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The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

Kindness of William H. Townsend 

Courtesy of the Library of Congress 

Earliest Know?! Pictures of Abraham and Mary 

This is the closest one can get to the appearance of Miss Todd and 
the young lawyer who courted her. These companion daguerreotypes 
were taken, it is now believed, about 1846, four years after their 

The Courtship of 


With Illustrations 

Boston Little, Brown and Company Toronto 






y in Canada 

by Little, Broom fr Company (Canada) limited 


For Jim 

'who read the early chapters 

of this book and asked me 

to finish it 


r | ^HIS work was begun while Mary Lincoln: Biography 
JL of a Marriage was in production. In that book, pub- 
lished early in 1953, I attempted to show by strict his- 
torical evidence the falseness of certain prevailing ideas 
about the Lincoln marriage which had been launched by 
William H. Herndon, Lincoln's law partner. Herndon in 
his biography of Lincoln gave an elaborate description of a 
wedding occasion at which Lincoln as bridegroom failed 
to appear. Such an occasion has long been discredited 
by scholars; it was a product of Herndon's vivid imagina- 
tion and was part of his larger and basic fabrication 
that the Lincoln-Todd marriage was not a love match. 
This false premise with the defaulting bridegroom story 
had for many years colored public thinking about the court- 

In treating this period in my biography of Mrs. Lincoln 
I therefore had to combat these distortions of Herndon's 
and present the romance of Abraham Lincoln and Mary 
Todd in an unfitting atmosphere of argument and refuta- 
tion. This was necessary in attempting a definitive biog- 
raphy, yet was anything but desirable as a way in which to 
relate a great American love story, whose dramatic ele- 

x Foreword 

ments broken engagement, family opposition, secret 
meetings of the lovers, and a challenge to a duel out- 
strip most works of fiction. 

So it was my wish when I finished the life of Mrs. Lin- 
coln to write a short book in which I could concentrate on 
the romance alone, doing it in larger scope and making it a 
detailed and continuous narrative without the distraction 
of Herndon's fabrications. The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 
presents his wooing as historical evidence shows it. In some 
cases account must be taken of conflicting evidence. This 
book is not fictionalized; the original manuscript in my pos- 
session has full documentation. It is based to a large extent 
on letters written at the time, especially letters written by 
Miss Todd and Mr. Lincoln themselves. Since the subject 
of the courtship has been much fictionalized in plays. and 
novels, some may be interested in knowing what is based 
on historical evidence. 

It is a purpose of biography to bring to life individuals 
of the past. I have tried to recover the personalities of Abra- 
ham Lincoln and Mary Todd, as they were in the days of 
young manhood and womanhood. (The narrative is inter- 
rupted in chapters eight and nine in order to round out 
their full portraits in maturity.) I have attempted to follow 
their lives in the years from 1839 to *fy 2 almost day by 
day, as far as the evidence will permit, and to trace in their 
letters their psychological changes in this period. In Lin- 
coln's case one of the most interesting and significant ex- 
periences of his religious growth was connected with his 
courtship. He tells how he struggled out of an agonizing 
condition in which he was "the most miserable man living" 

Foreword xi 

to a spiritual faith when, as he said, he was ready to "Stand 
still and see the salvation of the Lord." 

The book is meant to be somewhat of a period piece. 
Unpublished passages from the fascinating love letters of 
James C. Conkling and Mercy Levering and the appealing 
letters of Matilda Edwards (all close friends of Mary Todd 
whose lives became entangled in the events of the court- 
ship) are like magic charms for transporting one back to the 
atmosphere of the rime. It has been my wish, however im- 
perfectly accomplished, that the story may seem as alive as 
it has to me in the writing, that the reader may also escape 
from the present-day state of things to walk the unpaved 
streets of early Springfield, Illinois (taking care not to 
mire down at the muddy crossings), to meet there certain 
very human and lovable people, and to live with them 
through strange and absorbing events which occurred more 
than a century ago. 

Friends, as always, have been most generous in giving 
help. In the larger sense all to whom I expressed acknowl- 
edgment in Mary Lincoln: Biography of a Marriage deserve 
it here also. The years of research which went into the 
preparation of that book filled my files with more material 
and leads than I could do justice to in that one volume. 

I am especially indebted to Anna Cushman Glover for 
information about her grandmother, Anna Caesaria Rodney 
Cushman, bridesmaid at the Lincoln-Todd wedding. 

Professor Richard N. Current, who completed Last Full 
Measure, Volume IV of Lincoln the President, which my 
husband, J. G. Randall, left unfinished at his death, has 

xii Foreword 

read the whole manuscript of The Courtship of Mr. Lin- 
coln and given helpful comments. Margaret Flint, refer- 
ence librarian of the Illinois State Historical Library, has 
read the Bibliographical Note and has been ready to help at 
all times. For all of this invaluable assistance I am most 

Tn writing this book I have again had the editorial guid- 
ance of Ned Bradford of Little, Brown and Company, a 
privilege which I deeply appreciate. 

Many thanks are due to Lida . Voight, who stood by 
in the heat of an Illinois summer to turn untidy handwrit- 
ten sheets into expertly typed pages of manuscript. 

In anything I have written or may write on the Lincoln 
theme, my greatest debt will always be to my husband, 
J. G. Randall. Such writing is the outgrowth of those 
happy years when, as our friends used to say, we were 
"living with the Lincolns." 

R. P. R. 
Urbana, Illinois 


Foreword ix 

1 Molly Shocks Springfield 3 

2 The Coterie and "a Mighty Rough Man" 1 1 

3 "I ... Made a Fool of Myself" 28 

4 "This Thing of Living in Springfield" 40 

5 "My Beaux Have Always Been Hard Bargains" 50 

6 Various Happenings of a Romantic Nature 59 

7 "Crime of Matrimony" 73 

8 He Was "Mr. Lincoln" to Her 82 

9 Without Her "No Variety" 97 

10 "That Fatal First of Jany." 1 1 1 

1 1 Mr. Lincoln "Writes a Murder Mystery 131 

1 2 Tangled Emotions of Two Gentlemen 142 

1 3 "That Still Kills My Soul" 15 * 

14 "Stand Still and See" 162 

1 5 Secret Meetings 17 2 

xiv Contents 

16 Challenged to a Duel 183 

17 Bloody Island i9 2 

1 8 "Matter of Profound Wonder" 202 
Bibliographical Note 215 

List of Illustratioiis 

Earliest Known Pictures of 
Abraham and Mary frontispiece 

Two Important Structures in Springfield 70-7 1 

Pertinent Information from 

Mr. Lincoln and Mary 70-7 1 

Proper Attire for a Wedding? 70-7 1 

Proper Attire for a Dance 70-7 1 

The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 


Molly Shocks Springfield 

ON a certain wet Monday in the winter of 1839-40 a 
passer-by on the streets of Springfield, Illinois, might 
have witnessed a scene to make him rub his eyes. Along the 
miry roadway where the mud was knee-deep in spots came 
a spattered two-wheeled dray containing a strangely incon- 
gruous pair. There was nothing remarkable about the 
driver he looked very much as a drayman who did all 
kinds of hauling ought to look it was the other figure 
which would have engaged the bystander's astonished at- 

The dray carried a passenger, a pretty, fashionably 
dressed young kdy. She was becomingly plump, a little 
under medium height, and had vivid blue eyes, fair skin, 
and light chestnut hair. She was quite the brightest object 
in the whole drab scene. Red came quickly to her cheeks 
and she was doubtless flushed at this time with a feeling of 
adventure and that special exhilaration which comes to the 
spirited young when violating their elders' sense of pro- 
priety. Her oldest sister, Elizabeth, wife of Ninian W. 
Edwards, Springfield's top aristocrat, would undoubtedly 
scold her for making herself conspicuous in this fashion. 
The girl's name was Mary Todd; her intimate friends 

4 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

called her by her nickname Molly. She was on her way to 
die Edwards home, for she was living there now, and 
Elizabeth might well say in the exasperated words she was 
to use on a momentous day then more than two years in 
the future: "Do not forget that you are a Todd." Elizabeth 
never forgot she was a Todd and furthermore a leader in 
Springfield's exclusive "Edwards clique." Mary well knew 
no one would ever catch Mrs. Ninian W. Edwards riding 
through the streets of Springfield with a common drayman. 

This was how the strange spectacle had come about. 
Springfield had been having a prolonged rainy spell which 
made its notorious mud more impossible than ever. Women- 
kind had been housebound in consequence. In the raw little 
prairie town just emerging from frontier conditions, side- 
walks, if a street had any at all, were apt to be boards 
loosely laid down, and like as not these had been uprooted 
by the hogs which had the freedom of the city. Street 
crossings were so appalling that only hip boots of a future 
day would have been adequate for negotiating them. But 
proper Victorian females wore long trailing skirts and 
would have blushed at the very thought of disclosing that 
they had ankles or, worse still, "limbs"; the word "legs" 
would have been too shocking to use. Polite society appar- 
ently held firmly to the theory that ladies' feet were pinned 
on to the bottom of their petticoats. 

Mud or no mud, Mary wanted to go downtown. Then 
and later, when she wanted anything, she wanted it in- 
tensely and was apt to do something about getting it. She 
thought of a plan. She knew where she could get a bundle 
of shingles; why not take the shingles and drop them one at 

Molly Shocks Springfield 5 

a time in front of her and step from shingle to shingle to 
keep out of the mud? She would ask her dear friend Mercy 
Levering, who was spending the winter at the home of her 
brother Lawrason Levering, next door to the Edwardses, 
to join her in this adventure. 

The two girls, "both elegantly attired," set out on their 
expedition. But the plan which had seemed so clever in the 
making proved to have unexpected difficulties. Shingles 
were a slender defense against the depth of the mud and by 
the time they had reached the downtown section, both, 
girls were dreading the journey home. It was a dreary and 
laborious prospect. At this moment along came a dray used 
for hauling and Mary had another inspiration; they would 
get the driver, a little man named Ellis Hart, to haul them 
home. Mercy was shocked at the idea; her brother would 
be very much displeased if she did anything so unconven- 
tional and forward as that. But Molly saw no reason to 
drag her skirts through the mire when she could ride. The 
dray received one passenger and the story leaves Mercy, 
with her propriety intact, stuck in the mud. 

As the vehicle creaked and spattered its way past the 
nondescript shops and modest homes with their small-town 
yards and gardens, it passed a well-known gentleman of the 
town with a pleasant name, Dr. Elias Merryman, who was 
closely acquainted with Mary and her circle of friends. In 
his astonishment he called out the obvious question as to 
what in die world she was doing and received a cheerful 
and spirited reply. The situation struck his sense of humor 
and his bent for rhyming. He wrote a gay jingle which has 
preserved the details of the story. 

6 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

As I walked out on Monday last 

A wet and muddy day 

Twas there I saw a pretty lass 

A riding on a dray . . . 

Quoth I sweet lass, what do you there 

Said she good lack a day 

I had no coach to take me home 

So I'm riding on a dray. 

As it passed, the dray created a sensation: 

Up flew windows, out popped heads, 
To see this Lady gay 
In silken cloak and feathers white 
A riding on a dray. 

The two big wheels left the little shops behind (some 
wearing their names in the style of tavern signs, on a board 
swinging in front), continued past diminishing homes, 
crossed a little stream, climbed a slope, and stopped in front 
of a handsome house set in a grove of trees on a hill. It was 
the well-known residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ninian W. Ed- 
wards. In the poem at this point, Dr. Merryman's merry 
lines take on a teasing note. Molly was undeniably plump 
and her friends delighted to poke fun at her about it. 

At length arrived at Edwards' gate 
Hart backed the usual way 
And taking out the iron pin 
He rolled her off the dray. 

Thus ended an unconventional ride that furnished a topic 
of conversation in the town for some time. Some of those 
heads that popped out of the windows had strict ideas of 
what constituted proper and modest behavior in a young 

Molly Shocks Springfield 7 

lady. There was much tut-tutring among Springfield's ma- 
trons, especially those, one suspects, who were outside the 
pale of die aristocratic clique and hence were not invited 
to the Edwards parries. The episode added to Miss Mary 
Todd's reputation for being a dashing, spirited, and im- 
pulsive young woman, 

It had another result. F.llis Hart did not dream he had 
passed his otherwise unknown name down to posterity 
that day. More than a year later Molly's future husband 
would write a famous letter in which he mentioned that 
little drayman as the man who once "hauled Molly home." 

The girl entered the home in which she had been living 
since the fall of 1839. She had come to her sister Elizabeth's 
from Lexington, Kentucky, where she had grown up in 
the prominent and well-to-do family of her father, Rob- 
ert S. Todd. For a number of reasons the move to Spring- 
field had seemed desirable. The stately home in Lexing- 
ton was presided over by a stepmother whose babies had 
been arriving with a frequency and regularity soon to be 
exemplified by Victoria herself, the little Queen of Eng- 
land who was married the winter of this dray ride. Mary 
loved babies with passionate maternal instinct, but the 
house was overcrowded and the stepmother's hands were 
too full. Her own brood made life strenuous enough with- 
out the complication of a group of high-spirited stepchil- 
dren who furiously resented their father's marrying again. 

It was a difficult situation with much to be said on both 
sides and it had left its mark on Mary. When her own 
mother died, she was a bright, sensitive, impetuous litde 
girl between six and seven. She and her brothers and sisters 

8 The Cowtship of Mr. Lincoln 

were nervous, headstrong children and one suspects that 
temper tantrums were no novelty in the household. 

Mary's was a disposition that sorely needed a mother's 
understanding and guidance. Instead there had come the 
deep-cutting shock of loss to a child's sensitive spirit, then 
an interval when the disorganized household got along as 
best it could with the help of her aunt and grandmother. 
Mary possibly felt under diese circumstances that she was 
an unwanted complication. Then her father married a 
woman who apparently did not understand Mary's feelings 
at all. The grandmother, living close by, vigorously and 
continuously fanned resentment in Mary against this mar- 
riage. The result would naturally be that she would resist 
discipline and training by that stepmother. At all events, 
she grew up without learning the essential lesson of self- 
control She also grew up feeling that a wrong had been 
done to her, that her childhood in her father's house had 
been "desolate," and this perhaps was related to the sense 
of insecurity that always afterward lay beneath her cheer- 
fulness, and to her conviction that she must fight hard to 
get what she wanted. 

It throws light on why she said that Madame Mentelle's 
boarding school (where she had learned French, dancing, 
and other social graces) was her real home in her girlhood. 
It was a finishing school, but, in finishing her young ladies, 
Madame Mentefie wished it dearly understood that she did 
not neglect "a truly useful & 'solid' English education in 
all its branches." 

It would be wrong, however, to consider Mary a mere 
fugitive from a stepmother. There were numerous excel- 

Molly Shocks Springfield 9 

lent reasons for going west to make her home with her 
sister. Springfield had recently become the state capital of 
Illinois. This meant that the legislature would meet there, 
bringing many interesting people to town, and among them 
would undoubtedly be eligible and desirable bachelors. 
Marriage was about the only career a girl could look for- 
ward to, unless she was "strong-minded" or queer, and 
Mary would have shuddered to have either term applied 
to her. 

Men far outnumbered women in Illinois. At a party in 
Springfield there were apt to be three or four hundred 
gentlemen to forty or fifty ladies and like as not half of the 
feminine contingent was already married or at least en- 
gaged. Mary's handsome cousin, John J. Hardin, once sug- 
gested with a twinkle that a cargo of girls be brought out 
in the same manner that a shipload of prospective wives 
had been taken to colonial Virginia. He thought the entre- 
preneur could collect at least several head of cattle apiece 
for his passengers. 

Imagination likes to pky with this idea, picturing a cara- 
van of stagecoaches moving westward with their heart- 
fluttering freight, but this undertaking was not necessary: 
brothers, sisters, and other relatives were attending to the 
matter. Mary's sister Elizabeth had already invited their 
sister Frances to Springfield for a long "visit" and with 
eminent success: Frances was now the wife of a well-to-do 
physician and druggist of the town, Dr. William Wallace. 
Elizabeth had the oldest sister's fine sense of looking after 
the younger ones and Mary was next in age after Frances. 

Springfield was full of Todd relatives, all socially promi- 

io The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

nent and influential, as was usual with the Todds. Outstand- 
ing among the fine homes and families in town were those 
of Dr. John Todd, Mary's uncle, and John Todd Stuart, 
her cousin, a well-established lawyer. Even if the Todd 
girls had been lacking in charm, the venture (under such 
conditions of supply and demand) would probably have 
been successful, but quite the contrary was true. They 
were attractive and beautifully qualified socially by birth 
and rearing. Miss Mary Todd, with dimples and a bright 
smile, a warm and vivacious personality, and a nimble wit, 
had all the proper requirements. 

She had learned to speak French at Madame Mentelle's. 
She could recite poetry for hours on end and could write 
gay verses of her own. Literature was a matter of intense 
interest to her. But almost everything in her lighthearted 
young world interested her: plays or pranks, sewing circles 
or sociables, bonnets or babies. In spite of being mercurial, 
hers was a sunny temperament and most of die time the 
sunshine could be counted upon. 

She was impulsive, friendly, democratic, affectionate, 
talkative, and companionable; she was also, like all the 
Todds, touchy and quick to take offense, apt to fly off the 
handle and say cutting things which, in the remorse that 
invariably followed, she regretted with bitter tears. No one 
would ever drive this girl, but she could be led by her af- 
fections, which were warm and deep. The dominance of 
her affections over all other considerations would in the 
end set her feet upon a winding path that led to the White 


The Coterie and " a Mighty Rough 

THE threshold Mary stepped over as she entered the 
Edwards home after her dray ride was one certain to 
be crossed by all the distinguished visitors who came to 
town. Ninian Wirt Edwards was the son of Governor 
Ninian Edwards and his home was the center for the elite 
of Springfield. 

The younger group who flocked there called them- 
selves the "Coterie." It is a word of French origin; one 
wonders whether Mary suggested it. A gayer or livelier 
circle or one that included more interesting individuals 
would be hard to imagine. It seethed with interest in liter- 
ary and dramatic matters, in politics and all the happenings 
in a young state capital in a young and growing part of the 
country. The coterie went through a continual round of 
exciting events: parties of various kinds, dances, sleigh 
rides in winter, picnics in summer. 

Among the young men of the coterie political ambitions 
ran high, with plans looking toward that bright nebulous 
array of thrilling possibilities which is youth's view of the 
future. But none could know that fate would in time make 

12 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

several of its members Senators and one of them President 
of the United States. It is well to take a closer look at some 
of the gentlemen who belong to the dramatis personae of 
this story. 

A young Kentuckian who kept a store was much in evi- 
dence. He had a pleasing personality and a handsome By- 
ronic face with a romantic aspect that was very appro- 
priate, as he was apt to fall in love with practically every 
pretty girl he encountered. It is hardly to be wondered at 
that when he finally met the girl he was to many, he was a 
bit confused about whether his love for her was genuine. 
The problem was to plunge him into an acute case of 
melancholia and a famous correspondence. His name was 
Joshua Speed. 

There was a personable young lawyer from the East and 
a graduate of Princeton, James C Conkling, who wrote 
delightfully gossipy letters brimming with humor. He was 
courting that dear friend of Molly's, Mercy Levering. It 
may as well be said at once that Mercy's "visit" was going 
to be successful. James Conkling became her fianc6, al- 
though she returned to her home in Baltimore for a while 
before their marriage, which makes it possible now to 
read the love letters they wrote each other, letters of won- 
derful charm and warm personality. Postage at the time for 
a long distance was twenty-five cents for a single sheet, 
regardless of size, so the lovers wrote in one direction of 
the paper, then turned the sheet and wrote across the part 
already written. It was perhaps a sporting proposition to 
see how much could be put on one sheet, a challenge and 
a pleasant feat. 

The Coterie and "a Mighty Rough Man" 1 3 

In one of these letters James Conkling gave a playful 
description of himself. When Mercy told her parents in 
the East that she had become engaged to this unknown gen- 
tleman in Illinois, he wrote: "How much did you flatter 
me? I suppose you informed them that I was [a] pretty 
good looking fellow, notwithstanding my sallow complex- 
ion and lanthorn jaws standing about 5 ft 7^2 in my 
boots. . . 

A handsome figure which climbed the hill toward the 
Edwards home was that of James Shields, an Irishman in 
his early thirties. His broad education in the old country 
had included training in fencing and his mind would turn 
naturally toward dueling if his truculent Irish pride were 
offended. He was witty and gallant, but his gallantry 
verged on the pompous and ridiculous, so that while the 
girls often laughed with him, they were apt to laugh at him 
behind his back. They did not take him as seriously as he 
took himself. Yet he was a man of parts and he would even- 
tually go to the United States Senate. His statue would one 
day stand in Statuary Hall in the Capitol at Washington 
and he would be, strangely enough, the only member of 
the coterie to achieve that distinction. 

One gentleman frequently seen in the Edwards parlor 
was striking enough to stand out in any crowd. There was 
something arresting in the massive head, the compelling 
blue eyes deep-set under dark brows, the intellectual fore- 
head, the pugnacious mouth and chin. His shoulders were 
square, his voice sonorous and vibrant, and the whole effect 
of his personality was so suggestive of power that it made 
no difference that his legs were too short for the rest of 

14 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

him. The nickname of "Little Giant" suited him to per- 
fection. His name was Stephen A. Douglas and some of the 
other members of the coterie were beginning to couple 
this name with that of Mary Todd. His was a name too 
which would be written large in the nation's history. 

Another caller formed a contrast to the "Little Giant" 
that was almost ludicrous; he was about six feet four, a foot 
taller than Douglas. Where Douglas's legs were too short 
for his body, this man's legs were disproportionately long. 
The head atop the long, lean figure gave no impression of 
massiveness, though the dark unruly hair had, as he himself 
once said, "a way of getting up as far as possible in the 
world.' 1 No aggressiveness or pugnacity was in his kind 
and rugged face, but the mouth showed quiet strength and 
determination. The deep-set gray eyes were often lighted 
with an infectious twinkle, but at times they held a look of 
loneliness and sadness. 

It was said that Abraham Lincoln walked "loosely"; his 
movements were slow and some called them awkward, yet 
others thought he managed his long bones with a natural 
simplicity and economy of motion. His voice was high- 
pitched and had a singular quality that one had to get used 
to, but it carried well when he was speaking to a crowd. 
His words among the well-educated members of the coterie 
had at times a backwoods twang or flavor that set him 
apart. Sometimes the homely, sensitive face showed a wist- 
f ulness for approval, for a sense of belonging. 

He knew die members of the coterie had the advantage 


of him in background and training. Their parents had not 
been so lowly and ignorant as his. They had mostly gone to 

The Coterie and "a Mighty Rough Man" 15 

academies and colleges, while his short periods of attend- 
ance at primitive backwoods schools, added up, did not ex- 
ceed a year. And he had had to educate himself under most 
adverse circumstances. 

He had been born in a log cabin in Kentucky in 1809 
and had had a few weeks at a tiny school in that state before 
his family moved to Indiana when he was seven. From then 
until he was twenty-one he lived the bone-bare existence 
of a pioneer family in the Indiana wilderness. It included 
some months of rudimentary schooling, but he was sur- 
rounded by people who used "whar" for where, "hearn" 
for heard, "cheer" for chair, "kase" for because, and many 
other expressions that would stick out like sore thumbs 
in a cultured group. But there was something in the tall 
and ungainly youth that made him reach out for knowl- 
edge and "book-larning," as those around him might have 
called it. 

After his family moved to Illinois and he left his father's 
log cabin to make his own way, he went to a little Illinois 
village consisting of one long street on a bluff over the 
Sangamon River, New Salem. There he was associated with 
people who had more education than those he had known 
* up to that time, which meant much in giving him standards 
in the self-education he was struggling to achieve. The six 
years in New Salem were years of prodigious growth. He 
became village postmaster, he learned surveying, studied 
grammar, and read kw. In several years, the people, liking 
his qualities, sent him to the state legislature at Vandalia. 
The next move was to Springfield in April 1837, when he 
was twenty-eight. So much for the elements that had gone 

1 6 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

into the building-up of this unusual personality which had 
recently become a member of the coterie. 

He was an artist at telling droll stories and his character- 
istic, resounding laugh was like a tonic. There was also a 
magical change when a smile lighted up the sober features. 
People liked and trusted this man and enjoyed being with 
him. It probably did not occur to many of die lighthearted 
coterie, who were more apt to talk of his oddities, that he 
had a tremendous magnetism. Many elements entered into 
that magnetism: kindliness and interest in people, compas- 
sionate understanding, humor and whimsicality, scrupulous 
honesty, and a deep reserve of intellectual power. 

Again peeping into the private correspondence of Mr. 
Conkling with his betrothed, one finds a description of this 
Lincoln as he appeared to the more self-assured members 
of the coterie: "He used to remind me sometimes of the 
pictures I formerly saw of old Father Jupiter, bending 
down from the clouds, to see what was going on below. 
And as an agreeable smile of satisfaction graced the counte- 
nance of the old heathen god, as he perceived the incense 
rising up so the face of L. was occasionally distorted into 
a grin as he succeeded in eliciting applause from some of die 
fair votaries by whom he was surrounded." 

The Edwards circle was an excellent one in which to 
hear who was who and why, and Molly undoubtedly knew 
several important items about this Mr. Lincoln before she 
met him. She may have heard her brother-in-law Ninian 
mention that he had been a fellow member in the state legis- 
lature at Vandalia; in fact, Mr. Edwards and Mr. Lincoln 
had belonged to the special tall group from Sangamon 

The Coterie and "a Mighty Rough Man" 17 

County which had been dubbed the "Long Nine." Their 
combined heights exceeded fifty-four feet and no one was 
taller than Lincoln. 

Mr. Edwards had been friendly to the countrified young 
lawyer in his early days in Springfield, though he consid- 
ered Mr. Lincoln at that time "a mighty Rough man." Lin- 
coln had frequently been among those who spent Sunday 
at the hospitable Edwards home. Mrs. Edwards remem- 
bered later that he and Joshua Speed came out together 
and "seemed to enjoy themselves in their conversation be- 
neath the dense shade of our forest trees." Trees are appre- 
ciated in a prairie town and it was undoubtedly pleasant 
on sunny days to leave the more built-up, unshaded section 
around the square and walk out to the wooded hill, espe- 
cially as the unsanitary village (including the privies which 
adorned the back yards), was apt on hot days to be' a bit 

Much more important than Mr. Lincoln's initial friend- 
ship with Ninian was the fact that Molly's cousin, John 
Todd Stuart, had taken him as his junior law partner when 
he came to Springfield. It is doubtful if anyone had de- 
scribed to her that humble arrival, Mr. Lincoln riding into 
the center of town on a borrowed horse with all his earthly 
possessions in two bags slung over the saddle, and stopping 
in front of Joshua Speed's store on the west side of the 
square. It had happened more than two years before she 
came to live with the Edwardses. 

This kw partnership meant a great deal, for "Cousin 
John" occupied a position in which he could choose a part- 
ner who offered excellent qualifications. Mr. Lincoln must 

1 8 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

have distinct abilities. The Stuart & Lincoln law office had 
an upstairs location in Hoffman's Row on Fifth Street just 
north of the public square which was the heart of Spring- 
field. In its center stood the new capitol, or state house, 
which was still in the process of being built, as the piles of 
stone and building litter scattered around it indicated. Mr. 
Lincoln could feel a personal sense of pride in watching 
the construction of that building; the tap of the hammers 
was doubtless a pleasant sound to him. At Vandalia he had 
worked hard to have the capital removed to Springfield. 
This meant so much to the straggling town that there had 
been wild rejoicing when the news arrived, ending in a 
huge bonfire around the whipping post on the east side of 
the square. One pictures the loyal citizens prancing around 
it like college boys after a football victory. 

Somehow the little town had a personality which re- 
minds one of a growing youth, undeveloped and unpre- 
dictable as yet, but full of enthusiasm, ambition, vitality, 
and curiosity. In the people who walked or loitered around 
the square was a great eagerness to know more, from the 
least detail of gossip to wonderful new "Discoveries, In- 
ventions, and Improvements," to borrow the title of a no- 
table lecture Mr. Lincoln would one day deliver in the 
town. It was an age which had not lost its sense of wonder. 

The square was the center of Mr. Lincoln's life as well as 
the center of town. He was living in the big bedroom over 
Speed's store on the west side of it, 103 South Fifth Street. 
When he had come to town, Joshua had taken him in as a 
roommate after finding Lincoln had no money for lodgings. 
(And what a congenial and affectionate friendship theirs 

The Coterie and "a Mighty Rough Man" 19 

had turned out to be! ) When the young lawyer started to 
his office in the morning, he had only to turn to the left, 
cross Washington Street, and climb the stairs at 109 North 
Fifth Street to enter the Stuart & Lincoln law office. As a 
matter of personal enjoyment he might have preferred to 
turn right on Washington, walk along the north boundary 
of the square, and cross the street to the office of the San- 
gamo Journal on North Sixth. This was the newspaper of 
Mr. Lincoln's own party, the Whig, and fiercely partisan, 
as papers and people in Springfield were apt to be. 

The furniture of the office was doubtless similar to that 
of a later one on Sixth Street: "a large wood stove, which 
stood in a box of sand occupying about 3x5 feet," an "edi- 
torial table" (probably of the kitchen variety), and some 
common wooden chairs. But when this bare interior was 
Kghted on winter days by the glow of the stove and the 
chairs in a circle around it were occupied by Springfield's 
most resourceful Whigs exchanging lively ideas, it became 
for Mr. Lincoln a forum after his own heart. A newspaper 
office always has fascination for the politically ambitious 
and the editor of the Journal, Simeon Francis, was one of 
Lincoln's best friends, so he spent a great deal of time there. 
What a glowing editorial Simeon had written after Lincoln 
and the other members of the Long Nine had been victori- 
ous in transferring the capital to Springfield! That editorial 
of praise was a sort of introduction for Mr. Lincoln when 
he came to town. The block where the Journal had its of- 
fice was to be an important one for him in more ways than 
one; at the end of it was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis, 
which is to be the setting for memorable scenes in this story. 

2O JL ne i^ouTismp oj mr. 

In after years, according to her sister Einilie, Mary de- 
lighted to tell of her first meeting with Mr. Lincoln. "He 
met me at a party," she would say, "and at last came awk- 
wardly forward and said: 'Miss Todd, I want to dance with 
you in the worst way/ " At this point in her telling, no 
doubt with her damaged slippers in mind, she would add 
with a little bubble of laughter, "And he surely did." 

One can well imagine the candle-lighted scene: the so- 
ciety girls of more than a century ago in their billowing 
wide-skirted frocks (as nearly like the prints in Godey's 
Lady's Book as possible) and the stiff young gallants with 
their sideburns, stocks, slim trousers, and long-tailed coats. 
To Molly dainty clothes of the latest style were very im- 
portant. One can be sure that her white shoulders, rounded 
little figure, and bright face were set off to advantage and 
well calculated to be followed by the eyes of the tall young 
lawyer who was Cousin John's junior partner. 

Since Miss Todd and Mr. Lincoln moved in the same 
gregarious circle, other meetings followed as a matter of 
course. Each possibly had from the first a special awareness 
of the other and an attentive ear for any chance remark 
concerning the new acquaintance. Mary's friendly curi- 
osity was much too lively and feminine for her not to find 
out about this Mr. Lincoln. 

It probably did not take her long to discover that he was 
the devoted friend of Joshua Speed and that he was sharing 
Joshua's rooms over the store. A couple of clerks also slept 
in the big room and in the winter evenings the young men 
often gathered with other friends around the potbellied 
stove in the store below to argue, tell robust stories, and 

The Coterie and "a Mighty Rough Man" 2 1 

discuss men, politics, philosophy, and the universe in gen- 
eral. It was a roughhewn man's environment of which 
Molly knew little; its conversations were far removed from 
her chattered feminine confidences with other girls in the 
Edwards home. The division between man's world and 
woman's world was much more sharply defined in the 
eighteen-hundreds than it is today. 

It is doubtful whether she knew that Joshua had taken 
Mr. Lincoln in and given him free lodging because he was 
so poor and in debt to boot. A loyal friend and thorough 
Kentucky gentleman like Joshua was not apt to mention 
such a subject. 

\5Fhis Mr. Lincoln had a way of giving and inspiring gen- 
uine friendships. William Butler, an older friend and also 
a Kentuckian, helped him out by giving him free board. 
When he was ready to eat, he had only to walk a few 
blocks northwest of the square to the Butler home, where 
the kindly Mrs. Butler would attend to the matter. He went 
when he was ready, which was often late, for Mr. Lincoln 
was never to be regimented into keeping regular meal 
hours. But the Butlers found that even so "his company 
was worth his keep." The Butler offspring loved him and 
would run to meet him when he came. He would lift one 
of the youngsters high in the air, toss him over his shoulder, 
and laugh and romp with all the children. 

Early in that year when Mary came to Springfield a 
sharp incident had shown William Butler what a good man 
Mr. Lincoln was to have around when one's hotheadedness 
got out of hand. William, hearing of certain political moves 
in which Lincoln and their mutual friend Edward D. Baker 

22 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

had had a part, jumped to the conclusion that he had been 
badly treated by them and, without waiting to get all the 
facts, went off half cocked and wrote each of them a fiery 
letter. (Both men were out of town at Vandalia.) Lincoln 
kept his temper when he received his and answered frankly 
but without heat: *Tou were in an ill-humor when you 
wrote that letter, and, no doubt, intended that I should be 
thrown into one also; which, however, I respectfully de- 
cline being done." He then carefully explained all the facts, 
showing Butler that no wrong had been done to him, and 
ended die letter "Your friend in spite of your ill-nature 

But Air. Baker did not take the letter he received with 
so much detachment. He promptly fired back at Butler a 
hot answer, saying among other things: "If you believe the 
charges you make to be true, I say most flatly you are a 
fool." A serious altercation was in the making. 

Lincoln gave sincere affection to both men. One gets a 
close-up view of certain qualities of his in learning how he 
went about patching up the difficulty between what he 
called "two of my most particular friends." He wrote But- 
ler calmly and reasonably: "There is no necessity for any 
bad feeling between Baker & yourself. Your first letter to 
him was written while you were in a state of high excite- 
ment, and therefore ought not to have been construed as 
an emulation of deliberate malice. Unfortunately however 
it reached Baker while he was writhing under a severe 
tooth-ache. . . ." Lincoln pointed out that Baker's tooth- 
ache letter should not be taken too seriously either, such an 
ailment tending to warp patience and judgment, and con- 

The Coterie and "a Mighty Rough Man" 23 

tinued: "It is always magnanamous to recant whatever we 
may have said in passion; and when you and Baker shall 
have done this, I am sure there will no difficulty be left 
between you." (One has here examples of how Mr. Lin- 
coln would occasionally slip up on the spelling of a word, 
a fact not to be wondered at when it is remembered that he 
was at this time still very much in the process of educating 

It was a skillful settling of a quarrel that conceivably 
could have developed into a duel. Lincoln was a reliable, 
agreeable, and helpful fellow to have around, a good- 
neighbor sort of person. 

Molly could sense that Mr. Lincoln was older than she 
was. As a matter of fact, he had had his thirtieth birthday 
the February before he met her and she was twenty-one in 
December 1839, so the difference in ages was nearly ten 
years. He may have seemed even older, for hardship had put 
lines and hollows in his lean face. 

He seems to have been drawn toward girls much younger 
than himself. An attractive member of the coterie was 
Anna C. Rodney, a pretty, brown-eyed girl who was even 
younger than Molly. She was mentioned in both a letter of 
Miss Todd's and one of Mr. Conkling's, but they did not 
happen to tell that Mr. Lincoln, according to the tradition 
which has come down in Anna's family, sometimes called 
on her, inquiring for her in his quaint fashion: "Is Miss 
Rodney handy?" Anna, who was from the East, was an- 
other of those marriageable girls who had come to Spring- 
field to "visit" an older sister. 

Miss Todd probably read some articles Mr. Lincoln was 

24 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

writing for the local papers that fall One dealt with a mat- 
ter of state banks on which Democrats and Whigs were 
not in agreement. Mary could not know that before long 
a dispute involving the two political parties and state banks 
was destined to put Mr. Lincoln in actual physical danger 
and result in a fearful experience for both of diem, one for 
which each took a measure of blame. 

Mary knew that Mr. Lincoln, thank heaven, was as 
ardent a Whig as she was, and worked at it. In fact he was 
a rather busy man in his slow, unhurried way. That was a 
soothing quality of his: never to be hurried, but always to 
be deliberate in thinking things out before acting. She 
tended to rush into speech and action without due consid- 
eration. Still, slowness can sometimes be exasperating to 
one of her impatient temperament. He in turn may have 
found her quick decisiveness very attractive compared with 
his slow groping toward decisions. 

That fall of 1839 Mr- Lincoln had the entire responsibil- 
ity of the Stuart & Lincoln law office after Cousin John left 
for Washington to take a seat in Congress. When he de- 
parted early in November, the junior partner wrote a whim- 
sical memorandum in the firm's fee book: "Commence- 
ment of Lincoln's Administration." (There was nothing in 
the humble fortunes of this self-doubting man to suggest 
that one day the term Lincoln's Administration" would 
assume a nationwide significance.) 

After the legislature met early in December their first 
meeting in Springfield it is easy to follow Mr, Lincoln's 
activities in that body. People talked a bit about a speech 
he made the day after Christmas; it was so powerful and 

The Coterie and "a Mighty Rough Man" 25 

logical that one newspaper called it "a speech which no man 
can answer. . . ." Molly read political articles in the pa- 
pers, though she had a half-guilty feeling in doing it, and 
she probably knew of this speech and perhaps also of a re- 
markable lecture he had given before she came to live with 
her sister. The gentlemen of Springfield took their intellec- 
tual betterment very seriously. Such improvement was the 
aim of the organization known as the Young Men's Ly- 
ceum, which Lincoln had addressed on the subject "The 
Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions." He might be 
weak on spelling, but it was a speech which showed deep 
thinking and a power of putting complex matters into lan- 
guage that was wonderfully effective in its clarity and sim- 
plicity. It also had a certain poetic quality, a verve which 
was apparent in its opening words: "In the great journal of 
things happening under the sun, we, the American People, 
find our account running, under date of the nineteenth cen- 
tury of the Christian era." 

Mary could recognize that this man, though he was 
sometimes ill at ease in society, was very much at home in 
working out political problems and presenting them aptly. 
Brains and good literary expression always delighted her. 
After she had visited Mrs. Edwards in the summer of 1837, 
she returned to Lexington and continued her studies under 
the guidance of dear Dr. Ward, who taught both boys and 
girls in Ward's Academy. It was not enough that she had 
been "finished" at Madame Mentelle's school; she wanted 
to do what might be called postgraduate work. Dr. John 
Ward, Episcopal minister and a cultured, learned gentle- 
man who ahead of his time believed in coeducation, could 

26 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

lead an eager student far in the literary kingdom of the 

It is likely that Mary's older sisters, centered in the do- 
mestic duties which were supposed to encompass woman's 
sphere, sniffed a bit at her excursions into literary matters 
and called her a "bluestocking" or, as Mary herself used 
the term, "a regular blue." Any settled Victorian matron 
knew a woman's interests should be purely domestic and 
that she should leave all kinds of intellectual activities to 
her husband, after she had accomplished another para- 
mount feminine duty by acquiring one. 

