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Full text of "The Coptic version of the New Testament in the Southern dialect : otherwise called Sahidic and Thebaic ; with critical apparatus, literal English translation, register of fragments and estimate of the version"

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APPENDIX. : Е : ee 









I. on оло аваяєрос ATW OW оло MCOT єм пмотуте 
WARE LRT мємєотє ищорп ow иепрофитнс. NOAH 
HRAHpooOLL0c єптирд. пат ом итаертоег ином 
chor SITOOTY. ? ете паї пе MOVOEIN seneoow ATW 
Teme  aemeepra(opo. ATW ей OA аэптир ose 

1 (2) (19 $) 24 IP 14!$ 44) $ cit В.М. заєрос| s3eNoc о avo] 
mear Do 2 (d) (19) 24 (141) 44! cit B. M. meis. ] 19 .. nas en. 
ct.. nasr ПТ. 24 141 441, «parer. Во em. ] 19 .. Rant. 24 (141) &с.. 
noson пійєм Во з (5) (19) (24) (141) (191) (441) ати» 29] Syr 
.. om 1417 Bo.. $epov те N &c, Vg (quoque) .. who Eth .. that Eth ro 

Inscription тепрос оєйратоте | b .. троє «роо МА ВК 17 37 47, 
Bo (ee&peoc .. о ош N]ebparos ГМ) Гс мх Во (А, B8TDEFGJMNOP) 
place this epistle after II Thessalonians with NABCHP 17 47, 
Arm .. Bo (r) places it between Philemon and I Timothy, but numbers 
Philemon IT .. Bo (А,нк) place it after Philemon as fourteenth with 
DEKL &c, Vg Syr Eth | 

1 off ого бе in many parts] 0 19 &c, Bo (prd) Arm, zoAvpepos Ñ 
&c, multifariam Vg .. in much speaking all manners Syr 
оп оло &c in many forms] d? 19 &c, Во (om em) .. zoAvrpozos N &c, 
multis modis Ус Arm all forms Буг..т many a part Eth 
ea ппоутє щахє God having spoken] b 19 &e, N &c, Vg (loquens) 
..A-cami spake Bo..trs. spake God Syr Arm... indicated God Eth 
nenerote our fathers] b (19 1) &c, Во Syr Arm Eth..zarpacw Ñ 
&c, Vg пщорп at first] (b) 19 &c.. trs. zoAvrp. radar NÑ &e, Vg 
Бо Arm .. trs. prophets formerly Syr Eth .. от Eth ro оп iem. in 
the pr.] б то &e, Во (х) N &e, Vg Syr Eth (his) .. by prophets Arm .. 
eĝo Sen &с out of (or through) the prophets Bo 

? f at] 19.. e Во (от e FL) ez N &c, Vg (diebus).. оп in 24 біс 
Syr Arm Eth ean the end] 19 &с, Bo (пає). ecxarov № Ke, 


I. In many parts and in many forms God having spoken 
to our fathers at first in the prophets, ?at the end of these 
days he spake to us in the Son, he whom he put for heir 
unto all things, this also through whom he made the ages; 
? who is this, the light of the glory, and the likeness of his 
substance, and bearing all things by the word of his power, 

17, Vg (novissime) Arm ..сохатоу 47, 4 Vg (harl*) Syr Eth.. add 
me 24 141 44! cit, Bo (except A,HL).. and in &c Syr Eth пиего. 
of these days] 19 &c, Bo (add mes) .. om these Eth naaran lit. 
with us] 19 &e.. om Eth ro тщ. the Son] 24 &с, Arm .. viw № 
&с, Vg Во (отщ.).. in his son Syr Eth (through ro) mar on this 
also] cit, № &c, Vg (fecit et saecula) Arm .. om он also 24 141 &e .. 
охоо eh. o. and through him Bo Syr (and in him) .. through whom 
‚ Eth ro .. in whom Eth п (en б) тачутотет he made] 19 (none) 44), 
N &c, Vg Syr Arm .. -талатє fashioned 24 (141) cit .. he created Eth 
ланах 24 14! &c)on the ages] 19 &c, RABD*M 17 37, f Vg Bo 
Syr.. trs. т. a. er. DPKLP &с, Syr (Б) Arm.. all Eth .. the world 
Eth ro 

3 eve mar пе who is this] (07) 19 24 (141) 441, eve поо ne 
who is he Bo..os оу М &e, Vg (qui cum sit) who himself is Syr, who 
is Arm Eth .. om Eth ro ixneoov of the glory] (b) 19 24 14! 
441, N &c, Vg Arm.. of his &c Bo Syr Eth азо and 19] b 24 
141441, N &c.. om 19 .. ness and Во n(en т9)єтє the likeness | 
b 19 (1417) 441.. n(om м)сажот the form Bo .. ҳарактур Ñ &с, figura 
Vg Arm, image Syr Eth..who is in form of his person Eth ro 
печтажро lit. his stability | dt (14! 7) отостасєоѕ avrov N &c, Vg Bo 
(отпостасіс) his essence Syr Arm .. his form Eth Eth ro eggs 
oa bearing] 5 (19) 141, $epov N &c, Vg Bo.. holding Syr Eth (who 
holdeth) .. he uniteth Arm .. pavepwv В"... that he should submit to all 
Eth ro mnrHpy lit. the all of it] b (14!) (4411?) Bo .. та ravra 
N &с, Vg (omnia) Syr Arm Eth охх пщахє &c lit. in the word 
of his power] (d) 44 l, Во.. engg. lit. unto the word &e 19 .. то рушат: 
бс М &c, Vg Arm Eth ro.. om avrov М 67** .. in the power of his 



nyase їїтесүзояө. єачегре ntho иємноїе ehor 
QITOOTY. ^ояяссе OF TOUMase Мтаязитиоб ой MeT- 
«oce. ‘hoe єтфсотп eNacrweAoc. тах ом TE өє 
птацеАнромоваєг потрам eqwohe epoov. ? тач- 
хоос Tap миша» МиєцассєЛос єпєо. хе MTOR пе 
IIAUJHpe. AMOR аухпок NOOT. ATW ом хе AMOR 
Frayne ма єтєт. ито epuaujgorte war єущирє. 
Фесуцуамет є ae ом аєпцурпаваєісє EOOTN ETOIROT= 
SLENH  щасрхоос. BE яелротуотощт Nagy тнрот 
WontacceAoc аяпноттє.  "Ujacpxooc seen Hag pit 
WaUCeÀoc. хе петтламо пметлссеЛос anna mec- 

о: тотпаля | са ormas Bo * (2) 1919144! te ve] пеє 44! 
5 (2) 195 191 (441)  *b 19 1915 цачхоос| б &c .. qzw за. Во 
(TDGJINOP).. eqaw яз. Bo (AB?EFHKLM) 7 (2) 19$ 191$ же] 
ош Во (Е*) 

word Syr Eth eagerpe having done] trs. арарт. тосар. SAB 
DMP 17 37 47, Vg Arm.. trs. rono. rov KL &с, Syr (h).. and he— 
did Syr Eth .. and—he did. Bo (u3) .. he did Bo futennobe of our 
sins] (b) 19 44! (№ змеи) DeKL &c, Bo (Гмор) Syr (h) Arm Eth.. 
om уро, N* ABD*MP, f Vg Bo Syr (vg) Eth ro ehod o. hit. 
through him] (ё) 19 (1917) 441 .. trs. ди eavrov каб. DeK LM &e, Bo 
..lit. фу his essence Syr Eth.. om RABD?P 17 47,f Vg Arm .. йе 
made through him (a way) that he should cleanse Eth ro aysar. 
he sat (down)] b 19 19! 441, № &c, Vg (sedet .. -dit am) Bo Arm.. 
pref. and Syr Eth.. eagqg. having sat Во (Е) птааит, &c of the 
greatness in the heights] (5) 19 19! 441, № &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. his 
greatness in the heavens Eth 

* пөє єт. (eq. 191 441) as he is (more) excellent] (6) &c .. e(om 
г)ачщ. єчсотії having become (more) excellent Bo .. romovro кр. yevop. 
М &с, Vg (tanto melior—effectus) Arm Eth ro..and he altogether is 
greater Syr .. ата he was exalted Eth пас. the angels] б &с.. om 
roy B тат оп(таї Roe 441) &c thus also] b &c.. oco ки К.. осо 
N &с, Vg Arm.. Пталазати запірні by so much as Bo.. by so much 
as he is better Eth .. as more excellent is the name Syr .. and he magni- 
fied him above them Ето (en 19) va*[RN. &c he inherited a name 
different unto them] (b) &c, Во (eovom ций язалос).. даф. тар 
avr. кекАл). ovoua “№ &с, Vg (nomen her.) Arm (п. h.) .. is the name 

HEBREWS I 4-7 5 

having done the cleansing of our sins through himself, he 
sat (down) at the right hand of the greatness in the heights ; 
*as he is (more) excellent than the angels, thus also he 
inherited a name different unto them. ?For бо which of his 
angels said he ever, Thou art my Son, I, I begat thee to-day ? 
And again, I, I shall be to him unto а Father, he, he will be 
to me unto а Son? 9 But when he bringeth again the firstborn 
into the inhabited earth he is wont to say, Let them all 
worship him, the angels of God. ТНе is wont to say indeed 
to the angels, He who maketh his angels spirit, his ministers 

which he inherited than theirs Syr .. апа he inherited a name which is 
greater than their names Eth (than every thing ro) 

5 wegat. his angels] © &c, 441, Eth.. rov ауу. № &c, Vg Bo Syr 
Arm птаехоос said he] (5) біс 441, Bo, М &c, Vg Arm Eth .. trs. 
ever said бод Syr eneo(enuoe 19!) ever] b &с, Det*, Syr (vg).. 
trs. Tore rov ayy.  &с, Vg, Ronas Sen mart. at any time among 
the angels Bo .. trs. ever said of angels Arm .. his angels saith he ever 
Eth йток methouart] d &c (44!) Bo.. trs. wos pov e ov Ñ &c, Vg 
Syr Arm Eth anor I] b &c.. pref. and Arm cdd Eth noor 
to-day] б &e, Bo..trs. onpepov yeyew. № &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth 
ox again] b &c.. add he saith Eth хє 29] b &е, Bo Syr Arm.. 
om or. М &e, Vg Eth — naqto him] б & N* йтоҷ he] 19!.. 
add ae b 19 .. pref. ки  &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. and he also Eth ev- 
(19!.. cox 0 19) ty. unto a Son] Во, N &с, Vg Syr Arm .. ту son Eth 

6 equj. ae оп lit. but if he should bring again] (b?) &c, eyon 
me om asuamupmr Во.. отау де тами вау. М &с, Vg (et сит) 
Arm Eth (sent)..but again when &c om again Bo (emp) 
хе stapovor(om от d)wujt nag Let them-worship him] (d) &c, 
Bo (33ax0*) .. ка троск. avro N &c.. om ka, Arm Eth (not ro) .. that 
to him shall worship Syr 

7 maya. за. futaopri(en 19!) &c he is wont to say indeed to the 
angels] b &с.. ka проб pev т. ayy. Аєүє  &с, Vg Eth (but ro) .. and 
(om к) concerning (ethe) the angels again (om AEL) he saith Bo Eth 
(his) .. but (8e) of (lit. upon) angels thus he said Syr .. but to the angels 
he saith Arm .. add avrov D*, Eth петт. he who maketh] b &c, 
Bo (DL) o пошу N &e, Eth ( putteth) .. фи Eras. he who made Bo, who 
made Syr Arm anna spirit] b &c, D, Syr Eth .. zvevpara № бос, 
Vg Bo (itganmita) Arm, Macarius neger. (Nx. 19 1) his ministers] 
D &c..pref. ки N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth (those who minister to 


AciToyptoe йшло Neate. ^iurappse mnüHpe ae. хе 
пекеромос пиоттє Wook Wa ємео ire петемео. 
ATW mnoepob аєпсосути пе nóoepob итекаамтеро. 
?aWetepe TAIRAIOCTNH., aHftecTe Mar joonc. erbe 
па! ATACCK йбтпмоуте пекмоттє иотиео WTeAHA 
пара меєтоготак. — "aou xe итон жи ишорп. 
Heoéerc. аксомомт £ennao. weobuwe язпекбух ме 
[nare "тосту cenage ebo. итак aje кщооп. 
arw Aroor тирох Nee отодоктє сенаАрпАєє. 
12 |н|ма|соот|ооту nee novpurom | тов ace ток 
ом пе [ATW menpssenoove clenfawjan ам. 1 итач- 
хоос [ae jme инецаеселос ємео. [xe geeooc 
Qr отпа jet ж» жох Ua ret ко W]rrenasacxe iov |roroaron 

йщго] потщао Bo.. Sen отщао Во (uir) з (b) (19) 19! 
° (5) 191 потиєо| 0..-пно 191 mapaj] 2..еооте lit. than Во 
10 (2) Samer] ппєк 0 B) n (D) 13 (5) 

him) пщао &c flame of fire] (b) &с, № &с (zvpos фЛоуа) Vg Bo 
(a flame) Arm Eth .. fire burning Syr 

$ ппаоряя to] 19 191, zpos № &с, Vg Arm.. ee&e concerning Bo 
Eth..of (lit. upon) Syr хє] 19 19! № &e, Vg.. pref. 
ч(єчуажо» maroc he saith Bo Arm Eth..he said Буг Woon is 
being] 19 19!.. om N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth ire mer(1g! ns й)- 
eneg of the age] б 191.. ош vov B 17..0f ages Syr Arm атш and] 
b 19!, RABD*M 17, Vg (am tol) DeKLP &c, f Vg Syr 
Arm Eth nø. the staff 1°] (5) 191, RABM 17, у DKLP 
біс, Arm? anc. of the straightness] b 191, Bo, N*ABM 1т7.. от 
ms ОКГР &c, Arm ?.. of righteousness Eth (add and го) ne. the 
staff 29] b 191, Bo (пщёот) у paBdos DK LP &c.. om у NABM 17 
текла». thy kingdom] b 19!, Bo, ADKLMP &c, f Vg Syr Arm Eth.. 
Bac. avrov NB 

° аказєрє thou lovedst] b 191, № &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth .. pref. xe 
because Bo axar. thou hatedst] b 19!.. pref. and Bo (except 2,) 
mx: поомс the iniquity] (d) 19! .. абікіам А 17, Vg Во (tox) Syr 
Eth .. avopuav BDK LMP &e, Arm пєки. thy God] б 19! .. от 
Eth ro rero. thy neighbours] b 19!, пн єтбавотиок Во..ин 
тироу ет. all thy &c Bo (вак),, those who are as thee Eth 

HEBREWS I 8-13 7 
flame of fire: * but to the Son, Thy throne, God, is being unto 

age of the age; and the staff of the straightness is the staff 

of thy kingdom. ° Thou lovedst the righteousness, thou 
hatedst the iniquity ; because of this anointed thee God, thy 
God, with an oil of gladness above thy neighbours. 1° And, 
Thou aforetime, Lord, thou foundedst the earth ; the works of 
thy hand are the heavens. 1! They, they will perish; but 
thou, thou abidest: and they all as a garment they will 
become old; "thou wilt gather them (together) as а cloke, 
[and they ]: but thou art thou still, [and thy years] will 
not fail. !? But to which of his angels did he ever say, [Sit 
оп] my right hand, until I put thine enemies for footstool of 


aso and] b, N &с, Vg Bo Arm..add again Syr..add again 
he saith Eth .. but thou Eth ro хе] N &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm 
xm пц. aforetime| b, N &e, Vg Syr .. trs. Мом Lord aforetime Arm 
Eth .. trs. sexe он пос neor aforetime, Lord, thou Bo заткаФ 
the earth | b, Bo Syr Eth .. trs. т. ynv єдєр. № &c, Vg Arm neobuse 
the works] b .. pref. охоо and Bo .. ки єруа N &c, Vg Bo (олпоћнотч 
HJ) Arm Eth .. and the heavens Syr inen rx of thy hand] ò.. 
Tov X. соо Ñ біс, Vg Во (Syr) Arm Eth we anaye are the 
heavens] (5) Во, N &c, Vg Arm (heavens are) Eth .. work of thy hands 
are Syr 

п rooy they 19] d.. they indeed Eth ле] d, Eth .. and Syr 
Arm кщооп thou abidest] b, дішиєуєс L, Bo Syr .. thou existest 
Eth .. thou art and remainest Arm ..thou, Lord, for ever remainest 
Eth ro .. dvapevets De M, f Vg aso and] Arm Toor 
20] d.. от N &c, Vg Bo Syr (all of them) Arm Eth тнроу &c all 
as а garment they will become old] b..cenaepanac тирот appa} 
потобос lit. they will become old all as &с Bo ..zavres ws цраллюи 
zaAauo09covra. N &c, Syr Arm, omnia sicut vestem, veterescent Vg 
Eth (singular) пото. a garment] b .. garments Arm 

18 iraga. lit, he said] b, Во.. trs. ayy. eiykev № &e, Vg .. trs. of 
angels said he ever Syr .. trs. ever said he among angels Arm .. of his 

ang. said he ever Eth .. om ever Eth ro пиеса, of his angels] d, 
Eth .. rov ауу.  &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm мекх. thine enemies] d.. 
om cov 37 .. trs. to end Eth ro iomnonoasost for footstool] (b) 

.. under the footstool Eth .. c«mecwr below Bo 


WutekovepHHTe. M etH осемАєтотрстком мам enia 
THPOT We єутимоот 2411009. ENENATARONTR етбе 
метихкАнромочеег нототжат. 

IL erbe max ще epon iigovo етрем{отни емети- 
сотая €poos. яєнпотє итмохате.  "єцухє пщажє 
tap птаххос ебоА orroorow ипьеселос acuorne 
EYTASPHT. ATW Mapahacic пая auo) замтатсотая 
mee arxi Howbenue evaanwa 29490‘. Raw Noe 
Alton THITApPhoA eamnasseAer evooxatr йтєот. MAI 
мтасухі NOTAPNXH dügace єросі стая пхоес. atf- 

4 (5) 13 cit B. M. 

1 (5) (13$) epon по. erpemn. ] iteng. поото Во ? (5) 13 $ 
aso] 13..9г0 ? (b) 13 | тинар| тєпнащєр Bo, potential 
epog] $ароч Во | 

^ sen біс lit. are not they minister spirits all of them] 13 cit 
(am ие oem ппа).. H mar тнрот gania пречфощей am ие 
are not these all spirits of ministering Во .. ovyt vavres eow Xevrovp- 
ука Tvevpata  &с, Vg Syr (of ministry) .. lit. not therefore all spirits 
they are ministering (ones) Avm .. are not all of them messengers spirits 
Eth (om messengers ro) esi, ах. lit. they sending them] b 13 
cit, Bo (evorwpm Яз.) Syr (who are sent) Arm Eth (and they are sent) 
.. trs. бак. azogTeAA. Ñ &c, Vg egena. for ministries] 13 cit, B.. 
es біакоушау Ñ &с, Vg (in) Bo (єтоамакомта) Syr (in) Arm (in) Eth 
(ro om preposition) netita those who will] b 13 cit, Bo.. ин 
etay those who did Во (ваз) 

1 om verse M ethe because of] 13 .. pref. and Eth Aüoovo 
more] b (13 ?) A &e, Syr Arm..trs. перито. де N, f Vg... trs. пр. 
npas vepwrao. 17, Bo Eth єпєтпсотях e. the (things) which we 
hear] (d?) 13 .. axova&ewiw М &e, Vg Bo (erancoessos) Syr Eth.. 
add and not neglect Eth .. of the words spoken Arm занпотеє | ё 
13, № &c, Bo (AT EN») .. яянпос Bo (ва &c) йтиома (om r3)ve 
we may flow away] (d) 13, zapop(p)vopev NÑ &с, Vg.. pixs decline 
away Bo .. fall Syr Eth .. faint Arm .. om Eth ro 

? ищаже the word] d 13, Bo Syr (Eth) .. om Eth ro .. trs. ХА. 
Лоуоѕ № &е, Vg Arm сарі 13.. om Во(ва).. and-also Eth — &(en 
d 13) тазхооч lit. which they said | (51) 13, gui—dictus est Vg .. Лол ва 
N &e, eras (v нз) сат 33310 Во Syr Arm .. which he saith Eth .. trs. 

HEBREWS I 14—П 3 9 

thy feet? 1 Are not all these ministering spirits, being sent 
for ministries because of those who will inherit salvation ? 

IL Because of this it is right for us more to take heed 
unto the (things) which we hear, lest haply we may flow away. 
? For if the word which was said through the angels became 
confirmed, and every transgression and every disobedience 
received а reward worthy of it; ? how shall we indeed escape, 
having neglected so great a salvation? this which took 
beginning of being spoken by the Lord, was confirmed 

his angels he saith Eth ro ehod ort. through] б 13, Bo (e&oN 
gren) дю N &с, Vg Syr (in hand of) Arm (т the hand of) Eth 
Wave, the angels] (01) r3, Bo..ayyeAov № &c, Arm.. ayyeXov 
L.. his angels Eth ro agw. became] b 13, N &c, Vg Bo (Syr) .. 
trs. firm became Arm .. trs. became the word which he saith. Eth 
ета. confirmed] b 13..add and certified Eth ..add to из Eth ro 
парай. &c every transgression and (mear Do) every disobedience | (b 7) 
13, Во.. таса параВ. к. тарако Ñ біс, Vg Arm ..and every one 
who heard it and transgressed it Syr .. and. every one who heard and 
transgressed and resisted would be judged rightly Eth avar &c lit. 
they received a reward worthy of it] (b?) 13..avos потцпуєбіє 
hence Sen ovoan eqaxnuja lit. they received а recompense in a judge- 
ment worthy Во .. ємаВєи evüuov picbarodociay N &c, Vg .. evo. eX. p. 
17 37..Teceived, retribution in justice Syr .. received. punishment of 
pain Arm Eth, see above.. Eth ro has and every sin (is) great to 
which he adjudged its retribution 

З ñau &c how] б тз, № &c, Vg Bo (пос) Syr Eth (add therefore) 
..trs. we, how Arm ^ anon indeed] b 13.. trs. escape we Eth 
€anasscAer having neglected] 13, № &с, Arm... si-neglexerimus Vg 
Bo (апщапералаєМ ес) Syr .. trs. such life having neglected Eth ev. 
fiver. lit. a salvation of this size] b 13 ..77AuK—owrypias N &с, Vg 
(Arm) Eth (life) .. this great salvation Во .. these (things) which are our 
life itself Syr nas п (си 13) &c lit. this which took a beginning of 
being spoken] (5) тз (Bo) .. 971s apyyv AaBovoa ХаЛеитбаи М &е, Vg 
(Arm).. these which began-to be spoken Syr .. which was first spoken 
Eth оттах Бу | 13, vro 37*, Arm Eth .. евоХ orrir through b, Bo, 
dia N &c, Vg .. from Во (у iren) Syr их. the Lord] b 13 .. our 
Lord Syr Eth .. God Eth ro ачтахро бо was confirmed unto us] 
b 15, Do(p^nFHJKLO).. pref. отоо and Bo Eth (certified) .. trs. akova. 


TABPO єооти ером ovrW wemravwcoTas. ‘ере mrovre 
PALNTPE meea OM сена дез aen осишиире sew 
сеп оя evujobe sew оємпоурх asma ec(owaab ката 
meejovouj. 5 йтасоупотассе Сар aw Wiacceloc 
тоңот ен E€THAUJONe. TAY єтищахє epoc. Àa 
OTA раємтрє MoTeea сх aessoc,. хе OF пе призавє 
хє кере аапечаэссте. н пшнре aempwree. хе Rote 
а®пещтие. "аксожхієц nowvRov: napa Илеселос. 
анстєрамот 424290(| ом OTEOOT чем OTTAIO. àR- 
HAOICTA 4940 exi иеобиуе тнрох именбих. 
Sanohbre ка miee олпєснт пиеотерите. gar 

= (уа це пр 5 (d) 13 $ (15 $) коме] arses Do 
т (2) 1315 ROYI] 13.. ROVEN 15 в (0) (13) 15 $ at сах (37) 

es np. «ВВ. N &e, Vg Syr (in us) Arm отти &c by those who 
heard] 0 13, vro тоу axovc. Ñ &c, Vg..from those who from him 
heard Syr Eth (by—from) ..trs. the Lord from those (vex тн) who 
heard Bo .. in the hand of (д:а) those who heard Arm .. Eth ro has but 
those who heard among us were confirmed 

* epe &с God bearing witness | (6) 13 .. with God (who) showeth his 
witness Eth ro падала lit. with them] b 13, Bo.. cvvers(om єтє 
B)paprupovvtos Ñ &c (omitting them) Vg Arm (having witnessed).. 
upon them Syr Eth (to them) .. om to them Eth ro om оєпая. lit. 
in signs] (b?) тз, Во Syr Eth..oypews тє N &c.. by signs Arm 
evujohe different] b 13.. потео їїрн+ оу many kinds Bo (Eth).. 
пока  &с.. variis Vg Syr oennopx dividings] 13 .. eo: 
apoy ire nimia eo. lit. parts of dividing of the holy spirit Bo .. in 
distributions Syr .. in parts Arm .. trs. ayiov pepwrpow  &е, Vg .. as 
divided them (om ro) holy spirit Eth .. om holy Arm cdd ката &с 
according to his will] (б) 13, к. ryv avrov 0eXgow N &c, Vg Bo (к. 
neteonag) Syr that which himself wished Eth .. ката tov 
Geov 0cX. Ювт* 

> птачотпотассє he subjected not] add o Geos C, Vg (am demid) 
.. ће commanded not Eth то vap] Eth ro .. and Eth face, 
to the angels] trs. ayyeAow vreračev М біс, Vg Syr Arm Eth .. trs. 
werarqepe -Xorkowssenn Tap am gne xoc Trace. for he caused 
not the inhabited earth to be subject to the angels Bo птозк. the 

HEBREWS II 4-8 11 

unto us by those who heard ; *God bearing them witness by 
signs and wonders and different powers and dividings of holy 
spirit, according to his will. 5 Еог he subjected not to the 
angels the inhabited earth which will be, this of which we 
speak. © Опе bare witness in a place, saying, What is the 
man, that thou rememberest him ? or the son of the man, that 
thou visitest him? ‘Thou degradedst him a little below the 
angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour; thou 
appointedst him over all the works of thy hands: $ thou 
humbledst all things below his feet. But in the humbling 

inhabited earth] N &c, Vg (orbem terrae) .. the world Syr Arm Eth 
єтпащопє which will be] ryv peAA. М &e, Vg (futurum) Syr .. trs. 
future before the world Arm.. өн conny that which cometh Во Eth 
epoc of which] тєр: ns  &с, Vg (de quo) Bo (єейнте) Syr (upon) 
Arm Eth 

6 а ova one] 5, Arm..add ae 13 15, N &c, Vg... add cap Bo.. 
but (aXXa) аз Syr .. but (aXXa) Eth .. and Eth one Bo (Е,*) 
Syr Arm cd Eth рахитрє bare witness] b 13 15..trs. to 
beginning N &c, Vg (Bo) Arm .. but as witnesseth scripture Syr .. trs. 
there às where witnessed Eth .. add to из Бо поула in а place] 
(b?) 13 15, Bo Vg, zov Ñ &c, Arm .. om Syr.. there is where Eth 
eyx. saying] (5) 13 15, Bo, N &e, Vg..and saith Syr Arm Eth 
ov what] b 13 15, N &c, Vg Bo (м?) Syr Arm Eth.. «s C*P,d Vg 
(tol) Bo (mrar) н or] b 13 15.. and Syr Eth .. om Eth ro 

7 akg. thou degradedst him] 13 15 .. yAatrwoas N &c, Vg Eth ro.. 
thou humiliatedst Во Syr .. trs. Bpaxv ти humble thou madest him Arm 
.. trs. В. т. thow diminishedst him Eth (not ro) пасс. the angels] 
(0) &c .. thy angels Eth .. ayyedous № &c акст. &c thou crownedst 
him] (5).. trs. тил} єстєфам. avrov N &c, Ve Bo (noo merr птаго 
актнітоу позор Мол» exon) Arm.. trs. honour thou puttest on his 
head Syr.. trs. thou crownedst him (thou addedst to him ro) after 
honour and glory Eth .. add «e 13 15 akkas. &c thou appointedst 
him &c] (b) &с, RACD*MP &с, f Vg Bo Syr (vg h*) Arm Eth .. om 
BDceKL 47 Syr (cdd h).. pref. ках N &с, f &c тироу all] ò &с, 
Arm cdd Eth.. om N &c, f Vg Bo &c 

* ake. thou humbledst] (51) (13) 15 .. trs. ravra vreraćas Ñ &с, 
Vg (Bo) (Syr) Arm .. add vap Bo .. pref. and Syr .. and thou subjectedst 
to him all Eth ох (са Bo)n. &c below his feet] (о) 13 15.. 0m Eth 


птрецебіхе Hra ae mas масі. exe angra Ала 
€WMe[p9TtoTacce MAY ам. TEMOT AE АЯПАТИМАТ емко 
мія» сабОУПОТАССЄ Ma. ?memravGoxbee ae Rov- 
ROSI пара пассєЛос тинату exc erbe посе аяпавоу 
TlegakoT аапиосте éecexrlne яяпевот Od птиреї. 
1 меспрепеї TAP mag пе. петере инь miee woon 
єтіннті. ато пемта нка ша» шопе ебоА огтоста. 
оло ишире acpWro$ egos emeoos. ехок ehord 

ere then] xe Bo (роко) єпҷо. | 15.. йо. 13 ? (в) 

(13115) 37 10 13$ 15 37 петере] єтє Bo (52).. eva Bo 
Яка 19] enka 37 menta) йта 37 йка 20] Bo (u2)..ewh Во 

охх птрєчей. &c but in the humbling all things to him] (è ?) 13 
15 37 .. €Tagepe enocar Tap men биєхиот пач for (om ва &c) 
having made all things subjected to him Во me] 13 15, Syr.. om 
Bo .. yap М &c, Vg Bo (ADEFLO)..and Eth.. therefore Arm из 
to him] б 13 15, Arm cdd.. trs. vror. ато та т.  &с, Eth .. trs. e 
omnia subiecit Vg .. trs. та, т. vor. avro D, all subjected to him Bo 
Syr (vg h*) .. om B, d Во (т) Arm .. om all Eth ro mangra &c he left 
not any thing being not subjected to him] (5) (13) 15, Bo (потєщ 
сибиехшот mas) without being &c.. om avro Syr .. trs. оубєу афукеи 
avro avuT. N &c .. trs. nothing he left wnsubject to him Arm Eth (pref. 
and, vo) зпатппат we see not yet] 13 15 .. we saw (see Eth) not 
30 Eth єпка &c all things having been subjected to him] (b ?) 13 15 
371 Vg Bo Syr (that all) Eth (that all) .. trs. avro та т. отот. Ñ &c 
.. subj. to him all Arm .. Eth ro has but now besides he showed us that 
every thing he would subject to him 
9 иситач. бо he who was degraded] (5) 13 15 37 (пептасховя) 
Во (humbled) Syr Eth .. trs. ayy. ућатт. N &c, Vg .. trs. Вр. т. тЛатт. 
Arm .. om ae 37 Tinay we see] b 13 15.. pref. behold Eth .. add 
that й is he Syr .. and behold I see Eth то єчстєф. being crowned | 
15..add мє 13 37 .. trs. єачер посту sess птаго пот) Мол» exo 
lit. having made the glory with the honour of а crown upon him Bo .. 

HEBREWS П 9-1о 13 

all things to him, then he left not any thing being not sub- 
jected to him. But now we see not yet all things having been 
subjected фо him. ?But he who was degraded a little below 
the angels—we see Jesus, because of the suffering of the 
death, being crowned with glory and honour, that by the 
grace of God he should taste the death for all. 1° For it was 
being proper for him,—he because of whom all things are 
being, and he through whom all things became, many sons 
he brought into the glory,—to perfect the author of the 

trs. тил] єстєф. М &c, Vg (Syr and with glory and honour put upon 
his head) Arm Eth (honour and glory) хекас that] b 13 (15)... 
yap Syr gm пеоззот &c lit. in the grace of God] 13 15, Во, харіти 
Ócov N &c, Vg Arm Eth .. for he, God in his grace Syr .. хор eov М 
67**, Syr edd nestor. eqgexs. &c he should taste the death] 13 15, 
Bo..trs. итер таутоє yevontar N біо, Vg Syr (tasted) Arm (death 
should taste) Eth птир(ош 15)q lit. the all] 13 15.. ovon shes 
every one Во .. таутоѕ Ñ &с, Eth .. omnibus Vg Syr Arm.. all of us 
Arm edd 

1 иеспрепет (прљхпє mag 37) &c for it was being proper for him | 
and it is proper for that (one) through &e Eth .. and it was proper for 
him since all things (are) through him Eth ro.. om stag for him Во 
(ва) щооп are being] Bo (won) N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth 
єтйннт-єйо\М о. because of-through] Во, д, ov-à ov N &e, Vg .. 
through-because of Syr.. because of-by Arm ..through-from Eth .. 
because of-from Eth ro гло &с and he through whom all things 
became] Во .. ка д: ov та таута Ñ &e, Vg Arm (by) .. and all because 
of him Syr..and from whom ай Eth..and from him all Eth ro 
eae &c many sons he brought] pref. and Syr .. т. viovs—ayayovra Ñ 
&e, Vg (qui-adduxerat) . ceay потляниу пширге-пхепархнсос 
ire novnooeas having brought тату sons-the author &с Bo .. many 
sons-to bring Arm .. and who many sons caused to enter Eth .. and 
тату sons whom he caused to enter Eth ro eneoor the glory | his 
glory Syr .. dogav Ñ &с, Vg Во (eoxwor) Arm Eth exwk &с to 
perfect the author] rov apy.—reAcwwoar М &e, Vg .. that the author-he 
should perfect Syr .. and the captain-to perfect Arm .. the chief-that he 
should perfect Eth..and the chief-they killed Eth то.. еоречхок 
єйоМ orren oamukasvo for him to be perfected through pains Bo 


$*HApo^QHUOC авпозжат өттү oenosce, TreTTAho 
cap зам neTrorThho язя ооз genehorA оп ova тироу 
ме. erbe MAL We[uyrme ам ExeoTTE epoov хе NAcHHT. 
12 єсрхо» явяеос. хе cYnaexo аяпекрам масину. 
їїйтаяанте WTrenHAHcta -puacesov ерон. Мати» ом. 
хе AMOR Зиащипе entaore єроц. ATW ом. же EIC 
оннтє ANOR чаи ишире WHee WTA пиоэте TAAT MAI. 
11 egyeyaH A поунрє бе WHA HOIITOMCI єсмог OF capaz. 
ито ооо см їтєкоє acjareTeNE EMAL BERAC 
CROA orras песялоту ецеотос зяпетєУмто паяяаотє 

err] pref. e&oN Bo.. ivre Bo (рк) п 131537 9ii] een 37 
#2 үз (15)37 fimalema 37  йтахнтє| оп тая. 37, Sem озан{ Bo 
13 үз (15) 37 ом 29] паМи-оп оп Во (нз) йта| 37.. 
eta 13 15 М 13 15 (25) 37 &omtoner] -mı 15 0 sseve»ce] 
чесе 37 єчеот.| єчроу. 37 àxnevesH] -eosi 13 15 пазазоте | 
I3 15 .. Паяя. 37 

от оєп(оп 37)9. through sufferings] (Во).. да таб. тееоол X 
&с, Vg Syr Arm .. that he should perfect in sufferings Eth .. they killed 
Eth ro 

п geyrbho vap for he who sanctifieth] Bo (фи сар єттотћо) 
Syr Eth, o те yap ayia£ov N &е, Vg (qui enim) Arm ( for who) .. and 
if also (those who) sanctify and those who are being sanctified Eth то 
оємєбоМ (Bo нгі... om oan Во) &c out of one] Во, № &с, Vg Syr 
Arm .. together Eth .. at once Eth ro THpos нє lit. all are] Bo .. 
zayres N &с, Vg Eth .. are all of them Syr, are all Arm ELOTTE 
to call] кале N &с, Vg Syr (that he should call) Arm (to name) Eth 
(to say them) .. kaXov 17, Во (eqasxovte) єрооу xe macm. them, 
My brothers] Bo .. ад. avr. к. N &c, Vg .. them his brothers Syr .. br. to 
call them, Arm Eth 

1? eyxw яз. saying] Bo, Aeyov N &c, Vg (Syr)... and he saith Eth.. 
and to зау Атт Хпасякот І shall bless] Bo.. vuygyeo N біс .. 
laudabo Vg Syr Arm Eth 

13 это &c and-him] 13 (15).. om Eth .. Syr (В те) has Z shall be 
to him for father and he &c om again 19] 13 15.. 0m Bo (7x) .. 

HEBREWS II 11-14 15 

salvation through sufferings. 1 For he who sanctifieth and 
those also who are sanctified are all out of one: because of 
this he is not ashamed to call them, My brothers, !? saying, 
Ishall declare thy name to my brothers, in the midst of the 
church I shall bless thee. "З And again, I, I shall be trusting 
him. And again, Behold, I and the young children whom 
God gave to me. 1" Since the young children therefore share 
in blood and flesh, he himself also thus, he partook of these, 
that through his death he should do away with him 
who had the control of the death, who is this, the devil; 

pref. yxw maroc he saith Bo amor I] 13..от Bo ATW оп 

and again 2°] r3 15..add he saith Bo Eth ищире цінах the 

young children] 13 15, Bo (aNwovs) Eth .. the sons young 

children Arm Eth ro mnosTe Taar пат God gave to me] 13 15, 

Bo .. gave to me God Arm Eth.. pou edwxev о eos N &c .. thou gavest 
` to me, God Syr (vg) 

М eneran—ce since-therefore] 13 &c, єтє. ow N &c, Bo (enman 
oi) Arm (therefore since) .. for because that Syr .. for Eth .. and Eth 
го a пщнрє &с the young children-share] 13 &е, N &c, Vg 
(pueri) Bo (a mraNworr) Syr (the sons) Arm Eth .. he put his children 
that they should share Eth ro e(om 37)cnog &e in blood and 
flesh] 13 &с, RBCDMP 17 37 47, Vg (am fu) Bo Syr (Б) Arm .. 
c. к. шр. KL &e, f Vg (demid tol) Bo (о) Syr (vg) Eth, Isaiah .. his 
flesh and his blood Eth ro ито (а 37)* ооое oit he himself also | 
13 &c.. neos gwy Bo (B*HI0)..ov09 п. o. Bo.. ка avros Ñ &c 
fuere thus] 13 15.. zapazAgowos Ñ &е, Vg (similiter) Syr (in like- 
mess) Arm (by nearness) 37, Eth..trs. ачершуфир enar Ях- 
пари lit. he shared in these (things) thus Bo aqar. &c he par- 
took of these] 13 15... мет. rov avrov N &e, Vg Syr Arm, Isaiah .. he 
shared in this and their fellow he became to them Eth .. as their fellow 
he became to them Eth ro..add пабуратоу D*.. Bo, see above 
neqazoy his death] 13 15, Bo Syr Arm Eth, Isaiah .. тою ваматою 
N &с, Vg .. that death Eth ro.. add баматом D* за пет. &c him 
who had the control of the death] 13 r5 (25 ?) афи eva massae: 
зхфахот єси птот Во, Vg (mortis imperium) Syr.. тоу то кратоѕ 
еХоута т. 0. № &c .. who power of the death was having Arm .. the prince 

c в  ———smnm—— ———X—————— о m! 


muar aneor ere паї пе пахабоЛос. ати 
мила маг єтщооп 91 есте neor аяпеотоєтц 
тирі яапетлое. ETO Мемохос мотаємтоязом А. 
10 пиецаяяхоте Tap am Hitacwedoc. adAa ega- 
asagTe запесперяях Hahpagase. 17 erbe пат weujuje 
epos ката ооб miee саме пмеемих. жекає Ecje- 
wone їмант ато аєпістос Hapocrepese пихорая 
пиоттє етрецко ehoA мимобе яяпАмос. | !5gas 
посе cap итачшоп. EATMEIPATE asesor. OTH cost 
яъезоср сбоноех єметотпегратє s222007. 

І 13 1525 (37) WAG] пећ 31 age] oge 37 "6 13$ 15 
25$ (37) f!' єҷала.] чаза. f! || 77 13 (15) 25 (37) 1 5 13 15 
25 (37) f! воза] ще. 15, Во ehonees| -ет 15 25..-efa 37 

of death, Eth ete mar пе lit. who this is] 13 15 25.. rovr есть М &c, 
Vg (id est) Arm .. єтє mra. пе who is the devil Bo .. who із Syr Eth .. 
and Eth ro патайо(у 25)Xoc the devil] 13 15 25, № &c, Vg 
Bo .. Satan Syr Arm Eth 

18 tas єтщооп оп these who are being in] 13 &c (37 !) .. пал. Нн 
ereden these. Those who are in Во Syr .. осо: pofo N біс, Vg (qui) Arm 
(who of death in fear) .. all those who in fear of death were condemned Eth 
.. ай those &с who in all time were condemned Eth ro запео(от 15 
37) тоєтщу &c at all the (their Bo) time of their living] 13 &c (37 1) 
Bo (of life) .. dua таутоѕ rov (ту №  &c .. per totam vitam Vg .. in. all 
their life Буг Eth .. continually were living Arm .. їп all time Eth ro 
evo Remnoococ &c being liable &c] 13 &c.. ємохог noav &c NÑ &с, Vg 
Syr (Arm)..trs. патраотнотт Sem отазетВок запотснот тире 
wns were incurring а servitude all their time of life Bo .. and were 
subjected to servitude Eth .. are subjected Eth го 

16 negas. Tap arm (om ЁТ) п. for he was not laying hold on the 
angels] 13 &с.. петацетот Tap eoanacceNoc or ovara for he 
put not his hand unto angels together (misunderstanding of буто») Bo 
.. ov уар Oyrov ayyeXov єт:МарЗауєтол Ñ «с, nusquam enim angelos 
adprehendit Vg .. for by no means of angels he took Syr ..for never of 
angels did he undertake Arm .. for not of angels (is) what he took up 
Eth .. and who, not angels (are) what he took Eth aña &с спер. 
(спр. f!) n. but he is laying hold on the seed of Abraham] 13 &c .. 
а. oreppatos аВр. ета. М &е, Vg Во (put his hand) Syr Arm (under- 

HEBREWS II 15-18 17 

15 and liberate these who are being in the fear of the death at all 
the time of their living being liable to a servitude. 1° For Бе was 
not laying hold on the angels, but (a) he is laying hold on the 
seed of Abraham. 17 Because of this it was right for him in 
all things to be like to his brothers, that he should become 
а (м) merciful and faithful high priest with God, for him to 
forgive the sins to the people. 18 For by the suffering which 
he suffered, having been tempted, it is possible for him to 
help those who are tempted. 

took) .. as for what he took up rather (it was) of seed of Abr. Eth .. did 
he not the seed of Ab. exalt Eth ro 
М ethe mar because of this] 13 15 &c (37) Bo Syr Eth.. обеи N 
&c, Vg Arm п (om 13 37 fl)e(om 13 37)цущє epos it was right 
for him] 13 (15) &c (371) .. офеле N &e, Arm (for him) Syr Eth.. 
селата 74 78 worthy Ро Kata &c in all things] 13 (15) (37 1) f! 
N &е, Vg (per omnia) .. trs. that he should be like to his brothers in 
(Sen) all things Bo Arm (without prep.) Eth .. that in all things Syr Eth ro iureeer. to his brothers] тз 15 &c, Bo Syr Eth .. trs. 
Tos а8еф. оро. N &с, Vg Arm йпант (pref. egos being Bo) 
merciful] r3 15 &e, Bo Syr Eth (го them) .. trs. «Хе. yev. Ñ &е, Vg 
Arm .. to them merc. in all Eth го | ат» sansct. п, and faithful high 
priest] 13 15 &c (371) N &c, Vg Eth ro (righteous) .. and high priest 
faithful (єчепоост) Bo Syr Eth пизорах &c with God] 13 15 &e 
(37) Vg (ad) Bo (ga) Eth (toward) .. та mpos 0. à &e, Syr (that оў) 
Arm етречко for him to forgive] 13 15 &e, Bo Eth.. es то 
№аскес дог $3 &с, Vg (Syr) Arm пли. (om 37) the sins] 13 15 &c 
37, Bo.. ras ам. А 17 
8 озу &c lit. for in the suffering which he accepted] 13 &c (37 Т).. 
порні сар Sen фи eraot Mnavo iim for in that in which he 
accepted pains Во .. ev w yap пєтоубеу N &c, Vg (Syr) Arm .. for in that 
they tempted him and caused him 10 suffer Eth (om in that ro) 
ivraq(» РТ) цу. he suffered] 13 &с 37? Bo..add (pref. D) avros (-тогѕ 
L) N &c, Vg Syr (pref) Arm (pref.) .. Eth see above earner. (пт. 37 
thus again) я». having been tempted] 13 &e 37 .. ewm. being tempted 
fl, терасбеѕ же &c, Vg (demid tol) Bo (веренаокт,о) Arm, Macarius 
‚ош W*..e& temtatus Vg (am fu)..owoo єтатерпір, and was 
tempted Bo (and which he xr aux») Syr..Eth see above | єтєтоти. 
those who are tempted] 13 &e (371) Bo Syr .. trs. тос retpaCopevors 
Вотіб. X &e, Vg Arm (pref. also) .. the suffering (ones) Eth 

1111.2 © 


ПІ, erbe пах ве. mecum єтотмаї азяетоу ос 
заптосая итпе. coy X п^постолос ато пАрХхтерете 
птєпосягоМоста IC. ? ETMICTOC пе аєпемтасутаявтогі 
Wee оооу язееотуснс oae пені. За пах вар anya 
Wowoove єооу MAPA азсуусно. ката өе ETETHTAY 
оозе тато MERAT EMH потпємтастљазтоц., “ну TAP 
мія» єщаттаввтос QITA OTA. пентасталяє MRA AE 
має пе пиоттє. ° пкеаеюфусис жже ОТПІСТОС пе 
оз» печи: тнр. оос сазохА етаяитяямтре ииетоэ- 

!u3 № (ло) 25s Bf! тєпоозаоМоста | tite. 25 37 Ї1.. 
-vesa fl ? (е) 1325 37 f1 запєнт.] запит, f! таззлоч| -exoq 
TS 3 (e) 13 25 fl cit Woide потоотє] 25 37..йоото 13 f!.. 
поотє cit  ддасууснс) акоунснсе f! gove] (e)..-o 37 cit Taro] 
е.. таєто 13 #1.. есоот glory 37 1651] ве 37 by error nens.] пит. 
f! 4 (е) 13 25 37 cit Tase] e &c.. Таляєтє cit 5 (e)ia.25 
(37) sxem] аап 37 єтотма| Во (окнііо)..єтот Bo.. eray Bo 

1 erbe mar ge because of this therefore] 13 15 &c, Во (к).. om 
therefore Bo.. bev  &c, Vg Syr Arm.. and (om ro) now also Eth 
месинх lit. the brothers] 13 15 &c, адеАфо № &c, Vg Arm .. my 
brothers Bo Syr .. our br. Eth aser. lit. of partaker] 13 15 &c.. 
trs. кА. етоур. шєтохої М &с, Vg Arm .. отоо пщфнр and (om DFJK 
LO) sharing Bo..and who were called in a calling Syr .. and called 
(ones) Eth ivrme of the heaven] 13 15 &c, Bo, етоурамюу № 
&c, Vg..trs. heavenly calling Arm .. which (is) from heaven Syr .. 
from heaven like us Eth covit recognize] 13 15 &6, катауот- 
са(є D*)re № &с, Ус Bo (затеи өнпот) Arm..see Syr Eth 
пљпост. the apostle] 13 &с, à &c, Bo Arm .. naramoc. this ар. Bo 
(к) Syr .. your ap. Eth maps. the chief priest] 13 &c.. apy. Ñ 
&c, Bo Arm (repeats prep.) ireng. of our confession] 13 15 &с.. 
whom уе confess Eth хс Jesus] тз &c, Во, соу NA BC* D*MP 
17 47, f Vg Eth ro.. pref. урістоу minusc vix mu .. add xo. СЬРеКІ, 
&с, Syr Arm (repeats prep.) Eth 

? єу(оу f!)n. пе being faithful] 13 &c, тотоу ovra № &c .. фат 
єтєпоот lit. this who is faithful Bo, qui fidelis Vg Syr Arm .. righteous 
and faithful Eth oct also] Bo, N &e, Vg Arm, himself also Eth 

* HEBREWS Ш 1-5 19 

III. Because of this therefore, Brothers, who are holy, par- 
takers of the calling of the heaven, recognize the apostle 
and the chief priest of our confession, Jesus; ?being faith- 
ful to him who made him, as also Moysés in his house: 
? For this (one) was worthy of more glory than Moyses, 
according as hath more honour than the house he who made 
it. *For every house is wont to be made by (some) one; 
but he who made all things is God. 5 Moyses also indeed is 
faithful in al his house, as servant unto a witness of the Syr Eth ro охх печні(н ЇЇ) in his house] (e?) 13 25 fl, В 
Bo (over) .. ev oo то &c Ñ &c, f Vg Syr Arm Eth (over not го) 

З паг this] 13 &c.. om Arm Eth .. ovros доёуѕ NABCDP 37 47.. 
д. ovr. КІМ &e, f Vg.. Syr see below tap] r3 &c..but Eth 
ища was worthy ] їз бе, Bo (iteovo va10) .. trs. uova qv yéwrac 
N &с, Vg Syr Eth.. greater is the glory of this Syr .. Eth 
has but greater is his glory than that of Moses exceedingly .. Eth то has 
_ but greater is his counsel than that of Moses and to him it was suitable 
єтє(о MSS) типта (т 25 cit) hath] 13 &c, Bo..trs. тли exe 
N &с, Vg Arm.. greater is the honour Syr Eth.. greater is it (sc. 
counsel) Eth ro enu: 13 &с (н fl) &с than the house he 
who made it] (тз) &c, Во, М &е (xaracxevacas) Vg (fabricavit) 
Arm..of builder of house than his building Syr .. оў the master of 
house than his house Eth .. more than the house is honoured its maker 
Eth ro 

з e(om 25.. à 37)щаутазатосі (Tasstooy 37) lit. they are wont 
to make it (them 37)] e? &c..eujyasce&rovos lit. they are wont to 
prepare them Во, катаскетабетох 54 &с..?в built Syr .. man із making 
Eth .. із constructed Arm erit ova by one] тз &c, Во, N &c, Vg 
Arm ..trs. by man is built Syr.. Eth see above Tika—ttras all 
things] (e?) &c, Bo Syr..trs. (та CPDeLP, Arm) ravra катаск. N 
&c .. but of all God (is) its maker Eth (creator ro) пе ппотутє is 
God] 13 &с.. om copula  &e, Vg .. trs. пи. пе Bo Syr Arm 

5 messo. lit. the Moyses also] 13 25 37 .. ки p. № &e, Vg Bo Syr 
..and M. also Eth xav and pev Arm om in] 13 25 .. seit 
with 31 gwc ©. as servant] e 25, Bo (оуво»к) .. trs. after Moses 
Syr .. as his steward Eth пиетохиах. lit. of those which they 
will say] (e) &e (37 ?) .. vov AaAy0gaopevov N &c, Vg (dicenda) Bo 
(сало) Syr Arm (words to be said) .. in all which he spake Eth 

C 2 


Macoov. б пеҳс оос шире єжає MEHL CAMON 
пе пені. єщипє emnüjanaseaoTre йтпаррис ee 
пщоущоу пеєЛпс. "erbe паї ката ee itracjxooc 
ismena erovaah хе NOOT ететищьисотая 
єтєсусяєн. | ба8пражщот иметмонт Nee oak meea 
аяпобнат HATA Ieooov заппеграсяяос ом терняясс. 
?птаУПпегратє ажосу ибзиетиеоте ом ovAoOHIafACIA 
€avMav силобите 1° Nosee ipone. ethe mas 
AleeecTe TEITENEA ATW AVXOOC. хе сепАхих похоеиц 
Мі» ояе петоит. M(TOOv| AE азпоусотії mnaoro[ove). 
п пөє NTAIOPR aereoc ом [TAO] PUH. хе emneceunv 

© (e) 13 25 (cit Г.) єхах| єхи 13 eujone engan) 24.. єщо- 
пє eam е паррнста | 13 25 (-»cra) 1 (е) 13$ 23 (37 $) 5 (e) 
13 25 (37) Wnerno.] e 25, Bo.. пхєнєтєпонт Bo (АЕ) thus in 
verse i * (e) 13 25 (37) (e) 13 (25) (37) | ™ 13 (37) 
iTar) 37.. entas 13 noc] 13 37 .. 0m Bo 

€ пее the Christ] е, Bo (N)..add ae 13 25 cit, № &e, Vg Во, 
(отщнрх) Syr Arm (ail and 239) Eth .. pref. and Eth ro є (от 
cit)aston &c whose house we are] (е) &c cit, ov owos ecpev nueis N 
&c, Bo Syr (lit. and that in his house we) Arm Eth (lit. and we that 
his house) Macarius .. om Bo (F* в, н" к).. os oos &c D* М, f Vg Eth ro 
asszaote lay hold on] e &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. keep Eth THY OTL OT 
the glorying] 13 25, № &c, Vg (gloriam) Syr Arm .. our grace and our 
boast Eth .. ncoowit the knowledge e .. 3320910 e&oX meas major- 
що» lit. the confession with the glorying Bo iteceNnic of the hope] 
е &c, В, Eth ro (and our hope) .. add реХри reXovs BeBaray  &c, f Vg 
(Bo) Буг (Б) Arm Eth (trs. Веб. before and our hope)..trs. вау p. 
eA. Syr (vg) omitting Веб. 

7 ethe &c because of this, according as] (е) 25 37 біо кабш< Ñ 
&e, Vg Arm Eth .. om до Bo .. because that Syr птах. said] e 
25, Bo (UM No* P) Syr .. Леуе М &e, Vg Bo Arm Eth ETE CARH 
his voice] (e) 25, Bo Eth..trs. т. povns avrov axovc. Ñ &e, Vg 
Syr Arm 

$ пеє &c as in the place of the provocation] 13 25 37! .. ws ev то 
таратікрасро А &e, Vg Bo (cnr) Arm .. пеє яхпєооо[ у |биот аз 

HEBREWS III 6-11 21 

(things) which will be said. 9 The Christ as son over his 
house; whose house we are, if we should lay hold on the 
boldness of speech and the glorying of the hope. "Because of 
this, according as said the holy spirit, To-day if ye should 
hear his voice, ? harden not your hearts, as in the place of the 
provocation, in the day of the temptation in the desert, ? (in) 
which tempted your fathers by а proving, having seen my 
works "forty years. Because of this I hated this generation, 
and I said, They err always in their heart; but they, they 
knew not my ways. !'AsIsware in my anger, If they come 

in the day of the prov. e..for his provocation when they 
provoked him Eth ката пєооот зап (om 37) пєх (e.. пі 37 &c) 
in the day of the temptation] e &с (3 7 ?) Во, N &c, Vg (secundum) Arm 
(in) .. im the day (when) they tempted him Eth.. as irritators and as 
the day of temptation Syr оп тер. in the desert] 13 25, N &c, Vg 
Bo (порн or) Syr Arm 371 Eth ro 
? п(е 37 .. en 13 25)тати. arog lit. which they tempted him] 
е «е (37 1) (but ахялоч Aim probably refers to пєооот the day .. om 
maoy 37) .. PH єтауєрпіратії aaor ASHTI lit. that which they 
tempted те Bo, ov (отоо D*) ezeipacav pe S©D°CK LMP &c, f Vg Syr 
(lit. which they tempted me in it) Eth (in that they) .. which they tempted 
him Eth pe R*ABCD* 17..фн &с muog ASHTI that in 
which they tempted him Bo (v) gn ovaoniaracta (aage 37) lit. 
in a proving] e &c, N*BCD*MP 17, Bo.. єбокшатам pe NCDCKL 
&c, f Arm Eth (pref. and)..and they tempted me Eth ro (repeating 
the same verb as before) .. probaverunt Vg Syr (vg) єз 
having seen] e.. avw asia and they saw 13 25, Ñ &c, Vg Bo Arm 
Eth .. asnay they saw 37, Во (AE) Syr 
1° ethe m. because of this] e &c, Bo Syr Eth .. om 43 al, Eth ro.. 
біо N &с, Vg Arm * тег this] (e?) 25 37, NABD*M 17, f Vg.. 
exewn CDeKLP &с, Bo Syr Arm Eth cenNana they err] e? 25 
.. it is a people whose heart erreth Буг .. always erred their heart Eth 
потоєгщ и. always] (e?) &c (37) .. om Syr .. trs. ae zAav. Ñ &c, Vg 

Arm (Eth) .. trs. they етт in their heart alway Bo оях neve. in | 

their heart] e 13 37, Во Syr.. ry карда  &e, Vg Arm (hearts) .. 
Eth see above me] 13 37 .. om Bo (Е)... and Syr Arm 

И еие(37.. iit 13)сепну if they come] 13 37..ам семаще (AT 
EL..x come Е.. щи be able to соте ва &c) whether they will go Bo.. 



єдоум (e MAsea HaeTOM. 1 зошт GE месину аенпоте 
мұуопє QW OTA UOTI NGIOTOHT ©0005 àsesiti- 
aTMaere сяє TITpeycagwy ehoA я®пиотте єтомо. 
ЗАЛА паранадЛеї азазютм азаєниє смоссом CE- 
тапатн mobe. angone cap епехе. ewone 
enuJanaasaore WTAPOCH аяптахро єстахрну wahoa. 
1° oae птресрхоос хє яепооу ететищомсютая єтесі- 
cun аяпрумшот пметпонт Noe оз» паях sem мат. 
16 gore TAP ATCWTAL ATYGNAT. AAAA потом мая 

з (е) 13$ (37 $) > Ae) дв (18) 37 м (е) 13 $ 18 37 
15 (е) 13 (18$) 37$ nuernoen] Bo.. пхєпєтєнонт Во (A,5, E) as 
above ох 20) pref. spur Во.. pref. пор. Во (DFHJKLO) 16 (e) 

(18) (37) 

є: e.meAevaovrat Ñ с, Vg Arm .. they shall not enter Syr mana п. 
my place of rest] 13 37, Во.. туу karazmavow pov N біс, requiem meam 
Vg Syr Arm 

12 бошт Look] r3 37, BAerere M &c..amaw sce Bo, videte Vg 
Arm .. beware Syr Eth øe therefore] 13 37 ? xe Bo, itaque d Syr (vg) 
.. от М &c, Vg Arm .. дє 114 пєсинт lit. the brothers] 13 37 .. 
adeAdo. N &с, Vg Arm.. nacunos my brothers Bo Syr SLHTIOTE | 
(е) 13 37, Во, № &c.. янпос Bo (DFKL) nggone &c there may 
become in one of you a wicked heart] 13 37, earar ev тї пишу карб, 
поутпра Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth .. пте oven (ооё є) eqowor цоп Sen 
отат Xxaxcoren that a wicked heart (work e) should become in one of you 
Bo  exxmrpercaoo(e 13 .. ww 37) in the departing] e? 13 37, ev то 
arootnvat W &c (Eth) .. discedend? Vg .. eepevenoen ennos for you to 
depart Bo .. and ye should separate from Syr .. rebellious to become Arm 

13 парак. exhort] е &c, паракаЛате N &c, adhortamini Vg .. 
sanonut comfort Bo.. ask from Syr mawrth lit. you] (e?) &c .. 
eavtous N &c.. vosmet ipsos Vg, yourselves Syr .. ппєтєпєрноту one 

another Bo Arm “anne daily] 13 37, Во Arm .. каб екастуи пра 
N &c, per singulos dies Vg .. all the days Syr Eth | ємоосом села. lit. 
while they call To-day] e &c .. аур ov то onpepov kaXevra«(re AC al) 
N &c, Vg.. until the day which із called to-day Syr .. which to-day is 
present Arm .. ща фи ev(nev;owasos- бо up to that which they call 
To-day Bo (птєоооу the day which біс кк... which we call т, obs. 
AC al above) хє fine бо that no one should be hardened of heart 

HEBREWS III 12-16 23 

into my place of rest. 1? Look therefore, Brothers, lest haply 
there may become in one of you а wicked heart of unbelief 
in the departing from the living God.  ?? But (a) exhort 
yourselves daily, while it is called, To-day, that no one should 
be hardened of heart among you in the deceit of the sin. 
14 For we apprehended the Christ, if we should hold on to the 
beginning of the firmness confirmed unto the end: 1? in his 
saying, To-day if ye should hear his voice, harden not your 
hearts as in the place of the provocation. 18 For some heard 
(and) they provoked: but (a) not all who came out of Kéme 

among you] 13 37..9:3ma Итецутеяя оза eh. 5. өнпоу еищот 
that not one out of you should be hardened Во .. wa шт скдтр- тиб eé 
vp. № &с, Vg Arm Eth .. and should not be hardened any of you Syr 
ei tan. &c in the deceit of the sin] (e?) 13 (18?) 37.. Sem ovan. 
&c in a deceit &c Во Syr Eth .. атату т. ар. М &c, Vg Arm 

H angone emenct (ment 37) &с for we apprehended the Christ] 
13 &с.. peroxou yap тою xpwrrov yeyovanev RABCDHMP 17 37, £ 
Vg..p. у. y. т. xp. KL &с, Arm.. зперщфир cap ne ence for 
we shared in the Christ Bo Syr (with) .. for with Christ we became 
Eth .. for as Christ we became Eth го єпщам. if we should hold 
on to] 13 18, Bo Eth (continue to keep) .. trs. karasy. to end N &c, Vg 
(retineamus) Syr (persevere) Arm птаржин the beginning] e 13 
18, № &c, Vg Bo Arm .. ПЕ. that which is first Eth .. from the beginning 
Syr запить ро of the firmness] e 13 18, Arm .. Zn this firmness itself 
Буг .. rys vrooraceos Ñ &c, Во.. add avrov А, f Vg (substantiae) .. our 
first precept Eth .. of the boldness Arm cdd єст. &c lit. confirmed 
unto out] e? 13 18, Arm .. trs. pexpe тел. 88. № &с, Vg Bo.. from the 
beginning to the end Syr (see above) .. unto completion Eth .. om Eth ro 

15 osx бс in his saying] e 13 18, ev то А.  &с, Vg (dum dici- 
tur) Bo Arm it was said Syr..add vap 37..for he saith Eth 
єтєссаян his voice] 18 &e, Bo Eth .. om е.. trs. т. фои avrov акоуо. 
N &с, Vg Syr Arm itee as] 18 37 .. om М оях nata &c in the 
place of the provocation] e &c.. ev то тарат. Ñ &c, Vg Bo Arm .. for 
his provocation when they provoked him Eth .. because they 
provoked him those who heard Eth ro 

16 oome some] e 18, тисс LMP 37, f Vg Bo Syr (b) Arm, 
Macarius .. rives КМ &е, Syr (vg) (Eth and) остиє-Убпат | om 
31 homeotel asc. heard] 13 18... era wc. having heard Bo .. add 
and Eth (provoked him) not vo adda] е 13 18.. om Syr(vg).. is 


хи йтатуєї єбо ом князе отти seWTcHe. 17 мее ae 
Wewrac[afecTO Ow Higeee dHposene. «ен nena piobe 
AM ие. мат та метущат oe OF пме. 19 итацюри 
хе iure єтаєтретбсько єсоум  enecpaea їаєтом. 
` єтаентт wemrasparnagre. 19 ATW TAMAT хе аяпог- 
eujgGasG ose chwn єоотм єтіє Tevasitranictoc. 

IV. s*apWpoore Ge QWWM HMOTE eac[ceene gi- 
пернт ehwk еости єпесуяза HALTOM NTE ота соот 
Wee мин. АЛЛА aene mujaxe азпситає Зону пин. 

пт.] 18 37..ємт. 13 erri] e (33) 18.. pref. e&oN Bo (except л,) 
" (e) 135 (18) (37) mex] ин Во йта| e 18..ємта 13 ee) ag 
(18)(37) — (е) 13 (18) 37 

1 (е) 13$ (18)37 эзари]-реи 37 аза эктон place of rest] 13 
37..0m asa пе чщоют|е.. щопє єчщаат 13 (181) * e) us 
(18) 37 : 

it not Eth .. and. not all Eth ro ап not] e 13 18.. ош Bo (0) 
кизає i.e. Egypt] e тз (18?) 37? её огу. № &c, Macarius .. yns агу. 
17 .. trs. after Moses Eth (not ro) 

7 мє] e? 13 181 37? М &c, Macarius .. and Syr Eth.. add ка A, Eth ro (having £o whom interrogative, and omitting are they 
who) ssxectwor hated | (e) 13 18 (37) .. трогаубитєу Ñ &c, Vg Во 
(єтачоероцу epwor) Syr Arm Eth ..pref. ми єтачаєстоют Bo (кк) 
nemnraspnobe ап ne] trs. ап me єтатєриобє Bo (лк) Arm .. єВнА 
enn стат. Во, e uy rois арарт. Ñ &с, Vg Syr probe sinned] e 
I3 18, М &e, Macarius .. атавутати А 47, Bo.. transgressed Arm 
петущату lit. their limbs] (e) 13 18, та кола Ñ &c, Bo (кєМт).. 
cadavera Vg Eth .. bones Syr Eth 

8 птач. &c lit. but did he swear to whom] e 13 (18) .. тти дє wp. 
М &с, Vg Bo (nias ac) .. and at whom &c Буг Eth (to whom ro) .. om 
де Arm exci] (e) 13 18 37 (ver), Bo Eth.. зан Bo (AE).. e py 
N &с, Vg Syr Arm пєптаурати, those who were unbelieving | 
(е?) 13 18 37 .. rots amregcacw Ж «е, Во (з тестах) Syr Arm .. illis 
quà increduli fuerunt Vg .. to the perverse Eth 

19 as» and] e 13 18.. add behold Eth (not ro) ethe tevaritr. 


through Moysés. 17 [But] who (were) those whom he hated 
for forty years? Were they not those who sinned, these 
whose limbs fell in the desert? 18 But to whom'did he swear 
for them not to go into into his place of rest, except those 
who were unbelieving? 19 And we see they were not able to 
go in because of their unbelief. 

IV. Let us fear therefore also, lest haply, having been left 
the promise to go into his place of rest, (any) one miss it among 
you. ?For the gospel was preached to us also as to those: 
but (a) the word of the hearing did not profit those, being 

because of their unbelief] (є) 13 (18) Bo (aemagy).. à атотау N 
&c, Macarius .. da ryv ат. 4 al, Arm..6. azefeiav. 47 .. because they 
believed not Syr Eth .. because they could not believe Eth ro ебок 
сосуп| e 13 18 37 ..x esSosn Во, єсєАбєу № &c .. introire Vg Буг 
Arm, thus before and after 

1 бе therefore] e 13 18? № &с, Во &c .. om 37 eoo also] e.. 
om I3 18, N &c яянипотє | (e) 18 d N &с.. яянпос Во (нл) 
eagceene &c having been left the promise] e? 18? 37 (ayc. 37 but 
є precedes) eascoxm iosenavveNra lit. they having reserved a 
promise Во, karaAevropevgs єт. Ñ &c (add т< D*).. standing fast 
a promise Syr..and let us not relinquish the promise Eth (his pr. ro) 
по. among you] r3 .. eh. по. out of you (е1) 37 .. trs. e£ чашу ъстєрук. 
М &с (прои 5 56) Vg, Macarius..trs. ehoN Sem өнпоу seri 
eepSae lit. out of you think to be last Bo .. Syr has should be 
found any one among you who remaineth from entering .. Eth has and 
it should not seem good to any one of you that he (lit. they) should cause 
to relinquish it 

? kar wap aves, lit. for also they preached the gospel to us] 13 
18137 .. кой yap етики evnyyeAtopevor № 620... etenim et nobis nuntia- 
tum est Vg .. for also we were evangelized Syr .. згудущенноуії сар 
мап gwn lit. for they evangelized us also Bo (Eth) .. for we were evan- 
gelized Arm Wee йин аз to those] 13 37, Bo.. кабатєр какєшог 
N &с, Ve Syr Arm (Eth) iine &c the word of the hearing did 
not profit those] 13 37 .. жпецеронот йин Пхєптсажі profited not 
those the word &c Во (om the word of 3) .. non profuit illis s. aud. Vg 
.. оок оф. о А.т. akons ekewovs N &c .. profited not those the word which 
they heard Syr .. those not at all prof. the hearing of the word Arm (Eth) 


HYRTPA ам ом тпістіс йиємтатссутає. | ? Wnabok 
ее єптасүхоос. хе Nee HTAIWPR яз ос ом TAOpUH 
acujone ant TRATAHOAH яєпносягос. ^acpxooc вар 
оза л, erbe павзєосащуї посох итехое. хє a muove 
ARTOM азазосі оз» пазеосацус поооу eboÀ ow mec- 
обите vHpov. ATH ом же емесемащег єботи 
єпаяча HerTo. бепе ovn GE аЧІоухПп етре conie 
боқк 'eoo»m epos. ати» MenTavTevacredsje Nas 
пщорп яжпотбон єооум eTe тєтяямтатнастє. 

з (е) 13 § (18$) 37 twice itt.] 18 37 twice.. enr. 13  пнєобнтє,| 
(е) 13 .. -Hove 18 .. my works Во (F) 4 (е) 13 § (18 §)37§ cawg] 
сощ 37 twice оп meq] oen ng 37 */(e)'ra 37 6 (e) 135317 

псекера am lit. they mix (it) not] e 13 18?.. tegkspa ам 27 is not 
mixed 37 .. р ovyKexepacpevos Ñ, Vg (demid harl).. ру соукєкєрас- 
pevovs ABCD*M 17.. ра) ovyxexpapevovs DEK LP 47 &е, Macarius 

3 тина. we shall go] e &с, Bo (temmauye) .. «сєрхорева АС 17 
37, Vg .. ewepxop.. Ñ &c, Syr Arm Eth (pref. we) Macarius сәр] 
e &c, BDKLP &с, f Vg Syr (h) Macarius .. де Syr Arm .. ow МАСМ 
47, Bo (Eth ro).. om Bo (ro) Eth (we indeed) negara п. his place 
of rest] 13 18? Bo Eth, Cyr .. туу катат.  &c, Arm, Macarius .. om ryv 
BD* memnras. those who believed] 18 &с, N &c, Vg (qui credimus) 
Во (Sa пн єтати.. Фа ии етоти. F) Arm Eth (qui credimus) 
Macarius ‚. we those who believed Syr .. trs. ертукеи ov mw Tevoavres P 
ката ee according as] 18 &c, кабо № &с, Vg Bo .. but (de) as Syr .. as 
also Arm .. since Eth (since he said to them го) | теє as] 18 &c,  &с, 
Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth .. om A* ene(iit 13 18)cen. if they come | 
18 & eveuse Bo (АВАНХ.. єуєщ D &с potential) .. є eweAev- 
сохта! Ñ &с, Vg Arm .. that they shall not enter Syr Eth..7 es С" 
17..0m e А. Masta пах. my place of rest] (e) &c.. om pov C* 
катто: yet] (e?) &c, Bo, № &e, Vg (єї quidem).. for behold Syr.. 
although Axm Eth ъущопє became] (e?) &с.. єтаущ. Bo .. trs. 
yernfev7av to end N &с, Vg Syr (became) Arm., Eth has and con- 
cerning the (his то) work of God (om ro) which from the creation 
(beginning ro) of the world became (cf. тоо 18%) ткатай. the 
foundation] e (18) &e, N &e, Vg Bo.. beginning Syr Arm 

HEBREWS IV 3-6 27 

not mixed with the faith of those who heard. ° For we shall 
go into his place of rest, those who believed ; according as he 
said, As I sware in my anger, If they come into my place 
of rest: yet the works became (finished) from the foundation 
of the world. * For he said in a place concerning the seventh 
day thus, God rested himself in the seventh day out of all 
his works; ? and again, If they will be able to come into my 
place of rest. ©Since therefore it was reserved for some to 
go into it, and those to whom the gospel was preached at 

* aya. v. for he said] 13 18, єрукєи yap Ñ &c, Vg Bo.. for he 
saith Arm .. as he said Syr .. he saith Eth itovaxa in а place] (e?) 
&с os(om ov H)asa Во..тоу № &с, Атш.. om 37, Syr Eth 
ethe &c concerning the seventh day] e 13 (18) Bo Vg (de sept.) Arm 
(4. s.) .. mepi ттс eBõouns N &c .. about the sabbath Syr Eth птетое 
thus] (©) (18) &c, N &c, Aim .. om Vg Syr .. trs. he said thus (йтетое) 

Bo Eth хе &с God rested himself] (е) (181) &c.. xe ачахтом 
бс Rested himself God Во .. ка karer. о Geos Ж &с, Vg (dominus) 
Arm Eth .. that rested God Syr om пазе (ал 18)осащ tiooow in 

the seventh day] e? 18? Bo, ту &e 17, Vg, ev ту 7. ту «Bd. N &c, 
Syr Arm .. in the day of the sabbath Eth 

5 ато ом and again] e &e, Eth ro .. ка ev rovro та М &c, Vg 
(isto) Bo..and here again he said Syr Arm (зай1).. and again he 
saith Eth єпє(ӣ 13)cenaujes if they will be able to come] e? 37 сєпащеє will they go Во (нз have щи will be able to come) .. e 
eeAevo. N &с, Arm.. om є (п) 17) D* .. that they should not enter Syr 
.. they shall not enter Eth 

€ enes ози бе since therefore] e? 13 37.. ere ovv N &c .. Enan 
ovn Bo .. and therefore since Arm ачщомхії it was reserved] е &c, 
azoAevrerau Ñ &c, Vg (superest) .. ep (acy O)cwamn d£ is reserved Bo .. they 
hindered Arm .. there was place Syr .. because there are men who had 
a road Eth .. and are there not those whom he left Eth то erpe оох (ex 
13) ме Вок eo. for some to go into it] (e?) &e.. twas eceAew es 
avrjy VN &e, Vg Во Syr Arm.. that they should go thither Eth .. that 
they should go into his rest Eth то ало nentavrevact, Ke lit. and 
those to whom they preached the gospel at first] e &c, Syr Arm .. 
кал ot тротерои evayy. Ñ &c, Vg Bo (иицори evavesujyeruowe) .. but 
the first (ones) having heard Eth erbe tevasitt. because of their 
unbelief] (е) &e, Во.. ді атистийу Җ*.. д: апабаау 549 біс, т that 


Tanpa ovooov om chor on aavera © oc. 
хе noor eelilica паотоеиц NTEIGOT ката oe 
HTAWPMsooc. хе я#пооу єтєтіїщамсаугає єтесүсаен 
запрамщот иметионт. SenenTa 1С cap Заєтом 
мату пе. ииециащахе ми пе erbe Regoor seca 
маз. apa atsupoxm WoroycabbaTicesoc азпАлос 
запноттє. 1 pmemrac[bos Cap єсоуи єпєсава FTON 
ачаєтом ооо deoc ehoA ом меовихе пөє ає- 
пиоттє ehoA ON мот. Пязарисєєпн ce ебок egori 
emea aeron єтатаелу. хекас Hite ova oe oa 

7 (e) 13 $ (18) (21) (24) (37$) &vaq] 18 21%.. entag 13 
лиєтпонт | яхєпєтєпонт Bo З 13 $(18) 21 (24) ementa] enca 

Bo xxv] yest. 18 ne] om 13, Во (om 18 21 24)нечна | 13 
18 21 24, Bo.. мач Во (a,GH31M) an] 18 21..0m 24, Bo (м) 
ethe] 24 .. e 13 21 .. add оз Bo (нл) * 19 21124) Оеп 
21 (24) " (е) 13 21 $ (24) 

they obeyed not Syr .. propter incredulitatem Vg Arm .. because they 
denied Eth 

7 аЧ(Во нзо.. є Bo)np(ep 37)x ovooov ом lit. he separated 
а day again] (e?) 13 (181) 37 .. таМи та орібє nuepav (ор. т. 8*, f Vg 
Во) № &c .. again another day he put Syr Arm (limited) .. and because 
of whom saith he this (again ro) another day Eth eh, of aavera 
(ada є 1 37) ечх. ах. же ями. out ої Daveid, saying, To-day | e? 13 18? 
37 .. стиєроу ev 8. Леушу № &с (trs. xpovov Леу. 47, Bo) Vg Bo Arm .. 
after much (long Eth) time as above й is written that said David Syr 
Eth (written before) .. if ye heard my voice in the day of David he 
saith, after long time, as he saith Eth ro sin. &c after so much 
time, according as he said before, To-day] 13 18 21? 241, N біс 
(троєірттол .. троєрткєу В .. єрттах DEK L &c), Vg (supra) Arm .. Syr 
(see above) Eth (see above)..ssememnca отснот Пталазали ees 
“aoc (add хе вк) ката фри\ф етачхос (om ет. 0) xcxen щори 
хе зафооту Bo етечсахи his voice] 13 18 21 24, Во Eth .. trs. т. 
форт avrov akovg. № &c, Vg Syr Arm 

* үс Jesus] 18 21 24, «нс Во (р) 14cosc Bo (нк) інсот Во.. add 
o тою уал бт, Syr (vg, h т=).. /yasus Eth ro .. Туази Eth мат to 
them] 18 21 24, Bo (mawor) Syr.. trs. yap avrovs № &c, Vg Arm 

HEBREWS IV 7-11 29 

first went not in because of their unbelief, "he set apart 
a day again out of David, saying, To-day, after so much time, 
according as he said before, To-day if ye should hear his voice, 
harden not your hearts.  ? For if Jesus had given rest to 
them, he would not have spoken concerning another day 
after these (things). ? Was reserved then a sabbath rest for the 
people of God. For he who went into his place of rest, 

rested himself also out of his works, as God (did) out of his ` 

own. 1 Let us hasten therefore to go into that place of rest, 
that no one should fall in the same example of the unbelief. 

Eth (if indeed) .. avros 49 al | | запись mar after these (things)] 21 
(24 7) Bo Arm.. pera ravra npepas Ñ “е, Eth ro (those Eth).. trs. 
he would not have said after &c another day Syr 

? om verse N* apa] 13 21 24, gapa Bo..add оти Bo (АЕК) 
therefore then Arm .. therefore Syr Eth .. ovom-cwamn there is-reserved 
Bo еще и was reserved] 13 21 (24) (Bo).. атоЛеитетаи № біс, 

Vg .. is standing fast Syr .. was kept Eth .. атолатаи B, was diminished 
Arm .. Eth ro has was abolished the priesthood of the people of God ? 
oveahh. а sabbath rest] 13 21 (24?) Во, N &c.. to keep sabbath Syr .. 
Eth has that should be his rest where enter the people &c ; 

1° пептаЧ. &c for he who went] 13 21..dH(dar AE) сар єтачі 
for that (this) who сате Во .. o yap eweA0ov М &e, Vg (qui enim) Syr 
Arm (qui) Eth .. for he entered Eth го negara пая. his place &c| 
13 21 ..0m his Eth (not ro) ayi. о. ах. rested himself also] 13 
21 (241).. oog оос ag. he also rested &c Bo, кал avros катєт. Ñ &с, 
Vg Arm ..trs. кат. к. а. Syr .. behold therefore rested he himself Eth .. 
his rest, as he himself rested Eth ro .. om ког avros Isaiah єй. oft 
(єм 21) &e out of his works] 13 21 24, Во, N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth, 
Isaiah .. add zavrov Det*, Syr (h) .. from all Eth ro ппоутє God] 
е 13 21 24, Syr Arm (as also) .. trs. to end N &c, Vg .. eraejaxvom да, 
ихеф{ rested God Bo Eth .. Eth ro has as he (did) namely God 

п ehw(H арк to go] e 13 21 24, Macarius Marcus .. add адєАфо 
DF єпала &c into that place of rest] (e?) 13 21 24.. his rest Eth .. 
add those who believed Syr h* хекас пие ova (om Tis N*) Ke that 
no one should fall in the same example] (e?) 13 21, Bo .. trs. ev ro 
avro Tis отод. meon  &с, Vg (trs. exemplum to end) .. trs. fall to end 
Arm .. lest we should fall in the same example Syr .. lest we should fall 
as those Eth .. and there is not he who falléth into their error Eth ro 


песазот поуот ите тазмтатилоте. омо Tap 
ибп хе яапиотте ATW чемерсег ххх YWwWwT 
€gove сие мая поо CHAT. еухоте Wa era MOW 
птен n пепла Woapseoc зам МАЛТКАС. ео 
пречириие Имаясете зам Мазокаян аєпонт. "ати 
заем AAA RCONT єчонп аяпеаято ehor. себоАп 
-ehoX THPOoT эхх сєщаат magpa пм етере 
nyaxe с:  eoovw epog мам. 14 ETTAN Ge 
asea T ROTOS Mapwiepevc -eaepxerv аяпнує IC 
пшнрє яєпнотте. stapiaseaoTe iiremgoeeoñoria 

1з (e) (5) тз $ 21 $ (24) (cit В.М.) egose] e 21r.. поотє cit 
.. ооо e I3 Mara nwy the places of division] e (5?) 13 21 
24 ..ntipoug the div. Bo it(3x e 21) ллокаяк | 21 24..-аяєк e 5 
тз жапонт of the heart] понт of heart Bo З (eis) rar (24) 
' (e) 13 IP (21 IP) (24) 

Tite таат, of the unbelief] (e?) 13 21 .. rys атедеоѕ № &c, Bo Arm 
cd, Macarius .. incredulitatis Vg Arm .. those who disobeyed Syr .. those 
who were perverse Arm .. Eth ro (see above) .. rys aAyfeus D* 

12 eon? liveth] e 13 21 cit, Bo, £o С.. £ov N &c, Eth .. vivus-est 
Vg Syr Arm ..чемоот is faithful Bo (A) ejerepeer it worketh | 
e 13 21, gepowh Во.. evepyns Ñ бо, Vg Arm Eth, Marcus (evepyos) 
.. vapyys B .. all working Syr щот it cutteth] (e?) 21 24 
cit, Bo .. тошотєроѕ N &c, Arm .. penetrabilior Vg .. sharper Syr Eth 
сие &c lit. sword every of face two] e 13? &c.. сиу miben про ГА 
sword. every of mouth 2 Bo єчхотє piercing] 13 21.. pref. arw 
and cit, Bo .. дійкуоушемоє (8ewvvp. В) N &с, Vg (pertingens) Bo (he 
goeth in) Syr (entering) Arm .. om Eth, continuing and separateth soul 
from body (from soul го).. Во (B*) has soul and spirit and body 
Поаралос the joints] 5 13 21 24 cit.. mese побути and the joints 
Bo, арџоу те Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm.. Eth has and divideth the joint of 
(lit. from) the limb паМткас lit. the marrows] е (5?) 13 21 24.. 

om Eth .. add «nd bones Syr eyo n(p 5)речкрикє being critic | 
(e?) (5?) 13 21 24, Во (отоо «ox HSoTSet) Arm Eth .. xac крітікоє 
N &e, Vg .. and. judgeth Syr .. om Eth ro пп (ош e 24)areeve 

&c the thoughts and the reasonings] е (5 7) 13 21 24.. evOvpnoewy 
kat evvowy М &c, Ус Arm..trs. са нізлхокаєк CAR MIRED 

HEBREWS IV 12-14 31 

1? For liveth the word of God, and it worketh, and it cutteth 
more than any sword of two edges, piercing unto the places 
of division of the soul and the spirit, the joints and the 
marrow, being critic ої the thoughts and the reasonings of the 
heart. And there is not any creature hidden before him: 
revealed are all and are cut (open) with regard to him, this 
(one) whom the word concerneth for us. !* Having therefore 
a great chief priest having passed through the heavens, 
Jesus the Son of God, let us hold on to our confession. 

Bo .. thoughts and counsel Syr..thought and (om ro) desire and 
counsel Eth 

? єчони hidden] e 13 21, Во (om eq) Syr (which is hidden) .. 
афаутз N &c, Vg (invisibilis) Arm Eth (which was not manifest) 
себоХп ehoX тирот lit. they are revealed all] 13 21 (Bo н*).. cec. 
me &с, е 13 24.. cehHuy ae (сар H 9 J) евоХ тнроу but they are 
naked all Во .. тата дє (yap Marcus, Isaiah) yvuva № біс, Ус Syr 
(аЛЛа)..ош naked Arm ..and all is manifest Eth сещаат lit. 
they are cut (open)] (e?) 13 21 24, rerpaxquo eva. Ñ &e, Во (ceos 

пхарей парі) Arm .. revealed Буг .. aperta Vg Eth п(от е 2т)- 
maopag with regard to him] e 13 21 ..rots oó0aApots avrov М &c .. 
in conspectu eius Vg .. before his eyes Во Syr Arm Eth паї &с 

this (опе) whom the word concerneth for us] (e?) 13 21 (24 1).. фаз 
(фи J) eve micaxr deo mam epos lit. this unto whom the word 
reacheth for us Bo .. троє ov тшу о Aoyos Ñ &c, Vg Arm (words ате).. 
to whom they give account Syr .. and to him also we shall answer con- 
cerning all that we speak Eth .. and this toward you we speak Eth ro 

M єу(оу e r3)Rvan Ge maray having therefore] e 21 24, Во 
(оти) exovres ow N &e, Vg .. because there is to us therefore Syr .. we 
have therefore Avm .. and we have Eth .. and ye have Eth ro езахет 
having passed through] e (21 7) 24, Bo (cem passed) беАуобвота N 
&с, Vg (qui penetravit) Arm .. trs. God who went Syr .. trs. God who 
was exalted above Eth .. who came into the world from heaven Eth ro 
хс Jesus] 24, Bo, М &c, Vg Arm Eth ro..xc meget &e Jesus 
the Christ e, Syr Eth зхартаьалаотє let us hold on to] (е?) 
kparopev Ñ &c, Vg (teneamus) Bo .. let us persevere Syr Arm (be dili- 
gent) .. let us strengthen therefore Eth .. let us be strong therefore Eth то 
vewoosx0Novia our confession] (241).. туз орол. N «е, Vg Во Arm 
„оит faith Eth .. птечоояя. his confession 13, Syr 


опотуархтєретус TAP All METETHTANY даже боя» 
aog єщупоксє meai ом исмасосиех. adAa ee- 
SOUT oW ооб miee итемое wari мобе, | 19 зари - 
пємотог Ge ом ovmappHcra єпееромос итежарис. 
MEHAC смех: Korma ATW irige eyossoT evovoeiruj 
Wait itboneera. 

У. apxiepervc Cap mie erorxi asesor choù см 
ирочяе EWATHAGICTA ао ESN Npweee Miao par 
пиоттє. хе eyeTAAE хором egpar or erca ga 
мобе. ern Goer sero ewige i мето RaT- 
соот seit иетпАхин ehoA. ооо хе Чщооп olt 

5 (е) (5) 13$ (21) eui] тз, euen Bo (x) .. ебу Bo 16 (e) 
(5) 13 $ (21) 

1 (е) (5$) 13 §(21§) eb. off] ев. orren Во(л) eopasere.]es 
21..€909i nmen щоущ Do (HJ)... mear uj. eoosi Во ?(e)2 13 (21) 

7 потарос. &c for not a chief priest (is) he whom we have] 13, 
Bo .. ov yap єхореи apxtepea Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm (not that we have) Eth 
nawan бс with us in our weaknesses] (51) 13.. mess meus 
with our w. Bo .. with our weakness Syr Arm Eth .. то ао’. nuov № біс, 
Vg  aceenera] 5 13 21, ABCL ..acoema e, ЗОНР adda] (e) 
(5) 13 21, Syr Arm Eth .. дє N &c, Во (єатпгратни) Во (FGHP) 

то оп ооб max &c lit. in every thing as we] (57) тз (21 ?) .. om 

оп ооћ miar ©..ката tavta каб ороютута Ñ &с, Vg Arm Syr (like 
us) Eth ro.. Se осв miben ката memncaxor in all things according 
to owr (om ro) form Bo Eth 

1° ззаридтєнотосі єї тз) let us come up] 13 (21) zpocepywpcba 
N бо... wapen esos let us соте in Bo .. add let us lay hold on the 
life Bo (к) ge therefore] e 5 13 21, ow Ñ &е, Bo (F*nauxo») 
Vg Syr Arm Eth (pref. and ro) 17, Bo (AB*3EFHJKL) оп 
ovn. lit. in а boldness &c] (e?) 5? 13 21, Sem ovwno єбоМ lit. in 

manifest Во Eth ro .. in grace Eth ene (add т 21)eponoc 
unto the throne] 5 13 21, то бр.  &c, Vg (ad) Syr Eth .. зяпєзлөо ix 
before.the thr. Bo Arm itreoc. of the grace] e? 5 13 21 .. of his 

gr. Syr (h*) Arm Eth (bis) ато йтпоє and find] (5) 21 .. om B, Eth 
сто (от от е) оєту пам ith, lit. unto a time for us of help] (e?) 5 13 

HEBREWS IV 15—V 2 33 

15 For not a chief priest (is) he whom we have for whom it is 
not possible to suffer with us in our weaknesses; but (a) 
being tried in all things as we are, all but sin. 1° Let us 
come up therefore in boldness of speech unto the throne of 
the grace, that we should receive mercy, and find grace in 
time for us of (needing) help. 

V. For every chief priest who is taken out of the men is 
wont to be appointed in behalf of the men with God, that he 
should offer gift and sacrifice for sin: ?it being possible for 
him to suffer with those who are ignorant and those who 

(21).. аз (om D*) evxaipov BonBeav Ñ &e, Vg (in aux. oportuno) eyer- 
керга 3x&onecra Во (охоо es. н) Arm.. for help in time of affliction 
Syr be to us help for time of affliction Eth .. for time of his help 
Eth ro 
1 wap] € 5 13 21.. ош Eth ro єто(а Во к) уат яз. lit. whom 
they take] 13 21, Во, AapBavopevos № &c, Vg Arm Eth ro (taketh) .. 
artseth Eth .. becometh Syr .. trs. e£ av. ЛарВ. N &c, Vg (Syr) Arm Eth 
‚ещазк. аз. lit. they are wont to appoint him] 13 (21) Bo (Tago) .. 
trs. от. avô. кабістата: Ñ &с, Vg ..for men standeth Syr Arm .. and 
because of men is ordained Eth exit-oa in behalf of-for] 21 .. 
exen(Satem K)-exem Во, vrep-vrep М бе, Vg (pro) Syr Arm Eth 
fimaopax пи. with God] 5 r3 (21) Во (Saten) Eth .. ra zpos rov 
cov № &с, in his quae sunt ad deum Vg Syr (for-of God) Arm 
awpos-or gift and] (e?) 13 21, awpon near Во, дора ка BDb, df 
Vg Syr (offer offering) Arm Eth (offer offering) .. бора. те ka. ЗАСТ 
КІР &c, Syr (В) 
2 es(ow і3)п o (wg 13) osx &c it being possible for him to suffer] 
e! 13 21.. eovor &с єцуєпахкао Sem orwyr it being &oc to suffer in 
a measure Во .. шетріотабам duvapevos N &e, Vg (qui condolere possit) 
Arm .. and he who can humble himself and suffer Syr .. and he suffereth 
а little and із able to suffer with Eth .. Eth ro has they cannot be of 
help to those nero &с those who are ignorant and those who 
wander away] 13 21.. мтатєзаї отоо eTcwpess the ignorant and 
who err Bo, row ayvoovow Kar ÀAavopevois 54 &e, Vg (his qui) Syr 
Arm .. those who erred in their folly Eth .. those who erred through their 
hand Eth ro «qujoon ой (єм 21) &c lit. is being in а weakness | (e) 
13 21, Во (ec &) .. терикетаи асбеуєау М &c .. with weakness is clothed 
Syr Arm .. weak is Eth 

117.2 D 


соуляаїтаи. arw єтіннтє Wwe epoy ката ee 
єтєщачтаЛо еорах ga AACE nagrado оф gapoy 
итеое ga meeprobe. * пере похх ae пота XI А 
зяптаго. АЛЛА єутоояя asero єбоА ситая посте 
HRaTA ee Haapon. бтал те ee лапехе птасуєосу 
ма отла ан erpequjome Napyreperc aa 
пемтасуца є Waeeeacy пе хе пток пе пошире ANOK 
AVXHOR азпооу. ‘ната OE OM ешрәсүжоос ом RELLA 
ce йток пе потунні wa емео RATA TTAZIC аячяеА- 
"Hexen. "mar ом negoov йтєцсарі acpxice eopat 
Hoenconc яе get кори) шиаорах петезм Wore 

з (є) (5) 13 21 ee erewag] єщ. 13.. eenugae 21 тмМ.| 
Во (к,).. pref. па Bo * (e) (5) 13$ (21 9) Taro] 13 21.. Taero 5 
оттах | 5 13 .. о1тоот за (21) 5 (e) (5) 13 (21) osaas ax] 5? 
21.. an ovaag 13 wone] Во (p)..add egor Po mentag| фи 
етае Во (ғ) .. фн ne erag Во *-y3 (21) MTOR] уз атан Ст 
т (е) (5) 13 $ (21 $) (22) mevesn]22..-eosit e 13 wos] 22.. 
goar I3 

З єтйннт© because of it] 13 21, Bo (єейнтЯ) д: avryy МА ВС* 
D*P 17, Syr Arm.. ба талтуу CeDeKL &e, Syr (h me) Eth .. ба 
ravra, то, propterea f Vg ифтаХо ешш gapog йтєгєєг 5)oe 
lit, that he should offer also for him thus] (e?) 5 13 21 .. ovrws kat mept 
(«сото М біс, Vg Syr (om кал) Arm Eth .. maipu} gwy йтє үү 
exen пециобі thus also he should offer for his own sins Во ог. 
negim. for his sins] 5 &c, Syr..add maun Saroy for his own sins e, 
Bo .. пери (упер) арартиву N &с, Vg Arm Eth 

* пере &c lit. but (for 5, Palladius) each was not taking] (e?) 5 
(wap) 21.. пере &c хі mag am lit. but &e taking for him 13 .. 
Kat ovx «avro Tis (от В") AapBaver М &e, Syr Arm .. nec quisquam 
sumit sibi Vg Eth..owoo nape ovar бї из and is mot “wont 
(any) one to take for him Bo..not to himself to whom it should be 
honour Eth ro єутооях &c being called by God] (e?) 21, калош. 
vro т. Ücov Ñ &с, Vg (qui voc.) Syr (he who was) Arm (the called) .. 
ач (е4 HJ)ewgessr à. mxedX called (calling нз) him God Bo.. 

HEBREWS V 3-7 35 

wander away, because he also is being in weakness; ?and 
because of it it is right, according as he is wont to offer for 
the people, that he should offer also for himself thus, for his 
sins. * But no one taketh the honour, but (a) being called 
by God according as Aaron. 5 Thus the Christ glorified not 
himself for to become chief priest, but (а) he who spake to 
him, Thou art my Son, I, I begat thee to-day: © according as 
also he is wont to say in another place, Thou art the priest 
for ever according to the order of Melkhizedek. This (one) 
in the days of his flesh lifted up supplications and entreaties 

evente maoy &с being sent by God 57 13 .. him (to him ro) whom 
called God Eth її (om e 13)Kata ec па. according as А.) (e?) 5 13 
(21) C* D*, f Vg Bo Syr Eth .. каб. кш aapov Ñ &c, Arm 

5 таг &c thus the Christ] (e?) 5 13 21..0m К ..add gwy also Bo 
зале с the Christ] (e?) 5 13 21..pref. кш Ñ &c, Vg Syr Arm 
(Eth) iraq. бо lit. who gave not glory to him himself] (e?) (5) 
13 (211) Bo..ovx eavrov єдоб. M &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth (praised) 
єтрєщопе lit. for him to become] (e?) (5?) N &e, Vg (but &c) Syr 
(that &c) Arm Eth (that &c)..trs. to become after h. priest Eth ro 
anor I] e 13.. pref. and Arm cdd, Eth запоот to-day] 13, Bo.. 
irs. стрєром уєуєту. Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth 

б ката &c according as also he is wont to say in another place | 
13, Bo (eveepso) .. om om also Во (A) .. кабоѕ kat ev erepo Aeyer Ñ біс 
Vg Syr (place other) Arm ..add тами Det*..and again he saith 
(saith again ro) Eth йток ne thou art] гз, Во Cop mid, ov є 
P al, Vg Syr Arm .. om є N &e, Eth novHHh the priest] (e) 13.. 
chief priest Arm cdd sreAgcizener | 13 21,Bo Syr Arm Eth .. 
-aex A, f Vg 

* mar this (опе) | 13 .. this (that гамр) who Bo..os à &c, Vg Arm 
„add wy ОЕт*.. also when &c Syr neooov пт. the days of his 
flesh] 13 (21?) № &e, Vg Bo Arm Eth .. when. in flesh he was clothed 
Syr.. in the days in his flesh Eth ro agqaice &e lifted up suppli- 
cations and entreaties] 13.. етачиии ео. Sem &c—Twho ness oamToo 
having offered in the days &c prayers and supplications Bo, repeating 
having offered as below iutaepax &c toward him for whom it was 
possible| 13 (22%).. trs. zpoceveykas ка ewakova0es М &c, Vg (Bo) 
Arm Eth ro .. trs. offered to him who was able from death to save him 
and he was heard Syr .. trs. offered with great groaning and tears to 

D 2 


Arero єтотжосі chor oae Maroy ом отпос Naw- 
как seit оєпраєєін. это этсютая epoq choù ом 
eore. Зкаїтер епщире пе aqchw епсотяя ehor 
ом мемтасицопо. | ати» acpxoR еболА. eacpujorme 
отон miele єтсотяя исо Мартос аапотха ИШ 
enco. | Патазотте epog eboÀ ота» пиоттє Hap- 
XIEPETC вата TTAZIC seeeceAK Teac. "пат етере 
Tace OW mam єщаже epos ATW ecjazong EBONA. 
сол хе ATETHUWWME ететищосие ом mneyWesaaxe. 

* (2) із (21) (22) 9 59? 13 (21) (22) eaquy.] 21 .. aqu. 13 
єтсотах ficos] eenacoress ficos who will obey him Bo (еу 
9? 13 (21) (22) &apoc.] хє apx. Во ззеМ№ҳи. | 21... заєМоріс. 
(е) оа 13 (21) (22) єщахє| е 92 13.. ñu. 21 eyar] 92.. чая. 
(21) євомя| 92 13.. яво(№4) 22.. пҷоМЬ 21 ebo жє] 9?.. 
e&N(xe) e.. ethe хе 13 21.. же Во 

him &c Eth єтоухос to save him] 13 (22 1) .. trs. avrov cwlew 
47 ..avrov pvoaoĝaı Macarius €&oX оях &c out of the death] (е?) 
13 22, N &c, Arm cdd .. trs. from death to save him Arm 
ovrog a great] 13 22, Eth .. trs. крауу. :тҳораѕ NÑ &c, Ve Bo Syr.. 
with strong сту Arm оєпрахєтн tears] add eaqenor єботи 
which he offered Во ати» a(pref. e 13)тс. epog lit. and they 
(having 13) heard him] 13 (211) 22.. отоо aye. e. and he heard 
him Bo Eth.. acaxovebes NÑ &с, Vg Syr (he was) Arm (he was) 
ehoX on еотє out of the fear] 13 22, Во, a metu d, pro sua reve- 
rentia f Ус.. ато туз evAaBeas ÑN &с, with regard to the goodness 
Arm .. as to his righteousness Eth .. om Syr, but see below 

З катер although] 5 13 21 (22?) .. and Eth .. and faithful Eth ro 
mujnpe the Son] 5 13 (21) 22 .. wos Ñ &c, Во Arm agychw(o 5 
13) enc. he learned the obedience] (5?) 13 (21) (22) Bo (aqest he 
knew)..trs. єрабєу-тпу vrak. Ñ &с, Vg Arm Eth (he knew).. trs. to 
end Syr єпсотях lit. the hearing] exasevpeeqcoreas the obedience 
Bo єй. оп nen. lit. out of those which he received] 13 (21) (22) 
.. ЕВ. Sem піахкато eracpo'rros out of the pains which he received Во, 
аф ov єтабєу Ñ &с, Vg .. from those sufferings Arm .. because of that 
which he suffered Eth .. from the fear and the sufferings which he bore Syr 

HEBREWS V 8-11 37 

toward him for whom it was possible to save him out of the 
death, with a great crying and tears, and he was heard out 
of the fear, З although he is the Son, he learned the obedience 
out of the (sufferings) which he received; *and he was per- 
fected, having become to all who obey him cause of the 
eternal salvation; 1° having been called by God chief priest 
according to the order of Melkhizedek. И This (one) 
of whom is lengthy the word for us to speak, and difficult 
io interpret it, because that ye became dull in your ears. 

? avo and] r3 22, № бе, Vg Bo Arm Eth..add thus Syr 
ayx. єв. he was perfected] 13 (21) 22, Syr.. reAew0es N &c, Vg Bo 
(єтачхок) Eth..when he was perfected Arm єачщ. having 
become | 13 (21) (22 2) .. eyevero № &c, Vg Во Arm .. he himself became 
Eth (trs. ro) .. and he became Syr потоп miar to all] (5) 98 13 
(21) (22) МАВСРР 17 37, f Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth .. trs. rows vr. avr. 
тоси КОМ &е потхаг the salvation] 92 13 21 22, Arm.. 
` соттриаѕ Ñ &c, Bo .. life Syr Eth (remunerator of) n(om r3 21) 
ща eneg lit. of for ever] 9* 13 (21?) 22 .. Eth has and redeemer who 
із for ever (of the world Eth ro) 

10 avasonte &c lit. they called him by God] 92.. ехтазотте (om 
єроч 21 22) &e they having called by God 13 21 (22) ..€a& py sorte 
єроч God having called him Во .. rpocayopevOas vro rov бєом N &c, 
Vg .. and he was named by God Syr Arm .. and named him God Eth .. 
and he named him Eth ro ката тт(а 21)az1c] (e?) 9* 21 22 
.. іп the likeness Syr .. pref. є rov шоуа 37, Bo (ща eneg) Syr (h*) 
Arm Eth (not ro) 

п mar &c this (one) &c] 9* 13 21, М &c.. pref. ка: D£r* .. add бє 
Syr (adding this Melchisedek) .. Eth has concerning whom difficult his 
word пщахє оц пап e(i 21) цуажє lit. the word is long for us to 
speak] e? 94 13 21 22 1.. great ts for us the word to say it Syr .. wodvs 
ipw о (om D*P, Arm) Aoyos xat досєри. Aeyew NÑ &c, Vg Во (om 
Aeyev) Arm (om Aeyew) Eth ro (om and to say it Eth) Marcus 
epog lit. of him] 9? 13 21 22 .. trs. пере ov to beginning N &c, Во 
(ar єтє ev&scisq) Syr Arm Eth ететищооне dull] 9? 13 21, 
voOpo. à &c, Vg Arm Eth .. -ujwns weak Во Syr оп merm(9? .. 
Si e21)s*aaxe in your ears] e 9? 13 (21).. Tas акоас № &c, Arm 
(om raus) .. in your hearings Bo .. in your hearing Syr .. ad audiendum 
Vg Eth .. om Eth ro 


1% каг cap eue єритії epcao erbe rmeovoery. 
TeTMpocpera om Mecho NATH. хе oF ме necroryrom 
мтархн RAWALE ssemuovre. љлтетищопе єтєтир- 
реа movepore. моторе am ecxoop. Мотом tap 
має ETZI choA дах пероте ovarcoosi пе аяпшьхе 
птатнатостумн. отногі Tap пе. 1 таител ос ae 

те теоре єтхоор. Nar ere eezic evitraw iterat 
ARIMETHAMOTY яам ппєөоот. 

12 (е) 92 13 (21) (22) (25) реза то] 13.. 90 pia 21 opera 2°] 
e.. ра 9? 21 22..9Cceper 25 ax] trs. after жоор Bo 5 de) 
(92) 13 (21) (22) 25 з (е) 92 13(21) (22) 25 етх.|е 9? 15 25 
ecx. 21 uar] Во (но 18)..ош Bo -сужам.| 13 22..-чнаяи, 
92 25 ппєө. | 9? 13 .. pref. it 25 

12 kar tap] 92 13 21 (22) Ñ &с, Vg Bo.. om Eth .. om ки Syr .. 
whereas Arm epcae to be teachers] (e?) 9* 13 21, Bo (серреч- 
ҷсёо) .. add in much Eth ro пєо(е 22..0m 92 2т)хоеиц the 
time] (e) 92 13 (21) (22) Во (mX ponoc) .. add to you in learning Syr 
.. because ye delayed Eth — т(92..єт 2т)єтирог. &c ye need again] 
9? 13 21 .. таћу xp. єҳєтє  &с, Vg Bo(Arm).. and again ye have need 
Eth то .. Eth has since ye believed in the doctrine, and ye are yet until 
now having need | titchw инти, xe от me to teach &c] (e) 21 22, Bo, 
Vg Syr Arm, т. д. v. rva № &c .. om tia 67**, Eth .. iive ота chw 
инти that one should teach you 9*, Oeccom Киа] cod (єп 92)- 
ecrosx ior &c the elements of the beginning] 92 13 (21) (22) № біс, 
Vg Arm .. the first writings of the beginning Syr .. the beginning of the 
writing of the principle Eth .. the principle Eth ro пищ. of the 
words] (є) 9* 13 21 22, тоу Aoyov D*, f Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth... т. 
Aoywv Ñ біс atertu. ye became] 9* .. pref. ато and 13 21 22, 
М &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth nos(nnow 9?)ope &c lit. not of а food 
strong] 9* 13 (22) 25 .. ov orepeas tpopys 33" BSC 17, f Vg (Во)... ках 
ov &е NcAB*DIKNP &с, Syr (food firm) Arm Eth (food firm). 
add те із Bo (DFKL) 

HEBREWS V 12-14 39 

12 For even when it is right for you to be teachers because of the 
time, ye need again (for one) to teach you what are the elements 
of the beginning of the words of God; ye became needing milk, 
and not strong food. !? For every one who partaketh of the 
milk is ignorant of the word of the righteousness, for he is a 
little (one). !* But that of the full grown the strong food is, 
these who because of the kabit have their organs of sense 
exercised to discriminate between the good and the evil. 

13 wap] e 13 22 25, № &c, Vg Bo Arm Eth.. де Syr етжт &с 
lit. who taketh out of the milk] (98) 13 21 (22) 25, o uerexov уаЛакто$ 
М &c (Vg) .. coovess epo who eateth milk Bo .. whose food is milk Syr 
.. who is а milk eater Arm .. who is nourished with milk Eth orate, 
пе lit. is an ignorant] (e?) 92 13 (21) (22) 25, Arm.. атероѕ № &c, not persuaded of Syr ..he knoweth not Eth то .. ће searcheth 
not in Bo .. he searcheth not to know Eth ne is 19] e да 13 21 22 
‚ 25, Vg .. om В &c .. trs. дикой. eor D*, f nuj. of the жога | Arm 
.. Aoyov № &e озкозі(єх 9?) & for he is a little (опе) | (e?) 92 13 
22 25, (v)nmus уар «оти Ж &c, Во («Мот) Syr Агш.. om Eth .. add 
aKpunv pt 

M тані(да 25..ex 13 21 22)teN. that of the full grown] (e?) 
92 13 (21) reAeov де cotw т) стерва tpopy N &с, Vg Syr Arm.. 
trs. {рє ae erxop eamrreNioc те Во Eth ne] 98 13 22 25, 
М &c, Vg Во Syr Arm Eth..yap 17, Macarius (om єоти).. om 
Antonius ethe ө. because of the habit] 9* 13 (22) 25, № &е, Vg 
.. because of their habit Во .. because of the measure (of life) attained 
Arm .. because they discuss Syr.. Eth has he who is accustomed to 
. discuss of that which separateth good and evil .. Eth ro he who knoweth 
good, and evil esi. &c have their organs of sense exercised] е? 
92 13 (211) (221) 25, having біс searching in them Во (evSetSwt 
пантот)..ітв. та aw. yeyvp. ex. № &с, Vg (exerc. hab. sensus) .. 
yeyupvacpevwy Macarius .. practised are their senses Syr .. the taste is 
exercised Arm .. Antonius has qui ordinarunt sensus suos et cognove- 

runt eaiakpute to discriminate] (e?) yè 13 (21) (22) 25, mpos 
duaxpiow NÑ &e, Vg Syr Arm .. encans (enxiness AE) єпщіёҷ{ unto 
the knowing the difference Bo птаанте &с between the good &с | 

9? 13 (221) 25 .. of the good &c Bo .. «aXov те кал kakov М &e, Vg Arm 
.. good and evil Syr Eth .. Mac. has mpos ту том кад. к. как. діакриги 

c —— à 




VI. erbe mar бе eamnno псом аєпщажєе WTApoQH 
Une С. азариєї Ge exit тецаяиттеА стос. ититаяка 
сите ом egpar акзаєтаною ehoA oi меобнтє eT- 
азодут. ATW ОУПІСТІС єпмоуте ‘ам ortcaho 
пбаптісяєм, eet ОТТАЛО SIX. «е OTTWOTM ANET- 
£10077. ae organ ща еиео.  ?mer RE TITMAdAC. 
єрщам пмоуте Я тєсін. | *ovaTGOst Tap пе єтрє 
MENTATAIOTOEIN поусоп. cavarne nvaopea итпе, 

1 (92 $) 13 § (21 $) (25 $) eopar] om Bo .. trs. е ри: before єсє 
Во (нг) євоМ оп] Bo(n)..e&.oa Bo иеой.] Во (см 18).. gang. 
Bo (indef.) єтяахоотт| Bo 18 .. ета». Bo 1'(98) 052128 от 
TaNo fox] 98 &c.. ovocactix exwor Во ftinerasoozT] йтє mpeg- 
a100$T7 Во eneg) ємо 21 SNe) Toas 13 2T 25 epyan] Puy. 
21 .. pref. єщоп Bo * (e) 9* $ 13$ 21 $ 25 (35) 

1 ethe &c because of this therefore] 98 (25).. до № &c, Vg Arm Ge therefore 13, Bo .. because of this Syr ..and because of this 
Eth ..therefore Eth ro eankw &с having left] 98 13 (25) Во, 
N &с, Vg Arm Eth .. let из leave Syr.. Eth ro omits дю-ферюрейа, 
and then has beware therefore again of &c, see below || ахищ. &с the 
word of the beginning of the Christ] 92 (217) 25, Во Arm .. rov т. 
apxys Tov x. Aoyov Ñ &e, Vg .. fvrapocH àxucaai axmoce the beginning 
of the word of Christ Bo (нт) Syr Eth .. заптупос йт. the type of біс 
13 эзари(ем 25)er бє exit lit. let us come further upon] 13 
25.. tapeni є let us come unto Bo Eth .. trs. єть т. те. феро(о D* 
КР) иба N &с, Vg Arm .. and let us come Syr тєчалиттєМ є (от 
25)10c his maturity] (92) 13 25, Eth .. ryv reà. № &c, Vg Bo (nrxox) 
Syr Arm птитахка бо and not lay down-again] 9* ? .. иу таМиу- 
xara[JaAXopevo, М &с (Arm).. топ rursum iacientes Vg .. ficepwSt 
Suon an lit. they deposit not (add om again Во вагеркнаікіо 18) 
for из Во.. от why again-cast уе Syr .. beware therefore again of the 
foundation Eth сїї(єп 25)тє foundation] 9* (Bo) .. trs. бешеМмоу 
колаВ. Ñ &c, Arm.. кєсєптє another f. 13 25 .. trs. another f. cast ye 
Syr .. Eth, see above зззлєтапота of repentance] 98 13 21 25, 
Bo (0) N &с, Vg Во (ivreow of а) Syr Arm .. seek not about repenting 
Eth ато (near Bo) оупістіс lit. and a faith] 92 21 25 (Bo)... 
kat murtews Ñ &c, Vg Syr Arm .. in faith Eth єппоттє unto God] 
9* 13 25, Bo, em бєоу Ñ &с, Vg (ad) .. ann. of God 21, йтєфҗ Bo 
(вк) Syr Eth .. which із in God Arm 

HEBREWS VI 1-4 41 

VI. Because of this therefore having left the word of the 
beginning of the Christ, let us come further unto his maturity ; 
and not lay down foundation again of repentance out of the 
works which are dead, and faith unto God, ?and teaching 
of baptism, and laying on of hand, and rising of those 
who are dead, and eternal judgement.  ?'This also we shall 
do, if God should make the way. “Рог it is impossible 
to eause those who were enlightened once, having tasted the 

2 оутсабо ПВ. lit. a teaching of baptism] (921) &c.. отсо ine 
eamcicasc a doctrine of baptisms Во .. Ваттитроу (оу Det*, harl*) 
бібахтв (v В, d) N &e, Vg Syr, Marcus .. and of the baptisms a doctrine 
Arm .. and. doctrine of baptism Eth .. and baptism and doctrine Eth 
го хп оттаМо &с lit. and a laying on &c] 98 &c, Bo .. єтівєтєшо 
тє хароу М &с, Vg .. апа of laying hand Syr .. and. of hand laying 
Arm .. and laying hand Eth зап ort. &c lit. and a rising of those 
who are dead] дз &e, nes» ovanacracic бо Bo.. ауастасєоѕ тє vex. 
N &с, Vg Arm .. om re ВО=т*Р.. and of a resurrection which (is) from 
among the dead Syr .. and. resurrection from the dead Eth soit 
ovean &c lit. and a judgement of for ever] 9? &c, nes» открісіс 
пєпєо Bo Eth .. xa крирато$ awoviov Ж &c, Vg Syr Arm (the j.) 

З mer кє this also] e 21 .. ка rovro М &c, Vg Bo.. add ae 9? 13 
25 .. and now-that Arm .. and this also Eth .. trs. if the Lord permitteth 
we shall do this Syr т(єт е)пиаа(13 .. om e &c)a« lit. we shall 
do it] e? &e, Bo (enearqg) NBKL 17, df Vg.. потоюреу ACDP 
ппоутє God] e &с, М &e, Vg Е... Ле Lord Bo Syr Arm edd 
+ Tegin lit. give the road] e &c .. exitpern М &е, Vg (permiserit) Syr 
Eth .. ovagcagns command Во Arm 

t ovatooax impossible] e? &c, à &c, Vg Arm .. ovareTaTxoar an 
impossibility Bo..not able are those is mot possible Eth 
vap]9? бе, М &c, Vg Bo Arm .. om Во (н) Eth ro.. аААа Syr Eth 
ne is] 98 &с, Vg Bo Arm .. om N &с.. Syr Eth, see above єтрє 
to cause] 9% &с.. те that Bo..rovs № &с, Vg (that those who) .. 
for Arm .. those who Syr .. after they Eth nentararoroent lit. 
those who received light] (e?) &c, Bo (the light) фотисбєутає № &с, baptism descended Syr, baptized (plural) Arm... received the 
baptism of his grace, which is from heaven Eth.. they were baptized 
Eth ro потсоп once] e? &c 35, Bo.. trs. атаё фот. № &е, Vg Syr 
Arm Eth.. and tasted his grace which &c Eth ro e (om e Bo 
18)avar &c having tasted] 9^ &c, Bo, № &e, Vg Syr (and they 
tasted) Arm (who tasted) .. om Eth ятло (о 21)pea її(йтє 9") ne 


€eavpsteroococ anena erovaab.  ^easvaxrine art- 
HüJace eTMaltov'e[ NTE пиоттє Le WóoOost MAION 
єтилшщопе. ê єлтоє. itceaa v on ибрре eveseratoras, 
€vedge NAT NRECOM аапшире аяєпноттє. ати» ET- 
єтину єхос поло псоп єтхпо позитив enanorvey 
пиєтросі epos єтіннтоу. сигу поусевот бол 

5 (е) (9%) 13 21 (22) 25 (35) * (е) (9%) 13 21 (22) 25 (е) 
92 13 $ 21 (22) (25) єтЁннтот] єтёнтоу 92  євоМ огтах| nTen 
Во (Грекьммор).. fite of Bo (авакенав 18) 

the (om Bo a) gift of the heaven] 982 &c (351) Во, т. 8. т. erovp. Ñ 
&c, Vg (etiam donum caeleste) Syr (which is from) Arm (heaven gift) .. 
Eth, see above easpaxero(e 25)Xoc &с having become par- 
takers of the holy spirit] e? &c (35). отоо этершфир є &c and 
they shared in &c Bo .. kat ueroxovs yevyfevras Ñ &с, Vg Arm Eth.. 
and they received &c Syr .. and became in spirit holy Eth ro 

5 ea vast &c having tasted] (e) 9* &c .. and they tasted Bo Syr Eth 
.. кад каЛоу yevoapevous Ñ &c .. gustaverunt nihilominus Vg .. and. of 
the fair word of God the taste they tasted Arm ang. lit. the word 
which is good] (e?) 9* &с (221) (35) Во.. каЛоу-ртпиа Ж &c, Vg 

(bonwm-—verbum) .. the word good Syr ..the word-fair Eth йтє 
ппоттє of God] (e?) (92) &c (22).. ош 35..trs. бєою рура № &c 
(except P) Vg, Marcus Hc oss the powers] e &c 22, Во, 

Ovvaues М бс, Ус Агт..тбоза the power 35, Во (т) Syr Eth 
єтпащопє which will be] 21 (22) 25 (35) Syr .. connor which 
cometh Bo Vg Eth .. trs. ueAX. avovos Ñ &c, Arm (prepared world) 

$ єатоє (and then) having fallen] 9^? &с 22 &c.. ки парате- 
covros (ros D) № &с.. orog ћсєоєх and fell Bo .. et prolapsi sunt Vg 
.. and they will overthrow Arm .. and they overthrew Arm cdd .. if they 
fall (fell vo) Eth .. (they are not able) that again they should sin Syr 
ficeaas оп R(B 98) Hp. lit. and they make them again new] e 92 22, 
(Bo) .. om om 21 .. йснат on RÅ. 25 by error .. rad. avakawvi£ew М &e, 
Arm..renovari rursus Vg..that from the beginning they should be 
renewed Syr .. that they should renew again repentance Eth єтзаєт. 
lit. unto a repentance] 92 &c 22, Во, М &c, Vg Syr Arm, Marcus 

HEBREWS VI 5-7 43 

gift of the heaven, having become partakers of the holy 
spirit, ë having tasted the good word of God, and the powers 
of the age which will be, * (and then) having fallen, to be 
renewed again unto repentance; hanging for them another 
time the Son of God, and putting him to open shame. 7 For 
the earth, which drinketh the rain which cometh upon it 
many times, which produceth herb good for those because 
of whom it is worked, will receive a blessing from бой: 

(трос) .. отти тазет. through the repentance 21..Eth, see above 
eves (era 25) ще hanging] e 98 &c (221) Во..амаст. Ñ &c.. pref. 
and Syr Arm Eth (not ro) may &c for them another time] e 92 &c 
22..avagTavp. eavrois Ñ &с, Vg Arm .. trs. Rh} moo азаататот 
of God for themselves «avro Syr Eth again Eth 
(and 10) гло (om aso 21) esnapaneic(13.. AIT 9? 25.. TIR 
2т) яя. Tarog and putting him to open shame] (e) 9% 21 (22) &c .. 
отоо (om АГЕЄХОР) cerpr 3aaxoejp iicpao Во, ка парадєгуратібоутає 
(res D) № &e, Vg Syr .. and again put to shame Arm .. and repudiate 
him Во (м) Eth ro 

7 wap] e 21 25.. the earth also if it drank Eth заф(98.. по 
e &c 22) 00$ the гаш] Bo Syr Arm Eth .. trs. тоАХак verov Ñ біс 
Tov having preceded ez avrys .. trs, saepe ven. super se bibens imbrem Vg 
єт(адд ma will е) ину &с which cometh upon it many times] (e) 21 
(22) 25, Во Syr (to it) .. rov єт avr. єрҳ. 1044. RBDP 37.. тоу &c 
по. єрҳ. ACKLN &с, f Vg Arm (come upon it) .. om zoAXaxis Eth, 
Or semel evxno which produceth] e 21 &c (22) 25, Bo (ечазлст) 
.. bringeth forth Eth .. ка такт. Ñ &c, Во (B*DFHIKLR 18) Vg (et 
generans) Syr (and caused to spring up) Arm .. add immediately Eth 
п (пи 9*)oviitHe lit. а herb] 9% 21 25, Vg .. nosci lit. а grass Bo 
Syr Eth .. Boravqv N &c .. fruit Arm enamose good] 9% 21 25, 
Bo Eth (fair) .. evderov N &c, Vg Syr Ето | &mer(vow 
21)po. &c lit. for those because of whom they work it] е? 21 25, Bo 
(eTavips йптецієфотоо i was cultivated) Syr Аг... ді ovs кой yewp- 
yera № & ка. D*, f Vg (a quibus) .. for which reason they 
plough it Eth.. and having been ploughed Eth ro ertaxs will 
receive] 9? 21 25.. mayas із wont to receive Bo.. peradapBaver № &e, 
Vg Syr Arm Eth то .. pref. and Eth й(йи 98) отсязот a blessing] 
98 21 25... mc. the blessing Bo €&oX оттях from] 9? 21 (25) ато 
М &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth .. tre of Bo 


QITAR пиоттє.  ^eqravo ae choA поемшомте seit 
оємаростє стстну ehoA ATW сони есоти епехоот. 
паг erepe течолн млщопе епроко.  ?таяєпетоє 
AE OAPWTH. изазерате. хе тетмом ieTcoTH ати» 
метони COOTN EMOTAAL епухе тир пкещаже итезое. 
10 потамное TAP alt me пиотте epnobuj aneri- 
ооб ss TATANH итатетмотомое ehoA єпечрам. 
хтетиоманомег HieToTaah avo ететимакоиет. 
п THEMIOTALEL AE єтре nova MOTA aseefo TW OTANG 
ehodX йтеспоуАн йотот Niagpas птот понт 

8 (e) 92 13 21 (22) (25) ароотє| e 92..араот 2т.. ароот 25 
оан| Bo (Грхосв).. gain Bo (ва).. eae 21, Bo ° (e) (925) 13$ 
(22) 25 P and later € тзапеюе] тип. 13.. тахпіеє 92 25 nov- 
хат) 9% 22..nevxa! I3.. NEOTXAI 25 (Е) тз (22) (25) 
epno. to forget] хє птечерио. that he should forget Во йтә.]22.. 
єп. 13 .. pref. eas this Во " (2) 135 (22) 

З єчтато &c sending out] (e?) &e 25, expepovoa М біс, Vg.. 
aqujanuu-eb, if should bring forth Bo Eth, if it should be to 
produce Syr .. that which beareth Arm є) 98 & 25... om Во (3) 
ц(єч 21)vev& it is rejected] e? &с 25.. адокциоѕ Ñ &c, Vg (reproba 
est) Syr (it becometh) ..ovatujay me useless it is Во Arm.. om Eth 
они ep. it is near] (e?) &c (221) 25 .. qSemr zt із near Bo .. eyyvs 
N &c (trs. катарає eyyvs) Arm .. that (to) which (curse) is near Eth .. 
it is not far from Syr ncao. the curse] (е) &с 25, Bo .. катара 
М &с па! (Во 18.. фн Bo) &c this whose last state] 92 &c (221) 
25, Во, Ñ &с, Vg .. and its end Arm Eth .. but its end Syr пащі. 
єпро(а 21)ко4 will be unto the burning] e &c (22 7) (25) Bo.. «s 
к. № &с, Vg Arm Eth .. burning is Syr 

? жє] 92 22.. ош Eth пазлєратє my beloved] 92 &c (22) 
Bo (АГ") Syr ..our beloved Bo .. ауатттої N° &c.. adeAgor 34" .. our 
brothers Eth (add chosen .. ro trs. our br. to beginning) т(єт e)- 
єтпоп(тпоєп 251) sete. ye are among those who are chosen] e 92 &c 

HEBREWS УТ 8-11 45 

з риё, sending out thorns and thistles, it is rejected, and it 
is near unto the curse; this whose last state will be unto 
the burning. ° Виь we are persuaded about you, my 
beloved, that ye are among those who are chosen, and those 
who are near unto the salvation, although we speak thus: 
1 for not unjust is God to forget your work and the love 
which ye manifested unto his name, ye ministered to those 
who are holy and ye are ministering. И But we desire for 
each of you to manifest the same diligence toward the 

22 ! Bo.. Sa пи етсоти lit. under those who are chosen Во (A3,) Syr 
(good) .. та kpewra(rr)ova N &c, Vg Arm .. that ye are better Eth ro .. Eth, 
see above гло пет. &с and those who are near unto the salvation] 
(92) &c (22) Bo .. кал exopeva сот. NÑ &c, Vg (et viciniora) Syr (near to 
life) .. for that life Eth ro .. that ye are near to that which has life Eth 
еще &c lit. if we make even the word thus] 927 &c (22) (Во н.).. 
зсхє DE теперпкєсажі ахпатрня; lit. but if we make even the word 
thus Bo..eujse тетм | уе [the rest is lost] e .. є kat ovrws AaAovpev 
N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth (ro J speak) 

10 cap] е &c, Bo..trs. от сар 25, № &c, Vg Syr (Eth because 
пої) .. om Arm? ixneTiio. your work] 13 22 (251) Во, N &c, Vg 
Eth .. your works Syr Arm .. your prayer Bo (7) ап Tac, and the 
love] (е) &с, RABCD"P 17 37* 47, f Vg Arm .. and your love Syr 
Eth.. pref. rov котоо De KL &c, Во (паст) єпєчр. unto his 
name] 13 22, № &c, Arm .. en negp. in his name Во Vg Syr Eth 
атєтпо. ye ministered] 22 .. ea Te Tita. 13, Qakovggavres N &c (Vg) 
Bo (Syr) Arm (because ye &c) .. and ye &е Eth ато» eretia. and 
ye are ministering] 13 (22 ?) ..add om still yet Bo .. ка биакотоутев 
D* .. et audimus de 

u тиегие. we desire] 13 (22) .. reto wvoug we wish Во me] 22, 
N &c, Vg Bo Syr Eth..and Eth ro..and we Атш.. же therefore 
Bo (в) оуопо nver(13..- 22)em. й. to manifest the same dili- 
gence | (e) 13 (22) Bo (йтахси. varen.) .. trs. ryv ахти evóew. отоубуи 
N &c, Vg .. thus to show your diligence Eth .. the same (this very Syr) 
diligence to show Syr Arm tutagpax toward] 13 (22) zpos  &с, 
Vg Во (ща см) Syr Arm .. in Bo Eth птот &c the assurance- 
confirmed] (eJ (22).. туу пАтрофоршам М &e, Vg Bo (ижок) Syr Arm 


пөєАпіс єстахрину Wako. Maerac пметишопе 
ererWovoujyg. aa йтєтитомти MAOTH сиетих- 
HAHpornoseer имерит отти тезпїстїүс ee  TeweeWT- 
саршонт. a пиоттє Tap єрнт Wabpaoass. ehor 
же явля ПЕТМАААСІ EPor] єтресуюри яяезос. Ac[OpR 
AALO Meee яеееосү. — 11 EAW AEROC є єхсазот 
\иасяяох EpoR ати erraujo Цизташок. ати 
птехоє аЧчроамрщонт acjeeate ппернт. 1° проеее cap 
EWATWPK азпето имоб €poov. ATW OAH HNTANTI- 

"ета (22) ТФ по т 

ачЧазате] 13 (221)..^ тотч waur Во 16 (е) 13 $ (22) ewar] 
е 22, Во (вағсмр).. щат Bo 

.. от Eth .. add т. тістєоѕ 17 ite. of the hope] e 13 (22) М &с, 
Vg Arm .. of your hope Syr .. of this hope Bo .. in this your hope Eth .. 
in that ye confess your hope Eth ro естах. confirmed] (e?) 13 22 Bo which has only техн wahod lit. unto out] (е) 13 (22) 
м &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth .. om 37 

12 хекас that] e 13 22, wa N &c, Vg Bo Arm Eth... pref. and Syr 
etetnovowgy daunted) e 13 (22) уфброг Ж &c.. segnes Vg Arm Eth.. 
inert Syr .. epevrenuyoonr weak Во adda] e тз 22, Syr, Vg (verum) 
.. om Arm Eth ro.. де N &c, Во.. and Eth йтєтитопти &с lit. 
that ye should liken you] (e?) тз (22 ?).. that ye should be being like 
Bo.. that ye should be imitators Syr.. Imitators become ye Arm 
(beginning a fresh paragraph) .. imitate ye them Eth.. рирлтол Ñ &e, 
Vg еєпєтпәкА. &c to those who will inherit &c] (e?) x3 (22)... 
пин etavep(om ept) to-inherited біс Bo.. trs. rov dia т. (rns т. D*) 
к. p. KÀ. ras (от К) єт. № &c, Vg .. trs. who &c have inherited &c Syr 
Arm Eth (their hope) Tewm. their faith] e 13 22 .. а faith Bo (к) 
.. тв п. N &c, Во Arm vevasitt. their long-suffering] e 13 22 .. 
ракроб. Ñ &c .. the & Bo Arm 

З a ппоттє tap &c for God promised to A.) (e?).. ea пи. &c 
for God having &c 13..єта d ww сар (AE..vap OW.. ae ощ 
HJ) tta&paass for God having promised to А. Bo.. God also when he 
promised to A. Eth .. ro yap A. erayyeXapevos о Geos N біс, Vg Syr 
(Arm) .. to A. also promised God Eth ro cho же ях (оте 13) anit 
&c because that there is not he who is greater than he] (e!) r3 .. 
EMIAH пєзлзкоп кєотаї (пе om AEHJK) ero ocr (пе me 
нак) since there was not another exalted Во .. because there was not to 

HEBREWS VI 12-16 47 

assurance of the hope confirmed unto the end: !?that ye 
should not become daunted, but (a) liken yourselves to those 
who will inherit the promises through their faith and their 
long-suffering. 18 For God promised to Abraham: because 
that there is not he who is greater than he for to swear by 
he sware by himself, !* saying, Blessing I shall bless thee, and 
multiplying I shall multiply thee. 1° And thus he was long- 
suffering, he obtained the promises. 19 For the men are wont 
to swear by him who is greater than they; and the last 

him (one) who is greater than him Syr .. because other one greater was 
not Arm..and there is mot other who is greater than he Eth.. and 
since there is not who is greater than he Eth ro .. eret kar ovdevos euev 
pecovos Ñ &c (м. ex. 17) .. quoniam neminem habuit per quem turaret 
maiorem Vg етречорк ях. lit. to cause him to swear by him] 
(e?) 13, єөрєчорк яз. for him to swear by him Bo.. ошосаї  &c, 
Arm .. that he might swear by him Syr (Vg see above) Eth .. Eth ro 
has in swearing he sware by himself 

M eyxw д. saying] (e) 13, Во, М &c, Vg..and said Syr Arm 
(saith) Eth жє єїсахот lit. I blessing] 13.. хє casos Blessing 
(e?) 22, Syr.. Sem ovc. in a blessing Bo..?n blessing Arm Eth.. є 
рлу evXoyov NA BD*P 17 47*..1 pnv ev. KL* &c.. e py ev. CLe, 
df Vg, Isaiah (nisi) erraujo multiplying] e 13, N &c, Vg Syr .. 
in multiplying Arm Eth.. Sen отащат in а multiplying Bo 
Зматащок I shall multiply thee] e 13 (22) № &c, Vg Во (Barens 
MNOPR) Syr thee Arm.. T shall make thy seed to multiply 

15 avw and] 13..ош Во (в) | йтєкоє thus] 13(221) .. ovros Kc.. 
then Eth ayp. he was long-suffering] e 13, Syr .. џакробуџтсаЅ М 
&с, Vg Bo Arm ппернт the promises] (e) Bo (піцу L) яхперит 
the pr. 13 (22) .. tns єт. N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. his promise Eth 

6 про. the men] Во..амбр. № &c, Syr Arm Eth Сар] е 
22, NABD*P 47, f Vg Syr..but Eth.. pref. ue» CDeKL &c, Bo.. 
indeed Arm anero й. e, by him who is greater than they] (e?) 13 
(221)..trs. ката rov рей. ouvvovow Ñ &c, Syr (than them) Arm .. 
annuw єроот by the great (one) tham they Bo (варенкі,).. 
innu epwor by the great (ones) than they Во .. Eth has but man 
sweareth by him who is greater than he .. Eth ro has but &c him who is 
greater than all .. Arm has indeed men-who is greater than themselves 
by him they swear ean &c the last (stage) of all the dispute] 


Лос тире єутахро wav пе Manag. oe пат 
goro epe пиобте озеш Tae nMeRAÀHponossoc 
запернт  emecejujoxie — eveasecjynoxoe — ae pesecrreye 
arero oW отАМАЩ. | 1 хенае сти ооб cma? RaT- 
поомє OK маг e€vaTOORft пе етре пиоттє 2150А 
EMER! нам поусопс єцтахрну. NENTATMWT €oovit 
ємлямотє меєМпіс єткн мам єораї. 1° Tar етщооп 
мам dee потоадтаалА нтенфох н ecops ATW €cTA- 
хрну. єсінк есотм єпса йоотм аєпкатапетасяза. 
? паях йта Mempoapossoc бок есохм epog oapon 

17 (e) (4) тз (22) 8 413 evate.| 4..09as6. 13 x1] Xw 
Bo «eoowm in] gapog to him Bo D dius ? (4) 13  йта| 
I3 .. вита 4 

(22).. ean itr(om r3)am. miar the &с of every dispute е 13... пок 
пант. suben the finishing of every dispute Bo .. raons avrows аутіДоугає 
cepas Ñ &c.. omnis controversiae eorum finis Vg Arm .. upon every 
dispute which is among them Syr .. the going оці of their disputes Eth 
єутлхро &с unto a settlement for them is the oath] (e?) 13 (22 ?) 
Bo (отт... pref. Sen in Bo р).. es 8Вооси о оркоз Ñ &c, Vg (est 
iuramentum) Arm (the oath is) .. the end firm by the oath becometh to 
them Syr an oath he consummateth Eth 

М osx mar in this] e? і3.. порн: Sem фах in this Во (нохо). 
по. ae 5. d. Bo..ev o № &c (ev ro D£r*) Vg Arm .. because of this 
Syr .. and because &c Eth .. ox ner in that which is 22 посуд 
lit. of more] e 13 22, Eth ro.. om Eth epe &c God, wishing | (e) 
13 22, Во, D, Ї.. Ром. о Geos № &с, Ус... wished God Syr Eth .. having 
wished God Arm .. Eth ro has for God the more to show MERÀ. &c 
to the heirs of the promise] (e?) 13 (221) Bo, то (pref. кЛятогс 37) 
kA. № &с, Буг Arm .. trs. pollicit. heredibus immobilitatem Vg .. to those 
who should inherit his (their ro) promise Eth єпєчщожиє &c his 
counsel which is not wont to be altered] (4 Ї) 13 .. то aperad. т. Bovàns 
avrov Ñ &c, Vg Bo(Xxaxeravosoreb ivre печсовит) .. that his promise 
should not be altered Syr .. that should not be altered his counsel Eth 
..the firmness of his counsel Arm aqaseciteve дя. &с lit. he 
pledged himself in an oath] 4 13, № &e, Во (a«qepaxecrinc without 
за.) Vg (interposuit iustur.) Arm .. ата he bound й with біс Syr Eth 

HEBREWS VI 17-20 49 

(stage) of all the dispute, unto a settlement for them, is the 
oath. 1" In this (the) more God, wishing to show to the heirs 
of the promise his counsel which is not wont to be altered, 
pledged himself with an oath: !5that, through two things 
unalterable, in these (in) which it is impossible for God to 
Це, we should receive to ourselves a firm consolation, those 
who fled in to lay hold on the hope which is laid up for us, 
Pthis which is being for us as an anchor of our soul, sure 
and firm, going in unto within the veil; *°the place into 

(strengthened) .. he first made an oath Eth ro .. add that it should not be 
altered Eth (not ro) 

18 огти through] ба № &c, Vg Bo Syr (in) Arm .. pera ПЕТ" .. от 
wa-ots Eth continuing and it is not possible that should lie in (his) 
speech God (om in speech ro) ой nar &c in these (in) which it is 
imposs. for God to lie] these in which it is not possible for God 
to lie Bo Syr..ev ow абуратоу evo. (rov) бєоу  &с, Vg Arm 
єчтахр. firm] wxvpav Ñ &e, Vg Во (єсхор) Arm.. great Syr Eth 
(joy) пєптатпот є. those who fled in] ov karaóvyovres Ñ &с, 
Vg.. һин &с lit. under those who fled to him Bo Syr (we who) 
eassaote to lay hold] xparnoa М &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. and we 
confirmed confidence in Eth єткн &c lit. which is laid for us up] 
прокєці. X &c, Vg Во (magpas before us) .. which was promised to us 
Syr .. prepared Arm Eth 

19 var &c this which is being for us] tar eremvam meray this 
which we have Bo .. that which is to us Syr .. trs. аук. єкорєу Ñ &c .. 
trs. immoveable we should have Arm .. Eth has which strengtheneth as 
an anchor (lit. harbour) that it should not be moved our soul (ro om as 
an anchor and that it &c) ivremp. of our soul] Bo (Arm).. т. y. 
N &c, Ус... Syr has as an anchor which holdeth our soul that it should 
not be moved ecops &c sure and firm | unfailing (egor патаоєт) 
and firm Во, асфаМу(и) кол ВєВаши Ж &с, Vg (tutam ас f.) .. firm and 
immoveable Arm .. Syr Eth see above єсінк going] pref. ках Ñ 
&c, Vg Bo (except 18) Syr .. and it entereth Eth .. which also entereth 
Arm enca По. unto within] es то ecwrepov N &с, Syr.. wa 
пєтса5. unto those which are within Во Vg (usque in interiora) .. into 
the inside Arm .. into the interior Eth .. into the great veil Eth го 

10 паза &c the place into which] 4 13, Bo.. pref. є Во (n^pz7r).. 
ото» N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth пепро>. &e the forerunner went 

1717.2 E 


WC HATA TTAZIC seseeANicereR. eac[ujonme поунні 

ша ENED. 

VIL пезяяеАхисехек Tap прро HceaAnee пе. 
поунні  азпноттє етхосе пе. Mar итатоаат 
eahpaoase eaqRoTy choA gas пбожеж имерост. 
aqceeoy epos 2пм HmT(à4] abpaoase Чречант масі 
choA ом на miae  щорп seem eujavoepseHimese 
so хе прро зЗєг)атєюот єтатіячмат пе. 
єаяпотущажє ETHEMEA. estt apocH пооот [екет 
сан HONS. етитои AC EMWHPE язпиоуте WOO! 
йоунні wahod. "тєтинат ae хе oraw HooT пе 

1 413$ abpagaar] 13 ..-paass 4 thus verses 4, 5, 6, 9 mepwor| 
13 .. перу. 4 ? (13) miar] add Tay of his Во.. add etentag 
which is his Во (варенокто) ° (4) exam] Maronrey—maarar Во 
feoos] Bo (s*rz,GMNOrP).. add Bwar Во [ejnt] orae 
яхлхоптє Во * (4$) 

for us, Jesus] (4 ?) 13 .. пр. umep пишу ею А. 15 Ñ &c (add хриотоз D*) 
Vg..our forerunner (teacher cdd) Jesus entered for us Arm ..first 
entered for us Jesus Буг .. entered Jesus our apostle before us Eth .. лис 
(n&t the Lord н) ще eSosn epoy egos impo. eo. exon Jesus went 
in being forerunner for us Bo ката &c according to the order &c 
having become (a) priest for ever] (4) 13 .. ката &с архі» yeop. 
&c N &c, Vg Arm (became chief p.) .. trs. having become chief priest &c 
according &c Во .. and he became priest for ever acc. to likeness of М. 
Syr .. chief pr. acc. to order of M. having become for ever Eth (ro om 
chief priest but inserts priest before having become) 

! vap] N &c, Vg Bo Arm.. дє Syr Eth ие is 10] Syr .. was N &c, Vg Bo Eth ne is 29] ош М &c ma: п (си 4 
13)va«. &c this (man) who met] Vg Bo (x) Arm Eth .. os cvvavrycas 
NABC'DK 17.. о cw.C* LP &с.. and he met Syr єл үң. having 
returned] Vg .. e(om AE)ymataceo about to return Bo .. vroorpedovri 
N &с, (Syr Eth) .. when back he came Arm .. after that he returned 
Eth ro accaxov є. he blessed him] Bo (нз).. pref. and Bo Vg Syr 


which the forerunner went for us, Jesus, according to the 
order of Melkhisedek, having become (a) priest for ever. 

VII. For this Melkhisedek is the king of Salém, (he) is the 
priest of God on high, this (man) who met Abraham having 
returned out of the slaughter ої the kings, he blessed him; 
*this to whom Abraham gave tithe out of every thing, first 
indeed being wont to be interpreted, The king | ; ? being] 
without father, being without mother, (his) generations not 
being mentioned, there not being beginning of day, he having 
not end of life; but being likened unto the Son of God, he 
abideth priest unto the uttermost. * But ye see how great 

Arm Eth (add also) .. kar evAoygoas М &c .. add кол aBpaap evAoynÜcis 
ут avrov D* 

? mas fi(en 13)та &c this to whom А. gave tithe &c] 13 .. фи ета 
apaan фещ резант may бс that to whom Abraam divided tithe 
&c Bo..w кол бекалу ато (om D*, f Vg) zavrov epepioev аВрааш 
N &с, cui et &c Vg (om et am fu).. о к. à. єр. ат. т. ар. B .. and to 
him divided Abraham the tenth from every thing Syr whom also 
tithes from all gave Abraham Arm .. and the tithes gave from all A. 
Arm edd .. and divided (gave то) to him A. tenth from all Eth 

* [es]e vero єтатіях |за т ne &c lit. being a without father, being 
a without mother &c] (4 1) .. ататор арлтор ayeveadoyntos 53 &с, Vg 
(sine) Arm..ovatiwt (add me TFKNO) оуатазау пе отатсажі 
€xoos пта me without father, without mother (he) is, without word 
of generation of his (he) із Во.. whose father neither, nor his mother 
were written in generations Syr..of whom there is not father nor 
mother nor is known his generation Eth .. of whom &c and there is not 
mother upon earth nor &c Eth ro neoov of day] 4, пиєршу № &е, 
Vg Bo Arm..days of his Bo (ва) his days Syr Eth (om his ro) 
gan (Bo Грм) &c end of life] 4, Во Vg Arm.. ons tedos N &c .. 
- and not end of his life Syr Eth (and there is not &c го) ac] 4, N 
&c, Vg Bo.. ош Bo (B2FK) Arm Eth .. аЛЛа Syr пщ. the Son] 
а son Arm cdd gwoon &с he abideth priest] 4, Во, Ж &c, Vg Arm 
.. pref. отоо Bo (n7)... remaineth his priesthood Syr Eth .. add to this 
and Eth ro wahod lit. unto out] 4, Bo (PDFGKMNOP) es то 
Oujvekes Ñ &с, Vg Arm Eth .. ща eneg Bo Syr 

t veviua.y ye see] 4, Arm .. дєоретє № &c, Vg .. imperative Bo Syr 
.. do ye see? Eth me] 4, № &с, Vg Bo Bo (uz) Eth .. 

Е 2 


Mar йта abpaatt ппатріюруне Зрегант macy ehor 
[pw m]ugoX. ° є [үтәлсен єбо ом т{пе Hahpaace. 
Smar ae erex*n(ov]raove тєцеєнем ебол монтот 
ацтє abpaase реяєнт. ATW ассязот) єпєтєтитасі 
азам у пиерит. "Хорс отоояе Ae шее ceujape 
петсобк хісагоу ебоХ отт петсотп єроц. ато 
зяпєгавмх яяєм оєпрояеєе eujaveeov мєщатужт пире- 
AHT. зяпа AE єтазаєм у єтуразитрє охрощ xe 
qong. — ?avo пщахє етреихосо or ahpaase. 
лкєМєт)є (Єщасчяюреяянт 1 ]11 ener ovoson GE 

5 (4) (391) mar] Во (лк). фн Bo enetevit.] -єоти. 4 39! 
ппернт]| 391.. йзлєрнит 4 T 427) $4  пєщатжі were wont 
to receive] cec they receive я (4) п fl отуз, |] пок the 

perfection Во 

therefore Arm паг this] 4, Marcus .. om Der* ,, Eth has the great- 
ness of this R(en 4)та &c to whom] 4, BD*, Vg (fu* tol) Bo Syr 
(vg) Eth .. ока МА СреКТР &с, f Vg Syr (Б) Arm, Marcus ^ёр. 
&c Abr. the patr.] 4..trs. Abr. the patriarch to him gave &c Syr .. 
дек. аВр. є«докєу єк т. a. о патриархи  &с (єдок. аВр. A 37) .. decimas 
dedit de praecipuis Ab. patr. Vg .. Abr. tithes gave &c the patriarch 
Arm.. {pestHT mag fixeah, бо nma. gave tithe to him Abr. &c the 
patriarkhés Bo .. gave to him Abr. tithe &c, and patriarch he is Eth .. 
єрерісєу аВраам Marcus {рєлант mag e&oN [оп п Ищ. gave tithe 
to him out of the spoils] 4, Bo (the spoils of his).. dexarnv—ex тоу 
axpoO(y)viwy N &c, Vg (decimas de praecipuis) .. tithes gave from that 
booty Arm .. tithe from of all which is best Eth .. tithes and firstfruits 
Syr .. Eth ro has tithe from all, and gave to him, the patriarch 
бе | 4, М &c, Vg Во (8217 18) Syr Arm Eth .. vap Во ETENN. 
&c lit. who they produced not his generation] 4 .. етезапотсахи 
€xoom iras who they spake not gen. of his Bo .. wy yeveadoyoupevos 
N &с, Arm.. cuius autem generatio non adnumeratur Vg Syr Eth, see 
below eh, п. out of them] 4, Во.. Syr has who is not written in 
heir genealogies .. Eth who was not of their family aqre &c tithed | 
4, Ocückarokev ÑN &c, Arm .. decimas sumsit Vg Bo (ages резант йтєм) 
Syr .. gave to him Abr. tithes Eth avw &с and he blessed him who 
hath the promises] (4) Syr .. trs. каш Tov ex. т. єт. evAoyykev Ñ &c, Vg 
Bo Arm (pr. had received) .. Eth has and himself blessed Abr. to whom 
(was) the promise .. Eth ro omitted from preceding Abraham and has 
here only whom he caused to hope 

HEBREWS VII 5-11 53 

is this (one), to whom Abraham the patriarkhés gave tithe to 
him out [of the] spoils.[ 5] who came out of the loins of 
Abraham : 8 but this (one) whose generations are not produced 
out of them tithed Abraham, and he blessed him who hath 
the promises. 7 But without all dispute he who is less is wont 
to be blessed by him who is (more) excellent than he. 5 And 
here indeed men who are wont to die were wont to receive the 
tithes; but there it is being borne witness to him that he is 
alive. ? And the word (is) for us to say, through Abraam 
Levei also, who is wont to receive tithe, [1° 1] 1 If therefore 

7 борис &c] 4 (37 7).. Eth has But it was known that without біс 
2€] 4 37.. for Arm ias all] 4 37..0m Syr Eth пєтсоёк 
he who is less] 4 37, Syr .. то eAarrov М &c, Vg Bo (пікотхт) Arm .. Eth 
trs. he who is great blesseth him who is less aicaxo lit. receiveth 
blessing] 4 (37) Bo Syr .. trs. evAoy. to епі М &с, Vg Arm. пєтсотӣ 
єроч lit. he who is choice than him] 4 37..xperrovos М &c, Vg 
(Arm) .. nimius epog lit. the great than him Bo .. he who is more Syr 

* ато &с and here indeed &c] Eth (but man mortal) .. om pev Bo 
(AE) Syr Arm (tithes receive) .. trs. ка. «бе pev декатах ато. аубр. Аад. 
N &с, Vg ппрелзант the tithes] oanpeaxa-x tithes Bo, бєкатає N 
&c me] om Bo (1) evpasiitpe o. lit. they are bearing witness 
to him] they bear &c Bo, paprvpovpevos Ñ &c, contestatus Vg .. he 
witnessed Arm .. witnessed to him scripture Syr .. he himself receiveth 
whose witness is scripture Eth..he himself his witness (is) Eth ro 
ҷоно he is alive] Во.. £j № &c, Vg..alive is Syr Arm Eth 

* пщажє єтрєпа, the word (is) for us to say] eros ата Ñ 
&c, Во (add concerning Abr.) .. ut ita dictum sit f Vg .. as man will say 
Syr .. as order of words is to say Arm .. Eth has it was said concerning Eth ro and the editor supplied and as man will say &c 
orth ab, through Abr.] 4, N &c, Vg (per) Syr Arm (by) .. concerning 
Abr. Bo Eth .. in Abr. Eth ro ed. Never Levei] (47) N* C?D* 47 
..Aew DeK LP &с, Bo (апа L. indeed) df Vg Syr Arm Eth.. Aeves 
NCBC*, Сор mid .. Aeus A, Eth ro wager &c is wont to receive 
tithe] (4)..o dexaras AapBavov Ñ &c, Vg Во (he who was receiving) 
Syr Arm (was rec.) .. Eth continues that he gave to him tithe and Levi 
who receiveth himself paid tithe .. Eth ro ed. in Abr. was tithed himself 
that Levis, who paid tithe 

n єнет(єост f!)it &c if therefore there had been] Vg Ѕуг.. є pev 


сої woon orit таязмтотний WAever. nÀaoc cap 
птасухитовеос стос. ме OT ме Tec pera erpecyroo9 It 
мсєтазхосс KATA TTAZIC Naapoort. 2oae THET- 
пофие tap choA итаямтотнив gant ow єтрє 
отпизозітє шопе аяпкемоя»ос. 13 петото Tap нат 
EBON птачазестехе enecps AH. тат erene Naat chor 
NOHTC просехє EMEOTCIACTHPION. 14 qorong Tap 

ite оз ne TeX pera (pra f1)] xe ме TX pra от ve Во 0$] tong 
Bo .. щотх become Во (АЕ)  йбткєотний) йсєкє. fl йхекє. Bo 
w fl 13 fl петото] pH etoraw Во.. har єтотпао Во 
(H3) 4-221 fl 

ow М &с (п CL*P) Bo (Arm) Eth..and Eth ro omitting eyv 
woon becoming] Eth (if it had been perfected) .. trs. nv after repos. 
N &c, Vg Syr Arm .. om пи В iNeser of Levei] Xev(e)uruegs  &с, 
Vg Arm edd .. ive miNewrrnc of the Levite Bo.. of Levites Syr Arm 
Eth mNaoc сар &c for the people received law at the time of it] 
eras pnoaxoc сар хи! А дос охоте lit. for they gave law to the people 
upon it &c Bo..o Aaos yap єт аути(є) vevouoferyra(ro) Ñ &c, Vg 
(sub ipso legem accepit) Arm ;. that which they do for the people as it was 
ordained Eth .. the people do as it &c Eth ro .. by which was ordained the 
law for the people Syr ne ov ne what would have been] (Bo) Syr 

Arm ..т єт. № &c, Vg Eth .. т yap ети D£r* єтрєцт. &c for to 
rise another priest] Eth .. trs. another priest should rise Syr ..trs. 
p.ex. erepov avia. epea Ñ &с, Vg (Во) Arm ката Tr(a баз. 

ях, асс. to the order of Melkhisedek] whose order (is) acc. to М. Eth 
arw &c lit. and they should not say it according to the order of 
Aaron] отоо єпєхос am xe &с and they shall not say it, According 
&c Во.. кал ov ката &c Хєуєсвал М &e, Vg .. but he said in likeness of 
А. he will be Syr .. and not to say that (it is) according &c Arm .. but 
he would say according &c Eth .. which would say (any one) Eth ro, 
omitting acc. &c 

1? osx &c for in their altering &c] #16, uerari8euevzs уар &c № &oc, сар fl*.. єупаотатєй с. cho ПЛаєтотні lit. for being 
about to alter the priesthood &c Bo .. but in altering Arm... but as there 
was alteration &c Syr.. but if was altered their priesthood Eth .. if 

HEBREWS УП 12-14 55 

there had been a perfection becoming through the priesthood 
of Levei—for the people received law at the time of it—what 
would have been the need for to rise another priest according 
to the order of Melkhisedek, and not be said (to be) according 
to the order of Aaron? 1? For in their altering of the priest- 
hood it is necessary for an altering to happen of the law also. 
13 For he (of) whom these (things) are stated partook of another 
tribe, this out of which no one attended unto the altar. 1* For 

indeed was altered their law Eth ro fvrasitr. of the priesthood | the 
priesthood Во the pr. Bo (кк) Syr.. the priesthood subject 

of sentence М &c, Vg Eth (their law то) gant om lit. it is 
necessary also | eé амауктв Ñ &с.. Sen отамаски lit. in а necessity 
Bo .. necesse est Vg Eth .. so &c Syr єтрє &c for an 

altering to happen of the law also] щарє ososcre& e&oX upon: 
язпікєпоялос із wont an altering to happen of the law also Bo .. кол 
vouov petabeots ywerar № &с, Vg (ut et legis translatio fiat) Атта... om 
кал vopov B .. so there was an alteration also of law Syr .. was altered 
their law Eth (their priesthood vo) 

13 meros. &c lit. for he (of) whom they say these out] for he who 
they say these concerning him Bo Eth (concerning him thus) .. eb ov 
yap Xeyera (Neyer D£*) ravra N &c (Vg) (Syr) Marcus .. for of whom 
thus is said Arm (he saith cdd) чар | om Bo (0).. and Eth .. but if 
Eth ro e&oN lit. out] єөйнтї lit. concerning him Во Eth .. ep 
N &с, Syr Arm .. in quo Vg... Eth ro has but if thus saith (any one) 
iragar. partook] Во (24: e&oN).. trs. erepas perecx.  &с, Arm .. 
de alia tribu est Vg..of another tribe was born Syr..was born of 
another tribe Eth ..Eth ro has it is known that another tribe &c 
таг &c lit. this which not any out of it] Bo .. аф ns ovóes N &c, Vg 
(de qua nullus) .. of which no one ever Syr Атта... trs. of which guarded 
the altar never any one (of it) Eth .. Eth ro has he appointed that they 
should not guard the altar просеже attended] тросєсҳеи AC 17 
..mpocecyukev Ñ &c .. pereoxev P .. altario praesto fuit Vg.. teeny 
enaa ftepujoosugr attended at the altar Bo .. ministered in the altar 
Syr .. has been sharing with the altar Arm 

м qosong-e&. (om єбоМ f!) epog it is manifested of him] mani- 
festum Vg Syr Arm.. yovwng сар евоХ зсхеп ujopm for it is 
manifest from the first Bo .. пробт^оу Ñ &c .. he before spake Eth ro.. 
this is not known openly Eth cap] № &c, Vg Bo Во 


еол epos xe та пемхоєю wa eboÀ ом оза. 
тефуАи erene чяфусис Waxe Альт erbe ovmub 
ehoA йонтс. ers om йоото qorong chor. єцухе 
HATA пеше AMLEAKICEAEH чматости йөзнеотинб. 
в из итачшопе ам KATA пояс итеитоли itcap- 
ком. АЛЛА Rata  TOOst аєпомо Wai ємео. 
li серазитре tap gapo. хе иток пе потнні wa 
емео ката TTAZIC aseeeAKiceach. 1 >тотос Tap 
wone итшорпе йептолАн erbe тесаяїїтәт@Оя® ля 

ebo 19] om #1, Во (z,* 18).. figovo more Bo (нто) тота | Bo 
(4, E).. -aas (4,H*).. -aac Bo (B® &c) а МІ 16 221 fl 
ката 29] om f! йтептоХи| ive отєптоћн Во 17 221 fl (cit 
В.М.) 19 (221)б ятщорпє] 221..-рп f! ñenr. | пит. f! (22! 

(r* 1).. and Eth .. but Eth ro .. now then Arm nen(ni Г). ща 
our Lord arose] Bo (єтачфрі) .. trs. avareraAkev о kvptos пишу Ñ &e, 
Vg Syr Arm Eth (riseth ro) nuov Marcus 1°..add гооо 17 
eh. ом &c out of Iuda] Bo..trs. e£ оба avar. № &c, Vg Syr Arm 
(the tribe of &c) Eth Ted. the tribe &c] Syr Arm, тагруМми 
€rexxaxa у that tribe &с Во.. es пи фидти &c N &с, Vg (in qua tr.) 
Arm .. concerning which &c Eth эхлоузснс &c lit. Moyses spake 
nothing concerning priest out of it] М. said nothing concerning priest 
out of it Bo.. ovÓev пері «peov p. eAaAnoey 47, f Vg .. пері v. ovd. p. 
eà. М (р. ov.*) ABC* D*P 17... ovd. пері vepoavvgs p. є РОКІ, &с.. 
about which said not M. any thing about priesthood Syr .. concerning 
priests M. nothing related Arm .. spake not М. (of) order of priesthood 
Eth.. Eth ro has a tribe concerning (the members of ) which he spake 
(Bode transl. non locutus est Moses) and concerning the order of 

15 ets(ex 221)] pref. отоо and Bo, Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth 
я (ош fl)eoso more] trs. after її is manifested Во eujxe if] Bo, 
e З &c, Vg Arm ?.. because he saith Eth .. in this which he said that 
Syr merme the likeness] 221, & (om ryv B) &c, Vg Syr (in the 1.) 
Arm .. taagse the order #1, Primas .. in the likeness of the priesthood of 

HEBREWS VII 15-18 57 

it is manifested of him, that our Lord arose out of Iuda, 
the tribe out of which Moyses spake nothing concerning priest. 
15 Tt is still more manifested, if according to the likeness of 
Melkhisedek will rise another priest, !?this who became not 
according to the law of the carnal commandment, but (м) 
according to the power of the life for ever: !' for witness is 
borne to him, Thou are the priest for ever according to the order 
of Melkhisedek. 18 For a disannulling happened of the first 
commandment because of its impotence and its unprofitable- 

M. Eth .. in the likeness of the order of M. Eth ro epa. йөз (от 
вз #1) ке. will rise another priest] № &c, Vg Syr Arm .. trs. will rise 
а priest in the lakeness Eth 

16 йтачщ. who became] Bo Syr Eth .. trs. сарк. yeyovev Ñ &c, Vg 
Arm ката | in Syr Eth пиояя. the law] отп. а law Во, № 
&c ..the carnal commandment Arm .. law of ordinance Eth .. ord. of 
law Eth ro йсарк(є 221)ткоп carnal] сарккт$ CorDeK &c.. 
саркитз NA BC* D*LP 17 .. commandments carnal Syr .. icapz Bo 
.. of flesh and blood Eth adda] om Eth ro тб.-томо the 
power-the life] отхола-от. а power-a life Bo, Ñ &c.. power of the 
life Arm ща eneg for ever] akaraAvrov Ñ &c, Vg Bo (fiaehwd) 
Syr Eth .. endless Arm 

17 cep(ep 22!)as. lit. they bear witness] 22! fl, Во, рарторетаи 
MABD*P 17, Syr.. рартире CD¢KL &е, Vg Arm (Eth) | vap] 17 
f1, Bo Arm.. де 17 .. om Bo (вано) Eth eapog to him] 221 #1, Bo 
Syr Eth (he is his witness) .. om N &c, Vg Arm йток пе thou art] 
221 f1, Во, DeK P, df Vg Syr Arm Eth (pref. who saith) .. om є Ñ &e 
ща em. for ever] 22! f! cit, Bo.. es rov awva &с, Vg Syr Arm.. 
om Eth ata] 22! fl cit.. as Eth .. in Syr — тт( 221 fl cit) az ic 
the order] the likeness Syr 

13 азотосЯ &c for а disannulling happened] (221?) #1.. a6ergaus 
pev уар ушєтам Ñ &e, ovugoug sen c, eonaujoni for indeed a rejec- 
tion is about to become Во ..reprobatio quidem fit Vg .. but (дє) the 
alteration which happened Syr .. contempt happened Arm .. for hap- 
pened an alteration Eth .. and there is also an error Eth ro ап 
тєсааїтт. and its unprofitableness] fl, Bo.. ка avo$eAes  &с, Vg 
Arm... and because utility was not in it Syr.. because it had not 

profit Eth 


TEecaeNTaTivoype. 1° яяпе пїїб#®©с Tap хек Аза 
€eboA. пех ae egon пөєАпіс єтсотп. Tar ehor 
QITOOTE єпмлоом сооти emuovre. 2 avw xe noveuj 
ИМАШ ай), ин een Tap avuwwne потинь нотєц 
hang. 2 mar ae ито ом отамайр ehoA отта» 
петхо) язееос MACY. хе A пхоее орк avo ичиар- 
отне ан. хе иток пе [поу)ннь wa emege 2° ката 
тей от aywone [иис азпщторе iovarajHkH 
етсоти. | | £ отархиерете Tap итеамие MeT- 

препег мам) єЧГотам і nbaA[onr ] миемиое] cag- 
«ice аяєпнує. 27 ПАЙ) сеет ANATHH язе Hite ioc 
WHRapocrepesce єщаттаЛо egpar ох мєтиобе поем- 
өтс. WUJopH. aeliitcwc ох изпАхос. Mar Tap 

19 fl e&oN orroosc] trs. eb. оттоте бо end Во 9 (got) {1 
asujorne] add ето! Bo (5? .. egor DF) 7 (221) f! meoc па] 
221, Bo.. marog fl йч(пєч #1) па] йпє Bo — ?(22)) (41!) 


P? пег ae eo. &c but the coming in of the hope &c] єтесоу. дє кр. 

eir. Ñ &с, Vg..(ovoo в) отааотг ae (om AR) su eSovM пе dar 
ivre ovoeNnic. єссоти but (om A.. and в) а way of coming in is this 
of а hope (more) excellent Bo .. but entered instead of it the hope which 
is better than it Syr Eth .. and an entrance of the noble hope Arm .. but 
it led us into the hope-which із better Eth ro 5 

? avw and] от Bo(R18) xe because] 221 fle (Eth).. каб отоу 
N &e, Vg (quantum) Arm .. кәтә ppHy according as Bo..Syr has 
and he confirmed it to us with oath.. Eth has because it became not 
without oath | мн яхєп (зам flc) vap for those indeed] 221, Во, &с сар fle, Bo (ва) pev Syr (Arm) Eth.. for there were 
some who &c were appointed priests Arm Eth (who were ordained without 
oath) Eth ro атщопе ñ. became priests] 22! fle, Bo (Eth).. 
trs. x. орко. eow tepeis уєуоу. Ñ &c, Vg Syr Arm.. om Eth ro 

п em in] 221 fl, м Bo (AE) Syr (in) Eth (in) .. pera (реб) № біс, 
Vg Во (nesx) .. om prep. Arm eh. o. &c through him who said to 
him] 22! fl, Во, N &c, Vg Arm he said to him through David 
Syr..Eth has but him whom in oath he appointed, he saith to him 
a mx, &c the Lord sware] 22! f1..trs. op. kvpios Ñ &с, Vg Bo Syr 
Arm Eth | потнні the priest] fl, Bo .. his priest Eth .. uepevs  &o, 

HEBREWS VII 19-27 59 

пезз— 19 for the law did not perfect any thing—but the coming 
in of the hope which is (more) excellent, this through whieh 
we shall approach unto God. 20 And because not without oath— 
for those indeed became priests without oath: * but this (one) 
indeed in an oath through him who said to him, The Lord sware 
and will not repent, Thou art the priest for ever. | 22 Accord- 
ing to this [amount] became [Jesus] surety of covenant (more) 
excellent. | | ] 29 For such a chief priest (is) he who is seemly 
for us, holy, innocent, having been exalted (above) the heavens. 
27 This, having not necessity daily, as the chief priests, who are 
wont to offer up for their (own) sins sacrifices first, afterwards 
for the (sins) of the people: for this he did once, having offered 

Arm ща &c for ever] 221 #1, МВС 17, f Vg Bo (АварЕ,с, вн 
KLMR 18) Cop mid Arm .. add ката тту тай реАҳ. NCADKLP &e 
Vg (hal) Bo (rz, *rzNop) Syr (in the likeness) Eth 

% отар. &c lit. for a chief priest of this kind (is) he who is 
seemly for us] 41!..ovapx. чар йзпатрну emagcarwoy паи for 
a chief priest of this kind was being comely for us Bo .. for such a chief 
priest also was right for us Syr..Towvros yap тшу kat empemev арх. 
ABD, Arm..óm ки NCKLP &c, OL Vg (ut nobis esset pontifex) 
Arm cdd eqovaah пбаМонт holy, innocent] 411? 00105 акакоѕ 
N &c, Vg Bo (ечтозвит |єттаїнозт honoured A] патпєтооот 
sanctified, harmless) Syr (pure and) Arm €acxice anaye having 
been exalted (above) the heavens] отоо eaqorcr cangos пигфнотт 
and &c above & Bo (DFKLR).. отоо aye. &c and he was &с Bo 
Syr .. eayg. с. итрецериойх the sinners Bo (ва).. ка w/gAorepos rov 
ovpavov yevopevos Ñ &c, Vg .. and having become higher than heavens Arm 

27 eant &c having not necessity daily] Bo (anarka tor epog 
RAHM) .. 0s ovk exer каб yuepay avaykgv Ñ &c, Vg..and there is 
not for him necessity every day Syr..for whom mot daily necessity 
із Arm йлар. the chief priests] N &c, Vg Bo Syr..o арх. 
Der* .. other chief priests Arm | ещат. &c lit. who are wont to 
offer up for their sins sacrifices first] Eth.. mporepov vmep тоу ад. 
apapru» бисіах(ау ОР 47..0m f) avaóepew NÑ біс, Vg Arm .. ин 
єщатєм ujosujoosupr eopHr йщорп exem mos(mr r)robe Dau 
33. who are wont to offer sacrifices first for their own sins Bo .. who first 
for his sins offereth sacrifices Byr axititcwe afterwards] Bo .. єтета 
N &c, Vg Syr (pref. and) Arm (pref. and) ga &c for the (sins) of 


лла Hovcom eacjyraAoep eopar 8 пиоазос Tap 
eWaqnaeicTa поеироаяе потнні. єущооп оооу ou 
OTALHTATFOAL. пшьхе AC ито азпюрк ETE aeititca 
пиоягос пшире пе етхик [ebo]A wa eneg. 

ҮШ. ngarpa[AaroW ae WurerWoso [2224005 ori- 
там [aT ота)уулєретс итеамие. 277) ката өє 
ATATWARE MN sewWTcHe ecpunaxoR ehoA птесктин. 
GWWT Tap. Mesa. єкєтлемо Міна шае KaTa 
птупос ENTATTOTOR єросі Opals oss TOOT. ° TENOT 
AE эх: Hoenujseuje evrwjohe. мое om епяяесутис пе 

18 (411) пточ lit. he] om Во &c 

1 (411) 5 161 (181) итаз-тъпос] om Во (к) итупос] піт, 
Во.. пісалот Bo (вені Cons. MS) єнтаттоток| erar Tamor Bo.. 
єтантат which thou sawest Во (7) opas озх | огхєм Bo 6 161 


the people] rov rov Àaov М & populi Vg ..for the people Syr 
Arm .. ujas uu exen папіМаос they are wont to offer for the (sins) of 
&c Bo ( for the people Bo Cons. MS) потсои &c lit. once having 
offered him up] N &c, Vg Eth.. єлчєп епщох itoscon lit. having 
offered him once Bo .. one time in himself whom he offered Syr .. Arm 
has thts indeed once he accomplished for himself he offered (as) sacrifice 
28 cap] 411.. ош Arm ещачк. &c is wont to appoint men for 
priest] 41!.. Во (uyaqoco йогир. пар. chief priest) .. avOpwzous 
каб. арх. Ñ &с, Vg (sacerdotes) Arm Eth .. ka(wrqaw tepeis avÜporrovs 
D .. men-appointeth chief priests Syr єтщооп &c lit. existing them- 
selves in an infirmity] 41!..eosomrow щопі marar having weak- 
ness Bo, exovras асбеуєау Ñ &c, infirmitatem. habentes Vg .. men weak 
Syr .. being subject to weakness Arm .. mortal Eth ete &c which 
after the law | 411.. тус pera rov vouov Ñ &c, Arm (om mys) .. qui post 
legem est Vg .. har eraygywni &с this which became after &c Bo, Syr 
(om this) .. which came after law Eth ищире me lit. the Son is] 
411.. шоу М &e, Vg Syr Arm Eth ro.. ytago (add ae HJ) потщнирі 
setteth up a Son Bo Eth етхик ев. who is perfected &c] (411) Bo 
(єчх.) Syr Arm cdd Eth .. es rov avova. rereAewopevov  &c, Vg Arm 
1 mkarp. the principal matter] (411) Bo (nkedaNeon).. кефаЛалоу 
N &с, Vg .. the head Syr (Arm) .. the foremost Eth sae] 41!.. and Arm 
.. for Eth пиетихо за. of the (things) which we say] (41!) .. 


up himself. 28 For the law is wont to appoint men for priest, 
existing themselves in infirmity; but the word indeed of the 
oath, which after the /aw is the Son, who is perfected for ever. 

VIII. But the principal matter of the (things) which we 
say (is this:) we have such a chief priest, [2-5] according as it 
was spoken to Moyses, being about to complete the taber- 
пасе, For look, said he, thou shalt make all things according 
to the type which was shown to thee in the mountain. 
$ But now he took different ministries as also being the 

exem пн eren(evov)ao &с lit. upon the (things) which we (they) say 
Bo, єтє (ev А) rois Aeyopevors М &с, Vg .. of all of them Syr .. of sayings 
Arm .. of this all Eth ovittan бо lit. we have a chief priest of 
this kind] (41!).. отар. сар à3xnarpit етеитьи mar for a chief 
priest of this kind (is he) whom we have Во (ош сар DHJKLR).. 
Toiovrov exoj.ev архієрєа  &o, Ух Arm.. there is to us а chief priest 
Syr .. our chief priest Eth 

? птатщахе запо яя, lit. which they spake with Moyses] 161 .. 
птачщ. [seit] ax. he spake to M. (18) .. кехрпратистаї u. Ñ &c .. respon- 
sum est Mosi Vg ..єтауталає зчоуусно lit. they showed to Moyses Bo 
Eth .. it was said to М. Syr .. he commanded М. Arm єцтахок 
єй. being about to complete] 16! (181?) Bo (om e&oN) petrAov 
єтїтєАє № бес, Vg (cum consummaret) .. when he was making Syr they make Eth swt &c For look, said he, thou shalt 
make all things] 161 (1817) Bo (amar see) ора yap dyow томов 
(ys) ravra N &c .. vide, inquit, omni facito ( facis d) f Vg .. See, and 
make all things Syr .. see, he saith, thou shouldst make all Arm .. and he 
saith to him, Look therefore that thou make all Eth ката біс єм. 
(п. 161 181) &c lit. acc. бо the type which they showed to thee it 
up in the mountain] (181) Bo.. ката &c epe opa acc. &c being up 
in 161..ката tov тотоу Tov дєҳдєута то ev то ope NÑ &с, Vg Syr thou sawest in the mountain its form Eth .. as thow sawest 
in the mountain, thou sawest its form Eth ro 

6 venos ae but now] 161, Bo, à &е, Vg Syr Arm Eth.. зто 
and 18! agar По. єущо(оо 18!) he he took different ministries | 
(161) 181.. біафоротєрає rerv(ev)xev Xevrovpytas Ñ &c .. melius sortitus 
est ministerium Vg (Eth)..a тоте țarat є(п)отфаціп ( пуєлацуя 
DFKL) ecco(o)rn he acquired а more excellent service Bo .. still fuller 
ministry took Jesus Arm .. ministry which із better than that received 
Jesus Christ Syr fiee оп єп. &c as also being the mediator &c ] 16! 


єусотп. Темере TENYOpM Cap Wook aah aprre, 
Méeepatjnre AM пе Исх mea Итазеосмте. | ? еезме 
(apie) Tap epoov шыч[хоос]. хе eic оннтє оти 
оємоооу инт. [пеже nxoeic. та(хизя choA (єухає 
пні |аєпісраніА ам пи: |ні)уда ноузтАеннн 
ибрре. °иката |(тумаєннн ait ємтагї [1773] 

IX. мехзмте ce n]ujopm seeit [ear] Narmarwsea 
(азп)щаєцує пкосячком erovaab. | аттаямо Tap 
итескиии ишорп. epe TATXA понтс еен тетра- 

змаенкнн|-етукн 101181 7 (161) (181) тешу.) Я щу. 181.. add 
етеязязьт Во ujoon] щоопе 181.. ох Bo сӣтє | (161) 181, спотҷ{ 
Bo (гроз; мхо Cons. MS)..&X Во (As*EFHJ,KLP) 8 (181) 
щачхоос] eqaxo я. Во тажок chod] (187) .. taxon Во (add 
єйоМ FK.. pref. отоо B?DFHJKL) змаенкн| -етки 181 

1 (24) 2 (24 $) (28) 81261 скнин| сктпи 24 28 біс 

.. йеє п. as the mediator 181.. 33dp. оп eTeqor axasecrric &с as also 
he is med. of а better covenant Bo .. отш кал (om D* К 37, Arm Eth) 
креттоуо$ вот” diabykns (д. єсєт NEK P) ueovrgs № &e, Vg (mediator 
est) .. as of better also covenant that in which he was made mediator Syr .. 
and for that which is a greater ordinance he became chosen Eth Tal 
&c lit. this which they established upon promises excellent] (181?) .. 
om 16! homeotel, cf. omission of №“ 17 .. «ris єттї Kp. emayyeAuats уєуоро- 
Өєтуто Ñ &c, Vg (sanctum езі).. өн єтаусєзайнтє ппозлос EREM 
огош єусотп that which they established by law upon & Bo Arm 
.. ата in promises which were better than that it was given Буг .. and 
he ordained a promise which is better Eth 

7 a(e 18l)a ap. without fault] 16! 181, apeuzros Ñ біс, Vg 
(culpa vacasset) Syr Arm (immaculate)..had been pure Eth 
пєчнащ. he would not have sought &c] (161) 181 .. navnanwy &c lit. 
they would not have sought Bo &c .. trs. ovk av Óevrepas єблтєто Tomos 
N &c, Vg (locus inquireretur) Arm .. ће would not have required 
another Eth (add new ro)..there would not have been place for this 
second Syr | 

8 cap] 181 М &e, Vg Во Eth ro..but (Arm) Eth 
єцетиє (om 181) &e lit. finding (fault) unto them] 181.. єсрхєля 
арікі-єр. finding fault with them Во, peupopevos-avrovs (ois МВ 


mediator of the (more) excellent covenant, this which was 
established upon (more) excellent promises. " For if this first 
had been without fault, he would not have sought for the 
place of the second. *For finding (fault) with them, he is 
wont to say: Behold, there are days coming, saith the Lord, 
and I (shall) complete with the house of the Israel and the 
house of Iuda a new covenant: ‘not according to the 
covenant which I [10-13] 

IX. There were being [therefore] to the first indeed the 
ordinances of the ministry, the holy kosmikon. 2 For the first 
tabernacle was made, in which (was) the dampstand, and the 

DeL &c) N*D* КР 17, vituperans eos df Vg Arm .. blaming [to] them 
Syr Eth отп (єм 181) &c there are days coming] 181, М біс, Vg 
Bo (сєпнот days come) Syr Arm .. come days Eth ап rur and 
the house] 181, D, Bo (к).. ко єтє т. ок. М &c, Vg Bo Syr (house of 
house) Arm Eth 
1 gesi(neosm 24) &c there were being [therefore] to the first 
indeed the ordinances of the ministry| 241.. {2оэг{ sen oon 
COTONTAC Поапалєвзані Ayers waat (om K.. trs. ЄСТУ, Maras 
F) the first indeed then was having ordinances of ministry Bo .. eyev 
pev ovv кш (om В 3 38 52 115 270* 271* 252 al) y тротт диколюрата, 
‚ Aarpeas N &c .. habuit quidem et prius tustificationes culturae Vg .. but 
(дє) in the first were being in it commandments of ministry Syr .. having 
was having also the first, ordinance of ministry Arm .. and to the first 
tent indeed in which the ordinance of the furniture is Eth пкос- 
sukon &c lit. the kosmikon which is holy] 24 .. то те (дє D£r*) ayiov 
косракоу Ñ &e, Vg (et sanctum saeculare) .. wes». ovation itcoAceN 
with a holy place of ornament Bo (by error).. Syr (house holy of 
world) .. then (reading vore) а worldly sanctuary Arm .. in which was 
prescribed its furniture Eth .. Eth ro has and also the first ordinance 
hath oblation 
2 ауталаго &c lit. for they made the first tab.] (24) (28) &с.. 
xc. с. по. атазоикс lit. for the first tab. they fashioned it Bo .. ск. у. 
катєскегатбя (aorar 17) 7 тр. X &e, Vg .. for the first tab. was prepared 
thus Arm .. for in the tab., the first which was made Syr .. Eth con- 
tinues and he prescribeth its furniture, the lampstand &c .. Eth ro has 
in the true tab. which God planted, and he prescribeth its furniture, first 
is the lampstand epe (24 28 261 ,. тах etepe 81) тм у(н 24). 


neza вам Temnpoeecic ппоєк avo тщоурн iurovb. 
TAY сщатязотте єрос хе NeToTaah, —? «писал 
паєєоснат AC инатапетьсяях тескнии TE EWAT ALT 
T€ єрос хе NeToTaah Wurerovaab.  *epe тифотос 
WTAIAeHRH WoHTC eTGooAe йноті ica ca res. TAL 
erepe 1g Aaear йтотв WoHTC. epe meanmna онт 
азо noepob Waapon тлото. ает menaz 
птагкєннн. ° йтпє ae aeeeoc сем АГгротіни iteoov 
пе. єтромійєс єпогЛастирюм Mar етесин мам 
all €opar темох ETPENTATOOT OTA ота. | ?наї 

з (24) (28)81261 тескнин] no MSS .. тєсктин 28 81.. тескние 
261 тє] 81.. ме 261.. өн Во * (24) (28) 81 261 тәг] ен Во 
ато) 24 (81) 261.. mest Во fiaap.] 81 261.. ñmaap. 24  пепМаз | 
24 28 81, Bo (rumX.) .. пап. 261 5 24 (28) 81261 ne] Во (нз) 
.om Bo espearbec] evepoarht 81 nosNacTRpion] noreNac. 81.. 
-турюп 24 -ckH] 8! 26! .. -ску 24 5 24 (28) 81 261 

&c in which (was) the lampstand] өн eve XX. HS. that in which (are) 
the 1. Bo.. ev т п (om Рет) те Avyvia № ёе, Arm .. there was in it the 1. 
Syr .. in quo inerant cand. Vg .. Eth, see above тепрое. &c the 
Prothesis of the loaves] (241) (281) 81 26! (-енсис моек) Во, № &с, 
Vg ( propositio) .. the bread of offering Arm .. the bread of faces Syr .. 
the bread which they prescribe Eth .. and. they prescribe loaves also 
Eth ro гло тщотрн iutos& and the golden censer] (247) (281) 
В, Cop mid Eth ro... om 81 261, М &c, Vg Во Syr Arm Eth Tar 
ещатая. &с lit. this which they are wont to call Those which are 
holy] (24 1) (28?) &c, ен etovas. є. хє on ee. that which they call 
That which is holy Во, тіс Neyerar та, ауа та № &с, Vg .. add 
аушу AD*..and it was called holy house Буг .. which the sanctuary 
was called Arm ., and they call (lit. say) it Holy Eth 

З amica &c but after the second veil] (24) (28) &c, М &с, Vg Bo 
(trs. matam. ae зхазаой) Arm Eth ro (and).. but the inner tab. 
which is after &c Syr Eth 2€] 24 28 &c.. om Bo (x Cons. М5).. 
and Arm пєт-пєт those which-those which] 8! 261, та ayia rov 
ау. NCBDeKL .. ayia ауу N* &с.. ayia тоу ay. P 47 .. же ен eeosa& 
&c That which is holy of those «с Bo.. holy of holies Syr Arm Eth 

(lit. say) 

HEBREWS IX 3-6 65 

table, and the Prothesis of the loaves, and the golden censer ; 
this (tabernacle) which is wont to be called, Those which are 
holy. ? But after the second vei the tabernacle, this which is 
wont to be called, Those which are holy of those which are 
holy; *in which (was) the ark of the covenant overlaid with 
gold in every part, this in which (was) the golden pot in 
which (was) the manna, and the staff of Aaron which budded, 
and the tables of the covenant ; 5 but above it were Khairubin 
of glory shadowing the mercy seat, these (things) which it is 
not laid down for us now to describe one (by) one. © But 

* epe ткійот(а 81) oc &c in which (was) the ark of the covenant | 
24 1 28 {.. єкомса тту кВ. т. д. В, Cop mid Eth ro (and the 11601 also 
in which the law) .. epe пщотрн(є 26!) плоті понте зап ткій, RTA. 
in which (was) the golden censer and the ark &c 811 26!.. еотом 
отщотрн йпотй Sante mess Rok. &c being a censer of gold in it 
with the ark біс Bo..xpvoovv єкомса вурлаттріоу кал тту KiB. Ke N 
&c, Vg ..and there was im it the censer of gold and kibiito of the 
covenant Syr Eth (tàbot also of the law) .. in which was the censer of 
gold. and the chest of the covenant Arm fica Ca Maz in every part ] 
(81) 261, Bo, таутобеу N біс, Vg (ex omni parte), all of it Syr .. 
throughout Eth (and they covered it with gold) .. inside and outside Arm 
fitasaon(28.. 24 81 261)кн of the covenant] of the law Eth .. т 
which was the law Eth ro 

E me] 24 28 &c.. and Arm Eth gen(oit 28 261) 5ca1(24 28.. 
xe 81 26l!)pos&in] 24 (28) &c, хер. RD*, Vg (am fu) Cop mid 
xepov[ew BD: .. xepovSeu. А Р 37, xepovSiy KL біс, f Vg Bo .. kirūbel 
Eth eoor of glory] 24 28 біс, 8o$js N біс, Arm .. йтє noo of 
the glory Bo espe. shadowing| катаскиайоута Ñ &c .. кататкіайом 
АР 17 п(т 261) а &c these which it is not laid down for us now] 
24 (28) 8! 26! (пскн пап om am) тєр. ov ovx єстім (eveorw 54") vvv 
М &с, Vg Arm .. пах eve па {пот ап пе these which are not for now 
Bo .. but it is not the time Syr .. and it was not now suitable Eth .. and 
tt із not possible Eth ro єтрептат(8!., aor 24 261) соот for us to 
describe] 24 (28%) &с, Syr (say) Eth .. ecaxs to speak Bo.. Aeyay М 
&c, Vg Arm ота ота опе (by) one] 24° (28?) &c, Syr Arm .. 
ката. pepos à &c, Bo Eth .. per singula Vg 

* пар &c lit. but these being made thus] 24 (281) &с.. om Bo (р*) 
.. Bo begins section кб at фсктпн яе... Syr (vg) ends verse 5 con- 

1717.8 F 


ME еутьямиу птезое. WAPE потнні ажеп hon egori 
ноуоєгу miet єтщорпє йскнин. єухик EGOA ниєт- 
WE. "паруверетс ae авазатє NEWAYÅOR egosm 
emascocWTe поусоп Teposene озеш enog ам. пах 
eWaqTartoy eopar орот ати» ga азяямтатссооти 
à&nAaoc. ^epe nenia erovaab ov«ono ебоћ amari. 
хе NATE теми йиєтотааі отону eboÀ єтї отте 
тщорпє йскнин Taxpo. "тәх ето азпараводн 
eneyovoesgj Tenov. HATA өє єтотт^Ло eopar igen- 
зором «еї оєметуста. EUNN сояе a$£3005 ката 

таминт| 24 &c, Во (GHIMNO).. езамінотт Во (AB?T'DEFKL 
Cons. MS) яяєп | зап 26! щорпе] 8!.. щорп 24 &с  скнин| 26! 
.„скт. 24 &c 7 (24) (28) (81) 261 iovcon] Bo (ванл)..ош й 
Bo * (24) 28 8! 261 crunn] no MSS... сктин 24 &c ? ed 
(28) 8! 26! оєпө. | өтө. 28 26! 

cerning each опе of those (things) which were thus ordained continuing 
and to the outer tabernacle .. Eth has and thus its order and furniture 
.. Eth ro this therefore thus бс me] and Arm Eth wape &c 
the priests indeed are wont to go in always &e] 24 (281) &с.. 
фсктин заєм посту cena eS. epoc fixe &с the first tab. indeed 
go into it the priests always Во.. es pev ту пр. окцуци бїалтауто$ 
«тат ог pes N &с, Vg Arm.. and (while indeed ro) into the outer 
tab. always were entering the priests Syr Eth (ôe) eva. cb. fine rug. 
completing their ministries] 24 &c, Bo (к) Syr (and completing) Eth 
.. тає Aarp. emiteA. NÑ біс, Vg (sacrificiorum oficia) Bo (erxwu 
suuujeasujr) Arm .. a£ all times Eth (not ro) 

7 паросі(8!..єї 24 28 26!)ep. ae за. the chief priest only | 24 
(28) 8! 261.. trs. rov eviavrov povos о ару. Ñ &c, Vg Arm (om alone) 
..€X31agf ae отсоп fiteasrpoasns Ихетпар. Tar. but unto the 
and once а year the chief priest alone Bo..trs. alone was entering 
the chief pr. (year) after year Syr .. trs. entereth the chief pr. alone 
(year) after year Eth пазеосите the second] 24 28 (811) 261, 
дахаоснота Bo (Госнмхо Cons. MS.. Дазаой{ AB2EFJKLP) 
туу Oevrepay Ñ &с, Vg Arm .. the inner Буг Eth поуєщ псиоч 
am not without blood] 24 (28) 8! 261.. with blood Syr Eth Ате 

HEBREWS IX 7-9 67 

these (things) being made thus, the priests ¿indeed are wont 
to go in always unto the first tabernacle, completing their 
ministries ; " but the chief priest only (is) he who is wont to go 
into the second once a year, not without blood, this which he 
is wont to offer for himself and for the ignorances of the 
people: *the holy spirit manifesting this, that not yet the 
way of the holy (places) was manifested, while yet the first 
tabernacle was established ; ° this (one) which is for parable 
for the present time, according as gifts and sacrifices are 
offered, (though) it is not possible for them according to 

ga S3xaxiire Tc. (oovsand 261) &c and for the ignorances of the people] 
(241) 28 8! 261, Bo (mear) Syr ( follies)... ки rov т. А. ауу. Ñ &e, 
Vg Arm (and for) .. and for the people because of their sins Eth 

* epe menia &с the holy spirit manifesting this] (241) &c .. trs. 
Tovro nÀ. тоо пу. т. ау.  &е, Vg Bo (ве) Arm..trs. фа є 
єҷотопо Maroy єв. noenmia eo. Do..trs. dar сар eq. &c Bo 
(u2)..trs. but (de) by this was manifesting біс Syr..and (om го) 
thus commanded the holy spirit Eth хе запатє-євоМ not yet the 
way-manifested] 28 & 24 homeotel..trs. рулю mepavepwoba 
&с М &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth (om that ro) ет! (28 .. ex 24 &c) 
o(e 28) тйтє тщорпє (28 8! .. om 24 26!) & while yet the first tab. 
was established] 24 &c, eri туз пр. ск. eyovons стаси N &с, Vg (Syr) 
Arm (for yet)..trs. єтї (4 FL) eccaxomr йхє{сктин Hoos} yet 
being established the first tab. Bo (pref. and нл) .. in the first tab. Eth 

° тат ето &c this which is for parable] 24 28 &e, Vg (quae 
parabola est) Arm .. утіѕ тараВоћ№ $ &е.. ут проту пар. D* .. and 
it was а parable this Syr .. but parable it became Eth .. өн etTrenewnt 
that which is likened Bo .. Eth ro has but ordinance and type and word 
were for the time ener. бо lit. for this time now] 24 28 &c.. es 
тоу кароу Tov єуєтті)кота Ñ &c, Bo (єтщот).. temporis instantis Vg 
(Arm) ...for the time Syr Eth (this) ката ec &c lit. according ах 
they offer gifts &c] 24 (28) &c, Eth ro .. каб nv дора те кал 0. просфе- 
povrat МАВ(р*) 15, Vg Bo (en-orovc н).. каб ov єс DeK LP &с.. 
фін ещатей awpon ness wory. eS. охоте that during which they 
ате wont to offer gifts біс Vo .. this in which oblations and sacrifices 
were offered Syr Arm which they offer (its ro) oblations &c Eth 
Hata стиез(81..и 261.. т 24 28)ъи (261..т 24 28 81)сс] N біс, 

F 2 


cwiteraHcic exo COA imevujgasuje. 1 exomom сора 
ESN оемблиозфяя ££ oenoinco seit oenbammicesa 
ewujobe. Hamaiwsea WTcApZ єткн egpar ЩА me- 
отоеиц NTagoos єратот.  !mewxc ae Nrepecjes 
парХиерехе  ditacCaeonm  стмашопе ITH TOs 
HCKHNH етхик єбоћ. aeos NASI an. ете mar пе 
HTAMEICWONT хм. 1 отти озсмо AM dote or Lace. 
grae пецемоц aec deeem aseo acbok єдоги 
поусоп отот enmerovaab саолме потсюте ища 
exeo. | "eugxe песмо Cap мибле яе шазасє seit 

1 24 (28) 81 26! п (24) (28 P <) 24! awacon| -wn 24! 
скнин | 24l..c&v. 24 28 an] ап ve twice Bo 12 (24) 28 24! 
пща &c] 24 241 .. ща 28.. йєпєө Bo 3 (24) 28 241 R(& 28)- 

ззасє) 28 241.. aace 24 

Vg Bo Arm..trs. іо perfect according to conscience Eth 
йиєтщ. those who minister] 24 (28) &c, Arm.. rov Латр. № &c, Vg 
Bo (пєтщ.) Syr (add them) Eth .. the offerings which are in the law 
Eth ro 

10 язопоп e(om 26!)opar &c only upon meats &c] 24 (28) &c 
N &с, Vg Bo.. but only meats біс Arm .. but in meats and in drinks 
only Syr .. except (add only то) in meat and in that which they drink ко ropacw 47 .. Daron біс not upon meats &c Во (BFK 

Cons. МБ) элїї genh. and baptisms] 24 (28) &c .. om Во (B20) 
evujo(8! 261.. оо 24)he different] 24 (281) &c, N*AD*P 17, Во 
Arm (Eth) .. add xa. NeBDeKL &с, f Vg Syr (h) ferar, the 

ordinances] 24 28 &с.. дкиората МАВР тт (Arm).. «which were 
ordinances ` Syr .. бікаююра D* ..àawpacw DeKL &c, f Vg.. eve 
оапааєдзані Ятє тсарб ne which are ordinances of the flesh Bo.. 
which are the law of flesh Eth .. of the law of flesh Eth ro evkH e. 
laid down] 24 (281) &c, Bo .. trs. єтікєцієма to end М біс, 
Vg Arm wa &c until the time of setting them in order] 24 (28 f) 
&c, Bo (пітадо єратер the setting 1) .. wexpt Karpov д:орбосєшѕ N вс, 
Ve Syr Arm .. until when it should be corrected $t was ordained Eth 

u me] 24 (28) 24! .. ovn therefore Bo (F) fitepeyes when he 
had come] 24 (28) 241, Bo (єтаці) rapayevopevos № &c, Vg (adststens) 

HEBREWS IX то-13 69 

conscience to perfect those who minister, 19 only upon meats 
and drinks, and different baptisms, the ordinances of the flesh, 
laid down until the time of setting them in order. ™ But the 
Christ, when he had come, the chief priest of the good (things) 
which will be, through the great tabernacle which is perfect, 
not made with hand, that is, not that of this creation: !? not 
through blood of goat and calf, but through his own blood 
he went in once unto the holy (place), having found an eternal 
redemption. 13Ког if the blood of the goats and the calves 

Arm .. having become Eth .. who came, was Syr єтпащ. which 
will be] (24) 28 241, Bo, ueAXovrov NADCK LP &с, f Vg Cop mid 
Syr (h ms) Arm (trs. before good) Eth (that which cometh good) .. 
yevopevov B D* .. of good things which he wrought Syr (vg) отти &c 
through the great tab. (add and Bo 88pFGHIKLO) which is perfect] 
(24 7) 28 241, Bo .. in the tab. great and perfect Syr .. ба тує edovos 
к. тєАєотєраѕ axyvns NÑ &c, Vg.. by the great and perfect and not- 
made-with-hands tab. Arm that which is great and is better his tab. 
Eth бїх hand] add of man Eth єтє nas me йтапез (пз 241) 
&c lit. which is this, not that of this creation] 28 241, Bo (ne xe) .. 
TOUT cory оъ талттс т. kr.  &с, Vg Arm (which is not) .. and was not 
of this er. Syr .. and was not in this world Eth 

7 эти &c lit. not through a blood] 24! .. pref. orae 28, N &c, 
Vg Bo (the blood) Arm (and not) Eth (and пої)... and. entered not with 
blood. Syr anj trs. ean&aprnirr ап те ness оапазасі Bo @хє— 
ssace goat-calf] 28 241.. rpayov-pocxov N &е, Vg Bo (ga nba puri 
Фапязасі) Arm (Eth) .. goats-calves Syr me] 28 24!, М &с.. 
adda Bo Vg (sed) Syr (Arm) Eth ro but adds that which 
is sprinkled after goat agqghwk he went] 28 241 .. ags he came Bo 
(L 26).. eagqs having come Bo, N &c (ewA6ev) потсоп Hoswt 
lit. one time] 28 241, ефалаё № &c, Vg Syr (repeating entered) Arm 
Eth .. trs. eneeovaaf йотсоп into the holy (places) once Во en- 
пєтотаай lit. unto that which is holy] 28 241.. «s та ауа № &с, 
Vg Bo Arm (Eth) .. to the house of the sanctuary Syr .. add тшу ayuov P 
eaygime having found] 241, Bo .. aee. he found 28 .. єачезтії having ? 
24 .. trs. evpa(o)uevos to end N &c, Eth .. aeterna inventa redemptione 
Vg Arm .. and he found Syr 

з wap] 24 &с.. om Eth iere &c of the goats and the calves | 
24 &¢.. rpayov кал ravpov МАВР 47, f Vg Bo Syr .. ravpov x. трау. 


пкразес Hithaoce. ETWANGOW GW иетхооая ases007. 
щаутібо nagpa птібо їтсар&. М посо язАЛАом 
песмо ase Kc. Mal or orna eqovaah itracq- 
TAAOY єорат азам seeeory єцотумАЇ яяпмотте 
циатббо Ниєтистумеканст ебоА ом пеойнте er- 
110077 стрететищаяще аязпкоутє ETONG. "avo 
erbe паї пазесттне пе нтахенкн ибрре. хекас 
neor  ecqujanujorme encwre  наєпарабастє етом 
TAIAMOHKH ишорп. MTE MeTTAORE XI авперит ите- 

єущан-щат | єц-щач Во -бощаещ | 24!.. -5єщощ 28.. -вещ 
24 ^ (21$ at nar) (28) (241) arog] 241.. pref. Tarin 21 (28) 
оп | oem 21 етретети| 21.. evetit? (28 1) 10 21 (28) (245) 

KLP &с, Syr (Б) Arm Eth (add the blood after and ro) икралес 
the ash] 24 &c .. стодоѕ № &c, Во Arm ипбаосе of the heifers] 
(24?) &c .. ire ovhagce of a heifer Bo, àayaXAeos № біс evujan. 
&c if they should sprinkle those who are defiled &c] 28 24! 24 (om 
ix11007)..pavriovca Tovs kekow. N &c, Vg Bo.. Eth has cleanseth 
from sin and sanctifieth their flesh for those who are defiled, Eth ro 
cleanseth from sin and sanctifieth those who are defiled in their flesh .. 
was being sprinkled upon those who were defiled and was sanctifying 
them Syr 

^ посо(о 28) how much] 28 241, Macarius.. pref. se then Bo.. 
moÀXo 17 .. add therefore Syr Eth àxnesc& of the Christ] moov 
Macarius Did ovnita lit. a spirit] 241, Eth ro .. add eqovaa& 
holy 21 28, Bo, ауюъ N€D*P, f Vg Cop mid .. пеки Bo (АЕНЈ) . 
add eeovaa& Bo (AE)..add оомо» М'АВРеКІ, &e, Syr Arm Eth 
mayt. бо offered himself being holy] (28) 24!, ageng esosn 
єчтотінотт offered him being sanctified Bo..«cavrov простуеукеу 
(sacrificed himself Eth) аромоу 33 &c .. ipsum optulit immaculatum 
Vg Syr (without. spot) Arm Eth (in whom is not spot .. being without. 
spot Eth ro) пиєтист(є 21)пєг(н 28... сн 24) 2 Hetc. your con- 
sciences] 21 28 241? .. add also Bo(26) .. туу со. vyov RDL вес, f Vg 
(am fu tol) Bo (ваГокіхор) Сор mid Syr (Б) Arm Eth, Macarius .. 
т. в. проу AD* KP 47, Vg (demid) Bo Буг (vg).. Eth ro has will 

HEBREWS IX 14-15 71 

and the ash of the heifers, if they should sprinkle those who 
are defiled, are wont to cleanse toward the cleansing of the 
flesh: “how much more the blood of the Christ, this (one) 
through spirit who offered himself, being holy, to God will 
cleanse your consciences from the works which are dead for 
you to serve the living God? 19 And because of this (he) is 
the mediator of the new covenant, that the death, when it (had) 
happened unto the redemption of the transgressions which 
(were) in the first covenant, those who are called should receive 

cleanse you пєой. єтая. the works &c| 21 28, Bo (АГЕСМОР 26) 
К (rov v. e.) .. gangh. evar works dead Во (B8?DFHIJK LY) ..vekpov 
єрушу № &c, Arm .. work of sin Eth ro wawe lit. minister] 21 
28 241, Bo, Aarpevew N &с, Syr Arm Eth .. copen єрёок for us to 
serve Bo (AE) Vg (serviendum) 

З это and] 21 28 24! .. om Bo (uz) Syr marec. the mediator] 
21 (28) (2411) .. ovar. a mediator Bo, à &c, Arm ne &c lit. (he) 
is of the new cov.] 21 (28) (241).. пе ftre ova. he із of a new 
covenant Во .. trs. dad. кашу. peo. коту М &с (калу. д. 17 37, Агт).. 
became mediator of covenant пеш Syr..of new ordinance Jesus 
mediator (lit. chosen) became Eth хекас that] 28 24! .. gonwe 
Bo .. pref. and Eth ro naros the death] 21 (281) (241).. баматом 
N &с (Arm) .. trs. after having happened Bo .. by his death he became 
Syr .. having tasted death Eth eeujamujone lit, if it should 
happen| 21 28 (2411) Arm .. yevouevov М &c (Bo) Vg (intercedente) .. 
Syr Eth, see above єпсоле unto the redemption] 21 28 (24!) .. 
es aroNvrpoow N біс, Vg Bo Arm .. redemption Syr .. he should save 
them Eth nanapak. &c of the transgressions which (were) in the 
first cov.] 21 (28) (24!) Во (ети orxen).. rov єлє ту прота даб. 
параВадещу  &c.. of those transgr. which were under the first testa- 
ment Vg .. for those who transgressed against the first diyathtki Syr .. 
those who went astray in the first ordinance Eth irte &c lit. that those 
who are called should receive the promise] 2 1...911a себя xxn1ouj 
WuxenkH eteagesrr that should receive the promise, those who are called 
Bo Syr .. orws—ryv єтаууємам AaBwow ог кекАтрємої М &c, Vg Arm.. 
those to whom they promised and whom he called Eth ..trs. aansous 
fire KA. &c fine &c the promise of the inh. &c those &c Во (вані, 7 
om йжєпн) | 


кАнропояма пща сиео. "допо сар атаеннн. at- 
лекин етре пазот EF аапетно аяязос eQpas. |” eujape 
TAIAOHRH TAP TARPO OI stevas 007 T. EhorA хє Lecat- 
сояе єм потиетсязтие MaroC. 1? стве nar тнещорп 
noras mecacin choA Hovey йсмоц. '° itreporaw 
TAP HENTOAM мая ката пиоязос от ekWTCHC dt- 
пАгос тир. agar аепесио iasesace eet Мате ee 
оуеяооу зам отсорт зам откоккос зам OTQTCCWHON 

йща єп. | йеп, Во | | 7 21 (28) оопот &c} 21 (28).. mara Во 
І 21 (28) № 21 (28) (4) 21$ (28) (268) опи | 4.. оттях 21 

1 оопот &c lit. for where a covenant] 21 (28) ото» yap д:абукт 
N &с, ubi enim testamentum Vg .. for where that there із Фуа ла Syr.. 
for where testament is Arm .. where there was ordinance Eth .. niara 
сар ereoson(om отоп AE) отатаенки Maroy for the place at 
which a covenant is (om Ar) Bo (the usual periphrasis for where) 
айас. erpe &c lit. (it is) necessary for the death to come of him 
who laid it down] 21 (28?).. значки ficeem фазот язфн єтачсєла- 
пит #2 is necess. that they should bring the death of him who establ. 
it Bo.. mors necesse est intercedat testatoris Vg .. it is necessary that 
should come death upon him who ordained Eth..6avarov avayxy 
dheperGar тоо diabepevov Ñ &с.. the death it showeth of him who made 
it Syr .. necessary it is death to interpose as regards the testator Arm 

17 єщарє &c lit. for the covenant is wont to be confirmed on 
those who are dead] 21 (281).. Ярміаенни Tap єстажрнотт exen 
ganpegqaxwort for the covenant is being confirmed over dead (men) 
Bo .. біаблку yap єт: vexpors BeBara N &c (Vg) .. for a testament after 
death firm is Arm .. the ordinance indeed of him who died firm is Eth . 
but upon the dead (one) only is it confirmed Syr євоМ &c lit. 
because that it is not wont to find power, living he who settled it] 
21 (281)..2€ Замасжєзахоза оосо єҷоп% mxedn етачсеяаиитс 
because 1t is not wont to find power, as long аз liveth he who settled it 
Bo .. emei илүтотє (uy rore N* D*) voxvec ore £y о біавєцеуоз .. alioquin 
nondum valet, dum vivit qui testatus est Vg .. because that inasmuch 
as liveth he who made it there is not in it use Syr .. but if not, how 
would it be firm while the testator alive is? Arm .. because tt was not 
of use when (was) living he who ordained it Eth 

HEBREWS IX 16-19 73 

the promise of the eternal inheritance. 1° For where covenant 
(exists) út is necessary for the death to come of him who laid 
it down: for the covenant is wont to be confirmed in (the 
case of) those who are dead ; because that it is not wont to 
have power while liveth he who made it firm. 18 Because of 
this the first was not even dedicated without blood. 19 For 
when had been said every commandment according to the 
law by Moysés to all the people, he took the blood of the 
calves and the goats and water and wool and scarlet and 

* ete паз because of this] 21 28, Bo Syr.. обеи N біс, unde Vg 
Arm .. thus Eth ткєщ. ахпот. песа(о 2г)езк &c lit. the first 
also they did not dedicate without blood] 21 (28 1) .. ovd(e) n трат» 
(add біавбукт D*E*) ур aparos є/(у)кекашитта: N біс, Vg Syr 
(confirmed) Arm (renewed) .. osae ості 3inecros&o agne crog 
lit. neither the first was not sanctified without blood Bo .. the first also 
without blood was not sanctified Eth 

" птеротжи» &с lit. for when they had said-by Moysés] (41) 21 
(жшк finished by error) ..adyGeacys yap-vzo pu(v)cews X &c, lecto 
enim-a, Mose Vg (Arm).. for when had been commanded-by Moses 
Syr..and having spoken Moses Eth .. trs. ептоМи wap miben ката 
TUMOALOC ETA SLWICHC САЖІ ззазоот neat miNaoc тнрч for every 
comm. acc. to the law М. having spoken them with all the people Bo.. 
264 had probably ittepeyaw сар нєптоМн &c Почзаюусис for 
when had said every &с Moyses to the people пептомн &c every 
com. according to the law] (4) 21 (262) Bo, ReACD*L 17 47.. 
maons evr. ката уороу W* DeK P & raons К.. maons tys 0*. 
every com. by all the people іп the law Syr .. every com. of laws 
Arm .. every commandment of the law Eth ayar he took] (41) 
21 (268) Bo Syr (add Moses) .. AaBwy N &c, Vg Arm .. he taketh Eth 
язпєспос the blood] (4) 21 268.. отси. а blood Bo пахаласє біс 
of the calves and the goats] (4) 26%, $3* &c, Vg Arm Eth (and blood 
of goats ro)..of calves and goats кой rov rpayov NCK L, rov 29 P 17 37 47 .. trs. їйбїлє зай mace of the goats and 
the calves 21 зай отсорт зап отко(о 21) ккос lit. and a wool 
and a scarlet] 21 (262) .. near отсорт пкоккшо(о)п а scarlet woo! 
Bo, кал eptov kokkwov Ñ &c, Vg Syr Arm (Eth) зап ототсс(ош 21)- 
шпон (с 21) lit. and a hyssop] 4 268, Bo (n) N &c, Vg (Syr Arm).. 
near ототситоп (ши, oc, ос) Bo, vowrov Р, f Vg (um fu).. and leaf 


ито оо пахозозяяє seit WAaoce тнр асівєцув щії. 
20 с LOC. BE паї пе II€CHMO'[ итомхенин та 
пиотутє офи seeeoc UJApoTM. “ тескиин же seit 
мескєтн тирот аєпщаєцє ac joeujooujo? ом итеое 
ся» песо. arw селом gae песио ка nies 
ewyatThho KATA пиозяос. ATW „х пеот стос ehor 
asepe ки» ебоХ wane. ganc ве me erpe иесяяот 
пмєөл авпнує Thho ом маг. meon anave хе йтооу 
ом оєметста eTCOTH пара изм "нта пес “ар ait 

> бещ. | ays T. 21 ? 4 13 (21) (28) eon щароти | gengen 
ennov Во п 413 (21) (28) скети| 4 21 ..скєтос Bo а 
(13) (21)(28) -thho] TBhog 21 ажкп|ажаюгі євоМ| от Ро (кк) 
3 4 (13) 21 gant] gont 21 єтсоти)| єтсопт 21 by error пара | 
пара 21.. egote Во 

of hyssop Eth йто4 eco их. even the book itself] 4 21 (28 1).. 
avro re то ВиВАюу N біс, ipsum quoque librum Vg.. nikexwar ac 
gwe but the book also Bo (пике &c plural 26) .. trs. he sprinkled upon 
the books Syr .. but the testaments Arm .. trs. and he sprinkleth the book 
of the law also (om ro) Eth 

? eqxw saying] 4 21 (28) Bo, m &c, Vg ..and he saith Arm.. 
and he said to them Syr (Eth) п(28.. em 4 13)ta &c which God 
ordered unto you] 4 13 (217) (28?) Bo (ounur).. ен eta &c (Во).. 
trs, ns єуєтє:Лато (бієбєто С) про v. o Geos N &c, Vg Arm Eth (om 
God ro also om of the precept) .. which was commanded by God Syr 

п ae] 4 13 21! 28, Во (ЕК 26)..каг-дє № &с, Во (варті) Eth 
(and-also) Arm cdd .. and Bo Arm .. etiam Vg Syr anywe of 
the ministry | 4 (28) .. of their work Eth ачаєщ(єщ 21). lit. he 
sprinkled them] 4 21 (28) Bo .. trs. epavrwev to end М &c, Vg Syr .. trs. 
and he sprinkleth (cleanseth vo) to beginning Eth .. trs. thus he sprinkled 
with the blood Arm оп also] 4 (281) .. om 21, В &е, Vg Во Syr 
Arm Eth fvreroe &c thus with the blood | 4 13 (217) (28) .. Eth 
has verse 22 and further he appointeth thus nearly, and in blood should 
be pure all things in the precept of the law.. Eth ro has and he 
appointeth that all that which is tn blood should be pure in біс 

3 avo coce(H# 21)20n lit. and almost] 4 13 21 (281) № &e, Ve 
(et omnia paene) Во (DFHIKL 26) Arm .. and. nearly Eth (om ro) .. 

