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Nos. £ and 2 


Professor A. P. KnrcHt, Department of Naval Service, Chairman. 
Professor E. E. Prince, Commissioner of Fisheries, Secretary. 

Professor L. W. BatLey, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B. 
Professor A. H. R. BULLER, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. 
Very Rev. Canon V. A. Huarp, Laval University, Quebec, P.Q. 

Professor J. PLAYFAIR McMourricu, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. 
Dr. A. H. Mackay, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. 

Professor R. F. Ruttan, McGill University, Montreal, P.Q. 

Professor W. T. MACCLEMENT, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont. 







Nos. ft atid 2 


Professor A. P. KniGHT, Department of Naval Service, Chairman. 
Professor E. E. PRINCE, Commissioner of Fisheries, Secretary. 

Professor L. W. BAILey, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B. 
Professor A. H. R. BULLER, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. 
Very Rev. Canon V. A. Huarp, Laval University, Quebec, P.Q. 

Professor J. PLAYFAIR McMurricu, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. 
Dr. A. H. Mackay, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. 

Professor R. F. Ruttan, McGill University, Montreal, P.Q. 

Professor W. T. MACCLEMENT, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont. 



/ Pages 
No. 1—Some Bacterial Organisms cecurring in the Clam (Mya arenaria) 
which may produce “Blackening” in Tins, by Jennie L. 

syinons, VieSes, MeGill University. >. .00 0.5... gots ee eee 

No. 2—A Study of the Sea Mussel (Mytilus edulis, Linn), by Bessie 
Ke BP: Mossop,eM-aA. - University of Voronton. fe. fcc5 05.4 15-48 


a egta Se 


iy ; 1 # 
Fog poy 




Nos. III to XII 


__ Professor A. P. Knicut, Department of Naval Service, Chairman. 
Professor E. E. PrincE, Commissioner of Fisheries, Secretary. 
_ Professor L. W. BAILEY, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B. 
_ Professor A. H. R. BULLER, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. 
_. Very Rev. Canon V. A. Huarp, Laval Univetsity, Quebec, P.Q. 
Professor J. PLayFAIR McMourricu, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. 
—-—s«éDr, A. H. Mackay, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. 

ss Professor R. F. Ruttan, McGill University, Montreal, P.Q. 
_.-——s«* Professor W. T. MacCLEmenT, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont. 


SEI aes 






Nos: ITE to: XT! 


Professor A. P. KNriGHT, Department of Naval Service, Chairman. 
Professor E. E. PRINCE, Commissioner of Fisheries, Secretary. 

Professor L. W. BatLey, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B. 
Professor A. H. R. BULLER, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. 
Very Rev. Canon V. A. Huarp, Laval University, Quebec, P.Q. 

Professor J. PLAYFATR McMourricu, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. 
Dr. A. H. Mackay, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. 

Professor R. F. Ruttan, McGill University, Montreal, P.Q. 

Professor W. T. MACCLEMENT, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont. 









3—The Fishes of the Bay of Fundy, by A. G. Huntsman, Biological 
BOare Gi, Canada aie. 5. 2.05 be Ped ARC ans Ce ae Se Sores 49-72 
4—A Study of the Ciscoes of Lake Erie, by Wilbert A. Clemens, 
Wier Stes Ol MOrOUlO. Jen msec rss atdet < o, <dongs foot See 73-85 
5—The Food of Ciscoes (Leucichthys) in Lake Erie, by Wilbert A. 
Clemens and N. Kk. Bigelow, University of Toronto....87—101 
6—The Pacific Hegring, by C. McLean Fraser, Biological Board of 
PEAY INE Ae te 0 I PE eg i Os occa ne eR age pe oe 103-111 
7—On the Development of the Angler (Lophius piscatorius L), by 
C. J. Connolly, St. Francis Xavier’s College, Antigonish, 
ASE YD mag eee Le ana ake gee Vin pete gt tata restecote. Seer aN 113-124 
8—The Composition of Lobster Muscle, by Sadie N. Boyd, University 
fie ORO DOT a, Saeed cas Fab. eRe oa rd he nee Res inet 125-131 
. 9—Results of the Hudson Bay Expedition, 1920. I. The Foramini- 
feta. Oseph A> Cushnidnie ....- 3 qe x. - Fee a ae: 133-147 

. 10—Results of the Hudson Bay Expedition, 1920. II. The Gaster- 

osteidae, by Philip Cox, University of New Brunswick .. 149-153 

. 11—Diatoms from the Quill Lakes, Saskatchewan and from Airdrie, 

Alberta, by; We Bailey, Fredericton, N.B:,.2..-7..-. 155-166 

. 12—List of Publications based on Results obtained at the Canadian 

Biological Stations, 1901-1921, compiled by A. G. Huntsman 
AIS OVE. ASCE seis ae eee steer toe Se se 167-183 






Nos. I to XII 


Professor A. P. Kn1GHT, Department of Naval Service, Chairman. 
Professor E. E. PRINCE, Commissioner of Fisheries, Secretary. 

Professor L. W. BAILEY, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B. 
Professor A. H. R. BULLER, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. 
Very Rev. Canon V. A. Huarp, Laval University, Quebec, P.Q. 

Professor J. PLayFAIR McMuraricu, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. 
Dr. A. H. Mackay, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. 

Professor R. F. Ruttan, McGill University, Montreal, P.Q. 

Professor W. T. MACCLEMENT, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont. 











1—Some Bacterial Organisms occurring in the Clam (Mya Are- 
naria) which may produce “‘Blackening’’ in Tins, by 
jennie Ic. Symonds, McGill University® o>. i... 

2—A Study of the Sea Mussel (Mytilus Edulis Linn), by Bessie 
hse Mossop; University. ot Vorontos.7.. 5. he hose 

3—The Fishes of the Bay of Fundy, by A. G. Huntsman, Biologi- 
CA MEGALGROL GO AMAG At crn «Mel Netter cctaus teen Ses bare nel 

4—A Study of the Ciscoes of Lake Erie, by Wilbert A. Clemens, 

MiimversriyeOi POrontOs: 5c oak tod ahe kere Rene ks oA CLAD Oe 
5—The Food of Ciscoes (Leucichthys) in Lake Erie, by Wilbert A. 
Clemens and N. K. Bigelow, University of Toronto. .... 
6—The Pacific Herring, by C. McLean Fraser, Biological Board 
Gil” (CERWe (6 ewig RRR Sh a Coa SO REO ae She ce a Pema i Ae a 
7— On the Development of the Angler (Lophius piscatorius L.), by 
C. J. Connolly, St. Francis. Xavier’s College, Antigonish, 
PRS EE ese BAe RRS te Me th atl ne ereen S Sater 

8—-The Composition of Lobster Muscle, by Sadie N. Boyd, 
Rinniwersitycol GOnomtOu ice ita Abs a kcecee cae tnin Sao ns 

9—Results of the Hudson Bay Expedition, 1920. I. The Fora- 
fataitenrdas by posepn AMC ushina ye Sas) aah. yy eke 

. 10—-Results of the Hudson Bay Expedition, 1920. II. The Gaste- 

rosteidae, by Philip Cox, University of New Brunswick. . 

. 11—Diatoms from the Quill Lakes, Saskatchewan and from Airdrie, 

alberta, bye LW. Batley, Kredericton, NeBit. 3c. ew 

. 12—List of publications based on Results obtained at the Canadian 

Biological Stations, 1901-1921, compiled by A. G. Hunts- 
Mane Gee .rAsSeRe aero bot 5 ie ae tepayes e « 










McGill University, Montreal 

Some Bacterial Organisms occurring in the Clam (Mya 
Arenaria) which may produce ‘“Blackening” in Tins. 

By JENNIE L. Symons, M.Sc., 
(McGill University, Montreal). 

The problem of blackening is a serious one in the canning industry. 
Blackening is a common form of deterioration, in advanced stages of which the 
contents of the tin becomes inky black and disintegrated. There is an intense 
disagreeable odour in which a metallic quality is combined with the odour of 
putrefaction. Often there is a large amount of gas, causing the cans to be 
swelled as well as blackened. 

The cause of blackening is usually accepted as bacterial action. It has long 
been studied from this point of view. In 1897, a paper on “ Discolouration in 
Canned Lobsters’? was published by Macphail and Bruére.! The authors had 
isolated from spoiled cans four micro-organisms which, upon inoculation into 
sterile cans, produced the blackened condition. Prescott and Underwood’, in 
the same year, isolated from swelled tins of clams and lobsters nine species of 
bacteria, which led to similar conditions if introduced into normal cans. These 
organisms were found to be very resistant to heat. The authors of both papers 
pointed out the necessity of accurately determined minimal periods of processing. 
This determination involves a study of the bacteria concerned. It is also import- 
ant to know the source of the micro-organisms which appear in the cans in order 
to ascertain the chances of preventing infection. 

The investigation described in this paper was undertaken at the suggestion 
of Dr. A. G. Huntsman, Curator of the Atlantic Biological Station at St. Andrews, 
N.B. Its aim has been a bacteriological examination of freshly dug clams 
(Mya arenaria), such as are taken to the factories for canning, with a view to 
the isolation and description of any blackening organisms normally present in 
such clams. 


The clams from which isolations were made were of medium size. They 
were dug at low tide on the beach near the Biological Station and brought in at 
once. The exteriors of the shells were thoroughly washed in a stream of running 
tap water and dried in the air. The edges were then seared in a flame and the 
muscles holding the shell quickly severed with a knife.* One half of the shell 
was then removed, the clam lying in:the other half. The mantle was slit and 
turned back and four small pieces cut* from the body of the clam were at once 
transferred with forceps* to separate tubes of broth. Cuttings were thus made 

* All knives, scissors and forceps used for these purposes were kept standing in a jar of 
alcohol and sterilized by flaming immediately before use. 



at different times from all parts of the clam within the mant'e. In several cases 
a culture was made from a little of the shell liquor withdrawn through the pedal 
orifice by means of a sterile pipette. No attempt was made to associate an 
ioslated organism with the part of the clam in which it was found. — 

To simulate factory conditions, a few clams were washed as described above 
and allowed to stand at room temperature (about 20°C) for 18 hours before 
further steps were taken. Others were treated similarly and left 48 hours at 
room temperature before being opened. In both cases the clams were found 
to be still alive. 

Clam peptone broth and beef peptone broth were both used for first cultures 
in every case. Good growth was obtained in both media. In many instances, 
it appeared earlier in the clam broth and was more luxuriant. After growth 
for twenty-four hours at room temperature, plate cultures were made from each 
tube, clam peptone agar and beef peptone gelatin. These plates were 
examined as soon as growth appeared, usually after from 14 to 18 hours. Plating 
was done in the late afternoon, the plates as a rule showing growth the next 
morning. Most of the organisms liquified gelatin rapidly, hence it was necessary 
to deal with gelatin plates first. Colonies were carefully examined and from 
each one chosen as representative of a new type, an agar stab, an agar slant and 
a smear for microscopic examination were made. Seventy-six cultures were 
thus obtained during four weeks beginning July 24, 1920. Agar stab cultures 
of each were kept until the opening of the autumn session at McGill University, 
when laboratory facilities permitted further investigation. 


Clam peptone broth and Clam peptone agar. - 

These were made according to directions given by Sadler’ in his paper on 
“The Bacteriology of Swelled Canned Sardines.”’ 
Beef peptone broth. 

Distilled water. 

Liebig’s meat extract, 0.5 per cent. 

Difco peptone, 1.0 per cent. 

Sodium chloride, 0.5 per cent. ; 
Beef peptone gelatin. 

Beef peptone broth with 12 per cent. of Difco gelatin. 


(a) Lead Carbonate gelatin (Beijerinck). 

Beef peptone gelatin+lead carbonate 0.1 per cent. 
(b) Peptone-lead acetate solution (Pake). 

This medium was prepared according to the following directions: Emulsify 
30 g. peptone with 200 cc. tap water at 60°C. Wash into a litre flask with 80 cc. 
tap water. Add 5 g. sodium chloride and 3 g. sodium phosphate. Heat at 
100° for half an hour. Filter through paper. Tube. To each tube of 10 cc. add 



0.1 cc. of 1 per cent. solution of lead acetate. This produces a yellow precipitate 
which is blackened if H.S is formed. The solutions should be neutral. Difco 
peptone was used. 
(c) Clam media. 

1 part clam meat+2 parts sea water. 


Beef peptone agar. 

Beef peptone broth+1.5 per cent. of Japanese agar. 
Beef peptone gelatin. 

Prepared as already described. 
Beef peptone Broth. Two kinds were used. 

(1) As described above. 

(2) Difco nutrient broth 0.8 per cent. 

Sodium chloride 0.8 per cent. 
Distilled water. 

Peptone water (Dunham’s). 

Peptone I per cent. 

Sodium chloride 0.5 per cent. 

Distilled water. 
Nitrate Broth. 

Dunham’s peptone water+0.5 per cent. K NOs. 

Wedges were soaked 30 minutes in 1 per cent. sodium carbonate, rinsed 
thoroughly in distilled water and sterilized. 
Litmus Milk. 

Klim adjusted to +1 reaction and sterile litmus solution added. 
Fermentation Media. 

Dunham’s peptone water was used as a foundation. 
Dextrose Medium. 

Peptone water +2 per cent. dextrose. 
Lactose Medium. 

Peptone water +2 per cent. lactose. 
Saccharose Medium. 

Peptone water +2 per cenit: saccharose. 
Glycerin Medium. 

Peptone water +6 per cent. glycerin. 

To each of these 2 per cent. Andrade indicator was added. 

Mannit protein-free broth. Mannit protein-free agar. 
Mannit 15.0 grams 1.5 per cent. washed 
K, HPO, OPO agar added to mannit 
Meg SO; Os 2 rare solution prepared as 
Na Cl ORs described. 
C4 S04 Ook a 

Car C0; 50 4, 
10% Fe C1 solution 1.0 drop. 
Distilled water, 1,000 cc 

Do not filter. 
Sterilize at 120° (autoclave) for 10 minutes. 
Reaction of Media. 
Gelatin, Agar, Broth and Milk were adjusted to +1 reaction. 
Sugars and glycerin broth were neutralized. 
Peptone water and Nitrate broth were left unadjusted (.4 per cent. acid 
to phenol phthalein). 
Sterilization of Media. 
All media except milk and gelatin were sterilized in the autoclave for 15 
minutes under 15 pounds pressure. 
Gelatin and milk were sterilized by the discontinuous method in the Arnold 
Steam Sterilizer. 


The first phase of the problem was the search for blackening organisms. 
Three methods were employed: 

Method 1. 

Streak cultures were made upon plates of lead carbonate gelatin. The 
result was unsatisfactory. Complete liquefaction followed before definite con- 
clusions could be drawn with regard to blackening. Cultures i.j.r.s.t.u. produced 
slight darkening of the lead carbonate after two days, then rapidly liquefied the 

Method 2. 

Cultures were transferred from 24 hour broth cultures to the strong peptone 
solution, recommended by Pake, as a test for the production of Hydrogen 

Filteen organisms, viz.; 1, 3,211, 12; 1o,\17;528;.29, dil, brew inni smc turned 
the precipitate black and were thus differentiated as H2S formers. Some others 
darkened the precipitate to brown only. All cultures were kept under observa- 
tion for more than four weeks. 

The fifteen organisms were transferred from broth cultures to other media, 
astudy beingmade of preparations in Dextrose broth, Gelatin stick, Litmus milk 
and potato. : 

Method 3. 

Myers’ called attention to the fact that some organisms produce hydrogen 
sulphide on one brand of peptone and not on another. This suggested the 
advisability of testing all organisms in clam meat itself. Tubes were prepared 
according to Dr. Harrison’s suggestion, using clam meat and sea water in the 
proportions of one to two. They were prepared in triplicate—about seven 
hundred in all—arranged in the following series: 

A. Clam meat+sea water+iron. 

B. Clam meat+sea water+tin. 

C. Clam meat+sea water+iron-+tin. 

Chemically pure iron wire was used in small pieces (1/8 in. to a tube) and 
chemically pure flaked tin. Sterilization was done in the autoclave 15 minutes 
at 15 pounds pressure. 


Dr. Huntsman kindly arranged that fresh clams and sea water for this 

experiment be sent from St. Andrews, N.B. They arrived in perfect condition 
and were opened and prepared at once. 

and plated after 24 hours to determine purity. 

Transfers were made from all original stab cultures to beer peptone broth 

This having been established, 
tubes of series A.B.C. were seeded in triplicate from broth cultures of all organ- 
Three tubes of each series were kept uninoculated as controls. 

No:] . Fe Fe Fe Sn Sn Sn Fe -Sn Fe Sn Fe Sn 
re) Gir) = re | T= (+) = = 
Sry tcte) te He a = = (=) GE) + 
Ge) tert: (+) Gir) a = 7 () “i ate 
AS sia) eal) C42) (aia) =e 5 qa =; (+) (+) | (4A) 
EROS) |r) CF) = =f + (+) (=F) (-B) 
1 er Cores a) (a) == = a= CAG) aise ae) 
NEE NGI) oot a = ~ ry, ae 25 sig 
16) + + + — = = = = 
LES Ge PS Gi) a) + a Tr (+) (4) a) 
20SEC) h(t) (i) 35 a at (=F) CH) (ra) 
26.) + Co) CE} + =e) a (+) (4p) (+e) 
ag] (+)|(+)| (4) | +] # ] +t (+) H) | 4) 
aL} CH) | + - + | - - - - ~ 
ge} CA) e | (+) os ig) =i me CE) GF) (+r) 
Reddish Reddish 
SOW): | (tz) ir) 17 =e ae ee i WES) (+) (ap? 
far) se) (cb) Cr) a r =e =i; ae a 
Ga) le CT) Ga vn ee 2: Uae) (+) (ea) 
15h) a a ro (+) oT a + Cr (+) = 
AN oo al fe Ou) (+) oe == = CH (+) (Ca) 
ips tC) (+) +t ae + (+) ‘Ce, (+) 
Seite alc (ie) Gy) + as Goce (+) (CP) (+) 
SAG) el (=e) (+) (=) 4) CE) = (-F) Gi) (se) 
15.110 Coir) ra Nek Get) Sr et (+) Car) D-P)tae) Gt) 
DON CS) eG) (+) i = + (+) (Gr) (+) 
AE cS aN Ge dl PA) ee) a a = at a as 
LBs (ce); ) Gt) + a = (sr) =aGe) (+) 
SUN CE Ck) (+) =e te =P (+) (Ce) = 
Fe Alt) CG) Gra) Cr) Zs (+) an (a) 

*Extra tubes. 

(+) indicates very deep blackening of all clam meat. 
+ indicates deep blackening of part of clam meat. 

+ indicates dark greenish-brown colour—more characteristic of tin sulphide. 
— indicates no blackening. 

The seeded clam tubes were left at room temperature until growth. was 

evident—24 to 48 hours—then kept in an unheated room from four to six weeks. 

result is seen in the accompanying table. 

Blackening developed rapidly in many nes slowly in others. 

The final 

Twenty-eight of the seventy-six original cultures were thus seen to be 

capable of producing blackening when provided with the elements to be found 


8 2 
inacan. Among these, with the exception of No. 29, are the organisms separated 
by Methods 1 and 2, though No. 16 showed such a feeble result in the clam 

medium that it has been disregarded. No. 13, which showed a positive result 
by the third method only, was also rejected. 


Nothing had yet been done with a view to eliminating repetition of cultures, 
except the preliminary observation in ‘our media of the fifteen HS formers 
found by Method 2. Of these all had liquefied gelatin rapidly and fermented 
dextrose w.thout the product’on of gas. Variation had been noted in the growth 
upon potato and litmus milk. 

With the aim of separating and determining different forms it was decided 
to grow subcultures of all organisms simultaneously. Transfers were, therefore, 
made from the most recent stab cultures of all blackening organisms to peptone 
water for invigoration. After 24 hours they were thence transferred in duplicate 
to Gelatin stick, sugars, potato, litmus milk, nutrient broth, agar slants and 
nitrate broth. Fresh peptone water cultures were made daily until inoculations 
were completed. Sl'des for m'croscopic examination were also prepared. Growth 
characteristics were noted and comparisons made from day to day, all cultures 
being kept for six weeks. Plate cultures on agar, gelatin, and starch agar were 
also prepared and observed. 

The most recent descriptive chart of the Society of American Bacteriologists 
was used as a guide in choosing media and recording results. 

For the indol test cultures were grown in Dunham’s peptone water for five 
days and the Nitroso-indol-nitrate test made at the end of this period. 

For nitrate reduction, sulphanilic acid and naphthylamine hydrochloride 
were added in equal quantit’es (3 drops of each) to nitrate-broth cultures 48 
hours old. 

Controls were used in both these cases. 

Reduction was unmistakable in all cultures so that it was not necessary to 
repeat the tests after longer periods of growth. 

Six forms were finally separated, repeated tests being made in many cases. 
Potato cultures, for instance, were tried both at room temperature and at 


Preparations stained for flagella revealed the fact that all belonged to the 
genus Pseudomonas, one variety possessing a tuft of polar flagella, the others 
having a single flagellum attached to one pole. Endospores were not observed 
in any of the species. All liquefied gelatin rapidly and digested casein, though 
in one instance the latter process was very slow. All formed hydrogen sulphide 
and reduced nitrates to nitrites. All fermented dextrose, saccharose and glycerin. 
At first they gave strong acid reaction, which began to change about the fourth 
day, the contents of the tube gradually becoming alkaline throughout. In one 
case only, lactose was fermented, though all cultures grew well and produced 
turbidity in lactose broth. The common characteristics here noted will not be 



mentioned in the detailed descriptions below, which rather aim to point out 
distinguishing traits. 

1. Pseudomonas fluorescens (Fliigge) Migula. 

The organism was easily stained and appeared as a rod of medium size 
with rounded ends, which usually occurred in pairs. Six flagella were observed 
in the polar bundle. On gelatin plates the colonies appeared after two days as 
round centres of liquefaction. A white mass of bacteria occupied the centre of 
the depression which was cup-shaped. Deep colonies were white with shadowy 
margins which, as the microscope revealed, were made up of radiating hairs. 

In the gelatin stab cultures, the line of inoculation showed a trace of lique- 
faction after 24 hours. In 36 hours its margin was clouded by numerous dis- 
crete, white, punctate colonies. At the same time a crateriform liquefaction 
had developed on the surface, with a white film lining the depression. The 
liquefaction soon became infundibuliform and the medium acquired a distinct 

On potato a dirty-greyish growth appeared after 24 hours. Though dull 
at first it became moist, spreading and shining, deepening in colour to fawn. 
The potato was at the same time darkened to brown. 

Broth was rendered turbid with a strong yellow-green fluorescence and a 
membranous shining pellicle. 

Diastatic action on starch was positive. 

On agar slants the growth was of a yellowish-grey colour, moist, shining and 
spreading, the subtratum becoming distinctly fluorescent. : 

In litmus milk the reaction was distinctly alkaline after 24 hours, the blue 
colour deepening for a week, then remaining constant; even at the end of 6 weeks 
no digestion was observable. A white shining pellicle was produced on all 
liquid media. 

2. Pseudomonas Jaegeri (Migula). 

This organism was somewhat variable in form. As a rule, it was a short 
thick rod with rounded ends. Flagella were difficult to count; in many cases they 
were turned back and formed loops along the sides of the organism. In one 
instance two were plainly observed, attached at one pole. 

On gelatin plates, round, creamy-white, zoned colonies developed within 
two days. They produced a crateriform liquefaction with a dense white mass 
in the centre. Outside this lay white turbid zones, concentrically arranged and 
becoming gradually thinner toward the margin. Under the microscope the 
small dew-drop-like colonies appeared round, finely granular and light brown. 
The larger colonies had a dense, dark brown central nucleus surrounded by a 
coarsely-granular zone, outside of which was a finely-granular area with a ciliated 

Gelatin stab cultures rapidly became saccate and uniformly turbid. In 
96 hours liquefaction was complete. On the surface of the liquefied gelatin a 

‘light flocculent pellicle was formed and a heavy, creamy sediment lay in the 
bottom of the test tube. 

Growth on agar plates was characteristic of the old genus, Proteus. The 



moist, cream-coloured colonies developed a variety of projections, some confluent 
and arborescent, others circular with irregular, curved, radiating arms. A 
yellow-green fluorescence was produced in the medium. . 

On starch plates there was diastatic action and marked green fluorescence 
in the medium. 

On potato a thick, cream-coloured, raised, luxuriant growth developed 
rapidly and soon covered the entire surface of the medium. 

Milk was coagulated quickly with production of acid. Digestion followed, 
a dull, sage-green layer appearing at the surface and leaving a green ring on the 
tube. A strong pungent and cabbage-like odour was produced on this as on 
other media. 

Litmus milk gave parallel results. 

This organism formed acid and gas in dextrose, saccharose and’ glycerin. 
The reaction changed after one week and gas formation ceased, except in glycerin. 
After five weeks, glycerin cultures were strongly acd and were still producing 

In broth fluorescence was noted, as well as turbidity, a dense sediment and 
a light pellicle. 

4. Pseudomonas sericea (Mig.) var. fluorescens. 

This organism was a short, thick, gram-negative rod with a single, delicate, 
polar flagellum. 

Gelatin colonies were at first punctate, bluish-white, later becoming definitely 
round. Under the microscope they were coarsely granular with grumose centres 
and a clearly defined margin. .Some of the larger colonies had a few club-shaped 

On agar the surface colonies were round and concentric with slightly irregular 
margins. Beneath the surface small, dense, granular, pyramidal colonies were 
numerous. Under the microscope all appeared to have a grumose structure. 

On agar slants a white, lustrous, spreading layer was formed. Growth 
first appeared as discrete, pearly-white colonies (diameter about 1 mm.) which 
later became confluent. The water of condensation was turbid, with a white 

In Gelatin stab cultures, a bowl-shaped depression was first produced, a 
white film lining the cavity. This became broadened until the sides of the 
tube were reached and proceeded in a horizontal layer to the bottom. 

Broth cultures were moderately turbid with a flocculent pellicle and a 
sediment. A negative result was obtained by the indol test. 

Potato cultures had at first a dull slightly granular surface which later 
became smooth, shining and waxy. The colour varied from pink to buff. In 
old cultures the buff tone was constant. 

Litmus was completely reduced in 18 hours and a white pellicle was formed 
on the surface of milk cultures of that age. Digestion began at the surface of 
the medium on the fifth day and was complete in about two weeks. No clotting 
took place. The 1eaction was strongly alkaline. The medium became slimy 
and gradually deepened in colour to a golden-yellow. At the surface a layer 
containing fluorescent pigment was formed. This layer appeared dark-purplish 
by transmitted light and sage-green by reflected light. Shaking produced this 



effect throughout the tube. A very strong pungent odour suggesting an amine 
was characteristic of these cultures. Tanner?? has described a similar effect 
produced upon litmus milk by one group of his green fluorescent water bacteria. 
His organisms, however, seem to have differed in other particulars from those 
described here. They differed, for instance, in their action upon sucrose. 
Migula has described a form Pseudomonas sericea as producing alkali 
and reducing litmus—though he has classified this organism among non-fluores- 
cent forms. In the group under consideration fluorescence, observed chiefly 
in milk but occasionally upon agar and broth, seemed the only important varia- 
tion from the type described by Migula. Therefore, the tentative name of 
Pseudomonas sericea fluorescens has been given. 

4. Pseudomonas liquefaciens (Tataroff. Migula) var. marina. 

Stained with Loeffler’s methylene blue this organism appeared as a short 
rod, very often occurring in pairs. In a hanging drop it had a dodging and 
darting rapid movement in a narrow field. It possessed one polar flagellum, 
two or three times the length of the organism. It was gram-negative. 

On Gelatin Plates. 

Colonies appeared in three days, first as round white points with a somewhat 
cloudy margin. Under the microscope, surface colonies were circular, granular, 
dense in the centre with radiating, cochleate filaments from the margin. The 
deep-set colonies had a sunburst appearance, the processes, which were very 
numerous and tangled, radiating in all directions. 

On Agar Plates. 

Growth was evident in 24 hours. Surface colonies were round, moist, 
raised, cream-coloured, 1 to 2 mm. in diameter, later widening to 15 mm. Micro- 
scopically, they were grumose, concentric, dense in the centre, with successively 
thinner rings outside. Deep-set colonies were dense, disc-shaped, tilted, 0.5 to 
1.0 mm. in diameter. Magnified they appeared dark brown, grumose, with 
rough edges. 

In gelatin stab cultures liquefaction was at first crateriform. A cloudy 
appearance was produced along the line of inoculation by numerous, minute, 
discrete colonies. The margin of the liquefied area was slightly dentate. The 
liquefaction became infundibuliform about the third day and was invariably 
complete in ten days. The sediment was cream-coloured, viscid and 

Nutrient broth was rendered uniformly turbid with a frosty membranous 
pellicle and a sediment. 

Litmus milk became alkaline with reduction of litmus and digestion of 
casein. In this medium growth was very slow in all cases. Tested soon after 
isolation and grown in the dark the organism produced a change in the milk 
on the sixth day. In later cultures, grown at room temperature without pro- 
tection from light, no change was apparent for four weeks, after which alkalinity, 
reduction of litmus, and digestion of casein were observed. Preparations in 
plain milk gave parallel results. A strong ammoniacal odour was characteristic 
of old cultures. 

On potato no growth was obtained, though repeated cultures were made. 
One vigorous strain, however, which grew more rapidly and luxuriantly than 

- it 


this type on all media, invariably produced a whitish, spreading growth upon 
potato in 24 hours. 

Tataroff’s organism having been isolated from fresh water and this closely 
allied form from a salt water clam, it seems possible that the variations noted— 
namely, slower growth in litmus milk and the absence of growth on potato were 
due to lack of salt in these media. 

It is hoped that this will be confirmed at a later date. 

5. Pseudomonas myae. 

Though this form had well-defined characteristics it has not been discovered 
in the available classifications and descriptions. In many particulars it is 
suggestive of the Pseudomonas oogenes of Migula which has been found ‘n eggs. 

In form it was a short rod with one polar flagellum. It was gram-negative. 

On gelatin plates white colonies developed in between.2 and 3 days. Lique- 
faction was bowl-shaped, a dense white deposit occupying the central point in 
the depression. Around this, a less dense, uniform turbidity gave the remainder 
of the bowl a frosty-white appearance. Observed microscopically the small 
deep-set colonies were found to be very dense, spherica’, granular masses. The 
larger colonies seemed often to be built concentrically about such a colony as a 
central nucleus. Other large colonies were merely grumose in the centre, a 
loosely granulated zone occupying a comparatively wide area between the 
central portion and the margin. 

On agar plates, small, deep-set, pyramidal colonies were numerous. Surface 
colonies were of the round, moist, cream-coloured type. Microscopically, they 
were granular without projections and dense in the centre. Occasionally 
branching and budding of the colonies was observed. 

In litmus milk the litmus was quickly reduced. Clotting and digestion 
followed rapidly. _They whey was perfectly clear without a pellicle, while the 
clot became deep pink in colour. 

Ps. myae was the only one of the blackening organisms which fermented 

In gelatin stab a crateriform-filiform liquefaction was well-developed at the 
end of 24 hours. The liquefied area gradually widened, reaching the sides of the 
tube in 3 or 4 days. A statiform area thus appeared above an ever-widening 
central turbid column. In ten days the gelatin was completely liquefied, with 
a heavy, creamy, viscid sediment. 

In nutrient broth there was a light pellicle, marked turbidity and a viscid 
sediment. Ly 

The organism grew delicately upon potato, the growth appearing as a 
narrow white film along the line of inoculation. It was at first mucoid but soon 
became flattened, dry and shining, remaining unchanged at this stage for weeks. 

The indol test gave a negative result. 

6. Pseudomonas sp? 

Another form, having all of the features mentioned in the general description, 
was observed. Though it was very motile, the number of flagella was not 

This was a small rod which had a tendency to bipolar staining. It frequently 
formed short chains. It was gram-negative. 



On gelatin plates it developed round, bowl-shaped, liquefying colonies, in 
which there was a uniform white turbidity. A dense white deposit occupied 
the centre of the colony, and smaller, opaque, white masses of bacteria lay at 
many points midway between the centre and the circumference. 

Under the microscope the whole colony was found to be granular. The dense 
centre appeared dark brown, the outer zones lighter in colour. Approximately 
midway between the centre and circumference a denser line, broken at intervals, 
corresponded with the deposits noted microscopically. 

On agar plates colonies were round, moist and cream-coloured. Micro- 
scopically they appeared concentrically zoned, with a granular structure. Dense 
masses like a tilted disc were often embedded in the colony near the centre. 

In gelatin stab cultures, liquefaction was fairly rapid. It was at first crateri- 
form but rapidly became infundibuliform. In 6 days liquefaction was complete. 
A whitish sediment and a uniform white turbidity were characteristic. 

On potato luxuriant growth was produced. It was at first yellow and 
shining, with an even contour; later, it became deeper in colour, spreading and 
of a painty consistency. The potato itself was darkened. 

On litmus milk a light pellicle was formed within 24 hours, followed by 
reduction of litmus, and the clotting and digestion of casein, proceeding from 
the surface downward. The clear liquid became pinkish in colour. The clot 
also, which was at first white, later became pink. 

On agar slants, the growth was luxuriant, spreading evenly along the line of 
inoculation. It was raised, cream-coloured, moist and shining, spreading 
gradually over the entire slant. There was a creamy-white deposit in the water 
of condensation. Indol was formed. 


1. Many forms of bacteria occur normally in Mya arenaria, the long-necked 

2. Six of these, belonging to the genus Pseudomonas, are capable of causing 
blackening, if supplied with a favourable medium, containing iron or tin. This 
number includes Pseudomonas fluorescens (Fliigge) Migula., Pseudomonas Jaegeri. 
Mig., Pseudomonas liquefaciens (Tataroff. Mig.) var. marina., and two forms 
which, for reasons stated above, have been given the tentative names, Pseudo- 
monas sericea fluorescens and Pseudomonas myae. 

3. All these blackening organisms were facultative anaerobes. 

All liquified gelatin. 

All reduced nitrates to nitrites. 

All formed acid from dextrose, saccharose and glycerin. 

A change of reaction from acid to alkaline was characteristic in sugar 
media, and usually began on the third or fourth day. 

All were motile, gram-negative rods. 

No spores were observed. 

4. Fluorescence was characteristically produced by three of these organisms, 
namely, Ps. fluorescens (Fliigge) Mig., Ps. Jaegeri, and Ps. sericea (Mig.) var. 



fluorescens. ~Ps. myae and Ps. sp? formed an acid curd, followed by digestion 
of casein, in milk. 
Ps. Jaegeri was the only gas former among the blackening organisms isolated. 


The writer of this paper wishes to express her thanks to Dr. Harrison, who 
outlined the problem and made many helpful suggestions; to Dr. Huntsman, 
under whose direction the work was begun; to Professor Lloyd, whose practical 
interest has been a constant encouragement; to Dr. Oertel, who allowed her the 
facilities of his department; and, finally, to Professor Derick, whose unfailing 
interest has been an inspiration and whose practical suggestions have been of 

great value. 


1. Macpuatt and BRukERE:~ Discolouration in Canned Lobsters. 29th Annual 
Report Marine & Fisheries, Ottawa Supp. No. 2, 1897. 

2. Prescott and UNDERWOOD: Micro-organisms and Sterilizing Processes in 
the Canning Industries. Tech. Quarterly, 1897, Vol. 10. 

3. SADLER: Bacteriology of Swelled Canned Sardines. S Geo. V. Sess. Paper 
35a, Vol. LIT, ‘No. 13; 1918: 

4. TEYXEIRA: Zeitschrift fiir Unters. d. Nahr u. Genuss, 1912, Vol. 23. 

5. RussELtL: Untersuchungen iiber im Golf von Neapel lebende Bacterien 

6. RussELL: The Bacterial Flora of the Atlantic Ocean in the vicinity of 
Woods Holl, Mass. Bot. Gaz., Vol. 18, 1893. 

7. Myers, J. T. Production of H.S by Bacteria, Jour. Bact., Vol. 6, 1920. 

8. TANNER: Bacteriology and Mycology of Foods, 1919. 

9. Prescort, S. C., 1900. The Bacteriology of Canned Foods. Sctence 11:442. 

0. CatHcart, E. P. The Bacterial Flora of Blown Tins of Preserved Foods. 
Jour. Hyg. 6, 248-50, 1906. 

11. Brcetow: Problems of Canning Operations, 1918. Amer. Jour. Pub. 
Health, Vol. 8. 

12. JorDAN: The Kinds of Bacteria found in River Water. Jour. Hyg., Vol. 3, 

No. 1, 1903. 

13. WENNER & ReTTGER: A Systematic Study of the Proteus Group of Bacteria. 
Jour. Bact., Vol. 4, 331. 

14. BucHANAN: Studies in the Nomenclature and Classification of the Bacteria 

III. The families of the Enbacteriales. Jour. Bact. 2, 349. 

15. Hiss and ZINNSER: Text-book of Bacteriology, 1919. 

16. Eyre: Bacteriological Technique. Philadelphia, 1913. 

17. GILTNER: Micro biology. New York, 1916. 

18. CuestErR: A Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. 

19. MiGuLa: System der Bakterien, 1900. 

20. TANNER: A Study of Green Fluorescent Bacteria rome water. Jour. Bact., 
Vol. 3, 1918. 


No. 2 

A STUDY OF THE SEA MUSSEL (Mytilus edulis, Linn.) 

Department of Hygiene, University of Toronto 

A Study of the Sea Mussel (Mytilus Edulis Linn.) 

BEssiIE K. E. Mossop, M.A. 

Department of Hygiene, University of Toronto. 

In 1917 the writer began a study of the growth of the sea mussel (Mytilus 
edulis, Linn.) primarily with the object of discovering the commercial possibilities 
of the mussels of our Atlantic coast. The investigation was conducted chiefly 
on the mussels of the St. Andrew’s region, New Brunswick, with the Marine 
Biological Station, St. Andrews as a base, but brief surveys were also made of the 
beds at Digby, Nova Scotia, and at Grand Manan Island, Bay of Fundy. A 
very limited number of shells from Hudson’s Bay were also examined. 

The problem soon presented five main aspects, viz., (1) the distribution of 
the beds and the size and number of mussels in them; (2) the age of the animals 
forming the beds; (3) the enemies which prey on them; (4) the factors governing 
their rate of growth; (5) the factors governing their distribution. 


The early explorers (Ganong 1887 and 1889) of New Brunswick have left 
some references to the natural history of the region which are of interest when 
considering the mussel. Jacques Cartier was the first explorer of the coast of 
Acadia who paid any attention to the animals and plants of the places he visited, 
but he does not mention any invertebrates. The first published reference to 
the invertebrates occurs in Lescarbot’s ‘“‘ History of New France’’ 1609 in which, 
when describing Champlain’s voyage, he mentions the abundance of mussels 
at St. Croix Island (now known as Dochet Island) and Port Royal. Champlain 
in writing of his own voyage (‘‘Les Voyages du Sieur de Champlain,” published 
at Paris 1613) mentions finding in 1604, cockles, mussels, sea-urchins and sea- 
snails at St. Croix Island. He mentions also the occurrence at the present 
Weymouth Harbour, St. Mary Bay, Nova Scotia, of many shell fish, such as 
mussels, cockles and sea-snails. Another nteresting early reference is that of 
Nicholas Denys, who, in his ‘‘Description Géographique et Historique des 
Cotes de l’Amérique Septentrionale,’”’ published at Paris in 1672, mentions 
the abundance of shell-fish (coquillages) upon the north shore of New Brunswick 
and of oysters (huistres) at Cocagne. During the eighteenth century nothing 
worthy of note appears to have been written on this subject. In the early half 
of the nineteenth century several lists of mollusca were published, but these were 
lists for travellers rather than scientific publications, and show signs of being 
copied one from another. The chief lists were: Robert Cooney (1832); Rev. C. 
Atkinson (1847); C. L. Hathaway (1846); Abraham Gesner (1847) (this list 



was published in Hitchcock’s Zoology of Massachusetts, 1835, and includes the 
mollusca of the whole New England coast); W. H. Perley (1852 and 1854); 
Alex. Monro (1855). 

The distribution given by later writers is as follows: 

Willis (1863): ‘‘Whole coast; common.”’ 

Gould, A. A. (1870): ‘Extensively distributed throughout all northern seas. 
Appears to inhabit shallow water. Eastport, common (Cooper).”’ 

Verrill, A. E. and Smith, S. I. (1873): ‘In Bay of Fundy from littoral zone 
to 50 fathoms.” 

Ganong, W. F. (1885): “Passing to the mussel family (Mytilidae) the Bay 
(7.e., Passamaquoddy Bay) affords at least four species of which far the most 
abundant is the edible mussel (Mytilus edulis). Crowded closely together 
above ground and clinging by the firm byssus they occupy great beds, all of a 
dull black colour except where a lighter coloured specimen of the variety pel- 
lucidus is more conspicuous than its fellows. The nearer low water mark they 
are the larger they are, while they are found at their fullest perfection by dredging 
in four or five fathoms.” 

Whiteaves, J. F. (1901): ‘Common everywhere, at or a little above low- 
water mark.’ 

Detweiler, John D. (1915): ‘“‘Common throughout this region in the littoral 

In the following detailed description of the location of the mussel beds as 
found during the summer of 1917 it will be seen that although in a general way 
the mussel was ‘“‘common everywhere”’ in certain localities it was lacking. As 
will be pointed out later this was due to the fact that the mussel was re-establish- 
ing itself in the regions after being almost entirely exterminated there. It will 
be noted also that although dredging operations were carried out near some of 
the large beds no living specimens of Mytilus edulis were obtained in this way. 
The distribution was confined to the littoral zone. This is in harmony with 
Detweiler (1915) but disagrees with Verrill (1873) and Ganong (1885). What 
the explanation of this disagreement is, the author is not prepared to say. In 
other regions mussel beds have been known to be completely exterminated (from 
causes not always obvious) even within a limited period. An interesting case 
of this occurred a few years ago at Woods Hole, when only shells and fragments 
were dredged in the summer of 1908 in several localities where mussels had been 
abundant during the summer of 1903. All the beds in deep water, however, 
were not exterminated, Mytilus edulis being “abundant and universally dis- 
tributed in Vineyard Sound at 1-19 fathoms.’’ (Sumner, Osburn and Cole, 1913). 

