the spirit, it is chaste; 
and as the beauty of a woman, from innate inclination, at the 
same time enters into the mind, that love is sweet." 

On hearing this many of the bystanders put their hands to 
their ears, saying, "Those statements offend our ears: and what 
you have spoken is of no account to us." These bystanders were 

Then again was heard that song out of heaven, and sweeter 
now than before; but to those unchaste ones it sounded so dis- 
cordant that, because of the grating of the discord, they rushed 



out of the lecture hall and fled, leaving behind them the few who 
from wisdom loved conjugial chastity. 

56. The second Memorable Relation: 

Once when I was speaking with angels in the spiritual world, 
I was inspired with a pleasant desire to see the TEMPLE OF 
WISDOM, which I had seen once before ; and I asked them the way 
to it. They said, "Follow the light, and you will find it." 

I said, "What do you mean by following the light?" 

They said, "Our light grows brighter and brighter as we draw 
near to that temple; wherefore, follow the light according to the 
increase of its brightness; for our light proceeds from the Lord 
as a sun, and hence, considered in itself, it is wisdom." 

I then, in company with two angels, directed my course accord- 
ing to the increase of the brightness of the light, and ascended by 
a steep path to the summit of a hill which was in the southern 
quarter There was a magnificent gate there, and the keeper, on 
seeing the angels with me, opened it; and lo! there was seen an 
avenue of palm trees and laurels, according to which we directed 
our course. It was a winding avenue, and terminated in a garden, 
in the midst of which was the TEMPLE OF WISDOM. 

On arriving there I looked about me, and I saw several smaller 
buildings, just like the temple, in which were the wise. We drew 
near to one of them, and in the doorway we spoke to the person 
who dwelt there, and told him the occasion of our coming, and the 
manner of our approach: and he said, "You are welcome; enter 
and sit down, and let us discourse together about wisdom." 

I saw the little building within, that it was divided into two, 
and yet was one: it was divided into two by a transparent wall; 
but it appeared as one by reason of its transparence, which was 
like that of the purest crystal. I inquired why it was so. 

He said, "I am not alone; my wife is with me, and we are two; 
but yet we are not two, but one flesh." 

But I said, "I know that you are a wise one; and what has a 
wise one or a wisdom to do with a woman?" 

At this our host, from a certain indignation, changed coun- 
tenance, and beckoned with his hand, and lo! instantly other wise 
ones came out of the neighboring buildings, to whom he said 
jocosely, "Our stranger here asked this question, 'What has a 
wise one or a wisdom to do with a woman?'" 

At this they all smiled and said, "What is a wise one or a 
wisdom without a woman, or without love? A wife is the love of 
a wise man's wisdom." 

But our host said, "Let us now discourse together about 
wisdom; let the conversation be about causes, and at present about 
the cause of the beauty of the feminine sex." 

Then they spoke in order; and the first assigned as the cause, 
that women were created by the Lord affections of the wisdom of 
the men (viri), and the affection of wisdom is beauty itself. 


The second assigned as the cause, that woman was created by 
the Lord through the wisdom of the man, because from the man ; 
and that hence she is a form of wisdom inspired with the affection 
of love; and as the affection of love is life itself, the female is the 
life of wisdom, and the male is wisdom ; and the life of wisdom is 
beauty itself. 

The third assigned as the cause, that to women there has been 
given a perception of the delights of conjugial love; and as their 
whole body is an organ of that perception, it cannot be otherwise 
than that the habitation of the delights of conjugial love with its 
perception, should be beauty. 

The fourth assigned as the cause, that the Lord has taken away 
beauty and elegance of life from the man, and transcribed it into 
the woman; and that hence the man without reunion with his 
beauty and elegance in the woman, is grim, austere, dry, un- 
lovable, and is not wise except for himself alone, and such a one 
is foolish : but when a man is united with his beauty and elegance 
of life in a wife, he becomes agreeable, pleasant, lively, and 
lovable, and thereby wise. 

The fifth assigned as the cause, that women were created 
beauties, not for the sake of themselves, but for the sake of the 
men; in order that the men, who of themselves are hard, might 
be softened; that their minds, of themselves harsh, might become 
gentle; and that their hearts, of themselves cold, might become 
warm; which effects take place when they become one flesh with 
their wives. 

The sixth assigned as the cause, that the universe was created 
by the Lord as a most perfect work ; and that nothing was created 
in it more perfect than a woman, beautiful in face and graceful in 
manners, for this reason, that man might render thanks to the 
Lord for this bounty, and repay it by the reception of wisdom 
from Him. 

After these, and many other similar things had been said, the 
wife of our host appeared on the other side of the crystal wall, 
and said to her husband, "Speak, if it please you;" and when he 
spoke, the life of wisdom from the wife was perceived in his dis- 
course; for in the tone of his speech was the love of her; thus 
experience testified to the Truth. 

After this we went over the Temple of Wisdom, and also the 
paradisiacal places around it, and being thereby filled with joy 
we departed, and passed through the avenue to the gate, and 
descended by the way we had ascended. 



57. Conjugial love is of infinite variety; it does not exist 
exactly the same in any two persons. It appears indeed as if it 
were the same with many; but it so appears before the judgment 
of the body, and as this judgment is gross and obtuse, man has 
but little discernment from it in such matters. By the judgment 
of the body is meant the judgment of the mind from the external 
senses. But to those who see from the judgment of the spirit, the 
differences are apparent; and more distinctly to those who are 
able to elevate the sight of this judgment higher, which is effected 
by withdrawing it from the senses, and exalting it into a higher 
light; these can at length confirm themselves in understanding, 
and thus see, that conjugial love does not exist the same in any 
two persons. Nevertheless no one can see the infinite varieties of 
this love in any light even of the elevated understanding, unless 
he first knows what is the quality of that love in its very essence 
and integrity, thus what was its quality when, together with life 
from God, it was imparted to man. Unless this its state, which 
was most perfect, be known, it is in vain to attempt to discover 
its differences by any investigation: for there is no fixed point, 
from which as a beginning, those differences may be deduced, and 
to which as their focus they may be referred, and thus may appear 
in a true, and not in a fallacious light. This is the reason why we 
here proceed to describe that love in its genuine essence; and as 
it was in this essence when, together with life from God, it was 
infused into man, we proceed to describe it as to its quality in its 
primeval state; and as in this state it was truly conjugial, there- 
fore this section is entitled, TRULY CONJUGIAL LOVE. This descrip- 
tion of it shall be made in the following order: 

I. There exists a truly conjugial love, which at the present 
day is so rare that it is not known what its quality is, and scarcely 
that it exists. 

II. The origin of that love is from the marriage of good and 

III. There is a correspondence of that love with the marriage 
of the Lord and the church. 

IV. That love, on account of its origin* and on account of its 
correspondence, is celestial, spiritual, holy, pure* and clean,, above 
every other love which from the Lord is with the angels of heaven 
and with the men of the church. 

V. It is also the fundamental love of all celestial and spiritual 
loves, and hence of all natural loves, 

VI. And into that love are collected all joys and all delights 
from primes to ultimates, or from first to last. ' 



VII. But none others come into that love, and are able to be 
in it, but those who approach the Lord, and love the truths of the 
church, and do its goods. 

VIII This love was the love of loves with the Ancients, who 
lived in the golden, silver, and copper ages; but afterwards it 
successively departed. 

The explanation of these articles now follows. 



is, AND SCARCELY THAT IT EXISTS. That there exists such a con- 
jugial love as is described in the following pages, may indeed be 
acknowledged from the first state of that love, when it insinuates 
itself and enters into the hearts of a bachelor and maiden; thus 
from its first state with those who begin to love one alone of the 
sex, and to desire that one as a bride; and still more from its 
state during the time of betrothal, while it lasts, and as it pro- 
gresses toward the wedding; and lastly on the wedding day and 
the first few days after. At such times, who does not acknowledge 
and consent to the following statements: that that love is the 
fundamental of all loves, and also that into it are collected all 
joys and delights from first to last? And who does not know that, 
after this pleasant time, those gladnesses successively pass away 
and depart, till at length, they are scarcely felt? In this case, if 
it be said as before, that that love is the fundamental of all loves, 
and that into it are collected all joys and gladnesses, these state- 
ments are neither agreed to nor acknowledged, and possibly it is 
said that they are nonsense or transcendental mysteries. From 
these considerations it is evident that the primitive love of mar- 
riage emulates truly conjugial love, and presents it to view in a 
certain image. The reason of this is, that then sexual love, which 
is unchaste, is cast away, and in place of it, the love of one of 
the sex, which is truly conjugial love, and chaste, remains im- 
planted. Who does not then regard other women with a look of 
indifference, and his only one with a look of love? 

59. The reason why truly conjugial love is, nevertheless, so 
rare that its quality is not known, and scarcely its existence, is, 
that the state of pleasantnesses before the wedding is afterwards 
changed into a state of indifference, owing to an insensibility to 
those pleasantnesses. The causes of this change of state are too 
numerous to be here adduced; but they shall be adduced in a 
future part of this Work, where the causes of colds, separations, 
and divorces, will be disclosed in their order; from which it will 
be seen, that with most people at the present day that image of 
conjugial love is so far abolished, and with the image the knowl- 
edge thereof, that it is not known what its quality is, and scarcely 
that it exists. It is known that every man, when he is born, is 
merely corporeal, and that from corporeal he becomes more and 



more interiorly natural, and thus rational, and at length spiritual. 
The reason why he thus progressively advances is that the cor- 
poreal is like ground, into which natural, rational, and spiritual 
things are implanted in their order ; thus a man becomes more and 
more a man. The case is nearly similar when he enters upon 
marriage; a man then becomes a fuller man, because he is con- 
joined with a consort, with whom he acts as one man; but this is 
effected in a certain image, in the first state spoken of above At 
that time, likewise, he commences from the corporeal, and pro- 
ceeds to the natural, but as to conjugial life, and thus as to con- 
junction into a one. Those who then love corporeal natural 
things, and rational things only from them, cannot be conjoined 
with a consort as into a one, except as to those externals: and 
when those externals fail, cold invades the internals and disperses 
the delights of that love, as from the mind so from the body, and 
afterwards as from the body so from the mind: and this until 
there is left nothing of the remembrance of the primeval state of 
their marriage, consequently no knowledge concerning it. Now 
since this takes place with most people at the present day, it is 
evident that it is not known what is the quality of truly conjugial 
love, and that it is scarcely known that such a love exists. The 
case is different with those who are spiritual. With these the first 
state is an initiation into perpetual blissfulness, which are height- 
ened in proportion as the Spiritual Rational of the mind, and 
from thence the Natural Sensual of the body, in each party, 
become conjoined and united with the same in the other party. 
But these cases are rare. 

GOOD AND TRUTH. That all things in the universe have relation to 
good and truth, is acknowledged by every intelligent man, because 
it is a universal truth. That likewise in each and all things of the 
universe good is conjoined with truth, and truth with good, cannot 
but be acknowledged, because this also is a universal truth, which 
coheres with the former truth. The reason why all things in the 
universe have relation to good and truth, and why good is con- 
joined with truth, and truth with good, is, that both proceed from 
the Lord, and they proceed from Him as a one. The two things 
which proceed from the Lord are love and wisdom, because these 
are Himself, thus from Himself, and all things which are of love 
are called goods, and all things which are of wisdom are called 
truths; and as those two proceed from Him as the Creator, it 
follows that they are in the created things. This may be illustrated 
by the heat and light which proceed from the sun. From these 
are all things of the Earth, for they germinate according to the 
presence of heat and light, and according to their conjunction; 
and moreover, natural heat corresponds to spiritual heat, which is 
love; and natural light corresponds to spiritual light, which is 



61. That con jugial -love proceeds from the marriage of good 
and truth, will be demonstrated in the following section, or para- 
graph: the fact is mentioned here only in order that it may be 
seen that that love is celestial, spiritual, and holy, because it is 
from a celestial, spiritual, and holy origin. In order that it may 
be seen that the origin of conjugial love is from the marriage of 
good and truth, it is of importance that the matter should here be 
stated in a short summary. It was said just above, that in all 
created things, in general and particular, there is a conjunction of 
good and truth ; and conjunction does not exist unless it be recip- 
rocal ; for conjunction from the one part, and not from the other 
in return, is dissolved of itself. Now, since there is a conjunction 
of good and truth, and indeed a reciprocal conjunction, it follows 
that there is a truth of good, or a truth from good, and that there 
is a good of truth, or a good from truth. That the truth of good, 
or the truth from good, is in the male, and that it is the very 
masculine principle, and that the good of truth, or good from 
truth, is in the female, and that it is the very feminine principle ; 
also that between these two there is a conjugial union, will be 
seen in the following section; it is here only mentioned in order 
to give some preliminary ideas on the subject. 


Lord loves the church, and desires that the church should love 
Him, so husband and wife mutually love one another. That there 
is a correspondence between these two cases, is known in the 
Christian world; but the quality of that correspondence is not as 
yet known; wherefore that correspondence shall be explained in 
one of the following paragraphs. (See nos. 116-131). It is here 
mentioned in order that it may be seen that conjugial love is 
celestial, spiritual, and holy, because it corresponds to the celes- 
tial, spiritual, and holy marriage of the Lord and the church. 
This correspondence also follows from the origin of conjugial 
love from the marriage of good and truth (which was treated of in 
the preceding article), because the marriage of good and truth" 
is the church with man: for the marriage of good and truth is 
the same as the marriage of charity and faith, because good 
belongs to charity, and truth to faith. That this marriage con- 
stitutes the church, cannot but be acknowledged, because it is a 
universal truth; and every universal truth is acknowledged as 
soon as it is heard, which (immediate acknowledgment) comes 
from the Lord's influx, and at the same time from the confirma- 
tion of heaven. Now, since the church is the Lord's, because it is ' 
from the Lord, and since conjugial love corresponds to the mar- 
riage of the Lord and the church, it follows that that love is from 
the Lord. 

63. But in what manner the church is formed by the Lord 



with the two married partners, and, through the church, conjugial 
love, shall be illustrated in the paragraph spoken of above: at 
present it shall merely be stated, that the church is formed by the 
Lord with the man (vir), and through the man with the wife; and 
that after it has been formed with both, the church is a full 
church; for then there is effected a full conjunction of good and 
truth; and the conjunction of good and truth is the church. That 
the conjunctive inclination, which is conjugial love, is in the same 
degree as the conjunction of good and truth, which is the church, 
will be confirmed by demonstrative arguments in what follows 
in the series. 



CHURCH. That conjugial love, from its origin, which is the mar- 
riage of good and truth, is such, was confirmed above by a few 
arguments, but the subject was merely touched upon there ; it was 
likewise briefly confirmed above, that that love is such on account 
of its correspondence with the marriage of the Lord and the 
church. These two marriages, from which conjugial love descends 
as an offshoot, are essentially holy; wherefore if it be received 
from its Author, who is the Lord, holiness from Him follows, 
which continually decants and purifies it: if there then be in the 
man's will a desire and effort towards it, that love becomes per- 
petually cleaner and purer from day to day. Conjugial love is 
called celestial and spiritual because it is with the angels of 
heaven; celestial with the angels of the highest heaven, because 
those angels are called celestial angels; and spiritual with the 
angels beneath that heaven, because these angels are called spir- 
itual angels. Those angels are so called, because the celestial are 
loves, and hence wisdoms, and the spiritual are wisdoms and 
hence loves. Their conjugial quality is similar. Now, since con- 
jugial love is with the angels of both the higher and lower 
heavens, as was also shown in the first paragraph concerning 
"Marriages in Heaven," is is manifest that it is holy and pure. 
The reason why that love, considered in its essence and from its 
derivation, is holy and pure above every other love with angels 
and with men, is, that it is as the head of the other loves. ( Con- 
cerning this its eminence, something shall be said in the following 


reason why conjugial love, considered in its essence, is the funda- 
mental love of all loves of heaven and the church, is, that its 
origin is from the marriage of good and truth, and from this 
marriage proceed all the loves which constitute heaven and the 


church with man. The good of this marriage constitutes love, and 
its truth constitutes wisdom ; and when love draws near to wisdom, 
or conjoins itself therewith, then love becomes love; and when 
wisdom in return draws near to love, and conjoins itself there- 
with, then wisdom becomes wisdom. Truly conjugial love is noth- 
ing else than the conjunction of love and wisdom. Two married 
partners, between, or in whom at the same time, this love is, are 
an effigy and form of it: all likewise in the heavens, where the 
faces are genuine types of the affections of each one's own love, 
are likenesses of it; for, as was shown above, it is in them in 
general and in every part. Now, since two married partners are 
that love in effigy and form, it follows that every love which pro- 
ceeds from the form of love itself, is a resemblance thereof; 
wherefore if conjugial love be celestial and spiritual, the loves 
proceeding from it are also celestial and spiritual. Conjugial 
love therefore is as the parent, and all other loves are as the 
offspring. Hence it is, that from the marriages of the angels in 
the heavens are generated spiritual offspring, which are those of 
love and wisdom, or of good and truth; concerning which genera- 
tion see above (Nos 51, 52) . 

66. The same manifestly appears from the creation of men 
into that love, and from their formation afterwards from it. The 
male was created to become wisdom from the love of growing 
wise, and the female was created to become the love of the male 
from his wisdom, and consequently was created according to that 
wisdom; from which consideration it is evident that two married 
partners are the very forms and effigies of the marriage of love 
and wisdom, or of good and truth. It ought to be well known, 
that there does not exist any good or truth which is not in a sub- 
stance as in its subject: abstract goods and truths do not exist: 
for they are nowhere, because they have no abode, yea, neither 
can they appear even as fleeting things ; wherefore they are merely 
entities, concerning which reason seems to itself to think abstract- 
edly; but nevertheless it cannot think of them except as being in 
subjects; for every idea of. mail, however sublimated, is substan-- 
dial, th^tj^^ffixed tQ^iobs^n.cp. It ought moreover to be known, 
that there does not exist any substance without a form; an un- 
formed substance is not anything, because nothing can be pre- 
dicated of it; and a subject without predicates is also an entity of 
no reason. These philosophical considerations have been added 
in order that thereby also it may be seen that two married part- 
ners who are in truly conjugial love, are actually forms of the 
marriage of good and truth, or of love and wisodm. 

67. Since natural loves flow forth from spiritual loves, and 
spiritual loves flow forth from celestial loves, therefore it is said 
that conjugial love is the fundamental love of all celestial and 
spiritual loves, and hence of all natural loves. Natural lovesjiaye 

^ "~ 


relation to the loves, of . self and the world; but spiritual 
Jjive relation to love towards the neighbor ;~ and celestial loves 
Jiave relation to love to the Lord; and since the relations of loves 
are such, it is evident in what order they follow, and in what order 
they are present with man. When they are in this order, then 
natural loves lives from spiritual loves, and these from celestial 
loves, and all in this order from the Lord, from Whom they are. 

LIGHTS FROM PRIMES TO ULTIMATES. All delights whatsoever that 
are felt by man are of his love; the love manifests itself, yea, 
comes into existence and lives, by means of them. It is known that 
delights exalt themselves in the proportion that the love exalts 
itself, and also in proportion as the incident affections touch the 
reigning love more nearly. Now, since conjugial love is the 
fundamental love of all good loves, and since it is inscribed on 
the veriest singulars of man, as was shown above, it follows thai 
the delights of that love exceed the delights of all other loves, 
and also that it delights these loves according to its presence, and 
at the same time conjunction with them ; for it expands the inner- 
most parts of the mind, and at the same time the innermost parts 
of the body, as the delicious current of its fountain Hows through 
and opens them. The reason why all delights from primes to 
ultimates are collected into this love, is on account of the sur- 
passing excellence of its use: its use is the propagation of the 
human race, and hence of the angelic heaven; and as this use was 
the end of ends of creation, it follows that all the blessednesses, 
blissfulnesses, delightsomenesses, pleasantnesses, and pleasures, 
which could possibly be conferred upon man by the Lord the 
Creator, are collected into this his love. That delights follow the 
use, and are in man according to the love of use, is evident from 
the delights of the five senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste, and 
touch. Each of these senses has delights with variations accord- 
ing to its specific uses. JHat then must be the delight belonging 
4;o the sense of conjugial love, the use of which is the complex 
w of all other uses? 

t*~ " 

$9il know that few will acknowledge that all joys and 

.cjejignts from, primes to ultimates are collected into conjugial 
. love; because truly conjugial love, into which they are collected, 
ia at this day so rare, that it is not known what its quality is, and 
scarcely that it exists, according to what was explained and con- 
firmed above (nos. 58, 59) ; for those joys and delights do not 
exist in any other than genuine conjugial love; and as this IH HO 
rare on earth, it is impossible to describe its supereminent felicities 
from any other source than from the mouth of angels, because 
they are in it. They, have said that the innermost delights of this 
love, which are of the soul, into which the conjugial quality of 
love and wisdom, or of good and truth from the Lord, first flows 


in, and imperceptible and consequently ineffable, because they 
are at the same time the delights of peace and innocence; but 
that in their descent they become more and more perceptible, in 
the higher parts of the mind as blessednesses, in the lower parts 
of the mind as blissfulnesses, in the breast as delightsomenesses 
derived from those and that from the breast they diffuse themselves 
into each and all things of the body, and at last unite themselves 
in ultimates into the delight of delights. Moreover, the angels 
have related wonderful things about these delights, saying also 
that the varieties of these delights in the souls of married partners, 
and from their souls in their minds, and from their minds in their 
breasts, are infinite and also eternal; and that they are exalted 
according to the wisdom with the husbands ; and this, because they 
live to eternity in the flower of their age, and because nothing is 
more blessed to them than to grow wiser and wiser. But more 
about those delights from the mouth of the angels, may be seen 
in the Memorable Relations, especially in those added to some of 
the following chapters. 


no others come into that love but those who approach the Lord, 
are, that monogamous marriages, which are of one man (vir) 
with one wife, correspond to the marriage of the Lord and the 
church, and, that the origin of those marriages is from the mar- 
riage of good and truth; on which subject see above (nos. 60 
and 62) . That from this origin, and from that correspondence, 
it follows, that truly conjugial love is from the Lord, and is for 
those who approach Him directly, cannot be fully confirmed 
unless those two arcana be treated of in detail, as shall be done 
in the sections which immediately follow this one, one of which 
will treat of the origin of conjugial love from the marriage of 
good and truth, and the other, of the marriage of the Lord and 
the church, and of the correspondence of that marriage. That 
hence it follows, that conjugial love with man is according to 
the state of the church with him, will also be seen in those sec- 

71. The reason why none others can be in truly conjugial 
love except those who receive it from the Lord, who are they 
who approach Him directly, and from Him live the life of the 
church, is that that love, looked at from its origin, and from 
its correspondence, is celestial, spiritual, holy, pure, and clean, 
above every love which is with the angels of heaven and the men 
of the church, as was shown above (no. 64) ; and these its attrib- 
of the church, as was shown above (no. 64) ; and these its attributes 
can not possibly exist except with those who are conjoined with 
the Lord, and by Him are consociated with the angels of heaven. 



For these shun, as injuries to the soul, and as hell-pools, extra- 
conjugial loves (i.e., loves beyond, or outside of, conjugial 
love), which are conjunctions with others than one's own mar- 
ried partner; and in proportion as married partners shun those 
conjunctions, even as to the lusts of the will and the intentions 
thence, in the same proportion that love is purified with them, 
and becomes successively spiritual, first while they live on earth, 
and afterwards in heaven. It is not however possible for any 
love to become perfectly pure either with men or angels; con- 
sequently neither this love; but since the intention which is of 
the will is primarily regarded by the Lord, therefore in propor- 
tion as men is in this intention, and perseveres in it, in the same 
proportion he is initiated into its purity and holiness, and suc- 
cessively advances therein. The reason why no others can be in 
spiritual conjugial love, but those who are such from the Lord, 
is, that heaven is in this love; and the natural man, with whom 
that love derives its pleasure only from the flesh, cannot approach 
to heaven, nor to any angel, not even to any man in whom that 
love is, for it is the fundamental love of all celestial and spiritual 
loves (see above, nos. 65 to 67). That this is so has been con- 
firmed to me by experience. I have seen genii in the spiritual 
world who were being prepared for hell, approach to an angel 
who was being delighted with his consort; and at a distance, as 
they approached, they became like furies, and sought out caverns 
and ditches as asylums, into which they cast themselves, TKaT 
evil spirits love that which is homogeneous to their affection 
however unclean it is, and hold in aversion the spirits of 
heaven, as that which, because it is pure, is heterogeneous to 
them, may be concluded from what was related in the "Prelim- 
inaries" in no. 10. 

72. The reason why those who love the truths of the church, 
and do its goods, come into this love, and are capable of being 
in it, is, that none others are received by the Lord; for these 
are in conjunction with Him, and consequently can be kept in 
that love by Him. There are two things which constitute the 
church, and hence heaven, with man, the truth of faith and the 
good of life. The truth of faith effects the Lord's presence, and 
the good of life according to the truths of faith effects con- 
junction with Him, and thus the church and heaven. The reason 
why the truth of faith effects presence, is, that it is of light; 
spiritual light is nothing else. The reason why the good of life 
effects conjunction, is, that it is of heat: spiritual heat is nothing 
else, for it is love; and the good of life is of love; and it is 
known that all light, even the light of winter, causes presence, 
and that heat united to light causes conjunction; for gardens 
and flower beds appear in all degrees of light, but they do not 
flower and bear fruits except when heat becomes conjoined with 
light. From these considerations the conclusion is evident that 


not those are gifted by the Lord with truly conjugial love, who 
merely know the truths of the church, but those who know them 
and do its goods. 



That conjugial love was the love of loves with the Most Ancient 
and with the Ancient people, who lived in the first ages thus 
named, cannot be known from histories because their writings 
are not extant: those which are extant are of writers who lived 
after those ages ; for they are mentioned by these, and the purity 
and integrity of their life is also described, and likewise its 
successive decrease, which is as the decrease of gold to iron. 
But on account of the last, or iron age, which commenced from 
those writers, may, as to some part, be gathered from the his- 
torical records of the lives of some of their kings, judges, and 
wise men, who, in Greece and elsewhere, were called Sophi. That 
this age, however, would not endure, as iron endures in itself, 
but that it would be like iron mixed with clay, which do not 
stick together, is foretold by Daniel (chap. ii. 40-43). Now, 
since the ages which were named the golden, silver, and copper 
ages, had passed away before the time of the written documents, 
and thus no knowledge concerning their marriages is possible 
on earth, it has pleased the Lord to make those marriages known 
to me through a spiritual way, by conducting me to the heavens 
where the dwellings of those who lived in those ages are, so that 
I might learn from their own mouth of what quality the mar- 
riages with them had been, during their life in their several eras: 
for all who have departed out of the natural world since the 
creation are in the spiritual world, and all as to their loves are 
still like unto themselves, and remain such to eternity. As 
these things are worthy of being known and related, and con- 
firm the holiness of marriages, I purpose to make them public as 
they were shown me in a wakeful state of my spirit, and after- 
wards recalled to my remembrance by an angel, and thus de- 
scribed. And as they are from the spiritual world, like the 
other accounts annexed to the preceding chapters, I have decided 
to arrange them into six Memorable Relations according to the 
progression of the ages. Jp 

74. These six Memorable Relations which are from the spir- 
itual world, concerning conjugial love, reveal what was the 
quality of that love in the first eras, and what was its quality 
afterwards, and what its quality is at the present day; whence 
it is manifest that that love has successively fallen away from its 
holiness and purity, until it has become scortatory; but that 
nevertheless there is a hope of its being brought back again to 
its primeval or ancient holiness. 

75. The first Memorable Relation: 



Once while I was meditating on conjugial love, my mind was 
seized with a desire of knowing what had been the quality of 
that love among those who lived in the GOLDEN AGE, and what 
it had been afterwards among those who lived in the following 
ages, which are called after the silver, copper, and iron: and as 
I knew that all who had lived well in those ages are in the 
heavens, I prayed to the Lord that I might be allowed to speak 
with them and be instructed. 

And lo! an angel stood near me and said, "I have been sent 
by the Lord to be your guide and companion: I will first guide 
and accompany you to those who lived in the first era or age, 
which is called the golden age." And he said, "The way to 
them is arduous; it lies through a dark forest, which none can 
pass except with a guide given by the Lord." 

I was in the spirit, and girded myself for the journey; and 
we turned our faces towards the east; and as we advanced I saw 
a mountain, whose height extended beyond the region of clouds. 
We passed through a great wilderness, and came into the forest 
crowded with various kinds of trees and rendered dark by their 
density, of which the angel had foretold me. That forest was 
divided by several narrow foot paths; and the angel said that 
they were so many windings and intricacies of error: and that 
unless his eyes were opened by the Lord, so as to see olive trees 
engirded with ten drilled vines, and his steps were directed from 
olive tree to olive tree, the traveler would go astray into Tartarus 
which is round about at the sides. This forest is such, to the 
end that the passage may be guarded; for no other nation than 
the Primeval one dwells upon that mountain. 

After we had entered the forest, our eyes were opened, and we 
saw here and there olive trees intertwined with vines, from which 
hung clusters of grapes of a dark blue color, and the olive trees 
were arranged in perpetual gyres; wherefore we directed our 
circuitous journey as they presented themselves to our view; and 
at length we saw a grove of tall cedars, and on their branches 
some eagles; on seeing which the angel said, "We are now on 
the mountain not far from its summit." 

And we went on, and lo ! behind the grove was a round plain, 
where there were feeding lambs and ewe lambs, which were rep- 
resentative forms of the state of innocence and peace of the moun- 

We passed through this plain, and lo! we saw tabernacles on 
tabernacles, to the number of several thousands, in front and at 
the sides as far as the sight could reach. And the angel said, 
44 We are now in the camp, where are the armies of the Lord 
Jehovih: so they call themselves and their habitations. These 
Most Ancient people, while they were in the world, dwelt in tab- 
ernacles; wherefore now also they dwell in tabernacles. But 
let us bend our way to the south, where the wiser of them are, 
that we may meet some one with whom we may converse." 


On the way I saw at a distance three boys and three girls 
sitting at the door of a certain tent; but when we approached, 
the boys and girls appeared like men (viri) and women of a 
middle stature; and the angel said, "All the inhabitants of this 
mountain appear at a distance like little children because they 
are in a state of innocence; and childhood is the appearance of 

These men (viri) on seeing us, ran up to us, and said, 
"Whence are you, and how came you here? Your faces are not 
of the faces of our mountain." 

And the angel replied, and related the means of access 
through the forest, and what the cause of our coming was. 

On hearing this, one of the three men invited and introduced 
us into his tabernacle. The man was dressed in a robe of a 
purple colour, and a vest of white wool; and his wife was 
dressed in a crimson gown, with a stomacher under it of fine linen 
wrought with needlework. 

And as in my thought there was a desire of knowing the 
state of marriage among the Most Ancient people, I looked by 
turns on the husband and the wife, and observed as it were the 
unity of their souls in their faces; and I said, "You two are 

And the man answered, "We are one; her life is in me, and 
mine in her; we are two bodies, but one soul. The union be- 
tween us is like that of the two sanctuaries in the breast, which 
are called the heart and the lungs; she is my heart and I am 
her lungs; but as by the heart we here mean love, and by the 
lungs wisdom, she is the love of my wisdom, and I am the 
wisdom of her love; wherefore her love from without veils my 
wisdom, and my wisdom from within is in her love. Hence, as 
you said, there is an appearance of the unity of our souls in 
our faces," 

I then asked, "If the union is such, are you able to look at 
any other woman than your own?" 

He replied, "I am able to; but as my wife is united to my 
soul, we both look together, and then nothing of lust can enter; 
for while I behold the wives of others, I behold them through 
my own wife, whom alone I love: and as my own wife has 
the faculty of perceiving all my inclinations, she, as an interme- 
diate, directs my thoughts, and removes everything discordant, 
and at the same time infuses a cold and horror of everything 
unchaste; wherefore it is as impossible for us to look at the 
wife of a fellow being from lust as it is to look at the light of 
our heaven from the shades of Tartarus; therefore neither does 
there exist with us any idea of thought, and still less any ex- 
pression of speech, for the allurements of libidinous love." He 
could not utter the word scortatory, because the chastity of their 
heaven opposed it. 

Hereupon my angel guide said to me, "You hear now the 



speech of the angels of this heaven, that it is the speech of wis- 
dom, because they speak from causes." 

After this I looked around, and saw their tabernacle as it 
were overlaid with gold; and I asked, "Whence is this?" 

He replied, "It is in consequence of a flaming light, which, 
like gold, glitters, irridates, and tinges the curtains of our taber- 
nacle while we are in conversation about conjugial love; for 
the heat from our sun. which in its essence is love, at such 
times bares itself, and tinges the light, which in its essence is 
wisdom, with its colour, which is golden; and this takes place 
because conjugial love in its origin is the sport of wisdom and 
love; for the man (vir) was born to be wisdom, and the woman 
to be the love of the man's wisdom: hence are the delights of 
that sport in conjugial love, and from it, between us and our 
wives. We have seen clearly for thousands of years in our 
heaven, that those delights as to abundance, degree and power 
are excellent and eminent according to the worship among us 
of the Lord Jehovih from Whom inflows that heavenly union or 
marriage, which is the union or marriage of love and wisdom. 5 * 

When he had said this, I saw a great light upon the hill in 
the midst among the tabernacles; and I inquired, "Whence is 
that light?" 

He said, "It is from the sanctuary of the tabernacle of our 

And I asked whether I might approach it; and he said that 
I might. I approached therefore, and saw the tabernacle without 
and within, answering exactly to the description of the taber- 
nacle which was built for the sons of Israel in the wilderness; 
the form of which was shown to Moses on Mount Sinai (Exod. 
xxv. 40; xxvi. 30). I then asked, "What is there within that 
sanctuary, from whence so great a light proceeds?" 

He replied, "There is a tablet on which is this inscription: 
no more. 

And as by this time we were ready to depart, I asked, "Did 
any of you while you were in the natural world live with more 
than one wife?" 

He replied, "I know not one; for we could not think of more. 
We have been told by those who had thought of more, that in- 
stantly the heavenly blessednesses of their souls withdrew from 
the innermosts to the extremes of their bodies, even to the nails, 
and together therewith the distinguished marks of virility; when 
this was perceived, they were cast out of our land." 

Having said this, the man ran to his tabernacle, and re- 
turned with a pomegranate, in which there was an abundance 
of seeds of gold; and he gave it to me, and I brought it away 
with me, as a sign that we had been with those who lived in the 
golden age. And then, after a salutation of peace, we went 
away, and returned home, 


76. The second Memorable Relation: 

The next day the same angel came to me, and said, "Do you 
wish me to guide and accompany you to the peoples who lived 
in the SILVER ERA or AGE, that we may hear from them concern- 
ing the marriages of their time?" And he added that access to 
these also can only be had of the Lord's auspices. 

J^wssJrjLJlie .spirit as before, and accompanied my guide. We 
first came to a hill on the confines between the east and the 
south; and while we were ascending its heights, he showed me a 
far stretch of country: we saw at a distance an eminence as it 
were mountainous, between which and the hill on which we 
stood was a valley, and beyond the valley a plain, and from the 
plain a rising ground of easy ascent. 

We descended the hill to pass through the valley, and we saw 
here and there on the sides pieces of wood, and stones, carved 
into the figures of men, and of various beasts, birds, and fishes; 
and I asked the angel, "What are these? are they idols? 

He replied, "By no means: they are representative configura- 
tions of various moral virtues and spiritual verities. The peo- 
ples of that age possessed the science of correspondence; and as 
every man, beast, bird, and fish, corresponds to some quality, 
therefore each carved figure represents partially some virtue, or 
verity, and several together represent the virtue or verity itself in 
a general extended form. These are what in Egypt were called 

We proceeded through the valley, and when we entered the 
plain, lo! we saw horses and chariots, horses variously har- 
nessed and caparisoned, and chariots of different forms; some 
carved like eagles, some like whales, some like stags with horns, 
and like unicorns, and likewise at the further end some carts, and 
stables round about at the sides; and when we approached, both 
horses and chariots disappeared, and instead thereof we saw 
men, in pairs, walking, talking, and reasoning. And the angel 
said to me, "The different species of horses, chariots, and stables, 
seen at a distance, are appearances of the rational intelligence of 
the men of that era; for a horse, by reason of correspondence, 
signifies the understanding of truth; a chariot, its doctrine; and 
stables, instructions; you know that in this world all things ap- 
pear according to correspondences." 

But as we passed these things by, and ascended by a long 
acclivity, and at length saw a city, which we entered ; and in walk- 
ing through the streets and public places we viewed the houses: 
they were so many palaces built of marble, having steps of 
alabaster in front, and at the sides of the steps pillars of jasper; 
we also saw temples of precious stones of the colour of the 
sapphire and the lapis lazuli. And the angel said to me, "Their 
houses are of stones, because stones signify natural verities, and 
precious stones spiritual verities; and all those who lived in the 



silver era had intelligence from spiritual verities, and thence from 
natural verities: silver also has a similar signification." 

While wandering through the city, we saw here and there 
consorts in pairs: and as they were husbands and wives, we 
expected that we should be invited somewhere; and while this 
expectation was in our mind, as we were passing by, we were 
called back by two into their house, and we went up and entered: 
and the angel, speaking for both, explained to them the cause 
of our coming into this heaven, saying, that it was "for the sake 
of instruction concerning the marriages among the Ancients, of 
whom you in this heaven are." 

They replied, "We are from the peoples in Asia; and the 
chief pursuit of our age was the study of verities through which 
we had intelligence. This was the study of our soul and mind; 
but the study of the senses of our bodies was the representations 
of verities in forms; and the science of correspondences conjoined 
the sensuals of our bodies with the perceptions of our minds, and 
procured us intelligence" 

On hearing this the angel asked them to give some account 
of the marriages among them. 

So the husband said, "There is a correspondence between 
spiritual marriage, which is that of truth with good, and natural 
marriage, which is that of a man (vir) with one wife; and as we 
have studied correspondences, we have seen that the church, with 
its truths and goods, can by no means exist with any others 
except those who live in truly conjugial love with one wife; for 
the marriage of good and truth is the church with man. Where- 
fore all we in this heaven say that the husband is truth, and the 
wife the good thereof; and that good cannot love any other truth 
than its own, neither can truth love in return any other good 
than its own. If any other were loved, internal marriage, which 
constitutes the church, would perish, and marriage would become 
only external, to which idolatry, and not the church corresponds. 
Therefore marriage with one wife we call sacrimony; but if it 
should take place among us with more than one wife, we should 
call it sacrilege." 

As he said this, we were introduced into a room adjoining the 
bridal chamber, where there were many designs on the walls, 
and little images as it were molten of silver; and I enquired 
"What are those?" 

They said, "They are pictures and forms representative of the 
many qualities, properties and delightsomenesses which belong 
to conjugial love. These represent the unity of souls, these, the 
conjunction of minds, these, the concord of breasts, these,' the 
delights thence arising." 

While we were surveying these things, we saw as it were a 
rainbow on the wall, consisting of three colours, crimson, purple, 
and white; and we saw how the crimson colour passed through 
the purple, and tinged the white with a dark blue colour, and that 



this colour flowed back through the purple into the crimson and 
raised this as it were into a flaming beam. 

And the husbancl said to me, "Do you understand this?" 

I replied, "Instruct me." 

So he said, "The crimson colour, from its correspondence, 
signifies the conjugial love of the wife; the white colour the 
intelligence of the husband; the purple colour, the beginning of 
conjugial love in the perception of the husband from the wife; 
and the dark blue colour, with which the white was tinged, signi- 
fies the conjugial love then in the husband; and this colour 
flowing back through the purple into the crimson, and raising it 
as it were into a flaming beam, signifies the conjugial love of the 
husband flowing back to the wife. Such things are represented 
on those walls, while from meditation on conjugial love, its 
mutual, successive, and simultaneous union, we look with atten- 
tive eyes at the rainbows there." 

To this I said, "These things are more than mystical at the 
present day; for they are appearances representative of the arcana 
of the conjugial love of one man with one wife." 

And he replied, "They are so; yet to us in this heaven they 
are not arcana, and consequently neither are they mystical." 

As he said this, there appeared at a distance a chariot drawn 
by small white cobs, on seeing which the angel said, "That chariot 
is a sign for us to depart;" and then, as we were descending the 
steps, our host gave us a bunch of white grapes clinging to the 
vine leaves: and lo! the leaves became silver; and we brought 
them down with us for a sign that we had spoken with the people 
of the silver age. 

77. The third Memorable Relation: 

After one day, the angel, guide and companion came to me 
and said, "Gird thyself, and let us go to the heavenly inhabitants 
in the west, who are of the men who lived in the third age, or in 
the COPPER AGE. Their habitations are from the south by the 
west towards the north; but they do not reach unto the north." 

Having girded myself, I accompanied him, and we entered 
their heaven on the southern side. There was there a magnificent 
grove of palm trees and laurels. We passed through this, and 
then on the very confines of the west we saw giants of twice the 
ordinary stature of men. 

They asked us, "Who let you in through the grove?" 

The angel said, "The God of heaven." 

And they replied, "We are guards to the western Ancient 
heaven; but pass on." 

We passed on, and from an eminence, we saw a mountain 
reaching to the clouds, and, between us on the eminence and the 
mountain, villages on villages, with gardens, groves, and plains 
between diem. We passed through the villages to the mountain 
which we ascended; and lo! its summit was not a point but a 



plain, on which was an extensive and spacious city. All the 
houses of the city were built of the wood of resinous trees, and 
their roofs consisted of beams. 

And I asked, "Why are the houses here made of wood?" 

And the angel replied, "Because wood signifies natural good; 
and the men of the third age of the Earth were in this good; 
and as copper also signifies natural good, therefore the age in 
which they lived the ancients named from copper. Here there 
are also sacred buildings constructed of the wood of the olive, 
and in the midst of them is the sanctuary, where there lies in an 
ark the Word that was given to the inhabitants of Asia before the 
Israelitish Word; the historical books of which are called the 
WARS OF JEHOVAH, and the prophetic books, THE ENUNCIATIONS ; 
both mentioned by Moses (Num. xxi. 14-15, 27-30). This Word 
at the present day is lost in the kingdoms of Asia, and is only 
preserved in Great Tartary." 

The angel then led me to one of the sacred buildings, which 
we looked into, and saw in the midst of it that sanctuary, the 
whole in the brightest white light ; and the angel said, "That light 
is from that ancient Asiatic Word; for all Divine truth in the 
heavens gives forth light." 

As we were going out of the building, we heard that it had 
been reported in the city that two strangers had arrived there; 
and that they were to be examined as to whence they came, and 
what their business there was; and immediately an officer came 
running out of the court, and took us before the judges: and on 
being asked whence we came, and what our business there was, 
we replied, "We have passed through the grove of palm trees, 
and also the abodes of the giants who are the guards of your 
heaven, and afterwards the region of villages; from which cir- 
cumstances you may conclude that we have not come hither of 
ourselves, but of the God of heaven. The business on which we 
came is, that we may be instructed concerning your marriages, 
whether they be monogamous or polygamous." 

And they replied, "What are polygamous marriages? Are 
they not scortatory?" 

And then the bench of judges deputed an intelligent person 
to instruct us in his own house on this matter: and when we 
were in his house, he set his wife by him and spoke as follows: 
"We have preserved among us the precepts concerning marriages, 
from the Primeval, or Most Ancient people, who were in truly 
conjugial love, and consequently excelled all others in the power 
and potency of that love in the world, and are now in a most 
blessed state in their heaven, which is in the east. We are their 
posterity, and they, as fathers, gave to us, as their sons, canons 
of life, among which is the following concerning marriages: 
'Sons, if you wish to love God and the neighbor, and if you wish 
to become wise, and to be happy to eternity, we counsel you to 
live monogamists; if you depart from this precept, all heavenly 


love will pass away from you, and therewith internal wisdom; 
and you will be exterminated? This precept of our fathers we 
have obeyed as sons, and have perceived its verity, which is, that 
in the proportion in which any one loves his own married partner 
alone, he becomes a celestial and internal, and that in the propor- 
tion in which any one does not not love his own married partner 
alone, he becomes natural and external; and such a one loves 
only himself and the images of his own mind, and is silly and 
foolish. Hence it is, that all of us in this heaven are monogamists, 
and because we are such, all the borders of our heaven are 
guarded against polygamists, scortators and fornicators. If polyg- 
amists invade us, they are cast out into the darkness of the north ; 
if scortators, they are cast out into the fire-places of the west; 
and if fornicators, they are cast out into the illusory lights of 
the south." 

On hearing this, I asked what he meant by the darkness of 
the north, the fire-places of the west, and the illusory lights of 
the south. 

He answered, "The darkness of the north is dullness of mind 
. an.4,; r ignprance . f verities ; the fire-places of the west are the 
IbKg&jok evil ; and the illusory lights of the south are the falsifi- 
cations of truth, which are spiritual fornications." 

After this, he said, "Follow me to our museum of treasures. 9 ' 
So we followed him, and he showed us that the writings of the 
Most Ancient people were on tablets of wood and stone, and 
afterwards on thin tablets of polished wood; and that the second 
age set down its writings on parchments; he brought me a parch- 
ment, on which were copied the canons of the Primeval people 
from their tablets of stone, among which also was the precept 
concerning marriages. 

Having seen these and other remarkable things of Antiquity 
itself, the angel said, "It is now time for us to be going;" and 
then our host went into the garden, and plucked some twigs off 
a tree, and bound them into a bunch, and gave them to us, saying, 
"These twigs are from a tree, which is native of or peculiar to 
our heaven, and whose juice has a balsamic fragrance." We 
brought this bunch down with us, and descended by the way by 
the east, which was not guarded; and lo! the twigs were changed 
into shining brass, and their tips into gold, as a sign that we had 
been with the people of the third age, which is named from copper 
or brass. 

78. The fourth Memorable Relation: 

After two days the angel again spoke to me, saying, "Let us 
complete the period of the ages; the last age still remains, which 
is named from IRON. The people of this era dwell in the north 
on the side of the west, inwards, that is, in the direction of 
latitude: they are all from the ancient inhabitants of Asia, among 
whom was the Ancient Word; and wordship from it; consequently 



they \vere before the time of our Lord's coming into the world. 
This is evident from the writings of the Ancients, in which those 
times are so named. These same Eras are meant by the statue 
seen by Nebuchadnezzar, of which the head was of gold, the 
breast and arms of silver, the belly and thighs of brass, the legs 
of iron, and the feet of iron and also of clay (Dan. ii. 32, 33)." 

These things the angel said to me in the way, which was 
shortened and anticipated by changes of state induced on our 
minds according to the genius of the inhabitants whom we passed; 
for spaces, and consequently distances in the spiritual world, are 
appearances according to the states of the minds. When we raised 
our eyes, lo ! we were in a wood consisting of beeches, chestnuts, 
and oaks; and on looking around us, there appeared bears to the 
left and leopards to the right: and when I wondered at this, the 
angel said, "They are neither bears nor leopards, but men, who 
guard these inhabitants of the north; with their nostrils they 
scent the spheres of life of those who pass by, and they rush 
violently on all who are spiritual, because the inhabitants are 
natural. Those who only read the Word, and derive thence 
nothing of doctrine, appear at a distance like bears; and those 
who confirm falsities thence, appear like leopards." But when 
they saw us, they turned away, and we passed on. 

After the forest there appeared thickets, and afterwards fields 
of grass divided into plots bordered with box; after these the 
land sloped down into a valley, wherein were cities on cities. We 
passed by some of them, and entered into one great one: its 
streets were irregular; so were the houses; the latter were built of 
bricks, with beams between, and plastered over. 

In the public places were temples of hewn lime-stone; the 
substructure of which was below the earth, and the superstructure 
above. We descended into one of them by three steps, and saw 
round about at the walls idols of various forms, and a crowd 
on their knees paying adoration to them: in the midst was the 
choir, out of which the head of the tutelary god of that city 
projected. As we were going out, the angel said to me that those" 
idols, with the Ancients who lived in the silver age, who have 
been treated of above, were images representative of spiritual 
verities and moral virtues; ^n4 jthat when the .science of corre- 
spondence was forgotten and extinct, those images first became 
objects, of worship, and -afterwards were adored as deities; hence 
came idolatry. 

When we were outside the fane, we observed the men and 
their dress. Their faces were like steel, of a gray colour, and 
they were dressed like comedians, with aprons round about their 
loins hanging from a vest fitting closely to the breast; and on 
their heads they wore caps with the brims rolled up so as to 
make them resemble boats. 

But the angel said, "Enough of this; let us seek instruction 
concerning the marriages of the people of this era." 



So we entered into the house of one of the authorities, who 
wore on his head a tower-shaped cap. He received us kindly, and 
said, "Enter, and let us converse together." 

We entered into the hall, and there seated ourselves; and I 
asked him about the marriages of this city and country. He 
said, "We do not live with one wife, but some with two and 
three, and some with more, because we are delighted with variety, 
obedience, and honour as of majesty; and these we receive from 
our wives according to their number. With one wife there would 
be no delight from variety, but weariness from sameness; there 
would be no flattering from obedience, but annoyance from 
equality; neither would be any blissfulness from domination and 
the honour thence derived, but vexation from wrangling about 
superiority. And what is a woman? Is she not born subject to 
the man's will; to serve and not to rule? Wherefore in this place 
every husband in his own house enjoys as it were royal majesty; 
and as this is of our love, it is also the blessedness of our life." 

But I asked, "In such a case where is conjugial love, which 
from two souls makes one soul, and conjoins minds, and renders 
man blessed? This love cannot be divided, for if it be divided 
it becomes a heat which effervesces and passes away." 

To this he replied, "I do not understand what you say; what 
else renders a man (homo] blessed, but the emulation of wives 
for the honour of the first place in their husband's favour?" 

As he said this, a man (vir) entered into the women's apart- 
ment, and opened the two doors, and there issued thence a libidi- 
nous effluvium, which smelt like mire; this arose from polygamous 
love, which is connubial, and at the same time scortatory ; where- 
fore I arose and shut the doors. 

Afterwards I said, "How can you subsist upon this earth 
when you do not possess any truly conjugial love, and also when 
you worship idols?" 

He replied, "As to connubial love, we are so extremely jealous 
of our wives, that we do not suffer any one to enter further within 
our houses than the hall; and where there is jealousy, there also 
is love. As to idols, we do not .worship them, but we are not 
able to think of the God of the universe, except by means of 
appearances presented before our eyes; for we cannot elevate 
our thoughts above the sensuals of the body, nor think of God 
above the things which are within its range of vision." 

I then asked him again, "Are not your 'idols of different 
forms? How then can they excite the mental vision of one God?" 

To this he replied, "This is a mystery to us; something of the 
worship of God lies concealed in each form." 

I then said, "You are merely sensual corporeal men; you 
possess neither the love of God, nor the love of a married partner 
which partakes anything of what is spiritual; and these loves 
together form a man (homo), and from sensual make him 



As I said this, there appeared through the gate as it were 
lightning, and I asked what it meant. 

He said, "Such lightning is a sign to us that there will come 
the Ancient one from the east, who teaches us about God, that 
He is one, that He alone is omnipotent, Who is the First and the 
Last; f he also admonishes us not to worship idols, but only to 
look upon them as images representative of virtues proceeding 
i;om^ tlie one ., God, which together form the worship of Him. 
This ancient one is our angel, whom we revere and to whom 
we hearken. He comes to us and raises us up when we are falling 
into obscure worship of God by reason of mere fancies respecting 

On hearing this, we went out of the house and the city; and 
in the way, from what we had seen in the heavens, we drew some 
conclusions about the circle and progression of conjugial love; 
of its circle, that it had passed from the east to the south, from 
the south to the west, and from the west to the north; of its 
progression, that it had decreased according to its circulation, 
namely, that in the east it was celestial, in the south spiritual, 
in the west , natural, and in the north sensual ; and also that it 
had decreased in a like degree with the love and worsjiip of God. 
From which considerations this conclusion is made, that this love 
in the first era was like gold, in the second like silver, in the third 
like brass, and in the fourth like iron, and that at length it ceased 
to be. 

Then the angel, my guide and companion, said, "Nevertheless 
I am nourished by the hope that this love will be raised up again 
by the God of heaven, Who is the Lord, because it is capable of 
being so raised up again." 

79. The fifth Memorable Relation: 

The angel who had been my guide and companion to the 
Ancients who had lived in the four ages the golden, the silver, 
the copper, and the iron again came and said to me, "Do you 
wish to see the age which succeeded those Ancient ones, and to 
know what its quality was, and still is? Follow me and you shall 
see. They are those of whom Daniel thus prophesied : 'A kingdom 
shall arise after those four, in which iron shall be mixed with clay 
of mire: they shall mingle themselves by the seed of man; but 
then shall not cohere one with the other, as iron is not mixed with 
day' (Dan. ii: 41-43) ": and he said, "By the seed of man, where- 
by iron shall be mixed with clay, and still they shall not cohere, 
is meant the truth of the Word falsified." 

When he had said this, I followed him, and in the way he 
related to me these particulars: "They dwell in the borders 
between the south and the west, but at a great distance beyond 
those who lived in the four former ages, and also at a greater 

We then proceeded through the south to the region bordering 


on the west, and passed through a dreadful forest; for in it there 
were pools, out of which crocodiles raised their heads, and gaped 
at us with their wide jaws beset with teeth; and between the pools 
were terrible dogs, some of which were three-headed like Cerberus, 
some two-headed, all looking at us as we passed by, with a horrible 
hungry look and fierce eyes. We entered the western tract of this 
region, and saw dragons and leopards, such as are described in 
the Apocalypse, chap. xii. 3, and chap. xiii. 2. 

Then the angel said to me, "All those wild beasts which you 
have seen, are not wild beasts, but correspondences, and thus 
representative forms, of the cupidities in which are the inhabitants 
which we shall visit. The cupidities themselves are represented by 
those horrible dogs; their deceits and cunning by the crocodiles; 
their falsities and depraved inclinations to the things which 
are of worship, by the dragons and leopards. But the in- 
habitants represented do not live just behind the forest, but 
behind a great wilderness which is intermediate, in order that 
they may be fully withheld and separated from the inhabitants 
of the antecedent ages; for they are utterly alien or diverse from 
them. They have indeed heads above their breasts, and breasts 
above their loins, and loins above their feet, like the primeval 
men; but in their heads there is not anything of gold, nor in their 
breasts anything of silver, nor in their loins anything of brass, 
nor in their feet anything of pure iron ; but in their heads is iron 
mixed with clay ; in their breasts, both mixed with brass ; in their 
loins also, both mixed with silver; and in their feet they are 
mixed with gold. Through this inversion they have been changed 
from men into graven images of men, in which inwardly nothing 
coheres; for that which had been the highest has been made the 
lowest; thus that which had been the head has become the heel, 
and contrariwise. They appear to us from heaven like acrobats, 
who lie upon their elbows with the body inverted, and thus 
advance; or like beasts which lie on their backs, and lift the feet 
upwards, and out of the head, which they bury in the earth, look 
towards heaven." 

We passed through the forest and entered the wilderness, which 
was not less terrible: it consisted of heaps of stones, and ditches 
between them, out of which hydras and vipers crept, and fire- 
serpents flew out. This whole wilderness sloped down gradually: 
we descended by a long slope, and at length came into the valley 
inhabited by the inhabitants of that region and age. 

There were here and there huts, which at last appeared to 
meet, and to be joined together into the form of a city. We entered 
this city, and lo! the houses were built of scorched branches of 
trees, cemented together with mud, and roofed with black slates. 
The streets were irregular; all of them at the entrance were nar- 
row, but they widened out as they extended, and at the end were 
spacious, where the places of public resort were : hence there were 
as many places of public resort as there were streets. 



As we entered the city it became dark, because the sky did not 
appear; we therefore looked up, and light was given us, and we 
saw; and then I asked those we met, "Are you able to see, because 
the sky above you does not appear?" 

They replied, "What a question is this! we see clearly; we 
walk in full light." 

On hearing this, the angel said to me, "Darkness to them is 
light and light darkness, as is the case with birds of night; for 
they look downwards and not upwards." 

We entered into some of the cottages, and saw in each a man 
with his woman, and we asked them, "Do all here live in their 
own houses with one wife only?" 

To this they replied with a hissing, "What do you mean by one 
wife only? Why do you not ask whether we live with one harlot? 
What is a wife but a harlot? By our laws it is not allowable to 
commit fornication with more than one woman; but still we do 
not hold it dishonourable or unbecoming to do so with several, 
but away from home; we boast of this among ourselves; thus 
we rejoice in licentiousness, and the pleasure of it, more than 
polygamists. Why is a plurality of wives denied us, when vet it 
has been granted, and at the present dav is granted in all the 
countries round about us? What is life with one woman only, but 
captivity and imprisonment? But we in this place have broken 
down the bolts of this prison, and rescued ourselves from slavery, 
and made ourselves free: who is angry with a prisoner for assert- 
ing his freedom when he can?" 

To this we replied, "You speak, friend, as if you were devoid 
of religion. Who that is imbued with any reason does not know 
that scortations are profane and infernal, and that marriages are 
holy and heavenly? Do not adulteries exist with the devils in 
hell, and marriages with the angels in heaven? Did vou never 
read the sixth commandment of the Decalogue? and in Paul, that 
adulterers can by no means come into heaven (1 Cor. vi. 9) ?" 

Hereupon our host laughed most heartily and regarded me as 
as a simpleton, and almost as a madman. 

But just then there came in haste a messenger from the ruler 
of the city, and said, "Bring the two strangers into court; and if 
they will not come, drag them here: we have seen them in a shade 
of light; they have entered in secret; they are spies." 

Hereupon the angel said to me, "The reason why we were seen 
in a shade is that the light of heaven in which we have been, is 
shade to them, and the shade of hell is light to them; and this is 
because they consider nothing as sin, not even adultery ; hence 
they see falsity altogether as truth; and falsity shines in hell 
before satans, and truth darkens their eves like the shade of night." 

We said to the messenger, "We will not be pressed, still less 
will we be dragged into court; but we will go with you of our own 

So we went: and lo! there was there a great crowd, out of 



which came some lawyers and whispered into our ears, "Take 
heed to yourselves lest you speak anything against religion, the 
form of our government, and good morals." 

And we replied, "We will not speak against them, but for them 
and from them." 

Then we asked, "What is your religion concerning marriages?" 

At this the crowd murmured, and said, "What have you to do 
here with marriages? Marriages are marriages." 

Again we asked, "What is your religion concerning scorta- 
tions?" _ 

At this also the crowd murmured, saying, "What have you to 
do here with scortations? Scortations are scortations: let him 
that is guiltless cast the first stone." 

And we asked thirdly, "Does your religion teach that mar- 
riages are holy and heavenly, and that adulteries are profane and 

Hereupon several in the crowd laughed aloud, jested, and 
jeered, saying, "Inquire of our priests, and not of us, as to what 
concerns religion. We acquiesce entirely in what they say, because 
nothing of religion is referred to the judgments of the under- 
standing. Have you never heard that the understanding is without 
any discernment in the mysteries of which the whole of religion 
consists? And what have deeds to do with religion? Is not the soul 
made blessed by the muttering of words from a devout heart con- 
cerning expiation, satisfaction, and imputation, and not by works ?" 

But just then some of the wise ones of the city, so called, 
approached us, and said, "Retire hence; the crowd grows angry; 
a tumult will soon burst out: let us talk in private on this subject; 
there is a walk behind the court; let us withdraw thither; come 
with us." 

So we followed them; and then they asked us whence we 
came, and what our business there was. 

And we said, "To be instructed about marriages, whether they 
are holy with you, as they were with the Ancients who lived in 
the golden, silver, and copper ages; or whether they are not holy." 

And they replied, "What do you mean by holy things? Are 
not marriages works of the flesh and of the night?" 

And we answered, "Are they not also works of the spirit? 
and what the flesh does from the spirit, is not that spiritual ; and 
all that the spirit does, it does from the marriage of good and 
truth. Is not this marriage spiritual, which enters the natural 
marriage which is that of husband and wife?" 

To this the wise one, so called, made answer, "You refine and 
sublimate this subject too much; you ascend far above rational 
principles to spiritual ones; and who can begin there, descend 
thence, and thus form a judgment of anything?" To this they 
added with a smile of ridicule, "Perhaps you have the wings of 
an eagle, and can fly in the highest region of heaven, and have a 
clear sight of these things: we cannot." 



We then asked them to tell us, from the height or region in 
which the winged ideas of their minds fly, whether they knew, or 
were able to know, that there exists such a thing as the conjugial 
love of one man with one wife, into which are collected all 
the blessednesses, blissfulnesses, delights, pleasantnesses, and 
pleasures of heaven; and that this love is from the Lord according 
to the reception of good and truth from Him, and thus according 
to the state of the church?" 

On hearing this they turned away and said, "These men are 
out of their senses; they enter the ether with their judgment, and 
scatter about vain conjectures like nuts." After this they turned 
to us, saying, "We will give a direct answer to your windy con- 
jectures and dreams;" and they said, "What has conjugial love 
in common with religion and inspiration from God? Is not this 
love with every one according to the state of his potency? Is it 
not the same with those who are outside of the church as with 
those who are within it, the same with Gentiles as with Christians, 
yea, the same with the impious as with the pious? Has not every 
one. the strength of his love either hereditarily, or 'from health, 
or from temperance of life, or from the heat of the climate? By 
medicines also it can be strengthened and stimulated. Is not the 
case similar with the beasts, and especially with the birds which 
love in pairs? Is not this love carnal? and what has that which 
is carnal in common with the spiritual state of the church ? Does 
this love, as to its ultimate effect with a wife, differ at all from 
love as to that effect with a fornicator? Is not the lust similar, 
and the delight similar? Wherefore it is wrong to deduce the 
origin of conjugial love from the holy things of the church." 

On hearing this we said to them, "You reason from the burn- 
ing heat of lasciviousness, and not from conjugial love; you are 
utterly ignorant what conjugial love is, because it is cold with 
you. From what you have said we are convinced that you are of 
the age which has its name from, and consists of, iron and clay, 
which do not cohere, according to the prophecy in Daniel ii. 43 ; 
for you make conjugial love and scortatory love one thing. Do 
these two cohere .any more than iron and clay? You are believed 
to be wise, and you are called wise, and yet you are as far as 
possible from being wise." 

On hearing this they were kindled with anger, and cried out, 
and called the crowd together to cast us out; but at that instant, 
by virtue of power given us by the Lord, we stretched out our 
hands, and lo! the fire-serpents, vipers, and hydras, and also the 
dragons from the wilderness, approached, and invaled and filled 
the city; at which the inhabitants being terrified fled away. 

And the angel said to me, "Into this region new comers from 
the natural world daily enter, and the former inhabitants are by 
turns banished and cast down into the gulfs of the west, which 
appear at a distance like pools of fire and brimstone. All these 
are spiritual and natural adulterers." 



80. The sixth Memorable Relation: 

When the angel had said this, I looked to the end of the west, 
and lo! there appeared as it were pools of fire and brimstone; and 
I asked the angel, "Why do the hells there appear so?" 

He replied, "They appear as pools on account of the falsifica- 
tions of truth, because water in the spiritual sense denotes truth ; 
and there appears as it were fire around them, and in them, on 
account of the love of evil, and as it were brimstone, on account 
of the love of falsity, those three things, the pool, the fire, and 
the brimstone, are appearances, because they are correspondences 
of the evil loves in which they are. All there are shut up in 
eternal workhouses, where they labour for food, clothing, and a 
bed; and when they do evil, they are grievously and miserably 

I further asked the angel, "Why didst thou say that in that 
quarter are spiritual and natural adulterers, and not, rather, evil 
doers and impious?" 

He replied, "Because all those who account adulteries as noth- 
ing, that is, who believe and commit them from confirmation, and 
thus from set purpose, that they are not sins, are at heart evil 
doers and impious; for the human conjugial state and religion 
proceed together at the same pace; and every step and every 
advance from religion, and into religion is also a step and advance 
from the conjugial state, and into the conjugial state which is 
peculiar and proper to the Christian man." 

To the question what that conjugial state or principle was, 
he said, "It is the desire to live with one wife only, and a Christian 
man has this desire according to his religion." 

I was afterwards grieved in spirit to think that marriages, 
which in the Ancient eras had been most holy, were so helplessly 
changed into adulteries. 

The angel said, "It is the same at the present day with 
religion ; for the Lord says, 'In the consummation of the age there 
will be the abomination of desolation foretold by Daniel. And 
there will be great affliction, such as there has not been from the 
beginning of the world 9 (Matt. xxiv. 15, 21). The. abomination 
of desolation signifies the falsification and deprivation of all 
truth ; affliction signifies the state of the church infested by evils 
"and falsities ; and the consummation of the age, concerning which 
those things are said, signifies the last time or end of the church. 
The end is now, because there does not remain a truth which has 
not been falsified ; and the falsification of truth is spiritual forni- 
cation, which acts in unity with natural fornication, because they 

81. As we were conserving and grieving together about these 
things, there suddenly appeared a beam of light, which affected 
my eyes strongly; wherefore I looked up: and lo! the whole 
heaven above us appeared luminous; and from the east to the 



west in a long series there was heard a GLORIFICATION. 

And the angel said to me, "That is a glorification of the Lord 
on account of His coming, and it is made by the angels of the 
eastern and western heavens." 

From the southern and northern heavens nothing was heard 
but a gentle murmur. 

As the angel understood everything, he told me first, that 
glorifications and celebrations of the Lord are made from the 
Word, because then they are made from the Lord ; for the Lord is 
the Word, that is, the Divine truth itself therein; and he said, 
"Now in particular they are glorifying and celebrating the Lord 
by these words which were said through Daniel the prophet, 'Thou 
sawest iron mixed with clay of mire; they shall mingle themselves 
together by the seed of man; but they shall not cohere. But in 
those days the God of heavens shall cause a kingdom to arise, 
which shall not perish for ages. It shall bruise and consume all 
those kingdoms; but itself shall stand for ages 9 (Dan. ii. 43, 44) ." 

After this I heard as it were the voice of singing, and further 
in the east I saw a flashing of light more resplendent than the 
former; and I asked the angel what they were glorifying there. 

He said that "they were glorifying by these words in Daniel: 
7 was seeing in the visions of the night., and lo! with the clouds 
of heaven there was coming as it were the SON OF MAN: and to 
Him was dominion and a kingdom; and all peoples and nations 
shall worship Him. His dominion is the dominion of an age, 
which shall not pass away; and His kingdom that which shall not 
perish 9 (Dan. vii. 13, 14) . 

"Besides that, they were celebrating the Lord from these 
words in the Apocalypse: To JESUS CHRIST be glory and strength: 
behold He cometh with the clouds. He is the alpha and the omega, 
the beginning and the end, the first and the last; Who is, Who 
was, and Who is to come 9 the Almighty. I, John, heard this from 
the SON OF MAN, out of the midst of the seven candlesticks 9 (Apoc. 
i. 5-8, 10-13; xxii. 13; and also from Matt. xxiv. 30, 31)." 

I looked again into the eastern heaven; it was enlightened on 
the right side, and the luminosity entered the southern expanse, 
and I heard a sweet sound; and I asked the angel what attribute 
of the Lord they were glorifying there. 

He said, "These words in the Apocalypse: 7 saw a new heaven 
and a new earth; and I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming 
down from God out of heaven, prepared as a BRIDE for her 
HUSBAND: and the angel spoke with me, and said, Come, I will 
show thee the BRIDE, THE LAMB'S WIFE: and he carried me away in 
the spirit upon a great and high mountain, and showed me the 
city, the holy Jerusalem 7 (Apoc. xxi. 1, 2, 9, 10) : also these words, 
7 JESUS am the bright and morning star; and the spirit and the 
even so COME, LORD JESUS' (Apoc. xxii. 16, 17, 20)." 

After these and several others, there was heard a general 



glorification from the east to the west of heaven, and also from 
the south to the north; and I asked the angel, "What now is the 

He said, "These words from the prophets; 'Let all flesh know 
xlix. 26). 'Thus saith JEHOVAH, the King of Israel and His 
REDEEMER, JEHOVAH ZEBAOTH, / am the first and the last, and 
BESIDES ME THERE is NO GOD' (Isaiah xliv. 6) . 'It shall be said 
in that day, Lo! THIS is OUR GOD, whom we have expected to 
xxv. 9). 'The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare 
a way for JEHOVAH. Behold THE LORD JEHOVAH cometh in 
strength. He shall feed His flock like a SHEPHERD" (Isaiah ,xl. 3,5,, T 
10, 11). 'Unto us a Child is born; unto us a Son is given; Whose 
name is Wonderful, Counsellor, GOD, Hero, FATHER OF ETERNITY, 
Prince of Peace' (Isaiah ix. 5, 6). Behold the days will come, and 
I will raise up to David a righteous Branch, Who shall reign a 
king; and this is His name, JEHOVAH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS' (Jere- 
miah xxiii. 5, 6; xxxiii. 15, 16) . 'JEHOVAH ZEBAOTH is His name, 
and THY REDEEMER, the Holy one of Israel; THE GOD OF THE 





On hearing ,and understanding these words, my heart exulted, 
and I went home with joy; and there I returned out of the state 
of the spirit into the state of the body; in which latter state I 
committed to writing what I had seen and heard; to which I now 
adjoin the following particular: That conjugial love, such as it 
was among the Ancients, will be raised up again ty the Lord 
after His coming; because that love is from the Lord alone, and 
it is with those who by Him, through the Word, are made spiritual. 

82. After this, a man (vir) came running in great haste from 
the northern quarter, and looked at me with a threatening coun- 
tenance, and addressing me in a passionate tone of voice, said, 
"Art thou he that would seduce the world by establishing a New 
church, which thou understandest by the New Jerusalem coming 
down out of heaven from God; and by teaching that the Lord 
will gift with truly conjugial love those who embrace the doc- 
trinals of that church; the delights and felicity of which love 
thou exaltest even to heaven? Is this not a mere fiction ? ti and 
dost thou not hold it forth as a bait and enticement for others to 
accede to thy new doctrinals? , But tell me briefly, what are those 
doctrinals of the New Church, and I will see whether they agree 
or disagree." 

I replied, "The doctrinals of the church which is meant by 
the New Jerusalem, are these: I. That there is one God, in Whom 
is a Divine Trinity, and that He is the LORD JESUS CHRIST. 



II. That saving faith consists in believing on Him. III. Thai 
evils ought to be shunned, because they are of the devil, and from 
the devil. IV. That goods ought to be done, because they are of 
God and from God. V. That these things ought to be done by a 
man as from himself; but that it ought to be believed that they 
are done by the Lord with him and through him." 

Or* hearing these things, his fury abated for some moments; 
but after some deliberation he again looked at me with a stern 
countenance, and said, "Are these five precepts the doctrinals of 
faith and charity of the New Church?" 

I replied, "They are." 

He then asked sharply, "How can you demonstrate the FIRST, 
"That there is one God in Whom there is a Divine Trinity; and 
that He is the Lord Jesus Christ'?" 

I said, "I demonstrate it thus: Is not God one and indivisible? 
Is there not a trinity? If God is one and indivisible, is not He one 
person. If He is one person, is not the trinity in that person? 
That He is the LORD JESUS CHRIST, is evident from these con- 
siderations, that He was conceived from God the Father (Luke 
i. 34, 35) ; and thus that as to His soul He is God; and hence, as 
He Himself says, that the Father and He are one (John x. 30) ; 
that He is in the Father, and the Father in Him (John xiv. 10, 11) ; 
that he who seeth Him and knoweth Him, seeth and knoweth the 
Father (John xiv. 7, 9) ; that no one seeth and knoweth the 
Father except He Who is in the bosom of the Father (John i. 18) ; 
that all things of the Father are His (John iii. 35; xvi. 15) ; that 
He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; that one one cometh to 
the Father but through Him (John xiv. 6) , thus from Him, because 
He is in Him; and according to Paul, that all the fullness of the 
Godhead dwelleth bodily in Him. (Coloss. ii. 9) ; and moreover, 
that He hath Power over all flesh (John xvii. 2) ; and that He 
hath all power in heaven and in earth (Matt, xxviii. 18) : from 
which declarations it follows, that He is the God of heaven and 

He afterwards asked how I proved the SECOND, "That saving 
faith consists in believing on Him?" 

I said, "I prove it by these words of the Lord Himself: This 
is the will of the Father, that every one who BELIEVETH ON THE 
SON should have eternal life 9 (John vi. 40). 'God so loved the 
world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that every one who 
BELIEVETH ON HIM should not perish, but have eternal life' (John 
iii. 15, 16). fi HE WHO BELIEVETH ON THE SON hath eternal life; 
but he who believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath 
of God abideth on him' (John iii. 36) ." 

He afterwards said, "Demonstrate also the THIRD, and the 
following ones." 

I replied, "What need is there to demonstrate 'that evils ought 
to be shunned, because they are of the devil and from the devil ; 
and that goods ought to be done, because they are of God and 



from God;' also, 'that these things ought to be done by man as 
from himself; but that it ought to be believed that they are done 
by the Lord with him and through him?' That these three doc- 
trinals are true, is confirmed by the whole Sacred Scripture from 
beginning to end; for what else is therein insisted upon in gen- 
eral, than the shunning of evils and the doing of goods, and a 
believing on the Lord God? And besides, without these three 
doctrinals there is no religion; for does not religion belong to 
life? and what is life but shunning evils and doing goods? And 
how can a man do the latter and believe the former but as from 
himself? Wherefore if you remove these doctrinals from the 
church, you remove from it the Sacred Scripture, and you also 
remove religion; and when these are removed, the church is not 
a church." 

The man on hearing these things retired, and mused, but still 
he departed in indignation. 



83. THERE are both internal and external origins of conjugial 
love, and the internal ones are many, and likewise the external ; 
nevertheless there is but one inmost or universal origin of all. 
That this origin is the marriage of good and truth, shall be 
demonstrated in what now follows. The reason why no one here- 
tofore has deduced the origin of that love thence, is, that it has 
been unknown that there is an union between good and truth; and 
it has been unknown, because good does not appear in the light 
of the understanding, as truth does, and hence the knowledge of 
it has concealed itself and evaded investigation: and as from this 
circumstance good is among the unknown things, it was impossible 
for any one to conjecture that there was any marriage between it 
and truth: yea, before the natural rational sight, good appears so 
distant from truth, that no conjunction between them can be sup- 
posed. That this is the case may be seen from the forms of speech 
used whenever they are mentioned; as when it is said, "This is 
good/' truth is not at all thought of; and when it is said, "This is 
true," neither is good at all thought of; wherefore at the present 
day it is believed by many that truth is quite a different thing 
from good; and by many also, that a man is intelligent and wise, 
and thus a man, according to the truths which he thinks, speaks, 
writes, and believes, and not at the same time according to goods. 
That nevertheless there does not exist any good without truth, nor 
any truth without good, consequently that there exists an eternal 
marriage between them; also that this marriage is the origin of 
conjugial love, shall now be explained, and in the following 
order : 

I. Good and truth are the universals of creation, and hence 
are in all created things; but in the created subjects they are 
according to the form of each. 

II. There does not exist solitary good, nor solitary truth, but 
they are everywhere conjoined. 

III. There is the truth of good, and from this the good of 
truth; or, the truth from good, and the good from that truth; and 
in those two there has been implanted from creation an inclination 
to become conjoined into a one. 

IV. In the subjects of the animal kingdom, the truth of good., 
or the truth from good, is masculine; and from that the good of 
truth, or the good from that truth, is feminine. 

V. From the influx of the marriage of good and truth from 
the Lord, there is sexual love, and there is conjugial love 



VI. Sexual love belongs to the external or natural man, and 
hence it is common to every animal. 

VII. But conjugial love belongs to the internal or spiritual 
man; and hence this love is peculiar to man. 

VIII. With man conjugial love is in sexual love, as a gem in 
its matrix. 

IX. Sexual love with man is not the origin of conjugial love, 
but its first manifestation; thus it is like the natural external into 
which the spiritual internal is implanted. 

X. When conjugial love has been implanted, sexual love in- 
verts itself, and becomes the chaste love of the sex. 

XI. The male and the female were created to be the very form 
of the marriage of good and truth. 

XII. They are that form in their inmosts 9 and hence in the 
things that are derived from those inmosts, in proportion as the 
interiors of their mind are opened. 

Now follows the explanation of these articles. 


why good and truth are the universals of creation, is that they 
two are in the Lord God the Creator; yea, they are Himself; for 
He is Divine good itself and the Divine truth itself. But this falls 
more clearly into the perception of the understanding, and thus 
into the idea of thought, if instead of good one says love, and 
instead of truth one says wisdom; consequently that in the Lord 
God the Creator there are Divine love and Divine wisdom, and 
that they are Himself, that is, that He is love itself and wisdom 
itself; for these two are the same as good and truth. The reason 
is that good is of love, and truth is of wisdom ; for love consists 
of goods, and wisdom of truths. Since the two latter and the two 
former are one and the same thing, therefore in the following 
pages sometimes the latter and sometimes the former set of terms 
shall be used, and by both the same is understood. This pre- 
liminary observation is here made, lest different meanings should 
be attached to the expressions when they occur in the following 

85. Since therefore the Lord God the Creator is love itself and 
wisdom itself, and since the universe was created by Him, which 
thus is as a work proceeding from Him, it cannot but be, that in 
each and all created things there is something of good and truth 
from Him; for whatever is done and proceeds from any one, 
derives a similar quality from Him. That this is the case, reason 
also may see from the order in which each and all things in the 
universe were created ; which order is, that one exists for the sake 
of another, and that consequently one depends upon another, like 
the links of a chain. For all things are for the sake of the human 



race, that from it there may be an angelic heaven through which 
creation returns to the Creator Himself, from Whom it was. Hence 
there is a conjunction of the created universe with its Creator, 
and by means of the conjunction everlasting preservation. Hence 
it is that good and truth .are called the universals of creation. 
That this is the case, is evident to every one who considers the 
matter from reason: he sees in every created thing something 
which relates to good, and something which relates to truth. 

86. The reason why good and truth in the created subjects are 
according to the form of each, is, that every subject receives influx 
according to its form. The preservation of the whole consists in 
nothing else than the perpetual influx of Divine good and Divine 
truth into forms created by them ; for thus subsistence or preserva- 
tion is perpetual existence or creation. That every subject receives 
influx according to its form, may be illustrated by various things, 
as, by the influx of heat and light from the sun into plants of 
every kind: each of these receives influx according to its form; 
thus every tree and shrub according to its form: the influx is alike 
into" all, but the reception, because it is according to the form, 
causes every species to continue the same species. The same thing 
may also be illustrated by the influx into animals of every kind 
according to the form of each. That the influx is according to the 
form of each thing, may also be seen by the most unlettered 
person, if he attends to the various instruments of sound, as pipes, 
flutes, trumpets, horns, and organs, which give forth sound from 
the same blowing or influx of air, according to their forms. 



Jxoif^-axLy of the senses to acquire an idea abour good, cannot 
possibly find it without some attribute which exhibits and mani* 
fests it r&opd without this is an entity of no name; that by which 
it is exhibited and manifested, has relation to truth. Pronounce the 
word good only, and say nothing at the same time of this or that 
thing with which it is connected ; or define it abstractedly, or with- 
out any characteristic attribute, and you will see that it is not 
anything, and that it becomes something with its attribute: and 
if you bring the acuteness of your reason to bear upon the sub- 
ject, you will perceive that good, without some attribute, is a 
term of no predication, and thus of no relation, of no affection, 
and of no state; in a word, of no quality. The case is similar 
with truth, if it be pronounced and heard without something in- 
wardly joined with it; that that which is inwardly joined with it, 
has relation to good, may be seen by cultivated, reason. But since 
goods are innumerable, and each ascends 'to its greatest, and 
descends to its least, as by the steps of a ladder, and also varies 
its name according to its progression, and according to its quality, 
it is difficult for any but the wise to see the relation of good and 


truth to their objects, and their conjunction in them. That never- 
theless there does not exist good without truth, nor truth without 
good, is evident from common perception, when it is first acknowl- 
edged that each and all things in the universe have relation to 
good and truth ; as was shown in the foregoing article (nos. 84, 85) . 
That there does not exist solitary good, nor solitary truth, may be 
illustrated, and at the same time confirmed by various considera- 
tions; a# by the following: that there does not exist an essence 
without a form, nor a form without an essence; and good is an 
essence or esse, and truth is that by means of which the essence 
is formed and the esse comes into outward existence. Again, in a 
man there are the will .and understanding. Good is of the will, 
and truth is of the understanding; and the will alone does noth- 
ing except through the understanding; nor does the understand- 
ing alone do anything except from the will. Again, in a man 
there are two fountains of the life of the body, the heart and the 
lungs. The heart cannot produce any sensitive and motory life 
without the respiration of the lungs ; neither can the lungs without 
the heart. The heart has relation to good, and the respiration of 
the lungs to truth: there is also a correspondence. The case is 
similar in each and all things of the mind, and in each and all 
things of the body, with man; but we have not leisure to produce 
further confirmations in this place These subjects may however 
be seen confirmed more fully in Angelic Wisdom concerning the 
Divine Providence (nos. 3-16), where they are explained in the 
following order: I. The universe, with all its created things, is 
from Divine love through Divine wisdom, or, what is the same 
thing, from Divine good through Divine truth. II. Divine good 
and Divine truth proceed as a one from the Lord. III. This one 
is, in a. certain image, in every created thing. IV. Good is not 
good except in proportion as it is united with truth; and truth 
is not truth except in proportion as it is united with good. V. The 
Lord does not suffer that anything should be divided; wherefore 
a man must either be in good, and at the same time in truth, or 
in evil and at the same time in falsity. Besides many other things. 


ONE. It is necessary that some distinct idea be procured concern- 
ing these things; because on this depends the knowledge about 
the essential origin of conjugial love: for, as is stated below, the 
truth of good, or truth from good, is masculine, and the good of 
truth, or good from that truth, is feminine. But this may be com- 
prehended more distinctly, if instead of good one says love, and 
instead of truth wisdom; which are one and the same, as may be 
seen above, no. 84. Wisdom cannot exist with man, except by 
means of the love becoming wise; if this love be taken away, man 



is utterly unable to become wise. Wisdom from this love is meant 
by the truth of good, or by truth from good; but when a man 
from that love has procured to himself wisdom, and loves that 
wisdom in himself, or himself on account of that wisdom, he then 
forms a love, which is the love of wisdom, and is meant by the 
good of truth, or the good from that truth. There are, therefore, 
two loves with a man (vir) whereof one, which is prior, is the 
love of becoming wise; and the other, which is posterior, is the 
love of wisdom; but this latter love, if it remains with the man 
(vir), is an evil love, and is called conceit, or the love of one's 
self -intelligence. That it was provided from the creation, that this 
love should be taken out of the man (vir), lest it should destroy 
him, and that it should be transcribed into woman, in order that 
it might become conjugial love, which restores the man to in- 
tegrity, will be confirmed in the following pages. Something 
about these two loves, and the transcription of the posterior love 
into the woman, may be seen above, nos. 32, 33, and in the "Pre- 
liminaries", no. 20. If therefore instead of love is understood 
good, and instead of wisdom truth, it is manifest from what has 
been already said, that there exists the truth of good, or the truth 
from good, and from this the good of truth, or the good from 
that truth. 

89. The reason why in these two there has been implanted 
from creation an inclination to become conjoined into a one, is, 
that the one was formed from the other; wisdom being formed 
from the love of becoming wise, or, truth from good; and the 
love of wisdom being formed from that wisdom, or, the good of 
truth from that truth; from which formation it may be seen, that 
there is a mutual inclination to become reunited, and conjoined 
into a one. But this takes place with men (viri) who are in 
genuine wisdom, and with women who are in the love of that 
wisdom in the husband; thus with those who are in truly con- 
jugial love. But concerning the wisdom which ought to exist with 
the man, and which should be loved by the wife, more will be 
said in what follows: 


F&p$ THAT TRUTH, is FEA4JNTOE, That from the Lord, the Creator" 
and Supporter of the universe, there flows in a perpetual union 
of love and wisdom, or marriage of good and truth, and that 
created subjects receive it, each one according to its form, was 
shown above, nos. 84-86: but, that the male from this marriage, 
or from that union, receives the truth of wisdom, and that the 
good of love is conjoined to it by the Lord according to the 
reception, and that this reception takes place in the intellect or 
understanding, and that hence the male is born to become intel- 


lectual, reason, by virtue of its own lumen, can see from various 
things in him, especially from his affection, application, manners, 
and form. From the AFFECTION of the male, which is the affection 
of knowing, understanding, and becoming wise; the affection of 
knowing in childhood, the affection of understanding in adoles- 
cence and early manhood, and the affection of becoming wise 
from this early manhood even to old age: from which it is evident 
that his nature, or inborn disposition inclines to form the in- 
tellect; consequently, that he is born to become intellectual; but 
as this cannot be effected except through love, therefore the Lord 
adjoins love to him according to his reception, that is, according 
to his disposition and willingness to become wise. From his 
APPLICATION, which is to such things as belong to the intellect, or 
in which the intellect predominates, many of which are public 
matters, and regard uses in public. From his MANNERS, which all 
partake of the predominance of the intellect; in consequence 
whereof the acts of his life, which are meant by manners, are 
rational; and if they are not, he still wants them to appear so; 
masculine rationality is also discernible in every one of his 
virtues. From his FORM, which is different and altogether distinct 
from the female form; on which subject see .also what was said 
above, no. 33. Add to this, that the prolific principle is in him, 
which is from no other source than the intellect ; for it is from the 
truth from good in the intellect; that the prolific principle is from 
this source will be seen in the following pages. 

91. But that the female is born to be voluntary, but voluntary 
from the intellectual of the man (vir), or, what is the same, to be 
the love of the man's wisdom, because she was formed through his 
wisdom, on which subject see above nos. 88, 89, may also be 
manifest from the female's affection, application, manners, and 
form. From her AFFECTION, which is the affection of loving 
knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom, nevertheless not in herself, 
but in the man, and thus of loving the man: for the man (vir) 
cannot be loved merely on account of his form, in that he appears 
as a man (homo)^ but on account of the quality which is in him. 
which causes him to be a man. From her APPLICATION, which is to 
such things as are works of the hands, and are called knitting, 
needlework, and the like, serving for adornment, both to decorate 
herself, and to exalt her beauty; and moreover to various duties 
which are called domestic, which adjoin themselves to the duties 
of men, which, as was said, are called public They are led to 
these duties by an inclination to marriage, in order that they may 
become wives, and thus one with their husbands. That the same 
appears also from their MANNERS and FORM, is evident without 





CONJUGIAL LOVE. That good and truth are the universals of 
creation, and thus are in all created subjects; and that they are in 
created subjects according to the form of each; and that good 
and truth proceed from the Lord not as two but as one, was shown 
above, nos. 84 to 87. From these considerations it follows, that 
the UNIVERSAL CONJUGIAL SPHERE proceeds from the Lord, and 
pervades the universe from its primes to its ultimates, thus from 
angels even to worms. The reason why such a sphere of the mar- 
riage of good and truth proceeds from the Lord, is, that it is also 
the sphere of propagation, that is, of prolification and fructifica- 
tion; and this sphere is the same with the Divine providence for 
the preservation of the universe by means of successive genera- 
tions. Now, since this universal sphere, which is that of the 
marriage of good and truth, flows in into subjects according to the 
form of each (see no. 86), it follows that the male receives it 
according to his form, thus in the intellect, because he is an in- 
tellectual form; and that the female receives it according to her 
form, thus in the will, because she is a voluntary form from the 
intellectual of the man; and since that sphere is also the sphere 
of prolification, it follows that sexual love is thence. 

93. The reason why conjugial love also is thence, is, that that 
sphere flows in into the form of wisdom with men, and also with 
angels; for man is able to grow in wisdom to the end of his life in 
the world, and afterwards to eternity in heaven ; and in proportion 
as he grows in wisdom, in the same proportion his form is per- 
fected; and this form receives not sexual love, but the love of one 
of the sex ; for with one of the sex it can be united to the inmosts 
in which heaven is with its felicities: and this union is conjugial 



born corporeal, and becomes more and more interiorly natural, 
and in proportion as he loves intelligence he becomes rational, 
and afterwards, if he loves wisdom, he becomes spiritual. What 
the wisdom is through which man becomes spiritual, will be stated 
in the following pages, at no. 130. Now, as a man progresses 
from knowledge into intelligence, and from intelligence into 
wisdom, so also his mind changes its form ; for it is opened more 
and more, .and conjoins itself more closely with heaven, and 
through heaven with the Lord; hence it becomes more enamoured 
of truth, and more studious of the good of life. If therefore he 
halts at the threshold in the progression to wisdom, the form of 
his mind remains natural; and this receives the influx of the 
universal sphere, which is that of the marriage of good and truth, 
in no other way than it is received by the lower subjects of the 
animal kingdom, which are called beasts and birds; and as these 
are merely natural, that man becomes like them, and thus loves 


the sex just as they do. This is what is meant by the statement that 
sexual love belongs to the external or natural man, and that hence 
it is common to every animal. 


why conjugial love belongs to the internal or spiritual man is. 
that the more intelligent and wise man becomes, the more internal 
or spiritual he becomes, and in the same proportion the form of 
his mind is perfected; and this form receives conjugial love; for 
he perceives and feels in this love a spiritual delight, which is full 
of blessedness within, and from this a natural delight, which 
derives its soul, life, and essence from the former. 

96. The reason why conjugial love is peculiar to man, is, that 
man only can become spiritual, for he can elevate his understand- 
ing above his natural loves, and from that state of elevation see 
them beneath him, and judge of their quality, and also amend, 
chastise, and remove them. No animal can do this; for the lives 
of animals are entirely united with their connate knowledge; 
wherefore this knowledge cannot be elevated into intelligence, 
and still less into wisdom ; in consequence of which circumstance 
an animal is led along by the love implanted in its knowledge, 
as a blind man is led through the streets by a dog. This is the 
reason why conjugial love is peculiar to man. It may also be 
called native and germane to man, because in man there is the 
faculty of becoming wise, which faculty this love makes a one. 

GEM IN ITS MATRIX. As this however is merely a comparison, it 
shall be explained in the article which immediately follows; this 
comparison also illustrates what was shown just above, nos. 94, 
95, that sexual love belongs to the external or natural man, and 
conjugial love to the internal or spiritual man. 



subject here treated of its truly conjugial love, and not the common 
love which also is called conjugial, and which with some is nothing 
but the limited love of the sex. Truly conjugial love exists only 
with those who earnestly desire wisdom, and who therefore pro- 
gress more .and more into wisdom. These the Lord foresees, and 
for them He provides conjugial love. This love indeed commences 
with them from sexual love, or rather by means of it, but still it 
does not originate in it; for it originates in the proportion in 
which wisdom advances and progresses into the light with it; for 
wisdom and that love are inseparable companions. The reason 
why conjugial love commences by means of sexual love, is that, 



before a consort is found, the sex is loved in a general way, and 
regarded with a loving eye, and it is treated with courteous moral- 
ity; for the young man has to make his choice; and at that time 
from an innate inclination to marriage with one woman, which 
lies concealed in the inmost recesses of his mind, his external 
receives a gentle warmth. A further reason is, that the determina- 
tions to marriage are delayed from various causes even to the 
middle of the age of manhood, and in the meantime the beginning 
of that love is as lust, which with some passes off into sexual love 
actually; yet even with them its bridle is relaxed no further than 
is conducive to health. This, however, is said of the male sex, 
because it has allurements which actually inflame ; but not of the 
female sex. From these considerations it is evident that sexual 
love is not the origin of truly conjugial love; but that it is its 
first manifestation as to time, yet not as to end; for what is first 
as to end, is first in the mind and its intention, because it is 
primary; but to this first there is no approach except succes- 
sively through media, and these are not primes or first things in 
themselves, 'but only conducive to what is first in itself. 



It is said that sexual love then inverts itself, because when con- 
jugial love has arrived at its origin, which is in the interiors of the 
mind, it sees sexual love not before itself but behind, or not above 
itself but beneath, and thus as something which it has passed by 
and left. The case herein is similar to that of a person who climbs 
from one office to another until he reaches one which exceeds the 
rest in dignity, and afterwards looks back behind or beneath him- 
self upon the offices through which he had passed ; or as when a 
person intends a journey to the palace of some king, after his 
arrival he inverts his view in regard to what he had seen in the 
way. That in this case sexual love remains, and becomes chaste, 
and yet, to those who are in truly conjugial love, sweeter than it 
was before, may be seen from the description given of it by those 
wtiL,aje in the spiritual world, in the two Memorable Relations, 
nos. 44 and .45^ 



that the male was created to be the understanding of truth, thus 
truth in form; and the female was created to be the will of good, 
thus good in form; and there has been implanted in each from 
their inmosts, an inclination towards conjunction into a one (see 
above, no. 88) ; thus the two make one form, which emulates the 
conjugial form of good and truth. It is said to emulate it, because 
it is not the same, but is like it; for the good which conjoins itself 
with the truth in the man (vir) is from the Lord immediately; and 
the good of the wife, which conjoins itself with the truth in the 


man, is from the Lord mediately through the wife; wherefore 
there are two goods, one which is internal, and another which is 
external, which conjoin themselves with the truth in the husband, 
and cause him to be constantly in the understanding of truth, and 
hence in wisdom through truly conjugial love; but on this subject 
more will be said in the following pages. 


MIND ARE OPENED. There are three things of which every man con- 
sists, and which follow in order with him, the soul, the mind, and 
the body; his inmost is the soul; his mediate is the mind, and his 
ultimate is the body. Everything which flows in from the Lord 
into man, flows in into his inmost, which is the soul, and descends 
thence into his mediate, which is the mind, and through this into 
his ultimate, which is the body. In this manner does the marriage 
of good and truth flow in from the Lord with man; it flows in 
immediately into his soul, and thence proceeds to the succeeding 
parts, and through these to the extremes; and thus conjointly 
these things constitute conjugial love. From the idea of this influx 
it is evident that the two married partners are that form in their 
inmosts, and thence in those things that are derived from the 

102. But the reason why married partners become that form 
in proportion as the interiors of their minds are opened, is, that 
the mind is successively opened from infancy even to extreme old 
age. For man is born corporeal ; and in proportion as the mind 
is opened proximately above the body, he becomes rational; and 
in proportion as this rational is purified, and as it were decanted 
of the fallacies which flow in from the senses of the body, and of 
the conscupiscenses, which flows in from the allurments of the 
flesh, in the same proportion it is opened; and this is effected 
solely by wisdom ; and when the interiors of the rational mind are 
opened, the man becomes a form of wisdom ; and this form is the 
receptacle of truly conjugial love. The wisdom which constitutes 
this form, and receives this love, is rational, and at the same time 
moral, wisdom. Rational wisdom looks upon the truths and goods 
which appear inwardly in man, not as his own, but as flowing in 
from the Lord; and moral wisdom shuns evils and falsities as 
leprosies, especially lasciviousness, which contaminates its con- 
jugial love. 

103. To the above I shall add two Memorable Relations; the 
first is this: 

One morning before sunrise I was looking towards the east 
in the spiritual world, and I saw four horsemen as it were flying 
out of a cloud refulgent with the flame of the dawn. On their 



heads there appeared crested helmets, on their arms as it were 
wings, and around their bodies light orange-coloured tunics ; thus 
clad as for expedition, they rose in their seats, and gave their 
horses the rein, which thus ran as if they had wings to their feet. 
I followed their course or flight with my eye, desiring to know 
whither they were going; and lo! three of the horsemen spread 
themselves abroad towards three different quarters, the south, the 
west, and the north; and the fourth in a short space of time halted 
in the east. 

Wondering at all this, I looked up into heaven, and asked 
where these horsemen were going. I received for answer, "To the 
wise men in the kingdoms of Europe, who discriminate matters 
with penertating reason, and with sharp-sighted discernment, and 
were celebrated in their own countries as men of genius, that they 
may come and solve the secret concerning THE ORIGIN OF CON- 

And they said from heaven, "Wait a little, and you will see 
twenty-seven chariots; three, in which are Spaniards; three, in 
which are Frenchmen ; three, in which are Italians ; three, in which 
are Germans; three, in which are Batavians or Dutchmen; three, 
in which are Englishmen; three, in which are Swedes; three, in 
which are Danes; and three, in which are Poles." And after two 
hours I saw these chariots, drawn by cobs of a light bay colour, 
with remarkable trappings: they passed rapidly along towards a 
spacious house on the confines of the east and south, around which 
all alighted from their several chariots, and entered in with much 
confidence. Then it was said to me, "Go, and do thou also enter, 
and thou wilt heart." 

I went and entered. On examining the house within, I saw 
that it was square, the sides looking to the four quarters : in each 
side there were three high windows of crystalline glass, the frames 
of which were of olive-wood; on each side of the frames were 
projections from the walls, like chambers vaulted above, in which 
were tables. The walls of these chambers were of cedar, the roof 
of the noble thyme wood, and the floor of poplar beams. At the 
eastern wall, where no windows were seen, there was set a table 
overlaid with gold, on which was placed a TIARA set about with 
precious stones, which was to be given as a prize or reward to 
him who should trace out the secret about to be propounded. 

While my attention was directed to the chamber projections, 
which were like closets near the windows, I saw five men in each 
chamber from each kingdom of Europe, who were ready and 
waiting to know the object for the exercise of their judgments. 

At that instant an angel stood in the midst of the palace, and 
said, "The object for the exercise of your judgments shall be 


VIRTUE OR POTENCY. Investigate this and come to a decision about 
it ; and write your decision on a piece of paper, and put this paper 
into the silver urn which you see placed near the golden table, and 


subscribe the initial letter of the kingdom from which you come; 
as F for Frenchmen, B for Batavians or Dutchmen, I for Italians, 
A for English (Angli), P for Poles, G for Germans; H for 
Spaniards (Hispani), D for Danes, and S for Swedes." As he 
said this, the angel departed, saying, "I will return." 

Then the five fellow-countrymen in each closet by the windows, 
took into consideration the proposed subject, examined it atten- 
tively, and came to a decision according to the excellence of the 
qualities of their judgments, wrote it on a piece of paper, .and put 
it in the silver urn, having first subscribed the initial letter of their 
kingdom. This business being accomplished in about three hours, 
the angel returned, and drew the papers in order from the urn, 
and read them before the assembly. 

104. From the FIRST PAPER which he happened to lay hold of, 
he read as follows: "We five natives of the same country, in our 
closet have come to the decision that the origin of conjugial love 
is from the Most Ancient people in the golden age, and with them, 
from the creation of Adam and his wife; hence is the origin of 
marriages, and with marriages the origin of conjugial love. As 
regards the virtue or potency of conjugial love, we derive it from 
no other source than the climate, or the direction of the sun, and 
the consequent heat of the country. We have come to this con- 
clusion, not by vain conjectures of reason, but by evident proofs 
of experience, as by the case of the people who live under the line, 
or the equinoctial, where the heat of the day is intense, and by the 
case of those who live nearer to the line, or more distant from it; 
and also from the co-operation of the sun's heat with the vital heat 
in the animals of the earth and the birds of heaven, in the time of 
spring when they are prolific. Morover, what is conjugial love 
but heat, which becomes virtue or potency if suplementary heat 
from the sun is added to it?" To this decision was subscribed the 
letter H, the initial of the kingdom from which they were. 

105. After this he put his hand into the urn a SECOND TIME, 
and took thence a paper from which he read as follows: "We, 
natives of the same country, in our lodge have agreed that the 
origin of conjugial love is the same with the origin of marriages, 
which have been sanctioned by the laws in order to restrain man's 
connate concupiscences towards scortations, which ruin the soul, 
pollute the reason of the mind, defile the morals, and infect the 
body with disease. For adulteries are not human but bestial, not 
rational but brutish, and thus not in any respect Christian but 
barbarous; for the sake of the condemnation of such adulteries, 
marriages originated, and at the same time a conjugial love. The 
case is similar with the virtue or potency of this love; for it 
depends on chastity, which consists in abstinence from roving 
fornications: the reason is, that the virtue or potency, with him 
who loves his married partner alone, is reserved for one, and is 



thus collected and as it were concentrated; and then it becomes 
refined like a quintessence from which all defilements have been 
removed, which would otherwise be dispersed and cast away in 
every direction. One of us five, who is a priest, has also added 
predestination as a cause of that virtue or potency, saying, 'Are 
not marriages predestinated? and if they are, are not the pro- 
lifications thence, and the efficacy thereto, predestinated also?' He 
insisted on this cause because he had sworn to it." To this decision 
was subscribed the letter B. 

On hearing this a certain one said in. a derisive tone, "How 
beautiful an apology for defect or impotence is predestination!" 

106. Next, he took out of the urn, the THIRD TIME, a paper 
from which he read as follows: "We, natives of the same country, 
in our cell have thought over the causes of the origin of con- 
jugial love, and have seen this to be the principal one, that it is 
the same with the origin of marriage, because conjugial love had 
no existence before marriage, and it comes into existence because, 
when any one desperately loves a maiden, he desires in heart and 
soul to own her as a possession lovable above all things; and as 
soon as she promises herself to him he regards her as if his own 
self were looking at another self. That this is the origin of con- 
jugial love, is clearly evident from the fury of every man against 
his rivals, and from his jealousy against violators. We afterwards 
thought over the origin of the virtue or potency of that love; and 
the opinion of three prevailed against that of the other two, that 
virtue or potency with a married partner is from some licentious- 
ness with the sex. They said that they knew from experience that 
the potency of sexual love is greater than the potency of conjugial 
love." To this decision was subscribed the letter I. 

On hearing this they cried from the tables, "Remove this paper 
and draw another out of the urn." 

107. And instantly he drew out a FOURTH, from which he read 
as follows: "We, natives of the same country, under our window 
have come to the decision, that the origin of conjugial love, and of 
sexual love, is the same, because the former is from the latter; 
only that sexual love is unlimited, indeterminate, loose> promis- 
cuous, and roving, whereas conjugial love is limited, determinate, 
restricted, settled, and constant; and that this love therefore has 
been sanctioned and established by the prudence of human wis- 
dom, because otherwise no empire, kingdom, commonwealth, nor 
even society, would exist; for without it men would wander about 
like droves of cattle in fields and forests, with fornicators and 
ravished females, and would fly from one habitation to another to 
avoid the bloody murders, violations, and robberies, whereby the 
whole human race would be in danger of being extirpated. This 
is our judgment concerning the origin of conjugial love. But the 
virtue or potency of conjugial love we deduce from the continual 



lasting of the health of the body from birth to old age; for the 
man who is always well and possessed of sound health does not 
fail in vigour; his fibres, nerves, muscle, and cremasters (muscles 
peculiar to the male) do not become stiff, relaxed, nor feeble, but 
retain the full strength of their powers: farewell." To this decision 
was subscribed the letter A. 

108. FIFTHLY, he drew out of the urn a paper, from which he 
read as follows: "We, natives of the same country, at our table, 
according to the rationality of our minds, have examined into the 
origin of conjugial love, and into the origin of its virtue, or 
potency, and from all the reasons which we have considered, we 
have seen and confirmed no other origin of conjugial love than 
this that every man, from incentatives and consequent incite- 
ments which are concealed in the adytum of his mind and body, 
after indulging in various lusts of his eyes, at length fixes his 
mind and inclination on one woman of the sex, until his passion 
is determined entirely to her; from this time his heat goes from 
flame to flame, until at length it becomes a conflagration; in this 
state sexual love is banished, and conjugial love takes its place. 
A youthful bridegroom under the influence of this conflagration, 
knows no otherwise than that the virtue or potency of that love 
will never cease; for he lacks experience and consequently knowl- 
edge of the state of the failure of his powers, .and of the chilling 
of love which then succeeds the delights. The origin of conjugial 
love therefore is from this first ardour before the wedding; and 
from the same also comes its virtue or potency; but this virtue or 
potency changes its aspect after the wedding, and decreases and 
increases; yet still it lasts with regular changes, or with decrease 
and increase, even to old age, by means of moderations from 
prudence, and by bridling the lusts which burst forth from the 
recesses of the mind not yet thoroughly purified ; for lust precedes 
wisdom. This is our judgment concerning the origin and con- 
tinuance of conjugial virtue or potency." To this decision was 
subscribed the letter P. 

109, SIXTHLY, he drew out a paper, from which he read as 
follows: "We, natives of the same country, from our fellowship 
have attentively considered the causes of the origin of conjugial 
love, and have agreed on two ; one of which is the right education 
of children, and the other the distinct possession of inheritances. 
We have chosen these two, because they aim at and regard the 
same goal, which is the public good; and this is obtained, because 
infants conceived and born from conjugial love become one's very 
own and true children; and these, in consequence of the love of 
children (storge) being heightened by the consideration that they 
are legitimate, are educated to be heirs of all their parents' 
possessions, both spiritual and natural. That the public good is 
founded on the right education of children, and on the distinct 



possession of inheritances, is seen by reason. There is sexual love, 
and there is conjugial love; the latter love appears as if it were 
one with the former, but it is distinctly different; neither is the 
one love near to the other, but within it; and what is within is 
more excellent than what is without; and we have seen that con- 
jugial love from creation is within, and lies hidden in sexual love, 
just as an almond does in its shell; wherefore when conjugial 
love is set free from its shell, which is sexual love, it glitters 
before the angels like a gem, a beryl, and an astroites. This takes 
place because on conjugial love is inscribed the well-being of the 
whole human race, which is what we mean by the public good. 
This is our judgment concerning the origin of this love. With 
respect to the origin of its virtue or potency, from a consideration 
of its causes, we have come to the conclusion that it is the setting 
free and separation of conjugial love from sexual love, which is 
effected by the husband (vir] by means of wisdom, and by the 
wife by means of the love of the husband's wisdom; for sexual 
love is common to men, with beasts, and conjugial love is peculiar 
to men (homines). Wherefore in the proportion in which con- 
jugial love is set free and separated from sexual love, a man is 
a man and not a beast; and a man acquires virtue or potency 
from his love, as a beast does from his." To this decision was 
subscribed the letter G. 