If Mary came quickly to an appreciation of Mr. Lin- 
coln's intellectual power, her two sisters living in Spring- 
field were unimpressed. Mrs. Edwards was quick to detect 
the gaps in his education and as far as she was concerned, 
he was uninteresting. Mary's sister Frances, now success- 
fully married to Dr. Wallace, took an equally dim view 
of Cousin John's junior partner. When she had had the role 
of the visiting sister at the Edwards home before Mary 
came, Lincoln had taken her out on one or two occasions, 
but assuredly no intangible forces of attraction went into 
operation between the two. Quite the contrary. Frances's 
verdict, given years later, was that ". . . he was not much 
for society. He would go where they took him, but he was 
never very much for company." This certainly does not 
sound as if she enjoyed going out with him and one doubts 
whether Mr. Lincoln had a good time either. An interest- 
ing comparison between Frances and Mary Todd as young 
girls was given by their cousin Elizabeth Humphreys; she 
liked Frances but thought she "was taciturn and seemed 

The Coterie and "a Mighty Rough Man" 27 

cold & reserved," while Mary "was bright and talkative & 
warm hearted." 

The chilly- appraisals of her sisters did not influence Mary 
in her interest in her new friend. Meanwhile "what was he 
discovering about her? 

It was no trouble at all for Mr. Lincoln to find out 
about that attractive little Miss Todd. She was much in ev- 
idence and took a lively part in all the activities of Spring- 
field's top social circle. He heard about the dray ride, prob- 
ably with warm liking for the girl's spunk and defiance of 
convention, not to mention her natural democracy in rid- 
ing with a drayman. It is possible he even saw the incident. 
Anyhow, Dr. Merryman's verses about it circulated in the 
coterie and Mr. Lincoln must have read them, doubtless 
with a twinkle that broke into a laugh at the line "He rolled 
her off the dray." Some day he would enjoy teasing Mary 

At parties he could see her as Mr. Conkling once de- 
scribed her to his fiancee: "She is the very creature of ex- 
citement you know and never enjoys herself more than 
when in society and surrounded by a company of merry 
friends." She usually was so "surrounded," as a gay and en- 
tertaining girl who loves people is likely to be. 


"I ... Made a Fool of Myself" 

r I "iHERE was no doubt that Miss Todd was good com- 
JL pany. But Mr. Lincoln found that her conversa- 
tion had learning and substance as well as sparkle. In this 
she may have reminded him of the young woman he had 
been courting back in New Salem the year before he came 
to Springfield to live. Her name was Mary too Mary 
Owens. That courtship was a closed incident by the time 
he met Miss Todd, but it was still fresh and uncomforta- 
ble in his memory. 

Miss Owens also had had an excellent education and so- 
cial background and was an entertaining and intelligent 
conversationalist. And, like Miss Todd, die had a certain 
sprightliness (not to say sauciness) of retort, a sort of pro- 
vocative coquetry that was very attractive. Lincoln liked 
the light verbal fencing of repartee and was good at it him- 
self in a pleasing and whimsical way. It was an era when 
the snappy comeback was well thought of. 

His wooing of Miss Owens, however, had been a tepid 
affair, one that left him feeling as if he should make a wry 
face at himself. That is practically what he did when, after 
it was all over, he wrote a full account of it to a good 
friend, Mrs. Orville H. Browning, whom he had come to 

"/ . . . Made a Fool of Myself 29 

know well when he was at Vandalia. Her husband had been 
his friend and fellow Whig in the legislature there. Mrs. 
Browning was a woman of kindliness, humor, and consid- 
erable force of mind. (One is beginning to note that Mr. 
Lincoln preferred intelligent women.) She was understand- 
ing, or he never would have written her this letter which 
ended on the note that he had "made a fool" of himself. He 
may have selected April Fool's Day (April i, 1838) as the 
date on which to write it with an eye to its appropriateness. 

As his pen unfolded the comedy to Mrs. Browning, one 
can picture him writing with alternate twinkle and gri- 
mace. He had been greatly pleased with Miss Owens when 
he had first met her back in 1833 at New Salem, where she 
was visiting her sister Mrs. Bennett Abell. Lincoln was fond 
of Mrs. Abell and sometimes stayed at the Abell home; 
those had been good friends and neighbors in and around 
New Salem, though they did not live in the style of some 
of the people of Springfield. 

Three years later, in the fall of 1836, Mrs. Abell told him 
she was going back to her old home in Kentucky for a 
visit and added as a gay challenge that she would bring 
back an attractive sister of hers if he would promise to 
marry her; or, as Lincoln himself expressed it, "upon con- 
dition that I would engage to become her brother-in-law 
with all convenient dispach." Of course, as a gallant gentle- 
man he had to meet the challenge and agree to the proposi- 
tion, but there was more to it than this: he remembered 
well how very desirable he had considered Miss Owens 
when she had visited her sister before. 

She had perhaps the best educated feminine mind he had 

30 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

encountered up to that time. Furthermore, her mind could 
do some thinking of its own. That she rebelled against the 
narrow bounds set down for female conduct is evident in 
a letter she wrote from Kentucky in 1835 to Thomas J. 
Nance, an old friend who had gone to Illinois. She boldly 
broke the rule that a lady must not write to a gentleman un- 
less he first has written to her. "You are well aware 
Thomas," she said, "that in writing you this letter, I am 
transgressing the circumscribed limits, laid down by tyr- 
ranical custom, for our sex." She defended herself vigor- 
ously: 'Wherein consists the impropriety of my corre- 
sponding with an absent Friend, and admiring at the 
same time, that Friend to be a Gentleman? We are beings 
formed for social intercourse, and I hold it admissable for 
us, to draw pleasure from what ever source we can, pro- 
vided, it be an innocent one." She did not care if narrow- 
minded individuals did criticize her: ". . . if I am con- 
demned by the cold, unfeeling and fastidious of either Sex, 
I care not, for I trust, my Heart, has learned to rise superior 
to those groveling feelings, dictated by bosoms, that are 
callous to every refined emotion." She had learned that 
Thomas was coming to Kentucky and proper maidenly re- 
serve went so far out of bounds as to allow her to write him 
she was "much pleased" about his coming and to make this 
leading statement: ". . . you have many Friends here, 
whose Hearts beat high, at the thought of seeing you again, 
for my own part, I frankly acknowledge, that to me, it 
would be a treat of no every day occurence, to see Thomas, 
and talk about days of Auld lang Sine." 
The unconventional and liberal-minded Mr. Lincoln 

"7 ... Made a Fool of Myself 31 

could have stimulating conversation with such an independ- 
ent thinker. They could discuss politics and books and she 
could satisfy in a way his hunger for intellectual compan- 
ionship. He thought there was much to be said for Mrs. 
AbelTs proposition. "I was most confoundedly well pleased 
with the project," he wrote. "I had seen the said sister some 
three years before, thought her inteligent and agreeable, 
and saw no good objection to plodding life through hand 
in hand with her." 

The conversation with Mrs. Abell had been half in fun, 
of course, a matter of banter between them. Lincoln was 
twenty-seven at this time and had a natural interest in girls 
and the thought of getting married, but he also had a mar- 
riage shyness that is sometimes encountered in sensitive 
young men. Then, too, ever since he had left his father's 
backwoods cabin five years before, he had been engaged in 
that difficult task sometimes described as "pulling himself 
up by his bootstraps" and so far it may have seemed to him 
that there had been more pulling than elevation. He was 
having a hard enough time taking care of himself without 
assuming any additional responsibility in the shape of a 
wife and possible family. 

He was therefore considerably startled when word came 
to his ears that Mrs. Abell had returned from Kentucky 
and had brought her sister Mary with her. This seemed too 
much like pinning him down. It was one thing to jest with 
Mrs. Abell about marrying her sister and another to have 
that sister here in the flesh. 

"Flesh" is just the word! When he came face to face 
with Miss Owens, he discovered she had gotten fat! Three 

32 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

years of good Kentucky fare in her well-to-do home in that 
state had added poundage that was not conducive to ro- 
mance, and besides, she had lost some teeth. It made her 
look much older and, as a matter of fact, she was about a 
year older than he was. A ' Veather-beaten appearance in 
general," to use his own words, put "a kind of notion" in 
his head "that nothing could have commenced at the size of 
infancy, and reached her present bulk in less than thirtyfive 
or forty years. . . ." 

He probably would not have noted these changes so crit- 
ically if it had not been for that commitment to her sister 
which now hung heavily on his conscience. Of course, Miss 
Owens still had her fine mind and was as intelligent and en- 
tertaining to talk with as ever. And she would have been 
quite handsome if she had not put on so much weight. No 
one could deny that she had a very fine face. "I also tried to 
convince myself, that the mind was much more to be val- 
ued than the person," wrote Lincoln describing his dis- 
turbed cogitations. 

His extreme conscientiousness was always to cause him 
mental anguish. If Miss Owens had already reached an age 
when she was considered an old maid and he himself failed 
to find her physically attractive, perhaps no other man 
would want her either and he was her last chance. A far- 
flung conjecture arises here. If her unmaidenly intimation 
to Thomas Nance that her heart "beat high" at the thought 
of seeing him again had indicated romantic leanings on the 
part of Miss Owens toward that gentleman, it is possible 
she had had a disappointment when he married another 
lady in September of that very autumn when Mrs. Abell 

"/ . . . Made a Fool oj Myself 33 

made her proposition to Mr. Lincoln. It is even possible 
New Salem gossip had suggested such a thing to him. Was 
the married sister sympathetically hoping Mr. Lincoln 
would console Mary Owens? At all events, he felt he had 
committed himself to marry her. "Through life I have been 
in no bondage, either real or immaginary from the thraldom 
of which I so much desired to be free." He spent his time, 
he said, in planning "how I might procrastinate the evil 
day for a time, which I really dreaded as much perhaps 
more, than an irishman does the halter." (Part of this feel- 
ing was a wariness about marriage itself.) 

So the courtship which was missing on a number of cyl- 
inders limped along. Miss Owens was not finding Mr. Lin- 
coln entirely satisfactory either. By great good fortune one 
has her account of the affair as well as his. Lincoln had been 
mistaken in thinking it her destiny to become an old maid: 
later another gentleman was found who saw no objection 
to plodding through life hand in hand with the lady. She 
had long been a wife and mother when she described her 
feeling about Mr. Lincoln. Posterity encounters no reti- 
cence about this courtship; it has very frank statements 
from both of the parties concerned, and nowhere does one 
intrude upon a deep or tender sentiment. 

Miss Owens felt that Lincoln "was deficient in those lit- 
tle links which make up the great chain of womans happi- 
ness." She apparently missed in him social niceties and gal- 
lantries that had been no part of his background or training 
up to that time. 

There was one occasion when a number of New Salem's 
younger set were riding on horseback from the little vil- 

34 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

lage to a party at "Uncle Billy Greens." Mr. Lincoln was 
Miss Owens's escort. They came to "a very bad branch to 
cross" and all the other gentlemen solicitously saw to it that 
their ladies made the crossing in safety, but Lincoln rode on 
ahead without looking back and left Miss Owens to shift 
for herself. She was piqued and, riding up beside him, said 
tardy: ". . . you are a nice fellow; I suppose you did not 
care whether my neck was broken or not." Lincoln laughed 
and defended himself with a rather forced compliment, say- 
ing he knew she was "plenty smart" enough to take care of 

But he was sensitive and self-doubting and that sort of 
criticism would only add to his marriage shyness. It was 
not the only time she made a critical remark. There was 
another occasion when they were in a little group which 
was climbing the hill to Mrs. AbelPs home. One of the ma- 
trons was carrying her baby, a large and heavy child, and 
Miss Owens thought that Lincoln should have helped her. 
Looking to the future in a realistic way, she decided he 
would not make a thoughtful husband and she bluntly told 
him so. The detached reasoning and plain speaking that 
characterized this romance on both sides is very impressive. 

And yet Miss Owens did comprehend Mr. Lincoln's sen- 
sitive kindness of heart. She remembered how he told her 
once of an incident when this quality of his worked to his 
undoing. He had been crossing the prairie one day, he said, 
"fixed up" rather better than usual, when he saw a pig 
mired down in the mud and unable to free itself. He knew 
he would ruin his appearance if he undertook the messy 
task of rendering aid, so he steeled himself to pass on by. 

"/ . . . Made a Fool of Myself 35 

But he was drawn irresistibly to look back and he could not 
endure the hopeless look in the animal's eyes. Back he went, 
got down in the mud, and worked the prisoner free, ruin- 
ing his clothes in the process but leaving his tender con- 
science unhaunted. 

Miss Owens admitted he was sensitive almost to a fault. 
She conceded his good points and he conceded hers. They 
saw eye to eye in politics, which was an important factor 
with Mr. Lincoln. The trouble plainly was that while there 
were mutual interest and a degree of congeniality between 
them, neither could succeed in falling in love with the 
other. But there was his commitment to Mrs. Abell, and no 
other feminine interest was in sight, so the wooing pro- 
gressed in an uninspired fashion. 

While he was attending the meeting of the state legisla- 
ture at Vandalia in December 1836, he wrote Miss Owens 
a dispirited letter. He had been sick, he said, and there was 
nothing to write about anyway and furthermore he had 
not received the expected letter from her. He had gone to 
the post office a number of times and had been mortified at 
finding nothing. "You see I am mad about that old letter 
yet," he wrote. "I dont like verry well to risk you again. 
I'll try you once more any how." Here is the first glimpse 
of this man's tendency to have the "blues" (or "hypo," as 
he usually called it), especially when his vitality was low 
after an illness. For all his long brawn, he did have occa- 
sional illnesses, his skin was sallow and he was thin. Perhaps 
the unbalanced diet with the exposure and hardship of his 
growing years had contributed to this. 

His letter went on to give Miss Owens in halfhearted 

36 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

fashion news of what was going on in the legislature. He 
mentioned his interest in getting the capital transferred to 
Springfield. His sentiments toward Vandalia as the meeting 
place were apparent; various things, he wrote, "have gotten 
my spirits so low, that I feel that I would rather be any 
place in the world than here. I really can not endure the 
thought of staying here ten weeks." Would she write back 
as soon as she got this letter and say something to cheer him 
up? He ended by admitting his letter was so dry and stupid 
"that I am ashamed to send it," and he signed himself non- 
committally "Your friend Lincoln." It can hardly be called 
a loverlike epistle. 

By the spring of 1 837 it had been decided that the capital 
would be removed to Springfield and Lincoln went to live 
in that town. Apparently by this time the courtship had 
progressed somewhat and he had broached the question of 
marriage to Miss Owens without getting any definite an- 
swer. From Springfield he wrote "Friend Mary" two nota- 
ble letters which present a veritable lawyer's brief of rea- 
sons why she had better not marry him! He explained at 
length how drab the prospect would be for her if she did. 

He was so poor and could offer a wife so little. The styl- 
ishness of Springfield made him realize this acutely: "I am 
often thinking about what we said of your coming to live 
at Springfield. I am afraid you would not be satisfied. There 
is a great deal of flourishing about in carriages here, which 
it would be your doom to see without shareing in it. You 
would have to be poor without the means of hiding your 
poverty. Do you believe you could bear that patiently?" 

If she decided to take die risk, however, he would do his 

"/ . . . Made a Fool of Myself 37 

best to make her happy. He would be very unhappy him- 
self if he failed in this, but "I much wish you would think 
seriously before you decide. . . . My opinion is that you 
had better not do it. You have not been accustomed to hard- 
ship, and it may be more severe than you now immagine." 

He hoped she would write him a "good long letter." He 
needed it for "company" in this "busy wilderness." In all 
his letters to Miss Owens there is great loneliness between 
the lines. 

A little over three months kter he wrote her again. In 
the meantime he had seen her, but apparently the situation 
between them remained as unsettled as ever. In fact, the 
interview had been so unsatisfactory that he wrote her later 
"on the same day on which we parted," trying to clarify 
matters. She must know that he could not see her or think 
of her "with entire indifference." (One can imagine Miss 
Owens's reaction to that anemic compliment.) "I want in 
all cases to do right," he wrote, "and most particularly so, 
in all cases with women. I want, at this particular time, 
more than anything else, to do right with you, and if I 
knew it would be doing right, as I rather suspect it would, 
to let you alone, I would do it." 

She was free to drop the whole matter, and leave his let- 
ter unanswered, if that was what suited her best and would 
make her happiest; their further friendship depended upon 
her, but, "Do not understand by this, that I wish to cut your 
acquaintance." His greatest wish was to consider her hap- 
piness, and "to make myself understood, is the only object 
of this letter." 

If their friendship was to continue, he wanted to know 



"This Thing of Living in Springfield" 

LINCOLN'S cautious letters to Miss Owens make one 
smile, but they are also pathetic. They reveal between 
the lines his loneliness, his reaching out for intelligent com- 
panionship, his man's need for a woman's interest and sym- 
pathy, his longing for love and for the giving of love. To 
one who had been knocking about in such homeless fash- 
ion, there was perhaps the unconscious wish for a home. 

It is possible that the mental congeniality with Miss Ow- 
ens had served to whet his desire for feminine companion- 
ship, that she awakened a longing that she did not satisfy. 
He found her lacking in sympathetic understanding and in 
physical appeal. 

How different it was with little Miss Todd, with her 
pretty figure, her vivid, animated face, her quick little ges- 
tures of dainty hands! She had the excitability, the enthusi- 
asms, and the joyousness of a child. Miss Owens had been 
older than Lincoln and everything about her heavy figure 
had suggested maturity to him; Miss Todd, nearly ten years 
younger, aroused the paternal instinct that was always so 
strong an element in his make-up. 

He was about a foot taller than Molly; the head with 
bright chestnut hair hardly came to his shoulder. When she 

"This Thing of Living in Springfield" 41 

stood beside him, he could look down on that bright head 
and see the sweep of long lashes against the pink curve of 
her cheek. She was responsive; his playfulness and whimsi- 
cality would bring a quick answering smile and the smile 
in turn would bring a dimple. Like Miss Owens, Miss Todd 
had a keenly intelligent, well-furnished, and scintilkting 
mind. But with her he did not have to make a reasoned ef- 
fort to convince himself "that the mind was much more to 
be valued than the person"; the "person" had all the quali- 
fications too. 

Miss Owens had been self-sufficient; she was "plenty 
smart" enough to take care of herself. One doubts that she 
was excitable. Miss Todd, with her impulsiveness and her 
quick tongue that was apt to get her into trouble, undoubt- 
edly needed a slow, balanced, deliberate person like him- 
self to look after her. This dependence makes a paternal 
man feel necessary and important, where feminine self- 
sufficiency can make him feel inadequate. For it is one of 
nature's tricks on young people at the mating age that a 
man finds a girl's childishness charming and a boost to his 
masculine sense of protectiveness, when the same quality in 
a wife of some years' standing may be a problem and an 

Both of these girls who had caught the attention of 
young Mr. Lincoln had the appeal of wearing attractive 
clothes. Miss Todd's daintiness and furbelows were part of 
her charm for him. In that future unknown married life 
that destiny held in store for him, he was to notice when his 
wife wore a new dress and was to admire her when she 
was arrayed for a party in hoopskirt splendor. Up to the 

42 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

time of his going to live in Springfield, most of the girls he 
had known had been living in log cabins, cooking over open 
fireplaces with water carried laboriously from springs. 
Daintiness, even cleanliness, under such conditions was dif- 
ficult, and Lincoln's awareness of the contrast between 
these rural maidens and the style-conscious belles of Spring- 
field was apparent in what he once exclaimed as he entered 
a ballroom: "Oh boys, how clean those girls look." 

It is hard to picture young Abraham Lincoln in a candle- 
lit ballroom, to imagine that lanky figure, whose long legs 
seem more suited to steady striding across the prairie, en- 
gaged in the dances of the eighteen-hundreds. It is easy to 
accept the statement that he was "rather clumsy at danc- 
ing." Yet there is concrete proof of his interest in dances 
by the end of 1839. There exists today a quaintly formal in- 
vitation to a "Cotillion Party" given in December at the 
American House, Springfield's most pretentious hotel 
which stood on the southeast corner of the square. This 
dance was being arranged by sixteen "Managers" who are 
listed on the invitation itself. The name of "A. Lincoln" 
appears in this list as well as those of other friends already 
introduced: Stephen A. Douglas, the "Little Giant," James 
Shields, the blarney-tongued and truculent Irishman, and 
Joshua Speed, the frequent lover. This invitation makes it 
plain that by the end of 1839, over two years after he came 
to Springfield, Lincoln was established in the social whirl 
of the coterie and was stepping out in society. 

He had come so far that he had even, shortly before the 
cotillion, joined several other enterprising men in sending 
out an SOS for more girls! With the demand so far exceed* 

"This Thing of Living in Springfield" 43 

ing the supply, the lonely gentlemen of Springfield had to 
resort to desperate measures. Lincoln was a ringleader in 
the writing of a whimsical appeal to Mrs. Browning, who 
had been his confidante concerning the affair with Miss 
Owens. This joint letter "respectfully" informed Mrs. 
Browning that the undersigned were in great need of her 
society in Springfield "and therefore humbly pray that 
your Honoress will repair, forthwith to the Seat of Gov- 
ernment, bringing in your train all ladies in general, who 
may be at your command; and all Mr. Browning's sisters in 
particular." The "faithful & dutiful Petitioners" made ex- 
travagant promises: if her "Honoress" would grant their 
request, they would render due attention and faithful obe- 
dience to all her orders, whatever they might be. The letter 
is about half in Lincoln's hand (and indubitably in his play- 
ful manner) and is signed by him. The remainder of the 
letter seems to be in the handwriting of John J. Hardin, 
Mary's cousin, who also signed it, as did E. B. Webb. (How 
that Don Juan of Springfield, Joshua Speed, failed to be in 
on a project like this remains a mystery.) Edwin B. Webb 
was a widower and his eyes, like Mr. Lincoln's, were be- 
ginning to follow the pleasing little figure of Miss Todd. 

This letter to Mrs. Browning was enclosed with another 
in the same vein written by John J. Hardin; the two epis- 
tles together take one directly into the intimate, bantering, 
funmaking atmosphere of the younger set. One can pic- 
ture the grins with which these friends put their heads to- 
gether to concoct their urgent appeal. Mr. Hardin's letter 
promised Mrs. Browning even greater privileges: "In con- 
sideration of our distressed situation Mr Butler [at whose 

44 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

home Lincoln boarded] has promised to give you up his 
parlor, but if there is any difficulty on that point I promise 
as a gallant knight to give you the privilege of hanging up 
on a peg in my closet, whenever it may suit your con- 
venience. . . . We trust therefore to have your Honoress 
here by the 25th inst, as a living Chirstmas present as large 
as life, twice as natural & three times as agreable." 

It takes time to become part of an intimate group. 
Though he was now in the coterie, it had been a hard strug- 
gle for Mr. Lincoln to make the grade socially at first. He 
had been just as "blue" during his earlier days in Spring- 
field as he had at Vandalia. He had mentioned it in one of 
those gloomy letters to Miss Owens written shortly after 
he arrived: "This thing of living in Springfield is rather a 
dull business after all, at least it is so to me. I am quite as 
lonesome here as [I] ever was anywhere in my life. I have 
been spoken to by but one woman since Fve been here, and 
should not have been by her, if she could have avoided 
it." There could hardly be a plainer expression of the wish 
for a woman's sympathy. But he had been timid about seek- 
ing occasions and places where he might meet people. He 
stated his self-doubt plainly: "I've never been to church yet, 
nor probably shall not be soon. I stay away because I am 
conscious I should not know how to behave myself ." 

That not knowing "how to behave" himself in society 
was the trouble; he was feeling keenly his lack of social 
and cultural background. He was at home in front of the 
fireplace of a log cabin, telling droll homey stories that held 
the attention of all But being in the sophisticated crowd 
that gathered in the luxurious parlor of the Edwardses 

"This Thing of Living in Springfield" 45 

was another matter. Not but what Springfield still had log 
cabins sprinkled in among the better homes. The combi- 
nation seems like a symbol of two attitudes which were at 
war in the little town. On one side was the extreme class 
consciousness of the age, which seems in some cases like 
ridiculous snobbery now; on the other the leveling democ- 
racy of the near frontier. The perfect representatives of 
the aristocratic attitude would have been Ninian W. Ed- 
wards and his wife; of the second, Abraham Lincoln. This 
dramatic conflict of ideals was to blow like an icy wind 
upon the budding love of Abraham and Molly. 

One can rarely recover the exact time at which a ro- 
mance begins. Even the two parties most intimately con- 
cerned can seldom put their fingers upon the precise mo- 
ment at the time and this love story occurred more than a 
century ago. It is possible to follow the record of Lincoln's 
outward life in early 1840 but not his inner thoughts and 
feelings about little Miss Todd. 

Mr. Lincoln was busy in the legislature early in the year, 
attending to public affairs as a good Whig should. There is 
no doubt he was up to his ears in politics and so were some 
of his intimate friends. One notes, for example, Joshua 
Speed's name along with his signed to a campaign circular 
in January and the signatures include also another person 
destined to come intimately into this tangled story of a 
courtship, Dr. Anson G. Henry. This kind-faced physician, 
five years older than Lincoln, had a warm, sympathetic 
personality as well as strong Whig convictions. Lincoln 
loved and depended upon him. Down the long years ahead 
the skein of his life would cross those of Lincoln and his 

46 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

wife and always there would be understanding and affec- 
tion among the three. 

Lincoln's stream of letters to his absent law partner, John 
Todd Stuart, kept him in touch with legal and political hap- 
penings in Springfield. Occasionally there was a street fight 
in the red-hot politics of the town. Once the junior part- 
ner wrote how the "Little Giant," Stephen A. Douglas, 
who was a leading Democrat, tried to cane Lincoln's friend 
Simeon Francis, editor of the Whig Sangamo Journal, be- 
cause Douglas considered himself insulted by something 
that had been printed in the Journal. "Francis caught him 
by the hair and jammed him back against a market-cart; 
where the matter ended by Francis being pulled away from 
him," wrote Lincoln. "The whole affair was so ludicrous 
that Francis and everybody else (Douglas excepted) have 
been laughing about it ever since." So much for his light 
account, but Lincoln before long would find out that poli- 
tics could involve danger to his own person that was no 
laughing matter. 

The political pot, always bubbling in lively fashion, was 
boiling furiously in 1840 because it was election year. The 
Whig candidate was William Henry Harrison, with whom 
is associated the slogan "Log cabin and hard cider 9 ' and 
that phrase of irresistibly jaunty rhythm 'Tippecanoe and 
Tyler too." It is not possible to separate courtship and pol- 
itics in this story; they are tangled together. 

In March the Sangamon County Whig convention nom- 
inated candidates for the legislature. Lincoln was nomi- 
nated for another term, but Molly's brother-in-law, Mr. 
Edwards, was not. "Ninian was verry much hurt at not be- 

"This Thing of Living in Springfield" 47 

ing nominated," wrote Abraham, adding, "I was much, 
verry much, wounded myself at his being left out." There 
was unalloyed friendship in the young lawyer's remark, but 
one wonders, when one considers the feeling of superiority 
which Ninian and his wife later had toward Lincoln, 
whether they resented this episode. The Edwardses were 
always to find it hard to understand why honors came to 
him. When he was finally nominated for President, some of 
the family connections met the announcement with 
shocked unbelief. 

In the many letters which Lincoln wrote his partner, 
Molly's Cousin John, he gives no information as to whether 
he was seeing much of her. To be sure, he was away from 
Springfield a good deal that spring, going from town to 
town to give political speeches or to attend court on the 
semiannual round of the judicial circuit. Undoubtedly the 
coterie had its usual gay get-togethers, and they possibly 
saw each other occasionally at these parties. 

Focusing again for a moment on the coterie, one finds a 
delightful description of a picnic that summer of 1840 in 
one of James Conkling's letters to Mercy. One of the host- 
esses for this outing was Anna Rodney and surely, if Mr. 
Lincoln was in town, he was invited. Today a young man 
writing his fiancee about a picnic might say briefly that 
the weather was fine, the food good, and after the lunch 
they danced. But James presented the subject in Victorian 
language that made it much more glamorous: " 'Twas re- 
ally a delightful scene. The branches of some of the tallest 
trees formed a canopy over our heads to screen us from 
the rays of a cloudless sun." The lawn, of course, was "vel- 

48 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

vet" and the table "was loaded with a profusion of delica- 
cies which our ladies know how to prepare so well. The 
graces flew while daylight lasted and as the dim twilight 
gathered around us the Graces and the Muses both tripped 
it *on the light fantastic toe/ . . ." 

With her enthusiasm for the Whig party it would have 
been the natural thing for Molly to read about the speeches 
Mr. Lincoln -was making in various places in Illinois. She 
may also have noticed that he had become a member of the 
board of trustees of the town of Springfield. 

He was a rising man and she enjoyed talking with him, 
but she enjoyed talking to certain other gentlemen too. 
There was that dynamic Mr. Douglas. A highly gifted per- 
sonality looked out from those remarkable blue eyes of his. 
She always delighted in people of talent and intellect. Ex- 
cept that he was not much taller than herself, she consid- 
ered him a handsome figure and, as she herself said later, 
she "liked him well enough." But as an ardent Whig, she 
did not agree with him politically. 

A bright-colored story gives a picture of these two on 
the streets of Springfield, a picture one wishes one could 
see in a painting. She was sitting on a porch, weaving a 
wreath of roses, perhaps for decoration for a party or per- 
haps for the crowning of her own rich hair, when Douglas 
appeared and asked her to walk with him. Gaily teasing, 
she agreed on condition he would wear the wreath. Doug- 
las entered into the spirit of the thing, the roses were placed 
incongruously on that massive and powerful head, and off 
they went, probably to the accompaniment of girlish gig- 

"This Thing of Living in Springfield" 49 

There may have been times when Molly wondered 
whether it was her fate to be paired off with a short man. 
That widower who had signed the plea to Mrs. Browning, 
Mr. Edwin B. Webb, was far from tall. He was much 
older than Molly and had two children and he was to make 
it very clear that he had selected her for his second wife. 
It is not possible to find out exactly when this romance be- 
gan either. But it is clear that in the early summer of 1840 
Mary Todd was living lightheartedly in the gay, sweet 
young world of a popular belle with a number of beaux. 
Just how much her friend Mr. Lincoln figured in her 
thoughts and whether he had much of a lead over the oth- 
ers at this time is hard to determine. 


"My Beaux Have Always Been Hard 

MOLLY'S eager spirit always delighted in travel and 
visiting. She had an uncle living in Columbia, Mis- 
souri, Judge David Todd, whom she had never seen. Like 
most of the Todds, he held a substantial position in his com- 
munity. There was a special attraction in his home in the 
fact that he had a daughter Anne who was not far from 
Mary's age. As a Southern girl, Mary had great interest 
in and loyalty to her relatives and visiting one's kinf oik 
was in the proper Southern tradition; she would visit Un- 
cle David and Cousin Anne. So she set out for Columbia, 
Missouri, in the early part of the summer of 1840. 

She probably went to St. Louis by stagecoach (a trip of 
two days or more and a rough one) and there boarded a 
paddle-wheel steamboat or packet. This would have had to 
churn its way up the great Mississippi for a short distance, 
then push into the muddy Missouri River, and continue 
moving against the current until it reached Boonville or 
Rocheport. From either town Mary could be taken by 
horse-drawn conveyance across to Columbia, or she could 
even have gone on horseback, as she had grown up a good 

"My Beaux Have Always Been Hard Bargains" 5 1 

Kentucky horsewoman. On this trip she undoubtedly had 
some escort or protector, as young females did not go 
traveling alone in the eighteen-forties. 

While Mary unquestionably liked the opposite sex and 
had a great deal of coquetry, it speaks well of her person- 
ality that she quickly formed affectionate and unselfish 
friendships with other girls. All her life she was to have 
deep, devoted friendships with other women. Now she 
promptly took her cousin Anne Todd to her affectionate 
heart and they became constant and congenial companions. 

Returning for a moment to a survey of Lincoln's day- 
by-day activities as they have been traced through letters 
and other contemporary documents, one finds a blank be- 
tween July 2 and July 13, 1840. A possible explanation is 
that Lincoln was away from Springfield during that time 
and this gap may have special significance. A well-defined 
tradition that has come down among the descendants of 
Judge David Todd says he came to Columbia to see Molly. 
One is wary of tradition; it is apt to be affected by hind- 
sight and increase like a rolling snowball as it passes from 
generation to generation. One must regard it as a court of 
law does hearsay evidence, seek confirmation of it in con- 
temporary letter or document, and check whether it is con- 
sistent with established facts. 

Unfortunately the brief visit of an unknown lawy er to a 
little town in Missouri in 1 840 would not have been impor- 
tant enough to be recorded; at least, no contemporary rec- 
ord of it has yet come to light. But the tradition does fit as 
perfectly as a piece of jigsaw puzzle into the picture formed 
by otherwise known facts. There is a letter which Molly 

52 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

wrote from Columbk on July 23 and certain cryptic re- 
marks in it leap into meaning if one accepts this tradition. 
Also the period of Lincoln's apparent absence from Spring- 
field makes the timing correct. 

The rime element enables one to throw out one detail 
which has been attached to this story. It has been said the 
occasion of Mr. Lincoln's coming up the Missouri River 
was a great Whig rally at Rocheport. There was such a 
rally between June 18 and 20, 1840, but turning to the 
record of Lincoln's day-by-day existence, it is found he 
appeared in court at Springfield on June 18 and signed a 
document there on June 22. If this is the rally meant, he 
could hardly, under the slow conditions of travel by steam- 
boat and horsepower, have had time to make the trip and 
return between those dates. The tradition had it that he 
came to Rocheport on business. Perhaps somewhere along 
the line of the tradition's transmission someone thought the 
rally made a most plausible reason for such a good Whig as 
Lincoln to come to Missouri, put two and two together and 
got five. But this in no way conflicts with the basic family 
tradition that Mr. Lincoln came to Columbk to see Molly, 
which does fit into the known facts. 

This family story says that he went to the Presbyterian 
church with Molly the Sunday he was in Columbia, sitting 
in the Todd family pew. One likes to let one's imagination 
play on the idea of those two figures sitting side by side in 
a little church near the frontier the tall lawyer whose 
earnest rugged face perhaps showed a little of the uncer- 
tainty and self-consciousness of a man who is courting but 
whose gray eyes when they rested on the uplifted, bon- 

"My Beaux Have Always Been Hard Bargains" 53 

neted face at his side had a special light in them; and Molly, 
sweetly reverent, her vivacity hushed in devout worship. 
It could have done much to bring them close together, to 
deepen a dawning love, that sitting side by side in the little 
church contemplating the serious meanings of life. 

And now at long last Molly can speak for herself. She 
wrote from her uncle's home in Columbia a long letter 
which still exists, a confidential letter glowing with person- 
ality, giving an account of the gay happenings in which she 
was taking part. It also contains certain shy, intriguing 
hints about topics of deeper import. It is possible to go into 
the thoughts and feelings of Mary Todd as she herself set 
them down on the twenty-third day of July in the year 
1840. The nearest one can get to a personality of the past 
is to read the letters of that person. Here Mary talks to one 
naturally, unrestrainedly, and directly; there is no interme- 
diary and no long stretch of decades between. 

The letter was to that beloved friend Mercy Levering 
with whom she had spent so many intimate and companion- 
able hours during the past winter. Mercy had recently left 
what Molly called "these western wilds" to return to her 
home in the East. Molly's heart was desolate at the loss of 
her running mate; the letter is filled with overflowing af- 
fection as well as being a narrative of her activities. What 
would she do without her "Dearest Merce" when she re- 
turned to Springfield? 

Molly's happy and responsive spirit viewed scenes and 
people in Technicolor. Her time had "been most delight- 
fully spent," the Missouri country was "most beautiful," 
and never had she "encountered more kindness & hospi- 

54 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

tality." The day before, she and her cousin Anne had "re- 
turned from a most agreeable excursion to Boonville, situ- 
ated immediately on the river and a charming place. We 
remained a week, attended four parries, during the time." 

There is a suggestion of the small-town girl's liking for 
larger horizons and more pomp and circumstance as she 
writes that one party "was particularly distinguished for 
its brilliancy & city like doings." The dancing lasted "with 
untiring vigor 99 until three o'clock in the morning (though 
she and Cousin Anne left earlier) and the tempo was so 
fast and furious that she "felt exhausted after such desperate 
exertions to keep pace with the music." Apparently Spring- 
field did not hurry through the figures in such "rapid man- 
ner," the speeding up of the dancing seemed to change 
gracefulness into jerkiness, and Molly saw the funny side 
of the spectacle. She expressed her amusement to Mercy in 
the stilted language which was then popular: "Your risibles 
would have undergone a considerable state of excitement, 
were you to have seen the 'poetry of motion* exercised in 
the dance." Later in the letter she made a further remark 
about happenings to which she seemed unaccustomed and 
she showed that even then Illinoisans had their present-day 
nickname: "Our Sucker friends would have opened their 
orbs, at such strange doings." 

In writing she also incidentally revealed her awareness of 
the Southern antecedents of her relatives and friends. 
Speaking of the music for the dance, she continued thought- 
fully: "Had our grandfathers been present in the festive 
halls of mirth, they would undoubtedly have recognized the 
familiar airs of their youthful days, all the old Virginia 

"My Beaux Have Always Been Hard Bargains" 55 

reels that have been handed down to us by tradition, were 

There was no doubt she was having a glorious time on 
her visit. Molly had that most appealing quality, the gift 
of natural and contagious enjoyment; to be with her was 
to share in her pleasure as one does with a happy child. Her 
enthusiasms were as ever-present as the underscored words 
in her letters. She loved Missouri. She would love to live in 
Boonville. "A life on the river to rne has always had a 
charm, so much excitement, and this you have deemed nec- 
essary to my well being; every day experience impresses 
me more fully with the belief." 

There was a vogue at that time for soul searching and 
for writing letters in which one analyzed and moralized 
over one's emotions. Mr. Lincoln is to have a heavy dose of 
such torturing introspection in the progress of this story. 
Innocent enjoyment of life was apt to be labeled wicked 
frivolity in the eighteen-f orties and conscientious Mercy 
Levering had evidently scolded Molly about her lightheart- 

The letter becomes introspective and gives a hint that 
something is causing the writer to think seriously about the 
future and what she wants in that future. It could be that 
Mr. Lincoln had come to Columbia and Molly had real- 
ized that here was a suitor who was in earnest and she must 
face a far-reaching decision. She had been taking stock of 
her own qualities. She was sorry she loved excitement and 
parties so much. "I would such were not my nature, for 
mine I fancy is to be a quiet lot and happy indeed will I be, 
if it is, only cast near those, I so dearly love." She was see- 

56 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

ing clearly here: all her life, affection, both the giving and 
receiving of it, was to be the most important thing. There 
is also a hint that already her heart was inclining toward 
the impecunious Mr. Lincoln. If she was pondering 
thoughts of becoming his bride, the prospect seemed to of- 
fer "a quiet lot" indeed. 

