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Copyright  ©     1971  by  The  Free  Church  of  Berkeley 
Library  of  Congress  Catalog  Card  Number  72-120338 
Standard  Book  Number  0-8192-1115-X 
Printed  in  the  United  States  of  America 

All  rights  reserved.   Except  for 
brief  passages  quoted  for  review 
purposes,  no  portion  of  this  book 
may  be  reproduced  in  any  form  for 
any  purpose  without  the  written 
permission  of  the  publisher. 

The  authors  and  publisher  wish  to  thank  The 
Macmillan  Company  and  Collier-Macmillan  Ltd. 
for  permission  to  reprint  part  of  the  Preface 
to  Night    Flight    to    Hanoi:    War   Diary    with    11 
Poems   by  Daniel  Berrigan.   Copyright  ©  1968 
by  Daniel  Berrigan. 



A  traditional  formula  determines  what  the  prayer 
book  of  any  community  should  contain:  tex   ovandi 
lex    ovedendii    the  rule  of  faith  Is  the  rule  of 
prayer.   The  only  standard  of  our  prayer  book  must 
be  the  standard  of  our  commitment.   As  the  bleeding 
witnesses  to  peace  and  liberation  multiply,  we  feel 
an  overwhelming  urgency  once  again,  for  our  time, 
to  put  together  texts  that  will  point  a  wandering 
Church  back  toward  its  Pole  Star.   We  can't  help  it 
if  the  message  we're  committed  to  is  the  two-edged 
sword  of  the  God  who  is  a  consuming  fire.   We  are 
in  conscience  bound  to  warn  users  that  they  are 
playing  with  fire;  but  also  that  in  the  end  we  will 
all,  whether  by  a  decisive  act  or  by  repeated  inde- 
cision, fall  into  the  hands  of  the  living  God. 

This  is  a  prayer  book  for  all  those  groups,  in  Amer- 
ica and  elsewhere,  committed  by  their  Gospel  and  the 
needs  of  the  planet  to  the  struggle  for  peace,  jus- 
tice, and  environmental  renewal.   It  has  been  pre- 
pared by  or\e   of  those  groups,  the  Free  Church  of 
Berkeley,  in  large  part  out  of  words  we  heard  on  the 
street.   Men  who  are  neither  hot  not  cold  sometimes 
ask  us,  "Are  you  a  Christian  group  or  another  rad- 
ical political  group?"   We  are  unwilling  to  say 
that  we  are  the  Church  as  distinguished  from  the 
struggle;  we  are  unwilling  to  say  that  we  are  an- 
other political  group.   One  purpose  of  this  book  is 
to  challenge  the  legitimacy  of  that  question. 

The  Church  of  all  our  groups  is  one  with  no  national 
headquarters,  budget,  or  membership  rolls;  it  is  a 
movement  Inside  the  Churches  and  inside  something 
where  the  Spirit  first  stirred  in  our  decades — the 
Movement.   The  existing  structure  to  which  both  of 
us  in  the  Free  Church  happen  to  sit  lightly  is  the 
Episcopal  Church.   This  Liberation  Prayer  Book  ob- 
viously stands  in  some  relation  to  the  work  of 
Thomas  Cranmer.   In  The   Living    Church   of  2  June 
1968,  one  of  us  (Jock  Brown)  criticized  the  attempts 
of  the  Episcopal  Church  to  update  Cranmer.   At  that 
time  we  were  challenged  to  do  better;  here,  with 
complicated  emotions,  is  our  response. 

Like  Cranmer,  we  are  living  in  an  age  of  revolution. 
He  came  down  on  the  side  of  encapsulating  the  Church 
into  a  hierarchic,  mercantile  society.   We  have 

6     Preface 

thrown  in  our  lot  on  the  side  (which  we  believe  to 
be  the  side  of  the  prophets  and  Gospel)  of  support- 
ing and  humanizing  the  revolution.   We  are  not  con- 
cerned to  argue  here  whether  expensive  church  edi- 
fices should  stand  and  be  filled  on  Sundays  with 
affluent  worshippers.   We  are  very  much  concerned, 
so  long  as  the  edifices  and  worshippers  exist,  to 
offer  them  a  specimen  of  what  they  ought  to  be  doing 
and  saying. 

Cranmer  had  the  supreme  advantage  of  living  when 
the  English  tongue  came  to  full  maturity — partly  of 
course  as  a  result  of  the  Reformation,  which  he 
helped  to  build.   Still  he  went  wrong  in  two  ways 
(much  more  so  his  bowdlerizers  after  him):  he  did 
not  print  the  right  selection  of  biblical  texts  in 
his  book  and  he  interpreted  wrongly  the  ones  he  did 
print.   As  a  result,  his  effort  to  free  the  English 
church  from  an  authoritarian  religious  hierarchy 
ended  in  putting  the  church  to  work  for  an  author- 
itarian secular  government;  he  had  only  exchanged 
one  false  master  for  another.   Two  excuses  can  be 
made  for  him.   First,  biblical  scholarship  had  not 
opened  to  him  the  true  historical  figure  of  Jesus 
or  the  prophets;  second,  he  was  too  remote  to  hear 
the  contemporary  people's  reformation,  which  did 
grasp  those  figures  through  insight  into  its  own 
world.   Neither  excuse  is  available  to  people  who 
want  to  go  on  using  Cranmer 's  work  today. 

The  understanding  of  the  Bible,  of  history,  and  of 
the  current  crisis  which  we  presuppose  has  been 
stated  in  his  own  way  by  Jock  Brown  in  The    Liberated 
Zone:    A    Guide    to    Christian   Resistance    (John  Knox 
Press,  1969).   Its  working  out  in  an  actual  youth 
congregation  has  been  the  twenty-four  hour  job  of 
Dick  York  for  the  past  three  and  one-half  years. 
The  network  of  Movement  churches — also  supported 
mostly  by  young  people — that  have  sprung  up  across 
the  country  like  mushrooms  after  rain  is  recorded 
in  the  quarterly  issues  of  Win    With   Love:    A    Direc- 
tory  of   the   Liberated   Church   in   America    (Free  Church 
Publications,  Box  9177,  Berkeley,  California  9^709). 

Our  revision  of  liturgical  tradition  begins  with 
the  title.   The  second  half  of  our  Bible  calls  it- 
self a  "New  Covenant,"  a  phrase  taken  from  Jeremiah 
by  Paul,  and  applied  to  the  worship  of  his  scattered 
communities.   But  what  makes  the  covenant  new  is  the 
fact  that  it  carries  personal  fulfilment,  social 
liberation,  and  environmental  renewal.   And  so 
Ezekiel    34:25  announces  it  as  a  "covenant  of  peace," 

Fveface  7 

berith   shalom.      Our  decision  to  enter  the  covenant 
is  an  act  of  "choosing  life"  rather  than  death 
{Deuteronomy    30:19),  a  phrase  which  George  Wald 
has  bound  on  us  all.   That  choice  is  made  possible 
when  the  Power  of  history  at  the  right  time  breaks 
through  our  stubbornness  and  puts  the  spirit  of  the 
Liberator  in  our  hearts,  saying  "Abba  Father"  {Gal- 
atians    4:6).   This  book  is  built  around  those  three 
texts . 

"From  the  masses  to  the  masses."   We  have  used  that 
maxim  from  the  Little   Red   Book   of  Mao  Tze  Tung  in 
putting  together  this  handbook  for  the  Green  Revo- 
lution.  In  all  important  respects  it  is  user-devel- 
oped from  inside  the  Movement.   Nearly  everything 
has  been  tried  and  revised  in  the  Free  Church  of 
Berkeley;  much  of  the  material  records  oral  impro- 
visation from  our  people.   Our  rubrics  are  not 
legislation  but  description  of  what  actually  has 
been  done.   Throughout  we  have  done  our  best  to  find 
out  what  people  wanted  to  have  said,  we  have  tried 
to  root  it  in  its  proper  tradition,  and  then  we 
have  given  it  back  to  them  again.   We  should  like 
our  work  to  be  Judged  on  our  success  in  that 
enterprise  alone. 

What  we  could  not  improve  on  in  the  tradition,  we 
kept:  the  canticle  of  Francis,  Cranmer's  formulas 
for  marrying  and  burying.   But  as  we  studied  the 
tradition  we  became  more  critical  of  it.   Thus  we 
dropped  the  Te   deum   and  greatly  modified  the  Gloria 
in    exoelsis y    for  these  are  acclamations  of  an  em- 
peror (Roman  and  Byzantine,  respectively)  who  hardly 
differs  from  other  holders  of  secular  power.   We 
replaced  them  with  compositions  that  define  how  the 
Liberator  is  different  from  other  claimants.   Our 
version  of  the  Ahha   Father   is  that  reconstructed  by 
Giinther  Schwartz  (in  Hew   Testament   Studies   XV 
[1968/69],  233-247)  as  it  probably  existed  before 
Matthew  the  liturgical  compiler  went  to  work  on  it. 

In  our  collaboration  each  has  done  his  own  job. 
The  dramatic  structures,  the  choice  of  services  pro- 
vided, the  range  of  idioms,  come  from  Dick's  needs 
in  a  street  ministry.   The  choice  of  biblical  pas- 
sages, the  new  versions,  and  the  final  compilation, 
have  been  Jock's  work.   This  book  includes  an  an- 
thology of  the  biblical  passages  that  are  of  central 
importance  to  us;  its  index  allows  it  to  serve  also 
as  psalter  and  lectionary.   Our  translations  use 
liturgical  freedom  in  very  different  degrees,  from 

8     Preface 

highly  literal  versions  to  modernized  paraphrase; 
they  are  not  specimens  of  another  whole-Bible 
translation.   We  have  tried  only  to  use  words  which 
communicate  the  desired  sense  to  our  actual  audi- 
ences.  Thus  the  two  groups  of  words,  both  in  Greek 
and  Hebrew,  usually  translated  Lord   and  Savior 
mostly  come  out  Liberator . 

We  intend  our  book  as  both  celebration  and  educa- 
tion.  We  have  aimed  at  putting  the  right  words 
together  into  that  right  order  whose  highest  name 
is  Poetry;  use  will  determine  where  we  have  suc- 
ceeded.  We  have  tried  to  avoid  celebrating  the 
wrong  things,  like  Cranmer,  or  (worse)  celebrating 
nothing  at  all,  like  group-sensitivity  liturgies 
on  the  one  hand  and  the  COCU  liturgy  on  the  other. 
We  are  celebrating  the  freedom  won  by  our  struggle 
for  global  justice  in  community,  and  brought  in  by 
the  Liberator.   So  we  also  wish  to  be  as  informa- 
tional and  didactic  as  a  newspaper  from  Viet  Nam 
or  the  Black  Panthers.   Several  texts  give  a  run- 
down of  cosmic  and  planetary  history.   Our  Pente- 
costal theme,  and  our  hope  for  use  in  the  Third 
World,  are  symbolized  by  certain  words  in  foreign 
tongues, with  translation:  Salaam^    Miruj    Hda    Btnh. 

We  hardly  know  where  to  begin  or  end  general  ac- 
knowledgements.  Ed  Kelley  gave  us  the  publisher's 
Invitation  we  were  waiting  for.   Tony  Morlet  got 
us  the  bread  to  write  on.   Bob  Castle's  litanies 
have  been  on  our  mind.   Bits  of  these  liturgies 
have  been  publicized  by  Bob  Haskell,  Tom  Pike,  Al 
Thomas,  Stephen  Snyder,  Massimo  Theodori,  John 
Robinson,  the  Nine  for  Peace,  and  the  Hawaii 
Resistance.   Mike  Itkin  has  done  us  the  flattery 
of  ripping  off  the  bulk  of  these  materials  and 
reworking  them  for  his  own  community.   We  would 
never  have  thought  of  guerrilla  liturgy  if  Abbie 
Hoffman  had  not  been  himself.   As  Viv  Broughton's 
CHURCH  in  London  has  evolved  in  parallel  with  the 
Free  Church,  we  have  borrowed  liturgy  back  and 
forth.   Special  thanks,  for  benefits  recorded  only 
by  the  Operator  of  the  universal  Switchboard,  is 
due  to  Greg  Mack,  Glee  Bishop,  Mike  Baxter,  Phyllis 
and  Otto  Smith,  Carl  Bangs,  Joe  McCarty,  Gail 
Braunstein,  Janie  Dickinson  Allen,  Emily,  Melinda, 
and  the  thirty  thousand  people  who  marched  on  Memo- 
rial Day,  1969.   From  another  point  of  view,  with- 
out the  work  of  Lyndon  Johnson,  Dean  Rusk,  William 
Westmoreland,  Richard  Nixon,  McGeorge  Bundy ,  Mel- 
vin  Laird,  John  Mitchell,  Spiro  Agnew,  Richard 

Preface  9 

Daley,  Charles  Hitch,  Edward  Teller,  Ronald  Reagan, 
Frank  Madigan,  and  their  associates,  this  book 
would  not  have  been  needed  in  the  first  place. 

We  have  not  written  a  weekly  office  or  lections  for 
a  Sunday  cycle.   For  we  are  still  a  Movement,  called 
into  getting  ourselves  together  from  time  to  time, 
in  the  style  of  prophetic  confrontation.   Our  book 
takes  the  form  in  which  it  was  shaped  by  History. 
But  in  another  book  we  do  hope  to  print  suitable 
day-by-day  readings  for  our  whole  Calendar. 

The    Calendar.      The  general  plan  arose  spontaneously 
when  we  two  were  driving  with  Tom  Hayes  to  Port 
Chicago;  Jim  Kennedy  has  contributed  many  revolu- 
tionary dates.   We  wish  to  record  our  rejection  of 
any  Perpetual  Calendar  which  would  rationalize  the 
date  of  Easter  or  put  patriotic  holidays  on  long 
weekends;  the  sun,  moon,  and  history  all  have  their 
own  integrity.   More  than  half  the  dates  are  occu- 
pied by  persons  or  events  that  call  for  celebration; 
they  are  printed  in  Roman  type,  with  those  that  are 
major  in  Berkeley  capitalized.   Around  them  are 
political  commemorations,  printed  in  italics.   Since 
politics  is  the  realm  of  the  ambiguous,  these  events 
call  for  a  mixture  of  celebration  and  penitence, 
which  we  let  each  user  determine  for  himself.   All 
our  commemorations  are  arranged  for  liturgical  con- 
venience; where  our  date  does  not  coincide  exactly 
with  the  historical  or  traditional  date  of  the  event 
celebrated,  we  have  tried,  with  as  much  accuracy  as 
possible,  to  indicate  the  original  date  in  paren- 
theses . 

The   Litany.    This  is  the  oldest  element  in  the  lit- 
urgy; it  has  passed  through  at  least  a  dozen  states. 
Our  scrapbook  shows  it  as  first  used  in  a  solidarity 
event  for  the  Berrigans  on  15  June  I968.   It  works 
as  a  whole  public  service  in  its  own  right;  also 
each  section  is  recommended  for  use  by  itself  else- 
where . 

The  Prayers    and  Celebrations    provide  a  topical  sub- 
stitute for  a  yearly  cycle  of  collects. 

Entering    the    Covenant.       At  the  Free  Church  we  have 
never  yet  gotten  ourselves  together  enough  to  cov- 
enant; but  we  do  use  most  of  the  texts  here  some- 
how or  other.   We  offer  the  form  to  our  more  ad- 
vanced sister  communities  across  the  country.   The 
November   Fifth   Statement    is  our  current  working 

10     Preface 

The   Book   of   Changes.       Cranmer,  assuming  a  passive, 
illiterate  peasantry,  begins  each  office  with  the 
priest  telling  the  people  why  they  are  there.   Our 
materials,  being  user-developed,  mostly  begin  with 
the  people  telling  the  minister  why  they  are  there. 
The  understanding  of  the  life-cycle  is  that  worked 
out  by  Jock  in  Planet   on   Strike    (Seabury  Press, 
1970).   The  participants  are  supposed  to  have  this 
book  in  their  hands. 

1.  The  form  for  receiving   a   baby    into    the   covenant 
came  from  the  impromptu  blessing  of  new  hippy  babies 
on  Telegraph  Avenue. 

2.  Going    through   the   waters    is  our  normal  adult 
baptismal  form,  first  used  on  11  November  1968;  it 
is  now  combined  with  an  Easter  Eve  liturgy. 

3.  The  wedding    celebration   pages  are  likely  to  wear 
out  first.   The  vows  are  a  distillation  from  hun- 
dreds of  couple-written  services  at  which  Dick  has 
officiated;  they  also  incorporate  a  suggestion 

from  Michael  Allen. 

k.       The  form  of  commissioning    for  ministry    has  the 
texts  which  Jock  preached  from  at  Dick's  ordination. 
We  take  it  for  granted  that  any  ordinations  hence- 
forth will  be  wholly  ecumenical;  so  this  form  is  an 
outline  to  be  filled  in  by  negotiation  among  the 
churches  taking  part. 

5.  The  form  for  visiting   prisoners    is  an  expanded 
text  for  what  we  have  long  been  doing.   We  prescribe 
the  Kiss  of  Peace  with  a  shall   because  some  jails 
are  uptight  about  it  and  we  want  to  provide  the 
visitor  with  some  leverage  on  the  warden. 

6.  The  memorial    of   the   dead   expands  Joe  Hill's  say- 
ing: "Don't  mourn,  organize." 

The  Freedom  Meal    is  a  revision  of  the  tattered  mim- 
eographed sheets  which  have  already  gone  around  the 
world;  we  are  moved  at  the  response  found  by  these 
words — not  ours  but  the  people's.  The  Shalom   theme 
comes  from  David  Kirk.   The  nucleus  of  the  Affirma- 
tions, a  chain  of  Movement  slogans  or  bumper  stick- 
ers, was  first  used  before  two  thousand  screaming 
kids  on  k   July  1968.   We  trust  communities  of  the 
Spirit  to  improvise  inside  the  framework  we  pro- 
vide— or  outside  it. 

The  Disarmed  Forces   Prayer   Book   was  compiled  in 
consultation  with  Joe  Sonntag  and  his  colleagues 
at  the  Pacific  Counselling  Service;  it  rests  on  a 

Preface  11 

large  base  of  contact  with  GI's  on  duty.  Thanks  to 
Tim  Parkinson  in  Green  Flag  for  the  refrain  "Count 
me  out";  to  Joan  Baez  Harris  and  the  War  Resisters 
League;  and  to  the  Order  of  Saint  Maximilian. 

The  Medical    Cadre   Manual   has  been  done  up  for  the 
use  of  our  own  medical  cadre  working  with  Mike  Bax- 
ter; it  represents  the  needs  of  the  Medical  Commit- 
tee for  Human  Rights  and  other  allied  groups. 

The  Guerrilla   Liturgies    are  designed  for  outdoor 
or  cathedral  use  with  a  bullhorn  or  loudspeaker  be- 
fore a  hostile  or  uninstructed  crowd.   A  cadre  of 
three  or  four  with  prayer  books  is  enough  to  organ- 
ize the  people's  responses.   Each  liturgy  is  in 
three  parts:  a  preparation  at  the  staging  area;  a 
liturgy  in  procession;  and  a  prophetic  action  or 
takeover.   Especially  in  the  third  part,  what  we 
provide  is  resource  material  for  the  leader  to  se- 
lect from  on  the  spot,  in  the  street,  in  temples 
filled  with  money  changers,  at  headquarters  of  pig- 
gery.  Sometimes  you  will  want  to  proceed  directly 
to  the  action  before  you  split  or  get  busted;  at 
other  times  you  will  want  to  claim  sanctuary  and 
filibuster  praying-in  until  reinforcements  arrive. 
If  there  is  time  for  guerrilla  theater,  each  text 
has  an  interlude  that  takes  up  hostile  criticism 
by  a  straight  man  who  stands  for  the  congregation. 

These  liturgies  have  been  designed  in  a  general  way 
around  the  Church  and  national  calendar.   But  the 
Catholic  scheme  of  a  seasonal  cycle  of  observances 
has  been  modified  here  into  a  topical  cycle  of  con- 
frontation.  Incarnation,  penitence,  lament,  resur- 
rection, and  earth  rebirth  have  been  put  back  into 
history . 

1.  The  lament   for   victims   and   executioners    is  a 
much  modified  Good  Friday  liturgy.   The  Reproaches 
in  this  form  were  first  used  at  Cobo  Hall  in  De- 
troit during  the  National  Council  of  Churches  tri- 
ennial (December  1969),  just  after  censorship  of 
the  Song  My  atrocity  had  been  pierced.   We  owe  the 
broken  pot  to  Rosemary  Ruether. 

2.  Burn   out    the   mark   of   the   Beast    is  a  generalized 
Ash  Wednesday  text,  with  borrowings  from  A   Solemn 
Rite    for    the    Public   Burning    of  Draft    CardSj    printed 
by  the  Davis  (California)  Resistance.   We  owe  spe- 
cial thanks  to  Dan  Berrigan,  fugitive  and  prisoner 
for  the  Liberator,  for  permission  to  use  his  beauti- 
ful meditation,  here  slightly  cut.   This  liturgy  was 

12    Preface 

used  on  Ash  Wednesday  1969  outside  the  Federal 
Building  in  San  Francisco  (where  the  fountains  a 
little  later  turned  to  blood),  and  in  1970  at  the 
consecration  of  Oakland  Army  Base  Chapel  to  Saint 

3.  Successive  stages  of  the  Decontamination   litur- 
gy were  used  in  exorcising  the  Pentagon  on  21  Octo- 
ber 1967;  at  the  University  of  California  in  Berke- 
ley and  the  Graduate  Theological  Union  on  11  April 
1969;  at. the  Oakland  Conference  Against  Facism;  at 
the  National  Council  of  Churches  in  Detroit;  and  at 
Saint  Maximilian's  Chapel,  Presidio  of  San  Francisco, 
on  6  March  1970.   It  now  includes  a  Palm  Sunday  (or 
Advent)  procession.   More  often  the  litany  response 
has  been  "Power  to  the  people;  out  demons  out." 

4.  The  Sanctuary    of  peace    is  a  new  Christmas  ser- 
vice; its  nucleus  was  the  conversion  of  the  General 
Convention  of  the  Episcopal  Church  into  an  AWOL 
sanctuary  at  South  Bend  in  August  I969.   i^e  are  in- 
debted to  Raymond  Jennings  for  letting  us  adapt  his 
translation  from  Kanzo  Uchimura. 

5.  Earth   Rebirth   evolved  from  the  consecration  of 
People's  Park  on  11  May  1969;  it  was  used  in  the 
Berkeley  festival  of  I8  January  1970,  and  we  know 
that  a  lot  of  copies  have  gone  out.   It  is  super- 
ficially syncretistic  for  wide  coalition  with  ecol- 
ogy activists.   Thanks  to  Viv  Broughton  for  "How 
shall  we  sing  the  Lord's  song";  to  Gary  Snyder  for 
"earth  household";  to  various  straight  sources  for 
well-known  slogans;  to  Incredible  String  Band  for 
the  Benediction;  and  to  Smokey  the  Bear  for  kind 
permission  to  reproduce  his  Sutra  free  forever. 

We  have  tried  here  to  present  nothing  but  the  bib- 
lical testimony  and  we  ask  Bible  churches  to  take 
our  work  seriously.   Each  item  carries  a  clear  wit- 
ness against  militarism,  exploitation,  and  pollu- 
tion— in  a  word.  Sin.   Each  is  designed  to  strike 
a  clear  note  of  that  revolutionary  nonviolence, 
whether  in  personal  crisis  or  social  confrontation, 
which  is    our  Good  News.   We  hope  to  have  found  the 
narrow  way  between  sectarian  withdrawal  and  harm- 
less generalities.   We  offer  our  book  as  a  service 
to  the  movement  for  revolutionary  change  outside 
and  inside  the  Church.  We  want  very  much  to  hear 
from  critics,  and  under  the  Gospel  will  do  our 
best  to  satisfy  them  in  any  future  edition.   Our 

Fvefaoe  IS 

farthest  hope  is  that  some  materials  here  will  one 
day  become  a  genuine  bond  of  unity  for  the  New 
Church  constantly  in  birth:  that  this  book  will 
actually  become  that  Covenant  of  Peace  it  calls  it- 

John  Pairman  Brown 

Richard  L.  :^ork 

Witness  day  of  Jeffrey^ 
All-isorij  Sandy  Lee^  and 

Year   of   our    Liberator 

Year    not-too-many 
before    Feace    and 

Preface  5 

The  Covenant  of  Peace 

Calendar  19 

Litany  31 

Liberation  Prayers  37 

Entering  the  Covenant  51 

The    November   Fifth   Statement  58 

A  Book  of  Changes 

1.  Receiving  a  Baby  into  the  Covenant  6l 

2.  Going  through  the  Waters  67 

3.  The  Celebration  of  a  Wedding  86 
k.    Commission  for  Ministry  95 

5.  A  Form  for  Visiting  Prisoners  101 

6.  Memorial  of  the  Dead  110 
The  Freedom  Meal  121 
The  Disarmed  Forces  Prayer  Book  129 

Medical  Cadre  Manual  138 
Guerrilla  Liturgies 

1.  A  Lament  for  Victims 

and  Executioners  1^1 

2.  Burn  Out  the  Mark  of  the  Beast  157 

3.  Decontamination:   The  Advent 

of  the  Liberator  l66 

4.  The  Sanctuary  of  Peace  iBl 

5.  Earth  Rebirth  191 
Index    of   Biblical    Lections  203 

T^  QoA/jC4'^M^  cl  Pc^^iCC 



1  A   THE  NAMING  OF  JESUS;  Emancipation    Pvoclama- 

tion    (1863);  New    Year's    Day 

2  b 

3  c 

k  d  Albert  Camus,  man  of  goodwill  (196O) 

5  e 

6  f   EPIPHANY 

7  g 

8  A   Giotto  dl  Bondone ,  painter  and  follower  of 

Francis  (1337) 

9  b   Galileo  Galilei,  observer  of  the  creation 










THREE  PEACEMAKERS:   Menno  Simons  (1559), 
George  Fox  (I69I),  Ammon  Hennacy  (1970) 

14  g 

15  A  Birthday    of   Martin    Luther    King,    Jr.     (1929) 

16  b 
Antony,  hermit  in  Egypt  (356) 

Jan  Palach,  resister  in  flames,  Prague 

















The  conversion  of  Paul 
Polycarp,  martyr  of  Smyrna  (I56) 

28  g   Fyodor  Dostoyevsky,  student  of  humanity 


29  A 

30  b   GANDHI  THE  MAHATMA ,  apostle  of  nonviolence 


31  c 


1  d   IGNATIUS  OF  ANTIOCH,  visionary  and  martyr 

(about  115);  First    sit-ins ^    Greensboro ^ 
N.C.     (i960) 

2  e   The  Presentation  of  Jesus 

3  f  Ansgarius,  apostle  of  Scandinavia  (865) 
H      g 

5  A 

6  b 

7  c 

8  d   Student  martyrs  of  Orangeburg,  S.C.  (I968) 

9  e 

10  f  Caedmon,  first  poet  of  England  (about  68O; 

moved  from  11  February) 

11  g   ABRAHAM  JOHN  MUSTE ,  peacemaker  and  organ- 

izer (1967) 

Birthday    of  Abraham   Lincoln    (I809) 

Innocents  of  Dresden  (19^5) 

Valentine  ' s    Day 

CAMILLO  TORRES,  revolutionary  and  priest  in 

Bolivia  (I966) 

















Martin  Luther,  reformer  (1546) 
Michelangelo  Buonarroti,  artist  of  humanity 
(1564;  moved  from  I8  February) 
20   b  Frederick  Douglass,  black  liberator  (1895); 
Chicago    Conspiracy    sentenced    (1970) 
Murder   of  Malcolm   X    (I965) 
Birthday    of  George    Washington ^    general  in 
First  American  Revolution  (1732) 














1  d 

2  e 

3  f   JOHN  WESLEY  (1791)  and  CHARLES  WESLEY  (29 

March  I788),  street  ministers 
^   g 

5  A  Boston   Massacre    (1770) 

6  b 

7  c   Perpetua,  Felicity,  and  their  companions, 

martyrs  In  Carthage  (202) 

8  d   Thomas  Aquinas,  student  of  natural  order 


9  e 

10  f  Harriet  Tubman,  black  liberator  (1913) 

11  g  James  Reeb ,  martyr  In  Selma  (I965) 

12  A   MAXIMILIAN,  draft  reslster  (295) 

13  b   Gregory,  bishop  of  Rome  and  musician  (604; 

moved  from  12  March) 

14  c   Karl  Marx,  prophet  of  justice  (I883) 

15  d   JOHNNY  APPLESEED  (John  Chapman),  planter  of 

Eden  (l845;  date  uncertain) 

16  e   INNOCENTS  OF  SONG  MY  (My  Lai;  I968) 

17  f   Patrick,  apostle  of  Ireland  (46l) 

18  g 

19  A   Joachim  of  Flores,  visionary  of  the  future 


spring  equinox 

Isaac  Newton,  searcher  into  the  creation 


Innocents  of  Sharpevllle,  South  Africa 


D.C.    Nine    destroy    Dow    Chemical    office 


Nikolai  Berdyayev,  Christian  ideologist 
f  Selma   march    ends    (I965);  Viola  Liuzzo  shot 
(25  March  1965) 

25  g   The  Annunciation  to  Mary;  Death  of  Ishi, 

last  native  American  (I916) 

26  A   Ludwig  van  Beethoven,  visionary  (1827); 

Walt  Whitman,  poet  (I892) 

27  b   Alice  Herz,  witness  in  flames  (1965) 

28  c   Uchlmura  Kanzo,  founder  ol  "No-Church"  re- 

form in  Japan  (1930);  Rogex'  Williams, 
seeker  (March  or  April  1684) 

29  d 

30  e   Jesus  the  runaway  (12) 

31  f  John  Donne,  priest  and  poet  (I63I) 












1  g  Feast    of  Fools 

2  A   John  Frederick  Denlson  Maurice  (1  April 

1872)  and  Eugene  Victor  Debs  (1  April 
1925)  ,  socialists 

3  b 

^      c   MARTIN  LUTHER  KING,  JR.,  peacemaker  and 
martyr  (I968) 

5  d  Boston   Massacre    (1770) 

6  e  Oakland   police    shoot   down    Bobby    Mutton 


7  f   El  Greco  (Domenico  Theotocopoll ) ,  visionary 


8  g   GAUTAMA  THE  BUDDHA,  mask  of  Christ 

9  A   DIETRICH  BONHOEFFER,  revolutionary  (19^5); 

Innocents  of  Deir  Yassin,  Palestine  (19^8) 

10  b   PIERRE  TEILHARD  DE  CHARDIN,  voyager  in  time 


11  c   Antonio  Ruiz  de  Montoya,  organizer  in  Para- 

guay (1653);  Emilio  Zapata,  agrarian  re- 
former in  Mexico  (10  April  1919) 

12  d 

13  e   Innocents  of  Jallianwalla  Bagh ,  India 

Ik      f  Justin,  martyr  in  Rome  (about  I67) 

15  g  Damien  (Joseph  de  Venster),  priest  and 

leper  (I889);  Peace   Mobilization    (I967) 

16  A   Benedict  Joseph  Labr^,  priest  and  panhan- 

dler (1783) 

17  b   Francisco  Jose  de  Goya  y  Lucientes,  artist 

and  war  protester  (I828) 

18  c   Albert  Einstein,  cosmologist  (1955) 

19  d   Charles  Robert  Darwin,  historian  of  life 


20  e  Warsaw   ghetto   revolt    (began  19  April  19^3); 

Massacre    of  Ludlow^    Col.y    miners    (1914) 

21  f   Peter  Abelard  (1142)  and  Heloise  (II63), 


22  g  Thomas  Cranmer,  liturgist  and  martyr  (1556; 

moved  from  21  April) 

23  A 

24  b  Genocide  of  the  Armenians  (1915) 

25  c  Mark,  evangelist 

26  d  Black   Manifesto    promulgated    (1969) 

27  e  Innocents  of  Guernica  (1937) 

28  f  Sundar  Singh  the  Sadhu,  disappeared  on  mis- 

sion in  Tibet  (April  1929) 

29  g  Columbia    University    student    revolt    (I968); 

Hernan  Mery,  agrarian  reformer  in  Chile 

30  A   Catherine  of  Siena,  visionary  and  social 

worker  (I38O) 




























Joseph  the  worker;  International    Workers' 


Leonardo  da  Vinci,  universal  man  (1519) 

William  Shakespeare  (23  April  l6l6  O.S.) 