HEBREWS IX 20-24 75 

hyssop, even the book itself, and all the people he sprinkled, 
2 saying, This is the blood of the covenant which God 
ordered unto you. * But the tabernacle and all the vessels 
of the ministry he sprinkled also thus with the blood. * And 
with the blood almost all things are wont to be cleansed 
according to the law; and without shedding blood is not 
wont бо be forgiveness. ??It is necessary therefore for the 
patterns of the (things) which (are) in the heavens to be 
eleansed by these; but the (things) themselves which (are) 
in the heavens by sacrifices (more) excellent than these. 
* For the Christ went not into the holy (place) made with 

because that Syr .. cxedov yap &c Marcus 93x песи. п(еп 21)ка 
&c lit. in the blood all things are wont to be cleansed] 4 13 (28!) 
M &c, Vg Arm .. om ях necnos with the blood 21 by error .. trs. ай 
things in blood Syr .. trs. they are wont to cleanse all (тнрот) acc. to 
the law in а blood Bo (the blood Гензо).. Eth, see above ау and 
29| 4 (13) 21 (28)..ош Bo (26).. but Eth neo? shedding] 4 
13 .. blood should be sprinkled Eth asepe &c lit. forgiveness is not 
wont to be] 4 (13?) 21, Bo..ov ywerar афесіс М біс, Vg Syr Arm 
..he forgiveth not Eth 

33 ge therefore] 4, № &c, Vg Bo (F*) Arm Eth то.. aren оти Bo.. 
yap Syr .. and if Eth пєсязот the patterns] 4 21 (Syr) Arm (Eth)... 
add sen 13, N &с, Vg .. those things which are pattern of the heavenly 
Syr .. that which is in likeness of the heavens Eth (om likeness ro) 
тЁйо to be cleansed] 4 (13) 21, ficetowho lit. they should cleanse 
Bo .. каварібєсвам N &c .. xaBapierar Det*, Eth оп (еп 21) mas 
lit. in these] 4 21 .. with such Arm .. with this blood Eth neon 
an. ae птоот өп lit. but the (things) which (are) in the heavens, 
they] 4 .. палати. me but the (things) of the heavens they 21 .. 13 has 
only nave, omitting neon ах and ae птооу by homeotel .. om ae Bo 
(P)..trs. пефот ae папефноті Do, avra дє (re 17) ra єтоураиа 
N &с.. that indeed which ts in the heavens Eth gene. &oc sacrifices 
(more) excellent than these] 4 (13?) 21 .. the sacrifice is better and is 
greater than these Eth (om and greater ro) паз these 29] 4 .. 
ravras Ñ &c.. ravrgs D&r*, Eth .. ravra 3 al .. ravraus 73 118 

мойта neocc(ocpe 4) &c lit. for the Christ went not into that 
which is holy &c] 4 13 (om йта) m! .. йта &c enero vaa for &c into 
those which are holy 21 for &c into (things) made with hand holy 


бов eoown enerosaab язазотисисух Мсяяот itere. 
aAAa єооти етпе оос єтрецотомо ehoA Tenor 
ango ASTINOTTE даром. ~aenac an ещетх Ле 
сора Hoag Rcon Nee saenapyrepesc. єщәасћон 
есоти emmeyovaab muerovaab тррочепе QW orenog 
€esere( Alt me.  ?^sseeowm steujüuje epog пе eLror 
Hoag йсоп oni THaTADOAÀH аєпносягос. TENOT є 
agqorung eboA потсоп потот oN oan imneovoenug 
соусу авпиобє оти тєцетста. 27 ATW KATA өє €TRH 
EO Pas posse CAOT HOTCOM. Leica Marae TERPIcic. 

^ 4 (13$) 21 Pm! ngo) m!.. зафо 4 ? 421m! ege- 
таАМоц|-таМо 21 тррозапе|4.. тєрозяпє 21 m! 35472 5m US 
at remos иещще| ещще 21 ой еан| ща пхок єбол Bo 
27 1 


Bo (ganaxovn йхих evora) .. ov yap es харот. ewA8ev ayia (ау. ew. 
CD &c) (о) хрістоє МА 17, Vg (sanctis Jesus introit) Syr (trs. ay. 
enà.) Arm (ay. ew.) .. and it is not into work of hand of man thai 
entered Jesus at the holy ( place) Eth .. and it is not &c—Jesus which is 
the type of the true holy (place) Eth го йсахот да (й 21)ase for 
pattern of (the) true] 4 21 ші, аутітота тоу adyfwov N &c, Vg Bo 
(тупос тє изтафахиг) Arm .. which is a pattern of that true (place) 
Syr .. which is made in the form of the true (place) Eth etne lit. 
unto the heaven] 4 21 m!, Eth .. e«s avrov rov ovpavov М &с, Vg Bo 
(ete йөос те which it is) Syr Arm ewe (4 &c.. gwwe 21) lit. as 
for him to be manifested] 4 21 m! .. euóavisÜgvac № &с, Vg (ut app.) 
Bo (manifesting him) Syr (that &c) Arm Eth (that &c) .. manifesting 
himself Bo (A 26) tenos now] 4 m!, Bo Vg... and now Eth ro .. 
om 21, Syr Arm Eth.. add ae Bo (3) .. tre. vuv єрфам. М &c gapon 
for us] 4 ml.. yyw С 17 

25 ‘хекас an not that] 4, Bo Arm .. pref. ато and 21 ml, ovde wa 
N &с, Vg Syr Eth .. ov yap wa P Лого &c many times] Bo Syr.. 
irs. woAAakis тросферу N біс, Vg Arm Eth (continually that .. that fee &c lit. as the chief priest is wont to go in] Во, N &c, 
Vg (Arm).. as was doing the chief priest and entering Syr Eth .. as the 
chief priest into Eth ro (om was doing and entering) en(om m!)- 


hand, for pattern of (the) true; but (а) into the heaven, as to 
be manifested now to the face of God for us: ? not that he 
should offer himself many times, as the chief priest is wont 
to go into that which is holy of those which are holy year 
by year with a blood which is not his own; * otherwise it 
was right for him to die many times since the fowndation 
of the world: but now he was manifested once in the last 
(stage) of the times to do away with the sin through his 
sacrifice. * And according аз it is laid down for the men to 

петоуаай &c lit. unto the that which is holy] 4 ml, Arm Eth .. erevosv. 
lit. unto those which are holy 21 Bo, та ауа М &e, Vg Arm cdd.. 
the house of the sanctuary Syr йиєтоу. lit. of those which are 
holy] rev аушоу N€ 37, Cop mid Arm Eth .. om 21, N* &c, Vg Bo Syr 
esx (3x 21 m!)nwg аи пе which is not his own] Bo Syr.. aAXorpto 
№ &с, Ve Arm Eth 

28 я (eax 4)2x0m otherwise] Bo, ere N &c, Vg (alioquin) .. and if 
not Syr .. but if not Arm Eth esos to die] 47, Cop mid .. he should 
have been killed Eth .. rabew М &c, Vg Во (fiteyos ахкао) Syr Arm 
по. &c many times} Во.. trs. тоААак< tabew &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth 
(much cf. тоЛЛа, Dr*) катайоМян | Во, N &c, origine Vg .. creation 
Eth .. beginning Syr Arm є | Eth го..аЛЛа Eth at[o soo 
ей. he was manifested] trs. after ages Bo Eth .. trs. to end N &c, Ve 
Arm .. trs. after sin Eth го itovc. &c once] trs. уми(г) де araé N &c, 
Vg Bo (Arm) Eth .. trs. in end of age once offered himself Syr || пиєо- 
(om 21) voesuy of the times] ftre meneg of the ages Во, N &c, Ve Arm 
.. of the age Syr Eth eovocq &c сти (ом ml)veqo. to do away 
with the sin through his sacrifice] 4 m! (in his з.) N &c (es abernow) 
Vg Arm (one sacr. cdd) .. птечщеще probs &c that he should destroy 
the sin by his sacrifice Во Eth .. eaqovwey &с having done away &c 21 
.. he offered himself in his sacrifice that he might do away with sin Syr 
язппоёє with the sin] NAP r7, Bo Cop mid .. om туз CDeKT &с.. 
арарті–у Дт" Arm? .. destroy sin, appeared this his sacrifice Eth го 

" пийрояяє the men] ш!.. прр. 4..add тнроу all Во (рек) 
essor to die] 4, № &c, Ус Bo (eepor) Syr Arm Eth .. om ml, 47 
(Treg.) паї this] ravra 47 .. their death Syr .. it Eth .. мах these 
Bo (») me | and Syr Eth .. om Во (р) текрістс the judgement | 
organ а judgement Во, крюлб Ñ &c, Arm 


28 тау ох те ee аяпеу с EaYTAAOY eopas йотсоп 
етхАо сора! йймойє ноуаєннщє, aemeaecociicnay ac 
Хорс мове epiraoso ng. ehor иметающт ehorA онта 
єз. | 

X. писязос Tap eritay ear поз фес iiaca- 
eon ETHAW WHE. пөком am йпєобнте. ом iuerescra 
пост eETOTTAASO аячясот EOPar поло Neon тр- 
porene. cerit Gore asa]cov сиео ехфк chord Anery 
азпетоєї epoov. | ^esseeeon етихЛо adm пе ехтхАо 
&&1100$ сора. chord жє asas Агат dcyneraAHcic 

18 4 21 (262) ш!$ язпалєо | 26аш!.. om яя 4 21 Во cric | 
ml 21 .. cenc. 4 | 

1 (4) (21$) (262) єтитаєч having] 41 26%.. отм. had 21, Bo 
(u,* FHS) ? 21 

2 таз &c thus also &c] 4 &c.. om кал ininusc vix mu .. and thus 
Christ also Eth ro єтаМо &c to bear the sins] (the same verb ак 
before for offer) 4 (26° 1) &c .. aveveyxew № &c, Vg Во (птєчіні-єорні) 
Arm Eth .. he slew Syr .. toremit Eth (lit. leave) | п (зай by error m!)- 
оззаннщє lit. of a multitude] 4 262 &c, Bo Syr Arm Eth .. trs. 
zoÀAov aveveykew Ñ &с, Vg .. om their sin Eth ro Xwpre пойє 
without sin] 4 26? &c, М &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth ..ецеотомеч eho 
atone мой: he shall manifest himself without sin Bo, 47 ev(ov 
21)ovxa: unto a salvation] 4 268 &с, N &с, Vg .. lit. he will vivify 
them Eth .. trs. after sin Bo..trs. after appear Syr (vg) .. add (pref. 
37, Arm) ĉa zio reos AP 47, Vg (floriac hal) Syr (h) 

1 nnoar. біс for the law having the shadow] (4 ?) 21 (26^ ?) Bo (а 
shadow) .. trs. скіау уар €xov о voos Ñ &c, Vg .. trs. for the law shadow 
there was in it Syr .. trs. for shadow of &с was having the law Arm .. 
Eth has for its shadow ?s the law of that which cometh good їйлє. 
&c lit. of the good (things) which will become] 4 21, тоу дєАА. ауавоу 
N &с, Arm, bonorum futurorum Vg Syr.. ive marason conar of 
the good (things) which are coming Bo (Eth) лезкомх not the 
image] 4 21.. Taig. ax те not this image it is Во.. ovk аут туу 
«kova Ñ &с, Vg.. and not their very form Arm ..for it was not that 
itself Eth .. not the substance Syr пес. of the things] йтє 
паювноті of these things Во .. ineo. йщорії of the first things 4 .. 

HEBREWS ІХ 28—X 2 `’ 79 

die once, but after this the judgement; ?? thus also the Christ 
having offered himself once to bear the sins of many ; but 
the second time without sin he will be manifested to those 
who expect him, unto a salvation. 

X. For the /aw having the shadow of the good (things) 
which, not the ?mage of the things, with the same 
sacrifices which are offered many times year by year, it is 
not possible for them ever to perfect those who come up 
unto them. > Otherwise would they not be ceasing to offer 
them, because that there is not any more conscience of sin in 

rov прауратом N &c, rerum Vg.. of things themselves Syr .. Arm Eth, 
see above | em furere, &c lit. in the same sacrifices] 4 .. Anere. йот. 
21, rus avrais (om 2 al, Eth... avrov 37) vorais (add avrov NP) N 
&c, Vg Bo Arm .. pref. because of this Syr Eth erovTaNo &c lit. 
which they offer] 4 21, Ñ &c (om ais А 17 47) Vg Во (nas evo») .. 
when-are offered Syr .. the same sacrifices they offer Arm .. when they 
offer sacrifice Eth пого &c many times] 4 21 .. es то дариекс N 
&c, Vg Bo Arm Eth .. om Syr тр(є 21)possne year by year] 4 
21, Eth кат eviavrov rats аютаї 53 біс, Vg Bo Syr (because of 
this when every year) Агт eun Сола «с it is not possible for 
them ever] 4 (21 Т) ovd. дата 33 А СОЪР 17 37 47 al, Bo Syr (not 
ever) Arm (om ever pref. which) .. оудєтотє дулати D*etCH KL al, Ve 
Eth Wer бе those who come up unto them] 21 .. ин єөпнот 
eSorn those who соте in Bo Eth .. trs. rovs тросєрхоиєуоує TeAeivc'a 
N &с, Ус Arm .. those who offer them Syr 

? esrar. otherwise] Во (maon) alioquin Vg .. but if not Arm Eth 
.. єтєє № &c .. for if Syr езпаХо &c lit. would they not be ceasing 
mounting them пр] HaTHAKHID ай We ехии marwoy eorn lit. 
would they not have ceased bringing them in Во .. оок ау eravcavro 
прооферореиаи $ &c .. non cessassent offerri Vg .. om ovx Н* 74 137 
al, f Vg (demid harl**) .. but already they would have rested from their 
offerings Syr .. they were ceasing from offering Arm .. they would have 
ceased from sacrificing Eth єђоћ же (ge же 21) &c because that 
there is not any | Bo (Taron 9X1) .. да то илдєрдау exew. erc (om D* e) 
N &c, ideo quod nullam haberent ultra Vg .. because no longer was 
troubling them Syr .. because neither any longer conscience having Arm 
.. Eth has because he forgiveth the sins of those who sacrifice псти- 
erancre (семетьжсис 21) &c conscience of sin in those who minister | 


пиобе oW иетшяяще. ex rbbo йотсоп. aAa оті 
оурпяєєєтє йонтот nobe тррожепе.  "отатбоявя 
Tap пе erpe смо ose or seace ка mobe ehod. 
SeThe паї ециих  eoovit єпкосавос Шасрүхоос. хе 
оувустА set оупросфора аяєпекотащот. OTCWALA 
ae anchTwrgy мат.  *"neoArA зам метєщаттаат ga 
mobe аапенромак Монтот.  "тотє aFXoOc. хе ес 
оннтє Хинт чено ом oTKEtPAArc Hewwsee єтьнит 
erpaerpe. пмотуте. яепекотощ. Зитпе ae eepxo 

* от 21 ° (9^8) 2132!8 m! щачжоос | yaw aroc 

Bo € (98) 21 32! m! ea] 9? 32! m!  no&e] 92 32! .. пи, 
the sin та! 7 (92 $) 21 32! m! етфиит] 32! ш!.. єтёнт 98 

8 (99) 21 (321) m! 

п (244 ow B?)esmuaecic йтоот йтє gaumohr Sa (sen к) ин eT- 
щєлящу conscience of theirs of sins in the case of those who minister 
Bo .. cvvetdnow арартіоу rovs (add де D* =") Aarpevorvras .. conscientiam 
peccati cultores Vg .. their conscience of sins Syr eavthho ñ. lit. 
they having been purified one time] Bo (тотёо).. атаё кєкабаро- 
pevous (-Gappevovs) X &e, Vg .. those who one time were purified Syr.. 
the ministers once being purified Arm .. and he purified them once Eth 

З оуп бе there is a remembrance in them of sin] я$ри: пбнтот 
nawipi aparer: fimimobs lit. 7» them they were making the thought of 
the sins Во .. ev avra(o Н) avapvnows apapruwy NÑ біс, Vg the 
sacrifices they cause to remember their sins Syr .. there in the same, 
in remembrance of sins they exist Arm them (in) which they make 
remembrance of sin Eth 

t дуатбоза &c for it is impossible] impossibile enim est Vg.. 
оузаєтаткхоза Cap те for it is an impossibility Во .. advvarov уар 
N &c..for cannot Syr.. јот was not being able Arm .. for is not able 
Eth erpe cios &c for blood of goat and calf to forgive sin] iTe 
пспос йтє oarasactr tear оапдарніт eed озимой: that the blood of 
calves and goats should take away sins Во .. opa ravpov кал трауфу 
офолреу apaptias A &6.. arpa тр. к. т. афере (adele N*L b 73 
106 108) N (37) .. sanguine taurorum et hircorum auferri peccata Vg 
.. the blood of bulls and goats cleanse sins Syr .. the blood of the goats 
and of the bulls to take away sins Arm .. the blood of bull and goat that 
it should remit sin Eth ў 

HEBREWS X 3-8 81 

those who minister, they having been purified once (for all)? 
? But (à) there is a remembrance in them of sin year by year. 
* For it is impossible for blood of goat and ealf to forgive 
sin. > Because of this, coming into the world, he is wont 
to say, Sacrifice and offering thou wishedst not, but body 
thou preparedst for me; 9the holocausts and the (offerings) 
which they are wont to give for sin thou wast not willing 
for them: "then I said, Behold, I come—it is written in 
chapter of book concerning me—for to do, God, thy will. 
8 But above he is saying, Sacrifice and offering, the 

° ethe mas because of this] 9* &c, Bo Syr.. дю N &c, Vg (ideo) 
because of which Arm, and because of this Eth .. and when also Eth ro 
щачхоос («p m!) he is wont to say] 98 &e, Леуе  &c, Vg Во Arm 

Eth .. he said Syr оуФ.-озпросф. lit. a sacrifice-an offering | 9^ 
&c, N &e, Vg Bo Eth .. plural Syr Arm nex, thou wishedst not | 
32! ml, Во, М &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth .. Z desired not Eth ro ac] 
9% & Eth ro аксітоті (В 21) nar thou preparedst for me] 

92 &е, Во, котуртсо N бо, Vg Arm (establishedst) .. thou clothedst me 
Syr Eth (el. with &c) .. thy body purify for me Eth ro 

° meg. the holocausts] m!.. опе. indefinite 92, Во, № &e (oAo- 
каутаора. D) Arm .. ovg. an holocaust 21 32! .. sacrifice Eth an 
пєте(пє 32! .. и 21)щат. &c and the (offerings) which they are wont 
to give for sin] (9?) &c.. кас тєрї apaprias N &c, Vg Bo (add of the 
world u*) Arm .. which (are) for sin Syr Eth àxnek(ixnp impera- 
tive by error 21) &c thou wast not willing for] (92 ?) &e, ovx »(e)v3o- 
«qcas Ñ &с, Vg Po (arat) Arm Eth .. thou askedst not Syr .. I was 
not pleased with Eth ro 

7 Хинт 1 come] (92) &с, Ne &c.. om N*.. pref. eyo D, Syr (vg) .. 
behold me I came Eth чено it is written] 98 &c.. trs. ВуВ№юь 
уєураптай Ñ &c (add yap D£r*) Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth ой in] оа &c 
.. pref. because Syr orrepaNıc lit. a chapter] 92 &c, N &c .. eapite 
Vg Syr Во (кот) Eth .. story Arm fixwwasre of book] 92 &c, Bo 
(xwa) Bov № &e, Vg Arm Eth .. of books Syr mtose 116. 
the God] 321, Ñ &c .. pref. ях m!, Во (вак)., trs. cov o cos al pauc, 
Bo (u7) .. Eth has thy will. I was well pleased, ту God .. от o beos К, 
Vg (harl*) 

* жє] 9* 21 321, Во (ваГранокіммор)., те ш!.. om N &с, Vg 
Bo (a £r) Syr Arm Eth «(4 92 32!) хо &c he is saying] (9^) 

1717.2 G 


Явявос. хе orercia «i отпросфора тє АА жө 
mereuja?Taa v ga мове азпекромак йонтот. им 
EWaATTAACOT EOPaL ката HiOssOc. ° тоте әсржоос. 
же ес QHHTE {ину єтраєгре азпекотому. шей 
азпщори хе ecjeTage паяєєоснат єрт. 7° ояя 
nerosogy  стетитЬЬих понт от тєпросфора 
язпсомям Hye mewc Hovcon.  apxieperc seen 
мія» ecjagepaTy авзяниє ecpujasuje стало сора 
й мегоуста йотот Hoag МСОП case cost яяеяоот 
емео ena mobe ебол. пм ae ехчтьАо Ror- 

? (тз) 21 $ at аяпщ. (321) m! 10 (13) 21 m! и. (15) 21 

7 (13) (21) 

(3211) &c, Aeyov N &с, Vg Во (eq, y ADEGMO) Arm Eth .. he said 
Syr ove.-os(Do Гхо)просф. lit. а sacr.-an offering] 21 m!, Ne 
рекі, біс, Syr (h) Eth .. оєме.-оєпир. (92 1) 32! (add япєкотащот 
by error) буочаз-просфораз W* ACD*P 17, f Vg Во Syr (vg) Arm 
seg. the holocausts] m!, 47 .. ай оєпећ:А and holocausts 21 (321) 
кал оХокаутората Ñ &c, Vg Во Syr Arm .. 7 desired not Eth хп 
мете (пе 21)щ. &c and the (offerings) which they are wont to give for 
sin] 32! &c .. ки тєрї apaprias (ov D) N &c, Vg Bo Arm .. which are 
for sin Syr Eth àxnenpornak &c thou wast not willing for them | 
ml Syr .. запекотащот (от)ъє ахпекропак йонтот thou wishedst 
not mor wast thou willing for them 21 (оттє) 321, ovk nOeAnoas ovde 
7 (e)u8okgaas М &c, Vg Bo (add them) Arm .. Eth has thou wast not well 
pleased with that which they offer (which їз ro) in the precept of the law 
(to say Eth, not ro) ^ mas &c these which are wont to be offered &c | 
32! &c (Bo єтє пн ne erosi) Зуг.. avrwes к. v. просфероутаї Ñ біс, 
Vg Arm mitossoc the law] 32! &, DKLP &e, Arm .. om zov 
МАС 17 37 47 

? vore] (13) 32! &c .. and after it Syr .. pref. and Eth atjxooc 
he said] 13 32! &c, Bo, Ñ &c, Vg Syr .. he saith Arm Eth exc ө. 
behold] 13 32! &c .. om Eth ro .. behold me Eth etpaespe (Bo нл 
.. espr Bo) for to do] 13 32! &c, Eth ro.. add bẹ God Bo (к) N¢L 
&c, f Vg Syr (vg h*) Arm (after thy will) Eth (my God after will) 
хпекотощ lit. thy wish] 13 &c.. яяпєтєопак thy will Bo 
щаччі he is wont to take away] 13 32! &e, № біс, Vg .. he rejecteth 

HEBREWS X 9-12 83 

holocausts and the (offerings) which they are wont to give 
for sin, thou wast not willing for them, these which are wont 
to be offered according to the law: ?then he said, Behold, 
I come for to do thy will. He is wont to take away the 
first, that he should set up the second,  !?^In this will in 
which we are sanctified through the offering of the body of 
Jesus the Christ once. !! Every chief priest indeed standeth 
daily ministering, offering the same sacrifices many times, 
these for which it is never possible to forgive sin: 19 but this 

Arm .. he abolisheth Syr..qSwveh he killeth Bo.. he destroyeth Eth 
(my first) єцєтаоє-єратії he should set up &с] 13 21, Syr Eth 
(ту latter) tage m! by error..trs. то Óevr. ornon Ñ &с, Vg 
(sequens) Arm 

? osx пєюто(отоєз 21 by error) uy &c in this will in which &c] 13.. 
93x пєотощ еи(21.. fim!) TRARY nom 2n this will we are &c 21 ml 
.. for by this his will we were sanctified Syr .. ev w OeAnpati түүт. expev 
N &c, in qua voluntate &c Vg Arm .. Во has dar єтантотВо (etay- 
TovRon HJ) fig. Sem nereonae lit. his (in) which we were sanctified 
in his will (he sanctified us n3) .. Eth has that we should be sanctified 
by his good pleasure (wish го) ovi (єм m!) through] 13 бо, МАС 
DE 17 47..0 da DeK E &с santcwsxa of the body] 13 &c.. 
aparos D* йотсоп once| 13 &c .. pref. which Syr .. pref. which 
happened Eth (not ro) 

" apoc.] (13) 21, АСР 37, Cop mid Syr (vg Б") Arm Eth .. єр. 
NDKL &с, f Vg Bo Syr (h) axes | 13 21 .. kar—pev № &с, Vg Bo 

.. ovog and Во (лк) Arm Eth..for Syr яззанпє equ. daily 
ministering] (13) Arm .. trs. Aevrovpy. каб п №“, здание 
21..0m Аєтоуруву Eth, not го eqtado &c пот. (om 13) offering 

the same (om 13) sacrifices many times] (13 ?) 21 .. єт. to offer 21 .. ka 
т. avr. по АХ. poc epov Óvoias Ñ &c, Vg .. om ках D* (Bo) .. (отоо AE) 
пащоущиоотщі po eymu axaxoos єбфоти потаанщ йсоп (and) 
the same sacrifices offering many times Do..the same sacrifices was 
offering Syr..and the same &c many times Arm .. and offereth these 
very sacrifices continually Eth..and offereth in the same manner 
always he offereth his sacrifices continually Eth ro 

? пар this (one)| 21, RACD*EP 17 47 137 al, def Vg Во Аг .. 
avros DeK LL &c, Eth .. av ae neos lit. but this he Bo (к) eat. 
&c lit. having offered him for one sacrifice for sin] 131.. agr. egpa: 

G 2 


orca йотоут [дд п]јобе Гасуо ]а»оос ща eneg [91 OT Mase 
запиоттє. VeysulwT] eboÀ щамтотки» ниєсжажє 
оампеснт миєцотєрнтє. Иом отпросфора itovor 
асрхоко eboX ниєтнатіо wa енед. 15 араяитре хе 
найм smena evovaab seca тречхоос. 1° ae 
TAL T€ TAYAOHRH EPNACLENTC яй дл eellitca "ooo? 
єтажазм у MEXE пхоєхс. every пихмоа»ос Exit метонт. 
Tacgaicoy exh mevaseeve. T seitiicwe Асос 

В (r3) (21) АЕ яз 218 DIS 2T PULSU Эп 

&c offered him up &с 21?.. aqengy єорні exem пеппой: itosujos- 
uj»osugs Потцут lit. offered him over our sins for one sacrifice Bo 
(мі mobs the sins К).. шау отер apaptiwy Tpoceveykas Óvoiav $$ &c, 
Vg (pro peccatis offerens) offering offered for sins Syr .. 
once offered sacrifice for ever for our sin Eth across, &c lit. he sat 
for ever on right hand of God] 13? 21?.. aqoesscr caossmam ap 
ujaá(e)&oN he sat at right hand of God unto the end Bo (egg. he is 
sitting FMN .. во. having sat HJ) Буг (and sit біс to age) .. es то 
dunvexes exabioev ev (ex N) deka Tov Ücov № &c (єк дейшу A 31) Vg 
Arm (pref. and) .. and sat on the right hand of God Eth 

13 єс. eh. expecting] (13) (21).. то Мозпок єчхотщут henceforth 
expecting Во, $$ &c, Vg (de cetero) .. and he expecteth henceforth Syr 
Eth .. and henceforth & Arm want. &c lit, until they put his 
enemies below his feet] (13?) 21, Bo (Xa nu)... ews reÜoow ог єхврої 
avTov утотод:оу т. тодшу avrov Ñ &c, Vg Syr (footstool under) Arm 
(under his feet) .. until they collect his enemies under the footstool of his 
feet Eth 

“ оп(єп 21) озп(ф 21) poc. &c lit. in one offering he completed | 
оупросфора Tap ñorwT acxek for one offering completed Во 
(translating unaccented  Greek).. отпр. &c євмажек one &c (is that) 
which will complete Bo (А к) .. ша уар просфора rereXeukev N &с, Vg 
(consummavit) Arm .. for in one offering he perfected Syr .. one sacrifice 
he made Eth ппєтпатё. &c those who will be sanctified for ever] 
ин сепатоудоют ща chod those who will be sanctified unto the end 
Bo .. es то Oujvekes rovs aytalopevovs № &c, Vg .. those who are sancti- 
fied in him to the age Syr .. the sanctified into eternity Arm .. for ever 
those who are sanctified Eth 

HEBREWS X 13-17 85 

(опе), having offered himself for one sacrifice [for] sin, sat 
(down) for ever [on] the right hand of God; '* expecting 
until are put his enemies below his feet. 14 With one offering 
he completed those who will be sanctified for ever. 15 But 
beareth witness to us the holy spirit after his saying: 
16 This is the covenant which I shall establish with them 
after those days, said the Lord, I will put my Jaws upon their 
hearts, and write them upon their thoughts: ' afterwards 

15 ypa. бс but beareth witness to us] paprupe de nuw N &c, Во 
(варк) contestatur autem nos Vg, but witnesseth to us Syr Arm .. 
yepareope сар stan for beareth witness to us Bo.. and our witness conjunction Bo (r) seme. &c lit. the spirit which is 
holy after his saying it] Bo (F)..fisenmita ceorah ssemestca 
эречхос сар the spirit which is holy, for after his saying it Bo (ae 
варк).. ка то туа то ауу peta yap (дє D£t*) то apyxevac RACD 
ЕР 17 31 47 137 al, Vg .. the holy spirit that it said Syr .. spirit holy 
after that he saith Eth .. кал &¢ peta у. то tpoepyxevac K L &с.. and the 
spirit holy after saying first Arm 

16 хе) Во № &с, Vg Syr Eth tas &с this is the 
covenant which I shall establish] тє Во (єтатсєзанитес 
which I established АЕ) ахта лу баб. nv diab noopat N &c, Eth (ordinance— 
ordain) .. avtn бе y &c Det, f Vg (testamentum) .. this is the diyathtki 
which I shall give Syr naar. with them] Во.. zpos avrovs № &с, 
Ує.. to them Буг Eth .. unto their fathers Arm nexe said] Bo .. 
Хєує № бо, Vg Syr Arm Eth exe lit. I will give] Bo Syr Arm.. 
I shall put Eth .. àiàovs № &c, dando Vg finan. my laws) Bo, 
vouous pov № &c, leges meas Vg Arm ..ахпанозаос my law Во (к) 
ту поті Syr, my law Eth exi иєтонт upon their hearts | er: 
карбиа$ avtov 53 &c .. in cordibus eorum Vg .. їп (heir minds Syr Arm 
(ітіо).. є Урні епозоит into their heart Bo, em кардіам a. 31 46 Euthal 
cod, Eth (into) Taco. &c and write them upon their thoughts] ovog 
+пасилотж exen (orsen HJ) поузаєті and 7 shall write them upon 
their thoughts Bo .. «av єтї тоу биауошу emiypayw avrovs DCEKL біс, 
de Vg (demid) Syr (hearts) Arm .. ка emi туи ðiavoray &e RACDer' Р 
17 31 47 al, f Vg (am fu һал] tol).. and Г shall write it into their 
thought th 

М ann. uy afterwards he is wont to say| om М бе, Vg Bo Syr 


me mevnobe en метамовма ниарпєтвяєєтє де. 
18 сопот ae KW eboÀ itat, ere азая TANO сє EO pat 
Qa mobe., 1 evliran Ge 22247. мАСПНУ. HOTTIAppHcra 
єоотм emmevovaab gae песмо iuc. "eor итач- 
KeoHOQC мам ибрре єтомо ситая mnkaTATIeTACe£. 
ere паї пе. тецеарб. ° ато отмос потнні єхяя 
пні аапиоттє. ° яязаремпенотох Qi отонт аяяяе 
git OTTWT понт язтистіс. epe иемонт вещеющ chor 
ом ovc?viteraHcic язпоинром. epe пеисфяях «оңай 

892 (13) 21$ з (оа) 6!$ 21 P and later и 0 (да) 21 6! 

катапетасаяь | кәтәпє{сала 21 ..-meTHCara Во (EL) ї (9а) 21 
6! *? (92)(21)6! стпєгънсіс] -нъєїсїс 95.. -25cic 21 .. 
-нътсіс 61 

Eth .. then he saith Arm *e &c Their sins and their lawlessnesses 

I will not remember any more] отоо (om м) fittaepdarevs жє (om 
к) ftnomnobs sear noranoarsa and (om м) Z will not remember any 
more (om к) their sins &c Bo Eth .. ка rov ацартишу avrov (om D* 17 
31 al, def Vg) кас rov ауошоу avrov (om 37) ov ру рупово (соран) єтї 
N &c, et peccatorum et iniquitatum eorum iam non recordabor amplius 
Vg Arm .. and their transgression and their sins I shall not remember 
to them Syr 

З eonov ae &c but where forgiveness of these (is)] 9%? &c, отоу 
де aperis rovrov (avrov 38 72) N° &c, Vg (horum remissio) .. miara 
Tap ete отоп Xw єЙо\ axsioq ftre паг lit. for the place in which 
there із forgiveness of these Bo (Sisson &c there is not біс Е).. отоу 
дє афєсиѕ 33" ..Фий where forgiveness ts Arm .. but where there ts for- 
givenesa of sins Syr .. but if it is forgiven thus Eth ese &с then 
there is not offering any more for sin] 92? & язязоп просфора 
жє cohe фиойг then there is not offering any more concerning the sin 
Bo .. ovxert просфора тєр. apaptias Ñ &e, Vg (pro peccato) .. there is 
not need of offering which (is) for sin Syr .. по more is necessary for 
sins an offering Arm .. there is not any more offering for sin Eth 

|? єуптап &c having &c] 21 6! .. there із to us Буг Eth, we have 
Arm бе therefore] 92 21 61.. om Bo (ғ) Eth паспит my 
brothers] 21 6!, Буг.. абеАфо № &c, Vg Arm..our brothers Eth 
парр(ре 98) нсға | (921) 21 611... grace Eth єоотп є lit. in unto] 
9^ 21 6! ,. «s тууу еюобоу  &c, Vg (in introitu) Po («фахозт еботп) 

HEBREWS X 18-22 87 

he is wont to say, Their sins and their lawlessnesses 
I will not remember any more. 19 But where forgiveness of 
these (is) then there is not offering any more for sin. 
І9 Having therefore, my brothers, a boldness of speech (to go) 
into the holy (place) in the blood of Jesus, ?? (by) the living 
new way, which he hewed out for us through the veil, which 
is this his flesh; ?' and (having) а great priest over the 
house of God; * let us come up therefore with true heart 
in assurance of ай, our hearts being sprinkled from evil 

Syr Arm (om тту) Eth (our entrance) emnerovaaf lit. unto that 
which is holy] 21 6!.. the holy house Syr Eth .. тоу ауу М &c (trs. 
before єс. К) Vg Bo Arm (singular, cdd) Eth ro песпоц the 
blood | № &c .. отспоч а blood Bo (1) піс of Jesus] g 21 6! .. 
add and the way of life Syr (see verse 20) 

? tegin &c (BA 9?)ppe er. lit. the way which he hewed for us, 
new, which liveth] (9*3) &c.. and the way of life which he made new 
for us now Syr .. qv evekawiav тшу обоу просфатом кал (om D*) бота 
М &с, Vg Arm .. фи eraqarep 33 bepr nan nierwt 436epr отоо єтоп 
that which he made new for us, the way new and which liveth Bo .. 
for he made new for us a way of life recently Eth єтє п(т g)as 
n(T 9? 21)e tey (ty 6!)c. which is this his flesh] 9% &c .. торт єстім 
ts с. а. Ñ &c, Vg (carnem suam) Arm.. ete течсара те (om F) 
which his flesh is Bo, which is his flesh Syr .. of his flesh Eth 

n aso and) 9% &c, meas (lit. with) Bo, кал N &c, Vg Arm Eth го Eth .. add there is to us Syr exi пні(єг 92) over the house | 
98 &c .. to the house Eth .. Eth ro has with God 

Y ззарем(ри 9?)Xmen(mm 6l)ovor (21 61.. єх 98) let us come 
up] 98 21, просєруе(о)рєва N &c, Vg Bo (1 єќотн) Arm .. add ве 
therefore 61, Syr Eth || git оттошот &c lit. in an assurance of faith] 98, 
ev тАтрофоріа титтєш$ Ñ &с, Vg Arm .. зай оттот and an assurance 
of faith 61, Bo (отакож ите ovnaed) .. and (om ro) in faith complete 
(om ro) confident Eth epe nen (lost 9%.. йй 61)онт в'єщ(ащ 21) 
our hearts being sprinkled] (92) 6l..ewmoxs fixenenont being 
sprinkled our hearts Bo .. eppavru evo таз kapüias М &с, Vg .. having 
washed hearts Arm.. being sprinkled on our hearts Syr .. being pure 
our heart Eth ehod &c lit. out of an evil conscience] (дм) 61, N 
бс, Vg Во (ев. ga) Arm .. and pure from біс Syr .. and we being pure 
from &c Eth epe пеп(пп 6!)cwara xo(o 21)k2x &c our body 


gH oreroor ecposaaó. 2° ssapitaseagTe HoossocAocta 
пөєАпіс ажії раке. оупістос Tap пе пеитьчерит. 
^ үтүө өт исх иемерих єтпаробтусазос Масапи 
яяїх оємобнує єнамотот. Зазпемко псом КТЄМСТ- 
NATWCH HEE аапсфит Moonie пе. „хх eETETHMApa- 
нале. ATW йтєгює моото Hee стетмиху ermegoov 
eoo egovn. 2 емриобе cap итеибояя «nica 
трену SATCOOTH Итазе. «зеп тс бе WAUJOOEH 
ох мое. 27 отооте ae пе бошт ehod онте 
птекрістс ££ TIHOOT Tecate єтилотояе Міїхажє. 

2 (21) 6! ^ 61 napogre. | mapagsc. 61 йас.] йотасайн 
Bo 15 61 ато and 29 &c lit. and thus more as] figovo sadon 
oocon ore rather as much as Bo * 61$ oa]ee&e Во noge] 
gannoĝi sins Во a Gn 

being washed in clean water] (217) 61.. pref. and Во.. каг AeAov- 
(c)pevor то сора обаті kaÜapo N бо, Vg Syr (our body) Eth (our 
body) .. and having baptized the body in &с Arm 

23 ssapitaas. let us hold оп to] (21) 61.. let us strengthen therefore 
Eth плеєМтіс of the hope] 61, Во.. add пишу N*, f Vg Syr.. 
and our hope Eth.. trs. туз eXzi8os tyv op. D, f Vg .. trs. аки) тис 
eAmidos 47 гїї раке without wavering] 61..ак№муу Ñ &c, Vg 
Bo .. and let us not waver Syr .. Arm has let us hold the confession firm 
of the hope .. that it should not be moved Eth nen(nii 6!) тачерит 
he who promised] 6! .. add to us Syr Eth 

^ ntg. and (let us) look] кал катауофиеи № біс, Vg Syr Arm .. 
axapeitXo. let us observe Bo .. pref. отоо and Во (pFHIKL).. and let 
us emulate Eth (omitting es пар.) fica &c to one another] аААз- 
ovs N &e, Vg (invicem) Во Syr Arm .. with our neighbour Eth 

^ азисико бо not having forsaken) py ey(om Р) катаЛє (om 
RD*) (торите М &c, Vg .. fvrenoco ficos and (let us) not forsake Bo.. 
and let из mot be leaving Syr Arm Eth iren (i бТ)сти. our 
assembling together] Vg Bo Syr Eth .. ryv emuovvaywynv «(от N*)avrov 
N &c, Arm (assemblies) ne is] тє Bo, eorw D*, Vg (sicut est) Syr М &c.. Eth has as are accustomed others .. Eth ro has as for 
earth by error of similarity of words ати» and 19] adda  &c, Vg 

HEBREWS X 23-27 89 

conscience, our body being washed in clean water: ?3 let us 
hold on to the confession of the hope without wavering ; for 
faithful he is, he who promised: ?*and (let us) look to one 
another unto an exciting of love and good works; * not 
having forsaken our assembling together, as the custom of 
some is, and exhorting ; and so much the more as ye see the 
day approaching. * For if we sin of our (own) power after 
our receiving the knowledge of the truth, there is no more 
(any) sacrifice (which) will be reserved for sin: * but fearful 
it is to expect the judgement and the flame of the fire, which 

Bo Syr Arm Eth стетипьрак(< 6l)añes exhorting) lit. 
beseeching one from one Syr .. let us admonish Eth .. add one another 
Bo (к,") avw and 29] N &e, Vg .. om Bo Syr Arm (cdd) .. Eth has 
for ye see how approacheth the day .. Eth ro has for behold how ye see 
approaching the day eneg. &c the day approaching] хе ачбомт 
Nixensegoos that approached the day Во .. єууЌоџсау тту трєрам 
N біс 

6 єприовє &c for if we sin of our (own) power] апщанєриойх 
сар єпотошщ for if we should sin wishing (to do so) Ро ..for tf of his 
will should sim a man Syr (continuing with third person singular) .. 
for willingly with mind if we (some one Arm cdd) should transgress 
Aim..ekovgtos yap арартатоутоу pov 53 &c.. and if in act we sin 
Eth .. and. (if) in act we sin Eth ro пащохӣ &c will be reserved 
for sin] Bo (except к щотщ. єөћє 9. сохи заст. for sins reserved) 
.. trs. т. ар. аполететаи 0. Ñ &с, Vg .. (and то) there is not &c 
Eth..Syr has no more is there sacrifice which is offered for sin.. 
Arm has thenceforward there is no more use (lit. necessity) for sin 
4 sacrifice eo р* һав OUKETL Trepi emerat висшам тєрє амартиа5 TTDOO €V€eVKtV, 

7 озооте me &c lit. but a fear it is to expect the judgement] 
poBepa дє tis єкдохт Kpicews М &c, Vg Arm .. osasrisosujr ae e&oN 
fire organ єцог йооч{ but an expecting of a judgement fearful Bo .. but 
expectiny fearful judgement Eth .. but (aXXa) there will be a judgement 
of fear Syr .. fearful is judgement Eth го запо пкоот йтсатє and 
the flame of the fire] коөт may be error for ко jealousy, mear 
ov95coe йтє ovocpoax and a jealousy of a fire Bo Syr Агт .. ка 
mupos £gÀos N &с, Vg .. and а fire of jealousy Eth піжаже the 
enemies | Syr .. т. vzevavriovs М &c, Vg Bo Arm Eth 

A тепрос 2C€BPAIOYC 

^ epujaM ота aeeres запиояяос AReeWTCHC оте 
SXerWTUJMOTH-| OF яейтре cna» H ujossuüT atj- 
AoT. Ver eTeTWMoxQ) teeoc xe ce[napsasmuja потер 
HTiAWPla нозпетнасєще пщнре аєпиоттє. CACETE 
песио{ йтагаеннн хе єцбмояя. паї єптаттіі 
мент. еасющ азпепих WTreocapic. 30 THcooTit 
Tap азпентасуховс. хе MOT єрог аапеньа. ати 
ANOR YNaTwwhe. meae повес. ATW ом. хе maxoeic 
манриие аяпеЦА ос. “orooTe пе oe єорат eio 
зяпмоттє ETON. 

ХІ. [тпїстїс ae те ntalapo iinejritoeAmiz[e epoojs 

?* 61$ ? 61 Ятза». | пола». 6! 61 (cit)  яхпепт.) cit.. 
запит. 6! 3 61 cit оє|єраоти Во 

epyan ova &c if (any) one should reject &c] Bo (щещ).. add 
чар Bo (u2,) .. for if he who transgressed &c Syr .. and (ога ro) tf there 
ts who erred &с Eth .. aberyoas tis Ke М &c, Vg (irritam quis faciens) 
Syr (plural) отещ axitrujit(ujaite 6l)o. without compassion] Во 
Vg.. x. ouxtippwv Ñ &c, Arm .. trs. compassions after witnesses Syr .. 
trs. and they pity him not to end Eth .. add ка: дакрифи D*, Syr (h*) 
gs зайтрє &c at (the mouth of) witnesses two or three] Bo (єорні 
exei) .. єт: д. у т. шартисчу NÑ &с, Vg Arm .. at mouth of two and біс 
Syr... Eth has and whether two or three witnesses (om ro) convicted him 

З етєтїхө &c say ye] тєтємляєті think уе Bo .. trs. тосо докєтє 
N &с, Vg Eth потер of how great] тосо № &c .. add 
раХХоу К, df Vg Bo Syr Arm? Eth eite pix. he will be worthy] 
Bo, № &c, Vg Arm Eth (to be judged .. om worthy ro) .. will he receive 
Syr HTa, punishment] pref. yepovos N &c..add more evil Bo 
nesmaceujgj &с he who will contemn &c] eenagtaus exen he who 
will trample оп &c Bo Syr Eth (trampled) .. о т. v. т. Ө. катататцоа$ 
М &с, Vg Arm eagen having reckoned] xar—yynoapevos Ñ біс, Vg 
(duxerit) Arm (he reckoned) .. отоо ayxa-ñtotẸ and he esteemed &c 
Bo Syr .. and he considered impure Eth (who &c ro) йтоамавн(т 
61)Ks of the covenant] of the new covenant Arm .. his own covenant 
Syr xe єче(к 61) мох lit. that it is polluted] Bo .. xowov М &с, 

HEBREWS X 28—XI т 91 

will devour the enemies. **If (any) one should reject the law 
of Moysés, without compassion at (the mouth of) witnesses 
two or three, he is wont to die: ?? then of how great pwnish- 
ment say ye that he will be worthy, namely he who will 
contemn the Son of God, having reckoned the blood of the 
covenant as being polluted, this in which he was sanctified, 
having insulted the spirit of the grace? °° For we know 
him who said, Cast on me the vengeance, and I, I shall repay, 
said the Lord. And again, The Lord will judge his people. 
*! Fearful it is to fall into the hands of the living God. 

XI. [But the faith] is the substance of the (things) which 

Vg (pollutum) Arm .. as of all men Syr Eth ro па! 
ептау(ч 61*) 1864 (оч 61) йо. this in which he was sanctified] px 
eray тозво порн: побиті Do, № &с..ош A.. trs. after covenant Eth 
єачсощ having insulted] and he insulted &c Syr .. and who insulted біс 
Eth .. k«av-evuBpwas № &c .. et-fecerit Vg, ovog птих fire migasov 
aquiotu- Bo Arm tex. the grace] his grace Eth 

М cap] 6! .. om Syr Eth .. but Arm потуж epos &c cast оп me 
the vengeance] 6!.. пех ngan epos cast the judgement on me cit .. 
epoi exduxnots N &с, Vg (mihi vindictam) Syr Arm (mine ts) .. пех 
ixnujgiujebor anok пе the avenging my own ts Bo .. І, I take vengeance 
Eth ато and 1°] 61, Bo Syr Arm cit, М біс, Ус nexe 
ma. said the Lord] 6! cit, Aeye к. МСА De KL &c, Syr (h) Arm Eth 
(God) .. om 5" D*P 17, f Vg Bo Syr (vg) Eth ro on же lit. again 
that] 61, D, f Vg Bo Syr Arm .. again he saith that Eth .. om от: NA 
КІР єс, Eth го ns, nagp. the Lord will judge] 6!, KeLP «с, 
Bo .. trs. криє к. NFADK* 17, f Vg Syr Arm Eth (God) 

1 отоотє lit. a fear] 6!..add cap cit .. pref. and Eth .. a great 
Лат Syr Arm .. ovepgo*t figovo ne a fearing excessive tt їз Bo ..отнр 
поте how fearful Bo (H2)..a very (om ro) fearful (thing) Eth 
eroi? lit. who liveth] om Eth ro 

' wracxspo lit. the firmness] 111, Arm, утостасіє № &c, substantia 
df Vg, ostaxpo a firmness Bo .. persuasion Syr .. Eth has faith indeed 
(maketh) evident to him who hopeth Eth ro йпєтпө. of the 
(things) which we hope for] (1111) .. йтє пн etovepgeAmic ep. lit. 
of those which they hope for them Во .. trs. eXri£ogevov vroor. М біс, 
Vg .. about those (things) which are in hope аз tf tt was to them tn act 
Syr .. Arm has What ts faith tf (there ts) not of hoped for things the 


aro потому ебоХ ииеобите етемтиньх epoor 
aw. ?Нтатраїтре cap [gla мепресбтте[ројс on 
тал. З ои |от)пістіс єммоєх [xe] йтатсітє йәм 

Qs  пщаже азпиоттіє жє пе єроч Tay 
[ ejor о» nef Jy an[* ] (oN ovnsetic alheaA 
[ | epe [пиохте Paett]Tpe [eopar east] пец ato! 

соєвої of тресіязот туле ^oi оупістіс emo» aT- 
noone ебоХ єтаєтреціат EMOT. ати» аєпотоє 
epos. хе a пиоттє Mooney eboÀ. gaen tap tt- 
патоупооснец eboX avpsnt;pe gapoy хе acqpanac 
аяпиоттє. бажає пїстїс aE отатбоя» пе єрамац. 
üjue cap єпетнадлпєцотої епиохте єпістетє BE 
ещооп. ато xe cpiaujone итафене йиєтшімє 
Hewy. Том OTMIcTIC EaTTOTMEEIATY еол ииюосе 

? (111) з (201) > (51) (111) m! БІ (11!) m! (сіб) 
ках | 5l.e(ri)mm 111 m! тист.) eice toil cit Huge] 5! 11! 
..єщще т! 7 (51) m! 8. єаттотиєєтату) 5!.. аттотпіаті m! 

certainty avw &c and the manifestation of the things which 
we see not] 111, Syr.. Eth has There were those who were confident in 
their hope for a thing which appeareth not .. отрецсоох ae (om AE 26) 
ne ftre оапобноті псєпат єроот an but а proof (lit. reproof Arm) 
it is of things which are not seen Bo Arm ..mpaypatwy cAeyxos ov 
BXerop.evov М &c, Vg Arm 

? сар] 111..0п Eth .. and Syr йтатр. &c lit. for they bare 
witness to the elders] Bo (tap этразеере Sa итр.).. yap єрар- 
торубусау о: тре В. “ &с, Vg (testimonium consecuti sunt senes) Syr 
(was a witness to the elders) Arm of tas in this] 111 .. trs. ev тарту 
уар єрарт. Ñ &c (avr 47) Vg Во Syr Arm Eth (concerning which) 

з оп отпістіс lit. in a faith] тт! thus passim, Во (Syr) Eth.. 
more. М &с, fide Vg .. for in faith Syr fitavchte far lit. they 
prepared the ages] (111) Bo (eneg x,*3).. avcoh} fxenieneo were 
prepared the ages Bo Syr, котуртісдо т. awwvas N &c, Vg (aptata esse 
saecula) Arm охх тщ. lit. in the word] 111? Bo Syr Eth .. рушат! 
М «с, verbo Vg Arm 

5 emw9¢] 11) ml, N &c, Vg Bo Arm.. trs. after verb Буг Eth (he 

HEBREWS XI 2-7 93 

[we] hope for, and the manifestation of the things which we 
see not. ? For witness was borne to the elders in this (faith). 
? By faith we wnderstand that the ages were prepared by the 
word of God. 5 By faith Enokh was removed for him not to 
see the death ; and he was not found, because God removed 
him: for before that he was removed witness was borne to 
him, that he pleased God: ê but without faith it is impossible 
to please him : for it is right for him who will come up to 
God to believe that he is existing, and that he will become 
rewarder of those who seek for him. 7 By faith Nohe, having 

translated) Eth ro єтахтрєциат &с for him not to see the death | 
(5 9) (тт ?) ml, Bo (єщтєяямат) .. rov uy ibe Вау. N &c, Vg (ne videret) 
Eth .. and death he tastéd not Syr ..that he should not death taste 
Arm запотоє lit. they found him not] 5! 11! m!, he was not found 
Syr Eth .. that he should not be found Eth ro.. naso1ax1-an пе Во, 
ovx 1(«)урискєто  &c a-noo(om 11!) печ ей. removed him] (5!) 
r1! ml.. hid him Eth tap] om Bo (z;*x о) .. and—yap Syr .. but 
Eth ix(111 .. es» 5! m!) naso. &c lit. before that they removed 
him] Syr (he translated him) Eth (he &c).. туз petaferews N* AD*P 
17 47, f Vg Во..т. р. avrov NeDeKL &с, Syr (Б) Arm avp- 
язїїтрє lit. they bore witness] 5! (111) ml, Bo, № &c, Vg (test. hab.) 
.. there was to him witness Syr (Eth) .. he witnessed Arm 

б a(t mlje] 5! 111 ш!.. om cit, Во (J 18).. cap Bo (верекі,) 
отат. ne lit. an impossible it is | (тх 1) cit &c, impossibile est Vg, advvatov 
N &с, muon yxor Bo Eth.. cannot any Syr e(om тг! cit)p- 
amag to please him] m!, Eth .. evapeorgoar N &c, Vg Arm.. add 
эхпиозте God 51 (111) cit, Syr Arm use wap] 5! 111 ші, М &c, 
Vg Syr .. om Bo (7) .. but Arm Eth enemad(3x m )nesosos(ex 
11!) &e for him who will come up to God to believe] 5! (11!) ml, 
Syr..trs. йтєциаої йхефи &c that should believe he who cometh &c 
Bo Eth (£o believe first) .. trs. vw revaat уар dec rov тросєрҳ. бєш № &c, 
Vg Arm equjoom he is existing] ml .. quy. Ле existeth 51 (11! ?) 
Bo, or. corw Ñ &с, Vg Syr Eth .. is God eorw xav Eth го 
жє циащ. ftrar&e(s ш!) ке(я m!) &e that he will become rewarder 
&с] 51 «e rr!, Bo (цих will Ав. way is wont to ва &c) 
Eth (he will reward .. he is about to reward xo) .. ка то (ex)&yr. avr. 
paa Üo8orys үшєтол Ñ &c, Vg Syr Arm 

т e(om ml)asr. &c lit. they having informed (they informed m!) 
Nohe] 5! m! .. хрурате $ voe № &с.. when he had spoken to Noah 


erbe метеициьу єроот ам. Итеречросте aqTaseso 
Wownibooc emo?osa: аєпесні. ehoA orTooTE ae[rG ade 
пкосязос ATW әсүшщопе икАиромояясс HTAIRAIOCTHH 
HATA тлістіс. QW OVMIcTIc. NEWATALOTTE єроц хе 
abpagass. atpco Tas eer ehod. єпаям  єтесражІту 
e€wRAHponossia. љое ae choA eimepcoosW хе eg- 
язооще етом. OH OTMIcTIC ac[ovyoo Q пад 
язпернт дос WRO. EAaqIOTWD ON оємоби» seit rcaak 
avo wWROH йщінркАнромояос яяпернт отит. 
10 иеефшт Tap chor онтс птподіс єтеотїїт© cre 
MARAT. TAL ENECTEXNITHC «еп (|анеяйотрсос [пе 

лиот)те. пом OTMIcTIC QWWC cappa таєрни 
а Бие * 51$ ато and] near with Bo 10 51 ет.-таз en. | 
ен єт.-ән єтєп. Bo ye 

Eth .. nwe etartasszoy lit. Noe to whom they showed Bo.. Noe 
responso accepto Vg (Arm) Noah when he was spoken to Syr .. Eth ro 
has he appeared іо М. when he was invisible neret (om ml)quam 
&c the (things) which he seeth not] (517) m! .. those which were not 
being seem Syr ..the fact which appeareth not Eth (not го).. Ttov 
px(8eyro ВЛетореишу Ñ &c, Vg Bo Arm .. Eth ro, see above йте- 
речрооте when he had feared] (5!) ml, evAagz0ess N &c, Vg Arm 
Eth ro .. he feared Bo Syr Eth aqtaszio he made] 519 m! .. and 
(om ro) he made Syr (for him) Eth єпотхәх &c unto the salvation 
of his house] m!, N &c, Vg Bo (отиооєза а deliverance) Arm .. lit. 
for the life of the sons of his house Syr .. in that he might save his house 
Eth ehod 9. аҷтеалє &c through it he condemned the world] m! .. 
8: ys karexpwey &c М біс, Vg Bo (ен єтачеркатанр.-оітоті, 5 E,* г) 
Syr Arm .. when was judged the world Eth ката TIUCTIC according 
to the faith] 5! m!, Bo (of the faith) Eth .. trs. тус ката плоти бікалос. 
ey. к\уроу. Ñ &c, Arm (of the faith) .. iustitiae quae per fidem est heres 
est institutus Vg .. and became &c which is in faith Syr 

* пєщатая, &c he who is wont to be called А. | o кад. aß. AD* 17, 
f Vg Bo (етот) Arm (who А. was called) o XDeKLP &с, Syr 
(A. when he was called).. Eth has heard he who is named Abr. and 
he obeyed to go.. Eth ro has obeyed Abr. to go enara unto the 
place] XeDeKL єс, Bo (Syr) Arm .. enikags to the land Bo (18) 
Eth етєҷпа. which he will be receiving] enaynags. which he 

HEBREWS XI 8-11 95 

been informed concerning the (things) which he seeth not, 
when he had feared he made an ark unto the salvation of 
his house; through it he condemned the world, and he 
became heir of the righteousness according to the faith. 8 By 
faith he who is wont to be called Abraham obeyed to come 
out unto the place which he will be receiving unto an 
inheritance; but he came out, not knowing whither he is 
walking. ° Ву faith he dwelt in the land of the promise as 
(a) strange (land), having dwelt in tents with Isaak and 
Iakob, the fellow heirs of the same promise: 10 for he was 
expecting the city which hath foundation, this whose crafis- 
man and demiurge is God. ™ By faith Sarra herself, the 

was being about to т. Vo, уиеАЛеи Ñ &c, Vg me] каг Ñ &e, Vg Bo 
Syr Arm | enge, not knowing] uy erorapevos  &c, Bo.. 
when he knew mot Syr (Eth) .. and he was not knowing Arm ey- 
злоощє he is walking] Bo, ерхетол № &с, Vg Syr? Eth .. he should 
go Агт 

* en by] pref. ка: D*, d aqosoe he dwelt] тароктаєу Ñ біс, 
Vg Во (eppeasitxwsAs) Arm .. he became a sojourner Eth .. he removed 
and dwelt Eth то... add абраад DeP 37 яка? the land] Bo, D* al ту № біс зхпернт of the promise] which was promised to 
him Syr (Eth) waaro strange] aAXorpiav N &c, Vg Syr (in 
strange) Arm (in strangeness) .. афо an пе being mot his Bo..a 
stranger Eth en &c in tents] Bo .. trs. ev єкти. кат.  &с, Vg Syr 
(pref. and) Arm .. om xor. Eth йшщйЁнрк\. the fellow heirs] Во, М 
&c, Vg Arm .. sone of his inheritance Syr .. those who themselves inherit 
Eth запернт &c of the same promise] Bo (po).. т. ez. т. aurys 
Ne & trys 29 №? .. тус avrgs єт. №, eiusdem Vg Агш..т. єт. 
avrov D£r*, Eth .. their promise Eth ro 

? йтпоМіс &с the city which hath foundation] Bo (the foundations, 
the foundation DFKL 18, a foundation вас мр) Syr Eth ..туи rovs 
бер. exovaay zoÀw N &с, Ух Arm (with foundations established the 
city) чар) Eth for (they were expecting) .. and (they expect) Eth ro 
мназтотрсос] № &e..conditor Vg..worker Syr Eth, maker Во 
(mecpeyeassio) Arm 

" gwwc cap. lit. herself Sarra] пөос gwe cappa she herself S. 
Во, avry cappa № &с, Eth, et ipsa S. Vg Arm (Sara) Eth 
аот Syr тарни the barren (one)] Bo, ОЪР 37, Vg, who 


хех! потбояя evkaTADOÀH яяпесперае> napa пе 
потоеиц итесбот. eboÀ хе астамонт пентацернт. 
12 eTe mar avasttiooy ебоХ см ova. єм пецекяях p 
пкекх goer eĝo. мое HNitcroy итпе oi Tevaue. 
ATW HEE лапщо ETOATAL песпототу пемЛасса eTe- 
anora WitepHT. АЛ» aTHAT єроот аєпотє. av- 
апоєпраєи сої є oak пкало. М иетхо сар йнаї 
WTeige єуотомо sesscoy ебоХ. xe avwe dica 

З fl это] neas Во єтєзаптєс nne] єтєлапат(от GMP.. аущ 
реюзкі)вянтє Maroy lit. which they are not wont to number Во 
13 fl (cit B. M) -goiNe] f! .. &oeiNe cit bs 

barren was Syr Arm .. om NADeKL &с.. trs. seed, being barren Eth 
(the power of seed. го) аси received] Bo Syr Eth ( found) .. trs. 
orepp. «ЛаВеу № &e, Vg Arm add es ro revoca: D* P 37, Syr (Б) 
еукатавоХи| es KataBodyv № &c, entaovo eoù Во Eth .. om Eth 
ro, see above.. in conceptionem Vg (Arm).. that she should conceive 
Syr anapa &c being past the time of her age] «ac тара Karpov 
тко М &e Vg..owoo ие пснот ап me йтє тесазми and it was 
not the time of her age Eo .. and who (was) not in the time of her years 
Syr .. and in unseasonable age old age Eth coN xe 
because that] ere Ñ &c, ems Во (B?) єпгмн Bo, quoniam Vg, upon 
that Syr, because Arm Eth .. and Eth ro .. pref. єтєкє Nc De K LP &е, 
Syr Arm астапонт ment. (пит. ЁТ) she trusted him who pro- 
mised] Eth ro.. mrov тупсато rov єтауу. Ñ біс, (Ме) Arm.. she 
firmly believed that faithful is he who promised to her Syr Eth.. 
ачщоті ецеиоот йтотс йхєфн etaqwus he became faith wl with 
her, namely he who promised Bo 

7 ethe mar because of this] Во Syr.. om Eth .. add ка М &e, Vg 
Arm атти. &c lit. they begat them out of one] аф evos єуєууубусау 
МОРІ &с, Агт..а. є єуєлб. AD*KP 17. ab uno orti sunt Vg 
(Eth) .. from one—were begotten Syr .. lit. from one they bare them Bo 
ea &c whose body also had put off (its) power | kat ravra vevexpwpevov 
N &с, et hoc emortuo Vg ..&e€ Tasta eaqwag fixe rucossa lit. and 
these, it having become cold, the body Bo (his body x) .. and this from 

HEBREWS XI 12-14 97 

barren (one), received a power unto a conception of the seed, 
being past the time of her age, because that she trusted him 
who promised: 12 because of this were begotten out of one, 
whose body also had put off (its) power, as the stars of the 
heaven in their abundance, and as the sand which is by the 
lips of the sea which has not number.  !? According to 
the faith died all these, having not received the promises, 
but (a) they saw them afar off, they saluted, and they confessed 
that we are strangers and we are sojourners in the earth. 
М For those who say such (things) are manifesting themselves 

(one) past (his) time Arm .. who was deficient, in old age Syr .. Eth has 
being both as corpse their body that should become their multitude 
пеє &c as the stars &с in their abundance] Bo, М &е (то zAx6«) 
Vg Arm .. many as the stars which are in heaven Syr єтоатах 
пєспотоъ which is by the lips] Bo (mench) у тара то xetAos N &с 
Ve (oram) Syr Arm .. om D*, Eth 

З ката | #1, Bo, М &c, Vg (iuxta) Arm ..?n as before Syr.. Eth 
has all they who, believing, died (om го) тпастіс the faith] #1.. 
отиао{ а faith Bo, rw Tw М &c, Arm avuor &c died all these | f!, 
N &c, Ус Syr Arm .. these all died Bo .. Eth, see above anor. &c 
having not received the promises] f!, шлу кор. (ЛаВ.) ras ет. N &c, Bo 
Arm (not yet) .. wn просдєбацєуої &e А .. non acceptis repromissionibus 
Vg .. and. they received. not their promise Syr Eth (found) .. and they 

fownd their promise Eth го avtar &с they saw them afar off] #1, 
Во.. торробеи avras адоутєз N біс, Vg Syr (they saw it) Arm (they 
saw them) Eth (they saw it) атаспате they saluted] f!.. ках 

acracapevor Ñ &c, Vg .. отоо (om 18) avepaen. &. отоо (om 18) and 
they saluted them, and Bo .. and they saluted it Eth .. and they rejoiced 
in it Syr..they rejoiced Arm зоол. they confessed] f! .. they 
knew Eth ait(astost cit)een(on Р!)цуяхало біо we are strangers 
and we are sojourners | f ! cit .. o&nugessaso07 ие отоо прези: 
(add me they are B°FIKL 18) strangers they are and sojourners Bo .. 
evot kac тарєтідтиої ew М &c, Ve Syr Arm Eth .. add ка таро‹ко, 
Dar .. &. к. пароїког P ях (отхях upon cit) nrag in the earth] #1 
cit.. om ere туз yns P 

Ч сар] de Syr Eth ro (he) ..and Eth (they) nas &e such 
' (things)] trs. rovavra Хеу. № &с, Arm Eth (thus) .. trs: haec dicunt Vg 
Syr asupite they sought] Bo .. trs, татрида (em)fnrovaw М &c, Vg 

1717.8 H 


owvnoA:x.  ПГємеурпавеєтє нтєнтат єї choA поитс 
MEATPTH пе WROTOT epoc.  "тємоу «є єтотуєц) 
nevcoTH сте татпе те. erbe Mar аєпмоттє Зирпє 
HAT am єтретепікә Мег аяязо nuove EXWOT. 
avcohre чар потпоћіс. om отпістіс abpagase 
Ac[TAÀ€ їсаак пецщнрє потот eopar. Agmen- 
тачщоп epog iitepHT. из Мтатшажє маза. 
же MAAK ЄУМАНЮУТЄ МАК €vcHepseea.  "ecacjeeon- 

Nap 16 f! пєтсотӣ | en єтсо(о)ти поото Bo feminine 
гі 18 fl 19 {1 

Syr Arm Eth отпоМіс a city] zarpióa N &е, Vg Arm .. their city 
Syr Eth (his ro).. отбакі fite ovaxa пщоти a city of a place of 
dwelling Во 

15 exespnasee (om ЇЇ) ve lit. if they were remembering | kave pev &c 
N &c, Vg Do (navipi apareyi they were remembering .. pvnpovevovow 
N*D* 47 73 80) .. and if Syr Eth ro.. but if they wish Eth .. for if 
&c Arm .. om отоо and Во (18)... asen oyn Bo(n?r?pFzkr)  йтє- 
(om f!) staves &c that out of which they came] Bo .. trs. exewns ритор. 
аф(єё 37) ns é  &с, Vg Arm .. trs. if that city from which they 
went out they are seeking Syr .. they wish that city from which they 
went out Eth (ro, see below) пе(н Р')гуртн &с they would have 
made opportunity] 1e пеотоитот снот lit. then they were having 
time Bo (add om 7) .. eov av kupov N &c, habebant utique tempus Vg 
Syr .. there would be time Aym .. would have been possible for them 
Eth пкотоу єрос of returning unto it] Bo Arm Eth .. that again 
they might return that they might до to it Syr .. ауокардуо NÑ &c, Vg 
.. Eth ro has and if (it is) not that which they expect, then having gone 
they might have returned in their appointed. time 

5 tenor ae but now] add it is known Syr Eth (not ro) .. but yet 
Arm .. add ои also Во (7) es (om ev f!) отєщ &c they are wishing 
&c] Bo .. kpevrrovos opeyovrac Ж &e, Vg Syr (that for that which вес) .. 
a noble one they had yearned for Arm .. that that city which is better— 
they were hoping for Eth.. Eth ro has i is that city which із in 

heaven єтє Tarne т(> fl)e which is that of the heaven] Bo.. 
торт єттї єтоураміої М “е, Vg (id est) Arm .. for that which is in 
heaven Syr Eth ethe because] pref. and Bo (варекг) Eth 

sAnmowre &с God 15 not ashamed of them] trs. єтало x. avrovs o бєо5 

HEBREWS XI 15-19 99 

that they sought for a city. 1° І they had remembered that 
out of which they came, they would have made opportunity 
of returning unto it. 16 But now they are wishing (for) 
that which is (more) excellent, which is that of the heaven: 
beeause of this God 1s not ashamed of them, for him to be 
invoked as God over them: for а city was prepared. "Ву 
faith Abraham offered Isaak his only son, namely he who 
accepted the promises ; ** these (promises) which spake to him, 
Isaak will be called for thee unto a seed: 13 having reasoned 

N «с, Ус Bo Syr Arm Eth єтрєу. &c lit. for them to invoke 
him as God over them] eepossxos epos inos поот for them 
to call him God to them Bo .. етакаАео ба avrov beos D*P, Vg Arm 
..Üeos emwaAew at. avrov Ñ &e (avrovs L).. their God to be called 
Syr .. that he should be said their God Eth .. to be said (by) them, Gods 
Eth ro ascohte &c lit. for they prepared a city] aqcoh} с 
soos поубакі for he prepared for them а city Во, N &c, Vg біс й 

T apagan] a&paass Bo .. trs. просєицу. aBpaap N &c (trs. тер. 
«Jp. afjp. 8Ре) Vg (Abraham) Syr (Abrohom) Arm (Арга- 
ham) Eth (Abreham) aqTraNe-eopa:r offered] N &c, Vg Во 
Syr Arm .. he carried Eth Ісаак) add пераборемос $ біс, Vg 
(сит temtaretur) Bo (єтєрптратух 8204. annu) Syr (in his 
temptation) Arm (in &c)..add to sacrifice him when he tempted him 
Eth negu. forwr lit. his one son] аии запечщир» Maravaty 
єорні he (pref. and BADFIKL) offered his only som Во ..каї тоу 
povoyery(v) тросефереи N &c.. Arm has offered A. in his temptation 
I. а sacrifice amd his only one he was offering .. he made ascend his 
only one Eth nomen(nm f!))v. &c namely he who accepted the 
promises] Bo (из[тї в'Р|фщ epog) Vg..o ras eray. avadegapevos № 
&c .. he whom he had received in the promise Syr .. of whom the promises 
he had received. Arm .. om Eth 

18 war &c these (promises) which spake to him] фи єтатсажі 
nestat lit. he to whom they spake Bo, mpos ov «ЛаАл@у N біс, Vg 
(dictum est) Arm .. for it was said to him Syr.. Eth has concerning 
whom he promiseth to him and he saith to him же) om от: D* P, 
Syr Eth усьак| pref. си N &с, Vg Во Syr Arm .. pref. from Eth 
єупазлоттє mak &с Пі. they will be calling for thee unto a seed] 
eveoagess osxpomx пак lit. they will invite a seed for thee Bo, kàn- 
Ó5cerat aot терра. N &c, Vg Syr Arm... he nameth for thee seed Eth 

19 eagar. haviug reasoned] N &с, Vg .. pref. отоо and Bo (n? 1).. 

H 2 


зяєк хе OTH тоз» авпноттє етотиос eboA om 
wevasoovT. eThe пах эт ом отпарабодн. 
станов seit Heavy.  " om oTTIcTIC rano ecpma esos 
aqcsroy enora nora иишире шосяф ати» agy- 
отот eorHe| яяпецсероб. ~ oN оттистіс зосиф 
єцимазот agqpriseceve erbe пех ебоА иищире te- 
пісрані. ATW ajoon erbe меиеес. “FON ovmiemic 
птеротхпо азазоуусно avoony пот ebor от 
мецєютє. ehoA хе ATHAT епщире WHA хе шесозо. 
зяпотроостє онт аапоматосаях азпрро. "om or- 
пістіс [итере] eec wcHc pros ап ото erpevasov ve 

ол Э "7 (194) 71 яйцу. | 191.. meno. f! верой] 
sepog f! 2 121$11 пет e&oN | nass ей. Во Спа) 
ево№ хє] 27! .. є Во м (271) angoro] -ovo 27! 

and ће was reasoning Во (т) Syr (with himself) .. and he reasoned Во 
..lit. he put 2n his mind Arm .. having trusted Eth хе that] Bo 
(AEO) 109, d Eth .. add кал N &c, Vg (Bo Syr) Arm етотиоса 
to raise him] Во Syr (ош him) Eth..trs. єк vexpwy eyewpewv(a:) 
duvatos(ar) о Beos М &c, Vg (Arm) erbe mas because of this] 
Bo .. обеих М &с, Vg Arm .. pref. and Syr Eth ayar &c he received 
him in à parable | Во .. avrov kot ev tapaBorn EKOLO ATO N &e, Vg 
(Arm) .. in а likeness he was given to him Syr .. Eth has became to him 
as а memorial that (one) who was given..Eth ro has his likeness 
became that (one) 

20 ethe concerning] Bo, NDcKLP біс, Syr Arm (Eth).. pref. 

kar АЛ” ao am Ve лєтпащу. the (things) which will be] Bo, 
Tov реЛА. rov N &e, Arm.. trs. Zsau concerning which they 
were about to find Eth a їсьак caor Isaak blessed | e(y)vAoy. 

wa(a)k Ñ &c, Vg Во Syr Arm Eth 
М лаков e(om f')enassov Iakob, being about to die] 19! fl, Bo, 
N &с, Vg Aum (in his dying) .. txs. when was dying Jacob Syr Eth .. 

om when was dying Eth ro arcsxos blessed] 19! f!, Bo Syr Eth 
.. trs. wro «(x)vAoygoev N &c, Vg Arm e(om #1) пота &c each] 

19! f! .. trs. the children of Joseph each one Eth e(& f')ora lit. 

HEBREWS ХІ 20-24 101 

that it is possible for God to raise him out of those who are 
dead: because of this he received him in a parable. 209 By 
faith concerning the (things) whieh will be Isaak blessed 
Iakob and Esau. ° By faith Iakob, being about to die, 
blessed each of the sons of Ioseph, and he worshipped toward 
the top of his staff. °° By faith Idséph, being about to die, 
remembered concerning the coming out of the sons of the 
Israel; and he ordered concerning his bones.  ?3 By faith, 
when Moysés had been born, he was hidden three months by 
his parents, because that they saw the young child that he is 
beautiful; they feared not the edict of the king. * By faith, 
when Moysés had grown up he wished not to be called, The 

unto the top] 191 #1.. in fastigium Vg (harl*) Arm Eth... em N &c, 
f Bo (exen, ovxen .. pref. єорит except ADFK) Ѕуг.. fastigium Vg 

З e(om fl)quassow being about to die] Bo, N &c, Vg Arm (in 
his expiring), when he was dying Syr..when is dying Joseph Eth 
ачри. remembered] Bo Syr Eth..trs. vp. euvguov. М &с, Vg Arm 
ethe-ethe] тєр—тєр М &c, Vg Eth .. àx-ee&e Во, Syr Arm Ti- 
хисранА of the Israel] add from the land of Egypt Eth (not ro) 
љон (оон f1) he ordered] Bo Syr Eth .. trs. to end N &е, Vg Arm 

* птерозхпо &с lit. when they had begotten Moyses] 12! 27), 
having been born Moses Eth .. ше(о)ств yevvnfas N &е, Vg Bo (зал. 
єтатачаь сЧ) Arm..trs. hid him when he was born etar- 
uac Во (x,*) гооп &c lit. they hid him three months by his 
parents] (1217) 27), expun rpiuqvov. ото т. zoTepov avrov Ñ &c, Vg 
Arm Eth (they hid &c in house of his parents) ..&vocont nw na&or 
ivxeneeio hid him 3 months his parents Bo .. the parentsof M. hid him- 
months three Syr enu. uy. &c the young child &с] 271, Bo .. trs. 
астєюу то толбюу М &c, Ус Syr Arm (Eth is his infant) запотр. 
they feared not] 271.. pref. ки  &е, Vg Bo Syr Arm ANANT. 
the edict] 27}, XDKLP &c .. то доуда А 34 запрро of the king] 
27! .. add more pey, yev. povo. avirev &с D* 

^ &vepe ax. бо lit. when Moyses had become great] (27! ?) po. 
peyas yevonevos М &c, Vg Во (азо). єтачеригщяї) .. when he grew 
Arm Eth (trs. before JM.) .. when he became man Syr запботиощ 
he wished not] (27!) уриусато № &c, Vg (negavit) Bo Syr Arm .. 
Moses denied Eth .. denied М. Eth го єтрєтаа. є. lit. for them to 


epos хе пшире итщеере papaw. — ^ eac[cornc 
ма поото | ,|єщіїоє sem mAaoc азптоттє посто 
[ м TamoAapvcic аапиобе прос ofrojeruy 79 єм. су |2773"| 
epoov Heawty goor. И см обтисте opaab тпорин 
язпсоє ебоХ seit мептауратнасте. єлещоп epoc 
пйхооре or отернин. 2° emaze OF ом. neovoesuj 
Tap накаат. erase erbe cexeon hapay canyon 
ефезе зате UN CAS*OUHA st пкєсєєпе npo- 
фитнес. 3 Mar ATATAPO єметавмтєриют отти TMICTIC. 
ауроі ETAIKAIOCTHH. |аздаям)тє пиєрнт. Гатщ- 
Taje мттапро (|мазаво)уї. | З"згусущаз їтеояя N- 

(271) " 22$ ораай| paak Bo 9:205 33 (22 $ at 
avy) mar) ин Bo * (22 $ at every av) 

call him] 27! Во (x,*) to be called Arm.. euyresseo pow за. not to be 
called Bo Syr Eth (said) .. Хєуєтбам М &c .. se esse Vg papaw] 
271, & &c, Во... Pharadn Syr Eth .. Pharaonis Vg (Arm) 

25 eaycotne mag по. lit. having chosen for him more] 27! .. and he 
chose for him Syr .. he preferred Arm Eth (pref. and, not ro) .. маЛЛоу 
eAojevos Ñ &c, Vg .. яка ММом (add ae J) eayorwsy rather having 

wished Bo eujitesce лап to suffer with] 271, Bo (щєпзякао).. 
суу (у)какоуҳес дох № &c .. affligi cum Vg (Syr) Arm Eth поото 
lit. more] 271.. ефоте Bo .. N &c, Vg Arm .. and not Syr Tano- 

Хаустс &c the enjoyment of the sin | 27! (Eth) .. trs. арарт. azoA. to end 
N &с.. tis. peccati habere iucunditatem Vg .. йтєцбзззн Sem probs 
that he might surfeit in the sim Во (om itteyosaxn ва) that he might 
be delighted in sin Syr Arm прос от. for a time] 27!, прос 
отснот Bo .. trs. проокоирои to beginning N &e, Vg (temporalis) Syr 
(short time) Arm (one time) 

У тпорин the harlot | Serapion.. pref. erAeyouery 93" | nemnravp. 
those who were unbelieving] incredulis Vg Arm Eth .. атебтааєт М 
&c, Во (atcwteax) Syr nix. the spies| add and lid them in peace 
Eth .. add Eth ro and saved them 

З enmaxe бс what &c| Syr Eth ro..pref. ка № &c, Vg Bo 
(птахос) Eth .. pref. and now Arm ox further] єт. № &c, Vg Bo 
Syr Arm Eth.. отп therefore Во ().. om D&r*, Arm cdd песоу- 

HEBREWS XI 25-34 103 

son of the daughter of Pharao: * having chosen for himself 
rather to suffer with the people of God— rather than the 
enjoyment of the sin for a time | 29730) seven days. ?! By faith 
Hraab the harlot perished not with those who were un- 
believing, having accepted the spies in peace. 32 What shall 
I say further? for the time will leave me, speaking concerning 
Gedeon, Barakh, Sampson, Iephthae, Daveid, and Samuél, and 
the rest also of the prophets: 39 these who conquered the 
kingdoms through the faith, they worked the righteousnsss, 
[they obtained] the promises, they shut the mouth of the 
lions, ?* they quenched the power of the fire, they escaped the 

(mex 22)oemy the time] trs. ети. pe бү. о ҳр. № &c .. trs. deficiet 
me tempus enarr. Vg Bo (Syr Arm Eth) пакаат will leave me] 
eriAeujeu pe N біс, Vg (deficiet) Во (eeesxosmx shall fail) .. is scanty 
for me (om Eth) Syr Eth (ту time) not sufficient Arm .. Eth ro 

has J needed him who will narrate to me from long time erujae 
speaking] 8upyovuevov № &c, Vg Во (єкфірг) Syr Arm .. that 1 should 
narrate to you Eth ethe concerning] add де D* бара 

(Во 2,)| Bapak Ж &c, Vg Bo Arm.. pref. and passim Eth .. pref. and 
concerning passim Syr..add те DeKLP &c..pref. ка passim D* 
caupon] N &с, Bo (przkM» 18) Samson Vg Eth ro, Shemsün 
Syr .. trs. Samson after Yoftahe Eth ..cassipwar Bo.. pref. кш KLP 
&c reipeae] N &c, Bo (k0) .. sehoase Во .. Lepthe Vg .. Yephthakh 
Syr.. pref. ка КІР &c aavera | ND*.. dawd De, Vg Bo Syr 
(Eth) .. да AKLP &с, Во (1)..add те N &c, d Vg (tol) ae Bo 
(DFKLNO) зап саззотн№ and S.] Bo, ka. capovgA N &е, Vg 
(Samuhel) Syr (Sh.) Arm Eth пкєсєєпє the rest also] nme the 
other Bo, тоу аААюу 37, Vg (demid) Syr Arm Eth (other also)... om 
aAXov N &c, Vg Bo (E) 

8 птатзхро &c lit. who conquered these kingdoms] 22 .. trs. o 
dua піст. катууоисауто Ñ &c, Vg Bo (eganaset kingdoms „. their Jaith 
K) Syr Arm Eth (strove and conquered and gained their ways) .. Eth ro 
(strove and gained a kingdom)  атроці they worked] 22 .. pref. and 
passim Syr — ao*as. they obtained] 221.. pref. and Eth .. om Eth ro 
ппернт the promises] Bo.. erayyeAwy N &c.. their promise Eth .. 
om Eth го | asvuyrass they shut] (22 ?).. pref. and Eth | &vranpo 
the mouth] 22 .. erogare. Ñ &c, Bo (проот) Arm 

М лтощах they quenched] (22?)..pref. and passim Syr Eth 


тете. arpo єттапро итсище. атубаєтова ом 
төтө об. ATWWNE evsoop oxe ппоћечвос. aoo 
WasnapisboAH омностє. “a оємсоїяє жі Aney- 
PEYLLOOTT. ATTOTHOCOT MAT. оеикооте ae avoaTov. 
ANOTA EPOOT азпситє aemnevcosta. хе єтє 
Sencwhe авазорту зам QEMLACTITZ. ETI AE оп aseeppe 
зам пещтено. “TATOTACTOT. ATOIWME epoov. aT- 
заст ом orowTh WHeHepe. eavaroowe ом geithadot 
аи оєнщаар ithaaeene. er papwo. eredshe. ev- 

teate the fire] (22) Bo (FKP)..zvpos Ñ &c, Во (от роза) Arm 
ттапро &c lit. the mouth of the sword] 22,.Vg Syr Arm Eth.. 
cTopara paxatpa(n)s Ñ &c, Bo(swords) | от in 19] 22, Bo Syr Eth .. 
ато N &c, Vg Arm.. Eth ro has and they were stronger than those 
before them ^уботӣ they subdued] aspi they turned to flight Bo, 
єк\уау Ñ &c, they discomfited Eth .. they seized Eth то .. verterunt Vg 
пахпарахбомн the camps] 22.. ganm. camps Bo Syr Eth.. з. 
capep[3. ekrX. aXX. N &e, Vg попкоотє of others] 22 .. ivre gan- 
ujessax007 of strangers Bo, аХЛотріишу N біс, Vg .. of enemies Syr Eth 

5 a оеи(М 22)co me жі &c women received (back) their dead) 
«ЛаВоу уху. eÉ ауаст. Tous vexp. avrov № біс, Vg Arm . received 
women their dead out of а resurrection Bo..and тес. w. their 
dead (a resurrection of the dead то) Eth .. and they gave to women 
their sons from a resurrection of the dead Syr ATTOVILOCOT 
мат lit. they raised them for them] e£ ауастасєос № &c, Vg (de r.) 
(Bo) Arm .. they vivified them as of a resurrection Eth оєн(Я 22)- 
кооує ae but others] N &с. om ae Во Arm .. and others Syr .. and 
there are those who Eth argator lit. they tortured them] Syr 
Arm .. ervuravioĝyoav Ñ &c, Vg Bo (as0ocujosoujos з%Фрнҷ igan- 
keskeas they stretched them out as musical instruments) .. died in 
being tortured Eth ззпотщ. &c they accepted not the redemption 
of their body] they &c redemption of their soul Eth ro .. they accepted 
not the redemption Bo, ov rpocdcEapevor туи атодутр. Ñ &c, Vg (Arm) 
.. they hoped not for escape Syr .. they wished not for deliverance Eth 
жє evexs бо that they should receive the (more) excellent resurrec- 

HEBREWS XI 35-37 105 

edge of the sword, they gained power in the weakness, they 
became strong in the war, they subdued the camps of others. 
19 Women received (back) their dead, they were raised up for 
them: but others were tormented, they accepted not the 
redemption of their body, that they should receive the (more) 
excellent resurrection : 38 but others were tried by mockings 
of them and scourges, but further by the bonds and the prison: 
" they were sawn, they were stoned, they died by a killing of 
sword, having walked in sheepskins and skins of goat, being 

tion] fice roro» øs Bo.. trs. wa xpewrovos avast. тоҳоси NÑ &с, 
Arm .. ut meliorem invenirent т. Vg .. that res. better might be to them 
Syr ..that they might find life which is better Eth .. that they might 
make known those who find life from the dead Eth ro 

* ae] and Arm Eth атухоптот lit. they tried them] trs. 
шастиуоу перах chaBov N &с, Vg (experti) Во (&snewpe) Syr (entered 
into) Arm .. Eth has and there are those also whom they scourged and 
mocked them and abused them and bound them in chains on 
gen(i 22)cwhe &с lit. in mockings of them and scourges| Sem 
gancwbr mess ganasactsewoc Bo.. єртагушоу (om 37) кал paor. $ 
&c, ludibria et verbera Vg Syr .. of torments and scourges Arm .. Eth, 
see above ets є | Во № «с.. om de 37, Arm .. and Arm cdd .. Syr 
has others to bomds amd prisons were delivered оп ixaxppe зап 
пещтеко lit. in the bonds and the prison | decpwv kac $vAakgs № &c .. 
vincula et carceres Vg (Arm) .. tear озикесиазо п. gang. and bonds 
also and. prisons Bo 

"атзотастот &с lit. they sawed them &c] (Eth).. товони 
€xoov avhacos nefaujowp they stoned them, they sawed them with 
the saw Во, N &с, Vg Syr (pref. others) Arm .. and there are those 
whom they sawed with the saw Kth..pref. єтєрасбпсау (Р £r*) 
LP 17, Bo (7)..add єтєр. АЮеК &с, f Vg Во Eth ro 
зузаот they died] Bo..trs. мах. атєбамоу Ñ біс, Vg Syr (others &c) 
Arm .. and they killed them Eth oveo lit. a murder] nSwteb 
the m. Bo .. mouth Syr Eth eavar, having walked] they walked Во, 
zepujAOov № &с, Vg Syr (others) Arm .. and they wandered about Eth 
gñ genh. &c in sheepskins and skins of goat] (Arm).. ev pyAwrats ev 
avyetocs. Oepuagww N біс, Vg (pellibus caprinis) Bo (skins of goat) .. 
being clothed with skins of sheep and of goat Syr .. in sackcloth (om vo) 
und rough skins and skins of goat Eth сузаоко раіпе | om Во (Р) 
Or semel .. trs. какооҳоуџєуо: OAL. 17 


MORO. °% мат єтаєпкосязос паепща 241007 att. 
єусоряя ом ихаме seit HTooy seit Hera яа мещкной 
ATIRA. ато єхтраєттрє олроот тнрот оту 
THicTic norai HiepHT. epe miovve бошт 
evowh eepcovit єтінити. хє пиезжок chor a xir 
ХП. ethe nas ge ertan oooW ze02$ Anei- 
заннщє di$sf3Tpe єткн нам єораї. €àHHO Hewitt 
ALWNTSACIQHT мав ат» пове eTagepaTy epon. 
єораї. — ^enooujr єпарунсос їїтпїстїс лам mpeg- 

35 22 39 22 40 22 
' (19) (22) 3! 31! $ #1 esiiram.-3321a5| 22 3! .. covnt.—ma. fl.. 
єотоп Bo ато] near Bo arapi] 19 3! f! .. arapen 22 тө 

22 (3!) 32! (38!) f! (cit B. М.) 

? gar ет. lit. these who] Bo (етепаре) ov N &c, Vg Arm .. men 

who Syr .. they who are those who Eth .. Eth го has whom the world 
was not worthy to possess axnkoc, the world] Bo (their w. L).. trs. 
agios o koopos Ñ &c, Ус Syr Arm Eth єтсорах wandering] Бо 
..trs. єрт. тАауши. М &c, Vg Arm..and they were as wandering 
Syr .. and going about Eth er in} DKL &c, Vg Syr (Arm Eth) 
Palladius .. єтї МАР 17, Bo (9*).. trs. montibus—desertis Antonius 
эп fiesa and the caves] om Eth ro .. trs. oA. tAavwp. Palladius 

? avo &c and witness having been borne to them all] ка оутої 
(om Eth, Clem) zavres март. N &c, Ve Bo Syr Arm, Antonius (om 
TAVTES) .. K. т. март. ovr. Det nepar the promises] A, Bo (васс) 
.. тли єт. М &c, f Vg Bo Syr (that which he promised them, Antonius) 
.. Eth has and they obtained that which promised them God 

"З epe ппоттє &c God looking at] rov дєоу-тро8Аєу. N &e, Vg 
( providente) Arm (reckoned) .. єзерхотиут зсхєм щорп йжєфҷ{ батон 
having looked from at first God forward Во .. because God saw before 
Syr Eth .. connect of God with verse 39 Arm edd, Clem evo. &c 
а thing (more) excellent concerning us| Bo .. xpevrrov ті mept пи. ПЕТ" 
Bsurp mepi ти. кр. ть Ñ &c, Arm (om ті) Eth (that which is better) .. 
pro nobis melius aliquid Vg ..for our help Syr пиєтх. eh. they 
should not be perfected] Bo Eth.. trs. x. ум. телєшоб. № біс, Vg Syr 
Arm .. Eth ro has for he saw for us that which is better that they &c 

HEBREWS XI 38—XII 2 107 

destitute, afflicted, pained—** these of whom the world is not 
worthy— wandering in the deserts and the mountains and the 
eaves and the holes of the earth. ?? And witness having been 
borne to them all through the faith they received not the 
promises : *9 God looking at a thing (more) excellent concerning 
us, that they should not be perfeeted without us. 

XII. Beeause of this therefore, we also having this multi- 
tude of witnesses established unto us, having forsaken all pride 
and the sin which besetteth us, let us run with patience the 
contest which is established for us, *looking at the author of 

1 evbe &c because of this therefore | 22°32 311. от'єє fl, Syr 

Arm Eth (pref. and) .. rovyapow Ж &c, ideoque Ус... eobe nar сәр 
for because of this Bo gwwn we also] anon офи Bo .. om 22... от 
also Arm cdd Anem. ях. lit. this multitude of witness] 22 &c .. 
sich-a mult, of witnesses Arm .. OSHNI йтаталаін-йтє gamaapty- 
рос a cloud of this size-of witnesses Bo .. roo (так 53" )ovrov-veoos 
paprvpov № &c, Vg .. all these witnesses which as a cloud surround us 
Syr Eth (surr. us as &c).. Eth ro has and we also, we have of wit- 
nesses a cloud етки mam egpar lit. which is put for us down] 
(22) &с.. єотоп-%н єорні exomn being put over us Во.. терике 
p.evov шу Ñ &c..inpositam us clinging Arm..Syr Eth, see 
above eanko &c having forsaken] 22 &c, Bo, azofeuevo № Ke, 
Vg .. let us lay aside from us Syr, let us cast from on us Eth .. let us 
cast away Атт ях (ош 19)axitv(add ре f!* by еттог)жасто. м. all 
pride] 19 (22) &c, Во Arm .. oy«ov-ravra N &c, Vg (omne pondus) 
Syr (weights) Eth — evagepaty epon lit. which standeth unto us] 19 
(22?) &е, Bo .. ryv ємтєрістатом № &c, cirewumstans nos Vg .. which at 
all time is prepared for us Syr..sins (the sins cdd) urgent Arm .. 
agitation. of (sin) Eth epom unto us} Bo (см)..ада 
сала greatly Во orr ото. lit. through a patience] 19 (22 7) 
&c, Eth ..trs. бі vropovgs трєхореи N &с, Vg Bo (the patience 3) Syr 
(pref. and) Arm 5пасши &c lit. (^o or in Arm) the contest which 
is put down for us] 19 22% &c, Syr (set for us) Arm (before is for us) 
.. Sem mirae. in the contest &е Bo.. rov трокєцієуоу прим aywva SN біс, 
Vg .. to that which is prepared for us our hope Eth 

? сиб. looking] 3! &c .. and let из look Syr .. let us look Arm .. and 
let us follow Eth enapx. &с the author of the faith and the 
perfecter, Jesus| 3! &c, Во Vg Arm (the faith cdd)... rov т. тістеоѕ 


хок ehoA IC. пар enea i*npauJe єткн мәс Epa 
аЧотповаємтє cmectoc. єачнатафромеї anume. 
APORLOOC OF TOMMALe аєпсероштос аєпноттє. "отиті 
CAP оз# петиоит enemracjosrnosene МОТАМТІЛОКЧА 
птєгаямтє CoA orroovov мирецрисбе. хекас Aneri- 
wore ow NETINGT Жи стетисощая.  "азпатетипоо 
cap enea азпесмо ететмьсоиике orbe пиойе. 
^awo aTerHprmobUg а®псопс. Mar єтщажє изеаанти 

efod| om Bo мєс. | me. f! ло 22 (315) 88111 
am. | аи{Х. fl. anain. 38! -Hrer | as 381  отоот. | 
orroosr. f! t 19 22 38! fl cit mnohe] 19*22 .. en. f! 5.39 
22 Spi TI 

арх. kat TeX. у М &c .. Jesus who 15 the head and perfecter of our faith 
Syr .. the perfect prince Jesus Christ Eth ensa &c lit. instead of 
the joy which was put down for him] 3! &c, firuge&so in exchange 
for the joy which is put before him Bo (охо Геммор) Syr (which 
was for him) Arm (which him before was) .. суті Tys прокєціємує avro 
xapas NÑ &c .. proposito sibi gaudio Vg .. trs. having despised &c because 
of the joy which was prepared for him Eth adqovnoaser (19... дат 
22 &с.. эхо 3!)ne &c endured the cross, having despised the shame | 
(311) &c .. ачазаону йтотч covey. &c he endured a cross, he desp. Во 
.. стољроу (pref. тоу D*) N &c (aux. karag.) Vg (conf. cont.) Syr (and 
shame despised) Arm (despised) Ap. patrum .. endured the shame of the 
cross, having despised it Eth aqgsrooc he sat &c] 3! &c 38! cit, 
Во Arm..and he sat &с Eth..ev бєбіа те (дє L) біс N &c, atque т 
dextera &с Vg Syr заплоттє of God! 3! &c 38! N, 
Зо (х*) 

% отити сар 93x пєтпонт for take heed in your heart] 19 22 
3! .. git neti- in your (om hearts) f! .. avaXoywaoÓe yap Ж &c, Vg.. 
om yap Vg (harl)..»ssemaxe& еннот Tap for reason in yourselves 
Bo..see therefore then consider Arm..think now Eth 
єпєптаҷо. &c who endured such contradiction by the sinners] 3! біс 
..тоу (om D*) тошлтуи утошереу. vro rov ap. ets (c)avrov avriXoyiav 
А &c ..rov-«s eavrovs avr. N* D* .. talem &c adversum semet ipsos 

HEBREWS ХІЇ 3-5 109 

the faith and the perfecter, Jesus, this (one) who, instead 
of the joy. which was established for him, endwred the cross, 
having despised the shame, he sat (down) on the right hand 
of the throne of God. For take heed in your heart unto 
him who endured such contradiction by the sinners, that ye 
be not weary in your souls fainting (away).  "Ког ye have 
not yet reached unto the place of the blood, striving against 
the sin: °and ye forgat the exhortation, this which speaketh 

contrad. Vg (am fu* harl tol) .. how much he endured from sinners they 
who were adversaries to themselves Syr .. who with such patience from 
sinners contradiction endured Arm., єталяяєтрєчаяломі птот RTE 
фат зхпалрня єї, огтотоу iuupes. esanrriNocia єрооту Mar, nar. 
this endurance of such an one from sinners unto a contradiction unto 
themselves Po (to them x,*, Ne 1£7)..0f him who thus endured from 
sinners, and they talk about it with one another Eth єтетисощах 
(щосях 22) fainting (away)] 19 &c..trs. еретеийнХ ehoX Ser 
neremmpoxn lit. being dissolved in your souls Bo..Syr has lest it 
weary you and lest slackeneth your soul.. Arm has lest ye become 
troubled in yourselves and grow weak.. Eth has lest should become 
weary your soul and lest ye should be languid 

4 anas. уе have not yet reached | Syr (Eth) .. ovrw-avricarerryre 
N &c, Vg (Bo) Arm (having fought) tap] 19 &c, Der* L, Bo Arm 
Eth .. om eit, № &c, f Vg (am fu tol) Bo (АЕ).. and Eth го ensa 
àxmecnoq unto the place of the blood] as far as blood Syr.. trs. 
pexpt(s) ациатоѕ аутакат. Ñ &c, Vg Arm .. trs. even unto the blood to 
end Bo єтетпасон. &c striving against the sin] 19 &c.. pref. 
ava cit .. contrary ате ye being to sin Arm .. trs. mpos т. а. avrayovi£, 
N &e, Vg .. in the strife which is against sin Syr .. Bo has 331a Teven- 
oo: ератеи өнпоу еретеи{ф orhe probs ujaespnr єпспос ye 
have not yet stood up fighting the sin even unto the blood .. Eth го has 
And still unto death ye come. Strive with sin and refuse it.. Eth 
has For still being not firm unto blood ye come. Strive with sin and 
refuse it 

5 avo and] om Во (ва) этетири. ye forgat] ear. ye having 
forgotten 38! запсопс the exhortation] that teaching Syr 
єтщгхе &c which speaketh to you] erage. which spake to you Bo.. 
nts орлу-біадєуєти X &с, Уо Arm .. which as tu sons we are saying 
to you Syr .. Eth has prefer the teaching of your hope, for as sons he 


оос шире. хе пащнрє. aenpprovs понт erechw 
nxoeic. oae зепреющая єухтио язагок єЇВОА 
QITOOTY. ‘петере пхоее Cap ave aero шаиы- 
ACTE MUONS. WayetacTicoy хе ищире miee Erma- 
ujonow epot. "отупояєємте єтєсбо epe minore erpe 
инти оос шире. Niet TAP ищире петсязере песет 
палете oY. ^eupxe тет щаат ae Wrecbo. та 
отом Mitt KETENE єрос. ere TETH Qoeimnuovx. 
йтєти оемшире ам. ?euygse мнєзмтам MAAT 
WWerove WTencapz Wpeepkebo ємшупє garor. посто 
ge aN TWHaovHnoTacce аєпетут пиепих томо. 

щирє| олпщнр‹ Во npp. | заперр. 38! єтєсёо | seite. Bo 
ухоєтс | пос 19 *-rpi(22) ЗВТ 7 19 $ at suas 22 38$ f! 
петєзаєре | 19 22 .. петере f! 8 19 22 381 f! оєппотх) опи. 
22 fl.. омищнр пи. Во ° (19) 22 381$ (#1) пиєготє| 19 381 
"Rer 22 #1 й(єм r9)venc.] -тис. 22 

saith to you хе naw. My ѕор | om pov D* 37 .. om же Во біс 
osae (охоо Вор) япр(єр 381) co(o f!) цуях &c nor faint &с] Eth 
has and turn not away from him when he correcteth thee chod o. 
by him] DE.. trs. vm. avrov «Аеуҳ. № &c..escoor Maron when he 
reproveth thee Bo 

* nxoeic the Lord] Eth .. trs. chastiseth the Lord Eth ro Tap | 
om f! щачазасть(тє 22.. { П)сот he is wont to scourge] he 
tortureth Атта ъє | om Bo (7) Arm .. and Syr Eth єт (єў 22 
38! (1) паш. whom he will accept] with whom he is well pleased Syr 
.. whom he desireth Eth .. who obeyeth not Eth ro 

7 owroaxei(19..5 22 &с)не(н 38! #1) endure] Bo (apro.) .. en- 
dure therefore Буг .. trs. evs rad. vropevere М &c (but D joins es m. with 
тарадех.) Vg (in disciplina) Arm Eth (to your chastisement) etechw 
the chastisement | fichw Bo (4,).. evc&o а ch. Во, &с epe &c lit. 
God dealing with you as son] because that as toward sons worketh with 
you God Syr .. $ vios ушу (ушу 17) mpoodepetar о Geos N біс, Vg 
(offert) Arm .. aycaxı пєязотєп язфрнҷ{ поапщирі пхєфі spake 
to you «s sons God Bo .. зр. &c sons of God Bo (B? x, 26).. for as sons 
loveth you God Eth пєтєллєрє &c (is) he whom &c] єстім оу &c 
NeDKLP &e, Syr Агт.. om eorw МАР, f Vg Bo (єтєяхпарє) Eth 

HEBREWS XII 6-9 111 

to you аз son, My son be not discouraged at the chastisement 
of the Lord, пот faint, being reproved by him; $ for he whom 
the Lord loveth he is wont to chastise, but he is wont to 
scourge every son whom he will accept.  " Endwre the 
chastisement, while God is dealing with you as son; for 
what son (is) he whom his father is not wont to chastise? 
$ But if ye lack the chastisement, of which all partook, then 
ye are false, ye are not (true) sons. ?If we had the fathers 
of our flesh for chastisers, we are reverencing them: (much) 
rather therefore shall we not be subjected to the Father of 

neeexo his father] Bo .. trs. татур to end N &е, Vg Syr (his f.) Arm 
Eth (his f.) 

* тетищ. ye lack] хор єстє М &с, Vg Во (Xs ca&oN) Syr Arm., 
Eth has but if they chastise yow mot ae] N &c, Vg Bo Eth .. om 
Во (Ав„Езт 26).. and Syr.. for Arm, yap Macarius ita &c of 
which all partook | (Arm) .. ys-zavres N &c, Vg Bo (ен era vepujbsp 
€poc тирот).. with which is chastised every one Syr .. trs. ye were not 
sons, and ye were the same all of you Eth | йтєтії &c lit. ye are sons 
not] and (om ва) ye are sons not Bo .. кол ovx wot core МАТ" 17 37. 
f Vg.. and. not sons Syr Arm . and ye were not sons Eth .. єстє x. o. v. 
D^KLP &c, Macarius 

° eusxe if] 19 &c ..їскє-заєм Bo.. and if Syr .. but if Eth .. for 
if Arm .. ата тоъѕ pev N & Eth ro ne(eo 19 38! 11) эитьи 
зз. we had] trs. татєра< eyopev № &c .. carnis nostrae habuimus Ve .. 
птє тсарб пазИтТаи Buat of the flesh we were having Bo .. Arm Бах 
for if to our bodily fathers whom we have for admonishers we give 
reverence .. Syr has and if our fathers of the flesh were chastising us.. 
Eth has but if our fathers who begat us in the flesh chastise us .. Eth 
ro has there were our &c and they chastise us en(it fl)upme 
о(по {!)итот we are reverencing them] xac everpez. Ñ біс, Vg Во 
(ovog ranupprr батотон) Syr Eth поото Ge am lit. not rather 
therefore] 19 22 .. se йоото am xe then not &с Во.. ov под. padov 
N &с, Vg .. how much more Arm .. how much therefore ought we Syr .. 
how much therefore more-ought we (om ought we го) Eth THAD. 
&c shall we not be subjected to the Father of the spirits] (19) 22. 
N &c, Vg Bo Агш.. ѓо submit to and to obey the father of our spirits 
Eth .. ѓо зырт. &c our father Eth submit to our spiritual 
fathers Syr 


HAL eeen TAP прос оейңо[ тї] Hooov mevn(araewe| 
ARLON HATA п[єтејомат. пат ac ито ехиочре epon] 
єтремах ehoA gae пецотоп. "сіно ae miee прос 
тези аже eae потраще am те. АЛЛа отАупн. 
азїїйсос е wact моткарпос егрнитком Mal- 
катосумн HWENTATCTaetaze aeaeooy ehoA октоотс. 
1? етфе пах seaTago єратоу Hitote erbHA eboX seit 
HAT єткн. З итетитаяжме oenoroove ETCOT TWH 
пиетиотерите. хекас HME петхотое mouc. adda 
eqeAo. "пот исх Хрнин зам отом зая. муз 
птббо. пат эхит азам Алм Manar  ermxoeic. 

10 (19) (22) єтиочрє| -o&pe 22..(є вер... ях L)nereprtospr 
jo пєчотоп| тєчаєттотубо Во п 19$ 22 отАтпн] fre 
оухіка? font Bo 2 19 (22 ПР) Во М 19$ ати) пела 
Bo mas] фи Во 

10 sar en cap Юг these indeed| ог д. у. № &c, Bo (ин) .. et illi 
quidem Vg pev Syr Arm .. but those Eth .. o pev N* прос 
geng. &c for a few days] (19) (22) N &c, Bo (откотжі AE).. in 
tempore paucorum dierum Vg.. for a short time Syr Arm... for the 
completion of a few days Eth nesnaraese were chastising] то, 
(Det) Eth.. етазастисох are scourging 22..trs. алто emadevov 
m &с, Vg Syr Arm : auon us| то 22, Bo (пан) Vg Syr N &e, Arm ката петєопат according to their will | 
(19) (22).. от Eth ro па! ae пт. but this (one) indeed] (19) 
(22) Во.. о де № &e Eth .. hic autem Vg Arm .. but God Syr epon 
unto us] 19, Eth .. man govo to us more Во, sur profit Syr .. от 22, 
N &с, Vg Arm Eth го 

11 ne | NcADcCKL &с, f Ус Во Der*, Arm Eth .. pev 
МУР 17,d прос тєтпоу wen) Do..zpos pev то mapov Ñ &c, 
Vg .. in its time Syr .. for the time not Arm (not for &c cdd)... trs. in 
its time after joy Eth єцужє &е lit. if of joy not 16 is] ov доке 
xapas ewar М &e, Vg Syr..not of joy seemeth Arm .. seemeth not joy 
Eth..s3x3marxes&ow emaospaugr ие (Лом art not wont to find (didst 
not find ^,N) them as things of joy Bo замис. &c but afterwards | 
vorepov дє № &с, Vg Arm .. emSae ae but at the end Во Syr wact 
it is wont to give | Rre Хаяєелані щастии] ins of the righteousness it 
is wont to give to those біс Bo Syr .. trs. yeyvpw. arodidwow М біс, Arm 

HEBREWS ХІІ io-14- `` 113 

the spirits and live? 19 For these indeed for a few days 
were chastising us according to their will; but this (one) 
indeed unto a profit unto us, for us to receive out of his 
holiness. И But all chastisement for the hour indeed, as if 
not а joy is, but (^) a grief; but afterwards it is wont to give 
a peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who were exercised 
by it. 1? Because of this set up the hands which are let slack 
and the knees which are relaxed; ! and make straight roads 
for your feet, that that which is lame should not turn aside, 
but (a) that it should cease (from infirmity). !* Follow after 
the peace with all, and the sanctification, this without which 

..trs. after per eam Ус поткарп. &c lit. a fruit peaceable of 
righteousness | Bo (the т.) .. к. ep —dixar. Ñ &c, Vg Arm (of peace) .. fruit 
of peace and of righteousness Syr пиємт. &c to those who were 

exercised by it] Bo .. to those who by it &c Syr .. trs. єртикоу то à 
avr, у. Ñ &c, Vg (ex. per eam) Arm .. to those who make it Eth ro 

1? стве п. because of this] 19, Зуг.. біо N &c, Vg Arm.. add ве 
therefore 22 .. pref. and. Eth .. and now Eth ro axaTaQo &c set up | 
Eth .. trs. to end N &c, Vg Во Syr Arm ititoix &c the hands &c | 
your hands—your knees Syr .. hand-and foot Eth .. foot-and hand Eth 
ro єтінА єбом-єткн which are let slack-which are relaxed] 
these same epithets are reversed in the Bohairic, and translated 
paralysed and let (down)..W &c have wapepevas—rapaleAvpeva, Vg 
remássas-soluta, Syr тетіз8-тоскіпу, Ата  disabled—tottering .. Eth 
tseveseta—tsebusata both infirm, Eth ro dsevesata-tseveseta 

з дтетит. &с lit. and make ways straight] ка (ras 37) трохіає 
opÜas mote 53 &c, Vg (gressus) Syr (paths) Arm (paths) .. &psovws 
йом Оо evco»vomn make courses straight Bo .. ати! make path 
straight Eth | петхотое that which 15 lame | Arm, claudicans Vg .. то 
xoXov М &c .. x2xev&'aNe the lameness Bo.. your lameness Eth .. the 
member which is lame Syr adda ечеХо but that it should cease 
&с] Syr.. али ММом ae firecNoxc but rather that it may recover Bo 
Vg Arm .. «аву де маАЛоу N &с.. Eth has that should be healed (lit. 
live) your lameness and ye should not stwmble 

м пот lit. run] Bo Syr..trs. ep. бюкете NÑ &c, Vg Arm Eth.. 
follow Eth ro ntho the sanctification] Bo, rov eytac jov Ж &с, 
sanctimoniam Vg Syr .. holiness Arm .. and neglect not your holiness 
Eth nar &e lit, this without it] but without it Eth .. фи eteat- 

1717.2 I 


15 ететїүжоо[шщут ehord зантозс отм ота waar chor 
[oss т)єоавот semwos[Tre). еенпос отм |отмо)уме ta- 
пикра Гєсрн)т едал ом отееокос. исесою Roen- 
чанище eboA orrooTC.  "аанпис OTN отпормос н 
eqgcooqg Nee писах. па enea HOTGINOTWLe NOTWT 
ay GureepeewTujJpriese:ice. | ""тєтисосоум Tap xe 
яеттсос eepoyoug екАнромочяет asneceeoy av TCTO'| 
chor. aert[oe TAP ceea ав'єєтатога. катер cacjUmre 
псос ee oenpseerH. 1 итатетипетмотог tap an 
єпєтоусокосяя понт. єтхеро ом OTCATE жет or- 

в 15) "5 (13) 19 "йнсау| еписат 19 (13) 19 отощ 
скХ.]| 13 отєщ кА. 19 каер] 13 19, Во 18.. Retos Во eag- 
щіпє | meagnuy Во ля with | Sem in Bo 13 13 $6 19f! Япєти| 
үзхп. f! озо] ovoer 13 

спот that without which Bo.. om Eth ro which has God there is not 
(any) who saw (him) manay will see] seeth Syr Arm edd, Antonius 
с (ях Bo Ax)mxoe:c the Lord] Ус (am fu)..trs. our Lord seeth not 
Syr .. deum d Vg (demid al) Eth 
З etet. e. looking out] and be cautious Syr .. be cautious Arm.. 
take care Eth osi ота uy. (any) опе fail of] should be found 
«mong you who is destitute of Syr .. destitute should be found Arm .. 
lit. there is not he who meglecteth Eth .. if there is he who found not 
Eth ro iannosre of God] om Bo (Ax) яянпос 20] pref. or 
Syr .. there is not Eth ro .. and there is not Eth отп os, there is 
a root] № &с (ил) т< риба)... lit. there is not he who is found (who is 
with то) a root Eth ої ovsxonoc lit. in a trouble] probably by 
error for ev oyày .. €css&ao giving pain Во, evoyAn N &c, Vg (ітре- 
diat) Syr Arm.. Eth has which germ?nateth trouble (го causeth to 
germ.) псєс. &с lit. and they defile multitudes through it} xc 
à (a т)аотуѕ puavOwow (ог) полой М «е, Vg (ат). отоо e&oN 
огтотс йтє отланщ &wsess and by it many should be defiled Bo Syr 
_ Arm .. which causeth to defile many Eth e. оттооте through 16] 
avrys AP 17 47.. толту NDKL &c 
© занос | 19 .. anwe an Bo.. pref. or Syr .. lest there should be 
Eth ovit there 15] 19 .. should фе found among you Syr н ог] 
19, Arm cdd .. and Syr Arm Eth eqcooy profane] 19, BeBnàos 

HEBREWS ХП 15-18 115 

(lit. it) there is not any (who) will see the Lord: ' looking 
out lest by any means (any) one fail of the grace of God; 
lest by any means there is a root of bitterness springing up 
injuriously, and many be defiled through it; !*Zesí by any 
means there is a fornicator, or profane (person) as Esau, this 
(who) for one (dish of) meat gave (up) his firstborn rights. 
“For ye know that afterwards, wishing to inherit the 
blessing, he was rejected. For he found not (any) place of 
repentance, although he sought for it with tears. 19 For ye 
came not up unto that which is handled, which is kindled 

N &c. Vg Bo Arm Eth .. reckless Syr ensa бо lit. in the place of 
one eating gave &c] 13 19, № &c (trs. aze8oro to end) Vg Syr Arm 
(trs. &c).. eragy fiteqaretusasercr e&oN Sa ох Spe йотаут sold 
his &c for (in AB8E) one food Bo Eth (Zn) пиеч. his firstborn 
rights| та трототокиа eavrov Ж &c, Vg Bo Arm (singular cdd) .. йтєц- 
sxevujassscs his firstborn right Во (Ат, 18) Syr Eth 

7 verme. &с for ye know that afterwards wishing] 13 19, Eth (he 
wished) .. wore yap ori кол ретєтета ÓeXov. (Хєуву D*) N &c, Vg Syr 
(he wished) .. and. having wished Eth то.. уе km. that although after- 
wards he wished Arm чар 1°] 13 19.. от Во (AEG мм ОР) Arm Eth 
- є Bo (вагрегк 18) язпєсалот the blessing] Arm cdd .. add 
and he sent him forth because Eth (not ro)..the blessings Arm 
swicrog єй. lit. they rejected him] 13 r9..avorrep єв. they cast 
him out Bo..he was not able Eth ..атєдокшатбу N &е, Vg Arm 
angge he found not] 13 r9..trs. мет. тотоу ovy evpev Ñ &c Arm.. 
he lacked the way to repent Eth 

З єпєтоуб. &c lit. unto that which they handle ір it, which 
is kindled in a fire] уулофореию ках (от D£'* һаг) Во z, Arm) 
кекалреую (kekaAvppevo. D*) поро МАС 17 47, df Vg (am fu demid 
һаг] tol) .. ga озор pwas ivxostxess отоо eysroo to а fire of handling 
and (which) is burning Bo .. to fire which burneth and is palpable Syr fire which is visible and which burneth Eth .. to touch fire which 
burneth Eth ro .. add оре after улл. Det KL &c (before y. 37) Vgele 
Arm (before y. and has which with fire was kindled) злії and 1°} 
м &c, Vg Bo Агт.. пог Syr owvcocax &с lit. a blackness and 
a darkness and а storm] N &с (om ка £o$o К) Syr..turbinem et 
caliginem. et proccllam Vg .. отепофос nesr отакі eypong nert 
отсаравнот a blackness and a darkness which repelleth and а whirl- 



боса» AL OvHAHE sell OTQATHT. | зет оторооу 
eaAmez зам TE€CAtH NWitWaxe. Tar NTA метсотає 
TlAparTes азязос ETALOTEQae пщьхе NAT. ?'язпотсії 
«ар ероот азпетщає MALAT. каш єрщам OT- 
енріом жо emroov шатогоме epos. — ? ооутос 
методотє пе ecejovono єроот. à aso wcHc хоос. хе Зо 
посте ATW Цетот. 2° aXXa итатетипетиотох єстомі 
MTOOT ATW єтпоћ:с AeMMOTTE ETONG. отероусл Аня» 
итие «еп оємтіа HRacceAoc. arw enwa ee тек- 
кАнста пищрпавамсє ETCH оп ARMHTE. ATW emnov e 

З r3 19 f}? ты] ен Во Sra] entra 13 moc) om Bo 
13 19 f! ерщ.| 13 і9..рщ. Ї! єпт.] 13 19.. пт. f! щаз] 
eve Во © З (13) 19 $at & Її! eqos.] печ. 19 2 (13) 1951$ 
(401) fi (cit L.) ятәтєти) 19.. птати 5! &с nesii(en 5!)отох | 
19 5!.. aneth. f! отер.| аеАна» 19 &c cit З rs 19 401 f! 
cit L. minug.| neng. fl.. five oarujassrci Во 


wind Во .. and blackness perplexed and gloom and storm and darkness 
Eth .. and gloom &с Eth ro.. Arm has four words all referring to 

19 seit and 19] nor to &с Syr ficadmieg of trumpet) of а 
trumpet Во Eth .. of trumpets Bo (FJ)... trs. салтіууоѕ ухо $ &с, Vg 
.. voice of trumpet Syr..where the trumpet was sounding Arm 
muy of the words] йтє ganc. of words Bo, рпиатшу V біс eTax- 
оуєоях бс not to repeat the word to them| euyress &с seaxoov lit. 
not to repeat speaking with them Во (noov to them Гркк).. that it 
should not be added to speak with them. Syr .. that he should not repeat 
to them the word Arm .. ux тростєбпува( -сбєа A) алто Xoyov N біс 
.. Eth has which they heard, those (om ro), and they desired not that 
they should repeat speaking to them 

2 ganovys бс for they endured not| ovk e$epov yap N &c, Vg 
Arm... игъ {гд с. (om N) an me Sa for they were not being able to 
bear Bo .. for they were not able to endure Syr .. they were not able to 
listen, Eth anera. m. him who speaketh to them] Eth .. mere- 
тати» maoy lit. that which they were saying Во, Vg (quod dicebatur) 
.. то дгастєАЛорєуоу Ñ &c, Arm .. that which was commanded Syr 

й Фото (о 13 f!)e thus] оутос NCCDPLMP.. ото МА .. pref. 
xa. X &6, Vo отоо (om в“) пагрнЯ; and thus Bo Syr Arm Eth (even 

HEBREWS XII 19-23 117 

with a fire, and blackness and darkness and storm, }° and 
sound of trumpet, and the voice of the words; this which 
those who hear intreated it not to repeat the word to them: 
20 for they endured not him who speaketh to them: even of 
wild beast should touch the mountain it is wont to be 
stoned: 2 thus was it fearful, being manifested unto them; 
Moyses said, I fear and I tremble : ** but (>) ye came up unto 
Sion the mountain, and unto the city of the living God, the 
Hierusalem. ої the heaven, and myriads of angels, 23 and unto 
the feast and the church of the firstborn who are written in 
the heavens, and unto God the judge of all, and the spirits 

ro) nesoove пе &clit. it was a fear being manifested] (13?) 
fl.. nevo. me meg &c й was a fear, t was being manifested 19 .. 
magos Root йхєпєоотопо ebo was being terrible that which was 
manifested Bo Eth (even so terrible vo) .. poBepov nv то pavračopevov Ñ 
&c .. terrible was the sight (Vg) Syr Arm a зао. ж. Moyses said | 
(131) 19 N &c, Во (pF).. add vap f!, Bo, Vg (harl) .. that &c Syr.. 
that even &с Arm .. and. М. also Eth : 

? АМАа | (13) &c, Eth ro.. om 5!1..ov yap A.. but (дє) ye Syr 
Eth, Macarius ecrom mroos unto Sion the mountain] 19 &c .. 
oile D*)ov оре N &с, Vg Arm, Macarius .. 9a HITWOT йтє суши to 
the mountain of Sion Bo ope Eth..add holy Bo (ва) 
avo &с and unto the city] 131 &c, Macarius Marcus .. ess thas 
and the city Во .. ка пола М &c.. om Vg (hail).. om xov D*, Eth 
&(e f!) тпє of the heaven] 13 &c cit, Bo .. which 2s in heaven Syr Eth 
(heavens, not то).. erovpavuo Ñ &c, Macarius Marcus .. trs. ezovp. tep. 
pe oen (ost f!) Tha myriads] 19 &с cit, Во, pupraow N &e .. pvpwv 
aywv D*.. and to assemblies of myriads of angels Syr .. and. to thou- 
sands of camps of angels Arm .. thousands Eth пасс. of angels | 
13 &c 40! cit .. add rejoicing Eth, Amb .. of rejoicing (ones) Eth ro 

з ayw e(om 19 Єс)пща and unto the feast] om ати» cit.. 
evepujas keeping feast Bo, cf. collaudantium Oriat .. ravyyupe N &c 
за теккА. and the church] ка. єккА. N &с, Vg Во (отеккМ.) Syr 
Arm .. ef ecclesiarum Vg (am) .. om and Eth ro етсно &с who are 
written in the heavens] RACDLMP 17 37 47, f Vg Bo Syr Arm.. 
ev ovp. атоуєур. К &c .. whose names are written &c Eth .. made perfect 
Arm cdd a*0-miax and-all] om uas lit. every 40! by 
error «(om Г|)пиоттє &c unto God the judge of all] Syr Eth.. 


пекритис потом niae. i nenna Hitamaioc єтхнк 
фол. ?*awo єпазєсттно йтазаюнни Ибрре ic seit 
песмосі sm 0oujoUj eywase eoove MaaheA. ” щт 
Ge азприараттє: аєпетіщахє тазяєнти. cujoe ин 
cap язпотрбол сепетогхая mao. птєротпараттеї 
азпетцах є мазаза у. ПОЛУ sf43ÀÀO0M anon NETKTO 
азазооу eboA ssneboÀ om аєпнтє. —"^euypxe ayka 
єпкао ФИ oUcaeH A3IICOTOCHU. TEMOT же ачернт 
єпкао АМ erkene. "TO ae ети ifinecon ецотомо 

м (13) 19 40? f! avo] мела Bo asen | -ev. f! о таб 
198 f! пи)неї! uoNv|ngoso Bo.. йо. жє Во (к).. add therefore 
Eth  ззаММом| sod. f!  євоМ | ош f! * 13 $ 19 (29) 21 nim 
єпка?| 19, Во (Гресмор).. sam. Bo..ome r3 f! axmeos. | 13 .. 
пот. fl.. anor. 19 єткє | THE f! * (13) то 29 $ f! 

криті) Jew avrov  &c, Bo (near mipegqtoan di) .. iudicem omnium 
deum Vg Arm .. Eth ro has and God the judge of righteousness and 
the judge of all the righteous perfect menia the spirits] Bo (к).. 
пуеирати D*, Vg (demid) Arm Eth .. and to the spirit Bo .. om Eth ro 
ййљяк. етхик єй. of the righteous who are perfected] те№оу 
Sedixawwprevors М" .. дикашоу TeÜeyeAwopevov D* 

й e(om 401 #1) паз. &c unto the mediator &c] (13) &c .. trs. à. veas 
peowry(s D*) № &e, Vg Arm (new cov.) .. trs. Jesus the mediator of the 
covenant new Во Syr (to Jesus) .. to Jesus the conciliator and leader 
Eth .. Jesus the leader Eth ro mecmoes an(n п. f1) the blood 
of (and f!) the sprinkling] 13 &c, N &е (armari) Во (отсмоч iive 
ovnooxs) the sprinkling of his blood Syr Arm Eth .. sanguinis 
asperstonem Vg egove (add є f!) naa&. more than that of Abel] 
13 &c, Во Syr .. trs. краттои AoXovvrt тара то aff. L, Arm? .. кр. А. т. 
tov aß.  &oc, Vg .. is better its speaking than that of Abel Eth 

^ gwwT look] anas see Во &e therefore] 13 19, Syr Eth .. 
om #1, à &c, Vg Bo Arm пахаянтії to you] D*, Ус (barl*) Syr 
Eth .. om & &c, Vg Bo Arm vap] ош Bo(A,) Eth япоурёо\л 
escaped not] were not saved Eth єпетогхах бс from him who (is) 

HEBREWS XII 24-27 119 

of the righteous who are perfected, "апа unto the mediator 
of the new covenant, Jesus, and the blood of the sprinkling, 
speaking more than that of Abel. °° Look, therefore, refuse 
not him who speaketh to you. For if those escaped not 
from him who (is) upon the earth, when they had refused, him 
who spake to them, much more we, those who turn from him 
who is out of the heavens: “If he shook the earth with 
voice at that time; now however he promised, saying, Yet 
another time I, I shall shake not only the earth, but (a) the 
heaven also. *7 But this, yet another time, is manifesting the 

upon the earth &с]| тои eme (Tns) yns т. xp. МКР &c .. єтє y. т. тоу 
хоти. N* ACDM 17, orvsen nikae: єтатєрпар Во.. т. тои є y. X- 37, 
Vg Arm .. who refused him who spake to them in the earth Syr .. him 
who appeared to them in ( from vo) the mountain Eth anon we] vues 
C 47.. om Во (7) пєткто &с those who turn from him who is out 
of the heavens] Syr (spake to us).. trs. ot rov aT ovpavov (ov М) 
атовтрефореои 53 &c, Arm .. qui de caelis loquentem nobis avertimur Vg 
.. ANON ба пн єенакєт Spay CaboM *хфн etagi ей. $. піфнотт 
lit. we under those who will turn their face (we who turned our face Eth) 
from him who came out of the heavens Bo Eth .. those to whom from 
heaven he turned Eth ro 

© єцухє &c lit. И he shook the earth with a voice at the (me 13 
.. 19) time] 13..2f &c at this (nex f1) .. ov 7 (ош M) povn tyv ути 
ead. rore Ñ &c, Vg (movit terram) Во (Kia. ахпікаді ятиснот 
moved the earth at the time) Arm .. he whose voice the earth shook Syr.. 
and shook the earth his voice that day Eth тєпоу ae эчернт lit. 
but now he promised] and now also he spake and Eth ro 
eepxo 33, saying | and said Syr (Arm Eth) xe ети(е! f!)] Bo, от: ети 
М .. erc Ñ &e оти 47 .. 0m Eth ro «(fk 29)econ anor another 
time І] Во ..атаё eyo М &e, Vg Syr Eth.. eyo ат. J Во 
(рек 18) akie Г shall shake] Во (aromen) seso RA CM 
17 47, f Vg Syr Arm .. ceo DKLP &c .. add Aeye D* 

" то me (fle.. тє 13 19 29) ets(ex f!) (оп 19) &e but this 
(lit. the) yet another time] 13 & de єтє arag N біс, Bo (rue 
љє).. от ert 47 .. but (vo .. and Eth) this which he said, one time Syr 
Eth .. quod autem adhuc semel dicit declarat Vg .. but once more maketh 
plain Ахта єфоушиі є. is manifesting] 13 біс... дуЛо N &c .. 


ehor s»nmoone ehoA иєткія оос EATTALLIOOT. 
хе ехебю WowrereWceniae лми. 7 eThe mar єл 
потаїттєро ECTASPHT азариціоваот e6oÀ ситооте 
нтишаєцує ENPANA аєпиоттє oW отосте «еп ov- 
стот. ка: TAP MENMOTTE OTRWOT єцотоощє пе. 

ХПІ. таємтаватсом eeapecow. ?тазмтаялиЦаяаяс 
s»nppnecobU. отм Tar Сар a gome щеп gemar- 
сеЛос Epooy Wcecoovw aw. ?аріпаєєєтє иметазнр 

єаттаза.| 19.. ant, f! з 13 P 19$ 29$ (271) оитоотЕ| add 
позоеиц ras always 27! 9 (r3) 1029-271 

1 15 10 29/27 s я 130107201271 З 13$ 19$ 29$ 27! 

€tjTa 210 sisson 75 showing из Bo язплоонє &е the removal of 
those which are shaken as having been made] (1314) &e, Syr (because 
they are made) .. (тту) vov aaXcvopevov (туи) рєтабєті ws memoujpevov 
N &с.. om ryv D* M, езозотей Bo.. of the shaken (things) as of made 
(things) removal Arm .. mobilium translationem tamquam factorum Vg 
.. that he will remove that which was shaken Eth то .. that &c—-shaken for 
they are created (things) Eth xe (add кас ЇЇ) «с neve (TH 29) біс 
that should remain the (things) which are not shaken] (13?) &e, N 
&e, Vg Bo (щели єзсахопт) Syr Arm (the unshaken) Eth that which 
is not shaken) .. om А 

% ethe mar because of this] 13 19, Во... біо N &с, Vg (itaque) 
Arm Eth (and because of this) .. for Eth ro .. and because therefore Syr 
eanxs having received] 13 19 .. trs. асал. тароЛарВ. № &c, Vg Arm 
Eth ro (we receive) .. enmags being about to receive Bo .. we received 
Syr .. we receive Eth єстажрит which is firm] 13 r9 .. acaAevrov 
N &c, Vg Bo (паткіах) Syr Arm Eth злари(єп 29)щуії. (єп. 29) 
let us be thankful through it] 13 19, Chr .. єкореи Хари” ді ys AC 
De LM &е; Vg (demid) (Во).. Bo has s*apenuyom: coron озот 
йтотєп фа: етеимащелани Ap євоМ orrow let us have grace 
this through which we shall serve God (om 26) being pleasing ..let us 
lay hold on the grace by which Syr Arm .. eyopev & NKP 17 37, f 
Vg (pref. and) птицуяхщє &c and minister being pleasing to God] 
13 19 27 ! .. Aarpevopev evaperros то бед ACDL 17 &c, Vg .. Aarpevo- 


removal of those which are shaken as having been made, that 
should remain the (things) which are not shaken. 78 Because 
of this, having received a kingdom which is firm, let us be 
thankful through it and minister, being pleasing to God, in 
fear and trembling: 29 for even our God is a consuming fire. 
XIII. The brotherly love let it remain. ? The hospitality 
forget it not: for through this some entertained angels and 
knew it not. Remember those who are bound, as being 

pev & NK МР, Arm (trs. т. 0. ev.) .. Bo, see above .. let us serve and 
please God Syr Eth .. om and please him Eth ro OFQOTE-OFCTWT 
lit. а fear-a trembling] 13 19 271, Bo Arm .. evAaffetas-0eovs N* ACD 
17, Syr..evA. к. aious NCD'MP, f Vg.. adovs кол eviaB. KL біс 
(add deyoews Cosm 5і2).. prayer—petition Eth ro.. prayer—petition 
and fear-trembling Eth 

? каг «е for even our God] (13) &c, Bo, N &c, Vg, Macarius 1? .. 
for our God Syr Arm Eth, Mac. 2?.. короѕ yap D* .. ош ка уар Ap. 
patrum eqovww(om 13 27 Ї)щє пе lit. consuming is] 13 біс, 
«aravaAurkov Ñ &e (without єттї) Vg (cons. est) Arm .. eyoowss пе 
lit. eating is Bo Eth, is eating Фуг.. катауа№юкоу воть Ар. 

" тазтталатсои lit. the loving of brother] Bo, 7 фіЛаделфіа. N &c, 
Arm .. caritas fraternitatis Vg .. love of brothers Syr .. Eth has and be in 
loving with your neighbour arapecgw let it remain] peverw N &c, 
Vg..s*apecujom: ессэзомт let it be permanent Bo .. let й be firm 
Arm .. add im vobis Vg (demid tol) Syr Arm .. Eth, see above 

° vai. the hospitality] Во, N &c, Arm .. pref. её Vg Syr (Eth)... 
trs. and forget not &c Eth > 901(29 27! ..€x 13 ід)пє & lit. 
some received angels unto them and knew (it) not] Sen owe&up а 
эпохой wen oamavceNoc epoos lit. in an unconsciousness some 
received angels unto them Во (om Sen отєвщі DFK)..cAaÜov rwes 
Cevwravres ayyeňovs N &c, Vg (am harl**) Palladius .. some ignorantly 
received angels Aim .. placuerunt quidam &c f Vg (fu &c) .. were worthy 
some, being not conscious, to receive angels Syr .. there are (some) to 
whom they granted that they should receive (as) stranger angels being 
ignorant Eth .. there &с granted and they received (as) stranger angels 
Eth ro 

* пиетаянр those who are bound] Bo (cong) Syr, D* (бєдеремом) .. 


оос ETETHALHP иазазат. чай METALORD оос етети- 
щооп OWTTHTTN ose псом. — 'помазос таїну ом 
ооб Mise, arw meea düinoTR тббну. яяпориос Cap 
эм моєї — HeTepe пмоуте MARIME  i92£007. 
5 ape песаеот щопе потаямосвят ait пе. MTE 
метщооп рещттнути. ито Cap асрхобс. хе има- 
башк orae iManaanH Hews. ° осте итетихоос 
ETETHTHR понт. хе nxoeic me naboneoc пАнароостє 
an xe epe posse мар ov nar "аріпаєєєтє Ameri- 
NOG. MAI тати инт аєпиажє IDIOT TC. MAI 

+ 13 19 29 271$ (cit D. M. $) тант] cit.. ант 13 бс AAK. | 
лк. cit ^(e) 13 $ 19 29 Яотяяәт. | 13 .. evtovas. r9 29 озат] 
gost 29 ПиаВащи| -вощи r3 19 є (е) (13) 19 29$ Xna pl 
*naep 29 posse] mposss Во (or) ? (e) (13 $) 19 (24) (25) 298 
nar 1°] ин Во mas 29] 13 19 24, Во..пн Bo (рек) 

дєсшоу N &c .. the bound Arm Eth оос (om ewe 27 1) &c as being 
bound with them] Bo (cone) Eth .. as if with them уе are bound Syr 
Aim .. ош Eth ro.. ws cuvdedepevor № &c зап пет. &c and those 
who are pained] Bo (18) and Bo, N &c .. recollect those &c 
Syr..and the tormented Arm..and those who are tortured Е 
оос &c as being yourselves also in the Роду | Bo (Гемор 26).. om 
оотєн Во (м).. om the Bo, N &с, Vg (morantes) Arm (corporeal) .. as 
men who are in flesh clothed Syr that ye ате (lit. were) in your 
body Eth .. Eth ro has remember the bound, those who are bound and 
tortured in their body like you 

t neasszoc (add axem cit) &c the marriage (is) honoured] 13 &c cit, 
Bo .. тциоѕ о yapos N біс, Vg Eth .. honourable is m. Syr Arm on 
90 miar in all things] 13 &c cit ..ev таси N &с, Vg Syr .. entirely 
Arm . everywhere Eth .. іп all (persons?) Во (ото ssar) ATW 
and | 13 &c cit,  &с, Ух Bo (ваГоенок 18 26) Syr Eth (and-also) 
.. от Bo(AEGMNOP) тёёнт pure} 13 &c cit, Bo (Я щагрі тотінотт) 
.. ариаутоз N &с, Vg.. and pure (are) beds Arm .. there is not pollution 
Eth .. their bed із pure Syr cap] 13 19, NAD*MP, Vg Во.. om 
52, Vg (cod) Eth ro .. indeed Eth .. ae 271, CDeK І, &c, f Bo (px) Syr 
Arm пєтєрє &c (are) those whom God will judge] 13 19 .. pref. 
nas these 271.. dp пакр. epwor God will judge them Bo .. криє: o Geos 
М &е, Ус Syr (is judging) Arm Eth 


bound with them; and those who are pained, as being your- 
selves also in the body. * The marriage (is) honoured in all 
things, and the couch pure: for the fovnicators and the 
adulterers (are) those whom God will judge. Let the form 
(of life) be not a loving of money, and let the (things) which 
are (present) suffice you: for he himself said, I will not desert 
thee, nor wil I forsake thee. ° 80 that ye may say, being 
confident of heart, The Lord is my helper, I shall not fear 
what man will do to me. ‘Remember your great (ones), 
these who said to you the word of God: these, as ye look at 

5 atape &c lit. let the form (of life) be not a loving of brass| 13 
19 .. sint mores sine avaritia Vg .. morals unsilverloving let them be 
Arm .. пєтєптропос (add ae рек) йотяхєталачом т ап me (om me 
HJ) your manner of life is not (to be) а loving of silver Bo .. афіЛар- 
yvpos o тротоз N біс... пої loving silver your mind Syr .. not loving 
possessions be ye Eth йтє &c and let the (things) which are 
(present) suffice you] 13 19..мн єтщоп єуєрощі Barwtesn lit. 
those which are shali suffice you Bo .. apxovpevor(os M) тоѕ zapovaw 
N &е, Vg..let suffice you whatever there is to you Syr.. sufficient 
reckoning as much as to you may бе Arm .. but let satisfy you that 
which is with you Eth. when ye have enough for your ministry Eth 
ro ova(t 19)є &с nor will I forsake thee] (e?) &c, Bo.. ovd ov 
py сє єукатадєта № &c.. neque derelinguam Vg..and I will not 
neglect thee Eth .. nor will I slacken with thee my hand Syr .. and not 
in vain I smite Arm 

© оосте so that] (e?) 13 19.. and it is for us Syr.. and now Eth 
fivetitxooc &c ye may say being conf. &c| (е1) 13 19, to say confi- 
dently «quos М .. єйтәхрнотт anon enxw maroc being 
assured we, we ате saying Bo (amon ovog Г)... Gappovvtas прав Aeyew 
(А. 7. РЕГ) N &c .. confidenter dicamus f Ve Arm .. we were confident to 
say Eth — mxoesc Ње Гога | е 13 Lord уг ina. I shall 
not fear] e тз 19. N* C* P 1g, f Vg Bo Syr Eth ro.. pref. кас NGA СЪ 
DKLM &с, Bo (ва 18) Arm Eth epe &c lit. nan will do what to 
me | (е) 13 19 . what (is) that which (the man ОР) man doeth to те £o.. 
ті momoe pot avh. X &с, Vg Syr Arm .. man what will hedo to me Eth 

! йиєтиног your great (ones)] (e) 13 19 .. vov yyoup. уш. М (т. 
проду. D*) Vg Ро Syr (leaders) Arm Eth п (19.. єп r3)ravxo 
who said | (e) 13 19 .. eAaAnoay N &c, Vg (vobis loc.) Bo Syr Arm Eth 
.. trs. word of God who spake to you Eth ro запиоттє of God | 13 


ететибющт єпсє йтєуАмнАСТРОФН. тититисти 
етеєзпїстїс. “IC nexe Troy иса ne. ати» RTO 
си asnoov пе. ATW OW Wa menco. | "sempujees ом 
оємсбо mugaseeo arw erujohe. manovre Сар erpe 
єеепоучҷ\онту Ибтметазооще понтот. — "owWrANM tt- 
соус ЄЛ онт  молметшаяще  итескиин. 
11 AJOON cap ещаре пархиєрєтс ar пезсмо eoovn 

50щт | nav Bo е (e) 13 10$ 24 25 29 9 (e) (13) 19 24 
25 29$  озаот| щепоззот thanksgiving 29 enor. | 19 .. пот. 
24 25 10 (e) (13 $) 19 24 Р 25 $ 29 $ marar] 19 &с.. om e, Bo 
" (e) 19 24 25 29$ 

19 .. Taxe of the truth e enasce the exaltation] (e) 13 19 24 25, 
Arm .. enyximu єВОМ the outcome Во, ryv exBacw Ж &с, Vg (exitum) .. 
the end Syr Eth ro .. the excellence Eth | vesanacr. their manner of 
life] (e) 13 19 24 25, Arm, позжумахоци their walking Bo, their life 
Syr, their morals Eth .. ту avasrpopys N &c .. Eth го has and behold 
how ye see the last manner of life the going out of the world титит. 
&c imitate their faith] (e) 13 19 24 25, N &c (the faith) Vg ( fidem) 
Ро (щиті eperenoms ях) Syr (their) Arm (the) Eth (ther) .. imitate 
me in the faith of Jesus Christ Eth vo 

* пто he 1°] e &c, N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth ro 
cay me lit. yesterday is] (e?) &c..(e)y0es № &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. 

who yesterday Eth ати» йточ om nooy me lit. and he also 
to-day is] (е) &c.. kar onpepov о avros Ñ &c .. et hodie Vg Arm, meas 
doo and to-day Bo Syr .. and to-day is Eth avw оп (om 247) 

&c and also unto the ages] є &с.. кас ets rovs atwvas (at. арлу D*) N 
&c .. ipse et in saecula (seculum Arm cdd) Vg .. the same for ages Arm 
.. Roog nooy me mess ща emeo the зате is and unto age Bo Syr .. 
and (om ro) unto the age Eth 

з ахпр(єр e)ujees be not tossed about] e 13 &c, му тєрїфєрєтӨЄє 
KL ду al, Aum ..add ge therefore 24 .. p параферєтбє NACDMP 
17 37 al, f Ve Po (inenopososereb) Syr.. cause to come Eth .. trs. 
Eevais ил тараферєсбє X &c, Vg Во Syr Arm йцрякало &c strange 
and various] (е) 13 &c, Syr .. ток:Лолѕ кал écv. Ñ &c, Vg Bo (om orog 

HEBREWS XIII 8—11 125 

the exaltation of their manner of life, imitate their faith. 
з Jesus the Christ he is yesterday, and he also is to-day, and 
also unto the ages.  ?Be not tossed about by doctrines 
strange and various: for it is good for the heart to be соп- 
firmed by grace; not by meats, these (by) which were not 
profited those who walk in them. !? We have an altar, out 
of which have not authority to eat, those who serve the 
tabernacle. ™ For the animals, whose blood the chief priest 

рек) Arm .. other strange doctrine Eth .. strange doctrine other Eth ro 
папотс tap for it is good] e тз &c .. for й is better Eth .. om tap 
Eth ro єтре &c for the heart to be confirmed] (e?) 13 бе. 
eTaxpe пєтєпонт ѓо confirm your heart Во .. trs. yapıtı Bep. т. kapótàv 
N &e, Vg (our hearts) Syr Arm (hearts) .. Eth ro has it was good (that) 
his grace should make joyful the heart оп QENGIMOTOO (13 25.. OTW 
ето 24)ая аи lit. in meats not] e (13) &e, Bo .. pref. o*xe Bo (n7.. 
pref. отоо 26)..ov Вроџоси Ж &е, Ve .. and not with meats Syr Eth 
мат бо these (by) which were not profited those who walk in them |е 
13?! &€c., пах ereximo s xexsoHow MSHTOT Ижхеин eossoujr TSHTOT 
these in which found not profit those who walk in them Bo... ev ow ovk 
офедлблєам ot mepurorovvres (N*A D* .. mepirargoavres NE &c).. quae 
non profuerunt ambulantibus in eis Vg .. by which were not profited 
those who thus walked Arm .. because that were not helped those who 
walked in them Syr .. which profit not those who walk in it Eth .. and 
they profit not those who walk Eth ro 

V oviran &c we have] (e) (131) &c. exouev  &с, Ve Bo (варена 
26).. exopev L.. єозомт, &e having Bo.. add дє Syr .. pref. and Eth 
..add ше Arm .. add owr brothers Eth ro єх (om e 24 25 29) зап. 
out of which &c| то &c, М &c, Ve Bo (pref. фаз this) Syr Eth .. and- 
of it Eth то єз отса | е &c, Во (єрщищу) Syr Arm .. om D*M 
Eth (it was not for them) .. trs. payew ovk ex. c£. N &c, Vg || йтєски- 
(19, Bo Грб..з e &с)ин the tab.] Eth.. 2n the tab. Во (n) .. trs. 
ог т. ск. Хатр. Ñ біс, Vg Syr.. Arm has who serve the service of the tab. 

10 псо (о 24)on сар for the animals] Bo Syr Eth (that which 
they sacrifice an animal ..the bull vo)..ov yoap-Coov N &c, Arm 
єщ. пәрт, (er. 24) as &e lit. of which the chief priest is wont to 
take their blood] (e) &e .. those of which was bringing their blood the 
chief priest Syr (Eth)... eaedeperac бошу то ayo-dia тою apxtepeos Ж 
&c, Vg (animalium infertur sanguis) Bo (mzwon Сар етещатим) 
Arm (of which animals was being presented &c) egor &c lit, into 


eneToTaah Hiterovaah oa mobe. щатреко mnevcosta 
nboX итпарезеболи. erbe mar ооо © xe 
ecjeTbhe пАхос grae песусмосу ireen ажосу. ac peso 
n6oA итпхАн. зарибок ge ebo шароц mhor 
WTnapeseboÀH сми ga пемобиев. | яэмтьи 
noice TAP äsnerea єсмасо. adAa тетиьшюпе 
ететмилие исфес. P азхритьАо Ge eopar itoeitescia 
псевот ehoA сттост азпиотте потоеищ wies. єтє 
па: пе HHApIOC Ииемепотох ewoossoAoue: ANECS- 
рам.  1ппетнаноїЧ Ac ееп TROMMMMA Npp- 
лету. мєтетста cap йтєгаямтє werpanagy te- 

З (е) то 24 25$ 29$ өзтї*] олти 19 13. Де) лід 24 (25) 
йтпёр. | єятело (е) тои 25| c (e) xg. 23 IP age 1 Че) 
I9 24 25 

those which are holy of those &c for sin] (e?) &c, C*, Syr Eth .. om 
пиет. Bo Arm .. trs. mept ap. eis № &с, Vg .. trs. the camp for sin Eth 
ro.. om тенор. А warp. &c lit. they are wont to burn their bodies] 
(е?) &, Bo (the body of these) .. rovrov та сшиата karakawTa, Ñ &c, 
Vg .. of the same (the) bodies they were burning Arm .. and they burn its 
flesh Eth .. their flesh he was burning Syr 

1? erbe &c because of this] 19 &c, Bo Syr .. біо N &с, Vg Arm Eth 
.. thus Eth ro eww also] (e) &с, Bo (guy пбе 5) ка № &c, Vg 
Arm Syr wAaoc the people] (e) & Eth ro 
mum moy охуп | 19 &c, Во, ідіом М &c.. om Vg (suum) Syr Arm 
Eth азот died| 19 &с.. зщепаякае suffered 25, Bo.. trs. 
eraÜev to end N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth (was killed) | йтитМми the gate] 
19 &c, N &e, Vg Arm ..туз zoAeos P, Syr (Bo Е, ™).. the camp Eth 
(Bo з mg) 

7 марий. &c lit. let us go therefore out] 19 &c .. pref. {пот оти 
&c now therefore let us go out Bo ..Ямот on now also &c Bo (ванр).. 
om osn Bo (0) .. rowvv e£epxo(o)ne0a.  &c .. and also we therefore let 
&c Syr .. and (om ro) now also Eth engs “е bearing his reproach | 
(е?) (25?) «е, Bo Arm (accepting) Eth .. trs. rov oved. avr. pepovres N 
&oc .. clothed with his reproach Syr 

“ aitan поМіс &с for we have not (any) city here about to 
remain | (е) &с.. for we have not a city which is permanent here Syr 


А HEBREWS XIII 12-16 127 

is wont to take into the holy of the holies for sin, their 
bodies are wont to be burnt without the camp. 12 Because of 
this, Jesus also, that he should sanctify the people through his 
own blood, died without the gate. 1% Let us therefore go out 
unto him without the camp bearing his reproach. 1 For we 
have not (any) city here about to remain, but (a) that which 
will be (is that) which we seek for. 15 Let us offer therefore 
sacrifices of blessing through him to God always, which is this, 
the fruit of our lips, confessing his name. 19 But the (doing) 
good and the sharing (with others) forget not: for such 

Arm (here perm. is).. зчяломтам Cap Anara ПОТУВАКІ ессязоит 
for (om DHINO, Eth) we have not here а city permanent Bo Eth (om 

permanent го) .. оо yap eyopev woe pevovoav поћи N &с, Vg Tap | 
om Во(рнахо).. because Буг | aNNa |е & Bo(pnr) terna- 

ujone that which will be] (e) &c, Syr .. ryv pedAdovcay N Ke, futuram 
Vg Arm (lit. prepared plural).. ен єемнот that which cometh Bo Eth 
ететищуие (is that) which we seek] 19" 24 .. vevmu. е 19° 25 

15 ssapitr. let us offer] (e) &c, Bo .. is it not right for us Eth .. shall 
we not offer Eth го ge therefore] e &c, Во Eth .. бі avr. ovv ava. 
N &е, Vg Arm .. and through him &с Syr поепе. sacrifices] є &c, 
Bo Syr Arm edd Eth .. бостау N &c, Ve Arm псазот of blessing | 
€ &c, Bo Arm .. aweoeos N ЄСЛУє Syr Eth єбоМ о. through him | 
(e) &c .. trs. offer through him Во .. trs. бі avrov (rovro К) to beginning 
N &c. Vg Syr Arm .. om Eth зхпиоттє потоеиц mier to God 
always] e..trs. always to God 19 &е, М &c, Vg Во Syr Arm Eth 
єтє na: me which is this] (e) &с, Bo, which із Syr .. тоот воть N «е, 
Vg (id est) Arm .. om Eth .. Eth ro has with the fruit &c пиємст. 
of our lips] (e 7) Хо, Bo Eth .. xeAeov № &e, Ух Syr Arm en- 
(п 25)9. confessing] e &c .. that we believe Eth 

" wnerianoss lit. the good | (e) .. evzou(e)as N &c, Во (xsxevpes- 
epgchnorys the beneficence) Syr Arm Eth ro .. pitying the poor Eth .. 
Orsiesius has bonorum operum communionis тко. the sharing | 
(e) &c .. add with the poor Syr axnpp. forget not] e &c .. trs. to 
beginning. and pref. and Syr Eth сар] 19 &c, М &c, Vg Bo Arm 
Eth .. om Syr .. бє therefore е птєталнх є lit. of this kind] om Syr 
werp. (are) those which please] e &e.. щатрамач are wont to please 
Bo .. evapeorerrar о Geos N &с (висрустата M) Vg (promeretur deus) 
Arm .. pleasing (is) man to God Syr .. please God Eth 


пиоутє. 17 сотая Nea метиноб NTETNOTMoOTACCE 
WAT. HTOOT ‘ар сео поущи прове od иетмуухн 
оос evWa-pAovoc олроти. xe evep пы ом отраще 
Wceaujaogosf all. TAL tap тетмиоре. 1 WARA 
охром. таєпетоє TAP хе отити MAAT ПОУСУМЕІ- 
AHCIC ENANOTC emovoug ехихстрефе них Ас ом осі 
mee 1" Prtapanader ae язееоти посто ep mar. 
BERAC ETETAAT NATH см ovcenH. ° пиоутє ae 
мУрнин пеитащегие eopar ом MeTaeoovT ANOS 
нос itecoov gae песио итммленки ищо ємео 
nemxoeirc ©. >! єчесітєтнути ом oob mias itacaoon 

7 (e) то $ and at tas 24 P 25$ ceo] ето 25, ето Bo.. пєто e 
з (е) 1924525 щАнА|єщМ. е  супеган.| стинан. 25..стин- 
mel. е 9 (e$ 195 24 § 25 $ 2 (e) 19 24 25$ egpas] e &с, 
Во (B°rpFHIK).. єпщох Во зтаенкн)| -укн 24 Rwa єпео | om 
ща Во я то одно) 

U сотах fica obey] e &c, тебеде N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth.. 
ототассєс дє Damase. paris .. Во seems to transpose be persuaded—and 
(om ва) obey them ssape пєтєпонт OWT MEt петепоусотахенос 
отоо (om o. B?) сбутєях йсоот WTernesvnoracce nav and be 
subjected to them] e &c, N°, f Vg (Bo) Arm Eth .. and listen to them 
Syr (cf. Bo) Serapion (regula) avro 53" &е, Orsiesius 
vap] е &c, N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth .. ae Bo (DF) ga петр. 
for your souls] (e) &e, N &c, Orsiesius .. trs. атодос. отер т. у. vp. А, 

f Vg gwc &c as being about to give account] (е?) &c . as to what 
is reckoned to them about you Eth .. and for them it will be reckoned 
Eth ro oaporit for you] e &с, тєр viov D*, Во Syr (your account) 

Arm Eth, Orsiesius .. om N &c, Eth ro eve(om e)p na: that they 
should do this] e &e, Bo .. trs. yapas rovro пошоси Ñ &c, Vg Syr Arm 
Eth — &(en то 25)ceau. am and (should) not groan] (e 1) &c .. pref. 
ovog Во (except вано) Eth .. ka. ux отеуабоуте М “с, Vg Arm .. and 
not with groans Syr .. and пої be agitated Eth ro tar this] e &c, 
nar Bo Vg Arm .. om Syr... trs. advo. yap ушу rovro N &c .. trs. rovro 
vpw 47 .. Eth. has and this is proper for you that ye should pray for 
us тєтппочрє your profit] пєтерпочрі morem that which 
profiteth you Во | 

HEBREWS XIII 17-21 129 

sacrifices (are) those which please God. ' Obey your great 
(ones) and be subjected to them: for they themselves keep 
vigil for your souls, as being about to give accownt for you, 
that they should do this with joy and (should) not groan; for 
this is your profit. 18 Pray for us: for we are persuaded that 
we have a good conscience, wishing to live honestly in all 
things. 19 But I beseech you the more to do this, that I should 
be given to you quickly. ?? But the God of the peace, he who 
brought up from those who are dead, the great shepherd of 
the sheep in the blood of the eternal covenant, our Lord Jesus, 
21 shall perfect you in every good work, for you to do his will 

18 тах(п e 19)ne(om 24 25)ree we are persuaded] е &c, тебореба 
(N*)AC*D* MP 17, Во (пєпонт-ент) Syr Arm .. zezoifapev NECE 
DPK &c, f Vg (confidimus) tap] є &с, Во (в&ГрЕнз).. ae (AEG 
MNO) єл (om 24) пастр. to live] e &c .. trs. avaorpeieo6at to end 
N &с, Vg Arm (good walk to show) .. єялощуї пк. to walk honestly Bo 
ой o. п. in all things] (є 7) &c.. ev mavti 17 .. trs. ev пасти кало» бєА. 
N &e, Vg (bene volentes) Bo Syr Arm (these three trs. in all things 
wishing біс) .. Eth has we trust that ye love and desire good for ай 

19 «m. I beseech] е &c,  &с, Eth .. 7 pray Bo Syr Arm (we edd) 
хе] е &с.. om Bo (Г) Syr..and Arm Eth xxasoix you] e &с, Vg N &e, Во Arm поото more] (e) &с .. trs. to beginning 
N &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth e(om 25)р to do] e &с, Bo Syr .. trs. 
Tovro попутаї Ж &c, Vg Arm nas this] e &с, Eth .. thus Eth ro 
єуєтаат инти lit. they should give ше to you] (e) &с, псетфох 
оаротєм they should restore me to you Bo ..trs. тахіоу атокатастаба 
N &с, Vg Syr Arm.. Eth has that quickly Г тау come to you .. Eth ro 
that ye may cause quickly that we come to you 

? xe] e &c.. om 24*, Bo (pDGHIMP).. and Arm Eth 4рнин 
the peace | (e) &c .. от the Arm пептачентє &с he who brought 

up] (e?) Bo.. avayaywv N &c, Vg (eduxit) Arm .. caused to ascend 
Syr .. raised Eth niecoos of the sheep] e &e, Bo Еһ... om Bo 
(н) of the flock Syr Arm .. ivre мієвтос of the nations Bo (х) Tuya 
(om ща Bo) eneg eternal] e &c .. om Eth ro пепхоєгс our Lord | 
who is our Lord Syr їс Jesus] 19 &c, МАСРеКМР &c, Vg 
(am fu*) Bo (ва) Arm .. add хриотои D* 17 47, f Vg (fu** деша &c) 
Бо Syr Arm ( cdd) Eth 

й єчесбтє &c shall perfect you] 19 24 25 .. shall confirm you Eth 
ой ооб max й(єм 24 25)av. in every good work] 19 24 (25) Syr 

1711.2 K 


єтретіїєтре аєпечцотуєсц ма. еее аєпетрамачі 
понти авпесяєто ебо оти IC пехе. пах єтє поч 
пе песох Wa емео мемео ganm. 27 -bnapagraAe: 
CAP оти оєпкоух AICQAI минти. 2 соти пенсом 
тіазовеос EAITHMOOTY. Mar ЄСЦАНЄ ом оттепн. 
qun? MWakeeacy шароти. 2 wine єнетимоє тнрот 
захо nerovaab тирот. cewe ероти потиебом ом 
тета Ала. 2 TEX apie maeesHTM тирти. 

тепрое gebpaiore 

тепрос TadaTac 

петраиач| nerep. 24 nas] фи Bo З 19$ 24 №  оєпк.| 
оликєкоухт Во (к) ? 19 24 mar] фаз Во (7).. фн Го Tsaro. ] 
стало, 24 м 19 $ and at єроти 24 $ то 24 

Arm cdd .. ev т. уо ay. СЮ К МР &с.. om every Arm .. Sen avaeo:r 
uibem іл all good Bo .. ev тать ауабо WD*, f Vg ..ev т. epyo kot 
Луо ауабо A..trs. after his will Eth mag for him] 19 24, 
N*AC*.. trs. eqsps пач Во, koc тошу eavro. Nyss.. маи for us Bo 
(7,*K) МеЕСЕРрКМР &с, f Vg Во (к) Syr Arm eyerpe lit. 
doing] 19 24, NÑ &с, Vg Во.. апа he should do Syr Arm.. Eth has 
that ye should do his will in every good work, he doing &c .. Eth ro has 
that ye should do every good work and that ye should do his will, he 
doing біс понти inus] 19 24, ОКМ 17 47, Во Syr Arm .. 
ev ушу A CP &с, f Vg Eth eneg age 19] 19, Bo.. meneg the ages 
24*, X &c eneg of age] 19.. rov a. NAC*KMP &c, f Vg Bo 
Syr Eth .. om 24", Серет 37, Arm 

2? e| Bo (варк)..опт Bo Eth..ow 37 песину lit, the 
brothers] a8eÀ o.  &c, Vg Arm .. паси, my brothers Bo Syr.. от Bo 
(в 7)... our brothers Eth anexe bear with] avexeo0e № &c, Vg 
(am swfferatis) Во Eth..avexyeo0a. D* 17, f Vg (ut sufferatis) Syr 
Arm (to submit) аз. (єлх 19)псопс the exhortation] doctrine Eth .. 
your &c Eth ro kar wap for also] trs. сар-оаикє Во (к).. от кая 
Bo Arm Eth .. om yap 84", Bo (т)... because that Syr ascgar I wrote] 
Bo Vg Syr Arm .. етеотаЛа Ñ &с.. areoreda DE.. 7 commanded 
you Eth 

3 соз. know] cognoscite Vg Syr (add де) Eth (pref. and add 
that) .. yweakere Ñ &c, Во (тєтєпсооти) Arm (pref. and) Eth ro (add 

HEBREWS XIII 22-25 131 

for him, while he doeth that which is pleasing him in us 
before him through Jesus the Christ; this (one) whose is the 
glory unto age of aye. Amen. 72 But I beseech you, Brothers: 
bear with the word of the exhortation: for also through a few 
(words) I wrote to you. 7? Know (ye) our brother Timotheos 
whom I sent; this (one), if he should соше quiekly, I come 
with him unto you. * Salute all your great (ones) and all 
those who are holy. Salute you those out of the Hitalia. 
25 The grace (be) with you all. 

The (epistle) to Hebrews 
The (epistle) to Galatians 

him) nencom our brother] NFACD*M 17 37 47, f Vg Bo Syr 
Arm..trs. Z'motheos our brother nuov NCDKP &e 
eariunoose whom I sent] who was sent Eth то... he was sent Eth .. 
amoAeAvpevov Ñ &е, Vg (dimissum) Bo (evassSQae євоМ) Syr (who 
was) Arm (add to you) паг equ. &e this (one) if he should come 
quickly] Bo .. peð ov eav raxiov рхутаи № біс (epygo ве М") Vg Arm.. 
and if quickly &e Syr..and if he hastened to come Eth.. and if 

Т hastened to come Eth ro {ину &с I come with him unto you] 
eic s. еротеи nesat 7 shall see you with him Bo.. офораї vpas 
N &с, Во Syr Arm Eth 

^ позмевоХ оп ver. (оъ. 24) those out of the Hitalial ot ато туз 
vraMas Ж &e, Syr .. those who (are of) Italia Eth .. ихепа фота Ма 
they of the Hytalia Bo .. de Italia Vg .. those who from parts of Italia 
ате Arm 

? дах. ти(ош 24)рти with you all] pera zavrov rov aywwv D* 
пахзанти тирти with you all] N* 17, Vg (fu) Arm .. Mende i. X. 
near rreveumniia of our Lord Jesus the Christ with your spirit Во (А,).. 
add арт < А CDK MP &с, f Vg Bo Syr Eth.. Eth ro has and his 
grace with you to age (of) age Amen and Amen 

Subscription тепрос gehparove the (epistle) to Hebr.] 19 .. троє 
e paiovs NO 17 .. explicit ad Hebraeos Vg Eth ro.. пр. eB. єурафт ато 
pops A, Bo (А; B® DE,GJM, O) .. т. є ey. ато ітаМмає Р 47, Bo (кк).. 
T. €. єу. а. vr. ба тцобєоо K (Bo A, ќе 0) .. was finished the Epistle 
to the Hebrews and й was sent through Timothy from Italy Eth .. was 
finished. &c, which was written from Italy of Rome and sent through T. 
Зуг.. То the Hebrews it was written from Italy through Timothy 
Stichot тоз Arm (the number given by К al plu) 

K 2 



І lHiavyAoc nanocroAoc nehon oit posse ам orac 
окти pwee am AAAAR оти IC перс se пиоттє 
пет. War idvraerosnocq еол ой метяясотт. 
? ATW NECHHT тнроу етиязаяат €MCOAF ПИЄННАНСА 
firtadatin. Зтехаріс нти sel чернин ебо\ огтає 
пмоуте пет чем пемхове © Hec.  "пентац- 
тах Qa мепмобе, хе есүетоз жон єпатом аєпомнром 

119 24 072€] 24..077€ 19 ? 19 24 љуто] ness Bo 
б 10 24 * 19 24 

Inscription тепрос vaNaTac the &c] ЦетистоХн m. w. Во (р) 
..mpos y. NABK 17 37 47, ть саМатне Bo. (KL..-Tac H..add x 
А, ГРЕЕГУМО .. add патМос GM).. архетай mpos у. DFG, Vg (am add 
epistula, fu, Arm .. zavAov єтістоћ пр. у. P .. Tov ayiov &с mravov єт. 
т. y. L .. add. and it was written, being in country of Rome Eth ro 

1 пап. the apostle] Во..атост. М біс, Arm..his ap. Eth ro 
n(om Во)єй. lit. the out of] Bo.. оюк &е N &c.. who was not &c Eth 

thus again .. and he was not Eth ro pwsse-pware | Во.. avÜpozov— 
avOpwrov Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm отти through 29] єв. ©. Bo .. in Eth 
.. Eth ro has through as before ие! (пу 24)o7 the Father] Bo .. 

татроѕ Ñ &с.. his Father Syr 

? иеси. &c lit. the brothers all who (are) with me] Bo .. all br. who 
&c Syr .. all our brothers who &с Eth .. ог cvv epoi m. ад. Ñ &с, Vg Arm 
(br. all) .. пустое &c (the) faithful all &c Bo (GM) .. от тнрот Bo (x) 

enc. we are writing] om N &e, Vg &c пиек. to the churches] to 
the church Arm cdd Eth ivre, of the Galatia]  &e, Во Eth .. 

which there are in С. Syr .. om т the Во (вг*нх).. Galatian Arm 


І. Paulos, the apostle—he (who is) not out of man, nor 
through man, but (a) through Jesus the Christ and God the 
Father, this (one) who raised him out of those who are dead— 
2 and all the brothers who are with me, we are writing to the 
churehes of the Galatia. 2 The grace to you and the peace 
from God the Father and our Lord Jesus the Christ, * he who 
gave himself for our sins, that he should save us from the 

з тебсаріс the grace] Bo.. хар Ñ &c, Arm инти to you] ури 
N &с, Ус Bo Arm .. with you Syr eh. o. from] Во, ато  &с, Vg 
Syr..of Eth — metr the Father] Bo (5* p*E,*x) ВОЕС КІ &c, OL 
Vg (am) Syr Arm .. nexo our Father Bo, МАР 17, Vg (fu demid) 
Arm cdd Eth элуу and | add from Syr neixoerc our Lord] 
BDFGKL &e, OL Vg (am) Bo EXT Arm nuov RAP 17, 
Ус (fu demid) .. om zov twice 4" 67** al 

1 mentat. lit. he who gave him] фахт(тат в) єтастите lit. this 
who gave him Bo..he who gave himself Syr Eth, rov доутоє eavrov 
(avrov 17) № &c, Vg Arm ом for] опер МеВ 17 al, Vg (pro) Во 
(єорих exen) Syr Eth .. тер: М'АРЕСКІР al, Syr (h) nest, 
our sius] ap. пиоу F'&r хе eqerosxon that he should save us| 
watery ra oasem until he deliver us Bo.. ото є&№тах qp. Ñ &c, Vg 
Syr (Arm) Eth enatwm from the &c] 24 .. eneraxom from this 
age 19.. ато rov ам Н..єк rov a. N &e, Vg (de) Bo (eboN Sen) 
пат. (nesar. 19) Atos. lit. the (this) age evil] age this evil Syr (vg).. 
Tov awvos Tov evertwros movnpov N* АВ 17, Syr (h) Eth (this world- 
in evil) .. praesenti saec. nequam Vg .. талемео єтошот єтщоп this aye 
which is evil which is being Bo .. rov «vea. avv. тоу. NS. DFGH KL 


HATA потоці яяпмоуте пемеют. > пах ETE по пе 
пєооу Wa meneg олеяни. бршпнре ae итеое ом 
оубєпн тетмпофие NTA пептачтєсаєтнути ояе 
JeostoT аєпеу с 1С EREeTATTEAION. Teeni KREOTA 
щооп. єїзөнтї хе оти oonre еущтортр аэчяюти 
evovouj єпєєме neyaceceAron яяпеу с. ЗАЛ» RAM 
anon н ovacceAoc eĝo ом THE иташесенц NATIT 
под азпентанташєоєцу ALUNO NATH. азаресущопе 
єцінт. ?меє итлишрихоос темот om З хи» eoc. 
хе mermaTaujgeoesny мнти лох авпентатети то. 
asapeqijwine єцінт. "eov Tap emere Hitpweee 
хм аєпмогттє. н ejdgnte ica apecke прочее. ENEI- 

5 19 24 mas] фах Bo .. фн Bo (AEF?) 519 $ 24 7.19 24 

next] eam. 19 "r3 19 24 "13 19:24 ее 
24 (25) Прожае 2°] nip. 25 ann. | саапи. 19 

с, present evil Arm kata] аз Syr..i» Eth 
nener(neni 24) от our Father] N &c, Vg Bo (врнукі) Syr Arm 
Eth .. фот the Father Во (aTEF'GMNOP).. pref. ки № &c, Vg Bo Arm 

5 ne is] Во, Н, OL Vg... om N &c, Syr Eth піємєо the ages | 
Arm .. eneg ire meneg age of the ages Bo..add йємео of age 19, 
Syr Eth .. add тоу avovov № &c, Vg Arm cdd 

с +p. І wonder] add ôe ЕС, Bo (нік) xe that] how Syr Eth 
Wvei(X 24)оє thus] FetGer Syr тєтип. ye remove] Eth 
.. ceovwteh arwres coN lit. they remove you Во .. шетатійєсбє N 
&e, transferemini Vg Arm., ye were turned round Syr ПТАХ 
nent. from him who called you] N &e, Vg (vos voc.) Bo (сабо) 
Arm Eth.. trs. from Christ, he who &е Syr.. nuas Н 17, Syr (h m2) 
охх m. in the grace] in his grace Syr зале © 1С the Christ Jesus] 
Vg (harl*) Hier .. om Кат 0б .. хротоо № &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth .. 
исо» x. D, Syr (h*) €vavceNion | doctrine Eth as usual 

7 єзА(19 .. 3321 24)м &e lit. which is not another being] eve(om 
те HJ) к an пе which another not is Bo .. о оок estw аЛЛо Ñ біс, Vg 
Arm .. that which not is Syr .. that which is not really Eth .. and there 
is not other Eth ro єтзанті(єг 24) «с except that there are &c | 
Bo .. є py *wes єси ov Ñ &e, nist sunt aliqui qui Vg .. but that there 
are some who Arm .. except of those who agitate you Eth .. according 

GALATIANS I 5-10 135 

evil age, according to the will of God our Father: 5this (one) 
whose is the glory unto the ages. Amen. °I wonder that 
thus quickly ye remove from him who called you in the grace 
of the Christ Jesus, unto another gospel; 7 which is not being 
another: except that there are some troubling you, wishing 
to remove the gospel of the Christ. 8 But (a) even if we, or 
an angel out of the heaven, should preach to you beside that 
which we preached to you, let him become abominable. ° As 
we said before, now also I say, He who will preach to you 
beside that which ye received, let him become abominable. 
10 For now am I persuading the men or God? or am I seeking 
to please the men? if therefore I were still pleasing the men, 

to men it is (that) there are (who) trouble you Syr єуцут. troubling 
&c] Во.. ov rapaccovres vp. № &с, Syr.. qui vos conturbant Vg Arm 
(disturb you) evovwuy wishing] Bo .. om N* .. ко. 0eXovres Nè &c, / 
Jo (врегнакі) Syr.. et volunt Vg Arm Eth .. and wisheth Eth то 
neene remove] nene 19 24, шетастрєрам $ &с, Syr .. «pene pervert Bo 
Eth .. convertere Vg Arm 

® aNNa &c but even if we] 19 24, B, Bo .. adda xat вау ур. Ñ &с.. 
even if we дє Syr..sed licet поз xav Arm.. but ye indeed 
continuing angel from heaven, if he taught you Eth инти to you 
19] 19 24, М-АРеКІ,Р &c, Vg Во Syr Arm Eth .. om 54" ЕС, Во 
(в)... pref. BH пом beside] 19 24, сайоМ Во Syr (thus again) 
..тара Ñ &e, Vg..than Arm (thus again)..from, Eth (thus again) 
ssapequy. &c let him become abominable | (13) &c, аә рєш. потуама- 
ocara Во Syr (thus again) .. av. сото М «е, Vg Arm Eth (thus again) 

З flee R(24.. €x 13 19)танщ. as we said before] Во (ABEFTJ) .. 
ws троєрука. W*, Bo Syr (/ say) Arm Eth (J зау).. аз I say Eth ro 
Tenor now] pref. ка N &c, Vg Bo (near) Syr Arm now 
Arm ed qxw І say] we say Arm edd 

10 cap] but Eth .. om Arm тєгөє | 13 &с, Bo.. trs. ауд. тео 
N &e, Vg Syr Arm Eth (cause to believe) .. Eth ro omits interrogation 
н] 19 24 25.. ujan Bo.. « P, Marcus.. om Eth eiue &c lit, 
I am seeking for pleasing the men] (13) &e 25, Во.. то av6. ap. 
N &с, Ус Arm .. men I seek to please Syr.. om Eth euera pecie 
бе ow &с lit. if I was pleasing therefore still the men] (13 1) &с 25 
..їсжє паї (ax BPGMNO) if J was pleasing тат (the теп BKO) still bo 
.. but if &c Bo (DK).. e erc avÜpozois npecxov XA BD* FG al Vg Arm 


хреске GE om Wposte ме ant пояком ad запехс. 
И Дтаао Cap аж азот. месину. (€nevacceAron 
WTavsTatjeoeng язееост eboÀ orrooTT. хе поуката 
posse aw пе. Vorvae Tap AMOR TAISIT Alt 
ити posee orae Nravtcahor хи epog. АЛЛА оти 
отб®Ап ебоА re ic перс. 1 этетисотая cap 
ємлобнтє аяпестоеиц. єсїї тає там. хе MEN- 
злоке епеосто пе исх TERRAHCIA язпиоуте ATW 
меха азагос.  l'ewrponormre ом TaellTIOTAAL EQOTE 
сло иматабот. са» MATEMOC. мо речо Moovo 
еж порохосе иилеоте.  Гитерецроиь ae ii: 

п (r3) 19$ 24$ 25$ Tamo] Tao 10 fitay] 19 24.. ENT. 
(13 1) 25 .. pref. фи Bo (ef. то Gr.).. ета 1° singular Во (71) тащ. | 

оицениоэеи Bo.. этоиц Во (Р) erroorr] 24..-от 19 25 2271 
24 25 onn] Po (єм)..опт Bo йтє| eure 19 9? 19 24 (25) 
xin] Tern 24 м (18) 19 24 25 exx(àx 25)паралосие ] 

-AWCIC 24 в (133) T8 19 24 (25) 

(pref. and cdd) Marcus (єтї є).. є yap ети &с Db &c..for if still 
hitherto men I was pleasing Syr..vcxe maro fica рамач &е if 
I was seeking to please man still Во (us m8 p).. but if therefore I desire 
men to please Eth (trs. men I desire ro) ne ant &c І should not 
be the servant of the Christ] 131 &с 25, Eth..xe amor отћок au 
хє бо then Г ат not a servant any longer of the Christ Bo (om xe 
BDHJKLN)..xpwrov OovAos ovk av уруу Ñ &c, Vg Syr (s. of Ch.) 
Arm (pref. then) 

п тая (ээх 19)o0 І show] 13 &c, Во, yvopi£o N &e, Vg (notun— 
facio) Syr Arm .. Z speak Eth tap] 19 &c, N*BD*FG 17, Vg.. 
de NFADPKLP «&е, Bo Syr .. om Eth меси. lit. the brothers] (13) 
&с.. маси. my brothers Bo Syr..adeApor N &c, Vg Arm.. our br. 
Eth P ener. the gospel] 19 &с,  &с, Vg Bo Eth.. pref. 
that Syr хи пе is not] 19 &c, Во (om me J).. trs. ovk єттї ката 
N &c, Vg Syr (was not from) Arm Eth (was not) 

12 ovac 1?] 24 25, M &c, Bo.. ovre 19 osae 20] 24 25, 
NAD*FGP 37, Во..оттє 19, BDeK LL &с.. and Syr птатт- 
cahor lit. they taught me] om me Во (н).. did I learn from any one 

GALATIANS I 11-15 134 

I should not be the servant of the Christ. 1 For I show to 
you, Brothers, the gospel which was preached by me, that it 
is not according to man. 12 For neither did I indeed receive 
it from man, nor was I taught it, but (a) through a revelation 
of Jesus the Christ. 1° For ye heard of my works at the 
(former) time, being in the Judaism, that I was persecuting 
in excess the church of God, and I was ravaging it: 
14 advancing in the Judaism more than many of those of my 
age in my race, being more of (a) zealot unto the traditions of 
wy fathers. 1° But when had willed God, this (one) who 

Arm.. they taught me it Eth .. mea eruditione Eth ro eri ovo, 
through a revelation] Eth has in that which revealed to me Jesus 

13 vap] 19 24 .. and Eth enag. of my works] 19 24 .. туу ep. 
ауастр. N &е, Vg Bo (walking) Arm (walk) Syr (plur.) Eth (character) 
язпє(#пї 19 24)osoewoY r9)ug lit. of the (this) time] то 24 .. 
sxmicHow Во, rore N біс, Vg.. which were before Syr .. which (was) 
once Arm .. of once when I was Eth exon being in] 19 24 25, 
(Syr Eth).. єм № &е, Vg Во Arm nera, I was persecuting] 19 
24 (251)..trs. каб vmepBoAnv єдіокоу N біс, Vg Bo Syr Arm 
пе: І was ravaging] 19 24 25, Bo, eropÜovv N &с, Syr Arm.. 
eroXegovy FG, OL Vg .. Z was reviling Eth aoc it] 19 24 25.. 
them Eth 

^ ситрокопте advancing] 19 &с.. мати. Z was adv. Bo.. pref. 
охоо and Bo (BDJKL) N &с, Vg Arm..and excelling I was Syr 
йматабот of those of my age] 19 &c.. tire таляхатн of my age Bo .. 
ол киота Ñ &e, Vg Syr (sons of my years who) .. Eth has and Г was 
honoured among Jews more than all ту neighbours veitoc | 18 &с, 
Bo .. people Eth єго & lit. being of zealot more] 18 &с, Bo .. repos 
(лоту vrapyov N &с, Ус Syr (Г was being) Arm.. for more was 
I zealous Eth e(om 25)aamapano(w 24)cre &e the traditions of 
my fathers] 18 &c.. enn ета мазо. THITOT етот the (things) which 
my fathers delivered to me Eo .. rov талрикоу pov парад. $3 &с, Vg Arm 
.. the doctrine of my fathers Syr .. the law of my fathers Eth 

5 птереч. &c lit. but when he had &c] 18 &e 25.. gore ae Во, 
N &e, Vg Syr Arm Eth (and) Eth ro ponas willed | (13) &c 25, 
Syr Eth ro.. ey)vdoxnoe N &c, Vg (placuit ei) Bo (ета аа) Eth 
позппоттє God] 18 &c 25, Во, о Geos NADKLP &c Syr (h*) Arm.. 


пиоттє. пат йт^опорхт ебоћ aur емтонте iirassaa v. 
ATW aqrTagaeeT choA ovra пецовяот. 1 є5Ап nee- 
ширє eĝo понт. хе єхетацуєоєхцу азазо ом поєө- 
Mec. HTETMOT аєптотадт ECAPS or смо. 1 orae 
з®п: бок eerepocol sita Wa HamocToAoc eTOATAOH. 
АХА axbon erapabra. ато ом AIRTOI Emageachoc. 
15 aeiMca щояюттє ae прожепе arhwk egpar eorepo- 
COATRLA EMNAT єңнФфә. ATW лісо QMQTHe[ азяєтн 
WMooov.  J^sennrav ae eRe oW МАПОСТОЛОС таен 
sakwhoc псом аяпхове. — 7 меїсомі ae Азоо 
MAHTI. exc оннте аяпеяято ehoA asmuosre хе У 

enio.] I9 24 .. eseno. 18 .. eroiio. 25 16 (13 $ аб йтєзпот) 
18 19 24 (25) font] йонтт 24° 38 10 24 285. 0*€] 
24 25, Bo те 18 19  esepo.] 18 19..e1epow. 24 25 (not 
verse 18) 18 18 19 24$ 25$ охот. | gat. 19 19713. 161194 
(25) 2 18 $ 19$ 24 $ 25 $ merto] 18.. -єяхто 19.. -ATO 

om BFG, Vg Syr (vg h) Eth War HTaqnop(pe 25)a7 «е lit. 
this who separated me since being in the womb of my mother] 18 &c 
25..0 афоритаѕ pe єк коих pytpos pou Ñ &c, Vg (me segreg.) Bo 
(фи єтачфоржт ebo Sen) Syr Arm .. who caused me to go out of біс 
Eth ro .. who separated me and caused me to go out &e Eth ау 
аЧтадзаєт and he called me] 18 &с 25, Syr Arm cdd .. о koAecas N 
&c .. её vocavit Vg Arm єВоМ orra through] 18 &с (25 1) Bo 
(om e&oN лек") да N &е, Vg Arm, in Syr Eth 

16 еб’Аи to reveal] 18 &e 25, № &c, Vg (ut rev.) Bo Syr (that &c) 
.. and. he revealed to me Eth єтєтацуєоєтщ (отщуєпотчі Do .. офиц 
Bo (нл) &с I should preach him &c] Z should preach to the peoples in 
his name Eth йпоєәпос lit. the nations] Во, N &c, Arm .. gentibus 
Vg .. peoples Syr Eth (єп r9)vevnos immediately] 18 &с 25, 
Bo (сатот).. trs. immediately flesh Eth axnsovaoT lit. I applied 
not me] 18 &c 25, Bo, ov просауєбєрли X &c, Eth .. 7 turned not Eth 
го .. пот adquievi Vg .. not any one (om cdd) Г notified of flesh and 

GALATIANS I 16-20 139 

separated me from the womb of my mother, and he called 
me through his grace, 19 to reveal his Son in me, that I should 
preach him among the Gentiles; immediately I applied not 
myself unto flesh and blood: 1 neither went I to the Hiero- 
solyma unto the apostles who (are) before me: but (a) I went 
unto the Arabia; and again I returned unto Damaskos. 
18 But after three years I went up unto the Hierosolyma to 
see Képha, and I remained with him fifteen days. 1 But 
I saw not (any) other among the apostles except lakobos the 
brother of the Lord. 29 But the (things) which I write to 

blood Arm .. I revealed not Syr ecap% &c unto flesh and blood] 
18 &e flesh and my blood Eth ro .. (tv) him (or that) of flesh 
&c Eth 

7 nibor lit. I went not] azyA6ov BDFG, Syr (vg Б »s).. 
amuye єорні / went not up Во, avgA9ov МАК І, Р &c, Syr (Б) Arm 
Eth .. vent Vg ау» ои and again] N &e, Vg Syr Arm Eth.. 
nadin om again also Во 

5 ssititca—ae but after] rra заємємса Во, єтета pera N &с, Vg 
Arm .. and after Syr Eth шолт (ош 18 &с)те-йр. three years] 
МАР 17, Во (<) Буг (vg) Arm Eth.. ern тра ВРЕСКІ, &с, Vg 
Syr (b) arbok eopar I went up] аи)Авоу X &е, Во Arm Eth .. 
veni Vg .. amndOov 17, Syr (vg) emar to see] Во Vg Syr Arm 
Eth .. coropyoa  &с єкн(т 24 65)Фг] Bo Syr (vg h ms) Eth, 
кпфау МА В 17.. петро RCDFGKLP &c, Vg Syr (Б) Arm 
зхззптн fifteen] Во (те) Eth (ten and у) .. trs. qp. бєкатеутє NÑ біс, Vg 
Syr Arm Eth ro 

19 gans(ex 24)нат me єк(с 18 19 24)e &c lit. but І saw not 
other] keosar ae-axnmas epos lit. but another-I saw not him Bo, 
erepov дє-оък evdov № &с, Syr Arm .. erepov бє-єоу ovdeva D* FG, Vg.. 
and І know not other Eth en паи. among the apostles] 18 &с.. 
other of apostles Eth .. trs. де rov ат. Ñ &c, Vg Bo (nm) ixmxo- 
(om 18)єтс of the Lord] 18 &c.. of our Lord Syr Eth 

? wekcoar ae but the (things) which I write] а дє урафо N &c, 
Vg Arm .. and this also Eth ro .. and that also which Eth .. мн (мат 
HJ) me etcSar but those (these) which I write Bo Syr eic о, 
behold] om 47 .. онън Bo (17) зхпиоттє God] N &с, Vg Во Syr 
(vg h mg) Arm.. короо Р 17, Syr (h) 


SIOA aW. 7! eeircoc AIEI еорат ємек Лтава МТСУРІА 
ae THYAINIA. 22 меусобуїм AE aeaeor alt пе doo 
пелиенкнАнска ipoyaatra erore пес. 23 азомом ae 
места» Пе. хе METAIONE 2422201 49 пеотуоєтиу TEMOT 
C(TAUJEOEILS итпістіс emeejujoey aeeseoc ANITE ** avw 
Wey eooy яяпмотте понт. 

П. inca aeitragqTe ae ом itpostre бон воры 
eorepocoArarca seit бармабас eater аяпкетитос 
мазазаї. | ?itraiboR ae єорм ката отбфАп chor. 
AIHW HAT COPAY ssMeTACCEAION eraujeoery erot 
см ioeonoc. Mcaovca AE ииетхо aeeeoc. хе AMON 

" 18 19 2425 " (13) 18 1924258 (13) 18 19 24 (25) 
&xmeosoeng]3xmios. 18 19 24 25 тащ. | опцениотет Bo.. orwsuy 
Bo (nrF' xL) 3 x9 1924 

1 18$ 1924. Wp.]enp. 19 erepo.] erepos. 24 ? 18 19 24 
йтахбож | aruge Bo 

21 запис. lit. after it] єтета № &с, Vg Arm..and Eth ro.. 
заєменса mar ae but after these Bo .. and after these Syr.. om ae Во 
(BDHIKL 18).. and after this speaking Eth aser I came] having 
come Eth ro пекМіяза the regions] та кАирато. № &c .. та кА. 
FG .. искАназа 25, ALP.. mica the parts Во Vg .. the sides Arm.. 
the places Syr .. the region Eth эл тн! (> 24 25) Мика and the К. | 
om туз 53" 17 47, Во (n*) .. om Kau т. к. al 

2? merc. ae &c but were not knowing me] 131 &c, Bo (hearing 
us E,*)..and &e Syr Eth..wuv дє ayvoovpevos М &e, Vg.. and 
unknown I was Arm .. om «e Во (3) поо by face] 18 &е, FG, 
Syr Arm .. ro тр. N &c, Bo (7) .. Sem mago in my face Eth 
ro..trs. in ту face to end Eth єтозх lit. which in] 18 &e, Eth 

ro..ras ev М &e, Bo (пн єт)..туѕ ev ет", quae est im g..the 

churches which in circumcision were in Christ Arm .. those which in Eth 
3 азоцоп Ae пєус. пе (25..0m 18 &c) but only they were 
hearing] 18 &c 25.. ax. ae пєщаус. lit. but only they were used to 
hear Bo .. povov дє akovovres cav N &c, Vg (auditum habebant) .. but 
(а^Ла) this only they were hearing Syr .. but only they heard (that) he 
who Eth .. om povov Arm which has but with hearing they had heard 

muon us] ош Eth grae. preacheth] teacheth Eth ro .. preacheth 

GALATIANS I 21—II 2 141 

you, behold, before God, that I lie not. 2 Afterwards I came 
into the regions of the Syria and the Kilikia. ?? But were 
not knowing me by face the churches of the Iudaia which 
(are) in the Christ: ? but only they were hearing, that he 
who persecuteth us in the (former) time, now preacheth the 
faith which he was ravaging in the (past) times; ?*and they 
were glorifying God in me. 

П. But after fourteen years again Г went up unto the 
Hierosolyma with Barnabas, having taken Titos also with me. 
? But I went up according to a revelation; I put up to them 
the gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but apart to those 
who say that we are (the chief), lest by any means І am running 

the doctrine of Eth enespujos« which he was ravaging] 18 &e 25, 
trs. rore єторбє N &c, Bo (фи enay)... єтоАєнє FG, Vg .. he was dis- 
placing Syr (trs. &c) Arm (trs. &c) Eth .. hindering Arm cd fure 
lit. at the times] 18 19 24 .. ахпсноу a£ the time Bo (нл).. Hove. at 
а time Bo .. поте as before N &c, Vg Eth .. of former time буг Tenor 
now] 18 &c .. add ae Во (rruz 18) 

^ tert. &cthey were glorifying God] Bo (prr nar?» 18) Eth ( for 
me)..add me Bo ..trs. ev epot «доё, DFG, Vg (en 19)онт in me] 
Bo (Eth) .. trs. ev euor т. бєоу  &c, Syr .. trs. in me clarif. deum Vg 

1 записа-ьє but after] 24, (Syr).. om ae 18 19, Vg Bo Arm .. 
and after Eth..pref. sta Во ..єтета да N &c..deinde post Vg.. 
but again after (lit. from before) Syr оп again] trs. erov тал 
aveB. Ñ &с, (Arm).. er. ау. т. Ев Об, Bo ears 
having taken] N &c, Arm .. ae гї but I took Во.. and I led Syr .. 
and I took Eth (om with me) anket., lit. the also Titos] Bo, 
kau Titov Ñ &e, Vg Агт.. om кал Syr Arm cdd Eth 

? ката &с acc, to a revelation] im that which was revealed to me 
Eth ко п. є. І put upto them] амєберду № &e.. отоо 
ах батото» and I put before them Bo.. І revealed to them Syr.. 
I announced to them Arm .. I spake to them Eth Axnesavc, &c 
the gospel which &c] Syr .. how I taught and I preached to the peoples 
Eth п (ош Bo)ea &с but apart] Bo, кат iav de N &c, Ve.. alone 
Eth .. apart by myself Eth ro .. and I showed it-between me and them 
Syr finetsw &с to those who say that we are] пин eoaxeyi 
lit. to those who think Bo .. row Ookovow N &e, Vg Arm .. to those who 
were thought that they were something Буг .. those who suspected те Eth 


пе. аанпос EMHT еппетщотет и йтлтот. ЗАЛЛА 
пкетутое єтмяееелу. ЄТОЄМАНИ пе. STOTANATHATE 
Deog єсббннто. ‘terhe месину йоз маг єм- 
ое mec їс. хе ETEAAN Toroa A. SMAY єтєявпи- 
TALE aeneyvaccedton части ehoA oaTEeTHTTH. ° ебоћ 
AE OW метхо) MALLOC. хє ANON пе. HOE ETOTO Keeeoc 
сєзї EPON aW. пиоутє жеєсуслоо MPOLE. ето) 

єплєтщ. lit. unto the that &c] Sem озщ. lit. in а vain Bo $ 18 
1924 amnor] зяпотщ Bo (potential) сййннт] 18..-йнт 19 24 
= (еу 19 19 24 S r3 тото 24 € (13 $ and at пет) 18 19 24 

еттит &с I am running unto that which (is) vain or I ran] Bo (or was 
running) kevov треХо т єбрароу М &с, Vg Arm (Г should have 
run or be running) .. 1 ran in vain or am racing Syr .. in vain I run 
and race Eth 

з ЛХ] Bo Arm... om Syr .. a» Eth пкєтітос lit. the also 
Titos] Во (7) .. also Titos Syr .. pref. orae Bo .. оо (т F G)e miros М &c, 
Vg Arm .. апа Titos Eth etnias who (is) with me] B (om 0).. 
фн eon. he who &e Во, o ovv eu. Ñ &c ехоеХАни пе being a 
НеПепе | «Луи ov № &c .. coves me lit. being an Jonian Bo.. Arm 
has who with me (who cdd) from heathens was .. who was an Aramaean 
Syr Eth 

+ erbe месиих й. lit. because of the brothers false] 18 24..є. 
кеси. й. because of other brothers false 19 .. dua de rovs zapewakrovs 
Wevdad. № &e, Arm .. but because of br. false Syr..eohe місинот ae 
п. Bo.. sed propter subintrod. falsos fratres Vg .. because of brethren 
false (om ro) Eth nar єп(и 199 24)Tasoujov eo. these who 
intruded themselves] owes zapewnAOov № &c, Arm .. ми eras ео. 
those who came in Во.. those who entered upon us Syr..who were 
brought in to us Eth emas to see] exep бо spy out Bo, kara- 
скоттса Ñ &e, Vg єтєу(єот 13 &c)n(em r8)vanc which we 
have] 13 &c, oar етеитаи marar this бс Do .. which we obtained Eth 
neocc тс the Christ Jesus] 13: &с,  &с, Ус Ро Arm Eth ro.. om 
Jesus Во (AE) .. in Jesus Christ Syr Eth xe that] 13 &с.. wa py 
FerG €*eaam по. lit. should make us slave] Bo.. yas kara- 
8ovAoco(ov)cw N &c, (Vg) Arm .. that they should enslave me Syr .. 
that they should. subject из Eth (me ro) 


unto that which (is) vain or Iran. ? But (a) even Titos, who (is) 
with me, being a Hellene, was not compelled to be circumcised : 
4 because of the false brothers, these who intruded themselves 
to see our freedom, which we have in the Christ Jesus, that 
they should make us servants: ?these under whose subjection 
we were not for one hour; that the truth of the gospel 
should continue with you. But out of those who say that 
we are (the chief)—of the sort which they are they concern 
me not: God is not wont to accept person of man—for those 

5 mar єтєзхп. lit. these who we were not-under their subjection | 
lit. these who we stayed not in their subjection Bo .. ow ovde &c М &с, 
Vg Arm .. nor Syr .. they who not Eth.. om D*  isnnujgone we were 
not | 3xuenoor we stayed not Bo .. e£apev N &c, Vg Arm .. we cast away 
ourselves Syr.. Eth ro has those whom we esteem not, not even as any 
thing, that they believe in the truth &c .. Eth has those whom we esteem 
not, not evenas any thing, nor are we subject to them even one hour, that 
should be confirmed біс пототм. &c for one hour] trs. ovde тр. wp. 
N бо, Ve Syr (the fulness of an hour) Arm .. trs. Sem novsne хое 
прос ототпот in their subjection for an hour Po Eth XE EPE TALE 
&c that the truth &c] N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. trs. should be con- 
firmed in you the truth &c Eth злоти €boN continue] дае!) 
N &c, Vg Bo (fitecuywns єссяхоюмт) confirmed Arm Eth 
оатєтнути With you] zpos vpas № &e, Во (eaporen).. тр. nuas 37 

б eBoN-oit out of] Bo, 13 &c, ато N &c, Vg Атш?.. от Syr Eth 
ae] 13 &c..0m 17, Во(к).. cap Bo(u7) xw ахалос say | (13) &с, 
Bo (11e»r) Eth .. Gokovvrov N &с, Vg Syr Arm xe anon me that 
we are] 13 &e, Bo.. ewar ті № &e, Vg .. that they were something Syr 
Arm .. who is as wet Eth пеє єтоуо (єтотот Do J,°,L) maroc cf 
the sort which they are] (13 ?) .. ampu} ena vos muog itovcuo of 
the manner which they were once Bo .. отоо: mote noav Ñ “е, Vg .. but 
де who they were Syr .. what ones they were Arm .. how they were (om 
ro) once Eth continuing it is not for care to me to say.. Eth ro con- 
tinues and to me there is not that which concerneth me from this 
йсєхї бо they concern me not| n*ujye&inow птот (йтотеи B) ам 
пећ i£ maketh not any difference to те Bo (из в), ovóev por біаферє: N 
&c, nihil mea interest Vg .. Г care not Syr Eth .. but for me there is not 
that affecteth те at all Eth ro nios re God] (13) &c, Bo Vg .. trs. 
трототоу (о NAP 17) Geos ауд. X &c.. add yap Syr Arm Eth .. trs. 
Geos avô. трос. D* F G .. trs. God to end Eth ro HeTaW Сар біс 


чар ажвазос. хе amom пе. язпотоуєо Aaav epor. 
TAAAA птероумалту Ито хе аутаностт enevaucue- 
Aron йтеетатсбђе. катл oe азпєтрос enchhe. 
з пемтасуємерсеї Tap аєпетрос єтазнтапостоЛос 
запсїбє acjeuepeer oo мах eWoeewoc, "avro ите- 
роуєтаяє emneos]oT НтаттааС mar Nowanwhoc seit 
внфас Keil IWOAMMHC. шетозжи» явевос єрооу. є 
местуМос ие. aw mar een Dapnabac поєтаєтта 
ойто. хевае ANON емоеенос. WTOOT AE encóbe. 
10 OMON монкє XE ємерпєетвєєсує. паї po MENTAI- 

"48019 24 $ 18 19 5 24 IP. 3! P 913) тё то 5475 
finomt.] єтллєтщфнр unto a fellowship Во 1" 13018 29 24 3! 
пептаг)| -aer 19 

for those who say &c] 13 &c, Bo (aser) .. epo yap ог бокотутез Ñ &c, 
Vg (am) (Eth) .. but those themselves Syr .. add то ewar FG, Vg (Arm) 
ззпотот (от от 18 24)eo added not] 18 &c, Во N &c, Vg Syr Eth.. 
announced Arm .. Eth ro has there is not what they say to me epoi 
unto me] 18 &с, Во Syr Eth .. trs. epot yap ог док. № &c, Vg Arm 

7 птероти. пт. when they had seen indeed] тохиаутиюу :дортєс № 
&с, Vg Bo (пєтотіня єтатиат) Агт .. add ae Bo (DHCJKL 18) .. 
on the contrary for they saw Syr .. т. єдотє CP 17 37, Eth (but only).. 
but inconsistent speech, having known Eth ro п (ем і9)тяямтат, of. 
the uncirc.] my teaching among peoples who were not circumcised Eth 
(om who &c ro) залєтрос | Arm Eth .. Керла Syr .. add (pref. Syr) 
was intrusted Bo enche the circ.] the teaching of Petros among 
Jews who were circ. Eth (om who &c ro) 

$ vap] and Eth ixnerpoc for Petros] Bo (z,*») петро N &c, 

Vg Syr Arm Eth .. Sem п. in Petros Bo .. пєтроу L eraxitr. unto 
the ap.] es атост. N біс, Во Arm Eth (ministry) ow mar for 
me also] ка(:) por N &c .. Rr ow in me also Во || язпсЁћє of the 

circ.] to the Jews Eth ro .. add of the Jews Eth єпоєепос lit. unto 
the nations] ем: (мии HI)eo. Bo, N &c, Vg (gentes) Arm .. peoples Syr 
.. uncire. (om ro) of the peoples Eth 

? avo and] 18 &c.. om Arm .. and. when they saw the grace Arm 

GALATIANS II 7-10 145 

who say that we are (the chief), they added not any thing unto 
me. Т But (А) when they had seen indeed that the gospel of 
the uncircumcision was intrusted to me, according as to 
Petros the cireumeision—? for he who worked for Petros unto 
the apostleship of the circumcision, worked for me also unto the 
Gentiles. ? And when had known the grace which was given 
to me, Iakobos and Képhas and Iohannes, those of whom they 
say that they are the pillars, they gave to me and Barnabas 
right hands of fellowship, that we (should be) unto the 
Gentiles, but they unto the circumcision; !?only the poor, 
that we should remember them; this very (thing is) that 

cd .. and they know Eth ro епеоза. the grace] 18 &c..add of 
God Syr (h*)..add тої куроо Chr, Vg (floriac).. his grace Eth 
WraTTaae пат lit. which they gave to me] 18 &с.. ertor &e which 
13 given to me Bo .. тту доб. pou N &c.. add as та «бур 47 .. which he 
gave to me Eth так. зайокн(у 24 31) Ф.] 18 &c, Во, МВСКТР 
&с, Vg (om e£ am) Syr Arm Eth .. zerpos kar ак. DFG, Vg (fu) .. от 
kat куф. A хо) anoc say] 18 &c, Eth .. sorre call 31 .. sevi 
think Bo .. бокоутєс М &c пєстуА (AX 3! Bo except AKOP)oc the 
pillars] 18 &c Arm .. олист. Во, М &с ftgemaezia right hands | 
I3 &c ..Óe£tas «0. enor к. В. кош. N «е, Ve Arm Eth (their hand) .. trs. 
уреза пні зай Во (add ae 18).. trs. right hands of fell. gave to 
me Syr anon we] 13 &е, NFBFGHKLP &e, Vg ..add aren Bo 
(except р gwn also) N^ ACD, Syr (Б) е (om 24 3!)nio. lit. unto the 
nations] 13 &е .. pref. should share in teaching Eth (not го) ench. 
unto the сігс.| 13 &c.. pref. should go Eth continuing to Jews and 
we also to Aramaeans .. Eth ro has that we should share (together) and 
they indeed should go &c 

10 ssorton | pref. but Arm понке xe the poor, that] МАВСН 
КІР &c .. wa тоу тт. DFG, Vg (Bo) Syr Arm (Eth) еперпетля. 
we should remember them] Bo (ppuzxroo) m &c, Vg Syr Eth.. 
fvreneprpoosug that we should take care of the poor Bo паї &c 
this very (thing is) that which &с] отоо þar anne Manor easy and 
this I was diligent to do it Bo .. o kav-avro rovro топта Ñ &с, Vg .. 
which also I-the same to do Arm .. and it was а care to me that this 
very (thing) I should do Syr .. апа because of this I was diligent to 
do this Eth 

1717.2 L 


CMOTAATE EPO eaae. 1 йтере кифае ae er ETAN- 
TIONIA AIAGEPAT єроц. хе NETGMWapimne epog me. 
12 gera re cone cap er єбоћ ovr ranwhoc neepoyose 
пе en моєвнос. мтєротєї AE асеєсту. асусадахуі 
choA asttoov. єцроотє онтот manche. | ати 
^тотпонриме Waeeeacy ибтикесеепе їз хәз. QOCTE 
пкєбарнабас aqhwr ом техохпонуиес. aAa 
WTeputa ae Hcecoy TOM ам oW Tere АпетАССЄМХТОМ. 
MESAI RHPA авпетаєто ehoA THPoT. хе ецухе ток 
MTM OTIOTAAL енязсоще оос оєөмос. оос IOTAAI 

€aat] ea1aa* 24 п 13 $ 18$ 19 24 $ 3! $ B 1318 T) 24 
(31) simate| 13 24 .. ean. 18 19 21, Во (АГЕЕГМО) "12-08 
19 24 (3) iora.) йєюта. 24.. finsrova. of the Jews Bo 
м (13$) 18 ід 24 ки(х 24)фа| Bo (BDF'HIKL 18) Syr Eth.. 
Hpac Во то] 13 19 24..єлзто 18 тнрот| ovon miben Bo 

п тєрє &c but when Kephas had come unto] etags ae (add єооти 
AEF") пхєкнфас є but having come (in) К. unto Во.. gote (ors J) є 
etagi &c but when having «е Bo (атвонокі, 18) ore де т)Авеи kijbas 
es  &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth (and when) кн(т 3) pac МАВСНР 
17, Vg Bo (-фа 7) Syr (vg h me) Arm Eth (-da)..zerpgos DFGKL 
&с, Vg (demid) Syr (h) .. petrus cephas Vg (fu*) | tantyoggs(er 13) 
the Ant.] Bo.. avr. № біс atagepat epog lit. I stood unto him | 
art єфоти єорач поо ove oo lit. Z gave against him face to face 
Во, ката простоту avro аутєстуи  &с, Vg (Arm) .. in his face I con- 
victed him Syr .. І resisted him before his face Eth METS Hapine 
&c lit. they were finding quarrel with him] 13 .. neas. they had found 
&c 18 &c.. teavepKatatinuckit marog пе lit. they had condemned 
him Bo.. xateyywopevos qv № &e .. reprehensibilis erat Vg .. they are 
being offended in him Syr .. they were displeased with him Eth .. Arm 
qualifies with almost 

12 сід 24 31..ex 13 18)we some] twas Ñ &с, Vg Syr (men) 
Arm Eth (men) .. om Eth ro .. eNs some one Bo, quidam with singular 
феї" Сар] 13 &е 3! .. om Bo (18) .. because Syr ео ая 
he was eating] 13 &c 31, Eth (Ататаеатз) .. тєщачот. he was wont 
to eat Bo .. trs. eÜvov ступобієу N &е, Vg Syr Arm (add indiscreetly) 
fitepoves ae but when they had come] 13 біс 3!, єта ую ae Bo, ore 

GALATIANS II 11-14 147 

which I was diligent to do. ?' But when Képhas had come 
unto the Antiokhia, I resisted him, because fault was being 
found with him. 12 For before that some came from Iakobos, 
he was eating with the Gentiles: but when they had come 
he withdrew himself, he departed from them, fearing those 
of the circumcision. | 19 And dissembled with him the rest 
also of the Jews, so that even Barnabas went (off) in their 
dissimulation. ™ But (a) when I had seen that they (go) 
not straight in the truth of the gospel, said I to Képha 
before them all, If thou, being a Jew, art walking аз Gentile, 

де 3A0ov ACD>HKLP &с, f Ус Syr Arm Eth (and) .. ore де qA6ev 
NDD*FG ..but when I came Eth ro aqcagwy eb. he departed 
from] 13 біс 3!.. отоо (om o. 18) асррорж' efor lit. and he 
separated him Bo .. кал афарійєи eavrov N &с (avrov 17) Vg Arm .. he 
withdrew himself and separated Syr .. от Eth (he retired from them) 
financhhe those of the сіге.] 13 &с (311) fimrehoX sen ncebs those 
out of &c Bo..rovs єк тєрт. N &c (Vg) Syr Arm .. those from the 
Jews Eth 

13 атотпокр. &е dissembled with him &c] 13 &c (31) N &e, Bo 
Arm Eth ro..were subjecting themselves with him to this, also the 
rest of the Jews Syr..many were those who went back with that 
deed &e Eth пкєсєєпє the rest also] 13 біс, Kae ог dowror 
N «е, Буг.. om ко В, f Vg Bo.. Eth has from the Jews .. Eth ro has 
those Jews .. add. zavres N* .. and also other Jews Arm (with him cd) 
ayok lit. went] aquje пач Во..стиатууву N бо, Vg Syr Arm 
(brought down) .. and В. also (om ro) joined himself Eth оп TETO. 
in their dissimulation] Bo Eth, avrov ту эт. RABCKL &c, Arm .. 
т] vr. avrov DFGHP 17 37 .. to accepting their faces Syr 

“ ААМ | and Syr Eth псєсоттом lit. they straighten not] 
13 &c..ovk орботоб. N &с, Vg Syr ..they direct not their feet Eth .. 
they direct not their works Eth ro.. they stand тої Bo .. not straight 
they walked Arm пкифа to Керіа| 13 &с, то к. МА BC 17, Vg 
Во Syr Arm тєтро DFGKLP бе, Vg (demid tol harl*) 
Syr (В) .. petro coram Vg (fu*) пток й. озг(єг 24 twice)owa. біс 
thou, being а Jew, art walking &c] 13 &c .. Reor iteok отіота, коп 
язязєтєөпос thou being а Jew thou livest in Gentilism and not in 
Judaism Во .. ov ід. vrapxov. eÜvikos-éóyjs МАВСЕСР 17 37, Vg 
(am &c) (Arm) .. trs. Ovixws Sys DET KL &e, Vg .. if thou being Jew 



AM. HAW Noe KAWATRATE Wioeouoc  eprioyaar. 
15 AMON фтусєх AMON оез жал. ехмои осмречриове 
an ebor см моєвмос. ємсодум хе аяпрозє NAT- 
aearo ли choA ом меобихе аяпиоа»ос стазитг chord 
Ori Tmerre duc nexe аматпткюся домом eT 
пес. хенас еметаяато choA ow тпїстїс жэпе ус. 
choA aw et меобнує явптоваос. хе chod ом меоднтє 
$»Inostoc. eeii Aaa dHCApZ wareearo. | 17 ейрхе 
ємпуптє хе мех TRAIO Oak NEXE. cege epon офои 
прецриобе. apa пехе помакомое аєпновїе пе. 

eprovaar] Во (н7).. eepssevios ma: Bo тз). 18-19 21 
eem(er 24)092.| om eam Bo (н2).. єв. Sem nuora., Во (18) 
26 (13) 18 $ 19 24 201$ at amar Tararo) 19 2° 39 24 .. -€10 13 &c.. 
-10 29 201..-е10 r3  , 39 13 201..-єто 18 &c erat] -Tes 24 
єћоћ то] om 201 ойнтує 2°] оён|отє 18 " (13) 18 $ 19 24 201 
Taxar(24 201.. ет 13 &c)o] essaxe Во (К).. star Во fipeyp] -ep 
201.. pref. enor being Bo 

as Aramaean livest and not as Jew Syr Arm cdd Eth (by rule of 
Aramaean—by rule of Jew) .. thou who Jew art Arm ñaw поє how | 
(13) &с, ros NABCDFGP 17 37, Vg Во (пос) Syr (vg) Arm Eth 
(add therefore) .. т. KL &с, Syr (В) nigee. lit. the nations] trs. та 
«бу амаук. N &c, Vg || eprowa. to become Jew] 18 &c .. ceepaseriosa. 
to judaise Bo 

1 anon we 1°] тз &c, Vg Bo (АЕЕГ).. for if we Ѕуг.. Гот we Arm 
..and we being Eth..add дє 73 118, Bo Syr (h).. add om Bo (в).. 

and he saith, we indeed therefore in truth Jews Eth ro brcer| 13 
&e, фус: Bo Vg Arm..who from our nature Syr..who from our 
creation Eth amom 29 we are] (13) &c, Bo Syr.. ош N &e, Vg 

Eth .. pref. є Bo (ки) eanton—ait being not] (13) &с.. ко. ovk eé 
єбусу apaproXo, Ñ &c, Vg Arm, отоо ebo Sen meenoc an преч- 
eprtoti Bo .. and we ате not from the peoples &с Syr .. and not from 
the peoples &с Eth .. and not from the people &c Eth ro 

16 сис. we are Кп. | (13?) &с, ADeKP &с, Bo.. add ôe NBCD*F 
GL, Vg..pref. because Syr Eth.. ye know Eth ro..pref. this Arm 
Rampwsse &c the man will not &c] (13 1) &c..ov бік. avô. N &e, Vg 
Во (cenaesxare mipwasr an they will пої j. the тат) Syr Arm Eth 

GALATIANS II 15-17 149 

not as Jew, how compellest thou the Gentiles to become Jew? 
15 We by nature we are Jews, being not sinners out of the 
Gentiles, 19 we are knowing that the man will not be justified 
out of the works of the law except through the faith of Jesus 
the Christ: we were baptized also unto Jesus the Christ; 
that we should be justified out of the faith of the Christ, not 
out of the works of the law; because out of the works of the 
law no flesh will be justified. 17 But if we are seeking for 
justifieation in the Christ, and are found sinners also, is the 

eod отти through] (13?) &с, ба N &c, Vg Bo (BrDGKMNOP).. in 
Syr Eth .. eh. Sem out of Во neghuve &c the works &c] (13) біс, 
Bo .. epyov vouov М &с, Vg Syr.. doing precepts of the law Eth sc 
пє% | (13?) &с, RCDFGKLP &c, Vg Во Syr Arm Eth.. хр. < AB 
17 amxibamnt, o. exc п, we were baptized also unto Jesus the 
Christ] (13 1) &c .. кал npes es x. W eziorevaaqev Ñ &с, Vg Arm .. к. 7). 
e w x. т. ВН 17, Syr.. отоо (om ovog 18) anon gwn аппаоҷ enocc 
інс and we also believed in the Christ Jesus Bo .. and we also &c Jesus 
the Christ Bo (нух) Eth .. om Bo (r*) emetararo we should be 
justified | (13 1) біс, iiremaras(-oasraio HI) Во, N &с, Syr Arm Eth ro.. 
trs. after Christ Syr.. Eth has бу our faith in him we &e зате С 
of the Christ] 13 &c, Во.. хрістою N &c.. nic. Во (18).. exc. Bo 
(x) .. if Jesus Christ Eth ro ehoX ап оп not out of] (13 ?) &c (om 
оп 19) .. пе ehoX Sen not out of Во (A, E) .. pref. ках № &c, Bo (except 
A,E) Arm.. om ehod 20! eh. оп (om оп 19) nes. &e out of the 
works &c] (13 7) о... in precepts of the law Eth .. in doing precepts біс 
Eth ro хх (om 13 20!) asit X. fic. lit. there is not any flesh] (13) &c 
..оу-пата сарі Ñ &e, Vg Do (c. men am) Syr Eth (every soul) 
паталато will be justified] 13 &c.. trs. её e. v. ov бік. & NABCD 
FGP 17 37, Vg Во (cettaesrare c. mben) Syr Eth .. will be j. all 
flesh Arm... trs. ov д. є о KL &с 

7 ew. єп( 24)щ. ae but if we are seeking] (13) &c.. seme мє 
enk. Во,  &с, Aim Eth.. om ae 201, Bo (nx) .. and if &с Syr .. but 
if they &c Eth ro охх nexT in the Christ] 13 &c, Bo .. ev Хрюто 
М &c йсєоє epon lit. and they find us] 18 &c.. зухезаеи 
they found us Bo, evpeÜgpuev N &с, Vg Syr Arm .. we were Eth .. we 
were to them Eth ro пєҳС 29] 13 &c, Bo.. Хрютоз № &с, Vg Arm 
.. pref. Jesus Syr зхпмоїє of the sin] 13 &e, Bo (ovasanwst) 
Syr Eth .. trs. арартіає біакоуоє Ñ &c, Vg Arm 


мнестопе. 18 єцужє MENTAIWPWOPOT Tap Mar ом 
мефкот аже ооз. Ястпоюта аячяог азпарабатнс. 
MANOR CAP от отмояє0с ATLLOT язпиовєос XE 
єтєомо e$ TIO T€. asc оу азазої вем пес. Замок 
Ge оно aw. пехе ae ong понт. ee ae e tono 
язевос OW TCAPT. ємо ом тпістіс аяпщире ає- 
пмоутє. пар йтасуєртт arw абстаамср gapor. 
" WXaeerer am аяпеоа»ст аяпиотте. єшхе epe TAIN- 
RAIOCTHH Tap woon ehoA ота» пиояєос. ее ит 
NEXE KOT єпхитхн. 