She continued her self-analysis with a sort of realization 
that sooner or later her soaring young spirit would have to 
come down to earth. And, after all, gaieties did not com- 
pletely satisfy her. "My feelings & hopes are all so san- 
guine that in this dull world of reality tis best to dispell our 
delusive day dreams as soon as possible. Would it were in 
my power to follow your kind advice, my ever dear Merce 
and turn my thoughts from earthly vanities, to one higher 
than us all. Every day proves the fallacy of our enjoy- 
ments, & that we are living for pleasures that do not recom- 
pense us for the pursuit." 

Molly turned for a moment to the subject of the letters 
and newspapers that had followed her from Springfield, a 
flood of mail that is good evidence of her popularity. The 
arrival of the mail, she says prettily, finds her "on the wing 
of expectation." Knowing her intense interest in the po- 
litical campaign, some of her friends or beaux had been 
sending her die local newspapers, the Sangamo Journal, 
the Old Soldier (the Whig campaign newspaper), and 
some daring person had even sent a Democratic newspa- 
per, probably the campaign one called Old Hickory. "This 
latter," continued Molly, "rather astonished your friend, 
there I had deemed myself forgotten." Did that italicized 
"there" refer by any chance to Mr. Douglas? 

Beaux Have Always Been Hard Bargains" 57 

Having played around the bush for a number of pages, 
Molly reached, via the topic of mail, the most intriguing 
part of her letter: "When I mention some letters I have re- 
ceived since leaving S you will be somewhat surprised, 

as I must confess they were entirely unlocked for" Could 
Mr. Lincoln have written her? She plainly had a far-reach- 
ing matter on her mind and longed for a confidante but 
was afraid to commit too much to paper. She continued: 
"This is between ourselves, my dearest, but of this more 
anon. Every day I am convinced this is a stranger world 
we live in, the past as the future is to me a mystery." If only 
Merce were with her so she could talk to her: "How much 
I wish you were near, ever have I found yours a congenial 
heart. In your presence I have almost thought aloud, and 
the thought that paineth most is, that such may never be 
again. . . ." 

Her mood lightened and she returned to her spicy ac- 
count of events and persons. One is pleased to find a couple 
of puns, although rather anemic ones, and a bit of the slang 
of more than a century ago. Molly, partly because of her 
intense interest in all the people she knew, enjoyed a bit of 
feminine gossip. Her tongue was rather too apt at ticking 
off the foibles of her friends. One cannot get the full im- 
plication of her comment that one "Martha Jane" now has 
"an opportunity of making dead sets at the youngsters," but 
one suspects it was a remark that Martha Jane would not 
have appreciated. Then followed the first of her puns: "To 
change our subject to one of a still warmer nature, did you 
ever feel such oppressive weather as we have had of 
late " 

58 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

After many pages Molly wrote that Cousin Anne "won- 
ders what I am scribbling so much about." Apropos of the 
length of the letter caine the second pun: "Though I can 
fancy you pale and exhausted so in Mercy will spare 
you." In various letters it is found that Mercy had to put up 
with considerable punning on her name. Even her fianc 
liked to tease her by saying "Oh Mercy!" 

But there was one more thing she must tell Merce, be- 
cause it was on the ever-absorbing subject of beaux. One 
suspects she made a wry little grimace as she wrote: "There 
is one being here, who cannot brook the mention of my re- 
turn, an agreeable lawyer & grandson of Patrick Henry 
'what an honor f I shall never survive it I wish you could 
see him, the most perfect original I ever met." Then came 
another statement which might have hidden meaning: "My 
beaux have always been hard bargains at any rate." Did 
Mercy know that young Mr. Lincoln was wont to use that 
expression "hard bargain" even as his backwoods father had 
done before him? The young lawyer was to be regarded 
by Mary's relatives in Springfield as matrimonially a "hard 
bargain" for the eligible belle that she was. There is great 
significance in the comment on Patrick Henry's descend- 
ant which follows: "Uncle and others think, he surpasses 
his noble ancestor in talents^ yet Merce I love him not, & 
my hand will never be given, where my heart is not." 
Molly could have come far enough in her romance with 
Mr. Lincoln to know that love and congeniality should be 
the essential elements in the marriage she might make in 
that mysterious future. Sometimes it takes the beginning of 
genuine love to bestow that bit of wisdom. 


Various Happenings of a Romantic 

r I ^HE rest of the summer and up to November of 1 840 
J_ Lincoln was in and out of Springfield helping elect 
President Harrison by making political speeches over the 
state and attending to his legal duties on the fall round of 
the judicial circuit. Then the meeting of the legislature late 
in November kept him at home. Mary too was deeply ab- 
sorbed in the political campaign, though she had a guilty 
feeling about it. After the election she wrote Merce: "I 
suppose like the rest of us Whigs . . . you have been re- 
joicing in the recent election of Gen Harrison," and contin- 
ued rather apologetically: "This fall I became quite a poli- 
tician, rather an unladylike profession. . . ." She excused 
herself on the ground that the cause was "one of such vital 
importance to our prosperity," and it was a time of "crisis" 
The two girls were in a dilemma about their interest in 
politics. Such interest was genuine in a matter which so vi- 
tally concerned the gentlemen of their thoughts, but to be 
considered unwomanly by these same gentlemen would be 
dreadful. Perhaps politics had a special fascination because 
it was forbidden fruit. Mercy, who was the soul of propri- 

60 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

ety, wrote her fianc6 kte that fall, making her attitude plain. 
She mentioned listening to speeches "upon a subject which 
the narrow capabilities of my sex can understand but little," 
but she felt that women should not "be totally ignorant of 
the great, and important questions pending upon the gov- 
ernment of her own happy country." Lest that statement 
be considered too radical she continued: "But by engaging 
her mind in the things that belong exclusively to your sex 
she is liable to become perplexed and bewildered in thing [s] 
that are incompatible with the more retired sphere of use- 
fulness which a kind and beneficent Providence has seen fit 
in his all wise disposal to allot to her. So soon as she goes 
beyond that sphere she does I think lose her dependence and 
ceases to be the amiable, and attractive creature she is 
sometimes called." That statement should have convinced 
young Mr. Conkling that he was in no danger of marrying 
a strong-minded female. 

Peeping further into the private correspondence of these 
delightful Victorian sweethearts and going back to the 
month of September, one finds James Conkling reporting 
that he saw Molly after her return from Missouri. "It was 
on a Saturday evening at the [Sangamo] Journal Office 
where some fifteen or twenty ladies were collected together 
to listen to the Tippecanoe Singing dub." If Mr. Lincoln 
was in town, it is a safe guess that he was there. It is evident 
what a social and political center that little newspaper office 
just off the square was, as Mr. Conkling continued: "It has 
become lately quite a place of resort, particularly when it 
is expected there will be any speeches." The subject of 
speeches being thus gracefully introduced, he told his fi- 

Various Happenings o] a Romantic Nature 61 

anc6e the really important item in this passage: "I had the 
honor of being called on myself that evening and made a 
few brief remarks." 

But Mr. Conkling had a topic even more interesting to 
an engaged couple. He seems to have been a popular 
groomsman at weddings, just as Mary Todd was a frequent 
bridesmaid. "Well," wrote James to Mercy, "I had no idea 
I should ever be instrumental more than once again, in 
changing the name of a lady. But last evening Miss Todd 
and myself, (standing partners you perceive) with the as- 
sistance of Parson Bergen in his usual dignified manner 
passed through the usual ceremonies of such an occasion." 
He told how, about ten o'clock, he and Miss Todd helped 
pack the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Abell, into a 
stagecoach and sent them off to Chicago. "Peace and Hap- 
piness be with them," was his benediction. 

James Conkling walked home with Molly after the wed- 
ding. A girl needed an escort at night in Springfield. There 
were no street lights and only an occasional window square 
was dimly lit by candlelight or oil lamp. One was like as 
not to stumble over a pig. 

The two young people strolled along the well-known 
path that crossed a little bridge and led up the hill to the 
Edwards mansion. Next door to it stood the home of Mer- 
cy's brother, to which James had so often seen Mercy her- 
self home after a party. He wanted to talk of her to Molly; 
they both missed her so much. He did very well in putting 
his lover's longing into his letter: "The same heavenly stars 
shone . . . but not your bright and starry eyes the same 
gurgl[ing] of the brook, was heard, but I listened in vain 

6z The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

for the tones of your silvery voice. The light streamed 
from your brother's window . . . but it did not guide me 
to your presence. And for the first time, I think, I accom- 
panied a lady home, upon that hill, without having the sat- 
isfaction of reflecting upon my return that it was yourself." 
This lover well deserved his nickname of "Jacob Faithful" 

In contrast to this nostalgic mood he gave a gay and 
teasing description of his "blooming partner [at the wed- 
ding] who has just returned from Missouri." Alas for Mary, 
all that abundant hospitality she had so enjoyed on her 
visit had increased her weight! He made the most in humor- 
ous fashion of that fact: "Verily, I believe the further West 
a young lady goes the better her health becomes. If she 
comes here she is sure to grow if she visits Missouri she 
will soon grow out of your recollection and if she should 
visit the Rocky Mountains I know not what would be- 
come of her." But for all his teasing he had a fellow feeling 
with Miss Todd, who like himself regretted Mercy's ab- 
sence so much and felt so lonesome. 

As always in a young part of the country there was much 
marrying and giving in marriage. Bachelors in large num- 
bers, as a rhyme of the day said, were being "strung in 
Hymen's noose." Miss Todd is found attending another 
wedding less than a month later that of James Campbell 
and Harriet Huntington. She was the only lady present un- 
connected with the family. Her liveliness and warm inter- 
est undoubtedly made her a welcome addition to any wed- 
ding occasion. James Conkling, of course, wrote Mercy 
about it. Meantime he had had an answer from her, appar- 
ently, warning him about the danger of officiating at so 

Various Happenings of a Romantic Nature 63 

many weddings, for he replied: "And so you thought that 
a word of caution might be necessary for me for if Miss T. 
and myself were partners much of tener, we might stand up 
once too often." But another girl had been his partner on 
this occasion and apparently a very attractive one too, for 
he teasingly asked Mercy what she would think if she knew 
that he had been "subjected to a very strong temptation" 
to follow the groom's "most brilliant example," had he not, 
he added tenderly, "been under the influence of a power 
more firm than destiny." 

So much for scraps of mention, mere side glimpses, of 
Mary in ancient, yellowing letters. Sometime in the latter 
half of 1840 young Conkling might have written his fian- 
c6e some very interesting news that was getting around: 
that Mr. Lincoln was frequently seen among the other 
young hopefuls adorning the slippery horsehair sofas in the 
Edwards parlor, that he, as well as Edwin B. Webb, was 
paying particular court to Miss Todd. It could be noticed 
that Air. Lincoln was not calling her "Miss Todd" any more 
but was using the nickname that somehow seemed to suit 
her, "Molly." One can imagine some member of the roman- 
tic-minded and Shakespeare-quoting coterie that fall sud- 
denly assuming a knowing expression and saying: " 'Sits the 
wind in that corner?' Has Mr. Lincoln fallen in love with 

Elizabeth Edwards, experienced in such matters, before 
long became aware of what was taking place. She began to 
notice the expression on Mr. Lincoln's face when he looked 
at Mary. Elizabeth would enter the room where the girl 
was entertaining her caller and mark with an older sister's 

64 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

keen appraisal how the young lawyer sat listening to the 
girl as if hypnotized his eyes glued on her glowing and 
expressive face. Her letters show how much of interest the 
younger sister had to tell and how well she told it and it is 
easy to accept Elizabeth Edwards's statement that Mr. Lin- 
coln "was charmed with Mary's wit and fascinated with her 
quick sagacity her will her nature and culture." 
When this sparkling flow of conversation was delivered in 
a soft voice with a decided Southern accent, and with 
pretty little gestures, and dimples that came and went, Mr. 
Lincoln found the effect irresistible. 

He did not have much to say himself, according to Eliz- 
abeth's account; he "could not hold a lengthy conversation 
with a lady was not sufficiently educated & intelligent in 
the female line to do so." One wonders whether there was 
special emphasis on the word "lady." Before Mary came to 
live in Springfield and for a time afterwards, Mrs. Edwards 
had done her hospitable duty in regard to her husband's 
colleague in the legislature. But the time was approaching 
when the hospitable attitude at the Edwards home would 
cease. At some point Elizabeth Edwards, perhaps becoming 
better informed about Mr. Lincoln's poverty and hard- 
scrabble beginnings, began to wear a disapproving expres- 

But wooing was going on with Mr. Lincoln's calls that 
fall at the Edwards home on the hill. He and Mary un- 
doubtedly met and had their moments at the coterie's con- 
tinual round of parties and outings. In that slow-motion age 
before automobiles, telephones, or moving pictures, court- 
ing couples in Springfield took long walks together on the 

Various Happenings of a Romantic Nature 65 

black and overgrown paths that wound their way out from 
the straggling town into the edge of the prairie. It was a 
prairie that bloomed with countless flowers in season and 
gathering these provided a wonderful objective for two 
young people who wished to be together. 

Again those subsidiary lovers, James and Mercy, give a 
close-up view. Young Conkling was writing his fiancee that 
fall of 1840: "I ... recollected those happy hours when 
we strolled together on the prairies when arrayed in all 
their splendor and decked with the gaudy hues of sum- 
mer. . . ." So full was the assortment of blossoms that in 
another letter he mentioned gathering thirty varieties. He 
continued, loverwise: ". . . and I looked forward to those 
still more happy hours, when I trust we may wind our paths 
across those same prairies, under a clear and cloudless sky 
and regaled by the fragrance of their millions of flowers." 

So it may well have been that Mr. Lincoln and Molly 
walked together on the prairie that fall, finding companion- 
ship and congeniality and thinking of a future in which 
that companionship would become permanent. If the paths 
were ankle-deep in mud or dust, it did not matter in that 
radiant and iridescent world which surrounds two young 
people falling in love. 

James Conkling, devoted fiance that he was, had with- 
drawn from society and may have been slow in becoming 
aware of Lincoln's shy courting. Other personalities and 
events in the latter part of 1840 were much more in the 
public eye. The gossips very likely were speculating about 
whether Miss Todd would become Mrs. Webb or Mrs. 
Douglas. They all knew that Mr. Webb was courting her 

66 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

and he was a man of experience in such matters, being, as 
Mary herself put it, "a widower of modest merit/' In De- 
cember, writing Merce of doings in the coterie, she men- 
tioned that Mr. Webb "is our principal lion, [and] dances 
attendance very frequently." 

The "Little Giant," Stephen A. Douglas, was also in evi- 
dence. He was quite a ladies' man, skillful in the little at- 
tentions dear to their hearts and master of give-and-take in 
banter and jest. His dramatic and self-assured presence was 
apt socially to eclipse that of the slow, unobtrusive, and 
sometimes wistful Lincoln. 

It could have been about this time that one of Mary's 
friends asked her pointedly which she "intended to have," 
Lincoln or Douglas. The girl turned aside such undue in- 
quisidveness with a light answer: "Him who has the best 
prospects of being President." It has been said that a for- 
tuneteller once predicted she would marry a future Presi- 
dent and any buoyant girl would like to dwell on that 
pleasant subject. (After she was married, her boundless 
faith in her husband made her predict his future greatness 
in earnest, even to the point of sometimes embarrassing 
him.) Literal-minded biographers of Lincoln later inter- 
preted this parrying remark as a statement of cold-blooded, 
scheming ambition, building up a case against an affection- 
ate woman who was asking only at this time that her lot be 
"cast near those, I so dearly love." 

In November, Mary, still lonesome for Mercy Levering, 
joyfully welcomed a new companion. The stagecoach 
brought from Alton a pretty, sparkling, conscientious girl 
of eighteen, Matilda Edwards, a cousin of Ninian's, to spend 

Various Happenings of a Romantic Nature 67 

the winter at the Edwards home. Molly had undoubtedly 
made the last part of her return trip from Missouri by just 
such a journey as Matilda's and one is now able to get a 
dose-up view of the ruggedness of stagecoach travel. 

Matilda wrote her brother a short time after she reached 
Springfield that she had had a hard trip with two overnight 
stops. "The first day was the most unpleasant one I ever 
passed," ran her account. "Crowded as I was up in one cor- 
ner with the weight of all three of the gentlemen upon me 
as I supposed you can immagine what I really suffered. 
When we alighted for the night I was quite lame." To make 
matters worse, one of the three gentlemen who formed her 
abundant masculine escort was a suitor, Mr. Strong, so in 
spite of discomfort, as she said: "... I was compelled 
through the day to sit looking and acting my very prettiest 
which you know was to me a difficTilt task." She was evi- 
dently successful in her endeavor, for she added at once: 
"Mr S was very agreeable as you may suppose." 

Stopping overnight at inns where one was lucky to have 
a room to oneself often had its element of the unexpected. 
Matilda's sprightly narrative continued: "The first night we 
stopped I had a very nice room to myself with the excep- 
tion that the floor above was rather too thin for one of my 
glib tongue. As soon as the gentleman retired the landlady 
came in and I to win her good will, exclaimed ''what dirty 
creatures these men are they have spit all over your nice 
floor. 9 " This speech Mr. Strong "had the kindness to re- 
peat to me the next morning which of course was very 
mortifying. . . ." 

Travel on the second day proved much more comf orta- 

68 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

ble than on the first "and when we halted for die night," 
wrote Matilda, "I was in so fine a humor, that either f or this 
or some other reason I was supposed to be a young wife 
taking a bridal tour. The good landlady and all her house- 
hold had very Strong suspicions." It seems to have been 
an age of punning. 

At Ninian's home Matilda and Mary were delighted with 
each other from the first. The newcomer wrote her brother 
at once that Mary Todd was "a very lovely and sprightly 
girl." Within a month Mary was writing enthusiastically to 
Mercy about Matilda as her welcome companion, "a con- 
genial spirit I assure you ... a lovelier girl I never saw." 
Matilda referred to "dear Molly" in her letters, but one can 
only guess that Mary used her friend's appealing nickname 
"Tid." It was a devoted friendship that was to last to the 
end of Matilda's too brief life. 

Of course the arrival of an attractive and eligible girl 
"on the hill" created quite a stir among what Mary called 
the "marriageable gentlemen" in the coterie. In no time at 
all the susceptible Joshua Speed, to use her words, was of- 
fering his "ever changing heart" and "young affections" at 
Matilda's shrine. Judging from certain references in Mr. 
Lincoln's letters to Speed later, it is likely that this new de- 
votion resulted in quite a heartache for sixteen-year-old 
Sarah Rickard, sister-in-law to Lincoln's friend William 
Butler. Sarah had apparently looked too much upon Josh- 
ua's handsome and romantic countenance and had fallen in 
love with him. 

The crosscurrents of love affairs in the coterie, as always 
with a group of young people at the marrying age, were 

Various Happenings of a Romantic Nature 69 

complicated. When these affairs were occurring simultane- 
ously with Abraham's wooing of Mary, the record was 
likely to become mixed up. Sarah's name has at times been 
pulled, somewhat ridiculously, into the story of Lincoln's 

Sarah lived for a time with her sister, Mrs. William But- 
ler, at whose home Lincoln was a boarder and later also a 
roomer. Sarah herself said afterwards she regarded him as 
an older brother, just as the Butler children did. He liked to 
play with them, as he did with all children, and to delight 
their young imaginations with whimsical remarks. One day 
he teasingly told Sarah that since in the Bible Abraham mar- 
ried Sarah and since his name was Abraham and hers Sarah, 
the logical conclusion seemed to be that they should be 
married. Again a light statement has been repeated with 
cold seriousness in later years by those who had lost the 
playful setting. The result was an impression that Lincoln 
had proposed marriage in earnest to a girl with whom he 
was only being playf ul and whom he undoubtedly regarded 
as a mere child. 

"We see a great deal of company," wrote Matilda shortly 
after her arrival. Mary mentioned that "some others" in ad- 
dition to Joshua were much attracted to the visiting girl. 
Within two months gossiping tongues of Springfield were 
speculating about Mr. Lincoln's feeling toward this new 
charmer, whose gaiety and humor in her recently found 
letters peep shyly out through the heavy sense of duty 
which oppressed her. 

Matilda, like so many of these letter writers, was much 
concerned with the state of her soul. As was the case with 

70 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

Mercy Levering, she did not wish to indulge in wicked fri- 
volity. "I have received an invitation to a ball since I came," 
she wrote, "but of course did not accept it. No my brother 
however inconsistant my life may be as a Christians I hope I 
shall ever have strength to resist those worldly fascinations 
which if indulged in bring a reproach upon the cause of 

Ninian, eying his pretty young cousin, urged her to go, 
saying she "would appear to advantage" at the ball and us- 
ing other arguments likely to appeal to eighteen-year-old 
femininity. But Matilda could not be shaken from her lofty 
resolutions. Congenial as she and Mary were, they evidently 
did not agree about balls and dancing, and presumably 
Molly went gaily to the party while Matilda stayed at home 
wrapped in virtuous thoughts. 

Since lively young Springfield is in effect one of our 
dramatis personae, one should perhaps, before laying Ma- 
tilda's letter aside, notice her impressions of the town. Be- 
fore leaving Alton she had looked forward enthusiastically 
to visiting the wonderful new state capital. "You are I sup- 
pose," she wrote her brother, "anxious to know how the 
city which haunted both my daily and nightly dreams ap- 
pears when divested of all except reality. The truth that 
'distance lends enchantment to the view' is now . . . fully 
realized. Alton has doubled in attractions while this garden 
of Eden is fast losing the charms with which my fancy 
decked it. The . . . dazling mantle woven by your imag- 
inative sister finds not the wearer in the fascinations of 

The raw aspect of the town gave some newcomers that 

Courtesy of Illinois State Historical Library 

Courtesy of Illinois State Historical Library 

Two Important Structures in Springfield 

Above, home of Mr. and Mrs. Ninian W. Edwards as it appeared at a later period. 
The porch was not there at the time Abraham courted Mary. Below, Illinois State 
Capitol in public square. This view from the west side, taken probably in 1859, is 
very much the same view Lincoln saw daily from his abode over Speed's store. At 
the far right is the American House, where the "Cotillion Party" took place. 



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-a c 

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-- 5 

Godey's Lady's Book, November 1842 

Proper Attire -for a Wedding? 

The latest style at the time of the wedding. Mary's dress was undoubtedly 
fashioned on such lines. 

Courtesy of the Chicago Historical Society 

Proper Attire for a Dance 

Detail of a men's fashion plate of 1837. The costumes at the cotillion in 1839 
would have been very similar to these. Notice the long sideburns and compare 
with Mr. Lincoln's in frontispiece. 

Various Happenings of a Romantic Nature 7 1 

impression at first until they became acquainted with its 
neighborly people. Matilda finished her letter some days 
later and toward the close of it referred to her "first im- 
pressions" on arrival and then continued: "But since then 
I can say that a change has come over the spirit of my 
dreams. I am now beginning to like Springfield and enjoy 
myself very much." 

Early in December, Mary and Matilda doubtless heard 
much chatter about a rather comical incident in the legis- 
lature. That body, the state house being not yet ready for 
its sessions, was meeting in a church. For party reasons the 
Whigs wished to prevent an adjournment and therefore did 
not want a quorum to be present to vote on the matter. Most 
of the Whigs accordingly stayed away, but Lincoln and a 
couple of his friends, overconfident, attended the session to 
see what was going on. When a roll call was taken and to 
their great surprise a quorum was announced, they were 
filled with dismay and hastily made an exit through the 
window. The meeting being on the ground floor of the 
church, the feat was not difficult for a person with Lin- 
coln's long legs, but of course it was too late to prevent 
the adjournment. The undignified departure accomplished 
nothing except to arouse the glee and sarcasm of the Demo- 
crats. Their newspaper, the Illinois State Register, sug- 
gested that the state house be raised another story so that 
Mr. Lincoln, even with his long legs, when he wished to 
make such an exit, would have to climb down the water 

It is no wonder the episode was a painful subject to Mr. 

7 * The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

Lincoln afterwards. It is a hard thing for a man struggling 
to rise out of humble beginnings and to make a place for 
himself to be put in a ridiculous position. It has already been 
seen how the affair with Miss Owens wounded his pride. 
The years centering around Lincoln's courtship of Mary 
Todd 'were to involve the most searing humiliations and 
one of the deepest depressions of his life. 


"Crime of Matrimony" 

FOR the fall months of 1840 there are only a few casual 
references to Molly. But in December it is possible to 
stand confidently upon a broad expanse of solid evidence, a 
long letter which she herself wrote Mercy Levering. 

Molly, the lively conversationalist, can be counted upon 
to give all the current news and bring things up to date. 
Here is a good narrative of happenings from the best source 
possible. But as to certain thoughts in her mind she is not so 
forthright; she merely throws in some tantalizing hints. 

It has been "very many weary days" since she had heard 
from her "ever dear Merce." Molly apologized for not an- 
swering her friend's last letter sooner, but she and Mrs. 
Edwards had been busy for several weeks in the fall with 
"a formidable supply of sewing, necessary to winter com- 
fort." The last words conjure up visions of flannel petti- 
coats and allied underthings, for houses heated only with 
stoves and open fires are cold. Sewing was underscored in 
the life of most women in those days when one could not 
buy clothes ready-made, as now. Molly could not foresee 
how much of it fate had in store for her in the next twenty 
years: baby clothes, patches for little boys' pants, and 
dresses to make herself pretty for her husband and bring 
a light to his eyes. 

74 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

After the fall sewing, the social whirl, which Matilda 
had mentioned, began. Again Molly described Matilda 
with great enthusiasm: "A most interesting young kdy, her 
fascinations, have drawn a concourse of beaux & company 
round us." She piled up her praises of the visiting girl and 
her affection for her without any signs of jealousy. 

The legislature being in session, bringing what Molly de- 
scribed as "birds of passage," she continued: "We expect a 
very gay winter, evening before last my sister gave a most 
agreeable party, upwards of a hundred graced the festive 
scene." Mr. Lincoln was probably among the dressed-up 
gentlemen who climbed the hill that evening and perhaps a 
certain gathering storm was already making itself evident 
in a few preliminary flashes of disapproval in Mrs. Ed- 
wards's eyes. 

But Mary was seeing him frequently. She went on to tell 
Mercy of a pleasant jaunt that she was looking forward to 
very much. A little group led by Mr. Hardin and Mr. 
Browning and including Matilda and herself, Mr. Webb, 
and Mr. Lincoln was going to Jacksonville to spend a day 
or two. She added longingly: "We are watching the clouds 
most anxiously trusting it may snow, so we may have a 
sleigh ride. Will it not be pleasant?" It is at least pleasant 
to contemplate such a sleighload of interesting people, to 
picture Molly with her red cheeks and vibrant joyousness 
and Mr. Lincoln slow and deliberate with his face perhaps 
lighted by a whimsical twinkle. That expedition opened up 
distinct possibilities for stolen moments between two lovers 
and it could be that much of importance took place on it. 

Mary gave the local news. The state house was not yet 

"Crime of Matrimony" 75 

completed but sufficiently so to allow the legislature to 
meet within its walls. From other sources it is known that 
two days after Lincoln stepped out of the convenient win- 
dow of the church which had been the meeting place, the 
august body did meet in the state house. 

"Springfield has improved astonishingly," she continued, 
"[we] have the addition of another bell to the Second 
Church. It rings so long & loud, that as in days past we can- 
not mistake the trysting hour." One likes to imagine here 
the tones of those church bells of a Sunday morning ringing 
out over the scattered homes calling to worship the quaintly 
dressed ladies and gentlemen of more than a century ago. 
Among them one can picture Mary in her best bonnet and 
billowy skirt hurrying down the hill and across the bridge 
to enter the church door and sit among her friends. Her re- 
ligion, her belief in the goodness of God, was unquestioning 
and church was to her a place of comfort and peace. The 
time would come when, as the President's lady, she would 
write back to Springfield in homesick fashion, asking that 
"our particular pew? in which she and her husband had sat 
for many years, would be theirs again when they returned. 

Mercy had written in her last "kind, soul cheering epis- 
tle" to Mary that "time has borne changes on its wing." In 
answer Mary reported on these changes in men's attire; cer- 
tain gentlemen had been getting new clothes: "Speed's 
'grey suit 5 has gone the way of all flesh, an interesting suit 
of Harrison blues have replaced his sober livery, Lincoln 9 s 
lincoln green have gone to dust. . . ." Mr. Webb, in spite 
of his courting, wore something to indicate he was in 

7 6 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

Naturally, Molly reported the state of Mercy's pining 
fiance, who "seems to have given up all, when deprived of 
his 'own particular star.' " She, Molly, had not seen him for 
a good chat since they walked home together after attend- 
ing the Abell wedding in September. She added with 
friendly concern: "I have often wished for the sake of his 
society & of your dear self he would be more social." This 
passage served to introduce the topic of marriages and 
Mary seized the opportunity to expand on it. Evidently 
it was a subject which was very much occupying her 

Her letter gave a report of the two autumn brides whose 
weddings she had attended. Harriet Campbell, married in 
October, "appears to be enjoying all the sweets of married 
life," but Martha Jane Abell, September bride, was not seen 
about very much and "her silver tones, the other evening 
were not quite so captain like as was their wont in former 
times." Mary asked a very thoughtful question: "Why is it 
that married folks always become so serious?" 

Another friend of them bcith, it was rumored, was 
soon to be married, continued Mary. "I am pleased she is 
about perpetrating the crime of matrimony ... I think 
she will be much happier." Did this peculiar choice of the 
word "crime" have any connection with what her family 
were saying about a marriage which she was contemplating? 
Something was worrying Mary. She was losing weight: "I 
still am the same ruddy pine knot ^ only not quite so great an 
exuberance of flesh, as it once was my lot to contend with, 
although quite a sufficiency." The words "ruddy pine- 

"Crime of Matrimony" 77 

knot" suggest her warm coloring and her glowing health 
and vitality. 

Apparently Mercy had been counseling her friend again 
to think more solemn thoughts. Molly answered: "You bid 
me pause, in your last, on the banks of 'Lionef & there 
glean a useful lesson, by marking the changes, the destroy- 
ing hand of time has written on all." ("Lionel" seems to be 
the name the girls used in referring to the little stream whose 
bridge one crossed on the way downtown from the hill; 
more matter-of-fact citizens commonly referred to it as 
"Town Branch.") Standing in imagination beside the 
brook, as Mercy had directed, Molly gave her instinct for 
poetic expression full fling: "The icy hand of winter has 
set its seal upon the waters, the winds of Heaven visit the 
spot but roughly, the same stars shine down, yet not with 
the same liquid, mellow light as in the olden time. Some 
forms & memories that enhanced the place, have passed 
by " 

Toward the end of this lengthy letter, in apologizing for 
the behavior of her "stump of a pen," she used an expres- 
sion found often in her letters and one showing a certain 
characteristic: "Pass my imperfections lightly as usual, I 
throw myself on your amiable nature, knowing that my 
shortcomings will be forgiven." She could with confidence 
have said these same words in her future married life to her 
indulgent husband. But one day, as First Lady of the land, 
she would find that the public does not pass imperfections 
lightly by. 

Molly's letter was written around the middle of Decem- 

78 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

ber 1840; she did not give die exact day. It is known that 
by the end of that month, before the catastrophe of Janu- 
ary i, 1841, certain events and emotional experiences had 
taken place. The attraction between Mary and Mr. Lin- 
coln had grown stronger and stronger and had revealed to 
them increasingly important discoveries of pleasure and sat- 
isfaction in each other's company. 

To Molly the rugged face that Springfield called homely 
had grown more and more dear until it had become the one 
face in the world that mattered most. For her there was ten- 
derness around the sensitive mouth and a special light in 
the earnest gray eyes. Mrs. Edwards, experienced match- 
maker that she was, had diagnosed that look:* "Mr. Lincoln 
loved Mary." 

He had diagnosed his feeling himself. He is shortly to tell 
of a certain test he had thought out to determine whether 
a gentleman was in love with a girl and he had evidently 
applied it. This was definitely the girl with whom he wished 
to plod life through hand in hand. He may have wondered 
how he ever could have thought that about Miss Owens. 
How pallid his feeling toward her had been, compared to 
the vitality of this attraction. Life would seem less plod- 
ding with the companionship of Molly, so joyous and in- 
tensely alive. 

This was an age when fathers and guardians had much 
to say about the marriage of a girl, when they had certain 
heavy-handed rights in the matter. A proper gentleman of 
the period, when his intentions became serious, must ask 
permission to pay his addresses to the lady of his choice. 
Ninian Edwards considered that Mary Todd, living under 

"Crime of Matrimony" 79 

his roof in Springfield, was his ward. But apparently* Mr. 
Lincoln took the approach of writing Mary's father, "Mr. 
Robert S. Todd, at Lexington instead of consulting Mary's 
brother-in-law. Whereupon Mr. Todd wrote Ninian ask- 
ing about this Mr. Abraham Lincoln and whether he was 
qualified to become the husband of Mary Todd. Knowing 
Ninian's settled aristocratic notions, one speculates about 
his reply. 

Of course the many reasons why Lincoln was not in a 
position to marry which he had so painstakingly pointed 
out to Miss Owens still existed. Molly, unused to hard work, 
accustomed to luxurious living, to the assurance that comes 
from prominent connections, Molly, who loved the trim- 
mings of life and took the essentials (for which he was still 
struggling) for granted, whose family considered their 
aristocracy more or less a divine right, was not the logical 
choice for him. He was shortly to remember all these fac- 
tors with intense force. He was to state later with the voice 
of experience that reason has nothing to do with falling in 
love, that it is a matter of the heart and not the head, of the 
appeal of a girl's personality and her bright eyes. Swept 
away by the most powerful emotion of a young man's life, 
Lincoln became engaged to Mary Todd. 

It is remarkable how these lovers managed to leave a rec- 
ord in their own words of their feeling and attitude toward 
marriage. It was a subject to which, first and last, they gave 
deep consideration. They were not in their impulsive teens. 
Mary at the end of 1840 had just had her twenty-second 
birthday and Lincoln was within less than two months of 
his thirty-second. What did Mary say about marriage? 

8o The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

It has been seen that she declined the descendant of Pat- 
rick Henry because she did not love him and she would not 
marry a man she did not love. She is soon to tell of her re- 
fusing another earnest suitor because, as she said, he was not 
congenial and she would not marry a man with whom she 
was not congenial 

Most important of all was her clear-cut statement that 
she "would rather marry a good man a man of mind 
with a hope and bright prospects ahead" than marry all the 
wealth and gold in the world. There is no trace here of die 
class consciousness of the Edwardses. For Mary the require- 
ments in a husband were goodness, brains, congeniality, and 
love. In this she stepped into the fundamental democratic 
American attitude on which the nation prides itself today. 

What was Lincoln's approach to marriage? A small 
pointer is in that self -mocking account of his courtship of 
Miss Owens: once a woman was his wife, he said, he would 
use all his powers "in search of perfections in her, which 
might be fairly set-off against her defects." This is a whole- 
some attitude as far as it goes, but there is something more 
far-reaching in the advice he was before long to give to a 
friend who had just acquired a wife: "You owe obligations 
to her, ten thousand times more sacred than any you can 
owe to others; and in that light, let them be respected and 

Another clue, though not from his own pen, is in a book 
which Lincoln is said to have marked and presented to his 
wife later. The book exists today and one finds among the 
marked passages one on marriage: "This union, so sacred 
that it even supercedes that which exists between parent and 

"Crime of Matrimony" 8 1 

child, should be entered upon only from the highest and 
purest motives." 

But the most appealing evidence of Lincoln's approach to 
his marriage lies in the words he chose to have engraved in 
the wedding ring he -was finally to place upon the hand of 
his bride. 

It is not known at what rime the two became engaged, 
what tender words were spoken between them, or with 
what touch of arms and lips the agreement was sealed. 
These were two people of warm, affectionate natures. Very 
soon there will be a close-up view of Lincoln gathering the 
girl into his arms, seating her on his lap as if she were a 
child, and kissing away her tears. The promptness with 
which he took these measures may indicate it was not the 
first time he had employed them. 

The details of their formal troth are hidden. One knows 
only that when the New Year of 1841 was welcomed in, 
Mary and Abraham had confessed their love to each other, 
were engaged, and were planning to be married. 


He Was "Mr. Lincoln" to Her 

WHAT did Mary Todd see in this Mr. Lincoln to 
whom she had just become engaged? He was always 
"Mr. Lincoln" to her until in time she would call him "Fa- 
ther" to their children. It was not her habit to address him 
as "Abe" or "Abraham"; conventional Victorian fiancees 
and wives did not lighdy use first names to the gentlemen 
of their choice. 

For that matter, his friends in Springfield did not call him 
"Abe" either. He preferred to have them call him simply 
"Lincoln." He had a certain inner dignity that held off too 
great a degree of familiarity. It was a quality in him that 
many were to notice and some thought it was rooted in his 
essential goodness and integrity and his reserve of intellec- 
tual strength. 

Mary was asked years later, after many great events had 
occurred, to give a full description of Mr. Lincoln and the 
result was a portrait which still remains one of the best and 
most understanding. In addition, after he became the center 
of her life and because of her great pride in him, she wrote 
much about him in her letters. She gave ample and indis- 
putable evidence of what she thought of him later. It is 
perhaps legitimate to use hindsight here, taking her sum- 

He Was "Mr. Lincoln" to Her 83 

ming up of his qualities after years of intimate life with him 
as a key to what she instinctively recognized in the man 
who had courted her and won her love. 

Furthermore, though this is the story of Abraham Lin- 
coln and Mary Todd in the period of their courtship, one 
has a wish to know how these young personalities devel- 
oped, to see them whole, to look into their future and rea- 
son back from subsequent events and statements about their 
incipient attitudes toward each other at this time. If this 
affords glimpses of what their marriage will be like, that 
will give one the satisfaction of those unregenerate indi- 
viduals who peep at the end of a book to see how the story 
is going to turn out. 

How did the tall, ungainly Mr. Lincoln look to Molly? 
His expressive face with its appealing combination of gen- 
tleness and strength had grown inexpressibly dear to her, 
but in an age which liked its masculine beauty smooth and 
conventional and did not appreciate ruggedness, it was con- 
sidered anything but handsome. He was gaunt and homely 
in the eyes of Mary's sisters and, for that matter, in his own. 
The hardships, exposure, and unbalanced diet of his early 
years had made his skin sallow and wrinkled. As he once 
expressed it whimsically: "In my poor, lean, lank face no- 
body has ever seen that any cabbages were sprouting out." 
His appearance was not helped by the fact that he had nei- 
ther the knowledge nor i$sources to dress himself to ad- 
vantage. One suspects that the disproportionate length of 
arms and legs was often emphasized by sleeves and trousers 
that were too short 

To one who gave such careful thought to clothes as 

84 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

Mary Todd, this unawareness must have had peculiar force. 
It was true that he had advanced a long way in taste since 
he had come to Springfield, had bought new clothes and 
lost some of his countrified look, but in New Salem a very 
few years before, he had presented anything but a roman- 
tic appearance. A friend there noted that "there was one 
half foot space between bottom of pants and top of socks." 
Another friend went into details: "His pants were made of 
flax and tow, cut tight at the ankle his knees 'were both 
out. Was the toughest looking man I ever saw poor tyoy, 
but welcomed to every body's house." The appealing mag- 
netism of the young Lincoln won out even over these 
handicaps; the description concludes that he "had nothing 
only plenty of friends' 9 

Any woman, especially one with Mary's motherly in- 
stinct, could see that he needed taking in hand with regard 
to dress. It may have hurt her pride a litde that he did not 
resemble the current fashion plates as much as did the other 
gentlemen in the coterie, but she knew this was not a vital 
matter. The time would come when, as his wife, she would 
see that he had the proper clothes, when she would spend 
long hours making him fine shirts by hand in order that he 
might be as well dressed as others. It was also a matter of 
sentiment with her: she could not endure the thought of 
her husband's wearing shirts made by any hands but her 
own. , 

She was to learn that she would have to give him an all- 
over, searching look before he left the house to see that he 
had not forgotten anything essential, and to supply the um- 
brella or warm shawl the weather required. 