Description of the Mussel Beds of the St. Andrews Region in 1917. 

The investigation of the region was carried out at or about low tide, when, 
by the combined use of a launch and dinghy, the extent of the beds could be 
ascertained by direct observation. In this way the whole shore (including 
portions of the creeks whose mouths were on this shore-line) from Oak Bay to 
Upper Green Point on the Mascareen shore was explored; also the entire shore 
of Navy Island and of Minister’s Island, a portion of the shore of Bliss Island, 
the shore of Deer Island, from North Harbour to a point opposite Indian Island, 



Wilson’s Beach, and points on Macmaster Island and Adam Island. Owing to 
a dense fog the exact location of the points of observation in the last two cases 
could not be ascertained (Chart I). 

In Oak Bay, in Warwig Creek, a rather extensive bed was found on a muddy, 
gently sloping shore a short distance below the bridge. Dredging operations 
were carried on in this creek near the beds but no mussels were obtained although 
at one place the mussels were growing on either bank opposite the point where 
the dredging was done. The St. Stephen River was not explored, but a resident 
of the district informed the writer that the sawdust from the mills along the 
river rendered it unsuitable for mussels and none grew there. This would 
appear highly probable. 

From Oak Bay along the Canadian shore of the St. Croix River, as far as 
the Biological Station, no beds were found. It was impossible to make observa- 
tions at Dochet Island to compare with Champlain’s records owing to the war 
regulations regarding visitors at U.S. Lighthouses and adjoining grounds. At 
the Biological Station fairly large patches of mussels were found on the bare 
rocks there, extending nearly to Joe’s Point. Extensive dredging operations 
were carried on opposite this bed and around Joe’s Point, but no mussels were 
obtained. A large clam bed is located between Joe’s Point and the wharves of 
St. Andrews, so that mussels do not have an opportunity of growing there, 
although it would appear to be a favourable situation for them. 

They grew abundantly on the wharves of St. Andrews and formed beds 
between the wharves when allowed to do so. Beyond the wharves, however, 
the beds ended and other beds were not found until the vicinity of the bar 
between the mainland and Minister’s Island was reached. (In Kitty Cove a 
large bed was found, but they were nearly all dead. What had caused their 
death was not ascertained, but it was observed that the starfish were also dead 
in large numbers.) On the side of the bar nearest St. Andrews the mussels 
occurred in small scattered patches, but on the side of the bar nearest Chamcook 
the bed was an extensive one. Around the northern part of Chamcook Harbour 
mussels occurred, but none were found on or near Clarke’s Ledges. 

From Clarke’s Ledges to the Bocabec River only one small patch of stunted- 
looking mussels was seen. This was at Bocabec Bay. In Bocabec River a 
similar patch was found. At Digdequash Harbour the mussels were growing in 
a rather large bed on the gently sloping shore. At Hog Island, near Digdequash 
Harbour, another such bed was found. From there to Upper Green Point, 
along the Mascareen shore, no mussels were found, nor were any found at Upper 
Green Point. 

An extensive bed was found on the side of Navy Island nearest St. Andrews 
extending from the Navy Bar Lighthouse to the point opposite the C.P.R. 
wharves and lying on both sides of this point. There was also a large bed on 
Niger Reef and on Navy Island near Niger Reef. Dredging operations were 
carried on around these beds, but failed to obtain any mussels. On the side of 
the Island remote from St. Andrews no mussels were found. 

On Minister’s Island only one bed was found. This was continuous with 
the one on the bar between the island and the mainland and did not extend 
quite to the entrance of Chamcook Harbour. 



On the outer side of Bliss Island, among the sea-weed on the ledges, the 
mussels were quite abundant. Also on the sheer rocks forming a large portion 
of the shore patches of mussels were found to occur quite extensively in a strip 
from two to four feet wide just above low-water mark. In Fisherman’s Cove, 
on the inner side of the island, mussels were found growing on the muddy, 
gently sloping shore. 

On Deer Island, from Northern Harbour to a point opposite Indian Island, 
the mussels occurred in patches along the sheer rocky shore and on the ledges 
in a strip from low-water mark to about four feet above it. Only at Clam Cove 
were any found on the beaches and here only a very few scattered among the 

At Wilson’s Beach no mussels were observed. At Macmaster Island a large 
bed was found. The mussels here were growing on the reefs and also on the 
sloping portions of the shore. On Adam Island only one small patch of mussels 
was found where observations were made, although the shore here was similar 
to the outer shore of Bliss Island. As explained previously the exact location of 
these points of observation could not be determined owing to a dense fog. 

In all places where mussels occurred the beds ended abruptly when low-water 
mark was reached. In the case of the beds on sloping shores the upper limit 
was in the region between one-third and one-half of the distance between low- 
and high-water marks. It was noticeable that no mussel beds were found on 
sloping gravelly shores, but always where the shore was muddy or sandy (the 
mussels soon render a sandy shore muddy) or on bare rocks. The writer is not 
able to offer any explanation as to why the mussels grew on some of the sheer 
rocky shores, e.g., Bliss Island and not on others, e.g., Adam Island. 

The variety pellucidus was found in the various beds described, but was not 

Size and Relative Numbers of Mussels in the Various Mussel Beds of the St. Andrews 
Region in 1917. 

Samples of the mussels were taken from the various beds and the living 
mussels taken from a known area were counted and the lengths of their shells 
measured to the nearest half-centimeter. The length of the mussel was con- 
sidered as the distance from the extreme anterior end of the shell to the extreme 
posterior end when the shell was placed with the edge from which the byssus 
protruded parallel with the scale. The samples of which the records are quoted 
were taken from typical portions of the mussel beds near low-water mark unless 
otherwise stated. 

The mussels in the various localities were all small. The largest ones 
obtained were only 6.5 cm. in length and only two were taken of this size. These 
were found in a sample taken from the rocky bottom beside Niger Reef, from an 
area of 102.5 sq. cm. Only 20 living specimens were obtained in the sample, 
which was taken from a small patch of mussels growing just at low-water mark 
somewhat isolated from the rest of the bed. In the main bed the mussels were 
of the usual small size (none obtained being over 4.5 cm. in length), but from the - 
above mentioned sample 17 out of the 20 mussels taken were 5 cm. or over in 
length. In general the largest mussels were obtained from the reefs and rocky 


edges such as occur on the outer side of Bliss Island. Samples 1, 2, 3, Table I., 

611 Tec sOTelMeGIa Sea) uel nace cOn ‘purys] 10}seOIN 
uo poq WoOIy | ,UID G ‘CT 9 









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| JOA 

PF 8 g JON 3 z z j I ssi[gq JO a10ys 


G9 Pe cts We ST Gilat) Rae ee sleeatee st ei ssi]gq Jo a10ys 

Jano jo saspe’y] | , Wo G’ LCT T 

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TON Se Seco Ee ee eho | Aarau semi veo) |p eibaca all onc), |) Slants) of Medios If Wide a) Joquinu 
Jaquinu ee ee ee “U01}90'T “PIV ajdures 
[RIO Ly, ‘syqsua’] jo ojdures ur sjassnyy jo 1oquinyy 


“LIGL Ul UOIs01 SMOIPUY “1S JO Spoq ur saydures [eoIdAQ UI s[assNUI Bas JO 9zIS puke JaquINnuU oy YL, 


T Hav. 

From the beds lying on a sloping shore the majority taken were between 2 cm. 

and 3.5 cm. in length as seen in Fig. 1. 

are typical as to the length and number obtained from a given area of such beds. 



As will be pointed out later, the reason so few mussels were obtained in the 
beds over 4.5 cm. in length was that the beds were composed of young individuals 
since, as will appear, mussels frequently grow larger in that region. 

Description of the Mussel Beds of St. Andrews Region in 1918. 

In 1918, in the St. Andrews region, it was found that the sea-mussel instead 
of occurring in isolated patches about Passamaquoddy Bay now regularly formed 
part of the fauna of its littoral zone. The large beds were located as previously 
and were in a thriving condition. The mussel had extended up the St. Croix 
River also as far as Oak Bay. On the ledges about Dochet Island and along its 
rocky shores the mussels were abundant, forming a bed of considerable size. 
The mussels (as observed from a launch) appeared to be of the usual size and 
type found in the beds of St. Andrews. (Owing to the United States war regula- 
tions ve lighthouse property a sample was not obtained.) 

A trip to L’Etang revealed that the mussels were common there and in 
Black Harbour, but no large beds were found. 



Fig. I.—Frequency Curve of Mussels of various sizes in St. Andrews Region, 1917. 



The mussels were always found as previously, occurring only in the littoral 
zone except in special locations such as anchor chains, which afford some pro- 
tection against certain of their enemies, e.g., starfish. 


In August, 1918, I paid a short visit to Digby, Nova Scotia, with a view 
to making a survey of the mussel beds in the Annapolis Basin. Owing to the: 
difficulty experienced in obtaining suitable boats for trips and the slowness with 
which one could proceed close inshore at low-water (due to the quantities of 
eel-grass which infest the shore) it was found possible to visit only the beds close 
to Digby, and one bed reported at Gulliver Hole, a few miles down the coast 
outside the Basin. 

Through the co-operation of the Maritime Fish Corporation I was enabled 
to secure the guidance of the mussel fisherman, Mr. Portie Weir, while visiting 
the mussel beds. For this assistance I am much indebted. 

For many years the sea-mussel has been known as common to this region. 
Its distribution has been given as follows: 

Willis, 1863: ‘‘ Whole coast; common.” 

Verkruzen, 1878: ‘‘Annapolis Basin and Digby Gut, common.” 

Ganong, 1889: ‘‘Very abundant everywhere on coast of Acadia.” 

Three kinds of mussels had been reported to me as occurring in this region— 
a large blue one, a large red one, and a small black one. Consequently, I expected 
to find Mytilus edulis, Modiola modiolus and possibly Modiola nigra were the 
mussels reported. I found, instead, only Mytilus edulis, large eroded specimens 
being called ‘‘blue’’ mussels, those stained a reddish brown (the cause of the 
stain has not been ascertained) being the so-called ‘‘red’’ mussels, while the 
small sea-mussels growing close inshore were the “‘black’’ ones. I found also 
several specimens of the lighter, horn-coloured variety of Mytilus edulis, viz., 
Mytilus edulis pellucidus, growing in the various beds. 

The best mussel beds are the one in Joggins Cove and the one in Smith Cove 
(Chart 2). These beds are of the same type. The shore is a very gently sloping 
muddy one with a considerable quantity of eel grass growing on it, particularly 
in Joggins Cove. There are, moreover, a large number of shallow tide pools. 
In these the mussels grow in large numbers and to a good size (Table 2). Some- 
times patches of mussels extend from pool to pool, but the greater number are 
found in the pools often half-buried in the soft mud. In Joggins Cove the wreck- 
age of an old weir furnishes an anchorage for a large colony. These mussels 
were reported by the mussel fisherman to be ‘‘finer and larger’’ than those 
growing on the muddy bottom. This colony suggested, of course, the buchét 
method of mussel culture and raises the question as to whether or not some 
modification of that method could not be used profitably in this region. Much 
of the muddy bottom furnishes no surface on which the spat can attach them- 
selves, hence only a portion of the bottom produces mussels. Every available 
bit of brush or other solid structure is densely covered so there would appear 
to be no lack of spat. 

There is also a large bed of good-sized mussels on the flats extending from 



Bear Island to the mainland. These grow in a similar manner to those in Smith 
Cove and Joggins Cove. It has been used very little, however, owing to the 
fact that they are slightly further away from the home of the mussel fisherman. 

The ‘“‘blue’’ mussels grow along the rough rocky shore of the point bounding 
Smith Cove on the side nearer Digby. Only a narrow strip of them survive in 
this unfavourable location and these are exposed only at the fullest tides so that 
although of good size (Table 2) they are of little importance commercially. 
Another patch of eroded mussels occurs on Bear Island on the side of the point 
nearest Digby. . 

. The “black’’ mussels grow all around Bear Island and also at about the 
upper limits of the bed in Smith Cove. They resemble the St. Andrews mussels 
in shape and are too small for marketing (Table 2). They would probably 
fatten if removed to the better locations and could thus be used as a source of 
supply for seed mussels. 

~ A large bed of mussels was reported as probably existing up Bear River, but 
was not visited. It was known to exist in 1916. Another bed was reported at 
Goat Island. Above Goat Island it is said no beds exist. 

Mussels at Gulliver Hole. 

A bed of large mussels was reported at Gulliver Hole, down the coast outside 
of the Annapolis Basin. This proved to be only a patch of mussels growing on 
the rocks, the mussels resembling those in Passamaquoddy Bay. 

Size of the Mussels. 

From a consideration of Table II it will be seen that the larger-sized mussels 
in the beds near Digby are between 6 cm. and 7 cm. in length, some being found 
even larger, viz., 8 cm. in length, in the sample of “‘blue’’ mussels. It will be 
seen also that the mussels from Gulliver Hole are of a fairly good size, the majority 
of the larger ones being between 5.5 cm. and 6 cm. in length. 

It is of interest to compare the size of these mussels with those of St. Andrews 
region. The majority of the larger mussels there in 1917 (from beds of similar 
location also, 7.e., on the gently sloping shores) were between 2 cm. and 3.5 cm. 
in length. Even those similarly situated to those at Gulliver Hole were appreci- 
ably smaller, being for the most part between 4.5 cm. and 5 cm. 

The difference in size between the mussels of the St. Andrews region and 
those from the beds producing the large mussels at Digby (e.g., Smith Cove) 
is not alone due to the difference in length; there is a distinct difference in the 
relative proportions of length, depth and thickness of the mussels. Those from 
Digby are relatively deeper and thicker in proportion to their length than those 
from St. Andrews. Mussels of this shape I refer to as the Digby type, having 
first observed this difference in proportion in mussels from Digby, while the 
relatively shallower mussels which I observed first in St. Andrews region I refer 
to as of the St. Andrews’ type. In Plate-I. are shown four mussels which 
illustrate this difference in shape; Nos. 1 and 2 are mussels from Passama- 
quoddy Bay and illustrate well the St. Andrews type, while Nos. 3 and 4 are 
mussels collected at Loggieville, N.S., and are of the Digby type. 



a! G I iS g I eordA} ‘ajoH] JoAT[N+y) c 
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Ll alavaL 



The sea-mussel has been known to occur at Grand Manan for some time 
for Stimpson (1854) in referring to their distribution mentions them as “very 

I was, therefore, anxious to examine any beds 

abundant”’ at Grand Manan. 
existing there at the present time. 



During the first week of September, 1918, I was able to visit Grand Manan 

Island, Bay of Fundy, to investigate the mussel beds there. Owing to stormy 
weather at the end of that week it was only possible to make trips on September 
3rd and 4th so that only a small portion of the coast was investigated. Through 
the co-operation of Inspector Calder of Welchpool, Campobello Island, New 
Brunswick, the use of the patrol boat ‘‘G” of Grand Manan was granted for 
these investigations. I am much ‘ndebted to Captain Green and the other 
members of the crew of the ‘““G” for their kindness and assistance during the 
trips. e 
The North-western coast of Grand Manan is very rocky and bare, the rock 
rising sheer out of the water for a considerable height. Such a location is very 
untavourable for mussels so that it is unlikely that any beds occur there. On 
the eastern and southern coasts, however, extensive shoals occur and con- 
sequently along these coasts I expected to find mussel beds. 

At Seal Cove, where I made my headquarters, no mussels were found. 
The shore there is sandy and so wave beaten as to afford a poor anchorage for 

The first trip made was to Cheynne Passage, between Ross Island and 
Cheynne Island, where a ‘arge mussel bed had been reported. A bed of large 
mussels was found there extending across the channel as indicated in Chart 3. 
The mussels were found growing among the sea weeds (kelp, dulce and sea- 
lettuce). Many dead shells (frequently 5 cm. or more in length) were found 
among the living shells. The larger mussels grew in the deeper water while at 
the upper limits of the bed the mussels were smaller, as is usual. Horse mussels 
(Modiola modiolus) were found in the deeper parts of the channel. They were 
of a good size but were exceedingly difficult to procure as they attach themselves 
very firmly and frequently wedge themselves between rocks. In the shallow 
water the mussels were practically all sea mussels (Mytilus edulis). Only one 
starfish was seen in the neighbourhood of the beds, but large numbers of sea- 
urchins were observed in the deeper portions of the channel. 

Another bed (known in this paper as the White Head bed) was found on the 
western side of the shoal between Cheynne Island and White Head Island. 
Here the bottom appeared the same as at Cheynne passage, with similar sea- 
weeds, but the mussels proved smaller (Table III) and less abundant. The 
number growing in the deeper water was noticeably less than in Cheynne passage. 
Great numbers of gulls were observed idling about. They are reported to feed 
on the mussels of this region, it being said that they fly up with the mussels, 
drop them on the rocks, thus breaking the shell, and then devour the contents. 

The shore and bar off Redhead (Chart 3) was examined but no sea-mussels 
were observed. ; 

Two bars off the eastern coast of Wood Island (Chart 3) were examined but 
no mussels were found’ on either. The bottom was of fine and coarse gravel. 
It is said that a few years ago mussels grew abundantly on these bars. Under 
the gravel a layer of fine black mud was found which suggested ‘‘mussel mud.” 
One portion of one bar shifts during heavy storms so it seems possible that the 
beds reported to have been there may have been destroyed by the bottom 



Size of the Mussels. 

From a consideration of Table III it will’ be seen that the majority of the 

larger sized mussels of Cheynne Passage are between 5 cm. and 6.5 cm. in length 

(a few even reaching 8 cm. in length), while those of the White Head bed are 

éIT I G Sg Ol | 6 él 86.1) aro.) 20 & 
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somewhat shorter, the majority of the larger sized ones being between 4 cm. 
and 5 cm. in length although even here one specimen was found 8 cm. in length. 
It may appear from a consideration only of the data given in Table III that if 
the same number of mussels had been measured from Cheynne Passage a similar 
result might have been obtained. This, however, is highly improbable, as the 
samples measured were typical and the mussels were noticeably larger throughout 
the bed. The fact that the deeper parts of the channel were thickly covered 
with mussels in itself would tend to raise the average length of the mussels of 
that bed since the larger ones were found in such locations. What caused such 
a marked difference in the size of the mussels of the two beds I am unprepared 
to say. It is possible that the mussels of the White Head bed may be younger 
than those of Cheynne Passage. Shells have been preserved for further investi- 
gation of this point. 

In general the size of the mussels at Grand Manan appears to be greater 
than in the St. Andrews region, where in 1917 very few were found over 5 cm. 
in length and the greater majority being as pointed out between 2 cm. and 3.5 cm. 
in length. It will be noted also that they are of about the same length. as those © 
found in the better beds at Digby, N.S. 

It is of interest to compare the lengths of the mussels from Cheynne Passage 
and the White Head bed with the general length for the Passamaquoddy Bay 
region as given by Gould (1870), viz., 2 io inches (i.e., approx. 6.2 cm.); 
and also with the findings of Ganong (1885), viz., “in abundance 3% inches 
(i.e., approx. 8.9 cm.) long and even longer.” It will be noted that the size 
for the Grand Manan mussels corresponds very closely to Gould’s general 
length but falls short of the length as given by Ganong. 

In shape the mussels at Grand Manan are of the Digby type, 7.e., deeper 
in proportion to their length than those of the St. Andrews region (Figs. 3 and 
4, Plate I.); as at Digby the mussels near the upper limits of the bed tend 
toward the typical St. Andrews shape (Figs. 1 and 2, Plate I.). 

1. Age of Mussel Beds of St. Andrews Region. 

The age of the mussel beds of the St. Andrews region was definitely deter- 
mined in 1919. This was done by means of the annual ‘‘check marks”’ on the 
shells by which the writer has found it possible not only to determine the age of 
sea-mussels but also their rate of growth during each growing season. 

A mussel bed typical of those of the St. Andrews region is conveniently 
located near the eastern side of the wharf of the Biological Station. This has, 
therefore, been used as a type bed. It is situated in the littoral zone about low- 
water mark and is laid bare at nearly every tide. The mussels studied were 
taken from that portion of the bed lying nearest low-water mark. 

Material was collected for the purpose of determining the age of the mussels 
in this bed July 14, 1919, from a typical portion of it.. This material included 
all the individuals growing on a small area of the bed and was collected before the 
spat of 1919 was conspicuous. The results of the examination of it are as follows: 



Year class* | Number % of total 
of shell. population: 
ls 28 18.8 
TIT. 63: 42.3 
IV. 44 30.2 

Vv. 13 8.7 

In this material it will be noted that shells belonging to the fifth year class 
are the oldest. In examinations of other material from this bed examples of 
shells in the sixth year class were found but their occurrence was very rare, so 
that they represent a negligible portion of the whole population. It will be 
seen also that the majority of the mussels of the bed belong to the third and 
fourth year classes, 7.e., are indiv duals that were spawned and settled in the bed 
while it was thinly populated and so had a good opportunity to develop. In 
Table IV. the above results are arranged to show when each season’s growth in 
the various year classes was made and the relative numbers of the various year 
classes in each year considered. 

Showing relative numbers of each year class and when each season's growth of each year 
class was made in the mussel population of a typical bed at Biological Station St. Andrews, N.B., 
July 14, 1919. 


Relative Number of Mussels of Year Class 
1 II. III. IV. te Me VI. 
“1919 | Unknown 28 63 | dt | 13 | Negligible 
“ois | 28 | 63 44 13. | Negligible | 
“4917 | 63 44 13 Negligible | 
1916 | 44 ie 13 Negligable | F 
1915 is | Negligible 
“1014 Negligible 

pe ee ee eee ee eee 

The figures given in Table IV. are, of course, only approximately correct 
since they are based on an examination of a relatively small number of the 
mussels and since also they represent only the members of the various year classes 
which have survived up to July, 1919. They serve, however, to give some 
indication of the density of the population in preceding seasons and the relative 
numbers of the various year classes during those seasons. 

From these results it seems evident that the bed was destroyed possibly 
in 1914 and at least before the spawning season of 1915 and that only a small 
number of individuals spawned in 1914 survived. This deduction is supported 
by the condition of the beds in the region in 1917. As indicated in Section I. 
in that year the beds consisted of small mussels, the majority of which had a 
shell length ‘of between 2 centimeters and 3.5 centimeters. Moreover, mussels 



were not found along considerable stretches of the shore as then pointed out. 
In 1918 the writer found that practically all parts of the shore possessed a number 
of mussels, even unfavourable locations (e.g., gravelly shores) possessing an 
appreciable number. In view of the rate of increase in length of the shell of the 
sea mussel per growing season at St. Andrews, viz., 10.8 m. these facts indicate 
that the mussels of the region were practically wiped out by some unfavourable 
condition and that in 1916 and the following seasons they were re-inhabiting 
the region. 

2. Age of Mussel Beds at Digby, Nova Scotia. 

The shells of mussels collected in the survey of 1918 at Digby, Nova Scotia, 
have been studied in order to determine the rate of growth for that region. 
This study revealed that the average rate of increase in length of the shells 
per growing season is 16.0 mm. It will be seen, therefore, that the larger sized 
mussels of from 6 cm. to 8 cm. inJength are in their fourth, fif-h or sixth growing 
season, the age depending on whether or not the conditions which had obtained 
during their various growing seasons were favourable. 


During the free-swimming larval stage of the sea-mussel it forms part of 
the plankton and consequently large numbers are undoubtedly destroyed by 
those forms which feed on the plankton. After becoming well-established in 
some suitable location for growth it is still subject to the attacks of several 
animals. At St. Andrews, fish, other molluscs and echinoderms are the chief 
offenders. A few mussels are probably destroyed by the gulls and crows which 
occasionally frequent the beds at low-tide. 

Fish destroy a large number of mussels. Professor A. G. Huntsman (1920) 
informs me that they form “‘a not inconsiderable part of the food of the flounder 
(Pseudopleuronectes) at St. Andrews,” and results obtained by Clemens and 
Clemens (1921) in their study of the eel pout (Zoarces) at St. Andrews show that 
in an examination of 75 specimens, 12 of them (z.e., 16%) were found to contain 
sea-mussels, the largest number found in a single specimen being 122. It seems 
probable that further study will show that other fish prey on the mussels in this 
The molluscan enemies observed devouring the mussels at St. Andrews are: 
Purpura lapillus, Buccinum undatum (common whelk)- and Polynices heros 
(round whelk or ‘‘cockle’’). Each one of these attacks the mussel in a somewhat 
different way. The Purpura bores a small round hole about the size of a common 
pin head in the shell and thus gains access to the animal within. These holes 
are made in any convenient portion of the shell. Very frequently they are 
found near the umbo. If the Purpura, while attacking a mussel, is disturbed 
before the animal is injured the mussel appears to plug the inner end of the 
hole bored by the Purpura with a pearly excretion, since shells have been found 
with small holes (considered to have been made by a Purpura) which have been 
plugged in this manner. 

30 4 


The common whelk wears down the posterior or siphon end of the mussel 
shell by a rasping action of its teeth. This method scratches the shell, removing 
the epidermis at the edge. 

The round whelk, like the Purpura, bores a hole in the shell. Only three 
shells whose inhabitants have fallen victims to round whelks have been examined 
by the writer. In these the hole is a large oval one, the largest examined being 
4.5 mm. along the greater diameter and 3.2 mm. along the lesser diameter. In 

-each case the hole was made about midway between the anterior and posterior 
ends of the shell near the edge from which the byssus protrudes. 

The echinoderms observed destroying the mussel at St. Andrews were the 
starfish (chiefly Asterias vulgaris and Asterias forbesii) and the sea-urchin 
(Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis). The starfish, when destroying a mussel, 
opens its shell by means of a steady pull exerted on each valve by the tube feet. 
The shell left after the animal has been destroyed is clean and unmarked. 

The sea-urchin has not commonly been credited with attacking mussels. 
Field (1911), in reviewing the various forms which prey on the mussel, makes no 
mention of the sea-urchin. Ganong (1899) mentions that in Europe it is said 
to attack sea-mussels, but, gives no authority for this statement. Wilcocks 
(1884) quotes “Mr. Harding”’ in a list of enemies, including the ‘‘echinus or 
sea-egg,’’ but gives no exact alithority for this reference so it is of little value. 
Scott (1901), in his investigation of the food of the sea-urchin at St. Andrews, 
found that the principal food consisted of sea-weed. He found no evidence of 
the urchins eating any mollusca and summarizes his conclusions after reviewing 
the literature of the subject thus: “Although practically all who have investi- 
gated the food have concluded that the urchins are herbivorous, there is, seem- 
ingly, among zoologists a general belief that they are carnivorous.” 

The sea-urchin is abundant at St. Andrews, and about low-water large 
numbers of them may be seen on the mussel beds. If disturbed they appear to 
have been simply resting on the mussels rather than attacking them. So 
habitually do they haunt the mussel beds, however, that the writer became very 
suspicious that they were feeding on the mussels, in spite of repeated failure to 
obtain proof of this. 

The first evidence that sea-urchins eat mussels was obtained from an urchin 
found clinging to a bag containing small mussels suspended from the float of the 
wharf. This sea-urchin was brought into the laboratory and placed in one of 
the tanks in running sea-water with a number of small mussels. The following 
morning the contents of the digestive tract were examined. One small-sized 
mussel shell was found in it. Subsequently a number of sea-urchins were collected 
from the mussel beds and the contents of their digestive tracts examined immedi- 
ately. This examination failed to reveal any traces of mussels (either of the 
soft parts or of the shell). 

In order to obtain further evidence two sea-urchins were placed in a small 
aquarium in running sea-water with a number of small mussels (8.5 mm.—10.5 
mm. in length). The following day no evidence could be seen in the aquarium 
of any of the mussels having been destroyed. Three more urchins were added. 
The next day the remnants of at least eight mussel shells were found in the 



aquarium. During the subsequent exper ment on the rate at which the sea- 
urchin destroys the mussels (see Table VII.) it was found that the method which 
the urchin employs when destroying the mussel is to chip away the mussel shell, 
beginning usually (if not always) at the posterior or siphon and to chew up 
the mussel shell bit by bit. In some cases the whole shell is chewed up in this 
fashion, in other cases the shell is only partially destroyed, the soft part of the 
mussel being eaten from the remaining part of the shell. If a-sea-urchin is 
disturbed in an attack on a mussel before it has been seriously damaged, the 
mussel shows a scratched and ragged edge. Many old mussel shells show that 
they have been attacked by sea-urchins. Evidence of such attacks is frequently 
found on the winter check marks. 

An attempt was made during the summer of 1919 to obtain some data 
regarding the rate of destruction of the mussels by their molluscan and echino- 
derm enemies. This attempt was only partially successful. The forms used 
in the experiments conducted were Purpura, the common whelk, the round 
whelk, starfish and sea-urchins. 

The experiments were conducted from August 28th to Sept. 19th. During 
this time no ‘‘hot waves’ occurred so that no difficulty was encountered in 
keeping the animals cool. In the experiments with the starfish and round 
whelks the animals were placed in large shallow wooden tanks in running sea- 
water. The sea-urchins were placed in a small aquarium in running sea-water 
to a depth just immersing the animals. The Purpura and whelks were placed 
in small aquaria in sea-water to a depth of from 5 to 7 cm. This water was 
renewed three or four times per day. The mussels used were given no special 
surface to which to attach except in the case of the experiment with the Purpura. 
In this experiment the mussels were allowed to attach to a piece of rock before 
beginning the experiments. No food other than the mussels was furnished any 
of the animals used in the various experiments. 

The result of the experiment with the Purpura and mussels is shown in 
Table V. 

During the experiment on the rate of destruction of mussels recorded in 
Table V. a number of the Purpura did not appear to feed for some days. When 
placed in the aquarium some of the Purpura immediately attached themselves 
to its sides (some not being covered by the water) and remained clinging thus 
apparently without any change in position until their removal from the aquarium 
September 8th. When discarded they appeared healthy. Those that have 
been considered as feeding on the mussels were moving on the rock to which 
the mussels were attached and were attacking them. Shortly after the removal 
of the other Purpura two of these on the rocks made their way to one side of the 
aquarium and both remained clinging there until September 13th, when one was 
knocked to the bottom. On September 14th both were again clinging to one 
side of the aquarium. By September 16th, however, it was found near the 
mussels. On September 19th one of the other Purpura, which had been feeding 
on the mussels, was found clinging to the side of the aquarium. In Table V., 
in estimating the number of Purpura feeding, no account has been. taken of these 
two latter movements since one tends to counterbalance the other and any 
resulting error is probably very slight. 


The rate at which the mussels were destroyed from September 2nd, 2 p.m., 
till September 8th, 3 p.m., was 0.9 mussels per Purpura per 24 hours. The rate 
at which they were destroyed from September 8th, 3 p.m., till September 19th, 
9.30 a.m., was 0.9 mussels per Purpura per 24 hours. 

The experiment with the common whelk was unsuccessful. Five whelks 
were placed in a small aquarium with a few medium sized mussels (6 or 8 mussels 
of from 2 cm. to 2.5 cm. in length) on Aug. 29th. None of the mussels were 
eaten from that time until Sept. 19th (z.e., during 21 days) when the experiment 


Showing rate at which Mytilus edulis L. was destroyed by Purpura lapillus under laboratory 

n VY 
; Ee ad a= 
bh < ra =!6 aD S 
BES ea tis see oes Re) a } & 8 Sa «(OC me <= 
as|o8| . ems | Paes eee, in|) oS 
eee ome tee Stee lltsoeree | ewe cane ls eco e Z 
pees ea ea” Soe ile. aaa ees em |e ats g 
6.s1o°| So 5 3 oO Bea Sea Sys fs a8 2 o ° 
ZEW A you =e) FO Zao ZY eS Vee a Zz 
19 ce Aug. 30 | 3 p.m 
19 0 | Aug. 31 | 3 p.m. 24 
19 1 | Sept. 2.) 2 p.m: 47 1 8.5-10.5 
19 1 Sept. 5 | 9 a‘m. 67 1 i 
19 2 Sept. 6 | 9 a.m. 24 4 S 
19 4 | Sept. 8 | 3 p.m. 54 9 ic removed 
15 Purpura 
ft 4 | Sept. 8 | 3.05 p.m. 
4 2 | Sept. 10 | 3 p.m. 48 4 8.5-10.5 
4 2 | Sept. 13 ? ? 6 %s 
Ane: i: Sept. 16 | 5 p.m. 145* 3 cs 
4 2 | Sept. 19 | 9:30 a.m. 64.5 6 _ 

*This number of hours oe calculated from 3 p.m. Sept. 10th. 

was ended. From Sept. 7th-13th one of the whelks died; with this exception 
the whelks and mussels appeared healthy during the experiment. The whelks 
were active and moved freely about in the aquarium. 

The experiment with the round whelk was begun Sept. 12th and ended 
Sept. 19th. A number of mussels ranging in size from 8.5 mm. to 20.1 mm. 
length were placed in a large wooden tank with 8 or 10 round whelks. On 
Sept. 15th one mussel shell was removed, the animal having fallen a victim to a 
round whelk. On Sept. 19th two other shells were removed, the animals within 




Showing rate at which Mytilus edulis L. was destroyed by Astervias under laboratory con- 



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ime of 


3.15 p.m. 
10.55 a.m. 
11.00 p.m. 

8.30 p.m. 
10.00 a.m. 
10.00 a.m. 

9.00 a.m. 
10.00 a.m. 

9.00 a.m. 

9.05 a.m. 

3.00 p.m. 

3.00 p.m. 
3.45 p.m. 

4.15 p.m. 

3.00 p.m. 

9.30 p.m. 

n vo 4 
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19.6 4 8.5-10.5 
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having been eaten, while another mussel was removed from the’ grasp of a whelk 
a hole having been partially bored in one valve of the mussel shell. During the 
experiment the round whelks all appeared healthy and moved freely about in ~ 
the tank. It is evidently impossible to form an estimate of the rate at which 
they eat mussels from this experiment. 

The result of the experiment with the starfish is shown in Table VI. 

One of the starfish used in this experiment had been kept in the tank for 
some days without food until the day before the experiment was begun, when it 


Showing rate at which Mytilus edulis L. was destroyed by Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis 
under laboratory conditions. 

Se | 3 3 & BS Eos eS es ly Ca gee 
ia o one D Last Sbilieeeh ear eae Wot celia : 
eFel=S] 28 | gS |8eh| Sesh) bse é 
hig Sa SO cee. Sea se ewe Oils ace 5 
Zn a |Z 6 ES Ho A we. baer aie 6 2 Zz, 
4 + Sept. 1 9.30 a.m. iat: So ee 88 mussels 
placed in 
4 4 Sept. 2] 9a.m. Paps 12 8.5-10.5 
A 4 Sept. 3] 9.30a.m. 24.5 iF ve 
a 4 Sept. 4] 9a.m. Psa 10 3 
4 4 Sept. 5 | 10 a.m. 25 iba ais a mussels 
Placed 35 
4 4 Sept. 6] 5 p.m. Siete nie te a mussels in 
4 4 Sept. 8 3 p.m. 46 6 16.5-25.6 
4 + Sept. 10 fe ? 6 . 
4 4 Sept. 13 | 4 p.m. - 121 2 co 
4 4 Sept. 16 | 4.30 p.m. (CS 3 ¥ 
4 4 Sept. 17 | 2.45 p.m. 10.5 1 - 

*This number of hours was calculated from 3 p.m. Sept. 8th. 

was given four small mussels. On Sept. 4th the starfish were found to have 
moved away from the mussels, which probably accounts for the small number 
eaten from Sept. 8rd to Sept. 4th. By Sept. 6th the mussels were not as numerous 
as formerly in the tank. 

The rate at which the small mussels were destroyed (Aug. 28th-Sept. 6th) 



was 3.6 mussels per starfish per 24 hours. The rate at which the larger mussels 
were destroyed (Sept. 6th-Sept. 19th) was 1.2 mussels per starfish per 24 hours. 
The results of the experiment with the sea-urchin are given in Table VII. 
The rate at which the small mussels were destroyed (Sept. Ist-Sept. 5th) 
was 3.1 mussels per sea-urchin per 24 hours. The rate at which the larger 
mussels were destroyed (Sept. 6th-Sept. 17th) was 0.7 mussels per sea-urchin 
per 24 hours. ' 


1. At St. Andrews the sea-mussel is preyed upon by the flounder, eel pout, 
Purpura, common whelk, round whelk, starfish and sea-urchin. 

2. Under experimental conditions the common whelk did not eat the mussels; 
the round whelk ate a limited number of small mussels; the Purpura, starfish 
and sea-urchin ate both small and large mussels freely. 



During the summer of 1919 experiments were conducted at the Biological 
Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick, to ascertain the rate of growth of the sea 
mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) under various intertidal and floating conditions. For 
these experiments the mussels were allowed to attach either to blocks of wood or 
pieces of rock (when rock was used, that having a rough “‘honey-comb”’ surface 
was selected). The most satisfactory wooden blocks used were approximately 
2.5 inches wide by 8 inches long and had narrow grooves chiselled on the surface 
to which the mussels attached. The edges of these grooves were left as rough 
as possible, to give the mussels a surface to which they could readily fasten 
themselves. The grooves also furnished some protection against wave action. 
The mussels used were from 8-12 mm. in length. These young mussels attach 
themselves readily. It was found that they would fasten themselves to the 
rocks in from three to six hours, but for their attachment to the wooden blocks 
from two to three days were required. While the mussels were attaching them- 
selves the blocks (weighted to prevent floating) or rocks were placed in aquaria 
and the mussels (measured) were placed over them with sufficient sea-water to 
cover them to a depth of two or three centimeters. The water was renewed 
frequently. Each day the mussels were left without water for periods of two 
or three hours. This appeared to facilitate their attachment and also prevented 
them becoming unaccustomed to exposure. 

Sets of mussels were placed under the following conditions: One set was 
suspended from the floating breakwater, the mussels being placed at various 
levels from the surface; another set was fastened to a pole anchored to the 
bottom and thus kept at an approximately constant distance from the bottom; 
two other sets were fastened to the wharf at various intertidal levels, one set 
being exposed to direct sunlight, the other being constantly shaded; another 



set was placed in tidal pools, the pools being situated at different intertidal 
levels. During these experiments it was found necessary, owing to the depreda- 
tions of Purpura lapillus, to protect the mussels (by means of wire netting) on 
the blocks forming the series on the wharf up to a level of 17.6 feet above low- 
water datum. Similarly it was found necessary to-protect the mussels in the 
lower six tidal pools, 7.e., those in the zone whose upper limit was 17.6 feet above 
low-water datum. ; 


Showing rate of increase in length of Mytilus edulis L. during breakwater series experiment 
in 1919. 

Block 1 2 3 4 5 
Depth ite etDElOW. SULLACE He. tee eles Scr aes | 1 2 3 6 9 
No. Onublockuwhentset outs iily.See saeco 69 64 50 56 Pee 
No. OuplOGk eA onl a sea ouster ee orto. erent a oul 38 44 18 33 aa 
Pocontiee Onkblock, AM cara em rare atavsh. caer scrote + SYS (0) |b Cotsh, 0 36 | 58:8 ee 
No. a blacks Sepi-7 Ohern Se oieess se wi, Fe ae hater che, heise 21 29 17 28 oe 
ee ri icena: sare oes 30.4 | 44.1 34 | 51.8 56.3 
rece. length in mm. when set out July 8......... 11 11 10.5 10.5 Pio 
(ee TAIT PAM OAR. Arcot Teietate« trakece s60| LOO 16.3 16.3 15.6 eon. 
ee: increase in length in mm. July 8-Aug. 4, 2.e., A iy 
NN SIRO S one hn 3 oko es/s Need oe Oe oe e ae 5.6 5.2 5.8 5.1 4.5 
is. Coe eee 10 13 6 5 Lee 
ee increase in length in mm. per day, July 8- aan 
ER AED eR ra Ph la actA 8) = dh « AS roar gaol. be 0.21 | 0.19.| 0.22 | 0.19 | 0.56 
A fenonhsin Mme pbs Aer - oh ass kee oe Bot Pee 2oe ae 2osOne Zool i 
oe increase in length in mm. July 8-Sept. 9, 2.e., ‘aie 
Mi Gea Sta nw fe0s oce sd Si he ees eae Lege Sh 16.2 14.7 14.5 13.6 oO 
aan examined one Ones a Poca 2 eke 12 15 ea 18 ; eg 

Average increase in length in mm. per day, July 8- 
SS) o1Fs 1S eo ete Ce ae CPR ne ase are cee ers ae Tee 0.25 =| O:24 4) 02232, hO.2t story, 


In this experiment five blocks (Nos. 1, 2, 38, 4 and 5), to which measured 
mussels were attached, were nailed crosswise to a scantling which was fastened 
to the floating breakwater at the Biological Station in such a manner that the 



blocks were at depths of 1, 2, 3, 6 and 9 feet respectively from the surface. The 
results of this experiment are recorded in Table VIII. Unfortunately the whole 
series was lost during the second week of October so that it was impossible to 
obtain the rate of the growth late in the season. 


Showing rate of increase in length of Mytilus edulis L. during anchored pole series experiment 
in 1919. 