110. SEVENTHLY, he drew out a paper from which he read as 
follows: "We, natives of the same country, in the chamber under 
the light of our window, have exhilarated our thoughts, and thence 
our judgments, by meditating on conjugial love. Who is not 
exhilarated by that love, for while it is in the mind, it is at the 
same time in the whole body? We judge of the origin of that love 
from its delights: who ever knows or has known the footsteps of 
any love except from its delights and pleasurableness? The 
del ightsomen esses of conjugial love in their origins are felt as 
blessednesses, blissfulnesses, .and happinesses, in their derivation 
as pleasantnesses and pleasures, and in their ultimates as the 
delights of delights. Sexual love therefore originates when the 
interiors of the mind, and thence the interiors of the body, are 
opened for the influx of those delightsomenesses ; but conjugial 
love originated at the time when, through betrothals which had 
taken place, the primitive sphere of that love ideally promoted 
those delights. As regards the virtue or potency of that love, it 
arises from the capacity of that love of passing, with its current, 
from the mind into the body; for the mind, from the head, is in 
the body when it feels and acts, especially when it is being 
delighted from this love: hence we judge of the degrees of its 
potency and the constancies of its alterations. Morover we also 
deduce the virtue of potency from the stock; if this be noble on 
the father's side, it becomes also by transmission noble with his 
offspring. That that nobility is engendered, inherited, and descends 


by transmission, is assented to by reason with experience." To 
this decision was subscribed the letter F. 

111. The EIGHTH time he drew out a paper, from which he 
read as follows: "We, natives of the same country, in our place 
of assembly have not discovered the real origin of conjugial love, 
because it lies deeply concealed in the sanctuaries of the mind. 
The most commendable wisdom cannot, by any stretch of the 
understanding, reach that love in its origin. We have made many 
conjectures; but after pondering in vain over subtleties, we have 
been in doubt whether our conjectures might not be called rather 
trifling than judicious; wherefore whoever wants to extract the 
origin of that love from the sanctuaries of the mind, and to exhibit 
it clearly before his eyes, let him go to Delphi. We have con- 
templated that love beneath its origin, and have seen that in the 
minds it is spiritual, and as the fountain of a sweet dream, whence 
it flows down into the bosom, where it becomes delightful, and is 
called bosom love, which, regarded in itself is full of friendship 
and full of confidence by reason of its full inclination to 
mutuality; and that when it has passed the bosom, it becomes 
genial love. When a young man is revolving these and similar 
considerations in his thoughts, as he does when he chooses for 
himself one of the sex, they kindle in his heart the fire of con- 
jugial love; which fire, because it is the primitive fire of that love, 
is its origin. We acknowledge no other origin of its virtue or 
potency than that love itself, for they are inseparable companions ; 
yet still they are such that sometimes the one precedes and some- 
times the other. When the love precedes and the virtue or potency 
follows it, both are noble, because in this case the potency is 
the virtue of conjugial love; imt if the.pptency precedes and the 
love follows, then both are ignoble, because in this case the love 
belongs to the potency of the flesh. We therefore judge of the 
quality of each from the order in which the love descends or 
ascends, and thus proceeds from its origin to its goal." To this 
decision was subscribed the letter D. 

112. Lastly, or NINTHLY, he took up a paper, from which he 
read as follows: "We, natives of the same country, from our place 
of meeting have exercised our judgment on the two points pro- 
posed, namely, the origin of conjugial love, and the origin of its 
virtue or potency. When weighing the subtleties respecting the 
origin of conjugial love, in order to avoid obscurity in our 
reasonings, we have distinguished between the spiritual, the nat- 
ural, and carnal sexual love,^.nd by spiritual sexual love we have 
understood truly conjugial love, because this is spiritual ; and by 
^atural .sexual lovewe have understood polygamous love, because 
this is natural ; aniGKby merely carnal sexual love we have under- 
stood scortatory love, because this is merely carnal. When we had 
carefully examined truly conjugial love with our judgments, we 



clearly saw that this love exists only between one male and one 
female, and that from creation it is heavenly and inmost, and the 
soul and father of all good loves, being inspired into the first 
parents, and capable of being inspired into Christians; it is also 
of such a conjunctive nature that through it two minds may become 
one mind, and two human beings (homines) (i.e., one man and 
one woman) as it were one man (homo), which is meant by 
becoming one flesh. That this love was inspired at the creation, is 
evident from these words in the Book of the Creation, 'And a man 
(vir) shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; 
and they shall become one flesh 9 (Gen. ii. 24) . That it can be 
inspired into Christians, is evident from these words, 'Jesus said. 
Have not ye read, that He who made them from the beginning, 
made them male and female, and said, For this cause shall a man 
leave father and mother, and cleave to his wife; and they two 
shall become one flesh? Wherefore they are no longer two but 
one flesh 9 (Matt. xix. 4-6). So far in regard to the origin of con- 
jugial love. But as to the origin of the virtue or potency of truly 
conjugial love, we surmise that it proceeds from likeness of minds, 
and unanimity; for when two minds are conjugially conjoined, 
their thoughts spiritually kiss each other, and inspire into the 
body their virtue or potency." To this decision was subscribed 
the letter S. 

113. There were standing behind an oblong gallery in the 
palace, erected before the doors, some strangers from Africa, who 
cried out to the natives of Europe, "Permit one of us also to give 
his opinion on the origin of conjugial love, and on its virtue or 

And all the tables gave signs of assent with their hands that it 
should be allowed. 

Then one of them entered, and stood at the table on which the 
tiara was placed. He said, "You Christians deduce the origin of 
conjugial love from love itself; but we Africans deduce it from 
the God of heaven and earth. Is not conjugial love a chaste, pure, 
and holy love? Are not the angels of heaven in that love? Is not 
the whole human race, and thus the whole angelic heaven, the seed 
of that love? And can such a supereminent thing derive its 
existence from any other source than from God Himself, the 
Creator and Supporter of the universe? You Christians deduce 
conjugial virtue or potency from various rational and natural 
causes; but we Africans deduce it from the state of man's con- 
junction with the God of the universe. This state we call the state 
of religion, but you call it the state of the church ; for when the 
love is from that state, and is stable and perpetual, it must needs 
produce its own virtue, which is like it, and thus also is stable and 
perpetual. Truly conjugial love is known only to those few who 
are near to God; consequently the potency also of that love is 
known to no others. T^xis potency with that love is described by 
106 ' " 


the angels in the heavens as the delights of a perpetual spring." 

114. As he said these words, they all arose, and lo! behind 
the golden table on which lay the tiera, there appeared a window 
that had not been seen before; and through it was heard a voice, 
saying, "THE AFRICAN SHALL HAVE THE TIARA." The angel then 
placed it into his hand, but not upon his head; and he went home 
with it. 

The inhabitants of the kingdoms of Europe then went out and 
entered their chariots, in which they returned to their own homes. 

115. The second Memorable Relation: 

Awaking from sleep at midnight, I saw at some height toward 
the east an angel holding in his right hand a paper, which 
appeared in a bright whiteness by reason of the light flowing from 
the sun. In the middle of the paper there was a writing in golden 
letters, and I saw that there was written thereon, "THE MARRIAGE 
OF GOOD AND TRUTH." From the writing there darted forth a 
splendor which formed a wide circle around the paper: this circle 
or encompassing splendor appeared like the dawn in spring-time. 

After this I saw the angel descending with the paper in his 
hand; and as he descended the paper became less and less lucid, 
and the writing, which was "THE MARRIAGE OF GOOD AND TRUTH," 
changed from a golden into a silver colour, afterwards into a 
copper colour, next into an iron colour, and at length into the 
colour of iron and copper rust: and finally, the angel was seen 
to enter a dark mist, and pass through the mist to the earth ; and 
there the paper was not seen although the angel still held it in his 
hand. This happened in the state of spirits, in which all human 
beings first assemble after death. 

The angel then spoke to me, saying, "Ask those who come 
hither whether they see me, or anything in my hand." 

There came a great number; one company from the east, 
another from the south, another from the west, and another from 
the north; and I asked those who came from the east and from 
the south, who were those who in the natural world had applied 
themselves to learning, "Do you see any one here with me, and 
anything in his hand?" They all said that they saw nothing 
at all. 

I then put the same question to those who came from the west 
and from the north, who were those who in the natural world had 
believed in the words of the learned. These also said that they 
did not see anything: nevertheless the last of them, who in the 
natural state had been in simple faith from charity, or in some 
truth from good, when the rest were gone away, said that they saw 
a man (vir) with a paper, the man in a beautiful dress, and the 
paper with letters written upon it; and when they applied their 
eyes nearer to it, they said they read these words, ''The marriage 
of good and truth"; and they addressed the angel, entreating him 
to tell them what this meant. 



He said, "All things which exist in the whole heaven, and all 
things which exist in the whole world, are nothing else than a 
^marriage of good and truth; for all things whatsoever, both those 
' which live and possess a soul, and those who do not live, and do 
not possess a soul, were created from the marriage of good and 
truth, and into that marriage. There does not exist anything that 
has been created into truth alone, nor anything that has been 
created into good alone: solitary good or solitary truth is not 
anything; but by the means of marriage they come into existence 
and become such a thing as the marriage itself is. In the Lord 
the Creator there is Divine good and Divine truth in its very sub- 
stance; the Esse of His substance is Divine good, and its Existere 
is Divine truth ; in Him also they are in their very union ; for in 
Him they infinitely constitute a one. Since these two in the Creator 
Himself are a one, therefore also they are a one in each and all 
things that have been created by Him ; thereby also the Creator is 
conjoined in an eternal covenant as of marriage with all things 
created by Himself." The angel further said, that the Sacred 
Scripture, which has proceeded immediately from the Lord, is in 
general and in particular the marriage of good and truth; and 
since the church, which is formed by means of the truth of doc- 
trine, and religion, which is formed by means of the good of life 
according to the truth of doctrine, are, among Christians derived 
solely from the Sacred Scripture, therefore it may be manifest 
that the church in general and in particular is the marriage of 
good and truth (that this is the case may be seen in the Apocalypse 
Revealed, nos. 373, 483). What has just been said concerning 
the marriage of good and truth, is also said of the MARRIAGE OF 
CHARITY AND FAITH; for good belongs to charity, and truth to 

Some of those above-mentioned, who did not see the angel 
and the writing, being still near, and hearing these things, said in 
undertone, "That is so; we apprehend that." 

But the angel then said to them, "Turn aside a little from me, 
and speak in like manner." 

They turned aside and said aloud, "It is not so." 

After this the angel spoke of the MARRIAGE OF GOOD AND TRUTH 
with married partners, saying, that "if their minds were in that 
marriage, the husband being truth and the wife the good thereof, 
they would both be in the delights of the blessedness of innocence, 
and thence in the happiness in which the angels of heaven are; 
state., the prolific principle., of the husband would be 

4n a continual spring, and thus in the endeavor and power of 
propagating its truth, and the wife would be in a continual recep- 
tion thereof from love. The wisdom which is with men (viri) 
from the Lord, is sensible of nothing more delightful than to 
propagate its truths; and the love of wisdom which is with wives 
from the Lord is sensible of nothing more pleasant than to receive 
those truths as it were in the womb, and thus to conceive them, 


carry them in the womb, and bring them forth. Spiritual pro- 
lifications with the angels of heaven are of this sort; and if you 
are willing to believe it, natural prolifications also are from the 
same origin." 

The angel, after a salutation of peace, raised himself up from 
the earth, and passing through the mist ascended into heaven ; and 
then the paper shone as before according to the degrees of ascent ; 
and behold! the circle, which had before appeared as the dawn, 
descended, and dispelled the mist which had caused darkness on 
the earth, and a bright sunshine succeeded. 



116. THE reason why the marriage of the Lord and the church, 
together with its correspondence, is here also treated of, is, that 
without knowledge and intelligence on this subject, scarcely any 
one can know that conjugial love in its origin is holy, spiritual, 
and celestial, and that it is from the Lord. It is indeed said by some 
in the church, that marriages have relation to the marriage of the 
Lord with the church; but the quality of this relation is not 
known. In order therefore that this relationship may be exhibited 
in some light of the understanding so as to be seen, it necessary to 
treat particularly of that holy marriage which exists with and in 
those who are the Lord's church : these also, and no others, possess 
truly conjugial love. But for the elucidation of this arcanum, this 
chapter must be divided into the following articles: 

I. The Lord in the Word is called the Bridegroom and Hus- 
band, and the church the bride and wife; and the conjunction of 
the Lord with the church, and the reciprocal conjunction of the 
church with the Lord, is called Marriage. 

II. The Lord is also called the Father, and the church the 

III. The offspring from the Lord as the husband and father, 
and from the church as the wife and mother, are all spiritual ; and 
in the spiritual sense of the Word are meant by sons and daugh- 
ters, brothers and sisters, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, and 
by the other names of relationship. 

IV. The spiritual offspring, which are born from the marriage 
of the Lord with the church, are truths, from which there are 
understanding, perception, and all thought; and goods, from 
i$dch there are love, charity, and all affection. 

V. From the marriage of good and truth, which proceeds from 
the Lord, and flows in, man receives truth, and to this the Lord 
conjoins good; and thus the church is formed by the Lord with 

VI. The husband does not represent the Lord, and the wife 
the church; because both together, the husband and the wife, 
constitute the church. 

VII. Therefore there is no correspondence of the husband 
with the Lord, and of the wife with the church, in the marriages 
of the angels in the heavens, and of human beings on earth. 

VIII. But there is a correspondence with conjugial love, 
fecundation, prolification, the love of children, and similar things 
which are in marriages and from marriages. 



IX. The Word is the medium of conjunction, because it is 
from the Lord, and thus is the Lord. 

X. The church is from the Lord, and is with those who come 
to Him, and live according to His precepts. 

XL Conjugial love is according to the state of the church., 
because it is according to the state of wisdom, with man. 

XII. And, since the church is from the Lord, conjugial love 
also is from Him. 

Now follows the explanation of these articles. 



MARRIAGE. That the Lord in the Word is called the Bridegroom 
and Husband, and the church the bride and wife, may be manifest 
from the following passages: "He who hath the BRIDE is the bride- 
groom; but the friend of the BRIDEGROOM, who stand eth and 
heareth Him, rejoiceth with joy because of the BRIDEGROOM'S 
voice" (John iii. 29) ; this was said of the Lord by John the 
Baptist. "Jesus said, So long as the BRIDEGROOM is with them, 
the SONS OF THE WEDDING cannot fast: the days will come when 
the BRIDEGROOM will be taken away from them, and then they will 
fast" (Matt. ix. 15; Mark ii. 19, 19; Luke v. 34, 35). "I saw the 
holy city, New Jerusalem, prepared as a BRIDE adorned for HER 
HUSBAND" (Apoc. xxi. 2) : that by the New Jerusalem is meant the 
Lord's New Church, may be seen in the Apocalypse Revealed, 
nos. 880, 881 "The angel said to John, Come, and I will show thee 
the BRIDE, THE LAMB'S WIFE: and he showed him the Holy City, 
(New) Jerusalem", Apoc. xxi. 9, 10). "The time of the WEDDING 
OF THE LAMB is come, and His WIFE hath made herself ready. 
Blessed are those who are called to the supper or the WEDDING OF 
THE LAMB" (Apoc. xix. 7, 9). By the BRIDEGROOM, whom the 
five virgins that were ready went forth to meet, and with whom 
they entered in to the WEDDING (Matt xxv. 1-10) is meant the Lord, 
as is evident from verse 13, where it is said, "Watch, therefore; 
because ye know neither the day nor the hour in which the SON 
OF MAN will come." Besides many passages from the Prophets. 

CHURCH THE MOTHER. That the Lord is called the Father, is 
manifest from the following passages: "Unto us a Child is born; 
unto us a Son is given; and His name shall be called Wonderful, 
name is from eternity" (Isaiah Ixiii. 16). "Jesus saith, he that 
seeth ME, seeth the FATHER Who sent ME" (John xii. 45). "// 
ye had known ME ? ye had known My FATHER also; and hence- 
forth ye have known Him, and have seen Him" (John xiv. 7) . 
"Philip said, Show us the FATHER: Jesus said unto him, He that 



seeth Me, seeth the FATHER; how sayest thou then. Show us the 
FATHER?" (John xiv. 8, 9). "Jesus said, The FATHER and I are 
one" (John x. 30) . "All things that the FATHER hath are MINE" 
(John xvi. 15; chap. xvii. 10). "The FATHER is in ME, and I IN 
TTHE FATHER" (John x. 38; chap. xiv. 10, 11, 20). That the Lord 
and His Father are one, as the soul and the body are one, and 
that God the Father descended from heaven and assumed the 
Human, to redeem and save human beings, and that His Human 
is what is called the Son, who was sent into the world, has been 
fully shown in the Apocalypse Revealed. 

119. That the church is called the mother, is manifest from the 
following passages: "Jehovah said, contend with YOUR MOTHER: 
she is not MY WIFE, and I am not her HUSBAND" (Hosea ii. 2, 5). 
"Thou art thy MOTHER'S daughter, that loatheth her HUSBAND" 
(EzeL xvi. 45). "Where is the bill of thy MOTHER'S divorcement, 
whom I have put away?" (Isaiah I. 1). "Thy MOTHER was like a 
vine planted by the waters, bearing fruit" (Ezek. xix. 10) : these 
things are said of the Jewish church. "Jesus stretching out His 
hand to the disciples, said, MY MOTHER and My brethren are those 
who hear the Word of God, and do it" (Luke viii. 21 ; Matt. xii. 
48, 49; Mark iii. 33-35) : by the Lord's disciples is meant the 
church. "There was standing at the cross of Jesus, His mother: 
and Jesus, seeing His mother and the disciple whom He loved, 
standing by, saith unto His mother,, Woman, behold thy son: and 
He saith to the disciple, Behold thy mother: wherefore from that 
hour the disciple took her unto his own' (John xix. 25-27) : by 
this is meant that the Lord did not acknowledge Mary as a mother, 
but the church; wherefore He calls her not Woman, but the dis- 
ciple's mother. The reason why the Lord called her the mother 
of this disciple, or of John, was, that John represented the church 
as to the goods of charity, which are the church in very effect; 
therefore it is said that he took her unto his own. That Peter 
represented Truth and faith, James charity, and John the works 
of charity, see the Apocalypse Revealed, nos. 5, 6, 790, 798, 879 ; 
and that the twelve disciples together represented the church as to 
all its constituents, see nos. 233, 790, 903, 915. 



RELATIONSHIP. That no other than spiritual offspring are born of 
the church from the Lord, needs no demonstration, because reason 
sees it without ; for it is die Lord from Whom all good and truth 
proceeds, and it is the church which receives them and puts them 
into effect; and all the spiritual things of heaven and the church 
relate to good and truth. Hence it is that by sons and daughters 


in the Word, in its spiritual sense, are meant truths and goods; by 
sons, truths conceived in the spiritual man and born in the 
natural; and by daughters, goods in like manner: wherefore those 
who are regenerated by the Lord, are called in the Word sons of 
God, sons of the kingdom, born of Him: and the Lord called the 
disciples sons: by the male child that the woman brought forth, 
and that was caught up to God (Apoc. xii. 5) nothing else is 
signified; see the Apocalypse Revealed, no. 543. Since by daugh- 
ters are signified the goods of the church, therefore in the Word 
mention is so frequently made of the daughter of Zion, the 
daughter of Jerusalem, the daughter of Israel, and the daughter 
of Judah ; by whom is signified not any daughter, but the affection 
of good, which is an affection of the Church; see also the 
Apocalypse Revealed, no. 612. The Lord also calls those who are 
of His church, brethren and sisters (Matt. xii. 49; xxv. 40; xxviii. 
10; Mark iii. 35; Luke viii. 21). 

AND ALL AFFECTION. The reason why truths and goods are the 
spiritual offspring, which are born from the Lord by the church, 
is, that the Lord is good itself and truth itself, and these in Him 
are not two but one; also, that nothing can proceed from the 
Lord but what is in Him, and is Himself. That the marriage of 
good and truth proceeds from the Lord, and flows in with men, 
and is received according to the state of the mind and life of those 
who are of the church, was shown in the foregoing section on the 
"Marriage of Good and Truth." The reason why by means of 
truths man has understanding, perception, and all thought, and, 
by means of goods, love, charity, and all affection, is, that all 
things of man relate to truth and good; and there are two things 
in man which constitute him/tb^mll and the 'undemanding; the 
will is the receptacle of good, and the understanding is the recep- 
tacle of truth.' That love, charity, and affection belong to the will, 
and that perception and thought belong to the understanding, has 
no need of light from demonstration; for there is a light from the 
understanding itself by which this proposition is seen as soon as it 
is stated. 



FORMED BY THE LORD WITH MAN. The reason why man receives 
truth from the good and truth which proceed as a one from the 
Lord, is, that he receives this as his own, and appropriates it to 
himself as his own ; for he thinks truth as from himself, and like- 
wise speaks from it; and this takes place because truth is in the 



light of the understanding, and therefore he sees it; and whatever 
he sees in himself, or in his mind, he knows not whence it is ; for 
he does not see the influx, as he sees those things which come 
within the range of the sight of the eye; hence he supposes that 
it (the truth) is in himself. That it should appear thus, is given to 
man by the Lord, in order that he may be a man, and that he 
may have a reciprocal principle of conjunction. Add to this, that 
man is born a faculty of knowing, understanding, and becoming 
wise ; and this faculty receives truths, by means of which he has 
knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom: and since the female was 
created by means of the truth of the male, and is formed into the 
love thereof more and more after marriage, it follows, that she 
also receives her husband's truth in herself, and conjoins it with 
her own good. 

123. The reason why the Lord adjoins and conjoins good to 
the truths which man receives, is, that man cannot take good as 
of himself, for it is invisible to him, because it is not a matter of 
light, but of heat, and heat is felt and not seen. Wherefore, when 
a man sees truth in his thoughts, he seldom reflects upon the good 
which flows in from the love of the will into the truth, and gives 
it life. Neither does a wife reflect upon the good with her, but 
upon the inclination of her husband towards her, which is accord- 
ing to the .ascent of his understanding towards wisdom ; the good 
which is with her from the Lord, she applies, without the hus- 
band's knowing anything about that application. From these con- 
siderations, the Truth is now manifest, that man receives truth 
from the Lord, and that the Lord adjoins good to that truth, 
according to the application of the truth to use, consequently as 
the man is willing to think wisely, and hence to live wisely. 

124. The reason why the church is thus formed with man by 
the Lord, is, that he is then in conjunction with the Lord, in good 
from Him, and in truth as from himself. Thus man is in the Lord, 
and the Lord in him, according to the Lord's words in John 
xv. 4, 5. The case is similar if instead of good you say charity, 
and instead of truth, faith; because good belongs to charity, and 
truth belongs to faith. 



within the church, that as the Lord is the Head of the church, so 
the husband is the head of the wife: whence it would follow, that 
the husband represents the Lord, and the wife the church. But the 
Lord is the Head of the church; and man (homo), a man (vir) 
and a woman, are a church; and still more a husband and wife 
together. With these the church is first implanted in the man 
(vir) , and through the man in the wife, because the man receives 


the truth of the church with his understanding, and the wife 
receives it from the man. But if it happens contrariwise, it is not 
according to order; although it does sometimes happen so, but 
then it is with men (vir) who either are not lovers of wisdom, 
and consequently are not of the church, or else depend like slaves 
on the will of their wives. Something on this subject may be seen 
in the "Preliminaries", no. 21. 

% ,i i 



EARTH. This follows from what has just been said. To this never- 
theless it must be added, that it appears as if truth was the pri- 
mary of the church, because it is its first in time. It is in con- 
sequence of this appearance that the prelates of the church have 
given the palm to faith, which belongs to truth, in preference to 
charity, which belongs to good. The learned have likewise given 
the palm to thought, which belongs to the understanding, in 
preference to affection, which belongs to the will. Wherefore the 
knowledge of what the good of charity and the affection of the 
will are, lies deeply buried as in a tomb, and some even cast earth, 
upon them, as upon the dead, to prevent their rising again. That 
the good of charity nevertheless is the primary of the church, may 
be plainly seen by those who have not closed the way from heaven 
to their understandings, by confirmations in favour of faith, as the 
sole constituent of the church, and in favour of thought, as the 
sole constituent of man. Now, since the good of charity is from 
the Lord, and the truth of faith is with a man as from himself, and 
these two cause such a conjunction of the Lord with man, and of 
man with the Lord, as is understood by the Lord's words, that 
"He is in them and they in Him" (John xv. 4, 5), it is evident 
that this conjunction constitutes the church. 

These, however, are arcana of too deep a nature to enter the 
understanding with any degree of light, unless preceded by 
Knowledge about correspondence; nor is it possible to so explain 
them as to make them comprehensible, unless this knowledge be 
disclosed to the understanding. But what correspondence is, and 
that it is of natural things with spiritual things, has been abun- 
dantly shown in the A^calypse Revealed, also in the Axmna 
Celestia, and specifically in "the Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 
concerning the Sacred Scripture, and particularly in a Memorable 
Relation about it in the following pages (no. 532). Before some 
knowledge about it has been imbibed, only these few things shall 
be stated before the understanding, in a shade :-^$njugial love 
corresponds to the affection of genuine truth; its chastity, purity, 


and holiness; fecundation corresponds to the potency of truth; 
pxolification corresponds to the propagation of truth; and the love 
of children corresponds to the protection of truth and good. Now 
since truth with man appears as his own, and good is adjoined 
thereto by the Lord, it is evident that those correspondences are 
of the natural or external man with the spiritual or internal man. 
But some light shall be shed on these subjects in the Memorable 
Relations which follow. 

IT is FROM THE LORD, AND THUS is THE LORD. The reason why 
the Word is the medium of conjunction of the Lord with man, and 
of man with the Lord, is, that in its essence it is Divine truth 
united with Divine good, and Divine good united with Divine 
truth : that this union exists in each and all things of the Word in 
its celestial and spiritual sense, may be seen in the Apocalypse 
Revealed, nos. 373, 483, 689, 881; whence it follows, that the 
Word is the perfect marriage of good and truth ; and as it is from 
the Lord, and what is from Him is also Himself, it follows, that 
while a man reads the Word; and takes truths out of it, the Lord 
adjoins good. For man does not see the goods which affect him, 
because he reads the Word from the understanding, and the un- 
derstanding imbibes thence only such things as are its own, that is, 
truths. That good is adjoined to the truths by the Lord, the under- 
standing feels from the delight which flows in when it is enlight- 
ened. But this does not take place interiorly with any others ex- 
cept those who read the Word with the object of becoming wise; 
and they have the object of becoming wise who are willing to 
learn the genuine truths in the Word, and to form the church 
with themselves by means of these truths Whereas those who read 
the Word only with a view to gain the reputation of learning, and 
also those who read it from the opinion that the more reading or 
hearing of it inspires faith and conduces to salvation, do not re- 
ceive any good from the Lord: because the object of these latter is 
to save themselves by the mere expressions in the Word, in which 
there is nothing of truth; and the object of the former is to be 
distinguished for their learning; with which object there is not 
conjoined any spiritual good, but only the natural delight arising 
from worldly glory. As the Word is the medium of conjunction, 
it is therefore called the Old and New Covenant: and a covenant 
signifies conjunction. 



not denied at the present day that the church is the Lord's, and 
that, because it is the Lord's, it is from the Lord. The reason why 
it exists with those who approach Him is, that His church in the 
Christian world is from the Word: and the Word is from Him, 
and in such a manner from Him, that it is Himself: the Divine 


truth therein is united with the Divine good, and this also is the 
Lord. Nothing else is meant by the Word, "which was with 
God, and which was God; from which men have lift and light, 
and which was made flesh" (John i. 1-14) . Morover, the reason 
why the church exists with those who approach Him, is that it 
exists with those who believe on Him; and to believe that He 
is God the Saviour and Redeemer, Jehovah our Righteousness, 
that He is the Door through which we are to enter into the 
sheepfold, that is, into the church, that He is the way, the Truth, 
and the Life, and that no one comes to the Father but through 
Him, that the Father and He are one, besides many other things 
which He Himself teaches ; to believe these things, I say, no 
one is able except from Him ; and the reason why this is impos- 
sible unless He be approached, is, He is the God of heaven and 
earth, as He also teaches. Who else is to be approached, and who else, 
can be approached? The reason why the church exists with those- 
who live according to His precepts, is, that there is no conjunction 
with any others, for He says, "He who hath My precepts, and 
doeth them, he it is who loveth Me; and I will love him, and will 
make My abode with him, but he who doth not love Me, doth not 
keep My precepts" (John xiv. 21-24). Love is conjunction; and 
conjunction with the Lord is the church. 


MAN. That conjugial love is according to the state of wisdom with 
man, has been often said above, and will not often be repeated in 
the following pages: here therefore it shall be illustrated what 
wisdom is, and that it makes one with the church. 

With man there are knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom: 
knowledge (scientia) belong to Knowledges (cognitiones) , intelli- 
gence belongs to reason, and wisdom belongs to life. Wisdom, con- 
sidered in its fullness, belongs at the same time to Knowledges, 
reason, and life ; Knowledges precede, reason is formed by means 
of them, and wisdom by means of both ; as is the case when a man 
lives rationally according to the Truths which are Knowledges. 
Wisdom therefore belongs at the same time both to reason and to 
life, and it becomes wisdom when it belongs to reason and, hence 
to life ; but it is wisdom when it has become a matter of life and 
hence of reason. The Most Ancient people in this world acknowl- 
edged no other wisdom than the wisdom of life; this was the 
wisdom of those who were formerly called SOPHI: but the Ancient 
people, who succeeded the Most Ancient, acknowledged the wis- 
dom of reason as wisdom; and these were called PHILOSOPHERS. 
At the present day, however, many call even knowledge wisdom; 
for the learned, the erudite, and the merely knowing, are called 
wisej thus wisdom has fallen from its mountain top to its valley. 
But it shall be briefly stated what wisdom is in its rise, in its 
progress, and thence in its full state. The things which belong to 



the church, and are called spiritual things, reside in the inmosts 
with man; those which belong to the commonwealth, and are 
called civil things, hold a place below these; and those which be- 
long to science, experience, and art, and are called natural things, 
constitute their resting place. The reason why the things which 
belong to the church, and are called spiritual tilings, reside in the 
inmosts with man, is, that they conjoin themselves with heaven, 
and through heaven with the Lord ; for no other things enter with 
man from the Lord through heaven. The reason why the things 
which belong to the commonwealth, and are called civil things, 
occupy a place underneath spiritual things, is, that they are con- 
joined with the world, for they belong to the world; for they are 
statutes, laws, and rules, which bind men together, so that from 
them there may be formed a settled and well-organized society 
and state. The reason why the things which belong to science, ex- 
perience, and art, and are called natural things, constitute their 
basis or resting place, is, that they are closely conjoined with the 
five senses of the body; and these senses are the ultimates on 
which the interior things which belong to the mind, and the in- 
most things which belong to the soul, as it were sit or rest. Now, 
since the things which belong to the church, and are called spirit- 
ual things, reside in the inmosts, and the things which reside in 
the inmosts constitute the head, .and the succeeding things beneath 
them, which are called civil things, constitute the body, and the 
ultimate things, which are called natural things, constitute the feet, 
it is manifest, that when these three kinds of things follow in 
their order, the man is a perfect man ; for they then flow in the 
same manner as the things which belong to the head flow in into 
the body, and through the body into the feet; thus spiritual things 
flow in into civil things, and through civil things into natural 
things. Now, since spiritual things are in the light of heaven, it is 
evident that by their light they enlighten the things which follow 
in order, and by their heat, which is love, animate them; and 
when this is the case the man has wisdom. As wisdom belongs to 
life, and hence to reason, as was said above, it may be asked, 
What is wisdom of life? In a summary statement, it consists in 
shunning evils, because they are injurious to the soul, injurious to 
the commonwealth, and injurious to the body ; and in doing goods, 
because they are profitable to the soul, to the commonwealth, and 
to the body. This is the wisdom which is meant by the wisdom 
with which conjugial love binds itself; for it binds itself therewith 
by shunning the evil of adultery as the pestilence of the soul, of 
the commonwealth, and of the body; and since this wisdom 
springs from the spiritual things which belong to the church, it 
follows, that conjugial love is according to the state of the church, 
because it is according to the state of wisdom with man. By this 
is also meant, what has been repeatedly stated above, that in pro- 
portion as a man becomes spiritual, in the same proportion he is 
in truly conjugial love; for a man becomes spiritual by means of 


the spiritual things of the church. More about the wisdom with 
which conjugial love conjoins itself, may be seen below, nos. 163- 

JUGIAL LOVE ALSO is FROM HIM. As this follows as a consequence 
from what has been said above, I dispense with further confirma- 
tion of it. Moreover, that truly conjugial love is from the Lord, all 
the angels of heaven testify, and also that that love is according 
to the state of wisdom, and that the state of wisdom is according 
to the state of the church with them. That the angels of heaven 
testify those things is evident from the Memorable Relations an- 
nexed to the chapters, which are things that have been seen and 
heard in the spiritual world. 

132. To the above I shall add two Memorable Relations. The 
first is this : 

I was once speaking with two angels: one was from the eastern 
heaven, and the other from the southern heaven; who when they 
perceived that I was meditating on the arcana of wisdom relating 
to conjugial love, said, "Dost thou know anything about the 
SCHOOLS OF WISDOM in our worlds?" 

I replied, "Not as yet." 

And they said, "There are many; and those who love truths 
from spiritual affection, or because they are truths, and because 
they are the means of attaining wisdom, meet together on a given 
signal, and discuss and draw conclusions about such things as are 
matters of deeper understanding." 

They then took me by the hand, saying, "Follow us: and thou 
shalt see and hear: to-day the signal for meeting is given." 

I was led across a plain to a hill; and lo! at the foot of the 
hill was an avenue of palm trees continued even to its head; this 
avenue we entered, and ascended: on the head or top of the hill 
was seen a grove, the trees of which on an elevated piece of 
ground, formed as it were a lecture hall, within which was a level 
space paved with variously coloured stones; around it in a square 
form were placed seats, on which the lovers of wisdom were 
seated; and in the middle of the hall was a table on which was 
laid a sealed paper. 

Those who sat on the seats invited us to sit down where there 
was room: and I replied, "I was led here by the two angels to see 
and hear, and not to sit down." 

The two angels then went into the middle of the level space to 
the table, and broke the seal of the paper, and read, in the pres- 
ence of those who were seated, the arcana of wisdom written on 
the paper, which they were now to discuss and unfold. They had 
been written by angels of the third heaven, and let down upon the 
table. There were three arcana, FIRST, What is the image of 
God, and what the likeness of God, into which man was created? 



SECOND, Why is man not born into the knowledge of any love, 
when yet beasts and birds, both noble and ignoble, are born into 
the knowledges of all their loves? THIRD, What is signified by the 
tree of life, and what by the tree of the knowledge of good and 
evil, and what by eating of them? Under these was written, "Col- 
lect these three into one sentence, write it on a fresh sheet of 
paper, and place it on this table, and we shall see it: if the opin- 
ion on being weighed appear fairly balanced and just, a prize of 
wisdom shall be given to each of you." Having read out these two 
things, the two angels withdrew, and were taken up into their own 

Then those who sat on the seats began to discuss and unfold 
the arcana proposed to them; and they spoke in order, first those 
who sat towards the north, next those towards the west, afterwards 
those towards the south, and lastly those towards the east. They 
took up the first subject of discussion, which was, WHAT is THE 


WAS CREATED? But first, the following words from the Book of 
Creation were read out in the presence of them all : "God said, Let 
us make man into OUR IMAGE, according to OUR LIKENESS ; and God 
created man into His IMAGE; into the IMAGE OF GOD created He 
him" (Gen. 1. 26, 27). "In the day that God created man, into 
the LIKENESS OF GOD made He him" (Gen. v. 1). 

Those who sat towards the north spoke first, saying, "The 
image of God, and the likeness of God are the two lives breathed 
into man by God, which are the life of the will and the life of 
the understanding; for it is written, 'Jehovah God breathed into 
Adam's nostrils -the soul of LIVES; and man became a living soul 9 
((Jen. ii. 7) : into the nostrils denotes into the perception, that the 
will of good and the understanding of truth, and thus the soul of 
lives, was in him ; and since life from God was breathed into him, 
the image and likeness of God signify integrity from wisdom and 
love, and from justice and judgment in him." 

These sentiments were favoured by those who sat towards the 
west; only they added, that the state of integrity breathed in by 
God is continually breathed into every man since the first man; 
but that it is in man as in a receptacle; and man, as he is a re- 
ceptacle, is an image and likeness of God. 

After this, the third in order, who were those that were seated 
towards the south, said: "The image of God and the likeness of 
God are two distinct things; but in man they are united from 
creation; and we see, as from an interior light, that the image of 
God may be destroyed by man, but not the likeness of God. This 
appears as through a lattice from the fact that Adam retained the 
likeness of God after he had lost the image of God; for it is writ- 
ten after the curse, 'Behold the man is as one of us, knowing good 
and evil 9 (Gen. iii. 22) ; and afterwards he is called a likeness of 
God, and not an image of God (Gen. v. 1). But we will leave to 
our associates who sit towards the east, and are consequently in a 


higher light, to say what is properly meant by the image of God, 
and what by the likeness of God." 

And then, after silence had been obtained, those who sat to- 
wards the east arose up from their seats, and looked to the Lord, 
and afterwards sat down again, and said: "The image of God is 
the receptacle of God; and since God is love itself and wisdom it- 
self, the image of God is the receptacle of love and wisdom from 
God in man; but the likeness of God is the perfect likeness and 
full appearance, as if love and wisdom were in man, and therefore 
altogether as his own; for man feels no otherwise than that he 
loves from himself, and is wise from himself, or that he wills good 
and understands truth from himself; when nevertheless he does 
not in the least do so from himself, but from God. God alone 
loves from Himself and is wise from Himself, because God is love 
itself and wisdom itself. The likeness or appearance that love and 
wisdom, or good and truth, are in man as his own, causes man to 
be man, and makes him capable of being conjoined with God, and 
thereby of living to eternity: from which consideration it follows, 
that man is man from this circumstance, that he is able to will 
good and understand truth altogether as from himself, and yet 
know and believe that it is from God; for as he knows and be- 
lieves this, God places His image in him, which He could not do 
if the man believed that he did thus from himself and not from 

When they had said this, being overpowered with zeal from 
the love of Truth, they spoke as follows: "How can man receive 
anything of love and wisdom, and retain it, and reproduce it, un- 
less he feel it as his own? And how can there be conjunction with 
God through love and wisdom, unless there be given to man some 
reciprocality of conjunction? For without reciprocality no con- 
junction is possible; and the reciprocality of conjunction is, that 
man should love God, and be wise in the things which are of God, 
as from himself, .and yet believe that it is from God. Again, how 
can man live to eternity, unless he be conjoined with the eternal 
God? Consequently, how can man be man without that likeness of 
God in him? 

These words met with the approbation of all, and they said, 
Let the following conclusion be made from what has been said, 
"Man is a receptacle of God, and a receptacle of God is an image 
of God; and since God is love itself and wisdom itself, man is a 
receptacle of love and wisdom; and a receptacle becomes an 
image of God in proportion to reception. And man is a likeness 
of God from this, that he feels in himself that the things which 
are of God are in him as his own; but still from that likeness he 
is only so far an image of God as he acknowledges that love and 
wisdom, or good and truth, are not his own in him, and thus are 
not from him, but that they are only in God, and thus from God." 

133. After this, they took up the second subject of discussion, 





THE KNOWLEDGES OF ALL THEIR LOVES? They first confirmed the 
truth of the proposition by various considerations; as in regard 
to man, that he is born into no knowledge, not even into the 
knowledge of conjugial love; and they inquired, and were in- 
formed by those who had investigated the subject, that an infant 
from connate knowledge cannot even move itself to the mother's 
breast, but has to be moved thereto by the mother or nurse ; and 
that it knows only how to suck, and that it has acquired this in 
consequence of continual suction in the womb; and that after- 
wards it does not know how to walk, or to articulate sound into 
any human voice ; no, nor even to express by tone the eff ection of 
its love, as the beasts do ; and further, that it does not know what 
is salutary for it in the way of food, as all beasts do, but catches 
at whatever comes in its way, whether it be clean or unclean, and 
puts it into its mouth. Those who had investigated the matter said, 
that man without instruction does not even know the distinction of 
sex, and knows absoluely nothing of the ways of loving it; and 
that neither maidens nor young men have any knowledge thereof 
without instruction from others, notwithstanding their being edu- 
cated into various sciences. In a word, man is born corporeal like 
a worm ; and he remains corporeal, unless he learns to know, un- 
derstand, and be wise, from others. After this, they gave proof 
that beasts, both noble and ignoble, as the animals of the earth, 
the birds of the heaven, reptiles, fishes, the small creatures called 
insects, are born into all the knowledges of the loves of their life, 
as into the knowledge of all things relating to nourishment, to 
habitation, to sexual love and prolification, .and to the rearing of 
their young. This they confirmed by wonderful things which re- 
called to remembrance from things seen, heard, and read, in the 
natural world, (so they called our world in which they had form- 
erly lived) , in which there exist not representative but real beasts. 
When the truth of the proposition was thus fully proved, they 
exerted their minds to investigate and find out the ends and causes 
by which they might unfold and disclose this arcanum; and they 
said, that only from the Divine wisdom could these things exist, 
to the end that a man may be a man, and a beast a beast; and 
thus, that the imperfection of man at his birth becomes his per- 
fection, and the perfection of a beast at its birth is its imperfec- 

134. Those on the NORTH then began to declare their mind, 
and said, "A man is born without knowledges, in order that he 
may receive all knowledges; whereas if he were born into knowl- 
edges, he could not receive any but those into which he was born, 
and in this case neither could he appropriate .any to himself." 
This they illustrated by the following comparison: "A man when 
first born is like ground in which no seeds are implanted, but 


which nevertheless is capable of receiving all seeds, and of bring- 
ing them forth and fructifying them; whereas a beast is like 
ground already sown, and filled with grasses and herbs, which 
receives no other seeds than those which have been sown in it, or 
if it received any others it would choke them. Hence it is, that a 
man requires many years to grow to maturity ; during which time 
he can be cultivated like ground, and bring forth as it were grain, 
flowers, and trees of every kind ; whereas a beast arrives at matur- 
ity in a few years, during which it cannot be cultivated into any 
other faculties than those which are connate with it." 

Afterwards, those on the WEST spoke, and said, "Man is not 
born knowledge, as a beast is ; but he is born faculty and inclina- 
tion; faculty to know, and inclination to love; and he is born 
faculty not only to know but also to understand, and be wise: he 
is likewise born the most perfect inclination to love not only the 
things which are self and the world, but also those which are of 
God and heaven ; consequently man, by birth from his parents, is 
an organ which lives merely in the external senses, and at first not 
in any internal senses, to the end that he may successively become 
man, first natural, afterwards rational, and lastly spiritual ; which 
could not be the case if he was born into knowledges and loves, as 
the beasts are: for connate knowledges and affections limit that 
progression, but connate faculty .and inclination limit nothing; 
wherefore man is capable of being perfected in knowledge, intelli- 
gence, and wisdom, to eternity.' 

Those on the SOUTH next took up the discussion, and expressed 
their opinion, saying, "It is impossible for a man to take any 
knowledge from himself, since he has no connate knowledge ; but 
he may take it from others; and as he cannot take any knowledge 
from himself, so neither can he take any love, for where there is 
no knowledge there is no love; knowledge and love are insepar- 
able companions, and no more capable of separation than the will 
and understanding, or affection and thought, yea, no more than 
essence and form: wherefore, as a man takes knowledge from 
others, so love adjoins itself thereto as its companion. The uni- 
versal love which adjoins itself is the love of knowing, under- 
standing, and being wise ; this love belongs to man alone, and not 
to any beast, and it flows in from God. We agree with our com- 
panions from the west, that a man is not born into any love, and 
consequently not into any knowledge; but that he is only born 
into an inclination to love, and thence into a faculty to receive 
knowledges, not from himself, but from others, that is, through 
others : we say, through others, because neither have these received 
anything of knowledge from themselves, but from God. We agree 
also with our companions to the north, that a man when first born 
is like ground in which no seeds are sown, but in which .all seeds, 
both noble and ignoble, can be sown. To these considerations we 
add, that beasts are born into natural loves, and consequently into 
knowledges corresponding to them; and that yet they do not at all 



know, think, understand, and possess wisdom from knowledges, 
but are led by means of them by their loves, almost as blind men 
are led through the streets by dogs, for as to understanding they 
are blind; or rather like sleep-walkers, who do what they do from 
blind knowledge, while the understanding is asleep." 

Lastly, those on the EAST spoke, and said, "We agree with what 
our brethren have said, that man knows nothing from himself, but 
from others and through others, to the end that he may know and 
acknowledge that everything which he knows and understands, and 
as to which he is wise, is from God ; and that a man cannot other- 
wise be conceived, born, and generated of the Lord, and become 
an image and likeness of Him. For he becomes an image of the 
Lord by acknowledging and believing that he has received and 
does receive from the Lord, all >the good of love and charity, and 
all the truth of wisdom and faith, and not the least portion thereof 
from himself; and he becomes a likeness of the Lord by his feel- 
ing those things in himself, as from himself. This he feels, because 
he is not born into knowledges, but receives them; and what he 
receives, appears to him as if it were from himself. To feel thus 
is also given to man by the Lord, to the end that he may be a man 
and not a beast, since by willing, thinking, loving, knowing, un- 
derstanding, and being wise, as from himself, he receives knowl- 
edges, and exalts them into intelligence, and, through the uses .of 
them, into wisdom. Thus the Lord conjoins man with Himself, 
and a man conjoins himself with the Lord. This could not have 
been the case, unless it had been provided by the Lord, that man 
should be born in total ignorance." 

When they had said this, it was- the desire of all present, that 
a conclusion should be formed from what had been discussed; 
and the following was made: "That a man is born into no knowl- 
edge, in order that he may come into all knowledge, and advance 
into intelligence, and through this into wisdom; and that he is 
born into no love, in order that he may come into all love, by 
applications of the knowledges from intelligence, and into love to 
the Lord through love towards the neighbor, and may thereby be 
conjoined with the Lord, and. thereby become a man and live to 

1 35. After this they took the paper, and read the third subject 
of discussion, which was, WHAT is SIGNIFIED BY THE TREE OF LIFE, 


WHAT BY EATING THEREOF? and all requested that those who were 
from the east would unfold this arcanum, because it was a matter 
of a deeper understanding; and because those who are from the 
east are in flaming light, that is, in the wisdom of love; and this 
wisdom is meant by the garden of Eden, in which those two trees 
were placed. 

They replied, "We will state the matter; but, as man does not 
take anything from himself but from the Lord, therefore we will 


state it from Him; but yet from ourselves as of ourselves." And 
then they said, "A tree signifies a man, and the fruit thereof the 
good of life; hence by the tree of life is signified a man living 
from God, or God living in man; and since love and wisdom, and 
charity and faith, or good and truth, constitute the life of God in 
man, therefore these are signified by the tree of life, and hence 
man has eternal life: the like is signified by the tree of life, of 
which it will be given to eat (Apoc. ii. 7; chap. xxii. 2, 14). By 
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is signified a man who 
believes that he lives from himself and not from God; thus that 
in man love and wisdom, charity and faith, that is, good and 
truth, are his own and not God's ; believing this, because he thinks 
and wills, and speaks and acts, to all likeness and appearance as 
from himself: and as a man from this faith persuades himself, 
that God has imparted Himself, or infused His Divine into him, 
therefore the serpent said, 'God doth know, in the day that ye eat 
of the fruit of that tree your eyes will be opened, and ye shall be 
as God, knowing good and evil 9 (Gen. iii. 5). By eating of those 
trees is signified reception and appropriation; by eating of the 
tree of life, the reception of eternal life, and by eating of the tree 
of the knowledge of good and evil, the reception of damnation; 
therefore also both Adam and his wife, together with the serpent, 
were cursed. By the serpent is meant the devil as to the love of 
.self and the conceit, of self -intelligence. This love is the possessor 
of that tree; and the men who are in conceit from that love, are 
those trees. They, therefore, are in enormous error who believe 
that Adam was wise and did good from himself, and that this was 
his state of integrity; when yet Adam himself was cursed on ac- 
count of that belief; for this is signified by eating of the tree of 
the knowledge of good and evil ; wherefore he then fell from the 
state of integrity in which he had been in consequence of believ- 
ing that he was wise and did good from God, and not at all from 
himself; for this is meant by eating of the tree of life. The Lord 
alone, when He was in the world, was wise from Himself and did 
good from Himself; because the Divine Itself from birth was in 
Him and was His own; wherefore also from His own proper 
power He became the Redeemer and Saviour." 

From all these considerations they came to this conclusion, 
"That by the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good 
and evil, and by eating thereof, is signified that life for man i&- 
God in him, and that then he has heaven and eternal life ; but that 
death for man is the persuasion and belief that life for him is not 
God but himself; whence he has hell and eternal death, which is 



136. After this they looked at the paper left by the angels 
upon the table, and saw written underneath, COLLECT THESE 
THREE INTO ONE SENTENCE. Then they collected them, and 
saw that those three cohered in one series, and that the series or 



sentence was this, '"That man was created to receive love and wis- 
dom from God, and yet to all likeness as from himself; and this 
for the sake of reception and conjunction: and that therefore a 
man is not born into any love, or into any knowledge, and also 
not into any power of loving and becoming wise from himself; 
wherefore if he ascribes all the good of love and truth of wisdom 
to God, he becomes a living man ; but if he ascribes them to him- 
self, he becomes a dead man." 

These words they wrote on a fresh piece of paper, and placed 
it on the table: and lo! on a sudden the angels were present in 
bright light, and carried the paper away into heaven. 

And after it had been read there, those who sat on the seats 
heard from thence voices saying: "Well, well, well;" and in- 
stantly there appeared one angel as it were flying from heaven, 
with two wings about his feet, and two about his temples, having 
in his hand prizes, consisting of robes, caps, and wreaths of 
laurel; and he let himself down, and gave to those who sat to- 
wards the north robes of an opaline colour, to those who sat 
towards the west robes of a scarlet colour; to those who sat to- 
wards the south caps whose borders were adorned with fillets of 
gold and pearls, and the upper part of the left side with diamonds 
cut in the form of flowers; but to those who sat towards the east 
he gave wreaths of laurel in which there were rubies and 
sapphires. Then all of them, adorned with these prizes, went home 
from the school of wisdom ; and when they showed themselves to 
their wives, their wives came to meet them, being adorned also 
with the ornaments given to them from heaven, at which circum- 
stance their husbands wondered. 

137. The second Memorable Relation: 

When I was meditating on conjugial love, lo! there appeared 
at a distance two naked little children with baskets in their hands, 
and turtle doves flying around them, and when they were nearer, 
they seemed as if they were naked, and becomingly adorned with 
garlands ; chaplets of flowers adorned their heads, and festoons of 
lilies and roses of a hyacinthine colour, hanging obliquely from 
the shoulders to the loins, adorned their bosoms; and round about 
both of them there was as it were a comman band woven of small 
leaves interspersed with olives. But when they came nearer, they 
did not appear as little children, nor naked, but as two human 
beings in the first flower of age, wearing robes and vests of shin- 
ing silk, in which there were woven flowers most beautiful to be- 
hold; and when they were near me, there breathed forth from 
heaven through them a vernal heat, with a fragrant odour, like 
that which arises from the earliest spring flowers in gardens and 
fields. They were two married partners from heaven. They then 
accosted me; and because I was thinking about what I had just 
seen, they inquired, "What didst thou see?" 

And when I told them that at first they appeared to me as 



naked little children, afterwards as little children adorned with 
garlands, and lastly as grown-up persons arrayed in garments in- 
terwoven with flowers, and that instantly there breathed on me a 
vernal influence with its delights, they smiled pleasantly, and 
said, "In the way we did not seem to ourselves as little children, 
nor naked, nor adorned with garlands, but constantly in the same 
appearance as now: thus at a distance was represented our con- 
jugial love; its state of innocence by our appearing like naked 
little children, its delights by the garlands, and the same delights 
now by the flowers woven in our robes and vests; and as thou 
saidst that, as we approached, a vernal heat, with its pleasant 
fragrance as from a garden, breathed on thee, we will explain the 
reason of all this." 

So they said, "We have now been married partners for ages, 
and constantly in the flower of age in which thou now seest us. 
Our first state was like the first state of a virgin and a bachelor, 
when they become consociated in marriage ; and we then believed, 
that this state was the very blessedness of our life; but we were 
informed by others in our heaven, and have since perceived our- 
selves, that it was a state of heat not tempered with light; and 
that it is successively tempered in proportion as the husband is 
perfected in wisdom, and the wife loves that wisdom in the hus- 
band; and that this is effected by means of, and according to, the 
uses which both, by mutual aid, perform in the society; also that 
delights succeed according to the due proportion of heat and 
light, or of wisdom and its love The reason why, when we ap- 
proached, there breathed on thee as it were a vernal heat, is, that 
conjugial love and that heat act as one in our heaven; for heat 
with us is love, and the light, with which the heat is united, is 
wisdom ; and use is as it were the atmosphere which contains both 
in its bosom. What are heat and light without that which contains 
them? And so" what are love and wisdom without their use? 
There is no conjugial principle in them, because the subject in 
which they might be does not exist. In heaven, where there is 
vernal heat, there is truly conjugial love; because the vernal heat 
exists only where heat is equally united with light, or where heat 
and light are in equal proportion; and it is our opinion, that as 
heat is delighted with light, and light in return with heat, so love 
is delighted with wisdom, and wisdom, in return, with love." 

He further said, "With us in heaven there is perpetual light, 
and never the shades of evening, still less is there darkness, be- 
cause our sun does not set and rise like yours, but remains con- 
stantly in a middle altitude between the zenith and the horizon, 
which, as you express it, is at an elevation of 45 degrees. Hence 
it is, that the heat and light proceeding from our sun cause per- 
petual spring, and that a perpetual vernal influence breathes into 
those with whom love is united with wisdom in equal proportion ; 
and our Lord, through the eternal union of heat and light, breathes 
forth nothing but uses. Hence also come the germinations of your 



Earth, and the pairing of your birds and animals in time of 
spring; for the vernal heat opens their interiors even to the in- 
mosts, which are called their souls, and affects them, and imparts 
to them its conjugial principal, and causes their (principle of) 
prolification to come into its delights, in consequence of a con- 
tinual endeavor to produce fruits of use, which use is the propa- 
gation of their kind. But with men there is a perpetual influx of 
vernal heat from the Lord; wherefore they are capable of enjoy- 
ing marriage delights at all times, even in the midst of winter; 
for men (viri) were created receptions of light, that is, of wisdom 
from the Lord, and women were created receptions of heat, that 
is, of the love of the wisdom of the man (vir) from the Lord. 
Hence then it is, that, as we approached, there breathed on thee a 
vernal heat with a sweet fragrance, like that from the earliest 
spring flowers in gardens and fields." 

As he said this, the man (vir) gave me his right hand, and 
conducted me to houses where there were married partners in a 
like flower of age as himself and his partner; and he said, "These 
wives, who now seem like virgins, were in the world infirm old 
women; and their husbands, who now seem like youths, were in 
the natural world decrepit old men; and all of them have been 
restored by the Lord to this flower of age, because they mutually 
loved each other, and from religion shunned scortations as enor- 
mous sins:" and he said, "No one knows the blessed delights of 
conjugial love, except he who rejects the horrid delights of scorta- 
tion ; and no one is able to reject these delights, except he who is 
wise from the Lord; and no one is wise from the Lord unless he 
does uses from the love of uses." 

I also saw on this occasion their household utensils, which 
were all in celestial forms, and glittered with gold, which had a 
flaming appearance by reason of the rubies with which they were 



138. As I am, as yet, only just beginning to treat of conjugial 
love in detail, and as conjugial love cannot be cognized in detail, 
except indistinctly, and thus obscurely, unless its opposite, which 
is the unchaste, also in some manner appear ; and as this unchaste 
appears in some measure, or in shade, when the chaste is described 
together with the non-chaste, non-chastity being only the removal 
of what is unchaste from what is chaste; (therefore I will now 
proceed to treat of the chaste and the non-chaste). But the un- 
chaste which is altogether opposite to the chaste, is treated of 
in the latter part of this Work, where it is described in its full- 
ness, and with its varieties, under the title "The Pleasures of 
Insanity relating to Scortatory Love." But what the chaste is, and 
what the non-chaste, and with what persons each of these exists, 
shall be illustrated in the following order: 

I. The chaste and the non-chaste are predicated only of mar- 
riages, and of such things as belong to marriage. 

II. The chaste is predicated only of monogamous marriages, 
or of the marriage of one man with one wife. 

III. The Christian conjugial (principle) alone is chaste. 
X-. Truly conjugial love is chastity itself. 

, AIL ^, delights of truly conjugal . love, ,&Hft, the ultimate 

VI. With those who are made spiritual by the Lord, conjugal 
love is more and more purified and made chaste. 

VII. The chastity of marriage comes into existence by means 
of a total renunciation of scortations on account of religion. 

VIII. Chastity cannot be predicated of little children, nor of 
boys and girls, nor of youths and maidens before they feel in 
themselves sexual love. 

IX. Chastity cannot be predicated of eunuchs so born, nor of 
eunuchs so made. 

X. Chastity cannot be predicated of those who do not believe 
scortations to be evils of religion; and still less of those who do 
not believe scortatory love to be hurtful to society. 

XL Chastity cannot be predicated of those who abstain from 
scortations only for various external reasons. 

XII. Chastity cannot be predicated o,f those who believe, mar- 
riages to be unchaste. 

XIII. Chastity cannot be predicated of those who have re- 
nounced marriages by vowing perpetual celibacy, unless there 
be and remain in them the love of a truly conjugial life. 

XIV. The state of marriage is to be preferred to the state of 



Now follows an explanation of these articles. 

RIAGE. The reason is, that truly conjugial love is chastity itself, 
as now follows, and the love opposite to it, which is called scor- 
tatory, is unchastity itself; so far therefore as any one is purified 
from the latter love, so far he is chaste, for so far the opposite, 
which is destructive of chastity, is taken away; whence it is 
evident that the purity of conjugial love is what is called chastity. 
There exists, however, a conjugial love which is not chaste, and 
yet it is not unchastity, as, for example, that between married 
partners who for various external reasons, abstain from the 
effects of lasciviousness so far as not to think about them; yet if 
that love is not purified in their spirits, it is still not chaste; its 
form is chaste, but it has not a chaste essence in it. 

140. The reason why the chaste and the non-chaste are predi- 
cated of such things as belong to marriage, is, that the conjugial 
principle is inscribed on both sexes from the inmosts to the 
ultimates; and a man as to his thoughts and affections, and con- 
sequently inwardly as to his bodily actions and behavior, is 
according thereto. That this is the case appears more evidently 
from such as are unchaste. The unchaste element that is seated in 
their minds is heard from the tone of their voice in conversation, 
and from their applying whatever is said, even though it be 
chaste, to wanton things; (the tone of the voice is from the affec- 
tion of the will, and the voice or speech itself is from the thought 
of the understanding;) which is a proof that the will, with every- 
thing belonging to it, and the understanding, with everything 
belonging to it, consequently the whole mind, and hence every- 
thing of the body, from the inmosts to the ultimates, abound with 
unchaste elements. I have heard from the angels that, with the 
greatest hypocrites, the unchaste is perceivable from hearing their 
conversation, however chastely they may talk, and is also felt 
from the sphere that issues from them; which circumstance also 
is a proof that unchastity resides in the inmosts of their minds, 
and hence in the inmosts of their bodies, and that these inmosts 
are exteriorly covered over like a shell painted with figures of 
various colours. That a sphere of lasciviousness issues forth from 
those who are unchaste, is evident from the statutes among the 
sons of Israel, that everything should be unclean that was merely 
touched with the hand of those who were defiled by such im- 
purities. From these considerations it may be concluded that the 
case is similar with those who are chaste, namely, that with them 
each and all things are chaste from the inmosts to the ultimates, 
and that this is effected by the chastity of conjugial love. Hence 
it is, that in the natural world it is said that to the clean all things 
, and to the unclean all things are unclean. 





The reason why what is chaste is predicated of these only is, that 
with them conjugial love does not reside in the natural man, 
but enters into the spiritual man, and successively opens to itself 
a way to the spiritual marriage itself, which is the marriage of 
good and truth, which is its origin, and conjoins itself therewith; 
for that love enters according to the increase of wisdom, and this 
increase is according to the implantation of the church by the 
Lord, .as has been shown above in many places. This cannot be 
effected with polygamists, for they divide conjugial love, and this 
love, when divided, is not unlike sexual love, which in itself is 
natural. But on this subject something worthy of attention will 
be seen in the section on "Polygamy". 

CHASTE. The reasons are, that truly conjugial love keeps pace 
with the state of the church in man, and, that the state of the 
church is from the Lord, as has been shown in the foregoing 
section (nos. 130, 131), and elsewhere; also, that the church in 
its genuine truths is in the Word, and the Lord is present there 
in those truths. From these considerations it follows, that the 
chaste conjugial principle exists nowhere but in the Christian 
world, and that, if it does not exist, still there is a possibility of 
its existing. B^the Christian conjugial principle is meant the 
,marriage of one wan with.ojoeLwJfe. This conjugial principle can 
become implanted in Christians, and transmitted hereditarily into 
the offspring from parents who are in truly conjugial love, and 
that, from it, both the faculty and inclination to become wise in 
the things which belong to the church and heaven may become 
connate, will be seen in its proper place. That Christians, if they 
marry more wives than one, commit not only natural scortation, 
but also spiritual scortation, will be shown in the section on 

reasons are, 1. That it is from the Lord, and corresponds to the 
marriage of the Lord and the church. 2. That it descends from 
the marriage of good and truth. 3. That it is spiritual, in pro- 
portion as the church is with man. 4. That it is the fundamental 
love, and the head of all celestial and spiritual loves. 5. That it 
is the legitimate seminary of the human race, and thence of the 
angelic heaven. 6. That on this account it also exists with the 
angels of heaven, and from it with them there are born spiritual 
offspring, which are love and wisdom. 7. And that thus its use is 
more excellent than the other uses of creation. From these con- 
siderations it follows, that truly conjugial love, considered from 
its origin and in its essence, is so pure and holy, that it may be 
called purity and holiness, consequently chastity itself; but that 



nevertheless it is not altogether pure, either with man or angels, 
may be seen below in article VL, No. 146. 

THE ULTIMATE ONES, ARE CHASTE. This follows from what was 
explained above, that truly conjugial love is chastity itself; more- 
over, delights constitute the life of that love. That the delights of 
this love ascend and enter heaven, and in the way pass through 
the delights of the heavenly loves in which the angels of heaven 
are; as also that they conjoin themselves with the delights of the 
conjugial love of the angels, has been mentioned above. Moreover, 
I have heard from the angels, that they perceive those delights 
with themselves to be exalted and fulfilled, when they ascend from 
chaste married partners in the natural world; and for the sake 
of some bystanders who were unchaste, on the question being put 
whether (this is the case as to) the ultimate delights also, they 
signified assent by nodding, and said silently, "How should it be 
otherwise? Are not these the delights of truly conjugial love in 
their fullness?" The origin and quality of the delights of this 
love, may be seen above, no. 69; and also in the Memorable 
Relations, especially in those which follow. 

The reasons are, 1. That the first love, by which i& meant the love 
previous to the wedding, and immediately after the wedding, par- 
takes somewhat of sexual love, and thus of the ardour belonging 
to the body not as yet moderated by the love of the spirit. 2. That 
man from natural successively becomes spiritual ; for he becomes 
spiritual in the proportion in which his Rational, which is the 
medium between heaven and the natural world, begins to derive 
a soul from the influx out of heaven, which is the case in the 
proportion in which it is affected and gladdened by wisdom (con- 
cerning which wisdom see above, no. 130) ; and in proportion as 
this is done, in the same proportion his mind is elevated into a 
higher aura, which is the continent of the heavenly light and 
heat, or, what is the same, of the wisdom and love, in which the 
angels are; for heavenly light acts in unity with wisdom, and 
heavenly heat with love; and in proportion as wisdom and the 
love of it increase with married pairs, in the same proportion the 
conjugial love with them is purified; and as this is effected suc- 
cessively, it follows that conjugial love is made more and more 
chaste. This spiritual purification may be compared with the 
purification of natural spirits, which is effected by the chemists, 
and is called defecation, rectification, castigation, cohabitation, in- 
tensification, decantation, and sublimation: and wisdom purified 
may be compared with alcohol, which is spirit most highly 
rectified. 3. Now, as spiritual wisdom in itself is such that it 
grows warmer with the love of becoming wise, and by virtue of 



this love grows to eternity; and as this is effected in proportion 
as it is perfected, as it were by defecations, castigations, rectifica- 
tions, intensifications, decantations, and sublimations, and as these 
latter processes are effected by the freeing and withdrawing of the 
understanding from the fallacies of the senses, and of the will 
from the allurements of the body, it is evident that conjugial love, 
whose parent is wisdom, is in like manner made successively more 
and more pure, and thus chaste. That the first state of love 
between married partners is a state of heat not yet tempered by 
light, but that it is successively tempered in proportion as the 
^ husband is perfected in wisdom, and the wife loves the wisdom 
in her husband, may be seen in the Memorable Relation, no. 137. 

146. It should, however be known, that altogether chaste or 
pure conjugial love does not exist either with men or with angels; 
there is still something not chaste or not pure which adjoins or 
subjoins itself to it; but this is of a different nature from that 
which gives rise to what is unchaste: for with them the chaste is 
above and the non-chaste beneath, and there is as it were a door 
with a hinge interposed by the Lord, which is opened by deter- 
mination, and is carefully prevented from standing open, lest the 
one principle should pass into the other, and they should mix 
together. For the natural of man from birth is contaminated 
and surcharged with evils ; whereas his spiritual is not so, because 

.its birth is from the Lord, for this is regeneration: and regenera- 
tion is a successive separation from the evils which are ingrained 
in the inclinations from birth. That no love with either men or 
angels is altogether pure, or can become so, but that the end, 
purpose, or intention of the will, is primarily regarded by the 
Lord, and that thereby so far as a man is in the end, purpose, or 
intention, and perseveres therein, so far he is initiated into purity, 
and so far he progressively approaches towards purity, see above 
at no. 71. 



OF RELIGION. The reason is, that chastity is the removal of un- 
chastity; for it is a universal rule that in proportion as any one 
removes evil, so far an opportunity is given for good to succeed 
in its place; and further, in proportion as evil is hated, good is 
loved; and also contrariwise; consequently, in proportion as scor- 
tatory love is renounced, the chastity of marriage enters in. That 
conjugial love is purified and rectified according to the renuncia- 
tion of scortations, every one sees from common perception as 
soon as it is stated and heard, thus before confirmations; but as 
all have not common perception, it is of importance that the sub- 
ject should also be illustrated by means of confirmations. These 
confirmations are, that conjugial love becomes cold as soon as it 
is divided, and this coldness causes it to perish; for the heat of 



unchaste love extinguishes it; for two opposite heats cannot exist 
together, for one must needs reject the other and deprive it of its 
power. When therefore the heat of conjugial love removes and 
cases away the heat of scortatory love, conjugial love begins to 
grow pleasantly warm, and from a sense of its delights to bud 
and flourish, like an orchard and rose-garden in spring time; the 
latter from the vernal temperateness of the light and heat from 
the sun of the natural world, but the former from the vernal 
temperateness of the light and heat from the sun of the spiritual 

148. There is implanted in every man from creation, and con- 
sequently from birth, an internal conjugial, and an external con- 
jugial (principle). The internal is spiritual, and the external 
natural. Man comes first into the latter, and as he becomes spir- 
itual, he comes into the former. If, therefore, he remains in the 
external or natural conjugial, the internal or spiritual conjugial is 
veiled or covered over until he knows nothing about it, yea, until 
he calls it an empty idea. But if a man becomes spiritual, he then 
begins to know something about it, and afterwards to perceive 
something of its quality, and successively to feel its pleasant- 
nesses, delights, and deliciousnesses ; and in proportion as this is 
the case, the veil or covering between the external and internal, 
spoken of above, begins to be attenuated, and afterwards as it 
were to melt, and lastly to be dissolved and dissipated. When this, 
effect has taken place, the external conjugial remains; but it is 
continually purged and purified from its dregs by the internal; 
and this until the external becomes as it were the face of the 
internal, and derives its delight from the blessedness which is in 
the internal, and at the same time its life, and the delights of its 
potency. Such is the renunciation of scortations, by means of 
which the chastity of marriage comes into existence. It may be 
imagined, that the external conjugial, which remains after the 
internal has separated itself from it, or it from itself, is like the 
external not separated: but I have heard from the angels that 
they are utterly unlike; for that the external from the internal, 
which they called the external of the internal, was devoid of all 
lasciviousness, because the internal cannot be lascivious, but can 
only be chastely delighted, and that it imparts the same disposi- 
tion to its external, wherein it feels its own delights. The case is 
altogether otherwise with the external separated from the internal ; 
this, they said, was lascivious in the whole and in every part. They 
compared the external conjugial from the internal to excellent 
fruit, whose pleasant taste and flavour insinuate themselves into 
its rind or skin, and form this into correspondence with them- 
selves. They also compared the external conjugial from the in- 
ternal to a granary, whose store is never diminished, but is 
constantly being renewed in proportion as it is drawn upon ; and 
they compared the external, separate from the internal, to wheat 


in a winnowing shovel, for when it is cast forth all around, the 
chaff only remains, which is dispersed by the wind. Thus it is 
with conjugial love, unless the scortatory principle be renounced. 

149. The reason why the chastity of marriage does not come 
into existence through the renunciation of scortations, unless this 
renunciation be made on account of religion, is, that without 
religion man does not become spiritual, but remains natural, and 
if the natural man renounces scortations, still his spirit does not 
renounce them ; and thus, although it seems to himself that he is 
chaste through that renunciation, still unchastity lies hidden with- 
in like corrupt matter in a wound which is only outwardly healed. 
That conjugial love is according to the state of the church with 
man, see above, no. 130. More on this subject may be seen in the 
exposition of article XL, below. 



that the chaste and the unchaste are predicated only of marriages, 
and of such things as belong to marriage (see above, no. 139) ; 
and with those who know nothing of the things belonging to 
marriage, there is no predication of chastity, for it is as nothing 
with them, and of nothing there can be no affection of thought; 
but after that nothing there arises something, when the first of 
marriage is felt, which is sexual love. That maidens and youths, 
before they feel in themselves sexual love, are commonly called 
chaste, is owing to ignorance of what chastity is. 

BORN, NOR OF EUNUCHS SO MADE. By eunuchs so bora are meant 
those especially with whom the ultimate of love is wanting from 
birth ; and as in such a case the first and the mediate are without 
a foundation on which they may subsist, they have therefore no 
existence; and if they exist, the persons in whom they exist have 
no concern to distinguish between the chaste and the unchaste, for 
both principles are indifferent to them; but of these persons there 
are several kinds. The case is nearly the same with eunuchs so 
made as with eunuchs so born ; but with eunuchs so made, because 
they are both men and women, cannot possibly regard conjugial 
love any otherwise than as a phantasy, and the delights of it as 
fables. If they have any inclination, it is rendered of neuter 
quality, which is neither chaste nor unchaste; and what is neither 
chaste nor unchaste, derives no denomination from either the one 
or the other. 





TO SOCIETY. The reason why chastity cannot be predicated of 
these is, that they do not know what chastity is, nor even that it 
exists ; for chastity belongs to marriage, as was shown in the first 
article of this chapter Those who do not believe scortations to be 
evils of religion, make even marriages unchaste, when yet the 
religion with married partners constitutes their chastity; thus such 
persons have nothing chaste in them, wherefore it is in vain to 
talk to them of chastity; these are scortators from confirmation. 
But those who do not believe scortations to be hurtful to society, 
know still less than the others, either what chastity is, or even that 
it exists: for they are scortators from set purpose. If they say that 
marriages are less unchaste than scortatory loves, they say so 
merely with the mouth, but not with the heart, because marriages 
with them are cold, and those who speak from this cold concern- 
ing chaste heat, cannot have an idea of chaste heat with reference 
to conjugial love. The quality of these persons, and the quality 
of the ideas of their thought, and hence the quality of the interiors 
of their speech, will be seen in the Second Part of this Work, 
which treats of the Insanities of Scortators. 


REASONS. Many believe that the mere abstinence from adulteries 
in the body is chastity, when yet this is not chastity, unless at the 
same time there is abstinence in the spirit. The spirit of man, by 
which is here meant his mind as to the affections and thoughts, 
makes what is chaste and what is unchaste, for it is from the mind 
that what is chaste and what is unchaste is in the body; for the 
body is altogether such as the mind or spirit is. Hence it follows, 
that neither they who obstain from scortations in the body and not 
from the spirit, nor they who abstain from them in spirit from 
the sensuous mind, are chaste. There are many causes which make 
a man desist from the adulterous loves of the lower mind, and 
also in the spirit from the body; but still, he who does not desist 
from them in the natural mind from the spirit, is unchaste ; for the 
Lord says, "That whosoever looketh upon another man's woman, 
so as to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her 
in his heart" (Matt. v. 28). It is impossible to enumerate all the 
causes of abstinence from scortatory loves originating in the 
sensuous mind only, for they are various according to states of the 
marriage, and also according to states of the body; for there are 
some persons who abstain from them from fear of the civil law 
and its penalties ; some from fear of the loss of reputation and of 
honour thence; some from fear of diseases which may be thereby 
contracted; some from fear of domestic quarrels on the part of 
the wife, whereby the quiet of their lives may be disturbed ; some 
from fear of revenge on the part of the husband or relations; 
some from fear of being beaten or whipped by the servants of the 
familv: some also abstain from poverty, avarice, or weakness 


arising either from disease, abuse, age, or impotence. Among these 
there are also some who, because they are not able, or do not dare 
to commit scortations of the sensuous mind, condemn them also in 
the spiritual mind, and thus speak morally against scortations, and 
in favour of marriages; but these persons, if they do not in spirit, 
and the spirit does not from religion, hold adulterous loves as 
accursed, they are still scortators, for although they do not com- 
mit them in the body, yet they do in spirit; wherefore after the 
death of the natural b9dy, when they become spirits, they speak 
openly in favor of them. Hence it is evident, that even a wicked 
person may shun scortatory loves as hurtful, but that none but a 
Christian can shun them as sins. Hence then the truth of the 
proposition is manifest, that chastity cannot be predicated of those 
who abstain from scortations merely for various external reasons. 


BELIEVE MARRIAGES TO BE UNCHASTE. These persons do not know 

either what chastity is, or even that it exists; and in this respect 
they are like those who were spoken of just above, no. 152 (a), 
and like those who make chastity to consist merely in celibacy, 
who now come to be treated of. 



CONJUGIAL LIFE. The reason why chastity cannot be predicated of 
these is, that after a vow of perpetual celibacy, conjugial love is 
cast forth; and yet it is of this love alone that chastity is predi- 
cated. A further reason is, that there still remains within, from 
creation, and consequently from birth, an inclination towards the 
sex; and when this inclination is restrained and subdued, it must 
needs pass away into heat, and with some into a burning heat 
which, in rising from the bodv into the spirit, infests it, and with 
some defiles it; and it is possible that the spirit thus defiled may 
defile also the principles of religion, and cast them down from 
their internal abode, where they are in holiness, into the externals, 
where they become mere matters of talk and gesture ; wherefore it 
has been provided by the Lord, that that kind of celibacy should 
exist only with those who are in external worship, in which wor- 
ship they are because they do not approach the Lord, or read the 
Word. With such, eternal life is not so much endangered by vows 
of celibacy, together with a solemn promise of chastity, as it is 
with those who are in internal worship. Moreover, in many in- 
stances that state of life is not entered upon from any freedom of 
the will, many entering upon it before they are in freedom from 
reason, and some in consequence of alluring causes from the 
world. Of those who adopt that state for the sake of the with- 
drawal of their minds from the world, that they may be free to 
devote themselves to Divine worship, those only are chaste with 



whom the love of a truly conjugial life either preceded that state, 
or follows it, and remains; for the love of a truly conjugial life 
is that of which chastity is predicated. Wherefore also, after 
death, all who have lived in monasteries are at length freed from 
their vows, and set at liberty, in order that, according to the 
interior vows and desires of their love^ they may be led to choose 
a life either conjugial or extra-con jugial: if they then enter into 
conjugial life, those who have loved also the spiritual things of 
worship are given in marriage in heaven ; but those who enter into 
extra-conjugial life are sent to their like, who dwell at the sides of 
heaven. I have asked the angels, whether those who have devoted 
themselves to piety, and given themselves up entirely to Divine 
worship, and thus withdrawn themselves from the snares of the 
world, and the concupiscences of the flesh, and for that reason 
have vowed perpetual virginity, are received into heaven, and there 
become especially happy among the blessed, according to their 
faith. But the angels have replied, that such are indeed received 
into heaven; but when they feel the sphere of conjugial love there, 
they become sad and anxious, and then, some of their own accord, 
some by asking leave, and some by command, depart and are sent 
away ; and when they are outside of that heaven, a way is opened 
to them to their consociates, who had been in a similar state of 
life in the natural world; and then, from being anxious, they 
become cheerful, and become glad together. 

THE STATE OF CELIBACY. This is manifest from what has thus far 
been said about marriage and celibacy. The state of marriage is 
to be preferred because it is the state ordained from creation; 
because its origin is the marriage of good and truth 1 ; because its 
correspondence is with the marriage of the Lord and the church ; 
because the church and conjugial love are constant companions; 
because its use is more excellent than the uses of all the other 
things of creation, for thence according to order is the propaga- 
tion of the human race, and also of the angelic heaven, for this is 
from the human race: add to this, that marriage is the fullness of 
man; for by means of it man becomes a full man, as will be 
proved in the following chapter. All these things are wanting in 
celibacy. But if the proposition be granted, that the state of 
celibacy is more excellent than the state of marriage, and if this 
proposition be subjected to a strict examination, to be assented to 
and established by confirmations, then the conclusion must be, 
that marriages are not holy, neither can they be chaste; yea, that 
chastity in the female sex belongs only to those who abstain from 
marriage and vow perpetual virginity; and moreover, that those 
who have vowed perpetual celibacy are meant by the eunuchs who 
make themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of God 
(Matt. xix. 12) ; besides many other such conclusions, which, being 
deduced from a proposition that is not true, are also not true. 



By the eunuchs. who make themselves eunuchs for the sake of the 
kingdom of God, are meant spiritual eunuchs, who are those who 
in marriages abstain from the evils of adulterous loves. That 
Italian eunuchs are not meant, is evident. 

151 (a) To the above I shall add two Memorable Relations. 
The first is this : 

As I was going home from the school of wisdom spoken of 
above, no. 132, I saw in the way an angel in a hyacin thine gar- 
ment. He joined me and walked by my side, and said, "I see that 
you are come from the school of wisdom, and that you have been 
gladdened by what you heard there; and as I perceive that you are 
not a full inhabitant of this world, because you are at the same 
time in the natural world, and therefore know nothing of our 
Olympic Gymnasia, where the ancient Sophi meet together, and 
by the information they collect from every new comer from thy 
world, learn what changes and successions wisdom has undergone, 
and is still undergoing; if you are willing I will conduct you to 
the place where several of those ancient Sophi and their sons, 
that is, their disciples, dwell." 

So he led me to the confines between the north and east; and 
while I was looking that way from an eminence, lo! there 
appeared a city, and on one side of it two small hills; that which 
was nearer to the city was lower than the other. And he said to 
me, "That city is called Athens, the lower hill, Parnassus, and the 
higher, Helicon. They are so called, because in the city and 
around it dwell the ancient wise men who lived in Greece, as 
Pythagoras, Socrates, Aristippus, Xenophon, with their disciples 
and scholars." 

On my asking about Plato and Aristotle, he said, "They and 
their followers dwell in another region, because they taught 
rational things which belong to the understanding; whereas the 
former taught morals which belong to the life." 

He further said', that from the city of Athens there were fre- 
quently deputed some of the students to learn from the literati of 
the Christians what they think at the present day about God, the 
creation of the universe, the immortality of the soul, the state of 
man relatively to the state of beasts, and 'other subjects which 
belong to interior wisdom: and he added, that a herald had that 
day announced an assembly which was a token that the emissaries 
had met with some new-comers from the natural world, from 
whom they had heard some curious things. 

We then saw many persons going out of the city and its 
suburbs, some having wreaths of laurel on their heads, some hold- 
ing palms in their hands, some with books under their arms, and 
some with pens under the hair of the left temple. We mixed with 
them, and ascended the hill with them : and lo ! on the top was an 
octagonal palace, which they called the Palladium, into which we 
entered: and lo! within there were eight hexangular recesses, in 
. 139 


each of which was a bookcase and a table: at these recesses were 
seated the laureates, and in the Palladium itself there were seen 
seats cut out of the rock, on which the rest sat down. 

A door on the left was then opened, through which the two 
new-comers from the earth were introduced; and after they had 
been greeted, one of the laureates asked them, "WHAT OF REGEN- 

They said, w This is new, that natural men, like beasts, have 
been found in the woods ('in natural knowledges and truths, in 
scientifics), or beasts like men: from their face (the internal 
natural mind) and body (the lowest natural mind) they were 
known to have been born natural men, and to have been lost or 
neglected in the forests when they were two or three years old 
(completely lost both as to will and understanding, or as to good 
and truth) ; it was reported that they were not able to give utter- 
ance to any thought, nor to learn to articulate the voice into any 
expression; neither did they know the food suitable for them as 
the beasts do, but put greedily into their mouths whatever they 
found in the forest, whether it was clean or unclean (accepted 
falsity as truth) ; besides many other particulars of a like nature; 
from which some of the learned among us have formed several 
conjectures and conclusions, concerning the state of men relatively 
to that of beasts" 

On hearing this, some of the ancient Sophi asked, "What were 
the conjectures and conclusions formed from those facts?" 

The two strangers replied, "There were many; but they may 
all be comprised under the following: 1. That a man in conse- 
quence of his nature, and also by birth, is more stupid and con- 
sequently viler than any beast; and that he remains so unless he 
bv instructed. 2. That he is capable of being instructed, because 
he learned to make articulate sounds, and so to speak, and thereby 
began to express his thoughts, and this successively more and more 
perfectly, until he could express the laws of society; many of 
which, however, are impressed on beasts from their birth. 3. That 
beasts have rationality equally with men. 4. Therefore, that if 
beasts could speak, they would reason on every subject as cleverly 
as men; a proof of which is. that they think from reason and 
sagacity just as men do. 5. That the understanding is only a 
modification of the light from the sun, the heat cooperating by 
means of the ether, so that it is only an activity of interior nature: 
and that this activity may be exalted to such an extent .as to appear 
like wisdom. 6. That therefore it is ridiculous to believe that a 
man lives after death any more than a beast; unless perchance, 
for some days after his decease, in consequence of an exhalation 
of the life of the body, he may appear as a mist under the form 
of a spectre, before he is dissipated into nature; hardly otherwise 
than as a burnt twig, when taken out of the ashes, appears in the 
likeness of its own form. 7. Consequently, that religion, which 
leaches a life after death, is a mere invention to keep the simple 


inwardly in bonds by its laws, as they are kept outwardly in bonds 
by the laws of the state." 

To this they added, that "people of mere ingenuity reason in 
this manner, but not so the intelligent." 

They asked what the intelligent thought on the subject. 

They said that they had not heard, but that they only thought so. 

152 (a). On hearing this relation, all those who were sitting 
at the tables said, "Alas! what times are come in the natural 
world! What changes has wisdom undergone! How is she changed 
into a fatuous ingenuity! The sun is set, and is beneath the earth 
in direct opposition to the meridian. From the case of such as 
have been left and found in woods, who cannot know that an 
uninstructed man is such? Is he not just as he is instructed? Is 
he not born in greater ignorance than the beasts? Must he not 
learn to walk and speak? Supposing he never learnt to walk, 
would he ever stand upright on his feet? And if he never learnt 
to speak, would he be able to express anything of thought? Is not 
every man such as instruction makes him, insane from falsities, 
or wise from truths? and is not he that is insane from falsities, 
entirely possessed with the phantasy that he is wiser than he who 
is wise from truths? Do there not exist foolish and insane men, 
who are no more men than those who have been found in the 
woods? Are not such as have been deprived of memory like unto 
these? From all these considerations we conclude, that a man 
without instruction is neither a man nor a beast; but that he is a 
form, which is capable of receiving in itself that which constitutes 
a man ; and thus that he is not born a man, but that he becomes a 
man; and that a man is born such a form as to be an organ 
receptive of life from God, to the end that he may be a subject 
into which God can introduce all good, and, by union with Him- 
self, make him blessed to eternity. We have perceived from your 
conversation, that wisdom at the present day is extinguished or 
infatuated to such an extent, that nothing at all is known about the 
life of beasts ; and hence it is that the state of the life of man after 
death is not known ; but those who are capable of knowing this, 
and yet are not willing to know it, and consequently deny it, as 
many of your Christians do, we may liken to such as are found in 
the woods: not that they have become so stupid from a want of 
instruction, but that they have made themselves so by the fallacies 
of the senses, which are the darkness of Truths." 

153 (a). At that moment a certain person standing in the 
middle of the Palladium, and holding in his hand a palm, said, 
"Pray unfold this arcanum, 'How could man, created the form of 
God, he changed into a form of the devil?' I know that the angels 
of heaven are forms of God, and that the angels of hell are forms 
of the devil, and that the two forms are opposite to each other, the 
latter being insanities, the former wisdoms. Tell me, therefore, 



how man who was created a form of God, could pass from the 
day into such a night, as to be capable of denying God and eternal 

To this the teachers replied in order; first the Pythagoreans, 
next the Socratists, and afterwards the rest. 

But among them there was a certain Platonist, who spoke last; 
and his opinion prevailed, which was to this effect: That the men 
of the Saturnian or golden era knew and acknowledged that they 
were forms receptive of life from God; and that on this account 
wisdom was inscribed on their souls and hearts, and hence they 
saw truth from the light of truth, and through truths perceived 
good from the delight of the love of it. But as the human race in 
the following ages receded from the acknowledgment that all truth 
of wisdom, and the consequent good of love with them, continually 
flowed in from God, they ceased to be dwellings of God; and 
then also discourse with God and consociation with the angels 
ceased: for the interiors of their minds were bent from their 
direction, which had been elevated upwards to God from God, 
into a direction more and more oblige, outwards into the world, 
and thus to God from God through the world, and at length in- 
verted into an opposite direction, which is downwards to self; and 
as God cannot be beheld by a man interiorly inverted, and thus 
averted, men separated themselves from God, and were made 
forms of hell or of the devil. From these considerations it follows, 
that in the first eras they acknowledged in heart and soul, that all 
the good of love and the consequent truth of wisdom were derived 
to them from God, and also that they were God's in them; and 
thus that they were made receptacles of life from God, and hence 
were called images of God, sons of God, and born of God; but 
that in the succeeding eras they did not acknowledge this in heart 
and soul, but by a certain persuasive faith, afterwards by a his- 
torical faith, and lastly only with the mouth; and this kind of 
acknowledgment is no acknowledgment at all ; yea, it is a denial 
at heart. From these considerations it may be seen what is the 
quality of the wisdom on the earth among Christians at the present 
day, when they do not know the difference between a man and .a 
beast, notwithstanding their being in possession of a written 
revelation, whereby they may be inspired by God: and hence 
many believe, that if a man lives after death, a beast must live 
also; or that, because a beast does not live after death, neither will 
a man. Is not our spiritual light, which enlightens the sight of the 
mind, become thick darkness with them? and is not their natural 
light, which only enlightens the sight of the body, become bright- 
ness to them?" 

154 (a) . After this they all turned towards the two strangers, 

and thanked them for their visit, and for the relation they had 

given, and begged them to report to their brethren what they had 

heard. The strangers replied that they would endeavor to confirm 



their brethren in this Truth, that in proportion as they attribute 
all the good of charity and the truth of faith to the Lord, and not 
to themselves, in the same proportion they are men, and in the 
same proportion become angels of heaven. 

155 (a). The second Memorable Relation: 

One morning very sweet singing, which was heard from some 
height above me, awoke me; and in consequence, during the first 
wakefulness, which is more internal, peaceful, and sweet than the 
rest of the day, I was able to be kept for some time in the spirit 
as it were out of the body, and to attend carefully to the affection 
which was being sung. The singing of heaven is nothing else than 
an affection of the mind, sent forth through the mouth as melody; 
for it is the tone of the voice, separate from the discourse of the 
speaker, and flowing from the affection of love, that gives life to 
the speech. In that state I perceived that it was the affection of 
the delights of conjugial love which was made musical by wives in 
heaven: that this was the case I observed from the tone of the 
song, in which those delights were varied in a wonderful manner. 

After this I arose, and looked out into the spiritual world; 
and lo! in the east, beneath the sun, there appeared as it were a 
GOLDEN SHOWER. It was the early morning dew descending in 
great abundance, which, catching the sun's rays, exhibited before 
my sight the appearance of a golden shower. Becoming still more 
fully awake in consequence of this appearance, I went forth in the 
spirit, and asked an angel whom I then happened to meet whether 
he saw a golden shower descending from the sun. 

He replied, that he saw one as often as he meditated on con- 
jugial love; and at the same time turning his eyes thither, he said, 
"That shower falls over a palace, in which are three husbands 
with their wives, who dwell in the midst of an eastern paradise. 
Such a shower is seen falling from the sun over that palace, 
because with those husbands and wives there resides wisdom con- 
cerning conjugial love and its delights; with the husbands con- 
cerning conjugial love, and with the wives concerning its delights. 
But I perceive that you are in meditation concerning the delights 
of conjugial love: wherefore I will lead you to that palace, and 
introduce you." 

He led me through paradisiacal scenes to houses which were 
built of olive wood, having two pillars of cedars before the gate, 
and introduced me to the husbands, and asked that I might be 
allowed to speak with their wives in their presence. 

They consented, and called their wives. 

These looked into my eyes searchingly; and I asked why they 
did so. 

They said, "We are able exquisitely to see what is your in- 
clination and consequent affection, and your thought from affec- 
tion, concerning sexual love: and we see that you are meditating 



intensely, but still chastely, concerning that love." And they 
added, "What do you wish us to tell you on the subject?" 

I replied, "Pray tell me something about the delights of con- 
jugial love." 

The husbands assented, saying, "If you are so disposed, give 
them some information about those delights : their ears are chaste." 

They asked, "Who taught you to question us about the delights 
of that love? Why did you not question our husbands?" 

I replied, "This angel, who is with me, told me aside, that 
wives are the receptacles and sensories of those delights, because 
they are born loves; and all delights belong to love." 

To this they replied with a smile, "Be prudent, and declare 
nothing of the sort except in an ambiguous sense, because it is a 
wisdom deeply reserved in the hearts of our sex, and is not dis- 
closed to any husband unless he be in truly conjugial love. There 
are many reasons for this, which we keep entirely to ourselves." 

Then the husbands said, "Our wives know all the states of our 
minds, neither is anything hidden from them; they see, perceive, 
and feel whatever proceeds from our will. We, on the other hand, 
know nothing of what passes with our wives. This is given to 
wives, because they are most tender loves, and as it were burning 
zeals for the preservation of friendship and conjugial confidence, 
and thus of the happiness of life both of their husbands and them- 
selves, which they carefully watch over both for their husbands 
and themselves, by virtue of a wisdom implanted in their love, 
which wisdom is so full of prudence, that they are unwilling to 
say, and consequently cannot say, that they love, but that they are 

I asked why they were unwilling, and consequently unable, to 
say so? 

They replied, "If the least hint of the kind were to escape 
from the mouth of the wives, cold would invade their husbands, 
and would separate them from bed, bed-chamber, and sight: but 
this takes place only with those who do not hold marriages to be 
holy, and therefore do not love their wives from spiritual love. 
It is otherwise with those who do. In the minds of die latter that 
love is spiritual, and by derivation thence in the body is natural. 
We in this palace are in the latter love by derivation from the 
former; wherefore we trust our husbands with the secrets about 
our delights of conjugial love." 

I then courteously asked them to disclose to me some of those 

Hereupon they looked towards a window in the southern 
quarter, and lo! there appeared a bright white dove, whose wings 
glistened as if they were of silver, and its head was adorned with 
a crown as of gold: it was standing upon a branch out of which 
there went forth an olive; and while it was in the attempt to 
spread out its wings, the wives said, "We will disclose something: 
while that dove appears it is a sign to us that it is allowed." 


"Every man (wr)," they continued, "has five senses, sight, hear- 
ing, smell, taste, and touch ; but we have likewise a sixth, which is 
the sense of all the delights of the conjugial love of the husband ; 
and this sense we have in the palms of our hands, when we touch 
the breasts, arms, hands, or cheeks of our husbands,, especially 
their breasts; and also when we are touched by them. All the 
gladnesses and pleasantnesses of the thoughts of their minds 
(mens), and all the joys and delights of their lower mind 
(animus), and all the festive and cheerful states of their bosoms, 
pass from them into us, and put on form, and become perceptible, 
sensible, and tangible; and we discern them as exquisitely and 
distinctly as the ear does a melody of a song, and the tongue the 
tastes of delicacies: in a word, the spiritual delightsomenesses of 
our husbands put on with us a kind of natural embodiment; 
wherefore we are called by our husbands the sensory organs of 
chaste conjugial love, and hence its delights. But this sense of our 
sex exists, subsists, persists, and is exalted in the degree in which 
our husbands love us from wisdom and judgment, and in which 
we in return love them from the same qualities in them. This 
sense of our sex is called in the heavens the sport of wisdom with 
its love, and of love with its wisdom." 

This information excited in me the desire of asking further 
questions, as, concerning the variety of delights. 

They said, "It is infinite ; but we are unwilling, and therefore 
unable to say more; for the dove at our window, with the olive 
branch under his feet, has flown away." 

I waited for its return, but in vain. In the meantime I asked 
the husbands, "Have you a like sense of conjugial love?" 

They replied, "We have a like sense in general, but not in 
particular. We enjoy a general blessedness, a general delight, and 
a general pleasantness, arising from the particulars of our wives; 
and this general, which we derive from them, is as the eternity of 

As they said this, lo! through the window there appeared a 
swan standing on a branch of a fig tree, and it spread out its 
wings and flew away. On seeing this, the husbands said, "This is 
a sign for us to be silent about conjugial love: come again some 
other time, and perhaps more things may be disclosed." 

They then withdrew, and we departed. 






156 (a). That at creation there was implanted in man and 
woman an inclination, and also a faculty of conjunction as into 
a one, and that this inclination and faculty are still in man and 
woman, is manifest from the Book of Creation, and at the same 
time from the Lord's words. In the Book of the Creation, which 
is called GENESIS, it is read, "Jehovah God built the rib which He 
had taken from the man (homo), into a woman, and brought her 
to the man. And the man said, This is now bone of my bones, and 
flesh of my flesh. Her name shall be called Woman (Ishshah) 
because she was taken out of man (Ish, vir) : therefore shall a 
man (vir) leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; 
and they shall become one flesh" (chap. ii. 22-24) . The Lord also 
said something in Matthew, "Have ye not read, that He Who made 
them from the beginning, made them male and female, and said, 
Therefore shall a man (homo) leave father and mother, and 
cleave to his wife; and THEY TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH? 


xix. 4-6) . From this it is evident that the woman was created out 
of the man (vir), and that both have an inclination and faculty 
to become reunited into a one. That such reunion means into one 
man (homo), is also evident from the Book of the Creation, 
where both together are called man (homo) ; for it is read, "/TI 
the day that God created man (homo), male and female created 
He them, and called their name Man (homo)" (chap. v. 1, 2). 
It is there read, He called their name Adam; but Adam and man 
are one expression in the Hebrew language ; moreover both together 
are called man in the same Book (chap. i. 27; chap. ii. 22-24). 
By one flesh is also signified one man; as is evident from the 
passages in the Word where mention is made of all flesh, by 
which is meant every man, as Gen. vi. 12, 13, 17, 19; Isaiah xl. 
5, 6; xlix. 26; Ixvi. 16, 23, 24; Jer. xxv. 31; xxxii. 27; xli. 5; 
Ezek. xx. 48; xxi. 4, 5; and other passages. But what is meant 
by the rib of the man (vir), which was built into a woman; what 
by the flesh, which was closed up in the place thereof, and thus 
what by bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh ; and what by the 
father and mother, whom a man (vir) shall leave after marriage; 
and what by cleaving to his wife, has been shown in the Arcana 
Celestia; in which work the two books, Genesis and Exodus, are 
explained as to the spiritual sense. It is there proved that a rib 


does not mean a rib, nor flesh, flesh, nor a bone, a bone, nor 
cleaving to, cleaving to; but that they mean spiritual things, 
which correspond to them, and consequently are signified by them. 
That spiritual things are meant, which from two make one man 
(homo), is evident from this, that conjugial love conjoins them, 
and this love is spiritual. That the love of the wisdom of the man 
(vir) is transcribed into the wife, has been occasionally stated 
above, and will be more fully confirmed in the following sections: 
at present we may not digress from the subject proposed, which 
is, the conjunction of the two married partners into one flesh 
through the union of their souls and minds. This union shall be 
elucidated in the following order: 

I. From creation there has been implanted in both sexes a 
faculty and inclination, whereby they are able and willing to be 
conjoined -as into a one. 

II. Conjugial love conjoins two souls, and hence two minds* 
into a one. 

III. The will of the wife conjoins itself with the understand- 
ing of the man, and hence the understanding of the man conjoins 
itself with the will of the wife. 

IV. The inclination to unite the man to herself is constant and 
perpetual with the wife, but inconstant and fluctuating with the 

V. Conjunction is inspired into the man by the wife according 
to her love, and is received by the man according to his wisdom. 

VI. This conjunction is effected successively from the first 
days of marriage ; and, with those who are in truly conjugial love, 
it is effected more and more thoroughly to eternity. 

VII. The conjunction of the wife with the rational wisdom of 
the husband is effected from within, but with his moral wisdom 
from without. 

VIII. For the sake of this conjunction as an end, there has 
been given to the wife a perception of the affections of the hus- 
band, and also the utmost prudence in governing them. 

IX. The wives conceal this perception with themselves, and 
hide it from their husbands, on account of causes which are neces- 
sities, in order that conjugial love, friendship, and confidence, and 
thus the blessedness of dwelling together, and the happiness of 
life, may be secured. 

X. This perception is the wisdom of the wife; and this wisdom 
is not possible with the man; neither is the rational wisdom of the 
man possible with the wife. 

XL The wife, from love, is continually thinking about the 
man's inclination towards her, with the purpose of conjoining him 
with herself; it is otherwise with the man. 

XII. The wife conjoins herself with the man, by means of 
applications to the desires of his will. 

XIII. The wife is conjoined with her husband by means of the 
sphere of her life, which goes out from her love. 



XIV. The wife is conjoined with the husband by means of t/ie 
appropriation of the forces of his virtue or manhood; but this is 
effected according to their mutual spiritual love. 

XV. Thus the wife receives into herself the image of her hus- 
band, and hence perceives., sees., and feels his affections. 

XVI. There are duties proper to the man, and duties proper 
to the wife; and the wife cannot enter into the duties proper to the 
man 9 nor the man into the duties proper to the wife, and perform 
them rightly. 

XVII. These duties, according to mutual aid, also conjoin the 
two into a one, and at the same time constitute one house. 

XVIII. Married partners, according to the above named con- 
junctions become one man (homo) more and more. 

XIX. Those who are in truly conjugial love, feel that they are 
a united man, and as it were one flesh. 

XX. Truly conjugial love, considered in itself, is a union of 
the souls, a conjunction of the minds, and an effort for con- 
junction in the bosoms, and hence in the body. 

XXL The states of this love are innocence, peace, tranquility, 
inmost friendship, full confidence, and a desire of the disposition 
and of the heart to make all good mutual to each other; and the 
states arising from all these are blessedness, blissfulness, delight- 
someness, and pleasure; and from the eternal enjoyment of these 
is heavenly felicity. 

XXII. These things can by no means exist except in the mar- 
riage of one man with one ivife. 

Now follows the explanation of these articles. 



WILLING TO BE CONJOINED AS INTO ONE. That the woman was taken 
out of man, was shown just above from the Book of the Creation ; 
hence it follows, that there is in both sexes a faculty and inclina- 
tion to become conjoined into one. For that which is taken out of 
anything, derives and retains of its peculiarity, which it makes its 
own ; and as this derivation is of a similar nature with that from 
which it was derived, it breathes after reunion; and when it has 
been reunited, it is as in itself when it is in that from whence it 
came, and contrariwise. That there is a faculty of conjunction of 
the one sex with the other, or that they are capable of being 
united, admits of no doubt; and also that there is an inclination 
to become conjoined; for personal experience teaches both. 

TWO MINDS, INTO A ONE. Every man consists of a soul, a mind, 
and a body. The soul is his inmost, the mind his mediate, and the 
body his ultimate. Since the soul is a man's inmost, it is, from 
its origin, celestial; as the mind is his mediate, it is, from its 
origin, spiritual ; and as the body is his ultimate, it is, from its 



origin, natural. Those things which, from their origin, are celestial 
and spiritual, are not in space, but in the appearance of space. 
This also is known in the world, wherefore it is said, that neither 
extension or space can be precticated of spiritual things. Since 
therefore spaces are appearances, distances also and presences are 
appearances. That the appearances of distances and presences in 
the spiritual world are according to proximities, propinquities, 
and affinities of love, has been frequently pointed out and con- 
firmed in small treatises concerning that world. These things are 
said in order that it may be known that the souls and minds of 
men are not in space like their bodies; because the former, as was 
said above, are from their origin celestial and spiritual; and as 
they are not in space, they can be conjoined as into a one, although 
their bodies may not be so conjoined at the same time. This is the 
case especially with married partners, who love each other in- 
mostly: but as the woman is from the man (uir),and that conjunc- 
tion is a kind of reunition, it may be seen from reason that it is not 
a conjunction into a one, but an adjunction, close and near accord- 
ing to the love, and amounting to contact with those who are in 
truly conjugial love. This adjunction may be called spiritual 
dwelling together, and this takes place with married partners who 
love each other tenderly, however distant they may be from each 
other in the body. Many proofs of experience exist, even in the 
natural world, which confirm these statements. Hence it is evident, 
that conjugial love conjoins two souls and minds into one. 


reason is, that the male is born to become understanding, and the 
female to become will, loving the understanding of the male ; from 
which it follows, that conjugial conjunction is that of the will of 
the wife with the understanding of the man, and the reciprocal 
conjunction of the understanding of the man with the will of the 
wife. Every one sees that there is a very close conjunction of the 
understanding and the will ; and that it is such, that the one faculty 
can enter into the other, and be delighted from the conjunction, 
and in it. 



FLUCTUATING WITH THE MAN. The reason is, that love cannot do 
otherwise than love, and unite itself in order that it may be loved 
in return; its essence and life is nothing else; and \vomen are born 
loves, whereas man, with whom they unite themselves in order 
that they may be loved in return, are receptions. Besides, love is 
continually efficient; it is like heat flame, and fire, which perish 
if their efficiency is checked. Hence it is that the inclination to 
unite the man to herself is constant and perpetual with the wife. 



But the reason why there is not a similar inclination with the man 
towards the wife is, that the man is not love, but only a recipient 
of love; and as a state of reception is absent or present according 
to intruding cares, and according to the changes of heat and want 
of heat in the mind from various causes, and according to the in- 
crease and decrease of the powers in the body, which do not return 
regularly and at stated periods, it follows that the inclination to 
that conjunction is inconstant and fluctuating with the men. 



TO HIS WISDOM. That love and consequently conjunction is inspired 
into the man by the wife, is at this day concealed from the men ; 
yea, it is universally denied by them. The reason is, that wives 
persuade that the men alone love, and they themselves receive ; or, 
that the men are loves, and themselves obediences; they rejoice 
also at heart when the men believe it to be so. There are many 
reasons why they persuade the men of this, which reasons all relate 
to the prudence and circumspection of wives; respecting which, 
something shall be said in what follows, and particularly in the 
chapter on "The Causes of Colds, Separations, and Divorces 
between Married Partners." The reason why men receive the in- 
spiration or insinuation of love from their wives is, that nothing 
of conjugial love, or even of sexual love, is with men, but only 
with wives and women. That this is the case, has been shown me 
to the life in the spiritual world. 

The conversation there once turned on this subject; and the 
men, in consequence of a persuasion received from their wives, 
insisted that they, and not the wives, loved, but that the wives 
received love from them. In order to settle the dispute about this 
arcanum, all the women, together with the wives, were withdrawn 
from the men, and at the same time the very sphere of sexual love 
was removed with them. On the removal of this sphere, the men 
came into a very strange state, such as they had never before per- 
ceived, at which they greatly complained. Then, while they were 
in this state, the women were brought to them, and the wives to 
the husbands, and both the latter and the former addressed them 
in a caressing manner; but they had become cold to their caresses, 
and turned away, and said one to another, "What is this? and 
what is a woman?" And when some of the women said that they 
were their wives, they replied, "What is a wife? we do not know 
you." But when the wives began to be grieved at this absolutely 
cold indifference of the men, and some of them to cry, the sphere 
of sexual love, and the conjugial sphere, which had for the time 
been withdrawn from the men, was restored; and then the men 
instantly returned into their former state, the lovers of marriage 
into their state, and the lovers of the sex into theirs. Thus the men- 
were convinced that nothing of conjugial love, nor even of sexual 
love, resided with them, but only with the wives and women. 


Nevertheless, the wives afterwards from their prudence induced 
the men to believe, that love resides with the men, and that some 
small spark of it may pass from them into the wives. 

This experience is here adduced, in order that it may he known 
that wives are loves and men receptions. That men are receptions 
according to the wisdom with them, especially according to this 
wisdom from religion, that the wife only ought to be loved, is 
evident from this consideration, that when the wife only is loved, 
the love is concentrated; and because it is also ennobled, it re- 
mains in its strength, and is steadfast and permanent; and that 
otherwise it would be as when wheat from the granary is cast to 
the dogs, whereby there is want at home. 

ETERNITY. The first heat of marriage does not conjoin; for it par- 
takes of sexual love, which belongs to the body and thence to the 
spirit; and what is from the body in the spirit does not l^st long; 
but the love which is from the spirit in the body does last. The 
love of the spirit, and of the body from the spirit, is insinuated 
into the souls and minds of married partners together with friend- 
ship and confidence. When these two things, (namely, friendship, 
and confidence,) conjoin themselves with the first love of marriage, 
the love becomes conjugial, which love opens the bosoms and in- 
spires into them the sweetnesses of love, and this more and more 
inwardly, in proportion as those two things adjoin themselves to 
the primitive love; and that love enters into them and they into it. 