ПІ. «o таент NeadatHe. mee пентасуреоснеї 
ероти. мар nerto CHueTHÓAA ebo ко пехе 

13 13$ 18 19 24 $ 201 пах om ned] mar ox e Во.. mar cap 
net Во (HJ) $313100$] om (201) 19 (13 $) 18 19 24 (20!) (cit) 
annoar, | єяяп. 19 ? (13) 18 19 24 20! (cit) fond] om й 
20l cit тсәр5 | тес. 18 fra. ] єпт. 18 ?! (13) 18 $ at єцухє 
ТО 24 20! є1є | ea pa Bo.. отак (п 18).. osx 20! 

! (13 $) 18 € 19 24 (m! TP at sc) 

18 cap] trs. үшржє сәр for if Bo ..therefore Eth | Ястпо. I prove] 
13 &с (201) спистуи DeKL &c .. cuwictavo NABCD*FGP xs 
*epesiucrami Bo, constituo Vg .. Г show Arm Syr .. Г put Eth .. trs. 
rapa. eu. avv. Ñ &с, Vg (Arm) (Eth) àimapab. for transgressor ] 
13 &c 201, Bo.. that transgressor of the commandment I am Syr 

З anor tap for I] 13 &c 201, N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. 7 indeed 
therefore Eth отти through] 13 &c (201) ейоХ өттє Bo, ба N 
&с.. by law Arm .. in. Syr.. Eth has through the precept which is in 
his precept arnor I died] тз &c 201, Bo.. trs. vouw azeÜavov М 
&с, Vg Syr Arm (Eth) хе that] 18 &с 201, oma Bo, N &c, Vg 
Bo Syr Arm Eth .. om Eth ro єєопә I should live] (13?) &e 
(201) Bo Eth.. trs. dew бутш  &c, Vg Syr Arm запноттє to 
God] (13) & 201, Bo, N &c, Vg Syr Eth.. nesre eX with God Bo 
(AEJ,) Eth ro eset. a. lit. they crucified me] 18 &c 201 
citavaust they hanged те Во .. trs. хріста стуєстамр. Ñ &c, Vg Syr 
(pref. and) Arm (pref. and) .. pref. and Eth 

? anok ge &c lit. I any longer am living not] 18 &c.. amor ae 
бс cit.. tons anor am xe Гат not living any longer Во.. lw де 
ovker, eyw N &c.. om xe Во (nM)..and any longer not I am living 


Christ then the minister of the sin? it shall not be. 13 For 
if the (things) which I overthrew, these again (are) those 
which I build, I prove myself for transgressor. 1 For I, 
through law, I died to the Jaw, that I should live to God. 
I was crucified with the Christ; 29 I no longer am living, but 
the Christ (is) living in me: but the kind (of life) which I am 
living in the flesh, I am living in the faith of the Son of God, 
this (one) who loved me, and he gave himself for me. 7" I reject 
not the grace of God: for if the righteousness is being through 
the law, then did the Christ die in vain. 

ПІ. O senseless Galatians, who (is) he who envied you, 
these (persons) before whose (lit. your) eyes Jesus the Christ 

Syr .. and living I am henceforth not Г Arm..and (but го) my life 
ended Eth next ae &с but the Christ (is) living in me] 18 &c 
сів. лее ge &с the Christ therefore 24 .. én дє ev єр. xp. Ñ &с 
(о FG) N &e, Vg Во (qong ae ASHT йхєпосс) Syr (ada) Arm, 
Macarius Pall. h.l. .. and in the life of Christ I was Eth е(пе 24)e 
a(t 24)є eXons(om мо 20!) &c but the kind (of life) which I am 
living &c] (13?) &c .. o 8e vvv £o ev а. № &с, Vg Arm ..фи ac eXonss 
й&нтч {ноу Sem тсарх but that in which I live now in the flesh Во 
.. this which now I live &с Syr .. and this also which I live now in my 
flesh ae Bo (нлр) erond I am living] 18 &c, Bo 
(arwnd).. trs. zio Tec Co № 620... trs. of God I live Syr Arm Eth A 
nuj. &с of the Son of God] (13?) &c, МАСРЬКІР &с, f Vg Syr 
Arm Eth (in) .. rov Geov Kar хрістоу BD* FG 

? (єн 19g)Xae. I reject not] (13?) &c.. ифиащещ Z shall not 
reject Bo .. pref. and Arm ецухе epe TA. Tap щооп(щопє 24) 
&c for if the righteousness is being through the law] (13 ?) &е.. є 
yap діа vopov бк. Ñ &c..vcxe v. eb. Sen/orrem BDHKL) cross. 
ne Захєелані for if through the law is the т. Bo Syr Arm (by) .. if 
therefore in doing the precepts of the law they are justified Eth eu- 
(п Во) жити in vain | (131) &e, (Во)... trs. x. 8opeav are. № &c, Arm 
Syr (om apa)..trs. gratis Chr. mortuus est Vg..trs. in vain died 
Christ Eth 

1 пеитафеонет he who envied] r3 &e, Syr Агт .. eBacxaver 
N &с, Vg Во (ayephackasmoc) .. troubled Eth ероти you | (13 ?) 
&e, Во Syr Eth.. гв. урос «В. NABD*FG 17*, Vg (fu).. add ту 
а\дєа. pn red. CDeKLP &c Vg Eth nar дхпезато (датах. 24) 


аттовії chor єцофот. 2 пах яяазате Зотєці erete 
epoy їтєтноти. єбоА см мєобнує  аяпиоязос 
aTeyWar аапелмх. хм єһол сая псоутає итгистк. 
зтаї те өє ENTETH оємлөнт. EATETHAPXE!D ae 
nenia. теиох ae тетихок єЙйоА ох Tcaps. 
^ атетицуп оло посе EIRH. eujase кн. ? петуорнсєї 
AC мити nenna. єтєпєрсех Woenoose монттиути. 
«рол см weobnwe аапиояяос хм choA ож псотяя 
ятпістІс. ‘Rata Өе Habhpagase  Mra'c[pmicreve 
єппоутє. ATONE Epoy єтаїнатосумн. 7 тєтітєтаяє 

ауто] -щ4 01 ^ 2 (13) 181924 (25) 71 меойнуе] -AHlove 
18 exx] оттах ml з 13 18192425m] еитети]т3 18 19 .. йт. 
24 25 ml eemae.] спав. 25 m! xwr] хик ml 1.13 1824 
(25) m! $ аб euyxe 5 тз 18 19 24 25 т! oenc.] оибола m! 
ehod] oveb. Во gm] gra m! 6 13 18 19 24 25 ші ftag] 
сит. 13 epog] нач Во * 13$ 18$ 19 24 (25) m! $ 

&c lit. these before your eyes Jesus the Christ they placarded 
him] (13) &с (71).. пн єтауєрщорп cse інс поро mnaepen 
morta lit. those before whose eyes they first wrote Jesus the Christ Bo 
..015 кат офбоЛроц 15 д. проеурафл МА ВО 17*, f Vg (am fu** tol) 
.. who was (om who was то) manifested to eye, Jesus Christ concerning 
whom it was before written among you Eth .. of whom almost before 
eyes Jesus Christ was written Arm .. because behold as if he had been 
plainly depicted before your eyes, Jesus Christ Syr .. add ev ушу DFG 
КІР &с, Vg Syr (h) Eth (see above) eqctos being crucified] 13 
&c ml, ecravpwpevos Ñ &с, Arm .. eaygawy lit. they having hanged 
him Bo, crucifixus Vg Syr .. that even he should be hanged Eth 

2 па: this] 13 &c..add ози Во (нг) оте (ощ є m! Во) 
eixe I wish to know] 13 &c, (0. раб.) № &с, Syr Arm Eth .. раба 
бед D*F2rG .. volo а vobis discere Vg ehoX &c out of the 

works &с ye received &c] 13 &c, Syr.. e£ є. v. ro zv. eAaflere № &c, 
Vg Arm.. etapetencs #типпа евоХ Sem miobuow:r ivre munossoc 
did ye receive the spirit out of the works of the law Bo.. 2n doing the 
precepts of the law did ye receive the holy spirit Eth 

3 оемьент senseless] Bo .. trs. avonrou єстє N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth 
єхтєти. having begun] Arm .. who began Syr..after-ye began Eth 


was placarded being crucified. ? This only I wish to know 
from you: out of the works of the law ye received the spirit ; 
or out of the hearing of the faith. Thus уе are senseless: 
having begun by the spirit, but now ye are perfected by the 
flesh. * Ye suffered many (things) in vain, if in vain. ° But 
he who supplieth to you the spirit, who worketh powers 
among you, out of the works of the law ; or out of the hearing 
of the faith. 9 According as Abraham believed God, it was 
reckoned unto him unto a righteousness. "Хе know then 

сатетпарЖе:-сар& | К eax nenia lit. in the 
spirit] Bo Syr..zvevpart № &c, Arm..trs. spiritu coep. Үс... with 
holy spirit ye began Eth ae] N &e, Vg Syr Eth .. and 

Arm, Orsiesius ої Tcapz lit. in the flesh] Во.. trs. саркі єтітєд, 
М &с, Syr (in flesh) Arm ..?n (om Eth, not ro) rule of flesh and 
blood ye work Eth 

з атєтищӣ (єл ml) eae &c ye suffered many (things)] 13 &c, Bo.. 
cateti. having &c (25) .. and so much having suffered Eth .. roravra 
exabere М &c, Vg Arm (pref. and)..and these all-ye suffered Syr 
єїкн in vain 19] 13 &c.. trs. in vain ye suffered Syr euyxe if] 13 
&е (25) Во (12) .. if it should be vain Arm .. add ae ml, Во.. eye ках 
N &c, Vg (si tamen) .. and. would that дє Syr .. in vain ye make (it) 
Eth (thus in vain only once) 

5 пєтосо(о» т1)рне(к 24)er he who supplieth] tribuit Vg Bo 

(слоти) .. gave Syr .. giveth Eth .. distributed Arm ae] ovn Bo, 
М &e, Eth | пити to you | N &е, Vg (Во) Arm.. yyw you Syr .. for you Eth .. trs. 3x mita потен Bo nenta the 
spirit] add holy Eth ro єтєпєрс. who worketh] pref. ка  &с, 
Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth понттиттії lit. in you] ev уши 47 .. tis. 
among you powers Syr i3nitoasoc of the law] vopov № &c .. add 

то пуа «ХаВєтє А ..add me із Во (after e&oN ва 19) Arm... їз it in 
doing the precepts &c Eth 

6 ката oe асс. as] add уєуратта FG, Vg (fu tol) Arm cdd 
Habpagass lit, of Abraham] Eo (a&paas*) араар № &c, Vg (abra- 
ham) Arm (apraham) Eth..trs. етот. аВр. FG, Vg (fu) Syr 
алое lit. they reckoned it] Bo .. pref. ки X &e, Vg Bo (ug 18) Syr 
Arm .. and it became to him righteousness Eth 

7 ternene ye know] 13 &e 25, ушаюкетє М &с, Во Arm Eth.. 
cognoscite Vg .. know ye Syr (imperative) .. know ye not Eth ro.. 


WTOOWW xe мерой ом тпистіс. Nar ме ишире Rabpa- 
gage. epe тесрофи ae соотун жит ищорп. хе epe 
пиоутє MaTeeare поеемос ehod ом тизетие. хешри- 
етлесеАце Hahpagase xe  ewmnaoicatoy МОНТЕ 
ибтиоеемос THPOT.  ?ouncre мебоХ ом тпїстїс ev- 
MABICLLOT же ппістос abpagase. | 10 метщооп cap 
choA ом меобихе ж#пиоя ос єущооп oa mcagov. 
чено TAP. хе ссооторт ивблотом mies етеммалое 
AM еметсно тирох ose MXWWALE язпмояеос EAAT. 
11 же ява AAAT AEC матазато оз» IIitOstOC Hitag par 

13$ 18 19 24 (25$) ш1$ vaxare] 24 25.. талаєтє 13 18 19 
(exe) т! йоєвн.) поен. m! (twice) 9 13$ 18 19 24 25 $ m1 $ 
? (13 $ and at чено) 18$ (19) 24$ (25) m! qceosopT] ey. &c ml.. 
сот. 24..-рет 25 ! 18 24 (25) m! Tararo] 24 m! .. талаєто 
18  ftitag. | nao. m! 


Tener we know Bo (1387) .. тєтєпакєтт ye think Ро (г) fiToosit 
then] 13 &c (25) .. gapa Bo, apa № &c, ergo Vg Syr Arm Eth.. yap P 
«(ота та ТуєВоМ &c those out of the faith] 13 &e (25) Bo .. ot ex титтєш$ 
$ &c.. qui ex fide sunt Vg Syr Arm .. they who believe Eth ste пу. 
are the sons] 13 &c 25, Bo.. єси wor NCACDFGKP &c, Vg Syr 
Arm .. vior всу W* B .. sons-are Eth 

8 epe тес(к 24)р. &с the scripture knowing aforetime] тз &c 
(25) .. foreknew the scripture Eth .. before was knowing scr. Arm .. fore- 
knew God Syr .. тродооса-т урафт) Ñ біс, Vg Во (єтасерщорп ae 
nnar ихе{ерафн) є | 13 &e 25 1, № &c, Vg Bo.. om Arm .. for 
because Syr Eth epe пиоттє &c God will justify &c] 13 &c (25) 
Bo.. диколю, та «буп о Geos А. &с, Vg.. та ебут д. о Geos N 37 .. would 
be justified the peoples Syr .. would justify God the heathen Arm Eth 
( peoples) ef. of тп. out of the faith] 13 &e 25..trs. єк тот. 
бикалог та єбут)  &с, Vg (Bo) Syr Eth (in believing) эсшриетагс. 
lit. she fore-evangelized] 13 &с 25, Во, проєттуу. № &c, Vg .. he afore 
preached Syr .. afore promised God Arm (om God cdd) Eth — esnaai- 
сазот &с lit. are about to receive blessing in thee all the nations] 13 
&e 25.. єтєщопі ETCUAPWOTT Spri пЗнтк xe &с shall be 
blessed in thee &c Во (ev)evAoynOnoovrar &c № &oc .. in thee shall be blessed 
all nations Arm .. as said holy scripture that in thee will be blessed all 
peoples Syr .. that in him would be blessed &c Eth 

GALATIANS ПІ 8-11 155 

that those out of the faith, these are the sons of Abraham. 
$ But the scripture, knowing aforetime that God will justify 
the Gentiles out of the faith, preached the gospel before to 
Abraham, Will be blessed in thee all the nations. ° So that 
those out of the faith will be blessed with the faithful 
Abraham. 19 Ког those who are being out of the works of 
the law are being under the curse: for it is written, Cursed 
is every one who will not persist in all those (things) which 
are written in the book of the law to do them. И But that 
no one will be justified in the /aw with God is manifested, 

* eocv(a 24 25)e so that] igitur Vg Syr .. but now therefore Eth 
xe(ee 25) &oN &c those out of the faith] the faithful Syr .. those who 
believe Eth esnaxicaxoy lit. are about to receive blessing] cena- 
caor epwor lit. they will bless them Во aii пил. with the faithful | 
oar п. п &c 25 

" петщооп tap for those who are being] 13 19 (25) &c .. oco 
yop-ecw N &е, Vg Arm.. for those who-are Syr.. отоп сар mben 
eiujon for all who are being Bo (om wap к).. and all who in precept 
of the law were being Eth єущооп are being] 13 25 &c.. add on 
also 19 .. ceXuH lit. they are put Bo .. trs. v. катар. eow 54 &с, Vg Syr.. 
in curse remain Eth сно сар for it is written] 13 &e 19 25.. 
for as saith scripture Eth хе] 13 19 (25) &c, от. NABCDFGP 
17, Bo Syr Arm... om KL &e, Vg Eth evene (eq m!)ita(om па 
25 Bo Gmop)a(om 24)ee ax who will not persist] 13 (25) &c, Во 
(алла ог hold ва) N &c, Vg Arm .. who doeth пої Syr єпєтсно т. 
lit. unto the (things) which are written all] 13 (25) &c, lit. unto the 
(things) all which &c Bo (ин тироу ETCSHODT) .. таси то уєур. МВ 
17 37 ..є/ тасу & NCACDFGKLP &c, Vg Arm .. Eth has cursed 
let be all, that which із written in this book of the law, who perfect not 
to do it охх (от Bo) &c in the book of the law] 13? (25 ТУ бго, N 
&c, Во (x,*).. in &e of this law book (om edd) of law Arm.. 
in this law Syr eaar to do them] 18 &с 25.. rov momoa avra $$ 
&c, enaviow unto the doing them Bo .. to do all Arm .. om Syr 

И xe за(ош 24 ш!) яли Naay ae &c lit. but that there is not any 
(who) will be justified in the law with God] 18 &c (25) .. xe по. Sem 
mg, &c aaron оМї nanas Saren d lit. that in the works of the 
law there із not any (who) will be justified with God Во .. от: дє ev v. оде 
бік. тара то (om D* FG) бео N &с, Vg Arm (om 3) .. but that not 


miovTe цотомо єбоћ. хе epe патнагос масо chor 
омотпістіс, — Ügqmwoseoc ae HoveboN ом тете ам 
пе. aAa TeTMAAAT cptaoHo понтох. Va mexc 
шоп choA ga mcaoow яяпмоягос eac[üjorme йслоот 
охрои. хе сено. axe сосоторт потоком niae ETAWE 
enye. И хе epe mecesov Hahpagase Wonne ех 
моєємос oae NEXE 1С. хе EMER! аєпернт аєпепиа 
OTM TMICTIC 2° месину. ECIXW aeeeoc ката poste. 
хе EWWME тахленкн поуроФееєе ємутажрос. Epe 
Aaavy AOETEI AMOC H оуєо сломе ававос. 16 ATATXE 


182425 m! єйоМ| add am 25 qa. | egma. 25 13 18$ 
2425$ m! e&oN] om Во(АвмР) ga] Sen Bo (ва) ^ 18 24 
(25) m! Поеем.] пов. m! orm] я ші! 15 18 > 24 (25$) (3!) 
erxo] arxo Во arepe] sxeNe 24 16 18$ 24 (25) (31) 

will be justified (any) man in the law with God Syr.. but that they 
will not be justified in doing precept of the law with God Eth 
gqovo(w ml)nş is manifested] 18 &c 25, Во, М біс, Vg.. this is 
manifested Syr Arm .. om FG хе because] 18 &c 25, Во, от: Ñ 
&e, Vg (quia) .. уєуратто уар D* FG .. bec. it is written Syr .. because the 
just, he saith (om cdd) Arm .. and the just also in faith will live as it 
is written Eth .. that in faith they will be justified and the just also in 
faith will live Eth ro ac (ото 24)n9 will live] 18 біс 25, a(om 
HJ)yqmawso Bo.. trs, to end N &c, Vg (vivit) Syr Arm 

З єй, оп тп. out of the faith] Во.. єк mor. № &c, Во (avmaoy 
DKL).. in faith, which will justify Eth петизаа (om 24)» he who 
will do them] NA BC D*FGP 17, Vg Во.. he &c it Arm .. he who doeth 
those which are written in it Syr .. he who perfected the doing it Eth .. 
add av@pwros DeK L &c Vg sixt Syr (Б mg) ierroy in them] Во 
(5?) .. pref. парні Bo.. ev avro F£rG, Arm Eth 

13 a пес щопи(єп 25) the Christ bought us] Bo (aB?r zer 18) 
Arm..x. nuas єбту.  &с, Vg .. and bought us Christ Eth ro.. торс 
ae agus. but the Christ bought us Bo (DGHIKLMNOP).. but us Christ 
bought Syr Eth (bought Ch.) eaquy. having become] and he became 
Syr .. in that he has for us borne the curse Eth .. in that he has come to us 
its curse Eth ro псаоот curse] Bo (вак).. nowvcago»: Bo.. trs. 
v. nuov (up. Fe") катара N &c, Vg Syr Arm, Marcus хе 1° because | 

GALATIANS III 12-16 157 

because the righteous will live out of the faith; !?but the law 
is not out of the faith, but (a) he who will do them will live 
in them, 1 Тһе Christ bought us out from the curse of the 
Гало, having become curse for us: because it is written, Cursed 
із every one who is hanged unto the wood : 14 that the blessing 
of Abraham should become upon the Gentiles in the Christ 
Jesus; that we should receive the promise of the spirit 
through the faith. 15 Brothers, I am saying according to 
man, that the covenant of a man having been confirmed, no 
one is wont to reject it or add clause to it. 1° But the promises 

ABCD*FG 17, Vg..yop ND«KLP &c, Во Syr Arm? Eth? 
(eq шТ)сно it is written] saith scripture Eth озо miar every 
one] om Во (н) 

^ песзя. &c the blessing of A.] 18 &с 25.. trs. es та «бир 7 evà. т. 
af. yantar N &e, Vg Arm .. trs. птечиу. 5. meo. Похєтсяяоу &c should 
become among &c the bl. &e Bo.. trs. among the peoples should become 
&c Syr .. that should pass the blessing &c to the peoples Eth (ro trs. to 
the peoples the blessing &c) exit upon] 18 &e 25.. Sen in Ус Bo 
Syr..«s № &c, Arm пєҳС 1€ the Christ Jesus] 18 &c 25, ACD 
FGKLP &c, Vg Bo Syr (В) .. ıs x. RB, Syr (vg) Eth.. om st Bo (н) 
ewexs that we (express Syr Arm) should receive] 18 &с (25) Bo Syr 
Eth .. trs. zvevp. ЛаВореи V &с, Vg (Arm) пєрнт the promise] 18 
&c (25) .. evAoyiav D* Fer G nenta the spirit] 18 &c (19).. add 
holy Во (нел) Arm Eth 

15 иеси. lit. the brothers] 18 24 25 .. паси. ту brothers Во Syr.. 
абєдфог N &e, Vg..trs. after Г say Eth ката р. 
according to man| Arm Eth .. аз among men Syr же ewwne lit. 
that if] 18 24 25 31 .. opos N &c, Vg (famen) Во (оозкос DHIKI.. 
Ovar(c B^, ox2nWC ATEF'GMNOP) | тагаен. (s. 24) &с the covenant 
of а man having been confirmed] 18 24 25 (3!) Syr.. o*a1ao. &c 
asujaimr. а covenant of а man if they should have confirmed it Bo .. 
аудротоо (mpos 17) кекороретти б. N &c, Vg Arm.. Eth has let not 
man even reject or invalidate a covenant confirmed н or] 2513! 
&c, N &e, Vg Syr.. ovace Во, and not Arm oyeg caere add clause | 
18 24 25 3! .. ovagesr eaot add fresh ordinance Bo (Eth) .. eraras- 
cera, Ñ &c .. єтітасаєтаї D*, superordinat Vg .. changeth in it any 
thing Syr .. other command upon it (is it possible) to give Arm 

16 дтатхє &c lit. but they said the promises &c] 18 24 25 3! .. 


мернт ac Hahpaoare яки mrecperrepasa. stecjoso) asasoc 
хи. хе мексперяях оос exi gag. АЛЛА оос exW 
OTA. ATW аєпенсперяазам. ETE MEXE me, — "mas ae 
ехо» ALLO. RE OPAIAOHKA єм NNOTTE щрптахрос. 
пиояєос NTAWwle Lenca стосу iuge seaah R- 
porene Ииатетос ehod aw eowect[ пернт. 18 єцужє 
epe текАнромовма cap woon єебоћ oss пиояяос. 
ere поуєбол ам дає пернт те. йта HHovre ae 
Napize Habpaoast ovra перит. Vor ge йтостум 
пе пможзос. итаткаае erbe аєпарабасєт. шлите 
песпераза єї. Mal iTacjepHT их. carro ehor 

17 18 24 (31) 21aen.] -ет. 24 3185 19 24 $ (31) EL 
19 24 (31) пах this] om Во 

trs. то дє af. eppe(y)Onoav (єдобусау 76 115) ax єтауу. Ñ &c .. om дє 
D*FG, Vg .. eravo uj ae ñak. поанепастєМом lit. but they having 
promised to Abraam promises Bo .. but to Abraham was promised promise 
Syr .. and to Abraham also promised God (om ro) and. saith to him to 
thee Eth эп печси. and his seed] 18 24 25 31, Во.. к. то oz. Ñ 
&e, Vg Syr Arm .. to thee and to thy seed Eth (see above) negys. ая. 
ait he was not saying] 18 24 25, Bo .. ov Aeye № &c, Vg (Arm) .. and he 
said not to him Syr .. he saith not to him Eth .. ov Xeyo 17 MERCH. 
thy seeds] 18 24 (25 ?) .. mexr neepspoa and his seeds Bo .. kat rows ст. 
cov D*, Bo (к).. to seeds Arm .. kau тос тт.  &с (Syr)... to thee and 
to thy seeds Eth avw iner. and to thy seed] 18 24 31, N &с, Vg 
Arm (even thy seed) (Eth) .. xe пела пекар. And thy seed Bo .. trs. but 
to thy seed as of one that which &e Syr єтє nexT ne lit, which 
Christ is] 18 24, Bo .. os єттї x. № &c, Arm, о &e Det* Кат, him who 
is Christ Syr Eth .. for Christ it is Eth ro 

11 war бо but this I am saying! 18 24, N &e, Ус Bo (Azo) Syr 
Arm .. Г say therefore this Eth .. this saying I Eth ro хе] 18 24, Bo 
Syr .. om М &c, Vg Arm Eth ea пиоттє &с which God confirmed 
before] 18 24.. про (от FG, Vg)kekvpouevgv vro т. бєом N &c, Vg 
Bo (eavepujopn йтахрос ей. огтєп by) Syr Arm Eth THTOALOC 
the law] 18 24, Bo, NABCP 17, f Vg Eth.. pref. as хрістоу DFG 
KL &с, Syr Arm .. add ae Во (x) лтачщ. which happened] 18 
&c, Bo Syr .. trs. ern к. тр. yeyovos уороб Ñ &c .. trs. came the law after 
years Eth sasaak thirty] 18 &c .. and thirty years Eth то.. om Eth 

GALATIANS III 17-19 159 

were said to Abraham and his seed. He was not saying, 
Thy seeds, as of many; but (a) as of one: and to thy seed, 
which is the Christ. 17 But this I am saying, that a covenant, 
which God confirmed before, the law, which happened after 
four hundred (and) thirty years, will not reject, (so as) to do 
away with the promise. 13 For if the inheritance is being 
out of the daw, then it is not а (thing) out of the promise: 
but God grunted to Abraham through the promise. +° What 
further then is the law? It was laid (down) because of the 
transgressions, until the seed should come, this to whom he 
promised, having been ordained through the angels in the 

fipossme years] 18 24 (31) Bo (sN) RABCDFGP 17 зт, Vg 
Syr (Eth)..trs. ету тетрак. (тріакос. 43 al) KL & Bo (Е,*) 
йепатстос will not reject] 18 24 (31) .. оок акирог № &e, Vg Bo... is 
not able to reject Syr Arm (hinder) .. but (and то) it is not that it should 
hinder that which promised God Eth 

18 wap] 18 24 3l..trs. e уар № &c, Vg Arm.. de Syr .. 
but if therefore Eth щооп is being] 18 31..щаупе із becoming 1 
24.. re (ne HJ) is Bo Syr eh, o. пи. out of the law] 18 24 (3!).. 
irs. eh, 5. фиоллос те HRA. Во Syr Arm (the inh. cdd) (Eth) .. trs. 
єк уорою т) к\р. Ñ &c.. Eth has they will inherit no longer by that 
which he promised ax not] 18 24 3! .. add же further Bo, ovkert 
N &e, Vg (am non) Syr Arm пєрнт the promise] twice 18 &с 
(3! 19) Arm 10, Arm cdd 2°.. озщ а promise Во, № &c пта біс 
but God granted] 18 24 (3!) Bo..trs. to end З &с, Vg Syr (gave) ae 24* .. Eth has behold promised it before God to Abraham 

19 оу бє йтооти what further then] 18 24 (3!)..07 же what 
further Во .. т. ow Ж бо, Vg Syr Arm Eth (why therefore came) 
ииол». the law] 18 &c, 31, Arm edd .. om the Arm ftra aat 
lit. they laid it] 18 24 (3!) Bo, стеб) D* FG, Vg .. просетеду ЗА. 
BDYKLP &с, Syr .. i (lit. (hey) increased Arm .. Eth has that it might 
cause to increase sin erbe &c because of the transgressions] : 
18 24 31, Bo .. trs. т. п. ҳари проаєтєбі) NÑ (праёеши ЕЕС, d m) &с Vg 
(transgressionem f) Syr Arm wante &с until the seed should 
соте | 18 24 3! .. axpis ov єАӨ то от. № &с, Vg Во Syr Arm (the child) 
Eth (that seed) mar &c this to whom he promised] 18 24 3!, Bo 
Vg Eth .. w єтууу.  &с, Arm .. to whom was (made) the promise Syr 
eavrouj lit. they having ordained it] 18 24, Во, биатауе № &c, Vg 


err плссєћос ом TSI азпаяеситис. 20 пазєсттно 
ме плота AW пе. MNOTTE ae Ova пе. 7! mnuoseoc 
бе ey orbe пернт 221077e. инесщопе. eweimra s 
пиз ос TAP ETM сояе aeeoo €TANMOO. омтос мере 
TAIRAIOCTHA нашопе пе ебо osse пиоязос. 7? ААЛА 
тесрафн ACCETO OTOM wies есоти ох пмове. XERAC 
eve аапернт От тпістіс WIC mec їїтєтпїстезте, 
23 eesTia T€ тпїстїс AE EF nevoapeo ерои пе ga MNO- 
еол. 2* оосте muossoc AWOME MAN ITAAAITOCOC 
EQOTH ENEKE їс. хе єметявато ehor Qu meme. 

? 18 24 1 18 24$ esn]24..eosi 18 me] om 24 28 
24 23 18 24 oa] oen in Во (м) м 18$ 24 -асосос] 

-ак. 24 

..and it was given Syr Аттп.. and it descended. Eth .. Eth ro has in 
ordinance of his angels, and &e || пасе, the angels] 18 24 .. oamace. 
angels Bo, N &c, Arm тух the hand] 18 24, Bo Arm .. xev Ñ &c 
ana. of the mediator] 18 &c .. novar. of a mediator Во, Ñ &c 

20 marec, the mediator] om Во (Ем) me] Во, N &с, Vg Syr 
Arm Eth .. пе Bo (AE,°,F") .. yap 17 ixnaoca lit. that of one] Bo 
.. афотат the one Bo (A,BCE,*GMNO*P).. evos Ñ &c, Vg Syr.. one 
also (om ro) Eth an пе lit. not is] Bo, М &c, Vg Arm (of a certain 
one) ан Во (ва).. іт. not із of ome Syr..not was of one Eth 
ova ne lit. опе is] Во, N &c, Ус Syr Arm .. one God is Eth .. God 
however (is) one of two Eth ro 

21 egy orhe is being contrary | doth it hinder Eth перит the 
promises | the promise Syr .. that which promised God Eth запиоутє 
ої God] & &e, Vg Bo Syr Arm (Eth).. om B, d enema &c lit. 
for if they gave the law] Bo (emear) .. e yap «добу уороз N &c, Vg 
Syr Eth онто (о 24)c certainly] om Eth .. Ауда Fer G, Vg (vere) 
Syr Arm мере &c the righteousness would have been out of the 
law] ие Залєвлані ove&oN Sen ninossoc те lit. the righteousness 
a (thing) out of the law was being Bo .. ex vouov qv av п (om F) àwato- 
суут ÑN 17, Vg Syr Arm .. 2n that law would have been righteousness 
Eth .. єк (v B) уоро av qv ABC .. av єк v. ту Dh &c.. om nv D* 
av nv Fer Ger 

? accevo-eoosm gathered-in] ac(ssa B,)ujeaxax shut Во, ovre- 

GALATIANS ПІ 20-24 . 161 

hand of the mediator. 29 But the mediator is not the (mediator) 
of опе, but God is опе. 2 The law, therefore, is being contrary 
to the promises of God. It shall not be: for if it had been 
given Ње law, for which it is possible to give life, certainly 
the righteousness would have been out of the law. ™ But (a) 
the scripture gathered all in under the sin, that the promise 
should be given through the faith of Jesus the Christ to those 
who believe. 23 But before that the faith came, we were being 
guarded under the Jaw, being gathered in unto the faith 
which will be revealed. ** So that the law became to us for 
schoolmaster (to bring us) into the Christ Jesus, that we 

клетку Ñ &e, Vg Syr Eth ovon mise all] rovs zavras Тб .. 
eowh mben all things Bo, ra ravra Ñ «е, Vg (omnia) Syr .. every one 
Arm ?., Eth (all of it) ог under] Bo, N &c, Vg Syr Arm.. Sem in 
Bo (a,*EF*) Eth (nto) eve} lit. they should give] should be Eth .. 
trs. добу) rows mior. N «е, Мо Bo (їсєтнїү) Syr Arm оти through] 
chod ovi Bo.. ex № &с, Vg Во (p* pus kKr).. т Syr Eth iuc 
пес с of Jesus the Christ] № &c, Ус Bo Syr Arm Eth (in) .. ev xp. tv 
Г... ош Eth ro.. om w 17 

23. япистєє the faith] Arm .. trs. Ade т. mior Ñ &c, Vg Bo(essna- 
теці пхєпихтао) Syr Eth ae] Во (варнакі) Eth ro .. and Eth 
..0m Во Arm nesoapeo epon пе we were being guarded] Bo .. 
trs. vro vopov єфрохроуреда Ñ &c, Vg (Arm).. the law was guarding us 
Syr..guarded us the law Eth єусоото Taron eo. being gathered in] 
соу(и)кАео(кеклес) pevor М &c, Vg Bo Syr (Eth, see below) | e unto] 
є N &e, Vg Буг. ща unto Bo erac, which will be revealed] 
єөпноу йори eh. which cometh to be revealed Во.. туу ueXXovaav 
тісті атоколуф. М &e, Vg (quae revelanda erat) Syr (which was about 
to be rev.) .. Eth has and guided us into the faith which cometh .. guarded 
we were shut in unto the future faith which would be revealed in из Arm 

^ ocer( 24)e &с so that &c] the law therefore Syr Eth atj- 
wwne &c became to us for schoolmaster] trs. sch. became to us Syr 
Arm Eth .. тодау. nuov yeyovev (eyevero B) N &e, paedagogus noster 

fuit Уа. ачербатямоко мам guided из Bo(eagep. нл) eo. 
enexXe 1С into the Christ Jesus] D* FG, Vg (fu) Bo (к) Arm .. om 
сои Ñ &e, Vg (in Christo) Bo Syr Eth еметалат (ет 18)o we 

should be justified] Во Eth .. trs. to end N &c, Vg Syr Arm 

1717.2 M 


25 ем тпістіс AC єї. NTNWOOM AW GE OA MAILATWTOC, 
6 тети ишире Tap яяпиоутє тиртм от TMICTIC 
asnexc ©. “ Mentarhannize Tap епехс атету 
NeXT QWTTHTTH. 25 азам IOTAAT QI оеААни. areen 
gga А orae prege. Aa QOOTT OF cgreee. TOTH 
Tap тнрти итети ота ож» nexT wc. ” Ease TOTH 
е итетм Marec. ere мтєти mnecmnepsea Wabpaoaas. 
мвАнромояесс ката пернт. 

ГУ. Yaw ae meoc. хе єфосом пеотоеиц MERAH- 

25 1824 muni] Во (варнак).. тем. Во..єтєн. Во (1) woon] 
xu Во ? 18$24 тирти] трти 24 7 18 24$ arteti] Во 
(u*J).. зретем Во окт! огоот 24 7 18 24 оте] oste 
18 ? 18$ 24 $ 

1 18 24 (cit B. М.) neoso.] nevo. cit 

25 ea &с but the faith having come] and when came therefore Eth.. 
and then came therefore Eth го "mievic the faith] trs. дє т. zioTeos 
N бо, (Vg) Bo (eragi svsenimaex) Syr (Arm) Eth (therefore faith) 
йтищоот lit. we are not being] Bo Syr..trs. expev to end N &c, 
Arm .. iam mon sumus Vg | ан бє no longer] ovxerc № &c, Vg (iam 
non) Bo Arm жє longer Во (в* кт) Syr.. Eth has we want no 
longer а schoolmaster 

2 йтети &c lit. for ye are the sons of God all ye] пеютеи сар 
тирот Пефтеи oamnupupi йтє ep for ye all ye are sons of God Bo.. 
TAVTES уар VLOL Geov єстє N &с, Vg Arm от all Ye sons ате of God 
Syr .. for all we &e, Arm cd Eth (became ro) зх (п 18)neoct 1c 
of the Christ Jesus] in (Sem) the Chr. Jesus Bo, ev хр. w  &с, Vg 
Arm ed .. om P .. in Jesus Christ Arm Eth .. om Eth ro 

11 ош verse 27 Eth ro nentavh, «с lit. for those who were 
baptized &c] төште сар тнро Sa ин єтатозасот бо lit. for 
ye all under those whom they baptized &с Bo .. ото: yap—eBarri One 
N &с, Vg .. for those who-were bapt. (24 plural) Syr .. who all—are 
baptized (234 plural) Arm... but those who were baptized (2п4 plural) 
Eth .. ото. дє &c Macarius enexET unto the Christ] Bo, М «е, Syr 
Arm .. Sen in &c Bo (A, EF") Vg Eth next the Christ] Во (н* 
2,1)... затор Bo .. trs. xv eveóvo. N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth 


should be justified out of the faith. 2° But the faith having 
come, we are no longer under schoolmaster. 29 For ye are all 
the sons of God through the faith of the Christ Jesus. *’ For 
ye who were baptized unto the Christ, ye clothed yourselves 
with the Christ, 28 There is not Jew and Hellene, there is not 
servant nor free(man), there is not male and female: for ye 
all, ye are one in the Christ Jesus. ^? But if ye, ye are those 
of the Christ, then ye are the seed of Abraham, the heirs 
according to the promise. 

IV. But I say that as long time «s the heir is a little (one) 

28 здали there is not 19] add 2% this Eth (not ro) оз and 1° | ovde 
N &е, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth oeNNun | N &с.. Jonian Bo .. Graecus 
Vg .. heathen Arm .. Evagrius has «Ау ках гоудалоє .. Aramaean Syr 
Eth здам 29] pref. and Eth man 30| om F'r* ,, and there is 
not Eth .. orae Во (Р) ox and 29] ки № &c .. neque Vg Bo (orae) 
Syr Arm Eth птоти &с for ye all, уе] Bo (all they) .. (а)таутєс 
уар рез Ñ &c, Vg .. for all ye one are Syr (Arm) (Eth ro) .. but all ye 
Eth .. Evagrius has аАЛа zavra. ко ev таси xs птєти &с ye are 
one in the Christ Jesus] Bo (om ñewren J) № &с, Vg Arm (ye опе 
are) .. one are in Jesus Christ Syr (Eth) .. ye «с in Christ Bo (A, 18) 
ev єттє ev xp. 15 FG 17, d Vg (om unum fu) .. єстє (ev 53") xp. w 
N*A .. ош Eth ro 

? xe] Bo (nur 18) Bo.. and Syr Eth птєти “с ye are 
those of the Christ] Bo, vues хрістої N &с, Vg .. of Christ ye (are) 
Syr Arm (ye of Ch. ye are) .. view es єстє ev xp. w Der*, d Vg (fu).. 
ves mavtes ev єстє ev xp. № FSG... if ye were of Jesus Christ Eth 
сле then] gapa Bo, apa № біс, ergo Vg Syr Arm .. add ow Der*Fer 

yer.. уе therefore (are) Eth песперлах the (om N &c) seed] 
namxpox those of the seed Bo, orepparos В... of Abr. child (children 
cdd) ye are Arm пкАнр. &c the heirs acc. to the promise] кат(а) 

єтаууємам к\р. Ñ &e, Vg Arm... асс. to the promise ye are heirs Bo 

(озмиМир.) .. pref. ках FerGK LP &е.. and heirs in the promise Буг 

.. and. heirs of the promise Eth .. Eth ro for this verse has for all ye 
sons of God are, as Christ, seed уе are 

! ae] 18 24, М &c, Vg Bo Bo (AB*ErFTLP)Arm..aAAa 

Eth .. add adeAdor FG пєкА. the heir] 18 24 cit, Ñ &c, Vg Bo 
M 2 


ропояхос отукозі пе Мещобе Халат am evossoaA. 
єпхоєс йика niet пе. "АЛЛА gwoon oa gemeni- 
тропос ля оємоткомоязос ща тєепроеєсяята seremos. 
? таз QOON TE темое аяпестоейц ємо ROVI wemn- 
woon OA NECTOINEION аєпкосязос ємо можвохА. 
* итере MAWR AEC аєпеоуО0є у er A пмоуте THNOOT 
з®пещире eane ehor ом oTcormec. ac[ujorre ga 
mMostoc. Fe ецешопй миетох пмоееос. хенае 
ємехі птемтунре. ^ae итетм ищире ae аєпноттє 
мутиносу AMENNA аепещире eopar ємемонт ео 

пещю (оо 24)Be] àxaxon—iupib arog Bo ? 18 24 cit B. М. 

genen. | onen. cit яяпєот | cit .. Ans. 18 24 ? 18 $ 24 cit B. M.$ 
те тєпоє | ve ти. cit щооп | Xa Во (%н пе 18) croen] 24.. 
-x1. 18 cit Bo * 18 $ 24 $ 5 1824 (Tks ox 

(pref. e) Syr .. trs. child is the heir Eth ov&Kos: (24 cit.. єх 18) пе] 
18 24 cit, viris коту Ñ &c .. оукотжі Raov ne a little child із Bo 
..0m esT Syr пащове А. (eX. cit) am evo. he differeth nothing 
from a servant] 18 24 cit.. 3324405 ОМІ Muh} яхалосі mear оубок 
there is nothing of difference in him and a servant Po, ovàev діаферє! 
dovlov N &c, Vg .. he differed not from a servant Syr .. he is not more 
than the servant Arm .. he is no better than &c Eth emxoeic &c 
the lord of every thing] 18 24 cit (trs. me пєпка miar) корго zavrov 
ov Ñ &c .. egos MST єєп гї mben being lord of every thing Bo .. when 
lord he із of all of them Syr, Eth (om of them) .. although lord he is 
&c Arm 

? qujoon is being] ач(єч 3 18..4 ваГ)н Во.. їз, ито єтітр. 
єоти N &e, Vg Syr Arm .. trs. and under stewards is guarded Eth 
venpoeecsaxia &c the term appointed &с] туз проб. (add туз B) rov 
татроѕ Ñ &e .. the time which appointed his father Syr Eth .. cometh the 
appointed time of &c Eth ro 

З vas &c thus we also] add therefore Eth ro ixneos(e» cit)o- 
(om 18)erg at the time] gore (ets 18) Bo, ore № &c..add ae 
Во (к, тє FP) eno йкозт (add me cit) lit. we being little] emos 
anor we being children Во, nuev vymia М &c .. when children we were 
Syr Arm Eth ик. е w.] mam. thts world Ро (ваг) eno по. 


he differeth nothing from a servant, being the lord of every 
thing. 2 But (а) he is being under guardians and stewards 
unto the term appointed of the father. *Thus we also, at 
the time (of) being little, we were being under the elements 
of the world being servants: *but when the completion of 
the time had come, God sent his Son, having been born 
out of a woman, he became under the law, > аё he should 
buy those who are under the daw, that we should receive 
the sonship. © But because ye are the sons of God, he sent 
the spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying out, Abba, Father. 

being servants | add wo to them Bo .. nev (Ga) dedovAopevor N Ke, Vg 
..enslaved we were ут .. in servitude we existed Arm .. we were sub- 
jected to the error of this world Eth 

* птерє &c but when the completion &c had come] gore ae стай 
пхефалод &с but when came the fulness &c, ore дє yAOev то птАтрара 
Tov xpovov Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth (and—his appointed time) a &c 
God sent] Bo .. e£az. о Geos N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth - eaquywne lit. 
having become] Во (ayw. 18) yevopevov № &c, factum Vg (am al) Syr 
.. yevvog. К, natum m Vg (fu al).. who became Arm .. and he was born 
Eth eĝo оп out of | Во, ex N &c, Vg Arm Eth .. and he became 
from Syr..s5& under Во (aAB* EF) aqu; he became] eaquy. 
having &c Во, yevouevov № &c, factum Vg.. апа he became Syr .. he 
did (in Eth) the precept of (in го) the law Eth .. he entered Arm 

° ечещу. he should buy] Bo Eth .. trs. т. v. vopov e£ay. № &c, Vg Syr 
(Arm) таит the sonship| Bo Syr ( position of sons) Eth (position 
of sons, son то) ..trs. ту vob. атолаВ. № &c, Vg Arm .. оуляєтцу. а 
sonship Bo (Р) 

б же because] оті-хє Bo, or № &c..ore 37 47.. but аз Eth 
йтети пщнрє ae lit. ye are the sons but | 18 24 .. ъе-пеютей ganu. 
but—ye are sons Во, дє єстє vior Ñ &c .. and ye are де sons Syr .. and 
because are ye sons Arm .. sons (his sons го) ye are Eth | запмотутє of 
God] 18 24, DFG, Vg (fu demid tol).. om N &е, Во Syr Arm ачти- 
nooy he sent] 18, В.. add жє 24 ..& d тлото (отори с м) God sent 
Bo..e£az. o бєоз NÑ &c, Vg Syr Arm, Marcus .. pref. behold Eth мєпонт 
our hearts] 18 24, NABCD*FG(M)P, Vg Bo, Marcus.. meteng. 
your hearts Во (лкс,ктк) DeKL &c, Vg (demid tol) Syr Eth 
eqwus ef, crying out] 18 24, Во, xpa£ov (ov) М &с, Vg Syr (he who 
стел) Arm (who &c) which he стеф Arm cdd.,[e|mwus we 


ehord. xe abba пают. Тоюете Ge ити ovossoA ам. 
adAa ATR оушире. ещхе NTH оущире ac. exe NTH 
оукАнромояєос ehoA ога» пес. aAa аяпі- 
оуоєтиу MEM итетисоотм ам аєпноттє. атетир- 
оком А prees пиєтєпоєимотуте хи ме. | "тємот ae 
EATETHCOTH пмоуте. Ngoro AE єм пмоуте cov- 
тнути. Haw Noe тетикоте OM AeeewWTH сместо!- 
Xeon Nargon arw Монкє. Mar ом єтетпотєц 
рояком А мат инесоп. 10 тетипаратирех eoenooov 
и  осмеботе зам  оемотоеиц «ет оепрозапе. 

т (1) 18 24 eocse] -ae 24 3 (1) 18$24 ext] Во (ва) .. trs. 
py an Во.. ош Bo (1) ° (1) 18 24 cosn] cover 18 коте] 
RWT 24 10 (т) 18 24 

are crying (x 1) .. who сту Arm edd .. he who calleth and saith Eth .. and 
he crieth and saith Eth ro..ev o kpa£ouev FetG abha &c lit. 
Abba, the Father] (т?) &с, Bo, N &е, Vg Arm .. Abba our Father бут 
.. Abba and my Father Eth 

7 бе longer] т &e, Bo (am xe).. om Syr йтк lit. thou art 19] were Ет (+.. езё df Vg (fu dem).. thou art son Eth 
ovoxx.-osuj. a servant-a son] т? &c, Bo (Arm) Eth (his son ro) .. ser- 
vants-sons Буг тк thou art 29 | (г) &c .. om М &е, Vg Bo Syr Arm... 
and thou wast not servant Eth — euge &c but if thou art ason] (1 1) 
&c..1xexe xe ovu. Bo, e дє vos № &с, Vg (Arm) .. and if sons Syr.. 
but if therefore son thou art Eth єтє then] 18 24, xe Bo (ат МХР) 
.. kat М &e, Vg Syr (also) Eth (and therefore) .. xe-ow then-also Bo 
ATK 3°] (т) &e, om N &е, Vg Bo Arm оукА. an heir] (т) &c, 
Eth .. also hers Syr .. отк М. on ат heir also Bo .. heir therefore Eth .. 
кал кАтр. Ñ &e, Vg єй. о. пєҳе through the Christ] (тї) &c.. 
єй. o. dp through God, Bo (add in the Ch. Jesus к) à. 0cov N* ABC* 
17, fg Vg, ба дєоу FetGer .. of God Arm .. cov dia x. МСЗРКІ,Р 
&c .. 0. à. w x. 39 al, Syr Eth (in).. per Christum Vg (mar) .. да w x. 
238 .. pev (кА. pev 115) бєом, avykA. de x. 76 115.. от in Jesus Christ 
Eth ro 

* aNNa &c lit. but at the time indeed] (т?) &c, Bo (that time) .. 
аХХа rore pev № &с, Vg (Arm) Eth (in your ignorance) .. then yap 

GALATIANS IV 7-10 167 

7So that no longer art thou a servant, but (a) thou art a 
son; but if thou art a son, then thou art an heir through the 
Christ. ?But (a) at the (former) time indeed, knowing not 
God, ye served by nature those who are not gods: ?but 
‘now having known God, but rather having been known 
by God, how do ye turn again unto the elements impotent 
and poor, these again whieh ye wish to serve another time? 
10 Ye observe days and months and seasons and years. 

Syr .. om sten Во (нл) «тєтїїрө. ye served] (1) &c, NABCD> 
КІР &с, Bo Syr Eth .. trs. дєоѕ eSovAevoare D* FG, Vg фест 
futev. by nature those &с] (г?) &c.. пин hres eve. those by nature 
who Bo, то фосє pn o. NABCD*P 17 47, f Vg .. those who from their 
natures Буг (vg)... py pvoe ove. DPFG(K)L &c, Syr (В) Arm (those 
who were not by nature) .. om $voe К, dm .. Eth has to those who were 
not gods 

° еатетис. having known] 18 24, yvovres М біс, Vg .. ат(р)єтємс. 

ye knew Bo Arm Eth .. that ye knew Syr Ппоото ae but rather | 
18 24, Eth.. and rather that Syr (Eth ro) ae Во (0) .. mmo Vg 
.. trs. after known Arm e(om 24)a пиозте &с lit. God having 

known you] 18 24.. a @} соуєпенноу God knew you Bo .. yrwoGevtes 
vro бєоо N “е, Vg Syr Arm.. he knew you Eth йаш «е how] 18 
24..0m Syr on again] 18 24 .. trs. Raxwtes оп Bo... om Во (вл) 
.. trs. again ye turned Syr .. om ye turned Eth єпєстоҳ є (= 18)- 
о unto the elements] 24 .. esscr. unto these &c 18, to those elements 
Syr .. trs. птоха стохєа NÑ &е, Vg Bo Arm.. Eth has to this weak 
and poor idol of the world пата osx impotent | асбе) № &c .. swh 
weak Во Eth..infirma Vg..sick Буг мат ом these again] І 
&c, ois таму N &c .. and Syr .. om па Лил Vg Во Syr Arm пкєсоп 
another time] т &e, Bo..trs. avo0ev дооЛерсоа (ew) М &e, Vg Syr 
Arm .. Eth has ye wish for creatures to be subjected to them 

10 тетипаратирєм рі 1) ye observe] т &с.. ететеме. ye are 
observing Bo (Ет).. ат. ye observed Bo (вернікт).. eat. having obs. 
Bo..trs. wp. тарат. М &c, Vg Arm..trs. to end Syr.. np. yap 
К.. and ye observe Eth geneh(qa 24 .. onnebave г)оте months | 
г &c.. ganahor Во (вакто).. ам (є) йн(е)т Bo (м).. day 
of month Eth оепотоеиц &c seasons and years] (1) &c, № &е, fm 
Vg Bo Syr Arm .. trs. eviavr. к, кар. DF£rG .. om ка кор. Р.. time of 
years Eth 


п \рооте онттнути хе «anoc aAWMgHowre eporW 
сувн. 212 щопе тає. хе ANOK QWWT ow итетисе. 
месинту. conc язееоти. азпетижітт Азат сонс. 
13 qeyWMcoovH ame axe erbe Tas TATGOSt WTCApZ AIET- 
acvceArce инти язпщорп йсоп. arw mnampac- 
азос етом тасарб, аяпетисощії owe ssmeribaboo«[. 
aAa Nee HovacvccAoc ите пиоттє атєетищопт 
ероти Noe ANEXE xc. етом ве mnerWustaHa- 
рісагос. -pasriTpe cap инти хе емеотм шбояя 
eujxne атєтипре метихАсох eaTeTHTAT им. 
16 оюфсте духе CEPOT. хе AIXE TAE инти. 

п (т) 18$ 24$ 7 (т) 18$ and Є at nec 24$ &o 91] ow 1 

житт) 24, Во (вак).. жит 18, Bo зву 18:29 4 (1) 28234 
o»ae] (1) 24 .. OFTE 18 "AU I8 24 16 (т) 18 24 ecce] 
-љє 24 

" онттизти you] т &c, vpas № &c, Vg Arm Eth .. om 47, Vg sixt 
Syr яянпос] Г know not if Eth гщї (єп 24)9. I toiled] 1 
&e, Bo (ята 12).. trs. аку кєкот.  &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth єротӣ 
for you] (г) &c, Bo Arm edd Eth .. єс vp. № &c .. in vobis Vg Syr Arm 

7 птетпое as ye] add / was Syr Arm Eth(Zamro) е because] 
om Bo (o) меси. lit. the brothers] (1) &c .. my brothers Bo Syr.. 
adeAdou Ñ &с, Vg Arm .. our brothers Eth Мааз lit. any] (т) &с.. 
trs. пхоис поМі Bo.. trs. ovóev pe тік. № біс, Vg Arm.. nothing ye 
wronged me Буг .. om because &c Eth ro .. om ovóev Eth 

13 ae] N &с, Vg Bo Arm edd .. yap Syr (vg) .. om D*FzrG, Во (1) 
Arm (ye) Eth ere tasittatooas lit. because of the impotence] (т) 
&c .. єөћє отиті because of a weakness Во, ди асвеуєши М біс, Vg.. 
in &e Syr, from &c Arm .. that (when то) in what weakness of my 
power I taught you Eth йтсар5 of the flesh] 18 24.. om туз FG 
.. of my flesh Syr яхпщорп псоп at the first time] 18 24 .. 7o 
тротєроу Ҹ &c, Arm ., пщорӣ at first Во Syr Eth .. am pridem Vg 

11 manip. my temptation] 18 24, DPKLP &c, Syr (h) .. том тер. 
МеС* 37, Syr (vg) Arm.. nerenunip. your temptation Bo, т. п. vov 
N*ABD*FG 17, Vg .. being afflicted Eth етой which is in] 18 
24, ETXH Ben which was put in Во (Sa р) rov ev C^, DPKLP &с Syr 
(which vg h) Arm (which) .. ev N (аз above) and J being also afflicted Eth 

GALATIANS IV 11-16 169 

ИТ fear you, lest by any means I toiled for you in vain. 
12 Be as I (am), because I also (am) as ye are. Brothers, I 
beseech you, ye wronged me not at all: ! but ye know that 
because of the infirmity of the flesh I preached the gospel to you 
at the first time: and my temptation which is in my flesh 
ye despised not nor repudiated ; but (а) as an angel of God 
ye accepted me, as the Christ Jesus. !^ Where is therefore 
your felicitation? for I bear witness to you, that if it had 
been possible as it were ye (had) plucked out your eyeballs, 
having given them to ше. 19 Sothen I became enemy unto you, 

tac. my flesh] (1) &c.. vc. the flesh Bo (ва к,кт).. trs. ye despised те 
not nor rejected me in (om ro) my flesh Eth яхпєтисощӯ ye despised 
not] (т) & ок N* | этетищ. &c ye accepted me] т &с,  &с, 
Vg Syr Arm ..trs. and ye received me Eth .. trs. &«NNa apevenujonq 
єр. ye accepted him (-пт me вареткі) Bo s€ Jesus] 1 18.. от 240 
.. trs, Jesus Christ Arm саа 

"5 ечтом where is] (т) &с.. Во (ачеси). zov NABCFGP 17 
47, Vg Syr (vg h ще) Arm Eth.. zs DKL &с, Syr (Б) Eth ro (in 
what) Ge therefore] т біс, ow NABCLP (Во) Eth.. 
indeed Eth ro..add чу DFGK &c..add ести 115, f Vg (Arm) 
neriak, your felicitation] т &c, Eth (add wow not то) .. beatitudo 
Vg Syr Arm инти to you] т &c.. ош FerG eneosi(en 18) 
uj(om 24)5. if it had been possible] 18 24, e дато, № &c, (Vg Syr) 
..add &xaxoren for you Bo Eth euyxne as № were] om N &c, Vg 
Bo &c атетипр(єр 18 24)x lit. ye plucked out] 1? «с, eruissetis 
Vg Syr Arm .. e£opvéavres № &c, Eth (add for me).. еферк to pluck 
оці Bo nernaNoos your eyeballs] trs. rovs оф. v. e£opvé. № Ke, 
Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth €aTeTitraa v паз having given them to ше] 
(т) &с.. (av) єбокатє por Ñ &c, Во (парєтєпнатнітот) Eth .. et dedis- 
setis mihi Vg Буг Arm 

З ошст(> 24)e so then] т &с, Bo, Ñ &c, ergo Vg Arm .. om Eth 
ro .. but Arm cdd .. interrogative word Syr .. interr. particle Eth .. add 
eyo D* FetG _ arpasaxe ep. I became enemy unto you] 1 &с, Bo .. 
exÓpos vpov yeyova  &е, Vg (vobis) Syr (to you) Eth.. an enemy 
I became to you Arm xe because] (т) &c, Во Syr Arm Eth то.. 
om М &с, Vg..7f Eth arse tare I said the truth] 1? &с.. 
drasto-eoaxur Г show-the truth Bo Syr (preach) Eth (taught) .. aìn- 


17 сең ероти RaXoc aN. „ААх ETOTWUF eujrase 
€epoTW. хе ететиеноо epoov. І"матоуєс ae єтреу- 
HOO ероти oee ппєтиамотсі МОТОЄГІ miee. avo 
ESQATETHTTH AKATE an. 1° naujgHpe. им ом є{4- 
MAAKE 2911007. шлите NEXE ххазорфн понттноти. 
? werowuouj ae eer ujapoit venov ташийє итасаян. 
хе Ятстну eboÀ понттнтти. 7! холис epos. мєтотош 
EW WITE OA пиояяос. HTETHWU хи авпітоваос. сено 
Tap. хе abpagast agane шнре cias. ота ebo ом 
TRAA ATW ora choA ом тразон. ЗАЛАХ пебоћ 
заем ом TORROMA итаухпо KATA CAPT. пехпо AE 

11 (т) 18 24  єтєтиєкио| 18.. єтєтикоо 24 18 08124 
? (1) 18 24$ star] om Bo(A,n7) ? (1) 18 24$ тациве] отоо 
eujib&x Bo 2 (т) 18 $ 24 341$ 351881 an ап. | 18 &c, Bo (1) 
.. зап. an Бо ? (т) 18 24 34! 35! f! avo] 18 &c.. ess Bo 
23 182434135! f! ne&oX] 18 24 35! .. nee&oN 34! f! 

Ócvov М &с, Ve (verum dicens) (Eth ro Г am honest to you) .. truly 
I spoke Arm 

" сєкоо they are zealous] 18 24, Bo.. they are emulous Syr .. they 
cause jealousy Arm (pref. but) .. but these are emulous Eth.. and this 
also that they &c Eth ro Radwe an not well] 18 24 .. and not for 
good Eth .. (is it) therefore right Eth ro e€vosou they are wishing | 
(1) &с, Bo .. trs. vuas eXovaw (бєдоутєс Р) &с єцутаяя єр. lit. 
to shut you] (т) &e, Bo.. to shut т, eykXewos 44, Syr Arm Eth .. ex- 

keai № біс epoos unto them] т &е, Bo Syr Eth .. trs. avrovs 
ФА. N &e, Vg Arm... add £gXovre дє та кр. Хари. D* FG 
18 ae] om D*FG, Eth ro.. yop 17 .. therefore Eth ETPETKWO 

ероти for them to be zealous unto you] eXog to be zealous Во, (то) 
(Лото дал М &c .. aemulamini Vg .. that (om то) ye should be emulous 
Syr Eth oxx ппєт. &c in the good always] Bo (emm. HJ).. ev 
kaÀo zayrore N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth (doing good) .. ravrore ev то ay. 
FerG srate an not only] Bo.. trs. kac py шоуоу Ñ &е, Ve Arm 
Eth .. trs. to beginning and end пої-спіу Syr 

? пацунрє lit. my sons] (1?) єс, Bo.. fili(ol)i mei Vg Syr Arm 
(filioli) .. rexva (wa) pov № &c .. my little ones Eth om again | 18 
24, таму Ñ &e, Vg .. anew Syr Arm Eth .. trs. J travail another time 
Bo next the Christ] (1) &c, Bo .. trs. uopóo05 xs N &c, Vg Arm 
.. trs. should be formed in you Christ Syr .. should appear Eth 

GALATIANS IV 17-23 171 

because I said the truth to you. 1 They are zealous unto you 
not well; but (a) they are wishing to shut you (in), that уе 
should be zealous unto them. 18 But it is good for them 
to be zealous unto you in the good always, and not only 
when I am with you. 1° My children, these of whom I am 
again in travail until the Christ be formed in you, ??but 
I was wishing to come unto you now and change my voice; 
because I am rejected among you. ?'Say to me, those who 
wish to become under the law, ye read not the law. ™ For 
it is written, that Abraham begat two sons, one out of the 
(maid)servant, and one out of the free(woman). 7 But (а) 
he indeed out of the (maid)servant was begotten according 

? axe] т &e, № &c, Vg Bo.. om Arm Eth ro.. yap Syr.. and Eth 
єєх to come] (т) &c, Во Агш.. тареро Ñ біс, esse Vg Syr Eth 
TENOS now] г &e..trs. now to come Arm dxier(om 24)ну eb. 
I am rejected] (т) &c .. aropovpar N &c, +щоМо понт / am doubtful 
Bo Arm .. confundor Vg .. Гат astonished Syr.. Г am deficient about 
you Eth ro.. Г am &c in what to say хс Eth 

1 axic say] 18 &с, N &c, Vg Во (варенакі) Syr Arm Eth .. add 
ovn Bo.. do ye say (om to me) Eth ro nerosouj &e those who 
wish to become under the law | (1 ?) &c, ин(ош Bo except K)e(a AE.. 
om ванз)тєтєпот, єщитиі Sa типоялос ye (lit. those) who wish to bec. 
under the law Во (к) .. ог vro vopov Өє№оутєѕ evar N &c, Vg Syr Arm 
..0L тоу vop. ava ywogkovres Е .. in the precept of the law we are Eth 
йтєтпощ an уе read not] 18 &c, DFG, Vg (Arm).. om г homeotel .. 
frerencoosn-ast ye know not Bo .. птетеисотеяя-хи ye hear not Bo 
(DFKLNO M8 18) ovk axovere NABCF*KLP «&е, Syr Eth (not 
interrog. ro) .. ye wish not to hear Bo (n?) annog. the law] 18 
&c .. trs. т. морсу ovk ак. &c Ñ &с, Vg Буг 

З vap] т &c.. om Eth ro хе that] (т) &с.. om Bo (н) Eth ro 
aqxne &с lit. begat son two] (11) &c, Bo (B) ..3vo viovs eoxev № бос, 
Vg (Syr Arm) .. trs. children begat Eth трахон (Do вагос..е fle 
Bo) the free(woman)] 18 &c .. Xaxevpesxen the freedom Во (р) 

23 sen] m &c, Bo Syr (h) 34!, B, f Vg Bo (вак) Syr 
(vg) Arm Птатужпос lit. they begat him] yeyevrgrac № &с.. 
etavaracy they bare him Во..уєуєипта ПЕТ" 17 37* .. Eth has bot 
diverse the generation of him who from his handmatd acc. to man was 
begotten KaTa сара] trs. к. с. yeyevv. № &с, Vg (natus est) Syr 
Arm nexno ae lit. but the begotten] o de N &с, Vg (que autem) 


choA ом тразон ovehoA оттяя пернт пе. ~ War ae 
genhwA ме. атаеннн Tap сите ме. oves чаем chor 
Оз» птосу сука єсхпо етжемтоа8охА. єтє TAI те 
atap. 2 птооту ae ста ecqupjoon ом Tapahia. ҷони 
AE EOOTN eveiorepoyca Анея TEMNOTY. со Tap iigregaA 
лах месшщнре.  ? erepovcaAHer ac йтиє ovpasoH 
T€. ETE тах T€ темазаму. 27 сно Cap. хе єуфране 
табрни eTéasecesice. cuj CROA итехщиан тетеаяес- 

^ (1)1824 341 (35) f! cie] crow} Bo (вагнамхо 18).. BY 
Bo (ADFHJKLP) ste 29] ne nar Во.. пах ие Bo (uM) йсика| ой 

с. in S. I.. ficerta 351 * 1 18 24 (341) (35!) f! on] pref. 
еВоХ 24 35! ? т 185 24 35! f! ae] ve f! рахон| -оє 35! f! 
те | жє f! 7 (1) 18 24 35! f! geno] еще. f! evessec.] ен 

€erexxnac, Во  йтєащ.| 18 24 35! .. птєтєащу. f! by error 

Bo (тиєвбоМ ae) Syr Eth .. and he who Arm трахон (є fl, Воріт ос 
..€ Bo) the free(woman)] rys єХєоберіає 53" (AXaxerpessoe) Bo (ва) 
ove. orrax (озх 34!) lit. a through] ба N &c.. owe&. Sen an out of 
Во (лвак) пєрнт the promise] BDFGKL P &c, Во (ва) Arm .. om 
ms МАС 17, Во ne is] om N &с, Vg Во (ва) Arm (Eth) .. trs. 
ne огтєп 3° Во (нл).. was Syr .. т that which he promised him Eth 

^ wax ae оєп (п ЇЇ) &c lit. but these interpretations are] 18 &с 
351..єтє mar ие ещьзераАХисорит marwor lit. which are these 
which they are wont to allegorize Bo, атша єсті addAnyopouvpeva Ñ &с, 
quae sunt per allegoriam dicta Vg .. but these which are allegories of 
two covenants Syr .. and these are allegories of two ordinances Eth (om 
alleg. of го) .. which is allegory of exemplar Arm ASAOHRH (HRE 
18 fl.. экн 24 34!) vap &с lit. for covenant two they are] 
tap Bo (A, EJ,*) .. avra: (avra) yep ecw доо (а доо 59") д:адукол (кі 
FG) N &c, Vg (Syr Eth, see above) Arm over aren (п f!) &c one 
indeed &c] 18 24.. but one (that ro) from &c produceth for servitude 
Eth .. om asen Во (x) єсхпо producing] (1 ?) &с, yevvoco. № &с, 
Vg Syr Arm Eth.. ecasser bearing єсхпо evasiit. 34! 
єтє тах te which is this, A.] т &c 35! .. eve a. тє which із Agar Во, 
qyris «с N &c, Vg Syr (Hogor) .. and that (is) Agar Eth vro.. but that 
&c Eth .. which was Hakar Атта 

3 m(en fl.. nex nv. this m. 341 351) тоот &c but the mountain 
of Sina] т &c 34! 351, Vg (demid harl) yap owa NCFG 17°, 

GALATIANS IV 24-27 173 

to flesh, but the (one) begotten out of the free(woman) is 
through the promise. ** But these are interpretations: for 
they are two covenants; one indeed out of the mountain 
of Sina, producing unto servitude which is this, Agar. 
26 But the mountain of Sina is being in the Arabia, but it is 
near unto this present Hierusalem: for she is servant with 
her children. 29 But the Hierusalem above is free, which is 
this, our mother. 27 For it is written, Rejoice, Barren, which 
art not wont to bear; ery out and shout, thou who art not 

Vg..but Sina mountain is in country of Arab Eth .. ло yap ауар сша 
KLP 17** &c,d.. arap сар ne Bo (ркі).. Во Syr (vg) Arm have for 
(the Arm cdd) Hogor (Agar is Bo) the mountain is (om Bo Arm) of Sinai 
(із Arm) .. то де ауар owa АВЮ 37 .. асар ae пе nrroos but Agar is 
the mountain &e Во (АВ? &c).. arap ne титооу Во (с мер) eq- 
woon &с is being in the Arabia] т &c 351, Bo (Xs) .. opos «ти ev ap. 
A&e,Vg..o.eocv ар. 3 (є f')eum жє (ош ae r)eo. e but it is 
near unto] т &e 35!, agos ae пщфнр itaat mess (Farad є ваз) 
but it is in fellow agreement with Во (om ae 12) .. съ(и)стоҳе дє ті) 
N &c.. т (om D*) avvarouovca. D* FG, Vg .. and agreeing to Syr Arm 

.. «nd. she (he то) looketh one to another with Eth ететот. (ereeror, 
1 .. тох, #1) lit. unto this Hier.] г &e 35!, Syr Arm ..ту-ер. № &с.. 
яяя пте Jer. of Bo.. ei quae nune est H. Vg тєпоу lit. now] І 
&е, 35! .. tre {ноу of пого Ро .. which now Eth €o vap &c for 

she is servant] т &c 35!, Во, dovAever yap NABCD*FerGP al, Syr 
(h) Arm.. д. de DeK L &e, Syr (В me) .. et servit £ Vg Syr (vg) Eth 

б esepore, the H.] r.. oreNfian 18 24 35! .. отїМнах fl.. укр. 
N го, (Ус Arm) .. NAs Eo Eth ., but that Jerus. Syr птпє lit. of 
the heaven | eveaxnugox which is above Во Eth (om із) .. high Syr .. trs. 
avo пер. М &c, Vg (quae sursum est) Arm (the upper) orp. те lit. 
а free 18] om zs Eth ete tar ve which is this] yrs єттї Nè &e, 
Vg Syr Arm, Marcus .. om &*.. which—is Во .. and із Eth TEM- 
(п f!)sxaa(om f!)y our mother] vemnssas Bo, ратур nuov N*BO* 
DFG 17, Vg Syr (vg h™s) Eth, Marcus .. p. zavrov nu. XCACCKLP 
&c, Syr (h) Arm, Macarius .. mother of all Arm саа 

* кар] т &c., om Eth .. as also Arm cdd xe] 1 &c, Bo Syr .. 
om Ñ &e, Ус Arm Eth wus ebo cry out] т &c, Arm.. trs. pws 
ovog cuj єбоМ break forth and сту out Bo.. руёои ках Во. N &c, Vg 
. and exult and сту Syr Eth .. exclaim and сту Eth ro тете (om 


Xuaake. хе mawe ищире итетелямте gar eoove 
тетехмте поэм. SANTOT ac, МАСИНУ. КАТА лак 
птети ишире аєпернт. Vaa Nee язпіоудетц 
NTA пехпо ната CAPT пот исх пата Wa. TAY 
оп темох те ее. З"АЛЛА ov петере тепрафн хо 
ажосу. Novae choA итеоаеохА en песщире. пиєс- 
кАнронояяст cap ибиищире итоаеохА se пщире 
итразон. “lerhe Mar се. wecuHv. Hatton ишире 
Toa A aw АЛЛА атом изтразон. 

TevesiTc]| no МЪ.. тєтєотитс 18 24 35l..Teveowitrac f! 
28 (г) 18 $ 24 $ 351 f! $ 2 (1) 18 24 (29) 35! f! tenor now] 
om between lines т тє ee] І 18 24 35! .. om ee 29 f! (түкө 
2429$35!f! mecu.] necu. 24 кАнропозаєт) -ats 1 24 S 
182429 35! f! япщнрє] new. 29 an] trs. am їїөзхогМ 29 

те 24)axectu. lit. she who is not wont to travail] 18 &c, Bo (ен 
сте)..1] ovk o!wovca Ñ біс, Syr..quae non parturis Vg Arm .. she 
who knoweth not travail Eth маще many are] 18 &c, Bo Syr Arm 
.. поХХа М &e, Vg Eth (ne 29) щнрє lit. the sons] 18 &c, Bo, 
та тєкуа 53 &c .. filii Vg Syr Arm Eth itrevesxivic gai of her who 
hath not husband] 18 &c..75s epguov М біс, Vg Bo (4щачи) Syr 
Arm .. of the widow Eth egove (поото fl) more than] padà. у 
$$ &с, Vg, ззаАММоп єоотє Bo (om eo. AE.. 330NNon ме H) Syr 
Arm .. than Eth nea: the husband] 18 &c, N &c, Во (ән єтє) Vg 
Eth .. Syr has than the sons of the wife 

3 йтоути (оп fl)-itreri ye-ye are] 1? &с, BD*FG 17, Eth ro .. 
npes-eopev ЗАСРеКТ,Р &e, f Vg Во (anon-anon) Буг Arm Eth 
(om едреи) пасин (|от 18) my brothers] 18 &c, Bo (варентк 
18) .. меси. the br. 35! .. adeAdor М &e, Vg Arm .. our brothers Bo Eth 
к. зсаан| 18 &с, Во, Ñ &c, Vg Arm, as Г. Syr .. from Isaac Eth ro.. 
trs. of promise like Isaac Eth птєтӣ &с lit. ye are the sons of 
the promise] (1) &с, Bo (ganw. lit. sons) .. єтаууємає тєкиа (oreppa 
47) «ore  &с, Vg Arm ..sons of promise are Syr .. sons of promise 
like Isaac Eth .. from Isaac sons ye are Eth vo 

г АММа| т &с, N &с, Vg Bo Arm .. and Syr Eth хоо 
lit. at this time] I &с.. атиснот єттн at that time Bo .. rore N &c, 
Vg Syr Arm.. om Eth п (ем r)va] т &c 29.. паре imperfect Bo, 
€0.okev Ҹ &c, Vg Syr nexno к. с. lit. the begotten acc. to flesh] 

GALATIANS IV 28-31 175 

wont to travail, because many are the children of her who 
hath not husband more than (of) her who hath the husband. 
23 But ye, my brothers, according to Isaak, ye are the children 
of the promise. * But (a) as at the (former) time the (one) 
begotten according to flesh persecuted the (one) according 
to spirit, thus also now. 29 But (a) what is that which the 
scripture saith? Cast out this (maid)servant and her son: 
for shall not inherit the son of the (maid)servant with 
the son of the free(woman). °! Because of this, therefore, 
Brothers, we are not the children of the (maid)servant, 
but (a) we are those of the free(woman). 

г «е 29 .. he who was begotten in flesh Syr .. vsasses &с the born «с Bo 
(marici сар B?) .. о ката сарка уси вез Ж &c, Vg (natus fuerat) Arm 
Eth (in law of flesh) пката nia (pref. пе f!) lit. the acc. to spirit | 
1 &c 29, N &с, Vg Syr (in) Arm (the) .. lit. the born асс. to spirit Bo 
(rpGLMNOP I8../he spirit. AB*EFHJK).. him who in spirit was 
begotten Eth .. him who (is) in holy spirit Eth vo 

? петере &c is that which the scripture ‘saith| т &e, Bo .. Aeye 1) 
yp.  &с, Vg Arm Eth .. said scripture Буг позже cast] т &c .. 
pref. xe Bo (к) Wrer(18..X т &с.. пет 29)оях. this (maid)- 
servant] т &с, ira1&c ki Bo, туу mabor. тохтуу А... om тартуу N &c, 
Vg Syr Arm seit lit. with 10] т &e, Bo (mear) Eth .. kac N біс, 
Vg Syr Arm necu. her son] om her Eth ro vap] Bo, N &с, 
Vg Arm .. because Syr почицу, &c the son &с] (т) &с, N &c, Vg 
Syr Eth..trs. tite ищир: cap пок: єркАнромояати for the son 
of the (maid)servant shall not inherit Bo (же om vap B) птрахон . 
(18..€ 24 &c) of the free] 18 &с, Bo.. add pov таак D* Кат, Vg 

1 ere пах ge because of this, therefore] (т) &с.. à NBD* 17, 
Arm .. йадие OL Vg ..apa DeKL &с, Syr (h).. ара ovv FG .. es de 
АСР, Bo, Marcus .. we therefore Syr (vg) .. but we now Eth .. and now 
Eth ro .. om 71 пєсинт lit. the brothers] 18 &с .. adeAgou Ñ &c, 
Vg Arm..add pov r7, Syr..owr br. Bo Eth ro, Marcus 
папом muy. &c we are not the children of the (maid)servant] 18 &c, 
Bo Arm (sons) .. we were not sons of the handmaid Syr Eth .. ovx expev 
па. тєкуа М &с, Vg (filii) anom патрахон (18..€ 24 &c) we 
are those of the free(woman)] 18 &с.. туз eAevbepas N &c, Vg Eth.. 
om rys FG .. sons of the free Syr .. ММ Xpessoe but the free Bo 


У. см отазитраяое пеугс ayaa празое. agepat- 
тнути Ge итетитаащюпе ом oa пихобе птаяит- 
garoa. ele оннтє AMOR патЖЛос -pxo асс 
NATH. хє  ererWujancóbermy Ti. зяпе с  мадону 
ззат Маму ам. ?-ppaeWTpe ac ом posse miee 
етсббиут. xe cepoy єр писягостирії. "атєтиотиості 
єбоА ота пеу с изм CTHATetAIO OR пиоаөос. 
атєттоє choA ояя пеожяст. ĉanon cap ose nenia 
ehoA ом тпістіє сибощт e6o онте пеєМпіс rar 
натостмн. ĉo пехе tap 1С ovre dean chhe 
SoL оуте acia Tcbbe, aa оутистіс єсеперсет 

1 18 §at ave 24$ 29 351 (f!) npxxoe]-98 24  nnao&eq] om eq 
29 ? (1) 18$ 2429$ 35! язялоти | Во (ва).. иотем Во Naar] 
ПА. r 29..поМі Во з (т) 18 24 29$ 35! єтећёнтт] -Ёнт т 
* (1) 18 2429 mar] ин Во evita asa10] 24 .. eTTaraso I 5 18$ 
24 29 $ (т) 1824 52958 56] 18.. Стос 24 

топ &c lit. in a freedom the Christ &c] 18 &c f! .. порн: сар Sen 
WNaxerpeaxoee a пе arren fipessoe for in the freedom the Christ &c 
Во ..ту «А. пи. x. NABC* DFGHP 17 37* 47, Ус Àrm .. туу eÀev6. 
ov np. x. СКП &c, Marcus .. for Christ freed us Eth .. stand therefore 
in the freedom (with) which Christ freed us Syr TEXTE ayaan &c 
the Christ made us free] 18 24 f!, Bo Syr Eth .. nas x. тАєб. МА 
BDFGP 17 37, Vg (am tol).. trs. x. пи. yA. RCCHKL &с, f Vg 
(demid) Arm..pref. у Db KL &c, Syr (see above) Marcus (x. ум.) 
ge therefore] 18 24, ЗАВСЕСНР 17, Во (ovn) (Syr vg) Arm Eth 
(pref. and ro).. om DKL 37 47 al, Vg Syr (h) Marcus птєти- 
тях(от тях 24 351) ш. and become not] 18 24.. отоо ззперїеннот 
and give not you Bo .. кал uy-ev(av D* 37)єкєсв N &c, Vg .. and-enter 
not Arm .. and до not Eth ox again] т &с, Во(варекі) (Syr MS) 29, Bo Syr oa &c under the yoke] (т) &c, Bo (a yoke) Arm .. 
£vyo Ж &e, Vg Syr .. into Eth 

? exc. онн(от 24)те behold] г &e, Во Vg Syr Eth..we N &c 
nasyNoc] т & N* {хош I say] erxo / ат saying 29 
зхпєс с &с the Christ will profit you nothing] т &c, Bo Eth .. x. vp. 
оубеу офедлає (п) N &c, Vg Arm edd .. Ch. nothing will profit you Syr 
Атта... Ch. will not profit you Eth го 


V. With freedom the Christ made us free: stand therefore, 
and become not again under the yoke of the servitude. 
? Behold I, Paulos, I say to you that, if ye should be cir- 
eumcised, the Christ will profit you nothing. ? But I bear 
witness again to every man who is circumcised, that he is 
debtor to do the whole daw. * Ye were done away from the 
Christ, ye who will be justified in the law; ye fell out of 
the grace. ? For we by the spirit out of the faith, we are 
expecting the hope of the righteousness. 9 For in the Christ 
Jesus neither circumcision availeth nov uncircumcision, but 

з ae] т &c.. om Arm .. and Eth on again] т &c.. om D*FG, 
Arm pware man] т &e .. ovon Во (B?) хе that] т &с.. om N* 
ep to do] т &e, Во Eth .. trs. momoa to end № &c .. trs. zAypoca to end 
61 al, Syr Arm пи. т. lit. the law all of it] (1) &e.. every precept 
of the law Eth .. om precept of ro 

t atevitge ye fell] 18 24 (half a line erased between m and 9) Eth 
.. pref. and Syr Arm Eth ro пєоякот the grace] 18 24.. his 
grace Eth 

° wap] but Eth.. om 29 оях nenta lit. in the spirit] Bo (pref. 
еВоХ în F) Arm.. лиеомале NÑ біс, Vg Syr..add holy Eth 
єй, оп тпист. out of the faith] ex zioreos N &c, Vg Bo Arm .. which 
is from faith Syr .. «nd. in faith Eth .. e&oN orren ovnag through 
a faith Bo (нг) engwuyt &c lit. we look out for the hope of the г. | 
we hope to be justified Eth .. eAmida. бікалос. атєкдєхорєва N &e, Vg Bo 
(охое№тис fire ovaxeoxun: єтепхоущт ЄВОМ Saxoc, -wor F by 
error, a hope of a righteousness is that which we look out for) Syr 
Arm (the hope) 

ê озх пех wap for in the Christ | 18 24.. ev yap x. Ñ &e, йорні 
Tap Sen neo for in the Ch. Bo .. in Ch. yap Syr .. for with (apud) our 
Lord &c Eth .. om yap G* 33 39 116 .. and with J. Ch, Ethro | xc] 18 
24 ..0m B.. Jesus Christ Eth ovre] twice 18, М &с.„ оте 24, 
Bo | ch. circ.) 18 24 .. псе, the circ. Bo (om 24 29)s1n— 
oaoa lit. findeth power] (т) &c .. arom uxor arog hath ability 
Bo .. ovre—rt сое. М &c, Vg (Arm)... profiteth not Eth .. not-any thing 
is Syr хатат. uncirc.]  &с.. Чазетат, the uncire. Bo ov- 
meric а faith] ти. the faith 29 єсемерсєкєттє т) working] т 
24 .. pref, ve that 18 29 .. evepowh epos lit. they working it Bo .. trs. 

1717.2 N 


сти олемин.  "мететилнт ихАюе пе. mige nei- 
тасуржроп инти стазпезое єтяєє. | ^mremrewoe Nor- 
chor am пе аєпентастєдсятнути.  "щарє оукоту 
пех тре потсщає THPY с. 7 anon {тнк понт 
AUOT OMS ILxoerc. xe lireTMAseceve EHEARAT aM. 
петщтортр ae MUOTI Чиа ох пекузаех. METE 
ито пе. Поцєсину. ещухе ANOR EITAUJEOEIUJ 
serichhe. agpor ом ceawoWe давало. ere ac[osoctq 
WGWIec ka na a Лои язпес Фос. 1? Qaaeor ом enevua- 
соохе єбол йиєтшутортр akeewTH. Г ATOT Tap 

оти| т &с.. on 24* 7 y 18 24 $ 29$ at mar єтяяє| mear 
озані Do 8 y 18 24 295 inem. ] оях nen. 246 29 э (т) 18 
24 29 10 (т) 18 24$ 29  є(ота 24)кє.| no MSS .. eve 18 24 29 
qua] 18.. пат 24 29 ga] ях 1 24" 29 п (т) 18 $ 24 $ 29 $ 

зтоке | {нє 24 127 (т) 1S 24 29$ 1 (т) 18 24 29 

агуат 5 єуєруоциємт) Ñ &c, Arm .. quae—operatur Vg .. which is perfected 
in Syr .. Eth has circ. profiteth not and uncire. perfecteth not, but faith 
and mutual love отасапи lit. a love] т &с, аут Ñ &с.. Час. 
the love Bo 

7 иетет(ош ev 24)nnmr-ne(om me 1) ye were running]  &с, 
Bo..add ae Bo (лвак).. trs. well ye were running Syr Arm Eth 
(ye ran).. pref. formerly Eth (not ro) єтяхпє(от т 18 29)геє 
from being persuaded] Bo..trs. (ту) aAn6. ші) me0eo004 53 &е, Vg 
(oboedire) Syr Arm .. add рлбеи пєебєсвал FG, Vg (demid har!) .. that 
уе should. not believe Eth etase lit. unto the truth] om ту МА В 

* om verse Eth ner(neer 1)ne(om r)ree &с this persuasion is 
поё] 7 zewcpovg Ñ &с, Vg (Syr) Arm (this) ovk D* .. trs. who 
calleth you is not Bo .. add vap Po (A, DFKL) Arm .. your persuasion Syr 

? щарє откоз &с а little leaven is wont &c to lift up] (т) &c .. 
откоухІ йщ. щачерє птощеляя т. стщ. а little leaven is wont to 
cause the whole lump to take leaven Bo (own. ae ЕК).. шкра &c N &с, 
Isaiah (modicum) .. кра. yap &c L, Arm cdd .. Eth has doth not а little 
leaven much meal leaven? | тре-тир чи (Чет 24) to cause the whole 
lump to lift up] (т) &c .. oXov то $vpapo. upor N &e, Syr ( fermenteth) 
Arm (leaveneth) .. o. то ф. долог D, f Vg, Isaiah (corrumpit) 

10 anor I] 18 24, RABCDKL &c.. add vap Bo (ATEGMNOP).. 
add дє C*FGP, Vg (demid) Bo (в'артенокі) Arm..7 indeed Eth 

GALATIANS V 7-13 179 

(à) а faith working through love. "Ye were running well; 
who is he who hindered you from being persuaded of the 
truth? *This persuasion is not out of him who called you. 
° А little leaven is wont to cause the whole lump to lift up. 
191, I have confidence of you in the Lord, that ye will not 
think any thing else: but he who troubleth you will bear 
the judgement, he who he is. ™ Brothers, if I, І am preaching 
the circumcision, why am I still persecuted? Then was done 
away the offence of the cross. !?I would that, those who 
trouble you, even will have been cut away. 1° For ye, уе 

{тнк &с I have confidence of you] (т ?)'&c.. паднт env exenonnos 
lit. my heart is confident upon you Bo .. I am confident about you Syr 
Eth .. тєтода es vpas N &c, Vg (in vobis) Eth .. 7 have hoped in you 
Arm охх nxoeic іп the Lord] 18 24 .. in our Lord Syr Eth .. от 
B .. with God Eth ro птетизяя. ye will not think] 18 24, Bo Eth аЛЛо фроутпаєтє М &с, Vg Syr Arm..add пи exe п аЛубіа rov 
христо» FG mg ae] 18 24, Ж &с, Vg Bo Eth.. «nd Syr Arm 
nere (om 29) &c he who troubleth you] т &с.. who even who it was 
being Eth... although who it was Eth ro 

п sect. lit. the brothers] 1 &e, (т 74 108*).. trs. eyo дє абеАфои 
N &с, Ve Bo (ту) Syr (ту) Arm .. but Г ту br. Eth .. 7 indeed our br. 
Eth ro euyxe anon if I] 1 &c.. trs. amon Ae маси, but 7 my br. 
Bo, 8 &e, Vg Syr (Arm) Eth ex(ees т)тащ. &с I am preaching 
the circ.] т &c..zep. ктр. ПЕС al, dg Vg (dem) Arm .. осей оп 
mexornonuy ахазо а circ. still I preach Во, Ñ &c, Vg Syr Eth 
хоро! оп lit. why still &c| зе eo&e от then because of what &c Bo .. 
т. ert док. NÑ &c, Ve Bo (ват) Arm Eth .. why am Г persecuted Syr 
ere then] gapa Во..н or 29 пот | ax 29 (he did away with the 
offence) запесфос of the cross] (т) &e, N &c, Vg Syr Arm .. add 
tov xp. АС al, Во Eth 

1? оляяох on lit. I would that even] 1 &c, o(o)óeAov N &c, Ус Arm о Bo (asxor).. add дє Syr .. it is right Eth .. 2t is right indeed 
Eth ro enenacoo(om 29) жє &c lit. they will have cut away 
those &с] (т) «е, Bo (iicezscoxs ев. пин B? DT FKL) .. azokoVovrat ot біс 
N &с, Syr Eth .. abscidantur &c Vg Bo (псєх. ehoN пхеин) Arm 
(were being) .. Eth ro finishes the verse it 18 right indeed ye (are those) 
who were being (who remained 1) 

13 сар) (т) &с, à &c, Ус Bo Arm .. дє FerGer, Bo (вана) Syr 

N 2 


чаитразосе яяпртресщопе стофоряян птсарб. AAA 
отт TACATUH nenna aproaeoad пиєтмерну. 1" пио- 
язос TAP THPY itracpxsos chord oit оупулже потот. ом 
ERERLEPE TIETOITOTWR итекое. 15 єцухе rera A onc ме 
пиєтиернт ATW TETHOTWOLE. TOUT аянпотє итетиохи 
CRON ovrt тетїтернъ. 16 oso AE LLOC. XE esoouje ояе 
nenita ATWO Tenorea итсара йиєтихокс ehodr. 
U TCAPS чар emrovaser orhe nenita avw nenita оубе 
TCAPS. мат se ceX orhe пеуєрну. хенас пмететноуа- 
Wor иметихат. !?eujyxe тетмязосоще AE oes MEMINTA. ere 

єулайт. | 24 29..eo93*. 18 | єтаф.| evd. Во (вакнокі,).. 
потаф. 29.. SenosNorx: Bo 4 (1) 18 24 (29) 15 18 $ and 
at бощт (2)024 ae] trs. after 1схе Во — занпотє| занос Во 
16 18 24$ enrosaxra | enesosasei 24 U (т) 18 24 (cit) em(es 
18 24.. нсі) өтуялєг| по MS.. -orara 24 fimetiiaay| mar птетеи- 
upreasarroy Do 1 (1) (TS 6 24 

Eth, Orsiesius nrasvreo. lit. they called you] (т ?) &c .. trs. eAevó. 
exAnOnre N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth пєси, lit. the brothers] 18 24.. 
adeAdou М &с, Ve Arm .. my brothers Bo Syr Eth .. trs. after cap Bo.. 
om Eth ro, Orsiesius  темзайт. our freedom] 18 24 .. т. є. vov 37, 
Syr (vg h*) Arm Eth .. riv eAev0. N &c, Ve Bo axnp(ep 29) Tpec- 
wwne let it not become] 18 24, Arm .. 33neprmi-esSown bring not in 
Во..дотє FG, Vg..make mot Eth .. abutamini Vict Orsiesius .. om 
N &с птсарб of the flesh] 18 24, five 4c. Во, туз с. Р" 17. 
f Vg Буг. ту тарк: Ñ &e, Arm? (om article) your flesh Eth 
от. Tav, through the love | діа rys ay. № &c .. in caritate Christi Antonius 
..caritate Orsiesius nenta of the spirit] 18 24, DF?rG, Vg Bo (к) N &e, Vg (am) Bo Syr Arm Eth apriga. serve | (1 ?) &c, Eth 
good to Eth ro пиетпер. one another] 18 24 .. your neighbour Eth 

^ пи. с. т. for all the law] (т) &c, NX &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. o у. 
mas Àoyos KL.. Eth has for ome word will complete all the law 
птасхок was fulfilled] (1?) &e, ayxan Bo..trs. Noyo тпАпроютаї 
N &с, Ус Syr Arm оп &c in one word] (т?) Во, N &c, Vg Syr .. 
in few (words) Syr (В).. pref. ev уши D* FetG em in 29] 18 24.. 
ev то Ñ &e, Во (Sem harenpe) Syr (in this that thou) Arm .. от 
D*FG, Vg Arm cdd птекое as thyself] (т) 18 249, МАВСР 
K N** 17, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth .:eavrov FGL N*P &c.. om 24* 

GALATIANS V 14-18 181 

were called unto freedom, Brothers; only our freedom let 
it not become an occasion of the flesh, but (a) through the 
love of the spirit serve one another. !* For all the law was 
fulfilled in one word, in (this): thou shalt love thy neighbour 
аз thyself. 1° But if ye will bite one another and ye devour, 
look lest haply ye be consumed by one another. 16 But I say, 
. Walk in the spirit, and the lust of the flesh ye shall not 
perfect. 17 For the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the 
spirit against the flesh; these therefore fight against one 
another, that the (things) which ye wish ye should not do. 
18 But if ye walk in the spirit, then ye are not under the law. 

5 четизХ. ye will bite] 24 .. vert. ye bite 18 пиет. one 

another] Bo..trs. aÀAgA. баку. N &е, Vg Syr Arm Eth, Orsiesius 
(зі invicem &c).. trs. karer. addnr. D*FG avw terior. Ш. 

and ye eat] Bo.. trs. before bite Eth бощт look] BAezere N &c .. 
videte Vg Bo (апау see) Syr wait lit. fail] ззотик fail Bo Syr.. 
perish Arm .. avaXo05re Ñ &e, consumamini Vg єй. o. мет. by 
one another] Bo, D* Ет 0 .. trs. ото adAnA. ахал. № &c, Orsiesius .. 
ye will make deficient what remains of you Eth 

5 ae] om Во (рге,*єн*імр) Eth (add to you).. add this Arm 
зхоощує walk] Bo..trs. mvevp. теритатате Ñ біс, Vg Syr (be walking) 
Arm Eth (go)..zvevuar. Ñ &c..ev пу. Marcus ато апі] add 
never Syr Marcus (zore) птсар& of the flesh] of your flesh Во 
(А) Eth .. саркоѕ  &c 

п oyhe against] сів «с, Во, ката N &c.. that which hurteth Syr 
(thus again) .. that which desireth (wisheth vo) not the spirit (thus again) 
Eth avw and] cit &c, Syr Arm, Marcus 1°.. ae Bo, N &c, Vg, 
Marcus 2° war бе these therefore] cit &с.. т. yap N*BD*FG 17, 
Vg Bo Arm (since) .. ravra дє NEA CDK LP &c, Во (нә) Syr (h).. 
and both Syr (vg) cet ovrhe lit. they give against] cit &c, Bo 
(єботум єорєм).. contrary ате &е Syr.. are repugnant біс Eth .. trs. 
aÀXAqyA. avrwe(v)ra. Ñ &c, Vg Arm пиететпот. the (things) 
which ye wish] 18.. 0m й 1 24, Bo, а № &e, o Der*Fer, Syr (vg) 
Arm ?.. om relative В" .. Eth has that уе do not that wh. уе wish 

18 euyxe-Ae but if] т &c.. sexe ae Во.. єї де № &с, Vg Syr Arm ae Bo (n217)..Z/ indeed Eth то... that of (which is in Eth) 
the spirit ye follow Eth verax. ye walk in the spirit] (1) &c, 
aperemax, &с Bo.. атєтємая. ye walked &с Bo (ванл).. пиецмали 
ауєтбє М &e, Vg Syr Arm exe then] т &e, зє Bo Arm .. om N &e, 


йтетищооп aw ол muroseeoc. 1 сеоуомо ae ehor 
пблпєобнує WTcapz ere мах ме. тпориех. Txooss. 
потссїй. — 2 тазмтрешающеетьюАон.  тязмтрецр- 
паоре. азавмтаммхе. ифтом. пкоо. ибомт. dleen- 
тречфтом. nop. поагрестс. 7 Aa. Моє. ихнр. 
аэ mereme има. мера seaeooy мити RATA 
ee птапуупахост. хє метегре итеое исемакАиро- 
moleci ам Мтазмтеро язпмоуте  "пкарпос ae 
апепих_ пе TACAHH. пращеє. Хрнин. таямтохрщент. 

19 18 245 29 15:24 ^t (x) 18 24 (cit Г.) хооу| xoc Bo 
&NHponosser] 24.. -за1 т 18 сіб sxiirepo] заптрро cit Pr) 
18 24$ у! (g? $) (сіб) dpe] -ns 24 

Vg Bo (x) Syr Eth птєтищооп as lit. ye are not being | (т ?) &с.. 
йтєтєносно-ан xe ye are not pul-any longer Bo (вак).. аретепорн- 
&c (A,*, E) .. атєтєпәсн-&е (7) .. тєтєпоснобо Во.. ove єстє М“ &с, 
Vg Syr (vg) Arm .. ovkert esre NEC, Syr (В) .. ye went out from Eth 

? ae] om Bo (a, HJLP) Eth .. yap Syr Arm єтє пах пе which 
are these] Bo .. arwa єттї N &c, Vg Syr .. namely they are Arm (it is 
cdd) тпориєта (stia. 24) the fornic.] Bo .. торуєа N* ABCP 17 47, 
Vg Syr Eth .. pref. цохєа NCDFGKLN &с, Syr (Б) Arm .. торуєши 
Ее гб пхооях. novwcy the uncleanness, the indolence] 18 .. forni- 
catio, immunditia, luxuria Vg (am).. migéwSesx тусо the unel., the 
defilement Bo, акад. асє№уєа М &c, Vg cle Syr Arm Eth .. nx. йсоос 
the uncl., the defilements 24 .. акадаролии aceXyew Е ЕТ 

2 тааитречиу. the idolatry] 18, Bo.. edwAoAatp. RABCDKLNP 
&c, Vg Syr Arm Eth.. manr. the idolatries 24 ..-Xorpwu FerGer 
taxiitpeyp. the вогсегу | 18, Bo.. фарракею N &c, Syr Arm Eth.. 
лат. the sorceries 24 ..-кеши FG, OL Vg Syr (h) manta. the 
enmities | Bo .. єҳдро Ñ &c, Vg .. enmity Syr (vg) Arm Eth .. фахєтх. 
the enmity Bo (ва) fvpron the strifes] Bo.. epes CDDFGKLNP 
&c, Vg.. eps NABD*, Syr (vg) Arm.. boasting Eth пкоо the 
jealousies] Во.. (пло, NCDPKLN &c, OL Vg Syr (h).. £yAos 
BDs™(FerGer)P 17, Syr (vg) Arm.. arrogance, jealousy Eth | ne. 
the indignations] mxeas&on Во..бушог N &c..anger Syr Arm Eth 
зхзаттрєчу. the factions] птхержер the revellings Bo .. ep(e)O(e)iae 
N &e, Arm .. contention Буг .. heresy Eth nearpecic the heresies] 

GALATIANS V 19-22 183 

19 But manifested are the works ої the flesh, which are these : 
the fornication, the uncleanness, the indolenee, 29 the idolatry, 
the sorcery, the enmities, the strifes, the jealousies, the indig- 
nations, the factions, the divisions, the heresies, 21 the envies, 
the drunkennesses, the revellings, and the (things) which are 
like to these: the (things) of which I say before to you, 
according as l said before, that those who do thus will not 
inherit the kingdom of God. * But the fruit of the spirit 
is the love, the joy, the peace, the long-suffering, the kindness, 

піяяєтатр. Bo.. aperas А &6..-045 №.. schisms Syr. Arm .. rivalry 

*1 ANa the envies] ІЗ 24.. povot МВ 17, f* Vg (demid) .. add 
imussoee the murders Во, povoa ACDFGKLP &с, Vg... envy, killing 
Syr .. envy, killing one another Eth .. envy, murders Arm плоє &c 
the drunkennesses, the revellings] 18 24, Bo .. деда, коров Ñ &c, Vg .. 
om ком. K .. drunkenness, revelling Syr .. drunkennesses, debauchertes 
Arm .. revelling, drunkenness Eth запо mereme fnar and the 
(things) which are like to these] 18 24, Bo.. ки та opora rovrois $ 
&c .. et his similia Vg .. and all which to these are like Syr .. and what- 
ever to these like are Arm .. and what is like to this Eth neujpnoso 
&с the (things) of which I say before to you] 18 24.. пах еферщ. 
these (things) &c Bo .. a проАеу ушу NÑ &c, Vg (Arm) .. om Eth .. trs. 
and those who these are doing, as before I said to you also now Г say 
Syr ката ee п(18 24.. єн r)vas &e according as I said before] 
18 24 (М" єтоу) BFGzr, f Vg Syr Eth.. ката фрн+- on «с as also 
&c Bo, XcACDK LP Же, Vg (tol) Syr (Б) Arm xe пєтєң(єєк т)рє 
&c that those who do thus will not inherit &c] (т) &с.. же ин єтірх 
nnar запагрні; &c that those who do such (things) the kingdom of God 
they will not inherit Bo.. от. ог ro. тогаута zpaacovres р. Ө. ov кА. Ñ 
&c, Vg Arm .. he who this doeth will not see «е Eth .. that the kingdom 
of God they will not inherit Syr, see above.. же wmererpe fnar мак. 
that those who do these will not &c cit 

? є | om cit menia the spirit] т &c (g!) cit.. add holy Eth 
ие 15] 18 бо g! cit, N &е, Vg Буг.. ош 1, Eth .. фаз me is this Bo 
Arm тасаии &с the love, the &c (definite article passim)] 1 &c 
gl cit..ovac. (indefinite article passim) Bo, ауатт &e N &с, Arm.. 
Eth ro has love and joy and peace {рнин(их 24) the peace] add 
patientia Vg el taxitroa(o yl) p. the long-suffering] cit continues 


тату ристос ппетнамоуці. тпістіс. 2 тетряе- 
Pauw. тескратьа. мат текетте NOROC Y отбит 
ап. 2 мәпеусс Ae тс лус оу HTCAPT «еп азпалєсс 
лях пептотяєа, 7 єцухе тмомо сяє nenita язарітлоє 
ON enema. — ^aenprpenujone Wüjoyujov. ємпро- 
але пиемерну. емфесие: семетерну. 

УТ. месину. ewone оп ерши отроязе понттнути 

5 (т) 1824 yl є! тег. | птєєх, r.. ft 24 № (т) хо оу! 
gl enie.) enee. 24 .. enero. у! є! % 185 24 y! g! онә] Во 
(fT DHILN).. wng Во % (т) 18 24 y! gl 

1 18$ 21$ 24$ g! $ 

nrbo an иєтину anica nar the purity and those which come after 
these тахитористос (І 18 24" gl.. рсе yl) the kindness] om т 
the g! плєтпанот the good] (т?) 18 24 y! .. зянтиєтпаноту 
thus printed in Woide but asitt is lost in gl.. bonitas, benignitas Vg 
(am).. benignitas, bonitas, longanimitas, mansuetudo Vg ele .. patientia, 
longanimitas, bonitas, benignitas, mansuetudo Isaiah 

7 тєск(ош g!)p. the self-control] єу(и)крат(Єха МА BCD¢K LP 
&е, Vg (am fu harl) Bo Syr Arm Eth .. add ayveea D* FG, Vg (demid 
tol) obs. cit above маг (add сар Bo нл) &c lit. these of this kind] 
(т) єс, Bo Arm.. ката rov rovrov Ñ &с, Vg.. against those Syr .. 
Eth has there is not that which is better than this law san. &c lit. the 
law giveth not against them] (1) &c.. ovk єстіу vopos Ñ біс, Vg 
.. Buon noroc ЗХотіноу there is not law fighting them Bo .. law із 
not placed Syr .. the law is not contrary Arm 

? иг &c but they of the Christ Jesus] 18 &c.. ин ae ivre & but 
those of &c Bo, o de rov М &c .. qui autem sunt Vg, but those who of- 
ате Syr .. but they who-are Arm .. but they who (are) in Во (ва) Eth ., 
(he) of Jesus Christ Eth ro пє%Е тс the Ch. Jesus] Во, N(* pref. 
x«vpiov) АВСМСР 17 47*, Isaiah .. Jesus Christ Bo (с) Eth.. om w 
DFGKL &с, Vg Syr (Arm) .. Christians Arm птсар5 the flesh] 
18 &e, Vg (am*) .. add avrov FG, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth (Ais ro) .. trs. 
Tyv сарка єстамр. Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm, Isaiah зли яхт, (axi it. 24) 
lit. with the passions, with the lusts] 18 &c .. eax пес. neas nec, lit. 
with her passions, with her lusts Bo .. with all its passions and lusts 
Syr.. with the passions and lusts Arm .. сит vitiis et concupiscentiis 
Vg .. with lust and with sin Eth 

GALATIANS V 23—VI 1 185 

the good, the faith, ?? the meekness, the self-control: against 
such the law fighteth not. “ But they of the Christ Jesus 
crucified the flesh with the passions and the lusts. 25 If we 
are alive in the spirit, let us walk also by the spirit. 25 Let 
us not be boastful, provoking one another, envying one 

VI. Brothers, if also should а man among you have fallen 

^ єцухє И] add де 37, Во (Аъ, нуі 18) Eth..add after ond 
24..0m є Fér, Syr T"Hon? we are alive] y! gl, N &, Vg 
Bo Arm Eth..let us live Кет, Syr (add therefore) .. тєтпом5 ye are 
alive 18 (obs. Bo B® has sexe тє) 24 оях nenia in the spirit] Во, 
L, Syr (Eth) .. trs. zv. Ё. РЕ=т С, Vg Eth зхари(єм сТ)аоє on 
&c let us walk also by the spirit | zvevpart ко стоїхацієм (ovyev KL) N 
«е, Vg (ambulemus) .. om каг ЕС, dg .. se ssapendasad ness sumite. 
(запа P .. wear Hammita with those of &с 18) then let us agree with the 
spirit Bo .. with the spirit also let us agree Arm .. and to the spirit let 
us completely respond Syr .. then (ht. and .. om то) that of the spirit 
let us do Eth 

26 аапртрєн. let us not be boastful | (т) Eth &c .. à31ewepenugyon: 
Sen ovaetaamwosy cqujosrr let us not be in love of vain glory Bo 
(pref. and 18) py y. кє/одобог 53 &c (Vg) Syr (pref. and) Arm (pref. 
and) en (3x у!) прока (а44 та 24)Ner бо provoking one another | 
т &c..emcok писи. enẹ lit. drawing one another unto fight Bo .. 
adXynXovs zpokaAovpevou N біс, Vg .. making little of one another Syr .. 
and that ye should mot trouble one another Eth .. and ye trouble one 
another Eth ro .. with one another clamouring Avm єпфесниєї 
(ях т) enes. (т у! 18.. ennen, 24.. Пием. gl) envying one another] 
еперфеомос Bo Syr.. addy. $0ov. N &c, Ус Arm..and that ye 
should not quarrel with one another Eth .. апа ye quarrel with біс 
Eth ro 

! иесинх lit. the brothers]’ адєдфог N &с, Vg Arm .. паси. ту 
brothers Во Syr .. our br. Eth ew. &c if also] т &c, eav кал № &c .. 
elsi Vg .. om ом also 21, К, Bo Syr Eth (¿f there is) ep(epe 1)- 
wan ovp. ito. по поє should а man among you have fallen] some 
man among you Arm cd .. f а man from you Syr (vg) vis e£ vp. Р, 
Arm, Isaiah (зі quis vestrum) .. тродуифбі ау. vov 37 .. om vov N 
&c, Vg Bo Eth .. trs. про (проката К) №(и)ф6у абр.  &c, Ve.. єщоп 
^peujam тот потрі ще lit. if should his hand of а man fall Bo 


chre пат Нтєкавміє ом OTA аваємтратраці. eR- 
G(OUJT QOWWK єрок. аанпюс исепетраде seeeon. ? сүз 
ga пблрос иметмернт. ATW Wreroe тєтиахок ебоћ 
enWoseoc ANEXE. 3 єцухе OTH ота Tap хо UOC. 
хе AMON пе. evAaav пе. єчром А eog отл. 
Зазаре MOTA ac Iova Оваа лє авпесосі» avo 
тоте ере пецщотщот мащипє EPONJ oTaAac. EREOTA 
хи.  ^epe mora Tap mora наці ga тецетпо. 

? (1) 18 21 24 015 terma] veria 21, eperen Bo (7) POT) 
18 21 $ 24$ g!$ * (1) 182124 51 naugone]| Во (кн me Л).. om 
па Во epog] nag Во 5. (x) 18 21 24 є! 

оп отпарапт. lit. in a transgr.] Bo .. ev тї паратт. Ñ &c .. om оу Bo 
(AT E) .. in something and it be transgression Arm .. if there is а man 
who erred Eth || йтоти уе] add ae Во (кг) | непиєталатік (24.. 
natik I I8.. пик 21 gl) oc the spiritual (ones)] ог тиеомаликое № &c 
.. Sa біс under the spiritual Bo (Sem in um*).. qui spiritales estis 
Vg Arm .. who are in (om ro) holy spirit Eth .. those who ?n spirit are 
Syr п(ап gl)as fiter(iiveer 1.. ПА 24)axme lit. this of this 
kind | him Syr .. trs. huiusmodi instruite Vg єк@өщТ оок EPOK 
lit. looking also unto thee] єкахоущт яхязок оок considering thee 
also Во .. скотоу (add єкастоѕ Кат С, d) ceavtov Ñ &oc, considerans te 
ipsum Vg, Macarius .. and be cautious Syr .. taking care of yourselves 
Eth .. cautious ye (с. be уе cdd) shall be of yourselves Arm занпос | 
Bo .. занпотє 21 .. uy Ka ov (avros Fer G) N &c, Vg, Macarius .. lest 
also уе Syr Arm .. om Eth псепе (ош т 18 g!)spaze maor lit. 
they should tempt thee] Bo, zeipao65s № &e, Vg .. ye should be tempted 
Syr Arm .. that ye should not go astray Eth 

? qs oa bear] т &е, Во (чаг).. pref. and Syr Eth.. trs. aAA. Вар 
Baoral. М &c, Vg Arm (burden) Marcus.. Eth has bear of your 
neighbours that which they load шрот them ao and] г &c .. om Bo 
(Az) .. that Syr птез (тест 1)oe thus] in that Eth e(3x 18 21 
24 супи. the law] (т) &c, Marcus .. om zov FG gamenct of the 
Christ] Marcus Orsiesius .. rov cov 17, яхптоттє of God 21 g! 

3 euyxe Ov ота Tap xw for if there is one (who) saith] 18 &c .. 
e yop доке Tis № &e, Vg (quis existimat) .. if man уар thinketh Syr .. 


in transgression, ye, the spiritual (ones), restore such (a 
man) in spirit of meekness; looking unto thyself also, lest 
by any means thou be tempted. ? Bear the burdens of one 
another, and thus ye will fulfil the law of the Christ. 
? For if there is one (who) saith, I am (something), being 
nothing, he is deceiving himself. * But let each prove 
his work, and then his glorying will be unto himself, 
not unto another. 5 For each will bear his burden. 

if should reckon any ome Arm .. trs. if any опе &c Arm cdd .. euyxe 
Ovi ova мє х. but Ke 21 .. sexe ac OTON ovas resi but 27 there is 
one (who) thinketh Bo (А, варекг 18) .. хехе oson біс (GH*M).. sexe 
&c add ероч of himself (A,TFGHJMNOP) xe amor me lit. that 
I am] (т) &e, Во.. evar В* № .. ewan ть № «е, Vg (se esse aliquid) Syr 
Arm e(o 21) Маат ne being nothing] 18 219 24 61..оА an ne 
lit. something not is Bo .. рубки ov N &с.. сит sit nihil Vg .. when he 
is not Syr .. and he is not Arm €qpoaN яза (пях 1)oq оулас he 
is deceiving himself] 1 бос, a«epoaN ях. яйллатлт Во, dpevarara 
єаот. SABC 17 37 47, Syr (h).. eavrov фр. DF GK LP &с, Vg Syr 
(vg) Arm.. Eth has for this verse and there ?s not he who causeth 
himself to err 

* заре Tova мє пота AOK(S T)taxaze &e but let each prove his 
work] т 18 24.. morar moras arapeqepa. cach let him prove біс 
Во (AE).. msovar ae &с Во..то de epyov eavrov (avrov 17 37 47) 
Soxipalerw єкастоѕ М &c, Vg Arm (om дє).. but (adda) а man his 
work let him prove Syr .. sszapeyqaor. запечо. let him prove his work 
gl. ssapeya. ae &e 21..«nd every one shall prove his work Eth 
avw and] т &с.. om Bo (нл) Eth tote] г &с, Bo Syr .. sic Vg.. 
so (lit. in) that Eth epe &c his glorying will be unto himself] т &c, 
Во (ахаха тат) .. boasting (boastful ro) will be for himself Eth .. as 
eavrov povoy то Kavynpa efe Ñ &с, Vg Arm (he will give) .. for (lit. 
between) himself will be his glorying Syr е(й 21 24)кєота am 
unto another] (т?) &e .. ка ovk es Tov erepov Ñ &c, Vg (in altero) Syr 
(in) Eth .. and not for his neighbour Bo (пєсуцуфир) Arm 

5 epe nova &c паст for each will bear] (т) &c, Bo (morar &c 
EJETWOTIT) tap] (1) &с, N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth, Orsiesius 
Isaiah .. дє 17 .. tap ae Во (TGMNOP) eremo his burden] (т) 
&c, Arm..teqetyw Raun arog Ais own burden Во .. trs. то (tov 
фортіоу Вастаєє М &e, Vg Syr Eth (his burden) 


б ляхрецноїмомеї AE WONIeTOYRHAOHHe!| aeaeory Ost 
7a*nprAana. пиоттє яесуноеецу у. петере mnpoasee 
чар Macon. пм OM петуиаоосу. “xe петхо 
erecjca pz. ебоћ ом TCAPT eepnaooc NoTTAKO. петхо 
хе єпепма. choA сая nenta eepraoge orong 
ища eneo. ° єпере аяппетнамотусі аєпртремес- 
KAREL €NMaQoc Cap oss пемотоеиц йтищосяє ам. 

CUT) TB 21 240g US 7 (1) 1821 24 є (B. M. cit) ззєткозащії 
lit. they are not wont to deride him] семаєМкацуах fiewy an lit. they 
will not deride him Bo вт 18 2124 01$ at metso 20 equacoc] 
twice..-ogc 61 петхо 20°] фи ae every Bo.. фи ae evagery but 
he who sowed Во (Ax) 9 (1) 18$ 21 248 gl§ ecsaner] (1?) 18 
‚. ексах. 24 .. €UCAR. 2I.. ескабе! g! 

5 заречконтонет(иу I.. sua 24) ae &o but let him share &с | (1) 
&e, kowwavevro дє о каттуу. Ñ &e, Vg Буг.. от de Arm .. rape тікає. 
ae (om AEHJ) ерщфир єфн &с let him who is instructed share with 
him who instructeth Во .. Eth has and shall hear the catechumen (lit. 
young Christian) this word and shall learn all good (learn to do good 

ro) neros(om ov g')uaenner(18 .. ткєї 24 ..нсєт 1 21 51) зх. 
lit. he whom they instruct] (1) &c, nmuaenscovaxenoc Bo, № &e, que 
cathecizatur Vg .. he who heareth Syr OSX пщахє зап TI€ TRA OHKCI 

(т 18..enves 21 24..тн5е gl) in the word, with him who in- 
structeth] (т) &c.. rov Aoyov то kaÜnxovvr. Ñ біс, verbum её qui se 
cathecizat Vg .. the word to him who causeth him to hear Syr .. to Aoyo 
om то каб. К... trs. him who instr. him with the word Во ой av. 
маля in all good | (1 ?) &c, Bo (Sen neomameg nrden) .. ev таси ayafots 
N &c, Vg Syr Arm 

7 miosre God] (г) &c.. add vap Bo (р) приозає the man] 
(1) &e, Bo..avOpwros Ñ &с..зо of man Зуг.. єкастоѕ Marcus 
vap] т & cit, Eth махо(оо с) will sow] т «е cit, 
насо( а» J)q lit. will plant but probably for woy Bo (u2).. macatg 
will sow Bo na: оп this also] 1 &c cit, Во, rovro ках М &c, Arm, 
Marcus Orsiesius .. that itself Syr .. om Eth .. ravra D£rF£rGer, quae- 
haec OL Vg .. om on also 21 

* же because] Bo, от. № &c, Vg .. om Syr Arm Eth пєтхо he 
who soweth] Во.. фи comacry he who will sow Во (A¥)..0 спершу 
N &c, qui seminat Vg Eth .. trs. he who in flesh soweth Syr єтєц- 

capz unto his flesh] Bo.. es ryv сарка. eavrov (avrov) Ñ біс, Arm 


6 But let him share, who is being instructed in the word, with 
him who Zunstructeth him in all good (things). * Be not deceived ; 
God is not wont to be derided : for that which the man will sow, 
this also is that which he will reap. 3 Because he who soweth 
unto his flesh, out of the flesh he will be reaping corruption ; 
but he who soweth unto the spirit, out of the spirit he will be 
reaping eternal life. °In doing the good let us not faint: 
for we shall be reaping in our time, and we tire not. 

Eth .. птєчс. to his flesh Во (E,* на 18) ту тарк FG... in carne OL Vg 
Syr (trs.) єбоМ оп тс. out of the flesh] Po (DFKL) М &c, f m Vg 
Syr .. om Eth .. add avrov D F£rG Во Eth ro (in Ais flesh) ета coc 
he will be reaping] N &c, Vg (de carne et metet) Syr Eth то (in his 
flesh) .. trs. equacoess ом птече. he will reap also of his flesh Bo .. he 
will reap Eth nowrako lit. а corruption] Bo, фборам N &c, Vg 
Arm .. death Eth .. trs. corruption reapeth Syr ae] om Bo (18)... 
and Eth enenita unto the spirit] Во .. es то пра, NÑ &c, Arm Eth 
..Aummita. Во (AEJ).. єк rov zv. D£'r* .. in spiritu OL Vg Syr (trs.) 
єйоМ охх nenna out of the spirit] Bo,  &е, Vg Syr Arm .. om 
Eth .. to spirit Eth ro €quacoec will be reaping] Ñ &e .. trs. will 
reap also out of the spirit Bo .. trs. to end Syr пща eneg lit. of for 
ever] 18 24 .. ща e. for ever 1 21 gl 
З esterpe lit. we doing] 18..add ae І &e, N &c, Vg Arm.. and 
Syr Eth esterpe &c in doing the good] (1) &c .. trs. nmeeraneq 
мє enpi xao lit. but the good doing it Bo, то дє kaXov zotovvres 
N &c, Ус Syr, the good to do Arm запрутрєм. let us not faint | 
(1?) &e, N &e, Vg (non deficiamus) .. lit. it was not troublesome to us 
Syr, let us not be wearied Arm .. be not wearied Arm cdd ..trs. to 
beginning Eth €miaQoC Tap osx memnosoerug for we shall be 
reaping in our time] (т) 18 24 .. єм. &c пєо(от 2г)хоеиц for &c in 
the time 21 gl.. Sem ovenoy vap epon (ixaxcrem ва by error) 
nevera ccs for in а time of our own it is (when) we shall be reaping 
Jo.. om tap Do (1*5 18*).. киро yap ww берісо(о)рєу N &e, Vg.. 
for will be а time (in) which we shall reap Syr..for in our time we 
shall reap Arm .. for in his appointed time &e Eth йт(ємт т) п. 
and we tire поё | 1 &c.. wn exAvopevor Ñ &c, non deficientes fom Vg .. 
infatigabiles d .. &vewco(co)pess понт aŭ lit. and not go astray of 
heart Во .. and it will not be troublesome to us Syr .. without leaving off 
Arm.,om Eth.. Eth ro has in measure, but this word probably 
belongs to the next verse as in Eth 


Mapa бе QWC ETHTAMN ALUAT запестоеиц. tta pueipe 
язппєтилпотус жет сотой miee. поото ae Witpsernr ом 
тихстіс. 1! ас QHH T€ AICOAI MHT ioeicoas nre or 
йтасбух. VMETOTWOU erpe nevoo ca ом TCApZ им 
WETANATHATE «3400 7H. echheTHYTH. хенае пмеупот 
зчазате WcOov» ga пес Фос яяпєус. —  mevchóns T 
TAP AM метєгрє аепиоввос. AMAR eroro єтрети- 
cbberHwTWM. хе єтуєщоущот яза ооз ом TeTWcapz. 
14 инесшопе AEC anos єтращотщоу REALON єтаєнті 
gae пес foc зепенхоее їс пес. пат Wrascfos 
мах аєпкосягос EhOA OITOOTY ATW ANOR охот си 

10 (1) 18$ (21) 24 21$ (cit) twice  evivv.] evens. 18 | злари| 
-en 21 g! expe лз] p (21).. Powk sx cit 20, Бо язппєти. | aner. 
cif 1°.. єппєт. 2° sn] 18 Єс..п от пирах | gl.. nenpt 18 24 
1 (y) 18 (21 $) 24 g! $ 12 (1) 18 (21) 24 є! amars. | anacc. 24 
13 т 18 21 24 91$ єтрєти| т 18..єтрєтєти 21 &с xe] хєкас 

1 .. ota Во M (1) 18 21 2401$ m! cit amok] аак 21 twice 
maos] -oes т єзїнї] І 18 21..-тєх 24 &с тат | сит. 1 cit 

" apa ge so therefore] т &c 21, gapa ovn Во, № &c, ergo Vg 
Arm .. now therefore Syr .. om Eth оос as] (т) &e 21, Во (варе 
KLR) NÑ &c..oocon cit, Bo, dum Vg Syr Arm (Eth) aneo- 
(om т 18 21) хоейц the time] т &с2т сів..отснот Bo (AEG).. cHov 
Bo (йтотєн) .. trs. кароу eyopev N &c, Vg Syr Arm (this time in hand 
18) поото ae lit. but ої тоге] 18 &c.. рамото де N &e, Vg Syr 
Arm? Eth .. аа Аст ac поото Do.. om ae Bo (nar) прахинх 
lit. the men ої house] (т) &c, rovs oweovs .. the men Eth on Tm. 
in the faith] ivre mitao} of the faith Bo 

“exc оннтє behold] (т) &e..amaw же see that Bo .. see уе Syr 
Arm: Eth .. Were ÑN &е, Vg a:coas &c І wrote to you &c] (т) &c 
(21) Bo .. trs. rnd. vp. ypapp. єурафа, NÑ &c .. trs. урар. vp. сур. DFG 
..qual. litt. ser. vobis f Vg (Syr) Г wrote to you Eth 
поеисоат йт. lit. letters of this size] 18 &c(21) .. Sen gancSas Navy 
(om ñaw of what AEL) in letters of what size Bo .. (т)ућкосѕ-ураџ- 
pacw Ñ &e, Vg Arm .. these letters Syr.. om Eth fvracvx of my 
hand] 18 &e 21..ту euy x. N «е, mea тати Vg Arm .. Sem vaaxvx 
lit. in my hand Во Syr Eth 

GALATIANS VI 10-14 191 

10 So therefore аз having the time, let us do the good with all 
(men), but especially to them of the household in the faith. 
п Behold I wrote to you with so great letters of my hand. 
12 Those who wish to make а fine show in the flesh, these are 
those who compel you to be circumcised; that only they 
should not be persecuted in the cross of the Christ. 13 For 
those who are circumcised are not those who do the Jaw; 
but (a) they are wishing for you to be circumcised, that they 
should glory in your flesh. ‘But it shall not be for me 
indeed to glory, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus the 
Christ, this through whom the world was crucified to me, and 

10 wevowouj those who wish] 18 &с.. ото: N &c .. but those who &c 
Eth стре пєтоо ca lit. to cause their face to be beautiful] 18 21 
&е, ебясией оо Bo, ємтросатттааї N &e, placere Vg Arm (pref. for) 
Eth (to please face) glory буу жека (^а 1)c (ex r)nes. Tarate 
lit. that they should not persecute only them] І &e 21 .. povov а-и 
дик. NABCDP 17 37, Vg Syr.. pov. wa pyw. ЕСКІ &e .. 
{onon оша їїсєшүтєзө ох псооу lit. only that they should not 
persecute them Во .. only that ye should not follow the cross Arm Eth 
озх in] 1 &c 21 246, Bo Syr.. то стаюри № &c .. crucis Vg 

13 и(им 2т)єтебвн(ни 2т)тт бо for those who are circ. are not 
those who do the law] orae сар песот оооу ин eravcowb. 
Wceapeo emm, am for neither they themselves, those who were circ. keep 
the law Во .. ovde (ov 47, Arm cdd) yap Ol тєрїт. алто: VOJLOV dvAac- 
covow Ñ &e, Vg Syr Arm .. and those also who &c Eth (statutes of the 
law vo) иєтсййнът] леритеииоркию NACDKP al, f Vg Syr .. 
перітетрлиєиог B(FG)L al, d Bo Arm тетисарб your flesh] Bo.. 
nuer. 17 .. trs. тарк колу. Ñ &е, Vg Syr Arm Eth (body) 

и (єн 2т..от cít)necuy. ae (om ae cit) ar. erpa. but it shall 
not be for me indeed] т &c..trs. amok ae пиесцу. пні йта Bo, euor 
де py yevovro калу. Ñ &е, Vg Syr (repeating for me) Arm (Eth) 
iine, &c of our Lord Jesus the Christ] (т) &c, Во, N &e, Eth ro .. 
ev т. тт. хрістою F* . тв. Jesus Ch. our Lord Eth Sin OCAS OC 
the world 19] т &c, FG o № &e ef. ovr, lit. through him] 
т &c..trs. бі ov epot к. єстаюр. Ñ &с, Vg Arm, Macarius .. trs. this 
through whom was cr. the world to те Во (ehoN оттоте).. т 
whom the world was er. to me Syr a» and] om Bo (неу) 


язпкосевос. Saten che cap woon orre Mai 
astitatchhe. ААЛА отсомт ибрре me. "aso mer- 
MICpaHA яепмоуте Пазмисос ge senpTpe Азат 
оуєооісє єрох. AMOR Tap жадеп MIC oae macwtta 
duo Qapooy. | "техаріс аяпеихове 1 nex ee 
тепрос сАЛатас 

Tenpoc ефестоус 

5 (1) 18 21 24 рі m! отте] rs rosae тс . '5 1 (18)21 24 
g!ml$cit D. M. єхах|-п т sep. | 1AN 18 &c.. 1А Bo Nx 
2124  апок|апак 21 Ioan od 

залік. to the world 20] т &с, C? DeK L &c.. pref. they crucified те tw NABC*D*FGP 17, Arm, Macarius.. Eth has but with 
me dead (is) the world, and (om ro) also dead I am with the world 

із ax(om 21 g! m')axr-vcap for there is not] 18 21 24, Syr (vg Б) 
Arm .. ovre yap В 17 47.. 93x TENCE IE эаи-сар for in &c gl ml.. 
ev yap хрісто w ovre Ñ &с, Vg Во Syr (h*) Arm cd Eth .. om se Во 
(м).. от Eth ro woon being] т &c.. oN1 me any thing is Bo, ті. 
«сти N* ABC D* FG 17 47, Arm, is any thing Syr (vg п т) .. zc oyver 
МереКІР «с, f Vg Syr (h) Eth (profit) aat lit. there is not 
20] 18..0т т &с, N &c, Vg Во Syr Arm .. is пої efficacious Eth .. 
Eth ro has neither circumcision profiteth nor is unc. efficacious 

16 ayw and ro] т &e 18, М &c, Vg Во (DFHJKL 18) Syr Arm 
Eth .. om cit, Bo пет. those who] т &с 18, Syr.. осо Ñ &c, Vg 
Arm .. ovon mien every one who Bo .. upon all of them who Eth .. om 
who Eth ro паа (от gl)oe will walk] 1 &c 18, NBC? KLP &с, 
f Vg... erouovaw AC* DF та, Bo (xaxa) Arm enei(mees I.. mi 
т 1)к. by this rule] т &с 18, Sem nam. ? this rule Bo ..trs. то x. 
rovro ото. Ñ &c, Vg Syr (agree to road) Arm .. act in this law Eth 
{рнин the peace] г &c 18, Во... вру № &с, Vg Arm Eth .. add shall 
be Syr суб and 2°] т &c 18, mear lit. with Во, kac М «е, Vg Syr 

GALATIANS VI :5-18 193 

I myself also to the world. 1° For there is not circumcision 
being (any thing) nor is there uncircumcision, but (&) a new 
creation it is. 16 And those who will walk by this rule, the 
peace upon them and the mercy, and upon the Israel of God. 
и Afterwards further let not any (one) molest me: for I, the 
signs of Jesus in my body І bear. 13 Тһе grace of our Lord 
Jesus the Christ (be) with your spirit. 

The (epistle) to Galatians 

The (epistle) to Ephesians 

Arm Eth, Isaiah Dsr*, Eth ro запиоутє of God] 1 &e 
(18 ?) Isaiah (om кох eAeos) .. om Vg (tol) .. куро» D* Fer G 

U satin. бе afterwards further] псєпі ae fiar lit. but the тезі of 
these Bo... add масиноту my brothers Во (B*?).. om ae Bo (B?) .. том 
Nourov Ñ &6, то Aovrov D*, de cetero Vg Syr..from now Eth 
зхпіртрє «с let not any one molest me] Bo.. илуде pou кот. тар. D, 
OL Vg .. кот. pov px. тар. Ñ &с, (Arm) .. trs. to me let тат trouble 

not throw Syr .. there is not he who will trouble me Eth сар | indeed 
Eth .. xe Во (ва) яхллаєти the signs| та отгуџато Ж &е, Ve Bo 
(щоћо) Syr .. the troubles Arm .. the passion Eth пас of Jesus] 

24, АВС* 17, f Vg (am &c).. i3nen(om пишу N)xoesc 1€ neocc of 
our Lord Jesus the Christ т 21, NDst* FerG, Syr (vg).. пте meget 
of the Christ Во, Р 47, Arm Eth.. om of Christ Arm cdd .. rov. к. w 
Сзре вес, Vg (harl) Syr (h) ож п. in my body] N &c, Vg Syr .. trs. 
{чат Sapwor Sen &с 7 bear them in ту body Bo Eth 

18 manens. &c of our Lord Jesus the Christ] om уро, МР 37, Eth хр. P аи п. with your spirit] 21..add adeAdor С 
..add Amen Eth ro..add масинту oasxum my brothers. Amen т 24, 
Bo Syr Eth .. om assum Во (5,*) .. add абеЛфог ари М &c, Vg Arm 

Subscription те прос «(kK 2т)аМата(н 21)c] 1 21 .. троє yaAaras 
ЗАВ*С 17, Eth ro (men of Galatiya) .. mpos у. єтАтраобі D .. ereReo 
єтитт. пр. y. ЕС, Vg..mpos y. єурафу ато popgs Вбот КР 47, Syr 
(vg) Arm .. т. у. ато p. 37 .. TeXos THs пр. у. єур- a. p. L, Во (0).. прос 
vaNaTHC атсбнто Sem рояян ѓо Galatians it was written in Rome 
Bo (add avovopne itren титос it was sent by Titos F) 

1711,2 о 


I HavAoc папостоАос аяпеу с 1С ovra пото 
зяпиоутє ecjcoa: iurevovaab mnevujoon ом ефесос 
ATW явпістос оз» NEXE 1с. *TeXapie пити єбод 
отта» MOSTE пет яепемхоєхс 1с пес.  ?срсява- 
ADAT иблимотте ATW пет азпеихове 1с mec. 
TIENTACCRLOT ером ON CAOT иная запиетезьткой 
етом авпнтує oak MEXE 1. ‘RATA ee йтасусотпи 
понт oaeH NTHATAHOAH язпкосезос. eTpenujpore 

(ку К2т) 24 Р ? 121 24$ октах| orm т * (ву зв 24 
“тут 24 пча ет. (т) 

Inscription те прос фестозе &| 21..npoc eq. € а Во (А,ГЕ).. 
mpos єфєсооѕ МАВК 17 37 47, Bo (HKLOP).. прос epecioye € Bo 
(B® DEN) .. apxera пр. eb. DFG .. incipit epistula ad eph. Vg .. rov ay. 
атост. п. єтістоћ) проб ej. 1... т. emwTol пр. e$. P, Syr.. пр. 
ефесос патМос Во (с м).. to Ephesians a letter Arm 

1 axneocc 1С of the Christ Jesus] 246, ВОР 17, Vg (am) Во (Гр 
EFGMNCP) Syr (h).. iuc [meget] 21? RAFGKL «е, f Vg (fu &c) Bo 
Syr (vg) Arm Eth ечсоах is writing] (т 1) 21 N &c, Vg 
Bo Syr Arm Eth ünevos. to those who are holy] т (21) 24 .. to 
holy (ones) Arm Е ..тоѕ аушіє тасш NCAP, Vg (am &c) Во 
seru. those who (are) being] 21, то ovew Ñ &c; Vg Bo (А,в®н?).. 
єтщооп lit. who (are) being т 24, Bo, om то D, Arm Eth .. trs. those 
who are in Eph. holy and faithful Syr (vg) on ефесос in Eph.] 1 
21 24, Bo, ev єфесо < AB? &c, Vg Syr Arm .. in Ephesians Eth (om 
in ro) 33" В" 67** avw апа] т (21) 24... от 37, Vg (tol) 
оях NEXT IT in the Christ Jesus] 21, t &c, Vg Во (A,P).. in 


I. Paulos, the apostle of the Christ Jesus through the will 
of God, is writing to those who are holy,those who (are) being 
in Ephesos, and the faithful in the Christ Jesus: ?the grace to 
you from God the Father of our Lord Jesus the Christ, 
? Blessed is he, God and the Father of our Lord Jesus the 
Christ, he who blessed us with all spiritual blessing which 
‚ (28) in the heavens in the Christ Jesus: ‘according as he 
chose us in him before the foundation of the world, for us to 

Jesus Christ Syr. Eth .. pref. ev who are in Christ Jesus 1°24, Bo .. in 
Christ Arm 

? TeX. біс the grace to you] 21 ..add зам 4рнин and the peace 1 
24, Bo..xapws ушу Kar єрїї N &c, Vg Arm .. peace with you and 
grace Syr Eth (to you) nero ixneix, the Father of our Lord] 21 
.. пеит(ет т) от seit nx. our F. and the L. т 24... nexo neas nenóc 
our Father and our Lord Во (of our Lord B®) Syr (and fr.) Arm (and 
from) Eth .. татроѕ nuov kot короо V &c (vp. P) Vg 

З єрсялазяаатоїс neocc blessed is he, God and the Father of our 
Lord Jesus the Christ] 24..0m 21 homeotel..epcasassaT (qcara- 
роотт AB? FL* 18) py &e Bo.. evAoy. o Geos ки waryp т. к. 1. tv X. 
Ne, Vg Arm .. blessed із God the Father &e Syr Eth .. сах. пото т 
ix|]nemxoesc [© пе) blessed is he the Father of біс т, Victorin. 
Hil. (om God and) ka татур D..evAoy. біс т. к. Kat соттроѕ 
тити п) x. М epon us] т &c.. om М" залиєтялат. (nias, 
т 24..пихк, 21) spiritual] (т) &e..of holy spirit Eth етой 
anaye which (is) in the heavens] (1) &e, Eth.. єм то ezovpavtois Ñ 
&e, Vg Arm .. Sen пангрноуг in those of the heavens Bo .. in heaven 
Syr озх &c in the Christ Jesus] Bo (18) Dh^eteEK 47 al, Eth.» 
ev xp.  &с, Vg Во (the) Syr Arm 

* понт in him] 1 &c, Во, М &e, Vg Syr Arm .. to him Eth .. ev 
eavro ЕЕС ег gaon &c before the foundation] т &с, Syr ( founda- 
tions) .. constitutionem Vg, the becoming Arm.. before he created Eth 
erpen(24.. ри 1 21)uy. for us to become] ewe nuas Ñ «е, Arm... в 

О 2 


enovaah ємо raros аяпецаято EhoA ом отасапн. 
5eacpropasit ehoA жит нщорп етазмтщире egov 
еро отти IC NEXE вата птот понт азпечцоусщ. 
6 ептазо аапессх птєфуаріс Tar Мтасуровюот мам 
WoHTC оттая пеаяяерт ищире. "паї там понт 
запсюте ehoA orae печемо епих eĝo iiurobe 
ката Тазитразаяло Hreyxapic. ‘тат їтацтреср- 
фото єооти epom om copra Mise OF аэитразмонт. 
?€eac[(ra л о ELLLLTCTHPION ALMECLOTWOU ката петот 

тоћях | 24 .. толояя 21 9 р 2124 м | ежи 21 озшщ] 
-щі І ЗО SI 7 (1) 21 24$ evisxx] Sen. Во (u5*) 
5(1)2128 йтач.|ємт. т  -трєсір| 1 24..-трер 21 °” (1) 21 28 
essemus Vg Bo (xe iren) Syr .. that he might put us Eth ємо RaT, 
being unpolluted] 21 24, apopovs № «е, immaculati Vg Arm .. pure 
Eth .. without spot Syr оп ovat. lit. in a love] т &c, probably 

to be joined with preceding words, as Bo, LP &с, f Vg Arm Eth.. 
Syr has and in love he foresigned us to him 

? єац(т 21)m. &c having set us apart aforetime] zpoopicas qp. N 
&c, qui praedestinavit nos Vg Arm (he predefined) .. eayepuyopn 
пезщтей having foreordained us Во, Буг, see above .. and (om ro) he 
ordained us Eth evasitruy. unto а sonship] Bo, es vob. N &c, Vg es Еһ ,. and put us for sons Буг ео. ep. отти &c Ш. 
into him through Jesus &c] 21.. trs. ovr &c eg. epos through &c 
into him 124, Во, № &с, Vg Arm Eth es avrov Syr Eth 
ката &c according to ЕБеїсоод pleasure of his will] к. т. ємдокіам т. 
ÓcX. avr. Ñ &c, Во (qarat) Syr (as it pleased his will) Arm Eth (in 
the ordimance ro) 

€ єттї (єз т)о unto the honour] т &e, Eth .. es erawov N &c, Vg 
Arm .. that should be glorified Syr iine (nee 21)оот of the glory | 
г &c, Во, туз доб. D .. om туз М &e, Arm .. glory Syr .. and for glory 
Eth Tar й (єп т) тафо. &c lit. in this which he favoured us] (1) 
меРр(Е)С КІ все, Vg Syr (h).. фаз єтачтні nan поахот this which 

EPHESIANS I 5-9 197 

become holy, being unpolluted before him in love: ?having 
set us apart aforetime unto a sonship through Jesus the Christ 
into himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, ĉ unto 
the honour of the glory of his grace, this with which he 
favoured us through his beloved Son: "this (опе) in whom 
we received the redemption through his blood unto the 
forgiveness of the sins, according to the riches of his grace ; 
$ this which he made more abundant toward us in all wisdom 
and prudence ; ? having shown to us the mysteries of his will, 

he granted to из, МАВР 17 47, Eth.. that which he poured forth 
upon из Syr .. he made us rejoice Arm оттях through | 24, Syr.. 
om in 1 21, Ñ &c, Vg Bo Eth пщире боп | т &c, vw» avrov D* 
FG, Vg Syr (h*) Eth.. om N &c, Vg (am* demid) Bo (his beloved) 
Syr (his &c) Arm 

7 nas this] 1 &c, Bo.. фн that Bo (лк).. ev o № біс n(em 1)- 
Tama: fig. in whom we received] ev о єсхореу N*D£*.. om понт 
Bo (through whose blood we received) .. ev w exoyev NCA BD &c, Vg 
Syr (there is to из) Arm Eth (because of whom we obtained [our то | 
redemption) єпко &c unto the forgiveness] 21, Bo (B?) .. om e 1 
24, Во, туу adeow М &с, Vg Arm .. and in his blood forgiveness Syr.. 
and was forgiven (to us го) owr sin Eth nn(2r..mnem r)no&e of 
the sins] т &c, Syr Arm .. птєпєп mapanrwsara of our transgressions 
Bo .. rov тарат. Ñ біс таянтрах. the riches] т &c, Во, N &е, Vg 
Syr Eth .. the greatness Arm птєчосаріс of his grace] т &c .. 
хрстотттоѕ A, Во (veqaxevoc pE.. neqoe pe L) 

* tas this] т &c, Во.. ен Bo (Гамхор) Syr? тал-єром this- 
us| 1 & Р заптрахпонт prudence] 21 24, фроуусє № &с, 
Ус Eth .. cvvecer 71, nay understanding Bo, intelligence of spirit Syr 
..yvooe 17, Arm.. om meas axivip. miar Во (н*х) 

* єач(єтач Во E;FKN) Tason having shown to us| 21 24, yvopwas 
N &с.. and he made us know Syr .. he showed to us Arm Eth ro (pref. 
and Eth) .. ууфрісах ЕС, d Vg exxaxsc, the mysteries] 21, Arm 
.. єпзанст. the mystery 24, Во, Ñ &с, Syr Arm cdd г. sacramentum Vg 
Arm ?., the counsel Eth запєчотощ) of his will] (1 ?) &с, Rre 
neteonag of his will Bo, rov OeAnp. avrov N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth.. 
Kata пет. according to his will Bo (нез) ката meer. понт (om 
понт 21) acc. to his good pleasure] (т) &с, N &c, Ус Bo Arm Eth.. 


монт итакаа понт жит ишори. 1° єтотнкомолата 
ион еол Иметоейц єхек NTHPY оз» NEXE. 
метом аєпнує ATW метогхая пг монт. "пат 
HTAMRAHPOT epos. еххпорхм ehoA xm wopr 
вата MTOW азпиотте. пат етемерсех ааптир ката 
пщохиє язпецотощ. 1 етреищопе єптаго at- 
пецесот. wat HTATMAQTE хим WüJopH ояе перс ic. 
13 пах OWTTHTTH итатетисютая понт єпщахе MTE 
&*nevaUceAYon азпетио5 хат. Mar ом итатетилис- 

10 рот mrap] 21..90& miben Bo..add ево т, Bo (except 

в) DNI 2 (1) 21. erpen] І 21..=є птеи Во asm] г.. 
exit 21 13 (е) (1) 21 птат.| сит. е  єпщ.| r.. яп, e 21 
om Syr (vg).. om avrov DFstG п(єм т)тачкаач &с which he 

put in him aforetime] 1 &c.. cas (фн 18) етачерщори йсєзаннту 
пита this which he pre-established in him Bo, ти проейето ev avro 
(cavro P) N &с, Arm .. that which before became settled that he would 
do it in him Syr .. and that which he ordained concerning it Eth 

10 єтоткон. unto the dispensation] ката tyv ow. А .. es ow. № &oc, 
Bo..Eth has and he defined so that should соте his appointed time 
єхєк пт. to complete all things] 21, Bo (#,*) add eĥo 1.. ехек 
owh miben євоМ Во.. avaxeparawodcba та тохта Ñ &c, Arm, 
instaurare omnia, Vg .. that all things from beginning he might renew 
Syr .. and made head over all Christ Eth охх ne»c€ in the Christ | 
21..add xc Jesus т, 116 143 мето anHye the (things) which 
(are)in the heavens] та. ev то ovp. МФАЕСКР &c, Во Vg (caelis) Syr 
(heaven) Arm Eth го .. heaven ЕЊ .. та emi т. o. 3" BDL ау» 
(mear Во) мєтогхах(п г) &c and the (things) which (are) upon the 
earth] Во, № &c.. et quae in terra sunt OL Vg .. and in earth Syr .. 
and those which (are) in earth Arm Eth понт in him] т, Eth ro, 
Arm .. om Syr Eth .. тнр all of it 21 

п was ü(em r)ram. &c this (one) unto whom we were made an 
inheritance] r..mas ПтаткМ. this &c they &e 21 .. ev w кал exAnpo- 
nuev ЗЗВКІР біс, Arm .. п quo etiam sorte vocati sumus f Vg .. and 
in him we were chosen Syr .. фалх(фин вас) eransi затикМирос ASHTI 
this in whom we received the lot Bo .. ev &c єкАлӨ АРЕС .. om Eth? 
єаупорхі eh. &c lit. they having set us apart aforetime | єачеацутєм 

EPHESIANS I 10-13 199 

according to his good pleasure which he put in him aforetime ; 
1 unto the dispensation of the completion of the times, to 
complete all things in the Christ, the (things) which (are) 
in the heavens, and the (things) which (are) upon the earth— 
in him; И this (one) unto whom we were made an inheritance, 
we having been set apart aforetime according to the purpose 
of God, this (one) who worketh all things according to the 
counsel of his will; for us to be unto the honour of his 
glory, these (men) who believed aforetime in the Christ Jesus : 
13 this (one) in whom ye also heard the word of the truth of 
the gospel of your salvation—this (one) also in whom уе 

1схеи щори ke having defined us since at first Bo .. zpoopuaevres N 
&c, Vg .. having been predestined Arr .. ав he presigned us Syr .. and 
he divided to us Eth ката птощ &c асс. to the purpose of God | 
DFG 47, Bo (к).. kata пщорп йсєламі пте фи асс. to the pre- 
establishment of him Во, ката пробєсим tov N &c .. and wished he Syr.. 
in that which ordained to us God Eth Tar єтєпєрсєз(сї т) біс 
this (one) who worketh all things] фн єтеросій Sen gwh miben he 
who worketh in all things Bo .. ra. памта evepyouvtos Ñ &c, Vg, he who 
all worketh Syr Arm .. and he helped us in all Eth го (om 2% all Eth) 
ката nuj. &c acc. to the counsel of his will] N &c, Vg Po Syr Arm 
Eth .. n the good pleasure of his will Eth то .. om 37" 

12 єптәл(єғ 1)o unto the honour] (1) 21.. es єталуоу (тив) доёуѕ 
avrov (om D*FzrG) N &с, Vg Bo (esujosujos glorying) Arm... trs. 
unto the honour of his glory to end Syr .. Eth has that he should give 
to us counsel and glory mar these] 2т.. Sa ии Bo, rovs N &c, qui 
Ve Syr хи" fu. aforetime] Eth .. pref. nos Уз“ 2r..trs. 
eravepujopn пероеХтис who were first in hoping Во, Ñ &e, Vg Syr 
Arm .. om тро Eth 1€ Jesus] 21, Eth .. om N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm 

13 war-i(em г)татєти. &с lit. this ye also in whom ye heard | 
(11) 21.. car evendSp. пёнт по. o. arevenc. Ш. this in whom 
ye also heard Bo, ev w кал vp. (пр. МА КТ.) axovoavres Ж &e, Vg 
Arm, lit. who ye also in him ye heard Syr .. and ye also ye heard Eth 
(having heard vo) | same. of the gospel] r 21 .. mes. the g. Во, М 
&c, Vg Arm Eth .. whichis the g. Syr | 33nevnowa. of your salvation | 
1 21, Bo.. т. с. пром К, Bo (аванкк 18).. your life Eth пах on 
п (єм r)vave(om те 21) mrac. &c this also &c] e т, N &c, Arm cdd (іл. 
whom) .. and in him &c Syr .. and ye believed Eth on also 21, опа 


тете понт. ATW атсфраєчтує ачазюти ORE TICIIW a. 
зазпернт eTovaah. Мете nar пе парні итекАнро- 
мом ETCWTE МОУЖаАІ єптї semeecos. 15 erbe 
па: ANOR QU EAICWTAL єтетипістіс Qoae пхоехс IC 
NEXE ATW TETHATANH ETSI eoovi eievoyaab THpov. 
16 үл Ао an єшупоягст охроти. ере азпети- 
aseeve ом иьшАнА. Ихецас epe пиоттє азпем- 
хоее WE пехе пеют аєпсосу egyet инти потупа 
псоф м OTGWATT choA oss пещсооти. — "epe 

ве 21 aO) оп (гд (Шу эп LEN iR 
хекас| xenaac т пет] тот I "ate дон 

ka DF Gr, Vg (am) Во Arm avw and] e г 21, Во (x) Syr Eth.. 
om N &e, Vg Bo Arm (having &c) охх nenna &с in the spirit of 
the promise which 1s holy | (e) I 21..T0 пу. T. єтауу. TO ау N &с, 
Vg .. Sen nma eoova йтє enart. in the spirit which is holy of the 
promise Bo, in the spirit which (is) holy which was promised Syr, in 
spirit holy which he promised Eth .. with the spirit holy of promise Arm 

7^ єтє mar пе парні which is this, the earnest] e? &с.. єтє 
парні me which is the earnest Bo, os (o АВЕС Т.Р) eor aop(p)affov 
N &с, qui est pignus Vg Syr Arm Eth птек^. of the inheritance | 
21, Bo (А, DFKL) .. fivenkA, of our inh. 1, Во, N &c, Vg Syr Arm 
Eth evcwte unto a redemption] т 21..and redemption Eth 
йоз жал of salvation] (e) &c .. rys тєритошусєоѕ N &c, Vg Arm (sub- 
jection) .. re пітап бо of the life-giving Во .. оў those who live Syr.. 
of our life Eth emrar(er 1)o unto the honour] e &c Eth .. es 
erawov N біс, Vg Bo (єуцоущот glorying) Arm.. pref. and Syr 
залєчєоост of his glory | e &c .. add and of grace Syr (В) 

? evhe because of] 1 21 .. pref. and Eth amo(a 21)& T] om 1.. 
anon eon we also Во (x,*) ємістах having heard] e, акоосас № 
&e, Vg Arm (when I heard) Eth .. eraic. who heard Bo.. arcwrsx 
I heard т 21, Antonius has ex quo audivi .. behold from what I heard 
Syr єтєтип. your faith] e &c, Vg Arm ..туи каб уро тити Ñ 
&c, Bo (eren. өнпоъ) охх nxoeic in the Lord] 1 21 .. pref. 

EPHESIANS I 14-18 201 

believed, and ye were sealed in the spirit of the promise which 
is holy, 1 which is this, the earnest of the inheritance unto 
a redemption of salvation unto the honour of his glory. 
15 Because of this I also, having heard of your faith in the 
Lord Jesus the Christ and your /ove which is toward all those 
who are holy, 16Т shall not cease giving thanks for you, 
remembering you in my prayers; "that God of our Lord 
Jesus the Christ, the Father of the glory, should give to you 
a spirit of wisdom and a revelation in his knowledge; 1° the 

quae est Vg, which Буг .. ie nense of our Lord Bo (A,E.. 313nen. 
AMN) .. enen, unto our Lord Во | nesc€ the Christ] e &c, D* Е=тС, 
Bo (Анзко) Syr (vg) Eth, Antonius.. om N &с, Vg Bo Arm .. e has 
a fragmentary addition of four or five words ау TeTHaUCanH 
etxi eo. and your love which is toward | (e) &c, et dilectionem vestram 
Antonius, kat туи ау. ти es NCDFGKL &с, Vg Arm, ness {асан 
ergs eSovn and the love &c Во (ГЕ GHIMNOP) Syr.. and that ye 
love all the holy ones Eth .. Eth ro has and (the faith) of all those of our 
Lord, his holy ones also, and theiv love .. kat тту es МАВР 17 .. ess 
ин ceoosab тнроу and all those who (are) holy Во (ат,ваг"рк 
FKLO*) | 

% п+пгМо am I shall not cease] (e) 21, Det .. ov zavopac М біс, 
Ус Bo Syr Arm Eth, Antonius e1(21 .. eerp 1 .. пєтєгр e)erpe &c 
remembering you| Bo, uveav zowvpevos vyov D£rc(FerG)KLP &с, 
f Vg Syr (and to be mindful of уои) Arm Eth (and J rem. you) 
Antonius .. om and &c Eth ro.. om vpov RABD* 17 37 | пацумнА 
(uA 21) my prayers] (т) 21, Arm cdd Eth .. om my Arm 

И пиозте God| Bo..add iwr the Father Bo (B®) Antonius 
зап отб п and a revelation | and that he should reveal to you Eth.. 
Antonius has only intelligentiae охх meg (ig 21)c. in his know- 
ledge] 21, Bo (eax1) Зуг..ой ove. in a knowledge т ..ev єтсууаєє 
avrov Ñ &c, in agnitione eius Vg his knowledge Arm ..of or to 
his knowledge Arm cdd .. to know Eth 

* epe ft&aN &c the eyes &e being enlightened] 1 21 .. пефотио-- 
pevous т. офб. &c М &с, Vg .. соротеротоии imnxemni&aN &с lit. for them 
to make light, namely the eyes &с Bo, to make clear the eyes & Arm , 
and will shine the eyes «с Syr.. and. he should enlighten the eyes &c 


WÓaA аєпетмонт BAIOTOEIN erperWeieee хе ох те 
птекАнромолаа on ierovaab. ати ov ne negoro 
итбот MTEGO єдоум epon METMICTETE RATA 
темерсех seaseaqgTe Итееояя. 20 тар RTA- 
емерчет азазос ояе пеу с 1С. схатотиос chord ом 
метяяостт. асуваєсосі озиде азязо О аяпнує. 
? eepxoce eapoQH пее or ETOTCIA ма» or goer мая 
да» nemon Hat АЛЛА oak пкеотл. arw йна 
үа» ацебілосу ох мечотерите. ATW acraacq Rane 

ov тє 19] er2r..auy te Во eeNnc | I .. ТОЕХ. 21 2 (е) (1) 
(21) ov] aw Во (нз*) 2 (с) (т) 21 -ахоотт] -алоттє е 
grosas] -па 21..саотпаза Во as usual 3" (e)^r-2T es] 3 
times .. mear Во заптх. | taxetat the lordship Во 9 Че) т (20) 

Eth запєтпонт of your heart] 1 21, X &c, Vg Bo Eth .. of your 
hearts Syr (Arm) .. rys avoras оршу minuse vix mu тишу В 17, 
Arm etpe(add те e 2т)тиєтаає for you to know] ет 21, es то 
«д. эра Ж &c, Arm (we) .. wa одате FG, Vg .. же ivreveneass that ye 
should. know Bo Syr Eth ov те what is 29] res RN ABD* FG 17, 
Vg (am fu tol) .. pref. ка 8° Ос КПР &c, Vg (demid) Bo (отоо xe.. 
om xe FHJK) Syr Arm Eth (om 28 ro) ixneqeoo7 of his glory] 
21 ..яхпєоот of the glory e т, (N) &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth 
птєкА. of the inheritance] 1 21 .. ИтечкХ. of his inh. e, Eth .. trs. 
TNS KAyp. ттс доб. avrov М 

З ато ov пе and what is] ет 21 .. kou ті Ñ &c .. om what is Eth ro 
negovo the excess] e 1 21, Syr (cdd) .. om F&rGer .. the inheritance Syr 
(cdd) | птеот(вог 21)lit. of the size] e 1 21 .. ive Xxaxermug of the 
greatness Bo .. шеуєвоз  &c, magnitudo Vg Arm .. his power Syr (omit- 
ting pey.).. of the strength of Eth єооти ep. toward us] (e) 21, Bo.. 
es vpas D* F£rGP 17 37 .. which is upon us Eth nermicy, those 
who believe] e г, Sa(Sem a)na eenaox lit. under (in) those &c Bo 
(Syr) qu£ credidimus Ve .. [n]v[awx]nsev. we who believed 21 .. rovs 
morevovtas М &с, (Arm) rovs—evypynoe verse 20 Eth ro 
Tenepeera the working] e .. tjaxittpeygwh] 21, птєросі Bo 

EPHESIANS I 19-22 203 

eyes of your heart being enlightened for you to know what 
is the hope of his calling, what is the riches of his glory of the 
inheritance among those who are holy, “and what is the 
excess of the greatness of his power toward us, those who 
believe according to the working of the might of his power, 
20 this which he worked in the Christ Jesus, having raised him 
out of those who are dead, he made him to sit on the right 
hand of him in the heavens, 21 being higher than all rule, and 
all authority, and all power, and all dominion, and all names 
which are wont to be uttered, not only in this age, but (à) in 
the other: ??and all things he humbled under his feet, and 
he gave him for head for the sake of all things to the church, 


20 ұс Jesus] e т 21, Bo (век). оп N &e, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth 
eaqr. having raised him] e 1 21, Во N &c .. and he raised him Syr Eth 
ro..for he &c Arm .. who raised him Eth arjexxcoe he made him 
to sit] e? т 21..каг кавбісаз NA(B) 17 (47) f Vg.. ка єкабісєи 
DFKLP &c, Bo Syr Arm avrov BDFGKLP 47 &c, Vg 
on дп. in the heavens] e т 21, В, Bo (ванзр) (Syr) Eth .. ev т. єтом- 
pavois Ñ &c, Vg Bo (пәи:ф.) Arm 

7 єехосє є. lit. being high than] 1 21..vrepavo N &с, Vg Bo 
(cangos п) Syr Arm Eth miar all] 5 times е &e, Во.. maons- 
тауто$ ovo. Ñ біс, Vg Arm Eth.. all (plural)-and above every name 
Syr е(й 21)ujas raso (4 21) lit. which they are wont to utter] 
1 21 ..€ros pan which they name Во, ovopalopevov Ñ &е, Vg Syr 
Arm Eth (which he nameth) oy азопой-аМХМа | e? «е, Во (0).. 
add ка. № &е, Vg Во (nesr) Syr Arm .. and. not-only, but Eth (om 
and and but Eth го) ner(ees т) аг. this age] e 1 .. add max this 21 
икео (ош г)та the other] (e?) &с..то peAXovri N &с, Vg (futuro) 
Syr Arm.. neas Sen пеепноу which cometh Bo .. n that also which 
cometh Eth vo .. in that which cometh also Eth 

7 пка nias all things] (e) т (21) Arm Eth .. trs. he subjected every 

thing Bo, he caused—to be &c Syr aqe. he humbled] e 1 (21).. 
uretagev № &e, Vg Bo Syr Eth oa under] e? т (21) № &с, Syr 
Eth (to him under his) .. canecurt below Во aqraag he gave him | 

(e?) 1 21, Bo .. avrov єдок. М &c, Vg Arm .. lit. to ?t-he gave him Syr 
.. himself-he put Eth папе for head] e 1 21, Во, &с, Vg Syr 


ох птирЦ итеннАнах. Pere пах пе mecj[costa. 
пов ac chor аапетхни ебоћл ow ооб miee oar 

П. avw итоти єтетїїз созт ом NETALMApanTwsea 
захо петимоїє. “Mar итатетиазооще понтох tt- 
пехоемц ката пои азпеносеяос. ката пару ом 
NTEGOVCIA азпанр. AMENNA. пат етеперсег TENOT 
ow mujHpe итазитатихоте. — ? єдмазооцує оошо on 
маг азпіотОєцу ON Tenorea iiTencaps емепре 

> (e) (1) 21 

! (e) (т) 21 ? (e) 1 21 naar it. (ем. 1)] І 21.. ин esta pes. Bo 
imperfect еперсе!| -vs т (тура 
Arm Eth ro ga птнра lit. for sake of the all] т 21, 

uTep tavta Ñ &c, supra omnia Vg Arm .. trs. Rape ицекк^. egote- 
роот тнрот for head to the church more than them all Bo .. trs. and 
him who is over all he gave (as) head to the church Syr Eth .. Eth ro 
has and him he put over (lit. to) all the church 

З eve пах ne (var te І 21) &c which is this, his body | e(1) 21.. 
qms ea7w то с. avr. Ñ &c, Vg Во Syr Arm Eth .. which із in his body 
Eth ro пхок ae евоХ but the completion] e? 21 .. miaxoe xe 
but the fulness Bo (нл) .. то тАпрора, М &c, plenitudo Vg Bo (vus109) 
Marcus .. ош 47..and the completion Буг .. and it is the completion 
Eth .. which is the completion Eth ro запетянк e&oN оп осв 
wa ga птнр lit. of that which is completed in every thing in the 
whole of it] e 21 .. five pacenxa mhen eqareo Sem oo niben lit. 
of him of (or belonging to) every thing, who із filled in every thing Bo 
(add Sen ovon нійєм in all men? HILO a copy) .. rov та (om minuse 
Marcus) ravra ev таси zAypovj.evov Ñ &oc, eius qui omnia in omnibus 
adimpletur Vg Syr Arm (fületh) .. Eth has (completion) of all and 
completeth all in all .. Eth го has (completion) of all completed 

1 avw and] e 21, М &c, Vg Bo Arm Eth .. also Syr птоти 
ye] e 1 21..add gwren also Во Eth..vuos N &c, Vg Syr (to you) 
єтєтїїлх, being dead | (е?) (1?) 21, Во, ovras vexpous № &c, сит essetis 
mortui Vg, while dead уе Eth..who dead were Syr Arm on 
пєтах(й e)n. &c in your transgressions and your sins] (e) (т) 21, Bo 

EPHESIANS I 23—11 3 205 

23 which is this, his body, but the completion of that which is 
completed in every thing in the all. 

П. And ye, being dead in your transgressions and your 
sins, ? these in which ye walked at that time according to the 
age of this world, according to the ruler of the authority of 
the air, of the spirit, this which worketh now in the sons of 
the unbelief; ?among whom we also walked at that time in 
the lust of our flesh, doing the wishes of the flesh and its lusts 

.. TOS пораптораолу Kat raus арартийхя (emiÜvpuus B) уроу SBBDFGP, 
Vg («avrov А).. om voy KL &с.. in your sins and in your trespasses 
Syr Arm (om your 2°) .. in your sin Eth 

? axnes(21.. пох г)оеиц lit, at the time] г 21, язтісноу at the 
time Bo Eth .. trs. more тєрєт.  &c, Vg Syr (at first) Arm ката 
п(пє this 21)arwm acc. to the age] (e) г 21, № &e, Vg Во Arm 
.. асс. to the worldliness Syr..?n the manner of ordinance Eth 
anelee: т)к. of this world] т 21, № &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth.. 
sank. of the world е ката 29] (є) &c .. and асс. to the will Syr .. 
in Eth ro ixnaHp nenna of the air, of the spirit] (е) &e, том 
aepos, Tov пу. (rovrov zvevp. ЕС)  &с, Syr Arm (demon) .. aeris huius, 
spiritus Vg .. of the phantom of the wind (breath vo) Eth mas &c this 
which worketh пом] т 21, Bo .. rov vvv evepy. Ñ &c, qui nunc &c Vg 
Arm .. (penetrated) this which is efficacious (om vvv) Syr .. lit. which із 
strong in them now Eth en fius. &c in the sons of the unbelief | 
г 21, 2n filios diffidentiae Vg &с of the wnpersuadedness Во .. ev 
rois 11045 т. атє:Өсаѕ NW &c .. ?n the sons without obedience the 
sons of the rebellious Arm .. in (lit. to) the children of the perverse Eth 

3 eamaxoouje оооп ой пах among whom we also walked] т 21, 
omitting wavres with 17 al, Syr (vg).. ин єтє amon тнроу mat- 
scour 15. 1S. lit. those which we all were walking in them Bo .. ин 
&c ann. & those &c all walked &c Bo (B°DFHIKL).. ev os кає npes 
таутєѕ ауєттрафтрєм Ñ &с (Vg) Arm (walked) .. ev ow кол през &e 
A* D* .. om ка qp. F£r GL .. in those works in which also we walked 
Syr .. and we also did all of из (all of us did ro) Eth зап (ет 21)- 
osoe:uj lit. at this Ише] т 21 .. потснот at а time Во.. поте № &с.. 
trs. aliquando conversati sumus Vg tense. the lust] 1, Arm Eth 
.. eniro. the lusts 21,  &с, Vg Bo Syr птеи(й 21)c. of our flesh | 
г 21, Ñ &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth .. five +(т)с. of the flesh Во exerpe 


Wovouy HTCAPS зам MECETIOTeelA sed иесаяееуе. 
ATW enujoon фэсег ищире NTOPCH Nee азпнесеепе 
Wipoarce.  "пиоттє ae evpsaseeao пе oss пих erbe 
TEYACANH ETHAWWC тачяєеріти монте. | ^as 
сиязостт OW азпараптимем ATANOON оз» MEXE. 
MARELLA AC[OSECON MALRA OW яєпнеує ose пес wc. 
`хенае ecjeovono ehoA ом мєотоєту єтинт азпе- 
осує яемтразчехо тєцуаріс оп отчет рнстос 

CUm rr 3 5 (a) 1 (21) 24 3! Е Л т) cies 
женас|-каас т frey.) 1.. five теч 21 24, ite meq Bo.. Sen печ 

Bo (нг) 

doing] т 21..and we were doing Буг, and we did Eth за 
песєпіотама and its lusts] 2r..o0m N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth 
зл mnecaxeese and its thoughts] 21 ..seax wares понт and the 
thoughts of heart Во .. кал tov ðavorov N &c, Vg Arm .. and. of our 
thought Syr .. and that which we thought Eth сищооп being | 21.. 
Xa rtor we were being, преда. Ҹ В, nuev А &c, Vg Arm .. we were Eth.. 
irs. sons we were of anger Syr фусе (ст Bo) ищире пт. lit. by 
nature the sons of the anger| 21, Bo (фъусіс A B?).. ф. тєкиа орутіз 
ADFGLP 37, Vg..truly sons of anger Arm ..tekva voe opyys 
NBK &c..sons-of anger fully Syr .. om фосє тод .. sons of temptation, 
omitting $vc« Eth теє &с as the remainder of the men] 21 .. ws 
Kat ot Хото Ñ &e, Vg Во..от каг Syr Arm all sinners Eth.. 

as those men Eth ro 

* ne] 1 &e, Eth ro.. and Eth .. om Bo (н*) esp. ne being rich] 
1..0»p. me 75 rich 21 31, Bo.. movos ov Ñ &c..qui dives est 
Vg Arm .. who (is) rich Syr .. in richness of Eth oxx ппа in the 

mercy] т &c, Antonius .. om ev 34" .. of his mercy Eth ro .. 2n his mercies 
Syr .. of his glory Eth | veqavan(om am 2т)н ети. lit. his love which 
is much] (а) &e, his love much Syr .. ryv полАцу ay. avrov Ж &e, 
Vg (nimiam) Arm .. reynu} fav. his great love Bo.. om avrov D* 
F£rG .. and. in abundance of his love Eth R(21 3!..en а r)- 
тааа-По. lit. in which he loved us] (а) &с, Bo (eas ev.) .. nv ау. 
nuas Ñ &e, Vg (qua) Syr Arm Eth 


and its thoughts, and being by nature the children of the 
anger, as the remainder of the men :—* but God, being rich in 
the mercy, because of his great love with which he loved us, 
^ and being dead in the transgressions, he made us live in the 
Christ, for ye are being saved by grace; апа he raised us 
with him, he made us sit with him in the heavens in the 
Christ Jesus: ‘that he should manifest in the times which 
are coming the excess of the riches of his grace in kindness 

5 avo єп(ӣ 24) ax. and being dead] а &c, Bo..eamnssow having 
died 31.. кал ovras ypas vekpovs Ñ & ypas Р, et сит essemus 
mortui Vg..when dead we were Syr Arm (while Eth (while) 
àxnapam. the transgressions] (21) &e,  &с.. nenn. our trensgres- 
sions І, Во..ту арарта ЕТС, tas ap. D*, f Vg.. add ко т. єтіву- 
pas В .. оит sins Syr Arm Eth (sin) arramoon he made us live | 
т (21) біс, Bo (Arm) Eth .. cuvveCworounoey М &е, Vg (add nos) Syr (us 
with Ch.) охх meget in the Christ] 21 &c, В 17, Ve (tol) Bo Arm 
Eth .. add 1€ Jesus т.. om ev  &с, Vg Syr (with) ETETHTOTSHY 
ye ате being saved] 1 (21) &с.. trs. ceswopevor to end N &c, Vg (estis 
sal.) Bo (avevennooesx) tap] т 21 &с, Arm .. ovn Во.. om N &c 
.. Syr has and in his grace he saved us, Eth has and we were saved in 
his grace оп отоязот lit. in a grace] 1 (21) &c, Bo .. хорт: N &с, 
Vg (am) Arm (the grace cdd) .. об x. D* FG, Vg 

9 зат. и. he raised us with him] Во Syr..cvvgyeipev  &с, Vg .. 
with him he raised Arm .. he raised us Eth (not ro) age. m. he 
made us sit with him] pref. отоо and Во Syr Eth.. кал cvvexafiocer 
N бе, Ує.. and. with him he made sit Arm.. Eth ro has whether he 
sat or he rose in heavens оп ап. in the heavens] 1 219 24 Eth... 
in heaven Syr..ev tows emovp. Ñ біс, Vg Bo (mam: фноз:) Arm 
eax &c in the Christ Jesus] Бо, М &c, Vg Arm Eth ro.. om ЕС, 
Marcus .. in Jesus Christ Syr Eth .. Macarius has ev бдєбіа avrov ev rois 

7 eqeos. eb. he should manifest] т &c, Bo.. сибе тай Ма Ke, 
ostenderet Vg Syr Arm Eth оп пєо (от 21) хоеиц in the times | 
21 24, Во (eneg ages) ev то awow Ñ &e, Vg age Eth.. 
itovoeruy to times т, to ages Буг àxneoowe &с the excess of the 
riches] т біс, то vmepBaddov(ra) zAovros(v) а &e, Vg (abundantes) 
Syr .. om of the riches Eth .. Xs*evpassao erepoowo the riches which 
exceed Bo .. exceeding greatness Arm OPRAH ристос(24 .. pe 


єораї ехоп ояе MEXT їс. HNTATTANQETTHTTH Tap 
отти TEYXapic ITN тїїстїс. ATW nere oTEhorA 
UROTA All пе. Птао п^пмотуте ne. ° поуебоћ ом 
ооб aw пе. хе име OFA ujovupos doc. | "aon 
оемобите ємамотсу. wai йта muowre щрпебтотот. 
жекас emessoouje понтот. — "erbe Mar apuresceye 
хе WTOTW аетотоейц моєөмос ETOTALOTTE єроот 

8 (т) (13) 21 24$ ? 1132124  ftove&oN] rie&oN Bo (pr).. 
ие eb. Во (оуєвомн) oft] йт an пе] Bo (&1*).. от me Bo.. an 
ие Bo (DF) 1 (т) 13 21 24 йонтот| 21 .. pref. opas 1 13 24, Bo 
и (т) 138 21248 1! axnros.] І 24 .. àx nietos. 21.. Mev. I 

21) lit. a kindness] 21 24 .. т xp. D пег 1с the Christ Jesus | 
21 24, Arm .. om v D*F£'G, Eth ro.. Jesus Christ Syr Eth 

8 таттапоєт(9Тт 21..96 24 )тну, v. lit. for they made you live 
&c | (1 ?) &c .. ту yap x. єстє сєтосџ. Ñ &с, Vg .. Sen ovgarot Tap (љє 
HJ) атєтєпиооєза Bo.. ту yap avrov x. aec. ecpev D*, Syr (vg) Arm 
Eth (we were saved) .. оті Харіті єстє око. Marcus erit тех. 
through his grace] 21 .. 9m ve«pc. in his grace т 24, Syr Arm Eth, 
rqy-avrov x. D* avrov  &c.. Sem отоялот lit. in a grace Bo 
отти through 29] т &e, dua N &с, Vg Arm, Marcus .. in Syr Eth (and 
in) ттистїс the faith] т &с (13) ADeKL &c, Marcus .. osnaod 
a faith Во, morews МВР*ЕСР 17 ие (єє т)‹кє this also] І 13 
&c .. rovro М &c, Vg Bo (sas) Syr Arm.. Eth, see below nose- 
(ee 21)&oN & lit. not an out of уой | т 13 &e, Во, ovk e£ vv  &с, 
Vg Syr Arm .. ovk e£ qp. D* FG, Arm cdd ., trs. of God is and not your 
own Eth птаго &c lit. the gift, that of God it is] т 13 &с, Bo 
(om me Р)..АММа nrraro &с Bo (к).. but (aAXa) the gift it is of God 
Syr .. but grace of God is Eth .. and. this also grace &c Eth ro .. 6cov 
то dwpov Ñ &c, Vg .. but of God gift is Arm 

? flov.-gwh it is not out of work] ov« её єрушу N &c, Vg Во Syr Arm 
Marcus .. кох ovk epyov 37 .. pref. отоо Bo (1,7) and not in our work 
Eth жє пие ova that no one] gma тєцутєл ovar Во.. wa i 
Tis N &с, Vg Syr (man) Arm 

EPHESIANS II 8-11 209 

upon us in the Christ Jesus: $ for ye were made to live through 
his grace through the fæith; and this also is not out of 
yourselves; it is the gift, the (gift) of God: 91613 not out of 
work; that no one should glory. 19 Ког we, we are his 
making, he having ereated us in the Christ Jesus for works 
which are good, these which God prepared before that we 
should walk in them. 1! Because of this remember, that уе 
at that time, the Gentiles who are called The uncireumcision 

10 anon tap &c for we, we are his making] (т) &c .. (e AE) anon 
(wap о) отувазато wap iraq for we (are) a making of his Bo.. for 
creation we are his own Syr ..avrov yap єсрєм Tompa (рата 47, Arm 
edd) ма &e, Vg Arm (т. є.).. 0cov yop &c N* .. Eth has for his work 
we are who (and he vo) created из єачсонлиї he having created us} 
(1) &e, Bo (age. F)..xrwOevres N &с, creati Ус Arm .. who were 
created. Syr eax Weg’ тс in the Chr. Jesus] (1?) &е, № &e, Vg 
Bo Arm .. in Jesus Christ Syr Arm cdd Eth .. through Jesus Ch. Eth 
ro.. ev kup. vo F £t G, d е (1056 т) хи for] 1? &e, ель N &c .. to Syr 
Arm Eth .. in OL Vg оеи(й 2т)ойнтє си. works which are good | 
1 &c, Во, epyous ау. Ñ &е, op. bonis Vg Syr Arm .. works of righteous- 
ness Arm cdd .. work good Eth iar (em г 13)va &с these which 
God prepared before | (1) бо .. OLS проттощаєєу feos N «е, Vg Bo 
(мн) Syr Arm Eth ( preordained) хека(аа 1)c «с that we should 
walk in them] (1) &с, Bo..wa ev avro перит. N &e, Vg Syr Arm 
(in the same) in them cdd Eth (in и) 

П ere &c because of this remember] г &e, Bo.. б. rovro рутро- 
vevovres FG... дію pvnpovevetre Ñ &c .. propter quod memores estote f Vg 
.. because of which also ye, remember Arm (ye, brothers cdd) .. because 
of this be remembering Буг ..and remember Eth хє птоти бос lit. 
that ye at the time the nations] (т?) &с, Ne Db(vpes ог т. ЕС) К 
LP &c, Syr (h)..-e пө. ба meonoc позснот that ye under the 
nations at а time Во ..оть vore vpes та єбут) МАВРО“ 17 37,1 Vg 
Arm (om vpeis) .. that ye nations at first Syr (vg) .. ye peoples once Eth 
erosa хе таат (ош tasitt 1) «с lit. whom they call The uncirc. | 
21..XeTO$ax, those whom &c 24 1l, Во (ин evow.).. о. Aeyopevoi 
акроВ. Ñ &c, qui dicimini praep. Vg .. and. ye were called &с Syr .. 
and call (lit. say to) you‘ men of итсітс those who say to you thus 
(we are) men of circ. Eth .. Eth ro has in the law of flesh, which they 
call (lit. say) uncircumcision, they call (lit. say) circ. the work of hand 

1717.2 Р 


же тазмтатевЬе ом Tcaps. choA ота пещатявоттє 
epos xe nche ивух ом тсарб. же mereri- 
щооп аяєпеотуоєму єтазаза у зхає пес. ететмо 
п^АЛотрос eETMOAITEIA авпісрані. avo нищакаво 
ETETHO патноттє OAs пкосягос. 1! тепоу ae rerioss 
NEXE WC итоти дятотоеиц метазпоте атєти пуп 
ететмони есоти oss песпосц аєпеу с. М ито Tap 
ne TENEIPHMH. пемтаці песихх нота. eacpboA chor 

1 (1) (13) 21 24 1! ake] exit 1l. axm r..cabBoN Bo 
13 (1) (13) (21) 24 1! $ at йтоути т! ^ (т) (13 $ at nem.) (21) 
24 11m! 

of man e(om r)s те. in the flesh] (т) &c.. trs. Seu тсара ин 
€rosaxos- epwor in the flesh those whom they call Bo .. trs. ev тарк: 
ot Хеу.  &с, Vg .. trs. who in flesh were and ye were called Syr .. in 
the rule of the flesh ye were and they say to you Eth .. trs. ye were in 
` flesh, who were called Arm eho orrax(it 1) neg. lit. by that 
which they are wont to call] т &c, Bo (петот).. ото туз Aeyopevys 
N &е, Vg (ab ea quae dicitur) Syr Arm (named) Eth, see above 
жє ncb&e norx oft тсар5 The circ. by hand in the flesh] 1 24 1! .. 
om її®ї® 21.. перторл$ ev «тарк хєротопутою М &c, Vg Bo (sen 
TCAPZ oaio хх) Arm (fleshly) .. and it is work of hands in the 
flesh Syr .. but circumcision (is) the work of hand of man which was 
done in flesh Eth (ro see above) 

2 xe that] т біс 13, М &с, Vg Bo Arm .. and Syr Eth пєтєтії- 
(єпєти 2т)щ. &c ye were being at that time without the Christ | 
I &с, MaperenoQcH язтісноу єтєялалау caboM ixmoec (outside of 
the Christ) Во, М &с, Syr Arm .. ye knew not Christ (at) that day Eth 
àxneo(om т!) уоєтщу ет. lit. at the time that | 2 1 (aanewvovwo) 24 т |, киро 
exevo NABD*FG 17, Vg (tol) Bo Eth.. охх пеотоїцу ет. in &c І, 
реКІР &e, Vg Syr єтєтпо fiaN(T 24)Мотріос being alienated | 
(т) &c, azgAXorpwopevoc XÑ &с, Vg .. еретемо!: пцуєяя зло being strangers 
Bo .. and strangers ye were Syr Eth .. om атуА.—ю'р. Arm einoNi- 
(з 24 1! .. e 21) vex (no MS.. tra 1 &c)a lit. unto the commonwealth | 
г &c, Bo (ap? ErFHJKL).. iin. of (07) to «е Bo (TDGMNOP Fr) .. туз 
moreas N &6..а conversatione Vg .. the governments Syr, the rule 

EPHESIANS II 12-14 2n 

in the flesh by that which is wont to be called The circum- 
cision by hand in the flesh ; that ye were being at that time 
without the Christ, being alienated from the commonwealth 
of the Israel, and stranger unto the covenant of the promise, 
having not hope, and being without God in the world. 
13 But now ye are in the Christ Jesus, ye at that time those 
who (are) far off, ye beeame being near in the blood of the 
Christ. !*For he is our peace, he who made the two опе, 
having demolished the middle wall of the barrier, the enmity 

Eth, the state Eth ro ATW йцуахало and stranger] (т) &e, Bo .. 
kar бєуої Ñ &с, hospites Vg Syr (translit.) Eth .. banished Arm .. om 
nymo Во (Е) єтатаенкн &с unto the covenant of the promise | 
(т) 21, Bo (B?) Arm cd .. enarao kn. &c unto the covenants &é (13 1) 
24 11, rov dab. 8 &с, Vg Bo (ftnra.) Syr Arm Eth .. rov єтаууємом ті) 
біаблкуз бт 67** al .. add avrov FG, d* .. add eius f Eth ro є(єях т 
24)заитн(т 24..є 21 т ти оєМ. having not hope] 1 &c 13 ! Во (add 
aaay)... EA. ил] exovres N “е, Vg Arm .. and without hope ye were 
Syr .. and there was not to you hope Eth avo and] т &с.. om т! 
єтєтпо being] (т?) &c, Bo.. ye were Arm.. om N &e, Vg Syr.. ye 
know not God Eth 

" vetitoax mec їс уе are in the Christ Jesus] т 21 &c..ev x. 
w  &с, Vg Во. om Eth .. in Jesus Christ Syr .. through Jesus Christ 
Arm ixmi(1 24.. ег 21 &c)ovoesuy мєт. (єт. 1 24 11) lit. at the 
time those who] т &c.. о rote ovres N &c, Vg (eratis) Syr (far off 
were) Arm (far off were)..Sa мн ееотнох ixmicHow lit. under 
those who are far off at the time Во (24 1!)etaxmove those (om 
1 24 1!) who (are) far off] (13?) 21 &c.. єтєтпоях n| 1 breaks off 
thus..ovres макрау М &c, Vg ..far off ones Eth атетищотє 
єтєтпони єоотп ye became being near in | (13 1) (21 ?) &e .. eyevnOyte 
eyyus МАВ 17 37 47, f Vg..eyy. ey. DFGKLP &e, Syr Arm.. 
атетєпфоют ye approached Bo Eth яхпєҳЕ of the Christ | add 
1С Jesus m! 

^ ne(om ne 21 ш)нтачр &c he who made the two one] (1) 13 
21 &c, Во (mb) .. lit. he who made their two one Syr..o толутає та 
арфотера ev М &e, qui fecit utraque unum Vg Arm ? .. lit. he who put 
one for their two Eth eaghwodX &с lit. having demolished the wall 
of the middle of the barrier| 1 (131) 21 & jpecorowov тоо 
фраурою voas N &e, Vg Во (he pulled down) Arm (he demolished) .. 



птхє итязнте ARIEXOAOXA. тазитхахе ойї Téc[ca pz. 
З єацотсст ae mwoseoc HienTOAH oN насоса. 
жекас EC[ECONT аязпесмау монт evposee потот 
Wbppe. еее потєгрнин. larw weqoormnow anec- 
MAT ої OTCHL*A HOTOT ENNOTTE ovre пес+фос. 
ECAYRLOTOTT NTaeiTsase понт. 17 acer aqewac- 
сее мотернин MATH нетаєпоує. ATW OTEIPHITH 
ииетонм egor. Mase ehoA мтоот ЄУМТАМ ear 
ззпесмау nown EQOTN ENMEIWT ом orna Mos. 

"(om тт1)же птая. | m! .. vxenevas. 1 13 21 24.. хе виетая. І! 
ої (13) 21 24 1! ml. mmemy|.24 т1 ml mma. 2C.. тє. T 
хекас | -aac 1 1° (ry(ray21 24 т! t у (13) 21:24 

(11) m! avw | mest Bo P (за) отда 

and he demolished the wall which was standing in the middle Syr .. and 
he demolished the wall of middle Eth .. medius inimicitiae paries dirutus 
est Isaiah т(т 24 11.. ИТ 21 ml)assa. the enmity] 1 &c, N &c, 
Vg Arm cdd .. om the Arm .. pref, which is Eth .. pref. eager having 
demolished Bo (pref. отоо eag. 52) .. pref. and Syr 
15 e(om 21)aqos. having done away with] and he abolished Eth .. 
irs. doypacw катару. NÑ &c, Vg Bo (he did away ..add xe rk) Syr 
(he &c) Arm on fia (v 24 1l)ov. in the decrees] Arm .. in his d. 
Syr Eth .. of the decree Eth ro eejeconm lit. he should create] Bo 
Eth ( put them) .. trs. rovs дуо krion М &c, Vg (condat) Syr Arm (make 
firm) .. trs. new he should put them Eth ro зхиєснат(В Bo) the 
two] т &e (13) ..lit. for their two Syr Eth (trs. to end of clause) 
йонт in him] 1 &c (13) .. pref. ipsis Во, М*АВЕР 17 37 47.. 
ev ceavyro NEDGKL &с, OL Vg Syr Arm .. om Eth evpoase &c 
lit. unto а man one new] т &c (13).. поъ(єот варнокі, Fr) pwass 
потуг забери eva kaw. (ка: povov K .. kowov F8" Ger) ау. 
N &с, Vg Arm .. to one man пеш Syr .. in (om Eth) one man new Eth one Arm cdd еЧетре making] т &c (13) Во, N Же, Vg.. 
and he made Syr Eth .. he shall make Arm 
16 нфоотпот &c lit. and reconcile them the two] т &c (13?) .. om 
them Bo.. om яяпєснат both 1! .. к. атокатаЛЛаєт rovs anpor. Ñ біс, 
Vg Arm .. and. he reconciled their two Syr Eth ro.. and he caused to 
come their two Eth єпиоттє unto God] т &e 13, Po (за) N &c, 

EPHESIANS II 15-18 213 

in his flesh, 1° having done away with the law of the com- 
mandments in the decrees, that he should form the two in 
him unto опе new man, making a peace, !^and reconcile 
them both in one body unto God through the cross, having 
put to death the enmity in it. He came, he preached 
а peace to you, those who are far off, and а peace to those 
who are near: "because through him we both are having 

Vg .. with God Syr Arm Eth .. add me 21 errax nectoc through 
the cross] 21 &e, Во, N &e, Vg .. om rz .. and in his cross Syr .. in his 
eross Атт Eth єлҷалот(от т) оът having put to death] 1 &е 
(13?) exokrewas М &e, Vg Bo..he killed Буг .. for he killed Arm.. 
trs. and. (om ro) the enmity he killed Eth понт lit. in him] (13 7) 
21 &e, Bo, ev avro Ñ &e, Eth ..?5 eo Isaiah то Syr.. ev 
ceauto FG, OL Vg Arm, in semet ipso Isaiah 29 (inimicitias) .. in his 
own body Arm cdd 

7 ages he came] 13 21 &e 1! .. pref. ovog Bo (ачі..єачі ваГрх) 
Syr Arm Eth .. каг «Або, Ñ біс, Vg Bo (Bar px) agerat, he 
preached | (13?) 21 &с 1l, N &e, Vg Bo Syr.. and he gave to us Eth 
потєгр. a peace 19] (т) &e (13 ?) 1! .. trs. to you a peace Bo Eth (us) 
nerax(n 24)потє those who are far off] (13?) 21 &с 11, rois џакрау 
N бос, Vg (qui longe fuistis) Syr (to the distant ones) Arm (to you the 
distant ones) Eth (to the &c) .. Sa пн &c lit. under those who are far 
off Bo .. om инти мет &с т, but this may have been transposed before 
поуєгнин overp. а peace 29] т &c 11, SABDFGP 17, Vg Во 
Arm KL &e, Syr пи(пин Do. Sa йян DKL.. 
%єпин F)ero. єсоум to those who are near] г &c (тз?) (11).. нити 
мет. £o you &c m! 

13 ер, о. through him] 1 &c (131) Bo (pref. ох нл) д: avrov Ñ біс, 
Ус him him Syr .. he (led us) Eth ev (ov 13 24 
ml)nram &c lit. we are having, the two, the approach] т &е (13?) 
exop.ev THY проса. ог (om L 37) ашфотерог Ñ &е, Vg Arm .. lit. became 
to us approach, to both Syr.. отоитаи maar Asam еЗоти Sa 
mb єтсоп lit. we have the coming in wnder (1.6. namely) the two 
together Bo ene(om т):от оп owvnna &с unto the Father in one 
spirit] г 13? 24 m! .. à3nerov оп ne(nes 21) ппа «с to the Father 
in the same spirit 21 (Eth) .. Sen отппа поуот ga (Baren н) фот 
in one spirit to the Father Bo, М &c, Vg Syr Arm .. Eth has because 
he himself led us and made us two approach (reconciled us two ro) to 
his Father in the holy spirit 


Pere итетм oenujaseeo an Ge or разибоАе. ААЛ 
мтєтії оємравмдяєє йнетоулАб ати» ipunas ie- 
пмоутє. “EXOKETTHTTN EOPAL єхії темтє MNAMO- 
CTOACE ££ мепрофитие. epe пехс o поме пкооо. 
попа: етере пкот THPY Wong chor eero egar- 
game єтрпе ecjovaah nxoeic. 2° Mar ooTTHYTW 
єтоукот LAWTE понт ETALA NOTWO азпиосте оа» 
Tie mta. 

ПІ. erbe mas anor пахАос петяянр dre пес 

т (13 $) 21 24 Р arw] near Bo (т) (13) 21 24 Ийаи. | 
пап. І 2 (т) (13) 21 24 evpnel 21 24 .. йотєрпє Во (rn7,r) 
я (13) 22024 

(1) (13) зі Р 24 Р 7 (1) (13) 21 24 

19 ese then] 1 &c 13, ара F € G .. om Arm cdd .. apa ow N &c, Bo.. 
ergo df Vg Arm .. henceforth Syr Eth (add therefore ro) птети 
oen(om 21)us. біс ye are strangers no longer] т &c, Во, оџкєти eae 
Écvo, М &с, Arm .. iam non estis hospites Vg .. ye are not Écvou Syr .. 

ye were not strangers Eth .. he was not stranger Eth ro пте(® 21)ти 
ye are 2°] т &с, NABCD*FG 17, Vg.. om DeKLP &c, Во Syr Eth.. 
om also «Аа Eth ro оєп (ой. 21)parityare citizens] 1 21 .. прах 

&c the citizens 24 .. ganusbup fipessarhans fellow citizens Во, Ж &c, 
Vg Syr (sons of city) Arm Eth (lit. their citizen) .. add we are Eth то 
прахині the household] т &c (13 7) .. o&13pess &c household (ones) Bo, 
oweio, Ñ &с, Vg Syr (sons of house) Arm Eth (men of his house) .. add 
we are after God Eth ro 

20 єаткєт. lit. they having built you] т &e 13, Bo, N &c, Vg 
Arm .. and ye were built Syr Eth ro .. for &c Eth мепроф. the 
proph. | т &с (13) Bo .. трофутои N &c epe пес &c lit. the 
Christ being for stone of corner] 1? &c (13 ?).. egor йхок пАЛако 
epoc йхєпосс iRc he being head of corner unto it the Christ Jesus 
Bo, ovros акроу. avrov xv w ААВ 17 47..0f which (is) head ої the 
corner Jesus Christ Arm (Christ Jesus cdd) .. and himself became head 
of the corner of the building Jesus Christ Syr .. Christ being the head 
of the corner of building Eth .. while Christ (is) the stone of the corner 
Eth ro пе] N* 37 (om rov) Eth .. wet se (13) Bo, МА В 
17 47, Ус... 3Rc пе ВО(Р)СРЕСКІР Же, Syr .. pref. avrov № &e 


the approach unto the Father in one spirit. Then ye are 
strangers no longer and sojourners, but (a) ye are citizens of 
those who are holy and the household of God, ?? having been 
built upon the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, 
the Christ being for corner stone; ?' this from whom all the 
building is united, growing up unto a temple holy of the 
Гога ; ? this (one) in whom ye also are built unto а dwelling- 
place of God in the spirit. 

ПІ. Because of this I, Paulos, the prisoner of the Christ 
for you the Gentiles, *if ye heard of the dispensation of the М 37, Eth..Syr, see above попе mnkooo lif. for stone of 
corner] т? &c (13 ?) .. акр. Адо» D* FG, Vg (Eth ro) .. om Adov № &с, 
Bo Syr Arm Eth 

й пар бе this from whom] 21 .. nas &с-понт this in whom (13 1) 
24, Bo, ev o N &e, Vg Syr (and т him) Arm Eth ' пкот тира lit, 
the building all of it] 21 24, all of it the building Syr Eth, таса 1) окод. 
АСР al, у N*BDFGKL &c, Vg що (0 2т)и4 is 
united] 21 24 .. жфноут is constructed Bo .. сари. N &е, Vg (con- 
structa) Syr (joined) Eth .. having been joined and fitted Aim | eqawz. 
growing] т &с (131) Vg Syr Arm .. qmtaarar will grow Во, N &c.. 
it becometh firm Eth nxoeic of the Lord] (1?) &c 13? Bo (rms 
HJ) Eth .. ev кури»  &с, Vg Во (the Lord) Буг Arm (instr.) Eth ro 
(owr Lord) 

?? паї &c this (опе) in whom] т &c, Bo, ev № &c, Vg Arm.. 
while also ye in him ате being built Syr .. and ye also in him were 

built Eth gw(ww 24)тт. ye also] т (131) 21 24°¢.. trs. TROT 
оотєи Bo єтоткот ях. lit. which they build you] т &c (131) 
Syr (omitting сти) Eth (om &c)..cvvowodopew0c N &c, Vg Во 
(єтєтєпот пщфнр кот) nenia the spirit] 1 &c (131) Arm 
cdd .. add holy Eth .. mvevparı Ñ &c, Arm Я 

! evbe because of] т &с 13.. pref. and Eth петяяну lit. he 

who is bound] т &c (131) o бєсриоз N біс, vinctus Vg Arm Eth.. 
bound I ат Syr пехе the Christ] 21, N* D*FG, Eth .. c next 
1, 115 1 lect, Vg (tol) Syr (vg) .. пее кс 13 24, N^ABDP'KLP &c, 
f Vg Bo Syr (h) поєетос lit. the nations] (т) &c 13, &с, Vg 
(gentibus) .. Sa &c lit. under (Sen among Во") the nations Bo .. peoples 
Syr Eth 

? euyxe if] г &c .. add indeed Eth (not ro) .. perhaps Arm eToro- 
(ow 24). of the dispensation | (т) &c, N &c, Vg Во Syr .. add pov L., 


птєхаріс аяпиосте HTATTAAC мат EgOTM еротм. 
“RATA отохАп ChOA ATTAOI єпаєустиром ката 
ee йтатсомі Hüjopr поткогі. "прос өн єтетиащ- 
ваза» азазос eveTMOUJ ємоєї Hraeelitcahe ose 
паєустирм аєпеу с. пат єтаєпотомог choA ої 
сенем мишнре iiposee. Nee итотооАп chor 
теноу имецапостолосе єтотааЇ seit мепрофитис 
оз» nenia. б єтре iigeemoc ujorne петикАнромоягос 
Sel OTCWLLA HOTOT ATW Истяяаясто ос азперит 

s (1) (13) 21 (24) | (x) аз) 21 (0) (13) 21 ййр.]т.. 