3) gel Saeae Reenter api car Se 11 12 13 14 15 16 ily/ 18 19 | 20 
Minimum. depth in feet from 

SUTSACE sR ten ee we Roeo as 2 | 3.16) 4.32) 5.48) 6.64) 7.80) 8.80) 9.80)10.80)11.8 
Number on block when set out 

PUTS Ae PE oie eet Rua ek 66 | 125 ? 85 | 119 | 85 72 | 95 |14.4] 0.8 
Number surviving Sept. 15..... 25 cA OLS LOM 2a 15 22 ee GG al GAs a2 eee 

Percentage surviving Sept. 15...|37.8 |80.8 ? 131.7 (63.8 25.8 |81.6 |67.3 |18.8 |- 12 

Average length in mm. when set 
RNR Aer hae, cas tod ces] OD 9 9 9 9} 10) > 200) “LO Tones 

—— ——* — | | ee 

Average length in mm. Sept. 15./16.8 |17.0 |16.3 |15.8 |14.9 |16.0 |16.3 |16.4 |15.3 

Average increase in mm. Aug. 4, 
CHD: WTO Note sce EN Pe 723128. 00| "78 166.8 1. 941"6.07| (628 sossal aes 

Number examined Sebt. 15.....} 10 27 PHY 8 17 5 19 11 2, 

Average increase in lengt in 
mm. per day Aug. 4-Sept. 15) 0.17/0.19 | 0.17} 0.16) 0.14) 0.14) 0.15) 0.15} 0.13 

no sample taken 

Average increase in length in 
mm. from Aug. 4-Oct. 18, 
Pele A GOLGAY Ss ke ovat deere oe 6.9 |11.0: |1272 |11.6 |13.9 


Average increase per day in 
length in mm. from Sept. 15 
COREL PA ere ote ss nak oee net 0.091) 0.15) 0.19) 0.24 

From the results of this experiment it is evident that the most advantageous 
depth for the growth of the sea mussel is 1 foot from the surface. The irregularity 
which is contrary to this conclusion occurring in the rate of increase in length _ 
at a depth of 3 feet noted on August 4th, is probably due to the small number of 
measurements on which this rate is based. It will be observed also that, with 
the exception mentioned above, the rate of increase in length decreases as the 



depth from the surface increases. It will be noted, too, that the percentage 
surviving September 9th on the block 1.foot from the surface was noticeably 
less than on the blocks at greater depths. The greater wave action at the 
surface probably accounts for this. 

Anchored Pole Series. 

In this experiment ten blocks (Nos. 11 to 20), to which measured mussels 
were attached, were nailed lengthwise along a pole. This pole was anchored in 
the cove at the Biological Station so as to float upright ten feet from the bottom. 
It was so located that the mussels were never exposed even at low water. There- 
fore the mussels on this pole were at a constantly varying depth from the surface. 
The results from this experiment are shown in Table IX. 

Considering the results of the examination of material taken September 
15th it will be seen that the greatest rate of incréase in length occurred at the 
upper end of the pole and that the rate of increase in length shows a tendency 
to decrease as the lower end of the pole is approached. It will be noted that 
there is a considerable irregularity in the results when considered with reference 
to this tendency. This is probably largely due to the fact that many of the 
mussels moved from their original positions on the blocks and wedged themselves 
between the blocks and the pole, thus obtaining more sheltered positions. It 
was impossible when collecting the mussels for examination to make note of 
these individual differences. It will be observed that the rate of increase in 
length at the upper end of the-pole, viz., 0.17 mm. increase in length per day, 
corresponds with that at 9 feet from the surface in the breakwater series Sep- 
tember 9th. 

The material collected October 18th unfortunately represents only a portion 
of this series. It will be seen that it indicates that the rate of growth from 
September 15th to October 18th was distinctly slower on the whole than from 
August 4th to September 15th. The fact that the increase in length of the 
mussels examined from the upper block was less October 18th than that of those 
examined September 15th may be due to the small numbers examined September 
15th. From the limited data available it is impossible to judge whether the 
increased rate of increase in length observed as the depth from the surface 
increases is significant or not. 

Wharf Series. 

In this experiment two sets of eleven blocks (Nos. Al, B1, to K1, and Nos. 
A2, B2 to K2) on which measured mussels were attached were put out in two 
vertical series July 4th. The blocks used were pieces of weathered shingles 
about 2.5 inches wide and 10 inches long. One set of blocks (known as the south 
pile wharf series) was fastened on one of the south piles of the wharf of the 
Biological Station. In this location they were constantly exposed to direct 
sunlight during the day. The other set (known as the below beams wharf 
series) was fastened below the beams on the east side of the wharf. In this 
situation the whole series was constantly shaded. Corresponding members of 
each series were placed at the same level above low-water datum. The results 
of the experiment are shown in Tables X. and XI. 



It will be noted that the highest level above low-water datum at which the 
mussels survived until July 31st was 19.2 feet in the sunny exposed location 
(7.e., south pile wharf series) and 21.0 feet in the shaded location (7.e., below 
beams wharf series). It will be seen; also, that the number surviving at any 
level was small. This was due to two causes, viz., the mussels were set out on 
shingles which furnished unsuitable surfaces for firm attachment and they were 
unprotected from the depredations of the Purpura, which wrought great havoc 
among them, especially at the lower levels. 


Showing upper limit of survival of Mytilus edulis L. during the first south pile wharf series 
experiment in 1919. 

13Y LoXe) "ei ie re yh ena AEST Pah AL) BE. (Cl. Dal VE. | Fas Giles seieaa ie K1. 

Height in feet above low water datum.} 9.5/11.1/12.7/14.2/15.9 17.6119.2121.0/22.6 24. 3/26.0 
Rea length in mm. when set out el a) Palais Gee 

Pty Aeon pe oe ok ole Pee vio werd LO DAD 22 12 1D 10 5 O p51 1 eee ee 
No. set out on block July 4...:. ge ...| ? ? > ? ? P7859 | 57ers 
5 ip, [On Se Stan eee an a oa ‘90 | 17 (16 (49 ?)| P| |e |e eee 
jill ee PP PPP 
28 Maral . acer egrets: eee 25rd Te 22 CoM sese Wh ee ap eer ene 
oan ULE ae eee ene 20} 12 | 14 | 28 | 11 | 48 | 22 | 21 | 43 [rae | 54 
ate Near pleclessacpeit ste ees eee 1 Ree G7] 24s el AS roe |= Oia) MO een Ses 
ec z ves le* SS |g oe IE IE Ea | a | | | rs 
Ze Biotal eae rate. Salaries oy sae 21 | 15 | 205). 32 4, 12) 52°|'25 4 21 || 43124 aee 
£2 (On Block. ccisehenceel Bl alia 2) opel 3-5: ol neat 
Be inehiocde) kk he este 
See | ed (8 oe a (a ae a ae | 
a ABEL Se ete spree ed Bie rk oe 5.38 War 8 Oy 218. | Salk O02 erie 
Pitiecjaanee July eee nt Os Heel ct a Bae <7 so as Sa e!  Pal e 0 ae 0 

Note.—Numbers marked * included a large proportion of dead mussels. 

So few of the first sets survived until July 31st that two other sets (blocks 
Nos. A3, B3 to 13 and A4, B4 to L4) were put out in the same locations, but on 
the type of blocks used in the anchored pole series. In addition to the grooves 
on the surface to which the mussels attached these blocks had holes bored in 
these surfaces to provide greater protection. The blocks within the zone of 
activity of the purpura (7.e., up to 17.6 feet above low-water datum) were also 
protected by wire cages. The results obtained in the second south pile wharf 
series are given in Table XII. 





Showing upper limit of survival of Mytilus edulis L. during first below the beam series 

experiment in 1919. 

ERlONGlerevrancee ford P we Siaerg sek oe Soph eee AQ) B24| E222). 2) P20) G2" | 2 125 Ke 
Height mi feet above low water datum | 9.5/11.1/12.7|14.2)15.9/17.6/19.2)21.0/22.6/24.3 26.0 
Average’length in mm. when set out | a 
Alloy te ee ease sh ots Wt eb! 8 WO ay eC | TEN | ETE SU Te | OU val aye abe alal 
Number ae ece when set eee 51 Phin 54 58 | 49 | 37 69 29 “42 sae 
Raber Surwiving-|uly Tc:<seee 0.5: 34 | 16 | 44 | 44 | 29 | 44] 11 | 58 | 25 | 388 “oF : 
Number surviving July 15.........:.. 6 Cay ]] TE Ne) ae ey 27 10) a4 o5* 
Number surviving July 381........... | ? BS sta ON PI se PAN ee Oe. alge 

Note.—Numbers marked * included large proportion of dead mussels. 



.Showing rate of increase in length of Mytilus edulis L. during second south pile wharf series 

experiment in 1919. 

Block A3 

Height in feet above low water 
Bey abUsilerters = ee cfre meyer 9.5 

Average length in mm. when set 

OUI Ont HN nel 9 
Nee bee SEC GME ee erasures 95 
Mice surviving Aug. BAS 94 
ee surviving Sept. 1..... ? 
Maes surviving Sept. 16.... 50 
ee recovered Oct. 28..... 94 




E3 F3 G3 H3 | 13 

15.9} 17.6) 19.2] 21.0/22.6 

75 45 ? i; ? 
? ? 29 >? 126 
? ? 3 15 | 3 

Percentage recovered Oct. 28... 99 

Average length in mm. Oct. 28. 10.8 

Average increase in length in 
mm. from Aug. 19 to Oct. 1.8 
Ss 4:CreInE DORCAS. ¢ ws. = =< 

Average increase in length in 

mm. per day from Aug. 19 | 0.036) 0.071) 0.033 

COLOCER ZS etre see See ye 

B3 C3 
te Ae 12257, 
9 9 
84 84 
80 80 

? ? 

? ? 
59 44 
70.4) 52.3 
12.5) 10.6 
Sr Ole LG 





ZAM ds no! | MaiOlln One 

O57 Ol 2 TOC Seo: t 

0.015} 0.024) 0.036)0.0028 


It will be observed that in the second south pile wharf series experiment, the 
mussels survived at 21 feet above low-water datum, while in the first south pile 
wharf series experiment, the highest-level at which they survived was 19.2 feet 
above low-water datum. This was probably due to the fact that during the 
second experiment the weather was cooler than during the earlier one. The 
second set was, therefore, not exposed to as high a temperature when uncovered 
as the first set. It will be noted also that the number surviving shows a decided 
tendency to decrease as the exposure to which the mussels were subjected in- 
creases. The irregularities occurring in the percentage, surviving at the higher 
levels, is probably due to slight differences in the various blocks favouring attach- 
ment and protection for the mussels. It will be seen, also, that the rate of growth 
shows a tendency to be higher at the lower levels than at the higher ones. While 
this tendency is evident, it is subject to several irregularities. Since the rate for 
block ‘‘G3”’ is based on only three mussels is of little value and is probably too 

Unfortunately, owimg to some misunderstanding of instructions, the second 
below-beams-wharf series was not preserved at the same time as the second 
south-pile-wharf series, but instead was left until November 21st. Consequently 
it is impossible to compare the rate of growth at the various levels as had been 
intended. The rate of growth per day is not very significant either, since growth 
(as will be shown later) was at most very slow during November. The results 
of the experiment are given in Table XIII. 


Showing rate of increase in length of Mytilus edulis L. during second below beams wharf 

series experiment in 1919. . 
Block AA| B4i! C4) D4 | B4) F4G4 7 H4 14 
Height in feet above low water datum... sor 11.0 12.6 14.1 15.8 17.4 19.1 21 22.6 
ie length in mm. when set out ae ea ee bos ce 
PAU SOS eer 3 SG she theeteers see ees 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 
Nutiber BEL OME ais foo ere aie te Stee 56 91 70. 95 “on 95 72 76 “67, 
ae recovered Nov. 21, '19........ 35° 55 “36. 22 me 9 ey 4 wee 
eee. recovered Nov. 21, ’19...... 62.5 60.4 51.4 23.1 15 9.5 ar 5.3 a 
Aas length in mm. Nov. 21........ 13.9 13-7 13.0 13-2 10.7 il & =. Theil a 

Average increase in length in mm. from 
Aug-19 to Nev..2! #.¢., m'94 days... 1) 3.9)! 3.7 3.0) 82) | k0n a deat eee ee 

It will be seen that in this series the highest level at which the mussels 
survived was 21 feet above low-water datum, 7.e., at the upper limit or survival 
in the second south-pile-wharf series experiment, and in the first below-beams- 
wharf series experiment. 


5 rE a 29 

The writer has no data available to account for the non-survival of any 
mussels on block ‘‘G4.’’ It is probably purely due to accident. It will be noted 
that the percentage of mussels surviving and their increase in length decreases 
as the level above low-water datum increases and that the percentage surviving 
at the higher levels is very small. It is evident, therefore, that exposure is 
detrimental to the growth of the mussel. 


Showing conditions in tidal pool series experiment in 1919. 

o a = 2 o = a 
seg rome ge? oO S| BR |S e-e 
eee es Pe eee eee bad | Gs bese Be 
dies OH oar, cine QO 4; oe o 5 oe Sia 
ere ae tes |e | EB Bee lB Ie 8 aie 
et » bE us oe SEE = EU SE 24 
a |mis| ASS Be Se fae | eS ol, er “hk eS 
PIA) 12:25 p.m. 
il 7.3 6x6 36 0.33 0.25 C0 Ci => 
24.0 1:15 p.m 
26.5 120 eed 
2 9.3 5.5 x2.5 13.75 0.33 0.25 SG S| a 
27.0 [Wi toey & 
24.0 1 PAs ee 
3 12.0 3x3 9 0.29 0.20 1.8 24.0 PALI P.M eg) 
24.5 2:40 * 
26.5 INES ieee 
a 13.9 5x3 15 0.37 0.33 4.95 |— =a 
27.5 3:08.55 
26.2 205gien 
5 15.2 6x3 18 0.20 0.12 mele | 
27.0 Bis ai 
28.0 136 a 
6 16.7 5x 2.6 15 0.20 0.12 1.80 ————— 
28.5 3242) we 
29.0 142 “ 
ve 18.1 7x2.6 18.2 0.20 0.12 Fe NS | 9 | 
29.2 4:03“ 
28.0 je 8 a a 
8 19.3 5.5 x4.5 24.75 0.41 0.25 6.39 
28.0 4:03 “ 
20.5 U5 gene 
9 20.0 4x2 8 0.37 0.25 2 
18.5 Dal ea 


Tidal Pool Series. 

The tidal pools used in this experiment were shallow pools in the intertidal 
zone at the Biological Station. In Table XIV. are recorded the height above 
low-water datum, the surface, depth, etc., of the various pools. The temperature 
observations of July 21st were taken to ascertain the maximum temperature of 
the water in the pools during the experiments. July 21st was a bright sunny 
day and one of the hottest of the summer. Low water occurred at noon, thus 
giving the water in the pools every opportunity to become warm. The final 
temperature reading for each pool was taken just before the incoming tide 
entered it. With one exception (pool 9) this was the highest temperature 
recorded for each pool. In pool 9 it was lower than the earlier reading. This 
was due to the fact that in the morning and early afternoon the pool was exposed 
to the sun, but in the late afternoon it was shaded. The temperature of the 
incoming tide was 13.7° C at 4:18 p.m. Pool 3 was surrounded by sea-weed 
(Fucus) and a small amount was about pool 2... The other pools were free from it. 

The mussels used for this tidal pools experiment were allowed to attach 
to pieces of rock sufficiently heavy to remain in the pools without shifting their 
positions. The first set was put out (unprotected) in the pools July 4th. The 
Purpura destroyed all those in the lower six pools so that it was necessary to 
put out a new set. In Table XV. are recorded the results for the upper three 
pools of the first set. 


Showing rate of increase in length of Mytilus edulis L. during first tidal pool series experiment 
n 1919. 

Pool 7 8 g) 
Bont in feet of pool above low water datum..»..,........,..... 183 19.3 20.0 
Risckbee Sepoutunspoolsjulyalden aan cece ee eee e eee eee ees ? 64 Pa 
Naber FECOVELEU SE pts gl Orr eather oe eevsaacs nite aie eo Bem bv Ze 55 pgeaaes 
2 ae LECOVered: Sept Ll Ona as seep cus ser eaters kara aitenscounre eietiae trees P 85.9 2.9 - 
foe length/in am. when isétouts|ully hie satire ccs ae serie el 11 11 Ries 
en - mm. Sept. Fite “a DEN ate Sterne aut rhe ee 14.3 ye gee 
eee increase in length in mm. rom July 17 to Sept. 10, 2.e., in Se 

BI ACAV IS. coh Pele egtd ord tose ec iesRasetyt ok CMe. chale ptioe ae Sates Rsk She heere ees 3.3 3.3 4.6 
peo increase in length in mm. per day from July 17 to Sept. 10.) 0.061 0.060 “0.084 

Mussels in tidal pools were feeding as shown by carmine in water. 

A second set was placed in the pools August 5th; of these the lower six 
were protected by cages of wire netting. This proved effective, except in the 
case of pool 3. It was found necessary August 20th to provide a fine meshed 


inner cage for the mussels of this pool. 


A number of the mussels were removed 

from the pools September 11th, while a number were left in the pools until 
October 7th, except in the case of pool 3. 
the Purpura that it was necessary to remove them all from this pool September 
11th. The results of this experiment are recorded in Table XVI. 


So few survived the depredations of © 

Showing rate of increase in length of Mytilus edulis L. during second tidal pool series experi- 

ment in 1919. 

Pool 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 

Height in feet of pool above 

low water datum........ Cote Opo | kaO oso 1h. 2° 16.0 1s 19.3" (S20n0 
Number set out in pool Aug. 5 150 68 112 86 69 51 69 60 65 
Number recovered Sept. 11.../143 51 18 57 61 49 65 46 57 
Percentage recovered Sept. 11.| 95.3 | 75 16.0 | 66.2 | 88.3 | 96.0 | 94.2 | 76.6 | 87.7 
Number again set out in pool 

SS Tara Achar an ahe: ish asy seats 103 32 0 32 23 30 41 46 24 
Number recovered Oct. 7..... 82 18 21 3 28 33 22 19 
Percentage recovered Oct. 7...| 79.6 | 56.2 65.6 °| 13.0 | 93.3 | 80.5-| 47.8 | 79.1 
Average length in mm. when 

SEE OUI PANES SO troy) aye cha 5 10.5 | 10.5 } 11 10) 6%), 10) SO 5a) 20. Ss) Age re 
Average length in mm. Sept. 11} 18.5 | 12.1 | 11.3 | 11.8 | 11.7 | 12.1 | 12.6-] 12.4 | 12:6 
Average increase in length in 

imme. trom vue. oo sept.|( 3-00) 1.65\7 O3io 2.3.) Bes) 16) 21 1290226 

1a 2.6%, ino” -dayss. ow 
Number examined Sept. 11...| 40 19 18 25 38 19 24 15 33 
Average increase in length in 

mm. per day from Aug. 5| 0.080) 0.046) 0.087) 0.036) 0.035) 0.044) 0.058) 0.054) 0.073 

COLDED tee Meee ra verevoetiaal 
Average length in mm. Oct. 7.| 14.1 | 12.9 1273 11258 113-0 >\1S-3) sO) Ase 
Average increase in length in 

mm. from Aug.5-Oct. 7 

BGx, Uh Gar GAYS cigiate cram os 3.6 | 2.4 fh Sp | 28 |e oe eae aoe m teens 
Number examined Oct. 7..... 82 18 21 2 28 33 22 19 
Average increase in length in 

mm. per day from Aug. 5 

TOOCE or eco aise ne 0.056} 0.038 0.028! 0.035! 0.049) 0.037; 0.040! 0.067 



It will be seen that the rates of increase in length of the mussels in these — 
pools show no correspondence to the differences existing among the pools regard- 
ing their surfaces, depths, volumes, maximum temperatures attained, or amount 
of exposure between tides. 

Anchored Float Series. 

An attempt to determine the time at which growth became very slow was 
made. A number of blocks to which measured mussels were attached were set 
out in the middle of September. These were fastened to an anchored float, so 
that they were submerged near the surface. The blocks were taken in at intervals 
of about two weeks after October 18th until December 5th. The results obtained 
(given below) show that after Nov. 4th growth was very slight. 

Date of Average length 
examination of mussels in mm. No. examined 

(When set out 

middle of Sept.) 12 13 
Oct. 18, 719 15.2 20 
Nov. 4, 719 17.4 20 
Nov. 18, 19 ae 23 
Dec. 5, 719 Le, 


1. The greatest rate of growth occurred in mussels constantly submerged 
1 foot from the surface. 

2. The rate of growth in constantly submerged mussels decreases as their 
distance below the surface increases. 

3. The rate of growth of mussels subjected to exposure between tides 
decreases as the amount of exposure increases. 

4. The rate of growth of mussels in tidal pools at various intertidal levels 
varies, but apparently irregularly. 

5. The rate of growth of mussels in intertidal pools and in locations where 
they are subject to intertidal exposure is much less than that in any location 
where they are constantly submerged. 

6. The upper limit at which mussels survive at St. Andrews when subject 
to intertidal exposure is between 19.2 and 21.0 feet above low-water datum, 
depending on the conditions of shelter of their location. 

7. When subjected to intertidal exposure the percentage of mussels surviving 
is much less near the upper limit of survival than at the lower levels. 

8. Growth became exceedingly slow during November in 1919. 


The distribution of the mussel beds in the littoral zone at St. Andrews, N.B., 
presents an example of a nice balance among the various factors which affect 
their existence. In Section IV. it was shown clearly that the rate of growth is 



greater when the mussel is never exposed yet the sea mussel has not been found 
of recent years in the St. Andrews region below low-water datum. 

A consideration of the distribution of its chief predatory enemies shows how 
delicately adjusted is the balance determining the lower limit of the beds. Below 
low-water datum the mussels are constantly menaced by their enemies among the 
fish, and by the'starfish, sea-urchins and whelks. The mussels above low-water 
datum, when exposed by the tide, are entirely free from fish depredations and 
the menace from starfish, sea-urchins and whelks is at least greatly lessened. 
This weakening of the action of their enemies is sufficient to allow the mussels 
to form beds in the littoral zone, although there they must endure the detrimental 
effects of exposure between tides as well as the attacks of the Purpura and the 
occasional attacks of crows and gulls. The upper limit of the beds is evidently 
determined by the effect of exposure on the young mussel larvae since primarily 
the beds are formed by the development of the young mussels where they settle 
when leaving the free-swimming mode of life. Which is the detrimental factor 
acting during exposure that determines the death of the young mussel the writer 
has not investigated. It may be the action of light, heat (and consequent 
drying), or lack of food, etc., or the combinétion of all these. The upper limit 
of the beds is naturally not as sharply defined as the lower one since the protection 
against exposure is not equal in all locations and since also drifting mussels 
detached during storms may fasten themselves and survive above the upper 
limit at which the younger ones would be killed. 

In concluding, the writer wishes to-express her indebtedness to Professor A. 
G. Huntsman (under whose direction the work was undertaken) for many helpful 
suggestions during the conduct of the work, and to the various assistants at the 
Biological Station, particularly Capt. Mitchell and Engineer Bartlett, whose 
hearty co-operation was invaluable. 


1921. Contribution to the Biology of the Muttonfish, Zoarces anguillaris. 
Contributions to Canadian Biology, Ottawa (69), 1921. 
1915. Preliminary notes on the mollusca of St. Andrews and vicinity, New 
Brunswick. Contributions to Canadian Biology, 1911-1914, Fasci- 
culus 1, pp. 43-46. 
1911. The food value of sea mussels. Bulletin of U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, 
Vol. XXIX. (1909), 1911, pp. 85-128. 
1885. On the zoology of the invertebrate animals of Passamaquoddy Bay. 
Bulletin of the Natural History Society of New Brunswick, No. IV., 
pp. 87-97. 
1887. Marine mollusca of New Brunswick, Ibid., No. VI., pp. 17-61. 
1889. The economic mollusca of Acadia. Ibid., No. VIII., pp. 1-116. 



Gow Lp, A. A. 
1870. Report of the Invertebrata of Massachusetts. Second edition, edited 
by W. G. Binney, VIII+524 pp. 12 pl. Boston. 
HuntTsnMAN, A. G. 
1920. A letter to the writer under date January 10, 1920. 
Seorn, i TH: 
1901. Food of the sea-urchin (Strongylocentrotus drobachiensis). Con- 
tributions to Canadian Biology, 1901, pp. 49-54. 
1854. Synopsis of the Marine Invertebrata of Grand Manan, or the region 
about the mouth of the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Smithson- 
ian Contributions, Vol. VI., 1854. 
SuMNER, F. B. OsBurN, R. C., and Cote, L. J. 
1913. A biological survey of the waters of Woods Hole and vicinity. Bulletin 
of U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXXI., Part I., Sec. I., pp. 11- 
219; Part II., Sec. III., pp. 549-614. 
1878. Zur Fauna von Neu-Schottland (Nova Scotia) und Neu-Foundland. 
Jahr, der Deutschen Malak. Gesell, Vol. V., 1878, pp. 208-230. 
VERRILL, A. B. and SuitH, S. 1. 
1873. Report upon the invertebrate animals of Vineyard Sound and the 
adjacent waters with an account of the physical characters of the 
region. Report of the U.S. Fish Commission for 1871-72, pp. 295- 
778, pl. I1.-X XXVIII. 
WiLcocKs, J.C: 
1884. Improved Fishery Harbour accommodation for Great Britain and 
Ireland. Fisheries Exhibition Literature, Vol. IX. Prize Essays, 
Pt. II., 1884, pp. 1-113. 
WinLIS: J. JR. 
1863. List of Nova Scotian shells. Proceedings and Transactions of Nova 
Scotia Institute of Natural Science, Vol. VII., 1888-89, Part IV., 
pp. 419-428. 
1901. Catalogue of the Marine invertebrates of Eastern Canada. Geological 
Survey of Canada, Ottawa, 1901, pp. 271. 




Photographs of Mussels, illustrating the two types. 1 and 2, 
St. Andrews type from Passamaquoddy Bay: 3 and 4, Digby 
type from Loggieville, N.S. 

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No. Il 


Biologist to the Biological Board of Canada 

The Fishes of the Bay of Fundy. 

Biologist to the Biological Board of Canada. 

The Bay of Fundy is a peculiar body of water in a number of respects. 
From its broad opening into the Gulf of Maine, its rather straight sides con- 
verge towards its head, and at the same time the depths decrease considerably. 
It has, indeed, the shape of a half cone, considerably flattened out and with 
the plane surface horizontal. This shape lends itself to a very full development 
of the tidal oscillations, which has made it famous for its high tides. 

On its southeastern or Nova Scotian side are two very different bays. 
At its mouth and opening more properly. into the Gulf of Maine is St. Mary 
bay, a small edition of the Bay of Fundy itself, but with its symmetry disturbed 
somewhat by two lateral openings, Grand and Petit passages, in its outer half. 
Being so broadly open to the Gulf of Maine and having very little fresh water 
entering it, it scarcely presents estuarine conditions, and has throughout water 
of comparatively high salinity, with, in summer, the temperature steadily 
rising towards its head. The Annapolis basin, on the other hand, presents 
rather different conditions. Opening into the Bay of Fundy not far inward 
from the level of the head of St. Mary bay by a rather narrow but deep gut, 
and having as its natural prolongation to the northeast, parallel with the shore 
of the Bay of Fundy, the gradually narrowing Annapolis river, which drains a 
considerable area, it presents in its outer parts conditions not unlike those of 
St. Mary bay, but changing rather abruptly into the estuarine conditions of 
the Annapolis river. 

At its head the Bay of Fundy forks, one branch consisting in succession 
of Minas channel, Minas basin, and Cobequid bay, and the other of Chignecto 
bay, with two branches, Shepody bay and Cumberland basin. In these waters 
the tides are very heavy, and a rather gradual change to warm estuarine con- 
ditions occurs. 

On the northwest or New Brunswick side of the bay is an inlet, St. John 
harbour, through which the major portion of the fresh water entering the bay 
passes. This water comes from the St. John river, which exhibits a series of 
enlargements or extensions not far from its mouth, a narrow passage through 
the rock. These features result in the formation at the mouth of a falls revers- 
ing with the tide, the amount of water poured through the mouth not being 
sufficient to greatly alter the level of the water in the adjacent extensive reaches 
of the river. Some of these reaches, as for example the Kennebecasis bay, | 
are comparatively deep and the bottom water consists of. the densest water 
entering the river during the year. This permits of the development of a 
salt or brackish water below the nearly fresh water of the surface. 

At the mouth of the Bay of Fundy on its north side where New Brunswick 
and Maine meet is the inlet of Passamaquoddy bay, into which several rivers 
empty, the St. Croix being the largest. A large number of islands to a great 



extent block the mouth of this kay, and farther off are the Wolves islands and 
Grand Manan with its retinue of smaller islands. To this region has been 
given the name of Western archipelago. 

It is this part of the Bay of Fundy which has been most thoroughly investi- 
gated, the Canadian Atlantic Biological Station being located on the St. Croix 
river near the point where it opens out into Passamaquoddy bay. At the 
present time this region is virtually without certain important fishes whose 
life history requires easy access to fresh water. The shad, salmon, alewife, 
and striped bass are now quite rare, although they were formerly abundant 
(see Atkins, 1887, p. 700). The action of the heavy tides through the archi- 
pelago mixes the water rather thoroughly, and determines cool surface conditions. 
Warm water species are notably absent except as strays, for example, the pipe- 
fish, cunner, sand flounder (Lophopsetia), and butterfish (Poronotus). On the 
other hand deep water forms occur far into ‘the inlet and in shallow water. The 
wrymouth (Cryptacanthodes) lives in the intertidal zone, the rosefish and thorny 
skate go far into the St. Croix river, the hagfish (/yxine) enters Passamaquoddy 
bay, and the rat-tail (Macrourus) is sometimes found at the surface in the 
approaches to the bay. Another effect of the unusual conditions is the presence 
in this district regularly each year of enormous quantities of young herring, 
giving rise to the sardine fishery which is centred in the Western archipelago. 
In the outer waters of this district the young herring, and to some extent even 
the older herring, may be obtained throughout the year, an evidence of the 
equalness of the temperature. The rather peculiar character of the water seems 
to be associated with the practical absence of the larve of fishes having pelagic 
eggs, although many of the eggs themselves may be found more or less regu- 
larly. This fact demonstrates the failure of the district as a spawning ground 
for these species, which must occur, therefore, only as immigrants in stages 
later than larvee. As compared with other parts of the Canadian Atlantic 
coast, Passamaquoddy bay supports at least two invertebrates, whose proper 
home is farther south, these being the starfish, Asterias forbesi, and the Ascidian 
Caesira manhattensis. In the group of the fishes there are no particularly south- 
ern species that are endemic in the bay. On the contrary, it supports a northern 
form, Myoxocephalus scorpius, that is absent from the warmer bays of the coast. 

The Kennebecasis bay on the St. John river, some distance above the re- 
versing falls, presents conditions not occurring elsewhere around the Bay of 
Fundy. It is the only place where we have found the medusa Aglantha and the 
Amphipod Parathemisto breeding. It is interesting also that only here are the 
hake (Urophycis) to be found in the winter. They are fished regularly by hook 
and line through the ice as was related by Adams (1873, p. 256), who erroneously 
considered these hake to be Merluccius. Cod, grayfish (Squalus), and skate 
(Raia diaphanes) are sometimes taken with the hake. 

The bays or basins on the Nova Scotian side of the Bay of Fundy present 
warmer conditions than those on the New Brunswick side, particularly toward 
their heads. Correlated with this is the occurrence endemically in these Nova 
Scotian bays of such southern species as the hermit crab, Pagurus longicarpus, 
and the gastropod, I/yanassa obsoleta. In Minas basin live also the crab, Libinia 




emarginata, and the squid, Loligo pealei, that are not found elsewhere (except 
as immigrants in the case of the latter species) on the Canadian coast. Among 
the fishes there are several that appear to be endemic only on the Nova Scotian 
side of the bay. Only in St. Mary bay isthe cunner (7 autogolabrus) to be found 
in abundance and of all sizes. The occurrence of young pipefish (Syngnathus) 
in the Annapolis river affords ground for presuming that that species is a regular 
resident of the Annapolis basin at least. The butterfish (Poronotus) and the 
sand flounder (Lophopsetta) seem to be permanent inhabitants of the basins 
on the Nova Scotian side of the bay, and doubtless breed successfully there, 
as both small and large individuals are found. 

In the Bay of Fundy proper, that is, the main portion exclusive of the 
tributary waters, the fish fauna shows on the whole what would be expected 
from its long funnel shape, namely, a change from open salt water forms at 
its mouth to brackish water forms at its head. The outer deep water basin 
with a depth of more than fifty fathoms ends at the level of the mouth of the 
St. John river, and the large catches of the important bottom-feeding salt water 
fishes, namely the cod, haddock and hake (Urophycis), are restricted to the 
shoal water bordering this deep basin, the catches decreasing rather abruptly 
above this basin. All three species are caught, nevertheless, quite to the head 
of the bay. On the other hand, the halibut that enter the bay exhibit a different 
distribution. A moderate number reach Grand Manan, but with this exception 
they are virtually absent from the New Brunswick shore. On the Nova Scotian 
side they are taken from the mouth of the bay to Minas channel, although 
above Digby the quantity taken is small. 

Of the fishes that feed in midwater or near the surface, the pollock and 
herring are the only ones occurring in large quantities. They are taken principally 
in the tide rips of the Western Archipelago and of the mouth of St. Mary bay. 
Moderate quantities are to be obtained quite to the head of the bay. The 
swordfish scarcely enters the bay. The tuna is an uncertain immigrant oc- 
curring most frequently on the Nova Scotian side, and only rarely on the New 
Brunswick shore. The mackerel enters the bay fairly regularly but is almost 
wholly confined to the Nova Scotian coast and is of quite uncertain local oc- 
currence even there. As compared with the mouth of the bay or the exposed 
coast it is usually taken in as great or even greater abundance far up the bay 
or inside the basins. The grayfish (Squalus) has a somewhat similar distribution, 
but invades the waters of the New Brunswick coast more regularly than does 
the mackerel. 

Of the fishes spawning in fresh water only two, namely the salmon and 
the shad, enter the Bay of Fundy proper to any extent. The bass, alewife, 
smelt and tomcod scarcely pass out of the estuaries. The shad and the salmon 
migrate out into the salt water of the bay, the latter going considerably farther 
than the former. Their distribution in the bay is in relation to the rivers from 
which they come. On the New Brunswick side the chief river is the St. John. 
From its mouth the salmon and shad are distributed along the coast for some 
distance to the southwest, but it is the exception for many even of the salmon 
to be taken beyond Point Lepreau. They are, practically speaking, absent 



to the northeast. In Chignecto bay at the head of the Bay of Fundy occur 
the salmon originating in its tributary rivers. These salmon are most abundant 
on the southeast or Cumberland shore, and perhaps even migrate to some 
extent around Cape Chignecto into Minas channel. The Minas basin system 
furnishes a large number of both salmon and shad. The latter are caught as 
far out as Minas channel, but the former go much farther, being taken along 
the coast of Kings and Annapolis counties, apparently as far at times as Digby 
gut. The majority of these outside of fresh water are taken on the north shore 
of Cobequid bay, and on the south shore of Minas channel and its continuation 
in the Bay of Fundy, that is, the coast of Kings county. The salmon of the 
Annapolis basin are taken in salt water principally along the coast of Digby 
county southwest from Digby gut. 

There is evidently a distinct tendency for the salmon and shad to spread 
along the coast oceanward from the mouth of the estuary, that is in the Bay 
of Fundy to the southwest toward the Gulf of Maine. 

Although our knowledge on this point is far from complete, it is already 
evident that a large proportion of the species of fishes occurring in the Bay of 
Fundy do not pass through their entire life history in that bay and its tributary 
waters, and may therefore be considered as immigrants. Each species presents 
a more or less special case, but we may make a provisional classification of all 
the species on this basis. Such a classification is admittedly artificial and 
subject to revision. 

A. Species endemic in the Bay of Fundy and its tributary waters. 

1.. Species endemic in the Western Archipelago and its tributary waters. 
Apeltes, Aspidophoroides, Clupea, Coregonus, Cryptacanthodes, Cyclopterus, 
Fundulus, Gasterosteus aculeatus_and bispinosus, Hemitripterus, Liopsetta, Liparts, 
Lumpenus, Menidia, Microgadus, Morone, Myoxocephalus aeneus and scorpius, 
Myxine, Neoliparis, Osmerus, Petromyzon, Pholis, Pomolobus pseudoharengus, 
Pseudopleuronectes, Pungitius, Salmo, Salvelinus, Sebastes, Ulvaria, and Zoarces. 
31 species. 

2. Species occurring, if at all, in the Western Archipelago only as immi- 
grants: j 

Actpenser, Alosa, Lophopsetta, Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus, Pomolobus 
aestivalis, Poronotus, Raia erinacea, Roccus, Syngnathus, and Tautogolabrus. 
10 species. 

B. Immigrants in the Bay of Fundy. 

1. Decidedly northern species: 

Anarhichas minor, Cetorhinus, Eumicrotremus, Gymnocanthus, Mallotus, Somni- 
osus, and Triglops. 7 species. 

2. Species endemic in the latitude of the Bay of Fundy: 

Ammodytes, Anarhichas lupus, Brosmius, Enchelyopus, Gadus, Glyptocephalus, 
Hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus, Isurus, Limanda, Lophius,:Lycodes, Macrourus, 
Maurolicus, Melanogrammus, Merluccius, Pollachius, Raia diaphanes, radiata, 
and stabuliforis, Scomber, Scomberesox, Squalus, Thunnus, Urophycis tenuis and 
chuss, Vulpecula, and Xiphias. 28 species. 



3. Decidedly southern species. 
Albula, Anguilla, Archosargus, Brevoortia, Carcharias, Car oon, Galeorhinus, 
Mola, ore medtocris, Prionotus, Stenotomus, and Tautoga. 12 species. 

In the following account of the various species we give in brief form the 
present knowledge of their distribution in the Bay of Fundy, and of their oc- 
currence at various stages in their life history, as well as an indication of the gear 
by which the adults may be taken. Very little has been published concerning 
the fishes of the Bay of Fundy, therefore this account is mainly based upon 
the investigations that have been made from the Canadian Atlantic Biological 
Station at St. Andrews, New Brunswick. Only the waters within easy reach 
from the Station have been at all thoroughly examined, and they are the same 
as those whose fish fauna has been made known through the labours of collectors 
of the United States Fish Commission with Eastport, Maine, as a base. The 
fishes of the remainder of the bay are known to us largely through special ex- 
peditions from the Station, namely, that in August and September, 1916, to 
St. Mary bay, Yarmouth, St. John and the Annapolis basin; that in the summer 
of 1919 to St. Mary bay; and that in September, 1920, to Minas channel and 
basin. To Professor Philip Cox, of Fredericton is due the credit for identifica- 
tion of much of the material that has been collected as well as for an active 
share in its collection, and to Mr. A. H. Leim of the University of Toronto 
we are indebted for information as to the species taken in the weirs at Scotsman 
bay, Minas channel, where he was engaged in a study of the shad during the 
summer of 1920. Through the courtesy of Mr. W. A. Found, Assistant Deputy 
Minister of Fisheries, Department of Marine and Fisheries, we have been able 
to obtain from the Fishery Officers specimens of fishes from their respective 
districts. We may mention Mr. B. B. Brittain. of St. John, Captain Edward 
Chute, of Harbourville, Kings County, N.S., Mr. J. G. D’Entremont, of Pubnico, 
Yarmouth County, N.S.; Mr. W. A. Fraser, of Grand Manan, and Mr. T. C. 
Rose, of Urbania, Hants county, N.S. 

Myxine limosa, Girard. 

Not uncommon on soft mud bottom and rather deep water in the Bay of 
Fundy. It has been recorded from Grand Manan (Putnam, 1874, p. 129% 
Goode and Bean, 1895, p. 3) and from Eastport (Kendall, 1908, p. 1). From 
a number of records we may mention the following: Off Head harbour, Cam- 
pobello island, 60 fathoms, August, 1911; off Fish head, Grand Manan, June, 
1912; off Bliss island, 35 fathoms, July, 1912; off Campobello island, 50 fathoms, 
January and February, 1919; Passamaquoddy bay, 18 fathoms, April 16, 1919. 
The egg has been obtained off Campobello island, but no young have been seen. 

Petromyzon marinus, L. 

Not seen very often. Perley (1852, p. 225) gives it for the St. John river, 
and Cox (1898, p. 42) described it as occurring on squirrel-hake in Kennebecasis 
bay. Mr. Leim has found the larve very abundant in the Shubenacadie river. 
Dr. Cox has obtained the adults in the Passamaquoddy region, and Kendall 
(1908, p. 1) records it from Eastport. 

Galeorhinus laevis (Valmont) 
syn. Mustelis canis. 

A single specimen was taken on a long line in the St. Croix river near the 
Biological Station in July, 1918. An immigrant from the south. 

Vulpecula marina, Valmont 

syn. Alopias vulpes. 

Perley (1852, p. 222) mentions it as frequent in Cumberland and Minas 
basins, and Kendall (1908, p. 6) records it from Eastport. 

Carcharias taurus, Raf. 
syn. C. littoralis. 

Taken in a weir near St. Andrews, Passamaquoddy bay, in 1913. A stray 
from the south. 

TIsurus (Lamna) nasus (Bonn.) 
syn. Lamna cornubica. 

Reported from Passamaquoddy bay by Prince and MacKay (1901). 

Carcharodon carcharias (L.) 

Goode (1884, p. 679) has reported it from Eastport. 

Cetorinus maximus (Gunn.) 

Perley (1852, p. 222) reported a specimen taken off Musquash harbour, 
St. John county, in August, 1851, and Verrill (1871, p. 6) reported three specimens 
as having been taken near Eastport and Lubec in 1868. 

Sgualus acanthias, L. 

Of somewhat uncertain occurrence and few in number in Passamaquoddy 
bay, not being found every year. Appears fron the end of July to the end of 
August (by the first of July in the Bay of Fundy) and leaves by the end of 
October. Only adults are seen. The females contain eggs in an early stage, 
or well developed young with the yolk not yet all absorbed, but no intermediate 
stages. More abundant in the Bay of Fundy, particularly on the east coast. 
Observed in Minas channel, at Harbourville, Kings County, in St. Mary bay, 
and at Port Maitland, Yarmouth County. As none smaller than a length of 
56 cm. has been observed, there is nothing to indicate that it breeds in the 
Bay of Fundy. Taken on long lines and in gill nets. 

Somniosus microcephalus (Bl. & Schn.) . 

Kendall (1908, p. 10) has reported this species from Eastport. Dr. Cox | 
obtained two specimens in 1915, one from a weir in Passamaquoddy bay, and 
the other from long lines set in the North channel off Campobello island during 
the first week in June. An immigrant from the north. 


Raia erinacea, Mitchill. 

Very abundant in the Bay of Fundy and Passamaquoddy bay, occurring 
in the latter from May to December or even January, and in the Bay of Fundy 
somewhat longer. Young skates have never been found in Passamaquoddy 
bay, but what appear to be the young of this species have been taken just out- 
side Passamaquoddy bay off Campobello island in 50 fathoms, although only 
during February and March. Similar young skates were taken in Minas chan- 
nel in September, 1920. Doubtless the head of the Bay of Fundy is a breeding 
ground from which the young descend toward the mouth of the bay during 
winter. Taken in seines, weirs, shrimp and beam trawls and on long lines. 
Also observed in Minas channel and basin, at Harbourville, Kings County, and 
in Annapolis basin and St. Mary bay. Perley (1852, p. 225) reported it from 
Grand Manan. 