HIS MORAL WISDOM FROM WITHOUT. That this wisdom with men 
(viri) is twofold, rational, and moral, and that their rational 
wisdom belongs to the understanding alone, and their moral 
wisdom belongs to the understanding and at the same time to the 
life, may be concluded and seen from mere intuition and examina- 
tion. But in order that it may be known what is meant by the 
rational wisdom of men, and what by their moral wisdom, some 
of their constituents shall be enumerated in detail. Those things 
which belong to their rational wisdom are designated by various 
names. In general, they are called knowledge, intelligence, and 
wisdom; but in particular they are called rationality, judgment, 
cleverness, learning, sagacity. But since every one has sciences 
peculiar to his calling, therefore they are manifold; for clergymen 
have their peculiar sciences, those in authority have theirs; their 
subordinates in office again have theirs; judges theirs, doctors and 
chemists theirs; soldiers and sailors theirs; artificers and workmen 
theirs; husbandmen theirs, and so on. To rational wisdom pertain 
also all the sciences into which youths are initiated in the schools, 



and by means of which they are afterwards initiated into intelli- 
gence; which sciences also are called by various names, as philos- 
ophy, physics, geometry, mechanics, chemistry, astronomy, juris- 
prudence, politics, ethics, history, and many others, through which, 
as through doors, an entrance is made into rational things, out of 
which there is formed rational wisdom. 

164. But the things which belong to moral wisdom with men 
are all the moral virtues, which look to the life, and enter it, and 
also the spiritual virtues which flow out from love to God and to- 
wards the neighbor, and flow again into those loves. The virtues 
which pertain to the moral wisdom of men are also of various 
names, and are called temperance, sobriety, probity, benevolence, 
friendship, modesty, sincerity, obligingness, civility, also assid- 
uity, industry, expertness, alacrity; munificence, liberality, gener- 
osity, activity, intrepidity, prudence; besides many others. The 
spiritual virtues with men are the love of religion, charity, Truth, 
faith, conscience, innocence, besides many others. The latter and 
the former virtues may in general be referred to love and zeal for 
religion, for the public good, for one's country, for one's fellow- 
citizens, for one's parents, for one's married partner, and for one's 
children. In all these, justice and judgment bear rule; justice be- 
longs to moral wisdom, and judgment belongs to rational wisdom. 

165. The reason why the conjunction of the wife with the 
man's rational wisdom is from within, is, that this wisdom is 
peculiar to the understanding of the men, and climbs into a light 
in which women are not; which is the reason why women do not 
speak from that wisdom, but in the society of men, when such 
things are being discussed, they remain silent, and only listen. 
That nevertheless such things are with the wives from within, is 
evident from their listening, and from their inwardly recognizing 
what had been said, and favouring those things which they hear 
and have heard from their husbands. But the reason why the con- 
junction of the wife with the moral wisdom of men is from with- 
out, is, that the virtues of that wisdom, for the most part, are akin 
to similar virtues with women, and partake of the man's intellec- 
tual will, with which the will of the wife unites itself and makes 
a marriage; and since the wife knows those virtues with the man 
more than he knows them with himself, it is said that the conjunc- 
tion of the wife with those virtues is from without. 


GOVERNING THEM. That wives are cognizant of the affections of 
their husbands and govern them prudently, is also among the 
arcana of conjugial love which lies concealed with wives. They 
become cognizant of those affections by means of three senses, 


the sight, hearing, and touch, and govern them without their hus- 
bands knowing anything about it. Now as these are among the 
arcana of wives, it does not become me to disclose them circum- 
stantially; but as it is becoming for the wives themselves to do so, 
therefore four Memorable Relations are added to several of the 
chapters, in which these arcana are disclosed by them : two of the 
Relations (nos. 155 and 208) are from the three wives who dwelt 
in the palace, over which was seen falling as it were a golden 
shower; and two (nos. 293 and 294) from the seven wives that 
were sitting in the garden of roses. A perusal of these Relations 
will unfold this arcanum. 


The concealing and hiding of the perception of the affections of 
the husband by the wives, are said to be necessities, because if 
they were to reveal them, they would estrange their husbands from 
bed, bed-chamber, and house. The reason is that conjugial cold is 
deeply seated in most men, from many causes which will be dis- 
closed in the chapter on "The Causes of Colds, Separations, and 
Divorces between Married Partners." This cold, in case the wives 
should disclose the affections and inclinations of their husbands, 
would burst forth from its hiding places, and would first chill the 
interiors of the mind, afterwards the breast, and thence the ulti- 
mates of love which are allotted to generation; and these being 
chilled, conjugial, love would be banished to such a degree, that 
there would not remain any hope of friendship, confidence, the 
blessedness of dwelling together, and thence the happiness of life; 
when nevertheless wives are continually nourished by this hope. 
To openly reveal that they know the affections and inclinations of 
love in their husbands, carries with it a declaration and publi- 
cation of their own love: and it is known that in proportion as 
wives open their mouth on the subject of their love, the men grow 
cold and desire separation. From these considerations the Truth 
of this article is evident, that the causes for which wives conceal 
their perception with themselves, and hide it from their husbands, 
are necessities. 


lows from the difference which exists between the masculine princi- 
ple and the feminine principle. The masculine consists in perceiv- 
ing from the understanding, and the feminine in perceiving from 
love; and the understanding perceives also those things which are 
above the body and outside of the world; for the rational and 



spiritual sight reaches thither; whereas love does not go beyond 
what it feels: when it goes beyond, it does so in consequence of a 
conjunction, which has been established from creation, with the 
understanding of the man. For the understanding belongs to light, 
and love belongs to heat; and those things which belong to light, 
are seen, and those which belong to heat, are felt. From these 
facts it is evident, that on account of the universal difference which 
exists between the masculine and the feminine, the wisdom of the 
wife is not possible with the man, neither is the wisdom of the 
man possible with the wife: nor, further, is the moral wisdom of 
the man possible with women, in so far as it partakes of his 
rational wisdom. 



MAN) . This agrees with what was explained above, namely, that 
the inclination to unite the man with herself is constant and per- 
petual with the wife, but inconstant and fluctuating with the man 
(see no. 160) : hence it follows, that the wife's thought is contin- 
ually employed about her husband's inclination to her, with the 
purpose of conjoining him with herself. A wife's thought about 
her husband is indeed interrupted by the domestic concerns which 
are under her care; but still it remains in the affection of her love; 
and this affection does not separate itself from the thoughts with 
women, as it does with men. These things, however, I relate from 
hearsay; see the two Memorable Relations (nos. 293, 294) from 
the seven wives sitting in the garden of roses, which are annexed 
to some of the chapters. 



generally known and admitted, it is needless to explain it. 



LOVE. There goes out, yea, pours forth from every human being 
a spiritual sphere from the affections of his love, which encom- 
passes him, and infuses itself into the natural sphere which is 
from the body, and the two spheres become conjoined. That a 
natural sphere is continual Iv flowing forth from the body, not 
only from man, but also from beasts, vea, from trees, fruits, 
flowers, and also from metals, is generally known. The case is 
similar in the spiritual world; but the spheres flowing forth from 
subjects in that world are spiritual, and those which emanate from 
spirits and angels are altogether spiritual; because thev have af- 
fections of love, and thence interior perceptions and thoughts. 
Everything 'sympathetic and antipathetic takes its rise thence, and 
so does all conjunction and disjunction, and, according thereto, 


presence and absence in that world: for what is homogeneous or 
concordant causes conjunction and presence, and what is homo- 
geneous and discordant causes disjunction and absence; where- 
fore those spheres cause distances in that world. What those 
spiritual spheres operate in the natural world, is also known to 
some. The inclinations of married partners towards each other, 
are from no other origin. They are united by unanimous and con- 
cordant spheres, and disunited by adverse and discordant spheres ; 
for concordant spheres are delightful and agreeable, and discor- 
dant spheres are undelightful and disagreeable. I have been in- 
formed by the angels, who are in a clear perception of those 
spheres, that there is no part within a man, nor any part without, 
which does not renew itself; this is effected by dissolutions and 
reparations, and that hence is the sphere which continually pours 
forth. They also said that this sphere encompasses man on the 
back and on the breast, slightly on the back, but more densely on 
the breast, and that the sphere from the breast conjoins itself with 
the respiration ; and that this is the reason why two married part- 
ners who differ in dispositions and disagree in affections, lie in 
bed back to back, and, on the other hand, why those who agree in 
dispositions and affections, lie mutually turned towards each other. 
They also said that these spheres, because they go out from every 
part of man, and are abundantly continued around him, conjoin 
and disjoin the two married partners not only from without, but 
also from within; and that hence come all the differences and 
varieties of conjugial love. Lastly they said, that the sphere of love 
going out from a wife who is tenderly loved, is perceived in heaven 
as sweetly fragrant, very much more pleasantly (fragrant) than it 
is perceived in the world by a new married husband during the 
first days after the wedding. From these facts is evident the Truth 
of the .assertion that the wife is conjoined to her husband by the 
sphere of her life which goes out from her love. 



That this is the case, I have also gathered from the mouth of the 
angels. They have said that the prolific contributions from the 
husbands are universally received by the wives, and add them- 
selves to their life; and that thus the wives lead an unanimous, 
and successively more unanimous life with their husbands; and 
that hence is effectively produced a union of the souls and a con- 
junction of the minds. They declared the reason of this was, that 
in the prolific (element) of the husband is his soul, and also his 
mind as to its interiors, which are conjoined with the soul. They 
added, that this was -provided from creation, in order that the wis- 
dom of the man, which constitutes his soul, may be appropriated 
to the wife, and that thus they may become, according to the Lord's 
words, one flesh; and further, that this was provided, lest the hus- 



band (homo vir) should, from some caprice, leave the wife after 
conception. But they added, that the applications and appropria- 
tions of the life of the husbands with the wives, take place accord- 
ing to conjugial love, because "love, which is spiritual union, con- 
joins; and that this also has been provided for many reasons. 

FECTIONS. From the reasons above adduced it follows as an estab- 
lished fact, that wives receive in themselves those things which 
belong to the wisdom of their husbands, thus which are character- 
istic of the souls and minds of their husbands, and thus from vir- 
gins make themselves wives. The reasons from which this follows 
are, 1. That the woman was created out of the man (vir) . 2. That 
hence she has an inclination to unite, and as it were to reunite her- 
self with the man. 3. That by virtue of, and for the sake of this 
union with her consort, the woman is born the love of the man, 
and becomes more and more the love of him by marriage; because 
then the love is continually employing its thoughts to conjoin the 
man to itself. 4. That the woman is conjoined to her only one 
by means of applications to the desires of his life. 5. That they 
are conjoined by the spheres which encompass them, and which 
unite themselves universally and particularly according to the 
quality of the conjugial love with the wives, and at the same time 
according to the quality of the wisdom recipient thereof with the 
husbands. 6. That they also are conjoined by means of appropria- 
tions of the powers (vires) of the husbands by the wives. 7. From 
which reasons it is evident that there is continually something of 
the husband being transcribed into the wife, and inscribed on her 
as her own. From all these considerations it follows, that the 
image of the husband is formed in the wife; by virtue of which 
image the wife perceives, sees, and feels the things which are in 
her husband, in herself, and thus as it were herself in him. She 
perceives from communication, sees from aspect, and feels from 
the touch. That she feels the reception of her love by the husband 
from the touch in the palms of her hands on the cheeks, the shoul- 
ders, the hands, and the breasts, were revealed to me by the three 
wives in the palace, and the seven wives in the garden of roses, 
spoken of in the Memorable Relations (nos. 155, 208, 293 and 



are duties proper to the man, and duties proper to the wife, has 
no need of being illustrated by an enumeration of them, for they 
are many and various: and any one can arrange them numerically 
according to their genera .and species, if only he sets his mind to 


the task. The duties by means of which wives chiefly conjoin 
themselves with their husbands, are, the education of the little 
children of both sexes, and the girls till they are marriageable. 

175. The reason why the wife cannot enter into the duties 
proper to the man, and that, on the other hand, neither can the 
man enter into the duties proper to the wife, is, that they differ 
like wisdom and the love thereof, or like thoughts and the affec- 
tion thereof, or like understanding and the will thereof. In the 
duties proper to men, the understanding, thought, and wisdom 
play the leading part; whereas in the duties proper to wives, the 
will, affection, and love play the leading part; and the wife from 
the latter performs her duties, and the man from the former per- 
forms his; wherefore their duties are diverse from their very- 
nature, but still conjunctive in a successive series. It is believed 
by man that women can perform the duties of men, if only they 
are initiated into them from the earliest age, as boys are. They 
may indeed be initiated into the exercise of those duties, but not 
into the judgment on which the right performance of the duties 
inwardly depends. Wherefore, such women as have been initiated 
into the duties of men, are obliged in matters of judgment to 
consult men, and then, if they are left to their own disposal, they 
select from the counsels of men that which suits their own love. 
It is also supposed by some that women are equally capable of 
elevating the sight of their understanding into the same sphere 
of light as men, and of viewing things in the same height; and 
they have been led into this opinion by the writings of certain 
learned authoresses: but those writings when examined in the 
spiritual world in the presence of the authoresses, were found to 
be works not of judgment and wisdom, but of cleverness and elo- 
quence; and works that proceed from these two qualities, on ac- 
count of the elegance and neatness of the composition of style, 
appear as if they were sublime and erudite, but only before those 
who call all ingenuity wisdom. The reason why neither can men 
enter into the duties proper to women, and perform them aright, 
is, that they are not in die affections of women, which are quite 
distinct from the affections of men. As the affections and percep- 
tions of the masculine sex are thus discriminated by creation, and 
consequently by nature, (from those of the feminine sex,) there- 
fore among the statutes given to the sons of Israel there was also 
this one : "There shall not be the garment of a man on a woman, 
nor the garment of a woman on a man; because this is an abom- 
ination" (Deut. xxii. 5) . The reason was, that all in the spiritual 
world are clothed according to their affections; and the two affec- 
tions, of the woman and of the man, cannot be united except be- 
tween two, and in no case in one. 





ONE HOUSE. It is known in the natural world that the duties of 
the husband conjoin themselves in some way with the duties of 
the wife, and that the duties of the wife adjoin themselves to the 
duties of the husband, and that these conjunctions and adjunctions 
are a mutual aid, and that they are according to it. But the pri- 
mary duties which confederate, consociate, and gather together 
into one the souls and lives of two married partners, relate to the 
common care of educating their children: in relation to which 
care, the duties of the husband, and the duties of the wife are dis- 
tinct, and at the same time conjoin themselves. They are distinct 
because the care of the suckling, and the education of the little 
children of both sexes, and also the care of the instruction of the 
girls till they become marriageable, belongs to the special duty 
of the wife ; whereas the care of the instruction of the boys, after 
childhood to puberty, and after that till they become their own 
masters, belongs to the special duty of the husband: nevertheless 
the duties of the husband and the wife conjoin themselves by 
means of counsel and support, and many other mutual aids. It 
is known that those duties, both conjoined and distinct, or both 
common and special, combine the lower minds (animi) of the 
married partners into a one, and that this is effected by the love 
called storge. It is also known that those duties, regarded in their 
distinction and conjunction, constitute one house. 



This coincides with what is contained in article VI., where it was 
explained that conjunction is effected successively from the first 
days of marriage, and that with those who are in truly conjugial 
love, it is effected more and more inwardly to eternity; see above. 
They become one man according to the increase of conjugial 
love; and as that love in the heavens is genuine in consequence of 
the celestial and spiritual life of the angels, therefore two married 
partners are there called two, when they .are named husband and 
wife, but one, when they are named angels. 



That this is the case, must be confirmed not from the testimony 
of any inhabitant of the earth, but from the testimony of the in- 
habitants of heaven. For truly conjugial love does not exist with 
men on earth at the present day: and moreover, men on earth are 
encompassed with a gross body, which blunts and absorbs the 
sensation that the two married partners are a united man, and as 
it were one flesh: and besides, those in the world who love their 
married partners only outwardly, and not inwardly, do not wish 
to hear of such a thing: they also think on the subject lasciviously 
from the flesh. It is otherwise with the angels of heaven, because 
they are in spiritual and celestial conjugial love, and are not en- 


compassed with so gross a body as the men of the earth. From 
those among them who have lived for ages with their married 
partners in heaven, I have heard it attested, that they feel them- 
selves to be united thus, the husband with the wife, and the wife 
with the husband, and each in the other mutually and in return, 
as also in the flesh, although they are separate. The reason why 
this phenomenon is so rare on earth, they said was this, that the 
unition of the souls and minds of married partners on earth is 
felt in their flesh, because the soul constitutes the inmosts not only 
of the head, but also of the body; the mind likewise, which is in- 
termediate between the soul and the body, and which, although it 
appears to be in the head, is yet actually in the whole body also; 
and they said that hence it is that the acts, which the soul and 
mind intend, flow instantly from the body; and that hence also it 
is, that they themselves, after the casting away of the body in the 
former world, are perfect men. Now, since the soul and mind 
adjoin themselves closely to the flesh of the body, in order that 
they may operate and produce their effects, it follows that the 
union of soul and mind with a married partner is felt also in the 
body as one flesh. When these things had been said by the angels, 
I heard it asserted by the spirits who were present, that such sub- 
jects belong to angelic wisdom, and that they were transcenden- 
tal; but those spirits were natural-rational, and not spiritual- 



That it is a union of the souls and a conjunction of the minds, see 
above, no. 158. The reason why it is an effort for conjunction in 
the bosoms is, that the bosom is as it were the forum of assembly, 
and a royal council-chamber, and the body is as a populous city 
around it. The reason why the bosom is as it were the forum of 
assembly, is, that all things which are determined in the body 
from the soul and mind, flow in first into the bosom; and the 
reason why it is as it were a royal council-chamber, is, that in the 
bosom there is dominion over all things of the body; for in the 
bosom are the heart and lungs; and the heart reigns everywhere 
by means of the blood, and the lungs by means of the respiration. 
That the body is as a populous city around it, is evident. When 
therefore the souls and minds of married partners are united, and 
truly conjugial love unites them, it follows that this loving union 
flows in into their bosoms, and through their bosoms into their 
bodies, and causes an effort for conjunction; and so much the 
more, because conjugial love determines the effort to its ultimates, 
in order to complete its blissful pleasantnesses ; and as the bosom 
is midway (between the body and the mind), it is evident whence 
it is that conjugial love has fixed therein the seat of its delicate 





HEAVENLY FELICITY. The reasons why all these things are in con- 
jugial love, and hence are from it, are, that its origin is from the 
marriage of good and truth, and this marriage is from the Lord; 
and, that love is such that it desires to communicate with another 
whom it loves from the heart, yea, to confer joys upon him, and 
thence to derive its own joys. This therefore is the case infinitely 
with the Divine love which is in the Lord in regard to man, whom 
He created a receptacle of both love and wisdom proceeding from 
Himself; and as He has created man (homo) for the reception of 
those principles, the man (vir) for the reception of wisdom, and 
the woman for the reception of the love of the man's wisdom, 
therefore from the inmosts He has infused into human beings con- 
jugial love, into which love He might bring together all things 
blessed, blissful, delightful, and pleasurable, which proceed 'and 
flow in, solely from His Divine love through His Divine wisdom 
together with life; consequently, into those who are in truly con- 
jugial love, for these alone are recipients. Mention is made of the 
innocence, peace, tranquility, inmost friendship, full confidence, 
and the desire of the disposition and of the heart to make all good 
mutual to the other; for innocence and peace belong to the soul, 
tranquility to the mind, inmost friendship to the breast, full con- 
fidence to the heart, and the desire of the disposition and of the 
heart to make all good mutual to the other, belongs to the body 
from them. 



from all that has been heretofore said, and also from all that re- 
mains to be said hereafter; wherefore there is no need of any 
particular comment for its confirmation. 

182. To the above shall be added two Memorable Relations. 
The first is this: 

After some weeks, I heard a voice from heaven, saying, "Lo ! 
there is again an assembly on Parnassus: come hither and we will 
show you the way." 

I accordingly went ; and when I was near, I saw a certain per- 
son on Helicon with a trumpet, with which he announced and pro- 
claimed the assembly. And I saw the inhabitants of Athens and its 
suburbs ascending as before; and in the midst of them three nov- 
itiates from the natural world. They were all three from among 
the Christians; one w,as a priest, another a politician, and the third 
a philosopher. They amused these three novitiates on the way by 


talking on various subjects, especially about the ancient wise men, 
\\tiom they named. They asked whether they should see them, and 
were told that they should see them, and that if they liked, they 
might pay their respects to them, as they were affable. 

They inquired about Demosthenes, Diogenes, and Epicurus; 
and were answered, "Demosthenes is not here, but with Plato; 
Diogenes, with his scholars, dwells beneath Helicon, because he 
considers worldly things as nothing, and ponders only on heav- 
enly things; Epicurus dwells in the border to the West, and- has 
no intercourse with us, because we distinguish between good af- 
fections and evil affections, and say, that good affections are to- 
gether with wisdom, and evil affections are contrary to it." 

When they had ascended the hill Parnassus, some guards 
there brought water in crystal cups from a fountain in the mount, 
and said, "This is water from a fountain in the mount," and said, 
"This is water from the fountain of which the ancients fabled 
that it was broken open by the hoof of the horse Pegasus, and 
afterwards consecrated to the nine Virgins: but by the winged 
horse Pegasus they meant the understanding of truth, by means of 
which wisdom is procured; by the hoofs of his feet they meant 
experiences, by means of which natural intelligence is procured; 
and by the nine Virgins they meant Knowledges and sciences of 
every kind. These things are now-a-days called fables: but they 
were correspondences, according to which the primeval people 

Then those who accompanied the three strangers said, "Be not 
surprised; the guards are instructed to speak thus; but we, by 
drinking water from the fountain, mean being instructed concern- 
ing truths, concerning goods, and thus becoming wise." 

After this they entered the Palladium, and with them the 
three novitiates from the world, the priest, the politician, and the 
philosopher; and then the laureates, who were seated at the 

They replied, "This is new ; that a certain person asserts TEaT 
he converses with angels, and has his sight opened into the spirit- 
ual world, equally as into the natural world; and he brings thence 
many new facts, among which are the following: that a man 
lives a man after death, as he lived before in the world; that he 
sees, hears, speaks, as before in the world; that he is clothed and 
adorned, as before in the world ; that he hungers and thirsts, eats 
and drinks, as before in the world; that he enjoys the conjugial 
delight, as before in the world; that he sleeps and wakes, as be- 
fore in the world; that in the spiritual world there are lands and 
lakes, mountains and hills, plains and valleys, fountains and 
rivers, paradises and groves; also that there are palaces and 
houses, cities and villages, as in the natural world; and further, 
that there are writings and books, employments and trades; also' 
precious stones, gold and silver: in a word, that there are all such 



things there as there are on earth, and that those things in the 
heavens are infinitely more perfect, -with this difference only, that 
all the things which are in the spiritual world are from a spirit- 
ual origin, and thus are spiritual, because they are from the sun 
S$ . that .world, which is pure love: whereas all things which are 
in the natural world are from a natural origin, and thus are nat- 
ural and material, because they are from the sun of that world, 
which is pure fire; in a word, that a man after death is perfectly 
a man, yea more perfectly a man than before in the world; for 
before in the world he was in a material body, but in the spiritual 
world he is in a spiritual body." 

Hereupon the ancient wise men asked, "What do they on the 
earth think of those things?" 

The three strangers replied, "We know that they are true, be- 
cause we are here, and have examined and explored them all; 
wherefore we will tell you what has been said and reasoned about 
them on earth." 

Then the PRIEST said, "'Those of our order, when they first 
heard those things, called them visions, then inventions; after- 
wards they said that the man had seen spectres, and lastly they 
hesitated, and said, 'Believe them if you will; we have hitherto 
taught that a man will not be in a body after death until the day 
of die last judgment'." 

Then they asked, "Are there no intelligent persons among 
them, who are able to show and convince them of the Truth, that 
a man lives a man after death?" 

The priest said, "There are indeed some who prove it, but they 
do not convince others. Those who prove it, say, 'that it is con- 
trary to sound reason to believe, that a man does not live a man 
till the day of the last judgment, and that in the meantime he is 
a soul without a body. What is the soul, and where is it in the 
meantime? Is it a breath, or some wind floating in the air, or 
something hidden in the midst of the earth? Where is its habitat? 
Have the souls of Adam and Eve, and of all their posterity, for 
now six thousand years, or sixty ages, been floating about in the 
universe, or kept shut up in the midst of the earth, waiting for 
the last judgment? What can be more anxious and miserable than 
such a waiting? May not their lot be compared with that of pris- 
oners bound hand and foot, in prisons ? If such be a man's lot 
after death, would it not be better to be born an ass than a man? 
Is it not also contrary to reason to believe that the soul can be 
re-clothed with its body? Is not the body eaten up by worms, 
mice, and fish? And can a bony skeleton that has been parched 
up by the sun, or that has mouldered into dust, be introduced into 
a new body? And how could the cadaverous and putrid materials 
be collected, and reunited to the souls?' When they hear such 
questions as these, they do not offer any answers from reason, but 
adhere to their creed, saying, 6 We hold reason captive under 
obedience to faith.' With respect to the collecting of all the parts 



of the human body from the grave at the day of the last judgment, 
they say, This is the work of omnipotence; 7 and when they name 
omnipotence and faith, reason is banished; and I can say, that 
sound reason is then as nothing, and by some is regarded as a 
spectre; yea, they can say to sound reason, "Thou art unsound, 
or insane'." 

On hearing these things, the Grecian wise men said, "Are not 
such paradoxes dispersed of themselves, as being contradictory? 
And yet now-a-days in the world they cannot be dispersed by 
sound reason. What can be believed more paradoxical than what 
is told respecting the last judgment: that the universe will then 
be destroyed, and that the stars of heaven will then fall down 
upon the earth, which is less than the stars; and that then the 
bodies of men, whether they be carcasses, or mummies eaten by 
men, or reduced to mere dust, will be united again with their 
souls? When we were in the world, we believed in the immortal- 
ity of the souls of men, on account of the inductions with which 
reason furnished us ; and we also assigned regions for the blessed, 
which we called the Elysian Fields; and we believed that souls 
were human effigies or appearances, but of a fine and delicate 
nature, because spiritual." 

After this, the assembly turned to the other stranger, who in 
the world had been a POLITICIAN. He confessed that he had not 
believed in a life after death; and that "with regard to the new 
facts which he had heard about it, he had thought they were fig- 
ments and inventions. "When meditating on the subject," said he, 
"I used to say to myself, 'How can souls be bodies? does not 
the whole of man lie dead in the grave? is not the eye there; 
how can he see? is not the ear there; how can he hear? whence 
can he have a mouth wherewith to speak? If anything of a man 
were to live after death, must it not resemble a spectre? and how 
can a spectre eat and drink, or how can it enjoy the conjugial 
delight? whence can it have clothes, houses, foods, and so on? 
Besides, spectres, which are aerial effigies, appear as if they really 
existed; and yet they do not.' These and similar thoughts I used 
to entertain in the world about the life of men after death ; but 
now, since I have seen all things, and touched them with my 
hands, I have been convinced by my very senses that I am a man 
as I was in the world; so that I know no other than that I live 
now as I lived before; with this difference, that my reason now 
is sounder. At times I have been ashamed of my former thoughts." 

The PHILOSOPHER gave much the same account of himself; 
only differing in this respect, that he had considered the new facts 
which he had heard about a life after death, as being of the same 
class as the opinions and hypotheses which he had collected from 
the ancients and moderns. 

The Sophi, on hearing these things, were amazed; and those 
who were of the Socratic school, said, that from these new 
things from the earth, they perceived that the interiors of human 



minds had been successively closed; and that in the world at the 
present time the faith of falsity shines as Truth, and a fatuous 
ingenuity as wisdom; and that the light of wisdom, since their 
times, has descended from the interiors of the brain into the 
mouth beneath the nose, where it appears to the eyes as a shining 
of the lip, while the speech of the mouth proceeding thence ap- 
pears as wisdom. 

Hereupon one of the young scholars said, "How stupid are 
the minds of the inhabitants of the earth at the present day! I 
wish we had here the disciples of Heraclitus, who weep at every- 
thing, and of Democritus, who laugh at everything; for then we 
should hear much weeping and much laughter." 

When the assembly broke up, they gave the three novitiates 
from the earth some insignia of their authority, which were thin 
copper plates, on which were engraved some hieroglyphics; with 
which they departed. 

183. The second Memorable Relation: 

There appeared to me in the eastern quarter a grove of palm 
trees and laurels, set in spiral gyres. I approached and entered, 
and walked in the paths which described several spiral windings, 
and at the end of the ways I saw a garden, which formed the 
center of the grove. There was a little bridge dividing the grove 
from the garden, and at the bridge was a gate on the side next 
the grove, and a gate on the side next the garden. I drew near, 
and the gates were opened by the keeper. I asked him the name 
of the garden, and he said, "ADRAMANDONI, that is, the delight of 
conjugial love." 

I entered, and lo! there were olive trees; and between olive 
tree and olive tree there were running and pensile vines, and under- 
neath and among them were little trees in flower. In the midst of 
the garden was a grassy circus, on which were seated husbands 
and wives, and young men and maidens, in pairs ; and in the midst 
of the circus was an elevated piece of ground, where there was a 
little fountain, which, from the strength of its spring, leapt high. 
When I was near the circus I saw two angels in crimson and scar- 
Jet, speaking with those who were seated on the grass. They were 
i speaking about the origin of conjugial love, and .about its delights; 
and as they were speaking about that love, the attention was eager, 
and the reception full ; and hence there was an exaltation as from 
the fire of love in the conversation of the angels. 

I collected the following summary of what was said. They 
spoke first about the difficult investigation and the difficult percep- 
tion of the origin of conjugial love; bepause its origin is Divine 
celestial, for it is th#<Divine love, the? JDivine wisdom, and the 
Divine use; which three pr-Qrefid ft s ft " nft f thp T^nr^ and hp>np.ft 
flow in as a one intojjbe^spuls of , human being$,..and through their 
JmSTsfrnto their jmnds, and there into the interior affections arid 
thoughts, and'tKrbugh these into the desires next to the body, and 
1 164 


from these through the breast into the genital region, where all the 
things derived from the origin are together, and, together with 
their successive things, constitute conjugial love. 

After this the angels said, '"Let us communicate together by 
questions and answers ; since the perception of a thing, imbibed by 
hearing only, does indeed flow in, but does not remain, unless the 
hearer also thinks of it from himself, and asks questions about it." 

Then some of that conjugial company said to the angels, "We 
have heard that the origin of conjugial love is Divine celestial, 
because it is by virtue of influx from the Lord into the souls of 
men ; and as it is from the Lord, that it is love, wisdom, and use, 
which are the three essentials which together make one Divine es- 
sence, and that nothing but what is of the Divine essence can pro- 
ceed from Him and flow in into the inmost of man, which is called 
his soul ; and that these three essentials are turned into analogous 
and corresponding things in their descent into the body. We there- 
fore now ask, first, What is meant by the third proceeding Divine 
essential, which is called use?" 

The angels replied, "Lorve-and^wtsdcim, without use* are merely 
.abstract ideas of thought, which also after some continuance in the 
mind pass away like the winds: but in use they are collected to- 
gether, and therein become a one, which is called a real thing. 
Love cannot rest unless it is doing something ; for love is the very 
activity of life ; neither can wisdom exist and subsist, except when 
it is doing something from love and with love, and doing is use: 
wherefore we define use to be the doing good from love by means 
of wisdom; use is good itself. As these three, love, wisdom, and 
use, flow in into the souls of men, it may be manifest whence it is 
that it is said, that all good is from God; for everything done 
from love by means of wisdom is called good; and use also is 
something done. What is love without wisdom but a mere infatua- 
tion? and what is love with wisdom without use, but a state of 
mind? Whereas love and wisdom with use not only constitute 
man, but also are man; yea, what possibly you will be surprised 
at, they propagate man; for in the seed of man (vir) is his soul 
in a perfect human form, covered with substances from the purest 
things of nature, out of which the body (corpus) is formed in the 
womb of the mother. This use is the supreme and ultimate use of 
Divine love by Divine wisdom." 

Finally the angels said, "This must be the conclusion, that all 
fructification, all propagation, and all prolification come originally 
of the immediate influx of love, wisdom, and use from the Lord 
into the souls of men, of mediate influx into the souls of animals, 
and still more mediate into the inmosts of vegetables; and all 
these effects are wrought in ultimates by the primes. JiJsj^lain 
^tfructifications, propagations, and prolifications are continuaj; 
Uftns of creafthw; for creation cannot be from any other source 
"than from Divine love through Divine wisdom in Divine use; 
wherefore all things in the universe are procreated and formed 



from use, in use, and for use." 

Afterwards those that were sitting on the grassy banks asked 
the angels, "Whence are the delights of conjugial love, which are 
innumerable and ineffable?" The angels answered, "They are 
from the uses of love and wisdom, and this may be seen from the 
fact that in so far as one loves to be wise for the sake of genuine 
use he is in the vein and potency of conjugial love, and in so far 
as he is in these two he is in delights. Use effects this, because 
love and wisdom delight each in the other, and they play as it 
were like little children (innocences), and as they grow up, they 
enter into genial conjunction. This is as if by betrothals, nuptials, 
marriages, and propagations; and these continue with variety to 
eternity. These things take place between love and wisdom in- 
wardly in use; but these delights in their beginnings are imper- 
ceptible, but become perceptible more and more as they descend 
thence by degrees and enter the body. They enter through degrees, 
from the soul into the interiors of man's mind, from these into its 
exteriors, thence into the inmost bosom, and from this into the 
regionem genitalem. Yet these heavenly nuptial sports in the soul 
are not in the least perceived by man (homo) ; but they insinuate 
themselves thence into the interiors of the mind, under the form 
of peace and innocence; and into the exteriors of the mind in the 
form of blessedness, pleasantness, and joy; but into the inmost 
bosom under the form of the delights of inmost friendship; and 
into the regione genitali by influx continuous even from the soul, 
with the very sense of conjugial love, as the delight of delights. 
These nuptial sports of love and wisdom in use in the soul, in pro- 
ceeding towards the inmost bosom become enduring, and in that 
bosom present themselves sensibly under an infinite variety of 
delights; and by virtue of the wonderful communication of the 
inmost bosom with the regione genitali, these delights become there 
delights of conjugial love, which are exalted above all delights 
that are in heaven and in the world, for the reason that the use of 
conjugial love is the most excellent of all uses, because therefrom 
comes the procreation of the human race, and from the human 
race the angelic heaven. 5 ' 

To this the angels added, "That they who are not in the love 
of becoming wise from the Lord for the sake of use, know nothing 
of the variety of delights innumerable, which come of love truly 
conjugial. For with those that do not love to become wise from 
genuine truths, but love to be in insanity from falsities, and 
through this insanity do evil uses from some love, with such the 
way to the soul is closed; whence it results that the heavenly 
nuptial sports of love and wisdom in the soul intercepted more 
and more, cease, and together with them conjugial love, with its 
vein, its potency, and its delights." 

To this the hearers responded, "That they perceived that con- 
jugial love is according to the love of becoming wise for the sake 
of use, from the Lord." The angels replied, "So it is." And then 


upon the heads of some of them appeared there chaplets of flowers; 
and on their asking, "Why is this?" the angels said, "Because they 
have understood more profoundly." Then they departed from the 
garden, and the latter in the midst of them. 





184. What is meant by states of life, and their changes, is very 
well known to the learned and wise, but unknown to the unlearned 
and the simple ; wherefore something shall be prefaced on the sub- 
ject The state of a man's life is its quality; and as there are in 
every man two faculties which constitute his life, and which are 
called the understanding and the will, the state of a man's life is 
its quality as to the understanding and the will. Hence it is evident, 
that by the changes of the state of life are meant changes of quality 
as to the things which belong to the understanding, and as to the 
things which belong to the will. That every man is continually 
changing as to those two, but with a difference of the varieties be- 
fore marriage and after it, is the point undertaken to be proved in 
this section; which shall be done in the following order: 

I. The state of a man's life from infancy even to the end of his 
life., and afterwards to eternity, is continually changing. 

II. A man's internal form, which is that of his spirit, is like- 
wise continually changing. 

III. These changes are different with men (viri) from what 
they are with women; since men from creation are forms of knowl- 
edge^ intelligence, and wisdom., and women are forms of the love 
of those things with men. 

IV. With men there is an elevation of the mind into a higher 
light, and with women an elevation of the mind into a higher heat; 
and the woman feels the delights of her heat in the man's light. 

V. With both men and women, the states of life before mar- 
riage are different from what they are after marriage. 

VI. With married partners the states of life after marriage are 
changed and succeed each other according to the conjunctions of 
their minds by means of conjugial love. 

VII. Marriage also induces other forms on the souls and minds 
of married partners. 

VIII. The woman is actually formed into the wife of the man 
according to the description in the Book of the Creation. 

IX. This 'formation is effected by the wife by secret means; 
and this is meant by the woman being created while the man slept. 

X. This formation by the wife is effected by means of the con- 
junction of her own will with the internal will of the man. * 

XL This is for the sake of the end that, the will of both of 
them may become one* and that thus they both may become one 
man (homo). 


XII. This formation by the wife is effected by means of the 
appropriation of the affections of the husband. 

XIIL This formation by the wife is effected by means of the 
reception of the propagations of the soul of the husband, with the 
delight originating from the circumstance that she wills to be the 
love by her husband's wisdom. 

XIV. Thus a maiden is formed into a wife, and a bachelor into 
a husband. 

XV. In the marriage of one man (vir) with one wife., between 
whom there exists truly conjugial love, the wife becomes more and 
more a wife, and the husband more and more a husband. 

XVI. Thus also their forms are successively being perfected 
and ennobled from the Interior. 

XVII. The offspring born of two who are in truly conju- 
gial love, derive from their parents the conjugial principle of good 
and truth; whence they have the inclination and faculty, if a son, 
for perceiving the things which belong to wisdom., and if a 
daughter, for loving the things which wisdom teaches. 

XVIII. This happens because the soul of the offspring is from 
the father, (the Lord), and its clothing from the mother. 

Now follows the explanation of these articles. 


UALLY BEING CHANGED. The general states of man's life are called 
infancy, childhood, youth, manhood, and old age. That every 
man whose life is continued in the world, successively passes from 
one state into another, thus from the first to .the last, is known. 
The transitions into those ages only hecome apparent by the inter- 
vening spaces of time: that nevertheless they are progressive from 
one moment to another, thus continual, is seen by reason ; for the 
case is similar with a man as with a tree, which grows and in- 
creases every instant of time, even the most minute, from the 
casting of the seed into the earth. These momentary progressions 
are also changes of state; for the subsequent adds something to 
the antecedent, which perfects the state. The changes which take 
place in a man's internals, are more perfectly continuous than 
those which take place in his externals ; because a man's internals, 
by which are meant the things which belong to his mind or spirit, 
are elevated in a higher degree above his externals; and in those 
things which are in a higher degree, a thousand things take place 
in the same instant in which one thing takes place in the exter- 
nals. The changes which take place in the internals are changes 
of the state of the will as to the affections, and the state of the 
understanding as to the thoughts. The successive changes of state 
of the latter and of the former are specifically meant in the prop- 
osition. The reason why the changes of state of these two lives 
or faculties are perpetual with every man from infancy even to 
the end of his life, and afterwards to eternity, is, that there is no 



end to knowledge, still less to intelligence, and least of all to 
wisdom; for there are infinity and eternity in the extent of them 
by virtue of the Infinite and Eternal, from Whom they are. Hence 
comes the philosophical axiom of the ancients, that everything is 
divisible to infinity; to which must be added that it is likewise so 
multiplicable. The angels assert, that they are being perfected in 
wisdom by the Lord to eternity, which also means to infinity, be- 
cause eternity is the infinity of time. 

form is continually changing as the state of the man's life is 
changed, is, that nothing exists except in form; and state induces 
that form ; wherefore it is the same thing whether it be said that 
the state of a man's life is changed, or that his form is changed. 
All a man's affections and thoughts are in forms, and therefore 
are according to forms ; for forms are their subjects. If affections 
and thoughts were not in subjects which were formed, they might 
exist also in skulls empty of the brain; which would be the same 
thing as to suppose sight without the eye, hearing without the ear, 
and taste without the tongue. It is known that these organs are 
the subjects of these senses, and that these subjects are forms. 
The reason why the state of life, and thus the form, with a man, 
is continually changing is, that it is a Truth which the wise have 
taught and still teach, that there does not exist a sameness, or ab- 
solute identity of two things, still less of several ; as there are not 
two human faces the same, and still less than several. The case is 
similar in successive things, in that no subsequent state of life is 
the same as a preceding one; whence it follows, that there is a per- 
petual change of the state of life with man, consequently also a 
perpetual change of form, especially of his internals. But since 
these considerations do not teach anything about marriages, but 
only prepare the way for Knowledges concerning them, and since 
also they are mere philosophical inquiries of the understanding, 
which, with some persons, are difficult of perception, therefore, 
after these few remarks, they shall be passed by, 



MEN. That men have been created forms of the understanding, 
and that women have been created forms of the love of the un- 
derstanding of men, may be seen explained above, no. 90. That 
the changes of state, which succeed both with men and women 
from infancy to mature age, are for rendering the forms com- 
plete or perfect, the intellectual form with men, and the voluntary 
form with women, follows as a consequence: hence it is clear, 
that the changes with men are different from those with women; 


nevertheless with both, the external form which is that of the 
body, is completed or perfected according to the completion or 
perfection of the internal form which is that of the mind; for the 
mind acts upon the body, and not contrariwise. This is the reason 
why infants in heaven become men of stature and comeliness ac- 
cording to the increase of intelligence with them; it is otherwise 
with infants on earth, because they are encompassed with a 
material body like the animals: nevertheless they agree in this, 
that they first grow in inclination to such things as allure their 
bodily senses, and afterwards by little and little to such things as 
affect the internal thinking sense, and by degrees to such things as 
imbue the will with affection; and when they arrive at an age 
which is midway between mature and immature age, the conjugial 
inclination is added, which is that of a maiden for a bachelor, and 
of a bachelor for a maiden; and, since maidens in the heavens, 
equally as those on earth, from an innate prudence conceal their 
inclinations to marriage, the bachelors there know no otherwise 
than that they affect the maidens with love; and this also appears 
to them in consequence of their masculine eagerness; but this 
also they derive from an influx of love from the beautiful sex, 
which influx will be specially treated of elsewhere. From these 
considerations is manifest the Truth of the proposition that the 
changes of state with men are different from those with women; 
since men from creation are forms of knowledge, intelligence, and 
wisdom, and women are forms of the love of those things with 



OF HER HEAT IN THE MAN'S LIGHT. By the light into which men 
are elevated, is meant intelligence and wisdom, because spiritual 
light, which proceeds from the sun of the spiritual world, which 
in its essence is love, acts in equality or unity with those two ; and 
by the heat into which women are elevated, is meant conjugial 
love, because spiritual heat, which proceeds from the sun of that 
world, in its essence is love, and with women it is love conjoining 
itself with the intelligence and wisdom in men; which love in its 
complex is called conjugial love, and by determination becomes 
that love. It is said, elevation into a higher light and heat, be- 
cause it is an elevation into the light and heat in which the angels 
of the higher heavens are. There is also an actual elevation, as 
from a mist into the air, and from a lower region of the air into 
a higher one, and from this into the ether; wherefore the eleva- 
tion into a higher light with men is elevation into a higher intelli- 
gence, and from this into wisdom; into which also there is a 
higher and a still higher elevation. But the elevation into a higher 
heat with women is an elevation into a chaster and purer conju- 
gial love, and continually towards the conjugial principle, which 

189-191] CON1UGIAL LOVE 

from creation is latent in their inmosts. These elevations, consid- 
ered in themselves, are openings of the mind; for the human 
mind is distinguished into regions, just as the world is distin- 
guished into regions as to the atmospheres, of which the lowest is 
watery, the higher is aerial, and still higher one is ethereal, above 
which there is also the highest; into similar regions the mind of 
man (homo] is elevated as it is opened, with men (viri) by 
means of wisdom, and with women by means of truly conjugial 

189. It is said that the woman feels the delights of her heat in 
the light of man (vir] ; but this means that the woman feels the 
delights of her love in the wisdom of the man, because this wis- 
dom is the receptacle; and wherever love finds a receptacle cor- 
responding to itself, it is in its own delightsomenesses and de- 
lights: but it is not meant that heat with its light is delighted 
outside of forms, but within them; and spiritual heat is delighted 
with spiritual light in forms in a greater degree, because those 
forms by virtue of wisdom and love are vital, and thus susceptible. 
This may be illustrated to some extent by what are called the 
sports of heat with light in the subjects of the vegetable kingdom: 
outside of the subjects of the vegetable kingdom there is only a 
simple conjunction of heat and light, but within them there is as 
it were a sporting of the one with the other, because there they are 
in forms or receptacles; for they pass through them through won- 
derful windings, and in the inmosts therein they aspire towards 
the use of bearing fruit, and also breathe forth their pleasant- 
nesses far and wide into the air, which they fill with fragrance. 
The deliciation of spiritual heat with spiritual light is still more 
vividly experienced in human forms, in which spiritual heat is 
conjugial love, and spiritual light is wisdom. 



MARRIAGE. Before marriage, there are two states with both sexes, 
one previous to the inclination towards marriage, and the other 
subsequent to it. The changes of both these states, and the conse- 
quent formations of the minds, proceed in succedaneous order 
according to their continual increase; but there is not room here 
to describe these changes, for they are various and diverse in their 
several subjects. The inclinations to marriage, previous to mar- 
riage, are merely imaginative in the mind, and they become more 
and more sensible in the body; but the states of those inclinations 
after marriage are states of conjunction and also of prolification, 
which, it is evident, differ from the former states as the carrying 
out into effect differs from the intention. 





The reason why changes of the state and the successions thereof 
after marriage, with both the man and the wife, are according to 
conjugial love with them, and thus are either conjunctive or dis- 
junctive of their minds, is. that conjugial love is not only various, 
but also diverse with married partners. It is various with those 
who love each other inwardly; for with these it has its intermis- 
sions, although inwardly in its heat it is regular and permanent. 
But that love is diverse with those married partners who love each 
other only outwardly; with these its intermissions do not arise 
from similar causes, but from alternate cold and heat. The reason 
of these differences is, that with the latter the body plays the 
leading part, and its ardour spreads itself around, and forces into 
communion with itself the lower parts of the mind; but with the 
former who love each other inwardly, the mind plays the leading 
part, and draws the body into communion with it. It appears as 
though love ascends from the body into the soul, because as soon 
as the body catches the allurement, it enters through the eyes, as 
through doors, into the mind, and thus through the sight, as 
through an outer court, into the thoughts, and instantly into the 
love: but still it descends from the mind, and acts into the lower 
parts according to their arrangement or disposition; wherefore a 
lascivious mind acts lasciviously, and a chaste mind chastely ; and 
the latter disposes oftha b&dy., butjhe former is disposed by the body^ 

duces other forms on the souls and minds, cannot be observed in 
the natural world, because in that world souls and minds are en- 
compassed with a material body, through which the mind rarely 
shines. The men also of this age, more than the Ancients, learn 
from their infancy to induce expressions of their faces, whereby 
they deeply conceal the effections of the mind; and this is the 
reason why the forms of the minds as to their quality before 
marriage, and as to their quality after it, are not known and dis- 
tinguished. Nevertheless, that the forms of the souls and the 
minds differ after marriage from what they were before it, ap- 
pears manifestly from the same in the spiritual world; for they 
are then spirits and angels, who are nothing else than minds and 
souls in a human form, stripped of their outward coverings, which 
were composed of watery and earthly elements, and of aerial 
exhalations thence arising; and when these are cast off, the forms 
of the minds are plainly seen, such as they had been inwardly in 
their bodies ; and then it is clearly seen that those forms are dif- 
ferent with those who live in marriage, from the forms with those 
who do not. In general, married partners have an interior come- 
liness of face, for the man derives from the wife the lovely red- 
ness of her love, and the wife from the man the bright lustre of 
his wisdom; for two married partners in the spiritual world are 



united as to their souls; and moreover there appears in both a 
human fullness. This is the case in heaven, because there are no 
marriages anywhere else; beneath heaven there are only connu- 
bial connections, which are alternately made and broken off. 


In this Book it is said, that the woman was created out of the rib 
of the man (vir), and that the man said, when she was brought to 
him, "This is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; and she 
shall be called woman (Hebrew Ishshah), because she was taken 
out of man (Ish)" (chapter ii. 21-23). By a rib of the breast, in 
the Word, nothing else is signified, in the spiritual sense, than 
natural truth. This is signified by the ribs which the bear carried 
between his teeth (Dan. vii. 5) ; for bears signify those who read 
the Word in the natural sense, and see truths therein without un- 
derstanding. By the breast of the man (vir) is signified that es- 
sential and peculiar quality which is distinguished from the 
breast of the woman; that it is wisdom, see above, no 187; for 
truth supports wisdom as the ribs support the breast. These things 
are signified because the breast is that part in which all things of 
man (homo) are as in their centre. From these considerations it 
is manifest that the woman was created out of the man (vir) by 
the transcription of his own peculiar wisdom, that is, (she was 
created) out of natural truth; and that the love of this was trans- 
ferred from the man into the woman, in order that it might be- 
come conjugial love; and that this was done in order that in the 
man there might not be the love of self but the love of his wife. 
For the wife, by reason of her innate disposition, cannot do other- 
wise than convert the love of self with the man into his love for 
herself; and I have been informed, that this is effected by virtue 
of the wife's love itself, neither the man nor his wife being con- 
scious of it. Hence it is that no one can ever love his married 
partner conjugially who is in the conceit of his own intelligence 
from the love of self. When this arcanum of the creation of the 
woman from the man is understood, it can then be seen,' that the 
woman is likewise as it were created or formed from the man in 
marriage; and that this is done by the wife, or rather through the 
wife by the Lord, who has infused into women the inclinations to 
do so. For the wife receives into herself the image of the man, 
by appropriating his affections to herself (see above no. 173), 
and by conjoining the man's internal will with her own, of which 
something shall be said below; and also by appropriating to her- 
self the propagations of his soul, of which also something shall be 
said below. From these considerations it is evident, that, accord- 
ing to the description in the Book of Creation, inwardly under- 
stood, a woman is formed into a wife by means of such things as 
she takes out of her husband and his breast, and inscribes on 



WHILE THE MAN SLEPT. It is read in the Book of the Creation 
that Jehovah God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, so that 
he fell asleep ; and that He then took on of his ribs, and built it 
into a woman (chap. ii. 21, 22). That by the Man's sleep, and 
falling asleep is signified his entire ignorance that his wife is 
formed and as it were created from him, is evident, from what 
was shown in the preceding chapter, and also from the innate 
prudence and circumspection of wives not to divulge anything 
about their love or about their assumption of the affections of the 
man's life, and thus about the transcription of his wisdom into 
themselves. That this is effected by the wife without the husband's 
knowledge, and while he is as it were sleeping, thus by secret 
means, is evident from what was explained above, nos. 166-168; 
where also it is clearly shown, that the prudence for doing this 
was implanted in women from creation, and consequently from 
birth, for reasons which are necessities, in order that conjugial 
love, friendship, and confidence, and thus the blessedness of 
dwelling together, and the happiness of life, may be secured; 
wherefore, in order that this might be properly effected, it was 
enjoined on the man that he should leave his father and mother 
and cleave to his wife (Gen. ii, 24; Matt. xix. 4, 5). By the 
father and mother whom the man (vir) is to leave, in the spirit- 
ual sense is meant his proprium of will and proprium of under- 
standing; and the proprium of a man's (homo) will consists in 
loving himself, and the proprium of his understanding consists in 
loving his own wisdom; and by cleaving (to his wife) is signified 
devoting himself to the love of his wife. That those two propria 
are deadly evils to the man (vir) if they remain with him; and 
that the love of those two propria is changed into conjugial love, 
in proportion as the man cleaves to his wife, that is, receives her 
love, see above, no. 193, and elsewhere. That by sleeping is signi- 
fied being in ignorance and unconcern; that by the father and 
the mother are signified the two propria of a man (homo), the 
one of the will, and the other of the understanding: and that by 
cleaving is signified devoting oneself to the love of any one, can 
be abundantly confirmed from other passages in the Word; but 
this is not the place for that purpose. 


OF THE MAN. That with the man (vir) there are rational wisdom 
and moral wisdom, and that the wife conjoins herself with those 
things which belong to the moral wisdom with the man, see above, 
nos. 163-165. Those things w^idauJbelQn^ to Jthe_ rational wisdom 
^opatitn te T T tjh ft manji^ understanding, and tEose ^13TTeTohg"tb 
r aafc*^W^^ The wife conjoins herself with 

those things "which conslitulfc fhe ' man's will. Whether it be said 


196-198] CO\JL"CIAL LOVE 

that the wife conjoins herself, or that she conjoins her will with 
the man's will, it is the same thing, because the wife is born 
voluntary, or of the uill, and consequently, what she does she 
does from the will. The reason why it is said that she conjoins 
herself with the internal will of the man, is that the will of the 
man resides in his understanding or intellect: and the Intellectual 
of the man is the inmost of the woman, according to what was 
stated above concerning the formation of the woman from the 
man, no. 32, and in many other subsequent numbers. Men (viri) 
have also an external will; but this frequently derives its quality 
from simulation and dissimulation. This will the wife sees through; 
but she does not conjoin herself with it, except feignedly or in 



MAY BECOME ONE MAN (homo) : for he who conjoins to himself 
the will of another, also conjoins to himself his understanding; 
for the understanding considered in itself is nothing else than the 
minister and servant of the will. That this is the case, appears 
evidently from the affection of love, which moves the understand- 
ing to think as it directs. Every affection of love belongs to the 
will; for what a man loves that he also wills. From these con- 
siderations it follows, that he w r ho conjoins to himself the will of 
a man conjoins to himself the whole man. Hence it is, that it is 
implanted in the wife's love to unite the will of her husband to 
her own will; for thus the wife becomes the husband's, and the 
husband the wife's; thus they both become one man. 



HUSBAND. This article agrees with the two preceding, because 
affections belong to the will; for affections, which are nothing 
else than derivations of the love, form the will, and make and 
compose it; ^uiJliese-aSejcJions,. with, men .(uzri). are in the-uftder- 
^tarwiing, wfagreas with women they .are in the will. 



WISDOM. This coincides with what was explained above, nos. 172, 
173, wherefore further explanation is dispensed with. The con- 
jugial delights with wives derive their origin from no other source 
than the circumstance that they are willing to be one with their 
husbands, as good is one with truth in the spiritual marriage. 
That conjugial love descends from this spiritual marriage, has 
been proved in detail in the chapter on that subject. Hence it may 
be seen, as in effigy, that the wife conjoins the man with herself, 


as good conjoins truth with itself; and that the man conjoins him- 
self reciprocally with the uife. according to the reception of her 
love in himself, even as truth conjoins itself reciprocally with 
good, according to the reception of good in itself; and that thus 
the love of the wife forms itself by means of the wisdom of the 
husband, even as good forms itself by means of truth; for truth 
is the form of good. From these considerations it is also evident 
that conjugial delights exist with the wife, principally on account 
of her being willing to be one with her husband, consequently on 
account of her being willing to be the love of her husband's 
wisdom ; for then she is sensible to the delights of her own heat in 
the man's light according to what was explained in Article IV. 
no. 188. 


BACHELOR INTO A HUSBAND. This flows as a consequence from 
what has been said above in this and the foregoing chapter about 
the conjunction of married partners into one flesh. A maiden 
becomes or is made a wife, because in a wife there are elements 
taken out of the husband, and thus additional, which were not 
previously in her as a maiden. A bachelor also becomes, or is 
made a husband, because in a husband there are elements taken 
out of the wife which exalt his capacity for receiving love and 
wisdom, and which were not previously in him as a bachelor. 
But this is the case with those who are in truly conjugial love. 
That tjiese are among those who feel themselves a united man, 
and as it were one flesh, may be seen in the preceding chapter, 
no. 178. From these considerations it is evident, that with females 
maidenhood is changed into wifehood, and with men (viri) the 
bachelor state is changed into the marital state. That this is the 
case, was confirmed to me in the spiritual world by the following 
experience: Some men (viri) asserted, that conjunction with a 
female before marriage is like conjunction with a wife after 
marriage. On hearing this, the wives were very indignant, and 
said, "There is no likeness at all between the two cases. The 
difference between them is like that between what is fancied and 
what is* real." Hereupon the men retorted, "Are you not females 
as before?" To this the wives replied with a louder voice, "We 
are not females, but wives; you are in fancied and not in real 
love; wherefore you talk fancifully." Then the men said, "If you 
are not females, still you are married women": and they replied, 
"In the first states of marriage we were married women; but now 
we 'are wives." 


MORE A HUSBAND. That truly conjugial love conjoins two more 
and more into one man (homo), see above, nos. 178, 179; and as 



a wife becomes a wife from and according to conjunction with the 
husband, and in like manner the husband with the wife; and as 
truly conjugial love lasts to eternity, it follows, that the wife 
becomes more and more a wife, and the husband more and more 
a husband. The true reason of this is, that in a marriage of truly 
conjugial love each married partner becomes continually a more 
interior man (homo). For that love opens the interiors of their 
minds; and in the proportion in which these are opened the man 
becomes more and more a man; and becoming more a man 
(homo) in the case of the wife means becoming more a wife, and 
in the case of the husband it means becoming more a husband. 
I have heard from the angels, that the wife becomes more and 
more a wife in proportion as the husband becomes more and more 
a husband, but not contrariwise; because it rarely, if ever, happens 
that a chaste wife is wanting in love to her husband, but that the 
husband is wanting in a return of love to his wife; and that this 
return of love is wanting on account of his having no elevation of 
wisdom, which alone receives the love of the wife; concerning this 
wisdom see above, nos. 130, 163-165. These things however they 
said in relation to marriages on earth. 



and noble human form exists when two forms become one form 
by means of marriage; thus when two fleshes become one flesh, 
according to the creation. That the mind of the man (vir) is then 
elevated into a higher light and the mind of the wife into a higher 
heat, and that then they bud, and bear flowers and fruits, like trees 
in springtime, see above, nos. 188, 189. That from the ennobling 
of this form are born noble fruits, which in the heavens are 
spiritual, and on earth natural, will be seen in the following 



THINGS WHICH WISDOM TEACHES. That the offspring derive from 
their parents inclinations for such things as had been objects of 
the love and life of the parents, is a truth perfectly well known 
from history in general, and experience in particular. But that 
they do not derive or inherit from their parents the affections 
themselves, and thus the lives of their parents, but only inclina- 
tions, and also faculties for those affections, has been demon- 
strated by the wise in the spiritual world; concerning whom, see 
the two Memorable Relations adduced above. That the posterity, 
in consequence of innate inclinations, if they are not broken, are 
led into affections, thoughts, speech, and lives, similar to those of 


in the land of Canaan, and at the time of the Lord; and this 
the present day are like their fathers in Egypt, in the wilderness, 
their parents, is clearly evident from the Jewish nation, who at 
likeness is not confined to their minds only, but extends to their 
faces; for who does not know a Jew by his look? The case is the 
same with the offspring of others: from which facts it may be 
concluded, not fallaciously, that the offspring are born with in- 
clinations for such things as their parents were inclined to. But 
lest the thoughts and the acts should follow the inclinations, it is 
ordained by the Divine Providence that depraved inclinations 
should be capable of being corrected; and also that a faculty has 
been implanted for this purpose, by virtue whereof the morals of 
children can be efficaciously amended by the parents and masters, 
and afterwards by the children themselves, when they have arrived 
at years of discretion. 

203. It is said that the offspring derive from their parents the 
conjugial principle of good and truth, because this is implanted 
from creation into the soul of every one, for it is that which flows 
in into man from the Lord, and constitutes his human life. But 
this conjugial principle passes from the soul into the succeeding 
parts, even to the ultimates of the body. Yet in both the latter 
and the former, on the way, it is changed by the man himself in 
many ways, and sometimes into the opposite, which is called the 
conjugial, or connubial principle of evil and falsity. When this 
is die case, the mind is closed from below, and is sometimes 
twisted like a spire into the contrary direction; but with some it 
is not closed, but remains half open above, and with some it 
remains quite open. It is from the latter and the former conjugial 
principle that the offspring derive inclinations from their parents, 
a son in one way, and a daughter in another. The reason why this 
is from the conjugial principle, is that (as was proved above, in 
no. 65) conjugial love is the fundamental love of all loves. 

204. The reason why the offspring born of those who are in 
truly conjugial love, derive inclinations and faculties, if a son, for 
perceiving the things which belong to wisdom, and if a daughter, 
for loving the things which wisdom teaches, is, that the conjugial 
principle of good and truth is implanted by creation in the soul 
of everyone, and also in the parts which are derived from the 
soul. For it was shown above, that that conjugial principle fills 
the universe from primes to ultimates, and from a human being 
even to a worm; and it was also shown that the faculty to open 
the lower parts of the mind even to conjunction with its highest 
parts, which are in the light and heat of heaven, is also implanted 
in every human being from creation. Hence it is evident, that a 
greater aptitude and facility for conjoining good with truth, and 
truth with good, and thus for becoming wise, is inherited at birth 
by those who are born from such a marriage, than by others; 

/ 179 


consequently, they have also a greater aptitude and facility than 
others for imbibing the things which belong to the church and 
heaven; that conjugial love is conjoined "with these things, has 
been frequently shown above. From these considerations, reason 
may clearly see the end for the sake of which the Lord and Creator 
has provided, and still provides, marriages of truly conjugial love. 

205. I have heard from the angels, that they who lived in the 
Most Ancient eras live at this day in the heavens, in distinct house- 
holds, families, and nations, as they had lived on earth, and that 
scarcely any one of a household is wanting: and that the reason 
of this is. that truly conjugial love was among them; and that 
hence their offspring inherited inclinations for the conjugial prin- 
ciple of good and truth, and were easily initiated into it more and 
more inwardly by their parents by means of education, and that 
afterwards as of themselves, when they became capable of judging 
for themselves, they were introduced into it by the Lord. 

FROM THE MOTHER, No wise man raises a doubt that the soul is 
from the father: it is also manifestly perceived from the disposi- 
tions, and likewise from the faces, which are the types of the dis- 
positions, in posterities which descend from fathers of families in 
a regular series; for the father returns as in an effigy, if not in 
his sons, yet in his grandsons and great-grandsons, and this takes 
place because the soul constitutes a man's inmost, which may be 
covered over by the offspring nearest in descent, but nevertheless 
it comes forth and manifests itself in more remote issue. That the 
soul is from the father, and its clothing from the mother, may be 
illustrated by analogous things in the vegetable kingdom. In this 
kingdom the earth, or ground, is the common mother, which in 
itself, as in a womb, receives and clothes seeds, yea, as it were, 
conceives, bears, brings forth, and educates them, as a mother does 
her offspring from the father. 

207. To the above I shall add two Memorable Relations. The 
First is as follows: 

After some time I was looking towards the city Athens, of 
which something was said in a former memorable relation, and I 
heard thence an unwonted cry. There was in it something of 
laughter, and in the laughter something of indignation, and in 
the indignation something of sorrow; still however that cry was 
not therefore dissonant, but consonant, because one tone was not 
together with another, but one was within another. In the spiritual 
world a variety and commixture of affections is distinctly per- 
ceived in sound. 

I inquired from afar what the matter was, and they said, "A 
messenger has arrived from the place where the new comers from 


the Christian world first appear, saying, that he has heard from 
three persons there, that in the world whence they came they had 
believed, with the rest there, that the blessed and happy after death 
enjoy absolute rest from labours ; and that, since administrations, 
offices, and handicrafts are labours, they enjoy rest from these: 
and as those three persons have now been conducted hither by our 
emissary, and stand at the gate waiting, a cry was made, and it 
was deliberately resolved that they should not be introduced into 
the Palladium on Parnassus, as the former were, but into the great 
auditory there, to communicate their news from the Christian 
world: and some deputies have been sent to introduce them In 

As I was in the spirit, and as distances with spirits are accord- 
ing to the states of their affections, and as at that time I had an 
affection to see and hear them, I seemed to myself to be present 
there; and I saw them introduced, and heard them speak. The 
elders, or wiser ones of the audience sat at the sides of the 
auditory, and the rest in the midst; and before these was an 
elevated piece of ground. Hither the three strangers, with the 
messenger, were formally conducted by the younger members, 
through the middle of the auditory. After silence had been 
obtained, they were addressed by a certain one of the elders 

They said, "There is a great deal that is new: but pray tell us 
on what subject you want information." 



They replied, "When we first came into this state, we heard 
that here and in heaven there are governments, offices, functions, 
businesses, studies in all branches of learning, and wonderful 
handicrafts, and yet we had believed that after our removal, or 
translation from the natural state into this spiritual one, we 
should come into an eternal rest from labours, and what are 
employments but labours?" 

At this the elder said, u By eternal rest from labours did you 
understand eternal idleness, in which you would be continually 
sitting and lying down, inhaling delights with the bosom, and 
sucking in joys with the mouth?" 

To this the three strangers said, smiling, that they had thought 
something of the sort. 

They were then answered, "What have joys and delights, and 
the happiness thence resulting, in common with idleness? By 
idleness the mind collapses and is not expanded; or, the man is 
deadened instead of being quickened into life. Suppose a person 
to be sitting in complete idleness, with his hands hanging down, 
his eyes cast down, or withdrawn from all objects, and suppose 
him at the same time to be encompassed by an aura of gladness, 



\\ould not a lethargy seize both his head and body, and would not 
the vital expansion of his face shrivel up, and would he not, at 
length, his fibres being relaxed, totter to and fro, till he fell to 
the earth? What keeps the system of the whole body in expansion 
and tension, but the tension of the animus? and whence comes 
the tension of the animus but from administrations and works, 
when they are done from delight? Wherefore I will tell you some- 
thing of the new state in heaven: there are therein governments, 
offices, higher and lower courts of justice, also arts and handi- 

The three strangers, on hearing that there were higher and 
lower courts of justice in heaven, said, "To what purpose are 
such proceedings? are not all in heaven inspired and led by God, 
and do not they know in consequence what is just and right? 
what need then is there of judges?" 

The elder replied, u ln this world we are instructed and learn 
what is good and true, also what is just and fair, just as in the 
natural world; and these things we learn, not immediately from 
God, but mediately through others; and every angel, like every 
man. thinks what is true, and does what is good, as from himself; 
and this, according to the state of the angel, is mixed, and not 
pure. Moreover, among the angels, also there are those who are 
simple and those who are wise; and it is the part of the wise to 
judge, when the simple, from simplicity and ignorance, are doubt- 
ful about what is just or depart from it. But as you are as yet 
strangers in this world, if it be your good pleasure, follow me 
into our city, and we will show you everything there." 

Then they quitted the auditory, and some of the elders also 
accompanied them. They w r ere first taken into a large library, 
which was divided into smaller libraries according to the sciences. 
The three strangers, on seeing so many books, were astonished, 
and said, "There are books also in this world! whence do you 
procure parchment and paper, pens and ink? 

To this the elders replied, "We perceive that in the former 
world you believed that this world is empty, because it is spir- 
itual; and you believed so because you had cherished an idea of 
what is spiritual abstracted from what is material ; and that which 
is abstracted from what is material appeared to you as nothing, 
thus as empty; when nevertheless in this world there is a fullness 
of all things. Here all things are SUBSTANTIAL and not material; 
and material things derive their origin from substantial things. 
We who live here are spiritual men, because we are substantial 
gay! *"** atP rifll : ignce it is, that jnj:his world all things that jan 
in the natural world existTn 'their "perfection, even books an 

~ ..... ...... ~ 

The three strangers, when they heard them talk of 
things, thought that it must be so, both because t 
books, and because they heard it said that matters originate in 
substances. For their further confirmation about these things. 


they were taken to the house of the scribes, who were writing out 
copies of the writing of the wise ones of the city; and they in- 
spected the writings, and wondered to see them so neat and elegant. 

After this they were conducted to the museums, high schools, 
and colleges, and to the places where they had their literary 
sports. Some of these were called the sports of the Heliconides, 
some of the sports of the Parnassides, some the sports of the 
Athenaeides, and some the sports of the Virgins of the fountain. 
They said that the latter were so called, because virgins signify 
affections of sciences, and every one has intelligence according to 
his affections of sciences. The sports so called were spiritual 
exercises and trials of skill. Afterwards they were led about the 
city to see the governors, executive officers, and their subordinates ; 
by whom they were taken to see the wonderful works that are 
done in a spiritual manner by the artificers. 

After these things had been seen, the president again spoke 
with them about the eternal rest from labour, into which the 
blessed and happy come after death, and said, "Eternal rest is not 
idleness ; for idleness occasions a languor, listlessness, stupor, and 
drowsiness of the mind, and thence of the whole body; and these 
things are death and not life, still less eternal life in which the 
angels of heaven are; wherefore eternal rest is a rest which 
dispels those mischiefs and causes a man to live; this also is 
nothing else than such a thing as elevates the mind; consequently 
it is some employment and work by which the mind is excited, 
vivified, and delighted; and this is effected according to the use 
from which, in which, and for the sake of which, the mind is 
actively employed. Hence it is, that the universal heaven is 
regarded by the Lord as containing uses; and every angel is an 
angel according to use; the delights of use carries him along, as a 
favorable current does a ship, and causes him to be in eternal 
peace, and in the rest of peace. This is the meaning of eternal 
rest from labour. That an angel is alive according to the applica- 
tion of his mind from use is manifestly evident from the fact, 
that every one has conjugial love with its virtue, potency, and 
delights, according to the appication of the genuine use in which 
he is." 

When the three strangers had been convinced that eternal rest 
is not idleness, but the delight of some work that is of use, there 
came some maidens with pieces of embroidery and knitting, the 
works of their own hands, which they gave to them. When the 
novitiate spirits were gone, the maidens sang an ode, wherein they 
expressed with angelic melody the affection of works of use with 
its pleasantnesses. 

208. The Second Memorable Relation: 

When I was meditating on the arcana of conjugial love hidden 
away with wives, there again appeared THE GOLDEN SHOWER 
described above; and I recollected that it fell over a palace in the 



east where there lived three conjugial loves, that is, three married 
pairs, who loved each other tenderly. On seeing it, I, as if invited 
by the sweetness of the meditation on that love, hastened towards 
it, and as I approached, the shower from golden became crimson, 
afterwards scarlet, and when I was near, it was opalescent like 
dew. I knocked, and the door was opened; and I said to the 
attendant, "Tell the husbands that he who came before with an 
angel is come again, and begs that he may be allowed to enter 
and converse with them." The attendant returned with the assent 
of the husbands, and I entered. 

The three husbands with their wives were together in an open 
courtyard, and returned my greeting with good-will. 

I then asked the wives, whether the white dove in the window 
had afterwards appeared? 

They said, "Yes; and to-day also, and it likewise spread out 
its wings; from which we surmised that you were near at hand, 
and were going to beg us to disclose yet one more arcanum of 
conjugial love." 

I asked, "Why do you say one more arcanum; when yet I 
came here to learn several?" 

They replied, "'They are arcana, and some of them transcend 
your wisdom to such a degree, that the understanding of your 
thought cannot apprehend them. You glory over us on account of 
your wisdom; but we do not glory over you on account of ours; 
and yet ours is eminently above yours, because it enters your 
inclinations and affections, and sees, perceives, and feels them. 
You know nothing at all about the inclinations and affections of 
your own love; and yet these are the things from which, and 
according to which, your understanding thinks, consequently from 
which, and according to which, you are wise; and yet wives know 
them so well in their husbands, that they see them in their faces, 
and hear them from the tone of the speech of their mouth, yea, 
they feel them on their breasts, arms, and cheeks. But we, from 
the zeal of love for your happiness, and at the same time for our 
own, pretend not to know them; and yet we govern them so 
prudently, that wherever the fancy, good pleasure, and will of our 
husbands lead, we follow by permitting and suffering it; only 
bending its direction when it is possible, but never forcing it." 

I asked, "Whence have you this wisdom?" 

They replied, "It is implanted in us from creation and con- 
sequently from birth. Our husbands liken it to instinct; but we 
say that it is the Divine Providence, in order that men (viri) 
may be rendered happy by their wives. We have heard from our 
husbands, that the Lord wills that the male human being should 
act from freedom according to reason; and that therefore the 
Lord Himself from within governs his freedom, which has respect 
to the inclinations and affections; and that He governs it from 
without by means of his wife; and that thus the Lord forms the 
man (t;zr) with his wife into an angel of heaven: and moreover 


love changes its essence, and does not become that love, if it be 
forced. But we will speak more openly on this subject: we are 
moved thereto, that it, to the prudence of governing the inclina- 
tions and affections of our husbands, so that they may seem to 
themselves to act from freedom according to their reason, from 
this cause, that we are delighted by their loves; and we love noth- 
ing more than that they should be delighted by our delights, 
which, if they are lightly esteemed by our husbands, become 
insipid to us." 

Having said this, one of the wives entered her bridal -chamber, 
and on her return said, "My dove still flutters its wings, which is 
a sign that we may make further disclosures." They then said, 
"We have observed various changes of the inclinations and affec- 
tions of the men; as, that they become cold towards their wives, 
when the husbands think vain things against the Lord and the 
church; that they become cold when they are in conceit from 
their self-intelligence; that they become cold when they look at 
other women with concupiscence ; that they become cold when the 
subjct of love is adverted to by their wives; besides many other 
occasions; and that they become cold with different kinds of cold; 
this we have noticed from a withdrawal of the sense from their 
eyes, ears, and bodies, at the presence of our senses. From these 
few observations you may see, that we know better than the men 
whether it will be well or ill with them; if they are cold towards 
their wives, it is ill with them, but if they are warm towards their 
wives, it is well with them; wherefore wives are continually 
devising means in their minds whereby the men may become 
warm and not cold towards them; and these means they devise 
with a sagacity inserutible to their husbands/' 

As they said this, the dove was heard -as it were moaning; and 
then the wives said, "This is a sign to us that we have a wish to 
divulge deeper arcana, but that it is not allowable : probably you 
will reveal to the men what you have heard." 

I replied, "I intended to do so: what harm can come from it?" 

The wives, after they had spoken together on the subject, said, 
"Reveal it if you like. We are not unaware of the power of per- 
suasion which wives possess; for they will say to their husbands, 
'That man is mocking; he tells idle tales; he is but joking from 
appearances, and from idle fancies usual with men. Do not 
believe him, but believe us; we know that you are loves, and we 
obediences.' Wherefore reveal it if you like; but still the husbands 
will place no dependence on your lips, but on the lips of their 
wives which they kiss." 



209. There are so many things relating to marriages that, if 
they were particularly treated of. they would swell this little book 
into a large volume: for there might be particularly treated of, 
the likeness and unlikeness between married partners; the eleva- 
tion of natural conjugial love into spiritual conjugial love, and 
the conjunction of those loves: the increase of the one and the 
decrease of the other; the varieties and diversities of each; the 
intelligence of wives; the universal conjugial sphere from heaven, 
and its opposite sphere from hell, and the influx and reception of 
those sphere; besides many other things, which, if individually 
enlarged upon, would render this work so bulky as to tire out the 
reader. For this reason, and to avoid empty prolixity, these things 
shall be condensed into UNIVERSALS RELATING TO MARRIAGES. But 
these, like the foregoing subjects, must be distinctly considered 
under the following articles: 

I. The especial sense of conjugial love is the sense of touch. 

II. With those who are in truly conjugial love, the faculty of 
becoming wise increases; but with those who are not in conjugial 
love, it decreases. 

III. With those who are in truly conjugial love, the happiness 
of dwelling together increases; but with those who are not in con- 
jugial love, it decreases. 

IV. With those who are in truly conjugial love^ the conjunc- 
tion of minds increases, and therewith friendship; but with those 
who are not in conjugial love, it decreases, 

V. Those who are in truly conjugial love, continually desire 
to be one man; but those who are not in conjugial love, desire 
to be two. 

VI. Those who are in truly conjugial love y in marriage look 
to what is eternal; but with those who are not in conjugial love, 
the case is reversed. 

VII. Conjugial love resides with chaste wives; but still their 
love depends on their husbands. 

VIII. Wives love the bonds of marriage, provided only that 
the men also love them. 

IX. The intelligence of women is in itself modest, elegant, 
pacific, yielding, soft, tender; but the intelligence of men is in 
itself grave, harsh, hard, daring, fond of licentiousness. 

X. Wives are in no excitement as men are; but they have a 
state of preparation for reception. 

XL The men have abundance (copia) according to the love 
of propagating the truths of their wisdom, and according to the 
love of doing uses. 


XII. The determinations are at the good pleasure of the 

XIII. There is a conjugial sphere which flows in from the 
Lord through heaven into each and all things of the universe, even 
to its ultimates. 

XIV. This sphere is received by the feminine sex* and through 
it is transferred into the masculine sex; and not contrariwise. 

XV. Where there is truly conjugial love, this sphere is received 
by the wife, and solely through the wife by the husband. 

XVI. Where the love is not conjugial, this sphere is indeed 
received by the wife, but not by the husband through her. 

XVII. Truly conjugial love may exist with one of the married 
partners, and not at the same time with the other. 

XVIII. There are various likenesses and unlikenesses, both 
internal and external, with married partners. 

XIX. Various likenesses can be conjoined, but not with unlike- 

XX. The Lord provides a likeness for those who desire truly 
conjugial love, and if it does not exist on earth. He provides it in 
the heavens. 

XXI. According to the defect and loss of conjugial love, man 
approaches to the nature of the beast. 

Now follows the explanation of these articles. 

OF TOUCH, Every love has its own sense. The love of seeing, 
from the love of understanding, has the sense of sight; and the 
pleasantnesses of this sense are symmetries and beauties. The love 
of hearing, from the love of hearkening to any obeying, has the 
sense of hearing; and the pleasantnesses of this sense are har- 
monies. The love of cognizing the things which float about in the 
air, from the love of perceiving, has the sense of smell; and the 
pleasantnesses of this sense are fragrances. The love of nourishing 
oneself from the love of imbuing oneself with goods and truths, 
has the sense of taste ; and the delightsomenesses of this sense are 
delicacies. The love of cognizing objects, from the love of exer- 
cising circumspection and protecting oneself, is the sense of touch ; 
and the pleasantnesses of this sense are titillations. The reason 
why the love of conjunction with a consort, from the love of 
uniting good and truth, has the sense of touch, is, that this sense 
is common to all the senses, and hence levies contributions from 
them. That this love brings all the above mentioned senses into 
communion with it, and appropriates their pleasantnesses to itself, 
is known. That the sense of touch is dedicated to conjugial love, 
and is its especial sense, is evident from all its sports, and from 
the exaltation of its subtilties to the utmost exquisiteness. But the 
further consideration of this subject is left to lovers. 





the faculty of becoming wise increases with those who are in truly 
conjugial love. is. that this love is with married partners from 
wisdom, and according to it, as has been fully proved in the pre- 
ceding sections: also that the sense of that love is the touch, and 
this is common to all the senses, and also is full of delights; con- 
sequently it opens the interiors of the minds, as it opens the 
interiors of the senses, and therewith the organical parts of the 
whole body. Hence it follows, that they w T ho are in that love, love 
nothing more than to become wise; for a man becomes wise in 
proportion as the interiors of his mind are opened; for by means 
of the opening, the thoughts of the understanding are elevated 
into a higher light, and the affections of the will into a higher 
heat; a&d the ..higher light is wisdom, and the higher heat is the 
Jove of wisdom. The spiritual delights conjoined with natural 
delights, which are the portion of those who are in truly con- 
jugial love, constitute the faculty of loving and being loved, and 
hence the faculty of becoming wise. Hence it is that the angels 
have conjugial love according to wisdom, and the increase of that 
love and at the same time of its delights is according to the in- 
crease of wisdom; and hence also it is that the spiritual offspring 
which are born from their marriages, are such things as belong to 
wisdom from the father, and such things as belong to love from 
the mother, which they love from a spiritual storge; which love 
adds itself to their conjugial love, and continually elevates it, and 
conjoins them. 

212. The contrary happens with those who are not in any con- 
jugial love, in consequence of not having any love of wisdom. 
These enter upon marriage with no other end than that of in- 
dulgence in lasciviousness, and in this end there is also the love 
of becoming insane; for every end considered in itself is a love, 
and lasciviousness in its spiritual origin is insanity. By insanity 
is meant a delirium of the mind arising from falsities ; and a pre- 
eminent delirium is the delirium of the mind arising from truths 
which are falsified to such a degree that these (falsifications) are 
believed to be wisdom. That such persons are opposed to con- 
jugial love, is confirmed or evinced by manifest proof in the 
spiritual world: in that world, on perceiving the first fragrance 
of conjugial love, they flee into caverns, and shut the doors; and 
if these are opened, they rave like madmen in the world. 



reason why the happiness of dwelling together increases with 
those who are in truly conjugial love, is that they mutually love 
each other with every sense. The wife sees nothing more lovely 


than the husband, and the husband nothing more lovely than the 
wife, yea, neither do they hear, smell, or touch anything more 
lovely; hence the happiness they enjoy of living together in the 
same house, bed-chamber, and bed. That this is the case, you that 
are husbands can convince yourselves from the first delights of 
marriage, which are in their fullness, because at that time the wife 
only of all the sex is loved. That the reverse is the case with those 
who are not in any conjugial love, is known. 



DECREASES. That the conjunction of minds increases with those 
who are in truly conjugial love, was proved in the chapter on 
"The Conjunction of the Souls and Minds by means of Marriage, 
which is meant by the Lord's words, that they are no longer two 
but one flesh," see no. 156 (a) - 181. But the reason why that con- 
junction increases as friendship becomes conjoined with love, is, 
that friendship is as it were the face, and is also as it were the 
garment of that love; for it not only conjoins itself to the love as 
a garment, but also conjoins itself with it as a face. The love 
which precedes friendship is similar to sexual love, a love which, 
after the marriage vow, passes away; but the love conjoined with 
friendship remains after the vow, and is also strengthened : it like- 
wise enters more interiorly into the bosom, friendship introducing 
it, and making it truly conjugial; and then the love makes this its 
friendship also conjugial, which differs greatly from the friend- 
ship of every other love, for it is full. That the contrary takes 
place with those who are not in conjugial love, is known. With 
these the first friendship, which has been insinuated at the time 
of betrothal, and afterwards during the first days after the wed- 
ding, recedes more and more from the interiors of the mind, and 
from these it successively departs at last to the cuticles; and, with 
those who think of separations, it goes away entirely; but with 
those who do not think of separation, love remains in the externals, 
but it is cold in the internals. 


CONJUGIAL LOVE, DESIRE TO BE TWO. Conjugial love in its essence 
consists in nothing else than the willing of two to be one ; that is, 
in their willing that two lives shall become one life. This will is 
the perpetual endeavor of that love, from which flow all its effects. 
That endeavor is the very essence of motion, and that will is a 
living endeavor with man, is confirmed by the researches of 
philosophers, and is also evident to such as take a view of the sub- 
ject from cultivated reason. Hence it follows, that those who are 
in truly conjugial love, continually endeavor, that is, will to be 
one man. That the contrary takes place with those who are not in 



conjugial love, they themselves know very well; for as they con- 
tinually think themselves two in consequence of the disunion of 
their souls and minds, so they do not comprehend what is meant 
by the Lord's words, that they are no longer two. but one flesh 
I Matt. xix. 6) . 


IN CONJUGIAL LOVE. THE CASE is REVERSED. The reason why those 
who are in truly conjugial love look to what is eternal, is, that in 
that love there is eternity; and its eternity is in consequence of 
that love with the wife, and wisdom with the husband, increasing 
to eternity; and in the increase or progression the married part- 
ners enter more and more interiorly into the blessednesses of 
heaven, which their wisdom and its love together have stored up 
in themselves : wherefore if the idea of what is eternal were to be 
plucked away, or by any chance to escape from their minds, it 
would be as if they were cast down from heaven. What is the state 
of married partners in heaven, when the idea of what is eternal 
falls out of their minds, and the idea of what is temporary takes 
its place, was made clear to me from the following experience: 
Two married partners were once, by permission, present with 
me from heaven; and at that instant the idea of what is eternal 
in relation to marriage w r as taken away from them by a mis- 
chievous juggler, who talked cunningly. Hereupon they began to 
bewail themselves, saying, that they could not live any longer, 
and that they felt such misery as they had never felt before. When 
this was perceived by their fellow angels in heaven, the juggler 
was removed and cast down; whereupon the idea of what is 
eternal instantly returned to them, at which they were gladdened 
in heart, and most tenderly embraced each other. 

Besides this, I have heard two married partners, who at one 
moment entertained the idea of what is eternal in relation to their 
marriage, and the next moment the idea of what is temporary. 
The reason was, that there was an internal unlikeness between 
them. When they were in the idea of what is eternal, they were 
mutually glad; but when in the idea of what is temporary, they 
said, "There is no longer any marriage between us ;" and the wife 
said, "I am no longer a wife, but a concubine;" and the man, 
"I am no longer a husband, but a scortator;" wherefore while 
their internal unlikeness was open to them, the man left the 
woman, and the woman the man: afterwards, however, since they 
both had an idea of what is eternal in relation to marriage, they 
were consociated with suitable consorts. 

From these instances it may be clearly seen, that they who are 
in truly conjugial love look to what is eternal; and that, if this 
idea from their inmosts drops out of their thought, they are dis- 
united as to conjugial love, although they may not at the same 


time be disunited as to friendship; for friendship dwells in ex- 
ternals: but conjugial love in internals. The case is similar with 
marriages on earth, where married partners who tenderly love 
each other, think of what is eternal in relation to the covenant, 
and not at all of its end by death; and if this should enter their 
thoughts, they are grieved; nevertheless they are revived by hope 
from the thought of its continuation after their decease. 



is. that wives are born loves; and hence it is innate to them to 
will to be one with their husbands ; and from this thought of their 
will they continually suckle their love; wherefore to recede from 
the endeavor of uniting themselves with their husbands, would be 
to recede from themselves. It is otherwise with husbands who are 
not born loves, but recipients of that love from their wives; and 
therefore, in proportion as they receive it, in the same proportion 
the wives enter with their love; but in proportion as they do not 
receive it, in the same proportion the wives stand outside with 
their love, and wait. This is the case with chaste wives; but it is 
otherwise with unchaste ones. From these considerations it is 
manifest that conjugial love resides with the wives, but that their 
love depends on their husbands. 


ONLY THAT THE MEN ALSO LOVE THEM. This follows from what 

was said in the foregoing article: add to this, that wives, naturally 
wish to be, and to be called, wives; this is to them a name of 
beauty and honour; wherefore they love the bonds of marriage. 
And as chaste wives wish to be wives, not in name only, but in 
reality, and this is effected by a closer and closer binding with 
their husbands, therefore they love the bonds of marriage for the 
sake of rendering its covenant firm; and this so much the more 
as they are loved again by their husbands, or, what is the same 
thing, as the men love those bonds. 



LICENTIOUSNESS. That such are the characteristics of women and 
men, is manifestly evident from the body, the face, the tone of 
voice, the conversation, the gesture, and the manners of each: 
from the BODY, in that the skin and flesh of men are hard, and the 
skin and flesh of women are soft; from the FACE, in that it is 
harder, stiffer, more rugged, of darker complexion, and also 
bearded, thus less beautiful in men ; whereas in women it is softer, 
more yielding, more tender, of fairer complexion, and thus more 
beautiful ; from the TONE OF VOICE, in that it is deep with men, 
and tender with women; from their CONVERSATION, in that with 



men it is fond of licentiousness, and daring, but with women it is 
modest and pacific; from the GESTURE, in that with men it is 
stronger and firmer* whereas with women it is weaker and feebler ; 
from the MANNERS, in that with men they are more unrestrained, 
but with women more elegant. How far from the very birth the 
genius of men differs from that of women, was clearly manifested 
to me from seeing a number of boys and girls met together. 
I saw them at times through a window in the street of a great city, 
where more than twenty assembled every day. The boys, agree- 
ably to the disposition born with them, in their pastimes w^ere 
tumultous, vociferous, apt to fight, to strike, and to throw stones 
at each other; whereas the girls sat peaceably at the doors of the 
houses, some playing with little children, some dressing dolls, 
some working on bits of linen, some kissing each other; and what 
I was surprised at, they still looked with pleased eyes at the boys 
who w r ere of such a character. Hence I could see plainly that a 
man is born understanding, and a woman, love; and also the 
quality of understanding and of love in their beginnings; and 
thus what would be the quality of a man's understanding in its 
progress, without conjunction with female love, and afterwards 
with conjugial love. 


fecundation, and consequently excitement, and that women have 
not the latter because they have not the former, is evident; but 
that women have a state of preparation for reception, and thus for 
conception, I relate from what I have heard. But what the quality 
of this state with women is, I am not allowed to describe; and 
indeed, it is known to them alone: but w r hether their love, while 
they are in that state, is in its delight, or in what is undelightful, 
as some of them say, they have not made known. This only is 
generally known, that it is not allowed the husband to say to the 
wife, that he is able and not willing; for thereby the state of 
reception is grievously hurt, which is prepared according to the 
state of the husband's potency. 


ING TO THE LOVE OF DOING USES. That this is so, is one of the 
arcana which were known to the Ancients, and which are now lost. 
The Ancients knew that each and all things that are done in the 
body are done from a spiritual origin: as that from the will, which 
in itself is spiritual, actions flow; and from the thought, which is 
also spiritual, speech flows; also that natural sight is from spir- 
itual sight, which is that of the understanding; natural hearing 
from spiritual hearing, which is attention of the understanding 
and at the same time accommodation of the will; and natural 
smell from spiritual smell, which is perception ; and so forth. The 


Ancients saw that the virile faculty of secretion of the seed is like- 
\v ise from a spiritual origin. That it is from the truths of which 
the understanding consists, they concluded from many proofs both 
of reason and experience; and they said that nothing is received 
by males from the spiritual marriage, which is that of good and 
truth, and which flows in into each and all things in the universe, 
except truth, and that which has relation to truth ; and that this in 
its progress into the body is formed into seed; and that hence it is 
that seeds spiritually understood are truths. As to the formation, 
they said, that the masculine soul, because it is intellectual, is thus 
truth; for the Intellectual is nothing else; wherefore when the 
soul descends, truth also descends; that this is effected by this 
circumstance, that the soul, which is the inmost of man and of 
every animal, and which in its essence is spiritual, by reason of an 
implanted effort for self-propagation, follows in the descent, and 
wishes to procreate itself; and that when this takes place, the 
entire soul forms itself, and clothes itself, and becomes seed: and 
that this, can be done thousands of times, because the soul is a 
spiritual substance, which has not extension but impletion, and 
from which no part can be taken away, but the whole may be 
produced, without any loss thereof: hence it is, that it is as fully 
present in the smallest receptacles, which are seeds, as in its 
greatest receptacle, which is the body. Since therefore the truth 
in the soul is the origin of the seed, it follows, that men have 
abundance according to the love of propagating the truths of their 
wisdom; it is also according to the love of doing uses, because 
uses are the goods which truths produce. In the world also it is 
known to some, that the industrious have abundance, but not the 
idle. I asked, "How is the feminine element propagated from a 
male soul?" and I received for answer, that it was from intel- 
lectual good, because this in its essence is truth: for the intellect 
can think that this is good, thus that it is true that it is good. 
It is otherwise with the will : this does not think good and truth, 
but loves and does them; that therefore by sons in the Word are 
signified truths, and by daughters goods, see above no. 120; and 
that by seed in the Word is signified truth, may be seen in the 
Apocalypse Revealed, no. 565. 

OF THE HUSBAND. The reason is, that with men there is the abun- 
dance above mentioned ; and this varies with them both according 
to the states of their minds, and according to the states of their 
bodies. For the understanding is not so constant in its thoughts as 
the will is in its affections, since it is sometimes carried upwards, 
sometimes downwards; at one time it is in a serene and clear 
state, at another in a turbulent and obscure one; sometimes it is 
among pleasant objects, and then again among unpleasant objects; 
and as the mind, while it acts, is also in the boty, it follows, that 
the body has similar states. Hence it is, that the husband at times 



recedes from conjugial love, and at times accedes to it, and that 
the abundance is removed in the one state, and restored in the 
other. These are the reasons why the determinations ought to be left 
to the good pleasure of the husband. Hence also it is that wives, 
from the wisdom implanted in them, never offer any admonition 
on such subjects. 



ceed love and wisdom, or. what is the same, good and truth, was 
shown above in the chapter on that subject. These two in mar- 
riage proceed continually from the Lord, because they are Him- 
self, and from Him are all things; and the things which proceed 
from Him fill the universe: for without Him nothing that exists 
would subsist. There are several spheres which proceed from 
Him. as. the sphere of the preservation of the created universe, 
the sphere of the protection of good and truth against evil and 
falsity, the sphere of reformation and regeneration, the sphere of 
innocence and peace, the sphere of mercy and grace, besides many 
others; but the universal sphere of all is the conjugial sphere, 
because this is also the sphere of propagation, and thus in a 
supereminent degree the sphere of the preservation of the created 
universe through successive generations. That this conjugial sphere 
fills the universe, and pervades all things from primes to ulti- 
mates, is evident from what has been shown above, that there are 
marriages in the heavens, and most perfect marriages in the third, 
or highest heaven; and that besides existing with men, there is a 
sort of marriage in all the subjects of the animal kingdom in the 
earth, even down to worms; and also in all the subjects of the 
vegetable kingdom, from olive and palm trees even to the smallest 
grasses. That this sphere is more universal than the sphere of heat 
and light, which proceeds from the sun of our world, may be 
clearly proved to the reason from this consideration, that it oper- 
ates also in the absence of the sun's heat, as in winter, and in the 
absence of its light, as at night, especially with human beings. 
The reason why it so operates is, that it is from the sun of the 
angelic heaven, and thence there is a constant equalization of heat 
and light, that is, a conjunction of good and truth ; for it is in a 
continual spring. The changes of good and truth, or of its heat 
and light, are not variations thereof, like the variations on earth 
arising from changes of the heat and light from the sun there; 
but they arise from the recipient objects. 



That there is not any conjugial love with the masculine sex, but 
only with the feminine sex, and that from this sex it is transferred 
into the masculine sex, I have seen evidenced by experience con- 


cerning which see above, no. 161. A further proof of it is fur- 
nished by this argument, that the masculine form is the intellectual 
form, and the feminine the voluntary form; and the intellectual 
form cannot of itself become heated with conjugial heat, but it 
can be heated by the conjunctive heat of some one into whom this 
has been implanted by creation; consequently it cannot receive 
that love except through the voluntary form of woman being 
adjoined to it, because this also is the form of love. This same 
position might be further confirmed from the marriage of good 
and truth ; and, before the natural man, from the marriage of the 
heart and lungs, because the heart corresponds to love, and the 
lungs to the understanding. But as the generality of mankind are 
deficient in the knowledge of these subjects, confirmation thereby 
would obscure rather than enlighten. It is in consequence of the 
transfer of this sphere from the feminine sex into the masculine 
sex, that the mind is also inflamed by the mere thought about the 
sex; than hence also results propagative formation and thus 
excitement, follows as a consequence ; for unless heat is added to 
light on earth, nothing flourishes there, nor is anything excited to 
produce fruit. 



BY THE HUSBAND. That this sphere, with those who are in truly 
conjugial love, is received by the husband solely through the wife, 
is an arcanum at the present day; and yet in itself it is not an 
arcanum, because the bridegroom and the newly married husband 
may know this; is he not affected conjugially by whatever pro- 
ceeds from his bride and newly married wife, but not at that time 
by what proceeds from others of the sex? The case is similar with 
those who live together in truly conjugial love. And since every 
one, both man and woman, is encompassed by his own sphere of 
life, densely on the breast, and thinly on the back, it is evident 
whence it is, that husbands who are very fond of their wives, turn 
to them, and in the daytime look at them with kindly looks; and 
why, on the other hand, those who do not love their wives, turn 
away from them, and in the daytime regard them with a turned- 
away countenance. By the reception of the conjugial sphere by 
the husband solely through the wife, truly conjugial love is recog- 
nized and distinguished from spurious, false, and cold conjugial 



THROUGH HER. This conjugial sphere flowing in into the universe 
is, in its origin, Divine; in its progress in heaven with the angels 
it is celestial and spiritual ; with men it is natural ; with beasts 
and birds animal; with worms merely corporeal; with plants it is 
devoid of life; and moreover, in all its subjects it is varied accord- 



ing to their forms. Now, since this sphere is received immediately 
by the feminine sex, and mediately hy the masculine sex, and 
since it is received according to form, it follows, that this sphere, 
which is holy in its origin, may in the subjects be turned into 
what is not holy, yea, may be even inverted into the opposite 
sphere. This sphere opposite to it is called, with such women, the 
meretricious sphere, and with such men, the scortatory sphere; 
and as such men and women are in helL this sphere is from 
thence: but this sphere is also of much variety, and hence there 
are many kinds of it; and such a kind is attracted and inhaled by 
a man (vir) as is agreeable to him, and comformable to, and 
correspondent with, his own genius. From these considerations it 
may be manifest, that the man who does not love his wife, receives 
that sphere from some other source than his wife; nevertheless it 
is the fact, that even then, that sphere is inspired by the wife, but 
without the man's knowing it. and when he becomes heated, 


OTHER. For one may from the heart long for chaste marriage, 
while the other knows not what chastity is; one may love the 
things which belong to the church, but the other those which 
belong to the world alone; one may be in heaven as to his or her 
mind, the other in hell; hence there may be conjugial love with 
the one, and not with the other. The minds of such, since they are 
turned in contrary directions, are inwardly in collision with each 
other; and if not outwardly, still the one that is not in conjugial 
love regards his. or her, covenanted consort as a full some old 
creature, and so in other cases. 



It is known, that between married partners there are likenesses 
and unlikenesses, and that the external ones appear, but not the 
internal ones, except after some time of dwelling together, to the 
married partners themselves, and by indications to others; but it 
would be useless to enumerate each so that they might be known, 
since ^several pages might be filled with an enumeration and 
description of their varieties. Likenesses may in part be deduced 
and concluded from the unlikenesses on account of which con- 
jugial love passes away into cold; of which we shall speak in the 
following chapter. Likenesses and unlikenesses originate in gen- 
eral from connate inclinations, varied by education, the company 
that is kept, and persuasions that have been imbibed. 

WITH UNLIKENESSES. The varieties of likenesses are very numerous, 
and differ more or less from each other; but still those which 
differ may in time be conjoined by various things, especially by 


accommodations to desires, by mutual offices, by civilities, by 
abstinence from unchastities, by the common love of infants and 
the care of children, but especially by conformity in the things of 
the church; for by means of the things of the church there is 
effected a conjunction of likenesses differing interiorly, but by the 
other means there is effected a conjunction of those likenesses only 
that differ exteriorly. But with unlikenesses no conjunction can be 
effected, because they are antipathetic. 



all marriages of truly conjugial love are provided by the Lord. 
That they are from Him. see above, nos. 130, 131 ; but in what 
manner they are provided in the heavens. I have heard described 
by the angels thus: "That the Divine Providence of the Lord 
concerning marriages, and in marriages, is most particular and 
most universal; because all the delights of heaven gush forth 
from the delights of conjugial love as sweet waters from the vein 
of a fountain; and on this account it is provided that conjugial 
pairs be born; and that they be continually educated for their 
marriages under the Lord's auspices, neither the boy nor the girl 
knowing anything of the matter; and after a stated time, when she 
has become a marriageable maiden, and he a young man fitted for 
marriage, they should meet somewhere as by fate, and see each 
other, and they then instantly know, as by a kind of instinct, that 
they are consorts, and by a kind of dictate they think inwardly in 
themselves, the young man, that she is mine, and the maiden, that 
he is mine; and when this thought has been seated some time in 
the minds of both, they deliberately accost each other, and betroth 
themselves. It is said, as by fate, by instinct, and by dictate; and 
the meaning is, by Divine Providence, because, while the Divine 
Providence is unknown, it has such an appearance; for the Lord 
opens internal likenesses, so that they may see themselves. 



is, that so far as a man is in conjugial love, so far he is spiritual, 
and so far as he is spiritual, so far he is a man. For man is born 
for the life after death, and attains to that life because he has in 
him a spiritual soul, and is capable of being elevated thereto by 
means of the faculty of his understanding; if in this case his will, 
from the faculty granted to it also, is elevated at the same time, he 
lives after death the life of heaven. The contrary comes to pass, 
if he is in a love opposite to conjugial love; for so far as he is in 
this opposite love, so far he is natural; and a merely natural man 
is like a beast as to lusts, appetites, and their delights; with this 
difference only, that he has the faculty of elevating his under- 
standing into the light of wisdom, and also the faculty of elevating 



his will into the heat of heavenly love. These faculties are never 
taken away from any man; wherefore the merely natural man 
although as to concupiscences, appetites, and their delights, he is 
like a heast nevertheless lives after death, but in a state cor- 
responding to his past life. From these considerations it may be 
manifest, that a man, according to the defect of conjugial love, 
approaches to the nature of a beast. This may seem to be con- 
tradicted by the fact, that there is a defect and loss of conjugial 
love with some who yet are men: but the statement is meant to be 
confined to those who make light of conjugial love on account of 
their being in scortatory love, and who are thereby in the defect 
and loss of that love. 

231. To the above shall be added three Memorable Relations. 
The first is as follows: 

I once heard loud exclamations, which, as it w r ere, bubbled up 
through water out of the hells; one to the left hand, "0 HOW 
JUST!" a second to the right. "0 HOW LEARNED!" and a third from 
behind, "0 HOW WISE!" and as it occurred to my thought whether 
there were, even in hell, just learned, and wise men, I was 
affected with a desire of seeing whether there w r ere such men 
there; and it was told me from heaven, "You shall see and hear." 

So I went out of the house in the spirit and saw before me an 
opening: I approached this, and looked down, and lo! there was a 
ladder: by this I descended; and when I was down below 7 , I saw a 
level country set thick with trees, intermixed with thorns and 
nettles; and I asked w'hether this was hell, and they said, "It is 
the lower earth which is just above hell/' I then w T ent on accord- 
ing to the exclamations in order; to the first. "0 HOW JUST!" and 
I saw a company consisting of such as in the world had been 
judges influenced by friendships and gifts; then to the second 
exclamation, "0 HOW LEARNED!" and I saw a company of such as 
in the world had been reasoners; and lastly to the third exclama- 
tion, "0 HOW WISE!" and I saw a company of such as in the world 
had been confirmers. 

But from these I returned to the first, where there were many 
judges influenced by friendship and gifts, and who were pro- 
claimed "Just". On one side I saw as it were an amphitheatre 
built of bricks, and covered with black tiles; and I w r as told that 
they called it a tribunal. There were three entrances to it on the 
northern side, and three on the western side, but none on the 
southern and eastern sides; a sign that their judgments were not 
judgments of justice, but arbitrary judgments. In the middle of 
the amphitheatre there appeared a fire-place, into which the serv- 
ants who attended to it threw torches impregnated with brimstone 
and bitumen; the light whereof, by its flickering on the plastered 
\valls, presented pictured images of birds of evening and night; 
but both that fire-place, and the flickerings of the light thence into 
the forms of those images, were representations of their iudg- 



ments. in that they were able to tinge the matter of any trial with 
coloured dyes, and give it a form according to their own interest. 
In about half an hour I saw some old and young men in robes 
and cloaks enter, who, laying aside their caps, took their seats at 
the tables to sit in judgment. I heard and perceived with what 
skill and ingenuity, according as they noticed friendship, they 
warped and inverted judgments into appearances of justice, and 
this to such a degree, that they themselves saw what was unjust no 
otherwise than what was just, and on the other hand what was 
just as what was unjust. Such persuasions respecting those things 
appeared from their faces, and were heard from their manner of 
speaking. There was then given me enlightment from heaven, 
from which I perceived whether or not each point was grounded 
in right; and I saw how industriously they concealed what was 
unjust, and gave it the semblance of what was just; and how they 
selected from the laws one which favoured their own side of the 
question, and by skillful reasonings drew over the rest to the same 
side. After judgment had been pronounced, the decrees were con- 
veyed to their clients, friends, and patrons, who, to recompense 
them for their services, kept shouting during the whole long way. 

After this I spoke about them with the angels of heaven, and 
related to them some of the things I had seen and heard. The 
angels said to me. "Such judges appear to others to be endowed 
with a most extraordinary acuteness of intellect; when yet they do 
not see the least of what is just and fair. If you remove the friend- 
ship in favor of particular persons, they sit mute in judgment like 
statutes, and only say, Tea, I agree to this or to that.' The reason 
is, that all their judgments are prejudgments: and prejudgment 
with partiality influences the case from beginning to end. Hence 
they see nothing but what belongs to their friend's interest; what- 
ever is contrary thereto, they set aside; and when they take it up 
again, they involve it in reasonings, as a spider does its prey in 
a web, and make an end of it. Hence it is that unless they follow 
the thread of their prejudice, they see nothing of what is right. 
They have been examined whether they were able to see it, and it 
was discovered that they were not. That this is the case, will seem 
wonderful to the inhabitants of your world; but tell them it is a 
Truth that has been investigated by the angels of heaven. As they 
see nothing of what is just, we in heaven regard them not as men 
but as monsters, whose heads are constituted of the things which 
belong to friendship, their breasts of those which belong to in- 
justice, their feet of those which belong to confirmation, and the 
soles of their feet of those things which belong to justice, which 
they overturn and trample under foot, if they do not favour their 
friend. But of what quality they appear to us from heaven, you 
shall see, for their end is at hand." 

And lo! at that instant the ground yawned open, and the tables 
fell one upon another, and the judges were swallowed up, to- 



gether with the whole amphitheatre, and were cast into caverns, 
and imprisoned. 

It was then said to me. '"Do you wish to see them where they 
now are?" And lo! they appeared as to their faces as of polished 
steel, as to their bodies, from the neck to the loins, as graven 
images of stone clothed \vith leopards' skins, and as to their feet 
like snakes: and I saw the law books, which they had arranged 
on the tables, changed into packs of cards: and now instead of 
sitting in judgment, the office appointed to them is to prepare red 
lead into rouge, to bedaub the faces of harlots, and thus turn them 
into beauties. 

After seeing these things, I wanted to visit the two other com- 
panies, one of which consisted of mere reasoners, and the other 
of mere confirmers: and it was said to me, "Wait awhile, and there 
shall be given you attendant angels from the society next above 
them: through these there will be given to you light from the 
Lord, and you will see wonderful things." 

