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Full text of "Corean primer : being lessons in Corean on all ordinary subjects, transliterated on the principles of the "Mandarin primer", by the same author"

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GEinr ©IP 

F, Lesslng 


^^폐 jj^^ 블^^ ^쪽^ ^^카 수 

1* —- 

•A *N 

1 Kw、rAAi\r"\ JkV^ 

; -?、 





Rev, JOHN R p S S . 




、 . / 


、 . 々 : 

The following lessons are intended to introdoce to the Corean language 
those desirous to prepare for tbe official, xbercantile, and chiefly the 
KDiBsionary intercoarse ,with Corea, which cannot be of distant date. 
The Coiean words are given in the Corean alphabet in syllables, under 
which is the Corean pronunciation io Roman letters, and tiie interpreta- 
tion in English, aeccMrding to the Corean idiom, viz. nom. obj., verb, 

The lessons, matter, arrangement and number., are those of my 
" Mandarin Primer," where the English is rendered idiomatically. The 
tr^nditeration is also on the principle of that Primer. And in compar- 
ing the two little books it wiH be discovered what a remarkable proportion 
of Chinese words has become incorporated with the Corean language, 
fiuppl^Dg defects, digplaciiig some words and used alongside of others, 
(as Ut^ "light" and givang " light,*' metaphorically), like Litin and 
Saxon in Engl)£^, Chinese being the Latin of the Coreaos, through 
which their learning has been acquired. This comparison requires 
only to note the defects of the Corean alphabet and its numerous ter- 
minative particies. The " Corean Primer " also affords numerous 
eKamples of the ancient proDunciation of Chinese, and especially of the 
final consonant dropped in Mandarin, Uioagii retained in the soutb. 

As it is reported that a practised pen is engaged on, or has finished, 
a Cotean Grammar, it is unnecessary to explain the use of the humerons 
and delicate particles. But as the Corean language, with no cases for 

t 82490 

its nouns or persons for its verbs, has the remarkable quaHty of inflexion 
according to the rank of the person addressed, ~ superior, equal or in- 
ferior, ― it is deemed advisable to. give the pronouns and a verb, in its 
various tenses, with the proper terminations affixed. 

Febsonal Pronouns, 


We, 우리 oori 

W ne (always) 
" or V no, possessive. 

Thou "Ell, nS nu (addressing inferior) You t]o| nut. 

nvmje ( „ equal) ,, 심뒤 Wl mmjene. 
Superior always indirectly addressed by his title. 
He, she, it 1 히 dS (always) They 1^]A]' desa ramdul. 






Root"!}* goy to go. 

Addressing superior, go (imp.) 
(sup.) Has (he) gone? 


Has gone (affirm.) 




He has not gone 1. T ' tl 

" ,, 2. n>p 
,, ,, 8. ih 미 

Will (he) go? 1. 

가우 gcL-oo- 

가시 ffosM. 
l^tf gam: 
(데 소 {diigassof 
3t 잔자" gasmnmaf 
l[t|L| gcmmmil 

, ,4! gosso, 
좀메 gammme. 

행수" TZj* garni upsodda. 

^ ,, upda. \msupdugga. 

oJ:^" 었 gadi 




3. i)-T3)l} ijrr] ^^ir) .l| gadmiffadiantuni 


Will go 1. l}- ^ gaglwidapdoddcu 

2. ^Irl] gaghatdcupdS, 

8. ij^^t^P^lS)* gaghatdadura. 

(I know he) will not go 1.1 1* ^ ^ "Cj* gadi armpdooda, ' 

2. ^^^^ ,, cmmpdS. 

" 3. if r] ^irlEj- ,, antura. 

(He says he) will not go 1. 못 기 * 3?^ ^ moggaghaidapdodda. 

2. T|* '^M moggoghatdapde, 

3. 못 T|* t^]* "Grj £j" mog gaghatdadura. 
Unwilling to go 1. "디 말고 함푸디 gadi ankatdapdodda. 

2. 가! :| ^l^^l " anJcatdapdS. 

3. ift:) "^^^rf Tr]e]- ,, ankatdadura, 

0|]j and ^ are both negatives but differently used, as will be frequently 
seen in the lessons ; ^ is the ^ of the aflBrmative-future. The 2, or 
middle form is that inconstant use, though respect to age, places parents 
and much older people among t}ie 1 class ; while 3 comprises children 
as well as underlings. 

The verb to " eat " follows, in the middle or commonly used form ; 
gut, material (never used alone) ; mugghulgut, eatables. 
Eat (imp.) muggu&hL 
Have you eaten ? mughussumma upsumma ? 
Have eaten mighussum. 
Have not eaten mughmi upsowi. 
Will you eat ? muggatdadun mugdi anJcatdadun ? 
Will not eat. mugdi ansupde. 

Cannot eat. mugdi mU-hummuni, 、 
Unwilling to eat. mugdi ankatdapde 
I will eat. mogassumme. 
He will eat. moghatdapde. 

The changes demanded by euphony belong to grammar but one or 



two examples may be given as guides to the etymology of the wordg 
in the lessons. 

Boot of " come ,, is 요, o, 1 (hoo ; 2 oshi 3 not oro, but ona. 

To " work ,, is " to do labour ,, ; labour is g i/^ " to do," root 손]" ha. 

2 is t'r kaskij but 3 is not ilhara^ but ilhayura. 

The Alphabet. 

The alphabet which begins the lessons, is spelled as the Coreans 
learn it, the Boman letter-spelling being based on the absolute rule of 
" No one sound to any two letters, no letter with any two souDd,'" ―" e, S 
being exceptions, as also k, p, t, (Note 2nd below). Hence each letter 
should be always pronounced with the same value. Occasionally u 
approaches French U; but not sufficiently near enough to warrant a 
separate form. 

Alphabet : Value. 
















be ^an 












wh (hw) 
Y. ^ard 


pot (always) 






ret \ts 



w,an • 


H I J K L M 


Itote 1 : '! The same Corean letter stands for d$ andj*/ for ch and 
ts; for / and r. Chinese / is translated by n not by r ; and/by J or/y 

Oar t& is formed by prefixing (^) to the vowel ; a and t combine 
to form e、 and u and i to form ^. 

2. When closing a syllable, j>,h、 1 0가 ᄀ ate to be pronounced 
precisely as in English, they holding an mtennediate position between 
d, t, <fec. which are harder than in English, having the satne breathing 
as the Chinese ; and d, t, like the Chinese, are pronounced ynth the tip 
of the tongue from the edge of the upper row of teeth, instead of from 
the roof of the mouth. 

3. In pronoaDcing lip the Chinaman must make two syllables 
li'jpu; the English speaker opening Hs lips after forming the;), but 
uttering no audible sound. The Corean heeps his lips closed on every final 
consonant, permitting no breath to escape, neither vocal like the Chinese, 
nor inatidible fike the English speaker. This renders some finals in- 
distinct as is the case of the final English ᅀ, p, t of N. 2. 

4. Eaphony plays strange tricks with these finals, especiaQy with ^ 
^hich shoold be 8, but is so only before an 8. It Is assinulated by the 
succeeding consonant^ becoming English t, before dor t; k before g、 
h; n, before n, <fec. }^ final becomes m before n, and v before t'' 
*\very rarely becomes ng, L. after ^ as/, becomes I; and £ as r 
after becomes n, 

5. When /、 precedes a consonant (^, dd) it makes it very acnte, 
like Chinese 4th tone: A after g、 in the same syllable, softens g as it 
does < in " the;, " thing;, &c; as in Hebrew, Gaelic, Irish. But ogai 
is as readily understood as oghat 

6. The'sign in Corean before the vowel index, serves to distingoisb 
the aflSx, of which it forms part, from the root wliich immediately pre- 
cedes it ; e. g. l]"£5. and 탈으포 are similarly pronounced but 
tibe latter points out the root which the former cannot It is alio 


useful in pronouncing the Roman letter, for hanga may be pronounced 
han-gaoY hangaa^ the Corean of which is respectively '^ij" & 호ᅡ 야". 

7. The Corean alphabet, though always in syllables, is written, not 
from left to right as here, bat from top to bottom and right to left, like 
Chinese ; and the current band in English is no more unlike the printed 
letter than in the Corean. 

There is a slight difference between the pronunciation of this Primer 
and that of the capital in some words, as hanul " heaven," capital kanal; 
tiundi " heaven and earth," capital " chiunjiP Bat these are not 
numerous, and the prommciation of the western provinces is understood 
all over Corea. 

Newchwang, 1877. 



s & t 







mum hivb 




m b 







― y giu 후(。 go 、 



9 한,, 


N.B. ― Consonants all pronounced as in Chinese, the romanization being on 
the 'system of my Mandarin Primer; the vowels are also on the same 
principle, ~ of a certain definite unchangeable value, the u always pro- 
nounced as in fuUj oo and w standing for the other value of u. Corean o 
final more open than o in English long^ its nearest approximation, iw 
always like ew of new, few. 
The double vowels o and a, form wa, oo and u, wu (wo nn), a and i, e of let, 
u and i, a of lwme、 which I write e for precision. 

7100 niw mi m na 

doo dim du di 

하^ 러 려토료 

naU lia nul- -liu nol' lio 

2 보르리 ? 

noo^ 4ho lul lil 


때섞 NfHlJi 보 

ha ina ^ Inu bo bio 

h0 hiw hu U ha 

사시 c 서서 

sa or sha m or Ma m or shu sm or $kiu so assio siooT shh 
800 or ekoo siu) or shiw m or tka si or a^t saixsha 

00 yoo 

h ^ 





ha kia hu hiu 

ho hio 



hoo hiw hu hi ha 

dm Gtja dsia otjia 

dsu or ju dsiu oijiu dso or jo dsio or jio 

dsoo or joo dsiw or jiw dsu or ju dsi or ji dsa or ja 

tsa or cha tsia or cUa tsu or chu tsiu or chiu tso or cho tsio or chio 

i 치 4 

tsoo or choo tsiw or chiw tsu or chu tsi or chi tsa or cha 


tia tu tiu to tio 


iiS3ssoisr I. 


u … 


VI 도 1 쩐 t 

ne doeshun mal ho-ighqjia handa 

I Corean words (to) leara want. 

네 나를 작행 «HH 

nS mrul shiungBeng dejiup 
Ton (for) me teacher engage, 

V 촐리 

ne dejiup ha €ri, 

I engage, can. 

^ 1M 주 3t 슴뱌 

vlmena dsooghasumma. 
How much give him? 

\1 ^베 

han dale nugh niang. 

One itioon four taels. 

1^ ^^촌 sHt 

dio-oon shiumhengun imtdangi degoogmoU ammunu 
Good teacher should Chinese speech know. 

doeshun mal hoiffi sooipda 

Corean speech (to) learn easy. 


51^11) ^^다 

de ghoog mal bmgi uryupda, 

Chinese (to) learn difficult. 

5!^^ tiK] 쩌^ "{!^ 

doeshunnum rmn gnijt unyug anda, 

Corean women even Corean letters know. 