ппер. 21 9 (т) 13 21 съаззает. | суяляяут. 21.. СУПАЗЄТ, І 

the gift Eth п(єм 1) Tras aac lit. which they gave] т &c (13 1) 
Tis добеистѕ N &c .. quae data est Vg Syr Arm .. evtos which is given 
Во . which he gave Eth єооуп єр. toward уоп | т &с, es vp. № біс, 
Bo .. in vobis Vg Syr Arm .. concerning you Eth 

3 ката | І, B, d.. pref. xe 13 21 24, Bo, от  &е, Vg Syr Eth.. 
ката аток. yap ЁС ката &c according to a revelation &c] 1 21 
24, Bo .. x. пб. &c acc. to the revelation Во (A,E) .. the revelations Arm 
cdd ..he revealed to me his counsel and he showed to те Eth.. he 
revealed to me and he showed to me his counsel Eth ro ATTAMLOI 
єпязу(н 24)ст. lit. they showed to me the m.] т 13? 21 24, Во, 
єууорісву RA BCD* FGP 17, Vg (sacramentum) Syr Arm .. eyvopue 
рек І, &с, Eth, see above fi(em 1)varcoas їїщ. I wrote before] т 
(13?) 21.. evaxepujopn icar Z before wrote Bo, проєурафа М &c, 
Vg (supra вет.) Arm..pref. also Arm cdd../ wrote Syr Eth 
поткоті lit. with a few| 21..em 1 (breaking off before ov) (13 1) 
.. потеи Sen оапкотт to you in few Bo Syr .. to you a little Eth .. ev 
oÀvyo № &е, Vg 

* npo(o 21)c en ет. lit. to the manner which] (131) 21, zpos 
oN &с.. ката mew. according to that which Bo..prout Vg Syr 
ететиь що яя. (ess. 21) &c lit. ye will be able, reading] 21 .. петєотоп 
yxor ахзлотєм epevenowoug that which it is possible for you, 
reading Во, о dwacbe avaywoakovres $ &c, Vg Syr (уе could) Arm 
(to read and understand) .. which ye can read and ye will know Eth го 
.. which ye can know when уе read and ye will know Eth itoer(os 
21) to understand | (1 ?) 21, voyoa Ñ &c, Vg Syr .. eeax1 to know Во 


grace of God which was given to me toward you ; ? according 
to a revelation was shown to me the mystery, according as 
I wrote before with few (words), "Фу which ye will be able, 
as ye read, to understand my intelligence in the mystery of 
the Christ, ? this which was not manifested in the generations 
to the sons of the men, as it was revealed now to his holy 
apostles and the prophets in the spirit; ° for the Gentiles to 
become fellow-heirs, and one body, and fellow-partakers of the 

fitassitve. my intelligence] (г) 21, туу ovveow pov N &е, Bo Syr 
Arm .. prudentiam meam Vg .. my thought Eth паху (є 2т)стнр. 
the mystery | г 21, Во, N &c, Vg Syr (which is in) .. the counsel Eth 
5 par evax, &c lit. this which they manifested not in the gen. to &c| 
21..0 ev єтєршї о. €y. т. v. T. а. minuse pauc, that which in other 
generations was not manifested to біс Syr.. mas єтєзхпотоноя eh. 
є(її 13)оєпкєсєпєл nnuj. this which they manifested not unto the 
other generations of the sons of the men т (13) dax evesrmeyorwso 
€oamncenea fire пєпцунрі &с this which he manifested not unto 
(other DEEL) generations of the sons of the men Bo..o єтєро (om 
Marcus) yeveais ovk. єууорісбі) rois viis тоу ауд. № &e, Vg Marcus.. 
because to other біс to sons of men Arm.. which knoweth not other 

generation of children of men Eth nec п (єп т)татво(о 21)Nnq 
&c lit. as they revealed it now] 1 21 .. os vuv &c  &с, Vg Бо (appr 
поз) Syr Arm (as also) Eth negam., &c lit. to his apostles 

who are holy] (т) (13) 21, to his ар. holy Syr .. tows ay. ат. avrov Ñ 
&e, Vg .. om avrov Marcus .. to his saints, ap. and pr. Arm .. т. ay. avr. 
ат. DFG, Во (ñneyawioc ftam.).. roir ау. avrov B.. to holy apostles 

Eth .. to his holy ones and his apostles Eth ro хп пєпр. and the 
prophets] (т) (13) 21 .. кас трофутас N &с, Vg .. and to prophets Eth 
ro .. and to his prophets Syr .. and his prophets Bo Eth ож пєппа in 

the spirit] г 13 21 9, Bo Arm .. ev zvevpari М &c .. add ayw D, Eth 

б erpe &с lit. for the nations to become] т &е, Bo, ewe: та (om 
Arm) vy № &с, Ve Arm .. that should be the peoples Syr .. that he 
should put the peoples Eth RCyHEN, зай orc. &c fellow-heirs, and 
one body, and fellow-partakers of &c] т &с.. evor ищфнр AKA. ness 
щфир ficwsra ето! ищфир є being fellow heirs and fellow body being 
sharers of &c Во, ovy(v)KAnpovopa KGL ovo(v)owpa кал avp(v)j.eroxa. N 
жо, Vg Arm, lit, sons of his inheritance and partakers of his body and in 
the promise Syr .. his heirs and his body and they should share the promise 
Eth .. his heirs &c and they shared the promise Eth ro яхпєрнт of 


са» MENT 1С стая пезассеАзон. | "пах Wrangore 
ма Матаномос ката трех їтєу аріс aemiove 
WTATTAAC MAL KATA темерсєт итееояя. Savy 
War Hreryapie. пєЛауистос  WureTovsaab тироу 
eTpaeraccedsye имоеемос тирот итазмтразчехо 
ETHAWWC MNEC “ATW ETALE отом мая. хе ov 
те тозкомолэлх ASTALTCTHPION COHN жит ємео ome 
пиоттє пемтьщемт Wha miee. Mase eveorwing 
Tenor eboÀ пларун seit Wezovcra oW naye chor 
ITN TERHAHCIA Nreocia Матєсягот NTE пиотте, 

7 (т) 21 зіаконос) г 21, № &с.. лаком Ро tawp.| taop. 21 
єпєрсе | r .. enpera 21 Зо гр (13) 2: 26s] 
aus Ро axscv.] занст. 21  пєптач.| dar etag. Во.. ф. птач. Во 
(т) ? (т) 21. Ппаржн] suu. Bo (AB2).. ens. Bo 

the promise] г &c, Bo, SABCD*P тт 47, Vg (am &c) Syr Arm Eth 
.. add avrov DPFGK І, &e, Vg Syr (h) озх ne»ce 1С in the Ch. 
Jesus] г &c, ev хо w МА ВСР 17 47, Vg Arm Eth ro, Isaiah .. єт%єи 
&c which is in the Ch. Jesus Bo .. which was given in him Syr .. т 
Jesus Christ Eth .. ev то x. DFGKL &с orrax (м г) nes. through 
the gospel] (т?) &c, Bo (11).. e&oN этот sinsevace, through the 
gospel Bo, ài т. e. № &с, Vg Syr, Isaiah .. by the gospel Arm .. in the 
teaching of the gospel Eth 

7 паї nfen і3)тагщ. mag this to which I became] 13 21, Bo.. 
ov eyevnOnv (opqv) Ñ &c, Vg .. of which became I Paulos Arm... this of 
which I, I became Ѕут.. о which I was ordained, Г (om ro) Eth 
ката I9] 21... in Eth ro Wreoc. of the grace] 1 21 .. of his grace 
Eth ixnitosre of God] (1?) .. ош 21, Eth n(21..en 1? 13)- 
таз (ср r3)raac lit. which they gave] т 21, Arm .. which he gave to 
me Eth.. erros which is given Bo .. т. добестѕ NABCD*FGP 17 47, 
Vg Во?.. туу 8o0ewav Юе KL &e ката 29] 1 2r .. from Syr .. in 
Eth .. and in Eth ro 

8 avd nas fures. (ees. 1) &c lit. they gave to me this grace &c] anon 
ne фи єтсћок &c avy далтатозают инт lit. / ат he who is smaller than 
all saints, they gave this grace to me (trs. to me this grace н) Bo, epot 
то «Аахют. т. ау. (om 72* .. атост. 46) eofn т) дар avr; Ñ &c, Vg 
Syr Arm (who mean ат) Eth (he gave to me). add rov вєо FG 


promise in the Christ Jesus through the gospel; "this to 
which I became minister according to the gift of the grace of 
God, which was given to me according to the working of his 
power. ? Was given to me this grace, the least of all those 
who are holy, for me to evangelize to all the Gentiles the 
great riches of the Christ; "and to show to all what is the 
dispensation of the mystery, which is hidden for ages in God, 
he who created all things; 1° that should be manifested now 
to the principalities and the authorities in the heavens 
through the church the inconceivable “wisdom of God, 

etpaes. for me to evangelize | єотщємтотчі to preach good news Во, 
evayyeAicacbar Ñ &c, Arm .. that (om го) Z should preach Syr Eth 
(teach .. add you го) nio. lit. to the nations] trs. то e8vecw 
evayy. № &c .. pref. e» ПЕС КІ, Vg Syr Arm THpoy all] 21 .. om т 
13, № біс evmaujoc lit. which is much] eressasom avpnxc of 
which there із no end Bo .. trs. ro(v) ave&tyviactov mÀovros(v) тоо xv М 
&c, Vg Arm .. the riches of Christ of which there is not track Syr Eth 
пех of the Christ] trs. after the riches Bo .. avrov 17 

° єталає to show to] 1 13 21..фотісаї N &e, Vg Bo (eX 
язфоуошн) Syr Arm Eth (he enlightened) ovon sre all] г (13) 
21, 8CBCDFGKLP &c, Vg Bo Syr (all men) Eth .. om N*A 67** 
тоткомозата the disp.| т (13 ?) 21, уок. № &c, Vg Bo Syr .. ordinance 
Eth .. q коуоиа 37 ™S ее (то 2т)нп which is hidden] Eth .. фах 
єтонп this which &e Во.. тоо атокєкр. N &с, absconditi Vg .. that 
which was hidden Syr Arm xin eneg lit. since age] Eth .. тсжєм 
маєм. since the ages Во, ото rov awvev N &c, Vg Syr Arm (all) .. 
from creation of world Eth ro пка (ла 21) итах all things] Bo .. 
trs. таута krwavr. Ñ &c, Vg Syr Eth... add да w xv DeKL біс, 
Syr (h*) 

10 eveovwnd lit. they should manifest| 1 21.. птецожоио he 
should, т. Bo .. yvwpic6n Ñ &e, Vg Syr Arm Eth Tenor євоМ 
now | 21.. trs. єв. мот Bo.. om vw FG, d* Vg Syr (vg).. trs. that 
now Eth on anaye in the heavens] 21 .. ev rois ezovpav. № &c, 
Vg, Sem nanipnomi Bo .. which (are) in heaven Syr Arm (heavens) 
Eth (heavens) .. tvs. rais архаїв-єтої. to end Syr eh. 9. TERK. 
through the church | 1 7 21, Bo (eh, Sem rx).. through his church Eth that through біс Буг п (ош r)TCcOdra палесалот five 
пиоутє lit. the wisdom formless of God] (r?) 21, multiformis 


П RATA MTOW HHA. тах NraqTaac ояе NEXE їс 
пемхоєгю. "паї ETETHTAM тпарристх понту sen 
поши есоти ояя пилоте orrW тете. "З erbe паї 
fairer єтаяєснакеї ом Maod pe охротм. ете паї 
ne. nerWeoos. erbe nas (ROAS ниапат seio. 
пат єщаттатує жетет miee choA ateo oW 
HTE ATW Оза» пило. ^oenac ее{ миті ката 
Ta*MTpisetao авпецеооу єптажретнутти ON оубояє 

11 12 

тт І 21  mapp.] 21.. паро. 1, Буг.. тарус. В" 
З тот ares} аи т eve nas пе which is this | which your glory 
is Bo DEIN T (тт та) 2и 

sapientia dei Vg ..the diverse wisdom of God Arm .. т то\ток:Лоѕ 
copia &c М &c .. the wisdom of God full of differences Syr .. the wisdom 
of God which із of various kinds Bo (eros позео ipn) .. the wisdom 
(pref. in ro) of God which is very various in colour Eth 

п kara пт. üR(om r)ar according to the purpose of the ages] 
М &, Vg Arm.. ката meow йте схем щори fire пп HJ,)ermeo 
acc. &c from before the ages Bo .. that (in that го) which he had prepared 
from ages Syr Eth (which he ordained) Tar it(21 .. em т)тачтаас 
lit. this which he gaye | qv єтотаєу Ñ &с, Vg Во Arm .. and he did it 
Syr .. and he finished Eth охх &c in the Christ Jesus our Lord | 
Мал ВС* 17 37, Vg Bo..ev xp. v &с N*ODKLP &с.. си ҳрото 
&c 114, f.. in Jesus our Lord Syr .. in our Lord Jesus Christ Arm .. 
in Jesus Christ our Lord Eth 

1? war this] Bo Syr..ev o N &с, Vg Arm Eth ro..who Eth 
eves (ov т)птан-по. lit. in whom there is to us] Syr .. eyopev № &e, 
Vg Атт.. єтє fip. п. anos in whom we received Bo Eth (obtained) 
тп. по. &c the boldness &с] N'ABCD'KLP &e, f Vg Bo (suu 
eSovn) Syr Arm .. ти тросауо. kat тли mapp. D* .. т. пр. ew т. Tapp. 
Его, Eth has in whom we obtained favour and he led us (add in 
his faith vo) to (his ro) hope in faith (om ro) ọm пилоте lit. 
in the confidence] Sem ovewt п. in а confidence of heart Bo, ev me- 
побтає N &c, Vg Syr Arm .. ev то eAevÜepo0nva. D* тпїстїс the 
faith] 21, Eth .. veeqn. his faith т, М &c, Vg Во Syr Arm Eth ro 

13 erbe паз because of this] Bo Syr, до № бо, Vg Arm.. and 
because of this Eth .. and now Eth ro єтахескакеї not to faint | 

EPHESIANS III 11-16 221 

according to the purpose of the ages, this (wisdom) which 
he gave in the Christ Jesus our Lord: !*this (one) in whom 
we have the boldness of speech and the approach in confidence 
through the faith. 1 Because of this I ask not to faint in 
my tribulations for you, which is this, your glory. 14 Because 
of this I bend my knees to the Father, !^this (one) from 
whom all fatherhood is wont to be named in the heavens and 
upon the earth, !5 that he should give to you, according to the 
riches of his glory, the being strengthened in power through 

21, NB?.. -еик. 1, AB*D* 15 37 47, Во.. -єккак. СДет'Є К І, Р &c, 
Arm (grow weary) .. ne deficiatis Vg Eth (ro has imperative) .. that it 
should not be troublesome to me Syr оп maed ic in my tribu- 
lations] N &e, Vg Syr.. т affliction our Arm ту afl. which 
happeneth to те (om which біс ro) Eth .. Sew м (wav) ? the (these) 
afflictions Bo пєтпєооу your glory | боба vpov М &c, Vg Bo Arm 
edd .. до. nuov С 17 37**, Во (к) Arm (which is) .. for your glory Eth 
.. gloria mea Vg (harl).. om yris &e 47 

14 erbe &c because of this] pref. and Eth (not ro).. equidem 
Antonius ком &с І bend my knees] N &e, Ус Bo Syr .. Z kneel 
Arm .. 7 prostrate Eth го .. Г pr. in my blessing Eth .. om pov Antonius 
àxme(om т)кот to the Father] N*ABCP 17, Vg (деті) Во (oa) 
Eth .. Antonius has adorans patrem .. add тою короо трох w хо МЕРЕ 
GKL &с, Vg Syr Arm, Marcus 

5 mar this] т 21, Во (rk).. фн that Bo Syr..e£ ov N &e, Vg.. 
whom Eth .. whence Arm e(1.. it 21)ujasra(ao т) тє &c lit. from 
whom they are wont to utter every fatherhood | т? 21 .. br eve e&oN 
nuog cexw ахфрам Питаєтиут 7Hpos lit. that out of whom they 
say the name of all fatherhoods Во .. є ov vaca патріа ev ovp. біс 
ovopa£era, Ñ &е, Vg Arm (patriarchate) .. that from whom is named 
every fatherhood Syr .. whom indeed invoke all regions Eth (ro has 
invoketh) оп manure ATW огхах nkao in the heavens and upon 
the earth | 21, Bo (mesx)..trs. ev ovpavos(vw Р 47, Antonius) &c 
ovopal. Ñ &c, Vg Arm.. which is in heaven and in earth Syr .. which 
(are) in heavens and which (are) in earth Eth 

8 kata] 1 21.. om ката-аютою Marcus | єптахрєтиутії 
lit. for the making you firm] 1 21r..eeperemnassaor for you to bi 
empowered Во, xparawÜqvau. NÑ біс, Vg Arm../hat ye should be 
strengthened Syr .. and that he should strengthen you Eth on orron 


сита пецпиа. о "єтре mnexc oTWO оз» проляе 
eromoo?i ori тпістіс oW  метмонт. 1° ететих- 
enorme єї ОМ or сите ON OvACAIIH. ‘хекас ETETHEEI- 
ase set MeTOvaah тнроу. E ov пе потощс seu 
ITeUJIaT зам їїхїсє se пиће.  |'єсоум песото 
WTACAIII аяпсосум NEKE хекас ещехои choA 
HGINSWK тир явпиоттє. 2" METET сояе ne OCJ 
сере noove ооб miee eoove метмагтех 4248000 H 
метимоєт азееооу HATA TOLL єтємерсєї понти. 

иту полит 18 (т) 21 женас|-зас 1 0 пещуат 
(21.. её 1)] т 21, musa Bo (н)..фийн Во Е (ет 
? 1(8)21 menm] metem. 21  -arres] -arms 1 8 merth 20| иетети 
1, Во (nnno) moes) nos T 821 enepres] -ws r 8 

lit. in a power] г 21, Bo (Arm) Eth .. trs. (ev ЕС) duvaper крат. Ñ 
&с, Vg Syr .. duvvayw Mac. Marc., virtutem de Vg (fu) orran (її т) 
through] т 21, М &c, Vg Bo Arm .. in Syr .. of Eth (add holy) 

17 erpe &c for the Christ to dwell in the inward man] ри Во 
that within a man he should cause to dwell Christ Eth .. trs. es тоу 
єго» avOp. катоиктааи Ñ &c, Vg Syr Arm .. Isaiah has habitare Christum 
in interiori homine отти тп. through the faith] т 21,  &с, Vg 
Bo, Isaiah .. by faith Arm .. in faith faith and Syr.. Eth ro 
see below .. Is. has per fidem in cordibus vestris 

8 єтєтихєпоупє ehoN ог сите lit. sending root out and 
foundation] (т) 21 .. еретеибепотие e&oN Sem отлсапн eperen- 
тажрноут псем{ sending root out-being firm of foundation Во .. 
серр фм. кол тебереХ. N &с, Vg Arm (Isaiah) .. becoming firm your root 
and your foundation Syr Eth on ovat. lit. in a love] (т !) 21, 
Isaiah .. trs. ev ауатэу eppi. № &c, Vg Arm .. trs. being rooted in а love, 
being firmly founded Bo, see above.. trs. to end of verse 17 in your 
hearts in love Syr. Eth .. Eth ro has ? faith within your heart in love 
both your root and your foundation єтєтпєєтаає ye should know] 
21... єтєтиєцуд зяб оля єєтялє ye should be able to know т .. (eE)rxvanre 
xaraAa[jecÜa. NÑ &с, Ус Во (птетеицухелахоля irago) Syr (and ye 
should) Arm Eth; Isaiah assce зай nuire the height, and the 
depth] г 21, BCDFG 17 37, Vg Bo Arm Eth (add his passim) 

EPHESIANS ПІ 17-20 223 

his spirit; "for the Christ to dwell in the inward man 
through the faith in your hearts, "З уе taking root and 
foundation in love, that ye should know with all those who 
are holy, what is the breadth, and the length, and the height, 
and the depth; !?to know: the excess of the love of the 
knowledge of the Christ, that should be completed all the 
completion of God. 29 But he for whom it is possible to do 
more than all things, more than those which we ask or those 
which we think, according to the power which worketh in us, 

Antonius Macarius .. 800. к. v. NAKL &c, Syr (h) .. trs. height and 
depth and length and breadth Syr (vg) 

19 ecovit to know] т 21, Bo Arm Eth .. yvovac те N &с, scire etiam 
Vg .. and that ye should know Syr .. om Po (Gw).. om те Det Fer Ger, 
Macarius пєоото &с the excess of the love of the knowledge] 8 .. 
neo. птах. зап (ат) m| 1 .. eart. erepeovo &c the love which exceedeth, 
of the knowledge Bo .. туу urepBadXdovoay тів yvorews ауатту Ñ &e, 
Macarius .. ryv отер. ay. TNs yuwoews А 74 115.. meo. firac, япєооу 
the excess of the love of the glory 21 ..0m туз yvoceos 71, Vg (tol) 
..the greatness of the love Syr .. the abundance of the kn. of the love 
Arm Eth єсєх. &c should be completed all the completion] 8 2r, 
пдтробі) тау ro птАпрора B17 .. птєтепхок eh, Sen MAOK тире 
that ye should be completed in all the compl. Bo .. пд пробутє ew тау то 
тА. № &c Vg (in omnem) Macarius .. and that ye should be filled with 
all the fulness Arm Syr .. that ye should be perfect in all completion 
Eth язппоуте of God] (1) 8 рас 17.. тоо yxpurrov 

? meres(eov т 8)п &e but he for whom it is possible] 1 8, Bo 
(B*DFKL) xe 21, Bo Eth.. ro de dvvapevw № &e, Vg Syr.. but 
to him who Arm €erpe &c to do more than all things, more than | 
1 8 21.. erpr egote oo miben Sen ovaretoovo lit. to do than all 
things in an excess Bo .. urep zavra. momoa vrepekzepuraovr N &e, Arm vrep DFG, Vg .. in power more than all to work for из and more 
than Syr .. he who is able to strengthen you to do all and to abound in 
that which we ask and that which we think Eth .. he who is able to 
strengthen you in all. That ye should do and abound in that &c 
Eth ro TG 02» the power| т 8 21, Во, à &е, Vg Arm.. his power 
Syr .. Eth has as helpeth us his power .. т. evepyevav 47 понти in 
us] 1 (8) 21 .. ev vpav А... ipie in him Bo (р) 


1 пєоот ма ом TERRAHCIA ATW ORL TEXTE 1С eoa 
үа» Wa емео пемєо омавни. 

IV. XnapanaAer Ge awT alton петеанр oss 
пхоес етретмазосще оз» пееепщал аяптфоая NTAT- 
теоаятнути понт. ^o obbro шля. or чзмтра рощ 
ом о’азитохршонт ereTMaMe^ce  duerWepHy ом 
TAUANH. Зететибепи еохрео етазмтотх азпепиа 
ом Teppe ифрнин. ‘ететмо мотє(явзл отит 
(OTA HovOT) ката OE WrATTECORETHT TW OW отихоте 

2a) (8) 2 
' (8$) 2112 XnapakaNer] -Nt т anor] aman 21 ? (1) (8) 
21 5, 1. (Ө) 21 “т (S) 2m 

? пеооу mag the glory to him] 1 8 .. п. мак ¿he glory to thee 21 .. 
avro т боёо, Ñ &с, Vg Буг Arm .. to whom the glory Eth .. фос ne &c 
his is the glory Bo оп TERK. ати in the church and] г, RA BC 17, 
Vg Во (tear) .. om aso 8 21, DDK LP &e, Bo (н) Eth .. in his church 
in &c Syr озх ne»c€ sc in the Ch. Jesus] 1 8 21, Во (незя) № &c, 
Vg Arm Eth in Bo (FJ,k) .. trs. «нс пс Во(ва) Syr Eth 
exwaxr &с unto all generations, unto age of age. Amen | (1) (8) 21 .. es 
masas Tas yeveas TOv aiovos rov awvwv. арлу  &е, Vg (im omnes) cov auos FG, Vg (tol) .. i» omnia saecula. saeculorum d .. wa 
игсенех т. йтє пєпєо fire (тт rxN)eneo a. unto all the generations 
of the age of the ages. Amen Bo .. in all generations of ages of ages Syr 
.. 0 all generations of ages ages. Amen Arm .. om арти 57 -. in. every 
generation and to age of age. Amen Eth 

1 бе therefore] om ози Bo (А, 53 E,N 26) Eth ох in] : er, 
N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth .. птє of Во (Dr) Eth ro mxoe:c the 
Lord] т 8 21, Bo .. коро А &c, Arm .. our Lord Syr .. хрото Ñ, Eth 
єтрєти(рєтєти 21)ax. Юг you to walk] т (8?) 21 .. esrougs ѓо walk 
Bo, теритатусал Ñ &c, Arm .. ut-ambuletis Vg .. that ye should walk 
Syr .. пєритаттсатє 17 o3x пез» (пах 21)muja in the worthiness | 
г 21, (Eth).. ката пезапща Do .. trs. a£ws перитат.  &с, Vg Arm.. 
as is suitable Syr .. in that which is worthy Eth .. trs. of your calling 
to walk Eth то gamtweax of the calling | т 8 21, Во, N &c (Eth) .. in 
vocatione Vg Arm the calling Syr | Wrawr. «с lit. in which they 
called you] 21, Eth ro (he called) .. ємтатут. Maroy with which they 


21 the glory to him in the church and in the Christ Jesus unto 
all generations, unto age of age. Amen. 

IV. I beseech you therefore, I the prisoner in the Lord, for 
you to walk in the worthiness of the calling with whieh ye 
were called, ?in all humility and meekness, in long-suffering, 
bearing with one another in the love; 3 hastening to keep the 
unity of the spirit in the bond of the peace, * Ye are being 
one body, one spirit, according as ye were called in one hope 

«е т (82).. 95 exAnOyre N &е, Eth (he called) qua voc. Vg.. фи 
єта (4 B*)eacess ounos epos lit. that unto which they (he) called you 
Bo (Arm) 

? ebro humility] 8 21, Vg Аг... add понт of heart Bo Syr, tare- 
vodpoovvyns WV &c .. humbling yourselves Eth suas all] 8 21.. trs. 

тас тат. Ñ &c .. т all meekness Eth от зайтр. and meekness | 
пела отзлєтр. lit. with а meekness Во .. кал zpav(o)rgros М &е, Vg Syr 
Arm .. к. такой K оп orato. lit. in a long-suffering | 2т.. mear 

оузлєтрєєцоот понт lit. with a long-suffering Bo, pera накробурає Ñ 
бс, Vg .. and long-suffering ут Атт .. and be patient Eth | eveviane- 
(єт 21)9¢e &с bearing with one another] (п 1) 8 21, avexopevor &e N 
&c, Vg Bo Arm .. and be patient &с Syr .. and be indulgent to your neigh- 
bour Eth оп Tav. in the love] (11) 8 21 .. ev ауату Ñ &c, Vg Во 
Syr Arm .. and be eager for (in то) love and share (with one another) Eth 

3 єтєтїї єтїн hastening) т (8?) 21, N &e, Vg (solliciti) Bo Arm .. 
and be anxious Syr .. om Eth eo(om т)арєо to keep] т 8 21, № 
«е, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. and keep Eth €raxitrosa the unity] 1 (8 1) 
21, Во, N &c, Vg .. agreement Syr Arm .. in one Eth amenna of 
the spirit] т 21, М &c, Vg Syr Arm .. spirit Eth оп Tappe in the 
bond] т (87)... оп язахрри іл the bonds 21 .. Sem vaso wp in the bond 
Bo, N &с, Vg Syr Eth .. in bond Arm.. mess mus. стхик ehod lit. 
with the bond which із perfect Bo (AEJ) ифрнин of the peace] т 
(8) 21, Arm edd .. om article Arm .. rys ayarys К 

* єтєтпо ye are being | 1 21 .. that ye should be Syr Eth .. om  &с 
Vg Bo Arm Eth ro йохсояха «с one body | ovcwara n. one body 
Bo .. ev сора М &c, Vg Arm Eth .. in one body Буг Eth ro orna 
&c one spirit] т 21.. mest owmia «с lit. with one spirit Во .. kat ev 
пра М &с, Vg Arm Eth.. and in one spirit Syr Eth ro ката OE 
п(2т.. єм r)rav. &с lit. according as they called you] т 21, kaĝws 
«кА. B, Vg Bo (A,B*EFGHI 26) Syr (vg) Еһ... кәтә фрн+ on бо 

1717.2 Q 


ROTOT запетитоояя. 5 отхоее ROTOT озпїстїс 
озот orhanticaza ROTOT. — ^osumovve отит 
пезот MOTOM mnes, METIS отом MILL ATW бол or- 
TOOTOT тирот єцоях птнрЦ. "acp geor ae anora 
mora азазом HATA ПШ! litawpea аяпежс. ° eThe 
Mal Шәсүжоос. хе AANE emxice АЧАГУ asa A o Teve 
поула Лост. aqt Моємтато Hitpwese. "ov ae 
пе эок egpar ficabHA ро хе забок ишорп 

епесит. 0 пемтачціиь єпєснт сметщик аяпкао 

вр эт (24) © (1) 21 24 петогхи| фин ети ошхеи Во 
errooros | оттеп Bo (та § 24 № в a (8) 21:24 фит 8 
21 $ and at йса 24 19: (лани 

according аз also &с Bo (ATT DKLMNOP) кабо кал «кА. N &e, Vg 
(fu бої) Syr (Б) Arm язпєтитоозх of your calling] 21, Bo, туз 
KÀ. vj.ov № &c, Vg Syr Arm .. om Bo (26) .. Eth has to your one hope.. 
оях петит. in your calling т 

> ovaxoerc бс one Lord] т 21, Во (osóc) .. es курс  &с, Vg.. 
for one із the Lord Syr Arm cdd.. опе God is Lord Arm 
оупістіс &e one faith] 1 21, Bo (паї). ша т. № «е, Vg Arm.. 
and one faith Syr Eth ovhant. &c one baptism] 1 21 24, Bo 
(warc) .. ev Ватт. № &c, Vg Arm .. and one &c Syr Eth 

6 отпоттє &с one God] г &c.. es Geos N &с, Vg Arm.. and one 

God Syr Eth..ovar me dX one is God Bo пецпі т)от the 
Father] т &e, 47, Bo (Ar*EGMNoOpP) Syr (vg) .. pref. ки Ñ &е, Vg 
Bo (вагерензкі) Syr (h) ovon шла-тнроу-птиря lit. all-all 

of them-the whole of it] 1? &c. отон su&en all Bo thrice, zavrov— 
zavrov—racw М &c.. omnes-omnia-ommibus Vg..all (things)-all 
(things)-all (things) Eth..every thing-every one—every one Arm 
eqoax птнра being in all things] 21 24..ev таси B.. кас ev т. 
N &с, Vg Bo (отоо парні Sen) Syr .. and he (із) т all (things) Eth 
птнр all things] 21 24, ovon mien all Во, таси МА BCOPP 17, 
Eth .. add ушу minusc pauc .. add ушу DF GK L al, Vg Syr Arm (in us) 

7 av} азот &c lit. but they gave grace to each of us] 21 24.. 
moras ae (om А,"Р) norai maron arẹ may отоэаот but each of 
us they gave to him a grace Во, er дє єкасто т. «добу хар В (vpov) 

EPHESIANS IV 5-10 227 

of your calling; 5 опе Lord, one faith, one baptism, * one God 
the Father of all, he who is over all and through all, being in 
all things (mtap). "But was given grace to each of us 
according to the measure of the gift of the Christ. 8 Because 
of this he is wont to say, He ascended unto the height, he /ed 
captive a captivity, he gave gifts to the men. ° But what is 
‘he went up’, except indeed that he went first down? 19 He 
who went down unto the depths of the earth himself also 

D*FGLO>P* .. en &c 9 x. № &c ката | І &с.. кол D& .. Eth has 
his grace in several measure of 

3 ere mar because of this] т (8) &c, Во Syr.. до № &c, Vg Arm 
(add also) .. for Eth wagxooc he is wont to say] т 8 &c.. Aeye 
N &c, Во (yxw ах.) Arm Eth .. i was said Syr.. ose ях. Г say Во 
(A;) ачаМе lit. he mounted] 1 8 &c.. аще nay enujgox he went 
up Bo (вагемхо 18).. he went Bo (om enugor) .. avaBas № &c, Vg.. 
he ascended Syr (Arm) Eth (thou) ача ataNoTese he led 
captive] т 8 &с, Bo, N &с.. nypadwrevoas AL 47, Eth ayy he 
gave] г 8 &c, Bo, МА С D*FG 17, Vg .. pref. кш ReBC*DeKLP 
&e, Syr Arm .. and thou gavest Eth figentar(er 8)o gifts] т 8 
&c, Во, дората N &с, Vg Syr Arm.. thy gifts Eth пир. to the 
men] т 8 &с, Во, М &c, Vg Arm, to son of man Syr Eth .. ev аубро- 
то FSG 

? оу ae ne ачёок &с but what is ‘he went up'] and what 15 
therefore (om ro) that he went up Eth.. mwe ae єпщох oy пе but 
the going up what is (it) Bo, то дє ауеВу ті єттї N &е, quod autem 
ascendit quid est Vg Syr (Arm) .. om ae Bo (E,* 18) Arm caha 
po except indeed] e un N &с, Vg Во (євнМ) Syr (aAAa) (Eth) .. Bo 
(ва) has but the going out up is that &c пщорӣ first] 1 8 2r, 
NcBCcKLP &c, f Vg Syr 24, М*АС* ПЕСОЬ 17, Vg 
(am*) Bo Eth єпєснт down] add es та karorepa (тата) pepy rus yns 
RABCDcKLP &e, f Vg Syr (Б) Arm.. om єпіса evca(asa F.. enn 
L.. om етса н*м) пєснт язпкаот also to the parts (places F .. those 1) 
which are below the earth Bo .. om оп also Bo (Гнзмо 18*).. om pepy 
D*FerG, Syr Eth 

® пептацбож єпєснт he who went down] т (8) 2r, Vg (qui) 
Bo Syr Arm Еіһ.. nent. ae em. but he &c 24, Во (Геркнокі)., 
o катаВаз Ñ &c .. he who ascended Eth то єпєтщнк язика? lit. 
unto those which are deep of the earth] т 8 &с.. ош N &c, Vg Bo 



пто ом пентаціюк єораг єтпє аєпнує. жекас 
єцехек птир eboA. ати» Kroy пемтасу; gome 
зем WiAallocTOÀOoc oennoove ae запрофитие ATW 
gome иречтащестоеиц оємкоотє ишос ати» cac. 
12 епсобте йметотллб. enooób татаномта. епнот 
ancora UMEE VP щаютмеї тири  emaseeve 
HOTOT NTE тпїстїс а®м псооти яяпщнрє аєпиогтє 
evposse итеЛетос enus итбот NXOR chor asreocc. 

жекас| -aac т e&oN] trs. eho п. ооф и. Bo (A).. om Во (ст. 
MP) и (1) (8) 21 24 № nenta he who gave] ayy he gave Во 
пщос | ящоос 24 1 (8) 2л 24 13 (т) (8) 21 24 

(enusws up) Syr Arm Eth пто om mest, &c himself also (is) he 
who went up] т (8) &c, Vg Bo Syr (who also) Arm (Eth) .. avros ew 
ко о avaBas Ñ &c.. himself also he who went down Eth ro.. Eth 
continues himself also who was above the heavens єтпє пахпнує 
above (lit. unto the heaven of) the heavens] т (8) &c, штєрамо rov 
ovp. Р 113 (Eth) .. от. závrov т. &c М біс, Vg Во (canugos above) Syr 
Arm птнрӯ lit. the whole of it] 1 &c.. ооё miben every thing Bo 
.. та, ravra,  &с, omnia Vg .. all Syr Arm Eth 

И oor(1 &c.. ex 24)нє some] г (8) &c, quosdam Vg Arm .. om Bo 
Eth ro .. rovs № &c .. and there are of Syr, thus passim .. Eth (not го) 
has he gave grace and separated us and put us of his own men sse- 
(om 2т)и] 8 &c, № &c, Bo Syr Eth йй (ош 24)am. for 
the apostles] 8 &c .. ioa ram. for apostles Bo, Ж &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth 
(add also ro) оєпкоостє ae but others] (8) &c, quosdam Vg Arm .. 
tous дє N &c, ganovon ae but some Bo .. and of them Eth .. and Eth 

ro arw eor(r & 24)me and some] (т) &с..зоте Arm .. 
ganke(om I*GHIMNOP)ovON ame but others Bo, Vg (alios vero) .. 
tous дє № &c .. and Eth ое (om 24)nkoose others] 1 24 .. add ae 

21, Do (A, 5,5, n7, 18) Vg (alios autem) .. o&xoson ae but some Bo.. 
some Ат .. tous дє N &c .. and of them Eth .. and. Eth ro ftugoc 
lit. for shepherd] ix3s&amecoow Во..Поапалан. for shepherds Bo 
(DFKL) avo and 39] 8 &c, N &e, Vg Во (near) Arm Eth ro.. 

EPHESIANS IV 11-13 229 

(is) he who went up above the heavens, that he should 
complete all things. 11 And himself (is) he who gave, some 
indeed for the apostles, but others for prophets, and some for 
preachers, others for shepherds and for teachers; 1? unto the 
perfecting of those who are holy, unto the work of the 
ministry, unto the edifying of the body of the Christ: 
“until we all come unto the same thought of the faith and 
the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect (man), unto 
the measure of the stature of the completion of the Christ: 

оєпкоотє others r..and of them Eth arw пса? lit. and for 
scribe] mear gampegychw and teachers Bo 

12 єпсоб(єр2г)тє unto the perfecting] 1 &c, zpos rov кат. M &c, 
прос (33)nco&X Во.. om rov т al, Во (AEL) Arm.. that may be strong 

the saints Eth eneo unto the work] т &c.. evo. unto a work Во, 
N &с, Arm йтатак. of the ministry] т &c, Bo, DEF G.. om туз 
N &c епкот Ш, unto the building] ew. unto а building Bo, NÑ 
&c, Arm ax(BorDrFHJKL..$rve Bo)ncossa of the body] 1 8 
&c Syr ‘ 

ІЗ щапти(єм 21)є т. lit. until we come all] т 8 &с.. because we 
shall come Eth ro .. peypı (Marcus 1° .. ews av Marc. 29) karavrqoo(o)jev 
(-тусо F ат) N &e, Vg Bo Arm (reach) Marcus Isaiah .. until we 
are Syr Е .. om ог zavres Macarius emi(r 24..e€r 21)asseeve 
fiovwt lit. unto this one thought] 1 & ryv є/отута Ñ &е, Vg 
Bo (e}sxetovar ivre) Arm (one consent) Isaiah .. one thing Syr .. опе 
Eth .. 2» equality Eth ro ivre ти. of the faith] т &e, М &c, Vg Bo 
(ллпаоҷ) Arm (om the) Eth ro .. in the faith Syr Eth псооум the 
knowledge] г & the kn. Syr Arm cdd et agnitionis 
Isaiah зхищире of the Son] 1 8 &c, Marcus 2° Isaiah .. om FstG 
..0m xat THS—T. Ücov Marcus 1° evpoase itreNer(Ar MSS)oc unto 
a perfect man] т (8?) &e, Во, N &e, Vg Arm ..« man perfect Eth ro.. 
' one man perfect Syr .. and we become as one man perfect Eth enuj: 
unto the measure] т &c, Bo (нл).. evuss unto a measure Во, ÑN біс, 
Arm .. in measure Syr .. who reached the size Eth .. ad mensuram Isaiah 
птбот lit. of the size] 1 &c, ivre Зрахалн Bo, of the stature Syr Arm.. 
in the limit Eth .. aetatis Vg, Isaiah sanxwk €&oX of the comple- 
tion| т (8) &e, Arm Eth, rov zAgpoparos  &c, Vg, Isaiah Eth 
ro.. nre фажоо of the fulness Bo .. of his fulness Syr зи (Во А 
бо. ite п DFHJ,S,KL)esce of the Christ] т &c.. om Syr (Ais) 


1 eemac ge Wirentyore iuHpe щняя. epe пооєтае сп 
яазавом смшесх зам тих мая Techo set nob: 
Hipwee ом отплиотрех пилори иноте итепАхин. 
1 ewxe жже AEC ито ом OTATANH итиаталие egovit 
єроч аєптиру. ere пах пе Tame. NEXT. 15 mai 
erepe newera тнр ujonb chord eog arw е ата 
отм тра mee sey ната Ovenepeesa OMe muy it- 

№ (т) 21 24 cit B. M. пщнрє щ.) йкотхі паМот Bo.. йоалк. 
iad. Bo (но) ngoer) 21 &с.. фоєтая І 5 т 21 24 (cit B. M.) 
em] i24 — "5 (1) 21 24 (361) emepresa] no MS.. -exa т &c 361 

М жеңа(аг Г)с that] 1 &c.. pref. and Syr Ge йпєпщ. lit, 
longer we should not be] т &c, ракет: &c N &с, Vg (tam non) Arm 
Eth, Isaiah (iam non) .. om øge cit, Bo (щели enos) Syr.. ye &c Arm 
edd epe &c lit. the wave bearing us along fluctuating] 11 &c.. 
trs. cAvdwriopevor Kar repipepopevor N &с, Vg (cirewmferamur) Isaiah 
(сітс.).. epe посла giovi maron evovwteh maron chod lit. the 
wave striking us, they removing us about Bo..who are agitated and 
changed about Syr .. agitated and shaken Arm.. Eth has а child who 
tottereth and is agitated запо тих &c with every wind] 21 &c.. 
пауті avew 53 біс, Vg Syr, Isaiah .. Sem enos n. in every wind Bo 
Arm .. with &c Eth .. from &c Eth ro ivrec&o of the doctrine] 21 
24 .. зап тес. and біс cit зап тк. and the trickery] 21 &c .. ev ту 
xvf(e)u. N &e, Vg Во Arm, Isaiah .. (doctrine) fraudulent Syr .. with 
(in ro) craftiness of doctrine Eth оп (оєп cit) оупаноурс(к 24)1a 
lit. in а craftiness] (1) &c, № &c, Vg Bo (ssevce£&) Arm, Isaiah .. ту тар. 
FG.. (men) who in their craftiness Syr finaopit (naopen cit) 
toward] 1 &c, zpos  &c, Во (Sem) Vg (ad) Arm .. are cheating that 
they may lead astray Буг пкотс &c the wiles of the error] т &c; 
Bo, ros peOodias А... ryv ребодеау т. TA. N біс .. remedium err. dg.. 
circumventionem erroris f Vg, Isaiah .. craftiness of error Arm .. add 
тоо diaBorov A.. Eth has those who machinate with their fraud to 
cause &c.. Eth ro has in fraud of him who machinateth to cause біс 

19 єн(й 24)xe(xs 1) ллє saying truth] т &с cit, aAevovres № &c, 
Syr (we being true) Arm .. ensps—fieasus doing the truth Bo, адпубаау- 
тоючутє FG, d Ve..we are just Eth.. be just Eth ro..add therefore 

EPHESIANS IV 14-16 231 

that we should no longer be young children borne along 
by the wave, fluctuating with every wind of the doctrine and 
the trickery of the men in craftiness toward the wiles of 
the error; 15 but saying truth indeed in love, we (should) grow 
up into him in all things, who is thts, the head, the Christ ; 
16 this (one) from whom the whole body is united and is 
growing through every joint of the giving, according to 

Eth me] т &с Bo (Енг) Eth ro.. aàAa Syr Arm? Eth 
ито indeed | г &c cit.. om Во, N &c ити (єп сіб) ато. we (should) 
grow up] І &c cit, avégeepev М &c, Vg Eth .. srapentarar let из 
grow up Bo.. Syr has that whatever is ours should grow up .. we shall 
cause to grow Arm ео. epoq into him] т 24..є. epon into us 
21 .. in illo Vg Eth .. trs. into him in every thing Во заптиря lit. 
in the whole of it] 1 &c, Arm? Eth ro.. та ravra № &c .. Hewh mi. 
in every thing Bo .. per omnia Vg .. whatever is ours Syr .. in all which 
we have Eth ete &с who is this, the head, the Christ] 21 24 .. 
ete &с manent which біс even the Christ 1..ewe eot me ape 
noce who himself is the head, the Christ Bo .. os (o D) єоти п (om D* 
FG, Arm) кеф. xs № &с, Vg (Arm) .. in Christ who is head Syr Eth .. 
him who is Christ, his head Eth ro 

1 пат er(om ет г)ере &c this (one) from whom] т &c .. фах ete- 
epos this unto whom Во .. e£ ov N &с, Vg Arm (whence), and from him 
Syr .. in whom Eth ujonb is united] т &e 36), Bo (om epoq 
see above).. cvvappodoyoupevov $ &e, Vg (compactum) Syr (joined 
together) Arm ати» etarar ori &c and is growing through 
every joint of the giving] т (asm nẹ and the giving) &e 361.. ках 
cvv(u)BugaCopevov діа maons apns тпѕ єтіхортууюає М біс, Vg Arm 
(joints of diversity)..ovo9 заза Sem orgror ehoA orten 
moyrt мійєм пте meag and it is rationally consistent through 
all the (АЕ... om Г &с.. оу a GL Mr) joints of the supplies Bo (АЕ &c).. 
and bound together yr .. із fitted together all the body and well con- 
nected in every joint Eth .. із fitted together every bodily joint Eth го 
ката &c асс. to a working in the (om N &c) measure of each part | 
т &с 361, kara-pepovs Ñ &с (kara-peAovs AC 14).. 2n. measure 
according to each part Arm .. secundum—membri Vg Bo (ката niepowh 
Sen озщ йтє chovar chovar ПиіялєМос)../п measure of every 
member Syr ..?n measure of the gift which is given to each one 
member of the members Eth .. by his help: he giveth in several measure 


пязерос Пазерос. єтрє TATSHCIC аяпсфаях UJOIe 
епецкот ом OTATATIH. — l"erxo GE аяпаг ат 
етере Моєємос зяооще азаєос оз» WETWOTEIT Ae- 
петонт. evo їйнанє QW метяяеете evo мАЛАО- 
трос єпомо яяпмоуте erbe тазмтатсобти eTüjoon 
понтот erbe MevTWae понт. 1" мат єтеаєпотєцу- 
A*OHQOT. ECATTAAT жже яяявооу xW enpoob 

тата нс | -vesc 24..-єсїс 21 17 (1) (13) 21 ОА f13 
evepe| т &с т3..єтрє 21 петщ.] ппєттш. 21 " пара от 24 
f! єпопо) ens. Во (кнік 26).. зап. Bo.. Sen ти. Во (P).. add 
затомто of the life 21 ? (1)19.23524 £1 

to each опе of the parts Eth ro єтрє &c lit. for the growth of the 
body to become unto its building in a love] 21..epe &c the gr. ої 
the body becoming &c (т) 24 361.. (eq вакнак 18) qipi 3imrarar five 
TICWAA ESKOT War Sen отак. maketh (making) the growth of the 
body unto a building for him in love Bo .. тру ovégaw т. с. (om т. с. 
К) rowa es оккодорлу (e)avrov ev аудйлт) Ñ &c, Vg Arm, Isaiah (etus) 
.. for its own growth, that the body in love should perfect its building 
Syr .. so that should grow his body and should be perfected, that might 
be perfected its building in love Eth .. во that should grow the body, 
that it should cause to build itself in love Eth ro 

17 єүхо &c I am saying &c| т &с.. фах muog this I say 
Bo, N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth ge therefore] т &c .. om Eth .. ow 
N &c, Bo (BaDFHJKL) Vg (igitur) Arm.. ^є Во (ATEGMNOP) Syr 
oxx mxoe:c in the Lord] т &c, Во, N &с (ev коро) Vg Syr Arm 

(I vow) .. our Lord Eth ro God Eth єтахтрєти. (єтєти. 21) &c 
lit. for you not to walk &e| 21 24.. prer, «с N & longer ye 
in same manner should walk Arm ката &c lit. according as the 

nations walk] r3 &c, Vg Во (к. e. erepe йкєоєвтос &с т).. кабоѕ 
kat та «бур &c N*ABD*FGOP 17 47, Eth то.. 08 the тезі of the 
peoples who walk Syr .. as the peoples who walk Eth .. каб. к. та Nowra 
ебу] тєрт. NCDPKLP &c, Arm петщотетт vanity] 1 &c 13, 
N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. corruption Eth ro .. thought Eth запетонт 
it. of their heart] 13 &e, Во Eth, rov voos avrov М &c, Vg (sensus) 
Буг Arm .. osx m. in their heart т 

EPHESIANS IV 17-19 233 

a working in the measure of each part, for the growth of the 
body to become unto its edifying in love. ИТ am saying 
therefore this, and I am bearing witness in the Lord, for you 
to walk no longer according as the Gentiles walk in vanity 
of their mind, !5being darkened in their thoughts, being 
alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance 
which is being in them, because of their hardness of heart ; 
19 these who were past feeling having given themselves to 
the defilement, unto the working all wncleanness in covetous- 

З evo &с being darkened] Bo, єткотец(тіср)є/ог-оутєє (om. FG) 
N &c, Vg.. and. dark Eth.. and being darkened Ѕуг .. of whom were 
darkened their hearts Arm петля. their thoughts] Bo (a7 26).. 
ovat, Во (нмхр) probably for moyar .. their minds Syr .. nosar 
their thought Bo Е ..ту avoa N &e, Vg (habentes intellectum) 
evo ПАМ. being alienated] отуАЛотрор. N &c, Vg Bo (evos ñw.) 
.. and. they were alienated Arm .. and. aliens they ате Syr .. and aliens 
Eth eth(p fl)e таат. “с because of the ignorance which 
is being in them] N &с, Vg Bo Arm .. and because that there is not 
in them knowledge their folly Eth (pref. and ro) єтіє 
because of 29] да N &c .. propter Vg .. т Syr (pref. and) Eth (pref. 
and) .. mexr ит lit. with the hardnesses Во (ва) ne»(add онт f1*)- 
twas бс their hardness of heart] т. тор(орр)оси т. карбіає avrov N 
&e, mowa ire похонт Bo.. caecitatem &c Vg Syr Arm .. darkness 
&c Eth 

H mar eveaxx(evax 21)nose(ovo I.. ovose r3) щ(ще г)яхокоох 
lit. these who were not able to be pained] т &e, отиєѕ атуХуукотєѕ 
N &c, mar erawvepaixxkao these having become unpained Bo.. 
ат(ф)уАтікотє D FG, Vg Syr (these who cut off their hope) Arm 
(who as to themselves the hope they cut off’), they who (were) despairing of 
their hope Eth .. despairing, they who gave themselves Eth ro ear. 
&c having given themselves] 21.. art. &с gave themselves т &c, Bo.. 
cavtous тарєдокау Ñ біс, Vg Arm (Eth ro).. pref. and Syr Eth 
anx. to the defilement] 13 24 fl.. enx. т 2т..е(о) усе unto а 
pollution Во Arm .. ту aceXyeia 53 &c .. to lust Syr .. to wickedness Eth 
enp(ep т 21)e«w& &c unto the working all uncleanness] т &c.. 
€(0)vowh five бобела mhen unto а work of all defilement Bo, es 
epyaciav акаб. maons Ñ &с (trs. т. a. DFG 37) Arm..and for 


ємклварст мая ом оувєнтаваттомосто. | ? итоти 
ме WraTerWceÓbo хи єпех є vere.  ?'eupxe ateri- 
COTES ATW ATTcaheTHTTH понт. RATA ee хе 
Orare TETON wc. | ? emo Мети миетмобите ишорп 
пати. 29 єрбрре ae оз» nenia авпетмонт. ати 
et оюоттнути ienposee ибрре. паї татусомтеі 
RATA пиоттє OM OTAIKAIOCTNH ям ототоп irre 
722€. ?5етбе паї ехтетико соти &£H50à шале 

Tofgovo] тойоото f! EURT Nee Te ae 11 (түз? 
24 fl сотазеч] -з® 21 иод ит: at! 
тїз ог 24.1 отот] отит 24 оооп] І 15.. отоп 2т.. 

отоп 24 f! (у) 13 20 бүл Pf! 

working of all impurity Syr Eth ro.. and to impurity Eih TAL 
all] position NABKLP &с, Vg Во.. trs. таст ак. DFG 37, Syr Arm 
Eth ro .. om Eth оп &c lit. in a covetousness] (т 1) &с, N &с, Vg 
Syr (their) Arm .. and. to luxuriousness Eth .. Sen owssevos ñxonc 
lit. in an iniquity Bo .. кол Aeove&ias DFG 39, m, Clem al 

2 птатетисйо &c ye learned not] 21 .. -c&o 24 ..-тсайо 13 fl.. 
ин(ош ин вак) єтаттсайє онпот am lit. those whom they taught 
you not Bo.. but ye not thus learned Arm enexE itt. the Christ 
thus] àxmexprX e(3x FEN) nt thus the Christ Bo .. ovrws єраб. rov 
х:  &с, Vg Syr Arm (Eth) 

7 єцухє if] 13 21 24, Bo Syr Eth ro, eye № біс, зі tamen Vg 
Агт .. ато and Ё.. add truly Eth (not ro) понт in him] 1 &c.. 
pref. ом also Bo (HJ) .. trs. ev avro єбібах. № &c, Vg Arm .. om Syr .. 
from with him Eth .. add truth Eth (not ro) ката &c lit. acc. as that 
а truth is that which is in Jesus] 13 &c .. ката-озя MENCE 1€ according— 
in the Christ Jesus 1..Wa&"& PPH} єтє OTALEGALHS ETOCH(OM OCH 
LN)s5em sHe acc. as а truth (it is) which is in Jesus Bo .. кадоѕ eerw 
(п FG) adryOea ev то w N &e, Vg .. that truth in Jesus Christ is Eth 
.. that truth із in Jesus Eth is truth in Jesus Syr Arm (the 
truth) үс Jesus] 13 &c, № &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth ro.. we ¢t sc 
т Во (1) .. пос Во (вак) 

7 emo ic. п. &с lit, to forsake your first works] йтєтєног(» 
с$риг осутєм Axnevemximasoujr йтє щори that уе should also (om 

EPHESIANS IV 20-25 235 

ness. 20 But уе, ye learned not the Christ thus; 21 if ye heard 
him, and ye were taught in him, according as truth (is) 
that which is in Jesus: *? to forsake your former works, your 
old man, this which is corrupt according to the lusts of the 
deceit; 2 but to be made new in the spirit of your mind, 
?t and to clothe yourselves with the new man, this which 
was created according to God in righteousness and holiness 
of the truth. ? Because of this having forsaken the lie, 

A, DKL) put down your former walk Во .. атобєстбал vpas ката ти 
zporepav avaotpopyv Ж біс, Vg Arm (from уои) Isaiah .. but that ye 
should put down from you your conversations former Зуг .. om т. тр. 
a. L..remove from you your manners of former (times) Eth 
пєтпроллє(рях ЇЇ) пас your old man] то’ tadaov avb. Ñ &c, Vg 
Bo Syr Arm .. pref. J say concerning Eth (not го) паї ett. this 
which is corrupt] т &e, Ус Syr Eth .. п. erna т. this which will фе 
corrupt f! .. н єөпат. that which will &c Bo .. rov POepopevov Ñ &c, 
Arm пепц( 21.. e fl.. ex 15 24)о0тяміа the lusts] N &с, Ус Во 
Syr Arm, Macarius Isaiah (desideria) .. тту єт. D, Bo (реакг) Eth 

? e(om 21 24 fl)p&ppe (om f!*) to be made new] avaveovobar 
N &с.. avaveovaÓe D> 17 37 47, Vg .. pref. and Arm .. fiterenepheps 
that ye may be made new Bo, and &c renewed Syr .. Eth has renew 
the spirit of your heart ae] Fer G, Bo (emp) Eth 
озх in] Bo, B, N &c, Vg Arm ont lit. heart] Bo Eth.. 
voos $ &c, mentis Vg Syr Arm 

^ ek &c to clothe yourselves] єудисаєва: AB** D*FG &с, Arm .. 
єубугаєвє NB* DK 37 47, OL Vg Eth.. йтетеи{ os өниоз that ye 
may clothe yourselves Bo Syr nat it(em І 13)Tasc. &c lit. this 
which they created according to God] фи біс that &c Во..том ката. 
Ócov ктісбєута N &е, Vg Syr (in) Arm .. which renewed God Eth.. 
which came from with God Eth ro оп o», &c lit. in a righteous- 
ness and a holiness] Во, Ме &c, Vg Syr Arm, Isaiah .. ev отот. к. бік. 
N* justice and in rightness д. к. Мас. | йтє(ота тє РТ) axe 
of the truth] Bo, N &с, f Vg Syr тт 46 al.. каг aei 
D*F2rG, m, Isaiah .. and in purity Eth .. and in gentleness Eth ro 

^ ethe &c because of this] т &c, Во Syr.. pref. and Eth.. біо 
N &с, Ус Arm .. and now also Eth ro єатети &c having forsaken | 
(т) 13 24 fl.. атети &с ye forsook 21 .. forsake Eth .. arobewevor Ñ &c 
XW ezpus put down Bo .. deponentes Vg .. put down from you Syr.. 


ом Таяе похх поул «еї MeTOITOTWY. хе амом 
язазеЛос пиемернт. — ?^uovoc язпрриобе. при it- 
пртрєцовти  emnermuovoc. 27 orae senpy sea 
аяполавбоМос. °° петооцт аапртрецефат ast темот. 
AAAA seapeggrce ито ецрооб ом wears. XERAC 
eejeujorme evita eX аяєпетщаат. 2° Шахе мея 
eeoov азпртрєтуєї єбо ow pori. aAa отон miae 
ETHANOTOD прос пкот итебрах. axemac egyet 
HoT Napic пиетеотая. “aT зяапрАсхиег Tena 

25 1. Т3 8T 24:9 [4 T qun 2a ac аар (24) ев 
211) 13 (от! ойт азот 1 

throw away Arm ujaxe speak] 13 &c.. pref. and Syr Eth 
on Tare in the truth] (17) 13 21° 24 .. Птзлє the truth #1 Bo (Rosani) 
..€vaxe 21* .. ії5. єкастоѕ aÀx0. N* .. Syr has man with his neighbour 
sī lit. with] І &c, pera N? &c .. троє N* xe &c because we are 
the members of one another| т &c, Во (oansxeNoc members) .. отг 
expev аЛЛ. мел N &с, Vg Arm .. member we yap one of one Syr .. for 
one body we are Eth 

6 потбе be angry] оит Bo .. add де Fer G, m &snp(ep 21) 
&c sin not] pref. ки № &c, Vg Во Syr Eth прн the sun] 13 &c, 
N &c.. om Bo (Г).. pref. отље І .. trs. unenepe фри Bo.. pref. and 
Syr єпєтим. lit. unto your anger] exen merenaxhom upon your 
wrath Во, em &c М &с, Vg, Evagrius (super) .. and (om Arm) the sun 
upon your anger let not set Syr Arm .. Eth has and before that setteth 
the sun cool your wrath .. Palladius and Ap. patrum have py ezivero 
о 1]А10$ єтї то тароруитро ти. 

т ganp(ep 21) ava lit. give not place] give not way Eth ях- 
прай. to the devil] N &c, Vg Во.. the accuser Syr .. Satan Arm Eth 

7 merooq(& 21 f!)F he who stealeth] т &c 24.. pref. and Syr 
(was stealing) .. add also Eth запр(єр 21)tpeyowy(h 21)? &e 
let him not steal henceforth] т &c 24 f!i, Bo (ze) Eth .. trs. after 
am(en fli)t(er 21)єпоу #11, ракеті кА. № &е, Ус Syr Arm 
aNNa-iToqs but-rather] 1 &е 24 .. аа АХоп ae Во, N &с, Vg Arm Eth .. but (аЛЛа) om paddov Syr.. Eth has let hm work and toil 
henceforth ззарєчоює йтос eyf let him toil rather working | 
13 &c 24 cit?.. add ennetnanory the good т... srzapeySicr eqepowh 
п(е HJ)meqain emmeen. let him toil working with his hands the 

EPHESIANS IV 26-30 237 

speak in the truth each to his neighbour: because we are 
the members of one another. ?9 Be angry, sin not; the sun, 
let it not set upon your anger: * neither give place to the 
devil. ?* He who stealeth, let him not steal henceforth: but 
(a) let him toil rather, working with his hands, that he 
should become having (something) to give to him who 
lacketh. % All evil words let them not come out of your 
mouth, but (a) all things which are good for the edifying 
of the need, that it should give grace to those who hear. 
39 And grieve not the holy spirit of God, this in whom уе 

good Во .. котіато epyalopevos т. 1. Х. то ауабоу N &c .. let him toil 
working (trs. after hands cdd) with his hands good Arm .. let him toil 
with his hands and work good Syr оп пєчетх lit. in his hands] 
т &c 24..add Mamm maroy his own 21..add то ауабоу N*A DFG 
37 (47) Vg (quod bonum est) Bo (Syr) Eth (in Аіз).. то ауабоу (om 
т. 48. x.) P 17 .. manibus (om то ау.) Tert жека(аа I)c &c lit. 
that he should become having to give] І.. х. eye. єу(оу 13 24 f! 
сів) ита (аа т) Tuar аяпипєтпанотє that &c having the good to 
give 13 &c cit.. wa єкт нєтадідомал М &e, Vg (ut habeat unde tribuat) 
.. that there may be to him for giving Syr .. that he may be capable of 
giving Arm .. oma йтєсрхтям e that he may find to give Во .. ѕо 
that he may help Eth .. wa єҳтто (gre) М 

? ujaxe-ee(ero fl)oow lit. every word which is evil] 1 біс 21, 
Bo..pref. and Eth (not ro).. таз А. сатроѕ  &с, Vg (malus) Syr 
(hateful) Arm (fowl) Eth ( foul) запр(єр 21)tpever &c let them 
not come out of your mouth] т &c (21) Во, Eth (singular).. єк &c py 
єкторєуєтви Ñ &c, Vg Syr Arm ovon птах ети. all things which 
are good | 13 (21) f! .. mmeenanes the good Bo.. ev ris ayabos N &с, 
Vg .. whatever good is Arm..that which is good Syr..good Eth 
прос пк. йтєҳ рєт (13 .. та fl) lit. for the building of the need] 
13 (217) fl, RABDcKLP &с, Vg (am &c) Bo (єткот) Arm (of need) 
.. and is useful for building Syr .. that it may build up your need Eth 
.. Tpos ок. TNS TiaTews D* FG, Vg (fu*) хека(аа 1)c ече{ &c 
lit. that it should give a grace to those who hear] (1) 13 21 fl, N &c, 
Vg Bo Syr Arm .. that should find grace those who hear you Eth .. in 
this ye will find grace with him who heareth you Eth то 

з зир»эиег(ин 21) grieve not] Eth ro..provoke not Eth 
nenia ет. lit. the spirit which is holy] то тра то ау. М &c, Vg Во 


ero?aab чапмотте. Har NTATceppacize ewr 
понт єпесооу яепсоуте. "l MOSSE wies. SONT MIRE, 
орен Mise. „шкак MI OF BIOTA ма» ITOT МОНТ- 
THUTN жей нана мая. 3 Щопе ae ихристос 
есоти ENETHEPHT ишамотич. ететино ево пиети- 
ернх ката өє TA пмосбте ко интим ehor оз» 
пех с. 

V. wone ве ететититом ermmovre. оос шире 
ee нта пес AKEPETHTTH. ATW {тд oapoTM 
запросфора avwW dHevci. язпмоуте єус{мотсе. 
зпориєгк AE мая OF AHAGAPCIA н отаямтаззито- 

1 т r3 $ at етот 21 f! ? (т) 13 IP 21 f! ujone] add epe- 
tenos Во .. add еретемонт зап being like to the Christ Bo (ва) 

азот! TATON] 13 21 .. тити fle З ring sand) 
ау 39] меха Во nose] -he 21 ? 1 13 $21 $ ££! osasitiasa1] 
om aT I.. отазетреет ivxonc an iniquity Bo 

Syr Arm Eth, Macarius Marcus Palladius ay. «va D*FG 
ax(itte г, Во)пиоттє of God] Orsiesius 1° Pall. тою бєоу 
2 49, Eth, Macarius Marcus Orsiesius 2° Pall. ed nar n(21 fl, 
єм І r3)rased (eq 21)p. this in whom &c] фи ev. that which Во 
eneg. unto the day] песо. to the day 21, Bo (в^).. Eth has when уе 
were redeemed 

М novet lit. wrath] ликра М &c, Vg Bo Syr, Arm and Eth has 
all once at beginning, Macarius gwn? sas. open miar all indigna- 
tion, all anger] 13 21, кои Ovpos, кал оруп NA BKLP &с, Macarius .. 
орен піл, бом т nias І, DEG 37, neas Shon. meas. опт їйє 
Bo Arm Eth ro, Isaiah .. om фумоз Eth awkak mas, or ox, и. all 
clamour, and all blasphemy] om miax 29 т 21 .. eax (опу e&oN suben 
Иез» х. п. Во, S &c, Macarius 1? 29 .. 0m Bo (х) .. om ко крамут L.. 
om кал ВЛасф. 17, Macarius 29 .. Eth has and clamour (ro .. cursing 
Eth) and. scandal and blasphemy 

? ac] т &с, NADCKLP &e, f Vg Bo Syr (h) B 47, Bo 

EPHESIANS IV 31—V 3 239 

were sealed unto the day of the redemption. ?' All wrath, 
all indignation, all anger, all clamour, and all blasphemy take 
them away from you with all malice: * but be kind toward 
one another, compassionate, forgiving to one another, according 
as God forgave to you in the Christ. 

V. Be therefore imitating God, as beloved children; * and 
walk in love, according as the Christ loved you, and he gave 
himself for you, offering and sacrifice to God for a fragrance. 
? But all fornication and wncleanness or a covetousness let 
them not be even named among you, according as is seemly 

(AB*o) Arm, Pachomius .. ow D*F2tG ..and Syr Eth n(om f!)- 
жрн(т fl)ctoc(1 13..9epe 21) kind] Bo Syr Arm Eth (to your 
neighbour) .. trs. es add. хриптог N &с, Vg пща(є 2т)мотня 
compassionate] add to one another Eth (not ro) ETETHRW &с 
forgiving to one another] (т) &с, Во.. харіборемог eavrois Ж &c, Vg 
(donantes invicem) .. and. be forgiving one another бут, and forgive 
one another Eth .. and let them forgive Eth ro ката ee п(21Ё.. 
єм 13)ta біс according as God] 13 &e, Во Syr Eth.. кабоѕ ка біс 
N &с, Ус Arm ппоутє &c God forgave to you in the Christ] 13 
&c, forgave you God in Christ Eth..o Өєоѕ ev x. єкарісато 
ушу Ñ &e, Vg (donavit) Syr (Arm) .. o x. ex. мим 14 al num to 
you] rax Zo ws Во (ркт) ВО=тК Г, al, Vg (am Та") Syr Arm 

1 бе therefore] 13 &c, отп Bo, М &c, Vg Syr.. om Bo (@HJKMOP) 
Eth Arm щирє lit. son] озищирх lit. sons Bo, Vg Syr Arm Eth, 
Orsiesius .. тєкуа № біс 

? ката ee П(єм І3)та according as] Во (варензкір) Eth .. add 
«au. Ñ &с, Vg Во (ом) Syr Arm пєҳ the Christ] trs. loved 
Christ Eth тиути you] N*A ВР 37, m Во Eth .. прах NCDFGKL 
&c, Vg Syr Arm аталас lit. he gave him] Bo .. таребокеи М &с, 
Ус Syr Arm Eth оаршти for you] B 37, m Bo Eth .. рох N &e, 
Vg Syr Arm запросфора &с lit. for offering and for sacrifice | 
А &e, Vg Во Syr Arm.. trs. бос. к. пр. №, Eth 

* пориета | 13, BDeL &с.. -nra 1 &c, RAD*FGP al, Bo ({nop.) 
max or ак. lit. all and uncleanness] meas дизеля miben lit. with 
uncleanness all Bo, кал ак. тата МАВР 17 .. ки т. ок. РЕСК І, &e, 

Vg Syr Arm Eth, Isaiah .. om тата 37 po even] N &с (jc) 
Vg (nec) Syr Arm .. om Bo Eth (heard) ката өє according as] 

Eth .. add also Arm .. as not Eth ro 


ernpenes йметотллб. ‘и orwAoy и отцухсоб. н 
оуЛАні. nar етеяяецуице. aAA a ovuossor. Toy 
па: CAP TETHCOOTH азяео eveTMeYaee хе пориос 
мія» H AHAGAPTOC H азагтомоосто. ETE пах пе peg- 
Tepo аяпежс зам muove. баепртре Aaav рома 
S2eLWTH ом оєнщахє ETWOTEIT. єре торен Tap 
аззппотте ину erbe mar exit пшунре ivreewTaTIAeTe. 
тавпрщепе Ge ететибип epoov. * аєпхопоєу Cap 
ETETNO ÑRARE пе. TEMOT AE йоуоє oae mosoeic. 

препе!| npame: 21 .прниєх fl.. препг 1 вужа x f! 
ovuyxc.] lit. а fool-word 1 13 f! .. ovujanxe ñc. lit. a word of fool 21 
5 (т) 13 (21) #1 snr] 1.. ative 13 fl.. iTos 21  заїтєро| 
-Tppo 2т $ 1 135 (21$) PSN] т 13.. 0m p 21 T тота 29 
запр| -ep 21 O a an (25) 

t & or 19] т &c, AD*FG, Vg, Isaiah Во (a,*,T*EGMNOP) 
Eth ro, Clem 198.. ка NDBDeKLP &с, Bo (arn?repnrH3kr) Syr 

(h) Arm .. and not Syr (vg) Eth ov(om от r)ujNo*«(& 13) lit. 
а baseness| т &c, олохроту$ Ñ &c..mucaxr етщозтт lit. the words 
which are vain Bo .. speech of shame Eth н or 2°] т &с, N* AD* 

FGP, Vg Во (рек) Syr (h) Arm, Isaiah .. and not Syr (vg) .. kar Ма 
BDcKL &с, Bo (near with) Eth ног 39] 1 &c, N &с, Vg Bo (se) Syr 
Arm .. and Eth os (eN 21) Ан lit. a scurrility] Vg Arm itas 
&c these which are not wont to be right] 13 &c.. mar evceasnuja 
пахтот am these which it is not worthy to do Bo .. а (om Іт) ovk avgkev 
МАВР 17, Syr (h?r) quae ad rem non pertinet(ent) OL Vg Arm, 
Macarius alius Isaiah .. та ovk avnxovra DF2'Get KL &c «АХ а) 
13 &c..add paddov № &е, Vg Во Syr (instead of these) Arm Eth 
(otherwise) .. pref. to saints Arm cdd 

5 пточ lit. third personal pronoun].13 21 Во, N «с 
tap] 13 21 f!, МХ &c, Vg Bo.. om Arm... de Syr .. and Eth тетис. 
ye recognize] тєтєпєлаз Во (B*DFKL)..eperem, ететеи, ereneaxs 
Bo..wre NABD*FGP al, Vg, Isaiah .. core DeKL &с, Syr (ye 
were) Eth.. Arm has this having been acquainted with ye know 
стетиетяяе knowing | (1?) 13 21 #1.. ywwoxovtes М &c, Vg Буг.. ovog 
epetencworn and ye are knowing and Po (варкнокі,).. 

EPHESIANS V 4-8 241 

for those who are holy; *or baseness or foolish talking or 
seurrility, these which are not wont to be right: but (a) 
thanksgiving. °For this indeed ye recognize, knowing that 
no fornicator or unclean person or covetous, who is this— 
idolater, hath inheritance in the kingdom of the Christ and 
God. 6 Let no one deceive you with vain words: for the 
anger of God is coming because of these (things) upon the sons 
of unfaithfulness. "Ве not therefore partaking with them; 
Sfor at that time ye are being darkness, but now light in 

know ye Eth isar lit. every-hath not] т &e 21, Во.. mas т. 
N &с, Vg Arm Eth .. every man who is Syr н twice] 1 &c 21, Bo 
(xe-1e-1e2x нл) N &c .. and twice Eth akae. unclean person] т 
&с (21) № &e, Vg .. add mien every Во aar бо covetous) реет 
foxone тїйє every iniquitous Bo ete nar ne &с who is this- 
idolater] т &c (21)..0 єоти eioAoAarpys МВ 17 .. о єсти 1доЛоћатреа 
FG, Vg Во (ete +азєт. te) Isaiah..os кота’ eióoAoAarpgs ADK LP 
&e, Syr (h) Arm .. or idolater Syr (vg) .. and he who practises idolatry 
Eth en in] т &c 21, Ñ &c, Vg Во Syr, Isaiah... es FerG, Eth? 
яъпе &c of the Christ and God] т &e 21 ! Bo... т. x. к. бєоо № &e, 
Vg Syr Arm, Isaiah..7. cov к. хрістоу КЕТС, Во (А,).. хрістою Tov 
Geov Thart .. of Christ who (is of) God Eth 

5 язялоти уоп | Bo Syr Eth (there is not who will) .. trs. vpas атат. 
N &с, Ус Arm оп oen (it 21)uy. lit. in words vain] 13 21, Во Syr 
Eth .. поєищ. &c т, Arm .. kevors Aoyors № &c epe &с for the 
anger of God is coming because of &c] т 13 (21).. trs. dua ravra. yap 
єрҳ. 7 орут Tov 0. ez, &c N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm (this indeed) Eth 
tap | № &e, Isaiah .. om Bo (r* n*) м пищ. &c the sons of unfaith- 
fulness] г 13 2r, Vg (diffidentiae) Arm .. пищ. fire Ззаєтатсоутеля 
the sons of disobedience Во (вагренітакі, .. ии. ire фазєтате(от 
fight AEGJ*MNOP).. т. v, т. areas № 626, Syr .. perverse sons Eth 

7 бе therefore] om оти Bo (m3) єтєтисни partaking | 
сим(р)ретохог Ñ &c, Vg Bo (еретеиог пщфир) Syr Arm ., like Eth 

8 à3mros(r 13.. пех 21)оеиц lit. at the time] т &c .. trs. ans 
поусноу darkness once Bo.. trs. yap more Ñ &с, Vg Syr.. Arm has 
for however once уе were darkness .. Eth has for once darkness ye (were) 
Сар єтєтпо йкакє ne for ye are being darkness] т? 13 .. парєтемої 
Tap пакт for ye were being darkness Bo .. nero пкаке сар пе for 
those who are darkness 2Y .. ттє yap more скотоѕ Ñ &e, Vg Syr.. om 

1711.2 R 


аасоще оос цунрє а®потое. — "epe пкарпос cap 
запотоейт ORR пеТттАМОТЄ WILL зам TAIHAIOCTHH atii 
721€. | ETETNAOHIALATE BE оу петрьихч яепооєхс. 
п ато запркоптомег єпєобнує аяєпканє єтєт 
карпос. птетихтіооу Ae ито Moovo. |? метотєгрє 
Tap язазоот измоте семшАоЦ ие єр пкєхооу. 
13 Wape ооб ae mies ото ебоћ ETOTANMIO язеяоот 
оттяя потоехи. ооб cap mee erosoug choA oenovoen 
ме. 1t ere пат 2 азаясс. хе TWOTHT петинотк 

wHpe| eanujaps Bo и: ТЗ 21 25 Po 
1321 25 np) àxmep 21 пи 13/20 (25) 18 (1) (13) 21 
(25) яазлоосу| om 25 оєпот.| omor 25 м (1) 21 $ 25 $ (cit 

В.М.) тооз (ош oF 25) nc (om т cit) 

чар Во (ван) 2€] 13 21.. от Arm nxoeic the Lord] 13 21 
25, Во.. коро Ñ &c, Arm .. our Lord Syr (pref. ye are) Eth (pref. ye 
became) яхоощє walk] (1) &e 25, Во.. add оти Bo (нок) .. trs. 
to end N &c, Vg Arm Eth .. trs. therefore thus walk to end Буг 

° epe-oxx lit. being-in] ачіорні Sem was in Do, Vg (est) .. om 
verb N &c, Eth .. trs. pronoun (= are) after all Syr .. trs. goodness is 
Arm запоуоєш of the light] rov poros NABD*FGP 17 47, 
Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth, Isaiah .. rov zvevuaros DeKL біс, Syr (h) 
n(nm 1 25) єтпәпотч good] Bo.. ауабш(о)тъу № &c, Vg Syr .. good 
works Eth .. спотън Во (7) томка(ку 25)остин дїї tare the 
г. and the truth] бік. к. аА. М &c, Vg Bo Syr Eth (right) 

" e(a 21*)тєтїїһок(@ т) таласе proving] М &c, Үс Bo.. and be 
discerning Syr .. and (om ro) prove ye Arm Eth пєтр(ер 21)ama* 
that which is pleasing] Bo Eth (causeth to be pleased) evapearov Ñ &c, 
Vg Arm... fair Syr axmxoeic to the Lord] Bo,  &е.. before our 
Lord Syr .. т. дед D* FG, m Vg Arm Eth, Isaiah 

й єпєойну(|от r3)e &c lit. unto the works of the darkness to 
which there is not fruit] lit. with works of darkness which fruit is not 
in them Syr..emroBuow: патоттао (om к) йтє nası unto the 
works unfruitful (om к) of the darkness Bo, row epy. т. акарт. (акайар- 

EPHESIANS У 9-14 243 

the Lord: walk as children of the light: ? for the fruit of the 
light is being in all good and the righteousness and the 
truth, 10 proving what is that which is pleasing to the Lord; 
“and share not in the works of the darkness which have not 
fruit, but reprove them indeed rather; '?for the (things) 
which they do by stealth are disgraceful even to mention. 
13 But all things are wont to be manifested which are convicted 
by the light: for all things which are manifest are light. 
М Because of this he saith, Raise thyself, thou who sleepest, 

Tos 61 .. атактоѕ 30") т. axorovs Ñ &е, Vg, Isaiah .. with wnfruit- 
fulness of the works of darkness Arm .. with those who have not fruit, 
their works are of darkness the whole of them Eth ATETHAMIOOT 
ae &c lit. but that ye reprove them indeed rather] s34ANon ae 
отоо соох Bo, маЛЛои дє xa eXeyxere N &c .. but rather reprove Arm ae Во (х)..от oyog Bo (DFKL).. but be reproving them Syr .. 
but (aXXa) reprove them Eth 

З петоуєтрє &с for the (things) which they do by stealth] 1 &c 
25, Bo (in secret) .. та yap rpupy ywopeva ут avrov М &c, Vg (quae 
enim tn occulto fiunt) .. for that which in secret they do Eth .. for what- 
ever in error they do Syr .. for whatever in secret is done by them Arm 
оєпщ. ие lit. disgraceful (things) are] 13 21 (ne).. оп ujNo« пе lit. 
in disgrace is І 25 .. aurxpov extw кал Aeyew Ñ &e, Vg Bo.. this even 
to speak (say indeed cdd) із foul Arm .. disgrace (is) Eth — ep(eep 13) 
nue. even to mention] т &c (25) .. om even Eth 

З щарє owh ae mar &c but all things are wont to be manifested 
&clr? 13 21 (25) .. om ae Во (лкм").. та де ravra eA eyx. v. T. ф. pave- 
povrtar Ñ &c, Vg Arm .. ө. AC п. єщарє MIOTWIMI CAQWOT щауотопо 
єй, but all things which the light reproveth are manifested Bo .. for all 
things are convicted by the light and are manifested Syr .. but all (om 
ro) that which (is) manifested in light is made known Eth ооћ 
Tap nias (om shen Во г) & lit, for all things which are manifest are 
lights] (13) 21 (25).. ооё с. и. євотопо eho ovom ne for every 
thing which is manifest is light Bo Arm, N &с, Vg Syr (and &c) Eth 
va p] дє 109, g .. and Буг 

^ evhe паї because of this| (т) &c, Bo Syr.. дю № «е, Vg Arm .. 
for Eth epo за. he saith] т &c, Во N &e, Ус Arm Eth .. it was 

R 2 


WCÀO OSTE NETALOOTT. таре NEXE povoenr ерок. 
б вощт ве oW owopx xe ететиеяяооще Maus мое 
оос мент ги. «МАМ оос cabe.  Кететищоюп аяпе- 
отоеиц. хе megoor goor. erbe Mar senpujpome 
NACHT. АЛЛА ermee хе ох пе пото aenoxoeic. 
вата» аапр{ое ом отнрп Mar стеум отазитщих 
woon понт. adAa птетихон choA дає nena. 
19 ereriwyaxe зам метмерих ом оємууаЛятос seit 
оємсазот ALIT OEMWAH азпиетазьттком ЄТЄТИ ХО» ATW 

Эйт [25 9 (131) єтєтиє] І 25..єтєти 21 cabe | gancaher 

Во 16 т 21 (25) (13 1) м (e) 121 (25 $) (26) (13!) samp] 

запер 21 131 aen] атент 1 .. epetenor йатонт Bo в (ey (т) 
(21) 25 (26) 13! max] Во(в*)..фи Во оззайтщиа| өз(ош вён)- 
axevarOsXa: lit. wnwholesomeness Во птети| -теи 26 Je (m) 

(19) 21 25 (26) (13!) 

said Syr пс(к 21*.. єс cit)No озт(> 25 cit)e lit. and cease 
among] 1 біс сіф.. ка: avacra М &e, Vg Syr Arm Eth.. отоо ogs 
ератк and stand Во Tape пех'Є that the Christ may] г &c cit .. 
отоо epe mexct Во.. кш Ñ &c, Vg (Bo) Syr Arm Eth .. trs. o x. to 
end N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth p(ep cit)ovoem enlighten] т &c cit, 
М &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth, Marcus .. erupavorers rov xv D* 

15 бе therefore] 1 21 25, N* &c .. om Arm, Palladius .. add абеАфои 
мед, Vg Bo (u7)..add пасинот my brothers after axpx&oc Во 
оп отор carefully| т 21 25, N* B 17, Го (акрівос).. truthfully 
Агт d Eth..trs. ros axpiBos RCADS*FGKLP &c, Vg (Syr) 
(Arm) пащ Hoe how] 1 21 25, Bo Syr.. trs. тоѕ акр. перит. 
N &с (Vg) Arm Eth мент ап lit. senseless not] 1 21 25 (13! ?) 
.. alt поапатсћо not unwise am Bo (DFK).. нл-асофог № 
бе, Vg Syr Arm .. trs. as wise and not as fools Eth .. trs. but as wise 
to next verse Syr Arm 

| 5 ететищ. ax1eos(1 25.. пет 21 131) buying the time] І 21 
(25) (13!) Bo (єрєтєм) N &c (єбау.) Vg (red?mentes) Arm (buy уе) 
.. who buy their kiros Syr .. neglecting this world Eth xe &c be- 
cause the days (are) evil] 1 21 25 (13!) .. Bo (cegwor) .. оті аг yp. тор. 
«aow Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm (wickedness) .. because evil (are) its days Eth 

EPHESIANS V 15-19 245 

and cease (being) among those who are dead, that the Christ 
may enlighten thee. 1° Look therefore carefully how that ye 
should walk «s not senseless, but (a) as wise; 19 buying the 
time, because the days (are) evil. 17 Because of this be not 
senseless, but (A) know what is the will of the Lord. '* And 
be not drunken with wine, this in which there is being 
dissoluteness, but (a) be filled with the spirit; ' speaking to 
one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, 

1 aNNa] е &с 26 13!..0m Eth ro exse. know] e & 25, 
ouverte WA BP 17, Во (nay) Syr (vg) Arm Eth (think) .. cvvee(o)vres 
D*FGKL &с, Vg Syr (h) os(o*1 131) ne what is] (e) 1 21 25 
(26) 131, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth..r. M (ro $povypa W*) біс 
iimxoe:c of the Lord] т 21 (25) (26) (13!) NB (add nuov) &c, Vg 
Bo (a B* DFHJKL 189) Arm,., тою бео» А, Vg (am* demid) Во (A,T E 
G MNOP 18*) Syr Arm cdd Eth 

13 оунрй(си 26) lit. а wine] e 1 25 26 131, owo № &е, Arm.. 
п (пз т )нри Во пат eres (cov e 1 26 13 1)п-щооп lit. this which 
there is a dissoluteness being in it] фи єтєотоп-щоп Bo (гамхор) 
.. от won Во, ecm Ñ &e, Vg Syr Arm .. Eth has for wantonness it is 
aNNa| e 25 26 13! .. om Eth ro .. add uaAXov 37, Arm ох nenna 
lit. in the spirit] (e?) (21) 25 26, Bo, ev то zv. FG .. ev пуємраті, 
N бо, Syr .. апепиа with the spirit 131 .. spiritu Vg Arm .. add 
holy Eth 

9 єтети(єм 26)ugaxe ях wet. speaking to one another] (т) біс 
(261) (13!?).. 0m зам мет. е.. Хал. eavrois (avrots 47)  &с, eavrovs 
L, Vg (vobismet ipsis) .. epetencaxs Sen өнпоу speaking among you 
‘Bo .. pref. ovog and Bo (n) .. and speak with yourselves Syr .. speaking 
in your hearts Arm .. and sing Eth оп oem. in psalms] ет &c 
26, Во (ванз) BP 17, Vg e ЗАРЕЕСКО &e, Bo 
(noanw.) Arm .. psalm Eth oencaxos lit. blessings] e т 19 біс 
26, Bo Arm?..vpvos М &c, praises Syr Eth (singular) 
oeno(Bo ғт,.. оо e Bojan songs] e 1 19 біс 26, Bo, шдаї № &e 
canticis Ус буг (in) Arm Eth (singular)..add of holiness Eth 
запиєтуяаалуком spiritual] 19 .. om В, d.. заитатуком e? 1 25, Bo.. 
заппаной 2I ..ахпитком 26.. add ev yapırı А erermao singing | 
€ 1 19 & 26, єрєтєпоос Во, № &e, Vg Arm .. be singing Syr .. praise 
Eth ато erermpaNNer and chanting] e 1 19 &е (26) N &с, Vg 


ererinpaA Aer ом иетмоит епхоєс. 2 єтєтищіповаст 
WOovoerg niae ох отом ма» ояе прам зепеихосс IC 
перс мтає пиоузтє menor. 2 ететмоупотассе ii- 
метмерну ом eore азпеу с. 7 weoroese asapovos- 
потассє ниєтомі Nee яяпхоєю. RE поооут TANE 
пе йтєсогаєє Noe язпеҳс єтапє пе NTERRAHCIA. 
ито пе псотнр азпсояя>. aAa Noe єтерє 
TERKAHCIA OTMOTAcce AeMENXC. таз ооо те ee 
atape местоляе OTMoTacce MiwEeTOAI ом ооб мтяя. 

2 сі 19 21 (25) (26) nexo | m. І 25 2: Xe) 119.22 (24) 25 
22 (e) 1 $ 19$ 21 24$ 255 3 (e) (1) 19 21 24 25 м (e) 1 19 
21 24 25 etepele &c..epe 21 atape neo. | по, apor, Во 

Arm Eth .. om 37, Syr (vg) ой пєтпонт in your hearts] є 1 19 
&с, NCADFGP 47, Vg Syr (vg hme) Arm.. trs. singing in your 
hearts (26)..trs. after nSt to the Lord Bo (Eth).. ту карб vp. 
N*B.. ev m к. KL &е, Syr (h) Eth emxoerc unto the Lord] е 
(же) 1 19 25 26, Bo (in. АЕЛО) № &с, Vg Syr Arm .. епиозте 
unto God 21, Eth 

2 єтєтищ. giving thanks] e &c (25) (261) N &c, Vg Bo.. be 
giving thanks Syr, give thanks Arm Eth ga отоп ах for all] 
men not expressed but probably implied 19 21 25 267.. om mar al/ 
т .. пєтиєрну ? one another € .. copus exen ovon suben for all (men) 
Bo, vrep zavrov М &e, Vg Arm Eth .. опер орои ВЕТО ., for all men 
Syr при the name] e &c (25) Bo, 17..0m то N &c, Arm 
àiXnenx.(xc е) &c of our Lord Jesus the Christ] 1 &c 25, Bo, А &c, 
Vg Syr Arm ypov W..x. w иже Bo (x*)..of 
God Jesus Christ our Lord Eth ro (sic) птах (пог) «е to God the 
Father] e &c 25, Syr б. к. т. № &c, Vg Bo (TEGJMCNO 
18)..то т. к. 0. D* F£rG, 37, Arm.. our Lord &c «nd (wear .. отоо 
н) God the Father Bo (аАв'ренкіР)..ош Eth ro 

7 єтєтпо. being subject] (e) &c (24 7) N біс, Vg Bo.. pref. отоо 
and Bo (DFKL)... and be subject Syr subject Arm .. submit your- 
selves Eth пиєти (пи т) e(om 21)pH to one another] (e?) &c 24, 
aAXqAors N &с, Во &с.. іо your neighbour Eth Rinexct of the 
Christ] e &c 24, NABLP, f Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth ro, Antonius (i 

EPHESIANS V 20-24 247 

singing and chanting in your hearts unto the Lord ; ?? giving 
thanks always for all (men) in the name of our Lord Jesus 
the Christ to God the Father; ?' being subject to опе another 
in the fear of the Christ. 22 The wives, let them be subject 
to their husbands; as to the Lord.  ?? Because the man is 
the head of the woman, as the Christ who is the head of 
the church, he is the saviour of the body. ?* But (a) as the 
church is being subject to the Christ, thus also let the 
wives be subject to their husbands in every thing. 

caritate Christi) .. x. w D..w x. F&'G.. короо К, Во (ва)... Geov 
minusc plu, Eth 

? seo. the wives] є &c, Bo, № &c .. wives Arm .. and (om ro) wives 
also Eth 11aposes(k 21 25)mo. let them be subject] e &c, Bo .. 
om В.. let them obey Eth .. vroracaec 0e DF£rG, Syr .. trs. avópacuw 
утотассєсдосау NAP, f Vg Arm..trs. avóp. утотассєсдє KL &с 
за (eax 19) mxoe(om т) (же e) to the Lord] to our Lord Syr Eth God Eth то 

7 пооотт lit. the male] e &c, o аур minuse mu ., nypwass the 
man Во .. ауур N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth tane пе(те т, Боварн 
JL) lit. the head is] e &с, кеф. є В 37, f Vg Syr ..eorw кеф. № &c, 
Arm .. trs. n(7)e after of the woman Во .. om is Eth пеє as] (е) 
&с, Vg Bo Eth .. ws ках N &e, Syr Arm єтатє пе lit. who the 
head is] (e?) &c, єтє тафе-те Bo (AB?x, Г &c).. кефал № 
&c, Eth (his church ro) .. om 17 .. caput est Vg Syr Атт arog he] 
г &c..add vap 21, N*ABD*FG, Үр.. ка avros NeD^KLP біс, 
Syr Arm .. and Eth ne is] 1 &c, Bo, МерКІР Же, Syr Arm.. 
от N*ABD*FG 17, Vg Во (0) Eth псотнр(тр 24) the saviour | 
€ 1 &c, Во, N*A 17.. сотур REBDFGKLP &с, Arm Eth (our body 
го)... vivifier Syr 

м a. mec but as] e &e, а. о (остер)  &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. om 
os В.. «nd as Eth anexET бо the Christ] e &c.. ro корі» Dsr* 

gwwy also] e &c, № &е, Vg Arm .. om 21, Bo Eth weoroaxe the 
wives] e &c .. pref. оооу Во .. add ошо also 25, Eth OTNOTACCE 

be subject | (е) 21 26, Bo.. add eo also т 19 24.. от № &е, Vg Syr 
Arm finevoas to their husbands] e &c, Bo, f Vg Syr Arm Eth .. 
rois 181015 аудрати ADoKLP &с..то avópacw NBD*FEG 17 
оп осів & in every thing] е &c, Bo, ev таит: № &e, Syr Eth? Arm ., 
in omnibus Vg 


25 NQOOOTT «еєре иестислолае HATA ee NTA NEXE ssepe 
TERKAHCIA ATW ACTA gapoc. xe ecyeThhoc 
єаЧнаєвмрітє аже ос ота»  пхоная — R9TIe2007. 
27 &eWac eqeTage TERRAHCIA их ерате єстаїну. 
eset Aaa хосае понте и TWARR н WAaav посі 
итеое. aa amemac eceupjone ecovaab ато» Rat- 
TOA. ?*üjuje ae оооу єпоооут eesepe wevorosse 
итеое. Moe iureycostaà. TeTeee їтєссоваєє  eepase 
Loj oraa. ane Альт Cap емео ECTE TEES- 

75(e)r(19$)zr$24(2589 | "er192124(25) | " (е)(1) 
19 21 24 (26) Зет 19 $ at пет. 21 $ 24 (26) єпооотт | 
проза Во egare] om ey e 2» 6 (1) xo21x) 24. (206) 

^ по. lit. the males] e &c 19 26.. пуролат the men Bo.. ov avdpes 
N &с, Vg (viri) Буг Arm Eth (add also) ssepe love] e &с 19 26, 

ауаптатє Ñ біс, Vg Bo Syr .. let them love Eth петпотолае your 
wives] (e) &с 19 26, FG, Bo Vg Syr (vg) Arm Eth (their) .. ras 
yvvarxas МА В 17 .. add eavrov DKL біс к. ee п(єп т) та acc. 

аѕ| Bo Eth .. каб. кол М &c, Vg Syr Arm теккХ. the church | 
e &c (19) (26) Bo, N &c, Ус Arm (om the) Eth.. his church Syr 
aqvaag lit. he gave him] e &c (19) (26) Bo.. gave himself up Eth .. 
eavrov таре. Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm 

^ єцєтббос he should sanctify it] e &c, Bo (rovhoc) Syr Eth .. 
avrqv oy. Ñ &c, Vg Arm earRao. &c having cleansed it] e &c .. and 
that he should cleanse it Syr Eth ..єачтоувос having sanctified it Bo 
(отоо ay. HJ) .. kaÜapwras М &c, Vg .. by purification Arm orii 
пхо (о е)кях &с by the laver of the water] 21 .. 98% mx. 24 .. evrax 
nujyaxe tmx. &с by the word of the laver of the water є .. озх mug. 
anx. &c in the word of the laver &c І 19.. Sem (orren HJ) nroasc 
йтє тилоо порні Sen ncaai lit. in the baptism of the water in the 
word Во, то Xovrpo rov vOaros ev рурати М &c, lavacro aquae in verbo 
Vg..éin the laver of the water and in the word Syr .. of the laver by 
word Arm .. in the baptism of the water and (om ro) in his word Eth 

" «eka(aa г twice)e that] e 1 &c 24, wa Ñ &c, Bo.. om Во (№) .. 
and Syr Eth єчетаоє-пач єрат© lit. he should cause to stand 
the church to him] 19 21 24, Bo (єратс may FK).. таратуусу avros 
eavro NABD*FGLP 17 47, Vg Syr (h).. т. avrgv eavro DEK &e .. 

EPHESIANS V 25-29 249 

25 Men, love your wives, according as the Christ loved the church, 
and he gave himself for it; 29 that he should sanetify it, having 
cleansed it by the laver of the water, 7’ that he should present 
the church to himself, honourable, not having any spot or 
pollution or any thing of this kind; but (a) that it should 
be holy and unpolluted. ?5 But it is right also for the men to 
love their wives thus, as their bodies. | Не who loveth his wife 
is loving himself: ? for no one ever hated his flesh; but (a) 

he should cause it to stand a church to himself Syr .. he should present 
to himself Arm..he should place it to him—for his church Eth 
естаз(21.. єх 19 24 9) ey honourable] 19 21 249.. єс%&єп ovwor lit. 
being in a glory Во .. trs. evóo£ov tyv єкк\. М &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth 
exxit &c not having] то &c.. and there із not Syr .. that it should not 
have Arm... that he should not find in it Eth Naav any] 19 біс, 
Arm .. om N &e, Vg Bo н Мааз flowh йлє(єє г)гоє or any thing 
of this kind] т &c (26 1) .. e ке (ош ке AE) посах дафри{ Anas lit. 
or even something of the manner of these Во, q ті Tov Totovrov М &c, Arm, 
aut aliquid eiusmodi Vg.. and not something which to these is like Ņ т. N* adda] е г &с 26..0m Bo (г) 
азо fiar. and unpolluted] т &с, Arm .. eco flat. being unpolluted e 
.. which (has) not spot Syr .. ovog есог ttareoNe& and being stainless 
Bo .. ku apwpos  &с, et immaculata Vg .. trs. pure and holy Eth 

^ пуще it is right] e &c 26 .. om Eth (not ro) ae) e &с2б.. 
om N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth оошот also] e &c 26.. от XKL &c, 
Syr Arm .. оф. xav ог avd. В 17, Syr (Ь).. ка ог avd. оф. ADFGP, Vg 
Eth .. narpa} 2007 mipwars cesxnujya птотєракатаю thus the men 
also they ought to love i (fn 26)evor. their wives] e &с 26, Vg 
. Bo Syr Arm Eth .. ras eavrov у. Ñ &c.. om eavrov L птє(єє 1)1- 
(iX 26)oe thus] e &с 26 .. trs. to beginning № &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm 
Eth пиєус, their bodies] e біс (26) Vg Bo Syr Arm .. та eavrov o. 
WO &С..та є тєкуа N* ..то є. сора D* (om ws d) Arm cdd .. as their 
soul Eth nerse he who loveth| т &c 26 .. pref. epe е..фн Tap 
erepavaran for he who loveth Bo.. o ауатишу Ñ біс, Arm Eth.. trs. 
утока о ay. D, Vg Syr (yap) maoy ovaag himself] т біс 26.. 
RA. алаулар е, ях. Axaxacvece] Bo.. тз. cavtoy ayara М &c, Vg Syr 
Arm Eth 

З wap] ет &c 24 26..0п 17, Во (т). and Eth eneg ever | 
ет &c (21) 26, à &c, Vg Syr Arm .. trs. his body altogether Eth .. trs. 
тецсарз eneg Bo {secte "(m 21)esc. hated his flesh] e (1) біс 


caps. adda шачехиотше meaner яза ос мое 
зяпех с птеккАнс. “ose amon akaveAoc яепєс- 
ceed. "lenea MAI Mpwaeee Mana пецеют Newey 
AL тєсяавамху. итобе Merroo етесотяяе. исещопе 
NECHAT ewvcapz потот. * петавустнрюм оумоб 
пе. ANOR BE EIXW MUONS ENET зам теккАнсга. 
9 MARN йтотії OWTTHTTH пота mora чехречаеере 
тееотяяе мтесое. тесотаяе ae хе ecepoore онт 

ҮІ. ищире сотах Nea метиєгтє gas mooeic. паї 

" Wr) тр 21 24 м (е) (1) (19$) 21824 изка-е(ош 24) т 
псо4 | Ха—эзат йсо Во ий.) отоо ege Во iice] (отоо) єтє Во 
? (e) т 192124 амок] anak 21 55"(ру т то 22 о 
90077. е 

!er1921 24 P пә: | Фн Во (єм) 

21 (26) Bo Syr Arm (person) .. hateth &c Arm cdd .. т. eavr. с. epic. 
Ne &с, Vg .. т. с. avrov &c М? .. was able to hate Eth wage. &c 
he is wont to nourish it and cherish it] e г &c (26) Bo (йтєчєре. 
BaL.. отоо щаҷєре. Во..ош orog нл) M &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth 
(cling to it ro) plural .. trs. щаҷеъ^Апє (пх 1 26") Maroc nFcanovuje 
21 йеє еже as the Christ] e (т) &c 21, Eth (his church) .. 
«aos ka. o x. NABD*FGP 17, Vg Syr Arm.. ката фрн+ guy 
Жапо? © (єтапосс B^) eraqrpr й &c according as also the Christ did 
to the church Bo .. «aos кал (от L) o кирюз DeK L &e 

? anon we are] e (т) &c..trs. to end Eth much, the 
members] garar. members Bo, Ñ &c Mineqcwara of his body] є 
&с, N* AB 17, Во Eth.. add єк т. саркоѕ avrov &с NCDFG(K)LP 
&c, Vg Буг Arm (om and &c cdd .. and bone of his bones cdd) .. Isaiah 
has ex carnibus eius et ex ossibus 

31 ensa запаг lit. unto the place of this] 19 24, avr. rovrov Ñ &c 
.. €r&e пал because of this e т 21, Bo Vg Syr Arm .. and because of his 
wife Eth mpwsase the man] е 19 &с.. pref. epe Bo .. trs. катал. 
аубр. Ñ &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth пееетот his father] (є) 19 &c, 
RecA DcK LP &с, Bo Syr (vg) Arm cdd Eth .. rov zarepa N* BD*FG 
17, Vg Syr (bh) Macarius Isaiah тєцязаату his mother] e то &c, 
Bo, Р 47, Vg Syr Arm Eth.. туу рутера V &c, Arm edd, Macarius 

EPHESIANS У 3o—VI 1 251 

he is wont to nourish it and cherish it, as the Christ the 
church; 99 because we are the members of his body. *! On 
account of this the man will leave his father and his mother, 
and join himself unto his wife, and they become of the two 
unto one flesh. This mystery is great ; but I, I am saying it 
of the Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless ye also, each (of 
you) let him love his wife as himself; but the wife that she 
should reverence her husband. 

VI. Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is 

Isaiah тєчсо. his wife] ет &с..ош avrov N*, Macarius (ті) уми.) 
лсєщ. and they become] e т (197) &с.. ки єсомта Ñ &c, Во (Bre 
DFHJKL).. eveuy. they shall become Bo (AT*EGMNOP) запєснат 

of the two] e т то &c, Bo (B) .. their two Syr Eth.. ор бо М &c 
exc. &c unto one flesh] 1 19 &c, Bo, es сарка шау М &c, Атт.. т 
carne ила Vg .. one flesh Syr Eth 

? пє(єє г)талуєтн(у 21) prom this mystery] е &c, Во Syr .. ro p, 
rovro Ñ &c, Vg (заст.) Arm .. this word Eth є(єє т)ух. maoy 
І am saying it (i.e. the mystery)] e &c..-mi» Яяйахос J say it Bo 
текк. the church] (e) &c, Bo, BK .. of church Arm .. es т. єккА. N &с, 
Vg (in Christo-in ecclesia) Macarius, Isaiah (7m Christo-n eccl.) .. of 
his church Syr Eth 

8 nova &c each] (e?) &с 21*.. kara фота фотат ахялсутєм 
according to each of you Во, ог каб eva (wa D) єкастоѕ (rov Квт Get 47) 
N &с.. singuli unusquisque Vg .. lit. every опе one of you Syr .. all of 
you Eth .. one with one, that (om cdd) each Arm srapeqarepe &c let 
him love his wife as himself] (e) &с, Во.. туи eav. yuv. ovros ауатато 
os eavrov Ñ &c, Arm (shall love) .. т. є. y. ws є ay. DFG, Vg .. thus 
shall he love his wife as himself Буг .. thus your wives love (love your 
wives ro) as your soul Eth тєсотазє we xe but the wife that] 
I &c..T. me RTOC хє €... ae 21..9 дє уюлу wa N &c, Vg Syr .. 
{сотамі ae gwc but the wife also Во .. and the wife also Eth .. and the 
wife also that Eth ro єсєроотє онт яз lit. she should fear] 1 &c 
.TWrecepoodt батон ях she should fear, фоВутаи М &c, timeat virum 
Vg Arm Eth, should be fearing Syr .. ecearepe she should love е 

' ищире lit. the sous] e &c, Bo.. add щная young 21 .. та текиа 
N &c .. filii Vg Arm Syr.. sons also Eth сотах fica obey] Bo, 
М &e, Vg Syr Arm Eth .. that ye should obey Eth ro 93x mxocic 
(же е) in the Lord] Bo.. ev xpo RADYKLP «е, Vg Arm.. in our 


пар пе патнагом. "язатаїє пенезот sell TERRAAT. 
ere там те тори меитоАи оят пернт. ° хє epe 
METHAMOTC] WAONE 234905 ATW Сүз itovoeiuj 
gsi пнао. — ^werore азпраногсс  йиєтищнрє. 
^АА> cawovujoy ом Techw se птсабо аєпхоєкс. 
igaroa A ситах исх иетижсооте HATA Capg см 
OTOOTE зам OTCTWT ом отяямтохиАоте ите петмонт 
оос єтеєтпо я®пє с. CON отазиталивлотои alt 

оос рецареснє Ирояаяе. АЛЛА оос goa аяпех с 

°е (т) 192124. єптоМн| e І 19 216.. йт. 24 3 (e) (1) 19 
21 24 1 1 19$ 21 24 птсабо| 216.. nca&o І того 
24 P € (т) (19) (21) 24 йр.] то 24.. memp. 21 gagad] 19 

24.. охиейтелк Во 

Lord Syr BD*FG..sen пә in the Christ Bo (m?) 
ne пзмкаой is the righteous (thing)] Arm .. eorw бікалоу М біс, Vg 
Arm cdd .. om єсти Syr .. righteousness it is Eth vo .. righteousness is 
this Eth .. ovowh Tans ne а work of righteousness it is Bo 

? tataie &c honour thy father and thy mother] e &с, Bo, Fer С 
37 47 (Syr Eth).. ош cov 29 t &c, Vg Arm .. апа this is the first 
commandment which promiseth, honour &c уг .. and. the first com- 
mandment in the ordinance (is), honour &c Eth .. honour &c, (is) the 
first commandment in the ordinance Eth ro, Arm cdd ete (же e) 
tar te &c which is this (because this is e) the first comm. in the 
promise] (1 ?) &c..eve &c Яєнтомн поотіҷ{ ({0. пеит. BY) єтєп 
пущу which is this the first comm. which is in the promise Bo (хт 
of the pr. Y*) .. qr єттї (om В) ет. пр. ev (т) DFG) ez. № &с, Vg 
(quod. est mand. &c) Arm .. for Syr Eth see above 

З же &с that good should become to thee] (1?) 19.. хє epe nm. 
&c that the good (е) 24, Bo (пак Ак). же epe пп. mawwne &c 21 
«ша єї со (соо FST Get) зєуптаї N &e, ut bene sit tibi Vg .. that it 
may be to thee of good Буг .. that good it should be to thee Eth .. that 
good it should be Eth ro .. that to thee well it may be Arm ато nep 
бс позоєцої г)цу огхаз (п т) &c lit. and thou spend a long life &c | 
т &e, Во.. ка eon pakpoxpovios біс N &e, Vg Arm (рак. a9) .. and 
may be prolonged thy life &c Syr Eth (thy days) 


the righteous (thing). |? Honour thy father and thy mother, 
which is this, the first commandment in the promise; * that 
good should become to thee, and thou (shouldst) spend a long 
time upon the earth. * Fathers, provoke not your children: 
but (a) nourish them in the chastisement and the teaching 
of the Lord. ? Servants, obey your masters according to flesh, 
in fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as being 
(devoted) to the Christ; 9not in eyeservice, as pleasers of 
man; but (a) аз servants of the Christ, doing the will of God 

* иезоте lit. the fathers] Bo..fathers Syr Arm .. кш ог татєрєѕ Ж 
&c, Vg Bo (варекі,) .. fathers also Eth пиєтищ. lit. your sons | 
Bo Vg Syr Arm Eth .. ra rekva. vpov М &c adda] om Eth ro 
cam. em &c nourish them in the chastisement and the teaching &c | 
nourish them in a chastisement (ovcehw) and an understanding (or 
Rat) &с Bo.. ектрефете avra ev madera кал уоюбєсіа Ke N “с, Vg 
(disciplina et correptione) Arm..cause them to grow in chastisement 
and teaching &с Syr.. nourish and correct in the teaching &c Eth 
nxoeic of the Lord] fire пос Bo Arm.. kvpiov N &e, Vg, Orsiesius 
.. of our Lord Syr .. of God Eth .. xpwrov 17 

5 пояхо. lit. the servants] ог дохо: N &c, Bo, servi Vg Syr Arm .. 
servants also Eth етих. &с your masters according to flesh] т 
&c 24°, Bo.. rows кур. к. с. DFGKL біс, т. кола с. кур. МАВР 17 
37 47 .. dominis carnalibus OL Vg Arm.. your masters who are in 
flesh Syr .. lit. your masters those who ате set over you, your flesh Eth 
оп отооте lit. in a fear] т &c (24917) Bo Syr Eth .. pera фоВоъ  &c, 
Vg Arm зам and] г &c 24°, М &c, Vg Bo Arm .. add in Syr Eth 
oW osaxitio(Bo 5^pr7, © Во)апА. lit. in а singleness] pref. 
and Syr Arm (Eth) not ro ivre пєтпонт of your heart] М &c, Vg 
Bo Arm (hearts) .. om your Syr .. in heart sincere Eth ететпо lit. 
ye being] om N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth (as even)... уе obeying Bo 
next to the Christ] N &е, Vg Syr Arm кури» AL 17 
47, bo 

б off оулайтєті 21)an(r 19 21.. ош 24)¢aov(om ow У 
19 21)o(a 21) и &c lit. not in an eyeservice as pleasers of men | (т ?) (19) 
(21) 24, Во (ganpeypan.) № &e (кат) Vg (ad) Arm .. not in sight of 
eye as men ye please Syr .. not as he who is careful to please eye of man 
Eth яапєС of the Christ] 19 24, Bo.. хрістою N &c, Vg Syr Arm 


ETETHEIPE яяпотощ яяпиотуте ON тетіиртох нн тире. 
тем оутот монт оос ететио idoasoaA aemaoeic 
прочее ам. SETETHCOOTH хе navaeon етере MOTA 
Nova Maàaac[ силат ehoA ота, пхоее єтє 
garoa N erre prege. °’иомсооте apipe NAT OWTTHTTH 
тезде птетико HcOTM аєпетиссмт. ететисооти 
хе петихоее sei MWOT ON аяєпнує. ATW i222] 
захтрєсцятоо олоти. ії темох SAGOL QAR 
nxoeic ATW дає Плазхоте итееояя. ПЗ oror- 

novwuy| 1 21 24.. петеоие Bo плода) 5.119524 

агл] паз 24 0 orixx] ori І 7 (1) 19$ 24$ ост.) ecc. 
24 0 Пптєтоє| five ere І 10 (т) 19$ 24$ ато] sear Bo 

(Christ's servants cdd) Eth .. ive móc of the Lord Во (в) єтети- 
espe doing] 19 24, Во, торите  &с, Vg .. who do Syr .. while ye do 
Eth оп тєтиху. т. lit. in all your soul] т 19 24..€&oN Sen 
nerven. out of your souls Bo (tereny. ГРЕКХОР).. єк Woyns Ñ &e 
.. ев animo Vg .. om Arm 1 .. in all your souls Eth ro .. Eth begins new 
sentence and in all your soul be subject to them in love and Syr (vg) 
has and minister to them from all your soul 

Топ оутот понт lit. in an acquiescence] т 19 24.. per evvotas 
N &c, Vg (bona voluntate) Bo (а good thought) .. in love Syr (Eth) .. om 
Eth ro .. lit. with heart of minds Arm ewe as] trs. os то ко А 
BD*FGP, Vg Syr Eth.. om DeKL &с єтєтпо по. being ser- 
vants] т 19 (241) Bo.. 9ovAevovres № &e, Vg .. om Syr see above, Eth 
see above .. trs. to God be subject Eth ro залах. to the Lord] 1 19 
24, Po, N &c, Vg Arm.. to our Lord Syr .. to God Eth прояяє a 
not to man] т 19 24 .. ко ovk avOpwros Ñ &c, Vg .. отоо Hpwass ам 
and to тат not Во .. к. o. ауброто B .. and: not as to тат Syr Arm 
Eth .. ovog pwast an and man not Bo (Ав®ГЕз„) 

З єтетисооуї knowing] Во (ears) № &e (e8ovres D£r*) Ve.. ye 
know Arm Eth то .. while ye know Буг Eth navaeon &cl it. 
the good which each will do] єкастоѕ (о) eav (те) moron ayabov Ж (cav 
zo.")ABDFGP, Vg Bo Arm (add of you cdd).. (о) «av ти єкастоѕ 
momon ау. К (от вау ті); вес .. whatever doeth any one of good Syr.. 
all which he did good Eth eqnaxrrj 116, he will receive it] dai 

EPHESIANS VI 7-11 255 

from all your soul; "in acquiescence, as being servants to 
the Lord, not to man : ? knowing that the good (thing) which 
each will do, he will receive from the Lord, whether servant 
or free. ° Masters, do ye also to them thus, and leave off your 
anger; knowing that your master and theirs (is) in the 
heavens, and there is not acceptance of person with him. 
10 Henceforth grow strong in the Lord, and in the might of 
his power. '! Clothe yourselves with the panoply of God, 

== — 

чпавтта this he will receive Во, М &c, Vg Syr (that) Arm (the saine) .. 
he will receive (reward) Eth nxoeic the Lord] om zov МАВРЕ 
GP, Arm .. our Lord Syr .. God Eth 

° Ижнсооте &с lit. the masters do to them ye also thus] 1 &c.. 
отоо йөөтєй gwren (om ва) Sa їїбїсєз аро NWOT ixnarpiet 
and ye also among (lit. under) the masters do to them thus Во .. каш o 
корь, ra. avra. TOLELTE z pos ovrovs Ñ Ke, et vos, domini, eadem facite illis 
Vg Arm..also ye masters thus be doing to your servants Syr .. and 
masters also act equally to them Eth птетико &c lit. and put after 
you your anger | т &c .. єрєтєпәсо e&oN &c putting away your anger Во 
.. avievres THY ame N &e, remittentes minas Vg Arm .. be forgiving to 
them faults Syr .. cooling your anger and remit to them their faults Eth 
..cooling &e and diminishing (it) Eth ro nena, sit no(o 24)o» 
your master and theirs] т &c.. йесот neaxeren пєтєпбе lit. they 
with you your master Bo .. кал (Єаютоу kat vpov о (om 17) киріоє R* 
ABDsr*P 17 37, f Vg Arm.. ки vp. кал avrov біс NCL 47, m Syr 
(h).. кал avrov ъроу &e Dere FG, ка, vov avrov № бе, d .. also your 
own, Lord Syr .. that ye have a master Eth оп «е in the heavens | 
г &c .. pref. щоп із Во, N &е, Vg Syr Arm .. ovpavois А &e, Vg Arm · 
Eth .. rots ov. P, Bo .. ovpavo М 47, Syr олотне with him] т &e.. 
naopay Во.. тар avro  &с, Vg Syr Arm.. ev avro 37.. тара Oeo 
D*FG, m Vg (fu demid) 

10 aun Tenor lit. from now] (1?) & Aoro (v) N &e, Vg 
Bo (add йїтаз of these) Syr Arm Eth gaos lit. find power] (т) 
бе, «(ош B 17)vàw. N* BD 17, m Arm Eth.. pref. пасиноту my 
brothers Bo (хех поза take courage) 549 КПР &e, Syr.. add адєАфо 
FG 41, Vg mxóere the Lord | т &e, Бо, N* 91... от то Ne &e, 
Arm .. in our Lord Syr .. in God Eth 

п X ero (qo 24)тт. clothe yourselves with| evducacGe vpas l'G, т 
Vg, Isaiah .. om vpas à &с, Bo (ва) Arm, Macarius ., pref. and Bo Syr 


тнути NTMANQOMAIA аяпиоттє. хе єтєтиєцуваятовя 
EAQEPATTHTTH nagp йкотс яєпатабоМос. 1 хе 
epe пєемаєтцує woon an ore смо or сара. adAa 
orbe пархи яе нечотст orbe inocesonparop 
Wre mewake OThe мнепуєтаватіком итпоинрих ETQA 
язпнує. 13 ere пах хі NATH мтпанооспА tt- 
пиоттє. хє єтєтиецубаєтов» ємоєраттнути оӊ» 
пєдоот eeoo? ATW сътетихен ооб мая ebor i- 
тетитьхро.  "аоєраттнути Ge. єтєтмаєнр єтєти- 

єтєтиє | г.. ETETA 19 21 .. -MEE 24 З 1 19 (24) пє | meer т 
з (т) (19) 24$ eeoov] 1.. evo. 24 ву 
Arm Eth "mamnoonNi(er 24)a the panoply] N &c, Arm, all the 
armour Во Syr .. arma Vg Eth e(coos Bo варгт,.. пост Bo)agep. 
to stand] stare Isaiah .. аутістуиал К, Macarius пкоте the wiles | 
Bo, ras pe0o0 (e))as N &c, insidias fgm Ve Syr Arm, Isaiah.. 
remedium d .. machinations Eth samarah. of the devil] № &c, Vg 
Bo .. Satan Arm Eth .. the accuser Syr 

12 хе because] om Eth ro .. enim Orsiesius epe nemar., &с our 

contending is not being] го 24 (Bo F)..add mam for us т... паре 
nen} won мам am our fight was not being for us Во .. ovk єсти yyw 
п талу ЗАРеКІР &c, Vg Syr (h) Arm, Macarius Marcus Orsiesius 
Isaiah..o. є ушу &с BD*FG, your strife is not Буг (vg) Eth 
emos &c blood and flesh| т 19 24, № &c .. carnem et sanguinem Vg 
Bo Syr Arm Eth (which is) Orsiesius Isaiah паржи &c the 
principalities and the authorities] т 19 24, ras арх. xac e£. Der, f Vg, 
Orsiesius Isaiah .. ras арх. Tpos ras e&ovotas V &e, Bo, Macarius Marcus .. 
adversus potestates dm .. princ. and with authorities Syr Arm .. Eth, 
see below sin lit. with] e£ Vg .. and with Syr Arm .. zpos N &c, 
ovhe against Bo.. Eth has but with rulers of darkness and demons 
evil orhe irocaso(a 24)к. &c against the world-rulers of this 
darkness] 19 24, Во (пакі the darkness 8° D¥J,KL 26, “Ign. 
Antioch) .. mp. rovs косрокр. Tov скотооѕ rovrov Ñ*A BD*FG 17, OL 
Vg Syr (vg h) Macarius Marcus Orsiesius Isaiah .. add rov arwvos № 
рек LP &e, Syr (h*) .. mundi rectores tenebrarum harum Vg Arm , 

EPHESIANS VI 12-14 259 

that ye should be able to stand up to the wiles of the devil. 
12 Beeause our contending is not being against blood and 
flesh, but (м) against the principalities and the authorities, 
against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual 
(armies) of the wickedness which is under the heavens. 
1? Because of this take to yourselves the panoply of God, that 
ye should be able to stand in the evil day, and having fulfilled 
all things that ye may be firm. !* Stand therefore, your loins 

and with holder of this dark world Syr... эт ñx. lit. with the world- 
rulers &с т ovhe пепиетазал: (ппаялаті 19.. пит 24) кои &c 
against the spiritual (armies) of the wickedness] г 19 (24 ?) xpos та 
пуеиралака Tis. Tov. Ñ &e, Во.. and with evil spirits Syr .. with evil 
demons Arm erga naye which is under the heavens] 19 24.. 
which are under the heaven Syr Eth .. under heavens Arm .. ev то 
erouparvios Ñ &c, Vg Во (порн: Sen naniproyi).. erga панр which 
are in the air 1 

13 єтіє &c because of this] pref. and Eth (not го) ха инти lit. 
take to you] т (19) 24, Bo..avaAafere N &с.. атаВаАете D&r* ., 
accipite Vg Arm Eth .. clothe you Syr птпаностАта the panoply | 
(т) (19?) 24, N &c, Arm .. песок тир all the armour Во Syr .. arma 
Vg Eth ететиещ. (пищ. 24) &c that ye should be able to stand 
in the evil day] 24, Bo, № &с (амтісттииаг) Vg (resistere) .. that &c to 
resist the evil day Eth .. that ye should be able to resist evil in the day 
of evil Arm avo e(om 24)атєтихєк &с and having fulfilled all 
things] т 24 (and ye fulfilled) .. кол атаута катєруатаціємог (уастрєуог A) 
N &e, et in (om am) omnibus perfecti fg Ve..eapetenep &e having 
done &c Во (ге онмхо 26).. еретемер. (вар).. отоо aperenep (7,).. 
отоо этетепер (FKL).. and having been prepared in every thing Syr .. 
and when every thing ye perfected Arm .. and. ye were prepared in 
all things Eth .. having done all Eth ro птєтитахро that ye may 
ре firm] т 24, Syr Eth .. ornvac М &c, D* FG, Arm., oer 
єратєп өниоз stand ye Bo..trs. and that ye may stand having done 
all Eth vo 

" ве therefore] т 24, № &c, Vg Syr D*FG, Bo (ва! в) 
Arm .. tis. oor ovn eparen ennor Do erernasnp lit. being 
bound] 1 24, trepilocapevor(repreLoopevor D* FG) N &e, Vg .. and gird 
Syr .. having bound tight Атт .. epevenSun exen being girded (lit. 

1117.2 S 


{пе ом Tare. єатети У QroTTHW TW аяпоск Wraikato- 
conn.  "^eaverWoTO сиетмохерите encore Me- 
Mevaccedsion ифрнин. Mon ооб ques єатєту ях 
азпеетуром иттистк. пат ететиещеяябояя монт 
єщає COTE iae яєппоннрос єтхеро. avow iTe- 
тих: итпернефхАмо MOTXA. ATO тенче Mt- 
nenia. єтє пат пе. mujxe аапиосте. 1 ehor 
сти WAHA має or conc ETETHUJAHA iowoer miee 
Qa& nenia ATW єтетмо поущи мрее enar ow сре 

з 24 16 (1)1924 стетиещ. | єтєтпєєщ. 24 .. єтєтнАЩ. 
19.. eternam. т ema] 24.. eeuyax 1 19 TNTE) 24. PUT 
(19) 24 Rosoeug] oso. г.. йотоїцу 19 | porc] т.. poesc (19) 24 

armed upon) Bo .. girding Eth evene lit. unto your Joins | 
singular т 19 24, Bo (prr) N &e, Eth .. иетеи{ит plural Bo Vg Syr 
Arm (middles) om tare lit. in the truth] т 19 24°.. Sen ov- 
заєолані in а truth Bo, N &c, Arm.. Eth uses the same word for 
truth and righteousness єатєтиЗ &с lit. having given upon you] 
т 19 24.. ка evdvoapevor Ñ &с, Vg Arm.. отоо азо or ennor lit, 
and give on you Во Syr Eth &wook lit. the armour] т 19 24.. 
пец the breastplate Во, $ &c, Vg Syr Arm... coat of iron Eth 

5 earerWoT9 є having bound] зза покої ератеи енцо» lit. 
give the shoe to your foot Bo, Orsiesius .. pref. отоо and Во (p?rcpr 
FH J,KL) .. kat vroðņnoapevot NÑ &с, Vg.. and bind to (lit. in) your feet 
Syr..and having put on to (your) feet Arm .. shoeing yourselves Eth 
sanc. with the preparation] Arm.. Sen m(ow B*)coh} lit. in the 
prep. Bo, Ж бе, Vg..the preparation Syr .. (with) the power Eth 
ифрнин of the peace] which із in peace Eth .. in peace Eth ro (Eth 
expresses evangel) j 

б ом &c in every thing] т &c, Bo, МВР 17 37 (пасти) OL Vg.. 
pref. ovog and Во (Ава) Arm Eth ro..and with these Syr .. and 
with all this Eth ..emı таси ADFGKL &с, Arm.. upon this all 
Arm cdd care inc: having taken] 1 &e, avadaBovres N &e, Vg.. 
gs тоутєм fake to you Bo .. take ye to you Syr Arm Eth (om ѓо уои) 
ianeev pon the shield] т &с, тои 0vpeov N &e, Vg Во (щєёщі) Syr 
Arm Eth .. the hope Syr (variant by mistake of b for 4) n(àx 19)- 

EPHESIANS VI 15-18 259 

being girt with the truth, having clothed yourselves with the 
breastplate of the righteousness ; having bound your feet 
with the preparation of the gospel of the peace; in every 
thing having taken the shield of the faith, this in which ye 
shall be able to quench all arrows of the evil (one) which are 
kindled. 17 And take ye the helmet of the salvation, and the 
sword of the spirit, which is this, the word of God: 19 through 
all prayer and supplication praying always in the spirit, and 
keeping vigil unto this, in all attention and the supplication 

ттистүс of the faith] of faith Arm cote suas lit. arrow every] 19 
24 .. питсовиєч pos the arrows all Bo..zavra та Bey N &c, Vg 
Syr Arm Eth стхєро which are kindled] 19 24°, Eth (burning) 
.. trs. та (om ВІ)" FG) zezvpopeva cBerar Ñ &c, Vg (ignea) Macarius .. 
irs. eos1c(o)o AXpoar йтє mmereoow which burn with fire of the 
wicked Bo (Syr Arm) .. Orsiesius has diaboli, Ap. patrum rov exOpov 

U ayw irera and take] conjunctive, continuing the imperative 
19 24 .. and take ye Arm Eth .. отоо os nwren and take to you Po.. 
dnd put (ow) Syr.. ка-дєёасдє N &с, 0её. D*F£rG, m 
ззпоухах of the salvation] (т) (19) 24 .. your salw. Eth ro ..of salv. 
Arm гло and 29] т 19 24.. mear lit. with Bo.. add grasp Syr 
сие the sword] т (19) 24, Bo Syr Eth .. om the Arm .. the knife? 
Eth ro axnenita of the spirit] 1 19 24 .. add holy Eth єтє Wa! 
ne which is this] 1 (19) 24 .. ете-пе Bo, o єттї N &e, Vg Syr Arm 
Eth .. om Eth ro 

5 eĝo &c through] x 19 24 .. pref. and Syr шАнм mar оз 
conc all prayer and supplication] т (19) 24, Vg (orationem-—obsecra- 
Honem)..mpocewsocH mien mess тобо Bo Eth? maons mposevyys 
xat deqoews 53 &e, in all prayers and all petitions Буг єтетищАних 
praying] т (19) 24, epetentwho Во, zpocevyojevoc N &c, orantes Vg 
Arm (prayers making) Eth .. pray ye Syr nenta the spirit] 1 19 
24 .. add holy Eth то emar unto this] т r9 24, eas Во.. trs. eis 
avro(v) аурот. NA BD*FG тт, Vg Arm (ye shall be watching) Marcus 
.. WS. eis avro TOVTO аурут. DeK LP &с.. trs. in that prayer be watching 
Syr .. trs. with it (or him) watch ye Eth .. add zavrore after ayp. DFG, 
Syr (vg) cpe &c attention and the supplication (add all 1)] 24.. 
сре &с-изаа 1 ..-алоти perseverance and all prayer Bo .. проскарт. 
к. ĝenoe N &e, Vg (instantia) Arm (patience) Marcus троск. к. 
D* Fe G.. chile ye pray assiduously and intreat Syr .. be assiduous in 

5 2 


мита» eri nconc ох Wevovaab vHpov. "avo oapor. 
хе eret mar ienüjaae оз» потом прохо eovonuo 
choA азпазустирюом semevTATTEAION ом ovrtappHera. 
“Tar є{пресбетє gapor ом aseeppe. хе єтепаррн- 
схатє авязог MONTY мое етешище eTpaxooy. 7) хекас 
ооб мая EPOTH побттуулнос паз ерт исом ати» 
иотакомое аапистос ояе пхоее. “пах WTATFTMMOOD"[ 
шаротм emeroob. хє стетиесаяе enenovo ATO 

19 (е) т (19) 24 oxx] e24.. à І 2 (е) (т) 19 24 ereujuse | 
єтсєзапща тні Bo 21 (e) т то 24$ at чим oo] ооот 24 
7 (e) т (19) 24 тәг] сита r 

all prayer Eth зал. mcont and the supplication | reas тобо niben 
lit. and prayer every Bo .. кал дерсе Ñ &с, Vg Arm .. and supplicating 112, Eth тироу all] т 24.. 0m Bo (ғ) 

З ато and] г 24, ки  &с, Vg Arm .. stes» єорні exis ow and 
for me also Bo Eth ro .. also Syr eve &c lit. they should give to 
me the word] т 24..58ceX нні потсащі that &e a word Bo.. po 
доб) Aoyos № &c, Arm .. добу por Aoyos №, df Vg Syr.. he should 
give to me word Eth eorwnd єв. to manifest] т 24, Bo (add ae 
F).. спот. єв. to the manifesting е.. уторита Ñ &e, Vg Syr (preach) 
Arm (show) .. Хасо 37, Eth — &3nevacv. of the gospel] ет 19 24.. 
his doctrine Eth ro eit отпарр(о є)нсга lit. in a boldness of 
speech] e т 19 24 .. openly Eth .. trs. ev rapp. упора М &c, Vg Bo 
Syr Arm 

? пах exnp. &c (фат е{пр. Во н) this unto which Тат ambassa- 
dor] e &e, фах efepmpecherit Во, vzep ov zpeoBevo N Kc, pro quo 
legatione fungor Vg, Arm Eth.. that of which I am ambass. Буг 
on mappe in the bonds] є &c..ev avoe № біс, Sem ovoaN. Bo 
(A важно 26) Vg.. Sem oanoaN. in chains Bo Syr Arm.. bound Eth 
єхєпарр. (о e) &c I should speak boldly in it] e &c, rapp. ev avro №, 
1 should manifest myself in it Bo .. that in boldness І should speak it 
Syr..ev avro capp. A &с, Ус (in ipso audeam) Arm .. avro rapp. B.. 
I should speak openly concerning it Eth erpaxoo* for me to say 
it| 1 бо. erpaxooc for me to say е.. itacass that T should speak 

EPHESIANS VI 19-22 261 

for all those who are holy ; !? and for me, that the word should 
be given to me, in the opening of my mouth, to manifest the 
mystery of the gospel in boldness of speech, % this (gospel) unto 
which I am an ambassador in the bonds ; that I should speak 
boldly in it, as it is right for me to say it. 2 That ye also 
should know the news of me, what I do, will manifest all 
things unto you Tykbikos, the beloved brother and faithful 
minister in the Lord: 22 this (one) whom I sent unto you unto 
this thing, that ye should know the news of us, and he 

Bo (A,r*EGMNO)..ecaz:i to speak Во .. Ла№са М &c, Vg Eth.. to 
speak it Syr Arm (10 say for те cdd) .. om ws dec & Eth ro 

7? aena(aa г)с that] 24, ота Bo (нг) Eth ro..add ae ет 19, 
N &с, Vg Во Syr Arm .. and. Eth єтєтиє (24..-тиие I.. -THA 
e 19) eraxe eo. ye also should know] BKL &c, Bo (йтетеи) Сор mid 
Syr Arm Eth .. trs. vues eóyre NADFGP, Ус єпа(ат 1)oso lit. 
my news] e «е, Eth .. та кат epe Ñ &c, Vg (quae circa те sunt) Syr 
(something which is toward те) ..єөёнт concerning me Во (him 26) 
«(ee 1) xp от lit. I am doing what] т &c.. от пе{ра Maroy what 
is that which I do Во..ть прасо N &e, Vg .. and, something which 
I do Syr .. how I do Eth .. how 1 speak Eth ro фитаото (19 .. om 
г... 5 € 24)ng &c lit. will manifest every thing unto you] eqerasscoren 
по. м. (om st, D™L) shall show to you every thing Во Cop mid .. ravra 
(ravra D*FerG, Syr vg) yvopwe уши МВРЕСР 17 37, Vg 
(fu, nota vobis faciet Vg am tol) (Syr vg) Arm Eth.. т. vjuv yv. AKL 
&с, Ме (demid) Syr (h) .. pref. behold Syr пахєріт п(еи 19)сои 
the beloved brother] e &с.. пасапитос йсои Во, N &c, Arm.. the 
brother beloved Syr .. our brother whom we love Eth .. om brother Во (о) 
avw and] e &с, № &c, Vg Во Syr Arm Eth Eth Hara- 
копос &c lit, minister faithful in the Lord] (e) т (at) &с.. їпїстос 
йатако(о ваГ)и Sem not Во, Nè &с, Vg Arm .. om біакоуоє NÄ.. 
om faithful Во (к).. minister faithful in our Lord Syr .. minister ої 
God faithful Eth 

2 єпє(єє 1)roo unto this thing] є &c 19, Bo .. es avro rovro N &c, 
in hoc ipsum Vg Syr..concerning this Eth (pref. and ro)., for that 
cause Arm хє that] e &c 19 .. ошта Во, N &с €nenomo lit, 
our news] т 24..memoso 19 plural.. та тєрє nuov Ñ &c, Vg (quae 
circa nos sunt) .. about us Атт..епи єтщот Maron those which are 
fo us Bo (A,B*DFL).. enn етщоп 3xaxo1 those which are to me Bo.. 


пдпаракаЛеї иметионт. 2° {рнин йиєсину ao 
TACAIIH «е THieTIc ебоћ ота» пиоттє пет sen 
пхосе © пес. A TEXAPIC яе OVON мія» ETALE 

Tenpoc єфестоус 
тепрос філіпинсютє 

7? (е) (т) (19) 24 arw] mear Bo м КРУ) 24$ 

what is that toward те Буг, my news Eth пи. and he (should) 
console] (e) &с 19, N &e, Ус Bo Syr Arm edd Eth (cause you to 
rejoice) .. кол zrapakaAeare 17, Arm пиетпонт your hearts | (е?) 
19 24, Во, М &с, Vg Syr Arm cdd Arm Eth ro..add om 
nxoeic меж 1С in the Lord the Christ Jesus т 

7 pruna the peace] е т 19 24, Bo..epyyy ЇЇ &c, Arm 
пиєсину to the brothers] e 1 19 24, Во, N &c, Vg Eth (our) .. with 
the brothers Syr Arm Tav. the love] e 19 24, Во (вана 26) .. 
ovat. а love Во, ÑN &c.. ecos A ттистхс the faith] e 19 24, Arm 
..ornaoy a faith Ро,  &с ппозтє &c lit. God the Father with 
the Lord Jesus the Christ] (e?) (19 1) 24 .. пи. пот хай пене бо 
God (om Bo xn*) the Father with our Lord &c 1, Во.. 0cov corpos к. 
куроо 10 xv N &e, Vg Syr (and from our Lord) Eth (our Father and 
our Lord) xv 37..0f God from (om cdd) Father and from Lord 
&c Arm 

EPHESIANS VI 23-24 263 

(should) console your hearts. ?° The peace be to the brothers, 
and the love with the faith, from God the Father and the Lord 
Jesus the Christ. ?*' The grace (be) with all who love our 
Lord Jesus the Christ in uncorruptness. 

The (epistle) to Ephesians 
The (epistle) to Philippians 

^ зап with] (e) 1 24, Ñ &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth..i to Bo (т) 
erare who love] who love him and minister of God Jesus Ch. Eth ro 
15 next Jesus the Christ] кс (e) 24 (easily omitted after 
жоєтс which here is spelt хоєгс by 1 instead of the usual 8) .. от 
хрістоу 17, Cop mid отазптатт. lit. an uncorruptness] e І 24, 
Bo, афбароча АВЕС 17, Vg (am tol) Bo Arm .. who perisheth not 
Eth ro..add ари Ne DKLP &c, Vg (am** fu demid) Bo (n7N0r) 
Syr Arm edd Eth 

Subscription тєпрос єфе(н e)ciosc] e г.. троє e$eoiovs МА B(D) 
17 ..mpos e$eciovs єтАпробу) Е.. єтелєсву emwrToMQ mpos eperiovs 
FG .. explicit ad Ephesios Vg .. xpos epectovs єурафт ато popis B** P 
..€ypadw 1 ETOT. avr. 7 Tpos ejesiovs ато pops dua тохакоу L.. 
was finished the epistle which (was) to the Ephesians, which was written 
from Rome and it was sent through Tychicus Syr .. to Ephesians, it was 
written from Rome through Tychicus Arm 


I. Has Aoc зам тіазоюєос пожаохА next 1С 
evcoai mnerovaab THPoT oak MEXT wc. War єтщооп 
ом мефтАлипое set мепіснопос ати аганомос. 
“TeX apic инти жїїт Ярнин ебоХ стая пиоутє 
TIEMEIWT elt nxoeic 1С пехе. ?-punoseeoT итая 
MAMOTTE єорат exte петирипяєєєтє тир. ‘см 
масопс THPOT мотоеиц miee oapoTM тирти єегрє 

! е(1)19 $24 P3! nas] ин Во aso] ness Во aiakonoc] 
-опос I.. заком Bo (-кои васм) ? (e) (т) (9) то 24 3! 
3 (e)r19$19$24$5! *erg1924(3l) conc| conci e twice 
exespe | e 9 24 3l.. єєгрє I.. exeespe 19 

Inscription тєпрос Ф:А:пинсютс lit. the to Philippians] e 1 
«троє фідитттаноїм АВК 17 37 47 - прос drNmmorc (-nociosc 
L..-moxciosc T Dx .. -постос 0) Во (A,EHJ,).. apxerac т. ф. РЕС, Vg 
(fu) .. incipit ad philippenses epistula Vg (am) Arm... oywv ат. 
mavÀov етот. т $. drNmmo:r(om M)c паз№ос Во (єм).. 
єпістоМн п. фіМуппогс (K .. -постос Р) Во (кр).. epistle of Paul to 
Philippians Syr Arm Eth..em. m. фіМміплосіоує чот патМос 
anocroNoc Во (22) .. to Philippians and it was written when he was in 
country of Rome Eth ro 

| патос] (e) г &c..add apostle Arm cdd пояхо^А the 
servants] (e) т &c, Во.. доо  &е, Vg Syr Arm Eth .. ovos 34 
(trs. к. тии. after xv) зз(єза r19)neoce 1E of the Christ Jesus] 1 
&c, МВР, Bo Cop mid..w ҳо FGKLP &c, Vg Bo (ro) Syr Arm 
Eth .. om зне Bo (к) nner. т. to all those &c] т &c .. om tacw-w 
17..0m їїйїгсчөс-їн© Bo (н*) oxx пєС sc in &с| 1 &с, Arm 
Eth Jesus Christ Eth..who (ате) in Jesus Christ Syr .. ин 
erden пос с ine those who (are) in &c Bo оп aediNmmoc lit. in 
the (plural) Philippos] (e?) т &e, Sem sudiNmmo:ce Bo (r).. e 
piirros N біс, Во (-noc ван*.. -nocroc 0P).. in Philipos Syr .. 


I. Paulos and Timotheos, the servants of the Christ Jesus, 
are writing to all those who are holy in the Christ Jesus, 
these who are being in the Philipp? with the bishops and the 
ministers: ? ће grace (be) to you and the peace, from God 
our Father and the Lord Jesus the Christ. ^I thank my 
God upon all the remembrance of you, *in all my supplica- 
tions always for you all, making my supplication in joy, 

Philippis Vg, felepesyus Eth, félepesiyus Eth confines of 
Philippi Arm злії пепіск. with the bishops] т &c, опи ez. № бос, 
Vg Bo (meen. м) Arm Eth ro (£o the раразаї) .. cvvervoxoros B? 
DeK al mu.. with elders Syr Eth 

? veoQca pic the grace] 19 24 31 yapis № &c .. trs. peace-grace Eth 
инти to you] 19 24 3l № &e, Vg Eth..with you Буг Arm 
пєпєхот our Father] 9 &с.. фот the F. Во (ва) аи ихое!с 
(и т) 1€ meget and the Lord Jesus the Christ] e 1 &e.. зам anx. 
пес and of our Lord the Christ 9 .. кал корюю w xv N &e, Vg .. and 
our Lord Jesus Christ Bo Eth .. and from our Lord Jesus Christ Syr .. 
and from the Lord &c Avm 

з уши. &c I thank my God] e &с, RABDeKLP &e, Vg Bo Syr 
Arm Eth..pref. amon sen / indeed 1..eyo pev evy. то кор Nuov 
D*FG сор. єжах(П т 9) &c upon all the remembrance of you] e 
1 &e, Во, єтї таст т] рува vpov Ñ &e, Vg Arm .. continually in all 
your remembrance Eth .. continually in all and I remember you Eth 
ro..wpon your constant remembrance Буг .. emt паст) дејс: pov ті) 
prav G .. ета таст ті) pviav F 

+ on &c in all my supplications | Vg Bo Syr .. ev таст 9eyoet pov 
N &с.. and Г pray Eth потуоєгцу smar always] trs. таутотє ev 
таст Ñ &e, Vg.. om Syr.. ера Maroy псноту mhen Sen патово 
which I make always in all my prayers Во .. Syr has which (is) in all 

my prayers.. in all time Eth .. in. all Eth ro тнр(тр 24)ти 
you all] om all Syr (which for) Eth ететре &c lit. making my 

supplication in a joy] e &c (a!) .. мета xapas (add кол ЁС) ryv деси 


аяпасопс OW отрацує. CERIN тетикомолих еооти 
EMETACCEAION им пшори Wooov щаораг єтепот. 
бетни понт сая паї. хе пептацару є понттибти 
епосі етихмот yraxor ebo ща пеоооу aene- 
MOCIC IC пес. "ката OE ETAIRAION мах пе eaeeeye 
ena: охроти тирти. eboX же тетищооп oae паонт 
opar OW naseppe kell тапоЛоста seit птажро at- 
METACTEAION ететмо псумкомонос THPT мавават 
ом TeXapic.  Зпаяє тре cap пе пиоттє Nee 

5 ето (19) 24 (31) ext] eeowm exñe ° (e) (1) 9 (17) (19) 
24  аросет| е 24..-x1 І 9..9гтості MS? єтнатоту | 9 24.. 
esam. e (Bo) 7 (e) (1) (9) 17 то (24$) жим] na-na 9 
псупког | йсускої. т 8 (e) т (9) 17 $ 19 

(add pov L 47, Cop mid Syr h Eth ro) rovovpevos N біо, Vg .. in а joy 
making the prayer Bo..and while I rejoice I supplicate Syr .. and 
I make а prayer of joy Eth (ту prayer of joy ro) 

> komona] e &с (19) (3!) Eth..Aope Eth ro eoosin 
exevacc, toward the gospel] e 1 9 24 .. pref. оп ospauje 3! .. Sem m. 
in the &с Bo (ва).. which (is) in the gospel Syr .. im the doctrine of 
the gospel Eth .. єтасщоти e(Sen ва)птєт, which was with (3x A,E 
HJ,) the gospel Bo n(ixm e т)щорії the first] e 1 9 24, МАВР 
37, и 31, DFGKL &с.. trs. пооттт first after пієсооу Bo 
щаорах є even until] e ќе 31, Bo (ща egowm є).. pref. and Syr 

б es(ees т д)тнк понт being confident] e т 9 24..єрє паонт 
T(e Во)нт being confident Bo.. meroðws N біс, Vg Eth ro..con- 
fident I am Arm .. because that I am confident Syr Eth ost пах 
in this] 1 .. anas in this 9 24 .. ехах паз upon this e, Во (фа!) Syr.. 
avro rovro Ñ &c, Vg (hoc ipsum) Arm .. om Eth enowh the work | 
24..33mg. I g..evowh а work e..trs. epnacxek отооћ єм. will 
complete a good work Во єйоМ] 9 24 .. add оп отраще ? а joy e 
пєооот the day] 9 24, Ро.. урераз № &e, Vg Буг Arm Eth.. 
Tra pos cia] (e) Rinemxoerc(xt e) of our Lord] e 9 17 24, Во 
(рт) Буг... опа N &c, Vg Bo Arm Eth с meee Jesus the Christ | 
ео 17 19 24, Bo, ш x NAFGKP &c, Vg (am** дета) Syr Arm 
Eth .. xv w BDL, f Vg 

7 ката ее evatRarom &c lit, according as a righteous for me it 
is] (e) (17) &c 24 .. ката фрн+{ ere ovowh manr инт пе according 


5 at your fellowship toward the gospel from the first day even 
until now; © being confident in this, that he who began in you 
the good work will complete it unto the day of our Lord Jesus 
the Christ: 7 according as it is a righteous (thing) for me to 
think this of you all, because that ye are in my heart, in my 
bonds, and the defence and the confirmation of the gospel, 
being all fellow-sharers with me in the grace.  ? For my 

as a work righteous for me it із Bo.. xafws єстій биколоу epoi N біс 
(ем. дик. 31) - for thus it is right for me Syr .. as just indeed it seems 
to me Arm .. because it is right for me Eth e(om r7)axeeve enar 
to think this] e т 9 &c 24, Arm.. фах єлхєті epos this to think Во, 
N &е, Ус this Syr.. bar edax. є. this which I think Bo 
(15,0) евоХ хе because that] e т 9 &c 24, eebe xe Bo (om xe 
J,) Eth .. ба № &e т(єт е)єтищооп уе are| (е) г 19 &с 24, 
тетепоси Во Е ..то exev ре № &c..eo quod habeam vos Vg 
Arm .. because that—ye are placed Syr oxx-opar ой-азп | (е) 1 
9 &e 24..й5рні Sen—ness Sem (om 5. b*H*J,)-wea* прн 
Sen Bo..ev-ev те-ка ev NBDPKLP &с, Vg Syr Е .. om ev 3” 
AD* in Arm Eth ro паонт my heart| є І 
9 &е 24, К, Bo Cop mid Syr (vg) pov М &e, Vg Arm 
чапоМ. the defence] 9 17 24, N &e, Vg Syr Arm cdd.. таапомМ. 
my defence т 19, Во Arm Eth (ro has my beating by error of 
spelling) .. naan. my defences Bo (13) птахро the confirmation | 
1 9 &c 24, Eth ro.. om Eth aney. of &c] e 1 9 &e 24.. of the 
teaching of your hope Eth ro..and in the teaching of the truth Eth 
єтєтпо lit. ye being] ет 9 &c, Bo.. trs. ovras to end N &e, Vg (esse) 
Arm (to be).. because sharers with me ye are Syr .. because ye were 
joined with me Eth.. ye all were joined with me Eth то "np 
махала: lit. all ye with ше] (e) 1 о &с, yov-zavras vpas Ñ &c, Arm.. 
pou т. v. DFG, Vg .. sharers-all with me Bo o(om 9)n тех. in 
(of 9) the grace] ето &с, Syr Eth ro (his grace) .. trs. т. Харито$ 
zayras N &с.. trs, grace with you all Arm .. trs. gaudii mei omnes Vg .. 
trs. emrosxov тнрот мені in the (this D'FKL) grace all with me 
Во (om all н) Eth .. evros пєяянт which is given with me Bo (A,3,) 

* пазайтрє tap пе &c for my witness is God] (e!) &с 9, Го 
Cop mid, paprus yep (om Eth) pov (joe DFG, Vg) сот о Geos 
WNOAD'TKLP Же, f Vg Syr (testis est mihi yap) .. witness із to me God 
Arm (add to you т all Arm cdd).. om eorw W* BFerG 17, d Eth 
(trs. God my witness Eth, not ro) лпозтє God | e &e 9..0 киров 


сХоуєштнути тирти ом азаєнтцуамотно аєпеу с wc. 
луто €xgAHA enar хенае epe тетмьсапи роото 
"етретиаонтагатє иметриоре. хекас ETETITEWWITE 
evevirbónmv. eset пође жі ероти сах пеооот NeXT. 
п ететихик еол аєпнарпос ÄTAIRAIOCTHH небом 
сути IC mec єпєооу se птазо аапиосте. 12 Хото 
AC стретметаяяе. масинту. хе иефмонтох avujorme 
QOTO єупрокопн asneyacceAron. 13 офсте изяярре 

° (e) (1) (9) 17$ 19 sa] ag — "(e)r(g)17 19 єроти| 

pref. єооуп т п (є) т (9) 17 19  яхи| mix 9  таго|є r.. Taero 
9 &с 1? (e) 15 (9) 17$ 19$ evpern] 1 &c 9.. етретети e.. Bo 
(кк) єхяяє | also ess: Во запет. | esner. 19 13: (є) (1) (9) 07:19 
FerG Хотєщ І yearn] e &e 9, єтитобо N &e, Vg Arm ., Xxaxe: 
I love Bo Syr Eth тирти you all] e &c (9) Eth ro.. om Syr 
Eth aanry. the compassions] (e) &с (9) Syr? Arm.. e 

сптАаухиог N біс, Vg Bo.. in love Eth àxneocc 1С of the Christ 
Jesus] (e?) &с (9?) Bo (вант) NABD*GP 17 37, Vg (am fu 
demid) Syr (h) Arm .. зне пс Во, w хо FKL &с, Vg (tol harl) Syr 
.. om w Де, Cop mid Eth 

° ex(ees т)щАнА enar I am praying this] e 1 &с (9) 7 pray con- 
cerning this Eth .. rovro zpocevyopar NÑ «е, Vg Syr Arm.. cars 
пефтово eo&ure this is that concerning which I pray Bo poovo 
&c lit. abound exceedingly exceedingly] (e) &с (9)..paA. к. рад. 
перюаеу 37, f Vg Bo (u3,) Cop mid (Eth)... ети par. к. pad. т. № &c, 
Во (Syr).. grow and abound your love Syr (still grow) Eth .. om xac 
paAÀXov P, Bo (x)... grow your love more from more Eth то... more than 
more exceeding should become Arm 

1° стретихок (6 т g)sax. for you to prove] (1) &c (9) Bo (eepen 
for us AH) .. es то Soxipalew vpas № &c .. om vas N* 37 .. ut probetis 
Vg, that ye should discern discern Arm..that ye should 
examine and prove Eth .. that уе should prove Eth ro хєна(аа e)c 
that] e єс 9... pref. and Syr Eth ro ететие(> 19)щ. стетитв. 
lit. ye should become being clean] т &е (9) Во, Syr..holy Eth .. 
taught Eth то .. утє eAukpwew 53 &е, sitis sinceres (ri) Vg .. firm Arm 
exam &c lit. there being not sin taking you] т &c (9) .. ka azpookozot 
N бо. отоо epetenor йатброп and being without offence Bo.. 


witness is God, how I yearn for you all in the compassions 
of the Christ Jesus. ° And I am praying this, that your love 
should be more (and) more abundant in the knowledge and: 
all discernment; 1 for you to prove the (things) which are 
profitable, that ye should become clean, no guilt attaching to 
you in the day of the Christ; И being complete in the fruit 
of the righteousness, that (which is) through Jesus the Christ 
unto the glory and the honour of God. 1 But I wish for you 
to know, my brothers, that the (things) in which I am 
happened more unto an advance of the gospel; !?so that 

et sine offensa Vg Arm .. without offence Syr Eth ..that ye might be 
perfect Eth ro озх &c in the day of the Christ] т &c (9) Syr Eth .. 
eneooov &с unto the day of the Christ Bo Arm .. es прєрам xv N &с.. 
add w ЕС 

Поєтетихнк eb. being complete] т &c (9) N &e, Vg Bo (Ban? r 
HJ,KL) Arm Eth .. pref. and Во (areg) Syr nkapmoc the frait) г 
&c д..картоу NABDFGKL, Vg Во (&owvrae for flovortae of 
а fruit) Cop mid Eth .. kaprov Р «е, Syr Arm пєбоМ &c lit. the 
through] т &c (9) пієбоМ &с Bo Cop mid, тои да NABDFGKL .. rov 
dua P &c ehoX отті through | (e ?) &c (9) Arm Eth ro.. in Syr Eth 
1С meget Jesus the Christ] e &c 9, Во, N &с, Syr (in) Arm Eth .. 

xv w 37, Vg (am fu demid) єпєооу &с unto the glory and the 
honour| e &c (9) Bo .. «s 8o&.—ezaw. N &е, Ус Arm .. in the glory of 
God and his praise Eth .. praise and glory Syr Eth го залито PTE 

ої God] e &e 9 .. xv D£'* .. eius Vg (harl*) (Eth, not то).. шо Fer G.. 
om 112 

2 Хотощ I wish] (e?) &с 9, Bo Syr Arm Eth .. pref. and Eth 
ro.. trs, vas BovAopar № &c, Vg є | e &c (9) № &с, Ус Bo Syr 
.. ош Arm Eth насину my brothers] т &e (9) Во Syr.. меси. 
the brothers е .. адеАфое 53 &с, Vg Arm .. trs. Z wish, our brothers Eth 
пнедпонтоу avupone the (things) in which I am happened | (e?) 
&c (9).. пн єтцуоп maos asi axaNNon the (things) which happen 
to me came more Во..та (то Ёт Ст, Syr Б №5) кат eue-eAyAvÓev 
N &e, quae circa те sunt-venerunt Ve Arm own affair more 
сате Syr .. ту news that &c Eth по. &c more unto an advance of 
the gospel] (e) &e (9) № &c, (Vg) Bo (Arm).. came forward in the 
gospel Syr .. how much it was exalted in the teaching of the gospel Eth 

З oweve | e г &с 9, Во, N &с, Ve Syr (so that even) Arm.. and Eth 


Wceosono ehoA oae пес gae nenparropion тир 
sell пнесеепе тир. "avo пеоото имесину єтолє 
тхоєкс. ETTHK монт WWuaeeppe. исетолаах goro 
ARH соте ERW аєпщахє азпиоттє.  "oonwe MEN 
erbe отерөопос sei озфтои. осикооте ae EQMAT 
ceraujeoewg аяпех с. | gore заем choA ом отачаин 
€wcoovW хе «ии єрдї єтапоМоста а®пезалссе- 
Мом. 7 oennoove ae choA оп озфтюи єутацуєоєму 

пратгортом | e &e 9.. прет. Fo.. translit. Syr ч (є) (1) (9) 
17§19 " (є) 1 (9) 17 $ аб оємк. (195) | " (e) 1 (9) 17 (19) 
" (e) (п) (9) 17$ (199) 

пссотоно eb. ose пес are manifested in the Christ] 9 &c.. 
птотщоти єтотопо eh, Zen иже Bo (add нс o... móc the Lord к) 
.. $avepovs уєуєсваї ev хо DFG, Vg Syr Arm.. фам. ev xo yev. 
N &с.. were manifested my bonds in Christ Eth (add Jesus то).. 
om 9ax nesce e, 214", Bo (лк) Euthal сої Dam seit (изя 0) пкєес. 
and all the rest also] e &c (9).. xar тос Лото таси Ж &c .. et in 
celeris omnibus Vg Arm .. and all who are left Bo .. and to the remainder 
of all men Syr .. and among all men Eth .. and among others also and 
in every (place) Eth vo 

м ayw and] e &e (1) .. and that Eth .. Eth ro has and among our 
brothers meo. &e the most of the brothers] е &c (9) Во, tovs 
zAeovas &c Ñ &с, Vg (plures e fr.) Syr (multitude of) Arm .. тату of 
our brothers Eth (ro see above) єтоях who (are) in] e (17) & 9, 
Bo Syr .. ev № &c, Vg Bo (x) Arm Eth, see below nxoeic (x? с) 
the Lord] e & т (9) Во (иже пос к.. пое іне r).. куро М Ke, 
Vg Arm .. our Lord Syr Eth єзтик &с lit. they being confident | 
e &с (11) (91) cezoiÜoras Ñ бос, Vg.. псежа фенох trust Bo.. 
trusted. Syr .. who confiding are Arm .. trs. trusting in our Lord and 
they were patient Eth .. because of our Lord they were very patient 

Eth ro futaseppe lit. for my bonds] e &с.. ойна, in ту bonds т, 
Eth .. rows deopors pou № &е, Vg Arm.. єпаспато to my bonds Bo.. 
upon my bonds Syr .. my bonds Eth ro йсєтоМала йо. dare the 

more] (e) т &e .. repos. roApav № &с, поото 33aNNon iicecproNasam 
Bo Arm (yet more, om yet cdd) .. апа dared the тоге Syr .. and. more 

PHILIPPIANS I 14-17 271 

my bonds are manifested in the Christ in all the praitorion 
and all the rest also; !*and (that) the most of the brothers 
who (are) in the Lord, being confident by my bonds, dare the 
more without fear to speak the word of God. 19 Some indeed 
beeause of envy and strife, but others of their good will preach 
the Christ: 16 some indeed out of love, knowing that I am put 
forward unto the defence of the gospel: "but others out of 

they dared Eth .. and they dared Eth ro axi gore without fear | 
(е) &с т (9) афоВоѕ N &с, Vg Syr Arm.. trs. to end Bo Eth (which 
has also having been confident after to speak) exw lit. to say] т &с 

(9).. єса to speak Bo Syr Arm Eth .. trs. AaAew to end N &c, Vg 
Arm anuj. &c the word of God] (є) & 1 9, NABD*P, Vg Bo 
Syr Arm Eth..7. А. кър. Fe™G.. тоу A. De К &с, Syr (Б) 

15 oor(es 9 19)ne seem some indeed] т 9 17 19, rwes pev NE 17, 
Bo (n21513;) Syr (В) .. pref. отоо and Во Syr Eth.. add ка.  &с, Vg 
стве because of] (e) т 9 17 то, Во, да N &e, propter Vg .. from Syr .. 
in their Eth з\п (изя 9) оуфтои lit. and a strife] 1 9 17 19, 
ка epw Ñ «с, Vg Bo Syr..and in their strife Eth ro 
оєпкоотє others] олиотои ae neas but some also Bo, vives де kac М &c 
ae] (е) &c 9 19, Po(prz,* rx LO) Syr .. and Arm Eth .. add ках &е, Vg 
Bo (mear .. xe аси HJ,)., avert Во (ва) egmay lit. being willing | 
т (91) 17 19.. ce&e ov-sxaM because of a good-will Во, бі evdoxiav 
N &c, Vg..Syr has in good will and in love of Christ preaching 
because they know .. Eth has those who willed to preach in good love 
(om în good love го) and teach concerning Christ 

5 oor(es 1g)me axem. &c lit. some indeed out of a love &c] (e) (1) 
(9) 17 (19) o pev єв ау. ЗА ВО*ЕСР 17 47, Vg Bo (нах зави gen 
ovat, these indeed in a love) Cop mid Arm Eth .. Syr(vg) see above .. trs. 
ot pev єї epOeras—deopors por, ode e£ ayarrns—Keirar DUK (L) &e, Syr (Б) 
єусоотїї knowing] e «е (9) (19) Eth .. ye know Eth ro .. because they 
know Arm ex(eex т 9)ки &c lit. I am put down] e &c 9 19.. от 
down Bo (wax. 13,).. trs. kepar to end  &с, Vg Syr Arm (J am) Eth 
(Т was appointed) eta(aa 1)noN. unto the defence] e &с (9) 19.. 
evan. unto a defence Бо, N &с, Vg Syr .. to teach Eth го 

U oem, me but others] e 1 17 19..0 de № біс, quidam autem 
Vg..and some Arm.. мат xe but these Bo Syr.. but they who Eth 
€&oN оп «е lit. out of a strife] г 9 то, № &e, Vg.. en in e 17, Bo 
Syr Eth (their boasting) .. / opposition Arm сз (ист е)таще. are 


азе © oW оутібо aw. evaseeve єтоумес oTEAN|IC 
плазарре. '’ещаре от Tap wone. MAHN хе oW 
сазот Witt ате ом OTACIGE erre ом отаяе CETA- 
шеоєту NeXT. avo pawe сяк паї. ато ом Зма- 
pawe.  "XcoosW ae хе Mar маАшопе Mar ETOTXAI 
ehoA gree петисопс зам турорнота enema ме 
пеҳе. PRATA пабющт ево seit TageAmic. хе 
Wmuerxdugure om Ахат. AAAA оз» nappHcra mie Hee 

" (e) 19 17 $ (19) тАни| add ae г Noise] Моєютє 9 
? (e) r 9 175 195 2 (е) (1) 9 17 $at aNNa (19) «m| махо 

oxx п. | ei m. 17 

preaching] e (1?) 9 17 (19) Bo (ergs. GMP) .. сєдтомцу they preach 
Bo .. trs. тоу (om Ме BFG, Arm) xv катауу. № &e, Ух Arm .. who- 
preach Syr .. speak concerning Christ Eth оп ovr. am lit. in a 
pureness пої | є (9) 17 (19?) Bo..ovx ayvos № &c, Vg.. it was not 
pure Syr..and not in purity Arm Eth ro EVAREETE 
thinking] e 9 17 (19) Bo, NÑ &c, Vg.. because they think Arm .. but 
that they think Eth ro .. but they think in doing this that Eth 
erosnec to raise] e 9 17 (19) Bo NABD*FG 17, Vg Cop mid 
Eth ro (add to те).. єтіферау DeKL &c, Syr Eth (add to те) 
oveNi(v e 9) re а tribulation] e (т?) 9 17 (19 ?) Bo Syr (Eth) .. trs. 
Ou eyeupew (єтиф.) X &с, Vg Пиза. lit. to my bonds] (e) 17, 
N &с, Vg Во Syr Eth ro.. off маля, in ту bonds 1, Eth .. oven mac. 
upon &e Во (r) Arm i 

18 e(om е)щарє &c lit. for what is wont to happen] e &c (197).. 
ті yap Ñ &с, У є... agog xe what then Bo .. but this what is (it) Arm .. 
Syr has and in this I rejoiced and I rejoice that .. om Eth мАни 
хе nevertheless that] e &с 19, NAFGP r7..zày DKL &c.. but 
Eth .. but that wh. happened Eth ro eit салот &c in every form | 
(e) &c 19, Во.. тауті трото Ñ &e, Vg (modo) Syr Eth (case) .. om 
Eth ro .. in whatever manner it may be Arm cerauy. &c lit. they 
preach the Christ] e бо 19.. пе (add ae ва) сеотоиц Moe 
Bo .. xs катаууєХХєта: 54 біс, Vg Syr Arm .. trs. they speak concerning 
Ch. whether &e Eth .. nevertheless they believe concerning Ch. Eth ro 

PHILIPPIANS I 18-20 273 

strife are preaching the Christ not sincerely, thinking to raise 
a tribulation for (me) in my bonds. 19 What then is wont to 
happen? mevertheiess that in every form, whether in pretence 
or in truth, Christ is preached; and I rejoice in this, and 
I shall also rejoice. 1° But I know that this will happen to 
me unto salvation through your supplication and the supply 
of the spirit of Jesus the Christ; 29 according to my expecta- 
tion and my hope, that I shall not be ashamed in any thing 

ау» &e and I rejoice in this] (е?) &с.. ко. ev т. Хиро № &e, Vg Arm 
Bo (B?rH3,L) ovrog Во (ATEGMNOP)..aNNa Sen &c Bo (к).. 
and I rejoiced in this Eth .. and because of this T rejoice Eth ro .. Syr, 
see above ayw om &c lit. and also I shall rejoice] І &с 19.. 
I rejoice Eth .. and I am joyful Eth ro .. and I shall be joyful Arm cdd 
.. ANNa (om aNNa GHJ,) отоо erepauj оп but also Г shall rejoice 
Bo (4р. Г rejoice к) .. Arm (Z shall be joyful) .. aXXa. кол хартаорои 
N &с, Vg 
19 «coosii] Захєтт Z think Bo (FG* м) axc]l:e&e, В 37 .- өп 
Bo (ва) Cop mid Eth ro.. and Г Eth.. yap SADFGKLP &c, Vg Во 
Syr Arm паг this] (e) &c, Bo,  &с, Vg .. this thing in him Eth 
ro.. these Syr пащі. & lit. this will happen to me unto a salvation] 
e &e, Bo (om to me о) N &c (pov атоВ. except P) Vg .. preserved is 
for me salvation Arm .. to life are found to me Syr .. cause me to obtain 
life Eth .. Г live Eth ro ehoX оттях(п e т) п. through your suppli- 
cation] e &c, да туз vp. denoews N &c, Vg Bo Eth (т) .. n. your 
prayers Syr Arm axi (пах 9) тогорнота and the supply] e &c, Во 
.. kat ezuxopiyyias Ж &c, Vg .. and in the supply Syr Arm Eth .. and in 
the faith Eth ro amenta of the spirit] e &c.. om Eth пт 
the Bo (АЕ) піс &с of Jesus the Christ] 1 &е, Bo.. о xv № біс, 
Vg Syr Arm Eth .. xv РЕС 
% ката &c acc. to my expectation and my hope] 1 &c, 19 Во (add 
me HJ,).. к. т. azok. к. «Ат. pov Ñ біс, Vg Arm as Г expected and 
trusted Eth .. as I hope and expect Syr пиет(еет т 9) хх. оп(огти 
е) Naay I shall not be ashamed in any thing] (e) (1?) &c 19, Bo 
Eth .. ev ovden &c № &с, Vg Syr Arm .. add vyov FG гил all] e 
.&e 19, Bo, Gr... trs. паст тар.  &с, Vg (fiducia) Arm .. om Syr 
Eth (Eth has openly not ro) пеє &c as always] 9 &c 19, Bo, ws &c 
М &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth ro .. om е.. pref. mexr and Bo (ТЕКО) .. in joy 

1717.2 T 


Wowoewg miee Waar ом Tenor їїбїпе С os 
TACWALA етте оз» NTPAWND єтє оз» птраявот. 
1 домо CAP етщооп мах пе NEXE ATW птрачяот 
отону пе.  ?euyxe птраюио ae ом Tcaps. паї 
оуварпос паї Howh пе. єє aw MeyMacoTMy iyẹ- 
COOTH AN.  "Зсємазастє AE азяяот ETHTAL asta 
àsnowoug аяпесихт. MÅWA eĝo ewone «еп neyt 
чеотп Tap поото. "noo ae ow em TCAPS OTANAT- 

alat] e.. aiaei 0 17 19 2 (e) I о І9 2 (e) 1 17 (19) 
"7 (е) (1) (17) (19) (25) | (е) 19 25 

of spirit, as always Eth .. I rejoiced in him always Eth то | om tenor 
also now] e (т?) &c 19 .. trs. кой vvv реу. Ñ &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. the 
greatness of Christ Eth oxx-oax in-in] (є) &c (19) Syr .. да-да 
N &c, Vg Во (єбоМ ortem).. instr. case Arm птраопо-пт(от 17)- 
pastor lit. the causing me to live-the causing me to die] ет. 
nomns-dqasos the life-the death Во .. Сотсѕ--доуатоо М &с, Vg Syr 
(Arm) Eth го.. ту life-my death Eth 

? поно &c for the life which is being to me is the Christ] (e) &c 
9. anok Tap паши пе nXE lit. for Г my life is the Christ Bo.. 
euor yap то йти хрістоє Ñ &c (add eerw F Gr, Vg) Palladius .. for my 
own life Christ is Syr .. for to me life Christ is Arm .. T indeed whether 
I lived (it із) to Christ Eth avw &c lit. and the causing me to die 
a gain is] e &c (9). ато oxx птр. and in бо I.. отоо nuor &c 
and (om H4,) the death a gain іо me is Во..каї то aroflavew кєрдоѕ 
N &с, Ус Arm (to die) .. and if I died, gain it із to те Syr .. and 
whether I died, (it is) profitable to me Eth 
7 euyxe &с lit. but if the causing me to live in the flesh] 17 (19) 

.€upxe oss птр. &с but if in the causing &e (e) т.. є де (re Der) 
то (пи си варки Ñ &с, Vg Bo (sexe ae nong Sen TCAPS) 
ae Do (А,н2,) TEST wap Bo (A,T DT FKL)..but if also i in this life 
of the flesh Буг .. and if also I lived in my flesh Eth .. but he lived in 
my flesh Eth го mas &с lit. this is a fruit to me of work] (е) &c 
(19) .. this is а fruit of work to me Bo .. tovto jou картоз epyov єттї 
FG, Vg Arm, Antonius (sunt) .. rovro &c om єттї Ñ &c .. fruit there 
is to те in my works Буг .. that I тау yield fruit in (of то) my work 
Eth exe &c then what (is) that which I shall choose I know not] 
(e 1) &с (191)... отоо ov &c and what &c Bo, ка ти apropat ov 
wopilo М &c, Vg Arm (this I know not) .. Т know not what I shall 

PHILIPPIANS I 21-24 275 

but (a) in all boldness of speech, as always, wil be magnified 
also now the Christ in my body, whether in my living or in 
my dying. 7 For the life which is being to me is the Christ, 
and my dying is gain. * But if (it is) my living in the flesh 
this is fruit to me of work; then what (is) that which I shall 
choose I know not. * But I am constrained, having the wish 
of the two: the being dissolved, to be with the Christ; for 
that is far preferable: ?* but the remaining still in the flesh is 

choose for me Syr ..and I found mot that which I should choose for 
myself of these two which cause strong desire Eth .. and I found not 
that which I should put (as best) of those two Eth ro 

33 ceasragte &с lit. but they lay hold on me] (e?) т 17 (197).. 
сєазаопі діалог пхєпб(споз A,E) lay hold on me the two Bo.. 
cvvexopaL дє єк тоу дуо N &c, Vg Arm .. for constrain те the two of 
them Syr .. Eth (see above) ame] 1 17 19, Во (вака,кі) Ñ &с, Vg 
Syr (h) .. yap al, Vg (demid tol hal) Syr (vg) Antonius (enim) .. om Bo 
Arm ev(eov 17)ittar &c having the wish of the two] e? 1 17 (19) 
.. life (erens A,E .. emi С" м)єтама єсєптот the desire being with me 
Bo, туу єтібуриам exov N біс, Vg .. trs. to be dissolved I desire уки 
I desire indeed Eth .. but І desire Eth vo .. the desiring Arm пох 
&c the being dissolved, to be with the Christ] e? т 17? 19 251.. 
єйъ»М ebo йтащіопі ness посе ѓо be dissolved that I may become 
with the Christ Bo (отоо йтащ. 5*FHJ,KL) то (om DFG) 
ava\voa к. ovv Xo єма Ñ &e, Vg be dissolved I desire that with 
Christ I may be Syr .. that I may remove, that I may be with Christ Eth 
..t0 go forth and with Christ to be Arm «соті tap поото lit. for 
it is preferable more] e? 17 19.. йооуо vap s1aNNom gcorn for 
much more preferable it is Во, zoAXo уар padXov kpewaov N* ABC 17 
47..0m Tap 25, М№* &c, Vg (multo magis melius) Cop mid .. and this 
much better is for me Syr (Antonius) .. and much better is and suitable 
is for те this Eth .. but much better is й for те Eth ro .. much better 
J esteem Arm 

^ жє] 19 25, NÑ &c, Vg Bo (щот abiding) Eth which has 

that (om ro) Z should be Eth ..аЛЛа Syr .. and Arm ox still] 19 
25, Syr Eth N &c, Vg Bo.. here Arm Eth ro en in] 19 25, 
BDFGKL &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth.. om NACP тсар& the 
flesh] 19 25, Во, N &e, Vg .. my flesh Syr Eth ro .. the life of my flesh 
Eth OvamackKaron lit. a necessary] 19 25..AvowvreAecrepov 



калом пе єтієтнутти. ~% avo eutaore enar {соот 
хе Яма» avo Цизязсти ебоА WeeeeNTH тирти 
ететипрокопи sell проще итетигисте. “ae epe 
петищоущот poovo ose NEXE IC понт ота» mnvpae:r 
ow шароти.  ""яєомом escoujge ose пезепцум REMET- 
масеМом MEXE. хекае EITE ENAMEL TAMAY ероті. 
eve Ht oaTeTH?7M ам тасютая eMeTHoTW. же 
тетмасєраттнтти ом OTMNA мотот seu озуухн 

(є) т то $ 25 " (е) 1 19 25 " (e) (1) (3) 19 (25) 
Nessa] пахп. є 25 3xnev.] єм. 19  хєкас-єт | хєкаас-єєғ І 
мп] ош 3 отупна| menia е 

Marcus .. add поото more Во, avaykaiorepov Ñ &c .. it is right Eth .. 
om Eth ro .. constraineth те the thing Syr .. add yet Arm ne is] e 
&с, Vg.. om М &c, Bo (ртніо) Arm 

% ayw and] 19 25 .. because Syr..owoe-vap Во (о)  ex(eer т), 
&c trusting to this] т &c .. rovro zeroifos N &c, Vg Во (add сәр о) 
Arm .. this confidently Syr .. Т trust Eth {соозуп I know] e &с, 
М &c, Ус Bo (7 think L) Syr Arm.. having known this Eth .. от 
Eth ro {паво &с І shall remain and I shall continue with you 
all] (e?) &с, 4maoor o. {пащопх nores тирот / shall stay and 
abide to you all Bo, pevw к. evjrapapevo masw ушу DeKLP &с.. p. 
к. торор. т. v. NABCD*FG 17, Vg... Т shall stay and remain to you 
all Arm .. Г shall remain and become to you all Eth ro.. om with you 
all Syr Eth ететипр. &c unto your advancement and the joy of 
your faith] (e?) &с.. e т. up. пр. к. харам туѕ тістєос Ne &e, Vg Bo 
.. add уроу N* .. for your own joy and for the increase of your faith 
Syr..for your profit and rejoicing in faith Arm .. for your own profit 
and for the joy of your faith Eth .. for your own profit and for your 
own joy and for your faith Eth ro 

2 xe epe &с that your glorying &c] (e) &с, № &с, Vg Bo Arm 
Eth .. trs. that when I should come again to you would abound in me 
your glory which is in Jesus Christ &с Буг петищ. &с your 
glorying should be more abundant] (e) &с, № &с, Vg Bo Arm .. Syr 

PHILIPPIANS I 25-27 277 

a necessary (thing) because of you. * And trusting to this 
I know that I shall remain and I shall continue with you all 
unto your advancement and the joy of your faith; % that 
your glorying should be more abundant in the Christ Jesus 
in me through my coming again unto you. * Only walk in 
the worthiness of the gospel of the Christ; that whether 
I should come and see you, or I am not with you and hear 
the news of you, that ye stand in one spirit and one soul 

(see above) .. should increase your honour Eth охх пех ї© понт 
in the Christ Jesus in me] e &c, Bo, ev xo w ev epoi М «е, Vg Arm.. 
in Jesus Christ over me Eth ro .. trs. ev eu. ev &c FG .. Syr (see above) 
..over me in Jesus Christ Eth оттях through] 1 &c, Во (e&oN 
orren) ĉa N &e, Vg .. охх in e, Eth (pref. and ro) птраєт lit. the 
causing me to come] (e?) &c .. т. є. таропочає М &c, Vg (meum adven- 
twm) Во (maxim) Eth оп &c again unto you] т &c, N &e, Vg 
ЕФ. om €&oM uy. again out unto you €..oapcovem om Wnnrecom ѓо 
you again another time Во .. om ox Bo (F 18).. Syr (see above) .. trs. 
in (pref. and cdd) again my coming to you Arm 

7 onon] e r 19 25, Eth ro.. trs. to verse 26 Syr .. trs. after shall 
be Eth ззооще walk] (e) т 19 25, Arm (trs. after gospel) .. 
артоМітєуєсоє Bo..trs. xv coAwreveo0e № &с, Vg Syr (фе con- 
ducting yourselves) Eth (shall be your work) Eth ro (that уе should be 
busy) minexce of the Christ] (e) т 19 25.. om N*, Arm erre 
emgamer Tanay whether I should come and see] e т 19.. єх. erm. 
enas wh. I should come to see 25 .. «Мам ovog птамат 7f J should 
come and see Bo Arm.. if I should come I should see Syr .. whether 
I сате to you that I should see this Eth.. whether both I came and 
I saw you Eth ro .. єтє AOwv кал Dov vpas 53 біо, Vg (cum venero &c) 
erre &(e 25.. єп I 19) о. &c or I am not with you] e І 19 25, re 
п} Saren өнпоу ai Bo.. and if Гат distant Буг Arm.. єтє arov 
ма бе, Vg Eth.. ош N*..0m and see you or being not with you Во 
(ва) єпєтпото lit. your news] є 3 19 25, Eth ro.. та пері vjov 
N &с.. Че vobis Vg Во (eobe енпот) Syr Arm Eth anit on. 
&c lit. with one soul] e? 3 19 25, Bo (скор) and one soul yr.. 
and in one soul Arm Eth .. om near Во, jua уох N &e, unanimes Vg 
ereTWavonize є striving unto] e 3 19 25..cvvabAoutes TY № &c, 
Syr .. conlaborantes Vg, epevenos йщфнр пуст sharing toil in Bo.. 
and striving in work of Eth .. and striving in Arm Eth ro 


8 птєтиростє Ахат an іти имет{ отіни. eve Mas 
пе пелет aemeTTARO. итоти ac ОТОУХА NATH 
пе. ATW mar orehorA orrae пиоттє mne. oe AT- 
Жаргє инти ох NEXE єпістєтє азезатє alt epog. 
AXXa ешпосе см ELWY. VETNTHTN аже алу AAEN- 
ом ететисютая epog понт. 

II. conc Ge mer єтояє пес. COACA мія пАСАПН. 

" r(3)19(24)(25) оттїї-оттах | pref. eho twice Во з пазаємт| 

-31à4Ht 3 ovorxar] отжар г QIT] orig 23 1.(3)(4) 19 24 
(25) 3% (1)3(4)19 2425  neracon] 3 19.. meeravc. І 3 .. пас. 
4/24 25 понт] -нтт 24 twice 

1 13 19$ 24 (25 $) 

з (ex 1 19.. e 3)тєтії. &c not fearing any thing] т (3) 19 25.. 
kat pn пторореиой ev pydeve Ñ біс, Во (om ods eod н*).. е т nullo 
terreamini Vg Syr .. and be not terrified in any way Arm .. Eth has 
and not disturbing you in any thing (om ro) they who &c ner 
ovs&un those who are being contrary to us] 1 (3?) 19 25, Syr Eth.. 
пн er оуйєентот those &e-you Во Eth ro.. rov аутикециеиюи М &c, 
Vg (adversariis) Arm ere &с which is this, the sign &c] т (51) 
I9 25..r:s eotw олто (add uev РеР 47.. avr. uev єтт КІР &c) 
evóeéis атойєа5 RA BCD*FG тт, Arm.. quae est illis (illis est) causa 
perditionis Vg.. mas єтє пототопо eboN orrako mnoos пе these 
whose manifestation is а destruction to them Во .. Syr has for the sign 
of their destruction .. Eth has that should be made known their ruin .. 
Eth ro has they who ave а sign of their ruin птоти &с lit. but ye 
a salvation to уоп 13] 1 3? 19 25, Во (K).. потеп ae ототжаї пе 
but to you à salvation із Bo.. ecrit ae ovoseoxas пе but ye a salva- 
tion is Во (DFL)..vpw бє corgpas D°KL &с, Vg.. vpov де сот. Ñ 
АВС?Р 17 47.. and of your salvation Arm .. and for life of your own 
Syr .. but to you life Eth (continuing and this also God granted to you) 
пе is 39] т 19 24 25, Во.. om М &c, Vg .. Syr Arm begin a new verse 
and this from God is (therefore from &c Arm cdd) 

? xe &e lit. because they granted to you, for the Christ] 3? 
4? &е (25) Bo (єорнї єхєп).. оті ушу єкарісб) то (om FG, Arm) 



striving unto the fuith of the gospel; °S not fearing any thing 
(done) by those who are being contrary to us, which is this, 
the sign of their destruction, but to you indeed it is salvation, 
and this is (a sign) from God; ?? because it was granted to 
you, for the Christ, not only to believe him, but (a) to suffer 
also for him: 30 having the same contest as that which уе saw 
in me, now also hearing of it in me. 

П. All consolation therefore which (is) in the Christ, all 

vrep xv № &с Arm епустете ix. ан (ап яз. I 25) єр. lit. to 
believe only not him] 4? &c 25.. от stonon єтаої eposp not only 
to believe him Bo .. ov povov то es avrov пістєуєу Ñ &c, Vg (non solum 
ut in eum credatis) .. not only in him to believe Arm..that not only 
should ye believe him Syr Eth or also] 4 &с 25, Bo (A,E) .. trs. 
alia ка. (mess Во) &e, Vg (sed ut etiam) Во (om om 4,0) Syr 
Arm Eth єхо for him] (3?) 4 &e 25, єорні ехоч Bo Eth 
(likewise that ye should suffer &c)..trs. то vrep avrov пасуєм ÑN &c, 
Vg (ut etiam pro illo patiamini) Syr (that for him &c)..add and 
insults to accept Arm cdd 

" ey(eow 3 ід)птити бо having &с] т &e (41) .. enata con 
поушт птемениох the same contest having Bo, N &c, Vg Arm 
(sustaining cd)..and ye sustain a contest Зуг.. ата (om ro) in the 
same way contend Eth поє as] add wap Bo (Е).. add ка, D* FG 
.. which Arm тєпоу оп now also] (т) &c.. pref. stes» (отоо 17,) 
and Bo Eth .. кол vv Ж &c (кал) Syr понт in me 29] т &с, Ñ &c, 
Bo .. de me Vg Arm Eth .. about те Syr Eth ro 

1 сопс-птаз all consolation] т &e 25..фн оти (om o. AE 26) 
єтєотои Spo Понт ne lit. that therefore which is being victory over 
heart Bo .. ev тїв-таракАлут$ N &с, Vg Arm .. if there is to you—conso- 
lation Syr .. and if there was with you-joy Eth .. and he who rejoiceth 
Eth ro ge therefore] т &c 25, М &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. om Bo 
(AE 26) Eth ro.. now Eth єтозх пе Є which (is) in the Christ] 
г &с (25).. ви xo № &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth.. of the Christ Bo 
codcA &e all comfort] т &c 25... фн (фах ва) ere отест понт пе 
that which із a confidence Во .. єї ти (ris D* 17) тараровиот Ж &c, s 
quod solatium Vg .. if comfort Arm .. and. if а word in heart Syr .. or 
he who comforteth heart Eth .. and he who is consoled Eth го fav. 
of love] 1 &с 25, Bo (of a love) Ñ &e, Vg Arm .. i» love Syr Eth 


ROOMA має HTE MENNA. чамтихит Wie OF QT- 
WaANOTHY. > хон choA s*napaujge. хе єтетиеееєєте 
ETETHO потонт отит. отяяеете отот. ° итетир 
Ахаз AM HATA OTTON отте HATA отяєттщотщот, 
aAAA ose пеебіло ererixice йнєтпєрну єроті. 
зазпота mora Ute am dca темочре. AAAA тане- 


ujanoTHe[] щєпотн 24.. щєпєотне 25 1:5 20229025) 

ететие] -ma 19 тех, fios] 19 24 (25).. TATAMH от OFCOM т 3 
E105). 3.19:24,25 (І) 3 л9 24 25 

кола mig all fellowship] т &c 25..фи eve отазетщфир пе 
that which is a fellowship Bo .. ev vis Kowwvia N &e .. if fellowship Arm 

..and if fellowship Syr ..or (and то) he who shareth Eth ivre 
nenta of the spirit] т &c 25 .. туєуратоѕ № &c, Vg Bo (птє ovnita) 
Syr Arm .. i» spirit Eth (add holy ro) зайтиан'ї mias &c all 

mercy and compassion] т &c 25..фн єтє отялєтщапякь 5т пе 
ness оущенонт that which is an affection and а compassion Во .. 
e is стлауҳуа кал orxTippor Ñ &e, Vg .. if compassion and mercy Arm 
.. and if compassion and if mercy Syr .. or in pitying or being merciful 
Eth .. being pitiful and being merciful Eth го 

2 хок €&oN complete] т &e 25..add to me Eth «e &с that 
ye should think one thought] 1 &e (25) Bo (make one .. add тнрох 
all 13,0) .. wa то avro фроуттє  &с, Vg Eth ..the same think ye Arm 
.. that one thought should be to you Syr ev(cov 3 то)птити &е 
having the same love] т біс (25)..evaravamnH po те evemroren 
Suar the same love being that which ye have Bo, rjv олту oyomqv 
exovres N &e, Vg Arm (have ye)..and one love Syr..and that ye 
should be in loving Eth .. and in that love be Eth ro єтєтпо &c 
lit. being in one heart, опе thought] т &с 25.. єрєтєпог ищфир 
АХА зор н eperenor йотонт потот being fellow of soul, being of 
one heart Bo .. сор(и)фухог то ev fpovovvres ЗЗСВРЕСК ІТ, Р &c, (Arm) 
.. €. To avro ф. МАС 17, Vg.. and опе soul and one mind Syr .. in 
one soul and in one counsel Eth 

з (єм 19 24..є 3)тєтир &c not doing any thing] т &e, Bo.. 
рл)деу N &с, Ус Arm .. any thing-that ye should not do Syr .. and. do 


comfort of love, all fellowship of the spirit, all mercy and 
compassion, 2? complete my joy, that ye should think one 
thought, having the same love, being of one mind, one 
thought; ? not doing any thing according to strife nor accord- 
ing to glorying, but (>) in the humility exalting one another 
above yourselves: *not each seeking his own profit, but (a) 

not (any thing) Eth .. om pydev—Kevod. Eth ro ката | twice I &c .. 
Sen in Bo ката 20] г &с, * ABC 17 37, Vg Syr 
мерес тр бе ovt(~ 1 24 25 Boje] 1 &с, руде NA BC 17 37, 
Vg Arm (and not any thing)..9 РЕТЕСКІР &e, Во (uz,) Syr 
заптщоущот (om 3 25) glorying] 3 &c.. kevoóo&av № &e, Vg Syr 
Arm.. ovasat wor equjosrr а love of vainglory Bo Eth which adds 
do тої boast and do mot be proud .. Eth ro omits the first sentence 
but has do not boast &c adda] 3 &c.. om Eth ro озх(п 19) 
neobéro in the humility] 3 &c..add of heart Bo Syr Е{һ..ту 
татешоф. Ñ &с, Vg Arm... humble yourselves to your neighbour Eth ro 
etetitxice &с exalting one another above yourselves] 3 &c .. aAÀgAovs 
пуоуре/ог vzepexovras eavrov N &c .. superiores sibi invicem arbitrantes 
Vg .. єрєтєпо пиетепернох йтєпенпоу evovoreb еротеи 
considering one another as surpassing yourselves Bo .. let every man of 
his neighbour better than himself think Syr .. оў one another better 
thinking than of themselves Avm .. honour your neighbour above your- 
selves Eth .. and honour him much more than yourselves Eth ro 

* ax(ear 3)пота пота щіпє not each seeking | 3 &c .. я (єзя DL.. en 
AE)MOvarI moyar азакоотеп { поене art not each of you observing Во 
..paj-ekaa Tos (rw АВЕС 17,Vg) скотето K (okorere L &c .. okorovvres 
NABCDFGP, m Vg) .. and let not a man—be careful Буг .. and be not 
careful Eth .. not yourselves only taking note of Arm (seeking cdd) .. om 
verse Eth ro fica течточ(в 24)pe lit. after his profit] (т) &c .. 
neTenosvemn ахялататєеп ониот (om e. к) those which your own 
only Bo.. for yourselves only Eth .. trs. та eavrov(-rov С", Syr ve) 
єкастої (-тоѕ)  &e, Vg (quae sua sunt) .. trs. of his own be careful Syr 
adda] т &с, D*FGK, m Vg (demid tol) Eth .. add «av № &е, Bo 
(пез) Syr такєота that of another] 1 5 .. tagemno(w 24) оте 
that of others 19 &c.. та (add rov D* FG) erepov єкастої Ж  &c .. ea 
quae aliorum Vg..every man also of his neighbour Syr..of your 
neighbour Eth..tanetenepHos those of one another Во .. but each 
(plural) of the neighbour Arm 


Ova. “War ECTE Epo понти петоая пехс ow 
с. mar єцом отазорфи ye пиотте азпцопа 
єуторп  єщацу; зам пмоуте TAAAR acmoor 
itero chodA. eagar иотазорфи igoa. eacpujorme 
MceeoT pwete. ATW QR? пес нее arge еро оос 
posse. Sacyehbroy eaqwone истазит wagpasr en- 
часу. етязот ae Побос. "erbe пах gwo a пмотте 

9131924 25 $ (11) йонти| 1 3 19..понтти 24 25 Apto 
19 24 (25) m! езторп] торп m! Pepa (то) 24 tot (orb 
B.M.) песх.| mese. m! * (1) 3 (19) 24 m! (cit) de OUR 
(19) 24 $ (281 §) m1 

5 mar this] т &c, N*ABC ту 37, Arm Eth, Marcus..add уар 
Ne &c, m Syr (h).. and Syr (vg) паї заєєтує epog «с this think 
in yourselves] т &c.. and this think in yourselves Syr .. this let think 
each of you Arm .. all of you think this of us indeed Eth .. плотву 
ШО Лат ARaWTEM язареалетт єфа прн єп onto each of you 
let him think this in yourselves Bo .. єкастог (RA BCD*P 17 47.. 
єкастоѕ KL біс) rovro dpoverre ev ушу (прим В) МАС 17 (ВРетР &c 
join єкастог, єкастоє with preceding words)... $poveoÓ0o &c СК 
LP &e, Arm, Marcus n(m т 3 r9)eroax &c lit. that which (is) in 
Christ Jesus also] т &c.. om om m! . паз on етоях &c this also which 
із in Christ Jesus 25 .. єтє фи (add om also B?) пе ergen &с which 
is that which із in біс Bo .. o ко ev xo w Ñ &e, Vg Arm .. that which 
also Jesus Christ Syr .. as did to us Jesus Christ Eth .. and of Christ 
Jesus Eth ro 

° ma: eq(emey 25) &c lit. this being in а form of God] т &c (25) 
.. þu (pai ну,) етщоп &c lit. that who ewisteth in «е Bo .. os ev popdy 
Ócov vrápxov № &с, Arm (is.. was cdd) qui сит in forma dei esset 
Vg, he who since he 18 in form (likeness) of God Syr .. he who is form 
(appearance Eth .. face Eth ro) of God Eth жт оп (àxneepugcoreg 
m!) &c lit. reckoned it not for a robbing to,equal him with God] т &c 
(25) .. tovotXess an петачахетт еро{ eepesujomni потоусос reas 
ф+ lit. а robbing (із) mot that which he thought it, to cause him to 
become an equal with God Bo .. ovx артауроу түпсато то (om F G) ewar 
са Jew N &с, Vg (esse se aequalem) Arm, Marcus .. not robbery he 
reckoned this indeed that he is equal of God Syr ..(it was) not his 
robbery that he was God Eth 


aymwoeT &c lit. he poured him out] т &c 19 cit.. защоточ lit. 


that of another. ? This think in yourselves, (namely), that 
(thought) which (is) also in the Christ Jesus: *this (one), 
being in form of God, reckoned it not for a robbing to make 
himself equal with God, "but (a) he poured himself out, 
having taken form of servant, having become form of man; 
and in the outward appearance he was found as man, 8 ће 
humbled himself, having become obedient even unto the 
death, but unto death of the cross. ° Because of this also 

he emptied him Bo (add munn muog B?)..cavrov ekevocev № &c, 
semet ipsum exinanivit Vg Syr Arm .. having humbled himself Eth 
слет «е lit. having taken а form of servant] 3 &c 19 cit, Во (вар 
KL).. ачет &c he took &c Bo Eth (appearance) .. poppyv дохо» Aafgov 
N &c, Vg Arm..and form (likeness) of servant he took Syr .. and 
having become like to а servant Eth то єл. ficaxov пр. having 
become form of man] т &e (19).. agus. &c he became &c m! .. ev 
ороорать avOpwrwv yevopevos N біс, Vg (т similitudinem) Arm, 
Marcus .. єм'|щопі Sem osuu йриозат having become in а likeness 
of man Bo.. and he became in the form (likeness) of sons of men Буг 
..and he became like to man Eth .. having become as man Eth ro 
avo &с lit. and in the outward appearance they found him as man] 
г &е (19).. eas(ovoo єгїз B^.. aÔ HJ,.. OTOL AY DFKL) weg Sen 
OVEN нака Axebpre dios poa (fup. the men E," H) they having found 
him in an outward appearance as а тат Во .. кол oxynpate evpeÜeis. ws 
avÓpozos N &c, Vg (et habitu) Arm ( form) Буг (transliterates сҳура) 
.. and. he became as man Eth .. om Eth ro (see above) 

* аче(то 3) хоч lit. he humbled him] т &e 19.. ease. having 
бс 24.. agoch. Maravaty he humbled himself Bo, X &e, Vg .. and he 
humbled himself Syr .. om cit ? Eth eatquj. йстяянт having become 
obedient] 1 3 19 24 cit, Bo (єачер речсотєлях .. зщеле псахит 
he became біс m!) N &с, Vg Arm .. and he obeyed Syr .. and he heard 
and he obeyed Eth .. having obeyed Eth ro ща (aa cit)opar &c even 
unto the death] (1 ?) &c 19 cit, Во, № &с, Vg Syr Arm .. until he came to 
death Eth e(19.. 0 3 &c cit, Во) уяхо у ae lit. but unto a death] 3 
&e 19 cit, Üavarov дє N біс, mortem autem Vg Syr (but death) .. and 
his death indeed. Eth пафос lit. of cross] (3) &с 19 cit.. поз. 
of a cross Bo, A &c, Marcus .. rov от. Ñ 

9 erbe mar &c because of this also] 3 &с 19 281, also 
Bo .. до ках М біс, Vg .. and. Eth ro.. and because of this Bo (B* per) 
Eth а ппоттє &c God exalted him the more] (3?) то &c 281! 


хает посто. AYN Ape их sepan єтїї pan 
ма». | Ü'oenHac OMe прам Pic epe пат ша» ROAS. 
anag Uitte Aac miee egoseoAoweEr хе nxoeic 
пе хс пеухс епесох аєпшотутє пезот. 12 оосте. 
Wa£ftCepaTC. ката Oe итатетисютая МОТОЄТу miae 
EIOATETHTUTH aeeeaTe am adAa Tenor поото NY 
QATETHTTH aH QW ovoore ee OTCTWT apioob епети- 

10 (1) (3) 19 24 (281) m! oenac] -&aac т grat] охи 1 
Пт 19 24 28 m! irre] pref. отоо Во ezossoNover] -Nowi 1 
9 1 (3) 19 $ 248 

..& bt єроото Gacy God did more exalt him Bo (ayepgovo gacy 
fixe} HJ,).. o 0ео$ avrov пптєрифосеу N &c, Vg Arm .. God increased, 
he exalted him Syr .. trs. did more exalt him God Bo (u3,) .. magnified 
him God exceedingly (om ro) Eth acc. he granted] 1 m!., pref. 
ато and (19) (24) 281, М &c, Vg (donavit) Во Syr (gave) Eth 
axnpam the name] 1 19 & 281, SABC 17, Bo.. om Во (7,*) .. от то 
DFGKLP &с, Bo (2, п) Marcus єтоғхӣ which is above] 1 (3) 
19 &c (28 1).. то (es то Fer G£r) отер N &c, Marcus, super Vg .. maius 
Antonius .. фн єтеост e that which is higher than Bo .. which (is) more 
excellent than Syr... which he made greater than Eth рам mar 
every name] т 19 &c (28!?) Во, N &c, Vg Eth .. all names Syr, 

10 пус of Jesus] 1 3 &c 281, Antonius 2?.. add хо № 47, Syr (h*) 
Eth, Marcus Antonius 19 | ието.-пето.-мето. lit. those which in &c] 
1 1 (31) «с 2811 which in-and in-and which under Syr .. those of (the 
the heaven)-those of-those of Bo (om wa 29 A,D¢FGHJ,KLNOP).. 
ezovpay.—ezvy.—karax0. № &e, Vg.. which in-and which in-and those 
which under Eth .. in-and in-and in Eth ro зл пєтолпєснт Sim, 
lit. with those which (are) below the earth] 19 24 28! шіте,, om 
ml. mess плин єтсатєснт хп. Ш. with those of those which ате 
below the earth Во .,and which (are) under earth Syr ..and in the 
depths and those which (are) under earth Eth (om and those &c го) 

11 stax every] om І" (added by late corrector) хе nxoeic 


God exalted him the more, he granted to him the name which 
is above every name; 1° that in the name of Jesus every knee 
should bend, the (things) whieh (are) in the heavens, and the 
(things) which (are) upon the earth, and the (things) which 
(are) below the earth; "апа every tongue confess that the 
Lord is Jesus the Christ, unto the glory of God the Father. 
їз Wherefore, my beloved, according as ye obeyed always, not 
only when I am with you, but (a) now the more when I am 
not with you, in fear and trembling work your salvation ; 

(пос m!) ne &c that the Lord is Jesus the Christ] Bo (ва) Syr .. om 
тє? © the Christ І .. оти короб 15 xs N «е, Bo, quia Dominus lesus 
Christus in gloria est Vg, Antonius .. that Jesus Christ is Lord Eth .. 
lit. to Jesus Christ our Lord Eth го .. оті к. ts F8" G, m .. ore xs к. К 
eneoos unto the glory] eso unto a glory Bo, es бобам М &e, Syr .. 

Vg (see above) .. in the glory Eth пет (пгт 24) от the Father] om 
Eth ro 
12 owete] то &c .. and now also Eth паллєратє my beloved | 

31 &с, Во, N &е, Vg Syr Arm .. абеАфои A, Vg (demid).. my brothers 
Eth .. our br. Eth ro п(ем т 3)татєтис, lit. ye heard] (3?) &c .. 
отпкоосатє Ñ &с, Vg Bo (ерречсотеля) obey me Eth 
потоєму &с always] (37) &e, Bo .. trs. ravrore отук. N &c, Vg Syr 
Arm (altogether) wmras-oowo т ето. &c lit. being with 
you not only] (3?) &c..when near I am to you only Syr.. Sen 
MARU озротем азялататер ам lit. 27 (pref. and DF KL) my coming 
to you not only Bo..not only in my coming Arm..and not in ту 
being present only Eth .. ux; ws ev (om МЕ б, Vg fu) ту тароосчо. 
pov povoy Ñ &с.. ош ws В 17, Vg (hal harl**) adda] 3 &, N &c 
..add mea» and Bo (н2,о)..бий more also Arm.. but more also even 
Arm cdd .. rather Eth .. and rather Eth ro Tenor now] 3 &c, Bo, 
М &с, 4 33 115 Eth..trs. той. pad. пу DFG, Vg Arm 
п (ем 1)X о. an lit. being not with you] 3 &e, Bo .. ev ту атомата pov 
N &с, Vg .. being not present Eth .. that (when Arm) I am distant from 

you Syr Arm eit in] 3 &c, Bo Eth (twice) .. wera N &e, Vg .. the 
more in Syr .. от preposition Arm aprowh work] т &c, Bo Eth 
.. work the work of Syr .. trs. to end N &c, Vg Arm qneTio»xar 

(ex т) your salvation] т &e, Bo .. vestram salutem Vg Syr (life) Eth 
(life) .. тту «avrov cwrnpiav Ñ &c, Arm 


озм.  "пиоттє Tap петемерче: WHoHTTHUYTM At- 
пото «£X похо ебоА senovrwwy. | aprowh mee axi 
крязрая Or MORRER,  ÜPoxenac ететмещопе ita Titobe 
ATW Hakeparoc ищшире азпиотте. evovaab ivreene 
WTCeMea ETFOOTS ATW етбоочяе ETETHOTOND ебоћ п- 
онтоу Mee йитрецротоємт oae пносазос. 16 єтетисєєт 
єпщахе аяпомо ETWOTWOT мат яе пеооот ANEXE. хе 
WTAWIOT AM єпатиан отте итаицепохсе AN епхииси. 
TaAAAR ещхе CEOTWTHN Aeaeor ext TeerTcla яе 

"()G9)24 — ™ (x) (9) 248 9 (0) (1) (19) 24 ететие] 
1 24..-тих 19 wone] add єрєтєпох being Во ет) тоя 
щєпо. | 19 24.. yR. Є 1 17 (е) (т) то 24 $ at Xpaue 

7 пноттє &c for God (is) he who worketh in you] 19 24, Bo 
(epowh) (о) Geos yap eotw о evepyov (trs. ev уши evepyov 17 ..add 
дарес A) &с N &с, Vg (deus est enim) Syr (God is yap) Arm саа 
Eth (and-helpeth you) Macarius Marcus (avros yap) .. for God &c in из 
Arm 9 (єяз 19)novwuy the willing] (19) &e 24, єшотощ the 
willing Bo Arm .. ka. то бела N &e, Vg .. also to will Eth his will Eth .. єотощ unto willing Bo (АЕ) эп пас 
&c and the fulfilment of the willing] (17) (19) 24.. also to effect 
whatever ye wished Syr -. KAL TO EVEPYELV VTEP TNS EVOOKLAS (add алто? С) 
N &c, et perficere pro bona voluntate Vg, near mrepowh eo. exen 
marat and the working for the sake of the good pleasure Во Arm, 
Macarius Mareus .. and he will complete to you his kindness Eth .. and 
he willeth to us that he may complete his kindness Eth ro 

^^ apro. п. do all things] (1?) 19? 24, Во.. trs. ravra т. М &e, Syr 
Arm .. omnia autem facite Vg .. ата work all which ye work Eth .. all 
your work Eth ro от ахонахєен and reasoning] т 19 24, Bo (mear) 
kat біадоуютиаи N &с, Vg (haesitationibus) .. om К, Mac regula 
Paphnu regula .. «nd. without division Syr Eth .. and grumbling Arm 

15 хека(аа г)с &c that ye should become sinless and harmless | 
: 1 I9 24, Во (eperenos патарікх) Arm Eth .. trs. окер. к. амер. 17, 
Syr (perfect and without spot) йщирє lit. son] (e?) т 19 24, Vg 
(filii) Syr (as pure sons) Arm Eth..rexva № біс evosaab lit. 
being pure] e? г (19) 24, Bo Syr Eth .. арора (unra) N &e, Vg.. 
сретепо! патас being without spot Bo (нт).. sinless rm || йтахнтє 


13 {ог God (is) he who worketh in you the willing and the 
fulfilment of the willing. 1 Do all things without murmuring 
and reasoning, ? that ye should become sinless and harmless, 
. children of God, pure in the midst of the generation which 
is distorted and which is perverse among whom ye are 
manifested as the enlighteners in the world. 1° Keeping hold 
on the word of the life, unto a glorying for me at the day 
of the Christ, that I ran not in vain nor I toiled in vain. 
17 But (a) if I am poured forth upon the sacrifice and the 

in the midst] (e?) г 19 24, Sem exu Во, DPKL &с, Arm Eth .. 
pecov NABCD*FGP 17 .. Syr has who live in a generation niv. 
of the generation] e т (19) 24..ftowv. of а gen. Во, № &c, Syr .. 
nations Vg Arm ..of sons Eth eto. &c which is distorted and 
which is perverse] (e?) 1 19 24, N &c, Vg (pravae et) Bo (ec-ec) Syr 
(pravae et) Eth ..trs. before mation Arm єтєтпотоио ye are 
manifested | I 19.. €rernaos. ye will be manifested е! 24 .. pref. пн 
those among whom &e Bo... paweobe N &c, Arm Eth .. appear ye Syr.. 
lucetis Vg пиг (ex e) реб. the enlighteners] e? 1 19 24 .. погпрєч. 
enlighteners Bo, фосттрєє  &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth . озх пк. in the 
world] e т 19 24, Во.. ev koc N &с, Vg Syr Eth .. of world Arm .. 
ev то к. rovro FG, in mundo hoc g, in hoc mundo Ат 

% ететиаеет &c keeping hold on the word of the life] (e?) 1 &e, 
eperenassoni &c laying hold on &c Bo (inc. the words B?) .. learning 
the word &c Eth .. trs. Aoyov Cons erexovres Ñ &c, Vg Arm (accepting) 
.. because ye ате to them in place of life Syr esujpowuy. и. unto а 
clorying for me] 1 &c .. so that Г may boast indeed Eth зап (Во 7)eo. 
at the day] т &с, in die Vg Syr Eth .. eneg. Во (Seu н) es ур. № &e, 
Arm..emnréeoos йтє тпароуста залог © unto the day of the presence 

&с Bo (к) enx. in vain 10] 16 &c.. Sen озцуоукг т vain Bo 
(maid oos was running).. trs. es kevov єдрароу Ñ &e, Vg Syr (єкт) 
Arm Eth ovr(2 24)e & nor I toiled in vain] e? (т) &c.. orae 

netaryenSics ай спетщозут nor toiled Г unto that which is vain 
Bo .. ovde es Kevoy єкотиаса М &c, Vg Syr (vainly) Arm (worked) Eth 

17 єцуже if] (e?) &с, Bo.. e кал (ки єє FG) № &o, Vg Arm .. even 
Syr..and Eth сєоуштії ая. lit. they shed me forth] (e?) т біс, 
cenaosoene, they will libate me Bo (ADEK) стедоро N біс, Eth 
..іттоїог Vg Syr Аут .. cenaovoe&er they will remove те Во (by error) 
exit tee. upon the sacrifice] т &c, Во (єориг) N &с, Vg (supra) Syr 
Arm .. because of Eth sami ЧАЄМ т 24)т. с and the service of 


тАетохреих итетигисте. pate avo ЯЗмаращіє 
мазаєнти тирти. 18 итоти QWTTHTTH pawe ати» 
итетираще wmwaeeear | 19 азеете ae oak пхоае ac 
ETHET TIALOGECC MATH ом отбепн. хенае epe понт 
QW аятом ємієхаяє єпеєтмоуо. | 20 deent Ахат Cap 
ASAT єцинУ єрає палонт. Mar етизои петироотцу 
см оторх. 2! epe отом cap mae wie Nea METE- 
MOTOT ме. MWaneoc am 16. ??тетйехаөе хе eTe- 
овен. ‘хе Hoe моущире аяпеегот асрояком А. 