Raia diaphanes Mitchill. 
syn. R. ocellata. 

Abundant both in the Bay of Fundy and Passamaquoddy bay, occurring 
in the latter from May until November. No young are seen, but the half 
grown are difficult to separate from R. erinacea. Taken in weirs and shrimp 
trawl, and on long lines. Also in Minas channel and St. Mary bay. 

Raia radiata, Donovan. 

Frequently taken with the other skates in Passamaquoddy bay from May 
to November, but never in shallow water, always in depths of 10 fathoms or 
more. It seems to remain in the Bay of Fundy throughout the winter, as we 
obtained it off Campobello island in February and March of 1919, the only 
adult skates which we secured at that time of the year. Captured in the shrimp 
trawl and on long lines. We have also taken it in St. Mary bay, but only in 
the deeper water (20 to 30 fathoms). No young, identified as this species, 
have been taken. Cox (1896 a, p. 75) reports having obtained it off St. Martins 
in St. John county, near the head of the Bay of Fundy. 

Raia stabuliforis, Garman 
syn. R. laevis Mitchill. 

Adults of this species are never abundant, but are found very generally 
in Passamaquoddy bay and the Bay of Fundy. In the former they are to be 
found from May until November, and somewhat longer in the latter. No young 
have been found. Taken in weirs and shrimp trawl, and on long lines, or 
captured almost stranded by the ebbing tide in shallow water. Also taken in 
Minas basin and channel, at Morden, Kings county, and in St. Mary bay. 
Jones (1879, p.97) with Gilpin as authority, reported it from the Nova Scotian 
coast in the Bay of Fundy, and Perley (1852, p. 224) gave near the eastern end 
of Campobello island and the Annapolis basin as localities for its occurrence. 



Acipenser sturio, L. 

In the St. John river and doubtless in the rivers at the head of the Bay of 
Fundy. Mr. Leim observed two small sturgeons, doubtless of this species, 
taken in Scotsman bay, Minas channel, in 1920. They are known also in the 
Annapolis river, which they are said to ascend as far as Middleton. 

Anguilla chrisypa, Raf. 

Elvers have been taken in the open water of Passamaquoddy bay in April 
and are found ascending the streams during the summer. The adults are 
common in all the accessible fresh waters and in much of the brackish water, 
but are rarely taken in the salt water. This is well shown by the results of our 
comprehensive operations in St. Mary bay in 1919. While elvers— 6 cm. long— 
were obtained at Sandy cove and Brighton, the adults were taken only at the 
head of tide in the Sissibou river and in the stream at Little River. Also in 
St. John and Annapolis rivers and at Pubnico, Yarmouth county. 

Albula vulpes (L.) 

Recorded by Halkett (1913, p. 45) from Black’s Harbour in Charlotte 
county. Doubtless a Gulf Stream immigrant. 

Clupea harengus, L. 

Common nearly everywhere in the bay, the young passing far up the estu- 
aries. The young, known as sardines, are extremely abundant near the mouth 
of the bay, but chiefly on the New Brunswick side, and centreing in the Western 
Archipelago. Spawning at the present time seems to be limited to the autumn, 
and to take place at the mouth of the bay (Grand Manan and southern Nova 
Scotia) and at its head in Minas basin. The adults are largely restricted to 
the same region. The young leave Passamaquoddy bay during the winter, 
but may be taken just outside in the Bay of Fundy all winter, as may also 
the adults. Taken in seines, weirs, gill nets and shrimp trawl. 

Pomolobus mediocris (Mitchill) 

Perley (1852) reported this species from near Campobello island, but we 
have never observed it. A doubtful record. 

Pomolobus pseudoharengus (Wilson) 

Abundant at some points, but restricted to the neighbourhood of rivers 
suitable for spawning. The young are frequently met with, and appear to 
travel far in salt water, as we have taken them in water 50 fathoms deep, off 
Campobello island in December of 1917, and again in March of 1919. Rare 
in Passamaquoddy bay at the present time. Taken also at St. John, in Kenne- 
becasis bay; in Minas channel, at Harbourville, Kings county; in Annapolis 
basin and St. Mary bay; and at Port Maitland and Yarmouth. Taken in 
seines, weirs, gill nets, and shrimp trawl. 



Pomolobus aestivalis (Mitchill). 

Seemingly restricted to the larger rivers. Cox has found it in the St. John 
river, and we have had specimens from St. John harbour and the Shubenacadie 
river. However, Bensley (1901, p. 61) has reported it doubtfully from Passa- 
maquoddy bay, and Kendall (1908, p. 39) has recorded it from Eastport in 
two collections. 

Alosa sapidissima (Wilson) 

Spawning in the large accessible rivers, as the St. John, Petitcodiac, Shu- 
benacadie and Annapolis, its distribution in salt water being restricted largely 
to the regions near the mouths of these rivers. Rarely taken in Passamaquoddy 
bay, where it must be considered as a stray from the St. John, whose fishery 
does not extend beyond the border of the county at Lepreau. The shad from 
the Shubenacadie and neighbouring rivers go to sea for a greater distance, 
probably owing to the peculiar hydrographic conditions at the head of the bay. 
The fishery extends through Minas basin and channel to the Annapolis county 
line or farther. Taken in gill nets and weirs. Formerly in the St. Croix river 

(Atkins, 1887, p. 700). : 

Brevoortia tyrrannus (Latrobe). 

Perley (1852, p. 208) referred to this species being sometimes taken in the 
weirs in St. John harbour, and in 1919 we received from Overseer Brittain a 
specimen of this species taken in that harbour on August 12th. We have never 
seen it in the Western Archipelago. Kendall (1908, p. 40) gives Goode, 1877, 
as authority for its occurrence in Passamaquoddy bay, which seems at variance 
with Goode’s account of the species in 1884. An immigrant from the south. 
Coregonus quadrilateralis, Richardson. 

Two specimens of a Coregonus doubtfully identified as this species by Dr. 
Cox, were seined in mid-channel at the mouth of the Sissibou river, St. Mary 
bay, on September 8, 1919. In James and Husdon bays it is customary to find 
whitefish and ciscos in brackish or salt water, but this appears to be the first 
recorded instance of this kind for our Atlantic coast. 

Oncorhyncus gorbuscha (Walbaum). 

This Pacific species has been introduced by the United States Bureau of 
Fisheries into the waters of northern New England. The fish have been ob- 
served at Lubec and in Cobscook bay (Fisheries Service Bulletin, No. 67, 1920). 
Humpback salmon were reported to have been taken in weirs in Passamaquoddy 
bay, both in 1919 and in 1920, but we were unable to secure any specimens for 

Salmo salar L. 

Its abundance in the salt water is determined by the proximity of a river 
system suitable for spawning. Now rare in the Western Archipelago since- 
the damming of the St. Croix river, the few that are taken being doubtless 



strays from the St. John river or escaped fish from the landlocked form that is 
to be fouad in the Chamcook and other lakes of the district. The St. John 
river provides a fishery along the coast of the Bay of Fundy chiefly to the south 
west from St. John harbour. The rivers of Minas basin provide a fishery not 
only in the basin, but through Minas gut into Minas channel and down the 
coast of Kings and Annapolis counties. The sea fishery provided by the Anna- 
polis river is relatively unimportant. 

Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill). 

Abundant in many of the streams around the bay. We have never obtained 
it in the salt or brackish water around the Bay of Fundy, as it may be obtained 
in the southern part of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 

Mallotus villosus (Miiller). 

Of very irregular occurrence in the Bay of Fundy. Perley in his investi- 
gations of the Bay of Fundy obtained reports (1852, p. 136 and 1388) of its 
occurrence on the coast of St. John county, at a number of points all east of 
St. John. None have been taken there in recent years although the tradition 

In the Western Archipelago we have obtained several records in recent 
years. In May, 1915, and again in October, 1916, a few were taken among 
small herring in the approaches to Passamaquoddy bay. In October and Novem- 
ber of the latter year, they were taken in rather large numbers in the herring 
weirs in the Passamaquoddy region (Kendall, 1917, p. 28). From fishery 
officers reports of their occurrence about that time at a number of points along 
the coast of Charlotte county, but not at Grand Manan island, have been 
obtained. The only other part of the Bay of Fundy where they were noticed 
was the coast of Kings county, where large quantities are said to have been 
taken in May and June of 1917, but not in 1918. 

In January, February and March of 1919, we obtained a number of specimens 
with the shrimp trawl in water 50 fathoms deep off Campobello island, Char- 
lotte county, and in April of that year, Kendall (1919, p. 70) records that they 
were taken in the Penobscot river in southern Maine. 

As the capelin must be considered as invading the Bay of Fundy from the 
outer coast of Nova Scotia and entering the bay at its mouth on the Nova 
Scotian side, it would be expected that they should occur more frequently in 
Yarmouth and Digby counties. Perley (1852, p. 164) states: ‘No capelin has 
ever been seen at Brier Island.’’ The fishery officers of those counties informed 
me in 1919 that no capelin are taken there. However, for the season of 1903 the 
Digby reporter for the Fisheries Intelligence Bureau stated that “Caplin were 
reported in good fishing on May 22,” (36th Ann. Rep. Dep. Mar. and Fish. 

Fisheries, p. 307). 
Osmerus mordax, (Mitchill). 
Found generally around the shores of the bay, but not abundant. It is 

restricted to a very narrow shore zone, and is further limited by lack of suitable 
streams for spawning. We have obtained it not only around Passamaquoddy 



bay, but also at the following places: outside St. John harbour, in Kennebecasis 
bay above St. John, in Minas channel, Annapolis basin, and St. Mary bay, 
and at Yarmouth. It is also landlocked in Chamcook and Utopia lakes, which 
drain into Passamaquoddy bay. Taken in seines, weirs, gill nets and shrimp 

Maurolicus pennanti (Walbaum). 

Has been recorded from Grand Manan by Cox (1896 b, p. 55) and again 
by Prince (1918, p. 1143 and 1144). From Dr. Cox we have also obtained 
additional records, namely, from stomach of pollock at Welchpool, July 13, 
1914, and on the beach at Wilson’s Beach, July 27, 1914—both on Campobello 
island. An immigrant from the midwater of the northern Atlantic. 

Fundulus heteroclitus (L.) 

Restricted to brackish water and hence not very common in the Bay of 
Fundy. It can be obtained usually in the brackish tidal pools, as at St. Andrews. 
Also in Annapolis basin and St. Mary bay. The variety macrolepidotus has 
been reported by Cox (1896 a, p. 56, as F. nigrofasciatus) from the mouth of 
Little river, St. John county. 

Scomberesox saurus (Walbaum). 
Recorded by Cox (1896 a, p. 60) as having been taken in the vicinity of 
of St. Stephen. This would mean somewhere in the Western Archipelago. 

We have not met with it. It has been found off southern Maine. An immi- 
grant from the open ocean. 

Pungitius pungitius (L.) 

For the most part restricted to brackish and fresh water and consequently 
rarely seen along most of the coast. Chiefly in ponds or in streams in the 
intertidal zone. Taken in Passamaquoddy bay, and also in St. Mary bay. 
Doubtless very general as no fish is more widespread in distribution in Canada. 

Gasterosteus aculeatus, L. 

Practically restricted to the brackish water, but occurring occasionally 
in the saltest water, but always near the shore and near an estuary. Also 
outside St. John harbour, in Kennebecasis bay and St. Mary bay, and at Yar- 

Gasterosteus bispinosus, Walbaum. 

Often in company with the preceding species in Passamaquoddy and St. 
Mary bays. 

A peltes quadracus (Mitchill). 
Restricted to the brackish water and therefore rarely met with. In the 

estuaries of Passamaquoddy bay, in Kennebecasis bay, St. John, and in St. 
Mary bay. Taken in the seine. 


Syngnathus fuscus, Storer. 

Adults have been taken on several occasions at the outlet of Passamaquoddy 
bay, near Campobello island, and also in Passamaquoddy bay:—Wilson’s 
Beach, autumn of 1912; Bocabec, July 4, 1912. Kendall (1908, p. 65) has 
reported this species from Eastport and notes the large size of the specimen 
found. No young have been found, and only very large individuals ever reach 
the district from their successful breeding grounds. However, we obtained 
the very young in the Annapolis basin in 1916. This and other estuaries of 
the east coast of the bay are doubtless breeding centres for this species.* 

Menidia notata (Mitchill). 

Largely restricted to brackish water and hence not very common. In 
the Western Archipelago we have only found it in warm, brackish, tidal pools. 
Elsewhere not so restricted. At St. John—outside the harbour (Sheldon’s 
beach), and in Kennebecasis bay. In the Annapolis basin—at Goat island 
and above Annapolis. In St. Mary bay—at Brighton and in the Sissibou 
river. i 

Ammodytes americanus, DeKay. 

Rather uncommon in the Bay of Fundy, probably from lack of suitable 
sandy coast. We found it abundant at Woodward’s cove, Grand Manan, and 
a single specimen has been taken at the Atlantic Biological Station in the St. 
Croix river. Kendall (1908, p. 70) has taken it near Eastport. We have also 
obtained it in St. Mary bay. Taken by hand at low tide and in the seine. 

Scomber scombrus, L. 

Usually only a few individuals are seen each season in the Western Archi- 
pelago. They enter Passamaquoddy bay. On the east coast of the Bay of 
Fundy they are more regularly seen and frequently in very large numbers. They 
pass far up to the head of the bay and even to the New Brunswick side. A 
summer immigrant, usually from June to August. No larve have been found. 
The young (tinkers) occur in St. Mary bay and at Yarmouth. Eggs have not 
been found in the Western Archipelago, but only in the Annapolis river. It is 
doubtful whether any successful breeding takes place in the Bay of Fundy. 
Taken in weirs and gill nets. Specimens examined from Passamaquoddy bay, 
Harbourville, Kings county, St. Mary bay and Port Maitland. 

Thunnus thynnus (L.) 

An immigrant from the open ocean that appears in summer. It is fairly 
regular in its appearance on the Nova Scotian side of the Bay of Fundy near 
the mouth. It is occasionally seen in Passamaquoddy bay, where we have 
observed it, and Kendall (1908, p. 73) has obtained it near Eastport. 

*In August of 1921 Mr. Leim took both adults and young at Bass River in Cobequid bay. 



Xiphias gladius, L. 
Its fishery ends in Yarmouth county, and it rarely, if ever, enters the Bay 
of Fundy. 

Poronotus triacanthus (Peck). 

Found occasionally in the Bay of Fundy and Passamaquoddy bay, but not 
every season, and only in the half grown state. Large spawning individuals 
have been taken in St. Mary bay in July. The larve have not been observed. 
Caught in the weirs. Bensley (1901, p. 62) has reported it from Passamaquoddy 
bay, Kendall (1908, p. 88) from Eastport, Cox (1896 a, p. 59) from St. John 
harbour, and Goode and Bean (1879, p. 16) from the Annapolis basin, where 
also we took it in 1916. Also from Scotsman bay and Canada Creek, Kings 
county, and Lobster bay, Yarmouth county. It is more abundant on the 
Nova Scotian side of the bay and doubtless breeds there. 

Roccus linealus (Bloch) 

Confined to the large warm estuaries and the neighbouring fresh water— 
namely, the St. John, Shubenacadie, and Annapolis rivers with the adjacent 
estuaries. We have never seen it in the Western Archipelago, although Atkins 
(1887, p. 700) reports it as formerly abundant in the St. Croix river. 

Morone americana (Gmelin). 

In the Bay of Fundy region this species seems to be entirely land-locked, 
occurring only in fresh water. It is abundant in Bocabec lake, which drains 
into Passamaquoddy bay, and Perley has reported it (1852, p. 182) as occurring 
in many of the lakes and streams connected with the St. John river. Kendall 
(1908, p. 97) has taken it near Eastport. 

Stenotomus chrysops (L.) 

Knight (1867, p. 12) gives a hearsay report that ‘‘porgies are occasionally 
seen in St. Mary’s bay,’’ and Kendall (1908, p. 103) has reported it from East- 
port. We have not met with it. An immigrant from the south. 

Archosargus probatocephalus (Walbaum). 

A coastal fish of the southern States that has been reported by Cox (1896 a, 
p. 71) from St. John harbour. 

Tautogolabrus adspersus (Walbaum) 

Very common and of all sizes in St. Mary bay, which must be a successful 
breeding place and centre of dispersal. Known to the fishermen in Annapolis 
basin, but not common, and taken only on lines, no small specimens being seen. 
Not known to the fishermen in the Western Archipelago and very rare, only 
very large specimens occurring there occasionally (Grand Manan and St. Croix 
river). The eggs have been taken in Passamaquoddy bay, but no larve have 
been found. Taken in seine, lobster and hoop traps, gill nets, shrimp and beam 
trawls, weirs and on long lines. Also from Pubnico harbour, Yarmouth county. 



Tautoga onitis (L.) 

Recorded by Perley (1852, p. 191) as having been introduced into St. John 
harbour, but it is not known there now. Except for a single specimen taken 
in Passamaquoddy bay in 1909 or 1910, there is no evidence of its normally 
entering the Fundy region. 

Mola mola, Linn. 

The fish has never been observed in the Bay of Fundy in the work carried 
on by the Atlantic Biological Station. Cox (1896 a, p. 75) has reported it from 
St. John harbour. It must only very rarely enter the Bay. 

Sehastes marinus (L.) 

Quite common and of all sizes in the Bay of Fundy, Passamaquoddy bay, 
and the St: Croix river, at depths of five fathoms or more, the females frequently 
found with eggs containing eyed young. The spawning individuals at least 
move out into deep water in the latter part of the summer, when the larve can 
be found at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy and up its centre for some distance. 
This fish is not abundant enough for the records to be conclusive, but the latter 
indicate that the adults may be in Passamaquoddy bay from April to December, 
and longer outside. The young may remain in both places throughout the year. 
Caught on long lines and in the shrimp trawl. Reported by Perley (1852, p. 
184) to the east of St. John, and we found it in 1919 in St. Mary bay. Also 
at Grand Manan and off Seal island, N.S. 

Triglops ommatistius, Gilbert. 

We obtained several specimens of this species in April and July 1919, in 
Passamaquoddy bay, with the shrimp trawl in about 15 fathoms of water, but 
otherwise we have not seen it. An immigrant from the north. 

Myoxocephalus aeneus, (Mitchill). 

Common in shallow water in the Bay of Fundy and at the mouth of Passa- 
maquoddy bay, but véry rare in as far as St. Andrews. All sizes are found. 
Common in St. Mary bay and the Annapolis basin, but rare in Minas basin, 
although both adults and young were found. Taken in the seine and shrimp 

Myoxocephalus scorpius (L.) 

syn. M. groenlandicus. 

Very common in shallow water everywhere and of all sizes. Large indi- 
viduals are occasionally taken in depths as great as 15 fathoms. A half-grown 
individual was taken in 50 fathoms off Campobello island in February, 1919. 
The only fish remaining near the shore during the coldest part of the year. 
The larve are found as early as February and on through the spring. Taken 
in weirs, seine, and gill net, and on long lines. We have taken it in the Anna- 
polis basin and St. Mary bay, and at Yarmouth; also at St. John, N. B. and 
Abbott’s harbour, near Yarmouth, N.S. It does not occur at the head of the 
bay where collections were made east and west of Cape Blomidon. 



Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus (Mitchill). 

Very common in the Bay of Fundy and in Passamaquoddy bay during 
the summer in shallow water, and abundantly at moderate depths where the 
previous species is rare or absent. The young have never been observed in 
the Western Archipelago, but have been taken in the Annapolis basin and Minas 
channel. It must in the western part of the bay be considered as a regular 
immigrant. It remains in Passamaquoddy bay very late in the autumn, and 
a few even appear to stay through the winter.. The half grown appear in Passa- 
maquoddy bay and just outside in some years at least during the winter, although 
during the summer it is practically the adults alone that are taken. Caught in 
the seine, gill nets, shrimp and beam trawls, weirs, and on long lines. Observed 
also in Minas channel, at Canada Creek, Kings county, and in Annapolis basin 
and St. Mary bay. 

Gymnocanthus tricuspis (Reinh.) 
Kendall (1908, p. 124) has reported it from Eastport. A stray from the 

_Hemitripterus americanus (Gmelin). 

All sizes from very small ones (4.6 cm. or even less) up are found, but not 
in large numbers, both in the Bay of Fundy and in Passamaquoddy bay in sum- 
mer. The recently hatched young have not been observed. Taken in the seine, 
weirs and shrimp trawl, and on long lines. Also found in Minas channel (the 
very young in Minas basin), at Harbourville, Kings county, in the Annapolis 
basin and St. Mary bay, and at Yarmouth. Cox (1896 a, p. 40) states that it is 
by no means rare in St. John harbour. 

Aspidophoroides monopterygius (Bloch). 

Found occasionally in the Bay of Fundy and in Passamaquoddy bay, 
being taken in the shrimp and beam trawls in from 15 to 100 fathoms. The 
larve occur in Passamaquoddy bay from April to June at least. Kendall 
(1908, p. 125) has reported it in two collections from Eastport. 

Cyclopterus lumpus, Linn. 

Very abundant in all stages both in the Bay of Fundy and in Passamaquoddy 
bay in or near floating masses of rockweed and near shore. Taken in the herring 
weirs, with the seine and by hand. Found also at St. John, Canada Creek, 
Kings county, in St. Mary bay and at Yarmouth. Halkett (1907, p. 340) also 
has reported it from St. John harbour, Cox (1920, p. 7) from Passaniaquoddy 
bay and St. John harbour, Kendall (1908, p. 126) from Eastport, and Perley 
(1852) from Grand Manan. 

Eumicrotremus spinosus (Miiller). 

Putnam (1874, p. 338) has mentioned having seen specimens from Eastport; 
and Garman (1892, p. 35) has figured a specimen taken at the same point. 
A stray from the north. 



Neoliparis atlanticus, J. & E. 

Rather common in both the Bay of Fundy and Passamaquoddy bay, often 
found clinging to lobster pots. The larve have been observed in Passama- | 
quoddy bay in April. 

Liparis liparis (L.) 

Not uncommon in the Bay of Fundy to a depth of one hundred fathoms 
and in Passamaquoddy bay in as shallow water as five fathoms, but not yet 
observed in the larval stage. “Taken in the dredge and shrimp trawl. Kendall 
(1908, p. 127) found it near Eastport and Cox (1896 b, p. 55) received a specimen 
from Grand Manan. 

Prionotus carolinus (L.) 
The only record is that of a single specimen obtained at Campobello island 
in August, 1911. A stray from the south. 

Pholis gunnellus (L.) 

5 Abundant at all stages in shallow water both in the Bay of Fundy and in 
Passamaquoddy bay. The larve are obtained in the early summer. Also 
taken in Minas ard Annapolis basins, St. Mary bay, and Lobster bay, Yar- 
mouth county. Captured by hand at low tide, and in the seine. (Cox, 1896 a, 
p. 59) found it in St. John harbour. 

Lumpenus serpentinus (Storer). 

In 1919 it was taken with the shrimp trawl in the Bay of Fundy beginning 
in January, and in Passamaquoddy bay from April to August. It was found 
in St. Mary bay-in August and September of the same year. Also taken in 
the beam trawl. Larvae identified by Dr. Cox as belonging to this species have 
been taken in April. Kendall (1908, p. 133) has recorded the species from 

Ulvaria subbtfurcata (Storer). 

Common among seaweed on rocky shores in the Bay of Fundy, but only 
rarely found in Passamaquoddy bay. Captured by hand at low tide and in 
the seine.’ Also observed in St. Mary bay. 

Cryptacanthodes maculatus, Storer. 

Occasionally taken on long lines in the Bay of Fundy at considerable depths. 
Also found living in burrows in soft mud flats in the lower part of the intertidal 
zone at the mouth of the Magaguadavic river in Passamaquoddy bay. The 
larve have been taken in the latter bay in the early spring. Reported from 
St. John harbour by Cox (1896 a, p. 39) and again by Halkett (1907, p. 340). 

Anarhichas minor, Olafsen. 
Goode and Bean (1895, p. 301) have reported this species from Eastport. 



Anarhichas lupus, L. 

Not uncommon at Grand Manan, and occasionally at Campobello island. 
The young have not been seen. Also off Seal island, Yarmouth county. Taken 
on long lines. Kendall:(1908, p. 135) lists 1t from Eastport. 

Zoarces anguillaris (Peck). 

Common at all stages in Passamaquoddy bay and the Bay of Fundy, being 
found on hard bottom from moderately deep water to the intertidal zone, where 
the younger individuals in particular can be found lurking under rocks. It 
leaves Passamaquoddy bay for deeper water by October or the beginning of 
November, breeding during its absence. The very young are obtained in the 
spring. The adults appear at the same time, just outside the bay in April and 
inside the bay in May. Taken by hand at low tide, on long lines, in lobster 
pots, and in the shrimp and beam trawls. Also observed in Minas channel 
and basin, and at Canada Creek, Kings county. 

Lycodes verrillii, Goode & Bean. 

Obtained with the shrimp trawl in the Bay of Fundy off the approach to 
Passamaquoddy bay in April and May of 1919, in from 35 to 50 fathoms on a 
muddy bottom, but evidently quite rare. 

Merluccius bilinearis (Mitchill). 

Common in midwater and near shore both in the Bay of Fundy and in 
Passamaquoddy bay at all stages from yearlings on, but varying greatly in 
abundance from year to year. The spent adults enter the Bay in late summer 
and frequently strand on the beach during the night. They leave in the late 
autumn. The immature may remain throughout the year in the Bay of Fundy. 
No larvae and no very young have been found. Taken in weirs, gill nets, and 
shrimp trawl, and on long lines. Also observed in Scotsman bay (Minas channel) 
at Harbourville, Kings county, and in the Annapolis basin. Perley (1852, p. 
213) found it to be abundant around the island of Grand Manan. Bean (1880, 
p. 81) listed it from Eastport, and Cox (1896a, p. 74) reported it as occasional 
in St. John harbour. 

Pollachius virens (L.) 

Large individuals abundant in the tide rips in the Bay of Fundy during 
summer. Yearlings found in shallow water in the Bay of Fundy. Half grown 
individuals enter Passamaquoddy bay in moderate numbers. No larve or very 
young have been found. Specimens examined also from Canada Creek, Kings 
county, St. Mary bay, Port Maitland and Yarmouth. Taken in seine and 
weirs, and on long lines. 

Microgadus tomcod (Walbaum). 
Rather common and of all sizes near the shore, particularly near estuaries, 
where the larve may be obtained in the spring. Taken in, the seine, weirs, gill 



nets, shrimp trawl, and on long lines. Also observed at St. John, in Minas 
channel and basin, Annapolis basin, and St. Mary bay, and at Pubnico harbour, 
Yarmouth county. 

Gadus callarias, L. 

Abundant :at Grand Manan, but decreasing in abundance toward Passa- 
maquoddy bay. All sizes from yearlings on. Chiefly the intermediate sizes 
in Passamaquoddy bay. No larve have been found, although the eggs are to 
be found in the spring. A few young individuals have been taken in Passama- 
quoddy bay and in Minas basin in the late summer, and they appear to be fairly 
common in St. Mary bay. The quantity of cod taken diminishes very rapidly 
from the mouth to the head of the Bay of Fundy, but a few go very far in, 
occurring in Minas basin. Taken in seine, weirs, gill nets and shrimp trawl, and 
on long lines. Also at Canada Creek, Kings county, Annapolis basin, St. Mary 
bay, and Port Maitland, Yarmouth county. 

Melanogrammus aeglifinus (L.) 

Found regularly and frequently in abundance in the Bay of Fundy and in 
Passamaquoddy bay, except during the winter. Those commonly seen are 
quite large. Intermediate sizes are very rare. Yearlings are occasionally 
found in the Western Archipelago and at times in the cavities of Cyanea. They 
have also been taken in St. Mary bay. Larvae and very young have never been 
found. Taken on long lines. Records also from Hall’s Harbour, Kings county, 
St. Mary bay, and off Seal island, Yarmouth county. 

Urophycis tenuis (Mitchill) and 
Urophycis chuss (Walbaum) 

These closely related species both occur commonly in immense quantities 
on soft bottom both in the Bay of Fundy and in Passamaquoddy bay during 
the summer. The majority of the specimens taken seem to be referable to the 
first species. All sizes from yearlings on are found. The younger individuals 
appear in the spring and are found near shore and far into the estuaries, while 
the larger ones keep off shore chiefly on soft bottom, occurring in depths as 
great as 100 fathoms. No larvae have been found, and only a few very young 
have been taken, and that in the Bay of Fundy. Also at St. John, in Minas 
channel and basin, at Harbourville, in Annapolis basin and St. Mary bay, 
‘and at Yarmouth. The adults enter the bay in the early summer, appearing 
in Passamaquoddy bay usually some time in July. They leave in October. 
They seem to enter the St. John river in the autumn. In any event they are 
to be found throughout the winter in Kennebecasis bay, where they are fished 
through the ice. 

The younger individuals do not leave Passamaquoddy bay as early as the 
adults, and in some seasons they may be found as late as the latter part of 
December, and return to some extent as early as April. They remain in the 
Bay of Fundy all winter. Taken in weirs, seines, gill nets, shrimp trawl, beam 
trawl, and on long lines. 


Enchelyopus cimbrius (L.) 

Found generally, but not in abundance, chiefly in the Bay of Fundy and 
occasionally in Passamaquoddy bay, at considerable depths on soft bottom. 
All sizes are found. It remains throughout the year. Eggs are common in 
Passamaquoddy bay in the summer, but no larvae have been obtained. The 
very young are common at the surface near the centre of the Bay of Fundy in 
the autumn. Taken in shrimp and beam trawls and on long lines. Also taken 
in St. Mary bay and in as shallow water as 6 fathoms. 

Brosmius brosme (Miiller) 

Not uncommon at considerable depths on hard bottom at the mouth of the 
Bay of Fundy, as at Grand Manan and St. Mary bay. Rare inside. It has been 
taken at Campobello, but is not known in Passamaquoddy bay. Only adults 
are found. Taken on long lines. Also off Seal island, Yarmouth Co. 

Macrourus bairdii, Goode and Bean 

Two records for the Bay of Fundy are available. Kendall (1908, p. 145) 
records it as having been taken floating near the surface at Eastport. In 1917 
a specimen taken in a weir at Lubec was sent to the Atlantic Biological Station. 
The strong tidal currents through deep narrow channels at the entrance to 
Passamaquoddy bay must be considered as responsible for bringing this deep 
water fish to the surface. 

Hippoglossus hippoglossus (L.) 

In the Western Archipelago most of the halibut are taken on the outer side 
of Grand Manan island, but on the east coast of the Bay of Fundy it seems to 
occur in quantity well up toward Minas basin. Occasionally individuals (rather 
small) are taken in Passamaquoddy bay and in the St. Croix river as far up as 
the Ledge Lighthouse at least. They are too rare for their seasonal movements 
to be determined, but one was taken off Campobello island in 50 fathoms on 
December 22, 1917. Otherwise they have all been captured during the summer. 
On July 7, 1920, a very young individual, only 31 mm. in length, was seined in 
Passamaquoddy bay. Taken on long lines and in the shrimp trawl. 

Hippoglossoides platessoides (Fabr.) 

Quite abundant both in the Bay of Fundy and in Passamaquoddy bay in 
moderately deep water (15 fathoms or more) on soft bottom throughout the year. 
Large individuals are not very common. The eggs occur in the spring, but no 
larvae have ever been found. Yearlings and older are common. Also taken 
in St. Mary bay in 1919. Captured on long lines and in the shrimp and beam 


Limanda ferruginea (Storer) 

In the Bay of Fundy region we have found it only at St. Mary bay in 1919, 
and there only a few large individuals in deep water. Perley (1852, p. 217) 
appears to have found it in the upper part of the bay near Parrsboro. Taken in 
the shrimp trawl. It is doubtless an immigrant. 



Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum) 

Very abundant everywhere in shallow water and at moderate depths, going 
deeper in the winter. All stages are common, the larvae most abundant near 
the mouths of estuaries, where they have been taken in June and July. In 
Passamaquoddy bay they may be obtained throughout the year in the deep 
water (about 15 fathoms), but leave the shores in the coldest months—January 
and February, except during mild winters. In the Bay of Fundy they have 
been found on soft bottom at depths of from 30 to 50 fathoms only from 
November to April. Taken in the seine, gill net, weirs, shrimp and beam trawls, 
and on long lines. Observed also at St. John, in. Minas basin and channel, at 
Harbourville, Kings Co., and in Annapolis basin and St. Mary bay. 

Liopsetta putnami (Gill) 

Abundant in and near estuaries in shallow water on soft bottom. All stages 
can be taken. It occurs in Minas channel and the Annapolis basin, but appears 
to be absent from St. Mary bay. Taken in the seine and weirs. 

Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (L.) 

Taken very generally in the shrimp trawl, but not in large quantities, both” 
in the Bay of Fundy and in Passamaquoddy bay in moderately deep water 
(15 fathoms or more) on soft bottom. The larvae have never been found, but 
all stages from the time of transformation, and later, occur. As far as our 
records go, they show its presence in Passamaquoddy bay from April to Novem- 
ber, and in the Bay of Fundy throughout the year. Also taken in St. Mary bay 
in 1919. 

Lophopsetta maculata (Mitchill) 

Exceedingly rare in the Western Archipelago. Bean (1880, p. 79) listed it 
from Eastport, Goode (1884, p. 199) recorded it from Passamaquoddy bay, and 
we secured a large individual there in 1912. No young have ever been found in 
that region. Mr. Leim found it to be common at Scotsman bay in Minas channel 
in 1920, and its larve also occurred there, showing that part of the bay to be 
its successful breeding place and a centre of dispersal. We have also obtained 
it in St. Mary bay. Taken in the seine, weirs, and shrimp trawl. 

Lophius piscatorius, L. 

Large individuals are frequently taken on long lines in the Bay of Fundy or 
found stranded in the intertidal zone. Occasionally they have been taken in 
Passamaquoddy bay and the St. Croix river. The egg masses have only rarely 
(two records) been found. Only one young individual has been secured, and 
that at Campobello island (Connolly, 1920, p. 14). No larvae have been ob- 
served. Also captured in the shrimp trawl. It has been taken also in St. Mary 
bay, Annapolis basin and Minas channel, where it seems to be not uncommon. 
Previous records are,—Eastport (Kendall, 1908, p. 151); St. John harbour 
(Halkett, 1907, p. 342); Great Salmon river, St. John Co., and Annapolis basin 
(Perley, 1852, p. 189); Harbourville, Kings Co., and St. Mary bay (Connolly, 
19203 p.-7): 



ApaAms, A. L. 
1873. Field and Forest Rambles, with notes and observations on the natural 
history of Eastern Canada. London, 1873, Pt. III. Fishes, 
pp. 201-257. 

1887. The river fisheries of Maine. The Fisheries and Fishery Industries 
of the United’ States... Sect. V., Vol. 1, pp. 673-725: 

BEAN. [F. H. 
1880. Check-list of duplicates of North American fishes distributed by. the 
Smithsonian Institution in behalf of the United States National 
Museum, 1877-1880. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Vol. 3, pp. 75-116. 

1901. Report on the sardine industry in relation to the Canadian herring 
fisheries. Contr. Canad. Biol., 1901, pp. 59-62. 

1920. The Angler. Bull. Biol. Board Canada, No. 3. 

Cox, P. 
1893. Observations on the distribution and habits of some New Brunswick 
fishes. Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc., N.B., No. XI, pp. 33-42. 
1896a. History and present state of the ichthyology of New Brunswick. 
Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. N.B., No. XIII, Art. II, pp..27-75. 
18965. Report on Zoology. Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. N.B., No. XIV, App. p. 55. 
1902. The Lumpfish. Bull. Biol. Board Canada, No. 2. 

1892. The Discoboli. Mem. Mus. Comp.- Zool. Harv. Coll., Vol. XIV, 
No. 2, pp. 1-96. 

GoopE, G. B. 
1884. Fishes. Natural history of aquatic animals. The Fisheries and 
Fishery Industries of the United States. Sect. I. Text, pp. 


Cooper, GB: and BEAN. “Lf. Hix 
1879. A catalogue of the fishes of Essex County, Massachusetts, including 
the fauna of Massachusetts Bay and the contiguous deep waters. 
Bull: Essex Insts, Vol Xai No. 1, pp. 1-38: 
1895. Oceanic Ichthyology. Spec. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1895, xxxv, 
pp. 1-529. 

1907. Report of the Canadian Fisheries Museum. App. No. 14, 40th Ann. 
Rep. Dep. Marine and Fisheries, Fisheries Branch, pp. 321-349. 
1913. Check list of the fishes of the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland, 
pp. 7-138. 



Jones, J. M. 
1879. List of the fishes of Nova Scotia. Proc. Nov. Scot. Inst. of Nat. Sci., 
Vol. V, Pt. I, App: pprs7-9e. 

1908. List of the pisces. J2uen of New England. Occ. Pap. Boston Soc. 
Nat. Hist., Vol. 7, pp. 1-152. 
1917. The capelin Motions villosus) with notes of its occurrence on ia 
coast of Maine. Copeia, No. 42, pp. 28-30. 
1919. Second authentic record of capelin (Mallotus villosus) on the Maine 
coast. Copeia, No. 73, pp. 70-71. 

KNIGHT, loc: 
1867. Shore and deep-sea fisheries of Nova Scotia, pp. 1-113. 

PeELEY.M. -H. 
1852. Reports on the sea and river fisheries of New Brunswick. 2nd Ed., 
Fredericton, pp. 1-294. 

PRINCE, .E. -E: 
1913. The Pearlsides. A luminous fish new to Canada. Rod and Gun in 
Canada, Vol. 14, No. 11, pp. 1143-1145. 

Prince, eB: and YuMAcKay,} Are 
1901. The paired fins of the mackerel shark. Contr. Canad. Biol., 1901, 
pp. 55-58. 

Putnam, F. W. 
1874. Notes on Liparis, Cyclopterus and their allies. Proc. Amer. Assn, 
Adv. Sci., XXII, pp. 335-340. 
1874. Notes on the genus Myxine. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1873-74 
(1874) 16, 127-135. 

1871. (A brief sketch of the marine fauna of Eastport, Me.) Bull. Essex 
Inst., Vol. III, pp. 2-6. 

No. IV 


University of Toronto 

A Study of the Ciscoes* of Lake Erie. 


University of Toronto 

This study was carried out under the auspices of the Biological Board of 
Canada in response to a request from the Lake Erie Fishermens’ Association 
for an investigation of some of the problems in connection with the cisco fishing 
industry. In the request it was desired particularly that some information be 
obtained as to why smaller ciscoes in general are taken in the eastern end of the 
lake than in the western part. 

The major portion of the work having to do with the measurements of the 
fish and the taking of scales was carried out at various points on Lake Erie 
during the summer and fall of 1920, but shipments from various points were 
examined in Toronto during the years of 1919 and 1920. 

The author desires to express his appreciation of the assistance given by many 
fishermen, in particular by Mr. A. E. Crewe, who kindly provided accommoda- 
tion for the carrying out of the work during the summer of 1920, freely placed 
all the material of his catches for examination, and gave assistance in many 
ways. Other gentlemen who facilitated the work in supplying material and in 
other ways were: Messrs. Charles Ross, Roy Ross, Wilson S. McKillop, A. B. 
Hoover, C. W. Barwell, R. Kolbe, and W. D. Bates. 


For the separation of the species of shallow water ciscoes (subgenus 7/ris- 
somimus) as described by Jordan and Evermannj (1911) it appears that three 
proportional measurements are more or less critical, namely, head in length, 
depth in length, and depth of caudal peduncle in head. Jordan and Evermann 
give the following proportions: 

*The word cisco is here used instead of herring for all members of the genus Leucichthys 
except for the tullibees, in accordance with the list of standardized names of North American 
fish as agreed upon by the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, the Biological Board of Canada and the 
Canadian Fisheries Association. 

jJordan, D. S., and Evermann, B. W. 1911. A Review of the Salmonoid Fishes of the 
Great Lakes with notes on the Whitefishes of other Regions. Bull. U.S. Bureau Fish., Vol. xxix 
(1909). Document No. 737 (1911). 


Species Head in length} Depth in length | Depth of caudal 
peduncle in head 
Tae tis. a A ms * tes 4.33 a 43-46 ; 3.0 
ee MER op ee ge n eee ; 4.66 : es : 2.9 
eS ition cis Brahh toet ae ininee ; : - : a 455 a : 3.74.2 2.66 
ee a ae ees ea > | 3 peacg 1 ee eee 
L. Sa : Set eee ee git 4.4 | 3.3-3.5 2-2 

Accordingly for each fish examined the necessary measurements were made 
for the calculation of the above proportions. In addition the girth and the 
weight were determined and scales removed for age estimation. From June 14 
to August 24, 1920, the ciscoes taken in twenty pound nets at the Crewe Bros. 
Fishery near Merlin were examined daily. In August and November the fish 
taken at Port Dover, Nanticoke, McKillop’s Fishery (near Port Maitland) 
and Dunnville were examined. The following species have been identified: 

(1) Leucichthys sisco huronius (J. & E.), Lake Huron cisco. 

This species was readily distinguished by the long spindle-shaped body. 
The average proportions for 60 individuals were as follows: head in length 4.6, 
depth in length 4.3, depth of caudal peduncle in head 2.95. These figures are 
practically identical with those given by Jordan and Evermann for Lake Huron. 
This species is taken rather abundantly in the pound nets at Merlin but very 
few specimens were seen east of Long Point. 

(2) L. ertensis (J. & E.). Jumbo cisco. 

This is the most abundant species taken in pound nets from Rondeau to 
Point Pelee. It also occurs in large numbers eastward to Long Point but appears 
to become very much less abundant beyond. It is noted for the large size 
attained as compared with the other species of the genus Leucichthys. The 
outstanding characters are (1) the deep body, (2) the more or less pronounced 
hump at the nape, (3) the deep caudal peduncle, (4) the relatively large scales. 
The average proportions for 150 individuals were: 4.41, 3.42 and 2.44. 