VI "하^ t SNil 슬 ti 

ne deglwog mal boigi sulta, 
I Chinese speech learn don't want. 

VI t 질: iKEL 지 c ^디 

ne doeshun mat doal haghojia handa, 

I Corean speech to be able want (stop). 

ahiumheng chiunghayu duru ona. 

Teacher invite in (to) come. 

쁠끼 i]:^ t> 즈시 t> 즈라 

duru wassum andsushi andsura. 

In (he) has come please be seated you sit down (inferior). 

^지 *i 추시 

piunji handiang sudsooshi. 
Letter one write. 

hdndiangun jimhSro mgo. 

One Chinese letter write. 


"^9^ 。! :! 여으로 쓰시 

hatidiangun unyughuro mshu 

One Gorean letter write. 

JL4i5!: St| 소 

hooski diosowa dioti ansowa. 

Pen good, good not 1 (Is tlie pen good). 

HI) S& ^ ^ifcUl 

ughi dio-oon mug mowe. 

Here good ink (there) is. 

jigongi hiurtbiunti mot hawi. , 
This paper respectable not if. 

>Wf 족 ^에^ A 시 

ihegoog jiongeyu sushi, 

어ᄁ >H1 힉이 소 !ᅦ 

%ighi shetsegi mansowe. 

Here , books many. 

Tai 회 t 져 i 사 

de tseg gajiu oshu 
That book take come (bring). 

o] 한 ^ Mni 

han gwan mrugi sodipso-wum, 
isTh one volume (to) read easy is. 



촬^ 이 ^i^il^ 소 iiil 

pan tsegfi niruffi aodipso-wum. 

Printed book (to) read easy. 

^려 l-rj <g ?。^ 

halyn $itngut ioghi uryupda. 

Character written (to) look at difficult. 


>옆^님 ^ᄀ s 섬 &m 

tJdung sung nim, jiup dimg mm. grdho ya dsoo-oo. 
Teacher. Assistant teacher. EeadiDg teach (me), 

^Ihoyura, guUiliura. gvlhattmra. 

Read (learn) that To read. Repeat lesson. 

1츠^ 에^^ 이 얗? 14|。1! 

handarS, niangjmni ulrm shigio. 

One moon wages how much % , 

함^ 에 ^^식 Wt^1i!^i 

handarS doomang shig bannunda. darungun upto. 

One moon two tiaos one man; other expenses are not. 

일 Lt! 에추평 식 좀이니 

yil rmi/ni tsoopan don mangsMg dsoommum 
One year (to) doorkeeper few tiaos give. 


'f。l 서^ 을니 plBifS 히 t 소학 


ne a dul isudange ottim diosowa dioti ansowa. 

My son this school (has) gone to, is good or good nol 

BSl 무순^ ^미 it 수청지 |1남§에 

diossowi. moosoon tsegul nirumma. yijiciya chiundsemoon mrummS, 
Good. What book learn? At first ^'Thousand character door" they learn. 

시 e 극다 다 될 

sariag da nillutda, Mengdsa nirughatda norm nillura. 
Four Books all learn. Mencius must be learned. Analects learn. 

dehagrun supjiangi wuni. dioongyongun hangfwunio. shidiunun yulgwunio, 
"Great Learning" ten books. Golden Mean one vol. Odes ten books. ' 


$어1 4 iSS t!*tf 

heghe kun hollodsu harma igg(L 

Kitchen large stove one is. 

지수^ 1 하 15! 다다슛 푸이시 

jiaghungut door itda. da sovt poolshi. 

Small two are. All charcoal born. 

가? 1 ;;복 귿: R 작 다 

game kungut jiaghun^ da "da. 

Pots large, both, small, and, all there are. 


서너 ^1-1!* > !다 

sunu nu dut ge sahal itda. 

Three four bowls there are. 

^ 가 W>!t^v 

yurughe sootgarag itda. 

Good few spoons there are. 

ml yadul sang hal gwa changdsu itda. 

Seven eight pairs knives and forks are. 

tsalhoghi dediup hnc/pan da itda. 

Teacups, platters, plates all . ^ , are. 

ft 예^ At!: 물 It 5! 다 

yuru begfge shoeshohan modgan itda. 

Good few " hundreds odds and ends things are ; 

da gudoowu ganshiwhashi. 

All arrange 、 properly. ^ 

aphang saram hoollu ona. 

Cook call come. 

^。|고 ^ *w 

hoolpoo-igho lap kushi. 

Fire light food to make. 


dsoban diumhiin jiunyag. 

Breakfast ; tiffin; dinner. 

♦ • ♦ ' 


if 디 T!: ^하。 h 

moolglmrd domoodi ganjiung haya dota. 

Things all clean I want 

guile jil dsodsosang gullSjiL hayura {Chinese^ ha) 
Handkerchief to rab. Table dust (I want). 

uijiyu 예 SjU hashi. 
Chair dnst (I want). 

5: 쩡 ^이 ip 념^^ 피 VI 춤에 

mStdium jimgiwa, yMoodium dinesummS, 

What o'clock? Twelve o'clock p^uit. 

hdpi doiyanunya, dni doiyanunya. 

Food ready not ready? 

츰^ I 

^oeyussummS. ' 


ii>^o^ 맣 고 노+시 

daodsosang daggo dsulgS no-ooshi. 

Table set. Food bring in. 


moosoon hdpi issummS, 

What food is theret 、 

니 에 3^ 클: ITTl 지^ 

nt bdjn issunmS, goog mool gogi jijim. 

Bice food there is. Soap, . water-flegh(fish) fried. 

80 gogiga surrusuni^ dasJd sangasunL 

Ox flesh underdone^ again roast 

。<drr| 가짝 t: 짜^ x| 폿하 3t 다 

yang gogiga tadiu mugji mothaghdida. 

Sheep-flesh burnt eat cannot 

3:。M:fH 지지 향 I 달^: fo^ljlf 

doyaji gogi jijinundi dalgaU docmra. 

Pig-flesh fry, • eggs pat m* 

jingaroo dug surrura. 

flour • bread cut 

나 t 초 il^tMWiFtii 해우 

naul XscfwOy dainggajiwa^ hoM}j 9oghon% daoo. 

Me vinegar, cayenne, paper- salt, give. 

, 14 

뚫 i 잠 에소댜 2h 

moond dsdne scdara. 

Water (into) cap pour. 


hin toadsan sichura. 

White teacup wash. . 

쇼펫이 ^2 나 ^ 질: 

so jiodi dsarrigkannnn motdsarrSghannun, 
Cow milk enough (or) not enough % 

^z^)\ tH 가 춤에 

、 dsarrigha stmme. darmsiu mmmS, 

Enough (it) is. Drank (I) have (finished) 

츰려 ef 골^ iNxq- 

hang surrura modtdog gajiona. 

Kang sweep. Water jar bring. 

shin ; gatjin ; tsoshin. 

Shoe ; leather shoe ; grass Bhoe. • 

XilBSSOIsr -V- 

VI 너를 불운디 tH^ 더 I 

ne nurul hocn^omdi yurubun inde, 
I you called often. 


b)) 무«1 슭허놀 ehl iNiti 

m moousul hanurragh anni onun. 

You why not come. 

VI ^어 서끓 에 

ne dome isu moolghun shiUsussunmi. 

1 behind was, things washing. 

^체 tslf ^ 히^ 하 3 켰춤에 

nimje scrrirul dutdi mot ha yussummS, 

Your voice hear not (I) did. 

naghane wassumm^, mepbooniwa, skSbooniwS, 

Visitors have come. how many ? three Lonorablest 

W| 。Hr| 니。 W ^ 하너니 

ne anuni adi mot hanuni. 

You do recognise, (or) do not 

야디 • 

adi mothamme. 
Recognise (I) do not ? 

^^ii^faUL 니다 fti^jLU 슴에 

shinggio • tagko onL da imltagho umsurrmS, 

Sedanchair sitting coidS^ All (on) horseback have come. 

iawanJuxmn saram issupda upsupda. 

Servant ― Doan is thei% (or) is not. 

、 16 

마부 이서 돌묘 iMr^ 

maboo ishu tsetdig dvlgo wasmpdS. 

Groom there Is, whip holding come. 

^혈^ il 았^^ I 

miungtiup dvlgo wassvpde. 
(A) card bringing (one) has come. 

5l3t ^F^t}. rH «H| 

narvl .hogat dapda, ddi chingoue. 

Me see give. All (are) friends. 

di iscframdul chiunghayu gegshirro duru oshi. 
Those men invite great-room in come. 

테 i 는탕 t» 다들어 ij: 큼버 I 

dSsaramdul da duru wammmS. 

They all in have come. 

、 HSgwa jtomantsu naogirul gidoaroora mrushi. 

Them a little (till) I come (to) wait invite* 

나 1 N 뮤 i^w 

chcihoou, ' nagane dejiup hashL 

Tea pour ont^ guests (to) drink. 

megge kumnodaghoo hagikushu 

Few large nailg fix io; 


그%、 ^끠 t): 사 ±^ 

^rim gurushi dashi jiogam nopge. 

Picture hang up still a little higher. 

mmtA 어 11 i4i 시 

hagdi mothaghatda ughi 

(nail) hold will not. Here 

iix it. 


물다 우상씻 3 ᄄ !• 

Mod daoo sang siggatda. 
Water want face to wash. 

이^。 11"^》) 폿하 1 

yx moon ganjiungchi mcthada. 

This water clean is not. 

mm »2!T!iM 낭 2)v 21 우 

neberrura Innoowa, shoogun 

Pour out. Soap, towel 

i 향어 또^。 I^^MeK 

mod hiungu d<Hxm moan ilhmira. 
In water jug good water is. 

sMriunpooni sMl^ngi itda. 

Wash bason (on) wash stand is. 



duoon mool dao mogyog haghatda mogyog hamji gagiu ona. 
Hot water (l) want \?hole body (to) wash. Bath-tub take come. 

VI 가^ 하니。 당^ 5^3!: 다큉타 4뉴묘 



yUjug doonnoopgatda piungsang gdlgo. 
early recline. Bed miike. 

ntbool onge om, 
Matlrass turn over (come.) 






튤이 5 쇠^ 하니^ 더두러 eh 

doti motkmi, soot 

Fire good is not ; charcoal 

L ᅦ VII! ^툭 이 

ni neU yildmgh&ni. 

Yon to-morrow very early. 

wasu hool pooyuru. 

Come in, fire (to) light. 

해 듯; 수 L\mi^\ 

put on. 

hat dujjioL 
San oome oat, 




I! 툭。 iH ᄎ KMi— 뱌사; ᅡ 

ytljtighdni tsa han sabal mashijia. 

Very early tea one cup (I) drink. 

> !디뱌 2|«^rH:}^e|« ^。분 려파" 

nitdi mora moon dadara moon yunura. 