232. The Second Memorable Relation. 

After some time I again heard from the lower earth the voices 
which I had heard before, "0 HOW LEARNED! and HOW WISE!" 
I looked around to see what angels were then present; and lo! 
there were present those w T ho were in the heaven immediately 
above those who cried. "0 HOW LEARNED!*' 

And I spoke with them about the cry, and they said, "Those 
learned ones are such as only reason whether a thing be so, or 
whether it be not so, and seldom think that it is so; wherefore 
they are like winds which blow and pass away, and like the bark 
around trees which are without pith, or like shells around almonds 
\vithout a kernel, or like the rind about fruit without pulp; for 
their minds are devoid of interior judgment, and are united only 
with the senses of the body, wherefore unless the senses them- 
selves judge, they can conclude nothing; in a word, they are 
merely sensual, and by us they are called REASONERS. They are 
called reasoners because they never conclude anything, but take 
up whatever they hear, and dispute whether it be so, with perpet- 
ual contradiction. They love nothing better than attacking Truths 
themselves, and thus tearing them to pieces by making them sub- 
jects of controversy. These are they who believe themselves 
learned above all in the world." 

On hearing this account, I begged the angels to conduct me to 
them: so they led me to a cave, from which a flight of steps led 
to the lower earth. We descended and followed the shout, HOW 
LEARNED!" and lo! there were some hundreds standing in one 
place, beating the ground with their feet. Being at first surprised 
at this, I asked why they stood in that manner and beat the ground 
with the soles of their feet, and said, "They may thus by their 
feet make holes in the ground." 

At this the angels smiled and said, "They appear to stand in 



this manner, because they never think on any subject that it is so, 
but only whether it be so, and dispute about it; and when the 
thought proceeds no further than this, they appear only to tread 
and trample on a single clod, and not to advance." 

I then approached the assembly, and lo! they appeared to me 
to be men with a face not unbecoming, and in handsome garments; 
but the angels said, "They appear such in their own light ; but if 
the light from heaven flows in, their faces are changed, and so are 
their garments"; and so it came to pass: they then appeared with 
dusky faces, and dressed in black sackcloth: but when this light 
was withdrawn, they appeared as before. 

I presently spoke with some of them, and said, C "I heard the 
shout of the crowd about you, '0 how learned /' may I be allowed 
therefore to have a little discussion with you on subjects of the 
highest learning?" 

They replied. "Mention whatever you please, and we will give 
you satisfaction." 

I then asked, "What must be the quality of the religion by 
which man is saved?" 

They said, "We will divide this question into several; and we 
cannot give an answer to it until we have formed conclusions on 
its subdivisions. The first inquiry shall be. Whether religion be 
anything; the second. Whether there be such a thing as salvation 
or not; the third, Whether one religion be more efficacious than 
another; the fourth, Whether there be a heaven and a hell; the 
fifth, Whether there be eternal life after death; besides many 
more inquiries. 

Then I asked about the first article, Whether religion be 
anything. They began to discuss with abundance of arguments, 
whether there be any such thing as religion, and whether what is 
called religion be anything. I requested them to refer it to the 
assembly, and they did so; and the general answer was, that the 
proposition required so much investigation that it could not be 
finished within the evening. 

I then asked, "Can you finish it within a year?" 

And one of them said, "Not within a hundred years." 

So I said, "In the meanwhile you are without religion." 

He replied, "Shall it not be first demonstrated whether there 
be such a thing as religion, and whether what is called religion 
be anything? If there be such a thing, it must be also for the 
wise ; if there be no such thing, it must be only for the common 
people. It is known that religion is called a bond: but it is asked, 
for whom? If it be only for the common people, it is not any- 
thing in itself; if it be for the wise also, it is something." 

On hearing these arguments, I said to them, "There is no 
character you deserve less than that of being learned ; because you 
can only think whether a thing be, and twist it towards both sides. 
Who can become learned, unless he know something for certain, 
and progresses into it, as a man progresses from step to step, and 



thereby successively progresses into wisdom? Otherwise, you do 
not so much as touch Truths with your finger nail, but remove 
them more and more out of sight. Merely reasoning whether a 
thing be, as is it not like arguing about a cap or a shoe, whether 
they fit or not, and omitting all the while to try them on? What 
must be the consequence of such reasoning, except that you will 
not know whether anything exist, yea. whether there be any such 
thing as salvation: \vhether there be any eternal life after death; 
whether one religion be more efficacious than another, and whether 
there be a heaven and a hell ? On these subjects you cannot 
possibly think at all. so long as you halt at the first step, and beat 
the sand there, instead of setting one foot before another and 
going forward. Take heed to yourselves, lest your minds, thus 
standing outside the sphere of judgment, should harden inwardly, 
and become statues of salt, and yourselves friends of Lot's wife." 

Saying thus I took my leave, and they in their indignation 
threw stones after me; and then they appeared to me like graven 
images of stone, with nothing of human reason in them. 

I asked the angels about their lot, and they said, "Their lot is, 
that they are let down into the deep, into a wilderness, where they 
are forced to carry burdens ; and then, because they are no longer 
capable of uttering anything from reason, they give themselves 
up to idle chatter and talk, and appear at a distance like asses 
carrying burdens." 

233. The Third Memorable Relation. 

After this, one of the angels said, "Follow me to the place 
where they vociferate, fit O HOW WISE!' and he said, you shall see 
prodigies of men (homines] : and you shall see faces and bodies, 
which are the faces and bodies of a man. and yet they are not 
men.'* 1 

I said, "Are they beasts then?" 

He replied, "They are not beasts, but beast-men; for they are 
such as are utterly unable to see whether truth be truth or not, 
and yet are able to make whatever they will to be the truth. Such 
persons among us are called CONFIRMERS." 

We followed the vocifieration, and came to the place; and lo! 
there was a company of men (i>z>), and around them a crowd, 
and in the crowd some of noble descent, who, on hearing that they 
confirmed whatever they said, and favored themselves with such 
manifest consent, turned about, and said, "0 HOW WISE!" 

But the angel said to me, "Let us not go to them, but call one 
out of the company." We called one out, and went aside with him, 
and spoke on various subjects; and he confirmed every one of 
them, so that they appeared altogether as true. 

And we asked him whether he could also confirm the contrary. 
He said, "As well as the former." Then he said openly, and from 
the heart, "What is truth ? Is there anything true in the nature of 



things, except what a man makes true? Make any statement }ou 
please, and I will make it to be true." 

So I said, "Make this true. That faith is the all of the church/' 

This he did so dexterously and skillfully, that the learned who 
were standing by admired and applauded him. I afterwards re- 
quested him to make it true. That charity is the all of the church; 
and he did so: and afterwards. That chanty is nothing of the 
church : and he dressed up each side of the question, and adorned 
it so with appearances, that the bystanders looked at each other, 
and said, "Is this not a wise man?" 

But I said, "Do not you know that living well is charity, and 
that believing well is faith? Does not he who lives well also 
believe well? and consequently, does not faith belong to charity, 
and charity to faith? Do you not see that this is true?" 

He replied, "I will make it true and see." He did so, and said, 
"Now I see it;" but presently he made the contrary to be true, and 
then said, "I also see that this is true." 

At this we smiled, and said, "Are they not contraries? how 
can two contraries appear true?" 

To this he replied with indignation, "You err; each is true; 
since truth is nothing but what a man makes true*". . - . - - 

There was standing near a certain person who in the world 
had been an ambassador of the first rank. He was surprised at 
this assertion, and said, "I acknowledge that in the world some- 
thing like this method of reasoning prevails; but still you are out 
of your senses. Try if you can make it to be true, that light is 
darkness, and darkness light." 

He replied, "I will easily do this. What are light and darkness 
but states of the eye? Is not light changed into shade when the 
eye comes out of sunshine, and also when it is kept intently fixed 
on the sun? Who does not know, that the state of the eye is then 
changed, and that in consequence light appears as shade; and on 
the other hand, when the state of the eye is restored, that shade 
appears as light? Does not an owl see the darkness of night as the 
light of day, and the light of day as the darkness of night, and 
also the sun itself as an opaque and dusky globe? If any man 
had the eyes of an owl, which would he call light, and which 
darkness? What then is light but a state of the eye? and if it be a 
state of the eye, is not light darkness, and darkness light? Where- 
fore each of the propositions is true." 

Afterwards the ambassador asked him to make this true, That 
a raven is white and not black. 

He replied, "I will do this also with ease;" and he said, "Take 
a needle or a razor, and lay open the feathers or quills of a 
'raven; are they not white within? Also remove the feathers and 
quills, and look at the raven's skin; is it not white? What is the 
blackness then which envelopes it but a shade, which ought not to 
be made the basis of judgment respecting the raven's color? That 
blackness is merely a shade, appeal to those who are skilled in the 



science of optics, and they will tell you; or do you pound a black 
stone or glass into a fine powder, and you will see that the 
powder is white." 

But the ambassador replied. fi *Does not the raven appear black 
to the sight?" 

The confirmer answered, ""Will you. who are a man, think at 
all from appearance? You may indeed say from appearance, that 
a raven is black, but you cannot think so ; as for example, you 
may speak from the appearance and say that the sun rises, 
advances and sets: but as you are a man, you cannot think so. 
because the sun stands unmoved and the Earth changes its posi- 
tion. The case is the same with the raven; the appearance is an 
appearance; say what you will, a raven is altogether white: it also 
grows white as it grows old; this I have seen." 

We next requested him to tell us from his heart whether he 
was joking, or whether he really Relieved that nothing is true but 
what a man makes true? and he replied, "I swear that I believe it." 

Afterwards the ambassador asked him whether he could make 
it true that he was out of his senses. 

And he said, **I can, but I will not: who is not out of his 

After this, this universal confirmer was sent to the angels to 
be examined as to his quality; and after the examination they 
said that he did not possess even a grain of understanding; 
because all that is above the Rational was closed to him, and that 
alone which is below the Rational was open. Above the Rational 
is heavenly light, and below it is natural light; and this light is 
such that it can confirm whatever it pleases; but if heavenly light 
does not flow in into natural light, a man does not see whether 
anything is true, and consequently neither does he see that any- 
thing false is false. Seeing in either case is by virtue of heavenly 
light in natural light; and heavenly light is from the God of 
heaven. Who is the Lord; wherefore this universal confirmed is 
neither a man nor a beast, but a beast-man. 

I asked the angel about the lot of such persons, and whether 
they can be together with the living, since every man has life from 
heavenly light, and from this light has understanding. He said, 
"That such persons, when they are alone, can neither think any- 
thing, and thence speak, but stand mute like machines, and as in 
a deep sleep; but that they awake as soon as any sound strikes 
their ears:" and he added, "that those become such who are in- 
mostly evil ; into these heavenly light from above cannot flow in, 
but only something spiritual through the world, whence they have 
the faculty of confirming." 

As he said this, I heard a voice from the angels who had exam- 
ined the confirmer, saying to me, "From what you have now heard 
make a general conclusion." 

I made the following: "That being able to confirm whatever 
one pleases is not the characteristic of an intelligent man but 
204 ' 


being able to see that what is true is true, and what is false is 
false, and to confirm the same, that is the characteristic of an 

intelligent man." ^ 

After this I looked towards the company where the confifmers 
stood, and where the crowd about them shouted, "0 how wise!" 
and lo! a dusky cloud covered them, and in the cloud screech 
owls and bats were flying about; and it was told me, "The screech 
owls and bats flying about in the dusky cloud are correspondences 
and consequently appearances of their thoughts; I^eca^se .con- 
fijaaationjs of .falsities so complete as to make them appear like 
Truths, are represented in this world under-ihe- forms of birds of 
night, -wnose eyes are inwardly enlightened by a false light, by 
-virtue of which they see objects in the -dark as if in the light. 
There is such a false spiritual light with those who confirm 
falsities until they seem as truths, and afterwards are said and 
believed to be truths: all such are in a vision from below, and not 
in vision from above. 



2r34. Here, where the causes of colds in marriages are treated 
of, the causes of separations, and also of divorces, are also treated 
of at the same time. The reason is that they cohere; for separa- 
tions are from no other source than from colds which successively 
arise after marriage, or from causes discovered after marriage, 
from which also cold results; but divorces result from scortations, 
because these are directly opposite to marriages, and opposites 
induce cold^ if not in both, at least in one. This is the reason why 
the causes of colds, separations, and divorces are brought together 
into one chapter. But the coherence of the causes will be more 
clearly discerned from their being seen in a series. Their series is 
as follows: 

I. There is spiritual heat and there is spiritual cold; and 
spiritual heat is love, and spiritual cold the deprivation thereof. 

II. Spiritual cold in marriages is a disunion of the souls, and 
a disjunction of the minds, whence comes indifference, discord, 
contempt, loathing., and aversion; from which, with many, there 
at length ensues separation as to bed, bed-chamber, and house. 

III. There are many causes of cold in their successions, some 
internal, some external, and some accidental. 

>( IV. The internal causes of cold are from religion. 

V. The first of these causes is, the rejection of religion by both 
of the married partners. 

f VI. The second is, that one of the married partners has re- 
ligion, and the other has not. 

"-VIL The third is, that one of the married partners has a 
different religion Jrom the other. 

; ^ VIII. The fourth is, imbibed falsity of religion. 

IX, These are the causes of internal cold, but, with many, not 
at the same time of external cold. * 

X. There are also many external causes of cold; and the first 
of them is, an unlikeness of disposition and manners. 

'XIjfThe second is, that conjugial love is believed to be one 
with scortatory love, except that the latter is not allowed by law. 
but the former is. 

XII The third is, a striving for preeminence between the mar- 
ried partners. 

XIII^'TAe fourth is, a want of determination to some employ- 
ment or occupa&ipn, whence comes wandering cupidity. 

XIVThe -ftefris, inequality of state and condition in externals. 

XV. There are also some causes of separation. 


XVI. The first of them is, a vitiated state of mind. 

XVII. The second is, a vitiated state of the body. 
X\ 7 Ill.^The third is, impotence before marriage. 

XIX. Scortatory love is the cause of divorce. 

XX. There are also many accidental causes of cold; and the 
first of these is the commonness (of delight) which results from 
(its) being continually allowed. 

XXI. The second is, that living with a married partner from 
covenant and lau\ seems to be compulsory and not free. 

XXII. The third is, affirmation by the wife, and a talking 
about love by her. 

XXIII. The fourth s, the mans thought by day and night, 
that the wife is willing; and on the other hand, the wife's thought 
that the man is not willing. 

XXIV. In proportion as cold is in the mind 9 it is in the body, 
also; and according to the increase of that cold, the externals of 
the body also are closed. 

Now follows the explanation of these articles. 



DEPRIVATION THEREOF. Spiritual heat is from no other source 
than the sun of the spiritual world; for there is in that world a 
sun proceeding from the Lord, Who is in the midst of it; and as 
that sun is from the Lord, it is in its essence pure love. This sun 
appears fiery before the angels, just as the sun of our world 
appears before men. The reason why it appears fiery is, that love 
is spiritual fire. From that sun proceed both heat and light; but 
as that sun is pure love, the heat thence issuing in its essence is 
love, and the light thence issuing in its essence is wisdom. Hence 
it is evident what is the source of spiritual heat, and that spiritual 
heat is love. But the source of spiritual cold shall also be briefly 
explained. It is from the sun of the natural world, and its heat 
and light. The sun of the natural world was created in order that 
its heat and light might receive into themselves spiritual heat and 
light, and by means of the atmospheres, carry them down even to 
ultimates in the Earth, in order to produce the effects of the ends, 
which belong to the Lord in His own sun, and also to clothe 
spiritual things with suitable garments, that is, with materials, to 
operate ultimate ends in nature. These effects are produced when 
spiritual heat is joined to natural heat; but the contrary comes to 
pass -when natural heat is separated from spiritual heat, as is the 
case with those who love natural things, and reject spiritual things: 
with these spiritual heat becomes cold. The reason why these two 
loves, which from creation are in agreement, becomes thus oppo- 
site, is, that in such a case the dominant heat becomes the servant, 
and contrariwise; and to prevent this happening, spiritual heat, 
which from its lineage is the Lord, recedes ; and in those subjects, 
spiritual heat then grows cold, because it becomes opposite. From 



these considerations it is evidence that spiritual cold is the depri- 
vation of spiritual heat. In what has here been said, by heat is 
meant love, because that heat living in subjects is felt as love. 
I have heard in the spiritual world, that merely natural spirits are 
chilled with intense cold when they apply themselves to the side 
of some angel who is in a state of love; and that it is the same 
with the spirits of hell, when heat flows in unto them out of 
heaven; and that nevertheless, among themselves, when the heat 
pf heaven is removed from them, they burn with a great heat. 



BED-CHAMBER AND HOUSE. That these effects take place with mar- 
ried partners, while their primitive love is on the decline, and 
becoming cold, is too well known to need any comment. The 
reason is that conjugial cold in human minds resides above all 
other colds; for the conjugial principle itself is inscribed on the 
soul, to the end that a soul may be propagated from a soul, and 
the soul of the father into the offspring. Hence it is that this cold 
begins there, and successively passes thence into the following 
(parts), and infects them, and thus changes the gladnesses and 
delights of the primitive love into what is sad and undelightful. 

That there are many causes of colds in marriages, is known in 
the world; also that they arise from many external causes. But it 
is not known that the origins of the causes lie concealed in the 
inmosts, and that from these they are derived into the parts that 
follow in order, until they appear in externals. In order there- 
fore that it may be known that external causes are not causes in 
themselves, but derivate from causes in themselves, which, as was 
said, are in the inmosts, therefore the causes shall first be gen- 
erally distributed into internal and external causes, and after- 
wards shall be particularly examined. 

That the very origin of conjugial love resides with man in the 
inmosts, that is, in his soul, every one is convinced from the fol- 
lowing considerations alone: that the soul of the offspring is 
from the father, and that this is known from the likeness of the 
inclinations and affections, and also from the general character of 
the countenance derived from the father, and remaining even in 
very remote posterity; also from the propagative faculty im- 
planted in souls by creation; and moreover by what is analogous 
thereto in the subjects of the vegetable kingdom, in that there lies 
hidden in the inmost things of germinations the propagation of 



the seed itself, and thence of the whole, \vhether it be a tree, a 
shrub, or a plant. This propagative or plastic force in seeds in 
the vegetable kingdom, and in souls in the animal kingdom, is 
from no other source thajijthe conjugial sphere, which is the 
sphere of good and truth, and which' perpetually emanates and 
flows in from the Lord the Creator and Supporter of the universe 
(concerning which sphere, see above, nos. 222-225); and from 
the effort of those two, good and truth, therein (namely, in the 
seeds and in the souls 1, to become conjoined into a one. It is 
from this conjugial effort, which is inherent in souls, that con- 
jugial love originally comes into existence. That that same mar- 
riage, from which the above universal sphere is derived, consti- 
tutes the church with man, has been abundantly shown above, in 
the chapter on "The Marriage of Good and Truth," and frequently 
elsewhere. Hence it appears with every evidence before the reason, 
that the origin of the church, and the origin of conjugial love, are 
in the same seat, and that they are in a continual embrace. But 
on this subject see further particulars above, in no. 130, where it 
was proved, that conjugial love is according to the state of the 
church with man; thus that it is from religion, because religion 
constitutes this state. Man also has been created with a capacity 
of becoming more and more interior, and thus of being introduced 
or elevated more and more towards that marriage, and thus into 
truly conjugial love, and this even to the extent of perceiving the 
state of its blessedness. That religion is the only means of intro^l 
duction and elevation, appears clearly from what was said above, j 
namely, that the origin of the church and the origin of conjugial , 
love are in the same seat, and in a mutual embrace there, and that^ 
therefore they cannot but be conjoined. 

239. From what has now T been said it follows, that where 
religion is not, there conjugial love does not exist; and that where 
conjugial love is not, there is cold. That conjugial cold is the 
deprivation of that love, see above, no. 235; consequently that 
conjugial cold is also the deprivation of the state of the church, 
or of religion. Sufficiently evident confirmation of the truth of 
this may be deduced from the general ignorance that prevails at 
the present day concerning truly conjugial love. Who at the 
present day knows, and who is willing to acknowledge, and who 
will not be surprised to hear, that the origin of conjugial love is 
deduced thence? But the only cause and source of this ignorance 
is, that, notwithstanding there is religion, still there are not the 
truths of religion; and what is religion without truths? That there 
are no truths, has been fully shown in the Apocalypse Revealed; 
see also the Memorable Relations in no. 566 of that Work. 



those who reject the holy things of the church from the face to 



the back of the head, or from the breast to the back, there does 
not exist any good love; if any proceeds apparently from the 
body, still there does not exist any in the spirit. With such persons 
goods place themselves outside of evils, and cover them over as 
clothing glittering with gold covers a corrupt body. The evils 
which reside within and are covered over, are in general hatreds, 
and hence intestine combats against everything spiritual ; for all 
the things of the church, which they reject, are in themselves 
spiritual ; and since truly conjugial love is the fundamental love 
of all spiritual loves, as was shown above, it is evident that there 
is (with such persons) an intrinsic hatred against it, and that there 
is with them an intrinsic or personal love in favor of the opposite 
love, which is the love of scortations. Wherefore they, more than 
others, will ridicule this Truth, that every one has conjugial love, 
according to the state of the church ; yea, they will possibly laugh 
outright at the very mention of truly conjugial love. But be it so ; 
nevertheless they must be excused, because it is impossible for 
them to think otherwise of the embraces in marriage than as of 
those in scortations, as it is for a camel to thrust itself through the 
eye of a sewing needle. Such persons, as to conjugial love, are 
chilled with cold more than others. If they cleave to their mar- 
ried partners, it is only on account of some of the external causes 
enumerated above, no. 153, which check and bind them. With 
these, the interiors of the souL and thence of the mind, are more 
closed up, and in the body are stopped up; and then even sexual 
love becomes cheap, or is insanely lascivious in the interiors of 
the body, and thence in the lowest things of their thought. It is 
these also who are meant in the Memorable Relation, no. 79, 
which they may read if they please. 



OTHER HAS NOT. *The reason is, that their souls cannot help being 
in discord, for the soul of one is open to the reception of con- 
jugial love, while the soul of the other is closed against the recep- 
tion of that love. It is closed with the one that has not religion, 
and it is open with the one that has. Hence it is not possible for 
two such married partners to dwell together ; and when once con- 
jugial love is banished, there ensues cold; but this is with the 
married partner that has no religion. This cold is not dissipated 
except through the reception of a religion agreeing with that of 
the other, if the latter is a true one. Otherwise, with the married 
partner who has no religion, there ensues cold, which descends 
from the soul into the body, even to the cuticles, in consequence 
of which, he (or she) finally cannot bear to look his (or her) 
married partner directly in the face, or accost her (or him) in a 
communion of respirations, or speak to her (or him) except in a 
distant tone of voice, or touch her (or him) with the hand, and 
scarcely with the back; not to mention the insanities which, pro- 


t tvding from that cold, creep into the thought?. v\hich they do not 
make known; and this is the reason wh\ such marriages are dis- 
solved of themselves. Moreover, it is known, that an impious 
persons thinks meanly of his married partner: and all who are 
without religion are impious. 



FROM THE OTHER. The reason is that with such persons good can- 
not be conjoined with its own corresponding truth; for, as was 
shown above, the wife is the good of the husband's truth, and he 
is the truth of the wife's good. Hence out of two souls there can- 
not be made one soul; and hence the fountain of that love is 
closed, and when this is closed, a conjugial state is entered upon 
which has a lower place of abode, and which is that of good with 
another truth, or of truth with another good than its own, between 
which there does not exist any concordant love; hence with the 
married partner who is in falsities of religion, there commences a 
cold, which is intensified in proportion as he for she) differs 
from the other. Once in a great city I was wandering through the 
streets seeking a place of abode, and I entered a house where there 
dwelled married partners of different religions. As I was ignorant 
of this fact, the angels spoke to me, and said, "We cannot remain 
with you in that house, because the married partners there are in 
discordant religions." This they perceived from the internal dis- 
union of their souls. 

is, IMBIBED FALSITY OF RELIGION. The reason is that falsity in 
spiritual things either takes away religion, or defiles it. It takes 
it away with those with whom genuine Truths are falsified. It 
defiles it with those whom there are indeed falsities, but not 
genuine Truths, which therefore could not be falsified. With these 
latter there may possibly exist goods with which those falsities 
may be conjoined by the Lord by means of applications; for 
these falsities are like various discordant tones, which by skillful 
arrangements and combinations are brought into harmony, whence 
also comes the pleasantness of harmony. With these some con- 
jugial love is possible. But with those -who have falsified with 
themselves the genuine truths of the church, conjugial love is not 
possible. The prevailing ignorance concerning truly conjugial 
love, or the negative doubt whether it can possibly exist, is from 
these falsified truths; and from the same source also^ comes the 
i&sanity which^jiwells m-the. ,*pinds of many, that scortations are 
not evils ofTelieion. 

afiY 1 '* 'i ' ' ' ' ' 'i- --* i" "**-* 



If the causes thus far pointed out and confirmed, which are the 
causes of cold in the internals, were to produce a similar cold in 


245,246] CO\JUGIAL LOVE 

the externals, as many separations would ensue as there are in- 
ternal colds; and there are as many colds as there are marriages 
of those who are in falsities of religion, in different religions, and 
in no religion, which have already been treated of above. And yet 
it is known, that many such dwell together as if they were loves 
and mutual friendships; but whence this originates, with those 
who are in internal cold, will be stated in the following chapter 
on 'The Causes of apparent Love, Friendship, and Favour, 
between Married Partners/' There are several causes which con- 
join the dispositions, but still do not conjoin the souls, among 
these are some of those mentioned above, no. 183 ; but still cold 
lies hidden inwardly, and makes itself noticed and felt every now 
and then. With such married partners the affections depart from 
each other; but the thoughts, when they go forth into speech and 
behaviour, approach each other for the sake of apparent friend- 
ship and favour; wherefore such persons know nothing of the 
pleasantness and delightsomeness, and still less of the blissfulness 
and blessedness of truly conjugial love, accounting them to be 
little else than fables. These are among those who deduce the 
origins of conjugial love from the same causes as did the nine 
companies of -wise ones assembled from the several kingdoms of 
Europe; concerning whom see above in the Memorable Relation, 
nos. 103-114. 

245. To what has been confirmed -above, it may be objected, 
that the soul is nevertheless propagated from the father, although 
it is not conjoined with the soul of the mother, yea, although cold 
residing therein causes separations. But the reason why souls or 
offspring are nevertheless propagated is., that the understanding of 
the man (vir) is not closed, but is capable of being elevated into 
the light in which the soul is; but the love of his will is not 
elevated into the heat corresponding to the light there, except by 
the life, which from natural makes him spiritual. Hence it is, that 
the soul is nevertheless procreated, but in the descent, when it 
becomes seed, it is veiled over by such things as belong to his 
natural love; from this springs hereditary evil. To these state- 
ments I will add an arcanum, which is from heaven, namely, that 
between the disjoined souls of two persons, especially of married 
partners, there is effectefl conjunction in a mediate love, and that 
otherwise no conceptions would be effected among human beings. 
Besides, what is here said of conjugial cold, and of its place of 
abode as being in the highest region of the mind, see the last 
Memorable Relation of this chapter, no. 270. 



MANNERS. There are both internal and external likenesses and 
unlikenesses. The internal ones derive their origin from no other 
source than religion; for religion is implanted in souls, and is 


handed down by the parent?, through their souls, to the offspring, 
as the supreme inclination. For the soul of every human being 
derives life from the marriage of good and truth, and from this 
marriage is the church ; and as the church is various and diverse 
in the several parts of the world, therefore also the souls of all 
human beings are various and diverse; therefore internal like- 
nesses and unlikenesses are from this source, and according to 
them are the conjugial conjunctions which have been treated of. 
But external likenesses and unlikenesses are not of the souls, but 
of the dispositions. By the dispositions are meant the external 
affections and the consequent external inclinations, which are in- 
sinuated after birth chiefly by means of the educations, associa- 
tions, and the consequent habits: for it is usual to say. "I have a 
mind or disposition to do this or that." by which is meant an 
affection and inclination to it. Persuasions conceived respecting 
this or that kind of life are also wont to form those dispositions ; 
thence come inclinations to enter into marriage even with un- 
equals, and likewise to refuse marriage with equals: but still these 
marriages, after a certain time of living together, vary according 
to the likenesses and unlikenesses contracted by heredity, and at 
the same time by education; and unlikenesses give rise to cold. 
So likewise unlikenesses of manners; as for example, an unculti- 
vated man or woman with a refined woman or man ; a clean man 
or woman with an unclean woman or man; a quarrelsome man 
or woman with a peaceable woman or man; in a word, an ill-bred 
man or woman with a well-bred woman or man. Marriages of 
such unlikenesses are not unlike the conjunctions of diverse species 
of animals with each other, as of sheep and goats, of stags and 
mules, of fowls and geese, of sparrows and the nobler birds, yea, 
as of dogs and cats, which on account of their unlikenesses do not 
consociate with each other; but in the human kind these unlike- 
nesses are indicated not by faces, but by habits of life ; wherefore 
external colds are from this source. 



FORMER IS. That this is the source of cold, is clearly seen by 
reason, when it considers that scortatory love is diametrically 
opposite to conjugial love; wherefore when it is believed that con- 
jugial love is one with scortatory love, both loves become alike in 
idea; and then the wife is looked upon as a scortator, and mar- 
riage as uncleanness; the man ivir] Ijimself also is a scortator, 
i,not j& bady,^stittria' spirit 'That hence ensue contempt, disdain 
and aversion, between the man and his woman, and thereby in- 
tense cold inevitably follows; for nothing stores up in itself con- 
jugial cold more than scortatory love; and as scortatory love also 
passes into that cold, it may not undeservedly be called conjugial 
cold itself, 





reason is, that conjugial love has chiefly respect to an union ^ of 
the wills, and a freedom of action resulting thence; both which 
are cast out from the marriage by a striving for pre-eminence or 
<?ommand; for this divides and tears the wills into pieces, and 
changes the freedom of action into servitude. Wliile that striving 
lasts, the spirit of the one meditates violence against the other; if 
their minds were then to be laid open and viewed by spiritual 
sight, they would appear like antagonists fighting with daggers, 
and regarding each other with hatred and favour alternately ; with 
hatred while in the vehemence of rivalry, and with favour while 
in the hope of dominion, and while in lust. After one has obtained 
the victory over the other, this contest departs from the externals, 
and betakes itself into the internals of the mind, and abides there 
with its restlessness concealed. Hence cold ensues both to the sub- 
dued party or servant and to the victress or mistress. The reason 
why the latter also suffers cold is, that conjugial love no longer 
exists, and the deprivation of this love is cold; see no. 235. In 
the place of conjugial love she has heat from pre-eminence; but 
this heat is utterly discordant with conjugial heat, yet it can agree 
with it exteriorly by means of lust. After a tacit agreement between 
the parties, it appears as if conjugial love had become friendship; 
but the difference between conjugial love and servile friendship 
in marriages, is like that between light and shade, between a living 
fire and an ignis fatuus, yea. like that between a well-conditioned 
man and one consisting only of bone and skin. 



WHENCE COMES WANDERING CUPIDITY. Man was created for use, 
because use is the continent of good and truth, from the marriage 
of which proceeds creation, and also conjugial love, as has been 
shown in its own chapter. By employment and occupation is 
meant every application to uses. While therefore a man is in any 
employment and occupation, or in any use, his mind is then 
limited and circumscribed as in a circle, within which it is suc- 
cessively coordinated into a truly human form, from which as 
from a house he sees various concupiscences outside of himself, 
and by soundness of reason within exterminates them; conse- 
quently he also exterminates the wild insanities of scortatory lust. 
Hence it is that conjugial heat remains better and longer with such 
than with others. The reverse happens with those who give them- 
selves up to sloth and idleness. The minds of these persons is 
unlimited and unbounded, and hence the man admits into the 
whole of it everything vain and nonsensical that flows in from 
the world and the l#>dy, and leads to the love thereof. That then 
also conjugial love is driven into exile, is evident; for in con- 
sequence of sloth and idleness the mind becomes stupid and the 


body torpid, and the \vhole man becomes insensible to every vital 
love, especially to conjugial lo\e. from which as from a fountain 
issue the activities and alacrities of life. But conjugial cold with 
such is different from that cold with others; it is indeed the 
deprivation of conjugial love, but from defect. 



many inequalities of state and condition, which during the time of 
dwelling together put an end to the conjugial love which had com- 
menced before the wedding: but they may all be referred to in- 
equalities as to age. dignities, and -wealth. That unequal ages 
induce cold in marriage, as in the case of a lad with an old 
woman, and of a young maiden \vitli a decrepit old man, needs no 
proof. That inequality as to dignities has a similar effect, as in 
the marriage of a prince with a maidservant, or of an illustrious 
matron with a manservant, is also acknowledged without proof. 
That the case is similar in regard to -wealth, unless a likeness of 
dispositions and manners, and an application of the one to the 
inclinations and native desires of the other, consociate them, is 
evident. But in all such cases, the compliance of the one on 
account of the pre-eminence of the state and condition of the other, 
effects only a servile conjunction; and this conjunction is a cold 
conjunction; for with such persons the conjugial state is not of 
the spirit and heart, but only nominal and of the mouth; in con- 
sequence of which the inferior party boasts, and the superior 
blushes with shame. But in the heavens there is no inequality of 
age, dignities, or wealth. As to age, all there are in the flower of 
their youth, and in that flower they continue to eternity: as to 
dignitaries, all there regard others according to the uses which 
they perform. The more eminent in condition regard the lower as 
brethren, neither do they set dignity before the performance of 
use, but the performance of use before dignity; also when maidens 
are given in marriage, they do not know from what ancestors they 
are descended: for no one in heaven knows his earthly father, but 
the Lord is the Father of all. The case is the same as to wealth, 
which in heaven consists in the faculty of becoming wise, accord- 
ing to w 7 hich a sufficiency of wealth is given. How marriages are 
entered into in heaven, see above, no. 229. 

are separations from the bed, and separations from the house. 
There are several causes of separations from the bed, and like- 
wise of separations from the house; but the legitimate causes are 
here being treated of. As the causes of separation coincide with 
the causes of concubinatus^ which are treated of in the latter part 
of this Work in their own chapter, before the reader is referred 
thereto, in order that he may see the causes in their order. The 
legitimate causes of separation are the following. 



VITIATED STATE OF THE MIND. The reason is. that conjugial love 
Is a conjunction of minds; wherefore if the mind of one goes 
away from that of the other into what is diverse, that conjunction 
is dissolved, and with this the love vanishes. What vitiated states 
separate may be manifest from the enumeration of them ; they are 
therefore as to the greater part these: unsoundness of mind, 
frenzy, insanity, idiocy, and imbecility, loss of memory,, severe 
hysteria ; extreme simplicity, so that there is no perception of what 
is good and true: a high degree of waywardness, w r hich refuses to 
obey what is just and fair: an extraordinary pleasure in gossip- 
ing, and talking only about insignificant and trivial matters; an 
unbridled desire to divulge the private matters of the house, also 
to wrangle, to strike, to revenge, to act wickedly, to steal, to tell 
lies, to deceive, to blaspheme; neglect of the children, intemper- 
ance, luxuriousness. excessive wastefulness, drunkenness, unclean- 
ness, immodesty, engaging in magical practices and sorceries, god- 
lessness, besides many more. By legitimate causes are not here 
meant judicial causes, but such as are legitimate in regard to the 
other married partner: separations from the house are also seldom 
decreed by a judge. 

A VITIATED STATE OF THE BODY. By vitiated states of the body are 
not meant accidental diseases, which happen to either of the mar- 
ried partners during their married life, and pass away again ; but 
there are meant permanent or incurable diseases which do not 
pass away. Pathology teaches what these are. They are manifold, 
such as, diseases by which the whole body becomes infected to 
such a degree that a fatal result ensues from contact with it; 
of this nature are malignant and pestilential fevers, leprosies, 
syphilis, gangrenes, cancers, and other similar diseases. Further, 
diseases by w T hich the body is rendered so loathsome that there is 
no possibility of consociation, and in consequence of which hurt- 
ful effluvia and noxious exhalations are generated, either from the 
surface of the body, or from its inward parts, especially from the 
stomach and lungs. From the surface of the body there are 
malignant smallpox, warty growths, pustules, scurvy, virulent 
itch; especially if the face has been rendered loathsome by them. 
From the stomach, risings of foul, stinking, rank and undigested 
matters. From the lungs, fetid and putrid breath exhaled from 
tubercles, ulcers, abscesses, either from vitiated blood, or from 
vitiated lymph, therein. Besides these, there are also other dis- 
eases of various names, as lipothymy (fainting), which is an uttei 
debility of the body and failing of strength; paralysis, which is 
a loosening and relaxation of the membranes and ligaments which 
serve for motion : certain chronic diseases, arising from a loss of 
the tensibility and elasticity of the nerves, or from too great a 
density, toughness, and acridity of the humours ; epilepsy; per- 


manent debility from attacks of apoplexy; various wasting dis- 
eases whereby the body is consumed: the ileac passion, the caeliac 
affection, hernia, and other similar diseases. iSee no. 470.1 

IMPOTENCE BEFORE MARRIAGE. The reason why this is a cause of 
separation is, that the end of marriage is the procreation of off- 
spring, and this cannot be effected by those who are impotent; 
and as they know this beforehand, they deliberately deprive their 
wives of the hope of it, which hope, nevertheless, suckles and 
strengthens their conjugial love. 

several reasons for this, which are discernible in rational light 
and yet are hidden at the present day. From rational light it may 
be seen that marriages are holy and adulteries (adulterous loves) 
profane; and thus that marriages and scortations are diametrically 
opposed to each other, and that w r hen opposite meets opposite, one 
destroys the other, to the very last spark of life. It is so with con- 
jugial love when the uxoratus (the will and understanding united 
in an adulterous love), with determination and thus with set pur- 
pose commits adultery (adulterates good). With those who know 
something of heaven and hell the considerations come into a 
clearer light of reason ; for they know that marriages are in heaven 
and from heaven, and that adulteries are in hell and from hell; 
and that these two cannot be conjoined, just as heaven cannot be 
conjoined with hell, and that if they are brought together in a 
man (homo^ heaven instantly departs, and hell enters in. This 
then is the reason why adultery is the cause of divorce. Therefore 
the Lord says: Whosoever shall put away his wife except for 
fornication (scortatio), and shall marry another, committeth 
adultery (is adjoined to an adulterous love) ("Matt. xix. 9). He 
says, if he shall put away and marry another except for scortation 
he committeth adultery, because the sending or putting away 
(dismissio) for this cause is the complete separation of minds 
which is called divorce; but all other puttings away, for their 
other causes, are the separations just treated of above. If after 
these another wife (uxor) is married, adultery (every violation of 
the Commandment) is committed; but not after divorce. 



the commonness (of enjoyment) in consequence of its being con- 
stantly allowed is an accidental cause of cold is, that it exists 
with those who think lasciviously about marriage and on the sub- 
ject of wives, but not with those who think holily about marriage, 
and tranquilly on the subject of wives. That by reason of die 
commonness which results from their being continually allowed, 



even joys become indifferent, and also tiresome, is evident from 
, games and public shows, musical entertainments, dancing, feast- 
ing, and the like, which in themselves are agreeable, because they 
are vivifications. The case is the same with the intimacy and the 
consociation between married partners, especially between those 
who have not removed unchaste sexual love from the love they 
bear to each other, and when they think idly, in the absence of 
the faculty (for enjoyment I, of the commonness ('of that enjoy- 
ment) arising from its being continually allowed. That that com- 
monness is to such persons a cause of cold, is self-evident. It is 
called accidental, because it is added to inward cold as a cause, 
and agrees with it as a reason. To remove the cold arising from 
this (commonness ", wives, from the prudence implanted in them, 
maTce what is allowable not allowable, by means of various resist- 
ances. But the case is altogether otherwise with those who judge 
chastely of wives: wherefore with the angels the commonness 
(of delight') which results from its being continually allowed, is 
the very delight of the soul, and is the container of their conjugial 
love, for they are continually in the delight of that love, and in its 
ultimates according to the presence of their minds fin that love) 
uninterrupted by cares, thus according to the decisions of the 
judgment with the husbands. 



with those with whom conjugial love is cold in the inmosts, and 
since it adds itself to internal cold, it becomes an accessory or 
accidental cause. With these persons, extra- conjugial love by 
reason of its consent and favour, is inwardly in heat; for the cold 
of the one is the heat of the other, which (heat), if it is not felt, 
is nevertheless within, yea, in the midst of the cold; and unless it 
was then also within, there would be no recuperation. This heat 
is what constitutes the compulsion, which is increased in propor- 
tion as, by one of the parties, the covenant resulting from agree- 
ment and the law by virtue of its justice, are looked upon as bonds 
not to be violated; it is otherwise if those bonds are loosened by 
both. The case is reversed with those who hold extra- conjugial 
love accursed, and think of conjugial love as of what is heavenly 
and as heaven, and the more so if they perceive it to be so. With 
these, that covenant with its articles of agreement, and that law 
with its obligations, are inscribed on their hearts, and are con- 
tinually being inscribed thereon more and more. With these, the 
bond of that love is neither woven by a covenant that has been 
agreed upon, nor by a law that has been enacted; but both the 
covenant and the law are by virtue of creation implanted in the 
love itself in which they are; from the latter (namely, the cov- 
enant and the law implanted from creation in the love itself) are 
derived the former (namely, the covenant and law) in the world, 


but not contrariwise. Hence it is that everything that belongs to 
that love is felt as freedom: neither is there any freedom but what 
belongs to the love: and I have heard from the angels, that the 
freedom of truly conjugial love is the utmost freedom, because 
conjugial love is the love of loves. 



With the angels in heaven there is no refusal and resistance on the 
part of the wives, as there is with some wives on earth: with the 
angels in heaven also there is a talking by the wives about love, 
and not such a silence as there is with some wives on earth. But 
the causes of these diversities I am not allowed to make known, 
because it is not becoming for me to do so : nevertheless they may 
be seen in four Memorable Relations at the close of the chapters 
as made known by the angels' wives, who freely indulge them to 
their husbands. by the three in the palace over which there was 
seen a golden shower ('nos. 155, 208), and by the seven who were 
sitting in a garden of roses (nos. 293, 294). These Memorable 
Relations were adduced, to the end that everything may be dis- 
closed that belongs to conjugial love, which is the subject here 
treated of in general and in particular. 



MAN is NOT WILLING. That the latter circumstance is a cause of the 
cessation of love with wives, and the former a cause of cold with 
men, is passed by without comment. For that the man, if he thinks 
that his wife, when she is in his sight by day. and when at his 
side by night, desires or is willing, should grow cold to the 
extremities; and on the other hand that the wife, if she thinks that 
the man is able and not willing, should lose her love, are among 
the facts which are well known to husbands who have studied the 
arcana relating to conjugial love. These circumstances are adduced 
also, to the end that this Work may be perfected, and that the 
delights of wisdom relating to conjugial love may be completed. 



the present day that the mind of man is in the head, and nothing 
of it in the body, when yet both the soul and the mind are both in 
the head and in the body; for the soul and the mind are the man, 
since both constitute the spirit which lives after death; and that 
this spirit is in a perfect human form, has been fully shown in our 
treatises. Hence it is that, as soon as a man thinks anything he 
can in an instant utter it by means of the mouth of his body, and 
at the same time effigy it in gesture; and that, as soon as he wills 



anything, he can in an instant bring it into act and effect by means 
of the members of the body; which could not be the case unless 
the soul and the mind were together in the body, and constituted 
his spiritual man. Since this is so, it may be seen that while con- 
jugial love is in the mind, it is similar to itself in the body: and 
since love is heat, that it opens the externals of the body from the 
interiors: but that, on the other hand, the privation thereof, which 
is cold, closes up the externals of the body from the interiors. 
From this appears manifestly the cause why the faculty with the 
angels continues to eternity, and the cause why it fails w T ith men 
who are in a state of cold. 

261. To the above I shall add three Memorable Relations. The 
first is this: 

In the higher northern quarter near the east in the spiritual 
world, there are places of instruction for boys, for youths, for 
men, and also for old men. Into these places are sent all who die 
infants, and they are educated in heaven: so also are all who are 
newly come from this world, and desire Knowledges about heaven 
and hell. This tract is near the east, in order that all may be 
instructed through influx from the Lord: for the Lord is the east, 
because He is in the sun there, which from Him is pure love; 
hence the heat from that sun in its essence is love, and the light 
from it in its essence is wisdom. These are inspired into them by 
the Lord out of that sun; and they are inspired according to 
reception, and reception is according to the love of becoming wise. 
After the times of instruction, those who have become intelligent 
are sent forth thence, and are called disciples of the Lord. They 
are sent forth thence first into the west, and those who do not 
remain there, into the south ; and some through the south into the 
east; and they are introduced into the societies where their abodes 
are to be. 

Once when I was meditating about heaven and hell, I began 
to desire a universal Knowledge of the state of both ; being aware, 
that whoever knows universals, can afterwards comprehend par- 
ticulars, because the latter are in the former, as parts in a whole. 
In this desire I looked to that tract in the northern quarter near 
the east, where the places of instruction were, and I went there' 
by a way then open to me. I entered one of the colleges, where 
there were some young men, and addressed the head masters there 
who gave instruction, and asked them, whether they knew the 
universals about heaven and hell. 

They replied that they knew some little; "but if we look," said 
they, "towards the east to the Lord, we shall be enlightened and 
we shall know." They did so, and said, "There are three uni- 
versals of hell, but they are diametrically opposite to the uni- 
versals of heaven. The universals of hell are these three loves, 
the love of dominion from the love of self, the love of possessing 
the goods of others from the love of the world, and scortatory 



love. The universals of heaven opposite to these are these three 
loves. the love of dominion from the love of use, the love of 
possessing the goods of the world from the love of doing uses by 
means of them, and truly conjugial love. 

When they had said this, after wishing (me) peace, I took my 
leave, and returned home. When I was at home, it was said to me 
from heaven, "Examine those three universals above and beneath, 
and afterwards we shall see them in thy hand." It was said, "in 
the hand," because everything which a man examines with the 
understanding, appears to the angels as if inscribed on his hands. 

262. After this I examined the first universal love of hell, 
which was the love of exercising dominion, or of ruling, from the 
love of self, and afterwards the universal love of heaven corre- 
sponding to it, which was the love of exercising dominion from 
the love of uses; for I was not allowed to examine the one love 
without the other, because the understanding does not perceive the 
one love without the other, for they are opposites; wherefore in 
order that each may be perceived, they must be set in opposition, 
the one against the other; for a beautiful and handsome face is 
made apparent as such by contrasting with it an ugly and deformed 
one. When I was considering the love of exercising dominion 
from the love of self, it was given me to perceive that this love 
was in the highest degree infernal, and consequently prevailed 
with those who are in the deepest hell; and that the love of exer- 
cising dominion from the love of uses was in the highest degree 
heavenly, and consequently prevailed with those who are in the 
highest heaven. The reason why the love of exercising dominion 
from the love of self is in the highest degree infernal, is, that 
exercising dominion from the love of self is exercising it from the 
proprium, and the proprium of man from birth is evil itself, and 
evil itself is diametrically opposed to the Lord; wherefore the 
more those who are in evil advance into that evil, the more they 
deny God and the holy things of the church, and worship them- 
selves and nature. Let those who are in that evil, I entreat them, 
examine that evil in themselves, and they will see. This love also 
is such that, in proportion as it is left unchecked, which is the case 
so long as it is not hindered by impossibilities, in the same pro- 
portion it rushes impetuously from step to step, even to the highest, 
and even there finds no bounds, but sorrows and sighs because 
there is no higher step for it to ascend. This love with statesmen 
ascends so high that they want to be kings and emperors, and, if it 
were possible, to have dominion over all things of the world, and 
to be called kings of kings and emperors of emperors; and the 
same love with the clergy ascends so high that they want to be 
gods, and, as far as is possible, to have dominion over all things 
of heaven, and to be called gods of gods. That neither of these in 
heart acknowledge any God, will be seen in what follows. On the 
other hand, those who desire to exercise dominion from the love 



of uses, do not desire to exercise dominion from themselves, but 
from the Lord ; since the love of uses is from the Lord, and is the 
Lord Himself. These regard dignities no otherwise than as means 
to perform uses: the latter they set far above dignities; but the 
former set dignities far above uses. 

263. While I was meditating on these things, it was said to 
me through an angel by the Lord, "You shall presently see, and 
be convinced by ocular demonstration, what is the quality of that 
infernal love." 

Then suddenly the earth opened on the left, and I saw a devil 
ascending from hell, having on his head a square cap pulled down 
over the forehead even to the eyes: his face was full of pustules as 
of a burning fever, his eyes fierce, his breast swollen immensely; 
from his mouth he belched smoke like a furnace, his loins were 
all ablaze, instead of feet he had bony ankles without flesh, and 
from his body there exhaled a stinking and unclean heat. 

On seeing him I was terrified, and cried out to him, "Approach 
no nearer; tell me, whence are you?" 

He replied in a hoarse voice, "I am from hell where I am 
with two hundred in a society which is the most super-eminent of 
all societies. We in that society are all emperors, kings of kings, 
dukes of dukes, and princes of princes; no one in our society is 
barely a king, duke, or prince. We sit there on thrones of thrones, 
and dispatch thence mandates into the whole world, and beyond it." 

I then said to him, "Do you not see that you are insane from 
the phantasy of super-eminence?" 

He replied, "How can you say so, when we absolutely seem 
to ourselves., and also are acknowledged by our companions, to 
have such super-eminence?" 

On hearing this, I was unwilling to repeat the charge of in- 
sanity, because he was insane from phantasy; and it was given me 
to know that this devil, during his life in the world, had been 
only a house steward, and that at that time he was so lifted up in 
spirit, that he despised all mankind in comparison with himself, 
and indulged in the phantasy that he was more worthy than a 
king, and even than an emperor ; in consequence of which conceit, 
he had denied God, and had considered all the holy things of the 
church as of no concern to himself, but of some to the stupid 

At last I asked him, "How long do you two hundred thus glory 
among yourselves?" 

He said, "To eternity; but such of us as torture others for 
denying our super-eminence, sink down; for we are allowed to 
glory, but not to do evil to any one" 

I asked him again, "Do you know what is the lot of those who 
sink down?" 

He said, "They sink down into a certain prison, where they are 
called viler than the vile, or the vilest; and they work." 


I then said to that devil, "Take heed therefore, lest you also 
sink down/' 

264. After this the earth again opened, but on the right; and I 
saw another devil rising up thence, who had on his head a kind 
of turban, which was wound round spirally like a snake, the head 
of which stood out from the crown ; his face was leprous from the 
forehead to the chin, and so were both his hands; his loins were 
naked and black as soot, through which fire as of a furnace shone 
duskily; and the ankles of his feet were like two vipers. 

The former devil, on seeing him, cast himself on his knees, 
and adored him. 

I asked why he did so, and he said, "He is the God of heaven 
and earth, and is omnipotent/' 

I then asked the other, "What do you say to this?" 

He replied, "What shall I say? I have all Pow T er over heaven 
and hell; the lot of all souls is in my hands." 

Again I enquired, 'How can he, w r ho is emperor of emperors, 
so submit himself, and how can you receive his adoration?" 

He answered, "He is nevertheless my servant; what is an 
emperor before God? the thunder of excommunication is in my 
right hand." 

I then said to him, "How can you be so insane? In the world 
you were simply a clergyman; and because you laboured under 
the phantasy that you also had the keys (of heaven), and thus the 
power of binding and loosening, you have exalted your spirit to 
such a degree of madness, that you now believe that you are God 

Being indignant at this, he swore that it was so, and said, "The 
Lord has not any power in heaven, because He has transferred it 
all to us. We have only to give the word of command, and heaven 
and hell reverently obey us. If we send any one to hell, the devils 
immediately receive him ; and so do the angels receive those whom 
we send to heaven." 

I asked further, "How many are you in your society." 

He said, "Three hundred; and we are all gods there; but I 
am the god of gods." 

At this the earth opened under the feet of each, and they sank 
down deeply into their respective hells; and it was given me to 
see that under their hells were penitentiaries, into which those 
who do harm to others would fall; for every one in hell is left to 
his own phantasy, and is also permitted to glory in it; but he is 
not allowed to do harm to another. The reason why such are 
there is, that man is then in his spirit ; and the spirit, after it has 
been separated from the body, comes into the full liberty of acting 
according to its own affections and consequent thoughts. 

It was afterwards given me to look into their hells. The hell 
where the emperors of emperors and kings of kings were, as was 
full of all uncleanness; and they appeared like various kinds of 



wild beasts, with fierce eyes. So also it was in the other hell, 
where the gods and the god of gods were. In this latter hell there 
appeared the direful birds of night, which are called ochim and 
ijim. flying about them. The images of their phantasies appeared 
thus to me. From these circumstances it was evidenced, what is 
that they cherish such desires, and also strive to gratify them, in 
the quality of the political love of self, and what is the quality 
of the ecclesiastical love of self; that the quality of the latter 
is, that they who are in it want to be gods, while the quality of 
the former is, that they who are in it want to be emperors ; and 
that they cherish such desires, and also strive to gratify them, in 
proportion as full scope is allowed to those loves. 

265. Afterwards a hell was opened, where I saw two men, one 
sitting on a bench, holding his feet in a basket full of serpents, 
which seemed to be creeping upwards by his breast even to his 
neck; and the other sitting on a glowing or red hot ass, at whose 
sides red serpents were creeping, raising their head and necks, and 
pursuing the rider. I was told that they had been popes who had 
deprived emperors of their dominion, and had ill-treated them 
both in word and deed at Rome, whither they went to supplicate 
and adore them ; that the basket in which serpents were seen, and 
the glowing ass with snakes at his sides, were representations of 
their love of exercising dominion from the love of self, and that 
such appearances are seen only by those who look at them from 
a distance. There were some of the ecclesiastical order present, 
whom I asked whether those had really been popes? They said, 
that they were acquainted with them, and knew that they had 
been such. 

266. After beholding these sad and frightful sights, I looked 
around, and saw two angels standing in conversation not far from 
me. One wore a woolen robe that shone with flaming crimson, 
and under it a vest of bright fine linen; the other wore similar 
garments of scarlet, with a tiara studded on the right side with a 
few fiery stones. I approached them, and greeted them with a 
salutation of peace, and respectfully asked them, "For what pur- 
pose are you here below?" 

They replied, "We have come down from heaven by the Lord's 
command, to speak with you about the blessed lot of those who 
desire to have dominion from the love of uses. We are wor- 
shippers of the Lord; I am the prince of a society; the other is 
the high priest there." 

The prince said, that he was the servant of his society, because 
he served it by doing uses: and the other said, that he was the 
minister of the church there, because in serving them he minis- 
tered holy things to the uses of their souls; and that they were 
both in perpetual joys resulting from the eternal happiness which 
is in them from the Lord; and that all things in that society were 


splendid and magnificent: splendid by reason of gold and precious 
stones, and magnificent by reason of palaces and paradises. "The 
reason is, that our love of exercising dominion is not from the 
love of self, but from the love of uses: and as the love of uses is 
from the Lord, therefore all good uses in the heavens are splendid 
and refulgent; and as all of us in our society are in this love, 
therefore the atmosphere there appears golden, by reason of the 
light there which partakes of the sun's flaming quality, and the 
flaming quality of the sun corresponds to that love." 

As they said this, there appeared to me to be such a sphere 
around them, from which an aromatic odour issued that was per- 
ceivable by the senses. I mentioned this to them, and intreated 
them to add something more to what they said about the love of 
use; and they proceeded thus; "The dignities in which we are, we 
indeed sought after and solicited, but for no other end than that 
we might be able to perform uses more fully, and to extend them 
more widely. We are also encompassed with honour, and we accept 
it, not for our own sake, but for the sake of the good of the society. 
For our brethren and associates, who form the commonality of 
the society, scarcely know but that the honours of our dignities 
are in ourselves, and consequently that the uses which we perform 
are from ourselves. But we ourselves feel otherwise, being sensible 
that the honours of the dignities are outside of ourselves, and that 
they are as the garments with which we are clothed; but that the 
uses which we perform, are, by virtue of the love of them, within 
us from the Lord: and this love receives its blessedness from com- 
munication by means of uses with others; and we know from 
experience, that so far as we do uses from the love thereof, so far 
that love increases, and with it wisdom, whereby communication 
is effected: but that, so far as we retain uses in ourselves, and do 
not communicate them, so far the blessedness perishes ; and in that 
case use becomes like food stored up in the stomach, which affords 
no nourishment to the body and its parts, as it would if it were 
distributed through them, but remains undigested, and thereby 
causes nausea. In a word, the whole heaven is nothing but a con- 
tainer of use, from primes to ultimates. What is use but the actual 
love of the neighbor? and what holds the heavens together but 
this love? 

On hearing this I asked, "How can any one know whether he 
does uses from the love of self, or from the love of uses? Every 
man, both good and evil, does uses, and he does uses from some 
love. Suppose that in the world there were a society composed of 
mere devils, and another composed of mere angels; I am of 
opinion that the devils in their society, from the fire of the love 
of self, and the splendor of their own glory, would do as many 
uses as the angels in their society. Who then can know from what 
love, and from what origin the uses are?" 

To this the two angels replied, "Devils do uses for the sake 
of themselves, and for the sake of reputation, that they may be 



raised to honours, or may gain wealth : but angels do not do uses 
from such motives, but for the sake of uses from the love thereof. 
Man cannot distinguish those uses; but the Lord distinguishes 
them. Every one who believes in the Lord, and shuns evils as sins, 
does uses from the Lord; but every one who neither believes in 
the Lord, nor shuns evils as sins, does uses from himself and for 
the sake of himself. This is the difference between the uses done 
by devils and those done by angels. 

Having said this the two angels departed; and were seen from 
afar carried in a fiery chariot like Elijah, and taken up into their 
own heaven. 

267. The Second Memorable Relation: 

After a little space of time I entered a certain grove, and 
walked there meditating on those who are in the concupiscence 
and thence in the phantasy of possessing the things of the world; 
and then at some distance from me I saw two angels in con- 
servation, and by turns looking at me; wherefore I went nearer 
to them, and as I approached they accosted me, and said, "We 
have perceived in ourselves that you are meditating on what we 
are conversing about, or that we are conversing about what you 
are meditating on, which is a consequence of the reciprocal com- 
munication of affections." 

I asked therefore what they were conversing about? They said, 
"About phantasy, concupiscence, and intelligence; and just now 
about those who delight themselves with the vision and imagina- 
tion of possessing everything in the world." 

I then asked them to state their opinions on those three sub- 
jects concupiscence, phantasy, and intelligence. 

They began by saying, "Every one is inwardly in concupis- 
cence by birth, but outwardly in intelligence by education; and 
that no one is inwardly, and thus as to the spirit, in intelligence, 
still less in wisdom, except from the Lord: for every one is with- 
held from the concupiscence of evil, and kept in intelligence, 
according to his looking towards the Lord, and at the same time 
according to his conjunction with Him. Without this, man is noth- 
ing but concupiscence; yet nevertheless in externals, or as to the 
body, he is in intelligence from education. For man lusts after 
honours and wealth, or eminence and riches, and he cannot attain 
them, unless he appears to be moral and spiritual, thus intelligent 
and wise; and he learns so to appear from infancy. This is the 
reason why, as soon as he comes among men, or into company, he 
inverts his spirit, and removes it from concupiscence, and speaks 
and acts from the becoming and honourable maxims which he has 
learnt from infancy, and retains in the memory of the body; and 
he is particularly cautious lest anything of the madness of the 
concupiscence in which his spirit is, should come forth. Hence 
every man who is not inwardly led by the Lord, is a pretender, a 
sycophant, a hypocrite, and thus an apparent man, and yet not a 



man: of whom it may be said that his shell or body is wise, and 
his kernel or spirit insane ; also that his external is human and his 
internal like a wild beast. Such persons, with the back part of the 
head look upwards, and with the forehead downwards; thus they 
walk as if oppressed with heaviness, with the head hanging down, 
and the countenance prone to the earth; and when they put off the 
body, and become spirits, and thus are set at liberty, they become 
the madnesses of their own concupiscences. For they who are in 
the love of self desire to domineer over the universe, yea, to 
extend its limits in order to enlarge their dominion, of which they 
see no end. Those who are in the love of the w r orld desire to 
possess everything therein, and are full of grief and envy if any 
of its treasures are hidden and concealed with others; wherefore, 
to prevent such persons from becoming mere concupiscences, and 
thus not men, it is given them in the spiritual world to think from 
the fear of the loss of reputation, and thereby of honour and gain, 
and also from a fear of the law and its penalties, and it is also 
given them to apply their mind to some employment or work, 
whereby they are kept in externals, and thus in a state of intelli- 
gence, however raving and insane they may be inwardly." 

After this I asked., whether all who are in concupiscence, are 
also in the phantasy thereof. 

They replied, that "those are in the phantasy of their own 
concupiscence, who think inwardly in themselves, and indulge 
their imagination too much, by talking to themselves; for these 
almost separate their spirit from connection with the body, and 
inundate their understanding with visions, and take a foolish 
delight as if they were possessed of the universe; into this delirium 
every man is let after death who has abstracted his spirit from 
the body, and has not been willing to recede from the light of the 
delirium by thinking something from religion about evils and 
falsities, and least of all something about the unbridled love of 
self, as being destructive of love to the Lord, and about the un- 
bridled love of the world, as being destructive of love towards the 

268. After this the two angels and myself also were seized with 
a desire to see those who from love of the world are in the vision- 
ary concupiscence or phantasy of possessing all wealth; and we 
perceived that that desire was inspired to the end that such vision- 
aries might be known. Their dwellings were under the earth of 
our feet, but above hell; wherefore we looked at each other and 
said, "Let us go." There was seen an opening and in it a ladder, 
By which we descended; and we were told that we must approach 
them from the east, lest we should enter into the midst of their 
phantasy, and be obscured as to the understanding, and at the same 
time as to the sight. 

And lo! there appeared a house built of reeds, and conse- 
quently full of chinks, standing in a mist, which continually issued 



like smoke through the chinks of three of the walls. We entered, 
and saw fifty here and fifty there sitting on benches; they were 
turned away from the east and south, and were looking towards 
the west and north. Before each person there was a table, on 
which were purses filled full, and by the purses a great quantity 
of gold coin. 

We asked them, "Is that the wealth of all the persons in the 

They said, "Not of all in the \s orld, but of all in the kingdom." 
The sound of their speech was hissing; and they appeared to have 
round faces, which glistened like the shell of a snail, and the 
pupils of their eyes shot forth lightning as it were, from a green 
ground, which was an effect of the light of phantasy. 

We stood in the midst of them, and said, 6i You believe that you 
possess all the wealth of the kingdom." 

They replied, ui We do possess it." 

We then asked, "Which of you?" 

They said, "Every one." 

So we asked, "How every one? You are many." 

They said. ''Every one of us knows that all that is his, is also 
mine. No one is allowed to think, and still less to say, "Mine are 
not thine*; but every one may think and say, 'Thine are mine/ *" 

The coins on the tables appeared even to us, to be pure gold; 
but when we let in light from the east, they were little grains of 
gold, which they had magnified to such a degree by their common 
united phantasy. They said, that every one that enters ought to 
bring with him some gold, which they cut into small pieces, and 
these into little grains, and by the unanimous force of their phan- 
tasy they increase them into coins of a larger form. 

We then said, "Were you not born men of reason ? when have 
you that visionary infatuation?" 

They said, "We know that it is an imaginary vanity ; but as it 
delights the interiors of our minds, we enter here and are delighted 
as with the possession of all things: we continue in this place, 
however, only a few hours, at the end of which we depart; and as 
often as we do so we again become of sound mind; yet still our 
visionary delight alternately supervenes and occasions our alter- 
nate re-entrance and departure: thus w r e are alternately wise and 
insane. We also know that a hard lot awaits those who by cun- 
ning rob others of their goods." 

We inquired, "What lot?" 

They said, "They are swallowed up, and are thrust naked into 
some infernal prison, where they are obliged to labour for cloth- 
ing and food, and afterwards for some pieces of coin of trifling 
value, which they collect, and in which they place the joy of their 
hearts; but if they do evil to their companions, they are fined a 
part of their coin." 

269. Afterwards we ascended from these hells to the south 


where we had been before, and the angels related there many 
things worthy of mention concerning the concupiscence which is 
not visionary or fantastic, in which every man is from his birth; 
namely, that while they are in it, they are like fools, and yet seem 
to themselves to be wise in the highest degree ; and that from this 
folly they are by turns restored into the Rational, which, with 
them, is in externals; in which state they see, acknowledge, and 
confess their insanity, but nevertheless they are very desirous to 
get out of their rational state into their insane state; and they also 
do let themselves into it as from a forced and undelightful state 
into a free and delightful one; thus it is concupiscence and not 
intelligence that inwardly please them. There are three universal 
loves, of which every man has been constituted since the creation; 
the love of the neighbor, which is also the love of doing uses; the 
love of the world, which is also the love of possessing wealth: 
and the love of self, which is also the love of bearing rule over 
others. The love of the neighbor, or the love of doing uses, is a 
spiritual love; but the love of the world, or the love of possessing 
wealth, is a material love; whereas the love of self, or the love of 
bearing rule over others, is a corporeal love. A man is a man 
when the love of the neighbor, or the love of doing uses, con- 
stitutes the head, the love of the world the body, and the love of 
self the feet; whereas if the love of the world constitutes the head, 
the man is but as a hunch-back; but when the love of self con- 
stitutes the head, he is like a man standing, not on his feet, but 
on the palms of his hands with his head downwards and his 
haunches upwards. When the love of the neighbor constitutes the 
head, and the two other loves in order constitute the body and 
feet, the man appears from heaven of an angelic countenance, with 
a beautiful rainbow r around his head ; but if the love of the world 
constitutes the head, he appears from heaven of a pale countenance 
like that of a dead man, with a yellow circle around his head; but 
if the love of self constitutes the head, he appears from heaven of 
a dusky countenance, with a white circle around his head." 

Hereupon I asked, "What do the circles around the head 

They replied, "They represent intelligence; the white circle 
around the head of the dusky countenance represents that his in- 
telligence is in externals, or around him, and that insanity is in his 
internals, or in him. A man also who is such, is wise while in the 
body, but insane while in the spirit; but no man is wise in the 
spirit but from the Lord, as is the case when he is regenerated and 
created again or anew by Him." 

As they said this, the earth opened to the left, and through the 
opening I saw a devil rising up with a lucid white circle around 
his head, and I asked him, "Who art thou?" 

He said, "I am Lucifer, the son of the morning: and because 
I made myself like the Most High, I was cast down." Nevertheless, 
he was not Lucifer, but believed himself to be him. 



I then said, "Since you were east down, how can you rise up 
again out of hell?" 

He replied, "There I am a devil, but here I am an angel of 
light; do you not see that my head is surrounded by a lucid 
sphere? You shall also see, if you wish, that I am superlatively 
moral among the moral, superlatively rational among the rational, 
yea, superlatively spiritual among the spiritual: I am also able to 
preach, and I have also preached/' 

I asked him, u *What have you preached?" 
He said, "Against defrauders, against scortators, and against 
all infernals loves; yea, I have then called myself, even Lucifer, a 
devil, and foresworn against myself in that capacity; and there- 
fore I was extolled to heaven with praises. Hence it is that I am 
called the son of the morning; and, what I myself was surprised 
at, while I was in die pulpit, I thought no otherwise than that I 
w r as speaking rightly and properly; but I discovered that the 
reason was, that I was in externals, which at that time were 
separated from my internals, but although I discovered this, still 
I could not change myself, because on account of my conceit I did 
not look to God." 

I next asked him, "How could you so speak, when you are 
yourself a defrauder, a scortator, and a devil?" 

He answered. tw l am one character when I am in externals, or 
in the body, and another when in internals, or in the spirit; in the 
body I am an angel, but in the spirit a devil ; for in the body I 
am in the understanding, but in the spirit I am in the will ; and 
the understanding carries me upwards, whereas the will carries me 
downwards. When I am in the understanding, my head is sur- 
rounded by a white belt, but when the understanding surrenders 
itself entirely to the will, and becomes its slave, which is our last 
lot the belt grows black and perishes; and when this happens, we 
cannot any longer ascend into this light" Afterwards he spoke 
about his twofold state, the external and the internal, more ration- 
ally than any other person; but suddenly, when he saw the angels 
with me, his face and voice were inflamed, and he became black, 
even as to the belt around his head, and he sunk down into hell 
through the opening through which he had arisen. 

The bystanders, from seeing these things, came to this con- 
clusion, that a man is such as his love is, and not such as his 
understanding is; since the love easily draws over the understand- 
ing to its side, and enslaves it 

I then asked the angels, "Whence have devils such rationality?" 

They said, "It is from the glory of the love of self; for the 

love of self is surrounded by glory, and by glory elevates the 

understanding even into the light of heaven. For with every man 

the understanding is capable of being elevated according to 

Knowledges, but the will can be thus elevated only by a life 

according to the truths of the church and of reason. Hence it is 

that even atheists, who are in the glory of reputation from the 



love of self, and thence in the conceit of self -intelligence, enjoy 
a more lofty rationality than many others. This, however, is only 
when they are in the thought of the understanding, but not when 
they are in the affection of the will. The affection of the will 
possesses a man's internal, whereas the thought of the understand- 
ing possesses his external."' The angel further told the reason why 
every man is constituted of the three loves above mentioned, 
namely, the love of use, the love of the world, and the love of 
self; which reason is, in order that he may think from God, 
although as from himself. He also said, that the highest things in 
man are turned upwards to God the middle outwards to the world, 
and the lowest downwards to self; and because the latter are 
turned downwards, man thinks as from himself, when nevertheless 
he thinks from God. 

270. The Third Memorable Relation: 

One morning on awaking from sleep my thought was deeply 
engaged on some arcana of conjugial love, and at length on this. 
"In what region of the human mind does truly conjugial love 
reside, and consequently in what region does conjugial cold 
reside?" I knew that there are three regions of the human mind, 
one above the other, and that in the lowest region dwells natural 
love; in the higher, the spiritual love; and in the highest, celestial 
love; and that in each region there is a marriage of good and 
truth; and since good belongs to love, and truth belongs to wis- 
dom, that in each region there is a marriage of love and wisdom, 
and that this marriage is the same as the marriage of the will and 
understanding, since the will is the receptable of love, and the 
understanding the receptacle of wisdom. 

While I was thus deeply engaged in thought, lo! I saw two 
swans flying towards the north, and then two birds of paradise 
flying towards the south, and also two turtledoves flying in the 
east: as I followed their flight with my eyes. I saw that the two 
swans bent their course from the north to the east, and so did the 
two birds of paradise from the south, and that they gathered 
together with the two turtledoves in the east, and flew together to 
a certain lofty place there, about which there were olive trees, 
palm trees, and beeches. The palace had three rows of windows, 
on above the other; and as I was looking on, I saw the swans fly 
into the palace through open windows in the lowest row, the birds 
of paradise through open windows in the middle row, and the 
turtledoves through open windows in the highest row. 

When I had observed this, an angel stood by me, and said. 
"Do you understand what you have seen?" 

I replied, "In a small degree." 

He said, "That palace represents the habitations of conjugial 
love, such as they are in human minds. Its highest part, into 
which the turtledoves betook themselves, represents the highest 
region of the mind, where conjugial love dwells in the love of 



good with its wisdom; the middle part, into which the birds of 
paradise betook themselves, represents the middle region, where 
conjugial love dwells in the love of truth with its intelligence; 
and the lowest part, into which the swans betook themselves, 
represents the lowest region of the mind, where conjugial love 
dwells in the love of what is just and right with its knowledge. 
The three pairs of birds also signify these things; the pair of 
turtledoves signifies the conjugial love of the highest region, the 
pair of birds of paradise the conjugial love of the middle region, 
and the pair of swans the conjugial love of the lowest region. 
Similar things are signified by the three kinds of trees round 
about the palace, the olive trees, the palm trees, and the beeches. 
We in heaven call the highest region of the mind celestial, the 
middle spiritual, and the lowest natural ; and we perceive them as 
habitations in a house, one above another, and the ascent from one 
to another by degrees, as by stairs, and in each part as it were two 
apartments, one for love, the other for wisdom; and in front as it 
were a bed-chamber, where love with its wisdom, or good with its 
truth, or what is the same, where the will with its understanding, 
consociate in bed. In that palace all the secrets of conjugial love 
stand forth as in effigy." 

On hearing this, being inflamed with a desire of seeing it, I 
asked whether any one was permitted to enter and see it, as it 
was a representative palace. 

He replied, tJ To none but those in the third heaven, because to 
them every representative of love and wisdom becomes real : from 
them I have heard what I have related to you, and this also, that 
love truly conjugial dwells in the highest region in the midst of 
mutual love, in the marriage chamber or apartment of the will, 
and also in the midst of the perceptions of wisdom, in the mar- 
riage chamber or apartment of the understanding, and that they 
consociate in bed in the bed-chamber which is at the front and in 
the east." 

I also asked, "Why are there two marriage chambers?" 

The angel answered, "The husband is in the marriage chamber 
of the understanding, and the wife in the marriage chamber of 
the will." 

I then asked, "Since conjugial love dwells there, where then is 
conjugial cold?'* 

The angel answered, "That also is in the highest region, but 
only in the marriage chamber of the understanding, the marriage 
chamber of the will there being closed. For the understanding 
with its truths can as often as it pleases ascend by a spiral stair- 
wav into the highest region, into its marriage chamber, but if the 
will with the good of its love does not at the same time ascend 
into the consociate marriage chamber, this is shut, and there comes 
cold into the other, and this is conjugial cold. The understanding, 
when there is such cold toward the wife, looks down from this 
highest region to the lowest, and descends also if not restrained by 



fear, that it may be warmed there by illicit fire/* Having said 
this, he would have told still more about conjugial love from its 
effigies in that palace, but he said, "Enough for the present. First 
inquire whether these things are above the common understanding. 
If they are, why say more? But if they are not, more will be 



271. Since the causes of colds and separations have been treated 
of, it follows in order that the causes of apparent love, friendship 
and favour in marriages, should also be treated of, for it is known, 
that although colds separate the dispositions of married partners 
at the present day, they nevertheless dwell together, and procreate 
children; which would not be the case, unless there were also 
apparent loves, alternately similar to, or emulous of the heat of 
the genuine love. That these appearances are necessary and use- 
ful, and that without them households could not exist, and con- 
sequently neither could families, will be seen in what follows. 
Moreover, some conscientious persons may be distressed with the 
idea, that the disagreements of minds between them and their 
married partners, and the internal alienations thence arising, may 
be their own fault, and may be imputed to them, and on this 
account may be grieved at heart; but as it is not in their power 
to help internal disagreements, it is enough for them, by means 
of apparent loves and favours, to allay, in accordance with con- 
science, the disagreeables which may arise : hence, also, friendship 
is able to return, in which conjugial love lies concealed on the 
part of such a one, although not on the part of the other. But 
this section, like the foregoing, by reason of the number of the 
varieties of its subject, shall be distinguished into articles. These 
articles are the following: 

I. In the natural world almost all are capable of being con- 
joined as to the external affections, but not as to the internal 
affections., if they disagree and appear. 

II. In the spiritual world all are conjoined according to the 
internal affections, but not according to the external affections, 
unless these act as a one with the internal affections. 

III. It is the external affections according to which matri- 
monies are generally contracted in the world. 

IV. But if the internal affections, which conjoin the minds, are 
not within, the bonds of matrimony are loosened at home. 

V. Nevertheless matrimonies in the world ought to continue 
till the end of life. 

VI. In those matrimonies in which the internal affections do 
not conjoin, there are external affections which simulate the in- 
ternal ones, and consociate. 

VII. Hence there are apparent love, or apparent friendship, 
and favour between married partners. 



VIII. These appearances are conjugial simulations, and they 
are praiseworthy^ because useful and necessary. 

IX. These conjugial simulations* icith a spiritual man (homo) 
conjoined with a consort who is natural, derive their quality from 
justice and judgment. 

X. These conjugial simulations with natural men derive their 
quality from prudence for the sake of various reasons. 

XI. They are for the sake of amendments, and for the sake of 

XII. They are for the sake of preserving order in domestic 
affairs, and Jor the sake of mutual help. 

XIII. They are for the sake of unanimity in the care of the 
younger and older children. 

XIV. They are for the sake of peace at home. 

XV. They are for the sake of reputation outside of the home. 
XVL They are for the sake of various favours expected from 

the married partner, or from his or her relations, and thus for 
fear of losing such favours. 

XVII. They are for the sake of excusing blemishes, and con- 
sequently for the sake of avoiding disgrace. 

XVIII. They are for the sake of reconciliations. 

XIX. // favour does not cease with the wife, when faculty 
ceases with the man, there may be formed a friendship emulating 
conjugial friendship., when the consorts grow old. 

XX. There exist various kinds of apparent love and friendship 
between married partners, of whom one has been brought under 
the yoke, and consequently is subject to the other. 

XXI. In the world there exist infernal marriages between mar- 
ried partners who inwardly are the most inveterate enemies, and 
outwardly are as the most attached friends. 

Now follows the explanation of these articles, 


reason is, that in the world man is possessed of a material body, 
and this is surcharged with lusts, which are in it as dregs that are 
precipitated to the bottom, when the must of the wine is clarified. 
Of such things consists the matters of which the bodies of men in 
the world are composed. Hence it is that the internal affections, 
which are of the mind, do not appear; and with many hardly a 
grain of them shows through, for the body either absorbs them, 
and involves them in its dregs, or by dissimulation learnt from 
childhood conceals them deeply from the sight of others; and by 
this means the man puts himself into the state of every affection 
that he observes in another, and allures his affection to himself, 
and thus they conjoin themselves. The reason why they conjoin 
themselves is, that every affection has its own delight, and delights 
tie minds together. But it would be otherwise if the internal 



affections were to appear before the sight in the face and gesture, 
and before the hearing in the tone of the speech, as the external 
affections do; or if their delights were to be made sensible to the 
nostrils, or to be smelt, as is the case in the spiritual world. In 
that case, if they disagreed so much as to be discordant, they 
would separate minds from each other, and according to the per- 
ception of antipathy, they would remove to a distance. From these 
considerations it is evident, that in the natural \vorld, almost all 
are capable of being conjoined as to the external affections, but 
not as to the internal affections, if these disagree and appear. 

INTERNAL AFFECTIONS. The reason is, that then the material body, 
which was able to receive and give expression to the forms of all 
affections, as has been said just above, is cast away, and when 
man is stripped of that body, he is in his internal affections, which 
his body had before concealed. Hence it is, that in the .spiritual 
world similarities and dissimilarities, or sympathies and antip- 
athies, are not only felt, but also appear in the face, speech, and 
gestures; wherefore, in that w r orld likenesses are conjoined, and 
unlikenesses separated. This is the reason why the universal heaven 
is arranged by the Lord according to all the varieties of the 
affections of the love of good and truth, and conversely, hell is 
arranged according to all the varieties of the affections of the love 
of evil and falsity. Since angels and spirits have internal and 
external affections, just like men in the world, and since the in- 
ternal affections cannot, in the spiritual world, be concealed by 
the external ones, they show through and manifest themselves; 
hence with angels and spirits both the internal and the external 
affections are reduced into likeness and correspondence; after 
which their internal affections are effigied in their faces through 
their external ones, are perceived in the tone of their voice, and 
also appear in their behavior and manners. Angels and spirits 
have internal and external affections, because they have minds and 
bodies; and affections with the thoughts thence derived belong to 
the mind, and sensations with the pleasures thence derived belong 
to the body. It frequently happens in the state of spirits that 
friends meet after death, and recollect their friendships in the 
former world, and they then believe that they will consociate in a 
life of friendship as before: but when that consociation, which is 
of the external affections only, is perceived in heaven, a separation 
lakes place according to the internal affections; and then some 
are removed from the place of their meeting into the north, some 
into the west, and each to such a distance from the other, that they 
neither see nor know each other any more ; for in the sphere where 
they tarry, their faces are changed so as to become the effigies of 
their internal affections. From these considerations it is evident, 


that in the spiritual world all are conjoined according to the in- 
ternal affections, and not according to the external ones, unless 
these act in unity with the internal affections. 


reason is, that the internal affections are rarely consulted, and 
even if they are consulted, still the likeness of them is not seen in 
the woman; for she, by virtue of a native gift withdraws the in- 
ternal affections into the inner recesses of her mind. There are 
many external affections that lead men < riri ] to contract matri- 
mony. The first affection of this age is the increase of the per- 
sonal estate by wealth, both for the sake of becoming rich, and 
that there may be a sufficient supply (of necessaries) ; the second 
is a thirst for honours, either for the sake of being held in high 
estimation, or for the sake of an increase of fortune: besides these, 
there are various allurements and concupiscences. These leave no 
room to explore the agreements of the internal affections. FroiBL 
these few considerations it is evident, that matrimonies are geff^ 
erally contracted in the world according to the external affections. 


THE HOUSE. It is said in the house, because it is done privately 
between the tw r o consorts; as is the case when the first heats, 
kindled at the time of betrothal, and blazing up as the wedding 
approaches, successively cools down afterwards on account of the 
disagreement of the internal affections, and at least pass off into 
colds. It is known that the external affections, which had led on 
and allured the parties to matrimony, then disappear, so that they 
no longer conjoin. Thnt rolfl nrnf^r^frnm van map rnnn^fij internal, 
external, and accidental, which all derive their source from an 
unlikeness of the internal inclinations, w r as proved in the foregoing 
cEapter. From these considerations the Truth is evident, that unless 
the internal affections, which conjoin minds, are in the external 
ones, the bonds of matrimony are loosened in the house (home). 

CONTINUE TILL THE END OF LIFE. This is adduced in order that 
there may be more evidently presented before the reason the 
necessity, usefulness, and Truth, that conjugial love, where it is 
not genuine, ought still to be assumed, so that it may appear as 
if it were. The case would be otherwise if marriages entered into 
were not contracted for the term of life, but were dissolvable at 
will, as they were among the Israelitish nation, which arrogated to 
itself the liberty of putting away wives for any cause whatsoever, 
as is evident from these words in Matthew: "The Pharisees came., 
and said unto Jesus, Is it lawful for a man (homo) to put away 
his wife for every cause? And when Jesus answered, that it is not 



lawful to put away a icife and marry another, except on account 
of scortation^ they replied that nevertheless Moses commanded to 
give her a bill of repudiation* and to put her away; and the dis- 
ciples said, If the case of a man (homo) with his wife be so, it is 
not expedient to contract matrimony** (xix. 3-10 J. Since, there- 
fore, the covenant of marriage is a covenant for life, it follows 
that the appearances of love and friendship between married part- 
ners are necessities. That matrimony, once contracted, must con- 
tinue even till the end of life in the world, is in accordance with 
the Divine law, and because it is in accordance with this, it is also 
in accordance with rational law, and therefore with civil law. It 
is in accordance with the Divine law, in that, as above, it is not 
allowable to put away a wife and marry another, except on account 
of scortation; with rational law, because this is founded upon 
spiritual law, for Divine law and rational law are one law; from 
both these together, or through the latter from the former, may 
be seen what a great number of enormities and destructions of 
families would result from the dissolution of marriages, or the 
putting away of wives at the good pleasure of the husbands, before 
death. These enormities and destructions of families may be seen 
in some abundance in the Memorable Relation about the origin 
of conjugial love discussed by those who were assembled from the 
nine kingdoms (nos. 103-115) ; to which there is no need to add 
further false pretexts. But these pretexts do not stand in the way 
of separations, being permitted on account of their own causes, 
respecting which see above, nos. 252-254; nor in the way of con- 
cubinatus also being permitted, respecting which see the Second 
Part of this Work. 



tions are meant the mutual inclinations which are in the mind of 
each from heaven; and by the external affections are meant the 
inclinations which are in the mind of each from the world. The 
latter affections or inclinations do indeed equally belong to the 
mind, but they occupy its lower region, while the former occupy 
its higher one; but since both have their allotted seat in the mind, 
it may possibly be believed that they are alike, and that they agree 
together; yet although they are not alike, still they can appear as 
if they were alike: with some persons they exist as agreements, 
and with some as courteous simulations. There is a certain com- 
munion (between married partners) which is implanted in both 
from the first covenant of marriage, which, notwithstanding their 
disagreement in dispositions, still remains implanted; as, a com- 
munion of possessions, and in many cases a communion of uses, 
and of the various necessities of the house, and thence also a 
communion of thoughts and of certain secrets; there is also a 
communion of bed, and a communion of the love of children; 


besides many others, which, because they are inscribed on the 
conjugial covenant, are also inscribed on their minds. From these 
(communions) originate especially those external affections which 
resemble the internal : whereas those which only simulate them are 
partly from the same origin and partly from another; but both 
are treated of in w r hat follows: 

friendships, and favours between married partners, are a conse- 
quence of the conjugial covenant being made for the term of life, 
and of the conjugial communion thence inscribed on the coven- 
anters, which communion gives birth to external affections resem- 
bling the internal ones, as was just now pointed out. They are 
moreover a consequence of causes which are usefulnesses and 
necessities: from which in part exist conjunctive external affections, 
or counterfeit affections, whereby external love appears like in- 
ternal love, and external friendship appears as internal friendship. 



They are called simulations, because they exist between those who 
disagree in minds, and who by reason of those disagreements are 
interiorly in cold: when they nevertheless live harmoniously in 
externals, as duty and decency require, their mutual kindnesses of 
married life may be called simulations, but conjugial ones, which, 
because they are praiseworthy for the sake of uses, are altogether 
distinguished from hypocritical simulations, for by means of them 
all good things are provided for, which are enumerated in order 
below, from Article XI to XX. They are praiseworthy for the sake 
of necessities, because otherwise those good things would be ban- 
ished; and yet the parties are enjoined by covenant and law to live 
together, and therefore the fact that they have to live together 
abides in each of them as a duty. 



the spiritual man, in all he does, acts from justice and judgment: 
wherefore he does not regard these simulations as alienated from 
their internal affections, but as coupled with them; for he acts 
seriously, and regards amendment as the end; and if he does not 
obtain this, he regards accommodation, for the sake of domestic 
order, mutual aid, the care of the children, and peace and tran- 
quility. To these things he is led by justice; and from judgment 
he gives them effect. The reason why a spiritual man so lives with 
one who is natural is, that a spiritual man acts spiritually, even 
with one who is natural. 


281,282] COMUGIAL LOVl 



REASONS. Between two married partners, of whom one is spiritual 
and the other natural : ( by the spiritual is meant the one who loves 
spiritual things, and thus is wise from the Lord, and by the natural 
is meant the one who loves only natural things, and thus is wise 
from himself) when they are consociated in marriage, conjugial 
love with the spiritual married partner is heat, and with the natural 
one is cold. It is evident that heat and cold cannot be together, 
and that heat cannot kindle the one who is in cold, unless the cold 
be first dispelled, and that cold cannot flow in into the one who is 
in heat, unless the heat be first removed. Hence it is that internal 
love cannot exist between married partners, one of whom is spir- 
itual and the other natural; but that a love emulating internal 
love may exist on the part of the spiritual married partner, as was 
said in the foregoing article. But between two natural married 
partners no internal love can exist, because both are cold; and if 
they have any heat, it is from what is unchaste ; nevertheless such 
persons may still dwell together in the same house, with separated 
dispositions, and also assume looks as of love and friendship 
towards each other, notwithstanding the disagreement of their 
minds. With these persons, the external affections, which are for 
the most part of wealth and possessions, or of honour and dig- 
nities, may as it were burn ; and as that burning or ardour induces 
fear for their loss, therefore conjugial simulations are for them 
necessities, which are chiefly those which are adduced below in 
Articles XV to XVIL The rest of the causes enumerated w r ith 
these may have something in common with the causes with the 
spiritual man (concerning which see above, no. 280) ; but only in 
case the prudence with the natural man derives its quality from 

THE SAKE OF ACCOMMODATIONS. The reasons why conjugial simula- 
tions, which are appearances of love and friendship between 
married partners who disagree in minds are for the sake of amend- 
ment, is, that a spiritual man, connected by the matrimonial cov- 
enant with one who is natural, intends nothing else than amendment 
of life; which on his (or her part) is brought about by wise and 
judicious conversations, and by favours shown to the other, which 
soothe and please his or her genius; but in case these things prove 
ineffectual, he or she intends accommodations, for the preservation 
of order in domestic affairs, for the sake of mutual aid, and for 
the sake of the younger and older children, and other similar 
things; for, as was shown above, no. 280, whatever is said and 
done by a spiritual man derives its quality from justice and judg- 
ment. But with married partners, neither of whom is spiritual, but 
both natural, similar conduct may exist, but for other ends ; if for 
the sake of amendment and accommodation, the end is, either that 



the other party may be reduced to a likeness with his i or her.i 
own manners, and be subordinated to his (or her! desires, or in 
order that some things done by the other may be made of use in 
the production of those done by himself or herself, or for the sake 
of peace within the house, or reputation out of it, or for the sake 
of favours hoped for from the other married partner, or his or her 
relations ; not to mention other ends : but with some these ends are 
from the prudence of their reason, with some from native civility, 
with some from the delights of cupidities which have been familiar 
from birth, of which the loss is dreaded ; besides many ends, which 
render the assumed favours as of conjugial love more or less 
counterfeit. There may also be favours as of conjugial love out- 
side of the house, and none within; these however respect as an 
end the reputation of both parties; and if they do not respect 
this, they are empty. 



household in which there are children, their instructors, and other 
domestics, is a small society resembling a large one. The latter 
also consists of the former, as a whole consists of its parts; and 
further, as the safety of a large society depends on order, so does 
the safety of this small society; wherefore as it is of importance 
that those in authority should see and provide that order exist and 
be preserved in a compound society, so it is of importance that 
married partners should do likewise in their single society. But 
this order is not possible if the husband and wife disagree in 
dispositions; for thereby mutual counsels and helps are drawn 
different ways, and are divided like their dispositions, and thus the 
form of the small society is rent asunder. Wherefore, to preserve 
order, and thereby to take care of themselves, and at the same time 
of the household, or of the household, and at the same time of 
themselves, lest they should come to hurt and fall to ruin, neces- 
sity requires that the master and mistress should agree and make 
a one; and if, on account of the difference of their minds, this 
cannot be done so well as it might, both duty and propriety require 
that it be done by means of representative conjugial friendship. 
That thereby concord is established in households for the sake of 
necessities and consequent usefulnesses, is a known thing. ^ 



that conjugial simulations, which are appearances of love and 
friendship resembling truly conjugial love and friendship, exist 
among married partners for the sake of the infants and children. 
The common love of infants (innocences) and children causes each 
married partner to regard the other with kindness and favour. The 
love of infants and children with the mother and father become 
conjoined as the heart and lungs in the breast. The love of them 



with the mother is as the heart there, and the love towards them 
with the father is as the lungs there. The reason of this com- 
parison is, that the heart corresponds to love, and the lungs to the 
understanding; and love from the will is with the mother, and love 
from the understanding is with the father. With spiritual men 
there is conjugial conjunction by means of that love from justice 
and judgment; from justice, because the mother had carried them 
in her womb, had brought them forth with pain, and afterwards 
with unwearied care suckles, nourishes, washes, dresses, and 
educates them. 

jugial simulations, or external friendships for the sake of peace 
and tranguility at home, relate, principally to the men, on account 
of their natural characteristic, which is, to act from the under- 
standing in whatever they do; and the understanding, being the 
thinking faculty, ponders over a variety of things which disquiet, 
distract, and disturb the lower mind; wherefore if there were not 
tranquility at home, it would come to pass that the vital spirits of 
the men would grow faint, and their interior life would as it were 
expire, and thereby their health of both mind and body would be 
destroyed. The fear of these and several other dangers would 
possess the minds of the men frfr) unless they had an asylum 
with their wives at home for appeasing the disturbances of their 
understandings. Moreover, peace and tranquility give serenity to 
their minds, and dispose them to receive gratefully the kindnesses 
offered them by their wives, who spare no pains to disperse the 
mental clouds which they are very quick-sighted to observe in 
their husbands; and the same peace and tranquility make the 
presence of their wives agreeable. Hence it is evident, that a 
simulation as of truly conjugial love, for the sake of peace and 
tranquility at home, is both a necessity and useful. Add to this, 
that with the wives simulations are not as with the men; but if 
they appear to resemble them, they are the effect of real love, 
because wives are born loves of the understanding of men; where- 
fore they accept kindly the favours of their husbands, and if not 
in words, at least with the heart. 

OF THE HOME. The fortunes of men in general depend on their 
reputation for justice, sincerity, and uprightness; and this reputa- 
tion also depends on the wife, who is acquainted with her hus- 
band's private life; wherefore if the disagreements of their minds 
should break out into open enmities, quarrels, and threats of 
hatred, and these should be noised abroad by the wife and her 
friends, and by the domestics, they would easily be turned into 
tales of scandal, which would bring disgrace and infamy upon the 
husband's name. To avoid such mischiefs, he has no other alter- 
native than either to simulate affection for his wife, or that they 
be separated as to the house. 





the case more especially in marriages of dissimilar state and con- 
dition, concerning which see above, no. 250; as when a man 
marries a wealthy wife who stores up her money in purses, or her 
treasures in coffers; and the more so if she boldly insists that the 
husband is bound in duty to support the household out of his own 
property and income: that hence come forced likenesses as of con- 
jugial love, is generally known. The case is similar where a man 
marries a wife, whose parents, relations, and friends are in offices 
of dignity, in lucrative business concerns and manufactures, which 
have it in their power to better her condition: that simulations of 
love, as it were conjugial, are also for the sake of these things, is 
generally known. It is evident that in both cases it is the fear of 
the loss of those things that is operative. 



are many blemishes or faults on account of which conjugial part- 
ners fear disgrace; some are serious, and some not. There are 
blemishes of the mind, and blemishes of the body, slighter than 
those enumerated in the foregoing chapter, nos. 252 and 253, 
which are causes of separation ; wherefore those blemishes are here 
meant, which, to avoid disgrace, are buried in silence by the other 
married partner. Besides these, with some there are incriminatory 
actions, which, if made public, are subjects to penalties of the law; 
not to mention a defect of that abundance of which the men are 
accustomed to boast. That excuses of such blemishes, in order to 
avoid disgrace, are causes of the simulation of love and friendship 
with a married partner, is evident without further confirmation. 

That between married partners who disagree in minds from various 
causes, there are alternate disagreements and confidences, estrange- 
ments and conjunctions, yea, quarrels and adjustments of differ- 
ences, thus reconciliations; and also that apparent friendships 
promote reconciliation, is known in the world. There are also 
reconciliations which take place after separations, which are not 
so alternate and transitory. 



GROW OLD. The primary cause of the separation of dispositions 
between married partners is a failing of favour on the wife's part 
in consequence of the cessation of faculty with the husband, and 
hence a failing of love; for just as heats communicate with each 
other, so also do colds. That in consequence of a failing of love 



with both, friendship ceases, and also favour, if not prevented by 
the fear of domestic ruin, is manifest from reason and experience. 
If, therefore, the man tacitly imputes the causes to himself, and the 
wife nevertheless perseveres in chaste favour towards him, there 
may result thence a friendship which, since it is between married 
partners, appears like love emulating conjugial love. That a friend- 
ship resembling the friendship of that love may exist between 
aged married partners, is proved by experience, which shows how 
quietly, harmlessly, lovingly, and courteously they live together, 
and commune and associate with one another. 



THE OTHER. It is well known in the world at the present day, that 
after the first times of marriage have passed away, there arises 
rivalry between the married partners respecting right and Power; 
respecting right, in that according to the statutes of the covenant 
entered into, there is equality, and each has dignity in the offices 
of his or her function ; and respecting Power, in that it is insisted 
on by the men, that in all things at home superiority belongs to 
them, because they are men, and inferiority to the women, because 
they are women. Such rivalries which are so common at the 
present day, flow from no other source than a want of conscience 
respecting truly conjugial love, and a want of sensible perception 
respecting the blessednesses of that love: in consequence of the 
absence of this conscience and perception, lust takes the place of 
that love, and counterfeits it. From this lust, when genuine love is 
removed, there flows a striving for Power, which is in some from 
the delight of domineering; in some it has been implanted by art- 
ful women before marriage; and to some it is unknown. The men 
who are in this striving, and after the alternations of the strife 
obtain the command, reduce their wives either to become their 
rightful possession, or to comply with their arbitrary will, or into 
slavery, each one according to the degree and qualified state of 
that striving implanted and concealed in himself. But if the wives 
are in 'this striving, and after the alternations of the strife obtain 
the command, they reduce their husbands either to an equality of 
right with themselves, or into compliance with their arbitrary will, 
or into slavery; but since, when the wives have obtained the 
sceptre of sway, there remains with them a desire which counter- 
feits conjugial love, and is restrained by the law and by the fear 
of legitimate separation, in case they extend their power beyond 
what is lawful into what is unlawful, therefore they lead a life in 
consociation with their husbands. But what is the quality of the 
love and friendship between a ruling wife and an enslaved hus- 
band, and also what is its quality between a ruling husband and 
an enslaved wife, cannot be briefly described; yea, if their differ- 
ences were to be specifically pointed out and enumerated they 


would fill many pages; for they are various and diverse; various 
according to the nature of the striving for power with the men, 
and in like manner with the wives ; and diverse with the men from 
what they are with the women ; for such men are in no friendship 
of love except an infatuated friendship, and such wives are in the 
friendship of spurious love, from lust. But by what arts wives 
procure to themselves Power over the men, will be stated in the 
article now following. 


FRIENDS. I am indeed forbidden by the wives of such a sort, who 
are in the spiritual world, to present such marriages to public 
view; for they are afraid lest their art of obtaining Power over 
their husbands should at the same time be divulged, which yet 
they are exceedingly desirous should be concealed. But, as I am 
urged by the men in that world to expose the causes of the in- 
testine hatred, and as it were fury excited in their hearts against 
their wives, in consequence of their clandestine arts, I shall at 
least adduce the following particulars. The men said, that un- 
wittingly they contracted a terrible fear of their wives, in con- 
sequence of which they could not do otherwise than obey their 
decisions most submissively, and be at their beck more than the 
lowest menials, so that they became like men of nought; and that 
this was the case not only with men of low estate, but also with 
men who .were high in office and dignity, yea, with brave and 
famous generals. They also said, that after they had contracted 
this dread, they did not dare to speak otherwise to their wives than 
in a friendly manner, nor to do otherwise than was agreeable to 
them, although they cherished in their hearts a deadly hatred 
against them; and further, that their wives still behaved cour- 
teously to them both in word and deed, and willingly hearkened 
to some of their requests. Now, as the men themselves greatly 
wondered whence such an antipathy could arise in their internals, 
and such an apparent sympathy in their externals, they examined 
into the causes thereof from some women, to %vhom that secret art 
was known; and they said that from the mouth of these women 
they learned that women store up deeply in themselves a knowl- 
edge by which they have the skill, if they are disposed, to subject 
the men to the yoke of their authority; and that this is effected, in 
the case of uncultured wives, by alternate quarrels and kindnesses, 
with others by constantly harsh and unpleasant looks, and some- 
times by other means ; but in the case of educated wives, by urgent 
and unceasing petitions, and by obstinate resistance to their hus- 
bands in case they suffer hardships from them, insisting on their 
right of equality by law, in consequence of which they boldly 
persist in their obstinacy; yea, insisting that if they were to be 
turned out of the house, they would return at their pleasure, and 



harass them as before: for they know that the men, from their 
nature, are unable to resist the obstinacy of their wives, and that 
after giving way they submit themselves to their bidding; and that 
then the wives make a show of kindnesses and caresses to their 
husbands subjected to their sway. The genuine cause of the domi- 
nation of wives by means of this cunning is, that a man acts from 
the understanding, and a woman from the will, and that the will 
can make itself obstinate, but not so the understanding. I have 
been told, that the worst of this sort of women, who are wholly 
consumed by the desire for dominion, can stick tenaciously to 
their obstinacies even to the death agony. I have also heard the 
justifications pleaded by such women for entering upon the exer- 
cise of this art. They said, that they would not have entered upon 
it unless they had foreseen supreme contempt and further rejec- 
tion, and consequent ruin on their part, if they should be subdued 
by their husbands: and that thus they had taken up these their 
arms from necessity. To this they added this admonition for the 
men, to leave their wives their own rights, and while they are in 
alternate colds, not to consider them as vile beneath their maid- 
servants. They said also that many of their sex are not in the 
state for exercising that art by reason of their connate timidity; 
but I added, by reason of their connate modesty. From these con- 
siderations it may now be known what marriages are meant by 
infernal marriages in the world between married persons who in- 
wardly are the most inveterate enemies, and outwardly are like the 
most attached friends. 

293. To the above shall be added two Memorable Relations. 
The first is as follows: 

I was once looking through a window to the east, and I saw 
seven women sitting on a bed of roses by a certain fountain, and 
drinking the water. I strained my eyesight greatly to see what they 
were doing, and this straining of my eyesight affected them ; where- 
fore one of them beckoned me, and I quitted the house and quickly 
went up to them. When I reached them, I courteously inquired 
whence they were. 

They said, "We are wives, and are conversing here about the 
delights of conjugial love, and from much confirmation we con- 
clude, that those delights are also the delights of wisdom." 

This answer so delighted my mind that I seemed to be in the 
spirit, and hence in a more interior and brighter perception than 
ever before; wherefore I said to them, "Permit me to ask a few 
questions about those pleasantnesses": and they consented. 

So I asked, "How do you wives know that the delights of con- 
jugial love are the same as the delights of wisdom?" 

They replied, "We know this from the correspondence of the 
wisdom in our husbands with the delights of conjugial love in us; 
for the delights of this love in us are exalted and diminished, and 
altogether qualified, according to the wisdom in our husbands." 



On hearing this, I asked them, saying. "I know that you are 
affected by the soft words of your husbands, and by their cheer- 
fulness of mind, and that you are delighted \vith these with the 
whole bosom ; but I am surprised to hear you say, that their wis- 
dom produces this effect; but tell me. what is wisdom, and what 
wisdom (produces this effect) ?" 

To this the wives indignantly replied. "Do you suppose that 
we do not know what wisdom is, and what wisdom (produces that 
effect), when yet we are continually reflecting upon the wisdom in 
our husbands, and learn it daily from their mouths? For we wives 
think of the state of our husbands from morning till evening; 
scarcely an intercalary hour passes during the day, in which our 
intuitive thought is altogether withdrawn from them, or is absent; 
on the other hand, our husbands think very little in the day about 
our state; hence we know what wisdom of theirs is being delighted 
in us. Our husbands call that wisdom rational spiritual wisdom, 
and moral spiritual wisdom. Rational spiritual wisdom, they say, 
belongs to the understanding and to Knowledges, and moral spir- 
itual- wisdom to the will and to the life; but these two they con- 
join and make a one, and declare that the pleasantnesses of this 
wisdom are transcribed from their minds into the delights in our 
bosoms into theirs, and thus return to wisdom their origin." 

I then asked, "Do you know anything more about the wisdom 
of your husbands which delights in you?" 

They said, "We do. There is spiritual wisdom, and thence 
rational and moral wisdom. Spiritual wisdom consists in acknowl- 
edging the Lord the Saviour for the God of heaven and, earth, and 
in procuring for oneself from Him the truths of the church, which 
is done by means of the Word, and of preachings thence, whence 
comes spiritual* rationality ; and in living from Him according to 
those truths, whence comes spiritual morality. These two our 
husbands call the wisdom which in general operates (to produce) 
truly conjugial love. We have heard from them also that the 
reason of this is, that by means of that wisdom, the interiors of 
their minds, and thence of their bodies, are opened, whence there 
exists a free passage from primes even to ultimates for the current 
of love; on the flow, sufficiency, and strength of which current 
conjugial love depends and lives. The rational and moral spiritual 
wisdom of our husbands, in particular as to marriage, has for its 
end and object to love the wife alone, and to put away all con- 
cupiscence for other women; and so far as this is effected, so far 
that love is exalted as to degree, and perfected as to quality; and 
so far also we feel more distinctly and exquisitely the delights in 
ourselves corresponding to the delights of the affections and the 
pleasantnesses of the thoughts of our husbands." 

I asked afterwards, whether they knew how the communication 
is effected. 

They said, "In all con junction by love there must be action, 
reception, and reaction. The delicious state of our love is the 



agent or the action, the state of the wisdom of our husbands is the 
recipient or the reception, and is also the reagent or the reaction 
according to the reception: and this reaction is perceived by us 
with delights in the bosom according to the state continually 
expanded and prepared to receive those things which in any 
manner cohere with and proceed from the virtue in our husbands, 
thus also which cohere with and proceed from the extreme state of 
love in ourselves." They said further, "Take heed lest by the 
delights which we have mentioned, you understand the ultimate 
delights of that love: of these we never speak, but of our bosoms 
delights, of which there is a perpetual correspondence with the 
state of the wisdom of our husbands." 

After this there appeared at a distance as it were a dove flying 
with the leaf of a tree in its mouth: but as it approached, instead 
of a dove there was seen a little boy with a paper in his hand: 
on coming up to us he held it out to me. and said, "Read that 
before these Maidens of the fountain." I read these words, "Tell 
the inhabitants of your earth, that there exists a truly conjugial 
love, the delights of which are myriads, scarcely any of which are 
yet known to the world: but they will be known when the church 
betroths herself to the Lord, and is married." 

I then asked. "Why did that boy call you Maidens of the 

They replied. ic We are called maidens when we sit by this 
fountain, because we are affections of the Truths of the wisdom of 
our husbands, and the affection of truth is called a maiden; more- 
over, a fountain signifies the truth of wisdom, and the bed of 
roses, on which we sit, signifies the delights thereof." 

Then one of the seven wove a garland of roses, and sprinkled 
it with water of the fountain, and placed it on the cap of the boy, 
round his little head, and said, "Receive the delights of intel- 
ligence: know that a cap signifies intelligence, and a garland 
from this rosebed, the delights." The boy thus decorated departed, 
and then appeared at a distance like a flying dove, but with a 
coronet on the head. 