Monica,  mother  (387) 

Student  martyrs  of  Kent,  Ohio  (4  May  1970) 

Henry  David  Thoreau,  hermit  and  war  resist- 

er  (1862) 

Vietnamese    victory    at    Dien    Bien    Phu    (195^) 

Revelations  to  Dame  Julian  of  Norwich 


Cyril  (869)  and  Methodius  (885),  apostles 

of  Russia 

Ghetto   massacre    in   Augusta    (1970) 

Destruction    of  People's    Park,    Berkeley, 
Calif.,    begun    (1969) 
15   b   Aristide  Peter  Maurin,  Catholic  worker 


Student  martyrs  of  Jackson  (15  May  1970) 
Catonsville    Nine    burn   draft    files    with    na- 
palm   (1969) 

JAMES  RECTOR,  martyr  for  ecology,  Berkeley, 

Calif.  (1969) 

Alcuin,  liturgist  (804) 

Girolamo  Savonarola,  reformer  (1498) 
Nicolaus  Copernicus,  astronomer  (1543) 
Chicago    Fifteen    burn    draft   files    (I969) 
Antonio  Henrique  Pereira  Netto,  apostle  to 
youth  and  martyr  in  Recife  (I969) 
Bede ,  historian  (735) 

Boris  Pasternak,  poet  (30  April  I96O) 
Massacre    of   steel    workers,    Chicago    (1937) 
Signing  of  the  Barmen  Declaration  (1934) 
























1  e 

2  f  Martyrs  of  Lyons  (177) 

3  g   POPE  JOHN  XXIII,  apostle  of  unity  (I963) 

4  A 

5  b  Assassination    of  Robert    Fitzgerald   Kennedy 


6  c 

7  d 

8  e 

9  f   Columba  of  lona,  holy  man  (597);  First   Eng- 

lish  Prayer   Book    (10  June  15^9) 

10  g   Innocents  of  Lidice  (19^2);  THIGH  QUANG 

DUG,  resister  in  flames  (11  June  1963) 

11  A  Saint-Denis,  first  gothic  church,  dedicated 

in  Paris  (11^^) 

Medgar  W.  Evers,  martyr  in  Mississippi 


Peasants'    Revolt    led   by    John    Ball ^    London 









Magna    Carta    signed    (1215) 

17  g 

18  A   Denmark  Vesey,  black  liberator  (1822) 

19  b 

summer  solstice 

20  c 

21  d  James  Ghaney,  Andrew  Goodman,  Michael 

Schwerner,  martyrs  in  Mississippi  (1964) 

22  e   Alban,  martyr  of  Britain  (304) 

23  f 

24  g   Birth  of  John  the  Baptizer 

25  A 

26  b 

27  c  International    Workers    of   the    World   founded 


28  d 

29  e   Peter  and  Paul,  apostles  in  Rome  (about  67) 

30  f 
















1  g 

2  A  Visitation  of  Mary 

3  b  Algerian    independence     (1962) 

4  c  U.S.    National    Liberation   Day    {1175', 

holiday ) 

5  d 

6  e   Jan  Hus ,  reformer  and  martyr  in  Prague 


7  f  William  Faulkner  (6  July  1962) 

Benedict  of  Monte  Cassino,  monk  (about  5^0) 
Newark    ghetto    revolt    (I967) 

Capture    of   the    Bastille    (I789) 
Nine    for    Peace    resign    from    U.S.    Armed 
Forces,    San    Francisco    (I968) 
16   A   Meister  Eckhart,  mystic  (I328;  date  un- 

First    Moon    landing    (I969) 

Albert  John  Luthuli,  peacemaker  in  Africa 


Mary  Magdalen,  harlot 

Thomas  i.   Kempis,  mystic  (1471) 
James,  apostle;  Walter  Rauschenbusch,  ac- 
tivist (1918) 
Cuban   Revolution    (1953) 

Johann  Sebastian  Bach  (1750) 
Mary  and  Martha  of  Bethany 
William  Penn,  peacemaker  (1718) 
Joseph  of  Arlmathea 
































Ignatius  Loyola,  organizer  (1556;  moved 
from  31  July) 

Jean  Vianney  of  Ars,  pastor  (1859);  Anne 
Frank  arrested  (19^M 

HIROSHIMA  (19^5) 

FRANZ  JAEGERSTAETTER,  draft  resister  in 
Austria  (19^3);  Innocents  of  Nagasaki 

Watts    ghetto    revolt    (I965) 

WILLIAM  BLAKE,  visionary  (1827);  Clare  of 
Assisi,  abbess  (1253) 
Florence  Nightingale,  nurse  (I910) 
Maximilian  Kolbe,  O.F.M.,  of  Poland,  volun- 
teer substitute  victim  (19^1) 

Benjamin  Bufano,  peace  sculptor  (1970) 
Blaise  Pascal,  confessor  (1662) 
Jonathan  Daniels,  martyr  of  Selma,  Ala. 
(1965);  First    blacks    landed   at    Jamestown^ 
Va.j    as    slaves    (I619) 
21   b   Bernard  of  Clairvaux,  visionary  (1153; 
moved  from  20  August) 

Execution  of  Nicola  Sacco  and  Bartolomeo 

Vanzetti  (1927) 

Simone  Weil,  mystic  (19^3) 

Women's  suffrage  granted  (1920) 
William  Edward  Burghardt  DuBois,  black  lib- 
erator (1963) 

Augustine  of  Hippo,  ideologist  (^30) 
Freedom   March    on    Washington    (28  August 

Ruben  Salazar,  Chicano  peace  martyr  (29 
August  I97O) 
John  Bunyan,  tinker  and  visionary  (I688) 

















































1  f   Gregorio  Allpay,  reformer  in  the  Philip- 

pines (19^0) 

2  g  James  Albert  Pike,  innovator  (I969) 

3  A  Death    of   Ho    Chi   Minh    (I969) 

k  b   Albert  Schweitzer,  physician  (1965) 

5  c 

6  d 

7  e 

8  f   Birth  of  Mary 

9  g 

10  A 

11  b 

12  c 

13  d 

Ik      e   THE  HOLY  CROSS;  SIMON  OF  GYRENE,  inductee; 


15  f   Dante  Alighieri,  visionary  (1^  September 


16  g  Mexican    Independenoe    (I8IO) 

17  A 

18  b   Dag  Hammarskjold,  peacemaker  (I96I) 

19  c 

20  d  Delano    farm   workers    begin    strike    (I965) 

autumn  equinox 

21  e   Matthew,  evangelist 

22  f  Nuremberg    war-crime    verdicts     (19^6) 

23  g  Sigmund  Freud,  physician  of  souls  (1939) 

24  A  Milwaukee    Fourteen    destroy    draft   files 


25  b 

26  c 

27  d 

28  e   Louis  Pasteur,  physician  (1895) 

29  f  Michael  and  all  angels 

30  g  First    use    of  anesthetics    (1846) 


Chinese    revolution    (19^9) 

Student  martyrs  of  Tlateloco,  Mex .  (1968) 

Woody  Guthrie,  singer  (1967);  Fort    Hood 

Three    resign   from    U.S.    Army    (I967) 


Teresa  of  Avila,  visionary  (1582;  moved 

from  4  October) 

William  Tyndale,  translator  (1536) 

John  Woolman  (1772)  and  Jose  Clemente 

Orozco  (1949),  artists  and  liberators 

Murder    of  Ernesto    Che    Guevara    (I968) 

Circle    of   the    Earth    joined    (1^92) 

Presidio    Twenty -seven    resist    murder ^    San 

Francisco    (I968) 

David  Miller   first    to    burn    draft    card 


Hugh  Latimer  and  Nicholas  Ridley,  martyrs 

17   c  John   Brown    begins    black    liberation    at 
Harper's    Ferry    (I6  October  I859) 
Luke,  historian  and  physician 
Nikos  Kazantzakis,  prophet  (I8  October 

Exorcism   of   the    Pentagon    (I967) 

James,  brother  of  Jesus,  Jewish  Christian 

Paul  Cezanne  (I906) 

United   Nations    Charter    in    effect    (19^5) 

Miguel  Servetus ,  physician  and  martyr 
(1553);  Holy  Innocents  of  the  Wars  of 

Marcellus,  military  resister  (298);  Clar- 
ence Jordan,  translator  in  Georgia  (I969) 
David  Darst,  witness  by  fire  (I969) 




















































1  d   ALL  SAINTS 

2  e   ALL  SOULS;  NORMAN  MORRISON,  confessor  in 

flames  (1965) 

3  f 

4  g      Sizlren  Kierkegaard,    lover   of   truth    (I855) 

5  A 

6  b  Russian   Revolution    (24-25  October  1917 


7  c 

8  d   John  Milton,  poet  (167^) 

9  e   Martin  of  Tours,  pacifist  (397;  moved  from 

8  November) 

10  f  Roger  LaPorte ,  witness  in  flames  (I965) 

11  g  Execution    of   Haymarket    defendants    (I887) 

12  A 

13  b 

14  c  Innocents  of  Coventry  (19^0) 

15  d  Amos  Comenius,  educator  (I67O);  Anti-war 

mobilization    (I969) 

16  e 

17  f 

18  g 

19  A   Murder  of  Joe  Hill  in  Utah  (1915) 

20  b   Leo  Tolstoy  (7  November  I9IO  O.S.) 

21  c 

22  d  Assassination   of  John   Fitzgerald    Kennedy 


23  e 
2k      f 

25  g   Isaac  Watts,  musician  (17^8) 

26  A 

27  b 

28  c 

29  d 

30  e   Andrew,  apostle 




















Charles  Foucauld,  apostle  of  Algeria 

(1916);  International    Prisoners    for   Peace 

Bay;    Rosa    Parks    keeps    bus    seat^    Montgomery , 

Ala.     (1955) 

Sproul    Hall    sit-in^    Berkeley    (1964) 

Francis  Xavler,  apostle  of  the  Orient 


Clement  of  Alexandria,  pacifist  (about 

210);  Massacre    of   Chicago    Panthers    (I969) 

Wolfgang  Amadeus  Mozart  (1791) 

Karl  Barth  and  Thomas  Merton,  confessors 

John  of  the  Cross,  mystic  (1591) 
Bill    of  Rights    adopted    (1791);  Sitting 
Bull,  red  liberator  (I89O) 
16   g  Boston    Tea   Party    destroys    private    property 

First    air   flight    (1903) 

Nonviolent    sit-in^    Oakland^    Calif.;,    Induc- 
tion   Center    (I967) 

wi  nter  solstice 

Thomas,  apostle 

John  Muir,  naturalist  (191^) 


Stephen  and  other  victims  of  lynching; 

Joseph  L.  Hrom^dka,  socialist  (I969) 

JOHN,  apostle  and  visionary 



(29  December  I890) 

29  f  John  Wycllf,  reformer  (1384;  moved  from  28 


30  g 

31  A 


















I.  The  Opening  of  Perception 

Our  fingers,  eyes,  ears,  nose,  tongue,  all  windows 

of  perception,  open  our  senses  to  sink  us  in 

the  glory  of  the  world:   Open  our  senses. 
Birds  and  bats,  moths  and  bees,  and  all  fliers; 

fish  and  dolphins  who  travel  the  whale's 

road;  all  animals  that  share  our  being:   Open 

our  senses.  And  so   on. 
Flowers  and  green  things,  redwood  trees  and  all 

forests,  mantle  of  the  living  globe: 
Folded  mountains  and  the  sand  of  the  shore,  rocks 

and  all  hard  things : 
All  bridges  and  temples  stepping  on  the  hills: 
Salmon-filled  rivers  and  lakes,  waters  of  life: 
Unaltering  Sea,  the  wave  of  drowning  and  mother  of 

us  all: 
Earthquake  and  volcano,  uneasy  continents,  and 

wandering  Icecap: 
Wind  and  clouds,  thunderstorm  and  snow  and  rain, 

breath  of  this  jewel  earth: 
Moon  and  all  planets,  clocks  of  the  darkness: 
0  Sun,  our  Sun,  source  of  life  and  watcher  of  our 

days  : 
Stars  in  your  imagined  constellations,  companions 

of  shepherd  and  sailor: 
Milky  Way  and  the  ten  thousand  cubed  galaxies: 
Protons  and  electrons,  all  units  of  existence,  who 

alone  know  your  own  names : 
Cosmos  of  space  and  time,  island  in  the  sea  of 

Universal  consciousness,  everywhere  potential 

since  actual  in  us : 
0  Power  behind  space  and  time.  Fountain  of  matter 

and  energy.  Organizer  of  change  and  revolu- 
tion:  Open  our  senses. 
Open  our  senses,  God  of  nature  and  history,  so 

that  we  may  serve  our  neighbor  in  love,  free 

from  all  dangers  and  compulsions:   Open  our 

senses  . 

II.  Prayer  for  Deliverance 

From  napalm  and  fallout,  from  shrapnel,  gas,  and 

bullet,  from  poison,  torture,  and  mutilation: 
Good  Lord,  deliver  us. 

32    The  Covenant  of  Peace 

From  prison  and  detention  camps,  from  conscription 
and  from  unjust  sentences:  Good  Lord,  deliv- 
er us .  And   so    on. 

From  rats  and  bedbugs,  from  crowding  and  eviction, 
from  hunger  and  unemployment : 

From  neglect  by  parents,  from  neglect  by  children, 
from  neglect  by  callous  institutions: 

From  cancer  and  stroke,  from  ulcers,  madness,  and 
senility : 

From  starvation  and  epidemic,  from  overcrowding  of 
the  planet,  from  pollution  of  the  soil,  the 
air,  and  the  waters: 

From  poverty  and  disease,  from  segregation  and 

prejudice,  from  harassment,  discrimination, 
and  brutality: 

From  racism  and  affluence;  from  the  concentration 
of  power  in  the  hands  of  ignorant,  threat- 
ened, or  hasty  men: 

From  propaganda,  fads,  frivolity,  and  untruthful- 
ness : 

From  arrogance  and  unfeeling,  narrowness  and  mean- 
ness, from  stupidity  and  pretence: 

From  boredom,  apathy,  and  fatigue,  from  lack  of 

conviction,  from  fear,  self-satisfaction,  and 
timidity : 

From  retribution  at  the  hands  of  our  victims,  from 
the  consequences  of  our  own  folly: 

From  resignation  and  despair,  from  cynicism  and 
manipulation : 

Through  all  unmerited  suffering,  our  own  and 
others '  : 

Through  the  unending  cry  of  all  peoples  for  jus- 
tice and  freedom: 

Through  all  concern  and  wonder,  love  and  crea- 
tivity : 

In  our  strength  and  weakness,  in  occasional  suc- 
cess and  eventual  failure  : 

In  aloneness  and  community,  in  the  days  of  our  ac- 
tion and  the  time  of  our  dying: 

By  the  needs  of  mankind  and  of  the  earth,  and  not 
by  our  own  merits  or  deserving:   Good  Lord, 
deliver  us. 

Deliver  us.  Good  Lord,  open  our  eyes  and  unstop 
our  ears,  so  that  we  may  see  the  figures  of 
the  saints  and  hear  their  witness:   Good 
Lord  ,  del i ver  us  . 

Litany  22 

III.  Invocation  of  the  Saints 

Bridegroom  of  poverty,  our  brother  Francis,  fol- 
lower of  Jesus  and  friend  of  the  creation: 

Stand  here  beside  us. 
Apostle  of  nonviolence,  Gandhi  the  Mahatma,  re- 
proach to  the  churches:   Stand  here  beside 

us .  And   so    on. 
Good  Pope  John,  friend  of  the  poor,  who  longed  for 

the  unity  of  all  people  : 
Peacemaker  in  America,  Abraham  J.  Muste,  father  of 

Peacemakers  in  the  world.  Dag  Hammarskjold,  Albert 

John  Luthuli,  and  all  your  brothers,  called 

children  of  God: 
Mask  of  the  Christ,  Gautama  the  Buddha,  fountain 

of  compassion: 
Harriet  Tubman,  Frederick  Douglass,  John  Woolman, 

Eugene  Debs,  and  all  freedom  fighters: 
Madman  in  America,  Johnny  Appleseed,  planter  of 

Inductee  of  Africa,  Simon  of  Gyrene,  who  carried 

the  cross  of  your  Liberator: 
Visionary  and  apostle,  John  of  Patmos,  resister  to 

the  World  Beast : 
Visionaries  and  poets,  Caedmon,  Dante,  William 

Blake,  John  Bunyan,  Isaac  Watts,  pilgrims  of 

the  inner  light : 
Faithful  harlot,  Mary  Magdalen,  first  witness  of 

new  life: 
Priest  and  panhandler,  Benedict  Joseph  Labr^,  fool 

for  Christ : 
You  who  speak  the  soul's  language,  Johann  Sebas- 
tian Bach,  Wolfgang  Amadeus  Mozart,  Ludwig 

van  Beethoven,  and  all  your  brothers: 
Students  of  the  earth,  Charles  Darwin  and  Pierre 

Teilhard  de  Chardin,  voyagers  in  the  past  and 

in  the  future : 
Children  of  the  synagogue,  Albert  Einstein,  Karl 

Marx,  and  Sigmund  Freud,  divers  in  the  sea  of 

humanity : 
Vanguard  for  the  Liberator,  John  the  baptizer,  who 

condemned  the  crimes  of  princes: 
Witnesses  in  England,  John  and  Charles  Wesley, 

street  ministers: 
Reformers  and  leaders  of  protest,  Amos  of  Tekoa, 

Paul  of  Tarsus,  Jan  Hus,  Martin  Luther, 

Uchimura  Kanzo,  and  all  your  companions: 
Explorers  in  the  Gospel,  Menno  Simons  and  George 

Fox,  generals  in  the  warfare  of  the  Lamb: 

34    The  Covenant  of  Peace 

Free  men  in  chains,  Maximilian  and  Franz  Jaeger- 
staetter,  draft  resisters: 

Confessor  in  Africa,  Augustine  of  Hippo,  city- 
planner  for  God's  people: 

Confessor  in  Russia,  Tovarisch  Boris  Pasternak, 
poet  of  reconciliation: 

Confessors  in  America,  Henry  David  Thoreau  and 
Thomas  Merton,  hermits  and  resisters: 

Confessors  in  flames,  Norman  Morrison,  Alice 
Hertz,  Roger  LaPorte,  David  Darst,  Jan 
Palach,  Thich  Quang  Due,  and  all  your  com- 
panions, immolated  for  the  sake  of  peace: 

Innocents  of  Guernica,  Sharpeville,  and  Birming- 
ham, all  victims  of  lynching,  in  your  unde- 
served deaths : 

Innocents  of  Coventry,  Dresden,  Tokyo,  and  all 
victims  of  bombing,  caught  up  in  a  sea  of 

Innocents  of  Hiroshima  and  Nagasaki,  pierced  by 
needles  of  flame: 

Innocents  of  Ausschwitz,  Dachau,  and  all  concen- 
tration camps,  in  your  despair  and  dying: 

Innocents  of  Biafra  and  Armenia,  Albigenses  and 
kulaks,  all  unpopular  objects  of  genocide: 

Innocents  of  Wounded  Knee,  Deir  Yassin,  and  Song 
My,  God's  wheat  ground  in  the  mill  of  war: 

Martyrs  of  Africa:   Perpetua,  mother;  Felicity, 
slave;  and  your  companions: 

Martyrs  and  confessors,  Polycarp,  Ignatius,  and 
Justin,  who  refused  the  incense  to  Caesar: 

Martyr  in  Berkeley,  James  Rector,  witness  to  green 
revolution : 

Martyrs  in  the  streets  of  the  South,  Jonathan 

Daniels,  James  Reeb,  Medgar  Evers ,  Michael 
Schwerner,  Viola  Liuzzo,  and  all  your  com- 
panions : 

Martyr  in  Athens,  Socrates  the  hippy.  Christian 
before  Christ: 

Martyr  in  England,  John  Ball,  priest  and  revolu- 
tionary : 

Martyr  in  Colombia,  Camillo  Torres,  priest  and 
revolutionary : 

Martyr  in  Germany,  Dietrich  Bonhoeffer,  confessor 
and  revolutionary: 

Martyrs  of  Orangeburg,  Kent  State,  Augusta,  and 
Jackson,  witnesses  to  youth  revolution: 

Martyr  in  America,  Martin  Luther  King,  organizer 
for  peace  and  justice: 

Litany  35 

Unwed  mother,  blessed  Mary,  wellsprlng  of  our 

liberation : 
Our  hero  and  leader,  Jesus  the  manual  laborer, 

root  of  our  dignity: 
Our  hero  and  leader,  Jesus  the  prophet,  who  re- 
sisted the  Establishment: 
Our  hero  and  leader,  Jesus  the  Liberator,  a  king 

because  first  a  servant: 
Our  hero  and  leader,  Jesus  the  poet,  who  laid  down 

a  new  form  of  speech:   Stand  here  beside  us. 
Our  hero  and  leader,  Jesus  the  Son  of  God,  bright 

cornerstone  of  our  unity  in  a  new  Spirit : 

Stand  here  beside  us . 

IV.  Intercessions 

For  the  poor  and  hungry,  migrant  workers  and 

hoboes,  outcast  and  unemployed:   We  call  on 
the  Spirit. 

For  street  and  ghetto  people,  for  unmarried  moth- 
ers and  children  unwanted  in  their  homes :   We 
call  on  the  Spirit.  And   so   on. 

For  the  wounded,  for  prisoners  and  exiles,  for  all 
persecuted  because  of  conscience  or  resist- 
ance : 

For  the  sick  and  suffering  in  mind  or  body,  for 

alcoholics,  for  those  spaced  out  on  drugs  or 
fear : 

For  the  mortgaged  and  manipulated,  fearful  of 

crime  and  competition,  pawns  in  a  game  of  the 
affluent : 

For  prostitutes;  for  policemen,  jailers,  and  sol- 
diers; for  all  prisoners  of  a  degrading 

For  uptight  authorities  and  officials,  that  they 
may  listen  to  the  voice  of  the  different  and 
weak : 

For  oppressors,  exploiters,  and  imperialists,  that 
they  may  be  confused  and  disarmed  by  love: 

For  the  masters  of  war  (especially   /I/,  /!/,  and   N)j 
that  they  may  be  given  a  new  transplant  of 
flesh  in  place  of  their  heart  of  stone : 

For  all  whom  we  fear,  resent,  or  cannot  love;  for 
the  unlovable: 

For  those  who  are  dying  and  have  died,  in  bitter- 
ness or  tranquility: 

For  doctors,  nurses,  and  social  workers,  for  min- 
isters to  the  poor: 

For  organizers,  students,  and  writers,  all  who 
raise  the  cry  for  justice: 

36    The  Covenant  of  Peace 

For  all  who  are  close  to  us,  here  and  in  every 
place : 

For  the  reconciliation  of  mankind  through  the  non- 
violent revolution: 

For  the  established  churches,  that  they  may  be 
humbled,  reformed,  and  united: 

For  the  global  movement  of  peace  and  liberation, 
the  church  of  Jesus  incognito: 

For  reformers  and  prophets,  preachers  and  poets, 
that  God  may  raise  them  up  where  they  are 
least  deserved  and  most  needed: 

That  all  couples  may  realize  their  union  with  the 

universal  flow  of  love: 
That  our  tables  may  be  spread  with  the  natural 

fruits  of  the  earth,  that  our  grandchildren 

may  inherit  a  restored  planet : 
That  all  persons  in  their  work  may  express  ancient 

wisdom  through  the  child's  vision: 
That  each  one  who  enters  our  house  may  receive  the 

hospitality  due  to  the  Christ  whom  he  bears: 

In  thankfulness  for  all  who  have  turned  from  ex- 
ploitation to  the  Way: 

In  thankfulness  for  all  who  have  been  freed  from 
prison,  poverty,  illness,  or  fear: 

Here    whenever   possible    the    people    make    free    inter- 
cessions   and    thanksgivings . 
For  all  those  things  we  are  not  wise  enough  to  ask 

for  ourselves:   We  call  on  the  Spirit. 
We  call  on  the  Spirit  to  bind  us  in  solidarity 

with  all  who  are  using  their  lives  to  resist 

evil  and  affirm  community:   We  call  on  the 


L.A.^er<i^Co^v  P^i/if^e/i^ 

(Arranged   alphabetically    by    catchword) 

For   American    Indians 

0  Great  Spirit,  you  that  watch  the  fall  of  every 
sparrow,  restore  to  the  true  inhabitants  of  this 
land  their  own  forests  and  prairies.   By  their 
voice  teach  all  pilgrims  and  sojourners  on  this 
continent  the  secrets  of  its  life;  let  us  learn 
that  it  is  not  our  property  but  yours. 