He Was "Mr. Lincoln" to Her 85 

Mary herself, when she had been married less than half a 
dozen years, said that Mr. Lincoln was "not pretty." But 
then something of her feeling for the quality of that rough- 
hewn face flashed out in her choice of adjective as she 
added with wifely pride and confidence: "Doesn't he look 
as if he would make a magnificent President?" It was writ- 
ten of her that "she was inordinately proud of her tall and 
ungainly husband. ... If to other persons he seemed 
homely, to her he was the embodiment of noble man- 
hood. . . ." If this was true after years of marriage, one 
is safe in assuming it was true with the romantic girl in 
the first glow of their engagement. 

Lack of assurance in dress possibly contributed to his 
trouble in adjusting himself to Springfield society, though 
he was never to have too much awareness of clothes, and 
suits of the most impeccable stylishness soon assumed a rum- 
pled and casual air when he put them on. The personality of 
the man dominated what he wore and one has difficulty im- 
agining the tall, loose figure stiffened into the straight lines 
of a uniform or adjusted to the elaborateness of a colonial 

The girl who never failed to respond to longing or dis- 
tress in the eyes of a child must surely have sensed his un- 
sureness of himself at parties, his not knowing how to be- 
have, his need for a woman's help, his wistfulness for the 
advantages he had missed in early life. 

That this feeling of lack stayed with him is shown by an 
incident which occurred many years later. It was related by 
a fellow lawyer who traveled with Mr. Lincoln on the ju- 
dicial circuit. One evening at Danville, Illinois, after the 

86 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

day's legal work was over, Mr. Lincoln disappeared. His 
friends and roommates (for they often slept many to a 
room at the crowded inns) were puzzled at his absence and 
searched for him. Without his interesting companionship 
and funny stories, the evening seemed very dull and they 
finally went to bed without him. 

When the latch of the bedroom door was raised and Mr. 
Lincoln tiptoed in, one of his friends exclaimed: 'Why Lin- 
coln, where have you been?" "I was in hopes you fellers 
would be asleep," was the answer and then he explained he 
had been to a little country show, given chiefly for school 
children. He disappeared the next night too, for the show 
was still in town, and on his return described the features 
of the entertainment, which had included a magic lantern. 
His friend who related the story remarked that he had seen 
all these sights at school. "Yes," replied Lincoln, "I now 
have an advantage over you in, for the first time in my life, 
seeing these things which are of course common to those, 
who had, what I did not, a chance at an education when 
they were young." 

He always kept that attitude of trying to acquire more 
knowledge, partly perhaps to catch up with what he had 
missed, partly because of the eager intellectual curiosity by 
which he continued to grow. Once, as President, at a 
White House reception, he held up the long line of people 
waiting to shake his hand while he explained to Judge Da- 
vid Davis, the very judge who had traveled with him on 
the judicial circuit, that he had just learned to spell the 
word "maintenance." In pleased and boyish fashion he 
spelled it out, syllable by syllable surely unique behavior 

He Was "Mr. Lincoln" to Her 87 

in a formally attired President greeting guests at a presi- 
dential reception. 

By that time Lincoln had developed inner strength to the 
point where he dared to be his natural self under all circum- 
stances. But that was a long way from the time when, as a 
young man, he was trying to adjust himself to Springfield 
society. In his earliest photograph, taken perhaps four years 
after he was married, one sees an expression of strain and 
uncertainty, and a somewhat pathetic look in the eyes. That 
may well have been due to the long, trying minutes of hold- 
ing still which were required by the then new and wonder- 
ful daguerreotype process, but this is the nearest one can 
get to the face of the young man who courted Mary Todd 
and there may be here something resembling that wistful 
look that she had seen in her lover's face. 

What quality of Mr. Lincoln's did Mary mention first 
when she in later life was asked to describe him? He was 
the "kindest man" in the world, she said, and the "most lov- 
ing." She spoke of his great indulgence for those he loved, 
his praise for the good in them, his dislike of imposing his 
will or restraint upon them. The emotionally unstable girl 
may unconsciously have sensed that here was one who 
would pass her "imperfections lightly by," who would deal 
gently, understandingly, and paternally with her undisci- 
plined and often headstrong spirit. He was in the future to 
call her his "child-wife" and excuse her faults as he would 
those of a child. And in the end she was to recognize and 
put it into writing that he had spoiled her with his indul- 

But to Molly in love at the end of 1840, who perhaps felt 

88 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

that since the death of her mother she had not been vitally 
important to anyone, it was doubtless sweet and gratifying 
to receive this gentle spoiling that was part of a paternal 
man's love for her. His uncritical attitude may have seemed 
a welcome relief after living with die various Todds, who 
were very outspoken about her failings. And to the affec- 
tionate and love-starved Lincoln it meant everything to 
have someone of his very own to pet and humor. 

Her letters later are starred with mention of his "great 
tenderness 9 ' and "gentleness of character," just as their life 
together was filled with incidents which illustrated these 
qualities. One can safely say that she found them also in 
his lovemaking. 

Molly and Mr. Lincoln could laugh and have fun to- 
gether. He could playfully call her "Puss." They used the 
language of light imagining, of fanciful make-believe. He 
could be irresistibly whimsical and droll. When she sought 
for words to describe this dear playfulness, she spoke of his 
being "cheery, funny," "in high spirits," and "almost boy- 
ish in his mirth." 

She was not the only one to observe and label this boyish- 
ness. A friend who knew him well thought that Lincoln 
had three characteristic moods. The first was a business 
mood when he gave strict attention to the matter in hand 
and what to do about it, grappled with the problem, and 
worked his way logically to its solution. The second was 
the melancholy mood, the "blues" already encountered in 
his letters to Miss Owens. Mary perhaps had not become 
fully acquainted with this failing of his yet, but she was 
shortly to leara about it in perhaps its worst manifestation, 

He Was "Mr. Lincoln" to Her 89 

to come up against a crushing, all-out melancholia in the 
man she loved. 

The third mood, continued Lincoln's friend, was a "don't- 
care-whether-school-keeps-or-not" one, in which he had 
the appealing recklessness of an irresponsible small boy. 
When in this humor, he would tease and play pranks. He 
carried this trait far into his later life and one finds an in- 
cident of it in the year when he was forty-seven and even 
being mentioned as a possible candidate for Vice-President. 
Traveling on the judicial circuit, he had stopped at an inn 
in Urbana where the landlord delighted to beat with great 
vigor upon a particularly loud and obnoxious dinner gong. 
Lincoln watched his chance to seize and hide this offending 
object. Then, while the landlord searched distractedly, the 
prankster sat awkwardly in a chair tilted up in the usual 
fashion, "looking amused, silly and guilty, as if he had done 
something ridiculous, funny and reprehensible." 

Equally characteristic was his creeping into the dining 
room a little later and, while his friend held the doors fast 
against intruders, restoring the gong to its accustomed place. 
Then "he bounded up the stairs, two steps at a time. . . ." 

Perhaps a certain boyishness is part of the fundamental 
simplicity which one so often finds in the truly great. At all 
events, a maternal woman delights in this quality in the man 
she loves. 

As to "his mirth" which she spoke of, it was irresistible. 
A gentleman was to remark about Mr. Lincoln: "He was 
. . . wise, but O Lord wasn't he funny?" Doubtless in the 
gay assemblies of the coterie that fall Mary's ear had become 
especially attuned to hear that ringing, inimitable laugh 

90 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

which was to become so famous. He wrinkled his nose as 
he laughed and his body shook all over with merriment. 
Its forerunner was a twinkle in the gray eyes, a twinkle so 
infectious that years later his little son Tad was to start 
laughing uproariously as soon as he saw it. Mary may have 
learned in the months of courtship to watch eagerly for 
that fun light in Lincoln's eyes. Her gaiety gave quick re- 
sponse to it, though her sense of humor was a different and 
lesser thing. It is to be doubted whether her eyes ever twin- 
kled with tolerant amusement in the way his did, though 
they could sparkle with mischief, flash blue fire in anger, or 
light up with joyousness. 

Her humor was apt to concern itself with the individual 
or the present moment. In its maturity his was the great 
type of humor whose reverse side is a terrible, crushing pity 
for the sorrows of mankind. His ear was attuned to hear 
"the still, sad music of humanity." This man of torturing 
sensitivity could laugh, but he could also weep, and some- 
times he laughed in order not to weep. 

But this is looking ahead to the time when Lincoln en- 
tered history. To the engaged couple it was enough that 
they could laugh, be playful, use their imaginations, and 
have fun together. 

One doubts whether the young girl had discovered at the 
end of 1840 all of Mr. Lincoln's characteristics. Marriage ' 
properly should contain a few surprises. She was to learn 
that he to use her own words "was a terribly firm man 
when he set his foot down," that no one, including herself, 
"could rule him after he had made up his mind." The out- 
ward sign that he had arrived at an immovable decision, she 

He Was "Mr. Lincoln" to Her 91 

said, was that "he pressed or compressed his lips tightly, 
firmly, one against the other." One can see this firm closing 
of the lips in later photographs, but it is not so apparent in 
the earliest one. Young Mr. Lincoln is shortly to be seen in a 
frantic state of indecision, one that almost tore him apart. 
His firmness, like some of his other qualities, was to develop 
under the circumstances life would bring to him. 

Certainly in the tender world of their new betrothal she 
had not discovered what she did discover later: that he 
could sometimes speak "crabbedly to men" (her own 
words) and could even boot an insolent rascal out of his 
office in righteous anger. He would at times in the future 
become impatient with her, but it would never get very far 
past his tenderness. She was to speak of him as being "so 
gentle and easy" and of his having "peaceful nerves." Again 
this is a glimpse of later development, for not long after this 
time of their engagement, he was to make a statement indi- 
cating he thought he had "defective nerves." They were 
anything but peaceful in the crisis that was about to over- 
whelm these two. 

She was also to say that, with all his "deep feeling, he was 
not a demonstrative man, when he felt most deeply, he ex- 
pressed the least." This calmness was to be a foil to her 
excitability, but this too was a self-control achieved later; 
he is soon, in this story, to give most immoderate expres- 
sion to his suffering. 

This couple had a broad and congenial meeting ground in 
their love of literature. She had grown up with the riches of 
her father's library; she had studied with the cultured Dr. 
Ward; she had so much stored-up literary treasure to share 

92 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

with him. In his future busy life she was to go through 
books in which they were interested and give him the gist 
of them. 

Anyone who said the word "poetry" to either Mr. Lin- 
coln or Mary was sure to meet with an immediate and re- 
sponsive interest. It was an age that allowed itself to enjoy 
uncomplicated poetry in a natural way as something fine 
and beautiful. Most of the coterie were poetry conscious. 
Mr. Lincoln had a remarkable memory and Mary an excel- 
lent one; both knew many favorite poems by heart. One 
can imagine them repeating these verses to each other, each 
enjoying the feel and rhythm of the beloved lines anew in 
the other's responsive delight. Passages from Shakespeare 
were stored up like keepsakes in their minds and the repeti- 
tion of them led into the subject of drama, which was also 
a mutual delight. Neither was ever to miss a play or show 
of any kind if it was possible to attend it, until that last fa- 
tal theater-going when they sat hand in hand gazing in- 
tently upon the lighted stage while an assassin crept up in 
the shadows behind them. 

Burns was another favorite with both. That Lincoln felt 
a kinship for Robert Burns was natural; the Scots poet too 
in youth had known poverty, hard labor, and an aching de- 
sire for books and he expressed the sympathy for lowly peo- 
ple that Lincoln felt so strongly. It was part of his great 
democracy. Mary also was so devoted to Burns that in 
later life she made a reverent pilgrimage to his birthplace. 
As for the ideas in his poems, she was soon emphatically to 
demonstrate her own conviction that, in spite of snobbish 

He Was "Mr. Lincoln" to Her 93 

expressions to the contrary being dinned in her ears, "a 
man's a man for a* that." 

It meant much to this couple that they could enter the 
same poetic moods together, always a precious employment 
to young people in love. It was a congeniality that ran 
deep. He was working toward a literary style of his own, 
striving for the beauty of clarity, simplicity, and essential 
truth. He had a feeling for the incantation of words, for 
the enchantment of language. Each in writing was guided 
by a mental cadence that tested the rhythm and flow of the 
sentences. Hers was the femininely ornate, involved style of 
the Victorian age, with an excess of commas used like small 
frills; his was to attain a majestic simplicity that, like the 
Bible, belongs to no one era but is timeless. 

Both attempted to write poetry, of course. Before long 
in this story certain rather too clever verses of Mary's com- 
posing will result in serious trouble for Mr. Lincoln and 
herself. They were personal and witty, as one would ex- 
pect, but his poetic efforts tended toward somber and phil- 
osophic thoughts. When he visited the scene of his Indiana 
home about fifteen years after he left it, he tried to put his 
emotions into verse: 

My childhood-home I see again, 

And gladden with the view; 
And still as mem'ries crowd my brain, 

There's sadness in it too. 

It was a very sad revisiting, for his mother and only sis- 
ter lay buried there, and the many verses are melancholy. 
Lincoln's "Bear Hunt" makes much more lively reading; 

94 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

it is a narrative by a master storyteller. In the following 
stanza one gets a picture of him as a young boy in Indiana 
awakened from sleep in the cabin at night and cringing at 
the terrifying sounds of the dark and savage world outside. 

When first my father settled here, 

9 Twas then the frontier line: 
The panther's scream, filled night with fear 

And bears preyed on the swine. 

It is not surprising to learn that these two poetry-loving 
people would one day have a son who, as a child, wrote 

Two people cannot share literary interests without each 
discovering the intellectual caliber of the other. Mary 
plainly liked brainy people. She said herself she preferred a 
man of mind. She had found him. In their married life it 
was a subject on which she loved to dwell. Referring to 
the Lincoln-Douglas debates, she said with shining eyes that 
Mr. Lincoln was an intellectual giant and in this regard tow- 
ered above Douglas as much as he did physically, that 
Douglas was " a very little, little giant" beside her husband. 
Again mentioning these two, she added that Mr. Lincoln's 
heart "is as large as his arms are long," thus making her 
wifely boasting include the two fundamental qualities of 
his personality. Her confidence in his talents was to rise 
above momentary disappointments and be a prop to his 
not too hopeful spirit; she was to look forward trium- 
phantly to his future greatness and when that greatness was 
finally achieved, no one was to speak of it in more glowing 
and superlative terms than herself. She wrote after his death 

He Was "Mr. Lincoln" to Her 95 

that some in his own generation "were only beginning to 
comprehend the nature and nobility of the great, good man, 
who had accomplished his work, and before his Judge, it 
was pronounced complete." 

She sensed that he reached the full measure of his states- 
manship by a process of growth. Describing his struggle in 
the wartime Presidency, she said: "When we first went to 
Washington many persons thought that Mr. Lincoln was 
weak, but he rose grandly with the circumstances of the 
case, and men soon learned that he was above them all. I 
never saw a man's mind develop itself so finely." 

One wonders whether the engaged couple touched upon 
the subject of religion. lit was probably a grief to Mary's 
married life that Mr. Lincoln never joined a church, though 
he attended church with her and paid rent on their family 
pew. He could not accept some of the narrow orthodoxy 
that prevailed a century ago and his joining would have im- 
plied an acceptance that was not true. He could not act a 
falsehood. Mary said of him justly that he "was truth itself" 

When asked about his church membership, she answered 
simply: "He was a religious man always. . . ." She quoted 
what Lincoln had often said to her when her spirit blazed 
in hot defiance of those who schemed against him: "Do 
good to those who hate you and turn their ill will to friend- 
ship." He believed, as he said, in loving God and one's 
neighbor, and lived by this belief. 

It was perhaps her recognition of a certain mystic quality 
of his faith that she had in mind when she made that most 
understanding statement about him: He "had a kind of 
poetry in his nature." 

96 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

*Mary Todd saw in MX. Lincoln a man who needed her 
and her care and love. It is fulfillment to a woman to give 
these things^She saw a man who was congenial, with whom 
she enjoyed herself, a man who had a powerful intellect 
combined with tenderness, one in whose future she could 
have supreme confidence. But in the multitude of things she 
said and wrote about him, expressions of love for him pre- 
dominateNHe was her "darling," her "beloved," her "idol- 
ized," her "dearly loved one." She said of herself and her 
children: ". . . we never felt, notwithstanding our great 
love for him . . . that we could love him sufficiently." Un- 
like Lincoln she was and remained demonstrative and gave 
full outlet to her emotions. As that understanding and be- 
loved friend and physician, Dr. Anson G. Henry, said: 
". . . she loved him as women of her nervous sanguine 
temperament, only can love. . . " 

In her bright but ill-balanced nature there was not the 
promise of building up to greatness as in his but the menace 
of breakdown under strain. She would not be able to rise to 
meet the circumstances of her case; the shadow of her 
downward trend -would fall poignantly upon him as he 
"rose grandly" to meet his. But her devotion to him and her 
faith in him would never waver. The sum of her qualities 
did not add up to greatness, but she had a great love. 



Without Her "No Variety" 

WHAT did Mr. Lincoln see in Molly, his fiancee at 
the end of 1840? What did he learn about her as he 
sat listening to her sparkling chatter in the spellbound fash- 
ion described by Mrs. Edwards? One doubts very much 
whether the role of listener was always his, as Mrs. Edwards 
thought. Mary had her own role as listener to play in the 
future. Years later when, as First Lady, she was away from 
Washington on a trip, she explained her anxiety to get back 
to her husband, saying "with much feeling" that he was 
lonely when she was away and needed her to laugh at his 
jokes and funmaking at table. Then she added with that 
wifely pride that was always to be in evidence that no mat- 
ter how hard he worked during the day or how tired he 
was, he was always lively, sociable, and agreeable. So per- 
haps he managed, when Mrs. Edwards was not present, to 
contribute something to their conversations. 

The topics they chose to talk about are necessarily a mat- 
ter of guesswork, but it is known that certain experiences 
and memories were in the minds of both. In their conversa- 
tions Lincoln doubtless learned much of the background of 
this girl, 'with all that that background implied in her 
make-up and her views. She would naturally tell him some- 

98 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

thing of her girlhood in Kentucky, especially as they had 
that state in common as a birthplace. He may have felt 
keenly the contrast between the log cabin which witnessed 
the grim birth of a man child to his pioneer mother, a 
"granny woman" perhaps assisting, and the stately South- 
ern home into which she came, to be ministered to by a 
whole staff of Negro slaves and surrounded by parents and 
relatives of assured prominence. 

A favorite topic with Mary was Mammy Sally, who had 
"raised" her, a jewel of a black mammy whose quaint words 
and accent came to life on the girl's lips. Mary's gift for 
drama and mimicry was irresistible; she could hold a room- 
ful of people spellbound, as well as a bashful suitor. As her 
brother-in-law Ninian once remarked, while he chuckled 
over her ludicrous imitations: "Mary could make a bishop 
forget his prayers." 

There were so many rich stories to tell about Mammy. 
She had been determined to raise Mary and her brothers 
and sisters right; she gave them instruction of a special fla- 
vor and dramatic power. She impressed upon them the om- 
inous fact that jay birds went to hell every Friday night to 
tell the "debil" all the bad things they had done during the 
week. Mr. Jay would twitter in "ole man Satan's ears" 
such items as: "Mary hid Mammy's slippers when po' old 
Mammy was tryin' to res' her foots in the garden after 
lopin' 'roun' all day after bad chil'en." 

"Ole man Satan" was a formidable individual who, ac- 
cording to Mammy Sally, had horns and a pea-green tail. 
Little Mary had liked to argue about this, saying the tail 
would naturally be black, not green, but Mammy would 

Without Her "No Variety" 99 

put that heresy down with a "No, chile, you must not de- 
moralize the holy word which I heared out'en the preach- 
er's own mouth, right at your pa's dinner table." 

The jay birds sometimes had a heavy lot of iniquities to 
report. Mary was a little prankster and Mammy occasion- 
ally got an annoying surprise, such as finding salt instead of 
sugar in her coffee. Such a surprise was apt to be followed 
by an emphatic remark about that "limb of Satan." In the 
end little Mary was likely to make amends by the gift of a 
red and yellow bandanna handkerchief or something 
equally desirable. 

In this playful prankishness Mary's sense of humor met 
Mr. Lincoln's. Any friend who knew the engaged couple 
intimately might well have predicted that if there were 
children of this marriage, they would be full of mischief, a 
prediction that was to be abundantly fulfilled. 

For all her love of Mammy Sally, Cheney the cook, and 
old Nelson, who, clad in a blue swallowtail coat with big 
brass buttons, ceremoniously served mint juleps to her fa- 
ther's visitors, Mary had seen the dark and cruel side of 
slavery. Floggings at that black-locust whipping post in the 
center of Lexington were public and accompanied by heart- 
rending screams. Slave traders drove their chained gangs of 
slaves, manacled two abreast, past the front door of the 
Todd home on Main Street. Revolting cases of cruelty had 
occurred in Lexington which litde Mary, with white face, 
talked about in shocked whispers. 

She was a tenderhearted girl. Pain and injustice to others 
hurt her and aroused her indignation, just as they did that 
of Mr. Lincoln. If the engaged couple talked of slavery's 

ioo The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

cruelties, they felt alike about it. Both at that time believed 
in the abolition of slavery by gradual emancipation with 
compensation to slave owners. In the future, as slavery be- 
came a burning issue in the country, their views about it 
were to undergo change and expand, but always they would 
move forward in the same direction and be united in the 


way they looked at the subject. 

A part of the belated but liberal education which Lin- 
coln was so rapidly absorbing in Springfield was enlighten- 
ment as to the Southern views on slavery. Through Mary 
he came to know how a Southern family loved its house 
servants, who tyrannized in paradoxical fashion over a 
home that was only a few steps from a slave pen and not 
far from the auction block and whipping post on Lexing- 
ton's square. He doubtless found out much too in his dis- 
cussions with Joshua Speed, who came from a plantation in 
Kentucky; in fact, an impressive number of the people in 
the social circle at Springfield had a Southern background. 
This knowledge of the Southern viewpoint was to be use- 
ful to Lincoln later; when civil war came, he would know 
how to keep a border state like Kentucky in the Union. 

In believing in gradual emancipation, Mary was follow- 
ing the lead of her adored idol, the great Whig chieftain, 
Henry day, who lived in her home town, Lexington. He 
was a topic on which she and Mr. Lincoln undoubtedly 
talked glowingly, for, by what the lovers doubtless con- 
sidered a beautiful arrangement of Providence, Henry 
day was also Mr. Lincoln's "beau-ideal" of a statesman. 

Mr. Lincoln had worshiped Henry day and his ideals at 
a distance, but Mary had known and loved him as her fa- 

Without Her "No Variety" 101 

ther's friend. She could tell her fiance how Mr. Clay looked 
when he visited in her home in Lexington, could describe 
the tall, slender figure, the high forehead and gray eyes, 
the engaging voice, and the grace with which he took snuff 
or perchance accepted a mint julep from old Nelson. In 
the years of Lincoln's Presidency there would be those who 
compared his tall, spare figure to that of Clay and the ro- 
mantic girl may well have thought of such a welcome re- 
semblance. She, as a young girl, had been completely cap- 
tivated by Mr. Clay's magnetism, and thereby hangs a 
story which one hopes she told Mr. Lincoln, for he would 
have enjoyed it. 

At the age of thirteen she had one day mounted a just- 
acquired white pony and ridden out to Mr. Clay's to show 
him her proud new possession. A pretty word picture has 
been drawn of this little girl, with her vivid rosy face and 
flying light brown curls framed in a sunbonnet, racing along 
the road to Ashland, Mr. Clay's home. There she was kindly 
invited to dinner and had the bliss of listening to much talk 
of politics between Mr. Clay and several visiting gentle- 
men of prominence. Such a topic with such a listening-in 
constituted one of her greatest delights when important pol- 
iticians came to her father's house to dine. It was well for 
their congeniality that she had grown up in an atmosphere 
of Whig politics, the party to which Mr. Lincoln was so 

They could talk about this absorbing subject of politics 
without the intrusion of that cramping idea that females 
should not strain their feeble mentalities with weighty 
questions fit only for masculine intellects. Mr. Lincoln in 

102 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

regard to this notion, as in so many others, seemed un- 
touched by the stilted thought patterns of his age. This may 
have been one of the reasons why Mary, impatient of re- 
straint, was drawn to him. Even if she did wish to be 
thought appealingly feminine, no girl of the Victorian age 
could have enjoyed being thought too dumb to grapple 
with weighty subjects about which all the while she was 
sure she knew just as much as the gentlemen themselves 
and probably had more resourceful ideas. 

In the future ahead of them he was to keep her in touch 
with each political move he made, tell her about his 
speeches, and talk things over with her, getting her quick 
reactions. She would bolster his morale in his self-doubting 
moments. It was said of him that "his ambition was a little 
engine that knew no rest." Her little engine of ambition 
was to run side by side with his. 

He would respect her shrewdness, her "sagacity/* to use 
his own word, and profit by it, but he was also to recog- 
nize that she was "too suspicious" and "disposed to mag- 
nify trifles." And she would answer to the charge that she 
was suspicious that he was too confiding, "too honest for 
this world," that he "should have been born a saint." All of 
which was wholesome give and take of discussion and apt 
to lead to a balanced consideration of the subject in hand. 
She thought he "had not much knowledge of men." Her 
suspicions, growing out of her instinct to protect him from 
his own goodness, were meant to safeguard him. 

One wonders whether Molly and Mr. Lincoln touched 
upon a certain dark topic, an event of deep pain and lasting 
scar which both had experienced in childhood. There was 

Without Her "No Variety" 103 

a place in the mind of each, perhaps walled off from too cas- 
ual entrance, which was filled with the memory of the same 
tragedy. Lincoln had lost his mother when he was nine, 
Mary when she was going on seven. He had seen still and 
sunken in death the face to which he, up to that time, had 
looked as the center of his child life, had witnessed the 
lowering of the homemade coffin without religious cere- 
mony into a lonely grave in the backwoods. Ever after, 
death was to cast him into gloom far more than normal; 
ever after, the sight of a loved dead face was to throw Mary 
almost into convulsions. He was to find that the poem which 
asked, "Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud?" 
expressed the melancholy questioning that arose from such 
overpowering pain and grief. The sadness that entered the 
eyes of that young boy in the wilderness was to reappear 
in the eyes of the grown man who was subject to terrible 
spells of melancholia. Death laid another scar on his sensi- 
tive spirit when he was nineteen; his only sister died in a 
peculiarly cruel way, in the primitive, unattended childbirth 
of the frontier. 

Death was always terrible to Mr. LincolnHEven in the 
White House, strong and self-controlled as he had become 
by the time he entered it, he was to weep man tears over 
the deaths of certain dear friends killed in the war, was to 
break down over the mere mention of their names and be 
unable to speak. His love for his friends ran deep, but per- 
haps his reaction to the tragedy of death, especially of the 
young, involved something of the vast pity for mankind 
with which he was obsessed. 

Death had struck frequently in the hard frontier condi- 

104 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

dons under which he had grown up. The helplessness, grief, 
and questioning of bereaved people were almost more than 
he could bear. He had been deeply depressed over the case 
of a young woman who had been a member of the friendly 
family with whom he boarded for a while in New Salem. 
She had been engaged to a friend of his whom he called 


"Mack" (John McNamar) and she died of a fever while 
her anc was far away. He had returned shortly after her 
death expecting to be married to her. In his sorrow John 
McNamar, as he told himself later, went to the lonely grave 
of the girl he had loved and carved the initials A.R. on a 
headboard, for the name of the girl was Ann Rutledge. 
Lincoln had grieved deeply, as did the whole community, 
over the pity and sadness of this death. 

He never mentioned this incident to Mary. Nor is it 
known how much he told her about his mother at the time 
they became engaged, but it is certain that ultimately he 
painted for her a loving picture of the mother he had lost. 
Mary later wrote: "He had often described to me, his no- 
ble mother" and how she had told him stories from the Bi- 
ble and prayed that he would "become a pious boy & man." 
For Lincoln's mother and his loved stepmother both Mary 
had great tenderness. A loving letter she wrote Sarah Lin- 
coln, his stepmother, exists today, saying: "If I can ever be 
of any service to you in any respect I am entirely at your 
service." It is a letter appropriately signed "Affectionately 

For all her vitality and buoyancy Mary was occasionally 
ill. By his own statement Mr. Lincoln learned early in their 
acquaintance that she was subject to devastating headaches, 

Without Her "No Variety" 105 

the kind that laid her low in an agony of pain that made any 
noise or even a jarring step on the floor pure torture. Now- 
adays these are called migraine headaches and they often go 
with just the type of personality Mary Todd had. 

A doctor at the Mayo Clinic is said to have told his 
classes of young men getting ready to go into medical prac- 
tice, where a good wife would be a most valuable asset: "I 
say to you, go and find yourself a fine migraine patient and 
marry her!" He meant that these headaches go with a defi- 
nite personality type which the doctor described as fol- 
lows: "When she isn't sick, she's likely to be a lot of fun 
and far more keen and interested than the average woman." 
Lincoln's initial interest in Mary Todd perhaps commenced 
with his finding her just that: "a lot of fun" and "keen and 

In spite of being in love with Mary, Lincoln (whose let- 
ters of this time show that he had learned a lot about human 
nature in the rough school of his upbringing) probably had 
some inkling of her weaknesses: her impulsiveness which 
was often imprudence, her quickness to fly into anger or 
panic and to be irresponsible in both, her lack of restraint 
in using her tongue. He really liked the sauciness of that 
tongue; it was, as he said later with a chuckle, a Todd trait, 
it ran in the family. In the future he was to joke, as others 
did, about the temper and spunkiness of the Todds and one 
gathers that Mary and her relatives did not mind this too 
much but rather enjoyed the distinction. 

Once in later years when Mr. Lincoln was traveling on 
the circuit with various other lawyers, including Mary's 
cousin John Todd Stuart, an affable landlady at the inn 

io6 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

where they were stopping greeted them thus: "Stuart, how 
fine and peart you do look!, but Lincoln, whatever have 
you been a doing? you do look powerful weak." Mr. Lin- 
coln answered with a droll face: "Nothing out of common, 
Ma'am, but did you ever see Stuart's wife? or did you ever 
see mine? I just tell you whoever married into the *Todd' 
family gets the worst of it." 

In the merriment which followed, the other lawyers 
joined in the banter and began naming over the various ones 
in Springfield who had married Todds. They found to their 
glee that all except portly William Wallace, husband of 
Mary's sister Frances, were thin enough to prove the point. 
One can almost hear Mr. Lincoln's booming laugh at this 
winning of his case. 

One finds him kter teasing his wife to "get a rise" out of 
her, to enjoy a tall, tolerant man's amusement at the retorts 
of a spirited little woman. 

At those rimes when she was under strain and not well 
and her tongue lashing went to extremes he would say qui- 
etly: "It does her lots of good and it doesn't hurt me a 
bit." He knew he could always count on her being sorry 
when she was herself again. He was to meet her emotional 
immaturity paternally. "Will you be a good girl in all 
things," he was to write her later, if he would consent to 
let her have her own way in a certain matter. 

Lincoln recognized that he had to choose his wife from 
among imperfect human beings* that being the only kind 
available, and that what he was offering her was an imper- 
fect human. In his own mind his shortcomings were 
printed in capital letters and hers in tiny type. 

Without Her "No Variety" 107 

The sentimental writing of the rime laid stress on lovers 
who were wedded and "lived happily ever after" in a 
rather impossible state of bliss as stiff and artificial as the 
contemporary prints which have the title "Married." In 
any age a man of common sense knows that the matrimonial 
menu cannot consist of sweets alone. There should be the 
appetizer of physical attraction, the bread and meat of mu- 
tual endeavor in building up a life together, the tart salad 
of differences (which may have considerable pepper and 
vinegar without spoiling the flavor), the dessert of deep- 
rooted companionship, and the joy of parental pride. All 
these things the Lincoln marriage was to have in full 

What Mr. Lincoln saw in Mary was a young woman he 
found desirable, the one he wanted for his wife.JBy her 
own statement, he told her, both before and after marriage, 
she was the only one he ever really loved. What did a diffi- 
cult temperament amount to against the force of this? Her 
aristocratic background did not fit her for the wife of a 
poor man who was in debt, but on the other hand it did fit 
her to teach him social usages that had been no part of his 
growing up. She would one day make a gracious and cul- 
tured hostess for him when his political ambitions material- 
ized. Because she was at one with him in his ambition he 
would always be eager to tell her of his triumphs, small or 
great, to double his pleasure in them by her joy^When 
the message came that he had been nominated and when 
the dispatch came that he had been elected President, he 
hurried away from excited, rejoicing friends to tell "a little 
woman" at home the news. 

io8 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

She was to furnish the color of his life, for by nature his 
thoughts ran to grays and black and white. He was to give 
this away in what he wrote her later when she had gone on 
a visit in 1848 and he missed her. He said that when she 
had been with him (he was then in Washington in Con- 
gress), she had taken his time away from his business, but 
now that she had gone and he had "nothing but business 
no variety" it had grown "exceedingly tasteless" to him. 
Her response to living was vibrant, his philosophic. 

They felt alike in ways of friendship; it constituted one 
of life's great values to each. They gave deep affection to 
their friends and grieved at parting from them. When 
Mercy left Springfield, Molly wrote her forlornly: "To me 
it has ever appeared that those whose presence was the sun- 
light of my heart have departed separated far and wide, 
to meet when?" Joshua Speed was to leave Springfield and 
Lincoln was to write him in strangely similar mood: "How 
miserably things seem to be arranged in this world. If we 
have no friends, we have no pleasure; and if we have them, 
we are sure to lose them, and be doubly pained by the loss." 
In the future these two, giving thus richly of friendliness, 
would know how, as a couple, to be good neighbors in 

It foretold a supreme joy of their future marriage that 
both Mary and Mr. Lincoln had a signal love for children. 
He had doubtless seen the softness in her eyes as she looked 
down at a child or tenderly lifted a baby in her arms; she 
the delight in his face as he tossed a little boy high in the 
air, as he often tossed the Butler children at the home where 
he was boarding. 

Without Her "No Variety" 109 

Lincoln himself said that the first attraction that led to 
falling in love began with a man's liking the girFs personal 
appearance and manner. He liked Molly's prettiness, her 
dainty dress, her quick gestures of small white hands, her 
femininity. He was to be proud of his wife's looks; one can 
get a glimpse of this by borrowing an incident from their 
married life in Springfield. He had come home from his of- 
fice to find her arrayed in a new dress she had made herself, 
a white silk with little bunches of blue flowers scattered 
over it. She loved to make herself pretty for him and he re- 
sponded with a shining in his eyes and a smiling remark 
about her "fine feathers." Then he added while she bridled 
with delight: "Those posies on your dress are the color of 
your eyes." 

Molly was a born flirt. She could use to perfection the 
Victorian brand of coquetry of tossed head, of toying fan, 
and of sprightly retotf without for a minute compromising 
her helplessness, her "weak woman's" need for masculine 
protection. Such coquetry is apt to seem outmoded and a 
bit silly now, but one may be sure it was just what the Vic- 
torian man wanted or the Victorian girls would not have 
employed it. Each generation has its own methods to at- 
tract; it is the attraction between man and maid that re- 
mains perennially the same. 

Mr. Lincoln liked Mary's coquetry, though there is rea- 
son to believe that shortly after they became engaged there 
was an example of it he did not like, and this led to trouble. 
He would play up to her coquettishness in the future. One 
catches the flavor of this playf ulness in one of his letters to 
her after their marriage when he wrote whimsically: "I am 

1 10 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

afraid you will get so well, and fat, and young, as to be 
wanting to marry again." 

He was always in their married life to want her with him. 
"I hate to stay in this old room by myself," he wrote her 
when she was away. He was to seek her out in those all too 
few moments of relaxation which were his in the White 
House. Their friends were to notice the light in his eyes 
as he gazed at her and one was to describe it as "the pleas- 
ing look of Abraham Lincoln for her whom he so loved." 

What Mr. Lincoln saw in Alary Todd, to whom he was 
engaged at the end of the year 1840, is summed up in a few 
words of his more than twenty years later. A friend chat- 
ting with them in the great East Room of the White House 
noticed how the President's eyes followed his wife. Sud- 
denly realizing that he was caught in the act; Air. Lincoln 
laughed pleasantly and said: "My wife is as handsome as 
when she was a girl, and I, a poor nobody then, fell in love 
with her. 

"And what is more," he continued, "I have never fallen 


"That Fatal First of Jany." 

ON Friday, New Year's Day 1841, an event occurred 
which seared Lincoln's very soul. At the Edwards 
home that night there were tears on Mary's pillow. Rumors 
began to fly from tongue to tongue in the coterie. Mr. Lin- 
coln's friends in the legislature could notice that his face 
was tragic in its sadness. He did not attend the session on 
Monday though he was present each day for the rest of the 
week. On the Friday following New Year's someone evi- 
dently twitted him on that sore point, the jumping-out-of- 
the-window episode of the month before. Mr. Lincoln an- 
swered with uncharacteristic testiness that "as to jumping, 
he should jump when he pleased and no one should hinder 
him." The tall lawyer was not himself at all; he was sunk 
in melancholia, he looked terrible and as if he were "coming 
down" with an illness, which indeed he was. 

He managed to attend the legislature up to January 13, 
then he was confined to his room and word went to his 
loved friend and physician, Dr. Henry, to come and take 
charge of the case. A vivid description of the way he looked 
when he reappeared in public is given in a letter of the in- 
valuable Mr. Conkling to Mercy: "Poor L! how are the 
mighty fallen! He was confined about a week, but though 

1 1 2 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

he now appears again he is reduced and emaciated in ap- 
pearance and seems scarcely to possess strength enough to 
speak above a whisper." Mr. G>nHing continued: "His case 
at present is truly deplorable but what prospect there may 
be for ultimate relief I cannot pretend to say. I doubt not 
but he can declare That loving is a painful thrill, And not 
to love more painful still* but would not like to intimate 
that he has experienced That surely 'tis the worst of pain 
To love and not be loved again/ " The news was out; the 
engagement between Mary and Abraham had been broken. 

About the only help Mr. Lincoln could get in his agony 
of spirit came from the kind and understanding Dr. Henry. 
And at this time there was danger that he would leave 
Springfield, depriving his patient of that one comfort. On 
January 20 the lawyer wrote his partner John Todd Stuart 
asking that the physician be given the Springfield postmas- 
tership as an inducement for staying: *Tou know I desired 
Dr. Henry to have that place when you left; I now desire 
it more than ever. I have, within the last few days, been 
making a most discreditable exhibition of myself in the way 
of hypochondriaism and thereby got an impression that 
Dr. Henry is necessary to my existence. Unless he gets that 
place he leaves Springfield." Emphasizing that his heart was 
"verry much set" upon the appointment, Lincoln apolo- 
gized for not writing a longer letter as he had not "suffi- 
cient composure" to do so. 