294. The Second Memorable Relation: 

After some days I saw again the seven wives in a garden of 
roses, but not in the same one as before. It was a magnificent 
garden of roses, the like of which I had never seen before ; it was 
round, and the roses in it formed as it were a rainbow. The roses 
or flowers of a crimson colour formed its outermost circle, others 
'*of a golden yellow colour formed the next inner circle, and within 
this were others of a bright blue, and the inmost circle was of a 
prasinous or bright green colour; and within this rainbow of roses 
was a little lake of limpid water. Those seven wives, who were 
before called the Maidens of the fountain, were sitting there, and, 
on seeing me at the window, again called me to them; and when 


I \\as come thev said. "Did you ever see anything more beautiful 
upon the earth?" 

I replied. "Never."* 

Then they. said. "Such scenery is created in a moment bv the 
Lord, and represents something new on the earth ; for everything 
created bv the Lord represents something: but what does this 
represent? Divine, if vou can: we divine that it represents the 
delights of conjugial love.' 1 

On hearing this, I said. "What! the delights of conjugial love, 
about which you spoke before with so much wisdom and eloquence? 
After I had left you. I related vour conversation to some wives 
dwelling in our country, and said. "I know now from instruction 
that vou have bosom delights arising from vour conjugial love, 
which you can communicate to your husbands according to their 
wisdom, and that on this account you are continually looking at 
your husbands with the eves of vour spirit from morning to eve- 
ning, and studying to bend and lead their dispositions to become 
wise, to the end that you may secure those delights.' I mentioned 
also that by wisdom you mean rational and moral spiritual wis- 
dom, and in regard to marriage, the wisdom to love the wife alone, 
and to put away all concupiscence for other women. But to these 
things the wives of our country answered with laughter, saying, 
'What is all this, but mere idle talk? We do not know what con- 
jugial love is. If our husbands possess any portion of it, still we 
do not; whence then come its delights with us? Yea, as to the 
delights which you call the ultimate delights, we sometimes vio- 
lently refuse them; for they are unpleasant to us, almost like 
violations; and you will -see, if you attend to it, no sign of such 
love in our faces: wherefore you are trifling or jesting, if you also 
say, with those seven wives, that we think of our husbands from 
morning to evening, and continually attend to their will and 
pleasure in order to obtain such delights from them.* I have re- 
tained thus much of what they said, that I might relate it to you ; 
since it is opposed, and almost in manifest contradiction, to what 
I heard from you near the fountain, and which I so eagerly im- 
bibed, and also believed." 

To this the wives sitting in the garden of roses replied, "Friend, 
vou know not the wisdom and prudence of wives; for they totally 
hide it from the men, and for no other end than that they may be 
loved: for in every man, who is not spiritually but only naturally 
rational and moral, there is cold towards his wife; and the cold 
lies concealed in his inmosts. This a wise and prudent wife 
observes exquisitely and acutely, and in the same degree she con- 
ceals her conjugial love, and withdraws it into her bosom, and * 
hides it there so deeply that it does not at all appear in her face, 
in the tone of her voice, or in her behavior. The reason is, that 
so far as it appears, so far the conjugial cold of the man pours 
forth from the inmosts of his mind, where it resides, into its ulti- 
mates, and induces a total coldness on the body, and a consequent 



endeavor to separate from the bed and the bed chamber." 

I then asked, "Whence arises such cold as you call conjugial 

They replied, "It is from the insanity of the men in spiritual 
things: and every one who is insane in spiritual things, is in- 
mostly cold towards his wife, and inmostly warm toward forni- 
cators; and since conjugial love and scortatory love are opposite 
to each other, it follows that conjugial love becomes cold when 
scortatory love is heat; and when cold reigns with a man, he can- 
not enure any sense of love, and thus not any breath of it. from 
his wife; wherefore the wife so wisely and prudently conceals that 
love; and in proportion as she conceals it by denying and refusing, 
the man is revived and recuperated in the inflowing mertricious 
sphere. Hence it is. that the wife of such a man has no bosom 
delights such as we have, but only pleasures which, on the part 
of the man, ought to be called the pleasures of insanity, because 
they are the pleasures of scortatory love. Every chaste wife loves 
her husband, even if he be unchaste; but since wisdom alone is 
the recipient of her love, therefore she exerts all her endeavors to 
turn his insanity into wisdom, that is, to prevent his lusting after 
other women besides herself. This she does by a thousand methods, 
taking the greatest care lest any of them should be discovered by 
the man; for she know r s very well that love cannot be forced, but 
that it is insinuated in freedom ; wherefore it is given to women to 
know from the sight, hearing, and touch, every state of the dis- 
position of their husbands; but on the other hand it is not given 
to man to know any state of the disposition of their wives. A 
chaste wife can look at her husband with an austere countenance, 
accost him with a harsh voice, and also be angry, and quarrel, and 
vet in her heart cherish a soft and tender love towards him; but 
that anger and dissimulation have for their end w r isdom, and thus 
the reception of love with the husband, appears manifestly from 
the fact that she can be reconciled in an instant. Besides wives 
possess such means of concealing the love implanted in their heart 
and marrows, for the sake of preventing conjugial cold bursting 
forth with the man, and extinguishing also the fire of his scorta- 
tory heat, and thus converting him from green wood into a dry 

When the seven wives had spoken these and many more similar 
things, their husbands came with clusters of grapes in their hands, 
some of which were of a delicate flavour, and some of a disagree- 
able flavour ; and the w r ives said, "Why have you also brought bad 
or wild grapes?" 

The husbands replied. "Because we perceived in our souls, 
with which yours are united, that you were conversing with that 
man about truly conjugial love, that its delights are the delights 
of wisdom, and also about scortatory love, that its delights are the 
pleasures of insanity. The latter are wild grapes, or those of a 
disagreeable flavour; the former are grapes of a delicate flavour." 


They confirmed what their wives had said, and added that, "in 
externals, the pleasures of insanity appear like the delights of 
wisdom, but not in internals; just like the good grapes and the 
bad grapes which we have brought; for both the chaste and the 
unchaste have similar wisdom in externals, but altogether dis- 
similar in internals." 

After this the little boy again came with a paper in his hand, 
and held it out to me, saying, "Read these words;" and I read, 
'"Know that the delights of conjugial love ascend to the highest 
heaven, and both on the way thither and also there, conjoin them- 
selves with the delights of all heavenly loves, and thus enter into 
their happiness, which endures to eternity: the reason is, that the 
delights of that love are also the delights of wisdom. And know 
also, that the pleasures of scortatory love descend even to the 
lowest hell, and both on the way thither and also there, conjoin 
themselves with the pleasures of all infernal loves, and thus enter 
into their unhappiness, which consists in the wretchedness of all 
the delightsomenesses of the heart: the reason is, that the pleasures 
of that love are also the pleasures of Insanity." 

After this the husbands departed with their wives, and accom- 
panied the little boy as far as the way of his ascent into heaven; 
and they knew that the society from which he had been sent was 
a society of the new heaven, with which the new church in the 
earth will be conjoined." 



295. The subject of betrothals and weddings, and also of the 
rites and ceremonies attending them, is here treated of principally 
from the reason of the understanding; for the things which are 
written in this book have for their end that the reader may see 
Truths from his own Rational and thereby give his consent for 
thus his spirit is convinced; and those things in which the spirit 
is convinced, are allotted a place above those which, without con- 
sulting reason, enter from authority and the faith of authority; 
for the latter enter the head no further than the memory, and there 
mix themselves with fallacies and falsities; thus they are beneath 
the rational things which belong to the understanding. From these 
things any man can speak as it were rationally, but in reality 
absurdly, for he then thinks as a crab walks, the sight following 
the tail. It is otherwise if he thinks from the understanding; for 
when the rational sight selects from the memory suitable things 
whereby it confirms Truth viewed in itself. This is the reason, why 
in this chapter many things are adduced which are established 
customs, as that the choice belongs to the men, that parents ought 
to be consulted, that pledges ought to be given, that the conjugial 
covenant ought to be contracted before the wedding, that it (the 
conjugial covenant) ought to be consecrated by a priest, also that 
the wedding ought to be celebrated; besides many other things, 
which are adduced in order that man may see from his Rational 
that such things are inscribed on conjugial love, as requisite to 
promote and complete it. The articles into which this section is 
divided are in their order the following: 

I. The choice always belongs to the man and not to the woman. 

II. The man ought to court and entreat the woman respecting 
marriage with him, and not the woman the man. 

III. The woman ought to consult her parents, or those who are 
in the place of parents, and then deliberate with herself, before 
she consents. 

IV. After the declaration of consent^ pledges ought to be given. 

V. The consent ought to be confirmed and corroborated by 
means of solemn betrothal. 

VI. By betrothal both are prepared for conjugial love. 

VII. By means of. betrothal* the mind of the one is conjoined 
with the mind of the other y so that a marriage of the spirit may be 
effected before the marriage of the body. 

VIII. This is the case with those who think chastely of mar- 
riages; but it is otherwise with those who think unchastely of them 



IX. Within the time of betrothal* it is not alloicable to be con- 
joined corporeally: 

X. When the time of betrothal is completed ', the wedding ought 
to take place. 

XL Previous to the celebration of the wedding, the conjugial 
covenant ought to be ratified in the presence of witnesses. 

XII. The marriage ought to be consecrated by a priest. 

XIII. The wedding ought to be celebrated with festivity. 

XIV. After the icedding, the marriage of the spirit is made 
also a marriage of the body* and thereby a full marriage. 

XV. Such is the order of conjugial love with its successive 
stages from its first heat to its first torch. 

XVI. That conjugial love precipitated, without order and its 
modes, burns out the marrows and comes to an end. 

XVII. The states of the minds of both parties proceeding in 
successive order, flow in into the state of marriage; nevertheless 
in one manner with the spiritual and in another with the natural. 

XVIII . Because there exist successive order, and simultaneous 
order, and the latter is from the former and according to it. 

Now follows the explanation of these articles. 

WOMAN. This is because the man is born to be the understanding, 
but the woman to be love; also because with men there is gen- 
erally sexual love, but with women the love of one of the sex ; and 
likewise because it is not unbecoming for men to speak about love, 
and to make it manifest, but it is unbecoming for women. Never- 
theless women have the right of choosing one of their suitors. In 
regard to the first reason, that the choice belongs to the men, 
because they are born for the understanding, it is because the 
understanding can clearly see agreements and disagreements, and 
distinguish them, and from judgment choose what is suitable ; it is 
otherwise with women, because they are born for love, and do not 
possess the clear-sightedness of that light; and consequently their 
determination to marriage would proceed only from the inclina- 
tions of their love; if they have the knowledge of how to distin- 
guish between men and men, still their love is carried to appear- 
ances. In regard to the second reason, that the choice belongs to 
the men, and not to the women, because with men there is gen- 
erally sexual love, and with women the love of one of the sex, it 
is because those who have sexual love have the freedom of con- 
sideration and also of determination: it is otherwise with women, 
in whom there is implanted the love for one of the sex. If you 
wish for a proof of this, ask, if you please, the men you meet 
what their sentiments are respecting monogamous marriage, and 
respecting polygamous marriage; and you will seldom meet one 
who will not reply in favor of polygamous marriage, and this also 
is sexual love; but ask the women their sentiments respecting 
those marriages, and almost all, except fornicators, will reject 



polygamous marriages; from which it follows, that with women 
there is love of one of the sex. thus conjugial love. In regard to 
the third reason,, that it is not unbecoming for men to speak about 
love, and to make it manifest, whereas it is for women, it is self- 
evident; hence also it follows, that the declaration (of love) 
belongs to the men, and if the declaration does, so also does the 
choice. That women have the right of choosing from among their 
suitors, is known ; but this kind of choice is confined and limited, 
whereas that of the men is extended and unlimited. 



This naturally follows the choice; and besides, courting and en- 
treating women respecting marriage is in itself honourable and 
becoming for men, but not for women. If women were to court 
and entreat men, they would not only be blamed, but, after en- 
treaty, they would be reputed as vile, or after marriage, as 
libidinous,, with whom there could be no intercourse but what was 
cold and fastidious; wherefore marriages would thereby be con- 
verted into tragic scenes. Wives also make a merit of the fact that, 
being conquered as it were, they yielded only to the importunate 
entreaty of the men. Who does not foresee, that if women courted 
men, they would seldom be accepted, but that they would either 
be indignantly rejected, or enticed to lasciviousness, and would 
also prostitute their modesty? Moreover, as was shown above, 
men have not any innate sexual love; and without that love there 
is no interior pleasantness of life; wherefore to exalt their life by 
that love, it is incumbent on the men to flatter the women, court- 
ing and entreating them with politeness, courtesy, and humility, 
respecting this sweet addition to their life. The superiority of the 
female sex over the male in loveliness of countenance, person, and 
manners, is also an additional motive for this duty. 


WITH HERSELF, BEFORE SHE CONSENTS. The reason why parents 
ought to be consulted is, that they deliberate and give advice from 
judgment, knowledge, and love: from judgment, because they are 
in advanced age, which excels in judgment, and clearly discerns 
what is suitable and unsuitable: from knowledge, both in respect 
to the suitor and to their daughter; in respect to the suitor they 
procure to themselves Knowledges, and in respect to their daugh- 
ter they already know; wherefore they conclude respecting both 
together with united discernment : from love, because to consult the 
good of their daughter, and to provide for her household, is also 
to consult and provide for their own and for themselves. 

299. The case would be altogether different if the daughter 
were to consent of herself to her urgent suitor, without consulting 
her parents, or those who are in the place of parents ; for she can- 



not from judgment, knowledge, and love, make a right estimate 
which concerns her future welfare: she cannot from judgment, 
because her judgment is as yet in ignorance as to conjugial life, 
and not in a state of comparing reasons, and of clearly discerning 
the characters of men from their tastes: nor from knowledge or 
cognition, because she knows few things beyond the domestic 
affairs of her parents and of some of her companions, and is 
unqualified to ferret out such things as belong to the habits and 
peculiarities of her suitor: nor from love, because with daughters 
in their first marriageable age, and also in their second, it obeys 
the concupiscences originating in the senses, and not as yet the 
desires originating in a refined mind. The reason why the daughter 
ought nevertheless to deliberate on the matter with herself before 
she consents, is, lest she should be led against her will into a con- 
nection with an unloved man; for thus consent on her part would 
be wanting; and yet it is consent that constitutes marriage, and 
initiates her spirit into that love; and unwilling or extorted con- 
sent does not initiate the spirit, although it may the body: and 
thus it converts chastity, which resides in the spirit, into lust, 
whereby conjugial love in its first heat is vitiated. 

OUGHT TO BE GIVEN. By pledges are meant gifts, which are con- 
firmations, testimonials, first favours, and gladnesses after the 
consent. These gifts are confirmations because they are the tokens 
of consent; wherefore, when two covenant to anything it is said, 
"Give me a token," and of two who are espoused in marriage, and 
have confirmed their promises by gifts, it is said that they are 
plighted, that is confirmed. They are testimonials, because these 
pledges are like abiding visible witnesses of mutual love, and 
thence are also memorials of it, especially if they are rings, scent- 
bottles, and lockets, which are suspended in sight, there is in them 
a certain representative image of the minds of the bridegroom and 
bride. These pledges are first favours* because conjugial love 
promises to itself everlasting favour, of which the first fruits are 
those gifts. That they are the gladness of love is known, for the 
mind is exhilarated at the sight of them, and because the love is 
in them, these favours are dearer and more precious than any 
other gifts whatever. It is as if their hearts were in them. Because 
these pledges are supports of conjugial love, gifts after consent 
were also an established custom among the Ancients, and after 
acceptance of them the two were declared to be bridegroom and 
bride. But it should be known, that it is of their free choice 
whether to present the gifts before the act of betrothal or after it. 
If before, they are confirmations and testimonials of consent to 
the betrothment; if after it to the nuptials also. 

RATED BY SOLEMN BETROTHAL. The reasons for betrothals are 



these: 1. That after betrothal the souls of the two parties may 
mutually incline toward each other. 2. That universal sexual love 
may be determined to one man or one woman of the sex. 3. That 
the interior affections may be mutually known, and by applica- 
tions in the internal cheerfulness of love, may be conjoined. 
4. That the spirits of both parties may enter into marriage, and be 
more and more consociated. 5. That thereby conjugial love may 
progress regularly from its first heat even to the nuptial flame. 
Consequently, 6. That conjugial love may advance and grow up 
in just order from its spiritual origin. The state of betrothal may 
be likened to the state of spring before summer; and the internal 
pleasantnesses of that state to the flowering of trees before fructifi- 
cation. As the initiations and progressions of conjugial love pro- 
ceed in order for the sake of their influx into the effective love, 
which commences from the wedding, therefore there are betrothals 
in the heavens also. 


CONJUGIAL LOVE. That the mind or the spirit of the one is pre- 
pared by betrothing for union with the mind or spirit of the other, 
or, what is the same thing, that the love of the one is prepared for 
union with the love of the other, is manifest from the arguments 
advanced in the foregoing article. Besides which it must be noted, 
that on truly conjugial love is inscribed this order, that it ascends 
and descends ; it ascends from its first heat progressively upwards 
towards the souls, with an effort to effect conjunctions there, and 
this by continually more interior openings of the minds; and there 
is no love which strives more intensely to effect those openings, 
or which is more powerful and skillful in opening the interiors of 
minds, than conjugial love; for the soul of each one intends this: 
but at the same moments in which that love ascends towards the 
souls, it also descends towards the body, and thereby clothes 
itself. It must, however, be known that conjugial love in its 
descent is such as it is in the height to which it ascends; if it 
ascends on high, it descends chaste; but if it does not ascend on 
high, it descends unchaste; the reason is, that the lower parts of 
the mind are unchaste, but its higher parts are chaste; for the 
lower parts of the mind cleave to the body, but the higher separate 
themselves from them: but on this subject see more below, no. 305. 
From these few considerations it may be manifest, that by means 
of betrothal the mind of each one is prepared for conjugial love, 
although in a different manner according to the affections. 


BODY. As this follows logically from what was said above, nos. 
301, 302, it is passed by without any further confirmations from 
reason being adduced. 



UNCHASTELY ABOUT THEM. With the chaste, that is, with those \vho 
think about marriages in accordance with religion, the marriage 
of the spirit precedes, and that of the body follows; and these 
are they with whom love ascends towards the soul, and from its 
height descends thence; concerning whom, see above, no. 302. 
The souls of these separate themselves from unlimited sexual love, 
and devote themselves to one man or woman, with whom they look 
for an everlasting and eternal union and its increasing blessed- 
ness, as the cherishers of the hope which continually recreates 
their mind. But it is quite otherwise with the unchaste, who are 
they who do not think from religion about marriages and their 
holiness. With these there is a marriage of the body, but none of 
the spirit: if, during the state of betrothal, anything of the mar- 
riage of the spirit appears, yet, if it ascends by an elevation of the 
thoughts concerning it, it nevertheless falls back again to the con- 
cupiscences which are from the flesh in the will; and thus from 
the unchaste (elements) there it casts itself down headlong into 
the body, and defiles the ultimates of its love with an alluring 
ardour ; and as, in consequence of this ardour, it was in the begin- 
ning all on fire, so its fire suddenly goes out, and passes away 
into the cold of winter; whence the failing (of potency) is accele- 
rated. The state of betrothal with these answers hardly any other 
purpose than that they may fill their concupiscences with lascivi- 
ousness, and thereby contaminate the conjugial principle of love. 

ABLE TO BE CONJOINED CORPOREALLY; for this the order which is 
inscribed on conjugial love, perishes. For in human minds there 
are three regions, of which the highest is called the celestial 
region, the middle the spiritual, and the lowest the natural. In 
this lowest region man is born: but he ascends into his higher 
region, which is called the spiritual region, by a life according to 
the truths of religion, and into the highest region by the marriage 
of love and wisdom. In the lowest region, which is called the 
natural region, reside all the concupiscences of evil, and lascivi- 
ousness. But in the higher region, which is called the spiritual 
region, there are not any concupiscences of evil and lascivious- 
ness; for man is brought into this region by the Lord, when he is 
re-born. But in the supreme region, which is called the celestial 
region, there is conjugial chastity in its own love : into this region 
a man is elevated by the love of uses; and as the most excellent 
uses are from marriages, he is elevated into it by truly conjugial 
love. From these considerations, it may be seen, as in a com- 
pendium, that conjugial love, from the first beginnings of its heat, 
must be elevated out of the lowest region into the higher region, 
in order that it may become chaste, and that thereby from what is 
chaste it may be let down through the middle and lowest regions 


306, 307] COMUGIAL LOVE 

into the body; and when this is the case, this lowest region is 
purified of its unchaste elements by the descent of what is chaste: 
hence the ultimate of that love also becomes chaste. Now. if the 
successive order of this love is hurried on by conjunctions of the 
body before their time, it follows, that the man acts from the 
lowest region, which by birth is unchaste; and it is known, that 
thence commences and arises cold for marriage, and neglect with 
loathing for one's married partner. Nevertheless there are various 
dangers of events resulting in consequence of premature conjunc- 
tions ; also in consequence of too great a protraction, and also of 
too great a hastening, of the time of betrothals; but these, by 
reason of their number and variety, can hardly be adduced. 

WEDDING OUGHT TO TAKE PLACE. There are some customary rites 
which are merely formal, and others which at the same time are 
also essential : among the latter are weddings. That weddings are 
among the essentials, w r hich ought to be manifested in the cus- 
tomary way, and formally celebrated, is confirmed by the follow- 
ing reasons: 1. That the wedding constitutes the end of the fore- 
going state, which had been inaugurated by the betrothal, which 
was principally a state of the spirit, and the beginning of the 
following state, which is to be inaugurated by the marriage, widen 
is a state of the spirit and body together: for the spirit then enters 
into the body, and acts there: wherefore on that day the parties 
put off the state and also the name of bridegroom and bride, and 
put on the state and name of married partners and bed-consorts. 
2. That the wedding is an introduction and entrance into a new 
state, which is that a maiden becomes a w T ife, and a bachelor a 
husband, and both one flesh; and this is effected w r hen love by 
ultimates unites them. That marriage actually changes a maiden 
into a wife, and a bachelor into a husband, was proved in a 
former part of this Work; also that marriage unites two into one 
human form, so that they are no longer two but one flesh. 3. That 
the wedding is the commencement of a plenary separation of 
sexual love from conjugial love, which is effected when, by means 
of the full measure of conjunction, the love of the one devotes 
itself closely and intimately to the love of the other. 4. It appears 
as if the wedding were merely an interval between those two 
states, and thus as if it were a mere formality which may be 
omitted; but nevertheless there is in it this essential also, that the 
new state above mentioned ought then to be entered upon from 
covenant; and that the consent of the parties ought to be declared 
in the presence of witnesses, and also to be consecrated by a 
priest; besides other particulars which establish it. As weddings 
contain in them essentials, and as marriage is not legitimate till 
after the wedding, therefore also weddings are celebrated in the 
heavens; see above, no. 21, and also nos. 27 to 41. 




WITNESSES. It Is necessary that the conjugial covenant he ratified 
before the wedding is celebrated, in order that the statutes and 
laws of truly conjugial love may be known, and that they may be 
remembered after the wedding; also that it may be a bond bind- 
ing the minds of the parties closely together to a just marriage. 
For after the actual marriage has been entered into in various 
ways, the state which preceded the betrothal returns at times, in 
which state remembrance perishes, and forgetfulness of the ratified 
covenant ensues; yea, it is obliterated by allurements of unchaste 
(persons) to unchaste (deeds) : and if it is then recalled to the 
memory, it becomes a subject of reproach: but to avert these trans- 
gressions, the family has taken upon itself the guardianship of 
this covenant, and has enacted penalties against those who break it. 
In a word, the ante-nuptial covenant makes public the sacred 
obligations of love truly conjugial, establishes them, and binds 
libertines to obedience to them. Add to this, that by this covenant 
the right of propagating children to inherit the goods of their 
parents, become legitimate. 

PRIEST, The reason is, that marriages, viewed in themselves, are 
spiritual, and therefore holy; for they descend from the heavenly 
marriage of good and truth, and conjugial things correspond to 
the Divine marriage of the Lord and the church ; and hence they 
are from the Lord Himself, and according to the state of the 
church with the contracting parties. Now, since the ecclesiastical 
order on earth administer the things which belong to the priest- 
hood with the Lord, that is, which belong to His love, and thus 
also the things which belong to blessing, it is needful that mar- 
riages should be consecrated by His ministers; and as they are 
then the chief witnesses, it is needful that the consent to the 
covenant should also be heard, accepted, confirmed, and thus 
established by them. 

FESTIVITY. The reasons are, that the ante-nuptial love, which was 
the love of the bridegroom and the bride, then descends into their 
hearts, and by its spreading itself thence in every direction into 
all parts of the body, the delights of marriage are made sensible, 
whereby the minds of the parties are led to festive thoughts, and 
also indulge in the festivities so far as is allowable and becoming; 
in order to promote this, it is important that the festive feelings of 
their minds should find expression in the company of others, and 
that they themselves should be thereby introduced into the joys of 
conjugial love. 



MARRIAGE. All things which a man does in the body, flow in from 



his spirit; for it is known that the mouth does not speak of itself, 
but that it is the thought of the mind which speaks by means of 
it; also that the hands do not act, and the feet walk, of themselves, 
but that it is the will of the mind which does so by means of 
them ; consequently, that the mind speaks through its organ, and 
also that it acts through its organs in the body. Hence it is evident, 
that such as the mind is, such are the speech of the mouth and the 
deeds of the body. From these premises it follows as a conclusion, 
that the mind, through a continual influx, forms the body for con- 
cordant and simultaneous actions with itself; wherefore the bodies 
of men, considered interiorly, are nothing else than forms of their 
minds organized exteriorly to effect the purposes of the soul. These 
things are premised in order that it may be perceived whence it is 
that the minds or spirits ought first to be united as in marriage, 
before they are united in the body also; namely, that when the 
marriages become of the body, they may be marriages of the 
spirit; consequently, that the married partners may mutually love 
each other from the spirit, and hence in the body. From these 
premises let us now take a view of marriage. When conjugial love 
conjoins the minds of two persons, and forms them into a mar- 
riage, it then also conjoins and forms their bodies for that mar- 
riage; for, as has been said, the form of the mind is also interiorly 
the form of the body, with the sole difference, that the latter form 
is outwardly organized to give effect to that to which the interior 
form of the body is determined by the mind. But the mind formed 
from conjugial love is not only interiorly in the whole body, round 
about in every part, but moreover is interiorly in the organs 
allotted to generation, which in their region are situated beneath 
the other regions of the body, and in which are terminated the 
forms of the mind with those who are united in conjugial love: 
consequently the affections and thoughts of their minds are deter- 
mined thither. The activities of minds arising from other loves 
differ in this respect, that the latter loves do not reach thither. The 
conclusion resulting from these considerations is, that such as con- 
jugial love is in the minds or spirits of two persons, such it is 
interiorly in those its organs. But it is self-evident that the mar- 
riage of the spirit after the wedding becomes also a marriage of 
the body, thus a full marriage; consequently if the marriage in 
the spirit is chaste, and partakes of the holiness thereof, it is the 
same when it is in its fullness in the body; and* the reverse is the 
case if the marriage in the spirit is unchaste. 


said from its first heat to its first torch, because vital heat is love, 
and conjugial heat or love successively grows, and at length as it 
were into a flame or torch. It is said, to its first torch, because 
there is meant the first state after the wedding, when that love 
burns. But what its quality becomes after this torch in the mar- 


riage itself, has been described in the preceding chapters; but in 
this part of the Work is explained its order from the beginning of 
its career to this its first goal. That all order proceeds from primes 
to ultimates, and that the ultimates become the primes of some 
following order; moreover, that all things of the middle order are 
the ultimates of the prior and the primes of the following order, 
and that thus ends proceed continually through causes into effects, 
may be sufficiently confirmed and illustrated to the reason from 
what is known and visible in the world. But as the only subject at 
present being treated of is the order in which love proceeds from 
its first starting place to its goal, those confirmations and illus- 
trations shall be passed by, and it shall only be stated on this sub- 
ject, that such as the order of this love is from its first heat to its 
first torch, such for the most part it is. and remains, in its pro- 
gression afterwards; for in this progression it unfolds itself, 
according to the quality of its first heat: if this heat was chaste, 
its chasteness is strengthened in its progressions; but if it was 
unchaste, its unchasteness increases as it progresses, until it is 
deprived of all that chasteness in which, from the time of betrothal, 
it had been from without, but not from within. 



END. So it is said by some in heaven; and by the marrows they 
mean the interiors of the mind and body. The reason why these 
are burnt up, that is, consumed, by conjugial love being hurried 
on is, that that love in such a case begins from a flame which eats 
up and corrupts those inmost recesses, in which as in its begin- 
nings conjugial love should reside, and from which it should 
commence. This comes to pass if the man and woman hurry on 
the marriage without order, by not looking to the Lord, by not 
consulting reason, by rejecting betrothal, and by obeying the flesh 
only. If that love commences from the ardour of the flesh, it 
becomes external and not internal, thus not conjugial; and such 
love may be said to partake of the* shell, not of the kernel ; or it 
may be called fleshly, lean, and dry, because emptied of its 
genuine essence. See more on this subject above, no. 305. 



the last state is such as the successive order from which it is 
formed and exists, is a canon, which from its Truth must be 
acknowledged in the learned world; for thereby it is discovered 
what influx is, and what its effects. By influx is meant all that 
which precedes, and composes that which is subsequent, and by 
means of things subsequent in order composes what is last; as all 
that which precedes with a man (homo}* and composes his wis- 



dom; or all that which precedes with a statesman, and composes 
his sagacity; or all that which precedes with a theologian, and 
composes his erudition; in like manner all that which proceeds 
from infancy, and composes a man f nr) ; also what proceeds in 
order from a seed and a twig, and makes a tree, and afterwards 
what proceeds from a blossom, and makes its fruit; in like manner 
all that which precedes and proceeds with a bridegroom and bride, 
and makes their marriage. This is the meaning of influx. That all 
those things which precede in minds form series, and that series 
are collected together, one beside another, and one after another, 
and that these together compose what is last or ultimate, is as yet 
unknown in the world; but as it is a Truth from heaven, it is here 
adduced: for it explains what influx effects, and what is the quality 
of the last or ultimate, in which the above-mentioned series suc- 
cessively formed co-exist. From these considerations it may be 
seen, that the states of the minds of each of the parties proceeding 
in successive order flow in into the state of marriage. But married 
partners after marriage are utterly in ignorance of the successive 
things which are insinuated into, and exist in their minds from 
things antecedent; nevertheless it is those things which give form 
to conjugial love, and constitute the state of their minds, from 
which state they act with each other. The reason why a different 
state is formed from a different order with those who are spiritual, 
from what it is with those who are natural, is, that those who are 
spiritual proceed in just order, and those who are natural proceed 
in unjust order; for those who are spiritual look to the Lord, and 
the Lord provides and leads the order; whereas those who are 
natural look to themselves, and consequently proceed in inverted 
order; wherefore with the latter the state of marriage is inwardly 
full of unchaste elements; and there are as many colds as there 
are unchaste elements, and there are as many obstructions of the 
inmost life, whereby its current is closed and its fountains dried 
up, as there are colds. 



ACCORDING TO IT. This is adduced as a reason tending to confirm 
the preceding statements. It is known that there exist what is suc- 
cessive and what is simultaneous; but it is unknown that simul- 
taneous order is from successive order, and according to it; yet 
how things successive enter into things simultaneous, and what 
order they form therein, is very difficult to present to the percep- 
tion, since the learned are not in possssion of any idea that serves 
to elucidate the subject; and as the first idea respecting this 
arcanum cannot be given in a few words, and to treat it at length 
would withdraw the mind from a more open view of conjugial 
love, it may suffice for illustration to quote what has been adduced 
in a compendium respecting those two orders, the successive and 
the simultaneous, and respecting the influx of the former into the 


latter, in the Doctrine of the .Yew Jerusalem concerning the Sacred 
Scripture, where these words occur: 

"There exist in heaven and in the world successive order and 
simultaneous order. In successive order one thing follows after 
another from the highest things to the lowest: but in simultaneous 
order one thing is next to another from the inmosts to the outer - 
mosts. Successive order is like a column with steps from the top 
to the bottom; but simultaneous order is like a work cohering 
from the center to the surface. Successive order becomes simul- 
taneous in the ultimate, in the following manner: The highest 
things of successive order become the inmost things of simultane- 
ous order, and the lowest things of successive order become the 
outermost things of simultaneous order; it is comparatively as 
when the column of steps subsides, it becomes a body cohering in 
a plane. Thus what is simultaneous is formed from what is suc- 
cessive; and this in each and all things of the spiritual world, and 
in each and all things of the natural world." See nos. 38 and 65 
of that Work; and many more observations on this subject in 
Angelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Love and the Divine 
Wisdom, nos. 205 to 229. 

The case is similar with successive order progressing towards 
marriage, and with simultaneous order in marriage; namely, that 
the latter is from the former, and according to it. He who is 
acquainted with the influx of successive order into simultaneous 
order, can comprehend the reason why the angels are able to see 
in a man's hand all the thoughts and intentions of his mind, and 
also why wives, from their husband's hands on their bosoms, are 
sensible of their affections; of which circumstance mention has 
occasionally been made in the Memorable Relations. The reason 
is, that the hands are the ultimate of man, into which the delibera- 
tions and conclusions of his mind are determined, and there con- 
stitute what is "inscribed on the hands." 

315. To the above I shall add two Memorable Relations. The 
first is as follows: 

I once saw r not far away from me a meteor; I saw a cloud 
divided into little clouds, some of which were of a blue colour, 
and some opaque ; and I saw them as it were in collision together. 
They were made translucent in streaks by rays, which at one time 
appeared sharp like the points of swords, at another, blunt like 
broken sw^ords. The streaks at times darted forward, and at times 
retreated, exactly like combatants: thus those differently coloured 
little clouds appeared to be fighting together; but they were only 
sporting. And as this meteor appeared at no great distance from 
me, I lifted up my eyes, and looked attentively, and I saw boys, 
young men, and old men, entering a house which was built of 
marble, on a foundation of porphyry; it was over this house that 
that phenomenon appeared. Then, addressing one of those who 
were entering, I asked, "What is going on there?" 



He answered, "It is a public school, where young persons are 
initiated into various things relating to \\isdom/' 

On hearing this I went in with them, being then in the spirit, 
that is, in a state similar to that in which the men of the spiritual 
world, who are called spirits and angels, are. And behold, in that 
public school there was seen in the front a chair; in the middle, 
benches; and at the sides round about seats, and over the entrance, 
an orchestra. The chair was for the young men that were to give 
answers to the problem at that time to be proposed, the benches 
were for the audience, the seats at the sides w r ere for those who on 
former occasions had answered wisely, and the orchestra was for 
the elders, who were umpires and judges; in the middle of the 
orchestra was a tribune, where there sat a wise man., whom they 
called the head master, who proposed the problems, to which the 
young men were to give their answers from the chair. 

When they were assembled, this man arose from the tribune 
and said, "Pray give me an answer to this problem, and solve it if 
you can, 'WHAT is THE SOUL, AND WHAT is ITS QUALITY?' " 

On hearing this problem all were amazed, and murmured, and 
some of the company on the benches exclaimed, "What man from 
the Saturnian era to the present time, has been able by any thought 
of reason to see and understand what the soul is, still less what its 
quality is? Is not this subject above the sphere of all men's 

But to this they replied from the orchestra, "It is not above the 
understanding, but within it and before it; only answer." 

Then the young men, who had been chosen that day to ascend 
the chair, and give an answer to the problem, arose. They were 
five in number, who had been examined by the elders, and found to 
excel in sagacity, and they were then sitting on couches at the sides 
of the chair. They afterwards ascended in the order in which they 
had been seated; and each one when he ascended put on a silken 
tunic of an opaline colour, and over it a robe of soft wool inter- 
woven with flowers, together with a cap, on the crown of which 
was a rosette beset with small sapphires. 

I saw the first one thus clad ascend the desk, and he said, 
"What the soul is, and what its quality is, has never been revealed 
to any one since the day of creation: it is an arcanum in the 
treasuries of the Only God. But this has been disclosed, that the 
soul resides in man as a queen ; yet where her palace is, has been 
a matter of conjecture among learned authorities. Some have sup- 
posed it to be in the small tubercle between the cerebrum and the 
cerebellum, which is called the pineal gland: in this they have 
fixed the seat of the soul, because the whole man is ruled from 
these two brains, and they are regulated by that tubercle; where- 
fore, whatever regulates the brains at will, regulates also the whole 
man from the head to the heel." He also said, "Hence this con- 
jecture appeared as true or probable to many in the world; but 
after this age it was rejected as a figment," 



When he had said this, he put off his rohe, the tunic, and the 
cap, which the second of the chosen ones put on, and entered the 
chair. The opinion he expressed in regard to the soul was as 
follows: "In the whole heaven and the whole world it is unknown 
what the soul is, and what its quality is ; it is however known that 
it exists, and that it is in man ; but in what part of him is a matter 
of conjecture. This is certain, that it is in the head, since the 
understanding thinks there, and the will intends there; and in 
front in the face of the head are man's five sensories: both the 
latter and the former receive life from no other source than the 
soul which resides within the head. But in what particular part of 
the head the soul has its seat, I dare not take upon me to say; yet 
I incline (sometimes) to the opinion of those who fix its abode in 
the three ventricles of the cerebrum, sometimes to the opinion of 
those who fix it in the corpora striata therein, sometimes to the 
opinion of those who fix it in the medullary substance of both 
brains, sometimes to the opinion of those who fix it in the cortical 
substance, and sometimes to the opinion of those who fix it in the 
dura mater; for there have not been wanting confirmatory argu- 
ments (literally, white voting stones) in favor of each of those 
seats of the soul. The arguments in favor of the three ventricles 
of the cerebrum have been, that those ventricles are the receptacles 
of the animal spirits, and of all the lymphs of the brain. The 
arguments in favor of the corpora striata have been, that these 
bodies constitute the marrow, through which the nerves go out, 
and through which both brains are continued into the spine; and 
from the spine and the marrow there emanate fibres of which the. 
whole body is interwoven. The arguments in favor of the medul- 
lary substance of both brains have been, that the substance is a 
collection and congeries of all the fibres, which are the initia- 
ments of the whole man. The arguments in favor of the cortical 
substance have been, that in that substance are contained the prime 
and ultimate ends, and consequently the beginnings of all the 
fibres, and thus the beginnings of all the senses and motions. The 
arguments in favor of the dura mater have been, that it is the 
common covering of both brains, and hence by a certain continuity 
extends itself over the heart and over the viscera of the body. As 
for myself, I do not declare in favor of any one of these opinions 
more than of another; I pray you decide for yourselves, and 
choose which is preferable." 

Having said this he descended from the chair, and delivered 
the tunic, the robe, and the cap to the third, who mounting the 
chair spoke as follows: "What shall a young man like myself do 
with so sublime a problem? I appeal to the learned who are here 
seated at the sides; I appeal to you wise ones in the orchestra; 
yea, I appeal to the angels of the highest heaven, whether any one, 
from his own rational light, is able to form to himself any idea 
about the soul. Nevertheless I, like others, can conjecture about 
the place of its abode in man; and my conjecture is, that it is in 



the heart and hence in the blood; and this is my conjecture, 
because the heart by its blood rules both the body and the head; 
for it sends forth a large vessel called the aorta into the whole 
body, and vessels called the carotids into the whole head ; hence 
it is universally agreed, that the soul from the heart by means of 
the blood sustains, nourishes, and vivifies the universal organical 
system both of the body and the head. As a proof of this position, 
it may be added, that in the Sacred Scripture frequent mention is 
made of the 'soul and the heart' ; as where it is said, Thou, shalt 
love God 'from the whole soul and the whole heart': and that God 
creates in man : a new soul and a new heart' ('Deut. vi. 5; chap. 
x. 12; chap. xi. 13; chap. xxvi. 16; Jerem. xxxii. 41; Matt. xxii. 
35 (37) ; Mark xii. 30, 33; Luke x. 27; and in other places: it is 
also plainly said, that the 'blood is the soul of the flesh' (Levit. 
xvii. 11, 14)." 

On hearing this, some of the assembly lifted up the voice, say- 
ing, "Learned ! learned ! " these were clergymen. 

After this the fourth put on the garments of the former speaker, 
and entered the chair, and said : "I also suspect, that there is not 
a single person of so subtle and refined a genius as to be able to 
discover what the soul is, and what its quality is; wherefore I am 
of opinion, that he who attempts to investigate the subject, will 
exert his subtlety to no purpose. Nevertheless from my childhood 
I have continued to believe firmly in the opinion of the Ancients, 
that the soul of man is in the whole of him, and in every part of 
the whole, and thus that it is in the head and in each of its parts, 
as well as in the body and in each of its parts ; and that it is an 
idle conceit of the moderns to fix its habitation in any particular 
part, and not in the body throughout. Besides the soul is a spiritual 
substance, of which there cannot be predicated either extension or 
place, but habitation and impletion. Moreover, when mention is 
made of the soul, who does not understand life to be meant? and 
is not life in the whole and in every part?" 

These sentiments were favourably received by many of the 

After him the fifth rose, and, being adorned with the same 
insignia, thus delivered himself from the chair: "I will not stop to 
determine where the soul is, whether it be in some particular part 
of the body, or in the whole throughout; but out of the storehouse 
of my thoughts I will declare my ideas on the subject of the soul 
and its quality. No one thinks of the soul but as of a pure some- 
thing, which may be likened to ether, or air, or wind, in which 
there is vitality from the rationality which man enjoys above the 
beasts. This opinion I have founded on the circumstance, that 
when a man expires, he is said to breathe forth or emit his soul or 
spirit; hence also the soul which lives after death is believed to be 
such a breath, in which is the thinking life which is called the 
soul; what else can the soul be? But as I heard it declared from 
the orchestra, that this problem concerning the soul, what it is 


and what its quality is. is not above the understanding, but is 
within it and before it, I entreat and beseech you to disclose this 
eternal arcanum yourselves." 

Then the elders in the orchestra turned their eyes towards the 
head master, who had proposed the problem, and who understood 
by their signs that thev wished him to descend and teach: so he 
instantly decended from the tribune, passed through the auditory, 
p^d entered the chair, and there, stretching out his hand, he said: 
"Let me bespeak vour attention. Who does not believe the soul to 
be the inmost and most subtle essence of man? and what is an 
essence without a form, but an imaginary entity? Wherefore the 
soul is a form: but the qualitv of the form shall be stated. It is a 
form of all things of love, and of all things of wisdom. All things 
of love are called affections, and all things of wisdom are called 
perceptions. The latter are derived from the former, and there- 
fore, together with them they constitute one form, in which there 
are innumerable thinsrs in such an order, series, and coherence, 
that they may be called a one ; and that they mav be called a one 
because nothing can be taken away from it or added to it, without 
changing it. What is the human soul but such a form? are not all 
things of love and all things of wisdom essentials of that form? 
and are not these things with man in his soul, and from the soul 
in his head and body? You are called spirits and angels; and in 
the world vou believed that spirits and angels are like winds or 
ethers, and thus minds and dispositions, and now you see clearly 
that you are truly, really, and actually men. who in the world had 
lived and thought in a material body, and knew that the material 
body does not live and think, but the spiritual substance in that 
body; and this substance vou called the soul, whose form you 
were then ignorant of; and nevertheless you have now seen and 
continue to see it. You are all souls, of whose immortality you 
have heard, thought, said, and written so much ; and because you 
are forms of love and wisdom from God, you cannot die to 
eternity. The soul therefore is a human form, from which the 
least thing cannot be taken away, and to which the least thing can- 
not be added; and it is the inmost form of all the forms of the 
whole body; and since the forms which are without receive from 
the inmost form both essence and form, therefore you are. as you 
appear to yourselves and to us. souls. In a word, the soul is the 
man himself, because it is the inmost man; wherefore its form is 
fully and perfectly the human form : nevertheless it is not life, but 
it is the proximate receptacle of life from God, and thus the dwell- 
ing place of God." 

When he had said this, many applauded him; but some said, 
'"We will weigh the matter." 

I then went home, and lo! over that public school, instead of 
the former meteor, there appeared a bright white cloud, without 
streaks or ravs that seemed to combat with each other; this cloud, 
penetrating through the roof, entered, and illuminated the walls; 



and I heard, that they saw pieces of writing, and among others 
this, "Jehovah God breathed into the mans nostrils the SOUL OF 
LIVES, and the man became a LIVING SOUL" (Gen. ii. 7). 

316. The Second Memorable Relation : 

Once as I was walking with my mind at rest, and in a state of 
delightful peace of mind, I saw at a distance a grove, in the midst 
of which was an avenue leading to a small palace; and I saw 
maidens and young men, and husbands and wives, entering. I also 
went thither in spirit, and asked a certain keeper who was stand- 
ing at the entrance, whether I also might enter. 

He looked at me; and I said, "Why do you look at me?" 

He replied, "I look at you in order that I may see whether the 
delight of peace, which is in your face, partakes at all of the 
delight of conjugial love. Beyond this avenue there is a little 
garden, and in the midst of it a house, where there are two newl} 
married consorts, who to-day are visited by their friends of boll 
sexes, coming to wish them happiness. I do not know those whorr. 
I admit; but I was told that I should know them by their faces: 
those in whom I saw the delight of conjugial love, I was to admit, 
and none else." All the angels can see from the faces of others 
the delights of their hearts; and he saw the delight of that love in 
my face, because I was then meditating on conjugial love. This 
meditation shone forth from my eyes, and thence entered into the 
interiors of my face; wherefore he told me that I might enter. 

The avenue through which I entered was formed of fruit trees 
connected together by their branches, which made on each side a 
continuous wall of trees. Through the avenue I entered the little 
garden, which breathed a pleasant fragrance from its shrubs and 
flowers. The shrubs and flowers were in pairs; and I heard that 
such little gardens appear about the houses where there have been 
weddings, and that therefore they are called wedding gardens. 

I afterwards entered the house, where I saw the two married 
consorts holding each other by the hands, and conversing together 
from truly conjugial love; and it was then given me to see from 
their faces the effigy of conjugial love, and from their conversation 
the vitality of it. 

After I, among others, had offered them my congratulations, 
and wished them every happiness, I went out into the lovely wed- 
ding garden, and saw on the right side of it a company of young 
men, to whom all who came out of the house hastened. The reason 
of their hastening to them was, that they were conversing about 
conjugial love, and conversation on this subject attracts to it the 
minds of all by a certain occult power. I then listened to a wise 
one who was speaking on the subject; and the sum of what I he^rd 
is as follows: 

That the Divine Providence of the Lord is most particular and 
consequently most universal in relation to marriages and in mar- 
riages in the heavens, because all the facilities of heaven issue 



from the delights of conjugial love, like sweet waters from the 
sweet source of a fountain; and that on this account it is provided 
by the Lord that conjugial pairs be born, and that these pairs be 
continually educated for marriage, neither the girl nor the lad 
knowing this : and that after a stated time, when she has become a 
marriageable maiden, and he a man fit for marriage, they meet 
somewhere as by chance, and see each other; and that then they 
instantly know, as by a kind of instinct, that they are consorts, 
and by a certain inward dictate think within themselves, the young 
man, that she is mine, and the maiden, that he is mine: and that 
when this thought has dwelt for some time in the minds of both, 
they deliberately accost each other, and betroth themselves. It is 
said, "as by chance," and ""'as by instinct," and the meaning is, by 
the Divine Providence; because, when the Divine Providence is 
unknown, it has such an appearance. That conjugial pairs are 
born and educated for marriage, while both are ignorant of it, he 
proved by the conjugial likeness visible in the faces of both ; also 
by the intimate and eternal union of the dispositions and minds, 
which union could not possibly exist, as it does in heaven, without 
being foreseen and provided fay the Lord. 

When the wise one had said this, and had received the applause 
of the company, he further added, that in the veriest singulars 
with men, both male and female, there is the conjugial principle 
or element, but still a different conjugial principle with the male 
from what there is in the female ; also that in the masculine con- 
jugial principle there is conjunctiveness with the feminine con- 
jugial principle, and contrariwise, even in the veriest singulars. 
This he confirmed by the marriage of the will and the understand- 
ing in every individual, which two act together upon the veriest 
singulars of the mind and of the body ; from which considerations 
it may be seen, that in every substance, even the smallest, there is 
the conjugial element ; and that this is evident from the compound 
substances which are made up of simple substances ; as that there 
are two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, two cheeks, two lips, two arms 
with hands, two loins, two feet and within in man two hemispheres 
of the brain, two ventricles of the heart, two lobes of the lungs, 
two kidneys, two testicles; and where there are not two, still they 
are divided into two. The reason why there are two is, that the one 
belongs to the will and the other to the understanding, which act 
wonderfully into them so as to constitute them a one; wherefore 
the two eyes constitute one sight, the two ears one hearing, the 
two nostrils one smell, the two lips one speech, the two hands one 
labor, the two feet one pace, the two hemispheres of the brain one 
dwelling place of the mind, the two chambers of the heart one life 
of the body through the blood, the two lobes of the lungs one 
respiration, and so forth. And the masculine and the feminine, 
united by means of truly conjugial love, constitute one fully 
human life. 

While he was saying these things, there appeared red lightning 



on the right, and bright white lightning on the left; both kinds 
were mild, and they entered through the eyes into the minds and 
also enlightened them. After the lightning it also thundered; 
which was a gentle murmur from the angelic heaven flowing down 
and increasing. On hearing and seeing these things, the wise one 
said, "These are to remind and admonish me to add to my dis- 
course the following observations: that of the above pairs, the 
right one signifies their good, and the left their truth; and that 
this is from the marriage of good and truth, which is inscribed on 
every man in general and in every particular; and good has refer- 
ence to the will, and truth to the understanding, and both together 
to a one. Hence it is that in heaven the right eye is the good of 
sight, and the left the truth thereof; also that the right ear is the 
good of hearing, and the left the truth thereof; and likewise that 
the right hand is the good of a man's power, and the left the truth 
thereof; and so likewise with the rest of the above pairs: and 
since the right and left have such significations, therefore the Lord 
said, 'If thy right eye cause thee to stumble, pluck it out; and if 
thy right hand cause thee to stumble, cut it off' (Matt. v. 29, 30 ) ; 
whereby He meant that, if good becomes evil, the evil must be 
cast out. This is the reason also why He said to His disciples that 
they should cast the net on the right side of the ship; and that 
when they did so, they took a great multitude of fishes (John 
xxi. 6, 7) ; whereby He meant that they should teach the good of 
charity, and that thus they would gather men." 

When he had said these things, the tw T o lightnings again 
appeared, milder than before; and then it was seen, that the light- 
ning on the left derived its bright whiteness from the ruddy fire 
of die lightning on the right; on seeing which he said, "This is a 
sign from heaven confirmative of what I have said, because what 
is fiery in heaven denotes good, and what is white in heaven 
denotes truth; and its being seen that the lightning on the left 
derived its bright whiteness from the ruddy fire of the lightning on 
the right, is a demonstrative sign that the bright whiteness of light. 
or light, is nothing else than the brightness of fire." 

On hearing this we all went home, inflamed by those light 
nings, and by the conservation about them, with the good and truth 
of gladness. 



317. It may come to be a matter of question, whether con- 
jugial love, which is that of one man with one wife, can, after the 
death of one of the consorts, be separated, or transferred, or 
superinduced; also whether repeated marriages have anything in 
common with polygamy, and thus whether they may be called 
successive polygamies ; with several other inquiries which are wont 
to add scruples on scruples with reasoners. In order therefore that 
those masters in researches, who reason in the shade about these 
marriages, may see some light. I have thought it would be worth 
while to present for their judgment the following articles about 
those marriages: 

L After the death of a married partner, again to contract 
matrimony depends on the preceding con jugial love. 

II. It depends also on the state of marriage in which they had 

III. With those who have not been in truly con jugial love^ there 
is no obstacle or hindrance to their again contracting matrimony. 

IV. Those who had lived together in truly con jugial love are 
unwilling to marry again, except for reasons separate from con- 
jugial love. 

V. The state of the marriage of a bachelor with a maiden is 
different from that of a bachelor with a widow. 

VI. The state of the marriage of a widower with a maiden, is 
also different from that of a widower with a widow. 

VII. The varieties and diversities of these marriages as to love 
and its attributes exceed all number. 

VIII. The state of a widow is more grievous than the state of a 

Now follows the explanation of these articles, 



LOVE. Truly conjugial love is like a balance, in which the in- 
clinations for repeated marriages are weighed; so far as the pre- 
ceding conjugial love had approached to truly conjugial love, in 
the same proportion the inclination for repeated marriage is weak; 
but so far as the preceding love had departed from truly conjugial 
love, in the same proportion the inclination to another marriage 
usually arises. The reason is obvious, that conjugial love is in a 
similar degree a conjunction of the minds, which remains in the 
life of the body of the one party after the decease of the other ; 
and this holds the inclination as a scale in the balance, and causes 



a preponderance according to the appropriation of true love. But 
since the approach to this love is seldom made at the present day, 
except for a few paces,, therefore the scale of a preponderance of 
the inclination generally rises to a state of equilibrium, and from 
thence inclines and tends to the other side, that is, to marriage. 
The contrary is the case with those whose preceding love in the 
former marriage has receded from truly conjugial love; the reason 
is, that recession from that love is in a like degree a disjunction 
of the minds, which also remains in the life of the body of the one 
party after the decease of the other; and this enters the will that 
has been disjoined from that of the other, and causes an inclination 
for a new conjunction; in favor of which the thought arising 
from the inclination of the will induces the hope of a more united, 
and thus a more delightful dwelling together. That inclinations to 
repeated marriages arise from the state of the preceding love, is 
known, and is also obvious to reason: for in truly conjugial love 
there is a fear of loss, and loss is followed by grief; and this grief 
and fear are in the very inmosts of the minds. Hence it is that, in 
proportion as that love is present, in the same proportion the soul 
inclines both in will and in thought, that is, in intention, to be in 
the subject with which and in which it has been. From these con- 
siderations it follows, that the mind is kept balancing towards a 
second marriage, according to the degree of love in which it was 
in the former marriage. Hence it is that after death the same 
parties are reunited, and mutually love each other as they did in 
the world. But, as was said above, that love at the present day is 
rare, and there are few who come within finger touch of it; and 
those who do not do so, and still more those who recede far from 
it, as they were desirous of separation in the preceding married 
life, which was cold, so after death they are desirous of conjunc- 
tion with another woman or another man. But respecting both 
these sorts of persons more will be said in what follows. 



IN WHICH THE PARTIES HAD LIVED. By the state of marriage is not 
here meant the state of love treated of in the foregoing article, 
because the latter causes an internal inclination towards marriage 
or away from it; but there is meant the state of marriage which 
causes an external inclination towards it or away from it ; and this 
state with its inclinations is manifold; as, 1. If there are little 
children in the house, and a new mother ought to be provided for 
them. 2. If there is a desire for a greater number of children. 
3. If the house is large, and full of servants of both sexes. 4. If 
the continual calls of business abroad divert the mind from 
domestic affairs, and without a new mistress there is danger of the 
household going to rack and ruin. 5. If mutual helps and services 
are required, as is the case in many kinds of employments and 
handicrafts. 6. Moreover it depends on the genius or disposition 


of the separated partner, \\hether after the fir^t marriage he or she 
can or cannot live alone, or without a consort. 7. The preceding 
marriage also either gives a fear of married life, or a favor for it. 
8. I have been informed that polygamous love, and sexual love, 
also the lust of defloration, and the lust of variety, have led the 
dispositions of some into a desire for repeated marriages: and 
that the dispositions of some have also been led thereto by a fear 
of the law, and of the loss of reputation, in case thev indulge in 
fornications; besides many other circumstance? which impel the 
external inclinations towards matrimony. 



AGAIN CONTRACTING MATRIMONY. With those who have not been 
in conjugial love, there is no spiritual or internal bond, but only 
a natural or external bond: and if an internal bond does not keep 
the external in its order and tenor, the external does not hold 
together any better than does a bundle when the bandage is 
removed, which is dispersed according as it is scattered or blown 
about by the wind. The reason is," that what is natural derives its 
origin from what is spiritual, and in its existence is nothing else 
than a mass of spiritual things united together; wherefore if the 
natural be separated from the spiritual which produced and as it 
were begot it, it is no longer kept together interiorly, but only 
exteriorly by the spiritual, which encompasses and binds it in 
general, and does not tie it together and keep it tied together in 
particular. Hence it is, that the natural separated from the spiritual, 
in the case of two married partners, does not cause any conjunction 
of minds and thus of the wills, but only a conjunction of some of 
the external affections, which cohere with the senses of the body. 
The reason nothing opposes and hinders such persons from again 
being able to contract matrimony, is, that they have not possessed 
the essentials of marriage; and consequently no such essentials 
are present in them after separation by death: therefore they are 
then at full liberty, whether they be widowers or widows, to bind 
their sensual affections with whomsoever they please, provided 
there be no legal impediment. Neither do they themselves think 
of marriages otherwise than naturally, and from a regard to con- 
venience for the sake of various necessities and external advan- 
tages, which after the death of one of the parties may again be 
supplied by another person; and possibly, if their interior thoughts 
were examined, as in the spiritual world, there would not be found 
in them any distinction between conjugial conjunctions and extra- 
conjugial conjunctions. The reason it is allowable for these to 
contract marriages again and again, is, as above mentioned, that 
merely natural conjunctions are after death dissolved of them- 
selves, and put an end to; for bv death the external affections 
follow the body, and are entombed with it; those only remaining 
which cohere with the internal affections. But it ought to be known, 



that marriages interiorly conjunctive can scarcely be entered into 
on earth, because the choice of internal likenesses cannot be pro- 
vided by the Lord there as in the heavens; for the choice is limited 
in many ways, as to equals in state and condition, within the 
country, city, and village where they live; and there, again, the 
future consorts are bound together for the most part by externals, 
and thus not by internals; which internals do not come forth till 
some time after marriage, and are only known when they put 
themselves forth in the externals. 


SEPARATE FROM CONJUGIAL LOVE. The reasons why those who had 
lived in truly conjugial love are unwilling to marry again, after 
the death of their married partners, are as follows: 1. That they 
are united as to their souls, and hence as to their minds; and this 
union, because it is spiritual, is an actual adjunction of the soul 
and mind of the one to those of the other, which cannot possibly 
be dissolved: that such is the nature of spiritual conjunction, has 
been frequently shown above. 2. That they were also united as to 
their bodies by the reception of the propagations of the soul of 
the husband by the wife, and thus by the insertion of his life into 
hers, whereby a maiden becomes a wife; and on the other hand by 
the reception of the conjugial love of the wife by the husband, 
which disposes the interiors of his mind, and at the same time the 
interiors and exteriors of his body, into a state receptible of love 
and perceptible of wisdom, which state makes him from a bachelor 
become a husband; concerning these particulars see above, no. 
198. 3. That the sphere of love from the wife, and the sphere of 
the understanding from the husband, is continually flowing forth, 
and that it perfects conjunctions, and encompasses them with its 
pleasant influence, and unites them; see also above, no. 223. 
4, That married partners thus united think of and desire what is 
eternal in marriage, and that on this idea their eternal happiness 
is founded; see no. 216. 5. From these several considerations it 
is, that they are no longer two, but one man, that is, one flesh. 
6. That such a one cannot be destroyed by the death of one of the 
parties, is manifest to the ocular sight of the spirit. 7. To these 
reasons shall be added this new information, that two such mar- 
ried partners are nevertheless not separated by the death of one of 
them, since the spirit of the deceased continually dwells together 
with the spirit of the survivor, and this even to the death of the 
latter, when they again meet and are reunited, and love each other 
more tenderly than before, because they are then in the spiritual 
world. Hence flows this indisputable consequence, that those who 
had lived in truly conjugial love are unwilling to marry again. 
But if they afterwards contract something like marriage, it is for 
reasons separate from conjugial love; and these reasons are all 
external ones; as in case there are little children in the house and 


the care of them requires to be provided for: if the house is large 
and full of servants of both sexes: if the calls of business abroad 
divert the mind from domestic concerns; if mutual helps and 
services are necessary; with other similar causes. 



By states of marriage are meant the states of the life of both the 
husband and the wife, after the wedding, thus in the marriage, as 
to the quality of the consociation at that time, whether it be in- 
ternal conjunction of the souls and minds, which is consociation 
in the principle idea, or whether it be only external union of the 
dispositions, the senses, and the body. The state of marriage of a 
bachelor with a maiden is the very initial state to genuine mar- 
riage; for between these conjugial love is able to proceed in its 
just order, which is from its first heat to its first torch, and after- 
wards from its first seed with the bachelor husband, and from its 
first flower with the maiden wife, and thus to germinate, grow, 
and fructify, and introduce itself into those (states with both 
parties) mutually; but if otherwise, the bachelor was not a bache- 
lor, nor the maiden a maiden, except in external form. But between 
a bachelor and a widow there is not such an initiation to marriage 
from first beginnings, nor a like progression in marriage, since a 
widow is more independent and at her own disposal than a maiden 
is; wherefore a bachelor addresses himself differently to his wife, 
if she has been a widow, from what he would if she were a 
maiden. But herein there is much variety and diversity; wherefore 
the subject is here mentioned only in a general way. 



WIDOW. For a widower has already been initiated into conjugial 
life, and a maiden has yet to be; and yet conjugial love perceives 
and feels its pleasantness and delight in mutual initiation; a 
bachelor husband and a maiden wife perceive and feel things ever 
new in what occurs, whereby they are in a kind of continual 
initiation and consequent loving progression. The case is other- 
wise in the state of the marriage of a widower with a maiden : the 
maiden. But herein there is much variety and diversity; wherefore 
that inclination has passed away. But in this there is much variety 
and diversity. The case is similar in a marriage between a widower 
and a widow; wherefore except his general notion, we may not 
add anything specifically. 



infinite variety of all things, and also an infinite diversity. By 
varieties are here meant the varieties between those things which 
are of one genus or of one species, also between genera and 



between species; but by diversities are here meant the diversities 
between those things which are opposite. Our idea of the distinction 
of varieties and diversities may be illustrated as follows: The 
angelic heaven, which coheres together as a one, is in an infinite 
variety, no one there being absolutely like another, either as to 
souls and minds, or as to affections, perceptions, and consequent 
thoughts, or as to inclinations and consequent intentions, or as to 
tone of voice, face, body, gesture, and gait, and many other char- 
acteristics; and yet, notwithstanding there are myriads of myriads, 
they have been arranged, and are still being arranged by the Lord 
into one form, in which there is full unanimity and concord; and 
this would not be possible unless they were all, with their innumer- 
able varieties, universally and individually under the guidance of 
One : these are what we mean here by varieties. But by diversities 
we mean the opposite of those varieties, which exist in hell; for 
each and all there are diametrically opposite to those who are in 
heaven; and hell, which consists of those, is held together as a 
one by means of varieties which, in their relation to each other, 
are absolutely contrary to the varieties in heaven ; thus by means 
of perpetual diversities. From these considerations it is manifest 
what is perceived by infinite variety and what is infinite diversity. 
The case is similar in marriages, namely, that there are infinite 
varieties with those who are in conjugial love, and infinite varieties 
among those who are in scortatory love; and hence, that there are 
infinite diversities between the latter and the former. From these 
premises it follows in conclusion, that the varieties and diversities 
in marriages of every kind and species, whether of a bachelor 
and a maiden, or of a bachelor with a widow, or of a widower 
with a maiden, or of a widower with a widow, exceed all number. 
Who can divide infinity into numbers? 

THAT OF A WIDOWER. The reasons are both external and internal. 
The external reasons are such as all can see, as 1. That a widow 
cannot provide for herself and her household the necessities of 
life, nor dispose of them when acquired, as a man can, and as she 
previously could through a man and with a man. 2. That neither 
can she protect herself and her household as is needful ; for, while 
she was a wife, her husband was her protection, and as it were 
her arm; and while she herself was her own protection and arm, 
she still trusted to her husband. 3. That of herself she is devoid 
of judgment in such things as belong to interior wisdom and the 
prudence thence. That a widow is without the reception of love, 
in which she is as a woman; thus she is in a state alien to that 
which was innate and induced by marriage. These external reasons, 
which are natural, derive their origin from internal reasons also, 
which are spiritual, just as do all other things in the world and in 
the body; respecting which see above, no. 220. Those natural 
external reasons are perceived from the spiritual internal reasons 


which proceed from the marriage of good and truth, and prin- 
cipally from the following: that good cannot provide or arrange 
anything but by means of truth; that neither can good protect 
itself but by means of truth, consequently that truth is the pro- 
tection and as it were the arm of good; that good without truth is 
devoid of judgment, because it has judgment, wisdom, and pru- 
dence by means of truth. Now since by creation the husband is 
truth, and the wife the good thereof; or. what is the same thing, 
since by creation the husband is understanding, and the wife the 
love thereof, it is evident that the external or natural reasons 
which aggravate the widowhood of a woman, derive their origin 
from internal or spiritual reasons. These spiritual reasons are 
those which, conjoined with natural reasons* are meant by what is 
said of widows in many passages in the Word: and as may be 
seen in the Apocalypse Revealed, no. 764. 

326. To the above I shall add two Memorable Relations. The 
First is as follows: 

After the problem concerning the soul had been discussed and 
solved in the public school, I saw them coming out in order: first 
came the head master, then the elders, in the midst of w y hom were 
the five young men who had given the answers, and after these the 
rest. When they were come out they went apart to the environs 
of the house, where there were walks enclosed with shrubs; and 
being assembled, they divided into small crowds, forming so many 
groups of young men conversing together on subjects of wisdom ; 
in each group there was one of the wise men from the orchestra. 

As I saw these from my lodging, I became in the spirit, and 
in the spirit I went out to them, and approached the head master, 
w y ho had lately proposed the problem about the soul. 

On seeing me, he said, "Who are you? I was surprised as I 
saw you approaching in the way, that at one instant you came into 
my sight, and the next instant went out of it; or that at one time 
I saw you, and suddenly I did not see you: assuredly you are not 
in the same state of life that we are." 

To this I replied, smiling, "I am neither a player nor a 
Vertumnus; but I am alternate, at one time in your light, and at 
another in your shade; thus both a foreigner and a native." 

Hereupon the head master looked at me, and said, tfc You speak 
strange and wonderful things: tell me who you are." 

I said, "I am in the world in which you have been, and from 
which you have departed, which is called the natural world; and 
I am also in the world into which you have come, and in which 
you are, which is called the spiritual world. Hence it is, that I 
am in the natural state, and at the same time in the spiritual state ; 
in the natural state with the men of the Earth, and in the spiritual 
state with you : and when I am in the natural state, you do not see 
me, but when I am in the spiritual state, you do. That I should be 
such, has been given me by the Lord. It is known to you, enlight- 



ened man. that a man of the natural world does not see a man of 
the spiritual world, nor contrariwise; wherefore when I let my 
spirit into the body, you did not see me; but when I let it out of 
the body, you did see me. You have been teaching in the public 
school exercises, that you are souls, and that souls see souls, 
because they are human forms: and you know, that when you were 
in the natural world, you did not see yourselves or your souls in 
your bodies; and this is a consequence of the difference between 
what is spiritual and what is natural." 

When he heard of the difference between what is spiritual and 
what is natural, he said. "What is that difference? is it not like 
the difference between what is more and less pure? consequently, 
what is the spiritual but a purer natural?" 

I replied, "The difference is not such: but it is like that 
between what is spiritual and what is natural., he said, "What is 
that difference? is it not like the difference between w r hat is more 
and less pure? consequently, what is the spiritual but a purer 

I replied, "The difference is not such; but it is like that 
between what is prior and posterior, between which there is no 
determinate ratio ; for the prior is in the posterior as the cause is 
in its effect; and the posterior is from the prior as the effect from 
its cause: hence it is that the one does not appear to the other" 

To this the head master said, "I have meditated and ruminated 
on this difference, but heretofore in vain; I wish I could per- 
ceive it." 

I said, "You shall not only perceive the difference between 
what is spiritual and what is natural, but shall also see it." I then 
proceeded as follows: "You yourself are in the spiritual state 
when with your associates, but in the natural state with me; for 
you speak with your associates in the spiritual language, which is 
common to every spirit and angel, but with me you speak in my 
mother tongue; for every spirit and angel, when speaking with a 
man, speaks the man's own language; thus French with a French- 
man, English with an Englishman, Greek with a Greek, Arabic 
with an Arab, and so forth. In order, therefore, that you may 
know the difference between what is spiritual and what is natural 
in respect to languages, make this experiment: withdraw to your 
associates, and say something there; then retain the expressions, 
and return with them in your memory, and utter them before me." 

He did so, and returned to me with those expressions in his 
mouth, and uttered them; and he did not understand one of them: 
they were altogether strange and foreign, such as do not occur in 
any language of the natural world. By this experiment, several 
times repeated, it was made very evident that all in the spiritual 
world have the spiritual language, which has nothing in common 
with any language of the natural world, and that every man comes 
of himself into that language after death. At the same time also 
he experienced, that the very sound of the spiritual language 



differs to such a degree from the sound of natural language, that 
a spiritual sound, although loud, could not be heard at all by a 
natural man, nor a natural sound by a spiritual man. 

Afterwards I requested the head master and the bystanders to 
withdraw to their associates, and write some sentence on a piece of 
paper, and then return with it to me, and read it. They did so, 
and returned with the paper in their hand ; but when they read it, 
they could not understand any part of it. because the writing con- 
sisted only of some letters of the alphabet, with strokes over them, 
each of which was significative of some particular meaning: 
because each letter of the alphabet is significative of some par- 
ticular meaning there, it is evident whence it is that the Lord is 
called the Alpha and the Omega. On their repeatedly withdraw- 
ing, writing, and returning to me. they found that the writing in- 
volved and comprehended innumerable things which no natural 
writing could possibly express: and they were told that this was 
because the spiritual man thinks of things which are incompre- 
hensible and ineffable to the natural man. and that these things 
cannot flow in and be brought into any other writing nor into 
any other language. 

Then as the bystanders were unwilling to comprehend that 
spiritual thought so far exceeds natural thought as to be respec- 
tively ineffable, I said to them^ "Make the experiment; withdraw 
into your spiritual society, and think something and retain it in 
your memory, and return, and express it before me." 

They did so; they withdrew, thought something, retained their 
thoughts, and again came forth ; but when they wanted to express 
the thing they had thought, they were unable; for they did not 
find any idea of natural thought adequate to any idea of spiritual 
thought, consequently no words expressive of it; for ideas of 
thought become the expressions of speech. 

Then again they withdrew and returned, and they were con- 
vinced that spiritual ideas are supernatural, inexpressible, in- 
effable, and incomprehensible to the natural man; and on account 
of this their super-eminence, they said, that spiritual ideas or 
thoughts respectively to natural ones were ideas of ideas, and 
thoughts of thoughts, and that therefore they were expressive of 
qualities of qualities, and affections of affections; consequently 
that spiritual thoughts were the beginnings and origins of natural 
thoughts. Hence also it was made evident that spiritual wisdom is 
the wisdom of wisdom, and consequently imperceptible to any- 
wise man in the natural world. It was then told them from the 
third heaven, that there is a wisdom still more interior and higher, 
which is called celestial, bearing a proportion to spiritual wisdom 
like that which spiritual wisdom bears to natural: and that these 
flow in in order according to the heavens from the Divine Wisdom 
of the Lord, which is infinite, 

327. After this I said to the bystanders. "You have seen from 



these three experimental proofs what is the difference between 
what is spiritual and what is natural, and also the reason why a 
natural man does not appear to a spiritual man, nor a spiritual 
man to a natural one, although they are consociated as to affections 
and thoughts, and therefore as to presence. Hence it is that, as I 
was approaching, you the head master at one time saw me, and 
at another you did not." 

After this a voice w T as heard from a higher heaven, saying to 
the head master, "Come up hither;" and he went up: and on his 
return he said that the angels, like himself, had not previously 
known the differences between what is spiritual and what is nat- 
ural, because there had not before been given an opportunity of 
comparing them together, by any man's being in both worlds at 
the same time; and without comparison those differences are not 

328. After this we retired, and speaking again on this subject, 
I said. "Those differences exist from no other source than the fact 
that you, who are in the spiritual world, and who consequently 
are spiritual, are in substantial things, and not in material things ; 
and substantial things are the beginnings of material things. You 
are in principals, and thus in singulars; but we are in principals 
and composites; you are in particulars, but we are in generals; 
and as generals cannot enter into particulars, so neither can nat- 
ural things, which are material, enter into spiritual things which 
are substantial, any more than a ship's cable can enter into, or be 
drawn through, the eye of a sewing needle; or than a nerve can 
enter or be let into one of the fibres of which it is composed, or a 
fibre into one of the fibrils of which it is composed. This also is 
known in the world: wherefore the learned are agreed, that there 
is no influx of what is natural into what is spiritual, but of what is 
spiritual into what is natural. This now is the reason why a nat- 
ural man cannot think that which a spiritual man thinks, nor con- 
sequently express them; wherefore Paul calls what he heard from 
the third heaven, unspeakable (2 Cor. xii. 14). Add to this, that 
thinking spiritually is thinking apart from space and time, and 
that thinking naturally is thinking with space and time; for to 
every idea of natural thought there adheres something from time 
and space, which is not the case with any spiritual idea ; the reason 
is that the spiritual world is not in space and time, like the nat- 
ural world, but in the appearance of space and time. In this 
respect also spiritual thoughts and perceptions differ from natural 
ones. Wherefore you are able to think of the essence and omni- 
presence of God from eternity, that is. of God before the creation 
of the world, since you think of the essence of God from eternity 
apart from time, and of His omnipresence apart from space, and 
'thus comprehend such things as transcend the ideas of the natural 

I then related that I had once thought of the essence and 


omnipresence of God from eternity, that is, of God before the 
creation of the world; and that because I was not as yet able to 
remove spaces and times from the ideas of my thought, I became 
anxious: for there entered the idea of nature instead of God: but 
it was said to me. "Remove the ideas of space and time, and you 
will see/' It was given me to remove them, and I saw; and from 
that time I was able to think of God from eternity, and not at all 
of the nature from eternity: because God is in all time apart from 
time, and in all space apart from space, whereas nature is in all 
time in time, and in all space in space: and nature, with its time 
and space, must of necessity have a beginning and an origin, but 
not God, Who is apart from time and space; wherefore nature is 
from God, not from eternity, but in time, that is, together with its 
own time and space. 

329. After the head master and the rest had left me, some 
boys, who also had been in the public school exercises, followed 
me home, and stood near me for a little while as I was writing: 
and lo, they then saw a cockroach running upon my paper, and 
asked in surprise what the name of that nimble creature was. I 
said, "It is called a cockroach; and I will tell you some wonderful 
things about it. This little living thing contains in itself as many 
members and viscera as there are in a camel, such as brains, 
hearts, pulmonary pipes, organs of sense, motion, and generation, 
a stomach, intestines, and many others ; and each of these organs 
is woven of fibres, nerves, blood vessels, muscles, tendons, mem- 
branes; and each of these of still purer parts, which escape the 
observation of the keenest eye/' 

They then said, that this little living thing nevertheless appeared 
to them as but a simple substance. 

To this I said, ""'There are nevertheless innumerable things 
within it. I say these things in order that you may know, that the 
case is similar in regard to every object which appears before you 
as one, simple, and least, both in your actions and in your affec- 
tions and thoughts. I can assure you that every grain of thought, 
and every drop of your affection, is divisible an infinitum: and 
that in proportion as your ideas are divisible, so you are wise. 
Know then, that everything divided is more and more manifold, 
and not more and more simple ; because what is divided again and 
again approaches nearer and nearer to the infinite, in which all 
things are infinitely. What I am now telling you is new and 
heretofore unheard of. 

When I had said this, the boys took their leave of me, and 
went to the chief teacher, and entreated him to propose some time 
or other in the public school something new and unheard of as a 

He inquired, "What?" 

They said, "That everything divided is more and more mani- 
fold, and not more and more simple; because it approaches nearer 



and nearer to the infinite, in which all things are infinitely."" 

So he promised to propose it. and said, "I see this, because I 
have perceived that one natural idea is the continent of innumer- 
able spiritual ideas; yea, that one spiritual idea is the continent of 
innumerable celestial ideas. Hence comes the difference between 
the celestial wisdom in which the angels of the third heaven are, 
and the spiritual wisdom in which the angels of the second heaven 
are, and also the natural wisdom in which the angels of the 
ultimate heaven, and likewise men, are." 

330. The Second Memorable Relation : 
I once heard a pleasant discussion between some men about 
the feminine sex, as to whether any woman who is constantly 
loving her own beauty, that is, who loves herself on account of 
her own form, can love her husband. They first agreed among 
themselves that w r omen have a twofold beauty; one natural, which 
is that of the face and body, and the other spiritual, which is that 
of the love and manners. They agreed also, that these two kinds 
of beauty are very often divided in the natural world, and that 
they are always united in the spiritual world; for in that world 
beauty is the form of the love and manners; wherefore after death 
it very frequently happens that ugly women become beauties, and 
beautiful women become deformities. 

While the men were discussing this point, there came some 
wives and said, "Admit of our presence; because what you are 
discussing, you have been taught by knowledge, but we are taught 
it by experience; and you likewise know so little of the love of 
wives that it scarcely amounts to anything. Do you know that the 
prudence of the wisdom of wives consists in hiding their love for 
their husbands in the inmost of their bosoms, or in the midst of 
their hearts?" 

The discussion then began; and the FIRST CONCLUSION drawn 
by the men was, That every woman wants to appear beautiful in 
face and in manners, because she is born an affection of love, and 
the form of this affection is beauty ; wherefore a woman who does 
not want to be beautiful, is not a woman who wants to love and 
be loved, and consequently is not truly a woman. 

To this the wives said, "The beauty of a woman dwells in soft 
tenderness, and consequently in exquisite sensation; hence comes 
the love of woman for man, and the love of man for woman. This 
possibly you do not understand." 

The SECOND CONCLUSION of the men was, That a woman before 
marriage wants to be beautiful for the men, but after marriage if 
she be chaste, for one man only, and not for the men. 

To this the wives said, "After a husband has sipped the natural 
beauty of his wife, he no longer sees it, but he sees her spiritual 
beauty; and from this he loves back again, and recalls her natural 
beauty, but under a different appearance." 

The THIRD CONCLUSION of their discussion was, That if a 


woman after marriage wants to appear beautiful in the same way 
as before marriage, she loves the men. and not the man : because 
a woman who loves herself on account of her beauty is continually 
wanting to have her beauty sipped; and as this no longer appears 
to her husband, as you said, she wants it to be sipped by the men 
to whom it does appear. It is evident that such a one lias sexual 
love, and not love of one of the sex. 

At this the wives were silent; yet they murmured. "What 
woman is so devoid of vanity as not to want to seem beautiful to 
the men also, and at the same time that she seems beautiful to her 
only one?" 

Some wives from heaven, who were beautiful, because they 
were heavenly affections, heard this discussion, and thev con- 
firmed the three conclusions of the men; but they added. "Let 
women only love their beauty, and its adornment for the sake of 
their husbands, and from them." 

33L Those three wives, being indignant at the three conclu- 
sions of the men being confirmed by their wives from heaven, said 
to the men, "You have inquired whether a woman that loves her- 
self on account of her own beauty, loves her husband ; we in our 
turn will therefore discuss whether a man who loves himself on 
account of his own intelligence, can love his wife. Be present 
and hear." 

The FIRST CONCLUSION they made was: No wife loves her hus- 
band on account of his face, but on account of his intelligence in 
his occupation and in his general conduct: know therefore, that a 
wife unites herself with the man's intelligence and thus with the 
man: wherefore if a man loves himself on account of his own 
intelligence, he withdraws it from the wife into himself, whence 
comes disunion and not union: moreover, loving his own intel- 
ligence is being wise from himself, and this is being insane; 
wherefore it is loving his own insanity. 

To this the men said, "Possibly the wife unites herself with 
the man's virtue (or virile potency)*" 

At this the wives smiled, saying, "Virtue does not fail when 
the man loves the wife from intelligence; but it does fail if he 
loves her from insanity. Intelligence consists in loving the wife 
only; and virtue does not fail this love; but insanity consists in 
not loving the wife, but the sex, and virtue does fail this love. 
Do you comprehend this?" 

The SECOND CONCLUSION was: We women are born into the 
love of the men's intelligence; wherefore if the men love their 
own self-intelligence, it cannot be united with its genuine love, 
which is with the wife; and if the man's intelligence is not united 
with its genuine love, which is with the wife, it becomes insanity 
from conceit, and conjugial love becomes cold. What woman 
therefore can unite her love to cold; and what man can unite the 
insanity of self-conceit to the love of intelligence? 



But the men said, " Whence has a man honour from his wife 
unless he magnifies his intelligence?" The wives replied, "From 
love, because love honours; and honour cannot be separated from 
love, but love may be from honour." 

Afterwards they came to this THIRD CONCLUSION; tk You seem 
to yourselves as if you loved your wives; and you do not see that 
you are loved by your wives, and thus that you love them in 
return; and that your intelligence is a receptacle; if therefore you 
love your intelligence in yourselves, it becomes the receptacle of 
your love; and the love of the proprium, since it cannot endure an 
equal, never becomes conjugial love; but so long as it prevails, 
so long it remains scortatory." 

Hereupon the men were silent; nevertheless they murmured. 
"What is conjugial love?" 

Some husbands in heaven heard this discussion, and they con- 
firmed thence the three conclusions of the wives. 



332. If the cause be sought why polygamic marriages ha\e 
been utterly condemned by the Christian World (the Christian 
Heaven), no one, endowed with whatever gift of acutely penetrat- 
ing a subject by his genius can see that disclosed, unless he is 


precede, and lay as it were the first stone, to no effect does the 
mind busy itself to draw out from the understanding any reasons, 
in which it may rest, and on which it may stand, as a house upon 
its stone, or foundation, why polygamy is condemned by the 
Christian World. It is known that the institution of monogamous 
marriage is founded on the Word of the Lord, "'That whosoever 
putteth away his wije> except on account oj fornication, and mar- 
rieth another \ committeth scortation; and that front the beginning. 
or from the first establishment of marriages, it was (ordained,) 
that two should become one flesh: and that man should not 
separate what God hath joined together' 9 (Matt. xix. 3-9). But 
although the Lord spoke these words from the Divine Law in- 
scribed on marriages, yet if the understanding cannot support that 
Divine Law by some reason of its own, it may nevertheless by 
turnings and windings to which it is accustomed, and by sinister 
interpretations, warp it, and render it obscure and ambiguous, and 
at length affirmative-negative; affirmative, because it is also in 
accordance with the civil law; and negative, because it is not in 
accordance with their rational sight. Into this the human mind 
will fall, unless it be previously instructed concerning the above 
mentioned Knowledges, which may be serviceable to the under- 
standing as introductory to its reasons. These Knowledges are, 
that there exists a truly conjugial love; that this love cannot pos- 
sibly exist except between two; that neither can it between two, 
except from the Lord alone: and that on this love is inscribed 
heaven with all its felicities. But these, and several other par- 
ticulars concerning the condemnation of polygamy by the Christian 
Heaven, must be demonstrated in order, according to the follow- 
ing articles: 

I. Truly conjugial love cannot exist except with one wife, 
consequently neither can truly conjugial friendship, confidence, 
potency* and such a conjunction of the mind<s that two may be 
one flesh. 

II. Thus the celestial blessednesses, spiritual blissfulnesses, 



and natural delightsomenesses* which from the beginning were 
provided for those who are in truly conjugial love, can only be 
given with one wife. 

III. All those things cannot possibly exist except from the 
Lord Alone; and they do not exist with any others than those who 
approach Him alone, and at the same time lire according to His 

IV. Consequently, truly conjugial love^ with its felicities, can 
exist only with those who are of the Christian Church. 

V. Hence it is that it is not allowable for a Christian to marry- 
more than one wife. 

VI. // a Christian marries several wives (has several wives at 
the same time), he commits not only natural adultery, but also 
spiritual adultery. 

VII. The Israelitish nation was permitted to marry several 
wives, because the Christian Church was not with that nation., and 
consequently truly conjugial love could not exist with them. 

VIII. At the present day, the Mohammedans are permitted to 
marry several wives, because they do n-ot acknowledge the Lord 
Jesus Christ to be one with Jehovah the Father, and thus to be the 
God of heaven and earth; and therefore they cannot receive truly 
conjugial love. 

IX. The Mohammedan heaven is outside of the Christian 
heaven, and is divided into two heavens, a lower and a higher; and 
no others are elevated into their higher heaven but those who 
renounce concubines, and live with one wife, and acknowledge our 
Lord as equal to God the Father, to Whom has been given 
dominion over heaven and earth. 

X. Polygamy is lasciviousness. 

XI. Conjugial chastity, purity, and holiness, cannot possibly 
exist with polygamists. 

XII. Polygamists, so long as they remain polygamists, cannot 
become spiritual. 

XIII. Polygamy is not sin with those with whom it is in accord- 
ance with religion. 

XIV. Polygamy is not sin with those who are in ignorance 
about the Lord. 

XV. Of these, such, although polygamists^ are saved as 
acknowledge a God, and from religion live according to the civil 
laws of justice. 

XVL But none either of the latter or of the 'former can be 
consociated with the angels in the Christian heavens. 
Now follows the explanations of these articles. 



MINDS THAT TWO MAY BE ONE FLESH. That truly conjugial love is 
at the present day so rare as to be generally unknown, has been 


occasionally pointed out above: that nevertheless it actually exists, 
was demonstrated in its own chapter, and occasionally in follow- 
ing chapters. But, apart from such demonstration, who does not 
know that there exists such a love, which, in excellence and 
pleasantness, surpasses all other loves, so that all other loves in 
respect to it are of little account? That it exceeds the love of self, 
the love of the world, and even the love of life, experiences 
testifies. Have there not been, and are there not still, men who, 
for the sake of a woman, whom they long for, and court as a 
bride, prostrate themselves on their knees, adore her as a goddess, 
and submit themselves as the vilest slaves to her will and pleasure? 
a proof that this love exceeds the love of self. Have there not 
been, and are there not still, men who, for the sake of a woman, 
whom they long for and court as a bride, make light of wealth, 
yea, of treasures, if they happen to possess them, and also lavish 
them prodigally? a proof that this love exceeds the love of the 
world. Have there not been, and are there not still, men who, for 
a woman whom they long for and court as a bride, account their 
life itself as worthless, and desire to die if she does not agree to 
their wishes? this also is evidenced by the many fatal combats 
between rival lovers; a proof that this love exceeds the love of 
life. Have there not been 3 and are there not still, men who, for a 
woman whom they have longed for and courted as a bride, have 
gone mad in consequence of being rejected? From such a com- 
mencement of this love with many, who cannot rationally con- 
clude, that that love, by virtue of its essence, holds supreme 
dominion over every other love; and that man's (homo) soul in 
such case is in it, and promises itself eternal blessednesses with the 
woman whom he longs for and courts? Who can discover, let him 
make what inquiry he pleases, any other cause of this, than that 
he has devoted his soul and heart to one woman? for if the lover, 
while he is in that state, were given the option of choosing out of 
the whole sex the worthiest, the richest, and the most beautiful, 
would be not despise the offer, and adhere to her whom he had 
already chosen, his heart being riveted to her alone? These things 
are said in order that you may acknowledge, that conjugial love 
of such super-eminence does exist, and that it comes into existence 
when one of the sex alone is loved. What understanding which 
with cultivated acumen attends to a chain of reasons, cannot con- 
clude thence, that if a lover from his soul, or from his inmosts, 
constantly persisted in love to that one, he would attend those 
eternal blessednesses which he promised himself before consent, 
and promises in consent? That he also does attain them if he 
approaches the Lord, and from Him lives a life of true religion, 
as shown above. Who but the Lord enters the life of man from 
above, and implants therein internal heavenly joys, and transfers 
them to the things which follow in order; and the more so, when 
at the same time He also bestows enduring potency (virtus) ? The 
fact that such love does not exist in oneself, or in this or that 



person, is no proof that it does not exist, or that it cannot possibly 

334. Since truly conjugial love conjoins the souls and hearts 
of two, therefore also it is united with friendship, and through 
friendship with confidence, and makes Loth friendship and con- 
fidence conjugial: and conjugial friendship and confidence are so 
pre-eminent above other friendships and confidences, that as that 
love is the love of loves, so also that friendship is the friendship 
of friendships, and in like manner that confidence is the con- 
fidence of confidences. That this is the case also with the potency, 
is plain from many reasons, some of which are revealed in the 
second Memorable Relation that follows this chapter; and from 
this potency follows the endurance of that love. That by means of 
truly conjugial love two consorts become one flesh, has been shown 
in a special chapter, from nos. 156-183. 


JUGIAL. They are called celestial beautitudes, spiritual happy con- 
ditions, and natural delights, because the human mind is distin- 
guished into three regions, of which the highest is o&Iled celestial, 
the second spiritual, and the third natural ; and those three regions, 
with those who are in truly conjugial love, stand open, and influx 
follows in order according to the openings. And as the pleasant 
nesses of that love are the most eminent in the highest region, 
they are perceived as blessednesses, and as in the middle region 
they are less eminent, they are perceived as blissfulnesses n and 
lastly, in the lowest region, as del ightsomen esses: that these 
amenities are real, are perceived and felt, is established from the 
Memorable Relations in which they are described. The reason 
why all those happinesses have been from the beginning provided 
for those who are in truly conjugial love, is, that there is an in- 
finity of all blessednesses in the Lord, and He is Divine Love ; and 
it is the essence of love to will to communicate all its goods to 
another whom it loves; wherefore together with man He created 
that love, and inscribed it on the faculty of receiving and per- 
ceiving those blessednesses. Who is so dull and devoid of reason 
as not to be able to see that there is some particular love into 
which have been collected by the Lord all possible blessednesses, 
blissf illnesses and delights? 

above in many places; to which proofs it must be added, that all 


POLYGAMY [337. 330 

those blessednesses, blissfulnesses. and delights can only be given 
by the Lord, and that therefore no one else ought to be approached. 
Who else can be approached, when through Him all things \ver* 
made which were made (John i. 3 \ ; when He is the God of heaven 
and earth (Matt, xxviii. 18); when no appearance of God the 
Father was ever seen, or His voice heard, except through Him 
I John i. 18; v. 37; xiv 6-11 1 ? From these and very many other 
passages in the Word, it is manifest that the marriage of love and 
wisdom, or of good and truth, from which alone marriages derive 
their origin, proceeds from Him alone. Hence it follows, that that 
love with its fecilities exists with none but those who approach 
Him ; and the reason it exists with those who live according to His 
commandments, is. that He is conjoined with them by means of 
love (John xiv. 21-24). 

CHRISTIAN CHURCH. The reasons why conjugial love, such as was 
described in its special chapter, nos. 57-73, and in the following 
chapters, thus such as it is in its essence, exists only with those 
who are of the Christian church, are, that that love is from the 
Lord alone, and the Lord is not elsewhere so known as that He ' 
can be approached as God; and, that that love is according to the 
state of the church with every one (no. 130), and the genuine 
state of the church is from no other source than from the Lord, 
and thus is with none others than those who receive it from Him. 
That these two (principles) are the first beginnings, the introduc- 
tions, and the establishments of that love, has been already con- 
firmed by such an abundance of evidence and conclusive reasons, 
that it is altogether needless to say anything more on the subject. 
The reason why truly conjugial love is nevertheless rare in the 
Christian world (nos. 58, 59), is, that few in that world approach 
the Lord, and among those there are some who indeed believe the 
church, but do not live (according to) it; besides many other 
circumstances which are unfolded in the Apocalypse Revealed* 
where the state of the Christian church at the present day is fully 
described. But nevertheless the Truth stands, that truly conjugial 
love can exist only with those who are of the Christian church; 
wherefore also from this ground polygamy is absolutely con- 
demned in that church ; that this also is of the Divine Providence 
of the Lord appears very manifest to those who think justly con- 
cerning providence. 

firmed from the confirmation of the preceding articles ; to which 
this must be added, that the genuine conjugial principle is more 
deeply inscribed on the minds of Christians than on the minds of 
the nations who have embraced polygamy: and that therefore the 



minds of Christians are more susceptible of that love than the 
minds of polygamists ; for that conjugial principle is inscribed on 
the interiors of the minds of Christians, because they acknowledge 
the Lord and His Divine, and on the exteriors of their minds by 
civil laws. 


TERY, BUT ALSO SPIRITUAL ADULTERY. That a Christian who marries 
several wives, commits natural adultery, is according to the Lord's 
words, which are, "That it is not lawful to put away a wife, because 
from the beginning they were created to be one flesh ; and he who 
putteth away a wife without just cause, and marrieth another, 
committeth adultery" (Matt. xix. 3-11), thus still more does he 
commit adultery who does not put away his wife, but retains her, 
and takes another in addition. This law enacted by the Lord 
respecting marriages, derives its internal cause from the spiritual 
marriage; for whatever the Lord spoke was in itself spiritual; 
which is meant by this declaration, ;i The words that I speak unto 
you are spirit, and they are life" (John vi. 63). The spiritual 
(teaching) contained therein is this, that by polygamous marriage 
in the Christian world, the marriage of the Lord and the church is 
profaned; likewise the marriage of good and truth; and above all 
the Word, and with the Word the church ; and the profanation of 
those things is spiritual adultery. That the profanation of the 
good and truth of the church corresponds to adultery, and there- 
fore is spiritual adultery; and that the falsification of good and 
truth likewise corresponds thereto, but in a less degree, may be 
seen confirmed in the Apocalypse Revealed, no. 134. The reason 
why the marriage of the Lord and the Church would be profaned 
by polygamous marriages among Christians (inhabitants of the 
new Christian heaven) is, that there is a correspondence between 
that Divine marriage (the marriage of good and truth) and 
between the marriages of Christians, concerning which see above 
(nos. 83-102), which correspondence is altogether destroyed if 
wife is added to wife, and when that perishes the (homo conjux] 
man or woman consort is no longer a Christian. The reason why 
the marriage of good and truth would be profaned by polygamic 
marriages with Christians is, that marriages on earth are derived 
from that spiritual marriage, and the marriages of Christians 
differ from the marriages of other nations in this, that as good 
loves truth and truth good, and they are one, so wife and hus- 
band; wherefore if a Christian should adjoin wife to wife (uxorem 
uxori) he (or she) would disrupt that spiritual marriage within 
himself (or herself), and thus profane the origin of his (or her) 
marriage, and so would commit spiritual adultery. That marriages 
on earth are derived from the marriage of good and truth, see 
nos. 116-131. That a Christian would profane the Word and the 
Church by polygamic marriage, is because the Word viewed in 


itself is the marriage of good and truth, and likewise the Church 
in the degree that this is from the Word: see above, nos. 128-131. 
Now. since a Christian man \homo i, because he knows the Lord, 
has the Word, and also has the church from the Lord by means 
of the Word, it is evident that he, more than a man who is not a 
Christian, possesses the faculty of being capable of being regen- 
erated, and thus of becoming spiritual, and also of attaining to 
truly conjugial love: for these things cohere together. Since those 
Christians who marry several wives, commit not only natural 
adultery, but also at the same time spiritual adultery, it follows 
that the damnation of Christian polygamists after death is more 
grievous than the damnation of those who commit only natural 
adultery. Upon inquiring about their state after death, I received 
for answer, that heaven is completely closed in respect to them: 
that they appear in hell as if lying in warm water in a bath, and 
that they appear thus at a distance, although they are standing on 
their feet and walking: and that this lot befalls them in conse- 
quence of their internal madness; and that some of them are cast 
into the chasms which are at the boundaries of the I various I 

LOVE TRULY CONJUGIAL. There are at this day those who think 
doubtfully respecting the institution of monogamic marriages, or 
the marriage of one man with one wife, and debate with them- 
selves in their reason about it, thinking that because polygamic 
marriages were openly permitted to the Israelitish people and 
their kings, as to David and Solomon, they should in themselves 
be permissible also to Christians. But they have no distinct knowl- 
edge of the Israelitish and of Christian nations; nor respecting 
the externals and internals of the church, neither concerning the 
change of the church by the Lord from external to internal ; con- 
sequently they know nothing from interior judgment respecting 
marriages. It must be kept in mind, in general, that man is born 
natural that he may become spiritual ; and so long as he remains 
natural he is in night, and as in sleep, respecting spiritual things; 
and that then he does not even know the distinction between the 
external natural and the internal spiritual man. That there was 
not a Christian Church with the Israelitish nation is known from 
the Word. For they were looking, as they are still looking, for a 
Messiah who would exalt them above all nations and peoples in 
the world; wherefore, if it had been said, and were now said to 
them, that the Messiah's kingdom is over the heavens, and from 
thence over all nations, they would have set it down among trifles. 
Hence it was that when the Christ, or the Messiah, our Lord, came 
into the world, they not only did not acknowledge Him, but even 
atrociously put Him away out of the world. From these facts it is 



evident that there was not a Christian Church with that nation, as 
there is not at this day ; and they with whom the Christian Church 
is not are external and internal natural, and with them polygamy 
is not prejudicial, for it is inscribed upon the natural man, and 
he in fact perceives no other love in marriages than such as is of 
lust. This is meant by these words of the Lord, "That Moses, for 
the HARDNESS OF THEIR HEARTS, permitted them to put away their 
wives; but from the beginning it was not so" ( Matt, xix. 8 1 . It is 
said that Moses permitted it in order that it may be known that it 
was not the Lord. And it is known from His precepts, and from 
His abrogation of the rituals which served only for the use of the 
natural man, that the Lord teaches the internal spiritual man: 
From His precepts concerning washing, that is the purification of 
the internal man (Matt. vx. 1, 17-20; xxiii. 25, 26; Mark vii. 
14-23). Concerning adultery, that is the lust of the will (Matt. 
v.*28) . Concerning the putting away of wives, that it is unlawful ; 
and concerning polygamy, that it is not agreeable to the Divine 
law (Matt. xix. 3-9"). These and many other things the Lord taught, 
which are of the internal and spiritual man, because He alone 
opens the internals of human minds and makes them spiritual ; and 
He puts these within things natural in order that they also may' 
derive a spiritual essence, as in fact they do if He is approached, 
and if the life is according to His precepts; which are in brief, 
that one should believe in Him and shun evils because they are of 
the devil and from the devil : and do goods because they are of the 
Lord and from the Lord; and do both as if of oneself, and at the 
same time believe that they are done by the Lord through him. 
The very reason why the Lord alone opens the internal spiritual 
man, and brings this into the external natural man, is that every 
man thinks naturally and acts naturally, and for that reason could 
not perceive anything spiritual and receive it into his natural if 
God had not put on the natural human, and made also that Divine. 
From these considerations the truth is now evident, that the 
Israelitish nation were permitted to take more than one wife 
because there was not a Christian Church with them. 

Mohammedans, in conformity with the religion which Mohammed 
gave them, acknowledge Jesus Christ to be the Son of God and a 
very great prophet, and that He was sent into the world by God 
the Father to teach mankind; but they do not acknowledge that 
God the Father and He are one, and that His Divine and His 
Human are one person, united as the soul and the body, according 
to the faith of all Christians in conformity with the Athanasian 
Creed; therefore the followers of Mohammed could not acknowl- 


edge our Lord to be any God from eternity, but only to be a per- 
fect natural man; and as this was the opinion entertained by 
Mohammed, and hence by hi^ disciples, and as they knew that 
there is One God, and that that God is He Who created the uni- 
verse, therefore they could do no other than pass by our Lord in 
their worship; and the more so. because they declare Mohammed 
also to be a very great prophet; neither do they know what the 
Lord taught. It is owing to this cause, that the interiors of their 
minds, which in themselves are spiritual, could not be opened: 
that the interiors of the mind are opened by the Lord alone, see 
just above, no. 340. The real reason why they I the interiors of the 
mind) are opened by the Lord when He is acknowledged, and is 
approached as God of heaven and earth, and with those who live 
according to His precepts is. that otherwise there is no conjunc- 
tion, and without conjunction there is no reception. There is the 
presence of the Lord with man. and there is conjunction. To go 
to Him brings presence, and to live according to His precepts 
effects conjunction; His presence alone is without reception, but 
presence, and at the same time conjunction, is with reception. On 
this subject I will relate the following new thing from the spiritual 
world. Every one in that world, when he is thought of. is brought 
into view r as present; but no one is conjoined with another except 
from the affection of love, and the affection of love is insinuated 
by doing his sayings and what is pleasing to him. This circum- 
stance, which is common in the spiritual world, derives its origin 
from the Lord's being present and conjoined in this same manner. 
These things are said in order that it may be known that the 
reason the Mohammedans are permitted to marry more than one 
wife, is, that truly conjugial love, which exists only between one 
man and one wife, was not possible to them, because from their 
religion they did not acknowledge the Lord to be equal to God the 
Father, and thus to be the God of heaven and earth. That con- 
jugial love with every one is according to the state of the church, 
see above, at no. 130, and in many places in the foregoing pages. 

EARTH. Before anything is said particularly about these points, it 
is of importance that something should be premised concerning 
the Divine Providence of the Lord in regard to the rise of the 
Mdhammendan religion. That this religion is received by more 
kingdoms than the Christian religion, may possibly be a stumbling 
block to those who think of the Divine Providence, and at the 
same time believe that no man can be saved that is not born a 
Christian; but the Mohammedan religion is no stumbling block 



to those who believe that all things are of the Divine Providence. 
These inquire in what respect ! the Divine Providence is manifested 
in the Mohammedan religion i ; and they also discover it. It is in 
this, that the Mohammedan religion acknowledges our Lord to be 
the Son of God. the wisest of men. and a very great prophet, who 
came into the world to teach mankind; but since the Moham- 
medans have made the Alcoran only the book of their religion, 
and consequently think much of Mohammed who wrote it, and pay 
him some degree of worship, therefore they think little about our 
Lord. In order that it may be fully known that the Mohammedan 
religion was raised up by the Lord's Divine Providence to destroy 
the idolatries of many nations, the matter shall be stated in some 
order: wherefore, the religion of idolatries shall be first stated. 
Previous to the Mohammedan religion, idolatrous worship 
prevailed throughout the whole world; the reason was, that the 
churches before the Lord's coming were all representative 
churches; such also was the Israelitish church, in which the taber- 
nacle, the garments of Aaron, the sacrifices, all things belonging 
to the temple at Jerusalem, and also the statutes, were representa- 
tive. With the Ancients, again, there was the science of corre- 
spondences, which is also the science of representations. This was 
the very science of the wise, and was cultivated especially by the 
Egyptians, when arose their hieroglyphics. From that science they 
knew what was signified by animals of every kind, and what by 
trees of every kind, and likewise what by mountains, hills, rivers, 
fountains, and also what by the sun, the moon, and the stars. By 
means of this science also they had a knowledge of spiritual 
things; because those things which were represented, which were 
such things as belong to the spiritual wisdom among the angels, 
were the origins (of the things which represent). Now, since all 
their worship was representative, consisting of mere correspon- 
dences, therefore they celebrated it on mountains and hills, and 
also in groves and gardens. On this account, also, they conse- 
crated fountains, and in adorations turned their faces to the rising 
sun. Moreover they made graven horses, oxen, calves, and lambs; 
yea, birds, fishes, and serpents ; and they set them in their houses 
and in other places, in an order according to the spiritual things 
of the church to which they corresponded, or which they repre- 
sented. They also set similar things in their temples, as a means 
of recalling to their remembrance the holy things of worship which 
they signified. After a time, when the science of correspondences 
had become obliterated, their posterity began to worship the very 
graven images as holy in themselves, not knowing that their 
Ancient forefathers did not see anything holy in them, but that, 
according to their correspondences, they merely represented, and 
hence signified holy things. Hence arose the idolatries which filled 
the whole world, both Asia with its islands, and Africa and 
Europe. In order that all those idolatries might be extirpated, it 
came to pass of the Lord's Divine Providence, that a new religion, 

POLYGAMY [343-345 

accommodated to the genius of the Orientals, should take its rise; 
in which religion there should be something from both Testaments 
of the Word, and which should teach that the Lord had come into 
the world, and that He was a very great prophet, the wisest of all, 
and the Son of God. This was effected by means of Mohammed, 
from whom that religion took its name. From these considerations 
it is evident that this religion was raised up of the Lord's Divine 
Providence, and accommodated, as has been stated, to the genius 
of the Orientals, to the end that it might destroy the idolatries of 
so many nations, and give them some knowledge of the Lord 
before they came into the spiritual \\ orld. as is the case with every 
one after death. This religion would not have been received by so 
many kingdoms, neither could it have extirpated their idolatries, 
unless it had been made appropriate to their ideas; especially 
unless polygamy had been permitted; and also, for the reason 
that, without that permission, the Orientals would have blazed out 
into filthy adulteries more than the Europeans, and would have 

343. The reason why the Mohammedans also have a heaven is 
that all in the universal globe of lands who acknowledge a God. 
and from religion shun evils as sins against Him, are saved. That 
the Mohammedan heaven is distinguished into two, a lower and a 
higher, I have heard from themselves; and that in the lower 
heaven they live with several wives and concubines as in the 
world; but that those who renounce concubines and live with one 
wife, are elevated into the higher heaven. I have heard also that 
it is impossible for them to think of our Lord as one with the 
Father; but that it is possible for them to think of Him as His 
equal, and also that to Him has been given dominion over heaven 
and earth, because He is His Son; wherefore this is the faith of 
those to whom it is given by the Lord to ascend into the higher 

344. It was once given me to perceive the quality of the heat 
of the conjugial love of polygamists. I was speaking with one who 
personated Mohammed. Mohammed himself is never present, but 
some one is substituted in his place, to the end that those who have 
newly arrived from the world may as it were see him. This sub- 
stitute, after I had been talking with him at a distance, sent me an 
ebony spoon, and other things, which were proofs that they came 
from him ; at the same time a communication was opened for the 
heat of their conjugial love in that place, and it was perceived by 
me like the foul heat of a bath; on feeling which, I turned away, 
and the communicating passage was closed. 