For   Animals 

0  Spirit  of  change,  you  who  made  mankind  bud  out 
from  the  world-tree  of  life,  bless  our  brothers  of 
other  language.   Do  not  let  us  in  our  thoughtless- 
ness harm  them  or  the  wild  world  we  share;  have  us 
live  together  in  sympathy,  by  the  example  of 
Francis  the  friend  of  all. 

For   Black   people 

Jesus  our  Liberator,  you  were  a  black  man  in 
Galilee.   Stand  beside  all  black  people  today  in 
their  struggle  for  liberation;  let  them  become 
your  hands  and  your  voice  to  bring  all  people 
knowledge  of  your  Way. 

For    Broken   families 

Our  Liberator,  you  knew  the  pain  of  an  uncompre- 
hending family.   Take  up  all  broken  families  in 
your  arms;  break  the  chain  of  misunderstanding  and 
provocation.   Teach  parents  and  children  gentle- 
ness; bring  the  alienated  together  by  building 
them  into  your  new  community. 

For   Casualties 

Jesus  our  Brother,  you  also  at  the  end  despaired 
of  the  Father;  raise  up  all  who  have  fallen  casu- 
alty through  sickness,  anxiety,  bitterness,  or 
fear,  just  as  you  did  in  your  lifetime  on  earth; 
and  unite  them  with  us  in  one  movement. 

For    Church    leaders 

Our  Liberator,  smile  with  pity  and  sorrow  on  those 
who  are  called  leaders  in  your  Church.   Call  their 
administrative  procedures  into  question;  give  real- 
ity to  the  words  they  daily  repeat.   If  they  can- 
not build  for  peace,  justice,  or  conservation,  let 
them  at  least  not  support  war,  oppression,  pollu- 
tion.  If  they  cannot  embrace  your  poverty,  let 

38    The  Covenant  of  Peace 

them  at  least  not  embrace  the  world's  affluence. 
Raise  up  beside  them  prophets  and  ministers  of 
your  way,  and  so  call  your  church  back  to  yourself. 

For    the    Churches 

Our  Liberator,  you  make  the  message  of  your  peace 
known  in  many  ways;  set  fire  to  all  the  churches 
where  it  is  spoken  ignorantly,  partially,  coldly, 
perversely,  falsely;  let  their  tinder  blaze  up 
into  your  truth. 

For    Clergy    and   Sisters    rejected   by    their   churches 
Our  Liberator,  you  told  us  that  your  followers 
would  be  expelled  from  the  houses  of  God  and  in- 
vestigated by  synods.   Walk  beside  each  of  our 
brothers  and  sisters  who  have  been  penalized  for 
their  faithfulness.   Take  their  suffering  up  into 
your  suffering,  make  your  victory  their  victory; 
build  the  casualty-rolls  into  your  new  community. 

For    the    Coming   of   the    Liberator 

Jesus,  you  came  before  when  expected,  and  unex- 
pectedly; in  every  age  you  have  brought  your  Way 
to  men's  hearts,  not  through  official  channels, 
but  through  your  own  channels.   Today,  come  in  the 
right  way  for  you  to  come,  and  give  us  eyes  to 
recognize  it.   Maranatha,  come  quickly,  our 

For    Confidence 

0  Truth  of  all  being,  from  time  to  time  we  see  a 
hint  of  your  reliability.   Extend  those  times  to 
all  our  time,  make  our  confidence  in  your  faith- 
fulness the  root  of  all  our  being,  so  that  we  can 
say  Yes  to  life;  through  the  Liberator  who  is  the 
living  evidence  for  our  faith. 

For    the    Convention    of  a    church 

Spirit  of  our  Liberator,  you  presided  over  the 
councils  of  the  apostles,  even  when  unworthy  or 
shortsighted.   Move  the  hearts  of  all  here  as- 
sembled, so  that  our  sole  agenda  will  be  to  turn 
back  the  breaking  wave  of  violence;  let  us  act  to 
liberate  the  poor,  to  restore  the  natural  order, 
to  break  the  weapons  of  militarism.   Teach  us  that 
renewal  begins  with  the  house  of  God;  smash  racism, 
war,  exploitation,  in  our  hearts;  set  our  own 
house  in  order. 

For    the    Conversion   of  ourselves 

Our  Father,  our  hearts  are  transparent  to  you;  you 
understand  the  excuses,  delays,  rationalizations, 
that  we  put  between  ourselves  and  the  next  step. 
Sweep  away  that  spiderweb.   Do  not  let  any  doubt 

Liberation   Prayers  29 

shadow  our  certainty  of  the  one  thing  necessary. 
Resolve  all  complications  in  the  simplicity  of  be- 
coming ourselves,  so  that  we  may  be  agents  of  your 
love  and  fellow-soldiers  with  the  Liberator  in 
your  battle. 

For   Courage 

Our  Liberator,  we  do  not  ask  that  our  fear  should 
be  taken  away  from  us,  but  we  do  turn  it  over  to 
you.   Let  it  be  your  business.   Turn  our  own  ac- 
tions back  over  to  us,  and  we  for  our  part  will 
make  them  our  business. 

For    the    Courts 

Our  God,  with  you  is  the  book  of  justice,  in  you 
is  no  violence  at  all.   Overshadow  each  court  of 
this  world  which  claims  to  do  your  justice.   Ex- 
pose its  hypocrisies,  halt  its  harassments,  break 
through  its  tunnel  vision.   And  let  all  its  seeds 
of  justice  bear  true  fruit,  for  our  peace  and 

For   Defense    against    demonic   powers 
0  God  our  only  Strength,  surround  us  with  the  de- 
fense of  commitment,  and  put  into  our  hands  the 
weapons  of  truth  and  nonviolence,  so  that  we  may 
not  succumb  to  the  World  Pig,  but  stand  beside 
Jesus  our  hero  and  leader. 

For   Directors    of   corporations 

0  Director  of  the  universe,  examine  with  care  the 
accounts  of  all  who  claim  to  be  agents  in  your  ad- 
ministration; let  the  voice  of  the  poor  and  op- 
pressed be  heard  in  their  boardrooms;  touch  their 
hearts  with  doubt  and  uncertainty;  distribute 
their  accumulations;  halt  their  manufacture  of 
poison  and  death;  show  them  how  their  task  may  be 
turned  over  to  all  whose  hands  do  the  world's 

For    the    Dying   and   dead 

0  Fountain  of  life,  you  allowed  Jesus  your  son  to 
be  taken  over  by  death;  lift  in  your  hands  our 
brother    [sister]    now  leaving  this  common  life,  and 
unite  his   dying  with  the  Liberator,  so  that  he   may 
also  be  raised  up  by  your  spirit  in  the  community 
of  love. 

For   Engineers    and   scientists 

0  God  of  truth,  you  have  showed  to  students  the 
hidden  things  of  your  creation.   Let  them  swear  by 
your  faithfulness  never  again  to  destroy  man  or 
nature  by  their  knowledge;  let  them  no  longer  ac- 
cept the  wages  of  death  from  the  prince  of  death. 

40    The  Covenant  of  Peace 

For   Families 

God,  it  is  your  way  to  build  great  things  out  of 
small.   Maintain  each  family  against  all  suspi- 
cions and  anxieties,  so  that  it  may  become  an  ex- 
ample and  a  building-block  in  the  home  of  us  all, 
that  new  mankind  which  you  are  bringing  in  through 
Jesus  our  Liberator. 

For  Farmworkers i  foresters ^  biologists 
Jesus  our  brother,  you  appeared  first  in  your  new 
life  to  a  woman  of  the  street  as  a  Gardener.  You 
are  the  true  Adam;  walk  always  with  men  and  women 
who  are  doing  the  work  of  Adam,  planting  the  gar- 
den of  this  planet;  liberate  them  from  all  oppres- 
sion, help  us  all  learn  their  secrets. 

For   Hope 

You  who  are  our  Future,  show  us  your  hand  in  the 
still  undetermined  events  to  come.   Help  us  work 
with  the  hope  that  our  work  makes  a  difference; 
help  us  rest  in  the  assurance  that  we  are  not  in- 
dispensable; help  us  die  in  solidarity  with  our 
brothers  and  sisters  of  all  times,  and  especially 
with  our  elder  brother  the  Liberator. 

For   Housing 

God,  you  are  our  home  in  the  Age  to  come.   Turn 
your  pity  towards  the  homeless  of  this  Age:   the 
exploited,  the  unwanted  children,  the  evicted, 
hoboes,  vagrants.   Turn  your  indignation  towards 
all  heartless  institutions  and  landlords  that  have 
kept  them  so.   With  your  bulldozer,  level  the 
world  ghetto;  build  the  new  Jerusalem  on  this 
green  and  pleasant  earth. 

For   Justice    in    the    economic    system 
0  you  who  are  all  our  wealth:   break  down  every 
concentration  of  money,  overthrow  every  industry 
that  pollutes  the  earth,  give  all  men  and  women  a 
creative  job  for  their  hands  and  a  true  share  of 
the  common  wealth. 

For   Love 

God,  we  recognize  you  as  author  of  change;  we  are 
ready  to  spend  our  time  where  you  command.   For 
your  part,  show  yourself  to  us  as  the  Unchange- 
able.  Hold  us  fast  to  our  friends  and  lovers, 
give  us  time  to  spend  with  them,  which  is  also 
your  time.   Let  our  love  be  the  strength  and  the 
model  for  our  struggle. 

For   Media   people 

0  Power  of  being,  you  made  the  Liberator  the  word 

and  image  of  yourself.   Let  all  who  work  with 

Liberation   Prayers  41 

words  and  pictures  hold  up  everything  they  touch 
to  his  example;  let  them  enrich  not  themselves  but 
your  people;  give  them  strength  and  will  to  expose 
every  system  of  violence  and  to  advance  your 
peace  and  liberation. 

For   Meetings 

Our  Father,  you  are  known  to  us  through  the  words 
and  needs  of  our  brothers.   Speak  to  us  in  this 
meeting,  so  that  our  brothers  may  be  helped  and 
your  revolution  of  love  pushed  forward,  through 
Jesus  our  Liberator  who  never  showed  himself  hard 
of  hearing. 

For   all    in   Mental    confusion 

Jesus  our  brother,  take  up  in  your  hands  all  whose 
inner  self  has  been  broken  by  a  violent  age.   Let 
them  find  good  friends  and  relatives,  quiet  and 
greenness  and  running  water.   And  smash  the  world 
of  meaninglessness  that  has  smashed  them;  bring  in 
everywhere  the  things  that  make  for  our  peace. 

For    the    Military 

Jesus  our  only  leader,  go  and  speak  to  the  Gener- 
als and  Admirals.   Tear  down  the  pictures  of  your- 
self they  have  hung  on  their  walls,  put  a  worm  in 
their  apple,  wormwood  in  their  highballs.   Infect 
their  minds  with  knowledge  of  what  they  have  done; 
find  a  useful  vocation  they  can  retire  to.   And 
break  the  chain  of  command;  let  them  have  no  suc- 
cessors, let  their  in-baskets  be  filled  with 
cobwebs . 

For    the    Ministry 

0  Well  of  our  peace,  you  told  our  Brother  to  pass 
by  the  great  ones  of  the  world,  and  to  call  the 
poor  as  his  organizers.   Let  many  men  and  women 
hear  the  cry  for  justice  raised  by  the  victims  of 
force  or  neglect  on  every  continent.   Let  them 
serve  the  fallen  and  strengthen  the  struggling, 
with  commitment  and  joy,  to  their  life's  end. 

For   National    Liberation   Movements 
0  God  of  justice,  let  all  who  struggle  for  na- 
tional liberation  establish  their  own  culture, 
sitting  unafraid  under  their  vine  and  figtree. 
Make  their  revolutions  humanized  and  democratic. 
At  your  right  time  turn  them  from  all  violence 
or  dictatorship;  make  them  true  spokesmen  for  jus- 
tice in  the  World  Revolution  of  peace  and  freedom 
which  you  have  begun. 

42    The  Covenant  of  Peace 

For    the    Old 

Our  Father,  we  pray  for  our  fathers  and  mothers, 
who  will  see  only  by  hope  and  trust  the  new  thing 
you  are  doing.   Let  them  live  with  their  grand- 
children, let  them  not  be  pensioned  away  by  their 
sons  and  daughters  to  die.   Help  them  understand 
that  their  strange  children  are  bone  of  their 
bone,  flesh  of  their  flesh;  that  the  catechism 
they  taught  in  their  churches  is  being  worked  out 
in  the  streets. 

For   Peace    and   Freedom 

0  God,  the  source  of  change,  break  all  chains, 
stop  all  wars,  and  end  the  hate  which  causes  both, 
so  that  your  people  may  live  with  peace  and  free- 
dom in  Jesus  our  Liberator. 

For    the    Planet 

Architect  of  the  worlds,  you  put  man  and  woman  in 
the  garden  to  keep  it;  show  us  the  true  harmony 
between  ourselves  and  the  earth,  between  green 
things  and  animals,  air  and  water.   And  give  us 
the  secrets  of  knowledge  and  will,  to  restore  all 
damage  done  to  the  planet  by  our  ignorance  or 
malice,  and  to  let  all  living  things  have  the 
freedom  which  is  proper  for  them. 

For    the    Police 

You  who  have  given  laws  to  man  and  all  creation, 
supervise  all  those  who  profess  to  be  maintaining 
law.   Raise  up  protest  whenever  their  law  becomes 
a  new  lawlessness.   Remind  them  that  they  are 
servants,  not  masters,  of  the  people.   Help  them 
to  neither  use  nor  carry  the  weapons  which  our 
Liberator  renounced.   And  give  them  dignity  to  re- 
ject the  role  of  rich  man's  pawn  in  oppressing 
those  poor  for  whom  our  Brother  died. 

For   Politicians 

0  Light  of  truth,  shine  on  all  those  whose  profes- 
sion is  named  compromise  and  show  them  those 
things  which  cannot  be  negotiated;  in  the  spirit 
of  the  one  who  is  our  way,  our  truth,  and  our 

For    the    Poor 

Our  Liberator,  you  called  the  poor  blessed,  for 
you  became  one  of  them.   Let  them  realize  their 
blessedness  as  the  vocation  to  struggle  for  jus- 
tice and  freedom  on  the  planet  which  your  Father 
gave  us  all. 

Liberation   Prayers  43 

For    the    President    of   the    United   States 
0  God  our  only  strength,  look  with  indignation  and 
pity  on  N.,    the  President  of  these  United  States. 
Break  down  the  fence  around  his  White  House;  let 
him  hear  the  voice  of  a  colored  nation,  of  a  col- 
ored world.   Inspire  him  with  distrust  of  his  ad- 
visers.  Repeat  daily  in  his  ears  the  words  of  his 
childhood  preacher,  that  men  do  not  gather  grapes 
from  thorns,  nor  figs  from  thistles.   Teach  him 
that  peace  is  not  built  by  killing,  nor  justice  by 
repression.   Make  him  the  servant  and  not  the  ex- 
ploiter of  his  people,  after  the  example  of  Jesus, 
his  Liberator  and  ours . 

For    Prisoners 

Jesus  our  brother,  victim  of  brutality  and  politi- 
cal prisoner,  be  with  all  our  brothers  and  sisters 
unjustly  jailed.   Give  them  the  strength  to  do 
what  must  be  done  without  useless  anger  and  bit- 
terness; soften  the  hearts  of  their  guards  with 
pity  or  at  least  justice;  and  speed  up  your  prom- 
ised coming  to  open  all  prison  gates  and  set  cap- 
tives free. 

For   any    Project 

0  everlasting  Word,  who  at  the  beginning  shaped 
all  worlds,  put  your  spirit  into  the  fingers  and 
brains  of  those  who  have  begun  this  project;  let 
them  push  past  midpoint  fatigue  to  the  end;  remove 
all  obstacles  not  of  their  own  making,  so  that  we 
all  may  share  with  you  in  the  work  of  creation. 

For   Purity    of  air   and   water 

0  Power  of  being,  you  have  spread  an  envelope  of 
clean  water  and  air  around  this  sapphire  earth. 
Break  every  chimney,  rust  every  pipe  which  deliv- 
ers poison  into  your  living  world;  teach  our 
brothers  and  sisters  to  live  invisible  on  the  only 
planet  they  will  be  given. 

For   a   Remnant    of   God's   people 

0  Rock  of  Israel,  you  promised  salvation  for  those 
who  endure  harassment.   In  time  of  testing  let 
your  people  not  return  evil  for  evil;  by  your  gen- 
tleness keep  the  fabric  of  this  earth  from  irre- 
versible harm;  and  in  the  end  lead  a  remnant  out 
into  your  Liberated  Zone,  for  the  sake  of  the  one 
who  stayed  steadfast  in  trials,  Jesus  our 

For    other    Religions 

0  Power  of  Being,  you  nowhere  leave  yourself  with- 
out a  witness.   Let  us  learn  truth  from  all  men. 

^4    The  Covenant  of  Peace 

by  whatever  name  they  call  it.   Let  Mammon  and 
Beelzebul  be  unmasked,  whenever  they  come  to  us  in 
the  name  of  the  Liberator;  and  let  his  Incognito 
be  removed,  whenever  he  comes  to  us  once  again 
under  a  new  name,  as  he  did  also  at  first. 

For   Reparations 

Our  only  true  Judge,  you  who  delay  condemnation 
and  love  gentleness,  help  us  turn  from  our  compli- 
city in  racism;  break  the  chain  of  our  guilt;  let 
us  hear  both  the  patience  and  the  anger  of  the 
victims;  help  us  to  take  their  side,  and  to  bring 
with  us  reparations  for  our  sin  and  the  sin  of  our 
fathers;  for  the  sake  of  that  homeless  brother  who 
was  wounded  for  our  offenses,  Jesus  the  Liberator. 

For    the    Revolution 

0  God  whose  Name  is  revolution,  cut  our  ties  with 
all  that  is  wrong  and  dying;  help  us  to  carry  out, 
not  our  revolution,  but  yours.   Do  not  let  us  con- 
tinue in  the  old  way  of  murder,  but  direct  us  onto 
the  new  Way  of  love,  which  we  learn  from  the 
spirit  of  our  brother  the  Liberator. 

For    the    Rich 

0  Power  to  whom  all  things  are  possible,  we  do  not 
know  whether  you  can  bring  a  camel  through  the  eye 
of  a  needle.   Let  our  rich  brothers  and  sisters 
not  trespass  forever  on  your  gentleness  and  for- 
bearance; let  them  rather  hear  the  word  to  the 
rich  young  ruler,  and  give  it  all  away;  may  their 
reward  be  in  the  future  and  not  in  the  past. 

For   Rights    everywhere 

0  Power  of  being,  your  love  is  the  only  law;  in 
you  is  no  injustice  at  all.   Hold  up  every  legal 
system,  every  court  and  administrator,  to  the 
plumbline  of  your  impartiality.   Smash  all  dis- 
crimination, use  our  hands  and  voices  to  build  a 
world  of  equal  rights  for  all. 

For   a    Runaway 

Father  of  all  the  unwanted,  take  under  your  care 
each  one  who  for  a  time  has  no  family  in  the 
world.   Soften  the  heart  of  his    parents,  make  pos- 
sible his   return  if  that  is  your  desiring,  for  the 
sake  of  Jesus  the  teenager  who  ran  away  to  be 
about  your  business. 

For   Scholars 

Spirit  of  truth,  through  our  fault  the  powers  of 
darkness  have  obscured  the  truth  of  the  Gospel  by 
a  false  learning.   Raise  up  true  scholars  to  con- 
found its  pretensions  and  to  light  a  true  beacon; 

Liberation   Prayers  45 

let  them  point  to  the  unschooled  poor  who  do  your 
work  by  the  Liberator  living  in  them. 

For   Schools    and   seminaries 

Fountain  of  wisdom,  have  you  not  put  springs  of 
knowledge  into  men's  hearts  and  into  books?   Let 
our  schools  reject  all  subservience  to  oppression; 
let  them  stop  at  no  truth  short  of  the  truth  of 
liberation;  let  them  find  nothing  good  enough  but 
your  goodness. 

For    Simplicity    of    life 

Jesus,  without  self-punishment  you  reduced  your 
needs  to  a  minimum;  your  message  was  short;  you 
did  not  travel  far  nor  live  long.   Give  us  a  share 
of  your  simplicity  and  truthfulness,  so  that  our 
success  may  be  of  the  same  kind  as  your  success, 
and  our  failure  measured  by  your  failure. 

For    Strength    in    troubles 

0  Judge  of  history,  you  have  let  troubles  surround 
us;  we  are  tired,  in  pain,  near  despair.   Send 
your  Spirit  to  each  one  of  us,  and  underneath  our 
fatigue  put  an  energy  from  outside  us.   Hold  us 
fast  in  the  love  of  the  brotherhood,  remembering 
that  everything  we  suffer  has  already  been  suf- 
fered by  the  Liberator. 

For    the    Threatened 

We  pray  for  all  those  so  burdened  with  a  sense  of 
mediocrity  or  guilt  that  they  cannot  let  go  of 
supposed  securities,  for  fear  that  justice  will 
strip  them  naked.   God,  give  them  other  ground  to 
stand  on.   Show  them  that  to  renounce  complicity 
is  the  beginning  of  true  security  in  the  brother- 
hood of  the  Liberator. 

For    Travelers  J    hitch-hikers  ^    drivers 
God,  in  every  age  you  send  men  and  women  from 
their  homeland  like  Abraham  to  build  a  new  com- 
munity in  a  distant  country.   Watch  over  those  who 
go  out  on  trip.   Do  not  let  them  fall  into  sick- 
ness or  the  hands  of  the  violent,  and  each  night 
find  them  a  meal  and  lodging  for  the  sake  of  the 
Son  of  Man  who  had  no  place  to  lay  his  head. 

For   a    Trial 

0  Judge  of  the  Ages,  hold  up  the  standard  of  your 
truth  to  those  who  in  this  place  are  called  agents 
of  your  justice,  so  that  they  may  speak  not  what 
is  conventional  but  what  is  right,  remembering  the 
unjust  condemnation,  long  ago  and  yesterday,  of 
their  Liberator. 

46    The  Covenant  of  Peace 

For    the    Unemployed 

Jesus  the  manual  laborer,  stand  beside  those  whom 
oppression  has  deprived  of  useful  work;  turn  their 
hands  to  your  work.   Care  for  their  needs,  for 
their  wives  and  children;  and  do  not  let  them  be 
muzzled  by  welfare.   Redouble  their  cry  for  jus- 
tice; build  a  true  society  on  the  solid  base  of 
their  indignation. 

For    Union   organizers 

0  Source  of  change,  you  called  Moses  your  first 
prophet  as  an  organizer  of  the  exploited,  the 
leader  of  a  general  strike.   Give  all  union  organ- 
izers his  commitment  and  power;  by  their  work 
break  down  every  system  of  injustice  and  oppres- 
sion, build  a  human  society  on  this  garden  planet. 

For    Unity    of   people 

0  God  of  life,  you  who  have  made  men  and  women  of 
one  stock  and  one  family,  turn  our  eyes  from  out- 
ward differences  to  the  common  humanity  and  let  us 
embrace,  as  children  of  one  house,  through  the 
Brother  of  us  all. 

For    the    Unity    of    the    Church 

0  Fountain  of  unity,  build  all  humankind  into  a 
new  creation  around  your  Son,  the  true  Adam.   Do 
not  let  administrative  schemes  deceive  the  simple. 
Raise  up  everywhere  people's  organizers,  who  will 
unite  your  church  in  order  to  do  your  desiring: 
the  works  of  freedom,  conservation,  and  peace. 

For    Victims 

Our  Liberator,  that  Power  which  we  do  not  under- 
stand has  brought  many  persons  (and  especially  N . ) 
into  union  with  your  suffering.   Raise  up  cham- 
pions for  their  cause.   Do  not  leave  them  as  vic- 
tims long;  and  while  they  are  such,  give  them  your 
confidence  and  a  foretaste  of  the  new  life. 

For    the    Vision    of   God 

Bright  Sun  of  all  the  worlds,  you  have  made  the 
fullness  of  all  the  universe  your  splendor.   Bring 
us  to  such  simplicity  that  our  eyes  can  see  the 
Day  of  your  liberation  in  every  day,  through  the 
one  whose  face  reflects  the  knowledge  of  that 
glory,  Jesus  our  brother. 

For    the    Vocation    of   everyone 

Our  God,  you  are  no  respecter  of  persons;  all  work 
is  your  work,  no  man's  is  more  important  than  an- 
other's.  As  our  Brother  learned  in  the  carpen- 
ter's shop  the  whole  task  of  liberation,  so  may 

Liberation   Prayers  47 

each  of  us  bring  to  his  task  the  whole  person  he 
must  become. 

For    White    people 

0  God  of  history,  you  are  taking  this  planet  from 
the  white  people  who  have  long  usurped  it,  and 
giving  it  to  others.   Turn  the  children  of  the 
colonialist  to  their  brothers;  let  them  bring  with 
them  their  treasures  of  science  and  art.   Together 
let  them  build  one  family  without  exploitation  on 
one  living  planet. 

For   our    Work    in    the    revolutionary    Church 
God,  you  make  all  things  work  together  for  good 
among  those  who  love  you;  help  us  build  each  word 
and  action  into  a  consistent  program  of  change, 
looking  forward  to  the  coming  New  Age  of  coopera- 
tion among  all  in  the  Liberator. 

For    the    Young 

0  God,  in  you  is  every  future;  stand  beside  the 
young  people  in  whom  our  future  lies.   Help  them 
avoid  the  mistakes  of  their  parents;  renew  in  them 
all  truths  which  their  parents  once  affirmed. 
Make  them  cells  of  a  more  just  society,  builders 
of  a  restored  planet. 


For   Liberation 

Our  Father,  the  Prince  of  this  world  had  shut  us 
up  very  tight  in  his  castle  Despair;  now  the  Lib- 
erator with  the  weapon  of  his  Spirit  has  broken 
down  its  walls,  and  we  learn  a  new  song  of 

For   a    Safe    Return 

0  Power  of  history,  you  exiled  your  people  in 
Babylon  and  brought  the  Liberator  down  to  Egypt; 
you  have  brought  us  home  from  the  discomfort  and 
dangers  of  exile;  we  trust  you  also  at  the  end  to 
anchor  humankind,  and  the  whole  universe,  in  the 
destination  of  their  hoping. 

For    the    Creation 

Creator,  you  who  have  filled  the  universe  with 
splendor,  even  as  we  struggle  against  the  powers 
of  darkness  we  celebrate  your  magnificence;  we 
make  our  road  of  combat  part  of  the  desired  goal 
and  we  salute  you  as  our  final  Goal. 

For   Nature    and   History 

Fountain  of  life,  we  praise  you  for  the  excellence 
of  the  planet  where  we  labor,  for  the  lives  and 
works  of  our  brothers  and  sisters  in  the  past,  for 
touching  our  hearts  to  see  both.   Do  not  let  us  be 
satisfied  with  less  than  whole  commitment;  let  us 
be  your  agents  in  life  and  liberation. 

For   a    Saint 

0  Source  of  life,  you  pour  humankind  into  many 
shapes;  we  thank  you  for  the  example  and  witness 
of  your  servant  N. ;  help  us  take  on  the  form  of 
humanity  that  our  time  and  place  call  for,  in  the 
strength  of  that  Brother  who  is  the  perfect  man. 

For   our    Food 

0  King  of  the  Ages,  blessed  are  you  who  bring  the 
grain  out  of  the  earth  and  make  the  sap  rise  in 
the  vine.   We  praise  you  in  these  your  gifts,  we 
ask  that  the  hungry  never  be  turned  away  from  our 
door,  through  that  Liberator  who  declared  all  food 
sacred  and  who  never  ceases  offering  us  the  bread 
of  life. 

For   Childbirth 

Father  of  all  living,  we  thank  you  that  your 

daughter  N.    has  safely  brought  a  child  into  the 

Liberation   Prayers  49 

world  of  light;  watch  over  them  both  and,  by  your 
Spirit,  have  the  child  brought  up  in  the  presence 
of  Jesus  the  Liberator. 

