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Full text of "A copy of a letter sent from New England, to Friends [manuscript]"

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SO, Hi ent tiled agit ortlir eel Dac, 1664 

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air ‘ Gin? a ; 
A Copy of A Lite Sent j rom Charles the & King oJ Einetand, 

to ew Evngtand ’ 


; van Trujfty & Wellbeloued. paver Muse you PV | 
ae ( Ye at Setcerall of our dubiccks amones Yo w ANCA UWA = 
Feat ae ca ent el aa i aco haue ing x ccuted o orem 
fas hath been Feprejentec Prko Vs) are in danger to wndergoe the Like; Wech al he 
thought fit to sishifve our Pleajwre in that behalfe for the future , And do hereby 
Require, thatis there be any d7 those People called Quakers amongst you, now alk: 
ready Condemned te fuffer Bea ho other Corporal Panihments, or that ave Impri: 
foncad,% obnoxtoufs to the ke Condemnation; you forbeate to Proceed any far thers 
therein, But that you forthwith Sandtheymid.Perfons, whether Condemned o¥ Imprifon 
ed, suc into this our Kingdom o: Eing land, to gether with ther rej pectine Crimes” or 
offences Jaid.tothere Charette the énd Puch Cour/e may be taken with them here, 
& fhalbe agreeable to our Lawes, theire Demertits y And for Soe doing, thefe 
our p30 daa eaten WaT Ped vee Te ae ergraae ta 
Giuen atour Court at White b All the 9 day of eprember, 
in the 13 yeare of. our Cleon as ) 

eS eit By his Maiejties Command, 
ba | | William Morris « 

To our Tru jty & Wellbcloued Topn Indicot Esquire % 
ko all « Cuery other the Go Wernoir or Gouernours o Out 
Plantation of new: England; & of all the-Collonies there: 
vite belonging that now arc,or here a ter /hal be; 

And tall % euery the Minijters,& oft there, off ~ 
Our fard Plantation,& Collomes W atsocuernin the ~ 7 
Continent of new Eneland » ; 


ME toy 

A Copy of A Letter sent from MewEngland,to Friends « 
oes ee Ais, i 
The 2 meht after wee weighed Anchor from the Downes wee had agreat Storm % 

were Suddainlylin the night/Surprizea with a Whirlwind & were ereatly dclincred with 

, the lofse cf our maine Sayle, Wee had a very comfortable passage being Tuft 7 weeks,: 
wee were brought nerve the Land in | 

‘eZ amonths time but met with prity hard +o 
Weather on the Coa ft ,& great Storms ,but were preferued in all, & the Prefence of 

the Lord was with vs When wee came into Bofton Harbour, many came ~ 


on Ship- board, for V1 ewes & Letters; But were Some what Struck inA mazewhen 
they Saw What wee were pee wee were free to edceliuey them theire Letters and 
they pafsed away; Sol continued on Ship board ,warting, to {ce what would be~ 
donc, cxpecting, wee might be fent for, & finding other wife , the Mafter & my Selfe, 
Fitted our felues togo on fhoare,to deluer our Letter to the Goucrnour;when we 

Came on fhear?d, wee found all very frill, & avery ereat calme; the moderate -~ 
sort Cas Imet them) Retoyced re fee me, & Same of the violent wee mekasmen 
Chained ,& bowed downc,& could not locke vs mn the face (the weight of Guilt- 
being on them) - Soe wee pafsed tothe Gouernour,which Some of the perfeen- 
ters perceining, hasted the ther befor v5; When wee Came before the Gouernoury, 
at his houfe, Ralph Gold {mith (mafter of the pefsell deliuerd him the Letter; 

Soe he required our hats tobe pulled off & bid that they fhould be giuen vs a: 
gaine, then he opened the Letter,& looked on it, & had few words to v5, only 

asked me, why I came againe/ & Why I did not send:for my family kK; Eneland’ . 
% Soe wee pajsed away, went to vifck our friends inPrijon, which were 
John Smith & his wife, % John Chamberlaine of Boften. the woman had been 
aptifoncr two yeares ; Soe an the fivft day of the wecke, the Conftablesin 
the fore part of the day, was at three houfes to looke for vs, but-we were ons 
Shipboard ; But about noone wee wenton fhoare, & were ata mectine, atTohn 
Chambertains houfe 3 on the morrow I pafsed to Salem, where Luras re- 
ceiued with much boy seladness of heart, by many of the people of the Towne; 
And many friends Aid accompany mee into the Towne, to my Dwelling where 
Lfound all thines well, the LORD hauing been Gin my abjence)A father tomy 
Children 5A Rufb and to my Wise :And though Cruelty hath greatly abourd- 
edyct truth hath here potten prety mucheround of the Aduenfary-%& 
the Coming, of our Ship 15 of very vndpibenpall eruice, fortheBowells 
of the Moderate fort ar< greatly refreshed, through out the County and 
many mouthes-are now opened which we were shutt, % fome of than 
now Say, Its the Wellcome {t Ship that cuer came into this Land, 8 
the lowe of friends onc to another in fending the Ship on this Account ~ 
preaches much in this place ,& the Seruice of tt 15 like tabe very great 5 
A Generall Gourtts now Called & the Minifters are alfo Summoned - 
to Bofton for Counfell ; But wee remaine quiet in eurHabitations « _ 
Tofiah Southwick &Wicholas Phelps are well; Lofiah was whipt 3 times = 
8 this John Chamberlaine Abouefaid hath been whipt Vine te mes at 
the CARTS-TAYLE vbecafe he_fuffers A meeting at his Houje. 
Word is come from the Court.that they entend Pat At : 
Let out friends that are Prifoners, & at Ahab ah ereLaws 
alone, and to Send an Agent for E'ngtancl.a out the Bu (nels 

amewell oO hattock « | 

Ralph Gold {mith al fo writ to London, from Bofton (bearing, date the: | 
tenth day of the tenth Month 16 61). That Fricnds(the Prifoners a= 
boue mentioned)are released outof Prifon, And that Wicholas Vp: 
fhall,who hath been Banifhed fiue yeares, & Imprisoned about two ycares of 

ibls Yeleafed » Alfoc, that Truth hath eveat Dominion inthe Land» 

= > 

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