345. X. POLYGAMY is LASCIVIOUSNESS. The reason is, that its 
love is divided among several, and is sexual love, and the love of 
the external or natural man, and thus is not conjugial love, which 


346.347] COMUGIAL LOf'E 

alone exists chaste. It is known that polygamous love is love 
divided among several, and divided love is not conjugial love, for 
this cannot be divided from one of the sex; hence the former love 
is lascivious, and polygamy is lasciviousness. Polygamous love is 
sexual love because it differs from this only in these respects, that 
it is limited to the number which a polygamist may take, and, that 
it is bound to the observance of certain laws enacted for the public 
good; also that it is allowed to take concubines in addition to 
wives: and thus, as it is sexual love, it is the love of lascivious- 
ness. The reason.why polygamous love is the love of the external 
or natural man is, that it is inscribed on that man ; and whatever 
the natural man does from himself is evil ; out of which he is not 
withdrawn except by means of elevation into the internal spiritual 
man, which is effected solely by the Lord; and evil in regard to 
the sex, which is within in the natural man, is scortatory love; but 
since this love is ruinous to society, instead thereof was induced its 
likeness, which is called polygamy. All the evil into which man 
is born from his parents, is implanted in his natural man, but not 
any in his spiritual man; because into this he is born from the 
Lord. From what has now been adduced, and also from several 
other reasons, it may be manifestly seen, that polygamy is 

POSSIBLY EXIST WITH POLYGAMiSTS. This follows from what has 
just now been proved, and manifestly from what was demonstrated 
in the chapter on "The Chaste and the Non-Chaste"; especially 
from these articles of that chapter: that w T hat is chaste, pure, and 
holy, is predicated only of monogamous marriages, or of the 
marriage of one man with one wife (no. 141 ) ; also, that truly 
conjugial love is chastity itself, and that hence all the delights of 
that love, even the ultimate ones, are chaste (nos. 143, 144) ; and 
moreover from what was adduced in the chapter on "Truly Con- 
jugial Love," namely, that truly conjugial love, which is of one 
man with one wife, on account of its origin, and on account of its 
correspondence, is celestial, spiritual, holy, and clean above every 
other love (no. 64). Now, since chastity, purity, and holiness exist 
only in truly conjugial love, it follows, that it neither does exist, 
nor can possibly exist, in polygamous love. 

MIST, CANNOT BECOME SPIRITUAL. Becoming spiritual means being 
elevated out of the Natural, that is, out of the light and heat of 
the world into the light and heat of heaven. No one knows any- 
thing about this elevation except he who has been elevated : never- 
theless the natural man who is not elevated, perceives no otherwise 
than that he is elevated; the reason is that the natural man, equally 
with the spiritual man, is able to elevate his understanding into 
the light of heaven, and to think and speak spiritually; but if the 


POLYGAMY [348.319 

will does not at the same time follow the understanding into that 
height, he is nevertheless not elevated; for he does not stay in that 
elevation, but in a short time lets himself down to his will, and 
there fixes his abode. It is said the \\ill. but it is the love that is 
meant at the same time ; because the will is the receptacle of the 
love; for what a man loves, that he wills. From these few con- 
siderations it may be manifest, that a polygamist, so long as he 
remains a polygamist, or what is the same, a natural man. so long 
as he remains natural, cannot become spiritual. 

is IN ACCORDANCE WITH RELIGION. All that which is contrary to 
religion is believed to be a sin, because it is contrary to God : and 
on the other hand, all that which agrees with religion, is believed 
not to be a sin, because it agrees with God; and as polygamy 
existed with the sons of Israel in accordance with religion, and 
likewise so exists at the present day with the Mohammedans, it 
could not, and cannot, be imputed to them as sin. Moreover, to 
prevent its being sin to them, they remain natural, and do not 
become spiritual ; and the natural man cannot see that there is any 
sin in such things as belong to the received religion ; the spiritual 
man alone sees this. It is on this account that, although the 
Mohammedans are taught by the Koran to acknowledge our Lord 
as the Son of God, they nevertheless do not approach Him, but 
Mohammed; and so long they remain natural, and consequently 
do not know that there is any evil, or indeed any lasciviousness, 
in polygamy. The Lord also says, "// ye were blind, ye would not 
have sin; but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth" 
(John ix. 41). Since polygamy cannot convict them of sin, there- 
fore after death they have their own heavens (see nos. 342, 343) ; 
and they enjoy joys there according to their life. 

IGNORANCE ABOUT THE LORD. The reason is, that truly conjugial 
love is from the Lord alone, and cannot be given by the Lord to 
any others than those who know Him, acknowledge Him, believe 
on Him, and live the life which is from Him; and those to whom 
that love cannot be given know no otherwise than that sexual love 
and conjugial love are one thing; consequently also polygamy. 
Add to this, that polygamists, who know nothing of the Lord, 
remain natural : for a man is made spiritual by the Lord only ; and 
that is not imputed to the natural man as sin, which is according 
to the laws of religion, and at the same time of society: he also 
acts according to his reason, and the reason of the natural man is 
in mere darkness concerning truly conjugial love; and this love in 
excellence is spiritual. Nevertheless their reason is taught by 
experience, that both public and private peace require that promis- 
cuous lust in general should be restrained, and be left to every one 
within his own house: hence comes polygamy. 



350. It is known that man is born viler than a beast. All the 
beasts are born into the knowledges corresponding to the love of 
their life; for as soon as they drop from the womb, or are hatched 
from the egg, they see, hear* walk, know their food, their mother, 
their friends and foes; and not long afterwards they come to know 
the sex, and know how to love, and also how to rear their off- 
spring. Man alone, when he is born, knows nothing of this sort; 
for no knowledge is connate with him: he has only the faculty and 
inclination to receive those things which belong to knowledge and 
love ; and if he does not receive these from others, he remains viler 
than a beast. That man is born such, to the end that he may 
attribute nothing to himself, but to others, and at length every- 
thing of wisdom and of the love thereof to God alone, and may 
hence become an image of God, see the Memorable Relation, nos. 
132 to 136. From these considerations it follows, that a man who 
does not learn from others that the Lord has come into the world 
and that He is God, and has only imbibed some knowledges about 
religion and the laws of his country, is not to blame if he thinks 
no more of conjugial love than of sexual love, and if he believes 
polygamous love to be the only conjugial love. The Lord leads 
such persons in their ignorance; and by His Divine auspices He 
providently withdraws from the imputation of guilt those who, 
from religion, shun evils as sins, to the end that they may be 
saved; for every man is born for heaven, and no one for hell; and 
every one comes into heaven from the Lord, and into hell from 


THE CIVIL LAWS OF JUSTICE. All who in the universal globe x>f 
lands who_ acknowledge a God and live according to the civil laws 
of justice -from religion, are saved. By the civil laws of justice 
are meant such precepts as are contained in the Decalogue, which 
forbid murder, adultery, theft, and false witness. These precepts 
are the civil laws of justice in all the kingdoms of the earth; for 
without them no kingdom could subsist. But some live according 
to them from fear of the penalties of the law, some from civil 
obedience, and some also from religion: and those who live accord- 
ing to them from religion, are saved; the reason is, that God is 
then in them ; and a man in whom God is, is saved. Who does not 
see that among the laws given to the sons of Israel, after they had 
left Egypt, were those which forbid murder, adultery, theft, and 
false witness, since without those laws their communion or society 
could not subsist? And yet the same laws were promulgated by 
Jehovah God upon Mount Sinai with a stupendous miracle: but 
the cause of their being so promulgated was, that those same laws 
might also become laws of religion, and thus that the people might 
practice them, not only for the sake of the good of society, but 
also for the sake of God, and that when they practised them from 

POLYGAMY [352,353 

religion for the sake of God. they might be saved. From these 
considerations it may be manifest that the pagans, who acknowl- 
edge a God. and live according to the civil laws of justice, are 
saved; for it is not their fault that they know nothing of the Lord, 
consequently nothing of the chastity of marriage with one wife. 
For it is contrary to the Divine justice to condemn those who 
acknowledge a God, and from religion live according to the laws 
of justice, which consist in shunning evils because they are con- 
trary to God, and in doing goods, because they are agreeable 
to God. 


The reason is, that in the Christian heavens there is heavenly light 
which is Divine Truth, and heavenly heat which is Divine Love; 
and these two discover the quality of truths and goods, and also 
of evils and falsities. Hence it is that all communication has been 
taken away between the Christian heavens and the Mohammedan 
heavens, and in like manner between the heavens of the Gentiles. 
If there were a communication, none could have been saved but 
those who were in heavenly light and at the same time in heavenly 
heat from the Lord; yea, neither would these be saved if there 
were a conjunction of the heavens: for in consequence of con- 
junction all the heavens would fall to decay to such an extent that 
the angels would not be able to subsist; for what is unchaste and 
lascivious would flow in from the Mohammedans into the Christian 
heaven, which could not be endured in that heaven; and what is 
chaste and pure would flow in from the Christians into the 
Mohammedan heaven, which, in its turn, could not be endured 
there. In that case, in consequence of the communication and con- 
sequent conjunction, the Christian angels would become natural 
and thus adulterers; or if they remained spiritual, they would be 
continually feeling what is lascivious about them, which would 
intercept all the blessedness of their life. Something similar would 
take place with the Mohammedan heaven: for the spiritual things 
of the Christian heaven would continually encompass and torture 
them, and would take away all the delight of their life, and would 
moreover insinuate that polygamy is sin, and thus they would be 
continually rebuked. This is the reason why all the heavens are 
quite distinct, so that there is no conjunction between them except 
through the influx of light and heat from the Lord out of the sun, 
in tine midst of which He is: and this influx enlightens and vivifies 
every one according to reception; and reception is according to 
religion. This communication exists, but not a communication of 
the heavens with each other. 

353. To the above I shall add two Memorable Relations. The 
first is this: 

I was once in the midst of some angels and heard their con- 



versation. It was about intelligence and wisdom, and was to the 
effect that a man perceives no otherwise than that both intelligence 
and wisdom are in him, and thus that whatever he thinks from the 
understanding and intends from the will, is from himself; when 
nevertheless not the least portion thereof is from man, but only 
the faculty of receiving from God the things which belong to the 
understanding and the will; and as every man (homo) by birth 
inclines to love himself, therefore, to prevent man's perishing in 
consequence of the love of self and the conceit of self-intelligence, 
it has been provided from the creation, that the love of the man 
(vir) should be transcribed into the wife, and that there should 
be implanted in her from birth to love the intelligence and wisdom 
of her man, and thus the man himself. Wherefore the wife con- 
tinually draws to herself her husband's conceit of self-intelligence, 
and extinguishes it with him, and vivifies it with herself, and thus 
turns it into conjugial love, and fills it with pleasantness beyond 
measure. This has been provided by the Lord, lest the conceit of 
self-intelligence should so far infatuate the man (vir) as to lead 
him to believe that he has understanding and wisdom from him- 
self and not from the Lord, and thu.s to want to eat of the tree of 
the knowledge of good and evil, and consequently to believe him- 
self like unto God, and also God, as the serpent, which was the 
love of self -intelligence, said and persuaded him; wherefore man 
(homo) after eating w 7 as cast out of paradise, and the way to the 
tree of life was guarded by a cherub. Paradise spiritually denotes 
intelligence; eating of the tree of life spiritually denotes being 
intelligent and wise from the Lord; and eating of the tree of the 
knowledge of good and evil spiritually denotes being intelligent 
and wise from self. 

354. The angels having finished this conversation departed; 
and there came two priests together with a man, who in the world 
had been an ambassador of a kingdom, and to them I related what 
I had heard from the angels. 

On hearing it, they began to debate with each other about in- 
telligence and wisdom, and the prudence thence, whether they are 
from God, or from man. The debate was warm. All three in 
heart believed alike that they are from man because they are in 
man, and that the perception and sensation of its being so, confirm 
it. But the priests, who on this occasion were in theological zeal, 
said, that there is nothing of intelligence and wisdom, and thus 
nothing of prudence from man; and when the ambassador re- 
torted, that thus there is nothing of thought from man, they said 
that that was so. 

But as it was perceived in heaven, that all the three were in a 
similar belief, it was said to the ambassador of the kingdom, "Put 
on the garments of a priest, and believe that you are a priest, and 
then speak." He did so ; and then he declared aloud that nothing 
of intelligence and wisdom, and consequently nothing of prudence, 


can possibly exist but from God: and he proved it with his usual 
eloquence full of rational arguments. It is a peculiar circumstance 
in the spiritual world, that a spirit thinks himself to be such as he 
is denoted to be by the garment he wears; the reason is. that in 
that world the understanding clothes every one. 

Afterwards a voice from heaven said to the two priests, "Put 
off your own garments, and put on those of political ministers, 
and believe yourselves to be such." They did so ; and then they at 
the same time thought from their interior self, and spoke from 
arguments which they had inwardly cherished in favour of self- 
intelligence. At that moment there appeared a tree near the path; 
and it was said to them, ih lt is the tree of the knowledge of good 
and evil ; take heed to yourselves lest ye eat of it." Nevertheless 
all the three, infatuated by self -intelligence, burned with a desire 
to eat of it, and said to each other, "Why not? Is not the fruit 
good?" And they went to it and ate of it. Immediately all the 
three, as they were in a like faith, became heart friends; and they 
entered together into the way of self-intelligence, which extended 
into hell: nevertheless I saw T them led back thence, because the\ 
were not yet prepared. 

355. The Second Memorable Relation: 

Once as I was looking into the spiritual world, I saw in a cer- 
tain meadow some men (viri) clothed in garments like those worn 
by men (homines) of this world; from which circumstance I 
knew they had lately come from the world. I approached them 
and stood beside them* in order that I might hear what they were 
conversing about. They were conversing about heaven; and one 
of them who knew something about heaven, said, "In heaven 
there are wonderful things, such as no one can believe unless he 
has seen them : there are paradisiacal gardens, magnificent palaces 
constructed architecturally, because of the art itself, resplendent 
as of gold; in front of them are columns of silver, and on the 
columns heavenly forms of precious stones; also houses of jasper 
and sapphire, in front of which are stately porticos through which 
the angels enter; and within the houses, decorations which no art 
or words can describe. As regards the angels themselves, they are 
of both sexes; there are bachelors and husbands, and there are 
virgins and wives; virgins so beautiful, that there does not exist 
in the world any resemblance of such beauty; and wives still 
more beautiful, who appear like genuine effigies of heavenly wis- 
dom; and all these are in the full bloom of youth; and what is 
more, it is not known that there is any other sexual love than con- 
jugial love ; and, what you will be surprised at, the husbands have 
a perpetual faculty of enjoying the delights of love." 

When the novitiate spirits heard that there was no other sexual 
love than conjugial love, and that they had the perpetual faculty 
of enjoying the delights of love, they smiled at each other and 
said "What you tell us is incredible; there cannot be such a 



faculty: possibly you are telling idle tales," 

But at that instant a certain angel from heaven unexpectedly 
stood in the midst of them and said. "Pray hear me: I am an 
angel of heaven, and have now lived a thousand years \vith my 
wife, and during all those years in a like flower of age in which 
you here see me. I have this in consequence of my conjugial love 
with my wife; and I can asservate, that I have had and do have 
that perpetual faculty; and because I perceive that you believe 
this to be impossible. I will speak with you on the subject from 
reasons according to the light of your understanding. You do not 
know anything of the primeval state of man, which you call the 
state of integrity. In that state all the interiors of the mind were 
open even to the Lord, and hence those interiors were in the mar- 
riage of love and wisdom, or of good and truth ; and as the good 
of love and the truth of wisdom perpetually love each other, they 
also perpetually desire to be united; and when the interiors of the 
mind are open, that spiritual conjugial love flows down freely 
with its perpetual effort, and causes that faculty to exist. The very 
soul of man, because it is in the marriage of good and truth, is 
not only in the perpetual effort for that unition, but also in the 
perpetual effort for the fructification and production of its own 
likeness; and when the interiors of a man even from the soul are 
open by virtue of that marriage, and the interiors continually 
regard the effect in ultimates to the end that they may come into 
outward existence, therefore that perpetual effort to fructify and 
produce its like, which belongs to the soul, becomes also of the 
body; and since the ultimate of the operation of the soul in the 
body with two married partners is into the ultimates of love there, 
and these depend on the state of the soul, it is evident whence they 
derive this perpetuity. The reason why fructification also is per- 
petual, is, that the universal sphere of generating and propagating 
the celestial things which are of love, and the spiritual things 
which are of wisdom, and thence the natural things which are of 
offspring, proceeds from the Lord, and fills the whole heaven and 
the whole world; and that heavenly sphere fills the souls of all 
human beings, and descends through their minds into the body 
even to its ultimates, and gives the power of generating. But this 
cannot be the case with any but those with whom a passage is 
open from the soul through the higher and lower parts of the 
mind into the body to its ultimates, as is the case with those who 
suffer themselves to be led back by the Lord into the primeval 
state of creation. I can asservate, that now for a thousand years, 
I have never wanted faculty, nor strength, nor virtue, and that I 
have known nothing whatever of any diminution of powers, for 
they are continually being renewed by the continual influx of the 
above named universal sphere, and then also they gladden the 
lower mind, and do not make it sad, as is the case with those who 
suffer the loss of those powers. Moreover, truly conjugial love is 
just like vernal heat, from the influx of which all things aspire 



to germinations and fructifications, nor is there any other heat in 
our heaven: wherefore with conjugial partners in that heaven 
there is spring in its perpetual endeavor from which that virtue 
exists. But the fructifications with us in heaven are different from 
those with men on earth. With us the fructifications are spiritual, 
which are the fructifications of love and wisdom, or of good and 
truth. The wife from the husband's wisdom receives into herself 
the love thereof, and the husband from the love thereof in the 
wife receives into himself wisdom; yea, the wife is actually formed 
into the love of the husband's wisdom, which is effected by her 
receiving the propagations of his soul with the delight arising 
from the circumstance that she wills to be the love of her hus- 
band's wisdom: thus from a maiden she becomes a wife and a 
likeness. Hence also love together with its inmost friendship with 
the wife, and wisdom together with its happiness w*ith the husband, 
are perennially growing, and this to eternity. This is the state of 
the angels of heaven." 

When the angel had thus spoken, he looked at those who had 
lately come from the world, and said to them, "You know that, 
while you were in the virtue of love, you loved your consorts, and 
that after the delight you turned away; but you do not know that 
we in heaven do not love our consorts in consequence of that 
virtue, but that we have virtue in consequence of love; and that 
as we perpetually love our consorts, we have perpetual virtue; 
wherefore if you can invert the state, you can comprehend this. 
Does not he who perpetually loves his consort, love her with the 
whole mind and with the whole body? for love turns all things 
of the mind and all things of the body to that which it loves; and 
as this is done reciprocally, it conjoins them so that they become 
as a one/' 

He further said, "I will not speak to you of the conjugial love 
implanted from the creation in males and females, and of their 
inclination for legitimate conjunction, nor of the faculty of pro- 
lification in the males, which makes a one with the faculty of 
multiplying wisdom from the love of truth; and that in propor- 
tion as a man loves wisdom from the love thereof, or truth from 
good, in the same proportion he is in truly conjugial love and in 
its attendant virtue." 

356. When he had said this, the angel was silent; and from 
the spirit of the angel's speech the novitiate new-comers compre- 
hended that a perpetual faculty of enjoying the delights of mar- 
riage is possible ; and as this fact gladdened their minds, they said, 
"0, how happy is the state of the angels! We perceive that you 
in the heavens remain forever in a state of youth, and conse- 
quently in the vigour of that age; but tell us how we also may 
obtain that vigour." 

The angel replied, "Shun adulteries as infernal, and approach 
the Lord, and you will have it." 



They said, i; We will shun them as such, and ue will approach 
the Lord." 

But the angel replied. "You cannot shun adulteries as infernal 
evils, unless you likewise shun all other evils, because adulteries 
are the complex of all; and unless you shun them, you cannot 
approach the Lord; for the Lord receives no others." 

After this the angel took his leave, and the new spirits departed 



357. Jealousy is here treated of, because it also has relation 
to conjugial love. There is just jealousy, and unjust: just 
jealousy with married partners who mutually love each other; 
with these, it is a just and prudent zeal lest their conjugial love 
be violated, and consequently a just grief if it is violated; and 
unjust jealousy with those who are naturally suspicious, and whose 
minds are sickly or distempered in consequence of thick and 
bilious blood. Moreover, all jealousy is by some accounted a 
vice, which is particularly the case with fornicators, who censure 
even just jealousy. The term JEALOUSY (zelotypia) is derived 
from ZELI TYPUS (the type of zeal) ; and there is a type or image 
of just zeal, and also of unjust zeal; but these differences shall 
be unfolded in the following series of articles: 

L Zeal, considered in itself, is like the fire of love blazing up. 

II. The blazing up, or flame of that love, which is zeal, is a 
spiritual blazing up or flame, arising from the infestation of and 
assault upon the love. 

III. The quality of a mans zeal is according to the quality of 
his love; thus it is different with him whose love is good from 
what it is with him whose love is evil. 

IV. The zeal of a good love and the zeal of an evil love are 
alike in externals, but utterly unlike in internals. 

V. The zeal of a good love in its internals contains a hidden 
store of love and friendship; but the zeal of an evil love in its 
internals contains a hidden store of hatred and revenge. 

VI. The zeal of conjugial love is called jealousy. 

VII. Jealousy is like a blazing fire against those who infest 
the love with the married partner, and it is like a terrible fear for 
the loss of that love. 

VIII. There exists spiritual jealousy with monogamists, and 
natural jealousy with polygamists. 

IX. Jealousy with those married partners who tenderly love 
each other, is a just grief arising from sound reason, lest con- 
jugial love be divided, and thus perish. 

X. Jealousy with married partners who do not love each other, 
arises from many causes; arising with some from various dis- 
tempers of the mind. 

XI. With some there is not any jealousy; and this also is from 
various causes. 

XII. There is also a jealousy in regard to concubines* but not 
such as in regard to wives. 

XIII. Jealousy likewise exists among beasts and birds. 



XIV. The jealousy with men and husbands is different from 
that with women and wives. 

Now follows the explanation of these articles. 

BLAZING UP. What jealousy is cannot be known unless it be known 
what zeal is; for jealousy is the zeal of conjugial love. The reason 
zeal is like the fire of love blazing up, is, that zeal belongs to love, 
and love is spiritual heat, and this in its origin is like fire. In 
regard to the first position, it is known that zeal belongs to love: 
nothing else is meant by being zealous, and acting from zeal, than 
acting from the force of love: but since, when it comes into out- 
ward existence, it appears not as love, but as unfriendly and 
hostile, enraged and fighting against him who hurts the love, there- 
fore it may also be called the defender and protector of love; for 
all love is such that it breaks forth into indignation and wrath, 
yea, into fury, when it is thrust out of its delights ; wherefore, if a 
love, especially the ruling love, be touched, there ensues an emo- 
tion of the lower mind: and if that touch hurts, there ensues 
wrath. From these considerations it may be seen, that zeal is not 
the highest degree of love, but that it is love blazing up. The love 
of one, and the corresponding love of another, are like two con- 
federates; but when the love of one rises up against the love of 
another, they become like enemies; the reason is, that love is the 
esse of a man's life; wherefore he who assaults the love, assaults 
the life itself; and then there ensues a state of wrath against the 
assailant, like the state of every man whose life is attempted by 
another. Such wrath is attendant on every love, even the most 
pacific, as is manifestly seen from hens, geese, and birds of every 
kind, which, without any fear, rise against and fly at those who 
injure their young, or rob them of their food. That some beasts 
are seized with anger, and wild beasts with fury, if their young 
are molested, or their pray taken from them, is known. The reason 
why love is said to blaze up like fire is, that love is nothing else 
than spiritual heat, originating in the fire of the angelic sun, which 
is pure love. That love is heat as it were from fire, is manifestly 
evident from the heat of living bodies, which is from no other 
source than from their love; also from the circumstance that 
human beings grow warm and are inflamed according to the 
exaltation of their love. From these considerations it is evident, 
that zeal is like the fire of love blazing up. 



spiritual blazing up or flame, is evident from what has been said 
above. As love in the spiritual world is heat originating in the 
sun of that world, therefore also love at a distance appears there 
as flame: it is thus that heavenly love appears with the angels of 

JEALOUSY [360.361 

heaven, and thus also that infernal lo\e appears \vith the spirits 
of hell: but it must he kno\vn. that that flame does not burn like 
the Hame of the natural world. The reason why zeal arises from 
an assault upon the love is, that love is the heat of even one's life; 
wherefore when the life's love is assaulted, the life's heat kindles 
itself, resists, and bursts forth against the assailant, and acts as an 
enemy with its own strength and power, which is like flame burst- 
ing from a fire upon him who stirs it: that it is like fire, appears 
from the sparkling of the eyes, from the face being inflamed, also 
from the tone of the voice, and from the gestures. This is done by 
love, because it is the heat of life, to prevent its extinction, and 
with it the extinction of all alacrity, vivacity, and perceptibility of 
delight, which flow from its ow T n love. 

360. It shall be stated how 7 the love is enkindled and set on 
fire into zeal, by an assault upon it, as fire is into flame. Love 
resides in man's will ; but it is not inflamed in the will itself, but 
in the understanding: for in the will it is like fire, and in the 
understanding like flame. Love in the will knows nothing about 
itself, because there it does not feel anything belonging to itself, 
neither does it act from itself there: but this is done in the under- 
standing and its thought. Wherefore, when the love is assaulted, 
it exasperates itself in the understanding, which is done by various 
reasonings. These reasonings are like pieces of wood, which the 
fire enkindles, and which consequently blaze up: they are there- 
fore like so much fuel, or so many combustible matters, which 
feed that spiritual flame, which is of great variety. 

361. The very reason why a man is kindled by an assault upon 
his love, shall be disclosed. The human form in its inmosts is 
from creation a form of love and wisdom. In man there are all 
the affections of love, and thence all the perceptions of wisdom, 
compounded in the most perfect order, so as to make altogether 
what is unanimous, and thereby a one. Those affections and per- 
ceptions are substantiated; for substances are their subjects. Since 
therefore the human form is compounded of these, it is evident 
that, if the love is assaulted, that universal form also, with each 
and all things therein, is assaulted at the same instant, or simulta- 
neously. And as the wish to continue in its own form is implanted 
from creation in all living things, therefore this wish operates in 
every general compound from the singulars of which it is com- 
pounded, and in the singulars from the general compound. Hence, 
when the love is assaulted, it defends itself by means of its under- 
standing, and the understanding defends itself by means of the 
rational and imaginary considerations, by which it represents the 
event to itself; especially by those who act as a one with the love 
which is assaulted: and unless this was the case, that form would 
wholly fall to pieces, in consequence of the deprivation of that 
love. Hence then it is that love, in order to resist assaults, hardens 



the substances of its form, and erects them as it were into crests, 
like so many sharp prickles, that is. ruffles itself. Such is the 
exasperation of love which is called zeal: wherefore if there is 
no power of resisting, there arises anxiety and grief, because it 
foresees the extinction of the interior life with its delights. But 
on the other hand, if the love is favoured and caressed, that form 
unbends, softens, and dilates itself; and the substances of the form 
become soft, caressing, gentle, and alluring. 



Since zeal belongs to love, it follows that its quality is such as the 
quality of the love is ; and as there are in general two loves, the 
love of good and thence of truth, and the love of evil and thence 
of falsity, therefore in general there is a zeal for good and thence 
for truth, and a zeal for evil and thence for falsity. But it must 
be known that both loves are of infinite variety. This is manifestly 
evident from the angels of heaven and the spirits of hell; both the 
latter and the former in the spiritual world are forms of their own 
love; and yet there is not one angel of heaven absolutely like 
another as to face, speech, gait, gesture, and manners; nor any 
spirit of hell: yea neither can there be to eternity, howsoever they 
may be multiplied into myriads of myriads. Hence it is evident 
that there is an infinite variety of loves, because there is an infinite 
variety of their forms. The case is similar with zeal, because this 
belongs to love; namely, that the zeal of one cannot be absolutely 
like or the same with the zeal of another. In general there is the 
zeal of a good love, and the zeal of an evil love. 



Zeal in externals, with every one, appears like anger and wrath: 
for it is love enkindled and inflamed to defend itself against a 
violator, and to remove him. The reason why the zeal of a good 
love and the zeal of an evil love appear alike in externals, is, that 
in both cases the love, when it is in zeal, blazes up ; with a good 
man only in externals, but with an evil man both in externals and 
in internals; and when internals are not perceived, the zeals appear 
alike in externals; but that they are utterly unlike in internals will 
be seen in the next article. That zeal appears in externals like 
anger and wrath, may be seen and heard from all who speak and 
act from zeal ; as for example, from a priest while he is preaching 
from zeal, in that the tone of his voice is high, vehement, sharp, 
and harsh; his face is heated and perspires; he exerts himself, 
beats the pulpit, and calls forth fire from hell against those who 
do evils: and so in many other cases. 

364. In order that a distinct idea may be acquired of zeal with 

JEALOL'SY [365, 366 

tfie good, and of zeal \vith the evil, and of their unlikeness, it is 
necessary that some idea should he formed of the internals and 
externals with human beings. For this purpose let there be taken 
a common idea on the subject as being adapted to popular appre- 
hension : let it be exhibited by the case of a nut. or an almond and 
their kernels. With the good the internals are like the kernels 
within in their soundness and goodness, encompassed with their 
usual and natural husk. But the case is utterly unlike with the 
evil; their internals are like kernels which are either not eatable 
because of their bitterness, or rotten, or worm-eaten; and their 
externals are like the shells or husks of those kernels, either like 
the natural shells or husks, or shining like shell-fish, or variegated 
like iris stones. Such is the appearance of their externals, within 
which the above-named internals lie concealed. The case is similar 
with their zeals. 



AND REVENGE. It was said, that zeal in externals appears like anger 
and wrath, both with those who are in a good love, and with those 
who are in an evil love: but as the internals are different, the 
anger and wrath in each case differs from that of the other, and 
the difference is as follows: 1. The zeal of a good love is like a 
heavenly flame, \\hich in no case breaks forth against another, but 
only defends itself, and it defends itself against an evil person, 
just as when the latter rushes into the fire and is burnt: but the 
zeal of an evil love is like an infernal flame, which of itself breaks 
forth and rushes on, and wants to consume another. 2. The zeal 
of a good love instantly burns away and is allayed when the 
assailant ceases to assault ; but the zeal of an evil love lasts and is 
not extinguished. 3. The reason is that the internal of him who is 
in a good love is in itself mild, soft, friendly, and benevolent; 
wherefore when his external, for the sake of defending itself, 
assumes a rough exterior, ruffles and erects itself, and thus em- 
ploys harsh measures, it is nevertheless tempered by the good in 
which his internal is. It is otherwise with the evil ; with these the 
internal is unfriendly, pitiless, harsh, breathing hatred and revenge, 
and it suckles itself with their delights; and although it is recon- 
ciled, those evils nevertheless lie concealed as fires in the embers 
underneath the ashes; and those fires break forth after death, if 
not in this world. 

366. Since zeal in externals appears alike both with the good 
and the evil, and since the ultimate sense of the Word consists of 
correspondences and appearances, therefore in the Word, it is very 
often said of Jehovah that He is angry and wroth, that He revenges, 
punishes, casts into hell, besides many other things which are 
appearances of zeal in externals: hence also it is that He is called 


367, 368] COMUGIAL LOVE 

zealous; when nevertheless there is not the least of anger, wrath, 
and revenge in Him; for His mercy, grace, and clemency itself, 
thus good itself, in which it is impossible such evil can exist. But 
on this subject see more particulars in die Work on Heaven and 
Hell, nos. 545-550 ; and in the Aposalypse Revealed, nos. 494, 493, 
525, 714, 806. 

Zeal for truly conjugial love is the zeal of zeals, because that love 
is the love of loves, and its delights, for which also zeal is excited, 
are the delights of delights; for, as was shown above, that love is 
the head of all loves. The reason is, that that love induces on a 
wife the form of love, and on a husband the form of wisdom; 
and from these forms united into one form, nothing else can pro- 
ceed than what savours of wisdom and at the same time of love. 
As the zeal of conjugial love is the zeal of zeals, therefore it is 
called by the new name. Jealousy f zelotypia) , which is the very 
type of zeal. 



treated of is the jealousy of those who are in spiritual love with 
their consort; in the following article the subject treated of is the 
jealousy of those who are in natural love; and afterwards the 
jealousy of those who are in truly conjugial love. With those who 
are in spiritual love the jealousy is various, because their love is 
various; for one love, whether it be spiritual or natural, is never 
altogether alike with two persons, still less with several. The 
reason why spiritual jealousy, or jealousy with the spiritual, is 
like a fire blazing out against those who molest their conjugial 
love, is, that with them the beginning of love is in the internals 
of each of them, and their love from its beginning follows its 
principiates even to its ultimates, by virtue of which ultimates, and 
at the same time of the primes, the intermediates, which are of the 
mind and body, are kept in loving connection. These, because 
they are spiritual, in their marriage regard union as an end, and 
in the union spiritual rest and the pleasantnesses thereof. Now, as 
they have rejected disunion from their minds, therefore their 
jealousy is like a fire stirred up and darting forth against those 
who molest. The reason why it is also like a terrible fear is, that 
their spiritual love intends that they be a one; wherefore if a 
chance exists, or an appearance of separation happens, a fear 
ensues as terrible as when two united parts are torn asunder. This 
description of jealousy was given me from heaven by those who 
are in spiritual conjugial love; for there exist natural conjugial 
love, spiritual conjugial love, and celestial conjugial love: con- 
cerning the natural and the celestial conjugial love, and their 
jealousy, we shall speak in the two following articles. 

JEALOUSY [369-371 

why spiritual jealousy exists with monogamists is, that they alone 
can receive spiritual conjugial love, as has been abundantly shown 
above. It is said that is exists : but the meaning is that it is capable 
of existing with them. That it exists with only a very few in the 
Christian world, where there are monogamous marriages, but that 
it is capable of existing there, has also been confirmed above. 
That with polygamists conjugial love is natural, may be seen in 
the chapter on '"Polygamy/ 3 at nos. 345, 347, jealousy likewise 
with them is natural, because it follows the love. What the quality 
of the jealousy of polygamists is, is taught by the relations of 
those w r ho have been eye-witnesses of it among the Orientals: 
these relations are, that wives and concubines are guarded as cap- 
tives in prisons, and are withheld and restrained from all com- 
munications with men; that into the women's apartments, or the 
chambers of their prison, no man is allowed to enter unless 
attended by an eunich; and that the strictest watch is set to observe 
whether any of the women look with a lascivious eye or coun- 
tenance at a passing man ; and that if this be observed, the woman 
is punished with blows; and in case she indulges her lascivious- 
ness with any man. whether introduced secretly into her apart- 
ment, or away from home, she is punished with death. 

370. By these relations it is clearly shown what is the quality 
of the fire of jealousy into which polygamous conjugial love 
breaks out, that it is into anger and revenge; into anger with the 
meek, and into revenge with the fierce; and this is so, because 
their love is natural, and does not partake of what is spiritual. 
This follows as a consequence from what was demonstrated in the 
chapter on "Polygamy," that polygamy is lasciviousness, no. 
345; and that a polygamist, so long as he remains a polygamist, 
is natural, and cannot become spiritual, no. 347. But the fire of 
jealousy is different with natural monogamists: their love is in- 
flamed not so much against the women as against the violators: it 
becomes anger against the latter, and cold against the former. It 
is otherwise with polygamists, whose fire of jealousy blazes also 
with the frenzy of revenge: this likewise is one of the reasons why, 
after the death of polygamists, their concubines and wives are for 
the most part set free, and are sent to seraglios not guarded, to 
occupy themselves in the various works proper to w T omen. 


all love there is fear and grief ; fear lest it perish, and grief if it 
perishes. There is also fear and grief in conjugial love; but the 
fear and grief of conjugial love is called zeal or jealousy. The 
reasons why this zeal, with married partners who tenderly love 



each other, is just and from sound reason, are, that it is at the 
same time a fear for the loss of eternal happiness, not only of its 
own but also of its married partner's, and. that it is also a pro- 
tection against adultery. As regards the first consideration, that it 
is a just fear for the loss of its own eternal happiness and that of 
its consort, it follows from everything which has been heretofore 
adduced about truly conjugial love; and also from this considera- 
tion, that married partners derive from that love the blessedness 
of their souls, the blissfulness of their minds, the delightsomeness 
of their bosoms, and the pleasures of their bodies ; and since these 
remain with them to eternity, they fear for the eternal happiness 
of each other. That that zeal is a just protection against adulteries, 
is evident; hence it is like a fire blazing out against violation, and 
protecting itself against it. From these considerations it is mani- 
fest, that whoever loves his consort tenderly, is also jealous, but 
is just and sane according to the wisdom of the man (rzr) . 

372. It was said that in conjugial love there is implanted a 
fear Lest it be divided, and a grief lest it perish, and that its zeal 
is like a fire against violation. Once, when meditating on this sub- 
ject, I asked some zealous angels concerning the seat of jealousy. 
They said, that it is in the understanding of the man (vir) who 
receives the love of his consort and loves her in return; and that 
its quality there is according to his wisdom. They said further, 
that jealousy has in it something in common with honour, which 
also resides in conjugial love; for he who loves his wife, also 
honours her. In regard to zeal's residing with a man in his under- 
standing, they said that the reason was that conjugial love protects 
itself through the understanding, as good protects itself through 
truth; so the wife protects those things which are common with the 
man, through her husband; and that therefore zeal is implanted 
in the men, and through them, and for their sake, in the women. 
To the question as to the region of the mind in which jealousy 
resides with the men, they replied, in their souls, because it is also 
a protection against adulteries; and because adulteries principally 
destroy conjugial love, that when there is danger of the violation 
of that love, the man's understanding grows hard, and becomes 
like a horn, with which he strikes the adulterer. 



VARIOUS DISTEMPERS OF THE MIND. The causes why married part- 
ners who do not mutually love each other are jealous also, are 
principally the honour of power, the fear of defamation both of 
his own name and also of that of his wife, and the dread lest 
domestic affairs should fall into confusion. It is known that the 
men have the honour of power, that is, that they want to be 
respected in consequence thereof; for so long as they have this 
honour, they are as it were of an elevated mind, and not dejected 
312 j 

JEALOUSY [37-1. 375 

when in the company of men and women: to this honour also is 
attached the name of bravery: wherefore military officers have it 
more than others. The fear of defamation, both of his own name 
and that of his wife, is a cause of jealousy that coheres with the 
foregoing: to which may he added, that consociation with a forni- 
caton and debauchery in the house, are infamous. The reason why 
some are jealous through a dread lest their domestic affairs should 
fall into confusion, is that in proportion as this is the case, the 
husband is made light of, and mutual services and helps are with- 
drawn : but with some this jealousy in process of time ceases and 
is annihiliated, and with some it is changed into the mere simula- 
tion of love. 

374. That jealousy with some arises from various sicknesses 
or distempers of the mind, is not unknown in the \vorld; for there 
are jealous persons who are continually thinking that their wives 
are unfaithful, and believe them to be fornicators, if they merely 
hear or see them talk in a friendly manner with or about men. 
There are several vitiated states of the mind which induce this 
sickness or distemper, the principal of which is a spurious fancy, 
w T hich, if it be long cherished, introduces the mind into societies of 
similar spirits, from whence it can be released only with difficulty; 
it also strengthens itself in the body, by rendering the serum, and 
consequently the blood, sticky, tenacious, thick, slow% and acrid; a 
failing of the manly pow r ers also increases it; for the consequence 
of such failing or defect is. that the mind cannot be elevated from 
its suspicious fancies; for the presence of the manly powers 
elevates, and their absence depresses, for this absence causes the 
mind to sink, give way, and become feeble; in which case it 
immerses itself more and more in that fancy, till it raves, and this 
passes over into the delight of chiding and reproaching, and. so 
far as is permitted, or reviling. 

375. There are also certain countries which, more than others, 
labour under the distemper of jealousy. In these countries the 
wives are imprisoned, tyranically withheld from conversation with 
men, prevented from even looking at them through the windows, 
which are guarded by gratings projecting downwards, and are 
terrified by threats of death if the cherished suspicion be found 
well grounded; besides many other hardships which the wives in 
those countries suffer from their jealous husbands. There are two 
causes of this jealousy; one is, an imprisonment and suffocation 
of the thoughts in the spiritual things of the church; the other is. 
an inward cupidity of revenge. As regards the first cause, which 
is, the imprisonment and suffocation of the thoughts in the spir- 
itual things of the church, its effect may be concluded from what 
has been proved above, that every one has conjugial love accord- 
ing to the state of the church with him. and as the church is from 
the Lord, that that love is solely from the Lord, nos. 130, 131. 


376, 377] CONJUG1AL LOVE 

When therefore, instead of the Lord, living and deceased men are 
approached and invoked, it follows, that the state of the church 
is not such that conjugial love can act in unity with it; and the 
less so when their minds are terrified into that worship by the 
threats of a dreadful prison. Hence it comes to pass, that the 
thoughts together with the expression of them, are violently im- 
prisoned and suffocated ; and when they are suffocated, there is an 
influx of such things as are either contrary to the church, or 
imaginary in favour of it: in consequence of which there ensues 
heat towards fornicators. and icy cold towards the married part- 
ner; from which two things prevailing together in one subject, 
such an unconquerable fire of jealousy flows forth. As regards 
the second cause, which is the inward cupidity of revenge, this 
altogether checks the influx of conjugial love, absorbs it, and 
swallows it up, and changes the delight thereof, which is celestial 
and the delight of revenge, which is infernal; and the nearest 
determination of this latter is towards the wife. It seems also 
as if the malignant character of the atmosphere, which in those 
regions is impregnated with the poisonous exhalations of the sur- 
rounding country, were an additional cause. 

is FROM VARIOUS CAUSES. There are many causes of there being no 
jealousy, and of the cessation of jealousy. The absence of jealousy 
is principally with those who make no more account of conjugial 
than of scortatory love, and at the same time are so devoid of 
honourable feeling as to slight the reputation of their name: they 
are not unlike married pimps. There is likewise no jealousy with 
those who have rejected it from a confirmed belief that it infests 
the mind (animus) and that it is useless to watch a wife, and that 
to do so serves only to incite her, and that therefore it is better to 
shut the eyes, and not even to look through the key-hole, lest any- 
thing should be discovered. Some have rejected jealousy on 
account of the reproach attached to the name, thinking that a man 
who is a man, is afraid of nothing. Some have been driven to 
reject it lest their domestic affairs should go to ruin, and also lest 
it should become matter of public scandal if the wife were 
accused of the disorderly passion of which she is guilty. More- 
over, jealousy decreases to nothing with those who grant license 
to their wives, on account of their own failure of potency, or for 
the sake of procreation of children for the sake of inheritance, also 
with some for the sake of gain, and so forth. There are also 
scortatory marriages, in which, by mutual consent, the license of 
sexual lust is given to both, and yet they are civil to each other 
when they meet. 

to wives flows from the inmosts with man (homo) ; but jealousy 


JEALOUSY [378. 379 

in regard to concubines flows from the externals; wherefore they 
differ in kind. The reason why jealousy in regard to wives flows 
from the inmosts is. that conjugial love resides there : the reason 
why it resides there is, that marriage, by virtue of the eternity of 
its compact established by covenant and also by virtue of the 
equality of right in that what belongs to the one belongs also to 
the other, unites their souls, and binds their minds together more 
interiorly; this binding together and that union, once implanted, 
remain inseparable, whatever be the quality of the love that ensues 
afterwards, whether it be warm or cold. Hence it is that an in- 
vitation to love by the \vife chills the whole man (vtri from the 
inmosts to the ultimates; whereas an invitation to love by a con- 
cubine has not the same effect upon her lover. To jealousy in 
regard to a wife is added the earnest desire for reputation for the 
sake of honour; and there is no such accessory to jealousy in 
regard to a concubine. Nevertheless both kinds of jealousy vary 
according to the seat of the love received by the wife and by the 
concubine; and at the same time according to the state of the 
judgment of the man receiving it. 

That it exists among wild beasts, as lions, tigers, bears, and several 
others, when they have whelps, is known; and also among bulls, 
although they have not calves. It is most conspicuous among cocks, 
which on account of their hens fight with their rivals even to 
death; the reason they have such jealousy is, that they are vain- 
glorious lovers, and the glory of that love cannot endure an equal; 
that they are vain-glorious lovers, above every other genus and 
species of birds, appears from their gestures, nods, gait, and the 
sounds they make. That the glory of honour with men (ufri), 
whether lovers or not, excites, increases, and sharpens jealousy, 
has been confirmed above. 

not, however, be distinctly pointed out, since the jealousy of 
married partners who love each other spiritually, is different from 
that of married partners who love each other only naturally, and 
again it is different with those who disagree in dispositions, and 
also with those who have subjected their consorts to the yoke of 
obedience to themselves. The jealousies of men and of women, 
considered in themselves, are diverse, because from different 
origins. The origin of the jealousies of men is in the understand- 
ing, whereas the origin of the jealousies of women is in the will 
applied to the understanding of the husband: wherefore the 
jealousy of a man is like a flame of wrath and anger; whereas 
that of a woman is like a fire restrained, by various fears, by 
looking upon her husband, and having respect to her own love, in 
a variety of ways, and by a manifold prudence in not revealing 



this love to the husbands by jealousy. They differ also because 
wives are loves, and men recipients thereof; and it is prejudicial 
to wives to lavish their love upon the men, but it is not prejudicial 
for the recipients to lavish their love on their wives. With the 
spiritual, however, it is otherwise: with these the jealousies of the 
man is transferred into the wife, as the love of the wife is trans- 
ferred into the husband: wherefore, with both it appears like 
itself against the attempts of a violator; but the jealousy of the 
wife is inspired into the husband against the attempts of the 
violating fornicator. and is like grief weeping and moving the 

380. To the above I shall add two Memorable Relations. The 
first is as follows: 

I was once in much amazement at the great multitude of men 
(homines) who ascribe creation, and consequently whatever is 
under the sun and above it, to nature: saying from the acknowl- 
edgment of their hearts, when they see anything, "Is this not the 
work of nature?" And when they are asked why they say that it 
is the work of nature, and not of God, when nevertheless they 
occasionally join in the general confession, that God created 
nature, and therefore they might just as well say that the things 
which they see are works of God as that they are the works of 
nature, they return for answer, in an internal tone of voice, which 
is scarcely audible, "What is God but nature?" From this per- 
suasion concerning the creation of the universe by nature, and 
from this insanity, which has to them the semblance of wisdom, 
all such persons appear so full of their own importance, that they 
regard all those who acknowledge the creation of the universe to 
be from God, as so many ants which creep on the ground and 
tread a beaten path, and some as butterflies which fly in the air; 
calling their opinions dreams, because they see what they do not 
see; and saying, "Who has seen God, and who does not see nature? 1 ' 

While I was in amazement at the multitude of such persons 
there stood at my side an angel, who asked me, "What are you 
meditating about?" 

I replied, "About the multitude of those who believe that 
nature created the universe." 

The angel said to me, "All hell consists of such persons, who 
are there called satans and devils; satans, if they have confirmed 
themselves in favour of nature and therefore have denied God; 
and devils, if they have lived wickedly and thereby rejected all 
acknowledgment of God from their hearts; but I will lead you to 
the studies (gymnasia), which are in the south-western quarter, 
where such persons dwell, having not yet departed to hell." 

He took me by the hand and led me there. I saw some small 
houses, in which were studies, and in the midst of them one which 
served as a principal hall to the rest. It was constructed of pitch- 
black stones, that were covered with a sort of glazed plates that 


seemed to sparkle with gold and silver, like those called mica; 
and here and there were interspersed shells which glittered in a 
like manner. 

We approached and knocked at the door, and presently some- 
one opened it and said, "Be welcome." He then hastened to the 
table and fetched four books, and said. "These books are the wis- 
dom which at this day is the admiration of a great many king- 
doms: this book or w T isdom is the admiration of many in France, 
this one of many in Germany, this one of some in Holland, and 
this one of some in Britain." He further said. b !f you wish to see, 
I will cause these four books to shine before your eyes:"*" he then 
poured forth and spread around them the glory of his own reputa- 
tion, and the books presently shone as with light; but this light 
instantly vanished before our eyes. 

We then asked him. "'What are you now writing?'" 

He replied, that he was now bringing forth from his treasures 
and publishing, the things which belong to inmost wisdom, and 
which in a compendium are the following: I. Whether nature be 
of life, or life of nature. II. Whether the centre be of the expanse, 
or the expanse of the centre. III. On the centre and expanse of 
nature and of life. 

Having said this, he sat down again on a chair at the table; 
but we walked about in his study, w T hich was spacious. He had a 
candle on the table, because the daylight of the sun did not shine 
in that room, but only the nocturnal light of the moon ; and what 
surprised me, the candle seemed to be carried all around the room, 
and to illuminate it; but, for the w r ant of being snuffed, it gave 
but little light. While he was writing, we saw images in various 
forms flying from the table towards the walls, which in that noc- 
turnal moonlight appeared like beautiful Indian birds; but when 
we opened the door, lo! in the solar daylight they appeared like 
birds of evening, with wings like network; for they were sem- 
blances of truth, which by means of confirmations had been made 
fallacies which were ingeniously connected together into a series 
by him. 

After we had seen these things, we approached the table, and 
asked him what he was then writing. 

He replied, "On the first point, WHETHER NATURE BE OF LIFE, 
OR LIFE OF NATURE;" and on this subject he said, that he could 
confirm either side, and cause it to be true; but as something lay 
concealed within which excited his fears, therefore he durst only 
confirm this side, that nature is of life, that is, from life, but not 
that life is of nature, that is, from nature. 

We then civilly asked him, what is was that lay concealed 
within which excited his fears? 

He replied, he was afraid lest he should be called a naturalist, 
and thus an atheist, by the clergy, and a man of unsound reason 
by the laity; as both the clergy and the laity either believe, from a 



blind faith, or see from the sight of those who confirm that blind 

But then, being impelled by a kind of indignation of zeal for 
the Truth, we addressed him, saying. "Friend, you are much 
deceived; your wisdom, which is only an ingenious talent for 
writing, has seduced you. and the glory of reputation has led you 
to confirm what you do not believe. Do you not know that the 
human mind is capable of being elevated above sensual things, 
which are things which are derived into the thoughts from the 
bodily senses, and that when it is so elevated, it sees the things 
that are of life, above, and those that are of nature, beneath? 
What is life but love and wisdom? and what is nature but their 
receptacle, whereby they may produce their effects or uses? Can 
these possibly be one in any other sense than as the principal and 
the instrumental are one? Can light be one with the eye, or sound 
with the ear? Whence are the senses of the organs but from life, 
and their forms but from nature? What is the human body but 
an organ of life? Are not each and all things therein formed 
organically to produce the things which the love wills and the 
understanding thinks? Are not the organs of the body from nature, 
and love and thought from life? And are not those things quite 
distinct from each other? If you elevate the acumen of your 
genius a little higher, you will see that being affected and thinking 
belong to life, and that being affected is from love, and thinking 
is from wisdom, and both are from life; for, as has been said, love 
and wisdom are life. If you elevate your faculty of understanding 
yet a little* higher, you will see that no love and wisdom exists, 
unless its origin be somewhere or other, and that its origin is (love 
itself and) wisdom itself, and consequently life itself, and these 
are God from Whom is nature." 

Afterwards we spoke with him about the second point, 
THE CENTRE; and asked him why he discussed this question. He 
replied, "With a view to conclude concerning the centre and 
expanse of nature and of life, thus concerning the origin of the 
one and the other." And when we asked him what were his senti- 
ments on the subject, he answered, as in the former case, that he 
could confirm either side, but that for fear of losing his reputation 
he would confirm that the expanse is of the centre, that is, from 
the centre; "although I know," said he, "that something existed 
before the sun, and this in the universe throughout, and that these 
things flowed together of themselves into order, thus into centres." 

But here again we addressed him from indignant zeal, and 
said, "Friend, you are insane." On hearing these words, he drew 
his chair aside from the table, and looked timidly at us, and then 
gave ear to us, but with a smile upon his countenance. And he 
went on to say: "What is more insane than to say that the centre 
is from the expanse? By your centre we understand the sun, and 
by your expanse, the universe; and thus, according to you, the 


universe existed \vithout the sun. But does not the sun make nature 
and all its properties, which depend solely on the heat and light 
proceeding from the sun through the atmospheres? Where were 
these things previous to the sun's existence? But whence they 
originated we will state in the following discussion. Are not the 
atmospheres and all things which exist on the Earth, as surfaces, 
and the sun their centre? What are they all without the sun? 
Could they exist a single moment apart from the sun? Conse- 
quently, what are they all before the sun? Could they subsist? 
Is not subsistence perpetual existence? Since, therefore, the sub- 
sistence of all things of nature is from the sun, it follows that the 
existence of all things must be from the same origin: every one 
sees and acknowledges this from personal experience. Does not 
that which is posterior subsist from what is prior, as it exists from 
what is prior? Supposing the surface to be prior, and the centre 
posterior, would not the prior in such case subsist from the 
posterior, which yet is contrary to the laws of order? How can 
posterior things produce prior, or exterior things produce interior, 
or grosser things produce purer? Consequently, how can surfaces, 
which constitute the expanse, produce centres? Who does not see 
that this is contrary to the laws of nature? We have adduced 
these arguments from a rational analysis, to prove that the expanse 
exists from the centre, and not the centre from the expanse ; never- 
theless every one who thinks aright, sees it to be so without the 
help of such arguments. You have asserted, that the expanse 
flowed together of itself into a centre: did it thus flow by chance 
into so wonderful and stupendous an order, that one thing exists 
for the sake of another, and each and all things for the sake of 
man, and his eternal life? Is it possible for nature, from any love, 
through any wisdom, to provide such things? And can nature 
make angels of men, and heaven of angels? Ponder these things, 
and think, and your idea of the existence of nature from nature 
will fall to the ground." 

Afterwards we asked him what he used to think, and now 
thought, about the third point, THE CENTRE AND EXPANSE OF 
NATURE AND OF LIFE; whether he believed that the centre and 
expanse of life are the same with the centre and expanse of nature. 

He said that he was in doubt about it, and that he formerly 
thought that the interior activity of nature is life, and that love 
and wisdom, which essenially constitute the life of man, are 
derived thence; and that the sun's fire, through heat and light, by 
means of the atmospheres, produce them ; but that now, from what 
he had heard about the eternal life of men, he was in doubt, and 
that this doubt sometimes carried his mind upwards, sometimes 
downward; and that when his mind was carried upwards, he 
acknowledged a centre of which he had previously known nothing; 
but when downwards, he saw a centre which he believed to be the 
only one; and that life is from the centre of which he had pre- 
viously known nothing, and that nature is from the centre which 



he previously believed to he the only one; and that each center 
has an expanse around it. 

To this we said. Good, if he would only look at the centre and 
expanse of nature from the centre and expanse of life, and not 
contrariwise; and we instructed him, that above the angelic heaven 
there is a sun which is pure love, in appearance fiery like the sun 
of the world; and that from the heat which proceeds from that 
sun, angels and men derive will and love, and from its light they 
derive understanding and wisdom; and that the things which 
belong to life, are called spiritual things, and that those which 
proceed from the sun of the world, are continents of life, and are 
called natural things; also that the expanse of the centre of life 
is called the SPIRITUAL WORLD, which subsists from its own sun. 
and that the expanse of nature is called the NATURAL WORLD, which 
subsists from its own sun. Now, since spaces and times cannot be 
predicated of love and wisdom, but states instead of them, it 
follows, that the expanse around the sun of the angelic heaven is 
not an extense, but that nevertheless it is in the extense of the 
natural sun; and is with the living subjects therein according to 
their receptions ; and their receptions are according to their forms. 

But he then asked, "Whence comes the fire of the sun of the 
world, or of nature?" 

We replied, that it is from the sun of the angelic heaven, which 
is not fire, but the Divine Love proximately proceeding from God, 
Who is love itself. As he was surprised at this, we proved it thus : 
"Love in its essence is spiritual fire; hence it is, that fire in the 
Word, in its spiritual sense, signifies love. It is on this account 
that priests, when officiating in temples, pray that heavenly fire 
may fill their hearts, by which they mean love. The fire of the 
altar, and the fire of the candlestick in the tabernacle among the 
Israelites, representing nothing else than the Divine Love. The heat 
of the blood, or the vital heat of men, and of animals in general, 
is from no other source than from the love which constitutes their 
life: hence it is that a man is enkindled, grows warm, and is in- 
flamed, when his love is exalted into zeal, anger, and wrath : where- 
fore from the fact, that spiritual heat, which is love, produces 
natural heat with men, even to the kindling and inflaming of their 
faces and limbs, it may be manifest, that the fire of the natural 
sun has come into existence from no other source than the fire of 
the spiritual sun, which is the Divine Love. Now, since the expanse 
originates from the centre, and not the centre from the expanse, 
as we said above, and the centre of life, which is the sun of the 
angelic heaven, is the Divine Love proximately proceeding from 
God, Who is in the midst of that sun; and since the expanse of 
that centre, which is called the spiritual world, is derived thence; 
and since from that sun the sun of the world came into existence, 
and from the latter its expanse, which is called the natural world; 
it is evident, that the universe was created by the one God." 

After this we took our leave; and he accompanied us outside 

JEALOL'SY [381.382 

the court of his study, and conversed with u? ahout heaven and 
hell, and the Divine government, with a ne\v .sagacity of genius. 

381. The Second Memorable Relation: 

Once as I was looking around into the state of spirits, I saw at 
a distance a palace surrounded and as it were besieged by a crowd: 
I also saw many running towards it. Wondering what this could 
mean, I speedily left the house, and asked one of those who were 
running, what w T as the matter at the palace? 

He replied, that three new-comers from the world had been 
taken up into a heaven, and had there seen magnificent things, also 
maidens and wives of astonishing beauty; and that being let down 
from that heaven they had entered into that palace, and related 
what they had seen; especially that they had beheld such beauties 
as their eyes had never before seen, nor can see, unless enlightened 
by the light of the heavenly aura. Respecting themselves they 
said, that in the world they had been orators from the kingdom of 
France, and had applied themselves to the study of eloquence, and 
that now they were seized with a desire of making an oration on 
the origin of beauty. When this was made known in the neighbor- 
hood, the multitude flocked together to hear them. 

Upon hearing these particulars, I myself also hastened, and 
entered the palace, and saw the three men standing in the midst, 
dressed in long robes of a sapphire colour, which, having threads 
of gold in their texture, at every movement shone as if they had 
been golden. They stood behind a kind of pulpit, ready to speak; 
and presently one of them rose on a step behind the pulpit to 
deliver an oration on the origin of the beauty of the feminine sex, 
in the following words: 

382. "What is the origin of beauty but love, which, when it 
flows in into the eyes of young men and sets them on fire, becomes 
beauty? wherefore love and beauty are the same thing; for love, 
from the inmost, suffuses the face of a marriageable maiden with 
a certain flame, from the transparence of which is derived the 
dawn and bloom of her life. Who does not know that that flame 
sends rays into her eyes, and spreads from these as centres into 
the whole of the face, and also descends into the breast, and sets 
the heart on fire, and thus affects (a young man), just as a fire 
with its heat and light affects a person standing near it? That 
heat is love, and that light is the beauty of love. The whole world 
agrees in affirming that every one is lovely and beautiful accord- 
ing to his or her love; but nevertheless the love of the male sex is 
different from the love of the female sex. Male love is the love of 
becoming wise, and female love is the love of loving the love of 
becoming wise in the male; in proportion therefore as a young 
man is the love of becoming wise, in the same proportion he is 
lovely and beautiful to a maiden; and in proportion as a maiden 
is the love of a young man's wisdom, in the same proportion she 



is lovely and beautiful to the young man; wherefore as love meets 
and kisses the love of another, so also do beauties. I conclude 
therefore that love forms beauty into a resemblance of itself." 

383. After him arose a second, in order to reveal the origin of 
beauty by an elegant speech. He said, "I have heard that love is 
the origin of beauty; but I cannot agree with this opinion. What 
human being knows what love is? Who has ever contemplated it 
with any idea of thought? Who has ever seen it with the eye? Tell 
me where it is. But I assert that wisdom is the origin of beauty ; 
in women a wisdom which lies inmostly concealed and stored up, 
in men a wisdom which manifests itself, and is apparent. When is 
a man (homo) a man, but from wisdom? Were it not from thence, 
a man would be a statue or a picture. What does a maiden attend 
to in a young man, but the quality of his wisdom; and what does 
a young man attend to in a maiden, but the quality of her affection 
of his wisdom? By wisdom I mean genuine morality; because this 
is the wisdom of life. Hence it is, that when the wisdom which 
lies concealed, approaches and embraces the wisdom which is 
manifest, which takes place interiorly in the spirit of both, they 
mutually kiss and become conjoined, and this is called love; and 
then they both appear beautiful to each other. In a word, wisdom 
is like the light or brightness of fire, which delicately touches the 
eyes, and in the act forms beauty." 

384. After him the third arose, and spoke as follows: 
''Neither love alone, nor wisdom alone, is the origin of beauty, 
but the union of love and wisdom; the union of love with (its 
own) wisdom in a young man, and the union of wisdom with its 
own love in a maiden. For a maiden does not love wisdom in 
herself but in the young man, and therefore sees him as beauty ; 
and when the young man sees this in the maiden, he then sees her 
as beauty; wherefore love forms the beauty through the wisdom, 
and the wisdom receives it from the love. That this is the case, 
appears manifestly in heaven. I have seen maidens and wives there, 
and have attentively considered their beauties, and have seen, that 
beauty in maidens is quite different from beauty in wives; in 
maidens there is only the brightness, but in wives the resplendes- 
cence of beauty. I saw the difference like that between a diamond 
sparkling with light, and a ruby flashing at the same time with 
fire. What is beauty but the delight of the sight? In what does 
this delight originate but in the sporting of love and wisdom? 
From this sporting the sight glows, and this glowing vibrates from 
eye to eye, and presents beauty (to the sight). What constitutes 
beauty of face, but redness and whiteness, and the lovely inter- 
mingling of the one with the other? Is not the redness from love, 
^nd the whiteness from wisdom? for love is red by reason of its 
fire, and wisdom is white by reason of its light. Both these I have 
clearly seen in the faces of two married partners in heaven; the 



redness of whiteness in the wife, and the whiteness of redness in 
the husband; and I observed that they shone in consequence of 
their mutually looking at each other." 

When the third had thus spoken, the assembly applauded and 
cried out, "'This is the winner." Then on a sudden, a flaming light, 
which is also the light of conjugial love, filled the house with 
splendor, and, at the same time, their hearts with pleasantness. 



385. There are evidences that clearly show that conjugial love 
and the love of children, which is called storge, are conjoined: 
and there are also evidences which may induce a belief that they 
are not conjoined; for the love of children exists with married 
partners who love each other from the heart, and it exists also 
with married partners who disagree at heart, and likewise with 
those who are separated from each other, and sometimes it is more 
tender, and stronger with the latter than the former. But that 
nevertheless the love of children is always conjoined with con- 
jugial love, may be manifest from the origin from which it flows 
in; for although this origin is varied with the recipients, those 
loves nevertheless remain inseparable, just as the first end in the 
last end, which is the effect. The first end of conjugial love is the 
procreation of offspring, and the last end, which is the effect, is 
the offspring that is procreated. That the first end enters into the 
effect, and is therein as in its first origin, and does not withdraw 
from it, may be seen from a rational view of the progression of 
ends and causes in their order to effects. But, since the reasonings 
of the generality commence merely from effects, and from them 
proceed to some consequences thence resulting, and do not com- 
mence from causes, and from them proceed analytically to effects, 
and so forth; therefore the rational things of light cannot but 
become the obscure things of cloud, whence come deviations from 
truth, arising from appearances and fallacies. But in order that it 
may be seen that conjugial love and the love of children are 
interiorly conjoined, although exteriorly disjoined, it shall be 
demonstrated in the following order: 

L Two universal spheres proceed from the Lord to preserve 
the universe in its created states; of which the one is the sphere 
of procreating, and the other the sphere of protecting the things 

II. Those two universal spheres make a one with the sphere of 
conjugial love and the sphere of the love of children. 

III. Those two spheres universally and singularly flow in into 
all things of heaven and all things of the world, from first to last. 

IV. The sphere of the love of children is a sphere of protection 
and support of those who are unable to protect and support them- 

V. That sphere affects both the eml and the good, and disposes 
every one to love, protect, and support his offspring out of setf-love. 


VI. This sphere principally affects the female sex, thus mothers, 
and the male sex, or fathers, by derivation from them. 

VII. This sphere is also a sphere of innocence and peace from 
the Lord. 

VIIL The sphere of innocence flows in into the children, and 
through them into the parents, and affects (them). 

IX. It also flows in into the souls of the parents, and conjoins 
itself with the same sphere in the children; and it is chiefly in- 
sinuated by means of the touch. 

X. In the degree in which innocence departs from children, 
affection and conjunction also abate, and this successively even to 

XL The state of rational innocence and peace with the parents 
towards the children is (grounded in the circumstance), that they 
know nothing and can do nothing from themselves, but from 
others, especially from the father and mother; and this state also 
successively departs, in proportion as they know and have ability 
from themselves and not from others. 

XIL That sphere progresses in order from th-e end through the 
causes into the effects, and makes periods, by means of which 
creation is preserved in the state foreseen and provided for. 

XIII. The love of children descends, and does not ascend. 

XIV. Wives have one state of love before conception, and a 
different state after conception even to the birth. 

XV. With parents, conjugial love is conjoined with the love 
of children by spiritual causes, and thence by natural ones. 

XVI. The love of little children and older children is different 
with spiritual married partners from what it is with natural ones. 

XVII. With the spiritual that love is from what is interior or 
prior, but with the natural from what is exterior or posterior. 

XVIII. Hence it is, that that love exists with married partners 
who mutually love each other, and also with married partners who 
do not love each other at all. 

XIX. The love of children remains after death, especially with 

XX. Children are educated under the Lord's auspices by such 
women, and grow in stature and intelligence as in the world. 

XXI. It is there provided by the Lord, that with those children 
the innocence of childhood should become the innocence of 
wisdom, and that thus the children should become angels. 

Now follows the explanation of these articles. 


ceeds from the Lord is called a sphere, because it goes forth from 
Him, encompasses Him, fills both worlds, the spiritual and the 
natural, and operates the effects of those ends which the Lord 



predestinated at the creation, and for which He provides ever since 
the creation. All that which flows forth from a subject, and sur- 
rounds and environs it, is called a sphere; as for example, the 
sphere of light and heat from the sun around it, the sphere of life 
from man around him, the sphere of odour from a plant around 
it, the sphere of attraction from the magnet around it, and so forth. 
But the universal spheres which are here being treated of, are 
from the Lord around Him ; and they proceed from the sun of the 
spiritual world, in the midst of which He is. From the Lord, by 
means of that sun, proceeds a sphere of heat and light, or what is 
the same, a sphere of love and wisdom, to operate ends, which are 
uses; but that sphere, according to the uses, is distinguished by 
various names. The Divine sphere which provides for the preser- 
vation of the universe in its created state by means of successive 
generations, is called the sphere of procreating; and the Divine 
sphere which provides for the preservation of generations in their 
beginnings, and afterwards in their progressions, is called the 
sphere of protecting the things procreated. Besides these two 
spheres, there are many other Divine spheres, which are named 
according to their uses, consequently variously, see above, no. 222. 
The operations of uses through those spheres are the Divine 



OF CHILDREN. That the sphere of conjugial love makes a one with 
the sphere of procreating, is evident; for procreation is the end, 
and conjugial love the mediate cause by means of which (the end 
is promoted), and the end and cause act in unity, because together, 
in the things to be effected and in the effects. That the sphere of 
the love of children makes a one with the sphere of protecting the 
things procreated, is also evident, because it is the end proceeding 
from the prior end, which was procreation, and the love of chil- 
dren is its mediate cause by which (it is promoted) : for ends pro- 
gress in a series, one after another, and in their progress the last 
end becomes the first, and thus (progresses) further, even to the 
boundary, in which they subsist or cease. But on this subject more 
will be seen in the explanation of article XII. 



WORLD, FROM FIRST TO LAST. It is said universally and singularly, 
because when mention is made of a universal, the singulars of 
which it is composed are meant at the same time; for a universal 
exists from and consists of singulars; thus it takes its name from 
them, as a whole exists from, consists of, and takes its name from 
its parts; wherefore, if you take away the singulars, the universal 
is a mere name, and is like a mere surface within which there is 
nothing; wherefore, to attribute tp Gpd universal government, 


and to take away the singulars, is vain talk and empty preaching. 
The comparison \vith the universal government of the kings of the 
earth is not to the purpose. From this ground then it is said, that 
those two spheres flow in universally and singularly. 

389. The reasons why the spheres of procreating and of pro- 
tecting the things procreated, or the spheres of conjugial love and 
the love of children, flow in into all things of heaven and all things 
of the world, from first to last, is. that all things which proceed 
from the Lord, or from the sun which is from Him and in which 
He is, pervade the created universe, even to the last things of all. 
The reason is, that Divine things, which in progression are called 
celestial and spiritual, have no relation to space and time. That 
extension cannot be predicated of spiritual things, because space 
and time cannot be predicated of them, is known : hence it is, that 
whatever proceeds from the Lord, is in an instant from first things 
in last things. That the sphere of conjugial love is thus universal, 
see above, nos. 222-225. That the sphere of the love of children 
likewise is universal, is evident from that love's existing in heaven, 
where there are children from the earths; and from that love's 
existing in the world with human beings, beasts and birds, serpents 
and insects. Analogues of this love exist also in the vegetable and 
mineral kingdoms; in the vegetable, in that seeds are guarded by 
shells or husks as by swaddling clothes, and moreover are in the 
fruit as in a house, and are nourished with juice as with milk; 
that there is something similar in minerals, is plain from the 
matrices and external coverings, in which noble gems and metals 
are hidden and guarded. 

390. The reason why the sphere of procreating, and the sphere 
of protecting the things procreated, make a one in a continual 
series, is, that the love of procreating is continued into the love of 
what is procreated. The quality of the love of procreating is known 
from its delight, which is supereminent and transcendent. In this 
delight is the state of procreation with men, and in an eminent 
degree the state of reception with women. The highest delight 
with its love is continued even to the birth, and there attains its 


TECT AND SUPPORT THEMSELVES. That the operations of uses by 
the Lord through spheres proceeding from Him, are the Divine 
Providence, was stated above, no. 386; this (Divine Providence) 
therefore is meant by the sphere of protection and support of 
those who are unable to protect and support themselves: for it is 
of creation, that the things created must be preserved, guarded, 
protected, and supported: otherwise the universe would fall to 
ruin. But since this cannot be done immediately by the Lord with 
living creatures, who are left to their own. choice,, it is done 



mediately through His love implanted in fathers, mothers, and 
nurses. That their love is love from the Lord with them, they them- 
selves do not know, because they do not perceive the influx, and 
still less the omnipresence, of the Lord. But who does not see, 
that this is not of nature, but of the Divine Providence operating in 
nature through nature; and that such a universal principle cannot 
exist except from God, through a certain spiritual sun which is in 
the centre of the universe, and whose operation, being apart from 
space and time, is instant and present from first things in last 
things? But in what manner that Divine operation, which is the 
Lord's Divine Providence, is received by animate subjects, will be 
stated in what follows. That mothers and fathers protect and sup- 
port their children, because they are not able to protect and sup- 
port themselves, is not the cause of that love, but it is a rational 
cause derived from that love's falling into the understanding; for 
man, from this cause alone, without love inspired and inspiring it, 
or without law and punishment compelling him, would no more 
provide for his children than a statue. 


SPRING OUT OF SELF-LOVE. Experience testifies that the love of 
children, or storge, exists equally with the evil and the good, and 
likewise with tame and wild beasts; yea, that sometimes it is 
stronger and more ardent with evil human beings, and also with 
wild beasts. The reason is that all love proceeding from the Lord 
and flowing in into subjects, is changed in the subject into the love 
of its life; for every animate subject has no other sensation than 
that it loves of itself, for it does not perceive the influx; and while 
also it actually loves itself, it makes the love of children proper 
to itself, or its own; for it sees as it were itself in them, and them 
in itself, and itself thus united with them. Hence also it is that 
that love is fiercer with wild beasts, as with lions and lionesses, he 
and she bears, leopards and leopardesses, he and she wolves, and 
others of a like nature, than with horses, deer, goats, and sheep; 
the reason is, that those wild beasts have dominion over the tame 
ones, and therefore the love of self is predominant, and this love 
loves itself in its offspring; wherefore, as has been stated, the 
influent love is turned into self-love. Such an inversion of the in- 
fluent love into self-love, and the consequent protection and sup- 
port of the offspring and progeny by evil parents, is of the Lord's 
"Divine Providence; for otherwise there would remain but few of 
the human race, and none of the savage beasts, which, neverthe- 
less, are of use. From these considerations it is evident, that every 
one is disposed to love, protect, and support his offspring, out of 




FROM THEM. This follows from the same origin that was treated 
of above, namely, that the sphere of conjugial love is received by 
the women, and through them is transferred to the men: because 
women are born loves of the understanding of the men, and the 
understanding is a recipient. The case is the same with the love of 
children, because this is originally from conjugial love. It is 
known that mothers have a most tender love of children, and 
fathers a less tender love. That the love of children is inscribed 
on conjugial love, into which women are born, is evident from 
the amiable and endearing affection of girls towards little chil- 
dren, and towards their dolls, which they carry, dress, kiss, and 
press to their bosoms: boys do not possess any such affection. It 
appears as if mothers derived the love of children from nourish- 
ing them in the w r omb out of their ow r n blood, and consequently 
from the appropriation of their life, and thus from sympathetic 
union: but nevertheless this is not the origin of that love; for if 
another child were to be substituted after birth, without the 
mother's knowledge, in the place of the genuine child, the mother 
would love it with equal tenderness as if it were her own: more- 
over, children are sometimes loved by their nurses more than by 
their mothers. From these considerations it follows, that that love 
is from no other source than from the conjugial love implanted 
in every woman, to which is adjoined the love of conceiving, by 
the delight of which the wife is prepared for reception. This is 
the first of the above love, which with its delight after the birth 
passes fully to the offspring. 

PEACE (FROM THE LORD). Innocence and peace are the two in- 
most things of heaven: they are called inmost because they pro- 
ceed immediately from the Lord; for the Lord is innocence itself 
and peace itself. By reason of innocence the Lord is called a 
Lamb, and by reason of peace He says, "Peace / leave with you: 
My peace I give unto you" (John xiv. 27) ; and He is also meant 
by the peace with which the disciples were to salute a city or a 
house which they entered ; and of which it is said, that if it were 
worthy, peace would come upon it, and if not worthy, peace would 
return (Matt. x. 11-15). Hence also the Lord is called the Prince 
of Peace (Isaiah ix. 5, (6). A further reason why innocence and 
peace are the inmost things of heaven, is, that innocence is the 
esse of all good, and peace is the blessedness of every delight 
which is of good. See the Work on Heaven and Hell concerning 
the state of innocence of the angels of heaven, nos. 276-283 ; and 
concerning the state of peace in heaven, nos. 284-290. 



(THEM). It is known that children are innocences; but it is not 
known that their innocence flows in from the Lord. It flows in 

. 329 


from the Lord, because, as was said just above. He is innocence 
itself; neither can anything flow in, since it cannot exist, except 
from its first beginning, which is Very Entity (Ipsum I Hud) . But 
the quality of the innocences of childhood, which affects the 
parents, shall be stated in a few words. It shines forth from their 
face, from some of their gestures, and from their first speech, and 
affects (them). They have innocence, because they do not think 
from the Interior; for they do not as yet know what is good and 
evil, and what is true and false, as a basis of thought; consequently 
they do not possess prudence from the proprium ; nor any deliber- 
ate purpose, and thus no end of evil. They have no proprium 
acquired from the love of self and the love of the world; they do 
not attribute anything to themselves; they refer to their parents 
whatever they receive; they are content with the trifles which are 
given them as presents; they have no solicitude about food and 
raiment, nor about the future; they do not look to the world, nor 
desire many things thence; they love their parents, their nurses, 
and their child companions, with whom they play in innocence; 
they suffer themselves to be guided, they hearken and obey. This 
is the innocence of childhood, which is the cause of the love called 



Lord's innocence flows in into the angels of the third heaven, 
where all are in the innocence of wisdom, and passes through the 
lower heavens, but only through the innocences of the angels there- 
in, and thus immediately and mediately into children. These are 
hardly anything else than graven forms; but nevertheless they 
are receptible of life from the Lord through the heavens. Yet, 
unless the parents also received that influx in their souls, and in 
the inmosts of their minds, they would in vain be affected by the 
innocence of the children. There must be something adequate and 
similar in another, whereby communication may be effected, and 
which may cause reception, affection, and thence conjunction; 
otherwise it would be like soft seed falling upon a flint, or a Iamb 
exposed to a wolf. Hence then it is, that innocence flowing in into 
the souls of the parents, conjoins itself with the innocence of the 
children. Experience may teach that, with the parents, this con- 
junction is effected by the mediation of the bodily senses, but 
especially by means of the touch: as that the sight is inmostly 
delighted by seeing them, the hearing by their speech, the smell 
by their odour. That the communication and therefore the con- 
junction of innocences is chiefly effected by means of the touch, 
is evidently from the pleasantness of carrying them in their arms, 
from embracing and kissing them, especially with mothers, who 
are delighted by laying their mouth and face upon their bosoms, 
and at die same time by their touching the same with the palms 


of ^their hands, in general, by their sucking the breasts, and their 
being fed by their milk, moreover, by stroking their naked body, 
and by the unwearied pains they take in washing and dressing 
them on their knees. That the communications of love and of 
its delights between married partners are effected through the 
sense of touch, has been proved above in several passages. The 
reason why communications of the mind are also effected through 
the same sense is, that the hands are a man's ultimates, and the 
first things of man, or his primes, are at the same time in his last 
things, or in his ultimates; by that (sense) also all the interme- 
diate things of the body and mind are kept together in unbroken 
connection. Hence it is that Jesus touched little children (Matt. 
xix. 13-15; Mark x. 13-16) ; and that He healed the sick by the 
touch : and that those who touched Him were healed. Hence* also 
it is, that inaugurations into the priesthood are at the present day 
effected by the laying on of hands. From these considerations it 
is evident, that the innocence of parents and the innocence of chil- 
dren meet through the touch, especially of the hands, and thereby 
conjoin themselves as by kisses. 

397. That innocence operates similar things with beasts and 
birds as with human beings, by contact, is known: the reason is, 
that all that proceeds from the Lord, is an instant pervades the 
universe (see above, nos. 388-390) ; and as it proceeds by degrees, 
and by continual mediations, therefore it passes not only to 
animals, but also further, to plants and minerals (see no. 389) : 
it also passes into the earth itself, which is the mother of all plants 
and minerals ; for the earth, in spring time, is in a prepared state 
for the reception of seeds, as it were in the womb; and when it 
receives them, it, as it were, conceives, cherishes, carries in the 
womb, brings forth, suckles, nourishes, clothes, educates, guards, 
and, as it were, loves the offspring from them, and so forth. Since 
the sphere of procreation proceeds thus far, how much more must 
It not proceed to animals of every kind, even to worms? That as 
the earth is the common mother of plants, so there is also a com- 
mon mother of bees in every hive, is a well established fact. 


SUCCESSIVELY EVEN TO SEPARATION. It is known that the love of 
children, or storge, departs from parents according as innocence 
departs from them; and that with human beings it departs even 
to the separation of the older children from the home, and, with 
beasts and birds, to a rejection from their presence, and a total 
f orgetfulness that they are of their stock. From this circumstance, 
as an established fact, it may be further manifest, that innocence 
flowing in on both sides produces the love called storge. 




THEMSELVES AND NOT FROM OTHERS. That the sphere of the love 
of children is a sphere of protection and support of those who are 
not able to protect and support themselves, was shown above in its 
proper article, no. 391. That this is only a rational cause with 
man, but not the very essential cause of that love with them, was 
also mentioned in the same article. The real original cause of 
that love is innocence from the Lord, which flows in while the man 
is ignorant of it, and produces the above rational cause ; wherefore 
as the first cause produces a departure from that love, so also 
does this second cause at the same time; or, what is the same 
thing, as the communication of innocence departs, so also the per- 
suading reason accompanies it ; but this is the case only with man, 
to the intent that he may do what he does from freedom according 
to reason, and that from reason, as from a rational and at the 
same time moral law, he may support his adult offspring accord- 
ing to necessity and usefulness. This second cause does not influ- 
ence animals who are devoid of reason, they being influenced only 
by the prior cause, which to them is instinct. 


operations in the universe progress from ends through causes into 
effects. These three are in themselves indivisible, although in the 
ideas they appear as if they were divided; but nevertheless the 
end is not anything there unless the effect which is intended is seen 
together with it; nor does either of them become anything, unless 
the cause supports, provides for, and conjoins. Such a progression 
is inscribed on every man in general, and in every particular, just 
as the will, the understanding, and the action: every end there 
belongs to the will, every cause belongs to the understanding, and 
every effect belongs to the action; in like manner, every end be- 
longs to the love, every instrumental cause belongs to wisdom, 
and every effect thence belongs to use. The reason is, that the 
receptacle of love is the will, the receptacle of wisdom is the under- 
standing, and the receptacle of use is the action. Since therefore 
operations in general and in particular with man progress, from 
the will through the understanding into the act, so also do they 
progress from love through wisdom into use. By wisdom is here 
meant all that which belongs to judgment and thought. That these 
three are a one in the effect, is evident. That they also make a one 
in ideas before the effect, is perceived from the fact, that deter- 
mination only intervenes; for in the mind an end goes forth from 


the will and produces for itself a cause in the understanding, and 
presents to itself an intention; and an intention is an act before 
determination: hence it is, that by a wise man, and also by the 
Lord, an intention is accepted as an act. What rational person 
cannot see, or, when he hears, acknowledge, that these three things 
flow forth from some first cause, and that that cause is, that from 
the Lord, the Creator and Preserver of the universe, there contin- 
ually proceed love, wisdom, and use, and these three as a one? 
Tell, if you can, in what other source they originate. 

401. A like progression from the end through the cause into 
the effect belongs also to the sphere of procreating and of protect- 
ing the things procreated. In this case, the end is the will or love 
of procreating; the mediate cause, through which and into which 
the end introduces itself, is conjugial love: the progressive series 
of efficient causes is the loving, conception, gestation of the embryo 
or offspring to be procreated ; and the effect is the procreated off- 
spring itself. But although the end, the cause, and the effect pro- 
gress successively as three things, yet, nevertheless, in the love 
of procreating, and inwardly in each of the causes, and in the 
effect itself, they make a one. It is only the efficient causes that 
progress through times, because in nature; while the end, or the 
will, or the love, remains constantly the same: for the ends pro- 
gress in nature through times without time; but they cannot come 
forth and manifest themselves, until the effect or use comes into 
existence and becomes a subject; before this, that love could love 
only the progression, but could not secure and fix itself. That 
there are periods of such progressions, and that by means of them 
creation is preserved in the state foreseen and provided for, is 
known. But the series of the love of children from its greatest to 
its least, thus to the boundary in which it subsists or ceases, is 
retrograde, since it is according to the decrease of innocence in the 
subject, and also on account of the periods. 

ASCEND. That it descends from generation to generation, or from 
sons and daughters to grandsons and granddaughters, and does 
not ascend from these to fathers and mothers of families, is known. 
The cause of its increase in descent is the love of fructifying, or of 
producing uses, and, in respect to the human race, it is the love 
of multiplying it; but this derives its origin solely from the Lord, 
Who, in the multiplication of the human race, regards the preser- 
vation of creation, and, as the ultimate end thereof, the angelic 
heaven, which is solely from the human race; and since the angelic 
heaven is the end of ends, and thus the love of loves with the Lord, 
therefore there is implanted in the souls of men, not only the love 
of procreating, but also of loving the things procreated in their 
successions: hence also it is, that this love exists only with man, 
and not with any beast or bird. That this love with man descends 



increasing, is also consequence of the glory of honour, which in 
like manner increases with him according to augmentations. That 
the love of honour and glory receives into itself the love of chil- 
dren that flows in from the Lord, and makes it as it were its own. 
will be seen in article XVI. 

BIRTH. This is adduced to the end that it may be known, that the 
love of procreating, and the consequent love of w r hat has been 
procreated, is implanted in the conjugial love with women, and 
that with them those two loves are divided, when the end, which is 
the love of procreating, begins its progression. That the love called 
storge is then transferred from the wife to the husband, and also 
that the love of procreating, which, as has been said, with a woman 
makes one with her conjugial love, is then not alike, is evident 
from several indications. 



NATURAL ONES. The spiritual causes are, that the human race may 
be multiplied, and from this the angelic heaven enlarged, and that 
thereby such may be born as will become angels, serving the Lord 
to do uses in heaven, and by consociation with men also in the 
earths ; for every man has angels associated with him by the Lord ; 
and such is his conjunction with them, that if they were to be 
taken away, he would instantly die. The natural causes of the con- 
junction of those two loves are, to effect the birth of those who 
may promote uses in human societies, and may be incorporated 
therein as members. That the latter are the natural and the former 
the spiritual causes of the love of children and of conjugial love, 
even the married partners themselves think and sometimes declare, 
saying that they have enriched heaven with as many angels as they 
have had descendants, and have furnished society with as many 
servants as they have had children. 

IT IS WITH NATURAL ONES. With spiritual married paftners the love 
of children, as to appearance, is like the love of children with 
natural married partners; but it is more inward, and therefore 
more tender, because that love exists from innocence, and from a 
nearer reception of innocence, and thereby a more present percep- 
tion of it in oneself; for the spiritual are spiritual in proportion 
as they partake of innocence. But (spiritual) fathers and mothers, 
after they have sipped the sweetness of innocence in their children, 
love their older children quite differently from what natural 
fathers and mothers do. The spiritual love their children on 
account of their spiritual intelligence and moral life; thus they 



love them on account of their fear of God and actual piety, or 
piety of life, and at the same time on account of their affection 
for and application to uses which are of service to society, conse- 
quently from the virtues and good morals in them. It is chiefly 
from the love of these things that they provide for, and administer 
to, their necessities; wherefore if they do not see such things in 
them, they alienate their mind from them, and only do anything 
for them from a sense of duty. With natural fathers and mothers 
the love of children is indeed also from innocence: but when the 
innocence is received by them, it is entwined around their own 
self-love, and consequently they love their children from this love, 
and at the same time from that innocence, kissing, embracing, and 
dandling them, hugging them to their bosoms, and caressing them 
beyond all bounds, and they regard them as one heart and soul 
with themselves; and afterwards, after their state of childhood 
even to puberty and beyond it, when innocence is no longer opera- 
tive, they do not love them on account of any fear of God and 
actual piety, or piety of life, nor on account of any rational and 
moral intelligence in them; and they regard very slightly, if at 
all, their internal affections, and thence their virtures and good 
morals, but only their externals, which they favour. To these ex- 
ternals their love is adjoined, attached, and cemented: hence also 
they close their eyes to their faults, excusing and favouring them. 
The reason is, that with such parents the love of their off spring is 
also the love of self; and this love cleaves to the subject out- 
wardly, and does not enter into it, as self does not enter into itself. 

406. The quality of the love of children and the love of older 
children with the spiritual, and its quality with the natural, is 
clearly discerned from them after death; for most fathers, when 
they come into the other life, remember their children who have 
died before them; they are also presented to and recognize each 
other. Spiritual fathers only look at them, and inquire as to their 
present state, rejoice if it is well with them, and grieve if it is ill; 
and after some conversation, instruction, and admonition about 
heavenly moral life, they separate from them, and before separa- 
tion they teach them that they are no longer to be remembered as 
fathers, because the Lord is the only Father to all in heaven, 
according to* His words in Matthew xxiii. 9: and that they never 
remember them as their children. But natural fathers, as soon as 
they become conscious that they are living after death, and recall 
to memory their children who have died before them, and when, 
according to their wish, they are presented to each other, instantly 
become conjoined with them, and they cleave together, like sticks 
tied up into bundles; and the father is then continually delighted 
to look at them and talk to them. If the father is told that some 
of his children are satans, and that they have done injuries to the 
good, he nevertheless keeps them in a group around him, or in a 
troop before him; if he himself sees that they inflict injuries and 



commit evils, yet he pays no attention to it, nor does he disasso- 
ciate any of them from himself. Wherefore in order to prevent 
the continuance of such a dangerous company, they are of neces- 
sity committed all together to hell ; and there the father is shut up 
in confinement before his children, and the children are separated, 
and each one is sent away to the place of his own life. 

407. To the above I will add this wonderful relation: in the 
spiritual world I have seen fathers, who, from hatred, and as it 
were rage, had looked at children who were presented before their 
eyes, with a mind so savage, that if they could, they would have 
killed them ; but on its being hinted to them, though without truth, 
that they were their own children, their rage and savageness in- 
stantly departed, and they loved them to excess. This love and that 
hatred prevail together with those who in the world had been 
inwardly deceitful, and had set their minds in enmity against 
the Lord. 



EXTERIOR OR POSTERIOR. Thinking and concluding from what is 
interior and prior, is thinking and concluding from ends and 
causes to effects; but thinking and concluding from what is ex- 
terior or posterior, is thinking and concluding from effects to 
causes and ends. The latter progression is contrary to order, but 
the former is according to order; for thinking and concluding 
from ends and causes, is thinking and concluding from goods and 
truths that are clearly seen in the higher region of the mind, to 
the effects in the lower region: human rationality itself is such 
from creation. But thinking and concluding from effects, is 
making conjectures about causes and effects from the lower region 
of the mind, where the sensual things of the body, with their 
appearances and fallacies, are, which in itself is nothing else than 
confirming falsities and concupiscences, and after confirmation 
seeing and believing them to be verities of wisdom and goodness 
of the love of wisdom. The case is similar with the love of young 
and grown-up children with the spiritual and the natural; the 
spiritual love them from what is prior, thus according to order; 
but the natural love them from what is posterior, thus contrary to 
order. These things are adduced merely for the confirmation of 
the proceeding article. 


sequently it exists with the natural equally as with the spiritual ; 
but the latter possess conjugial love, whereas the former possess 
no conjugial love but what is apparent and simulated. The reason 
why the love of children and conjugial love nevertheless act in 


unity, is, that conjugial love is implanted in every woman from 
creation, and together with it the love of procreating, which is 
determined to and flows unto the procreated offspring, and from 
the women is communicated to the men, as was said above. Hence 
it is, that in households in which there is no conjugial love be- 
tween the man and his wife, it nevertheless is with the wife, and 
through it there is some external conjunction with the man. From 
this same cause it is, that even fornicators love their offspring, for 
that which from creation has been implanted in souls, and pertains 
to propagation, is indelible, and cannot be extirpated. 

ESPECIALLY WITH WOMEN. Children, as soon as they are raised up, 
which happens immediately after their decease, are elevated into 
heaven, and delivered to angels who are of the female sex, who 
in the life of the body in the w r orld had loved children with 
maternal tenderness, receive them as their own; and the children 
in this case, as from an innate feeling, love them as their own 
mothers: as many infants are consigned to them, as they desire 
from spiritual storge. The heaven in which children are, appears 
in front in the region of the forehead, in the line or radius in 
which the angels look directly at the Lord. That heaven is so 
situated, because all children are educated under the immediate 
auspices of the Lord. There also flows in with them the heaven 
of innocence, which is the third heaven. When they have passed 
through this first age, they are transferred to another heaven, 
where they are instructed. 


AS IN THE WORLD. Children in heaven are educated in the follow- 
ing manner: They learn to speak from their governess: their 
first speech is merely the sound of affection, in which however, 
there is some beginning of thought, whereby what is human in the 
sound is distinguished from the sound of an animal; this speech 
gradually becomes more distinct, as ideas from affection enter the 
thought: all their affections, which also grow, proceed from inno- 
cence. At first, such things are insinuated into them as appear 
before their eyes, and are delightful ; and as these things are from 
a spiritual origin, there flows in into these things at the same time 
things which are of heaven, whereby the interiors of the minds are 
opened. Afterwards as the children are perfected in intelligence, 
so they grow in stature, and in this respect also they appear more 
adult: the reason is, that intelligence and wisdom are essential 
spiritual nourishment; therefore those things which nourish their 
minds, also nourish their bodies in heaven. But children in heaven 
do not grow up beyond their first age, but stop in that age an<J 
remain in it to eternity. And when they are that age they are given 
in marriage, which is provided by the Lord, and is celebrated in 



the heaven of the young man, who presently follows his wife into 
her heaven, or into her house, jf they are in the same society. In 
order that I might know for certain that children grow and mature 
in stature, as they do in intelligence, it has been given me to speak 
with some while they were children, and afterwards when they 
were grown up ; and when they were grown up they appeared in 
a stature like that of grown up young men in the world. 

412. Children are instructed especially by means of repre- 
sentatives adapted and suited to their genius; and it can hardly be 
believed in the world how beautiful, and at the same time how 
full of interior wisdom these representatives are. It is allowed 
to adduce here two representations, from which a conclusion may 
be formed in regard to the rest. They once represented the Lord 
ascending out of the sepulchre, and at the same time the unition 
of His Human with the Divine. At first they presented the idea 
of a sepulchre, but not at the same time the idea of the Lord, 
except so remotely, that it was scarcely, except as it were at a 
distance, perceived that it was the Lord; because in the idea of 
a sepulchre there is something funereal, which they thereby re- 
moved. Afterwards they discreetly admitted into the sepulchre a 
sort of atmospheric element, appearing at last as a thin watery 
element, by which they signified, and this also by a becoming 
remoteness, spiritual life in baptism. Afterwards I saw repre- 
sented by them the Lord's descent to those who were bound, and 
His ascent with them into heaven; and what was really childlike, 
they let down small cords that were almost invisible, and very 
soft and delicate, to aid the Lord in the ascent, being always in a 
holy fear lest anything in the representative should touch upon 
something in which there was nothing heavenly. Not to mention 
other representations, whereby children are introduced at the same 
time into Knowledges of truth, and the affections of good, as by 
games adapted to their infant minds. To these and similar things 
children are led by the Lord by means of innocence passing 
through the third heaven ; and thus spiritual things are insinuated 
into their affections, and thence into their tender thoughts, in 
order that they may know no otherwise than they do and think 
such things from themselves: by means of this their understanding 
begins to be formed. 



SHOULD BECOME ANGELS). Many may fancy that children remain 
children, and become angels immediately after death. But it is 
intelligence and wisdom that make an angel ; wherefore so long 
a children do not possess intelligence and wisdom, they are in- 
deed among angels, but they are not angels; but they then first 
become angels, when they have become intelligent and wise. 


Children therefore are led from the innocence of childhood to the 
innocence of wisdom, that is, from external innocence to internal 
innocence; the latter innocence is the end of all their instruction 
and progression; \vherefore when they attain to the innocence 
of wisdom, the innocence of childhood is adjoined to them, which 
in the meantime had served them for a plane. I saw the quality 
of the innocence of childhood represented by a wooden something 
almost devoid of life, which is vivified in proportion as they 
imbibe the Knowledges of truth and the affections of good: and 
afterwards there was represented the quality of the innocence of 
wisdom, by a living and naked child. The angels of the third 
heaven, who are in a state of innoncence from the Lord above 
other angels, appear like naked children before the eyes of the 
spirits who are beneath the heavens; and as they are wiser than 
all others, they are also more alive: the reason is, that innocence 
corresponds to chilhood, and also to nakedness; wherefore it is 
said of Adam and his wife, when they were in the state of inno- 
cence, that they were ashamed of their nakedness and hid them- 
selves (Gen. ii. 25; iii. 7, 10, 11) . In a word, the wiser the angels 
may in some measure be seen from the innocence of childhood 
described above, no. 395, if only, instead of parents, the Lord be 
assumed as the Father by Whom they are led, and to Whom they 
ascribe whatever they have received. 

414. On the subject of innocence I have spoken with the angels 
on various occasions, and they have said that innocence is the esse 
of every good, and that good is good in proportion as it has inno- 
cence in it; and, since wisdom belongs to life and therefore to 
good, that wisdom is wisdom in proportion as it partakes of inno- 
cence: that the like is true of love, charity, and faith; and that 
hence it is that no one can enter heaven unless he has innocence ; 
and that this is meant by these words of the Lord, "Suffer the 
little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not; for of such 
is the kingdom of the heavens; verily I say unto you, Whosoever 
will not receive the kingdom of the heavens as a little child, he 
shall not enter therein" (Mark x. 14, 15; Luke xviii. 16, 17). In 
this passage, as well as in other parts of the Word, by little 
children are meant those who are in innocence. The reason why 
good is good, in proportion as it has innocence in it, is, that all 
good is from the Lord, and innocence consists in being led by the 

415. To the above I shall add this Memorable Relation: 
One morning on awaking out of sleep, while I was meditating, 

and not yet quite awake, in the early morning and serene light, I 
saw through the window as it were a flash of lightning, and pres- 
ently I heard as it were a clap of thunder; and while I was won- 
dering whence this could be, I heard from heaven these words, 
"There are some not far from you who are disputing violently 



about God and nature. The vibration of light like lightning and 
the clapping of the air like thunder, are correspondences and con- 
sequently appearances of the combat and collision of arguments, 
on one side in favour of God, and on the other in favour of 

The cause of this spiritual combat was as follows: There 
were some satans in hell who said among each other: "Would 
that we might be allowed to speak with the angels of heaven: we 
will completely and fully demonstrate that what they call God, 
from Whom are all things, is nothing but nature; and thus that 
God is a mere empty expression, unless nature be meant by it." 
And as those satans believed this with all their heart and soul, and 
also were desirous to speak with the angels of heaven, it was given 
them to ascend out of the mire and darkness of hell, and to speak 
with two angels who were then descending from heaven. They 
were in the state of spirits, which is intermediate between heaven 
and hell. The satans, on seeing the angels there, ran swiftly up to 
them, and cried out with a furious voice, "Are you the angels of 
heaven with whom we are allowed to engage in reasoning on the 
subject of God and nature? You are called wise because you 
acknowledge a God; but, oh! how simple you are! Who sees 
God? Who understands what God is? Who apprehends that God 
governs, and can govern the universe, and each and all things 
thereof ? Who, but the vulgar and common herd, acknowledges 
what he does not see and understand ? What is more manifest than 
that nature is all in all ? Who has seen with his eyes anything but 
nature? Who has heard with his ears anything but nature? Who 
has smelt with his nostrils anything but nature? Who has tasted 
with his tongue anything but nature? Who has felt with the touch 
of his hand and body anything but nature ? Are not the senses of 
our body the only witnesses of Truths? Who cannot swear from 
them that it is so? Are not your heads in nature? Whence comes 
the influx into the thoughts of your heads but from nature? Take 
away nature, and can you think at all?" Not to mention many 
other arguments of a like kind. 

On hearing these words, the angels replied, "You speak in this 
manner because you are merely sensual. All in the hells have their 
ideas immersed in the senses of the body, neither are they able to 
elevate their minds above them; wherefore we excuse you. The 
life of evil and the consequent belief of falsity have closed the 
interiors of your minds, so that you are incapable of any elevation 
above sensual things, except in a state removed from evils of life 
and falsities of faith : for a satan, as well as an angel, can under- 
stand truth when he hears it; but he does not retain it, because 
evil obliterates truth and induces falsity. But we perceive that you 
are now in a state removed (from evil), and that thus you can 
understand the truth which we speak ; attend therefore to what we 
shall say. 

They proceeded thus: "You have been in the natural world, 



and have departed thence, and are now in the spiritual world. 
Did you know anything till now about the life after death? Did 
you not till now deny that life, and make yourselves equal with 
the beasts? Did you know anything heretofore about heaven and 
hell, or anything about the light and heat of this world? or of the 
fact that you are no longer within nature, but above it? for this 
world and all things belonging to it are spiritual, and spiritual 
things are above natural things, so that not the least of nature can 
flow in into this world. But you, in consequence of believing nature 
to be a god or a goddess, believe also the light and heat of this 
world to be the light and heat of the natural world, when yet it 
is not at all so ; for natural light here is thick darkness, and nat- 
ural heat here is cold. Did you know anything about the sun of 
this world, from which our light and heat proceed? Did you 
know that this sun is pure love, and the sun of the natural world 
pure fire; and that the sun of the world, which is pure fire, is that 
from which nature exists and subsists ; and that the sun of heaven, 
which is pure love, is that from which life itself, which is love 
with wisdom, exists and subsists; and thus that nature, which you 
make a god or goddess, is absolutely dead? You can, if a guard 
be given, ascend with us into heaven; and we also, if a guard be 
given, can descend with you into hell; and in heaven you will see 
magnificent and splendid things, but in hell filthy and unclean 
things. The ground of the difference is, that all in the heavens 
worship God, and all in the hells worship nature; and the magnifi- 
cent and splendid objects in the heavens are correspondences of 
the affections of good and truth, and the filthy and unclean objects 
in the hells are correspondences of the cupidities of evil and 
falsity. Conclude now, from all these circumstances, whether God 
or nature be all in all." 

To this the satans replied, "In the state wherein we now are, 
we can conclude, from what we have heard, that there is a God; 
but when the delight of evil seizes our minds, we see nothing but 

These two angels and the two satans were standing to the right, 
at no great distance from me; wherefore I saw and heard them: 
and lo! I saw about them many spirits who had been celebrated in 
the natural world for their learning; and I was surprised that 
those learned spirits at one time stood near the angels, and at 
another near the satans, and that they favoured the sentiments of 
those near whom they stood; and I was told that the changes of 
their situation were changes of the state of their minds, which 
sometimes favoured one side and sometimes the other; for they 
were Vertumni. 

(It was further said to me), "We will tell you a mystery: we 
have looked down into the earth, to those who were celebrated for 
learning, and who have thought about God and nature from their 
own judgment, and we have found six hundred out of a thousand 
in favour of nature, and the rest in favour of God ; and that these 



were in favour of God, in consequence of having frequently said, 
not from any understanding, but only from what they had heard, 
that nature is from God: for frequent speech from the memory 
and recollection, and not at the same time from thought and 
intelligence, induces a species of faith." 

After this the satans were given a guard, and they ascended 
with the two angels into heaven, and saw the magnificent and 
splendid things there : and being then in illustration from the light 
of heaven, they acknowledged the being of a God, and that nature 
was created to be serviceable to the life which is in God and from 
God; and that nature in itself is dead, and consequently does noth- 
ing of itself, but is acted upon by life. When they had seen and 
perceived these things, they descended : and, as they descended, the 
love of evil returned and closed their understanding above and 
opened it beneath; and then there appeared above it as it were a 
veil shining in consequence of infernal fire; and as soon as they 
touched the earth with their feet, the ground yawned under them, 
and they returned to their own. 

416. After these things those two angels, seeing me near, said 
of me to the bystanders, "We know that this man has written on 
the subject of God and nature: let us hear what he has written." 

They therefore drew near and requested that what had been 
written on the subject of God and nature might be read to them: 
I therefore read thence as follows: 

"Those who believe in a Divine operation in each single thing 
of nature, may confirm themselves in favor of the Divine, from 
very many things which they see in nature, equally as, yea, more 
than those who confirm themselves in favor of nature. For those 
who confirm themselves in favor of the Divine, attend to the won- 
derful things which are observed in the productions of both vege- 
tables and animals : in the PRODUCTION OF VEGETABLES, that from 
a little seed sown in the earth there is sent forth a root, by means 
of the root a stem, and successively buds, leaves, flowers, fruits, 
even to new seeds : just as if the seed knew the order of succession, 
or the process by which it was to renew itself. What rational 
person can think that the sun, which is pure fire, knows this, or 
that it can impart to its heat and light the power to effect such 
things ; and further, that it can form wonderful things therein, and 
intend use? When a man who has an elevated Rational sees and 
considers such things, he cannot think otherwise than that they are 
from Him Who has infinite wisdom, consequently from God. Those 
who acknowledge the Divine, also see and think so ; but those who 
do not acknowledge it, do not see and think so, because they are 
unwilling to; and thus they let down their Rational into the 
Sensual, which derives all its ideas from the lumen in which the 
senses of the body are, and confirms their fallacies, saying, 6 Do 
not you see the sun effecting these things by means of its heat and 
light? What is that which you do not see? Is it anything?' Those 



who confirm themselves in favor of the Divine, attend to the won- 
derful things which are observed in the PRODUCTIONS OF ANIMALS; 
to mention only what is observed in eggs, that there lies con- 
cealed in them a chick in its seed or beginning, with everything 
requisite even to the hatching, and likewise with everything 
requisite to its progress after hatching, until it becomes a bird, or 
winged thing, in the form of its parent. And if he attends to the 
form, as being such, he cannot, if he thinks deeply, help being 
astonished (to observe) that in the smallest as in the largest kinds, 
yea, in the invisible as in the visible, that is, in small insects, as 
in large birds or great beasts, there are organs of the senses, which 
are sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch; and also organs of motion, 
which are the muscles, for they fly and walk; and likewise viscera 
about the heart and lungs, w T hich are actuated by the brains : that 
the commonest insects enjoy all these things is known from their 
anatomy, as described by some writers, especially by SWAMMERDAM 
in his 'Book of Nature.' Those who ascribe all things to Nature 
do indeed see such things ; but they think only that they exist, and 
say that nature produces them: and this they say because they 
have averted themselves from thinking about the Divine, when 
they see the wonderful things in nature, cannot think rationally, 
and still less spiritually, but they think sensually and materially, 
and in this case they think in nature from nature, and not above 
it, in like manner as those do who are in hell; differing from 
beasts only in this respect, that they are possessed of rationality, 
that is, they are capable of understanding, and thus of thinking 
otherwise, if they are willing. Those who have averted themselves 
from thinking about the Divine, when they see the wonderful 
things in nature, and thereby become sensual, do not consider 
that the sight of the eye is so gross that it sees several small in- 
sects as one confused mass; and that nevertheless each of them 
is organized to feel and to move, and consequently is endowed 
with fibres and vessels, also with little hearts, pulmonary pipes, 
little viscera, and brains; and that these parts are woven together 
of the purest things in nature, and that their contextures corres- 
pond to some life, by virtue of which their minutest parts are 
distinctly acted upon. Since the sight of the eye is so gross that 
several such insects, with the innumerable things in each, appear 
to it as a small confused mass, and yet those who are sensual, 
think and judge from that sight, it is evident how gross their 
minds have become, and consequently in what thick darkness they 
are concerning spiritual things. 

417. "Every one is able to confirm himself in favor of the 
Divine from the visible things in nature, if he is willing to do so ; 
and he also who thinks of God from life, does so confirm himself; 
for instance, when he observes the flying things of heaven, how 
each species of them knows it proper food, and where it is to be 
found; how they can distinguish those of their own kinds by the 



sounds they utter and by their appearance; how also, among other 
kinds, they can tell which are their friends and which their foes; 
how they pair together, know the intermingling of the sexes, build 
their nests with art, lay their eggs therein, hatch them, know the 
time of hatching, and at its accomplishment hatch their young out 
of the shell, love them most tenderly, cherish them under their 
wings, feed and nourish them, until they are able to act on their 
own account and do the like, and procreate a family in order to 
perpetuate their kind. Every one who is willing to think of a 
Divine influx through the spiritual world into the natural, is able 
to see it in these facts, and he is also able, if he is willing, to say 
in his heart, 'Such knowledges cannot flow in into those animals 
from the sun through the rays of its light;' for the sun, from 
which nature derives its origin and its essence, is pure fire, and 
consequently the rays of its light are utterly dead ; and thus they 
may conclude, that such effects are derived from an influx of 
Divine Wisdom into the ultimates of nature. 