For   Harvest 

Source  of  life,  we  praise  you  that  once  again  in 
its  season  the  land  has  given  its  increase  and 
your  people  are  fed  in  joy fulness;  may  the  earth 
never  grow  less  green,  and  may  all  mankind  ever 
rejoice  in  your  liberation. 

C-K^eWv^  ^  Cov^fv/iW 

A    form   for    the    mutual    compact    of  a   group    which   may 
not   yet    have    called   or    commissioned   a   minister ; 
and   where    some    may    not    yet    have    gone    through    the 
waters^    or   may    have    doubts    about    their   baptism   as 
infants . 


Leader    and   People: 

It  is  time  for  us  to  wake  up  from  sleep; 

Our  freedom  is  nearer  than  when  we  believed. 

{Romans    13:11] 
See,  now  is  the  proper  time; 

Today  is  the  day  of  liberation. 

[2    Corinthians    6:2] 
You  are  the  light  of  the  world; 

A  city  set  on  a  hill  cannot  be  hidden. 

[Matthew    5:14] 
God  has  made  with  us  a  covenant  of  peace; 
He  sends  down  the  rain  in  its  season. 

He  has  broken  the  bars  of  our  yoke; 

And  freed  us  from  the  hand  of  our  oppressors. 

[Ezekiel    34:25-27] 
He  removes  bow  and  sword,  and  war  from  the  land; 
He  makes  us  lie  down  in  safety. 

[Rosea    2:18] 
The  habitation  of  God  is  with  men; 

He  lives  with  them  and  they  are  his  people. 

[Revelation    21:3] 
Change  your  heart  and  turn  back; 

The  fulfillment  of  time  has  arrived. 

[Acts    3:19;  Galatians    4:4] 
Be  confident  in  the  good  news ; 
The  Liberated  Zone  is  at  hand. 

[Mark    1:15] 

The  Promise  of  the  Covenant 

Leader:      Friends,  we  are  here  as  a  group  because 
we  have  tried  and  failed  to  make  a  life  for  our- 
selves individually.   But  a  seed  has  been  sown  in 
the  world,  and  each  of  us  is  aware  of  its  germina- 
tion in  his  heart.   Today  we  want  to  throw  off 
complicity  with  an  old  order  of  violence  and  to 
bind  ourselves  together  in  a  new  compact,  so 
clearly  that  not  the  simplest  person  will  doubt 
for  an  instant  where  we  stand.   We  know  that  by 
ourselves  we  lack  the  insight  and  the  will  to  do 

52    The  Covenant  of  Peace 

this.   So  let  us  hear  the  old  promise  of  a  cove- 
nant freely  made  available  to  men  and  women,  whose 
terms  are  not  arbitrary  but  the  laws  of  the  uni- 
verse, offering  that  peace  which  the  world  cannot 
give . 

Assistant:      See,  the  days  are  coming,  says  the 
Power  of  history,  that  1  will  seal  a  new  covenant 
with  the  house  of  Israel.   It  will  not  be  like  the 
covenant  which  I  sealed  with  their  fathers,  on  the 
day  when  I  took  them  by  the  hand  to  lead  them  out 
of  Egypt,  the  land  of  exploitation;  for  they  re- 
jected that  covenant,  even  though  I  was  their  hus- 
band.  For  this  is  the  covenant  I  will  seal  with 
the  house  of  Israel  after  those  days:   I  will  put 
my  law  in  their  midst  and  write  it  on  their 
hearts;  I  shall  be  their  God  and  they  will  be  my 
people.   No  more  will  a  man  teach  his  neighbor  or 
his  brother,  saying,  "Know  God";  for  they  will  all 
know  me,  from  the  least  to  the  greatest.   I  will 
pardon  their  crime  and  remember  their  complicity 
no  more.  [Jeremiah    31:31-34] 

The  Threefold  Rule 

Leader:      Friends,  let  us  hear  from  the  prophet 
that  Way  of  justice  which  is  the  first  rule  of  the 
covenant . 

Assistant :      Is  not  this  the  fasting  that  I  have 
approved,  says  the  Power  of  history: 

To  break  the  chains  of  injustice. 

To  cut  the  straps  of  the  yoke. 
To  release  the  oppressed  into  freedom. 

And  to  throw  off  every  yoke; 
To  share  your  bread  with  the  hungry. 
And  bring  the  landless  poor  into 
your  household; 
When  you  see  the  naked,  to  cover  him. 
Not  hiding  away  from  your  own  flesh? 

[Isaiah    58:6-7] 

Leader:      Let  us  next  hear  from  the  book  of  Moses 
the  permanent  task  laid  on  man  and  woman,  to  plant 
the  garden  of  this  living  planet. 

Assistant :      Then  God  took  man  and  put  him  in  the 
paradise  of  Eden,  to  cultivate  it  and  tend  it. 
And  God  blessed  them  and  said  to  them,  "Be  fruit- 
ful and  increase,  spread  over  the  earth  and  regu- 
late it;  assume  leadership  over  the  fish  of  the 
sea,  the  birds  of  the  air,  and  every  animal  that 
moves  on  the  earth."  [Genesis    2:15;  1:28] 

Entering    the    Covenant  53 

Leader:      Friends,  the  good  news  we  bear  is  that 
Jesus  is  the  agent  of  the  new  covenant.   In  him, 
we  who  are  called  will  receive  our  promised  in- 
heritance.  Let  us  then  finally  open  our  ears  to 
the  new  Way  of  Love  laid  down  for  us  by  our 
brother  the  Liberator. 

Assistant : 

You  shall  love  your  enemies. 

Do  good  to  all  who  hate  you. 
Bless  those  who  denounce  you, 

Pray  for  those  who  harass  you. 
If  someone  hits  your  right  cheek. 

Turn  him  the  other  also; 
If  someone  takes  away  your  coat. 

Give  him  your  shirt  also. 
Give  to  everyone  who  demands; 

Do  not  ask  to  have  back  what  is  seized. 
And  as  you  wish  people  would  treat  you. 

You  treat  them  just  that  same  way. 
Your  reward  will  be  great. 

For  you  will  be  children  of  the  Highest, 
Who  raises  his  sun  on  the  evil  and  good. 

And  rains  on  the  just  and  unjust; 
So  you  shall  be  merciful. 

Just  as  your  Father  is  merciful. 

[Luke    6:27-31,  35-36;  Matthew    5:45] 

Liberation  from  Complicity 

The   following   Statement  of  Complicity  is    either 
read   by    the    people    along    with    the    leader y    or   re- 
peated  after    him    line    by    line. 

We  confess  that  we  are  accomplices 

With  the  demonic  powers  of  violence. 
We  grow  rich  by  daily  oppression; 

We  sleep  in  beds  of  racism. 
We  take  pride  in  freedom  and  justice. 

And  we  invent  new  slavery. 
We  say  that  our  goal  is  peace. 

And  invent  new  instruments  of  war. 
We  live  off  the  fat  of  the  land, 

And  we  poison  it  for  our  children. 
We  say  that  we  love  our  neighbor. 

And  we  try  to  breed  him  off  the  earth. 
We  cry  out  against  exploitation. 

And  exploit  each  other  and  ourselves. 
And  so  we  are  accomplices 

In  the  crime  of  burnt  bodies; 

Burnt  ghettoes; 

Burnt  earth; 

Burnt  freedom. 

5^1    The  Covenant  of  Peace 

We  are  accomplices  by  our  violence. 

By  our  violence. 

By  our  most  grievous  violence. 
In  turning  our  faces  away 

And  in  doing  nothing. 

Leader   and   People: 

Kyrie  eleison.   Kyrie  eleison. 

Lord  have  mercy  upon  us.   Lord  have  mercy 

upon  us  . 
Christe  eleison.   Christe  eleison. 
Christ  have  mercy  upon  us.   Christ  have 

mercy  upon  us. 
Kyrie  eleison.   Kyrie  eleison. 
Lord  have  mercy  upon  us.   Lord  have  mercy 

upon  us  . 

Leader:      The  Power  that  lighted  the  stars,  that 
puts  down  oppressors  and  lifts  up  the  poor  from 
the  dust,  can  also  transform  our  twisted  and  bro- 
ken lives.   For  the  door  of  our  freedom  opens  by 
itself  for  all  that  knock;  whoever  is  in  Jesus 
our  Liberator  has  become  a  new  being.   And  so, 
may  he  who  provides  us  with  bread  from  the  earth, 
air  to  breathe,  and  fire  to  purify  rottenness,  now 
also  in  his  great  waters  drown  our  old  self,  and 
give  us  a  fresh  start  through  this  community  of 
love.   Amen;  so  may  it  be. 

Psalm  111 

I  celebrate  God  with  my  whole  heart 

In  the  community  of  those  who  love 
justice . 
Great  are  the  events  he  brings. 

To  be  studied  by  all  who  delight  in  him. 
Splendor  and  beauty  is  his  work; 

His  justice  stands  forever. 
He  sets  up  a  memorial  of  his  marvels; 

Loving  and  gentle  is  our  God. 
He  gives  food  to  those  who  honor  him; 

He  always  remembers  his  covenant. 
He  shows  his  people  the  power  of  his  works 

By  giving  them  the  inheritance  of  the 
violent . 
The  works  of  his  hands  are  certain  and  just; 

All  his  demands  are  true; 
They  are  fixed  for  ever  and  ever. 

They  are  done  in  truth  and  confidence. 
He  sent  liberation  to  his  people; 

To  eternity  he  upholds  his  covenant. 
Blessed  and  holy  is  his  being; 

His  fear  is  the  summit  of  wisdom. 

Entering    the    Covenant  55 

A  true  mind  is  theirs  who  do  his  will; 
His  praise  will  stand  forever. 

Making  the  Covenant 

Here    a    representative    of   the    community    reads    their 
covenant    statement ;    see    the    specimen    appended. 

Leader:      Brothers  and  sisters,  are  you  determined 
in  your  minds,  without  any  reservation,  to  carry 
out  the  provisions  of  this  covenant  for  the  time 

Then    each    in    turn^    ending   with    the    leader ^    ex- 
presses   in    his    own   words    his    adherence    to    the 
covenant . 

Leader:      Are  you  prepared,  for  that  purpose,  to 
study  the  Holy  Scriptures,  and  the  natural  laws  of 
society  and  this  planet,  building  into  your  lives 
whatever  new  truths  may  come  from  that  study? 

People:      We  are  prepared  to  do  so. 

Leader:      Friends,  it  is  a  narrow  door  of  service 
and  commitment  that  we  are  entering  today:   more 
than  an  hour  of  ceremony,  more  than  a  summer  of 
community  organizing.   For  while  there  is  a  lower 
class,  we  are  in  it;  while  there  is  a  soul  in 
prison  we  are  not  free;  while  the  earth  is  pol- 
luted we  are  unclean;  wherever  bombs  fall,  our 
wholeness  is  wounded.   And  if  we  claim  to  be  per- 
fect in  knowledge  or  action,  we  deceive  ourselves 
and  injure  our  brother.   Let  us  then  always  have 
in  mind  the  story  of  the  two  men,  which  our  Lib- 
erator taught  us. 

Assistant :      Two  men  went  into  the  sanctuary  to 
pray,  a  clergyman  and  a  sheriff.   The  clergyman 
stood  up  and  prayed  thus  to  himself:   "God,  I 
thank  you  that  I  am  not  like  other  men,  exploi- 
ters, unjust,  or  unfaithful,  such  as  this  sher- 
iff.  I  fast  twice  in  the  week,  I  give  ten  percent 
of  all  my  income  to  charity."   But  the  sheriff 
stood  far  off,  not  daring  to  lift  his  eyes  to  the 
sky,  and  struck  his  breast,  saying:   "God  be  gen- 
tle with  me,  a  guilty  man."   I  tell  you,  the  sec- 
ond man  went  back  to  his  house  liberated,  but  not 
the  first.   For  everyone  who  lifts  himself  up  is 
put  down;  but  the  person  who  puts  himself  down  is 
lifted  up.  [Luke    18:9-14] 

Leader:  But  we  have  been  told,  and  believe,  that 
the  full  commitment  of  the  Liberator  makes  up  for 
our  failure  in  commitment:   the  news  of  his  life 

56    The  Covenant  of  Peace 

is  the  power  of  God  for  liberation  to  everyone  who 
trusts  it  [Romans    1:16].   Are  you  ready  at  this 
time  to  make  that  act  of  trust? 

People:      We  are  ready,  in  the  strength  of  the 
Li  berator . 

Leader:      Look  then,  sky  and  earth  witness  this 
day,  that  there  have  been  set  in  front  of  us  good 
and  evil,  blessing  and  curse,  life  and  death. 
Which  will  you  choose? 

All:      We  choose  life,  that  we  and  our  children  may 
live.  [Deuteronomy    30:19] 

Leader:  The  covenant  of  peace  is  sealed;  for  God 
at  his  right  time  has  sent  the  Spirit  of  the  Lib- 
erator into  our  hearts,  crying  out: 

[Galatians    4:6] 

All:  Abba,  Father: 

Blessed  be  your  working; 
Soon  be  your  appearing; 
Done  be  your  desiring. 
Our  bread  provide  us; 
Our  debts  forgive  us; 
From  trials  free  us. 

Then   all   present    sign    the    document   of   the    Covenant . 

The  New  Unity 

Leader:      Brothers  and  sisters,  we  who  have  taken 
on  the  covenant  of  peace  are  no  longer  strangers, 
but  fellow-citizens  with  the  saints  and  residents 
in  God's  household,  at  one  with  the  apostles  and 
prophets.   The  cornerstone  of  our  community  is 
Jesus  the  Liberator,  in  whom  we  are  becoming  a 
living  temple,  a  forest  cathedral,  of  the  Spirit. 
Let  us  then  take  to  our  heart  the  life  of  the 
original  Church  as  Luke  describes  it . 

Assistant :      So  all  who  accepted  Peter's  word  went 
through  the  waters.   They  committed  themselves  to 
the  teaching  and  community  of  the  apostles,  to  the 
breaking  of  bread  and  prayers.   And  every  person 
was  afraid,  for  many  great  acts  were  done  by  the 
apostles.   And  all  those  who  believed  lived  to- 
gether and  had  all  things  common;  they  sold  their 
possessions  and  property,  and  distributed  them  to 
all,  as  any  one  happened  to  have  need.   Daily  they 
attended  the  Temple  together;  and  house  by  house 
they  broke  bread  and  ate  in  gladness  and  joyf^l- 
ness  of  heart,  praising  God  and  maintaining  good- 
will to  all  the  people.   And  God  added  liberated 

Entering    the    Covenant  57 

persons  day  by  day  to  their  number. 

[Acts    2:41-47] 

Here   follow    the   Affirmations    God  is  not  dead 
etc^<  from    p.  12S. 

Then    the    Intercessions    from    the    Litany    (p.    35)^    or 
in    some    other   form. 

Leader:      This  is  my  command,  that  you  should  love 
each  other  as  1  loved  you.   No  one  has  greater 
love  than  this:   to  lay  down  his  life  for  his 
friends.   You  are  my  friends,  if  you  do  what  I 
command.   And  my  yoke  is  easy  and  my  burden  light. 
Peace  I  leave  to  you,  my  peace  I  give  to  you;  not 
as  the  world  gives,  do  1  give  to  you.   Shalom. 

[John    15:12-14;  Matthew    11:30;  John    14:27] 

Here    follows    the    Kiss    of  Peace. 

Assistant : 

I  your  God  love  justice; 

I  hate  robbery  and  oppression. 
I  give  you  your  reward  in  truth; 

I  seal  with  you  a  covenant  of  my  Age. 
Your  children  are  known  among  the  peoples. 
Your  descendants  in  the  heart  of  all 
nations ; 
All  who  see  them  will  agree: 

They  are  a  people  that  God  has  blessed. 

[Isaiah    61.8-9] 


Blessed  is  the  God  of  Israel, 

For  he  has  visited  and  ransomed  his 
people ; 
And  lifted  up  a  horn  of  liberation  for  us 

In  the  house  of  David  his  servant . 
As  he  promised  by  the  mouth  of  his  holy 
Who  have  been  since  the  start  of  his  Age: 
Liberation  from  our  enemies 

And  from  the  hand  of  all  that  hate  us. 
Showing  gentleness  to  our  forefathers 
And  remembering  his  holy  covenant. 
The  promise  he  made  to  Abraham  our  father; 
That  we,  rescued  from  fear  of  our 
enemies , 
Should  serve  with  holiness  and  justice 
All  of  our  days  in  his  presence. 

[Luke    1:67-75] 

58    The  Covenant  of  Peace 

Leader:      Thus  says  the  Alpha  and  the  Omega,  the 
first  and  the  last,  the  beginning  and  the  end:   1 
was  dead,  and  see,  I  am  living  in  the  Age  to  come; 
I  will  give  everyone  that  is  victorious  to  eat 
from  the  tree  of  life  in  the  paradise  of  God. 

[Revelation    22:13,  l:l8,  2:7] 

Specimen   of   a    local    covenant : 

The  November  Fifth  Statement 

Adopted   by    the    staff   of   the    Berkeley    Free    Churchy 
5    November    1969 

The  Free  Church  of  Berkeley  is  a  community  within 
the  revolutionary  Movement  which  relates  to  the 
radical  tradition  of  Jesus,  the  Prophets,  and  the 
Church  of  Liberation. 

I  will  make  for  them  a  covenant  on  that  day 
with  the  wild  animals,  with  the  birds  of  the 
air,  and  with  the  creeping  things  of  the  earth. 

[Rosea    2:l8] 

We  recognize  the  Spirit  of  God  at  work  in  the 
movement  of  our  brothers  and  sisters  for  the  res- 
toration and  preservation  of  the  ecological  bal- 
ance of  our  planet.   We  believe  that  uncontrolled 
production  and  consumption  constitute  violence 
against  ecological  law  and  order.   We  admit  our 
complicity,  individually  and  collectively,  in  the 
pollution  of  our  environment  by  chemicals  and  ra- 
diation, in  the  exploitation  of  natural  resources 
and  wilderness,  in  the  horror  of  overpopulation. 
Therefore  we  dedicate  ourselves  to  working  toward 
a  life-style  which  holds  a  viable  ecological  order 
as  a  sacred  and  revolutionary  priority. 

The    November   Fifth   Statement  59 

I  will  break  bow,  sword,  and  battle  out  of  the 
land,  and  allow  them  to  sleep  in  safety. 
[Hosea    2:18]   I  will  make  with  them  a  covenant 
of  peace  .  .  .  and  they  will  know  that  I  am  the 
Power  of  history,  when  I  break  the  bars  of 
their  yoke  and  liberate  them  from  the  hand  of 
their  oppressors.  [Ezekiel   34:25-27] 

We  recognize  the  Spirit  of  God  in  the  movement  for 
peace  and  liberation  throughout  the  world.   We 
join  in  the  struggle  for  the  liberation  of  op- 
pressed peoples  (the  poor,  the  Third  World,  racial 
minorities,  women,  and  youth)  from  exploitation 
and  racism  at  home  and  from  imperialism  abroad. 
We  dedicate  ourselves  to  serve  the  victims  of 
force  and  oppression,  avoiding  the  trap  of  the 
colonialist  mission  in  perpetuating  a  corrupt  sys- 
tem, and  recognizing  that  the  highest  form  of 
service  is  organizing  the  oppressed  for  resis- 
tance.  We  will  struggle  for  the  establishment  of 
social  and  political  structures  which  are  just, 
humane,  and  participatory.   We  will  resist  insti- 
tutions of  war,  conscription,  racism,  imperialism, 
and  injustice,  and  shall  attempt  to  offer  an  al- 
ternative through  the  life  of  joy  and  suffering  in 
our  voluntary  community  of  brothers  and  sisters. 

I  will  marry  you  to  myself  for  ever,  marry 
you  with  integrity  and  justice,  with  tender- 
ness and  love.  [Hosea    2:19] 

We  recognize  the  Spirit  of  God  at  work  in  the 
struggle  of  our  time  toward  sexual  intimacy,  voca- 
tional creativity,  psychic  integrity,  and  inter- 
personal sensitivity.   We  resist  those  institu- 
tions of  our  society  which  dehumanize  and  destroy 
real  interpersonal  relations.   We  accept  the  im- 
perative to  develop  attitudes  and  life-styles  that 
are  personally  and  communally  liberating  and  non- 
exploitative.   In  celebration  we  will  be  freed  to 
work  toward  the  ecological  and  social  revolutions. 

f\  Ko^  ^  C^^i^v/e^ 

7 .  ^e<^MA^  ^  ^^ii^  l^tc.  t(ic  Cov^c/k-^M^ 

Including  the  form  for  adoption  of  a  child 

The    act    of  going    through    the    waters    implies    that 
an    individual    is    able    to    answer   for    himself  or 
herself.       By    the    present   form   a    baby    is    brought 
into    the    covenant    of  peace    in    the    fullest   way    that 
something    can    be    done    for    one    person    by    others. 

Psalm  139 

0  Power  of  being,  you  have  searched  me  out; 

You  see  my  thoughts  from  far  away. 
You  surround  my  path  and  my  bed. 

And  have  knowledge  of  all  my  ways . 
Before  a  word  is  on  my  tongue. 

My  God,  you  know  it  perfectly. 
You  encounter  me  in  front  and  behind; 

You  lay  your  hand  upon  me . 
The  marvel  of  your  knowledge  is  beyond  me; 

It  is  too  high  for  me  to  reach. 
For  you  shaped  all  my  parts; 

You  formed  me  in  my  mother's  womb. 

1  will  praise  your  works; 

For  I  was  wonderfully  made. 
You  knew  my  life  altogether. 

My  substance  was  not  hidden  from  you. 
When  I  was  being  made  in  secret , 

Fashioned  in  the  depths  of  the  earth. 
Your  eyes  saw  my  unformed  shape; 

In  your  book  my  members  were  written. 
And  all  the  days  that  were  made  for  me. 

Before  they  had  yet  come  to  being. 

Minister:      We  celebrate  you,  our  Father,  master  of 
sky  and  earth,  that  you  hid  these  things  from  the 
wise  and  learned,  and  revealed  them  to  babies. 
Yes,  our  Father,  for  this  was  your  joyful  will. 

[Luke    10:21] 

The  Presentation 

Here    the   mother ^    holding    her    child,    prays    in    her 
own   words    or   as    follows . 

62    A  Book  of  Changes 

Mother:      Fountain  of  all  life,  I  thank  you  because 
you  have  entrusted  me  with  a  share  In  your  work  of 
creation,  and  given  me  a  child  for  the  covenant  of 
your  peace.   Like  Hannah  I  have  brought  him    [her] 
to  your  congregation;  and  I  pray  that  he   may  live 
all  his    life  In  this  community,  through  Jesus  our 
Liberator  who  was  once  a  child. 

Alt:      Amen;  so  may  it  be. 

Or    if   the    baby    is    adopted^    the    mother   can    say: 

Maker  of  all  life,  another  has  given  birth,  and  I 
have  been  entrusted  with  the  child  that  was  born. 
I  bring  him    [her]    as  my  own  child  into  the  pres- 
ence of  this  congregation;  and  I  pray  that  he   may 
live  all  his    life  in  the  covenant  of  your  peace; 
through  Jesus  our  Liberator  who  also  found  a  new 
mother  in  the  community  of  love. 

Father:      Friends,  we  have  read  in  the  book  of  Luke 
how  the  child  of  Mary,  eight  days  after  his  birth, 
was  given  his  name  of  JESUS  and  taken  to  the 
Temple  to  be  brought  Into  the  covenant;  there  he 
was  blessed  by  Symeon  and  Anna.   So  likewise  we 
have  brought  this  child  of  our  bodies  [or,  this 
child  whom  we  have  taken  as  our  child]  to  the 
present  company.   Here  we  will  renew  our  own  com- 
mitments, name  this  child  and  enroll  him  in  this 
community,  and  begin  his  education  in  it. 

Reader:      They  brought  him  children  so  that  he 
could  lay  his  hands  on  them;  and  his  Disciples 
criticized  them.   But  when  Jesus  saw  this  he  was 
very  angry,  and  said  to  them,  "Allow  children  to 
come  to  me,  do  not  prevent  them;  for  to  such  be- 
longs the  liberated  zone.   Truly  I  tell  you,  un- 
less a  person  receives  God's  liberation  like  a 
child,  he  will  never  enter  it."   Then  he  took  them 
up  in  his  arms,  put  his  hands  on  them,  and  blessed 
them.  [Mark    10:13-17] 


0  Child,  our  promised  Prince  of  Peace:   Accept 

your  own  chi 1 dren . 
0  Child  praised  by  shepherds  and  their  animals: 

Accept  your  own  children.  And  so   on. 
0  Child  honored  by  kings  of  the  earth: 
0  Child  given  the  name  JESUS  of  liberation: 
0  Child,  carrier  of  the  world's  spirit: 
0  Child,  born  in  the  city  of  royalty: 
0  Child,  taxed  by  a  foreign  oppressor: 
0  Child,  presented  in  God's  temple: 

Receiving    a    Baby    into    the    Covenant  63 

0  Child  acclaimed  by  Symeon  the  prophet: 

0  Child,  a  displaced  person  for  the  covenant's 

sake  : 
0  Child,  in  whose  place  the  innocents  were 

murdered : 
0  child  apprenticed  to  the  manual  laborer:   Accept 

your  own  chi 1 dren  . 

0  Child,  a  runaway  for  your  father's  business: 

Accept  your  own  children. 

The  Promises 

Minister:      Let  us  all  at  this  time  renew  the  prom- 
ises which  we  once  made  in  the  presence  of  this 
community . 

Here    the    Minister   and   People    repeat    the    six   ques- 
tions   from    the    form   of  going    through    the    waters 
(pp.     73-74). 

Minister    (to    the   parents):      Brother  and  sister,  we 
have  just  reaffirmed  our  own  commitments.   Are  you 
determined  to  bring  this  child  up  in  a  household 
where  those  convictions  are  living,  while  also 
letting  him    [her]    have  his    own  integrity;  and  at 
the  right  time  help  him   to  a  free  act  of  going 
through  the  waters? 

Here    the    parents    express    their    willingness    in 
their    own   words. 

Minister    (to    the   godparents) :      Do  you  undertake 
full  responsibility  for  the  care  and  education  of 
this  child  if  its  parents  should  be  taken  from 
this  community,  as  if  if  were  your  child? 

Godparents :      This  child  is  flesh  of  our  flesh. 

The  Covenant 

Minister :      Let  us  hear  from  the  prophet  Rosea 
God's  promises  of  hope  in  the  covenant  of  peace, 
which  this  child  is  about  to  enter. 

Reader:      On  that  day  I  will  seal  for  you  a  cove- 
nant with  the  wild  animals,  with  the  birds  of  the 
sky  and  the  beasts  of  the  earth.   I  will  break  the 
bow  and  sword,  and  remove  war  out  of  the  land;  and 

1  will  make  you  lie  down  in  safety.   I  will  marry 
you  to  me  forever,  marry  you  in  justice  and  integ- 
rity, in  love  and  gentleness;  I  will  marry  you  to 
me  in  steadfastness,  and  you  will  know  that  I  am 
God.  [Hosea    2:18-20] 

64    A  Book  of  Changes 

Minister :  Sky  and  earth  witness  to  us  that  God 
has  set  before  us  today  good  and  evil,  blessing 
and  curse,  life  and  death.   Which  will  you  choose? 

All:      We  choose  life,  that  we  and  our  children  may 

Here    follow    the   Affirmations    God  is  not  dead  etc. 
from   p.     2  23. 

Receiving  the  Child 

Then    the    father   and   mother    say    together : 

This  child  of  our  flesh  has  found  a  new 

f ami ly ; 
We  name  him    [her]    N.   ; 
We  entrust  him    [her]    to  you  our  brothers  and 

si  s ters . 

Or    if   the    child    is    adopted    they    say: 

We  take  this  child  as  flesh  of  our  flesh; 
We  name  him    [her]    N.  ; 

We  entrust  him    [her]    to  you  our  brothers  and 
s  i  s ters . 

Then    the    Minister    enters    the    child's    name    in    the 
hook    of   the    community ,    saying: 

Blessed  are  all  those  whose  names  are  written  in 
the  Lamb's  book  of  life.   As  this  child  sees  the 
faces  of  its  family  on  earth,  so  may  its  guardians 
beyond  space  and  time  see  the  face  of  our  one 
Father . 