(3) L. artedi (Le Sueur). Lake Erie cisco or grayback. 

This species occurred in numbers at Merlin next in abundance to L. eriensis 
and appears to occur abundantly throughout the lake. It has been distinguished 
from the jumbo cisco by (1) the somewhat narrower peduncle, (2) the narrower 
body with usually little or no hump at-the nape, (8) the smaller scales with 
less of the shiny appearance, (4) the much slower rate of growth as shown in the 
following table and also later in the discussion of the results of the scale exam- 

L. artedi L. eriensis 
. Length Weight Age } Date Length | Weight| Age 
No. Date em. Oz. Years|| No. Date c.m. Oz. Years 
600 me 8 20.7 6 4 | 234 we 8 20.8 6 / 3 
a is ne orale ere | ang 7 3 
602 pa 21.0 me 6 5 237 f =A Na 7 3 
603 21.5 6 5 . 238 : 22.2 8 3 
604 21.0 6 eS 239 : 22.6 8 3 
605 - 22.2 6 ; 6 . 240 | 22.8 9 2 ; 
606 21.8 6 ; 5 || . 241 ade 9 23.7 9 3 
607 | July 9 : “22.8 i ; 6 | 242 ei 26.5 12 4 
=== || : = —— = — = 

609 22.9 7 5 | 243 21.5 7 3 
610 | al 23.4. ie: 7 ee 5 Ie 244 arte | o L 10 3 

Figure 1 shows a drawing of a scale from specimen No. 606, L. artedi and a drawing of a 
scale from specimen No. 235, L. ertensts. 

The average proportions for 50 individuals as they occurred at Merlin were 
4.26, 3.7 and 2.86. These figures are somewhat different from those given by 
Jordan and Evermann and may be due in part to the fact that the young of 
L. eriensis are somewhat difficult to separate from this species, and in the selec- 
tion of the above 50 individuals rather extreme forms were chosen. There is 
an indication, however, that L. artedi is more closely related to the species of 
the other lakes than perhaps the figures of Jordan and Evermann show. 

(4) L. prognathus (Smith). Lake Ontario deep water cisco or longjaw. 

In both the pound nets and gill nets from Port Dover to Port Maitland 
a cisco occurs very abundantly whose exact identity and relationships have not 
been determined as yet. Dr. B. W. Evermann, to whom ten specimens were 
submitted for identification, refers them provisionally to the species prognathus 
pending further examination of these and additional specimens. The out- 
standing features of this form are the following: (1) the long mandible which 
usually projects beyond the upper jaw and in extreme cases almost hooks over 
it, (2) the relatively long bony snout, (3) the narrow caudal peduncle, (4) the 
shiny appearance of the scales, (5) the rather deeply forked caudal fin. Ina 
great many individuals the above characters are extreme as well as other features, 
as indicated by the following proportions, 4.0,4.2,and3.2. In other specimens 
the proportions are about as follows: 4.3, 3 75, and 2.85. The average for 
148 individuals is 4.22, 3.88, and 2.85. However, Dr. Evermann states that 
L. prognathus varies greatly. Only a single longjaw was taken at Merlin during 



the summer of 1920 on August 24, and it had the proportions 4.1, 3.3, and 2.8. 
A fisherman at Point Pelee has stated that he recalled having seen during one 
spring rather large numbers of small longjaws. taken in the pound nets in that 
region. This would indicate a migration occurring during the winter or spring 
months when temperature conditions would be rather uniform throughout the 

The longjaws examined at Dunnville and Port Dover early in November, 
1920, were almost ready to spawn. Typically, members of the subgenus Cisco 
(Jordan and Evermann) are said to spawn in late summer but it would not be 
surprising to find the deep water forms in the shallower, warmer waters of Lake 
Erie spawning later than those in the other Great Lakes, especially in a mild 
fall such as occurred in 1920. Two females of L. johannae received from Wiarton, 
Georgian Bay, November 24, 1920, were found not to have spawned. 

The following table shows comparative measurements of certain characters 
of the longjaws in Lake Erie. Measurements are given in decimal fractions 
of body length. 

1082 | 1042 | 1037 919 | 907 | 918 
Tt oan Seth pee 26 25 235 245] 25° ee 23 | 23. 24 
Se Bee ees Ae ace ree 24 1 92 | als | eu 26 .30 
CP. Pirin. eet eos “087 078 081 “082 082 089 “084 079 “082 
pee Ree: cass coat Stren eT “054 058 060) 06 06 055 066 055 065 
Snout . bones de Sh 063] .063) .064 063 063) .057)| . 058 053 058 
Pe ee i Re “085 . 083 09 .08 087 “085 079 08 089 
SPEER ett ee ae at a7 a7 avs qT Ne 16 166 ase 173 
Fes le rs A be 45 | 16 ie 41 | 41 ; 152 ist 45 41 
ee ee eae ‘lao [4.0 |h0 lao laa lla 43 lan 
Deptt Pdi oat pt ne ene ? Reels 44 3.9 3.3 
CP. Gepeh inspeadise = ay oe ee 3.9 |3.2 Is io \3.0 lo7 ; 28 '3.0 2.9 

(5) L. harengus (Richardson). Georgian Bay cisco. 

A few individuals were taken which agreed in measurements and description 
with the Georgian Bay cisco. Jordan and Evermann report this species in 
Lake Erie and no doubt it occurs in small numbers. 

For purposes of comparison and for confirmation of the value of proportional 
measurements, specimens of L. ontariensis were obtained from Port Credit on 
Lake Ontario,.and specimens of L. harengus from Wiarton and Midland on 


Georgian Bay. 


The average proportions of 20 individuals of L. ontariensis 

were 4.5, 3.8, and 2.6. The average for 25 individuals of L. harengus were 

AeA Sand 3. 1< 



The following table shows the measurements of typical individuals of the 

various species examined. 

body length. 

Measurements are given in decimal fractions of 

1From Georgian Bay. 


2From Lake Ontario. 


1L. harengus | L. sisco \*L.ontari-| L. artedi |L. ertensis|L.piognathus 
| huronius ensis 
21 328 3 666 1026 1038 
Bee hoes BRL | a5 os eee he asta Poa ions 
‘a 21 2 26 26 33 . 2A a 
Caudal Pete ise 4 Dp a iW 10 Sie 
Caudal Scauiicte depth.. 033 O74 my 085 095 081 
oe. ace 062 051 054 057 057 065 
Beant Se Ant z SRS 057 053. “051 055 050 056 
te car bitel space. doe a 068 064 : 062 068 067 065 
ih ee “07 | 2 come | oes’ | -08t- | 073° | L086 
Stan TOVOCCIPUEL. onc. - 16 14 | : 15 16 15 < 7 
yeateal to pectoral...... 31 ae 36 : 35 36 | 36 : 33 
Pecioral to P-V eee 2.25 92 . 2.4 2.2 23 19 a 

Be iterate. rE 14 14 .14 16 . 16 is a7 
ane ee Benes . 13. - 12 vA mv mally 2 16 Silt 
Dorsal height Po Mave eis, ap = 14 ? 13 15 16 | WW 18 
ee lenothie dete 053 06 062 064 073 053 
fora wate meet p = : 88 a .88 94 rai eile 13 
Gil rakersl ns eae * ; 5S uae 7 a 48 43 46 45 
Seales. | 9858 | 9828 loves | s707 | 875-7 | 876-7 
ead in: lengthy \ 0) er 42 ic 4.6 4.6 4.3 4.4 fies 
Depth in length......... ree 4.5 = 3.8 3.5 Ba ll AMD, 
Cites insheade:aesee 37 os 27 28 ad 3.0 


The following table shows proportions as given by Jordan and Evermann 
and those obtained for the ciscoes in Lake Erie with the exception of L. harengus 

and L. ontariensis. 

Jordan and Evermann Lake Erie 
Head in | Depthin |Depth C.P.| Head in | Depthin | DepthC.P. 
Species length length | in length length length in length 
aie ee ae ae ee ee a ieee oa 
alee ie See erste } 4.66 42-45 ne 2.9 | 46 . 43 : 2.95 
Lape. as | 3749 | 266 \ 25. | 3a 2 oar 
aN ere 4.4 3 5-4 0 2.02.5. 4.26 3.70 5 2.86 
ae i =< See 38 4.4 m 3 33.5 9 2 | 4.41 3.42 w oar 
Epes ce} ho. | Poe S35 Pals |e oie ee 

Fig. 1.—Drawings of scales of ciscoes. 

A, from specimen No. 606, L. artedi, showing 5 winter bands, the fish therefore being in its 

sixth summer. 

therefore being in its fourth summer. 

1From Georgian Bay. 

2From Lake Ontario. 


B, from specimen No. 235, L. eriensis, showing three winter bands, the fish 



The scales were used in determining the rates of growth of the various species 
of ciscoes. The growth areas are usually well marked. Scales from approxi- 
mately the following number of fish of each species were examined: L. eriensis 


S85 geonep fan 
SBR! BS RReeeesnee58 
af TTY 

Sueezsaeeees saaeeseessaesseszaes7 


Supa ul aby 

piste totetol H 
Srssssess re titteeeesssziit 
Poo seeeaas 

10 15 20 825 30 
Length in Centimeters 

Fig. 2.—Graph illustrating rates of growth of ciscoes in Lake Erie a=L. artedi, p=L. prognathus, 
 e=L. eriensis, sh=L. sisco huronius. 



that the 
Fig. 3 



curve for this species should lie to the left of the curve for L. eriensis. 
The length in centi- 

meters is from the tip of the snout to the base of the caudal fin; the girth just 

anterior to the dorsal fin. 


It is possible 

The following table gives the data obtained 

In the majority of scales some of the winter 

140; L. artedt 55; L. sisco huronius 55; L. prognathus 150. The results are 
shown in Fig. 2. Considerable difficulty was experienced in estimating the 

rate of growth of L. sisco huronius. 
bands were difficult to distinguish and there was evidence that in some cases at 

for the three important commercial species in Lake Erie. 

least one winter band was not recorded. 

shows the relation of age to weight. 

SSnaEnsssasseessasessesssesssesesssesesz pt 


: i fs aH cieesiies 
sbrezeseeee cit scree cI ft Bank cy bites sfeict : Beer ci 
Hs aa i HE zi He f sess! sees EF cH fH 
SEreereenaria Heeiuiascritteiy 





Age in Years 

L. artedt, p=L. 


Weight in Ounces 

Fig. 3.—Graph illustrating relation of weight to age of ciscoes in Lake Erie. 

prognathus, e=L. eriensis. 


ceca GST Serv Il 
F 4 les ecard, st cor | or 
Te Ree shee G° 83 emt ¢ GP 9 AT oon 6 
Tape elere ss Sha oe Cor SIT G16 SOS eee O-LT G°LE oon 
OTT vit 9G L9 G6 L 01 G°SZ TOL | O'GE 0°9T ie G°ge sie 
£9 ie lets) Z OI VG €9 GL © OL G°&% ¥ 6 GGG 8 FI gee ae 
ne fy) $6 7 GG che) “ ae 9°6 GIG 9° GLt € 1 66 | 
ZG SV. G's 0 0% 6G oY G3 0°61 VL Sie vit s SG ae: 
oF 0'€ OL ir LI S72 0°€ O'L 0-91 T9 O°L Tas G06 e 
3 | 0° Sl : oo cel! hee ee 99 ot a 
- oe 0°8 O'& Son aie OF a3 ;, r 
re ‘ZO Beak be Ee "ul ea He "Wud ‘ul ‘ZO “ul W'd pe 
wap TYSIOM yasueT | yisueT yr | iwWsraA\ y sue] y.sua'] wap TSIM y13uaT] yysuey | asy 

snyjousodd “'T 

UpayaD “TT 

susuarda “'T 

The difference in weight between L. artedi and L. prognathus is partly due 
to the fact that the specimens of the latter species were examined chiefly in 

November and the females were then heavy with spawn. 



1. Three species form the bulk of the cisco catch in the Canadian waters of 
Lake Erie, namely, L. eriensis, L. artedi and L. prognathus. 

2. L. eriensis is the dominant form westward from Long Point, and L. 
prognathus eastward from Long Point. This statement holds in general, for 
the former appears to prefer the shallower water while the latter is apparently 
a deep water form. However their ranges tend to overlap and their migrations 
at times take them into one another’s territory. For example, fishermen have 
reported occasional schools of longjaws as far west as Point Pelee, and, on the 
other hand, the jumbo is reported as abundant, at times, off Port Maitland. 
L. artedi occurs abundantly throughout the lake, but probably in greatest 
numbers west of Long Point. 

3. L. artedi and L. prognathus have rates of growth and increases in weight 
which are practically identical, while L. erzensis increases about 1 1/3 times 
faster in length and two to three times faster in weight. 

4. Examinations of the graphs and tables for rates of growth and increases 
in weight show that the optimum size for the taking of. the jumbo cisco is from 
the fifth summer upward when they are at least 12 inches in length and 1 pound 
in weight. Whether the food supply would permit of this as the minimum 
size it is impossible to say. In regard to L. artedi and L. prognathus a minimum 
length of about 10 inches and a weight of about 6 or 7 ounces, when the fish are 
in their sixth summer, would appear to be quite satisfactory. 

5. Concerning the occurrence of smaller ciscoes in the eastern end of the 
lake, this much can be safely said: that in respect to gill net catches the fisher- 
men in the western portion of the lake secure a larger percentage of jumbo 
ciscoes and, therefore, get large fish, while the fishermen in the eastern end, 
particularly off Port Maitland, secure chiefly the smaller species, L. artedi and 
L. prognathus. The same facts apply to the pound net catches, with the addition 
that, since the young inhabit the shallow waters and the shallow water area 
east of Long Point is more limited, there appears to be a concentration of young 
ciscoes along the shore, particularly in Long Point Bay, and hence the young are 
apt to be impounded in large numbers in the pound nets. 

6. No data were obtained as to the age when the various species spawn for 
the first time. Spawning is probably at the end of the third summer, and, if so, 
the six-ounce regulation protects the two species, L. artedi and L. prognathus in 
respect to being allowed to spawn once, but does not protect L. eriensis since 
it attains a weight of six ounces in its third summer. 

7. The girth measurements were taken around the body just anterior to 
the dorsal fin, that is where the greatest girth occurs. The results show that the 
three inch gill net regulation is quite satisfactory for the species L. artedi and 
L. prognathus since they do not attain a girth of six inches until the sixth summer, 
but barely protects L. eriensis since this species attains a girth of six inches in 
three years. 



8. In any undertaking for the artificial propagation of ciscoes in Lake Erie, 
at least for the region west of Long Point, particular attention should be given 
to L. eriensis, because of its rapid growth and its excellent qualities as a food 


This study has proved to be merely preliminary. The ciscoes of Lake Erie 
form a complex association and it has been impossible in this investigation to 
determine their inter-relations or to study the physical factors in relation to 
the various forms. Solution of the many difficult problems must await a 
thorough study of the physical conditions of existence in the various parts of 
the lake, such as distribution of temperatures, oxygen, carbon dioxide, currents, 
etc., and the relation of these factors to spawning, growth, movements of the 
fish, as well as to the production and distribution of their food organisms. 


No. V 


University of Toronto 



The Food of Ciscoes (Leucichthys) in Lake Erie. 


N. K. BIGELow, 
University of Toronto. 

The results of the examination of the contents of the digestive tracts of 
211 ciscoes (fresh-water herring) are presented herein. The bulk of the material 
was obtained early in June, 1919, and from July to November in 1920, from 
Lake Erie at various points along the north shore. The species examined were 
Leucichthys eriensis, the jumbo cisco; L. artedi, the Lake Erie cisco; L. sisco 
huronius, the Lake Huron cisco; and L. prognathus, the Lake Ontario deep 
water cisco (longjaw). These were taken at Merlin, Rondeau, Port Dover, 
Nanticoke, McKillop’s fishery (near Port Maitland), and Dunnville. In 
addition 19 individuals of L. harengus, the Georgian Bay cisco, from Wiarton, 
Georgian Bay, and 7 individuals of L. ontariensis, the Lake Ontario cisco, from 
Port Credit, Lake Ontario, have been examined for comparative purposes. 
The material from Merlin, Rondeau, Nanticoke and McKillop’s was obtained 
in pound nets while the material from all the other points was obtained in gill 

The results are given in the following tables. In the table “‘ Unidentified 
species’’ are placed those fish whose identity was not determined. The figures 
indicate the relative abundance, namely: (1) that only a few individuals were 
noted; (2) that the organisms occurred rather abundantly; (3) very abundantly. 


1. An examination of the tables shows that the ciscoes are pre-eminently 
plankton feeders. The study practically covers the fishing season, and during 
that time at least, the free swimming crustacea form the bulk of the food of 
these fish. Of Canadian waters, Lake Erie produces more ciscoes than all the 
other Great Lakes combined. For example, in 1919 Lake Erie produced 
7,425,713 lbs., while the remainder of the Great Lakes produced 4,022,711 Ibs. 
It is not improbable that the production of ciscoes is directly dependent upon 
the amount of plankton Crustacea produced. The numbers of these Crustacea 
which must abound in Lake Erie in order to support the millions of ciscoes, as 
well as the great numbers of white fish and young of many other species, is 
almost beyond the imagination. Comparative quantitative plankton studies 
in the Great Lakes would, no doubt, afford considerable information as to the 
fish productive capacities of these lakes. 



2. It is doubtful if the various species of ciscoes show any preference among 
the entomostraca as food material. They doubtless take whatever forms occur 
in the waters they happen to inhabit. 

3. In the great majority of alimentary tracts examined, Daphnia formed the 
great bulk of the contents, while other forms were represented by scattered 
individuals. In many cases Daphnia alone were present. This was particularly 
true of the jumbo and the Lake Ontario ciscoes. It appears, therefore, that 
Daphnia are very much the most important of the entomostraca as food organisms. 
Daphnia longispina occurred in all the material examined, as variety hyalina 
galeata. Daphnia ephippia were abundant in October in Lake Ontario and in 
November in Lake Erie. Occasional ephippia with three eggs were noted. 

4. Of the. Copepods Diaptomus sicilis and Limnocalanus macrurus were 
perhaps the most abundant forms occurring in the digestive tracts, although 
Epischura lacustris occurred frequently and occasionally in considerable numbers. 
Very often the oil globules of these forms gave the contents a bright red colour. 

5. In the eastern end of Lake Erie one of the most important food organisms | 
was Mysis relicta. As far as we are aware this is the first record of the occurrence 
of this form in Lake Erie. Its presence indicates at least an approach of con- 
ditions in the eastern end of this lake to conditions in the other Great Lakes. 

6. Three individuals were found to have eaten small fish. In each case 
digestion had proceeded too far to allow of identification. All three ciscoes 
were taken in the eastern end of the lake, two were longjaws (L. prognathus) 
and the third, while not definitely identified, was probably -also a longjaw. A 
fisherman near Point Pelee has stated that one winter he found that some 
ciscoes which he took through the ice, had eaten “minnows.” 

7. As is shown in the table for the longjaws (L. prognathus) these fish in 
June, 1919, had fed practically entirely upon Ephemeridae (Ephemera simulans), 
both adults and subimagoes. The importance of these insects as fish food is 
thus further demonstrated. Moreover, there is no doubt that the transforma- 
tion of the nymphs to the subimaginal stage takes place at the surface of the 
water, as occurs in the closely related genus Hexagenia (Needham, 1920).* 
This means that the subimagoes, as well as the imagoes, were taken at the 
surface of the water by the ciscoes. The projecting lower jaw of these forms is 
well suited to such surface feeding. 

8. The following table, compiled from the food tables, shows the distribution 
of the food organisms in the lake. 

The outstanding points in the table are: 

(a) The absence of Mysts relicta from the western portion and the absence of 
Daphnia pulex and D. retrocurva from the eastern portion. Further investiga- 
tion, however, may show the presence of these species throughout the lake. 

(b) Although only 43 gill net fish were examined, and the list of forms is, 
therefore, incomplete, yet the results are an indication of what would be expected 
in any large body of water, namely, that the shore waters contain a greater 
number of species of food organisms than the more open waters. The gill net 

*Needham, James G. 1920. Burrowing Mayflies of our Larger Lakes and Streams. 
Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish., Vol. XXXVI, 1917-18. 


87 pound net fish | 55 pound net fish | 43 gill net fish 
from Merlin and from McKillop’s from Port 
Rondeau and Nanticoke Dover and 
Epischura lacustris........ + ae =e 
I EPIOFAUS SUCLIS. =... Pte pe aati ss oa ze a 
Limnocalanus macrurus............-. + ae Be 
GYGOPSISD Sate Se ae Cain Beevers ss aL ae 
BGHEIGRVSHIUILING © loys i.t021o.2 eral aft = te =) os + a 
Diaphanosoma brachyurum........... + 
Holopedium gibberum................ + 
PINTO PULES ote vec As aeeeys San ee + 
i FOLLOGIUTUGS = Ak eens Coon + 
ze LORGESPUNG mee cis «ta (eos + ate fe 
Bosming LOngirostris.. 0.6.2 ee je es +b ie 
CHIODOS Ons seneingesae eat oO ee + 
WC PLOMOVOMRUNGLUE. «et N tae sehen tects oaks + ae 
VRE S POMEL NR eee 5 is a nie ne ad he os + 
Hyallela knickerbockertt.............. + 
Ts PLEMELLAGE yah Fo). 4 Meher yee eS + af 
Sranailll INS) a peace | eens eames bart ae 

fish were taken over 5 miles from shore while the pound net fish were taken 
within 2 miles of shore. 

(c) A comparison of the first two columns shows the possibility of there 
being a greater number of species in the western part of the lake than in the 
eastern end. There is a possibility also that quantitative differences exist in 
these regions as well as qualitative. | 

The results of this study serve to emphasize anew the importance of the 
plankton fauna of our inland waters, and the necessity for a thorough quantita- 
tive, qualitative and distributional investigation of these organisms, including 
particularly their relations to the production, distribution and movements of 


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No. VI 


Marine Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C. 

- - 


ihe -Pacinc. Herring 


Marine Biological Station, Nanamio, B.C. 

Of the numerous species of fish found in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, 
adjacent to the coast of North America, none plays a more important réle in 
general marine economy than a species that is rather despised from a commerical 
point of view, the Pacific herring. The salmon, the halibut and the cod receive 
almost all the consideration when North Pacific fish are mentioned, but the 
herring, if it is included at all, comes as an afterthought. This is not because 
of any lack of food value or any lack of supply, but rather because of a lack of 
appreciation of the truly wonderful possibilities of development in the value 
of the herring industry. 

While in the case of the halibut and the salmon there are strong indications 
that human interference is more or less rapidly decreasing the numbers, in the 
case of the herring the human factor has been too insignificant to make any 
material impression. 

As a species the herring has a more extensive distribution than any other 
food fish of the coast, with the possible exception of the spring salmon, as appar- 
ently there is an abundance all the way from San Francisco, or farther south, 
to the Arctic Ocean. In all the wide range there is little difference in general 
appearance and habits, as far as I have been able to ascertain, except that in 
Bering Sea there appears to be a race in which the individuals grow much larger 
than at other points along the coast. As I have been unable to get any of these 
for examination I have no opinion to offer as to the cause of such difference. 

For several years I have made use of opportunities for observing the habits 
of the herring and for collecting data on the life history, and while much of the 
material remains to be worked up and many of the data are still to be correlated, 
since specimens have been obtained at all times of the year and at all ages a 
somewhat connected idea of the life history has been obtained. 

Most of the observations have been made in the vicinity of the Biological 
Station, Nanaimo, B.C., and in general the statements made in this paper will 
have special reference to these. 

In the herring the gregarious habit is carried to the extreme. To attempt 
to describe the size of, or the numbers in, a herring school to one who has never 
seen anything of that nature is but to court the destruction of one’s reputation 
for veracity. To watch them as they feed near the surface of the water, or as 
they are rounded up in a seine, one is struck with the wonderful degree of uni- 
formity in size of all the individuals of the school. Careful measurements of a 
large number bear out this fact. In the case of those caught in the purse seines, 
where none has a chance to escape, the average length is about 20 cm. or 8 inches, 
the caudal fin rays not included, and the average weight 100 grams or 3.6 oz. 



The migrations of the herring have been considered among the wonders of 
the deep. Little speculation has been reported about the Pacific species, but 
its habits are much like those of the Atlantic species, about which so many 
theories have been propounded. There is nothing to indicate that the move- 
ments of the Pacific herring are any more mysterious than those of any other 
active fish, but since they move about in such large schools their. presence or 
absence in any one location is much more readily observed. I cannot find any 
reason for thinking that any herring that are found in the strait of Georgia have 
ever been away from the strait or the various channels adjoining, and it may 
readily be that the radius of activity is limited to comparatively few miles. 
Their movements seem to be due largely to the necessity of following up the food 
supply. The main basis of that supply is provided by copepods. Among hun- 
dreds of stomachs examined I do not remember finding a single one in which 
the contents were recognizable where there were not copepods, as eggs, larve 
or adults, no matter what else was found. The necessity for a supply of these 
copepods is, therefore, constant. I have never counted the number present 
in the stomach of a mature herring, but in a young herring 6.6 cm. long, over 
3,000 copepods were present. As digestion takes place very rapidly that would 
probably by no means represent the number taken in a whole day. When this 
is true for a herring six months old, how many must be needed for a mature fish, 
and then how many for a school of fish having several! million individuals? 
When it is tmpossible to conceive of such a number is it any wonder that there 
is often a sudden migration of the fish to catch up with the food supply? Even 
if the copepods are numerous they do not remain indefinitely in any one locality. 
They are affected by temperature, intensity of light, by currents and probably 
by the degree of salinity and many other conditions, and in the case of some at 
least of these conditions, the change will affect the copepods in mass. In these 
wanderings the herrings must follow. A school of herring can be observed only 
when these herring are feeding near the surface of the water. They have not 
far to go from the shallow water near shore to get into water deep enough to 
cover up all evidence of their presence. 

It is true that by going back to the copepods the matter of migration is 
simply removed one step further. Another step is made by passing on from 
copepods to diatoms on which they feed. This places a limit as far as organisms 
are concerned, unless bacteria have something to do with preparing the food for 
the diatoms. The processes preceding must be left to the physiologist; the 
chemist and the physicist. This is not all that is to be said in the matter how- 
ever. In February and March, when copepods and diatoms are scarcer than 
usual in the surface waters of the strait, the herring find it necessary to supple- 
ment the copepod diet. They come into shallow water at times and feed on the 
nauplius and cypris larve of the barnacles and for days at a time they remain 
in the barnacle zone. This is most noticeable about spawning time, hence, 
_although it is usually stated that they come into the shallow water to spawn, it is 
possible that the reason of their presence is entirely or largely due to the food supply, 
the spawning in shallow water being merely incidental. Mollusc eggs, decapod 
and other crustacean larve, ascidian larve and rotifers are also eaten, but in 



no case have I found them to be the main portion of the diet. After the spawn 
has been deposited it appears to be a common thing for them to gorge themselves 
with it. On one occasion out of 94 herring examined 76 of them were so gorged. 
Later, when the eggs are hatched out, many of the young fry meet with the 
same fate. During all this time the large schools spend the greater portion of the 
time in shallow water, since the nature of the food at that time makes this a 

Since the spawning season has been mentioned some consideration of this 
season here may be in place. As far as the Nanaimo district is concerned there 
is nothing perplexing about the spawning season of the herring as there is in 
the case of the North Sea herring, since there is a single quite definite season, 
the last days of February, through March and early April. All the evidence, 
and it is quite conclusive, goes to show that no spawning takes place at other 

Herring are caught throughout the year. For some time after spawning the 
gonads are empty, very little evidence of renewal showing before the end of the 
third month. At the end of four months the eggs are still very small, each 
gonad weighing less than a gram. From that time on the growth is noticeable. 
Much variation in the size of the egg and the weight of the gonad is to be expected 
as the young fish spawning for the first time produces fewer and smaller eggs 
than older fish. At the end of six months the weight of the gonad varies from 
2 to 5 grams, and this difference becomes more marked as the spawning season 
approaches. Young herring may have mature gonads with each gonad weighing 
less than 5 grams, while for a female the greatest weight observed was 18.6 grams 
and for a male 28 grams. The increase in the size of the egg will give some idea 
_of the increase in the size of the gonad. On October 10 the average diameter 
was .7 mm.; on November 9, .85 to .9; on December 12, 1.0 to 1.05; on January 
28, 1.1 to. 1:2; on February 8, 1.25 to 1.30; on February 22, 1.35 to 1.40; 
and on February 28 (spawned), 1.4 to 1.6. 

For several days before the spawning begins the herring appear in the shallow 
water near shore, actively feeding on the barnacle larve as well as any copepods 
that may be obtained. The fishermen say they come in to look for suitable 
grounds for spawning, but why should they do so such a length of time ahead 
when they have been in and out of the shallow water several times in the pre- 
ceding months, and even when they are farthest from shore they could come in ina 
few hours at most? In any case spawning does take place in shallow water, so 
shallow at times that individuals perish by being left high and dry on account 
of a flip out of the water near shore. There must be a large supply of eel grass 
or seaweed of the pliable kind present, such stiff material as kelp being seldom 
made use of. Against the seaweed the female rubs as the spawn is liberated and, 
as the spawn is very adhesive, all of it remains attached. One fish may rub 
against many pieces of weed or grass before the spawn is all liberated, but as the 
fish are so close together and may spawn over the same area several days in 
succession, every particle of a weed may become coated several layers thick. 
Immediately after the female liberates the spawn the male follows, rubbing 
against the seaweed in the same way. The milt in mass adheres for a short time, 



but it soon separates and permeates the water to such extent that the water 
becomes opaque. When the spawning of a large number takes place at the 
same time the opaque area may reach for miles, so dense that the herring darting 
through the water, even when only a few inches from the surface of the water, 
appear but as shadows and if they are down a couple of feet they will not be 
seen at all. 

As the herring spawn somewhere in the vicinity of the Biological Station 
every year there has been plenty of opportunity for observation, and during 
several seasons a careful watch was kept over certain of these spawning areas. 
The herring do not spawn in the same place season after season as some other 
fish apparently do. A thorough survey of the spawning grounds of one year 
may be of no assistance in finding the spawning grounds of the next year. While 
the areas of one year may overlap the areas of another year I have never known 
them to correspond exactly in two succeeding years. 

In a previous paper! some description of the spawning areas was given, but 
further observation has shown that the matter is not so simple as at first it 
seemed. The spawning dates for different areas were quite correct, but it was 
not realized that at times spawning takes place day after day for a considerable 
period; it may take place for a number of days in succession, cease for a short 
time and then begin again, or it may take place over a short period only, even 
for a single day. The longest period, day after day, recorded, extended from 
March 19 to April 5, 1916. This was around Horswell rock, at the northern 
entrance to Departure Bay. 

Where spawning takes place in the same area day after day the spawning is 
by no means continuous. It seldom occurred outside of the period between 
12 noon and 5 p.m. The height of the tide evidently had nothing to do with it 
as the spawning was at its height at different times of the tide each day. On 
this account, since the spawn is always deposited in shallow water, usually less 
than 6 feet, much of that which is deposited at high tide is left exposed for some 
hours at low tide, particularly at spring tide. These exposures seem to do no 
harm, unless there is too much bright sun during the exposure. As the majority 
of really low tides come at night during that season such a thing seldom happens. 

It is not for lack of seaweed areas at greater depths that the shallow water 
is used, as it often happens that the bottom at a little greater depth is much 
more densely covered than the bottom near shore. 

After spawning is over the herring are in no hurry to leave the shallow water. 
They have been seen in Departure Bay in intervals during April and May, and 
this year a small school stayed around continuously until the end of June. 

The dangers of the deep water must be great if they are much greater than 
the dangers of the shore and shallow water. While the herring are spawning 
they are naturally not so active as at ordinary times and hence they fall a prey 
to their enemies the more readily. As they are so near the surface the gulls 
can see them and reach them readily. Since there are myriads of these they 
must cause the disappearance of innumerable herring just at the time when 
protection is most needed. The dogfish, doubtless their enemies at all times, 

1On Clupea pallasii Cuvier and Valenciennes. Trans. Royal Can. Inst., 1916, p, 97-108, 



are able to take their toll with greater ease and in consequence it is nothing out 
of the way to find one with five or six herring in its stomach. The spring salmon 
and many others of the larger fishes at times, at least, find herring a satisfactory 

The danger to the fish is not the only danger, however, as the spawn exposed 
at low tide is in position to suffer extensively. The effect of the weather has 
already been mentioned, but much greater destruction is caused by the animals 
that use spawn for food. In the Nanaimo district the various species of ducks, 
especially the surf scoter, take predominance in this regard. These may be 
seen by hundreds of thousands, and as each must get rid of millions of eggs per 
day, it would be hard indeed to estimate the damage done in a season in this 
way. I should have no hesitation in saying that I have seen sufficient numbers 
of ducks feeding within a radius of five miles to destroy more fish—in the embryo 
of course—in one day, than all the fishermen on the coast catch in a year. Many 
fish, including the herring itself, as well as shore species among the invertebrates, 
feed on this spawn, but all of these taken together must make a small showing 
when compared with that taken by the ducks. It is well that the embryonic 
life is short. If it were as long as that of the salmon, for instance, it would seem 
as though none of the eggs would ever get a chance to hatch. 

Nor is the danger ended with the hatching out of the eggs. When the fry 
are still young, in the alevin stage, they are rather helpless since they are usually 
found carried into large masses by the currents in such a way that they can 
readily be seen and seized, more particularly by the many species of fish that 
enjoy very young herring for breakfast. Here again the mature herring is one 
of the many offenders. 

The eggs when ripe are 1.4 to 1.6 mm. in diameter and in weight they run 
from 900 to 1,200 to a gram weight of ovary, and the number of eggs varies much 
with the age of the fish. Those spawning for the first time produce about 
12,000 eggs, while the oldest or largest fish produce about 35,000. The develop- 
ment of the embryo until the time of hatching has been described in the paper 
to which reference has been made. After the yolk is absorbed the activity is 
immediately increased. The individuals become more separated, but still 
remain in large schools, and growth takes place quite rapidly. 

The young herring just liberated from the shell membrane is 7 mm. long. 
When the yolk is all absorbed it is about 1 mm. longer. At this time the pectoral 
fins are present in the form of small flaps and the caudal fin is present, but the 
anal fin is not separated from it. These are not supported by fin rays. None 
of the other fins are distinct. Ata length of 12 mm. the dorsal fin appears as a 
slight elevation; at 14 mm. the dorsal fin rays begin to appear. At 18 mm. the 
end of the vertebral column, which up to this time has been straight, begins to 
turn up to form the urostyle. At 20 cm. the urostyle is completely turned 
upward, the dorsal and anal fin rays begin to show; the dorsal fin has 16 rays. 
At 22 mm. a slight protuberance indicates the beginning of the pelvic fins; at 
26 mm. these take definite shape; at 29 mm. the pelvic fin rays begin to appear. 
At 35 mm. definite pectoral fin rays appear. . 

Until now the young fish looks little like the older herring, but about this 



time, 35 to 40 mm., the metamorphosis takes place, at which time the scales 
begin to grow. This occurs about the end of June or the beginning of July. 
In six months the fish are about 6 cm. long and in a year 9 to 10 cm. During 
all of this period they live in immense schools along the shore and more par- 
ticularly around the wharves and floats, where they mix freely with sticklebacks, 
various species of young perch, sand launces and other small fish. Their staple 
diet, as in the case of the older fish, consists largely of copepods. These may 
make up the entire food supply and only occasionally does anything else pre- 
dominate. Here also the diet may be varied by the nauplius and cypris larve 
of barnacles, other crustacean larve, molluscan larve and eggs, ascidian larve, 
rotifers and peridinia. 

At much the same time as the mature herring leaves the shallow water for 
the deep, the yearlings do also. Nothing has been observed to indicate that they 
go out in the same schools. During the summer they are caught with hand 
lines in swiftly running water in some of the main passes between the islands, 
and in such cases they are not in very deep water. In the seine hauls made from 
September to March there are seldom any young fish. It might be supposed 
that they are small enough to pass through the meshes of the net leaving only 
the larger ones in the net, but this can scarcely be correct as there are exceptions 
to the general rule. One instance will illustrate. In November, 1914, the 
fishermen were working off Cowichan Gap (Porlier Pass) and all the catches 
lacked the usual uniformity. The fish were smaller than usual and consisted 
of fish of many different sizes. On November 27 Mr. H. McIndoo, Fisheries 
Overseer at Nanaimo, brought me in a pailful, taken without sorting, from one 
of the catches. The 79 fish brought in were of 50 different lengths, differing 
from 8.8 to 22.0cm. One was in the first year, 6 in the second, 47 in the third, 
15 in the fourth, 8 in the fifth and 2 in the sixth. From this it would seem that 
if the small fish were with the large ones on ordinary occasions they would be 
caught as they were in this case. Furthermore, on different occasions, I have 
watched a school of herring in continuous procession for hours pass a point and 
often for shorter periods without seeing any small fish among them. 

In their third year some of the herring spawn and these appear with the 
schools of older fish, but comparatively few, even at this age, are found in the 
seines. Probably much greater numbers spawn for the first time in their fourth 
year. If the immature fish keep separate from the mature fish it will be a 
difficult matter to find the time of the year at which the segregation takes place 
or what determines the segregation. The North Sea investigators have con- 
cluded that there is a time for such segregation among the Norwegian herring, 
hence further work along that line may establish some important facts concerning 
this mixing. 

Doubtless the immature fish wander in towards shore and out again as the 
mature fish do, but as they are small they are not observed readily. Whether 
the individual school retains its main components, making additions from year 
to year from the young fish to take the place of those that disappear or whether 
there is promiscuous mixing of schools may not be determined readily, although 
here again this seems to have been fairly well determined for the North Sea 



herring. If the schools wander far there might easily be much mixing. If their 
wanderings are restricted to a comparatively small area such mixing would 
not so likely take place to any extent. Coast conditions along the British 
Columbia coast are not readily comparable to those of the Norwegian coast 
and with regard to two distinct species one may do nothing more than surmise 
that the same habits would prevail. 

In any case, after a fish has once spawned there is every indication that the 
process is an annual one for the remainder of its life. It is probable that after 
the first spawning the individual remains with the same school throughout the 
rest of its life, although this would be a difficult matter to prove. 

Extensive observations over a long period would be necessary to demonstrate 
the racial differences in the different schools, but there is little doubt that such 
differences exist; even though, in the main, their habits, times of migration, etc., 
may be very similar. 

The majority of the fish caught in the purse seines are from’4 to 7 years old 
and none have been found of a greater age than 10 years. 


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No. VII 

ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ANGLER (Lophius piscatorius, LE.) 

St. Francis Xavier's College, Antigonish, N.S. 

On the Development of the Angler (Lophius piscatorius, L.) 

By €) J. Connoriy, “Pap: 

St. Francis Xavier’s College, Antigonish, N.S. 
S S 


During the summer of 1918 the writer made a study of the distribution, etc., 
of the Angler in Canadian waters and gave a general account of the life-history 
of this fish in Bulletin No. 3, issued by the Biological Board of Canada. The 
detailed results of observations made during that season are contained in the 
following paper. 

While carrying on another investigation at the Biological Station, St. Andrews, 
N.B., during the summer months of 1919 and 1921, additional observations were 
made on the early stages in the development of the Angler, and these are also 
included in this paper. 

I wish here to cordially thank Dr. A. G. Huntsman, Curator of the Biological 
Station, for his kind assistance and many valuable suggestions while making 
this investigation. 


The period of spawning of the Angler, Lophius piscatorius, in Canadian 
waters extends from about June to August. The eggs are embedded as a single 
layer in a mucous band about thirty or forty feet in length, and this gelatinous 
mass floats near the surface of the water. Fulton (1898, p. 118) has shown that 
the mucoid substance is secreted by a specially modified epithelium. He has 
further described the development of the ovarian eggs of Lophius from the 
earliest stages to their maturation and has shown that the increase in volume of 
the eggs during maturation is due to the imbibition of a watery fluid. The 
specific gravity of the mature ovum, according to Milroy, is 1.034, while the 
specific gravity of the mucous band, together with its mature ova, is 1.005. 
The floating properties of the egg are due to the mucous substance. They are 
pyriform when embedded in the mucous substance, but when free they assume 
a more spherical form, though they still retain the flattened surfaces due to the 
pressure of adjacent eggs. There are many small oil globules in the immature 
egg, which fuse in the ripe egg to form one large oil globule. 


Agassiz described the young embryo just before hatching and also the early 
larval stages. Prince described and figured embryos at the stage just before 
hatching and also the early larval and post-larval stages for the European form, 



but found no stage similar to the remarkable post-larval specimen figured by 
Agassiz. His specimen resembled rather the post-larval stage obtained by 
MacIntosh. Williamson made a further study of the larval Angler, showing 
some minor points of difference, but with results agreeing essentially with those 
of Prince. In all cases where the eggs have been found floating in the sea or 
thrown up on the shore they contained embryos at well advanced stages or about 
to hatch. So far as the writer can ascertain none of the earlier stages following 
fertilization have been hitherto observed. 

On June 24th, 1910, eggs of Lophius were found by the Indians at Pleasant 
Point at the entrance of Passamaquoddy Bay. It was noted at the time that 
the oil-globules in the eggs gave the entire mass a pink shade. A portion of 
the mucous band containing the eggs was preserved in formalin at the Biological 
Station, St. Andrews, N.B., and later transferred to alcohol. These eggs I 
examined and found that they were in a very early stage of development; they 
must have been taken shortly after fertilization. On account of the manner of 
preservation, however, the eggs had undergone a considerable shrinkage. They 
were all approximately in the same stage of development, and showed the 
blastodisc divided into numerous cells or blastomeres at one pole of the egg and 
a large oil-globule at the other. The greatest diameter of the egg measured 
1.7 mm. The oil-globule measured 0.37 mm. in diameter. The egg capsule 
showed distinct criss-cross markings, and a very thin layer of protoplasm which 
surrounded the yolk ball after the blastodisc was formed, appeared shrunken 
but was held fixed to the periphery by the blastodisc at one pole and by the 
oil-globule at the opposite pole. 