Forget dont. Door, skat. Door open. 


ne jip jiggojioL handa giHrinun sMgU. girrio, 
I house built want, a ; long, thirty feet long. 

nuhocnun hangil bdnio jivan nopginun hangUi doodscu 
Broad one jang balf (fifteen feet) Koom high one jang two feet. 

tuUn nugdsa gvpgi hagho dialgo dsoboon gumn dioti anta. 
Foundation four feet deep want. Short, narrow, if it is. respectable not. 

darrmn dootsong ddlo hagho haggatun hngdang. 
Foot of wall two rows large stones want. Outside burnt bricks ; 

anagun hulguro hagho moonnel goonxmg dooshi 

Inside sundried bricks want (For) door opening leave. 


moon nopgiimn ulmena lialgo yusut dsa ban haski 

door lieight how much want ? five feet half. 

^^31^ 두ᄎ re^ti。i 하시 

moon shiulgissun doo chi ban dootui hashi 
door posts two inches half thick. 

sheghan jivool jiushi jioo-oo tqpjirhanda gagffci. 
Three rooms build. Joiner saw wood ; (cut down witli axe.) 

수。 1 듯체허 t-rJ§^vHiL)" 

haramun vdutlS haramrm yilgoon sdgneyu ana. 

Partition how made? Labourers hire come. 

T 우! 정냉 irl 으 Al 

dejiang hoollu tiulmool mendurushi 
Smith order iron-^ork to do. 

guUewa^ doldoghoo sapshi oeglwog cfiiUe haghushi. 
Lock, hinges buy. ' Foreign lock put in. 

moon darara shiuggiung tsangoo hagho gapoori upsu diutda. 
Window put in glass panes (put in). Glue is not (dnisbed.) 

^온! 욺:? 에 차 hSH£|« 

tiunbandsii dio-oon jiongS barushi dobe {dohie) hayura. 
Ceiling good paper paste on. Paper the walls. 


^1 는두 1/ 다 Ife^i 시 

jiangpan、 dootupda, girim durrushi. 
The Kang paper very thick, oil put on. 

^tJ* 뾰비묘 1|f 쭌 3 계하 i 

hotdiangun ^ggigo gidoongun gotge hagoh. 
Joist (is) horizontal, posts upright (are.) 

는 "은 2f 에 ?1§ icH) 

nonffmaruoowS mggarrerul doolde. 

Gross beams above, rafters are. 

giya gorS hi seed anm hagJiS. 

Tiles steep, ram leak not (will). 

^?이 놁미 1^5:15 

gooltongi nopcU anumiun yun ffishilta. 

Chimney high, not smoke (it will). 

^ t 1» -2. ^tliS. ^마 

moonool anurodo yul^ haggurodo yurrmiaf 

Door (to) inside opent outside opeti T 

haggarodo yulgS, 

Outside opens. ' 、 

t-fliF 쥬? ,뚫^ 츠읊 fYii^i 

digha joo-oo moolghunul doahnenduldi. 

He joiner work can do well. 


il*^ 뿌너 다1} 으 It 하시 

wajiangi hooUu 、 dagha uinun hashu 
Bricklayer call come (to) consult. 

«+를 fi^ 1H 꿇 

degha narul bojoo hanyu dsoolga. 

He me security, a, must give. 

둬쪽이 St 디 t 주 4 우 

ganghoowa desemogi doomoodi desaram. 

Labour, material all his. 

i^KIt 1 후당 34 

' ooltarinun hmgdangw^o Bakko. 

All round, a brick wall^(raiist be) built 

담이^ 리" 탸시아 사으시 

dcvm woolgudiutda ; , dashi sdmhi. 

Wall has fallen down, again must buil(i 

한^ 으포 5! 디 ^iMi 다 

han chiurmnianguro ' jitdi mothaghatda. 
One thousand taels build (it) cannot. 

xli-d ^귁 

jiumun jiung gwei hadd. 

To build very, dear, (it is). 



끓 31^ 사» 랍에다 잇슴뱌 

moolginnun saram udi issumma. 
Water-carrying-man, where is ? 

c ᅦ ^^J-^l 이서 ^thH| 

de rmdangS^ isu yirhammS, 

He (in) compound is, workings 

^쥬 어디 5! 츰바 

mooljoo udi issumma f 

Master, where isf 

dS jimnS iuH ansumm. 

He ID room is not? 

Jnst gone out. 

jrphagge saram itda. 

House outside, men are. 

^ W 이서 한다 

de haggS isu irhanda. 

He outside is busy. 


-rcf "에 ^기 M +f %M 


megge sidlgwa namoo 
how many fruit trees 

are there ? 

^]rx^-\ 시무 3t 춤메 

shimooghasmmma ? shimooghassumme. 
Are (they) planted ? They are planted. 

。!! 쿰 M %SL 

jjurum inetchin gutdo iggo. 
Fruit producing trees there are ; 

got pooinun gutdo iggo. 
Flower-producing trees there are. 


got gwa 


Flowers, grass 

very many. 

5!:^ 에 시^ 기시 5 며 디 


hwa hoanS skimoongusld jiugdi ansowe, 

(In) flower pots planted few, not a. 、 

하놀이 가^ 리" ^\t^^\ 

hanuri gamoora gotcM da imrunda. 

Weather drought, flowers all dried up. 

가쿠 라주^ 가꾸^ 다 

(Of) drought, 


(I) fear. 


한 다" A) 

^ngeshig da mooldsoosM. 

One by one all must be watered. 

najenm • gai . mooldsoodt mashi. 

Forenoon must (b). watered, not; 


marrulga moompda, 
(b) burnt up (I) fear. 

gotchul shimoMS moosom yiisul shvrmghassimma f 

Flower planting what kind plant ? 

gagyangfuX da shimooghassum. 
Each kind all (I want) planted. 

m *"0느>차 능이 ^파를 ^ 1^4 

hudu nanggS nungi sMlgwarul jiup handa, 
(On) willow tree can apples graft. 

hog^oowa mamoo gajirul gajiuda hudunungge jiuphandcu 
Peach tree branch take, (on) willow graflb. 



^1 쇼는 션 if 펐 fth 후 

hondi sho nunghi chianU ^nda, doeshun shorvl mitdi mothanda. 
Native ox can cart draw ; (to) Corean ox equal (it) is not. 

^디 쇼가 tiHtia 

hondi sho gagUga dugho. 

Native ox goes slowly. 

tl £L2 Stl- 

doeshun hang sho kugho diota. 
Corean bull (is) large very; 

gagigha soghayu nose gatda. . 

Goes quickly, mule equal to 

^^rH^ 치 <H£ 다 

nunghi mooguoon chiand , gvndcu 
Can heavy ' cart "dfaw. 

yi hang shogha sdljiutda* 
This bull fat. 

tfl 알쇼가 귈 5! 다 

ne oun shogha perretda. 
Your cow lean. 


jiaghun ehogha moodun 
Small calf fair. 


t。cH|:2>T! 욕' 홤&핵 i4 



mxunyange gogi mdta 

Sheep flesh ^odd. 

scmyangun nodgda yi yc^g Beggi saljiutda 

Thi* lamb 

Goat cheap. 

Mill ^ t^^ 

bhmoe deyoog dodlmugnunda, 

Beyond-border pork (is) good easing. 

soot doyaji jooym upda. 

Boar, owner has not. 

유추 I 촉 I 뿐 I 

noot jivi gamiufi ''mm jivi 
Who$e house he enters, " Vhose boose 

암 ±。H 지 #fl ^하 

toyajt tiime se^i 

how many 


am toyajt tume seffgx fu 

Sow how many pigs & 

harAeyu '^^^mugge 、 Md amiin. 

머 1! 다 

he is fed. 

One birth 

over too 




。l 에네 기。 회 , , , 

yi nine gai dioti 、 wvtcu 

These dogs good . are nQ|N 

데숏^ tgfehiftr 

de sootgai saram moonda. 

That dog men bites. 

amkai seggi nakko niijctg fuida. 

Bitch (when) whelps born wild is. 

^ 아^。 좡 y 다 

gwangi sheni jooi doamnunda. 

Cat good rats (at) catching. 

^나 꾸저 f p 

soot nagoo kikuda. 
He - ass large. 

cm naghoo hudi anta, , 

She - ass larg^,; not. 

de soottal oogx axota, ^ 

That : cpc)fe to see good (beautiful). 

O 3" 직 느〜 
<: * *々〜 

\ '\ , 

mtal mlmidang al ^^nawwwwcw. 

amt(d mdymdang 
Hen d^ily eggs lays. 


lH| 동 이 한뮤 , ; 

orri nungi naldi mothanda. 

Duck can fly not. 

^논 K。W^^Wt 댜 

gesani moogaji silda sooJcku amhi da itda. 

Goose neck long. Male, : female, all there are. 

X.ESS03<r ZXl- 

hiunweyu met doyaji mania. 

Beyond border viild h^a.T plentiful. 

J!^ ᄀ닭에 

goniung tape chijia ' mania. 

Ninguta bannermen numerous. 

동 요!。 다 

dong nap wore seniung handa. 

11th and 12th moo^s . go. hunting. 

handed nurriu seniung hani. 

One moon more hunting return. 

^은^ 1 w 

humun rfumta anta. 

Tigers inany not. ' 

향 \ ' ^ 

、 Jm 


적택 w 

popio jiugdi anUL 

Leopards few not. 

。+ f > 찰기 ^。l 

uyoo; acUgi; in. 

Fox : wild cat ; wolf. 

M'^ 이 ji 욺 

nrugoari go-oom. 


The N. (Ch. haodsa of dog tribe) Bear. 

사큽이 크。 Si] i 하 

aammi hiya hoghx diota. 

Deer, large, (to) see good. 

mehwa nogi momoo itda. 

The in. deer (axes spots has. 

퓌 I x )rrH 홤이 1? 댜 

toggi jiagha ; gdri upda. 

(Ch. paodsu) small ; tail has not. 

noroo jiung jagha hodri updo. 

Musk deer (?) small horns has pot. 

동뫼 1 )• II- o 최어 IH ii 니 

dongpigha gajang yuru ^diriwv/nu 

Sables very many ^inds. 


맣이 >#-J ft 

mangi, ^ gwung, mooldaL 
Eagle ; pheasant, snipe. 


VI ^어 1 q-ux^Hi 

ne moone na ghagJmsmrmS. 
I door want to pass (=travel)l 

어디 각 3!: 슴 

udi gaghammma, - 

Whither journey ? 

googiung gaghassumme. 
Sight seeing I go. 

^우에 m 131:4 

sanooe olla hada hogassum. 

Hill top ascend sea to see. 

상 옳으지 i 소 21" 

son arughi diosowa f 

Hill ascended easy *? 

나구히 i2L ^。H^ Si} 

rmghoo tadoo dtoko, gurughadoo diota, 

(Both) donkey back good (<fe) walking good. 


nunun chici taghoo nanun imltaghoo gap^e. 