All:  Abba,  Father: 

Blessed  be  your  working; 
Soon  be  your  appearing; 
Done  be  your  desiring. 
Our  bread  provide  us ; 
Our  debts  forgive  us; 
From  trials  free  us . 

Reader:      All  those  who  are  led  by  the  spirit  of 
God  are  children  of  God.   For  you  did  not  receive 
a  spirit  of  slavery  in  fear,  but  a  spirit  of  adop- 
tion, in  which  we  cry  out,  Abba,  Father.   The 
Spirit  Itself  witnesses  together  with  our  spirit 
that  we  are  children  of  God;  and  if  children,  then 
also  heirs;  heirs  of  God  and  joint  heirs  with  the 
Liberator.   With  him  we  suffer  together  so  that  we 
may  live  together  with  him  in  splendor. 

[Romans    8:14-17] 

Minister :  Whoever  wishes  to  be  first  among  us, 
must  be  last  of  all  and  a  servant  of  all.   For  the 

Receiving    a    Baby    into    the    Covenant  65 

Liberator  took  up  children  In  his  arms,  saying: 
"Whoever  receives  such  a  child  In  my  name  receives 
me;  and  whoever  receives  me,  receives  not  me  but 
the  one  who  sent  me."   Shalom,  brothers  and  sis- 
ters, sons  and  daughters,  the  covenant  of  peace  be 
upon  you  all,  Shalom. 

Then  follows  the  Kiss  of  Peaee^  begun  by  the  par- 
ents   kissing    the    child. 

Psalm  23 

My  shepherd  Is  the  God  of  creation; 

There  Is  nothing  I  lack. 
He  lets  me  lie  down  in  high  pastures; 

He  guides  me  to  the  water  of  peace. 
He  opens  my  life  in  liberty 

To  walk  in  the  ways  of  justice. 
Although  I  go  through  death  valley 

I  am  not  afraid  of  wickedness; 
For  you  are  walking  beside  me. 

The  way  of  my  leader  guides  me. 
You  set  a  table  before  me 

In  the  face  of  all  my  oppressors; 
My  brow  is  bright  with  the  olive. 

My  cup  is  filled  overflowing. 
Joy  and  gentleness  follow  me 

All  the  days  of  my  life; 
I  make  my  home  in  God's  keeping 

Until  the  end  of  all  days. 

Then    the    Minister   marks    a    cross    with    oil    on    the 
child's    forehead  J    saying: 

May  the  Father  send  guardians  to  watch  over  you  at 
night,  and  to  be  your  shade  by  day. 

Then  the  parents  give  the  child  the  Bible  (or  the 
New  Testament  or  Psalms)  and  also  the  prayer-book 
of   the    community ^    saying: 

Take  the  words  we  live  by;  we  set  your  feet  in  no 
other  way  than  the  one  we  ourselves  have  chosen. 


My  heart  praises  the  Power  of  being. 

My  life  leaps  up  in  my  Liberator. 
For  he  saw  the  oppression  of  his  servant; 

Every  age  will  now  hall  me  as  happy. 
That  Energy  has  dealt  with  me  nobly; 

Blessed  is  the  name  of  his  being. 
His  sympathy  spreads  on  all  ages 

Of  those  who  are  fearful  before  him. 

66    A  Book  of  Changes 

He  has  done  a  new  thing  with  his  arm. 
And  scattered  the  arrogant  in  their 
schemes . 
He  has  pulled  down  the  powerful  from  their 
And  raised  up  the  wretched  of  the  earth. 
He  has  filled  the  hungry  with  his  food. 

And  turned  the  wealthy  away. 
He  has  restored  his  servant  Israel, 

Remembering  his  constant  kindness. 
As  he  promised  to  our  fathers,  to  Abraham 
And  his  offspring  until  the  new  Age. 

[Luke    1:46-55] 

Minister : 

God  bless  you  and  watch  over  you; 

God  shine  his  face  on  you  and  love  you; 
God  lift  up  his  face  to  you,  and  set 
his  peace  among  you. 

[l^umbers    6:24-26] 

2 .  CfcU^  t^A-tyi^  t^  \^Me/H 

This   fornix    the    act    of  permanent   adult    Qommitment 
to    the    new    Wayj    is    an   adaptation    of    the    old   Roman 
Easter   Eve    liturgy    and   baptism.       It    is    set    in    the 
context    of   the    Freedom   Mealj    and   should   only    be 
shortened   in   prisons 3    in    siakness j    or    other   emer- 
gency.      If  possible    it    should   be    a    Vigil    service 
and   ideally    it    will    be    scheduled   for    the    Eve    of 
Easter    or   Pentecost;    but   any    baptism    is    of   itself 
a   festival    of    the   Resurrection. 

The  New  Fire 

Outside    the    room   new   fire    is    struck. 

Minister :      0  Light  beyond  all  worlds,  in  the  be- 
ginning you  organized  the  primeval  darkness  into 
our  universe;  let  this  new  fire  signal  for  us  the 
great  work  by  which  you  placed  Jesus  our  Liberator 
in  the  center  of  history,  a  man  transparent  to 
your  illumination,  so  that  the  spirit  of  his  new 
life  may  shine  in  our  community  of  love. 

People:      Amen;  so  may  it  be. 

A    taper    is    lit,    and    the    procession    enters    the 
darkened   room,    while    three    times    is    said: 

Minister :      The  light  of  liberation. 

People:       Thanks  be  to  God. 

Reader:      Rejoice  now,  you  army  of  Powers  beyond 
space  and  time,  your  Captain  of  humility  is  at 
hand;  blow  the  trumpet  of  freedom  for  the  servant 
King  who  conquers  by  love.   Let  the  stars  of  morn- 
ing shout  as  they  did  at  the  first  moment  of  crea- 
tion, for  our  Brother  is  making  a  new  sky,  a  new 
earth.   Sing  with  joy,  forests  and  oceans,  moun- 
tains and  grainfields;  for  your  mother  the  Earth 
has  passed  out  of  eclipse  by  demonic  powers  into 
the  noontide  Sun  of  justice,  who  restores  her  for 
all  creatures  that  live  on  her.   And  gather  to- 
gether here,  you  whole  cloud  of  witnesses  in  the 
liberated  community  of  love,  and  fill  our  halls  in 
the  glory  of  the  Illuminator. 

Here    the    Candle    and   other    lights    are    lit. 

Reader   and   People: 

Peace  be  with  you  all. 

And  with  you,  our  brother. 

68    A  Book  of  Changes 

Lift  up  your  hearts. 

We  lift  them  up  to  our  Liberator. 
Let  us  celebrate  the  Power  of  being. 

It  is  good  and  right  for  us  to  do  so. 

Reader:      It  is  right  that  here  and  now  we  should 
thank  you,  0  Power  of  history,  through  Jesus  our 
Liberator,  the  true  Adam,  who  was  executed  by  the 
oppressor  and  lives  in  us  with  triumph;  he  is  the 
Lamb  sacrificed  at  the  Passover  feast,  in  whom 
death  has  died.   In  this  night  you  led  our  fathers 
out  of  the  house  of  exploitation,  passing  through 
the  great  waters  on  dry  land;  in  this  night  those 
who  walk  the  new  Way  pass  out  from  the  valley  of 
darkness  into  the  clear  light  of  your  Liberated 
Zone;  in  this  night  our  Brother  breaks  the  chains 
of  our  hell  of  separation,  and  builds  us  into  the 
society  of  mankind.   To  free  an  unfaithful  servant 
you  gave  up  a  loyal  son;  0  fortunate  guilt  of  man, 
that  warranted  such  liberation! 

Therefore,  0  Father  of  lights,  accept  this  candle, 
that  it  may  burn  continually  to  push  back  the 
frontiers  of  darkness.   May  the  Morningstar  who 
knows  no  setting,  when  he  comes  in  splendor  to 
consummate  his  work,  find  it  still  burning,  and  us 
his  brothers  still  working  by  its  light.   Amen;  so 
may  it  be  . 

The  Six  Prophecies  of  the  Waters 

Then    a    spokesman    for    those    who    wish    to    go    through 
the    waters    says: 

Friends,  we  are  here  at  this  time  as  refugees  from 
the  occupied  territory  of  exploitation;  we  wish  to 
enter  the  liberated  zone  of  your  fellowship. 

Minister :      Brothers  and  sisters,  you  are  welcome. 
You  know  and  we  know  that  no  person  can  enter  new 
life  except  through  the  purification  of  death  to 
the  old  way.   Let  us  then  be  quiet  and  hear  the 
promise  of  the  waters. 

Reader:      Hear  the  first  prophecy,  the  bounding  of 
the  great  deep,  from  the  book  of  Job. 

Where  were  you  when  I  compacted  the  earth? 

Speak  if  you  have  such  knowledge. 
Who  (if  you  know)  set  its  dimensions? 

Who  put  his  yardstick  against  it? 
What  did  its  foundations  rest  on. 

Who  laid  its  cornerstone, 
When  the  stars  of  dawn  sang  together 

And  the  -sons  of  God  called  out  in  joy? 

Going    through    the    Waters  69 

And  who  fenced  the  sea  with  gates. 

When  it  broke  out  from  the  womb. 
When  I  made  the  clouds  its  clothing, 

And  wrapped  it  in  the  dark  storm. 
And  planted  a  boundary  for  it. 

And  set  up  its  gates  with  their  bar. 
And  said,  "So  far  you  may  come,  and  no 

The  pride  of  your  waves  is  here  broken"? 

[Job    38:4-11] 

Peop le  : 

When  he  fixed  the  sky,  Wisdom  was  there; 

When  he  drew  a  circle  on  the  face  of  the 

deep.  [Proverbs    8:27] 

Reader:      Hear  the  second  prophecy  of  the  rainbow, 
from  the  book  of  Moses. 

And  God  said,  "This  is  the  symbol  of  the  Constitu- 
tion which  I  am  making  between  myself,  and  you, 
and  every  living  creature  that  is  with  you,  for 
all  the  generations  of  time.   I  am  setting  my  bow 
in  the  stormcloud,  and  it  will  be  a  symbol  of  the 
constitution  between  me  and  the  earth.   Whenever 
I  bring  the  stormcloud  over  the  earth  and  the  bow 
appears  in  the  cloud,  1  will  remember  the  consti- 
tution between  me  and  you  and  all  living  crea- 
tures, every  kind  of  animal.   The  waters  will 
never  again  become  a  flood  to  destroy  all  flesh. 
When  the  bow  is  in  the  stormcloud,  I  will  see  it 
and  remember  the  everlasting  constitution  between 
God  and  every  living  creature,  every  animal  on 
earth."  [Genesis    9:12-16] 

People:  For  all  the  days  of  the  earth,  sowing  and 
harvest,  heat  and  cold,  summer  and  winter,  day  and 
night  shall  not  cease.  [Genesis    8:22] 

Reader:      Hear  the  third  prophecy,  how  a  new  people 
was  born  by  going  through  the  great  waters,  from 
the  book  of  Moses. 

Then  Moses  stretched  out  his  hand  over  the  sea, 
and  God  pushed  the  sea  back  by  the  strong  wind  of 
his  breath  from  the  east,  all  the  night  long.   He 
made  the  sea  dry  land,  and  the  water  was  divided. 
And  the  children  of  Israel  went  into  the  middle  of 
the  sea  on  dry  ground;  the  waters  were  a  wall  for 
them  on  the  right  and  on  the  left.   And  the 
Egyptians  were  pursuing  and  came  in  after  them, 
all  Pharaoh's  horse  and'  chariots  and  cavalry,  into 
the  middle  of  the  sea.   And  in  the  morning  watch 

70    A  Book  of  Changes 

God  looked  down  on  the  army  of  Egypt  from  the  pil- 
lar of  fire  and  cloud;  and  he  held  up  the  army  of 
Egypt  by  muddying  their  chariot  wheels  so  that 
they  were  too  heavy  to  roll.   And  Egypt  said,  "Let 
me  run  away  from  the  face  of  Israel;  for  God  is 
fighting  on  their  side  against  Egypt." 

Then  God  said  to  Moses,  "Stretch  out  your  hand 
over  the  sea,  and  the  water  will  come  back  over 
Egypt,  over  his  chariots  and  cavalry."  And  Moses 
stretched  out  his  hand  over  the  sea,  and  the  sea 
returned  at  daybreak  to  its  usual  place,  and  the 
Egyptians  rushed  into  it.   So  God  wiped  out  the 
Egyptians  in  the  middle  of  the  sea.   The  water  re- 
turned and  covered  the  chariots,  the  cavalry,  and 
all  Pharaoh's  army  that  went  after  them  into  the 
sea;  not  one  of  them  remained.   But  the  children 
of  Israel  walked  on  dry  ground  in  the  middle  of 
the  sea,  and  the  water  was  a  wall  for  them  on  the 
right  hand  and  on  the  left.       [Exodus    14:21-29] 

People  : 

I  will  sing  to  the  Power  beyond  armies, 

For  he  has  utterly  triumphed; 
The  horses  and  the  chariots 

He  has  thrown  into  the  sea; 
They  were  covered  up  by  the  floods. 

They  went  down  in  the  deep  like  a  stone. 

[Exodus    15:1,  10] 

Reader:  Hear  the  fourth  prophecy  of  God's  victory 
over  the  dark  powers  of  the  deep,  from  the  book  of 

Wake  up,  wake  up,  get  dressed  with  strength, 

0  Arm  of  the  Power  beyond  all  hosts; 
Wake  up  as  in  the  ancient  days. 

The  generations  of  the  ages. 
Was  it  not  you  that  cut  up  the  Beast, 

That  wounded  the  great  monster? 
Was  it  not  you  that  dried  up  the  sea. 

The  water  of  the  great  deep. 
That  made  the  abyss  of  the  sea  a  road 

For  the  liberated  to  go  through  on? 
All  those  ransomed  by  God  will  return. 

And  come  to  Zion  with  singing; 
The  happiness  of  the  Age  to  come 

Shall  rest  as  a  crown  on  their  heads; 
Gladness  and  joy  are  given  to  them. 

Mourning  and  tears  are  abolished. 

[Isaiah    51:9-11] 

Going    through    the    Waters  71 

People  : 

He  has  drawn  a  circle  on  the  face  of  the 
waters  , 
At  the  horizon  of  light  and  darkness; 
The  pillars  of  sky  are  shaking 

And  cower  at  his  demands. 
With  his  power  he  stilled  the  sea, 

By  his  knowledge  he  smashed  the  World 
Beast . 
By  the  wind  of  his  breath  the  sky  grew  fair, 
His  hand  impaled  the  Pig  retreating. 

[Job    26:10-13] 

Reader:      Hear  the  fifth  prophecy  of  drowning  and 
rebirth,  from  the  book  of  Jonah. 
I  called  out  of  my  distress 

To  the  Power  of  being,  and  he  heard  me; 
From  inside  the  belly  of  the  prison 

I  cried  and  you  heard  my  voice. 
For  you  threw  me  in  the  heart  of  the  sea. 

I  was  surrounded  by  the  flood; 
All  your  waves  and  breakers 

Have  passed  over  my  head. 
The  waters  shut  in  over  my  life, 

The  deep  was  on  every  side  of  me. 
Weeds  were  wrapped  around  my  head 

At  the  roots  of  the  mountains. 
I  went  down  to  the  land 

Where  gates  shut  against  me  forever. 
But  you  brought  me  up  living  from  that  death, 

0  God  my  liberator.  [Jonah    2:2-6] 

People : 

Out  of  the  depths  I  cried  to  you,  my  God; 

0  Liberator,  hear  my  voice; 
May  your  ears  consider  well 

The  voice  of  my  complaining.  [Psalm    130:1] 

Reader:      Hear  how  Jesus  our  brother  went  down  into 
the  great  waters,  from  the  book  of  Mark. 

The  beginning  of  the  message  of  Jesus  the  Liber- 
ator, as  it  stands  written  in  the  prophets:   "See, 
I  send  my  messenger  before  your  face,  he  will  pre- 
pare your  way";  "A  voice  of  one  crying,  in  the 
desert  prepare  God's  way,  make  his  paths 
straight."   John  the  baptizer  was  in  the  desert 
proclaiming  passage  through  the  waters  as  a  fresh 
start  for  liberation  from  crimes.   The  whole  land 
of  Judea  went  out  to  him,  and  all  the  people  of 
Jerusalem.   They  went  through  the  waters  at  his 
hands  in  the  Jordan  river,  admitting  their  crimes. 
John's  clothing  was  of  camel  hair,  with  a  leather 

72    A  Book  of  Changes 

belt  around  his  waist;  he  ate  locusts  and  wild 
honey.   And  in  his  announcement  he  said:   "One 
stronger  that  I  am  is  coming  after  me,  whose  san- 
dals I  could  not  stoop  down  and  unloose.   I  make 
you  pass  through  water;  he  will  make  you  pass 
through  the  holy  Spirit."   In  those  days  there 
came  Jesus  from  Nazareth  of  Galilee  and  went 
through  the  waters  in  Jordan  at  John's  hands.   And 
just  as  he  was  coming  up  out  of  the  water,  he  saw 
the  sky  split  and  the  spirit  coming  down  on  him 
like  a  dove.   And  there  was  a  voice  from  the  sky, 
"You  are  my  beloved  son,  in  you  I  am  well 
pleased."  [Mark    1:1-11] 

People:      I  have  waters  I  must  go  through;  I  am  un- 
easy until  it  is  finished.  [Luke    12:50] 

The  Rules  of  the  New  Way 

Here    are    read    the    three    Rules    of   the    new   way    from 
the    form   of   entering    the    covenant    (pp.     52-53). 

The  Litany 

Reader:      And  Cain  said  to  Abel  his  brother,  "Let 
us  go  out  to  the  desert."   And  when  they  were  in 
the  desert,  Cain  rose  up  against  Abel  his  brother 
and  murdered  him.   And  God  said  to  Cain,  "Where  is 
Abel  your  brother?"   And  he  said,  "I  do  not  know; 
am  I  my  brother's  keeper?"   And  God  said,  "What 
have  you  done?   The  voice  of  your  brother's  blood 
is  crying  to  me  from  the  ground.   And  now  you  are 
cursed  on  account  of  the  ground,  which  opened  its 
mouth  to  receive  your  brother's  blood  from  your 
hand.   When  you  work  the  ground,  it  will  no  longer 
yield  you  its  strength;  you  will  be  a  fugitive  and 
a  wanderer  on  the  earth."  [Genesis    4:8-12] 

Reader   and   People: 

Whose  blood  is  this  on  my  hands?   Wash  off 

your  brother's  blood. 
Whose  sweat  has  built  my  affluence?   Wash  off 

your  brother's  blood.  And  so   on. 
What  burned  flesh  is  in  my  nostrils? 
My  finger  has  pressed  the  bomb-release. 
My  hand  has  voted  the  war-lever. 
My  ears  are  deaf  to  the  beggar. 
My  eyes  have  turned  away  from  the  wounded. 
My  key  has  locked  out  the  poor. 
My  axe  is  sticky  from  the  redwoods. 
My  voice  Is  hoarse  from  lying. 
My  loins  have  subdued  the  slavegirl. 
I  put  death  in  my  children's  milk. 
I  programmed  the  death-computer. 

Going    through    the    Waters  7S 

I  made  my  lover  a  stranger. 

I  breathe  the  poison  of  my  inventions. 

I  do  not  know  my  brother. 

Am  I  my  brother's  keeper?   Wash  off  your 

brother ' s  bl ood  . 
What  blood  is  this  on  my  hands?   Wash  off 

your  brother's  blood. 

The  Questions 

Minister :      Brothers  and  sisters,  you  have  heard 
the  rule  of  justice  from  the  book  of  the  Prophets, 
and  Jesus'  rule  of  love  from  the  Gospel.   Are  you 
committed  from  now  on  to  walk  by  those  rules  in 
your  dealings  with  other  people? 

Candidates :  Yes,  I  am  committed  to  serve  and  lib- 
erate the  oppressed  and  to  love  my  enemies. 

Minister :      You  have  also  heard  the  rule  of  our 
common  life  on  this  earth  from  the  book  of  Moses. 
Will  you  undertake  to  help  limit  the  numbers  of 
the  human  race  and  to  maintain  the  order  of  the 

Candidates :       I  take  on  the  task  of  Adam,  to  build 
the  paradise  of  Eden. 

Minister :  Are  you  ready  at  this  time  to  break  off 
your  ties  with  all  that  destroys  God's  created  or- 
ders, both  of  nature  and  society? 

Candidates :       I  renounce  cooperation  with  eyery 
system  of  violence  and  oppression. 

Minister :      Are  you  convinced  that  Jesus  our  Broth- 
er, through  the  new  Way  of  revolutionary  nonvio- 
lence which  he  teaches  and  illustrates,  is  our 
only  salvation  from  disorder,  guilt,  and  meaning- 

Candidates :       I  trust  in  Jesus  as  my  only  Liberator. 

Minister :      Are  you  ready  to  follow, his  way  in  joy 
and  sorrow,  in  comfort  and  deprivation,  in  life 
and  death;  and  in  solidarity  with  the  Church,  of 
which  the  fellowship  assembled  here  is  part? 

Candidates :       I  will  follow  his  Way  wherever  it 
leads;  his  Way  is  peace,  peace  is  his  Way. 

Minister :      In  the  spirit  of  this  community,  will 
you  constantly  renew  the  promises  you  make  here 
and  the  life  you  receive  here;  and  work  consist- 
ently for  renewal  of  the  planet,  of  society,  of 
our  own  freedom,  teaching  and  organizing  to  your 
life's  end? 

74    A  Book  of  Changes 

Candidates :       I  join  the  revolutions  of  justice  and 
1  ove . 

Accepting  the  Covenant 

Minister :      Friends,  you  have  heard  how  in  the  be- 
ginning the  Power  beyond  nature  and  history 
brought  this  earth  into  existence  from  the  ocean 
of  nonbeing;  how  he  has  again  and  again  kept  the 
family  of  mankind  from  being  swallowed  up  by  the 
floods  of  the  Beast;  and  how  at  the  right  time  of 
history  he  brought  Jesus  our  brother  through  the 
water  of  Jordan  and  the  greater  waters  of  death  as 
the  firstborn  of  the  new  Age.   Some  of  you  may 
have  been  brought  to  the  waters  as  babies  by  so- 
cial convention,  or  as  adults  without  any  clear 
understanding.   Now  you  have  considered  the  radi- 
cal change  laid  on  us  by  the  sacred  books,  and  de- 
manded by  the  needs  of  the  earth,  of  the  poor,  of 
our  own  souls.   Are  you  then  prepared,  for  what  is 
truly  the  first  and  last  time,  to  make  a  fresh 
start,  accepting  the  death  and  life,  the  suffer- 
ing and  promise,  of  the  waters? 

Here    each    candidate    in    turn    expresses    in    his    own 
words    his    readiness    to    go    through    the    waters. 

Minister :      Brothers  and  sisters,  we  welcome  you  as 
fellow-soldiers  in  the  warfare  of  the  Lamb.   Our 
leader  said  that  if  his  kingdom  were  of  this 
world,  his  servants  would  fight;  but  his  kingdom 
is  not  of  this  world.   And  although  we  live  in 
this  world,  we  are  not  fighting  a  worldly  war, 
for  the  weapons  of  our  warfare  are  not  of  this 
world,  and  therefore  have  power  to  destroy  the 
fortress  of  the  dark  powers  [2    Corinthians    10:3]. 
For  our  strength  is  made  perfect  in  weakness.  Will 
you  accept  induction  into  this  army  and  no  other, 
at  whatever  cost? 

Candidates :       I  accept  induction  into  his  army  and 
no  other,  at  whatever  cost. 

Minister :      See,  sky  and  earth  witness  to  us,  that 
God  has  set  before  us  this  day  good  and  evil, 
blessing  and  curse,  life  and  death.   Which  will 
you  choose? 

Candidates :       I  choose  life,  that  I  and  my  children 
may  live. 

Minister :      Hear  from  our  brothers  and  sisters  the 
affirmations  of  our  commitment. 

Going    through    the    Waters  75 

Then   are   recited    the   Affirmations    God  is  not  dead 
etc.    from    p.     122. 

The  Blessing  of  the  Waters 

Minister :      Lift  up  your  hearts. 

People:      We  lift  them  up  to  the  Liberator. 

Minister:      Let  us  celebrate  the  Power  of  Being. 

People:       It  is  good  and  right  for  us  to  do  so. 

Minister:      It  is  right  that  we  should  praise  you, 
0  Energy  of  creation,  because  by  your  wisdom  hu- 
mankind was  born  from  the  womb  of  the  waters,  and 
each  passes  back  into  them;  but  still,  at  every 
threat  to  our  continuance,  new  communities  of  hope 
have  emerged  from  a  passage  through  the  great 
seas.   And  so,  may  all  who,  trusting  in  you,  pass 
through  these  waters  be  washed  clean  from  their 
brother's  blood  and  embrace  him  in  peace;  may  they 
strip  off  complicity  for  guilt  and  put  on  the 
white  clothing  of  justice;  may  the  old  man  of 
aloofness  be  drowned  and  a  new  man  of  solidarity 
be  raised  up.   By  your  life-giving  spirit,  0  God, 
which  at  the  beginning  hovered  over  the  deep, 
bless  these  waters  as  the  means  of  our  union  with 
Jesus  our  Brother,  the  vanguard  of  your  new  crea- 
tion.  Amen;  so  may  it  be. 

Then    the    candidates    one    by    one    pass    through    the 
waters    according    to    local    custom^    while    over    each 
is    said: 

Minister:      In  the  name  of  Jesus  our  Liberator,  may 
the  Power  of  Being  bring  you  through  the  great 
waters  of  death  into  the  new  community  of  his 
Spirit . 

The  Clothing  and  Anointing 

Then    the    candidates    are    dressed   in    white    clothing , 
while    is    said: 

Minister :      As  our  Brother,  after  he  first  took  on 
the  necessity  of  suffering,  was  seen  by  his 
friends  transfigured  in  light,  so  may  you  take 
this  white  clothing  as  a  symbol  that  you  are 
united  with  the  splendor  of  his  commitment. 

And   after   all    are    so    dressed: 

Minister :      Who  are  these  dressed  in  white  cloth- 
ing, and  where  have  they  come  from? 

People:      These  are  ones  who  have  come  out  from 
great  oppression;  they  have  washed  their  clothing 

76    A  Book  of  Changes 

and  made  it  white  in  the  blood  of  the  Lamb. 

[Revelation    7:13-14] 

Then    each    candidate    is    anointed   on    the    forehead^ 
while    is    said: 

Minister :      As  prophets,  priests,  and  kings  were 
once  anointed  for  their  office;  since  you  have 
shared  the  death  of  Jesus  our  brother,  may  you 
also  share  the  new  life  of  his  anointing,  whom  we 
recognize  as  our  only  prophet,  our  only  priest, 
our  only  king. 

Reader:      Hear  how  the  Liberator  was  anointed  for 
death  and  for  life  with  the  best  gifts  of  the  cre- 
ation, by  a  woman  from  among  the  oppressed. 

One  of  the  clergymen  asked  Jesus  to  eat  with  him; 
and  he  came  into  the  house  of  the  clergyman  and 
took  his  place.   Now  a  harlot  of  that  city,  when 
she  learned  that  he  was  at  the  clergyman's  table, 
took  an  alabaster  jar  of  ointment.   She  stood  at 
his  feet  weeping,  and  with  her  tears  she  began  to 
wash  his  feet .   Then  she  dried  them  with  the  hair 
of  her  head,  and  kissed  his  feet,  and  rubbed  them 
with  the  ointment.  [Luke    7:36-38] 

The  Six  Prophecies  of  the  Spirit 

Spokesman   for    the    new   members :      Friends,  we  thank 
you  for  taking  us  in  from  out  of  Babylon  the 
great.   But  many  of  our  brothers  and  sisters  are 
still  lost  in  the  City  of  destruction;  go  out  and 
help  them  also. 

Minister :      We  welcome  you,  our  brothers  and  sis- 
ters, into  the  community  of  love.   But  neither  you 
nor  we  have  power  to  go  out  into  the  doomed 
streets  and  speak  the  word  of  life  unless  the  sea- 
breeze  of  the  Spirit  is  blowing  through  us .   So 
let  us  again  be  quiet  and  listen  for  the  voice  of 
the  west  wind  of  life  and  change. 

Reader:      Hear  the  first  prophecy  of  the  Spirit, 
how  man  and  woman  received  the  breath  of  life, 
from  the  book  of  Moses. 