Hypochondria was an ailment much talked of at this 
time. Its chief characteristic was a severe and distorting de- 
pression of mind and die word also carried the connotation 
of a morbid anxiety as to one's own health. Psychiatrists 

"That Fatal first o] Jany." 1 1 3 

now get many patients who would have been pronounced 
hypochondriacs in the middle eighteen-hundreds. 

Three days later the junior partner wrote to Mr. Stuart 
again, giving a striking description of his "blues." Mr. Lin- 
coln had entered upon a strange and terrible psychological 
experience. Certain letters of his in the months ahead were 
to contain a remarkable unbosoming of inmost feelings. The 
emotional climate of the time was different from that of 
today; it was the style for people to analyze and express 
their sensations with a freedom from which one now shies 
away. Mr. Lincoln certainly had no reserve or inhibition 
when he wrote: "I am now the most miserable man living. 
If what I feel were equally distributed to the whole human 
family, there would not be one cheerful face on the earth. 
Whether I shall ever be any better I can not tell; I awfully 
forebode I shall not. To remain as I am is impossible; I must 
die or be better, it appears to me." 

One can imagine the reaction of Mr. Stuart, who had left 
the law office in charge of his junior partner, as he read on: 
"The matter you speak of on my account, you may attend 
to as you say, unless you shall hear of my condition forbid- 
ding it. I say this, because I fear I shall be unable to attend 
to any bussiness here. . . ." Lincoln ended the letter be- 
cause he could "write no more." 

Various letters defining the situation went traveling back 
and forth. Mercy's sister-in-law, Mrs. Lawrason Levering, 
wrote to her "particulars about Abraham, Joshua, and Ja- 
cob. . . ." Mercy made answering comment in a letter to 
her lover: "Poor A I fear his is a blighted heart! per- 
haps if he was as persevering as Mr. W. he might be sue- 

1 14 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

cessful." Mr. W. was, of course, Mr. Webb, who was assid- 
uously courting Mary himself and probably took delight in 
this sudden and mysterious break between her and Abra- 

"Jacob Faithful" replied to Mercy on March 7 giving a 
not too sympathetic account of Mr. Lincoln to date: "And 
L., poor hapless simple swain who loved most true but was 
not loved again I suppose he will now endeavor to drown 
his cares among the intricacies and perplexities of the law." 
The next sentence suggests that Lincoln in social gatherings 
had been gratified (as is humanity in general) by a hearty 
response to one of his witticisms or stories: "No more will 
the merry peal of kughter ascend high in the air, to greet 
his listening and delighted ears. . . . alas! I fear his shrine 
will now be deserted and that he will withdraw himself 
from the society of us inferior mortals." Mr. Conkling was 
right; Mr. Lincoln was attending strictly to his own af- 
fairs and was not seen at the Edwards home and the gay 
assemblies of the coterie. 

There were no private matters in a small prairie town in 
the eighteen-f orties or, as far as that goes, in a small town 
today. People were talking at a great rate about Mr. Lin- 
coln's extraordinary state of depression. Some used the 
word "crazy" as applied to him. A slangy gentleman wrote 
John J. Hardin, on January 22: "We have been very much 
distressed, on Mr. Lincoln's account; hearing that he had 
two Git fits and a Duck fit since we left." 

Gossiping tongues were clicking excitedly, turning the 
choice morsel of the shattered love affak over and over 
again, elaborating on it, supplying out of imagination added 

"That Fatal First of Jany." 1 1 5 

details to make a good story. The engagement was broken. 
Why? Mr. Conkling thought Molly had jilted Mr. Lin- 
coln; the gossips figured it out differently. Could Mr. Lin- 
coln have fallen in love with another girl? There was that 
lovely Matilda Edwards who was visiting at the Edwards 
home; that must be it; Mr. Lincoln must have fallen in love 
with Matilda and jilted Miss Todd! 

Such a satisfactory and delicious explanation went 
around, increasing in details, until it was a well-filled-out 
story. It is presented full blown in a letter written by a 
chatty young lady to a friend in Kentucky on January 27. 
One learns first that Mary is keeping her chin up: "Miss 
Todd is flourishing largely. She has a great many Beaus." 
Evidently the news of the Lincoln-Todd romance had pen- 
etrated into Kentucky, as the letter continues: "You ask me 
how she and Mr. Lincoln are getting along. Poor fellow, he 
is in a rather bad way. Just at present though he is on the 
mend now as he was out on Monday for the first time for a 
month dying with love they say." The week of illness had 
increased to a month, but that is a slow rate of growth for 
gossip. "Dying with love" was a popular theme with the 
sentimentalists of the time. "The Doctors say he came 
within an inch of being a perfect lunatic for life. He was 
perfectly crazy for some time, not able to attend to his busi- 
ness at all. They say he don't look like the same person." 

Then comes the story: "It seems he had addressed Mary 
Todd and she accepted him and they had been engaged 
some time when a Miss Edwards of Alton came here, and 
he fell desperately in love with her and found he was not 
so much attached to Mary as he thought. He says if he had 

1 1 6 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

it in his power he would not have one feature of her face 
altered, he thinks she is so perfect (that is, Miss E.) He and 
Mr. Speed have spent the most of their time at Edwards 
this winter and Lincoln could never bear to leave Miss Ed- 
ward's side in company. Some of his friends thought he was 
acting very wrong and very imprudently and told him so 
and he went crazy on the strength of it so the story goes 
and that is all I know. . . ." It can be determined later 
from a precious recently found letter written by Matilda 

herself whether what the writer "knew" about this f ailing 
. , 5 

in love was true. 

These are the scattered references to the break in the en- 
gagement which were written down at the time. In an 
event such as this very few people know exactly what hap- 
pened,, perhaps only the two lovers themselves. It is a diffi- 
cult task over a century kter to turn detective and hunt out 
dues and scraps of evidence, to sift out the false from the 
true and reconstruct the emotional crisis that occurred on 
what Lincoln himself called "that fatal first of Jany. '41." 

The most desirable account of an event is that written 
down at the time. Many years later, after Lincoln had be- 
come a great President and a martyr, questions were asked 
about this interruption in his love affair and the answers 
were jotted down. Ninian and Elizabeth Edwards were in- 
terviewed in their old age. Joshua Speed, portly and 
bearded, was asked to tell what he had known about it 
when he was a slender, romantic-faced young man. The 
information thus obtained is as likely to have undergone 
change as die appearance of the narrators; recollections are 
affected by the dimming of the years between, by the tricks 

"That Fatal First of ]any." 1 1 7 

that human memory plays upon itself, and by strong per- 
sonal slants. These recollections come secondhand, through 
another mind and imagination, which always constitutes a 
hazard. From this mass of material certain explanations 
emerge which are consistent and fit into and are substanti- 
ated by the known facts. 

In Lincoln's letters to Miss Owens there is indisputable 
evidence of his feeling that he had no right to marry be- 
cause he had so little to offer a wife. Now appears a factor 
that affected that sensitive feeling like a dentist's instru- 
ment striking an exposed nerve. This was the opposition of 
Mary's family to the marriage. Mrs. Edwards stated defi- 
nitely that she and her husband at first encouraged the 
friendship between Mary and Mr. Lincoln, then changed 
their minds and told them they should not marry. 

In saying this, Mrs. Edwards gave as the reason for the 
opposition that the two were so different in their natures 
and rearing that they could not be happy together. It is 
true that Mary and Mr. Lincoln were complete opposites 
in a great many of their traits, but Mrs. Edwards was not 
exactly the one to understand the congeniality between 
them. The difference in the natures of the two was not 
the whole basis of Mrs. Edwards's objection. By the time 
she was asked for her account of the broken engagement, 
many events had occurred and many changes had come. 

It would have been very embarrassing for her to admit, 
after Lincoln had reached the highest position in the land, 
that she had once opposed his marrying her sister on the 
ground that he was poor and had no prospects. Later her 
niece was more frank; she said plainly that the family re- 

1 1 8 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

garded his future as "nebulous" and that it was also a matter 
of Lincoln's being "on a different social plane," of his hav- 
ing "no culture," of his being "ignorant of social forms and 
customs." Ninian, son of Governor Edwards, and Eliza- 
beth, daughter of the Lexington Todds, looked down on 
Air. Lincoln as a matter of class distinction. It was said of 
Ninian by one who knew him well that he "was naturally 
and constitutionally an aristocrat, and he hated democracy 
... as the devil is said to hate holy water." In general, the 
dan of Mary's relatives felt that in marrying Mr. Lincoln 
she would be marrying beneath her, a point of view which 
was handed down in the family to some extent in succeed- 
ing generations. In addition to the question of social in- 
equality the dan for the most part held fundamental opin- 
ions which differed from those of Mr. Lincoln, their social 
and political philosophy clashed with his, they considered 
him a radical. 

It is difficult to put one's finger upon the exact time when 
the Edwardses dedded to reverse themselves and oppose 
the marriage. This disapproval may have developed and be- 
come evident gradually and may have been predpitated 
into active opposition by some special event. One knows 
from a letter of Mr. Conkling's that in October of 1840 
Mary "did not appear as merry and joyous as usual," and 
from her own letter in December that she was losing weight 
and writing suggestively of "the crime of matrimony? 

Albert Edwards, the son of the Ninian Edwardses, made 
some statements that prove helpful on this point. His testi- 
mony too comes long delayed and secondhand. He said that 
up to the time of die courtship his father and mother had 

"That Fatal First of Jany." 1 19 

made Lincoln welcome and encouraged his visits, but when 
his mother saw Mr. Lincoln was becoming serious, she 
treated him coldly and invitations to call "were not 
pressed." This, however, he added, did not have the effect 
intended. Albert Edwards said positively that during 1841 
and 1842 his mother did what she could to break up the 
match. He thought that the opposition of his parents greatly 
influenced the breaking of the engagement. 

Mrs. Edwards's remarks when she was being questioned 
about the love affair vibrate with disapproval and misun- 
derstanding of Mr. Lincoln: he "was a cold man had no 
affection was not social." She admitted what the whole 
nation was saying by that time, that "he was a great man 
a good man & an honest one," but he was, she said, "a little 
ungrateful," and "loved nothing." Ninian agreed that this 
"mighty Rough man" was not "warm hearted." It was only 
human nature that Mr. Edwards thought that any man who 
differed from him as radically as Lincoln did lacked mental 
capacity, or, to use Ninian's own words, was "not capable." 
Others in the family felt the same way; as one of them said 
later: "When he was nominated it seemed impossible that 
this should ever be," he was not "fitted for the position." 

In setting forth the opposition of his parents to having 
Mr. Lincoln as a brother-in-law, Albert Edwards threw the 
emphasis on his mother's part. He believed that for years 
Mary resented the tactics which her sister Elizabeth had 
used "to discourage the engagement." 

As mistress of the house where Mary was living, Mrs. Ed- 
wards could have had ample opportunity to make her dis- 
approval evident to the sensitive young lawyer who socially 

120 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

was already suffering from an inferiority complex. One can 
easily imagine the cold and distinct greeting, the ignoring 
of his presence, the stony face following one of his humor- 
ous remarks. Any woman of the Todd family was apt to be 
good at showing her displeasure. Perhaps Mr. Lincoln, who 
was self-doubting at best, had been made uncomfortable 
for some time before the actual break in the engagement 

One would give much to know what Ninian wrote 
Mary's father in answer to that letter inquiring as to the 
qualifications of Mr. Lincoln as suitor to Mary. Ninian at 
least knew Lincoln in the man's world of politics and busi- 
ness where he commanded respect, Mrs. Edwards only in 
die social setting where to her eyes he appeared to very 
poor advantage. 

Apparently an incident involving a misunderstanding be- 
tween the lovers preceded the actual breaking off of the en- 
gagement, an episode in which Mary hurt Mr. Lincoln's 
feelings by flirting ostentatiously with one of her other 
beaux. Later a niece of Mrs. Edwards and Mary, to whom 
die family account was handed down, dramatized this 
eventr^Mr. Lincoln, in modern phrase, forgot his date with 
Mary. He was to take her to a party, but, going into one of 
his characteristic periods of abstraction (in which he suf>- 
posedly was meditating on all die reasons why it would not 
be f air to any girl for a man in his circumstances to marry 
her), he did not remember his appointment until after the 
hour had passed. Hurrying to the Edwards home, he, found 
Mary had already gone to the party. When he followed her 
there, she, ignoring his presence, paid him back in true 

"Tto Fatal First of Jany." 1 2 1 

feminine fashion by an ostentatious flirtation with Mr. 
Douglas. Lincoln, deeply hurt, left the house without 
speaking with her. So runs the story and at least this drama- 
tization is in character and it will be seen that Mary had a 
guilty conscience by a remark she made later. 

With the background of the family disapproval of him, 
all the items which he had so carefully written out to Miss 
Owens as to the sad fate of any woman who would be 
"block-head" enough to marry him would naturally come 
flocking back to his mind. Mary had apparently done some- 
thing to wound him and make him jealous; her family 
looked down on him and did not want to add him to the 
circle. Lincoln was deeply hurt. Ninian had been his friend; 
now he had joined his wife in advising against Lincoln's 
marrying into the family. They did not think he could sup- 
port Mary in the manner to which she was accustomed and 
of course they were right; he could not. The girl herself 
was immature and ruled by her feelings; he must not take 
advantage of her or go against the judgment of those who 
were her natural protectors. 

There was one ironic feature connected with the family 
opposition. If the Todd-Edwards clan did not want Lin- 
coln as an in-law, in one sense he did not want them either. 
He was a man who believed in the people and in democ- 
racy. Politically he wanted the support of the common man. 
He foresaw that if he married into the aristocracy, he would 
have to defend himself against the accusation of sharing 
their views. That was just what happened to him in the 
end; less than five months after he was married he was, as 
he wrote from Springfield in some disgust, "put down here 

122 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

as the candidate of pride, wealth, and anistocratic family 
distinction." That, he said, would astonish, if not amuse, 
those who twelve years before "knew me a strange, friend- 
less, uneducated, penniless boy, working on a flat boat at 
ten dollars per month. . . ." His words point up the oppo- 
site points of view that were basic in the family opposition 
to the marriage. 

According to Joshua Speed's account told about a quarter 
of a century later, Lincoln decided to write Mary a letter 
asking to be released from the engagement. One guesses that 
Joshua had been something of a guide to him in social 
usages and matters of taste as well as the close friend to 
whom he confided his inmost thoughts. An added element 
of Lincoln's great depression in early 1841 was the fact that 
Joshua was leaving Springfield. He sold his store on that 
same "fatal first" of January, a calamitous day for Lincoln's 
emotions in every respect, and he was to leave early in that 
year. They had shared the big room over that same store for 
four years. They had talked over the personal problems and 
matters that perplex young men. They had discussed reli- 
gion and die institution of marriage and had raised skeptical 
questions about both, a skepticism that seems to have been 
shared by others in their group. At least, "Is the Married 
Life More Happy Than the Single" was the subject of an 
address (and doubtless much lively discussion) at a meeting 
of the Young Men's Lyceum. Lincoln felt bereft at Joshua's 

He showed Joshua the letter he had written Mary asking 
to be released from the engagement. Joshua advised him 
not to send alerter but to go to Mary and explain the matter 

"That Fatal First of Jany." 1 2 3 

face to face. Lincoln accepted this advice and called upon 
Mary and presumably this call took place on that fatal first 
of January. 

One can imagine that scene in the Edwards parlor: the 
tall young man with pained face and hairing speech begin- 
ning to tell the pretty, happy-faced girl that their romance 
and dreams were at an end, explaining to her why it was 
best for the engagement to be broken. Possibly he re- 
proached her for her light behavior in flirting with another 
man that may have been the fuse which set off his vast 
accumulation of misgivings. One can picture the dawning 
incredulity in her blue eyes, the commencing quiver of her 
lips. According to Joshua's account, she sprang from her 
chair, burst into tears, and cried out brokenly: ". . . the 
deceiver shall be deceived wo is me." Her words seem to 
indicate that something she had done in the flirting line was 
on her conscience. 

What does any man do when he sees the woman he loves 
in tears and anguish of spirit? With his own eyes wet, Mr. 
Lincoln took Mary into his arms and drew her upon his lap 
to kiss away those tears. His dark shaggy head bent con- 
tritely above the bright chestnut hair, his weathered cheek 
was close to hers, soft and tear-stained. It is a rare and in- 
timate picture of the lovers at that dramatic moment when 
their new-found and tender love was crossed by fate. 

The response of passionate arms and lips does not go well 
with a man's using cold logic to explain to the girl sitting 
on his lap the reasons why they should not get married. Lin- 
coln comforted his little Molly as best he could and then 
abruptly took his departure, leaving the situation between 

124 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

them up in the air. It is possible they were interrupted. For 
all that is known, sister Elizabeth may have heard Mary's 
startled outcry and walked in. At all events, Mrs. Edwards 
soon knew what had happened and seized her opportunity 
and used her older-sister influence to make sure that the 
estrangement was complete and permanent. 

It was said that she insisted that Mary write Mr. Lincoln 
a letter releasing him from the engagement. The girl could 
hardly do otherwise, but she put one thing in that letter 
which one may be sure was not authorized by sister Eliza- 
beth: she wrote Mr. Lincoln that her feeling for him re- 
mained unchanged and she stood ready to renew the en- 
gagement. It was a remarkable admission for a proud young 
woman of the Victorian era. That she could do so shows 
that Mr. Lincoln's reasons for asking to be released did not 
offend her. If he had told her he did not love her or that he 
loved another, she would have cut off her hand before she 
would have written this. But if he told her that he was poor 
and could not take care of her as she was used to being 
taken care of and that die Edwardses (including Ninian, 
who considered that he had certain rights because she was 
his ward) were against the marriage, her love and pride 
would not have been offended. If he mentioned her flirting, 
she doubdess realized die had been wrong in deceiving him 
about her true feelings. Mary could be counted on in die 
end to acknowledge her own f aults. 

As to his love for her, that quick embrace and his kisses, 
his tenderness at her tears told her more eloquendy than 
words all she needed to know about that. She had too often 
seen that light in his eyes when he looked at her. Any giii 

"That Fatal First of Jany" 125 

knows by a dozen unspoken evidences whether she has a 
man's heart when she has been engaged to him. It is pos- 
sible Mary had even more positive assurance. One garbled 
account of the incident does say that *Dr. Henry, devoted 
friend of both the lovers who was tending Mr. Lincoln in 
his agonized state, went to Mary and explained the condi- 
tion Lincoln was in, and that it was then that the girl wrote 
him the letter telling him she still loved him. 

Lincoln's feelings were tearing him to pieces. He was 
caught in a cruel dilemma from which he saw no honor- 
able way out. He had won Mary's love and entered into an 
agreement to marry her. His lawyer's training as well as his 
scrupulous conscience made him respect a contract and yet 
he had asked that it be broken. On the other hand, fathers 
and guardians had their recognized rights. How could he 
marry the girl when her family thought he would make her 
unhappy? He had so few things upon which to pride him- 
self, but among these things was his integrity. Yet no course 
of action was open to a man with his torturing conscience 
that left that integrity unviolated. 

There was another factor. It is recalled that hypochon- 
dria involves the idea of exaggerated anxiety over one's 
health. Joshua Speed wrote later that Lincoln was so wor- 
ried over his physical condition at this time that he wrote 
an eminent physician in another state describing his ailment 
and asking advice. The physician refused to prescribe with- 
out a personal examination. A conscientious man filled with 
dark doubts about his health does not feel it would be fair 
to a girl to marry her until he knows what is the matter and 
can be assured of getting over it. 

126 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

So much for reason and conscience, but the emotional 
agony was even worse. No one questions what it means to 
a man to find the woman he loves and wishes to marry: life 
takes on a joyous new focus and vitality. This was espe- 
cially true of Mr. Lincoln, whose early meager existence 
had contained little demonstration of affection. When this 
chosen woman, young, pretty, desirable, gives him ardent 
love in return and promises to marry him, he walks in a 
golden haze. Suddenly this sweet, newly discovered world 
was shattered. Mr. Lincoln had barely tasted the joy of 
having someone of his very own to love when that 
joy was taken from him, leaving him in a gray and flavor- 
less world. 

The gossiping tongues were right insofar as they said 
Mr. Lincoln was lovesick. It is a malady akin to but even 
more devastating than homesickness. He was missing Mary 
terribly. Through all their married life ran evidences that 
he wanted her with him. Again Mr. Gmkling gives a close- 
up view, a new bit of evidence. The April after the Lincoln 
marriage when the lawyers went on their semiannual pil- 
grimage of the judicial circuit Mr. Conkling journeyed to 
Bloomington. From there he wrote Mercy: "Found Lin- 
coln desperately homesick and turning his face frequently 
toward the south." South to Springfield, where his bride 
was then living in one room at the Globe Tavern and look- 
ing forward to the birth of their first baby. 

He was homesick now for Molly, Molly who was inter- 
ested in all die little tilings that happened to him, who met 
his self-doubting with buoyant confidence, who had made 
him the center of her world. She had furnished the color 

"That Fatal First of Jany." 127 

and "variety" of life without which it had suddenly become 
"exceedingly tasteless" to him. 

There was no thought to which the tormented man could 
turn for comfort. Mary had given him her love and he had 
made her unhappy. As he was to write shortly, that thought 
killed his very souL He could not even wish to be cheer- 
ful when she was unhappy. In such mental perturbation 
thoughts go in circles; how could he, poor and in debt, 
make her happy if he married her? All die reasons he had 
given Miss Owens as to why she should not marry him 
applied doubly to Mary, who loved die trimmings of life. 
And he could remember Miss Owens had told him blundy 
that he would not make a kind and considerate husband. 
That lady had contributed to his self -doubting. All the old 
humiliation of that fiasco of a wooing would naturally come 
back to lacerate his sensitized feelings. 

So one may interpret the dioughts of "die most miser- 
able man living." Mrs. Edwards, even if she did not under- 
stand Mr. Lincoln, seems to have understood the situation 
very well. "Mr Lincoln loved Mary," were her words, "he 
went crazy in my own opinion not because he loved Miss 
Edwards as said, but because he wanted to marry and 
doubted his ability & capacity to please and support a wife." 

A person who feels he has enough mental misery to dis- 
tribute to the whole human race is not in a healthy mood to 
see matters straight. Lincoln began to question die institu- 
tion of marriage itself, as to whether it was die Elysium pic- 
tured by the sentimentalists of die day. He questioned his 
own love for Mary; was it great enough to surmount all the 
problems, the delicate adjustments, and basic changes in liv- 

128 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

ing that marriage would bring? Traces of the marriage 
shyness he had shown in regard to Miss Owens came back 
to him. 

On January 19, the crisis of his illness over, Mr. Lincoln, 
pale, weak, and emaciated, appeared in the legislature and 
from then on attended faithfully, taking an active part in 
its work. On February 5 he tried to give a boost to his rival, 
Mr. Webb, by writing a letter suggesting him for District 
Attorney. One wonders whether he was nobly trying to do 
his rival a good turn in case this suitor of Molly's were able 
to console her and thus wipe out her unhappiness. 

On March 5 Mary's cousin and Lincoln's kw partner, 
Mr. Stuart, recommended that he be appointed Charg6 
d'Affaires at Bogod. Again questions arise: was Mr. Stuart 
trying to get his unhappy partner a change of scene or was 
he trying to get the man whom the family considered unde- 
sirable for Mary away from Springfield? He could have had 
both motives. Certainly the fact that the moody Mr. Lin- 
coln could get into a state of such utter misery that he was 
"unable to attend to any bussiness" was not calculated to 
increase in Mr. Stuart's mind his desirability either as a kw 
partner or as a prospective husband. Somehow one is not 
too surprised to find that in the spring of '41 die Stuart & 
Lincoln partnership was dissolved and Mr. Lincoln moved 
what legal equipment he had over to tie office of Ste- 
phen T. Logan. Again he was the junior partner. Mr. Stuart 
consolidated tKe family forces by taking Ninian's brother 
Benjamin S. Edwards in with him. 

April as usual brought the spring round of the Illinois 

"Tto Fatal First of Jany." 1 29 

towns on the judicial circuit. Probably never before or aft- 
erward was Mr. Lincoln so glad to leave Springfield and 
start out. It was a way of life he loved: crossing the prairie 
by horseback or homemade vehicle, putting up at lonely 
farmhouses or village inns where the lawyers slept two in a 
bed and perhaps eight in a room, holding court in the little 
towns to match wits over small legal and human problems, 
exchanging news and funny stories in man's talk on side- 
walk or in tavern. The little villages, isolated because of the 
lack of railroads and other means of communication, wel- 
comed the travelers with open arms and held carnival for a 
day or two, giving parties and entertainments for the 

It is difficult today to picture what was involved in those 
lonely journeyings across the wild land between towns. As 
a fellow lawyer and friend of Mr. Lincoln said, the prairies, 
later under cultivation and teeming with a busy life, were 
"then quite as desolate and almost as solitary as at Crea- 
tion's dawn." Mr. Conkling also traveled the circuit and he 
wrote to his beloved Mercy a fascinating description of 
such a journey. To meet another traveler was such a rare 
event that the stranger, in the emotional release of hearing 
a human voice again, was apt to feel an undue sense of in- 
timacy and ask questions about one's income, occupation, 
residence, present business and future prospects. If you did 
not answer, continued Mr. Conkling, you might be sus- 
pected as a horse thief. 

Losing one's way was a common experience and night 
sometimes overtook one far from human habitation. James 
told Mercy of a "provoking situation" in which he once 

130 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

found himself: "in a small house on the edge of a ... 
prairie with a plenty of cold, without fire, tea without 
cream and bread without butter [perhaps it was corn 
dodger], with some two or three crying noisy children 
about you and by no means a prepossessing landlady." 
When he looked out, all he saw was the road stretching be- 
fore him as far as eye could reach "and a dark heavy cloud 
extending directly over it and pouring down the rain for 
hours upon it." 

At another stop he was treated more hospitably; a fire 
was made up "in the parlor, decorated with festoons of yarn 
and arranged in the most approved sucker style with its 
creaking bedsteads, broken chairs and cracked tables." Here 
the food was good and James, with his "chin just at edge 
of the table," had no difficulty scraping it directly into his 
mouth "with the blade of a broken knife." He slept in the 
loft that night, though just why he did not rate one of those 
creaking bedsteads in the parlor one does not know. Doubt- 
less in either place he would have had plenty of sleeping 

Conditions like these, along with miserable roads, deep 
sloughs in which a buggy mired down, broken shafts and 
lost linchpins, spring floods, swollen streams, drenching 
rains (perhaps at times an unseasonable blizzard), and high 
winds, were what Lincoln encountered when he went trav- 
eling on the circuit. One hopes he had die company of fel- 
low lawyers as he rode across the prairies in the spring of 
1841; their loneliness and dreariness were too much in har- 
mony with his own melancholy thoughts. 


Mr. Lincoln Writes a Murder Mystery 

QPRINGFDELD was full of faithful correspondents who 
O kept absent friends informed of the news. By May Mrs. 
William Buder, who took a kind and affectionate interest 
in Mr. Lincoln as a motherly woman would with a lov- 
able young man who ate his meals daily at her table had 
written to Joshua Speed that her boarder was "on the 
mend." He was also her lodger now, as he had moved over 
to the Butler home after Joshua left town. Joshua wrote 
back to her husband how glad he was that Lincoln was get- 
ting over his melancholia and then it is revealed that he, 
Joshua, was also subject to hypochondria: "Say to her 
[Mrs. Buder] that I have had one attack since I left Spring- 
field. ... I am not as happy as I could be and yet so much 
happier than I deserve to be that I think I ought to be satis- 
fied." Joshua was soon to rival Lincoln as the most miser- 
able man living; his introspection was destined to give him 
a terrible time with himself. But this letter shows that Lin- 
coin was coming out of his "blues." 

Providentially for the enjoyment and stimulation of 
Springfield, as the talk about die broken engagement and 
Mr. Lincoln's acting "crazy" died down, a new and thrill- 
ing topic arose. Early in June the town was electrified by a 

132 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

murder mystery. One can picture little groups of men talk- 
ing excitedly on die four streets that bounded the square 
and housewives equally wrought up speculating about it 
over the back fence. 

Mr. Lincoln, with no sign of mental depression but with 
humor and consummate storytelling skill, wrote on June 19 
a full account of it to Joshua. He was in a position to know 
what he was talking about, as he was one of the lawyers 
who defended the accused. 

"We have had the highest state of excitement here for a 
week past that our community has ever witnessed . . ." 
began his letter to "Dear Speed." "The chief personages in 
the drama, are Archibald Fisher, supposed to be murdered; 
and Archibald Trailer, Henry Trailer, and William 
Traflor, supposed to have murdered him." The three Trail- 
ors were brothers living at some distance from each other, 
Archibald at Springfield, Henry at Clary's Grove, about 
twenty miles northwest, and William in Warren County, 
more than a hundred miles distant in the same direction. 
Fisher, a carpenter and odd-job man without a family, had 
been living at William Traitor's home. 

The four men came to Springfield one Monday to stay 
overnight When die brothers assembled for supper that 
evening after touring the metropolis, Fisher was unaccount- 
ably missing. Search was made for him without success and 
on Tuesday Henry and William Traitor had to start back to 
their homes without him. Henry and his neighbors, how- 
ever, were worried and came back to Springfield to search 
again and finally advertised his disappearance in the paper. 

Mr. Lincoln Writes a Murder Mystery 1 3 3 

The town became aware of the case of the missing car- 

Some days went by and then the postmaster at Spring- 
field received a startling letter from the postmaster in War- 
ren County stating that William had arrived home "and was 
telling a verry mysterious and improbable story about the 
disappearance of Fisher, which induced the community 
there to suppose that he had been disposed of unfairly." 
William was boasting that Fisher was dead and had willed 
him his money. 

When this letter was made public, as Lincoln wrote, it 
"immediately set the whole town and adjoining country 
agog. . . ." Everybody began to search for the body with 
great thoroughness, cellars and wells were examined, dead 
dogs and horses were dug up, fresh human graves were 
pried into. A deputy sheriff was dispatched to Watten 
County to arrest William. 

At this point the plot thickened. Henry was fetched from 
Gary's Grove by a deputy sheriff "and showed an evident 
inclination to insinuate that he knew Fisher to be dead, and 
that Arch: & Wm. had killed him." Henry "guessed" the 
body could be found in Spring Creek not far from "Hick- 
oxes mill" "Away the People swept like a herd of buffa- 
loes," continued Mr. Lincoln, "and cut down Hickoxes mill 
dam nolens volens, to draw the water out of the pond; and 
then went up and down, and down and up the creek, fish- 
ing and raking, and ducking and diving for two days. . . ." 
Everyone except Mr, Hickox had a wonderful time, but no 
dead body was found. 

134 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

In the meantime a place in the brush had been found 
where there were signs of a struggle. "From this scuffle 
ground, was the sign of something about the size of a man 
having been dragged to the edge of the thicket, where it 
joined the track of some small wheeled carriage which was 
drawn by one horse, as shown by the horse tracks." One 
can imagine the excitement when it was discovered that the 
carriage tracks led off toward Spring Creek 

Near this "drag trail" Dr. Merryman, in true Sherlock 
Holmes fashion, "found two hairs, which after a long sci- 
entific examination, he pronounced to be triangular human 
hairs. . . ." Like a true scientist he went thoroughly into 
the subject of how many kinds of human hair there were 
and came up with the judgment "that these two were of the 
whiskers, because die ends were cut, showing they had 
flourished in the neighborhood of die razor's opperations." 

Matters progressed to the point where all three of the 
Trailor brothers had been arrested and put in jail On Fri- 
day, June 1 8, a legal examination was held before two jus- 
tices at which Mr. Lincoln with his new senior law partner 
Mr. Logan and another lawyer friend defended die ac- 

Much evidence was listened to which pointed more and 
more to a dark crime. Henry Trailor was introduced by the 
prosecution and gave a most circumstantial account of what 
had happened when he and his brothers left Springfield. 
When they got out of town, he, Henry, was placed as sen- 
tinel to watch diat no one approached while William and 
Archibald "took die dearborn out of die road a small dis- 
tance to die edge of the thicket, where they stopped, and 

Mr. Lincoln Writes a Murder Mystery 135 

he saw them lift the body of a man into it; that they then 
moved off with the carriage in the direction of Hickoxes 
mill, and he loitered about for something like an hour when 
William returned with the carriage, but without Arch: and 
said that they had put him in a safe place. , . ." One can 
imagine the excitement of the listeners and their glances at 
Mr. Lincoln and others of the defense at this damaging evi- 
dence. Henry proved more and more satisfactory to the 
prosecution as he continued: "William told him, that he and 
Arch: had killed Fisher the evening before; that the way 
they did it was by him (William) knocking him down with 
a club, and Arch: then choking him to death." 

That seemed to settle it and doubtless thoughts of mob 
violence were seething in the minds of some of the listen- 
ers. Then the defense produced an unexpected witness and 
a great deflation followed. This star witness was a physi- 
cian from Warren County, a Dr. Gilmore, and his evidence 
proved the "murderee" was not dead! Dr. Gilmore in- 
formed the court that on the very day on which William 
Trailer was arrested, Fisher had appeared at his house, ap- 
parently very unwell and unable to account for his move- 
ments. The physician explained that Fisher had once re- 
ceived a head injury which made him subject to occasional 
temporary derangements. The man was still so sick that 
Dr. Gilmore had not dared bring him along to Springfield. 
The witness had made a hurried and strenuous journey, 
"riding all evening and all night," in order to get to the trial 
in time; his patient could not have stood the rigors of such 

The prosecution, of course, did not take this demolishing 

136 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

of their case lying down; they raised questions whether die 
doctor's story was not a fabrication. Unimpeachable wit- 
nesses, however, swore to die physician's "good character 
for trudi and veracity." The defense won and the Trailers 
were discharged. There had been no murder. On die fol- 
lowing Monday, Fisher, as Lincoln wrote elsewhere, ap- 
peared in Springfield "in full life and proper person." 

So what happened remains a mystery and one is left free 
to speculate. Did a talent for tall tales and vivid imagination 
run in the Trailor family? Did Archibald and William go 
through the pantomime of hiding a body with a dummy as a 
sort of rough joke to fool their brother Henry? He was 
"about forty yards distant" from them. At all events, right 
after die trial "Henry still protested that no power on earth 
could ever show Fisher alive," while die other two brothers 
were sure he would be found living, as testified, at the doc- 
tor's. Archibald and William never offered an explanation 
and Henry later would not speak of the subject. 

An elaborate theory as to what happened has been sug- 
gested: Fisher, owing to his head injury, might have had a 
seizure or fit which left him in an unconscious state resem- 
bling death. Archibald and William, either being with him 
or finding him, might have been fearful that they would be 
accused of murder and therefore tried to conceal the body. 
It is even suggested that they took him in their carriage to 
die millpond and dumped him in, where the cold water re- 
vived him and he climbed out. But if diis theory is correct, 
why did the two brothers tell Henry diey had killed Fisher, 
going into circumstantial details? Would they not instead 
have told him of dieir fear of being accused of murder, so 

Mr. Lincoln Writes a Murder Mystery 137 

as to put him on his guard in what he said? So much for 

Mr. Lincoln in his letter to Joshua did full justice to the 
comical effect when the idea of a murder was exploded. 
"When the doctor's story was first made public," he wrote, 
"it was amusing to scan and contemplate the countenances, 
and hear the remarks of those who had been actively en- 
gaged in the search for the dead body. Some looked quizi- 
cal, some melancholly, and some furiously angry." One 
man who had been very active swore that he knew all along 
that Fisher was not dead "and that he had not stirred an 
inch to hunt for him;" another "who had taken the lead in 
curing down Hickoxes mill dam, and wanted to hang 
Hickox for objecting, looked most awfully wo-begone; he 
seemed the 'vwctim of hunreqwted haffection* as repre- 
sented in the comic almanic we used to laugh over; and 
Hart, the little drayman that hauled Molly home once, said 
it was too damned bad, to have so much trouble and no 
hanging after all." 

This letter shows not only that Mr. Lincoln was able to 
attend to business (and storytelling) in a most competent 
manner, but also that he had come out of his melancholia 
and recovered his sense of humor. Underneath, however, 
he continued to be in a distressed and worried state of mind. 

Perhaps it should be added that for all its excitability 
Springfield's heart was in the right place. Shortly after Lin- 
coln's letter was written the citizens held a meeting to ex- 
press to their fellow townsman, Archibald Trailer, their 
apologies and regrets that they had believed him involved 
in a murder. Yet, as Lincoln himself pointed out, if Fisher 

136 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

of their case lying down; they raised questions whether the 
doctor's story was not a fabrication. Unimpeachable wit- 
nesses, however, swore to the physician's "good character 
for truth and veracity." The defense won and the Trailers 
were discharged. There had been no murder. On die fol- 
lowing Monday, Fisher, as Lincoln wrote elsewhere, ap- 
peared in Springfield "in full life and proper person." 

So what happened remains a mystery and one is left free 
to speculate. Did a talent for tall tales and vivid imagination 
run in the Trailor family? Did Archibald and William go 
through the pantomime of hiding a body with a dummy as a 
sort of rough joke to fool their brother Henry? He was 
"about forty yards distant" from diem. At all events, right 
after die trial "Henry still protested that no power on earth 
could ever show Fisher alive," while die other two brothers 
were sure he would be found living, as testified, at the doc- 
tor's. Archibald and William never offered an explanation 
and Henry later would not speak of die subject. 

An elaborate theory as to what happened has been sug- 
gested: Fisher, owing to his head injury, might have had a 
seizure or fit which left him in an unconscious state resem- 
bling death. Archibald and William, either being with him 
or finding him, might have been fearful that they would be 
accused of murder and therefore tried to conceal the body. 
It is even suggested that they took him in their carriage to 
the millpond and dumped him in, where the cold water re- 
vived him and he climbed out. But if this theory is correct, 
why did the two brothers tell Henry they had killed Fisher, 
going into circumstantial details? Would they not instead 
have told him of their fear of being accused of murder, so 

Mr. Lincoln Writes a Murder Mystery 137 

as to put him on his guard in what he said? So much for 

Mr. Lincoln in his letter to Joshua did full justice to the 
comical effect when the idea of a murder was exploded. 
"When the doctor's story was first made public," he wrote, 
"it was amusing to scan and contemplate the countenances, 
and hear the remarks of those who had been actively en- 
gaged in the search for the dead body. Some looked quizi- 
cal, some melancholly, and some furiously angry." One 
man who had been very active swore that he knew all along 
that Fisher was not dead "and that he had not stirred an 
inch to hunt for him;" another "who had taken the lead in 
curing down Hickoxes mill dam, and wanted to hang 
Hickox for objecting, looked most awfully wo-begone; he 
seemed the Victim of hunrequited haffection* as repre- 
sented in the comic almanic we used to laugh over; and 
Hart, the little drayman that hauled Molly home once, said 
it was too damned bad, to have so much trouble and no 
hanging after all." 

This letter shows not only that Mr. Lincoln was able to 
attend to business (and storytelling) in a most competent 
manner, but also that he had come out of his melancholia 
and recovered his sense of humor. Underneath, however, 
he continued to be in a distressed and worried state of mind. 