(ет 10:24 ато хан 2 (е) (г) 19 (24) maar] 
e т 19..0m 24, Во epsx] по MSS..eosxx 19 24..eoem I па] 
E. по ош, Во | qr neti] сло. quim, т, Bo (е) (т): TO 
amit] 1? 19..ї ane (е) (узо 

your faith] (e?) г &c, N &c, Vg (obsequium) Syr Arm .. the sacrifice 
of the God of your faith Eth Зращє I rejoice] т &c .. pref. and 
behold Eth (not ro) азо nap. &c and I shall rejoice with you 
all] (e?) т 19..0m тирти you all 24.. Kar осъу(у)ҳари тати при" 
N &c, Vg Во (/ share in rejoicing) .. апа I exult with you all Syr .. 
and exulting 1 am with (lit. of) all you Arm .. and I exult with (lit. 
to) you Eth 

18 fit. oc (o0 e 24)тт. ye also] (e) &c.. pref. and Eth.. то де avro 
kat vp, Ñ &e, Vg.. Sen þar ae pawr gwrem but in this rejoice ye 
also Bo..thus and also ye the same manner also ye Arm 
as птєтир. nuas and rejoice with me] т &c, Syr .. отоо аріщфнр 
пращи пєязяяну and share in rejoicing with me Во .. кол cvyxatpere 
ро: Ñ &e, Vg .. and exulting be you with (lit. to) me Arm Eth 

19 Xaxeeve I think] (e?) &c.. «Ато N &c, Ус Bo Syr Arm Eth 
(4 trust) пхоєг (axe е) the Lord] e &с, N &e, Ус Bo Arm .. xo 
CD*FerG, Во (варнзх).. ои" Lord Syr Eth хс Jesus] e &с, 
N &е, Ус Bo Syr Arm Eth ro.. add пс Во (в) Eth т(а 24)s- 
(4 e)a. инти T. to you] (e?) &c .. trs. moren Иттахое. to you 7. Bo 
Syr Eth (om quickly) .. trs. after ть. та. reppar Ñ &e' (zpos D*) Vg 
(ad) Arm хєкә (^а 1)c epe &с lit. that my heart also should 
rest] т &с.. ота amor oo fire mago атом that I also my heart 
should rest Bo, wa кауо ev(x« А)фохо N &e, Vg..that also to те 
should be to me rest Syr..that also to me rest should be Arm .. that 
І should rejoice I also Eth eaieraxe I having known] 1 &c .. єзєталє 


service of your faith, I rejoice, and I shall rejoice with you all: 
18 ye also rejoice ye, and rejoice with me. 1° But I think 
in the Lord Jesus to send Timotheos to you quickly, that my 
heart also should be at rest, I having known the news of you. 
20 For I have not any coming so near (lit. in) my heart (like) 
this (one) who will саге for you genuinely. *! For all are 
seeking the (things) which are their own, not those of the 
Christ Jesus. ??But ye know his proof that, as a child to 

T knowing e.. зицамелат should I know Bo ..yvovs № &c..cogmitis 
Vg..when I should know Arm .. when I should learn Syr .. having 
heard Eth єпєтпото lit. your news] e &c, Eth .. eebe neven- 
ши concerning your state Во (епелеи ванл).. та пері пишу Ñ &с, 
Ve .. concerning you Syr .. something from you Arm 

© Masti} бс lit. for there is not to me апу | e &c, Bo (lit. any with 
те) ovdeva yap exo X &с, Vg Arm .. for there із not to me another here 
Syr..for there is not to me except him Eth (om exc. &c ro) Tat 
єтначі &e who will care for you] e (1 7) 19) .. esgmaepi &с Во .. та пери 
(vzep L) viov (ўр. D£r**) єрттє. X &e, Vg .. will care for that which 
is yours Syr .. will care for you Arm .. who will care for your affairs Eth ro оп отор genuinely] e 19.. gem оттоубо 
in a pureness Bo (A*T*xGM0* p»)... Sen отэзетсинстос ina genuine- 
ness Bo (amzrmeprHJKLN)..trs. yvgows та Ñ біс, Vg (sincera 
affectione) Зуг Arm ( familiarly) .. in knowledge Eth 

? epe ото &с for all are seeking the (things) which are their 
own] (e?) 19... avKW} сар fica пет. тироу lit. for (om 7,7) they (he: 
n*E,) sought after the (things) &c all of them Во..ог zavres yap та 
eavrov (томату М &c, Vg (sua) Syr Arm Eth (are thoughtful about) 
mita. &c not those of the Christ Jesus] т? 19 .. add ахакате only (e 1) 
.. OVO? пап © IHT ait and &c Bo, Palladius (kac ov та Tov христо») 
.. ov та ҳо ù BL &c, Vg (fu demid) Syr (Б) Eth ro.. ov та ù xv RA 
CDFGP 17 47, Vg (am tol Баг!) Syr (vg) Arm .. ov ra хо К, Eth 

2 teresse &c but ye know his proof] (e) (1) 19, Eth (conduct) .. 
add of this man Eth (not ro) .. ryv бє докцил avrov yw. N &e, Vg Bo 
Syr (of this) озщ. lit. as a son] e г 19, Bo Vg Syr Arm Eth 
(sons ro) .. rekvov Ñ &c Ranegesw7 to his father] e? т 19, Syr Eth 
..Avppre потрі позтот аз а son to a father Во Arm.. пф. м. 
тозот ав an only son Во (A,*B*DE,*M 26) by error .. trs. татр тєк. 
М &е, Vg aypemoad м. he served with me] т 19, Во (инт 

1717.2 U 


кя лл enevacceAion. Mar ge faeeeve erinoorgy 
WTewWMow ємщаметає еметщооп аватог. 2 apre ace 
да» пхоеїс SE AMOR оошот ON (инъ oW отбепн. 
25 оп ae хе петешще пе єтимооу шароти 
Wenasppoarroc псом пащірроі avo nawhpseatos. 
епетнлпостолос хе пе ATW mAerrovpuvoc птах реа. 
" епегхн — weejoveujyrHo TM тирти. ати»  еЧазоко 
епецонт. єбо хе этетисютая хе acque. — 7 RAI 
CAP ачщоме офи ссоти enaeov. AAAA à пноттє 

3119 ener.] eohe пн єт. (nev.) Во NET TO 25. (е) 
(1) 19$ pera] e 19.. Фра І 2 (ẹ) I1 19 euerxH]| 19.. 
emraH e т, Во  eqsrxond єпєчонт| е &c .. mayqarond йонт Во 

Ce) E (19) 

senn B?) Arm .. agepowh &c he worked &c Bo (31) .. trs. ovv eu. eov- 
Aevaev М &с, Vg .. thus he worked with me Syr .. how he was subjected 
to me as son (sons) &c Eth enev. unto the gospel] (e) 1 19, N &c, 
Bo (uus мел» nres. ва).. add яяпноттє of God 1 ..2m evangelio Vg 
Syr Arm .. in the doctrine of the gospel Eth .. ev то Secpors т. ev. С 

33 сє therefore] igitur Vg Arm..s*em оти Bo, № & Syr 
Eth daxreeve I think] «Ато  &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth 
ses. immediately | trs. зицаиелал ca vov Во.. to send to you quickly 
Syr .. ѓо send soon Vg .. as soon as «с Arm .. trs. efavris to end ÑN &с, 
Eth ex(ees т) ugastessze if I should know] Bo.. ws av oz($)ióo N 
&e, Vg (ut videro)... when I see soon as-I have ascertained 
Arm .. having known Eth 

^ tnaote І trust] Eth .. паонт-ент / am persuaded Bo, тєто:бо. 
N &с, Vg (confido) Syr ae] r 19, X &с, Vg Bo Arm .. and Syr 
Eth охх in] т 19, Во, N &c, Vg Arm Eth .. upon Syr Txoeic 
the Lord] т 19, Bo.. коро N &e, Vg Arm .. ту Lord Syr .. our Lord 
Eth alton ooco(om т)т om I myself also] 1 19.. кас avros Ñ &c, 
Vg..add eyo R*.. anor оо J myself Bo.. om ew Bo (АбмР 26) .. 
also I Syr Eth .. also 7 indeed Arm {инэ am coming] т 19, Syr 
Eth .. {мал Z shall come Во, М &c, Vg Arm .. add щароти unto you 
т, оаротєн Во, mpos vuas N* АСР, f Vg Syr en &c quickly] (e) 
“е, FG, Vg Bo .. trs. raxeos eAevo. № &с, Syr Arm Eth 

^ эзоп &с lit. but I reckoned it that that which (is) right is] 
€! 1 19.. Ovantackeon ae (om HJ) ar(nar нз) алет epog but а 


his father, he served with me unto the gospel. ??'This (one) 
therefore I think to send immediately if I should know the 
(things) which happen to me. * But I trust in the Lord that 
I myself also am coming quickly. * But I reckoned that it 
was right to send unto you Epaphroditos the brother, my 
fellow-worker and my fellow-soldier, but being your apostle 
and the minister to my need. * Since he was yearning for 
you all and grieving, because that ye heard that he was sick : 
?! for indeed he was sick, he approached unto the death: but 

necessary (thing) I thought it Во, Ñ &е, Vg .. om ae Bo (нл).. but good 
I reckoned (it) Arm..but now (om b. т. ro) rather I was desirous 

concerning Ep. Eth .. but now compelled me the thing Syr єтипоост 
uj. to send unto you] (e) Bo (потєн £o you) Syr (that I should зепа).. 
irs. пером тр. v. to end № &e, Vg Arm Eth (J will send) псоп 

the brother] 19 .. our br. Eth naujBp. (Вир. e twice) my fellow- 
worker] (e?) 19..0v09 тіпа my вакні?е,) щфир &с and the 
fellow-worker Bo, кал a vvepyov Ñ &c, Vg Arm .. who is helper and soldier 
who (is) with me Syr .. who shareth work with me (as) officer Eth .. 
with whom we share work, who with me (is) officer Eth ro .. om D*, d 
Bo(z*) | єпети. &c but being your apostle] (e?) 19 .. eyor xe пап. 
iren but being apostle to you Bo .. vv де атостодоу Ж &c, Vg Syr 
Arm (om 38e) .. but (and то) to you your apostle Eth ато п№е!- 
(Ns е т)т. and the minister} e 1 19 .. кш Лет.  &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm 
.. and ту minister of ту affairs Eth 

8 пецотєщут. т. lit. he was wishing you all] (e) &c .. ezvzrofov пи 
zavras vas М ВЕС КІР &c ..omnes vos desiderabat Vg .. add bew 
N'ACD al.. nagae: йна» єротєп тнроу me he was loving to see 
you all Bo, he was desirous to see you all Syr, himself indeed excessively 
had desired to see you all Arm .. he is desirous that he may see you Eth 
ehoN(eehe Во) xe because that] (e?) &c, бот. № &c, Vg Arm.. 
because he knew Syr, having known Eth (not ro which has and ye 

27 war wap] e? т 19, N &c, Vg Bo Arm..also Syr .. om к. у. паб, 
Eth continuing and he came аЧофи бо he approached unto the 

death] e? 1 (19) .. щатеч ит єфахоту until he approached unto the 

death Во .. таратАлролоу Üavaro(ov) № &с.. usque ad mortem Vg Буг 

Arm .. and he came to death Eth &XNNa 19] т (19) N &с, Vg Syr 

Arm Eth ., отоо and Во (А.Е) a(om 19) пиоттє na (add ит 19) 
U 2 


ма MA. иа ae aeavaagy лм. AAA Mar ow. хекАС 
миа погАтпн exi OTATNH. З8аттитостеа бє om 
отбепн. хекас EATETHMNAT eEpoy итетираще ом. 
anok OW иташопе ast Хупн. Wong ве ероти 
оз» nxoeic ON pawe mies. ATW NTETHRW NATH War 
Wrereente єтїн. хе erbe noob aamexe acyguit 
ego?m єп оз. ехциех тєл н бол. хекас 
ецежон eboX азпетищоют eei TAEITOTPTIA етщеоп 
UJa por. 

ПІ. Tenor ве. пасину. ращє сяє пахоєг. erpaceo 

Wat ae алата] є т, Во.. mag хє stavafaly 19. отоо пач 
me &c Во (DFKL) хєкас)|-каас т (Р) (+) wo $. — сут) 
19(39) sex] итеегт tammy] (е).. таєїнт г 19 30 (e) 1 19 
(39) пооЁ] 19.. фоёт жєкәс] -xaac т Мент. | Ast. 1 

* (є) г $ (13 IP) 19 $ (39) 

nag God had mercy upon him] т (19) о 6eos yAenoev avrov МА ВС" 
DFGP 17 37, Vg Syr Arm Eth..o б. алт. А. KL &с.. agnar mag 
xep had mercy upon him God Bo.. ay. &c пос had &с the Lord 
Bo (DF KL) паху that I should not receive] т 19, Во (add om 
again) .. trs. (є D* FG)cyw to end N &c, Vg Arm (bear) Eth (should 
be added to me) .. that there should not be to me Syr | exi оуМупн lit. 
upon a grief] ет 19 ..exei ях(єлх)као понт. om upon grief again 
Bo Во (р*к).. e. иная. п. оп wpon the griefs again Во (А ва E) 

98 ast. I sent him] (e) 1 19, Eth .. trs. от. ovv єтєшра avrov № &c, 
Vg Bo Syr Arm .. add тр. v. 17, Syr (vg) бе therefore] 19, ovv 
N &е, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. and Eth .. є т, Fer G 17 оп &c quickly] 
€? т 19, Eth, urgently Arm, carefully Syr .. crovdatorepws (ov DFG) 
N бе, Bo (ндо ше) festinantius Vg Во «eua(aa т)с єгтєтїнәъз 
&c that having seen him |(е ?) т 19, &с, Vg Arm .. that when ye saw 
him Буг.. миа зретеищаниат &c that if ye should see him Bo .. om 
Bo (2,*) .. that ye should see him Eth птєтир. ом ye may rejoice 
again] 1? 19 .. таму ҳарутє N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm.. om again Eth 
anos &с I also, that І may be without grief] 19 .. pref. отоо and Bo 
(om J may be B*).. кеуш аАлтотеро$ o Ж &c, Vg (sine tristitia) Arm 
(without &c) .. and to me should be a little breathing Syr .. and I also 
that I should not be grieved Eth 

? бе therefore] є 19..0m 17, Arm.. and Eth nxoesc the 


(>) God had mercy upon him; but not upon him alone, but (>) 
upon me also, that I should not receive grief upon grief. 
28 Т sent him therefore quickly, that having seen him ye may 
rejoice again, and I also, that I may be without grief. 7? Accept 
him therefore in the Lord in all joy ; and regard such (as) 
honourable: *° because for the work of the Christ he 
approached. unto the death, having cast his life away, that 
he should fill up your deficiency and the service which is (to 
be done) unto me. 

III. Now therefore, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. For 

Lord] (1?) то (39) in the Lord Bo (0)..kvpwo N &e, Vg 
Arm .. our Lord Eth оп р. и. in all joy] (e?) 1 19, Bo Syr Arm 
Eth .. trs. pera тос. x. ev к. Ñ &е, Vg ато &c lit. and put to you 
these of this kind being honoured] (e?) (1) 19 39?!..o$oe паз 
anaip азаротщоп: єзтатнотт йтєпентоу and such let them be 
honoured by you Во, kar rovs rowvrovs evtysous exere Ñ &c, Vg Arm.. 
and those who are thus in honour hold them Syr.. and. honour those 
who are thus Eth 

80 xe because] е &c, M &c, Vg Bo Arm Bo (н) Syr 
àxmeoc of the Christ] т то (391) DKL & C.. xv ВЕС, Vg 
Syr (vg).. ire пб© the Lord Bo, т. к. 57 .. pov МАР 17 47, Syr (В) 
Arm .. of God Eth хеши &с he approached unto the death] (е?) 
&с (391) Eth ro.. he-even to the death Bo (щає&рнх) Eth .. trs. pexpe 
0. туу. X &с, Vg Syr Arm єачиєх &c lit. having cast his soul 
away] т 19 (39?).. zapafoXeveap.evos ті) Worx МАВРЕС, eayep- 
парадйомеуєсеє йтєчуі. Во (A,",B*DEL).. rapaBovd. &e CKLP &c, 
Bo ..tradens animam suam Vg Eth (and he delivered up)..and he 
despised his soul Syr sine, «с lit. your deficiency and the service 
which is being unto me] (e?) т 19 (39').. your deficiency of the 
service which belongs to me Во (epoy т) то viov vorepnpa туз mpos 
pe Латоурушз Ñ біс, id quod ex vobis deerat erga meum obsequium 
Vg, that in which ye were defective in the service which is to me Syr, 
your deficiency of my service Arm, that which diminished ye from my 
own service Eth 

1 чепох бе now therefore] e &c (13) 39 .. то Nomon Во, М &c. 
Vg Syr Arm .. and now also Eth маси. my brothers] e &с 13 39, 
Во, М &e, Vg Syr Arm Eth .. our br. Eth ro (also our br. after rejoice) 
nxoesc the Lord] 13 &e, Во.. кори № &e, Vg Arm .. our Lord Syr 
Eth erpaceo for me to write] 13 &с (39 1).. trs. nar ом єс&нтот 


мал ом инти мото є нат ам пе. оторх Ae NATH 
пе. 2 \отити  ewxevooop. Яотнти смаерсатие 
eeoov. Цотнтм enwwwr бол. Fanon cap me 
Tichhe. werujesuje оз» memia аяпиотте ати» ETWOT- 
шот aeasooy оз» MEXE ҮС. ххх ATHRO Мәтни Alt 
eTcaps. "катер ион {ка отну ETCAPS. ewone OTH 
REOTA еЦаяеете хе их NHOTHY ercapz. амок iigovo 
ant.  ботеббє oak палзєощавоюм поооу. choA оя» 

? (1) 13 (19) 39 сів ємєто.| 13 “с 39.. exos[oo0p] 1 .. entor- 
gwp Во з (1) 13 (19) (39$) ап етсар& | 1 13, Во (варенгкі,) 
..trs. Sem тсарх am Bo * (e) 1 тз (19) (39) кєота| Reva І 
5 (e) (1) 13 19 (39) 93x пазаєо| mnara. I 

потеи Bo, N &с, Syr (that I should write) Arm Eth .. trs. vobis scribere 
Vg паг оп these also] 13 &c 39, Bo (pref. ovog and нт) та avra 
NcABCDKL &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth (and this also) .. ravra N* FGP 
инт to you] 13 &e 39, Во.. om 47 пото. lit. not a toil] (e) &c 
13 (39) Syr..add seem Bo..trs. ем. pev ovk окупроу Ñ біс, Vg 
(pigrum) Arm (om pev) Eth (J am not sluggish indeed) ovopz &с 
lit. but a security for you it is] 13 &c (39) Bo(taxpo confirming) .. om 
ae Bo (An*?rFHJL)..trs. уши бє (ro А" 37) асфале< N &с, Vg 
(necessarium) Arm (and to you very safe) .. because they warn you Syr 
.. because they confirm you Eth .. om Eth ro 

? Хетнти take heed of то] г &c 13 39, Syr Arm .. guard ye against 
and beware of Eth .. BAerere № &c, Vg Bo (anar) Xe. 2°] pref: 
and Eth (not ro) єпєх(их 19 .. и 39)epe. these &c] 13 19 39 
cit .. rovs &c № &c, Bo Arm ее (то 19)oo* lit. who are evil] 13 
&c 39, Bo Syr Eth..rovs как. вру. № &с, Vg Arm (husbandmen) 
Xo. 3°] pref. and Eth (not ro) єпщоот єв. the cutting off] 13 
(19) 39, т> кататорми Ñ біс, concisionem Vg Arm Syr .. епицот 
псєйт the cutting of circumcision Bo .. the (men) cut in circ. Eth (om 
in circ. ro) .. encb&e the circ. cit 

З anon &c for we are Ње сис.] (т?) 13 (19) Во, N &e, Vg .. for 
circ. ше are Syr Arm .. circ. indeed we (are) Eth | (ни т 39) етщ. &c 
those who serve in the spirit of God] т 13 (19) 39.. 5a ин етщ. 
anma fre dX lit. under those who serve the spirit of God Bo .. o 


me to write these (things) also to you a toil to me is not, but 
security for you 16 is. * Take heed of the dogs, take heed of 
these evil workers, take heed of the cutting off. ? For we are 
the circumcision, those who serve in the spirit of God, and 
who glory in the Christ Jesus, and we trust not unto the 
flesh: * although I, I trust unto the flesh: if there is another 
who thinketh that he trusteth unto the flesh, I more am (опе) : 
? eireumcision in my eighth day, out of the тасе of the Israel, 

mvevpate бєоу Aarpevovres МА ВСО<Е=тС К І, al 7o, Буг (h ms) Arm 
.. oL ту. бе &c No D*P al mu, fm Vg Syr (who serve God in spirit) 
Eth (who serve God in spirit) єтщ. &c lit. who glory them] г 13 
(19) 39, xavxopevou № &e, ему. maron Bo .. gloriamur Vg Syr Arm.. 
we worship and we glory Eth .. Eth ro has who worship in spirit, God 
we worship nesc€ 1€ the Christ Jesus] т 13 39, Bo.. xo v N &с, 
Vg Arm.. Jesus Christ Syr Eth ато (єм і)тики» &с and we 
trust not unto the flesh] т 13 39, Syr..avw пєтка отни [am] біс 
and those who trust not ёс (19).. отор mape оөни XH Sen vcapz 
ax and our trust was not being put in the fl. Bo .. trs. кол ovk ev саркі 
(ко. ov тарк, DT) zezoifores N &c, Vg Arm .. and not in our flesh 
we trust Eth 

t {ңа отит єтсара I trust unto the flesh} 13)- 
итәт ом (om 1) Raar anka отні(єг т) etcaps there is being to те 
also the trust in the flesh т 13 39.. 090M йтні Marar (om A,E) 
noseor (оущоущоту вані") понт Sew Teaps om ¿here із with те 
a confidence of heart (a glorying вана") in the flesh also Bo (om om £) 
.. €xov пєтоїбтату кал ev тарк Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm... om ка D*FG.. 
although there is to me also circ. if indeed I trust Eth єщопє &e 
if there is another who thinketh]| (е?) & 19 39..« т (add de FG, 
Vg fu, Bo A,B*FHJK) аЛЛоз дока DFG, Vg Syr (h).. є т< доке 
aAÀAos Ñ &c, Arm .. om aÀXos 46 109 (om кє Bo Ay’ DECHIKL) от оке 
Bo (A E) .. for if man thinketh Syr .. and if there is who thinketh con- 
fidence in his flesh Eth anon &с lit. І more I am] e & 19 (39) 
Bo .. eyo раЛЛои N &с, Ус... more than he І Syr .. more still J Arm.. 
Г ат better than this Eth .. Eth ro has and if indeed in my flesh I 
trust, then the confidence which another has in his flesh I also (have) 

5 ovchhe lit. a circ. in my eighth day] (e?) 1 &с 39, Bo (in the &c) 
.. тєритора] oKTanpepos Ñ &c, Arm (by circ.) .. cirewmeisus octava die 
Vg Syr .. circumcised which is in eighth Eth.. he who is from circum- 


mnuenoc азпиеранА. TepTAH ibenraasent. Hochparsoc 
eboX см Noehpatoc. авФфарісатос ката пиоаяос. 
Wohe ката TAIRAIOCTHH єтояє пиоз ос. "АЛЛА 
WAT єнетущооп War понт. агопот eoce erbe mec. 
ЗАМАХ чоп бе пооб mee xe осиосе ие erbe negoro 
coos авзпеу с IC Marsoesc. Mar WTAFLOce нка miee 
єтіннте). ATW TOM OOT хе оємАаат ме. хенає 

9 (е) (1) 13$ at asus. то $ &е 39 P&c || " (e) т (3) 13 (19) 39 
понт] понох 3..єтонт т..е(й GMP)ganeHoD for gains Во 
* (є) г (3) 13 (19) 39 9enoce] опосє 3 39 хоєс] жос г 3 19 
Sal] 3 39..ємтаг I І3..йта 19 пка] є І 13.. піка 39.. ИКА 
3- йозі Во єтаіннтія)| -Вит 1 3 xenac eic] -aac eese т 

cision which was in eighth Eth го Tec Xa the tribe] (e?) т &c 
39, Bo Eth ro (om from before) .. туз $.  &с.. de tribu Vg Syr Arm 
Eth пієпказаєнтт | e &с, NABL 37* 47.. Веларму ЕСКР, Syr? 
.. ĝenron т 39, Во, D &c, Vg Arm ? .. Benyam Eth лоєбратос 
Hebrew] e? (т) &c.. охоейреос Во, № &c, Arm єв. оп ito. out 
of the Hebrews] 13 19 39.. e£ «Врашу Ñ &c, Vg Bo (gaxtoe&.) .. of 
Hebrew Arm..son of Hebrews Syr..who (is) from Hebrews Eth 
зафарис (сс 39)aroc &c Pharisee according to the law] e? 1! &c 39 
.. ката (rov FG) уоцоу фаритоло$  &с, Vg Bo (питозлос) Syr (in) 
Arm .. and in statute of law Ph. Eth (om statute of ro) 

5 ката 10] e &c, N &c, Ус Bo Arm (being zealous) .. in Syr Eth 
(pref. and) ex(eer 1)m. &e persecuting] e (1) &с, докоу N біс 
Vg..marcomi J was persecuting о (ва) Arm .. asg. 7 persecuted Bo 
Eth .. persecutor Syr тєкк. the church] т &e, N &c, Bo Arm.. 
oveRRA, а church Bo (ва)..а44 бео» FG, Vg (Eth) alu. Пат. 
I became sinless] e т &c .. asug. eror fta v(a)pi Z became being fault- 
less Bo .. yevopevos орєрттоѕ N &c, Arm, conversatus sine querela Vg 
..pure having become Eth ката Ta. &c according to the righteous- 
ness which is in the law] (e єтщооп) т &c 39 (evuy.) .. trs. K.—vopw 
yev. ap, $ &e, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth .. and in &с Syr.. ката $a. ae 
Bo (нг) етозя which is in] itte of Bo (Hs) Syr Arm Eth 

7 aña] 1 13 19, NCBDFKLP &c, Bo Vg Syr Arm Eth .. от 
N* AG 17, Eth ro паг these] 13.. ин those т 3 19 39, Bo (add 


the tribe of Beniamein, Hebrew out of the Hebrews ; Pharisee 
according to the law; 9accordíng to zeal persecuting the 
church; Y became sinless according to the righteousness which 
is in the daw. 7 But (a) these (things) which were being to 
me gain I reckoned them for loss because of the Christ. 
8 But (a) I reckon therefore all things that they are losses, 
because of the excess of the knowledge of the Christ Jesus 
my Lord, this (one) because of whom I lost all things, and 
I reckon them that they are nothing, that I should gain the 

axen HJ,°,L) Зуг.. ата N біс, Vg (quae) Arm.. that my gain Eth 
enevuy. &с which were being to me gain] e? 3 &e 19.. v pou Kepdy 
МАРС КІР &с, Bo.. which gain were to me Syr .. ро nv к. В, Vg 
.. which to me gain were Arm .. Eth, see above aronoy І reckoned 
them] e 3 &c 19.. pref. ravra № &c, Vg Во (add epos ѓо me.. м. ae 
нат) Arm (Низ) .. Eth has J preferred to lose it eoce fox loss] 1 3 
(coce) 13 19? 39 .. &os(om o» Р) ост a loss Do... trs. dua rov xv Сура 
N &е, Vg (detrimenta) .. trs. loss I reckoned them Syr ..this loss I біс 
Arm e. пех because of the Christ] e? 3 13 (19) 39, Во Syr 
Arm Eth..e. пхоїс meet because of the Lord the Christ т .. trs. бла 
Tov ХУ брам 53 &c, Vg 

* аАХа-ве but-therefore] e 3 &с 19..аЛЛа pevovvye NAP 17 
37 al. Во..аЛАа pevow ВРЕСКІ, al.. but Arm Eth ro.. verum 
tamen Vg..and Syr Eth Xon I reckon] e 3 &c 19, N*, f Ve 
(fu demid) Bo Eth (7 reckoned) ..pref. ka. Ne &с, Vg (am tol) Syr 
Arm лосі (nia е) &c all things that they are losses] e? 3 &c 
19 ..zavra (шау evar Ж біо, Vg .. Bawor тнроу eganoci them all 
for losses Bo .. them all loss Syr .. all loss Arm .. all of it loss Eth (add 
I риї го) neoovo the excess] e 3 &c (19) Во, то urepexov № «е, 
Vg (eminentem) Syr Arm .. greatness of power Eth axneoQcc 1С of 
the Christ Jesus] e &с (19) Во, М &c (rov В).. om хе Во (n*) .. iic 
перс &c 3 39, AK P, f Vg Syr (vg) Arm Eth пах. my Lord] 
т. к. pov М «е Syr (vg) Eth .. nens. 39, Во (FK)... к. nuov AP, Vg 
(demid harl*) Syr (h) Arm паг &c this (one) because of whom] e? 
(3) & (19) Bo (Syr Eth) .. & ov N &c, Vg Arm итәт &c I lost all 
things] e 3 &c 19? Bo Eth..ra тата «бур.  &е, Vg Буг Arm 
a0 and] 1 3 13 39, N &с, Ус Bo Syr Arm Eth .. om 19 TETANEN 
хє оєм(оп 1 3 39) Nasa» ne lit. them that nothings they are] т (3) 
13.. окоВаЛа У" BD*FG 17, Vg Arm Eth (as) Serapion .. 333100 


ere bons next. “ATW йсєоє epor понт“ єаямтаї 
LRAT їтазінаЮСУМн TehoA оз» murossOc. AAA 
TehoA orrW тпїстїс азпехе. таткатосумн TEROA оз» 
пиохте €opat EXM тпїстїс. 10 исотфи ATW TORR 
аяпетооти ав TROON gdüureeporce erst sertoph 
ззпесязоу. | "xemac ereer ептооти ehoA ow нет- 
s1007 T7. хе итмото AM EFS. Н NTAITW EIXWK 

* (e) (1) (3) 13 19 39 7 131319 39 ато] meas Во 
axi] пела Во.. ати» 3 Ши 43 19 001599 Er; 151959 
пталото | 5 .. мото) т біс 

*"Hpov eoenNaas fujebe 19, mawor THpoy еохиМейщ Bo.. я, 
eo. Bo (aj! B3 DFKL) ny. ок. eva RCADCKLP &с, Syr (h).. and as 
dung I reckon Syr (vg) .. and it seemed to те as dung Eth то à3neoce 
the Christ] e &c, Bo Eth..trs. xpuwrov керд. № &c, Vg Syr Arm.. 
Eth ro has because I preferred the love of Christ Jesus our Lord 
because of whom &c 

° ñcege epor lit. they should find me] e (3?) &c, Bo, N &c 
(evpeOw) Vg Syr Arm.. 7 should be Eth — esaii(eaxsait 19) vas &c not 
having my г.| 13 19..єсєптот am fixeTasseosens lit. being not to 
me my righteousness Bo.. ovk exov єрту бік. NE &e, Vg..o. є. б. ep. 
N* .. ош eugv L, Eth .. while there із not to me righteousness which is 
of myself бут... аз not that my оит т. which &c Г should have Arm .. 
not having the righteousness of the law Eth Te(ee 39)&oX озх пи, 
that (which is) out of the law] 13 &c, Bo, N &c (vopov .. rov v. L) 
Vg Syr..of the law Eth .. trs. which from the law із Г should have 
Arm adda] om Bo (н*) Te(ee 39)&. отти that (which is) 
through] 1 3 &с, да N &c.. teh. Sem out of Bo Vg Syr Arm... the 
righteousness of faith Eth ane xt of the Christ] 13 &e.. xo N &e, 
Vg Syr Arm Eth .. pref. su of Jesus 1.. add знє Bo (нхо) T2. 
(Bo вво ..add жє Во) те (ее 39). osx пи. the г. that (which is) out 
of God] 3 &c, Во Eth .. ryv єк 0cov дік. N &e, Vg Arm .. which is r. which 
is from God уг.. тъ. teh. ori пи. the т. which is through God т 
eop. &c upon the faith] 1 з &e, Bo, М &c.. om Syr Eth ..ev more 
D*, OL Vg .. by faith to know him Arm, see next verse 


Christ, * and be found in him, not having my righteousness, 
that (which is) out of the Jaw, but (a) that (which is) through 
the faith of the Christ, the righteousness, that (which is) out 
of God upon the faith: 1980 as to know him and (avw) the 
power of his rising and (se) the fellowship of his sufferings, 
being conformed to his death; "that I should come unto the 
rising out of those who are dead. 12 Not that I have already 
been (conformed), or I have already been perfected ; but I run 

19 псотона lit. of knowing him] eepicovong for те to know him 

Во..тою yvwvar avrov N &c.. ай agnoscendum illum Vg .. that in it 
I should know Jesus Syr Eth (om in it)... by faith to know him Arm 
.. that I should know him in his faith Eth ro затєцтоотм of 
his rising] ive Tegan. Bo, Isaiah ..yvoceos W*..0m avrov D*er 
"enr the fellowship] DFGKLP &c, Xsseruypup Do.. om туу М 
А B, Arm .. and should share in his suffering Eth ro e(ee г 3) sas 
&c lit. receiving the form ої | exuyi&X 333201 caror ness changing my- 
self into form with (3xuxcs20' five to the form of нл) ovp(v)popeutopevos 
N &e, Isaiah .. отуфортевор. FG .. and that I may become like to Syr 
Eth .. (in) becoming like to Arm 

Ч хекас ere(kaac eere т 3) that I should come] xe apros &c 
that perhaps &c Bo Syr .. e mos &c N &c, Vg (si quo modo) Arm .. if it 
were that &c Eth ex come] катаутусо N &e, Vg (occurram) .. reach 
Arm .. frraspaxest Z may attain Bo .. be able to reach Syr .. obtain him 
Eth en(om 3) тоотн unto the (om 3) rising] г біс, entwngy lit- 
unto the raising him Во, as ти e€avactaow SN &e, Vg Syr (Arm) .. 
etwron to rise 3 .. when should be raised the dead Eth eh. оп біс 
out of those who are dead] тим (rov Кат Get) ex уєкроу NABDP 17, 
quae est ex mortuis OL Vg, which (is) from the dead Буг .. питреч- 
31300 of the dead (ones) Ро, rov vexpov KL &е, Isaiah .. of the dead 
а resurrection Атт 

З жє (pref. but Eth) fitarovw am exces thrice т 3) lit. that 
I finished not receiving (form)] or% оті xe aroro ero lit. not that 
I finished receiving Bo, ovy оті òn eAaffov N &c, Vg Eth (finished 
and) .. пої indeed (that) already I received Syr..not as if already 
I had received Arm .. not indeed have I already received Eth ro .. add 
n 1/07 Sedikatwnar D* FG sre н &e or I have already been per- 
fected] se онън ax(es л) ок єв. Po, y dy rereAeiopoc N &c, Vg Syr 


choA. NHT ac хе єтетлоо HATA ее NTATTAQOS опта» 
пеҳс. 7? MACHHT. ATOR и-азсете хи EPor ase AITAQO. 
пар AE Maarte. EIPMWHD een iuramnaoov. єпору 
хе €MàAOH. | ешнт RATA пескопос aenendiose At- 
птосяя итпе азпиоттє oss перс 1с.  тєМекос 
Ge пае азалуу «еее enar ати» ооб мая ЄТЄТКА- 

йтат| 13 &c..emi. І 3 Tagor] -goes т 3 ori] отп І 3 
їз (є) (1). 3 13$ (19)395 ™ (е) (1) з тз 1939 | "(903 
13 5 19$ 39 

Arm .. and I perfected this Eth .. and Г have already been perfected so to 
say Eth ro Хинт I run] Syr .. бішко N біс, Vg (sequor) Во Arm Eth 
ae] om Arm .. rather Eth ró .. trs. rather I pursue Eth we that] se 
арнот that perhaps Bo .. om же Bo (A,EGMNOP) .. e &* D* FG, Vg Syr 
(vg) Arm Eth, Macarius .. add кш NCABD¢K LP &c, Syr (h) Marcus 
ката ee &с lit. according as they apprehended me by the Christ | 
Sem dar eravTaoo: fur eh. огт. Ke lit, in this in which they 
apprehended me by &с Bo, Eth ro .. in quo et &c Vg .. eb w котаћ. ото 
&c Der Fs G.. ep о ко кат. бо ЗАВРЬКІР бо, df, Macarius 
Marcus .. that because of which apprehended те &c Syr Eth (which 
has different verbs for karoA. and xareA.).. rather that I should be 
apprehended by Arm &c next the Christ] tov xv De Marcus .. 
хо BD* FG. 17, Eth ro, Macarius .. Xv w МАР 47, Vg Во (ваГкеам 
NP) Arm Syr (h mz)... x. м KL &c.. зи пе Bo (Aj, DnrHJKLO) 
w xv 74 al, Syr (vg) .. т. короо w 108, Syr (h) 

13 гсп, my brothers] т &c 19, Bo Syr Eth (pref. o) .. our br. Eth 
ro .. обєХфог N &c, Ve Arm &(Bo ва.. om Во)Ярлєєтє &c I think 
not of myself] e &c 19, Bo Arm .. euavrov опти) Лоу. NADP 17 47 
(Bo see below) Syr (h*) Eth .. єр. ov Лоу. BDeFGKL &с, Vg Syr 
(vg h) arrago I apprehended] г &с.. лото e(a AT)rrago lit. 
I finished apprehending Bo (intending to render ovnw).. Eth has for 
me it seems to me yet I apprehended not nas &c but this only] e 3 
(19) 39 .. мал &с but these only 13 .. ви де М &е, Vg Bo Arm .. but опе 
(thing) I know Syr .. because continuing that which is behind те Eth 
espnofüg &c forgetting indeed the (things which are) behind] (т ?) &c 
.. trs. та pev (add ovv К) отито єтіЛамвауореуос X “е, Vg Syr (om pev) 

PHILIPPIANS Ш 13-15 301 

that I should apprehend according as 1 was apprehended by 
the Christ. 1° Му brothers, I, I think not of myself that 
I apprehended: but this only (I do), forgetting indeed the 
(things which are) behind, but reaching out unto the (things 
which are) in front, “аз I run toward the goal, to the crown 
of the calling above of God in the Christ Jesus. 1° All (the) 
perfect (ones), therefore, let us think this: and every thing 

Arm — ex(ees т 3)nopüj ae enaon but reaching out unto the (things 
which are) in front] г &c.. єммасотти ae 333101 enaon but I shall 
be stretching out myself unto &c е 191 Во (excoowren).. trs. то дє 
єртросбдєу erekrewopevos Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm .. and. before me I hasten 
and (от ro) pursue Eth ae Во (варект,о) 

11 es(ees 1 3)пнт &c as I run toward the goal] (e?) (т) &c .. pref. 
and Syr..trs. ката ovcoarc єбоМ єтбожі with an expectation as 
I pursue Во, N &с (ката скотоу) Vg (ad destinatum).. Arm has 
having aimed I run to а point.. Eth has and (om го) I seek ту reward 
as ат explorer of the calling of God яхпєкћояя to the crown] e &c 
.. єп. unto біс I.. es (єтї) то ВраВеюоу  &е, Vg..for the palm Bo.. 
that I may gain the victory Arm..Eth ro omitting and 
Г seek &c continues as an explorer of the calling, from his height, which 
is from God because of &c зяптооях бо lit. the calling of the 
heaven of God] (e?) (т) &c, Bo (etessmuswr which is above) Syr .. Tys 
avo к№сєоѕ rov Geov N &с (om т. 0. FetG) Vg (supernae vocationis 
de?) .. the calling of God from above Eth (то see above). Obs. Bo (рек) 
have йтє тфє of the heaven instead of йтєфя of God, probably by avo Arm охх пех © 1С in the Christ Jesus] e т &c, Во 
(ergen except ук).. ev xo w № &с, Vg Syr (Б) Arm .. în Jesus Christ 
Syr (vg) Eth (because of го) .. ev куро w xo D* FerG 

5 тее (№ e 1 39)ос & all (the) perfect (ones) therefore | e (т) &c 
..отои miben отн (DFKL om rest of Bo) етжик ehoX every one 
therefore who is perfect Bo .. отог ovv ree Ñ &e, Vg .. those who are 
perfect therefore Syr .. (ye) who once were perfected Arm .. all of you 
(who are) perfect Eth axapi(em 39)ax. &e let us think this] (e?) 
1 &c..Tovro $povo(o)uev N &c, Vg Bo (фах srapeqarevs epog 
this let him think) Syr Eth .. this think ye Arm cQ gwh mar 
єтєтпә (ever ye think 3... єтєтима 1) and every thing which ye will 
think] (e?) т &e.. кш. € тїє-фроуєтє  &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth . ovog 


asceve epog мкесазот. Mar пмоуте WacoATy 
со. инти. 'бпАни пеитхитаоо £fapWaoe ом 
epos. '’тититисти ерог. NACHHT. ATO HTETHSWWT 
ENeTALOOWe їтєює ката өе сищооп инти псазот. 
18 оуу оло TAP LLOOWE. HAY EMEIXW aeeeooy MATH 
поло исоп. renov ac {хо ом азазоот eipiese, пхае 
ззпес Фос яяпеу с. — мах ETETOAH пе HTAHO. ма 
епеумоутє пе онто. ATW EPE MeTEOOT oss пехилпе. 

єйөМ пити | 3.. m. є є &c, Bo 16 (e) T3 тэ 19 36 17 (e) 
(т) 13§ 198 (1315) 39 ато» йтєтие.) e т &с 131.. отоо хоущт 
Bo єпщооп| етищ. 3 18 (e) (т) (3) 13 19 $ at Smet. 39 

єтр.| єєр. 1 3 я (єп e)netfoc] e т з &с, Bo.. fre пістатрос 
Во (в) | "(б т (3) 13 19 (39) 

scxe verenasess and if ye think Bo R(E I 3 39)есахот of 
another form] e 1 &с.. єтероѕ Ñ &c, Vg Syr Arm (any other kind) .. 
other which ye think Eth .. exeowh пкєрнҷ another thing of another 
kind Bo na: this] e 1 &c.. ки rovro V &e, Vg Syr .. палет 
this other Bo (pref. отоо варенікі) Eth.. this also besides Arm 
пиоттє &c God will reveal to you] (е) т &c, Bo (epe py &c) Syr.. 
о дєоѕ прим &с N &с, Vg Arm (to us cdd) .. will reveal to you God Eth 

16 пентан(от е)тәооч that which we apprehended] (e?) &c..o 
epbacape М &c, Vg Bo (фн єтапфоо) Syr Eth (add once) 
that which we arrived Arm .. пептатети. that which ye app. 39 
заартаоє (om є) om epos lit. let us walk also by it] (e?) &c.. om 
Arm.. þar axapermara-p dere (Різ let us be consistent in Bo.. то 
avro otoxew З" AB 17 ..let us persevere Eth ro.. &oe &c walk also 
by it 39 .. add кароу: то avro фроуву NeKLP &oc ..2n one path let us 
wholly walk and in one consent Syr .. To avro dpovew то avro (kavov 
De) (avv)eroxewv DFG 37, Vg .. the same to think and in one canon 
unanimous to be Arm .. altogether let us persevere with one consent Eth 

7 ти(тем 13 1) тит. &c liken yourselves to me] ет & 131, Vg Syr 
Arm .. to me be like Eth .. сър(у)и. pov yweobe № &c, wonsi epetesos 
пщфнр лит aos become being sharers of likeness to me Bo пасин 
my brothers] 1 &e 3 1, Во Syr Eth .. адеАфо: N &c, Ve Arm .. our br. 
Eth ro йтє(єєз т 5)oe thus] e т &с, Bo .. trs. ovros терт.  &6, 


which ye will think of another form, this (thing) God will 
reveal to you: 16 nevertheless by that which we apprehended 
let us also walk. 17 Liken yourselves to me, my brothers, and 
look at those who walk thus according as we are being to 
you for example. 1“ For there are many walking, these of 
whom I was saying to you many times, but now I say 
of them even weeping, (that they are) the enemies of the 
cross of the Christ: !?these whose end is the destruction, 
these whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their 

Vg Syr Arm Eth ката &c according as we are being to you for 
example] (e) &e, Bo (тупос).. «aos єҳєтє тотоу pas М &с, Vg .. as 
the pattern which in us ye saw Syr .. as ye see us Eth (saw ro) .. as ye 
have us to you ( for) pattern Arm 

18 oxi &c for there are many walking, these] 3 &c, ovon osaxnuj 
Сар ev(av дваку)яхощі мат Do .. modor yap пєритатомачу, ovs № &c, 
Vg Arm .. for there are (om Eth) many who otherwise walk, these Буг 
Eth ем (от en 39)es(eer 3) хо &с of whom I was (am 39) saying 
to you many times] e? 1? з &c..ovs тоАХак eXeyov прим Ñ біс, Vg 
Syr (said) Arm (said) .. пах (ин A) erarxoc wien єөёнтоу потаянщ 
йсоп concerning whom Г said to you many times Bo.. evatyxoc &c 
he said &c Во (B?).. evamxoc &c we said &e Bo (F) .. т. єХєуореу v. 
Der* , as I say to you continually Eth тєпоу ae {хо оп (ом 
{хо 39) &e but now I say of them even weeping] т 3 &c .. уми дє ка 
(om Dr*) kAatov Aeyo № &e, Vg Arm .. отоо {пот on express {х0 
3xaxoc and now even weeping I say Bo .. and now also openly I speak: 
to you Eth п (єп 39)xaxe the enemies] e 3 біс, Bo, rovs exOpous 
N &с (Vg Arm).. of enemies Eth то .. тих, аз the enemies т .. xe mx. 
that (they are) the enemies Во (ва) Eth .. that enemies they are Syr 

? war these 19] (e) &с 3 39, Во N &c, Vg Arm Eth 
пе is 19] e &c 3 39, Во.. trs. destruction is Syr Arm .. om N біс, Vg 
Eth мат these 20] 1 &c 3 39, Bo Syr.. от М &c, Vg Arm Eth.. 
pref. arw and е (which has lost мат) ne is 29] e &c 3 39, Во.. 
om N &e, Vg Syr Eth .. trs. their is Arm онтот their belly] e &c 
(3) 39, тозмежл Bo (pref. Sem in n?) Syr Arm ..у кола № &е, Vg 
.. Eth has who their belly worship epe nes. whose glory] (e) &c 
3 (391) .. nosoo» their glory Bo Syr Eth .. т) боба № &e, Vg .. glory 
Arm (pref. «nd cdd) om nevus. is in their shame] т &c .. aqden 
nos(ov a A,",DJLO)ug. was in their shame Do..ev т] awy. avrov 


метаяесете ємАПКАО. O ANOM AE epe пемпоЛітєтвом 
ом авпнує. mata єтї өт COA онт яяпенсотнр 
maoexe 1©. ? gar етизилбе язпсояел азпемеїіхо 
єпетиє аяпсфяях MATIECTEOOT ката теперсех єтрец- 
SAGOL COVMOTACCE их аэептнрч. 

IV. gwere. масину аяяяерт. arw ețorawor. 
параше ATW Mandoke. AQEPATTHTTN тєє оң» 
пхоєс.  ихязерате. 2 ЯпаранаЛе Rergoaia. 

2 t (3) 135 19 (39) 2313715 ene. | evene. 23! 21061) po 
го (39) 23! 57! 

11$ 13 IP 19$ (39 P) 23! (371$) ати» 20] mear Bo (om р) 
* 1 13$ 19 (39) 23! (37!) 

N &c, Vg (ipsorum) Syr .. their shame Arm Eth netar. &c those 
who think the (things) of the earth] т &c .. мат eeaxest &c these who 
&c Bo.. ou та exvyea фроуоуутєс Ñ &с, Vg ..these whose thought in 
earth is Syr .. who think that which (is) in the earth Eth .. who (add 
even cdd) earthly (things) only think Arm 

? anon &c lit. but we, our citizenship being] 1 3! &c 39 1 .. nuov- 
ro помт--птарує Ñ &с, Vg .. тєтзаєтрєзаяхвакі-атом асщоп Sei 
піфноті our citizenship—indeed existed. in the heavens Bo .. our own 
business (conduct Arm) in heaven is Syr Arm us that which in 
the heavens (is) our city Eth .. to us in the heavens (is) our city Eth ro 
ae] 1 3 39 371,80, OL Vg Syr (vg h ms) Eth, Macarius (twice) .. сар 
13 &e, N &c, Bo, Macarius (twice) mara &с the place (from) 
which we look out for] т &e 39?..ov кол (om Arm cdd) сотура 
аптєкдехорєва N біс, Vg (unde etiam) Arm..ovog єВОМ maar 
тєпхотщт (add ehoN A,DHJKZ,O) батон &c and from (om ro) there 
we look for &c Bo Syr Eth ixnencoHp(cüp 37 1) our saviour] 
г &e (39?) Во (сор 1) Syr (life giver) Eth..cwrnpa Ñ бос, Vg 
их. 1€ the Lord Jesus| т &c 39 .. Jesus our Lord Eth ro .. our Lord 
Jesus the Christ Bo Буг.. кору w xv № &c, Vg Arm (the Lord) .. 
Jesus Christ our Lord Eth 

? mar this (one)] т &c, Bo .. фн Bo (A, E) єтпащ. who will 
change] т &с (39?) Во,  &c, Vg (reformabit) Syr .. will renew Arm 
(renewed cdd) Eth .. .. who was transformed Eth то Mincwara &c 

the body of our humiliation] т &е (39 ?) Во, № &c, Vg Syr Arm .. 


shame, those who think the (things) of the earth. 29 But we 
(are they) whose citizenship is in the heavens, the place (from) 
which we look out for our saviour the Lord Jesus: 2 this 
(one) who will change the body of our humiliation into the 
likeness of the body of his glory, according to the working 
for him to be able to subject to himself all things. 

IV. Wherefore, my brothers, beloved and for whom I yearn 
my joy and my crown, stand thus in the Lord, my beloved 
- (ones). ?I beseech Euhodia, I beseech Syntykhé to think the 

our humble body Eth .. into our humble body Eth ro єпє (mr т) ие 
&e into the likeness &c] (т) &e 39?.. смиу(и)морфоу &е RABD*FG, 
m Ve Bo (wpap ззллорфн) Macarius (ovup.) .. pref. є: то уєуєсва: 
avro ПЪК LP &e, Syr Arm (conformable to be) Isaiah .. Eth has and 
he will make it the likeness of the body of his glory .. Eth ro has and 
he clothed with his glory our body ката теперсет(ст 231 37 1)ә 
according to the working] 13 &c (39) N &c, Vg Bo (nrepoo) .. 
according to his great power Буг .. according to the help of his power 
Eth .. асс. to his help Eth ro є(єп 39)тречезх воля for him to be 
able] (1?) &e 39, Bo (pref. отоо варенокі) rov дууаєваї avrov 
N &c, Vg (qua possit) Arm (to become able) .. om Syr Eth which have 
only by which єоупот. to subject] (11) &e (39?) Arm.. ках 
vrorafa.  &c..ovoo єерєчер emexoo and for him-to subject Bo 
..all was subjected to him Syr..he should subject to him all Eth 
may Blen 19) итир lit. to him the all] (т) біс (39).. («)аото та 
таута NÑ &c, Vg Arm Eth..owh mben-may every thing-to him 
Bo Syr 

1 ошст(® 37l)e wherefore] т &c 39 37!, № &e, Vg (itaque) Bo 
Syr Arm .. and now also Eth наспну my brothers] т &e (39) 37! 
N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. our br. Eth thus again exovaujos lit, 
for whom I wish] т &с (39) 37l, єтитовуто Ñ «е, Vg Arm.. 
3xsxenpa- beloved Bo (nasen. my &c x) .. delighted in Syr .. om Eth 
na-na шу &с] 1 &c(39)37., Syr .. хара к. ст. pov М &c..our Eth .. xapis 
&e Fst Ge.. om pov В", Arm птєєєг 1)oe thus] т &e (39) 37 ! 
.. trs. ovro(s) стукєтє N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth .. pref. «o. F&G na. 
the Lord] т &е (39) 371, Bo.. ev кирш М &c, Vg Arm .. in our Lord 
Syr Eth (add and be firm not ro) .. посе Bo (L) | naaxep. my beloved | 
В 17, Bo Syr .. om D* .. om pov № &c, Vg Arm 

2 Xm. I beseech 19] т &c (39) .. and I beseech you Eth .. trs. evod. 
тарак. Ñ &с, Ve Bo Syr п(ли r)evgoara] т «е 39, ewhodiam 

1717.2 X 

А ? 


XdnaparaMer потитуун єззеєтує eova NOTWT ose 
MOEI. —?oaàro {сопс ажа оң бок cyT»ve MQAR. 
\тоотк мяяевлу. WAT Мтатущаєцує мназават. Qae MET- 
ATTEAION зам TIReRAHeeHc ATW панесеєпе пщірр- 
ооб. мат epe метрам ose rTexooese nong. pawe 
ORR mxoerc. {50 ом авазос. хе раце. ? тетиаєттоак 
захресотоио chor posse ies. a пахоєт оом EQOTH. 

стти] -THOCH 231..-9сє (311) || * (1) 13 $ (19) (39) (23!) 
(371) mamar] пы for me 371 ояк in 10] є Во (варенокг) 
щЁрр| щёнрр 39.. u&npep 23! .. цудєєр 37! озх in 29] ок 
Bo з rag ГР побу 29 уе о 
приозає)| epoasr Bo 

Үс Syr .. iesoz21a Во N &с, Arm .. єгодіау Р 47, Eth (eve. то) tn. 
20) т &e 39 ..trs. отут. тарак. Ñ &c, Vg Arm .. om Syr Eth .. meas c. lit. 
with S. Bo e(om 3)ssee(om т) тє to think] 1 &с 39, N &c, Vg .. 
євроуза. for them to think Бо... that-should be to them Syr .. that ye 
should think Eth — eow(ev г) позот lit. one only] т &с 39 .. epa: 
po this very thing Bo .. trs. то avro фр. N &c, Vg Syr (one thought) Arm Eth ro .. Eth has that which is of our Lord with one heart ORR 
ma. in the Lord] т &с 39, Eo .. ev куро N &e, Vg Arm .. in our Lord 
Syr .. that which is of our Lord Eth 
3 огло (Г 13 39 231 37 !.. eto 19) yea] т 13 то 39 231 37 55 ayo 
Arm, eva Eth ro, ce Во, vac N &с, ца d utique g, etiam Vg.. ка 
115, Eth .. Syr has also from thee язялок OWWK thee also] r 13 19. 
39 231, єрок оок Bo Eth .. кал ce Ñ &c, Vg Syr(see above) | стотеє,| 
19, N* BDeK LP &e .. cezove т.. esceve 13 .. с(т з7!)зтнсє 3923! 
(371').. съдеки Bo (7) .. ewévye NCA D*FG, Bo (variously spelt) .. 
it. son of yoke Syr .. and my colleague (Arm cdd) Eth по(ф г)ак 
the true] 1 13 19 39 23! 371, KL &с, Syr .. trs. yvgow ov. З АВР 
(ЕС)Р 17 47, d (dilectissime coniux) Vg (germane) Во (пясоти the 
chosen) Arm (ту intimate and)..eyvgow yeppave стубууа: Ета, 
charissime germane compar Vg (tol) фтоотк &c lit. help with 
them] т 13 19 39 (231) 371, Bo (sxavov& .. om к н) спи(А)ХацВатою 
avras М &c, Ус Arm .. that thou shouldst be helper to those Syr .. that 


same (thing) in the Lord. ? Yea I beseech thee also, yoke- 
fellow the true, help them, these who served with me in the 
gospel, with Klémés also, and the rest also of (my) fellow- 
workers, these whose names are in the book of the life. 
* Rejoice in the Lord: I say again, Rejoice. ? Your fairness 
let it be manifested to all men. The Lord approached. 

thou shouldst help them Eth пах it.(19 231 371.. em. І 13) біс 
those who served with ше] маг eraysigics measur these who toiled 
with me Во ..avrives-ovrg9Aqoav pov N &c, Arm .. "аз quae mecum 
laboraverunt Vg .. who toiled with те Syr .. for they toiled with me Eth 
.. who toiled for me Eth ro neyart, the gospel] т 13 19 39 (23!) 
311 .. in the teaching of the gospel Eth seit пкєкАнахне (заеитос 
Bo Eth) with Klémes also] 13 (19) 39 23! 37 |, pera kar кА. М &c .. 
om к D*FG, Vg Syr Arm Eth avw па (от 37 1) кєсєєпє &c 
lit. and my (the 37 1) rest also of fellow-workers] 13 (39) (23!) .. ках 
тоу Хот. cwvepy. pou № &c, Vg Bo (nex) .. ато пкєс. Ke and the 
rest also &c 19? Bo (ні). ngec. йнасинот the rest also of ту 
brothers Bo (т) .. kat Tov avvepyov pov ках Tov Aovrov W* .. and with 
the rest of my helpers Syr .. and others my fellow-workers Arm .. and all 
our companions who have their one work Eth..and their companions 
also who have our one work Eth ro mar epe &с these whose 
names (mesp. name 37!) are in the book of the life] 1? 13 (19) 
(39?) (23!) (371) ov та оуората ev BugAo Cons N &с, Arm.. quorum 
nomina sunt &c Vg Bo (B*DHIKL 18) .. пах ere norpan с(с) ноут 
от &c these whose name із written (trs. after mond F) in &c Во Syr 
(names are written) Arm cd..of whom were written their names 
&c Eth 

* ọm пхоєг in the Lord] т &e (19) 371, Bo... ev корі» N &e, Vg 
Arm .. in our Lord Syr Eth ro .. in God Eth ..add zavrore N &c, Vg 
Bo Syr Arm Eth (continually not ro) {х0 om &с I say again] І 
13 (19) 23! 37 ! .. таМи epo М &c .. таМих (add on к) {х0 жа. again 
I say Bo Vg Syr Arm .. and again I say to you Eth 

5 тєтизайтоак axapecosong ей. your fairness let it be manifested | 
I &c (19) Ро Arm .. то ezieukes vpwv yvocÓ ro № &e, Vg Syr (pref. and) 
. and that (om Eth) should be known your integrity Eth A ихое!с 
&c the Lord approached] т &c (19) .. о kvptos eyyvs № &e, Bo (Ses) 
Eth .. prope est Vg Syr Arm 

X 2 


бавпреопроотц) Азат. adda Мотоєг) miae оз» 
пешАнА sext псопс истмаутняях яе ротуот gno choA 
&*IMOvTTE QW OTUMoseoT. "avo Хрнин аєпнотутє 
ETXOCE eettceve мае ихохрео ENETHOHT зам мети- 
зесете оз» TIENT IC. 5% тємоу Ge. иесмих. ооб miee 
atere. ооб wies исеазмом. ооб mie Narmason. ооб 
ма» eToTaah. ооб мая ЄТМАМОУСЧ. CAOT miee. 
APETH Mek. тато ига». нат eeeevTE EPOOT. | ETE им 
ATW ATETHHAT єрооту opar понт. MAI аркісот. ATW 

€ т (13) (19) (231) 32! (371) аззарототвно | aaporwnp І 32! 
зхпиоттє | Saren pt Bo 7 (т) 13 19 (321) apeg] ap. т 
718) (63:9) TOR (320) 8689) 

€ Мат any thing] т 13 (19) 23! 32 1371, Eth .. trs. иудеи pepip. 
N &с, Vg Syr Arm..Sa ods for any thing Во (A,E) 
потоєгц; suss always] т 13 (19) 23! (37 1) буг.. ev торти N &e, in 
omni Vg, Sen ооф m. in every thing Bo..all Атт.. om Orsiesius .. 
Eth has but (om ro) pray at all time and ask охх пєщАнм &c in 
the prayer and the supplication, your requests let &c] т 13 19 (2311) 
321 (3717) Syr Arm (plural) .. ту zpocevy kac тт дероєї -та аттата. 
vp. № &с, Vg .. Xnpoc. ness nrrofo-ieven (pref. отоо нл) arTHara 
&c Во... Eth (see above) continuing while ye give thanks reveal (speak 
ro) your petitions ої оущіїо. lit. in a thanksgiving] т r3 19 32! 
(3717)... trs. мета єму. та шт.  &е, Vg Bo (Eth) Arm .. om Syr 

7 яппоттє of God] т &с, Isaiah..rov xv А, Syr (h ще) 
єтхосє exxeeve miar lit. which is (more) high than every thought] 
I &c (3212) ..n vrepeyovoa ravra лоу N &e, quae exsuperat. omnem 
sensum Vg Во (ен ev-enosc miben) .. that which is greater (higher 
Arm) than all mind (minds Arm) Syr which all is Eth 
пети(ах 32 Ї)заєєтє your thoughts] 13 19 321, та мопрата vov Ñ 
&c, Vg (intelligentias) Syr (minds) Arm (minds) Eth (thoughts) Isaiah 
(intell.) .. та сората vp. F£rG, Vg (tol) mene 1С the Christ Jesus] 
I3 I9 .. Хо w В &с, Vg Arm Eth ro .. Jesus Christ Syr Eth 

* vemos ge now, therefore] 13 19 (321)..то Nomon Во, М &c, 
Vg Syr Arm .. and now also Eth neci. lit. the brothers] 13 19.. 


6 Ве not anxious about any thing; but (а) always in the 
prayer and the supplication, your requests let them be mani- 
fested to God in thanksgiving.  " And the peace of God, 
whieh is higher than all thoughts, will keep your hearts 
and your thoughts in the Christ Jesus. | 8 Now, therefore, 
Brothers, all things true, all things reverend, all things 
righteous, all things which are pure, all things which are 
good, all blessing, all virtue, all honour, these (things) think 
on, ? which (are) these, (namely) those which ye learned, and 
ye received them: ye heard them and ye saw them in me, 

адеАфои № &с, Vg Arm .. паси. ту br. Бо Syr .. our br. Eth оой 
ssar lit. every thing] 5 times (1) (13) 19 32117..аЙ which-and 
that which 5 times Eth..oca eorw-oca 5 times Ñ &c, Vg.. ин єтє 
oan-me 4 times (those which-are) Во .. those which-and those which 
б times Syr .. whatever-is whatever 1 times Arm (instrumental case) 
erovaab which are pure] т 13 19, N &c, Vg (sancta) Bo (evrow&o) 
Syr Arm..trs. ауга-бкоиа 37.. Eth has that which is right-pure— 
justice—good—love-blessing особ mr etnanorg lit. every thing 
which is good] т (13) 19.. 9. n. Sem ovases every thing in a love 
Bo .. оса просфідт N &c, Vg (amabilia) Syr Arm (in love) .. om Marcus 
салоту птах lit. every blessing] т (13) 19..9. п. пцу( єм отщу.)єм- 
поті every thing of good tidings Во .. опа єфура N &c, Vg Arm .. 
and those which (are) laudable Syr &c apeta sus lit. every 
virtue] і (13) 19..фн eve ovapetH пе that which а virtue is Bo .. 
e. Tis арєт № &е, si qua virtus Vg, Marcus.. and those (which are) 
works of glory Syr .. whatever in courage Атт .. and. be intent upon 
that which is seeml;; Eth (om and be intent upon vo) "SY I ES 
єз 19)0 и. lit. every honour] т (13) 19.. отоо (om o. HJ 26) фн 
ere оттаїо пе and that which an honour is Во .. Kat єї tis erawos 
N &с, si qua laus Vg, Marcus ., and of praise Syr .. whatever in praise 
Arm ..and that which is praised Eth .. add exvarnuns D* FG, disci- 
plinae, Vg (am** fu demid) 

? єтє mar nem, lit. which these, those which &c] т 13, Bo... om 
War these 19..а kat Ñ &с, Vg Arm cdd.. those which Syr Arm 
эзш and 1°] om Eth ro aTe'"mxrrow ye received] which ye 
received. Eth атетисотазот ye heard them] 1 13 (19).. pref. ка 
N &e, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. and which &c Eth ау and 2°] І 13 


пмоуте ифрнин мащопє иазязити. 1 arpawe ae 
оз» пхоес eate. xe ATETHOTPOT epnaeseeve. 
Mec ом ETETHEIPE asesor. аєпетибає MOTOEI ae. 
п име; азазос AM хе ATETNWWWT. AMOR Tap 
азе е ON Net понтот етрароше. 2 {сооти 
Webóro. coorti проото. ом ооб miee хомт понтот 
тнроу. єсє. еоко. epoovo. єщоот. 1 sgor 
ow ооб mee оз» meT}oose mar TART RAAwC 

002) 138 (19.8) М т іЗ 19 «тає юп| тз 10.. EE ет 
2 11319 ҹс. 29] pref. отоо and Ро (ва) IS E29 M. E 
їз 19 
19 Во (2?) .. and which &c Eth пахахнти with уоп | add all 

Eth (not ro) 

10 ae 10] г 13 19..0m Bo (ва) Eth (ro has rejoice уе for Г rejoiced) 
пхоєтс the Lord] т 13 (19) ..owr Lord Syr Eth essare greatly] т 13 
19, peyaAos Ñ &c, Vg (vehementer) Arm Eth .. trs. ae essaujo Bo.. 
trs. greatly дє I rejoiced Syr атєтпотрот ye were in readiness] 
(т) 13 (19).. dy vore aveÜaAere N &с, онън ар(тї DFHIKL)etenh. 
ehoX noscHos now ye put forth at a time (always к) Bo, tandem 
aliquando refloruistis Vg .. ye began Syr .. уе also think Arm ep- 
пазаєєтє lit. to make my thought] 13 19.. то umep epov $povew Ñ 
бе, Vg .. єтзлєєтє єөйнт unto a thought concerning me Во (om єөйнт 
B®) .. to take care of me Syr take some care concerning me Arm .. 
Eth has because ye think to take care of my necessity from the first.. 
Eth ro because ye think what I think пеє om &с as also ye are 
doing it] 13 19, Vg Syr (taking care) Arm (taking care).. Sen фи 
eraperenaxe»: epos in that which ye thought Bo .. єф w кол ejpovevre 
N бос maneriou &c lit. but ye found not the time] 1? 13 19.. 
пкадребє бє N біс, паре тісноту ae Я яззлотен ап me lit. but the 
time was not giving (allowing) you Bo .. occupati autem eratis Vg (Arm) 
.. but (aXXa) not sufficing were уе Syr .. Eth has as ye are taking care n 
for me still although ye have not the power .. Eth ro and your taking Y 
care (is) not sin 

п jumer(eer 1)x( &c І was not saying that уе &c| оту оті xe 
aixw Maroc Kata &с not that Г said (it) with reference to «с Bo .. 
ovx оті каб vorepnow Aeyo № &с.. non quasi propter penuriam dico 


these do: and the God of the реасе will be with you. 19 But 
I rejoieed in the Lord greatly that ye were in readiness to 
make thought of me, as also ye are doing it, but ye found 
not the opportunity. ИТ was not saying that ye were 
deficient : for I, I learned, in the (things) in which I am, to be 
content. "І know how to be humble, I know how to be 
more abundant: in every thing [Г am experienced in them 
all, фо be satiated, to be hungry, to be more abundant, to be 
deficient. 1? І am able to do all things in him who giveth 
power фо me. !* Nevertheless ye well did, having shared with 

Vg Arm .. but not because that Гат dejicient I ат saying (it) Syr .. 
and it із not that I say, because І had need Eth .. but I say Eth то 
amok сар бс lit. for (om т) І, I knew in (om г) the (things) in which 
Iam] 13 19, Во, N &е, vap 1.. for & in which I am able 
Arm .. for / learnt that should be sufficient for me that which there is 
to те Syr .. for I know that I have enough for me where I am Eth .. 
I indeed, I know how strong I am Eth ro 

З coorti І know 10] 14 al, Bo Syr (vg) Arm .. able Гат Eth ro 
.. able I am indeed Eth.. ода дє 137 al.. ода ка Ñ &e, Vg Syr (В) 
ұс. &c I know how to be more abundant] Bo Arm .. kat терю-- 
cevew N &e, Vg, and also to abound Syr (Eth omitting ода again) 
оп ооё «е in every thing I am experienced in them all] sem o. и. 
Зтсабноут nes п. т. in every thing; Гат taught also in them 
ай Bo .. ev тоут Kau ev таси рєфлтрам N &c .. ubique et in omnibus 
institutus sum Vg .. in all and in all whatsoever T was exercised Syr .. 
altogether wholly skilled I ат all into all I was accustomed 
Eth есет(ест т) єоко &c to be satiated &c] menr ест ress-ness— 
near Do, кол kac кал (от A) ки N &e, Vg Arm .. also-also—/n—-and. in 
Syr .. both to be hungry and to be satisfied, both to suffer and to rejoice 
Eth .. om x. x. к. т. 47 

3 Жах. &с lit. I find power in every thing] Bo..zavra wyvo 
N &с, Vg .. of (doing) every thing I have the power Syr .. altogether 
Г am able Arm .. (for) all I am able Eth oxx пет. &с in him who 
giveth power to me] Sem фи етачиоля 4 м, in him who gave strength 
to me Bo ..зт that he himself maketh me able Eth ro .. ev то (ev)duvap. 
pe W* ABD* 17, fr Vg (me confortat) Arm.. add yo NeDeFerGK 
LP &e, Eth (not ro) .. in Christ who strengtheneth те Syr 

М езтетикоионет(и: 1) &с having shared with me] that ye 


15 тетмсоозм AE OWTTHTTH мефтАлитистос. хе см 
TAPXAH авптащєоєму repies eboÀ oW Teeanexonma 
game Алат NERRAHCIA КОМИ Є neea erupaose NY 
от хү €retH TE WTOTM ОУААТТНУТИ. xe орм ow 
ом eeccaAomitkH этетитиноох им поусоп ATO 
смалу єтау pen. оту отр хе engure пса mp. 
АХА eige иса карпос етощ есоти епетищахе. 
15 «же ae ника має arw Ҷрооуо. arson chor 

атєти) єгтєтє Во (ек). ap. Во.. eap. Во (D) (Е) ms S xb 
ом 19] om Во (rx) "^Y Pa ng "РІЗ XD (т) T3810 

shared with me Arm .. ovy(v)kowovgoavres NÑ біс, Vg.. e(om n*?E,HJ) 
аретеперщфир having (ye) shared Во ..that ye shared Syr Eth 
єть еМ. lit. unto my tribulation] ту Oye: yov DFG, Vg Eth (in &c) 
.. pov тт Ө. X &c .. lit. to my tribulations Syr .. in tribulations Arm 

5 жє] т &e.. om Юе“ 37, Syr (h) Arm Eth .. enim т отт. 
lit. ye also] т &c, Во, ки vues N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth то.. ош ка. 
Eth. — nediNmnncioc lit. the Philippians] т &c .. ripessepriNmmoic 
(pref. w A,HIO) Во.. фАатттолю, N &c, Syr Ата Eth .. Philippenses 
Vg ixmraujeoesug of the preaching] 13 19 .. of the teaching Eth 
..axmrewavcc, Bo, N &с, Vg Syr Arm ivrepres &с when І had come 
&c] 13 19 .. when ye came from M. with me Eth ro пе Мат 
пекк^. lit. not any of church] (т) &с.. ovóejua-ekxA. № &e, Vg .. not 
even one church Arm .. not even one of the churches Syr (Eth) .. not any 
of (among AEH) the churches Bo .. pref. or. D* FetG, Eth (omitting 
before) &omntoser(ni т) &c shared with me] т &с, Во Syr Arm.. 
trs. wou єккА. Ñ &e, Vg .. trs. were not joined with те even one of &c 
Eth .. were not joined. one of them of &c Eth ro enujaxe lit. unto 
the word] т &с.. Sen micaxı in the word Во (АЕ) Eth .. «s 
Aoyov Ñ &c..?2n ratione Vg Syr Arm itt er as ої giving and 
receiving] т &c.. Sem ovos nesr ow in а receiving and a giving 
Bo.. of receiving and giving Syr .. docews kar Ax(p)leos N &c, dati et 
accepti Vg Arm .. (pref. and ro) not in giving and not in receiving Eth 
ovaa(om т 19)тт. alone] І &e, povot М «е, Vg Bo Syr Eth.. trs. 
only ye Arm .. om А" 


me in my tribulation. 1° But ye know also, Philippians, that 
in the beginning of the preaching, when I had come out of 
the Makedonia, no church shared with me in the account of 
giving and receiving except you alone; 1? because even in 
Thessaloniké ye sent to me once and twice unto my need. 
17 Not because І am seeking for the giving (to me): but (м) 
Т am seeking for fruit which is abundant unto your account. 
15 But I am full of every thing and I am more abounding: 

'6 «e because] om Eth орах &c even in Thess. | N &e, Bo Arm 
edd Thessalonicam Vg, to Thessaloniki Syr ом 
even Bo (н*) ат(р Во ем)єтити. &с ye sent to me] trs. pov 
ereuware to end N &c, Vg Syr (ye sent) Arm (om por) .. trs. once and 
again ye sent to me Eth поусоп &c lit. at a time and two] Во 
(мела В).. кал атаё кой dis М біс .. semel. et bis Vg Syr Arm .. Eth (see 
above) Mal-etax реа (13 19.. та т) to me-unto my need] mu 
ivrascp. £o me for (om ro) my need Bo Eth .. es (om AD*, Syr (vg 
Arm) т. x. pov DLP, rg Syr Arm .. as т. x. ри МАВЕСК &с, Vg 

" оті because] т 13 19 .. om Eth ex(eer т twice) ussite I am 
seeking] 1 (131) 19, № &c, Vg Arm .. trs. gift I seek Syr Eth (your 
gift desiring that I mention that &c ro) my-fica lit. the 
giving, but I am seeking for] 1 13..0m 19 homeotel .. пітато lit. the 

honour Bo кар. fruit] т 13 19, N &c, Vg Bo (msovtag) Arm .. 
fruits Syr ..trs. should abound upon you fruit Eth .. Eth ro has only 
that I seek your fruit which abounded upon you єтощ which is 

abundant] т 13 19.. єтероото lit. which maketh more Bo, Arm .. tov 
тАєсуайоута, М &c, abundantem Vg .. that fruits should abound Syr.. 
that should abound upon you fruit Eth епетицу. lit. unto your 
word] 1 13, es (rov FG) Xoyov vpov № &e, Vg (in rationem vestram) 
Arm .. enetituy. to your words 19 you Syr .. (fruit) of righteous- 
ness Eth (not ro) .. eneveneo unto your work Bo 

18 Маже. I am full] т &с.. azexo № &c, Vg (habeo) .. але Г received 
Bo Syr Eth .. Z having received Arm me] біс, М &c, Vg Во Arm 17, Syr (vg) Eth ro.. and behold Eth пика &c of every 
thing] 1 &c, Bo .. ravra М біс, Vg Arm Eth .. trs. all Г received Syr .. 
om Eth ro avw &с and I am more abounding] т &e, Bo, N &e, 
Vg Arm.. and it is abundant for me Syr .. it was sufficient for me Eth 
arxok о євоМ I was filled up] т «е, rerAnpopar М «е, Vg .. ararog 
I was filled Bo..and full I am Syr Arm and it was more than 


€arxi ebod отти єпагррозаттос пиєнтатетитиноосусє. 
оусумоуцє ovevcia єсщни єсрамасч аєпноттє. 
1 памоттє ae eepexon ehoA птети pera тире ката 
тецазмтраячехо ом оусооу ose NEXE dc.  "пеоот 
ме азпиосте пет Wa емео мистемео охазим. 
" шуме emerovaab тнрот oae nexe ©. сєпумє 
ероти иблмесину  eTHas tar. 7 сете ероти 
Wowrerovaab тнрот. Woovo ae mneboÀ сяє пні 

IT ISSN то A TNT SUE 1 1 135 19$ (and at ceu.) 
fart sigs 1915 

enough Eth єатхх having received] г &с, N &c, Vg Bo.. and 
I received Syr ..trs. I accepted and full Т ат Arm.. Eth has J was 
complete in that which &c (omitting J received) coN ori en. 
from Ep.] (1) біс, ато єтафродітоо №, тара єтафробитою N &e, Бо 
(птот п) Vg (аб) through Arm .. Eth (see above) Syr (see below) .. om 
А finest. the (things) which ye sent] 13 19, Vg .. ra (ro) тар чити 
пеифбе(та) D 8т* КС, dr.. all which ye sent to me through рар. Syr 
(vg) .. in that which caused to come to me E'paphroditos which (is) from 
you Е ..та тар vpov N &c, fimetenorten the (things) which are 

yours Во .. through Ер. which is (om cdd) from you Arm ove}. 
a fragrance] 13 19 .. pref. es 17. | отетста a sacrifice] 13 19 .. pref. 

and Syr Eth (not ro) єсранач pleasing | (т?) &с.. pref. and Eth 
.. pref. which is Буг 

19 ae] N &c, Vg Bo.. and Syr Arm Eth .. om Bo (r*) єчехок 
€&oN shall fill up] eqgessao-e&oX Во, zAgpoce МА BDeKLP al plu, 
Syr Arm Eth .. тАпроса: D* FG 17 37 al”, Vg (impleat). Obs. the 
Coptie has the strong future птетие реза (13 19..1а І) т. all 
your need] татам x. vov N &е, Буг Arm .. omne desiderium vestrum 
df Vg.. р mhen morem all need to you Во you all your 

desire Eth ката тєцалитрахалао оп oveoos lit. according to 
his riches in а glory] Bo, Nè &с (vyov Det*) Vg Syr Arm .. om ev 
W* .. according to (in то) the riches of his glory Eth охх TEXTE IC 

in the Christ Jesus] Во .. ev xo w М бос, Vg Arm Eth ro.. of Jesus 
Christ Syr Eth .. om Jesus Во (x*) 


I was filed up, having received from Epaphroditos the 
(things) whieh ye sent, a fragrance, а sacrifice acceptable, 
pleasing to God. !° But my God shall fill up all your need 
according to his riches in glory in the Christ Jesus. *° But 
the glory (be) to God the Father unto age of the ages. Amen. 
21 Salute all those who are holy in the Christ Jesus. Salute 
you the brothers who (are) with me. * Salute you all those 
who are holy, but especially those (who are) out of the house 

2 пєооу the glory] trs. nuov т доба 549 &c (pref. o №, Eth) Vg 
Syr (glory and honour) Arm .. trs. nenso фос пе mwoy our Father 
his is the glory Bo .. Eth ro has to God the Father glory хе 13, 
М &с, Ve Bo Syr Arm 19, Eth ro.. and Eth ззплотутє 
to God] trs. то де Gew Kar татри «ov т доба N &c, Vg (Bo) Syr 
Arm (Eth) пєот the Father] 13 52, Eth ro.. nemeswt ovr Father 
т, Syr Eth .. ко татр nuov Ñ &c, Vg Во Arm ща EMEF йиєєпєо 
lit. unto age of these ages] 13 19, m: unto age of age т, 
(Bo х) Eth..«s rovs awvas rov awovov Ñ &c, Vg age of 
ages Syr 

1 emerovaab тнроу all those who are holy] Syr Arm Eth.. 
eovon miben євотай (om eeovaBb к,") every one who is holy Во, 
паута ayiov Ñ &e, Vg mene 1€ the Christ Jesus] Во .. хо w N 
&с, Vg Arm Eth ro..who із in Jesus Christ Syr .. in Jesus Christ 
Eth Ппозмеспну ernas the brothers who (are) with me] 
Syr ..all the brothers who ате with me Bo..our brothers who are 
with me Е .. ог cvv epot adeAhor N біс, qui mecum sunt fratres 
Vg Arm 

2 ерыоти you] № &c, Ус Bo Syr Arm Eth (and salute you) .. om 
and salute you Eth ro nonmerovaab tHpoy all those who are 
holy] zovres ov ayiov Ñ біс, Vg Bo (пахємтастос тнрот) Syr Arm 
(all saints) Eth ..trs. ог ау таутєѕ 47 ..WxemramocroNoc тироу 
ali the apostles Ро (рти) ^ посто xe lit. but more] Arm .. за Мста 
ae Bo, N &c, Vg Syr Eth ae] m &e, Vg Bo Eth .. om L 17, 
Bo (АЕ) Syr Arm neĝo osx пні япрро those who (are) out 
of the house of the king] Ро..ог єк trys kowrapos оо N &e.. ot 
ато tns kawropos окш D..qui de caesaris domo sunt Vg Arm 
(house of gajser) .. those who (are) from the house of kesar Буг Eth.. 
those whose is the Caesarean house Eth то 


яяпрро. 23 техарие явпетхоєм 1с пес 
етүп її. 
тєпрос фүАїппнсїотс 

тепрос коћлосслехс 

З (1) 138 19 


3 games, of our Lord] (1) &c, Во, DerP, fr Vg (fu demid tol) 
Syr (vg h*) Eth .. om nuov NABF£rGKL &с, Vg (am) Syr (Б) Arm 
пєҳЕ the Christ] Bo.. xv  &e, Vg Syr Arm cdd Arm 
запопетипиа with your spirit] 13 19, М*АВРЕСР 17 47, Vg (Bo) 
Arm (Eth) .. pera zavrov vyov 539 К Ї, &с (Syr) ..add орти МАР К 
LP &с, г Vg Syr Arm Eth..add маспноу assum my brothers. 

Amen Bo 

Subscription тєпрос rAmmuxcrove lit. the to Philippians] 19.. 

mpos фідитттапоїє МА D 17, Eth то.. т. dir Tqvovovs exAnpwby D .. 
ereAeaÓ т. $. FG, explicit ad ph. v .. expl. epistula ad philipp. Vg 


of the king. * The grace of our Lord Jesus the Christ (be) 
with your spirit. 
The (epistle) to Philippians 

The (epistle) to Kolossiains 

(am)..rov ау. атост. vavXov єтистод; пр. ф. eypapn ато pwyys à 
єтафродуто» L .. єурафт) ато р. Ò. є 37 .. пр. ф. ey. a. p. д. e. K .. прос 
dyNmmnorc аусбнто Sem розан атоторпс grret ewpprroc to 
Ph, it was written in Rome, it was sent by Ер. Bo (нг) агл (гч he 
wrote it TE GM). Aten (by) тіззовєос sess. enap. Bo (АГЕ, FGM).. 
эсхок евоХ ихефетистоХн пр. Фф. ау. 5. posse отоо ачоуорпс 
птєп т. ness єп. Bo (K).. np. фіМнипостотс acxok атсбито $. p. 
aq. птталое. п. єп. Sen отогрнин ivre pt to Philip. was finished, 
it was written in kome: he sent it by (lit. to) Т. and Ep. in а peace of 
God Bo (B*).. was finished the epistle which is to Philippians, which 
was written from Rome and was sent through Ep. Syr Philippians 
he wrote in Rome through Ep. Arm .. was finished the epistle to men of 
phelepesyus, and dt was written in Rome and was sent with T. and 
Ep. Eth (not ro) 


I НазАос manoceroAoc s*nexc 1С ота» norwy 
аяпиотутє зам тіяговеос псом. — ^eycoar йиєсину 
єтоумаЇ етом ROAOCCA аєпістос ож» пес. теугаріс 
HATH зам Дрниин ебоћ orrae пиоутє леиетот. Зтицут- 
QLLOT TAR NOTTE пет азпемхосте XC NEXE еищАнА 
охроти мотоєту мае. * птерисотае ететигист:с 

1131319 өїтях | -ти 3 thus verse 2 2 1 (3) 13$ at vespa pic 
I9 $ at инти синт] синот г &oNocca] 1 3 &c.. koNaccesc Во 
(4,D'E) коМасато (A,0 18) koNacarac (ГОМХР) коМасєа(о n2)c 
(ван) ноМасте (Е) kaNacosc (7) з (т) (3) 13 19 овес] жест 
* (т) (3) 13 19  єтєтипистіс | Во (паоҷ{ АЕ) .. cobe иетенизо{ Во 

Inscription tenpoc коХоссаес the (epistle) to Colossians] 3 19 
(коХосс№е!с).. прос KONOCAEIC 17.. тр. колосс. NBe(DFGL).. 
пр. колаєсаєія AB*K ..аруєтаї п. к. DFG, incipit “с fg (ad tessa- 
lonicences d) Vg (ad thessall. fu) .. rov ау. отост. єт. пр. ко\оссаєѕ 
LP..npoc коМасстає Bo (DTHKL).. пр. RoNacar Во (7)..m. 
коХастас 7 Во (r). m. коХасыс пі? Во (0). п. коМасатас 
єпістомн 7 Ро (р).. п. noNaccase т а Bo (4, E) .. п. koNacarac & 
Bo (r).. п. &oNacarac пауМос Во (см)..єпістомн п. коМасатс 
avos пауМос anocroNos 7 Во (в^).. Lhe epistle of Paul which із 
to the Colossians Syr .. to Colossians the epistle Arm .. the epistle of Paul 
to men of kualasyes Eth .. to men of kolasis and it was written when he 
was in the land of Rome Eth ro 

1 язпєҳС 1С of the Christ Jesus] 1 3*? &e, Bo.. ош NABFG 
LP 17, Vg (am fu) .. vv xv РЕК &с, Vg (demid tol harl) Bo (pts L0*) 
Syr Arm Eth 

2 escoar are writing] т 3 & N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth 
ппєсину &с-єт(от ет 3)om &с to the brothers who are holy who 
(om 3) (are) in Kolossa faithful] т (3) &c .. row ev К. ау. kat титто 
адеАфоѕ N &с, Vg (his qui sunt &c) Eth ro (omitting to and adding 


I. Paulos, the apostle of the Christ Jesus through the will 
of God, and Timotheos the brother ?are writing to the 
brothers who are holy, who (are) in Kolossa, faithful in the 
Christ: the grace to you and the peace from God our Father. 
? We give thanks to God the Father of our Lord Jesus the 
Christ, praying for you always, * when we had heard of your 

our) Colossians holy and faithful brothers Arm .. trs. т. ev К. 
адєАфогѕ ay. к. т. P, Syr (vg).. питастос (add Tupos all 18) ergen 
KON. oyog япістос üciHos to the saints who are in К. and faithful 
brothers Bo Eth (our brothers) охх пехе in the Christ] (3) &c, Во 
(вал, 18) e хо NBDeK LP &c, Syr (h) Arm Eth .. add з: Jesus т, 
AD*FG 17, Vg Bo .. in Jesus Christ Syr (vg) tex. the grace] І 
3 &e, Bo.. xapis М &e, Arm... trs. peace-grace of God Eth (om and то) 
pann the peace] 1 3 &с, Bo.. eipgv № &c, Arm Werner our 
Father] 1 з &c, BDKL 17, Vg (am &c) Syr Arm Eth ro..add ках 
коріою tU хо МА СЕС &c, Vg Arm cdd (and from) .. add and our Lord 
Jesus the Christ Bo..add kat w xv т. к. nuov Р, Vg (tol)..add et 
Christo Iesu d. nostro Vg (demid) Syr (h*) 

? tign. птах (и 1) we give thanks to] 1 3? &e, Во, № &c, Vg Syr 
Arm edd Eth .. еохарюто C’, Arm .. pref. and Eth то пе! (иг т) wT 
the Father | то т. D* FG, фіот Во.. our Father Eth ro .. татр. ВС", 
dg Vg (harl**) Syr Eth.. ки татр, NAC? D°&KLP &c, f Vg Arm 
ixnemnx. of our Lord] т &c, Eth .. and our Lord Eth то ус nec 
Jesus the Christ] 1 3? &c, Bo..w xv N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth .. om , 
xv B єпщМн\ &e praying for you always] 1? &e.. trs. mavr. mept 
v. тротєух. N &е, Vg Bo Arm (J make prayers) Eth (and we pray .. 
and I pray vo) .. trs. always and we pray for you Syr охроти 
for you always] (37) &e, vrep бо BD*FG 17 37 47, Vg (pro) Bo 
(exen) Syr (Б) Arm .. тер: &c МАСРеКІР &с, Syr (vg) Eth 

1 птерис. when we had heard] 13 19, axoveavres Ñ &c, Во Arm.. 
from when we heard Eth .. behold from which (time) we heard Syr.. 


сяк NEXE 1С ATH TETMACATIH ETXI есоти eievroyaab 
тнрот.. ^erbe OCEANIC єткн NATH сора ом азпнує. 
TAY итатетисотая єрос os* пщажє Итазе NET- 
accedo. "MAL єтионттнути ката өе erore 
пкосазос тирі єчукарпос. ATW ецаталие ката 
ee см NOHTTHYTH хіх аапессосх итатетисютая. ATOW 
ATETHEILLE ETENAPIC аапиотте ом Oveee. "ката өє 
птатєтиєгяє ehoA оттоот Nemacbpa rmremeseprr 
пброязоа А. паї єтпістос QàpoTM пе илт номос 


* r(3) (13) (19) таг| ен Bo (т) (3) 13 (19) axesiiesaxe | 

3 IQ.. ват. 13.. єтаретєпсоуєм Bo * (1) (3) 13 19 Э 
18 T5 
akovovres 17, Vg... when I heard Eth ro eax in| 3 &c, N &c, Vg 

Arm cdd Eth..tnv ev 37 47, which (is) in Bo Syr Arm Eth ro 
пе 1< the Christ Jesus] 1? &c, Bo (вартек).. хо w Ne «е, Vg 
Eth ro.. пос їн© the Lord Jesus Во, N*A пос нс посе the Lord 
&c Bo (18).. Jesus Christ Syr Eth .. Christ Jesus our Lord Arm .. our 
Lord Ch. Jesus Arm cdd .. om s€ Jesus 3 avw &c and your love 
which is (lit. taketh)] (т) 3 &c, Syr (om verb) ..каг туи ay. ти exere 
NACD*FGP, Vg Syr (В).. кал т. ау. туу DeKL &c..and the love 
which to all saints ye have Arm .. om пи exere B.. ness av. erden 
өнпоз and the love which (is) in you Bo.. and. how ye love Eth .. that 
ye love Eth ro 

5 аєМпіс the hope] 1 3 13 19 .. your hope Eth етки which is 
laid] 1 3 (13) 19, Во, туу атокециеици N &с, Vg (reposita) Eth .. which 
4s reserved Syr Arm инти for you] (13) 19, прим N &e, Vg Syr 
Arm Eth .. tam for us І 3 .. Saswten for your sake Bo .. Saxon for 
our sake Bo (3) п(3 19.. ем 1 13)татети. which ye heard] т (3) 
(13) (19) Во (ва omitting єрщорп) Vg (quam audistis) Avm (wh. ye 
heard) .. ev&pevenepujyopn ücoeasec which ye before heard Bo, Ñ &c, 
Syr Arm cdd Eth .. which I before heard Eth ro 

? єтпо. lit. which (is) in you] 1 3 тз (19) Bo (етщом) .. rov 
zapovros es vpas № &c..quod pervenit ad vos Vg Eth (came) .. which 
was preached to you Syr KaTa 1° &c acc, as it is in all the world] 
т 13 (19)..0m тира all 3..ката фрнф om єтєчщоп Sem &e ace. 
as also it is in &c Во, RNABCD*P 17..xa0. kav-kat eorw DPF GKL 


faith in the Christ Jesus, and your love which is toward all 
those who are holy, ? because of the hope which is laid up 
for you in the heavens, this of which ye heard in the word 
of the truth of the gospel, this which (is) among you; 
according as it is in all the world, giving fruit and increas- 
ing, according as also among you from the day (in) which 
ye heard, and ye knew the grace of God in truth ; * according 
as ye knew from Epaphra our beloved fellow-servant, this 
who is for you a faithful minister of the Christ, * this who 

&e, Vg (et fructificat) Syr (and increaseth, and giveth fruit) .. as in 
all the world (omitting xav 19) and giveth fruit (om and &c ro) and 
aboundeth Eth .. as in all &c and giveth fruit Arm ATW єл aie 
and increasing] 1 3 13 19, Ñ &c al, Во (arar) Vg Syr (see above) Eth 
(see above) РК al plu, Arm ката 29 &c acc. as also among 
you] г (3?) тз (19).. om also Bo (к)..аз «pon you Eth ro.. upon 
you Eth жит xxn(r 31..хи m 13)eooo їїт(3 19..єм І І3)ат. 
lit. from the day which ye heard] Во Зуг..аф «s трєрає &c № &c, 
Ус qs Кат Gt .. add поозлт the first (day) Bo (31,0) .. since 
ye heard. Eth атєтїїєїахє ye knew] 3 13 (єат.) 19.. ye saw Eth 

7 к. ee асс, as] з &c, NBCD*FGP 17, Vg Во Syr Eth ro .. which 
Eth .. add ом also (1) Во .. ka. DeKL &с, Syr (В) Arm £13 то 
en 1? 13)татєтітєтахє lit. which ye knew] Bo (eass).. ємабєтє № біс, 
Vg Syr Eth .. as ye heard. Eth ro єйоМ отоота from] 1 3 &c, 
Bo, ато N &c, ab Vg Syr .. тара 17, Eth? пена». &c our beloved 
&c] 13 19.. pref. ато and т.. mass. &c my beloved &c 3 .. vassenpri 
пщфнр shor fran Bo, rov ayar. ovvóovAov pov N &c, Vg Arm.. 
our brother minister Eth .. our brother Eth ro..owr fellow-servant 
beloved. Syr nas &c lit. this who faithful for you is minister] 13 
I9..Ta! отп. &с this a faithful &c (3) .. пах & пе arw &c I.. os 
сот’ moros отєр vpov (nuov W* ABDer*FerG) duacovos N &c, Vg 
Arm ..єтє отп. пе fiasanwn-exen өнпоз who is а faithful 
minister—for you Bo .. who is for you a minister faithful Syr .. faithful- 
who serveth because of you Eth .. and. faithful for you and minister Eth 
го зате с of the Christ] 13 19, № &e, Bo Syr Eth ro.. osx meget 
in the Ch. з, Eth .. add зе т, f Vg .. in Jesus Arm 

8 mas Л(3 19..єм т 13)t. this who showed to us] Bo..o ка 
Sosas М &c, Vg (manifestavit) Arm (told) .. and he showed &e Syr 
Eth (told) .. who told us Eth то озх &c in &e] which is in &e Syr .. 
in spirit holy Eth ro 

4717.2 У 


зєтіє паї ооо жит пеосох NrTancwrar. WTWAO alt 
еишАнА oapoTW amo enTwWhS. хекас ететиехок 
choA авпсоотуї ##пецотощ. erperiescouje ом compra 
мія» зем тязитразмонт авпиєтяєатіком. 19 exeoouje 
Оз» neenya nxoeic єпетрамач тнр. ететм\- 
оварпос ом ооб mee Hacaeon. ати» ecTeTWaTyzaMe 
Оа» TICOOTN авзпиоттє. Пєтєтибаясто OW gort мл» 
вата птажро аєпецеєсот есоти єоупоязомн iet см 
оулятомрщонт.  "єтети щіоваот тає пет on 
отуращеє. пат Мтасцтєсятнути EOOTN єтаяєріс аяпе- 

9 (1) (3) 13$ 19 meooos] 13 15.. 3131. 19 йтанс.| 3 19 .. en 1 
13 щАнА-тобо)| twho-epetim Во xekac]-aac r3 єтєтпє] г 
3 I3.. ETETMA IQ а о) "o (нү (тту) жт) 
13 19 m! тах &c] їїтїї тот I 

? ethe because of] 1 3 &c..pref. and Eth ошоп | pref. 
anon Bo enujAHA praying] т 3 &c, Во Syr Eth.. trs. vrep 
vov Tpocevy.  &с, Vg Arm гло (отоо Bo) entwhd and 
begging] т (3) &c, ко. атому. Ñ &c, Vg Bo (ness АЕ) Syr 
BK .. and petitions to offer Arm запечотащу of his will] 1? 3 (13) 
19, пєтєомає Во, № &c, Vg Arm Eth ro.. netegne hy of the will of 
God Bo (18) Syr Eth стретиазооще for you to walk] 3 &c.. om 
М &е, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth зп Tasitt(add ssitt 13)pax. and the 
understanding] 3 13 19.. ки evvece Ñ біс, Vg Arm Eth ro.. mear 
Kay mben and all understanding Bo .. and in all біс Syr Eth .. om 
Во (к) запиєтазатіком 19 (3xmirkom 3 15... ахпиатіког І Во) 
spiritual] of spirit Syr Eth .. which 15 of holy spirit Eth ro 

10 essoouje to walk] 1 13 19, N'ABCD*FG 17 37..add vpas 
мерекірР &c, Arm..eperenaxouy walking 3.. that ye 
should walk Syr Eth охх nex (ттєїї[аз.] 19)muja in the worthiness | 
І 3 І3..ната neaxmuja Bo (K)..eperenaxnuja being worthy Bo.. 
a£ws М &c, Vg that is righteous Syr .. in. that which is worthy for 
you Eth nxoeic of the Lord] т 3 13 19, Bo, № &c, Arm .. with 
God Eth .. rov вєо» 47, f Vg Bo (18).. Syr has and ye should please 
God in all good works enetp. &c unto all pleasing] 1 3 13 (19) 
es тастау арєск. Ñ &c, Arm., Sem &c in all pleasing Bo .. per omnia 
placentes Vg .. and in all that ye should please him Eth eser. 

COLOSSIANS І 9-12 323 

showed to us your love in the spirit. ? Because of this we 
also, from the day (in) whieh we heard, cease not praying for 
you, and begging that ye should be filled up with the know- 
ledge of his will, for you to walk in all wisdom and the 
spiritual understanding, 1° to walk in the worthiness of the 
Lord unto all pleasing, giving fruit in every good work, and 
growing in the knowledge of God; 1 empowered with all 
power, according to the firmness of his glory, into all patience 
in long-suffering ; 1? giving thanks to the Father in joy, this 
(one) who called you into the portion of the lot of those who 

giving fruit] т 3 15 (19)..trs. epy. ay. картоф. Ñ &c, Vg Bo Arm 
Eth .. and should yield fruit Syr (see above) | em in] 1 13 19, Nc 
47, OL Vg Bo Syr Eth .. om prep. М*АВ CD*FGP 17, Vg (am tol) 
Arm..e«s De KL &с 

п єтєтпс. lit. finding power] г (3?) 13 (19) Bo (ооё m. all work 
ва 18).. trs. боуаме dvvapovp. N &c, Vg Syr (pref. and) Arm.. and 
(om ro) being confirmed (confirming го) in all power Eth птахро 
the firmness] т 13 19, Eth .. nasxaes the strength Во, то кратоз  &с, 
Vg (potentiam) Arm (power) .. the greatness Syr eoor glory] І 13 
I9 .. urxvos 17 egov є into] т 13 19, es № &с.. Sen in Bo Vg 
Syr Arm Eth оп in 20) т 3 Bo (uz) .. asit lit. with 13 19, Bo 
(мєл) ка. N &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth оузайтдарщонт lit. а long- 
suffering] т (3?) 13 19, № &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm.. hope Eth 

З єтєтищії. &с lit. giving thanks to the Father in a joy] 1 &c.. 
ereti, птах тоте nero giving thanks to God the Father ml.. pera 
xapas evxapwrrovvres (add ара B) № &с, Vg Во (break after Sem ov- 
ращі) Syr (pref. and) Arm .. and in joy. Give thanks Eth .. and joy. 
Give thanks Eth ro .. Brothers with joy give thanks Arm cdd Tero 
the Father] 1 13 19, ABC*DP al, Vg (am) Во Syr (h) Arm Eth ro.. 
pref. morte God m!, М 37, fg m Vg (fu al) Во (к) Syr (vg) .. dew то 
татр. ЕС... то 0. kac п. C? al, Vg (demid harl*) Syr (h*) л(19.. en 
т і3)тачт. who called] т &с, то xaAecavr. D*FG 17, m Arm Eth 
ro (into their portion)..To wavocavru NACDceKLP «&е, Ус Bo 
(epenepnessnugja) Syr Eth .. то кад. ка ак. В THYTH you] І біс, 
NB, Vg (am tol) Syr (h mg) Arm cdd Eth то.. pas ACDFGKLP 
&c, m Vg (fu demid) Bo Syr Arm єооуп| Пі єботп of coming 
in Бо япєкАнрос of the lot] т &c.. of the inheritance Syr Eth 
(to the &c ro) 

Y 2 


кАнрос iurerovaab oae movoent. из ivraepnreose- 
тнутуї еол ом тєсотуст аяпкане. ачпеметнути 
єдоум  єтаямтєро яепшунре итечасаии. 14 па! 
WTanxr понт аєпситє. mno ehoA — iiemmobe. 
15 ете пах пе OECIRKON аєпноттє NWIATMAT epog. 
пшрпазвягсе псомт mae Mose Qpar понт Мтат- 
CONT азптир метом яепнте ATW метогхае TAQ. 
NETHNAT єрооу чем метеитиньх єрооу aw. EITE 
мееромос. EITE дэззитховс. EITE маржи. EITE 
пехотс1х. Ta птир wone eboÀ orroort. ати 
HTATCONTOT єроц. "ато ащооп озтехон THpov. 

в (x) (13) 19 m! — Чу rg 9m! — (x) 13 rom! 
оекои] 19 .. em, (т) ml .. Tees. 13 16 (т) r5 19 ш! metem- 
THünas| 13 19.. nevitriiras I.. иетинат m! Wy 139 nr! 

13 п(тош!.. em 13) raqneosx who delivered] т 13 &c, Bo, & &c, 
Vg Syr (and he) Eth (and he)..and he restored Eth ro титти 
you] twice (т?) 13 &c, Р 19 23 28 31 45 55, Vg (am).. пиає № &c, 
Vg Bo (staosxen) Syr Arm Eth тес оуста the authority | (1 ?) 13 
&c, М &c, Bo Syr Arm Eth .. potestate Vg Eth ro аертеие he 
removed] т r3 19.. кой pereorqoev N &с, Vg Во Arm and caused 
to come Syr .. and. restored Eth .. and removed us Eth ro .. ea*jmeene 
having removed m! iiteqat. of his love] т 13 &c, Bo N &с, Vg.. 
his son his beloved Eth .. his son beloved Syr Arm 

1 &(ml.em І 13 їд)тә ж we received] Bo, ecyouey B.. we 
found Eth .. єкореи Ñ &c, Vg Arm .. there is to из Syr понт lit. 
in him] (т) &с, 8 &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth .. e&oN отот through him 
Bo яхпсотє the redemption | т &c .. trs. redemption through him Bo 
.. our redemption Eth .. om d.. add да т. ош. avrov al, Vg (demid) 
Syr (h) Arm n(pref. є unto m!)so «с the forgiveness] (1) &c .. 
pref. and f Vg sixt Syr (vg) .. om D&r* .. and was forgiven to us our sin 
Eth пиєпнойє of our sins] (1) &c, Bo Eth .. rov амартиои М &c, 
Vg Syr Arm (add фу his body) 

15 єтє ma: me &с who is this, the image] (т) &c..ere токон 
pt me who the image-is Bo ..os (о) ест’ eov Ñ &c, Vg Syr (he 
who) Arm Eth ти(ош m!)atnax epog the invisible] (т) &c, Bo, 

COLOSSIANS I 13-17 325 

are holy in the light; 13 this (one) who delivered you out of 
the authority of the darkness, he removed you into the 
kingdom of the Son of his love; !*this (one) in whom we 
received the redemption, the forgiveness of our sins: 15 who 
is this, the image of. God the invisible, the firstborn of all 
creation; !6because in him all things were created, those 
which (are) in the heavens and those which (are) upon the 
earth, those which we see and those which we see not, whether 
the thrones or the dominions or the principalities or the 
authorities; all things became through him, and they were 
created unto him; ' and he is existing before all, and all 

тоо aoparov Ñ &e, Vg Arm .. who is not seen Syr Eth (appeareth not) 
ищри. &c the firstborn] (т) &e, Bo .. his firstborn Eth n(em 19)- 
cont и. of all creation] (т) &e, Bo (ivre) raons krweos № &c, Vg 
Arm .. of all ereatures Syr .. who is over all his creation Eth 

16 хе because] т &с, Во, N &c, Vg Arm Eth .. and Syr o (pref. 
e m!)par &e in him] (т) &e.. because of him Eth ro птат- 
сопт(сит т ml) за (om m Гупт. lit. they created &c] т &e, Во, єкти 
&c N біс, condita sunt &c Vg Syr .. all he created Eth .. Бу him he 
ст. all Arm Eth ro птнр lit. the all] (т) &c, Eth?..7a (om К) 
пота, Ñ &e, universa Vg, oc тивен every thing Bo Syr?! єтї 
those which (are) in] 1 &c, Bo, та e МА РекК І, «е, Syr Eth .. om та 
N*BD*FGP 17 37, Vg .. ra re ev C .. whatever іт heaven is Arm ато 
чето. and those which (are) upon] (т ?) &c, Во (ness) Xe &c .. that also 
which &e Eth .. кол erc 53" В, OL Vg Syr .. and whatever in earth Arm 
neinmnay &с those which we see] (1?) &с.. lit. those which they see 
Во .. та opara Ñ &с, Vg..all which із seen Syr Arm.. that which 
арреатеї Eth; thus again with negative, 37 transposes парҳн 
&c the principalities or the authorities] 13 &c..trs. Eth п (13 
ші. єм 19) Ta &c lit. the all became through him and they created 
them unto him] т? &c, Во (gwh м. ахуцуомпи) .. та таута, ді avrov Kat 
eis avrov єктістаї N &с.. omnia per ipsum et in ipso creata sunt Vg 
Syr Arm .. all became through him and all for him was created Eth 
(trs. ereated—became ro) 

7 ати and 19] add avros № &c, Vg Во (пточ) Syr Arm Eth 
q(eq п 1) шу. is existing] соты’ N &e, Vg Avm.. om Eth ro .. existed 
Е ..єтщоп who is Во Syr тнрот lit. all of them] Eth?.. 
таутоу N &с.. omnes Ve.. novon mben of every one Во..ай Syr 


ATW HTa птир agepaTyY монт. 18 arw ито пе 
TAME аяпсова» NTERRAHCIA. єтє пах пе. TAPXH 
пцурпажамісє ehoA oi метязостт. XERAC ецешопе 
eqo ишори понтоу тирот. Vase ить NXOR тира 
отощ єотоо орг понт. Фати ебоХ охтоот 
EQETH птир еро. eaqaay негрнин orree песме 
&*Iec-oc erre иетогхая MRAQ erre метом аяпнує. 
larw тот аетотоеиц ететмо Wuüjaseeo ато 
Wosacxe оз» петмонт ой меєобнує  asmomHpomn. 

18 (т) 13 19 т! erac] -каас I З (1) 13 19 1$ eosoo] 
ovoo m! ?9 (т). 1319 ш! З 1-13: Fo md 
avw and 2°] om Eth ro птнрӯ lit. the all] та (om DFG 17*) 

ravra М біо, Vg .. ооб miben lit. every thing Bo Syr? Eth? apep. 
&c lit. stood in him] 1 &c, Bo.. ag. may stood for him m1, FerGer, 
Or int Hil.. ev avro cwveargkev 53 &c, Vg Syr Eth (add and all го) stood Bo (н*).. єтаущиті &е became in him Во (ного me) .. by 
him came entirely Arm | 

15 ато пточ ne and he himself is] 1 &с, Во, N &с, Vg Syr Arm 
Eth .. om and Eth ro tame the head] 1 &c .. om y 17 47 .. head he 
is of Eth го samncwasa of the body] г &с..ош Eth — йтєкк. of the 
church] т &c, iter. Во (Гсренуммор) .. itre es. Bo (АВЗЕЕКГ).. 
of his ch. Eth ro єтє mar me who is this] т &с..етё Roog пе 
who himself із Bo..os (o) есть М &e, Vg Syr..for he is Eth 
тәрҳн the beginning] т &e, Bo, В 47, Arm .. аруу Ñ &oc, Vg .. head Eth.. апарху 17 mujpm. &c the firstborn out of those 
who are dead] (т) &c.. щури. бс firstborn &c ml, zpororokos єк т. 
уєкроу 589 &c, Vg Arm Macarius (єк v.) .. and firstborn who is from 
among the dead Syr .. firstborn he preceded all those dead Eth ro (add 
in rising Eth) .. om ex N* eyo пщорії &c being first among them 
all] (т) &e.. egos Ru. Sem gwh miben being first in every thing Bo .. 
ev таси avros zporevov Ñ &с, Vg .. first т all Syr Arm (himself in all) 
.. himself head of all Eth 

P пта пхок (om хок r3) &c lit. all the fulness wished to dwell 
in him] (17) &c.. парні fiir acp pasa Поєпталоо тнр egon 
ASHTI in him was pleased all the fulness (add of the Godhead Arm) to 
dwell in him Во, М &c (omitting in him 2°) Vg (omitting &c) Arm 

COLOSSIANS I 18-21 327 

things stood (firm) in him. 1 And he himself is the head ої 
the body, of the church: who is this, the beginning, the first- 
born out of those who are dead ; that he should become being 
first among them all, !?because all the fulness willed to 
dwell in him; ? and through him to reconcile all things unto 
him, having made them at peace through the blood of the 
cross, whether the (things) which (are) upon the earth or the 
(things) which (are) in the heavens. 7 And ye at that time, 
ye being strangers and enemies in your mind in the evil works, 

(omitting &c) him wished all the fulness to dwell Syr ..he was 
pleased (that) in him every perfect (thing) should dwell upon him Eth 

? эзш e&oN &c n(om ml)tHpy lit. and through him to reconcile 
the (om m!) all to him] 1 ? &c, Bo (every thing) М &c (та ravra ets 
avrov) Vg (omnia in ipsum) Syr (to him every thing) Arm (all in that 
one) .. and in him to have mercy upon all Eth eataas йегр(пір 
шт!) нин having made them at peace] (т?) &c, Bo.. ерууотой аз 
N &e, Vg Syr (he pacificated) Arm (he made peace) Eth (he made peace) 
sanecYoc of the cross] (1) &с, Во (rn*) .. essneqcd. of his cross 19, 
N &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth erre whether] 1 &c, BD*FGL 47, OL 
Vg Arm .. om Eth .. pref. ё; avrov МАСРЪКР &с, Во Syr пет- 
огхзя (м 1) &с the (things) which (are) upon the earth ог &c] т біс, 
Bo, № &e (ra єтї. туз ош B) Vg (quae in terris) Syr (which is in earth 
&c) Arm (whatever in) .. lit. to that which is in earth and to &c Eth.. 
trs. the heavens-the earth Во (вк) Arm edd, Or neroit the (things) 
which (are) in] т &c.. ra erc. Lal” 

? ато йтоути and ye] кас vas N &c, Vg Arm .. ye also Bo (ва) 
Syr..ovoo пештєм oorem and ye also Bo Eth яти (єт m!)- 
отоєіцу lit. at the time] поуснот a£ a time Bo, rore Ñ &c, Vg Arm 
‚. from before Syr .. formerly Eth e(om m!)tetito being] ovras 
N &с, Vg .. ta perenor were being Bo .. were Syr .. om Eth RUTO 
&c lit. for stranger and for enemy] Bo .. amņàdorpi. к. ex0povs № &с, 
Vg (alienati &c) Syr (strangers ye were &c) Arm .. his enemies and his 
strangers Eth озх пєтпонт lit. in your heart] Eth .. ту avora 
voy FG .. Sem нєтємаметує 2» your thoughts Bo Буг..ту діамога, № 
&c, Vg (sensu) Arm (in thoughts) .. rns диаусіає D* on пєоћ. &c 
lit. in the works of evil] Sem mro&rowr єтооот in the works which 
are evil Bo, ev т. epy. то zov. Ñ &c, Vg Arm .. because of your works 
evil Syr .. and the depravity of your works Eth 


22 TEMOT AE ачоєтитнутти gae Mewsea Nreccaps 
choA отта» MELOT EMaporcTa азазюти eTeTHoOTaAah 
ATW HaTTWARR. сеет тобе хі есоти ероти азпесі- 
зато eboM. *ewase пететимлвоти choA oW тпїстїс 
ететихесите ehoA avo ETETHTASPHT. еисепоюие 
&*ef0 rH an ебоХ ом eeAme àasmevacceAron. mai 
мтатєтисотяєєс. NTATTAWEOEIUG seer] AeMCWNT 
THPY етох THe. паг їїтмїщөпе mag anon mavdAoce 
пенртє ато» Матаномос. 2* тепоу Зррацує oW mate- 
HOOD охротм. ати» erxokR eboX asrceene wee Arpe 

догори! 2 (т) (13) 19 01$ e&oX 29] 13 19.. 0m m! 
птаттащ.| 19 ml.. ent, 1 13.. þar eravororuy irog Во PLA 
(4) 13 (19) evxo&] 13 19..єєкх. I.. {хок Bo 

? tenos ae бо lit. but now he reconciled you] т 13 19, Bo.. 
vuv(t) де атокотућЛаёєи Ñ 810... v. дє атокатуАЛауттє В 17 .. v. дє aro- 
koraAXoyevres D* Ет б, m .. he reconciled you now Syr .. now behold &c 
Arm .. but now he hath had mercy on you Eth .. tenor ae аҷоєиттнути 
but now he brought you near m1 | Wveeqc. of his flesh] Во, № &c, Vg 
Syr (in) avrov Е=С.. Arm has in members of his body 
єбоМ октах(ї т) &с through his death] Bo Arm .. and in his death 
Syr Eth.. dca rov бам. NÑ &c, Vg єтарогста &c to present you | 
N &c, Vg (exhibere) Bo (єтьгоєеннот єратєпенпоту ovak) Arm .. 
that he should cause you to stand Бут, that he should put you Eth 
.. he put. us Eth ro..exhibete доста (after nunc autem reconciliati) 
єтєтйотаай lit. being holy] ayıovs № &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth 
ато» and] N &c, Vg Bo Arm Eth .. om Syr паттоћяяє unpolluted | 
N &е, Vg Syr Arm .. eperenor атаи: being without spot Bo .. pure 
Eth єзаїї &c having no guilt attaching to you] ка aveyxAyrous 
N &c, Vg Bo (отоо iavaprar) Arm .. and without blame Syr .. and 
chosen Eth апе. before him] à &c, Vg Bo Arm Eth... trs. before 
him holy Syr .. add in love Arm edd 

5 euyae (om т 13 19) &c if at least ye will continue] 1? 13 &c.. 
тетеищоп if ye abide Bo .. 17 we abide Bo (вакх).. 4f ye were strong 
therefore Eth .. be strong therefore Eth ro en ти. in the faith] 13 
&e, Vg Bo Syr (your faith) Eth .. ті more М біс, запитаоч Bo (А„Е 
GMP) стетихе (т ш 1) си (єп m!)te &с being founded and being 

COLOSSIANS I 22-24 329 

?? now he reconciled you in the body of his flesh through his 
death, to present you holy and unpolluted, having no guilt 
attaching to you before him: ??if at least ye will continue in 
the faith, being founded and being confirmed, and not being 
removed from the hope of the gospel, this which ye heard, 
which was preached to all creation which (is) under the 
heaven, this to which I became, (even) I Paulos, herald and 
minister. ** Now I rejoice in my pains for you, and I am 
filling up the rest of the tribulations of the Christ in my 

confirmed] 13 &e, reÜegeAwopevot кал єдрашої Ñ &с, Vg, єрєтєпта- 
хрнотт (pref. охоо HJ) псєп{ охоо (om o. в?) eperenxop being 
firmly founded and being strong Во .. rooted and confirmed Arm 
єм( 13 19.. пш!)сепооие mar, am(am Max. 1) lit. they not remov- 
ing you] т r3 &e, py perak. 17 .. kat py perak. Ñ &с, Vg Во (отоо 
€perenors паткізя eporesn) Syr (and ye be not shaken) .. and tmmove- 
able Arm .. after faith Eth continues while ye persevere and not shaken 
is the base of your foundation ,. Eth ro ccntinues while is not shaken 
the base &c nevace, the gospel] т 13 &c.. the teaching of the 
gospel Eth (of his g. ro) лаг (т m!..em т 13). this which ye 
heard] Во Syr, ov &c N &c, Vg Arm Eth.. om K RNCwHNT т. to 
all creation] т 13.. сах nc. in all &c 19 ml, Во, № &e, Vg (in uni- 
versa creatura) all ereatures Arm all the world Eth 
etga т(п ш 1) пе which (is) under the heaven] т 13 &с.. єтсапєснт 
&с which is below &c Bo, ту vro тоу &c М &c.. ту vr ovp. FG, Vg Syr 
Eth .. under heaven Arm mar A(T &c.. em т3)так(т та Г) щ. this 
to which I became] т тз &e, Bo, ov єує/ошти N &c, Vg .. this (of) 
which I Paul became Syr Arm .. this to which I Paul was appointed 
Eth пкнрэз (кӯр ml) avo йатакопос herald and minister | 
13 &c, Eth .. пк. arw папостоМос avo fia. herald and apostle and 
minister 1, A, Syr (h ™8) .. duaxovos ЗЄВСРЕСК І, &e, Vg Bo (fiata- 
кои) Syr Arm .. trs. Поманом amon пауМмос Bo (17) .. к. kat атост. 
N*P .. dvaxovos Kar ат. Euthal cod 

^ тєпөз now] 1 13 19, № &c.. pref. os D*FG, Vg.. add «e Bo 
Eth ro .. and now also Eth .. and now Arm .. and Буг паяхкосо 
my pains] т 31 13 19, N^ al, Syr (Б) Arm Eth, Marcus .. suaxka se 
the pains Bo, тос табуџаси 54" &с, Vg Syr (vg) охроти for you | 
г (47) 13 19, ътер vp. № &c, Ус Во Syr Arm (pref. which cdd) Eth 
ro .. om Eth .. om vrep W* L 37* .. exwy for him Bo (ва) язпсєєпє 


яяпеҳс ом TACAPS ga NHéte[cO tà. ETE паї пе. TER- 
тотномояма 297IiTOT T€. HTAYKTAAC мах есоти єроти. 
erpacoR eboX язпшалхе аяпиосте. 29 паєустиріом 
єтонп жит матом eN Исемем Wilpossee. тенот AE 
acpovonorp ербол пиєцпєтомаЇ. Тиз та пмотутє 
отоу ETAMLOOT. хе оу TE Таямтразаяхо авпеосу 
азпетаєустнрюм OW моеемос. ETE Mar пе. пес 
конттнути. өєАпіс азпеооу. "Tar amon eTM- 
тащєоєму reoc єм сби» Wposse nee. aso entcaho 

5 (т) (4) (13) (19) 21agonoc] araKwn Bo 214) 18319 
єтонп] eenn І 7 (1)(4) 13 19  еєМпіс| Anic 19°.. oNmic 

9 7 (1) (4) 13 (19$) 

the rest] 1 (4?) 13 19..та vorepnyata Ñ &с, Vg (ea quae desunt) 
Bo (йтє Грекск &c.. ovre AB3).. deficiency Syr Arm Eth ог 
neecoaxa for his body] (4) 13 19, № &c, Vg Bo my body 
for his body Arm .. om avrov D£r* ere паг пе which is this, 
the church] 13 19.. ете tar ve which is this &c (feminine) 4 .. o (os 
CD*) eor N &c, Vg Syr Eth (fem.) .. ете-те (om в) which the church 
is Bo .. because that is the church Eth ro.. om п) D*, Arm 

25 vay fi(19.. ex 4 13)tasuy. lit. this which I became to it] 4 13 
19 .. this which I, I became Syr .. ns eyevopnv кух № &c, Vg .. ys ey. 
eyo Tavlos N'AP 17, Arm.. ear anon evarujon пас lit. this J, 
which I became to it Bo.. lit. which to it I was appointed I Eth 
&(19..em г 4 13)тачтаас which he gave] Eth .. ettos which is given 
Bo, tyv 9o0ewav N &с, quae data est Vg Syr Arm єоотп ероти 
toward you] (4) (13) 19.. trs. етражок ео. єр. I.. єротєм to you 
Bo (epwass к by error) es vuas N &c, Vg (in vos) .. іп you Syr Arm 
.. because of you Eth єтрахок евоХ for me to fulfil] (4?) 13 
I9 ..irs. єтрахок €oosm єроти язпщахє I.. ехок-евоХ to fulfil 
Bo, тАуроса: N &c, Arm .. ut impleam Vg Syr Eth 

26 пахуст, the mystery] 1 &с (4) Во, &с, Vg Syr Arm .. counsel 
Eth жит since] т &c, ото  &е, Vg Во (sees) Syr Arm .. from 
before Eth п (ош тугоп the ages] т &c (4) N &c, Bo (TaHIM 
NOPR) Syr Arm..meneo the age Bo (A B*DEFKL)..the world Eth 

COLOSSIANS I 25-28 331 

flesh for his body, which is this, the church; 29 this to which 
I became minister, according to the dispensation of God, which 
he gave to me toward you, for me to fulfil the word of God, 
26 the mystery which (is) hidden since the ages and the 
generations of the men: but now it was manifested to his 
holy (ones), ?' these to whom God willed to show what is the 
riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which 
is this, the Christ in you, the hope of the glory: 29 this (hope) 
which we indeed preach, admonishing every man and teaching 

axi. йс. and the generations] т &e, Во Vg Arm.. ки ато тоу y. 
N &с, Syr.. Eth has and before that was created man пяр. of the 
men] (4 ?) &c .. om N &e, Vg Bo Syr Arm (Eth) | тємот ae but now] 
г &с, Во, № &c, Vg Syr Eth .. o vvv 37 47, Arm пиєчциєт. to his 
holy (ones)| т &e, N &c, Vg Bo (mravroc itay) Syr Arm Eth.. 
т. aootoXols avrov FsrG 

7 gar (I 19 .. em 13)та бс these to whom] т &c, Bo (ин) Ѕуг.. 
ows Ñ &е, Vg Arm Eth ппоутє God] т &c (4?) Bo.. trs. 70єА. o 
Geos N &c, Ус Syr Arm Eth єтаяя. lit. to show to them] т &c 4, Во 
.. угоритол Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm .. to reveal Eth оу(зщ Во) te what 
is] т &e (4) Во, N &с, Syr Arm .. om Vg Eth axnei(eer г) заст. 
of this &c] т &c 4, Во (31 B°DFHIKLR.. fite A &o)  &с, Vg Syr Eth 
ro (counsel) .. add то» дєоо D* FG... add avrov Cyr, Arm (mysteries cdd) 
Eth (this his, om ro, counsel) &ocenoc lit. the nations] т &c (4 1) 
N &c, Vg (gentibus) Bo .. the peoples Syr Eth єтє nar пе NEXE 
which is this, the Christ] т &e (4 1€ пежо) .. єтє пос © ne which is the 
Christ Bo..os (о ABFGP 17 47) єоти xs N &с, Vg (quod) Syr Arm 
.. because it is Christ who is in (lit. upon) you Eth понтт. in you] 
г &c (4) N &c, Vg Syr Arm .. upon you Eth neoo the glory | 
4 &e, N &c, Vg Arm (om the) .. his glory Eth ro .. our glory Syr Eth 

5 тар anon lit. this (feminine) we] (4) 13 19, фах (masculine) 
anon Во.. this which we Syr..ov npes  &с, Vg Arm .. which we 
teach (add you ro) we Eth etitraus. which we preach] 4 13 19, 
xarüyyeAAouev NÑ &e, Vg (annuntiamus) Syr Eth (see above) 
єп сво» &c admonishing every man] (4) 13 19, уоубєт. т. ауд. № &c, 
Vg Arm (and) .. апа we teach Syr (om т. a.) .. and. we call him and 
we admonish every man Eth.-that ye should admonish every man 
Eth ro..trs. emrca&o fipwasr mhen отоо єп сви» &с we adm. every 
man and we teach every man and teaching &c Bo (к) L 47 al 


S20200T оп COIA иная. хе еметлое poase mias EPAT| 
птећеос gas mec x. — ? mar ефолсе 332901 epog 
EIATONITE KaTa Teqeneptera  eremepeer понт см 

IL ҷотощ сар erpetiterseee xe ovau йсот пе 
пасом єдегре eeo QAPOTHT seit метом Молина 
seit стом Mise стеазпотихх emago OW Tcaps. 
ATO сязитразаело aree авптит понт Hirasitrcahe 
EMCOOTH авпаєустнрюм азпиотте MEIOT NeXT. 

ireNesoc] 13 19.. птєЄМос 1.. єтянк евоХ Bo та а 
19 еперсет| twice.. -us І 

"15 (4) (13$) (198) ° (2) (4) (13) 19 

soor them] т (4) 13 19.. o7 £o them Bo (в).. пр. nrben every 
man Во, N &с, Vg Syr Aim .. and we speak the doing Eth .. and ye 
should teach Eth ro.. om т. avô. D*FG 17 оп cod. &c in all 
wisdom] т (47) 13 spiritual wisdom Arm PWALE nias 
ерат4 every man 29) т (4) 13 19, N &c, Ус Syr Arm Eth .. pwaas 
miben єратот all men Bo їс Jesus] т 4 13 19, ДРЬКІР 
&e, f Vg Syr (h) Arm.. Jesus Christ Syr (vg) Eth .. Christ Jesus Bo 
(гк) Eth ro.. хо N*ABCD*FerG 17, Bo, Macarius 

7 max &c this unto whom I toil] т &c .. фах ев уст ASHTY this 
in whom I toil Bo..for in this also I ат labouring Syr.. es o ка 
кот) N &с, Arm .. ev o ка к. FG, in quo OL Vg .. because of whom 
I toil Eth er (єєх r)aronze striving] 4 &c, erepaconircecec 
Bo, ayewi£ouevos N &e, Vg (certando) Syr (cd, beseeching) .. having 
fought Arm .. and. І strive Eth .. and we strive Eth то ката &с 
according to his working which worketh in me] т (47) &с, N біс, Vg 
Bo (om фи, фаз но", etepowh which worketh A,*B* x) Arm (which 
was worked) .. Syr has in the help of the power which was given to me 
.. according to his help .. which helpeth (helped vo) me (из то) Eth 
оп 05605» lit. in a power] т &с, Bo, ev duvape N &с, Vg Arm .. Syr 
(see above) .. in his power Eth 

| wap] т 13 19, № &c, Vg Bo.. and Eth ..àe 37 47, Bo (атрекі) 
Syr (vg h ms) ,, om Arm ovauy &c lit. of what size is the contest 
which I do] т (4?) 13 19..отаком Rau Maat ETENTHI ахаха 


them in all wisdom, that we should present every man perfect 
in the Christ Jesus; ? this (one) unto whom I toil, striving 
according to his working which worketh in me in power. 

IL. For I wish for you to know how great is the contest in 
which I engage for you and those who are in Laodikia, and 
all who saw not my face in the flesh ; 2 that their heart should 
be at rest, having been confirmed in /ove, and unto all riches 
of the assurance of the understanding unto the knowledge of 

a contest of what size Г have Во, ћкоу aywva exo N &e, Vg (sollici- 
tudinem) Syr (aguno) Arm cdd (contests Arm) .. how much I contend 
Eth пєтот those who are in] т 4 13 19, Bo Vg, rov ev Ñ &c .. 
for those who &c Syr Eth (om în ro)... Arm has and for the Laodiceans 
№омк | 1 4 13, МА B*CD*FGKLP, Во.. -nesa 19, PDe &c.. 
add каг тоу ev 1єратоћє: 10 31 73 118, Syr (h*) зап OTON ига 
and all] т (4) 13 19, Bo.. ки осо Ñ &e, Vg Arm (those who) .. and 
for the rest, those who Syr..and for (om ro) all those who Eth 
єтєзхпоунау &с who saw not my face in the flesh] (т?) 4 (13) ro, 
Bo .. ovx eo(o)pakav (kası) ro &c N? &е, Vg Arm Eth (my flesh) .. who 
my face saw not &c Syr .. om ev capra М" 

* epe &c lit. their heart should rest] т 4 (13) 19 .. fice xenon} 
Wxenosonr should take courage their heart Bo..rapaxdyfwow a 
карш. avrov NÑ &e, Vg Syr Arm..should rejoice their heart Eth 
ease xpooy lit. they having confirmed them] т (4) 13 19..єутса- 
Hort єбоМ orren ототох being instructed through an argument Bo, 
сушВ:Васдєутєѕ (-тоу мерек &c) N*A BCD*P n7 Vo (instructi) 
Arm (instructed) ..and they should come near Syr..and should be 
confirmed their heart Eth гло езаптр. м. and unto all riches] т 
(4 0) .. om e unto 13 19, Bo (mess) Arm cdd .. ка es zav(ra) TÀ. N біс, 
Vg (in omnes) Arm .. om кал D*, Syr язптот &с of the assurance] 
I3 19, Ѕуг..єпт. unto &e (т).. ivre фахоо of the fulness Bo, туз 
zXgpoóopuas № &c, Vg Arm Eth .. of faith Eth то птахитс. of the 
understanding] т 13 19, № &c, Vg Arm .. стазит. unto the underst. (4) 
Syr .. in wisdom Eth єпсоотп unto the knowledge] т 13 то, Во, 
N &с, Arm .. in agnitione Vg .. of the knowledge Syr .. and in faith and 
in, knowledge Eth запиоттє пєг (пі г)от &c of God the Father of 
the Christ] тз 19, Во, rov 0. татроѕ (rov AC) xv МАС... айа з 
Jesus Y 4, Vg (am #а)..пте Фү фот nens noec їн© lit. of God the 
father with the Christ Jesus Bo (к) Vg ele., rov eov xv В..т. 0. о 


Smar етозмонт иблихоюор тнроу їтсобфта seit 
псосум єтонп. "пар єго) азазосі ae име Аха 
poa азазюти ом oenujaxe emecwos. > єшхє оп 
оз» nenia. єграще ATW eIGWWT ereTWTAZIC ATW 
птажро тєтаєпістіс ETXI єооти emewxc. ° пөє бе 
WTATEeTWA! аєпех є IC повес seoowe Qpar понт. 
1 ететихемотие ебоХ ATW ETRWT азазюти понт 

гиз 29 * 1 I3 19 єгхо] eerxw I.. {хо Bo (туг) 
13$ 19 бощт| 4 &c.. mas seeing Во arw] пєзз Во йтєтях- 
тистїс] 4..йтєтїїп. 13 19 * 1 (4) (13§) 19 ita] 1 9.. ena. 

443 (4 (4)К13)(19) 

eotw xs D* ..of God which із concerning Christ Eth .. т. 0. т. ev xo 
17, Arm (add Jesus) .. of God, Father in Ch. Jesus Arm cdd .. т. 6. kat 
zarpos к. т. ҳо О<КТ, &e, Syr (h*).. rov бео DHP 37 

З mas this] Bo Syr .. ev o В &c, Vg Arm Eth (with) єтозпонті- 
esoun in whom are-hidden] 13 19, ev o ecw-azoxp. N &c, Vg (hidden 
in him Bo DHJKLR) Arm Eth.. ете-п% рн: üurq who-hidden in 
him (ie. im whom are) Bo..which in him (are) hidden Syr 
iig¢iitagww(om r)p т. Ш. namely all the treasures] cow памтєс &c 
N &c, Vg .. magwp т. lit. the treasures all Bo (Arm) п (єн то)тс. 
зп &c of the wisdom and the knowledge] МАреКІР &с..т. o. 
кол yvoceos N*BCD* 17 47, Arm .. of wisdom and counsel Eth .. of 
the w. and (ssi) the kn. which is hidden (eenn) 1 .. fite с. mes 
mesi єтонп HS. WS. of the wisdom and the knowledge which is 
hidden in him Bo (except р &c).. птє Yc. они AS. 15. ness miea 
of the wisdom hidden in him and the knowledge Bo (R) .. om and the 
kn. Arm са 

t па: this] N*A*B..add ae Во, NeAcTCDKLP &c, Vg Syr 
Arm .. pref. and also Eth (this also which го) Naa lit. any] they 
Eth ro (repeating that they should not seduce you) nwt you | 
прах C .. trs. vpas парад. Ñ &е, Vg Arm genw. estec. lit. words 
which are fair] Во... тібамоЛоуга N &c, persuasion of words Syr Eth .. 
subtilitate sermonum Vg .. deceitful words Arm 


the mystery of God the Father of the Christ, ?this (one) in 
whom are all the treasures of the wisdom and the knowledge 
being hidden. * This I am saying, that no one should deceive 
you in fair words. 5 For if in the flesh I am not by you, but 
(a) I am with (M2) you in the spirit, rejoicing and looking 
at your order and the firmness of your faith which is toward 
the Christ. 9 As therefore ye received the Christ Jesus the 
Lord, walk in him; 7 taking root and being built (up) in him, 

9 euyxe-vap for if] т &c.. sexe сәр for if Во.. є yap ки Ñ &c, 
Vg Syr Arm (Eth) оп тс. in the flesh] т 4 &c.. trs. ev yap kat TH 
тарк Ñ &е, Vg (corpore) Syr Arm (body) Eth .. trs. Г am not with 
you in the flesh Bo (macwssa my body ва) єп(13..й r 19)X o. 
am Iam not by you] т (4 Ї) &е (Bo).. отеш N &c, Vg Arm (Гат 
far away .. add from you cdd) .. 7 am separated from you Syr .. I ат 
not in my body with you Eth aNNa] om Eth..3e Eth го 
+ паха» (\ ner т 4)нти I am with you] г 4 &c, Bo.. то mvevparı 
cvv прим єци Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm (near Г am to you cdd) Eth (vary 
the preposition like Sah) ет (сет 1) p. rejoicing] 1 4 &с,  &с, Vg 
Bo Arm .. and i rejoice Syr Eth (om and ro) avo езшщ and 
looking] 4 біс, ки ВАетоу N &c.. orog єшау and seeing Bo Vg .. 
because (when Arm) I see Syr Arm Eth..and J see you Eth то 
TAS sc | your morals Eth ro .. your m. and your order Eth ETXI 
eo. emnes lit. which taketh toward the Christ] 1? 4? 13 19.. 
et(om єт which в) Sen noce which (is) in the Christ Bo Syr Eth (the 
strength of your faith) .. which (is) in Christ Jesus Arm .. rys es xv 
титтєш$ vj.oy М &c .. eius quae in Christo est fidei vestrae Vg 

б бе therefore] т 4 13 19, оти Bo, № &с, Vg Syr Arm... om Во 
(D)... and Eth next &с the Christ Jesus the Lord] т 4 (13) 
19, N &e, Vg (am) Arm.. Lord Jesus Christ Arm cdd.. the Christ 
Jesus Bo (AT*EGMP).. the Ch. Jesus our Lord Bo Eth ro.. Jesus 
Christ our Lord Syr .. Christ our Lord Eth .. rov корор w xv D .. 7. к. 
w 17 .. Zesum Christum Dominum Vg зхоощє walk] т 4 (13) 19, 
Bo .. trs. avro теритат. 53 &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth 

7 evetiixe. eb. taking root] т (4 7) (137) 19, Bo, epgpi£op. Ñ &c, 
Vg Arm..and be founded Eth.. since are fixed your roots Буг 
a 70 erk. яз. lit, and they building you] 1 (4) (13) 19 .. o. єрєтєпкот 
ла. and ye building you (om ©) Bo, ка єток. N &с, Vg Arm.. and 
ye were built Syr .. and be built Eth понт in him] т 13 19, N° 


ететитьхрих oW тпістіс. ката ое iW TAS TCAbeTHSTM 
ererMpoovo ON отзщіовєот. *“GWWT женпоте MTE 
OTA шопе ещо aseewTH eboÀ сити recprAocorpra 
м TATIATH єтщотєгт ката т|паразосіс иироаяе 
һм]. ° хє epe пхок [тир птееитмоуте оуно 
понт сожелтінос ATW тетищооп понт етети- 
SHR еболћ. ere пах пе. TAME п^рҳн изя» о ezovcta 
мія. п пат on нтатеббєтнути понт ом evcbbe 
ASN SIX. AMRO S наОНУ азпсфяех итетисаря оз» 

'GgGag — *(OG3 — "r(3) — (13) йтат] 

€i Tav I 

&e, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth .. om N* ететит. confirmed | т (13) 19.. 
oyog еретеит. and being confirmed Во, kat [BeBawovpevo, N &с, Vg 
Arm .. and ye were established Буг .. and be firm Eth оп Tm. in 
the faith] 1 (4) (13) 19, Bo, NDeKL P &e, Vg (demid tol hal) Syr 
Eth .. rn лоте BD* 17 47, Vg (fide)... ev тоте AC, in faith Arm .. in 
his faith Eth ro ката ee according as] т 4 13 19,  &с.. add 
ка: D*, f Vg .. Syr Eth have this which ye learned .. and in that which 
ye learned. Eth то R(4 I3 19.. ex 1)tavte. lit, which they taught 
you] Во, єдідахвттє № &е.. didicistis Vg Буг Arm? Eth ететир- 
(ep т)оото being more abundant] 1 19, cepwroevovres Ñ &c, Vg Bo 
(epetestos поото).. abound Eth ro .. in which ye abound Syr .. that ye 
should abound Eth .. pref. отоо and Во (#3) оп ovujiossor lit, 
in a thanksgiving] 52? N*AC 17 37 47, Vg (am fu tol) Eth ro.. 
Syr Eth (not ro) see above .. pref. понте 2n dt, i.e. the faith т, ev avr 
BDeKL &c, Syr (h).. pref. Saty in him or 27, i.e. the faith Bo 

3 бощт look] 1 13, BAerere № «е, Arm (beware) Eth (beware) .. 
ana see Bo videte Vg Syr.. add osi Bo (ATEGMNOP) занпотє 
ire ova lit. lest haply one] 13 .. яянпос &с lest by any means one т, 
занпос ovon пет lest &c there із he who Bo .. рут М &с тє-щопє 
equywA ах. should be robbing you] т 13? .. should rob you Syr .. vpas 
erra (e. v. NAD) o cvdaywywy  &с, Bo (петко№и 33.) .. any опе 
should be who you should тоб Arm..vos decipiat Vg..they should 
seduce you Eth теф. the philosophy] т (13)  &с.. отялєтф:ћо- 
софос a philosophy Bo .. cleverness Акт ..йп wisdom of words Eth 
тататн єтщ. the deceit which is vain] т r3!..owam. єсщ. lit. 


confirmed in the faith, according as ye were taught, being 
more abundant in it in thanksgiving. 8 Look lest haply (any) 
one should be robbing you through the philosophy and the 
deceit which is vain, according to the [tradition ої | the man 
[according to the] elements of the [world and] not according 
to the Christ: ° because all the fulness of the Godhead is 
dwelling in him bodily, "and ye are being in him being 
complete, who is this, the head of all principality and all 
authority: “this (one) in whom also ye were circumcised 
with a circumcision without hand, by the stripping off the 

a deceit being vain Bo .. trs. kevys алтатту$ N &c, Vg Arm .. and in deceit 
vain Syr .. which flattereth vainly Eth 

° ae because] т 13, Во, № &c, Vg Arm Eth то..2% whom Syr 
Eth .. yap Mareus epe пхок т. &c all the fulness of the Godhead 
is dwelling in him] 1 .. om of the Godhead (13 1) .. ev avro катоке тау 
то тА. тс беотутоз N «с, Ve Do Arm .. п whom dwelt all &c Syr .. 
in whom dwelt (add all ro) the fulness, his Godhead Eth cwara- 
tinwe| т 13? Во, № &c, Vg Syr Arm, body of 
man Eth 

10 ато бе and ye are being in him being complete] І, xa: єстє ev 
avro петАпрорето Ñ &c, Vg Arm .. отоо тетеизлео ей. RASHTI and 
ye ате filled up in him Во .. and in him also ye are complete Буг .. and 
ye also were complete in him Eth .. and we were complete in him Eth го 
ete mas ne who is this] 1 .. ere пеоЧ пе who himself із Bo .. os єттї 
N «с, qui est Vg Arm .. о eerw BDFerGer 47* .. because he himself is Syr 
Eth tamnethehead|1..omyD*FG sapsen&cofall-authority | 
І ..10015 (т15 №) арҳтѕ кал e£ovouas Ne &e, Vg Syr Arm .. т. а. к. єккЛл)- 
cias N*.. raons exkAnovas D2™.. of every ruler and every kingdom Eth 

п паг &c lit. this also in whom they circumcised you] rz .. ev о xat 
периетрлбуте Ж &c .. add фу faith Arm .. om ка F£rG, Bo (фах erac.) 
Arm Eth, Isaiah .. and in him ye were cireumcised Syr оп orcbhe 
lit. in a circ. ] 1, Bo .. періторл) NÑ &e, Vg Syr (Arm) Eth ARH cx 
without hand] т (13 ?) .. without hands Syr .. which was not of hand 
of man Eth ro .. axeipozoujro “ &e, поп тати facta Vg Arm, eassio 
nxx an not the work of hand Bo .. which was not work with hand of 
тат Eth nrw каонт by the stripping ой] 1 131..ev ті) 
azeküvoe, Ñ &e, Vg (in exspoliatione) Sen dp&cug Bo Syr Arm Eth.. 
pref. and Eth ro amcwarta the body] 1 .. om Syr птетисар; 

1717.2 Z 


ncbbe neyt 15. 12 єлутяжстнути niteat ОЗ» 
пбаптісаєх | піст птемерсг [norte паї 
Hraqrovitocyy ehoA oN шетазортт. Bavo итоти 
ETETHRLOOTT QW азпараптимяам en TaLitTaTchhe 
choA имеипарапточях THpov. | eageyuTe choù te- 
MEX EIPOTPacpolt єтером ON Naoweea, пат emeejujoon 
отбни. acor ававосі нтяєнтє асросут seeeocy enc- 

вит) (тз) 3 т (тз) m! IP (and $ at aqt.) atebhe] т 13.. 
cahe m! by error З (т) (13) m!$ (and at ачок) птаанте] Sem 
өлөн Bo 

of your flesh] т..т75 саркоѕ N*ABCD*FGP 17, Vg Bo, Isaiah 
(corporis)..Syr has flesh of sins..members of body Arm .. Eth has 
flesh of body of sim .. Eth ro has body of our flesh .. add тоу apaprwv 
мерькі, &c àxneoc 1С of the Christ Jesus] 1 .. om is № біс, Vg 
Bo Syr Arm Eth 

2 єаутахстнути lit. they having buried you] т, Bo (kec еннот) 
.. суутафєеутєз  &с, Vg Arm (buried with).. and. ye were buried Syr 
Eth .. we were buried Eth го ох in] т 15, Ñ &с, Vg Do Syr Eth 
.. EON ovren through or фу Bo (ва) n&anicasa the bapt.] т (13) 
W'ACDeKLP &e, плас Bo.. Ваттсро \°ВО*Е@ 47, OL Vg, 
Isaiah .. his baptism Eth то mre se iive. &c the faith of the working 
of God] (13 7) N &e, Vg Во.. by faith of God's working Arm .. in the 
faith in the help &c Eth .. in the help of the faith of God Eth ro .. ye 

who believed in the power of God Syr паг П(І3..єт г)тачт. lit. 
this who raised him] Bo..rov єуєраутоѕ avrov № &c..qui suscitavit 
illum Vg Syr Arm Eth метазоотт those who are dead] т (13) 

Во, тоу уєкроу BDF G 17 &c.. om rov АСКГР 37 47, Arm 

13 птотӣ ye] т (13) 101, уџаѕ N &c, Vg Syr Arm .. add ооти also 
Bo Eth .. nuas т al eretia. being dead] т 13 m!, Bo .. vekpovs 
ovras Ñ &с, Vg .. who dead were Syr .. who once dead were Arm .. lit. 
dead ye Eth ro..who remained dead Eth оп парам. in the 
transgressions] т (131) М%АСРЕСКР &с..ош e N*BL 17 37 
47..9m merenn. in your transgressions ml, Во, in your sins Syr 
Arm Eth зап taxittarchhe and the uncire.] т (13) m !, Bo.. ки 

COLOSSIANS II 12-14 339 

body of your flesh in the circumcision of the Christ Jesus, 
1? having been buried with him in the baptism [in which уе 
were raised together with him through the] faith of the 
working of God, this (one) who raised him out of those who 
are dead. 1° And ye, being dead in the transgressions and 
the uncireumceision of your flesh, he made you live with him, 
having forgiven to us all our transgressions; !* having wiped 
away the handwriting which we owed in the decrees ; this, 
which was being against us, he took it away from the midst, 

ev ті) акро. D* F£rG, Syr Arm Eth capZz] 1 13 ml.. body? Eth 
agramneerr(om т) нуті he made you live] т (13) m!, R*ACKL, Vg 
(tol) Bo (eas. кк) Syr Eth (pref. and ro).. om vpàs МЕРЕСР, OL 
Vg meag with him] т 13 m!.. ev avro 37 47 саЧко 
having forgiven] т 13 m!, Bo (54 18).. and he forgave Syr Eth 
паи to us] 13 ml, \* &c, Bo Syr Arm.. инти to you т, ҲАР, f 
Vg Eth пиеии. our transgressions) (13) m!, D, Bo Syr (sins) 
Arm .. пиетип. your tr. т, Eth.. om pronoun N &e, Vg 

^ eayy(A т!) оте єв. having wiped away] т (13?) m!, having 
obliterated Bo (aq н) e£aXeu/as N &c .. and he obl. Syr Arm Eth (add 
80 из) змиє (ош 1) ¢er(9¢1 т та Турок», the handwriting] т (13) 
m!, N &e, Vg Bo Arm (our) .. the document Syr Eth — ет(йт 1)epon 
lit. which is unto us] т 13? m!, то каб роу М &c, Vg .. фал(фн .. 
om 0) епачтог Sapon this which was being given against us Bo .. of 
our debts Syr .. of debts Eth ,, the contrariety Arm оп iAocata Ш 
the decrees] т 13? ml, Во Syr.. то doyp. N &с.. in his ordinance 
Arm (plur.) Eth mar esmequyoon &с this which was being against 
us] т 13? ml, фи emagy orban that which was opposing us Bo.. 
о пи vrevavtiov прим (роу W* .. vw Р 37*) № &c, Vg Syr ..contrary 
to us Eth .. which was to us contrary Arm ace &с he took it 
away] т 13? m!.. pref. отоо пеоЧ and himself Во («чом A &с .. 
aqhoNY FHIKL 18) Arm.. ко. avro qgp(k)ev № &c .. et ipsum tulit Ve 
(Syr).. Eth has and removed it from between us љост ях. he 
nailed it] 13? ml, Arm cdd .. om i? Arm .. cag. ях. having nailed it 
1 .. e(om B*)aeprer mary lit. having given nail to it Bo .. тростласає 
avro Ñ &c, Bo .. and he fixed it Syr Eth єпєсф, unto the сгозв | 
131 m!, Bo (н).. pref. єфоуп Во (стаурос GM).. то от. Ñ &c, Во 
Arm .. in his cross Syr Eth 



€ foc.  "eaqgaac клону маржи «ет мечотста. 
ацотосносу ебоХ ом отпаррисша. eacposayoov сора 
понт.  !^ssenprpe Халат Ge крите азавюти см 
OTWLe AT OTCW H ON отагерос Nwa H исота H 
поуслбфатои. 17 мах evujoom позфес iurevita gore. 
пефяях ae авпеус. 18 авпртре Aaav веретнтти 
понт eqorwuw oW отеїбто sei nyeye iitacce- 

"du rs) qas о ES noirs туа зу 

15 єачнаач бс having stripped off him] (13?) ш), e(om н)- 
aghausg Во, azexducapevos N &с, Vg Arm (he stripped) .. add тту 
сарка F 2G... and he stripped off Eth ro .. and in the stripping off his 
body he defamed the principalities &с Syr Eth (om his body) 
ппарҳн &c the principalities and the authorities] т? (13?) m!, Bo, 
N &c, Vg Arm Eth ras арҳаѕ ки ЕС .. Syr Eth, see above 
agqoronooy ef. he manifested them] (11) (тз pref. aw and) .. 
ayovwngog he manifested himself m!..he caused to be seen Eth ro.. 
«дєгуратісєу avrovs N &с(ртеЁ. ка: В) .. cay потеет Ла defamed 
them Bo .. publicly he defamed, having put them to shame by himself Arm 
.. and he shamed them Буг, and he defamed them Eth .. om Macarius 
оп osmapp(m!..o т)нста openly] т (13?) m!, N &c, Sem ovovong 
openly Во Vg (palam) Syr plainly Eth Eth, Macarius .. Arm, 
see above eayxarooy єорат having triumphed over them] т 13! 
..4т8. eaqasatog eh. оп отп. ml.. са4чытот псрао having made 
them a spectacle Bo .. @piapBevoas avtovs N &e, Vg .. Mac has e6prap- 
Bevoev avrovs ev то стахро .. om Syr, but see above .. Arm, see above 
e(om 13)opar йонт in him or it] т 13..0m egpar ml.. ev avro 
N &с..си ето G .. in. semetipso OL Vg Syr (or in his being) .. Eth 
has and was revealed his being .. by his manhood Arm 

16 язпртрє Мааз ge &c let not any one therefore judge you] т, 
Bo (om оти Е).. р ovv т (rts ovv 37 Arm) vp. кр. NÑ &c, Vg Arm 
(om ovv cdd) .. let not therefore any one molest you Syr .. beware there- 
fore (that) there is not one who blameth you Eth (ro adds further before 
and not in eating) зам and] т, B, Bo Syr (ус).. 7 N &c, Vg Syr 
(h) Arm Eth (and not) оп osaxecpoc &c lit. in a part of feast] т 
(137) ev pepet єортпс  &с, Vg Bo (Sem отто: птє отщаг)..їп 

COLOSSIANS II 15-18 341 

he nailed it unto the cross; 1° having stripped off him the 
principalities and the authorities, he manifested them openly, 
having triumphed over them in it. !9Let not any one there- 
fore judge you in an eating and a drinking, or in а matter 
of feast or of first day or of a sabbath: И these which are for 
shadow of the (things) which will be; but the body (is) of the 
Christ. 18 Let not any one expel you from it, wishing in 
humility and the service of the angels, walking in the (things) 

parts of feasts Arm..and not in distinctions of feasts Syr Eth (dis- 
tinction) ..and not in your distinction and not in your several feasts 
Eth ro н ficova и потсай. or of first day or of а sabbath] т? 
(ficah) 13? (н йоу!).. є Sem отсотаг se irre (Sem HI) озисай. 
or in а first (day) or of sabbaths Bo ..  vov(veo)uqvw(s) n са/ЗВато(у) 
N &c, Vg Arm .. and beginnings of months and оў sabbaths Буг .. and 
not in (your vo) new moons and not in sabbath Eth 

war єтщ. gardec these which are for shadow] т 13 ?.. those 
which ave shadows Syr .. a(o) єттї ско N &c, Vg .. eve т®нхйх—тє which 
the shadow-is Bo .. which are shadows Arm .. because this is shadow 
Eth iuteviauj. of the (things) which will be] 1 (13?) Syr .. zov 
jeAAovrov N біс, Vg Arm..of that which will come Eth .. йтє ин 
єөпноу. of the (things) which соте Bo .. of that which cometh Eth vo 
nc. ae axmesc& but the body (is) of the Christ] т 13?.. mic. ae пте 
noce but the body (is) of the Christ Bo, то дє сора (rov) xv N &e, Vg.. 
but the body is Christ Syr .. but the body Christ ts Алла Eth, see below 

185 язпртре Naav let not any one] І, pydes N біс, Vg Arm.. pref. 
and Syr .. and there is not (any) who Eth ієрєтнтути &c expel 
you from it] т 131.. vyas катаВраВєото N &с.. бро еротеи fiue 
conquer you in it Bo..vos convincat dg..vos seducat fm Vg Arm.. 
who shall despise you concerning the body of Christ Eth Eqovwuy 
wishing | т (13 1) Bo, беЛои N &e, volens Vg Eth .. who will wish Arm 
.. Syr has and let not any man wish in humility of mind to condemn 
you because ye minister the service of angels оп ovobéro(e 13) lit. 
in a humility] т 13, Vg Arm..add понт lit. of heart Bo Syr (of 
mind) ..ev (om W*) татємофростиї) N &с..ї% submissiveness Eth 
{sn nuj. &c and the service &c | 1* 13... wear отці. &с and a service &c 
Bo .. kat Opnok(ejia тоу (peAXovrov 53") oyyeXov N &е, Vg (religione) 
Arm (religions) .. Syr, see above .. and in self-contempt that ye should be 
commanded (to practise) secret rite of angels Eth .. (submissiveness) to 


Aoc. eejaeootge ом ментасіат epoov. ecysoce понт 
енн отт понт итецехра. 1 avw emqaseaore aM 
тале. TAY етере псоже тнр ay ербол понтс отти 
метра LALIT яв еерре evHOT Log сАТЧАМЄ OW TAT- 
снес аєпимоттє. 2 eujygxe ATETHALOT sed пес chor 
ом месток Yon азпкосавос. мо рити TETHAOCTALATITZE 
да» пкосееос Hee йметопо. > яепрхоо ovae anp- 
arme orae аапроюи есоти. °° мәх THpov еущооп 

огти | Bo (5?) .. pref. chon Bo 1 p(13) emnqassaore asm] І 
І3.. Пчазлонь ам Во TDFJKLNO, H (om an) .. gast. ап A,B'EGMP 
%т1з$ оп] ga Во S e) “(тул 

secret rite of angels Eth ro еЧазооще &c walking in the (things) 
which he saw] (т) 13... ин єтачциат Eepwor ayqgwasr e(or B*)xwor 
lit. the things which he saw he stepped upon them Bo..a €0(w)paxev 
euBarevov N* A BD* 17, m .. 2n that which he seeth Eth (omitting ej.) Eth ro.. while he entereth upon that which he saw not Syr .. 
a pn eo(o)pakev eu[3. RCCD(FG)KLP &с, Vg.. that which he had 
not seen seeking uselessly Arm .. Eth ro has that he should not care 
to make pretence ехосе &с lit. being exalted of heart without 
cause by the heart of his flesh] 13, Bo (xocs понт) .. єкт Pvovovpevos 
(vo. D£r*) vro rov voos Tys саркоѕ avrov (rov 53") № &e, frustra, 
inflatus sensu carnis suae Vg (White) Arm .. and vainly elated in the 
mind of his flesh Syr..and he is elated in vain in the counsel of 
his flesh Eth .. or was puffed up the flesh of his heart Eth ro 

? fivame the head] т 13.. add xv D, Syr (h) Arm Tar етере 
&c this out of which all the body receiveth through the joints] т (13) 
..фн eve micoaxa тире oveboN Maroy пе єтсаопі Hcwy e&oN 
orren suaxo- that (опе) from whom the whole body is, being supplied 
through the joints Bo .. e£ ov тау ro соро бій т. ap.—ezixopyryovp. N &е, 
Vg .. from whom the whole body composed and fitted together in sinews 
Syr .. in whom is fitted together the whole body and із composed of sinews 
and limb Eth (in whom-—body and із composed every limb то) Sait 
зхааррє and the bonds] т 13, meas mrcnave Bo.. кш cvvderpov N 
&c, Vg (et coniunctiones)..and in limbs Syr Во (r).. Eth, see 
above .. trs. by bands and joints moved about and joined Arm | ev RWT 
anog lit. they building it] т 13.. кой cupPiBalopevoyv NÑ біс, et 

COLOSSIANS II 19-22 343 

which he saw, being elated without cause by the mind of his 
flesh, 1 and not laying hold on the head, this out of which all 
the body receiveth through the joints and the bonds, (and) 
being built (up) groweth with the growth of God. If ye 
died with the Christ out of the elements of the world, why 
are ye subject to decrees in the world as those who are alive, 
7  toueh not nor taste nor approach, ?? all these (things) being 

constructum Vg .. отоо єухфо maoy lit. and they generating it Bo.. 
Syr Arm Eth, see above q(eq r)avgame &c lit. groweth in the 
growth of God] т (13) Bo (qnmaatas will grow) .. avée ти avégow т. 
Ócov N &c..crescit in augmentum Dei Уз Avm.. and. groweth the 
growing of God Syr .. and. groweth and is strong and is increased and 
із completed. in God Eth 

20 euyxe if] cxe Bo, e N2ABCDFGKL P, Vg (am fu tol) Arm 
.. add ovv (атоӣауєтє ovv 53") № &c, m Vg Syr (h).. add xe Во (xz) 
Vg (demid)..add yap Syr (vg).. pref. and Eth.. апа when Eth ro 
мест. the elements] Syr transliterates .. substance Eth мор. тєтії- 
aora. &c why are ye subject to decrees in the world as &c] т. os 
(тез ev (ro FG .. nas Bo ва, hoc OL Vg fu demid) копи doyparilerbe 
N & .. ти тали os &c D£r* Fer G, quid adhuc tamquam &e decernitis Vg 
..why yet as if «е do ye practise abstinence Arm .. how again as if 
living in the world do ye act Eth .. why as if ye lived in the world are 
ye judging Syr..asorem Teremom ixsxc em (om за. н) Appr 
Woanovom evwnS Sen пікосахос why reckon ye yourselves as some 
who live in the world Bo 

^ gampxwo touch not] py ayn N &e, пе tetigeris Ve Arm Eth ro 
(pref. and) .. thou shalt not forsooth touch Syr .. and they say to you 
thou shalt not touch Eth ovae-ovae] Bo, илудє—илудє  &с, Ve Syr 
Eth .. py—pyn 38 al, Arm, Marcus o. à3npxrime nor taste] Bo, 
М &с, Vg Syr Arm .. thou shalt not handle Eth о. ззпро. eo. пог 
approach] Bo (Swit) N &с, Syr Arm .. thou shalt not taste this (om 
ro) Eth .. neque contrectaveris Vg 

22 war &c lit. these all being unto a destruction of that which is 
thrown away ] т 13 .. а earw ravra es фборам тт) aroxpyoe N &c .. quae 
sunt omnia in interitu ipso usu f Vg .. q. s. o. in interitum per abusionem 
d .. q. 3. 0. in corruptionem ipso usu g .. which are those of corruptible use 
Syr..which is all for use of destruction Avm .. because this all (is) 
for destruction Eth .. this (is) for destruction Eth ro.. Bo continues 


ETTARO аєпеттсто €Ó60À ката gwn avo месбо 
poste. Mar чаем evHu[(Tjoy mear Noruwase 
псобфта ом ототош Wiujssuje eet отеббто ei ov- 
захтатусо азпсилам ON OTTIAAH эм прос mer 

ПІ. єцухе љтєтитооти Ge en перс wme са 

NATITE. паях ETEPE NEXT понт eepoeeooc or тозуга» 
зяпиоутє.  ^Zseeeve enaTHe. метогхая WHA 2и. 

23 (т) (13) &ncossa] enicossa Во 
* 1 135 (39) 24! voosvn] теиениох Во marne] иапщох Bo 
зт 39 2401 

from verse 21 eowh півєм єтәсн (65 HJ) єптако eujressepoc pacee 
Riawor approach not unto any (lt. every) thing which is put unto 
the corruption so as not to use them ката &c according to the 
orders and the doctrines of the men] т 13..к. mIgomoem mess 
фзетречево &c according to the orders and (lit. with) the doctrine &c 
Bo .. асс. &c with the doctrines &c Во (DFIKL.. mrpeyte. the teachers 
H* .. ch the wisdom x) .. ката та єутадцата кол д:даскаћмаѕ т. ауд. 
N &с, Vg Arm (commandment cdd) .. and commandments they are and 
doctrines of sons of men Syr .. om каг дідаєк. Eth 

3 star axem &c these indeed having word of wisdom] (т) (13).. 
єтє mne ин єтєоуоп o»caxi axem ПЗитот fire orchw which are 
the (things) in which there is a word indeed of a wisdom Bo.. atwa 
єттї Aoyov pev eyovra copias N &c, Vg .. and they seem that there is 
in them a word of wisdom Syr..which of wisdom (there is) some 
account Arm .. which they think to be like wisdom Eth (omitting the 
rest of the verse ro) оп ovosoujy &c lit. in a desire of service | 
(1) 13.. Sen фотощ ive ovu. in the desire of a service Во .. ev 
eeA0Opyox(e)ia N &c .. in superstitione f Vg .. self-willed religion Arm, 
in observatione g .. Syr has in appearance (zpoawrov) of humility and 
fear of God .. Eth has on account of humility of heart and fear of God 
suit o»(om ov нр) е. lit. and a humility] 1 13, ка тапєшофр. N &c, Vg 
Arm .. add rov voos FG, d Vg Syr (В) .. add cordis m, Во (non) .. Syr 
Eth, see above axi osaxitra. lit. and an unsparingness] т 13, Во 
(aret. sparingness Г“) кал (om B, m) a$es(e)a N &c .. and not sparing 


unto destruction of that which is thrown away according to 
the orders and the doctrines of the men? These indeed 
having word of wisdom in desire of (religious) service and 
humility and unsparingness of the body; not of (any) value 
(but) for the satisfying of the flesh. 

III. If ye rose therefore with the Christ, seek for the 
(things) above, the place in which the Christ is sitting on 
the right hand of God. ? Think of the (things) above, not 

Syr, Eth, et ad non parcendum f Vg, non parcendo m .. et vewationem 
d .. et abundantia g .. and parsimony of body Arm on отт. &с lit. 
not in an honour for the satisfying of the flesh] т 13.. Sem оттаго 
хи Sen over йтє тсара lit. not in an honour in a satisfying of the 
flesh Bo (&NNa Semover м).. оик ev тии] ти Tpos тАлутроуту TS 
саркоѕ  &e, Vg.. not in that which is honoured ; but (adda) in those 
(things) which the use are of the flesh Syr .. there is not to it any honour; 
but (aXXa) it is of ewaltation of the body Eth .. «nd not in any honour 
for satiety of body Алла (om of body cdd) 

1 бе therefore] 13 241..trs. e ovv М &c, Bo Syr .. om Bo (5,* x) 
Атт.. є 1... trs. igitur зі Vg .. and if Eth .. but if Eth ro ап 
next with the Christ] Во, то xo N? &c, Syr Eth, Isaiah (сит) .. 
ev xo М“ циие seek] т &с, Rw Bo .. trs. та avo Enrere М &c, VE 
Syr Arm (pref. then) Eth (his height) пака er(om ет 39)epe- 
понт the place in which the Christ is] 1 &c (39 1) mara ere-3xa108 
Bo..maxa eta &c the place in which the Christ was Во (лвак).. the 
place (in) which Christ Syr .. ov (rov FG) o xs erw Nè &e, Isaiah .. 
ov сот о Хз 37, where was Christ Eth..ov o Geos W* (om єстим) 
eyosrooc is sitting] 1 &e 39, eqoeaxer із sitting Во Буг... sitteth 
Arm.. trs. кабур. to end N &c, Vg Bo (he ве) Eth (he sitteth) 
ох on] 1 &c 39, Syr.. ca at Bo Arm .. ev Ñ біс, Vg Eth 

? sseeve think] 1 &c 39, Во.. trs. та avo фроуєтє Ñ «е, Vg Буг 
Arm Eth esta mme lit. of those of the heaven | т &с 39 .. enanuyws 
of those of above Bo .. та avo М &e, Arm .. a avo FG Syr Eth (his height) 
.. quae sursum sunt OL (except g) Vg, Isaiah n(en 39)erorxax(u 
1) &с lit. the (things) which (are) upon the earth not] ймєт (3 .. 
nner DFKL..Rmk ет) &с Bo (double negative).. wy та ети туз yns 
N &с, Vg .. and not that which (is) in earth Syr Eth .. поё that which 
in earth here is Arm .. and not that of earth Eth го 


SATETHALOT CAP ATW петионо онп ееп NEJE oss 
muovre.  "єрщам пехе отомо ehoA ere пеон 
пе. тоте QOWTTHTTH TETMAOTWNG ehoA мажавасі oW 
oweoow FasovovT Ge ИметмаееЛос єтомхая IRAQ. 
Хом. Mar етере торсн яєпиоттє ину єтіннтоу. 
TEATETHALOOWE ом маг ОбтТтТНУти аєпотоєг MMe- 

"т 13 (39) 24! * (1) 13 39 241 єрщам| т &c.. ewon 
aguan Bo * 1 13$ (39 Р) 24! f! (cit) remo. | 1 13 24 cit.. 
Tenere. fl., тєпнә. cit  тазПтачатто | -яхаєгто т tTaxitrpequy.| т 
&с, таяєтречщ. Во (A;TDFKLCP). тахєтщ. Во era.| га. 24! 
бт I3 39 241 f! пнт| пинот г єтйннтоъ] єтёнтоу 1 24! 
г (13) (21) 39 24! f! off max обт. | І &c.. eo. eni Mar 39 


З aveTrüaxosy ye died] т &e (39?) Eth have died Eth 
onm (is) hidden] 1 &с 39, Bo Syr (plural) .. кекрутто № &c, Vg Arm 
.. trs. hidden is your life Eth элїї with] т &c 39, ow N &c, Vg 
Bo Syr Arm Eth .. Sem in Bo (нз) 

t epujam] 13 39 241 .. єщоп (add xe в) aywan Bo.. orav М біс, 
Vg .. but when Arm .. and when Syr Eth .. because Eth ro nec 
ovwitd єв. the Christ should be manifested] 13 24!, N &c, Vg Syr.. 
NEXE ae os. eh. but &c 39 .. эЧщанотоно єв. пхєпосс should be 
manifested the Christ Bo .. cometh Christ Eth .. came Christ, i.e. should 
соте Eth ro..add ku F8'G..AÀrm has when Christ should reveal 
your life єтє nenwnp ne who is our life] 13 39 241..7 б. nuov 
BD»^KL &с, Syr..netenwnd your life Во..1 С. vyov RCD*FGP 
17 47, Vg (Eth).. will be manifested your life Eth .. who is manifested 
(to be) your life Eth то | ew. ye also] 13 241.. от also Eth .. pref. 
птоти ye 39 naag with him] т &c.. om A 57 

5 ssov(13..0m І &c)ovt put to death] т &c (39) cit, уєкросатє 
N &c, Vg Syr Eth.. Swteh kill Bo Arm ..mortificantes Antonius 
ge therefore] 1 &c 39, ози Bo (DFKL) № &с, Vg Syr Arm .. om cit, 


the (things) whieh (are) upon the earth. ?For ye died, and 
your life (is) hidden with the Christ in God. * When the 
Christ should be manifested, who is our life, then ye also will 
be manifested with him in glory. Put to death therefore 
your members which (are) upon the earth; the fornication, 
the wncleanness, the passion, the evil dust, the covetousness, 
which is this, the idolatry; * these because of which the anger 
of God is coming; “having walked in these ye also at the 

Bo Eth пиети (ax 241 cit)sxeNoc your members] т &c (39) cit, 
Во, NCAC*DFGHKLP &c, Ус Arm..netemcwssa your bodies 
Во (5*) Eth (body) Antonius vpov W*BC* r7, Marcus Pall h. 1. 
стогхах (пєтогхп 1) which (are) upon] г &с (39) cit, Eth .. om 
which Eth ro .. earthly Arm тпорие!(т3 .. игт &c 39 cit)a the 
forn.] {торинг Bo .. zopv(e)av N &с, Vg Syr .. from fornication Eth .. 
cast away forn. Arm | TARA@apcra the uncleanness | г 13 (39 ?) 241, 
пис офез Bo.. акабарстау N &с, Vg Syr Arm .. pref. axit and f! cit, 
xa. D £r*, Eth .. pref. ках passim Arm edd ппаеос &c the passion, 
the evil lust, the соу. | т 13 (39) 241, Во (Е øs nxonc).. miae. ven. 
eo, зап TART. fl, the passion, the evil lust, and the iniquity (os поме) 
Bo .. malos, erib. kak., каст. TA.  &е, stain, evil desire, and avarice Arm 
..тАкоуе&., rabos, єтівурлау F £1 G .. passions and evil desire and iniquity 
Syr .. lit. and temptations and evil desire and wrangling which &e Eth za6os Antonius 19 Сур Tert ete tar те (eras те т) which 
is this] 1 &c 39 .. yrs eotw N &е.. єтє-тє Во.. om Eth ro which has 
and idol 

6 мат єтєрє (13 39 241.. sar epe г Ё!) &с lit. these which the 
anger of God is coming because of them | ді а(о) ерхета у (om С" FG) 
оруп tov cov B(D) Eth ro .. add eri rovs 1000 Tys атедеюѕ N &c, Vg 
Зо (ин) Syr Arm Eth 

7 eae Wax. &c having walked in these ye also] І &e 13 .. ev ous 
kat ves тертатпсатє Ñ &c, Vg Arm (once walked) .. in these also ye 
walked Syr.. nar єтє &ecrem оотєп (п)хретеи(атетем вах 26)- 
vous парні imos these which ус also were walking in them Bo.. 
in which (singular) walked ye also (Arm edd) Eth anifer 24!)- 
озоеиц йп(зал of the day 24 1) єрооу at the time of the days] т 
&c 13.. засно gore at the time when Во (pFKL).. поусноту gorte 
at a time when Bo, rore (om P) ore N &с, Vg Eth ., from before, while 


оооу ETETHOND ом wat. * TEMOT AE RW исоти посі 
полот asnmprpecer ehoA om роти. ‘аяпрживоА 
еметмерну EATETHKHATHTTH клону аєпримяає Мас 
ям мецоїнтує. Пат» eaverW oro TRY TM eenhppe. 
na: eTphppe єпсосоум KATA еєтнимт азпентацсоюмта. 
п паях ereman оеААни понт or тота. chhe oi 
asa тебе. baphapoc. сктенс. салом А. разое. aAa 

* (т) (19) 21 (39) 24! f! Obs. 39 tabulates the nouns du 
13 19 21 (39) (241) #1 '° 1 13 19 21 (39) f! mas етрёрре] фи 
eemaepheps Во п (т) 13 19 21 (39) Ё1 eremuan] erent (39) 
оєХАни | oANun {1 огтот.| отоу. f! 

Syr Arm, see above єтєтїопө lit. which ye live] т (13) 21 &с.. 
остє eperenwnd when ye (were) living Bo o(om о 24)її Mar in 
these (things)] 1 13 24 39 £l, Bo, ev тотоѕ NABCD*HP 17 47 .. 
ev ауто DEF GKL &e .. in illis Vg Syr Arm .. in this Eth ro .. in this 
thing Eth 

$ жє] 21 &с 39, Eth .. also Eth ro .. xe therefore Bo (3) KW 
псоти lit. put aside of you] 21 &e 39, атобєсбє N*, Bo (x) Eth 
(leave them) .. lit. cause to rest from you Syr.. Xw єбрнх owven put 
down ye also Bo, атобєсбє кол ves “а & away Arm 
лосі п. all (these) things] 21 &c, (та) tavra N «е, Vg .. om Eth .. 
ката п. FG .. all these Syr .. this all Arm торсн п(ахи 24! f1)- 
Got the anger, the wrath] 21 &c 39.. mxont markon Bo .. орут, 
Gupov V &e, Vg (iram, indign.) Syr Arm .. anger and indignation Eth 
(evil indig. omitting malice ro) тк. &c the malice, the blasphemy | 
(т?) & 19 (39) Во.. кака», Bàaopnpiav N біс, Vg Syr .. and malice 
and blasphemy Eth озщ. &c a disgraceful word let it not come 
out of your mouth] т &c 19 (391).. писах: єтцуоуют запепероті 
&с the empty words let them not come &с Bo ,. алахродоушу py 
єкторєуєсво ex rov &c FG, Eth (pref. and, not ro) .. om uy exzopevea Өө 
N &с, Vg Arm .. om ex т. от. vp. Syr 

? запр(єр 21)x:i&o0X lie not] 1 & 39? 241, М &c, Vg (nolite 
mentiri) Bo Arm Eth ro..pref. and Eth..and be not lying Syr 
єпєт. to one another] т &c (391) 241, Bo, as oÀAgAovs  &е, Vg 
(invicem) Syr (one in one) .. to your neighbour Eth єатєтика &c 
having stripped off] т &c 39? N &c, Vg Bo (-heuy өнпот x3) .. 


time of the days (in) which ус (were) living in these (things). 
* But now forsake all (these) things; the anger, the wrath, 
the malice, the blasphemy : a disgraceful word let it not come 
out of your mouth: ?lie not to one another, having stripped 
off the old man with his works, ° and having clothed your- 
selves with the new, this which is renewed unto the know- 
ledge according to the image of him who created him: И the 
place in which there is not Greek and Jew, circumcision and 
uncircumeision, barbarian, Scythian, servant, free: but (a) 

атетика “е ye stripped off #1.. strip ye off Arm.. but put off Syr, but 
leave Eth (om but ro) яхпролає пас the old man] т 13 19 (391) 
язтироззт папас Во. прахпас 21 Ё1.. тои zaAotov avOpwrov N &с, 

Ус Syr Arm Eth печойнтє his works] т &c 39, N &c, Ус Arm 
Eth .. all his actions Syr .. neeqmpaz ie Jis work Во 
? ато and] т & Во (ва 26) eat. «е having clothed 

yourselves] т &с 39% N &c, Vg Bo (ваГгресмо).. атєти. &с уе 
clothed &c #1, Bo .. clothe you Syr Arm Eth axn&ppe with the new | 
I &e 39, N &e, Ус Syr Arm..add man Bo Eth mar &e this- 
created him] 1 &c (39?) .. om Eth ro e(om 39)ncoovit unto the 
knowledge] т &c 39, es ezvyvocuv М &c, Vg Arm .. Зеи ovycoosn in 
а knowledge Bo Syr Eth ката eer(r3 19.. ex 1 21 39 fon 
acc. to the image] т &c (39?) Во (тотк.).. кат exova № &c, Ус Arm.. 
in the likeness Syr .. of the likeness Eth запеи (пи f!)tage. of him 
who created him] г &c (39?) Bo (eassrog 26).. тою ктитауто$ avrov 
N &е, Evagrius..of his creator Syr Arm Eth .. pref. avrov FG... eius 
quà creavit d f Vg .. eius ereantis g 

П пазы &c lit. the place in which there is not Hellén and Jew] 
г &c (39%.. птаха єтєххазон OTEMI MAOY mere OTIOTAAI the 
place in which there is not an Ionian and a Jew Bo.. отоо оок evi eAAnv 
кал covdaos Ж &c, Ус (ат) .. отоо ovk eve араєи kat буду eX. к. сом. D* 
Е С, Vg (demid hal)... отоо &c сохд. ovde «АА. 17, Arm (heathen .. and h. 
cdd) .. where is not Jew and Aramean Syr (vg) .. in which there is not 
Jew and not Aramean Eth che &с cire. and (om Во 7) uncire. | 
г &e (39) № &e, Vg Bo (ness maret. Г) Syr Eth ro.. not cire. and 
not uncire. Eth дарів. сктенс (Во рек) barbarian, Scythian] т 
бе 39, № &c, Bo (скуеос) .. barbarous, savage, Scythian Arm .. Bap. 
ка скъблѕ D*F G, Vg (Scytha) .. and not Yonyo and barbarian Syr.. 
countryman and townsman Eth оххом М рахоє servant, free] 1 біс 


птир ати» meros NTHPY ne перс. "X ве gwT- 
THTT сос COTH iemuovre. MeTOTAAH  aseseprr. 
Torehhro. потаєнтразращ. itoveseiToaplyoHT. 1 eTe- 
тихиехе пиетмерит avo єтетико chodA пиєтиернеу 
пег с ко мити ehoA. apr теде QWTTHTTH. 1 єх 

е (т) 35 19 § 21 $ (39 $) (161) fli 8eit | o1xov.] 13 19 f! cit 
..91907. 21 161 enNa(e 2т)х. | om e 21 161 f! затрат, | т 13 
19 fli cit. ати. 39 16! fli | -отне| -eov. fl..-aot. cif 
13 т (13) 19 21 39 (161) f1 MU ята] сита 13 "Uri роуная 
(39) 161 f! 

39 МВСреКІР &с, Bo (26) Syr (h) Arm .. дод. ка eAev. AD* FG, 
Vg Во Eth ro.. «nd not servant and free Syr (vg) .. not servant and 
free Eth mrHp*3 &e lit. the all and he who (is) in the all is the 
Christ] 13 &e (39).. ravra ко ev пасти xs МАС 17..та т. &c 
NCBDFGKLP, omnia et in omnibus Christus Vg Arm, ооё miten 
Sen ovon mien пос every thing in every one the Christ Во .. all 
ата іп all men Christ is Syr .. in all and with all Christ Eth .. in all 
Christ Eth ro 

1? бе therefore] 13 &c 161.. ота cit, L, Во(дтварекіт,) ос 
sepit] om cit cori chosen] т &с 161.. ñgancwth chosen ones 
Bo, єкЛєктог N біс, Ус Syr Arm Eth (пи 39)eros. those who 
are holy] 1 &с 161 .. evovah holy Во, ayv М &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth.. 
аз holy Eth ro яззхєріт beloved] т &c (161) B 17 .. ки nyary- 
шеро: Ñ &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth поєп (оп 39)enN. maT. with 
merciful compassions] т &e 161.. ezAeyxva. owripuov Ñ &с, Vg Bo 

(fire отазетречщепонт).. отл. октірроу К... ст». кол оіктірроу Dst* 
.. compassion, mercy Arm .. mercies and affection Syr .. with compassion 
and with mercy Eth поузаптог pucroc(sc рістос 161 .. x pt 39 
fl, Bo ва) lit. with a kindness] 1 &e 16! .. хруототута, benignitatem 
Vg Arm, потлаєтоєм же Bo (pref. mear with 26) .. goodness Eth ro.. 
and kindness Syr ..and with goodness Eth потећ. lit. with 
a humility] т &е 39 161.. om #1, cit ends with eB&ro . razewodpo- 
cvvqv NÑ &c, humilitatem Vg .. with a humility of heart Bo.. and 
humility of mind Syr..and humility of heart Eth .. and humbling 
head Eth ro потялитрах, novato. lit. with а meekness, with 


the Christ is all things (ПТН) and he who (is) in all 
things. 12 Clothe yourselves therefore as chosen of God, those 
who are holy, beloved, with merciful compassions, with kind- 
ness, with humility, with meekness, with long-suffering : 
13 bearing with one another and forgiving to one another, if 
one hath a quarrel with one, according as the Christ forgave 
to you, do thus ye also: 1 over all these the dove, which is this, 

а long-suffering | т &c 16! f! ii, Bo, трол(о)тута, нокроборлам Ñ вес, Ve 
Arm..trs. with a longs. with а т. П1.. and. meekness and longsuff: 
Syr .. with meekness and with continence Eth .. meekness and continence 
Eth ro 

13 etetita(e f! )ne(nes 21 161.. ғи Ё!) е bearing with] г & 13 
16! fli, avexopevou № &c, supportantes Vg Arm.. and be ye enduring 
Syr .. endure them Eth .. бе self-restrained Eth ro ппєтпєр. опе 
another] т &c 13 161 ТТИ, оЛАлАоу NÑ &c, invicem Vg Arm .. опе 
with one Syr .. your neighbour Eth аусу-єрну | om f! її homeotel 
avw and ] от 17, Bo (ва 26) Arm ететико eh. forgiving] 1 &c 13 
161 #11, Bo, xapi£oievou 53 &c, Arm .. donantes Vg .. (be ye) forgiving 
Syr .. grant уе Eth лиєтиєр. to one another] 1 &с 13 16! f!, Bo 
Arm .. eavrois Ñ біс, vobis ipsis Vg .. one to one Syr .. each of you Eth 
o(pref. оти 16! f!i)sa є(єо 13 19)тпт one hath] г &e 13 
161 £13, om ova Во Syr but express it afterwards .. тіс-єкт № &с, 
Vg Arm cdd.. Eth has forgive your neighbours who quarrelled 
amongst themselves оз (ош oy r)aprxe a quarrel] т &с тз 16! 
flii,, шорфту  &е, Orsiesius .. wep D* .. opygy Кат" Gs! зам 
ova with. one| т & 13 16! f1H., oyar mear ovas Во, ris zpos тиа 
N &с, quis adversus aliquem Vg, Syr has and if there is to man 
against his neighbour quarrel .. Eth, see above .. 7f of опе to one quarrel 
any should be Arm ката ee according аѕ | т &e (13) 16! f! ii, 
Bo Syr? Eth..add кол N &c, Vg пєҳЕ the Christ] т &c 16! f1 ii, 
WNSCDbKLP &e, Bo Syr Eth, Orsiesius..o кирюз ABD*FG, Vg .. 

о eos 54" ..о Geos ev xo 17, Arm ко интп forgave to you] т &c 
161 £131, Bo Syr .. єкарісато ушу N* &c, Vg Eth .. ex. nuw (Nc) Der* 
KP 17, Arm cdd, Orsiesius apr Ter(ees 1)oe &e do thus ye also | 

I &c 16! fli., ovrws Kav vers morire О* ЕЕС, m Eth, Orsiesius .. 
thus also ye forgive Syr .. napa тосутєм gwren thus ye also Bo, 
ovros Kat v( 1 7)pes N &c, f Vg Arm 
Моєхії mar тирот lit. over these all] 21..ez mar ae т. but 
8 ж 
&c 1 &с 39..єорні ежей п. т. Bo (n*m*o26).. eo. ae eo. m. т. 


Wal тнрот тасапн. ETE TAI те TAPPE s:1CxoR chor. 
ау» Зрнин NEKE eeapecTaxpo ом иетмонт. TAI 
On WTAUTECOR?THT'TM єрос ose mcostà. ато» итети- 
ujone WpecqpurnossoT. 1 пирмає ANEXE aeapecposoo 
монттнути ом оуееитрявеело ом copia miee. 
етети{с6% arw єтетитслбо &saec mW eoempaAasoc 
хэт SENCRLOT зам SCENWAH аєпиєтаєатіком ора 
ом техаріс  ететихо ої MeTMoHT — emmovre. 

тэр. | eras р. f! № (т) 13:19:21 (39) 161 51 nua] 13 &c 
39... вит. I 5 т 13$ (19) (21) (39 Ра) 16! (371$) 1 
Bo .. ert таси дє rovrois М &c, Ус... and with these all Syr Eth .. and 
upon all Arm (this all cdd) тасапн the love] г &c (13) 39, Bo, 
ту ау. 53 &e, Vg Syr .. love ye Eth єтє &c which is this] т &c 13 
39 .. o (os N* D* ., утс NCDPK L &с) есть АВСЕСР 17, OL Vg Bo 
(єтє niasosp пе) Arm (which is bond) Syr .. for the bond—it is Eth .. 
the bond—it is Eth го Sxmxo& eb. of the perfectness] 13 &c (39) 
Bo, reXeworyros  &c, Vg Syr Arm, Macarius, of his perfectness Eth .. 
evorgros D* F2rG ., spring of the peace т 

15 ато 19] om Bo (ва 26) Ярнин (є f1) the peace] Macarius.. 
om у FG 47* яхпє%С of the Christ] 13 &c, NFABC*D*FGP 
37 47, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth..rov eov МЕСЬТСКІ, 17 &e, Arm 
edd, Macarius, Isaiah axapecs. let it be confirmed] тз &e, Bo 
Arm Eth.. BpaBevero N &c, Vg (exultet) Syr (let it guide) оп 
пєтпо. in your hearts] r9 &c (39) Bo, М &е, Vg Arm .. oax пет. in 
your heart 21, Eth .. your hearts Syr TaTr-os10T] om Eth ro 
tar om lit. this also] (т?) &с 39.. eas this Bo.. eis qv kac № &е, Syr 
Arm Eth .. in qua et Vg озх пс. in the body| (1?) &с (39) .. ev 
сорот: B.. ev evt o. Ñ біс, Vg Во Syr Arm Eth ат (om avo» 
161) &c and be ye thanksgiving] т &c 21° (39) Bo (щопх eperenos 
преч.).. каг evxapurro, wea Oe N &c, Vg Arm .. and be thanksgiving 
to Christ Syr, and be in thanksgiving to Ch. Eth 

'5 пу, &c the word of the Christ] г &е 19 21 371, NcBC?DF 
GL &e, Vg Bo (B?) Syr (h) .. whose word Syr (vg) .. o А. т. eov AC* 
17..trs. songs holy and the word of God &c Eth ro.. 
пасажі ftre пос the word of the Lord Bo, N* .. add ae Bo (except 
A,J0).. for the word of Christ Arm szapeqor. let it dwell] т &c 
19 21, N &e, Vg Bo (щоупі,, таро HI0°) Syr Eth ro.. 


the bond of the perfectness. 1° And the peace of the Christ 
let it be confirmed in your hearts, this (peace) also into which 
ye were called in the body; and be ye thanksgiving. , 19 The 
word of the Christ let it dwell in you richly in all wisdom, 
teaching and admonishing yourselves with psalms and hymns 
and spiritual songs in the grace, singing in your hearts unto 

shall be established Eth йонттнзти in you] т &c 19 39, Sen 
енпот in you Во, e ушу N біс, Vg Syr Arm.. ost петпонт т 
your heart 21 .. with you Eth ro оп ovariitp. lit. in 
а richness] 1 &e 19 21 (39) Bo, zAovetwos М &c, Vg (abundanter) Syr 
Arm (abundantly) .. om Eth ro.. be rich Eth оп copia илла т 
all wisdom] Eth ro..add et omni intellectu spirituali m 
ever сво teaching] т 19 (37 1).. trs. етети{. git софт (21) (39) teaching and Bo (1) .. om бідаск. к. vovÓ. eavrovs Eth ro..«nd be 
teaching Syr, and teach yourselves Eth  avw(om Bo в 26)-2x xerit 
lit. and admonishing you] кол vovÜerovvres eavrovs № &c, Vg (vosmet 
ipsos) Syr (yourselves) Arm (one another) ceoemp. with psalms | 
.21..9W gen(oit ПИ). in psalms т бо 19 39 37', Во Syr .. yapos 
M &с, Vg Arm..and recite psalm Eth, continuing and the word 
зай gen (оп 39 1!) сааот lit, with blessings] т & 19 39 37 Bo.. 
vpvois NBC*D*FG, Vg Syr (№) Ага... ки v. AC DV'KLP &e, 
Vg (demid) Syr (vg) Arm edd .. and praise Eth зам genlo 39 
f!)wan lit. with songs] т & (19) (39) 371, Во (ооън.. wan n? r2,* 
26) кол о. АСЗОЪКТ &e, Syr (vg) Arm edd ..wdas RC* D* 17, 
canticis Vg Буг (Б) Arm запиєтазатьком spiritual] rg 2r .. 
ankon г 13 161 371 #1.. nation 39, № &e, Vg Syr (of spirit) 
Arm .. holy Eth epar оп tegcapic in the grace] т &e 19 (39) 
MceBD*FG.. си x. МА С* &e, Vg ..ev єхарістіа 74 270, Bo.. and 
mm grace Syr .. om Eth єтєтихо lit. saying] т &с 19, epereneoc 
singing Bo .. eveviteaso ye shall say 21 .. trs. yapıtı адоутєз N &c, Vg 
рїї мєтіїо. &c in your hearts unto God] т &c (19) 39 37 1, Во МА DC 
D*FG, Vg Syr Arm... e ту &c DeKLP &с, Eth (trs. to God in your 
heart Arm cdd).. trs. єрєтємовус eb} Sem пєтєпонт. Sem Ouen- 
озаст singing unto God in your hearts in а thanksgiving Bo.. Eth, 
evidently confused, has and recite psalm and praise and holy sony ; 
«nd the word of God shall be established with you, Be rich in all 
wisdom. And teach yourselves and admonish, in spirit chant to God 
in your heart .. Eth то has and recite psalm and praise and holy song, 
preise to God in your heart єппоутє unto God] т &c(19) 39 371 

1117.8 А а 


V avo ооб Wee ETETNAAAT Oak Mase н oss посі 
HTETHAAT THPOT Q PAI PAN аеп хосте IC. єтетітцуп- 
оязот тах пиоттє NEIWT єбої orTOOTY. 18 wegiosse 
e9»noracce ймєтпоооут теє єтєцущє ose паоєтс. 
19 йоооут я ере Woroste ATW аєприотуєс єрооу. 
20 нцунрє. CWTA HCA метиєютє ката са от изя». 
пат Сар пе поусиряєпхоєг. 7 erore, аяпрамотєс 

1 (т) 13 (19),21 39 (161) 37! f! opas] 13 19 161. eopas f! .. 
om 21  єтєтищії| йтєтицуп 371 18 r$ 135 (19$) 21$ 39$ 37! 
З 1(13) 19 21 39$ (37!) | ? x (13) r9 $521 (39) 37! $ ш, 
13$ 19 $ 21 (39 $) 37! тус ww 

Po (ey) .. то dew RABC* D* FG 17 47, Vg, Bo (xd EHS) Syr .. 
то коро C? De &c, Vg (demid) Bo (DFKL) 

11 aso and] 1 &c 19 161.. ош D*FG, Vg єтєтилаау which 
ye will do] 13 19 39 161 f!, Bo.. erernaav which ye do 1 21.. («оу 
по (ей)те № &e .. which also уе do Arm озх пщ.-ооё in the 
word-work] om Eth eax nujaxe in the word] (т) &c (19) 161, 
Bo ..ev Aoyo № &e, Vg Syr .. in words Arm H ог) 13 біс:19 
161..:e Bo.. and Syr Arm озх по. in the work] 13 &c ig 161, 
Bo.. ev epyo N &с, Vg Syr ivrernaas lit. that ye do them | 
13 &c 19 161..от № &c, Vg Во Eth..trs. Christ, be doing Syr 
тир. all] ravra М &c.. gwh и. every thing Bo (om owh AEF.. 
om и. H*) тнрох all 21 праи the name] тз &с то 161, 
Во .. оуорати Ñ біс запах. бс of the Lord Jesus] 13 161.. 
manens. 1С of our Lord Jesus 39..kvpov w ВОК 17 37 &e, 
f Vg (am tol) Syr (h) Arm (add ye shall do)..s3&wx. xc neXt of 
the Lord &с 19..к. vv xv W*, Vg (fu).. rov к. v x. Ne al.. amen- 
xoerc 16 пеже of our Lord Jesus the Christ 21 fl, Во Vg (деші) 
Syr (vg) Eth.. короо L..w хо ACDer*FerG птах (й 1) 
ппоттє nei т)от to God the Father] т &с (19) 16!, МА 
BC, m Bo Syr (vg) Eth .. rw dew ka. т. DFGKL &e, Vg Syr (h) 
Arm chod o. through him] г &c 19, Во, М &c, Vg Arm .. om 
Syr Eth 

1€ weg. lit, the wives] т &c (19').. a; y. № &c, Bo (яяаротатє 

COLOSSIANS ПІ 17-21 355 

God. М And every thing which ye will do in the word or in 
the work, (see) that ye do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, 
giving thanks to God the Father through him. 18 Wives, be 
subjected to your men, as it is right in the Lord. 1° Men, love 
the wives, and provoke them not. 29 Children, obey your 
parents /п every manner; for this is the will of the Lord. 
2 Fathers, provoke not your children, lest they should be 

КР) ..от at FG .. pref. and Eth (not ro) .. add also Eth пиети. 
lit. to your males] т &с 19 .. 7. a. vp. D*FG, Syr (vg Б") Arm (lords 
edd) Eth .. то avdpaow бб L &c .. fimetengas to your husbands Bo 
(xwor йпоудат K).. om бов МА ВСПеК 17, m Vg єтєщ- 
(om єцу т) ще it is right] г &с 19... om Eth охх mx. in the Lord | 
т &c 19, FG, Bo.. ev кър.  &с, Vg Arm .. in the Christ Bo (н*) Syr.. 
to God Eth 

? по. lit. the males] wrpwasr the men Во, ov avdp. М &c .. о avóp. 
G.. o avd. F .. add also Eth iteroase the wives] 1, Во (A4,*) N*A 
BO*DeKL єс, Vg (harl**).. add eavrov N°.. мєтпо. your wives 
(13) єс 37!, Bo, C' D*FG, Vg Буг (ус Б) Arm Eth — ixnp(t1 19 39 
371.. ep r3 21)пот5 ep. provoke them not] àxnep «ойт ovhHoy 
be not angry against them Bo Eth .. ил (тара С? К) zwpaweoOe троѕ avras 
N &c, Vg Syr Arm 

2 йщ. lit. the sons] г &c 39, Во Vg Syr Arm (sons) .. та rekva 
N &с.. sons also Eth мєтиєготє lit. your fathers] metitxscoove 
your masters 31! ката CaroT mia lit. according to every manner | 
I &c 39..ката tavra Ñ &c.. per omnia Vg.. Sen ооё miben т 
every thing Bo Syr .. in all Arm Eth паї &c lit. for this із the 
wish] 1 &e 13 (39) .. т. у. evapeorov єстіи МА ВСР 17 47, діт Vg.. 
т. y. є. є ар. КЕТС КІ, &c, Arm .. om eorw 46 122* .. for this is that 
which pleaseth (neepanay) Po.. for thus (із) seemly Syr... for thus it 
is right Eth ro .. for thus it is right and it pleaseth Eth зх пхоєтс 
of the Lord] т 13 то (39)..33móv to the Lord Во, minuse mu.. 
before the Lord Arm .. before our Lord Syr .. ev кури» М &c, Vg Syr 
(h) .. хпиозте of God 21 .. (pleaseth) God Eth .. (it ts right) with God 
Eth ro 

^ sesote lit. the fathers] т &e 39.. memos our fathers Bo (a*).. 
fathers also Eth запрупот»ас provoke not] т &e (391)... ил) 
epeÜere ВІК &с., un тароруйєтє NACD*FGKL 17 37, Bo 

Aa 2 


WiteTHüJHpe. хе iiteyoyoAc понт. 2? itoasoA A. сотая 
Alt оос рецарескє иролее. ALAA оп OTeeliToaTTACTC 
ите петионт єтєтирооте онт авпахоєгс. 23 ооф mige 
a***0O0v яепохоєіс. Hpweee an.  "єтєтисобум хе 
тетимахі EhoA стая пжоєю яєптогіо итекАнро- 
ү DORE 29 с 25 
появ. итетироаяох А авпаоєт NEXE. 2 пет: Tap 

"(тул $9198 2193987 $^ * 9 for анау р та 
(19) 21 (39) erixx] ити г  ахптот.)| enn. 19 тотго| 21 39.. 
-€10 I I3 19 55 (ср) 13 (одн 39 пєтхі] фи ev-xi Bo.. фах 
єт-жх Во (к) 

(3рхомт) Syr (h m8) хє и (ош, 1) пєуот(ош от 21*) WNE &c lest 
they should be disheartened] т &c (39 ?).. gma псєщтєяяєрэхкао 
понт that they should not be pained of heart Во .. that they should not 
be grieved Syr Eth, wa pn abvpwow N &c, ut now pusillo animo fiant 
Vg Eth ro .. lest they should be hardened Arm 

? пох. lit. the servants] т &c.. servants also Eth метис. бс 
your masters acc. to flesh] 13 &c, т. ката с. коров 47 21..244 Sen 
gwh и. in every thing Bo in all (от к. с.) Arm .. pref. ката avra 
N &e, Vg (per omnia) Syr (in all) .. your masters omitting кота т. and 
к. с. Eth ката c. acc, to flesh! position FG, Vg (dom. carnalibus) 
.. trs. т. к. є. кур. № &с.. of flesh Syr .. om Arm оп ovaxitreta- ' 
(айпа 21)mcav(owv 39 37!)on an(ncaovom am 1I9..foaovam 
аи 21) lit. in ап eyeserviee not] (т?) Bo (aretha завок).. ил] ev 
off ABDFG 47, Arm.. py os ev C* .. uy ev офдбадродої М єбшаля N 
CKL &c .. not in sight of eye Syr .. om Eth ос peyape(¥ 39)скє 
п. as pleasers of man] (І) &e, ws амбротарєтко: N &е, Vg Во 
(зафрня) Syr (as those who please men) Arm .. and not in pleasing 
person of тат Eth .. om Eth го «МАМА &c lit. but in а singleness 
of your heart] 1 19 21 39, Bo (axereanN .. om axev AE) .. aNNa &c 
netitont but &с of your hearts 13, Arm cdd ..aAAa ev az. карбіає 
М &с, Vg Arm .. but (a) in heart simple Syr simple heart Eth (trs. 
in simple heart, and тої &с) .. in s. heart Eth ro є(п 21) vevitpo, 
&c fearing the Lord] т &c, N*ABCDs*FGL 17, Vg (am fu harl) 


disheartened, 22 Ѕегуапіѕ, obey your masters according to 
flesh, not in eyeservice, as pleasers of man, but (a) in singleness 
of your heart, fearing the Lord: ? all things which ye will 
do, do them with all your heart, аз doing them to the Lord, 
not to man; ?* knowing that ye will receive from the Lord 
the recompense of the inheritance; and serve the Lord the 
Christ. 25 Еог he who doeth wrong will receive the recom- 

Bo (om фос DFHIKL) Arm .. pref. оос аз Bo.. and in the fear of the 
Lord Syr .. фор. тои вєоу No DcK &e, d Vg (demid tol) Eth 

3 om verse Eth gwh &c all things which ye will (om т 21) do | 
г &с 39.. ки тау о (ті) eav tore DYK L &e, Syr .. om ка тау N*A 
ВС 17, Vg Bo арісот &c lit. do them in all your heart] т &e 

(39)..єк Чохуз єруабєсвє № біс, ex animo operamini Ус... єй. Sen 
‚ тетеи\у. (neren GKMP) aprowh out of your heart (hearts в KMP) do 
work Bo .. В. &c mshen out &c do work every Во (4,8 0p)... from al! 
your soul do Syr .. heartily ye shall work Arm gwc &c as doing them 
to the Lord, not to man] 1 &с (39).. оос epererapr занос отоо 
pour au аз doing to the Lord and not man Во (проза to man 
гені в)... «S TG кур KAL OUK avOpurros N &e, то к. доъ- 
Aevovres À to our Lord and not аз to men Зуг.. ос vo к. ovk 
avOpwros В .. work аз to the Lord and mot as to man Arm 

^ єтєтцсоотп knowing] x &с 19 (39).. «дотес № &e, Vg Bo.. y^ 
know Eth .. know Syr Arm тєтйца(тєтиа г 19 39?) xs & ye 
will receive from the Lord] t &с r9 (39) .. ато к. (ато) (ре ве 
N &е, Vg Syr Eth Arm .. trs. ye will receive the recompense (ittugehsw ) 
of the inheritance fram the Lord Во птєк/ки 1)М. of the inherit- 
ance] x &e (19 1) 39, тує кА. N &e, Vg Bo ..én the inheritance Syr .. 
add vkov СЪ 37 47, Arm ., Eth has that from (with ro) God ye will 
be rewarded ive np. &с lit. that ye serve] conjunctive for 
imperative mood т &c (197) (39).. trs. xo dovAevere N біс, Vg Syr 
(ye served) Arm Eth (ye are serving) Eth ro (and serve) .. aprbox be 
servant Bo nxoeic NeXt the Lord the Christ | I &c (19) 39, 
Во (ренлі)..то к. хо МАВСО 17 47, Vg Агм..то уар к. xo 
DOKL бе. те yep корм 37 .. for to our Lord Christ &е Syr .. for 
Christ ye serve Eth.. Eth ro has and serve Christ .. rov к. трох w xv 
ө dovrevere ЕС .. BINT їн© пєпөс to Ch. Jesus our Lord Ро (A) .. 
MANGE їн© посс (FEGKMNOP).. ахпос тис (n?) 

? wap] т &c (19) RABCD*FG 17, Vg Во.. de DEKL &e, Syr 


HGONC чат яептоуто MNI SONE HTaqaag. ATW 
SLUT яятрєсрхкод. 

IV. пашсосте. aps пшоц Hinetifgaggaa. eteti- 
соот хе итоти QWTTHTTH озитити пхоее oW THE, 
зпроскартєреї епешАнА ететмо поущи itpoerc 
монт OM OTUWMoseoT.  ^eTeTMUJAHA QWWIT даром. 
хекас epe NNOTTE ovon нам semnpo asmujaoe. 
етремхо ALMALTCTHPION AMMOTTE. паг єХаянр 

70710] 39 ..-€:0 13 19 21 maT) seit 39 
1 1 (3) (13 $) 19$ 21 39 ? 1 3(14) 1921. прое] ppocic 3 
* 1 (3) 14 19 21 

Arm Eth Чиа &c will receive the recompense] 1? &с 19, Bo 
(22)... кометой (ето, ierat) Ñ &e, Vg Буг Arm .. will obtain his 
recompense Eth .. quacs will receive Во mansas ло. п(19 39 .. ем 13 
21)Taqaa* of the wrongdoing which he did] 13 19 &c, єтачамі Bo 
(12) .. медь &с his wrongdoing Во .. о пубіктаєм М &с, Vg .. as (for) 
that which he did wrong Syr .. according to his iniquity Arm .. om Eth 
axi. lit. receiving face] 13 19 39 (жоущт eoo lit. looking at face 
Ро) просетой. V &e, Vg (personarum acceptio) Syr .. add gatang with 
him 21, nagpaq with him Bo Eth (they will not flatter) .. add тара 
то Jew FG, Vg (fu demid tol harl) Arm 

1 дос. 116. the masters] 1 &c 13, N &c, Ус Во Syr Arm .. masters 
also Eth .. о коріо FG aps nujoug lit. do the equal] 21* (add 
малиєст 216)..ар: namain ато пщощ do the just and the 
equal т 131 19 equality and justice Зуг..то дік. kat тту 
'corgyra—rapexeo0e (ere C al) N Же, Ус Arm.. equally do to your 
servants and judge justice Eth (om and judge justice го).. Во has 
apros: йотоап яні OFOO Xa өнпот еретеищищ sess 
nevenebiai do а just judgement and put yourselves (as) being equal 
with your servants єтєтис. knowing] 1 &e, N &c, Vg Bo.. ye 
know Eth..and be ye knowing Syr Arm.. ye also know Во (ркі) 
йтоти &c ye also ye have] т &с, N &e, Vg (et vos-habetis) Syr (also to 
you there із) .. Eth (there is to уои).. петеибе owten won your 
master also is Bo (trs. knowing also that DKL).. also your master is 
Arm | ихоезс the master] 1 біс..куріюу Ñ &e, Vg Syr Eth 


pense of the wrongdoing which he did: and there is not 
acceptance of person. 

IV. Masters, do that (which is) equal to your servants, 
knowing that ye also, ye have the master in the heaven. 
* Persevere in the prayer, keeping vigil in it, in thanksgiving ; 
? praying for us also, that God should open to us the door of 
the word, for us to say the mystery of God, this because 

es "me in the heaven] г &c 3, Во (p^rme£prFHJKL)..ev ovpavo 
АВС 17 37, Vg Syr (vg)..ev ovpavos МЕРЕСКІ, &c, Во 
(плфнотт) Syr (Б) Arm Eth (trs. in heavens a master ro) 

? om verse Его mpo(1 3.. о 19 21)ckapte (3 19.. & I 1921) 
pei(p: г) eneu. lit. persevere unto the prayer] г &c, шоти еретеилани 
e*npocessen be continuing unto the prayer Bo, Eth (pref. and) .. trs. 
т] трос. троскартєрє: (роъутє 17) № біс, Vg Syr Arm єтєтпо &c 
keeping vigil] т &c 14, еретемох (йтєтєпог к) йшуритс Bo (pref. 
and F) ypyyopovvres $$ &с, Vg .. being sad Eth .. and watching Bo (Е) 
..and be watching Syr понт in it] г &c 14, панте Во, ev avr № 
&с, Vg Syr Arm .. because of it Eth en о цу. lit. in a thanksgiving | 
1 &e, Bo,  &с, Vg Arm Eth .. and giving thanks Syr .. om D* 

З єтетищАнА &с lit. praying also for us] 1 &с 3 .. epetentwho 
e(om AB*EF)aaxa Mest єорні exom oum (om офи к) praying 
therewith for us also (om к) Bo .. mposevyopevot apa (ара 37) kat пері 
nuov М &с, Vg Arm .. and praying also for us Зуг.. and. pray ant 
request for us also Eth .. and pray Eth ro meka(aa 1)c &c that 
God should open to us] 1 &c 3, N &c, Vg Bo (om to us T) Syr Arm.. 
trs. that should open to us God Eth ro (om to us Eth) запро(а 
21*) the door] 1 &c 3.. потро а door Во, бура Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm.. 
doors Eth anuj, of the word] 1 &с (3) rov Лоу. № &с, Vg Bo Syr 
Arm Eth.. fite отсажі of а word Во (L) Лоу. D* FG... rov беоу 47 
..add ev тарртача A етреижо Юг us бо say ) I &c.. ЛаАзюал Ñ 
&c, Vg Bo (єсажі).. ясат Po (DFHLNO).. nic. the words Bo (7) 
Syr .. that we should speak Eth .. that we should do Eth ro паст. 
the mystery] г &e, Eth ro.. the counsel Eth заппоутє of God] 
21, B*L 41 238 .. which із from God Eth .. яке оў the Christ x 14 
19, N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm mar &с lit. this which I am 
bound because of him] т &e, Во (сопо).. д. o к. д. NACDKL «е. 
Vg Arm.. бі ov ka, дєдєши ВЕС .. because of whom I am bound 
Syr Eth 


етфинтЯ. ‘ae елестомо eboX өе єтепущє epo: 
ещахе.  ^secouje ом озсофих. єтєти що Aene- 
отоещ имаорм mergo. базаре петищьхе ior- 
оешу ая wone ON отуалріс. єцхокр поягот. 
етретистеяе eoe етещище ещьхе яям Nora Iova. 
Тиатааеютм enet понтоу їїбїтз нос пееєріт 
псом nemnujbpoasoaA o&$ пхоес. 3 па тат мості 
шароти emerowh. aenac стетмеетяяе enenoyvo. ATW 
мфпараналє иметиснт. “aem omnHcieeoc псом 

етЁиит4 | ствятЧ 1, єебнтй Во * (т) 14 19 21 °(т) (3) 14$ 
I9 21 6 (1) (3) 14 (19) 21 suas] om 1 7 і (3) 14$ 21$ 
8 (1) (3) 14 21 ? (т) (3) 14 21$ onnc.] 3 14, Bo .. oo. 21 

* om verse Eth ro хе that] wa N &e, Bo.. add ка: О=г* 
сте (сете 1) owonos єв. I should manifest it] т &c, йтаотопоё Bo.. 
wa hovepwow avro Ñ &c, Vg (illud) Syr Aim fiee as] I бо, os № &e, 
Vg (Па ut) Arm (add also Arm edd Eth).. кәтә фриз according as 
Во.. Syr has and speak it аз it 18 right for me етещще &с it is 
right for me to speak] 14 &c .. ercessmuga пні йтасах Во (A,GHIOP) 
..0m нні (А, ВАГРЕЕКЬМХ) .. de де AaAgoac № &c, Bo Arm .. Syr, sce 

* om verse- Eth ro (pref. e 21)яхоощеє walk] т &c, Bo Eth.. 
trs. copia перитатате № &o, Vg Syr Arm . оусоф. lit. a wisdom | 
14 &c .. add тасу 37 ететищон 4meos(14 19.. ew 21)oeng 

buying the time] (1 ?) (3 ?) &с.. trs. rovs «ёо т. кароу e£ay. Ñ біс, Vg 
Bo Arm (buying opportunities) .. and buy your occasion transl. Syr .. om 
Eth пиаори &c with regard to those who are without] (т?) (3 1) 
біс, mpos rovs ew N &с, Vg Syr Arm .. with aliens to the faith Eth .. 
trs. Sen ovchw orhe ин erca boN in а wisdom against those &c Bo 

* om verse Eth ro зхарє &c let your word always be] (т?) (3) 
&c 19..0 Aoyos чишфу (пиву Det*) zavrore N &c, Vg Bo (add ae F) 
Syr (pref. and) Arm (pref. and, and add full) .. and shall be your word 
Eth харс] т 3 &e 19, Arm cdd..add of the Lord Arm... 
шєпояхот thanksgiving Bo (к) єфхокр Hoaxow seasoned with 
salt] 1 3 біс 19, Bo (in a salt) Eth (pref. and) .. trs. аЛат: npr. Ñ біс, 
Vg (sale sit) .. as in salt let it be seasoned Syr (Arm) etpe(add те 
2т)ти. for you to know] т 3 біс r9 .. eesx1 to know Во, edevar Ñ біс, 
Arm .. ut sciatis Vg Eth .. and фе knowing Syr eee єтєщ (om 


of whom I am bound; *that I should manifest it, as it is right 
for me to speak. ° Walk in wisdom, buying the time with 
regard to those who are without. ° Let your word always 
be in grace, seasoned with salt, for you to know how it is 
right to speak to each. * Will show to you the (things) in 
which I am Tykhikos the beloved brother our fellow-servant 
in the Lord : ? this (one) whom I sent as far as you unto this 
thing, that ye should know the news of us, and he should 
console your hearts ; ° with Onésimos the faithful brother and 

єщу т) ще how it is right] 1 3 &c 19..34ФфрняЯ етсежииуа noten 
how it is worthy for you Bo, поз дє. vpas (v. п. д.) N &c, Vg Arm 
(pref. also cdd) .. om. Eth .. trs. to each how it is right for you Syr 
ewjaxe &c to speak to each] т (3) &c.. єрото povras Фф. to answer 
each Bo .. that which ye should answer to each Eth .. evt єкасто атокри- 
verGar N &c give answer Syr Arm 

7 ena ass, will show to you] 1 3 &c.. trs. пєтщоп maeror THPOT 
єчеталафутєп epos the (things) which are of me all he shall show 
to you them Во, та (add де N*, Syr vg) кат єнє tavra yvop. чи. N біс, 
Vg (vobis nota &c) Syr (om all) and all my news (om my news го) will 
announce to you Eth .. but whatever to me is will tell you all Arm 
ene понтох the (things) in which I am] 21, Syr..add тиро all 
т 14, Во, N &е, Vg (Eth) псом brother] 2r.. add ато якпистос 
fasanonoc and faithful minister т 14, Во (злаки) N &с, Vg Syr 
(minister faithful) Arm .. our brother faithful Eth.. our br. minister 
of Christ and faithful Eth ro nenujbp. (1 14.. щёнр. 21) &с our 
fellow-servant in the Lord] т &с.. ка (om Bo B®) avvóovAos (om xac 
студ. W*) ev куро Ne &с, Vg Во (the Lord) Syr Arm .. om Eth ro .. 
Eth has whom we associate in service, who is your brother in God 

З паз Я(І 21..em 14)тат. &с this whom I sent] т &c, Eth.. 