In  the  day  when  God  made  earth  and  sky,  there  was 
at  first  no  wild  plant  on  the  earth,  no  wild  herb 
had  yet  grown;  for  God  had  not  brought  rain  on  the 
earth,  and  there  was  no  human  being  to  work  the 
ground.   But  then  a  flood  rose  up  from  the  earth, 
and  watered  all  the  face  of  the  ground.   And  God 
shaped  mankind. of  clay  from  the  ground,  and 
breathed  a  living  spirit  into  his  nostrils;  so  man 

Going    through    the    Waters  77 

became  a  living  creature.   And  God  had  planted  a 
garden  in  Eden  (that  is,  "Delight")  from  of  old; 
and  there  he  set  the  human  beings  he  had  shaped. 
And  God  brought  out  of  the  ground  every  tree  beau- 
tiful to  see  or  good  to  eat,  the  trees  of  life; 
and  in  the  middle  of  the  garden,  the  tree  of 
knowledge  of  good  and  evil.         {Genesis    2:4-9] 

People : 

He  gives  us  a  new  heart. 

He  puts  a  new  spirit  in  us; 
He  takes  the  stone  heart  out  of  our  flesh, 
And  gives  us  a  heart  of  flesh. 

[Ezekiel    36:26] 

Reader:  Hear  the  second  prophecy  of  the  Spirit, 
how  men  became  deaf  to  each  other,  from  the  book 
of  Moses . 

And  the  whole  earth  had  one  tongue  and  few  words. 
And  as  they  wandered  from  the  east,  they  found  a 
valley  in  the  plain  of  Shinar,  and  settled  there. 
And  each  one  said  to  his  neighbor,  "Come,  let  us 
make  bricks  and  bake  them."   They  had  bricks  for 
stone,  and  asphalt  for  mortar.   And  they  said, 
"Come,  let  us  build  ourselves  a  city,  and  a  tower 
with  its  head  in  the  sky;  let  us  make  ourselves  a 
memorial,  so  that  we  shall  not  be  scattered  on  the 
face  of  all  the  earth."   And  God  came  down  to  see 
the  city  and  the  tower  that  the  sons  of  man  had 
built.   And  God  said,  "See,  they  are  one  people, 
and  they  have  all  one  tongue.   This  is  only  the 
beginning  of  what  they  will  do;  now  nothing  they 
plan  to  do  will  be  walled  off  from  them.   Come, 
let  us  go  down  and  confuse  their  tongues  there,  so 
that  a  man  will  not  hear  his  neighbor's  tongue." 
And  God  scattered  them  from  there  over  the  face  of 
all  the  earth,  and  they  stopped  building  the  city. 

[Genesis    11:1-8] 

Teople : 

He  gives  us  a  new  heart, 

He  puts  a  new  spirit  in  us; 
He  takes  the  stone  heart  out  of  our  flesh, 

And  gives  us  a  heart  of  flesh. 

Reader:      Hear  the  third  prophecy  of  the  Spirit, 
the  vision  of  an  age  of  alienation,  from  the  book 
of  Ezekiel. 

The  hand  of  God  was  on  me;  and  he  brought  me  in 
the  spirit  of  God  and  set  me  in  the  middle  of  a 
desert  full  of  bones.   And  he  led  me  around 
through  them;  there  were  very  many  of  them  in  the 

78    A  Book  of  Changes 

desert,  and  they  were  very  dry.   And  he  said  to 
me,  "Son  of  man,  will  these  bones  live?"   And  I 
said  to  him,  "Lord,  you  are  the  one  that  knows." 
And  he  said  to  me,  "Prophesy  to  these  bones,  and 
say  to  them.  You  dry  bones,  hear  the  word  of  God: 
See,  I  am  bringing  breath  into  you,  and  you  will 
live.   I  will  lay  tendons  on  you,  and  draw  flesh 
over  you,  and  put  skin  on  you,  and  give  you  breath 
for  you  to  live;  so  you  will  know  that  I  am  God." 

And  I  prophesied  as  I  was  told;  and  when  I  proph- 
esied, there  was  a  noise  of  rattling,  as  bone  came 
together  with  bone.   And  I  looked,  and  saw  tendons 
on  them,  and  flesh  on  them,  and  skin  over  it;  but 
they  had  no  breath.   Then  he  said  to  me,  "Prophesy 
to  the  Spirit;  prophesy,  son  of  man,  and  say  to 
the  Spirit,  Thus  says  God:   Come  from  the  four 
winds,  0  Spirit,  and  breathe  upon  these  corpses, 
so  that  they  may  live."   And  I  prophesied  as  he 
told  me;  and  the  breath  came  into  them,  and  they 
came  to  life,  and  they  stood  on  their  feet,  a  very 
great  army.  [Ezekiel    37:1-10] 

People  : 

He  gives  us  a  new  heart, 

He  puts  a  new  spirit  in  us; 
He  takes  the  stone  heart  out  of  our  flesh, 
And  gives  us  a  heart  of  flesh. 

Reader:      Hear  the  fourth  prophecy  of  the  Spirit,  a 
vision  of  the  Liberator,  from  the  book  of  Isaiah. 
The  Spirit  of  God  is  upon  me. 

Because  God  has  anointed  me; 
He  sent  me  to  tell  the  oppressed  good  news. 

To  restore  the  broken-hearted; 
To  announce  liberation  to  the  captives 

And  daylight  for  all  those  imprisoned; 
To  proclaim  the  year  of  God's  pity, 

A  day  of  vengeance  for  our  God; 
To  comfort  all  those  who  mourn. 

To  give  them  the  oil  of  gladness. 
So  that  men  will  build  up  the  ancient  ruins 

And  repair  the  desolate  cities. 

[Isaiah    61:1-4] 

People  : 

He  gives  us  a  new  heart, 

He  puts  a  new  spirit  in  us; 
He  takes  the  stone  heart  out  of  our  flesh. 

And  gives  us  a  heart  of  flesh. 

Going    through    the    Waters  79 

Reader:      Hear  the  fifth  prophecy  of  the  gifts  of 
the  Spirit,  from  the  letter  of  Paul  to  the 
Corinthians . 

We  speak  wisdom  among  the  fully  committed.   Not  a 
wisdom  of  this  age,  nor  of  the  demonic  rulers  of 
this  age,  doomed  to  destruction;  but  the  wisdom  of 
God  hidden  in  secret,  which  he  set  up  before  time 
and  space  to  honor  us.   None  of  the  magistrates  of 
this  age  recognize  it;  for  if  they  had  recognized 
it,  they  would  not  have  executed  the  Liberator  of 
splendor.   It  is  written,  "No  eye  has  seen,  no  ear 
has  heard,  no  heart  has  imagined,  what  things  God 
has  prepared  for  those  who  love  him."   These 
things  God  has  uncovered  to  us  through  the  Spirit; 
the  Spirit  searches  out  all  things,  even  the 
abysses  of  God.   No  one  knows  a  man's  affairs  ex- 
cept his  spirit  inside  him;  so  no  one  knows  God's 
affairs  except  the  Spirit  of  God.   And  we  have  not 
received  the  spirit  of  the  world  but  the  spirit  of 
God,  so  that  we  should  know  the  free  gifts  made  by 
God  to  us;  which  we  do  not  speak  in  words  taught 
by  human  wisdom,  but  in  words  taught  by  the  Spirit. 

[2    Corinthians    2:6-13] 

People : 

He  gives  us  a  new  heart. 

He  puts  a  new  spirit  in  us; 
He  takes  the  stone  heart  out  of  our  flesh, 

And  gives  us  a  heart  of  flesh. 

Reader:      When  the  Fiftieth  day  after  the  Passover, 
which  is  Pentecost,  arrived,  they  were  all  to- 
gether in  one  place.   And  there  came  suddenly  from 
the  sky  the  sound  of  a  strong  steady  wind  which 
filled  the  whole  house  where  they  were  sitting. 
And  there  appeared  to  them  tongues  of  fire,  dis- 
tributed and  resting  on  each  of  them.   And  they 
were  all  filled  with  the  sacred  Spirit,  and  they 
began  to  speak  in  other  tongues,  just  as  the 
Spirit  put  in  their  mouths.   Now  there  were  stay- 
ing at  Jerusalem  Jews  and  religious  men  from  every 
nation  under  the  sky;  and  when  the  sound  was 
heard,  a  crowd  of  them  gathered  and  was  aston- 
ished, because  each  one  heard  them  speaking  in  his 
own  language.   They  were  carried  out  of  themselves 
in  wonder,  saying:   "Are  not  all  these  who  are 
speaking  Galilaeans?   How  is  it  that  each  of  us 
hears  them  speaking  in  his  own  language,  that  he 
was  brought  up  in?   Parthians  and  Medes  and 
Elamites,  inhabitants  of  Mesopotamia,  of  Armenia 
and  Cappadocia,  Pontus  and  Asia,  Phrygia  and 

80    A  Book  of  Changes 

Pamphylia,  Egypt  and  the  districts  of  Libya  near 
Cyrene ;  Romans  in  residence,  Jews  and  converts, 
Cretans  and  Arabs;  we  hear  them  speaking  in  our 
own  tongues  the  great  actions  of  God." 

[Acts    2:1-11] 

People : 

He  gives  us  a  new  heart, 

He  puts  a  new  spirit  in  us; 
He  takes  the  stone  heart  out  of  our  flesh, 
And  gives  us  a  heart  of  flesh. 

The  Gift  of  the  Spirit 

Minister :      Brothers  and  sisters,  after  the  new 
thing  has  been  born,  it  must  still  be  given  the 
breath  of  life.   You  have  heard  how  again  and 
again  in  the  past  the  spirit  has  been  transmitted; 
will  you  here  and  now  receive  it  in  your  hearts? 

Candidates :       I  open  my  body  as  a  temple  of  the 

Minister :      Will  you  bring  the  same  Spirit  to  your 
own  household,  helping  the  young  to  desire  the 
things  done  here,  so  that  your  family  may  be  an 
example  and  nucleus  for  the  larger  community  of 

Candidates :       I  will  help  build  the  lives  around  me 
into  the  new  City. 

Minister :      As  the  Artisan  of  nature  designed  the 
galaxies  and  earth  with  his  fingers,  will  you  make 
your  vocation  and  job  transparent  to  his  Spirit? 

Candidates :       In  my  work  I  stand  beside  my  Brother 
the  carpenter . 

Minister :      As  he  was  content  to  be  the  servant  of 
all,  will  you  in  his  spirit  always  take  thought 
for  the  poor,  the  suffering,  the  oppressed? 

Candidates :       I  will  be  union  spokesman  and  waiter 
at  tab! e . 

Minister :  When  your  own  hour  of  casualty  comes, 
will  you  with  confidence  rely  on  the  same  spirit 
of  ministry  in  this  brotherhood? 

Candidates :  In  strength  and  in  weakness  I  trust 
in  the  spi  ri  t  of  1 ife. 

Minister   and   People: 

Be  all  of  one  mind  in  the  Spirit.   We  are  all 
of  one  mind  in  the  Spirit. 

Going    through    the    Waters  81 

Through  the  love  of  the  Fountain  of  life: 

We  are  all  of  one  mind  in  the  Spirit. 

And   so    on. 
Through  Jesus  our  brother's  fidelity: 
Through  the  hope  of  his  people  in  every  age: 
In  prosperity  and  in  harassment : 
In  our  families  and  our  aloneness: 
In  our  suffering  and  celebration: 
At  the  day  of  death,  in  the  years  of  living: 
In  solidarity  with  God's  whole  people:   We 

are  all  of  one  mind  in  the  Spirit. 
In  unity  with  all  the  creation:   We  are  all 

of  one  mind  in  the  Spirit. 

Then    the    Candidates    kneel    down   before    the    Minister 
and   his    colleagues ^    who    lay    hands    on    their    heads ^ 
saying : 

In  the  name  of  Jesus  our  Liberator,  may  the  heal- 
ing Spirit  of  God  rest  upon  you;  the  spirit  of 
wisdom  and  understanding,  the  spirit  of  counsel 
and  strength,  the  spirit  of  gentleness  and  the 
love  of  God,  in  this  reconciled  community  of 
friends . 

Then    likewise    the    Ministers    kneel    down    and   receive 
the    spirit   from    the    new   members ;    and   so    throughout 
the    congregation.       The    Kiss    of  Peace    follows , 
while    the    Minister    says: 

Shalom,  my  brothers  and  sisters,  the  peace  of  our 
Liberator  be  with  you.   Shalom. 

Minister :      The  covenant  of  peace  has  been  sealed; 
for  God  has  sent  the  spirit  of  repentance  into 
your  hearts,  crying  out: 

/I  U.- 
Abba, Father: 
Blessed  be  your  working; 
Soon  be  your  appearing; 
Done  be  your  desiring; 
Our  bread  provide  us ; 
Our  debts  forgive  us; 
From  trials'  free  us. 


And  after  this  I  will  pour  out 

The  breath  of  my  spirit  on  all  flesh. 

Your  sons  and  daughters  will  prophesy, 
Your  old  men  will  dream  dreams, 

Your  young  men  will  see  visions; 

On  your  servants  I  will  pour  out  my  spirit 

[Joel    2:28-29] 

82     A  Book  of  Changes 

At  the  Freedom  Meal 

Then   begins    the   Litany    of   the    Saints    (p.    33)^    dur- 
ing  which    the   Ministers    can    leave    the   room   and   re- 
turn  in   celebration   vestments .       Immediately    after- 
wards   follows    the    Gloria    in   Excelsis    (p.    122)^ 
during   which   bells    are   rung. 

Minister :      Let  us  hear  that  Word  from  which,  we 
believe,  there  is  fresh  light  yet  to  break. 

The  Epistle 

All  of  us  who  went  through  the  waters  to  Jesus  our 
Liberator,  went  through  them  to  his  death.   For  we 
were  buried  with  him  through  our  immersion  into 
his  death  so  that,  just  as  he  was  awakened  from 
the  dead  by  the  splendor  of  the  Father,  we  also 
might  walk  in  new  life.   For  if  we  have  been 
grafted  onto  the  manner  of  his  death,  so  shall  we 
also  be  with  his  rising.   We  are  aware  that  our 
old  self  was  executed  along  with  him,  so  that  our 
complicity  with  evil  might  be  destroyed,  for  us  to 
serve  evil  no  longer.   And  if  we  have  died  with 
him,  we  trust  that  we  will  also  live  with  him. 
For  we  know  that,  after  the  Liberator  was  waked  up 
from  among  the  dead,  he  will  not  die  again;  death 
has  no  more  control  over  him.   He  died  to  evil 
once  and  for  all;  he  now  lives  to  God.   So  we  must 
think  of  ourselves  as  dead  to  evil,  and  alive  to 
God  in  Jesus  the  Liberator.         [Romans    6:3-11] 

Psalm  98 

Sing  a  new  song  to  the  Power  of  history. 

For  he  has  done  wonderful  things; 
His  right  hand  and  his  holy  arm 

Have  carried  off  liberation. 
He  has  made  his  victory  known. 

To  all  races  he  showed  his  justice; 
He  remembered  his  mercy  and  truth 

To  all  the  house  of  Israel; 
And  all  the  continents  of  the  earth 

Have  seen  the  liberation  of  our  God, 
Sing  to  him,  the  whole  world; 

Rejoice,  cry  out  and  praise. 
Praise  him  with  every  music. 

With  music  and  voice  of  melody. 
With  trumpets  and  sound  of  horns 

Be  happy  before  the  King  of  power. 
Let  the  sea  in  its  fulness  thunder. 

The  globe  and  its  inhabitants; 
Let  the  rivers  clap  their  hands. 

Let  the  mountains  laugh  together. 

Going    through    the    Waters  83 

Before  the  Power  of  history 

Who  comes  to  judge  the  earth; 
He  will  judge  the  globe  in  fairness. 

And  all  the  races  with  equity. 

The  Gospel 

Now  two  of  them  on  that  day  were  walking  to  a  vil- 
lage named  Emmaus  about  sixty  miles  from  Jerusa- 
lem, and  discussing  together  all  these  things  that 
had  happened.   And  while  they  were  talking,  Jesus 
himself  drew  near  and  began  walking  with  them;  but 
their  eyes  were  kept  from  recognizing  him.   He 
said  to  them,  "What  words  were  you  exchanging  in 
your  journey?"   They  stood  still,  discouraged. 
One  of  them  named  Cleopas  answered:   "You  have 
been  staying  in  Jerusalem,  and  do  not  know  the 
events  that  have  happened  there  in  these  days?" 
He  said,  "What  events?" 

They  said,  "The  affair  of  Jesus  the  Nazarene,  a 
prophet  powerful  in  action  and  word,  in  the  sight 
of  God  and  all  the  people — how  the  chief  priests 
and  magistrates  turned  him  over  for  a  death  sen- 
tence and  executed  him.   But  we  were  hoping  that 
it  was  he  who  would  liberate  Israel.   Furthermore, 
this  is  the  third  day  since  it  happened.   And  some 
women  of  our  number  have  given  us  an  astonishing 
report;  they  were  at  the  grave  early  in  the  morn- 
ing and  did  not  find  his  body;  but  told  us  they 
had  seen  a  vision  of  Messengers,  who  said  he  was 
alive.   Some  of  us  went  to  the  grave,  and  found  it 
as  the  women  reported;  him  they  did  not  see." 

He  said  to  them:   "You  fools  and  slow  of  heart  to 
trust  all  that  the  prophets  said;  did  not  the  Lib- 
erator have  to  endure  these  things  before  entering 
his  splendor?"   Then  starting  with  Moses  and  all 
the  prophets  he  explained  to  them  the  things 
about  himself  in  all  the  Books. 

They  came  near  the  village  they  were  going  to,  and 
he  appeared  to  be  journeying  farther.   But  they 
urged  him,  saying,  "Stay  with  us,  for  it  is  near 
evening  and  the  day  is  almost  done."   So  he  came 
in  and  stayed  with  them.   And  when  he  joined  them 
at  table,  he  took  the  loaf,  gave  thanks,  broke  it, 
and  divided  it  among  them.   Then  their  eyes  were 
opened,  and  they  recognized  him;  but  he  no  longer 
was  seen  by  them. 

They  said  to  each  other,  "Did  not  our  hearts  burn 
in  us,  when  he  was  talking  to  us  on  the  road,  at 
the  way  he  opened  the  Books  to  us?"   And  they  got 

84    A  Book  of  Changes 

up  at  that  very  hour  and  went  back  to  Jerusalem, 
and  found  the  Eleven  and  their  companions  assem- 
bled and  reporting:   "The  Liberator  has  really 
been  raised  up;  he  appeared  to  Simon."   They  in 
turn  told  what  had  happened  on  the  road,  and  how 
he  had  been  made  known  to  them  in  the  breaking  of 
the  loaf.  [Luke    24:13-35] 

The  Prayer 

Minister :      0  Power  of  the  universe,  we  ask  that, 
as  the  Liberator  has  broken  a  new  way  through  the 
gates  of  death  to  your  light,  so  we,  turned  by  him 
from  the  darkness  of  guilt,  may  walk  into  the  city 
of  justice  and  peace,  through  his  loving  spirit  in 
the  community  of  life.   Amen;  so  may  it  be. 

The   Affirmations    are    not    said   again;    in    their 
place    can    be    sung: 

The  IIar  Is  Over 

Tune:   "Victory,"  Palestrlna  1588  {The    Hymnal    1940^ 
no.  91;  8  8  8,  with  Alleluias) 

1  The  war  is  over,  and  a  zone 
Of  liberation  here  has  grown 

Where  life  returning  cracked  the  stone; 

2  The  dark  exploiters  had  their  day; 
See  how  their  violent  powers  decay  I 

Our  Guide  has  marked  a  better  way;  Alleluia. 

3  The  sap  above  begins  to  flow; 
The  axe  lies  rusting  far  below; 

The  winds  of  future  landward  blow;  Alleluia. 

4  The  Sun  of  Justice  lights  the  east. 
And  breaks  the  handcuffs  of  the  Beast, 
While  humankind  sits  down  at  feast;  Alleluia. 

5  On  green  sierras  near  the  sky 

He  wipes  the  tear  from  every  eye; 
Oppressor  Death  begins  to  die;  Alleluia. 

6  He  put  himself  in  others'  care; 

The  Dark  Lord  found  no  foothold  there. 

His  laurel  wreath  we  all  may  wear;  Alleluia. 

7  The  people's  armies  of  the  night 

In  every  land  move  towards  the  light; 
At  dawn  they  reach  their  City  bright; 

Going    through    the    Waters  85 

8  The  Swimmer  rises  from  the  wave 

To  crush  the  Crab  that  digs  our  grave. 
Come  quickly  Jesus,  strong  to  save  I 

9  Our  guilt  no  longer  fears  the  tomb. 
The  landless  poor  have  found  a  home. 

Our  Brother  tastes  the  honeycomb;  Alleluia. 

Alleluia;  Alleluia;  Alleluia. 
For    the    Offertory    canticle    is    sung: 

Jesus  our  Lamb  is  sacrificed; 

Therefore  let  us  keep  his  feast 
Not  with  the  old  leaven  of  violence, 

But  with  the  new  bread  of  plainness  and 

truth.  [1    Corinthians    5:7-8] 

For  now  the  Liberator  is  av;aked  from  the 
dead , 
The  vanguard  of  all  who  sleep; 
For  since  by  a  man  came  death, 

By  a  man  comes  rising  from  the  dead. 

[1    Corinthians    15:20-21] 

We  have  died,  and  our  life  is  hidden 

With  the  Liberator  in  God; 
And  when  Jesus  our  life  appears. 

We  also  will  appear  with  him  in  splendor. 

[Colossians    3:3-4] 

For    the    Dismissal    is    said: 

Reader : 

Go  in  peace  and  love. 

Go  out  into  Babylon  and  bring  them  in. 
Keep  the  faith,  baby: 

You  are  the  Liberated  Zone. 

The    service    as    printed   is    oomplete    in    itself;    by 
the   addition   of  items    in    square    brackets ^    it    is 
set    in    the   context   of   the    Freedom  Meal ^    with    the 
engagement    taking    the    place    of   the   penitential 
section^    and   the   marriage   proper   becoming    the 
conclusion   of   the    offertory . 

At  the  Procession 

Until  the  first  breath  of  day 

And  the  retreat  of  shadows 
I  go  up  to  the  mountain  of  myrrh. 

To  the  hillside  of  frankincense. 
You  are  wholly  fair,  my  love; 

There  is  no  defect  to  be  found  in  you. 
Come  with  me  from  Lebanon,  my  bride. 

Depart  from  the  head  of  Hermon; 
Away  from  the  dens  of  lions, 

Down  from  the  mountains  of  leopards . 
You  have  made  off  with  my  heart,  my  sister, 

My  bride,  made  off  with  my  heart; 
By  a  single  look  of  your  eyes. 

By  one  jewel  of  your  necklace. 
Sweet  as  the  bees'  comb  are  your  lips; 

Honey  and  milk  are  on  your  tongue. 
And  your  garments  in  their  perfuming 

Are  as  the  smell  of  Lebanon. 
A  garden  enclosed  is  my  sister,  my  bride, 

A  garden  enclosed,  a  fountain  sealed. 
Your  buds  are  a  paradise  of  pomegranates 

And  all  spice:   henna  with  nard , 
Saffron,  calamus,  cinnamon. 

With  every  tree  of  frankincense, 
Myrr  and  wood  of  aloes, 

With  all  the  chiefest  of  balsams. 
A  fountain  of  many  gardens, 

A  great  spring  of  living  water. 

And  streams  flowing  from  Lebanon. 

\Song    of  Solomon    4:8-15] 

\If   the    Freedom   Meal    follows ^    the    minister    reads 
Francis'    prayer   for   peace,    p.    121,] 

The  Greetings 

Minister :      Shalom,  my  brother  and  sister,  the 
covenant  of  peace  be  upon  you,  Shalom. 

Couple    and   Others:      And  peace  be  with  you,  our 
brother,  Shalom. 

The    Celebration   of  a    Wedding  87 

Minister :      For  the  Liberator  himself  Is  our  peace; 

People:       He  breaks  down  all  walls  of  hatred. 

[Ephesians    2:14] 

Minister :      And  we  have  been  betrothed  to  him 

People:      As  a  faultless  bride  to  her  husband. 

[2    Corinthians    11:2] 

The  Litany  for  a  Wedding 

(Replacing    the    Invocation    of   the    Saints) 

Minister   and   People: 

Blessed  is  the  Fountain  of  all  the  worlds: 

Blessed  is  he  whose  name  is  Love. 
Blessed  is  he  that  established  the  light  of 

the  Sun:   Blessed  is  he  whose  name  is 

Love.  And    so    on. 
Blessed  is  he  that  compacted  the  earth: 
Blessed  is  he  that  filled  up  the  great  sea: 
Blessed  is  he  that  brings  down  the  rainfall 

of  life: 
Blessed  is  he  that  raised  cedars  from  the 

ground : 
Blessed  is  he  that  makes  grain  sing  in  the 

Blessed  is  he  that  makes  our  heart  glad  with 

the  sap  of  the  vine: 
Blessed  is  he  that  made  birds  and  insects, 

deer  and  all  living  things : 
Blessed  is  he  that  formed  man  and  woman  after 

his  own  image : 
Blessed  is  he  that  makes  the  womb  swell  with 

new  life: 
Blessed  is  he  that  puts  his  own  creativity 

in  our  fingers : 
Blessed  is  he  that  raised  up  Jesus  as  our  ex- 
ample and  Liberator: 
Blessed  is  he  that  surrounds  us  with  the  pil- 
lars of  his  saints: 
Blessed  is  he  that  makes  the  nations  live  in 

peace : 
Blessed  is  he  that  forgets  not  love  in  the 

grave  of  our  death:   Blessed  is  he  whose 

name  is  Love. 
Blessed  is  he  whose  splendor  is  the  universe: 

Blessed  is  he  whose  name  is  Love. 

The  Demands  of  the  Liberator 

The    three    rules    of    the    new    Way    are    replaced   by    the 
following : 

88     A  Book  of  Changes 

Reader:  Hear  the  light  burden  laid  on  us  by  Jesus 
our  Liberator.  The  first  demand  is  this:  "Listen, 
Israel,  our  God  is  one;  and  you  shall  love  our  God 
with  all  your  heart  and  soul  and  mind  and  strength." 
And  the  second  is  like  it:  "You  shall  love  your 
neighbor  as  yourself."  No  other  demand  is  greater 
than  these. 

[Mark    12:29-31;  Matthew    22:38] 

The  Engagement 

This  replaces  the  entire  penitential  section  of 
the  Freedom  Meal.  First  the  couple  address  the 
congregation   as    follows : 

Man:      Friends,  after  thought  and  prayer  I  have 
come  here  today,  with  the  intention  of  taking  the 
hand  of  A/,  in  marriage.   I  ask  your  approval;  and 
I  call  on  our  brother  here,  as  your  representa- 
tive, to  witness  our  promises. 

Woman:      Friends,  after  thought  and  prayer  I  have 
come  here  today,  with  the  desire  to  offer  my  hand 
to  A',  in  marriage.   I  ask  your  approval;  and  I 
call  on  our  brother  here,  as  your  representative, 
to  witness  our  promises. 

Then    the    minister    says    to    the    couple: 

My  brother  and  sister,  today  you  are  to  accept 
from  each  other  the  joyful  burden  of  that  love  in 
which  the  worlds  were  made.   As  Isaac  our  fore- 
father went  a  long  journey  to  his  homeland,  and 
there  found  the  fair  Rebeccah  he  was  in  search  of, 
so  you  two  have  found  each  other.   Our  Liberator 
offered  up  all  for  this  beloved  community  here 
assembled,  with  which  he  is  one  flesh.   Likewise 
I  ask  you  today,  in  its  presence,  if  you  are  pre- 
pared to  do  the  same. 

Then    the    minister    says    to    the    woman: 

N.J    will  you  take  this  man  to  your  wedded  husband? 
Will  you  love  him,  comfort  him,  honor  and  keep  him 
in  sickness  and  in  health;  and,  forsaking  all 
others,  keep  only  to  him,  so  long  as  you  both 
shall  live?   I  wi 11 . 

Likewise    to    the    man: 

N.J    will  you  take  this  woman  to  your  wedded  wife? 
Will  you  love  her,  comfort  her,  honor  and  keep  her 
in  sickness  and  in  health;  and,  forsaking  all 
others,  keep  only  to  her,  so  long  as  you  both 
shall  live?   I  wi 1 1 . 