Perhaps it should be added that for all its excitability 
Springfield's heart was in the right place. Shortly after Lin- 
coln's letter was written the citizens held a meeting to ex- 
press to their fellow townsman, Archibald Trailor, their 
apologies and regrets that they had believed him involved 
in a murder. Yet, as Lincoln himself pointed out, if Fisher 

138 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

had not been found alive, "it is difficult to conceive what 
could have saved the Trailers from the consequence of hav- 
ing murdered him." 

Once again die story arrives at a rich oasis of evidence in 
a letter written by Mary herself which was mailed to Mercy 
Levering the day before Lincoln composed his story of tie 
murder mystery. One can go into the Edwards home on 
the hill and find out how Miss Todd was holding up in this 
estrangement from her lover and what thoughts were occu- 
pying her mind* 

She shows much more restraint in expressing her mood 
than Mr. Lincoln did, but the letter opens in a minor key 
and she admits that she has a "sad spirit." She apologizes for 
not writing her "own dear Merce" sooner, but she feared 
she would inflict a letter that was "flat, stale & unprofit- 
able/' She almost indulges in the prevalent soul searching 
when she says: "Why I have not written oftener appears 
strange even to me, who should best know myself, that most 
difficult of all problems to solve." 

If Mr. Lincoln missed Mary and was homesick for her, 
was she likewise homesick to see him? "The last two or 
three months have been of interminable length," she wrote. 
"After my gay companions of last winter departed, I was 
left much to the solitude of my own thoughts, and some 
lingering regrets over the past, which time can alone over- 
shadow with its healing balm." That time's balm had not 
accomplished much yet is suggested by several disclosures 
in the letter* She continues: "Summer in all its beauty has 
again come, the prairie land looks as beautiful as it did in 

Mr. Lincoln Writes a Murder Mystery 1 39 

the olden time, when we strolled together & derived so 
much of happiness from each other's society this is past & 
more than this." 

If one has been wondering what were Mr. Webb's 
chances of getting Molly on the rebound, here is the an- 
swer: "The inning widower" she says, is not seen around 
anymore. Nor was he "winning" as far as she was con- 
cerned. Merce had been under the wrong impression: "In 
your last, you appeared impressed with die prevalent idea 
that we were dearer to each other than friends. The idea 
was neither new nor strange, dear Merce, the knowing 
world, have coupled our names together for months past, 
merely through the folly & belief of another, who strangely 
imagined we were attached to each other." 

That last sentence gives one pause. Could "another" refer 
to Mr. Lincoln? Could he have resented Mr. Webb's atten- 
tions to Mary and misinterpreted the situation between 
them? There was evidently a case of flirting on Mary's con- 
science. Was the torture of jealousy added to the other fac- 
tors contributing to Mr. Lincoln's great distress of mind? 
Was there hidden meaning in what his wife was to write 
him before the decade of the forties was over: a teasing 
threat to "carry on quite a flirtation" with Mr. Webb? She 
added that he (Mr. Lincoln) knew "ive, always had a 
penchant that way." It is an interesting speculation. 

One knows conclusively from what follows in Mary's 
letter to Merce that Air. Webb earnestly wooed Mary and 
what her answer was: "In your friendly & confiding ear 
allow me to whisper that my heart can never be his. I have 
deeply regretted that his constant visits, attentions &c 

140 The Courtship oj Mr. Lincoln 

should have given room for remarks, which were to me un- 
pleasant.'* There was a "difference of some eighteen or 
twenty summers" in their ages and Mary had learned what 
the companionship of a congenial man could mean to her; 
with Mr. Webb she did not have that "congeneality of 
feeling, without which I should never feel justifiable in re- 
signing my happiness into the safe keeping of another, even 
should that other be, far too worthy for me, with his two 
sweet little objections." Mary loved children, but it was not 
her plan to be a stepmother. 

Of course she reported to Merce on "Jacob Faithful" 
She had seen him at a neighbor's one evening recently "and 
in one quiet sequestered nook in the room he was seated, 
sad & lonely. No doubt his thoughts were busy with you & 
the past." 

It appears that the lovely Matilda Edwards who had ar- 
rived at the Edwards home for a "visit" the November be- 
fore was still there in the middle of June. With such warm 
mutual affection between them, one wonders whether 
Mary was as confidential with Matilda as she was with 
Mercy. Mary needed a confidante to talk to during these 
lonely months of separation from the man she loved and it 
emphatically could not be her sister Elizabeth. 

Another bit of news was that Mr. Speed was still in Ken- 
tucky and occasionally he wrote to her. With the mention 
of Joshua the girl reached the subject which was nearest her ! 
heart It was so sensitive a topic she could not bring herself 
to write Mr. Lincoln's name; he is brought into the letter 
by way of Mr. Speed: "His worthy friend, deems me un- 
worthy of notice, as I have not met him in the gay world 

Mr. Lincoln Writes a Murder Mystery 141 

for months. "With the usual comfort of misery, [I] imagine 
that others were as seldom gladdened by his presence as my 
humble self, yet I would that the case were different, that 
he would once more resume his station in Society, that 
'Richard should be himself again,' much, much happiness 
would it afford me." Shyly and delicately she has revealed 
her own heart, its "misery" and longing for her lover, her 
yearning that he could be his old self again, that things 
could be restored to the time when they two had walked 
together in the sweetness and glory of their first betrothal. 


Tangled Emotions of Two Gentlemen 

Tl /TR. Lincoln had concluded his murder-mystery letter 
jLVAto Joshua with die statement: "I stick to my promise 
to come to Louisville." After four years of affectionate 
companionship, separation was hard on these two friends 
and a plan for Lincoln to visit Speed in Kentucky and for 
Joshua to return to Springfield with him had been afoot for 
some time. 

But the lawyer had his living to make and it was difficult 
for him to take time off for mere visiting. Legal business 
kept him busy until he left for the South the second week 
in August. The slow-motion journey by horse and steam- 
boat took approximately a week. 

At the end of that journey was a way of living new to 
the man who had grown up in a log cabin. The fact that the 
plantation of the Speed family, situated a few miles out of 
Louisville, had its own name, Farmington, gives some indi- 
cation of its character. The dignified red brick house with 
beautiful portico and doorway stood on a slight rise of 
ground. From the rear veranda, where perhaps the two 
friends were to sit together in the summer evenings, one 
could view a long peaceful sweep of Kentucky acres. For 
die first time in his life Lincoln became acquainted with 

Tangled Emotwm of Two Gentlemen 143 

luxurious leisure and with what must have been equally im- 
pressive to him, the Southerner's aptitude for enjoying lei- 
sure. The slave quarters, set far back in the rear, furnished 
servants for every household task, including bringing coffee 
to a visiting gentleman's bedroom in the mornings. To this 
particular visitor that must have seemed a strange height of 
luxury. Perhaps some things in this visit were to make him 
understand better Molly's background and pleasure-loving 

Joshua undoubtedly met Lincoln when his boat docked 
at Louisville. One likes to imagine the reunion between 
these two, their fervent handclasps and glowing faces (with 
more said by the young men's eyes than their lips), and the 
arrival at the plantation, where Joshua introduced his guest 
to his mother, his sister Mary, and others of the family. 
They were wholesome and delightful people and soon grew 
fond of the appealing young lawyer from Illinois. 

He is shortly found doing very well for a gentleman who 
had felt repressed and ill at ease with some of Springfield's 
fine ladies, like Mrs. Edwards. He and Mary Speed soon 
became, to use his own words, "something of cronies" and 
once there was a bit of romping and teasing between them 
that went to the point where, as he wrote her afterwards, 
"I ... was under the necessity of shutting you up in a 
room to prevent your committing an assault and battery 
upon me. . . ." 

At Joshua's Old Kentucky Home Lincoln found all the 
desirable features mentioned in the wistful lines of the song: 
'Twas summer, the darkies were gay, the corn-tops were 
ripe and the meadows were in bloom. The days unfolded 

144 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

pleasantly for die visitor. He rode to town in the Speed 
carriage, he visited the law office of Joshua's brother James 
(whom he one day as President would appoint Attorney 
General of the United States), he played with Eliza Davis, 
a litde girl of the family who was visiting at Farmington. 
Best of all he could resume with Joshua those intimate, con- 
fidential discussions about people, religion, marriage, and 
things in general. 

Joshua, one is not surprised to learn, had fallen in love 
again, this time with a beautiful dark-eyed girl named 
Fanny Henning. She lived with her uncle, a gentleman who 
took his politics seriously, not to say violently. The result 
was that when Joshua called for the purpose of wooing the 
niece, he found himself instead forced to talk politics with 
Uncle. Lincoln, learning the situation, undertook an assign- 
ment after his own heart. He went with his friend to see 
Fanny and one can imagine the grave face and huge enjoy- 
ment with which he took issue with Uncle on certain 
touchy matters of politics. In the ensuing prolonged and 
heated argument Joshua had ample opportunity to devote 
himself to die girl 

Lincoln was pleased with Fanny; he thought she was 
"one of die sweetest girls in the world." There was only 
one thing he could wish otherwise about her; he thought 
she had "something of a tendency to melancholly." One can 
understand why he who suffered so much from "the blues" 
would not enjoy a similar indulgence in anyone else. It was 
certainly to be said in Molly's favor that she was by nature 
cheerful, inclined to look on the bright side of things, and 

Tangled Emotions of Two Gentlemen 145 

Though he had himself well in hand, he still suffered at 
times from extreme depression. It did not help matters that 
he developed a terrific toothache and had to go to the city 
to have the offender removed. The crude dentistry of the 
time failed to get the tooth out after efforts which must 
have been excruciating. Pain had largely to be taken raw in 
that rugged age. (After he returned to Illinois a more 
strong-armed operator tore out the tooth, "bringing with it 
a bit of the jawbone," as he wrote Mary Speed later, "the 
consequence of which is that my mouth is now so sore that 
I can neither talk, nor eat. I am litterally 'subsisting on 
savoury remembrances' that is, being unable to eat, I am 
living upon the remembrance of the delicious dishes of 
peaches and cream we used to have at your house.") 

Lincoln was never to know peace of mind during the 
estrangement from Mary. Joshua's mother gave him a Bible, 
saying it was "the best cure for the 'Blues' . , ." and he in- 
tended "to read it regularly," he wrote later. He carried 
out that intention the rest of his life. In the White House 
during the Qvil War at a moment when the military out- 
look for the Union seemed unutterably dark, he reached for 
the Bible and read in the Book of Job to recover his poise 
and courage to go on. 

He appreciated Mrs. Speed's present. Twenty years later 
when he was President he sent her his picture with an in- 
scription over his signature reminding her of this gift she 
had given him so long before, a thoughtful act in an over- 
worked man and one that does not jibe very well with 
Mrs. Edwards's description of him as one who "was a little 
ungrateful ... for the want of recollection." 

146 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

Leaving the Speed family was hard. Lincoln, whom Mrs. 
Edwards thought so cold he could love nothing, gave all 
the household at Farmington his warm affection. In his let- 
ter to Mary Speed he mentioned each one: "Is little Siss 
Eliza Davis at your house yet? If she is kiss her 'o'er and 
o'er again* for me.'* He remembered the "happy face" of 
one of the sisters, he put in a message for Joshua's mother, 
he sent his "verry highest regard" to Fanny Henning. 

Joshua kept his promise to return to Springfield with his 
friend. "We got on board the Steam Boat Lebanon, in the 
locks of the Canal about 12. o'clock. M. of the day we left," 
Lincoln wrote back to Joshua's sister. That was at Louis- 
ville on Tuesday, September 7, and it was evening the fol- 
lowing Monday when they reached St. Louis. The Lebanon 
was a comparatively small boat and Lincoln was vexed at 
the delays caused by getting stuck on sand bars. 

But one scene on board was etched on his mind. He 
watched with deep thought and compassion a group of 
twelve Negro slaves who were being taken to work in the 
fields of the deep South. They were chained together "pre- 
cisely like so many fish upon a trot-line," he wrote, and 
"were being separated forever from the scenes of their 
childhood, their friends, their fathers and mothers . . . and 
going into perpetual slavery where die lash of the master is 
proverbially more ruthless and unrelenting than any 
other. . . " And yet he observed: "They were the most 
cheerful and apparantly happy creatures on board." One 
"played the fiddle almost continually, and the others 
danced, sung, cracked jokes. . . ." 

The sight of these victims of slavery was a "continual 

Tangled Emotions of Two Gentlemen 147 

torment" both to his moral sense and his tender pity. It 
made him miserable. He tried to console himself with the 
reflection that " 'God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb,' 
or in other words, that He renders the worst of human con- 
ditions tolerable, while He permits the best, to be nothing 
better than tolerable." There is a bit of growing-up here. 
Human happiness is never a perfect thing; one must give 
up the thought of achieving the ideal by a forced compro- 
mise with things as they are. This is a discovery it is always 
hard for young idealism to take. 

Lincoln and Joshua were both having great difficulty ad- 
justing themselves to the status quo in religion and mar- 
riage. Joshua, who remained in Springfield until the begin- 
ning of the following year, 1842, was in a dither over his 
love affair. He poured out all his fears, his melancholia, and 
nervous sensations to his friend. Lincoln, who had passed 
through just such a period of mental misery a few months 
before and had at least got hold of himself, though he had 
not solved his own problem, was making a passionate ef- 
fort to bolster up Joshua through his mental funk. In effect 
he was turning himself into a psychiatrist in order to help 
his friend. 

There had evidently been much discussion between these 
two self-analytical young men when Joshua, his visit to 
Springfield over, departed for Kentucky to continue his 
courtship and winning of Fanny Henning. Lincoln wrote a 
letter for him to take along with him as a sort of treatment 
when he got into the depths of depression. 

Now comes that remarkable group of letters, those in 
which Abraham Lincoln in his young manhood laid bare 

148 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

his inmost feelings and those of Joshua Speed. One can 
go into the troubled minds of these two at the high peak 
of emotional life when both had fallen in love and with 
the aid of considerable introspection and ratiocination 
had succeeded in tying themselves up into psychological 

The letter Lincoln handed Joshua as the latter left for 
Kentucky began: 'Teeling, as you know I do, the deepest 
solicitude for the success of the enterprize you are engaged 
in, I adopt this as the last method I can invent to aid you, in 
case (which God forbid) you shall need any aid.' 9 He ex- 
plained that if he had merely said these tilings orally, he was 
afraid Joshua would forget them at the very time he needed 
them most. "As I think it reasonable that you will feel verry 
badly some time between this and the final consummation 
of your purpose, it is intended that you shall read this just 
at such a time." 

Joshua's low state of mind is indicated in Lincoln's ex- 
pressions describing it: "present affliction," "melancholly 
bodings," "agony of despondency." Something "indescrib- 
ably horrible and alarming" haunted Joshua and Lincoln 
feared his friend would die if he did not get some relief 
from this "immense suffering." These expressions might 
have been used for Abraham exactly one year before. As he 
advises his friend and analyzes his condition, one gets Lin- 
coln's description in retrospect of his own thoughts and rea- 
soning when he had been "the most miserable man living." 
There is also a suggestion of die methods by which he 
worked himself out of his depression to the point of resum- 
ing a normal life. 

Tangled Emotions of Two Gentlemen 149 

As was characteristic of him in approaching a problem, 
he went into it thoroughly and logically. Joshua felt so 
"verry badly . . . because of three special causes, added to 
the general one" which was that he was "naturally of a 
nervous temperament. . . ." He was so sensitive that things 
affected him with far more than average force. "It is out of 
this, that the painful difference between you and the mass 
of the world springs." 

Lincoln's letter continued: "The first special cause is, 
your exposure to bad weather on your journey, which my 
experience clearly proves to be verry severe on defective 
nerves." There is a significant admission in the last two 
words. Lincoln considered that he also was one of those 
nervous or sensitive ones to whom the pressures of living 
are at times unbearable. There is also a hint of the fatigue 
and frazzling which he had often experienced from the 
roughness and exposure, the long-drawn-out hardship of 
the traveling he was forced to do. 

The second special cause of Joshua's trouble was "the 
absence of all business and conversation of friends" which 
might divert his mind. Lincoln knew what he was talking 
about; in the melancholia which followed his broken en- 
gagement he had found it hard to attend to business and had 
avoided social assemblies. 

The third special cause was "the rapid and near approach 
of that crisis on which all your thoughts and feelings con- 
centrate" Joshua was heading toward marriage and was 
beset with doubts and fears about love and the state of 
matrimony. Lincoln was just the man to deal with that sub- 
ject: "I know what the painful point with you is, at all 

150 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

times when you are unhappy. It is an apprehension that you 
do not love her as you should." 

Lincoln had suif ered from that same apprehension. It had 
been one of those painful doubts which had beaten a track 
round and round in his sore and tortured mind. Perhaps it 
was this he meant when in this same letter he spoke of "that 
intensity of thought, which will some times wear the 
sweetest idea thread-bare and turn it to the bitterness of 
death." It is a sentence which shows that the prairie lawyer 
was becoming a literary artist. 

He had learned how to answer Joshua's apprehension 
that he did not sufficiently love Fanny. "What nonsense!" 
he exclaimed. "How came you to court her? Was it because 
you thought she desired it; and that you had given her rea- 
son to expect it?" That reason would apply to "at least 
twenty others of whom you can think. . * ." Had Joshua 
courted her for her wealth? "Why, you knew she had 
none. But you say you reasoned yourself into it. What do 
you mean by that? Was it not, that you found yourself un- 
able to reason yourself out of it? Did you not think, and 
partly form the purpose, of courting her the first time you 
ever saw or heard of her?" What had reason to do with it at 
that early stage? Joshua knew very little about her then 
except "her personal appearance and deportment; and these, 
if they impress at all, impress the heart and not the head." 

Had not Abraham's eyes followed the pretty figure of 
Molly when first he met her, had he not gazed as if fas- 
cinated on her sparkling face? He had not been reasoning at 
those moments that a girl with her background was hardly 
a suitable match for a poor man like himself. 

Tangled Emotions of Two Gentlemen 151 

"Say candidly," continued this man of experience to 
Fanny's suitor, "were not those heavenly black eyes, the 
whole basis of all your early reasoning on the subject?" 

Lawyerlike he piled up his arguments to prove Joshua's 
love for Fanny. "What earthly consideration would you 
take to find her scouting and despising you, and giving her- 
self up to another?" Again one wonders if Mr. Lincoln had 
not suffered the pangs of jealousy of Mr. Douglas or Mr. 
Webb as he added: "But of this you have no apprehension; 
and therefore you can not bring it home to your feelings." 

Such was the letter of psychiatric advice which Lincoln 
handed Joshua when he left Springfield at the beginning of 
1 842, a year which was to be a momentous one. The lawyer 
concluded with intense concern and affection: "I shall be 
so anxious about you, that I want you to write me every 

150 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

times when you are unhappy. It is an apprehension that you 
do not love her as you should." 

Lincoln had suffered from that same apprehension. It had 
been one of those painful doubts which had beaten a track 
round and round in his sore and tortured mind. Perhaps it 
was this he meant when in this same letter he spoke of "that 
intensity of thought, which will some times wear the 
sweetest idea thread-bare and turn it to the bitterness of 
death." It is a sentence which shows that the prairie lawyer 
was becoming a literary artist 

He had learned how to answer Joshua's apprehension 
that he did not sufficiently love Fanny. 'What nonsense!" 
he exclaimed. "How came you to court her? Was it because 
you thought she desired it; and that you had given her rea- 
son to expect it?" That reason would apply to "at least 
twenty others of whom you can think. . . ." Had Joshua 
courted her for her wealth? "Why, you knew she had 
none. But you say you reasoned yourself into it. What do 
you mean by that? Was it not, that you found yourself un- 
able to reason yourself out of it? Did you not think, and 
partly form the purpose, of courting her the first time you 
ever saw or heard of her? " What had reason to do with it at 
that early stage? Joshua knew very little about her then 
except "her personal appearance and deportment; and these, 
if they impress at all, impress the heart and not the head." 

Had not Abraham's eyes followed the pretty figure of 
Molly when first he met her, had he not gazed as if fas- 
cinated on her sparkling face? He had not been reasoning at 
those moments that a girl with her background was hardly 
a suitable match for a poor man like himself. 

Tangled Emotions of Two Gentlemen 151 

"Say candidly," continued this man of experience to 
Fanny's suitor, "were not those heavenly black eyes, the 
whole basis of all your early reasomng on the subject?" 

Lawyerlike he piled up his arguments to prove Joshua's 
love for Fanny. "What earthly consideration would you 
take to find her scouting and despising you, and giving her- 
self up to another?" Again one wonders if Mr. Lincoln had 
not suffered the pangs of jealousy of Mr. Douglas or Mr. 
"Webb as he added: "But of this you have no apprehension; 
and therefore you can not bring it home to your feelings." 

Such was the letter of psychiatric advice which Lincoln 
handed Joshua -when he left Springfield at the beginning of 
1 842, a year which was to be a momentous one. The lawyer 
concluded with intense concern and affection: "I shall be 
so anxious about you, that I want you to write me every 


"That Still Kills My Soul" 

npHIS is the love story of Mary and Abraham. But die 
JL searchlight turned on diem has caught in the outer cir- 

O w 

cle of illumination some other lovers of most endearing 
qualities. Considering how helpful they have been, it is die 
least one can do to inquire whether "Jacob Faithful" and 
his '*Dear Mercy" were finally married to live happily ever 

Miss Levering became the bride of Mr. Conkling in Sep- 
tember 1841. Mary probably had mingled feelings about 
die event, affectionate joy and interest in their happiness 
and secret pain at the contrast in fortune between herself 
and her friend. Mercy was being united to the man she 
loved while she, Mary, was not even seeing the one to 
whom she had given her heart. 

If friends at die wedding festivities repeated die wish 
which Mr. Conkling himself had expressed at the Abell 
wedding, **Peace and Happiness be widi diem," a letter 
written joindy by the ConMings, apparently about a year 
and a half after their marriage, answers the question as to 
whether that wish came true. The picture this letter pre- 
sents takes one into Springfield on a winter night "as dark 
as a cloudy sky and black soil can make it." Mr. and Mrs. 

"That Still Kills My SouF* 1 5 3 

James Conkling were cozily at home, where Mercy was 
writing a letter to her mother. The hour arriving when she 
had planned to go to a sewing society, she asked her hus- 
band to finish the letter for her. He dutifully took up the 
pen and wrote: "I have just deposited Merse in the bottom 
of a large farm waggon and seated her as comfortably as 
circumstances would permit in a bundle of hay where sev- 
eral of the members were already partly hid." As he con- 
tinued, it is seen how youth and gaiety made a frolic of 
primitive conditions, mud, and cold. "They drive on to the 
next house, where they pick up a few more passengers and 
so on in succession, till they cluster together as thick as bees 
in a hive." The young husband continued delightfully: "I 
fancy now I can see them piled across each other and 
stowed as close as crockery ware, while with their merry 
peals of laughter and merriment they are carried on to the 
'Society 9 Here if not dumped miscellaneously in the mud 
yet, in the scramble & effort to disentangle themselves and 
approprkte to their own use the members that properly be- 
long to each, they come as near to it as comfort and con- 
venience will permit." 

James confesses that this is the first time Mercy has ever 
deliberately left him to spend an evening alone. Heroically 
he says he does not mind this too much once in eighteen 
months, but adds the hope that she will come home early. 
He proves himself a tactful son-in-law; he tells Mercy's 
mother how faithfully the girl "carries into practice the 
wise old maxims" she has been taught at home. "That 'Ma 
does so and so 9 is indisputable authority and what 'Pa used 
to tell us gals' is at once adopted as a rule." 

154 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

James gives an appealing description of his young wife. 
According to his gaily boasting account; she can do every- 
thing much better than anyone else; no one can design a 
costume, fit a bonnet, arrange a supper table, "fit a stock so 
neatly and rig it up with a litde bow," or cook as expertly 
as she can. "The lover of chicken salad knows not when to 
stop his attention to her dishes and an epicure would surfeit 
himself over her delicious preserves." 

One begins to suspect he is writing more for Mercy's pe- 
rusal than for her mother's. The suspicion grows as he con- 
tinues: <r Withal she is blessed with a considerable share of 
that characteristic and commendable modesty which always 
accompanies true merit, genius and talent and I have no 
doubt in the world that when she returns and reads this 
panegyric upon her virtues, she will attempt to blush most 
deeply, and declare that I have spoiled her letter." He added 
with a twinkle: 'We shall see " At this point Mercy re- 
turned, blushed pinkly on reading what he had written, and 
declared it was all "a downright story." 

Lincoln's next letter to Joshua was written early in Feb- 
ruary 1842. In the meantime Fanny had become ill and 
Joshua, in terrible anxiety, had written his adviser Lincoln a 
frantic letter of "melancholly bodings as to her early death." 
Lincoln answered it on the very day it came: "You well 
know that I do not feel my own sorrows much more keenly 
than I do yours . . . and yet I assure you I was not much 
hurt by what you wrote me of your excessively bad feeling 
at the time you wrote. . . . because I hope and believe, that 
your present anxiety and distress about her health and her 

"That Still Kills My SwF 9 1 5 5 

life, must and will forever banish those horid doubts, which 
I know you sometimes felt, as to the truth of your affection 
for her." 

Lincoln almost considered, he said, that the Almighty had 
sent this present affliction to Joshua for the express purpose 
of removing those doubts. He hoped that Fanny, by the time 
his letter arrived, would be much improved. "It really ap- 
pears to me that you yourself ought to rejoice, and not sor- 
row, at this indubitable evidence of your undying affection 
for her. Why Speed, if you did not love her, although you 
might not wish her death, you would most calmly be re- 
signed to it." He added with that great sensitivity of his: 
"Perhaps this point is no longer a question with you, and 
my pertenacious dwelling upon it, is a rude intrusion upon 
your feelings. If so, you must pardon me. You know the 
Hell I have suffered on that point, and how tender I am 
upon it. You know I do not mean wrong." 

Lincoln reported cheerfully on his own condition: "I 
have been quite clear of hypo since you left, even better 
than I was along in the fall." He wanted an immediate an- 
swer to this letter. 

He got it and it contained good news. Joshua and Fanny 
were to be married February 15. Since letters, like travelers, 
moved very slowly, by the time Lincoln could get an an- 
swer back to Kentucky, the wedding would have taken 
place. It gave him a queer pang that the relation between 
Joshua and himself would be changed now; there would 
never again be the cherished companionship of bachelor 
days. "You know my desire to befriend you is everlasting 
that I will never cease, while I know how to do any thing. 

156 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

But you will always hereafter, be on ground that I have 
never ocupied, and consequently, if advice were needed, I 
might advise wrong." 

But he "fondly" hoped that Joshua would never again 
"need any comfort from abroad." If, however, he at times 
found himself in "the agony of despondency," he must re- 
member he would shordy feel well again. Lincoln had ap- 
parently learned that moods tend to go in cycles. "I am now 
fully convinced, that you love her as ardently as you are ca- 
pable of loving. Your ever being happy in her presence, and 
your intense anxiety about her health, if there were noth- 
ing else, would place this beyond all dispute in my mind." 
He advised Joshua to avoid "being idle" when he felt de- 
pressed; it helped to engage in business and keep busy. 
Again one feels that Lincoln was tracing the course of 
his own experience and the methods by which he had 
worked himself out of his morbid doubts to clear himself 
of "hypo." 

"I hope with tolerable confidence," he continued, "that 
this letter is a plaster for a place that is no longer sore. God 
grant it may be so." 

Although Lincoln was not yet married, he had insight 
enough to realize that his letter was not one to be read by 
Joshua's bride, so he put in a word of caution on that. Rec- 
ognizing also that he could no longer demand an immediate 
answer from Joshua the married man, he ended: "Write me 
whenever you have leisure." 

February brought Washington's birthday and in the cel- 
ebration of it Mr. Lincoln delivered a temperance address in 
the Second Presbyterian Church. Reading it, one is struck 

"That Still Kills My SauT' 157 

(as so often with Lincoln) by its modern tone. The drunk- 
ard was not to be treated as "utterly incorrigible" and 
"damned without remedy," but encouraged to overcome his 
personal difficulty. Lincoln apparently did not care for the 
holier-than-thou approach. "In my judgment, such of us as 
have never fallen victims, have been spared more from the 
absence of appetite, than from any mental or moral su- 
periority over those who have." 

There is excellent advice on how to win and influence 
people. "When the conduct of men is designed to be influ- 
enced, persuasion, kind, unassuming persuasion, should ever 
be adopted. It is an old and true maxim, that a 'drop of 
honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall.' So with men. 
If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him 
that you are his sincere friend. Therein is a drop of honey 
that catches his heart, which, say what he will, is the great 
high road to his reason. . , ." Do not dictate to or despise 
the one you wish to win; it is "not much in the nature of 
man to be driven" to anything. 

One finds Lincoln's characteristic device of bringing a 
point home by a down-to-earth illustration: would the man 
who said he doubted the power of moral influence or public 
opinion care "to go to church some Sunday and sit during 
the sermon with his wife's bonnet upon his head?" 

Mary could read that speech three days later in the San- 
gamo Journal and reflect more than ever that she had found 
her "man of mind," with promise of a future. Knowing her 
confession that her love remained unchanged and that she 
missed him, one can imagine the hungry interest with which 
she read the words that he had spoken. Perhaps as she read 

158 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

she could hear in her mind the tones of the dear, familiar 

On die day that the speech appeared in the paper, Feb- 
ruary 25, Lincoln wrote again to Speed; in fact, in his wis- 
dom, he sent two letters, one for Speed to read by himself 
and one for him to show his wife. In the letter which was 
just between the two men, he described the "intense anxiety 
and trepidation" with which he had opened the first letters 
received from Joshua after his marriage. Joshua had written 
that he was still subject to periods of doubt and being mis- 
erable, but his friend was sure he saw signs of improvement 
even in his "tone and handwriting" "When your nerves 
once get steady now, the whole trouble will be over for- 
ever." Lincoln, who had come out of his mental funk with 
some good, common-sense, down-to-earth conclusions, 
summed up matters in one sentence: "I tell you, Speed, our 
forebodings, for which you and I are rather peculiar, are 
all the worst sort of nonsense." 

He continued: ". . . you say you much fear that that 
Ely&im of which you have dreamed so much, is never to 
be realized" (Decidedly it was wise not to let Fanny read 
this.) Perhaps the meaning here is that in the mind of every 
young person there is an ideal picture of what married life 
should be like, a picture viewed through the bright-colored 
windows of youth, love, and inexperience which take no ac- 
count of the adjustments required by the friction of daily 
existence and by human inability to live forever on the 
peaks of emotion. Mary had shown something of this in- 
nocent viewpoint two years before in her wondering why 
married folk always become so serious. Lincoln was sure 

"That Still Kills My Soul" 1 59 

that any such disillusionment would not be the fault of the 
girl Joshua had married: "I now have no doubt it is the pe- 
culiar misfortune of both you and me, to dream dreams of 
Elysium far exceeding all that any thing earthly can real- 
ize. Far short of your dreams as you may be, no woman 
could do more to realize them, than that same black eyed 

An enclosed letter was to be shown to Fanny "because, 
she would think strangely perhaps should you tell her that 
you receive no letters from me; or, telling her you do, 
should refuse to let her see them." (Mrs. Edwards had cer- 
tainly missed it when she said Lincoln was not "intelligent 
in the female line.") It was a safe letter for Joshua's wife to 
read, though Lincoln did not conceal his feeling that Josh- 
ua's marriage shut out the old intimate relationship between 
them. "I have no way of telling how much happiness I wish 
you both; tho' I believe you both can conceive it. I feel 
som[e] what jealous of both of you now; you will be so ex- 
clusively concerned for one another, that I shall be forgot- 
ten entirely." He ended by sending Fanny "a double recip- 
rocation of all the love she sent me." 

Springfield was all agog again that spring; the magic word 
"railroad" was being heard on all sides. The first train of 
the Northern Cross Railroad had run into town on Febru- 
ary 15. A wonderful new means of transportation had been 
built which enabled one to go to Jacksonville on cars that 
ran on rails and were drawn by engines. What an improve- 
ment over the slow-moving stagecoach that mired down in 
mudholes or overturned in streams! Of course Springfield 

160 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

celebrated this great modern improvement with proper 

A large party of its citizens, accompanied by a stirring 
band, boarded the short, primitive cars and seated them- 
selves on the benches which ran lengthwise along the sides. 
With no handholds a sudden jolt was likely to land the pas- 
sengers in a heap on die floor. Since the little engines burned 
wood with amazing appetite, the men passengers ran the 
risk of having to get off and help saw a new supply at the 
wood stations. Conveniences which one takes for granted 
now were not even thought of. Yet in that enthusiastic and 
laughing crowd there were doubtless many who marveled 
at this modern progress and wondered what would be in- 
vented next. 

Mary went along with that party on the cars that jolted 
their way over the bumpy tracks from Springfield to Jack- 
sonville. There they were hospitably received and feasted, 
for towns as well as their citizens were neighborly. A few 
weeks later Jacksonville returned the call and was enter- 
tained with a sumptuous repast at the American House in 
Springfield. One likes to imagine the crowds and air of fes- 
tivity around the square that day. 

With her usual joyous responsiveness Molly had a won- 
derful time on the expedition and word of this came to Lin- 
coln's ears. All he knew of her these days was what mutual 
friends told him. Molly's enjoyment of the trip was good 
news to the unselfish man, and about that time he received 
other good news. His psychiatric patient was getting better. 

On March 27 he answered a letter from Joshua: "It can 
not be told, how it now Arilh me with joy, to hear you say 

"That Still Kills My Sour 161 

you are 'far happier than you ever expected to be? ... I 
say, enough, dear Lord. I am not going beyond the truth, 
when I tell you, that the short space it took me to read your 
last letter, gave me more pleasure, than the total sum of all 
I have enjoyed since that fatal first of Jany. '41." He will 
soon be found reasoning from Joshua's story to his own; 
perhaps he felt that Joshua's happy ending was a good sign 
for him. Self-consciously avoiding the use of her name, just 
as she had shied away from using his in her letter to Mercy, 
he revealed his thought of Mary as he continued: "Since 
then ["the fatal first] , it seems to me, I should have been en- 
tirely happy, but for the never-absent idea, that there is one 
still unhappy whom I have contributed to make so. That 
still ^ills my soul. I can not but reproach myself, for even 
wishing to be happy while she is otherwise. She accom- 
panied a large party on the Rail Road cars, to Jacksonville 
last monday; and on her return, spoke, so that I heard of it, 
of having enjoyed the trip exceedingly. God be praised for 

He told Joshua and Fanny about his temperance speech 
and asked them to read it on the ground that "I can not 
learn that any body else has read it, or is likely to." Fanny 
had enclosed a sweet violet in Joshua's last letter to him. It 
was mashed flat, Lincoln said, but he -would cherish the 
stain which the juice of it had made on the letter "for the 
sake of her who procured it. . . ." 

How unashamedly sentimental these people were! 



"Stand Still and See" 

AS spring with its cycle of unfolding leaf and bloom 
came to Illinois in 1842, it found Mr. Lincoln in much 
healthier mood than that of the year before. Men always 
sought his companionship and he was doubtless very good 
company when he traveled on the judicial circuit in April 
and May. He had nursed Joshua through his emotional cri- 
sis to a happy conclusion and perhaps in the process had 
come nearer to clarifying his own feelings and situation in 
regard to Mary. 

It is possible that certain devoted friends were taking 
note of the fact that "Richard" was seemingly himself again 
and, judging by subsequent events, they decided the time 
was ripe to take action in regard to the estranged lovers. 

Mary probably wrote almost as many letters as Lincoln 
during the first half of that year, but unfortunately none of 
them seems to have been preserved. To find out what she 
was thinking and doing, the best one can do is to pick up 
bits of information about her from the letters of others. 
Here that lovely girl, Matilda Edwards, proves helpful 
again. In a recently discovered letter which she wrote her 
brother Nelson, there is an item which, in consideration of 
a certain erroneous idea, is of great importance. 

"Stand Still and See" 163 

It was in May that Matilda wrote Nelson as follows: "I 
received a letter from dear Molly this eve pressing me much 
to visit her. . . ." 

Springfield gossip had said that Mr. Lincoln wished to 
break his engagement with Molly because he had fallen in 
love with Matilda. If that had been true, Molly, who by 
her own statement continued to love Mr. Lincoln and stood 
ready to renew the engagement, would never have invited 
Matilda to return to Springfield for a visit; the very idea 
would have sent her into a panic. That should settle for all 
time the question as to whether Lincoln fell in love with 
Matilda, but in addition there is her own statement on the 
subject. Mrs. Edwards once asked her point-blank whether 
Mr. Lincoln "ever mentioned the subject of his love to 
her" and the girl answered emphatically: "On my word, 
he never mentioned such a subject to me: he never even 
stooped to pay me a compliment." 

So at long last it is found that Matilda's name, like that of 
Sarah Rickard, is a stray thread woven into the tangled 
knot of the Lincoln love story. When these threads are 
worked loose from their turns and overlappings, they are 
found to be detached at each end and not to belong in the 
knot at all. They were caught into it only by the accident 
of propinquity. 

Lovely, sprightly, conscientious Matilda! Perhaps her 
brief story should be rounded out too. In the same letter in 
which she mentioned Molly's invitation for her to visit 
Springfield (which she declined because "I think I have du- 
ties which demand my time at home") she spoke of "Mr S," 
adding: "I do admire and esteem him very much" Gradu- 

164 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

ally one gathers from her letters that her beloved brother 
Nelson was using his influence in behalf of Mr. Strong's 
suit, the gentleman being a friend of his and a man of prop- 
erty to boot. One also finds Matilda's resistance to the mar- 
riage. In a letter a few months later she states her side of it: 
"Tis hard, tis hard to school the affections. To admire and 
love where you are not suited nor destined to love. Indeed 
it is impossible. I may respect, esteem and like but that per- 
son is not the one to win my love. I would that I were a very 
different girl." 

Mr. Strong, it is interesting to learn from her letters, was 
also a victim of "hipo." The ailment seemed almost epi- 
demic among gentlemen who were courting. His recital of 
his gloom bothered Matilda, or, judging by the way she 
spoke of it, perhaps "bored" would be the better word. 

Either she had a change of heart or was finally convinced 
that it was her duty; at all events she married Newton D. 
Strong two years later. Her time with him was brief; the 
family Bible records her death early in 1851 when she was 
not yet twenty-nine years old. She and Molly remained af- 
fectionate friends as long as she lived and Mr. Lincoln was 
to mention her in terms indicating this friendship in a let- 
ter to his wife written when he was in Congress in 1848. 

In inviting Matilda to visit her in May 1842, Molly had 
evidently given the impression that she was very lonesome. 
But there is further evidence of this fact. Sarah Edwards of 
Alton did visit Springfield in the late spring of that year 
and with her help one can cross the little bridge and walk 
up to the Edwards home on the hill to take a dose look at 
Molly. Sarah found Springfield lacking in its usual gaiety, 

"Stand Still and See" 165 

"but," she wrote, "I spent my time delightfully in a quiet 
way at home most of the time & when I did not want to see 
any one of the villagers, would stroll over to Cousin Nin- 
ians where it is quite as quiet as any country seat at a dis- 
tance from town. They see v[ery] little company & since 
Cousin Elizabeth, united with the church they have given 
up parties entirely. Molly is as lonesome as a gay company 
loving, girl, could be so situated. . . ." 