You cart hire, I horseback go, 

^뒤여 높 1 그시 

skiangdsanun chia dooiyu ulghmJn, 

Box cart behind place. 

ilMil'^^l^M 푸?、 

shoesho han moolghunnun cfiia , anS dooshi. 
Odds & ends things cart mside. 

^군이 ; St) 

chia gooni diosowa dioti ansowa. 

Cart driver good, good not? 

Stl 돗 Si A!"^ 아네 

diott ; motdoen saram amwuni. 

Good; stupid man he is not. 

4^1 W tl 펴 t 어 f 

sogld gapse he diughamme. 

Quickly go snn go down. 


hegha dmghamiun. 
Sun has gone down. 

리 무^ 디 1 유하 

hamirrado moosiupdi anta. 

Darkened ; fear mx 


gildoo gaglii diota diumi - muldi anta. 

Eoad (to) walk good ; inn far not. 

"은 ^으디 ^하 에 

kun dmmoon nirudi mot haghasmmme. 

Large inn reach not can. 

yi mari sanapda de kiun nose yc'ng hada. 

This horse wild. That mule docile. 

혁에 t 우^ L 간데 5 레 후쳤^ 

diume haroo moongnunde don ulmena siissummcu 

Inn one day living (in) money how much spend 

정미 t:i%idHiAl 

jianggweidi chiunghayu oshx. 

Innkeeper invite to come. 

:i 놀어 tl 토 셰얏 4 마 

onool udiro tkotsa dunasmmma. 

To-day whence from started. 

i 하 5! 춤에 

jivooro dsotsa wasmmme. 

Home from come. 

어 느문으 5 ^\tM 

time moonuro gaghassumrm. 

Whither go ? 



lot 츰마 

dhti ansaw uni. 
good • not. 

hoog hiunuro gaghasmmme. 
Northwards go. 

북으로 차 는^ ojnH 

hooguro ganun giri gvgi 

North going road walk 

kunhwa, mool manta. 

Great rain, water everywhere. 

ihl 됴소 iV 。i!: 소 21" 

dcmgUun gagi diosowa ansowaf 

Eastwards go good or not ? 

학^ 세북。 :&하 

damot shehoogi gaghi diota. 

Only N. W. go good. 

:S 상에큰 t 결이 이서 

dmgmmS hinderi isu. 

E. S. (S.E.) large temple is. 

appe geghoor itda. 

Ahead river is. 

^ ᄀ dtl 

gipsmima gipti ansumma. 

Deep (or) deep not ? 


hiamoon gunnughadi mothmda, 

(Has) rained; cross cannot. 

할우야 I 디 vPti 다 PtNt 가 Stl 

haroo yitul dineniiun damot gunnu gaghi diota. 

One day, two days wait on then cross go can. 

^。cH otlH -;W ᄀ낭이 o), 

piungyangi ugisM mienni giriwa f 

Pingyang home Low many li road*? 

^니 5|tl。J:4 에표 f。lthB!: 츰에 

menni doedi ansumme; jioghom imiun gaghasmmme, 

Li (miles) many not ; little while will reach. 

이 ^ ^。1 : &리。 I!: 삭 

ihiun girt jiung gaghi dioti anta. 

This road very go good not. 

# HH* 에 다 픈흘 。 

chia hJcooe gipda dsunkul isu. 

Cart tracks deep mud (all) is. 

o 냑 꼭포 1 K! 뜰^ 일이^ 일춤+ 

appooro gamiun dsurun gin issumma upsummaf ' 

Forwards going diverging road is is not? 

f 읕 i。rwji 곳^ 니 

dsurum girt upgo gottsoo gammuni. 
Diverging road is not straight on go. 


큰^ 가 1 1 B:i 。ii:*r 

htm girun gagi dtoti anta. 

High road (to) go good (is) not. 

더 1 H m i:e|X 슴에 

dugkime secha dodrri issumnie. 

(Over) there cart new track there is. 

w ^\^] m^] 힙끼 I 

ingai gadi inothaghe hamme. 

People (to) go (will) not permit. 

cMa mooghuwu guldi mothaghatda. 
Cart heavy draw cannot. 

살으。 Ml" 1H 근。^ VW 못 #3t4 

guruya ; sa heg gune dineji mothaghatdx. 

Can draw ; 400 catties pass not. 

i ^에^ 5 러가^ ^이 

giunge niruru gamiun dart iggassum. 
5th watch at (we) go; moon there is. 

햐어어 zhtl^ 읕 나읕에 

cha muyura* he dut olla omme, 、 

Cart, yoke. San risen has. 

ttM 다 에 

modghuni da gallimme. 
Things all loose. 

I 빼 

modghunul da shimtda. 
Things all in order. 

^지、 가 어어리 :mt^ 

shiangdsagha mooguwn miiyudi mothaghatda. 

Box heavy carry (one man) cannot. 


doo sunuge saram hooUn jiooshu 

Two, three men call (to) cany. 

접。 촌에 어 t:l H 무 #머* 

jiun yage udi mumooramma. 

At night where do yon lodge ? 

。it:i7f。-|^te! 지 이쿠 f 쎄 

udiga udoopdunji udi mumooj'oopse. 

Where it darkens there I lodge. 

、샛니 ^1 니 ^^어 ^이 

menni girina giugkuyu dium ismmina. 

Few road, every, inn there is. 

^에 se) ^^m: i>y m 

diwne durru moolgun durul dsoshim hashi. 

Inn lodging in, of things careful be. 

나무 잇다 

hegma shanS namoo dulmun itda, 

*BeDgina mts. trees wholly, are. 

* The B. mountains are a splendid range S. of Ngaijow, with a city. 


욛^>1 슨^ 


gmun npda. 

Anything else there is not. 

iH 구껼 궈지^ 

gumgawg sanul 
G. mountainst 


googiung hujia, 
be visited. 



have come. 

똘어 보시 




ttpsumrm f 
IS not (come)? 


"운에 톺나^ 7 

malge olla monjiugha 

Horse mount go ahead, 

^뉸 쩐。 1 5! 슴마 


giabanshm wassumme, 
Sailing ship has come. 

그1^ 이 5!! 한데 $] 푿^ 숙 :il 몬 y 

guihiuri innunde hwanoomheni soJch, ondamme, 

Reported it is steamer quickly come. 

if 는^。 1 능이 속지 ᄀ J 야 





t The G. mountains E. of Ngaijow crowded with temples. 


fiaghun bd sdngne yu hwanoon ahene oroogJumurmne. 
Small boat call, steamer (on board go,) 

이 ItSPl 다 f 눈^ 이다폿 ^낢 

rmmioon miruya hwanoonshent domot gammuni. 
Tide flowB steamer (will) immediatelj go. 

1!t。| 세뻔! 눈썹。 117:1 봇 tH:i 

mnmoori jirniim kmnoonahem qji mothanda. 
Tide ebbs steamer come eannot 

1 ♦ 촐 ♦ 


VI t 작고 iyt4 

Tie mcdtagho gaghasmm, 
I horseback go. 

t 。!! :장지 여모사 

mar andsangjm oshi 
horse saddle (<fe) come. 

marandaangi tsudiumm ; jiyu tadi mothaghaSdoi, 

Saddle destroyed ; (to) saddle use it, cannot. 

네 。!! 정^ iW 

ne cmdsang haggooru gashi. 
You saddle change . ga 

40 , 

^ f 육 4ti 퍄댜 

man ganjiungti anta jiaghal^ dungdsa da ganjiungti anta. 
Horse clean is not. Bridle, stirrups all clean not. 

IJL 버 If 

hogho dolliugam. 
Lead (him) go back. 

tti*4 에물 ttwf 지 °LMn《»tw 

marhengdsmg soghe moolghun ; dashi gv/doqji anle ganjiung kasM, 
Stable inside, things ; again arranged not clean. 

나 V 찰삭매 H 

nanun shilta nena. 
I dismiss you. 

to) 가장 51! 번이나 

mart gadsang mSpbunini. 

Spoken very often. 


네 1" ^ ^1 

negha jiung dutji annuni. 
You obstinate hear will not. 

Hf 꼼전 

jiurul gongjiun dsooma, 
your wages (I) give. 

negha dihangul tsadsara. 

You (other) place seek. 



ne dashi hanptl mal 、 saghatda, 
I again one horse (want to) buy. 

이 i!^t。MHK 

yi pil sooinmari sanapda. 
This one entire horse wild. 

^ i! ^ S^l 。il: 팍 

de pil ammal jiung dioti anta. 
That one mare very good not. 

VI 이쿠 3 Jl!: 을 픗 t !히띠 • 

ne yi moorang marul lord moodun kada. 
I this gelding (to) see fair (=tbink liim good). 

i 닉 I 처디 

rmlJci Jcudi anta. 

Horse large not. 

r\e derul boni jinshiUo hdruda, 

I him looking (think) hardy, fist. 

찰에동 。1 。|^4tlftML| 

Jicdle nungi yibeng nirul gammuni. 

One day can 200 li go. 

>!: 춤마 나。 1 1^1 네? I 

metche nassumma, nai manta ausum neghe niwe. 
How much old ? month many not; four teeth. 

t1 항질은 냐이" K 돔 기슴케 

de han pirun mi mana nulgmummS. 
That one's moatli much; old he is. 

"쉬^ h-llM 기 "더! 버1가시 

mari garhayu hamme; ga de modmSghishi. 

Horse thirsty (is); go him water. 

tm^'A^^A ^L-i 후시 

md ddmneyussum dS guUyu dsooshi. 

Horse perspiring him walk slowly. • 

에창 y^p) 쌓^ L 까주 >i 

mcd dsumme; tsarmud madang gullyudsoM, 
Horse crippled 5 must daily be exercised. 

t|jliN£M:hiit 니지 i 는 으、^ 

tagho dalKura* tagho dalliji anumiun. 

Bide on (him). Bide on (him) don't 

sokki gaji anundcu 

Quickly walk (him) don't. 

찰우 <gf|^ 을 에 1H 

haroo ulme poond megUmma* 

One day how much grass feed ? 

!엿' 근꿇멕 1H 

yuhneg gun poolinS gimmL 

10 odd catties grasa feed. 、 


14 시? 을메 IH" 

tdme shooehi Jccngod meghimma f 
How mnch millet, peas feed 

두 514 시^: £|^。lil 

doo doe shooshi; doo doe Jcangtwe, 
2 shaDg millet ; 2 shung peas. 

:。r 향소 ° 삳정근 "ii/w 

poori upsowe. yil chiun gunman sash. 

Straw is not (=fini8lied). 1000 , catties buy. 

수시^ it^ 에。 diTPHil* 

shooshisdl han shemnie yvlme doniwaf 

Large millet one dan (10 pecks) Low mucli money ! 

꺄서 IfP^ 사시 

gashi dam mar sash. 

Go five pecks buy. 

vri。i 니 。갸 hWi!! 니지 II 하 m^f 

ne mari niyag hayu; tagho dallijx mothaghi handa. 
My hoiBO wild Js ; Bide on him cannot. 