Г sent him Eth ro єпєз(єєх 1)gwi unto this thing] т &c, Bo 
Arm Eth, es avro rovro М &с, Vg Eth ro хєкас 

єтєтиє(а тд)єхлхє єпєпото» lit. that ye should know our news] 14 
21, ша yvore та тєрї пром W* ABD*F£rGP 17 37 47, Arm Eth (ту 
News) .. жекаас eercesaxe єпєтпото that T should know your news 
1 31.. та yw та тєр. viov RECDPKL &с, f Vg Во (петеиииит) 
Syr avw пи. &c and he should console your hearts] (3) &c, 
Eth (heart) .. and should be consoled your heart Eth ro 

? ax with] 3 14, мела Во, ow N &с, Vg Syr Arm 21 
neon &c lit. the brother faithful and beloved] т 1 (3) &c, Arm (Eth) 


азпістос ATW Assteprr. nar eveboA WoHTTHwTM пе. 
CENATALLWTH eoob нуля єтолтни. | "epe ероти 
пстарютару ос пащірагу азам Лотос. ATW ££apHOC 
nyora Шйварнабас. паг итатетихи поєментолн 
eThHATY. ecujamer шароти шоп еротм. "ати 
THCOVC METEWMATALOTTE еро ase Toveroc. мат етщооп 
ebo. gue richhe. nas araar ме пащірроі eoovu 
єтаямтєро аапиотте. маг NTATWWME MAI аяпарн- 
Copia. — Üequypne ероти нотєпафраєс позах А iuc 
пехе. mar evehoX понттнути пе ецасфице 

? т r4 $ (218) asco] nese Во ñT.) 21..ємт. т 14  оєпемт.| 
I 14..оєпт. 21 єтённт) 14 2т..-Внт4 т ter) зва ene 

їз 15 (3) 14$ 215 

.. our fuithful brother whom we love Eth то... патзстос отоо яхяяємріт 
псои the faithful and beloved brother Bo, ЗАВСКІР &c, Syr.. 
ayar. к. тісто ад. DFG, Vg єт(єоу 3)e&oN(1 31.. єтотєй. 14 
21) &c who is one out of you] т 3? &c, Во (ete ov) М &с, Vg Syr 
Arm .. who is а man from you Eth .. om Eth ro cena &с—оат(т.. 
олот. 14 21)ни they will show to you all things which are with us| 
I &c..evetaar. ео. п. єтєзхпатава they shall show to you all things 
which are here Bo (pref. and ва) .. ravra прим yvopi(o)ovaow та woe N 
&c.. every thing he will show to you what here is Arm .. add пратто- 
peva FG, d Vg .. pref. ог Det*, Vg (demid) .. they will make known to 
you whatever is with us Syr .. and those will make known to you our 
work and that in which we were Eth..and all he will make known to 
you Eth ro 

10 (om 2 г)щииє saluteth] г 14 21, Bo, астайєта: № &c, Vg Arm 

.. pref. and Syr .. they saluted Eth naujbparscasaNo(o 21) ToC 
my fellow-captive] т 14 21, Arm .. the captive who із with me Буг .. 
who was taken captive with me Eth .. om Eth ro nujosa the cousin | 

I 14 21..mujos& Во (DFHIKLP).. mujososar Во (вагтехос).. 
mujoscuas Во (AT*xaMo*)..the son of uncle Syr ..the son of the 
brother of his father Eth .. om Eth ro пё. of Barnabas] т 14 21.. 
and, D. Eth ro пат &c lit. this who ye received commandments 
concerning him] І 14 21..фи єтарєтєпзт єптоМн eobuty that 
who ye received commandment &с Bo .. пери ov «ЛаВете evroAas № &c, 
Vg Arm (commandment) .. he who ye were commanded concerning him 

COLOSSIANS IV 10-12 363 

beloved, this who is one out of you. They will show to you 
all things which are with us. 19 Saluteth you Aristarkhos my 
fellow-captive and. Markos the cousin of Barnabas, this (one) 
concerning whom ye received commandments; if he should 
come unto you, accept him: "апа Jésus, he who is wont to 
be called Iustos, these who are out of the circumcision, these 
alone are my fellow-workers toward the kingdom of God, 
these who became to me for comfort. 'Saluteth you 
Epaphras the servant of Jesus the Christ, this being one out 

Syr.. who concerning him ye were commanded Eth єұщәмєз if he 
should come] т 14 21 .. egon aquyans f he should come Bo, вау eàbn 
N &с, Vg Arm .. that if he came Syr .. that when he came Eth .. when 
he came Eth ro щароти unto you] т 14, Во (B?).. om 21.. 
фаротеи Во, zpos vpas N &с, Vg Syr Eth wong ep. lif. receive 
him unto you] т 14 21, Po, бєбасбє avrov Ñ &c, Vg .. дєёасда D£r* 
V'87G &r,, that ye should receive him Syr Arm Eth 

" ато зисозс and lesus] 14 21, № &c, Vg Eth ro Агт .. ness 
зн (є Гемх 0P)cosc lit. with Jesus Во.. and Yeshua Syr.. and Iyasu 
Bihi ас рії а. IHE 3 петє(єм 21)щатяя. lit. he whom they 
are wont to call] т &c.. фн єтотая. he whom they call Bo.. who is 
called Syr..o Aeyopevos N Ke, Vg..who was named Arm Eth 
xar-chhe lit. these who become out of the circumcision] 1 &е, Bo.. 
от 3 ..ог ovres єк перт.  &с, Vg (qui sunt) Syr Arm .. they who are 
of men of circ. Eth .. they who are of the Jews Eth ro мат these 
29] т &e, Eth ro.. and these Syr Eth не naujBpp.(3 14 .. щёнр єр 
1 21) are my fellow-workers] 3 &c..cvvepyo. pov «eow D*FG, Vg 
Arm .. аъєрщфнр Hepowh were fellow-workers Во (пречер®. DF KL) 
..cvrepyo, Ñ &c .. helped те Syr .. my help in work of Eth .. help into 
Eth ro egovn e toward] 3 &с, es N &с, Во (om egovm) Eth ro.. 
7n Vg Syr .. of Vg (am fu**) Eth паї й. (3 21 .. em. т 14) «е these 
who became to me] owes eyevyônoav por 53 &c, Bo Arm.. qui mihi 
fuerunt Vg .. and these became to те Буг .. Eth has and they consoled 
me Eth ro 

7? We леже of Jesus the Christ] 1 &е, w xv P, Arm .. ху w NA 
BCL 17 37, Vg Во (посс їнс) Arm cdd.. ҳо РЕСК &e, Syr Eth 
nar &c this being one out of you] 1 &с 216.. ії. o ef vov dovdos 
N &е, Vg (est) Bo (meh, яхахо›отеп) Syr Arm Eth го 
ечасфике бо striving always] т &c..zavrore ayovi&ouevos Ж «е, 


Wovoeny miee охроти см мещАнА. xe ететиехос- 
раттнути итеАезое. ATW ететихик chor ow озо 
mies ите пиоттє. 1І3Яремтрє cap их xe отита 
язеелу ПОУМОЄ HOCE OApo TW жет метом Aaoarnsa. 
Mejuywe EPWTH WoTAovHac пелет akeeepIT sen 
AHaeac. 15 пуме enecnHy етом Алор лам 
пуяєФра ATW TCOOTOC етоае MECHI. aT ewvua- 
мото) ETWU итеегистоли OATHTHTTH. eeaporowe 
QW ON TeERRAHCIA HhAaoammerc. АТО» мус 

стетие | І ..-тпа I4 21 13 (1r) r4$ 21 ortay maar пот. | 
I T4.. Оита Ov. 2I и (аще 15 11421$ NAaoarrta | 
I4 ..-€!à 2I 10 3141405 2€ 

Arm .. фах erepavonmicecee псноу miem this who striveth always Bo 
.. semper sollicitus Vg .. always labouring Syr .. Eth has and continually 
ргауєії, for you and asketh (om and аве Eth ro) gap. for you] 
I &с.. vr. npov ЗА" оп пещАнм in the prayers] т 14.. єм Tas 
трос. Ñ &c..eW oemug. in prayers 21 ..їп orationibus Vg Arm .. t 
prayer Syr. Sem пєчпрос. in his prayers Bo..Eth, see above 
fvreNes(14..Y 1 21)oc &с perfect and complete] т &e, Arm... те). 
xat zerAijpobopgpevou NABCD*FG 17, Syr (vg h ™8).. reet ках 
zerAgpopuevou DCKLP &c.. perfecti et pleni Vg, еретеихик ehor 
отоо eperenaxeo e&oX complete and filled up Bo Eth (om and &c 
Eth ro) оп ovrog mae in every wish] т 14..потоеиц miar 
always 2x .. ev (om Р) тохт: GeAnpare NÑ &с, Vg Syr Arm (plural) Eth 
ro (good pleasure Eth) .. Sen neteone Hy (Ф TLNO) in the will of 
God Bo ivre пиоттє of God] т &с,  &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth.. 

rov xv D* 

13 wap] rı &c..and Eth mag to him] т &c, Sapog for him Bo.. 
Eth has J ат his witness ovnoc їтоїсє a great labour] г &с, под. 
rovov МАВСР.. т. korov D*FG, Bo (езакао понт) Arm .. £yAov 
толи KL &e, Syr (much zeal to him) .. пол. 6. DP 17 47 .. под. тобок 
31 al.. тоб. тол. то al.. пол. aywva 6 67** .. Eth has that exceedingly 
he loveth you and is anxious about you (от and &c Eth ro) ап 
мет. and those who] т &e, Bo, N &c .. et pro his qui Vg Syr Arm Eth 
Aao(w 21)2x(e 21)&x(kes r4)a] 2т..а44 ash иетой orepanodArc 
and those who are in the Hierapolis 14, $ &c, Vg Во Syr Arm (and 
about) Eth (city of Гуйга) 

COLOSSIANS IV 13-16 365 

of you, striving always for you in the prayers, that ye should 
stand perfect and complete in every wish of God. 1° For I bear 
witness to him, that he hath a great labour for you and those 
who (are) in Laodikia. 1+ Saluteth you Lukas the beloved 
physician and Démas. !?Salute the brothers who (are) in 
Laodikia and Nympha and the congregation which is in her 
house. 19 And when this epistle has been read with you, let 
it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans; and after- 

Ч жазэерит beloved] 21, пахатнтос(тне в а) beloved Во.. nasepys 
the beloved 1 14, о ауаллто$ V &c .. our beloved Syr Eth .. (physician) 
and beloved Arm .. ph. and beloved Demas Arm cdd .. om 17, Eth 10 
which has our brother, physician 

? e(om 14) мєсинту the brothers] Bo Vg Syr Arm .. add tapos all 
Го (FK).. trs. rovs ev А. adeAd. N &c .. those who are in L. our brothers 
Eth ro .. our brothers Eth suit пулфа and Nympha] т 14 (Syr).. 
xi инфа and Nepha 21..and Мегат Eth.. near м(М з) (ғ A,)- 
span and Nymphan Bo, kac vvuóav Ж &c, Vg Eth ro ато &c 
aud the congr. which is in her house] ко tyv кат otkov avrys єккА. В, 
Syr (h) Arm edd .. к. т. к. ог. avrov. EKK. NCP 17147... wears {еккХ. 
five потні(єт т) lit. with the church of their house Bo (ичекк. ^).. кас 
&c avrov DFGKL &с, Syr (vg h »5).. OL Vg Arm uncertain (егиз) 
.. and those who are the church Eth (tn the church го) 

ê ати» and 19] om Во (ва) evujam, &e lit. if they should 
finish reading] єщоп эущаиюиу lit, if they should read Bo, orav 
атогууюо 0 № &c, Vg Syr Arm .. and &c having read Eth ires- 
(eer т)єп. this epistle] Во, у єт. avrņ 37 al, Vg (demid) Syr Eth 
(writing) .. om avr Ñ &c, Vg Arm олти (є т 14)7. with you] Bo 
Syr .. trs. тар ушу 1 єт. М &c; Vg Arm .. om Eth, see above ata- 
рото (w 21*) ще lit. let them read it] Bo.. zousare wa-avayvoo65 N 
&c, Vg Syr Arm .. Eth has send it to Laodicea that they may read it in 
the church gwwy also] ка N &e, Vg Syr.. om Bo оп текк. 
пй (ош т)М. in the church of the Laodiceans] ev ту (ev rov FG) 
Лаобике(ви)шу єкк. М &e, Vg Syr.. Sem Цекк. fire Naomnua in the 
church of Laodikia Bo (which із in L. 1.) avw (add om again 1) 
axnicoc mrernoujc &с lit. and afterwards that ye also read it] кас туи 
єк Aaod. wa кал vjseis ауаууотє Ñ &c, Arm eam quae Laodicensiwm 
est vos legatis f Vg..and that which was written from L. read it ye 
Syr..avw ehord Sen A, gma поштєм gwren птетеишиу Maroc 


итетмоще OWTTHOTH. — "avo axic EAPX Moc. axe 
ebo^.  !*nacmaceeOc татом | Arasia патуМос. 
мріпаєєєує Hitaeeppe. TEX APIC иаязаити. 


тєпрос eeccadonimmetc X 

UV (т) i4 $ 218. эржитос]т &c, Bo (BalrGe* 5, KL).. -ж нипос 
Bo..pref. то 17 &oujt є] хоущт eĝo й Bo (AE.. eh, e ва &c) 
птакх. | 21.. епт. І 14 18 (т) 14 $ (21) eecc(om І 2т)аМоки- 
KEIC] 14..-KHC I 21 

and (that) out of L. that ye yourselves also should read it Bo.. and 
again read ye the epistle which I wrote (to them) of (em) Laodicea Eth 
(not ro, which has and those also (of) Laodicea). It is probable that 
a clause has been lost from the Sahidic by homeotel 

U aww and] т & Bo (ва) Eth го ох nxoeic in the Lord | 
14 Ро.. ev коро V &e, Vg Arm .. Zn our Lord Syr .. ovvax п. from or 
by the Lord т 21, тєп пос from the Lord Во (prxr).. Eth has 
for which thou wast ordained by God єкєхокс ehodX thou should 
fulfil it] 14 21, Bo (17) .. птєкахаос eh. that thou should fill it up 
Bo .. zAgpois N &c 

18 паспасахос the salutation] І 14 21, Ñ &с.. maacm. ту s. Bo.. 
патасп. this в. Во (к) Syr .. and І saluted you Eth n(21..em 14)- 
Tatcoary йтабтх m. which I wrote with my hand Paulos] 14 (21 ?) 
..Sem тажих апок m. lit. in my hand Г Paulos Bo.. ty epn yepi 
толло» N &c, Vg .. in my own hand of Faul Syr .. with &e of Paulos 
is Arm .. having written with my hand I Paulos Eth (om having 
written ro) тех e pre &c the grace with you] 1 14.. om 7 FG .. add 
of the Lord Jesus the Christ Bo (A,) .. his grace Eth го пахаянтії 
with you] (т) 14 21, N'ABCF£&G 17, Во (a, ртеві мо) Arm Eth 

CT дими 

COLOSSIANS IV 17-18 367 

wards read it ye also. 17 And say unto Arkhippos, Look 
unto the ministry which thou receivedst in the Lord, that 
thou should fulfil it. 18 The salutation which I wrote with 
my hand, Paulos. Remember my bonds. The grace (be) 
with you. 

The (epistle) to Kolossians 
The (epistle) to Thessalonians I 

ro .. nwTen £o you Bo (r*u7) .. add тирот all Bo (B2) .. add with your 
spirit my brothers Bo (А,) .. add арту \°РКГР &c, f Vg Bo (л,ваг 
FHJKNP 18) Syr Arm edd Eth 

Subscription тєпрос koNoccaer(aY r)c lit. the to Colossians] І 14.. 
тєпрос каМасатас 2I .. проб кола (Ao BEDF GL Р &c) coaers R(A)B* C 
17 47..а44 ато poun A, eypapy ато рол Ве. . тр.коХосаєіѕ єура. a. рол 
Р... тр. коХосс. епАтров D, стеков пр. к. FG .. пр. код. ey. a. р. ба 
Tuxtkov Kat ovnoov К al, Arm .. rov ау. таъАоъ єтістоћ№) пр. к. ey. a. p. 
д. т. к. о. L.. трос коћассас аусбито Sem аеннинас (also А,Е, Р) 
атозорис итеп туҳткос MEAL OMHCINOC mess эзаркос ѓо Kolos- 
sians it was written in Athens, it was sent by Tykhikos and Onesimos 
and Markos Bo (A) K. it was written in Rome, it was sent by 
Tykhikos Во (нл) .. add wear Xaiko veas ost. mear яхарк. Во (DTL)... 
пр. KaNacic асхокс e&oX to Colossians it was finished, it was sent 
&с by T. and О. &c Markos Bo (B?) .. was finished the epistle of Paul 
the apostle who sent it to Kolossians, he wrote it in Rome and he sent 
it by T. and О. and M. his disciples Во (x) .. was finished to Kolossians, 
it was written in Athens, he sent it by T. &c Bo (0) К. written in 
A., sent by Т. &c Bo (АЕ, F add and Ekhaikos) Kolasaias it was 
written in Athens, he sent it by T. & Bo (гсм) .. was finished the epistle 
to the Colossians, which was written from Rome and was sent by 

T'ukikos Syr 


I. IHavAoc зам crAosanoc зам 7iefoecoc ev»coai 
HATERRAHCIA iureeeccaloiReve оя» пиотте пеиеют 
яе nxoeic IC перс. техарае минти эм Ярнин. 
"4WugioeeoT таз пистте мотоеиц miae охроти 
тирти. еметре яяпетияяеете ом nenuyXHA ax охи. 
земетре яяпеете sengoh итетигастие зам o noce 
HTETHATATIH ям озпоаесин пөєАтпіс авпемооєгс IC 

19146 ab инти 21 § 5 (I) 24 2 та ери г 3 (1) 

Inscription тепрос eecc(om 2т)а№откє(т4.. RI T.. ки 21)c lit. 
the to Thessalonians] 1 14 21 .. pos 0eccaAov(e B*)kes МАВК 17, 
прос eecc(om ван) аМоғтикн (add re ва) à Во (вагргнлт).. пр. 
ө. & патМос Во (вм).. п. e. а Я Bo (АЕРО).. Яєпістомн np. ө. 5 
Ро (Р).. єп. патМоу» н п. e. а Во (к).. пр. 0. emor. проту al mu.. 
ex. ravAov пр. Ө. проти al, Syr .. арҳєто пр. 0. а Ї).. арх. пр. бєссадоу!- 
KALOUS прот? FG (mpory er.) eT. ау. алт. zavAÀov ет. пр. 0. тр. L oe 
тол. em. пр. 0. а Р.. incipit. epistula ad Thessalonicenses prima Vg 
(am &c) Thessalonians the first epistle Arm .. Epistle of Paul, the 
first to men of tusaloneké Eth .. to men of taseloneke and it was written 
while he was in Athens Eth ro 

1 crNovanoc] т 14, Do, МАВКІР &c..cABavos РЕзтб ет, 
ciNovhasoe Do (в*).. cosNranoc 21 .. silouianos Arm cdd | evegat 
are writing] om М &c йтєкк. to the church] N «е, Vg Bo Syr 
Arm Eth..fmexm. ѓо the churches 21 пиеессс. of the Thessa- 
lonians| т 14..fieece. of Thessalonians 21, Oeccadovixewy N &с.. 
беотаХотиколюу P, Vg Syr Arm .. fire еєссаМонікн of Thessaloniké Bo 

ith охх in] which is in Syr пєпєіот our Father] т 14, A 37, 
у Cop mid Arm Eth .. neis the Father 21, Bo (dro) .. татр.  &с.. 
pref. ки К, Syr (h) хи их. and the Lord] 1 14 .. кал куро № біс 


I. Paulos and Siluanos and Timotheos are writing to the 
church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord 
Jesus the Christ: the grace to you and the peace. ? We give 
thanks to God always for you all, remembering you in our 
prayers without failing; ?remembering the work of your 
faith, and the labour of your /ove, and the patience of the 

„nen пеибс and our Lord Во (вана к) Vg (demid harl* fu) Eth.. 
and in our Lord Syr .. and in Lord Arm .. 33newx. of our Lord 21, 
Bo инти to you] with you Syr {prin the peace] ВЕС 47, 
r Vg Cop mid Syr Arm .. Eth ro has peace to you and his grace .. Eth 
has peace to you and grace of God &c..add ато Ócov татроѕ прог 
(om D, Bo FHJKL 18) xac kvpiov w xv NACH DKLP &e, Vg (fu tol) 
Bo (and owr Lord) Eth («nd our Lord) not ro 

? охроти тирти for you all] 14 21.. 0m zavrov К, Arm Eth.. 
om пишу C, r язпєтиялєєтє lit. your thought] r4 21, Bo Cop 
mid, ороу NeCDFGKLP &c, г Vg (fu дета tol) Syr Eth (we 
remember you) .. Т remember you Eth ro (zovvpevos C* 17)... om ору 
М*АВ 17, Vg (am harl**) Arm оп nemujN. in our prayers] 14, 
єтї тоу тр. «pov (vp. А) № &e, Vg (n) Во (in) Syr (in) Arm Eth (in 
ту ro) .. оп оєпцуМ. in prayers 21 (Bo E, om our) axt &c without 
failing] т &c .. абаЛеттов N &с, Arm... sine intermissione Vg .. per- 
severingly Syr Eth (trs. without failing in our, ту pr.) ..lit. Sen 
OvascraTAR думи in an unfuilingness Bo 

3 enespe &c remembering] 14 21, Во, pvgpovevovres № &c, memores 
Vg Arm..and we remember Syr Eth .. and I &c Eth ro ang- 
(mp 1)wh &с the work of your faith] т &e, Bo Cop mid, DFG, Vg 
Syr Eth..vpev тої epyov trys moTews № Ke, Arm птетпас. of 
your love] т &e, Bo (вак) Syr Eth.. rns ayarys M &c, Bo Arm.. 
et caritatis Vg пое№иис of the hope] т &е, М &e, Vg Arm .. om 
A, Bo (2?) .. of your hope Буг Eth .. rùs ayarns 17 axneix. біс 
of our Lord] т бе, Bo, N &с, Vg Arm../n our Lord Syr Eth 

1717.2 Bb 


NeXT nerro eboA азпиотте mnewxov. — "ємсости. 
месинт azsecpry еболћ ота» muove. йтєтмавмтеоути. 
хе MENETATCEAION язпщопе єдоум EPWTH ose 
erovaab eH оутот понт emaujouj ката oe ETETH- 
COOTH Noe итлищопе AEROC понттнути eTheTHO TH. 
€emooésc EATETHAI a*mugpacxe asmuovve ом oTEAN PIC 
ємлщос зам отраше nenta eToTaah. 7 оостє 
итетищопє NWceeoT шиєтпістєтє тнрох ом TALARE- 

t 2149 21 24 опа року I ? (г) 1421 24 язпщ.| т 14 
24..33mequj. 21 ой] Sem Во (кх).. pref. п5(о) pus Во oa 

(14) (21) (24) | * 4 21 (24) 

àxness(r..max 14 21)то &c before God the Father] 14 21 .. before 
God our Father т (memeswt) Во (вар) Eth .. eurpoobev rov eov kat 
zarpos nuov М &с, Vg Bo..trs. and we remember before God the 
Father Syr 

* еисоози lit. we knowing] eóores N &c, Vg Bo (єпєляг).. and 
we know Eth.. for (yap) we know Syr..add отоо and Bo (х).. уе 
know Arm Eth ro пєсинт lit, the brothers] абеАфо: N &е, Vg 
Arm.. О ту brothers Eth .. пєпсиноту our brothers Во Eth ro... trs. we 
know &c my brothers Syr Rwepit eh, огтах (п 1) пноттє beloved 
by God]  &с, Vg Arm Eth го... Eth, see below .. dilecti Dei Syr .. eta 
hy axemnprros whom God loved Bo i (e 24)тєтизантсо(о 21) TH 
your election] N &e, Vg Bo Syr Arm... how chose you God Eth .. how 
he chose you Eth ro .. птияямт. our election 21 

5 tenes. our gospel] т 14 24, Do, то e. nuov А &e, Vg Syr Arm .. 7o 
є. бєо» C .. ro є. т. Ücov npor N .. пех. the gospel 21 .. trs. became mot our 
teaching Eth egovi є toward] т &c, as NBC* KL &c, r (in vos).. 
ev P..gapwtent to you Bo, zpos AC? DFG, f Vg (ad) Arm .. e$ 46 .. apud 
dg Eth .. trs. in word only became unto you (троѕ ?) Syr ищу. the 
word] т &e, Во.. Луо № &с, Arm (trs. after only) .. words Arm cdd 
тиєбояа the power also] т &c, ка ev бум. N &c, Syr Arm Eth .. om 
also Vg Do Eth ro гло ORL nenta lit. and in the spirit] т &е.. 
ка ev mvevpate N біс, OL Vg Syr Eth.. near ovnita and а spirit 
Bo, 17, d Vg (tol) Arm эзїї оутот &c and much assurance] 14 

i THESSA' ONIANS I 4-7 371 

hope of our Lord Jesus the Christ before God the Father ; 
+ knowing, Brothers beloved by God, your election ; ? because 
our gospel beeame not toward you in the word only, but (А) 
in the power also and in the holy spirit and much assurance, 
according as ye know how we became among you because of 
you. ĉAnd ye, ye became imitating us and the Lord, having 
received the word of God in much tribulation with joy of the 
holy spirit ; 7 so that ye became for example to all those who 

&е, Bo (ва) NB 17, г Vg (tol) Arm .. кос ev &c А &е, Vg Eth ro.. 
nex owmnosel enawog and much courage Во.. and in persuasion 

true Syr ката өє according as] 14 &c, N &c, Vg Bo Eth ro.. as 
also Arm .. and ye also Eth .. also ye Syr nee how] 14 &c, Bo 

(3318prt) ого, X &c, Vg Syr (Aw) Arm Eth (how) Eth то (that which) 
поитт. lit. in you] т &, ВЕС КІ, &е, Vg .. among you Syr Arm.. 
with you Eth .. уши SACP 17, Vg (am) Bo (nwren) Eth ro 

б птоти ye] r 14 21 24.. add eoven also Bo Eth epon us| 
I 21 24, N &e, Vg Bo Arm .. tis. to us ye became like Syr Eth .. trs. 
те ye became like Eth vo гло enx. and the Lord] т 24, veas пос 

lit. with the Lord Во .. om 21, Etb .. à3nóc ёо the Lord Во (АЕ) .. kac 
rov короо NÑ &e, Vg Arm .. et ipsius domini v..and our Lord yr.. 
kat Tov Ücov А... к. т. хо IO 39 єгтєтїїҗї having received] 1 21 
24, deEapevor N &e, Vg Bo (add epwren unto you) who received .. ye 
received Arm .. and ye received Eth зхимоутє of God | 1 (24).. om 
N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. anxoeic of the Lord 21 Bo (FK1).. of our 
Lord. Eth оп оте. єм. lit. in a tribulation which is much] t 
(21) (24) N бо, Vg Syr Arm (in much &c) Eth (in much &c) .. Sen 
oviuup поохоех in a great tribulation Во | зам ovpauje lit. with 
а joy | 1 (24) .. pera xapas Ñ &c, Vg Во Arm (om prep.) Eth .. and in 
joy Syr запєпта &с lit. of the spirit which is holy] т, zvevparos 
ay. N &e, Vg Во Syr Eth .. кал zv. ayiov В... охх nenna «с т the 
holy spirit 24 

T ошсте so that] т 21 (24) Во, N &е, Arm and Буг 
Eth йтєтицу. lit. that ye may become| т 21 24, Bo, yeverOar vpas 
N &c, Vg (sitis) Eth ro (add to them) Arm .. ye became буу Eth (add 
to them) псазот for example] 1 21 24, rvzov ВО" 17 47, fr forma 
Ух Bo (йтупос) Cop mid Syr (vg) Arm Eth Macarius regula (forma) 
..титоує ЗАСКЕТСК І, Р &e, Syr (Б) пиети. «с lit. to those 
who believe, all of them} т 21 (24) Eth.. потом men eonaoT 
to all who believe Bo, тату то mior. М бс, Vg Syr Arm ом тая. 

p b 2 


aona чай Taaa. * Ита Mase Cap азпногтє 
Xeoevv бол монттнутії OW тазхкехомтх seeeaTe 
ENMOTTE љсрсоєтт OW esa пее. оосте NTHTApPyY pra 
Wae Ахат nas. "ioo? cap ceujaxe єтьєтнути 
HOE WraMée| eoovH шоротм seeeoc. ATW Noe NTa- 
TeTWReTTH S TW єпиоттє eo ом пел олон epossoas А 
чепнотте ETONG ATW яа езе. | "avo ебющт chor 
онт аєпесуунрє ebo ом serve. паг йтастоупос 

* (1) (13) 21 24 $ and at adda 9 1 (13) 21 (24) ати ee] 
nes mpi Во атат. | ємтат. I 13 &ev| 1 13 24..ктє 21 ей. 
оп | єв. ga Bo.. єв. orren Во (к).. om e&oX Bo (x) о) ES en 
(24) R(em т 13)taqtownocy] т 13 21 ..-тооти 24 

in the Makedonia] т 21 (24) Во, N &c, Vg..who are im &c Syr 
Arm Eth заз таб. and the Akhaia] т 21 24, Bo, ки ту (om 37 
47) KL &с, г Cop mid Eth .. xao ev ту &с NABCDFGP 17, Уз 
Syr Arm 

Sap] tx 1&6, Boeke, Vg Bo" Syr Ат ЕКА ота 
заплоттє of God] т &c, N*, Во (рек) Cop mid Syr (h me) Arm 
Eth ro..7. короо № &с, Vg Bo..of our Lord Syr (vg Б) Eth 
{соє(от т)тт &c gave fame out of you] т &c .. сор &c spread abroad 
from you Bo..trs. аф vpov-e£yyqrat о Лоу. &с № &с, Vg Syr (was 
heard) Arm (sounded) Eth (they learnt) inarte an lit. only not | 
(1?) 21 24 .. trs. ov povov ev ту p. Ñ &е, Vg Bo Syr Arm.. and they 
heard and not in M. and A. only Eth .. and. not only in М. and А. 
Eth ro soit tax. and the А.] (13) &c, Bo .. кол ax. В 17 37 47 &с, 
г Eth.. кой ви ту ах. NCDFGKLP, Vg Syr aNNa] 21 24, 
NADCD*FGP 17 37, Vg (am &c) Во Сор mid Syr Arm Eth .. add 
ка: Юе КІ, &e, Vg Arm саа тєтип. your faith] (13?) &с .. уп. 
роу D £r* evar &c lit. which taketh toward God] 21 24 .. 9 zpos 
т. Geov № &с.. quae est ad Deum Vg.. etga dp which (is) toward 
God Bo.. which (is) in (Sen) God Bo (см) Syr.. which (om cdd) 
toward God is Arm .. in God Eth асрсоєгт(оїт г) made fame] 1 
(тз) Же... agewp was spread abroad Bo Arm .. e£eAyAvÓev N &c, Ve.. 


believe in the Makedonia and the Akhaia. ? For the word of 
God gave fame out of you not only in the Makedonia and 
the Akhaia, but (a) your faith which is toward God made 
fame in every place; so that we need not say any thing to 
them. ?For they themselves speak concerning you, how we 
came in unto you, and how ye turned to God out of the idols 
to serve the living and true God; апа to expect his Son out 
of the heavens, this (one) whom“ he raised out of those who 

was heard Syr .. trs. was heard your faith Eth оп(ах Г 24) Axa и, 
in every place] т (13?) &с.. trs. adda ev таить тото Ñ біс, Vg Bo Буг 
Arm Eth (countries) оост(ъ 24)e йти. (є. 21 24) бс so that we 
need not say any thing to them] т 15? &c .. pweve anon йтєпщтєяз - 
epoQpia йсахі cohe ods so that we indeed need not speak concerning 
any thing Eo .. wote pn хрешу nas exew XaXew ті К(ураз) L &c .. o. рл] 
Х. є nas (vpas В" 17) &с RABCDFG P, #4 ut non sit nobis necesse 
quicquam, loqui Vg .. so that we should not need to say about you any 
thing Syr .. so that there 18 not need іо us even to speak any thing Arm 
..and we require not ourselves any thing even to speak concerning you 
Eth .. and ye require not that any one should speak of you Eth ro 

з птоот themselves] 1 13 21 24, ато N &c .. йебутєм уе Bo (18) 
сәр] 1 21 24.. om Во (1) Eth ceujaxe speak] т 13? 21 24.. 
evcaxs are speaking Во (к).. ete. lit. who speak Bo .. eomac. lit. who 
will speak Bo (нл).. arayyeAovow DFG .. azroyyeAXovow N &e, Vg 
Syr Arm .. they knew Eth єтієтиу. concerning you] 21 24, В, d 
Bo (к) Cop mid Arm edd .. етВити concerning us т, Во, МА &с (trs. 
пері роу ат.) Arm (trs. mept тр. ат.) flee п.(2І 24 .. est. І 13) 
&c how we came in unto you] т (13?) 21 24. Eth.. erbe фри 
amwr eS. єтапщиті я. оаротєм Bo.. ozoiav. єсодбоу «(с)хорєу 
троє vpas N &с, Vg Syr (became to из).. оит manner wh. was with 
you and how (ye turned) to God Eth то fie(om 24)12. the idols] 
г (13) 21 (24).. the service of idols Syr Eth arw Rare and true] 
г 13 21 24.. отоо Поляні and true отоо Bo (Ano) 

10 asw &с and to expect] г &с (24) Ро Vg Arm Eth ro.. ка 
avapevew Ñ &c .. while ye expect Syr Eth затнує the heavens] 1 
&c 24, N &e, Vg Bo Arm Eth .. heaven Syr nat(cpa Bo) ernan. 
lit. this who will deliver us] 1? &c (241) Во Arm .. rov pvopevov qp- 
N &e, qui eripuit nos Vg Eth ro.. he who delivereth из Syr .. and he 


choA см MeTALOOTT IC. Mar erHanaoasew choA om 
TOPCH єтину. 

IL итоти cap тетисооти месиих fee їїтайех 
EQOTHM WAPWTH явееос. хе аэпещопе  ecujoverr. 
"АА ATashangice ищори ати  avcouw ом 
Wwecbràumoc BATA өе стетисоотм эмпарриаладе 
азавом оз» ПЕПИОТТЄ ЄТРЕМХ о инти semevaceEeAtolt 
язпиоттє ом OTNOG МАСМ. ? пенсопс tap 
мтаЧиюпе am eboÀ см отіланн orae eĝo om 
ovaHaeapcia отає ом Ovnpoq. "АЛЛА ката 6€ 
EMETACTEAION. TAY TE өє стицажє ает ос. оос 

1 (1) 13$ 21$ 245 wove] щоэчт 1 * a из (2a) eA 
аусощії | т 13 24 .. -caujii 21 М з ed eee раз(а 
(24) Птатаок.)| 24.. EMT. 13..evov. 21 errax] omit І 

will save us Eth e&oX oit out of 29| 13 21 24, e NA ВР 17.. 
ато CDFGKL &с, Во (єй. ог) 

1 wap] 13 &e.. and Syr Arm bth тетис. пєси. lit. ye 
know, the brothers] 13 24, Bo (our. 7" 18) N &e, Vg Syr (my br.) 
Arm Eth (our br.) .. irs. seen. тети. о brothers, ye know 21, Во (ва 

eari) Wee ñ. (ем. 13) &c the wav cr in which we came in unto 
you] 13 24.. ти ewodov тишу Tqyv.( m FG) zpos vas Ñ &c, Vg 
Arm .. that our entrance to you Syr ssuenasorT е$оти evartujomi 
бзалоч oapwten our entering which ; to you Bo .. how we acted 
toward. you Eth .. noe fitases &e the canner in which Г came біс 21 
se ààimc(1 13 24.. aamec 21) щ. бо hat it became not vain] т біс, 
Во .. ore ov Kevyn yeyove  &с, Vg Aim became not vain Syr .. and it 

was not in vain Eth 

? avasmastosce fug. lit. they dealt to us suffering before] т 13 21 
ear &c having dealt & 24 .. angid: пщори Bo (в2).. аперцуори 
fiosdscs we before suffered Bo буг. тротобоутєѕ № «е, Vg Arm .. we 
suffered. Eth on(emn 21) necp. in Philippi] 13 21 24..trs. maron 
off и. I. trs стетеисаят xe йори Sem dqiNmmo:rc ye know that 
im Ph. Во.. 413. одатє ev ф. № “с. Vg Syr Arm Eth (saw го) 
ката ee according as] 13 21 24, N Vg Bo.. as also Arm .. nee 
as 1, Eth ам (аа 24)napp(o 1)ncioze (13 .. race т 24.. ceace 


are dead, (even) Jesus, this (one) who will deliver us out of 
the anger which cometh. 

IJ. For ye yourselves know, Brothers, the manner in which 
we came in unto you, that it became not vain: ? but (a) we 
suffered before and we were insulted in Philippi, according 
as ye know we became bold in our God for to say to you the 
gospel of God in a great conflict. ? For our exhortation was 
not (given) out of error, nor out of uncleanness, nor in [a] 
subtlety ; *but (a) according as we were approved by God, 
to be entrusted with (e) the gospel, thus we speak ; not «s 

21) maon we became bold] 13 21 24, М біс, Vg Arm..lit. we 
manifested ourselves Во .. хє птаипар. that we became bold т .. Syr 
has and then in much contest we spake with you in boldness of our God 
the gospel of Christ .. Eth has and then we spake to you in much tribu- 
lation the teaching of Christ in the grace of оит God .. Eth ro has 
openly we spake in God and we spake to you the teaching of God in 
much labour oxx пениозте in our God] 21 &e, N &c, Ve Bo 
Arm .. Syr, see above, Eth, see above .. pref. Raw tee how | evpen- 
жо for to say] т &e 21..ecaz:s to speak Bo, X &е, Vg Arm (to 
declare) заплоутє of God] т &с, N &c, Ус Bo Arm .. of Christ 
Syr Eth ой ози. &c in a great conflict] т &c (21?) Во (niuyX) 
Arm (war) .. ev Todo ay. N &c (Syr) .. in multa sollicitudine Vg (Eth) 

З пєпсопс сар for our exhortation] т &c, т) yap zepakXyots при 
N бо, exhortatio enim nostra Vg Буг.. пемеют tap понт for our 
persuasion Во .. for our (your cdd) consolation Arm .. for became not 
our consolation Eth (trs. го) п(єм 13)tTaquywme an lit. became 
not] т &c (21?) .. оик N &e, Vg.. n-an пе із пої Во Arm... Eth, see 
above евоХ оп-єв. оп-оп out of-out of-in | 13 24, ex—eé-ev № &с, 
Vg Syr Arm..of error and not of uncleanness and became not of 
craftiness Eth .. not out of-is, nor out of—is, пог out of-is Во 

t ката өє-ооо(о 21)c according as-as] r3 21 (24)... kafos-os N 
&с, Во (к. фр.-жфр.) sewt-quasi Vg Атт.. as—as Syr .. that which- 
so Eth .. om Eth ro єтапосути lit. to entrust us] т 13 24, Во.. 
ut crederetur nobis Vg .. єтлпооут to entrust 21, пистєубтуаї Ñ &e, 
Syr (should be entrusted the gospel) .. to. be trusty Avm.. Eth has 
proved us God and entrusted us nevavv, the gospel | І 13 21 (24) 
м &с, Ус Bo Arm... his gospel Syr ..the teaching of the gospel Eth 
етищ. lit, which we speak] 13 .. єп. we are speaking 1 21, Tencaxi 


емареске pwee ам. AAA азпиосте пах ETAORI- 
Arae имемонт. ‘азпищопе сор єцео ом ovijaoe 
ROPI ката өе ETETHCOOTH. оте см orome 
зая тазаттомосто. пиозте петразмтре.  ^ovae 
запицуимє Nea єооу ити рочяе. отхе NTHTATTH 
ovae нти бе. “ETN Woar aeon eopouj ероти 
оос anocyoÀoc аяпехе. ada хишопе Npaepaw 
ом TeTHeHTE Nee єщарє oTaroone oadmer їїиєес- 
шире. Tal Te ое ENOVEWTAHTTH comam e NATH 

пат | Фн Во.. om Bo (нл) ? 1 139215 24 P сооти | сотих 
Во (s*?repnrHJKLOCP 18). сам Во (Ar*EGMNO*) mantuas] 
TETEN I € (1) 13 21 24 orae] оттє г twice Tanna ат 

(24) єзї ще. | соти ЩО. 21 24.. EODH FOAL ІЗ апостоМос | 
пфапапост. Do | є(п 21)usape-oadner(ns 1)| єсєреаМпих Bo 
$ 1 13 21 (24) «ММа,| add near Во 

Во, ЛаЛоуреу N &с, Vg Syr Eth .. also we speak Arm eit pe (1 21 
24)ске pleasing] x 13 21 24, Bo (the men) .. trs. avOp. арєск.  &c, 
Vg Syr Arm Eth am not! т 13 ЗІ 24..trs ovy ws NÑ &e, Vg 
Syr Arm .. Rh. am поампотом zot as some Bo..and not as Eth 
єтьок(є 1)saxaze who approveth| т 13 21 24, Arm, which had 
chosen at the beginning of the verse лиєм(и 2г)онт our hearts] 
Г 13 24, N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. our heart Eth 

5 ахпи(єм 2т)щ. &c lit. for we became not ever] orae tap 
япєпщопє eneg for neither did we become ever Bo, neque enim 
aliquando fuimus Vg..ovre yap zore-eyevgÜ. N &c..mor уар ever 
used we Syr..for mot ever with words of flattery became we to you 
Arm .. and ever since we were (with you) we flattered you not in word 
Eth on озщ. lit. in а word] тз &c, N*ACD біс, Bo.. in words 
зо (nJ).. потс. with a word 1, om ev МеВ 17 47..trs. ev Aoyo 
xoAak(e)as суку. N &с, Arm.. Vg Syr Eth, see above отъе оп 
озМозх(єх 13)6е “с lit. nor in а pretext of a covetousness]  &с, Vg 
Bo (iniquity) Syr..and we did not defraud you by pretext Eth 
nunovte &c lit. God (is) he who witnesseth] т 13 24, Во.. дєоѕ paprus 
N &с, Vg Syr..add сар 21 .. pref. аз even Arm .. our witness God Eth 


pleasing man, but (a) God, this (one) who арртозей our 
hearts. 5 Еог we never became with word of flattery, 
according as ye know, nor with pretext of covetousness ; 
God (is) he who beareth witness; ° nor did we seek for glory 
from man, nor from you nor from (any) other, ‘it being 
possible for us to be burdensome unto you as apostles of the 
Christ. But (a) we became meek in the midst of you, as 
a nurse is wont to cherish her children ; 9 thus yearning for 
you, being willing to give to you not only the gospel of God, 

б язпп (єп 21) щіне lit. we sought not) г «с, Syr Arm .. namo 
were we seeking Bo .. Eyrovvres № &с, Vg (Eth) coor &c пти(ах 
13) glory from man] 1 13 24, Syr Arm .. eovoo» itp. а glory of man 
21.. ооу chod Sen sup. glory out of the men Bo.. e£ avÜpozov добам 
N &e..w. eb. giren sup. glory from the men Во (нз).. ab hominibus 
gloriam Vg.. Eth has and we wish mot that men should please us 
osae їїтїїт. nor from уоп] т &e, N &c, Vg Bo Syr.. not from you 
Arm .. пот ye Eth osae йти бе lit. nor from other] 13 &c 
..ovre az(o) «Хоу № &c, Vg Во (eanuxeocoosns) Буг Arm .. пог 
other Eth 

7 єорощ ep. to be burdensome unto you] 13 &с 24..ev Варе 
evar N &c..oneri esse Vg .. ewwm Sa ovhapoce to be for a burden 
Bo .. burdensome to be Syr (Eth)..trs. of Christ to be heavy Arm 
прахращ meek] 13 21 24, утюг \°АСЪОсКЕР 17 &c, Cop mid 
Syr Arm.. йеє fimsmovs as the little (ones) 1 .. ито: NBC? D' FG 
31, Vg Bo Eth оп termar, lit. in your midst] т &c (24).. trs. in 
the midst of you meek Syr пєсщнрє lit. her sons] т &c (24) Bo 
Vg Syr (who cherisheth)..rekva М &e, Arm (who cherisheth) Eth 
(who &c) | 

$ еи(й 24)оъєщт. yearning for you] т 13 24, № &c, desiderantes 
vos Vg .. ептаще axes being greatly in love of you Bo .. even we (were) 
cherishing you Syr Eth .. even we were growing tender toward you Arm.. 
we comforted you Eth ro .. add тирти all of you 21 egnan being 
willing] 1 &c 24 .. evdoxoupey Ж &c .. we are desiring Syr .. anțarat 
we were well pleased Во .. evdoxnoapev 17 .. yvdoxovpev D .. volebamus f 
Vg..cupimus was pleasant to из Arm .. we yearned for you 
Eth .. om Eth ro eX to give] г &с, Во Arm .. petadovvar N &c, 
Vg Syr Eth .. we were delivering to you Eth то mate an not 


WKH. хе ATETHWWME мам MEPIT.  "тєтир- 
пагєєує CAP месину аепемогсє зам пемаєнао empoob 
язпєооот sell теущин. хе Wirewoveoowce eorva Mt- 
AOTH. литащесеиц интим аєпеуассєЛюм азпноттє, 
10 итотм TAP ето авазмтрє «ем пиоутє Hee Wrait- 
WWE aroc миті нетпістєтє QU ovovon eit 
отаяитаее ATW axt море. 1 пөє єтетисооти xe 
Nee имеет єтсопс миєтцунрє. "тає те өе 
€Mconc anora nora mewti. ATW €NCOACA enp- 

° (1) 13 $21 24 ® inenoseo] 1 13 24 21°.. 8&oseo 217. пити 
to you] Sem among you Во тиа (21) 249 матта) dew) 
24 т (or) 24 
only] г біс (24 ?).. trs. потен оу ssomom ѓо you not only Во, М &е, 
Vg Syr Arm Eth (pref. and, not ro) atetu. nam &с ye became 
to us beloved] т біс 24..ayaryrou прим (прот 37, Arm) єуємубутє 
(yeyevga дє) N &с, Vg .. beloved ye became to us Eth .. ye are beloved Syr 

? тетири. «с for ye remember] 1 &e, N &c, Vg Syr .. for remember 
Bo..and remember Е .. remember Arm Eth ro..ywoockere 47 
necnuus lit. the brothers] т &с.. адеАфо № &c, Vg Буг Arm.. 
nencinagow our br. Во Eth .. ауататог P aneng. &с our toil and 
our pain] т 13 24, Во, Eth .. (ка H) тоу korov тишу к. rov роҳ. Ñ 
&с, Vg Arm .. rov к. 1. к. rov p. Р... that we were labouring and tired 

Муг .. %зпосє зам neaxkao the toil and the pain 21 єпрооё 
working] т &с 2те, Bo .. trs. ypepas epyalopevor N &с, Vg Arm (we 
were working) Eth (we &c) work of our hands Syr запєо0оУ 

&c in the day and the night] т &c.. by day and by night we &c Eth 
.. by day and бу might and we work Eth то .. vvkros yap kat тєраз 
рекі, &с, Syr (bh ms) Arm..vvxros к. 7. NABD*FGHP, Vg Bo 
Cop mid, in night and in day Syr (vg В) e(219)ova &c lit. unto 
опе of you] (т) &e, Bo, twa vp. N &c, Arm Eth .. trs. quem. vestrum 
gravaremus Vg Syr хитаще. we preached] 13 &c..add vap Во 
(HJ) .. pref. and Arm Eth .. Syr, see below ixnevacc. the gospel | 
13 &c.. the teaching of & Eth .. the kingdom Arm cd - 

” кар] т &c 21, H 37, Vg (demid).. om N біс, Vg Во Буг Arm.. 
and Eth ето &c lit. who are witness] 1 &c 21, Bo (етеразеере) 
paprvpes este D* FG, Vo .. om єстє М біс, Syr Arm .. add £o us Eth .. 


but (а) even our souls, because ye became to us beloved. 
? For ye remember, Brothers, our toil and our pain; working 
in the day and the night, that we should not disturb (any) one 
of you, we preached to you the gospel of God. 19 For ye are 
witness and God (also) how we became to you, those who 
believe, holily and righteously and without sin: "аз уе know 
that as the fathers who exhort their children, 1? thus exhorting 
each of you and consoling we are bearing witness, for you to 

add to me Eth ro пее how] 1 &c 21, os М о, Vg Arm Eth .. xe 
that Во .. om Eth ro .. Syr has how we preached to you the gospel of 
God tee n(24.. ex 1 13)vanuyg. &c how we became to you, those who 
believe] т &c 21 24€.. же зищопе morem Sa ин єөпаоҷ{ that we 
became to you namely those «се Bo .. we became to all those «е Syr .. ушу 
Tos піст. eyernOypev Ж &c, Vg Arm Eth ro (to you—became to you).. 
among all those who believe we became Eth .. trs. ws oows 820 прим № &e, 
Ус Ат оп osos(om оз 21 24)-axn(xx 13) мове lit. in a holiness 
and а righteousness and without sin] 1 &с (21).. Sex ovtovho smear 
Ov21€O34HI Mest OTUETATAPIKI lit. тп. а holiness and а righteousness 
and an unblameableness Bo .. 00$ Kar дікалоѕ кол арєрттоѕ  &6.. 
sancte et iuste et sime querela Vg .. purely and righteously and without 
blame Syr .. with holiness and with righteousness and with integrity Arm 
.. т righteousness and in seemliness and in purity Eth .. true and right 
and pure Eth ro (referring to God) 

М pee аз 10] т 13 21 24.. кабалер Ñ &c, ката Фрнҷ Во, sicut 
Vg Syr, Arm (as also) Eth .. om Eth 10 furerercr (nimio I 24) 
the fathers] т 13 24 .. поуіот а father Bo, татур N &е, Vg Syr Arm 
Eth erconc &с lit. who exhort their sons] 1 13? 21? 24 .. eoo 
єпечщирт beseeching his sons Do .. from his sons Syr .. тєкиа (c)avrov 
паракад. N &e, filios suos Vg Arm (sons) .. lit. to his son Eth .. to his 
sons Eth ro 

7 тат те ee en(n 21)c, &c thus exhorting each of you] т (211) 
24 .. thus beseeching each of you Bo .. os eva eae Tov vpov ws &c rapa- 
kaAovvres vas (от N) № &c, qualiter unumquemque vestrum tamquam 
&с deprecantes vos Vg .. that from each of you as біс we were beseeching 
Syr Eth .. that each of you as кс we were comforting Arm ато 
e(21*) ncoNc'A and consoling | 21 24, kat zapapvÜovperou М 8:с, Vg Syr 
Aim Eth .. om ато and 1 .. отоо enecor запетеиоит and persuading 
you Bo єпрахитрє єтрет(єтрєтєт 21) пазооще we are bearing 


з®итре ETPETHALOOWE оя» пезєпцум яепиотуте. паї 
NTAYTEORETHUTIL EOOTM етецаямтеро чөт песеоог. 
13 етфе пах ANON gwon THUMoeoT итая пмоуте AxM 
ehoA OITOOTH этетищом ероти моущажє Wposte 
ам. АЛЛА HATA OC плете епщаьсхе авпмоттє пе. MAI 
ow єтемерсег монттнутти шметпістєтує. 1 итоти 
пар. месину. атетицуотє ететититом єпенкАнста 
язпмоуте MAL єтщооп ON Жотаата дбає MENT 1С. хе 
хтетищеп nevorce eov TR TR ebo ovr меттряе Хаве 

із (1) (13$) 21$ (24) иєтніст.| Sa ин eonaox Во ? E) 
(13 $) 21$ 24 wen] 13 24 .. щи т 21 

witness, for you to walk] 21 24, Cop mid .. test ficati sumus ut &e Vg 
..0$09 exepaxeope xe(n вані i8)vevenasoug Bo.. pref. arw and 
г, № &, Syr Arm (we were) Eth (to you) ка, рарт. АР 
on пел» (пях 21 24)пща &c in the worthiness of God] т 21 24.. 
єрєтємахпцуа axe being worthy of God Bo .. aus т. 0cov Ñ &е, Vg 
(digne Deo, Атта... as is worthy of God Syr Eth (with God) ПАЇ 
(21 24..єм т)т. this (one) who called you] x 21 24, Bo (фн вск 
MP) rov kaÀAecavros vp. NA, fm Vg Cop mid Syr Arm Eth... 
x«aAovvros v. BDFGHK LP «е, Syr (h mg) эп nege. and his 
glory] 1 21..avw &c 24, Eth то .. om Во (м).. xav добам Ñ &c, Vg .. 
and to his glory Syr .. and. to glory Arm.. Eth has into the kingdom 
of his glory 

13 ethe max because of this] т 21 24, DFGHKL &с, Vg Bo (ва) 
Syr (vg) Aim Eth .. pref. ка: RA ВР, Во Syr (h) ait. о. we also] 
13? 21 (24) Eth ro ASH wah without failing | 21 241, 
ад:аћелттос М &с, sine intermissione Ус Arm .. trs. continually we 
thank Eth .. trs. perseveringly to God Syr .. птєп о птотєп chod an 
and, leave not off Bo ятєрєт(єтє 21)Ó29: when ye had received] 
21 24, etapetenos Bo, параЛоВоутез N &e, Vg Arm .. ye received 
Eth .. Syr has that the word of God which ye received from us 
mnwaxe &c the word of the hearing of God from us] (т?) (13?) 
21 24, Bo.. trs. язпісоутєяя ne micas бс the hearing of the word 
of God from us Bo (ny) Arm..trs. Aoyov axons тар wv Tov Ocov 
N &с.. trs. тор nuov X. а. т. 0. P, Vg .. the word of the commandment 

т THESSALONIANS П 13-14 381 

walk in the worthiness of God, this (one) who called you into 
his kingdom and his glory. 1? Because of this we also, we 
give thanks to God without failing, because, when ye had 
received the word of the hearing of God from us, ye aecepted 
it not as a word of man, but (a) according as truly being the 
word of God, this (one) also who worketh in you, those who 
believe. 1“ For ye, Brothers, ye became imitating the churches 
of God, these which are being in the Iudaia in the Christ 
Jesus: because ye suffered also by your (fellow)-citizens 

of God Eth .. also the word of God Eth ro .. Syr, see above атетицу. 
&c lit. ye received it unto you as a word of man not] т (137) 21 24.. 
add me zs Bo (except 0).. едебас ве ov Aoyor avÜpozov N &c, Vg (non 
ut) .. not as word of men ye received it Syr .. receive ye (it) not as word 
of men Avm .. and not as word of men Eth aNNa] F от 24 .. 
and Eth ro ката еє(є 24) палає «с according as truly being 
the word of God] т 13% 2: 24..(ая n3)mipuX аАМнесс озса 
fire by пе as truly a word of God із Bo .. kaos воти’ адпбає Xoyov 
дєоо ADFGHKLP «с, Vg Syr.. к. а. (от a. №) соти біс МВ 17 
.. om єттї Arm... truly thus the word of God Eth .. truly the word of 
God it is Eth го паг om evenepver(ver г) this (one) also who 
worketh| т r3? 21 24, os ка єуєруєта: 53 &с.. єтє фах(н AE) пе 
evepoo who is this (that) who worketh Bo .. qui operatur Vg .. and 
himself in work operateth Бут .. who also operated Arm .. and he helpeti 
you also in working Eth .. and he helped you also Eth го понтт. n 
you] т (13) 21 24 (om TH).. ev уши № 

модтоти ye] I 13 &e.. om Eth ro vap] 1 (13) &e, Eth ro.. 
де Syr .. and Eth mecs, lit. the brothers] т 13% &c..trs. ey. 
адеАфо. М &с, Vg Агт.. my brothers Syr .. иеиси. our brothers Bo 
Eth .. om Eth ro игин Bo) єтщооп these which &c] 13 24.. 
quae sunt Ve Атт.. rov ovewy N & woon are being 21, Во 
Syr Eth .. who (in) Judaea (ате) in &e Eth ‘то om мєс 
тс in the Christ Jesus] т тз бе, Bo..ev хо № М бо, Vg Arm 
Eth го.. those who (ате) in Jesus Christ Eth атетищ. & 
ye suffered also] т (13!) &с..та avra єтаб. кой ves Ñ бос (om 
к. v. D* £r) Vg Arm.. apetentjwn о`фтей пизмаякахе озот ye 
received also the same pains Bo .. similarly ye suffered, also ye Syr .. 
like them уе suffered. &c Eth vo .. om та avra Eth eĥo orti by 
(or from)] т тз &c, Во (x), ehoX orrovow п by (or from) Bo.. ото 
19 Ñ &c.. ато D* FG пети (от 21)pax(paxg 24) Хале lit. your 


HATA өє мин eboÀ стоотох Hittoraar 15 пат 
HTATALLOVOTT авпемхоєг IC зам испрофитнс. ATW 
ANON ATMWT псом. мсєарєскє эм яаєпмоттє ATW 
ev orbe posee miee. CevTRWATE авазом єщаже 
ам поєөмос. хе eyeo)ooar eTperswn ehod миєт- 
мобе мотоєту MILL. acroo AE сорах exoov NGITOPCH 
wahord. anol ae. месину. єлирпетибоћл прос 
потоєгу пихототиот O€e поо оз» понт ли. ANGENH 
ngoro emar EMETHOO ом озот Wovou. | "xe 

mu) ra) 21124) 16 т13 21 (24) єтрєухок | єпхтисєхек 

ве а Ши 

men of town] 13 &c .. пиетеищфир TSAN lit. of your fellows of 
tribe Bo, rov twv ovpdvXerov N &c, contribulibus vestris Vg .. lit. the 

sons of your nation Syr .. your kinsfolk Arm .. your people Eth ин 
those] 13 &с.. ka avro. № біс, Vg Syr Arm Eth (themselves also 
suffered) .. оом eva mers lit. we also suffered Bo .. we Eth то ehoX 

orrooros й by (or from)] 13 &c.. ivrovow by (or from) Bo .. evrovos 
фу? Bo (HJ) vro № &c.. ато FG 

15 пар fi(1 21 24.. ем 13) aw. &с these who put to death our Lord 
Jesus] (17) 13 21 24, Eth .. ии era v тей яп тиб those who killed 
the Lord Jesus Bo, тоу атокт. T. к. W 471 .. TOV кас TOV кору атоктеи- 
vavrov w Ñ &c (om w 4 al) Vg Arm .. those who our Lord Jesus 
Christ killed Syr nenp. the prophets| т (13) 21 24, NABD*F 
GP 17, Vg Bo Cop mid Arm..the prophets also Eth.. pref. iðiovs 
DKL &c.. add who (were) from them Syr Eth (not ro) атом lif. 
we] 1 13 21 24 .. add офи also Во (Eth has they persecuted them and 
us) .. Eth ro has and us also they persecuted us п(єм І 13 24)- 
ceape(I 13..1 21 24)скє &c they please not God, and they are 
contrary to all men] т 13? 21 24? Eth.. om Eth ro .. pref. отоо and 
Bo .. kav бе рт APETKOVTWV KAL (om Bo ATEGMNOP) пасту avOpwro.s 
evavruyy №  &e, Vg (et deo non placent &c) Syr (and they became 
contrary) Arm 

16 eskoN ve (om MSS) maron (R007 by error 21) forbidding us| 
1 &e, М &c, Vg Bo.. who forbid из Syr .. and they forbid из Arm Eth 


according as those by the Jews; ‘these who put to death 
our Lord Jesus and the prophets, and us they persecuted ; they 
please not God, and they are contrary to all men ; 18 forbidding 
us to speak to the Gentiles that they should be saved, for them 
to fill up their sins always: but arrived upon them the anger 
unto the end. И But we, Brothers, having been absent from 
you for the time of about an hour, in the face, not in the 
heart, we hastened more (abundantly)to see your face in great 
yearning; P because we were willing to come unto you, 1 

поеенос lit. the nations] т &c 24, N &e, Во Arm..gentibus Vg .. 
the peoples Syr Eth теп Eth то acmoo arrived] т &е 24, 
єфбасим N &с, Ve (praevenit) Arm.. aep сате Bo Syr Eth (om ro) 
*(v21)e] г &c 24, Во, № &e, Syr.. enim Vg Arm.. and. Eth ro.. 
and behold Eth торсн the anger] г &c 24.. their punishment 
Eth ..add т. 6. DFG, Vg uja&oN lit. unto out] т &c 24, Bo .. 
es теЛоз № &е, vsque in finem Vg Syr Arm .. which is for ever Eth 
..trs. єт avrovs «s т. В, f Vg 

И me] 1 13 &c, Во.. cap Bo (к) meci. lit. the brothers] г 13 
24 .. абєдфог N &с, Ve Arm .. меиси. our br. Во ЕЁВ.. ту br. Syr 
eantp. &c having been absent from you] 13 24 .. апр. we were &c т. 
ozopQavwÜevres аф vp. NÑ &e, Ve Bo Syr Arm (although we were &c) 
Eth (as orphans we were, om were ro) потоєгц it(1.. ош 13 &c)- 
i1aososnos the time of about an hour] (13) 24 .. отоеиц “с а time 
&c т, Bo (прос oscnos ftre отоунот) kupov opas NÑ &c, Vg Syr .. 
one hour Arm .. in this time Eth .. for an hour Eth ro охх поо(фо 
т) e3x бс lit. in the face, in the heart not] 1? 13% 24 .. in the face 
and in the &c Bo .. in our face and not in our heart Syr .. zpoowo ov 
кардио. N &e, face and not in heart Arm .. for (from ro) face 
only but not from heart отоо-ооуо and in heart mot, 
exceedingly Bo (x) anc, &c we hastened more| 21 24.. период. 
eazovóacapev Ñ &c, Vg Bo.. still more we &e Arm .. and exceedingly 
we were anxious Syr Eth enay біс to see your face] 21 24, Во 
Syr Arm Eth..7o пр. vp. ал X &е, Vg оп ovm, &c lit. in 
а great yearning) 1? 24, Bo (emse.).. ev тоЛМу) єтібуша N &c, Vg .. 
in great love Syr .. with great desire Arm .. Fth has and much І (we 
ro) wished to come 

18 же because] (т) (13) 24, Во, дот NABD*FGP 17 37, quoniam 
Ха... біо DeK L &e ,, because of this Arm .. and. Syr.. Eth, see above 


миром cer djapo WM. amon een патуЛос itovcon 
Ато) CHAT. ато a'tpXxpon мам астпсататас. 
"ац Tap те темоеАтис н пєпращє и пекЛоєє 
зяпенщоуціт. «eH HTWTH ai OOTTHTTM пе Woovo 
аяпезято ебоА азпенхоєхс 1С пеже ом тецпаротста. 
? итотм вар пе пемєооу ати» пеираще. 

ПІ. етфе пах ce sanNewow. хиромьи ewwait 
MLATAAN си AOHNAIC. "аюмтицооу шороти it71420- 
өєос пемсои паханомос MTE пиотутє ose пета ссе- 
Азси NEXE. єптажретнути ати» есопе ох тети- 

° 1 I3 (24 №) nesto] І І3..бапахто 21 24 9 ү Із 
(24 $) me]: &с.. те Во 
| рі35(24) ой ae] ойпаә. 1 -marc] -mac Во з (т) 18 

24 стїзї.] yas. 24 

anpornanm &c we were willing to come] (т?) 13 ? 24, anovwy ex we 
wished to come Po .. &xow. Г wished &с Во (7, 105) Arm Eth .. 76edy- 
capev с N &e, Vg Syr anon ляє (зай т) І indeed] т 13? 24, 
Bo, N &c, Vg (Eth) .. ош pev Syr Arm поусоп once] т (137) 24, 
Во Syr Arm Eth .. pref. кол N &c, Vg avo спат lit. and two] 1 
13 (24) Syr.. nesr В Bo.. ка б< N біс, Arm .. e£. iterum Vg Eth 
avw and 20) 1 13 24, N &c, Bo Syr Arm Eth .. sed Vg .. om Bo (ва) 
пап us] І r3 24, nuas  &с, Ve Bo (Maon ркт) Атм .. aaoi те 
Bo Syr Eth 

13 wap] І 13 24.. om Eth H or] twice 1 13 24 .. and Syr Eth 
пекХ. the crown] 13 24..menkM. our crown т, Bo (т) Eth ro 
ameng. of our glorying] 13 24, Во Syr Arm Eth .. kavygoeos № &с, 
оуаАМмахєш< А .. gloriae Vg .. & menus. or our glorying Y..and our 
glorying Eth ro зан &c are not even ye] 13 24..яян пеютеи 
aim пе (om me г) are not уе Во Vg (nonne vos) Eth .. (om W*) ovx: 
кал уре М &c .. unless ye Syr, if not уе in the Lord Arm (even уе cdd) 
поото rather] r3 (24) паЛЛоу 17..0m І, Во, № &с, Vg Syr Arm 
Eth nens, &е our Lord Jesus the Christ] т 13. Bo (ГЕнҥндк 
LNO*)..7. к. y. w xv ЕСІ &e, Vg (fu* &c) Arm Eth..our Lord 
the Christ Jesus (241) .. т. kupov nuov іо RABDKP, Vg (am fu**) 
Bo (лваро mei p) Syr .. our Lord Во (смо me її) nap(po т)отста | 
т 13, Bo, N &c .. adventu Vg Буг Arm Eth 

?? aso and | 1 13 .. зай lit. with 24 suppl. Amélineau, meas Bo .. om 


indeed Paulos, once and twice, and hindered us the Satanas. 
19 For what is our hope or our joy or the crown of our glorying? 
Are not even ye rather, before our Lord Jesus the Christ in 
his presence? * For ye are our glory and our joy. 

ПІ. Because of this, longer we were not able to wait, we 
were willing to be left alone in Athens; ? we sent unto you 
Timotheos, our brother, the minister of God in the gospel of 
the Christ, to confirm you and фо beseech for your faith; 

Во (^,) | пеираще our joy] 1 15, Bo Syr Eth .. om Bo(A,).. 7 (om N^) 
хара. Ne &c, Vg Arm .. пепщоущоу ovr glorying suppl. Amélineau 

1 ere &c because of this] 1 13 (241) Во.. дю N &с, Vg Arm.. 
бот. В... and because Syr .. and Eth бе longer] т 13 24, мукети 
N &c, Arm... trs. sustinentes amplius Vg .. om Bo Syr Arm edd Eth 
Жїтїїї (єт 2т)ещех we were not able to wait] т 13 24 .. fivemujogs 
ам being not able to stay Bo.. punkeri стєуоутє Ñ &c .. non sustinentes 
amp. Vg .. and not enduring (it) Зуг.. по longer (om cdd) we endure 
(it) Arm .. we were not able to restrain ourselves Eth хир онан we 
were willing] т 13 24, Syr..(e)v9okgsopev N &c, placuit nobis Vg 
Во (xasaX) Arm (seemed good) .. we preferred Eth — єщохӣ &c to 
be left alone in А.] т 13 24. Bo.. катаЛєфб. ev аб. povot М &c, Vg 
(remanere) Syr (to remain) Eth (to remain) .. alone to remain in A. Avm 

? анти. we sent] 1 &c..pref. каг N &c, Vg Bo Arm Eth .. and 

(that) we should send бут wap. unto you] 13 24, Syr.. trs. Tras. 
eaporen Во... om N &с, Vg Arm Eth пєпсон our brother] 13 
24.. trs. àà3nencon trax. Do mx. бо the minister of God | 1? &c, 

Eth го .. каг б. т. Geov МАР, Vg Во (ovog пзмакои and minister) 
Syr (h).. ка. avvepyov т. 6. D* 17 .. and fellow-worker of the gospel of 
God and the Father of Christ Arm .. ко avvepyov D .. діак. к. со. т. 6. 
FG .. ка д. т. 0. к. ovv. nuov De K L &e .. minister of God and our helper 
Syr Eth nesavc, the gospel] т &c .. the teaching Eth .. Arm, see 
above єптахрєт. lit. unto the confirming you] 1 &e, es то отур. 
N &e, Vg .. eras. to confirm you Во Arm .. that he should &c Syr Eth 
єсопс ga &с to beseech for &c| т &с.. йтєфтобо єорні exen 
nevennao and pray for your faith Bo .. таракадєтаї vrep &c МА В 
D*FGP r7 37* 47, Vg Cop mid Syr (Б) Arm .. тарак. vpas отер &c 
DeK L &e, ask from you Syr (vg) beseech you Eth ga for| 1 &c, 
сори: exen Bo, vzep RABD*FGKP 17 47, Vg (pro) Syr (Б) Arm 
.. rep. DeL &с, Syr (vg)? Eth ? .. Eth ro has that ye might be comforted 
and might be confirmed your faith in this your tribulation 

1717.2 сес 


пет. | "єтаєтре Aaav ние om mnereAnpic. йтаути 
TAP TeTHCOOTH хе сини emesoob. ‘har eap enga- 
тетнути хишрихоссе мати же cenaodAthe sreeon 
HATA еє NMiacujone aso тетисосотм. “erbe пм 
AMOK QW яєптєцуб о». AITHMOOT сетаяе eETETHMMICTIC. 
хє чаещан AC[TICIPATE азазюти нсхпетпегратє. ите 
HeWwoce WOME ейн.  "тепотг ae итере Traeo- 
өєос es Wapon eboX OITHTHTTH. ато HrepeyTaseot 
явазм у зепеиричеете  єманого  мотоемц miee. 

З т 13 $ at тот 24 $ &с нт x3:(24) (281) S (X) во 5 
(24 $) (281) gw] 1 13 281.. pw 24 єтєтип.| йт. 24 — aqneip. | 
-тир. т fies] 13.. 0m 24 9 (п) 13 (24$ аб ати xe) oim] 

ovre 13 3xmenpnaseese] язпир. Ат. enan) 13 24..єти. 1, Ро 

З єтахтрє Naar &c for no опе to be moved | то( о) pydeva caver вої 

N &с.. se reyre oNs ках that no one should be moved Bo, wo. біс 
FG, ut nemo moveatur OL Vg Syr (wearied).. that ye should not be 
wearied Arm.. Eth has that ye should mot be shaken, mor should 
despair any one of you Naar lit. any one] add of you Syr Eth 
5e:(52 .. eer r .. mr 24)eNnpic these tribulations] this your tribu- 
lation Eth Сар] om Eth en (n 2 у)кн ener(ees 1)Qwh we are 
put unto this thing] анн бе Во.. this certainly is prepared for 
пз Eth 

t kas wap en(it 24)0. бе for even being with you, we said before | 
| 13 (24?) -xa уар ore проб ураз nuev Ñ &c, Vg Bo (ке cap rexen 
&c) Syr Arm (while) .. and when (add also ro) I was with you, this 
/ said before (om то) to you Eth .. om про FG cenae. яз. lif. 
they will trouble us] т 13 24, Bo, реАЛореи OMBechat N &e, Syr.. 
passuros nos tribulationes Vg .. afflictions would happen upon из Arm 
.. we were about to be troubled and they would afflict us Eth (om and 
they &e го) ката ee according аз] т 13 24, FG, d Bo Syr Arm 
edd .. and as Eth .. kaÜos кал 53 &с, Vg Arm п(г2т 24..em r3)- 
Tacu. ayw т(єт 28 1)єтис. it happened and ye know] т 13 24 
(2817) N Же, Vg Bo Arm ye know that it happened Syr.. аз ye 
knew, happened that Eth..and it happened also amd ye зало also 
Eth ro 

З erbe mas because of this] г 13 24 28!.. pref. and Eth (on 




?for no one to be moved in these tribulutions; for ye your- 
selves know that we are put unto this thing. * For even 
being with you, we said before to you that we shall be 
troubled, according as it happened and ye know. 5 Because 
of this I also, I was not able to wait, I sent to know your 
faith, that perhaps tempted you the tempter, and our toil (had) 
become in vain, 5 But now when Timotheos had come unto us 
from you, and when he had shown to us your faith and your 
love, aid that уе have good remembrance of us always, 

1 also ro) зт (єз 24 28 )Тещею I was not able to wait] т x3 24 
28! .. рлукєть отеуюи № «е, Vg .. фщюот понт an J cannot be putient 
Bo.. / «endured (it) not Ѕуг.. because J was not (any longer cdd) 
enduring (it) Arm .. being not able to restrain myself Eth ACTI, 
Т sent] 1 13 24 28! .. until Г sent Syr €eisse to know] 1 13 (24) 
281, Bo Arm .. es то yvovar Ñ біс, Vg .. that 1 might know Syr Eth . 
for (him) to see Eth ro хе sewak (asiiugan т) that репер] т 13 
24 .. заниюс an Bo.. uros N &e, пе forte Ус Syr Arm .. if it is that 
Eth muot you] x &e 24... рас K .. even (om e d) you Arm 
menorce our toil] 13 (24) № &c.. meren ies. your toil Do, 17 (vpov) 
Cop mid Eth ro ujome &c (had) become in vain] 13 24, Bo 
(equjowiT)..trs. усуутал о koros № біс, Vg Arm Eth and became 
our toil vain Syr 

б питере Tsar. &e when Timotheos had come] (17) 13 (24).. 
«MÜovros тир. N &-, Vg (Bo Syr) Arm Eth .. came T. Eth ro щар. 
&e unto us from you} (1?) тз (24) m Же, Vg Eth.. o(uy &*)aporc- 
єв. Salor rk)ven (porem you J) өниоз to us—from you Во Syr.. 
gapos «е to те &с Во (A) .. from you to us Arm птєресталлом 
when he hid shown to us] r r3 24..етаехе nuennorys нат 
having said the glad tidings to us Bo, evayyeducapevov naw N &c, 
Arm (gare to us glad tidings) admuutiante Ve Syr Eth eteti- 
micTiC зай TeTHav. your faith and your love] I I3 24, V. Bo Syr 
(prep. repeated) Ith .. your faith and love Arm .. туи morw кол туи 
ay. vov А &c arw and] т 13 24.. от Arm хе оуптити &с 
lit. that ye have our remembrance which is good | I 13 24, ey. ру» 
np. ау. № біс, Syr Aim... руєау exere тиву ау. DEG д>. ти. €x. ау. 
17, Vg ..*e (om к) werase»s conaney Sen өнпөз lit. our thought 
which is good (із) in you Во .. уе remember us in good. Eth | kowoeruy 
nias always] 1 13 24, Ñ &с, Ух Во Syr (vg h*) Arm Е .. от Bo 

Qc 2 


ететиохещ HAT EPON ката OE JOWN eTioveuj мат 
ероти. "erbe пм A пемонт TON єхітнути. 
месинт. єорат ERM aMACHH мія ам rexeAnyic 
ehoA gITOOTE итетитистке. * хє тємоу TRONG етети- 
щамаоераттнути ose пхоес. ^ aly Cap nigger 
merWnaüjroseso  4»muovre Q^poTM еорм ехая 
праше еттраще eoc етбетиути аєпеяято ehon 
азпиоттє. 10 итеущи iei пеоооу сисопе єазатє 
erpennar епетмоо ххх єсобтє пишоюют итети- 
ете. 00 jue AC NNOTTE MEIWT UN пхоее IC 

. єтєтпотєщ | exo». т D M 24 Iz S(t ya 224 й da) 
13$ 24$ eT]: 13"..єтєти 13° 24 &xneatrO] Р 13.. ANTO 24 
10 4,13 (24) Bor 138 24$ anit | mu a 

(az) Eth то єтєтїозєщ &c vid to see us acc. as we also wish 
to see you] т 13 24.. ye desire to sce us as we desire, we also, to see 
you Eth.. ye desire &c, as we also Eth ro.. epevenases пит epon 
ката фрні етщоп naron офи еротеи loving to see us acc. as 
(desire) із in us also toward you Bo, ezvroÜovvres трас дам кабслєр 
кал ques vas Ñ &e, Vg Syr Arm і 
T a пєпонт aron our heart was at rest] а пеионт eo lit. our 

heart was tempered Bo, zopexAnOyper N &6, Vg Syr Arm Eth 
ехит. over you] Bo (pref. єорні DFKL) Syr (in you) Arm (in you) 
Eth ro.. trs. adeAdor єф прим N &c (except 47) Vg (in уои) .. om Eth 
necs. lit. the brothers] menc. our br. Bo Syr Eth .. адєАфог N &e, 
Vg Arm сор. є. ап. mas over all distress] єтї тасу ті) аиаукі) 
N &с.. ev &c FG, in omni necessitate Vg Arm .. eo. є. Tenan. THpC ober 
all our dist. Bo (ГЕС МХОР).. upon our distresses Syr Eth (singular) 
.. €9. €. тєтєнадї т. over all your &с Bo («варенакі).. т all our 
distress Eth ro тєпеМ. our tribulation] 13 24,  &с, Vg Bo Syr 
(plural) Eth .. 6A. vp. А, Bo (A HJK) Arm .. teed. the біс 24* .. "co. 
the tribulations 1..add тир all Bo (ax). Obs. RABDFG 17 37 
47, Vg Во Syr Arm Eth? have avay. к. OX. but К L'&c have Od. к. 
avayky єв. отт. through] Bo, da NA (pref. ka) &е, Vg Arm .. 
because of Syr Eth ro.. which is because of Eth 

‚ ê me because] г 13, Bo, от. № &с, Vg Arm Eth .. кабот: 17 .. and 
Syr ететищ. if ye should stand] 13 24, Во .. вау vets оттке(1)тє 
М &с, Vg Syr (be confirmed) Arm Eth qvxoeic the Lord], ih 24 
Bo .. куро М &e, Vg Arm.. our Lord Syr Eth бы 


wishing to see us, according as we also wish to see you; 
T because of this our heart was at rest over you, Brothers, 
over all distress and our tribulation through your faith: 
$ because now we live if ye should stand (firm) in the Lord. 
? For what thanksgiving is that which we can recompense 
God about you, over the joy with which we rejoice concerning 
you before God; т the night and the day beseeching 
greatly for to see your face, and to perfect the deficiencies of 
your faith? 1 But God himself the Father and the Lord 

* awg. &c for what thanksgiving] 13 24..0m for of 
thanksg. Eth ro nerina. is that which we can recompense] 13 
24, єтєото пухола maon eray Mruayehrw which it is possible for 
us to give in exchange Во Syr Eth .. dvvapea—avrarodovvas V &e, Vg .. 

can we of thanksgiving offer Arm annoyre lit. to God] (т?) 24, 
NcABDcKL &c, Vg Bo Arm Eth .. trs. concerning you to God Syr.. 
то кор. N* Dzr* Кат, Во (АЕ) || охроти about you] т &c.. om Bo 

Eth .. тер: vpov N &c, Vg Arm Eth го ео. єхах(п 1) праще over 
the joy] т &c.. add тнрӯ all Bo, тасу ті) хара N &c, Vg Syr Arm.. 
Jor (in ro) all our joy Eth ethet. concerning you] т &e, Bo .. à 
vias ÑN біс, eop. ex. for you Bo (лк).. because of you Syr Arm Eth 
sanmovte God] 13 24, Во (н*) Arm ed .. япєппотч{ our God т, Во, 
Re &e, Ve Arm Eth .. т. кор. тр. № .. Syr begins verse то except that 
before God exceedingly we supplicate .. Eth (not ro) adds day and night 
to verse 9 

? птєтцун &c in the night and the day } I I3 24, VUKTOS к. прєрає 
N &e, Vg, in night and in day Буг Arm .. эзтзєооот ness nrexcpoe 
by the day and the night Bo Eth encome &с beseeching greatly | 
т 13 (24) .. trs. утеректер. deopevor Ñ &c, Vg Во (поото ngovo) Arm 
(I beseech .. we b. cdd) ..trs. before in might &e Syr..trs. and pref. 
but Eth єтрепи. lit. for us to see] І 13 24, es то ew (eeva 
17) M &c, enammnay Во. ut videamus Vg Syr Eth see Arm 
пйщоот the deficiencies] т 13 24, N &c, Bo .. quae desunt Vg Syr.. 
deficiency Arm Eth 

" rog ae lit. but he] Во, avros де N &c, Vg Syr Arm.. and 
Eth .. om де Eth ro 1utos7e lit. the God] N &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm Во (єм) пезот the Father] тз 24, Bo (к).. ness 
our Father т, Bo (ar*EGMNor) Syr Eth .. отоо nen. and our &c Bo 
(вагеркюнії) ка. о па. пр Ñ &c, Vg Arm их. біс the Lord 
Jesus] 13 24 .. wena. &c our Lord Jesus т, Bo (a4, n1) NA BD? 17, 


єсцєсооутії drenuoguir шароти.  "пиоттє ae eqe- 
TAUJE THU TW ATW ецетрететиросто ом TACANH €oovn 
еиетмерну ATW ECOOTM COTON зая. RATA өе MANOM 
egowu єроти.  "єптахрє иетирит axit mobe ом 
ovovon азпезято €boA aemuovwve пемеют ом тимр- 
OTCIa азпенхосе IC эм necnerovaab тнрот. 

IV. Tenor ce. єсїїнї. TWconc aco типарака Ac 
авазсутії QAR Wasoeic 16. хенас ката ee йтатєту я 
eboX  ovrooyi Nee erewwe етретмазооще ау 

Е) 13911249 7 11324 язпєяато) 1 13.. UTO 24 
1 (1$) (13 $) 24$ apecne] (1).. aprene 24 

Vg (ат &c) Eth ro..o к. y. 15 xs DOFGKL бе, Vg (fu barl*) Bo 
Syr Arm Eth .. om к.о. к. 77. 17 єҷєсооути shall direct] karevOvva: 
N вес, Ус Syr Arm Eth .. єчєсєвтє shall prepare Bo 

2 пиозте &c but God shall make you increase] 1 13 24 9.. 0m є 
24" 37", Во (Р) fiewten ae epe пос eperenaujar lit. but ye, will 
the Lord canse you to increase Во, vpas дє o к. (add «s РІЗ F'erG .. o Geos 
А) тЛєоуата. NÑ біс, Vg .. and. you himself the Lord mamifold-shall 
make Arm .. and you also shali increase our Lord Eth (trs. our Lord 
shall &e ro) .. Syr has and he shall increase and make abound your love 
ато» єчє. aud he shall make you more abundant] 13 24 .. кол mepio- 
cevoa X &e, єї abundare faciat Vg (Arm) and (nesr) to abound Bo.. 
and shall cause to abound Eth оп tat. in the love] (13) &c, Во, 
Ty (туз &c FG) ауату М &c, Arm .. caritatem Vg Syr Eth ., while ye 
love one another Eth 10 eg. &c toward one ani ther] (13 1) 24, es 
addr. N &c, Vg Bo Arm Eth .. which is toward `c Syr ати» eo. 
and toward all | (1?) (13) 24, 8 &c, Vg Syr (ull men) Arm .. and with 
all Eih .. neas отоп miden and all Bo ката &c according аз we 
(do) toward you] г 13 24, кавалер кол «pers eis ураз Ñ біс, Vg (т 
vobis) Aim. Kata фрн{ єтщоп maon офи еротеи according as 
it is with us also unto you Бо .. as we are loving you Буг Vah .. as we 
also you lih ro 

* єптаєрє for the confirming | enamiaspe Ро, es то отура 
W все, Vg .. to confirm Arm .. and he will confirm Syr Eth .. Eth ro has 
that should be pure in you your heart in firmness a(e 24)ait 
nohe without siu] sine querela Vg Syr..apeprrovs N бе, Àrm .. 


Jesus shall direct our road unto you: ! but God shall make 
you increase, and he shall make you more abundant in the 
love toward one ancther and toward all, according as we (do) 
toward you; ''for the confirming of your hearts without sin 
in holiness before God our Father in the presence of our Lord 
Jesus with all his holy (ones). | 

IV. Now therefore, Brothers, we beseech and we exhort you 
in the Lord Jesus, that, according as ye received from us how 
it is right for you to walk and to please God, according as 

aueuzros BL 17 47, Bo (Sem ovasetatapsmas) purity Eth 
оп ovov( ov г &c)on lit. in an holiness] pref. and Eth.. 
бьколосмулу A пєпє:от our Father] Bo (р) Syr Eth.. pref. ках 
N &е, Ve Во Arm Tnep(pe 1. pp 24)ove1a the presence] Во, 
N &с.. adeentu Vg Буг Arm Eth (pref. and то) 1€ Jesus] NAB 
DK 37, Vg (am) Eth ro..add иже the Christ Bo, yo FGL &c, Vg 
(fu demid) Syr Arm Eth дэ тєсриєт. &e with all his holy (опез) | 
pero. паутоу т. а. avrov МЪВПеЕС КІ, &с, Vg (fu*) Bo (вак) Syr 
Arm Eth .. add арли МА D* 37, Ve Bo 
! т(> т)єпот now] І 13 24 .. (то) Aovzov М &e, Ve Po Syr Arm 
..«nd now | th бе therefore] т 13 24, № &c, Vg Bo (pFKF*).. 
om B* 17 37, Vg (demid) Bo Syr Arm Eth месину(от г) lit. 
the brothers] т 13 24..a8cX$o. № &c, Vg Aim.. my brothers Syr .. 
nencn. our br. Во Eth тисопс we beseech] І r3 24 .. єротацієм 
ураз М &с, Vg Во Syr (from you) Arm..we speak to you Eth 
типар. we exhort] г 13 24, N &c.. теитово we pray Ро, obsecramus - 
Ve Syr Eth 7 comfort Arm (we біс cdd) їз от you] r 13 &c, 
ю.. om М &e, Vg &c ох» &c in the Lord Jesus] г 13 &e, Bo (add 
пе к) МА om то D &e, Ух... м our Lord Jesus Christ Eth.. 
i» our Lord Jesus Syr Eth ro т Christ Jesus Arm хека- 
(aa 1)с ката &с that according as] г 13 24, BD*FG 17 37. 
Vg Во Syr Arm Eth то..от wa МАФРеКІ, біс, Syr (b) Eth ? 
n(24..em 1 13)tatetites &c ye received from us] x 13? 24, № &с, 
Vg Bo Syr Arm .. ye were commanded by us Eth пеє єтєц (от 
ew т) ще how it is right &c] т 24 .. то mws де vpas Ñ біс, Syr Arm .. 
quomodo vos oporteat Ng (um ..op. vos Sixt сем), in that which is 
seemly that ye Eth .. in that which ye will walk Eth ro єтрєтїїлх. 
for you to walk] 24... eax. £o walk x, Bo (trs. from us to walk асс. as 
із worthy) перитатеи 53 &e, Vg Arm ..that ye should walk Syr Eth 
ката O€ ом &c acc. as also ye walk] (132) 24, NABD*FG 17 37, 


женас си ететиероото. > тетисоотуи Tap ae оу ие 
naparren HTANTAAT NATA оз nxoeic кс. 
smar TAP пе поуощ язпиоуте. петитібо. ecage- 
THwTM eboX irnopnera. ‘етре nova nova aeeewTH 
cho ema пецекетос mae ом озтЁбо яалт оттіян. 
см оупавос хи Hemera ката ее пикеосенос 
ETENCECOOTH aw авпиохте. ° єтаєрпіоМ яп. ATW 
erges печцеом оз» посіб. xe отресрхтквба пе 

в 1119 8)(18724 1. "1339 (18) 24-5 тту шер таза [| 
21... {ан 24 БО ОД (туча) Л 

Vg (am &с) Bo Arm Eth (and as ye walked) .. om Юе К L &e, Syr (vg) 
sxena(aa 1)c om «с that ye should be even more abundant] т (13 1) 
24... ма терюоеу(о)уте paddov Ñ &c, Vg Во (s13aNNom).. that more 
ye should add Syr .. that still more ye should exceed. in it Avm .. that 
ye should multiply and abound in this Eth (om in this то) 

? vap] 1 13 18.24, № &c, Vg Bo Eth ro.. de 17 .. and 
Arm Eth ov ne a(R r)mapacre(s 1)М(єг 18)a what are the 
charges] т 13 18? 24.. was тарауу. N &е, quae praecepta Vg Буг 
Arm.. how we commanded you Eth.. яихоопоєм the orders Bo 
п(24.. см I 13 18)v. &c which we gave to you] т 13 (18?) 24, 
(d)edwxapev vp. N &е, OL Vg Syr Arm .. таредокарет "ри FerGer, 
eTantHIToy erenoumnow which we delivered to you Bo.. what біс 

we received. for you Arm ed ọm &с in the Lord| г 13 (18) 24, 
Во (т) ev к. 37, Arm.. dia т. к. N біс, Vg .. Sem Mende in our Lord 
Bo (н) Syr Eth .. д. т. к. ур. D¥ FG, Bo тс Jesus] т 13 24, е, 

Vg Bo Arm Eth .. add xo FG, Bo (кмр 26) Syr 

* gowoug the will] т &с 18, фотощ Bo, то «А. AFGK .. om то 

N &e, Arm ..the commandment Eth єсаоєт. to abstain] 1 &c 18, 
ат E N &с, Arm .. ut abstineatis vos Vg .. and that ye should be 
separate Syr Eth ro.. eopevenapeo eporen for you to keep you Bo.. 
and that ye should guard and be separate Eth ев. птпорпєкі3 .. 
ні I 18 24)a from the fornication] т &с (18) № &c, Vg Во Arm Eth 
.. ото maons «е Ne(FG) Syr (vg) Arm ed 

* erpe &c с(са 1)&o for each of you to learn] 1-13 181 24 .. 
cepe(epe AE) morar &c ess for cach of you to know Во .. афера 


also ye walk, that ye should be even more abundant. ? For 
ye know what are the charges whieh we gave to you in the 
Lord Jesus. ? For this is the will of God, your sanctification, 
to abstain from the fornication: * for each of you to learn 
to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; 5 поб in 
passion of lust, according as the Gentiles also who know not 
God ; ё not to go beyond the measure, and not to defraud his 
brother in the affair: because the Lord is an avenger con- 

єкастої урок N біс, Arm..ut sciat unusquisque. vestrum Ус. and 
that should be knowing each of you Syr .. and. that should know every 
one Eth .. that ye should know severally Eth ro eka &c lit. to put 
his vessel for him] т 13 24, to possess his vessel Буг .. emeqcrevoc 
exoy mag his vessel (governed by eax) to possess it for him Bo (om 
nay варкі).. his vessel and that he should possess it Eth ..то eavtov 
ckevos ктасбал М &c, Ус Arm..Eth ro has in that ye should guard 
yourself on &c lit. in a sanctification and an honour | P/24; NAC 
Vg Во Syr (and in) Arm Eth .. Eth ro has and in that ye should be 
sanctified and prove yourself from fornication 

> оп &с lit. in a passion not] pn ev табе N &е, Vg Arm..add 
cat FG .. and not in passions Syr .. Eth has and be ye not dissipated 
in lust плкео. as the Gentiles also] Bo, kac та «би № &с, Vg .. 
as the arami(-maye то) Eth.. та Лота єб. 478, Syr (vg peoples)... 
also the other heathen Arm запиоттє God | rov курго d, Clem Tert 

* єтахрий (4 24)0М &c lit. not to be beyond the measure] І 24.. 
єпутєзлєрсабоМ lit. not to be outside Bo, то py vrepBawew N &с, Arm 
.. ut ne quis supergrediatur Ус .. and that ye should not be daring to 
overpass Syr.. and (that) ye should not magnify yourselves Eth.. 
that ye should not magnify yourselves Eth го arw біс and 
not to defraud his brother | 24.. KaL TÀEOVEKTELV-TOV ад. avrov 
N &с, Arm.. ovog єпутєзасі sineecon йхомс and wot to do his 
brother wrong Во (ваГрекетг).. om ovog Bo.. neque circumveniat 
fratrem suum Vg .. and to defraud a man his brother Syr .. and that 
ye should not defraud your neighbour Eth oak noof in the affair | 
24, this affair Syr..trs. тА. ev то праурати Ñ &е, Vg 
Arm (this) .. om Eth ro .. in all Eth xe because]. 24, Bo (в* DKE) 
.. pref. cobe Do, дот. N  &e, quoniam Vg, because that Syr Arm Eth 
OovpeqxikBa &c lit. an avenger is the Гоа | 24, Vg Ат. exdcxos (о) 
куриоб (o Geos Fer С, Eth) N &c.. пос ovpegas napu ne the Lord 

maoew. erbe mas тнроу. ката өе птамхобс инти 
їзїн щори. avo aWpaenTpe. "нта ппоуте Cap 
стада ad єухоожж ААЛА ом owrbhóo. Tenor ce 
петаеєтеї йиєцаевєтеї Иролее хи aXXa a9 muove. 
nar ом ито seneepgna erovaah нити. “erbe 
таятавамсоїм AE HTETHPX pera ait исом минти. 
птоти Cap итети oenpecpxicbo птає плоттє сазере 
иетиернт. RAI TAP TeTWerpe ляяяос сиесмит 
THPOT етом TRARECACMIA тире. Taenapanader aE 

7 1 (18) 24$ ast] om Bo (акккх) * 1 (18) 24 aceter| 
twice -Tr1 о запноттє| ф+ Bo 9 1§ 245 fta by] йти 1.. 
cho озтеи Bo.. eboN пте Во (ва) 1 (т) 24 $ аб тажи. 
an avenger із Во .. our Lord із an avenger Syr ethe &c Ш. con- 
ceruing these all] 24, Ух Syr Eth (this)... &ve маг тироу of these 
all Bo .. пери avrov rovrov Ñ &c, Arm (this) Eth ro (this) ката 

ee according as] (т) 24, Во Vg Arm Eth..add ки N &e, Syr 
ятан, бо ñ om 24) м (add й 24)ujopit we said to you aforetime] 
(1?) (137 24.. eraneptgopr пос потен we before said to you Во, 
mpoeura (^ )uev пули № &с, Vg, from former time we said to you Syr 
Arm .. 7 was before in telling you Eth (continuing and I witnessed 
io go) 

7 сарі т (181) 24, Во.. om Bo (rz)... trs. after called us Во (A x) 
Tagu call 4 us] Г 18 24, Во, М &c, Vg Arm Eth .. exaA. vuas 17, 

Syr (vg).. trs. скал. 1. о 0cos М &с, Ve Syr Arm Eth ex, lit. 
unto an uicleanness| І 18? 24 .. eo(5) pn cove. Bo.. erc біс № &c.. 
ev & L*, dfg Vg (ain fu).. in tmmunditiam Vg (demid) en &c 

lit. in a sanctification] т (131?) 24, Bo, er оуасро N &c, Vg .. to 
sancti ication with the same preposition as before Syr Aum Eth.. 
unto &c Bu (к.") 

$ tenor Ge now therefore] г 24... тогуарогу № &c, itaque Vg Syr 
Arm .. eohe фаз because of this Bo.. ее. d. оти Bo (к).. ее. $. Tap 
оти Ро (врт)... and now al.o Eth nevaeere:s he who rejecteth | 
1 24. о aÜerov à &c.. qui haec spernit Vg Syr Arm Eth (denied) .. 
ето; йалсотєяя 2s disobedient Bonney. &с was not rejecting man] 
г (.81, 24.. ov« avOpwroy abere X &c, Vg Syr (was &c) Aim Eth .. 


cerning all these things, according as we said to you afore- 
time, and we bare witness. ‘For God called us not unto 
uneleanness, but in sanctification. ? Now therefore he who 
rejectell, was not rejecting man, but (a) God, this (one) also 
who gave his holy spirit to you.  ?But concerning the 
brotherly love ye need not (any) writing to you: for ye, ye 
are taught by God to love one another; !?for even ye do it 
to all the brothers who (are) in all the Makedonia. But we 

nagos яса pwa ai was not being (so) to man Во мат On пт, 
(24 .. єм. т) lit. this also who] 1 24, rov ко RD* ЕС КТ, &e, Vg Syr 
(h) Arm .. om on also 131, ABD? 17, Bo (фи) Syr (vg) Eth .. as also 
he Arm edd &(en т)тач- who gave] 1 24, дота NCAKL &с, 
Vg Во Syr Arm Eth .. дідоута N* BD FG negna lit, his spirit] 
т 24, Во, X &c (avrov то zio, A) Vg Syr .. nimia the spirit Во (Е) Arm 
lth инти to you] т 24.. е&ри! epwren unto you Bo, es vpas 
N &c, Aim vobis Vg .. tıs. gave in you &c Syr (vg) .. trs. gave to 
yvu &с праз A al, f Vg (demid harl*) Syr (h) .. trs. gave to 
us &e Eth ro 

* п(Во варкнк1... ош Во)тетир. ye need пої | Bo, exere “А ре 
H KL біс, Syr (vg) Еф... eyopev МЕРЕС 47, Vg Syr (В) .. exopev В, 

Vg (am hal harl**) .. there із not need Arm n(e Bo)cgas lit. of 
writing | Во, ypadew (фесва: Н) N &e, Vg Syr Arm... that we should 
write Eth птоти бс оєн(ом г)речжсйю for ye, ye are taught | 

пефтеи Tap пештєи gaupeysichw bo. avrov yap Оєобідактої єстє 
I7 ..аут. у. ves бєод. єстє N біс, Vg (didicistis) . for ye yourselves 
are taught Бух Aim... yourselves (are) taught Eth .. yourselves taught 

are Eth ro єялєрє to love] Bo.. es то ауатам ÑX біс ut diligatis 
Vg Syr Eth .. to one another lovin; Arm иетперих one another | 

Eth .. your neigibour Eth ro 

1° kas сар & for even ye do Ц] 11 24, Во, № &c, Vg Arm (Eth 
го)... ош yap E £r (Syr) .. even ye do thus Syr .. aud thus ye do yet Eth 
.. and ye do it also Eth го єпєсину бе бо all the brothers] 24, 
es zavros Tous аб. 539 біс, Vg Syr Arm .. kac es &с В.. є. т. т. о. vpov 
We. ness таси, т. with all the br. Bo .. with all our (your то) br. Eth 
стой &c who (are) in all the M.] 24, Во Syr Eth, rovs ev ody біс 
меВрЪН КІ, &c.. ка rovs біс 47 .. оп! rovs N*AD*FG, Vg Eth ro.. 
who are in all the regions of Macedonians Arm me] (т?) 24 .. ош 


ALOT месинт. epoovo.  '" ATW ECOTPOT ecopaoT 
ATW EXIOPHTH eporW. єросі ом иетибих. ната є 
WTAWHAapacCerAe инти. > axenac o eveyness]oouje 

ETETHTCANHT "Игор manĝo avo йтєтитяємоє 
WAaav.  ÜijdyMovou ac an erpernparcooyH. 
песинт. eThe истинотк. xe иметиАхиег Hee ATIRE- 
ceene єтеляйттот QgeAmie eatr. | eujyxe типістєУє 
BE A 1С ALOT ATW AYTWOTH. TAI те ое пниоутє 

"or (rd) 24 MaparcerNe | т (24).. парассег291 : ™ г (18) 
(24) тслинт] т 18 .. тсамнут 24 з(1)245 ee] r &e.. 
oma Во. хє oma Во (ну) Aver] -пу т nke] т.. ке 24 

№ (т) 24 $ 

Во (нкі) Arm..and Eth лєсину lit. the brothers] 1? 24.. 
аёєеАфоь N &с, Ve br. Syr..meucn. our br. Bo Eth.. 
ауатиутої A e(om 24)ро. to abound] г 24..add яхаММом Во, 
N &c.. ut abundetis magis Vg ..that ye abound Syr.. yet more to 
increase and to abound Arm .. that ye increase and abound Eth 

V ayw and 1°] 1 24, N &c, Vg Bo (варгенокі) ‚Буг Arm .. от 
Во (arEaceu Nor) Eth eospor to delight] г 24 .. фЛотирею вол 
N &с, Do (єззєпрє mrraso to love the honour) .. (that) ye should be 
honoured Eth то .. operam detis Vg Syr .. om Arm, see above .. om Eth 
which has that ye should be meek ecopaot to be quiet | т (18 1) 
24, novxalew $ &с, Arm.. ut quieti sitis Vg Syr.. eeppesxspasug £o 
be meek Bo (pref. отоо and F) .. Eth, see above .. meek (that) ye should 
be Eth ro зубу єхторити ep. lit. and to take your face to you] 
i &с 18 24..кой прассєи та аб N біс, Bo (om охоо варткі,).. 
vestrum negotium agatis Vg .. being busy in your affairs Byr .. to work 
that of each Arm .. that ye should do your doings Eth e(om 21 24) pe. 
&e lit. to work in your hands] т 24.. orog єєро. пи. and to work 
with &c Во, RcBD*FG 47, Arm .. add rars МА DEK Г, &c (om пиву 
37) Arm cdd? .. operemini m. vestris Vg, be ye labouring &с Syr .. that 
уе should serve with your hands Eth ката oe п(2т 24 .. em 1)v, 
&c ace, as we ordered you] 1 (18 1).. к. фрн+ єтапоопоєи птепениот 
асе. as we ordered you Bo, №1 (47) f Vg Syr (vg) Arm edd Eth.. 
кадо vjav capyyyeAapev N &c.. kaÜos kac &e L 17 37 47, Syr (b) 


exhort you, Brothers, to abound ; "апа to delight to be quiet. 
and to attend unto your own (things), to work with your 
hands, according as we ordered you; that ye should walk 
being respectable with them (who are) without, and be in 
want of nothing. 13 But, we wish not for you to be ignorant, 
Brothers, concerning those who sleep; that ye should not 
grieve as the rest also who have not hope. ‘If we believe 
that Jesus died and he rose, thus God those also who slept, 

Arm (ordered you) .. as we taught you Eth ro .. асс. es I (evax) ordered 
you Во (в) | | | 

12 хека (ла г)с that] 1 8 (24) .. wa N «е, Bo Syr Arm Eth .. pref. 
et Ve пизори with] x (18) 24, mpos № біс, ad Vg Syr Arm Eth 
.. &me2100 before Bo sanko lit. those of the without] 18 24.. 
neTorboN those who (are) without т... пин єтс&йоМ those who (are) 
outside Во `: ЯМ(АМ г)аау lit. of any thing] т 24, пећ: Do .. trs. 
undevos xp. ex. ЇЇ &c ..mullius aliquid desideretis Үс .. not im any 
thing having lacked are ye Arm .. lit. of a тат ye have not need Syr .. ye 
are not lacking even with any one Eth 

з дтиотощ aec ай but we wish not] 24, N &е, ni Vg Bo 
(Rvenoseuj-me an).. and we wish Eth ., пфохощ xe ан бий T wish 
not т, ov бєЛо бє 47 al mu, Syr Arm єтрєетиратсобум for you to 
be ignorant] І 24  vpas ayvoew Ñ &е, Vg Bo (енпоз-єрєтємої 
fatear) .. trs. brothers that ye should be ignorant Arm .. that ye should 
know Syr Eth: меси. lit. the brothers] 1 24 .. адеЛфое М «е, Vg 
Arm.. nench. our br. Во br. 31 73 .: trs. a. wa 
122, see Arm above петик. those who sleep] т. &c, Bo (єт. ATE 
GMNOP) Syr Eth, koiopevov RAB (17) Vg Syr Eth .. кекоцітпиєм су 
РЕСКГ &e, Bo (eras. вартеної,) Arm теє as] 1 24, os № 
D*FG 47, Во (з&фрн\{).. кабоѕ №“ &c жи (от 24)&é. the rest 
also] 1 24, Во... ка о Хто: N &e, Vg Arm (others) the rest of men 
Бут... men Eth .. those Eth ro evesxm row &c lit. who there is not 
. to them hope] (т?) 24, Bo.. lit. who hope there is пої. to them Syr .. to 
whom not existeth hope Arm .. ог (om FG) py exovres «Атда N &e, qui 
spem non habent Vg .. who are despairing of their. hope Eth 

M eupse if] 24, Arm..e yap N: &c, Vg Bo Syr..but if Eth 
тїїпїст. we believe] 24 .. тетенизо{ ye believe Bo (P) .. етиттегореи № 
a їб азот Jesus died] 24, X бо, Vg Bo (ince асахот) Syr Arm .. died 
Christ Eth n тпиоттє God] r** 24 ., trs. after зне 20 Во .. om т", 


WENTATHROTH QWOT ити < амаитох wasaeacy. 
"exo CAP AMAI интим са полосе aemasoetc. RE 
ANON метом метмасеепе етпаротслх азпхоес 
миеиршорп ENENTATHROTR. — Ü хе ито пхоее ow 
oregcagne ом отороот Hapyacwedoe ом oTcad- 
me Pe пиоттє MNT єпеснт eho ом THe. ATO 
WETALOOTT оле NEXE матооти Нори. | 17 eehitewe 
ANOM метомо метил оу cCetaTOpIW мазавл у ої 
мекћлооће ETWAT епхове emaHp. ATW Tinaujgorne 

Du (i) 24 " ry (184) (24$) oveo] ovao 1 (т) ай 
(291) ПЕ заи ОРО СМ 
Сур 171.. ки o 0cos N &°, Vg Syr (vg) Arm m (rn r)errasig. o. 

those also who slept] т 24, om ин ет. also those &c Bo (к) кол koô. 
В, Syr (Б) .. om also Bo Eth (the dead, thus also verse 15) окт 1С 
through Jesus] 1 24, евоХ orren (om 9. н*) Bo, ба тою w № &c, Ve 
Arm (throuyh Christ cd) Jesus бут Eth qnaitt, &c lit. he 
will bring them with him] т 24, maenor &с will bring “с Во,  &c. 
Vg Syr Arm .. Eth has thus will raise them God, namely the dead in 
Jesus, and he will bring them with him 

15 emo &c we are saying this to you] г x8? 24.. rovro—vpw 
Aeyojev № &с, Vg.. dpas-auosto 33. п. for this we say to you Во (or 
said) Syr Eth (speak) .. but this we say Arm .. but this ye know Arm 
са сәр] 24, V бе, Ух Bo.. ae т, but Arm..and Eth om 
тщ. Zim, in the word of the Lord] x 18 24, M &e, Vg Bo.. of the 
Lord in the word &с our Lord &c of God Eth 
xe &e that we, those who are alive, those who will remain over] 1 
(18 1) 24, Bo (Sa пи) m Же, Vg Arm (who are living, left) Eth (l'ving 
who were left) Eth го (who are living who exist) .. those who should be 
left Syr етпар (po. 1) uito the presence] т (181) 24, єс туу тар. 
N &с, in adventum Ve Arm Eth .. in the coming of our Lord, who live T. т. w В пиеириу, &с we shall not precede those who 
slept] x (187) 24 .. ov jx $acopev X &e, Vg (praeveniemus) Bo (Фоо) 
Syr (overtake) Arm (arr.v) Eth (arrive) 

'5 wxoeise the Lord | 1 24, Bo, М &с, Vg Arm .. our Lord Syr .. Eth 
has descendeth from he. ven our Lord ой отороот Ш. in a shout] 
т 24. Sen отсази й» а олсе Po, ev pory N &с, Ус Arm .. and т 
voice Syr Eth .. and а vice Во (neas нак) парә. of archangel} 


through Jesus, will bring with him. 15 For we are saying 
this to you in the word of the Lord, that we, those who are 
alive, those who will remain over unto the pre:ence of the 
Lord, we shall not precede those who slept. | 19 Because the 
Lord himself with summons, with shout of archangel, with 
irumpet ої God, cometh down out of the heaven, and those 
who are dead in the Christ will rise first: ‘afterwards we, 
those who are alive, those who will be reserved, we shall be 
earrled off with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the 

т (24?) Bo, apyayyeàov N &e. Ус Syr Arm Eth .. потассеХос of 
4 рхоуу EO 2 

an angel 18 ой ovcaNiiez (-mevoc Bo) lit. in a trum; et] 1 
(24) Bo (n2).. ка ev сот. N бе, Vg Bo Syr Arm.. and blast oj 
trumpet Eth инт бо cometh down] т 24, eqs &c Bo (а, р) Syr 

Arm..eqer shall come Во, karaffyreros Ñ &е, Vg . Eth, see above 
лєтахосут those who are dead] т 24.. мтрєцяя. the dead Во (ва 
omitting єт).. ог уєкро. № &e, Атт.. Eth has ond will ri-e the dead, 
and first those who died in Christ ..ov уєкрої oo FG, Vg Po Syr 
muy first] т 24, Bo, zpozov № біс, Syr Arm (Eth) .. прото D* FG, 
Vg .. Eth has and will rise the dead in Christ, they will be first 

U ann. afterwards] 24, Bo.. єтета N &e, deinde Vg Arm .. and 
then Syr Eth anon ме) 24, Bo, &с, Vg Syr Eth add own 
also Bo (FKL) Arm .. trs. ot Covzes ques K merong &e those who 
are alive, those who will be reserved] 24, pref. Sa Bo .. o Covres mepi- 
Nevropevon Ф &с, Vg (Arm) Eth .. who were alive and remain а V th то 
от ог & Dial 819 .. om ог тер. FEG, m .. trs. those who are left 
who live Syr сеиатории &c lit. they will carry us off with them} 
11 24 .. with them we &c Arm .. evegoNaseu stesxoov evcon lit they 
shall catch us up with them together Bo (Eth ro) .. ме «е Syr (Eth) .. 
apa cvv avras артауцсоребда NX &c.. simul rapiemur сит illis Vg 
nexNooNe the clouds] т 24 .. ливня clouds Bo, vepedas N &e, Ув 
Syr Arm .. trs. in. cloud with them together Eth..with him in cloud 
Eth ro єтөл to mect] т 24.. es a(v D FG)zavrgyow N &c, 
obviam Vg Syr Arm Eth то.. хе fitenepanantan that we may meet 
Bo Eth e(Bo rrGNo.. ax Bo)naoere the Lord] т 24, М Же, Vg 
Bo Arm, Macuiius .. our Lord Syr Eth .. 7o xo D* FG, m, Vg (demid 
tol harl) enanp lit. unto the air] т &c.. es аера М &с, Vg Arm 
Eth.. Sen птайр in the air Во, in air Зуг. т сі ма Eth ro 
чИпаці. &е we shall be with the Lord thus always] r 24..trs. 


ам nxoeic итеое Wowoemny ша». 1 офете Mapa- 
RAANEI ииетмерну ом MEIWAXE. | 

V. erbe меотоєцу ae eÑ меуромос. несину. 
WreTWpoepers ad йсомі MATH. 2 йтоти cap Teri- 
coor ом OVOP хе Hoe WHowpeepxiove итеущи TA! 
те 6€ ETEPE пєооот зяпхове ину. ° goTatt DE 
еущаисхосс. хе Зрнин ££W порх, тоте птако мну 
EXWOT ом oviumuujorn MOE WTHaaHe итетеет. ATW 
миєурбоМ. ‘итотм ac. иесинт. петети oss HARE 
AM. хе EPE пефосух таоєтнути Nee Wovpercpaxiove. 

птеое] meer г ovo. | ovo. І № 124 29! 
(1 r$ 24$ 291$ 2? íi 24 20! з (т) 24 gotan] oo02a1 24.. 
eujyon Bo та 

ти, пт. зап бе we shall be thus with &e 291.. trs. ovr. mavt. (ravres 
D*) со (ev B) к. ecopefa № &c, Ve Syr (our L.) Macarius .. and thus 
(add om also Геммор) we shall be with the Lord always Во .. and we 
shall be therefore continually with our Lord Eth 

З ошст(> 24, Во n*E,FL)e] and now also Eth.. pref. отоо 
зхарє moras movas кет печщфир and let each turn his neighbour 
Во (є) napakaNe: exhort] таракаЛєтє № &с. consolamini Vg 
Bo (anong) Syr Arm .. teach Eth пиєти(пи т)єрну one 
another] Bo, М &e, Vg Syr Arm.. your neighbour Eth on 
че(єє 1)1uy. lit. in these words] 1 24 291, М &c, Vg Ро Syr Arm.. 
this word Eth.. add отоо &c Во (x,*w)as Bo (G) .. rov ava of the spirit 
for rovrois 20 al | 

! исотоеиц-мех. the seasons-the times] тис. -нікерос(сноу 
ндо“) the times-the seasons Bo, tov Хот. кашу № біо, Arm. 
істрогібив-тотешіз Vg Syr..his appointed time-his day Eth 
зам and] п 17 necu, lit. the brothers] пісинот Bo.. adeAdou Ñ 
бе, Vg Arm ;. меиси. our br. Е... my br. Syr птетирх pe- 
(р: MSS)a an ye need not] Vg Во Syr Eth .. ov ресу exere № &c .. 
ov ўра eotw Fer С, d, Arm (Eth ro) ficoar writing] ecSar to 
write Во, ypapecOar М &c, Syr Arm .. ut scribamus Vg Eth нти 
to you] N 47, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth... trs. пр. ур. А &c, dg 

7 тетис. &с ye yourselves know accurately] Eth (certainly) .. trs. 
акрійос Térenesu Bo, ак. одате М &е, Vg (diligenter) .. certainly ye kn. 
SyrAr hee &c asa thief of the night] 24:29! .. Roe &c on теущн 


air: and we shall be with the Lord thus always. 1 Wherefore 
exhort one another with these words. 

V. But concerning the seasons and the times, Brothers, ye 
need not writing to you. * For ye yourselves know accurately 
that as a thief of the night thus is the day of the Lord coming. 
3 But whenever they should say, Peace and security, then (is) 
the destruction coming upon them suddenly, as the travail of 
her who is with child, and they shall not escape. * But ye, 
Brothers, ye are not in the darkness, that the day should 

as &с in the night т, Bo, М &e, Vg Ѕуг.. by night Arm Eth taste ee 
&c thus is the day of the Lord coming] trs. lit. the day of the Lord аз &c 
thus it cometh Bo (палри{ петечинот 333108) № &с, Ус (veniet) Syr 
(our Lord) Arm (arriveth .. will arrive cdd) Eth (our Lord) пеооотх 
the day] Bo, АКГ &с, Arm edd .. от 7 RBDFGP 17, Arm 

* жє] 24, МВП, Во (см?) Syr (h) .. om R*AFG ту 47, d Bo Syr 
Arm Eth.. yap КПР &с, Vg Bo (к) үрнан &с lit. the peace and 
Ше security] 24, the peace and the firmness Bo .. eypnvyn как acaAea 
М &с, pax et securitas Vg, peace and tranquillity Syr, Arm .. safety 
and peace Eth Tore] 24, Во, N &с, Vg Arm .. om Eth ro .. pref. 
and Syr Eth nrako the destruction] 24 .. trs. avr. еп(фуют. oAcÓpos 
N &с, Vg .. trs. avr. oà. B, Во (оттако) Syr Arm Eth (extirpation) 
nay coming] 24, Eth .. eyes shall come Bo .. er($)rrarac М &c, Syr.. 

superveniet Vg Arm .. фамтаєтам (om avroi) Fer Ger, d ої ovusit- 
ищооп (щен т) lit. in a suddenness] (т) 24 .. trs. тоте Sew oveza- 
пита Во Syr Eth .. trs. rore а(Єфугдіоз № &с, Vg Arm THAAKE 

the travail] (1 1) 24... 7 e9(e)v № &с.. 1 одит 37, dolor f Vg Syr Arm 
.. п woewes FG, dolores d .. зяфрияд пфиаког єцуаст con етезаВонг 
as the travail which із wont to come to &c Bo.. Eth has as a pregnant 
(woman) (to) whom cometh travail (who is in tr. го) finesph. they 
shall not escape] 1 24, ov py єкф. N &c, Vg Syr Arm .. пнозиуфот 
they shall not be able to escape Bo Eth 

* песину(|о з 1) lit. the brothers] адєАфо М &e, Vg Arm .. nenc. 

our br. Bo Eth .. my br. Syr eax in] om Eth ro пи. the 
darkness] Bo.. ev скотє, X &c, Arm neo. &c the day should over- 

take you] Bo.. should overtake you that day Eth .. а прера vp.—karaA. 
МВКІР &с.. vp.  yp.—kar. A.D, Arm .. vp. т np. exeuw-xar. FG, Vg 
потрєч(р 21). a thief] т &c, Bo (верккі) кАєттусѕ N біс, Ve 
Syr Arm Eth .. клєттає А В, Bo (поапречетотт) 

1717.2 pd 


5 ATOT CAP тирти WTeTM ишире aenovoenur ати» 
ищире аяпедооу. итети изтеущи AN OTAE MAMRARE. 
Sapa Ge аяпртремикоти fee аєпкєсеєпе. aa 
asaphipocic итииифе. Тиетикотк Uap єтинотк 
итезщи. ATW NETTAQE ETTAQE итеущи. * anon ae 
AMON мапедосу. азхритнфє ceant огоом аєпоск 
NTMicTic ae TATANA. £e тперікефаЛат пееАтис 
asnlovxal. ° хє NTA пноттє RAAN alt єторен. AAAA 
ETTANOS NOVARA! ота пемхоете 1с. 10 паї ито ао 
єтінити. хекас erre тмроее EITE THITROTR exeo 

5 124 азо] ness Bo ® (т) 24$ йтим,) (1) &е, Bo(rx).. 
pref. orog Po "7 (г)! зм Pay d dr Jota d) 
йтач| 24..emv. т тир.| Bo (rnrGNor) 

5 wap]  &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth, К, Vg (am) 
Orsiesius .. add є Во (н) nteti ye are 19] І 24, йеотєи Во .. 
om 2I ..trs. poros єстє № &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth, Macarius п. 
the sons] twice.. ganu. sons Во, мо № &е, Vg Syr Arm Eth 
йтєти ye аге 20] єстє D* FG, Vg (fu harl**) Syr (vg).. ye were not 
Eth .. anon we are Во, ezuev Ñ &c, Ус (am &c) Arm, Macarius Isaiah 
.. we were not Eth ro..add xe Во (АЕ).. айі сар Bo (ғк).. pref. ко. 
Derb Fer G 47, Syr Eth затєущі those of the night] Bo .. vvxros 
N &е, Vg Arm Eth ro.. sons of the night Syr Eth osae и(пи 1)- 
awk, nor those of the darkness] т 24¢.. ovae anon біс nor are we 
those &c Bo .. ovóe axorovs N &c, Vg Eth ro .. and not sons of darkness 
Syr Eth .. we are not of darkness Arm 

5 запртрєм. let us not sleep] т 24.. pref. and Eth (not ro).. уе 
shall not sleep Arm cdd теє as] Г 24, os R*AB 17, f Vg (am) 
Во Syr (vg) Eth..add ка. Ne &e, Vg (fu деті) Syr (Б) Arm 
àaxnkeceene the rest also] т 24, Bo,  &с, Vg Syr .. the others Arm .. 
those Eth — àNNa] 1 24..0m Его  sxapitpoerc йтйинфє let us 
watch and be sober] r? 24, Во (miasdpir &c) N &c, Vg Arm .. let ws 
фе watchful and prudent Syr ..let us be watehful and let us be vigilant 
and let us be prudent Eth ..let us be watchful and let us be prudent 
Eth ro 

7 еъикотк are sleeping] 24, єуєпкот Во (HJ)..avennot Bo 
йтєзщн lit. of the night] twice 24..trs. vvkros Kabevdovow N &e, 
Vg (nocte) Syr (in &c) Arm Eth .. Sem mrexwpd in the night Bo.. in 

1 THESSALONIANS У 5-10 ` 403 

overtake you as a thief: 5 Юг ye all, ye are the sons of the 
light and the sons of the day: ye are not those of the night 
nor those of the darkness; ?so therefore let us not sleep, as 
the rest also, but (a) let us watch and be sober. 7 For those 
who sleep are sleeping in the night; and those who are 
drunken are drunken in the night. But we are those of 
the day; let us be sober, having clothed ourselves with the 
breastplate of the faith and the love, and the helmet of the hope 
of the salvation. ? Because God put us not unto the anger, 
but (a) unto securing of salvation through our Lord Jesus, 
10 this (опе) who died because of us, that, whether we watch 

darkness Arm cdd estage are drunken] 24, eveaz Bo (7).. 
ave. Bo.. om Во (E, н) ' 

* anon ae afea т) пои but we are] (т) 24, Bo.. ques дє-оутє$ 
N &c, Vg (nos autem qui-sumus) Syr .. but we because-we are Arm 
Eth .. but we while it is day Eth ro цап. those of the day] І 24, 
30 .. урераз Ñ &с, Vg Arm.. sons of day Syr Eth (not то) sapin. 
let us be sober] т 24, N &c, Vg Po Arm Eth.. let us be watchful in 

our mind Syr .. vypopev Fr 37*, sobrii sumus dg Vg (fu) eai 
&c having clothed ourselves] т 24, NÑ &с, Vg .. отоо (om ov. в'рк 
HJKL) itrer &с and clothe ourselves Bo Syr Arm Eth WTMICTIC 

&c of the faith and the love] 1 24, Bo.. rurews ка ayarns Ne &e, 
Vg Syr faith and in love Eth, ка ay. W* 
"mepik. the helmet] г 24, Во, № &c, Vg .. pref. let us put on Syr Arm 
Eth (crown ourselves) | &e(v|o т) єМпис of the hope] т 24, Bo (йтє) 
Syr Arm .. «Атда N &c, spem Vg .. Eth has helmet of salvation which 
(is) hope (salvation owr hope xo) 

? ппоуте &c God put us not] Bo.. ovk єбєто ypas о дєоѕ М біс, m 
Vg Syr Arm Eth .. o. єб. o Geos nuas В 37 estango nosxat(et 1) 
lit. unto a lifegiving of salvation] Bo, es перитоочу сетпріає Ж &e, 
Vg Syr..unto salvation of life Arm .. to life and to salvation Eth 
orra (i 1) &c through our Lord Jesus] В, Eth ro .. à v. к. тр. t9 Xv 
N &c, Vg Во (om nenóc ва) Syr (in &c) Eth (in &c .. through &c то) 

" етіннти because of us] mepi nu. МВ 17..єорні exwn for us 
Bo, ътєр qp. XE &c (vpov 37) жека(ма r)e that] om era Во 
(ам).. enp. Bo.. птетеир. Во (ват м) ye &c erre 29] and if Syr 
Arm Eth типпк. we sleep] Bo (Bà  DpFGLMNO).. enmen, Bo (Ane 
2,к).. кепн. Do (А, Е, 7Р) смеши &e we shall live with him] 



мая». 1 erbe nar napakae:r йиєтперну ати 
итетикот NOTA MOTA аэпецерих ката OE стетметре 
д» ос. 12 тисопс AEC азаєсьтм. мєсину. €coyW 
метоосе понттнути ATW єтпросіста еротм oae 
пхоес ати» єт{сбо мити. 1 нтєтукаат пиаорнти 
поото см тасчапн eTe mewoob. арієурнин seit 
метмерну.  МтаєпаранаЛеї ame sae Q TM. месину. 
Зебо» dunavcbo. cent понт шняя. сүү ох метбооб. 
орош понт яе отом miae. Г GWUT аяпртре Aaa. 
TWWhe itovneeoov enea dWovmeooov Nora. АЛЛА 

п (т) 24$ ато] om Во (HJR) 2 1$ 24$ avo] twice .. 
ness Во (2 4) мог 24 ру ea 

add ercon together Во .. apa cvv avro £go. (Copev D*) N &e, simul 
cum illo vivamus Vg Syr .. with him we shall live Arm Eth 

" ethe mai because of this] 24..add оти Bo (Kk) .. and now also 
Eth пиет. one another] your neighbour Eth (add because of this 
not ro) птетикот п. п. яхпєчерну and edify each other] (г?) 24» 
oxodopete eis Tov eva Ñ &с, Vg (alterutrum) Syr Arm .. edify in one 
Eth ro..s»*ape movar movar ixaio Tem кет печщфир lit. let the 
one the one of you edify his neighbour Bo, let edify one the other Eth 
ката ee acc. as] 24, Bo (вао) Eth ro.. add оп also т, Bo, ки  &c, 
Vg Syr Arm (Eth) ететиегре ye are doing] т 24 .. ye did Syr 

7? rcont &c we beseech &с] we say to you Eth ro .. 7 beseech you 
Arm (we &е cdd) me] om Bo (х) Arm Eth ro .. and Eth песи. 
lit. the brothers] абеЛфои N &c, Vg Arm .. исиси. ovr br. Во Eth.. 
ту br. Syr ecovit to know] eeass Во, edevar N біс, ut noveritis 
Vg, that ye should be knowing recognize Arm .. observe Eth 
єтпрооїста &с who preside over you] N &c ..nn єтн (om e. н*) 
Saxwrtest lit. those who are put before you Bo .. praesunt vobis Vg .. 
lit. and standing in your faces Буг .. overseers of you Arm .. who stand 
for you Eth .. om vpwv 17 охх nxoeic in the Lord] om Syr .. in 
our Lord Eth .. because of our Lord Eth ro єтїсйө &с lit. who 
give teaching to you] Bo, vovÜerovvras vuas V &c .. monent vos Vg Syr 
(teach) Eth (teach) .. instructors of you Arm 

З птєтикаау &c and to regard them] т (24) conjunctive con- 

i THESSALONIANS V 11-15 405 

or we sleep, we shall live with him. И Because of this exhort 
one another and edify each other, according as ye are doing. 
12 But we beseech you, Brothers, to know those who toil 
among you, and who preside over you in the Lord, and who 
admonish you, !?^and to regard them more in the love 
because of their work. Make рессе with one another. !* But 
we exhort you, Brothers, admonish the foolish, console the 
fainthearted, support those who are weak, be long-suffering 
to all. 15 Look, let not any repay evil for evil to (any) опе; 

tinuing the infinitive, ка (wore FG) nyebar N &c.. отоо Xar біс 
and regard them Bo, кал уєсдє В, Arm.. ut habeatis illos Vg .. that 
they should be regarded Syr .. honour them Eth посуд more | І 24 
Bo .. vrepexrepiocos N &с, abundantius Vg .. Syr has in love abundant 
.. most worthy Arm .. om Eth on Tav. in the love] т (24).. Sew 
ovat, in а love Во, N &c, Vg Syr Arm .. and love them Eth ethe 
nero. because of their work] т 24, Ро (mue. the work 0) N &с, Vg 
Arm Eth .. and because of their work Syr aprerp. &c make peace 
with one another] т 24 .. api. йрн Зепениот make peace among 
you Во Arm .. epyvevete Ж &с, Vg Syr (joining with preceding words) 
.. pref. kac %*, Во (в) Eth .. salute one another Eth .. be brotherly to them 
Eth ro 

^ тах (пм 24)map. we exhort] 1 24, zapakaAovpev М &c .. теи{оо 

we beseech Во, Vg Syr Arm cdd Eth .. J beseech Arm: ae] om Arm 

..and Eth marwtiht you] т & Der* неси. lit. the 
brothers] адєдфог N &c, Vg Arm..our br. Bo br. Syr 
suiatchw the foolish] т 24, Во.. the rash Eth понт щная lit. 

heart little] пин eros йкотужі понт those who are little of heart Bo 
qr &c support those who are weak] 24, Eth .. avrexeo6e rov ас. N 
&c, Vg .. take (up) the burden of the infirm Syr .. protect the weak Arm 
. WWI еротеи nesr ин біс receive unto you (with) those who are 

weak Во 
5 &wuyr look] 24, амат see Bo, № &e, Vg ..and beware Syr .. 
beware Arm Eth Naav any] 1 24.. ovar one Во.. ris № &e, Vg 

Syr (add of you) Arm .. Eth has imperative do not, Eth ro pay то! 
twwhe repay] т 24, (Eth) .. Я give Во .. trs. тим атобо (ов, ow) № Ke, 
Vg Syr Arm (cause to come .. plural cdd) enara lit. in the place | 
I 24, avr, Ñ &e, Vg Syr Eth .. itvuyehrw in exchange for Во .. om Arm 
nose lit. to one] 1 24 .. trs. before йтщ. Bo .. rii № &с, Vg Syr .. om 


Weowoesuj ма» пот MCA MNETNANOTY egori емети- 
EPHT ATW єооум єотом мя». ' pawe itoyoeiug iter 
ITWAHA asl хм. — 9 цупояєот oW ооб mge. пат 
CAP пе похощ яапиотте Sak NEXE єооти ероти. 
19 menia прима“. 20 мепрофнтєгм азпреощеіот. 
21 Жока аде AE Howh wee. мязастє жеппєтиготгү 
22 cageTHTTH ебоХ ом ооб miee аєпевосу. °° ито 
me пногтє йХрнин єсчетідєтиутти ететихик ehodr. 
ATW сеохрео єпетипиа ecpovoo se Teri TNH 

a T(24) T (24) n а №) oat] во. 
жема 24 20 01024 2 ry(24) 7? (1) (24) eh. on] єв. oa 
Во .. eb. й 24 .. cab. й Bo (в) 33 (1) 24 (сії) 

Arm Eth egosn e toward 19] т 24, «s МА РЕС 17 37, m Vg 
Syr (vg) Arm Eth.. Eth ro has evil for evil ; continually good do to 
your neighbour and to all .. pref. ка: N° BK LP &с, Vg (fu tol) Syr (hb) 
.. Wess пєтєнєрнөз Bo (uncertain but possibly = ко &c) 

16 pawe &c rejoice &c] 1 (24) Bo, Eth..and rejoice &c Syr Eth 
ro.. таутотє x. Ñ &с, Vg Arm Ap. patrum .. add є то кори» ЕС, 

Bo (к) ; 
U щАнА pray] т 24, Bo.. and pray Syr Eth .. trs. адал. zpocevx. 
N &с, Vg Arm AW хи without failing] т (241).. Sen ov- 

заєтат(е)злозмк lit. in an wnfailingness Bo, adiaAevrros N &c, (Vg 
Syr) Eth 

18 уо, бе give thanks in every thing] Bo Eth .. ev тарт: evy. № &c, 
Vg Syr (pref. and) Arm mar vap пе for this is] Bo, D*FG, m 
Eth .. om enim f Eth ro.. add єсти after 0cov 37, Vg (am fu demid).. 
rovro yop NABDeKLP &с, Syr Arm o3x nexT іп the Christ | 
24, L 177 473 -add зе І, VN &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth ео. єр. 
toward уоп] trs. es vpas ev хо w A.. Sem ennor in you Bo .. т 
omnibus vobis Vg..pref. which Arm cdd..because of you Eth ro.. 
Eth has because of you in Jesus Christ .. om of God-you Во (м) 

? пепрофн (т 24)тєк(ту т 24)a the prophecies] Bo .. мтпрофнитне 
the prophets Во (N) .. mpojyreas М біс, Vg Arm.. prophecy Syr .. Eth 
has and prophecy repudiate not 

т THESSALONIANS V 16-23 | 407 

but (а) always follow after the good toward one another and 
toward all. 1° Rejoice always ; 17 pray without failing ; 18 give 
thanks in every thing: for this is the will of God in the 
Christ toward you. 1 The spirit quench поб; ? the prophecies 
despise not; *! but prove every thing ; lay hold on the good ; 
22 abstain from every thing of evil. 9 But the God himself of 
the peace shall sanctify you being complete; and he shall 
keep your spirit being sound, and your soul and your body 

по жоң(@ га. ae &с but prove every thing] т 24 .. ravra de док. 
NeBDFGLP al, Vg Bo (uz) Syr (h).. and all prove Eth .. ravra 
бок. N* 17 al, Bo Syr (vg) Arm .. т. де doxpalovres K AMLAOTE 
&e lay hold on the good | (24).. nmeon. arron arog lit. the good, 
lay hold on it Bo, то kaħov karexere N Ke, quod bonum est tenete Vg.. 
the good take Arm .. кал т. к. к. 20 al, and that which is good lay hold 
on Syr Eth 

2 caget. abstain] (24) eem ennor Bo.. pref. and Eth.. тв. 
атєхєсвє to end № &с, Vg Syr (flee) Arm ооё thing] 24, Во Syr 
Arm (plural) .. work Eth .. edouvs № &c, specie Vg ixneeoo" lit. 
of that which is evil] 1?.. єтоооту which із evil Bo, тортро» ÑN &с, 
Vg (mala) Syr Arm Eth 

23 пос himself] and himself Eth ro.. Eth has and God the god of 
peace me] 24..and Arm Eth ечетВ. shall sanctify you] 24, 
Bo..ayaca Ж &c..ayuce Кат Ст, Arm .. sanctificet Vg Syr Eth 
ereimxuk ев. being complete] 1 24, єрєтєпхнх ей. Bo (ре,) Arm 
Eth .. oAoreAeis N &c, Bo (єтсоп eper. ).. perfectly all of you Syr .. per 
omnia Vg ечео (ош r)apeo he shall keep] т 24 cit, Bo .. perfect he 
will keep you Eth .. trs. турдеп to end N &c, Vg (Arm) .. om КАТ, g.. 
trs. your body may he keep Syr .. Arm cdd have of peace, holy will he 
keep you, perfect and complete your spirit and soul and body faultless 
to the coming of our Lord єпєтп (ax сій) пла eqovox &с your 
spirit being sound, and your soul and your body | т 24 cit .. епетеииих 
eq. near X(nevem K)lprocH mean mr(mevem K)cwara your spirit 
being sound and the (your souls к) soul and the (your bodies к) body 
Bo .. оЛокАтроу vp. то Tvevpa. кал т V. Kat то сора Ñ &e, Vg (integer 
spiritus vester) Arm (omitting the article) .. all your spirit and your 
soul and your body Syr .. your soul and your spirit and your body 


эм петисфяя> aci море ом THApoTcia авпемхоєіс 
ус пехе. ° оупістос пе пеитьтаожам. Mar ом 
€rnaaac. ?иесинт. WAHA ooo охрои. "баспатє 
мєсину THpos ом orni ecovaab. 27 тарко аа- 
лясутуї Oak пос [APO TOW] итезепистоАн емеси[из] 
тнр[от] 28 reca pic жепе ж Оес sc NEXT маєаєнти. 

тєпрос өесслЛомікіС X 

тепрос eeccadtonmic б 

"i:(4) "iQ (м) "QGg = (0) (24) 

Eth, see above..anima et corpus et spiritus Isaiah afe 24)хи 
no&e without sin] І 24, арєиттос N &с, Во Arm .. sine querela Vg 
Syr .. in purity Eth ой тпар(ро 1.. pp 24)ovc:a in the pre- 
sence] т 24, Во, № &c .. in adventu Vg .. for the coming Syr Arm Eth 
язпєпх. &с of our Lord Jesus the Christ] 1 24, Во,  &c (урістою) 
Vg Syr Arm Eth .. om Jesus Christ Arm cdd .. add and he will keep 
you Eth ro 

М owmicroc me lit. a faithful is] т (24) .. fidelis est Vg Syr Arm 
Eth ro (true) .. ҷємоот he із trustworthy Bo..zwros Ñ &c.. add the 
Lord Arm cdd .. add о Geos Basil .. trs. and he who called you, true is 
Eth таолан (єм 24) called us] 1 24, каЛшу quas А... к. vas Ñ біс, 
Vg Bo Syr Arm pronoun Bo (89)..zapaxaAov vp. 31" 
nas on lit. this also] 1 24, os кал Ñ &с, Vg Arm .. Eth has he will do that 
.. Eth ro has and he did (it) to you .. who himself Syr .. Bo has отоо (om 
о. в) чиагрі on and he will do (it) also.. add ryv «Атда qp(vp)ov 
ВеВолау 31 al etitaaa(om r)e who will do it] 1.. поро (аи) 
N &с, Vg Bo Syr... etagqaac who did it 24 .. Eth, see above 

?5 иесмиу lit. the brothers] т 24 .. адєАфо № &с, fratres Vg Arm.. 
иеиси. our br. Bo Eth.. my br. Syr ошоо also] т (24) .. просеихео ве 
kau BD* 37, Syr (Б) ки Ñ &c, Vg Во Syr (vg) Eth 
gapon for us] І 24, vrep FGP, єорні exwn Bo.. rep М &e 
аспатє salute] т (24).. гріаспатєсеє Bo, астасаєбє Ñ &c ..they 
saluted you Eth ro 

i THESSALONIANS V 24-28 409 

without sin in the presence of our Lord Jesus the Christ. 
24 Faithful is he who called us, this (one) also who will do it. 
25 Brothers, pray for us also. 29 Salute all the brothers with 
an holy kiss. 7I adjure you in the Lord [let them read] 
this epistle unto all the brothers. 28 The grace of our Lord 
Jesus the Christ (be) with you. 

The (epistle) to Thessalonians 1 

The (epistle) to Thessalonians 2 

" wecnus(os MS) тнрот all the brothers] г, Ро (ркі) М &e, 
Vg Arm .. all our brothers Syr Eth... пиетперн® one another 24, Во 
оп lit. in] 1 24.. 0m ev 47 

7 Ат. I adjure] 1 24..add ae Во (нә) oat nxoeic in the 
Lord] (1?) Syr (our Lord) Arm Eth (our /..).. anx. by the Lord 
(24) Bo.. enact Bo (AB*HJ).. tov kupov № &c..per dominum Vg 
jiveren. смеси. тир. this epistle unto all the brothers] (24).. om туи 
exustoAnv Р..от таси 17..тту єт. таси Tos adeAhors МА ВРЕС 
Eth ro .. туи єт. тату то ayiois ad. RCA КОР &с, Vg Syr (this) Arm 
.. талєтистоМн f(e BS DFHIKLR)msatioc THPOT йсино this epistle 
to all the holy brothers Bo 

18 тесе the Christ] om Bo (1) nar. with you] (1?) 24, 
BD*FG 17, Vg (am) Arm .. add тирот Bo (except з) Arm cdd .. add 
ари ЗАОЪКГР &с, Vg (fu cemid) Bo (т. а.) Syr Eth 

Subscription tenpoc еєссаМопикіс(кєтс 24) а lit. the бо Thessa- 
lonians т] т 24, mpos Gecoadovixes а В (vees) 17 (om a) Eth ro 
(to men of taseloneke) .. пр. вєтса. а єт\робт D, стеков пр. Beas. à 
FG .. пр. 0. а єурафт) ато абтуюу А ВеК, Во (us $ем).. т. ay. атост. 
zavÀov тр. 6. єтістодл) à eyp. а. аб. L .. to Thessalonike т, it was written 
in Athens, it was sent by Silouanos Во (A)..add and Timotheos Во 
(rpr,rGLM) Thesalonike was finished, it was written in Ath. and 
was sent by Silv. and Timoth. his disciples К .. explicit ad Thessa- 
lonicenses prima Vg .. was finished the epistle which (is) to the Thessa- 
lonians the first, which was written from Athens and it was sent by 
Timotheos Syr .. to Thessalonians first epistle it was written from Athens 
Arm .. was finished the first letter to Thessalonians, and it was written 
in Athens and it was sent with timotewós and selwands Eth 


I llavAoc зам crAovanoc зам тьаговєос €ycQai 
WTeRRAÀHCIA пиєвессАЛомікєтс сяє muove пететот 
зам паоє 1С пехе. *TEXKapic NATH лях Дрнин 
choA отак пиоттє пемеюот e nxoeic © neye. 
зщще epom euioseov итая пиоттє [w]owoewg мая 
QAPWTH. несину. HATA ee хе Чаи] ща. хе cpoose 
MOTA потух аж өз оту сооти ENETHEPHT тирти. 
*охсте amom NTNWOTWOT i*eeoi NOHTTHTTH QM 

ur БУРА ? 1(245) gra] 24 .. orm І 5 (ay (24) ee 
чЧахпща | 24 .. єтсєзпща Во cawar) І..|є|сащу. 24.. acepeovo 
Во (03) ви 

Inscription тєпрос еєссаМотікею (xac I.. Reve 24) В lit, the to 
the Thessalonians 2] І 24, pos 0er 'aAovikeis(vew. В") 88 A BK al mu.. 
п. eeccaNom a Ё Bo (PHN) .. add я Bo (x) .. add 5 ж Bo (£) .. add 5 
Bo (DFO) m pref. a pxerau DEG... ау. атоот. т. пр. ө. єтістоћ В Te; 
(7) пр. 0. 8evrepa. єт. (єт. В) al.. {епаст. пр. ө. È Bo (Р).. таюЛою 
атост. єтіст. кабоћку пр. бєсс. В al.. пр. өєсслМотаки В navNoc 
Во (с м).. еп. np. ө. Ё av. п. апостоХот Bo (5?) .. ovópact Феб из 
тадє Oevrepa, ovpavios os 475..?ncipit epistula ad thessalonicenses 
secunda Ng .. the epistle of Paul which (is) to the Thess. which (is) 
the second Syr .. to Thessalonians second letter Arm .. the letter of Paul, 
the second to the men of Thessalonica Eth .. to the men of Thessalonica 
and it was written when he was in the country of Rome Eth ro 

i сіМотанос| 1 13 24, N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth .. с:АВароѕ 
DFerGer.. Szluianos Arm cdd єусолт are writing] I 13 24 .. от 
N &с, Vg Во Syr Arm Eth iuteeeccaN (МА 24)omi(r .. мет 24)- 
neve of the Thessalonians] 1 24, № &c, Vg Syr Arm .. ire eecea- 
Хопікн of Thessalonica Bo Eth озх-пех © in &c-Christ] 1 24 .. 


I. Paulos and Siluanos and Timotheos are writing to the 
church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord 
Jesus the Christ. ?[The] grace (be) to you and the peace 
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus the Christ. ? It ів 
right for us to give thanks to God always for you, Brothers, 
according as is worthy, because groweth exceedingly your faith 
and aboundeth the Jove of each of you all toward one another ; 
* so that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for 

om 17 nenesos our Father] т 24 .. pref. ках №“ nxoeic the 
Lord] т 24.. кро N &с, Vg Arm ..menóc our Lord Ро Syr Eth 
ус nex © Jesus the Christ] 1 24 .. xo w ПЕС 

2 om verse 177, Во (A, Е) тех.-{рнии the grace-the peace] т 
24, Bo .. xapis—eypyvy  &е, Arm .. peace-grace Eth menexroy our 
Father] т 24, NAFGKL &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth.. от nuov ВОР 
17, Bo (варків) nxoeic the Lord] т, 8 &c, Vg Arm.. nens. 
our Lord 24, Bo Syr (and from) Eth 

з щще &c it is right for usto give thanks] (1) 24 .. cessnujga firen- 
ujenoaxov it is worthy that we should give thanks Во Eth..trs. 
evxapuarew офеЛореи Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm пєси. lit. the brothers | 
т 24, абєлфог  &с, Vg Aim .. menest. ovr brothers Во br. 
Syr ката &c асс. as] т 24.. add also Arm c(ec 24)poosce 
aTgane groweth exceedingly] r..-peowvo atas 24.. аҷєроото arat 
Bo .. vrepavéave, Ñ &c .. om vrep Eth тирти all] 1 24, Eth (your 
neighbours all) .. trs. avrov vpwv es adAndous № &c, Vg (fu tol) Arm 
.. от zavrov 17, Vg (am demid harl) Bo.. om ору W* .. tis, таит. vp. 
evos єк. Syr 

t оост( 24, Bo a &c)e anon lit. so that we, ме] 1 24, Во, wore 
GAVTOVS 7] 9.5 NBP 17 37, e. N. алт. ADFGKL &с, ita ut et nos ips? 
Vg..that also we Syr Arm, that we also Eth... that we Eth ro 
йтїїщ. бо lit. we boast ourselves in you] г 24, Bo Eth . trs. ev прим 


менкАнсю азпиотте OA TETHOTMOLLONAH єм Teri- 
merie ON метіюамосяєос тнроу seit neoAntic 
ETETHANEXNE Монтот.  ?єтязмені MTERPICIC asece 
язпиоттє erperMpasnuja Итаязмтеро авпмоттє. TAI 
єтету упо є олрос. бецухе озаткатом пе пихо ра» 
пиоттє eTWWhE Noverdnpre ниєтеМіїс aori. 
TATWA Озат тои NATH MEERA истотеА1фе азаєоо0у 
oak пбоУЛП ehoA semenaoerc 1с єВОМ ом THE se 
пасаєЛос Nreycoss. ‘ом oTWag йкиют egnat 
Wovkba иметемсесооти alt аяпноттє ATW метеисе- 
CWTA AM Nea MeTAaCCEAION aenewoxoeic IC nec. 

рая ос | ©..aswn. 24 5 (1) (13) 24 | 91 (13) 241]? ovas- 
kaion] ovoan mani Во  йнаорях| пте(и) Во ‘пиетех. | 24.. 
пиееХ. І 71(24) ZONĀ] 1.. борӣ 24 .. coming Eth "E 
24 avw] mear Bo 

(ev)kavxaa 0a. &c, Vg Syr Arm пекк^. the churches] 1 24 .. add 
tupoy all Bo (к) тети.-тєтії. your patience and your faith] 1 24, 
Bo (men our L)..T. vm. vjyov kat пістєоє  &с, Vg Arm .. your faith 
and your patience Syr Eth .. your patience Eth ro зап пєеМ. and 
the tribulations] 1 (13?) 24, № &с (om ras D*FGP) Vg Arm... 
Hear itereitooxoea and your tribulations Bo (nex оит L) Syr Eth ro 
..Eth has your afflictions and your trib. omitting persecutions with 
Eth ro єтєтїїги. &c lit. which ye bear with in them] т (13 1) 24 
.. паї єтєтєпщолп ixaxoo lit. these which ye receive Bo .. as (ev as 
К) ave(eve В) ҳєсбє  &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth 

5 єузааєм unto а sign] 1 13? 24.. єтотопо eĝo unto а mani- 
festation Bo, Syr .. evderypate 30 43 .. as є. 73 .. n exemplum fg Vg 
Arm Eth ro .. evderypa № &c, d .. that ye should show Eth ATANT, 
&c of the kingdom of God] (13) 24, Bo, N &c, Vg Arm Eth (that he 
may make you partakers) .. his kingdom Syr таг &с this for which 
ye suffer] (т) (13) 24, Fet*, Bo Syr Eth .. отер ns ка & № &c, Vg 

6 єцухє if] т 13 24, sexe Во, erep № &с, зі tamen Vg .. and if 
Syr .. Eth has but it is right that should be repaid from God. (with) 
affliction those who afflict you | оззмкатой пе it is а righteous (thing) | 
т 13 24 .. бікалоу Ñ &с, Syr .. iustum est Vg Arm (Eth) .. organ Rani 
ne zt is а true judgement Bo futaepax (м г) with] 1 (13) 24, тара 


your patience and your faith in all your persecutions and 
the tribulations which ye endure; 5 unto a sign of the true 
judgement of God, for you to become worthy of the kingdom 
of God, this for which ye suffer: 9if it 1s а righteous (thing) 
with God to repay tribulation to those who trouble you, 
Tand rest to you with us, those who are troubled in the 
revelation of our Lord Jesus out of the heaven with the 
angels of his power, ?in а flame of fire being about to give 
vengeance to those who know not God, and those who obey 

М &с, apud Vg..Wvem Во (варккі) fite Bo..óefore Syr Arm 
etwwhe to repay] т (13) 24, N &e, Vg (Во) Arm .. that he should 
vepay Syr noveNnpie &c lit. a tribulation to those who trouble 
you] т 24, (Bo) Syr..trs. row ӨМ Зоот ъраѕ лали М &е, Vg Arm 

7 avo and] 1 24..0m Во (к).. autem d oyzxrion &c lit. а 
rest to you with us, those whom they trouble] 1 24 .. пеютеи (add 
owrent FP) ба ин erovooxoex Mawoy Pre потаэтои moses 
mexan lit. ye (also) under those whom they troubled, to give а тезі to 
you with us Во (Syr) .. ушу row OABopevors averw нев nuov Ñ &c, Vg 
Arm Eth (от with us го) | à3 emxsoesc(xoYe т) of our Lord] т 24, L 
47, Во Syr (vg) Arm Eth .. anst of the Lord Во (варензкт,) М &e, 
Ус с Jesus] г, № &c, Vg Arm Eth ro..add пехе the Christ 
241, L 47, Bo (x) Syr (vg) Eth єбоМ &c out of the heaven] т 
241, Во.. az ovpavov N &c, de caelo Vg Arm (plur.) Eth (plur.) .. which 
is from heaven Syr хп Пасс. &c with the angels of his power] 
I 241, Bo.. per ayyeXov dvvapews avrov Ñ &c, Arm Eth.. with the 
power of his angels Syr 

8 оп &c in a flame of fire] Bo, ev фЛоу: търоѕ ВЮ ЕС 47, Vg 
(Syr) Arm (Eth) Macarius.. ev тур: ФЛоуоз Ñ &е, de Syr (В mg) 
egnat &c lit. being about to give a vengeance] didovs exdicnow D* 
FG, Macarius .. бідоутоє єкд. № &c, Vg Bo Arm (take) .. when he should 
work vengeance іт а flame of fire Syr .. that he should take vengeance 
in а flume &c Eth .. in a flame of fire that he should take vengeance &е 
Eth ro пиєтейсєс. to those who know not| Arm Eth .. rois py 
«доси Ñ &e, Vg Во (33nowcosen) Syr avw and] seas lit. with Eth ro neTencwTae &c those who obey not] ros шт 
vrakovovoiw Ñ біс, Vg Arm Eth (Леат).. т. ил} отакоосас 47, ми 
єтєзхпотс, those who obeyed not Во Буг nevacc, the gospel | 
ncaxi anier, the word of the g. Bo (варекі).. the teaching of the 
gospel Eth хе | om Во (р) песо о the Christ] т, NAFG &e, 


зма) ernaxr [forga йтано Hwa eneg as[Ttces]ro 
еро | аяпхоєю seit песо’ тестова. | " oovam 
сеуаиет єхтєоду OW NeqmeTOTAAh. arw етреурщ- 
пире deee oW петпістєує тнрот. хе аттаноєт 
тепаємтя тре ехитнути оз» педооу єтанаєму, 
MATH €HUJAHA enar iovoemny иная олротії. xenac 
epe nemnovTe rperWMpsaenija ANTW. ATO MIXER- 
тнути €eboX HOTWU miae єтиАМОУСІ ATW noob итпис- 
TIC OW OvGOss..— axenac ecjexreoov ибитрьи аятем- 

° (т) (24) fua eneg) пєнєо Bo 1 (т) 24 meqnes.] ин 
ceovab птач Во и (т) 24 ато 29] sear Bo гий Є 

Vg Во (к) Syr Arm edd 24, Вре КІР 17, Bo Syr (В) 
Arm Eth ro 
? мат єтиахі &c lit. these who will receive a judgement] (24 ?) Bo 
..orrues дикти rurovaw N &c, Vg (poenas dabunt) Arm (give penalty) 
Eth ( find their penalty) ..who will be punished in judgement Syr.. Eth ro 
has and will find them their penalty of destruction йтако &c of 
eternal destruction] 24, Bo (ittako йєпєо) (Eth) .. oAcÓpov awviov  &c, 
interitus aeternas d, Syr .. оЛєбріоу ou. A 17 47 .. in interitu(m am tol) 
aeternas Vg (demid) (Arm) а пез» то ef, anx. from the presence 
of the Lord] (24).. ато zpocwrw т. к. Ñ &c, Vg Во (c&oN Затон 
ango à Ango the face FJ) Syr (our Lord) Arm Eth (our 
Lord) . from the face of the fear of the Lord Arm cdd soit neoov 
and the glory] 24 .. ки ато т. ons Ñ &c, Vg Во (e&oN savon 3x 
from before) Syr Arm Eth .. nesr eh. 25. язпоо and from before the 
face Bo (7) ires оля of his power] (т?) 24, Во, virtutis eius Vg 
Syr Arm Eth .. т, wyvos avrov Ñ біс 
10 exreoor lit. to receive glory] 1 24, єдоѓасбто № &c, Vg Bo 
(n) Arm .. that he should be glorified Syr Eth .. eynagiwor being about 
to receive glory Bo avw and] 1 24, Во (ваГренокіхо).. от Bo 
(AEGMPR) etperpuy. &c lit. for them to wonder at him] т 24. Bo 
(ev)Oavpacbyva Ñ &c, Vg (admirabilis fieri) .. wonderful Arm .. that he 
should show his wonders Syr .. that he should be praised Eth en 
метитст. in those who believe] 1 24, zte7evovew al pauc, є Во (варе 


not the gospel of our Lord Jesus the Christ: ? these who will 
receive judgement of eternal destruction from the presence of 
the Lord and the glory of his power, 1° whenever he should 
come to be glorified in his holy (ones); and for him to be 
wondered at in all those who believe, because was trusted 
our witness about you in that day. И And we are praying 
this always for you, that our God should make you to be 
worthy of the calling, and complete you with every good wish 
and the work of the faith in power ; 12 that should be glorified 

KL) Arm .. тістєусасну N &е, Vg Во.. in his faithful ones Syr .. those 
who believe in him Eth "Hpov all] т 24, № &е, Vg Во (oron 
iubest єт.) Arm .. om Syr Eth, Irint 273 asTamoer &c lit. they 
trusted our witness] т 24, Bo (аутєпоєт).. єтістебу) &с N біс 
ехит. about you] 1 24, Bo (єхоти) e$ vas  &с, super vos Vg Syr 
Arm Eth .. Eth ro has our witness was found true for us with you 

" ayw em(it 24)щХ. emas and we are praying this] 1 24 .. es o 
Kat тросєоҳореба Ñ &c, Vg (in quo) Arm..ete фи (char нок) ne 
etentwho єейнтер which is that (this) for which we pray Bo .. because 
of this—we pray Syr .. and because of this we pray Eth пото. &c 
always for you] 1 24, № &c, Vg Bo Eth..trs. for you always 
Arm ..trs. always we pray for you for you Bo (варкі) 
хека(аа 1)c that] т 24, wa № &c, Vg Bo.. om Во (2) epe &с 
our God should make you to be worthy] І 24..trs. ура agwon- 
o beos пиву (ур. DEK L 37 .. om D*, Vg am Syr Arm Eth) N &c, Vg 
Bo (epen ws, except operen you R)..should make you worthy God 
Syr .. you should make worthy—God Arm (our God cdd) .. should make 
you partakers—God Eth SntTwoax of the calling] т 24, Bo, N &с.. 
vocatione sua f Vg .. add vov ЕЕС, Syr (vg) Arm Eth .. our calling 
Буг (В) .. 3n1recoc of the anointing Во (к) TH? WR you] т 24, Syr 
Eth (to you) .. om  &е, Vg Bo Arm поусцу n, ети. with every 
good wish] т 24..7acav evüoxav (єтібурлам 17) ayabwovrys N &e, 
omnem voluntatem bonitatis Vg Во (ахь miben eboN fite +азет- 
avaeoc) Syr (good things) Arm .. all. his mercy and his goodness Eth 
по. йти, &c lit. the work of the faith in a power] т (24).. ovgwh 
ivrecprao а work of the faith Bo Arm .. epyov zwrreos N &с, Vg Syr 
Eth .. om ауав.-тістєшу Во (ва) 

Гояхпемх, of our Lord] 24, N &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth... om 


c&oeic 1С Монттнтти ATW TOTH Монт ката TE- 
NAPIC ALMEMMOTTE «ет ихове 1с NEXE. ; 

П. тисоп© ae see TM. меспну. ох TNAPOTCIA 
&*newaoeic IC NEXE ATW Hencoovo epos.  ^eTae- 
TperWHie оз» петмонт ом оттепн. ATW єтазшутортр 
зантє сти ОУПМА азите отм OTWARE занте ити 
OTEMICTOAH оос ehoA слтоотм. Nee хе а перост 
nxoeic офи egovi. ‘аяпртре Aaav ge рома 
A*í*( TM KATA Альт WcetoT. хе ерешаитая» TANO- 
стаста €r Ишорп. avo MSWA eboX ибитрочае 
ітамовагм пщире аєптако. “плитукетаяеное ETXICE 

ax] отоо Во (12,0, .. anent of our Lord Bo (к) by error 
1 1524 naposceia] -po. г.. -pp. 24 2 (т) 24  йеє| gwc 
Bo *o(1) 94 s AET T2 

nostri Vg (am*) Bo (лену) 1с Jesus] 24..add хо AFGP 17, Vg 
Bo (NXE варескі) Syr Arm Eth (not ro) fio. in you] (1?) 24.. 
in you the name Syr .. om the name Eth го avw &c and ye in him] 
(11) 24, № &e (gp. А) Vg Во (рк) Arm..and ye also &c Bo Eth.. 
also ye in him Syr axmemm, of our God] т, N &c, Vg Bo Syr 
Arm Eth .. sinnovte of God 24, om nostri Vg (tol) nxoeic the 
Lord] т 24 .. kupov № &c, Vg Arm .. add nuov 23, d Vg (tol) Bo Syr 
Eth .. om xat vuers-ypiorov FG 

! vicon? we beseech] we speak to you Eth me] М &c, Vg Bo Во (л.с, E) Arm Eth iecit, lit. the brothers] адеАфои N 
&с, Vg Атш.„ nene, our br. Во Eth .. my br. Syr хех. of 
our Lord] М &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth .. om ypov B, Syr (h) ау 
(near Во) &c and our gathering (together) unto him] ness neneoost 
eo (esSowit in HJ) єрос and our gathering also unto him Во.. and 
ye also into his assembly Eth 

? єтэхтрєтиктая for you not to be moved] г 24.. es (om К) то 
py-cadrevOnvar ураз Ñ &c, Arm (om es то).. ut non-moveamini Vg 
Буг.. отта йтєтєпцутєл (Птоушутєза 20) ороткиая eporem lit. that 
they should. not cause to move уош Во .. beware (pvef. and го) lest your 
heart should alarm you Eth exx metito. &с lit. in your heart 
quickly] 1 24 .. таҳєоѕ-ато тоо voos Ñ &c, (Bo) Arm (you from mind) 
.. T.-voos иду D, Vg (vestro sensu) Syr (in your mind) .. om Eth ro.. 
om 2n your heart Eth .. ic Мєл» eboN Sem пика quickly from the 


the name of our Lord Jesus in you, and ye in him, according 
to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus the Christ. 

II. But we beseech you, Brothers, for the presence of our 
Lord Jesus the Christ, and our gathering (together) unto him, 
2 {ог you not to be moved in your mind quickly, and not to 
be troubled, neither through spirit nor through word nor 
through epistle as from us, as that the day of the Lord 
approached ; ?let not any therefore deceive you m any form, 
because it will not be unless the apostasy should come first, 
and be revealed the man of the lawlessness, the son of the 
destruetion, *the opposer who exalteth himseif over every 

understanding Во | ати» єтях. and not to be troubled] т 24 .. шлб(т)є 
дроєсвам М &с, neque terreamini Vg Arm .. and (отоо AGM.. оу^є) 
that ye should not be troubled Bo Syr .. be not moved from understanding 
Eth .. and be not moved Eth го зантє | thrice 24, N &c .. руде F, 
D* Fe, F, neque Vg ovae Bo Eth (and not) .. not-and not twice Буг 
Arm..H or I OTH o»nia-osujaae-ovenicroNa lit. through 
а spirit &c] т 24, Ñ &c, Vg Bo (єп. fram ep. of ours 26).. from 
word—from spirit—-from letter Syr .. in spirit-in word-in letter Arm Eth 
оос as] т if Arm eho огтооти from us] І 24, пар ти» 
Р, Syr? Arm Eth .. à пиши М біс, Vg Bo? a пєооот &c the day 
of the Lord approached] 1? 24.. eveornxey n (om D*) урера т. к. 
NABD*FGLP 17 37 47, Vg Bo (Arm)..lo/ indeed came the day of 
our Lord Syr .. (as) if cometh the day of our Lord Eth .. ev. п np. т. 

xv DeK &c 
3 бе therefore] 24... от  &с, Vg Во Syr Arm .. Eth has there із 
not who will lead you astray ката №. йсакот in any form] (т) 

24..к. ONL йрн in any manner Во (йсяхот 26) к. pndeva тротоу 
N &c, Vg (ullo modo) .. in one of the forms Syr .. not even in any thing 
Arm Eth хє epe(om 24) щамтах-єї їїщ. lit. because unless the 
apostasy should come first] т 24.. жє асиутєзат ñu. xetan. 
because unless should come first the apostasy Во, оті вау ил] €AOn т) ат. 
протоку Ж &e, Vg .. because unless should come first the rebellion Syr .. 
because unless first should come the rebellion Arm ., Eth has / (since ro) 
first came he who causeth to disturb птапояата of the lawlessness | 
т 24, Bo, МВ, Arm... mqs арартіаѕ AD &e, Vg Syr Eth (iniquity) 

* nanter (кг. г 24) the opposer} Bo Arm Eth .. he who adversary 
is Syr .. qui adversatur Vg evxice ax. lit. who exalteth him] Bo 

1111,2 ке 


авачосгі Ex отом мая ETOTALOTTE еро хе NoTTE и 
отоп. oucre мбоқ есоти еперпе азпиоттє MY- 
базоое еЦотюмо aseo cbo. же отноттє пе. 
> итетирпаяеете AM хе XIM возтетисти MEIXW 
инти нина? пе. TEMOS бе TETHCOOTH aeMeETRATEX € 
етрецеоАи ehoAX оз» пещотоемц. 7 пяябстирлом 
вате є темох шаитЦАо Мтяєнтє. Favw TOTE 
{ихотомо eĝo idornawoseoc. петере пхоєс IC 

перпе] r .. прие 24 > (1) 24 ne] Во (варнукь 26.. от 
ATEGMNOP) *(1)24 | "23249 5024. оомо | сори Во 

(nee &. ва) .. who magnifieth himself Eth .. ateyoses дя. and exalteth 
him Bo (А 26) ка vrepoupojevos Nè &c, Syr .. om W* .. et extollitur Vg 
.. having been proud Arm exit ovon m &c epog lit. over every 
one whom they call god] 24..єхи &c epoos over all whom they call 
god 1 .. exen enses mien &с over every thing which &c Bo (epoow 
plural варенокг) Syr (called) Arm (named) .. єтї тата Aeyopevov 
Geov Ñ &c, supra omne quod dicitur deus Vg .. Eth has and he saith 

to all I ат the Lord God н отоп or holy] у сєВасра N &c .. aut 
quod colitur Vg, петоущелащи arog Во .. or worship Syr (lit. fear) 
Arm .. Eth, see above ewct(a 24)e &с so that he goeth into the 

temple of God and sitteth] wore avrov es тоу vaov rov Geov kabisat 
NABD*P 17, ita ut in templo dei sedeat Vg Syr (h).. оостє Wrequje 
ivreepoeascs Sen &c so that he goeth and sitteth in the temple of God Bo 
.. until he sitteth in the temple of God Arm .. and. sitteth in the house of 
God Eth .. wore &c Geov ws (wa FG) cov каб. De &c, so that even in 
the temple of God as God he sitteth Syr (vg h*).. having sat in the 
temple and &с Arm cdd хе ow. ne lit. that a god he is] Во 
Arm .. ort єттї Geos N &c, tamquam sit deus Vg Syr..and he putteth 
himself as God Eth 

5 птєтирип. am ye remember not] І 24, ov pynmovevere М &c, Vg 
(retinetis) Syr Arm .. do уе not remember Eth .. йтєтепєяах aat ye know 
not Bo (AJo 26).. йт. яяєтт am ye think not Bo (om ax к) an 
ex(eex т)датет. while being with you] т 24, єтї ov mpos vpas № &c, 
єтї єго н Saten өнпоту Во, cum adhuc essem apud vos Vg Arm .. om 
adhue d Syr Eth.. ets єпн 5. e. while we are being with you Bo 
(AE) Уе (am Га") Arm cdd merx. &c lit. I was saying to you these] 


one who is called god or holy, so that he goeth into the temple 
of God, and sitteth, manifesting himself that he is god. ? Ye 
remember not that while being with you I was saying to you 
these (things). 9 Now therefore ye know that which restravneth 
for him to be revealed in his time. ^ For the mystery of the 
lawlessness (is) working from now: only (there is) he who 
restraineth now, until ће ceaseth from the midst. 8 And then 
will be manifested the lawless (опе), he whom the Lord Jesus 

24 .. I said to you this Eth .. ravra. eXeyov ушу Ñ біс, Vg, мат ewarxo 
mawor потен Во (add am not Е) Syr .. Z said this Arm .. etantxw 
&c Bo (лк) Vg (am fu*) Arm edd 

$ renos ge now therefore] 24.. кол vvv М &c, Vg Bo (26) Syr.. 
оуоо quos оп and now also Во Eth..and now уе yourselves Arm 
тетис. aner. ye know that which restraineth] (г?) 24, Arm Eth.. 
то катєхоу одатє N Kc, mevaaxomr Tevemcoowm maoy Bo.. quid 
detineat scitis Vg Syr єтрєці. for him to be revealed] г 24, Bo, 
eis то атокаћ. N &c.. ut reveletur Ve Syr.. to reveal him Arm .. for 
him to appear Eth охх (& г) neos. in his time] 1 24, ev то (e)avrov 
xpova М &e, Vg Bo Syr Arm .. until cometh his appointed time Eth 

7 пазуст, the mystery] the wickedness of the counsel Eth .. already 
(is) the strength of the counsel Eth ro tap] om Во (26) ftra- 
мозата of the lawlessness] Bo Arm ..trs. evepy. туз арор. № &e, Vg 

(iniquitatis) .. of iniquity Syr ..of sim Eth enepeer(er т) (is) 
working] epeco& worketh Bo .. begiuneth to be efficacious Syr .. groweth 
stronger Arm .. already worketh upon him Eth .. от Eth ro жи 

тєпоу from now] trs. онъи срошй Во, nòn єуєруєтах Ñ &с, Vg (Syr) 
Arm Eth {sonon | om Во (т)... add if Syr .. add ut Vg .. add until 
Arm .. Eth ro has and now also (there is) he who restraineth as long as 
he has the middle (place) Testo» now] Во, apr. Ñ &e, Vg .. trs. 
that which now restraineth Syr .. but then Arm .. Eth has and only now 
is continuing he who restraineth until he ceaseth from the middle ( place) 
щат (ее 24) until] Bo, ews (av FG) N &c, Arm Eth .. teneat donec Syr шант (є 1)No йтяхнтє lit. until he ceaseth in the 
midst | Bo (Можу Ser) Eth .. ex рєсоо yevnrar М &e, de medio fiat Vg.. 
shall be taken away from the midst Syr .. until from the midst ceaseth (1) 
(he) who already holdeth Arm 

8 asw and] om Bo (26) тотє | in that day Eth TANOALOC 
lit. the lawless] Bo, o avopos, Arm .. ille iniquus Vg Syr.. the son of 
iniquity the sinner Eth 1x. 1€ the Lord Jesus] Bo, SA D*FG 



матако ояе nenna прос. то иизтаьроех ажжеосү 
eae nowono ehoA итепаротсла. "паї етере Teg- 
паротуста ито Woon ката теперче >| аяпсатамає 
QM gon me ke Weeden «n мецупнрє ioa. 
10 ATW ON AMATH Mise HSI ASOC пиетихтько. ehor 
хе зепоущоп €poov WMTACAIH Итаяе єтретотжат. 
пато erbe пах mirove MATHMOOT пату мотємерсєта 
ззпЛанн  єтреупістєує encod. — "oe єтєкритє 
потоп Mise естезепотпистехе ETME. АХАА ATTWT 
монт оя» их! ибоие. Panon ae wwe epon ewn- 

? (1) (24) 1 (т) 24 это] ness Bo о 22 а о) 
24 з (т) 9 (24) шще epon] то 24.. cesxnuja йтєп Во 

L**P ту 47, Vg Arm .. our Lord Jesus Syr (Eth) .. om is BDeKL &с, 
Во (ғ) Macarius .. Eth has whom is about to destroy the spirit of our 
Lord Jesus патакоср will destroy] Bo, avaAoce/ Ре КТ, &e, Syr 
Eth .. ое NABD*FG 17 47, Vg Arm, Macarius озх-оях]| 24, 
Во Syr ..o3x-33 І озх пєппа lit, in the spirit] Bo Syr.. то 
mvevpatı Ж &с, spiritu Vg .. Eth, see above проч of his mouth] 
Во, т. oropatos avrov Ñ біс, Vg Syr Arm, Eth .. т, 
cwpatos а. Fer mkavTapcer(er r.. ker 24) and do away with] 
катарутєєї Ñ “е, destruet Vg Во Syr Arm Eth o2x потӯопо єй, 
lit. in the manifestation] 24, Во Syr (revelation) Eth .. 331ow. by the 
&c І, ту єтіфауєа Ñ &е, inlustratione Vg Arm (revelation) Tap- 
(po т..рр 24)отст | thus verse 9, adventus Vg Bo (хиш) Syr 
Arm Eth 

° nar &c lit. this whose presence indeed is being] т .. om щоом (24) 
.. фн(фах B*DHJKL 26) єтє пецхии eqoen that (this) whose coming 
is Bo ..ov eorw у (om F) тарооста N біс, ewm cuius est adventus Vg 
.. of whom the coming-is Arm .. for (yap) the coming of this (one) Syr.. 
but the coming of this (one) Eth .. this із the coming. Eth ro ката 
теперсета (om 24) according to the working] 24..ката отєпер. 
acc. to a working Bo, кат єуєру.  &с, Vg .. efficacy of Satan is Syr 
Arm .. in power of S. Eth .. of the power of S. Eth ro axm and то] 
24..0m 17, Vg (am) faraem the signs] 24, Bo (0) .. опис 
N &c, Во Arm .. sign Eth .. add miben all Bo (DF KL) newn, lit. 
the wonders] 24, Во (0Р°©).. терасчи № &е, Во Arm.. wonder Eth.. 


will destroy by the spirit of his mouth, and do away with 
him by the manifestation of his presence; ? this (one) whose 
presence indeed is being according to the working of the 
Satanas in all power and the signs and the lying wonders, 
10and in all deceit of iniquity to those who will perish, 
because that they accepted not the dove of the truth for to 
be saved. ^! And because of this God will send to them a 
working of error for them to believe the lie: 12 that all should 
be judged who believed not the truth, but (a) they had pleasure 
in the iniquity. 1° But we, it is right for us te give thanks 
add підем all Во (к 26) псом lit. of lie] 24, N с, Bo Syr Eth.. 
mendacibus Vg Arm 

? оп in] om Bo ixi по. of iniquity] (17) 24, NA ВЕС 17, 
Arm ., pref. туз SC DK LP &с, Bo (ive ngs). о sn Eth  йиєтиәт. 
to those who will perish] (т?) 24, Bo, row azoAAvpevois 93" ABD* FG 
17, Vg Eth.. pref. e Ne DeK І, &c..wpon the lost Arm .. which happeneth 
in the lost Syr ehoX xe &c because that they accepted not] (т?) 
24, Bo (ee&e же) Syr Eth ..ауй ov—ovk єдєбауто N &c, Vg (eo quod) 
Arm йтахє of the truth] 1 24, М &c, Vg Во Syr Arm Eth .. add 
xv D* ..add dei Irint 326 €rpes(om r)owxar(erx г) for to be 
saved] Во (mogear) es то собумаї avrovs № &c .. ut salvi fierent Vg 
Arm .. in which they might be saved (lit. live) Syr Eth 

п ато and] М &е, Arm Eth .. om Р", Vg Bo Syr Arm edd Eth ro 
пиозте &с God will send to them] 9 24, Bo .. trs. п. avrous o бєо5 
N &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth.. a nnovte тппооу nay lit. God sent to them 
1 .. терте }3* ABDer* FerGer 17, Vg (am fu) .. reper МереКІР &с, 
OL Vg (demid tol) | йоуєм(єтєм Во AE)epeera (24... tia 9.. U1 1) 
a working] power Eth єтрєтп. for them to believe] Bo (aed) 
eis To Tig Teva avrovs (om avr. FG) № &c, Arm .. ut credant Vg Буг Eth 
engod the lie] exiaxeonosz Bo (fins L) то уеде № &c.. om то F 
.. то Wevdos Hipp .. mendacio Vg .. lit. to the lie Syr .. in the lie Eth 

12 xe that] pref. and Syr evexxnoy. who believed пої | qui non 
crediderunt Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth ro.. who caused not to believe Eth .. 
ог pn wrrevaayres Ñ &c .. ot py mr revovres К. adXa but] and Eth 
ат(єму 9)rov &c they had pleasure] Syr Arm .. consenserunt Vg Bo 
(arțarat) Eth .. evdoxnoartes № &c охх &c in the iniquity] Bo, 
медрекірР &e, Syr Arm (lawlessness .. iniquity cdd) Eth .. om ev 
N'BD*'FG 1737 Ng 

13 anon ae but we] 1 о 24, N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth ro.. add 


garot тає пиоттє потоєиу итая омроти. месину 
SPMLEPIT HTA MZOE. хе A пмоуте ceTH THO TM хи 
пщорп evosua: ой оттббо ania зам owmene ire 
Tare,  "'єаЧтєсаєтнути EMAL Ота» TIEMETACTEAION 
ENOT XAI A*IICOOY авпеихоее IC nexe Пара Ge. 
масиих. моєраттнути MTETHALLAQTE WMasnapaaocic. 
меметистоАн. 16 ито ae пемхоєхс IC Hec avo 
пиотте пеиеют. паї итааяеритм ATW acp МАМ 
моусопс ища exeo arw отосАпе enanovce ОМ ov- 



19 ora] 9..-ТИ 1 I9 15.(1)/9 ragas, | єт.” 
9 ища eneg) пємєо Bo азо 39] near Bo 

меисинот our brothers Во Eth novoesuy sax always] о (24) .. trs. 
for you always Bo (except 18 26) мєсину lit. the brothers] 9 24 
..a0eÀAóo. N &c, Vg Буг Bo Eth..our brothers Eth ro 
зззаєріт beloved] 9 24, Eth ro..Bo Eth have Sa ин eta пос 
заєпрітоу lit. under those whom the Lord (God Eth) loveth птах 
nxoeic by the Lord] 9.. это rov куро» МА 37, Arm .. ото kvp. ВОЪ 
(FG)KLP &e.. vro cov D*, Vg Eth ro a пиозте &с God chose 
you] 9, Bo (сети ениот).. «Ло(є)то прах o бєоз № &е, Vg Syr Arm 
(us) .. chose you and was merciful to you God Eth .. was merciful to you 
God Eth ro хит itu. етот. lit. from at first unto a salvation | 
(11) 9, ат. apxys es сот. RDKL &с, є Syr (life) Arm .. from at 
first he vivified you Eth ro .. arapyqv ew сот. BF G8 P 17 47, primitias 
in salutem Vg, потапару н nowxa: for а firstfruit of salvation Bo 
Syr (0), lit. head of life Eth ої отті, &c lit. in a sanctification 
of spirit] (1?) 9.. Sex от (om A) тоубо ivre nmna 27 а sanctification 
of the spirit, Bo .. ev eye po mvevparos Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm (the spirit) 
Eth .. in your spirit he sanctifieth you in faith Eth ro sai (пах т? 
9) отпістіс &с lit. and a faith of the truth] 1? 9, Bo.. ки тоте 
(лістєоѕ 17) адубея Ж &c, et fide veritatis Vg Arm .. and in faith of 
truth Syr Eth .. in faith and in truth Eth ro 

^ eaqr. бо having called you unto this] es o exaAecev vp. (yp. 
ABD*, f) ABDKL &e, ere фи ne etaqeagesr енпот epos which 
is that unto which he called you Bo, that because of which he called you 
Eth .. es о ка ск. v. МЕС P 37 47, п qua et vocavit Vg Arm .. for (yap) 

2 THESSALONIANS П 14-16 423 

to God always for you, Brothers beloved by the Lord, because 
God chose you aforetime unto salvation in sanctification of 
spirit and faith of the truth; !* having called you unto this 
through our gospel unto the glorious salvation of our Lord 
Jesus the Christ. 15 So therefore, my brothers, stand (firm), 
and lay hold on the traditions which ye were taught, whether 
through the word or through our epistles. 18 But our Lord 
himself, Jesus the Christ and God our Father, this (one) who 
loved us and he gave to us eternal consolation and good hope 

to these he called you God Syr | nene. our gospel | vov М“ .. om пишу 
17, Eth (teaching &c) enoxa: &c lit. unto the salvation of the 
glory] Arm .. ey rano птє поот unto a preservation of the glory Bo, 
eis тєритотси бобтя N «е, Vg (in adquisitionem) .. that ye might be the 
glory Syr .. that ye might live in the glory Eth anen. &c of our 
Lord Jesus the Christ] Во.. тою к. qp. w xv № &c, Vg Arm Eth.. 
to &с Syr 

15 apa ge so therefore] gapa оти Во, N &с, itaque Vg Syr Arm.. 

and now also Eth macnas my brothers] Syr .. ад,еАфо М &e, Vg 
Arm .. nenc. our br. Во Eth fiteTHase. and lay hold on] охоо 

asson Во (except 26 її om охоо) ко кратате N &с, Vg Syr Arm.. 
and keep Eth пахпараљ. the traditions] N &c, Vg Во Arm... add 
npov D*..add vpov 17 .. the commandments Syr .. the statutes which 
&c and ordained to you Eth .. the tradition Во (ва, n) .. your ordinance 
Eth ro ewrasTcaf. lit. which they taught you] Bo Eth, as 
єбідахбутє Ж &c, quas didicistis Vg Syr Arm .. om Eth ro erre— 
erre] N бос, Во, sive-sive Vg .. ?f-and if Syr Arm .. which-and which 
Eth ovrax (и 1) through] twice, да N «е, Vg Bo .. т Syr Eth (om 
29 ro) .. instrumental case Arm пиу. the word] ovcass a word Bo, 
Луо»  &с, Vg Syr Arm .. our word Eth nenen, our epistles | 
oven. fitan an ep. of ours Bo, ez. nuov N &c, Vg Syr Eth 

в ae] 1 9.. от Bo (0) .. and Eth тс песо © Jesus the Christ] 
то, Во, А 47 ..« xs № &c .. xs «s В.. іне Bo (с) aco (ness. Во) 
пи. and God] 9 .. om ка N*, Eth ro nenerwr our Father] 9, Bo, 
NBDerFG 17, Syr (vg) Arm Eth.. pref. кш ADeKLP біс, Vg Syr 
(h) пах &c lit. this who loved us] 9.. от N* мам to us] I 9, 
Bo Syr Arm Eth (om and ro) N &c, Vg nosconc lit. a con- 
solation] 17 9 .. поусо a redemption Во (nFKr) оп org. lit. 
in a grace] т 9, Во, N &c, Vg Syr Arm.. of his grace Eth .. and his 
grace Eth ro 


Жар. C eqenapanadrer iurerHoHT ато итахре- 
тнути ом ооб mee зам пшахе ETNANOTY. 

ПІ. Tenor ac. месину. WAHA oapon. aenac epe 
Tae язпхоєс s£00Uje ATW ииессох KATA GE 
Racer oaTeTHO TW. arw хекас емемотояя chor 
Qrroorov ititposse етштртор ATW азпоннрос. тпустис 
TAP NHTAOTOM Mie AW пе. Зотпистос ae пе Taxoesc. 
инрос. ‘тмилоте AE оз» пхоес OAPWTH. хе мети- 
оуєосломє яяязсот MHT aATETHAAT. ATW тетметре 

17 I 9 
! 19. жекас] -KaaC І 9 (г) (9)! 5*9 боз te aro EEN 

ог Eo t 1 (9) oveg] 9..o»eo I 

И єчєпарак. he shall console] ече{иола{ Bo Syr Arm, тарака- 
Месо N &c..zapakAgo ЕС" .. таракЛєютва D* .. exhortetur Vg.. 
himself shall console you your hearts Eth .. that he should console &c 
Eth ro тиути you] DeKL &e, Во Eth RABD*FGP, Vg 
Syr Arm оп ооб &c lit. in work every and the word which is 
good] Sem o. mrem mess сажі и. fiacaeor lit. in work every and 
word every of good all work and in all word good Eth .. ev 
тауть epyw кал Лоу ауаб NA BDLP, Vg Syr (h).. ev mavti Лоу к. 
epyo ау. FGK &e, Arm .. in all word and in all work good Syr (vg).. 
om Лоуо 17 ..0M epyo 473 

! teow ae but now] from now Syr .. and now also Eth .. то (om 
FG) Aourov № &c, Bo (то Nomon).. de cetero Vg, Arm necnmy 
lit. the brothers] adeAgpou  &е, Vg Syr Arm .. nenc. our br. Bo Eth.. 
паси. my br. Bo (ва) WAHA oapor pray for us] FG, Vg Bo Syr 
Arm Eth..trs. mpocevxeoÓe аб. пері пи. Ñ & т. 1. ад. D 
Zins. of the Lord] N &c, Vg (fu tol).. of our Lord Syr.. v. 0cov Fst 
СР 17, Vg (am &c) Eth зхооще lit. walk] треҳу № &c, Vg Bo 
Syr Arm .. trs. should run the word &c Eth ngar. lit. and receive 
glory] N &с, Vg Bo Eth .. add in every place Syr Arm ката еє 
it(9 .. єм т) тает lit. according as was received | Во (к erequjon Zt is) 
..kaÜos ka. N &с, Vg Bo Arm.. as Syr Eth gatet. with you | 
Tpos пр.  &с, apud Vg Syr Arm Eth.. Sen ө. lit. in you Bo 

? avo and 19] 1 9..0m Bo (АБАЕСМР) Arm пяр. етщут, &c 



in grace, "Ве shall console your hearts and confirm you in 
every work and the good word. 

IIL But now, Brothers, pray for us, that the word of the 
Lord should run and be glorified, according as it is (glorified) 
with you; ?and that we should be delivered from the men 
who are confused and evil; for the faith is not the (thing) of 
all. 3 But faithful is the Lord, this (one) who will confirm 
you and keep you from the evil (one). * But we trust in the 
Lord about you, that the (things) which we command to you ye 

the men who are confused and evil] 1 (9) .. from men evil and perverse 
Syr Eth (perv. and evil ro).. wp. етошох orog поинрос(ом АР) 
the men who are wicked and evil Bo (игр. mhen 0).. тоу arozov к. 
поутр. аур. X &c, Vg (inportunis) Arm Tmicr. &c lit. for the 
faith not that of all is] (9), tae x сар фастом miar ait тє Bo .. for 
not all are they who believe Eth .. ov yap zavrov 1 mots Ñ &c .. ov &c 
єсєт ЕС, а Vg, із faith Syr Arm 

З ovn. lit. а faithful] 9, М &c, Vg Буг Arm Eth.. qengor їз 
faithful Bo љє| om Bo (B*FGHILM) ne is] 1? 9, № &c (Syr) єттї FetG, Vg (Ро tol).. trs. o к. вот. №, f Vg (am &c) 
mxoew the Lord] (1?) 9, NBDeKLP &c, Vg (am demid) Bo Syr 
Агт .. о eos AD* FG, Vg (fu tol) Bo (2,7) Arm edd Eth eTita Ta. 
who will confirm you] 1 9, № &c (orgpiée .. стприєє B) Vg Eth .. om 
Eth ro..os ка отур v. A 37, Syr (h*) Arm .. os турусє v. F£rGer, 
Syr (vg) ngg(om r)apee and keep] т 9, ка Pudager 33 &c, Vg 
Bo Arm Eth .. and will deliver Syr ппои. the evil (one)] г 9, 8 
&c, Vg Po (nmerooov) Syr Arm .. all evil Eth 

* тии. we trust] т 9, тєтобарєу X &c .. J trust Arm cdd .. пемонт 
me ont lit. but our heart is tempered Bo ae] 1 9.. ош Arm Eth 
озх mx, &c in the Lord about you] т (9) ev куро еф vpas ÑN &c, 
Bo (exen) .. de vobis in domino Vg .. upon you in our Lord Syr .. on 
you by the Lord Arm .. you with God Eth mur to you] I 9, 
АР<ЕСК ГР &с, Vg (demid) Bo (3131340re« epoov) Syr Arm Eth .. 
om N BD* 17, Vg Во (к) атетпаат (є 9) ye did them] 1 9, Syr.. 
от М &e, Vg Bo Arm .. ка eromoare BF £rGer,, Eth has that ye do 
that which we ordered you avw тетиетре &с and ye do them 
and ye will do them] т 9, Vg Arm .. moere к. потаєтє № &c, Bo.. 
т. к. потоате DET* .. also ye are doing Syr .. and ye did also Eth .. om 
к. movjaere Е £r Gzr, see above .. om ye do them and Бо (ва) 


яяя0007 ATW TETHAAAT. 5 пхоєс AE ececoowTit 
миєтионт есоти ETATANAH азпиотте ATW єетпо- 
S2ONH NEXE. ‘тазпароссегАе AC нти. месину. 
Оз» прам яяпемхоєхс IC nece ecageTHTTH choA icon 
Miet ETALOOWE ATARTWC ATW икать v€cbo am ита- 
их Hoe етититнути Epon. ‘хе азпматантєї понт- 
THTT. OSTACE азпмотея» ото NAMSH NTH OTA. 
adAAa QW ovore яе OTARKAO ENPowh итеущи чем 
пєедооу. хе миеморощ cora аваяиути. ° ebo an 

5 (e) то єөтп.] e r..evosm. 9 $ (e) (14) о  тах(п є 1)- 
napavcemNe] r..-ciNe е 9  йката| є..єнк. 9 "(в)" (т) 9 
* (e) 1 9 sī] т twice, 1? е.. max 9 twice ° 19 ez. the 
authority] 9.. ec. 1 

° их. ae but the Lord] г 9, Во, o де kvpios N &c, Vg Arm .. and 

our Lord Syr Eth .. om ae Во (17) hneriion your hearts] 1 9, 
Eth .. you Arm cdd Eth ro єооти є into] т 9, es № &с, Syr Arm 
Eth .. Sen in (preposition not repeated) Bo Vg (caritate) ATW єв. 
and unto the patience] № &c, Syr Eth .. её patientia Vg, теля Хоуп. 
and the patience Bo 

ê ac] e 1 9.. om Arm Eth нєсинт lit. the brothers] 1 9.. 
aócÀóo. N &c, Vg Arm.. nenc, our br. Во.. my br. Syr ..trs. our 
brothers we command you Eth àxnenx. of our Lord] e 1 9..0m 

npov BD* есаоет. lit. to withdraw you] (е) г 9, creAAcoOau урав 
N &с, Во (eepetenepy) Arm .. ut subtrahatis vos Vg Syr .. withdraw 
Eth псоп brother] ет 9 .. neighbour Eth ETAL. атак. who 
walketh disorderly] e 9, Der, f Vg Bo (Sen ovaretatchw foolishly) 
Eth (with cunning) .. arakros mepvrarovvros Ñ біс, Syr (very evilly) 
Arm (plural) Techo &с the doctrine which ye received] (е) о, 
т. п. пу пареЛаВете BF 8G, Syr (Б) Arm ., туу тарадост nv тарелаВобтам 
N*A 17, eAafJorav D*, торе Вои NCDPKLP &c.. т. т. yv пареЛаВЕ 
minuse vix mu, Syr (vg the commandments) .. x ам ETANTHITOT 
єтото у (ката dppr am not according as на) not the (things) which 
we delivered to you Bo .. in the ordinance which we ordained to them 
Eth йтоотії from us] є 9..zap nuov N &с..аф т. B.. Во, 
see above 


did them, and ye do them and ye will do them. ?But the 
Lord shall direct your hearts into the love of God and unto 
the patience of the Christ. © But we order you, Brothers, in 
the name of our Lord Jesus the Christ, to withdraw yourselves 
from every brother who walketh disorderly, and not according 
to the doctrine which ye received from us. 7 For ye yourselves 
know how it is right to imitate us: because we were not 
disorderly among you; ?meither ate we bread for nothing 
from any one, but (a) in toil and pain we are working in the 
night and the day, that we should not be burdensome unto 
one of you: ?not because that we have not the authority, 
but (а) that we should give ourselves to you for example to 

7 vap] є 1 9.. ош Eth хе щщє ñaw foe how it is right] є 
11 9..zos de N &e, Vg Во (зафрнф ercesxnuja) Syr Arm (pref. 
оті) .. that it is right Eth етитит. lit. to liken you] e (т) 9, № &c 
Vg Bo (н2,) Syr Arm... that ye should біс Bo Eth пи (си е)- 
ataktes(e.. ті т 9) we were not disorderly] e (т) 9, № &c.. simensps 
поузлєтатсћо we did not foolishly Во .. пот inquieti fuimus Vg .. we 
walked not very есійу Syr .. се were not covetous Eth .. we never were 
disorderly Arm йонтт. lit. in you] e (г) 9, № &c, Bo.. тар ушу Р 
.. inter vos Vg Syr .. toward you Arm Eth (upon) .. ушу 17 

e яхпи(єм с)оуєза(є 1 .. ovar 9 ©) &c lit. we ate not a bread gratis | 
(e) &e, Bo .. trs. dwpeay aprov epayopev Ñ &c, Vg Arm .. also not bread 
gratis we ate Syr .. we ate not food of another gratis Eth яти ота 
lit. from one] е &c, Во, тара twos  &c, Vg .. of any one Arm .. Eth, 
see above..add of you Syr oW ovgice an(n 9) &e lit. in 
а toil and a pain] е? &c, Bo, ev кото кол pox9o N &c, Vg Syr Arm.. 
we labour and we toil Eth expo. working] т 9, Bo .. and we work 
Eth .. trs. умер. epy.  &е, Vg Syr Arm (we worked) йтєхщн 
элїї (т... мах 9) &c in the night and the day] т 9, vvxros к. nu. МВЕС 
17 47, Vg Syr Arm, Evagrius .. уюкта к. 7. ADKLP &с.. 3311:e900$ 
sear пієхоро in the day and the night Во Eth fineno. &c that 
we should not be burdensome unto one of you] т 9, fitemustesrovag- 
&apoc exem &с Во Eth (om тима).. ne quem vestrum gravaremus Vg 
Syr .. pos то ux] eryBapnoa twa ъроу $ &с, Arm 

9 e&oN an же not because that] ovy оті М &c, Bo Syr .. non quas? 
Vg Arm?.. but it is not (that) Eth .. й is not indeed that Eth ro 
sera(aa т 9)c eneraan &с lit, that we should give us for example to 


NHTH CROT єтїїтїїтнттїї ером. 1 RAL cap емолте- 
THTTM мемпароссеАе мити TAL. xe петемсуоєцу 
році ам. orac аєпртрєцотїєвя. 1 тисютая cap 
erbe gome. хе cestoouge понттиути АТАНТІС icep 
Aaav Woob ax. АЛЛА evo прецтоо. Пим ae 
Terleme Taetapacrerke мат ATW тазпараньАеи 
яяязоот оз» пхоєс KC Пес. aenac evepoob ом 
OTCGPaoT. Neeovwse аяпетоєт. 1° ATOT ac. 
месину. аєпреснакєї ETETHEIPE — ASTITHETHAMOS-[. 

ао и (т) (9) gome] ooeme 9 атактос] Sen ov- 
sretatchw Bo 1? (e) т  хєкас| хєкаас Eth (not ro) 

13 (e) I 

you | wa eavrovs тотоу бору уши М &с, Vg Arm (make) .. that in our- 
selves we should give to you a type Syr .. example that (that example то) 
we should be to you Eth етити. &с lit. to liken you to us] es то 
pupewÜau nuas Ñ &e, Vg .. imitators to become of us Arm ..-se йтє- 
тели! Raron that ye should be like us Bo .. that us ye should resemble 
Syr .. that уе (om ro) ye should resemble us Eth 

10 кар vrap] то, № &с, Vg Bo Syr.. om ка: Arm .Ŭ„ Eth, see below 
eio. being with you] (1?) 9, ісхєм єпиҳн Saren өнпот since being 
with you Bo .. ore nuev Tpos ураз № &с, Vg .. trs. о. п. v. nuev 17, Syr 
Arm .. and when also Г was with уои Eth nennapaccei(r 9)№е 
біс we were ordering you this] 9... rovro партууАЛореи прим № &c, 
Vg Bo Syr Arm .. this I commanded you Eth neteng. &c he who 
wisheth not to work] 9, Bo Arm (Eth).. e т< ov Gere єруабєсвай 
М &с, Vg..every one who wisheth not that he should work Syr 
ovae &c lit. neither let him not eat] 9.. Во (кєотоях even eat).. 
рлдє єсбієто М &e, Vg Syr Arm .. let him not eat Eth 

И йс, we hear] т 9,  &с, Во Arm .. audivimus Vg Syr Eth .. we 
know Во (в) | cap] 9.. пою Arm.. om Eth ethe 9. &c con- 
cerning some that they walk among you] (1) 9.. cebe oanovon Sen 
еннот evaxoujr concerning some among you walking Bo .. twas mepi 
TATOVVTGS EV VAV N &e.. twas ev VV тарал. D ЭТА inter vos 
quosdam ambulare Vg .. that there are among you some who-walk Syr 

2 THESSALONIANS Ш 10-13 429 

imitate us. 10 For even being with you we were ordering 
you this, He who wisheth not to work, neither let him eat. 
п For we hear concerning some that they walk among you dis- 
orderly, and do not any work, but (a) they are being busybodies. 
12 But such (persons) we order to them and we exhort them, in 
the Lord Jesus the Christ, that they should work in quietness, 
and eat their bread. 1° But ye, Brothers, faint not (in) doing 

.. that there are among you they who walk Eth .. some стопу you that 
they-walk Arm п (єн т 9)cep &с and do not any work] т 97, Bo 
.. pndev eoyaCopevovs Ñ біс, Vg Syr.. work any they do not Arm .. Eth 
has and there is not that which they (he го) work(eth то) | eso пречтое 
lit. being minglers] т, evos запертєрсос Во, weprepyalopevous № біс .. 
curiose agentes Vg..vain (things) Syr ..idlers inquisitively they go 
about Arm .. goers about Eth .. om aAÀAa repi. 17 

о gar ae fiver(eer т)яхитє lit. but these of this kind] т, Bo 
(патри\) rois—roiovrois № &c, (Syr) Arm .. rovs &е D* .. his autem 
qui eiusmodi sunt Vg (Eth) "axnap. &c we order to them] т, 
N &c, Vg Во Syr Arm Eth .. we order them Во (в®).. we order to 
you Bo (вм).. 1 order &c Arm cdd nav to them] т, поот Bo.. 
uwor them Во (в?) .. потеи to you Po (вм) тах (п 1) nap. ах. 
we exhort them] І, wapaxaAoupey Ñ біс, Eth.. obsecramus Vg Во 
Syr beg from them) Arm .. T entreat Arm cdd 8311007 them] т, 
epwor them Во (Hs0)..0m Во, № &с, Ух &e gm nxoeic in the Lord | 
т, Bo .. ev корш N*A BD*FGP 17, m Vg Arm .. in our Lord Syr Eth the name of our Lord Е .. да rov к. тишу NOKL &e 
next the Christ] т, Bo (7).. om P, Vg (demid) Во evepo. &c lit. 
they should work in a quietness] 1.. pera novyias epya£opevoc Ñ &c, 
Vg, Syr (im) Arm.. Sen отазєтрезкраущ evipr Anorgwh in а 
meekness doing their work Bo Eth itceovoas (conjunctive) &c and 
eat their bread] е? т, Syr.. ficeovwax (subjunctive) àxnowcor they 
should eat their bread Bo Eth ro .. rov cavrov aprov «a0wcw Ж &c, Vg 
.. pref. and Arm Eth 

13 ame] т, Eth го.. and-also Eth меси. lit. the brothers] r.. 
адєдфог Ñ &с, Vg Arm..menc. our br. Bo br. Syr 
єскакет) e, МА .. ens. І, B*D*, Bo ететиегре &с doing the 

соо] (e) (т) Во..каЛоу тошиутє FG, Arm .. каЛото. N &е.. bene 
facientes Vg .. to do that which is good Syr do good Eth 


М euyxe OTH ova [enegco rae хи епенщажє ом meni- 
сто[Ан. mai] Letaent epo. итетитаятоо maertacj 
BERAC ecpeujrme. 1° ауто npon оос saxe. aAa 
Херо ма оос сои. 1° ито ae nxoeic й4рнин 
eget NATH и\риин dovoeny miee ОМ ceeor мая. 
IPxoeic мазаєнти THpTM. — l"rmacmaceeoc Nraicgarey 
итабтх. патЛос. enar пе IHeeaent oW етастоАн 
liek. єтсолі итетое. 1% TEKAPIc аапеихосе IC перс 
пазаєнти тирти. 
і тепрос еєссАЛААомткетс 
тєпрос 714f00€0c X 

ja (e) (1) (24) хекас | e 24..-aac I ee) V 24 16 (e) I 
45 0 "1249 " (1) 24 

М euyxe if] e, Po (ewn AEGMP).. є бє № &с, Vg Во (euyon ae) 
Arm .. and if Syr Eth ovit ova lit. there is one] e, Bo (THJNO) 
.. pref. e Bo .. 71s Ñ &c, Vg Syr (Arm) Еһ ..т К enemujaoe our 
word] e, fica пєнсахх Во, N &c, Vg .. пс» menc. our words Bo (F) 
Syr Arm .. то Aoyo viov В 37, Eth оп nenict. in the epistles] e, 
through the epistles Bo .. отп [ve]n. through the epistle (т 1), dua ту 
er. N &с, Bo (TGHJMNOP).. du єт. FG, Vg.. which are in the letter 
Syr .. of this letter Arm .. and the letter Eth .. om Eth то +(p 1)- 
ssaemt mark] Є І... axassumu mark Bo, onpeovobe 53 &c, Vg Syr Arm 
Eth ro (add in the letter) .. he shall be separated Eth птєтитахтоо 
and mingle not] (e) 1 247, ка uy &c, D£&'* КО КІ, Р &e, m Vg Syr 
Arm Eth .. pn evvavapvyvvaÓe МА ВОР 17, d.. euyressaxo уж т not to 
go about Во 

15 ато and] e &c.. om D*.. but Arm Eth запроп'ї &c reckon 
him not as enemy] (e?) &с, à331teneperpugyons птеи еннот фри“ 
let him not be with you as &c Bo .. trs. ра ws єхб. туєсдє N біс, Vg, 
not as enemy hold him Буг Arm (reckon omitting Aim) (Eth) 
adda] e &с.. от Eth ro {сво &c admonish him as brother] е? 
&e, N &e, Ух Bo Syr Arm (om Aim) Eth..trs. яхфрняі потусом 
axacio пач Во (AE).. от axacBo macy admonish him Bo (3,*) .. but 
comfort as &c Arm cd 

6 ae] e &с, X &c, Vg Bo Syr.. and Arm Eth пхоєгс (nac e) 
the Lord 19] e &c, пос Bo, о кур. N біс, Vg Syr Arm.. о eos FGL, 
Bo (2) Vg (demid) Eth ege} &e shall give to you the peace] (e?) 


the good. “ПИ there is any (one who) obeyeth not our word 
in the epistles, this one mark; and mingle not with him, that 
he should be ashamed. 1° And reckon him not as enemy, but 
(a) admonish him as brother. !5 But the Lord himself of the 
peace shall give to you the peace always in every form. The 
Lord (be) with you all. !? The salutation which I wrote with 
my hand, Paulos, this being the sign in every epistle, I am 
writing thus. 18 The grace of our Lord Jesus the Christ (be) 
with you all. 
2 The (epistle) to Thessalonians 

The (epistle) to Timotheos т 

Bo, N Же, Ус Syr Arm Eth .. shall be with you Eth ro iovoeruy 
mar lit. at every time] є &c, пснот rta Во Syr Arm Eth .. да zavros 
N &e.. sempiternam Vg oW caor miar in every form] (e?) біс, 
Bo, NA**BD¢eK LP &c .. in every thing Syr Arm .. and in every work 
Eth .. and in all which ye do Eth ro .. ev пауті roro A* D*FG 17, Vg 
rxoe:c the Lord 29] т 24, N &с, Vg Bo Arm.. our Lord Syr Eth 
(add shall be not ro) .. God Eth ro MALAI тнрти with you all] 
г 24, Bo (тнроу).. peta тоутоу vov N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth.. om 
тирот all Bo (АЕ) 

И паси. the salutation] o аст.  &с, (Arm).. this salutation Eth 
..изасп. ту salutation Bo Ус.. І saluted you Eth го .. peace Syr 
(24 .. єм т) тәхсо, which I wrote] Z wrote Eth .. in writing Syr .. om 
N &e, Vg Bo Arm Eth ro таб with my hand] ту eun дєрї 
$$ бе, Vg .. of my hand Syr Arm.. Sen vaxrx in my hand Bo Eth 
пауМос | anon. п. Z Paul Во Eth .. Г Paul wrote Syr .. ravAov N &e, 
Vg.. Paul із Arm enar ne палає this being the sign] єтє 
ovaxnuu ne which a sign is Во (om ne О) o єттї опрєву N &c, Vg 
Syr Arm .. and this (із) my sign Eth .. om 47 о(ош 1)ї em. м. in 
every epistle] г 24, ev таст єт. 53 &e, Vg .. which (is) in all ту ер. 
Syr Eth (om which) .. Sem men. тирот in all the epistles Во (Arm).. 
om тироу all Bo (к) ex(ees 1)coar ivres(ees 1)oe I am writing 
thus] ovros ypaóo(ov 17) № &е, Vg Во Syr Arm Eth 

18 ines. of our Lord] (1) 24, № &c, Vg Во Arm Eth... om Syr 
.. от nuov Ета пях. т. with you all] 24, Bo (тирот).. pera 
zavrov уро W* В 17, Vg (fu harl tol) Arm Eth ro .. pref. shall be Eth 
..with all you, my brothers Syr..add aug» NcADFGKLP &с, Vg 
(am &c) Bo (except д,Гасм) Syr Eth 


Subscription Ё tenpoc eeccaNNonikesc lit. 2 the to Thessalo- 
nians] 24..zpos 0ercaAov(e B)«es B NB* 17..t0 the men of 
Thessalonica Eth то .. тр. eco. В єт№робт D .. ereXea O2 (ах Е) тр. 6. 
В FG, Vg (am fu).. тр. 6. В eypad ато або, AB**KP 27 47.. 
прос еєсаМотшки В(ВА н) avcsic Sem aen(e н)ппас to Thesa- 
lonike 2 it was written in Athens Bo (нт).. to Thessalonians second he 
wrote in А. Arm .. т. ау. ат. zravAov пр. Ө. devtepa єурафт) ото aÉqvov 
Т... пр. eecc(om куаМопікн(кіс р) В avc. 5. a. avcSute rem 
сіМотатос meas тїззоөєос to Th. 2 &c, it was written (and sent) 
with Silvanos and Timotheos Bo (&DE,FL)..m. e. Васжок avc. 
S. a. птєп &c to Z'hessalonike it was finished, it was written in Athens 
(and sent) with біс Bo (B?) .. п. ө. haved. 5. лө. as(aq м)- 


оторпс 2/ vas sent ivre &c Во (Гем).. асхок e&oN пхефетистоХн 
ЯйахгоЙй п. еєсаМопікн єтазснтс Sen Naoarkia ачоторпс 
птєп T$5CIKOC MEAL тіязоеєос печазьентис was finished. the second 
epistle to T'hesalonike, having been written in Laodicea he sent it with 
Tykhikos and Timotheos his disciples Bo (к).. хок ehoX п. өєсс. В 
arcs. S. a. атоторпе fiten &c he finisheth (the ep.) to Thessaloniké 2, 
й was written &е Bo (0).. was finished the epistle which (із) to the 
Thessalonians which (is) the second, which was written From ladikya of 
pisidiya and it was sent through tukikus Syr (vg) .. was finished the 
second epistle to the men of Thessalonica, and it was written in lodikeya 
and it was sent through tikikos Eth 

1711 4 ЕЁ 

ТСПРОС тшоөсос X 

L Патоє nanocroAoc next ко ката norveg- 
2 ee[coa x птіаловеос похн ищире ON тпістіс. TEX a pic 
мак зам Mita ATW Дрнин COA QTA пиозте пемают 
яи пес 1с пенхоєс. Зката өе HTAICEIICOTIR 
етрекб® ON ефесос enrabonR  стаяхкехомта. хе 

HT 2A 2 1 245 at tex. ттая.| 24.. ATAR, І EA 

Inscription тепрос traxoecoc = lit. the бо Timotheos 1] (т ?) 24, 
МАК 17, Во (HKL..add fa A,TDEFO).. pref. apxerao. DFG (after 
Thess.) .. incipit epist. ad T. prima Vg (am fu)... mpos тцхобєоу протя), т. 
T. єтістода) пр. Arm cdd, ez. т. т. TP., N т. т. а er. al plu, ten. прос 
Trax. 5 Во (Р) .. TavAov ат. п. т. єт. каб. пр. al... т. прот ETLOTOAYS 
maviov L (after Thess.) .. ravàov єтіст. п. T. а P.. n. т. & пауМос 
Bo (GM) .. п. т. & arios пауМот anocroNos та Bo (ва).. the epistle 
of Paul which (is) to Timothy the first Syr (after Thess.) .. to Timothy 
the first letter Arm (after Hebrews) .. the epistle of Paul, the first to 
Timothy Eth (after Thess.) .. to Timothy, and it was written, being in 
lowedakiya Eth ro 

1 папост, the apostle] Во... атоот. № &c, Во (ва) Ment 1С 
of the Christ Jesus] Во (TEFa2N») хр. іо NDFGP, Vg (fu demid 
hal) Syr (һ).. зне пәс Bo (AB*DGHKLMO 18) 10 хр. AKL &e, Vg 
(am tol) Syr Arm Eth ката потє(а г)о. &e according to the 
commandment of God our saviour] кат єгітаупу (єтаууємам Ñ) cov 
‚ (trs. сот. qp. 0. 37, Arm ĝeov 43 118) cwrypos тишу (татроѕ 
qpov P) № &e .. in the comm. of God our vivifier ќе of God 
our saviour Eth .. in &c of God and our saviour Eth ro зап lit. 
with] om 31 al, Vg (fu) Eth ro next 1€ the Christ Jesus] 24, Bo 
(грнлт, 18) x. v AD*FGP 17, Vg (am &c) Syr Arm cdd .. тне пе 


I. Paulos, the арозИе of the Christ Jesus, according to the 
commandment of God our saviour and the Christ Jesus our 
hope, *is writing to Timotheos the true son in the faith: the 
grace to thee and the mercy and the peace from God our 
Father and the Christ Jesus our Lord. 2 According as 
I exhorted thee for to remain in Ephesos, being about to go 
unto the Makedonia, that thou shouldst order some not to 

Bo, w x. RNDeKL Же, Arm Eth .. pref. похоєте the Lord т, pref. корою 
мрекі, &c.. pref. пєпос our Lord Во (Е) 

* eqcear is writing] om N &c, Vg Во Syr Arm Eth oar 
(фак т) &c the true son] урт rekvo N &c .. dilecto filio Vg (Syr) 
Arm edd .. my son beloved Arm .. nassenprr iiu. my beloved son Bo.. 
ту son whom I love Eth теж. &c lit. the grace to thee with 
the mercy and the peace] ngarot dnas {отриин the grace the mercy 
the peace Bo, x. eXeos ep. № &c, Arm .. gratia misericordia et pax Vg 
Bo (x) (Syr) .. lit. peace to thee and mercy and his grace Eth e&oN 
огтях(п 1) &c from God our Father] МеРеКІ,Р &с, Bo (нз) Syr.. 
of God our Е. nuov N*AD*FG 17, Vg Во (the F.) Arm 
aim пес &с lit. with the Christ Jesus our Lord] ка x. w rov къръ 
npov Ñ &с, Vg (Во) Syr.. nex» пєпос inc пос lit. with our Lord 
Jesus the Christ Bo (А, вағНнЈКк) Eth (and).. kat короо ù X. TOV 
соттроѕ 37 .. and from our Lord Jesus Christ Arm 

3 ката &c according as I exhorted thee] 1 24, кабоѕ тарєкаћєса 
сє Ñ &c .. sicut rogavi te Vg Bo (+оо) Arm Eth (pref. and ro).. J had 
begged of thee Syr .. аз I ordered (gogen) thee Во (р) ETPERSW 
&c for to remain in Ephesos] 1 24, Bo, N &c, Arm .. ut remaneres Vg 
Eth..trs. when I до away to М. that thou shouldst remain Syr 
es(eer 1)mahwr being about to go] т 24, Bo... ropevopevos М &c, cum 
irem Vg Syr Arm Eth xe eken, thou shouldst order] 24, № &с, 



eRenapaccerAe itgomte eTastnechw. | "ати єтая- 
хорах ємиціа» зм нщажє Nawee стезамтох сан. 
мат er itoentynre єсотє тоткомовата азпиоттє етом 
тпїстїс. STISWR AE аєпентаттаамс €TOOTW пе 
тасапн eboA oW отонт єсүтЁбиз` seit OTCTMHEIAHCIC 
яе отпістіС eseW отпонриме HoHTC. баз єтеяепе 
QOIME MATE ROOT лубок eopar eoenujaxe ET- 
Qjoverr. TETOTWU CWWNE Hcag сая пиояяос исемоет 
ам PHMeTOUX(Q A2290070 OTAE хе ETJTABPHT ехм от. 