Further material was available during the summer of 1919 and on examina- 
tion proved to contain embryos in very early stages of development. Portions 
of a band of mucus containing eggs were picked up at Deer Point, Campobello, 
on August 9th, 1916, and preserved in formalin. The mucous substance is 
quite transparent and its presence in the preserving fluid is inferred from the 
fixed positions which eggs maintain with respect to one another. Of the large 
number of eggs examined all were in process of development. A large number 
of the eggs, however, were quite opaque and difficult to examine. In these the 
blastoderm had covered less than half of the yolk, and on being placed in formalin 
suffered considerable shrinkage and distortion. The embryonic shield, with its 
early differentiation of the embryonic axis rising from the embryonic ring, was 
visible and at its anterior portion the head end appeared as a slight expansion 
while posteriorly the caudal portion of the embryo projected downward for a 
slight distance. Worthy of note is the very early pigmentation. The embryonic 
shield and the lateral portions of the embryo were covered with black pigment 
spots, circular in outline, but the neural region of the embryo remained free of 
pigment, except for one or two patches in the head region. The pigmented 
area apparently extends over the embryonic shield, though it was not possible 
to determine accurately the limits of the shield which gradually merges into the 
rest of the blastoderm. 

In a large percentage of the eggs the blastoderm covered more than half 
of the yolk, and in these no distortion occurred. The eggs were transparent 


and the structure of the embryo quite clear. Figure 1 shows a stage in which 
the blastoderm covers about five sixths of the surface of the yolk. The em- 
bryonic ring is very narrow but distinctly marked. The embryo extends over 
approximately one-half the circumference of the yolk, the perpendicular distance 
from head to caudal extremity being 1.2mm. The pigment spots are now much 
larger and branch frequently, connecting with each other. They cover the 
larger portion of the blastoderm, only that portion opposite the embryo being 
free of pigment. At this stage the optic sacs are beginning to be differentiated 
and just posterior to them, the pigment spots extend across the median dorsal 
region. A large oil-globule has its position opposite the caudal end of the 
embryo. Sometimes a second oil-globule near the large one is present at this 
stage. In some eggs that portion of the blastoderm covering the oil-globule 

Fig. 1. Egg showing embryo at more advanced stage. es, embryonic shield; og, oil-globule; 
er, embryonic ring; y, yolk. 

becomes more densely pigmented than elsewhere, with the exception of the 
lateral parts of the embryo, but in others the oil-globule is yet quite free of | 
pigmentation. There is no indication at this stage of the formation of somites 
In a few eggs the blastoderm has almost surrounded the yolk, the blastopore 
having now a width about equal to the diameter of the oil-globule. There is no 
further differentiation of the embryo shown at the slightly older stage except 
that the head is more distinctly marked off. 

In the summer of 1921 three specimens in early larval stages were observed 
among material collected at Brazil Rock, off Barrington Passage, Shelburne 
County, N.S. These specimens were taken with a young fish trawl on the 
9th of August at a depth of 25 to 30 metres. They are but 8 to 9 mm. in length, 
measured from the tip of the lower jaw to the extremity of the tail. In the 8 mm. 



specimen there are four dorsal spines, the most anterior in position being 3 mm. 
long and the fourth 0.5 mm., the other two, intermediate in position, being also 
intermediate in size. The ventral fins possess two rays, the outer or the longer 
ray being 4 mm. long and the inner about 3 mm. The bud of a third ray is 
just beginning to appear. The rays bear dense patches of black pigment, 
especially towards their extremities. The pectoral fins are pad-like structures 
in which the rays are beginning to be differentiated. The other specimens, 
8.5 mm. and 9 mm. in length, do not differ materially from the first, showing 
merely a corresponding increase in the size of the parts. The second ray of the 
ventral fin in the 9 mm. specimen has lengthened considerably and the third ray 
is now 0.5 mm. long. In all three specimens a continuous median fin surrounds 
the trunk and caudal region. Two large patches of black dendriform pigment 
are present on each side of the trunk and a third is present near the caudal 
extremity. The dorsal portion and the region of the body covered by the 
pectoral fins are also heavily pigmented. The lower jaw protrudes beyond the 
upper and bears a single row of conical teeth. A few small teeth were also 
visible on the upper jaw. 

On the same date that these specimens in the larval stage were taken Capt. 
Arthur Calder, of the Biological boat Prince, captured with a dip-net a young 
Lophius, which was swimming on the surface at Brazil Rock. This specimen 
is in the post-larval stagé and approximates very closely the 30 mm. post-larval 
stage described and figured by Agassiz. As some doubt apparently exists con- 
cerning this stage, so grotesque in appearance, a few details will be given in con- 
firmation of Agassiz’s observations. The specimen, however,”is apparently 
abnormal in that the frontal surface of the head forms almost a right angle with 
the axis of the trunk. It is true that this angle decreases with growth, but there 
is only 4 mm. difference in length between this specimen and Agassiz’s, which is 
hardly sufficient to account for so great a change. Moreover, the younger 
larval stage 9 mm. in length does not show so great a cephalic angle, which in- 
dicates that the Brazil Rock specimen is, in this respect, abnormal. 

The Brazil Rock specimen has a total length of 26 mm. measured from tip 
of lower jaw to extremity of tail. The greatest breadth of head is 7 mm.; greatest 
height, 9 mm.; distance between eyes, 3.5 mm.; diameter of eye, 1.5 mm. 
The median fins are all differentiated, though connected with one another by 
a median fold at the base, and have well-developed fin rays. The anterior 
dorsal spines, representing together the anterior dorsal fin, are six in number. 
The first three are isolated from one another. The most anterior of these situated 
2mm. behind tip of jaw, though longest in adult stage, is in this stage the shortest, 
as figured by Agassiz. The first dorsal spine is 4 mm. long with a curved and 
flattened tip; the second 7.5 mm. and the third 8 mm. long. Then follow 
three dorsal spines connected by a membrane and forming the dorsal finlet, 
the first and longest ray being 6.5 mm. in length. Posterior to these six spines, 
forming together the anterior dorsal fin, is the second or posterior dorsal, having 
a-length measured at the base of 8 mm. and a breadth expanded of 10 mm. 
The caudal fin is 7 mm. long. The pectoral fins are fan-shaped structures held 
erect and having a greatest breadth expanded of 14 mm. and a depth of 9 mm, 



The rays of the ventral fins were damaged following the capture of the specimen 
so that exact lengths could not be determined. They are 3 mm. wide at the 
base. The median and shortest of the three rays reached slightly beyond the 
extremity of the caudal fin. At its base and medial to it the bud of a fourth 
ray was visible and lateral to the outer or longest ray the bud of a fifth ray. 
The entire body, except the ventral surface between the anal fin and the origin 
of the ventral fins, is mottled with dark brownish dendriform pigment spots. 
The caudal fin is only slightly pigmented along its rays. On the upper surface 
of the head three post-orbital spines were already visible. 


While the structure of the young embryo at the time of hatching and the 
following larval stages have been studied by various authors little is known 
concerning the post-larval conditions and the rate of growth of the Angler. <A 
description of a post-larval stage rarely met with has already been given. After 
reaching the advanced post-larval stage it must seek greater depths, or seek 
protection among algae-covered rocks, for specimens up to four or five inches 
have rarely been observed either in American or European waters. According 
to Fulton (19038, p. 187) one of the smallest European specimens found was 
127 mm. or five inches long. 

To determine the rate of growth it is, of course, necessary to begin with the 
time of spawning. The period of spawning extends, as already mentioned, 
from June to August; eggs in early stages of development were found in both 
months in the same waters, namely Passamaquoddy Bay. Moreover, larval 
stages 8 to 9 mm. in length, and a post-larval stage 26 mm. in length, were taken 
August 9th at Brazil Rock, near the mouth of the Bay of Fundy. 

Fig. 2. Photograph of Angler about three inches long, 
captured in Halifax Harbour, N.S. 

One of the youngest specimens found in Canadian waters and indeed one of 
the smallest on record was caught in Halifax Harbour in 1870 and is preserved 
in the Provincial Museum. It was identified by Dr. Theodore Gill, and a detailed 
description of it is given by J. M. Jones in a report of the Nova Scotian Institute 
of Science (Vol. III,. p. 103, 1871). Unfortunately, it is not now in a good state 



of preservation. It has a total length of about 23 inches or 5.94 cm. The 
exact date of its capture is not recorded, but it was taken “A few weeks”’ before 
Mr. Jones read his paper in November, so that it was evidently spawned the 
same year and is only a few months old. The second Halifax specimen has an 
extreme length of 7.6 centimeters or about three inches (Fig. 2). It weighs 
5.2 grams or about 5 of an ounce. There is likewise no exact date of capture 
recorded for this specimen, but like the last it was obviously spawned the same 
year. The largest of the three young specimens caught in Halifax Harbour, and 
at present in the Provincial Museum, measures 13.3 centimeters or about 514 
inches. It weighs 3414 grams or 13 ounces. This specimen belongs at least 
to the previous year. 

A specimen of the Angler caught on August 12th, 1910, at Campobello 
Island, Bay of Fundy, and preserved in formalin, had an extreme length, measured 
from the tip of the lower jaw to the extremity of the tail, of 11.2 centimeters or 
about 41% inches and weighed 15.7 grams or about half an ounce (Fig. 3). 

Fig. 3. Photograph of Angler four and a half inches long; dorsal and ventral view. 

Though slightly shorter than the Halifax specimen there is a considerable 
difference in development. The pectoral fins are membranous, wing-like struc- 
tures and comparatively wide, being 3 centimeters or about 1 3/16 inches when 
expanded, while in the latter specimen the pectorals have become thick, flipper- 
like structures apparently more adapted for crawling than swimming. The 
ventral fins of the Campobello specimen are long and narrow, and lie parallel 
to the long axis of the body, while in the Halifax specimen they are broader 
with strongly developed rays. They are now directed backwards and outwards, 
crossing over the axils of the pectorals. The head in both specimens is about 
one-third the length of the body. The Campobello specimen also belongs at 
least to the previous year. 


In determining the age and growth of fishes the scale method has been 
employed in recent years with much success. As the Angler is without scales 



we must adopt another method to determine its growth. The otoliths, or 
earstones, also show zones of growth and the rate of growth of some fishes has 
been determined from them. Reibisch was the first to apply this method in 
determining the rate of growth. The method, however, presents some difficulties 
and is not so commonly used as the scale method. 

The labyrinths, with their contained otoliths, are situated at the base of the 
skull on either side of the brain. They can be exposed to view by making a 
transverse cut in the skull on the line connecting the anterior margins of the 
pectoral fins, cutting forward along the median axis of the skull, and then raising 
the two sections of the top of the skull thus formed on either side of the median 
axis. The lagena, or primitive cochlea, contains minute granules of calcareous 
matter and where the two semi-circular canals join the sac there is a very small 
otolith, but for determining the age of fishes only the large otolith, the so-called 
sagitta, situated in the sacculus, is used. 

The otoliths consist of calcareous matter and show a remarkable variety of 
form in different fishes. They have all, however, essentially the same structure. 
In the centre is an opaque kernel, oval or circular in outline, and around this 
kernal or nucleus are concentric lines marking off the successive zones of growth. 
During the rapid growth of summer a broad zone, which appears light under the 
microscope by transmitted light, is formed and this zone is separated from the 
zone of the following summer by a dark ring which represents the slow growth 
of winter. 

Fig. 4. Otolith one-twenty-fifth of an inch in diameter from Angler shown in figure 4. 

In the young Angler fish represented in Figure 3 the otolith is quite small 
(1 mm. or about 1/25 of an inch longest diameter), and is so thin that its structure 
can easily be made out. In the centre is an opaque oval kernel (Fig. 4) and 
around this there is a broad zone which, under higher magnification, is seen to 
have fine concentric laminae. Taking into consideration the time of spawning 



and the period of larval development it is probable that only the kernel could — 
be formed during the first summer, and the line which limits it represents the 
check in growth of the first winter. The broad zone around the kernel represents 
the growth of the following summer so that this specimen is at least one year old. 
A dark line divides the area outside the kernel into an inner broad opaque zone 
and an outer narrow transparent zone. There is a possibility that this line 
represents a check in the growth caused by a second winter and that the outer 
marginal zone represents the growth of the following summer up to August 12th, 
when the fish was caught. The outer zone is comparatively narrow to represent 
an additional year, though it should be remembered that in the waters of the 
Bay of Fundy the temperature is higher in the late than in early summer, and 
consequently more rapid growth would take place in late summer. 

In many fishes the otoliths of mature fish are so transparent that the zones 
of growth are easily distinguished. In the specimen of the young Angler they 
are also quite distinct, but in the adult they are opaque and irregular, so that 
it is difficult, even when the otolith is ground down to a thin flake, to recognize 
distinctly the annual rings of growth. 

The otoliths of the Angler lie on either side of the brain with their long axis 
slightly converging posteriorly towards the median axis of the body. They lie 
somewhat tilted towards the brain. For descriptive purposes we may, with 
Fryd, distinguish between a dorsal and a ventral margin, an outer and an inner 
surface, an anterior and a posterior end. The lower or ventral margin is slightly 
curved. The upper or dorsal margin is arched and notched. The outer surface 
is concave and the inner somewhat convex. A little below the centre of the 
inner surface there is a horizontal groove which stands in close relationship 
with the macula acustica. Radial lines run along the surface from the central 
portion to the upper margin and end in the notches. 

The otoliths of the Angler are small for the size of the fish; their diameter 
in a specimen 11.2 cm. long was, as we have seen, one mm. Below the measure- 
ments of otoliths from Anglers of various sizes are given. 

Length Length Width Weight 
95 cm. 9 mm. 6.5 mm. 0.12 grams 
19°2-cm. a 6 _ ONO Tes 
74 ~ Bie 5 " OrOby ays 
AGYD 6:98 -— 5 + O20 aes 
AOE Dis Oss i * O07 S55 
103.405" a es 6 a 0.45 
99 ~ TOs Se OAD SS a OAS taee 

Apart from the typical features described above there is a great variety of 
form in the otoliths of the Angler. Frequently the notches are quite deep, 
forming prominent lobes, and in some cases the otolith is deeply cleft by a 
groove dividing it into two main sections. In the other cases the notches are 
barely perceptible. This is generally true of the otoliths of the young specimens. 



Again the posterior end, though usually truncated, has often a conical pro- 
tuberance directed backwards. Smaller papilla-like masses are frequently 
present on other parts of the surface. There is thus a great variety in outline 
and general appearance of the otoliths of the Angler of different ages and even 
of those of approximately the same age. As Immerman has pointed out, it 
would be an interesting problem to determine how variety of life conditions 
cause this variation in the sculpture of otoliths having otherwise essentially 
a constant structure. 


The vertebrae also show annual rings and can likewise be used to determine 
the age. Taking into consideration the structure and size of the vertebrae at 
the end of the first year one can approximately determine the age by the broad 
and whitish rings laid down in successive-years. In an Angler having a total 
length of 46.5 cm., or about 18 inches, there were four distinct annual rings 
indicating that the fish was four years old. 

In larger specimens it is more difficult to make out the rings, but I have 
estimated the ages as follows: length 46.5 cm. or 31 inches, 9 years; 95 cm. or 
37 inches, 10 years; and 100 cm. or about 40 inches, 12 years. The average 
yearly increment of growth is about 41% inches during the early years, and 
gradually decreases in the older Angler. This is a slower growth than that 
calculated by Fulton (1903, p. 194), who estimates that an Angler four years old 
measures approximately twenty-seven inches. The slower growth could be 
accounted for by the lower temperature in the Bay of Fundy. 

The age-at, which maturity is reached was not determined definitely as a 
sufficient number of specimens of different ages was not obtained. The specimen, 
with a total length of 18 inches, was, however, not yet mature, while all specimens 
over 30 inches in length were mature. 


Acassiz, A.: On the Young Stages of Osseous Fishes. Proc. Amer. Acad. Sci., 
Vol. XVIII., p. 280, 1882. 

AGAssiz and WHITMAN: The Dev. of Osseous Fishes. Mem. Mus. Comp. 
Zool. Harvard, Vol. X1V., p. 16, 1885. 

Fuiton, T. W.: On the Growth and Maturation of the Ovarian Eggs of Teleo- 
stean Fishes. 16th Annual Rep. Fish. Bd. Scot., Pt. III., p. 88, 1898. 

Futon, T. W.: The Distribution, Growth and Food of the Angler. 21st An. 
Rep. Fishery Board Scot., Pt. I1I., p. 186, 1903. 

Fryp, C.: Die Otolithen der Fische. Diss. Altona, 1901. 

IMMERMANN, F.: Beitrage zur Altersbestimmung der Fische. Wiss. Meeres- 
unters. Arb. d. w. Komm., No. 6. Bd. VIII., 1908. 

Jones, J. M.: Proceedings and Trans. of the N.S. Inst. of Science. Vol. II. 



McIntosu, W. C. and Princ&, E. E.: Development and Life-Histories of 
Teleostean, Food and other Fishes. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., Vol. XXXV., 
p. 869, 1890. 

Mrrroy, T. H.: The Physical and Chemical Changes taking Place in the Ova 
of Certain Marine Teleosteans During Maturation. 16th An. Rep. Fish. 
Ba..Scot., Pt. U1 .; p: 135; 1898: 

Prince, E. E.: Notes on the Development of the Angler Fish. 9th An. Rep. 
Fish. Bd. Scot., Pt. I1I,. p. 348, 1891. 

Witui1amson, H. C.: Notes on the Eggs of the Angler. 28th An. Rep. Fish. Bd. 
Scots Pt Ii. 1910. 

ReIBIscH, J.: Ueber die Eizahl bei Pleuronectes platessa und die Altersbestim- 
mung dieser Form aus den Otolithen. Wiss. Meeresunders, Abt. Kiel, 

N.F., Bd. IV., 1869. 



Unwersity of Toronto 

The Composition of Lobster Muscle 

By SapiE N. Boyp, M.A. 

University of Toronto. 

This examination of lobster muscle was made because up to this time little 
work had been done in this connection. Miss O. G. Patterson (1) has made 
determinations of the coagulation points of the proteins of lobster muscle. 
These are noted later. Dr. A. B. Macallum (2) analyzed the blood serum of 
the lobster in order to determine whether there was any connection between its 
- composition and the composition of the sea-water in which it lived. 

In the following analysis a (3) qualitative study of the lobster muscle was 
made to determine the elements present, and it was found to contain sodium, 
potassium, a small amount of calcium, and only a trace of magnesium and iron. 
These elements were present as phosphates, sulphates, carbonates, and chiefly 
‘as chlorides. 

The material used for the quantitative analysis was fresh lobster muscle. | 
A determination was made of the ‘‘total solids’? present in each sample of 
muscle for analysis. This was done in order that all results might be calculated 
as per cent. of the dry material. 

An estimation of the total salts present in lobster muscle was made in the 
usual way of charring, extracting with hot water and ashing. 

Dr. A. B. Macallum’s methods were used for separating calcium, magnesium 
and iron, and determining the weight of each and also for the determination of 
the weights of potassium and sodium. The usual methods (4) were used to 
separate the chlorides and sulphates. They were precipitated as silver chloride 
and barium sulphate respectively. 

The following results were obtained in the complete quantitative analysis. 
All results are calculated as per cent. of the dry material. 

The total solids as ascertained in two determinations were averaged in one 
case 21.39 per cent. and in the other 19.59 per cent. The fact that the muscle 
which was used for the second determination was obtained at a different time 
from that which was used for the first may probably account for the difference 
in the results. 

The total salts in the lobster muscle were found to average 8.3117 per cent. 



The following are the results obtained for the weight of iron, calculated as 
per cent. of the dry muscle. 

Weight of dry Weight of % of iron Weight of % of iron Total iron 
muscle (gms. ) oxide (gms.)| in oxide Fe PO, (gms.) in Fe P04 (per cent.) 
18, 9h DOSS 0.0012 0. 0074 0.0002 0.0013 0. 0087 
IT. 10.0038 0.0012 0.0040 0. 0004 0.0014 0.0054 
2. I. 10.9674 0.0016 0.0052 0.0002 0. 0007 0.0059 
II. 16.5412 0.0026 0.0057 0.0008 0.0017 0.0074 
Std. 1. 980 / 0.0006 0.0027 0.0010 0.0046 0.0073 
II, 12.9772 0.0014 0.0037 0.0016 0.0045 0.0082 
4. I. 8.5964 0.0012 0.0049 0. 0002 0.0008 0.0057 
II. 14.1552 0.0018 0.0044 0. 0006 0.0014 0.0058 

The following table shows the weights obtained for the calcium and mag- 

Weigar ot dry bigs of ie % of Weight of % of % of 
muscle See oe oe geo calcium Maenes Meg;(P0s)2 | Magnesium. 
oxide oxide pyrophosphates 
oe Rea a7 Bhs) 0.0208 0.3665 0.2655 0.0025 0.0440 0.0040 
II. 10.0038 0.0360 0.3598 0. 2554 0.0033 0.0329 0.0030 
2) le 10: 9674 0. 0433 0.3948 0. 2822 0.0149 0.0446 0.0040 
II. 16.5412 0. 0629 0.3802 OL AAT 0.0339 0.0779 0.0072 

The analysis of the ash gave the following results for the weights of sodium 
and potassium. 

Wt. of J of 
Wt. of Wt. of | Wt. of | Wt. of | Naci | Wt. of | NaCl} Wt. of | %of | %of 
muscle | platinum K. KCl & KCl NaCl & Na Na K 

1. 4.0430 | 0.0616 | 0.0248 | 0.0472 | 0.2730 | 0.2258 | 6.75 | 0.0888 |2 
2. 3.1148 | 0.0576 | 0.0232 | 0.0442 | 0.2064 | 0.1622 | 6.63 | 0.0638 |2 
3. 3.2028 | 0.0563 | 0.0226 | 0.0484 | 0.2272 | 0.1788 | 7.09 | 0.0703 |2.1949| 0.7056 
4. 4.3020 | 0.0551 | 0.0222 | 0.0476 | 0.2848 | 0.2372 | 6.62 | 0.09383 |2 


The following table shows the weights obtained for chlorides. 

Weight of Weight of % of % of 
muscle AgCl AgCl Chlorides 
3.3141 | 0.3394 10.0592 2.4884 
Ar S21 0.4140 10.0190 PEAS 5 aus 
3.7882 0.3870 10.2159 2.5272 
1.6229 0.1632 10.0560 2.4876 
1.8149 | 0.1822 10.0391 2.4835 
1.6229 0. 1622 9.9944 2.4724 

The weights obtained for the sulphates are shown in the following table. 

Weight of Weight of % of ®, of 
muscle Ba S04 gms. Ba S04 SOs 
2.4475 0.0073 0.2982 0. 1022 
3.3456 0.0093 0.2780 0.0954 
2.5564 0.0077 0.3012 0.1033 
2.9470 0.0092 0.3121 0.1070 

An investigation of the mineral constituents of the muscle of various animals 
by (5) Julius Katz led to a variety of results, which are quoted below as per cent. 
of the dry material. 

K Na Fe Ca Mg Cr S 
Pig 0.9363 0.5752 0.0218 0.0298 0.1042 0.1787 | 0.7536 
BIS Se ee 1.5200 0.2695 0.1019 0.0088 0. 1006 0.2342 | 0.7719 
Deer 1.3586 0. 2848 0.0423 0.0388 0.1175 0.1637 | 0.8517 
10 loo Ea 1.4178 0.4000 0.0193 0.0291 0. 1005 0.3415 | 0.9643 
Fowl..... 1.4700 0.3008 0.0295 0.0333 0.1174 0.1904 | 0.9234 
Codfish® .:.:.. 24, 1.7281 0.5118 0.0300 0.1138 0.0863 1.2447 | 1.1514 
Brel ne eae tyes 3 0.6519 0.0812 0.0148 0.1061 0.0483 0.0935 | 0.3657 
Bikers ek ns ear 2.0176 0. 1426 0.0209 0.1929 0.1505 0.1548 | 1.0576 

Katz found the total solids in the codfish muscle to average 19.36 per cent. 
and in the pike 20.62 per cent. 

The following is a summary of the analysis of the lobster muscle which may 
be compared with the table containing Katz’s results: 

K Na Fe Gal Mg Cl S 

Lobster a. 21 0.7399% | 2.1520% Diy eine ewe 0.0045% | 2.4876% |0.1020% 

Total solids. ..21.39% 19.59% 


Very few, if any, general conclusions may be drawn from a comparison of the 
results quoted above. Each particular muscle is distinct in containing a definite 
proportion of each of the mineral constituents. There are, however, several 
outstanding facts which may be noted. In every kind of muscle, except that 
of the cod-fish, pike and eel the calcium is less than the magnesium. 

According to the results obtained in the analysis of the lobster muscle the | 
calcium is greater than the magnesium. From these results it seems that this 
may probably be a characteristic of marine forms. Examination of Katz’s 
results shows that the amount of chlorides contained by any one form is highest 
in the cod-fish. The lobster: muscle contains an even higher percentage of 
chlorides. The fact that the cod-fish and lobster are both salt water forms 
doubtless accounts for this. The sodium content of the cod-fish is higher than 
that of the eel or pike, but highest of all in the lobster. With the potassium the 
conditions seem to be reversed. The total solids in the lobster compare very 
closely with the solids in the cod-fish and pike. On the whole the analysis 
of the lobster muscle resembles most that of the cod-fish when considered in 
conjunction with the other forms analysed by Katz, and as far as the figures 
show, the features which seem to be common to marine forms are, similarity 
in the amount of total solids, high percentage of chlorides, and low percentage of 
magnesium, which is even less than the calcium. 

The proteins in the lobster muscle were separated by fractional coagulation 
(6) and (7). 

Miss O. G. Patterson obtained coagulations in a distilled water extract of 
the lobster muscle at the following temperatures: 39°, 47°, 52°, 62° and 70-71°C. 
These results were verified in the following investigation. 

A distilled water extract and a dilute salt solution extract of the muscle were 
heated gradually and the coagulation filtered off whenever it formed. The 
temperature was kept constant the necessary length of time. 

From the results obtained it was seen that the muscle salts which were present 
in the distilled water extract were sufficient in themselves to dissolve out the 

The following coagulation temperatures were obtained: 39°, 46°, 53°, 62° 
and 72°. There are, therefore, probably five proteins present. This coincides 
with Miss O. G. Patterson’s results. 

The following table is a summary of the results which were obtained. The 
figures given are the average results in each case. 

Total Solids 21.39%—19.59% Chiloridessie yenenrerie . -2.4876% 
otal Salise vy tier ethie 2 8.3117% sulphates seis tewer oben 0.1020% 
\Ite6 hal pao Oe ge ae .. .0.0068% Sodium. (242: eA gee 2 120% 
Raletumes. ii Scones 0.2687% Potassium: 27520 cme ee .0.7399% 
Magnesium. ..-°.......<;. .-0.0045% 



(1) O. G. PATTERSON: Unpublished results. 

(2) A. B. Macattum: The Inorganic Composition of the Blood in Vertebrates 
and Invertebrates and its Origin. From Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B., 
Vol. 82, 1910. 

(3) Plimmer’s Physiological Chemistry. 

(4) A.B. Macatium: p. 608. Same article as before stated. Also FRESENIUS, 
p. 284. Instruction in Quantitative Chemical Analysis. 

(5) Jurius Katz. Pfluger’s Archiv., Vol. 63, 

(6) O. G. PATTERSON, Loc. cit. 

(7) W. D. Hatisurton, Journal of Physiology, Vol. 5, p. 152; Vol. 18, p. 806. 





No. IX. 




Results of the Hudson Bay Expedition, 1920 

I. The Foraminifera. 

The few bottom samples collected by Mr. Frits Johansen in Hudson Bay 
and James Bay, 1920, were sent to me to examine for foraminifera. While the 
number of species obtained is not large, they form a very interesting collection 
from the standpoint of distribution. No foraminifera have previously been 
known from this region. In all more than thirty species were obtained. These 
are mostly species which are characteristic of Arctic conditions. A comparison 
of these with the fauna known from other parts of the Arctic may be interesting. 

One of the most interesting things is the lack of certain species which are 
common elsewhere in the Arctic. Such, for example, is Hyperammina_ sub- 
nodosa, which is abundant in the Canadian Arctic Expedition collection, 1913-18, 
and also north of Newfoundland. It may be noted, however, that Kiaer did 
not record this species in his paper on the American Arctic. Other species 
which were abundant in the Canadian Arctic collection are missing in the Hudson 
Bay collection or are replaced by other species. 

A comparison of the Hudson Bay collection with the fauna recorded by 
Brady from off Nova Zembla, and by Parker and Jones from Baffins Bay and 
Davis Strait shows that these faunas are both very similar. It is evident, from 
a comparison of these faunas, that the foraminifera of Hudson Bay are more 
closely allied to regions to the east than to the regions to the west of this longitude. 
It is also very evident from a study of both of these collections that there are 
developed in the Arctic regions very definite species, which are distinct from the 
warmer water forms often assigned to the same species. 


(1) Bay at (N. of) S.E. point of South Twin Island, James Bay, 4-5 fathoms. 
Sand, gravel, and stones. July 27, 1920. 
Trochammina rotaliformis, Vernewilina advena, Discorbis wrighti, Poly- 
stomella striato-punctata, var. incerta, Quinqueloculina seminulum. 
(2) Bay on south side of Grey Goose Island, east side of James Bay (lat. 
54°N.), 10 fathoms. Sandy mud and algae. July 30, 31, 1920. 
Ammobaculites cassis, Trochammina rotaliformis, Patellina corrugata, 
Pulvinulina frigida, Potystomella striato-punctata, var. incerta, Quinque- 
loculina seminulum, Quinqueloculina subrotunda. 
(3) Richmond Gulf (about 3 miles from entrance), east coast of Hudson 
Bay, 15-20 fathoms. Stones, sand, and Delesseria-algae. August 23, 1920. 



Sorosphaera confusa, Psammatodendron ayborescens, Haplophragmoides 
canariensis, Verneutlina advena, Lagena globosa, Polymorphina lactea, 
Discorbis wrightii, Truncatulina lobatula, Pulvinulina frigida, Nonionina 
stelligera, Polystomella striato-punctata, var. incerta, Cornuspira foliacea, 
Quinqueloculina seminulum, Quinqueloculina subrotunda. 

(4) Bay inside Boat opening, Manitouk Sound, east coast of Hudson Bay, 
5-7 fathoms. Clay with sand and stones. August 27, 1920. 

Pelosina variabilis, Pelosina cylindrica, Pelosina rotundata, Webbinella 
hemisphaerica, Tholosina bulla, Reophax curtus, Ammobaculites cassis, 
Trochammina rotaliformis, Verneuilina advena, Polymorphina lactea? 

(5) Bay between Black Whale and Olaska Harbours, E. coast of Hudson 
Bay (about lat.55 N.), 10 fathoms. Sandy mud with many loose algae. August 
28, 1920. 

Psammosphaera fusca, Reophax curtus?, Ammobaculites cassis, Trocham- 
mina rotaliformis, Verneuilina advena, Nodosaria calomorpha, Poly- 
morphina lactea, Polymorphina lanceolata, Polymorphina ovata, Poly- 
morphina oblonga, Discorbis wright, Pulvinulina frigida, Nonionina 
orbicularis, Nonionina scapha, Polystomella striato-punctata, var. incerta, 
Polystomella arctica, Cornuspira foliacea, Quinqueloculina seminulum, 
Quinqueloculina subrotunda, Triloculina oblonga, Quinqueloculina sp. 

(6) Sound between Paint Hills Islands, east coast of James Bay, 10 fathoms. 
Sept. 10, 1920. Sandy mud with stones. 

Trochammina rotaliformis, Nonionina -orbicularis, Polystomella_ striato- 
punctata, var. incerta, Quinqueloculina sp. 


Psammosphaera fusca F. E. Schulze. 

Psammosphaera fusca F. E. Schulze, II. Jahr. Comm. Wiss. Unt. deutsch. Meer 
in Kiel, 1875, p. 1138, pl. 2, figs. 8 a-f—H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, 
Zoology, vol. 9, 1884, p. 249, pl. 18, figs. 1, 5-8 (not 2-4). 

Rare specimens occur only at station 5. They are composed of small, 
angular quartz grains, with a whitish cement, and no visible apertures. The 
species is recorded from a very wide range, but there are entirely different 
forms which should be carefully studied. I have recorded a large form from the 
western Atlantic (Bull. 104, U.S. Nat. Mus., pt. 1, 1918, pl. 13, fig. 6; pl. 14, 
figs. 1-3) which may not be this species. It is certainly not like this northern 
form which seems to be typical. The type station is Hougesund, Norway, 
120 fathoms. iy 



Sorosphaera confusa H. B. Brady? 

Sorosphaera confusa H. B. Brady, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., vol. 19, 1879, p. 28, 
pl. 4, figs. 18, 19; Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, 1884, p. 251, pl. 18, 
figs. 9, 10. 



There are a very few specimens from station 3 which may be referred to this 
species with some doubt. They are composed of fine white amorphous material 
for the most part, of several chambers irregularly arranged, but with definite 
apertures. In one of the specimens these are irregularly grouped near where 
the chambers intersect, in another they are remote from one another. In the 
usual form of the species the apertures are not apparent, according to the de- 
scription, but the figures in the Challenger Report show rather definite areas 
which appear to be apertures closed by amorphous material. Most of the other 
records are from deep water. 


Pelosina variabilis H. B. Brady. 


Pelosina variabilis H. B. Brady, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., vol. 19, 1879, p. 30, 
pl. 3, figs. 1-3; Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, 1884, p. 235, pl. 26, 
figs. 7-9—Flint, Rep. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1897 (1899), p. 266, pl. 4, fig. 1.— 
Rhumbler, Arch. Prot., vol. 3, 1908, p. 239, fig. 74 (in text) Chapman, 
Trans. New Zealand Inst., vol. 38, 1905, p. 83.—Cushman, Bull. 71, U.S. 
Nat. Mus., pt. 1, 1910, p. 47, fig. 52 (in text).—Heron-Allen and Earland, 
Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 11, pt. 18, 1916, p. 218.—Cushman, Bull. 
104, U.S. Nat. Mus., pt. 1, 1918, p. 53, pl. 22, figs. 1-4. 

At station 4 this and the two following species occur. One of the specimens 
of P. variabilis has a double aperture. The test is composed of fine-grained, 
light-coloured, amorphous material. Most of the records for the species are 
in cold or deep water. 

Pelosina cylindrica H. B. Brady. 

Pelosina cylindrica H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, 1884, 
p. 236, pl. 26, figs. 1-6.—Egger, Abh. bay. Akad. Wiss. Miinchen, vol. 18, 
1893, p:. 253, pl. 4, figs. 1, 2.—Rhumbler, Arch. Prot., vol. 3, 19038, p. 239, 
fig. 72 (in text).—Chapman, Trans. New Zealand Inst., vol. 38, 1905, p. 83. 
—Cushman, Bull. 71, U.S. Nat. Mus., pt. 1, 1910, p. 46, figs. 50, 51 (in 
text).—Pearcey, Trans. Roy. Soc..Edinburgh, vol. 49, 1914, p. 1002.— 
Cushman, Bull. 104, U.S. Nat. Mus., pt. 1, 1918, p. 54, pl. 22, fig. 5. 

Rhizammina indivisa Goés (part), Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., vol. 29, 1896, p. 20. 

Like the preceding, this species is known mostly from deep, cold waters. 

It is recorded from the Antarctic as well as from northern regions. The Hudson 

Bay specimens are tubular with thick walls of amorphous material which carry 

sand grains imbedded in the surface. 

Pelosina rotundata H. B. Brady. 

Pelosina rotundata H. B. Brady, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., vol. 19, 1879, p. 31, 
pl. 3, figs. 4,5; Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, 1884, p. 236, pl. 25, 
figs. 18-20.—Egger, Abh. bay. Akad. Wiss. Miinchen, vol. 18, 1893, p. 254, 
pl. 11, fig. 60.—Rhumbler, Arch. Prot., vol. 3, 1903, p. 239, fig. 71 (in text). - 



Chapman, Trans. New Zealand Inst., vol. 38, 1905, p. 83.—Cushman, 
Bull, 7F,-U.S2 Nat:-Mus., pt. 1; 1910; p.” 45,< figs “47-49 eGn stexere 
Bull, 104, U.S. Nat. Mus., pt. 1, 1918, p. 55, pl. 21, figs. 4-6. 

A few specimens were found which seemed to belong to this genus. They 
had apertures, but were without necks. Later a single specimen with the 
tapering tubular neck was found, showing that the whole are probably P. rotun- 
data. Records for typical specimens are rare and much scattered. 

Webbinella hemisphaerica (Jones, Parker and H. B. Brady). 

Webbina hemisphaerica Jones, Parker and H. B. Brady, Pal. Soc. Mon., 1865, 
p- 27, pl. 4, fig. 5—Robertson, Rep: Brit. Ass., 1875, p. 189:— He BB: Brady 
Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, 1884, p. 350, pl. 41, fig. 11.—Egger, 
Abh. bay. Akad. Wiss. Miinchen, vol. 18, 1893, p. 266, pl. 14, figs. 1-3. 
Cushman, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 34, 1908, p. 24.+Heron- 
Allen and Earland, Prec. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. 31, pt. 64, 1913, p. 53. 

Webbinella hemisphaerica Rhumbler, Arch. Prot., vol. 3, 1903, p. 228, fig. 54 
(in text).—Cushman, Bull. 71, U.S. Nat. Mus., pt. 1, 1910, p. 51, figs> 56a, 
(in text).—Pearcey,. Trans. Roy: Soc-}Edinburgh, vol. 49; 1914) p: 1002: 
Cushman, Bull. 104, U.S. Nat. Mus., pt. 1, 1918, p. 62, pl- 25, figs. 1-3. 

At station 4.this species is evidently common as numerous small stones 
sent me had numerous specimens-on their surfaces. The specimens are not as 
high as that of the Challenger Report figure, nor are they of the same texture or 
shape. The same is true of a comparison of those I have figured from off the 
Carolinas, and there is a considerable difference from either of the others. 

The specimens which are common in Hudson Bay give the appearance of 
being the résult of selection in position of the material. If it may be supposed 
that the original animal was free and able to ingest various sorts of material, it 
is easy to see how the test might be formed. The whole is somewhat convex in 
the central portion, with a thinning toward the periphery which is in general 
circular, but often somewhat irregular. The central cavity in broken specimens 
is comparatively small. It is bordered with the largest sand grains of the 
whole test, and the outside gradually becoming finer, until the final outer coating 
is very fine and smooth. There is no apparent aperture. All the specimens 
examined are very uniform in structure and in appearance. This would lead 
one to the belief that in this region there is a definite species, probably not the 
same as that described by Jones, Parker and H. B. Brady, nor the same as that 
figured in the Challenger Report, nor the same as that I have figured and referred 
to above. 

Tholosina bulla (H. B. Brady)? 

This species which was so abundant in the Canadian Arctic Expedition 
collection seems to be almost wanting in Hudson Bay, unless a single detached 



specimen represents it. The specimen is of the usual convex form and white 
colour, and shows the central cavity. T. vesicularis was also entirely lacking in 
the collection. 

Psammatodendron arborescens Norman. 

Psammatodendron arborescens Norman, MSS. in H. B. Brady, Denkschr. k. 
Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 43, 1881, p. 98; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, 
vol. 8, 1881, p. 404.—-Eimer and Fickert, Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., vol. 65, 1899, 
p-o70:— Cushman, Bull. 104, U.S. NatrMus., pt. 1, 1918;-p. 79), pl. 30) 
ines: 1.2. 

Hyperammina arborescens H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, 
1884, p. 262; pl. 28, figs. 12, 13.—Wright, Proc. Belfast Nat. Field Club, 
1884-85, App. IX., 1886, p. 319, pl. 26, fig. 1—Goés, Kéngl. Svensk. Vet. 
Akad. Handl., vol. 25, No. 9, 1884, p. 18, pl. 4, figs. 68, 64.—Schaudinn, 
Bergens Mus. Aarbok, 1894-95, No. 9, p. 5—Rhumbler, Arch. Prot., vol. 3, 
1903, p. 260, fig. 102 (in text).—Awerinzew, Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. 
Petersburg, ser. 8, vol. 29, No. 3, 1911, p. 11.—Heron-Allen and Earland, 
Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 11, pt. 13, 1916, p. 220.—Cushman, Bull. 
L@4--U-S) Naty Mus., pt. 1; 1918; p.. 79}: pl..30; figs..1, 2. 

This species seems to be characteristic of the colder regions of the North 
Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. It is recorded by Awerinzew from the Siberian 
Arctic. In the North Atlantic it is known from off the coast of Norway and 
Great Britain as well as further north off Greenland, Iceland, Nova Zembla, 
and Franz Joseph Land. 

— Only small branching portions were found in the Hudson Bay collection at 

station 3. 

GENus REOPHAX MonTrort, 1808. 
Reophax curtus Cushman. 

Reophax scorpiurus Goés (part) (not R..scorpiurus Montfort), Kéngl. Svensk. 

Vet. Akad. Handl., vol. 25, No. 9, 1894, p. 24, pl. 5, figs. 160-163. 
Reophax curtus Cushman, Bull. 104, U. S, Nat. Mus., pt. 2, 1920, p. 8, pl. 2, 
figs. 2,°3. 

Test short and thick, composed typically of three chambers, increasing 
rapidly in size as added, last-formed chamber making up a large proportion of 
the test, fusiform or elliptic, axis of the test straight or more often slightly 
curved; wall composed of angular quartz sand grains, with a considerable 
amount of grey cement between; apertural end slightly tapering, without a 
definite neck, the aperture being an opening between three or more sand grains 
at the end of the chamber. 

Length up to 2 mm. 

The type station for this species is Albatross D2458 in 89 fathoms, north of 
the Grand Banks, in very cold water (29.5°F.). Fine, large, typical specimens 



are common at station 4, and a single specimen from station 5 may be referred 
here. The species occurs off Greenland and off the north coast of Europe in 
cold water. 

The species is shorter, thicker, and fewer-chambered than R. scorpiurus, 
the chambers fewer and longer than in R. pilulifer, and different in the material 
of the wall and in the number and shape of the chambers from R. dilocularis. 

It seems to be a species of cold waters and moderate depths. 

Goés figures this species under the name of R. scorpiurus in the reference 
noted above. The specimens were from the Greenland Sea in 35-215 meters, 
and from the Skagerack in 250 meters. 

Haplophragmoides canariensis (d’Orbigny). 