탑。 데롤 칵미。 I 극^ 어니 

sararni garni d^ul tami upsummuni, 

Man dare him ride is (none). 



너틀 5! 디^ sr>tK 

nurul mitdi inothagJiatda. 

(With) you keep pace (I) cannot. 


15^!J; 슴야 

udutJce wassumim. 
How have you come'^ 

guru wassumme. 
Walking come. 

53 니 ^o)LpJ-a|- 

girma yamiiui ? 

Many li road walked ? 


palsupon gamine. 

85 li come. 

ᄀ iM 。 w 가피 

dari opa; gadi motlmghatda. 

Legs pained (wearied); go on I can't. 

VI W 뱌자 메 

ne warn nurul madda oghasmmme. 

I come you meet have come. 


"^를 tM^ 버 I 

girese jiaroorul hiru summe 

On road bag (I) have lost. 

W*)" 행。 4 꿀 viy: 다 

nari dupta guiriyu mod nenanda. 

Weather hot; on street water stinks. 

^리 o 자 자 1 1 1쇠 1 는삭 

grurriyu gagi dioti anta. 

Street to go good is not. 

t)i t 어 I jL\^tn 야 

ne de gwahange wassummaf 

You him together have come '? 

ne nul gwahange ghapse. 
I you together go. 

^ ^차 IJ-HI 

dS hamdsa gammS, 

He, ' alone, went. 

r—hl"^ 기농이 ^가디 M 댜 

degha milgu nungi gil gadi mothanda. 

He (is) old man can road go not. 

이 ^문 >N) 온동。 14 지 It 다 

yi jiulmom saramoon nungi sokki ghanda^ 
This young man can quickly ga 




mun g/iie gosang hayutda. 

You have come I wearied (yon mtist be). 

anagi looyussumma f ne mimoarrooghassum. 

Chief room . empty ? I want to stay. 

。!! 에 V"?!: 얘 

amgJie naghanS issuminfi. 

Chief room guest has. 

mumoorroodi rmthagJmsum, aharange mumoorroobh. 

Lodge (you) cannot. Side-room lodge in. 

사량。 1 Mi> £t] 。i!:i£V 

eharatiffi diosowa dioti ansowa f 

Side-room good, good not! 

가이" 루: « :춤 

gcd muTmorrooghassum. 
May be occupied. 

。1 방。 I]: 이 우 11 삭다 

yi hangani inoodun hada. 

This ' room fair. 


47 、 

디 l!7#Vl>3^>H ^데 구시 

yi satdi ganjiunffH anuni seghut haghooshi. 

This mat clean not; new change. 

조^ K2 지 디 5! 다 HPcJ" 

dsodsotwa, utji da itda hapsang. 
Table, chair, all there are. Small round table. 

창에 ^;짧 5! 자 

tsangS migge sheggiung itda. 

Window several (pieces) glass has. 

^Qfi ^은 ^ 무면 <feKr 

giryug diumoon da moodun hada. 

On road inns all fair. 

o] 저슨 T^YiV 

yi gusun jiaghun dirnn. 

This one small inn. ' 

주 Oti 성이 쿠어시 

jooin shengi mooushiwa f 

Landlord's suniame honorable T 

폿 성。 life im 

mot dcm; shengi %oang gewi. 
Flattered I Burname wong. 

YI 용。 1 픈방에 자다^ 하 

ne nungi han hangS dsadi mot haffhassumme. 
I can large kang sleep not. 

48 , 

'。! !: 방 이?! 슴꺄^ 춤캬。 itSi 옇 한 

an hangi issumma upsumma f an hang upsou:^. 
Inner room is, is not? Inner room Is not. 

^ ^oj o^^af ^ 방은 o 보 A 에 

hangi upsumma ? giut hanffun issufmie. 
eper's room is not? Innkeeper's room there is. 

^> 믹이지 IH^^ 

f hool ddi'ijt anamm. 
Bat fire bum (we do) not. 

꼴 ^람야 구 t 다시 

hool deramma marramma, gooman doosM, 
Fire light or not never imud^ 

평상 ojL)" 5! 슴바 

jpiung sangina issumma. 

Bed (I) have. " 

물큔。 ll+ 가지 러가시 f 향 1 융 i 손 I 

moolg^uni naghajiru gashi moolgun ongiuno ooskL 

Things take go (away.) Things move away. 

? 여! 시 

jivanuro dvryu oshi 

Koom put to right. 

1 녈 쿠시세 4 하: « :숍 

tsan mool dsooshi sheshoo haghasmm, 

CoW T"oter want (to) wash. 


더 운물슬 

duopn mod sulta. 
Hoi water don't want. 

당 1 가 ^디 압춤뱌 

damhe mugsumma mugdi ansumm (! l. 

Tobacco eat (smoke) eat not! 


mughuldsvl moroommS. 
Eat (I) will not. 

it 즉에, 4 으슬 ^i: 1 자 5 ! ^이 • 

diume moousul- muggulgS issumma. 

Inn what to eat has? 

확에 쫏 수시쌓 이 2 : H 

diumS baboon damot soosht sdl iwuftL 

Inn food only millet is. 

^우뿌 !!• iHni 츰머니 

do dooboowa, haitsai issummuni 

Also pea-curd, cabbage are. 

묘기 51^ 다。 흩 Ir 다 

gogi issupda upsupda f 

Meat is is not 

upaupdi dalgail iss:updaf nun pi dal saghampda f 

None. Eggs are there ? Can fowl buy ? 


못사 1 다 교이쇼 £,1 다。 4 하 

mossagkasmpda, yang gogi shogogi da updo. 

Cannot buy, mutton, beef all are not. 

이 기시 쿠순 ^이 

yi gushi moosoon diumiwa. , 

This what (kind of) inn? 

yi damot dsurum giriwi. imirrm dioti mot hada. 

This only bye road. Traffic good not. 

moolghun sasu iwoigh/S pdlgo. 
Things 、 buy (to) whom sell? 

!촘 pME1 포소 2-11 

mpsdl issumma f do upsowi. 
Eice is there? Also is not. 

^^에 이서 ^어시 5!:^ 마 

tsondsangS isu gal gushi issumma f 

The village in merchant is there ? 

jiaghun maimai issum. 

Small merchandise there is. 

mpsdl innundi umnundi diungti mot haghassum. 

Rice Is is not, certain (I am) not. 


네사 13* 시쩌 사시 

ihS saram sMgm gashu sashL 
You man send go buy. 

헤 표!슴마 니 1 

M dora wassumma! dora wammmS, 
He retarned comet Returned has. 

。i ^>ri:"4^ii-ii 

yi dihang hulmar upsowS, 、 

What a place this is? 

주 oj 청 *M2f ^^시 

jooin cMung hayuwa hemhmhi. 

Innkeeper call to settle accoants.^ 

neil giungi gaghassum. 

To-morrow. 5th watch (I) start. 

— ♦ ♦ ♦ • 


폭 율어디 포뽐뱌 

Doeihunul vdiro homrm, 

Gorea whitber looks? 

sy" 으또 M 

dmgnarnuro homiun. 

E S. (=S. looks. 


동툭^ 니익 다 

don 상 hoog poong tsagiga rdag haduu 
E. N. (=N.E.) wind, cold bitter. 

세남꿇 불기야 nHTicV 

thinam poong hoolgigha gajang kuda. 

W. S. (S.W.) wind blows very hard. 

아 eHt 은 푹에 S! 다 

arasanun hoog$ itda. 

Bovia north is. 

M 동 낭^에 바다 o;tA 

dongboog dmgname hada itda. 

N. El S. E. sea is. 

네어^ O/ri 어 슴 

nS udi innun ugM issiim, 
Yoa where are T Here I am. 

독구에 허" 가 3!^ 

doggoo udt innun dughi issuin. 

Hatchet where bt There it is. 

어 1:1 가 2 。! "s 1 ! iMl 

udt ghanun ape gamme 

Whither go? Ahead I go. 

어:^ 홈야 r 비픈이 후:! 에 

udooro omma dS dooiro ommi. 

Whence oome? (Prom) behind ^me. 


H| Vl 에 이스사 

nS ne ds(*ptunS ishuski 
You my left side stand. 

M VI 우^ 에 。i!:i 시 

ne ne oapmne andsuhi. 
You my right side sit down. 

giutte shun sarami nansowe 

Beside, staDding men (are) many. 

°ᄂ는± 시。 이 스시 

antsushi antmshushi 
Sit down ; please at down. 

andi cmkassuimnS. 
Bit, I will not. 

antsuldigha upsowe. 
Sitting down no (room). 

rfrMH 서집" 에 

dSgha noousu dsauppnie. 

He lies down to sleep* 

사러 ifAl L| 러 t^cg 지했 넸 1 빡 

rdrmnshi nirmnji anni moiniru anhatda. 

Get vup. Get up (can) not. (I will) toot get up. 


A^niM H 러。 J: 지 야니 

nirmndsushi nirmnji am. 

Stand up. Stand up (I) can't 

ffvriu sarami mana. 

On street men many. 

분주 t^]^] 

hoondsoo hapdS, miltiji mashi 

Crowds press. press don't. 

。1!저 줍지^르시 

andsu jam gidoorushi 

Stand. I little stop. 

VI 저 1 푸르다 돗하 3! 각 

ne andsuj gidoorushi mothaghatdcL 
I stand, stop cannot. 


moosocn iri issumma. 
What business is there f 

SW" 꿇속에 부 1 킥 3t 슴 

degha moolsogS herighassum. 

He (in) water fell. 

31^1 하^ 어 ^에 

ffuttiu guggooru dimme. 

Slipping fell down. 


wnltm f 빽 mudi 흡 ikmunu 
Poshed fell down. 

^m^-nA ^기 5! 다 

dungjigha gunu diutda duru dhuda. 

Stimip gave way ; I feU down. 

♦ ♦ ♦ 


^이여 ^hh-^TT ^jL 

guriyu nagha unghap dutgo. 

Street go alve^-pilce ask. 

dorrawa negM ffuiUut hashL 

Beturo me inform. 

으시 합 당은이 tm 평이 f ^ 

moousM hapdang ; uni hapdang ymgjiuni hapdang. 

What (is) profitable ; silver profitable (or) dollarr profitable' 

。<i 헉。 I 눅>| ^당지 1^1 

ycmgjium nooggu hapdang fi ami 

Dollars cbeap^ profitable not. 

이 t!"t 후은 러 i\M 

pi hangi vn ha^oarru ^asM. 
This one (shoe) silver change go. 

、 56 

。분 에^。 IS)" 수。』 아 늑^ 

ulme doongiwa sooin sugk niang nu don noog poon. 

How much weight? 50 (&) 3 taek, 4 mace, 6 cand. 

이한^?이^^ 아! I* 

yi han dungi mennkmg iwcL 
This one " button," how many taels ? 