418. "Every one can confirm himself in favor of the Divine 
from the visible things in nature, when he observes worms, which 
from the delight of a certain desire, wish and long for a change 
of their earthly state into a state analogous to a heavenly one; foi 
this purpose they creep into corners, and cast themselves as it 
were into a womb that they may be born again, and there become 
chrysalises, aurelias, nymphs, and at length butterfles; and when 
they have undergone this metamorphosis, and according to their 
kind are furnished with beautiful wings, they fly into the air as 
into their heaven, and there sport merrily together, celebrate mar- 
riages, lay their eggs, and provide for themselves a posterity ; and 
then they are nourished with sweet and pleasant food, which they 
extract from flowers. Who that confirms himself in favor of the 
Divine from the visible things of nature, does not see some image 
of the earthly state of man in these animals while they are worms, 
and of his heavenly state in the same when they become butter- 
flies? Whereas those who confirm themselves in favor of nature, 
do indeed see such things, but as they have rejected from their 
mind man's heavenly state, they call them mere instincts of nature. 

419. "Every one can confirm himself in favor of the Divine 
from the visible things in nature, when he attends to the facts that 
are known about bees that they know how to gather wax and 
suck honey from herbs and flowers, and build cells like little 
houses, and arrange them into the form of a city with streets, 
through which they come in and go out; that they can smell 
flowers and herbs at a distance, from which they may collect wax 
for their home and honey for their food; and that, when laden 
with these treasures, they can fly back in a straight line direction 
to their hive: thus they provide for themselves food and habitation 
against the approaching winter, as if they knew and foresaw it. 



They also set over themselves a mistress as a aueen, to be the 
parent of their posterity, and for her thev build as it were a 
palace above their own cells, and appoint guards about her; and 
when the time for her to lay eggs is at hand, she goes, accom- 
panied by her guards, from cell to cell, and lavs her eggs, which 
the crowd of bees that follow smear over with a sort of ointment 
to prevent their receiving injury from the air: hence arises a new 
veneration, which, when old enough to provide in like manner for 
itself, is driven out from home: and when driven out it first 
p-athers into a swarm or compact bodv, to prevent the consociation 
being dispersed, and then flies forth to seek out a new habitation 
for itself. About autumn also the useless drones are brought out 
and deprived of their wings, lest they should return and consume 
the provisions which thev had taken no pains to collect; not to 
mention many other circumstances; from which it mav be mani- 
fest that on account of the use which they perform to the human 
race, they have, by virtue of influx from the spiritual world, a 
form of government, such as that among men in the world, yea. 
among angels in the heavens. What man of sound reason does not 
see that such instincts are not communicated to bees from the 
natural world? What has the sun, in which nature originates, 
in common with a form of government which emulates and is 
analogous to the heavenlv government? From these and similar 
circumstances respecting brute animals, and confessor and wor- 
shipper of nature confirms himself in favor of nature, while the 
confessor and worshipper of God, from the same circumstances, 
confirms himself in favor of the Divine: for the spiritual man sees 
.spiritual things therein, and the natural man natural; thus every 
one according to his quality. With regard to myself, such circum- 
stances have been to be testimonies of an influx of what is spiritual 
into what is natural, or of an influx of the spiritual world into 
the natural world; thus of an influx from the Divine Wisdom of 
the Lord. Consider also, whether you can think analytically of any 
form of government, any civil law, any moral virtue, or any spir- 
itual verity, unless the Divine flows in by virtue of His wisdom 
through the spiritual world: for mv own part, I never could, and 
am still unable to do so: for I have perceptibly and sensibly 
observed that influx now for twenty- five years continually: I there- 
fore say this from experience. 

420. "Can nature have use for an end, and dispose uses into 
orders and forms? No one can do this but a Wise Being; and 
none but God, Who possesses infinite wisdom, can so order and 
form the universe. Who else can foresee and provide for human 
beings all things necessary for their food and clothing, producing 
them from the fruits of the earth and from animals? It is surely 
a wonderful thing among many others, that those common worms 
which are called silk-worms, should clothe with silk, and magnifi- 
cently adorn both women and men, from queens and kinds even to 



maidservants and menservants : and that those common insects, the 
bees, should supply wax for the candles which light up both 
temples and palaces. These and many other things are standing 
proofs that the Lord operates from Himself through the spiritual 
world, all the things which are in nature. 

421. "To this it ought to be added, that I have seen in the 
spiritual world those who had confirmed themselves in favor of 
nature from the visible things of this world so far as to become 
atheists, and that their understanding in spiritual light appeared 
open beneath, but closed above, because in thought they had 
looked downwards to the earth, and not upwards to heaven. Above 
the Sensual, which is the lowest of the understanding, there 
appeared as a veil, shining with some, by reason of infernal fire, 
with some black as soot, and with some livid as a corpse. Let 
every one therefore beware of confirmations in favor of nature, 
and let him confirm himself in favor of the Divine; there is no 
lack of materials. 

422. "Some indeed ought to be excused for ascribing certain 
visible effects to nature, because they have not known anything 
about the sun of the spiritual world, where the Lord is, and about 
the influx thence; neither have they known anything about that 
world and its state, nor yet of its presence with man; and con- 
sequently they could think no otherwise than that what is spiritual 
was a purer nature; and thus that angels were either in the ether 
or in the stars ; also, that the devil was either man's evil, or, if he 
actually existed, that he was either in the air or in the deeps; also, 
that the souls of men after death were either in the inmost part of 
the earth, or in some nondescript place, till the day of judgment; 
not to mention other like conceits, which phantasy has brought 
on in consequence of ignorance of the spiritual world and its sun. 
This is the reason why those ought to be excused, who have 
believed that nature has produced its visible effects by virtue of 
what has been implanted from creation. Nevertheless those who 
have made themselves atheists by confirmations in favor of nature, 
ought not to be excused, because they might have confirmed them- 
selves in favor of the Divine. Ignorance indeed excuses, but does 
not take away confirmed falsity ; for this falsity coheres with evil, 
and evil coheres with hell." 



Relating to 



423. At this threshold, it must be explained first of all, what 
is meant by scortatory love in this chapter. The fornicatory love 
that precedes the conjugial union, is not understood, nor that which 
follows it after the death of the conjugial partner; nor the con- 
cubinatus y which is entered into from legitimate, just, and weighty 
causes; nor are the mild kinds of scortatory love understood, nor 
the graver kinds, of which the man (homo) actually repents, for 
these do not become opposite, and they are not opposite to con- 
jugial loye; that they are not opposite, will be seen in the follow- 
ing (chapters), where each one will be treated of. But by scorta- 
tory love opposite to conjugial love is here meant any adulterous 
love (whether of fornicatio, pellicatus, concubinatus, or adulte- 
rium), when it is such that it is not regarded as a sin, nor an evil 
and something dishonest (or dishonorable) in the presence of 
reason, but as allowable with reason: this scortatory love not only 
makes conjugial love the same with itself, but it even ruins, 
destroys, and at length nauseates it. The opposition of this love 
to^conjugial love is treated of in this present chapter; that no 
other love is treated of (as being in such opposition), may be 
manifest from the following chapters concerning Fornicatio, Con- 
cubinatus, and the various kinds of adulterous love. 

But in order that this opposition may be evident to the rational 
sight, it must be demonstrated in the following series: 

L That the quality of socrtatory love is not known unless the 
quality of conjugial love is known. 

II. That scortatory love is opposite to conjugial love. 

III. That scortatory love is opposite to conjugial love, as the 
natural man, viewed in himself, is opposite to the spiritual man. 

IV. That. scortatory love is opposite to conjugial love, as the 
connubial relation of evil and falsity is opposite to the marriage 
of good and truth. 

V. That scortatory love is therefore opposite conjugial love y 
just as hell is opposite to heaven. 

VI. That' the uncleanness of hell is from scortatory love, and 
that the cleanness of heaven is from conjugial love. 

VII. That it is similar in regard to the uncleanness in the 
church, and the cleanness there. 

VIII. That the union of evil and falsity more and more makes 
good not good, and truth not truth, and that, on the other hand, 
good and truth conjoined makes good more and more good and 



IX. That there is a sphere of scortatory love, and a sphere of 
conjugial love. 

X. That the sphere of scortatory love comes up out of hell, 
and the sphere of conjugial love comes down from heaven. 

XI. That in each of those worlds those two spheres meet, but 
do not conjoin. 

XII. That between these two spheres is an equilibrium, and in 
this is man. 

XIII. That man is able to turn himself to whichever sphere 
he will 9 but that in so far as he turns himself to one, he turns 
himself from the other. 

XIV. That each sphere brings with it delights. 

XV. That the delights of scortatory love begin from the flesh 
(the natural mind), and that they are of the flesh even in the 
spirit; but that the delights of conjugial love begin in the spirit, 
and that they are of the spirit even in the flesh. 

XVI. That the delights of scortatory love are pleasures of in- 
sanity, and that the delights of conjugial love are the delights of 

Now follows the explanation of these articles. 



scortatory love is understood an adulterous love which destroys 
conjugial love (as above, no. 423). That the quality of that 
scortatory love is not known, unless the quality of conjugial love 
be known, needs no demonstration, but only illustration by simili- 
tudes; as, for instance, who can know what is evil and false, unless 
he knows what is good and true? who knows what is unchaste, 
dishonourable, unbecoming, and ugly, unless he knows what is 
chaste, honourable, becoming, and beautiful ? who can discern the 
various kinds of insanity, but one who is wise, or who knows what 
wisdom is? furthermore, who can rightly perceive discordant and 
grating sounds, but he who by instruction and study has become 
acquainted with musical harmonies? In like manner, who can 
clearly discern what the quality of scortatory love is, unless he 
has first clearly discerned the quality of the heavenly marriage of 
good and truth? And who can form a correct judgment of the 
filthiness of the pleasures of scortatory love, but he who has first 
formed a correct judgment of the cleanness of conjugial love? 
Now because I have understood (by removing all false concep- 
tions), the Delights of Wisdom pertaining to Conjugial Love, from 
the wisdom thence acquired I am able to set forth, or ascribe, the 
real character of The Sensuous Delights of Scortatory Love. 

LOVE. There does not exist anything in the universe which has not 
its opposite, and oppo sites in respect to each other are not rela- 
tives, but are contraries: relatives are between the greatest and 



the least of the same thing, but contraries are, by reason of their 
opposition, against them, and the latter are relatives in respect 
to each other, just as the former are; wherefore also the relatives 
themselves are opposites. That each and all things have their 
opposites, is evident from light, heat, the times of the world, affec- 
tions, perceptions, sensations, and many other things. The opposite 
of light is darkness; the opposite of heat is cold; of the times of 
the world the opposites are day and night summer and winter; 
of affections the opposites are joys and sorrows, also states of 
gladness and of sadness; of perceptions the opposites are goods 
and evils, also truths and falsities ; and of sensations the opposites 
are things delightful and undelightful. Hence by all evidence it 
may be concluded, that conjugial love has its opposite. That this 
opposite is scortatory love, every one may see, if he will, from 
all the dictates of sound reason: tell, if you can, what else is its 
opposite. It is an additional evidence, that as sound reason, by 
virtue of its own light, has been able to see this truth clearly, 
therefore, it has decreed laws, which are declared to be just and 
reasonable, in favor of the celestial marriage of good and truth, 
and against the unholy alliances between falsities and evils. In 
order that it may yet appear more clearly that these are opposites, 
it is allowed to relate what I have frequently seen in the state of 
spirits. When those who, when in their natural states in the mate- 
rial world, had been scortators, who believed their adulterous 
loves not to be sins, by religious belief or otherwise, perceive the 
sphere of conjugial love flowing down from heaven, they imme- 
diately either flee away into caverns and hide themselves, or if 
they set themselves obstinately against it, they grow mad with 
rage, and become like furies. That this is so, is because all things 
of the affections, whether agreeable or disagreeable, are there per- 
ceived, and sometimes as clearly as an odor is perceived by the 
smell, for they do not have a material body that can absorb such 
things. But the reason why the opposition of scortatory love and 
conjugial love is not known by many in the natural states, is from 
the delights of the natural mind, which apparently emulate the 
delights of conjugial love in the ultimates, and they who are in 
these natural delights do not know anything about this opposition: 
and I can venture to affirm, that if you should say that everything 
has its opposite, and should conclude that conjugial love also has 
its opposite, scortators would respond that that love does not have 
an opposite, because scortatory love in no sense discriminates 
itself from it. From which also it is evident, that one who does 
not know what the quality of conjugial love is, does not know the 
quality of scortatory love; and besides that, the quality of con- 
jugial love is not known from scortatory love, but the latter from 
the former; no one from evil knows good, but from good one 
knows evil ; for evil is in thick darkness, but good is in light. 





THE SPIRITUAL MAN. That the natural man and the spiritual man 
are opposite to each other, so that the one does not will what the 
other wills, yea, that they combat each other, is known in the 
church, but still not as yet explained; it shall therefore be stated 
what it is that discriminates between the spiritual man and the 
natural, and excites the latter against the former. The natural man 
(homo) is that into which every one is first introduced, into the 
period of ignorance and the growing understanding (adolescit), 
and his progress is enhanced by means of scientifics and knowl- 
edges, and by the rational things of the understanding; but the 
spiritual man is that into which he is introduced by the love of 
doing uses, which love is also called charity; wherefore in pro- 
portion as any one is in charity, in the same proportion he is 
spiritual; but in proportion as he is not in charity, in the same 
proportion he is natural, even if he is sharp-sighted in genius, 
and wise in judgment. That the latter man, which is called the 
natural, separate from the spiritual, however much he may elevate 
himself into the light of reason, nevertheless gives himself up to 
the evils of his understanding, and ministers to them, is manifest 
from his genius alone, in that he is devoid of charity; and who- 
ever is without charity, is prone to all the spiritual insanities 
of scortatory love: wherefore when it is told to him, that this 
libidinous love is opposed to chaste conjugial love, and is asked 
to consult his rational light, still he does not consult that light 
except in conjunction with the delight of the evil implanted from 
birth in the natural man, from which he comes to the conclusion, 
that his reason does not see anything opposed to the agreeable, 
sensitive enticements which come through his lower sensuous 
mind; in which after he has confirmed himself in them, his reason 
is closed to all the heavenly things, which are predicated of con- 
jugial love; yea, as was said above, he fights against them, and 
conquers, and like a conqueror after the enemy's overthrow, he 
destroys from the outmosts to the inmosts, the stronghold of con- 
jugial love in himself: these things the natural man does in con- 
sequence of his love for falsifying truth. This is mentioned in 
order that it may be known, whence is the opposite of these two 
loves; for, as has been abundantly shown above, conjugial love 
considered in itself is a spiritual love, and scortatory love con- 
sidered in itself is a natural love. 



conjugial love is from the marriage of good and truth, was demon- 
strated above in its own chapter (from nos. 83 to 102) ; thence it 
follows that the origin of scortatory love is from the unholy mar- 
riage of evil and falsity, and that therefore they are opposite, as 
evil is opposite to good, and the falsity of evil to the truth of 


good; there are the delights of each love, which thus are opposite, 
for love without its delights is not anything. That these two oppo- 
site to each other, does not at all appear; that it does not appear, 
is because the delight of evil love in externals counterfeits the 
delight of the love of good; but in internals the delight of the love 
of evil consists of mere concupiscences of evil; evil itself is a 
round mass or ball of those concupiscences: but the delight of the 
love of good consists of innumerable affections of good; good 
itself is as a tied bundle of those affections ; this bundle, or that 
ball, is not felt by man except as one delight, and because of the 
delight of evil in externals counterfeits the delight of good, as 
was said, so also the delight of falsifying the truth is as strong 
as the desire for union between good and truth ; but after resusci- 
tation, when every one lays aside externals, and internals are laid 
bare, then it is made manifest to the spirit, that the evil of scorta- 
tory love is a roll of the concupiscences of evil, and that the good 
of holy marriage is a bundle of the affections of good; thus that 
they are entirely opposed to each other. 

428. As regards the connubial relationship itself of the evil 
and the false, it is known that evil loves the false, and wills that 
it shall be one with itself, and they also conjoin themselves; in 
like manner as good loves truth, and wills that it may be one with 
it, and they also conjoin themselves; from which it appears, that 
as the spiritual origin of the heavenly marriage is for the perfect 
union of good and truth, so the spiritual origin of scortatory love 
is the unholy alliance of the evil and the false ; hence it is meant, 
in the spiritual sense of the Word that these unholy alliances are 
the adulterations of good and the falsifications of truth, and the 
evils resulting from such scortations (see Apocalypse Revealed, 
no. 134). It is from this principle, that he who is in evil and 
becomes wed to falsity, and he who is in falsity and takes evil 
into partnership with his own will, confirms scortatory love by 
mutual agreement, and performs it as far as he dares and has the 
strength; he confirms it from evil by means of falsity, and com- 
mits it from falsity by means of evil: and on the other hand, he 
who is in good, and weds truth, or he who is in truth, and invites 
good as the consort of the inner places of his heart with himself, 
sets himself against the love of scortations and in favor of the 
holy union of good and truth, and thus attains the blissful state 
of the conjugial life of heaven. 

in hell are in the profane wedlock of evil with falsity, and all who 
are in heaven, are in the blessed union of good and truth; and 
because the unholy conjunction of evil and falsity, is also scorta- 
tory love, (as has just been shown above, 1 nos. 427, 428,) hell is 
also such a state of perversions and insanities; hence it is, that 



all who are in hell are in the lust, lasciviousness, and shameless- 
ness of scortatory love, and shun and exceedingly dread the chas- 
tity and modesty of conjugial love (see above, no. 428). From 
these things it may be seen, that these two loves, the scortatory 
and the conjugial, are opposite to each other, as hell to heaven, 
and heaven to hell. 

JUGIAL LOVE. All hell abounds in uncleanness, and the universal 
origin of this is the shamelessness and obscenity of scortatory 
love; the delights of that love are turned into such uncleanness. 
Who can believe that in the state of spirits every delight of love 
is presented to the sight under various appearances; to the smell 
under various odors, and to the view under various forms of 
beasts and birds? The appearances, under which in hell the las- 
civious delights of scortatory love are seen, are dung and mire; 
the odors, which are perceived, are stinks and stenches; and the 
forms of beasts and birds, under which they are presented to view, 
are swine, serpents, and birds called ochim and tziim. But it is 
otherwise with the chaste delights of conjugial love in heaven: 
the appearances, under which those delights are presented to the 
sight there, are gardens and flower fields; the odors, which are 
perceived there, are the sweet smells from fruits and the fra- 
grances from flowers; and the forms of animals, which are con- 
spicuously seen there, are lambs, kids, turtle-doves and birds of 
paradise. That the delights of loves are changed into such and 
similar things, is because all things which exist in the spiritual 
world, are correspondences; into these correspondences the in- 
ternals of their minds are transformed when they pass forth and 
become external before the senses. But it should be known, that 
there are innumerable varieties of uncleanness, into which wanton 
scortations are changed, as they pass out into their correspon- 
dences: and the varieties are according to the genera and species 
of those falsities, which may be seen in the following pages, where 
scortatory loves and their degrees are treated of; but such unclean 
things do not go forth from the delights of the love of those who 
have repented, and who have been elevated above the evils of the 
natural mind, 

the church is the kingdom of the Lord with those in the natural, 
and natural-rational states, and also with those in heavenly and 
celestial states; and the Lord also conjoins them that they may 
make one: He also distinguishes those who are there, as He dis- 
tinguishes heaven and hell, and He distinguishes them according 
to their loves; those who are in the shameless and obscene delights 
of scortatory love, associate to themselves similar spirits from 



hell: but those, who are in the pure and chaste delights of con- 
jugial love, are associated by the Lord with like angels from 
heaven: when these their angels, in their attendance on man stand 
near those who are in scortatory love, from sins of the under- 
standing and of the will, they become sensible of the horrible 
stenches (spoken of above, no. 430), and recede a little. On 
account of the correspondences of filthy loves with dung and mire, 
it was commanded the sons of Israel. "That they should carry 
with them a paddle, with which to cover their excrement, lest 
Jehovah God, walking in the midst of their camp, should see the 
nakedness of the thing, and should turn back*". (Deut. xxxiii. 14, 
15) ; this was commanded, because the camp of the sons of Israel 
represented the church, and those unclean things corresponded to 
the impure loves of their scortations; and by Jehovah God walk- 
ing in the midst of their camp was signified His presence with the 
angels; that they should cover it was, because all those places in 
hell, where troops of such spirits have their abode, are covered 
and closed up, wherefore also it is said, "lest He see the naked- 
ness of the thing." That all those places in hell are closed up, it 
has been given me to see ; and also that when they are opened, as 
was the case when a new demon entered, such a horrid stench 
exhaled from them, that it infested my abdomen with heaviness; 
and what is wonderful, these stenches are to them as delightful as 
dung is to swine. From these considerations it is evident how it 
is to be understood, that the uncleanness in the church is from 
scortatory love, and that the cleanness there is from conjugial love. 



MORE AND MORE GOOD AND TRUTH. That conjugiai love makes men 
(and women) heavenly and celestial has been illustrated and con- 
firmed by each and all the propositions, which were demonstrated 
in the light before the rational mind, in the First Part of this 
Work concerning Pure Love, and the Delights of its Wisdom: as 
(1.) That he who is in love truly conjugial, becomes more and 
more spiritual ; and the more any one is spiritual, the more he is 
a heavenly man, (2.) That he becomes more and more wise; and 
the more any one is wise, the more he is a heavenly and celestial 
man. (3.) That with such a one the interiors of the mind are more 
and more opened, so that he sees, or intuitively acknowledges the 
Lord; and the more any one is in that sight, or in that acknowl- 
edgment, the more he is a celestial man. (4.) That he becomes 
more and more moral and law-abiding, because a spiritual soul 
has inherent in him a higher degree of morality and good citizen- 
ship; and the more moral any one is in his duties as a heavenly 
citizen, the more he is a man. (5.) That also after death he 
becomes an angel of heaven; and an angel is in essence and form 
a man, and also what is genuinely wise and intelligent in his 



countenance also shines forth from his speech, and from his man- 
ners and gestures. From these things it is evident that conjugial 
love makes men and women to be more and more in the union of 
good and truth. That the contrary is the case with scortators 
follows as a consequence, from the very opposition of scortatory 
love and the conjugial state, of which it has been treated, and is 
treated in this chapter: as (1.) That they are not spiritual, but 
extremely natural ; and the natural man separate from the spiritual 
man, is human only as to his understanding, and not as to his 
will ; for his will looks down only into the external mind, and into 
the concupiscences of his exteriors, and at these times his under- 
standing also confirms his acts; that such a one is as yet only in 
the animal stage, and not a real man, he himself can see from 
the reason of his understanding, if he elevates it. (2.) That scor- 
tators are not wise, except in their speech and behaviour, when 
they are in company with those who are high in station, or dis- 
tinguished for their learning and morals, but that when alone with 
themselves, they are insane, holding as of no account the Divine 
and holy things of the church, and by defiling the holy things of 
life with shamelessness and unchastity, will be shown in the chap- 
ter on Adulterium. Who does not see that such gesticulators are 
human only as to the external figure, and not men as regards their 
internal form, or interiors? (3.) That scortators become more 
and more not men, my own personal observation from seeing 
them in hell, has clearly proved to me; for there they are demons, 
who when they are seen in the light of heaven, appear with their 
faces full of pustules, their bodies hunch-backed, their speech grat- 
ing, and their gestures hysterical. But it should be known, that 
such scortators from confirmed purpose of the will, and not those 
of the reason, who believe their evil acts to be allowable. For 
there are four kinds of adulterers (those who adulterate good and 
profane the truth), which are treated of in the chapter on Adulteria 
and their Degrees. Adulterers from set purpose are those who are 
so from perversions of the will ; adulterers from confirmation are 
such from persuasions of the understanding (from false beliefs, 
religion, and who consider their acts to be without sin, and to be 
honourable and permissible) ; adulterers from premeditation are 
such from the allurements of the senses; and unpremeditated 
adulterers are such as have not the faculty, or the freedom of con- 
sulting the understanding The two former kinds of adulterers are 
those that become more and more not, men; but the two latter 
kinds become men just in the degree that they recede from those 
errors, and afterwards become wise. 

433. That conjugial love makes a man (homo) more of a man 
(vir), is also illustrated by what was adduced in the preceding 
Part concerning Conjugial Love and its Delights, which are: 
(1.) That the faculty (for knowing and understanding) , and virtue 
(the faculty of multiplying wisdom from the love of truth) , which 


are called "virile," accompany wisdom just in proportion as this 
is animated by the spiritual things of the church, and that thence 
they inhere in conjugial love; and that the wisdom of this love 
opens a vein from its fountain in the soul, and thus invigorates, 
and also blesses with perpetuity the intellectual life, which is the 
masculine life itself (wisdom and understanding). (2.) That 
hence it is, that the angels of heaven are in this faculty to eternity, 
according to their own declarations in the Memorable Relations 
(nos. 355, 356) : that the Most Ancient Men, in the Golden and 
Silver Ages, were in enduring efficacy, because they loved the 
caresses of their conjugial consorts, and would not permit lustful 
advances from one in an adulterous love. I have heard from their 
own mouths. (See the Memorable Relations, nos. 75, 76.) That 
this spiritual sufficiency, even in the natural, will not be wanting 
at the present day to those who approach the Lord, and abominate 
adulteries as infernal, has been told me from heaven. But the con- 
trary happens to scortators who engage in their evil practices from 
what is purposed by the will, and those who commit unlawful acts 
from religion, doctrine, believing them to be not a sin, and allow- 
able, (who were treated above, no. 432. at the end') ; that with 
them the faculty and virtue, which is called the virile faculty, is 
weakened, even until it is none, and that after this there commences 
cold towards the sex, and that this cold is succeeded by a kind of 
loathing that verges on nausea, is known, although but little talked 
of; that those adulterers are such in hell, I have heard at a dis- 
tance, from the sirens, who are obsolete venereal lusts, and also 
from the brothel -keepers there. From these things it is clear that 
scortatory love makes a human being (homo] more and more not 
human (Ao/no), and not a man (vir) ; and that conjugial love 
makes a human being more and more a man, and a heavenly 
man (vir). 

A SPHERE OF CONJUGIAL LOVE. What is meant by spheres, and 
they are manifold, and that those which are of love and wisdom 
proceed from the Lord, and through the angelic heavens descend 
into the natural mind, and pervade it even to its ultimates, was 
shown above (nos. 222 to 225, and nos. 386 to 397) . That nothing 
exists in the universe which has not its opposite, see above (no. 
425) ; from this it follows, that because there is a sphere of con- 
jugial love, there must also be a sphere opposite to it, which is 
called the sphere of scortatory love, for these spheres are opposite 
to each other, as adulterous love is opposite to conjugial love; 
which opposition has been treated of in the preceding parts of 
this chapter. 



FROM HEAVEN. That the sphere of conjugial love descends from 



heaven, was shown in the places cited just above, no. 434; but that 
the sphere of scortatory love ascends from hell, is because this 
love is from thence, no. 429; this sphere ascends thence from the 
unclean things, into which are turned the delights of scortatory 
love of those of both sexes there; concerning which see above, 
nos. 430, 431. 

MEET, BUT DO NOT JOIN. By each world is meant the spiritual 
world (those in the spiritual state), and the natural world (in the 
natural state). In the spiritual world those spheres meet in the 
state of spirits (in freedom and equilibrium), because this is the 
intermediate between heaven and hell ; but in the natural world 
they meet each other in the rational plane with man, which also 
is intermediate between heaven and hell ; for there flows into it 
from above the marriage of good and truth, and there flows into it 
from below the marriage of evil and falsity; the latter marriage 
flows in through the natural, or exterior mind, but the former 
through the spiritual and regenerated will and understanding. 
Thence it is that the human rational can turn itself to which side 
it pleases, and receive the influx; if it (the human rational) turns 
to good it receives the influx from above, and then the rational of 
the man is formed more and more to the reception of heaven ; but 
if it turns to evil, it receives the influx from beneath, and his 
rational is then formed more and more to the reception of hell. 
That there two spheres do not conjoin themselves is because they 
are opposites, and an opposite acts upon an opposite no otherwise 
than as enemies, one of which, inflamed with a hatred that actually 
desires the destruction of the other, furiously attacks that other, 
although that other is in no hatred, but only in zeal for self- 
protection. From these considerations it is evident that these two 
spheres only meet each other, but do not become conjoined. The 
intermediate state which is formed between them consists, on the 
one side, of evil which is not of falsity, and of falsity which is not 
of evil, and on the other side, of good which is not of truth, and 
of truth which is not of good, which two may indeed touch each 
other, but still cannot conjoin themselves. 

RIUM, AND IN THIS is MAN. The f equilibrium between them is a 
spiritual equilibrium, because it is between good and evil; by 
virtue of this equilibrium man has free will ; in this, and by means 
of this equilibrium, man thinks and wills, and thence speaks and 
acts as of himself. His Rational is in the option and election 
whether it will receive good, or whether it will receive evil ; con- 
sequently, whether it will rationally from freedom dispose itself 
to conjugial love, or whether it will rationally from freedom dis- 
pose itself to scortatory love; if it disposes itself to the latter, the 
man turns the back of his head and body to the Lord : if to the 



former, he turns his face and hreast to the Lord; if to the Lord, 
his rational mind and freedom are led by the Lord, but if he turns 
away from the Lord, his rationality and liberty are led by hell. 


that whatever he does may be done by him from freedom, accord- 
ing to reason, and altogether as of himself; without these two he 
would not be a man (homo] , but a beast, for he would not receive 
anything inflowing from heaven to himself, and appropriate it to 
himself as his own, and thence it would not be possible for any- 
thing of eternal life to be inscribed on him ; for this must be in- 
scribed on him as his own, in order that it may be his own; 
and whereas there does not exist any freedom of turning in one 
direction, unless there is also the freedom of turning in the other 
direction as well, just as it would be impossible to weigh anything 
unless the scales by virtue of the equilibrium were able to incline 
to either side, so unless man has freedom from reason to accede 
also to evil, thus from the right to the left, and from the left to 
the right, in like manner to the infernal sphere, which is the 
sphere of scortatory love, as well as to the heavenly sphere, which 
is that of the marriage of good and truth. 

is to say, both the sphere of scortatory love, which ascends from 
hell, and the sphere of conjugial love, which descends from 
heaven, affects the recipient man with delights; the reason is, that 
the ultimate plane, in which the delights of each love terminate, 
and where they fill and complete themselves, and which presents 
them in their own proper sense, is the same; hence it is that the 
allurements of falsities and evils, and the heavenly things of con- 
jugial relationships, in exteriors are perceived as alike, although 
in internals they are entirely unlike; that hence they are also dis- 
similar in ultimates, is not judged from any sense of the differ- 
ence; for unlikenesses are not felt from their differences in the 
ultimates bv any other than those who are in truly conjugial love: 
for evil is known by good, but not good by evil, just as a sweet 
scent is not perceived by the nostril when a foul odor is present 
in it. I have heard from the angels that they distinguish in the 
the lascivious from what is not lascivious, as any one distinguishes 
the fire of dung, or of burnt horn, by its bad smell, from the fire 
of burnt spices, or of cinnamon wood, by their sweet smell ; and 
that this arises from the difference of the internal delights which 
enter into the external ones and kindle them. 






SPIRIT EVEN IN THE FLESH. That the delights of scortatory love 
begin from the flesh is because the burning heats of the natural 
mind are their beginning principle. That they infect the spirit, 
and that they are of the flesh even in the spirit, is that the spirit, 
and not the flesh, feels these things which happen in the flesh. 
With this sense the case is similar as with the rest, as that the eye 
does not see or discern the various details in objects, but the 
spirit; and that the ear does not hear and discern the harmony of 
melodies in singing, and the fitness of the articulation of sounds 
in speech, but the spirit ; and the spirit feels everything according 
to its elevation into wisdom ; a spirit that is not elevated above the 
sensuals of the body, and so keeps clear of them, does not feel 
other delights than those that flow in from the flesh, and from the 
world through the bodily senses. These it seizes, is allured by 
them, and makes them its own. Now, as the beginnings of scorta- 
tory love are the burning heat and purient itchings of the flesh, it 
is plain that in the spirit they are filthy enticements, which as they 
go up and down, and back and forth, thus excite and inflame. In 
general, the cupidities of the flesh, viewed in themselves, are noth- 
ing else than the conglomerated concupiscences of evil and falsity. 
Hence this truth in the church, that the flesh lusteth against the 
spirit, that is, against the spiritual man. It therefore follows that 
the delights of the flesh, like as the delights of scortatory love, are 
nothing else than libidinous effervescences, which in the spirit 
become the springs (or sources) of unchastities. 

441. But the delights of conjugial love have nothing in com- 
mon with the feculent delights of scortatory love. These do indeed 
inhere in the external mind of every man (homo)^ but in propor- 
tion as the spirit of a man is elevated above the sensuals of the 
body, and looks down from a height upon their appearances and 
fallacies below, these are separated and displaced; in like manner 
he then perceives the fleshly delights, at first as apparent and 
fallacious delights, and afterwards as libidinous and damnable and 
hurtful to the soul, and at length he feels them as undelightful, 
disagreeable, and nauseating; and in the degree that he thus per- 
ceives and feels these delights, in the same degree also he per- 
ceives the delights of conjugial love as innocent and chaste, and at 
length as delicious and blessed. That the delights of conjugial 
love become also delights of the spirit in the flesh, is because, 
after the delights of scortatory love are displaced, as was said 
just above, the spirit being released from them, enters chaste into 
the body, and fills the breasts, and from the breasts even the ulti- 
mates of that love in the body, with the exquisite delights of its 
own blessedness; thence the spirit acts with these, and these with 
the spirit, afterwards in full communion. 




LOVE ARE THE DELIGHTS OF WISDOM. That the delights of scorta- 
tory love are pleasures of insanity, is because none others than 
natural men are in that love, and the natural man is insane in 
spiritual things, for he is against them, and therefore embraces 
only natural, sensual, and corporeal delights. It is said that the 
delights are natural, sensual, and corporeal, because the natural 
is distinguished into three degrees. The natural in the highest 
degree are those who from rational sight see the insanities, and 
yet are carried away by the delights of them, as boats by the 
current of a stream; in a lower degree are the natural who only 
see and judge by the senses of the body, and spurn and reject 
as trifles, things rational that are contrary to appearances and 
fallacies; in the lowest degree are the natural, who without judg- 
ment, are carried away by the alluring heats of their body; it is 
those who are called corporeal-natural, the former sensual-natural, 
but the first natural Scortatory love with them, its insanities and 
pleasures, are of like degree. 

443. That the delights of conjugial love are the delights of 
wisdom, is because none other than spiritual men are in that love, 
and the spiritual man is in wisdom, and therefore embraces no 
delights but such as accord with spiritual wisdom. The quality 
of the delights of scortatory love, and the quality of the delights 
of conjugial love, may be elucidated by a comparison with houses ; 
the delights of scortatory love, by comparison with a house whose 
walls glitter outwardly like sea shells, or like the transparent 
stones of a spurious golden color called selenites, but in the 
chambers within the walls are filth and rubbish of all kinds; but 
the delights of conjugial love may be likened to a house, the walls 
of which shine as with the finest gold, and the rooms within are 
resplendent as with cabinets full of various precious things. 

444. To the above shall be added the following Memorable 

After I had brought to a conclusion the meditations on con- 
jugial love, and had begun those on scortatory love, suddenly two 
angels stood by me, and said, "We have perceived and understood 
what you have heretofore meditated upon; but the things which 
you are now meditating upon are beyond us, and we do not per- 
ceive them. Leave them out, because they are nothing." 

But I replied, "This love, on which I am now meditating, is 
not nothing, because it does exist." 

But they said, "How can there exist any love, which is not 
from creation? Is not conjugial love from creation? Is it not a 
love between two who are capable of becoming one? How can 
there exist a love which divides and separates? What young man 
can love any other maiden than the one who loves him in return ? 
Must not the love of the one know and acknowledge the love of 



the other, so that when they meet they may become conjoined of 
themselves? Who can love that which is not love? Is not con- 
jugial love alone mutual and reciprocal? If it is not reciprocal, 
does it not rebound and become nothing?" 

On hearing this, I asked the two angels from which society of 
the heaven they were. 

They said, "We are from the heaven of innocence; we came 
when infants into this heavenly world, and were educated under 
the Lord's auspices; and when I had become a grown-up youth, 
and my wife, who is here with me, a marriageable girl, we were 
betrothed and affianced, and united together by wedding: and as 
we did not know of any other love than truly wedded and con- 
jugial love, therefore, when the ideas of your thought concerning 
a strange love, directly opposed to our own love, were communi- 
cated to us, we did not at all comprehend it; wherefore we have 
descended in order to ask you the reason why you meditate on 
things that cannot be perceived. Tell us, therefore, how a love 
which not only is not from creation, but is also contrary to 
creation, can possibly exist? We regard things that are opposite 
to creation as objects of no reality." 

As they said this, I was glad at heart that it had been given 
me to speak with angels of such innocence as to be utterly ignorant 
of what scortatory love is; wherefore I opened my mouth and 
taught them, saying: "Do you not know that there exist both good 
and evil, and that good is from creation, but not evil? and that 
nevertheless evil, considered in itself, is not nothing, although it is 
nothing of good? From creation there exists good, and also good 
in the greatest degree and in the least degree ; and when this least 
becomes nothing, there rises up on the other side evil ; wherefore 
there does not exist any relation or progression of good to evil, 
but a relation and progression of good to a greater and less good, 
and of evil to a greater and less evil ; for there are opposites in 
each and every particular. And since good and evil are opposites, 
there exists an intermediate, and in the intermediate there is an 
equilibrium, in which evil acts against good; but as it does not 
prevail, it stops in the endeavor. Ev*ery man is educated in this 
equilibrium, which, because it is an equilibrium between good and 
evil, or, what is the same thing, between heaven and hell, is a 
spiritual equilibrium, which, with those who are in it, produces 
freedom. By virtue of this equilibrium the Lord draws all to Him- 
self; and He leads out of evil into good, and thus to heaven, the 
man who follows from freedom. The case is the same with love, 
especially with conjugial love, and with scortatory love; the latter 
love is evil, but the former good. Every man who hears the voice 
of the Lord, and follows out of freedom, is introduced by the 
Lord into conjugial love, and into all its delights and blissful- 
nesses; but he who does not hear and follow, introduces himself 
into scortatory love, first into its delights, but afterwards into its 
undelights, and lastly into its joyfulnesses," 


When I had said this, the two angels asked me, ''How could 
evil exist, when nothing but good had existed from creation? In 
order that anything may come into existence, it must have an 
origin. Good could not be the origin of evil, because evil is noth- 
ing of good, for it is deprivative and destructive of good; yet, 
since it exists and is felt, it is not nothing, but something: tell us 
therefore whence this something came into existence after nothing." 

To this I replied, "This arcanum cannot be opened unless it 
be known that no one is good but God alone, and that there is not 
anything good which is good in itself, but from God; wherefore 
he who looks to God, and is willing to be led by God, is in good; 
but he who turns away from God, and wants to be led by himself, 
is not in good ; for the good which he does is either for the sake 
of self or for the sake of the world; thus it is either meritorious, 
or simulated, or hypocritical: from which considerations it is 
evident, that man himself is the origin of evil ; not that the origin 
was implanted in man from creation; but that he, by turning from 
God to himself, implanted it in himself. That origin of evil was 
not in Adam and his wife ; but when the serpent said, 'In the day 
that ye shall eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, ye 
shall be as God' (Gen. iii. 5) ; and then because they turned away 
from God, and turned to themselves, as to a god, they made in 
themselves the origin of evil. Eating of that tree, signified believing 
that they knew good and evil, and were wise, from themselves, and 
not from God." 

But the two angels then asked, "How could man turn away 
from God, and turn to himself, when yet man is not able to will, 
think, and thence do anything except from God? Why did God 
permit this? 

But I replied, "Man was so created, that everything he wills, 
thinks, and does, appears to him as in himself, and thus from him- 
self: without this appearance, man would not be man; for he 
would not be able to receive, retain, and as it were appropriate to 
himself, anything of good and truth, or of love and wisdom: 
whence it follows, that without that appearance, as a living appear- 
ance, man would not have conjunction with God, and consequently 
neither would he have eternal life. But if, in conformity with this 
appearance, he induces in himself the belief that he wills, thinks, 
and thence does good from himself, and not from the Lord, 
although in all appearance as from himself, he turns good into 
evil with himself, and thus makes in himself the origin of evil. 
This was the sin of Adam. 

"But I will open this matter somewhat more clearly. The Lord 
looks at every man in his forehead, and this look passes through 
into the back of his head. Under the forehead is the cerebrum, 
and under the back of the head is the cerebellum; the latter is 
dedicated to love and its goods, and the former to wisdom and its 
truths; wherefore he who looks with his face towards the Lord, 
receives from Him wisdom, and through wisdom love; but he who 



looks backwards from the Lord, receives love and not wisdom; 
and love without wisdom is love from man and not from the 
Lord; and this love, since it conjoins itself with falsities, does not 
acknowledge God, but acknowledges self for a god, and confirms 
this tacitly by the faculty of understanding and becoming wise 
implanted in it from creation as from itself: wherefore this love 
is the origin of evil. That this is the case, can be demonstrated to 
the eye. I will call hither some evil spirit who turns away from 
God, and will speak to him from behind, or into the back of the 
head, and you will see that the things which are said are turned 
into their contraries." 

I called one such spirit, and he presented himself, and I spoke 
to him from behind, saying, "Do you know anything about hell, 
damnation, and the torment there?" And presently, when he was 
turned to me, I asked him, "What did you hear?" 

He replied, "I heard this: 'Do you know anything about heaven, 
salvation, and the happiness there? " And afterwards when the 
latter words were said to him from behind, he said that he had 
heard the former. 

It was next said to him from behind, "Do you know that thev 
who are in hell are insane from falsities?" And when I asked 
him about these words, what he had heard, he said, "I heard, 'Do 
you know that they who are in heaven are wise from truths?'" 
And when the latter words were said to him from behind, he said 
that he heard, "Do you know that they who are in hell are insane 
from falsities?" And so in other instances. 

From these examples it evidently appears, that when the mind 
turns away from the Lord, it turns to itself, and then it perceives 
the contrary things. 

"This is the reason why, as you are aware, in this spiritual 
world no one is allowed to stand behind another, and to speak to 
him; for thus there is inspired into him a love, which his self- 
intelligence favours and obeys for the sake of its delight; but 
since it is from man, and not from God, it is the love of evil, or 
the love of falsity. Besides this, I will relate to you another similar 
circumstance, namely: I have sometimes heard goods and truths 
let down from heaven into hell ; and they were there progressively 
turned into their opposites, good and evil, and truth into falsity: 
the cause of this is the same as above, namely, that all who are in 
hell turn away from the Lord." 

On hearing these things, the two angels thanked me, and said, 
"As you are now meditating and writing about a love opposite to 
our conjugial love, and the opposite to that love makes our minds 
sad, we will depart;" and when they said, "Peace be to you," I 
begged them not to relate anything about this love to their breth- 
ren and sisters in heaven, because it would hurt their innocence. 

I can positively asservate that those who die when infants 
grow up in heaven, and when they attain the stature which is 
common in the world to young men of eighteen years, and to 


maidens of fifteen years, they remain of that stature, and that then 
marriages are provided for them by the Lord; and further, that 
both before marriage and after it, they are utterly ignorant of 
what scortatory love is, and that such a thing can possibly exist. 



444. a. By fornicatio is understood the lust of the developing 
(adolescentis) , or of the matured understanding (juvenis), for 
any love or affection opposed to conjugial love (femina moecha), 
before its heavenly marriage with a regenerated will (conjugium) ; 
but lust for an affection absolutely pure of scortatory love (femina 
non moecha), or for a good married to some other truth, is not 
fornicatio, but with the former is profanation, and with the latter 
is scortatory love (adulterium) . How these two differ from falsity 
(fornicatione) , cannot be seen by any rational man, unless he is 
able to look right through (or explore) the hidden things of 
sexual love in its degrees and diversities, and from the one part its 
chaste things, and from the other its unchaste things, and divide 
each part into its degrees and diversities, and so distinguish them ; 
otherwise the distinction between the more and less chaste, and 
between the more and less unchaste, cannot possibly stand forth 
clearly in the idea of such a man (or one) ; and without these 
distinctions all relation perishes, and with that, perspicacity in 
matters of judgment, and the understanding is involved in such 
obscurity, that it does not know how to distinguish fornicatio from 
adultery, and still less the mild from the grievous degrees of that 
falsification of truth (fornicatio), and similarly of adulteries 
(adulteration of good) ; it thus mixes evils, and diverse evils 
makes one condiment (relish or sauce), and from diverse good 
makes one delight. In order therefore that a clear (or distinct) 
knowledge may be acquired of that part of sexual love by which 
it inclines to scortatory love, the direct opposite to conjugial love, 
it is necessary that the beginning (principle) of that, which is 
fornicatio, should be fully examined by throwing light upon it 
from all sides, and this shall be done in the following series: 

I. That Fornicatio is of sexual love. 

II. That sexual love, from which is Fornicatio, begins when 
the growing understanding commences to think and act from its 
own intelligence, and the affection of its thought begins to become 
intellectual, i.e., has good from truth and truth from good. 

III. That Fornicatio is of the natural man. 

IV. That Fornicatio (falsity) is lust, but not the lust of scorta- 
tory love. 

V. That sexual love, if it does not pass off into Fornicatio, 
cannot with certain ones be entirely restrained, without most evil 

VI. That, therefore, those in corporeal love, who think of mar- 
riages as scortations, who attribute the origin of conjugial love 



and its potency to other than the Divine, inaugurate* maintain, and 
populate the lupanaria of hell. 

VII. That Fornicatio is light, so far as it looks to conjugal 
love, and the understanding puts that foremost in thought. 

VIII. That a corrupt affection for falsifying is grievous in the 
degree that it looks to (or regards) a complete union with falsity. 

IX. That the lust of fornicating is more grievous as it inclines 
towards the lust of varieties, and towards the lust of defloration. 

X. That the sphere of the lust of 'fornicating* such as it is in 
principle, is the middle between the sphere of scortatory love and 
the sphere of conjugial love, and makes the equilibrium. 

XL That care is to be taken, lest conjugial love, by immoderate 
and inordinate fornications, should be destroyed. 

XII. Inasmuch as the holy marriage of one man (vir) with 
one wife (uxor) is the j<ewel of human life, and the pearl of great 
price of the Christian religion. 

XIII. That this conjugial (principle) can possibly be kept in 
existence with those who, because of manifold (or varying) false 
pretexts (or excuses), cannot initiate (or intend) marriages, and 
likewise, because of a condition in which they are constantly excit- 
ing their salacity, they are unable to govern their lusts, if sexual 
love is confined strictly (or briefly) to the understanding alone. 

XIV. That Pellicatus is preferable to wandering lust, provided 
that it is not implanted in many (i.e., in both the will and under- 
standing), nor in a perfectly innocent heavenly love, nor in tlie 
affection free from all falsity, nor with a good that is united to 
truth, and is held separate (or distinct) from conjugial love. 

Now follows "the explanation of these articles. 

445. I. THAT FORNICATIO is OF SEXUAL LOVE. It is said that 
fornicatio is of sexual love, because fornicatio is not sexual love, 
but is from that. Sexual love is as a fountain, from which can be 
derived (or flow) both conjugial love and scortatory love (every 
form of extra-con jugial love) ; and it is possible that both may be 
so derived through fornicatio, and also without that; for sexual 
love is born into every human being (man or woman), and it 
either manifests itself (or puts itself forth), or it does not. If 
before marriage (the marriage of the vir to the uxor, of the under- 
standing to conjugial love), it puts itself forth towards adultery 
(the marriage of falsity and evil), it is called fornicatio (falsity) ; 
if not before it manifests itself as conjugial love, it is called the 
conjugium, or the heavenly marriage; if after holy marriage, with 
another love, it is called scortatory love; wherefore, as it is said, 
sexual love is as a fountain, from which can gush forth plentifully 
as well chaste love as unchaste love; BUT YET, with what exceed- 
ing caution guarding against every danger, and with what wise 
provision or foresight, and habitual acting in accordance there- 
with, chaste conjugial love can proceed through fornicatio; and, 
on the other hand, with what utter lack of all foresight, and with 



failure to do what requires, unchaste, or scortatory love, proceeds 
through that (fornicatio ) , will be fully revealed in what follows. 
Who could possibly reach the conclusion that one who has yielded 
to the lust of fornicatio (or who has progressed as far as that 
lust) could have been more chaste in marriage? 



TRUTH OR TRUTH FROM GOOD. This is adduced to the end that the 
origin of sexual love may be known, and thence of fornicatio, that 
it is when the understanding begins to become rational from itself, 
and from its own self -intelligence, to look for, and provide what 
will be for its advantage and use, and serve it at that time as a 
plane for the disposition and inclination, including the inclination 
to conjugial love derived from parents, and the external affections 
derived from masters. A mental change is made at that time; 
before, it thought only of things borne in the memory, meditating 
upon diose things and obeying them; afterwards ( it thinks) from 
reason upon them; and then, love leading, it disposes the things 
lodged in the memory in a new order, and begins its own self life 
in agreement with that, and successively thinks more and more 
from its own reason, and wills from its own freedom. That sexual 
love follows the first, or beginning of one's own understanding, 
and progresses according to its strength, is known; (there is) 
evidence that this love ascends as the understanding ascends, and 
that it descends as that descends; by ascending is meant into 
wisdom, and by descending is meant into insanity; and besides, it 
is wisdom to restrain sexual love entirely, and it is insanity to let 
it run loose; if (it goes forth) into fornicatio, which is the begin- 
ning of its activity, that (fornicatio) from principles of honesty 
and morality implanted in the memory, and thence in the reason, 
and afterward must be implanted in the reason, and thence in the 
memory, must be restrained. That together with the incomplete 
beginning (literally rudiment) of one's own self -intelligence, the 
affection likewise begins to be made intellectual, i.e., to have 
truth of good, or truth from good, is because the understanding 
thinks, and through, or by, thought, speaks; (this is) evidence that 
the understanding constitutes the man (vir), and also (masculum 
ejus) his wisdom of love; consequently, that as the understanding 
is elevated, so man (homo) becomes more and more a man (vir). 
(See above, nos. 433, 434.) 

manner as is sexual love, which, if it becomes active before the 
conjugial marriage, is called fornicatio. Every human being is 
born corporeal (natural), becomes sensual, then natural, and suc- 
cessively rational, and if he does not then stand still, he becomes 

FORMCATIO [448, 449 

spiritual. The reason why he thus advances step by step is, in 
order that planes may be formed, on which the higher planes may 
rest and find support, as a palace upon its foundations; the ulti- 
mate plane, with the things that are formed upon it, may also be 
likened to ground, in which, when prepared, noble seeds are sown, 
As to what specifically concerns sexual love, it is first natural, for 
it commences from the flesh ; next it becomes sensual, for the five 
senses are delighted by its general nature; afterwards, it becomes 
natural, similar to the same love with animals, because it is a 
wandering sexual love; but as man was born that he may become 
spiritual, it afterwards becomes natural-rational, and from natural- 
rational, spiritual, and lastly spiritual -natural, and then that love, 
having become spiritual, flows into and acts upon rational love, 
and through this flows into and acts upon sensual love, and lastly 
through this flows into, and acts upon that love in the body and 
the flesh; and as this is its ultimate plane, it acts upon it spir- 
itually, and at the same time rationally and sensually; and it 
flows in and acts thus successively when the man is meditating 
upon it, but simultaneously when he is in its ultimate. That 
fornicatio is of the natural man is that it proceeds proximately 
from natural sexual love; and it may exist natural-rational, but 
not spiritual, because sexual love cannot become spiritual until it 
becomes conjugial; and sexual love from natural becomes spir- 
itual when HOMO (both man and woman), recedes from wander- 
ing lust, and devotes himself (or herself) to one, to whose soul he 
(or she) unites his (or her) soul. 

LUST OF SCORTATORY LOVE. The reasons why fornicatio is lust are : 
(1.) That it proceeds from the natural man; and in everything 
which proceeds from the natural man there is concupiscence and 
lust; for the natural man is nothing but an abode and receptacle 
of concupiscences and lusts, for all the evil propensities inherited 
from the parents reside therein. (2.) Because the fornicator looks 
vagrantly and promiscuously towards the sex, and not yet to one 
of the sex, and so long as he is in that state, lust incites him to the 
doing of what he does ; but in proportion as he looks to one, and 
loves to conjoin his life with her life, concupiscence becomes 
chaste affection, and lust becomes human love. 

449. That the lust of fornicatio is not the lust of scortatory 
love, every one sees clearly from common perception. What law, 
and what judge, imputes a like criminality to a fornicator that he 
does to an adulterer? The reason why this is seen from common 
perception is that fornicatio is not opposite to conjugial love as 
scortatory love is; conjugial love may be inwardly stored up in 
fornicatio, as what is spiritual may be stored up in what is nat- 
ural; yea, the spiritual is in fact actually evolved out of the 
natural; and when what is spiritual has been evolved, then the 



natural encompasses it as bark does wood, and the scabbard the 
sword, and it also serves the spiritual as a protection against 
violences. From these considerations it is evident that natural love, 
which is towards the sex, precedes spiritual love, which is towards 
one of the sex; but if fornicatio goes forth from natural sexual 
love, it can also be removed (repented of) if only conjugial love 
be regarded, wished for, and sought as the chief good. It is entirely 
otherwise with libidinous and obscene scortatory love (adulterous 
love when it is not regarded as a sin), which is opposite to con- 
jugial love, and the destroyer of it, as has been shown in the 
preceding chapter on the Opposition of Scortatory Love and Con- 
jugial Love. If, therefore, an adulterer of purpose, or from con- 
firmation for various reasons, enters the conjugial bed, the case is 
inverted, concealed within lies the natural, with its lascivious and 
obscene things, while without, a spiritual appearance veils it over ; 
from which reason may see that the lust of limited fornicatio, in 
comparison with the lust of scortatory love, is as the first warmth 
to the cold of mid-winter in the northern regions. 


WITHOUT MOST EVIL RESULTS. It is idle^ and only for the purpose 
of deceiving, to enumerate the injurious effects (or evil results) 
which very great restraint of sexual love can be falsely pleaded to 
excuse, or occasion, by those who labor under a superabundance 
and in controllable incitement of that lust; thence with those, are 
the origins of certain evils of the external mind, and an evil dis- 
position of the internal mind, that conceals evils which are not 
acknowledged as one's own, and the real quality of which cannot 
be perceived. It is otherwise with those by whom sexual love is 
so controlled that they are able to resist the assaults of that lust; 
equally with those, who, being in the heavenly state of innocence, 
wisdom, and virile power, without waste of their most valuable 
possessions (facultas, vis, and virtus), thus, at the first favorable 
omens, in the freedom or equilibrium in which they are main- 
tained by the Lord, are able to bring into practice, and to come 
into that heavenly consociation and agreement in religion, which 
will permit of the most interior union of will and understanding. 
Whereas, it is thus in heaven, with those in innocence, who have 
grown up to the conjugial age, therefore, there fornicatio is not 
known; but in earthly, or external conditions, the matter is not 
the same, where matrimonies cannot be contracted until the first 
innocent state of youth, with its faculty and inclination to con- 
jugial love, has been expelled, which is the case with many within, 
or under the control, of merely external affections, when (or in 
which case) uses must be a long time performed, and the youthful 
faculty and inclination to conjugial love must be regained, in 
order that there may be such an interior union of will and under- 
standing as will sustain or maintain a state of united love, 

FORNICATIO [451.452 

wisdom, and use, and then first can conjugial love be surely wooed 
and won. 


This is adduced as confirmation of the preceding number: that 
these lupanaria (those in adulterous loves) are inaugurated, main- 
tained, and populated, by those under the dominion of the ruling 
false principles, and hence of the corrupted rational principles, 
and by falsities generally, denying the Divine origin of conjugial 
love and its potency, and tracing both to a human origin, and 
making conjugial love one with scortatory love, besides many 
other falsities growing out of these, is known. Among other evil 
reasons, because of which these conditions exist, are those recorded 
in the foregoing Memorable Relation. 



IN THOUGHT. There are degrees of the quality of evil, just as there 
degrees of the quality of good; wherefore every evil is lighter, 
and more grievous, just as every good is better and best. It is 
similar with fornicatio, which, because it is a lust, and moreover 
of the natural man not yet purified, is an evil, but because every 
man can be purified, therefore, so far as it progresses to a purified 
state, to that extent that evil becomes a lighter evil, for to that 
extent it is removed; that is to say, so far as fornicatio progresses 
towards conjugial love, which is the state of sexual love purified; 
that the evil of fornicatio is more grievous, in so far as it pro- 
gresses to an adulterous love, while it is such as not to be regarded 
as a sin, nor as an evil, and something dishonourable (or dis- 
honest) in the presence of reason, but as allowable with reason, 
will be shown in the following number. That fornicatio is light, 
in so far as one looks to conjugial love, is because then, from the 
unchaste state in which that one is, that one looks to the chaste 
state, and in so far as that one puts this foremost in the under- 
standing, so far also that one is in that (conjugial love) as to the 
understanding, and in so far as that one not only puts this (con- 
jugial love) foremost in the understanding, but also loves it before 
everything else, to that extent that one is in that (conjugial love) 
as to the will, so as to the internal man; and then fornicatio, if 
nevertheless one persists in that, is to that one an inevitable and 
unavoidable consequence of evils that prevent normal action, 
which, as a sure and ascertained fact, are with that one. There are 
two reasons which effect, that fornicatio is light with those who 
put the conjugial state foremost in their understanding, and love 
it above everything else; the first is that with them the conjugial 
life is the purpose, intention, or end; the other is, that they dis- 



tinguished evil from good in themselves. That the first holds good, 
that with them the conjugial life is the purpose, intention, or end, 
is because a man (homo) is such a man (homo) as is the quality 
in his purpose, intention, or end, and he is also such in the sight 
of the Lord, and in the sight of the angels. Yea, that one is so 
judged in the sight of the wise in the world; _fpr the intention is 
,the soul of all actions, and brings to pass inculpations and excul- 
pations in the world, and imputations after death. As to the other, 
those who put conjugial love in the understanding before, or above 
the lust of fornicatio, distinguish good from evil, thus the chaste 
from the unchaste ; and they who distinguish those two in percep- 
tion, and also in intention, before they are in good or chastity, are 
also disjoined and purified from the evil of that lust, while they 
come (or during the process of coming) into the conjugial state. 
That this does not come to pass with those who in fornicatio look 
to adultery, now will be seen in the following number. 


PLETE UNION WITH FALSITY. All who are in the lust of fornicatio 
look to scortatory love,4hose who do not believe that such scorta- 
tions are to be regarded as a sin, and who look upon the marriage 
of good and truth in a similar way as they do their profanations, 
with the sole difference that the former are licit, and the latter 
illicit. These also make one evil out of all evils, and mix them 
together, as filth with edible food in one dish, and like off- 
scourings with wine in one cup, and thus eat and drink; they do 
in like manner with sexual love, with fornicatio, with pellicacy, 
with the milder, grievous, and more grievous forms of scortatory 
love, with defilements or defloration; add to this, that they not 
only mix up all those things together, but also mix them in with 
things concerning the heavenly marriage of good and truth, and 
pollute these with similar notions; but those who do not even 
discriminate the latter from the former, after their vague intrigues 
with those of the sex, are overtaken with cold, loathing, and dis- 
gust, first for the conjugial consort, then for others, and lastly for 
the sex. That with them there is not the purpose, intention, or end, 
of what is good or chaste to exculpate them, nor a separation of 
evil from good, or of the unchaste from the chaste, that they may 
be purified, as is the case with those who from fornicatio look to 
conjugial love, and prefer it, (concerning whom see the preceding 
article, no. 452). It is permitted to confirm these things by this 
news from heaven. I have met with many, who in the world had 
lived like others, in externals, wearing rich apparel, feasting 
sumptuously, negotiating like others with capital, frequenting 
theatrical performances, joking about love affairs as if from lust, 
besides other similar things, and yet the angels charged those 
things upon some as evils of sin, and upon others as not evils, and 
declared the latter innocent, but the former guilty. To the question 

FORMCATIO [454 455 

why they did so, when the deeds were alike, they replied that they 
regard all from purpose, intention, or end. and distinguish accord- 
ing to them, and that on this account they excuse or condemn 
those whom the end excuses or condemns, since all in heaven are 
Influenced by a good end, and all in hell by an evil end; and that 
this, and nothing else, is meant by the Lord's words, "Judge not, 
that ye be not condemned" (Matt. vii. 1). 



LUST OF DEFLORATION. The reason is that these two are accessories 
of scortatory love, and thus aggravate it. For there are mild, 
grievous, and more grievous scortations, and they are adjudged in 
each case according to their opposition to conjugial love, and 
thence their destructiveness of it. That the lust of Varieties, and 
the lust of Defloration, confirmed by acts, lay waste conjugial love, 
and submerge it as in the depths of the sea, will be seen in the 
chapters concerning them, which follow. 



MAKES ,TH EQUILIBRIA. The two spheres of scortatory love, and 
of conjugial love, have been treated of in the former chapter. And 
besides, it was shown that the sphere of scortatory love comes up 
from hell, and that the sphere of conjugial love descends from 
heaven (no. 435) ; that in each world the two spheres meet, but 
do not conjoin themselves (no. 436) ; that between these two 
spheres there is an equilibrium, and man (homo) is in that (no. 
437) ; that man (homo) can turn himself to which of these spheres 
he pleases, but in so far as he turns himself to the one, he turns 
from the other (no. 438) ; what is understood by spheres (no. 434, 
and from places there cited) . That the sphere of the lust of forni- 
cating is in the middle between these two spheres, and makes the 
equilibrium, is because while any one is in that state, it is possible 
for that one to turn to the sphere of conjugial love, that is, to that 
love, and also to the sphere of an adulterous love (while it is such 
as not to be regarded as a sin, nor as an evil, and something dis- 
honourable or dishonest in the presence of reason, but as allow- 
able with reason), that is, to the love of that; but if that one turns 
to conjugial love, he turns to heaven; if to the adulterous love, he 
turns to hell ; and both the one and the other in the free deter- 
mination, good pleasure, or will of the man (/&oni7iis),_because 
to do this in his mind freely, according to 

reason, and not from instinct, hence, therefore, as he may be a 
man, and may also appropriate influx to himself, and not a beast, 
which appropriates nothing of it to itself. It is said that the lust 
of forracatio is such in principle, because then it is in a middle 
state. Who does not know, that whatever a man (homo) does, (or 



thinks) in his mind, is of concupiscence, because from the natural 
man? And who does not know that that concupiscence is not 
imputed, while from natural one becomes spiritual? Similar it 
is with the lust of fornicatio, while the love of man becomes 


STROYED. By immoderate and inordinate fornications, by which 
conjugial love is destroyed, are meant the fornications by which 
the virile faculties are enervated, but also the heavenly things of 
conjugial love are taken away; for from the unbridled license of 
fornications, there arises not only infirmities and consequent loss 
of power, but also uncleannesses and obscenities, by reason of 
which conjugial love cannot be perceived and felt in its cleanness 
and chastity, and thus neither in its sweetness nor in the delights 
of its flower; not to mention the detrimental consequences to the 
external and internal mind, and also the forbidden allurements, 
which not only deprive conjugial love of its blessed delights, but 
even take it away, and turn it into cold, and thereby into loathing. 
Such fornications are the violent excesses whereby conjugial 
sports are turned into tragic scenes; for immoderate and inordinate 
fornications are like burning fires, which arise from the ultimates, 
and consume the natural mind, parch the fibres of the soul, pollute 
the truth, and vitiate the rational powers of the mind; for the fires 
of lust burst forth like a fire from the foundation into the house, 
and consumes the whole. That this may not happen (at such 
times, and under the stress of such evil states), we must consult, 
and be governed by our Heavenly Parents (the Lord Who is in 
heaven, our Father, and by the Church, our Spiritual Mother), as 
the young and growing understanding, when actuated and im- 
pelled by all the falsities of evils of hell, cannot, as yet, from 
reason, impose restraint upon itself. 



two things have been demonstrated, universally and particularly, 
in the whole of the preceding part on Conjugial Love and its 
Delights of Wisdom. That it is the jewel of human life is because 
the quality of a man's life is according to the quality of that love 
with him, for that love constitutes the inmosts of his life; for it 
is the life of wisdom dwelling together with its love, and of love 
dwelling together with its wisdom, and thence it is the life of the 
delights of both; in a word, man (homo] becomes a living soul 
through that love; thence it is, that the conjugial of one man 
(vir) with one wife (uxor] is called the jewel of human life. This 
is confirmed from what has been said in previous articles: that 
with one wife there is given truly conjugial friendship, confidence, 

FORNICATIO [458, 459 

potency, because there Is a union of minds I'nos. 333, 334) : that in 
and from that union there exist celestial blessedness, spiritual, and 
happy conditions, and thence natural enjoyments, which from the 
beginning have been provided for those who are in love truly con- 
jugial (no. 335 ) : that it is the fundamental love of all celestial, 
spiritual, and thence natural loves, and that into that love are 
gathered up all joys and gladnesses from first to last fnos. 65-69) : 
anl that, considered in its origin, it is the sporting of wisdom and 
love, has been fully demonstrated in the Delights of Wisdom Con- 
cerning Conjugial Love, which constitutes the First Part of this 

458. That this love is the Pearl of Great Price of the Christian 
Religion is because this religion makes a one with that love, and 
dwells together with it; for it was shown that none others come 
into that love, or can be in it, except those who approach the Lord, 
and do the truths of His Church, and its goods fnos. 70, 71) : that 
that love is from the Lord alone, and that thence it is with those 
who are of the Christian Religion fnos. 131, 335, 336 j : that that 
love is according to the state of the church, because it is accord- 
ing to the state of wisdom with man (no. 130) : that these things 
are so, was fully confirmed in the whole chapter on "The Cor- 
respondence of that Love with the Marriage of the Lord and the 
Church" (nos. 116-131) ; and in the chapter on "The Origin of 
that Love from the Marriage of Good and Truth" (nos. 83-102). 

those, who are in a state in which they constantly excite their 
salacity, lust unrestrained, and entirely without rule or regulation, 
cannot be turned from its course without a complete reversal and 
return to purity, reason sees, and experience teaches; in order, 
therefore, that this condition of unrestraint, and lacking all regula- 
tion, should be held in check with those who labor under an un- 
controllable incitement of lust, and that they should not be able 
because of their false reasonings or pretexts utterly to destroy or 
pervert true marriages, and should be brought back to a somewhat 
restrained and regulated condition, there appears no other refuge, 
and as it were asylum, than the commencement of a more orderly 
way of living, that is the strict confinement of the evil love to the 
understanding alone. It is known that in the kingdoms of this 
world (those which have not yet become the kingdoms of our 
Lord), there are regimina (ruling external affections), natural 
marriage cannot, with many, be contracted until the first innocent 



state of youth, with its faculty and inclination to conjugial love, 
has been expelled, because spiritual uses must first be performed, 
and the youthful faculty and inclination to conjugial love must 
be regained, in order that there may be such an interior union of 
will and understanding as will sustain or maintain a state of 
united love, wisdom, and use, and then first can conjugial love be 
surely "wooed and won; and yet during the preceding state, the 
gushing fountain of virility can with few be kept closed and 
reserved for conjugial love (uxore] ; it is better, indeed, that it 
should be reserved; but if on account of the violence of lust 
utterly lacking all curb or restraint that ought to be had, or im- 
posed upon it, it cannot be, it is to be questioned, (or considered) 
whether there can not be some course for expedient) interposed, 
by which it will be possible to be provided that conjugial love 
should not perish in the meantime: that pellicacy (an evil sen- 
suous love) is such an expedient, these, (the following six con- 
siderations), advocate: (i.) That by this means, inordinate pro- 
miscuous fornications (falsities) are restrained and limited, and 
so induces a more restricted state, which is more nearly akin to 
conjugial life, (ii.) That this intermediate means will quiet and 
assuage (appease and mitigate) the ardor of the love of self, and 
the lust for profanation of the truths of heaven (veneris] , boiling 
violently, and, as it were, burning in the mind, and that thus the 
lasciviousness of salacity, which is filthy, is tempered by some- 
thing which is, as it were, outwardly analogous to the heavenly 
marriage of good and truth (iii.) By that (modus intermedians) 
the virile forces are not utterly thrown away (or destroyed), nor 
impotencies produced, as by the wandering, loathsome practices, 
and unlimited orgies, such as satyrs indulge in. (iv.) That by 
this (modus intermedians] the fatal and incurable disorders of 
the external mind, and the insanities of the internal mind, are 
avoided, (v.) Equally by that all forms of most grievous scorta- 
tions are prevented, such as the adulterations of goods and the 
falsifications of truths, and stuprations, which are the violation 
and spoliation of innocences ; that these conceal the most criminal 
acts, the quality of which is not perceived ; for a boy who has only 
reached the age of puberty (that is, one who 1 has not yet adjoined 
the wisdom of life to his understanding) , doe not think that the 
most grievous adulteries and stuprations are other than fornica- 
tions, so that one is the same as the other; nor does he understand 
from reason how to resist the promptings of his corrupted affec- 
tions ; but it is possible in pellicatus, which is a more ordinate and 
sane fornicatio, where the will is not yet involved, but only ONE, 
the understanding), to learn and perceive the distinctions, (vi.) 
By pellicatus access is not given (or approach is not made) to 
the four kinds of lust which are in the highest degree destructive 
of conjugial love; which are the lust of defloration, the lust of 
varieties, the lust of violation, and the lust of seducing innocences; 
concerning which in the following chapters. But these things are 


not said to those who can control the fire of lust, nor to those who 
immediately after attaining the heavenly conjugial state of the 
juvenis, are unable to initiate marriage, and to bring, and to have 
constantly present, or imminent, confirmations and covenants of 
true conjugial love. 



pellicatus is preferable to vagrant lust, has been indicated imme- 
diately above, (i.) That pellicatus must not be implanted with 
more than one. is because with more something polygamous in- 
heres, which induces in (homini\ man (and woman), a merely 
natural state, and also thrusts this (the natural state) down into 
the sensual, so far that it cannot be elevated into the spiriual state 
in which conjugial love will be (see nos. 338, 339). (ii.) That it 
must not be implanted in a virgin fa perfectly innocent love, or 
an affection pure from all falsity, is because conjugial love with 
women makes one with their virginity; thence is the chastity, 
purity, and sanctity of that love; wherefore, to espouse or con- 
firm that love to any truth is to give a pledge that that will be 
loved to eternity; therefore, such a heavenly and innocent love, 
cannot from rational consent, be conjoined to that truth, unless 
with the obligation (or vow) of the conjugial covenant; that 
covenant is indeed the crown of her honor, or married state; 
wherefore, to precipitate conjugial love, and afterwards renounce 
it, is to adulterate some good which could have been conjoined 
to truth, and become conjugial love, or to falsify some truth, and 
whichsoever is damnable: for this reason, an understanding that 
is in evil can adjoin to itself a pure love and dwell with that, and 
thus be initiated into the friendship of love, if all scortation is 
renounced, and provided there is the constant intention to mar- 
riage which will remove the evil love, (iii.) It is plain that 
pellicatus must not be conjoined with a good conjoined to truth, 
because that is adultery, (iv.) The reason that pellicate love must 
be held separate (or distinct) from conjugial love, is that these 
loves are distinct, and therefore must not be commingled; for 
pellicate love is a love unchaste, natural, and external, and con- 
jugial love is chaste, spiritual, and internal: pellicate love sepa- 
rates the souls of two, and conjoins only the sensuals of the body; 
but conjugial love unites the souls, and from the oneness (or 
unity) of souls, even the sensuals of the body, just so far as from 
two they become one, which is one flesh, (v.) Pellicate love only 
enters into the understanding, and into those things which apper- 
tain to it; but conjugial love enters into the will, and into those 
things which appertain to the will (or proceed from it), and in 



like manner into all and singular the things of (hominis) man 
(or woman) ; wherefore, if pellicate love becomes conjugial love, 
the understanding cannot by any one law recede, without a viola- 
tion of the conjugial oneness or unity; and if it recedes, and is 
conjoined to another, conjugial love perishes in the breach of the 
oneness, or unity. It must be known that pellicate love is held 
(or kept) separate from conjugial love, by as much as permanent 
union with that evil love is not confirmed, nor is such union in- 
tended. Nevertheless it is of the utmost importance that the torch 
of sexual love should first be lit by conjugial love. 

461. To the above shall be added the following Memorable 
Relation : 

I once spoke with a novitiate spirit who, when he was in the 
natural world, had meditated much above heaven and hell. By 
novitate spirits are meant human beings newly deceased, who are 
called spirits, because they are then spiritual men. As soon as he 
entered into the spiritual world, he began to meditate in like 
manner about heaven and hell, and seemed to himself, when medi- 
tating about heaven, to be in joy, and when about hell, in sad- 
ness. When he observed that he was in the spiritual world, he 
immediately asked where heaven was, and where hell was, and 
also what, and of what quality, the one and the other were. 

And they answered, "Heaven is above your head, and hell 
beneath your feet; for you are now in the state of spirits, which is 
intermediate between heaven and hell; but what and of what 
quality heaven and hell are we cannot describe in a few words." 

And then, as he burned with the desire of knowing, he cast 
himself upon his knees, and prayed devoutly to God that he might 
be instructed. 

And lo! an angel appeared at his right hand, and raised him, 
and said, "You have supplicated to be instructed about heaven 
KNOW;" and having said this, the angel was taken up. 

Then the novitiate spirit said within himself, "What does this 
mean, 'Inquire and learn what delight is y and you will know what 
and of what quality heaven and hell are'?" And leaving that 
place he wandered about, and accosting those he met, said, "Tell 
me, I pray you, what delight is." 

Some said, "What a strange question! Who does not know 
what delight is? Is it not joy and gladness? Wherefore delight 
is delight; one delight is like another; we know no difference." 

Others said, that delight was the laughter of the mind; for 
when the mind laughs, the face is cheerful, the talk jocular, the 
behavior sportive, and the whole man is in delight. 

But some said, "Delight is nothing else than feasting and 
eating delicacies, drinking and getting intoxicated with generous 
wine, and then talking about different things, especially about the 
sports of Venus and Cupid." 


On hearing all this, the novitiate spirit, being indignant, said to 
himself; 'These answers are ill-bred and unbecoming: these delights 
are neither heaven^ nor hell; would that I could meet the wise." 

He then took his leave of them, and inquired where he might 
find the wise. 

Just then he was seen by a certain angelic spirit, who said, 
""I perceive that you are inflamed with the desire of knowing what 
is the universal of heaven and the universal of hell; and since 
this is DELIGHT, I will conduct you to a hill, where there meet 
daily those who examine effects, those who investigate causes, and 
those who explore ends. There are three companies; those who 
examine effects are called spirits of sciences, and abstractedly 
sciences; those who investigate causes are called spirits of intelli- 
gence, and abstractedly intelligences; and those who explore ends 
are called spirits of wisdom, and abstractedly wisdoms. Directly 
above them in heaven are angels, who from ends see causes, and 
from causes effects : from these angels those three companies have 

The angelic spirit then taking the novitiate spirit by the hand, 
led him up the hill to the company which consisted of those who 
explore ends, and are called wisdoms. To these the novitiate spirit 
said, "Pardon me for having ascended to you: the reason is, that 
from my childhood I have meditated about heaven and hell, and 
lately came into this world (state) , where I was told by some who 
were then associated with me, that here heaven is above my head 
and hell beneath my feet; but they did not tell me what and of 
what quality the one and the other were; wherefore, becoming 
anxious from my constant thought on these subjects, I prayed to 
God ; and then an angel presented himself, and said, 'Inquire and 
learn what delight is, and you will know! I have inquired, but 
hitherto in vain: I beg therefore that you will kindly teach me 
what delight is." 

To this the wisdoms replied, "Delight is the all of life to all 
in heaven, and the all of life to all in hell: tbey^wko--**'^ in 
Jbeayen have the delight of good and truth, but tjxey .who are in 
hjejl have the delight of evil and falsity; for all delight belongs to 
love, and love is the es&e of man's life; wherefore as man is man 
according to the quality of his love, so he is man according to the 
quality of his delight. The activity of love makes the sense of 
delight; its activity in heaven is with wisdom, and its activity in 
hell is with insanity; each in its own subjects presents delight. 
But the heavens and the hells are in opposite delights, because in 
opposite loves; the heavens in the love and therefore in the 
delight of doing good, but the hells in the love and therefore in 
the delight of doing evil. If therefore you know what delight is, 
you will know what and of what quality heaven and hell are. But 
inquire and learn further what delight is from those who investi- 
gate causes, and are called intelligences; they are to the right 
from hence." 



He departed, and came to them, and told them the reason 
of his coming, and begged that they would instruct him what 
delight was. 

And they, rejoicing at the question, said, "It is true that he 
who knows what delight is, knows what and of what quality heaven 
and hell are. The will, by virtue whereof man is man, cannot be 
moved in the least except by delight; for the will, considered in 
itself, is nothing but the affect and effect of some love, thus of 
some delight; for it is something pleasing, agreeable, and pleasur- 
able, which causes willing; and as the will actuates the under- 
standing to think, there does not exist the least of an idea of 
thought except from the influent delight of the will. The reason 
of this being so is, that the Lord through influx from Himself 
actuates all things of the soul and all things of the mind with 
angels, spirits, and men; and actuates them through the influx of 
love and wisdom; and this influx is the activity itself, from which 
is all the delight, which in its origin is called blessed, blissful, 
and happy, and in its derivation is called delightful, pleasant, and 
pleasurable, and in the universal sense, GOOD. But the spirits of 
hell invert all things with themselves; thus they turn good into 
evil, and truth into falsity, the delight constantly remaining; for 
without the performance of delight, they would have neither will 
nor sensation, thus not life. From these considerations it is evident 
what, of what quality, and whence, is the delight of hell; also 
what, of what quality, and whence, is the delight of heaven." 

Having heard this, he was conducted to the third company, 
which consisted of those who examine effects, and are called 
sciences. These said, "Descend to the lower earth, and ascend to 
the higher earth: in the latter you will perceive and feel the 
delightsomenesses of the angels of heaven, and in the former of the 
delightsomenesses of the spirits of hell." 

But lo! at that moment, at a distance from them, the ground 
gaped open, and through the opening there ascended three devils, 
who appeared on fire from the delight of their love; and as they 
who were consociated with the novitiate spirit perceived that those 
three had ascended out of hell providentially, they said to them, 
"Do not come nearer; but from the place where you are, tell 
something about your delights." 

Whereupon they said, "Know that everyone, whether he be 
good or evil, is in his own delight; a good person in the delight 
of his own good, and an evil one in the delight of his own evil." 

They then asked, "What is your delight?" 

They said that it was the delight of committing scortations, 
stealing, defrauding, and blaspheming. 

Again they asked, "What is the quality of those delights?" 

They said that they were smelt by others as stinks from ordure, 
stenches from dead bodies, and bad smells from stale urine. 

They asked, "Are those things delightful to you?" 

They said that they were most delightful, 


And they said, ""Then you are like unclean beasts which wallow 
in such things." 

To which they answered, " v lf we are, we are; but such things 
are the delights of our nostrils." 

And they asked, "What more?" 

They said, "Every one is allowed to be in his own delight, 
even the most unclean, as they call it, provided he does not infest 
good spirits and angels ; but as from our delight we could not do 
otherwise than infest them, we have been cast into penitentiaries, 
where we suffer direful things. T^e restraint and repression of 
.our delights there is what is called the torture of hell; it is also 
interior pain." 

It was then asked them, "Why did you infest the good?" 

They said that they could not do otherwise, that it was as if a 
fury invaded them when they see any angel and perceive the 
Divine sphere about him. 

It was then said to them, "Herein also you are like wild beasts." 

And presently, when they saw the novitiate spirit with the 
angel, the devils were overcome with fury, which appeared like a 
fire of hatred; wherefore, to prevent them from doing mischief, 
they were cast back into hell. 

After these things, appeared the angels who from ends see 
causes, and through causes effects, and who were in the heaven 
above those three companies. They were seen in a bright white 
light, which, rolling itself spirally downwards, brought with it a 
round garland of flowers, and placed it on the head of the novi- 
tiate spirit; and at the same moment a voice came forth to him 
thence, saying, "This wreath is given you because from childhood 
you have meditated about heaven and hell." 



462. In the preceding chapter, where fornicatio was treated of, 
pellicatus was also, and by this (pellicatus) is understood the^cpn- 
Junction, of the understanding alone with an adulterous love; but 
by Concubinatus is understood the conjunction of both will and 
understanding, likewise with an adulterous love. Those who do 
not distinguish kinds, indulge in, or are conversant with both of 
these adulterous loves promiscuously, as if of the same meaning 
or character ; but since there are two kinds, and the term pellicatus 
fits the former, because that evil love is an adulterous love in- 
volving only the understanding, and the term conbubinatus, the 
latter, because that adulterous love has supplanted conjugial love 
(and by so doing has entered the will), therefore, for the sake of 
distinction, the conjunction of the understanding alone with an 
adulterous love is signified by pellicatus, and the conjunction of 
both will and understanding with an adulterous love, by concu- 
binatus. Concubinatus is treated of here for the sake of successive 
order; for, in orderly succession, it is revealed of what quality 
marriage is, from the one part, and of what quality adultery is 
from the other. That marriage and adultery are opposites, was 
first treated of in the chapter concerning the opposition of these, 
and how much, and in what manner, they are opposed, cannot be 
fully learned, except from those intermediate loves which come 
between, among which also is concubinatus. But because there 
are two kinds, and these must be entirely distinguished, therefore, 
this chapter, like the former ones, must be divided into its parts, 
as follows: 

I. There are two kinds of concubinatus, which greatly differ 
from each other: one conjointly with conjugial love, and the other 
separately from that love. 

II. That concubinatus conjointly with conjugial love is not 
permissible to Christians, and is detestable. 

III. That it is polygamy, which by the Christian world is 
damned, and ought to be damned. 

IV. That it is scortatio (all forms of extra-conjugial love), by 
which conjugial love, the most precious treasure of the Christian 
life, is destroyed. 

V. That concubinage disjointly from conjugial love, while 
entered into from causes legitimate, just, and truly weighty, is not 
for may not be) unpermissible. 

VI. That the legitimate causes of this concubinatus are like- 
wise the legitimate causes of divorce, when the adulterous will is 
fully united to the adulterous understanding. 



VII. That the just causes of this concubinatus are the just 
causes of separation from the bed-chamber (separation of minds). 

VIII. That the weighty causes of this concubinatus are real 
and not real. 

IX. That the really weighty causes are such as are based upon 
what is just. 

X. That the weighty causes not real, are those which are not 
from the just, although from an appearance of what is just. 

XL That those, who from the spiritual causes explained above, 
are in this external marriage, may, or can be, in internal marriage. 

XII. That when concubinatus persists for becomes permanent), 
active cooperation (or mixing together) with conjugial love is not 

Now follows the explanation of these articles. 



there are two kinds of concubinatus, which very greatly differ 
from each other, and that one kind is to adjoin a supplanting 
adulterous love in the place of conjugial love, and to he in the 
actual life of both those loves conjointly, and at the same time; 
and that the other is, after full and complete separation from con- 
jugial love, to admit, or adopt, an adulterous love in the place of 
that. That these two kinds of concubinatus are as alien from each 
other as dirty linen from washed, can be seen by those who per- 
fectly and distinctly regard matters; but cannot by those who 
(regard matters) confusedly and indistinctly; yea, it can by those 
who are in conjugial love, but not by those who are in an adul- 
terous love, when it is such that it is not regarded as a sin, nor as 
an evil, and something dishonourable (or dishonest) in the pres- 
ence of reason, but as allowable with reason; those are in night 
concerning all the derivations of sexual love, but they (those in 
conjugial love) are in the day concerning them; but those who 
are in adultery are always able to see the derivations and distinc- 
tions of them, not indeed, in themselves from themselves, but when 
they hear those things from others; for adulterers have the same 
faculty of elevating the understanding as the chaste consort; but 
the adulterer, after he has understood these distinctions heard from 
others, always obliterates them when he immerses his understand- 
ing in his filthy delight ultimated in act; for the chaste and the 
unchaste, the sane and the insane, cannot exist together, but they 
can be distinguished by the understanding separated. Once, in the 
state of spirits, some that do not regard adulteries as sins, were 
asked by me whether they knew any distinction between fornicatio, 
pellicatus, and the two kinds of concubinatus, and the degrees of 
adulterium. They said that one was as the other. And they were 
asked whether marriage was so too. They looked about to see 
whether any of the clergy were present, and as they were not, they 



said that in themselves they are alike. It was otherwise with those, 
who in the ideas of their thoughts, regarded adulteries as sins. 
They said that, in their interior ideas, which are of perception, 
they saw distinctions, but had not yet studied to discern and dis- 
tinguish them. This I can affirm, that by the angels of heaven the 
distinctions are perceived as to their least particulars. In order, 
therefore, that it may be manifest, that the two kinds of con- 
cubinatus, opposite to each other, are permitted, one of which 
removes conjugial love, and the other does not remove it, there- 
fore, the damnable kind shall first be described, and afterwards, 
the other not damnable. 



it is unpermissible because it is against the conjugial covenant; 
and it is detestable because it is contrary to the (Christian) 
religion; and what is at the same time contrary to this, and to the 
other, is contrary to the Lord. As soon, therefore, as any man, 
without weighty, real causes, conjoins to conjugial love an adul- 
terous love, heaven is closed to him, and he is no more numbered 
by the angels among Christians ; and from that time also, that one 
actually spurns the things of the church, and of religion, and 
afterwards does not lift up the face above nature, but turns to it 
as to a god that favors his lust, the inflowing of which then 
animates his spirit. The interior cause of this apostasy will be 
disclosed in what follows. The VIR himself (the understanding) 
does not see that this concubinage is detestable, because after 
heaven is closed to him, he is made (or becomes) spiritual in- 
sanity; but the chaste wife sees this because she is conjugial love, 
and this love nauseates it; wherefore, likewise, it (conjugial love) 
being dead from those (conditions), cannot further consent to a 
living, sympathetic cooperation with adulterated understandings, 
as indeed, to that which would profane its chastity from actual con- 
tact of the lust adhering to the understanding from adulterous 



(an adulterous love) at the same time, or conjointly, with con- 
jugial love, is lasciviousness (spiritual insanity), although not 
acknowledged to be such, because it is not so declared, and thus 
not so called by any law, is seen by every person, even if he be 
not clear-sighted; for such an evil (or affection) is like a heav- 
enly love dissipated, and an adulterous love in a conjugial bed; 
that polygamy has been condemned by the Christian world, and 
ought to be condemned, has been shown in the chapter on 
Polygamy, especially from these articles therein: That it is not 
permitted to a Christian to be conjoined with more than one con- 
jugial love (no. 338) ; and that a Christian, if he is conjoined to 


more than one, he is guilty, not only of a natural scortatory love, 
hut also of a spiritual adulterous love (no. 339) : That polygamy 
was permitted the Israelitish Nation, \vas because the Christian 
Church was not with that nation (no. 340). From these considera- 
tions it is evident that to adjoin an adulterous love to a heavenly 
love, and to share the conjugial resting place with an evil love, 
is the unholy profanation of good and truth. 



more opposite to conjugial love than ordinary (or minor) scorta- 
tions, which may be called simple (or ignorant) adulterations of 
good, and that it (scortatio) is a deprivation of all perception and 
inclination for conjugial life, which is innate in a Christian, may 
be evinced by arguments which will have great weight with the 
rational mind of a wise man. That in regard to the FIRST PROPOSI- 
TION, that concubinatus (adultery of the will), simultaneously or 
conjointly with conjugial love, is a scortatio more opposite to con- 
jugial love than a less offensive scortatio, which minor evils may 
be called adulterations of goods through ignorance, it may be 
seen from these considerations; that in ordinary scortations, or 
simple adulteries, there is not a true love analogous to conjugial 
love, but only an uncontrollable incitement of lust in the natural 
mind, which soon cools down, and at some time or other does not 
leave behind it any vestige of love towards its object; wherefore, 
this effervescing lasciviousness, if it is not from purpose or con- 
firmation, and if the fornicator and adulterer repent of it, detracts 
but very little from conjugial love; it is otherwise with lascivious 
and multiple scortatio* which evil love outwardly appears to be 
like conjugial love, for it does not defervesce, or dissipate itself, 
and pass off into nothing after effervescence, like the foregoing, 
but it remains, renews, and strengthens itself, and to that extent 
takes away the desire for a conjugial union, and in place of it 
induces a coldness and indifference for true love and affection; 
for it then regards these adulterous loves delightful by a free act 
of the will, in that it can recede from such an unholy alliance if 
it chooses, which freedom is inborn in the natural man, and 
because this freedom is, for that reason, agreeable, it supports that 
love; and moreover, with an evil love the union with allurements 
is more close than with conjugial love; but, on the other hand, it 
does not regard the conjugial consort as amiable, by reason of the 
compulsion of dwelling with her, as enjoined by the covenant of 
life, which it then perceives as far more constrained, in con- 
sequence of the freedom with the illicit love; it is manifest that 
the love for the conjugial partner grows cold, and she herself is 
reviled, in the same degree in which the attraction for the evil 
love grows warm, and is held in estimation. In regard to the 
SECOND PROPOSITION, that this evil love, and at the same time in 



a semblance of conjugial love, deprives the understanding (i?zr), 
of all potency and inclination for conjugial life, which is inborn 
in Christians, it may be seen in the following considerations: that 
in proportion as love for a heavenly alliance is transformed into 
an affiliation with an evil love, in the same proportion love for the 
conjugial consort is depleted, exhausted, and killed for the con- 
jugial, as has-been shown above; that this is effected by a closing 
up of the interiors of the natural mind, and the opening up of its 
externals, may be manifest from the seat of the inclination with 
Christians who live in a holy love that is not divided, as such is in 
his inmosts, and that this seat may be shut up, but cannot be 
extirpated: the reason why the inclination for an undivided love, 
and also the capacity to sustain that love, which is implanted in 
Christians by birth (the New Birth), is because that love is from 
the Lord alone, and is a part of the Christian Religion, and in 
Christendom, the Divinity of the Lord is acknowledged and wor- 
shipped, and this religion is from His Word; hence, there is an 
ingrafting, and also a transplanting thereof, from generation to 
generation. It has been said that this Christian conjugial prin- 
ciple perishes through many scortatory loves; but what is meant 
is that among polygamous and lascivious Christians, it is shut up 
and intercepted, but, nevertheless, is capable of being revived in 
his later spiritual experiences, and to be resuscitated from the 
memories of his knowledges acquired as an adolescens and juvenis, 
and by the awakening of his ratioanl powers as a man (vir) ; 
hence, it is that conjugial love is called the Most Precious Treasure 
of the Christian life; and above (nos. 457, 458), the jewel of 
human life, and the Pearl of Great Price of the Christian Religion. 
That this conjugial principle is destroyed by manifold evil loves 
among Christians who are in such love, is very manifest from 
this consideration, that he cannot, like those who make many 
adulterous loves a religion, and to be regarded as allowable, 
honourable, and not a sin, that he is incapable of being in an 
adulterous love and conjugial love equally at the same time; but 
that, in proportion as he loves the one, he grows cold towards the 
other; and what is yet more detestable, in the same proportion 
that he believes in his heart that the Lord was only a natural man, 
and the son of Mary, and not at the same time the Son of God, 
and in the same proportion as he makes light of (the Christian) 
Religion. But, it ought to be well noted that this takes place with 
those who combine an evil adulterous love with a heavenly love, 
and actually conjoin themselves with both; and the conjugial 
principle is also destroyed with those in an evil love of an entirely 
different condition, with those who are (or were), in the conjugial 
state, and who separate themselves from this state (from the uxor), 
and conjoin themselves with an adulterous love, from what they 
believe to be legitimate, just, and truly weighty causes, and in- 
dulge themselves in this unholy love. Concerning this kind of 
concubinatus, it now follows. 




WEIGHTY, is NOT (OR MAY NOT BE) UNPERMissiBLE. What causes are 
understood by legitimate, \vhat by just, and what by truly weighty, 
will be tcJld in their order; bare mention of these causes is here 
sent before, that this concubinatus which is to be treated of in the 
following, may be distinguished from the former concubinatus, 


STANDING. By divorce is here meant the abrogation of the con- 
jugial covenant between the understanding and the will, i.e., con- 
jugial love, and thence a plenary separation, and after that un- 
restrained license to conjunction with an adulterous love; the only 
cause of this complete separation, or divorce, is scortation, accord- 
ing to the precept of the Lord (Matt. xix. 9) . To the same cause 
also belong evident unchastities, which destroy innocence, and 
also impregnate and impair the united will and understanding 
with the most wicked pimpish allurements, from which stands 
forth a scortatory lust utterly profane, in which the united internal 
mind is separated, (ie., the understanding is divorced from con- 
jugial love). To these causes is added a most malevolent and 
crafty slighting, or turning, against conjugial love, which involves 
scortation, and makes the will adulterous, and so divorced (Matt. 
v. 32). These three causes, because they are those causes which in 
accordance with the operation of the laws governing in such con- 
ditions, will always produce divorce, are, the first and third in 
the public forum of both the will and understanding, and the other 
in the forum of the understanding alone, also the legitimate causes 
of concubinatus; but when the adulterous will is in agreement or 
union, with the adulterous understanding. That scortation is the 
one only cause for divorce is because it is diametrically opposed 
to the life of conjugial love, and destroys this to utter exter- 
mination (see above, no. 255). 

469. The reasons why by many VIRI, a wife not perfectly 
chaste is still retained in (domi), that is in full union and agree- 
ment of minds, are, (1.) That die VIR fears to enter upon a con- 
test with that wife by calling witnesses to charge adultery, and 
thus openly to expose to public view (his own) defect; for if the 
confirmations and testimonials of their mutual love, the tokens of 
consent, or the other proofs of their conjunction the equivalents 
of these do not contradict, he would be covered with secret 
reproaches in the forum of the understanding, and with open 
reproaches in the forum of the will. (2.) He fears also the prudent 
justifications of his wife, and also the confirmations by the wise, 
and so the full disclosure of his quality. (3.) Besides these, there 
are furnished opportunities of domestic use, which oppose and 



prevent the disunion of minds; as if there are innocent affections 
towards which the love of his wife is from the heart; if mutual 
uses or duties, which cannot be severed, come between and con- 
join; if there is hope of receiving benefit from all the related 
affections of good and truth pertaining to the wife; if he has fos- 
tered (or cherished) in the beginning the lovable ways (or habits) 
of that one; and if that one, when or because that she is deemed 
unchaste, by alluring pleasantries, and by simulated courtesies, 
which she may wisely perceive soothes the VIR, lest she should not 
be held blameless; besides others, which because in themselves 
they are legitimate causes of abrogation of the conjugial cov- 
enant, and thence complete separation, are also legitimate causes 
of the concubinatus ; for the causes of the retention at home, that 
is, of dwelling together in perfect union and agreements of minds, 
do not remove the cause of the abrogation of the conjugial cov- 
enant, and thence of complete separation, while she is in fornicatio. 
Who, unless vile, can preserve the laws of the marriage bed, and 
also be associated (or one) in religion, with one in fornicatio? 
If this is done here and there, nothing is to be inferred. 


TION OF MINDS) . There are legitimate causes of the disunion of 
minds, and there are just causes; legitimate causes are established 
by the edicts of the wise, and just causes by the decisions which 
are made with oneself. The causes, both legitimate and just, of 
separation from the conjugial bed, and also from the full union 
and agreement of minds, were briefly enumerated above (nos. 252, 
253 (; evils of the natural mind are evils by which the whole man 
(homo) is corrupted by contact (or touch) to such a degree, that 
death is caused; evils of this nature are such as the malign and 
infectious fires of lust, the disintegration of the mental powers, 
leprosy of the soul, lascivious excitements, and the slow death of 
the potencies and conjugial faculties: furthermore, the spiritual 
and mental disorders by which the entire exterior mind is made 
so heavy and dull that very little harmony is possible between the 
will and understanding, and because of which, detrimental effluvia 
and noxious vapors exhale, both from the exteriors and interiors 
of the mind, similar in quality to those foul odors which exude 
from a diseased stomach or lungs ; from the externals of the mind 
there are foul concupiscences, the odors of which resemble the 
putrid smells of the malignant scabs of smallpox, of warts, pus- 
tules, phthisis, scurvy, virulent itch, especially if the face has been 
rendered loathsome by them; from the stomach constant eructa- 
tions of foul, stinking and rank gases; from the lungs, corrupt 
and offensive breaths exhaled from imposthumes, ulcers, or 
abscesses, or from vitiated blood or serum (all of which foul odors 
resemble on the material plane those which emerge from the evil 
spirits of hell when the hells are opened) . Besides these, there are 


also morbid mental states I evils t of various kinds, resembling 
faintness. which is like total lassitude of the exteriors of the mind, 
and a letting down of the virile faculties ; also a paralysis, which 
is like the softening and relaxation of the membranes and liga- 
ments, which enervate the activities of the soul ; like to an epilepsy, 
with its state of coma; like to an apoplexy, causing collapse of 
the mental faculties; certain chronic and morbid psychoses; and 
resembling such other infirmities as ileac passion, hernia, besides 
other diseases, of which pathology teaches. The vitiated states of 
the mind, which are just causes of separation from the conjugial 
consort, and a complete disjunction of minds, are such as mad- 
ness, delirium, insanities, silliness, idiocy, loss of memory, and 
similar ailments. That these are just causes 'of concubinatus 
(scortatory love), because they are just causes of the separation 
of minds, reason can see without a judge. 

ARE REAL AND NOT REAL. Since, besides the just causes, which are 
just causes of separation from the conjugial couch, and conse- 
quently become just causes of concubinatus, there are also serious 
causes, which depend upon the justice and judgment with the man 
(VIR), therefore, these also must be mentioned; but, as the judg- 
ments of justice may be perverted, and be turned by confirmations 
into the appearances of what is just, therefore, these weighty 
causes are distinguished into real and not real, and are described 

BASED UPON WHAT is JUST. To know these causes, it is sufficient to 
mention some which are really weighty; such as a want of love of 
children (storge), and a consequent rejection of innocences; un- 
seasonableness; inebriety, uncleanness, shamelessness, an eager- 
ness to divulge things which should be kept secret in conjugial 
relationships, violation of the laws of conjugial marriage, chasten- 
ing the conjugial consort, a spirit of revenge over real or imaginary 
injustices one with the other, acting in a furious manner, stealing, 
deceitf ulness ; internal dissimilitude, from which is antipathy; a 
forward requirement of the conjugial debt, by which the under- 
standing (VIR) becomes a cold stone; engaging in magical prac- 
tices and feats of legerdemain ; extreme impiety, and other similar 

473. There are also milder causes which are really weighty, 
which tend to destroy conjugial love, but yet not to be completely 
separated from it; as the cessation of the propagation of truth, 
and the decline of conjugial love and affection, tending to corrupt 
the will (uxor), and thence intolerance, and refusal to live in the 
actual and true conjugial state, while the zeal and ardor for the 
complete union of good and truth still continued with the con- 



jugial partner (the rzr., the understanding) ; besides similar actions 
and states of mind, concerning which the rational mind is able to 
render a just judgment, 


OF WHAT is JUST. These are known from the really weighty causes 
mentioned above, and if not rightly examined, they may appear as 
just, and yet they are unjust; the times of rest needed after giving 
birth to new truths ; the fitting indispositions of the affections ; the 
time necessary for the insemination and growth of a new good; 
the adulterous loves that were permitted to the Israelites (who 
were without a Christian church and conjugial love), and other 
like causes of no weight, as based on justice. These are fabricated 
by the understanding (vir] after indifference and coldness to the 
conjugial ties have set in when adulterous loves have deprived 
them of conjugial love, and have infatuated them with the idea of 
its likeness to scortatory love. These men, when they enter into an 
evil love, that they may not suffer in reputation, make illegitimate 
and deceiving causes to appear as though they were real and 
genuine causes; that on many occasions they also circulate false- 
hoods about the conjugial consort (saying her wisdom is only 
magic, juggler's tricks, and feats of legerdemain), which lies are 
also in harmony with, and favored among their friends of similar 
views and qualities, who assent to, and applaud them. 



BE, IN INTERNAL MARRIAGE. It is said that they can be in internal 
marriage i.e., internally in conjugial love), and it is also meant 
that this love can be held concealed in themselves; for that love, 
in the state of subjection in which it is, does not perish, but sleeps. 
The reasons why conjugial love, with those who prefer it (put it 
foremost in the mind) to concubinatus, and are in the latter from 
the spiritual causes above mentioned, can be kept alive, are these : 
that this concubinatus does not violently oppose conjugial love; 
that it is not that entire separation from it which necessarily pro- 
duces divorce; that it is only a veiling of it, and that this veil will 
be removed after the death of the natural love. That (i.) this 
concubinatus does not violently oppose conjugial love follows 
from those spiritual causes demonstrated above, that this con- 
cubinatus, when it is engaged in from legitimate, just, and really 
weighty causes, is not unpermissible (nos. 467-473). (ii.) That 
this concubinage is not a full and complete separation from con- 
jugial love; for when legitimate, just, or really weighty causes 
come between, persuade and compel (by driving away in the 
meantime internal conjugial love), conjugial love with internal 
marriage is not entirely separated, but only takes another form; 
and also, love that takes another form, and is not entirely sepa- 


rated, remains in a state of subjection: this is like one, who being 
in the love of use, and is kept back (from the performance of the 
higher use) by partaking fin other), by failing to see the real 
truth (by other appearances), or by being temporarily in other 
states, does not altogether lose the love of real use; and. more- 
over, he is like that one who loves the real truth, but while he is 
only able to make use of a lower truth, does not altogether lose 
the desire for the real truth, (in.) That that concubmatus is only 
a veiling of conjugial love, is because concubinal love is natural, 
and conjugial love is spiritual, and moreover the natural love 
veils the spiritual, while this (the spiritual) is intercepted; that 
this is so, the lover does not know, because spiritual love is not 
perceived of itself, but through the natural, and, moreover, is per- 
ceived as delight wherein is blessedness from heaven; but natural 
love by itself is felt only as delight, (iv.) That this veil will be 
removed after the death of the natural love, is because then man 
(homo] from natural becomes spiritual, and for the natural mate- 
rial affection rejoices in a substantial f spiritual I, in which the 
natural delight from the spiritual is perceived in its excellence: 
that this is so, I have heard from what has been imparted to me 
by certain ones in the state of spirits, even by those who are there 
in the performances of noblest uses, who in the natural mind were 
only in this external marriage from the causes mentioned, or 
explained above. 

CONJUGIAL LOVE is NOT PERMITTED. The reason is, because then 
conjugial love, which in itself is spiritual, chaste, pure, and holy, 
becomes natural, is so mixed up with concubinatus as to be pol- 
luted, and loses its value more and more, and so is lost; where- 
fore, that this love may be kept alive, it is set free, that concu- 
binatus from the really serious causes (nos. 472, 473), may be 
only with one (the understanding), and not with both (the will 
and understanding) at the same time. 

477. To the above shall be added the following Memorable 
Relation : 

I heard a certain spirit, a juvenis (young man), recently 
arrived from the natural world, boasting concerning his scorta- 
tions, and eager to obtain a reputation of being a person of supe- 
rior understanding, and in the insolence of his boasting he thus 
expressed himself: "What is more sad than for a person to incar- 
cerate his love, and to be faithful only with a conjugial partner? 
and what more delightful than to set the affections at liberty in 
many evils? Who does not grow weary with doing one evil, while 
being revived by engaging in many? What is sweeter than promis- 
cuous liberty, variety, deflorations, making gools of the male con- 
jugial partner, and engaging in scortatory hypocrisies? Do not 



those things which are obtained by cunning, deceit, and theft, 
delight the inmosts of the mind?" 

On hearing this, the by-standers said, "Speak not so ; you know 
not where you are, and with whom you are; you are but lately 
come hither. Hell is beneath your feet, and heaven over your 
head; you are in the state which is intermediate between those 
two, and is called the state of spirits. All who depart out of the 
natural state come here, and are gathered hither, and examined 
as to their quality; and here they are prepared, the evil for hell, 
and the good for heaven. Possibly you still retain what you have 
heard from false teachers in the natural world, that scortators and 
falsifiers of truth are cast down into hell, and that chaste con- 
jugial partners are raised into heaven." 

At this the novitiate laughed, saying, "What is heaven and 
what is hell? Is not is heaven where one is free; and is not he 
free who is permitted to engage in as many evils as he pleases? 
and is not it hell where one is a servant; and is not a servant one 
who is obliged to cling to one evil? 

But a certain angel, looking down from heaven, heard what 
he said, and broke off the conversation, lest it should proceed 
further to the profanation of good and truth; and he said to him, 
"Come up hither, and I will show you to the life what heaven and 
hell are, and what the quality of the latter is to confirmed scor- 
tators. He then showed him the way, and he ascended. 

And after reception he was led first into a paradisiacal garden, 
where were fruit trees and flowers, which from their beauty, 
pleasantness, and fragrance, filled the minds with the delights of 
life. When he saw these things, he admired them with a great 
admiration; but he was then in his externals, such as he had been 
in his natural state, when he saw similar objects, and in this sight 
he was what appeared to be rational ; but in his internal state, in 
which scortation played the important part, and occupied every 
point of thought, he was irrational ; wherefore, his external sight 
was closed, and the internal sight opened; and when the latter 
was opened, he said, "What do I see now? Is it not straw and 
dry wood? and what do I smell now? is it not a stench? Where 
are those paradisiacal objects? 