The    Celebration   of  a    Wedding  89 

Then    the    woman    speaks    to    the    man    as    follows ^    or    in 
words    of   the    couple  ' s    own    choosing  : 

I,  N.J    promise  that  I  will  strengthen  and  support 
you,  N.J    by  sharing  my  joys  and  fears;  and  at  the 
same  time,  in  patience  and  trust,  give  you  room  to 
grow,  and  freedom  to  be  your  own  self. 

And    likewise    the    man    to    the    woman^    in    the    same 
words.       Then    the    minister    says    to    the    couple 
together : 

N.    and  N.J    will  you  take  pains  not  to  burden  the 
earth  with  the  number  of  your  children;  but  to 
make  your  family  a  nucleus  for  a  more  just  and 
happier  society,  helping  build  this  planet  into 
the  garden  it  was  meant  to  be?   We  will. 

Then  the  woman  either  is  given  away  or  steps  for- 
ward  with    the    man. 

Reaffirming  the  Covenant 

Minister :      My  brother  and  sister,  let  us  listen  to 
the  joyful  promise  made  by  the  Power  of  Being. 

Reader : 

"For  the  mountains  may  be  removed 

And  the  hills  may  be  shaken. 
But  my  love  shall  not  be  removed, 

And  the  covenant  of  my  peace  shall  not 
be  shaken," 
says  the  God  who  has  felt  sympathy  for  you. 

[Isaiah    54:10] 

Minister    to   all:      Friends,  today  these  two  join 
our  community  in  a  new  relationship.   So  let  us 
once  again  reaffirm  that  covenant  by  whose  assur- 
ance we  live.   For  see,  God  calls  sky  and  earth  to 
witness  that  he  has  set  before  us  this  day  good 
and  evil,  blessing  and  curse,  life  and  death. 
Which  will  you  choose? 

People:  We  choose  life,  that  we  and  our  children 
may  live. 

[The    Gloria    in    excelsis    can    be    said   here    or 
omitted.  ] 

Minister :      Let  us  hear  that  word  from  which,  we 
believe,  there  is  fresh  light  yet  to  break. 


Reader:  And  God  said,  "It  is  not  right  for  a  man 
to  be  by  himself;  I  will  make  him  a  partner  suit- 
able for  him."   And  God  shaped  from  clay  every 

90     A  Book  of  Changes 

wild  animal,  and  every  bird  of  the  air.   He 
brought  them  to  man  to  see  what  he  would  call 
them;  and  whatever  man  called  each  creature,  that 
was  its  name.   So  man  gave  names  to  all  the  ani- 
mals, and  to  all  the  birds  of  the  air,  and  to  ev- 
ery creature  of  the  wilderness;  but  for  man  no 
suitable  partner  was  found.   Then  God  brought  un- 
consciousness upon  man,  and  he  slept;  and  he  took 
one  of  his  ribs,  and  brought  flesh  back  over  its 
place.   And  God  built  the  rib  he  had  taken  from 
man  into  woman,  and  brought  her  to  man.   And  man 
said,  "This  time  it  is  bone  of  my  bone  and  flesh 
of  my  flesh;  she  will  be  called  woman,  because 
she  was  taken  from  man."   Therefore  a  man  leaves 
his  father  and  mother  and  embraces  his  wife,  and 
they  become  one  flesh.   And  the  two  of  them,  the 
man  and  his  wife,  were  naked  and  not  ashamed. 

[Genesis    2:18-25] 

Psalm  128 

Happy  are  all  that  stand  in  awe  of  God, 

Who  walk  in  his  ways; 
You  will  eat  the  produce  of  your  hands. 

You  are  happy  and  Joyful. 
Your  wife  is  a  fruiting  vine 

On  the  walls  of  your  house; 
Your  children  are  slips  of  olive 

All  around  your  table. 
So  shall  the  man  be  blessed 

That  stands  in  awe  of  God. 
God  will  so  bless  you  from  Zion, 

You  will  see  Jerusalem  happy  all  your 
You  will  see  your  children's  children. 

And  Israel  in  peace.   Shalom. 

The  Gospel 

On  the  third  day  there  was  a  wedding  in  Cana  of 
Galilee.   The  mother  of  Jesus  was  there,  and  Jesus 
and  his  followers  were  invited  to  the  wedding. 
Now  when  the  wine  ran  out,  the  mother  of  Jesus 
told  him,  "They  do  not  have  any  wine."   Jesus  told 
her,  "What  is  that  to  you  or  me,  lady?   My  hour  is 
not  yet  at  hand."   But  his  mother  told  the  serv- 
ants, "Do  whatever  he  tells  you."   Now  there  were 
six  water  jars  lying  there,  each  holding  two  or 
three  gallons.   Jesus  told  them,  "Fill  the  jars 
with  water,"  and  they  filled  them  to  the  brim. 
Then  he  told  them,  "Now  draw  off  from  the  jars, 
and  take  it  to  the  master  of  ceremonies";  and  they 
took  it.   Now  when  the  master  of  ceremonies  tasted 

The    Celebration   of   a    Wedding  91 

the  water  which  had  become  wine,  and  did  not  know 
where  it  came  from  (only  the  servants  who  drew  off 
the  water  knew),  he  called  the  bridegroom  and  said 
to  him:   "Everybody  brings  out  the  best  wine  at 
the  beginning,  and  then  the  poorer  wine  when  peo- 
ple are  drunk;  but  you  have  kept  the  best  wine  un- 
til now."   Jesus  did  this  as  the  beginning  of  his 
signs  in  Cana  of  Galilee,  and  thus  showed  his 
splendor;  and  his  followers  had  confidence  in  him. 

[John    2:1-11] 

The  Prayer 

Minister :      0  Fountain  of  love,  make  the  hearts  of 
this  man  and  this  woman  firm,  so  that  they  can 
carry  out  joyfully  the  things  they  have  today 
promised;  for  the  sake  of  the  one  who  has  set  us 
the  precedent  of  his  own  love,  Jesus  our  Liber- 
ator.  Amen;  so  may  it  be. 

The    Affirmations    can    be    replaced   by    the    following 


All  of  you  that  went  through  the  waters 

Have  clothed  yourselves  in  the  Liberator. 

In  him  there  is  neither  Jew  nor  Greek, 
No  oppressed  or  oppressor. 

Nor  any  male  or  female ; 

In  Jesus  you  are  all  made  one. 

[Galatians    3:27-28] 

Here    if  desired   can    come    a    short    sermon. 

The    Freedom   Meal    intercessions    can    be    replaced   by 
the    following 


For  ^.  and  N . ,  now  to  be  married  in  the  sight  of 

God  and  in  the  presence  of  this  community:   We 

call  on  the  Spirit. 
For  the  happiness  of  couples  everywhere:   We  call 

on  the  Spirit.  And   so   on. 
For  the  poor;  for  prostitutes,  unmarried  mothers, 

orphans;  for  all  the  unloved  and  unwanted: 
For  doctors,  nurses,  and  social  workers;  for  all 

ministers  to  the  oppressed: 
For  the  peace  of  the  world,  for  an  end  to  all  war: 
For  the  whole  creation;  for  animals  without  voice, 

that  we  may  become  their  voice: 
For  children  and  grandparents,  that  they  may  enjoy 

love  in  a  family: 
For  every  person  in  his  vocation,  that  each  may 

remain  faithful  to  his  best  vision: 

92     A  Book  of  Changes 

That  the  Christ  incognito  may  never  be  turned  from 

our  door:   We  call  on  the  Spirit. 
We  call  on  the  Spirit  to  bind  us  in  solidarity 

with  all  here  and  elsewhere,  living  and  dead, 

who  build  their  lives  into  the  golden  circle  of 

love:   We  call  on  the  Spirit. 

[If   the    Freedom   Meal    follows ^    the    Offering    is    be- 
gun   by    the   Minister   saying: 

And  I  saw  the  holy  city,  new  Jerusalem,  coming 
down  out  of  the  sky  from  God,  made  ready  like  a 
bride  adorned  for  her  husband.  [Revelation    21:26] 

The    Presentation    is    the    usual    one    on   p.    126.] 

The  Marriage 

The    man    takes    the    woman    by    her   right    hand   and   says 
as    follows: 

I  N.     take  you  N.     to  my  wedded  wife, 

To  have  and  to  hold, 
From  this  day  forward. 

For  better,  for  worse. 
For  richer,  for  poorer, 

In  sickness  and  in  health. 
To  love  and  to  cherish. 

Until  death  do  us  part. 
As  the  first  man  took  his  wife  Eve 

In  the  paradise  of  Eden. 

Likewise    the    woman: 

I  Nj    take  you  N.     to  my  wedded  husband. 

To  have  and  to  hold. 
From  this  day  forward. 

For  better,  for  worse. 
For  richer,  for  poorer. 

In  sickness  and  in  health, 
To  love  and  to  cherish. 

Till  death  do  us  part. 
As  the  first  woman  took  her  husband  Adam 

In  the  paradise  of  Eden. 

Then    the    minister   blesses    the    ring    or    rings^ 
saying : 

As  these    rings    have    [this    ring    has]    neither  begin- 
ning nor  end,  and  lose    [loses]    neither  luster  nor 
substance,  so  may  the  Wellspring  of  love  maintain 
these  two  persons  constant  and  joyful  in  the  com- 
munity of  peace,  through  our  Brother  who  gave  him- 
self for  it. 

Then    the    man   puts    the    ring    on    the    woman's    finger^ 
saying : 

The    Celebration   of  a    Wedding  93 

With  this  ring  I  marry  you, 
With  my  body  I  honor  you. 

With  all  I  have  I  present  you. 

And    the    woman    likewise ^    if   she    has    a    ring. 

Minister :      Once  again  the  covenant  of  peace  has 
been  sealed;  for  God  who  marries  us  to  himself  In 
love  has  sent  the  Spirit  of  the  Liberator  Into  our 
hearts,  crying: 


Abba,  Father: 
Blessed  be  your  working; 
Soon  be  your  appearing; 
Done  be  your  desiring. 
Our  bread  provide  us; 
Our  debts  forgive  us ; 
From  trials  free  us . 

Minister :      Let  us  pray  for  peace  among  men.   0 
Power  of  history,  let  the  home  of  these  two,  as  of 
couples  everywhere,  become  a  city  set  on  a  hill,  a 
sanctuary  of  peace;  by  their  work  and  play  may 
people  learn  love  and  not  war,  sitting  unafraid 
under  their  vine  and  flgtree;  through  the  Liber- 
ator who  blessed  peacemakers  as  your  children. 
Amen;  so  may  it  be. 

Let  us  pray  for  peace  In  the  natural  order.   0 
bright  Sun  of  creation,  let  the  joyful  union  of 
this  couple  (If  your  desire  Is  such)  overflow  into 
the  birth  of  children,  not  too  many  for  the  planet 
to  bear,  who  will  carry  on  in  their  generation  the 
renewal  of  society  and  nature;  so  that  in  your 
right  time  the  wolf  may  lie  down  with  the  lamb  and 
the  paradise  of  Eden  be  restored;  through  the  bond 
of  our  unity,  Jesus  the  true  Adam.   Amen;  so  may 
it  be . 

Then    the    Minister    joins    their   right    hands,    saying: 

Those  whom  God  has  joined  together  let  not  man  put 
asunder . 

Then    he    says    to    the    people: 

Friends,  you  have  heard  what  things  N.    and  N.    have 
promised,  and  watched  their  exchange  of  rings;  on 
your  behalf  I  declare  that  they  are  man  and  wife, 
in  the  name  of  the  Fountain  of  love  who  has 
filled  this  community  with  the  spirit  of  Jesus  the 
Liberator . 

Then   follows    the    Kiss    of  Peaoe,    begun    by    the 
couple,    during    which    is    said: 

94     A  Book  of  Changes 

My  beloved  is  mine  and  I  am  his. 

He  feeds  his  flock  among  the  lilies. 

Come  quickly  my  love  like  a  gazelle 

Or  a  stag  on  the  mountains  of  spices . 

The  bed  underneath  us  is  green. 

The  beams  of  our  house  are  of  cedar. 

[Song   of  Solomon    2:16,  8:14,  1:17] 

[If    the    Freedom   Meal    is    to    be    celehratedy    the 
Sursum  oorda    is    then   said.       The    Abba  Father  need 
not    he    repeated.       The    Blessing   and   Dismissal    are 
replaced   by    the    following ."l 

Minister :      May  the  Power  behind  space  and  time 
bless  you,  and  unite  you  with  his  own  Name  of 
love,  to  take  your  intended  place  in  the  unrolling 
of  his  will;  through  the  spirit  of  our  Brother  who 
gave  us  the  true  picture  of  humankind.   Amen;  so 
may  it  be. 

At  the  Departure 

Rise  up  my  love  with  me, 

My  fair  one,  and  come  away; 
For  see,  the  winter  is  past; 

The  rain  is  over  and  gone; 
The  crocus  appears  on  the  earth. 

The  time  of  singing  is  near. 
And  the  voice  of  the  turtledove 

Is  heard  in  our  land. 

[Song    of   Solomon    2:10-12] 

An    outline    of  commissioning   for   any    office    of  min- 
istry   in    the    community .       It    is    set    in    the    context 
of   the    Freedom   Mealy    in   which    the    three    Rules    and 
the    form   of  Liberation   from    Complicity    can    be 

The  Prophecy 

Son  of  Man,  speak  to  the  children  of  your  people 
and  say  to  them:   If  1  bring  the  sword  on  a  coun- 
try, and  the  people  of  the  country  take  a  man  of 
their  own  and  make  him  their  watchman,  and  he  sees 
the  sword  coming  against  the  country,  and  blows 
the  trumpet  and  warns  the  people;  then  If  someone 
hears  the  voice  of  the  trumpet  and  does  not  take 
warning,  and  the  sword  comes  and  takes  him  away, 
his  blood  is  on  his  own  head.   He  heard  the  voice 
of  the  trumpet,  he  did  not  take  warning,  his  blood 
is  on  himself;  for  if  he  had  taken  warning,  he 
would  have  saved  his  life.   But  if  the  watchman 
sees  the  sword  coming  and  does  not  blow  the  trum- 
pet, and  the  people  are  not  warned,  and  the  sword 
comes  and  takes  away  any  one  of  them;  that  man  is 
taken  away  in  his  complicity,  and  his  blood  1  will 
require  at  the  hand  of  the  watchman. 

Son  of  Man,  I  have  made  you  a  watchman  for  the 
house  of  Israel;  whatever  thing  you  hear  from  my 
mouth,  you  are  to  warn  them  from  me.   If  I  say  to 
the  criminal,  "0  criminal,  you  will  certainly 
die,"  and  you  do  not  speak  out  to  warn  the  crimi- 
nal to  turn  from  his  way,  the  criminal  will  die  in 
his  complicity,  and  I  will  require  his  blood  from 
your  hand.   But  if  you  warn  the  criminal  to  turn 
from  his  way,  and  he  does  not  turn  from  his  way, 
he  dies  in  his  complicity,  and  you  have  saved  your 
life.  [Ezekiel    33:2-9] 


Have  the  way  of  life  among  you 

Which  was  also  in  Jesus  our  Liberator; 
Although  in  the  form  of  God, 

He  did  not  set  his  heart  on  that  equality. 
But  he  made  himself  empty. 

Taking  the  form  of  a  slave. 
And  receiving  the  nature  of  a  man. 

He  accepted  humiliation. 

96    A  Book  of  Changes 

And  became  obedient  to  death, 

Even  the  death  of  the  cross. 
And  so  God  raised  him  high. 

And  gave  him  a  name  over  all  names; 
So  that  to  the  name  of  Jesus 

Every  knee  should  bow  down. 
Of  creatures  above,  on  earth,  and  below. 

And  every  tongue  should  agree 
That  Jesus  is  leader  and  liberator 

In  the  splendor  of  God  the  Father. 

[PhiZippians    2:5-11] 

The  Gospel 

The  rulers  of  nations  exercise  authority  over 
them,  and  their  influential  men  are  called  Bene- 
factors.  It  is  not  to  be  like  this  among  you. 
Rather,  let  the  greater  one  among  you  become  as 
the  less,  and  the  leader  as  the  servant.   For 
which  is  greater,  one  who  sits  at  table  or  one  who 
serves  him?   Is  it  not  the  one  who  sits  at  table? 
And  am  I  among  you  as  the  one  who  serves.   You  are 
the  ones  who  have  stayed  with  me  during  my  trials. 
And  I  make  a  covenant  with  you  as  my  Father  made  a 
covenant  with  me,  that  you  should  eat  and  drink  at 
my  table  in  my  liberated  zone,  and  sit  on  thrones 
judging  the  twelve  tribes  of  Israel. 

[Luke    22:25-30] 

Here    follows    an    address    on    the    character   of 
ministry . 

The  Presentations 

A    statement    of   the    candidate's    calling    is    read   by 
an    elected   representative    of   the    community    where 
he    or   she    is    to   minister .       Then   a   statement   of   the 
candidate's    suitability    is   read   by   a   minister   rec- 
ognized  both    by    him   and   by    the    community ^    in   ac- 
cordance   with    the    covenant    of   the    community . 

The  Questions 

Presiding   Minister :      Friends,  you  have  heard  that 
this  our  brother   has  been  called  to  the  office  of 

by  the  representatives  of  this  community. 

And  you  have  heard  testimony  to  his   qualifications 
by  these  others  who  have  already  been  called  and 
commissioned  for  such  a  ministry.   We  now  wish  to 
hear  from  our  brother  himself,  in  his  own  words, 
how  he  understands  this  task,  so  that  we  will  have 
good  grounds  to  believe  he  will  prove  serviceable 
to  his  people,  and  not  himself  fall  casualty. 

My  brother,  you  are  being  called  to  serve  others 

Commission    for    Minis  try  97 

in  the  way  of  a  waiter  at  table,  which  our  Liber- 
ator defines  as  the  truest  work  of  a  human  being. 
It  was  Indeed  said  of  Jesus  our  Brother,  Others  he 
saved,  himself  he  cannot  save;  and  all  here  pres- 
ent stand  ready  to  hold  up  your  hand  If  you  fall 
casualty.   Still,  what  you  are  being  commissioned 
for  Is  to  hold  up  the  hand  of  others.   Do  you  then 
feel  that  you  and  your  family  are  solid  and  stable 
enough  In  your  Individual  commitments.  In  your 
personal  relations,  so  that  with  a  quiet  mind  you 
can  take  on  the  burden  of  helping  others,  day  in 
and  day  out?   Also,  as  our  Liberator  and  his  Apos- 
tles often  had  no  place  to  lay  their  head,  you  are 
not  guaranteed  money  or  support,  even  from  an  af- 
fluent society,  for  a  work  which  means  building  a 
different  society  on  new  foundations.   Few  if  any 
of  those  you  see  here  are  wealthy.   Do  you  then 
have  a  useful  vocation  by  which  you  can  support 
yourself  in  this  work  if  other  support  fails?   And 
are  you  settled  in  your  mind  to  go  on  in  this  work 
without  bitterness  or  resentment,  if  necessary  at 
your  own  expense? 

You  must  understand  clearly  from  our  sacred  writ- 
ings the  tasks  of  a  minister.   First  of  all,  be- 
cause he  is  a  fellow-servant  with  the  Liberator, 
the  minister  is  a  watchman,  as  we  heard  from  the 
prophet  Ezekiel.   The  minister,  through  his  study 
of  the  sacred  Books,  of  the  lives  of  the  saints, 
of  the  news,  of  men's  hearts,  is  given  the  spirit 
of  prophecy,  to  see  how  the  crimes  of  a  nation  are 
bringing  the  sword  upon  it .   Are  you  then  prepared 
with  Amos,  Jeremiah,  and  all  the  prophets,  to  con- 
demn when  necessary  the  complicity  of  rulers, 
priests,  the  rich,  judges,  the  exploiters  of  man 
or  nature  in  an  oppressive  system;  and  to  work  for 
change  in  it?   Are  you  willing  to  share  the  pov- 
erty or  harassment  of  the  victims,  and  to  take 
your  chance  on  joining  them  in  prison? 

Second,  the  minister  of  Jesus  is  a  herald:   he  an- 
nounces the  Liberated  Zone  where  men  and  women, 
society  and  nature  are  starting  to  become  them- 
selves.  Can  you  testify  with  conviction  that  his 
liberation  is  already  at  work  in  yourself?   Are 
you  prepared  to  let  the  Spirit  build  the  community 
of  love  around  your  work,  according  to  God's  style 
rather  then  your  style?   Have  you  determined  to 
help  recall  the  Churches  of  Jesus  to  their  orig- 
inal charter,  supporting  everything  true  in  them, 
rejecting  or  reforming  everything  corrupt  in  them? 
Will  you  take  on  the  burden  of  poetry,  delivering 

98    A  Book  of  Changes 

your  message  in  such  language  that  it  can  be  heard 
by  your  audience? 

Third  and  most  important,  the  minister  of  the  Lib- 
erator is  above  all  a  servant,  as  we  heard  from 
Luke;  that  is  what  his  title  means.   Whatever  his 
faults  in  vision  or  weaknesses  in  organization,  he 
can  always  take  the  side  of  the  oppressed,  binding 
up  their  wounds,  making  their  suffering  his  suf- 
fering.  Are  you  prepared  to  do  this,  becoming,  so 
far  as  lies  in  you,  a  spokesman  for  all  those  who 
have  no  other  spokesman? 

These  tasks  are  simple  to  state,  difficult  to 
carry  out.   But  carrying  them  out  is  made  a  little 
easier  if  you  hold  fast  to  simplicity  of  state- 
ment.  So  finally  we  wish  to  hear  your  assurance 
that  you  will  not  obscure  the  real  nature  of  your 
work  by  compromise,  mystification,  double  speak- 
ing, hidden  agenda.   Will  you  be  a  person  who,  so 
far  as  possible,  holds  nothing  in  reserve,  keeps 
nothing  secret  but  the  confidences  of  others,  per- 
mits himself  no  unexplained  absences  or  unavail- 
ability, and  has  no  ambition  but  usefulness;  so 
that  the  simplest  man  or  woman  will  not  for  an  in- 
stant hesitate  to  trust  you,  because  he  can  see 
instantly  what  you  stand  for,  and  see  that  you  are 
one  who  trusts  in  a  Power  greater  than  us  all? 

Then    the    candidate ^    in    his    own    words ,    as    simply 
and  directly   as   possible ^    reads    or   speaks   a   state- 
ment  of  where    he    stands    in   answer    to    these 
questions . 

Minister :      Are  you  prepared  to  bring  your  whole 
life  under  the  guidance  of  the  Spirit,  as  known  to 
us  in  the  Bible,  in  the  lives  of  the  Saints,  and 
in  our  own  history  through  the  Providence  of  God? 
I  am  prepared  to. 

Will  you  use  the  worship  and  covenant  of  this  com- 
munity as  your  constant  guides  to  the  working  of 
the  Spirit;  and  at  the  same  time  hold  them  up  to 
the  plumb-line  he  has  given  us?   Yes,  I  will  do 

Have  you  determined  to  trust  that  Jesus  our 
Brother,  by  his  example,  teaching,  and  work,  is 
Christ  and  Lord — that  is.  Liberator  of  man  and  of 
all  creation?   I  have  so  determined. 

May  the  Fountain  of  strength  who  has  brought  you 
to  this  commitment  today  keep  you  in  it  all  your 
days.   Amen;  so  may  it  be. 

Commission    fov    Ministry  99 

Here   follow   the   Affirmations    God  Is  not  dead, 
etc.    from   p.    123. 


Come  quickly  Jesus  the  helper  of  all  mankind: 

Come  quickly  our  helper. 
Come  quickly,  you  that  make  broken  bodies  and 

lives  whole  again:   Come  quickly  our  helper. 

And   so    on. 
You  that  pronounced  the  blessedness  of  the  poor 

and  suffering: 
You  that  bring  in  the  liberated  zone  to  all 

nations : 
You  that  were  fearless  to  denounce  the  crimes  of 

the  powerful: 
You  that  observe  the  lilies  of  the  wild  and  the 

sparrow's  fall: 
You  that  in  your  coming  bring  in  the  paradise  of 

You  that  love  children,  join  the  marriage  feast 

and  mourn  the  dead: 
You  that  call  sinners  of  the  people,  and  sinners 

against  the  people,  into  one  community: 
You  that  took  on  our  guilt,  so  that  we  could  take 

on  your  wholeness: 
You  that  throw  out  the  demonic  powers  from  our 

You  that  led  the  march  of  protest  to  the  Temple  of 

You  that  passed  through  the  dark  waters,  and  were 

anointed  with  the  Spirit : 
You  that  were  lifted  up  in  transfiguration  and  in 

brutality : 
You  that  broke  the  evil  powers  by  offering  your- 
self to  them: 
You  that  refresh  all  people  with  the  bread  of  life 

and  the  sap  of  the  vine:   Come  quickly  our 

hel per. 
Come  quickly,  our  helper,  and  pour  out  your  spirit 

on  all  called  to  be  your  fellow-servants:   Come 

quickly  our  helper. 

The  Commissioning 

Minister:      0  Spirit  of  God's  breath.  Spirit  of  the 
Liberator's  life;  this  community  is  dead  unless 
you  are  the  atmosphere  it  breathes.   Come  and  ful- 
fill the  dream  of  your  saints  that  a  new  society 
will  rise  out  of  the  ruins  of  the  old.   As  you 
have  always  in  the  past  come  on  those  who  trusted 
you,  today  fill  this  one  who  asks  only  to  do  your 
work  in  your  strength.   Through  him ^    and  his 

100     A  Book  of  Changes 

brothers  and  sisters  everywhere,  may  the  golden 
ring  of  our  fellowship  become  one  and  the  same 
with  the  sphere  of  this  planet,  so  that  all  cre- 
ated life  will  exist  together  in  love  and  peace. 

Then    the    ministers ^    and   other   representatives    of 
the    community  J     lay    hands    on    the    candidate  '  s    head^ 
white    is    said: 

May  the  Power  of  Being  make  you  a  faithful  servant 

of  his  covenant  of  peace,  in  the  office  of  , 

not  by  the  letter  of  human  institutions,  but  by 
the  Spirit  of  life;  through  Jesus  our  Brother  and 
Liberator,  who  was  among  us  as  a  servant  and  gave 
his  life  for  the  people. 

Then    the    newly    commissioned   minister    is    given    the 
Bihle y    while    is    said: 

Receive  the  word  of  life;  put  no  other  book  above 
this  or  beside  this;  let  all  your  words  be  spoken, 
all  your  actions  done,  in  its  spirit. 

Then   any    other   appropriate    instruments    or    symbols 
of  office    are    given.       The    new   minister    is    in- 
stalled  in    his    office    by    a    representative    of   the 
community .       The    papers    are    signed.       Then    the    pre- 
siding  minister y    assisted   by    his    new   colleague ^ 
continues    the    Freedom   Mealy    starting    at    the    Offer- 
ing.      The    Beatitudes    are    replaced   with    a    blessing 
of   the    new   minister : 

May  your  mouth  speak  the  word  of  justice  in  and 
out  of  season;  may  you  plant  the  peace  garden  of 
this  earth  wherever  your  feet  stand;  may  your  eyes 
always  be  turned  towards  the  poor  and  exploited, 
your  hands  be  quick  to  lift  them;  and  may  the 
Spirit  of  God  accompany  you,  so  that  at  the  Liber- 
ator's coming  you  will  hear  the  word  spoken  to  a 
faithful  servant:   Since  you  did  it  for  the  least 
of  these  my  brothers,  you  did  it  for  me. 

This    form   is    not    suitable    for   a   prison-appointed 
chaplain   making    official    visits.       It    assumes    a 
fellowship    between    prisoner   and   visitor ;    that    is, 
it    is    intended   primarily    for   political  prisoners , 
in    the    broad   sense.       Prayers    especially    for   mili- 
tary  prisoners    are    found   on    pp.     229-127. 

Visitor : 

Lift  up  your  heads,  you  gates; 

Open  up,  you  everlasting  doors; 

For  the  King  of  splendor  to  come  in. 
Who  is  this  King  of  splendor? 
Our  God  strong  and  mighty. 
The  God  beyond  all  armies. 
Lift  up  your  heads,  you  gates; 

Open  up,  you  everlasting  doors; 

For  the  King  of  splendor  to  come  in. 
Who  is  this  king  of  splendor? 
The  God  of  all  true  armies. 
He  is  the  King  of  splendor. 