랖^ 폰두 i& 

nugh rmng mlgoop don doo hodn. 
4 taels, 7 mace, 2 cand. 

dse haghji tm join tullimmuni 
Loose silver, a little discount 

han niangu han doo boon tuUmmunu 

One tael, one,- two cand. discount, . . 

。! ^ ^ 

gang jimi yug tullimmuni* 
Dollars also (have) discount. 

이 jl 지 #0|퀴서 

yi got dsu oori hum. 
This place, weights heavy. 

비운이 ^^이 

nS uni dod pooni . poojio^. 

Your silver 2 cand loses^ 


이은아 5! 치: £*1 못하。 1 수 

yi um hitchi doti mothaya. 
This silver quality good not. 

쫀이 슴에 

doni tvllighassumm^ 
Mast bear discount. 


네 1 손 H 나 1^ 클기^ 대 

ne guriu nagha moolghun salde. 

You street go things buy. 

moosoon moolghun saghassummaf 
What things buy ? 

。。H 목이속 ll 다^ 사>^> 슭에 

yang mogi wooggi dasvt sa sassumme. 
Foreign cottons cheap five feet buy. 

무순/ 1서1 ^어 춤마 

moosoon shishe duru mmma. 

What price enquire. 

이^。 I iHl /LNti^ 

yi cha yi manchi <inmya dota, , 

This tea, ' much not good. 



ᄀ랑。 P£ 소 

heig tangi dasommi 
White sugar fair. 

nS moosoon ahilgwarul pomunt 
You what fruit fldlt 


ugi cMdo iggo tagwan ckido iggo. 

(Both) native there is (&) Outside produce thm is. 

gUxguBhi motdoin moolghun, 

Thoee not good goods. 

yang modghun onffushi jiugdi ansotmni. 
Foreign tlungs come, few not. 

N#id。ISf 나다 못핵다 1디 못 #3 하 

ne moolghuni duHxmOy damot bissada palcU mothaghatdcu 
Yoiir things good, bat dear. Sell, you cannot. 

jtoghom natsoowa paighammma gapshi manti ansowuni. 
Little less sell? Price mach not 

i 띠。 iN^AP 츠 는두시 

paldi ankasumiun gooman dooshi. 

(If) sell not ; there's an end of>il ! 


5 뭍 꺽주시 T^l+rl^lH:} 

jioghom dudaoosM diudaoodi ankaida. 
(a) little add. Addition (fe) not. 

paldi mkaaaummS; boonjiurU motdoM* 

SdS (I) will not ; Cost price, not (up to). 

그ᄆ다에 폰을^혀 ^ 맛디 。iN 

상 id gapiS ddnul ndtdiu don mitdidi anni 
That price money lose. Money lose cannot 

yi doo mal lipscd doishi o heg gun soot daUuski 
These 2 pecks rice, measure. 500 caties <$barooal weigh. 

Who security (will be) ? 

? 어^ 어소 

^ sat matmca uduru aowa. 
This time merchandise, how is? 

moodun hada un gapM mja yang moclghm ginne ismmmS. 
Fair; silver price fallen.' Foreign goods gone up are. 

긔^ 문 ^tll" 

gwruinoon vpsviga, 
(In) that case is there none ? 

60 • 

miungdigha numu bisoa; pcddi mothaghatda. 
Pongee loo dear ; sell cannot 

f 즉자 f。l^Ll! 하 fTitft? 해사 Xlcf 

gajoog nihoori ulmena kuwa Jcungusul dallamun hungfusM itda. 
Far rug how large ? How large for want, so large is. 

? 니^。 1 눅소 il* 못하 }【다 

kun niboon noogsowa f hissa sadi mothaghatda. 
Large rug how much ? Dear buy cannot 

여우 if 둑^? 1 나 5!^ 뱌 

yuroo gajoop uhnena issumma. 
Fox fur how many 

ulmana dallanun ulmena 

How many (you) want how many are. 

。1 데당 에^。 1 이 Ai^ 하 51: 댜 

yi hidarie, jomi isu, shang hayatda. 
This satin, wortn, is m, injury received. 


yi ffushi gwmgiucM msovmni. 
This important , not. 



th 호: ft 서 다는 1 숫 일묘。| 수 i 

hanna; door ; \ suit ; nuit; dasut; yusut ; nilgo ; yaduh 

aoop; yul ; yulhcmna ; yuldasut ; sunwol ; sumoorhdnna. 
9, 10, 11, 15 &c. 20, 21 &c. 

^뮨^ ^^나 야운마 o ^L)" 

! fhiurun ; sMunvnJianna, maoan; maoonhana. 
30 31 <fec. 40 41 <fec. 

^큰 쉬은 Oil 슌 이 I 숟^ 뮨 

shooiun ; shooiunhanm ; Ssom esconhanna rdrun, 

60 51 &c. 60, 61 &c. 70 <&c. 

야? ?。 1*$。 삶 re!?i 스 flW* 

yadun : ahun ; yitbeg yilheg sumoarhanna. 

80 &c. 90 &c. 100 121 4c. 

。ffl 샴? 1 사? 칠? i^r 

yi heg; sarribeg ; saheg ; obeg; nioojgheg chilheg palbeg, 
200 &o. 200 Ac. 400 500 600, 700, 800, 

n HI! 이? 1 삼^ 

gooheg ytlcMun yilchien yilheg; scmchiuYu 
900, 1000 1200 <&c. 8000 &c. as in hundreds. 


yUman; yilman palchiun man mam. 
10,000 18,000 Ac myriad myiiadB. 

죤 f 은환 L 숀 liT 후근 f 동스 Ht?ll: 

kun damn shharun nano jagbm doanm tumoo ahurhaix 

Large moon 30 days small moon 29 has. 

han darvn yvidasKdi tumooyusse dinner ga^hatdou 

26 dajBy after, I go. 

Half moon 15 26 daji 

shkirun nUgoop chiug hegha itdcu 
87 "Bafl" »hips are. 


gUgoo dalgom soohioga pd poom han ckia. 
Long andsh 이 t measure 10 firaciioDB, one inch. 

^치 이! 1! 자。 11!: 흥。 Is 

yul chigha han dxao yul cbed hm 삵 Ho* 
10 inch one foot 10 feet qm jang. 

dasut dsai han hoio, 
5 feet one (double) pace. 





삼부! 에순뽀 니오 

9am hep esom hogha yil lio. 
860 paces 1 II 

^ ihl- ^ "2 이 i 

yul doigha han mario. 
10 pints one "peck." 

^ to] ^ ^oR 

yul mart han shumo. 
10 "pecks" 1 "bushel." 

^^이 ^L》。li <g-l^J^opj::folo 

yul poem han rdamgio yulyut niangi han gunio* 
10 fractions 1 oz. 16 ozs., one catty (fc) 

。삶? ] 근。 11!:^。1! 

yil leg gvm han shumto, 
100 catties 1 pcuL 

x| 꿋부 H 동혀 야^^ 을섯, /! 각 

jiaghun heyu nungh yadun shurmd eihiggatda* 

Small boat can 80 picnb hold. 

^우 사이 Tll^^J 근이잇 

daruahi igS metguni inna. 

Weigh tlus how many lbs. there are. 

64 ' 

^ 여^ ih 지 V! 쌀 L ᄂ h:|" 

doeahunun deyusut gaji nipsdl ncmdcu 

Corea 5, 6 tinds rice {¥K>dace9. 

져 § 은 A| 함。 llbf 도모^ ^iNj 변다 

ifduoarun saram manade modes nipsdl mmffnunda* 
Capital men manj, all rice eat 

1 뉴묽은 이^ 어도^ ^형 

santdfoon saram jm^huda dscpsdi wmgnwndok 

,S. (N. mouiitain) men few, flmall miSet ssA, 

기컁 이 불^ i 고 liP? 유 

gidaangiy hoot 습 oodso, pi gmneg. 
3 vara., of small pannicmn. Buckwheat 

7f 수근 %\에 진 나 H 

jiagkm mrS jir^lgfi magho. 

Wheat floor pvoduoea 

^。lt 쇼쥬^ 무 L 은두 륙윷? 은 다 

horinm siqjoo dwonm ruoorooghuH mmdmisL 

Barley (for) spirits to makes, josalL makes. 

이^^이는먀윤 1 1"^이나 

admggarinun mayooga nammmL 

Castor plant oil produces* 


^자 I^^^ 읕 머 나 

tatmgg^mm tseng girum nanmum. 
Sesammn 、 fragrant o3 yielda 

표갸 A 자 어1 흑육 ^l^y 기 l| 

mogha skU hugyooga wmmuni. 

Cotton seeds the h. oil yields. 

녹퓨! I" 팍글오 기^이 ^우? iT&M 니 

nogdoowa^ paggwro gai garco men dimrmni 

Green pea, small pea may vermicelli make. 

, ♦ ♦ ♦ 


시 ^지 !지! ,두우 1 자지 il "두^ 

sMghumchi ; sengcM; ytdmoo-oo; giuji wa; mo(H)o. 
Spinach ; lettuce ; radish ; bitter turnip ; turnip. 

gajirvl ; rmnul pangi dmggajij ffockio, dcUloo, 

Eggplant ; garlic ; onion, cayenne, pepper, small garlic. 

AMI 뇬 iihWjl 낭 7 ife 실 t?Jl1! 다 

daenun oghogi nagho nangg^un Mgwar mechinda. 

Earth 5 fruits produces. Trees fruits bear. 

shilgwa mnge sUlgwarrul ddgho. 
Fruit-trees fndt pluck. 


^긋 \r。rt!: 쳐센꾸 인다、 fi^^ih 

etitgocmangi manjiu g6t pooinda he, hogshoowa. 

Apricot first flower opens. Pear, peach. 


engdoy oyaji, mgwa, shiungnoo, hodo^ dUgwangi. 

Cherry, plum, apple, pomegranate, walnut, "Haw," 

꼭 li rpM 1H^>ihW5 루 5!: 다; 

dedk), ham^ gemi gorimin sighaji podoo itda. 
Buckthorn, chestnuts, liazels. Harvest, 3 kinds grapes are. 


T:t1* 그^ 쩌 춤? pljoM^ 제^ 

degha gudsugge wammme. gegi udmgge gapde. 
He day bef. yesterday- came. Guest yesterday went. 

1* 은 에를이 °4 다 날 세 

onurun giururi upda neilwa henijiung hapse. 

To-day leisure have not. To-morrow settle accoonte. 

t^i'- & vl 가 어디 ^\VX^^ 

movenun negha udi naghagJmsumme, 

Day after-to-morrow I travel (wai\t to) go. 


ne gmmme dioong googS watdagJuitdL 
I last year China arrived in. 


^먼 에시춘 15 싀 쫏하다 

JiumdunS Mjiuri dad mothada. 

Year befoie last «eason good not. 

굼 tgopSL 한에 Hi 쿵 p 연: Et|« 

gumiwme jiurtmmS hihctmkm: dota. 

This year, preceding years, compared with, good. 

mxmg muane shxngxoan dohn hcmda. 
Next year new m^stiate will come. 

tnonjiotdat <mun dcU, 

LiBSt moon ; next moon. 