A single specimen only from station 3 gives the only record for this species 
in the collection. It has been already recorded from the Canadian Arctic 
Expedition and from other Arctic areas, as well as in temperate regions. It is 
evidently not the same as that found in shallow, tropical waters. 

Ammobaculites cassis (Parker). 

Lituola cassis Parker, in Dawson, Canad. Nat., vol. 5, 1870, pp. 117, 180, fig. 3. 

Haplophragmium cassis H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9. 
1884, p. 304, pl. 33, figs. 17-19.—Goés, K6ngl. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl., 
vol. 25, No. 9, 1894, p. 24, pl. 5, figs. 152-157.—Flint, Rep. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1897 (1899), p. 275, pl. 19, fig. 4—Awerinzew, Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. 
Petersburg, ser. 8, vol. 29, No. 3, 1911, p. 20. 

Ammobaculites cassis Cushman, Rep. Canadian Arctic Exped., vol. 9, pt. M, 
1920, p. 6m, pl. 1, fig. 3; Bull. 104, U.S. Nat. Mus., pt. 2, 1920, p. 63, pl. 
12, fie. 5. 

At one station (4), specimens were fairly common. The specimens are mostly 
fairly broad, but some more slender ones also occur, but as a rule, these seem to 
be young. There are a few specimens also from stations 2 and 5. 

A. cassis is one of the species characteristic of cold waters. It ranges south- 
ward as far as Cape Cod on the Atlantic coast, thence northward along the 
New England coast, into the mouth of the St. Lawrence, Gaspé Bay, thence 
westward into Hudson Bay, and is known from off Greenland, Spitzbergen, 
Nova Zembla, the Siberian Arctic, and from the Canadian Arctic. It also 
apparently is in cold waters in the North Pacific. The records are all in com- 
paratively shallow waters. 


Trochammina rotaliformis J. Wright. 

Trochammina inflata (Montagu), var., Balkwill and Wright, Trans. Roy. Irish 
Acad., vol. 28 (Science), 1885, p. 331, pl. 13, figs. 11, 12. 



Trochammina rotaliformis J. Wright, in Heron-Allen and Earland, Journ. 
Roy. Micr. Soc., 1911, p. 309.—Heron-Allen and Earland, Proc. Roy. Irish 
Acad., vol. 31, pt. 64, 1913, p. 52, pl. 3, figs. 11-13.—Cushman, Bull. 104, 
Les: Nat. Mus: -pt. 2, 1920; p. 77, pl. 16, figs. 1,2. 

This is one of the commonest species in the collection. It occurs at all but 
one of the stations, and at station 5 in great numbers. The specimens are very 
similar to the original figures given by Balkwill and Wright, much more so than 
those given by Heron-Allen and Earland from the Clare Island region. 

It has not previously been recorded from the western Atlantic and I failed 
to find it in the Albatross dredgings from Newfoundland southward. It may bea 
species of shallow water. Its occurrence in Hudson Bay is an interesting one. 



Verneuilina advena Cushman, new species. 

Test minute, elongate, triserial, tapering, broadest near the apertural end, 
composed of as many as twenty-five chambers, inflated; sutures distinct and 
depressed; wall arenaceous, but very smoothly finished on the exterior, the 
amount of cement and fine material being proportionately large; aperture in a 
deep depression at the junction of the last of the three series of chambers; colour 
reddish-brown, the last-formed chamber often white. 

Length usually not over 0.3 mm. 

At four of the stations this minute species has occurred, and at station 3 in 
some considerable numbers. It is known from the Canadian Arctic Expedition 
where I recorded it as V. polystropha (Rep. Canadian Arctic Exped., vol. 9, 
pt. M, 1920, p. 8m, pl. 1, fig. 5). I have also found it off our eastern Atlantic 
coast, and it is known from other regions to the north. It is probably recorded 
under V. polystropha from various localities. Verneuilina scabra (Williamson) 
_ (V. polystropha in part) does not so far as I have seen, occur in the western 

Heron-Allen and Earland have recently published a paper (Proc. Roy. Irish 
Acad., vol. 35, No. 8, 1920) in which they note and figure this species, referring 
it to V. polystropha, and speaking of it as a dwarf form as a result of “‘nanism.”’ 
Inasmuch as the larger typical form does not seem to occur on the American 
coast, and this smaller species is widely distributed here, it would seem that 
the two are distinct. Beside the difference in distribution there are very definite 
characters in the size, and especially the characters of the wall which distinguish 
the two. 



Lagena globosa (Montagu). 

‘“‘Serpula (Lagena) laevis globosa’’ Walker and eee Test. Min., 1784, p. 3, 
pes. figs-8: 


Vermiculum globosum Montagu, Test. Brit., 1803, p. 523. 

Lagena globosa Brown, Illus. Rec. Conch. Great Britain and Ireland, ed. 1, 1827, 
plhisfie. 37.—Cushman, Bull? 71, U:S: Nat. Mus, pt. 371913).p.3a0le 
fig. 2. 

At station 3 there were taken several specimens that evidently belong to this 
species as usually known. They are of the elongate form figured by Brady in 
the Challenger Report (pl. 56, fig. 1). It is recorded from Baffins Bay by Parker 
and Jones, and there are other records from various parts of the Arctic. 

Nodosaria calomorpha Reuss. 

Nodosaria calomorpha Reuss, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 25, 1865, p. 129, 
pl. 1, figs. 15-19.—H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, 
1884, p. 497, pl. 61, figs. 23-27.—Cushman, Bull. 71, U.S. Nat. Mus., pt. 3, 
1913, p. 48, pl. 25, fig. 6. 

A single, two-chambered specimen was found in the bottom material from 
station 5. It is similar to the specimens figured by Brady, the test translucent 
and thin-walled. 

Awerinzew records this species from the Siberian Arctic. 

Polymorphina lactea (Walker and Jacob). 

“Serpula tenuis ovalis laevis’? Walker and Boys, Test. Min., 1784, p. 2, pl. 1, 
fig. 5. 

“ Polymorpha Subcordiformia vel Oviformia’’ Soldani, Testaceographia, vol. 1, 
peronel 7 Ol pts pl alto tise: al Lam. sete: 

Serpula lactea Walker and Jacob, Adams’ Essays, ed. 2, 1798, p. 634, pl. 24, 
fig. 4. 

Polymorphina lactea Magillivray, Moll. Aberd., 1843, p. 320.—H. B. Brady, 
Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, 1884, p. 559, pl. 71, fig. 11.—Cushman, 
Bull. 71, U.S. Nat. Mus., pt. 3, 1913, p. 84, pl. 34, fig. 8. 

A few specimens, somewhat compressed, resemble the figures given of this 
species. The specimens are translucent and thin-walled. They occurred at 
stations 3, 4, and 5. The species of Polymorphina, as recorded in the literature 
of this genus, are in a state of great confusion. From studies I have made of 
tropical material and that from cooler regions it seems that careful discrimination 
will result in definite distributions of a considerable number of species. 

Polymorphina lanceolata Reuss. 

Polymorphina lanceolata Reuss, Zeitschr. Deutsch, Geol. Gesell., vol. 3, 1851, 
p. 83, pl. 6, fig. 50—H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, 
1884, p. 492, pl. 61, fig. 32—Cushman, Rep. Canadian Arctic Exped., 
vol. 9, pt. M, 1920, p. 9m. 

Forms referred to this species, as figured by Brady, are rare at station 5. 

The surface is smooth and polished and the sutures hardly depressed. 


Polymorphina ovata d’Orbigny. 

Polymorphina ovata d’Orbigny, For. Foss. Vienne, 1846, p. 233, pl. 18, figs. 1-3. 
—H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, 1884, p. 564, pl. 72, 
figs. 7, 8.—Cushman, Bull. 71, U.S. Nat. Mus., pt. 3, 1913, p. 87, pl. 30, 
fig. 2. 

Rare specimens which show an alternating of chambers somewhat similar 

to those figured by Brady occur at station 5. 

Polymorphina oblonga d’Orbigny. 

Polymorphina oblonga d’Orbigny, For. Foss. Vienne, 1846, p. 232, pl. 12, figs. 29- 
31.—H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, 1884, p. 569, 
pl. 73, figs. 2-4——Cushman, Bull. 71, U.S. Nat. Mus., pt. 3, 1913, p. 88, 
pl. 37, fig. 6. ; 
Specimens very similar to the figures given by Brady occur at station 5. . 
The sutures are depressed and the chambers stand out from the general surface. 

Patellina corrugata Williamson. 

Patellina corrugata Williamson, Rec. Foram. Great Britain, 1858, p. 46, pl. 3, 
figs. 86-89.—H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, 1884, 
p. 634, pl. 86, figs. 1-7—Cushman, Bull. 71, U.S. Nat. Mus., pt. 5, 1915, 
py Osepl. 4; hig. 1. 

A single specimen of this interesting species was obtained in the material 
from station 3. It is typical of the cold water form of this species. Records 
of its distribution range as far north as 83°19’N., at a depth of 72 fathoms. It 
is also known from off Nova Zembla and the coasts of Europe. I have recorded 
it on the Atlantic coast from the Woods Hole region. This is probably different 
from the species so common in shallow water of the South Pacific which has 
_ been assigned to this of Williamson. 

GENus DiscorBis LAMARCK, 1804. 
Discordis wrightii (H. B. Brady). 

Discorbina parisiensis J. Wright (in part) (not d’Orbigny), Proc. Belfast Nat. 
Field Club, 1876-1877 (1877), Appendix, p. 105, pl. 4, figs. 2 a-c. 
Discorbina wrightii H. B. Brady, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 43, pt. 2, 
1881, p. 104. pl. 2, figs. 6a, 6—Earland, Journ. Quekett Micr. Club, ser. 2, 
vol. 9, 1905, p. 223.—Heron-Allen and Earland, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., 
volsaly, pr. 04, 1913 p.-13i; plel2 fig 4 
A small specimen very similar to Brady's original figure with the beading 
of the ventral side extending about half way from. the periphery to the umbilicus 
occurred at station 3. From station 5 there is a better developed specimen 
which has become somewhat flatter on the ventral side, and has the beading 



extending to the periphery. From station 1 is a specimen, or rather two speci- 
mens in a plastogamic condition, which are evidently this same species. 

Brady’s original specimens were from off Nova Zembla and the species has 
been recorded by Heron-Allen and Earland from. the coasts of the British Isles... 

Truncatulina lobatula (Walker and Jacob). 

Truncatulina lobatula Cushman, Rep. Canadian Arctic Exped., vol. 9, pt. M, 
1920, p. 9m. 
This species, which has already been recorded in the Canadian Arctic Ex- 
pedition occurs at station 3 in Hudson Bay. It is not as common, however, as 
might be expected. 

Pulvinulina frigida Cushman, new species. 

Pulvinulina karsteni H. B. Brady (not Retss), Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 29, 
1864, p. 470. 

Pulvinulina repanda (Fichtel and Moll), var. karstent Parker and Jones, Phil. 
Trans:, vol. 155, 1865; p. 396, pl. 14, figs, 14; 15, 17. 

Test small, biconvex, rotaliform, composed of about two and one-half coils; 
chambers distinct, usually six in the last-formed coil; sutures distinct but not 
depressed on the, dorsal side, on the ventral side slightly depressed and filled 
with an amorphous material radiating out from the umbilical region; wall clear 
and translucent on the dorsal side, usually showing all the chambers back to 
the proloculum distinctly, on the ventral side less clear. 

Diameter up to 0.4 mm. 

This Arctic, or at least cold water species, was obtained at stations 2,3, and 5. 
It is not the same as P. karsteni Reuss, as a reference to the original figures will 
show, especially the ventral side. The figures given by Parker and Jones of 
Arctic specimens are very excellent for this species as it occurs in Hudson Bay. 
There is little or no trace of any carina on the ventral side except that the material 
filling the sutural depressions sometimes becomes confluent along the periphery. 
The species was referred by Brady to P. karsteni in 1864, and he has been followed 
since. Brady’s notes in 1864 are interesting in this connection. 

“Three or four small starved specimens of this species have been pointed 
out amongst my mountings by Mr. Parker. . . . As I have never met 
with mature specimens,-I can only refer to Professor Reuss’s memoir on 
the Chalk of Mecklenburg (Zeitsch. Deutsch. Geol. Gesellsch., vol. vii., 
p. 273, pl. 9, fig. 6), and in this instance I have preferred copying his figures 
of the shell to drawing direct from immature specimens.” 

The following quotation is from Parker and Jones in 1865: 

‘This is a neat, many-chambered, moderately conical variety of P. repanda, 
with some degree of limbation bordering the chambers, especially beneath, 
where a wheel-like system of exogenous shell-matter characterizes the 



They also note differences between the Arctic and North Atlantic specimens 
referred to this species and also that Reuss’s figure is not exactly like either. 

P. frigida is evidently an Arctic species of definite distribution and definitely 

Nonionina orbicularis H. B. Brady. 

Nonitonina orbicularis H. B. Brady, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol., 48, 1881, 
p. 105, pl: 2;figs. 5a,b; Ann. Mag.> Nat: Hist., ser. 5; vol. 8, 1881, p. 415; 
pl. 21, figs. 5a, b; Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, 1884, p. 727, pl. 109, 
figs. 20, 21.—Heron-Allen and Earland, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Zoology, 
ser. 2, vol. 11, 1916, p. 280. 

In the Hudson Bay collection this species is fairly common, especially at 
station 5, with fewer specimens at station 6. They are very simular in all respects 
to the specimen figured by Brady from off Nova Zembla. The species is evi- 
dently an Arctic one of wide distribution in cold waters. The figures of speci- 
mens from warm waters referred to this species are evidently nat identical with 
it. In general form, and especially in the condition of the umbilicus and sutures, 
the specimens are exactly like the Nova Zembla specimens. 

Nonionina stelligera d’Orbigny. 

This species I have already recorded from the collection of the Canadian 
Arctic Expedition. It is known from many Arctic and Subarctic localities. 
The only specimen from Hudson Bay was from station 3. 

D’Orbigny’s original specimens were from shore sands from the Canaries 
at Teneriffe, and it would be interesting to obtain specimens of this from this. 
locality to see if in reality it is the same as this widely distributed Arctic species 

Nonionina scapha (Fichtel and Moll). 

Nautilus scapha Fichtel and Moll, Test. Micr., 1803, p. 105, pl. 19, figs. d-f. 

Nonionina scapha Parker and Jones, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. 5, 1860, 
p: 102, No. 4. 

Polystomella crispa Linné, vat. (Nonionina) scapha Parker and Jones, Phil. 
Trans., vol. 155, 1865, p. 404, pl. 14, figs. 37, 38; pl. 17, figs. 55, 56. 

A very few specimens were obtained from station 5. They are of the very 
broad, triangular form, in apertural view similar to the Arctic and North Atlantic 
specimens figured by Parker and Jones in the above reference. This form is 
very striking and different from many of the figures assigned to this species from 
other regions by many authors. 


Polystomella striato-punctata (Fichtel and Moll), var. incerta (Williamson). 

This variety I have already recorded from the collection of the Canadian 
Arctic Expedition. It has occurred in the Hudson Bay collection at all but one 



station, 1, 2,3, 5, and 6. From the records it seems to be widely distributed in 
the Arctic and Subarctic regions. 

Polystomella arctica Parker and Jones. 

This circumpolar species occurs in the collection from Hudson Bay from 
station 5. I have already recorded it from the Canadian Arctic Expedition. 
There are numerous other specimens which have a form similar to this but 
have a single row of openings, but with a broad band of exogenous shell material 
above each suture. . 

Cornuspira foliacea (Philippi). 

In the Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition I have given notes on this 
species. It has again been found in very similar form in these collections from 
Hudson Bay, occurring at stations 3 and 5. 

Ouinqueloculina seminulum (Linné) ? 

This species was recorded from the collection of the Canadian Arctic Expedi- 
tion. It is recorded in most of the Arctic collections. Our specimens, however, 
are all of a stout, squarish shape, with a very highly polished, smooth surface. 
They were from stations 1, 2, 3, and 5, not common at any of the stations. 

In shape these specimens are nearest to the figure given by Parker and Jones 
(Phil. Trans., vol. 155, 1865, pl. 15, fig. 34) as Miholina (Quinqueloculina) 
oblonga (Montagu) from the Arctic. 

Quinqueloculina subrotunda (Montagu). 

Most of the lists from the Arctic include this species. It has occurred in the 
Hudson Bay collection at stations 2, 3, and 5. It was previously found in the 
collection of the Canadian Arctic Expedition. 

Quinqueloculina sp. 

There is a single specimen of an arenaceous Quingueloculina from station 5. 
It is dark red in colour and of different form from Q. agglutinans d’Orbigny. 
Parker and Jones record this arenaceous reddish form from the Arctic. 

Quinqueloculina sp. 

From station 6 there is a single large specimen very similar to that figured 
by Parker and Jones (Phil. Trans., vol. 155, 1865, pl. 15, figs. 36 a-c), and referred 
by them to Quinqueloculina ferussacii d’'Orbigny. It is not the same as 
d’Orbigny’s species and may possibly represent a distinct Arctic form. 


Triloculina oblonga (Montagu). 

Vermiculum oblongum Montagu, Test. Brit., 1903, p. 522, pl. 14, fig. 9. 
Triloculina oblonga d’Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., vo]. 7, 1826, p. 300, No. 16; 
Modéles, No. 95; in.De la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, 1839, “ Foram- 
iniféres,”’ p. 155, pl. 10, figs. 3-5—Cushman, Bull. 71, U.S. Nat. Mus., 
puso, lol7. p09, pl. 26, fig..3* figs. oo, 66 Gu. text). 
Miliolina oblonga H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, 1884, 
p. 160, pl. 5, figs. 4a, 0b. 
There are numerous specimens from station 5 which may be referred to this 
species. They are not as elongate as tropical specimens such as are usually 
assigned to 7. oblonga. The surface of the test is smooth and polished. 


No. X 





Results of the Hudson Bay Expedition, 1920 
II. The Gasterosteide. 

By Puitrp Cox, Pa.D. 

In the winter of 1920-21, I received a collection of sticklebacks from Mr. 
Frits Johansen, which he had made in James and Hudson Bay and the tributary 
waters at the instance of the Biological Board of Canada. It is of special 
interest as being the largest collection of such material ever made in those 
regions, about whose fish fauna so little is definitely known. It consists of 
nearly 200 specimens, which are in a good state of preservation. 

Our knowledge of the sticklebacks of Hudson Bay is merely fragmentary 
and very incomplete. To illustrate this, it is only necessary to state that in 
“Fishes of North and Middle America,’ Jordan and Evermann, 1896-1900, 
Hudson Bay is mentioned only once and that in a footnote. The Atlantic and 
Pacific coast forms, as well as those of the interior, are well known through the 
writings of Richardson, Reinhardt, Storer, DeKay, Girard, Eigenmann, Kendall, 
and others; but little is known of the species of Hudson Bay. Information from 
that remote and hitherto inaccessible region leaked out slowly. It is gratifying, 
however, to learn that the Biological Board of Canada is making successful 
progress in unlocking the hidden treasures of the north, and making them known 
to the scientific public. 

Sticklebacks were taken at 15 stations, which, for convenience of reference, 
I have numbered, giving also the dates. 

Tula: 3; Stn. No. 1—Ponds in swamp on beach, and at low tide, south 

coast of James Bay, 30 miles west of Moose River. 

= 8. Stn. No. 2.—Pools in swamp at Fort Albany, James Bay. 

“14-15. Stn. No. 3.—Pond at Moose Factory. 

eee oO: Stn. No. 4.—Pools at beach, east side of Charlton Island, James 

faeaael ote Stn. No. 5.—Trout pond on south side of Charlton Island. 

ita 2. Stn. No. 6.—East side of South Twin Island, James Bay. 

Aug. 6&7. Stn. No. 7.—Creek-mouth, east side of Hudson Bay, about 15 
miles north of Great Whale River. ; 

fe 8-11. Stn. No. 8.—East coast of Hudson Bay, lat. 56° N. 

fee lee Stn. No. 9.—Ponds on river flats, second river south of Little 
Whale River, east side of Hudson Bay. 

Sept. 2: Stn. No. 10.—Sea surface between Cape Jones and Long Island, 
east coast of Hudson Bay, 1 mile off mainland. 

Sept 10). Stn) Nos ll ast coast, James Bay, lat. 53° N. 
eee bale Stn. No. 12.—Moar Bay, east coast of James Bay, about lat. 53° N. 



Sept. 14. Stn. No. 13.—Brackish land-locked pool (creek outlet) at beach 
of Cape Hope Islands, east side of James Bay, 
lat. 52730! N: 
22 Stn. No. 14.—In pools in creek, interior of Charlton Island, James 
Oct. (middle) Stn. No. 15.—In pools at Abitibi River, and between New Post 
and Moose River. 

Eucalia inconstans (IKIRTLAND). 

The writer is not aware of any previous record of this species from the 
Hudson Bay country, nor is there any from Newfoundland or Labrador. Its 
alleged occurrence at Sukkertoppen, Greenland (Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
1865, p. 81), by E. D. Cope, would seem to need verification. 

Mr. Johansen found this species at stations 2, 3, 5, 13, 14 and 15, but seemingly 
not in abundance; or, perhaps, the facilities for making large hauls were not at 
hand. A new character, however, has been added to the distribution; namely, 
its occurrence in saltish water, for he collected it at station 13 in a “brackish 
land-locked pool.’’ It has always been regarded as a strictly fresh-water species, 
and its occurrence there may have been accidental; but, in high latitudes, the 
severe cold, long winters, and deep freezing of coastwise streams and ponds may 
induce, or rather force, a migration to brackish water. In this way the species 
may have become more tolerant of such a medium. Whitefish, too, in the far 
north, are known to descend to the sea, or at least into brackish estuaries. 

The fish are fairly typical of the species as met with in the United States and 
southern and western Canada. It is observed, however, that the gill membrane 
is freer from the isthmus, the depth less in proportion to the length, the pelvic 
spines shorter, and the thoracic processes less divergent; but minor differences 
such as these are specifically unimportant, and are apt to be seen among all 
species when representatives from widely separated localities are compared. 

Pygosteus pungitius (LINNAEUS). 

It was to be expected that this species would be met with, for it is the most 
widely distributed of all the sticklebacks and probably extends its range farther 
into the boreal regions of-North America than any other. It had been recorded 
from Greenland, Labrador, the Arctic islands, and the Hudson Bay country. 

Mr. Johansen collected it at stations 1, 4, 6, 9, 10, and 13, and generally 
in quantity. At station 1, 69 specimens were secured; at station 7, lat. 56°, 
the most northern point visited, only 4 were taken. 

The majority is composed of under-sized and young fish. One specimen, 
the largest, is 63 mm. long. The dorsal spines are 9; a very few have 10; one 
has 8. No example with 7 is seen. This is about the status of the species 
elsewhere. In colour and colour pattern they are similar to those of the Bay of 
Fundy, though somewhat duller. : 


Gasterosteus cuviert (GIRARD). 

This partly naked stickleback is the only Gasterosteus in the collection. 
By some authors it is classed as a variety or subspecies of the fully armoured 
G. bispinosus, but the reason is not apparent. Its characters are very uniform 
over a wide range, including Hudson Bay, and intermediate forms, linking it 
with the alleged parent species, are not met within this range. These are the 
essentials of a good species, and entitle it to full recognition as such. 

It was found tobe common. At stations 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13 collections 
were made. It does not seem to be limited to tidal pools, creeks, estuaries, and 
shore waters, but occurs at considerable distances from the coast, as for instance 
at station 10. 

The fish are, on the average, small, the largest being 54 mm. in length, or a 
little over half the greatest length of G. bispinosus in the Gulf of St. Lawrence 
-and Atlantic shore waters of Nova Scotia. The lateral scales are typically 
4-4, occasionally 4-5, rarely 5-5; nothing beyond this is seen. They are counted 
from behind the one under the first dorsal spine backwards. 

G. bispinosus does not appear in the collection; it is doubtful if it occurs 
in Hudson Bay at all. In the United States National Museum there is one 
small collection of Gasterosteus from Hudson Bay, but it consists entirely of 
cuviert; neither is any other found in the collection made there by Rev’d. W. G. 
Walton in 1919 and examined by the writer. 


No XI 



Ee Wo BAe. (Pal Eb: 
‘Fredericton, N.B. 

Diatoms from the Quill Lakes, Saskatchewan, and from 
Airdrie, Alberta 

Bye WwW: BAILEY, Pa: D:;* lL: D: 
Fredericton, N.B. 

The collections of Diatoms from the two localities named above are of 
exceptional interest, first from the fact that the lakes referred to are saline lakes 
and contain a number of species of marine types not previously found at points 
remote from the sea, and secondly, as showing that certain forms, previously 
referred to distinct genera, are in reality different aspects of a single genus and 
a single species. 


The lakes are two in number, viz., Big Quill Lake and Little Quill Lake, 
and are not widely separated from each other, being situated on the line of the 
Canadian Pacific Railway, near Kandahar, in the Province of Saskatchewan. 
Both are saline, receiving fresh water only from local drainage and having no 
outlet. The salinity in the larger lake is about one half that of sea water or 
1.65%, the bases present in the salt being, as in sea water, in order of relative 
abundance, sodium, magnesium, calcium and potassium. The salinity of the 
smaller lake is considerably less, and the amount of calcium is also much less. 
The larger lake is deeper than the other, with drainage from a smaller area 
coming into it, and in Spring remains frozen for a much longer period. Both 
lakes occupy simple depressions of the surface, without any distinct evidence of 
glacial origin. The collections were made by Dr. A. G. Huntsman, of Toronto 
University in 1920, and to him I am indebted for the foregoing particulars of the 

Besides Diatoms, the waters of the Quill Lakes contain very large numbers of 
Copepods and other Crustacea, as well as Infusoria and fresh water Algae. 

The Diatoms are very numerous, as indicated by the lists which follow, these 
being based mainly upon observations made by the writer and Dr. A. H. MacKay 
of Halifax, N.S., but supplemented by a few afforded by Mr. H. C. Wheeler 
of Montreal, Mr. Oliver Kendall, Jr., of Providence, R.I., and Mr. Chas. S. 
Boyer of Philadelphia. For the measurements of species I am wholly indebted 
to the labour of Dr. MacKay. 

The most interesting feature connected with these collections is that, though 
found so far inland, they contain not less than six genera or species which are 
usually regarded as wholly marine. These are the following: 

“- Amphiprora ornata—Bail. 


Pleurosigma elongaium. 

Thalasstothrix nitzschioides. 

Cocconets scutellum? 

Surtrella striatula, or a closely related species, S. Batleyana. 

S. ovalis, Breb. with its varieties, ovata and Brightwellit. 



It is difficult to account for the presence of these marine forms, none of 
which, with a single exception, has been previously found in the inland lakes of 
Canada or elsewhere. The exception is in the case of the genus Chaetoceras, a 
species of which has been found by Mr. Boyer of Philadelphia in the waters of 
the Devil’s Lake of Nevada, also a saline lake, and which has been described 
and figured by him under the name of Chaetoceras Elmoret. It closely resembles, 
but is apparently not identical with that of the Quill Lakes, and is more fully 
described below. 

It has been suggested that the occurrence of these marine types at a point 
so remote from the sea and wholly disconnected with the latter may be due to 
the agency of migratory birds, which are. known to sometimes carry organisms 
of different kinds to long distances, but in this instance we have to consider 
not a few isolated individuals but large communities, the forms of Chaetoceras 
being present by the thousand, as are the Surirellas, which constitute the most 
abundant as they are the most conspicuous of the species present, while the 
others, though less numerous, are by no means rare. It is evident that the 
Quill Lakes are their natural home, as further indicated by the fact that they 
include reproductive as well as vegetative specimens. If the agency of birds 
in transportation be accepted as the explanation of their presence it will follow 
that these brought only a few individuals as the original stock, and these, being 
active, continued to multiply under the favourable conditions afforded by the 
salinity of the lakes. The only other supposition would seem to be that they 
are survivals of a time when the sea actually covered the region in which they 
are found, possibly in some one ‘of the inter-glacial periods. In the case of the 
Devil's Lake in Utah, which contains a similar Chaetoceras, this is known to be 
of glacial origin, but that the same is the case with the Quill Lakes has not yet 
been ascertained. . 

Another feature of interest in connection with the Quill Lake gatherings 
is that of the species present at least two, and perhaps three, are believed to be 
either entirely new or new varieties of species already known. These are the 

Surirella Batleyana MACKAY oR S. striatula VAR. Batleyana McK. 
(Plate I, Figs. 3 to 5). 

Valve broadly ovate, in length from 100 to 185 microns and in breadth 
varying from 30 to 65 mu. Often twisted, the twist sometimes confined to the 
narrower end but often involving the entire frustule as in S. spiralis Kutz, or 
S. torquata Pant. Canaliculi distant, 7 to 13 on each side, large and conspicuous, 
also more or less twisted from a branching symmetry, rectangular to the axis 
in central portion of the valve, but curving outward toward either extremity. 
Marginal area strongly lobed. Striation fine, showing lines from 15 to 20 in 
ten microns, with a marginal row of small points more distant along the outer 
margin of each lobe. Zonal view showing strong transverse ribs, alternating 
with small dots. 



Localities: Big and Little Quill Lakes, Saskatchewan. Very abundant. 

The above species is the most characteristic one in the Quill Lake gatherings. 
It bears a close resemblance in general aspect and dimensions to Swrirella striatula 
Turpen, of which it may be only a variety; but as indicated in the above diag- 
nosis, it differs in important particulars. It also nearly resembles Pantocsek’s 
S. torquata, from the marine fossil deposits of Karand, Hungary, the latter 
exhibiting similar sizes of costae, striae and marginal points, being also similarly 
twisted. S. striatula is a marine species, and besides occurring in the modern 
ocean is found in the same fossil deposits as S. torquata. There can be but little 
doubt that the form now under consideration is of marine origin. |S. striatula 
also occurs in the salt water of the Great Salt Lake in Utah, where varieties 
like ovata and Brightwellii of Brebisson’s S. ovalis are found. These marine 
forms are found in the Quill Lakes, if not also a variety Quillensis, as distinct as 
Grunow’s variety S. ovata K. var. Utahensis, which is nearly identical with 5S. 
ovalis Breb. var. Brightwellit Sm. 

Cyclotella Quillensis, L. W. Batu. 
(Plater, Fie. 2). 

Valves circular, in the form of low vaulted domes, of which the surface is 
sometimes slightly undulated. The size varies from 50 to 70 microns. Striae 
radiant as in Cyclotella compta, but arranged in three or four concentric circles, 
of which the outer has the character of ribs rather than striae, being strong and 
more or less distinctly pearled, while the second is much fainter and the third 
visible only with high powers. Even a fourth circle can sometimes be made out, 
approaching the apex of the low zone. The number of marginal ribs is about 
6 in 10 microns, and from these, in many cases, spring spines from one to two 
microns long, thus bearing a close resemblance to Stephanodiscus. Minute 
nodules are sometimes visible at the inner end of the second, third or fourth 
zone of radiating striae. The centre of the dome is usually smooth, but some- 
times shows a number of dots irregularly arranged. The species is larger than 
C. Kutzingiana or C. compta, being more like C. Meneghiniana. The marginal 
radial ribs look as if they might have been developed from striae originating like 
those of S. astrea or S. Niagarae, while the fainter second circle is not continuous 
with these, but appears to spring from an inter-rib depression. 

Localities: Big and Little Quill Lakes, Saskatchewan. 

Chaetoceras Quillensis, L. W. Batu. 
(Plate I., Fig. 2). 

Primary frustules quadrate, concatenate, in zonal view from 4 to 16 mu, 
in valval view 6 to 18 mu. Secondary valves unlike, the surface of one rising 
into a well marked dome, while the second, by a marked constriction becomes 
bottle-necked. Between one frustule and another extends in some instances 
a small tube, connecting dome with dome as in Chaetoceras Elmorei, Boyer. 
Setae 4 to each frustule, straight, 100 microns or more in length, crossing at 
joints and making angles of less than 60 degrees. Foramina narrowly linear. 

Locality: Quill Lake, Saskatchewan. 



Specimens of Chaetoceras are very abundant in some of the Quill Lake gather- 
ings, though apparently wanting in others. They occur in both lakes and 
probably include more than one species. That described above closely resembles 
the form described and figured by C. S. Boyer under the name of Chaetoceras 
Elmorei, as found in the Devil’s Lake, North Dacotah:-—which, like the Quill 
Lakes, is saline—but others appear to differ. 

Excepting in the Devil’s Lake locality no species of the genus Chaetoceras 
has heretofore been found in any inland waters, unless it be those of the Caspian - 
Sea. It is also to be noticed, as bearing upon the theory of transportation by 
birds, that the species in question is wholly different from any other forms as 
yet observed upon either the Atlantic or Pacific sea boards of America or else- 


Amphiprora lepidoptera Greg. 85 (42:30:42) s20. 
Amphora commutata Grun. 56 (11) s10. 
es ovalis K. 33 (15) s13. 
i: salina W. Sm. 26 (6) ? 
Campylodiscus clypeus E. 210 (210) s1; 110 (110) s2 and 12. 
Chaetoceras Quillensis (nov. sp.) z16 (15); z18 (12); z4 (15). Setae 100 plus, 
crossing at joints making angles ol 
less than 60. Valval view 18 (10) 
13.(G)F 9} 46: 
Cymbella ehrenbergii K. 45 (10) s10. 
zs tumida Breb. 62 (5:15:5) s8. 
Cyclotella compta (E) K. 25 (9:7:9) s6 and 18. 
cp compta var. affinis Grun. 23 (63:10:63) s10. 
< Quillensis (n. sp.) 50 (50) s6; 75 (75) s6. 
Encyonema ? 26 (7) s16. 
Epithemia gibba K. 130 (5:8:5) s6; 90 (7:10:7) sé. 
Eunotia pectinalis var. undulata Ralfs. 82 (7) s10. 
Fragillaria virescens Ralfs. 32 (45/11) s18. 
Gomphonema capitatum E. 70 (7:10:20:15) s8. 
Mastogloia lanceolata Thew. 58 (3:11:38) sO. 
- Smithii Thew. 30 (10) s16. 
os var. lacustria Grun. 
Melosira granulata (E) Ralfs. z15 (12) s8; 29 (12) s12. 
ag distans K. z16 (40/5) s16. . 
Navicula acrospheria var. sandricensis A. S. 94 (13:9:16:9:13) s10. 
A ammophila Grun. (or mollis Sm.) 29 (7) s11. Doubtful 
Navicula anglica Ralfs. (Doubtful.) 35 (4:15:4) s13. 
‘ bacilliformis Grun. 38 (9:9 :9) s20. 
cs crucicula W. Sm. 48 (5:15:5) s17. 
a; cryptocephala K. 40 (3:10:83) s12. 

*For explanation of formulae see last page. 



Navicula forcipata Grev. 30 (11) s20. Too small (and marine) to be the sp. but 
has a resemblance. Only one specimen. 
ii Grevillei Ag. 55 (6:15:5) s10 and 20. 
e aridis KE. 75 (238). 
of “~- var. producta? 50 (8:12:3) s16. 
. major K. 190 (25:28:25) s7. 
. mesolepta E. 60 (8:12:9:12:9:12:8). 
ss oblonga K. 72 (9:11:9) s10. A small variety. 
s ovalis Hilse, 56 (34) s8 and 12. 
a Ouillensis (nov. sp.) 110 (10:30:10) s13. 
of scutellum O.M. (?) 33 (16) s14. 
A tenella Bréb. 29 (2:6:2) s10. 
Nitzschia hungarica Grun. 60 (..11:12:11..) s16 and 8. 
is thermalis (K) Grun. 48 (3:5:3) s16 and 0 (?). 
tryblionella Hantzsch. V. calida Grun. 
Pleurosigma attenuatum W. Sm. 
accuminatum (KK) Grun. 120 (4:14:4) s20. Sigmoid. 
. elongatum W. Sm. 260 (5:25:5) s17. 
Rhoicosphenia curvata Grun. 30 (5:10) s14. 
Stauronets crucigera Sm. 45 (5:14:5) s20 and stauros? 
s salina W. Sm. 45 (18) s20 and St. 
Tabellaria fenestrata K. 68 (6:33 :8:33 :6) $17. 
oe ovalis Bréb. 95 (66) s38 and 18; 62 (33) s3 and 18. 
‘‘ var. ovata K. 80 (60) s4 and 18; 50 (40) s3 and 18. 
ss = “ Brightwellat Sm. 58 (51) s3 and 18; 40 (28) s383 and 18. 
‘ x Crumena Breb. Nearly circular (?). 
s ‘“  minuta Breb. Like Brightwellii, but smaller (2?) 25 (19). 
S. Baileyana MacKay 155 (107) sl and 5 and 18; 100 (80) s75 (53) s2 & 18. 
Very abundant and contorted or twisted. 
S. biseriata Bréb. 160 (30:45:20) s2. 
S. limaris Sm. var. constricta 55 (14:13:14) s3. 
ee acus (K) Grun. 82 (3:5:3) s16; 100 (2:6:2) s16. 
danica (K) 110 (14:1:4:14) s12. 
5 pulchella (IK) 72 (6) s16. 
* nitzschioides Grun. 70 (3). (See Thalassiothrix.) 
: ning T2283 (36:3). 72 (82133) sli. 
Thalassiothrix nitzschioides Grun. 70 3); 45: (3) S13; 32 (4) sis. 
Vanheurckia vulgaris Thw. 50 (5:9:5) s?; 40 (5:9:5) s?; 30 (5:9:5) s?; 23 (4:8:4) s? 


The diatoms in the list following were found in a collection made by Mr. H. 
C. Wheeler from a ditch near the C.P.R. track at Airdrie in November, 1920. 
Ampbphora ovalis K. 33 (9) s10. 

" var ayinis We 30 (6)rsi2- . 



Cocconeis oblonga K.B. (?) 18 .(14), 18 (10). 
pediculus E. 20 (15) s20. 
Cyclotella Meneghtmana K. (?) 22 (22) s8. 
Cymbella lanceolata E. 80 (7:20:7) s6-7. Frequent. 
Encyonema ——————(?). Small variety. 
Be gibba (E) K. 190 ( ) s7 and 14. Abundant. 
var. parallela Grun. (?). 
var. ventricosa Grun. 94 (8:7:11:7:8) s5. 
Hyndmant W. Sm. (?). 
turgida (E) K. 110 (7:15:7) s8. Very abundant. 
o var. vertagus Grun. (?). 
. Westermannit (E) K. (?) 87 (8:18:8). 
: zebra (E) K. 48 (4:10:4) s12. Abundant. 
Gomphonema acuminatum, var. elongatum W.Sm. Common. 47 (3:5:4:8:5:9:4) 
intricatum (?). 
lanceolatum (?). 
turris E. 58 (4:18:10:5) s6 to 9. Frequent. 
ASO amphioxys Grun. 55 (2:8:8:2) s19. Frequent. 
amphioxys Grun. var. intermedia Grun. 60 (3:10:3) s6 and 16; 71 
(3:2:8-2°3) .s6~and. 15; \-80"(3aloear 
s6 and 13. Frequent. 
amphioxys var. major Grun. 182 (5:14:5) s6 and 12. Frequent. 
amphioxys var. (?). 80 (3:25:11:23:3) s3 and 15. Approximating 
H. virgata. 
Melosira (?) Rare. 
Navicula bipunctata Grun. (2) 30 (6:6:6:6:6) 20s. 
>. ESE K. f. radiata 124 (4:26:4) s9 to 14. 
Fs f. parallela 103 (4:24:4) s14. 
$ ‘. e (craticulated) 78 (33:20:33) s14, 80 (4:18:4)s14. 
< % var. ambigua E. f. radiata 54 (4:3:13:3:4). 
a . rh f. parallela 75 (4:4:19:4:4:) s14, 98 (5:21: 
y 5) s16. Craticulated. 
“4 Hs var. Kendalli, f. radiata, 115 (9:26:9) s8 to 12, 120 (5:23:5) 
s6 to 12. 
ss ¢ A f. parallela, 150 (11:31:11) s10, 165 (14:32:14) 
s12, 175. ((12:33712) sil 1s0sGes 

BoA) sili2e 

ce z Craticulated, 142 (10:27:10), 155 
(11:29:11), 163 (11:31:11), 184 

a lacunarum Grun. 40 (8) s20. Rare. 

4 oblonga K. var. (?) 104 (13) s7. Rare. 

3 parva E. 65 (9:9:9) s8 to 10. Not rare. 
cy pupula K. 36 (7:7:8:7:7) s20. 

os viridis K. 100 (19) s7. Common. 



Navicula ————(?), z35 (8:7:8). s10, v37 (8:7:8) s9. May be a new species not 
distant from JN. borealis. 
Nitzschia amphibia 17 (1:4:1) s8 and 16. Not rare. 
a vermicularis (KK) Grun. 100 (43) s8 and ?.. Not common. 
Y a (2?) 103 (10:15:13:15:10) s43 and 18. Not rare. May be 

i -—_————(?) 32 (5) s7 and 15. Rare. 

Stauronets phoenicenteron E. Rare. 
Synedra ulna E. Rare. 

The most interesting feature of this collection is that it affords positive proof 
that two Diatoms previously referred not only to distinct species but also to 
two distinct genera are‘in reality but two different plates: of a single species. 
The two forms thus regarded as being even generically different are Navicula 
cuspidata KK. and Surtrella craticula—both of similar shape and dimensions, but 
with the sculpture of the former consisting only of fine striae, closely approximated 
and rectangular to the raphe, while the second exhibits a surface which is strongly 
and irregularly craticulated. In the Airdrie collection both of these are found 
rather abundantly, but with them are others less abundant, in which the features 
thus referred to are both found in the same specimens, difference of focussing 
being all that is required to bring the one or the other into view, as may be 
desired. By the same focussing the craticular form of Surirella craticula is 
proved to be the inner plate of Navicula cuspidata. 

Dr. Mackay, on the receipt of a mounted sample of this collection from 
Mr. O. Kendall of Providence, R.I., U.S.A., accompanied by photomicrographs 
herewith reproduced, maintains that a diatom of the Navicula cuspidata group, 
which abounds in a conspicuously fine craticulated form, is of co-ordinate specific 
or varietal value to ambigua E., halophila Grun. and its larger variety major 
Heribaud, and to Perrotetttt Grun. of Senegal, which it most nearly approaches. 
(See Schmidt’s Atlas, 221:33). Instead of adding to the number of species he 
takes at present the more conservative course of treating all these forms as 
varieties of the species cuspidaia. On the other hand he is equally ready to 
allow them as species of the N. cuspidata group. Ambigua, in both the normal 
and craticulated form, is sharply distinguished from the others by its rostro- 
capitate ends, and the others by the rounding out of the rostrate ends of the 
type cuspidata. 