The angel said, "They are near at hand and present ; but they 
do not appear before your internal sight, which is scortatory, for 
it turns heavenly things into infernal things, and sees only oppo- 
sites. Every man has an internal mind and an external mind, thus 
an internal sight and an external sight; with the evil the internal 
mind is insane and the external mind is wise; but with the good 
the internal mind is wise, and from this also the external mind; 
and such as the mind is, so a man in the spiritual world sees 

After this the angel, by virtue of power which had been given 
him, closed his internal sight, and opened his external sight, and 
led him away through gates towards the middle point of the habi- 


tations; and he saw magnificent palaces of alabaster, marble, and 
various precious stones, and beside them arcades, and round about 
pillars overlaid and encompassed with wonderful ornaments and 
decorations. When he saw these things he was amazed and said. 
"What do I see? I see magnificent objects in their own real mag- 
nificence, and architectonic objects in their own real art." At this 
instant the angel again closed his external sight, and opened his 
internal sight, which was evil because filthily scortatory: where- 
upon he exclaimed, saying. "What do I see now? Where am I? 
Where now are those palaces and magnificent objects? I see only 
ruins, rubbish, and places full of caverns." 

But presently he was brought back again into his external 
sight, and introduced into one of the palaces; and he saw the 
decorations of the gates, windows, walls, and ceilings, and espe- 
cially of the utensils, over and round about which were heavenly 
forms of gold and precious stones, which cannot be described by 
any words, nor delineated by any art, for they surpassed the ideas 
of words and the notions of art. On seeing these things he again 
exclaimed, saying, "These are wonders of wonders, such as no eye 
had ever seen." But then his internal sight was opened, the external 
being closed, as before, and he was asked what he then saw. He 
replied, "Nothing but decayed piles of bulrushes in this place, of 
straw in that, and of firebrands in that." 

But once again he was brought into the external state of the 
mind, and some maidens (innocences) were brought to him, who 
were beauties, because images of heavenly affection; and they 
addressed him in the sweet voice of their affection ; and instantly, 
on seeing and hearing them, his countenance changed, and he 
returned of himself into his internals, which were scortatory; and 
since such internals cannot endure anything of heavenly love, and 
neither on the other hand can they be endured by heavenly love, 
therefore both parlies vanished, the maidens out of the sight of 
the man, and the man out of the sight of the maidens. 

After this, the angel instructed him concerning the origin of 
the changes of the state of his sights, saying, "I perceive that in 
the natural world from which you are come, you have been two- 
fold, having been different in internals from what you were in 
externals; in externals you were a civil, moral, and reasonable 
man; whereas in internals you were neither civil, moral, nor 
rational, because a scortator, and a profaner of good and truth: 
and such men, when they are allowed to ascend into heaven, and 
are there kept in their externals, are able to see the heavenly 
things there; but when their internals are opened, instead of 
heavenly things they see infernal things. Know, however, that 
with every one in this world (state), the externals are successively 
closed, and the internals are opened, and thereby they are pre- 
pared either for heaven or for hell ; and as the evil of scortation 
defiles the internals of the mind more than every other evil, you 
must needs be conveyed down to the defiled states of your love, 



and these are In the hells where the caverns stink of ordure. Who 
cannot know from reason that what is unchaste and lascivious in 
the spiritual world is impure and unclean, and thus that nothing 
more pollutes a man and defiles a man, and induces in him what 
is infernal? Take heed therefore how you boast any more of your 
scortations, that in it you have greater understanding than others. 
I forewarn you that you will become very imbecilic, so that you 
will scarcely know where your virile power is. Such is the lot 
which awaits those who boast of their power of scortation. 

On hearing these words he descended, and returned into the 
intermediate state of spirits, and to his former companions, and 
conversed with them modestly and chastely for a time, but never- 
theless not for long. 



478. No one can know that there is any evil in an adulterous 
love who judges of it only from externals; for in the externals 
it is similar to the heavenly marriage of good and truth. Such 
external judges, when internal things are named, and it he said to 
them that externals derive their good or their evil from the in- 
ternals, say with themselves, "What are internals? Who sees them? 
Is not this climbing above the sphere of every one's intelligence?" 
Such persons are like those who accept all simulated good as 
genuine voluntary good, and who judge of a man's wisdom from 
the elegance of his conversation ; or who respect the man himself 
on account of the richness of his dress, and the magnificence of 
his equipage, and not from his internal habit, which belongs to 
judgment from the affection of good. This also is like judging of 
the fruit of a tree, and of any other eatable thing, from the sight 
and touch only, and not of its goodness from its flavour and from 
science: such is the conduct of all those who are unwilling to per- 
ceive anything relating to man's internals. Hence comes the in- 
sanity of many at the present day, in that they see no evil in 
adulterous loves (the adulteration of good), yea, conjoin the 
Divine marriage of good and truth with adulterous loves, or 
scortations, in the same bridal chamber, that is, consider them 
altogether alike; and this only on account of their appearance of 
likeness in the externals. 

That this is the case, has been clearly proved by the following 
conclusive teaching of experience: There were once assembled 
together by the angels, from Europe, some hundreds of those who 
were distinguished there for their genius, their learning, and their 
wisdom, and they were questioned about the distinction between 
the heavenly marriage of good and truth, and scortatory love, and 
intreated to consult the reason of their understandings: and after 
consultation, all, except ten, replied, that it is only the judicial 
law that makes a distinction, for the sake of some useful purpose; 
which distinction may indeed be known, but may nevertheless be 
adapted to circumstances by civil prudence. They were next asked 
whether they saw any good in the union of love and wisdom, or 
good and truth, and any evil in scortations (the profanation of 
good and truth). They returned for answer, that they did not see 
$ny rational evil or any rational good in them. On being ques- 
tioned whether they saw any sin in it, they said, "Where is the sin? 
Is not the deed alike?" At these answers the angels were amazed, 
and exclaimed, "Oh ! how gross and how great is the stupidity of 



the age!" On hearing this exclamation, the hundreds of the wise 
ones turned themselves, and said to each other with loud laughter, 
"Is this gross stupidity? Can there be any wisdom that can bring 
conviction that being unfaithful to truly conjugial love merits 
eternal damnation?" 

But that scortation is spiritual evil, and therefore moral evil, 
and civil evil, and diametrically contrary to the wisdom of reason; 
also that adulterous love is from hell and returns to hell, and that 
conjugial love, or the union of good and truth, is from heaven 
and returns to heaven, has been demonstrated in the first chapter 
of this part, concerning "The Opposition of Scortatory Love and 
Conjugial Love." But since all evils, like all goods, partake of 
breadth and height, and according to breadth have their kinds, and 
according to height their degrees, therefore, in order that scorta- 
tions may be known as to each dimension, they shall be arranged 
into their kinds, and afterwards into their degrees; and this shall 
be done in the following series: 

I. There are three kinds of adulteries (scortations), simple, 
twofold, and threefold. 

II. Simple adultery is a sin of the understanding alone (an 
unmarried man viri caelibis, or pellicatus), in its opposition to 
truly conjugial love, or of an unattached feminine affection (the 
will an unmarried woman), in its loose attitude towards a con- 
jugial partner (husband of another). 

III. Twofold adultery (double adultery) is a sin of the under- 
standing with one (a husband), with the will of another (wife of 
another )^ yet without confirmation (concubinatus se junction); or 
of the will of one (a wife) with the understanding (a husband) of 

IV. Threefold adultery (with blood relations) is a sin of the 
will and understanding combined (concubinatus conjunctim), 
which is confirmed adultery, and is profanation of good and truth, 
the actual conjunction of conjugial love with a scortatory love. 

V. There are four degrees of adulteries, according to which 
their predications, their charges of blame, and after the death of 
the physical* their imputations take place. 

VI. Adulteries of their first degree are adulteries of ignorance 
(of the adolescens), which are committeed by those who cannot as 
yet, or cannot at all, consult the understanding, and thus check 

VII. Adulteries committed by these persons are mild. 

VIII. Adulteries of the second degree are adulteries of lust 
(adulteria libidinis of the juvenis), which are committed by those 
who indeed are able to consult the understanding, but Jrom acci- 
dental causes at the moment are not able to do so. 

IX. Adulteries committed by these persons are imputatory, 
according as the understanding afterwards favours them or does 
not favour them. 

X. Adulteries of the third degree are adulteries of the reason 


(adulteria rationis), which are committed by those who confirm 
(adulteria ex confirmato) with the understanding that they are not 
evils of sin. 

XI. The adulteries committed by these persons are grievous, 
and are imputed to them, according to confirmations. 

XII. Adulteries of the fourth degree are adulteries of the will 
(adulteria ex proposito adulteria voluntatis), which are com- 
mitted by those who make them allowable and pleasing, and who 
do not think them of such great importance as to make it worth 
while to consult the understanding about them. 

XIIL The adulteries committed by these persons are exceed- 
ingly grievous, and are imputed to them as evils of set purpose, 
and remain seated in them as guilt. 

XIV. Adulteries of the third and fourth degrees are evils of 
sin, according to the measure and the quality of the understanding 
and the will in them, whether they are committed in act, or not 
committed in act. 

XV. Adulteries from set purpose of the will, and adulteries 
from confirmation of the understanding, render human beings 
natural, sensual, and corporeal. 

XVI. And this to such a degree that at length they reject from 
themselves all things of the church and of religion. 

XVII. Nevertheless they possess human rationality like others. 

XVIII. But they use that rationality when they are in externals, 
but abuse it when in their internals. 

Now follows the explanation of these articles. 



universe has distinguished each and all the things that He has 
created, into kinds, and each kind into species ; and He has distin- 
guished each species, and likewise each distinction, and so forth, 
to the end that an image of the Infinite may exist in a perpetual 
variety of qualities. Thus the Creator of the universe has dis- 
tinguished goods and their truths, and likewise evils and their 
falsities, after they had arisen. That He has distinguished each and 
all things in the spiritual world into kinds, species, and differ- 
ences, and has gathered together into heaven all goods and truths, 
and into hell all evils and falsities, and has arranged the latter 
in an order diametrically opposite to the former, may be manifest 
from what has been disclosed in the Work on Heaven and Hell, 
published in London in the year 1758. That in the natural world 
He has also thus distinguished, and does still distinguish goods 
and truths, and likewise evils and falsities with men, and thus the 
men themselves, may be known from their lot after death, in that 
the good possess heaven, and the evil, hell. Now, since all things 
which belong to good, and all things which belong to evil, are 
distinguished into kinds, species, and so forth, therefore marriages 
(the conjunction of good and truth) are distinguished into the 



same, and likewise their opposites (the union of evil with falsity), 
which are adulteries (scortations the adulteration of good and 



(HUSBAND OF ANOTHER). By adultery here, and in the following 
pages, is meant scortatory love opposite to marriage (conjugial 
love). It is opposite because it violates the covenant of life con- 
tracted between married partners, rends asunder their love, and 
defiles it, and closes up the union which was begun at the time of 
betrothal, and strengthened in the beginning of marriage; for the 
conjugial love of one man with one wife, after the engagement and 
the covenant, unites their souls. Adultery does not dissolve this 
union, because it cannot be dissolved ; but it closes it up, like one 
who blocks up a fountain at its source, and thence obstructs its 
stream, and fills the cistern with filthy and stinking waters: in like 
manner conjugial love, the origin of which is a union of souls, 
is befouled and covered over by scortation, and when it is thus 
befouled there rises up from below adulterous love, and as this 
love increases, it becomes fleshly, and rises up against conjugial 
love, and destroys it. Hence is the opposition of adultery and 

481. In order that it may be further known how gross is the 
stupidity of this age, in that its wise ones do not see any sin in 
scortatory love (as was disclosed by the angels, see just above, 
no. 478), I will here add the following Memorable Relation: 

There were certain spirits who, from a habit they had acquired 
in the life of the body, infested me with peculiar adroitness, and 
this they did by a very gentle and as it were undulating influx, 
such as that of well-disposed spirits usually is; but it was per- 
ceived that there were cunning, and other like elements, in them, 
to the intent that they might entrap and deceive. 

At length I spoke with one of them who, it was told me, had, 
while he lived in the natural world, been the general of an army; 
and as I perceived that in the ideas of his thought there was what 
was lascivious, I conversed with him in spiritual speech with 
representatives, which speech fully expresses the meanings, and 
many things in a moment. 

He said that in the life of the body in the former world, he 
had accounted adulteries as nothing. 

But it was given me to tell him that adulteries are wicked, 

although on account of the delight which they have taken in them, 

and from the persuasion thence resulting, they appear to those 

who are adulterous to be not wicked, but even allowable; which 



also he might know from this consideration, that marriages are 
the seminaries of the human race, and consequently also the sem- 
inaries of the heavenly kingdom, and therefore that they ought not 
to be violated, but to be accounted holy; also from this fact (which 
he ought to know, being in the spiritual world, and in a state of 
perception) , that conjugial love descends from the Lord through 
heaven, and that from that love, as a parent, is derived mutual 
love, which is the main support of heaven ; and further from this 
consideration, that adulterers, whenever they but approach the 
heavenly societies, are made sensible of their own stench, and cast 
themselves headlong thence towards hell : at least he might know, 
that violating marriages is contrary to the Divine laws, and to the 
civil laws of all kingdoms, also to the genuine lumen of reason, 
and thus to the right of nations, because contrary to order both 
Divine and human; besides many other considerations. 

But he replied, that he entertained no such thoughts in the 
former life. He wanted to reason whether the case was so. 

But he was told, that Truth does not admit of reasonings, for 
reasonings favour the delights of the flesh against the delights of 
the spirit, the quality of which latter delights he was ignorant of; 
and that he ought first to think about the things which I had told 
him, because they are true; or to think from the principle, which 
is perfectly well known in the world, that no one should do to 
another what he is unwilling another should do to him; and thus 
that he ought to consider whether, if any one had in such a manner 
deceived his wife, whom he had loved, as is the case in the begin- 
ning of every marriage, and he had then been in a state of wrath 
on that account, and had spoken from that state, he himself also 
would not then have detested adulteries, and whether, being a man 
of talent, he would not then have confirmed himself against them 
more than other men, even so far as to damn them to hell: and 
being the general of an army, and having brave companions, 
whether he would not, in order to prevent disgrace, either have 
put the adulterer to death, or have cast the adulteress out of his 



called twofold, because it is committed by two, and on each side 
the covenant of marriage is violated: wherefore also it is twofold 
more grievous than the former. It was said above (no. 480) , that 
the conjugial love of one man with one wife, after the engagement 
and the covenant, unites their souls, and that that union is that 
very love in its origin; and that this origin is closed up and 
blocked up by adultery, as the source and stream of a fountain. 
That the souls of two unite themselves, when sexual love is re- 



stricted to one woman, or one man of the sex, which is the case 
when a maiden engages herself wholly to a young man, and on 
the other hand, a young man engages himself wholly to a maiden, 
is clearly evident 'from this consideration, that the loves of both 
unite themselves, consequently their souls, because the souls are 
the beginnings of life. This union of souls cannot possibly exist 
except in monogamous marriages, or those of -one man with one 
wife, but not in polygamous marriages, or those of one man with 
several wives; because in the latter marriages the love is divided, 
in the former marriages it is united. The reason why conjugial 
love in this supreme abode is spiritual, holy, and pure, is, that the 
soul of every human being, by reason of its origin, is celestial, 
wherefore it receives influx immediately from the Lord, for it 
receives from Him the marriage of love and wisdom, or of good 
and truth; and this influx makes him a human being, and distin- 
guishes him from the beasts. From this union of souls, conjugial 
love, which is there in its spiritual holiness and purity, flows down 
into the life of the whole body, and fills it with blessed delights, 
so long as its channel remains open; which is the case with those 
who are made spiritual by the Lord. That nothing but adultery 
closes up and blocks up this seat, origin, or fountain and its 
channel, of conjugial love, is evident from the Lord's words, that 
it is not lawful to put away a wife and marry another, except on 
account of adultery (Matt. xix. 3-9) ; and also from what is said 
in the same passage, that he who marries her that is put away 
commits adultery (verse 9). When therefore, as was said above, 
that pure and holy fountain is blocked up f it is clogged about with 
filthiness, as a jewel with ordure, or bread with vomit; which 
things are altogether opposite to the purity and holiness of that 
fountain, or of conjugial love: from which opposition comes con- 
jugial cold, and according to this cold is the voluptuous lewdness 
of scortatory love, which consumes itself of its own accord. The 
reason why this is an evil of sin is, that what is holy is covered 
over, and thereby its channel into the body is obstructed, and in 
the place thereof what is profane succeeds, and its channel into 
the body is opened; hence a man from heavenly becomes infernal. 

483. To the above I shall add some things from the spiritual 
world, which are worthy of relation. 

I have heard in that world that some married men have the lust 
of committing fornications with undeflowered women or maidens ; 
some with deflowered women, or scortators; some with married 
women or wives; some with women who are of noble family; and 
some with such as are not of noble family. That this is the case, 
I have been confirmed by several instances from the various king- 
doms in that world. 

While I was meditating about the variety of such lusts, I asked 
whether there are any who find all their delight with the wives of 
others, and none with unmarried women ? Wherefore, in order that 



I might know that there are such, several were brought to me from 
a certain kingdom, who were compelled to speak according to their 
lustfulness. These said that it was, and still is. their sole pleasure 
and delight to commit adultery with the wives of others; and that 
they look out for such as are beautiful, and hire them for them- 
selves at a great price according to their wealth, and generally 
make arrangements about the price with the wife alone. 

I asked why they did not hire for themselves unmarried women. 

They said, that this to them would be common, and thus in 
itself cheap, in which there would be nothing delightful for them. 

I asked also, w r h ether those wives afterwards return to their 
husbands and live with them. 

They replied, that they either do not return, or they live coldly 
with them, because they have become scortators. 

Afterwards I asked them seriously, whether they ever thought 
or now think, that this is twofold adultery, because they commit 
it while they are married men, and that such adultery ravages a 
human being of all spiritual good. 

But at this most of those present laughed, saying, "What is 
spiritual good?" 

But I persisted, saying, "What is more detestable than for a 
man to mix his soul with the soul of the husband in his wife? 
Do you not know that the soul of a man (vir) is in his seed?" 

Hereupon they turned away, and muttered, "What harm can 
this do there?" 

At length I said, "Although you do not fear Divine laws, do 
you not fear the civil laws?" 

They replied, "No; we only fear certain of the ecclesiastical 
order; but we conceal this in their presence; and if we cannot 
conceal it, we keep on good terms with them." 

I afterwards saw them divided into companies, and some of 
these cast into hell." 





LOVE WITH A SCORTATORY LOVE. This adultery is called threefold, 
because it is threefold more grievous than the two former. 
The blood relations, or remains of the flesh, which may not he 
approached unto, may be seen enumerated in Leviticus xviii. 6-18. 
The reasons why these adulteries are threefold more grievous than 
the two above-mentioned kinds, are internal and external ; the in- 
ternal reasons are based on the correspondence of those adulteries 
with the violation of spiritual marriage, which is the marriage of 
the Lord and the church, and thus of good and truth; and the 
external reasons are for the sake of guards, to prevent man becom- 
ing a beast. There is not room, however, to proceed to the dis- 
closure of these reasons. 





PLACE. These degrees are not genera, but they enter into each 
genus, and constitute its distinctions between more and less evil or 
good; in the present case, deciding whether adultery of any given 
kind, by reason of the circumstances and contingencies, is to be 
considered milder or more grievous. That circumstances and con- 
tingencies vary every thing, is known. Nevertheless things are con- 
sidered in one way by a man from his rational lumen, in another 
by a judge from the law, and in another by the Lord from the state 
of the man's mind : wherefore they are called predications, charges 
of blame, and after death imputations ; for predications are made 
by a man according to his rational lumen, charges of blame are 
made by a judge according to the law, and imputations are made 
by the Lord according to the state of the man's mind. That these 
three differ exceedingly from each other may be seen without 
explanation : for a man, from rational conviction according to the 
circumstances and contingencies, may acquit a person, whom a 
judge, when he sits in judgment, cannot acquit in accordance with 
the law; and again, a judge may acquit a person, who after death 
is damned. The reason is, that a judge gives sentence according to 
the deeds, whereas after death every one is judged according to the 
intentions of the will, and thence of the understanding, and accord- 
ing to the confirmations of the understanding, and thence of the 
will; these intentions and confirmations a judge does not see. 
Nevertheless both judgments are just; the one for the sake of the 
good of civil society, the other for the sake of the good of heavenly 


STANDING, AND THUS CHECK THEM. All evils, and thus also all 
adulteries, considered in themselves, belong at once to the internal 
and the external man; the internal man intends them, and the 
external man does them; such therefore as the internal man is in 
the deeds done by the external, such are the deeds viewed in them- 
selves. But since the internal man with his intention does not 
appear before man, every one must be judged in court by his deeds 
and words, according to the law in force and its provisions: the 
interior sense of the law must also be discerned by the judge. But 
let examples illustrate the case: if adultery happens to be com- 
mitted by a youth, who does not as yet know that adultery is a 
greater evil than fornication ; if the like be committed by a man of 
extreme simplicity ; if it be committed by a person who is deprived 
by disease of the full powers of judgment; or, as is sometimes the 
case, by a person of the full powers of judgment; or, as is some- 
times the case, by a person who is subject to attacks of delirium, 


and is at the same time in a state in which are they who are in 
reality delirious: yet again, if it be committed in a fit of insane 
drunkenness, and so forth; it is manifest that, in such cases, the 
internal man, or mind, is not present in the external, scarcely any 
otherwise than in an irrational person. Adulteries in these in- 
stances are distinguished by a rational man according to the above 
circumstances; nevertheless the perpetrator is charged with blame 
by the same rational man as a judge, and is punished in accord- 
ance with the law; but after death those adulteries are imputed 
according to the presence, quality, and faculty of understanding 
in the will of the perpetrators. 

This is manifest from what was said just above, no. 486, without 
further confirmation; for it is known that the quality of every 
deed, and in general the quality of every thing, depends upon 
circumstances, and that these mitigate or aggravate it; but adul- 
teries of this degree are mild at the first times of their commis- 
sion ; and they also remain mild in proportion as the offender of 
either sex, in the future course of life, abstains from them for 
these reasons, that they are evils against God, or against the 
neighbor, or against the goods of the state, and that in consequence 
of their being such evils, they are evils against reason ; but on the 
other hand, if they are not abstained from for one of the above- 
mentioned reasons, they are reckoned among grievous adulteries; 
thus it is according to the Divine law in Ezek. xviii. 21, 22, 24, 
and in other places; but they cannot, from the above circum- 
stances, be pronounced either blameless or culpable, or be predi- 
cated and judged as mild or grievous, by man, because they do 
not appear before him ; neither is it the province of his judgment 
to do so: wherefore it is meant that after death they are so 
accounted or imputed. 

ARE NOT ABLE TO DO so. There are two things which in the begin- 
ning with every man who from natural is made spiritual, are at 
strife together, which are commonly called the spirit and the flesh; 
and since the love of marriage is of the spirit, and adulterous love 
is of the flesh, there takes place then also a combat between those 
loves. If the love of marriage conquers, it masters and subjugates 
adulterous love, and this is effected by its removal, but if it 
happens that the lusts of the external mind are excited to a heat 
greater than the spirit can control from reason, it follows that the 
state is inverted, and the heat of lust overcomes the spirit with 
allurements to such a degree that it is no longer master of its 
reason, and thus of itself. This is meant by adulteries of the second 



degree, which are committed by those who indeed are able to con- 
sult the understanding, but by reason of accidental causes at 
the moment are not able. But the matter may be illustrated by 
examples; as, if a meretricious wife by her cunning captivates a 
man's mind, enticing him into her bed chamber, and inflaming 
him till he loses control of his judgment; and especially if, at the 
same time, she also threatens to expose him if he does not consent : 
likewise, if any meretricious wife (a scortator) is skilled in sor- 
ceries, or by drugged potions, inflames the man to such a degree 
that the raging desire of the flesh deprives the understanding of 
the free use of reason: likewise, if a man by seductive enticements 
works upon another man's wife till her inflamed will is no longer 
master of itself; besides other like cases. That these and similar 
accidental circumstances lessen the grievousness of adultery, and 
give a milder turn to the predications of the blame thereof in 
favour of the party seduced, is agreeable to the dictates and con- 
clusions of reason. The imputation of this degree of adultery 
comes next to be treated of. 



THEM OR DOES NOR FAVOUR THEM. In proportion as the under- 
standing favors evils, in the same proportion the man appropriates 
them to himself and makes them his own. Favor implies consent; 
and consent induces in the mind a state of the love of evils. The 
case is the same with adulteries, which in the beginning were com- 
mitted without the consent of the understanding, and are favored : 
the contrary conies to pass if afterwards they are not favored. The 
reason is, that evils or adulteries which are committed in the blind- 
ness of the understanding, are committed from the concupiscence 
of the lower mind; which evils, or adulteries, have a near resem- 
blance to such instincts as beasts have : with man indeed the under- 
standing is present while they are being committed, but in a 
passive or dead force, and not in an active or living force. From 
these considerations it follows of itself, that such things are not 
imputed, except in the proportion in which they are afterwards 
favored or not favored. By imputation is here meant accusation 
after death, and thence adjudication, which takes place according 
to the state of the man's spirit: but there is not meant inculpation 
by a man before -a judge; for this does not take place according 
to the state of the man's spirit, but according to the state of the 
body in the deed; and unless there was a difference herein, those 
would be acquitted after death who are acquitted in the world, 
and those would be condemned who are condemned in the world; 
and thus the latter would have no hope of salvation. 





something dishonest or dishonourable in the presence of reason, 
but as allowable with reason. Every man knows that there exist 
the will and the understanding; for in common speech he says, 
"This I will, and this I understand;" but still he does not distin- 
guish them, but makes the one the same as the other. The reason 
is that he only reflects upon the things which belong to the thought 
from the understanding, and not upon those who belong to the 
love from the will; for the latter do not appear in light as the 
former do. Nevertheless, he who does not distinguish between the 
will and the understanding, cannot distinguish between evils and 
goods, and consequently he cannot know anything at all about the 
blame of sin. But who does not know that good and truth are two 
distinct things, like love and wisdom? and who cannot thence con- 
clude, when he is in rational enlightenment that there are two 
faculties in man, which distinctly receive and appropriate to them- 
selves those principles, and that the one is the will and the other 
the understanding, by reason that what the will receives and repro- 
duces is called good, and what the understanding receives is called 
truth? for what the will loves and does, is called good, and what 
the understanding perceives and thinks, is called truth. Now, since 
the marriage of good and truth was treated of in the first part of 
this Work, and in the same place many propositions were adduced 
concerning the will and the understanding, and the various attri- 
butes and predicates of each, (which, as I imagine, are also per- 
ceived by those who had not thought anything distinctly concern- 
ing the understanding and the will, for human reason is such, that 
it understands truths from the light thereof, although is has not 
heretofore distinguished them;) therefore, in order that the dis- 
tinctions of the understanding and the will may be more clearly 
perceived, I will here mention some particulars on the subject, to 
the end that it may be known what is the quality of adulteries of 
the reason or the understanding, and afterwards what is the quality 
of adulteries of the will. The following propositions may help to 
distinguish them: 1. The will alone of itself does nothing; but 
whatever it does, it does by means of the understanding. 2. On the 
other hand also, the understanding alone of itself does nothing; 
but whatever it does, it does from the will. 3. The will flows in 
into the understanding, but not the understanding into the will; yet 
the understanding teaches what is good and evil, and consults with 
the will, that out of those two it may choose and do what is pleasing 
to it. 4. After this there is effected a twofold conjunction; one, in 
which the will acts from within and the understanding from with- 
out; the other, in which the understanding acts from within, and 
the will from without. Thus are distinguished adulteries of the 
reason, which are here treated of, from adulteries of the will, which 
are next to be treated of. They are distinguished because one is 
more grievous than the other; for adultery of the reason is less 
grievous than adultery of the will ; the reason is, that in adultery 



of the reason, the understanding acts from within and the will from 
without; whereas in adultery of the will, the will acts from within 
and the understanding from without ; and the will is the man him- 
self, and the understanding is the man, by virtue of the will in the 
understanding; and that which acts Avithin has dominion over that 
which acts without. 


TIONS. The understanding alone confirms, and when it confirms, it 
engages the will, and sets it about itself, and thus drives it to com- 
pliance. Confirmations are effected by meanings of reasonings, 
which the mind seizes either from its higher region or from its 
lower region: if from the higher region, which communicates with 
heaven, it confirms marriages, and damns adulteries; but if from 
the lower region, which communicates with the world, it confirms 
adulteries and makes light of marriages. Every one can confirm 
evil just as well as good; likewise falsity and truth; and the con- 
firmation of evil is perceived as more delectable than the con- 
firmation of truth. The reason is, that the confirmation of evil and 
falsity derives its reasonings from the delights, pleasures, appear- 
ances, and fallacies of the senses of the body; whereas the con- 
firmation of good and truth derives its reasons from the region 
above the sensuals of the body. Now, since evils and falsities can 
be confirmed just as well as goods and truths, and since the con- 
firming understanding draws the will over to its own side, and the 
will together with the understanding forms the mind, it follows, 
that the form of the human mind is according to confirmations, 
being turned towards heaven if its confirmations are in favor of 
marriages, but towards hell if they are in favor of adulteries ; and 
such as the form of a man's mind is, such is his spirit; conse- 
quently such as the man. From these considerations then it is 
manifest that adulteries of this degree are imputed after death 
according to confirmations. 


STANDING ABOUT THEM. These adulteries are distinguished from 
the foregoing by their origins. The origin of these adulteries is 
from the depraved will connate to man, or from hereditary evil, 
which a man blindly obeys after he has become capable of exer- 
cising his own judgment, not at all judging about them whether 
they are evils or not; wherefore it is said, that he does not con- 
sider them of such great importance as to make it worth while to 
consult the understanding about them. But the origin of the adul- 
teries which are called adulteries of the reason, is from a perverted 


understanding; and they are committed by those who confirm that 
they are not evils of sin. With these adulterers, the understanding 
plays the leading part; with the former, the will. These two dis- 
tinctions do not appear to any man in the natural world; but they 
appear plainly to the angels in the spiritual world. In the latter 
world all are in general distinguished according to the evils which 
originally flow from the will or from the understanding, and which 
are accepted and appropriated. They are also separated in hell 
according to those evils: in hell, those who are evil from the 
understanding, dwell in front, and are called satans; but those who 
are evil from the will, dwell behind, and are called devils. On 
account of thrs universal distinction, mention is made in the Word 
of satan and the devil.* Wj]ttLi]iflse..eyil.ones, and also with adul- 
terers, who are called satans, the understanding plays the. leading 
gart; hut /with those., who- are called devils, itu& will plays the lead- 
ryr jg part. But it is not possible to explain these distinctions so that 
the understanding may see them, unless the distinctions of the will 
and the understanding be first known ; and unless a description be 
given of the formation of the mind by the will through the under- 
standing, and of its formation by the understanding through the 
will. The Knowledge of these subjects must shed light before, in 
order that the distinctions above-mentioned may be seen from 
reason ; but this requires a volume to itself. 


they are exceedingly grievous, and more grievous than the fore- 
going, is, that in them the will plays the leading part, whereas in 
the foregoing the understanding plays the leading part, and a 
man's life essentially is of his will, and formally is of his under- 
standing: the reason is, that the will acts in unity with the love, 
and love is the essence of a man's life, and forms itself in the 
understanding by means of such things as are in agreement with 
it: wherefore the understanding, considered in itself, is nothing 
else than the form of the will ; and since love is of the will, and 
wisdom of the understanding, therefore wisdom is nothing else 
than the form of love; likewise truth is nothing else than the form 
of good. That which flows from the very essence of a man's life, 
thus flows from his will or his love, is principally called purpose; 
but that which flows from the form of his life, thus from the 
understanding and its thought, is called intention. Guilt also 
is principally predicated of the will: hence comes the common 
observation, that every one has the guilt of evil from inheritance, 
but that the evil is from the man. Hence it is, that these adulteries 
of the fourth degree are imputed as evils of set purpose, and 
remain seated in them as guilt. 





of the reason or the understanding, which are of the third degree, 
and adulteries of the will, which are of the fourth degree, are 
grievous, consequently evils of sin, according to the quality of the 
understanding of the will in them, may be seen from the comment 
above concerning them, nos. 490-493. The reason is, that man is 
man by virtue of the will and the understanding; for from these 
two faculties exist not only all the things which are done in the 
mind, but also all those which are done in the body. Who does 
not know that the body does not act of itself, but the will through 
the body? also that the mouth does not speak of itself, but the 
thought through the mouth? Wherefore if the will were to be 
taken away, action would instantly come to a stop, and if thought 
were to be taken away, the speech of the mouth would instantly 
cease. Hence it is clearly manifest, that adulteries which are com- 
mitted in act, are grievous according to the quantity and quality 
of the understanding and will in them. That they are likewise 
grievous, if the same are not committed in act, is manifest from 
the Lord's words: "It was said by them of old time, Thou shall 
not commit adultery; but I say unto you, that if any one hath 
looked at another's woman, so as to lust after her^ he hath already 
committed adultery with her in heart (Matt v. 27, 28 ) : committing 
adultery in the heart means committing it in the will. There are 
many reasons which prevent an adulterer's being an adulterer in 
act, while he is nevertheless an adulterer in will and understand- 
ing: for there are some who abstain from adulteries as to the act 
through fear of the civil law and its penalties ; through fear of the 
loss of reputation and thence of honour; through fear of diseases 
thence arising; through fear of quarrels at home on the part of 
the wife, and the consequent loss of tranquility of life; through 
fear of revenge on the part of the husband or relations, and also 
through fear of being whipped by the servants; through poverty 
or avarice; through weakness arising from disease, from abuse, 
from age, or from impotence, and consequent shame. If anyone 
restrains himself from adulteries in act, for these and like reasons, 
and yet favours them in his will and understanding, he is still an 
adulterer; for he believes nevertheless that they are not sins, and 
he does not make them unlawful before God in his spirit; and 
thus he commits them in spirit, although not in the body before 
the world; wherefore after death, when he becomes a spirit, he 
speaks openly in favour of them. 



and is distinguished from the beasts, by this circumstance, that his 
mind is distinguished into three regions, as many as the heavens 


are; and that he is capable of being elevated out of the lowest 
region into the higher, and also from this into the highest, and 
thus of becoming an angel of one of the heavens, and even of the 
third. For this end, there has been given to man the faculty of 
elevating the understanding thereunto; but if the love of his will 
is not elevated at the same time, he does not become spiritual, but 
remains natural. Nevertheless he retains the faculty of elevating 
the understanding. The reason why he retains this faculty is, in 
order that he may be able to be reformed; for he is reformed by 
means of the understanding: and this is effected by the Knowledges 
of good and truth, and by means of rational intuition therefrom. 
If he views those Knowledges rationally, and lives according to 
them, then the love of the will is elevated at the same time, and 
in the same degree what is human is perfected, and the man 
becomes more and more a man. It is otherwise if he does not live 
according to the Knowledges of good and truth: in this case the 
love of his will remains natural, and his understanding by turns 
becomes spiritual ; for it elevates itself alternately, like an eagle, 
and looks down upon what belongs to its love beneath; and when 
it sees this, it flies down to it and conjoins itself with it: if there- 
fore the concupiscences of the flesh belong to its love, it lets itself 
down to these from its height, and in conjunction with them derives 
delight to itself from their delights; and again, for the sake of the 
acquisition of reputation, that it may be believed wise, it lifts 
itself on high, and thus rises and sinks by turns, as was just now 
stated. The reason why adulterers of the third and fourth degree, 
who are such as from set purpose of the will and confirmation of 
the understanding have made themselves adulterers, are utterly 
natural, and progressively become sensual and corporeal, is, that 
they have immersed the love of their will, and together with it 
their understanding, in the un cleannesses of scortatory love, and 
are delighted therewith, as unclean birds and beasts are delighted 
with decaying and stercoraceous things as with delicacies and 
dainties ; for the effluvia rising up from their flesh fill the dwelling 
of the mind with their grossnesses, and cause the will to perceive 
nothing to be more delicate and dainty. It is these who after 
death become corporeal spirits, and from whom the uncleannesses 
of hell and of the church (spoken of above, nos. 430, 431) gush out. 

496. There are three degrees of the natural man. In the first 
degree are those who love only the world, placing their hearts on 
wealth; these are properly meant by the natural. In the second 
degree are those who love only the delights of the senses, placing 
their heart on every kind of luxury and pleasure; these are prop- 
erly meant by the sensual. In the third degree are those who love 
only themselves, placing their heart on the quest of honour; these 
are properly meant by the corporeal; the reason is, that they 
immerse all things of the will, and consequently of the under- 
standing, in the body, and look backwards from others at them- 



selves, and love only what belongs to themselves. But the sensual 
immerse all things of the will, and consequently of the understand- 
ing, in the allurements and fallacies of the senses, indulging in 
these alone. Whereas the natural pour forth into the world all 
things of the will and of the understanding, covetously and fraud- 
ulently acquiring wealth, and regarding no other use therein and 
thence but that of possession. The above-mentioned adulteries turn 
human beings into these degenerate degrees, one into this, and 
another into that, each one according to the pleasurable feeling 
charactristic of his peculiar genius. 



RELIGION. The reason why adulterers from set purpose and adul- 
terers from confirmation reject from themselves all things of the 
church and religion, is, because conjugial love and adulterous 
love are opposite (no. 425), and conjugial love acts in unity with 
the church and religion (see no. 130, and throughout the First 
Part) : hence adulterous love, because it is opposite, acts in unity 
with those things which are contrary to the church. Another reason 
why those adulterers reject from themselves all things of the 
church and religion, is, that conjugial love and adulterous love are 
opposite, as the marriage of good and truth is opposite to the con- 
nubial connection of evil and falsity (see nos. 427, 428) : and the 
marriage of good and truth is the church, and the connubial bond 
of the evil and false is anti-church. Yet another reason why these 
adulterers reject from themselves all things of the church and 
religion, is, that conjugial love and adulterous love are opposite, 
as heaven and hell are (no. 429) ; and in heaven there is the love 
of all things of the church, whereas in hell there is hatred against 
them. That these adulteries reject from them all things of the 
church and of religion, is also because the delights of them begin 
from the flesh and are of the flesh even in the spirit (nos. 440, 
441), and the flesh is against the spirit, that is, contrary to the 
spiritual things of the church ; and for that reason also the delights 
of scortatory love are called pleasures of insanity. If you desire 
proofs, pray go to those whom you know to be such adulterers, 
and 'ask in secret what they think about God, about the church, and 
about eternal life, and you will hear. The real reason is that as 
conjugial love opens the interiors of the mind, and thus elevates 
them above the sensuals of the body even into the light and warmth 
of heaven, so, on the other hand adulterous love closes up the in- 
teriors of the mind, and always thrusts the mind itself as to its 
will down into the body, into all the concupiscences of its flesh, 
and the deeper the depth, so much the more it draws away and 
removes the mind from heaven. 

LIKE OTHERS. That the natural, the sensual, and the corporeal man 



is equally rational, as to the understanding, as the spiritual man, 
has been proved to me from satans and devils arising up by leave 
out of hell, and conversing with angelic spirits in the state of 
spirits; concerning whom, see the Memorable Relations through- 
out. But as the love of the will makes the man, and this love draws 
the understanding into consent, therefore such are not rational 
except in a state removed from the love of the will; when they 
return again into this love, they are more dreadfully insane than 
wild beasts. But man, without the faculty of elevating the under- 
standing above the love of the will, would not be a man, but a 
beast; for a beast does not enjoy that faculty ; consequently neither 
would he be able to choose anything, and from choice do what is 
good and expedient, and thus he would not be able to be reformed, 
and to be led to heaven, and to live to eternity. Thence it is that 
adulterers from purpose and from confirmation, although merely 
natural, sensual, and corporeal, have yet like others the gift of 
understanding and rationality. But when they are in the lust of 
adultery, and think and speak from that and of that, they do not 
enjoy that rationality. The reason is that then the flesh acts upon 
the spirit and not the spirit upon the flesh. It ought, however, to 
be known, that these at length after death become stupid; not that 
he faculty of becoming wise is taken away from them, but that 
they are unwilling to become wise, because wisdom is undelightful 
to them. 



They are in externals when they speak abroad and in company, 
but in their internals when at home or by themselves. If you wish, 
put the matter to the test. Bring some such person, -as, for example, 
one of the order called Jesuits, and cause him to speak in company, 
or to teach in a temple, concerning God, the holy things of the 
church, and heaven and hell, and you will hear him a more 
rational zealot than any others ; perhaps also he will move you to 
sighs and tears for your salvation. But take him into your house, 
extol him above the other orders, call him the father of wisdom, 
and make yourself his friend, until he opens his heart, and you 
will hear what he will then preach concerning God, the holy things 
of the church, and heaven and hell; namely, that they are mere 
fancies and delusions, and thus bonds invented for souls, whereby 
great and small, rich and poor, may be caught and bound, and 
kept under the yoke of their dominion. Let these observations 
suffice for illustration of what is meant by the statement that nat- 
ural men, even down to corporeal men, possess human rationality 
like others, and that they use it when they are in externals, but 
abuse it when in their internals. The conclusion to be hence 
deduced is, that no one ought to be judged of from the wisdom of 
his mouth, but from the wisdom of his life in union therewith. 



500. To the above I will add the following Memorable 
Relation : 

Once in the spiritual world I heard a great tumult: there were 
some thousands of people gathered together, who cried out, "Let 
them be punished, let them be punished." 

I went nearer, and asked, "What is the matter?" 

One who was separate from this great congregation said to me, 
"They are enraged with anger against three priests, who go about 
and preach everywhere against adulterers, saying, that adulterers 
have no acknowledgment of God, and that heaven is closed up to 
them, and hell open; and that in hell they are unclean devils, 
because they appear there from afar like swine wallowing in dung, 
and that the angels of heaven abominate them." 

I inquired, "Where are those priests? and why is there such a 
vociferation on that account?" 

He replied, "The three priests are in the midst of them, guarded 
by attendants; and those who are gathered together are of those 
who believe adulteries not to be sins, and who say, that adulterers 
have an acknowledgment of God equally with those who cleave to 
their wives. They are all of them from the Christian world; and 
the angels have been to see how many there were there who believe 
adulteries to be sins; and out of a thousand they did not find a 
hundred." He then told me, that the nine hundred speak about 
adulteries in the following manner: "Who does not know that the 
delight of adultery is superior to the delight of marriage; that 
adulterers are in perpetual heat, and thence in alacrity, industry, 
and active life, superior to those who live with only one woman; 
and that, on the other hand, love with a married partner grows 
cold, and sometimes to such a degree, that at length scarce a single 
expression of speech or act of endearment with her is alive ; that 
it is otherwise with fornicators; that the deadness of life with a 
wife, which arises from a defect of potency, is recruited and vivified 
by scortations? Is not that which recruits and vivifies of more con- 
sequence than that which deadens? What is marriage but lawful 
fornication ? Who knows any distinction between them ? Can love 
be forced? and yet love with a wife is forced by a covenant and 
by the laws. Is not love with a married partner sexual love? and 
this love is so universal that it exists even among birds and beasts. 
What is conjugial love but sexual love? and sexual love is free 
with every woman. The reason why the civil laws are against 
adulteries is, that lawgivers have believed that it is required by the 
public good; and yet lawgivers and judges themselves sometimes 
commit adultery, and say among themselves, 'Let him that is with- 
out sin cast the first stone.' It is only the simple and religious that 
believe adulteries to be sins: the intelligent think otherwise, who 
like us view them by the lumen of nature. Are not offspring born 
of adulteries as well as of marriages? Are not illegitimate children 
as clever and well qualified for the discharge of offices and em- 
ployments as legitimate ones? Moreover families, otherwise barren, 



are provided with offspring; and is not this an advantage and not 
an injury? What harm does it do a wife if she admits several 
rivals? And what harm does it do the husband? To say that it 
brings disgrace upon the husband, is a frivilous opinion based on 
mere phantasy. The fact that adultery is contrary to the laws and 
statutes of the church, is owing to the ecclesiastical order for the 
sake of Power; but what have theology, and spiritual matters, to 
do with a merely corporeal and carnal delight? Are not there 
presbyters and monks who are adulterers? and are they on that 
account incapable of acknowledging and worshipping God? Why 
therefore do those three priests preach that adulterers have no 
acknowledgment of God? We cannot endure such blasphemies; 
wherefore let them be judged and punished." 

After this I saw that they called judges, whom they requested 
to pass sentence of punishment upon them. But the judges said, 
"This is no part of our duty ; for the point in question is concern- 
ing the acknowledgment of God, and concerning sin, and thus con- 
cerning salvation and damnation ; and judgment on these subjects 
must be given from heaven : but we will give you counsel how you 
may know whether these three priests have preached Truths. There 
are three places known to us as judges, where such points are 
examined and revealed in a singular manner: ONE place is where 
a way into heaven is open to all ; but when they come into heaven, 
they themselves perceive their own quality as to the acknowledg- 
ment of God: the SECOND place is, where also a way is open into 
heaven; but no one can enter into that way unless he has heaven 
in himself: and the THIRD place is, where the^e is a way to hell; 
and those who love infernal things enter that way of their own 
accord, because from delight. We as judges charge you all who 
require judgment from us concerning heaven and hell, to go to 
those places." 

On hearing this, those who were gathered together said, "Let 
us go to those places." 

And while they were going to the FIRST, where a way into 
heaven is open to all, it suddenly became very dark; wherefore 
some of them lighted torches and carried them before. The judges 
who were with them said, "This happens to all who go to the first 
place: as they approach, the fire of the torches becomes dimmer, 
and is extinguished in that place by the light of heaven flowing in, 
which is a sign that they are there: the reason is, that at first 
heaven is closed to them, and is afterwards opened." 

They then came to that place, and when the torches were extin- 
guished of themselves, they saw a way tending obliquely upwards 
into heaven: this way those entered who were enraged with anger 
against the priests; among the first, those who were adulterers 
from set purpose, after them those who were adulterers from con- 
firmation; and as they ascended, the first cried out, "Follow;" and 
those who followed cried out, "Make haste;" and they pressed 



After the space of nearly an hour, when they were well within 
in the heavenly society, there appeared a gulf between them and 
the angels ; and the light of heaven above the gulf flowing in into 
their eyes, opened the interiors of their minds, whereby they were 
compelled to speak as they interiorly thought ; and then they were 
asked by the angels, whether they acknowledged that there is a God. 

The first, who were adulterers from set purpose of the will, 
replied, "What is God?" And they looked at each other, and said, 
"Which of you has seen Him?" The second, who were adulterers 
from confirmation of the understanding, said, "Are not all things 
of nature? What is there above nature but the sun?" And then 
the angels said to them, "Depart from us; now you yourselves 
perceive that you have no acknowledgment of God; when you 
descend, the interiors of your mind will be closed, and its exteriors 
opened, and then you can speak against the interiors, and say that 
there is a God. Believe, that as soon as a man actually becomes 
an adulterer, heaven is closed against him; and when heaven is 
closed, God is not acknowledged. Hear the reason: all the un- 
cleanness of hell is from adulterers, and this stinks in heaven like 
the stinking mire of the streets." 

On hearing these things they turned, and descended by three 
ways: and when they were below, the first and second groups con- 
versing together said, "The priests have conquered there ; but we 
know that we can speak of God equally with them: and when we 
say that He is, do not we acknowledge Him? The interiors and 
exteriors of the mind, of which the angels told us, are inventions. 
But let us go to the second place pointed out by the judges, where 
a way is open into heaven to those who have heaven in themselves, 
thus to those who are about to come into heaven." 

When they were come thither, a voice proceeded from that 
heaven, saying, "Close the gates; there are adulterers at hand." 
Then suddenly the gates were closed, and guards with rods in their 
hands drove them away, and delivered out of their custody the 
three priests, against whom they had raised the tumult, and led 
them into heaven: and instantly, when the gate had been opened 
for the priests, there breathed forth from heaven upon the rebels 
the delight of marriage, which, because it was chaste and pure, 
almost deprived them of life ; wherefore, for fear of fainting from 
suffocation, they hastened to the third place, concerning which the 
judges said that thence there was a way to hell ; and instantly there 
breathed forth from thence the delight of adultery, whereby those 
who were adulterers from set purpose, and those who were adul- 
terers from confirmation were so vivified, that they descended as 
it were dancing, and there like hogs immersed themselves in 



501. The lusts concerning which it is treated of in the four 
following chapters, are not only adulterous lusts, but they are 
more grievous than these, since they are not given (or do not exist) 
except from adulteries, for they are seized upon after adulteries 
have excited (or caused) loathing; as the lust of defloration, which 
is first treated of, and which cannot previously arise with anyone ; 
likewise the lust of varieties, the lust of violation, and the lust of 
seducing innocences, which are afterwards treated of. They are 
called lusts, because according to the quantity and quality of the 
lust for those things, such and so great is their appropriation. In 
reference specifically to the lust of defloration, in order that the 
conviction may be brought home that it is a villainy, it shall be 
made manifest from the following propositions in order: 

I. The state of a maiden or undeftowered woman before mar- 
riage, and after marriage. 

II. Virginity is the crown of chastity, and the pledge of con 
jugial love. 

III. Defloration, without a view to marriage as the end, is the 
villainy of a robber. 

IV. The lot of those who have confirmed themselves in the 
persuasion that the lust of defloration is not an evil of sin, after 
death is grievous. 

The explanation of these articles follows. 

BEFORE MARRIAGE, AND AFTER MARRIAGE. What is the quality of the 
state of a maiden, before she has been instructed concerning the 
various particulars of the conjugial torch, has been made known 
to me by those wives in the spiritual world, who had departed out 
of the natural world in their infancy, and have been educated in 
heaven. They said, that when they had come into the marriageable 
state, from seeing married partners, they began to love the con- 
jugial life, but only for the end that they might be called wives, 
and might live in friendly and trustful consociation with one man ; 
and also that, being removed from the house of obedience, they 
might become independent. They also said, that they thought of 
marriage only from the blessedness of mutual friendship and trust 
with a consort, and not at all from the delight of any passion. 
But that their maiden state was changed after the wedding into a 
new one, of which they had previously known nothing at all ; and 
they declared, that this state was a state of the expansion of all 
things of the life of their body from first things to last, to receive 



the gifts of their husband, and to unite these gifts to her own life, 
that thus she might become his love and his wife; and that this 
state commenced from the moment of defloration ( or first union in 
ultimates), and that after this the flame of love burned for the 
husband alone, and that they felt the delights of that expansion 
to be heavenly. And further, that as each wife was introduced into 
this state by her own husband, and as it is from him, and thus his 
in her, it is quite impossible for her to love any other man than 
him alone. From this account it was made manifest what is the 
quality of the state of maidens before marriage and after marriage 
in heaven. That the state of those maidens and wives on earth, 
who are mated in their first virginal state, is similar to that of the 
maidens and wives in heaven, is no secret. What maiden can know 
that new state before she is in it? Inquire, and you will learn. 
The case is different with those who, before marriage, long for the 
allurement in consequence of having been taught. 

OF CONJUGIAL LOVE. Virginity is called the crown of chastity, 
because it crowns the chastity of marriage : it is also the badge of 
chastity, wherefore the bride wears a crown on her head at her 
wedding; it is also a badge of the holiness of marriage; for the 
bride, after the virgin flower, gives and devotes herself wholly to 
the bridegroom, at -that time the husband, and the husband in 
return gives and devotes himself wholly to the bride, at that time 
the wife. Virginity is also called the pledge of conjugial love, 
because it belongs to the covenant of marriage, and the covenant 
is, that love may unite them into one human being, or into one 
flesh. The men also regard the virginity of the bride before mar- 
riage as the crown of her chastity, and as the pledge of conjugial 
love, and as the very dainty from which the delights of that love 
are about to commence and to last forever. From these and the 
foregoing considerations, it is manifest, that after the girdle is 
taken away, and the virginity is tasted, the maiden becomes a 
wife, and if not a wife, she becomes a fornicator; for the new 
state, into which she is then introduced, is a state of love for her 
husband, and if it is not a state of love for her husband, it is a 
state of lust. 

END, is THE VILLAINY OF A ROBBER. Some adulterers are possessed 
by die desire of deflowering maidens, and thus also of deflowering 
young girls in their age of innocence; they entice them to such 
deeds either by the persuasions of procuresses, or by presents 
made by themselves, or by promises of marriage; and those men 
after defloration leave them, and continually seek for others and 
yet others. Moreover, they are not delighted with the objects they 
have left, but with a continual supply of new ones ; and this lust 
grows till it becomes the chief of the delightsomen esses of their 



flesh. They add also to the above this crime, that by various cun- 
ning artifices they entice maidens about to be married, or imme- 
diately after marriage, to offer them the first fruits of marriage, 
which also they thus filthily defile. I have heard also, that when 
that rnad desire with its potency has failed, they boast of the 
number of virginities, as of so many golden fleeces 'of Jason. This 
villainy, which is an act of corruption, since it was begun in the 
age of strength, and afterwards strengthened by boastings, remains 
inrooted, and thus infixed, after death. What the quality of this 
villainy is, appears from what was said above, that virginity is the 
crown of chastity, the pledge of future conjugial love, and that a 
maiden devotes her soul and life to him on whom she bestows it ; 
conjugial friendship and the confidence thereof are also founded 
upon it. Moreover, a woman deflowered by such adulterers, after 
this door of conjugial love has been broken through, casts away 
shame, and becomes a fornicator, and for this result also, that 
robber is responsible. Such robbers, if, after having run through 
a course of those venereal lusts and profanations of chastity, they 
apply their mind to marriage, have no other object in their mind 
than the virginity of their future married partner ; and when they 
have sipped this, they loathe both bed and bed-chamber, yea, even 
the whole female sex, except young girls: and as such men are 
violators of marriage, and despisers of the female sex, and thus 
spiritual robbers, it is evident that the Divine Nemesis pursues 


SIN, AFTER DEATH IS GRIEVOUS. Their lot is as follows: After they 
have passed the first time of their stay in the state of spirits, which 
is -a time of external modesty and morality on account of their 
being in company with angelic spirits, they are let from their 
externals into their internals, and then into the concupiscences 
which they had been addicted to in the world; and they are let 
into their concupiscences, to the end that it may appear in what 
degree they had been addicted to them ; and if in a lesser degree, 
that after they have been let into them, they may be let out again, 
and may be covered with shame. But those who had been in this 
malignant lust to such a degree that they felt its delight to be 
eminent, and made a boast of those thefts as of the choicest spoils, 
do not suffer themselves to be drawn away from it; wherefore they 
are let into their freedom, and then they instantly wander about, 
and inquire after brothels, and also enter them when they are 
pointed out; these brothels are at the sides of hell. But when they 
meet with none but prostitutes there, they go away, and inquire 
where there are maidens; and then they are conducted to prosti- 
tutes, who by phantasy can assume super-eminent beauty, and a 
florid girlish complexion, and boast themselves of being virgins; 
and on seeing these they burn with desire towards them as in the 



world: wherefore they bargain with them, but when they are about 
to realize the bargain, the phantasy that had been cast on them by 
heaven is taken away, and then those maidens appear in their own 
deformity, monstrous and dusky, to whom nevertheless they are 
compelled to cleave for an hour. Those scortators are called sirens. 
But if by such sorcerers' tricks they do not suffer themselves to 
be drawn away from that insane lust, they are cast down into the 
hell which is in the confines of the south and west, beneath the 
hell of the most cunning courtesans, and there they are associated 
with their companions. It has also been given me to see them in 
that hell; and I have been told that many of noble descent, and 
of the richer class, are therein ; but because they had been such in 
the world, all remembrance of their descent and of the dignity 
derived from their wealth is taken from them, and a persuasion is 
induced on them that they have been vile slaves, and thus unworthy 
of all honour. Among themselves indeed they appear as human 
beings: but in the sight of others who are allowed to look in 
thither, they appear like apes, with grim instead of pleasant faces, 
and savage instead of pleasant countenances; they walk with the 
loins contracted, and bowed in consequence, the upper part of the 
body leaning forwards as if they were going to fall down, and 
they emit a bad smell. They loathe the sex, and turn away from 
those of the sex whom they see, for they have no desire towards 
them. They appear such when seen near at hand; but when seen 
from afar, they appear like dogs of indulgences or whelps of 
delights; and there is also heard something like barking in the 
tone of their speech. 



506. By the lust of varieties, which is here treated of, is not 
understood the lust of fornication, which was treated of in its own 
chapter; this, although it is accustomed to be promiscuous and 
wandering (or vagrant) yet does not bring forward (or produce) 
the lust of varieties except when it exceeds moderation, and the 
fornicator looks to the number, and boasts of that from strong 
desire (or appetite). This idea initiates (or makes the beginning 
of) this lust. But of what quality it is in its progression cannot be 
distinctly perceived, except in some such series as the following: 

I. That by the lust of varieties is understood the lust of scorta- 
tion entirely unrestrained. 

II. That lust is love and at the same time loathing for the sex. 

III. That lust utterly annihilates conjugial love with itself. 

IV. The lot after death of those (who have been addicted to 
that lust) is miserable, since they have not the inmost of life. 

The explanation of these articles now follows. 



itself with those who in adolescence have relaxed the bonds of 
modesty, and have had opportunities of associating with many 
feminine scortators, especially if they have not wanted for the 
means of satisfying their pecuniary demands. They implant and 
inroot this lust in themselves by inordinate and unlimited fornica- 
tions, and by shameless thoughts concerning the love of the female 
sex, and by confirmations that adulteries are not evils, and not at 
all sins. This lust grows with them as it advances, to such an 
extent that they desire all the women in the world, and wish for 
whole troops, and a new one every day. Since this love casts itself 
out of the general sexual love that is implanted in every human 
being, and entirely .away from the love of one of the sex, which is 
conjugial love, and intrudes itself into the exteriors of the heart as 
a delight of love separate from those loves, and yet derived from 
them; therefore it is so thoroughly inrooted in the cuticles that it 
remains in the touch after the virile forces are decayed. Those 
(who are addicted to this lust) make nothing of adulteries; where- 
fore they think of the whole female sex as of a common prostitute, 
and of marriage as of a common harlotry, and thus they mix 
shamelessness with modesty, and from the mixture become insane. 
From these considerations it is evident what is here meant by the 
lust of varieties, namely, that it is the lust of scortation entirely 




FOR THE SEX. Those who are addicted to that lust have a love for 
the sex, because they derive variety from the sex ; and they have a 
loathing for the sex, because after engaging illegally with one of 
the sex, they reject her and lust after others. This obscene lust 
burns towards a new woman, and after burning, grows cold towards 
her; and cold is loathing. That that lust is love and at the same 
time loathing for the sex, may be illustrated as follows: set on the 
left side a company of the women whom they have enjoyed, and 
on the right side a company of those whom they have not enjoyed; 
would they not look at the latter company from love, but at the 
former from loathing? and yet each company is of the sex. 

WITH ITSELF. The reason is, that lust is utterly opposed to con- 
jugial love, and so opposed, that it not only tears it asunder, but 
as it were grinds it to powder, and thus annihilates it: for con- 
jugial love is confined to one of the sex; whereas that lust does 
not stop at one, but within an hour or a day is as intensely cold as 
it was before hot towards her; and since cold is loathing, this, by 
forced consociation and dwelling together, is so augmented* as to 
inspire nausea, and thus conjugial love is consumed to such a 
degree that nothing of it is left. From these considerations it may 
be seen that this lust is fatal to conjugial love; and, as conjugial 
love constitutes the inmost of life with man, that it is fatal to his 
life; and that that lust, by successive interceptions and closings of 
the interiors of the mind, at length becomes cuticular, and thus 
merely alluring; the faculty of understanding, or rationality, 
nevertheless remaining. 



INMOST OF LIFE. Every one has excellence of life according to his 
conjugial love; for that excellence conjoins itself with the life of 
the wife, and by conjunction exalts itself: but as with these there 
does not remain the least of conjugial love, and consequently not 
anything of the inmost of life, therefore their lot after death is 
miserable. After passing a certain period of time in their externals, 
in which they speak rationally and -act civilly, they are let into 
their internals, and in this case into a similar lust and its delights, 
in the same degree in which they had been in it in the world: for 
every one after death is intromitted into the same state of life 
which he had appropriated to himself, to the intent that he may 
be withdrawn from it. No one can be withdrawn from his evil 
unless he has first been led into it: otherwise the evil would con- 
ceal itself, and defile the interiors of the mind, and spread like a 
pestilence, and would then burst the barriers and destroy the 
externals which are of the body. For this end, there are opened 
to them brothels, which are on the side of hell, where there are 


harlots, with whom there is given opportunity of varying their 
lusts : but this is granted with the restriction of one in a day, and 
it is forbidden under a penalty to be conjoined with more than 
one on the same day. Afterwards, when from examination it 
appears that that lust is so inbred that they cannot be withdrawn 
from it, they are conveyed to a certain place, which is just above 
the hell assigned for them, and then they appear to themselves as 
if they fall into a swoon, and to others as if they sink down with 
the face turned upward ; and also the ground under their backs is 
actually opened, and they are swallowed up, and sink down into 
the hell where their like are ; thus they are gathered to their own. 
It has been given me to see them there, and likewise to speak with 
them. Among themselves they appear as human beings, which is 
granted them lest they should be a terror to their companions; but 
at a certain distance they seem to have white faces, consisting as it 
were only of skin, and this because they have no spiritual life in 
them, which every one has according to the conjugial principle 
that is implanted in him. Their speech is dry, parched, and sor- 
rowful ; when they are hungry, they lament, and their lamentations 
are heard as a peculiar snarling sound. Their garments are tattered, 
and their lower garments are drawn up over the belly round about 
the breast, because they have no loins, but their ankles commence 
from the region of the bottom of the belly : the reason is, that the 
loins with human beings correspond to conjugial love, and this 
love they do not possess. They said that, on account of their 
having no potency, they loathe the sex, Nevertheless, among them- 
selves they can reason as from rationality about various things, 
but because they are cutaneous, they reason from the fallacies of 
the senses. This hell is in the western quarter towards the north. 
These same persons, when seen from afar, appear not as human 
beings, nor as monsters, but as substances of ice. It must, however, 
be known, that those become such who have imbued themselves 
with the above lust to such a degree as to rend and annihilate in 
themselves the human conjugial principle. 



51L By the lust of violation is not meant the lust of deflora- 
tion, which is the violation of virginities, but not of maidens when 
it is effected from consent; whereas the lust of violation, which is 
here treated of, retreats in consequence of consent, and is rendered 
more violent by refusal; and it is the passion of violating all 
women whatsoever, who altogether refuse, and violently resist, 
whether they be maidens, or widows, or wives. Those (who are 
addicted to this lust) are like robbers and pirates, who are 
delighted with spoil and plunder, and not with what is given and 
justly acquired ; and they are like malefactors, who covet what is 
unlawful and forbidden, and despise what is allowed and granted. 
These violators are altogether averse to consent, and are inflamed 
by resistance, which if they observe to be not internal, the ardour 
of their lust is instantly extinguished, as fire is by water thrown 
upon it. It is known., that wives do not spontaneously submit 
themselves to the disposal of their husbands as to the ultimate 
effects of love, and that from prudence they resist as they would 
resist violations, to the end that they may take away from their 
husbands the cold arising from the commonness that results from 
the enjoyment being continually allowed, and also from an idea 
of lasciviousness on their part. These resistances, although they 
enkindle, are nevertheless not the causes, but only the beginnings 
of this lust. Its cause is, that after conjugial love and also scorta- 
tory love have grown insipid by exercise, they require, in order 
that they may be recuperated, to be set on fire by absolute resist- 
ances. This lust, thus begun, afterwards grows, and as it grows 
it despises and breaks through all bounds of sexual love, and 
exterminates itself, and from a lascivious, corporeal and fleshly 
love, becomes cartilaginous and bony ; and then, from the periostea, 
which enjoy a keen sense, it becomes sharpened. Nevertheless this 
lust is rare, because it exists only with those who had entered into 
marriage, and then had practised scortations until they became 
insipid. Besides this natural cause of this lust, there is also a 
spiritual cause, of which something will be said in what follows. 

512. The lot after death of those (who have been addicted to 
this lust) is as follows: these violators then of their own accord 
separate themselves from those who are in limited sexual love, and 
entirely from those who are in conjugial love, thus from heaven: 
afterwards they are sent away to the most cunning scortators, who 
not only by persuasion, but also by a perfectly histrionic imita- 
tion, can feign and represent as if they were essentially chastities. 


These scortators clearly discern those who are In that lust: in their 
presence they speak of chastity and its preciousness ; and when 
the violator comes near and touches them, they are full of wrath, 
and fly away as through terror into a room, where there is a couch 
and a bed, and slightly close the door after them, and lie down; 
and from thence by their art they inspire the violator with an 
ungovernable desire of breaking down the door, of rushing in, 
and assaulting them; and when this takes place, the scortator, 
raising herself erect, begins to fight with the violator with her 
hands and nails, tearing his face, rending his clothes, and with a 
furious voice crying out to her fellow scortators, as to her maid- 
servants, for assistance, and opening the window with a loud out- 
cry of thief, robber, and murderer; and when the violator is in 
her embrace, she wails and weeps: and after the violation she 
prostrates herself, howls, and calls out that she is undone, and 
then threatens in a serious tone, that unless he expiates the viola- 
tion by paying a considerable sum, she will attempt his destruc- 
tion. While they are engaged in this venereal scene, they appear 
from afare like cats, which nearly in like manner before their 
conjunctions fight together, rush against each other, and howl. 
After some such brothel contests, they are taken away, and con- 
veyed into a cavern, where they are forced to some work; but as 
they smell offensively, in consequence of having destroyed the con- 
jugial principle, which is the most precious treasure of human 
life, they are sent to the borders of the western quarter, where at 
a certain distance they appear lean, as if consisting of bones 
covered over with skin only; and from afar they appear like 
panthers. When it was given me to see them nearer, I was sur- 
prised that some of them held books in their hands, and were read- 
ing; and I was told that this is the case, because in the world they 
had spoken various things about the spiritual things of the 
church, and yet had defiled them by adulteries, even to these very 
extremities of them, and that such was the correspondence of this 
lust with the violation of the spiritual marriage. But let it be 
known, that instances of those who are in his lust are rare. Certain 
it is, that women, because it is unbecoming, for them to prostitute 
love, repeatedly resist, and that resistance strengthens; neverthe- 
less this is not from any lust of violation. 



513. The lust of seducing innocences is neither the lust of 
defloration nor the lust of violation, but is peculiar to, and stands 
alone by itself; it exists more especially among the deceitful. The 
women who appear to them as innocences are such as regard the 
evil of scortation as an enormous sin, and who therefore strive to 
acquire a character for chastity, and at the same time for piety: 
these women they burn after. In Roman Catholic countries they 
are nuns ; and because they believe these maidens to be pious inno- 
cences above all the rest of their sex, they view them as the dainties 
and delicacies of their lust. In order that they may seduce either 
the latter or the former, they first, because they are deceitful, 
devise arts, and afterwards, when they have trained themselves well 
therein, they practise them without shame or compunction, .as from 
nature. These arts are chiefly simulations of innocence, love, 
chastity, and piety; by these and other cunning arts they enter 
into the interior friendship of such women, and thence into their 
love, which they change from spiritual into natural love by various 
persuasions, and at the same time by various blandishments, and 
afterwards into corporeal -carnal love by irritations, and then they 
take possession of them at their pleasure; and when they have 
attained their end, they rejoice at heart, and laugh to scorn those 
whom they have violated. 

514. The lot of these seducers after death is sad, inasmuch as 
that seduction is not only impiety, but also malignity. After they 
have passed through their first period, which is in externals, where- 
in they excel many others in the elegance of their manners and 
the courteousness of their speech, they are reduced into the second 
period of their life, which is in internals, in which internals their 
lust is set free, and begins its sport; and then they are first con- 
veyed to women who had made vows of chastity, and with these 
they are examined as to the quality of their malignant concupis- 
cence, to the intent that they may not be judged except on con- 
viction: when they feel the chastity of those women, their deceit 
begins to act, and to attempt its cunning arts ; but as this is in vain, 
they depart from them. They are afterwards introduced to women 
of genuine innocence; and when they attempt to deceive these in 
like manner, they are grievously punished, by virtue of a power 
given to those women; for they bring on their hands and feet an 
oppressive numbness, and likewise on their necks, and at last 
make them feel as it were in a swoon; after undergoing which they 
hastily flee away from them, After this there is opened to them a 



way to a certain company of fornieators, who have acquired the 
art of feigning innocence in a cunning manner; and these first 
expose them to derision among themselves, and at length after 
various promises suffer themselves to be violated. After some such 
scenes, the third period takes place, which is that of judgment; 
when, being convicted, they sink down, and are gathered to their 
like in the hell which is in the northern quarter, and there they 
appear from afar, like weasels. But if they had been addicted to 
deceit, they are carried down from this hell to the hell of the 
deceitful, which is in the western quarter deep down at the back. 
In this hell they appear from afar as serpents of various kinds, 
and the most deceitful as vipers; but in the hell itself into which 
I was permitted to look, they appeared to me as if they were 
ghastly pale, with faces of chalk ; and as they are mere concupis- 
cences, they do not like to speak ; and if they do speak, they only 
mumble and mutter various things which are understood by none 
but their companions who are near them; but presently, as they 
sit or stand, they make themselves invisible, and fly about in the 
cavern like phantoms ; for then they are in phantasy, and phantasy 
appears to fly : after flying they rest themselves ; and then, what is 
wonderful, one does not know another: the reason of this is, that 
they are in deceit, and deceit does not believe another, and there- 
fore withdraws itself. When they feel anything proceeding from 
conjugial love, they flee away into vaults and conceal themselves. 
They are also void of sexual love, and are real impotences. They 
are called infernal genii. 



515. I should here preface something concerning what corre- 
spondence is; but the subject does not properly belong to the 
present Work. But what correspondence is, may be seen in a 
brief summary above, no. 76, and no. 342; and it may be seen 
fully in the Apocalypse Revealed, from beginning to end, that 
there is a correspondence between the natural sense and the spir- 
itual sense of the Word. That in the Word there is a natural sense 
and a spiritual sense, and a correspondence between them, has 
been demonstrated in the Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concern- 
ing the Sacred Scripture, and especially in nos. 5-26 of that Work. 

516. By the spiritual marriage is meant the marriage of the 
Lord and the church, spoken of above, nos. 116-131; and hence 
also the marriage of good and truth, likewise spoken of above, 
nos. 834 02; and because this marriage of the Lord and the church, 
and therefore the marriage of good and truth, is in each and all 
things of the Word, it is the violation of the Word that is meant 
here bv the violation of the spiritual marriage; for the church is 
from the Word, and the Word is the Lord. The Lord is the Word, 
because He is the Divine Good and Divine Truth there. That the 
Word is that marriage, may be seen fully confirmed in the Doctrine 
of the New Jerusalem concerning the Sacred Scripture, nos. 80-90. 

517. Since therefore the violation of the spiritual marriage is 
the violation of the Word, it is evident that this violation is the 
adulteration of good and the falsification of truth; for the spir- 
itual marriage, as was said, is the marriage of good and truth; 
hence it follows, that when the good of the Word is adulterated, 
and its truth falsified, that marriage is violated. How this violation 
is effected, and by whom, is in some measure evident from what 
now follows. 

518. Above, in treating of the marriage of the Lord and the 
church (no. 116, and following numbers) and in treating of the 
marriage of good and truth (no. 83 and following numbers), it 
was proved, that that marriage corresponds to marriages on earth : 
hence it follows, that the violation of that marriage corresponds to 
scortations and adulteries. That it is so is very plain from the 
Word itself, in that by scortations and by adulteries there are 
signified the falsifications of truth and the adulterations of good, 
as may be plainly seen from numerous passages adduced from the 
Word in the Apocalypse Revealed, no. 134. 



519. The violation of the Word is effected by those in the 
Christian church who adulterate its goods and truths; and those 
do this who separate truth from good, and good from truth ; also, 
who assume and confirm appearances of truth and fallacies as 
genuine truths; and likewise, who know truths of doctrine from 
the Word, and live evilly; not to mention other like cases. These 
violations of the Word and of the church correspond to the pro- 
hibited degrees enumerated in Leviticus xviii. 

520. Since the Natural and the Spiritual with every man cohere 
as the soul and the body, for a man without the Spiritual which 
flows in into and vivifies his Natural, is not a man, it hence 
follows, that he who is in the spiritual marriage is also in happy 
natural marriage; and on the other hand, that he who is in spir- 
itual adultery is also in natural adultery, and contrariwise. Now, 
since all who are in hell are in the connubial connection of evil 
and falsity, and this is essentially spiritual adultery ; and all who 
are in heaven are in the marriage of good and truth, and this is 
essentially marriage ; therefore hell as -a whole is called adultery, 
and heaven as a whole is called marriage. 

521. To the above shall be added this Memorable Relation: 
My eye was opened, and I saw a dark forest, and therein a 

crowd of satyrs. The satyrs as to their breasts were hairy, and as 
to their feet some were like calves, some like panthers, and some 
like wolves, and they had wild beasts' claws instead of toes. They 
were running to and fro like wild beasts, crying out, "Where are 
the women?" and then there appeared fornicators who were wait- 
ing for them; and they also were of divers monstrous conforma- 
tions. The satyrs ran towards them, and laid hold of them, drag- 
ging them into a cavern, which was in the midst of the forest deep 
beneath the earth ; and upon the earth round about the cavern lay 
a great serpent coiled up spirally, breathing poison into the 
cavern; in the branches of the forest above the serpent dismal 
birds of night were croaking and screeching. But the satyrs and 
fornicators did not see these things, because they were the corre- 
spondences of their lasciviousnesses, and therefore their usual 
appearances from afar. 

Afterwards they came out of the cavern, and entered a certain 
cottage of lowly structure, which was a brothel; and then being 
separated from the fornicators they spoke together, and I listened ; 
for speech in the spiritual world may be heard by a distant person 
as if he were present, since the extent of space in that world is 
only an appearance. They were speaking about marriages, nature, 
and religion. 

Those who as to the feet appeared like calves, spoke about 
MARRIAGES, and said, "What are marriages but lawful adulteries? 
and what is sweeter than scortatory hypocrisies, and the making 
fools of husbands?" At this the rest clapped their hands with 
loud laughter. 



The satyrs who as to the feet appeared as panthers, spoke 
ahout NATURE, and said, "What is there hut nature? What dis- 
tinction is there between a man and a heast, except that a man can 
speak articulately and a beast sonorously? Does not each derive 
life from heat, and understanding from light, by the operation of 
nature?" Hereupon the rest exclaimed, "Admirable! you speak 
from judgment." 

Those who as to the feet appeared like wolves, spoke about 
RELIGION, saying, "What is God or the Divine but the inmost of 
nature in operation? What is religion but a device to ensnare and 
bind the common people?" Hereupon the rest vociferated "Bravo !" 

After a few minutes they rushed forth, and in so doing they 
saw me at a distance looking attentively at them. Being provoked 
at this, they ran out from the forest, and with a threatening 
countenance directed their course swiftly towards me and said, 
"Why are you standing here and listening to our whispers?" 

I replied, "Why not? what is to hinder me? you were only 
talking:" and I related what I had heard from them. Hereupon 
their minds were quieted: this was through fear lest what they 
had said should be divulged; and then they began to speak mod- 
estly and to act becomingly; from which circumstance I knew that 
they were not of mean descent but of honourable birth. And then 
I told them, that I had seen them in the forest as satyrs, twenty as 
calf-satyrs, six as panther-satyrs, and four as wolf-satyrs; they 
were thirty in number. 

They were surprised at this, because they saw themselves there 
no otherwise than as men, in like manner as they saw themselves 
here with me. 

I then taught them that they appeared thus from afar by 
reason of their scortatory lust, and that this satyr-like form was a 
form of dissolute adultery, and not the form of a person. I said 
that the reason was that every evil concupiscence exhibits a like- 
ness of itself in a certain form, which is not perceived by those 
who are in the concupiscence, but by those who are standing at a 
distance: I also said, "In order that you may believe, send some 
from among you into that forest, and do you remain here, and 
look at them." 

They did so, and sent away two ; and viewing them when near 
the above brothel -cottage, they saw them altogether as satyrs; and 
when they returned, they saluted them as satyrs and said, "0 what 
ridiculous figures." 

While they were laughing, I joked on various matters with 
them, and told them that I had also seen adulterers as hogs; and 
then I recollected the fable of Ulysses and Circe, how she sprinkled 
the companions and servants of Ulysses with enchanter's herbs, 
and touched them with a magic wand, and turned them into hogs, 
perhaps into adulterers, because she could not by any art turn 
anyone into a hog. 

After they had indulged in loud laughter at this and other 


similar things, I asked them whether they knew from what king- 
dom in the world they had come. 

They said they had come from various kingdoms, and they 
named Italy, Poland, Germany, England, Sweden. 

I inquired, whether they had seen anyone from H'olland among 

And they said, "Not one." 

After this I gave the conversation a serious turn, and asked, 
and asked them whether they had ever thought that adultery is sin. 

They replied, "What is sin? we do not know what it is." 

I then asked whether they had ever remembered that adultery 
was contrary to the sixth commandment of the Decalogue. 

They replied, "What is the Decalogue? Is not it the cate- 
chism? What have we men (viri) to do with that childish tract?" 

I -asked them, whether they had ever thought at all about hell. 

They replied, "Who ever came up thence to give information 
about it?" 

I asked, whether they had ever thought at all in the world 
about the life after death. 

They said, "Just as much as about the future life of beasts, 
and at times as about phantoms, that, if they exhale from dead 
bodies, they float about." 

I further asked them, whether they had heard anything from 
the priests on any of these subjects. 

They replied, that they had attended only to the sound of their 
voices and not to the matter; and what is this tatter? 

Being astonished at these answers, I said to them, "Turn your 
faces, and direct your glance to the midst of the forest, where the 
cavern is in which you have been." 

So they turned themselves, and saw that great serpent around 
the cavern coiled up spirally, breathing poison, and also the dole- 
ful birds In the branches over the serpent 

I then asked them, "What do you see?" 

But being terrified, they did not answer. 

Then I said, "Do you see the dreadful sight? Know, that this 
is a representative of adultery in the flagitiousness of its lust." 

At that instant an angel suddenly stood present: he was a 
priest, and opened the hell in the western quarter, into which such 
spirits are at length collected; and he said, "Look thither;" and 
they saw a pool as it were of fire, and they recognized there some 
who had been their friends in the world who invited them to them- 

Having seen and heard these things, they turned away, and 
rushed out of my sight, and retired from the forest ; but I observed 
their steps, that they pretended to retire, but that by winding ways 
they returned into the forest. 

522. After this I returned home, and the next day, from a 
recollection of these sad scenes, I looked towards the same forest, 



and saw that it Had disappeared, and in its place there was a 
sandy plain, and in the midst thereof a pool, in which were some 
red serpents. 

But some weeks later, when I was looking thither again, I saw 
on its right side some fallow land, and upon it some husbandmen. 

And again, after some weeks I saw springing out of that fallow 
land some tilled land surrounded with little trees. 

And I then heard a voice from heaven, "Enter into your bed- 
chamber, and shut the door, and apply to the work begun on the 
Apocalypse, and finish it within two years." 



(Matt. vii. 1) ; which cannot in any wise mean judgment respect- 
ing anyone's moral , anjd, .civil Jif e icu.the world, but judgment re- 
specting his spiritual and celestial- life. Who does not see, that if 
it were not allowable to judge respecting the moral life of those 
who live with him in the world, society would perish? What 
would society be if there were no public judicature, and if every 
one did not exercise his judgment respecting another? But to 
judge what is the quality of the interior mind, or soul, thus what 
is the quality of anyone's spiritual state, and thence what his lot 
after death is, is not allowable; because that is known to the Lord 
alone: neither does the Lord reveal this till after the person's 
decease, to the intent that every one may do whatever he does 
from freedom, and thereby that good or evil may be from him, 
and thus in him, and that on this ground he may live to eternity 
by and for himself, and as his own ego. The reason why the 
interiors of the mind, which are kept hidden in the world, are 
revealed after death, is, that this is of importance and advantage 
to the societies into which the man then comes ; for all there are 
spiritual. That those interiors are then revealed, is evident from 
these words of the Lord: "There is nothing concealed, which shall 
not be revealed, or hidden, which shall not be known: therefore 
whatsoever things ye have said in the darkness, shall be heard in 
the light; and that which ye have spoken into the ear in bed- 
chambers, shall be preached on the housetops" (Luke xii. 2, 3). 
A general judgment, such as this, "If you are such in internals 
as you appear to be in externals, you will be saved or con- 
demned," is allowed; but a particular judgment, as this, for in- 
stance, "You are such in internals, therefore you will be saved 
or condemned," is not allowed. Judgment concerning the spiritual 
life of a human being, or the internal life of the soul, is meant by 
the imputation which is here treated of. Can any human being 
know, who in heart is a scortator, and who is a genuinely married 
man? And yet the thoughts of the heart, which are the purposes 
of the will, judge every one. But this subject shall be opened up 
in the following order; 

I. The evil in which anyone is, is imputed to him after death; 
likewise the good. 

II. The transcription of the good of one person into another 
is impossible. 

III. Imputation, if by it is meant such transcription, is a 
frivolous term. 



IV. Evil is imputed to every one according to the quality of 
his will., and according to the quality of his understanding: like- 
wise good. 

V. Thus scortatory love is imputed to every one. 

VI. Thus conjugial love likewise is imputed to every one. 
Now follows the explanation of these articles. 

AFTER DEATH ; LIKEWISE THE GOOD. To make this proposition in 
some degree evident, it shall be considered under the following 
distinct heads: 1. Every one has a life peculiar to himself. 
2. Every one's life remains with him after death. 3. To an evil 
person is then imputed the evil of his life, and to a good person 
the good of his life. As to the FIRST point, that every one has a 
life peculiar to himself, thus distinct from that of another, it is 
known; for there is a perpetual variety, and there is not any- 
thing the same as another; consequently every one has his own 
peculiarity. This is evidence from the faces of human beings, in 
that the faces of no two persons are absolutely alike, nor can there 
be two alike to eternity: the reason is, that there are no two dis- 
positions alike, and the faces are from the dispositions; for the 
face, as it is said, is a type of the disposition, and the disposition 
derives its origin and form from the life. Unless a man had a life 
peculiar to himself, as he has a disposition and a face peculiar to 
himself, he would not have any life after death separate from that 
of another; yea, neither would there be a heaven, for heaven con- 
sists of perpetual others; its form is derived solely from the 
varieties of souls and minds arranged into such an order as to 
make a one; and they make a one from the One Whose life is in 
each and all therein as the soul is in a man : unless this were the 
case, heaven would be dispersed, because the form would be dis- 
solved. The One from Whom all things have life, and from Whom 
the form coheres, is the Lord. In general every form consists of 
various things, and is such as is their harmonious coordination 
and arrangement into a one : such is the human form ; hence it is 
that a man, consisting of so many members, viscera, and organs, 
does not feel anything in himself and from himself but as a one. 
As to the SECOND point, that every one's life remains with him 
after death, it is known in the church from these passages of the 
Word: "The Son of Man will come, and will then render to every 
one according to his deeds" (Matt. xvi. 27). "/ saw the books 
opened; and all were judged according to their works" (Apoc. xx. 
12, 13). "/ft the day of judgment God will render to every one 
according to his works" (Rom. ii. 6; 2 Cor. v. 10). The words 
according to which it will be rendered to every one, are the life, 
because the life does the works, and they are according to the life. 
As it has been given me for many years to be together with angels, 
and to speak with those who have come from the world, I can 
testify for certain that every one is then examined as to what the 



quality of his life had been, and that the life which he has con- 
tracted in the world remains with him to eternity. I have spoken 
with those who lived ages ago, with whose life I have been 
acquainted from history, and I have recognized it to be like the 
description given of it: and I have learnt from the angels, that no 
one's life can be changed after death, because it is organized 
according to his love and consequent works; and that if it were 
changed, the organization would be torn to pieces, which cannot 
be done in any case; also that a change of organization is possible 
only in the material body, and is utterly impossible in the spiritual 
body, after the former has been cast away. In regard to the THIRD 
point, that to an evil person is then imputed the evil of his life, 
and to a good person the good of his life: the imputation of evil 
is not accusation, arraignment, incrimination, and the giving of 
judgment, as in the world, but evil itself produces this effect; for 
the evil freely separate themselves from the good, since they can- 
not be together. The delights of the love of evil hold in aversion 
the delights of the love of good: and delights exhale from every 
one, as odours do from every plant in the earth: for they are not 
absorbed and hidden by the material body as before, but flow out 
freely from their loves into the spiritual aura; and as evil is there 
felt as in its odour, it is this which accuses, arraigns, incriminates, 
and judges, not before any judge, but before every one who is in 
good; and this is what is meant by imputation. Moreover, an evil 
person chooses companions with whom he may live in his own 
delight; and because he holds the delight of good in aversion, he 
spontaneously betakes himself to his own in hell. The imputation 
of good is effected in like manner. This takes place with' those who 
in the world have acknowledged that all good in them is from the 
Lord, and nothing from themselves. These, after they have been 
prepared, are let into the interior delights of good, and then there 
is opened to them a way into heaven, to the society where the 
delights are homogeneous to their own. This is done by the Lord. 

ANOTHER is IMPOSSIBLE. The evidence of this proposition may also 
be seen from the following points in order: 1. Every human being 
is born in evil. 2. He is led into good by means of regeneration by 
the Lord. 3. This is effected by means of & life according to His 
precepts. 4. Wherefore good, when it is thus implanted, cannot be 
transcribed. The FIRST point that every human being is born in 
evil, is known in the church. It is said that this evil is derived 
hereditarily from Adam ; but it is from the man's parents. Every 
one derives from his parents his natural disposition, which is his 
inclination. That this is the case, is evinced both by reason and 
experience ; for the likenesses of parents as to their faces, geniuses 
and manners, are exhibited in their immediate offspring and in 
their posterity; hence families are known by many, and a judg- 
mnt is also formed concerning their dispositions; wherefore the 



evils which parents themselves have contracted, and which they 
have transmitted to their offspring, are the evils in which human 
beings are born. The reason why it is believed that the guilt of 
Adam is inscribed on all the human race, is that few reflect upon 
any evil with themselves, and thence know it; wherefore they sup- 
pose that it is so deeply hidden away as to appear only before 
God. In regard to the SECOND point that a man is led into good 
by means of regeneration by the Lord: that there is such a thing 
as regeneration, and that unless a person be regenerated he cannot 
enter into heaven, appears clearly from the Lord's words in John 
iii. 3, 5. That regeneration consists in purification from evils, and 
thereby renovation of life, cannot be unknown in the Christian 
world; for reason also sees this when it acknowledges that every 
one is born, in evil, and that evil cannot be washed and purged 
away like filth by soap and water, but by repentance. As to the 
THIRD point that a man is led into good by the Lord, by means 
of a life according to His precepts: there are five precepts of 
regeneration (which may be seen above, no. 82) ; among which 
are these, That evils must be shunned because they are of the 
devil and from the devil; and that goods must be done, because 
they are of God and from God; and that men ought to approach 
the Lord in order that He may lead them to do those things. Let 
anyone consult himself and consider whether a man derives good 
from any other source ; and if he has not good, he has not salva- 
tion. In regard to the FOURTH point that good, when it is thus 
implanted, cannot be transcribed; (by transcription is meant the 
transcription of the good of one person into another;) it follows 
from what has been already said, that a man by regeneration is 
made altogether new as to his spirit, and that this is effected by 
means of a life according to the Lord's precepts. Who does not see 
that this renewal can only be effected from time to time, in nearly 
the same manner as a tree successively takes root and grows from 
a seed, and is perfected? Those who have a different idea of 
regeneration do not know anything about the state of man, or 
about evil and good, that those two are altogether opposite, and 
that good can only be implanted in proportion as evil is removed ; 
nor do they know, that so long as anyone is in evil, he holds in 
aversion the good which in itself is good: wherefore if the good 
of one were to be transferred into anyone who is in evil, it would 
be as if a lamb were cast before -a wolf, or as if a pearl were tied 
to a swine's snout: from which considerations it is evident that 
transcription is impossible. 

is A FRIVOLOUS TERM. That the evil in which every one is, is im- 
puted to him after death, and likewise the good, was proved above, 
no. 524; hence it is manifest what is meant by imputation: but if 
by imputation is meant the transcription of good into anyone who 
is in evil, it is an empty expression, because such transcription is 



impossible, as was also proved above, no. 525. In the world, merits 
may as it were be transcribed (or transferred) by men; that is, 
good may be done to children for the sake of their parents, or to 
the friends of any adherent out of favour; but the good of merit 
cannot be inscribed on their souls, but only outwardly adjoined. 
The like is not possible with men as to their spiritual life: this, as 
was shown above, must be implanted; and if it is not implanted 
by means of a life according to the Lord's precepts above men- 
tioned, the man remains in the evil in which he was born. Before 
this is done, it is impossible for any good to reach him, or if it 
reaches him, it is instantly struck back and rebounds like an elastic 
ball falling upon a rock, or it is absorbed like a diamond thrown 
into a bog. A man who has not been reformed as to the spirit, is 
like a panther, or a horned owl, and may be compared to a brier 
and a nettle; but a man who has been regenerated is like a sheep 
or a dove, and may be compared to an olive tree and a vine. Pray 
consider, if you are so inclined, how can a panther-man be con- 
verted into a sheep-man, or a horned owl into a dove, or a brier 
into an olive tree, or a nettle into a vine, by any imputation, if by 
it is meant transcription ? In order that such a conversion may be 
effected, is it not necessary that the wild beast element of the 
panther and the horned owl, or the noxious quality of the brier 
and the nettle, be first taken away, and thereby what is truly human 
and harmless be implanted? How this is effected, the Lord also 
teaches in John xv. 1-7. 



UNDERSTANDING; LIKEWISE GOOD. It is known that there are two 
faculties which constitute a man's life, the will and the under- 
standing; and that all things which a man does are done by his 
will and his understanding; and that without these acting powers 
a man would have neither action nor speech other than as a 
machine. Hence it is evident, that such as are a man's will and 
understanding, such is the man ; and further, that a man's action 
in itself is such as is the affection of his will which produces it, 
and that a man's conversation in itself is such as is the thought of 
his understanding which produces it: wherefore several men may 
act and speak alike, and yet they act and speak differently; one 
from a depraved will and thought, the other from an upright will 
and thought. From these considerations it is manifest what is 
meant by the deeds or works according to which every one will be 
judged, namely, that there are meant the will and the understand- 
ing; consequently that by evil works are meant the works of 
an evil will, of whatsoever quality they may have appeared in 
externals, and that by good works are meant the works of a good 
will, although in externals they may have appeared like the works 
done by an evil man. All things which are done by a man's in- 
terior will are done from purpose, since that will proposes to itself 



what it does by its intention ; and all things which are done by the 
understanding are done from confirmation, since the understand- 
ing confirms. From these considerations it may be manifest, that 
evil, or good, is imputed to every one according to the quality of 
his will in them, and according to the quality of his understand- 
ing concerning them. These observations it is allowed to confirm 
by the following relation : In the spiritual world I have met many 
who in the natural world had lived like others, dressing splendidly, 
feasting sumptuously, trading with their capital like others, fre- 
quenting stage plays, jesting on love topics as it were from lust, 
and doing other like things; and yet the angels charged those 
things against some as evils of sin, and to others they did not 
impute them as evils; the latter they declared guiltless, but the 
former guilty. Being questioned why they did so, when neverthe- 
less all had done alike, they replied that they regard all from their 
purpose, intention, or end, and distinguish accordingly; and that 
therefore they excuse or condemn those whom the end either 
excuses or condemns, since all in heaven have an end of good, and 
all in hell an end of evil. 

528. To the above shall be added the following observation: 
It is said in the church that no one can fulfill the law, and the less 
so because he who transgresses against one precept of the deca- 
logue, transgresses against all; but this form of speaking is not 
such as it sounds; for it ought to be understood thus, that he who, 
from purpose or confirmation, acts against one precept, acts 
against the rest; since acting so from purpose or confirmation is 
altogether denying that it is a sin; and he who denies that it is a 
sin makes nothing of acting against the rest of the precepts. Who 
does not know, that he who is an adulterer is not on that account 
a murderer, a thief, and a false witness, nor wishes to be so ? But 
he who is an adulterer from purpose and confirmation, makes no 
account of anything which belongs to religion, thus neither does 
he make any account of murders, thefts, and false witnesses ; and 
he abstains from these evils, not because they are sins, but because 
he is afraid of the law and of the loss of reputation. That adul- 
terers from purpose and from confirmation make no account of 
the holy things of the church and religion, see above, nos. 490-493, 
and in the two Memorable Relations, no. 500, and nos. 521, 522. 
It is similar if anyone, from purpose or confirmation, acts against 
any other precept of the decalogue; he also acts against the rest, 
because he does not regard anything as sin. 

529. The case is similar with those who are in good from the 
Lord: if these from will and understanding, or from purpose and 
confirmation, abstain from one evil because it is a sin, they abstain 
from all evils, and still more if they abstain from several ; for as 
soon as anyone, from purpose or confirmation, abstains from any 
evil because it is a sin, he is kept by the Lord in the purpose of 


abstaining from the rest : wherefore if he does evil from ignorance, 
or from some prevailing concupiscence of the body, this is, never- 
theless, not imputed to him, because he did not purpose it to him- 
self, nor does he confirm it with himself. A man comes into this 
purpose, if once or twice in a year he examines himself, and 
repents of the evil which he discovers in himself: it is otherwise 
with him who never examines himself. From these considerations 
it evidently appears who he is to whom sin is not imputed, and 
who to whom it is imputed. 


namely, not according to his deeds such as they appear in externals 
before men, nor either such as they appear before a judge, but 
such as they appear in internals before the Lord, and from Him 
before the angels, that is, according to the quality of the man's 
will and the quality of his understanding in them. Various circum- 
stances exist in the world which mitigate and excuse crimes, also 
which aggravate them and fix the blame of them on the per- 
petrator: nevertheless, imputations after death take place, not 
according to the external circumstances of the deed, but according 
to the internal circumstances of the mind; and these are viewed 
according to the state of the church with every one ; as for example, 
a man impious in will and understanding, that is, who has no fear 
of God or love of the neighbor, and consequently no reverence for 
any holiness of the church, he, after death, becomes guilty of all 
the crimes which he had done in the body ; nor is there any remem- 
brance of his good deeds, since his heart, from whence -as from a 
fountain those things had flowed, had been turned away from 
heaven and turned towards hell ; and acts flow from the place of 
the habitation of every one's heart. In order that this may be 
understood, I will relate an arcanum. Heaven is distinguished into 
innumerable societies, and so is hell, on the principle of opposi- 
tion; and the mind of every man, according to his will and con- 
sequent understanding, actually dwells in some one society, and 
intends and thinks like those who are in that society. If the mind 
be in any society of heaven, it then intends and thinks like those 
who are in that society; if it be in any society of hell, it intends 
and thinks like those who are in that society. But so long as a 
man lives in the world, so long he wanders from one society to 
another, according to the changes of the affections of his will and 
the consequent thoughts of his mind: after death, however, his 
wanderings are collected into one, and a place is accordingly 
allotted to him, in hell if he is evil, in heaven if he is good. Now, 
since all in hell are influenced by a will of evil, all there are 
viewed from that will; and since all in heaven are influenced by a 
will of good, all there are viewed from that will; wherefore im- 
putations after death take place according to the quality of every 
one's will and understanding. The case is similar with scortations, 
whether they be fornications, pellicacies, concubinages, or adul- 



teries ; for those things are imputed to every one, not according to 
the deeds themselves, but according to the state of the mind in the 
deeds, for the deeds follow the body into the tomb, whereas the 
mind rises again. 


There are marriages in which conjugial love does not appear, and 
yet is; and there are marriages in which conjugial love appears, 
and yet is not. There are several causes in both cases, which can 
he known in part from what has been stated concerning truly con- 
jugial love, nos. 57-73; concerning the causes of colds and separa- 
tions, nos. 234-260; and concerning the causes of apparent love 
and friendship in marriages, nos. 271-292. But appearances in 
externals decide nothing in relation to imputation: the only thing 
which decides is the conjugial principle or state, which is seated 
in every one's will, and is guarded, in whatsoever state of marriage 
the man is. That conjugial principle or state is like a pair of 
scales, in which that love is weighed; for the conjugial state of 
one man with one wife is the jewel of human life, and the inner 
homestead of the Christian religion, as was shown, nos. 457, 458 : 
and because this is so, it is possible that that love may exist with 
one married partner, and not at the same time with the other; it 
is also possible that it may lie too deeply hidden for the man him- 
self to notice anything in relation to it; and, again, it may be in- 
scribed in the progress of the life. The reason is, that that love in 
its progress accompanies religion, and religion, because it is the 
marriage of the Lord and the church, is the beginning and inocula- 
tion of that love; wherefore conjugial love is imputed to every one 
after death according to his spiritual rational life; and for him to 
whom that love is imputed, a marriage in heaven is provided after 
his decease, whatever may have been his marriage in the world. 
From these considerations then results this conclusion, that no in- 
ference must be drawn concerning anyone, from the appearances 
of marriages, nor from the appearances of scortations, as to 
whether he has conjugial love, or not; wherefore judge not, lest 
ye be condemned (Matt. vii. 1). 

532. To the above I will add the following Memorable 

I was once raised, as to my spirit, into the angelic heaven, and 
into a certain one of its societies ; and then some of the wise ones 
there came to me, and said, "What of regeneration from the 
natural state?" 

I said to them, "This is new, that the Lord has revealed arcana 
which in excellence surpass the arcana that have heretofore been 
revealed since the beginning of the church." 

They asked, "What are they?" 

I said that they were the following: 

L That in the Word, in each and all of its particulars, there 



is a spiritual sense corresponding to the natural sense; and that 
by means of that sense there is a conjunction of the men of the 
church with the Lord, and a consociation with the angels; and 
that the holiness of the Word resides in that sense. 

II. That the correspondences, of which the spiritual sense of 
the Word consists, are unfolded. 

The angels asked, "Did the inhabitants of the world not know 
about correspondences before?" 

I said, that they knew nothing at all, and that correspondences 
had lain concealed now for some thousands of years, namely, ever 
since the time of Job ; and that with those who lived at that time, 
and before it, the science of correspondences was the science of 
sciences, from which they had wisdom, because thence they had 
knowledge concerning the spiritual things which are of heaven 
and thence of the church ; but that this science, on account of its 
being turned into an idolatrous science, was, of the Divine Provi- 
dence of the Lord, so obliterated and destroyed, that no one saw 
any sign of it: but that nevertheless it has now been revealed by 
the Lord, in order that there may be effected a conjunction of the 
men of the church with Him, and a consociation with the angels ; 
and that this is effected by means of the Word, in which each and 
all things are correspondences. 

The angels rejoiced exceedingly that it had pleased the Lord 
to reveal this great arcanum, which had lain so deeply concealed 
for some thousands of years; and they said it was for the end that 
the Christian church, which is founded on the Word, and is now 
at its end, may again revive and draw breath through heaven from 
the Lord. They asked whether, by means of that science it had at 
this day been disclosed what is signified by Baptism and what 
. by the Holy Supper, about which they had hitherto thought so 

I replied, that it had been disclosed. 

III. I said further, that a revelation has at this day been made 
by the Lord concerning the life of men after death. 

The angels said, "What concerning the life after death? Who 
does not know that man lives after death?" 

I replied, "They know, and they do not know. They say that 
it is not the man that lives after death, but his soul, and that this 
lives a spirit; and of a spirit they cherish an idea as of wind or 
ether, and that it does not live a man till after the day of the last 
judgment, and that then the corporeal parts, which they had left 
in the world, although eaten up by worms, mice, and fish, will be 
collected together and again fitted together into a body, and that 
thus men are to rise again." 

The angels said, "What is this? Who does not know that a 
man lives a man after death, with the sole difference, that he then 
lives a spiritual man ; and that a spiritual man sees a spiritual man 
as a material man sees a material man ; and that they do not know 
one distinction, except that they are in a more perfect state?" 



IV. The angels asked, "What do they know about our world, 
and about heaven and hell?" 

I said, that they knew nothing at all ; but that at this day it has 
been disclosed by the Lord, what is the quality of the world in 
which angels and spirits live, thus what is the quality of heaven, 
and what the quality of hell ; and also that angels and spirits are 
in conjunction with men; besides many wonderful things about 

The angels were glad that it had pleased the Lord to disclose 
such things, so that man from ignorance may no longer be in 
uncertainty respecting his immortality. 

V. I said further, that at this day it has been revealed by the 
Lord, "that in your world there is a sun, different from ours, and 
that the sun of your world is pure love, and the sun of our world 
pure fire; and that therefore all that which proceeds from your 
sun, because it is pure love, partakes of life, and all that which 
proceeds from our sun, because it is pure fire, partakes nothing of 
life ; and that hence is the difference between what is spiritual and 
what is natural, which difference, heretofore unknown, has been 
also disclosed. From this there has been made known the source 
of the light which enlightens the human understanding with wis- 
dom, and the source of the heat which kindles the human will with 

VI. Furthermore, that it has been disclosed, that there are three 
degrees of life, and that hence there are three heavens, and that 
the human mind is distinguished into those degrees, and that there- 
fore man corresponds with the three heavens. 

The angels said, "Did not they know this before?" 

I answered that they knew of the degrees between what is more 

and less, but nothing of the degrees between what is prior and 


VII. The angels inquired whether any other .things have been 
revealed besides these? 

I said that several more had been revealed ; which are concern- 
ing the last judgment; concerning the Lord, that He is God of 
heaven and earth; that God is one both in person and essence, in 
Whom is the Divine Trinity; and that He is the Lord: also con- 
cerning the New Church which is to be established by Him, and 
concerning the doctrine of that church ; concerning the holiness of 
the Sacred Scripture; that the Apocalypse also has been revealed, 
which could not be revealed even as to a single little verse except 
by the Lord; moreover concerning the inhabitants of the planets, 
and concerning the Earths in the universe ; besides many memora- 
ble and wonderful relations from the spiritual world, by means of 
which many things which belong to wisdom have been disclosed 
from heaven. 

533. The angels rejoiced exceedingly at hearing this; but they 
perceived sadness in me, and asked, "Whence is your sadness?'" 


I said that those arcana that have at this day been revealed 
by the Lord, although in excellence and worth they exceed the 
Knowledges hitherto made known, yet on earth are considered as 
of no value. 

The angels wondered at this, and besought the Lord that they 
might be allowed to look down into the world: and they looked 
down, and lo! mere darkness was therein. And it was told them, 
that those arcana should be written on a paper, and the paper let 
down to the earth, and they should see a marvelous thing. And it 
was done so; and lo! the paper, on which those arcana were 
written, was let down from heaven, and in its progress, while it 
was yet in the spiritual world, it shone as a star; but when it 
descended into the natural world, the light disappeared, and it was 
darkened in the degree in which it fell. And when it was let down 
by the angels into companies where there were learned and erudite 
men from the clergy and laity, there was heard a murmur from 
many, in which were these expressions, "What is this? Is it any- 
thing? What matters it whether we know those things or do not 
know them? Are they not the offspring of the brain?" And it 
appeared as if some took the paper and folded it, rolling and un- 
rolling it with their fingers, in order that they might obliterate the 
writing; and it appeared as if some tore it in pieces, and some as 
if they wanted to trample upon it with their feet: but they were 
withheld by the Lord from that crime, and it was commanded the 
angels to take it away and keep it safely: and as the angels became 
sad, and thought how long this was to be, it Was said, Until a 
time, and times, and half a time (Apoc. xii. 14). 

534. After this I spoke with the angels, and said that some- 
thing further is being revealed in the world by the Lord. 

They asked, "What is it?" 

I said, "Concerning truly conjugial love and its heavenly 

The angels said, "Who does not know that the delights of con- 
jugial love exceed the delights of all loves? and who cannot see, 
that into some love are brought together all the blessednesses, 
blissfulnesses, and delightfulnesses, which can ever be conferred 
by the Lord, and that the receptacle of them is truly conjugial 
love, which is capable of receiving and perceiving them to a full 

I replied, that they do not know this, because they have not 
come to the Lord, and lived according to His precepts, by shun- 
ning evils as sins and by doing goods; and truly conjugial love 
with its delights is solely from the Lord, and is given to those who 
live according to His precepts; thus that it is given to those who 
are received into the Lord's New Church, which is meant in the 
Apocalypse by the "New Jerusalem." To this I added, that I am 
in doubt whether in the world at the present day they are willing 
to believe that this love in itself is a spiritual love, and conse- 



quently from religion, because they entertain only a corporeal 
idea respecting it. 

They then said to me, "Write about it, and follow the revela- 
tion; and afterwards the book written about it shall be sent down 
by us from heaven, and we shall see whether the things contained 
in it are received; and at the same time whether they are willing 
to acknowledge that that love is according to religion with man, 
spiritual with the spiritual, natural with the natural, and merely 
carnal with adulterers." 

535. After this I heard a hostile murmur from hell, and at the 
same time these words, "Do miracles: and we will believe." 

And I asked, "Are not those things miracles?" 

Answer was made, "They are not." 

I again asked, "What miracles then do you want?" 

And it was said, "Disclose and reveal things to come ; and we 
will have faith." 

But I replied, "Such disclosure and revelation are not given 
from heaven ; since in proportion as a man knows things to come, 
in the same proportion his reason and understanding, together 
with his prudence and wisdom, fall into inactivity, grow torpid, 
and decay." 

Again I asked, "What other miracles shall I do?" 

And a cry was made, "Do such miracles as Moses did in 

To this I arfswered, "Possibly you may harden your hearts 
against them, as Pharaoh and the Egyptians did." 

And the reply was made, "We will not." 

But again I said, "Assure me of a certainty, that you will not 
dance about a golden calf and adore it, as the posterity of Jacob 
did within the space of a month after they had seen the whole 
Mount Sinai on fire, and heard Jehovah Himself speaking out 
of the fire, thus after the miracle which was the greatest of all 
miracles." A golden calf in the spiritual sense denotes the pleasure 
of the flesh. 

And reply was made from hell, "We will not be like the 
posterity of Jacob." 

But at that instant I heard it said to them from heaven, "If ye 
helieve not Moses and the prophets, that is, the Word of the 
Lord, ye will not believe because of miracles, any more than the 
sons of Jacob did in the wilderness, nor any more than they 
believed when they saw with their own eyes the miracles done by 
the Lord Himself, while He was in the world."