제 3U 캬 이지 <5j; 춤에 

ivunjS toaseumma t/ijia wcussummS, 

"When oome, Just come. 

^돗! j: 슴에 4 지 러 >수1 

damct wassumme sokki nirurru summe. 

Directly will arrive. Quickly will come. 

돗막 3!: 촘메피 ihtnN 

ne damot gaghasBummi degha yijia gapde, 

I directly will go. He just gone. 

jioghoiii ytmmrm gomtum doo ghassum, 
Little while will be finished. 



^1 。1!>| 깃 다! 삭 

ulme anmi itda dotcu 

Much (time) not be leady. 

dSgha orwn degha issumnunL 

He come long time Ig. 

t 하 5 혼들 o|/|^of4 히 폐 

on guri, sijmri sdkki nkrurru sununa^ 
Ancient come book. Time qaioUy eGmd vnSL 

후채 동이 t| 를웅 *| 환 

HoocM omun nungi nvrul ungti moihaghatda. 
Afterwards can you agree to (I) cannot. 

이 tfi 켁 。가들털디이지못^&뉴그!:댜 

y{ deme uduruldi aji mothaghoUda. 

In future how (it may be) (I) kiow not 

tH":£4 옴에 "펴 H* 에 

hegha doda ommS, Hegha diu ghamme. 

Sua nseiL come. Son set gone. 

re^si 뗘 먀 t 춤 

ne Hdsughard gaghamm. 
I early will start 

^시 퐁。 J: 이^ THL£e)«i3r 츰 

yikM dongan miun damot doraoffhassum. 
Two hoars time, in, presently viU return. 


najiffhoru wasaummaf atsumenun hapba. 

Afternoon come? Forenoon busy; 

1^ 창오디 돗하^ ^。나 이 t 、버 1 

gadsang ocU mot hayutda jiun yag nari tsawS, 
Better come not. Evening cool. 

najS dSgha t^aXbogho hamS hod hegho gad bondcu 
Daylight he reads. At night fire (=lamp) ligbte book, looks at 

lamfid hcvU cy($ dimot dsammmi. 
Midnight Gpme, then deepe. 

^。l 4^ ^ ^Al 

hand yudun damU moon dada gurusM, 

Dark it hs, then door dose. 

yi ghtm m&m jcepsS o giunffi omkm nfrunashL 
2nd watch Aould deep ; 5th watch sbonld get np. 

f 야 r 셔 규 tSI 늄 시 §41 

fu^mddan^ yiri itda dalrmSang hvxmoomhem hmdusK ammUrA 
Every day booness b. MonlMy rteamer snie to come, 


hemadang doobunsMg gogshmgdvl ffudocHxmmmm, 
Yearly twice crops cat down. 


1!t3?5!f? 지여 S 상여형 t 에제 극과 

niun niun dongji dal dongjiyu whangshangi tiwidane je hammunL 
Yearly winter solstice mooD, at solstice, Emperor heave&altar sacrifices 

♦ • ♦ 


기슬^ 리 

hi omnffusul mrriyu hammt 

Bain fall, fear of? 

흐리율^ 데 ill 머 2^ 

hurioomml ; bi ommuni hi ogi m^miun maigo 

Cloudy; ― raining. Bained; cleared up. 

네탑。 U^VIwU 디돗하 묘 

haram Jcumun nungi hiocU moihagho. 

Wind great can rain not 

^뿜첫 치노파 함머 L! 

goarcxjirMtchi nqpado, biodi mothammtmL 

Clouds high rain cannot 

hurioonnari gurnoommn^ landushi Uoghoja hammni' 
Cloudy, very dark, most . rain. 

^711 하^ 우 Erli 꽝머냐 

hmgS hcmrnirij bandushi obtuJU hammm^ 
Lightning is, certain to thunder. . 


giuooreilun hoogpoongi mania murrumenuii, nawpoortgi wcmta, 
"Wirit^T, N. wmd much. Summer, S. wind prevails; 

ehoo-ooyOy s6kM urwnul taghatda* 

Cold, quickly ice walk-able. 

hun haram boonda, nwone naghagi diochi anta. 
Great wind blows, door go out good not. 

가이가 3r 다 

haram muggudun gai yaghatda. 
Wind stopped may go (out). 

반 Mf 러소 5h 좀。 1 슴: B 、박 

narri udurro sowa jomi ' sum diohatda. 

Weather how T At present good. 

netl btoffhassumma , annioghammma. 

To-morrow rain or not ? 

Intramul boni birul garni anbochi rmthaghaUla, 

Wind seeing, rain dare security not 





ootve murigil itda. 

Head -ache. 

Head on 


:뚠국 사람은 p 큰이 i|at 

doonggoog saramun 
China men 

muri ^ffffo* 
bair Bbave. 

5Pt!AH^j 은 이ᄀ온 ^다 



murigil doonda. 



noonjiungsiii dwti mot hada Shogtung bodi motkagJmmmma. 
Ejes good not. Blind man seen have (you') not T 

네 fliKE 칵^ 어슨극 1"4 당。 I 

nS gwigha diata, de ghusun gwi mingdiaiigi. 

Your ear good. 







yi nulguninun 
This old man 


toolb has not 

속에 5!tH 시량。 mi 다 1 잘지 4 

nigha ipsoghi 
Teeth ! n mouth 


di sarami 
That man, 8 

hetdaghi jilffida, 
*^Dgae stiff. 

? 못하 3W!i"%。miBl:3M* 

,ymnd datdi ' mothaghatda kogha nungi Imng nerul maggatda, 
Speech (Itslinct not. Noste can fragrance, stench smell. 

3t 홧 1- 목。 K44\l。l 향한은 54 

,^^ttsumna rroji apooda ne yi hankiun sonuH dutda, 
dSongliing, throat pained I ihis one hand stupU. 

평손 c 핵 1 에손! 려 어시우 o) 시 l1 

^t^nhun sone dasut gajidi sonnoUm garuckmctfi gushi moovshi ni. 
One hand 5 fingers Point with finger point out what t 

데^^ ᄀ큰다 Wpy; 리: £하 

sontcp gilda. nS dani data. 

Your fioger-nails long. Your legs good. 

:지< 잔온시 yf。l 아부 tft 빨 에다숫 1) 치^^ ^ 

Jiaghun sin shinuni hart apooda hunkiim hare^ dasut gajidi. 
Small shoes on, foot pained One foot, 5 toe?. 

^사 if 팔에^ ^H! 이。 > !: t:h 

tsonsarcim parenun guUiugi itda. 
Labourer's a'ra strength lias. 

i:t、l 썅^ 고방。 liHHvl 리향 F 

de sarcm pulgobangiiid tut/u neritiutdck 

Thai man's arm at elbow, cut fallen down. 

툭 f 에현핵 \ 으다 B| 사탑 fofl 는 J 형데 

tnoghooS hundi natida <M saram moirJmm diang hunJi, 
Neck wound received. This skin grew «oreg. 



Wt。l# 껏다 어 I 행 

yi saraird saljiutda de sarame moihe gundsang hmh. 
That man stoat. His body vigorous is. " 

mome kun hivgdaghoo imntianta jtaghun hivgdaghoo met beggmi. 
Body large bones few ; small bones several hnndml. 

캬》 l。I 쥴 고! 도。 l"+t) 든몸。 Hfj 

maumi apoogho haildo apooda ormoni apoogho. 
Heart pained. Bowels pained all body palnwl. 

^£1 도。 !•? 다학실 ^Hil 4 lt1。f itnf 

hurrido apooda Imgjil ivga houS de yvgsiu hanna. 
Back painud. Ague has. He small- pox has. 

패사 ir 뜩가^ 뺏펴 주^^ ^ 

disaram jooggasum bdtdiu jooghoon gooshin. 

He died, drowning died. 

tfl-l 주균구 A』 

tadiu jooghoon gcoshin. 

Burnt died. 

둑? M 주 균극선 

mog maiyu jooghuon gooshin. 
Strangled died. 

irmggu jooghoon 상 ooshn djog-lmigut 




^mwi 목^ 러 

-^^tifiuro joeyhoongooshin mog dirru. 

SSaicide died tliroat-cnt. 

^에 인 목버여 ? 

-^jftre jooghoongoosMn mogbuyu jooghoongooshin^ 
dit by sw'ord died. Beheaded died. 

^이 버。 tl 구^ 

-^mri buin goo^hin, 

"Cut-iQ-lwo died. 


^1 run haigha dosowa doti avsowa manju Imhi, 
This kind cotton good good not? Feel see. 

Ttiajidi ank asmmme. bodi rmnjidi mcutkt, ne martjidi answnmi. 
Feel (I) don t wane to. Look, touch don't. I toach will not, 


무어슬 뽐야두 어슬뽀 L 간 >»r 장다 

vioousut homma f moousul hoonuvgi vpdcL 

Wbivt thing book at t anything to look at ia noL 


테 i 이무 mm 

derul yimoo bowamim bowassumme ne am boyhnmim. 
Him, have seen ? Have seen. I not have seen. 

de oegoog suram hoslii sar"mi mana boji vwt luiyliasbUin, 
That foreitjn man look at. - Men ' many see cannot. 

gariwu ne boji mothughatdu. 

OhstrucUon, ― I see cannot. 

nurul bolteJoo boji nioihoghatda boji mot haghasbvpda. 
You do see, see not? See cannot. 

s 디마 시! lll^Sprm 시하 L&olSl 

hodi viashi ; bolge upsoue negha gunshi hnmiii nooniwe. 
Look don't ; seen, it should not be. I near si^^hted eyes. 


mundi boji mothummS gunshigiuvg githi 

Far see cannot, ehort eiglit spectacles wear. 

댜 5 옹。 1 보 :£ 하! 하) t 다 

diimot nungi hoghassiim ne angiuvgi doti mot haghatda. 
Then can see. Your spectacles good not. 

' 77 


m^] 5 자 in 네 f 어 

c2? fori duggi data nedaru bowara" 
That air bear good. You listen. 

자옷하 정스 옷하) t4 

gwi mugka dutdi mothaghatda gwirul gojang sudi inothaghatda. 
Ear heavy hear cannot ear ycfj useful notr 

텍기사 괴^ 당이 

deghushi gwi miugHmngi. 
He deaf. 

sarame marul durum. 
I men speak beard. 

wasu, neui gui In'urul duruni. 
Yon come; yonr news (let me) hear. 

시커 。W«lf 네 tt。】S 멱 e]" 

sarami isu nSrul gwun hard; nS mat dangi duruixu 

Man is you advises; you should hear. 

데 5 터뽀 간。 

ni duru howannuni um nuni. 

Yon heard have or not? 


^하첫 ^몌 

7ml dutji nwthayussumm^. 

Speech heard have not 

Din dein vjanmmde niat dutji mothayusmmna. 