ENA 5.1 24$ Bf sega at (ж д 

Vg Bo Arm Eth .. pref. and Syr porte some] 24,  &с, Vg Bo 
Syr Arm .. them Arm cd Eth етах{к (6 24)ec&o not to give other 
teaching] 24..euyreasdc&o Sen( AEF 18")кесбо» not to teach in 
(with) other teaching Bo .. yn erepodidacxarew tà &c .. ne aliter docerent 
Vg .. that they should not teach different doctrines Syr .. not to be teaching 
strange doctrines Arm .. that they should not bring another doctrine Eth 

* ати» etax &c and not to attend unto] 24, and not to look at Arm.. 
ртдє pocexew Ж біс, orae єщтєзз{оеноу Во (THIKO).. апа that 
they should not be thrown to Syr..ovae йсєщтєяз{оеноу Bo, Vg 
(intenderent) .. ата that they should not bring Eth exiuj&(Bo AEJ, 
КРШЕ.. wy Bo)o the fables] 24 .. eganuy. fables Во, pros М &c, Vg 
Syr Arm Eth (raving) піщахе &c the genealogies] 24 .. gpanswor 
ñcaxı Во, yeveaAoyuus Ñ біс, Vg Syr Arm .. and fond (om ro) words 
which they fabricate Eth єтєлайтот oaH which have not end] т? 
24 (Во L Saxon avpHac).. eremuon аурнхот which have not ends 
Во (нл) to which there is not end Зуг.. waron av. they have not 
ends Во .. атєраутоѕ Ñ &с, Vg Arm .. by which they lead astray Eth 
et} foem. which give questionings] 1? 24, Bo .. arrives (ex)fyrnoets 
mapexovow М біс, Vg, to those which disputes make Syr..trs. £r. 
раХХоу zapexovaw 47, Ir, which rather disputes excite Arm .. and they 
bring questioning Eth єоотє тооп. more than the dispensation | 
(т) 24, Bo (поото cabo nx)... padov т оікоуошам NA F GKLP &с, 
Syr (В)... uaAXov Ņ orxodopray D° 192, д. т. окодорту D*, fgm Vg Bo 
(a,* ?) Syr (vg h ще and not) .. and. not the invisibility Arm .. and they 
cause to forsake the law of God Eth єтоп тп. which is in the faith] 
1 24 .. OH even физо{ that which is in the faith Во (om ен ev ва) 

1 TIMOTHY I 4-7 437 

give other teaching, *and not to attend unto the fables and 
the genealogies which have not end, these which give ques- 
tionings more than the dispensation of God which is in the 
faith, ï But the end of that which was delivered to us is the 
love out of clean heart and (good) conscience and faith in 
which is not hypocrisy: 9these (things) with which some 
having not agreed they went down unto vain words; 
‘wishing to become teachers in the law, they understand 
not the (things) which they say, nor about what they are 

Vg Eth .. ryv ev поте М & tyv ЕС .. trs. in the faith of God 
Syr .. in faith Arm 

* ngwr &c but the end] Bo, то де reos № &с, Vg Syr Eth (and ro) 
.. for the head Arm anent. &c of that which was delivered to us 
is] йтє пі(паг A)ooroen фат пе of the order is this Bo .. tys tapay- 
yeduas єттї М &e, Vg Syr.. of the commandment love is Arm .. om is 
Eth tat, the love] ovat. a love Bo, N &c еВох &c lit. out 
of a heart clean] Bo (єчотай) Vg (de) Arm, єк кард. каб. Macarius .. 
which is from a heart pure Syr .. єк kaÜapas карбіає № &c.. in a pure 
heart Eth oves(H 24)нєк(п т) ън(е 24) сіс lit. a conscience | 
FG..add ауабуз NX &c, Vg Ро Syr (and from) Arm (and from) 
Macarius .. тт (om ro) good character Eth єлаї &c in which is not 
hypocrisy] Eth.. avvzokpvrov $ &c, Vg (non ficta) Bo (патзаєтщо br) 
Arm Eth ro .. true (and from) Syr 

6 war ete(om єтє r)axme &c lit. these which (om т) some having 
not agreed with them] т 24° .. these which &c in them Bo (п.нтот) 
wv tives aotoynoavtes Ñ &с, а quibus quidam aberrantes Vg.. which 
some missed Arm.. from those (things) indeed erred some Syr .. for 
there are those who went astray Eth | губок egpar they went down] 
єёєтраттсоу Ж біс, Vg Во (тракт) Syr (pref. and).. having turned 
away Arm .. and they returned Eth 

7 esosouj wishing | pref. отоо and Во (А) | са? oxx &c lit. teacher 
іп the law] 24... уоробідаткадої Ñ &c, legis doctores Vg .. teachers of 
the law Bo Syr Arm.. Eth has and while wishing teachers to become 
исемо(по! MS)er am they understand not) 24, Bo (ficeray ам).. 
themselves understand not Arm .. they know not Eth .. wn voovvres М біс, 
Vg Буг пиетоз хо &e the (things) which they say] 24, Bo Syr 
(what) Arm (what) .. pref. unre № &c, Vg.. what themselves say Eth 
хє сут, exit o» about what they are affirming] 24 .. cobe (om нап) 


STHCOOTN AE хе manor пио ос єрщам ora aag 
ом теаямтаяе. 9 єтсооум Saar, хе мере MNO- 
assoc ки ам єорат аєвпатнагос AAA Мтамоявос 
зам mereicegrnoracce aw. WitacebHc set  прецр- 
мойе. йиєтхадяє avo мєтінт. iWpeepceujeso T seit 
прецеєщавалат. пирецоетЬроляе. | 19 пазпориос Ñ- 
греціїноти seit пооотт. HitpeyoeTMpwsee ehor. 
мітресухієоМ. HitpeqwpR Anora. seit ооб mee ev 

(умо * (п) (24) (a) 24 

ин єтоутахро wor єорні exoos concerning (от нії) those 
which they affirm about Bo .. пере wow діа ВеВолотутаи N &c, Vg (Arm) 
.. repu Tivos Ò. F, that about which they contend Syr, Marcus .. om Eth 

* xe] om Arm Eth manoy пи, lit. good is the law] 24, Bo, 
bona est lex Vg Arm Eth .. the law good is Syr.. kaXos o уороѕ Ñ біс 
aay оп тєсаянтахє lit. do it in its trueness] грі may оос mogoc lit, 
do for it as law Bo .. avro vopipws Хрутаи Ñ &c, Vg (Arm) .. according 
to law should conduct himself in it Syr .. Eth has for him who doeth it 
according to (lit. in) its rule 

9 eqcoosit &c knowing this] (1) 24, «005 rovro № &c, Vg .. while 
knowing Syr .. but this he shall know Arm .. euesxs epas knowing thou 
this Bo .. and we know Eth .. ye know Eth ro мере &с the law 
was not being laid down (om Bo) for the righteous (man)] Bo 
(anoun ап. AMIO. HJK plural) .. OLKQ.LO vouos ov кето, N біс, 
Vg Буг Arm.. not for righteous (ones) doth he ordain Eth .. not for 
righteous (ones) was ordained law Eth го ada ni(om 24)an. but 
for (om 24) the lawless (опез)] т 24, Arm..add ачән Bo.. add 
avopo:s te FEGE.. sed iniustis Vg Syr..but for sinners Eth. 
avopots дє № &c, Serapion .. avopors те 17 .. but (a) it was for the lawless 
(ones) Во за мєтємс. ап and those who are not under subjection | 
т 24 .. and the treacherous Eth й (ош т) пас. for (om г) the un- 
godly (ones)| т 24, Bo (ваГстмо"р 18) ..aceBeot № &c, Vg Arm, 
Serapion .. ness mac. and the ungodly Во .. ки ace. D* 47, Syr.. 
and for obstinate Eth arm пр. and the sinners] т 24, Bo.. xa 
apaptwros Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm .. and (om ro) departers from righteous- 
ness Eth п (от 24) петхаоза for (om 24) those who are defiled] 
1 24, Во (ВАГРСІМКР)., avoowis Ñ &c Агт.. ness ин erenceros- 
Ёнотт an and those who are not clean Во, F&G, and perverse Syr.. 

т TIMOTHY I 8-10 439 

affirming. 5 But we know that the law is good, if one should 
do it in its intention; ° knowing this that the Jaw was not 
being laid down for the righteous (man), but (м) for the 
Lawless (ones) and those who are not wnder subjection, for the 
ungodly (ones) and the sinners, for those who are defiled and 
those who are profane, the despisers of father and the despisers 
of mother, for the murderers, !^for the fornicators, for the 
sleepers with male, for the men-stealers, for the liars, for the 
false swearers, and every thing which is contrary to the sound 

sceleratis Vg .. om Eth, Serapion avw петвит and those who are 
profane] r .. meax пісачонт lit. with the profane-hearted Во .. for the 
prof. Во (A£) .. ка: BeBnrous N &c .. et contaminatis Vg Syr (not pure) 
Arm .. and for the impure of heart Eth (om of heart ro) .. om Serapion 
пречсещетот &c the despisers of father] т (24) .. татро(а)Аоас N &с, 
Vg... finrSatehswt for the parricides Bo.. пела miða(w HI)tehswt 
and the parricides Bo (n3K) .. and for those who strike their fathers 
Syr лап преч. and the despisers of mother] І 24 .. xat pytpo(a)Awas 
N &с, Vg .. essi, and the matr. Bo (ва &c) .. and for those who strike 
their mothers Syr .. Arm has father and mother despisers .. їїїїї&гтєй- 
алат for the matricides Bo (AEGMNOP).. Eth has and (om го) killers 
of their father and their mother (om т)прєчоєтір. for (om т) 
the murderers| 1 24, Bo (Затейрояят).. avdpopovors М &c, Vg Arm.. 
nex 111. and the murderers Bo (prn ak) Syr (and for) .. lit. and (om 
ro) killers of soul Eth 

10 (ош т) яхи. for (om т) the fornicators] 1 24, Bo.. торуо № біс, 
Vg Arm.. fornicators Eth .. nese su. and the &с Во (FHIKN).. and 
for forn. Syr .. торуо кал Serapion. (от т)прєсії. зам п (от r)o. 
for (om 1)the &c] т 24, Bo .. apeevox, N &c, Vg Arm .. meas su. and the 
&c Во (HJKL) .. and for &c Syr .. and those &c Eth п (от r)itpe«s. 
for (om т) the men-stealers] (1) 24... avdparodiucras Ж біс, Vg Bo 
(ваг"натх) Eth.. for stealers of the freeborn Syr .. fuspeyepoadi- 
ролат n(meas н'ск)птречіррєлоє chor for the deceivers of men, 
for the (and the n* 3 x) sellers of free (men) Bo (trs. for the sellers of 
free men, for [and к] the deceivers of men рек). от Serapion 
ппреех. for the liars] 24, Во.. yevorais N &c, Vg Syr Eth .. ness &c 
and the liars Bo (нез к).. om Serapion ппречорк &с for the false 
swearers] 24, Во.. єторкос М &с, Vg Syr (transgressors of oath) Arm 
.. пела &с and the false swearers Во (нак)... and those who swear 
falsely Eth хп owh &с and every thing which is contrary to 

440 ТЄПРОС тшоөсос X 

orhe techw етотох. Пката NETATTEAION ssneoos 
12 Фут от NTAL петУубоя игл пес © пеихоехс. 
хе аЧОПТ aellicToc еэкаат єораї ETAIARONIA. 
ero ихатотх ищорий ати iWAKORTHC ати пре- 
сощ. AAAA ATHA NAL хе ADAT ео патсооти ом 
oveentatitictoc. 1 acawjar ae Noirexapic язпем- 
MOEIC аэм  TIHCTIC ATW TATANH oae пехе к. 
оупістос пе пщахе ATW саєпща WTA Mise, хе 

uU Y. 24 7? 1 245 aux] nin 1 18 ам) в) 
15 (1) 24$ taro] 24 .. aero І 

the sound doctrine] 1 1 (24) Syr.. ness Regwh Kegwh(om keg. 20 ко) 
eq esSosm eopen &с and every other thing which біс Bo.. kat ev ть 
erepov TH vywuuvova д:даскаћ№а аутикетаї Ñ &с, Vg (Arm) Serapion .. 
and there is further something else in which they resist the doctrine of 
life Eth 

П ката &c according to the gospel] Bo, № &c, Eth .. pref. ту D*, 
fg..quae est secundum evangelium Vg (Arm) .. which (is) the g. Syr 
annak. &c of the blessed God] Bo, № &c, Vg Eth .. of God blessed 
Syr Arm пах апок й (єп r)vas. lit. this with which I, І was 
entrusted] Bo (фн ваГокног 18) Syr Arm Eth..o єтістєбуу eyo 
N &с, quod creditum est mihi Vg Eth ro .. add zavAos 17 

2 Жцуп, птях(и 1) І give thanks to] Bo (птотер ах) ҳари exo 
МАЕСР 17, Vg Arm Eth .. pref. ка DKL &c, Syr пет. lit. he 
who giveth &c] evàvvapovvri N* 17 .. -иосаут: Ñe &c, Vg Во (evaqx) 
Syr Arm (Eth) паї бо me] om МУ neo 1€ &с the Christ 
Jesus our Гога] Во..ҳрото 17 то к. gp. Ñ біс, Vg .. № x. то к. тра 
pauc, Bo (вм).. pref. ev D*, g Vg (harl* demid) .. in our Lord Jesus 
Christ Syr .. in Christ Jesus in our Lord Arm (Eth) .. nexE the Christ 
Bo (н*).. Eth has J give thanks to him who trusted me and strengthened 
me in &c хе ачопт &c because he reckoned me faithful] Bo.. оті 
пістої pe тупсато М &c, Vg Arm (om me).. who reckoned me faithful 
Syr | єачк. having put me] Bo (B2GHJKLMO).. ачат he put me 
Bo (APDENP)., отоо aq. and he put me Во (F) Syr .. Oepevos № &e, 
ponens Vg appoint Arm .. Eth has because (as one) trusted he put 

me єө. eva. lit. into a ministry] es дак. N &c, Bo .. in ministerio 
Vg Arm .. to his ministry Syr Eth 

т TIMOTHY I 11-15 441 

doctrine; 1 according to the gospel of the glory of the blessed 
God, this (gospel with which I indeed was entrusted. 
12] give thanks to him who giveth power to me, the Christ 
Jesus our Lord, because he reckoned me faithful, having 
put me into ministry; !?being (a) blasphemer at first and 
persecutor and insulter; but (&) mercy was shown to me, 
because I did it being ignorant, in unbelief ; !* but abounded 
the grace of our Lord with the faith and the love in the Christ 
Jesus. 15 Faithful is the word, and it is worthy of all honour, 

13 e(ee т twice)ro &c lit. being of blasphemer at first] 1 24 .. 
nator-ne J was being of blasphemer at first Bo протєром ovra 
(ue A) Власфтром N &c .. being at first blasph. I Eth .. qui prius fur 
blasphemus Vg (Arm) me who from at first blasphemer was Буг 
азо йатокт(а 24)нс ато &c lit. and of persecutor and of insulter | 
I 24, № &c .. neas a. отоо fipeyyuswuys Bo .. e£ persecutor et contume- 
liosus Vg Syr Arm Eth aNNa] add dua rovro D&r* AMA NAT 
lit. they had mercy on me] т 24, Bo, yAeg8gv № &с, Буг .. he was 
merciful to me Eth .. misericordiam consecutus sum Vg Атт ATA 
lit. I did them being ignorant] т (24) .. ахахто у плєзах am lit. 7 did 
them not knowing Bo .. ayvowv eromoa N &с, Vg .. while not knowing 
I had done Syr .. that (thing) in ignorance and in unbelief I did Arm.. 
in not knowing I did (it) Eth ой отахитатистос lit, in an unbelief] 
т (24) .. om Arm (see above) 

^ acaujgar abounded] т 24 .. aejepeoso awas exceedingly abounded 
Bo, vrepezAeovaoev Ñ &c, Vg Arm Eth .. add in me Syr ae] I 24 Во (17,10) .. and Arm Eth ix(Bo F.. ivre Бо)пєпхоєтс of 
our Lord] 24 .. Eth has the grace of God upon те.. add sm п Bo 
(Г ше FHJ) sxit mene with the faith] 24.. es» ownae lit. 
with a faith Bo, pera zwreos N &с, Vg (Arm) .. in faith Eth .. and 
faith Syr aso ‘тасапн and the love] 24 .. mear oyar, lit. with 
a love Bo, ка: агуалз Ñ &c, Vg (Syr) Arm Eth oxx in] 24, 17 47 
.. pref. ен єт that which Во, pref. туз Ñ біс, pref. quae est Vg Syr 
Arm .. of Eth next 1€ the Christ Jesus] 24, № &c, Vg Bo Arm.. 
Jesus Christ Syr .. Jesus Christ our Lord Eth .. Jesus our Lord Eth го 

5 oymicroc &с lit. a faithful is the word] (17) 24, Syr Arm.. 
цемост fixencaa is faithful the word Bo .. moros о Aoyos N &c, Vg 
.. faithful (is) his word Eth гло raxnujpa &c and it is worthy of 
all honour | 1 24..and it is worthy to receive it Зуг.. and tt is right 

442 ТЄПРОС тшоөсос Ñ 

пех 16 ager ennoceeoc eweoss прецрпове. canton 
ne пеущорп. — !^aAAa erbe mar этих мат. хекас 
epe mnexc xc отону ehoA понт ишорп итецаямт- 
eapUjoHT тире. єтрарсягот иметихпистехе epot 
єпомто Mua eneg.  ""прро ae Wa емео. naTTAHO. 
пноттє. пегкатнат EPO. чатах MTAIO ма чаи 
пєооу Wa ENED MENCO охазим. 15 Tera pa cce хә. 
THO eoc мак сора. пащире мазсее ката 

I 24 ‘хекас| хєкаас І тт od 18 (1) 24-8 

that they should receive it in all Eth .. отоо «jesxnuja птєпщопе epost 
Sen won mhen lit. and it is worthy that we should receive it to us in 
all receiving Во..каї maons атобоху$ аз М біс, Vg Arm (add 2s) 
next 1€ the Christ Jesus] т 24, Bo.. xs М &с, Vg Arm cdd .. i$ xs 
115 al, Jesus Christ Syr Avm Eth, Serapion епк. unto the world | 
1 24, Bo, es тои (om №) к. № &c, Arm Eth, Ap. patrum .. in hunc 
mundum Vg .. to the world Syr єпєозх &c to deliver the sinners] 
т 24, Во Syr (to vivify) Arm .. auaproAovs соса. Ñ біс, Vg .. that he 
might save sinners Eth e(om 1)anox &c lit. I being their first] І 
24, Eth.. єтє anor пе пгоотіт ї&нтоъз among whom Г am the first 
Во .. ov тротоѕ ep eyo N біс, Vg ..lit. who their first I am Syr .. of 
whom the head I ат Arm .. and he began with myself Eth ro 

16 erbe mar because of this] om Во (лк,"н") Eth то.. but Eth 
avna mar lit. they had mercy on me] Во.. уАєубуи № &с.. he had 
mercy on me Syr Eth .. misericordiam consecutus sum Vg, I found 
mercy Arm | next xe the Christ Jesus] Bo (ваГнат, 18) .. xs 5 AD 
17 47, f Vg.. 5 xs МКІР 37, Bo Syr Arm Eth .. 5 Fer G .. nt Bo 
(x,*) ovo? &c should manifest in me first all his long-suffering | 
ev epo. прото єудєётта 15 xs THV (а)тасам ракроб. (add avrov D) М біс, 
Vg Syr (his &c) .. прн: пит ищори йтє IHT NXE отопо птеч. біс 
in те first J. the Ch. should show all his &с Do .. first in me should 
show J. О. all long-suffering Arm .. should show on me Jesus Christ the 
abundance of his long-suffering Eth .. he should show on me the abun- 
dance of the long-suffering of Jesus Christ Eth ro .. evüe£. 1$ ev enor 
Serapion (om прото) єтрарсалот lit. for me to be example | 
єтсахот unto an example Во, zpos vrorvroow Ñ біс, Vg Syr Arm.. 
and I become to them example Eth пиетиатист, epos of those 

I TIMOTHY I 16-18 443 

that the Christ Jesus came unto the world to deliver the 
sinners, I being the first of them: !^but (a) because of this 
mercy was shown to me, that the Christ Jesus should manifest 
in me first all his long-suffering, for me to be (an) example of 
those who will believe him unto the eternal life. И But the 
king for ever, the incorruptible, the god, the invisible, alone— 
the honour (be) to him and the glory unto age of age. Amen. 
1* This charge I lay down for thee, my son Timothy, according 

who will believe him] 24, vov pedd. (add ауавшу W^) тоте єт 
avro М &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth.. пиєтпістєтєм to those who believe 
т..пин cero epos to those who believe him Bo enonp itu. 116. 
unto the life of unto age] 24, Arm .. enwnp щу. unto the life unto age 
T..evwnd iteneo lit. unto а life of age Во, es С. arwviov Ñ &с, Vg .. 
to life which (is) for ever Syr Eth 

17 прро ae but the king] т 24, Во (ваг)..от ae Во Eth.. то дє 
Васе № &c, Vg Syr Arm .. to the king Eth ro (om ôe) ща єпєо 
lit. unto age] 1.. fifiuja eneg 24 by еггог.. re meneg of the ages 
Bo, rov awwvov NÑ &e, Vg Syr Arm.. lit. who (is) for ever Eth .. om 
Eth ro паттако the incorruptible] т 24, Bo .. афбарто № &c, 
Arm .. йе who is not corrupted Syr .. adavoro D, f Syr (h тв) Vg .. who 
dieth not Eth .. аорато адауато F£r* G ппоутє &с the god, the 
invisible alone] т (пєтатнату) 24..ппаепат epos яхяхататч dt 
the invisible alone, the god Во .. аорато povw бє» N* AD*FG 17 37, 
Vg Arm (pref. and)..and not seem who is one God Syr (vg) .. and 
appeareth not, god alone Eth .. and is not visible, god, who (is) for ever 
Eth ro .. aop. p. тофо dew RED К LP &c, Syr (В) TTax(24 .. €x r)o 
nag lit. the honour to him] 1 24... mrraro. wy me the honour is his 
Bo (om Фф. пе ва) .. rui N &e, Vg Syr.. glory Arm .. whose is honour 
Eth запо neoos and the glory] 1 24, Bo.. ка боба № &c .. om xat 
P .. and honour Arm .. om Bo (к,") wa &e unto age of age] Eth.. 
ща eneg wre mnreneo unto age of the ages Во .. еб Tovs awvas Tov 
awvov Ñ &c, Vg... to age of ages Syr Arm 

18 «ko д. &c I lay down for thee | 24 .. таратібєрал cor Ñ біс, 
commendo tibi Vg for thee Во (1).. Фох Tarog єрок 
І deposit with thee Bo Arm Eth (J deposit) пацунре my son| Bo 
Syr Eth то.. О my son Eth ..fili Vg .. rexvov N &c.. my child Arm 
"(* 24)sa200€ Timothy] 24, тобе № &e, Vg .. ттахоееос Во Syr 
Arm Eth ката пєпрофн(у» 24)тєк(ті 1 24)a &c according to 


мепрофите:»х ETTAQO а»+ а он. хе ERECOORKH Opal 
понтоу таєнтязатої €THaMOvC. 1° ETHTAR 242a 
клас Hewos avwe Hoacre ом тпїстїс. 7? nar єтєбо 
понтоу пе oveeeltaroc ает „Лез лмърос. МАТ WTAI- 

IL XnapanaMer ве gaon Woob miee стретметре 
Woencornc eec oentyA HA чем oeirrobo se oenujmoseor 
€opar ехм posee ша». 2 ехи перрооту seu отом 

яхатої | I.. 33a Ta TO! 24 I EA x sen 
1 (18924 ТР eopar] 249 written below ехи рүш 

the prophecies which appertained to thee] 1? 24 .. ката питрофнтіа 
єтатєрщорп йг єорні exwk acc. &c which came before upon thee Bo 
.. ката TaS Tpoayovcas єтї ge профутеос Ñ &с, Vg Arm.. acc. to the 
first prophecies which were upon thee Syr .. according to the prophecy 
which is upon thee Eth (upon me ro) єкєоокк &c lit. thou shouldst 
arm thyself in them for &c] (т?) 24, Bo (ззорк gird thee на).. 
стратє(є)тп ev avraus Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm .. thou shouldst contend Eth 

19 єу(єот М8)нт. &c having] (1 ?) 24, Bo, № &c, Vg .. thou shouldst 
have Arm .. while in thee Eth .. in Syr тліст. the faith] (1) 24, P 
„отпао a faith Во, à біс зам and] 1 24.. ош Arm (see below) 
Tc»ner(ur 1)ancre &c lit. the conscience which is good] т 24.. 
OVCTHHAECIC епьпес а conscience &c Bo Зуг..ауабту ovveógow N 
&e, Vg .. in а clean mind Arm .. а good character Eth tas (єм і)та 
&c this which some forsook] 1 24, Bo (ен ATE.. єтє HJ) ти тиєѕ 
atwoapevor Ñ &c, quam quidam repellentes Vg Arm (from themselves) 
..for those who this repelled from them Syr..Eth has for they were 
those who went astray from the faith and were wrecked avuje &c 
lit. they were shipwrecked in the faith] т 24, avhros Sen nmaet 
they were &c Bo .. mepi три плоти’ evavaynoav N біс, Vg .. of the faith 
they were made void Syr 

? war eyeboN &c these out of whom is being] ete ейоХ nio» 
me out of whom is Во.. ех quibus est Vg .. wv єсті N &c .. of whose 
number are Arm .. om Eth..who Eth Syr отлаєтатос 
Hymenaios] vpevatos Ñ &c, vpaweos D* .. vueveos АЕ СР, Bo (ст).. 

1 TIMOTHY I 19--П 2 445 

to the prophecies which appertained to thee, that thou 
shouldst arm thee with them for the good soldier-service; 
13 having the faith and the good conscience, this which some 
forsook, they were shipwrecked about the faith: 29 these out 
of whom is being Hymenaios and Alexandros, these whom 
I gave to the Satanas, that he should discipline them not to 

IL I exhort therefore, before all things, for you to make 
supplieations and prayers and requests and thanksgivings 
for all men; ?for the kings and all who are in the great 

hymenaeus d Vg .. hymeneus fg .. hymenius Vg (am).. ewsxenoc Bo 
(A,FGJLMP) .. huimeneds Syr .. himenos Arm .. héménéds Eth .. temeneos 
Eth ro &Nezamapoc| М &e, Во Syr Arm Eth .. Zskandros Eth 
ro.. Alexander Vg (єп r)vax(ex 1)Taav whom I gave] т, Bo... ovs 
паребока 53 &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth.. tras raa lit. whom they gave 24 
ncart. to the Satanas] Bo, то carava Ñ &c, Vg Syr Arm .. Saytan 
Eth єчепага. à. he should discipline them] zaióevÜocw N біс, 
Arm .. ut discant Vg Во (вле) .. should be punished Eth .. should be 
made slaves Eth ro etaxx. not to blaspheme] Bo (ftceuyress Hs) 
pn ВЛасфтиєм N &с, Vg Arm... that they should not be blasphemers 
Syr .. that they should not be wont to blaspheme Eth 

* dnapakaNer(Nr г) I exhort] т 24, Ñ &с.. {оо 7 beseech Bo, 
obsecro Vg Arm (pref. and)..add thee Eth../ beg from thee Syr .. 
zapakaAe. D* Fer G eaeH before] 24, протои N &c, primo Vg Bo 
(пщори) Syr Arm Eth по. &c all things] 24, ravrov N &c .. om 
FG етретиетре по. for you to make supplications] 24 .. єрх 
поаптибо to make requests Bo Arm .. rovecba denoes N  &c .. fieri 
obsecrationes Vg .. that thou shouldst make prayer Eth .. that—petition 
thou shouldst be offering to God Syr элїї gemuyNHA and prayers] 
24, mear oammpocesseu Bo (AEL)..zposevyas N біс, олипр. Bo 
(поли HJ) orationes Vg..and prayer Зуг.. prayer Arm..and to 
request Eth эзїї оєитоёә and requests] 24 ..evrevées N біс, 
postulationes Vg, ganceass ?ntercessions Bo, supplications Syr Arm .. 
and supplicate Eth эзїї genug, and thanksgivings] 24 .. evxapuwrrtas 
М &с, Vg Arm .. and thanksgiving Syr .. and then pray Eth .. wherefore 
pray Eth ro 

* ext for] т 24.. pref. more Arm .. pref. and and add all Eth 
зап oon &c lit. and all who are in the greatnesses] (1?) 24 .. mear 


WIR стом аваяптиоє. REHAC eieeipe novaoc ee(cópagr 
ATW єцоорк ом замтехсерис іа» eet TeeliTceaeitoc. 
3 MAMOT паї. ати» щий METO ебоХ азпноттє 
пенсоттир. "пат етохещ тре poase итая WNO avo 
Wceer епсосум MTree. OTA Tap пе пмоуте. ATW 
OTA пе паєєсттно азпиосте «ет пролее. проаяе 
пехе к. ‘пеитаЦтахЦ псоте ох OTOM mige 
пязитре ом мещотоеиу. "паї HTaTRaAaT єросі 
икируз avro МапостоМос. oree creo) аяяяос. 

єчебраєт| 1..-є9т 24 * т 24 з“пезато | r..3amaxTO 24 

* 124 5 (1)24 Р $124 ул 24 б at ovare киру | 
кир& 24 

exem отоп mien evo oci and for all who are exalted Bo .. zavrov 
tov ву (om F£r G8") vrepoxn ovrov М біс, Vg .. and all princes Arm .. 
and princes Syr Eth єпеєтгрє &с we should spend а life quiet and 
tranquil] (т) 24 .. ypep(c)ov ках yovxiov Віоу біауацієм N &e, Vg .. that 
a life quiet and meek we may live Зуг.. ivren(vow AEJ)ujyonr sen 
ovn eqoospoov o. iipesspasug that we (they AEJ) should. be in 
a life tranquil and meek Bo ., that in peace and tranquillity we should 
lead our lives Arm.. that quietly and tranquilly should be our living 
Eth оп заптєтс. и. in all godliness] т 24, Bo (pref. парні 
except AE..eopHi EXEM UNET. HJ) ev паст ємо. М &o, Vg (pietate) 
Arm..ev т. evdaBea P, Syr (fear of God) тасу D*..n all 
righteousness Eth TAxiiTc. the gravity] 1 24 .. сєруотути Ñ &e, 
Bo (B2) .. castitate Vg purity Syr Eth ..holiness Arm .. зяаєтсєяямос 
shes all gravity Bo (ow sert. F) 

З manoy mar good is this] rovro kaAov N*A 17, thar maneg Bo 
Eth (this therefore то)..т. уар к. R°DFGKLP &c, Vg (bonum est) 
Syr Arm (for this is good) зап. пеисотир God our saviour] Bo 
Syr (vivifier) Eth .. тою соттроѕ шоу 0cov Ñ &е, Vg Arm 

* паг єт. lit. this who wisheth &c] Bo (фи васмос) Syr Eth (for 
he wisheth &c) .. os т. avô. бєлє. Ñ &е, Vg Arm .. o pev 0. т. av. Marcus 
.. о ÜcXov талт. av. Palladius paradisus шоо lit. to live] Bo (26) 
Syr Arm Eth.. собо: N &c, Vg Bo (nooeax) псеег and come] 
Bo .. кал-аАл 0. «Адєу N &с, Vg Arm (should come) .. and turn &c Syr 
.. Eth has and should know the truth itraxe of the truth] Arm cdd 
.. aÀyBeas N &с, Arm .. the knowing the truth Во 

г TIMOTHY II 3-7 447 

positions, that we should spend a life quiet and tranquil in 
all godliness and the gravity. Good is this, and it is 
acceptable before God our saviour; *this (one) who willeth 
for all men to be saved and come unto the knowledge of the 
truth. ? For one is God : and one is the mediator of God and 
the men, the man, the Christ Jesus; Ве who gave himself 
(a) redemption for all; the witness in its times; "this 
(witness) unto which I was appointed (a) herald and (an) 

5 ova &c for опе is God] т 24, Bo Syr Arm .. as yap Geos № &c, 
Vg .. one (із) God Eth avw &c and one is the mediator] 24, Во отоо and Во (u7)..and one mediator Arm Е{һ..є ка 
peovrjs Ñ &e, Vg заплоттє зап itp. lit. of God with the men] 24, 
Bo .. дєоо kat оудротоу N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth ro.. ovre cp wear 
&с between God and the men Bo (4,7) Eth пролае &c the man, 
the Christ Jesus] 24 ..avOpwros xs is М &c, Vg Bo (отря noc 
snc lit. а man the Ch. Jesus) ..the man Jesus Christ Syr Arm cdd .. 
ауд. 15 xs К, Arm .. пр. пе nXE 1€ the man is the Christ Jesus (1 5) .. 
Jesus Christ who became man Eth 

€ nenmtagraag lit. he who gave him] Во (фат ev. except фи er. Г) 
.. о ovs eavrov N біс, Syr Arm Eth (delivered up) .. qui dedit redemp- 
tionem semet ipsum Vg ол ovon п. for all] Bo (exen) М &с, Vg 
Arm .. om vrep L, Eth .. for all men Syr naxitrpe the witness] Bo, 
то рарторют © &с, Vg Arm .. om А .. ка рартиріоу Ж“ .. ov то март. 
D*F2tG, Vg (harl* hal сит).. the witness which сате Syr ..and he 
became witness Eth оп meqovoer(or т) щу in its times] Bo .. 
kapos 181015 N &e, temporibus suis Vg Arm .. е пецснох lit. т 
his time Bo (AEL) Syr .. in his appointed time Eth .. add «добу D* Fer 
G, Vg (harl* hal confirmatum est) 

7 mar П(24..єм і)татк. &e lit. this which they put me unto it 
for herald] фаз anor eravoQaT may fipey. this to which they put 
me indeed for proclaimer Bo.. es о стебу eyw ктруё М “е, Arm (om 
єу cd) .. ev o єтєбї &c FG, d Vg .. o exorevOnv &c А .. lit. that which 
I was placed its preacher Syr .. to whom I was appointed &e Eth (and 
to him vo) гло) fiam. lit. and for apostle] N &c, Vg Bo (mear am.) 
Syr (its ap.) Arm .. trs. apostle and herald Eth ovare lit. a truth | 
adnbeav М &с, Ve Syr Arm.. өланг the truth Bo.. ищу Eth 
теҷхо ях. that which I say] Bo.. Aeyo NeD* F GP 47, Vg Bo (к) Syr 

448 ТЄПРОС тшоөсос Ñ 

ужо. all. Cag Hitgeestoc ou тпїстїс aol TALE. 
з отці ce erpe Hpwseee ШАНА gre ea miar even 
€opar ниєубух evovaab Хорс орен or MORRER. 
?Weorosse Птєює evHoceeei ом ovcopaoT seit ov- 
яяхтрецилнє ееп отазитраязмонт, ETPETTCANOOT ом 
Qenoo X ax ам oTnNoTA и QeMeWnessaee н QENQOITE 
emawe соуптот. VaAAa петещще emeoroseee ето) 
ALLOC хе ENON отчзмтрещаяще чепмоуте сити 

вт (24) gi] r..qer 24 egpar &c] trs. позижих єпщох Bo 
° (т) (24$) orcopagT] 1 .. -peov 24 i^ p124 

Eth .. add ev Христо R* DeK L 17 37 &с, Arm порід оМ an I lie 
not] pref. and Syr Arm Eth ficag. lit. for scribe] didacxados N 
&e, Vg .. the teacher Bo .. that I became teacher Буг .. that (I am) teacher 
Arm .. I was appointed Eth пло. lit. of the nations] Bo (o me) .. 
євушу N &c, Vg Bo Arm .. of peoples Syr Eth eit тп. &c in the faith 
and the truth] sem prag neas ovas. in the faith and truth Во (ва) 
.. ви more кал ad. D &c, Bo (ovnagy} near osaxeoasur) Arm Eth (and 
in) .. in faith of truth Syr .. ev урос: кал ад. 33 .. ev mvevparı к. а. A 

$ бе therefore] т 24, ovv N &c, Bo, ergo Vg Syr .. om Arm, Marcus 
..and Eth erpe itp. &e for the men to pray] І" 24 .. єтрє p. suas 
&c 19, five ролат півем twho that every man should pray Во (Ава 
EL) Eth..irre пір. т. that the men should pray Во (кенікмр) Eth 
ro.. йтє розах т. lit. that man should pray Во (Гхо).. rovs аудр. 
zpocevx. DFG, Vg, Macarius .. трос. т. avd. ЗАКІР &e, Syr Arm, 
Marcus .. add for us Во (ва) пиєтуб. their hands] г 24, Bo (1) 
Syr (Eth) .. hands Bo..trs. oc. xepas N &c, Vg Arm evovaah 
lit. being holy] т, Во... осчоц(ща)з № &c, Arm, Marcus (cas) .. puras 
Vg .. purely Syr .. Eth has and lift up their hands in pureness (om ro) 
ог sx. and disputing] т, кас duadkoyespou N*ADK LP &c, fm Vg Bo 
Eth (lit. division) .. ко duadoyicpov МЕЕ eG 17 47, Syr (and without) 
.. ата doubt Arm .. к. біадоуюишу zrovgpov Macarius 

° пєогозає the women] 1 (241) таз y. РЬКІ, &c, Во.. om ras 
NAD*FGP 17 Wret(Y 24.. Tees т)ое thus] 24 .. trs. ocavros y. 
М*АР 17 &c.. pref. оп also 1, патри оп Bo (om on F)..trs. wo. 
кол у. RE ЕСКІ, &с, Vg Syr Arm .. and (om ro) thus the women also 
Eth evnocarer(ses т) & lit. adorning in а quietness and (oft in 
г) a modesty and a prudence] т 24..ev катастодт kocjuo(s) pera 

т TIMOTHY II 8-10 419 

apostle—truth (is) that which I say, I lie not—(a) teacher of 
the Gentiles in the faith and the truth. 9 I wish therefore for 
the men to pray in every place, lifting up their holy hands, 
without anger and disputing. ° The women thus (should be) 
adorning with quietness and modesty and prudence, for them 
to deeorate themselves not with plaitings and gold or precious 
stones or garments of great price; 1° but (a)—that which is 
right for the women who say, We are in godliness,—through 

1005$ Kat cwodpoovvys Ñ &e (trs. с. к. ад. Det) Vg Bo (essen 
ovaxercar Понт ecopy) Syr (in appearance chaste of garment, in 
modesty and chastity) Arm (in dress of humility, with restraint and 
sobriety) .. Eth has shall clothe herself for prayer with the fear of God, 
and with shame and with prudence and with purifying herself (lit. 
heads) from fornication .. Eth ro has shall clothe herself in prayer (and) 
adorn herself [and | with purifying heart &c etpertc. &c lit. for 
them to decorate them not with &c] 24, kospew eavras px &c N &с, 
Arm ..ornantes se non &c Vg (Bo).. shall be their ornament, пої &c 
Буг.. not &c Eth em geng. &c lit. in plaitings and a gold] Bo 
(сапиотв gold plural) ev тАєунат: кой хрос(:)о МА D*FerG, Syr .. 
ev тА. п xp. DeKL &e, fm Vg.. om conjunction P 17 .. in plaitings 
golden Arm .. not in plaiting of gold Eth н or I9] (г) 24, № &c, 
Vg Bo (ваГекго) Syr.. Arm has braided with pearls .. ness and Bo 
..and with Во (Fk o) Eth eene(o 1)mnexxaxe precious stones] І 
24, Во (amassni).. раруаритал5 N біс, Vg Syr Arm Eth н or 20) 
24. sai and I oenoorre garments] I 24... шатисри» Ñ &e, Vg 
(veste) Bo (Sen отслоћос) .. т garments Syr Arm Eth era ue 
covntos of great price] т 24, Bo (соуємч) zoAvreàe N &e, Vg 
(pretiosa) .. beautiful Syr..adorned Arm .. Eth has and in garments 
white which are heavy of price and not in plaiting of their hair 

? петещще eneg. that which is right for the women] т.. 
петєцущє me ANEL. 24, о трете yuvay № &с, петорат FMO 
в sass04 Bo (add to practise) quod decet mulieres Vg .. in that which 
&c is right &c (Syr) Arm ет Maroc хе en(i 24)on 
оузаптрєсиуях щує 33n(om захи 24)поттє lit. who say we are in a 
serving of the god (of god 24)] т 24..evwuy Sem ovaretecocehue 
lit. promising in а godfearing Во (озщ FHJK) erayyehNopevacs 
дєосєВєау N &e, Vg (promittentes pietatem) .. who profess the fear of 
God godfearing devoted Eth ro, Eth confused 
eri &с through good works] г (241) à еру. ay. М &c, Vg Bo 

1111.2 G g 


оємоднтє сихиотот. 1! Tecoreee eeapecaichw ой 
OVaLHTpaepaw орах см оупотасєн mae 12 ИЦ ааа 
AE alt Мсокаєє etchw orae epaoerc emecoar АЛЛА 
етресшопе ом ovseewuTpaepauj aaant Cap nmen- 
TAMMAACCE maoy ишорп замисо evga. Пат 
[anar] авпотапаЇ|та аз|євосі. тесотаяе [ale itrepova- 
MATA $$210C асщопе ом оупарабастс. 15 смлОУА 
AE стая пехпещире ETWANGW OM TIIcTIC seit 
TATATIA seit птббо sell оулємтравмонт. 

ПІ. оупістос ne пщаже. NeTOTWUW єрепіскопос 
eejernowaees evoob enanory. ? Wwe oe єпєптскопос 


п 1245 ора] порн Bo (T).. fip. Bo 124$ epxoerc| 
cepecepxwx Bo 18 (1) 24 nNacce] 24 .. epnNaceim Bo (кко") 
.. єриМасих (L) .. єрпМатнх Bo (A &c) 14 (т) (24) жє] ae neoc 
Bo 15 (1) 24 evrxx] 24 .. pref. євоМ Bo as usual | 

1 1 фаб пет. 24$ epenscn.] єрптск. г.. еереписк. 24 ? (1) 24 

(e&oN Sen) Arm (Eth)..trs. but in good works as it is right 
&c Syr 3 

1 тєсо. the woman] отсо. а woman Во, Ñ &c, Arm axapeca, 
&c lit. let her learn in a meekness] trs. ev соҳа рамуб. М біс, Vg 
(silentio) Syr Arm (humility) Eth eit оти. &c in all subjection} 
Sen(axevG. F.. gang. к) omexwg Во..ош all Bo (1.).. Eth has she 
shall obey in all 

опал ae (om Bo р) &c but I give not place to the (Bo GLM) 
woman to teach] Bo (tovagcagns &c 7 permit not to woman).. trs. 
diackew дє yvvaukt ovk. єтітрето RADFGP 17 37, Vg Arm .. уруок 
дє 2:0. &c KL &с, Eth (we permit not) .. for (yap) to the woman to teach 
Г permit not Syr єтрєсцу. &c lit. for her to be in a meekuess] Bo, 
ємал ви тому.  &с, Vg (silentio) Arm (in silence) .. but she shall be in 
quietness Syr .. ssapecoichw бс let her learn in а meekness Bo (Ax).. 
but in quietness she shall be Eth 

13 nentarndacce &c lit. he whom they formed first] 1? 24.. 
єтауєрпХ. Во (нди)... атєрим. lit. they formed him first Bo .. єтласви 
прото F£'G, Syr (vg)..apwros єтласбт NÑ біс, Vg Arm Eth 
эиисоч after him] 24.. and after him Eth .. era 34 &с, Vg Bo (sta) 
.. and then Syr Arm 

1 лус and] 24 .. but Eth затотатата дя. lit. they deceived 

1. PEMOTHY IT тії ОВ 12 451 

good works. !'The woman, let her learn in meekness, in all 
subjection. 1 But I give not place to the woman to teach, nor 
to be lord of her husband, but (a) for her to be іп meekness, 
1? For Adam (is) he who was formed first, after him Куба; 
14 and [Adam] was not deceived, but the woman, when she had 
been deceived, became in transgression: 1 but she will be 
saved through the childbearing, if they should remain in the 
faith. and the love and the sanctification with prudence. 

ПІ. Faithful is the word: he who wisheth to become bishop 
he is desiring а good work. ? It is right therefore for the 

not him] (1 1) 24..33mowugepoaN arog lit. they were not able to 
deceive him Во .. ovk утатуду N &с, Vg Arm... erred not (thus again) 
Syr Eth «ещ. &c lit. became in a transgression] (т 7) 24, Bo .. ev 
zapa[Jace. yeyovev NÑ &с, Vg .. was deceived and transgressed Arm .. 
erred and tr. Eth .. transgressed the commandment Syr 
15 emaosxar she will be saved] (т?) 24, сбблиєта: N &c, Vg Bo 
(ecenooeax) .. she will live Arm Eth .. she is living Syr є | N &e, 
Vg Bo Syr Arm 470*, Во (B®) пехпещнре lit. the 
bearing son | 1 ? 24 .. Tecaxetpeyacbeusnps her bearing (verbal) son Bo 
.. TNS Tekvoyovuas Ñ &c, Arm .. filiorum generationem Vg .. her children 
Syr Eth тизст. &c lit. the faith with the love with the sanctifi- 
cation] (т?) 24, Во.. more kat ауат кол ауасро NÑ &с, Vg Syr 
Arm Eth — aait оузантр. lit. with a prudence] 1? 24 .. pera софро- 
сор М &с, Vg Arm.. Sen оуяяєтсабє in a prudence Bo .. and. in 
chastity Syr .. Eth has and in purifying themselves in knowledge (om ro) 
' озтистос &с lit. а faithful is the word] Syr Arm.. yengot 
fixencaxt is faithful the word Bo .. viros о Xoyos Ñ &e, Vg Eth (his 
word ro) .. avOpwrwos о А. D*, gm .. add ко maons атод. аб. 17 .. add 
and Во (r)..join with preceding words Arm cdd netos. &с Пе 
who wisheth to become bishop] Bo..he who wisheth to be appointed 
papas Eth .. e tis єтіскотуѕ opeyera, М &c, Vg Arm.. that if а man 
desired а presbyterate Syr e«eni(e 24) ovases(aa1 I.. дата 24) біс 
he is desiring a good work] trs. ovgwh enane« (ne Г) етеч(етач 
FM..eT A) єрєптетями а good work (is that) which he desireth 
(desired) Во Syr, kaAov epyov єтібуце, N &c, Vg Arm Eth.. Syr and 
Arm use the same word desired twice 
? бе therefore] І 24, ow N &c, Vg Во Syr (h).. om Arm .. de FG, 
Во (на) Syr (vg) Eth (adda 1) єпеписк. for the bishop] 1 24.. 


EALMOTTAQOY ом Aaa itoob. eagar озсо аже ROTOT. 
єцторо. мразмонт. еносяяет. aseealtJaeero, Пре- 
\е6%. Земотрещее aw пе. емотиоще ам me. 
АХАа eroan пе. смотрецаяице am пе. emnovssar- 
созт AM пе.  ^àeepmnpoorcTa €Opatr exe печи: 
s&tWTcestiuOc MIR. — ^eujgxe OTH OTA ae емсеости 
AIL AeMpooicTA €Qpatr exe песні. Naw мое epiac 
просуш WTeRRÀHcia язпиоуте  ^iowrosoe ибрре 

? (т) 24 eveak] evovean 24 (т defective) (зуди esm] 
exii I 24 оп | oss I ші ed | еора! | Ie Oni ОД exi] 24026 
exit I Ө (түс 

том emiokorov—ewat Ñ &c, Vg (Bo) Arm .. that should be the presbyter Syr 
.. that he should be appointed papas Eth e(om 24)axnortagog &е 
who was not apprehended in any matter] т 24 .. avertAy(p)rrov evar 
N &с, Vg Arm.. щопі egor (om egos АЕК) fiatNwsar should be 
irreproachable Во .. such that fault is not found in him Syr .. Eth has 
he who accepteth not person, in whom there is not fault (om in whom &c 
ro) eaqar й(ота r)osc. &е lit. having taken one wife] І 24.. 
єачероат itosc. &c having become husband of one wife Bo .. шаѕ уоуолкоѕ 
аубра NÑ &c, Arm, unius uxoris virum Vg .. and. he became husband 
of one woman Syr .. who one woman married Eth ечтор5 being 
temperate] 1 24, упфаМ(оу № &e, Vg Bo (єчрне watchful) .. he 
who was awake in his mind Syr..a man sober Eth mild Arm 
прахпонт lit. of prudent] (т?) 24, софрома М &c, Vg Bo (wise) Eth 
(and wise) .. and. chaste Syr .. humble Arm .. Eth ro has а man wise, 

who purified himself. teacher, corrector and hospitable єчкосяяєї 
being orderly] 24, косшоу М &e, Vg (ornatum) Во (&ceNc1X) Syr .. 
modest Arm .. trs. hospitable, who purified himself Eth Dua. 

lit. of loving stranger] 24, Во, № &c, Vg Arm.. pref. and Syr Eth 
fipeytchw lit. of teacher] 24, бідактікоу  &с, Vg Syr (pref. and) 
Arm Eth .. add enaneep good Bo 

3 єп(Во r three times.. п Во) озречщое «е not being a drunkard ] 
24.. Поурєцеє govo нрп ам me not being drinker of much wine Bo 
Eth (who eaceedeth not in drinking wine) pn тарошоу Ñ &е, Vg 
(vinolentum) Syr (pref. and) Eth ro (who drinketh not wine) .. not 
insolent Arm exosmnoujcs not being a striker] 24, wy тАуктуи 

т TIMOTHY III 3-6 453 

bishop (to be one) who was not apprehended in any matter, 
having married one wife, being temperate, (and) prudent, 
being orderly, (and) hospitable, (and a) teacher; ? not being 
a drunkard, not being a striker, but (a) being fair, not being 
contentious, not being a lover of money: * presiding over his 
house well, having his children in subjection and in all 
gravity; ? but 1f there is one knowing not (how) to preside 
over his house, how will he take саге of the church of God? 
Snot a novice, that he should not be puffed up and fall 

NADFGKLP 17, Vg Bo (om ne лк) Eth ro Syr (and his hand not 
hastening to strike) Arm Eth (who hasteneth not his hand to strike) .. add 
py auo xpokepóx] 37 al permu adda ev(evoo 24'oax ne lit. but 
being a fair] 24 .. useful Eth (omitting but) ^ eosxi lit. brass] (т) 
24..9ат Bo .. apyvpov М «е, Syr Arm .. goods Eth 

* єєпроо. &с presiding over his house well] (т?) 24, Syr (and 
ruling)..trs. rov (0. ow. каћоѕ Tpowrraj.evov Ñ біс, Vg .. that of his 
oun house good superintendent he should be Arm .. of whom good (із) 
the ordering of his house Eth .. eyyreppworus negn itk&aNoc taking 
care of his house well Bo єу(єот 24) i. &c lit. having his sons in 
a subjection] т 24..having sons in &c Bo (ergen who are in AE.. 
evd. being in ва &c .. ен. 5. HJ) .. Texva exovra. ev vroray Ñ &c, 
Vg .. children he should have who in subjection are Arm .. who hath 
sons who obey Eth .. and holding his sons in subjection Syr азо) 
and] 1 24.. mera М &c, Vg Bo (ness) Arm (om prep.) Syr (in all) 
Eth (in all) .. who is pure in all Eth ro зате. gravity] 1 24, 
N &c, Bo .. castitate Vg Syr Arm (Eth) 

5 єпухє &c but if there is one] rcxe ae отоп osa: Во.. ош ae 
Во (B? T FHKO0* P).. e de ris № &с, Vg (s? quis autem) but if any опе 
Arm .. but he who Eth .. for (yap) if Syr enge. &c lit. knowing not 
presiding over his house] пєсооти ам e*peppoosug єпєсні дали 
aog knowing not to take care of his own house Во .. rov (ov oxov 
прооттиал ovk owev Ñ &c, Vg Arm .. the house of himself he knoweth 
not how to rule well Syr not able to order his house Eth (trs. his 
house 18 not &c ro) йаш &c how will he take care of the church of 
God] Bo (лос) Eth .. mws exxAnovas cov expedynoetar № &c, Vg .. how 
of the church of God guardian will he become Arm .. how can he the 
house of God rule Syr.. how of the house of God will he take care 
Eth ro 

5 потт(а 24)wge &c lit. not a new plant] т 24, Bo (add ne).. py 


AM. хенас iürecpice понт мое eopar evipresa ivre 
maraboAoc.  "üjuje ae етречуюне еумтач LRAT 
Позлзмтяттрє ємамоїс ити метофоћ. хекас имеет 
egpar ехиобиеб sei отборбе ите maraboXoc. 
$ иътакомое ом итезое исеяженос. eaeevexeuJaose CHAT. 
емеео хи ирещее gag ipm. соемаязг ону KWAO 
AM ме. ? ЄУМТАУ MALAT азпаєустнрюм NTMICTIC OW 
evcsueranere єстЁбит. Зато мәх MLAPOTAOHILLATE 
Aroor Ишорп. Leiliicwc sexporvaranoner саям тобе 

an] 24..add me т, Во 7 (1) 24 eopai] І 24, Bo (FKLO)., 
om Bo 8 1 24§ йтєює| йтєєює і. foe 24 Pdl 23 
10 (1) 24 asaKoster] -sus (т) 

уєофутоу М &c, Vg Arm.. and he should not be recent in his learning 
Syr..and he should not be (one) who (is) of new plant Eth .. om Eth 
ro meRa(aa г)с &c lit. that he should not be exalted of heart 
and fall] 1724, Bo .. that he should not be lifted up and fall Syr.. 
that he should not be elated and not be insulted and not fall Eth .. wa 
pn tvpwbes ets крша єртєст Ñ &e, Vg (Arm)... and he should not be 
elated that he should not be insulted and fall Eth ro eopas (om Bo 
к) &c lit. into a condemnation of the devil] 24 .. in the judgement of 
Satan крира ETET TOV ба. N Же, Vg (iudicium) Arm 
(in judgements of Satan should fall)..ew кр. єр. kar may. т. 9. L.. 
єр. evoan &c Bo.. єр. Sen оуфьщ &c in а snare &e Bo (A, mg) 
єпіфащ into the snare &c Bo (ндо ™8).. into the snare of Satan Eth 

7 ae] Syr.. add on also Во, кал М &c(Eth) | етречиу. &c lit. for him 
to become having a good witness] (1) 24, Syr .. om fire kessevaseope 
єнанєч шоп: Sapog that there should be also a good witness to him 
Bo .. avrov (om МАЕ £t GH 17) кол дартириау каАти exew (ex. к. DFG, 
Vg) В &e, Vg Arm.. Eth has and further it is right that men outside 
should commend him хека(аа 1)с й (є 1)seges that he should 
not come] І 24.. ог ivequyressoes that he should not fall Bo Syr 
Eth..trs. wa py es oved. eureen Ñ &с, Vg Arm..trs. of Satan 
should fall Arm cdd axi &c lit. and a snare of the devil] т 24, Ñ 
бо, Vg Bo.. каи es т. т. 9. D*, с Vgcle..and in the snare of Satan 
Syr Arm (Eth) 

* ivarak, the deacons] eamamrakcm deacons Во N &с, Vg Arm ., 
pref. and Syr Eth .. and of deacons also Eth ro йсєзанос grave | 

г TIMOTHY III 7-10 455 

into condemnation of the devil. "But it is right for him to 
become having good witness from those who are without, 
that he should nof come into reproach and snare of the 
devil. 8% Тһе deacons likewise, grave, not being wont to speak 
double, not being drinkers of much wine, not being lovers of 
disgraceful gain; ?having the mystery of the faith in clean 
conscience. 19 And these, let them be proved first; after- 
wards let them minister, having no guilt attaching to them. 

ма &e, Bo (pref. evor being) .. pudicos Vg Syr (should be pure) Arm 
Eth .. om N* сзлєухе (1 1)ugaxe cias lit. not being wont to say 
two words] eeanpespxe (om хє АЕ) сажі B аи пе not being sayers 
of two words Bo, py &Xoyovs  &с, Syr (and they shall not say two 
things) .. non bilingues Ус Arm .. those whose word is one Eth 
e(om 24)исео am йрєчсє &e not being drinkers of much wine] 
fice} поеноу am єотални; йнрії coamaqaip am пе not attending 
to much wine, being not greedy (om being біс т) Bo.. py oww Todo 
тросєхоутає Ñ &с, Vg (deditos) Bo (1).. not drinkers of wine Arm .. 
those who exceed not in drinking wine Eth (om drinking ro) .. and they 
shall not be given to much wine Syr соепахат &c not being lovers 
of disgraceful gain] Bo (єсриунцу) py aurypoxepders № &с.. non turpe 
lucrum sectantes Vg .. those who love not empty (om ro) gain Eth .. and 
they shall not love disgraceful gain Syr 

? estas 3x. запазусти (є 24)p. having the mystery] exovras то 
p. M &e, Vg .. ечейтотох txeriasscr. shall be for them the mystery 
Bo .. those who guard the тузі. Eth .. but they shall hold the mystery 
Syr Arm (mysteries .. mystery cdd) оп озсъие! (иг т)ан(у 24)cre 
&c lit. in a conscience cleansed] Во Vg Syr. Eth.. ev каб. стуєд. 
Ne &c, Arm .. ко кабараѕ avv. № 

10 avw and] т 24, Ѕуг.. кид N біс, Vg Syr (Eth).. om Bo Arm 
..Ae Во (вагі) мәт these] 1 24, ото. № &е, Vg .. avrov H.. 
палке coru. these others Во .. these themselves Syr Arm .. them also 
Eth sapora. &c lit. let them prove them first] 1? 24, Bo .. 
бокцайєсвостам Ñ &c, Vg Syr Arm (Eth) iu. first] 24 .. trs. first 
let them be proved Arm Eth зас. afterwards] 24.. era N &с, 
Bo.. kat ото D*, et sic Vg .. and then Syr Arm Eth exiit. &c lit. 
sin being not received into them] І 24, evos tara pri being blameless 
Во .. aveykAntou ovres Ñ &c, Arm... ауєукА. ov exovres FG, nullum 
crimen habentes OL Vg .. without blame Syr .. when chosen they are 
Eth .. and. chosen they are Eth ro 


жї еооти єроот.  ?'meoyosee ow їтєтоє псе«е ин. 
еноєпрецуштотунт хи ме. ехинфе. ETO яепістос ow 
ооб муже. 1? Hasanottoc яелроушщопе €a y ossooc ля 
соусогаяє отит. єупросіста eEOpar exu мєуцінрє 
наЛис я NETH. 13 ментататаномеї “ар кали 
ETANO HAT озш енАШОУС eit OPMAPPHCIA ena ujoc 
ом тпїстїс eTORR TEXT vc. 1 мах pegar ажа ооз MAK 
exoeAme eer ON оттепн.  eujsse ae eigjadock. 
хєкаС €Heereee coc ereujuje eescouje ose MHI At- 
пноттє. ETE TAY те. TERRAHCIA аяпио’бте ETONG. 

п 1 24 fiverge| 24.. Итееюе т 12 ү (22) (24) &&Noc] Во 
(1,).. пк. Bo 8 122$ (24) asakoner| - І м (тезу 
24$ мы X.] 22 24, Bo.. war є (1?) Во (ва) (Eth) 15 (nee) 
24 (32) 

И geo, &c lit. the women also thus] gang. om (ae HJ.. є on 
A,G* .. om ваг) &с women also thus Во, yuv. ocavros N біс, Vg .. trs. 
thus also women Syr Arm .. pref. and Eth псєязин grave] № &c, 
Bo (pref. evos being) .. pudicas Vg Syr (should be’ pure) Arm .. those 
who purified themselves Eth ємоємр. &с not being slanderers] 
24, pn diaBorouvs № &c, Vg (detrahentes) Bo (gamarahodoc) Arm Eth 
(who do not slander) .. essewasiuyaose cnar not being wont to say two 

words 1..trs. to end Syr (and should not be) єуннфє sober | 
N &c, Vg Во (етрис) .. gentle Arm .. wise Eth .. and should be wakeful 
their mind оп owh м. lit. in every thing] Bo, ev zaew № &c, 

Vg Arm Eth .. add and they shall minister Eth 

7 fiaraKonoc (аганом т, Bo) the deacons] І 24 .. gamaraKwit 
deacons Во, М &c, Vg Syr Arm (singular) .. and the man also Eth .. add 
de FG зааротцу. &c lit. let them become having sat with one 
woman] I 24 .. зароутщент easepoar orcos &c let them become 
having been husband of one woman Bo .. єттосау pras *yvvawos. аудрєѕ 
N &с, Vg Aim (plural)... who one woman married Eth .. he to whom 
one woman was Syr єтпроохста &c lit. presiding over their sons 
well] т 22 (24 Ї).. rexvov kaXos(-v D£r* Fet*) проїстацємої М біс .. 
qui filiis suis bene praesunt Vg (Атт).. and he ruled his sons Syr .. 
who hath sons Eth зп петні(єї т) and their houses] 1 22 24, 
ка Tov «бшу okov Ñ &c, Vg (Arm)., near позн and their house 

1 TIMOTHY III 11-15 457 

1 The women likewise, grave, not being slanderers, sober, 
being faithful in all things. !? The deacons, let them become 
husbands of one wife, presiding over their children well and 
their houses. 13 For those who ministered well are getting for 
themselves a good degree and much boldness of speech in the 
faith which (is) in the Christ Jesus. 14 These (things) I write 
to thee, hoping to come quickly ; 15 but if I should delay, that 
thou shouldst know how it is right to walk in the house of 
God, which is this, the church of the living God, the pillar 

Bo ..and their house well Syr.. lit. who-are good the morals of his 
house Eth 

7" wap] 1 22 24, № &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm.. but Eth ETANO &c 
lit. are getting for them a measure which is good] т 22 24.. Baĝpov 
eavtois kaÀov птєритоююута: Ñ е, Vg (Arm)... оутотєр emaner 
пєтотвазато зхавос goo lit. а star which is good (is that) which 
they make for them Во ..а stair good they get for themselves Syr .. lit. 
which was exalted, an office they make for them Eth зай отпар- 
р(о т)нста «с єт(от єт 24) &c and much boldness of speech in the 
faith which (is) in the Christ Jesus] Bo (фи єтаен) .. kat zoAAxv тар. 
ev поте TH ev ҳо w В &с, Vg Syr (which is of Jesus Christ) Arm.. 
and much grace in the faith of Jesus Christ Eth .. and much grace is 
in them in &c Eth ro 

М mar &c lit. these I write them to thee] 1? 22 24, Bo .. these 
I write to thee Syr .. this I write to thee Arm.. апа this also which 
I write to thee Eth .. ravra. со: урафо N &e, Vg ergeNiice hoping | 
22 24, Ñ &c, Vg Bo Syr (Arm).. exz(e)£o(o) Квт G 37, Eth ees 
to come] 22 241 Fer Ger .. soon to соте Arm .. add zpos сє N &c, Vg 
Во (оарок) Eth (that T should)..trs. cito ad te fg..trs. mpos сє 
‹Абе тах. 46, Vg cle..trs. that quickly I should come to thee Syr 
оп оте. lit. in a specd] (22 1) 24, ev raxe ACD*P 17, Syr .. raxtov 
м еєс КІ &с, cito Vg Arm, tSccoNess Bo Eth 

5 сиухе ae but if] 22, єщи ae Bo, єау дє № &c, зі autem f Vg, 
quodsi dg Arm Eth .. om де Fer G .. and if дє Syr €a1oouje to 
walk] 22 24, Arm .. ауастрефео вал № &c, Syr .. add ое D*, f Vg (te in 
domo &c) Arm ( for thee in &c) .. Пщроопх of being Ро.. thou shouldst 
order Eth охх пні хаппоттє in the house of God] (т) 22 24 321, 
Bo Syr..trs. ev око eov (куріою P) ауаттр.  &с, Vg..order the 
house of God. Eth єтє tas те &e which is this, the church of the 


пестуЛос arw птажро итаяе. Mavw oossoAocos- 
яеєпос отмоб пе MAeTCTHPION WMTeeNMTHOSTE. паї 
птаЧотсмо ehoA oN Tcapz. асртавато дає nenia. 
acjorwito eo WitacceAoc, аттащєоєу азазо on 
поєөпос. ATTANQOTTY QAL HHoceeoc. ATIT воры 
ом oveoov. 

IV. nenia ae хо азаєос орнтос. хе ом eaH 
mMeosoeny OTH gome Nacagwosy ehoA ом теме 
етих мотих есеипих яєпЛамос зам оемебо Ñ- 
затазонтом. >? ои отоупокрісіс aseeiiTpecjoseujacse 

м (1) 24 (32) (91) 
* (т) (22) (24$) (32 P) 9! gn] и 22 9! ? 1 22 249! 
хитрее] 22 9l .. asittpegar I 24 

living God] (11) 24 32... 971s воти’ єккА. дєоо Covros Ñ &c, Vg (Bo) 
Syr Arm .. om yrs єттї Eth necvsN(NX 24 32) &c the pillar 
and the firmness] (т) 24 32.. еуст. meas отт. being a pillar and 
а firmness Bo .. &rvAos Kat €Ópouopa, N &с, Vg Syr ( foundation) Arm 
Eth ro .. add great Eth continuing This who appeared in flesh 

16 arw eoíxoNovomaxenoc(r..oc 24 32 9!) &с lit. and con- 
fessedly a great is the mystery of the godhead] т 24 (321) (9) .. кал 
opooyoupevws peya єсті/ то TNS єосєВеаѕ pvorgpov N біс, Vg 
(pietatis sacramentum) Во (Sen orong e&oN отупущя ne nias. 
itte taretercehuc) Arm (mystery of piety .. the piety cdd) .. and truly 
great із this mystery of righteousness Syr .. for great is that which they 
believe, the counsel of truth Eth ro.. Eth has great. This who appeared 
nar fi(24 32 91 .. em т)тачотаио єбоМ lit. this who (or which) was 
manifested] т 24 32 9!.. фн etagqovomog lit. that who (or which) 
manifested him (or it) Bo (фах this G .. add еВоХ FK).. os єфауеробу 
N*A*C* FerGer 17 .. who (or which) was manifested Буг Arm (ар- 
peared) Eth (appeared) .. o. epav, D*, OL Vg.. deos RECEDEK LP &c 
(o beos 37) тсар5 the flesh] 1 24 32 9, Bo.. саркі Ñ &c, Vg Syr 
Eth (add of man) ацтала ЦІ &c.. єз 9!)o he was justified] т 24 
32 9l..avessaroe lit. they justified him Во .. ебиколюйу NÑ &с, Vg 
Arm .. and, he was justified Syr Eth nenia the spirit] 1 24 32 
91, Во.. mvevparı Ñ &c, Vg Syr Arm (instr. case) Eth Чотон 
eĥo he was manifested] 1 24 32 91, Arm.. a*jovoneq (om F) Ле 
manifested himself Bo .. wpn NÑ &c (Syr) .. apparuit Vg (Eth) .. pref. 

1 TIMOTHY III 16—IV 2 459 

and the firmness of the truth. 19 And confessedly great is the 
mystery of the godhead, this (one) who was manifested in the 
flesh, he was justified in the spirit, he was manifested to 
the angels, he was preached among the Gentiles, he was 
trusted in the world, he was taken up in glory. 

IV. But the spirit saith expressly, that in the last (stage) of 
the times there are some (who) will depart from the fuith, 
attending unto seducing spirits and doctrines of demons; 
“in hypocrisy of lying utterance; having their conscience 

and Syr Eth пласе, to the angels] 24 32 91, Bo.. of Пасс. 
among the angels т ..ayyedous Ñ &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth ATTAUEOES, 
(от. т) &c lit. they preached him] т 24 32 91, Bo, єкпрохвя № &e, Vg 
Arm .. pref. and Syr Eth поеепос lit. the nations] 1 24 32 9!, 
Bo..e0vecw N &e, Vg Arm .. to peoples Syr Eth nkocasoc the 
world] т 24 32 9!, Bo.. копию Ж &e, Vg Syr Arm Eth acqui 
єораї &c lit. they took him away up in a glory] т 24 32 9!, Bo 
(a voXe) .. ауєА(и)фбз ev 00g N &c, Vg Буг.. ascended & Arm Eth 

1 nenta the spirit] 24 32 9! .. add holy Arm орнт(а g!)we 
expressly] 24 32 9!, ритос Bo (Грекьмо) ритос Bo (AB2EG*HJP 
18) ритне Bo (M)..trs. pros Аєує № &с, Vg (manifeste) Syr (ex- 
plicitly) Arm (clearly) Eth (openly) оп eaH пмєоу(пєт г)оеиц 
lit. in the last of the times] 1? (247) 32 91.. ev єсҳатоі кар. 17, 
Arm ?.. Sen пєооот йжає in the last days Bo (a&* DEFKO).. $. 
ласно» AS. in the last times Bo (TGHILMNP).. ev voreposs к. N Ke, 
Vg Syr Eth? отп &c there are some (who) will depart from the 
faith] (т?) (22?) (24) 32? 91, Во..атосттооутаї tives THs титтєоЅ 
N &c, Vg Syr Arm .. will pervert their faith many Eth .. will pervert 
the faith of тату Eth го єуко по. attending] (1?) 22 (241) 9!, 
Bo, zpocexovres М &с, Vg .. going away after Syr .. will gaze at Arm 
.. ата they will follow Eth .. and they will listen Eth ro єоєн (ой 
22)nita unto spirits] (1) 22 24 91, Syr.. demons Arm’? Eth .. other 
spirits Во (нл) запМамос seducing) 1 22 (24) 91, Во, тЛарос N 
&c, Syr Eth .. zAavgs P 37, Vg Arm genchw doctrines] 1 (24) 
Во, № &с, Vg Syr.. бідаткаМаз 53" P 37 .. ovchw а doctrine 22 9^ 
Eth? .. eancaa words Во (Ax) ix araxormion lit. of demon] І 22 
24 91.. Иъезаюи Bo.. daipoviwy N &е, Vg Syr.. of devils Arm.. of 
Satans Eth 

? em озоузпокрін 22 9l)cse lit. in an hypocrisy of lying 


MACE ATW стрезслофох ehoA iioniovooss. 
MAY WTA пиоттє CONTOT етре аєпістос "хто ом 
соупупояхот LL WENTATCOTH та е. CONT Tap мі? 
NTE пиоутє MANOTOT. ATW яз ее Альт тетих ehod. 
суху AMLOOT ON osuHoreoT. Fwarthho cap orrae 
пшахе яєпноттє ETONG. ee mewAHA. | мат ER- 
WaANKAAT €Opal пмесину килщопе мозатАНОМОС 

22)24 9! йта] єм. т wig. 
la T ааа T vy ЛЯ 

ulterance] ev птокрісє WevdoAoywy Ñ &c, Vg Arm.. йтє ganusohs 
Wperpxecamr marconora of hypocrisies of sayers of false words Bo.. 
those who with lying appearance seduce and speak lie Syr .. those which 
suggest hypocrisy. Speakers of lie Eth .. those who suggest hypocrisy with 
word. of lie Eth ro EPE vesvcsneraH(nraH I.. ити 24.. HAH 
91.. ua v 22)стс &с lit. their conscience being seared unto them | epe 
TOVCTHHAECIC poko йрн йёнтоу their conscience being seared in 
them Во .. kexav(o)rgpuaa evov Tyv (діам) avveuow (вахту) X біо... et 
cautertatam habentium suam conscientiam Vg .. having seared their 
own conscience Arm .. amd they are seared in their conscience Syr .. who 
are seared in their thought Eth .. whose heart is seared Eth ro 

3 evrkwAve(om єт 22 9l .. Nn 24) forbidding] 1 22 &c, еутарио 
Bo..keAvovrov N &с, Vg.. and they forbid Syr .. who would forbid 
Arm .. who forbid Eth замах (оп 24 9 1) олаяє lit, the taking wife | 
І 22 &c..33mrvasxoc the marriage Во .. yapew Ñ &с, Vg Syr Eth 
avw &c and for them to abstain] т 22 &c.. wear egenor савоМ 
and to abstain Bo .. атєхєсвам Ж &с, Vg .. and they abstain Syr Arm.. 
and they prohibit Eth n(en g!)iiosmorvoo(oTw 24 g!)ax the 
meats] 1 22 &c, ймідбрноті the meats Bo (пот. their meats x) .. 
Bpwpatov N &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth єтрє яатистос axrTOv &c lit, 
for the faithful to receive them in a thanksgiving] т (22 1) &c .. пит. 
еоротбт ehoX пзнтох Sen &с for the faithful for them to take of 
them in &с Bo .. es petadn(p)w pera evyapiotias Tots TwrTows Ñ біс, 
Vg .. for the use and for the thanksgiving for those who believe Syr .. for 
believers that they may feed and give thanks Eth ., that they should feed 

т TIMOTHY IV 3-6 461 

seared; *forbidding the marrying wife, and for them фо 
abstain from the meats, these which God created for the 
faithful to receive them in thanksgiving, and those who knew 
the truth. * For all creatures of God are good, and there is 
nothing rejected, being received in thanksgiving: ? for they 
are wont to be sanctified through the word of the living God 
and the prayer. ‘These (things) if thou shouldst lay them 
down for the brothers, thou wilt become a good minister of 

and give thanks namely believers Eth ro.. for enjoyment of believers 
Arm тал є the truth] 1 (22) &с.. add avrov D*, Arm? 

* cont &е for all creatures of God] (1?) (22) 24, Arm... om tap 
9!..-e conr men йтєФфЯ because every creature of God Bo, оті 
тау ктісра дєоо Ж &с, Vg Eth.. om Geov P .. because all which was 
ereated by God Syr иаиотот (add te 32) ave good] т &e, Arm .. 
maney are good Во (DFK).. maneg is good Bo, xaXov N &c, bona Vg, 
Syr (good is) Eth хх (ош 1 91)яяї Мау v(om 24)©тнъ &e there 
is nothing rejected] т &c 32?.. maron gNr eq(om eg ваго, 18)- 
owors there is nothing being rejected Во .. ovdev aroBdntov N &е, Vg 
Arm (vile) .. there is not any thing which is to be rejected Syr .. there is 
not to be rejected amy thing at all Eth єужі Marooy &c lit. they 
receiving them in a th.] 1..ever àxaxo« &с they receiving it &e 24 
91, Bo.. мета єухарістіає ЛарВаторетоу № &c, Vg (quod &с).. if with 
th. it is received Syr .. if they receive it while they give thanks Eth .. and 
they receive it while &c Eth то .. especially what with thanksgiving they 
receive Arm 

5 щаутіфо с. for they are wont to be sanctified] т &e (32').. 
щачтоубо v. for it is &с Bo, аушбєтаї уар N &с, Vg Syr (Arm) 
orra (H 1) пищ. through the word] т &e (321) Arm.. e&oN отеп 
ovcax: lit. through a word Bo, да Xoyov N &e, Vg Syr (in) Eth (in) 
єтом 5 lit. who liveth] т &c 32, Eth ro.. om М &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm 
Eth  meusAnA the prayer] т &с (321).. ovceass an intercession Bo, 
evrevéews N &с, orationem Vg .. and in prayer Syr Eth .. evrevéeow D*, 
prayers Атт 

* war єкщам. &c lit. these if thou shouldst lay them down] т 24 
(321) 91.. nar eX% (екеже thou shalt lay HJ) marwor Sater 
these laying them with Bo, ravra утотибєрєуоє Ñ &c, haec proponens 
Vg .. these if thou shouldst be teaching Syr .. these having informed Arm 
.. and this teach Eth «au &с lit. thou wilt become a minister 


ємАМОУЧ NEXE IC ERCANAWT oW ишьхе итшете 
зах Tecbo) ETMAMOTC. TAY йтлкоулок Wcoc. ' мущіо 
хе RoAAo єтінт Taparres Meeooy. суляматє 434508 
єтазМтєусєїнс. | ?TUyatuacià Tap MCW OT- 
море те прос отноті поуоєку. vaeWTevcebHc ave 
оумочрє те iovoeiuy miee ETHTAC азазху азпернт 
anong manera зам плпнєотл.  ?отзгастос пе 
пицумає ATW yanya тато nie. erbe пах тидосє 

7 (x) (22). 24/8 (92) 8 (т) 22 (24) это. (24 8). m! 
Е (22) (24) 

who is good] т (24?) (321) 91, Bo (екещ. 21a) .. каЛоб eon біако- 
vos N &с, Во... minister good thou wilt be Syr .. good minister thou wilt 
become Arm .. and thou wilt be a chosen minister Eth iment 1C 
of the Christ Jesus] т (32) 91, Во.. хрютоь v SACD*FGLP, Vg.. 
w xv De 17 47 &е, Vg (am) Bo (посе м 18) Eth .. om Jesus Bo (лк) 
оп ñw. in the words] т 24 32 9!, Bo Syr.. тос Aoyos Ñ біс, Vg 
(verbis) Arm Eth эзїї Techw &c and the good doctrine] т 24 (32) 
91, Bo Eth .. ка туз Kadns д:доск. N &c, Vg Eth ro.. and in doctrine 
good Syr (Arm) tar п (24 91.. єм т)т. this which thou followedst | 
1 24 (321) 91 q(us) парпкоХ. № &с, Vg (adsecutus) Bo (ен) Arm 
Eth .. which thow wast taught Syr 

7 пуц (ет) же Поло (add ато and 32) єтёнт lit. but the 
fables of old woman which are profane] I 24 32..Tovs дє Beßnàovs 
Kat ypawdes родос Ñ біс, Vg.. mcan ae етсо mesa ио | 
mSeNNw but the stories which are impure and the fables of old woman 
Bo .. but from impure words and from fables of old women Arm .. but 
fables of old women impure Eth .. but from fables foolish of old women 
Syr .. Eth ro has and refuse impure ( fables) and fables of old women 
naparrer 3321007 lit. refuse them] (т?) 24 (32?) тарато» N &c, Vg 
(devita) бут Eth .. withdraw thyself from them Во .. withdraw Arm 
ст(32..н 24)яяпатє Maron lit. exercise thee] 24 321, Во (ван 18) 
.. yupvale сєаютоу D* P, Vg (am &c) .. yvuva£e дє сєаутоу N &e, Vg Во 
Arm .. and exercise thyself Syr .. and subject thyself Eth (om and ro) .. 
exer. them Bo (лк) etat. unto the godliness] 22 24 .. in the god- 
liness Во .. mpos evoeBecay N &с, Vg Arm .. n. righteousness Syr .. to 
righteousness Eth 

1 TIMOTHY IV 7-10 463 

the Christ Jesus, nourished in the words of the faith and 
the good doctrine, this which thou followedst: "риб the old 
women’s fables which are profane refuse. | Exercise thyself 
unto the godliness: 8 for the exercise of the body is profitable 
for a little time, but the godliness is profitable for all time 
having the promise of the life, that of this place and that of 
the other. ° Faithful is the word and it is worthy of all 
honour. 19 Because of this we toil and we are reproached, 


5 чсу(н 24)яям. «с for the exercise of the body] (17) 22 24, Во, 
Syr .. 7 yap cwpatixy упимаєча NÑ &e, Vg Arm.. for subjection indeed 
(om ro) in the body Eth (thy ro) оупоч(5 22)pe &с lit. is 
a profitable for a little time] 1 22 24, time little profiteth Syr .. mpos 
oAvyov (add pev FG) єттї” офедцлоє N &e, Vg ..for small thing prof. 
is Arm .. for little profiteth Eth .. сєрмосірє прос откотт profiteth for 
а little Bo tasitves, the godliness] т 22 24, Bo, у-єсеВеа N біс, 
Vg .. righteousness Syr Eth me] І 22, М &c, Vg Bo Syr Eth .. om 
24 оупочрє &c lit. a profitable is for every time] І 22 24 .. mpos 
ravra офедціоє єоти (om F&rG£r) N бос, ad omnia utilis est Vg.. 
сериочрє Sem oo (arar place Ас) miben profiteth in every thing 
Bo .. in every thing is profitable Буг .. for every thing prof. is Arm .. is 
effectual in all Eth eviitac &c having the promise of the life] т 
22 24.. having a promise of the life Bo .. єтаууємау eyovoa wns Ñ &e, 
Vg .. and there is to it promise of life Syr Eth .. and good news of life 
hath Arm папе: (ест 1) аха (nares? 22 the word after ter is lost) 
that of this place! т 24..itte {пох of the now Bo, туз vvv Ñ &c.. 
quae nunc’ est Arm..of this time this age Eth 
зай nankeov(makes. 1)a and that of the other] 1 22 (24).. kat Tys 
pedrrovons Ж &с, et futurae Vg Буг Arm .. ess neonnoy and that 
which cometh Bo Eth (and in) 

9 озпістос &с lit. a faithful is the word] т &e (24) Syr Arm.. 
emoot fixencass 75 faithful the word Во .. тстоѕ о Aoyos № &е, Vg 
Eth (Ais word) (9 r.. eq m!)aanusa it is worthy] 1 &c (24) Bo 
.. worthy is Syr .. aos N &c, dignus Vg .. it is right Eth та 
sax of all honour] т &с (24) .. trs. тасуѕ атодоҳуѕ абіоє V &c, Vg 
Arm (worthy is) be received Syr.. итеищон epon Sem щоп 
sien that we should accept it in all acceptation Во .. that they should 
accept it in all Eth 

10 evhe nar Because of this] ml, Po (F*).. add «ар т 22, Bo Syr 


ATW CENOGHET MUON. хе тмихоте EMMOTTE етом. 
ere Wal пе. псотнр иролае miert яз Міст є 
asnicTOc. п опарассєгє пи ато — моде. 
2 запртре Ахат катафромеї итекяяитшире WHA. 
AAA wone йсакот WasmicToc gas mnüjace o njeg- 
бите ом тасапн oW тпістіс gas птібо. 13 просеже 
enoujy waiter єпсопс erechw. 14 азпралаєМ et 
eMeostfOT €TMOHTH. паг NTATTAAY мак сти Ov- 
профнтє ати птАЛо Wicrx пмепресбутерос. 

пролае mar) Do.. noron тиза Do (P) (т) (24). (32) 
ау mUXcbo] отоо s1achco Bo 2 (1) (то) 24 (32) m! $at 
adda З (т) (то) 24(32) m! $8 " (to) (24) (32) m! titers] 

I TO 24 .. hic vx ml.. йнебтх 32.. maxx Do Tovro yap NACDP 37 47, f Vg (in hoc enim) Arm 
cenognes Taron lit. they reproach us] 1 221 m! (241) оуєдібореба 
NCDLP &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth .. ауоиќореба 33* ACF£rGerK 17 
41 тпизоте we trust] 22 .. аии, we trusted т ml, Eth .. anep- 
ое\Мтис we hoped Bo, ултік(с Р*)ареу М &с, Vg Акт... we hope Syr 
ete паг ne ncwtHp who is this, the saviour] г 22? m!.. ete 
псотнр-пє who the saviour-is Bo.. eve псотнр who (is) the saviour 
Bo (АВЗЕ) .. os earw сотур (татур 43 Syr В те) N &c, Vg Syr (vivifier) 
Arm .. vivifier (omitting who із) Eth ssadscta ae but chiefly] т 
m!, 74 al, Eth .. om de 8 &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm зх(п 24)пістос 
the faithful] т (24?) ml, Во (итистос).. тотоу N &с, Vg Syr 
Arm Eth 

п gapaccei(es т) Хе ritas &c lit. order these and teach] (1 ?) (24 ?) 
(32 1).. паракаМет Ипа &с exhort these біс m! .. тараууєАє ravra 
Kat д:даскє N &c, Vg, gongen пиа: &с Do .. command this and teach 
Arm .. trs. this teach and command Syr .. trs. thus teach and admonish 
Eth .. admonish and teach Eth ro 

? ахпртрє &c lit. let not any despise thy youth] 24 32% m!, Bo 
..pujües gov THS уєотутоє катафроуєти Ñ біс, Vg Arm (pref. for).. 
pref. and Syr .. and there is not he who will &c Eth adda] 10 &c 
(32) .. and Eth щопє itcarot lit. become for example] то? біс 
(321) Syr (Eth).. wons eros йттпос Во.. тотоѕ ywov № &e, Vg 

т TIMOTHY IV 11-14 465 

because we trust in the living God, who is this, the saviour 
of all men, but chiefly the faithful. 1! Order these (things) 
and teach. 1? Let no one despise thy youth; but (a) become 
example to the faithful in the word, in the works, in the love, 
in the faith, in the purity. 13 Attend unto the reading until 
I come, unto the exhortation, unto the doctrine.  !* Neglect 
not the gift which (із) in thee, this which was given to thee 
through prophecy and the laying on of the hands of the elders. 

Arm пщахє the word] 24 ml, Во.. Луо N &с, Vg Syr .. thy 
word Eth .. words Arm оп (ax with m! .. ness Bo B?) пеойнує 
in the works] (1) (то) &c .. Sem ruis ou: in the walking Bo Arm, 
ev ауастрофу Ñ біс, Vg Syr (pref. and)..and in thy work Eth 
ої TavanH in the love] (т) &c, Bo.. ev ауату RACDFG 17 47, Vg 
Syr (pref. and) Arm Eth .. om ml, Eth ro.. add ev zvevyar. К LP &c 
ой ттїстїс in the faith] 24 (32) m!, Bo.. ev тоте № &e, Vg .. pref. 
and Syr Eth .. and faith Eth ro охх птійо in the purity] (т?) 
(то) &e, Bo .. ev ayvea № &c, Vg Arm .. pref. and Syr Eth 

З просеже &с attend unto the reading until I come] (1 ?) (101) 
&c (m!) Eth (pref. and not ro)..trs. ews epxouat тросєҳє &c N біс, 
Vg (dum) Bo (gwc) Syr (be diligent) Arm Eth ro.. Palladius has 
тросєҳє TH TNS тратеб$ ф:Лотциа т TH avayvocet єпсопс unto 
the exhortation] т (то) &с (32?) ту паракАлое М &e, Vg Arm.. 
пітобо the prayer Bo..and in prayer Syr etechw unto the 
doctrine] т (101) &с 32, ту дідаскаМа. М &е, Vg Arm.. and in teaching 
Syr .. fasetpegychw the teaching Bo.. Eth has in reading and (om 
го) in teaching and in admonishing and in prayer (om ro) 

^ anpas. neglect not] т (10?) 24 (32 Ту m!, Во, N &c, Vg Arm 
Eth .. and despise not Syr єпєозаот the gift] г 24 (32) m, 
Ро, xapwparos М &e (xpwparos P) Syr.. gratiam. Ve Arm Eth 
єтпонтк which (is) iu thee] т 24 32, Во Vg Syr Arm (Eth).. rov ev 
сої xapiopatos Ñ &с.. om ml па! (om max т 1) (24 32ml.. en 
г 10) тазт. біс lit. this which they gave to thee] 1 (101) 24 32 m!» 
Зо (фи DEFKO).. о «добу co. 53 &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth .. which he gave 
to thee Eth ro eitit—avw through-and | 1 (101) 24 (32) m! .. e&oN 
orven-neas lit, through-with Во, ба-рета М &e, Vg .. т-ата in Syr 
.. by-in Arm .. with-and with Eth пиєпрєсіу(н 24)терос of the 
elders| т то (24) 32 m!.. rov прєсбутєріо» е &e, Vg Bo Syr Arm.. 
т. преоВутероу N* 17, Vg (harl mar) .. of the bishops (papasat) Eth 

1717.2 H h 


15 ааеЛетх ММА щопе ом MAL хе epe тевпрокопн 
озон eboX потом mee. 1 Цотин EPOR aso NESW 
оухоот ом Tecbo. єкєгре Tap азпар кизтоухон 
а®\ иетсота» EPOR., 

V. моло язприощсоу. ААЛА Tapanarer аяяяоот 
оос ет. ищире WHee оос con. °ииоб исолаяе 
сос aas. ищеере шуна» оос соме ом Thho wies. 

5 т 10 (22) (24) m!§ отон] цуопі ечохоно Bo ава) 
(10) 22 (24) m! 
i (е) (1) (10) 228 (24) m!.— * (e) 1 (9) (22) (24) (32) m! 

15 заєМе(н 24) ro tiras lit. meditate these] т &c 22 .. ravra peera 
N &с, Vg (meditare) Bo (apxaseNevam) Syr (in these meditate) Arm 
(this think) Eth (meditate) ujone оп mar become in these] г &c 
(22) Bo (pref. отоо n7) .. trs. ev rovrois wht № &c, Vg .. Antonius has 
et in illis te occupa ipsum .. and in these be Syr Eth (this) .. and to the 
same hasten Arm epe тєкпрокопн (є m!) ох (macy ml)ono e&oN 
thine advance should be manifested] т &с 22 (24!) eov у прокотгі) 
$avepa т) N &c, Vg (profectus tuus) Bo (mens єтон).. lit. should be 
known to all that before thee thou сатезі (i.e. thou makest progress) 
Syr .. thine advance to all manifest should be Arm .. should be known 
thine advance Eth потоп &c to all] 1 &c 22 24, Во NACD*FG 
17, Vg Syr Arm, Antonius .. ev тасш DEK LP &с, Eth (everywhere) 

б фотик ерок take heed unto thyself] (е) І то 22 (24?) 1, Во, 
erexe N &с, Syr (pref. and) Arm Eth (add therefore) .. тросєҳє 17, 
Vg? Syr (hms) ATW Ибо orxoo* &c and continue upon them 
in the doctrine] (e?) то 22 24 ! m .. ка ту бідаєкаМа, exipeve avrois 
$$ &с.. mean fretpeytcho woni ernan орні йёнтот Bo (Syr) 
(Arm).. concerning reading and continually be in it Eth .. concerning 
reading Eth ro erxoov upon them] avross N &c, Vg (tol).. ev 
олтоң D*, fg Vg Bo Syr.. in it Arm Eth.. om Eth ro €kerpe 
сар пат for doing this] e? то 22..0m vap ml, Bo (H3) .. rovro 
yap пошу Ñ &c, Vg Во Syr.. and if this (add also ro) thou doest Eth 
.. this if thou wilt do Arm кпатоухок lit. thou wilt save thee | 

т TIMOTHY IV 15—V 2 467 

15 Meditate these (things) ; become in these; that thine advance 
should be manifested to all. ! Take heed unto thyself and 
continue upon them in the doctrine; for doing this thou wilt 
save thyself and those who hear thee. 

V. The old men rebuke them not, but (a) exhort them «s 
father, the youths as brother: *the elder women аз mother; 

(e?) (то) &e 24 ..єкємадзаєк thou shalt deliver thee Bo (pref. отоо 
and B*T).. ка ceavrov coces N &c, Vg Arm (om and cdd) Eth .. 
thyself thou wilt vivify Syr Suit иет(ин єт то) сотах єрок lit, 
with those who hear thee] то? 22, Во.. ки rovs akovovras cov е &e, 
Vg (te audiunt) Syr .. and those who thee hear Arm .. зай ovon suas 
етиас. є. and every one who will hear thee m! .. and he also who heareth 
thee Eth .. om cov N* 

1 &(ne rot)oA(eX ro?)No the old men] (e?) то! &e, Eth.. 
TEANO the old man 24, Arm .,ovSeNNo an old man Во, трет Вътєро 
М &e, Vg Syr axnpnoujco» rebuke them not] e? то? 22 24% 
ml..ssmepdremugr пач rebuke him not Во.. un ezezAgégs N біс, пе 
increpaveris Vg Syr Arm Eth &XXa] (e?) (1 2) ro &e 24.. om 
Eth napaKaNe: exhort] (е) (т?) (то) &с (24 7) N &e, Bo Arm .. 
persuade Syr .. obsecra Vg .. thou shouldst command Eth TETN 
them] e (т) &с 24... om N &c, Vg Arm Eth .. mag him Bo Syr єт 
father] то бос... tovto a father Bo, ratepa Ж (om os татера N*) &с, 
Vg Syr Arm .. thy father Eth ящнрє &e the youths] (e?) (1 1) &е 
24, tradworvr Во... vewrepovs N &e, iuvenes Vg Arm .. and those who 

are youths Syr, and the youths Eth (add also ro) сои brother] e 
I &с.. позисино» brothers Bo, aóeAovs N &е, Ve Arm .. thy brothers 
Syr Eth 

? inog п. lit. the great women] (e?) 1? 22 24 m!.. піЖеМ Ма» 
the old women Bo .. трєсВотєраѕ  &e, Vg Syr (pref. and) Arm .. and 
the old women also Eth {saas mother] e 9 22 24 ml., ganar 
mothers Во, pntepas Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm .. thy mother Eth nujee- 
(щн m!) pe u. the young women] т о 22 24 m!, Bo (adwors 
Horoaxr)..veorepas N &c. ?wvenculas Vg Атт.. and. those who are 
young (women) Syr .. and young women also Eth .. add xe Bo (except 
J) оос as 20] e 122 24.. 0m m! cone sister] го (24) 32 
m!.,igam com: sisters Во, адєАфоѕ N &с, Vg Arm.. thy sisters Syr 
Eth ой vB. и. in all purity] (e) т 9 24 32 m1.. in all pure Eth... 
being in all pure Eth то 

Hh 2 


зтатє MEXHPA. мехнра Magee. * єщопєе хе Ov- 
XNHpa ехмте щире н шире ищире. sfapoooxtcóo 
Wop єщаєщє METH. ат eTwwhe потутотуео 
пиєтєюте. пах Cap петшуни ачпежато choA яя- 
coeAme єпноттє ATW casum ебоХ ow conc sem 
мещіАнА итеущи seit пессот.  ^TeTCHATAÀA ae. 

ето (24$) 32m! * (е) (1) 9 (24) (32)mI§ | zmeno] 
т 9 ml.. ANTO е 24 32 5 (e) (1) 9 24 32 01$ osaac] 24 32 
.. ovaaTe 1 9 щі asm] twice.. пах 9 twice б YT OPES 

3 тАЦІ 32 ml.. Taer 9 24)e пех. honour the widows] t 24 &c.. 
пор. заататоют lit. ‘he widows, honour them Во, хураб тира N &с, 
Vg Syr Arm .. and honour Eth лех'нра палає the widows truly | 
I 9 24 32 .. п. Anac the widows of the truth (е 1) т! .. ras ovros xnpas 
N &с.. ин єтє omroc gas. those who are really widows Bo, quae 
vere viduae sunt Vg .. who real widows ате Arm .. those who widows are 
in truth Syr .. widows in truth Eth 

t єщопє ae (om ae Bo J) &c but if (there is) a widow] (e?) г 9 
24 32 ml..and if widow Syr .. and. if there is widow Eth .. sce ae 
отоп нра but if there is widow Bo, єї de tus упра  &c, зі qua 
autem vidua Vg Arm evi (e r..eosn 9 ml .. єтоуп 24)тс цунрє 
(оєпщнрє 1) lit. having son (sons 1)] e т 9 24 ml, єотоптас 
полищнрх Во .. rexva-exe  &с, Vg .. to whom there are sons Syr Eth 
н uy. йш. lit. or son of son] 1 9 24 (32) m!, re ganu. йщ. or sons of 
son Bo, or sons of sons Зуг.. у єкуома N &c, nepotes Vg .. and. grand- 
children Arm ..or children of sons Eth srzaporaichw let them 
learn] (e) т 9 (24) m !, à13apovca&o Bo, uavOaverocavy М &e, Vg (am*) 
Syr Arm Eth .. pavOaverw 3 35, df Vg йщорії first] (e) 1 9 24 
т 1.. ого 47 .. trs. they shall first learn Eth ro eujsxuje n(axm 32 
ml)esmi(er 9) to minister unto their house] evaretercehuc Sen 
потні Damn mawor piety in their own house Во.. тоу (tov orkov 
evoeBew V &c .. domum suam regere Vg .. that in their household they 
should exercise justice Syr .. in their own houses good to do Arm .. to do 
good to their house Eth ero oe поттотєто to repay a recompense | 
(e?) 1 о 24 32 ml.. ncexraso and give reward Bo .. аро Ваѕ атоді- 
ovar N &c, Arm, mutuam vicem reddere Vg..showld repay Eth 

1 TIMOTHY V 3-6 469 

the young women «s sister in all purity.  ? Honour the 
widows, the widows truly. * But if (there is) а widow having 
child or grandchild, let them learn first to minister unto their 
house, and to repay a recompense to their parents: for this 
(is) acceptable before God. ° But the widow truly, and who 
is remaining alone, hopeth in God, and she continueth in the 
supplications and the prayers in the night and the day. 
6 But she who giveth herself to pleasure died while she liveth. 

fineverote to their parents] (e?) 1 9 24 32 ml.. imosujopn fio 
to their forefathers Bo, row -poyovois N &c, parentibus Vg Arm .. their 
parents (Syr) Eth Nar Cap петщии lit. for this (is) that which (is) 
acceptable] 1, RACDFGKLP &c, Vg Syr (om eor) .. thus therefore 
(із) good Eth ro .. rovro yap єттї kaXov кал azoóekrov 37, Bo Arm Eth.. 
па: Tap ne (om є 9 24 32) nevmamnose aso етщии for this is (om 
e &c) good. and acceptable e 24 32 &c 

5 tex. ae &e but the widow truly] e? 1 &с.. om ae m!, Во (ase 
lEHJL)..: дє evros Хура № &c..quae autem vere vidua est Vg Bo 
{pFGKMNopP) Syr Arm.. but she who widow in truth (true widow ro) 
was chaste Eth avo and 19] (e) г &e, Po (в*Гокьо).. от 
m!, Bo.. Eth has who alone who alone abideth Eth ro 
coeNn. hopeth] 9 24 .. есоеХ. із hoping 32 m!.. уАликеи NX &с, Vg 
Bo .. this (one) her hope (is) Syr .. and having hoped. Avm .. who trusted 
Eth то .. for her trust (із) God Eth emtoswre in God] (г) &с, Bo, 
(rov) беоу RcACDGKLP &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth..xvpiyv. N* Der* 

ато and 29] т &c, Во (вагно)..от Bo cann єЁ, she con- 
tinueth] 9 24, tpoopevee М &c, Vg (instat) Eth .. having been first in 
Arm .. ecann she is continuing 1 32 m !, Во оп псопс &c in the 

supplications and the prayers] 1 &c, rais denoeow kat тац 7 poaevxaus 
N &с, Vg.. оп genya (просєтосн Bo) аап oenconc in prayers 
and supplications ml, Bo (unto the-and the) Arm? Syr? Eth?.. om 
nex mTw and the supplications Bo (рк) йтєуцун &c in the 
night and the day] 1 9 24 32, vvxros ки тиєрах (pas А") М &c, Vg 
Зо (азер: midday) Syr Arm .. day and night Eth .. пт. зам eo. in 
the night and the days m! 

* om verse m ! TeTcnaTaNa she who giveth herself to pleasure | 
1 &е (17) oratakwoa N &c, Vg (in deliciis est) Bo Буг (worketh 
pleasure) Eth (Tuxuriateth with pleasure) Eth vo .. Arm has the delicate 
widow хе] 1 &c 17, Ñ &с, Во Syr Arm Eth .. om Bo (кр).. пат 


аса оз єсоно. ^"mnapacceerAe Rimar жє МиєутаАдо0У 
см Агат. ‘епухе OTH OTA AE ene AM sempoovug 
хиєтємотс ме аваЛіста ипхпеи:. хЧарих NTMICTIC 
ATW цосот ETAMICTOC. "те Нра чзхротопс emncae- 
TIECHT ам псе прояєте. eacoasooc жей oroar потуот. 
Veyparittpe gapoc см семобите ємамотот. xe 
WEACCANL месшире. хе мезсшепщаяяюо ерос. є 
мес» потернте ниєтоума6. хе иехероще EMNET- 

71917 24 т mar] маке wori these others Bo ЕО 
wm! 9 (e) (1) 9 17 (24) mI§ sam] ино  "(o)()() 
(17) 24 m! $ аб жє twice en] 9 17 24, Bo..ii rm! wen] wyr m! 
Vg, Evagrius (yap) асзлоу ecomo lit. died being alive] т &е (17) 
Bo, Буг .. woa TeÜvgkev N &c, Vg Arm .. died she while living Eth .. 
death is upon her Eth vo 

7 парассе (ош т 9) Ме &c lit. order these | Bo .. ки ravra тарагууЛЛе 
М" &c.. pref. ovog and Bo (Грекго).. om кас Ne, Arm (this) .. these 
be commanding to them Syr .. «nd thus admonish Eth пиєтт, оп 
Naav they should not be overtaken in any thing] avertAn(p)rro wow 
N &с, Vg Syr Arm... псещонх evor ПатМомат they should be irre- 
proachable Bo .. should not be hypocritical Eth ro .. should not &с nor 
make pretext Eth 

* єцухє «е but if there is one] т &c 24, Bo (sexe ae .. om ae A) 
..€ де т< N &с, Vg Arm ..for if any one Syr.. but he who Eth 
enejer(naepy m!) am ахпроотці (т 9 m!.. aan. am 24) taketh not 
care] т &c (24) пафроотщ ап Bo Eth (think)... trs. owketov ov 

троуоє (таи) N &e, Vg Syr Arm пиете(от 24)nov« пе(потоу 
24) &c for those who are his own] т &e 24, Bo.. ov wiv 
N &с, suorum Vg .. his house Eth злаМіста папєцні (ml... es І 

9 17) especially them of his house] т &c (24?) Во (3121311 язалос).. 
кал раћмота (rov) owewv N &c, Vg Bo (ваг) (Arm) .. lit. and especially 
for those who are sons of house Syr ..and he who neglecteth his own 
relations Eth ayapa йтисті(о 24) с denied the faith] 1 е 24, 
Во Syr (he himself) Eth (he himself) Eth ro .. туи тісті приутаи Ñ &c, 
Vg Arm ато» &c and he is worse than an infidel] т &c, Bo Arm.. 
om 24..kat єттї (ectar К) атістою xeipovr 53 біс, Vg .. and worse ds 
than those who believe not Syr .. and doeth worse than he who believeth 

not Eth .. om ryv miem Ņpvyrar кал Pachon.ius 

1 TIMOTHY У 7-10 471 

‘Order these (things), that they should not be overtaken in 
any thing. 8 But if there is one who taketh not care for those 
who are his own, especially them of his house, he denied the 
faith, and he is worse than an infidel. ? The widow, let her 
be reckoned (of the number) who is not under sixty years, 
having lived with one husband, "to whom witness is borne 
for good works; that she had nourished her children, that 
she had lodged strangers, that she had washed the feet of 
those who are holy, that she had relieved those who are 

° vesc npa. the widow] т &c (24) .. oX. а widow Во, упра М &c, 
Vg (Eth) .. Syr has choose therefore (as) widow .. Eth (not ro) has and 
?f thou chosest а widow .. Arm has a widow; widow shall be named 
sxaporvont lit. let them reckon her] т &c (24) катаЛеуео во N &e, Vg 
(eligatur) .. 32a possxos-E epoc lit. let them call her Bo .. choose Eth .. 
they shall name her Eth ro ем (от т 1) сах (9 17 I.. 
fica 24 Тупєснт an who is not ип4ег] т &c 24?.. псамесит not under 
Bo .. рау eXarrov (ov) N &c, Vg Syr Arm .. Eth has whose years ате sixty 
fice пр. sixty years] т &c 24, Bo (=) Vg Буг Eth .. erov сбук. yeyovvia 
(om P) N &c €acos100c &c lit. having sat with one husband] e 
г &c (24).. 33mecoas. &c she sat not біс ml.. єлсєрєотазх потоа! 
потот having been wife of one husband Во .. evos аудроѕ уху (add 
yeyovua Р) N &с.. quae fuerit unius viri uxor Vg, she who of one 
husband was Syr .. of one husband having been Arm .. who one husband 
married Eth 

” eyb(eep m!)asittpe oapoc lit. they bearing witness to her] е? 
9 17 &е, Bo..trs. ev epy. ка№ѕ рартироуиеуу Ñ &е, Vg Arm .. and 
there із witness to her of good works Syr .. lit. а woman whom they 
commended in all (om то) good works Eth eac] pluperfect 5 
times e т 24 ml.. mac imperfect 9 (19 lost) preterite Bo.. є 
with aorist N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth cang &c lit. nourished her sons] 
19 I7 &c.. erexvotpopyce 33 &c .. erexvopopycev F8 Ger .. filios edu- 
cavit Ус Arm Eth ro.. nurtured sons Syr Eth.. add &aNoc m! 
xe that 20| passim e? 1 9 17 24 .. жїї or passim m!, зе or Bo.. є N 
&c, Vg Syr Eth щен (ust m 1) цу, e. lit. received stranger unto her | 
(e?) т 9 17 &c, Во.. eéevodoynoey М &c .. hospitio recepit Vg .. received 
strangers (trauslit.) Syr .. stranger received Arm Eth era (ау m 1) 
п(ие т)оуєрнтє &с washed the feet of &с] (e?) т (9) &с.. xapavow 
пин &с Bo Syr... foot of the righteous washed Eth .. aywv подає evipev 
N &с, Ve Arm пеасрощє e(r 9 17 24.. й ем 1) мєт(от r)eN. 


edie. хе weacovaoc исх ооб miee — ermaMovos. 
п ищеере ae WHee  HocHpa параттє  as42007. 
отли TAP ехшаихир єхає NEXE WATOTEW жом. 
Зеунтату азам HOUOAIL хе agTRATAtPpoNe!l итщорп 
хэпїстїс. 12 омава ae ето Мартос exichw. єукитє 
єзїнї. OF язопои ae evo парчос АЛЛА икешоушо 
ATW ипретюо erxw пиєтегяєцуцє. М“ torww ве 
erpe ищеере WHee томі. | єхпе шире. ерхоес 

єтианотоу | eraat, ш! и (e) 1(9) (17) 24$ . na parres ] -Ts 1.. 
masp. 24 " (e)1(9)(17) 24 (e) (1) (9) (19) (17) (24) gasa] 
(e) т 24, Bo (B*HIKOP).. аяза Bo ^ (1) (9) (10) (17 9) (24) 

lit. she had sufticed for those who are afflicted] (e?) т (9) біс, ге- 
freshed the afflicted бут .. OABopevors єттркєтеи NÑ &с, Vg Arm.. 
асщоти Saxoów пин eToexowx she became before those who ате 
afflicted Bo .. the hungry satisfied. Eth o(co ш!) та (о m!)oc &c 
followed all good works| e? т (9) Bo (lit. walked after) Syr (good 
work).. апа all good work if she followed Eth.. таути єруо ауабо 
єткоћообусєи М &c, Vg Arm 

п пищ. &c lit. the young widows, refuse them] (e?) т (9?) 17 24, 
zapavrov  &с, Arm .. devita Vg Bo (оєик) Syr (from the widows who 
are young) Eth me] e 9 17 &c.. om Во (ва) остай tap &c 
for whenever they should become wanton] (e?) (9?) 17 &c, orav yap 
Kataotpnviacwucw N біс, Ve Во Arm.. being wanton Syr .. when they 
were wanton Eth єхах (it 1) пес © against the Christ] (e?) 17 &c, 
Во (пса) Syr Arm? Eth .. тою Хриото N &c .. in Christo Vg War. 
&c they are wont to wish to take husband] (e?) 9 17 &e, Bo.. yapew 
Gedovow М &c, Vg Arm .. and they seek to be married Syr .. and they 
wish again to marry Eth .. and again to marry they wish Eth го 

1? ey(eov e 9 24)ит. &c lit. having a judgement] (e?) (9?) 17 &e, 
Bo, exovoar крила. N &с, Vg.. and their judgement is imminent Syr.. 
and imminent (is) their judgement Eth .. judgement indeed they receive 
Arm — askaTad.&c they despised the first faith] (e?) (9 ?) 17 &e .. туу 
протти т. 1Өєтусау N &c, Vg Arm ., niae ivre щорп атухоМме e60N 
the faith of first, they denied it Bo .. they dented their first faith Syr Eth 

13 passa me ето парсос (е I 10..HC 17 24) exichw еъзкоте 
but withal being idle to learn, they are going about] e! 9? (17 ?).. 
gasta BE сто парсос сєхісћо екоте but withal being idle they 

1 TIMOTHY У 11-14 473 

afflicted, that she had followed all good works.  " But the 
young widows refuse: for whenever they should become 
wanton against the Christ, they are wont to wish to take 
husband; !° having judgement (against them), because they 
despised the first faith. 1° But withal being idle to learn, 
they are going about the houses; but not only being idle, 
but (а) also tattlers and busybodies, saying the (things) 
which are not right. ‘I wish therefore for the young 
women to take husband, to produce children, to rule their 

learn to go about т 24..a»14 ae warvepmkecaho(sicaho HJ) 
єєрарсос erkw but withal they are wont also to learn to be idle 
going about Во.. ара дє ка: орус pavÜavovauw Teprepxopevar Ñ &с, 
Arm (om де) .. simul autem et otiosae discunt circumire domos Vg .. but 
they learn also idleness while they go about Syr .. and further to be idle 
they learn while going about Eth (and to Бе goers about vo) enni(e: 
9 17 24) the houses] 1 9 24, ras orxias Ñ &е, Vg Eth .. among houses 
Syr.. еВоХ Sen піні through the houses Po.. eh, Sen ні ен! from 

house йо house Во (a,mgerGHg3MOm£p) Arm оу ахопо ae but 
not only] e 1? 9 10? 17 24, Во, Ñ &c.. om ae Vg.. and not only 
Syr Arm Eth evo парсо(е! 9 10..H 17)c being idle] (e?) 9 

(10?) (241)..арсос Во, аруа: № &c.. idleness be idle Eth 
ikeujosujo tattlers] (e?) 9 (то?) 17 24, Eth ro.. ки фФАаро Ñ &e, 
ness пАгтарос Во, et verbosae Vg Arm .. also who multiply words Syr, 
that they may multiply speaking Eth это füperroe and busy- 
bodies] 9 (то?) 17 (241) ка zepiepyoc Ñ &c, wear перієрсос Во, Vg 
Arm .. and are busy about vanities Syr .. and vain works Eth .. om ro 
evaxo &с saying the (things) which are not right] e? 9 (то?) (24?).. 
Aarovoea та рл] дєоута N біс, Vg Do (сажт).. and speak whatever is 
not right Syr Arm .. they invent speech which is not right Eth 

M Хотощ ge erpe пщ. I wish therefore for the young women | 
1? 9 17 24% Eth, Bovropa ovv veorepas N &е, Ує..Хотоцу own 
fire mawor no. / wish therefore that the young women Bo .. I wish 
therefore that those who are young Syr ge] ae Bo (нл).. «є оти 
зо (о "£) Arm, Palladius (уєот. хураб) холі to take 
husband | 9? 10? 17? 24 .. yapew Ñ &c, Vg Arm .. should take husband 
Bo, should marry Syr Eth eame uj. lit. to produce son] 119 ro? 
17 24, rekvoyovew Ñ «е, filios procreare Vg Arm .. псехфе цукрі and 
should produce son Во Syr..and should produce Pall. 
єрх. &c lit. to be lord of their house] т (9) (то?) 17 24 .. and фе &c 


eneyHy eret Aaavy dWarcpopeen aner} оубни. 
€rpevcagowv ажа он. MA OIE cap жи TEMNOTY 
OTAQOT onracgow азпсатаиас. бещюпе ae оушетн 
EDHTC оемунра. stapecpouje epoov. ати» enp- 
"т мепресітутерос етпромстх RAAWC азароттатосу 
поутлто eequHÓ. поото ae METOOCE оз пщахе sem 
тес. — ?nexac Сар їїзїтєсрафн. хе пиенштЬ 

Hi] І 24.. HES 9 17 5 т (9) (то) (17) 24 16. 149) (10) 
(17) 24 Р 'esurc] t 10. eorn. ory 2a ^" (І) (9) (130) (14)24 8 
Ta100$] (то) 24.. тает. 91..тэтею 17 Taro} 10 17 24.. Taero 

(9) equn&] -н 24 — " (1) (9) (10) (17$) 24 

Bo (sce) Syr (and should rule) and should be ladies of house Eth.. 
оїкодєстотєм М &с.. matres familias esse Vg .. housekeepers to be Arm 
єтах (п то)Я &e not to give] (9) то 17 24, Bo.. pd. аф. дідомал М «с, 
Vg Arm.. and. that they should not give Syr .. and that he should not 
find Eth Naar пафораан any occasion] (1?) (9) то 17 24, Bo 
(Ni Noix) илбеш аф. N &c, Vg Arm .. to the enemy even one 
occasion Syr.. occasion not even one Eth aner ovhrit to him 
who is contrary to us] (т) (9) то? 17 24, Tw avrweuevo М «е, Vg 
Syr (the enemy) Avm .. in that (in) which he may attack them, the enemy 
Eth (om enemy ro) erpevc. &c for them to revile us] т (9) (то 7) 
17 24 .. €e&e озофозщ concerning а calumny Ро .. Хоідоріає Хари’ NÑ 
&е, Vg Arm (edd) .. (occasion) of abuse Syr .. reviling (occasions) Arm 
.. that they should not reproach themselves Eth 
5 a gome &c lit. for some from now] (9) ro 17 &c.. trs. уду уар 
rives N біс, Vg Bo (онан v. aganovom) Arm .. for now began some 
Syr .. for there are those who Eth.. om vap Во (ва) OTAQOT ont, 
lit. set them behind] олло вів бос. є&єтралттсау отсо N біс, Vg... 
trs. єбєт. twes от. АЕС .. paros сафаоот (caBoM лк) lit. 
declined back (away) Bo.. turned away after Syr Arm .. turned and 
followed Eth 
16 €] 1 9 1o, P (є 3e) .. om 17 24, Во, є тс  &с, Vg Syr Arm 
.. but he who Eth ro .. and if Eth озтистн lit. a faithful (woman) | 
г 9 IO (17) 24 ..єотоп ovmictH there із a faithful Во..т miom 
МАСЕСР 17 47, Vg (am harl*) Arm (gender uncertain) .. ¿f there 

т TIMOTHY У 15-18 475 

house, not to give any occasion to him who is contrary to us, 
for them to revile us: 1? for some already followed after the 
Satanas. | 16 But if a believing woman hath widows let her 
relieve them, and let them not be burdensome unto the 
church, that it should relieve the widows truly (so called). 
17 The elders who preside well let them be honoured with 
double honour, but especially those who toil in the word and 
the doctrine. 18 For it said, namely the scripture, Thou shalt 

is of the faithful Eth .. he who, faithful, hath Eth ro .. ts пистоє ù плот] 
DKL &с, Vg (fu tol harl**) Syr оси нра widows] т (17) 24, 
Bo, xgpas N &c, Vg Syr Атт.. Ж нра 101. оу. а widow 9, Eth 
эзаресроще epoos lit. let her suffice for them] т (17)  &с, Bo 
Arm..a*apecujome epoos let her be for them 24 .. subministret illis 
Ve..she shall support them Syr .. s3apecpoovugy epwor let her сате 
for them Во (4,5, E) .. s3apecpoujye epoc let her suffice for her 9 .. he 
shall guard her Eth запртрєтороці &c let them not be burden- 
some unto the church] (9) (то) (17 1) &c, Bo Syr .. py Bapew 0o т) exkA. 
N &с, Vg .. he shall not be burdensome «с Arm Eth ecepwuge lit. 
it should suffice] (9) то (171) &c, Во (frec) Eth (be able) .. trs. 
єтаркєст to end N &с, Ус Syr Arm меҳнра палає Dit. the 
widows truly] (91) то &c.. тас оттоз x.  &е, Vg Arm, ин єтє 
оптос олп. me those who really are widows Bo.. those who are 
widows true Syr .. those who are in truth widows Eth .. those who are 
with you widows Eth ro 
11 нєпрєсіт(н 24)т. &c the elders who preside well] т? (9) то 
I7 24..mmpec. eror яяпроестос йк^Мос Bo.. presbyters those who 
well rule Syr .. ou kaXos poeorores (minister Eth) прєгфотєрог М біс, 
Vg Arm Eth ssapor. &c lit. let them honour them &е] (91) (то) 
(17) 24 .. let them be worthy &c Bo (a13a3poweaxnuga) .. trs. дитЛля Tuas 
aéiovaÜocay Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth aec] 9 ro 17 24, Eth .. om 
N &c, Ус Во Syr Arm. oxx muy. аи (пах 9) Techw in the word and 
the doctrine] 1? 9 (10?) 17 24, Во (Yaretpeychw teaching K) .. ev 
(om Fst Ger Syr h) Лоуо кал бідаткаМа, N &е, Vg Syr (and in) Arm 
(words cdd) Eth (and in) .. ev А. бідаткаМмаз Р 
5 пежас lit. said she] 9 (101) 17 24 :. said Syr.. Aeye  &с, Vg 
Зо (cmo uoc) Arm Eth Сар] т 9 ro 17 24..апа Eth 
йиєкщ(щє 9 17 24)TÈ &c thou shalt not muzzle an ox] (т 1) (9) 
(101) 17 24, АСР 17 37, f Vg Bo Syr (vg) Arm Eth... trs. fov 


озаялсе EQ ATW xe персатне аєпща asmecpbene. 
19 жир»! катнсорі есоти єтпресіутєрос gibon 
езяантех OF «атре cua» H WoT. 29 иетриобе 
хтпооу яяпеаато ебоХ Потом miat. SERAC epe MRE- 
ceeme росте. 7 Xpseitrpe nerro ehodA яяпмотте 
ят пес хо en пАСОСЄМЛОС етсотп. хе eneoapeo 
ємї axl gam. емер Aaay an вата  O»"xioo. 
2 garipTade бух exit Ахат oW отбепн. ATW язпр- 
коптоиег eoemmobe емиотк ам мє. oapeo epos 

19 1 (9) (17) (24) mpec&wr.] -нт. 24 о1ВоХ] і 9.. ево 24.. 
cahoX Bo | єтахнтєт| 24.. exui 1 9 17..0m Во wont) 1 24.. 
WOT 9 17 20 (Оу т О 7 (т) 9 17$24 7! nesto] 1 
9 17..3amaxxvro 24 f! єтсотп| cor 17 encp) 24 Ї!.. єнкр І 9.. 
пкер Во 2 ү (9) 17$ 24§f! Gent] Sune fl xomoner] -ss 
19 єоєм| eon f! 

aAoovra ov du.oces RDFGKL &с, Syr (h) eso: lit. beating] 1 
9 17 24, Do .. aAoovra М &e, Vg Arm in the trampling Syr .. when 
she trampleth corn Eth персат. &c the labourer (is) worthy &c] 
1 9 17 24, Do (рткі).. пієрсатнео чєляпща &с Bo..trs. аёюѕ о 
єруатѕ &c N &e (afeos уар FG, Bo ваг.) dignus est operarius біс 
Vg Syr Arm Eth ro..2s worthy of reward he who laboureth Eth 
печбеке his reward] 1 9 17 24 .. TNs tpodys avrov N* 

19 ganpar к(с г)ати. &с receive not &c] т то 17 24.. йпєкбз 
поукат. thou shalt not receive an accusation &c Bo .. trs. ката преоВу- 
repov(ovs L) кат. ил] тарабєхом М &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth (hear accusa- 
tion) ex(orrit 24) заптрє &c lit. on witness two or three] 1 9 17 
(24).. єт. (om FG, Vg №) доо у тршу рартороу  &c .. sub duobus et 
tribus testibus Vg.. upon mouth of two and three біс two 
and (or cdd) by three &c Arm .. cabo ax. &c except with &c Bo .. Eth 
has except convict him two and three witnesses 

? ипетри. those who sin] 1 24, Bo, ND¢KLP &с, Vg Syr.. 
rov ap. Marcus Palladius.. and those also who go astray Eth.. and 
those also Eth ro..rovs дє ар. AD*(FG) dfg Vg (demid) Arm 
тоот ixne(om 24)яято &с reprove before all] г (9) 17 24, Bo.. 
trs. evo. т. є«Аєуҳє № &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth жєка(аа I 9)с-кє 

I TIMOTHY V 19-22 477 

not muzzle an ox beating (out corn). And, The /abourer (is) 
worthy of his reward. 19 Receive not accusation against an 
elder except at (the mouth of) witnesses two or three. 2° Those 
who sin reprove before all, that the rest also should fear. 
21] bear witness before God, and the Christ Jesus, and the 
chosen angels, that thou shouldst keep these (things) without 
(partial) judging, and not doing any thing according to an 
acceptance of persons. * Lay not hand upon any one quickly, 
and share not in sins which are not thine own: keep thyself 

that the rest also] т (9) 17 24, Eth.. wa кш &c № &e, Bo Syr (add 
of men) .. om кал Vg poote should fear] 1 9 17 24, Syr Eth .. 
форВоу exwow Ñ &c, Vg, ite ovood шрот noo a fear should be to 
them Во 

21 puant. І bear witness] 1 &с, N &e, Vg Во Arm .. add to thee 
Syr Eth seit (пая 9 twice) пеже 1€ and the Christ Jesus] 9 &c, 
Bo, xv м МА D*G 17, fg Vg.. mE иже Bo (є) DeFKLP &e, Syr 
Arm Eth .. pref. коро» DEK LP &e Syr пасс. lit. the angels who 
are chosen] 9 &с, т. єкАєктоу ay. № &c, Vg Arm .. add avrov 17, Syr 
Eth .. meqewtit пассемос his chosen angels Во, 43 80 93..0m 
chosen Bo (n*) emas lit. these] (1?) &e 17, Bo.. trs. ravra $vA. 
М &c, Vg Syr..this Arm Eth a(e 17 f!)ait oan lit. without 
judgement] г &с.. asne arate отоп Saxen moan without justify- 
ing amy one before the judgement Bo, xwpis трокрџатоѕ Ñ &с, Ve 
Arm .. and let пої be preoccupied thy mind before (the judgement) Syr .. 
being impartial and not justifying a man before judgement Eth .. being 
impartial without hypocrisy Eth ro ката &c lit. acc, to а receiving 
of face] т &e, Syr .. n partiality Arm Eth .. ката rpooxA(n)ow WV &c, 
in aliam partem declinando Vg, кате (Sen Е) owprir according to 
a declining Во .. к. отарикт acc. to a dispute Во (в^нзо те) 

? ginptade &c lay not hand upon any one quickly] т 9 &c, Bo.. 
and ordain not hastily any one Eth .. trs. epas тах є poydeve ererifec 
N &c, Ус Syr (hand) Arm гло and] orae Во en(r 9..ї 
24 f!)no»k &c which are not thine own] т 9 &c .. аАотрас  &с, 
Уа Bo (Ищелазяс) Syr Arm.. of another Eth.. trs. apapr. add. Р 
oapeo &c keep thyself pure] 1 (9) «с, Bo (ewrow&now) .. trs. ceavtov 
ayvov тре V &e, Vg Arm .. thyself keep in purity Syr .. and purify 
therefore thyself Eth .. and thyself purify therefore Eth ro 


enovaab. | "Зазпреє moor бе. AAA ce оукоті 
инри erbe пєнстож лос зам  пекшоме етощ. 
4 оу оеирояае epe меумоїє orong eboX erx- 
азот онтот єтекрісіс. OTN gomme ae evovHo 
Wcoow. 75 мтєює ом ниєобнує ETMANOTOT отсмо 
chor. ATW мето инесяяст WAUJOOT alt. 

VI. метщооп 9a mta ob ИтазитоавохА sLeapoyTase 

в 192724) T! 7 | 174 at ov 24 f! oswnd] ovond 1 
4 е е 

(г) 17 (24) f? 
1 (т) 17$ 24#1$ жекас] -aac t 

3 запреє &c drink no longer water] т (24) &е, Во (ваГенок 
L0*) .. pref. отоо and Bo (AEGMNO ™8) .. цукеті ъдрототе 55 біс, Vg 
.. tıs. and henceforth water drink not Syr .. henceforth not water only 
shalt thou drink Arm .. and drink not water only Eth adda] 1 
24 & Eth се &e drink a little wine] т 24 fl, Bo (ват).. 
add max for thee Во .. ошо oAvyo (оу Р) xpo N бос, Vg .. wine little be 
drinking Syr .. а little wine mingle Eth .. а little water and wine thou 
shalt mingle Arm пекст. thy stomach | I 24 &c, Bo, DeFGKL 
&c, Vg Syr (translit.) Arm (translit.) .. rov стор. NAD*P 17.. the 
pain of thy stomach Eth werg. &с lit. thy sicknesses numerous | 
т 24, Bo..ras vvkvas cov acÓcveas N &с, Ус... dua ras &e F£rG ., 
because of Шу sicknesses frequent Syr .. because of thy sickness which із 
frequent Eth .. often sicknesses Arm 

" own oen(oi 1 f!)p. &c there are men whose sins are manifested | 
Bo Syr Агт .. тоу avOpomov (om 37) at apaptiat mpodnAot eow 
N &c, Ус... there is а man whose sin is manifest Eth сухталоєтт 
онтот &c leading them on unto the judgement] erma (om ma HJ) 
which will (om n 3) draw before them unto the judgement Bo .. rpoayouoa 
es кричи N &e, Vg Arm (having reached first) .. and preceding them 
to the house of judgement Syr .. and it goeth before him into judgement 
Eth ovit goe ae but there are some] т 17 24..add om also 
fl..ovon oankesQoowvm: me but there are others also Во .. тит 
(тушу 17) дє Kar N &с, quosdam autem Vg .. and there are Syr Arm 
.. and there із he whom Eth (to whom то) етозно ис. whom 

1 TIMOTHY У 23—VI 1 479 

pure. ? Drink no longer water, but (a) drink a little wine 
because of thy stomach and thy frequent sicknesses. ?* There 
are men whose sins are manifested, leading them on unto the 
judgement ; but there are some whom they follow. 29 Likewise 
the good works are manifested; and those which are of 
another form will not be able to be hid. 

VI. Those who are under the yoke of the servitude, let them 
honour their masters with all honour, that the name of God 

they follow] 24 Ї!..отно ñ. following them т .. epe мото» manous 
псоот whom their own (sins) will follow Во .. erakoXovÜovaw N &e, 
Vg .. after whom they go Syr Arm .. followeth his sin Eth 

? ittes(eer 1 .. om s 17)ge он likewise] г 24 бо, NDKL &e, Vg 
Bo Syr Arm .. add de AFG .. pref. and Eth i(m 24)eo. er. lit. 
the works which are good] (1) 24 fl.. кал ra єруа та кала RADFGP 
17 37, Vg Во.. ка та kaňa єруа KL &с, Arm .. also men good Syr .. 
he also who doeth good (good doeth vo) Eth ото (о 17)и5 e&oN 
are manifested | (24 ?) f1, zpodyAa WA... add єсти КТ, &c .. add «ov DF 
GP 17, Vg Во (сєотоно) Syr Eth (із manifest) ато &c and those 
which are of another form] (24) &c, ка та adAws eyovra N &с, Vg Syr 
.. отоо піке ооу eror пкєрн and the others which are &с Bo .. 

and he whose work is otherwise Eth пащо (цу 17)cm am will not 
be able to be hid] (241) &с, Во.. кр. ov àwa(v)rau N &e, Vg Syr Eth 

! mery. &с їїт (ях f')ssivr. those who under the yoke of the (om 
fl) servitude] т #1, ogor e. v. б. dovAccas 73 al, Syr .. пєтщ. oa nnaobeq 
позхоа М those who are under the yoke of servant 17 24 .. отог eww 
vro Cvyov dovAoi(ov КС)... whosoever are under the yoke of servitude 
Arm .. mrehrark ети Sa физовеч the servants who are under the 
yoke Bo .. every servant and subject (man) Eth asaporvtar(al 1 24 
again .. ex П)е &c lit. let them honour their masters in every honour] 
т &c.. 3*aposvoQa поубісєу йтотоу «с let them regard their masters 
&c Bo.. rovs був дєттотаЅ maons Tuns а&00ѕ qyeaÜocav N &е, Vg 
Syr (in all honour shall hold) Arm (om all) .. honour your masters in 
all Eth п(є 1)mevastova єпрам ахппотутє &c lit. they should 
not blaspheme the name of God and the doctrine] 1 17 24, Bo Eth 
(and his doctrine) .. nevasova епраи єтиапот that &c the name which 
із good &c fl.. un то ovopa rov бєоу кас т бідаткаМа. ВХхасфтраутах 
N &с, Ve Syr (his doctrine) Arm 


яяпмоуте ast тесфо.  ?метеумтох oemxoesr AE 
$*nicTOc  аяпртреукатафромеї хе оємсину ме. 
aAAA LeapoTPoaeorar иоото. xe оємпістос ие At- 
MEPIT. NeTFOAS gwh єтмамотсі. eo. Мат ao 
пспаранаЛе.  ^rner ae йкесбо. emp запецотот 
AM ємцахє етотох NTE пеихове IC MEXE avw 
Techw Мтяєтєуссбнс., — ^eepxoce понт. ємссобтіт 
alt WAaav. ААЛА ео Awg eoenuime зам оемтои 
маг ewape отфеостос щопе ebo понтоу se gen- 

? 117 24$ f! запртрєт| 1 17 ..ахпретр. 24 Ї! &kava(om ta 
f) poner] f! .. -nY г 24 5 (щ) ZAS EL * (1) 17 (24) (#1) 

? geres (eos MSS)nros оєп(оп fla. a(x fle aan. lit. but 
those who have masters believing] Bo (ин ae єт. maras) Syr Eth.. 
ог бє mugTovs exovre(a)s дєсптотас N біс, Vg (habent) Arm (masters 

have) ae Во (u70) xe оєн(ої fl)emn, мє because they are 
brothers] om N*.. because brothers they are in the faith Eth .. because 
believers they are Eth ro ngoro rather] trs. uaAXov GovAceverocav 

N &c, Vg Bo Syr (add them) Arm Eth (add them) Eth ro 
хе gen(oit fl)n. ие(от me f!) зазерит lit. because believers they 
are, beloved] от. moroi eow кал ауаттутої Ñ біс, Vg Во Syr Arm.. 
because believers and beloved they are Eth .. because your brothers they 
are Eth ro neroa (5 fl) япо(ф r)o& ern. those who keep 
hold on the good work] ин evassoms йтотоз Sem фааетречер- 
oe&nose lit. those who keep hold on in the beneficence Bo .. ov тів 
evepyecias avTiAapBavopevor Ñ &e, qui beneficii participes sunt Vg, 
who the beneficence (plural cdd) accepted Arm .. those who enjoy rest in 
their ministry Syr .. who receive you and help you Eth оби» &c 
lit. teach these] ravra бідатке N &c, Vg Bo Syr .. thus teach Arm Eth 
ато пспаракаМе (№: 1) and exhort] N &с, Vg Arm... and ask from 
them Syr..and admonish Eth..owoo sanon пфитоту and en- 
courage them Bo 

З per ae &c lit. but he who giveth another teaching] т &c, Bo 
(^)..фн ae er &c Во (к)..от ae Бо.. e ris єтероддаскале № &e 

т TIMOTHY VI 2-4 481 

and the doctrine should not be blasphemed. ? But those 
who have believing masters, let them not be despised because 
they are brothers; but (a) let them be served rather because 
they are believing (and) beloved, those who keep hold on the 
good work. Teach these (things) and exhort. ? But he who 
teacheth another doctrine, coming not up to the sound words 
of our Lord Jesus the Christ, and the doctrine of the godli- 
ness; * he is puffed up, knowing nothing, but (a) he is stricken 
with questions and strifes, out of which is wont to become 
envy and strifes and the blasphemies and evil thoughts, 

Vg Arm .. but (de) if there is any man who teacheth &e Syr .. but if 
there is (om there із го) he who teacheth &c Eth єпч(єч f!)4 
saneqovor(24 fl.. ex 1 17) an (trs. am ях. f1) coming not up] т &e; 
Bo (r) .. кал py m pocepxera МА Der Fer Ger КТ, Р &с, Bo (єтєпсүтноъ) 
Syr Eth (returneth not) .. кал pn mpooexerar 34", et non adquiescit OL 
Vg Arm єї щу. (fu f!) lit. unto the words! 24 #1, oa итсаи Bo.. 
eoancaxr Во (AEHJ).. trs. уа. Аоуо Ж &c, Vg Syr .. the rightness 
of the words Arm .. to the teaching of the word of life Е irte nen- 
(тїї fl)x. of our Lord Jesus the Christ] 24 fl, Bo, ros тою к. біс 
N &e, domini «е Vg Syr Arm .. which is (om which is ro) the speech 
of our Lord &c Eth ау Techo &с and the doctrine of the 
godliness] 24 #1, Bo (mear) .. kat ту кат evoefeiav дідаєкаМа NÑ &c, 
Vg Arm..and to the doctrine of the fear of God Зуг.. ап to the 
doctrine of righteousness Eth .. and he was darkened from the doctrine 
of righteousness Eth ro 

* eepsoce понт lit. he is exalted of heart] 1? 24 f!, Bo, тетофотал 
N &с, superbus Vg .. such an one was proud Arm .. this is he who is 
puffed up Syr .. he therefore із puffed up Eth .. om Eth ro ereje. 
&c knowing nothing] 1? (24 1) f!.. and there із not what he knoweth 
Eth ео йщіс &c he is stricken with questions] т 17? .. eyujwne 
яхикотє поеи хитнсис 75 diseased about questions f!, Bo, mepi &c N 
&c, Vg Syr (in).. Eth has except a plague of that which he seeketh 
єщ. щопе is wont to become] т 17 24, Bo, ywerar Ñ &c, oriuntur f 
Vg Syr Arm .. yevvovrac D*, nascuntur gm .. cometh Eth оуфео- 
пос lit. an envy] (т) 17, N &e, Syr Arm Eth (pain) .. фвомог D*, 
OL Vg Bo эзїї and 19] т 24, P, Syr (vg) Eth (not го)... om М біс 
oem. strifes] 1 24? epes DFGL 47, Во (щокпт) Vg (contentiones) 

1717.2 р I1 


"pror «ee пота seit oewereeye єтооот.  ^oenobuse 
Woeunpo4asee epe NETOHT таких €poov. ATW eavoov- 
роот Итяяе. evascewe хе отону Te тазитрешяяще- 
MOTTE. ^owWoó AE NOHT те TANTHOTTE ом Ov poe. 
TAQ AAT вар еооти єпкосазос HTHMAWsr AAT 
an си eĝo. Serran xe ear птєоре sett тойсо) 
мат роще Epon. *METOTWU ae eppaseeeao cenaoe 
€Qpar eoeunewpacaseoc ает оємсорбс авт gemeni- 

5 (1) 17 24 (cit) “(ту (24) піт 9246 de Cu 
° (1) 17 $ (24 $) 

Syr (h)}twm а strife тт, eps Ñ &c, Syr Arm Eth (envy) 
зм потуг and the blasphemies] (1) 17 (241).. ВЛаєфтриам N &е, Vg 
Bo Arm .. and blasphemy Syr .. blasphemy Eth зїї cenas, es. and 
evil thoughts | (1) 17 24, Bo.. and evil suspicion Syr .. counsel evil Eth 
.. evil counsel Eth ro.. vzovow тоутраь  &е, Vg Arm 

? оєпойнтє(отє 1) itoenposse &с works of men &c] (т) &c .. 
(д:атара)труВа: д:є«Фдариєуоу аъб. X &c, conflictationes hominum біс 
Vg .. and disputing of men «е Буг .. calumniating of men corrupt (add 
of heart то) Eth .. ess eamssevpeeptocs. oanpoasr and wranglings. 
Men &c Во .. frauds of corrupt minds of men Arm epe пєтонт 
такнт(1..-нтт 17 24 cit) &c lit. their heart being corrupt unto them | 
(1?) «с єроот Bo.. бієфб. амб. тоу vovv NX &с.. hom. mente 
corruptorum Vg..those whose mind is corrupt Syr, Eth, see above 
ало ето. &с lit. and they having deprived them of the truth] (1 1) 
&с..отоо етих Ппезані and being bereft &e Bo, кал атєстєртриєм су 
тїз adyGeas № &c, Syr .. et qui veritate privati sunt Vg .. kat атєстраџ- 
pevov ато Tys aX. D*, Arm (alienated) Eth (going from) (om and то) 
хе &c lit. that a gain is the godliness] (11) &c, zopwz pov. ewar Tyv 
evoeBeav МА О*ЕС 17, Vg Syr (and they think that) .. who gain they 
reckon godliness Arm .. efaxetevcehuc xe отахєтрецхфеонот те 
of the godliness that it is а producer of gain Bo .. and they make gain 
of God Eth .. gain they make of praying Eth ro .. add афиттато ато 
тоу rotovrov Det К LP &e, m Vg (tol**) Eth .. add but thou reject such 
as these Arm .. add but thou depart from these Syr 

© оупоб ae &c lit. but a great gain is the godliness] 1 7 17 (24) Bo 
(producer of gain) Arm ..eorw дє порідроє peyas 1 єосєВеа N &o, 

1 TIMOTHY VI 5-9 483 

5 works of men with their mind corrupted, and having been 
destitute of the truth, thinking that gain is godliness. 
ë But great gain is the godliness with sufficiency: "for we 
brought not any thing into the world, and we shall not be 
able to take any thing even out; * but having the food and 
the clothing, these suffice из. ? But those who wish to become 
rich will fall into temptations and snares and many lusts 

Vg ..add беоъ ЕЕС .. for our gain is great which is the fear of God 
Syr .. gain great is the fear of God Eth.. gain great (is) justice and 
piety Eth ro оп отр. lit. in a sufficliency] 17 24, Bo.. pera 
avrapkeas N &с, Vg ..with capacity Arm .. i use of our sufficiency 
Syr.. om Eth 

7 annn A. с. for we brought not any thing| Bo..ovàev yap 
«ст(є P al)veykapev М “с, Vg Syr Arm, Ар. patr. .. for there is not 
that which we brought Eth птипацух «е and we shall not be 
able to take any thing even out] and (отоо AEGMNOP., OaE BATE 
HJKL) & із not possible for us to bring any thing out (om L) Во... and 
not to take any thing (away) are we able Arm .. оті ovde e£cveykew ти 
duvvapeOa N* AFG 17, Orsiesius .. and there із not that which we can 
take away from it (om from it ro) Eth .. pref. dyAov NCD КІР &e, 
Ap. patrum .. pref. adnfes D*.. pref. haud dubium Vg..and it is 
known that neither to carry out from it are we able Syr 
- * es(eov 17 24) tram ae but having] т? &e, Bo, exovres дє N Ke, 
Vg Arm..Aabentes enim Orsiesius..if we obtain Eth.. because of 
this sufficeth us food &e Syr йтєорє the food] т &с.. flordpe 
a food Во, біатрофуи РЕ=СКР, Syr Arm, Orsiesius .. діатрофає 
NAL &e, f Vg .. our food Eth тов(т.. өй 17 24)co the clothing} 
(1) &с.. ovgehew a clothing Bo, vestitum dm, Orsiesius, Syr .. скєтас- 
рота Ñ &с, Vg Arm..our clothing Eth was «с these suffice 
us | (1 1) &c .. rovro аркєсбирсо(а))рєва. N &c, Vg (contenti sumus) .. wax 
21a pospaugen let these suffice us Bo .. with this let us be content Avm .. 
it sufficeth us Eth .. їй sufficed us Eth го. Syr (see above).. contenti 
simus m Vg (demid) Orsiesius al 

? cemage will fall] 1 17 24 .. щатуоєх are wont to fall Bo, єртит- 
томату  &с, Vg Arm eoenmner(17 .. 1 т 24)pacasoc(axoe т by 
error) temptations} 24, Syr .. ети. а temptation т, Ñ &c, Vg Bo Arm 
Eth оєисор5 snares] 1 17 24, Syr .. тауда  &с, Vg (am) Bo Arm, 
Orsiesius .. om кол п. Eth ro..many snares Eth ..add тою дгаВоћоо 
D*FG 37 ше, Vg (fu demid tol harl) xxn genen, &с lit. and lusts 



evita EMAWWOT NACHT ATW evpboone. мах eTweec 
ппрояеє єптано зам псоряе. тмотуме сэр Mne- 
deoc атупЛама фол ом THicTIc. ATW ATTAAT 
єорат єоємцісмонт euaujooy. 1 TOR ae W прозе 
азпиотутє пот ehoA Amar пот ae ито Nea Tal- 
а®поио NWA ємєо NTATTAQALER єроц. ATW aAHoo- 
азоЖосеї Hooseodowera єтилмоус  asmeseevo chor 

10 (т) 17,24. ras єтере| 24... тах epe 17 ES LES 
бт 17 (24 $) (сіб nua eneg] 17 24..0m й Іі. Memeo Во 
запєзато | І 17.. ani. 24 

which are many] т 24, № &e, Vg Bo (отязнщ п) Syr Arm (nto 

many) Eth ro..of lust Eth Паент senseless] т 17 (241) 
зззаєтатонт Во, avogrovs Ñ &c, Syr (which are) Arm Eth (which are) 
Orsiesius (quae sunt) .. avovytovs 2 19 55, inutilia OL Vg ато 

e»phoone and hurtful] т 17 (24 7) № &c, Vg Syr (afflicting) Arm .. 
псєєрпочрє am and are not profitable Bo (cf. OL Vg above) .. and 
(om ro) which hwrt them Eth nar ет(ин єщат Во) ояз ппролае 
these which sink the men] (т) 17 (24?) N &c. Vg Bo (B2E,FHJL} 
Arm ..and sinking men Буг ..and which &e Eth.. those which sink 
the man Bo єптако lit. unto the destruction | (І ?) 24 .. es олєвром 
N &с, Vg Syr (corruption) Arm Eth (extermination) .. єфрні єпероб 
ehoX into the obliteration Во псорях lit. the going astray] т 24 
.. отолеал N &e, Vg Syr (pref. in) Arm .. пттако Bo .. in death Eth 
10 таапталатобзлит lit. the loving brass] т 24 .. the loving silver 
Bo, N &с, Syr Arm.. the loving goods Eth .. cupiditas Vg Tal 
et(om et 17)epe &c lit. this which some loving] (1?) 24, Bo (on 
eta 9. axenpric that which some loved) ys rwes орєу. Ñ &c, Vg Arm.. 
and there are some who desired it Syr .. Eth has for there are those who 
by it went astray ЕЙ... Eth ro has for there are those who went astray 
eb. ом &c out of the faith] (т?) 24.. єв. ga &c from &c Bo, azo т. т. 
N &с, Vg Syr (and from the faith erred) Arm .. and they denied their 

T TIMOTHY: VE 110200 485 

senseless and hurtful, these which sink the men into destruc- 
tion and perdition. 19 For the root of all evil is the love of 
money, this (vice) which some loving, they erred out of the 
faith, and gave themselves into many heart-piercings. И But 
thou, O [the] man of God, flee from these (things), but rather 
follow after the righteousness, the faith, the love, the patience, 
the meekness. 1 Strive the good strife of the faith, cleave to 
the life eternal unto which thou wast called, and thou con- 

faith Eth arw аутаау &c lit. апа they gave them into heart- 
piercings which are many] 24 .. kat eavrovs пєрієте рам odvvats птоЛЛаля 
Ne Ke (тока 38")... et inseruerunt se doloribus multis Ус Syr 
(themselves introduced) Arm (themselves cast)..owoo эусок mnoov 
Mwavyatoy ganun Пезакао понт and they drew to themselves 
many griefs Bo .. and they sought for themselves much punishment Eth 

п w О] om Eth пот eb. &c lit. flee from these] Bo Arm Eth 
(this) .. ravra. Gevye N &с, Vg Буг пот AE frog пса lit. but flee 
rather after] 17 24..0m ae tog but rather т.. бот ae fica but 
run after Во (om ae B*FuJ,) бишкє дє N &с, sectare vero Vg .. and 
run after Syr .. and. come after Axm.. and pursue Eth Tam. the 
righteousness] 24, № 47 .. add тахитєусєйнс the godliness т 17, Bo 
(pref. and на) evaeferav Ne &e, Vg Arm.. add and after justice Syr 
.. add and mercy Eth тпзстіс the (article passim) faith]. Bo (pref. 
and passim HJ).. morw N &c, Vg буг (pref. and after passim) Eth 
(pref. and passim) Tax WTpaxpaug the meekness] Мер КІ, &e, Vg 
Syr Arm Eth..zpavraÜeav М^АЕСР, Xsxerperujenxxkao Sen 
оузаєтрезаратцу the suffering meekly Во .. and patience of meekness 
Eth ro 

12 ac, & strive the good strife of the faith] т 17 24 cit, Во, N 
&с, Vg Arm (pref. and) Eth (in the faith) Eth ro .. and strive the good 
contest (translit.) of the faith Syr &oNsR cleave to] 1 17 24.. 
єтідавВо» N &e, Vg Bo (take hold on) .. and take hold on Syr Arm Eth 
(receive) R(R 17 24.. єм r) a». e. lit. unto which they invited 
thee] т 24, es nv «кА. N &с, Vg (in qua) Bo (фи era veaoaxex) Syr 
Arm Eth.. es ти ках «кА. 37, Syr (h*) ATW акоозаоХосет («ч 1 
17) Reosx(iooss 17 24)oNover(17 .. 1 1 24)a and thou confessedst 
&c] 1 17 24, Bo Syr Arm Eth (good confession) .. trs. тту кал. op. 
N &c, Vg (et confessus bonam) xa. L, Во (ва) Petr Alex 


поло язаемтре. 1 Ynapaceerde asneseyo choA ая- 
пиоттє METTANOO ааптир зеи пес 1С. пат itracpp- 
я*итре or помтіос піЛатос NeoseoAoTIA eTnamovc. 
4 етренохрео етеитоАн AW TOAL аєпоттасок QW 
Aaay Wa потомо ehorA азпемхоеке 1С nec. 1 пат 
етцизотомо ehoA ow werposoeny потпазанартос 
ATW HATHACTHC LATAAT Hppo iuteppoov avw 
пооєтс Мижхоєю. 16 METETNTACY atta? HUDeeMTATRAe OY 
чатах. петотно са позоепїт стеязере Ахат 

13 (1) 17$24 anero] r.. anaro 17 24 пә] фи Bo (THI) 
4 т 1724 етеит.| еталеит. this comm. Во т 17 24 мере | 
пеўсноз Ais time Во (2,1) (i) 27 (18) (24) 

поло &c many witnesses] г 17 (24) Во (потаянщ) поАЛ. парт. 
N &с, Vg Arm Eth .. witnesses many Syr 

18 \парассе е (tide г) I order] 17 (24) N*Fe'G r7 .. add пак 
to thee т Bo, co. NCA DKLP &e, Vg Arm (add to-day cd) .. thus I teach 
thee Eth .. І witness to thee Syr .. thus teach Eth ro петтаиоо lit. 
he whe vivifieth] r7, фах (фн FHI) errango this who vivifieth Bo, 
£oorowvvros NKL &е, qui vivificat Vg Syr Arm Eth.. woyo- 
vovvros ADFGP 17..mettago Ле who oceupieth 24 by error 
эзптнра lit. the whole of it] 24..fewh (отон ЕР) miben every 
thing Bo..ra ravra N &с, omnia Vg, all Syr Arm Eth то.. all the 
dead Eth пєҳ 1€ the Christ Jesus} 24, Bo.. yu w ADKLP 17 
37 &с, Vg Syr (h) Arm edd .. v xv МЕС, Во (вмхр) Syr (vg) Arm 
Eth er in the time of] г 24, Bo, erc  &с, in time of Eth ro .. sub 
Vg .. before Syr Arm Eth понт. ит(т 24.. ex 17, АР")Матос 
(М DeFGKLP &c) Pontios Pilatos] (1) 24, Syr.. trs. Pilatos l'ontios 
Eth пе(І. то 17 24)os,oNour(r 17..ver 24)a ети. lit. the 
confession which is good] т 24, Bo (owe. eb.) .. ryv колл ород. N 
&c, Ус Arm Eth .. witness Syr 

l етреко(ош r)apee for to keep] Bo, rypyoa oe N &c, Arm.. 
ut serves Vg Syr Eth ., keep Eth сє D* a(e 24)®ї т, 
without stain] aezuAov N біс, Vg Syr purity Eth.. екох 
плтабти thou being stainless Во я (єп т)потт. &с lit. they 

i TIMOTHY VI 13-16 487 

fessedst the good confession before many witnesses. 13 І order 
before God, he who giveth life to all things (ПТИРЧ), and 
the Christ Jesus, this (one) who bare witness in the time of 
Pontios Pilatos the good confession; ог to keep the com- 
mandment without stain, being thyself blameless unto the 
manifestation of our Lord Jesus the Christ. 15 Тһіѕ (one) 
whom will manifest in his times the blessed and the only 
potentate, the king of the kings and the lord of the lords ; 
he who hath the immortality alone, he who dwelleth in the 
light which no one is wont to pass across, he whom no man 

caught not thee in any thing | averAn(p)rrov N &c, Vg Syr Arm .. єкої 
пат(аурик thou being without fault Bo .. thou being impartiai Eth .. 
pref. кал D, Syr (vg) Arm edd потоне eh. the manifestation] Bo, 
Tys ezipaveuas № &c, Syr Arm .. adventum Vg Eth тс пє%С Jesus 
the Christ] xv iv N.. om тео Во (к) 

б паг єт(т 17..eq 24)ma бо lit. this whom will manifest &c | 
Bo Syr (will show) Eth .. идее N &e, Vg (quem) Arm TILAK. | 
add ey God Bo (ва) navn. а (ош 24)as. the only potentate | 
povos duvactys N &e, Vg (potens) Arm (strong) .. Syr has God, blessed, 
the powerful, himself alone .. Eth has who alone (is) blessed and powerful 
.. Bo has the blessed (omitting and к) eteovon uyxos* maoy i- 
srzavaty for (pref. and ваг ект) whom it is possible alone (Sen oo 
suben Zn every thing AE) inep(np г)р (от 17)o0» of the kings | 
птє потроот Во, regum Vg Syr Arm Eth .. zov fBaeiXevovrov N біс 
avw mxoer(oY г)с &с and the lord &c] Bo Syr Arm Eth... kvptos rov 
kvpievovrov NÑ &c, dominantium Vg... om 47 

“ петєу(єот т тт) пита &с he who hath the immortality alone] 
Г 17 24.. 0 povos exov авауаєчау Ñ &c, qui solus habet imm. Vg Arm, 
MOTAI злялататеоєтє Faretataroy птаср the one alone who the 
imm. hath Во .. he who is alone himself not corruptible Syr .. he alone 
who dieth not Eth .. he who alone із god of gods Eth ro петоуно 
&c he who dwelleth in the light which no one is wont £o pass across | 
I I7 24..0700 єтщоп Sen morvo патщ50ит epog and who 
abideth in the light unapproachable Bo, ка. pws ооу атросітом D* E* 
Vg (fu Вал") .. om ка N &e, Vg .. and living in light to which no man 
can approach Syr .. having dwelt in light unapproachable Arm .. and 
he hath the light which was not extinguished from before the age Eth 


soohey. пєтеяяпе Халат прояее мах epos. orae 
OM азам сове єтреумкалу. паї етепо пе mar 
як пазямотє Wa emco пєпєо gase m. — ""разазло 
MEAO парочаегАе мат єтаєхісє Понт. АТЗ 
ETALRAQTHT єтєуаентряееело. TAL ETENCTASPHT ait 
АЛЛА єпмоттє. nar evt мам Ніка nie оп Ovet- 
pareeao  evanoAavci. ep петихиот єррає- 
sero QW семобихе ємамототу eppeyy nnonronrmoc. 
19 еєусооуо wav сооти WoveWre EMAMOTC ЄПЄТНА- 

orac] отте 17 Mat} 17..ч400 124  єтрєтнат| 17 .. evovnav 
I 24 ера) 245) E рогу I8) 24 udi nur 
1824 osc.] 117 18.. exosc. 24 

пєтєзхпє &c he whom no man зам | 17 24, Во (add eneg ever как).. 
and no one of men saw him Syr .. whom not any of men saw Arm.. 
he whom there is not who saw (being) man Eth .. ov єібєи ovders аудротоу 
N &c (avOp. ovà. Кат СІ) ova(r 17)e ом nor even] sed nec Vg .. 
ovae Во, N &e, Syr Arm зп masraoTe (MastaseTe 17 by error) 
ща &с and the might unto age of age] (1?) 18? (24 ® Syr (of ages) memee of age 17, Во (ща изеиео A,EFGKMP) .. kat кратоѕ 
awviov Ñ &e, Vg Arm .. om ки FerGP 

7 прах, lit. the rich] (1?) 24 .. add also Eth ro яяпєц(ти 17)- 
ass of this age] (т?) 17 18? (24) Vg Syr Eth .. om Eth ro .. йтє 
паї eneg nre {пот of this age of now Bo, rov vvv awvos D.. ev то 
vvv muovi We (kaipo W*, Bo 27) А ЕСО КІР &c, Syr (h) єтах-єтах 
not to-not to] (т ?) 17 (18?) 24, Во (ваГензь.. йсєщт. A &c) .. Eth ro 
has that they should not exalt themselves in this age avw] т 17 18 
24, Буг Eth.. orae Во, pnde N біс, neque Vg || каотих lit. put their 
heart] т 17 (181) 24, trust Syr Eth .. yAmixevar(eAmLew ЕС) N &с, 
Vg Bo Arm єтєталитр. unto their wealth] 1 17 18? 24, Bo(r) Eth 
.. Єталазлєтр. unto this wealth Bo .. єтї плоть D£r*, Syr .. ext zAovrov 
аб. М & incerto divitiarum. wealth worthless Arm 
(plural, edd) тәх &e this which is not stedfast] 17 181 24.. ош 
was this 1, Во.. о which there із no confidence Syr .. адуХоттти NÑ біс, 
Vg .. transient Eth adda] 1 17 24, N &c, Vg Syr Eth .. add eep- 
осле Во єппоттє unto God] 1 17 24, Bo.. єт: бе NA D*FGP 

т TIMOTHY VI 17-19 а 489 

saw, nor even can they see: this (one) whose is the honour 
and the might unto age of age. Amen. И The rich (ones) of 
this «ge, order them not to be proud and not to put their 
trust unto their wealth, this which is not stedfast, but (a) 
unto God, this (one) who giveth to us all things richly unto 
an enjoyment; 1 о do good, to be rich in good works, to be 
givers, as (м) sharers, 19 gathering in for themselves a good 
foundation unto that which will be, that they should hold on 

17 47, Syr Arm .. си бед DeK L «е, Vg Eth ro.. add то ovre DKL 
&c, m Bo (k™8) Syr Eth .. om т. 0. NAFGP 17 47, Vg пика M, 
all things] т 17 (18?) 24.. 0m F&£rG..trs. тА. ravra minuse, Eth .. 
trs. all things to us Во (gwh) оп отязитр. lit. in a richness] т 17 
24, Bo.. rAovows N &с, Vg (abunde) Syr Arm (abundantly) .. in his 
great richness Eth his richness Eth то €vanoM. unto an 
enjoyment] г 17 18? 24, N &с.. ad fruendum Ус, to enjoy Arm .. xe 
tirencisse that we may enjoy Bo.. for our refreshment Syr .. that we 
should rejoice Eth (ro begins new verse) 

8 ep m. lit. to do that which is good] т &e, ауабоєруєм N &e, Vg 
.. єєр owh епаиеч ѓо do good work Bo .. and they should work works 
good. Syr .. good (things) to work Arm .. that they should work work 
good Eth .. that they should rejoice in working good Eth то ер(т.. 
P 24) рах. оп gem. є. to be rich in good works] 1 &e, Во, N &e, Vg 
(divites fieri) Arm .. and they should be rich in fair actions Syr .. and 
they (we ro) should be rich in working righteousness Eth ep(1 17 
18..p 24)peqy to be givers] т 18? &c.. and that they should be 
givers Eth..and be givers Eth ro..evperaóorovs evar N &c, facile 
tribuere Vg .. and. that they should be ready (lit. easy) to give Syr.. 
liberal, amiable Arm .. eeppeqcworten to be stretchers out (of hand) 
Bo ikontonr(er 18) кос as sharers] 1 18 &c, Kowwvixovs N &e, 
преуищефир as sharers Bo .. communicare Vg Syr (pref. and) .. sharers 
to become Arm .. and they should become (and become то) givers and 
sharers Eth 

З eycwoyrg &c lit. gathering in for them a foundation which is 
good] (1 1) 18 24.. evexos:s &c throwing in for them &c Bo .. amoy- 
cavpi£ovras єаљтоѕ ÜeueAiov. кадоу N &c .. thesaurizare sibi &c Vg .. 
to treasure up for themselves &c Arm .. and. that they should put for 
themselves «е Syr .. and they should found for themselves &с Eth .. and 
hoard up for you &с Eth ro enermaujone lit, unto that which 


Wwe. ‘хекас ETETGOAROT яәпомо see. YW 

тазоєєє охрео єтпараєннн єксмоє MELOK NNEC 

erujoverr ATW єтінт зам NOTWoss авпсортмї MOTA. 

? TAL HTA оозе та соот ATPUaeaeo ETMICTIC. 
тєпрос ттазоеесс à 

тепрос тіязовеос б 

w (1) 17 (188) (248) — З 117 18 (24) 

will become] 17 &с..єпєөпноу unto that which cometh Bo .. for 
whatever is to come Syr .. eis то pedAov № &c, in futurum Vg Arm .. 
for the age which cometh Eth evecoNxos lit. they should hold 
them on to] 17 &c.. ficeassons they should lay hold on Bo, emia- 
Воуто N &с, Vg Arm .. they (уе ro) should attain Syr Eth aue 
true] 17 &c, йтафазні Bo, veram Vg Syr Arm .. which is in truth 
Eth.. ovros NAD* FG 17 ..awviov DeK LP &e, Vg (marian) teneo 
of age Bo (B®?) .. auovtov ovros 37 

тва exo P т(> 24)їззоөєє (om 24) Timothy] 17 
18 24,8 &c, Во (ваГе*снзкмхо*р) Vg Syr Arm.. тзазоесос Bo 
(aEFCL) Eth einapa. the deposit] (т 1) 17 18 24, Bo Arm (Syr) 
Eth (thy) .. trs. ryv п. $vAafov N &c, Vg .. what I committed to thee 
Syr..add evarxaNoc epoc which I committed Bo (TraGwNome p) 
єкса(х 18 24)оє зая. lit, turning thee away] 17 18 24, extperopevos 
N &е, Vg Во (pixi) Arm .. and fleeing from Syr .. turn away from Eth 
пие(т 24)c. etuyoves(vt 1) avw evh(q т)нт from the stories which 
are vain and profane] (1?) 17 18 24.. trs. the stories which are foul 
and (om B®! FHJK) vain Bo (pref. сайоХ).. ros BeBydAovs Kevopwvias 
МАРКІР &с.. ош BeBydr. Syr .. т. B. кашоф. FG, OL Vg Arm (foul 
and newly invented) Orsiesius Pachomius.. Eth has from impure 
(men) who bring words of vanity эзїї Movwoax amn. lit. with the 
disputes of the knowledge false] (т?) 17 18 (24) .. ка. аут:дєсєѕ Tys 
Vevüovvpov yv. N &c, Vg, Isaiah .. ness аастреч eSowi eopan птє 
Nenocre die mpar Siaxeomosas with the opposition to us of the 
knowledge of the false name Bo..and from the oppositions of false 
knowledge Syr .. and from oppositions and from false-named kn. Arm 
.. and they take away the truth by falsehood Eth 

т TIMOTHY VI 20-21 491 

to the true life. 2900 Timothy, keep the deposit, turning 
thyself away from the stories which are vain and profane, 
and the disputes of the false knowledge; ?' this with which 

some having clothed themselves, they became alien unto the 
The (epistle) (о Timotheos т 

The (epistle) ю Timotheos 2 

? gar (ІТ 18 24.. ex 1) a gome Taat ооо (4 18) lit. this 
with which some clothed them] 1 &е (24).. which some having taken 
to themselves Arm.. nv twes eroyyeAA(yeXa. 17)opevor X &c .. quam 
quidam promittentes Vg, ear eta ganoyvon cuj sxsxoc this which 
some promised Bo.. for those who profess it Syr..Eth, see below 
^урщ. &c they became alien unto the faith] т &c 24.. пери туи т. 
пстоҳсау Ж &с, Vg (exciderunt) Arm .. went astray from the faith 
Syr. anova Sem фтаочр they agreed not with the faith Bo 
(confusing стоҳоѕ with ororyos) .. for these went astray from the promise 
of the faith Eth .. they who went &c Eth ro єтпістіс unto the 
faith] т &с 24, Chr Euthal cod .. add mosso пєзх отєн the grace with 
you Во (дук) ВАЕСР 17..7 x. pera cov D &с, f Vg Arm .. add ашау 
Рес EKLP &c, f Vg Bo Syr Eth (the grace of God vo) 

Subscription тєпрос traxoeeoc = the (epistle) to. Timotheos 1] т 
17 24, Tpos тцобєоу а N 17 .. add єтАробу D, Vg .. єтАтробі) ex. пр. 
т. а FG .. mp. т. а єурафу ато Aaoüweus А, P (ато vikomoAeos) Bo 
(GHJM) „тр. T. а єур. ато A. NTIS єстї рлтрото^и$ фрууа5 TS KATA- 
таміз K &c .. rov ay. ат. zavAov пр. т. етот. а сур. ато №. тт Хе L.. 
прос т. A avcSute Sen osxakemom to Timothy І it was written 
from the Macedonia Во (роті) cf. Gr 6 Synops Euthal .. мр. т. & аусж. 
Sen Naoasksa aqovopne ATEM TITOC пеазхентис it was written 
from Laodikia, he sent it by Titos his disciple Bo (Е) .. np. т. & асхок 
єйоМ аус, S. аеємнас avovopne «с was finished, it was written 
from Athens, it was sent &c Bo (к) cf. Arabic (e) .. aveSute $. М. И 
was written from Laodikia Ро (АЕ,).. was finished the first epistle to 
Timothy, which was written from Laodicaea yr .. to Timothy the first 
epistle, he wrote from Гао сава which is the mother city of bagaddania 
(zakoriavgs 47 al) Arm .. was finished the first epistle to Timothy, and 
it was written tn Laodicaea, and it was sent by hand of Titus Eth.. 
to the man Timothy Eth ro 


I. HawAoc nanocroAoc авпеу с 1С grie пото 
запиотте ката пернт MNONO ero пес ic. 
-ecjcoar птізовєос пазеріт uujHpe. сте ар мак 
seit Mita ато Зрнин chord стая muove menor seit 
перс 1С newxoe:c. — ^-puygiigesoT итая памоттє. паї 
epujasuje маг SIN wa eroe ом oscsueraHeic ecosaab 

! ry 17$(18) 24 ? (т) 17 $ at теж. (18) 24 $ теж.  йттля, | 
Прута. 24 з (1) 17 18$ 24$ mas] om Во mag] т &с.. 332208 
Bo sm] sexen Bo 

Inscription *enpoc тізловєос Ё the (epistle) to Timotheos 2] 1 
17 24, Tpos тшобєогу В ЗАК 17 47, Po (Гнкь.. add rh 12 AEFNO), 
т. т. Sevtepa 37 .. apxera пр. т. BDFG.. тахо» єтідтоМм) пр. т. B P.. 
Tov ay. ат. zaüvÀov ez. В тр. т. L.. трос тіла. В паз№ос Bo (au).. 
Xen. пр. т. В Bo (»).. np. тая. Ё enter. пауМос єпістоМот Во (ва) 
..?ncipit epistula ad Timotheum secunda Vg ..the epistle of Paul to 
Timothy the second Syr .. to Timothy the second epistle Arm .. Epistle 
to T'. second Arm edd .. the second epistle to Timothy Eth .. to Timothy 
and it was written when he was (in) Laodicaea Eth то 

| папост. the apostle] 18 &c, Arm .. prisoner Arm сій à3nesQc 
sé of the Christ Jesus] т 18 24, Bo.. yv w NDFGKP 17 47, Vg 
Syr (В) .. зне ие Bo (D'n)... w xv AL 37 &е, Vg (tol harl) Syr (vg) 
Arm Eth orra (и 1) through] 1 18 24, діа N &с, Vg Во.. mm Syr 

Eth .. by Arm ката | 24** біс, Во, N &c, Vg Arm..and n. Бут 
Eth .. in Eth ro перит the promise] т (18 1) &c, XenavceNia .. 
єтаууємау (as N) № &с, Vg Syr Arm (good news) Eth ev which] 

24** біс, тус N &c, Syr Arm Eth .. quae est Vg .. om т, Eth ro .. en єт 
that (promise) which Bo (agns) ет that (life) which Bo 
еже sé the Christ Jesus] (18?) 24** &c.. xv vv N &c, Vg Arm.. 
Jesus Christ Syr Eth 


I. Paulos, the apostle of the Christ Jesus through the will 
of God, according to the promise of the life which (is) in the 
Christ Jesus, ?is writing to Timotheos, the beloved child: 
the grace to thee and the mercy and the peace from God the 
Father and the Christ Jesus our Lord. ? І give thanks to my 
God, this (опе) whom I serve from my fathers in а pure 

2 eycoar is writing] т (18?) 24.. ота N &c, Vg Bo &c палєргт 

ау. lit. the beloved son] (18) 24 ..ауатута rexvo N &c.. carissimo 
filio Vg... son beloved Syr Arm .. nassempry пиу. my beloved son Po, 

my son whom 1 love Eth..yvyow Tekvo ev пістє, 17 tex. the 
grace] 17 24, Bo.. aps N &c, Vg Syr Arm.. Eth has peace to thee 
and mercy and grace пак to thee] 18 &c (Eth).. om N &с, 
Vg Bo Syr Arm эзїї nna lit. with the mercy] (18) &c, and 
mercy Syr ка: Ñ &е, Vg Bo Arm ау» фр. and the 
peace] 1 18 24, Vg (fu**) Syr Arm .. om кал N &c, Ус Bo eh. 
orrax(it 1) from] т 18 24.. of Eth пи. God] т 18 24..ош Bo 
(E FN) ner(nx т 17) от the Father] т 18 &с, Во.. татроѕ № &c, 

Vg Syr Ага .. add nuov 39 41 49, our Father Bo (з) Syr (h*) Eth 
эп meocc(oceroc 24) IT nenx. lit. with the Christ Jesus our Lord] 
т 18 &с, Bo.. ки xv w т. к. nu. ЗЗСАРЕСК І, &с, Vg Syr (h) Arm 
(and from).. Kat короо w ҳо T. к. gp. W^ 17 37..Wea* nent IHT 
nxt with our Lord Jesus the Christ Во (а вакснік) and our Lord 
Jesus Christ Eth .. кас кър. vv xv 43 49 .. and. from our Lord Jesus 
Christ Syr 

З птах (м 1) папоутє to my God] 24, D* 17, Vg (fu demid hal).. 
n. пиоутє to God 1 17 18, Во .. om pov № &c, Vg (am &c) Syr Arm 
Eth паї this] om Bo (А).. фи Bo (г) паєготє my fathers] 1 
&с, Syr .. троуоушу Ж &c, Vg Во (он пигло{ beginning of ту fathers) 
Arm .. my birth Eth оп ovcsner(y 1)хнсас ec, lit. in а con- 
science which is pure] т &e, Bo (good, pure GM) ev кабара avv. Ñ &c, 
Vg (cons. pura) Syr (cons. pure) Arm (mind pure) .. trs. in heart pure 


Wee єЗєгре аєпекавесує axi хм oW МАСОПС Ñ- 
тещи ATW Negocy. ‘вобющ ENAT epos. ererpe 
Seiiexeeve Имекраяен. xe слезяото ebo праще. 
бємтді яепрпееєсує итгисте ETNOHTR AW ОУПО- 
Rpicic. таг мтә|с)отоо мщорп oW) тезлату MTER- 
залах AWIC зам тєназлату ETMIRH. YoeATIZE ow axe 
смонтк. — ^erbe паз ҶХтрекегре аяпаяеете єтрек- 
Xovpor азпесазот аяпшоутє єтмонтії оттяя птаЛо 

сопс| тобо Bo íi n8 24) ? (т) 17 $ at XoeNn. (18) 
(24)  *r17 (24 Р) 

from my origin Eth itee &c how I remember thee without failing | 
(1) &с, оос &c Bo (Sem ovaxeraoasosmx).. ws од:аЛеттоу exw &e 
N &е, Vg Arm .. that perseveringly I remember thee Syr..and con- 
tinually I remember thee Eth йтєуцун &c in the night and the 
day] т &c., fiswpo nesr азер Во (midday) vvxros ках тиєраѕ Ñ &с, 
Vg Syr Arm .. by day and by night Eth 

* ex(ees 1)ovoug wishing] 24 &c.. erstes loving Во, єтитобау N 
&с, Vg .. єтітобо ЕС, Antonius... Г have longed Arm ..and І long 

Syr Eth єрок thee] т 18 24, Bo Syr Arm Eth .. trs. ое фах 
N &e, Vg ex(cer 1)erpe &c remembering] 24 &c, Во, № &c, 
memor Ус, having remembered Arm ..and I remember Syr Eth, 
Antonius ex(eex т)єлхото &c I should be filled with joy] (24 ?) 

&c, Bo Syr Eth ro..trs. xapas zAypo0o N &e, Vg .. and 
І rejoice Eth (beginning another verse) 

> earxi бс lit. having received the remembering] т 17 18 24, 
vropvnow ЛаВоу (XapBavov) N &c, Vg .. memorans Antonius .. having 
considered Arm .. espi pareri remembering Во Eth..lit. in the 
recollection which was for thee in thy faith Syr nm. &c the faith 
which (is) in thee without hypocrisy] т 17 (18) 24..the faith біс 
йатахєтщойт unhypocritical Bo Vg (non ficta) .. rns ev wou avvzrokpvrov 
тістєоЅ N &с.. in thy faith true Буг .. thy unexceptionable faith Arm.. 
thy faith in which there із not hypocrisy Eth таг MTAcoTwe 
&c this which dwelt first] 17 18? (24) Bo (щот) № &с (утс) Vg 
(quae et) Syr Eth..trs. which first dwelt first Eth 

2 TIMOTHY I 4-6 495 

conscience, how I remember thee without failing in my suppli- 
cations in the night and the day ; * wishing to see thee, remem- 
bering thy tears, that I should be filled with joy; ° having 
been reminded of the Га which (is) in thee without 
hypocrisy, this which dwelt first in the mother of thy mother 
Lois and thy mother Euniké; I Лоре also that it is in thee. 
5 Because of this I cause thee to remember for thee to revive 
the grace of God, which (is) in thee through the laying on of 

Taar &c (fitevstaay 17 by error) the mother of thy mother] (24) 
Bo Syr .. ту pappn cov N &c, Vg Arm Eth Noc] (т?) 24, Syr.. 
Лод. N &е, Во (№ юнъи Ax¥)..loide Vg..Aoiàu FGKL, Bo (х).. 

Nora1à. Во ()../avuoteaj Arm .. layed Eth жи &c and thy 
mother] (г) 24, Во, N &e, Vg .. and т &e Syr Arm .. Eth trs. upon 
thy mother Eunice and thy grandmother Lois XeeNm. on I hope 

also] 24..X9. ae om but &c т... rere pas (тєто!ба. 17) де N &c, Vg 
(certus sum autem) Bo (паонт ont) Syr (Arm assured) .. om дє Bo 
(ртт) Arm (pref. and cdd) .. Eth has completed із my joy and I ат 
confident хе &с that it is т thee] т 24 .. хе aquywns пити оок 
that it became in thee also Bo .. ort kat ev со  &с, Vg Syr .. that also 
in thee it is Arm .. that in thee also Eth 

6 ethe m. because of this] (241) &c, Bo Syr.. à nv атау N біс, 
Vg .. because of which Arm .. and because of this Eth ro 
трек. &c lit. I cause thee to make the thought] 24 &с.. 4 purer 
пак lit. J give the thought to thee Bo, ама(плто) puvyoko сє N &e, Syr 
Arm Eth.. admoneo te Vg єтрєкдотрот for thee to revive] 24 
&е, avalwrupew NÑ &с, Arm .. ut resuscites Vg Syr (excite) Eth (renew) 
. Eth ro has concerning the grace.. є ттєкорє mrosxov йтє hy 
ovagennwntS that thou shouldst cause the grace of God to live anew 

Bo àxneosxoT the grace] 24 &c, Во Vg Arm Eth..70 Харитра 
Ne &c, gift Syr .. то PeAnpa N* sxnnosre of God] т 24 .. хрістою 
А єтпонтк which (is) in thee] г 24..add ev&e max because of 

this 17..0 earw ev со. Ñ &e, Vg Arm .. that which із in thee Syr.. 
сте dar me ergon анти which із this which is being in thee Bo.. 
which thow obtainedst Eth оттах (и т) ит. fima(ita г)бтх through 
the laying on of my hands] 24 &c,  &с, Vg Syr (in the) .. from my 
hand-laying Arm .. in the laying on of ту hand Eth .. фах evac inre 
мак eho огтоте anaXaxix lit, this which they gave to thee through 
ту (the м) hand-laying Bo . 

496 ТЄПРОС тшоөсос B 

Wasis. THA пиоттє Сар { мам ай dovmia 
UNTSO. aAA бога or ACATIH Or авмтраятонт. 
заєпраципє Ge Итаемтаямтре азпеихоее сотые им 
петаенр ит. AAAA посе зам MeTATTEAION ката 
TEOLL азпиотте. "паї WTAC[TANOON ATW ATAgaeit 
ON оттоо» ce(owaab ката wenobnwe am. АЛЛА 
ката песто REAU LELRO зам тефураріс їїтәсү- 
TAAC MAM ose MEXE IC QAOH пиестоеиц ща ene. 
10 eacovono ae ебоХ Tenor стая norong chor 
SSTIENCWTHP пес 1с єһсотоср enm Nor. 

7 117 (18) 24$ m-oer-o1] пте-оу-иеля оу-пєаз оу Bo E 
17 $ (24) йтазїтт. | Затон п{аает Во ? (1) 17 24 mai] фи Bo 
(ва) © (т) (17) 24 P at cay orrxx] pref. e&oN Bo (в*Гекь 18) 

7 йта «е for God gave to us not] (18?) &e.. ov yap ебюкеи уши o 
Geos N &с, Vg Во (wont to give АЕР) Syr Arm.. Eth has for not 
a spirit of fear (bondage ro) is that which gave to us God за (ош r)- 
axxTGR of weakness] т 24.. деімає № &с, timoris Vg Во Syr, 
Antonius .. dovAeas 238 473 251 €Y, Eth ro adda] 24 &c.. add 
a spirit Во (к) Eth (not ro) от avann or «iT. and love and 
prudence] 18? 24°.. ки ayarys кол софроисџоь N &c, Vg Bo Syr 
Arm.. от av, от ТЁВО от xxiii. and love and purity and prudence т .. 
and purity and love and wisdom Eth .. and purity Eth ro (omitting 
love and wisdom)..9% av. ох mma and love and the mercy 17.. ас 
virtutem caritatis Antonius 

З gamemxoesc lit. to our Lord] (24) &c .. om пишу N* .. add w xv 
72, Vg (demid) Syr (h*) .. о xv 47 ovae(te 17) мат lit. nor to 
те | 24 &с, pyde eue N &с, Vg Arm .. nor in me Syr .. and пої because 
of me Eth то .. o*xe жаазот (и Г) оо nor те also Bo.. and cause not 
to be ashamed me myself Eth wroce зап suffer with] (24) &c, Bo 
(rag) суу(у)какотабџсоу Ñ &c .. conlabora Vg .. bear evil with Syr .. 
be sharers of evils with Arm .. Eth has labour for teaching хп пех. 
with the gospel] (24) &c, Во.. то ємаууємо N &с, Ус Syr..of the 
gospel Arm .. for teaching Eth к. тб'оях acc. to the power] 24 &c, 
116, Во Arm .. к. óvvajgav Ñ &c, Vg .. in power Syr Eth 

2 TIMOTHY I 7-10 497 

my hands. 7 For God gave to us not a spirit of weakness, 
but (a) of power and dove and prudence. * Ве not ashamed 
therefore of the witness of our Lord nor of me his prisoner: 
but (&) suffer with the gospel according to the power of God; 
9 this (one) who preserved us, and he called us with a holy 
ealling, not according to our works, but (a) according to his 
own ordinance and his grace, which he gave to us in the 
Christ Jesus before the times eternal, !?but having been 
manifested now through the manifestation of our saviour the 
Christ Jesus, (he) having done away indeed with the death, 

* (17 24 .. en 1) ra pra moon lit. who vivified us] 1? &e, Syr .. rov 

cucavtos 1. 53 &c .. qui nos liberavit Vg, who delivered из Bo Arm Eth.. 
om gas 47 agqTagssit he called us] 17 24, Bo Syr Eth .. om Bo 
(B?).. kaAecavros N &c, Vg Arm .. add ypas 178 478 .. and he granted 
to us Eth ro en &c lit. in a calling holy] 17 24, Bo Syr .. vocatione 
sua sancta Vg (fu demid) Syr (h те) Eth .. kAgcec ауа № &c, Vg Arm 
йката not according to] 17 24.. pref. and Eth .. and not because of 

Eth ro neeroug &с his own ordinance] 1? &e, Wav провести N 
&с, Vg Во (nequjopn Rowu Masavaty) Arm.. his will Буг Eth.. 
in his will Eth ro зап тех. &с and his grace which he gave to 

us] (1 ?) &e, Во Syr .. om Ais Arm .. Eth and &e which was given &c.. 
Kat Хари’ туу добдесау nuw N &c, Vg (quae data est) .. he gave to us his 
grace Eth ro next s€ the Christ Jesus] (1?) &e, Bo.. хо w N 
&c, Vg Arm Eth ro .. Jesus Christ Syr Eth ineosoeru ща (pref. 
it 17 24) eneg the times eternal] (1 ?) &c, Bo (neneo) .. the age Eth.. 
trs. про хром. atwv. ev xo w Р 

0 eac. &c but having been manifested] (1) 17 24, № &c, Bo 
(K) .. manifestata, est autem Vg Во Arm and it was &c Syr Eth 
огтях (п 17) тозор ей. through the manifestation] г 17 24, Bo (ва 
Гккі 18).. by the «е Bo .. da т. єтіфауєах 53 &e, per inluminationem 
Vg .. in the appearing Arm .. in the revelation Syr .. in the coming Eth 
Anen. &c of our saviour the Christ Jesus] 1 17 24..т. сштпроє np. 
xv б W* AD* .. of «е Jesus the Christ Bo .. v. с. 1. w хо УСС De FG 
КІР &с, Vg Syr Arm.. т. кур. пи. &c 23 57, Syr (В ™8) Eth ro .. of 
our Lord Jesus Christ our saviour Eth ea. sten &c having done 
away indeed with the death] 1 17 24... om pev Syr Arm Eth .. and he 

1717.1 Kk 


AYOTWNS ae choA аапфио eel таємтаттано оттая 
петуласєМом. I mar WTAURHAAT ATOR epog икирух 
ATW плпостоЛос arw [слу iioeenoc. 1° єт|бе] 
Mar ewon W(nerorce adkAa iure am. {соот 
TAP азпентатистєує EPO. ATW {тик понт же оти 
1351 оман аэпесязот Ишде eTorToOs NTAKCOTLLOT 
птоот ом TIHCTIC ав TATAMH gae пеҲС <. М oapeo 
engorde eETHAMOTY стая nenia erovaab. mar 

п (1) 17 (24) ато] пєяя Во 12 (т) (17) (24) яфиуте] add 

noc it Bo..add язязоот them Во (к) ни: dL M ү 
(17%) 24$ 
did away &c Eth ro aqovorne ae eh. but he manifested] т 17 

24, фотигаутоѕ дє Ñ &с.. ayope nois AE eposonu seas Ззаєтат- 
тако but he caused the life to enlighten and the incorruptibility Bo .. 
inluminavit autem Ve Arm Eth .. and he showed Syr .. om ae Bo (ва) 
тазитаттько the incorruptibility] т 17 24, афбарстау Ñ &c, Vg Syr 
Arm..and he took away corruption Eth .. achich'?s not extinguished 
Eth ro orra (п г) nevac(nce I)re. through the gospel] т (17) 
24, % &c, Vg Во the gospel the teaching of his 
gospel Eth 

И mas (17 24.. єм 1)ra-epos this unto which] 1 24 .. фат-маєі 
this for which Bo о М &c..?n quo Vg Зуг.. оў which Arm 
anon I] І 24..trs. epog amon 17.. trs. þar anon Во.. trs. єтєбї 

єуо  &с, Vg (Syr) Arm .. om Eth пкирт< for herald] 1 (24) 
Arm .. servant Arm edd à 50 iicao and for teacher] (24) Bo (nes 
pegtchw).. ка біакоуоє 17..0m ки CP ппоее. lit. of the 

nations] 17 24, Во, № &c, Vg Syr (peoples) Arm Eth (peoples) .. om 
NFA 17 

12 ethe max because of this] (17 1) (24) Bo Syr.. à ти aav кол 
Ne &с, Vg .. om ка 38"... because of which also Arm .. and because of 
this Eth ешш &c lit. E receive these toils] 17 (24?) Bo (pains) 
.. these troubles I bear Arm .. I suffer these Syr .. ravra. тасҳо N &c, 
Vg.. Гат pained Eth adda] 17 24 .. and Syr Eth пу. ам 
Iam not ashamed] (24)..add being in it Eth (not го).. add яхахос 

2 TIMOTHY I 11-14 499 

but he manifested the life and the ineorruptibility through 
the gospel, ™ this unto which I, I was put for herald and for 
apostle and for teacher of the Gentiles. 12 Because of this 
Iam suffering these (things), but (A) I am not ashamed; for 
I know whom I believed, and I am confident that it is 
possible for him to keep my deposit unto that day. 1° Take 
to thyself the form of the sound words, which thou heardest 
from me, in the faith and the love in the Christ Jesus. 1 Keep 
the good deposit through the holy spirit, this which dwelleth 

of it Bo (3133100 of them к) Xc. сар for I know] 17 24, Во, 
N &e, Vg Arm Eth .. om yap Syr avw and] (т) 17 24 .. and-also 
Eth .. also Eth ro хе that] 17 24, Eth .. and Eth ro єолрєо 
etanap. my deposit] (1?) r7 24, Во (xwsN1).. trs. тлу пара(ката)- 
буку pov фуЛаёи МҸ &c, Vg Syr (add for me) Arm keep for те 
that which I committed to him Eth .. om pov D* єпєоооу &c unto 
that day] т 17 24, Syr Arm Eth ro .. es exew. т. nu. № &с, Vg .. ща 
&e until &c Bo Eth 

13 os мак Яп. lit. take to thee the form] Ха ovcaxoT йтотк 
put а form with thee Bo .. let there be to thee the form Syr ..vrorutwow 
exe N &с, Vg .. thou shalt have а form Атт .. and let there be to thee біс 
Eth .. be to them &c Eth ro nng. єто(а т) тох lit. of the words 
which are sound] полис, ev. of words being sound Bo, уши. А. М біс, 
Vg Syr.. words of rightness Arm .. of that word of life Eth .. in the 

word of life Eth ro (17 24.. ем 1)так. &с which thou heardest 
from me] Syr Eth.. pref. nax(sux нл) these (those) Bo... ov тар «pov 
тк.  &с, Vg Arm en тп. &с in the faith and the love in the 

Christ Jesus] in a faith and a love that which is in the Christ Jesus 
Bo Arm (om which із cdd)..ev т. к. ауслт ty (ayarns tys D*) ev 
xo w N &e, &c which is in Jesus Christ Syr .. in faith and 
love of Christ Jesus Eth 

№ oapeo &c lit. keep the deposit which is good] 17 &c.. nx(nas 
FJ,)swiXdt1 сем. apeg the (this) deposit which біс keep Bo Syr .. tnv 
кал. тара (ката) букту фиЛабом Ж &с, bonum &c Vg Arm ., guard thy 
deposit good. Eth оттях(п т) &c through the holy spirit] 17 &е, 
N &с, Vg Bo Arm. 2» &c Буг Eth nar &c this which dwelleth 
in us] (17) &c.. фи &c that &c Во (ujon) rov evoovvros ev т). № біс, 
Vg Syr Eth (on us) .. in us dwelling Arm ,. which dwelt in us Eth ro.. 
т. добєутоє &c 17 



єтоуно орат понти. !5 қсооум аєпаї. хе ATHAAT 
Wcoov Ho1ovow ихе етом таста. пах evebo понтот 
пе prredoc жет oepasocenHc. 16 ерє пхоєс + 
novna nar помнсіфорос. хе асруаєтом mar поло 
мсоп. ATW яяп ипе пиляярре. 17 ААЛ. itrepecyer 
€QpoO4tH Ac[GenH EW INE News. atge epor 18 epe 
nxoeic З из eoe ETNA HAO PAL nxoeic ояя песост 
ETALMAT. ATW NENTAYAAT им тнрот ом ефесос 
RCOOTH traedor itoovo. 

П. йток Ge nauHpe SoL gae пеоязот єтояя 
Hexc 1С ати MENTARCOTLLOT тоот ити gag 

15 (1) (17) 24 Hiosovon mar єт] тнроу ixena ет Bo 15.4 

17 (24 $) т) 17 13 117 йнаорах | Saten Bo.. à31€2100 
àx Во (Р) 

7 кс. хп. thou knowest this] 1 (17 ?) 24, Bo, одаѕ rovro Vg Syr.. 
this thou shalt know Arm .. and this also &c Eth .. and this бс Eth ro 
avk. &c lit. put me after them] 17 24 .. атєстрафусау pe  &с, Vg 
Bo Syr Arm (from us) Eth оп Ta. in the Asia] 17 24 .. in Asia 
Syr Arm Eth .. in the country of Asia Eth ro nar &с these out of 
whom is] 1? 17 (eos) 24, Bo (єтє євоМ ах) Vg Syr.. ov ecrw Ñ біс 
.. of whose number are Arm .. they who (are) Eth фусеМос) т 17 
24, RCDFGKLP 17 37, Vg Во Буг (h mg) 769808 Eth .. dvyeAdos 
А &c, Vg (demid) Во (н).. @reeNoc Во (смхор) Le brug ,, phikelos 
Arm epar. Hermogenés] т 17 24, fg Vg (am fu demid) Syr 
Arm .. еразос. Do, DcP, d Eth (ето, ro) 

16 epe &c lit. the Lord shall give a mercy] 24 &c.. пс мє ее 
nownar /he Lord &c Bo (om ae ВАЕСКМР).. дот eAeos o к. М &е, Ve 
(det) .. дот о к. eX. 17 47, Arm .. shall give our Lord mercy Syr .. noc 
ae &e Bo.. and shall give God mercy Eth onHcrp.] 19 17 24, 
N &с, Ро.. онснф. Во (ва)... опєстф. Во (AE) .. оисиф. А... инет. 
p agqyax. &c lit. he gave rest to me many times] 1? 17 24, Во 
.. roÀAaxis pe aveyvéev X &с, Ус... тату times he vivified me Syr Arm 
(refreshed) Eth (caused to rest) inj. he was not ashamed of my 

2 TIMOTHY I 15—П 2 501 

in us. P Thou knowest this, that abandoned me all who (are) 
in the Asia; these out of whom is Phygelos and Hermogenes. 
16 Тре Lord shall give шегсу to the house of Onésiphoros : 
because he refreshed me many times, and he was not ashamed 
of my bonds; !' иё (а) when he had come unto Hrome, he 
hastened to seek for me, he found me. 18 The Lord shall give 
to him to find mercy with the Lord in that day. And all the 
(things) which he did for me in Epbesos thou knowest them 
quite well. 

П. Thou therefore, my child, be strengthened in the grace 
which (is) in the Christ Jesus. ? And the (things) which thou 

bonds] 1 17, Eth .. ryv advow pov ovk &c  &с, Vg Во (таоаМусіс) 
Syr (chains) Arm (chains) 

adda] add also Syr.. and Eth птєрєчег when he had 
come] 1? 17, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth..yevouevos N &с еорюзан 
unto Hrdmé| т 17, Во Syr Arm Eth .. Romam Vg Eth ro.. ev рор 
№ &c абепи he hastened] (г) 17, Bo .. hastily Eth .. crovdaws 
NCD*FGP 17..-daorepov (pos) ADeKL с, sollicite Vg.. with 
diligence Syr, diligently Arm agge &c he found me] 1 17, Во 
(Г) .. pref. ки Ñ &c, Vg Во Syr Eth .. and he found Arm 

18 epe &с the Lord shall give to him] пос єсчєтніс мач Во 
(Гемр).. пс ae &с Во..бит avro o kvp. № &c, Vg Syr (our Lord) 
Arm Eth (God) eoe ev(eov 17)na lit. to find a mercy] М &с, 
Vg Bo.. that he should find &c Syr Eth .. eà. evp. P, Arm ихое1с 
29] our Lord Syr Eth..6«ov D* avo and] om Во (лкна,) 
азо пєптачаау &с lit, and all those which he did for me in Ephesos] 
uenyr men evaearrow &с all the service which he did for me &e 
Во .. ка: ота ev ed. бидкоупоєу por 37, fg Vg (demid tol) Arm .. and 
how he ministered to me &c Буг .. trs. and how much he ministered to 
me well in Eph. Eth .. ка. оса, &c omitting pot N &e KC, Яз. по. 
lit. thou knowest them more] Во (marwor йеок поото).. ВеАтюи 
ov ywockes NÑ &с, Vg Syr (more) .. this thou thyself well knowest Arm 
.. thyself knowest Eth 

1 ве] and Eth .. and indeed Eth ro ЕЖЕ 1€ the Christ Jesus | 
Jesus Christ Eth то .. our Lord &е Eth .. of the Lord Jesus Bo (н) 

2 asw and] (1) 17 .. om Bo (AĦ3,) птоот from me] 1 17 .. in 
or upon me Eth gsti through | (1) 17, da N &с, Vg Bo Syr.. by 


ззаамтре. WAL RAAT вора моеитаетое Wpoase. ими 
єлїш зоя, ercabe gennoore. *witorce оос 
яяхтої ємаМОУС ите mec 1с. * жере [Мау ego 
азазатох [Tag] seit меобнує аєпітос. хе eqyeapecke 
aATIENTAYAaY ALATO бещопе ae ow єрещам 
оул Pujoeis. seeepsinAoss ставит: пазе Raoc. 
бпотоєї етоосе ито єщасухі [мшорп eho on 
мкарпос 7] 8 ap(maseeye] ом о suse. exc ne xE 
ea[wrownoc | ejhoA ом метаяосут| ehod [ой ov- 

3563) * (1) axi] Sen in Bo px Sx) Pr) 

Arm .. with Eth raavs(ekesc. Bo BATHI LM.. EFEX. Е) eopar 
lit. put them up (or down)] т 17, тарабо» Ñ &c, commenda Vg Bo 
(Xar Затотоу) Syr Arm (his)..that teach Eth поєип. to 
faithful men] т 17, Во, № &c, Vg Arm men faithful Syr 
еумащ (ош 17)¢ax¢os who will be able] т 17, Syr.. ікамої evovrac 
N &с, Vg Bo (worthy) Arm Eth (worthy) evcahe oen(on т)к. to 
teach others] 1 17, Bo (Eth) .. кал erepovs бідабал N &e, Vg Syr Arm 
.. that they should teach the senseless Eth ro 

З цупогсє lit. receive toil] т, labora OL Vg .. and toil Eth .. endure 
evils ovv какотабдєоу CCeDeKL &с, Syr (h).. съу(у)како- 
zaÜgcov МА C* D*FGP 17, g (collab.) Bo («ріщфир rujenxxkaso) 
Syr (h те) Arm ssxatos soldier] І, потазатог a soldier Bo.. 
evvaTparwo»rgs D* enanorgy good) 1, Во.. каЛо$ отр. NÑ біс, 
bonus miles Vg Syr Arm..good soldier servant Eth .. good servant 
Eth ro пє% 18 the Christ Jesus] т, Во .. yv м RACD*FGP 17 
31 47, Vg Во Syr (Б) Arm..w хо DeKL &c, Во (о) Syr (vg) 
Arm cdd Eth 

* Naar lit. any one] (1).. add сар Во (7) Eth eyo ATOI 
being a soldier} т, Bo.. soldier Syr .. erparevouevos Ñ &c, Arm (add 
here) Evagrius Isaiah (militans).. who fighteth Eth .. страт. то Oew 
FG, Vg, Marcus Orsiesius Tao mingle] (1) ¢Neacdwary 
entangleth him Во, eurdexerau Ñ &с, Vg.. and entangleth Syr .. occu- 
pieth himself Arm .. and thinks about Eth steoh, &c the things of 
' the life (of the world)] т, Bo (us, mashroc).. Во (патом) .. rois 
rov Biov траурот(є):олѕ Ñ &c, negotiis saecularibus Vg .. the affairs of 

2 TIMOTHY II 5-8 503 

heardest from me through many witnesses, these commit to 
faithful men, these who will be able to teach others. * Suffer 
as good soldier of the Christ Jesus. "Хо one, being a soldier, 
is wont to mingle with the things of the life (of the world), 
that he should please him who made him (a) soldier. 5 But if 
also (any) one should become (an) athlete, he is not wont to be 
crowned unless he should contend honestly. ° The husbandman 
who toileth, he is wont [to take first out of the fruits. 7] 

* Remember in all things Jesus the Christ haviug been raised 
out of those who are dead, out of a seed of Daveid according 

the world Syr .. the life of the world Arm .. the living of the world Eth 
ее &c ажатох he should please him who made him (a) soldier] т, Во 
(єтацбоку who armed him) ..то стратол\оупсаут: арест М &c .. e 
placeat cui se probavit Vg .. should please him who chose him бут Eth 
(appointed. him) 

5 єщопє &c lit, but if also one should become athlete] eav дє ка. 
aA т< Ж &c.. om de А, Во (B*r).. om ом also Во (ще ecpara пу 
goeth to the place of contending) .. and if contendeth any one Syr .. nam 
et qui certat in agone f Vg .. and if an athlete any one should become 
Arm .. and if also (there is) an athlete Eth але бс he is not wont 
to be crowned] Bo, ov erejavovra. N &с, Vg Syr Arm .. there is not 
to him a prize Eth eic: &с unless he should contend honestly | 
atjugresr t полатакос if he did not contend lawfully Bo..eav py 
vopipws abdnon NX &с, Vg Arm..if in his law he contendeth not 
Syr Eth 

5 mnovoese &c the husbandman who toileth he is wont to take] т.. 
morwr єт&осї eo epos птечет the husbandman who toileth, it 
is right for him that he should take Bo.. tov котішута yewpyov бег 
ретаЛарВаув Ñ &c, Vg (Syr) Arm .. Eth has and he also who toileth, 
the ploughman it is necessary that he first should get his fruit 

* off ооб suas lit. in every thing] 1 ? drawn from ev таси verse 7 М &e, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth exc пеже Jesus the Christ | 
(1?) Bo.. w xv &с, Vg Syr Arm cdd Eth .. xv w D*, Arm .. dominum 
I. C. Vg (fu demid harl*) ea|sTownoc*] lit. they having raised 
him] eygyepuevov Ñ &c, Arm, etagrwny who raised him Bo .. who 
rose Буг К .. resurrexisse Vg ката maer. according to my 
gospel] (тї) Во.. according to my own gospel Syr.. к. пет. асс. to 
the g. Bo (N) .. according аз I taught Eth 


cneplsa iaavera ката) Maevaccedson. — ? пат 
exuorce Монте wWagpar eiesppe оос сооне. aAa 
аяпицумхє яяпмоуте s£Hp ^и. Verbe пат {ет ga 
NTHpY erbe idcoTH. хе ETENI оооу язпомо отти 
пес 1с яе neoov итпе. — l'owmeroc пе Mae. 
єцухе | | 1 ewjase ] а» өсү | Apta [жо 
eoo. 1 eujae ] апістос [або ещо аяпістос. 
азам WOK стрецарих аза ор oraa М им 
захротрпетяаєєтє скраемтре a22200$ inerto chor 
запиотутє. апр том cael Aaa пону понт. єущор- 

9 I 10 I M (1) 19 (1) 13 (1) 14 т 


? паз e. Понт this in which I suffer] Bo (eXotraxuag) ev w 
какотабо Ñ &c .. ev o ka как. F 8r .. in quo laboro Vg .. in which I am 
bearing evils Syr .. in. which I am tormented Arm .. because of which 
Iam afflicted Eth що. even unto the bonds] меҳре дебри № &с, 
Vg Во (gancsaso) Syr Arm .. and Г was bound Еф | coone robber | 
kakovpyos Ñ &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth язпщахє за(й 1)пиоттє 
&c the word of God (is) not being bound] neaxs &c Bo (cono) Ne &с, 
Vg Syr Arm Eth.. om ov М 

10 erbe because of] pref. and Eth ro 44! ga I bear] tepor- 
позаєни Во, vropevw N &с, sustineo Vg Syr Arm, J am patient Eth 
итира lit. the whole of it] Sem gwh miben in every thing Bo Eth.. 
om паута 17 .. trs. ravra vropevw Ж &c, Vg Syr Arm (we endure cdd) 
осот they also] om Bo, N &е, Syr .. et ipsi Vg Arm Eth iino 
the life] Syr Eth (their life ro) .. wre тотоу бт запо хал that they 
should obtain the salvation Bo .. trs. cwrnpias rTvxovw N &c, Vg Arm 
eri through] rys ev № &с, quae est in Vg Bo Arm Еһ... in Syr 
Arm cdd пєҳ 1€ the Christ Jesus] Bo .. хо w N &с, Vg Arm 
Eth ro .. Jesus Christ Syr Eth йтпє of the heaven] ovpawov, f Vg 
Syr ( =) Arm... om Eth ro which has in glory .. exeo of age Bo, 
awwviov Ñ &е, Syr Eth 

1: єпухє if] 11.. add ae Bo (Р).. pref. and Syr Arm .. and if also 
Eth алистос unfaithful] т... add in Aim Syr Eth паб’ біс 
he will remain being faithful] (т ?).. e«ewos титто$ pever Ñ біс, Vg 


2 TIMOTHY II 9-14 505 

to my gospel, ° this in which I suffer even unto the bonds 
as robber; but (a) the word of God (is) not being bound. 
1?Because of this I bear all things because of the chosen 
(ones), that they also should receive the life through the 
Christ Jesus with the glory of the heaven. 1 Faithful is the 
word: If[ | ЗР ]him,he also will deny us: 13 И we are 
unfaithful, he will remain being faithful ; it is not possible for 
him to deny himself. !* These (things) cause them to remember, 
bearing witness of them before God, Strive not about (that) 
in which there is not any gain, unto overturning of those 

Агт..фн meoq чизоо: egor яп. he indeed will remain being 
faithful Bo (фн ae DIL) .. he indeed faithful remaineth Eth .. he in his 
faith remaineth Syr зап uost &c it is not possible for him to 
deny himself] 1, Во (B^0)..à3310* waron сар &с for it is not 
possible that he should &c Bo .. and he cannot &c Eth .. apvnoacbar yap 
eavtov ov долата N*A CD*FGLP 17 37, Syr (vg for Bat he should 
&c) .. om yap МК &e, d Vg Syr (h) Arm 

м gar aapoy &c lit. these cause them to remember] ravra. vro- 
pupygoke Ñ &c, haec commone Vg Syr (add them) Arm .. thus remind 
them Eth .. aparer: поот inar remind them of these Во en p. 
&c bearing witness of them] барарторореуо$ N &c, Vg Во Arm ., pref. 
and Syr Eth iimnosre God] RCFG 37, Vg (demid) Bo Syr 
(hms) Arm Eth..xvpgov ADKLP &c, Vg Bo (Una,r)..our Lord 
Syr .. ХЭ 74 470 запратом strive not] py Лоуорахє AC*, OL 
noli verbis contendere in (ad am) nihil (um) Vg Arm .. єцутєзаяхМаж 
Sen писах: exem ОМІ noob not to dispute in the word over any 
thing Bo .. py Aoyopaxew NCeDerFerGetK LP &c .. that they should 
not be striving in words which &c Syr..that уе (thou то) should not 
dispute in a thing (om in a thing ro) Eth єз М. &e in which 
there is not any gain] exem eX: noc maon онот NSHTY over 
any thing in which there is not gain Bo (Sem ва 18..1е на) єт 
ovdev xpuauxov W* ACP 17 .. єт оубеи yap x. КС . es ovder ЗЗР КІ, 
&c, in nililum,-lo, in nihil, ad nihil enim OL Vg (not am fu) 
evujopujp lit. unto an overturning] eovwan unto a ruining Bo .. ex 
катастрофі) Ñ &c .. ad subversionem Vg Syr (who hear them) Arm .. and 
in that which they will be overturned who &c Eth .. Eth ro has (that) 
will not profit thee by which they will be overturned 

506 ТСПРОС тшоөсос В 

WP иметсотая. 10 бепн етхоок ератк поусотп 
asmiovre | ев|\щот eboÀ senujace тее. 
16 саен AE ETWOTEIT avo єтӧнт аєзпротєці ст 
охроот. изсефие Tap мапрокоптє епеоото. ^" aso 
NETWARE маротуматоває Hoe поусьсермиа. им 
€veboX понтот пе ovesenaroc seit eprAHTO[cl. 18 мат 

ecujone. ATW ETWOPWP итпистие Noomte. 1" тситє 
ажет єттахрну NTE MMOTTE моєратс ETHTAc seaeay 
мтєсфрастс. пхоєс cap асом meTenorey ие. 

ED 19 (e) (т) м (е) (п) 18 (е) т esuop.] І..ат- 
dono Во (0)..сеф. Bo 9 (e) (1) f! mete] me f! 

15 вепи hasten] т, їнс язязок Во, crovdacov N &c, Arm Eth.. 
sollicite cura Vg .. and let it be а care to thee Syr етаоок &с to 
present &c] 1, Bo (Syr Eth) .. «avr. док. tapacrnoa Ж &с, Vg Arm 
àxnnose to God] т, &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth .. то xo AL... to the 
Гота Bo (oc) 

5 пусяян ae but the stories] (e?) (т) Bo, ras de &c N &e .. profana 
autem &c Vg .. from words біс yr .. but foul &c Arm .. but ( from om 
ro) words &с Eth .. om ae Bo (амор) erujoserr &c lit. which are 
vain and which are profane do not wish to support them] 1 .. om ато» 
єтінт and which are profane €..trs. етсо отоо (om ваккі, 18) 
єтщотіт genk eh. mawor which are foul апа which are vain avoid 
them Во .. énaniloquia devita Vg..[JeBuXovs кє(а: Е G)vodovias 
пєристато N &c..vain in which there is not use abstain Syr .. and 
useless words refuse Arm .. foul and in which there із no profit refuse 
Eth йасєйне &c lit. for the ungodly will advance unto the more | 
(e?) r.. Sem ovoovo v. щатєрпрокоптит Sem ovaretacehue for 
in more they are wont to advance in an ungodliness Bo, єтї пАєду у. 
mpoxowovow асєВєаѕ N &6..епи &с асєВєѕ D*K .. multum. enim 
proficient ad impietatem Vg Arm ..for more will they add upon their 
impiety Syr .. for they will cause to increase their sin Eth 

U эзчу &c and their word] e т, N &c, Vg Bo Syr..and their 
words Bo (AEMP) Arm..and their vain word also Eth .. and. their 
word is vain also Eth го паротаза. п. ioscaccparnta (сасріта 
е) will spread as а gangrene] e? r .. uya«psess яла n (ах)яхоги appr 

2 TIMOTHY II 15-19 507 

who hear. 19 Hasten to present thyself for a chosen (one) to 
God the word of the truth. 16 But the stories which are 
vain and profane do not wish to encourage them: for the wn- 
godly will advance (still) more, 17 and their word will spread* 
as a gangrene, these (men) out of whom are Hymenaios and 
Philétos; ІЗ these who came short of the truth, saying that 
the resurrection hath (already) happened : and they are over- 
turning the faith of some. 1° The firm foundation indeed of 
God (is) standing, having the seal, for the Lord knew those 
who are his own: and let him depart from the iniquity, 

* Perhaps will make a pasture, asrosse being corruption of voun. 