These three other forms are of a similar type. Tapering from more or less 
narrow but rounded ends they swell more or less evenly to a maximum breadth 
at the centre, the exact dimensions of which can be comparatively shown in 
Dr. MacKay’s notation as follows: * 

IN. halophata Grun. 50 ( -:10: .).s19 to 70 (- -:12: +.) s20. 
N. halophila V. major Her. 110 (4:17:4) s16 to 136 (4:20:4). 
N. Perrotettit Grun. 175 (16:41:16), Schmidt’s Atlas, 211:33. 

*The numbers are microns—the length standing first, the breadths at the principal points 
of flexure along the margin of the valve being within the parenthesis separated by colons. 
The letter “S’” following stands for “‘sculpture’’ and the number following for the number of 
lines or dot elements in the sculpture in the space of ten microns. 



N. Kendalli (nov. sp.) 142 (10:27:10) Crat., 180 (14:33:14) s12 to 184 (11:30:11) 
sll to 12: 

Halophila, meaning “‘salt loving,”’ is given in Paragallo’s Marine Diatoms of 

France as found in brackish water in France, Belgium and England. Perrolettii 

and Kendalli may be the same possibly, the one from Senegal, the other from 


BY : 
A. H. MacKay 

The varieties and forms of Navicula cuspidata Ktz. from Airdrie were de- 
scribed before I had obtained Cleve’s Synopsis of the Naviculoid Diatoms, 1894; 
the works of Héribaud and his collaborators on the diatoms of Auvergne, France 
(1893 to 1920); and the work of Pantocsek on the diatoms of Hungary, etc. 

Cleve reduces all our forms to three species: 

halophila Grun. (1881), 

cuspidata Ktz. with a few varieties, and 


In the Diatoms of Auvergne the following species are described: 

cuspidata Ktz. 

halophila Grun. 

ambigua Ehr. 

[éribaudi, Peragallo 

Aubertit, Hérib. 

Bouhardi, Hérib. and 
seven varieties of NV. halophila, and three of N. cuspidata. Nearly all of these 
_ appear to be covered in our Airdrie list where the condensation is greater than 
Cleve’s. This scheme appears also to include nearly all the varieties of 
Auvergne, except possibly the smaller varieties from the tertiary travertins. 

Pantocsek’s single specimen of Craticula hungarica from a tertiary marine 
deposit in Hungary is identical with our largest Airdrie specimen of N. cuspidata 

', var. Kendalli. forma parallela (craticulated). His N. protracta Grun. var. minor 

Pant. is a small form of our var. ambigua f. radiata. 

When the valve is cuspidate we have the original specific form. When the 
cusps become capitate we have the variety ambigua. When there are no cusps 
or capitate ends, and the valves taper evenly to rounded ends, we have the 
variety Kendalli, so called on account of the splendid photo-micrographs made. 
of a number of specimens by Mr. Kendall, the best of which were received after 
the photogravures of the first were made. Each of these varieties has been 
found with the parallel striation and the central radiate striation, to the last of 
which. NV. heribaudi Peragallo is referable. The specimens so well photographed 
by O. Kendall, Jr., were collected by one of the most promising Canadian diatom- 
ists, E. C. Wheeler, of Montreal. 



When these forms of the V. cuspidata group from over the world are ultimately 
compared, the precedence of nomenclature will undoubtedly be acknowledged if 
compatible with the scientifically ascertained relationship of the forms. Grunow’s 
N. halophila is a very appropriate name for the salt-loving, even-tapering forms 
of the group, but the origtnal is a very depauperate form of the Airdrie diatom 
from central Canada or of the marine Craticula hungarica Pant. from the tertiary 
deposits of central Europe. 

Pantocsek’s Surirella torquata, which is well figured, but too briefly and 
indefinitely described, approaches in some respects Boyer’s S. Baileyana, and 
was found in a marine tertiary deposit in Hungary. 


PrATE Sl: 

Fig. 1.—Cyclotella Quillensis, L. W. Bailey, n. sp. 
Fig. 2.—Chaetoceras n. sp.? 

Fig. 3.—Surirella Baileyana, flat form. 

Fig. 4.—Surirella Batleyana. 

Fig. 5.—Surirella Baileyana, doubled. 

Fig. 6.—Surirella Baileyana, partly twisted. 

Prats TI: 

Fig. 1.—Navicula cuspidata K. var. ambigua E. 600. Measurements 88 (5:4:24:4:5). 

Fig. 2.—Navicula cuspidata K. var. Kendalli McK. (Showing the striated valve and 
craticular plate.) 457. Measurements 153 (18:33:13). 

Fig.3.—Navicula cuspidata K. var. Kendalli McK. (craticulated). 455. Measurements 
195 (13:39:13). 

Fog. 4.—Navicula cuspidata K. var. Kendalli McK., f. parallela. 452. Measurements 
184 (12:38:12) s10 to 12 or 18. 

Fig. 5.—Navicula cuspidata K. var. Kendalli McK., f. radiata. 456. Measurements 
ig leg S el )rsiatol 2: 

All the above examples of N. cuspidata were collected at Airdrie, Alberta, by H. C. Wheeler 
and photographed by O. Kendall. 


rom Quill Lakes and Airdri 







Bailey. Diatoms from Quill Lakes and Airdrie. 

Riga, lle 



No. XI 




List of Publications based on Results obtained at the 
Biological Stations of Canada, 1901-1921. 



BaIiLey, L.W. 1910. The Marine and Estuarine Diatoms of the New Bruns- 
; wick coasts. Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc., New Brunswick, No. XXVIII., - 
pp. 219-239, pl. 1, 2. 
1912. The fresh water Diatoms and Diatomaceous Earths of New Bruns- 
wick. Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc., New Brunswick, No. XXIX., pp. 
. 291-320. 
1912. Diatoms of New Brunswick. III. Forms from the North Shore. 
Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc., New Brunswick, Vol. VI., No. 30, pp. 
1912. Some recent Diatoms, freshwater and marine, from the vicinity of 
the Atlantic Biological Station, St. Andrews, N.B. Contr. Canadian 
Biol., 1906-10. pp. 243-264, pl. 25, 26. 
1913. The Diatoms of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. Trans. 
Roy. Soc. Canada, Ser. III., Vol. VII., pp. 57-76. . 
1915. The plankton Diatoms of the Bay of Fundy. Contr. Canadian 
Biol., 1911-14, Fasc. I., pp. 11-23, pl. 1-3. 
1917. Notes on the Phyto-plankton of the Bay of Fundy and Passama- 
: quoddy Bay. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1915-16, pp. 93-107. 
1917. The Geological features of the St. Croix river and Passamaquoddy 
Bay. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1915-16, pp. 109-112. 
1917. The marine life of our coasts. Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc., New Brunswick, 
No. XXXII. (Vol. VIT.), 1917, pp. 99-104. 
BAILEY, L. W. and MacKay, A. H. 1916. Diatoms from the eastern coast of 
Vancouver Island. Trans. Roy. Soc., Canada, Third Series, 
Vol. IX., Section IV., pp. 141-174. 
1921. The Diatoms of Canada. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1918-20, pp. 15-1 
BartscH, P. 1921. A new classification of shipworms and descriptions of some 
new wood boring mollusks. Proc. Biol. Soc., Washington, Vol. 
XXXIV., pp. 25-32. Xylophaga washingtoni from Departure 
1921. New marine mollusks from the west coast of America. Ibid., pp. 
Odostomis cumshewaensis, Cerithiopsis fraseri, C. signa. Alvania 
burrardensis and Vitrinella columbiana from British Columbia. 
BEAN, B. A. and WEED, A. C. 1919. Notes on a collection of fishes from 
Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 
Serres MI, Vol XIIL, Sect. V:, pp. 69-83. 



BENsLEY, B. A. 1901. Report on the sardine industry in relation to the 
Canadian herring fisheries. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1901, pp. 
1915. The Fishes of Georgian Bay. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1911-1914, 
Fasc. UL, pp it-ol: 
BERKELEY, C. 1919. A study of marine Bacteria, Straits of Georgia, B.C. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, Third Series, Vol. XIIP., Sect. V., 
pp. 15-25. . 
1920. Pentose contents of some tissues of marine animals. Journ. Biological” 
Chemistry, Vol. XLI., No. 3, pp. liv.-lv. 
1920. Pentosan- and Methylpentosan-splitting enzymes of Macrocystis 
pyrifera. Journ. Biological Chemistry, Vol. XLI., No. 3, pp. 
1921. Pentose mononucleotides of the pancreas of the dogfish (Squalus 
sucklii). Journ. Biological Chemistry. Vol. XLV., No. 2, pp. 
1921. Anaerobic respiration in some pelecypod molluscs. The relation of 
anaerobic respiration to glycogen. Journ. Biological Chemistry, 
Vol. XLVI., No. 3, pp. 579-598. * 
BicELow, H. B. 1916. Halimedusa, a new genus of Anthomedusae. Trans. 
Roy. Soc. Canada, Vol. X., pp. 91-95. 
Description of Halimedusa typus, n.g., n.s. from the coast of 
Vancouver Island. 
BissONETTE, T. H. 1915. List of Georgian Bay Fleshy Fungi and Myxomy- 
cetes. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1911-1914, Fasc. II., pp. 213-218. 

BJERKAN, PAuL. 1919. Results of the hydrographical observations made by 
Dr. Johan Hjort in the Canadian Atlantic waters during the year 
1915. Can, Fish. Exp., 1914-15, Gulf of St. Lawrence, pp! 349- 
AOS sb lealaa2: 
BurwasH, E.M. 1912. The Geological Environment of the British Columbia 
Biological Station at Departure Bay, B.C. Contr. Canadian 
Biol., 1906-1910, pp. 295-305. 
CAMERON, A. T. 1914. The distribution of Iodine in plant and animal tissues. 
I. Journ. Biological Chemistry, Vol. XVIII., pp. 335-380. 
Material collected at Pacific Coast Station. . 
1914. The distribution of Iodine in plant and animal tissues. Trans. Roy. 
Soc. Canada, Third Series, Vol. VIII., Section IV., pp. 7-10. 
Material collected at Pacific Coast Station. 
1915. The distribution of Iodine in plant and animal tissues. II. Journ. 
Biological Chemistry, Vol. XXIII., pp. 1-39. Baltimore. 
Material collected at the Pacific Coast Station. 
1915. The iodine content of the marine flora and fauna in the. neighbour- 
hood of Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, B.C. Contr. Canadian Biol., 
1911-1914, Fasc. I., pp. 52-68. 
1915. The commerical value of the kelp beds of British Columbia. Contr. 
Canadian Biol., 1914-1915, pp. 25-40. 



CAMERON, A. T. 1915. The water and iodine contents of some Pacific coast 
kelps. Ibid., pp. 169-173. 

CAMERON, A. T. and FRAsER, C. M. 1915. Variations in density and tempera- 
ture in the coastal waters of British Columbia. Ibid., pp. 133-144. 

CAMERON, A. T. and VINCENT, S. 1915. Note onan enlarged thyroid occurring 
in an Elasmobranch fish (Squalus sucklii). Journ. Med. Research, 
Vol. XXXII., pp. 251-256. 
Obtained at Pacific station. 
CLEMENS, W. A. 1915. Rearing Experiments and Ecology of Georgian Bay 
Ephemeride. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1911-1914, Fasc. II., pp. 
113-128, 2 pls. 
1915. Life-histories of Georgian Bay Ephemeride. Observations on 
Heptagenia and Breeding Experiments. Contr. Canadian Biol., 
1911-1914,. Fasc. II., pp. 131-148, 4 pls. 
1920. Histories of New Food Fishes. IV: The Muttonfish. Bull. Biol. 
Board of Canada, No. 4, pp. 1-12. 

CLEMENS, W. A.and L.S. 1921. A contribution to the biology of the mutton 
fish (Zoarces anguillaris). Contr. Canadian Biol., 1918-20. (1921), 
pp. 69-83, 1 pl. 

Cotiins, F. S. 1913. The marine algae of Vancouver Island. Victoria 
Memorial Museum, Bulletin I., Geological Survey of Canada, 
pp. 95-137. 

Coiturp, J. B. 1920. The alkali reserve of marine fish and invertebrates. 
The excretion of carbon dioxide. Journ. Biological Chemistry, 
Vol. XLIV., No. 2, pp. 329-344. 

1920. Studies on Molluscan coelomic fluid. Anaerobic respiration in Mya 
arenaria. Ibid., Vol. XLV., No. 1, pp. 23-47. 

CONNOLLY, C. J. 1920. History of New Food Fishes. III. The Angler. 
Bull. Biol. Board of Canada, No. 3, pp. 1-17. 

CoopEr, A. R. 1914. A new Cestode from Amia Calva L. Trans. Roy. 

Canadian Inst., Vol. X., pp. 81-119, 3 pls. 

1914. On the Systematic Position of Haplobothrium globuliforme Cooper. 
rans: Koy. Sec, Canada, Ser. LIT, Vol: VIIT., pp. 1-3: 

1915. -Trematodes from Marine and Fresh-water Fishes, including one 
species of Ectoparasitic Turbellarian. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 
Ser. III., Vol. 9, pp. 181-205, 3 pls. 

1915. A morphological study of Bothriocephalid Cestodes from Fishes. 
Journ. Parasitology, Vol. 4, pp. 33-39, 2 pls. 

1915. North American Pseudophyllidean Cestodes from Fishes. III. 
Illinois Biol. Monographs, 4 (No. 4), pp. 289-541, 13 pls. 

1915. Contributions to the Life-history of Proteocephalus ambloplitis 
Leidy, a parasite of the Black Bass. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1911- 
1914, Fasc. II., pp. 177-194, 3 pls. 



CoPELAND, G.G, 1912. On the temperatures and densities of Passamaquoddy 
Bay waters and environs, with notes on allied subjects and the 
bearings of the same on the oyster industry. Contr. Canadian 
Biol., 1906-1910, pp. 281-294, pl. 36-37. 

CorNIsH, Geo. A. 1907. Report on the Marine Polyzoa of Canso, N.S. 
Contr. Canadian Biol., 1902-05 (1907), pp. 75-80. 

1907. Notes on the fishes of Canso. Ibid., pp. 81-90. 

1912. Notes on the Fauna of Tignish, Prince Edward Island. Contr. 
Canadian Biol., 1906-10, pp. 79-81. 

Cox, Puitip. 1916. On asupposed-disease of Quahaugs from New Brunswick. 
d ‘ Contr. Canadian Biol., 1914-15, pp. 73-79. 

1916. Investigation of a disease of herring (Clupea harengus) in the Gulf 
of St. Lawrence. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1914-15, pp. 81-84, pls. 
8 and 9. : 

1916. Are migrating eels deterred by a range of lights? Contr. Canadian 
Biol., 1914-15, pp. 115-118. 

1920. Histories of New Food Fishes. II. The Lumpfish. Bull. Biol. 
Board Canada, No. 2, pp. 1-28. 

1921. List of fishes collected in 1917 off the Cape Breton coast and the 
Magdalen Islands. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1918-20 (1921), pp. 

CRAIGIE, D. Horne. 1916. Life History of the Hake (Urophycis chuss). 
Contr. Canadian Biol., 1914-15 (1916), pp. 87-94. 

1916. Hydrographic Investigations in the St. Croix River and Passama- 
quoddy Bay. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1914-15 (1916), pp. 151-161. 

1916. Hydrographic section of the Bay of Fundy in 1914. Contr. Canadian’ 
Biol., 1914-15, pp. 163-173. 

CRAIGIE, E. H. and CHAse, W.H. 1918. Further Hydrographic Investigations 
in the Bay of Fundy. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1917-18, pp. 125-147. 

CurRRIE, MAry E. 1918. Exuviation and variation of plankton copepods, 
with special reference to Calanus finmarchicus. Trans. Roy. Soc. 
Cahada, Vol. 12, 1918, pp. 207-233. FF 

DANNEV 1G, ALF. 1919. Canadian Fish-Eggs and Larvae. Canadian Fish. 
Exp. Invest. Gulf of St. Lawrence and Atl. waters of Canada, 
1914-15 (1919), pp. 1-74, pl. 1-3. 

DETWEILER, JOHN D. 1915. Preliminary notes on the mollusca of St. Andrews 
and vicinity, New Brunswick. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1911-14, 
Fasc. I. (1915), pp. 43-46. 

1918. The pearly fresh-water Mussels of Ontario, with suggestions as to 
Culture and Utilization. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1917-18, pp. 

Durr, Dorotuy. 1916. Investigation of the haddock fishery, with special 
reference to the growth and maturity of the haddock. Contr. 
Canadian Biol., 1914-15, pp. 95-102. 

FOWLER, JAMEs. 1901. The flora of St. Andrews, New Brunswick. Contr. 
Canadian Biol., 1901, pp. 14-48. 



FowLer, JAMEs. 1907. Report on the flora of Canso, Nova Scotia. Contr. 

Canadian Biol., 1902-05, pp. 59-70. 

FRASER, C. M. 1911. The Hydroids of the west coast of North America. 










Bull. Laboratories of Nat. Hist. State University of Iowa, pp. 1-91. — 

Includes distribution of material and sometimes descriptions 
of such, collected at the Pacific Station in 1908 and 1909, as well 
as other material from Vancouver Island and Puget Sound. 

Hydroids from Vancouver Island. Ibid., pp. 147-155. 

Hydroids from Nova Scotia. Canadian Geol. Surv. Victoria 
Mem. Mus. Bull. 1, pt. XVI., pp. 157-186. 

Marine Biology in British Columbia. British Columbia Acad. Sci., 
pp. 49-60. Vancouver. 

Pacific Coast Biological Station, Departure Bay, B.C. Trans. 
Pacific Fisheries Soc., pp. 61-69. 

Some Hydroids of the Vancouver Island region. Trans. Roy. Soc. 
Canada, Ser. IT1., Vol. VIIL., Section IV., pp. 99-216. 

Notes on some Alaskan hydroids. Ibid., pp. 217-222. 

The Swarming of Odontosyllis. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, Ser. III., 
Vol. [X., Section IV., pp. 43-49. 

Hydroids: in the Report of the Exploration of the coast water 
between Nova Scotia and Chesapeake Bay, July and August, 
1913, by the United States Fisheries Schooner ‘‘Grampus.”’ 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard College, Vol. LIX., No. 4, pp. 

On Clupea pallasii Cuvier and Valenciennes. Trans. Roy. Canadian 
Inst., pp. 97-108. 

Ichthyological Notes: I. Ophiodon elongatus Girard. II. Oncor- 
hynchus keta Walbaum. III. The diagnosis of fish by means of 
scales. IV. Mallotus villosus Muller. Ibid., pp. 109-118. 

Possible lobster planting areas on the east coast of Vancouver Island, 
-B.C. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1914-1915, pp..119-132. 

Growth of the spring salmon. Trans. Pacific Fisheries Soc. for 1915, 
pp. 29-35. 

On the development of Aequorea forskalea. Trans. Roy. Soc. 
Canada, Third Series, Vol. X., Section IV., pp. 97-104. 

On the Scales of the Spring Salmon. Contr. Canadian Biology for 
1915, pp. 21-38. 

On the life-history of the Coho. Ibid., pp. 39-52. 

Grading of Pacific salmon. Pacific Fisherman, pp. 15-16. 

Monobrachium. parasitum and other west coast Hydroids. Trans. 
Roy. Soc. Canada, Third Series, Vol. XII., Section IV., pp. 131-1388. 

Hydroids of Eastern Canada. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1916-17, 
pp. 329-367. 

Rearing sockeye salmon in fresh water. Ibid., pp. 105-109. 

Migration of marine animals. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, Third 
Series, Vol. XII., Sect. IV., pp. 139-143. 



FRASER, C. M. 1920. Copepods parasitic on fish from Vancouver Island region. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, Ser. III., Vol. XIII: for 1919, Sect. V., 
pp. 45-67. 
1920. Growth rate in the Pacific salmon. Ibid., pp. 163-226. 
1920. Enemies of North Pacific fishes. Canadian Fisherman, pp. 113-115. 
1921. Key to the Hydroids of Eastern Canada. Contr. Canadian Biol., 
_ 1918-20, pp. 1387-180. 
1921. Further studies on the growth rate in Pacific salmon. Contr. Can- 
adian Biol., 1918-1920, pp. 7-27. 
1921. Some apparent effects of severe weather on the marine organisms in 
the vicinity of Departure Bay, B.C., Ibid., pp. 29-33. 
1921. Temperature and specific gravity variations in the surface waters 
of Departure Bay, B.C., Ibid., pp. 35-47. 
1921. Association, Commensalism and Parasitism among marine animals in 
the strait of Georgia, Canadian Field Nat., Vol. XXV., pp. 48-50. 
Fritz, CLARA W. 1921. Plankton diatoms, their distribution and bathymetric 
range in St. Andrews waters. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1918-20, 
‘pp. 49-62. 
1921. Experimental cultures of diatoms occurring near St. Andrews, N.B. 
Contr. Canadian Biol., 1918-20, pp. 63-68. 
GILBERT, C.H. 1912. A new genus and species of Cottoid fish from Departure 
Bay, Vancouver Island, B.C. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1906-1910, 
pp. 215-16. 
Gran, H. H. 1919. Quantitative investigations as to Phytoplankton and 
pelagic Protozoa in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and outside the same. 
Canadian Fish. Exp., 1914-15, Gulf of St. Lawrence, pp. 487-491. 

Gross, Louts. 1919. An investigation into the question of early putrefaction 
of eviscerated fish in which the-.gills have been left. Rep. Adv. 
Council Sci. and Indust. Research, No. 6, pp. 1-4. 
1921. An investigation into the rate of putrefaction in the common food 
fish caught in and around Passamaquoddy Bay, N.B. Contr. 
Canadian Biol., 1918-20, pp. 99-102. 
HADDON, KATHLEEN. 1912. Hersilia (Clausidium) vancouverensis, n.s., Ann. 
and Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 8, Vol. X., pp. 84-86. 
1912. Herpyllobius arcticus. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., Vol. 58, pp. 385-410. 
A copepod parasitic on British Columbia polchaets. 
Harrison, F. C. 1918. Report of examination of affected salmon from 
Miramichi Hatchery Pond, New Brunswick. Contr. Canadian 
Biol., 1917-18, pp. 147-168. 
1918. Some observations on haddock and ‘‘ Finnan Haddies”’ relating to the 
bacteriology of cured fish. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1917-18, pp. 
Hickson, S. J. 1915. Some Alcyonaria and a Stylaster from the west coast 
of North America. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pp. 541-557. 
1917. West Coast corals. Bionomical Leaflets, McGill University, No. 6, 
pp. 21-24. 



Hyort, JoHAN. 1919. Introduction to the Canadian Fisheries Expedition, 

1914-15. Canadian Fish. Exped. Invest. Gulf of St. Lawrence and 
Atlantic waters of Canada, pp. i.-xv. 

HuntTsMAn, A. G. 1911. Ascidians from the Coasts of Canada. Trans. 






Canadian Inst., Vol. IX., pp. 111-148. 

Holosomatous Ascidians from the coast of Western Canada. Contr. 
Canadian Biol., 1906-1910, pp. 103-185. 

The Classification of the Styelidae. Zool. Anz., Bd. XLI., pp. 482- 

On the origin of the ascidian mouth. Proc. Roy. Soc., B, Vol. 86, 
pp. 454-459. 

Protostigmata in Ascidians. Proc. Roy. Soc., B. Vol. 86, pp. 440-453. 

A new Caprellid from the Bay of Fundy. Contr. Canadian Buol., 
1911-14, Fasc. I., pp. 39-42, pl. 5, 6. 

The Fresh-water Malacostraca of Ontario. Contr. Canadian Biol., 
1911-14, Fasc. II., pp. 145-163. ; 
The Growth of the Scales in Fishes. Trans. Roy. Canadian Inst., 

Vol. XIT:, Ser. IIT., pp. 63-103. 

. The vertical distribution of certain intertidal animals. Trans. Roy: 

soce Canada, Ser. Mil. > Vol. X11... 53-60. 

. The effect of the tide on the distribution of the fishes of the Canadian 

Atlantic coast: Trans. Roy. Soc.-Canada, Ser. III-, Vol: =Xif,, 
pp. 61-67. 

. The scale method of calculating the rate of growth in fishes. Trans. 

Roy. Soc.'Canada, Ser. ITI., Vol. XII., pp. 47-52. 

. Our eastern flat-fishes. The Canadian Fisherman, Vol. V., pp. 788- 


. Fisheries research in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 1917. The Canadian 

Fisherman, Vol. V., pp. 740-744: 

. Histories of New Food Fishes, I. The Canadian Plaice. Bull. Biol. 

Board of Canada, No. 1, Toronto, 1918, pp. 1-32. 

. Report on affected salmon in the Miramichi river, New Brunswick. 

Contr. Canadian Biol., 1917-18, pp. 167-173. 

. The Bait Question. Biol. Board of Canada, Leaflet, No. 3, pp. 1-4. 
. Growth of the young herring (so-called sardines) of the Bay of Fundy. 

Canadian Fish. Exped., 1914-15, Gulf of St. Lawrence, pp. 165-171. 

. Some quantitative and qualitative plankton studies of Eastern 

Canadian Plankton, Ibid., pp. 405-485. 

. The Growth of Fishes. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc., Vol. 49, pp. 19-23. 

. Climates of our Atlantic waters. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc., Vol. 50, 

pp. 326-333. 

. Age-determination, growth and symmetry in the test of the ascidian 

Chelyosoma. Trans Roy. Canadian Inst-,- Vol. XIII, No. 4 
pp. 27-38. 


HtntsmMan, A. G. 1921. Eastern Canadian Plankton-—The distribution of the 
Tomopteridae obtained during the Canadian Fisheries Expedition, 
1914-15. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1918-20, pp. 85-91. 
1921. Eastern Canadian Plankton. The distribution of floating Tunicates 
(Thaliacea) obtained during the Canadian Fisheries Expedition, 
1914-15. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1918-20, pp. 93-97. 
HuntTsMAN, A. G. and Rep, M. E. 1921. The success of Reproduction in 
Sagitta elegans in the Bay of Fundy and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 
Trans. Roy. Canadian Inst., Vol. XIII., pp. 99-112. 
KiLBorn, L. J. and MAcLeop, J. J. R. 1920. Observations on the glycogen 
content of certain invertebrates and fishes. Quart. Journ. Exper. 
Physiol., Vol. XII., No. 4, pp. 317-330. 
Material from the Pacific Coast Station. 
KINDLE, E. M. 1918. The Ship Worm (Teredo navalis) on the Atlantic Coast 
of Canada. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1917-18, pp. 91-101. 
KINDLE, E. M. and WHITTAKER, E. J. 1918. Bathymetric check-list of marine 
invertebrates of eastern Canada, with an Index to Whiteaves’ 
catalogue. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1917-18, pp. 228-294. 
KiuGu, A. B. 1909. The excretion of Sodium chloride by Spartina glabra 
alterniflora. Rhodora, Vol. XI., p..237. 
1910. Notes on the flora of the Nerepis Marsh, New Brunswick. Ottawa 
Naturalist, Vol. XXIV., pp. 121-122. 
1912. Notes on the flora of the St. Croix valley and Passamaquoddy region, 
New Brunswick. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1906-10, pp. 265-276, 

pl. 27-29. 
1913. Notes on the Algae of the Georgian Bay. Rhodora, Vol. XV., pp. 
88-92. | 

1913. -Notes on the Plant Formations of the Georgian Bay. Ontario Nat. 
Sci Bulla Now8: 

1915. Notes on the Aquatic Plants of the Georgian Bay. Contr. Canadian 
Biol., 1911-14, Fasc. II., pp. 219-220. 

1917. The marine algae of the Passamaquoddy region. Contr. Canadian 
Biol., 1915-16, pp. 79-85, pl. 8. 

1921. A new genus-and three new species of Algae from the Miramichi 
river, N.B. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1918-20, pp. 181-183. - 

_Knicut, A. P. 1901. The effects of polluted waters on -fish-life. Contr. 

Canadian Biol., 1901, pp. 9-18. 

1907. The effects of dynamite explosions upon fish-life. Contr. Canadian 
Biol., 1902-05, pp. 21-80. 

1907. A further report upon the effects of sawdust on fish-life. Contr. 
Canadian Biol., 1902-05, pp. 37-54. 

1907. Sawdust and Fish Life. Final Report. Contr. Canadian Biol., 
1902-05, pp. 111-119. 

1912. Fishery Bait experiments. A report on the comparative merits of 
different kinds of bait used in cod-fishing along the Gaspe peninsula. 
Contr. Canadian Biol., 1910, pp. 23-32. 



Kyicut, A. P. 1916. Lobster sanctuaries and hatching ponds. An investigation 
of the Long Beach Lobster Pond, Digby County, Nova Scotia, 
in 1914. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1914-15, pp. 41-54, pl. 2-7. 
1917. Official Report upon Lobster Conservation in Canada. Suppl. 51st. 
Annl. Rept. Fish. Branch Dept. Nav. Ottawa. Ser., 1916-17, 
pp. 1-48. 
1918. Official’ Report on Lobster Investigations, 1917, and methods of 
increasing the lobster supply in Canada. Ottawa, 1918, pp. 1-21. 
1918. Lobster Investigations, Long Beach Pond, Nova Scotia, 1915. Contr. 
Canadian Biol., 1917-18, pp. 51-71. 
1919. Official Report on Lobster Investigations in Canada for 1918. Ottawa 
1919, pp. 1-35. 
1921. Histology of the Flexor tendon in the crushing claw of the lobster. 
Contr. Canadian Biol., 1918-20, pp. 185-188. 
Lanc, R. S. and MAcLeEop, J. J..R. 1920. Observations on the reducing 
substances in the circulating fluids of certain invertebrates and 
fish. Quart. Journ: Exper. Physiol., Vol. XII., No. 4, pp. 331-337. 
Material from the Pacific station. 
LEA, EINAR. 1919. Report on the age and growth of the herring in Canadian 
waters. Canadian Fish. Exped., 1914-15, Gulf of St. Lawrence 
and Atlantic waters of Canada, pp. 75-164. 
Lem, A. H. 1921. A new species of Spirontocaris with notes on other species 
from the Atlantic coast. Trans. Roy. Canadian Inst., Vol. 13, 
pp. 133-145, pl. 2-6. 
Macatitum, A.B. 1903. On the inorganic composition of the Medusae Aurelia 
flavidula and Cyanea arctica. Journ. Physiol., Vol. XXIX., 
pp. 213-241. 
1904. The Palaeochemistry of the Ocean in relation to Animal and Vegetable 
Protoplasm. Trans. Canadian Inst., Vol. VII., pp. 535-562. Also 
University of Toronto Studies, Physiological Series, No. 5. 
1910. On the Inorganic Composition of the blood of Vertebrates and In- 
vertebrates and its Origin. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Vol. B 82, 
pp. 602-624. 
1913. Acineta Tuberosa: A Study on the Action of Surface Tension in 
Determining the Distribution of Salts in Living Matter. Proc. 
_ Roy. Soc. London, Vol. B 86, pp. 527-550, 2 pls. 
MacBripe, E.W. 1912. Oyster Culture and the Clam Fishery, Prince Edward 
Island. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1906-10, pp. 217-220. 
MacCieMEnt, W. T. ‘1915. Preliminary Report on the Plants of the Georgian 
Bay, a Contribution to the Biology of the Georgian Bay Waters. 
Contr. Canadian Biol., 1911-14, Fasc. II., pp. 201-211. 
1917. Diatoms and Lobster rearing. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1915-16, 
pp. 11-20. 
MacKay, A. H. 1907. The Diatomaceae of Canso Harbour, Nova Scotia. 
Contr. Canadian Biol., 1902-05, pp. 55-58. 



Martin, W. H. 1915. Some experiments on the freezing and thawing of live 
fish. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1911-14, Fasc. I., pp. 73-75. 

Mavor, J. W. 1915. Studies on the sporozoa of the fishes of the St. Andrews 
region, New Brunswick. » Contr. Canadian Biol., 1911-14, Fasc. I., 
pp. 25-38, pl. 4. 

1915. On the Occurrence of a Trypanoplasm, probably Trypanoplasma 
borreli Laveran and Mesnil in the Blood of the Common Sucker, 
Catostomus commersonii. Journ. Parasit., Vol. II., pp. 1-6. 

1916. On the life-history of Ceratomyxa acadiensis, a new species of Myxo- 
sporidia from the eastern coast of Canada. Proc. Amer. Acad. 
Arts and S¢i., Vol. LI., pp. 551-574. 

1916. Studies on the Protozoan Parasites of the Fishes of the Georgian Bay. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, Ser. III., Vol. X., Sect. IV., pp. 63-73. 

1918. On the age and growth of the walle in the Bay of Fundy. Contr. 
Contr. Canadian Biol., 1917-18, pp. 107-125. 

1920. Circulation of water in Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine. Thane 
Amer. Fisher. Soc., Vol. L., pp. 334-342. 

1920. Drift Bottles as indicating a superficial circulation in the Gulf of 
Maine. Scienge, N.S., Vol. LIL., pp. 442-443. 

1921. The utilization of Dog-Fish and selachian fishes of Eastern Canada. 
Contr. Canadian Biol., 1918-20, pp. 125-235. 

1921. On a bottle which drifted from the Gulf of Maine to the Azores. 
Science, N.S., Vol. LIII.,-pp.487-188. 

1921. Another drift bottle which crossed the Atlantic. Science, N.S., Vol. 
LIM. p.389. 

-Mavor, J. W., CraicicE, E. H. and DETWEILER, J. D. 1916. Investigation of 
the bays of the southern coast of New Brunswick, with a view to 
use for oyster culture. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1914-15, pp. 145- 
McDona.p, D. L. 1912. On a collection of crustacea made at St. Andrews. 
Contr. Canadian Biology, 1906-10, pp. 83-84. 
McMurricy, J. P. 1911. The Actiniaria of Passamaquoddy Bay with a 
discussion of their synonomy. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, Ser. IIL., 
Vol. IV., Sect. IV., pp. 59-83, pl. 1-3. 
1912. The Life Cycles of the Pacific Coast Salmon belonging to the genus 
Oncorhynchus, as revealed by their scales and otolith markings. 
Trans. Roy. Soc, Canada, Ser. III., Vol. VI., Section IV., pp. 9-28. 
1912. Observations on the Actiniarians occurring in the neighbourhood of 
the Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. Contr. 
Canadian Biol., 1906-10, pp. 33-35. \ 
1913. Some further observations on the life-histories of the Pacific Coast 
Salmon as revealed by their scale markings.” Trans. Roy. Soc. 
Canada, Ser. III., Vol. VII., Section IV., pp. 23-32. Ottawa. 
1913. Notes on the scale markings of the halibut and their bearing on 
questions connected with the Conservation of the fishery. Ibid., 
pp. 33-41. 



McMouraricu, J. P. 1913. Salmon fisheries of British Columbia. Commission 
of Conservation, Fourth Annual Report, pp. 48-59. Ottawa. 
1913. On two new actinians from the coast of British Columbia. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, pp. 963-972. ; 
1916. Notes on the Plankton of the British Columbia Coast. Trans. Roy. 
Soc. Canada, Ser. III., Vol. X., Section V., pp. 75-89. 
1917. Notes on some crustacean forms occurring in the plankton of Passama- 
quoddy -Bay.. Tratis. Roy. Sec: -Ganada; Ser, -TIl., Volkz2ch, 
Sect. IV., pp. 47-61. 
1917. The winter plankton in the neighbourhood of St. Andrews, 1914-15. 
Contr. Canadian Biol., 1915-16, pp. 1-10. 
Miter, F. R. 1910. Intestinal peristalsis and anal rhythm in Crustacea. 
Eighth Internat. Physiol. Congress, Vienna, 1910. 
1910. On the rhythmical contractility of the anal musculature of the cray- 
fish and lobster. Journ. Physiol., Vol. 40, p. 431. 
1912. Contributions to the physiology of the American lobster. The 
physiology of the intestine. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1906-10, 
pp. 277-280, pl. 30-35. 
MORTENSEN, T. H. 1920. Studies on the development of crinoids. Papers 
from the Department of Marine Biology of the Carnegie Institute 
of Washington, Vol. XVI. 
Florometra seratissima from the Pacific Coast station. 
1921. Studies of the development and larval forms of Echinoderms, Copen- 
Strongylocentrotus drobachiensis, Pisaster ochracea, Evast- 
terias trischelii, Orthasterias leptolena, Pycnopodia helianthoides, 
Stichopus californicus from British Columbia. 
NELson, JuLius. 1917. An investigation of oyster propagation in Richmond 
Bay, PES, during 1915.- Contr, Canadian” Biol, 1915-16,-pp: 
NEWCOMBE, C. F., GREENWOOD, W. H. and FRASER, C. M. 1918. The Sea- 
lion question in British Columbia. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1916-17, 
pp. 1-39. 
O’DonoGuuE, C. H. 1921. Nudibranchiate Molluscs from the Vancouver 
Island region. Trans. Roy. Canadian Inst., Vol. XIII., No. 1, 
pp. 147-209. 
OvtpRoyp, I. S. 1920. New,species of West Coast shells. The Nautilus, 
Vol. XX XTIT.; No. 4; pp. 1385-136. 
Tritonalia fraseri from Departure Bay. 
PATTERSON, O. G. 1918. The smoking of haddocks for Canadian markets. 
Contr. Canadian Biol., 1917-18, pp. 173-178. 
PENHALLOW, D. P. 1906. Report of a special committee on an examination 
of localities for the permanent location of the Marine Biological 
Station. Montreal, 1906, pp. 1-12. 
1912. Report on the Atlantic Biological Station of Canada. Contr. Can- 
adian Biol., 1906-10, pp. 1-21, pl. 1, 2. 



’ PIXELL, H. L. M. 1912. Two new species of the Phoronidea from Vancouver 
Island. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci., Vol. 58, pt. 2, pp. 257-284. 
1912. Polychaeta from the Pacific coast of North America, Part I. Ser- 
pulidae. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pp. 784-805. 
Much of the material was obtained at the Pacific Station. 
Potts, F. A. 1912. Mycetomorpha, a new Rhizocephalan. Zoolog. Jahr- 
bucher, pp. 575-594. 
1913. The swarming of Odontosyllis. Proc. Cambridge Philosoph. Soc., 
Vol. XVII., Part 2, pp. 193:200. 
Observed in Departure Bay, B.C. 
1913. Stolon formation in certain species of Trypanosyllis. Quart. Journ. 
Microsc. Sci., Vol. Fe VTE Part 3, pp. 411-446. 
Trypanosyllis gemmipara found at different points along the 
Vancouver Island coast. 
1914. Polychaeta from the north-eastern Pacific. The Chaetopteridae. 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pp. 955-994. 
| Material from Pacific coast station. 
Prince, E. E. 1901. Account of the Marine Biological Station of Canada; 
its foundation, equipment and work. Contr. Canadian Biol., 
1901, pp. 1-8. 
1907. The eggs and early life history of the Herring, Gaspereau, Shad and 
other clupeoids. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1902-05, pp. 95-110, pl. 8-10. 
1907. Professor Macallum on the chemistry of Meduse. Contr. Canadian 
Biol., 1902-05, pp. 121-128. 
1913. A new Canadian Cirripede parasitic ona shrimp. Ottawa Naturalist, 
Vol. XXVI., No. 10, pp. 121-125. 
From the Pacific coast station. 
1913. The Biological Board of Canada. Reprint from the 4th Anal. 
Report Comm. Conservation, Ottawa, 1913, pp. 1-14. 
1917. On serially striped haddock in New Brunswick. Contr. Canadian 
Biol., 1915-16, pp. 86-90, pl. 9. 
1918. How to handle frozen fish. Bull. Coun. Sci. and Industr. Research, 
No. 3, Ottawa, 1918, pp. 1-4. 
1918. Hints on frozen fish. Bull. Coun. Sci. and Industrial Research, No. 
4, Ottawa, 1918, pp. 1-4. 
PRINCE, E. E. and MacKay, A. H. 1901. The paired fins of the mackerel 
shark (Lamna). Contr. Canadian Biol., 1901, pp. 55-58, pl. 5-7. 
Ramsay, L. N. E. 1914. On the Annelids of the family Nereidae collected by 
Mr. F. A. Potts in the north-east Pacific in 1911. Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, pp. 237-250. 
Nereis cyclurus, N. virens, N. agassizi, Micronereis variegata 
from vicinity of Pacific coast station. 
RATHBUN, M. J. 1917. The Grapsoid Crabs of America. United States Nat. 
Museum, Bulletin 97. 
Includes references to material, particularly Pinnotherid 
material, collected at the Pacific coast station. 



Rosertson, A. D. 1915. The Molluscs of the Georgian Bay. Contr. Can- 
adian Biol., 1911-14, Fasc. II., pp. 96-111, 3 pls. 

1916% Report on the barren oyster bottoms, Richmond Bay, P.E.I. Contr. 
Canadian Biol., 1914-15, pp. 55-71. 

Ropinson, C. B. 1907. “The Seaweeds of Canso. Contr. Canadian Biol., 
1902-05, pp. 71-74. 

Ryerson, C. G. S. 1915. Notes on the Hirudinea of the Georgian Bay. 
Contr. Canadian Biol:, 1911-14, Fasc. II., pp. 165-175. 

SADLER, WILFRID, 1918. The bacteriology of swelled canned sardines.  In- 
terim report. Contr. Canadian Biol., 1917-18, pp. 179-215. 

1918. Bacterial destruction of Copepods occurring in marine plankton. 
Contr. Canadian Biol., 1917-18, pp. 215-228. 

1921. Canned sardines-—The cause of ‘‘Swells’’ or ‘“‘ Blown Cans.’ 
Canadian Biol., 1918-20, pp. 103-108. 

SANDSTROM, J. W. 1919. The Hydrodynamics of the Canadian Atlantic 
Waters. Canadian Fish. Exped., 1914-15, Gulf of St. Lawrence, 
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