Then comes a significant sentence. Sarah, seeing how for- 
lorn the girl was, urged her to come for a visit to Alton but 
found "we cannot induce her to come down to see us. . . ." 
Molly made some excuse and Sarah was probably puzzled at 
her declining the invitation, but Springfield was the place 
where Mr. Lincoln was and there was the chance that 
sooner or later she would meet him. Perhaps even then cer- 
tain events were in the making. 

It is worth noting also in Sarah's letter that Elizabeth Ed- 
wards, like Matilda, had come to think that parties and 
dances were inconsistent with religion. Truly she was the 
last person to understand her gay and sociable sister Molly. 

Mr. Lincoln sent another long letter to Joshua early in 
July. The lawyer had written his friend in April, but the 
letter dealt mainly with legal and political matters and con- 
tained only one item which relates to this story. Lincoln 
listed the names of the candidates nominated by the Whig 
county convention and the name of Ninian Edwards was 
not among them. The letter continued: "Edwards is a little 
mortified tho' he is quite quiet and has permitted no one 
but me to know his feelings. . . ." So the lawyer and 
Mary's brother-in-law were meeting on good terms in a 

1 66 The Courtship oj Mr. Lincoln 

man's world away from the Edwards home. Mrs. Edwards 
said her husband opposed the marriage with her, but their 
son laid the emphasis on his mother's opposition. 

Ninian Edwards's attitude toward the Lincoln-Todd 
wedding is, like his feeling toward Abraham Lincoln 
through the years, a tangled subject with conflicting evi- 
dence. With his mind conditioned by his ideas of aristoc- 
racy, Ninian has already been quoted as saying Lincoln was 
a "mighty Rough man" and "not capable." There is ample 
evidence, however, that he was friendly toward Lincoln 
and wanted to help him when he first came to Springfield, 
even offering to buy him a law library, an offer the new- 
comer refused, saying he was too poor and did not wish 
to involve himself. 

Opinions and fortunes underwent changes with the years. 
In the Civil War Edwards lost his prosperity, while Lin- 
coln had become President. Two letters in the Lincoln Pa- 
pers, both written in 1 863, contain some retrospective infor- 
mation about Ninian's position in regard to the marriage. 
The first of these, which is to Lincoln from William Yates 
of Springfield, mentioned Ninian Edwards's going to Wash- 
ington to "beg" Lincoln for an appointment. Mr. Yates 
quoted Ninian as saying ". . . that you must do something 
for him, that he had greatly befriended you, when you 
were poor and unknown. Had helped you to get your wife 
& that unless you did, He would [be] ruined." 

The second, a long letter from Ninian himself to Lin- 
coln, is in the same vein. Ninian reminded Lincoln of his 
"devoted attachment" to him in early days. "I would like 
to ask you," continued this letter, "if when you were a 

"Stand Still and See" 1 67 

young man I was not your most devoted friend in more 
ways than one. Let . . . your own recollection, and a let- 
ter of yours written to me in 1842 before your marriage 
answer." The mention of this letter of Lincoln's to Ninian 
at such a time is almost unbearably intriguing, yet this 
reference to it is all one has today. 

Lincoln's telling Joshua in 1842 that Ninian permitted no 
one but himself to know he was mortified indicates a close 
degree of friendship that year. It is possible Ninian had 
become reconciled to the marriage and that he did assist 
"in more ways than one." It should be taken into account, 
however, that Ninian desperately wanted Lincoln's help 
when he expressed such devoted attachment to him in 

In Lincoln's letter to Joshua in July one learns that their 
roles have been reversed: Joshua was now advising Lincoln 
about his state of mind and love tangle. Lincoln replied that 
the subject was painful to him and nothing could make him 
forget it. "I acknowledge the correctness of your advice 
too; but before I resolve to do the one thing or the other, I 
must regain my confidence in my own ability to keep my 
resolves when they are made. In that ability, you know, I 
once prided myself as the only, or at least the chief, gem 
of my character; that gem I lost how, and when, you too 
well know." He had not yet regained it and until he did, 
he could not trust himself in any matter of much impor- 
tance. "I believe now that, had you understood my case at 
the time, as well as I understood yours afterwards, by the 
aid you would have given me, I should have sailed through 
clear; but that does not now afford me sufficient confidence, 

1 68 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

to begin that, or the like of that, again." If one only knew 
what Joshua had advised! 

Joshua had expressed in his letter his obligations to his 
friend for helping him achieve his "present happiness." Lin- 
coln was greatly pleased with this acknowledgment, "but a 
thousand rimes more am I pleased to know, that you enjoy 
a degree of happiness, worthy of an acknowledgement." 

Then comes one of the most significant passages in all 
the letters to Joshua, a passage which brings into focus both 
the stage at which Lincoln had arrived in his long-drawn- 
out mental conflict and the nature of his religious feeling. 
He explained to Joshua that in advising him he felt he was 
being used by the divine will: "The truth is, I am not sure 
there was any merit, with me, in the part I took in your dif- 
ficulty; I was drawn to it as by fate; if I would, I could not 
have done less than I did. I always was superstitious; and 
as part of my superstition, I believe God made me one of 
the instruments of bringing your Fanny and you together, 
which union, I have no doubt He had fore-ordained." A 
new note follows, an uplift of spirit, of hope for himself. 
"Whatever he designs, he will do for me yet. *Stand still 
and see the salvation of die Lord* is my text just now." 

It often happens that people who have come through a 
long, baffling, exhausting siege of the spirit, grappling with 
problems that seem to have no solution, unable to decide 
which course of action to take, cease struggling to turn to 
their religious faith and rest their weary souls in waiting for 
a revelation of divine guidance. Such was Lincoln's state 
now. He was a man of deep religious feeling. All the rest of 
his life one finds incidents in which he placed his reliance 

"Stand Still and See" 169 

on the will of God. In the dark days of the Qvil War Presi- 
dency, at a meeting of his Cabinet in the fall of 1862, he was 
to say to that grave and troubled circle of men: "When the 
rebel army was at Frederick, I determined, as soon as it 
should be driven out of Maryland, to issue a Proclamation 
of Emancipation. . . . I said nothing to anyone; but I made 
the promise to myself, and (hesitating a little) to my 
Maker. The rebel army is now driven out, and I am going 
to fulfill that promise." He was to say simply at the perplex- 
ing and tragic time when he was re-elected for the second 
term: "I will put my trust in God." 

Just as he had asked a sign of the divine will in regard to 
the Emancipation Proclamation, he was, early in July 1842, 
waiting for Providence to indicate what he should do about 
his love affair and whether his union with Mary Todd also 
was "fore-ordained." Providence was to give him an un- 
mistakable answer very shortly; it is possible that its chosen 
"instruments" had already made their warmhearted little 

It had been a year and a half now since the engagement 
had been broken, eighteen sad and perplexed months. In 
them Lincoln had learned a great deal. He had not been 
able to get Mary out of his mind. The thought that she was 
unhappy killed his very soul. He had written to Joshua in 
his newly acquired wisdom that one does not reason him- 
self into falling in love, neither is one able to reason oneself 
out of it. He had found out in misery and loneliness that 
one great test of love is whether one is happy in the pres- 
ence of the beloved and always anxious about her well- 
being. He had expressed to Joshua his belief that it is pos- 

170 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

sible for a man to have grave doubts as to his love for a girl 
and still love her as ardently as he is capable of loving. He 
had emerged from his dark questionings and fears into the 
healthy conclusion that his peculiar forebodings were "all 
the worst sort of nonsense." 

Mr. Lincoln had apparently not seen Mary during those 
months. He could not go to the Edwards home and he had 
avoided gatherings which she was likely to attend. Mary, as 
a restricted Victorian female, was not apt to frequent the 
common haunts of men. And Mr. Lincoln was away from 
Springfield a great deal of die time on the judicial circuit. 
Perhaps at times she had seen a tall, thin figure on the 
streets of Springfield, a distant glimpse that stirred deep 
longing; perhaps similarly Mr. Lincoln had caught sight of 
a girlish form with the result that his sensitive face had be- 
come charged with emotion. One wonders whether there 
were not times at night when he walked southwest through 
the dark streets in the direction of the little bridge and 
looked up the hill to the big house where an upstairs win- 
dow was dimly outlined by candlelight. Did he picture 
Molly behind that square of light and wonder whether her 
face was gay and happy, as he had loved to see it, or stained 
with tears as on that fatal New Year's Day? 

In the minds of each of them was the image of the other 
bound up with the memories of a time of happiness and af- 
fection followed by a long-drawn-out desolation. 

It might have been predicted that friends would try to 
bring them together again. All the world delights to help 
lovers in distress; it is a nice human trait. Here were two 
popular, fine young people who inspired devoted friend- 

"Stmd Still and See" 1 7 1 

ship in others and both were dissatisfied and lonely. It was a 
state of affairs that any warmhearted, motherly woman 
with a normal feminine instinct for matchmaking would 
find impossible to resist. Such a woman was Mrs. Simeon 
Francis, wife of the publisher of the Sangamo Journal, who 
was devoted to Lincoln. Mrs. Francis was a warm friend of 
Mary Todd's. It is recorded that Dr. Henry also had part 
in bringing the lovers together; perhaps he knew what was 
going to happen at the Simeon Francis home. 

The details of the little conspiracy, whether Mr. Lincoln 
was asked casually to drop in at that home at a certain day 
and hour or how the coming of Mary was arranged, are 
not known. One only knows that the tall lawyer unex- 
pectedly found himself in a room with a girl whose bright 
chestnut head would scarcely come to his shoulder, a girl 
who lifted startled blue eyes to meet his own. Mrs. Francis 
had succeeded at last in bringing Mary Todd and Abra- 
ham Lincoln face to face without either having warning of 
what was to happen. Sympathetically and simply she told 
them to be friends again. 

Providence had pointed the way to Mr. Lincoln with a 


Secret Meetings 

npiHERE is no record of the details of that meeting. One 
_I_ can only imagine Mary's questioning and hungry 
searching of Mr. Lincoln's rugged face, noting perhaps that 
it appeared a little more lined than she remembered it. It 
may have seemed more dear to her on account of this. That 
face must have pictured deep emotion as he looked down at 
the fresh prettiness of the girl whose color and aliveness 
made any mental image of her seem pale by comparison. 
What are remembered impressions against the warm vital 
surge of attraction between two young people who love 
each other and meet again after a long desolate separation? 
The first difficult and halting words that each said at 
that meeting cannot now be recovered; but the result is 
known. With the devoted encouragement of Mr. and Mrs. 
Simeon Francis, it was arranged that the two should con- 
tinue to have secret meetings at the Francis home. Eliza- 
beth Edwards, trying in every possible way to prevent a 
marriage between her sister Mary and Mr. Lincoln, must 
know nothing of what was going on. There was an addi- 
tional motive for concealment. When two people have had 
a broken engagement involving deep emotions and that very 
private matter has become the talk of the town, they natu- 

Secret Meetings 173 

rally want to keep the renewal of their attachment hidden 
until they are sure of themselves. When Mrs. Edwards fi- 
nally did find out about the meetings (after it was too late 
for her to interfere), Mary explained to her "that the world 
woman & man were uncertain & slippery and that it was 
best to keep the secret courtship from all eyes & ears." 

A new period now began, a time of delightful plotting 
for these stolen visits together when the tall lawyer could 
again glue his eyes on the glowing face of Mary, when they 
could laugh and talk, and indulge in repartee and whimsical 
make-believe as they had in the golden days when they 
were falling in love and were first engaged. To use the 
pleasant little name "Molly" was again easy and natural to 
Mr. Lincoln; there was no more constrained reference to 
her as "one still unhappy." 

But both had gained in maturity in the many months of 
separation. They had pondered the serious questions of mar- 
riage in general and between themselves in particular. Mary, 
against the barrage of family advice as to the mistake of tak- 
ing a husband who lacked family background and early ed- 
ucation, in short the mistake of marrying beneath her, had 
never wavered in her love for and confidence in Mr. Lin- 
coln. She had found her man of talent with what she, in 
spite of belittling comments by relatives, considered a 
bright future. 

She had come through the long ordeal with more poise 
than he had. Later in their lives these roles would be re- 
versed, she would be the one who suffered from emotional 
instability and he would be the one to keep his balance. She 
would then lean on his strength. The sensitiveness and the 

174 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

understanding of a nervous temperament which he had re- 
vealed in his letters to Joshua would stand him in good stead 
in his marriage to a nervous, excitable girl 

Mr. Lincoln's whole life was a process of growth and de- 
velopment. This was especially true of the hard period 
through which he had just passed. He had undergone great 
humiliation and emerged from it with added strength. (An- 
other supremely humiliating experience was just ahead of 
him, but he could not foresee that.) He had had lessons in 
self-discipline, had learned to reason himself out of the 
dark moods with which he would always have to struggle. 
He had developed in his religious faith. He had learned 
earlier perhaps than most that there are times to stand still 
and await the revelation of divine will. 

One wonders whether Mrs. Edwards noticed that Mary's 
spirits were better and that she no longer wore the forlorn 
aspect noted by the visiting cousin, Sarah Edwards. The 
secret of the meetings with Mr. Lincoln seems to have 
been well kept from Mary's sister, though necessarily a few 
intimate friends knew of them. With such things as tele- 
phones undreamed of, the lovers had to have go-betweens 
who would carry notes and messages back and forth. Dr. 
Henry may well have served in this way as he could see 
both Mary and Mr. Lincoln without any suspicions being 
aroused. At least it is said that he helped the reconciliation 
along in some way and the Lincolns always loved him. The 
time was to come in the far future when he would visit the 
White House and in the quick emotion of old friendship re- 
newed would impulsively greet the First Lady with a kiss. 

It is also part of the record that one of Mary's friends, 

Secret Meetings 175 

Julia Jayne, was in the secret and was sometimes present in 
the little group at the Francis home. 

One cannot tell exactly when the engagement was re- 
newed. But with Mr. Lincoln following the direction indi- 
cated by Providence, and continuing to meet Mary again 
and again, one does not need the wisdom of Providence to 
know that a renewed engagement was a foregone conclu- 
sion. The basic fact was that these two genuinely loved 
each other and all that was needed was the opportunity to 

Mary with her love of drama undoubtedly got many 
thrills from the whole intriguing situation and delighted in 
every detail connected with arranging the secret meetings. 
No longer were the days to her "flat, stale & unprofitable" 
and "of interminable length"; they were highlighted by 
those precious rendezvous. Mr. Lincoln was his old self 
again, in happy spirits and the best of company. What had 
he said about the test of love being happiness in the pres- 
ence of the loved one? Some of those dark problems which 
had weighed him down had dissolved; others were dissolv- 
ing in the satisfaction of being with Molly again. They had 
gaiety and laughter with those wonderful friends Mr. and 
Mrs. Francis and with the few others who were in the 
delightful secret. 

There were two most important topics discussed at those 
stolen meetings love and politics. The first will be left 
exclusively to Abraham and Mary, but the second involved 
Mr. Francis, editor of that staunchly Whig newspaper the 
Sangamo Journal, and a certain sniping conflict between 
Whigs and Democrats late that summer. This love story, as 

176 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

has been seen, was destined to be entangled with politics 
in an amazing fashion. Having brought the lovers together, 
fate was preparing for them a most dramatic and fearful 
surprise. Both of them were to act impulsively and with a 
lack of balanced consideration and to face, as a result, some 
startling consequences. 

It must be remembered that, following the panic of 1837, 
the year 1842 was one of financial difficulty. Hard times 
were contributing much to the prevailing "hypo." The 
state banks at Springfield and Shawneetown both failed and 
their notes were passing at large discounts. The State of Il- 
linois did not want its taxes paid in these depreciated bank 
notes and the people had practically nothing else with 
which to pay them. Nearly all good money had been driven 
out of the state. 

To protect its government from loss the state auditor is- 
sued a proclamation ordering collectors to suspend the col- 
lection of revenue and not, under any conditions, to accept 
state bank paper at more than its current, depreciated value. 
The state auditor happened to be that striking Irishman 
James Shields, already introduced as a member of the co- 
terie. Being a Democrat, he was a political opponent of Lin- 
coln, Simeon Francis, and other Whigs. People were dis- 
mayed at the proclamation which put them in an almost 
impossible position in regard to their taxes and Mr. Shields, 
though his action was justified in itself, was being bom- 
barded with unfavorable comment. 

The Whigs, of course, seized the chance to make politi- 
cal thunder and tear down a prominent Democrat. Mr. 
Shields was an especially choice target because his over- 

Secret Meetings 177 

elaborate manners made him a bit pompous and because he 
took himself so seriously. There was undoubtedly much 
talk of this action of Mr. Shields's at the gatherings at the 
Francis home and, one suspects, much jesting and laughter 
at the Irishman's foibles. Imagination even pictures Mary, 
with her flare for mimicry, giving a lively imitation of his 
elaborate gallantry. Apparently there was generated at 
those meetings a contagious spirit of making fun of Mr. 

Not long before this, Mr. Francis's newspaper, the Sm- 
gamo Journal, had printed an anonymous letter which pur- 
ported to come from "Rebecca," an appealingly countri- 
fied woman who lived in the "Lost Townships." "Rebecca" 
discussed current questions in humorous backwoods dia- 
lect, the letter thus serving as an engaging way of getting 
certain ideas across. It has been suggested that this letter 
was written by Simeon Francis. But shortly after Shields's 
unpopular proclamation, Mr. Lincoln seized on this device, 
probably after a chuckling conference with Simeon, to pre- 
sent some Whig remarks on the state tax question with 
much humorous lampooning of Mr. Shields. Subsequent 
events suggest that Mary too was in this scheme to poke 
fun at the state auditor. It is quite possible the whole thing 
was laughingly planned at one of tie meetings at the Fran- 
cis home. At all events, Lincoln wrote a letter signed "Re- 
becca" and headed "Lost Townships" which was published 
in the Sangamo Journal on September 2. 

Reading it one is assured that Mr. Lincoln was in fine fet- 
tle and brimming over with twinkling humor. Backwoods 
dialect was no problem to him he had grown up with it 

178 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

his problem had been to get rid of it "Rebecca" tells 
how, after cleaning up the dinner dishes, she stepped over 
to the cabin of her neighbor, Jeff, "to see if his wife Peggy 
was as well as mought be expected, and hear what they 
called the baby." When she got there, she found Jeff "set- 
ting on the door-step reading a newspaper." 

In the words of "Rebecca's" letter: " 'How are you Jeff,' 
says I, he sorter started when he heard me, for he hadn't 
seen me before. "Why,' says he, Tm mad as the devil, aunt 

" *What about,' says I, 'aint its hair the right color? None 
of that nonsense, Jeff there aint an honester woman in the 
Lost Township than ' 

" 'Than who? ' says he, 'what the mischief are you 

"I began to see I was running the wrong trail, and so says 
I, *O nothing, I guess I was mistaken a little, that's all. But 
what is it you're mad about?' " 

What Jeff was mad about was what a great many other 
people were mad about, the fact that he had worked very 
hard "to raise State Bank paper enough" to pay his taxes 
and now he had just read in the paper that tax collectors 
were forbidden "to receive State paper at all." If he sold 
"all the plunder" he had, he still would not have enough 
cash to pay his taxes. 

Aunt Becca was much startled at this news herself, but 
the chance for an argument was too good to be missed: "I 
saw Jeff was in a good tune for saying some ill-natured 
things, and so I tho't I would just argue a little on the con- 
trary sidej and make him rant a spell if I could." 

Secret Meetings 1 79 

With the aid of a little profanity Jeff presented his ar- 
guments and then the two, examining the newspaper again, 
found that the author of the proclamation was James 
Shields. Jeff, of course, disagreed violently with Shields's 
statement of the object of the measure. " 'I say its a lie, and 
not a well told one at that. It grins out like a copper dollar. 
Shields is a fool as well as a liar. With him truth is out of the 
question, and as for getting a good bright passable lie out 
of him, you might as well try to strike fire from a cake of 
tallow. I stick to it, its all an infernal whig lie.' " 

Jeff, of course, was a Democrat but had no intention of 
admitting that Shields was one too. Aunt Becca, being a 
Whig herself, at once challenged him as to calling Shields a 
Whig. Jeff stood his ground: " 'I tell you, aunt Becca, 
there's no mistake about his being a whig why his very 
looks shows it every thing about him shows it if I was 
deaf and blind I could tell him by the smell/ " One can al- 
most see the deepening twinkle in Lincoln's eyes as his pen 
continued with Jeff's words: " 1 seed him [Shields] when 
I was down in Springfield last winter. They had a sort of 
gatherin there one night, among the grandees, they called a 
fair. All the galls [gals] about town was there, and all the 
handsome widows, and married women, finickin about, try- 
ing to look like galls, tied as tight in the middle, and puffed 
out at both ends like bundles of fodder that hadn't been 
stacked yet, but wanted stackin pretty bad.' " 

Jeff described the fair: " 'And then they had tables all 
round the house kivered over with baby caps, and pin-cush- 
ions, and ten thousand such little nicknacks, tryin to sell 
'em to die fellows that were bowin and scrapin, and kun- 

i8o The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

geerin about 'em.' " Among these attentive gentlemen was 
" 'this same fellow Shields floatin about on the air, without 
heft or earthly substance, just like a lock of cat-fur where 
cats had been fightin ... his very features, in the ex- 
static agony of his soul, spoke audibly and distinctly 
"Dear girls, it is distressing, but I cannot marry you all Too 
well I know how much you suffer; but do, do remember, it 
is not my fault that I am so handsome and so interesting." ' " 
Jeff clinched his argument: " 'He a democrat! Fiddle-sticks! 
I tdl you, aunt Becca, he's a whig, and no mistake: nobody 
but a whig could make such a conceity dunce of himself.' " 

It was all very clever and funny but not exactly the thing 
to say about a fight-ing Irishman, especially one who had 
been trained in swordplay. If, as suspected, the letter had 
been discussed in one of those hilarious meetings at the 
Francis home when Mary, Mr. Lincoln, and Simeon Fran- 
cis were all present and one mirthful sally led to another, 
the possible reaction of Mr. Shields had not been consid- 
ered as carefully as it should have been. 

But writing humorous anonymous letters to ridicule a po- 
litical foe was apparently lots of fun. In the next step Mary 
decided to try her hand at a "Rebecca" letter. She and her 
friend Julia Jayne put their heads together and, doubtless 
with many girlish giggles, concocted another letter in the 
same vein which was published in the Sangamo Journal on 
September 9. One learns from it without surprise that Mr. 
Shields had not liked the "Rebecca" letter written by Mr. 
Lincoln: ". . . the man what Jeff seed down to the fair" 
was "threatnin' to take personal satisfaction of the writer." 
In Mary's and Julia's letter, "Rebecca" says that when she 

Secret Meetings 1 8 1 

heard this, "I was so skart that I tho't I should quill-wheel 
right where I was." 

She is ready to make apology rather than fight and first 
offers Mr. Shields the "satisfaction" of squeezing her hand. 
"If that ain't personal satisfaction, I can only say that he is 
the fust man that was not satisfied with squeezin' my hand." 
But if Mr. Shields still wants to fight, rather than "get a 
lickin" she, being a widow, offers to marry him. "I know 
he's a fightin' man, and would rather fight than eat; but isn't 
marryin' better than fightin', though it does sometimes run 
into it? And I don't think, upon the whole, that I'd be sich 
a bad match neither I'm not over sixty, and am just four 
feet three in my bare feet, and not much more around the 
girth. . . ." 

If, however, Mr. Shields insists on fighting: "Jeff tells 
me the way these fire-eaters do is to give the challenged 
party choice of weapons, etc., which bein' the case, I'll tell 
you in confidence that I never fights with anything but 
broomsticks or hot water or a shovelful of coals or some 
such thing. ... I will give him choice, however, in one 
thing, and that is, whether, when we fight, I shall wear 
breeches or he petticoats, for, I presume that change is suf- 
ficient to place us on an equality." The two girls were 
rather letting their instinct for f unmaking run away with 
them. Molly characteristically was plunging into action that 
she would later regret. 

At this point in the love story of Abraham and Mary 
there appears a strange and quaint document which is now 
a collector's item. It is a prosaic document on the face of it, 

1 82 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

yet it is laced with pink ribbon and stirs the imagination in 
its sentimental meaning. In Lincoln's own handwriting, 
which is larger than usual, is a list of all candidates for the 
state legislature from the time he first ran until his last can- 
didacy, with the number of votes for each. Examining it, 
one finds a striking demonstration of his increasing political 
strength and popularity; he rises from a vote of something 
over six hundred in 1832 to the very top of the list with a 
vote of more than seventeen hundred in 1836. He had pre- 
pared this list, playfully had it certified by his friend 
N. W. Matheny, the county clerk, tied it with pink ribbon, 
and presented it to Mary on the very day her **Rebecca" let- 
ter appeared in the Sangamo Jounud. Tlie cautious bachelor 
had come a long way by this time; he was evidently prov- 
ing to his girl that he was an increasingly important man po- 
litically. But she did not need this gay, whimsical, lawyer- 
like proving; her faith in him was always to be boundless. 
That Mary kept and treasured this sentimental document 
is made clear by the fact that it exists today, an appealing 
bit of evidence of the fun, banter, and lovemaking that was 
going on at those secret meetings of the lovers in the Fran- 
cis home. 


Challenged to a Duel 

A S Mary remembered it years later, she and Mr. Lin- 
XJL coin were engaged again by the time of the "Rebecca" 
letters. With these meetings going on and a number of peo- 
ple necessarily knowing about them, rumors were floating 
around connecting their names. She was carrying off her 
part beautifully and doubtless enjoying it tremendously, 
now that all was well between her and her lover. A relative, 
speaking later of this period, told how other girls, perhaps 
hoping to get some information on the subject, tried to 
tease her about her "tall beau." (That adjective certainly 
identified him, as both Mr. Douglas and Mr. Webb were 
decidedly of the short variety.) Mary "bore their jokes and 
teasings good naturedly but would give them no satisfac- 
tion, neither affirming nor denying the report of her en- 
gagement to Mr. Lincoln." It will be seen that sister Eliza- 
beth was unaware of what was brewing. 

Mary was acting with unusual discretion in keeping her 
secret, but she was about to make a move she would later 
regret. "Writing an anonymous piece to appear in a Spring- 
field paper where it would be read by all her friends was so 
exhilarating that she had another bright idea. She would do 
a poem on Mr. Shields. She would pretend that he had ac- 

184 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

cepted that ridiculous marriage proposal by "Rebecca" 
which she and Julia Jayne had impudently put into their 
letter. Since she wanted to use "Rebecca" in the third per- 
son, she signed this effusion "Cathleen." 

One can imagine the red-faced indignation of Mr. Shields 
(who had already been brought to the boiling point) when 
he read in the Sangamo Journal on September 16: 

Ye jews-harps awake! The [ Auditor] 's won 
Rebecca the widow has gained Erin's son; 
The pride of the north from the Emerald isle 
Has been woo'd and won by a woman's sweet smile. 
The combat's relinquished, old loves all forgot: 
To the widow he's bound, Oh! bright be his lot! 

Marrying Mr. Shields to the short, stout, elderly, countri- 
fied "Rebecca" was insult enough, but the verses also paid 
their respects to his excessive gallantry, a theme Lincoln had 
treated so devastaringly in his "Rebecca" letter. 

Happy groom! in sadness far distant from thee 
The FAIR girls dream only of past times of glee 
Enjoyed in thy presence; whilst the soft blarnied store 
Will be fondly remembered as relics of yore, 
And hands that in rapture you oft would have prest, 
In prayer will be clasp'd that your lot may be blest. 

Mary confessed years later that she wrote these lines, 
adding with the perspective (and regret) which time had 
brought:". . . and very silly verses they were . . . said to 
abound in sarcasm, causing them to be very offensive" to 
Mr. Shields. One suspects die jingle had been the subject of 
animated discussion and laughter at one of the meetings in 
the Francis home, as her account continued: "A gentleman 

Challenged to a Duel 185 

friend, carried them off, and ... one day, I saw them, 
strangely enough in the daily papers." The gentleman friend 
presumably was Simeon Francis, editor of the Sangamo 

At some point the infuriated Shields communicated with 
Mr. Francis and demanded the name of the person who was 
writing these insulting contributions. As Mary understood 
it, Simeon asked for a short delay and in that interval got 
in touch with Mr. Lincoln, who had written only the one 
letter published on September 2. The lawyer at once re- 
plied: ". . . say to Shields, that 1 am responsible.' " He 
thereby took the blame for what Mary had written as well 
as for his own letter. 

The day "Cathleen's" effusion appeared Mr. Shields went 
into action. The only reason he had not done so sooner, as 
he took care to explain, was that he had been unavoidably 
absent from Springfield on public business. Now, sizzling 
with the additional insult of the verses, he could hardly 
wait to setde accounts with Mr. Lincoln. Learning that the 
lawyer was at Tremont, Illinois, about sixty-five miles from 
Springfield, attending court, and that he was likely to be 
out on the judicial circuit for several weeks, Mr. Shields, 
with his friend General John D. Whiteside (who would act 
as his second, if necessary), started to that town to catch up 
with Lincoln. Trained in fencing and swordplay, the audi- 
tor was thinking in terms of a duel. 

The startling news of Shields's departure and intentions 
quickly reached those devoted friends of Mr. Lincoln's, 
William Butler and Dr. Merryman. They departed post- 
haste for Tremont, hoping to reach Mr. Lincoln before 

1 86 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

Shields arrived, warn him, and offer their assistance. They 
did not trust him to know the "diplomacy" of dueling as 
they did, though judging by subsequent events, diplomacy 
was the last word one would associate with these two hot- 
heads. They seemed more concerned that negotiations 
should be conducted according to the "code duello" than 
with any desire to avoid the fight itself. 

Apparently they traveled on horseback. According to 
Dr. Menyman, he and Butler followed Shields and White- 
side so quickly that they were able to pass them during the 
night and get to Mr. Lincoln first. There was exciting drama 
in that night journey, with the rapid hoofbeats on the dark 
road that carried the menacing news nearer and nearer to 
the unsuspecting Mr. Lincoln asleep at Tremont. He had 
not realized that the f unmaking had gotten so out of hand. 
One can imagine his grave face and whirling thoughts when 
his friends revealed to him he was facing die prospect of a 
duel with Shields. He told them, related Dr. Menyman, 
that he was completely opposed to the practice of dueling 
and would do anything to avoid it that would not lower 
him in his own estimation and that of his friends, but he 
would fight rather than be thus degraded. 

Shields opened negotiations with the stiff formal note of 
a man accustomed to the dueling code. It was written on 
Saturday, September 17, at Tremont and was properly de- 
livered to Mr. Lincoln by Shields's representative, General 
Whiteside. The auditor informed "A. Lincoln, Esq." (with- 
out salutation) that he regretted "die disagreeable nature" 
of his communication; he had, he said, endeavored "to con- 
duct myself in such a way amongst both my political friends 

Challenged to a Duel 187 

and opponents" as to "avoid any difficulty with any one in 
Springfield. . . ." But "whilst thus abstaining from giving 
provocation, I have become the object of slander, vitupera- 
tion and personal abuse, which were I capable of submit- 
ting to, I would prove myself worthy of the whole of it." 

Referring to the objectionable articles in the Sangamo 
Journal, he continued: "On enquiring I was informed by 
the editor of that paper . . . that you are the author of 
those articles. ... I will take the liberty of requiring a 
full, positive and absolute retraction of all offensive allu- 
sions used by you in these communications, in relation to 
my private character and standing as a man, as an apology 
for the insults conveyed in them." 

The letter ended on an ominous note: "This may prevent 
consequences which no one will regret more than myself." 
He was "Your ob't serv't, Jas. Shields." 

It is possible that if the tactful Mr. Lincoln, who deeply 
regretted the length to which the matter had gone and who 
had no real enmity toward Mr. Shields, could have talked 
to him directly and told him these things, the quarrel would 
have been patched up then and there. But negotiations had 
to go through the zealous friends who were determined that 
this affair of honor should be properly conducted, no mat- 
ter who got killed. And it is also true that at this time Mr. 
Lincoln himself had a very sensitive dignity. At all events, 
and perhaps after a stiffening conference with Dr. Merry- 
man and Mr. Butler, he answered Mr. Shields's note on that 
very Saturday in much the same tone the auditor had used. 

As to the articles in the paper, wrote Mr. Lincoln, 
". . . without stopping to enquire whether I really am the 

i88 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

author, or to point out what is offensive in them, you de- 
mand an unqualified retraction of all that is offensive; and 
then proceed to hint at consequences." 

His phrasing was as stiff-necked as Shields's as he con- 
tinued: "Now, sir, there is in this so much assumption of 
facts, and so much of menace as to consequences, that I 
cannot submit to answer that note any farther than I have, 
and to add, that the consequence to which I suppose you 
allude, would be a matter of as great regret to me as it pos- 
sibly could to you." He was "Respectfully, A. Lincoln." 

There was still time on that crowded Saturday at Tre- 
mont for Air. Shields to write another note. In this he asked 
Mr. Lincoln the direct question whether he was the author 
of the "Rebecca" letter which had appeared on September 
2 (which of course he was) or any other article over the 
same signature. If Mr. Lincoln had not written any of these 
contributions, his denial would be sufficient, but if he had, 
Mr. Shields repeated his "request of an absolute retraction 
of all offensive allusion contained therein. . . ." 

This was not delivered to Mr. Lincoln that day. Accord- 
ing to Dr. Merryman's account, General Whiteside con- 
ferred with William Butler, who told him that Mr. Lincoln 
could not receive any communication from Mr. Shields un- 
less it were a withdrawal of his first note or a challenge to a 
duel. However, on the following Monday General White- 
side delivered this same note to Mr. Lincoln, who read it 
and returned it to the General saying he did not think it 
consistent with his honor to negotiate for peace with Mr. 
Shields unless he would withdraw his former offensive let- 

Challenged to a Duel 189 

The next step was that Mr. Shields notified Mr. Lincoln 
that General Whiteside was to be his second. Mr. Lincoln 
at once answered designating Dr. Merryman as his. The 
duel was on. The two seconds then had a conference to see 
whether they could patch up the quarrel, though Whiteside 
declared that if Shields knew of this attempt on his part to 
restore peace without fighting, the overwrought Irishman 
would be apt to challenge him next or would as soon cut his 
throat as not. 

Mr. Lincoln was in a most harrowing position. All his 
sense of justice and humanitarianisin was revolted by the 
brutal practice of dueling, which in some cases amounted to 
murder with due ceremony. He could have had little taste 
for the elaborate etiquette and ritual by which the deadly 
combat was conducted. But there was no cowardice in this 
man; it was not his nature to dodge an issue or a fight where 
either should be squarely met. When he had been living in 
New Salem, he had engaged in rough wrestling matches 
with a certain good-natured gusto. But duels were a matter 
of pistols or the cold steel of swords, of wounds and bleed- 
ing and, too often, death. Nevertheless, his fighting blood 
and a certain stubborn resistance were aroused. He was 
once more in a position which left no completely satisfac- 
tory course of action open to him, but he would fight. 

How could he do otherwise? There was a special angle to 
his situation. Only a "gentleman" could fight a duel; it was 
a method of settling disputes between "gentlemen," not 
used by the lower classes. By the "code duello," if a man 
refused a challenge, he was considered a coward and not a 
gentleman. Lincoln was having to do his courting secretly 

190 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

at this time because Mary's relatives regarded him as on a 
lower social level. It seemed as if they did not consider that 
he had the standing of a gentleman. If he failed to accept 
Shields's challenge, he would expose himself to their ridi- 
cule as well as the scorn of political opponents and all who 
accepted the usual ideas associated with dueling. He had 
said he would not submit to "such degradation." It would 
have injured him gravely in the fields of both love and 

He could not let Mary down. He had assumed responsi- 
bility for what she had done. In a contagious spirit of fun 
the Ughthearted girl had gone further than she should have. 
But so had he and he had started the whole thing. There 
was an unhappy train of thought in that direction too. 
Upon sober reflection, away from the stimulation of a fun- 
loving little group, this thing of writing anonymous letters 
in order to ridicule did not seem exactly a fair or right- 
minded thing to do. 

Lincoln had missed more than book training in his early 
years in a rude environment; he had missed learning certain 
intangible standards of a cultured society. In many respects 
he had had no chance to learn "how to behave." Anony- 
mous ridicule had been considered "smart" among the log- 
cabin folk with whom he had lived in his teens back in 
Indiana. At twenty he had written anonymously "The 
Chronicles of Reuben," a strongly flavored narrative making 
fun of two sons of the Grigsby family into which his sister 
Sarah had married. It had circulated briskly and made a tre- 
mendous hit among his unlettered neighbors, whose collec- 
tive sense of humor was constructed on robust lines, and he 

Challenged to a Duel 191 

had doubtless received many a hearty backslapping of ap- 
probation. But heaven knew he had provocation enough in 
that case, knew what bitterness lay back of that biting ridi- 
cule, remembering that the Grigsbys had not been good to 
Sarah and she had died in childbirth as the result, he 
thought, of their neglect. One is not apt to care how rough 
the weapon when one is striking back for a hurt like that. 

But Mr. Shields was an honorable man who had merely 
done his public duty and had been subjected to a cruel be- 
littling in regard to it. He had no way of restoring his dig- 
nity except by the challenge to a duel according to the code 
by which he had been trained. Mr. Lincoln's sensitive con- 
science was to hurt him; never again would he stoop to use 
anonymous ridicule. He had learned out of humiliating ex- 
perience to restrain his great and devastating gift of wit and 
mimicry while he considered its effect upon its human tar- 
get. It was not the mature Lincoln who wrote that anony- 
mous letter but a Mr. Lincoln who was still growing up. 
The courtship period usually furnishes a liberal education 
for any man, but he was getting all the required courses 
plus some extra ones. 


Bloody Island 

Lincoln and Dr. Merryman returned to Spring- 
from Tremont by buggy, arriving late Monday 
night after a long; tiring journey. They found the town in 
a fever of excitement over the proposed duel. One can 
imagine the agitated little groups of men that gathered 
around the square to discuss the matter, the flushed faces 
and anxious eyes of Mr. Lincoln's friends, the violent dis- 
agreements over a situation which originated in the antago- 
nism between the two political parties. Dueling itself in Il- 
linois was startling enough and certainly no one would ex- 
pect Springfield, politically red-hot as it was, to be calm 
over a duel where one principal was a leading and popu- 
larWhig and the other a prominent Democrat. The 
town had not been so aroused since the murder mystery. 

And murder this might well turn out to be. One can al- 
most hear the people talking. Mr. Shields was trained in the 
art of dueling, but who could imagine Mr. Lincoln with a 
sword or pistol in hand? He was a good wrestler and could 
hold his own in a rough and tumble fight, which was the 
good old American way of settling a quarrel around these 
parts. But what chance had that slow, awkward figure of a 
man against the skill and agility of a trained duelist? And 
didn't they know dueling in Illinois was a penitentiary of- 

Bloody Island 193 

f ense? Mr. Lincoln was sure to be arrested. And Mr. Shields 
and General Whiteside had better look out too, or they 
would lose their important jobs, because a man could be de- 
prived of the right to hold public office and subjected to a 
big fine for even sending a challenge or acting as a second in 
a duel. So, one imagines, ran the comments on the streets 
and in the homes of Springfield. 