потазаєї ecosoas is wont to find place of pasture as a cancer eating 
Bo .. os уауу. уорду єє. М &c .. ut cancer serpit Vg .. as cancer of pasture 
taketh hold on many Syr .. as cancer pasture findeth Avm .. as that which 
pastureth and that which increaseth manifold Eth .. om Eth ro Har 
&c lit. these (om Bo) out of whom is] (e?) 1, Bo Vg.. ov єоти N біс 
.. but there is one of them Syr .. of whose number are Arm .. who (are) 

Eth ev(e є)за. | e (1) № &c.. ovaremeoc Bo (АЕ &с).. ovaxenoc 
Bo (Gn, M0 18) Arm .. hymeneus Vg .. vuaweos D* P .. Aemenzos Eth .. 
huomeros Arm cd элїї фіМмнтос| т, N &с, Bo (TFGLMNOP).. 

rAetoc Bo (АЕНЛК) .. and the other Риз Syr .. felitós Eth 

З sar (en т) тат. &c these who came short of the truth] (e?) т.. 
ovrwes пери туи aX. стоҳусау М &с.. qui a veritate exciderunt Ve.. 
мации B?) eveixros-paxe-p Жєн oni these who agree not with the 
truth Bo (confusing отохоз and отогҳоѕ) .. om ва (except мн) .. these 
who erred from &c Syr Eth a Tam, &c lit. the resurrection finished 
happening] (е?) т, pref. onan Bo, ACDKLP &c .. om ryv NEG 17, 
Vg .. the resurrection of the dead happened Syr .. Arm has and they say 
that the тез. of the dead already hath been .. Eth has and they say 
already happened the res. of the dead (the life of the dead Eth ro) 
сущорщр &c and they are overturning the faith of some] (e?) т, 
МЕО 17, Во (others) Arm Eth (many) .. av. т. т. три rwov N* .. av. т. 
twov т. ACK LP &с, f Vg Буг (В) .. the faith of some they overthrow Syr 

7 aren) т ЇЇ (asi).. заємтог Во, М &c.. sed Vg Arm, де Syr Eth 
ettax. lit. which is firm] (e?) т f!, Bo Syr .. trs. отереоз бер. Ñ &c, 
Vg Arm.. Eth has but that which is strong in the foundation of 
ivre ritos ve of God] ет #!е.. то kupov МЎ | es(ow fnac marar 
having] (e?) (1 1) f1.. and hath Syr (there is to it) Arm птесф. the 
seal] Taic. this seal Во, т. сф. там. М &c, Vg Syr Arm ихое1с &c 

508 TCIPOC тшоөєос В 

ATW aeaperpeaoooey єбо anar ибоме иблотом mie 
ETTATO азпрам аапхоес. — ? поєискеун ae MOTÈ 
Хм азчахте петом отиоб инт ee оємоат. AA оти 
we om or Axe gomme ажет ETTAIO. оемкооте жє 
єусощ. Zepeyan ота ce thhoy ehoA см из. 
quawune йотснетос evtisen ecprbóns arw єцр- 
anag nxoeic eychrwr cowh mee Масавом. +? R- 
emievatia Итазитшинре шная пот EBONA ROOT. пот 
хе йтоц исх таткаюстумн THICTIC TATANH Ярнин 

% (т) fl morh] т..иоз f! м] fl. e і 1 rfl efor 
ой] ca&oX й Bo.. ehod ог Bo (u7,) 22 (e) (1) f! (cit. B. M.) 

the Lord knew] (e?) f!, Bo.. eyvo киріоє № &e, Vg Arm .. and. knew 
the Гота Syr .. and. knew them God Eth avw and] e 1 fl, Во (ва 
THJ,L 18) V &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth .. om Bo ettavo who uttereth | 
I fl.. ето who sayeth Bo .. o оуорабоу Ñ &с, Vg Arm Eth .. calleth 
Syr Sinxoesc of the Lord] 1 fl, Bo, N* &c, Vg Syr Arm.. of 
God Eth .. xv &¢ al 

? йоєн(ом Ғ!) ск. &c but not only vessels of gold (are) that which 
(is) in a great house &c] 1 #1.. trs. ev иеуаАл де oikia ovk eat povov 
(Ap. patrum .. pova 37 80) oxevn xpvaa кол ару. (apy. Kat x. 37) Ñ бів, 
Vg Arm .. Sem ovium ae RHI oanckevoc пноуй 3xa313avaTO ай 
feat дапоат етеифитЧ but in a great house vessels of gold alone not 
and silver which (are) in it Bo Syr (or of silver there is in it) Eth (in 
а great house also) .. om бє x 67**, Во (о) Ap. patrum aXXa ovi 
(add ом f!) ще om os &A(eM fl)xe but there is wood also and 
earthenware] (т 1) f!, ad. ка EvAwa ка остракиа М &c, Vg Arm .. 
aXXa отоп oankeujge on reas oanbeNa lit. woods also and earthen- 
wares Bo .. but also of wood, also of earthenware Syr .. but (om ro) there 
із that of (om that of го) wood also and that of earthenware also Eth 
gorme axem єттаїо(І f1 o) оєп(оп f!) &c lit. some indeed unto ап 
honour, but others unto a contempt] (1) #1, some indeed being (Sc wt) unto 
the honour, but others being (Xn) unto a contempt (uywas) Bo .. каса pev 
es тл], a дє es отциау М &с, Vg .. there ате which to honour are 

2 TIMOTHY II 20-22 509 

namely, every one who uttereth the name of the Lord. 
? But not only vessels of gold (are) that which (is) in a great 
house and silver (vessels), but (a) there is wood also and 
earthenware ; some indeed unto honour, but others unto 
contempt.  ?'If (any) one therefore should cleanse himself 
out of these he will become a vessel unto honour, sanctified, 
and pleasing to the Lord, prepared unto every good work. 
2 Тһе youthful dusts flee from; but rather follow after the 
righteousness, the faith, the love, the peace unto all who call 

and there are which to vileness Avm ..of them to honour and of 
them to vileness Syr .. there is that which (is) for honour also and there 
із &c Eth 

й єрєщам И] pwan #1.. pref. and Еі... trs. ew. ovn apegan 
ova: Bo оп mar these] add тнроу all Во, Ap. patrum .. Eth has 

from this evil.. Eth ro from adultery єутілян (ease f1) lit. unto 
an honour] єптаего unto the honour Bo .. trs. pure unto honour Syr.. 
honourable Arm .. of honour Eth eqrbüns lit. purified] Bo.. 

nyacpevov Ñ &с, Vg Arm Eth (pref. and ro) avw and] NeC*D> 
КІР &e, f Vg Syr (Б) Arm N*ACbD*FerG 17, Во Syr 
(vg) Ap. patr. eqp(ap fl)unae зап. pleasing to the Lord] 
evxpya rov то беототу Ñ &c .. being useful to his lord Bo .. utile domino 
Vg .. fit for the use of his lord Syr .. useful for his lord Arm Eth ro.. 
useful for the service of his lord Eth eycht. eec (оп gwh #1) &c 
prepared unto every good work] Bo (єепанєт) Syr (pref. and) Eth 
(pref. and) Ap. patrum (ру. ay.) .. ELS тау єру. ау. птофшасриєуву Ñ біс, 
Vg Arm Eth (pref. and) 

? nenie. &c lit. the lusts of the youthfulness flee from them | cit .. 
мепететялта ae &cbut the lusts &c f! .. menio. ae (от AB2G M) fiaNor 
genk ЕВ. tan. the lusts of youth withdraw thee from them Во .. ras дє 
vewtepixas emib. фегує  &с, Vg Arm .. from all lusts of youth flee Syr 
..Лее from lust of youth Eth пот ae Toy fca lit. but rather 
flee after] e f1..8.oxe бє N &с, Vg (vero) Bo.. om ae Во (вна, м).. 
and run after Syr, and follow Arm Eth т(ит ЇЇ)мїк. &с Ярнин(є 
f!) the righteousness, the faith, (and e) the love, the peace] e? (зап 
Tav.) fl, Bo (niae Зотпояхомн Р. Хасапн torn. l5 FHJ).. 
дік. TOT. ayar. ap. Ñ біс, Vg ..righteousness of faith, love, and peace 
Eth ro .. бик. ау. тит. ep. F 51 G .. righteousness and faith and love and 


€ovow Nise ЄТЄПІКАЛЄЇ £i&mxoerc ehoX ом отонт 
eqovaah. °° wmngnre ae Neos ати Warcbo raparrer 
S2a200T. ENCOOTH xe Waranme see. 4 оудаясм М 
ите nxoeic Миущє aw єросі esee. АЛЛА mwone 
єцебінну пигори отом мае. pegea. єчатеу є 
пиєвосу. 2° ecpebo пметотоояя oit оулгаптраєраці. 
ceHac epe пиоттє ЯЗ мах йотаєєтаног єпсотії 
тазе. 2 ААЛА WcenHepe ebo см (Asops anaia- 

з (e) (1) f! itatchw] е fl.. жэзетатейо Во 4 (ey pil 
з (еу(ту{1 5 (x) f fr. Woide 

peace Syr Eth .. righteousness, faith біс holiness Arm сотой nias 
степи (єг ЇЇ)к. &e unto all who call upon] e? fl.. wera тшу ecard. 
N &с, Vg Bo (ин ет '&с) Syr .. д. т. ayomovrov А... ess ovon usher 
єтощ оудє with all who сту aguinst Bo (aga M0*») Eth (who call to) 
3xmxoeic the Lord] e? (11) N &c, Vg Syr (our Lord) Eth (our Lord) 
.. 5праи anx, 1С the name of the Lord Jesus fl.. the nume of the 
Lord Bo Arm онт egovaah lit. heart being holy] e (1?) fl.. 
eqroséuosr cleansed Bo..xafapas карб. Ñ &c, Arm..corde puro 
Vg Syr Eth 

23 wi(fl.. mer e)uyme ae &с but these foolish questionings and 
undisciplined] e? f! .. minw ae axaxevcox &с but the questionings of 
foolishness and undisciplinedness Во .. disputations foolish, those which 
are without discipline Syr (abstain from them) .. ras дє popas kat атайд. 
(тусе N &с, Vg (et sine disciplina) Arm .. refuse words of folly and 
ridicule and vain (om ro) disputing Eth ex (& f!)coovit (om f!) 
knowing] (e) x f! Bo, edws N біс, Vg.. know Arm..ekeesss epai 
thou shalt know this Bo (A) .. thou knowest Eth .. for thou knowest Буг 
warane &с they are wont to beget &c] (e) т ЇЇ, yevvoocw payas N 
&c, щатхфе олищонт (contentions) Во ..trs. contentions beget Syr 
Eth (bring) 

М отоля. a servant] e &c..dovdov de Ñ &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm.. 
pref. and Eth nx, the Lord] e &c .. our Lord Syr пу(ис I.. 
тє fl) ще an epog &c it is not right for him &c | (e?) &с.. сще пач 
ax &с Bo..ov da &с N &c, Vg Syr Arm.. will not contend Eth 
adda] е &с.. ош Eth ro п (ке #1) щ. &c (to) become humble] 

2 TIMOTHY II 23-26 511 

upon the Lord out of а holy heart. * But these foolish 
questionings and undisciplined refuse them, knowing that 
they are wont to beget contention. 2" А servant of the 
Lord, it is not right for him to contend; but (a) (to) become 
humble with all, (a) man of teaching, forbearing evil, 
25 correcting those who dispute with meekness, that God 
should give to them repentance unto the knowledge of the 
truth; *?9but (a) recover themselves out of the snares of 

(e?) &с.. e(eopey HJ.. ege GM)uswns eror fipearp. to become being 
meek Bo (near) .. nov ewar М бс, Vg Arm .. that he should be gentle Syr 
.. that а child gentle he should become Eth .. that (as) children he should 
become Eth то пречус. lit. for man of teaching] (e) &c, дидактикои 
N &с, Vg Bo (itpeychw) Буг (pref. and) Eth (pref. and) €*«[aneoc e 
finee. lit. forbearing the evil (plural)| e? &c, iipeqepaneocecee 
iuunerocos Bo (гонмхор).. ñp. жапитето. Во (the evil singular) .. 
ауєбікакоу Ж &c, Arm .. patientem Vg Буг (pref. and) .. and patient 
of all evil Eth 

? eeprcé &с lit. correcting those who dispute in а meekness] (е?) 
т fl. trs. correcting in (Sew) a meekness those &c (ин ev є&оти 
eopay) Bo .. trs. ev (cvv FG) праоттрти толдетоута Tous avri. (avruep. 
FG) N &c, Ус (сит) Arm (calmness) .. and that he should be correcting 
those біс in meekness Syr .. and he shall correct with gentleness &c Eth 
жекас epe &с that God should give to them] flc (om epe пиоттє") 
Taxa fire d + м. perhaps God may give to them Bo.. perhaps 
may give to them God Arm (Lord God cd) .. рлутоте бах) avrows о Becs 
N &с, Vg (ne quando) Syr .. if it is that would give to them God Eth 
fiovaset., а repentance] #1, Ne & N*..add Sen ovenoy in 
a time Bo encosi tare unto the knowledge of the truth] #1.. es 
ezvyv. аМмувєає N &с, Arm (of wisdom cd)..add eA0ew A .. ad. cogno- 
scendam veritatem Vg .. €epowcowen {алєелант for them to know the 
truth Во .. that they should know &c Syr..Eth has that they should 
repent and (om Eth) know the truth 

5 adda] om fr. W... кш N &c, Ve Bo Syr Eth псепифе lit. 
should wake up | fl, птотєринфіх Bo (5^PFGHKMNO .,. ит. сулар 
AEJ, .. ИТ, изаафии Р).. avavnywouw X &e, Arm Eth .. resipiscant Vg.. 
and should be mindful of themselves Syr Rima. of the devil] (1) f!, 
Tys Tov д. ттогу!до$ М &c .. а diaboli laqueis Vg .. from the snares of Satan 
Arm .. from the snare of Satan Eth .. and should be saved from the snare 


Bodoc ersun eoù стоотф enovwU Aneri- 

ПІ. єтаяє ac [emar xe oit Oan ймєдооу ceitaujorne 
Moioenovoeny ETNAWT. — ?^Wposee ap mawane 
ялазх і TIEVRRTON. ажет лт ooeeT. ibabe posse. Rixa- 
стонт. Ихатохх.  €MceCOTaR хи Nea мехаоте. 
MAàTUJof£OT. | €vyoxa oes. з прецяавзіцє. MOTAQIHT. 
HWasahodoc. WaTAasfaoTEe. W(aM]HeRepoc. етазосте 
SQTIMETHAMO TY]. ^*aenpoanovHc. ETACWOT. WaacioHT. 
ETO ALLAI OHAONH єооує aeepe пиоттє. > ETHTaT 
aar аяпорі итазитеусейнс. єуариа ae итесбояя: 

1 (e) (1) gemovoeruy] e.. -orug І ? (e) т пхатота | преч- 
sxeova Во 3 (e) (т) (е) т > (e) т maar] ome 

of Satan Syr єубнп(єпе f!) &c being captured by him unto the 
wish of that (one)] (1 7) fr. №... e£oyp. ит avrov es то exewou вєдтра. 
N &с, Arm .. quo capti tenentur ad ipsius voluntatem Vg Syr .. for he 
hath snared them in consequence of his will (unto his wish го).. om 
епозощ unto the wish #1.. Bo has єбоМ ga mpag фи ета nasa- 
болос sopay єроот espaovHosT птоте 3imeveonae GpH from 
the snare with which the devil caught them, being subjected бу him to 
the will of that one Eth 

1 esse &c but know this] (e?) (1 7).. rovro де ywwoxe(re) № &с, 
Vg Bo (apreass) Syr Arm (know ye cdd) Eth (ye ro) оп oan &c 
in the end of the days] e І, ev сохата nu.  &с, Vg Eth.. Sen 
nieooos it$ae in the days of (the) end Во (сноу times 2) in the 
days last Syr Arm сєпащопє will happen] (e?) (т?) Bo (ese)... 
evarqoovra, Ñ біс, Vg .. will come Syr Arm Eth esnauyr lit. 
hard] e т, X &c, Syr.. periculosa OL Vg .. пооот evil Bo Arm Eth 
(singular ro) 

? прозае &c for the men will become] (e?) г.. єсоутаг yap ог (om 
N) арб. № &c, Bo (eve) Arm .. om tap Во (DTL) .. et erunt homines Vg 

Syr Eth (singular ro) Missas пет. lit. lover of their rest] e r.. 
lovers of their pleasure Eth ro .. фіЛамтої N &c, Vg Bo (erare: mawor 
samavatos) Syr Arm Eth оолат lit. brass] т.. esos ixaxasoa v 

being loving of silver Во, № &с, Syr (and loving) Arm .. cupidi Vg .. 

2 TIMOTHY Ш 1-5 513 

the devil, being captured by him unto the wish of that 

ПІ. But know this, that in the end of the days will happen 
grievous times. 2 For the men will become lovers of their 
ease, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, obeying 
not their parents, unthankful, polluted, ? contentious, hard- 
hearted, slanderers, incontinent, fierce, hating the good, 
t betrayers, headstrong, proud, being lovers of pleasure rather 
than lovers of God, 5 having the form of the godliness, but 

and lovers of pleaswre and goods Eth..lovers of goods Eth ro 
ithahe p. fix. boasters, proud] (е) т, X &c, Vg Bo (itecre iio.) Arm.. 
trs. Syr .. vain talkers, boasters Eth еи(п е) сесотах &c lit. they 
obey not their fathers] e 1, Bo (flatcwtesr.. flat. Иса nos God 
B*J,*) .. yovevaw атєдеѕ М &c, Vg Syr (lit. who to their men are dis- 
obedient) .. disobedient to parents Arm Eth (their parents) atu. 
unthankful] (e?) т, ayapıoror  &е, Vg Po (патоялот) Syr Arm.. 
who lave not thanksgiving Eth e»xaoixx polluted] e т, scelest Vg 
Буг .. avorio М &е, Bo (паттоубо) Arm .. departers from righteous- 
ness Eth 

* fipegas. пох. contentious, hardhearted | e? т... om Syr .. асторуог, 
aczoróo, Ñ &с, Vg Bo (патщєпонт патсезлит uncompassionate, in- 
constant) .. lit. without offering, without mercy Arm .. who have not 
mercy Eth itasah. slanderers] e (т) Syr Eth Tatas. 
incontinent] М &c, Vg Po Eth.. subjected to lust Syr 
паиназерос fierce] (e) N &с, Vg &c.. Acewenchw epwor am they 
accept not correction Bo єзахзостє жуп, hating the good] (e?) 1? 
афідауабої Ñ &с, йсєзаєї sammeonanegy ам they love not the good 
Bo, sine benignitate Vg, hating good (things) Syr, haters of good Eth.. 
malevolent Arm 

t запрозотне betrayers] pref. esos being Bo пхастонт lit. 
proud of heart] as before (е?) т.. figacimaohs highnecked Bo .. rerv- 
$opevou WV &e, tumidi Vg Буг Arm... haters Eth .. blinded Eth ro 
asepe ппоттє lit. loving God] (є) т, axarmtos-p Во, фіЛобеої N &с, 
Arm .. dei of God Syr.. Eth has they prefer pleasure to the 
love of God 

5 єу(єоу e)n. ях. having] є т, єрє-йтотот Ро, exovres  &с, Vg.. 
who have Syr Arm .. Eth has they assimilate themselves to the righteous 
запорі the form] е т, рорфоси N &с, Vg Bo Syr (translit. суууна) 
Arm .. add ae Bo (1) evap. є &c but denying &c] e(1).. trs. 

1717.2 Ll 


шкооує | ] соот eboX яяязост. Cebo cap ої 
WAY ме MH єщатє єдоум емит. Єпагу гад отце 
моємсогаяє evhHA єбоА ou метнове. єтінк ой 
оємептетяма сое. | "evax(icóo)] мотоемщ wies, 
сям сояе oor * Hee ae itra dic] esit глаз рис 
пОтатадєратот [ow be sewrcHe. [Tar] те ee ймеғкоотє 
ev orhe Teee. oenposse epe пєтонт такнтт. Ñ- 
хооут ON тпістіс. | "АЛЛА исеихпронопте ам 
EMATE. тєувянтатеЮоум Tap машапє есотомо 
ehodX потом miee. мое HTa tTanermoove WAONE 
ecovono єВОМ. | "iron ae акотлок исх Tacho. 

KOO TE | пеек. І S (ET Te) (т) * (e) (т) “тах TE 
ee] narpr ооз thus also Bo ° (е) (т) ясем»] т, Во (ргі).. 
fice Bo (22) .. cesta Bo 1 (e) (т) (91) 

ту де доираи avtys npvnpevor Ñ &c, Vg Bo (esso 33210c євоМ) 
Arm, де СІ", Bo (ваГнкг, 18*).. and from the power 
of God being far away Syr .. and. they deny the power of righteousness 
Eth .. Marcus has evwmiov Geov py Kextnpevor 

6 vap] e т, Во (ваГго me 18) N &c, Vg Syr Arm Eth.. om Во 
(на) Eth ro.. ae Во (AEFGKMO*P).. сар ae Во (x).. Eth ro has 
those are they who єщатуєї єооум who are wont to come in] e І, 
Arm (enter from house to house) Eth (houses of men) .. evóvvovres № &c, 
Bo (eujasosscov єботм who are wont to sink іп). qui penetrant 
Vg .. who creep in Syr .. those are they who come into Eth ro (om for) 
esaixaraNonze taking captive] (e) (1) NACD*FGP .. auxpaAo- 
revovres DeKL &с, Во (evepescasaNorrewm).. pref. and Bo (ваге 
KL 18 26) Syr Arm Eth оєпсотаяє women] е т, Bo Syr Arm 
Eth .. узиикариа Ñ &c, Vg єуЁнА єй. ом dissolute in] e 1.. 
cecopevpeva. Ñ &c..oneratas Vg Syr Arm..evaseg п full of Bo.. 
шорт in Eth — mesno&e their sins] 1 .. пой: sin Bo Eth .. apaprias 
N &с, Vg Syr Arm єуднк оп lit. going in] (e) 1 .. ayopeva № &с, 
Vg (quae ducuntur) Во (етим mawor eSpur bringing them down) 
Syr Arm .. and they cause to go down Eth .. and they follow it Eth ro 
оспепте таять lusts] e (1) .. add ка ndovas А, Syr (В) етщове 
various] (1) moais Ñ &c, Во (of many kinds) Syr .. trs. variis 
desideriis Vg Arm .. into much lust Eth 

2 TIMOTHY III 6-10 515 

denying its power: these also, depart from them. ° For out 
of these are they who are wont to come into the houses, 
taking captive women dissolute in their sins, going (along) in 
various lusts, "learning always, it being impossible for them 
[ 8 But as lannes] and Iambrés opposed Moyses, thus 
these also are being contrary to the truth: men whose mind 
is corrupt, reprobate from the faith. ° But (a) they will not 
advance very much: for their ignorance will become mani- 
fested to all, as that of these also became manifested. 1° But 

8 rax Bpnc | т, № «е, Bo .. yanbrés Syr (vg) Eth .. талярнс Bo (5,10) 
Arm .. paw Bpys FG, OL Vg iitavagepatoy отбє lit. who stood 
against] (т) &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth .. om Eth ro .. eras єбоуп eopen 
lit. gave against Bo axovcuc Moyses] т, Bo, МОРЕС К (от) Р 
&c.. poce А 37, Vg (Syr Arm Eth) Eth ro ev} ov&e lit. are 
giving against] 1, cet єботм eopem they give against Bo.. ауд- 
urravrat (аутєстявау 17) N &c, Vg Syr А m Eth epe me5o. т. lit. 
their heart being corrupt] г, Во.. corrupt of heart Eth .. катефбариєуоі 
Tov vovv Ñ &с, Vg Syr (their mind) Arm пхоозт reprobate] eros 
Патоктяхос being reprobate Bo, адокціог Ж &с, Vg Syr Arm (useless) 
оп lit. in] ет, from Syr Arm .. тєр. N &c, Vg Bo.. Eth has doubters 
of the faith 

° ficenanp. &с but they will not advance very much] (e?) т, ov 
z pokol/ovaw єт: zÀeiov М &с, Во (evaretoovo) .. non ultra proficient OL 
(prof. ult. g) Vg, never will they come forward much there Avm .. they 
will not get higher Eth .. om emt тЛеюи Syr vevasitt. &c for their 
ignorance will become manifested] (e?) N &c, Vg Bo (sxetateant) .. 
for their senselessness will become manifest Атт .. т yap &c eor Der 
FeG..tevasiitatcoovnt Сар отопо eh. for their ignorance (is) 
manifested x .. for their foolishness known із уг... Eth for increased 
their fooljshness and was made known to all (om to all ro) Hec fiTa 
"amei(ees т) &с as that of these also became manifested] (e?) 1 .. ws 
kat 1) ekewov єуєуєто Ñ &с, Vg Bo Arm... as also that of them was made 
тоют the foolishness of these also Eth..add oampoas(e) 
EvTAKRHOTT Sen (п)отонт men corrupt in their hearts Во (м).. Eth 
ro has as їл their case (lit. as upon those) and with all to whom it thus 

10 rog ae but thou] ет 9!.. add текуои тшобєє 37 tachw 
my doctrine] ет 9! .. tasxetpeyychw ту teaching Bo .. pov (шо: D*) 
ту (om FG) д.даскама N &с, meam doctr. Vg Syr Arm Eth (follow 



[T]AgTIOALONH. 1! маљтосееос. Magice. Nar WTAT- 
мос ос ÄTAIWONOT. AAAA a пжоес MageeeT 
понтот THpov. 1 Orom AE мая етотощ ємо ом 
oweenvewcebnuc о» NEXT IC CENATIWT QWOT iicoov. 
13 прожяе ae аєпомнрос ATW aemAaoc семапро- 
HONTE €HMeooov evcopae ATW єтсоурая поєикооуе. 
14 ATOR ae GW OW mnenvanumicbo epoow seit mem- 

a AC) уо теор A Coi eu eo у) 
(1) 91$ сй» 19] r.. тсайо 91, Bo 

me in my d. ro) пасялот патощ lit. my form, my purpose] e т 
9l..fca пасазот fica пащори ewu after my form, after ту 
purpose Во..ту ауоут, т] пробєсєї N &c, Vg (institutionem, proposi- 
tum) Arm (conduct, disposition) .. my conduct, that which I taught (led 
го) thee Eth .. and after my conduct and after my will Syr (and after my 
passim) Taat. my love] e A ..trs. aav. тазаттоарщонт 
my love, my long-suffering 91, Bo (ва) .. Eth has faith and (om ro) hope 
and (om ro) love and (om ro) patience 

п нално. my persecutions] 91.. and after my persecutions Syr .. 
то 80у. Ñ &c, Vg Bo Arm Eth (expulsion) .. add тнроз all Bo (Ax) 
naerce my sufferings] e 91.. and after my sufferings Syr .. rows maby- 
паси  &с, Vg Arm .. teas su(nas А) araro and the (these A) pains Bo 
.. and (om ro) pains Eth пах Tavu. 3112101 these which happened 
to me] (e) 91, Bo (rin .. om to me B®) .. ova шої eyeve(ov) ro  &е, Vg (Arm) 
.. how much befel me Eth .. and thou knowest those which I endured Syr 
tant(a 9l)roscsa | e 93, RAD*G ms. avrioxe; CD¢LP &c .. avreo- 
хаа FG оп откоптос in Hikonios] e 9! .. Ses (mear GM) omom 
Bo .. ev комо N &c, Vg (iconii) .. and in igonion Arm .. in tkonya Eth 
оп Мустра| 91, Во (r).. Sem(pref. ness and но) Nv(s ко)строс 
Bo, N &с, Vg (Iystris) .. and in lustra. Syr .. and in liv(om cdd)sdros 
Arm .. in lestrón(s то) Eth Narworasoc n (e 9!.. en т)таиц. lit. 
the persecutions which I received] e (т?) 9!.. all the pers. which 
I received unto те Во .. ovovs доу. vzqveyka Ñ &c, Vg Syr Arm (Eth) 
adda] e.. 250 and т 91, М &с, Vg Во Syr Arm Eth .. om Bo (axe 
MNP) a mxoesc &e the Lord delivered me from them all] e (1 2) 

2 TIMOTHY III 11-14 517 

thou, thou followedst my doctrine, my form (of life) my 
purpose, my faith, my long-suffering, my love, my patience, 
И my persecutions, my sufferings, these which happened to me 
in the Antiokhia, in Hikonios, in Lystra, the persecutions 
which I endured: but (a) the Lord delivered me from them 
al. 12 But all who wish to live in godliness in the Christ 
Jesus will also be persecuted. 1° But the evil men and 
seducing will advance unto worse (condition), being led astray 
and leading others astray. 1" But thou, remain in the (things) 

91.. aymagarer пхєпбс &c delivered me the Lord from them all Bo.. 
єк таутоу pe єр(р)осато o kvpios NÑ &e, Vg Syr (my Lord) Arm (from 
all) .. єк &c o Geos Рет, Eth 
12 oron ae mge but all] (e?) (1?) 91, Bo.. ки wavres № &c, Vg 
Arm Eth (om wish to ro) .. отоо and—xe Bo (Гі) Syr єшпо eit &c 
lit. to live in a godliness] (е) (1 ?) (91) Po, RAP 17 37, Syr (Б) Eth 
‚ (in righteousness of) .. trs. evo. ду CDFGKL &с, Vg Syr (vg in fear 
' of God) Arm, Antonius Marcus охх &c in the Christ Jesus] e (14) 
(91) Bo.. ev xo w N &e, Vg Arm .. т Jesus Christ Syr Eth (of Jesus 
Christ) .. om w 39 46, Syr (h) Antonius Marcus.. Eth has and wish 
(to live) in Christ Jesus ewor also] e 1 91, Во (кк).. om N &e, 
Vg Bo Syr Eth 
13 прозае &c lit. but the men evil] e (т) (11°?) 91.. eanp. ae 
evo. but men being evil Bo, Syr Arm ae Во (Г*н me)., 
тоутроь дє аубр. N &c, Vg .. but evil (persons) Eth ro зхпМанос 
seducing | (e) x (112)91.. прецеонсеи impostors Во, yogres(a« D") 
N &с, seductores Vg Syr Arm? Eth..(as) for men of sorceries 
Еф то — ce(om се г) nàampo(c 11 *)ко(о 11?) mre(e 1 .. ex 91 .. 1 112) 
will advance] ет(11 ^?) 91, М &c, Vg (proficient) Во (eves єтон) Arm 
.. Syr has will add to their wickedness .. will до higher Eth | em (mm 1 
9 !)eeoor lit. unto that which is evil] e 1 9!.. add always Во (4)... 
ez. то xeipoy  &с, Vg Ро (Sen mmereoos поото) Arm (evil beyond) 
Eth (into that which is worse) evco(a r12)pax &c being led astray 
and leading others astray] 1 1127 91, Bo (нке) Vg Syr Arm Eth (and 
they go astray and they lead astray) .. v Xavevres Kar zXavoj.evoc Ñ біо, 
Bo (сор. сор.) .. cwp.-cwp. Bo (кл) лоєпк. others] 1 11?9!.. 
om N &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth 
^ ow remain] e 1 9!, peve Ñ &с, Vg Bo (щот) Syr Eth (be) .. b 
firm Arm nenTanT, &c lit. those of which thou wast persuaded] 


TARTWT понт Qàpoov. ERCOOTH хе Hrarnaichw йти 
ree, Пато хе ait єксобк RCOOH dipencoas 
evowaab, War ev Gosek аяаеост єтсабок єпотужат 
оти тпістіС дає пес 1с. 1 EPAPH cap miee 
м ]имоэте $] je ме єпсє | по(пло 
єпсө[ le єтесбо› ETAIRAIOCTHH. — ÜxeBac ege- 
Wonne поупрожяе авпиоттє єсхнк €boA eqchrwr 
eoob wies МАСАОМ. 

ТУ. Ураемтре язпеяя| мето]мо «е MeT- 
бот ката пецотомо ehoA seit тецаямтеро. 
2 тащесемы  азпшьхе.  àoepaTH оооу. nio 
запоуоєщ) пара потуоєщу. cemncormovy. enira 

schw 2°] 91.. тсаво Bo 15 (1) 01 esn]eosm 9! w Т) 

ны, АЗ) 

9l..and thou wast assured Syr Arm .. єтістобіє N &c, Vg, отоо 
акерпістос пбитох Bo Eth..and they entrusted to thee Eth 10 
nias whom] indeterminate, Bo.. rwos CDK L &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth.. 
Twov А С*Е=СР 17 

15 arw and] 91.. om Arm Eth хе that] 91, от N &c, Vg Syr Bo Eth о житвіпсе| g! Eth єксоЁк lit. thou being 
small] 91 .. enor пд Мот being young Bo .. Bpepous № &c, Vg (infantia) 
Arm .. thy youth Syr Eth ксоотӣ thou knowest] 9l .. trs. thou 
knowest from thy youth Eth ñgencgas &c lit. writings being holy] 
1? 9l, (Eth)... oancsSar esovab erekcooss marwor writings being 
holy which thou knowest Po, iepa урариата одаѕ NCbPD*FG 17, 
Vg (litteras) Syr (thou learnedst) Arm.. pref. та AC* DeKLP &c 
єтсабок to teach thee] (т) 91, exc&o nak Bo.. сє codicc: N &c, Vg 
(te—instruere) Syr (make thee wise) Arm .. Eth has serzptwre holy which 
із able to vivify thee enosxar unto the salvation] 91, Bo.. є 
corgpiav Ñ &е, Vg Syr (life) Arm.. Eth, see above титст. the 
faith] (1) 91, 17 37, Во..тотєос̧ М &с gax &c in the Christ Jesus] 
(11) 9!.. ergen &с which із in the Christ Jesus Bo, туз ev xo w N біс, 
Vg (quae est) Arm .. om ù 47 .. which is in Jesus Christ Syr .. Eth has 
tn the faith of Jesus Christ 

2 TIMOTHY III 15—IV 2 519 

whieh thou learnedst, and the (things) of which thou wast 
persuaded, knowing from whom thou learnedst; 15 апа that 
since thou wast small thou knowest holy writings, these for 
which it is possible to teach thee unto the salvation through 
the faith in the Christ Jesus. 18 For every scripture | ] 
God | ] unto the teaching | | | unto the doctrine, unto the 
righteousness: 17 that should be the man of God complete, 
being prepared unto every good work. 

IV. I bear witness before [ those who are] alive and 
those who are dead, according to his manifestavion and his 
kingdom; ?preach the word, impress them, reprove аб the 
time, out of the time, exhort them, rebuke them in all the 

1T xena(aa 1)e &c that should be the man of God complete] that 
&e eycehtwrt prepared Во .. wa apros (reos D*) 9 о rov дєоо avÜpozos 
М &c, Vg Syr (man of God) Arm (man of God)..that should be 

_ disciplined the man of God Eth eychtwt &c being prepared &c] 

trs. mpos mav «ру. ау. efypr(o)uevos Ж &e, Vg (instructus) .. for all 
works of goodness established Aim .. unto every work of good Eth.. 
Syr has unto all work good, and (he is) complete .. отоо eytaxpHoyt 
Sen oo mhen єөпапєу and (om вагенл, к) established in every 
work which 18 good Bo .. im all good work teach Eth то 

1 \разитре Г bear witness] т, RACD*FGP 17, Vg Во (Syr vg 
Arm) Eth ro .. add ov eyo Ре КТ, &с, Syr (h) .. add to thee Syr (vg).. 
pref. this Arm .. and I command thee Eth ката &c according to 
his manifestation] т, NeDeKLP &c.. in his manifestation Arm .. in 
the manifestation Syr .. when he cometh Eth the coming Eth то.. 
кой тту emih. avrov RN ACD* FG 17, Vg (et adventum ipsius) Bo (nesr 
ves.) sī теч. and his kingdom] 1, Bo, N &c, Vg .. om 47 .. and 
kingdom Arm .. of his kingdom Syr Eth ro .. in his k. Eth 

? тащє. preach] 1, N &c, Vg Во Syr .. pref. and thou Arm .. pref. 

that thow shouldst Eth agepath о. lit. stand upon them] (т).. 
що» o. бе upon them Po.. eru 00 Ж &c, Vg Arm .. as thou standest 
Eth .. stand in diligence Syr «nio &с reprove at the time, out of 

the time] (1).. trs. єокаіроѕ axaipws eXey£ov № &e (ак. evk. eA. С) 
езкерос akepoc соо: Do, Vg Arm, in time and without time reprove 
Syr .. opportunely in its time and without its time (om and without &c 
ro) reprove Eth .. Palladius has акар. сук. епт би cenconow &с 

exhort them, rebuke them] (т) N*FG 37, OL Vg Во (ахаеєтонт) 

520 TCHPOC тшоөєос В 

MAT ая помрідонт mies ATH Techo. ? отип ovovoesu 
Tap шопе сисехиехе ам итес о] етотох. ААА 
HATA METOTWU MALI 4241007 CCHAXIIO мат iioencao 
EPE neweraacse ооо. ати» CERTO MEM ниєтувамажє 
choA ом Tare. Heehon ae єоємщбо. 5 йток ae 
мифе oW ооб мая. wrge. apr посі аєпреста- 
ujeoesuy. хон еол итенммакоиа. anon Tap 
à Пле ото. ATW a пеотоєгу aemahwrA ehor 
90M єооти. 7 [aree ue авпачим  єттАМОЗІ І» 

є (тубы фу ру т. «РІВНІ ныч про НИ шы в Зу Si: 

Мас. reg... trs. єтіт. тарак. МАСЕ КІР &c, Syr (Б) Arm, Palla- 
dius .. rebuke and persuade Eth .. om таракаЛєсом Syr (vg) нау 
them] 1..0m N &c, Vg Bo Syr оях &c in all the (om Во) long- 
suffering and the doctrine] (1) Bo..ev тасу рак. к. бід. N &e, Vg 
Syr Arm .. while thou art patient in all and art teaching Eth 

З отуп ототоєгщ &c for there is a time to be] (1?) 13.. cra 
yap kapos Ñ &c, Vg Bo(xe нл,) Syr ..for will come a time Arm .. for 
will come his time Eth enceanexce љи lit. (in) which they bear 
not with] 1 13..fimovusen they shall not accept Bo (HJ,1L).. еотє 
пи. when &c Во. отоо ди. and &c Bo (B?)..trs. ore т< &e ovx 
ауєбоутал М &с, Vg Syr (that &c they will not listen) Arm (that &c).. 
when they will reject &c Eth єтотож lit. which is sound] 1 13.. 
of life Eth adda] 1 13.. and Eth sesosoujy &с their own 
wishes] I 13 .. таз ias єтіб. № &c, Bo Arm, sua desideria Vg .. their 
lusts Syr.. Eth has they will cause to go (will go ro) in their desires 
сєпахпо пат lit, they will get for them] (1) 13..evcwR mwor 
drawing to them(selves) Bo .. eavrows. emwopevoovaw N &c, Vg Arm.. 
they will multiply to themselves Syr .. they will bring Eth .. om Eth ro 
which has and teachers who epe пет. &с lit. their ears itching] т 
13..ew25035 nosar. tickling their ears Bo .. купборемог тти axony Ñ 
«е, prurientes auribus Vg .. in the itching of their ears Syr Arm Eth.. 
who itch in their ears Eth ro 

* ати» біс and they turn indeed their ears out of the truth] (11) 
13..0m indeed Eth.. novewtesr sen єтєфопоср ca&oM foun 
their hearing indeed they shall turn away from &c Bo .. pref. orog and 

2 TIMOTHY IV 3-7 521 

long-suffering and the doctrine. For there is а time to be 
(when) they bear not with the sound doctrine, but (a) 
according to their own wishes they will get for themselves 
teachers, while their ears are itching. * And they turn indeed 
their ears out of the truth, but they со unto fables. ? But 
thou, be sober in all things, suffer, do the work of the preacher, 
fulfil thy ministry. 9 For I, my contest was finished, and the 
time of my dissolution approached. ? І contended the good 

Bo (CT FHKL).. trs. xac ато pev т. а]. туу axonv azoarpelovow Ñ &с, 
Vg .. апа from the truth they will turn their ears Syr Arm псєбок 
&c but they go unto fables] evepanoy ae fica иицй(4 ваенкг) о 
-but they shall turn down after the fables Bo .. and they turn themselves 
towards fables Eth .. and they listen to fables Eth ro .. єтї дє rovs робот 
єктратусоути N &e, Vg (ad fabulas) Syr (they will turn down) .. and 
in fables they will be subverted Arm 

* йток axe but thou] add тєку. т. 37 инфе be sober] N &e, 
apinicep(sasdp)n Во.. vigila Vg Syr Arm? .. add and be prudent Eth 
ujiterce lit. receive toil] labora Vg Arm Eth (pref. and) .. uyensxiao 
lit. receive pain Во .. какотабтюоу № &c, Syr (pref. and) N*.. 
add ws каЛоз &c A apr no. do the work] Bo .. lit. apr ооё do work 
Bo (A €) Eth (pref. and) .. epyov толсо № &c, Vg Syr (pref. and) .. trs. 
works of evangelist work Arm язпрєҷ. of the preacher | Arm cdd.. 
fiospeeorugerutoses of a preacher of good tidings Bo, єюууємотоо 
N &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth .. evangelist be thou Eth ro жок &c fulfil 
thy ministry] Eth (pref. and) .. пекщезащи хоке eb. thy ministry 
fulfil it Bo, qv дак. cov тАлурофорутоу N &с, Vg (am tol) Syr (pref. 
and) Arm .. add sobrius esto Vg (fu demid harl) 

€ anon сар for I] Во, № &c, Vg Arm .. ап. ae Bo (17,) Syr Eth 
a паях. ото my contest was finished] онън сєплотоећєт c&oN 
lit. already they will remove те Bo (confusing ототей with ототи) 
.. non опеуборол 53 &с, Vg Arm (offered)..1 am immolated Syr.. 
I have finished Eth затавбо eh. of my dissolution] Bo, N &c, Vg 
..of my return Arm .. that I should be dissolved Syr .. Eth has and 
came to me my appointed time for rest оон egowm approached | 
aqSunt Bo .. ebeargkev N &e, Vg .. arrived Syr Arm 

7 arsssuse I contended] (13) .. trs. ууоисрас to end № &c, Vg Bo 
(epacwmszecee) Syr Arm Eth ях (охх in Іта) пасон ети. lit. 
the contest which is good] (11^?) (13) то’ ayova rov калоу DKLP 

522 TCIPOC тшоөсөс В 

axen ппот eĝo. a[voapeo шєтпістіс. * Tenor 
ме {нн має еорах иблииАоая WTAIRAIOCTHH пат) 
етере nxoeic Taja мах о[а® посо є)тававл v. rrA(v- 
мос NIKPITHe. я ажате Mar fav AAT am АЛЛА 
[ ovon!) miee [мемтаз[чаере meepo(vono] ehod. 
Заріапатости єє Wapor ом отбепн. Pa aHseeac 
TAP каат Мессі. мча ере пемом. avo асбо 
євєссадХомікн. нрескис eTTaAAAIA. тітос €AAÀ- 
SeaTin.g 1 AovHac азазате петолотни. XI aeeeapRo(c] 
ист maelan. |ЗРріщцат Cap Har eraarojmia. 

SALTS (ESE. ода ek E Car Tad 

&c, Bo (пає. eem.) Syr (lit. the ауйт beautiful) Marcus Serapion 
Antonius..Tov кадоу ayova ЗАСЕС 17 37, bønum certamen fg Vg 
Arm Eth (beautiful contest) arxek плот ehor I completed the 
course] (1121) (13 2) (cit) .. rov дророу тетеАека N &с, Vg Во (my c. 
F) Arm .. and. my course I finished Syr course also I finished 
Eth.. Ant. has stadium meum aroapeo etn. I kept the faith] 
(1121) (13) (cit) .. туди тости тетурука N &с, Vg (servavi) Bo Syr 
(pref. and) Arm Eth (and the faith also .. and my faith also ro) .. Ant. 
has fidem meam 

* Ten ov ae but now] 13 .. and. from now Syr .. Xovrov Ñ біс, im 
reliquo Vg Во (Nomor) Arm .. therefore indeed Eth кн маг 
єораг lit. is laid for me up] (тта) 13, Во (om eepar) атокєтаї pot 
N &с, reposita est mihi Vg .. abideth for me Arm (existeth and remaineth 
cdd)..?s kept for me Syr..?s awaiting me Eth пбзикХ OA 
птомнаг (ке 11?) &cthe crown of the righteousness | (112 ?) (13 ?) Во Vg 
Syr Eth .. o tys дик. стєфамоз № &c, Arm .. gloriae meae coron. Antonius 
nxoeic Taag sar the Lord shall give to me] (13 ?) Bo (will give) .. 
azoóoceu por о (om 17, Serapion) kvpios N &c, Vg Syr (my Lord) Arm 
Eth (God) .. add зне Jesus Во (нт) полк. йкрітне the righteous 
judge] (13?) о дка крит N &e, Vg Arm .. птрєсрудаті mern the 
judge of righteousness Bo Eth .. because he is the judge righteous Syr 
отоп nsa all] (13?) тасу МАСЮеЕетС КТР &с, Bo Syr (Б) Arm 
Eth .. om D*, f Vg Syr (vg) нецотоміо єйоМ his manifestation | 
(13?) Bo, туу єтіфамєау avrov N &e, Syr Arm.. adventum eius 
Vg Eth 

2 TIMOTHY IV 8-11 523 

contest, I completed the course, I kept the faith. $3 But now 
is laid up for me the crown of the righteousness, this which 
the Lord shall give to me in that day, the righteous judge : 
not to me only, but (a) [also] all those who loved his manifesta- 
tion. ? Exert thyself to come unto me quickly. 19 For Démas 
forsook me: he loved this age, and he went unto Thessaloniké ; 
Kreskes unfo the Gallia; Titos unto Dalmatia ; !! Lukas only 
(is) he who (is) with me. Take Markos and bring him with 

? apr апатоотк exert thyself] споудасоу N &c, festina Vg Bo 
(1нс птотк ., Saxon н) Arm Eth .. let it be a care to thee Syr єєх to 
come] that thou &c Syr Eth em отбеми quickly] ev тахє 73 
I r8, Syr .. тах eos (тахеюи r4) N “е, Vg Bo (noc Wear) Arm Eth 

10 anac) Фета Syr Сар] om Eth..trs дє yap D* 
ачалєре he loved] ayarnoas N &c, Vg Во (ea*) .. pref. and Syr Arm 
Eth nerarm this age] Vg Зуг.. rov vvv шоуа Ñ &c .. палємєо 
ivre {поз this age of now Во Eth .. the world Arm еєссаАМопикн | 
-микта Во (Ax) крєскнс | круоку$ N &c, Во (ваГек).. crescas 
dg..greskes Агт.. краскис Bo.. xpnxys 47", крікне Bo (н").. 
crescens f Vg .. ki. pos Syr (vg) .. grges Arm cd .. and kérkis Eth (kés 
ro) trad, the Gallia] Bo (ваГксстмо").. уадМмам МО, Vg (am* 
tol) Eth (galeya) .. the Galatia Bo .. уаћатіау А &c, Vg (am € fu demid 
hail) Syr Eth..Xva&NiNea. Bo (E,N).. kalilea. Arm .. kal]. Arm са 
заМазата| Во Syr Arm Eth (and T'tos)..8eAp. C .. depp. А... om 
tiros &e L 

п Noskac] 13 .. Luka Syr wate бс only (is) he who (is) 
with me] 13..31121ava7* єөпєяянх alone who is (om who is 6 О" Р) 
with те Во, povos per єрою N &c .. ovv epot povos D* .. est mecum solus 
Vg .. is only with me Syr .. only with те Eth .. alone (or only) із with 
me Атт ,, maar. фи erae[coox бс alone he who was left with те Po 
(а, но mg) жї бес take M.] (13).. Markos take away (s1&No*.. 
ssatadogy A,F0) Во.. papkov ауалаВоу Ñ &c, Arm .. Marcum adsume 
Vg take Eth аит n. and bring him with thee] 13, Syr.. 
et adduc tecum Vg .. aye pera ceavtov Ñ &c .. anty &с bring him with 
thee Do .. an. єкину bring him аз thou comest Bo (ro) .. with thee 
shalt thou bring Arm.. Eth has and cause to come with thee Markos 
Eth чрщат &е for he is useful to ше] (131) Во Syr Eth .. om 
cap Во (Р).. єоти yap pou єоҳрпатоѕ Ж &c, Vg Arm 


12 туңуқос AE акхосусі єєфесоїс). 1° пафеЛонне 
итак псот ом TpOac йти нарпос. эми] 
ERNHT яе HAWWE., Поото ae seas[caeb]panon. 1a 
adeglanapoe moasenrdAAle] р оло mar акпееост. 
aape njxoeic vo [obe ireo] ката мечцоїїнтує. 15 ra t 
соон | ] epox epos. [aly[{ cap elazate orhe 
Wa[ujaze. on тащорип anphora seme [Лат 
ajepave [njasa$a: [AAA аУкаат [itclwor [rTHpo v. 
ниєтопа єгроот). | "maoe[ic] ae пемітасча|оєратої 
n(ae]eeas [arw] ayyooe [nat] senac epe птащєоєту 
awk ehoA тоот. йсєсотяя молмоеемосе тнроу. 

" (13) " (13) frar) estas (13) атам) " (13) 
"из: (губа) 

U жє] 13..0m 17, Arm.. Eth has and Г sent Tikikos 

13 пафеМопнс my cloak] 13.. {ұфе\опн Во (rGMNO) том 
dedovyy N &с.. т. parà. 1... т. феАюути К. 37... Xd v1 K)No(w н)пн 
Го..Яфумєнн Во (Е)... {фнХоин Во (Р) .. paenulam Vg .. the philon 
Arm..and ту félon of writing Eth..and felo (Bode prints as if 
a proper name) Eth ro .. lit. but the house of books Syr (vg) оп T. 
in Troas] 13..ош Eth ro карпос| 13, Syr (Arm cdd) .. карто 
N &с, carpum Vg, карте (о E,6*) Bo Eth .. garbios Arm ang 
lit. bring it] (13) Bo.. фере N &е, Vg Syr Arm .. thou shalt convey 
Eth єкинт as thou comest] 13 .. trs. epxopevos pepe N &с, Vg .. 
when thou comest bring Syr Arm .. with thee when thou comest Eth 
зап ñx. and the books] 13, N &c, Vg Syr Arm.. mear пікєжияя 
and the books also Во... and further the writings and parchment Eth 
figovo ae lit. but more] 13.. paora де D* 37, Bo Vg.. матта 
N &c..amd especially Syr .. and. further the writings of parchment 
Eth ro (omitting the books) 

1 поляяк. lit. the man of bending] (131)..пібєсинт Во..о 
xadkevs М &с, Vg Syr Eth .. om Arm a-p did] 13, ачер Во.. 
єуєдебато NÑ &c, Vg mar aan. to me of evil] 13, poi кака № &c.. 
kaka ро, LP 37, f Vg Во (aanetowor) .. Syr (Arm) have evils many 
showed to те.. Eth has much afflicted те заарє &c let the Lord 
repay to him] (13).. azoàw avro o (om К) кирюз XDeKL &c, Vg 
(am fu tol).. arodwoa &c NACDSZr*FG 17 37, Vg (demid harl) Bo 

2 TIMOTHY IV 12-17 525 

thee, for he is useful to me unto ministry. 12 But Tykikos 
I sent unto Ephesos. !? My cloak which I left in Troas with 
Karpos, bring as thou comest, and the books, but rather the 
parchments. 1% Alexandros the smith did much to me of evil. 
Let the Lord repay to him according to his works. 15 This 
(man) [beware] thou also of him, [for] he greatly opposed my 
[words] 16 In my first defence no one stood with me: | | | 
they all forsook me. It shall not Бе reckoned unto them. 17 But 
the Lord (is) he who stood with me, [and] he gave power to [me], 
that the preaching should be fulfilled through me, and (should) 

Arm Eth (God) .. із repaying &e Syr (our Lord) мече. his works | 
(13 ?)..0m avrov N* 

16 war owwk lit. this thou also] (131?).. ov ки ov № &c, Vg Bo.. 
but (бє) thou also Syr Arm .. and thou also Eth epog of him] 
13, aog Bo Syr Eth .. om М &c, Vg Arm at cap ess. for he 
greatly opposed] 13?..trs. for he opposed my words greatly Bo .. om 
чар Bo(B?)..Auav yap avreory &e М &с, Vg Syr (swelled up) Arm 
Eth nau. my words] (13 ?) Во Arm cdd .. nperepos № &e, Vg 
Syr Arm Eth 

16 amoNovra] (13) М &c, Bo Vg Syr.. hearing Arm (om ту).. 
speaking Eth agep. пях. stood with me] (13?) .. pou (сир)тара- 
yevero Ñ &с, Vg (adfuit) Arm .. no one was with me Syr .. aaneqrxa 
eds es gapos Ле let по one come unto те Bo .. kept company with me 
Eth avr. &c lit. they left me after them all] (13 1) Bo .. zavres 
pe &c  &с, Vg .. all of them left me Syr Arm Eth (om aAAa ro) 
диет. &с lit. they shall not reckon it unto them] (13) .. йпотєп фах 
epwos they shall not reckon this unto them Bo (rk)..fmowon 
nesxwos they shall not reckon with them Bo.. pn avrows XoywOen 
N &с, Vg .. let not be reckoned to them this Syr Arm..and he will 
forgive to them this Eth 

17 wxoeic ae but the Lord] (13) Bo, o дє куріоє М &c, Ус Arm.. 
but (бє) ту Lord Syr .. but (aXXo) God Eth пепта{аоерат пах. 
he who stood with me] (13 1).. ayoor ерат пєлан Do, stood to те 
Syr Eth .. helped me Arm .. pou парєстт N &с, до А ато 
and 1°] 13?, М &c, Vg Bo (s*rrkr) Syr Arm Bo 
оттоот through me] 13.. trs. wa бі eyov N &е, Vg Bo Syr (in me) 
Атт .. Eth has that they should believe by my preaching псес. and 
(should) hear] 13.. отоо йтотс. and might hear Во (om ovog ва) 
noeenoc lit. the nations| e 13, Bo, № &c, Vg Arm... peoples Syr Eth 


ATW ммоухат EPO] жеп озу. | 18 паоєт MANAQALET 
сооб MILL ecjpooov. ATW Чизтоэхог єооум eTe- 
Tepo етом THe. [TAX песох из ща емео Meneg 
омазни. |) име аєпріска LET ARTA чаи млн (W)o- 
инсуфорос. WA єрастос GW ом коріїнесс. атка 
тробфіявос ae oit яэгАнтос єцшоме. 7 APY AMATOOTR 
eer щарог gaen итепро. єуботзЛос ujpite epon se 
потуаніс) feit Амос зам кЛатата ££ иесин [т)нрот. 
22 пахоєм ля пекпм». 

epo] eh. Sem pwy Во } (е) 13 eoo] 13.. ей. ga оов 
Bo ™ (e)(13§)- 2 (е)(1і)(1з3) “(умри 2 (є) 
(1) (11) (13) 

avw and 29] e 13, N &c, Vg Bo Хуг Arm Eth .. om Bo (кхо).. xe 
that Bo (А) atovaar I was saved] e 13, Eth .. armogess J was 
delivered Во .. eppvcOnv N &с, Vg Syr.. I escaped Arm S3TA£O УТ 
of the lion] 13, Arm .. язалотх of lion e..nowaxowi: of а lion Bo, 
Aeovros N &e, Vg Syr Eth 

18 nxoeic &e the Lord will deliver me] (e?) 13 .. росєтаг pe о (om 
К) курю МАСТ“ 17, f Vg.. shall save me the Lord Bo Arm .. pref. кол 
DeFetGKLP &с, Syr (my Lord) Arm edd Eth (will save me, God) 
ато чтатозхог and he will save me] (e?) (137) .. ато eqenaosser 
and he shall deliver me Во .. ки сосе Ж &с, Vg .. and will vivify me 
Syr Eth .. and will carry те off Arm етом тие which (is) in the 
heaven] (e?) 13, Syr Arm Eth.. птє тфе of the heaven Во .. ryv 
ezoupaviov Ñ біс, Vg nar пєоот may lit. this the glory to him] 
(13) .. bar eve фос пе moo this whose is the glory Bo, wy (om FG) 
8ofa N &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth .. for to him the glory Eth ro ща ем. 
п. &c unto age of age] e 13, Eth .. unto age of the age Во (кмхо).. 
uj. йтє ns. unto age of the ages Bo yr.. es rovs at. rov an Ñ &c, 
Ус Arm 

13 пруска] (е) 13, прюка, Ñ &c, OL Vg (am &c) Во (ваГғскм 
хо) Arm Eth ro.. приюкАЛау 47, g Vg (fu harl* marian) Во (г) Syr 
.. iprcksNNa Bo (лен).. -кіМа Bo (р) aksa] e тз, Bo (raw) 
..акоЛау Ñ &c .. &&$NNa Bo (AB*EFKL).. акіАМає Во (н).. аза 
Bo (р) .. aklā Eth..emsNa Во (o).. ай08 Syr..aquilam Vg 
{mannı those of the house] (е) 13 .. nas the house Bo Syr Eth .. trs. rov 
ov. oxov Ñ &e, Vg Arm onscsoopoc] r3 .. hénési(é ro) fora Eth 

2 TIMOTHY IV 18-21 527 

hear all the Gentiles: and I was saved from the mouth of the 
lion. 18 The Lord will deliver me from every evil work, and he 
will save me into his kingdom which (is) in the heaven: this 
(one), the glory (be) to him unto (ЩА) age of age. Amen. 
13 Salute Priska and Akyla and those of the house of Onési- 
phoros. 2° Erastos remained in Korinthos: but I left 
Trophimos in Milétos sick. 2! Exert thyself to come unto me 
before the winter.  Eubulos saluteth thee and Pudés and 
Linos and Klaudia and all the brothers. 22 The Lord (be) 
with thy spirit. 

? epacroc] е І3..арістос Bo (ва) aristés Syr..aréstos Eth, 

aresitós Eth ro .. add де 37 aixa &с but I left Trophimos] (е?) тт 
ї3 ..трофіџоу de azeAurov М “с, Bo Syr Eth .. om de P, Arm Eth ro 
трофтллос] e тг 73, Во (вакгр) trophimds Syr (Arm).. трофціом 
N &c..1podpuaxoc Во Eth (món ro) tpopypov LP, Vg (fu) .. firmum 
Vg (tol*) ззі(н 13)Антос | 13, Bo (0).. кто С" vid 17.. 
seudstoc е ІІ, Во (T) àro Р.. uro N &c, Vg .. руЛото A.. 
axeNrToc Bo (AEF) melidos Arm .. aseNwvoc Bo (васнммр).. 708 
Syr (add the city) .. mileton Eth ro the city maliton Eth equy. 
sick | (111) 13, he is sick Eth .. trs. асбєуоуута ev м. D, Vg Syr (vg) 

? apr anatootK exert thyself] e тт? 13.. o70v0acov № &c, Vg 
Во (тис marok) Arm Eth .. let it be a care to thee Syr wapor unto 
me] e (тт?) 13, gapor Bo (н) N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm 
gaen &c before the winter] (e) (11 ?) 13, Bo (Eth)... trs. про xeucovos 
eA8ew М &е, Vg (Syr) Arm ev(om ev Bo o* .. eb. Syr)&. uj. e. 
Eubulos saluteth thee] e? 11? r3..trs. асптабєтаї oe ev3. N біс, Vg 
Bo Syr Arm .. acralovrac &с F*rG, Vg (demid harl) Eth (saluted ro) 
потужне | (е) 13, № &c, Bo Syr Arm Eth (apudes ro) .. pudens Vg.. 
стооді Det b Хитос | тг 13, N &с, Во Syr Arm Eth, linus Vg 
..Agvos Р.. Мое Во (АЕ) aam lit. with 39] 13, Во.. av and e 
rkNavata] є 13. N &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth .. k&Naw210c Во (АЕК) 
..glavtis Arm cdd soit lit. with 4°] e тт Arm cdd 
иесиит т. lit. the brothers all] (e?) т? 11 13, № &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm 
.. and. all of them our brothers Eth .. om zavres N* 17 

? nxoeic зай men, lit. the Lord with thy spirit] (e) (1) МЕС 17, 
Eth ro (and God) .. om 57 67** .. o kupios & &с А .. o к. s xs & NEC 
DKLP &с, f Vg Bo Syr (our Lord) Arm Eth (and our Lord shall be) 
nexnia thy spirit] 1 (13 ?) 330, Eth ro.. add тессеріс maaan the 


тепрос тіязовеос Ё 

тепрос титос 

grace with thee 11, Arm..add the grace with thee. Amen Syr (vg) Bo 
(0)..add т xapis peð vyov МА СРреЕСКІР &с, Vg (demid) Bo (а, 
B2EG) Syr (h) Eth (pref. and) .. add э) x. р. nu. 47 109, Vg (am &c) 
Bo (к).. ааа єрросо ev єр D*..add аруу NCDKLP &c, Vg Bo 
(A,FHELNOP) ашуу W* ACFG 17 67** тт, Bo (A, 2^6) .. add 
1Hpo* all Bo (4,T HK) 

Subscription тєпрос тізловєос B lit. the to Timotheos 2] т 11? 
(13?) Tpos Tip. devtepa т 14 al.. тр. тц. МС 17, to the man Timothy 
Eth ro.. пр. т. В" єт пробі D .. ereAeo On тр. т. В FG .. пр. т. В’ єурафт 
ато Хаобікааз А, Bo (ag, FG H NO)... add the metropolis (А.Е) .. add they 
sent it бу Onesimos (Е) .. тр. т. P eypade ато рор P T. 2 was 


The (epistle) £o Timotheos 2 
The (epistle) to Titos 

finished, having written it in Rome he sent it by Onésimos K .. was 
finished to T. 2 they wrote it in Laodikia the metropolis of the Phrikia 
of Bakiatianés (= Cappadocia) T. second they wrote it &c GM 
(Phrigia of Bakatianés) .. to T. 2 they wrote it in Laodik/a ; they having 
made him bishop of Ephesos н .. пр. т. дєотєра Tys єфєсішу єккА. emi- 
скотоу херотоуубеута єураф ато pops ore &с К &с, Syr (Б) Arm?.. 
TOV ayiov ат. mavAov єтісто\№ B тр. т. TNS єф. єк. протбу єтіск. 
Херотоутбвеута, eypapy &c L .. was finished the letter which is to Timothy, 
which із the second which was written from Rome Syr (vg)..was 
finished the second epistle to Timothy ; and it was written in Rome ; and 
it was sent through Ankarolos Eth 

1717.9 миа 


I. ПатАос ngaga язппоуте папостоМос ae 
зепехе 1С RATA THICTIC писотп азпиосте ATW 
псооу таве. TAY єтщооп RATA oOTaeitTercebuc. 
2 от eeAÀmnic nong Wa eneg. пах итащернит ажосу 
HGMIMOTTE азазе олөн миесотоеиц Wa ємєо. Зеэ- 
офи ae ebor ззпєсршалхе ая Treepoyoewg ом 
оттацуєоєщі паї ANOR WMTATTAMOO?T ероЧ ката 

тт (т1) (13) aso] mer Bo 3 3 (11) (23) e (т) UE) 
I3 Taujeoeng] e 13.. Тацує esavceNion 111 

Inscription тєпрос титос lit. the to Titos] т (13 1).. pos tirov 
МАК 17 37 47, Bo (ні).. архетаї тр. т. DFG .. incipit epistula ad 
titum Vg .. пр. т. їс Во (A,TEFN) .. Хєпістоћн пр. т. Во (кр) Arm 
cdd.. пр. т. masNoc Bo (єм). пр. тои amnocroNe патМоу 
эпостоХот iv Bo (ва).. zavAov єтістодл пр. т. P ..rov ау. ат. т. 
emu. пр. т. Lx. the epistle of Paul which із to Titos Syr .. to Titos an 
epistle Arm., the epistle of Paul to Tto Tuto and it was 
written when he was in the country of the Nikopolitans Eth ro 

1 пап. ae but the apostle] т тг 131, № &c, Vg Bo (ваГекі,).. 
om ae Во.. and &c Syr Arm Eth зате 1С of the Christ Jesus | 
I 11, A, Vg (fu tol) Bo (ГЕКІМХОР) Syr (h)..i хо ND¢FGHIK 
LP &с, Vg (am demid harl) Bo(As?xEGn) Syr (vg) Arm Eth .. хо Der* 
ката тпістіс according to the faith] 11 .. add ae 1 .. in the faith Syr 
псооуп &c the knowledge of the truth] т (тг) 137.. unto the kn. &c 
Arm Eth ro тат &c lit. this which is being according to а godli- 
ness] т (111) 137.. тів кот evoeffeav N &c, Vg (est) Syr (which із in 
fear of God) Aim (is) Eth (which is in the righteousness of God) .. каста. 
Xaxereve. according to the godliness Bo .. in piety Eth ro 

З оп in] т 13, Bo, e» F£rGH, Arm spem df Ус... от 


І. Paulos, the servant of God, but the apostle of the Christ 
Jesus, according to the faith of the chosen (ones) of God and 
the knowledge of the truth, this which is being according to 
godliness, ? in the hope of the life eternal, this which promised 
God of truth before the times eternal; ?but having mani- 
fested his word in his time in а preaching, this which was 
entrusted to me indeed according to the commandment of God 

preposition 17 37*..em, eb М &c, Syr..while ye hope Eth ro 
eeNme the hope] т (rir?)..oveeNw. а hope Ро, exmà N біс 
àxmomno &e lit. of the life for ever] г 11 13.. ve ovis иеиео of 
an eternal life Во, Cwns сото» N &e, Vg Syr Arm Eth (which із for 
ever) па!(фн Bo) (em г rr)vae &с this which promised God of 
truth] x гг 13, Syr (the true God) .. nv (тоо 47) єтпууєЛато о aevdns 
Geos N &e, Vg (qui non mentitur) Bo (ataxeonova) Arm Eth .. which 
promised to us and lieth not God Eth то gaon fimeor(itey r1)- 
oei(11 .. отт) uy &c lit. before the times for ever] т 11? 13 (iuga) lit, 
before the times of age Bo Syr, про Хр. atwviwy (awovov Е Сх) N &c, Vg 
Arm .. from the creation of the world. Eth 

3 єачотшио having manifested] т 13..ачотомо he manifested 
Во, epavepwoev N біс, Vg Syr Arm Eth.. 2005 manifested Eth то 
me] тг 13.. and Syr Eth &xneruj. бс his word in his time] (е?) 
(1 I 1) 13, Syr .. KALPOLS LOLOLS TOV Aoyov avTov N &c, Vg Bo (пєчеинот) 
Arm .. his word in his appointed time Eth .. Eth ro has was manifested 
in his app. time and was preached his word оп оът, in a preaching | 
(e?) (111) 13, ev куроурате NÑ &c, Vg Arm .. through our preaching 
Syr, in our own preaching Eth (ro, see above) паї amon п (ем rr 
13) таутан (ош там 13 by eiror)eovr lit, this, I, which they entrusted 
to me] (e?) 13..0(w) eyo єтістєубуи Ñ & mar anon II.. o 
єтіст. eyw 17, Syr Arm..quae credita est mihi Vg..and it was 
entrusted to me Eth (add upon it Eth) KATA поуєо, according to 

Min 2 


поуєосломє ##пиозте пемсютир.  "тктос MQAR 
ишире ката темпістіс от OFCOM. TEXAPIC MAR LIT 
Зрнин ити muove пают set NEXT IC пемсотнр. 
бєтіє MAY AIRAAR ОМ HpHTH. хенас енесазите Me- 
пкесеепе. ATW NETAQO ерхтох поесипресбутерос 
RATA пос. HOE итммофи етоотк язазос. © петеаем 
мобе і єдоум epog. eacpoar Мотсоюваєє ROTOT. 
ETHTA aT Мі | Neegh оукатнісорга) am asi 

] ем отпотассє.  "[üjuge Tap еп@пископос 
ETAL трієуви ооб egovni єросі. оос ormomnossoc ите 

4 (e) (г) (11) (23) 5 (е) (1) (пі) (13) egac] 11..-аас I 
т т) 
the commandment] (e?) (rr?) 13, Во..кат єтітаупи Ñ &с, Vg Syr 
(in) Arm Eth (in) заппоттє &с ої God our saviour] (e) (т?) 
11 ? 13, Bo Syr Eth .. rov cwrnpos nuov бєо» Ñ &c, Vg Arm 

* по(ф r)ax iu. lit. the true son] (1 1) 13, yvyow vexvo № &e, 
Syr..massenprr йу. my beloved son Во, dilecto filio Vg, son beloved 
Arm, son whom I love Eth к. тєйтистїс er осоп acc. to our 
common faith] e? (1?) 13.. ката кошти тото М &c, Vg Bo (+азєт- 
ujpHp ire фпго+) Syr (in faih) Arm Eth (in sharing in faith) 
теж. mak &c the grace to thee and the peace] (e) т rr! 13.. 
ngor meL тогрнин the grace and the peace Bo .. хары (ald ушу 17) 
ка: ертуу NC* ОЕСІР 17, Vg Syr Arm .. peace to thee and grace and 
mercy Eth (om and mercy ro) .. Хари, eXeos, єрт ACP KL &с, Syr 
(h) .. the grace, the mercy, the peace Bo (ва) йти пи, ner(mr т) WT 
from God the Father] (е?) (т) 11 І3..ато Oeov татроѕ Ñ біс, Vg 
Bo (e&oN orrem) Syr Arm.. ато (of ro) 6. m. роу 17, Bo (A, Ек) 
Eth за and] ет rr 13, RAC D* I 17, Ус Bo Arm .. ка короо 
DeFGKLP &e, Arm cdd .. and. our Lord Во (A,T ro me) Eth .. and 
from our Lord Syr пех'с 1E the Christ Jesus] e т тт, Bo.. 
xv w МА CD*I 17, Vg Arm .. 14€ пое Во (А ГЕО me)., vy yo DeFG 
KLP &с, Syr Arm edd Eth 

5 критн| e т тт, Бо, М &с, Vg (cretae) Syr (Arm).. крен Bo 
(AE) .. юритне Во (м) karetés Eth .. kerten Eth го €execaxnme &e 
thou shouldest settle the rest also] (e?) т тт, Eth (put right) .. та 
Aeurovro. єт:дюрдост'ѕ) Ñ &c, ea quae desunt corrigas Vg Syr Arm.. 

TITUS I 4-7 533 

our saviour; *to Titos, the true child according to our 
common faith, the grace to thee and the peace from God 
the Father and the Christ Jesus our saviour. 5 Because of 
this I left thee in Krété, that thou shouldest settle the rest 
also (of the affairs), and set up elders in every city as I ordered 
thee; 9 he to whom no guilt attacheth, having become husband 
of one wife, having [believing ehildren], being not under accusa- 
оп | ] "Foritisright for the bishop not to have any thing 
found against him as steward of God; not being proud, not 

т. Л. eravopÜocqs D*, Palladius .. uicem. itre& aoo єратот the 
remaining (things) thou shouldest set up Bo пстадо єратот &c 
and set up elders in every city] (e?) т 11, Syr Eth ( for cities го).. 
кал катасттст5 ката ToAW тред [Dvrepovs № біс, Vg Arm .. ivrekceasis 
fica up. к. hans and settle elders in every city Bo поє it(en т) Tas 
&c аз I ordered thee] (e?) (1?) (11?) (13?) Во (ката фрн+) Syr 
Eth .. ws eyw сог биктаёарлу Ñ &c .. sicut et ego tibi disposui Vg Arm 

5 пєтєзай &c he to whom no guilt attacheth] e? 11 .. he who is 
without blame Syr.. ovas egor йатМома one being without reproach 
Bo .. eu rts eotw оуєук\№тоѕ Ñ &c, Vg Arm.. Eth trs. а man who one 
wife married, choice, whom they reproached not for evil eayp. &c 
having become husband of one wife] (e?) тт, Bo.. and he became «е 
Syr .. pias yvvawos ауур Ñ біс, Vg Arm етитач &c lit. having 
sons believing] (e?) (11?) Bo Syr (pref. and) Eth .. rekva exov тіста 
N &с, Ус (filios) Arm псєоп &с lit. not Бей о in an accusation | 
(e?) т, Ро.. ру ev катпуора N &с, Vg Arm .. whom they accuse not 
Eth .. who are not abusive Syr ownovacce] 11, 3331€ Ta То xat тє 
eros Патбиежшот of dissoluteness, or being insubordinate Bo, асотіаѕ 
n ауототакта Ж &с, Vg Arm .. in dissoluteness, who were not headstrong, 
who obey Eth..and they are not without subordination in dissolute- 
ness Syr 

7 сар] т..ош Bo (n).. and Eth епепископос for the bishop] 
(1).. Are nremsex. that the bishop Bo .. ov єт. № &c .. the elder that he 
should be Syr .. Eth has that (om Eth) should be appointed papas .. add 
he who has not joy Eth (not го) єтахтрєу &c lit. for them not to 
find any thing against him] (1) .. aveyk«Axrov evar N &e, sine crimine 
esse Vg .. who із without blame Буг .. blameless to бе Arm .. ооп egos 
fiatdwsss should be being without reproach Во (Syr)..who is not 
partial Eth озкоп. &c steward ої God] т.. ovos, а steward &c 


пмоуте. EMOTRACIONT AM пе. емотрецеиат alt пе. 
емоуреціїдє ми пе. смобмоще AM пе. єпотазміону 
aw пе МАО. Eada со азазмицяєао [ Je 
"eqs oNx nujaxe етмоот ката Techw. хекае EYE- 
Ysgor єсопс on Techw етотох. aTW езге 
WeTOTWOSL. 10 оло TAP петепсеоупотассе ам. прец- 
хицахе Wenpa. avo претанеснт. поото ae мебоћ 
оз» nebe. 11 мах ецице єштая роот. war єтщоршр 
моємні THPOT. єу{сбо iurevesseujye erbe отает- 

estoy] т, Во (zz).. пот Bo i s * p ыу, олту (aq) 


Bo ..6eov ow. М &c, Vg Arm enosxacs. &c not being proud] 1.. 
йотуатеатнс am me Bo, py avoady(v) N &e, Vg (superbum) Arm.. 
that he should not be follower of his own opinion Eth which 
has who is not irascible, who is prudent єпоуреч. &c not being 
a drunkard} т, who eaceedeth not in drinking Eth .. who drinketh not 

Eth ro.. px тарошом Ñ &c, Vg (vinolentum) Bo (fovpey[om p. AEM 
NP|ce govo np drinker of much wine) Syr (exceeding in wine) .. not 

insolent Arm єпоунощся &c not being a striker] т, Ро (peg- 
тєн) .. ру тАуктуи N &c, Vg Arm.. and let not be hasty his hand 
to smite Syr Eth .. he who striketh not Eth ro .. om Во (ва) єпоу- 

ялалт &c lit. not being a lover of gain of disgrace] 1, Bo (ечщниу).. 
pen алехрокєрдии) Ж &e .. non. turpis lucri cupidum Vg .. and. let him 
not be fond of gains disgraceful Syr .. and who loveth not vain goods 
Eth .. who loveth not goods Eth ro..Wowszaroow equjovIT ап пе 
being not lover of vain glory Bo (к) 

8 aNNa] 1.. от Bo (AE) Eth 

? єч oNx keeping hold on] 1, avrexouevov № &c, amplectentem Vg, 
Bo (assonr) .. protector to become Arm .. and anxious over Syr .. who is 
learned in Eth тоу. &с the word which is faithful асс. to the 
doctrine] т, Bo (eXc&o AE.. йтє{. ва &с).. pref. five Yareoans of 
the truth Во (0).. rov ката тту (om 37) бідахти тістом Aoyou N &с, Vg 
(ewm qui &с est) .. over the teaching of the word of faith Syr..of the faithful 

word of doctrine Arm .. in the word of faith Eth «&eKac(aaC I IF) 
that] г 11..add xa. FerG 17 єсопс to exhort] т тг 17, Во 
fm Vg Eth .. pref. ках Ñ &c, Vg (am fu) Syr Arm oit Techo &c 

lit. in the doctrine which is sound] т (11) Bo, ev ті бідаєк. ту vy. 

RURUS а. 535 

being wrathful, not being a drunkard, not being a striker, 
not being a lover of disgraceful gain; but (a) being 
hospitable | | ° Keeping hold on the word which is faithful 
according to the doctrine, that he should be able to exhort 
in the sound doctrine, and to reprove those who contradict. 
10 For many (are) those who are not under subjection, vain 
talkers and heart corrupters, but especially those out of the 
circumcision ; И these whose mouth it is right to shut; these 
who overturn whole houses, teaching the (things) which are 

М &c..ev T. vy. Ò 37 47, Vg Syr т. vy. I.. ovs ev таст 
Obet А... in doctrine of life Eth exmie &с to reprove &c] 1 ТІ, 
Bo (iiveycoos that he should) Syr Eth (that he should)..rovs avr. 
eAeyxew N &e, Vg Arm 

1 оло vap for many (are)] т 11, Eth .. ovom озза+нщ сар for 
there are many Bo, «ow yap толо. МАСІР 17, Vg (am** деші) 
Syr Arm .. add ка: DFGKL &e, Vg петейсеохпот. those who 
are not under subjection] esos fav nexoos being insubordinate Во 
прерхицахє (Bo B^ жесахт) (om r)empa vain talkers] 1 rr, NÑ 
бе, Во (Barr) Arm.. pref. кш FeTGP, Во (отоо ipesgcax: 
зазаєтефАноу) Syr (and vain their words) Eth (and their words also 
vain) ало and] x 11, № &e, Vg Bo (ваГекі) Syr Arm Eth.. om 
Во ати» пречтакеонт lit. and of corrupter of heart] т 11 .. esos 
Rpeyepoad понт being deceivers of heart Bo, кас фрегататал № &c .. 
et seductores Vg Aim Eth ro.. апа leading astray the minds of men 
Syr .. and they lead astray the darkened of heart Eth (om the darkened 
&c го) .. pref. epyatat боМог 17 ae] т 11, CDer, Vg (деш) 
Eth .. om N &с, Vg Bo Syr Arm neh. &c those out of the circ.] 
I 11, oc ek (RCD* I 17..0m ADCFGKLP &с) туз т. М «е Bo .. que 
&c sunt Vg Syr Arm .. who are of the Jews Eth 

п ещтях pwor lit. to shut their mouth] т (11?) Bo (eocss пр.) 
erioTopaLew N &с, Syr Arm Eth .. redargut Vg етщорщр igen- 
(ой т)нгт. who overturn whole houses] т (11) .. ин єтрікі еВоХ (om 
є. FK) заптирл itre gans those who turn away the whole of houses.. 
ovrtes oAovs 01к015 avatperovo Ñ &c, Vg .. houses many they corrupt 
Syr .. who all houses overturn Arm .. for those overturn all houses Eth 
(who & vo) | esXc&o teaching] т (11) Bo.. and they teach Syr Arm 
Eth ethe &c lit. for the sake of a loving gain of disgrace] т (111) 
.€ebe озонот equjoujs for the sake of gain despicable Bo .. aurxpou 


загону НЛО. 1? аупробунтне xooc chod й[онтот. 
хе мевритне GOA [we] мохоеиц miee oen(en- 
pron] exrooor ие |д|ємон етотос mne. — P TereeitT- 
зайтрє orete те. erbe Mar Smoor ом оушюют 
єбоћ. xenac eweosxar oW тпїстїс. ИН enceno NoTHT 
хи eoemujbo поула: seit oenenTvoÀH Wposee evnTo 
язезооу chord ом Tete. '° йна Mee ovaab ineroraah. 
петхооая ae seii папістос aeeeit Qaav ovaab nav. 

S DICTI) НЕЕ) ч (т) 1: e&oN ei] савоХ й Bo 

кєрдооѕ ҳари Ñ &с, Vg .. because of gains disgraceful Syr Arm .. in 
that which they gain disgrace Eth .. Eth ro omits a uy de and continues 
that they may gain 

12 aynpod. a prophet] т (11').. erev NCACDIKLP &с, Vg Bo 
вагні) Syr Arm Eth ro (which said)..evrev де МЕС (Bo).. ет. 
yop 115 .. and behold Eth этпроф. &c lit. a prophet said, out of 
them] (1?) 11?.. ог ae e&oN Sator асчхос отпроф. птоох 
(оз н) but one out of them said, a prophet of theirs (to them н) Во 
(add me ЕК) .. eurev tus e£ avrov 10105 avrov (om FetGet) zpodyrys N 
«е, Ме Arm .. said. some one of them, a prophet of theirs Syr .. and 
behold saith one of them, their prophet, concerning them Eth .. which 
saith, one of them, their prophet Eth ro жє] 117, Bo Eth (not ro) 
лєкр. the Cretans] (11?) изкритис Bo.. пікрі. Bo (ваГеммо).. 
крутез Ñ &с, Vg Arm.. the sons of krui Syr .. men of kretes Eth .. om 
Eth ro [ ]во^ [пе] потоеиц sias liars they are always] г? 
т17..ош me фєустаї М біс, Vg Syr Arm .. hypocrites, liars 
continually Eth (om continually го) gene. ето. ne wild beasts 
being evil] (п ?) Bo Syr Eth .. кака бура М &c, Vg Arm оєпон 
&c bellies being lazy] (т?) 11?..eammex: парсос me bellies idle 
they are Во .. уастєрєѕ аруш Ñ &с, Vg Syr (pref. and) .. vagabonds 
Arm .. belly barren Eth 

13 vex(vees т) ая. &c lit. this witness a true is] т, Bo, D, f Vg .. and 
this witness is true upon them Eth .. papr. аут] соты’ aAygys Ñ &c .. 
and true is this witness Syr Arm ethe m. because of this] 1, Syr 
(Arm) Eth Eth ro.. à qv атау М &c, Vg Bo (eo&e тагМожат) 

TITUS I 12-15 537 

not right, Гог the sake of disgraceful gain. 1? A prophet said, 
(one) out of themselves, The Cretans liars [they are] always, 
wild beasts being evil, bellies being lazy. !? This witness is true. 
Because of this reprove them severely, that they should be 
sound in the faith; “not attending to Jewish fables, and 
commandments of man, turning themselves away from the 
truth. 15 All things (are) pure to those who are pure: but to 
those who are defiled and unbelieving there is not any thing 

«mnroos reprove them] г, № &c, Vg Bo (Syr) .. thou shalt reprove them 
Arm Eth .. and he shall veprove them Eth го оп ovy. єв. lit. in 
a severity] т 111, Bo, azoropws Ñ &c, Vg (dure) Arm Eth .. trs. 
severely be reproving them Syr .. add ?n their fault Eth ro хекас 
(aac г 11) &e that they should be sound in the imith | "вот Bes 
N (ош ev N* 47) &e, Vg Syr Arm .. that they should attend to the 
faith Eth 

M encenw &с lit. they attend not] 1 тт, Во (itce}) pn трос- 
exovres N &с, Vg .. and should not attend (or submit) to Syr (vg) .. and 
should not attend to Arm .. and should not bring in Eth єоєпщё- 
(тт..4 т) ñora, lit. fables of Jew] (т) тт, Eth ro.. wovdaixors 
pvÜos М &c, Vg Arm..fables of Jews of Jew Eth... 
R(AEGL..e B &c)eanujj(& H)w i321er109xa1 fables of Judaism Во 
оєпєптомн пр(рр тт, ware commandments ої man] тит Во ВВ. з 
evroAats. (evraApacw ЕС... уєуєаАоуши< 47) аудротоу № &c, Vg Во (o 
пптгризямі) Syr Arm єукто sax. lit. turning them &c] т 11, Во 
(фоно) атострєфореуфу aAgfeiav N біс, Vg Arm .. who pervert the 
truth (all the truth то) Eth .. hating the truth Syr 

15 ja suas all things] І ТІ, ravra NW ACD*FGP 17, Vg Bo 
T Еки) Isaiah Ap. patrum .. add сар Во Syr (vg) .. add ae Bo (н).. 
add pev ерек, &с, Syr (В)... om Eth ro ovaah lit. pure] т тт, 
Eth.. кабара. NÑ &с, Vg (munda) .. pure із Syr Arm (holy) .. ceovah 
are pure Bo .. purity is to the pure (singular) Eth ro пиетотаав 
to those who are pure] т rr, йин єттотйнотт to those who are 
cleansed Bo .. rows кабаро< N &c, mundis Vg Syr Arm (to holy) Eth 
(10 see above) ae| Eth .. and Eth ro sī and 1°] І rr.. 
om Eth which has those who believe поё.. от also those «с Eth ro 
эх (ош MSS) зап X. &с there is not any thing pure to them] г тт, Во 
(eqovah A E) .. ovóev кабарои N “ес, Vg .. that which із pure is not to 
them Syr .. nothing is holy Arm .. there is not to them pure any thing 


AAA петонт сос зам cevconevaHcic, 10 cego- 
[xeoAotler хе сесосоти єпмоуте | 

П. мток] ae | уе] ] отож. |? ]ceuyone 
| мсєяємос | праз онт. €vovou ом TMICTIC 

QW о тасапн. 2 поААо omn итаое ом  ovceeoT 
€ecporaab. Harahodoc aW. enceo хи Hosea Hoy Hprt 
enaujoct. Wpeceptebo ємамотс. *cenac evetcahe f- 
Weepe унае epssax Trevoat, авае лі Петщнүре. > псабн. 

супєгА. | 1ї..-игм. І 16 (ar) 

er) з (e) (т) (11)  познрії єпащоч| (e x rr) .. Sen 
оузанцу йнри Bo (novas. Г) я (e) imr S ke) IX 
at ай Eth .. there is not to him (that which) is pure Eth ro adha 

пєтонт &с lit. but their heart (із) unclean and their conscience] т 
тт ! (пєукєонт their heart also) ..aNNa aqcogy пхєпотәнт sear &c 
but was unclean their heart and their conscience Bo (поткєонт FKL, 
TOVRECTI. кН). .аХЛа pepiavrat avrov Kat о vous kat т с. N &c, Vg 
Syr (із their mind and their c.) Arm (polluted mind and conscience of 
them) .. for polluted (is) their thought and their heart Eth (trs. heart 
and thought ro) 

16 сєоояя. &c they profess that they know God] (11 2) .. confitentur 
se nosse deum Vg Syr (pref. and) Arm Eth.. ceovono apy єбоМ 
xe сесфоти xxaxos they profess God that they know him Bo.. 0cov 
opoXoyovauv. eevat N &e .. who believed that there is God Eth ro 

2 исезанос &с grave, prudent, sound in the faith, in the love] 
(1)..add ту vropovn № &e, Vg (т pat.) Bo (Sem Yorn. in the 
patience) Syr (and. in &c) „add in patience, in tolerance Arm .. sober 
and prudent and they should not be hypocrites in faith, they should 
love one another and they should be intelligent and they should be 
patient Eth (om sober and prudent vo) 

З foANw(e.. o т) &c lit. the old women also thus] e? т (ivreesoc) 
Eth, zpeo[Jjvrióas ocavros Ж біс, Vg Arm .. пглрнЯ on нібем Ми» 
likewise the old women Bo .. and also the old women thus Syr oit 
Озсахот eqovaah lit. in a form holy! e? 1 117, in habitu sancto Vg 

TITUS I 16—II 5 539 

pure to them; but (a) their mind is unclean and their con- 
science. 1% They profess that they know God | 

LL. ] grave, prudent, sound in the faith, in the love: 
З the old women likewise in holy demeanour, not slanderers, 
being not enslaved to much wine, teachers of good; *that 
they should teach the young women to be lover of their 
husband, (and) lover of their child, ?(to be) wise, pure? 

..«v Kataotnpati(-cynp. Е) аеропретез N &c..ceeposvujons sen 
Ovceaxi evana запіто Уво lit. for them to be in a settled character 
being worthy of the holy Bo..that they should бе in а form (сутна) 
which is suitable to fear of God Syr .. in orderliness, in holy propriety 
Aim..they should be holy and should make good their morals Eth 
narah. an lit. not slanderer) (е) 1 11, eeana. an нє (om ne AE) 
not being slanderers Bo, pn diafordovs N &c, Vg Syr (pref. they should 
not be) Aim... that they should not report words Eth єпсєо being 
not] т (тт) Во, py бе ЕРЮН &c, Vg.. руде &e N* AC, Syr (vg).. 
not winebibbers Arm .. and they should not be addicted to drinkin and 
should not be led into drunkenness Eth .. they should not drink and 
should not be drunken Ethro ñpeyŅ. & lit. givers of good teaching] 
т (тт?) Bo, cadodidacxadovs N &c, bene docentes Vg .. and they should 
be teaching good (things) Syr .. but teachers of good Avm .. but (and ro) 
should admonish and teach good teaching to the women (om то) that they 
should purify themselves Eth 

З хекас (om кас тг) &c that they should teach] (e?) т 11, Bo.. 
wa coopoyic. № &c, ut prudentiam doceant Vg .. making modest Syr .. 
teaching (i.e. good teaching) Eth nujeepe щ. lit. the young 
daughters] (1 2) 11.. iuuaNo 01 itoroas the youthful women Bo .. тає 
veas NX &c, adulescentulas Vg Arm .. to those who are youthful Syr.. 
and the young ones also Eth (see above) eparar nevoai &c to be 
lover of their husband] 11 .. $iXavópovs evar № &c, Arm... epar. neve. 
to be lover of their husbands (е1) Bo (om wow A,E).. ut viros suos 
ament Vg Syr (love their &c) Eth “arar revu. lit. lover of their 
son] 1r.. maar црирі lover of son Bo (novus. their хоп но) 
фідотєкудує М біс, Arm .. ош K ../il.os diligant Vg .. and. their sons 
Syr Eth 

б йсайн lit. wise] 11, Bo.. оффрогаз Ñ &е, Vg Arm .. that they 
should be modest Syr..that they should mot be adulterous Eth 


evovaab. peyrera. | WHacaooc. evovmotacce 
МИЄТОМІ. we — MMevaxiova  єпщажє  азптоттє. 
‘ишире ae ом WHL Mapanarer язезооу їтєтоє 
ерраамонт.  "єкєтрє ажа оң Исазот ом ооб miee см 
неоїнтє етихиотот. on Techw axi pooner ov- 
язхтсєяятос. Зоупщаже ецотох axW APIKE. хе epe 
ner отбни хиуие. enr Aaav аєпевсоту exo 
epom. ° поазохА єтретотпо[тјассе aemerascoore. 

С E ede) (rur). ET E) 

evoraah pure] (e) тт, єттоуйнотт Во, ayvas № &c, Vg (castas) 
Arm .. and holy Syr ..and should do good and should make good their 
morals Eth R(p 11)peqteusara lit. manager of place] e? 1r.. 
ето! прецеерие novus being (the AE) managers of their house Во 
(supesp.. ош evos AE) .. domus curam habentes Vg .. that they should be 
caring well for their houses Syr .. owovpyovs N* ACD*FG .. oucovpovs 
меренкірР &c, Syr (h ms) Arm.. and the ordering of their house 
Eth fiacaeoc(eH Bo) good] тт, Bo, М & Syr Eth.. 
benignas Vg Arm evosnor. &c bei: g subjected to their husbands | 
(e?) ть, NX &c, Vg Bo Syr .. obedient to their husbands Arm .. they 
should obey &c Eth «e йпєт. &c lit. that they should not 
blaspheme the word of God] e? 11, ut non blasphemetur verbum dei 
Vg .. ота псажі птє hy псєцутєлх (om цу. A,E) xeova epos (add ап 
AE.. add єейнтот because of them к) lit. that the word of God they 
may not blaspheme it Bo, wa py о Лоу. т. 0cov ВАаос-фтилтал № &e.. 
that no one (they ro) should (not ro) blaspheme &c Syr (vg) Eth .. wa pn 
о А. т. 0. ка т даскама BA. C 5, Syr (h) Arm 

* ищире ae on-napakaNer(NY 11)-fitesge lit. but the youths 
also exhoit them thus] (1?) тг.. парну om mnisSeNu. ззамозад 
посту thus also the youths exhort them Во .. rovs vewrepovs ocavros 
zapakaAe, Ñ &c, Vg Aim (entreat) .. and from those who are youthful 
request Syr .. and (om ro) youths also admonish Eth (add thus ro) 
еррах. to be prudent] (1 1) 11, софроуєм № &c, Bo Arm .. ut sobrii 
sint Vg Syr .. that they should purify themselves and be wise Eth (om 
and be wise го) 

7 екетре &c lit. making thee for example in every work in the works 
which are good] (e?) (11) (11).. єкгрі ях. fitymoc йтє оапойноті 

TITUS II 6-9 541 

managers of home, good, being subjected to their husbands, 
that the word of God should not be blasphemed: ° but the 
youths likewise exhort to be prudent: Т making thyself for 
example in all things in the good works; in the doctrine, 
without envying, (showing) gravity, *a sound word without 
fault, that he who is contrary to us should be ashamed, not 
having any thing evil to say of us. ?'The servants, for them 

єпапєт Sen owh пфеи making thee for example of works which are 
good in every work Bo.. терь тоута c«avrov mapexopevos тотор (тот. 
тор. W*) каЛор epyov N бо, Vg.. but (бє) in every thing example 
thyself show in all works good Syr .. from all things thyself an example 
showing of works good Arm .. and be to them example to all of them in 
work good. Eth en Techo &c lit. in the doctrine without envying, 
а gravity | I .. ev Ty бідаєкаМа афбомам сєруотута ЕЕТ Ger .. ey тя Ô. 
афворшу с. З"АСР'КІР 17 47, Sem faretpeytchw (Sem {ево 
н) Sem Цазеталтако оусажхі псезапос (оулаєтсєзатос Г* хо mg) 
lit. in the teaching in uncorruptness a grave word (a gravity T* &c) 
Bo .. ev ту 9. айбгафборау с. Же, &с Syr (h »2).. add. ayveav С.. 
add афварочау DEK І, 37, Syr (h mz) .. and in thy teaching let there be 
to thee а word sound which is restrained and uncorrupt Syr .. in doctrina, 
in integritate, in gravitate Vg ..?n doctrine wncorruptness having, 
holiness, gravity Avm..and shall be thy word and thy teaching in 
pureness (lit. pure) Eth (and doctrine, in sanctity ro) 

* озш. eg. ахи apike lit. а word being sound without fault | To 
Aoyov vy акатагууюотоу Ñ Kc, oycass ee(owox патеркатасиоскаи 
ззазос Bo, verbum sanum inreprehensibile Vg .. Syr, see above, adding 
here and no man despising it .. a word of ( from cdd) soundness being 
irreproachable Arm .. in well ordered word in which is not fault which 
not one even shall despise living word in which is not fault 
Eth ro aime be ashamed] т, Syr Arm .. evrparn N біс, vereatur 
Vg..trs. that should be ashamed he who &е Во Eth (the hater) 
exiit &c not having any thing evil to say of us] т (rr?) Bo 
(баром) Vg .. pydev exov Aeyev тєр. шоу фамлоу NCDFGP 17 37 
47, Arm (of wickedness) .. pnd. &e пері мишу p. А... pnd. &с Aeyew 
$avAov KL &e, Vg (tol) .. since he findeth not that he may say of us 
any thing hateful Syr .. and he findeth not that which he will speak of 
us disgracefully Eth 

° позх, the servants] 1, Bo..dovAo. D*, Syr .. lit. servant also Eth 
.. ovAovs N &c, Vg (Arm) .. add де G* €rpevo, (aner sic 11) for 


сурамату ом ооб miee [ewce]vogose aw 10 ємеєоєт 
Aaay ам. АЛЛА етотюмо ehoA аяпістіс miee ema- 
MOT]. хенас €venocaser Wrecbo аяпемсфтир ниоттє 
ом ооб mee Патеухаріс Tap азпиоттє MENCOTHP 
сусио еол mposse mee 1° єс{сбо man axenac 
€aMHo псом итазмтщате set Nemoraea ROC- 
£fIHON diTMONO OW отаязитраемонт sel OpeetTar- 
aroc sei отавнтєусєбно [ox атому 19 еибощт 
choA онтс меєЛіято азаелихртос eet потом ehon 
A*Heoov AMMOS NOTTE RAW пеисютнр MEXE ic, 

D(a) алі) пот (тт) (8$) хєкас| B..-aac т 12. (еу (ш) 
(11) (8) — (e) (1) (11) (8) 

them to be subject to their masters] 1? (111) Во (йм).. trs. 10:0: 
8eoorais (5. . ADP) утотасо єства М «е, Vg Arm their masters 
should be subject d Syr .. should obey their masters Eth етрамат 
&c being pleasing to them in all things] тт, Bo .. and pleasing in all 
things Arm .. ev тас evapectovs ear Ñ &e, Vg .. in every thing and 
should be pleasing Syr .. and they should please them (om то) in all 
Eth [ence]so osx an not contradicting] (т ?) (тт 1), псєєранті- 
Nevim Bo, М &c, Ус Arm .. om Во (АЕ).. lit. and be not contradicting 
Syr .. and. should not purloin Eth, see below .. om Eth ro 

10 enceoen &c not concealing any thing] (т?) (11 93) .. py уосфібо- 
pevous N &с, Vg ( fraudantes) .. unde von. СЪЮ вт* FerGer 17 ,. ficeos 
прецетоті am not stealing Bo..lit. and be not stealing Syr .. not 
thieves Атт .. ата should not contradict in all Eth .. om ro adda] 
т (тт) Eth ro . evovwito &c lit. manifesting all faith 
which is good] 1 (ir) Bo (яафнаої тире eemnanesg[newv AE.. 
evrmaae great в] &с lit. the whole faith which &c)..macav тисті 
evoexvupevors ауабпу SCACDP 37, Syr (h) Arm .. zw7w татау біс 
KL &e .. in omnibus fidem bonam ostendentes fm Vg .. they shall show 
their good fidelity in every thing Буг .. they shall make beautiful purely 
(om ro) their faith Eth .. om писти N* MEK. еуекосяяе! (зат I II) 
&e that they should adorn the doctrine of our saviour God in all 
things] 1 (тг) ..zhat they should adorn (praise Eth .. praise them Eth 
ro) in every thing the doct. of God our saviour Syr Eth .. wa тти дідатк. 
(туу) тою сот. p. дєоо (om Р) koop. ev п. (om ev т. 47) № &с, Vg Бо. 

TITUS If 10-13 543 

to be subject to their masters, being pleasing to them in all 
things; not contradicting, !?not concealing any thing, but (a) 
manifesting all good faith; that they should adorn the 
doctrine of our saviour God in all things. 1 For the grace of 
God our saviour was manifested to all men, 1? teaching us 
that, having forsaken impiety and the worldly lusts, we may 
live prudently and righteously and godly in this age; 
13 expecting the blessed hope and the manifestation of the 
glory of the great God and our saviour the Christ Jesus; 

(ФА пеисотир) Arm..add by error пиеовите єтпапоуоу of the 
good works тї 

П a тє. &с for the grace of God &c was manifested | т тт (8) Bo 
Сар] г 1: В..ош 37 47.. епефау yap x x. &с № &e, Vg Syr Arm 
Eth пеисотир our saviour] 1 тт В, Bo, FG, Vg... cwrynpos N* 
Vg (am).. cwrnptos XCA СЯ D* .. п сотуроѕ CODPKLP &с.. Syr has 
vivifying all.. Arm has saviour of all men .. om Eth itp (pp тг)- 
ware miar lit. to every man] т (11?) В, Bo (eposse) N &с, Vg Syr 
(to men all of them) .. with all men Eth .. Arm, see above 

12 ecXcho teaching] т (11).. pref. and Syr Arm .. who instruct us 
Arm menac(aac I) eam. &c that having forsaken] т (11 1) .. add 
fioc niar every thing (e?) .. wa apvycapevor V &c, Vg Bo Arm cdd.. 
that we should deny Syr Arm Eth nrssitruy. lit, the impiety] т 
(11 3) .. sin Eth fiem. йк. lit. the lusts ої worldly] (e?) т тт (8) 
Bo (Syr Eth).. таз (om D*) кодшкоѕ єт. NÑ &c, Vg Arm (singular, cdd) 
atong we may live] (e) т (тт?) B..and live in бо Syr .. trs. 
evoeBus Суоюреи ev бос М &c, Vg Arm .. and live in righteousness Eth 
eit оуззтт. &c lit. in a prudence and a righteousness and а godliness | 
(e?) 111? B, Bo Syr (repeating 2n) .. with soberness and with «е Arm.. 
c'odpovos кал бік. kat єсє. 53 «е, Vg .. in righteousness and in purity 
and in love Eth 

13 engw. &c expecting] e B, Bo, m &c, Vg .. while we expect Syr 

Eth .. and we expect Arm пеєМпіс 3xssakaproc(r В... ме) lit. 
the hope blessed] (e?) (т?) Буг..туу рак. «Ат. N &c, Vg Во 
(пфизлате tteeN mic) Arm поуоно eb. the manifestation] е (т?) 

В, Фото. Во (nos. Г) 17.. 0m rjv  &с, Syr Аг... adventum Vg 
Eth annog it. lit. of the great god] e т В, &с, Vg Arm .. RHF 
ииищ of God the great Bo, Syr Eth (our God) лїї nenc. and 
our saviour] e x (111) B, N &с, Vg Syr (vivifier) Arm (om our cdd) 
Eth .. and (om AEGMO*r) the Christ Jesus our saviour Во пес 


M паг НтаЧтаас сарои. хенае єчесоти ehoA ом 
amorea изя. arw mgro ма HorAaoce єцтоунт 
преио? єдемоїбнує emanovosy. Maw има. ати 
MTMAPARAAEL NESS ом отеосломе miae. азпртре 
ADAT. ватафромет ALLOR. 

ПІ. seaporpreseeve сотпотьссе маржи «N 
Wegovcra. єрстант evchrwr egwb mee йаслөои. 
Зєтаяєхіотюм CADAT. єзеєуяєццує. молк. ETOTWNT 

з (е) (1) (11) (8) | " т (8 б аб ик) 
+ (1) (8) лез. | 1.. нє]. (В) В 

\ the Christ Jesus] 1 (тт?) Bo... xv «o N* Fer G .. 3€ пе B .. w xv 
Ne &с, Vg Syr Arm кс e..trs. Jesus Christ our saviour 
Eth ro 

м fivagqraag lit. who gave him] ет (тт) B, Bo.. os edwxev eavrov 
(avrov N*) Ме &c, Vg Syr Arm .. who delivered up himself Eth .. trs. 
npwv єаутоу D gapo! for us] (e) т 11 8.. add тнреи all Bo (г) 
жєка(ма 1)c that] (e?) т тт ..uja(m)vee until he Bo соти 
redeem us] ет тт £, N &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth .. паозаєм deliver из Во 
anonra migr all lawlessness] e т 11 В..ош all Bo (х)..зіп Eth 
nag &e lit. to him a people} e т.. солто Лаоу Ñ &e, Vg Eth .. his 
people Arm .. n5jrb&on &c and cleanse us to him a people B, Bo Syr 
єчтознт collected] e? т В.. eqcssosr. permanent Bo .. zeptovovov X 
&c .. acceptabilem Syr Eth.. peculiar Eth ro 
преҷкоо zealous] (e?) т (8) Bo (ва 26).. pref. and Bo .. sectatorem 
Vg .. which із zealous in Syr Eth enanosoy lit. which are good | 
т, Bo Syr .. works of goodness Arm .. work good Eth .. trs. kaXov epyov 
N &с, Vg 

15 ww War lit. say these] т В.. ravra Лале М &c, Vg Bo Syr 
Arm (this) .. thus speak Eth .. т. бідатке A итно ard reprove] 
т (B1) .. соот reprove (omitting and) Bo ої (єм т) отє (а 1)o. m. 
lit. in all commanding] т 8, Bo (поритг Зеи.. от mien ва).. wera 
maons єт((ото 73 118)tayys № біс, cum omni imperio Vg Syr Arm.. 
while thou humblest thyself to all Eth (vroray.) запр-катафро- 
stev(xur т) ях. let not any despise thee] т 8%, pydes oov катафроуєіта 
1 43 al, Во (вк) Vg Syr Arm .. p. с. zepibpoveero Ñ Ke .. àànettepe 

TITUS II r4—Iil 2 545 

14 this (one) who gave himself for us, that he should redeem 
us out of all lawlessness, and cleanse to himself a people, 
collected, zealous unto good works. 19 Say these (things), and 
exhort and reprove with all commanding. Let not any 
despise thee. 

IIL Let them remember to be subject to the vulers and 
the authorities, to be obedient, being prepared unto every 
good work: ?not to blaspheme any, not to be wont to con- 

ods anoni Garon Sem oveass let not any take hold of thee in a 
knowledge Bo .. and there is not he who will lead thee astray Eth 

1 sxapor. &c let them remember to be subject &c] т 9, язафллєтт 
nooy єөроубпєхооу &с remind them to be subject &c, Bo.. vro- 
puprgoke (add де A) avrovs apyas её. vrotaccecbar Ñ &c, Vg (et 
potest.) Eth (and auth. that they should obey)..and remind-and 
authorities they should obey Syr Arm sī and] т В, Bo, DeK LP 
&c, Vg Syr Arm RACD*FG 17 єрстяхнт to be 
obedient] (1 7) В, таваруєм N &c, dicto oboedire Vg .. pref. кал FG.. 
trs. that they should obey and be subject Syr Arm .. om утотасас єства 
Е... evor йресррлхалу being well pleasers Bo evchtwt &c lit. 
prepared unto work every of good] £..ficewjwnr єусєйтоуг eoo 
nias cenames and become prepared unto all works which are good Bo 
Syr (for all work good) .. pos тау epyov ауабом (ovs %*) єтоцлоу$ ewar 
Ne &с, Vg .. ка Tpos &с А .. and for all works of goodness prepared to 
be found Arm (cf. Hier).. Eth has that they should obey in all work 
good. and. they should become prepared, in it 

? стая». ЄМ. not to blaspheme any] псехеота є9Мі ам and not 
blaspheme any Во .. pndeva Braohypew N &e, Vg Syr Arm... му ВА. 
FeG .. рубки ВА. K..and they shall not be impatient (cause to be 
imp. го) Eth exevar. not to be wont to contend | niceor пречяя- 
Nas an and not be disputers Bo .. and not be contentious Syr Eth.. 
apaxous evar X &c .. non litigiosos esse Ус (Arm) лоак fair] eror 
лєпакне being fair Во, eres N &c, modestos Vy .. but they should 
be humble Syr .. but (om ro) merciful Eth evovund &e manifesting 
all meekness with all шеп | Bo (near) .. zacav evðeikvupevovs (удал М") 
mpaityta (стпоїдту N**) mpos zavras амбр. Xe &c, omnem ostendentes 
mansuetudinem ad omnes homines Vg (Arm) .. and in every thing they 
shall show cheerfulness toward all men Syr .. kind they shall (om they 
shall vo) be with all men Eth 

1717.2 Nn 


choA азязмтраяращ пая Nagp poste miee. ? ємо 
чар oon язпоуоєну матонт NarTcwrar емПпААМА. 
ємо ПозжохА ниєпіотама seit Понломи єтщоїє. 
еиазосще ОМ OY HAHIA ям ОУфеомос. емо asesecre. 
ємаєостє йиємерну. ^itrepe TANT ристос ae seit 
таяттязатризяє osono COA аєпмоттє пемсотнр. 
5 eboX си оємобнує хи HAYRAIOCYMH EAMAAT ANON. 
AAAA KATA MENA этоэхом оттая покае я9пехпо 
Recon ям TaeliThppe аяпепих єтоталав. | пат 
ит плот єораї єхим oW отяямтраяаяхо QUTM IC 

з (е) (1)8 * (е) (1) (8$) 1615$ — 9 (е) (т) 8 (161) евнзє| 
оён ove В 6 (e) (т) (B) 161 iraq] e 16l.. env. т В 

3 смо &с lit. for we are being also we аб the time senseless] £.. 

manor Tap офи me narei HnoscHow for we were being also we 
without knowledge once Bo .. nuev yap vore кол ypes avontor $$ &c (кол 
тр. rore P) f Vg (am fu demid tol) .. for also we formerly without know- 
ledge we were Syr .. for we also formerly were foolish without knowing 
Eth (om without kn. го) | avc. lit. not hearing] B .. enos tartarat 
being dissentient Ро .. атє:Ве N &e, increduli Vg Arm .. кал ar. D E, Vg 
(fu) Syr (vg) .. and we denied. Eth ennNana being led astray] В, 
пЛауюретоь $3 &с, Ус Во (encwpear) Arm .. отоо enc. and going astray 
Bo (Авасммр) Syr.. and we went astray Eth eno пояхогА 
being servant] (1?) В, 8ovAevovres N &c, Vg Bo Arm .. pref. and Syr 
.. and we served Eth üitemro. sit fiona. &с the lusts and the 
pleasures which are various] e? (1) B .. (ev №“) emcOvpuais ках ndovars 
токо NE &с, Vg Bo Eth .. lusts and various excesses Arm .. lusts 
various (omitting Kat novais) Syr ensxzoouse &c lit. walking in 
a malice and an envy] e? (т) B, Bo .. ev к. ки $0. диагуоутез N &c, Vg 
Arm (om ev) .. and in malice and envy we were walking Syr .. and we 
followed malice and envying Eth emo aise, &c bei є hated, hating 
one another] (e?) (17) f..orvygrov pucovvres «АМА. N біс, Vg 
(odibiles).. спязииух Rtaxectwm &с being worthy of being hated, 
hating &c Bo.. hated and one another hating Arm .. and. we were 
injurious (om and &c ro) and we hated our neighbour Eth 

t птере &c but when the kindness &c] e? (В) 161.. ore де п) (om 
FG) xp. к. 7 ф. exepavg N &o, Vg.. tis. ооте ae eracovono єћоћ 

TITUS III 3-6 547 

tend, fair, manifesting all meekness with all men. ? For we 
‘were also at that time senseless, disobedient, being led astray, 
being servant to the dusts and the pleasures which are 
various, walking in malice and envy, being hated, hating one 
another. * But when the kindness and the love of man had 
been manifested of God our saviour, ?not out of works of 
righteousness which we did ourselves, but (a) according to his 
mercy he saved us, through the laver of the regeneration, and 
the renewing of the holy spirit, 9 this which he poured upon 

&c but when had been manifested &c Во Syr Eth (add to us ro) .. trs. 
єтєфаут to end Arm ae} om Во (n 26)... and Eth там те 
христос(В.. жет 161.. 9¢pt Bo) &c the kindness and the love of 
man-of God &c| e? В 161, Во.. у хр. к. 7 ф.-ооттров 7. бєо Ñ &е, Vg 
(Arm).. the kindness and the mercy of God &с Syr .. the mercy of God, 
the lover of man, our saviour Eth axnitosyre of God] В 16!.. off 
п. in God e пєпсотнр(сор В 161, Bo EL) our saviour] (11) В 
161, Ро Syr (vivifier) (Eth) .. trs. rov сот. уш. бєом М &c, Vg (Arm) 

5 e&oN оп out of] т В 161, e£ N &e, Vg.. т Syr Arm Eth (pref. 
«nd ro) ehoX Sew п. am not out of our works Во оємої, 
works] 161, NX &c, Vg Bo (ruo) Syr Arm (Eth).. иепов. our works 
т, Во an not] B 161.. we-am Bo.. ovk e£ &c  &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth 
SR. of righteousness] В 161, Ус Syr Arm .. rov ev (om Fr) dix. 
N &c, Bo, see below .. of our righteousness Eth eanaa(om 16 1)у 
anom which we did ourselves] (e) В 161, N &c, Vg Arm .. om ypes Eth, see above..lit. which we did in a righteousness Бо 
nera his mercy] В 16!, Bo, то (rov) avrov eAcos (eX. avr.) М &e, 
suam mis. Vg his own love his mercy Eth 
ачтоухом he saved us] e В 161, Bo (nagaxen).. he vivified us Syr 
озтях through] e В 161, da N &с, Vg Bo Буг Eth 
замело й. of the regeneration | (e?) (1?) В 16.. ivre mioyagessavici 
of the rebirth Bo зап такїттЁррє lit. with the newness] е1? В 
161, xa, &с М &e, Vg Bo (ness mrovagessheps with the renewing) 
Arm Eth .. in the renewing Syr (vg) ixnenita &с lit. of the spirit 
which is holy | (e?) (1 ?) В 161, Ро.. om Bo (4) .. pref. ба D* Fer G.. 
om holy Arm cdd .. in the holy spirit Eth 

* eopat ехши upon us] (11) 161.. 2% nos Vg Arm orm біс 
through Jesus the Christ our saviour] (п ! сор) (16! (ср) Bo .. ба 
w xv &c N &e, Vg Syr Arm Eth .. діа &e короо пишу Р 



NEXE пемсотнр. — "xeWac EANTALAIO Оз» пео#от 
язпетаваєму итишоюпе пКАнромояеос ката OCEANIC 
яяпомо Wa ємєо. З отпістес пе пщахе avo Фото 
eipenpesitTpe NNAL XERAC evecqj Tpoovuj яепрооіста 
миєсбнує ETHANOT иблметиистехе EMMOTTE. MANOT 
MAI. arw сеХону Hipwee. ° миме ae deae 
cogs зам инохоая. яву игфтом. eet maere ите 
пио ос cagwK ehoA ачазост. йседонт cap ан. 

т (x) (8) 161  xenac] 161..-aac т тазало] -ero В 161 
* (1)85(1615) етрек] fiver Во (ваг) потпєтпістєтє] В, пхєнн 
ceenaox Во (н).. йхєпн erasnaox Во ? 1 $ жэаитсов] т.. 
псоб В 

7 елитяя. having been justified] (т?) 161, eamasas Во (Е) N &e, 
Ус Arm .. птеиажат we should be justified Во Eth .. trs. in his grace 
we should be &c Syr oxx бс lit. in the grace of that] (т) (8?) 161, his grace Syr Eth ..ту ekewov харии Ñ &e, Vg .. by the (om 
cdd) grace Arm птищ. &с we may become heirs] т В 161, Arm.. 
ятеицуотії &e and become heirs Bo .. and we should be heirs Syr Eth.. 
trs. kAnpovopouyev. Ñ &c, Vg _ ката e. according to the hope] т 8 16! 
.. ката ото. асс. to а hope Во, kar(0) eàr. Ñ &с, Vg .. om 47 .. by hope 
Arm hope Syr .. of hope Eth àxnone of the life] т 161.. йтє 
отап of a life Bo, Cons Ж біс (п В)ща eneo lit. unto age] т В 
тб1.. пеиео of age DBo..awviov N &с, Vg Arm .. which is for ever 
Syr Eth 

8 ovnsctoc &с lit. a faithful is the word] т В 161, Syr Arm.. 
motos о Лөуоѕ Ñ &с, Vg Eth (his word ro) .. qenoot nxenujaa lit. 18 
faithful the word Bo avw and] тр 167.. от 47 фотощ &c 
I wish for thee to bear witness of these] 1 8 161 .. mepi rovrov BovAopat 
сє dia BeBarorvcba N &с, Vg Bo (излие отит these others) Avm .. 
concerning this (add also ro) Г wish that thow shouldst make them firm 
Eth .. in these I wish that thou also shouldst be confirming them Syr 
хека(аа т) с &с that they should take care] (1?) B, Bo (опта) N біс, 
Vg(Arm)..that it should be a care to them Syr..that they should think Eth 
..trs псєртотоу еифроозщ Do (Г) язпроо. &c lit. of presiding 

TITUS III 7-9 549 

us richly through Jesus the Christ our saviour; 7 that having 
been justified by the grace of that one, we may become heirs 
according to the hope of the life eternal. 8 Faithful is the 
word, and I wish for thee to bear witness of these (things), 
that should take care to practise good works those who 
believe God. Good are these (things) and they profit the men. 
? But the foolish questionings and the genealogies and the 
strifes and the contentions of the Jaw withdraw thyself from 

over the works which are good] kaXov єрушу троїстас да (єтіст. 17) М 
&с, Vg (praeesse) Arm ..e}toroy пигобноті єемамєт to help with 
(lit. to give their hand to) the works біс labour at works good 
Syr .. to help one another in works good Eth (om to help one another in 
ro) manos star lit. good are these] т /.. пах names Bo, ravra 
erri. кала NACD*FG 37 47, Ус... т. є. ra к. DeKLP &c.. these 
are (those) which are good Syr .. for this is good Arm .. this therefore is 
good Eth азо сєбонту lit. and they give gain] (1°) В.. ато 
сєщни and they are acceptable (1*) .. ovog ceox поноту lit. and they 
are of gain Во (псеох D'L).. kar фета N &с, Vg Syr.. which is 
profitable to him Eth .. which is not profitable to him Eth ro 

З rajne &с lit. but the questionings of folly] ruk&o ae i3 evcoxx 
but the questionings of that which is foolish Bo .. of folly questions Arm.. 
popas дє Cytnces N &c, Vg .. but from questioning foolish Syr .. word 
of strife and folly which they invent and fables Eth .. шота of folly 
which they invent and strife Eth ro xxi пицх (хх 8) оля and the 
genealogies] mes» miswoy ncaxr Do (om Ис. L).. ка yeveaAoytas 
N&c, Мо Arm .. and from recitations of generations Syr .. кал Xoyopa xus 
FerG (obs. Eth) .. om Eth ro ssi игї{төн &e and the strifes and the 
contentions of the law] mes» ипцоини mesa maad Пппоямком 
Во .. каг epes (ери’ W*D£rFerGgr Arm) ка payas (тає К) уоршкає 
ме &с, Vg (legis) (Arm) .. and. from strifes and from contentions of 
lawyers Syr .. and strife Eth caowk &c lit. withdraw thee from 
them] geng &c Во Eth.. repiicraco N біс, Vg Syr Arm Eth ro 
RceXorw &c lit. for they give not gain and they are vain] mar сар 
олмат{онот ne отоо оапефАнот ne for these unprofitable are and 
vain ате Во .. воли yap avodpeXes кал pata Ñ &e, Vg..for profit 
there is not in them and vain they are Syr .. for useless they are and 
vain Arm ..for vain й is and profiteth not Eth 


ATO сєпуоуєт. 1 обохтретное  Wpoase nica 
{ес Macy йотсоп. тю CHAT параїтєї seeeocy. 
п єқсоот хе a Nar итаежмие поще choA ати 
єсуриовбе eepróaiH$ gapo ssavaagq.  Пеицаити- 
шарог єнткоподіс. Мтатиритє TAP ep тепро assea y. 
із енмә пиожянос зам ATOAAW тимооусе ом ov- 
GENH. хе имеущюют МАзат. !Cesape месину ae 
cho єпросіста єхи иеобите стихмотох enewpera 

т(1)85 роле] В. йрроме т — "()8 — "(08 
si(8) "16$ 

10 osoar(oe Во)р. &c an heretic man] т f, Ро, N &c, Vg Eth.. 
man heretical Arm .. from &c Syr .. rov ap. Palladius записа &c 
lit. after admonishing him one time and two] (т) B..ssemenca 
ovcom mess P йд(єкф TFE.. ene} k)chw nag lit. after once and 2 
admonishing him. Bo.. pera ау кал devtepav vovÜeciay NACKLP 
&c, f Vg Arm, Palladius, after once and twice that thou admonisheth 
him Syr, when once and twice having admonished him Eth .. мам v. к. 
дет. De. p. у. у б. ЕЕ... v. kac доо D*..0m kat 8evr. m &e 
mapartes(ts г) зхахоч lit. refuse him] (т) В, арітаратісеє зало 
Bo .. тарастої М &с, Arm .. devita Vg Syr ..and he refused (to obey) 
dismiss him Eth 

П egcoosi knowing] т (8, ereas Bo.. eóos № &с, Үс.. pref. and 
Eth .. tow shalt know Arm .. and thou wast knowing Буг a Tar 
птет(еет т) як. &c lit. this of this kind was turned aside] (т) B, Syr.. 
eeotpa(e)rrat о To. Ñ &c, Vg Bo (фоно) Arm Eth eqroamny &c 
being condemned by himself] (1) ..eaqorrg ях(є rTrk)nroam 
Raravaty lit. having thrown him to the judgement himself Bo.. wv 
avrokarakpvros ÑN &c.. proprio iudicio condemnatus Vg .. by himself 
condemned Arm .. and he is condemning himself Syr .. Eth has and he 
causeth to go astray and he causeth to err and he findeth condemnation 
(om and he findeth &c то) 

1? esgan. &е lit. if I should send to thee Artema] т? 8.. єщоп 
at(am л)щанотьрип fapreaxa oapok if Г (we A) should send 

TITUS III 10-14 551 

them, for they profit not and they are vain. 19 Ап heretic 
man after admonishing him onee and twice refuse; !! knowing 
that such an one was turned aside and is sinning, being con- 
demned by himself. !?If I should send to thee Artemas or 
Tykhikos, exert thyself to come unto me to Nikopolis: for 
I decided to spend the winter there. 1° Zēna the lawyer and 
Apollo, send them quickly, that they should lack nothing. 
14 But let the brothers learn to practise the good works unto 
necessary needs, that they should not become without fruit. 

Artema unto thee Po .. orav Teppo артєрам mpos тє Ñ &c (пр. сє арт. 17, 
Vg Syr Arm, artéma) Eth (arteman, -temen го) apran. lit. exert 
thee] 1 ? 8.. тис ieor haste thee Do... &zovóacov N &c, Vg Arm Eth 
(hasten, come) .. let it be а care to thee Syr єпікопоМіс to Nik.] т 
В (Arm) .. om es FG, OL Vg .. nikopol Eth ro .. city of Nikopolitans 
Eth auar Шеге] т В, Bo Eth..trs. єкє yap &с N &с, Vg 
Syr Arm 

5 zuna) т 8, Eth ro.. £yvav  &е, Zenam Vg .. and. Zenon Arm.. 
quac Bo Eth .. but (de) concerning Zina Syr nioas, the lawyer] 
т (B t) .. the writer of the city Eth anoXXo] т (8?) Ро, CD*H** 
KLP &e, OL Ух... aroÀÀov NDbH* .. azoAXova ЕС .. abavlos Arm, 
apelos Eth .. concerning Apolo Syr тппооусе(сот 9) &c lit. send 
them in an haste] 1 £.. оторпоу Sen ovine send them in an haste Bo 
.. grovdaiws (raxaws FG) тропєрмом N &c, Vg Arm .. let И be a care 
to thee to escort them well Syr .. quickly (carefully то) send them Eth 
йиєтуці. &c they should lack nothing] т В, Bo Eth .. they should not be 
in want Eth ro .. иудеи алто Хє(с)тт N &с, Vg (Syr Arm) 

14 atrape &c but let the brothers learn] яхаротсайо (add ae ваг 
FHKL) йхепн єтєнотп (buf) let learn those who are ours Bo.. 
pavOaverwoav дє (om Arm) каг oc gperepot М &с, Vg Syr (and let learn) 
Arm ..and let ours also learn Eth .. and. let those also learn Eth то 
єпрофіста exit &e to practise the good works] xaXov epyov проїста- 
сда: X &c, bonis op. praeesse Vg Arm .. eyrppworus позной. to take 
care for works which are good. Bo .. that they should. be performing good. 
works Syr .. good works (works good Eth) that they may attend Eth (lit. 
stand Eth) eme xe ре (рт т)а &e unto necessary needs] enramac- 
Reon fixe pra Do, es tas avaykaras уре Ñ &e, ad usus necessarios 
Vg Arm .. in matters urgent Syr .. unto that which requireth work Eth 


HaANATHAION. xe пнеущюпе ахи к^рпос. 1 cewe 
QW THICTIC. TEXTAPIC пазазнти тирти. 

тепрос TITOC 

тепрос PIARON 

з е()В5 

axi карпос without fruit] Syr.. evos патоутао being unfruitful 
Во ..акартої N &е, Vg Arm..that they should mot be destitute of 
fruit Eth 

15 tupoy all] ст 8, Во, М &c, Vg Arm .. trs. all who are with me 
Syr Eth тизстис the faith] (т) B, Во.. тоте N &с, Vg Arm Eth 
Texapic the grace] (1) B, N &e, Vg (demid) Bo Syr Arm.. add rov 
курю» D .. add тою бєо» FG, Vg..add of our Lord Jesus the Christ 
Bo (A,) .. add will be Eth .. om эу ҳар &e Eth ro тирти all] 1? 
В, тнрот Во (A Bar EG) N*ACD* тт, Vg (fu) Arm ..add ати № 
D^ &с, Vg Bo Syr Eth .. om Eth ro | 

Subscription тєпрос титос(и с) lit. the to Titos] (c?) B, zpos 

PEUS HI 15 553 

15 Salute thee all those who (are) with me. Salute those who 
love us in the faith. The grace (be) with you all. 

The (epistle) to Titos 
The (epistle) to Philémon 

тітоу ÑC 17 the man Titd Eth ro.. zpos tirov єтАпрову D .. ere- 
coby єтистоћ№) mpos tirov FG .. тр. т. єурафт) ато икотоћєоѕ АР, Bo 
F (in nik.) .. пр. т. TNS крутоу exkAnoLAs TPWTOV єтіскотоу херотоут- 
еута єурафт) ато vikozoAeos THs ракебомаз К 47 .. zavAov атост. (т. 
ау. ат. т. L) етот. пр. т. т< &с єурафу &c НІ... пр. т. aveSute 
Sem ик. ачерепископос е(п){екк. ive oxraneaomsa Во (Авас 
LM)..acswk ehoX mp. т. азснт© Sem и. aqepem. ефекк. &с 
Bo (0) т. асхок єв. атс. 5. п. orog ачЧоторие птеи 
aprHata NeqeraontHe £o Titos it was finished, it was written in N. 
and he sent it by Artéma his disciple к, Eth .. np. т. arcs. 5. пїңєгд 
ayepenicnonoc eftRAHCIA пте крітн № Titos it was written in 
Nikea, he was bishop of the church of Krite н... was finished the epistle 
which is to Titos which was written from N. and was sent through 
Zina and Apolo Syr 


TlavAoc петяяир ivre rec 1С ля Treecococ псом 
ETCOAT Аєюфуйнавом паєєріт ато пеишбр росі. 
? ae apia Teone seit аруитпос пемнщіряєм тої 
sei Tcoovoc стоя» певні.  FTeXapic [инти] sed 
Хонин eo] сти nuove menor жөїї rexoetc| 1С 
пеу с.  ^-unoseor Are Hanovre Wowoewuy mige 

"(8 *(Q *()0) *(0(9 gu]. т 

Inscription тепрос (№ 52) ф'Анаяюи the (epistle) to Philemon] 
(5 2) B, Bo (нкі).. троє фідпрома МА 17 37 47, Bo (r).. прос Ф. 
зх A,F,FNO (ке A,)..apxerat пр. $. DFG, Ус..ЯєпістоМмн п. d. 
Во (р).. п. $. патМос Во (см).. n. Фф. єпістомн пазХос anocro- 
Лос га Во (23)..zavXov (т. а. ат. т. L} emort. т. ф. KLP ..the 
epistle of Paulos which is to Philimon Syr (Eth) .. to Felemona and it 
was written while he was in the country of Rome Eth ro .. to Philimon 
and to Arkhibos, deacon, and іо Abphias Arm 

! пєтаянр lit. he who is bound] £, Во (cong)..decpuos № «е, 
vinctus Vg Syr Eth .. azooroAos D* E* .. 8ovAos 33 35 153 птє 
перс 1€ of the Christ Jesus] 8, N &c, Үе! Bo .. vv де D* E*L* al, 
Vg (am &c) Во (о) Syr Eth (our brother) evcoas are writing] om 
М &с, Vg Во &c “pnawn to Philemon] Во (LNOP) фідтромс 
N &е, philemoni Vg philimon Syr Во (ває м).. to felemona Eth .. 
to phylimon Bo (AT HK) to phylemon Во (F 18) masepri the 
beloved] ДВ, mszaxemprr Bo (Г).. пемаяеприт our beloved Bo.. то 
ауатуто Ж біс, Vg Syr.. whom we love Eth arw new. &с and 
our fellow-worker] т? B, Bo (щфир прецероов) .. koc avvepyo pov 


Paulos, the prisoner of the Christ Jesus, and Timotheos the 
brother, are writing to Philemon the beloved and our fellow- 
worker, ?and Amphia the sister and Arkhippos our fellow- 
soldier and the congregation which (is) in thy house: ? the 
grace [to you] and the peace, from God the Father and the 
Lord Jesus the Christ. *l give thanks to my God always 

N & adiutori nostro Vg .. labourer who (is) with us Syr .. who 
shureth work with us Eth .. om Eth ro 
. 7 anpra] (т) В, F£'G 47.. and. Во (B*).. angia Bo, N &c, 
(Arm).. аффіа D* .. appiae f Vg aphya Syr .. to afebya Eth .. om 

Eth ro тсопє the sister] В, Во, ту абеАфу ЗА D*FGP 17 зі 
al, Vg (am harl* tol) Eth ro.. ayarnry D&KL &e.. 
our beloved Syr (vg).. sorori carissimae Vg (fu demid harl**) Syr (h 
sed sorori cum obelo) пепцудралатог our fellow-soldier] (1 ?) £.. 
то су/(с)стратіаті) nuov Ж біс, Vg Bo (om our Г) Arm .. the soldier 
who is with us Syr... who worketh with us Eth .. our brother Eth ro 
тсоотос &с the congregation which (is) in thy house] (1) (8?) .. ту) 
кат orkov cov єкк\ота М &e .. ecclesiae quae in domo tua est Vg (Syr) 
..{еккХ. five пози the church of their house Bo.. and to (om ro) 
those who are with them, those who ave in the church Eth .. and the 
domestic church Avm 

3 те арас the grace] т, mossov Ро.. yapis  &c..trs. peace to 
you and grace Eth .. add with you Syr Aim tpi the peace] т, 
Bo.. epyvn  &с mero* the Father] 1 .. татроє №“ .. nexo our 
Father Bo, Ñe &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth nxoeic the Lord] (т).. 
куроо М &e, Ve Arm .. nenóc our Lord Po Syr Eth next the 
Christ] т, Bo.. хо N біс 

* щи. I give thanks] (1) (8?) Po, № бе, Vg Syr Arm Eth.. 
evxapuoTo ey 4T пап. my God] (т) B, N &c, Vg Bo Syr Arm Eth 


eveype аєпенаєєсує oW NMAWAHA. elcwrTee ETER- 
пістіс eel TEHATANA ЄТЄУМТАКС есоти епховс IC 
ATW еости enerovaab THPOT. хе ере тномолих 
итекпусте UjoHe ecenepter [oe псоотм аєпєтиа- 
MOTY Miet стмонттисти сооти єпеҳс. Тм отиоб 
сар праше «ет ovcoAcA сора! ехм текасапн. хе 
a меспЛасу мом iurerovaab serow азазост ebon 
сттоотк. Neon. | Зєтіє паї opNTar aeeeay МОУНОГ 

5 (1) (52) В зам) пах 52 єпєтотаай|В..єтотаай 5? 6 (c) 

(ту (ae) 8" T 00) (5:9 9S) — 900) (37) es 

.. dX God Во (ва) exer (єєх 1)pe &с lit. making thy thought] (т?) 
В, Bo .. pverav cov zotovp.evos N &c, Vg .. and І remember thee Syr Eth 
.. having remembered Arm оп &c in my prayers] x 8, Bo Vg Syr.. 
in my prayer Eth..ezi rov тросєоҳ. роо № &c..?n my prayer for 
thee Arm 

5 ex(eer т)сотях hearing] (г) В, Во, N &c, Vg Eth.. ever since 
(lit. lo from that) I heard Syr .. as I hear Arm етекиист:с &c thy 
faith and thy love] (5^ 1) B, D зт, Vg (fu*) Eth (om thy ro) .. ryv ау. 
ka туу т. ЗАСЕСКГР &с, Vg Syr (h)..thy faith and love Syr 
Arm .. concerning (ee&e) thy love and thy faith Bo eres ([от В)я- 
такс which thou hast] 52 B .. фах(фин к) єтєптак arar this (that) 
which thou hast Bo, qv exes N &с, Vg Syr Arm .. ой Eth ro .. thy love 
Eth, see above eoo enx. toward the Lord] 58, es tov kvpiov 
ACD* 17.. троѕ тои к. ND¢FGKLP біс, ad отитит g Arm .. in 
domino OL Vg Во (Sem).. in our Lord Bo (Гхо) Syr Eth .. тъ the 
Christ Bo (нк 18) хс Jesus] 5? В, М &c, Vg .. the Christ Bo (х) 
.. add xv D, Eth, пе Bo (є мор) ало eoosn e and toward] 5? 
В, ка as N &c, Vg Syr Arm .. пела and Po .. and of Eth 

б xe that] 5° 8, Vg Syr Arm Eth.. оопос Во, № &с.. та vos 
FG TKkOmnmumra &с the fellowship &с] (т?) 52 B, Ne &e, Vg Bo 
Arm .. should become the fellowship &с Syr, firm should become the 
fellowship &c Eth ..  Guakovia &e 54" єсеперсєт effectual] (1?) 
5 В, evepyns Ñ &e, Bo Arm .. evidens Vg .. giving fruit Syr .. firm Eth, 
see above .. trs. evepyns уєиутш Ñ &e, Vg Arm — gk &c in the know- 
ledge of all good] (т ?) (5?) В, ev еткуиюотеь zavros ауаво» № &oc, Vg Bo 
Arm (goodness) .. ev eu. т. epyov ауабо» F&G, Vg (fu) .. in works and in 

PHILEMON 5-8 557 

remembering thee in my prayers, hearing of thy faith and 
thy /ove, which thou hast toward the Lord Jesus, and toward 
all those who are holy; *that the fellowship of thy faith 
should become effectual, in the knowledge of all good which 
is in you toward the Christ. ‘For I had great joy and 
consolation over thy love, because the hearts of those who are 
holy were refreshed through thee, Brother. 8 Because of this 
I have great boldness in the Christ to command thee that 

knowledge of all good Syr .. in good work and in knowledge of all good 
Eth єтпонт. &c which is in you toward the Christ] (т?) (52) £, 
þar evden &с Bo, rov ev &с N &c, Vg (fu) Arm .. which there is to 
you Syr.. Eth has which із in Jesus Christ .. от vov AC тт, f Vg.. 
ev уши МЕСР &с, Vg (marian) Syr Arm .. ev уму ACDKL, Ус (fu 
&c) ео. епехс toward the Christ] (c?) (т) 52 B, епже Во, es 
xv W* АС 17.. Sem пое in the Ch. Bo (вак)..адд w Ne &e, Vg 
Syr (h) Arm .. in Jesus Christ Syr (vg) Eth 

" аїр «е lit. for I did a great joy] (с 1) (т?) В 5? (ppauje) .. axe 
&c for I took &c Во (om great в^).. xapav yap толту exxov NACD 
FG 17 47, Vg (Syr) Arm.. I rejoiced Eth .. and Г rej. Eth то .. ҳари 
&c КІР & yap 37, Arm Eth (and ro).. x. у. єхорєи zoAAqv 
(D9) KL &e, for joy great there is to us Syr axn(c I.. паз 5*3)osc. 
lit. and a consolation] (е?) (тЇ) 52 В, osnossX Во, таракл. А &c, Vg 
Syr Arm .. om N.. and I was delighted concerning thy love Eth .. and 

delight because of the love of Christ Arm cdd xe &c because the 
hearts &c] є? (т) (5*) B, № &e (e DL) Vg Bo (Eth).. Syr has 
because through thy love were rested &c a пест\. the hearts] І 

5* В, та стл. М &с, viscera Vg Bo Syr Arm.. lit. their soul Eth 
arton зхалосу lit. rested them] г 5* 8, Bo (rr 18) aviron Ро 
Syr Eth .. avareravraı Ñ &c, Vg eh, &c through thee] (т?) 5* 
В, X &e, Vg Bo.. with thee Eth .. om Syr, see above .. trs. by thee were 
rested Arm исои lit. the brother] г 52 8, Bo.. аделфе N &c, Vg 
Arm .. om Syr.. my br. Eth 

* erbe п. because of this] (т) 52 B, Bo Syr.. and Eth ro.. біо N 
&c, Vg Arm .. Eth, see below o(e r.. eo» В) хита &c napp(o т 
5?) &c lit. I have a great boldness in the Ch.] т 5*1, Во (in the Lord 
A E, F K) .. zroÀÀqv ev xo vappyatav exov М Ke .. multam fiduciam habens 
in Christo Iesu Vg .. т. п. ev xw ex. L 47 .. boldness great there is to me 
in Christ Syr .. т. m. exo ev xo w D £r*, Arm (om со) .. thou hast Arm edd 


азпмррнст Oak пеҳс eoweocone ман аяпетецуще. 
9 erbe TATATIN Woovo eurapakRaNer єго тегове 
оос Maroc пиоб EPOR. TEMOT AE OM єуеенр дає 
next xc.  1Япаракалеї азазон ох пащнрє. пат 
WTAYXHO' ом млеерре омнсгос. 1 Mar ето nag 
HATWAT аептотоеиц. темноту AE Що MAR ATW MAI 
полу. мтииосот Шарон. 12 ATOR Ae шоп 
ерок. ere пм пе маспАхех мом. 1 Mar emerovouy 

от) VOJE yy Жан (Shyer SOE GBs Re на ENC нА 

..and I have because of this boldness great in Christ Eth .. and being 
confident in Christ Eth моб zx great В єоуєо. m. to 
command thee] В, Bo, N &c, Vg (imperandi) Syr (that I should &c) 
Eth (that вс) .. om Eth ro àxmes, that which is right] 8, Bo, то 
аулкоу Ñ &с, Vg (quod ad rem pertinet) Arm .. commandment of right 
Eth .. om Eth то.. пин єтсще the (things) which are right Bo (А 18) 
..add eariy to do it Bo (TGP) .. those (things) which are proper Syr 

* ethe тас. because of the love] В, Во (a FN)  &с, Vg (cari- 
tatem) .. but (de) because of the love Syr .. but (om го) much more in 
mutual love Eth .. eehe Taat. because of my love Bo (Tasar. this love 
L)..e€raav. unto my love Во (Гнор) by error | йоото ex(ees т) пар. 
rather I am beseeching] (т) В, padAov таракаА» Ж &c, staNNon 
«peo Во (add єрок thee AK) Vg .. most of all I beseech Arm .. asking 
I ask of thee Syr.. Eth has but (om ro) more ?n love I beseech thee 
а beseeching (om ro) єї(єєт 1)o птєг(єєт т) ие &c lit. being of 
this kind as Paulos, the great (in age) than thou] (т) (8) .. rovovros wv 
os т. трєсВоттѕ Ñ &с, Arm (as even) .. сит sis talis ut P. senex Vg 
.aMOR(eaWoK ВАН..0Ш А. єрок €aMOK K) Ova! зхпагри{ owe 
(ow A) патМос пібеММАо lit. Г (being ванк) one of this kind as 
Paulos, the old man Bo .. I Fiaulos, who ат ат old man as thou knowest 
Syr .. 1 Paulos, for an old man I ат, аз thou knowest Eth .. for an old 
man it is as Paulos Eth vo Tenor Ae оп er(eer r)ssnp but 
now also being bound] т (8).. {пот ae отоо пєтсоно but now also 
Ле who is bound Bo (ae оп A 18.. ae ON отоо FK).. vvv дє kat дєсрлоє 
N &с, Vg Syr..and now moreover the prisoner Eth.. but now the 
prisoner Eth ro .. om but Arm gm &c in the Christ Jesus] т, Во 
(н).. хо w NACP 17 37, Po (птє) Eth ro..w ҳо DeFGKL &e, Vg 
Syr Arm Eth .. om D£r* 

PHILEMON 9-13 559 

which is right, ? because of the love rather I am beseeching, 
being such аз Paulos, the older than thou, but now also being 
bound in the Christ Jesus: !?I beseech thee for my child, this 
whom I begat in my bonds, Onésimos ; !! this who was being 
to thee useless at the (former) time, but now he is to thee and 
to me useful: I sent him unto thee: 1? but thou, accept him 
who is this, my heart: 13 this (one) whom I was wishing to 

10 Зпарак. I beseech] т, 8 «е, Vg Bo Arm Eth ro .. add de 39.. 
add ovv 47 .. pref. and Syr.. pref. Z Eth (not го) oa for] т, pro Vg 
.. rep. М “с, Bo (eehe) Syr Eth плщнре lit. ту son] т (81) Bo Vg 
Syr Arm Eth .. rov cov текиоу М &c паг it(en г) «с this whom i 
begat] г В? Bo (фи ва) ov eyevvyoa N &c, Vg Syr (vg) Ага Eth .. ov 
eyw ey. А 37, Syr (b) пазарре my bonds] 1 8? NcCD9oKLP &e, 
Bo Syr Arm Eth .. om pov R* AD*FG 17, Vg опнсталос | І (5) 
.. anisimis Syr .. onesimos Arm .. апазітоз Eth .. anasimón Eth ro 

П mar ето мак патщау (пак Ruj. I by error) a3xnios(ixrnov І)- 
oen lit. this who is to thee useless at the time] 1 ? (B?) .. фах(фи 
н) єтемачог (oor staying F) Ratar пак поуснот this was being 
useless to thee at a time Во..тоу поте cov axpgarov ÑN &c .. qui tibi 
aliquando inutilis fuit Vg .. he who at a time, there was not to thee in 
him use Syr .. who once was being useless to thee Avm .. who formerly 
was unprofitable to thee Eth tenor ae &c but now he is to thee 
and to me useful] (1) B .. vvv. de сог xav єрог evyp. ACDKLP біс, 
Syr (В) Arm .. ури ĝe kac біс 38" F£rG 17 47, Vg Syr (also to thee also 
to me very useful) Eth (to thee also and to me also very, om ro, profit- 
able) .. {ноу ae «q(eq)or пщат инг mesrak but now he is useful to 
me with thee Bo ariinoosq щарок I sent him unto thee] (т) £.. 
ov ауєтєрфа со ЗАСЛ» (ov пєрфа) 17, Vg (demid hail**) Arm ?.. 
char etarovopn gapor this whom Г sent unto thee Во .. and T sent him 
to thee Syr Eth ro (and behold Eth) со DeFGE*K LP «е, Vg 
{am &c) Syr (h) 

1? йток ae &c lit. but thou receive him unto thee] 1 B, Во... and 
thou lim receive Arm .. ov дє атои -тросЛа Воо МСО КІР біс, Vg.. 
«nd thou him receive Arm .. but thou-thus receive him Syr .. receive him 
Eth ..avrov tout eotw біс УЗ" AC* 17 ..Xnow ae uj. but now receive 
мт Во (н) eve mar ne &с who is this, my heart (plural)] (г) 
В, Bo .. rout єттї та epa ar Aayxva № “е, Vg (id est) Arm .. 48 my own 
son Syr my son Eth .. for ту rest he is Eth 10 

3 nar ene(ee 1)ros. lit. this whom I was wishing] (т) £.. «paa 


єлязлоте азазоч олоти. XERAC ецешаяще мат ECTTERLLA 
gee deppe аяпеумасєМом. Чазтотющ ae ep 
Ахат ахи тенсиоаен. хе миє TeRATACON шопе 
RATA OTFOTOP. АМЛА egian., 1° єтбе Mar seewan 
Tap NHTATOvVE азазок прос OFOTHOT. хе EREXIT 
ша emeo. Mowe geoad an ве. aAa mermaaaq 
€QasQA. OTCOM азазерит мат пе iioovo. єтє OTHP GE 
мак ом TCAPS ATW oss nxoeic. 1 ewjwne ве Ywoon 

м (т) В 15 г В эзещак] В. asit. т бл 8 51 HE 

єтєпатоУ цу amon this whom I was wishing, I Во (etasovwuy ам. 
whom I wished, I Y).. ov eyo «(1 &) ВохХорли N &c, Vg (volueram).. 
whom I was wishing Arm .. but I wished Eth .. and I wished Eth ro.. 
for Г was wishing Syr east, &c lit. to retain him with me] т? В, 
Bo (eassoms А. батот).. mpos euavrov karexew № &c, Vg (mecum) Syr 
(that &c) Arm .. (that) Т should cause him to stay with me Eth 
«ck. &c that he should minister to me in thy place] £.. оша iire«j- 
цуєзацуї savor (om я%. B?) fitenujehrw (язпєкщ. ва) that &e in 
exchange for thee Bo .. wa. утер (ауто 73) cov por біакоуд NACDEF 
GP 17 47 al, Vg (pro) Arm (instead of) .. wa &e д. шо: KL &c .. that 
he should be minister to me instead of thee Syr .. that he should serve me 
instead of thee Eth 

м (eax Вупу(пі т В)отсцу Єс but I wished not to do any thing 
without thy opinion] (1) В.. «nd I wished not any thing that I should 
do except thou shalt know Eth..agne тексиоахн ae Жхтпотош 
єєр ods but without thy opinion I wished not to do any thing Bo.. 
хорі де Ts TNS yvopns ovóev тубєАлүта. толсо: Ñ &c, Vg Syr Arm .. om 
ae Во (н).. and Eth ro xe fine &с lit. that thy good should not 
become according to a necessity] т £, Bo .. lest thy good by compulsion 
should be Arm ..wa py ws ката амаукту то ауабоу cov т N “е, Vg 
Syr (in compulsion)..lest should be in necessity thy good Eth 
єомак of thy will] т..ката exovowy Ñ &c.. скозочюу D*, volun- 
tarium Vg Arm (add with God cdd) .. im thy will Syr Eth ro.. Sex 
оуроотте понт in a readiness of heart the wish of thy 
heart Eth 

1 erbe паї &с for because of this perhaps] raya yap dia rovro 
N &с, Ус Bo.. and perhaps &c Arm Eth.. but (дє) perhaps also біс 

PHILEMON 14-17 561 

retain. with me, that he should minister to me in thy place in 
the bonds of the gospel: !* but I wished not to do any thing 
without thy opinion, that thy good should not become 
according to necessity, but (a) of thy will. 15 For because of 
this perhaps he was far away from thee for an hour, that thou 
shouldst take him (back) for ever; 16 аѕ servant no longer, 
but (a) he who is greater than servant, a brother beloved to 
me he is rather, then how much more to thee in the flesh and 
in the Lord. ИИ therefore I am being to thee for partner, 

Syr .. om erbe mas В, Bo (Г) tagove he was far away | єкорісбі) 
N &с, ayhbwpx яззок Во.. discessit Vg Буг Arm..he left Eth 
Tor from thee] Bo, cov P, horam a te Vg.. thee Eth .. om N &e, 
Syr Arm Eth ro .. add ethe паг В прос отоупот for an hour] 
Во, М &c, Vg ..lit. to or of an hour Eth (thy hour ro) .. lit. of an hour 
Syr .. for hour one Arm exexity uj. є. 116. thou shouldst take him 
for ever] Во (teneo) .. arwviov avrov areyys № &c, Vg (reciperes) .. for 
ever thou shouldst hold him Syr ..he should be to thee for ever Eth 

18 owe &c as servant по longer] Во (а servant) .. ovx єтї ws 9ovXAov 
N &с, Syr Arm Eth .. cam non ut servum Vg adda &c ne (om пе fj) 
lit. but he who is greater than servant, a brother beloved to me he is 
rather (om he is 8) | but more than a servant, a brother beloved my own 
Syr .. аЛа (add ws 19 91) отер 9ovAov, адеАфоу ayaryrov, paora epot 
Ne &c, Vg (am .. pro servo df Vg fu &c) .. but higher than a servant, 
as a brother beloved, tf to me thus Arm .. om add vrep дою. F£rG .. om 
адеАфои W*..aNNa Appu потсом iiaxenprr ецотот covhwk 
зла Міста пні but аз а brother beloved, being better than a servant 
especially to me Bo .. but he who is better than a servant because he was 
4o me my brother Eth .. as thy brother whom thou lovest Eth ro ere 
&c then how much more (øge) to thee] avp (pref. xe к) ae (xe A.. 
om B?) a3aXNost пак but (therefore A) how much more to thee Во, тото 
дє padrov со М біс, Vg.. т. р. с. P, how much more thy own Syr.. 
how much more even to thee Arm .. how much more is he better with 
thee Eth..and the more with те the better he is with thee Eth ro 
en &c in the flesh and in the Lord] Arm .. ness Зем-иеля бс both in 
the flesh and in the Lord Во, NÑ &c, Vg Syr (our Lord) Arm cdd .. and 
(om Eth) in the flesh also and in our Lord also Eth 

" ew. бе if therefore] т £.. but if Eth tu. &c T am being to 
thee for partner] т В.. Xivovk яз фриз; потщфнр J am with thee as 

1717.2 00 


мак  MHontonoc. шоп єрок Nrage. + єцухє 
[eqjaitTR ae Noone nAaav ідісомі їтабтх. 
QWWK HoseoT. 7° oa tO. псом. хє eres? TOM понт оарок 
оз» Ttxoeic тои HMACHALEN MOM oae nexe 
7 EIRO NOTHY етекяяитстаянт эс MAR €icoovyn 
хе внар goro emnedaxo aseo. 22 олязх aec OM 
utcohre Mar Horasa йщопє. foeAmye cap хе 

"(8g З (8) ?"(Q)(8) gs] 17). В | " (08$ 
з (1) B 

a partner Bo .. (e)ue eyes kowovov X &c, habes me socium Vg .. me with 
thee sharing thou reckonest Arm .. thou. art to me partner Syr .. my 
brother thou art Eth йтаоє lit. as me] ахпарня Во, № &с, Vg Syr 
Eth .. ззтатрня; thus Bo (4 B*L,M) by error 

%® ae] 8, Bo, N &с, Vg Eth..and Syr Arm.. чар Bo (н).. от 
Bo (к) 

19 дтабтх with my hand] B, тт} eun дєрї № &c, mea manu Vg Arm 
.. Sem Taras lit. in ту hand Во Syr Eth anor I] 8.. add on 
also Bo (1) ner. &с he who will repay to thee] 1? 8.. comatwh 
who will repay Bo, azorwo М &c (атодосо D*) Vg (reddam) Arm 
(add to thee 'с44)..Т repay Syr Eth то.. / repay for him Eth 
хекас &c that I should not say | 1 ? B .. оша ivraugyreasxooc пак that 
I should mot say to thee Do, wa ил Xeyo aov Ñ &с, Vg Syr Arm Eth 
sxe &c lit. thou art from me, thou also, of thanks] 1? 8 .. же (er Г)- 
єрок Tat ANOK єтнік пні that thou owest thyself to give thee to 
me Во .. оти kat aeavrov pot 7pocooeXAes М &c (add ev кури» D* E*) 
quod et (Arm cdd .. om Arm) te ipsum mihi debes Vg Syr (owest thou 
to me) Arm .. thyself also to repay is due to me Eth .. thou shouldst 
repay me Eth ro 

2 псом lit. the brother] т £, абєлфе № &c, Vg Arm .. nacon ту 
brother Bo Syr Eth жє єтеяхт. &c lit. that I should be refreshed of 
heart for thee] 1 ? 8 .. anor erez vom азах оз (тїнї Zo me P .. ASHT in те 
B*rFKL 18) itia / will refresh те in thee Bo .. eyw cov o(o 17 )уацити 
М &c, Ус (te fruar) .. I shall be refreshed in thee Syr .. I shall rejoice 
in thee Eth .. I shall repay Eth ro .. that thy substitute I should be Arm 
yaa nx, in the Lord] т (В) Bo.. ev коро № &c, Vg Arm .. in our Lord 

PHILEMON 18-22 563 

accept him as myself. 18 But if he wronged thee [at all 

19 Т] wrote with my hand. I (am) he who will repay to thee : 
that I should not say that thou also hast (cause) of gratitude 
from me. 29 Yea, Brother, may І be refreshed for thy sake in 
the Lord: refresh my heart in the Christ. °?! Trusting to thine 
obedienee I wrote to thee, knowing that thou wilt do more 
than that which I say. 22 But withal also that thou mayest 
prepare for me a dwelling place: for I hope that I shall be 

Syr Eth япаспА. lit. my bowels] (1?) 8, Bo (s13evujanossa т) pov 
та спЛауума. Ñ &c, Vg (viscera mea) Syr Arm .. my soul Eth охх 
next in the Christ! (1?) B, Во.. ev xo NACD*FGLP, Vg (fu) Syr 
Arm Eth .. ev куро DCK &с, Vg 

* om verses 21-25 FerG eiw по. lit. putting in my heart | 
1? B .. epe(ce yea Гат к) паонт ent being persuaded Bo, rerobws 
N &e, confidens Vg Arm .. because that I trust Syr .. and (om ro) 
having trusted Eth etexasittc, thine obedience] (т) B, N &c, Vg 
Bo Arm Eth .. that thow obeyest me Syr ex(ees г)соохй knowing | 
т В, «dus N &с, Vg Bo (єязх) Eth .. and I know Syr .. because T know 
Arm Knap &c thou wilt do more &c} (11) B, Bo.. thou wilt add 
to that which &с Eth .. thou wilt do that & Eth то.. ки vzep &c 
топсєѕ Ñ &c, Vg Syr Arm єтє хө ах. than that which I say | 
(1) В, РКТ, &c, OL Vg Syr Arm Eth (7 commanded. thee) .. отер а 
Луо МА СР 17, Во Syr (В) 

2 oasa withal] (1?) B, Во (в*кг).. заза Во, N &e, Vg (simul) 
Syr Arm .. and with this also Eth .. om Eth ro 2€] т Arm 
..and Eth .. om Eth ro on also] т В.. ка М &e, Vg Bo (отоо) 
Syr Arm Bo (A) Eth ro ntcohte that thou mayest 
prepare] т В.. етограёе № &с, Vg Во Syr Eth.. thou shalt prepare 
Arm novaa Rujpone lit. a place of dwelling] £evav N &c, Vg 
(hospitium) Bo (ovez enia) Syr (house of lodging) Arm Eth (lodging) 
Доєм. I hope] В, Во (fepgeAmic) М &c, Vg Syr.. I trust Eth 
хе &с lit. that they will give me to you of grace through your 
prayers] В.. trs. же (om н) ehod orren nevennpoceso?Qk сєпатніт 
иште nossos lit. that (ош н) through your prayers they will give 
me to you of grace Bo, оті dua rov проб. vpov (om L) xapw6500pa 
ушу V &е, Vg Syr (given) your prayers that will prosper 
me God and grant me to you Eth..?n your prayers that God will 
grant me to you Eth ro 



cC€MATAAT NATH HoseoT gT метицуляХ. 7 ena- 
pac wine єрок nNawhpameeardworoe gee WENT к. 
24 eeapKoc арістаруос ati anstac аен AoTRAC 
кащіріаму якаЇЛоутос [seit mawhppowh. °° Texapre 

азпетаоєх SC пес eel петипиа. 

тєпрос PIARON 


їз enag. &c lit. Epaphras seeking you] 8.. gumu ерок nxee(o 
AKL)madppac lit. seeketh you Hpaphras Bo, астайєтал ve єтафраѕ 
RACD*P al, Vg Syr (asketh of thy health) Arm Eth .. аотаботтаи &c 
DeKL &с, f 

м ззаркос| I? 8.. pref. and Syr Arm Eth apicrapocoe] т? 
,. pref. ато and B, Syr Arm Eth жай anarac зай and Demas and] 
1 9 B, Syr Arm Eth... dypas № &е, Vg Bo мащёр. &e my fellow- 
captives] (1).. om £, X &c, Vg Bo Syr Eth seit паш. and my 
fellow-workers] (п ?) В .. ог оъуеруое pov  &c, Bo Arm .. we who work 
together Eth .. adiutores mei Vg Syr 

5 япєпк. of our Lord] (1?) Bo, ACDKL &с, Vg Syr (vg) Arm 
cdd Eth .. om тиву МР 17 47, Syr (h) Arm пес] 1 £.. xv М &с, 
Vg Bo Syr Arm edd Eth .. om Arm петпипа your spirit] 1? В, 


PHILEMON 23-25 565 

granted бо you through your prayers. 23 Epaphras (13) saluting 
thee, my fellow-captive in the Christ Jesus; 2" Markos, Ari- 
starkhos and Démas and Lukas my fellow-captzves [and] my 
fellow-workers. 25 The grace of our Lord Jesus the Christ (be) 
with your spirit. 

The (epistle) to Philémon 

A D* 17, Во (А, см) Arm.. add asenu Во (ваГе,енхо) NCD? &e, 
Vg Arm cdd Eth ..add наспнот аазни ту brothers, Amen Во (кт 
18) Syr .. add messwten тнрот a. with you all. Amen Во (а, Р) 

Subscription tenpoc ф:Аназои the (epistle) to Philemon] (1 1) 
B..mpos фідтиома WC the man Félemona Eth то.. пр. 4. 
єтдтробу) D.. тр. ф. eypape ато pops P .. тр. ф. eypad ато pops 
dua оупсціоу owerov K 47, Bo (omitting owerov A,B?TL.. add it was 
sent ЕНМ).. пр. $. kat атфіам дєстотає Tov ovga«uwov kac TPOS арҳиттоу 
TOV біакоуом THs ev koloccaus єккЛАлачає єурафт) ато рорл діа. оудациоу 
oerov L, filemonem explicit d .. explicit ad philemonem 
incipit epistula ad hebraeos Vg (am fu) .. to Philemon tt was finished, 
but it was written in Romé and he sent it by (with о) Onésimos his 
disciple Bo (& 0) .. was finished the epistle which is to Philimon, which 
was written from Rome and was through Anisimós Syr .. was finished 
the epistle to Filemona, and it was written in Коте and it was sent 
with Anasimos Eth 



Ix September, 1919, when all the imperfect text had been 
printed off, photographs of one of Mr. Pierpont Morgan's MSS. 
in New York, containing the entire text of the Pauline 
Epistles, were sent by Professor H. Hyvernat in Washington 
to the editor, who was allowed to use them for a few weeks. 
Thus he has been enabled to fill up all the missing text, and 
to confirm or correct the supplementary conjectures which 
had been placed within square brackets. The manuscript, 
which confirms the order of the Epistles (2 Cor.—Heb.), 
appears to be in good cendition, with the last leaves slightly 
injured, making a few verses uncertain. It contains no 
archaisms, and sometimes spells gem oi for ом оєи, is not 
earlier than the ninth century, and more likely of the tenth. 
No date can be seen in the photograph, which gives the 
colophon whence names of men and monasteries have been 
expunged. The writing is a good specimen of the y class, 
and the ornament of the initial page and large and small 
capitals fairly well drawn. The text in the collated passages 
has a tendency towards Middle Egyptian, e.g. Heb. xi. 29 
eAvepa eadracca, and in the colophon this tendency is 
more marked by use of М for © as well as А for р. 

N.B.—The Bohairie is marked where it does not agree with 
the Sahidie. The half-vowel line and punctuation follow the 
method of the rest of the printed Coptic text without any 
regard to the irregular notation of the manuscript. 


Hebrews vii. 22. RATA TEIGOT à IC щюпе ищепторет 
итозленки єтсотп. ATW ми AEM > ого єротнні 
понтоу. echo же MAOT ко азозооту AM EMOTH 
єбо М. ?'mar ae ито. хе масо ищо eneg. отита 
LUAT Мтєтмянтоунні ax want. 7 єтіє пм ом 
OVI сова явевоср erorxo потоеиц wee йиєтнаХ 
ззпетотсі єпноттє eboX огості. egong мотоєму 
miee єссяяевєе oapoov.  orapxirePere сор irer- 
sne петпрепег мам egoraab ибхАонт NaTTwAae 
еехонэ ehod пиоїе. eacyxice єзапнтє. 

Hebrews viii. 1. | пкефраЖатом ae пе ииетихо 
ззязоот. оз Tan ac mear dHovapoQrepeve itres- 
заме. паг Мтасоязоос OT пееромос Итазитиоб ой 
азпнує.  ?mArrowpcoc iurerOovaaÓD жей теситин 
язеоє. TENTA Пхоес MHcce явавос. Hpweee an. 
FapxrePevc cab mie ECWATHASICTA яяееоц. ETAAE 
запетециатаЛої сора. ‘емещоси AE огхая IRAQ 
пе. иецихщопе an потнні пе. єущооп itouterra e 
AWPOM éopar ката Пиоязос. > мәх єтщаяцу ом 
OTCRLOT зам OTOathee ите матпє. 

3 еинатата татаенни ANM WTAIAAC яе METEIOTE аяпе- 
goor итамаяахоте итетбих ENTOT єВОМ оз» пнао 

Hebrews vii. 22. тезбот lit. this size] NCA &c.. add xa. N* BC* 

3 єротнні lit. made priest] yeyovores reperis NBLP &е.. cep. yey- 
ACD 17 

? петпрєтет he who is seemly] М &c.. pref. ка ABD | йбаМонт 
innocent] akakos 53 &c .. add кол A 

Hebrews viii. т. nero lit. of those which we say] ev то Ле. 
А .. em tos А. М &с.. om preposition 43 innye the heavens] т. 
ovpavtots 37 -- єє TOV ovpavov 47 .. T. vWyAos 17, Vg (harl*) Mid-Copt 
З приозає an not man] МВР 17.. pref. ка: А &с, Bo | 

3 дє] cobe фат because of this Bo, ofev N &c ena: for this 
(опе) | №*.. кал rovrov N** біс 


Hebrews vii. 22. According to so much Jesus became 
surety of the covenant which is better (lit. chosen). 23 And 
those indeed became many priests among them, because that 
the death let them not be permanent: ?*but this (one), he, 
because he will remain for ever, hath this priesthood without 
failing. * Because of this also it is possible for him to save 
always those who will come up unto God through him, living 
always, interceding for them. * For such a chief priest (is) 
he who is seemly for us, being holy, innocent, unpolluted, 
withdrawn from the sins, having been exalted unto the 

Hebrews viii. т. But the summing up of the (things) which 
we say is: We have then (ae) such a chief priest, this (one) 
who sat (down) on the throne of the greatness in the heavens, 
?the minister of those who are holy and the true tabernacle, 
that which the Lord pitched, not man.  ?For every chief 
priest is wont to be appointed to offer up gift and sacrifice ; 
but (it is) of necessity for this (one) to have that which he will 
offer up. * But И he were upon the earth, he would not be 
priest, there being those who offer up gift according to the 
law, ? these who minister in form and shadow of the (things) 
of the heaven. 

? Not according to the covenant which I made with their 
fathers in (a) the day (in) which I laid hold of their hand to 
bring them out of the land of Kéme; because they, they 
remained not in my covenant. I also neglected them, said the 

t ae] pev ow RABD*P 17 уз 80 137, Во.. yap 0° &с | икаф the 
earth] 69 117 272..0m туз Ñ &c am not] 17 .. ove № біс (Во) 
йотнні priest] apyiepevs 31 37 116 nones. those who offer | 
МАВО"Р 17 67** 73 137.. pref. rov vepewy De &c awpon | та 
бора. L .. trs. vopov та дора  &с пиоялос the law] Ne &с.. vouov 
М*АВ 17 67 80 al 

? fitaraac which I made] N &e .. ти биєвєрти 47 73 RNEVOOT 
in the day] ev урера Ж &c.. ev nuepas В 34 mag the land | ys 
N &е..туѕ D 43 


afaaeeAcl epoov. MERE пхоес. 1 xe TAY T€ татленнн 
єзїмє NTE ям пиу MIAA RANCA MEQooy ETRAT. 
пехе пхоєхс. ere-p iüranossoc exit weweecewe. ATW 
"Xnacoarcoy ехм METOHT. itraujore ma NOTTE. itce- 
UjoTe tarevAaoc. | итетая nora nora Дефо аяпесі- 
реж чае. хто MOTA MOTA аєпесісом ecposo) LoC. 
хе сози пхоес. хе CENACOTWNT THPOT SINE MET- 
KO?! Wa пєзиөз. 1 xe {изко eo миє icone. 
NTATEAIP Пяяеете миетиобе хтитенот. Оз» птрец- 
xooc xe orhppe. ayp тшорп fac. пемтасрає ae 
ATW Aàe[poAAo. ҷони єдоум EMTARO. 

Hebrews x. 32. Арх паєєєує ae ниєдооу пщорп. 
MTATETWAY Ovoent HONTOT. єлтєтмоупояеме см 
озо HaeAncic аячаитресицепосе. mar seen 
evewhe яяазоті омнобиевб зам oneAnpic. meme ae 
ATETHEPROMTOMOC миетшооп or им. “f Rar Cap 
хтетищепосе зам метяєнр. ATWO пторп ниєтногї- 
пархомта ATETHUJONY EPWTH. ететиеаяе хе OTH- 
тити seeeay Потаяитразяело єссоти єсяяни «бол. 
35 азпермоэхе Ge chor нтєтипаррнсг. Tar єтєоу- 
NTC озноб Nrovero пієке. “© Eretiepy pra cap 
HOTOVMOSLONH., хенас EATETHEP по’ аєпноттє 
MTeTMoI аязпернт. TETI сәр нєңозх пе. босом. 

? Tare. the covenant] N &с.. ў 9140. pov AD, Во (ATEGMNOP) 

масові I shall write] урафо В.. єтгур. N&c | even their hearts | 
Ne &c .. кардіау avr. N* K 70 219 

 saneqpess, lit. his citizen] МА &c..rov wAyowv avr. Р al 
залєчсом his br.] om avrov D 46 nerk. lit. their little] DeL біс 
.. om avrov NABD*KP 2 17 29 31 73 al nern. lit. their great] 
om олт. 73 

З пт» &c and remember not their sins] N* B* 17 23 .. add ка т. 
ауориюу avr. ÑE біс 

Hebrews x. 32. жє] Bo (варекі) № & L 46 74 108 109 

HEBREWS VIII 10—X 37 571 

Lord. 19 Because this is the covenant which I will settle with 
the house of the Israel after those days, said the Lord: I will 
give my laws upon their thoughts, and I shall write them upon 
their hearts, and become to them for God, and they (shall) 
become to me unto a people: "апа each (shall) not teach his 
(fellow) citizen, and each his brother, saying: Know the 
Lord: because they all will know me from their little (one) unto 
their great (one). 1? Because I shall forgive their iniquities, 
and remember not their sins henceforth. In his saying: 
A new (covenant), he made old the first. But that which he 
made old and he made aged is near toward the destruction. 

Hebrews x. 32. But remember the former days in which 
ye were enlightened, having endured a great conflit of 
sufferings. ?9? This indeed, under mocking of reproaches and 
tribulations; but this also, ye were sharers with those who 
(were) being so used (lit. on these). ?* For even ye suffered 
with those who are bound, and the robbing of your possessions 
ye accepted, knowing that ye have better (lit. chosen) riches 
(and) permanent. 35 Cast not therefore away your boldness of 
speech, this which hath great recompense of reward. 38 For 
ye have need of patience, that having done the will of God ye 
might receive the promise. 37 For yet it is a little more (time) 
very little, he who is coming (is) coming, and he will not 

114 179 238 270, Во ineo. the days] т. apaprias W* .. add vov 
W*17 37 71 73 al, Во 

33 етсове a. lit. they mocking you] ovdifopevoe D* .. 0corpiaco- 
перо  &с, Во 

34 setaanp those who are bound] т. дєсшоѕ AD* 6 8 17 37 8 47 
67** 73 al.. т. decpors pov Ñ біс озитнти за. уе have] P... add 
cavrous NAH al..add ev «avross minuse pauc.. eavros DKL &е 
потаззітр. riches] vrapéw N* AD*H* 17... add ev ovpavors N*D* біс 

з язпериотає cast not] N &с.. aroAvgre D* озноб’ &c great 
recompense] МАР НР 17 37 73 116 137 .. шо. pey. KL &c 

% epoc pra]. ex. хр. № &с.. xp. ex. № 

*' socom | Зо, Bo (FHIL) Eus Thdrt Dam .. отоу отоу № &e, Bo .. ofev 
D* (omitting 6) 


петину мну depnaock ам. Ss MAAIROC ae ema- 
отомо chor ом тпістіс. ецопе ae eepuanoorm поме 
талуужи an понте. Anon ae иейнп ам епосі 
ALTAKO. АЛЛА езпїстїс ETOTAAl ivrempsocH. 

Hebrews xi. 25. єгм“{сотп© из Hoovo єщепотсє aen 
WAaoc ALMMOTTE. egore exi NramoAarcic asmobe 
прос отоеиц. “6 cacfell пмобиеб яяпеу с. хе OTQOTE 
язмтраваємо пе €oove ENAQWWP йнняяє. Mec[GOUJT 
Tap єптотєг macy язпецієне. 2793 ом оупустїс 
Поуснс эко княгє Hew. аєпецростє онт 
яавпосцьт аєпрро. петеяяетихх Tap еро меееет 
epog. оос єциау epoy. м OW отпстіс ayp 
ппасура se ппооме ehodr авпесмосг. хе пме пет- 
тако нишщрпаєантсє жоо epoov. IF Ом oTMIcTIC 
avxiaap* itreAvepa* Neadacca теє eĝo сити 
peseithHere avQasc. КОМ отпістіс NeohT iore- 
PIXW arge. NTEPOTRWTE єроот caw осот. 

2 Timothy ii. 6. movoere етоосе Ито eujaepsr. ehor 
ом мекарпос ишорп. "мог мие{хо язевооу. epe 
mooerc TAP - мак Нотяємтреаємонт ом ооб miee. 
8 Apr Пазееуе iuc пес ехтооти eĝo ox [мет- 
язооут ehoA ome [песперяях илате [Rata] 

* Mid-Egyptian forms 

* пазыкос the unjust (опе) | probably by error for паълкатос, o 

диколо$ роо NA Н*, Bo (р).. о д:каоѕ D &е, Bo eyma &c is about 
to be manifested out of the faith] єк титтєш$ (add pov D*) noera 
№ &с та. my soul] pov у yvy D* .. п yvxy pov V &e 

ЗУ enowh заптако unto the work of the destruction] es atwAcov 
Na &c .. є. amro)uas N* 

Hebrews xi. 26. Икназе of Kéme] rov avyvrrov № &c..rov ev 
аупттоу А 3 31 .. T. ev avyvrro minusc mu 


delay. 38 But the unjust (опе) is about to be manifested out 
of the faith. But if he should draw back my soul is not 
pleased in him. * But we, we were not reckoned unto the 
work of the destruction, but (a) unto faith, unto salvation of 
our soul. 

Hebrews xi. 25. Having chosen for himself rather to suffer 
with the people of God than to take the enjoyment of the sin 
for а time; ?* having reckoned the гергоасі of the Christ that 
it is more riches than the treasures of Kéme; for he was 
looking unto the paying to him of his reward. 2119 In фай 
Moyses forsook Kéme, he feared not the anger of the king: 
for him who is not wont to be seen he was persevering «s 
seeing him. 2% 05) In faith he did the Paskha and the pouring 
out of the blood, that he who destroyeth the first-born should 
not touch them. 29 (19 [n faith they crossed over the red sea as 
along earth being dry: this which attempted the Egyptians, 
(and) they were drowned. * 07 In faith the walls of Hierikho 
fell (down), when they had compassed them for seven days. 

2 Timothy ii. 6. The husbandman who toileth, he indeed 
is wont to take out of the fruits first. 1 Consider the (things) 
which I say; for the Lord shall give to thee understanding 
in every thing. ? Remember Jesus the Christ, having risen 
out of those who are dead, out of the seed of Daveid, according 
іо my gospel. 

9 озна? eeujposoo lit. an earth being dry] £ypas yns МАТ 17 
31 47 71 73 137 .. om yns De &c avwate they were drowned] то 
al, Bo (Г* &c).. катетой.  &c., Bo (aB*r*ak) 

? потере] AD &с.. тєрє» № avoe fell (down)] erecav 
NAD*P 17 al.. єтєсє Пе &c 

2 Timothy ii. 6. mex. the fruits] тоу к. Ñ &с.. ток к. 37* al 
ngopi first] тротои № &c .. tpworepov W* 

7 пиехо lit. those which I say] N° &с..о Aeyo \*АСЕСР 17 
ере} shall give] досе МА C*DFG 17 67** .. доу СеК LP &c 

8 api &e remember | рутпроуєицє № &.. рупиоуємєм D" 1xr пас 
пе% | xv w D* 111 


TlAevacceAioH.  Потупістос (пеп)щаже. eupse an- 
LoT TAP meeedy. ве TENMAWND OM тазавас. 
12 eujae темоуповатє. ere TENNAPPPo MRA. сцухе 
теихрих яе авот. ELE илорих aseeon 900. 1Зепухе 
тємо папистос. пн MAGW ео аяпистос. 

Titus i. 16, cegoasoAocer хе cecoovit є(яя м)пмотте. 
сехрих aec аяяяс ой метобиуе. eThHT. ATW evo 
HATCWTRL. WaoovT ОМ оюб miee ємАМОУСІ. 

Titus п. 1. ток Ae aee пиетешище itrechw 
erovox.  ?ngAAo Heewwne єтторо. iceaewoc. 

1 ovnictoe &c faithful is the word] add ка maons arodoyns a£os 
24 220 eujxe-cap] add ка: 37 81 Tennawnp we shall live | 
N &c .. Cyowopeyv CLP 37 47* 109 115 

12 єцухє if] add ae Во (ек) тепотполантє we endure] N &с, 
Bo (n2) .. we shall endure Bo .. tereng. ye endure Во (F) TEMAPHA 
we deny] Ne &c .. арууоореба ЖАС 17 31 73 115, Bo .. second 
person plural Во (век) 

2 TIMOTHY П 11-—TITUS II. 2 575 

п Faithful is the word: for if we died with him, then we 
shall live also with him: !?if we endure, then we shall reign 
with him: if we deny him, then he will also deny us: !?if 
we are unfaithful, that (one) will remain being faithful. 

Titus 1. 16. They profess that they know God; but they 
deny him in their works, being abominable and being dis- 
obedient, reprobate in every good work. 

Titus i. т. But thou, speak the (things) which are right 
for the teaching which is sound. ?' The old men, that they 
may become temperate, grave, prudent. 

13 єцухє if] add ae Во (р) пи that (one)] add ae Bo (г) 

Titus i. 16. cecoorn they know] py edevar 37 патсотях lit. 
without hearing] pref. ка № &c, Во (TFHK).. amebas № &c.. 
ахдадєѕ Р яхооут reprobate] 347, Во (A,EGMNOP).. kat mpos &c 
NC &c 

Titus ii 1, йлєтєцущє lit. those which are right] om 17 



All the supplementary conjectures previously printed in the text 
have been confirmed by the text of the Morgan MS. of the Pauline 
Epistles, except the following corrections and variant readings :— 

i12 ато Kitaceocooos flee fiovepujom йсєщівє and thou 
wilt rub them together as a cloke and they will be changed 
ато mekposrme mawx am and thy years will not fail 
отпопољіои | онпо. M 
vii 2 же nppo йтаткагосупн, зайисос хє прро ficaNHas, єтє 
mar ne nppo Яфрнин. eavaterwt &c The king of the 
righteousness, afterward The king of salem: which is this, 
the king of the peace; being &c 
5 пєєбоМ sen оп пещире пМєӯх ear йтахйтотний oven- 
Tay uart йозтєптомн єттє mnNaoc резант ката 
WHOMOC ETE MAI ие пєусинт. каер йтатєт &c those 
indeed out of the sons of Levi taking (or to take) the 
priesthood, have a commandment to tithe the people, 
according to the law, who are these, their brothers; 
although they came &c 
9 aT} рєзант oapoq єтї Tap мечей me запеченот me 
охх итреЧ тозайт epos ficrareAociceacn was ей: 
lor yet he was being in the loins of his father in the 
meeting him Melkhisedek 
22 KATA TEIG OT à < щопе ищепторе: їгатаенкн ETCOTH 
according to this size Jesus became pledger of the better 
х 12 fica ornas on right (hand) 
хі I THICTIC AE птадро me WrxerenoeNnic єроот. ато 
novwnp евоХ йиєойнтє etennay epoov an but the 
faith the firmness is of the (things) which we hope for ; 
and the manifestation of the things which we see not 
3 chre Haron] cobre Annaron М хе петеииат єрос 
fvraqujone ehoX om mnevenequjoon an that that which 
we see not became out of that which is not becoming 
4 Әп оотпістіс а аВеХ TANe өтс eopar пара клемм 
Samos Te, „то EHOA OITOOTE птатрахитрє eapoe хе 
OTAIKalOC пе. epe ппоттє єряхіїтрє May exit ney- 
awpon. ша faith Abel offered up sacrifice better than 
Kaein to God; and through it they witnessed about him 


that he is righteous: God witnessing to him over his 
gifts - 
хі то пєсънязмтотурсос | пєсътаях. M 
18 mar птаущахеє nmay хе оп зслак бс this to whom it 
was spoken, In Isaac біс 
33 єпетахітєросту| єпєлхитррооу М | атдахате)| avarate 
M лушта» йттапро | asicss єттапро M 
xil то om epon M 
I5 Ova maat] Ova equjaaTt M 
118 тпаразостс | тпаръосіс M гло) | om M between lines 
12 Сбаттахстнути nanag om nhanticara паї on йтатели- 
тодуп понт оп тпістіс птєперста ахппоттє having 
been buried with him in the baptism, this also in which 
ye were raised in the faith of the working of God 
єуптоу | cosas М 
v 27 s*aposouj| ewu to read M 


1 о ахпєзато| яхпяхто M 
ill I4 ецухе ovt ora ae єпесотаях an but if &c ; cf. e de № Ke 


П 15 бєпн Tagok ератк Movewth эхпиозте потерсатис 
сллєчащутє  eeujoc m ахищахе їїтажє hasten (to) 
present thyself for а chosen (one) to God, for а workman 
who is not wont to be ashamed, cutting the word of the 

I7 ATW пеущахє naeposyoasosse ioc поусасерниа 
26 єбоМ оп copo out of the snare M 
ill 2 ооязт| oossiit М 
3 отадінт| [ovag|rony M probable | s[am]Hssepoc] en- 
| a movaxepoc M 
5 икоозе | | оооу ehbo ix2100$| neeioose | ] 
оооу cboM «| | r..neeimoos[ ] ох e&oN 
33atOOT C.. MEIROOTE слоооту EhON Mutor these also, 
remove them from thee M 
7 €wxwcbo ПОУОЄТИ) nias, EALTL сола MsMLOOT ее! EMCOOTT 
firme enco. ‘пое cap imramnnunc learning always: it 
being impossible for them to come unto the knowing of 
the truth ever. * For as Iannés &c 

1717.2 Pp 


iii 16 срафн и» пте пиоутє опону ие entchw enxnio 
encoooe All scriptures of God are profitable unto the 
_ teaching, unto the reproving, unto the correcting 
iv 1 4разитре àiixnxxro ehoN ахпиоттє запо пес С. ma: 
єтпакриє йиєтомо зап истазоотт I bear witness 
before God and the Christ Jesus, this who will judge 
those who are alive &c 
2 «mo &с] пара neosoeruy. SMIO OAL пеотоелщ. cenconoy 
out of the time, reprove in the time, exhort them 
8 паг ETEPE пхоєгс MaTaagy пат OAT пєоооу eTaxasa v TAI- 
катос пкритис. Mar ac axavaaT аи adda отоп mer 
fitavaepe meqosone ebo this which the Lord will 
give to me in that day, the righteous judge: but to me 
only not, but (a) every one who loved his manifestation 
II eqepujas сар for he is useful 
13 феХонис | фэХошои M аит] amg М 
14 atape &c] epe mxoeic Twowhe ката &с the Lord is repaying 
according &c M 
I5 паг офок оп оърєо epok epos this thou also keep thyself 
from (e) him 
16 anje Naas] agepaTy паказах no опе &c 
16 moe] ооё thing M covNTay Maar печщире ах- 
IHCTOC сисеой OTKATOITOPIA АП аззаптщиа н псєоу- 
потассє am having his sons believing and not in 
accusation of dissoluteness or of being insubordinate 
8 aNNa єцо ахалатицуахало. Matar петпанотсі, Moan, WAI- 
кос. egqovaah. йєскратне but (а) being lover ої 
stranger, lover of tlie good, self-restrained, righteous, holy, 
I2 иекритнс опрецхебо»Х йотоєщу mie пе. onosprom 
evoooy пе. опон етотас ие the Cretans liars always 
they are, wild beasts evil they are, bellies lazy they are 
i| 12 оях [merar | ом in this age 
з ehoXN and xoei:c are among the few words lost in this 

verse М 

18 euyxe aqsiTK fiGonc flayvowh. н отптак Epo. mar ong 
epor Panor патМос. aicoar Птабтіх amon 

пєтпатотєто, жекас «с if he wronged thee with any 


thing, or oweth thee (aught), this reckon unto me; 
19 Т Paulos, I wrote with my hand, I am he who will 
repay: that &c 
24 зап зааркос зап аріста роос зап значає sin Моткас 

пащбнррошв. б te9¢apre &с and Markos and Aristar- 
khos and Démas and Lukas my fellow-workers. 27 The 
grace &c 



Nore. Paris = Bibliotheque Nationale, unless the name of another 
collection ts given. 

Tug Eprisites or St. PAUL. 


a citation Мохісн RovAr. LIBRARY Des Rivières collection cahier 2 
по 3 ЁрЁ. ii 4, 5 (paper fragment, cited as papyrus) 

b STRASSBURG University LIBRARY ІІ, 14 2 Cor. vil 12, 15, 16, 
viii 4—6, 8, 9 

t MANCHESTER (Crawford) Copt. 15 Titus iii 15 Philemon 6, 7 

з Ввгмзн Museum Вот. 1 15-19, 21—11 5, 7-23, 1У 12-25, У 15— 
vi 5, xvi 1—4, 7—12 т Cor. v 3—vi 2, viii 7—ix 7, 2 Cor. ш 
I—v 4, ХИ 4—xili 2, 4, 5, 7-13. Heb. i t—ii 4, 6-9 

с British Museum Нер. 11 2—10, 12—Àv 7, 10--У 5, 7, 10—14, 
vi 3-17, хіі 5-20 Брі. і 13-16, 18—11 2, v 17—v1 3. 19-24 
Philipp. i 1-21, И 15-22, 24—Àii І, 4-9, 13-19 2 Thess. iii 
5-8, 12-16 І Tüm.iv 16—v 5, 9-13 2 Тчт.116-19, 22-25, 
ії I5-I9, 22-25, lil I—14, lv 17-22 Tutus i 3-6, їй 2-5, 1, 
12—14, 11 3—6 


т Ввітівн Museum Or. 6695 (Gilmore) coll. 2 П. 23, 14х12 1 Cor. 
X 29-31, 33--хі 3, 9, 12-18, xiv 29, xvi 6, 7, IO, 11, 14—19 
2 Oor.iv 11—v б, vi 16—vii 7 Bnrrrsu MusEum 965 Or. 4917 [5] 
Gal. iv 7-17, 19-22, 24-31, У 2-4, 6-14, 17, 18, 21—24, 26, 
vi 2-18 É—viz4 Philipp. i 1-23, 25—1v 23 Ceol. 1 
Iiv 18 1 Thess. i i—v 28 2 Thess. 1 1—11 18 T Тіт. 1 
1—vi б, 8-21 2 Tim. 1 1-18, i1 2-6, 8-26, 11 1—Àv 4, 18-22 
Titus і 1-15, il 2-4, 6—1 1, 3-15 Philemon 1-17, 20-25 
2 British Мозком 964 Or. 3579 В [60] coll. 2 П. 25, 12:4 x (7:5) 
Rom. xvi 20-23, 25-21 І Cor. 1 2-10 
BopLEIAN d 19, (Fl. Petrie) ff. 3 coll. 2 П. 21,12 ХІо.2 Philipp. 
і 27—11 11, пі 7-20 
4 BopLEIAN d 15 (P)ff. 5 coll. 21]. 24, 12:5 X 10-5 +4 т Cor. vi 3-5, 
vii 19, 22, 38-40, viii 8-10 14 Heb. vi 17-20, vil I, 3, 6-9 
22 Heb. ix 19-28, x і Philipp. i 29, 30 L3 Col.i 24--ії 2, 







5 MANCHESTER (Crawford) Copt. 16 coll. 2 П. (13), тхо eb. iv 
12, 13, 15 У І, 3—5, 1-9 

pa BERLIN 408 ff. тод; 111 (wrong order col. т ll. тг, то, 5:8 x 5:2 
Philemon 5-8 

6 Ввітізн MUSEUM 124 Or. 3579 В (51) coll. 2 1]. (24), (14-8) x (то) 
Кот. xiii 11—xiv 6, 8,9 British Museum 963 Or. 4917 [4] 
Кот. xv 24, 21-29 

т British Museum 126 Or. 3579 В (53) coll. 2 И. (19), (11-8) x 
(9-1) I Cor. xii 13—xiv 7, 9 

8 British Museum 966 Or. 5995 col. т П. (23), (8:5) х (8) Eph. ш 
19—1У 4, 8-13 

9 British Museum 132, 135, 137 Or. 4717 [10%] coll. 2 Il. 29, 
14:3x 11. Philipp.i2-21 2Thess.iit1—iiir1 1 7m. v 2-22 

9а Dr. WixLock, U.S.A. ff. 4 coll. 211.24, 12-7 ХІІ: 2 Cor. vig, 10, 
13, I8, vii 1—5, xi 16-23, 26-30 Heb. v 9—vi 9, x 5-8, 18—22 

то BODLEIAN Copt. d 16 (Р) (FI. Petrie) ff. 2 coll. 2 ll. 27, 14x 12 
г Tim. iv 12--У І, 13-18 

тт BODLEIAN Copt. g 5 (КІ. Petrie 12) col. т 1. 22, 7 x 5:8 2 Тіт. 

iv 20-22 Titus i 1—6, 9—16, 1 3-14 

fi Panis r33 2 Tim. Ш I3, їх 7, 9 

12 Ввітівн Museum 962 Or. 4917 [3] coll. 2 ll. 27, 15:5 Х 1177 
Rom т 1-18, 20, 21, 23-30, И т, 3-1, 0-12, 14, 15, 11, I8, 
20-22  Ввітівн MusEUM 122 Or. 4717 [8] Вот. vi 17, 18— 
22 Brirish Museum Or. 4917[3] coll. 2 ll. 27, 15:5 X 11-7 
1 Cor. xvi 12, 16 

В Sır HERBERT THOMPSON (Hyvernat) Titus ii 11—11 15 Phile- 
mon 1-25 

їз NaPLES 285 (Zoega 632) ff. 2 Кот. Ш 13—v 9 Panis 129.11 
й 52 ва, coll, 2 ll. 35, 24-Х 19.6 т Cor. 1 18—11 r2 
30DLEIAN (Woide тт) ff. 4 1 Cor. ix 1—xii у Vienna (Hof- 
Bibliothek) 155, К 9079-9081 ff. 4 pp. 101-108 Heb. i 14—vii2 
Paris 129.11 ff. 69, 70 Heb. ix 20-24, x 9-13 Sin Н. 
Тномрзох (Hyv.) Heb. x 14-18 Paris 129.11 f. то Heb. xii 
16—xiil то British Museum 130 Or. 3579 D (56) Gal. 1 
8-11, 15, 16, 22, 23, ії 4-6 PARIS 129.11 f. 85 Gal. ii g-iii то 
Vienna (H.B.) 155 l, m, К & Eph. 1 8—i 6, 8, 9 Paris 
129.11 Ё 86 Eph. iv 17—v 13, Ё. 87 Philipp. iii 1—iv 6 
Paris 129.11, 89-93 Philipp. iv 6—Col. шт т Thess. 1 8— 




II, 13—iv 4 2 Thess. і 1, 4-6 British Museum 133 Or. 
3579 B (57) Col. iii 1-7, 9--іу 1 VIENNA 155 i, k, K &c, 
pp. 194, 195 2 Tim. іу 2-22 Titusi 1-5 

14 ST. PETERSBURG Goleníshchef Copt. 9 (Dr. О. von Lemm) т f. т 
(P37 PSH) 39:5 X31 Col. iv 2-18 т Thess. 1 6 

15 Ввітізн Museum 129, 138 Or. 4717 [9] ff. 2 coll. 2 П. 31, 
I9-4X 14 2 Cor. хі 9-25 Heb. ii 5—ii I 

16 Paris 129.11 ff. 36, 48 coll. 2 П. 22, 22:2 X 16. Rom. 11 28—11 
I, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11-15 Obs. fol. 48 containing xi 4-20 was 
accidentally omitted 

I7 Paris 129.11 ff. 43-46 coll. 2 ll. ЗІ, 22:5 хіў Лот. іх 24— 
хі 30, xiv. 4-20, xvi 1:7; 20 1 Qor.1 Y. Vatican 82 ff. 7 
1 Cor. ix 9--хії 22 Philipp. 1 6-23 1 Tim. ү 6—vi 2, 4-21 
2 Tim. i 1-18, ії 2 

18 Vatican 81 ff. 3 coll 2 П. 29, 26-9 X 19-5 Пот. ill 19-30, 
iv 1-4, 1х 7-24, хі 31—xlig І Cor.i2-19  Ввітізн MUSEUM 
Or. 6954.76 Heb. iii 13—iv 4, 7,8 Мамснезтев (Crawford) 
Copt. 14, 4, #8 Gal. 114—vi116 Paris 129.11 Ё. 94 т Thess. 
iv 2-4, 6-8 1 Tim. vi 16-21 2 Тіт. 11-5, 7 

I9. VATICAN 80 ff. 4 coll. 2 П, 34, 27-4 X 19.8 Rom. vi 5—үі 38 
ff. 24 Il. 35, 36, 28:2X 19:3; і Cor. x 12—xiv 21, ху 3-28 
2 Cor. х 1—хш 13 Heb. 1 1-8, xii 1—xill 25 Gal. i 1—ili 10 
Eph. у 19—vi23 Philipp. i 1—iv 23 Col. 1—11 7, iii 8—iv 6 

20 STRASSBURG UNIV. LIBRARY 103 small fragment т Cor. ii 8, 9, 
га 13 

21 PARIS 129.11 f. 35 coll. 2 ЇЇ. 36, 31:2Х23:3 Лот. і 27—11 1, 
3-25 f.41 ix 11-27, 29—x II f.51 xvi8-14 1Cor.i2-6 
Ё. бо т бот. x 13—xi 15 NAPLES 272 І Cor. и g—iv I 
LreYDEN MusEUM 67 2 Cor. i 8—ii 12 STRASSBURG UNIV. 
LisRARY21 Heb.iv7—vi8 Тномрзох(Н.) Heb.ix14—x 23 
Vatican 85 ff. 4 Gal. vi 1-18 Eph. і 1—vi 6 BRITISH 
Museum 134 Or. 3579 (58) Col. iii 7--іу 18 1 Thess. 1 1—11 16 
22 Paris 129.11 f. 40 coll. 2 1. 34, 26:5 Хід Лот. viii 35—Àx І, 
3—7, 9-15, 17-22 Ё бт І Cor. vii 37—40, vill 4-6, 9-11, ix 
2-6 VATICAN 84 1 Сот. ху 5-33 Paris 129.11 f. 59 2 Cor. 
їх 3-11, 13—x 7 Ё 64 2 Cor. хі 33—xii 15 BRITISH 


Museum Or. 6954.66 Heb. у 7-14—vi 5-12 VICTORIA AND 
ALBERT Museum 2 соїї. зо ll. 37, 38, 27-2x20 Не. іх 13— 
хи 12 | РАБІ. r29.11 f. 96. т Tim. il, 12-15, lY 1-4, 7—10, 
18—v 2 

23 Paris 129.1rf.42 coll. 2 П. зо, 22х16 Eom. ix 15-17, 19-31, 
33—x т Ё 49 Лот. xv 14-19, 24, 27, 29, 30 ff. 54, 55 
т Cor. п 9--іу 5 BERLIN M. 8781 т Cor. iv 5-21 Paris 
129.11 f.56 І Cor.iv21—vi4 f.58 1 Cor.ix 12-26, x 1-5 

24 Paris 129.11 f. 47 coll. 2 ll. 30, 19-8x 15:5 Лот. xi 29—xii 
15  LEkvpEN 68 2 Cor. vii 9-12, 15-19, 21, 23—Àx 2 
British MusguM 127 Or. 3579 В (54) 2 Cor. ix 4—х 2 
Panis 129.11 ff. 62, 63 2 Cor. xi 1-20, xii 21—xiii 13 еф. i 
1-3. Ё 66 Heb.iv 7-14 f.68 ix 1-13 ff. 72-82 xiii 7-25—vi 18 Eph. 11-9 VamicAN 86 ff. 3 | Eph. ii 5—11 
3, iv 5-28, v 21—vi 12 PARIS 129.11 (see above) ph. vi 
12-24 Philipp. і 1-7, 28--її 20 VATICAN 86 ff. їз 1 Thess. 
і 4—v 28 2 Thess. i—ii 13, Ш 14-18 1 Тіт. i I—vi 21 
2 Тіт. 1 1-16 | 

25 Paris 129.11 f. 65 coll. 2 П. 23-25, 21.2 x 16. Heb. ii 14—11 то 
Ё 67 vriz—vi то f.71 xiii7g-21 f.83 Gal.110-23 f. 84 їй 
2-16 LEYDEN 69 Eph. у 8-26 Panis 129.11 f. 88 Philipp. 
123—1 6 

26 Paris (De Ricci) small fragment coll. 2 П. (14), ? xg ph. v 
17—20, 27—29 

26а Paris (Weill per De Ricci) small fragment Heb. ix 19, 28, x 1 

27 Воріктах (Woide то) ff. 2 coll. 211. 28-31, 20 x 16 Rom. vii 21— 
vill I5, X I4—x1 11 VATICAN 83 І Cor. xii 6-27 

28 CHELTENHAM (Fenwick, Phillips 15, 36) ff. 2 coll. 2 ll. 34, 
(25:8) x (18-5) Heb. ix 2-22 

29 CAMBRIDGE University LIBRARY (Dr. Alan Gardiner) Or. 906 
ff. 2 col. 111.24, 12:5 X 9:3 Heb. xii 26—xiii 12 Gal, іу 29—v 14 

зо Ворікіах (Rev. Greville Chester) coll. 2 Il. (22), (17-6) x 9:2 
I Cor. ix 18-22, x 14-18 

31 Paris 129.11 ff. 38, 39 coll. 2 ll. 27, 29, (22-4) x (12-6) Rom. 
11 19-25, iv 9—14, 16-19, У 12-16 Вкітіѕн MUSEUM 125 
Or. 3579 B (52) ff. 4 1 Cor, xi 19-22, 25-30, 34—xii 3, 8— 
xiv 6, 10-13, 15, 17—30, 33, ХУ 10-18 

32 BopLErAN (Rev. Greville Chester) coll, 2 11. (21), (16) x (19:5) 
I Tim. iii 15—1v І, 4-7, 11-14, У 2-6 








CAMBRIDGE University LIBRARY Add. 1876.12 I Cor. iii 4-8, 

Carro (Patriarchate per Marcus Pasha Simaikah) coll. 2 И. ? 
2тх (12.3) 2 Cor. xi 20-26, 30-32, xii 1-5 

Мловез Horner (Mells, Frome) small fragment coll. 2 ll. (8) 
Heb. vi 4, 5 

VIENNA 159 a, b, К 9108, coll. 2 ll. 28-32 Rom.i 1-25 15906, 4, 
К gtog Кот. vii 20—viii 23 

Vienna 156 с-К, К 9158, coll. 2 И. 36, 38 Rom. ii 25--ій 14, 
16—vii 2, 4-8, 10-16 1561, ш, К 9158 Вот. х 11—xi 16 
156 a, b, К 9158 Heb. її 8—iv 7 у 

VIENNA 160 а, b, К 9039 рр. 21, 22, coll.2 П. 32 Rom. vi 17— 
vii 6 

Vienna 157 a, К 9166 рр. 51, 52, coll. 2 1l. (22) 1 Cor. iii 19- 
22, 11356, 8-rr ты Б с K 0564, coll є Ш Зот Cora 
ro vi r4 1574, e К gróg т Conr ixo- Xx 560157 е 
К 9119 Philipp. ii 30, ій 1—iv 3 157 h, i, К 9744, pp. 155, 
156, coll. 2 ll. 37 . Col. iii 1—iv І 

VIENNA 161 a,b, К отдт pp. 65, 66, coll.2 П. 27-29 т Cor. 

уп 36—viii 12 

41 VIENNA 158 a, b, К додо pp. 105, 106, coll. 2 1l. 24-26 — 2 Cor. 
ii s—iii 3 

42 Str HERBERT Тномрѕох (Hyvernat) Heb. їх 14—x 23 


a Paris (De Ricci) coll. 2 ll. 33, 25:2 X 19» Rom. xiv 6—xv 3, 5, 6 




a! British Museum (Kennard) Лот. vi 4, 5 


у! Paris 129.19 f. 5І 2 Cor. уп 1-3 Gal. у 22-26 

1! British Museum 123 Or. 3579 (A) f. 42 coll. 2 ll. 25, 22:5 x 16 
Rom. xi 2-10 Panis 129.19 f. 26 г Cor. xv 28-38 Paris 
129.19 f. 43 Eph. 1 11-147 

а РАЗ 129.101 29 coll. 2 1. 24, 2x 3€ 34-5: *2 Coram 24-7 

31 Paris 129.19 f. 61 Rom. ii 7-16 (cited in apparatus as 2!) 
PARIS 129.19 f. 31, 23-5 X 18-5 Kom. іх 6 (cited as 2!) Panis 
129.19 f. 49 1Сог.ш 6-15 PARIS 129.19 f. 62. 1 Cor. xv 3-14 
Paris 129.19 f. 63 Heb. xii 1-3 Paris 129.19 f. бо Gal. ii 
8-13 Carro (Patriarchate рег Marcus Pasha Simaikah) Gal. 
Ш 15-19 Paris 129.19 f. 59 Eph. ii 2-4 British MUSEUM 
131 Ог. 3579 A (20) Philipp.i 1-5 

4! Parts 129.19 f. 38 coll. 2 П. 36, 28-8x 21-5 Лот. viii 35-39 
(cited as 181) 

51 Paris 129.19 f. 58 Heb. xi 5-10 Paris 129.10 f. 56 Heb. xii 22 

61 Paris 129.19 f. то Heb. x 19-31 

т! Paris 132.2 f. 30 1 Cor. у 7 accidentally omitted 

8! VATICAN go ff. 2 coll. 2 ll. 29, 22x 14:5 Heb. ix 2-10 

9! British Museum 136 Or. 3579 А (19) т Тіт. їп 16—iv 6 
VATICAN 92 coll. 2 Il. 28, 24-7 x 19:7. 2 Тіт. їп 10-16 

то! Ввітівн Museum 128 Or. 3519 В (55) coll. 2 1l. (13), (18) x 
Uma 2 боя 3, 12, 14, T5 

11! Ввітізн MUSLUM 139 Or. 3579 В (31) coll. 2, (23)x 23-2 
Heb. xi 1-6 

121 British MUSEUM Or. 6954.65, (11-5) X(14-2) Heb. xi 22, 23 

r3! PETERSBURG (22/0. Bruckstiicke, Von Lemm 1885) om. xiii 
7,8 Eph. у 15-19 Philipp. ш 17 

14! Vienna (Hof-Bibliothek) 79 Heb. і 1-3 

15! Vienna (Hof-Bibliothek) Зо Philipp. iii 20—iv 6 (cited as 37 !) 

16! А.р. 1118 (Era of the Martyrs 834) Panis 129.19 f. 54 
2 Cor. х 15-16, 18--хі 3 f.9o Heb. ма 5-7 Ё 53 Col. т 
12—17 f. 55 (containing the date) Titus iii 4-8 

16!* Paris, Louvre (per Hyvernat) ll. 21 2 Cor. xi 23-26 

17! Paris 129.19 f. 37 coll.2 П. 28, 29, 22-5 X 19 Kom. viii 15-18 



181 Vienna (Hof-Bibliothek) 95 Лот. viii 35-39 Heb. viii 5-8 

19! Paris 129.19 f. 20 Heb. 1 3-9, xi 20, 21 

20! Paris 129.19 f. 27 Gal. її 16-21 

a1) PARIS 12010 f--42 voll..2 1l 29, 23: 
(cited as 23) 

221 Panis 129.19 Г. 44 coll 2 Й 319, 20:9 x15 Неба о» 

231 = 2318 BERLIN 1610 f. 1° coll. 2 П. 29, 30, 21-5X 15:5: Rom. 


9:5 I Cor.Xx 1-5 

xvi 1-7, f. 39 Philipp. ш 20—1v 6 

241 Parts 129.19 f. 68 Heb. ix 11-15 f. 52 Col. in 1-9 

251 Paris 129.19 f. 23 Heb. xi 20, 21 (cited as 19!) 

261 Paris (Ceucney, Recueil, p. 103) Heb. ix 2-10 

271 LEYDEN 91, 24X21 Heb. xi 23—25, xii 28—xiii 4 

2712 Paris (Weill per De Ricci) Philipp. ii 9, то 

281 Вевых Museum 178 coll. 2 П. 25, 23-1 X 16-5 1 Thess. ili 4, 5 

291 = 4018 Paris 129.19 f. 18, 23:2 X 14-5 т Thess. iv 17—v 2 

301 Vienna 179 b, К 9713, coll. 2 П. 31, 32 от. viii 15-18 

311 Vienna 1748, К 9694, coll. 2 ll. 31 1 Cor. vii 33, 34 (cited 
аз 31) 

321 ViENNA 169 f, К 9709 р. 198, coll. 2 П. 29 1 Cor. ix 8, 9, 
b, К 9709 p. 102 Heb. x 5-9 d, К 9709 p. о Philipp. iv 
4, 6-8 

33! Vienna 180, К 9682 р. 46, coll. 2 П. 26 2 Cor. xiii 2-7 

34! УтеммА 181, К 9702 p. 110, coll. 2 П. 23 Gal. iv 21-25 

35! VIENNA 173 а, b, К 9695, coll. 2 ll. 32 Gal. iv 21—v 3 

361 VIENNA 170 a, К 9714, coll. 2 ll. 29 Eph. iv 16 

311 VENNA 175 d, К 9675 р. то Heb. xii 1 туба, b, К 9675 
6, р. 7, 8, coll. 2 П. 29 Philipp. iii 21—1v 6 Col. ili 16-22 

381 Vienna 178 a, К 9678 р. 57, coll. 2 П. 29 Heb. xii 2—9 

391 Vienna 168 a, К отто p. 33, coll. 2 П. зо | eb. vii 6, 7 

401 Vienna 176a, К 9712 р. 150, coll. 2 П. зо Heb. xii 22-24 

411 VIENNA 167, К 9716 р. 45, coll. 2 П. 20 Heb. vii 26—vii т 

44! Str Неквевт THompson (Hyvernat) Шеф. 1 1-5 


b! Panis 129.19 f. 103 coll. 2 П. 30, 26х17 Rom. їх 30, x 9 

fl BonrLEIAN Hunt. з Copt. Arab. col. 1 П. 37, 31:4Х 20 om. vi 
12—19, xiii 7—xiv 4, 17-23 I Cor. iii 10-21, xiii 13—xiv 4, 
8-17 2 Cor. vi 1-10, xii 9-15, хи 14—xill т Gal. iv 21—v І 
Eph. iv 17—28, 25—v 5 Col. Ш 5-13, 12-17 І Tim. v 21— 


vi 4 2 Тіт. її 19-26 Heb. ii 16—111 3, vii 11-21, хі r1—22, 
xil I-9, 18—27 

c! Ворінтах Hunt. 5 coll. 2 ll. 29-31, 25х18 1 Cor. 1 31—11 11 
Gal. у 22—vi 16 

m! VATICAN gg Copt. Arab. one volume coll. 2 ll. 27, 26 x 16.8 
I Cor.123—Ài 8, хі 23-32 Heb. їх 24-28, x 5-10, xi 5-7 
Gal. iii 1-14, vi 14-16 Eph. и 13—18 Philipp. п 5-11 Col. 
i I2—23,10 13—15 т Тіт. iv 9—v то 



cit British MusEUM 171 Or. 5001 76 b col. 2, Rom. i 28-31, 
59 b col. т, v 3-5, 95b col. І, vil 24, 46 а col. 2, vill 35, 87а 
col, 2, уці 36, 42 в eol 2, жит, 104 6601.12, xin 12) 299 ео. 2, 
жу 10, 584 col. 2, T Cor. 3/15; 135 со on E аа 
сої. з and 45 b col. 2; iv 4, 43 а col. 2, vil 32, TATA col МЕ 1. 
P'boeol 2, їх 25, 29. b сої око 12, тозсо: x, dx S reg 
col. 1, ху 33, 58a col. т, 2 Cor. iv 18, 118a col. 1, v 17, 7b 
сої. т, v2, 2.b vol т, хи, чот b eol 9, 4r.b.eol 2 und os b | 
col. хаша 29 Бо col. 2, eb: x30, 31, тот р'єрі а 53 го | 


зе a SR lo A ALR 

col. 1, xn 4, Gal. И 19.20, 31 а col 2, v 17, 88 а. col E v 22, 
я b col. т and 55 b col. 2, vi то, 101 b eol. 2, vi 14, 83 b eol. 1, 
ph. 1v.28, Да col. 2, JPIalepp. 1 8, ui 2,73, ШОО oy ae, rad 
rhe. м 23, E Tum: vi Б, 12,2 Тип. iv 4 

cit В.М. Brir. Mus. Or. 3581 А 247 (catalogue no) Kom. vi 4, 248 і 
Пот. vii 23, 247 Rom. vii то, 187 Rom. xii 14, 228 І Cor. 
о, 247 x, Cor. iu т, 2, x85 т Cor. 1x24, 250 бе 
Е Cor. XY "—r2, 248 t or. xiv 55, 247 X Cor. «26 250 

Cor. viii 9, 229 Heb.i 1, 2, 227 Heb. 1 14, 248 Heb. iv 12, 
233 Heb. узі 17, 198 Heb. хі 13, 239 Heb. xi 2, 256 Нер. xim 
, 241 Gal. iv 1-3, 243 Gal. vi 7, 209 Gal. vi 16, 247 Eph. iv 
14, 15, 185 Eph. v 14, 233 Philipp. ii т, 2 Tim. ii 22 

cit В.М. Brrr. Mus. Or. 6954.67 (Cairo) Rom. i 23 
BopLErAN Woide 35 (Thompson) Meb. iii 3, 4 

cit L. LEYDEN (Insinger 38) Лот. 1 т, 118 (8.1.5, 7,73) Лот. 
vii ro  LEYDEN (Ins. р. 206) Лот. vii 14 LEYDEN 118 
(Ins. 73) Лот. хи 5 Leypen ro2 (Ins. 57) Rom. хш 11 
LEYDEN 126 (Ins. 81) 2 Cor. vi з LEYDEN 116 (Ins. 71) 
Heb. її 6 | Іжуркх 130 (Ins:85) Heb, xii 22 LEYDEN 114 
(Ins. 69) Gal. v 21 | 

ру Paris 44 Vocabulary 1 Cor. xiv 27, 28 


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