Din, excelling, come speecb beard or notT 


mal dwnmwn, ' 
Said, have heard. 

i5S 자 35 하》 14 메 55 자뿄 

do boji moth/tyus8ummS, do dutji mothayussumnj. 
Also seen haye not, »nd heard bare not 


이살: aMTlS 시힝 ilSi2];。ttif* 

yi silgwa mughuhosM muggi dosowa docki ansowa. 
This frnit taste eating good good noil 

^iiiiai t^m 다었씨 M 

muggi dosowe masshi dowa dcisut rnasshi issmS. 
Eating good; taste good. Five tastes are. 

시고!:꾜즈요^^^^쟈^ ' 

siffho, dalgoy s&goo, mepgoo ddghoo. 
Sour, sweet, bitter, acrid, ibalt. 


。m 숫 5!: 슬엇 지뚱。 I!: 골므。 m 하시 

yi dasut inassul vjjx boongan gorui kwahashi. 
These five tastes how distinguish? Mix together. 

투킬행 AiictVHMt5 하 

da ip'Un issudo, da nunffi masul boon-gan mothaghatda. 
All mouth have, all can taste distingaisb not. 


2。1 동이야 흐니어 짬부 14 칵보사 ■ 

h)i nungi matuni yi diimbe maUiboshi 

Nose can smell. This tobacco smell. 

미있 4^!^ 에한 IMW 

iggochi hiangnii itda muirume guri nemnda* 
This flower fragrant is summer street stinks. 

♦ •' » 


ne avani hiung ham negha amoorumoon do piunantu 
My father is ill I myself very well Dot. 

네 속속가 hW 의^^ 하어 

rU soksokki gam rd yun chiungkayu ona. 
Tou J quickly go; doctor summon oome. 


의^ 이 ?4뽀 묘 

uiyuni meg hogho. 

Doctor pnise feels. 

헛 4ilMtsM 뽐 데장。 m 떠하 SI 

hiutdaghi nemrushi hcpse hiungi gajang duhawS. 

Tongue put out to see. Illness at height. 

취^^ 나여 o 시 

ieriiig imm, yag jiushi. 

Materials are, medicine mix'. , 

tang yag issuni mvffgi diota. 
Liquid med. there is, taken easily. 

^우 s^f 은^ 어 1 작마시 JL 

ffaroo yagm moore ta maslngo, 

Powderp, water use to swallow. 

하 ^tt 2 후세변 먼으시 

haroo hwan yag shebun muguahi. 

Daily pill, 3 times eat. 

조 It^ 에^ 。후: 후약석 jL 

dsoban jiune ; jiunyag hoo yog muggo. 

Breakfast before ; supper, after, med. take. 

^적 으^ ItSM^ 

yciff mugumiun bandushi dam nani. 
Medicine taken, certainly petspire. 


iH 문。; 가 지야시 

mooni naghaji mashu 
May door out not go. 

폼에 이? 시 J!Lo 나 시 

mome gulliugi ,upda, bandushz ho yagul sushi 

Body strength has not, mast fortifying med. take. 

4hl* 톺 ^니 나 낼스시 

kwdgha oruni; meng yagul sushi, 、 
Fever -has got ; cooling med. take. 

biungi dioong ha duni jom duUim me. 

Illness increased. A little lighter. 

nu abani udurrtissowa jom nassowe. 

Your father ' how t A little better. 

버 t 숙 1 ill i 하 3 ! :즘 

mSduggu wu tohaghassum, ' 

Stomach inclined to vomit. 

«'l)^5t 으시。 려나지 게 

hiungm doonnocmhi, antsu nimnaji mothammi. 
He is ill, has fallen down, stand up cannot. 



야 야워야 퍄가당 . 

avmi amoom mine ddra gadiiwgmnt dengue. 

Father ; mother ; son ; daughter ; husband ; wife. 


hxwngnien jiaghuna hmnooi jughinnooi chiiiyo 

Older brother ; younger brother ; older sister ; younger sister ; friend. 



치나 에여러 AKH 51 슬데 

chkiooe yuru sarumi issupde. 

Cart, on, many men are. 

4t 에한 옜쩨 4jAf!i 킾 깃슭테 

bogpcme hanmt dsoin innumle soesasullo td(//iumpde. , 

Centre, in, one bound is, with iron chain bound. 

그 111 순 i 무지 데 

gut ghusuii do mooji goousupde, 
^ose others all soldiers. 

。 1 3^ ^t^n^i^] 이슭에 

udsiU jiunyag mm giuvge yisulS goomi issupde. 
Yesterday evening 3r!l watch 20 soldiers were. 


^Vl^ 머 oUl 푸 으슬하 친1>노 

mal tagho tsong maiyo ; iiioo usul Juireyhino f 

Riding, miiskeUs carrying ; What to do gone? 

^41 능^ T| 술달" 에 

d'oocit anun ffusul ihtllamme. 
Ex'ortionate man to seize. 

r-ilt 이뭉 iii; 각 "Hn! [테 

dend amconaro ihntbaylmpcU. 

Him to yamen they took. 

시도^ ^。; )n!>w^>tecr 두한 Hi 

mthnim d(u)ge antsum deiniwrn moomimh. 

His cxcellnncv court sat. Him exatiiineKl. 

muosoon dsoerul diang hay ho derul yx bey yei'ul iijule. 
What punish mept given ? Him 200 blows beat. 

푸! f 시묽 tijfaq 여러 1)1 도쩍。 l£fl 

doodal kal ahioopde moorum yurughe doJi^ugnce, 
Two inonlbH cangue cany. Examined many robbers. 

tilfflpl! 명훽 gprT 레쨔 1 fil 홱 

derul huil dsoero diunghipde mil neda bum datnme. 
TLem to beheading punish men t sentenced. To-mon-ow go to be beheaded. 

soil g sue don aimimitin olti anta. 

To law money witkout, good not. 


^장에 5i^iTWt4iM ^ 슴 

tson dsange innan gushi sarani soegimmgushi issum. 

Village in, a man oppressing is. 

편! ■Atljiit 하태 

de ffunUeyusu deglte yohatU givanini derul dsaha garni i.e. 
His neighbours him accused. Lictors him seized. 

de doruoiiandS l(urul ulgu^mm. 

Him brought back fetters bound. 

♦ » ♦ . 


이 구^? !치 1 1 여뉵^ 디 i1 더 Ll 

yi yooshiretchiyha, yi moogpoom dievidtmi. 

This officer, of 6tli button. 

ttw^ 팥히하 B! 농。 옳나충 

ilegha sdumul dsarhaya de nungi opome ollasum. 
He fighting brave. He can 5th grade rise to. 

opt 범이까 곰에못 t 터 

yi gwanbiungi sdime motgiunde. 
These soldiers fighting defeated. 

de saram dingdsand atgiwussum. 
His button taken (from him). , 


도^ 이 돗^ 꽝! 츰 

dodsugi wotgiun diussum, 

Eebels fled. 

이다。 ll 은 에못^ 디»가。4 다 

y{ dainun sdume motgiundimi upda. 

His excellency fighting defeated never. 

죤균 는 i 사 fiNilOL 

kungoonsa naghapde wunsoonun goonsarul tsadi hagho. 

Great army has gone. Oommanrler army (is the) leader. 

^실칵 *1 는아! 이오 

gooshrrachinun a moonxo. 

Messengers (are of the) yamen. 

grunnun goonsa gooshirrachi^ oodam goossewum. 

Infantry, messengers, - than, better. 

nmltan goonsa nungi hiumrrul Iiaminuni. ' 

Cavalry can officer become. 

^괭하 WMf 몸들。 에 

tepiung ham sdumd aiii hammS, 

Peace it is, fighting will not be. 



죄렁^ 퍼령 의뽁퍼 렁학^ 

purung pool purung utbog purung IiantcL 
Green grass ; dark bine clothes ; blue heavens. 

mlgoo gotcM hoolgo kin bit inehwa googhwanun nooruks hoolgo. 
Apricot flower red ― white colour. Hose flower yellow, red. 

저 큔사탑 y"4。i 

gu moon hit guniooa saram nam sat. 
Black clour, black man, blue bird. 

hoe seg dsadi oyaji tsorog. 
Grey colour purple plums deep green. 

♦ ♦ ♦ 


irtA]-tt 시 iif 주시 

gomghan saramul gundmhi doivadsooshi. 

Poor man pity assist. • 

꿇 은하 tHA>t。lS 갸풋^ 소 SJl 

hoolnang hada yi saram dogha doottupsowi. 

Have mercy on. This man very generous. 




뱌물샤 나문기 t 사 tf! 샹。 뼈 

maum samoon gusun aitramui hooUimffi anniammS» 
Heart hate men, pity knows not. 

드 야^^ 학^。 hUHM 

dutdut han maurmn damoti giwuni 

Persevering mind is just the coDstaDt 

numu hiirigti rtiashi. 
80 plnbborn be not. 

고 정^ o|^4WOtl 성에 

gongpiung haninun toesa ansumme. 
Honest man retreat will not. 

긋 S。k 칵못^ ^아웁 

goodooninnn damot goodcon maim. 

Perverse man is jnst hard heart. 

S!: 거 A] ^맛당 o) 휙 깔 

ag^han gmhi sulfa irnddangi jiongne dioti anun saram- 
Wickedness (may be bated) Onglit bear good-not-man. 

derul honi gotti ghasmpda gottiji mothaghassupdcu 
Him, to see, repent repent not 

^람/ )• 랸삶 ill 체몸 1뉴 온 1 

•aram Barmg haghirvl jemcm gatti. 

Men, love, self (same) as. 


。ij^m 얼。 i"t 극, 

avani urunarul guJcJci sarang handa, 

Fallier cliild dearly loves. 

de dejiup tulltniupda. 

Him treats well. 

。WfH 채^ 다^ Wt^tW 

yi sarami perapda degha saram tigi. 

Tbia man bastv t<*mper. He men . beats. 

손 으또사 If 석 jLlk。k 으 £1 사량한 } 

Bonuro saram ti(/ho grrundvmg urodo sarain tinda. 

With fist men beats ; wilh stick men beatt. 


yongshinun handushi dtooghiido Hung whonun dsoogdi annurida. 
Boly must die. Soul die cannot. 

Hung whom jiho ji grrei kangushidi husunaji mothaghatda. 
Soul most precious is. Transmigrate cannot. 


saramun pilgiunggat saram, 

.Mail to the last is man. 


4 탑。 p 한^ 여 구시。 lHIsM 

farami biun hnyu gooshi an ni-ward. 

Men change gods demons cannot. 

^?이기 1 !^ 훨터^ ^,다 

liungwhanx sheshang durruoom ibutda. 
Soul, world defiled by. 


jiungsimi annimiun olti ania, dooghoon maum. 

Uj right mmd, without, well is not. Straight bearL 

。if 하매。 in^f 쟬 

yirul home gai nicmgdmul ughurrutiji ansummuni. 
】3ushiess doing, must conscience oppose not. 

이^ 뱌" & 

udin maum. 
Conscience or virtue. 



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