The coterie, to which the principals both belonged, was 
in a dither. One can picture the apprehensive faces of James 
and Mercy Conlding, of Julia Jayne, who had had a part in 
one of the "Rebecca" letters, of all to whom the personali- 
ties of Mr. Shields and Mr. Lincoln were so familiar. One 
can also imagine the Edwards-Todd group of relatives re- 
marking that it was just like Mr. Lincoln to get himself into 
a scrape like that. They probably knew nothing of Mary's 
part in the anonymous publications or that he had taken the 
responsibility for what she had done. 

And what were the thoughts and emotions of the girl 
who loved Mr. Lincoln and was partly responsible for get- 
ting him into this situation? Years later she wrote her full 
account of the dueling incident and revealed in so doing 
her tender pride at his protection of her and her regret for 
her own thoughtlessness. Like girls in general and especially 
like the girls of that sentimental era, she loved the romantic 
and dramatic and delighted in stories of the age of chivalry. 
(She would one day read those stirring tales to her little 
sons.) She thought of Mr. Lincoln as her gallant knight, 
"my champion," as she proudly wrote it, and the chivalry 
of his championship remained precious to her through all 
the years. 

194 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

But along with her loving pride at this tense moment 
went remorse and fear. She was always one to acknowledge 
her faults in the end and, writing of this period later and 
mentioning Mr. Lincoln's devotion to her, she said con- 
tritely: "I doubtless trespassed, many times & oft, upon his 
great tenderness & amiability of character." Added to this 
was fear for the man whose life was always to be dearer to 
her than her own. 

She had learned full well about duels back home among 
the hotheaded Kentuckians. The year before she came to 
Springfield to live, a political duel had involved three of 
her father's intimate friends and resulted in the death of 
one of the parties. She could remember the furor about it, 
and the horror of the tragedy. She doubtless knew also that 
Mr. Shields was a skilled swordsman. In the Edwards home 
on the hill Mary's head must have tossed feverishly on her 
pillow that night of Monday, September 19, and one doubts 
whether Mr. Lincoln ever got to bed at all at the Buder 

He, an upright lawyer of the town, was in danger of ar- 
rest for violation of the law. He would have to leave Spring- 
field immediately. But first he must write out instructions 
for Dr. Merryman, who would represent him. (As a matter 
of fact, Dr. Merryman was violating the law also in acting 
as go-between for a duel and would shortly have to leave 
town himself.) 

One can read today Lincoln's instructions, which were 
perhaps drawn up in the dark hours of that Monday night. 
He first told Dr. Merryman to offer a full apology to 
Shields if the auditor would withdraw his first note and 

Bloody Island 195 

substitute another which was "without menace, or dicta- 
tion." If Shields did this and asked without offense whether 
Lincoln was the author of the articles, Merryman was to 
read him Lincoln's answer: "I did write the TLost Town- 
ship' letter which appeared in the Journal of the znd Inst. 
but had no participation, in any form, in any other article 
alluding to you." Lincoln continued that he wrote the let- 
ter "wholly for political effect," that he had no intention of 
injuring Shields's standing as a gentleman, and that he did 
not think the letter had produced that effect. If he had an- 
ticipated such an effect, he said, "I would have forborne to 
write it. And I will add, that your conduct towards me, so 
far as I knew, had always been gentlemanly; and that I had 
no personal pique against you, and no cause for any." 

If, however, Shields would not withdraw his first note, 
the lawyer gave Dr. Merryman instructions for the duel it- 
self. Fortunately Lincoln, as the challenged party, had the 
choice of weapons. One has to smile a little over the shrewd- 
ness of his selection and at the conditions he specified for 
the duel, if duel there must be. The weapons were to be 
"Cavalry broad swords of the largest size, precisely equal 
in all respects." Such an enormous sword plus Lincoln's 
height and almost abnormal length of arm would add up to 
a reach that Shields, a shorter man, could not possibly 

To make this reach an advantage, however, there had to 
be something to prevent Shields from getting too close to 
Lincoln. The conditions specified that a certain space was 
to be set off for the duel and in the middle of this space a 
plank was to be set on edge in the ground "as the line be- 

196 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

tween us which neither is to pass his foot over upon forfeit 
of his life." As Lincoln said later, he did not want to kill 
Shields and believed that he, having practiced somewhat 
with the broadsword, could disarm him, but he added: "I 

didn't want the d d fellow to kill me, which I rather 

think he would have done if we had selected pistols." 

Mr. Lincoln left Springfield early Tuesday morning and 
went to Jacksonville, where, one suspects, he put in a good 
deal of time at broadsword practice. It brings a strangely 
un-Lincolnian picture to mind to think of that tall, angular 
figure with enormous sword in hand going through the mo- 
tions and learning the technique of sword fighting. 

It is not necessary to follow the ins and outs of the vari- 
ous meetings and arrangements between the two seconds, 
Dr. Merryman and General Whiteside. Both by this time 
wanted to settle the quarrel without the fight, but one trou- 
ble was that Whiteside hesitated even to make a pacific 
suggestion to the infuriated auditor; he would as soon think 
of asking Shields to butt his brains out against a brick wall 
as to ask him to withdraw his first note. And withdrawing 
that first note was the only condition under which Lincoln 
would apologize. The difficulty of any peaceful solution 
was increased by the stiffness and exaggerated dignity of 
communication required by the dueling code. In fact, Dr. 
Merryman and General Whiteside did not agree later about 
the details of what took place at this time; each subsequently 
published his own version of what occurred, fell out over 
the differences in their stories, and prepared to fight a duel 
themselves! By that time dueling was threatening to become 
an epidemic in Springfield. 

Bloody Island 197 

Arrangements moved forward in a tangled fashion with 
the result that on Thursday, September 22, 1842, two 
groups of grim-faced men repaired by boat to the chosen 
dueling ground, "Bloody Island," about three miles from 
Alton, Illinois, but on the Missouri side of the Mississippi 
River. They thus removed themselves from the jurisdic- 
tion of the State of Illinois into a state whose laws did not 
forbid dueling. Lincoln's party included Dr. Merryman, 
William Butler, Albert T. Bledsoe (another good friend), 
and the devoted Dr. Henry, who, by his own account later, 
hoped he could help make peace. This party arrived first 
and when Shields and Whiteside appeared, they found Mr. 
Lincoln engaged in clearing away the underbrush which 
covered the ground. 

Various recollections describing the scene at Bloody Is- 
land have been handed down. One account tells how 
Shields, after the clearing was made, solemnly sat down on 
a fallen log at one side of it and Lincoln sat down on a log 
opposite, while the seconds busily marked off the lines of 
the dueling space. Instead of the "plank ten feet long, & 
from nine to twelve inches broad to be firmly fixed on edge" 
which Lincoln's duel instructions had specified, they pre- 
pared and used a pole set in the crotches of two forked 
stakes. This done, the seconds soberly passed notes back 
and forth. 

Shields's doctor, who was opposed to the duel, argued 
until he lost patience and angrily threatened to chastise the 
stubborn Irishman. At one point Lincoln stood up and, 
raising his great sword toward a tree, clipped off a twig at 
an almost unbelievable height above him, thus giving a 

198 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

graphic demonstration of the distance attained when his 
length of arm was added to that of the sword. 

Meanwhile the news of the impending duel had reached 
Mary's cousin John J. Hardin, who had been away from 
Springfield attending court in another town. He, with an- 
other mutual friend of both principals, hurried to Bloody 
Island with the purpose of reconciling the antagonists. Ac- 
cording to a newspaper account written many years later, 

Mr. Hardin told the two men they were "both d d fools" 

and made some other salutary remarks as to the ridiculous- 
ness of the whole affair. Mary later gave her cousin credit 
for effecting the reconciliation. At all events, with all these 
resourceful men doing their best to prevent the fight, some- 
how the matter was adjusted. Without Shields's knowledge 
his friends withdrew his first note, whereupon Lincoln's 
friends read his apology. The seconds did not agree after- 
wards as to which of the two principals gave in first. Peace 
was restored and the parties embarked to return to Alton. 

American humor is irrepressible. The story goes that a 
practical joker was on board. As the craft approached Al- 
ton the anxious spectators on the bank were horrified to see 
a figure lying in the boat covered with blood while another 
figure bent over it vigorously plying a fan. Not until the 
boat was quite dose could it be seen that the prone figure 
was a log of wood and the "blood" a red flannel shirt. The 
practical joker dropped his fan, stood up, and grinned de- 
lightedly at the expression on the faces of those who had 
been taken in. 

But the dueling affair was one that Lincoln could never 
joke about. It remained the most Humiliating experience of 

Bloody Island 199 

his life. He could never endure to have the subject men- 
tioned. He "was always so ashamed of it," wrote Mary 
later, that "we mutually agreed never to speak of it our- 
selves." It was not safe for anyone else to speak of it either. 
Mary told of an incident which happened late in the Lin- 
coln Presidency. She and her husband were standing to- 
gether talking to their guests in the drawing room of the 
White House when an officer said playfully to Lincoln: 
"Mr. President, is it true, as I have heard that you, once 
went out, to fight a duel & all for the sake of the lady by 
your side." Mr. Lincoln, his face flushed painfully, replied: 
"I do not deny it, but if you desire my friendship, you will 
never mention it again." 

Mary herself did not enjoy thinking back to what she 
described as "the foolish and uncalled for rencontre, with 
Gen Shields." It was, she said, "so silly" and a "very unnec- 
essary episode." There was a hint of wifely apology in her 
account of Mr. Lincoln's accepting the challenge and going 
to Bloody Island: she said he did it "scarcely knowing what 
he was doing," It was an understanding and charitable com- 
ment; the whole situation had been strange and unprece- 
dented to the man who had grown up in a log cabin and 
had to learn belatedly the standards and customs of more 
sophisticated environments. Out of the episode he came to 
realize the unfairness of anonymous ridicule and the wis- 
dom of balanced consideration before taking action. He was 
not to forget these lessons. 

It is pleasant to record that neither Mary nor Abraham 
cherished any resentment toward Mr. Shields. On Janu- 
ary i, 1862, as President and Mrs. Lincoln stood in the great 

200 The Courtship oj Mr. Lincoln 

East Room of the White House receiving the long line of 
guests at their New Year's reception, there appeared before 
them the same James Shields (now a General) who more 
than nineteen years before had gone to Bloody Island to 
fight lawyer Lincoln. The presidential pair greeted him 
with unusual graciousness and cordiality and made him the 
object of their special attention. 

Mr. Lincoln wrote to Joshua on October 5 to inform him 
"that the duelling business still rages in this city. Day- 
before-yesterday Shields challenged Butler, who ac- 
cepted. . . ." Arrangements, however, proved difficult and 
they called it off because of the law. "Thus ended, duel 
No. 2," continued Mr. Lincoln, but "yesterday," White- 
side "chose to consider himself insulted by Dr. Merryman, 
and so, sent him a kind of quasi challenge. . . ."Dr. Merry- 
man made Lincoln his representative and now the roles 
were reversed: Lincoln had to carry notes back and forth 
while the former seconds of his duel tied themselves up in 
knots trying to make arrangements for theirs. The matter 
was still unsettled, wrote Lincoln, "while die town is in a 
ferment and a street fight somewhat anticipated." The 
Whiteside-Merryman duel, like No. 2, failed to eventuate 
and one can at last abandon this much ado about duels 
without actual bloodshed. 

Telling Joshua about the dueling business was not the 
main purpose of Lincoln's letter to his friend at this time; 
he wanted to ask Speed, a married man of nearly eight 
months' standing, an important question: how did he feel 
about his marriage now? How that marriage turned out, 

Bloody Island 201 

incidentally, is an interesting matter. One cannot possibly 
leave Mr. and Mrs. Speed without knowing whether all 
those agonizing doubts proved in the end to be what Lin- 
coln finally called them: "all the worst sort of nonsense." 

A complete and moving answer is found in a letter which 
Joshua sent to Fanny of the "heavenly black eyes' 7 after 
they had been married many years: "I wrote to you yester- 
day, and to-day, having some leisure, I will write again 
upon the principle, I suppose, that where your treasure is 
there will your heart go. My earthly treasure is in you; not 
like the treasures only valuable in possession; not like other 
valuables acquiring increased value from increased quan- 
tity; but, satisfied with each other, we will go down the hill 
of life together as we have risen." 

So they lived happily ever after in the fair land of Ken- 


C H A P ,T E R 

"Matter of Profound Wonder" 

AN ordeal shared by two lovers is apt to make clearer 
to each the genuineness and depth of feeling of the 
other. The intense emotions of those six days when the duel 
was threatening had drawn Mary and Abraham even 
closer together. This thing of seeing each other only at a 
few secret meetings could not go on forever; the ultimate 
purpose of getting engaged was to get married. 

There were many plans and decisions to make. Where 
should they live? Where should the wedding take place? 
They had to face the fact that Elizabeth Edwards was go- 
ing to be up in arms when she learned that, in spite of all 
her efforts to the contrary, her younger sister was going to 
marry, as she thought, beneath her. 

At what time these problems were worked out between 
the two is not clear. It may have seemed providential to 
them that the sister of Mary's cousin John J. Hardin (the 
one who had rendered such good service at the dueling 
ground) was to be married in Jacksonville on September 27. 
If they both attended the wedding of Martinette Hardin, 
what opportunities the trip would afford for stolen moments 
of being alone with each other when they could give ex- 
pression to their affection and talk about future plans! 

"Matter of Profound Wonder" 203 

It is said that they attended that marriage and doubtless 
never before had the words of the wedding ceremony 
seemed so beautiful and full of meaning. It is an emotional 
experience for an engaged couple to witness the joining to- 
gether of two other young people "in holy matrimony." It 
usually works as a stimulus. 

Mary may have felt some bitterness that the opposition 
of her family made it impossible for her to plan her wed- 
ding with her sisters in the usual way, making it the occa- 
sion of rejoicing, feasting, and merriment. She would have 
loved such preparations down to the least detail of dress, 
decoration, and wedding cake. Elizabeth Edwards had 
given their sister Frances an elaborate wedding when she 
married Dr. Wallace; it had been quite an affair and 
Frances had worn a white satin wedding gown. But she, 
Mary, must wear whatever she had and be married without 
any festive trimmings. 

It is to be hoped that they were able to make some of 
their plans on the Jacksonville trip, because Mr. Lincoln 
had to be out of town on the judicial circuit much of Octo- 
ber. It was early in that month he had written his letter to 
Joshua, telling incidentally of the dueling fever, but mainly 
to ask an important question. Apparently having a last 
mild qualm of doubt and reluctance to give up his bachelor- 
hood, Abraham wanted a final boost of encouragement 
from Joshua the married man. Mr. Lincoln wrote that he 
knew his friend was happier now than when he was first 
married nearly eight months before, because Joshua had 
told him so. "But I want to ask a closer question " he con- 
tinued. " 'Are you now, in feeling as well as judgement, 

204 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

glad you are married as you are?' From any body but me, 
this would be an impudent question not to be tolerated; but 
I know you will pardon it in me. Please answer it quickly as 
I fed impatient to know." Joshua doubtless answered this 
appeal with the proper reassurance. 

Mary and Abraham worked out their plans. They would 
board for a while and live in one room because it was 
cheaper. They could get room and board at the Globe 
Tavern for only four dollars a week. It was conveniently 
located about a block and a half from the public square. 
Such living would be quite a comedown for Mary after 
being at one of the most aristocratic homes in Springfield, 
but she was not afraid of that. She would face poverty and 
hard work cheerfully and they would improve their condi- 
tion together. With his brains and big heart Mr. Lincoln 
was going to be a great man some day. 

What minister should they ask to marry them? Since 
coming to make her home in Springfield Mary had been 
attending the Episcopal church to which her sister Eliza- 
beth belonged, but in Lexington she had grown up a Pres- 
byterian like her Scottish ancestors. Mr. Lincoln did not 
belong to any church, but he was always friendly to and co- 
operative with the ministers of the town and was well liked 
by them. The couple decided to ask Dr. Charles Dresser, 
the Episcopal minister, who lived in a story-and-a-half 
brown cottage at the corner of Eighth and Jackson Streets. 
(They did not know then they would buy that house and 
spend in it the happiest years of their lives.) 

As to the place, perhaps the simplest way would be to go 
to Dr. Dresser's house and have die ceremony performed 

"Matter of Profound Wonder" 205 

there. One presumes that those loyal friends Simeon Francis 
and his wife would gladly have offered the home which had 
sheltered the secret meetings, but most accounts agree that 
they planned to be married at the minister's. 

At some point Mary and Abraham must have had a con- 
ference on a matter of deep sentiment: what should be en- 
graved in the wedding ring? Perhaps at the same time the 
measurement for that ring was taken. Mary had lovely 
hands, small and white; her quick, pretty gestures with 
them were a part of her personality. It is always a ten- 
der occasion when the prospective bridegroom takes the 
measurement of the finger which is to wear his wedding 

One imagines them talking over that inscription together, 
considering this or that tender phrase, and finally making 
their decision. It was a choice which reflected the attitude 
of both in this fundamental step they were about to take. 
Lincoln's attitude toward marriage, with his concept of its 
sacred obligations, has been seen. He was scrupulously 
truthful and careful that his words should always express his 
exact meaning. It was said of him that he would not use the 
conventional greeting "I am delighted to see you" unless he 
meant it literally. 

Both prospective bride and groom were approaching this 
union with an earnestness and depth of feeling that had 
overridden obstacles that would have blocked a less genu- 
ine attachment. That they felt their love was sacred and 
lasting is suggested by the words they selected to be en- 
graved in that small gold circle: "Love is eternal." 

Mr. Lincoln paid a visit to Chatterton's jewelry shop, 

ip6 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

which he had passed so often, as it was dose to Joshua's old 
store on the west side of the square. The ring was bought 
and instructions given, doubtless with a caution as to se- 
crecy, for the inscription and date to be engraved therein. 
That date was November 4, 1842. It came on a Friday, and 
when it dawned, the plans of Mary and Abraham were 

Early that morning Mary announced to her sister Eliza- 
beth that she was going to many Mr. Lincoln that day. 
Storm broke out in the Edwards mansion on the hill One 
suspects that Elizabeth was not only somewhat inclined to 
believe in the divine right of the Todds, she was perhaps 
touched also with a belief in the divine right of eldest sis- 
ters. She protested, scolded, gave dire warnings. How 
could she let her headstrong younger sister ruin her life by 
marrying a plebeian? "Do not forget that you are a Todd," 
she cried vehemently. Mary stood her ground and could be 
trusted to give back words as hot as those she received. The 
eyes of the two sisters undoubtedly flashed, while stinging 
retorts went back and forth. 

But Mary and Mr. Lincoln had made their plans so well, 
with complete independence of the Edwardses, that Eliza- 
beth found she was powerless to stop the marriage. At the 
end of the quarrel die firm fact remained that Mary was 
going to marry Mr. Lincoln that very day. 

Meanwhile that gentleman had dropped around to the 
brown house on Eighth Street, where he found the Dresser 
family still at breakfast. "I want to get hitched tonight," he 
told the minister. That arrangement completed, he met 
Ninian Edwards on the street and announced to him that he 

"Matter of Profound Wonder" 207 

and Mary were to be married that evening. Ninian made 
the decision that since Mary was his ward she must be 
married at his house. Here Ninian was siding with Lincoln, 
giving his consent as guardian to the marriage, and in that 
sense helping him "get his wife." 

Elizabeth, defeated as to stopping the marriage, was 
further upset by that. How could she, model housekeeper 
and correct hostess that she was, prepare a suitable marriage 
feast on such short notice? How could she bake a wedding 
cake in time? There was only one bakery in Springfield 
Dickey's and the best that it could offer was ginger- 
bread and beer. Elizabeth needled her sister by remarking: 
"I guess I will have to send to old Dickey's for some of his 
gingerbread and beer." Mary, stung by the terms used in 
the quarrel, flashed back hotly: 'Well, that will be good 
enough for plebeians, I suppose." 

But Ninian's opinion prevailed and in the end it was de- 
termined that for the sake of appearances and propriety the 
wedding should take place in the Edwards home. This de- 
cision was not agreed to without some discussion; too much 
indignation had been aroused by the conflict of that morn- 
ing, which was a culmination of those months of talking 
Mr. Lincoln down, months when he could not even come 
to the house. Probably Mary finally agreed because she so 
loved festivities. It would be wonderful to have a real wed- 
ding after all, with guests and a wedding cake. One suspects 
the decision was not to Mr. Lincoln's liking: he could 
hardly feel comfortable in the home from which he had 
been frozen out so long. This thing of getting married was 
a nervous enough business without having one's prospec- 

2p6 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

which he had passed so often, as it was dose to Joshua's old 
store on the west side of the square. The ring was bought 
and instructions given, doubtless with a caution as to se- 
crecy, for the inscription and date to be engraved therein. 
That date was November 4, 1842. It came on a Friday, and 
when it dawned, the plans of Mary and Abraham were 

Early that morning Mary announced to her sister Eliza- 
beth that she was going to marry Mr. Lincoln that day. 
Storm broke out in the Edwards mansion on the hill One 
suspects that Elizabeth was not only somewhat inclined to 
believe in the divine right of the Todds, she was perhaps 
touched also with a belief in the divine right of eldest sis- 
ters. She protested, scolded, gave dire warnings. How 
could she let her headstrong younger sister ruin her life by 
marrying a plebeian? "Do not forget that you are a Todd," 
she cried vehemently. Mary stood her ground and could be 
trusted to give back words as hot as those she received. The 
eyes of the two sisters undoubtedly flashed, while stinging 
retorts went back and forth. 

But Mary and Mr. Lincoln had made their plans so well, 
with complete independence of the Edwardses, that Eliza- 
beth found she was powerless to stop the marriage. At the 
end of the quarrel the firm fact remained that Mary was 
going to marry Mr. Lincoln that very day. 

Meanwhile that gentleman had dropped around to the 
brown house on Eighth Street, where he found the Dresser 
family still at breakfast. "I want to get hitched tonight," he 
told the minister. That arrangement completed, he met 
Ninian Edwards on the street and announced to him that he 

"Matter of Profound Wonder" 207 

and Mary were to be married that evening. Ninian made 
the decision that since Mary was his ward she must be 
married at his house. Here Ninian was siding with Lincoln, 
giving his consent as guardian to the marriage, and in that 
sense helping him "get his wife." 

Elizabeth, defeated as to stopping the marriage, was 
further upset by that. How could she, model housekeeper 
and correct hostess that she was, prepare a suitable marriage 
feast on such short notice? How could she bake a wedding 
cake in rime? There was only one bakery in Springfield 
Dickey's and the best that it could offer was ginger- 
bread and beer. Elizabeth needled her sister by remarking: 
"I guess I will have to send to old Dickey's for some of his 
gingerbread and beer." Mary, stung by the terms used in 
the quarrel, flashed back hody: "Well, that will be good 
enough for plebeians, I suppose." 

But Ninian's opinion prevailed and in the end it was de- 
termined that for the sake of appearances and propriety the 
wedding should take place in the Edwards home. This de- 
cision was not agreed to without some discussion; too much 
indignation had been aroused by the conflict of that morn- 
ing, which was a culmination of those months of talking 
Mr. Lincoln down, months when he could not even come 
to the house. Probably Mary finally agreed because she so 
loved festivities. It would be wonderful to have a real wed- 
ding after all, with guests and a wedding cake. One suspects 
the decision was not to Mr. Lincoln's Hiring! he could 
hardly feel comfortable in the home from which he had 
been frozen out so long. This thing of getting married was 
a nervous enough business without having one's prospec- 

zo8 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

tive sister-in-law looking on with tight-lipped disapproval. 

Once the decision to have the wedding at the Edwardses' 
was made, feverish activity commenced. Friends must be 
invited, Mary must do some last-minute shopping (trust 
her for that), the wedding cake and other refreshments 
must be prepared. She must ask several of her friends to be 
bridesmaids. Air. Lincoln was to drop in and ask Air. Math- 
eny to be his best man; how he must have longed for Joshua 

"Cousin Lizzie" Todd, looking out of the window of her 
father's home that day, was surprised to see Mary running 
down the street with the air of one who has important news. 
Arriving breathless, Mary exclaimed: "Oh Elizabeth, I'm 
going to be married tonight to Mr. Lincoln and I want you 
to stand up with me!" Elizabeth made the eternally femi- 
nine answer: "Fve nothing to wear." Mary, having already 
overcome seemingly immovable obstacles, brushed that off 
with: "You must get something." The two girls decided 
that Elizabeth's best white dress would do after she had 
washed and ironed it. 

It is said that Mary asked Elizabeth's father, her uncle, 
Dr. John Todd, to go and break the news to her sister 
Frances Wallace. Without the use of telephones and with 
time so short, a sort of relay system of notifying the rela- 
tives was almost necessary. Dr. Todd received the news 
calmly and was helpful. In fact, the men of the family seem 
to have accepted the marriage, now that it was inevitable, 
more philosophically than the women. Frances was notified 
and hurried to the Edwards home to help with the house- 
hold preparations. Someone by that time had doubtless 

"Matter of Profound Wonder" 209 

looked up the recipe for wedding cake and the wedding 
supper was prepared in frantic haste. 

It is impossible to tell exactly what Mary wore as a bride. 
All the details of the wedding day must be taken from 
recollections told long after the event and recollections are 
as fallible as human nature itself. One is variously informed 
that the bride wore "one of her lovely embroidered white 
muslin dresses," a "dress of white satin," and one made of 
"delaine, or something of that kind." Nobody knew that a 
future President of the United States was being married 
that night and wrote down such details at the time; it was 
only lawyer Lincoln and Molly Todd and weddings like 
that were taking place in Springfield all the time. 

But it is certain that the girl who so loved beautiful 
clothes and was always careful to set off her daintiness ac- 
cording to the latest style print from Godey's Lady's Book 
took pains to dress herself prettily for her wedding. If one, 
by a sort of time machine, could be taken back to that No- 
vember evening in the year 1842 and see her when she, 
after giving a last adjusting touch to the shining chestnut 
hair, was ready to emerge from her maiden chamber, one's 
heart would go out to her as it does to a bride in any gen- 
eration. Imagination pictures the full skirt, the drawn-in 
curve of the girlish waist, a dainty bodice, and above it the 
vivid face with its rare coloring tremulous with emotion. 

In getting dressed, Mary probably had help from some 
of the other girls. At least the groom had assistance in the 
matter and undoubtedly needed it. Mr. Lincoln in his 
room at the William Butler home was struggling with the 
final details of arraying himself in apparel appropriate for a 

2 io The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

groom, when the motherly Mrs. Butler, already attired in 
her best party dress, walked down the hall to tie his tie for 
him. She well knew he would never get it tied properly 
himself. A couple of the children followed her but found 
Mr. Lincoln was not in the mood for banter and romping. 
He was probably at that moment more convinced than 
ever that he had "defective nerves." Nervousness at this 
stage is normal for bridegrooms and he had to face the bat- 
tery of Mary's relatives instead of going quietiy to Dr. 

A line of hastily invited guests had climbed the hill to 
the Edwards mansion; now they were assembled in the 
parlor, about thirty in all. The long dining table, whose 
cover had a turtledove design deemed very appropriate for 
such occasions, stood ready for the wedding supper. Femi- 
nine industry and culinary skill had triumphed: the wed- 
ding cake was ready. But it had been a dose thing and when 
it was placed before the guests, the cake was still warm 
from the baking. 

The audience ceased its rustling as the wedding party 
formed the tableau: Dr. Dresser in ministerial robes stand- 
ing in front of the fireplace, his prayer book lighted by the 
two oil lamps on the mantel, the bride and groom facing 
him, best man and bridesmaids grouped around. The eyes 
of the onlookers noted handsome "Cousin Lizzie" in her 
freshly ironed white dress, pretty, brown-eyed Anna Rod- 
ney, and Julia Jayne, who had had a part in Mary's "Re- 
becca" letter. 

The main attention was naturally focused on the back 
view of the two central figures, the tall lank man with dark 

"Matter of Profound Wonder" 2 1 1 

hair doubtless a little shaggy and out of control as usual, 
the pretty form of the girl who looked so amusingly short 
by contrast as she stood beside him, her bright head up- 
lifted. Perhaps guests standing to the side could get a 
glimpse of her piquant profile with its pleasing tilt of nose. 

In the hush that fell as the minister prepared to speak, 
rain could be heard beating against the windows. Dr. 
Dresser gave the opening lines of the Episcopal marriage 
service: "Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in 
the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join 
together this Man and this Woman in holy Matri- 
mony. . . ." 

The minister's voice went on with the words of the cere- 
mony. He joined their right hands, that of the woman, so 
small and white, almost lost in the mighty fist that had 
wielded an ax in the forest. 

The voice that was to speak immortal words at Gettys- 
burg repeated after the minister: "I Abraham take thee 
Mary to my wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this 
day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in 
sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do 
part . . . and thereto I plight thee my troth." The girl's 
soft voice repeated the vows in her turn. 

Mr. Lincoln then placed the wedding ring on Mary's 
finger, repeating after the minister: "With this Ring I thee 
wed, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow." One of 
the guests, standing close behind the bridal couple, caused 
a moment's unseemly interruption here. Roughhewn Judge 
Thomas Browne, who was apparently unfamiliar with this 
wedding ceremony and whose mind ran more to legality 

2 1 2 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

than sentiment, with a mouth-filling oath ejaculated audibly 
that the statute fixed all that. The voice of Dr. Dresser 
flickered a moment as he struggled to overcome his amuse- 
ment and then resumed. The raindrops were still splashing 
against the windowpanes. "Forasmuch as Abraham and 
Mary have consented together in holy wedlock, and . . . 
have given and pledged their troth ... I pronounce that 
they are Man and Wife. . . ." 

Then, as always at home weddings, hushed solemnity 
broke suddenly into animated merriment, congratulations, 
and joviality. In the feasting that followed with the cutting 
of die wedding cake, the nervous bride is said to have 
spilled coffee on her bodice. Added to the usual nervous- 
ness of brides in general had been the conflict and tension 
in the Edwards home that day. But after all it had been a 
pretty and appropriate wedding. 

The moment arrived for die departure of bride and 
groom. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Lincoln went out from the 
richly illuminated scene of fine home, friends in gala attire, 
and gay festivity to proceed through the dark and rain to a 
room in an ordinary boardinghouse. Its door closed behind 
the two in whose ears still rang the strange, sweet words of 
the minister: "Man and Wife." 

Each generation of young people discovers anew the 
marvel of marriage. A few days later Abraham Lincoln 
found his own simple words to express it; his marriage, he 
wrote, was to him "matter of profound wonder." 

On the white, untouched pages of their future certain 
words were to be recorded which show how this couple 

"Matter of Profound Wonder" 213 

kept the vows which they had taken. They had been joined 
"for better for worse, for richer for poorer," and life gave 
them its usual mixture of all these states of being. There 
were those happy years in Springfield when the children 
were small, years of kind neighborliness, peaceful small- 
town living, and increasing prominence for Mr. Lincoln. 
They were "the happiest stages of life," wrote Mary. Then 
came the pomp and circumstance of the Presidency. But it 
was their lot to weep together over the still dead faces of 
two little sons and to live through war and bloodshed in a 
divided country. Yet always they would be united in their 
troubles and their purposes: ". . . our deep & touching 
sorrows," said Mary, "were one & the same. . . ." 

"To hold ... in sickness and in health." Mary remem- 
bered how, when their first baby was born, "my darling 
husband, was bending over rne, with such love and tender- 
ness. . . ." "He was never himself when I was not per- 
fectly well," she wrote and again she mentioned his care of 
her in her frequent illnesses, the "loving eyes watching 
over me ... so filled with his deep love." 

"To love and to cherish." "It was always," wrote Mary, 
"music in my ears, both before & after our marriage, when 
my husband, told me, that I was the only one, he had ever 
thought of, or cared for." "I ... fell in love with her," 
said Abraham, "and ... I have never fallen out." 

"Till death us do part." To Mary, when he was taken 
from her, that was not the end. Her letters reiterate her 
unwavering belief that she would see him again: ". . . the 
only consolation left me, is the certainty, that each day 
brings me nearer my 'loved & lost.' " "I shall not much 

The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

longer be separated from my idolized husband, who has 
only 'Gone before' and I am certain is fondly watching and 
waiting for our re-union, nevermore to be separated." 

She had the comfort of a deep religious faith. And Mr. 
Lincoln had placed upon her finger a wedding ring 1 with 
his promise of eternal love. 

Bibliographical Note 

To a large extent this book has been written from con- 
temporary letters. Lincoln's letters are, of course, contained 
in The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln (8 vols.), 
edited by Roy P. Easier with assistant editors Marion Do- 
lores Pratt and Lloyd A. Dunlap (1953). Especially per- 
taining to this study are Lincoln's letters to Mary Owens, 
his account of his courtship of her in his letter to Mrs. Or- 
ville H. Browning, April i, 1838, his "Rebecca" letter of 
August 27, 1842, his letter to James Shields on September 
17, 1842, and his "Memorandum of Duel Instructions" to 
Elias H, Merryman two days later. Lincoln's letters to 
Joshua Speed in 1841 and 1842 are of supreme importance 
in tracing his thoughts and emotions about his courtship, 
and his letters to his wife in later years show the affection 
and unity of their marriage. 

Mary Todd's letters to Mercy Levering in 1840 and 
1841, which are so essential in tracing her thoughts and 
emotions for this period, are to be found in "The Docu- 
ments" of Carl Sandburg's and Paul M. Angle's Mary Lin- 
coln: Wife and Widow (1932). Her accounts of the 
Shields duel in her letters to Dr. J. G. Holland, December 4, 
1865, and to F. B. Carpenter, December 8, 1865, are both 

216 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

also in "The Documents." In writing Mary Lincoln: Biog- 
raphy of a Marriage, I assembled an extensive collection of 
photostats of her letters during her whole life and these 
have been used here and there in The Courtship. 

The original letters of those whom I call the subsidiary 
lovers in this story, James C. Conkling and Mercy Levering, 
are in the Illinois State Historical Library. Certain passages 
in these letters pertaining to the Lincolns are well-known, 
but I have dipped into their richness of human interest and 
period flavor for material which has not, to my knowledge, 
been published before. 

The letters of Matilda Edwards (which I used for the 
first time in Mary Lincoln: Biography of a Marriage 
through die courtesy of their owner, Colonel Edwards M. 
Quigley) are essential to rule out the erroneous idea that 
Lincoln ever loved Matilda. I have used additional material 
from them in this book. Two letters of Mary Owens (Mrs. 
Mary S. Vineyard), written May 23 and July 22, 1866, to 
William H. Herndon, telling of Lincoln's courtship of her, 
are in the Herndon- Weik Manuscripts at the Library of 
Congress. Mary S. Owens's letter to Thomas J. Nance, 
Green City, Kentucky, April n, 1835, which has come to 
attention somewhat recently, is published in the Journal of 
the Illinois State Historical Society, Spring 1955. The letter 
is in the article ''New Salem Community Activities: Docu- 
mentary/' edited by Fern Nance Pond. 

The Herndon- Weik Manuscripts also contain the state- 
ments of Mr. and Mrs. Ninian W. Edwards, Joshua Speed, 
and others about the Lincoln-Todd courtship which Hern- 
don took from them after Lincoln's death. This evidence 

Bibliographical Note 217 

has been analyzed in Mary Lincoln: Biography of a Mar- 
riage to prove the falseness of some of the ideas set forth by 

The Robert Todd Lincoln Collection of the Papers of 
Abraham Lincoln in the Library of Congress contains the 
two letters relating to the attitude of Ninian W. Edwards 
toward the Lincoln-Todd marriage: William Yates to Lin- 
coln, Springfield, Illinois, May 22, 1863, and Ninian W. 
Edwards to Lincoln, Springfield, June 18, 1863. 

The following articles have been useful: "A Story of the 
Early Days in Springfield And a Poem," in the Journal 
of the Illinois State Historical Society, April-July 1923 (for 
the dray ride); "Miss Todd Is Flourishing," Lincoln Her- 
old, December 1948-February 1949 (for the gossiping 
letter about Lincoln and Matilda Edwards) ; Roy P. Basler's 
"The Authorship of the 'Rebecca' Letters," Abraham Lin- 
coln Quarterly -, June 1942; Mary Edwards Brown's "Abra- 
ham Lincoln Married 78 Years Ago Today," Illinois State 
Register, November 4, 1920; Eugenia Jones Hunt's "My 
Personal Recollections of Abraham and Mary Todd Lin- 
coln," Abraham Lincoln Quarterly , March 1945; Octavia 
Roberts's "We All Knew Abr'ham," Abraham Lincoln 
Quarterly, March 1946; Mary Edwards Raymond's Some 
Incidents in the Life of Mrs. Benj. S. Edwards, privately 
printed pamphlet in the Illinois State Historical Library; 
Mrs. Frances Todd Wallace's Lincoln's Marriage: News- 
paper Interview . . . Springfield, 111., Sept. 2, 189?, pri- 
vately printed leaflet, also in the Illinois State Historical 

Granddaughters of two bridesmaids at the Lincoln-Todd 

2 1 8 The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln 

wedding have personally supplied details: Mis. Mary 
Grimsley Donaldson, granddaughter of Elizabeth Todd 
Grimsley, in interviews, and Miss Anna Cushman Glover, 
granddaughter of Anna Rodney Cushman, in interviews 
and a long letter giving a full account of her grandmother. 

The Smgamo Journal for September 2, 9, and 16, 1842, 
has been used for the "Rebecca" letters and the poem 
signed "Cathleen." A few items have been taken from later 

Among the books used, Paul M. Angle's "Here I Have 
Lived": A History of Lincoln's Springfield, 1821-186$ 
(1935) has been indispensable for portraying the early 
Springfield. Katherine Helm's Mary, Wife of Lincoln 
(1928), which contains recollections and extracts from the 
diary of her mother, Eniilie Todd Helm, Mrs. Lincoln's 
half sister, has been important. Herndoris Life of Lincoln, 
edited by Paul M. Angle ( 1942), Harry E. Pratt's Lincoln, 
1809-1839 (1941) and Lincoln, 1840-1846 (1939), both 
giving the day-by-day activities of Lincoln, and William H. 
Townsend's Lincoln and His Wifefs Home Town (1929) 
have all given valuable material. Mr. Townsend's larger 
and more recent volume, Lincoln and the Bluegrass ( 1955) , 
also contains the material used from Lincoln and His Wife's 
Home Town. Joshua Fry Speed's Reminiscences of Abra- 
ham Lincoln and Notes of a Visit to California (1884) con- 
tains his letter to his wife in later life. Dr. Anson G. Henry's 
account of the Lincoln-Shields duel is in Francis B. Car- 
penter's The Inner Life of Abraham Lincoln: Six Months at 
the White Home (1883). Elizabeth Keckley's Behind the 

Bibliographical Note 219 

Scenes (1868), Ward Hill Lamon's Recollections of Abra- 
ham Lincoln, edited by Dorothy Lamon Teillard (1895), 
and Henry C. WTiitney's Life on the Circuit 'with Lincoln, 
edited by Paul M. Angle (1940), have all contributed side- 