[Psalm    24:7-10] 

Grace  be  to  you  and  peace  from  Jesus  our  Liber- 
ator, the  first  political  prisoner. 


(1)    From    the    prison    diaries    of  Dietrich 

Nothing  can  make  up  for  the  absence  of  someone 
whom  we  love,  and  it  would  be  wrong  to  try  and 
find  a  substitute;  we  must  simply  hold  out  and  see 
it  through.   That  sounds  very  hard  at  first,  but 
at  the  same  time  it  is  a  great  consolation;  for 
the  gap,  as  long  as  it  remains  unfilled,  preserves 
the  bonds  between  us.   It  is  nonsense  to  say  that 
God  fills  the  gap;  he  does  not  fill  it,  but  on  the 
contrary,  he  keeps  it  empty  and  so  helps  us  to 
keep  alive  our  former  communion  with  each  other, 
even  at  the  cost  of  pain. 

The  dearer  and  richer  our  memories,  the  more  dif- 
ficult the  separation.   But  gratitude  changes  the 
pangs  of  memory  into  a  tranquil  joy.   The  beauties 
of  the  past  are  borne,  not  as  a  thorn  in  the 
flesh,  but  as  a  precious  gift  in  themselves.   We 
must  take  care  not  to  wallow  in  our  memories  or 
hand  ourselves  over  to  them,  just  as  we  do  not 
gaze  all  the  time  at  a  valuable  present,  but  only 

102    A  Book  of  Changes 

at  special  times,  and  apart  from  these  keep  it 
simply  as  a  hidden  treasure  that  is  ours  for  cer- 
tain.  In  this  way  the  past  gives  us  lasting  joy 
and  strength. 

Times  of  separation  are  not  a  total  loss  or  un- 
profitable for  our  companionship,  or  at  any  rate 
they  need  not  be  so.   In  spite  of  all  the  diffi- 
culties that  they  bring,  they  can  be  the  means  of 
strengthening  fellowship  quite  remarkably. 

I  have  learned  here  especially  that  the  facts  can 
always  be  mastered,  and  that  difficulties  are  mag- 
nified out  of  all  proportion  simply  by  fear  and 
anxiety.   From  the  moment  we  wake  until  we  fall 
asleep  we  must  commend  other  people  wholly  and  un- 
reservedly to  God  and  leave  them  in  his  hands,  and 
transform  our  anxiety  for  them  into  prayers  on 
their  behalf. 

What  times  these  are  I   What  memories  for  the  years 
to  come  I   What  matters  is  that  we  should  direct 
these  memories,  as  it  'were,  into  the  right  spirit- 
ual channels,  and  so  make  them  harder,  clearer, 
and  more  defiant,  which  is  a  good  thing.   There  is 
no  place  for  sentimentality  on  a  day  like  this. 
If  in  the  middle  of  an  air  raid  God  sends  out  the 
gospel  call  to  his  kingdom  in  baptism,  it  will  be 
quite  clear  what  that  kingdom  is  and  what  it 
means.   It  is  a  kingdom  stronger  than  war  and  dan- 
ger, a  kingdom  of  power  and  authority,  signifying 
eternal  terror  and  judgment  to  some,  and  eternal 
joy  and  justice  to  others,  not  a  kingdom  of  the 
heart,  but  one  as  wide  as  the  earth,  not  transi- 
tory but  eternal,  a  kingdom  that  makes  a  way  for 
itself  and  summons  men  to  itself  to  prepare  its 
way,  a  kingdom  for  which  it  is  worth  while  to  risk 
our  lives. 

(2)    From    the    acts    of   Saint    Perpetua^    Carthage ^ 
A.D.     203. 

During  those  few  days  we  were  baptized,  and  the 
Holy  Spirit  told  me  to  make  no  other  request  after 
going  through  the  waters  than  for  bodily  endur- 
ance.  A  few  days  later  we  were  lodged  in  prison, 
and  I  was  in  great  fear,  because  I  had  never  known 
such  darkness.   A  day  of  horror;  terrible  heat, 
due  to  all  the  crowds;  brutality  by  the  soldiers. 
On  top  of  all  I  was  tormented  there  by  anxiety  for 
my  baby.   Then  those  blessed  deacons  who  were  min- 
istering to  us  paid  for  us  to  be  removed  for  a  few 
hours  to  a  better  part  of  the  prison  and  refresh 

A    Form   for    Visiting    Prisoners  102 

ourselves.   Then  my  baby  was  brought  to  me,  and  I 
suckled  him,  for  he  was  already  faint  for  lack  of 
food.   I  spoke  anxiously  to  my  mother  on  his  be- 
half, and  strengthened  my  brother,  and  commended 
my  son  to  their  charge.   I  was  wasting  away  be- 
cause I  saw  them  wasting  away  for  my  sake.   Such 
anxieties  I  suffered  for  many  days.   Then  I  got 
permission  for  my  baby  to  stay  in  the  prison  with 
me,  and  I  at  once  recovered  my  health,  and  was  re- 
lieved of  my  trouble  and  anxiety  for  my  baby.   My 
prison  suddenly  became  a  palace  to  me,  and  I  would 
rather  have  been  there  than  anywhere  else. 

(3)  From    the    journals    of   George    Fox. 

One  time  in  this  Jail  there  came  a  soldier  to  us; 
and  whilst  one  of  our  Friends  was  admonishing  of 
him  and  exhorting  him  to  sobriety,  1  saw  him  begin 
to  draw  his  sword.   Whereupon  I  stepped  to  him  and 
told  him  what  a  shame  it  was  to  offer  to  draw  his 
sword  upon  an  unarmed  man,  and  him  a  prisoner;  and 
how  unfit  and  unworthy  he  was  to  carry  such  a  wea- 
pon; and  that  if  he  should  have  drawn  it  upon  some 
men,  they  would  have  taken  his  sword  from  him  and 
have  broken  it  to  pieces.   So  he  was  ashamed,  and 
went  his  way;  and  the  Lord's  power  sustained  us. 

At  a  later  time  I  had  a  fit  of  sickness,  which 
brought  me  very  low  and  weak  in  my  body;  and  1 
continued  so  a  pretty  while,  insomuch  that  some 
Friends  began  to  doubt  of  my  recovery.   1  seemed 
to  myself  to  be  among  the  graves  and  dead  corpses; 
yet  the  invisible  power  did  secretly  support  me, 
and  conveyed  refreshing  strength  into  me,  even 
when  1  was  so  weak  that  I  was  almost  speechless. 
One  night,  as  1  was  lying  awake  upon  my  bed  in  the 
glory  of  the  Lord  which  was  over  all,  it  was  said 
unto  me  that  the  Lord  had  a  great  deal  more  work 
for  me  to  do  for  him  before  he  took  me  to  himself. 

Endeavors  were  used  to  get  me  released,  at  least 
for  a  time,  till  1  was  grown  stronger;  but  the  way 
of  effecting  it  proved  difficult  and  tedious;  for 
the  King  was  not  willing  to  release  me  by  any 
other  way  than  a  pardon,  being  told  he  could  not 
legally  do  it;  and  I  was  not  willing  to  be  re- 
leased by  a  pardon,  which  he  would  readily  have 
given  me,  because  I  did  not  look  upon  that  way  as 
agreeable  with  the  innocency  of  my  cause. 

(4)  From    the    Acts    of    the    Apostles,     12:6-11. 

Now  when  Herod  was  about  to  bring  Peter  out  for 
execution,  on  that  very  night  he  was  sleeping 

104    A  Book  of  Changes 

between  two  soldiers,  bound  with  two  chains,  and 
sentries  in  front  of  the  door  were  guarding  the 
prison.   Then  a  Messenger  of  God  stood  there,  and 
a  light  shone  in  the  cell;  he  tapped  Peter  on  the 
side  and  woke  him  up,  saying,  "Get  up  quickly." 
And  the  Messenger  said  to  him,  "Put  on  your 
clothes  and  your  sandals";  and  he  did  so.   And  he 
said  to  him,  "Wrap  your  coat  around  you  and  follow 
me."   And  he  went  out,  following  him;  he  did  not 
realize  that  what  the  messenger  was  doing  was 
real,  but  thought  he  was  dreaming.   After  they  had 
passed  the  first  and  second  guards,  they  came  to 
the  iron  gate  leading  into  the  city;  it  opened  for 
them  by  itself.   They  went  out  and  walked  for  a 
block,  and  then  suddenly  the  Messenger  left  him. 
Then  Peter  came  to  himself  and  said,  "Now  I  know 
truly  that  the  Lord  has  sent  his  Messenger  and  has 
saved  me  from  the  hand  of  Herod  and  from  the  ex- 
pectation of  the  people." 

(S)    From   Paul ' s    second    letter    to    the    Corinthians ^ 

Are  all  those  others  ministers  of  the  Liberator? 
Though  I  speak  like  a  fanatic,  I  say  that  I  am 
more  so.   I  have  had  more  labors,  more  imprison- 
ments, been  often  beaten,  often  in  deaths.   Five 
times  I  received  from  the  Jews  forty  lashes  save 
one;  three  times  I  was  beaten  with  clubs;  once  I 
was  stoned;  three  times  I  was  shipwrecked;  I 
drifted  at  sea  for  a  night  and  a  day;  constantly 
on  journeys,  in  danger  from  rivers,  in  danger  from 
highwaymen,  in  danger  from  my  own  people,  in  dan- 
ger from  foreigners,  danger  in  the  city,  danger  in 
the  desert,  danger  at  sea,  danger  among  false 
brothers;  in  work  and  hardship,  often  sleepless, 
in  hunger  and  thirst,  in  cold  and  nakedness;  and 
beside  these  outer  things,  my  daily  companion — 
anxiety  for  all  the  churches.   Who  is  sick,  and  I 
am  not  sick?   Who  falls  casualty  and  I  am  not 
angry?   If  I  must  boast,  I  will  boast  of  my  weak- 
ness.  God  the  father  of  Jesus  our  Liberator, 
blessed  for  all  the  Ages,  knows  that  I  am  not 

Psalm  1^2 

I  raise  my  voice  to  my  God, 

With  my  voice  I  ask  for  his  gentleness; 
I  pour  out  my  trouble  before  him. 

In  his  presence  I  make  my  complaint. 
When  my  spirit  sinks  low. 

It  is  you  that  know  my  way. 

A    Form   for    Visiting    Prisoners  105 

For  on  the  path  where  I  walk 

They  have  hidden  a  trap  for  me; 
I  look  to  the  right  hand  and  watch, 

And  there  is  none  to  take  notice; 
All  refuge  has  gone  away  from  me. 

No  man  looks  after  my  life. 
My  God,  you  alone  are  my  fortress. 

My  share  in  the  land  of  the  living; 
Pay  attention  to  my  cry. 

For  I  have  been  brought  very  low. 
Save  me  from  those  who  harass  me. 

Because  they  are  too  strong  for  me; 
Bring  me  safe  out  of  prison. 

So  that  1  can  give  thanks  to  your  Name . 
Then  just  men  will  surround  me. 

And  you  will  deal  fairly  with  me . 

Visitor:      The  golden  circle  of  mankind  cannot  be 
broken  by  any  enemy,  but  only  by  ourselves.   Once 
again,  in  spite  of  all  difficulties,  the  community 
of  love  has  been  restored  even  in  this  place. 
Others  have  perhaps  offended  against  that  commu- 
nity more  than  we.   Still  I  know  for  myself  that  I 
have  been  at  fault;  and  if  you  feel  the  same,  I 
invite  you  to  confess  after  me. 

My  brother,  I  confess  in  the  sight  of  God,  in  your 
presence,  and  to  our  brothers  and  sisters  every- 
where, that  in  my  thoughts  and  words  and  actions  I 
have  broken  the  fellowship  of  our  community,  bro- 
ken the  image  of  God  in  myself. 

[In  particular,  I  have  neglected  the  poor  and 

oppressed  by  .  .  . 
I  have  myself  exploited  the  poor  by  .  .  . 

I  have  exploited  the  natural  environment 

by  .  .  . 

I  have  exploited  my  brothers  and  sisters 

by  .  .  . 

I  have  wasted  my  own  abilities  by  .  .  .  ] 

I  am  willing  to  do  reparation;  I  ask  forgiveness 
from  God,  and  pardon  from  you,  my  brother,  and 
from  all  my  brothers  and  sisters  present  and 
absent . 

Then    the   prisoner   can   make    the    same    confession    as 
appropriate . 

Visitor:      God  has  laid  two  ways  before  us,  of 
death  and  of  life;  since  we  have  chosen  life,  he 
is  faithful  to  maintain  his  covenant.   All  breaks 
in  the  community  of  love  have  been  made  whole  by 

106    A  Book  of  Changes 

Jesus  our  Liberator,  who  is  the  ground  of  all 
unity.   Amen;  so  may  it  be. 


Abba,  Father: 
Blessed  be  your  working; 
Soon  be  your  appearing; 
Done  be  your  desiring. 
Our  bread  provide  us ; 
Our  debts  forgive  us; 
From  trials  free  us . 
Prisoner :      Jesus  came  to  Nazareth,  where  he  had 
been  brought  up.   And  on  the  sabbath,  according 
to  his  custom,  he  went  into  the  synagogue,  and 
stood  up  to  read.   There  was  given  him  the  book  of 
the  prophet  Isaiah;  and,  unrolling  the  book,  he 
found  the  place  where  it  is  written: 
The  Spirit  of  God  is  upon  me. 

He  has  anointed  me  with  oil. 
He  has  sent  me  to  tell  the  poor  good  news; 

To  heal  the  broken  in  heart ; 
To  proclaim  release  to  the  captives. 

An  opening  of  eyes  to  the  blind; 
To  set  the  oppressed  at  liberty; 

To  announce  God's  year  of  justice. 
Then  he  rolled  back  the  book,  and  gave  it  to  the 
attendant,  and  sat  down;  and  the  eyes  of  all  those 
in  the  synagogue  were  fastened  on  him.   And  his 
first  words  to  them  were:   "Today  this  writing  is 
fulfilled  in  your  ears."  [Luke    4:16-21] 

Litany  of  Jesus  the  Liberator 

Jesus  the  first  political  prisoner,  visit  all 
political  prisoners:   Hear  us  our  brother. 
Jesus  who  stole  from  the  grainf ields :   Hear 

us  our  brother.  And   so   on. 
Jesus  who  stayed  with  prostitutes: 
Jesus  who  lived  with  revolutionaries: 
Jesus  who  called  the  tax-collectors: 
Jesus  who  slept  with  the  poor: 
Jesus  who  proclaims  release  to  the  captives: 
Jesus  who  sets  the  oppressed  at  liberty: 

In  our  need  of  bread  and  meat,  clothes  and 
medicines,  books  and  paper: 

In  all  times  of  heat  and  cold,  loneliness 
and  harassment: 

When  we  are  brutalized  or  neglected,  in- 
sulted or  threatened: 

In  our  temptations  to  counter-brutality, 
counter-violence : 

A    Form   for    Visiting    Prisoners  107 

For  all  prisoners  weaker  than  ourselves, 

whose  needs  are  greater  than  ours : 
For  all  jailers  and  wardens,  especially  N. 

and  N .  J  that  humanity  may  win  out  over 

routine : 
For  all  judges,  officers,  governors,  and 

presidents,  that  for  their  hearts  of 

stone  they  may  be  given  hearts  of  flesh: 
For  all  those  sick,  persecuted,  poor,  dying, 

inside  and  outside,  that  you  may  be  with 

them  to  the  end: 
For  women  prisoners,  for  juveniles,  for 

mental  patients: 
For  our  family  and  friends  (especially  N.), 

that  they  may  receive  their  needs  and  not 

lose  confidence  in  your  way: 
For  a  speedy  reform  of  the  courts  and  prison 

systems  everywhere : 
For  an  opening  of  gates,  for  recovery  of 

sight  to  the  blind: 
For  liberation  of  all  oppressed,  for  help  to 

the  victims  of  violence: 
For  an  end  to  war  and  exploitation,  here  and 

in  every  land  which  you  liberated  by  your 

blood : 

{Here    can   follow   free    intercessions  .'\ 

In  solidarity  with  draft  resisters,  Maxi- 
milian, Franz  Jaegerstaetter ,  David 
Darst,  Thich  Quang  Due,  Jan  Palach, 
Norman  Morrison,  and  all  their  brothers: 

In  solidarity  with  all  executed  for  your 
sake:   Polycarp,  Ignatius,  Perpetua  and 
Felicity,  Justin,  and  all  their  brothers: 

In  solidarity  with  all  murdered  for  resist- 
ance:  Camillo  Torres,  Joe  Hill,  Sacco 
and  Vanzetti,  Martin  Luther  King,  James 
Rector  and  all  their  brothers: 

In  solidarity  with  all  unjustly  imprisoned 
for  your  name's  sake:   Paul  of  Tarsus, 
George  Fox,  Gandhi  the  Mahatma,  Abraham  J. 
Muste,  John  Bunyan,  Dietrich  Bonhoeffer 
and  all  their  brothers: 

By  your  unjust  arrest  and  trial,  imprisonment 
and  beating: 

By  your  undeserved  death,  by  your  permanent 
life  in  our  community:   Hear  us  our 

Hear  us,  Jesus  our  brother,  and  by  your  name 
of  Liberator  be  with  us  always:   Hear  us 
our  brother. 

108  A   Book   of  Changes 

Psalm  ^0:1-3 

I  waited  patiently  for  my  God; 

He  turned  to  me  and  heard  my  calling. 
He  drew  me  up  from  the  pit  of  desolation. 

Out  of  the  swamp  and  quicksand. 
And  he  has  set  my  feet  upon  a  rock; 

He  has  made  my  steps  secure. 
And  he  put  in  my  mouth  a  new  song. 

Words  of  praise  for  my  God. 

Psalm  1^6:5-10 

Happy  is  he  who  hopes  in  God, 

God  who  made  sky  and  earth  and  sea. 
He  keeps  his  promise  for  ever; 

He  executes  justice  for  the  oppressed; 
He  gives  bread  to  the  hungry; 

He  sets  the  prisoners  free; 
He  opens  the  eyes  of  the  blind; 

He  lifts  up  all  that  are  bowed  down. 
God  loves  all  who  love  justice; 

God  watches  over  all  strangers; 
He  supports  the  widow  and  orphan; 

He  smashes  the  way  of  the  wicked. 

Visitor:      I  bind  on  my  heart  the  breastplate  of 
justice . 

Prisoner :       I  bind  on  my  head  the  helmet  of  libera 
tion.  [Isaiah    59:17^ 

Here    follow    the   Affirmations    God  is  not  dead, 
eta.    from    p.     123. 

Visitor:      Our  God  is  faithful  to  maintain  the  cov- 
enant of  his  peace  through  the  Liberator,  who  him- 
self is  our  peace.   For  hear  his  words: 
I  have  called  you  out  in  justice, 

I  have  taken  your  hand  and  supported  you; 
I  give  you  as  a  covenant  to  my  people. 
As  a  light  to  all  nations  on  earth: 
To  open  the  eyes  of  the  blind; 

To  bring  out  the  captive  from  prison. 
Those  who  sit  in  darkness  from  the  dungeon; 
For  I  am  God,  that  is  my  name. 

[Isaiah    42:6-7] 
By  my  God  I  can  overcome  an  army;  through  him  I 
can  leap  over  a  wall.   Maranatha,  come  quickly, 
Jesus  our  Liberator.   Shalom,  my  brother,  his 
peace  be  with  you,  Shalom. 

Here    the    visitor   and   prisoner    shall    exchange    the 
kiss    of  peace. 

A   Form   for    Visiting    Prisoners  109 

Visitor:      May  God's  love  be  victorious  everywhere, 
as  it  has  already  prevailed  in  our  hearts.   May 
all  men  and  women  enlist  in  the  peaceable  army  of 
Jesus  our  Liberator.   May  the  Spirit  of  life  flow 
into  you  with  its  waters,  and  bring  you  to  a  place 
of  hills  and  sky,  of  joy  and  freedom. 

(i .  Hcff^c^^l  t>lj  tit  DciU 

Reader:      Brothers  and  sisters,  as  our  uncovered 
face  mirrors  the  splendor  of  God,  let  us  be  trans- 
figured into  his  likeness,  from  splendor  to  splen- 
dor.  Our  good  news  is  hidden  only  among  those  who 
are  being  destroyed,  whose  minds  the  Idol  of  this 
age  has  blinded  with  lack  of  trust,  to  keep  them 
from  seeing  the  brightness  of  the  Gospel  of  the 
splendor  of  the  Liberator,  who  is  the  picture  of 
God.  For  the  God  who  said  "May  light  shine  out  of 
darkness"  has  shined  in  your  hearts,  to  give  the 
splendor  of  the  knowledge  of  God  in  the  face  of 
the  Liberator.   Now  we  hold  this  treasure  in  ves- 
sels of  clay,  to  make  it  clear  that  the  fountain 
of  energy  lies  with  God  and  not  with  us.  At  every 
point  we  are  oppressed  but  not  crushed;  we  see  no 
way  out  but  we  do  not  give  up;  we  are  persecuted 
but  not  deserted,  thrown  down  but  not  destroyed. 
Always  we  carry  around  the  dying  of  Jesus  in  our 
body,  so  that  in  turn  the  life  of  Jesus  may  become 
visible  in  our  body.   For  we  in  our  life  are  con- 
stantly being  handed  over  to  death  for  Jesus' 
sake,  so  that  the  life  of  Jesus  may  shine  through 
our  dying  flesh. 

So  let  us  not  give  up;  for  even  while  our  outer 
humanity  is  being  destroyed,  our  inner  humanity  is 
daily  being  renewed.   For  this  temporary  oppres- 
sion is  generating  for  us  a  weight  of  splendor  in 
the  Age  to  come.   Let  us  then  not  pay  attention  to 
the  visible  but  the  invisible;  for  things  seen  be- 
long to  this  passing  age,  but  things  unseen  belong 
to  the  Age  to  come.   For  we  know  that  when  our 
temporary  quarters  of  clay  are  dissolved,  we  have 
a  home  from  God,  not  made  by  hands,  belonging  to 
the  Age  to  come  and  in  the  Place  of  being.   In  our 
present  house  we  groan,  desiring  to  be  clothed  in 
that  habitation  which  is  from  God,  so  that  we  may 
not  be  found  naked;  so  that  our  vulnerability  to 
death  may  be  swallowed  up  by  life.   To  this  end 
God  is  making  us  ready;  and  he  has  already  en- 
trusted us  with  the  down-payment  of  his  Spirit. 

[2    Corinthians    3:18-5:5] 

As    the    body    is    brought    into    the    room: 


See,  the  habitation  of  God  is  with  men,  and  they 
shall  be  his  people;  he  will  wipe  off  every  tear 

Memorial    of   the    Dead  111 

from  their  eyes.   Death  and  mourning  shall  be  no 
longer,  because  former  things  have  passed  away. 

[Revelation    21:3-4] 

If  there  lives  in  you  the  Spirit  of  the  one  who 
raised  up  Jesus  the  Liberator  from  among  the  dead, 
he  will  give  life  also  to  your  mortal  bodies 
through  his  Spirit  which  lives  in  you. 

{Romans    8:11] 

The  dead  in  him  shall  live,  their  bodies  shall 
rise  up;  dance  and  sing,  you  dwellers  in  the  dust. 
For  his  is  a  dew  of  splendor,  on  the  land  of  shad- 
ows he  will  make  it  fall.  [Isaiah    26:19] 

Psalm  90 

God,  you  have  been  a  home  for  us 

From  one  age  of  men  to  another. 
Before  the  mountains  were  pushed  up. 

Or  the  planet  gave  birth  to  the 
continents , 
From  before  time  and  until  after  time. 

You  are  the  Power  of  Being. 
You  turn  man  back  into  his  dust. 

And  then  say,  "Rise  up,  children  of  Adam." 
For  a  thousand  years  in  your  eyes 

Are  as  yesterday  or  a  night  watch. 
You  sweep  them  away  with  your  floods. 

They  are  remembered  as  a  dream. 
They  are  grass  that  springs  up  in  the 

In  the  evening  it  withers  and  dries. 
For  we  come  to  an  end  by  your  outrage. 

We  draw  back  at  your  indignation. 
You  have  set  our  complicity  before  you. 

Our  crimes  in  the  blaze  of  your  features. 
All  our  days  fade  away  at  your  sentence; 

Our  years  pass  at  the  snap  of  your  finger. 
Our  days  are  seventy  years. 

Or  eighty  in  our  farthest  strength; 
Their  breadth  is  labor  and  trouble. 

Soon  it  is  gone  and  we  are  blown  away. 
Make  us  learn  so  to  count  our  days 

That  we  bring  our  hearts  to  wisdom. 

Minister :      Shalom,  my  brothers  and  sisters,  the 
light  and  peace  of  our  Liberator  be  with  you  and 
with  the  faithful  departed,  Shalom. 

People:      And  peace  be  with  you,  our  brother, 
Shal om . 

112  A  Book   of   Changes 


Jesus  our  brother,  by  your  birth  outside  the  inn: 

Put  your  1 i  f e  in  us . 
As  a  victim  of  harassment,  as  a  refugee  child: 

Put  your  life  in  us.  And   so   on. 
By   your  apprenticeship  in  wood  and  stone: 
By  your  new  birth  in  solidarity  with  our  guilt: 
By  your  temptations,  by  your  doubt  of  your  true 

calling : 
By  your  will  to  feed  the  hungry,  to  heal  the 

suffering : 
By  your  openness  to  speak  the  words  of  our  need: 
In  your  fidelity  to  the  voiceless  poor  and 

oppressed : 
In  your  anointing  with  nard  by  a  woman  of  the 

streets : 
In  every  humiliation  of  your  unmerited  dying: 
By  your  rising  again  wherever  bread  is  broken: 
By  the  new  spirit  of  this  your  brotherhood: 

Put  your  life  in  us. 
By  all  who  take  your  way,  both  known  and  unknown: 

Put  your  life  in  us. 


Vanity  of  vanities,  says  the  Preacher; 

Vanity  of  vanities,  all  is  vanity. 
What  profit  does  a  man  get 

Of  all  the  work  he  does  under  the  sun? 
A  generation  comes  and  one  goes. 

But  the  earth  stands  as  from  the  beginning. 
The  sun  rises  and  the  sun  goes  down 

And  returns  to  the  place  it  rose  up  from. 
The  wind  blows  south  and  turns  to  the  north. 

It  turns  and  goes  back  on  its  circuits. 
All  the  rivers  flow  into  the  sea 

And  the  sea  is  never  filled  by  them; 
To  the  place  that  the  rivers  come  from. 

There  they  go  back  once  again. 
All  things  are  full  of  tiresomeness; 

Men  cannot  discover  their  meaning. 
The  eye  is  not  satisfied  with  seeing. 

Nor  the  ear  ever  filled  with  hearing. 
What  has  happened  is  what  will  happen. 

And  nothing  is  new  under  the  sun. 

[Eaclesiastes    1:2-9] 

Nunc  Dimittis 

Master,  now  you  dismiss  your  servant 
According  to  your  word,  in  peace. 

For  my  eyes  have  seen  your  liberation 

Which  you  have  set  up  before  all  peoples : 

Memorial    of   the    Dead  IIS 

A  light  to  illuminate  the  nations. 

And  to  be  the  splendor  of  your  people 

Israel.  [Luke    2:29-32; 

For  the  Gospel 

It  is  the  love  of  the  Liberator  that  supports  us; 
for  we  conclude  that  if  one  died  for  all,  then  all 
have  already  died  in  him.   He  died  for  all  so  that 
those  who  live  should  no  longer  live  to  them- 
selves, but  to  him  who  for  their  sake  died  and  was 
raised.   So  that  whoever  lives  in  the  Liberator  is 
a  new  creation.   The  old  things  have  passed  away 
and  (Only  lookl )  new  things  have  come  into  exist- 
ence.  All  things  are  from  the  God  who  has  recon- 
ciled us  to  himself  through  the  Liberator,  and  has 
given  us  the  servant's  task  of  reconciliation.   We 
are  to  announce  that  the  Power  of  Being  has  recon- 
ciled the  universe  to  himself  through  the  Liber- 
ator, not  holding  men's  complicity  against  them, 
but  setting  in  our  midst  the  word  of  reconcilia- 
tion.  God  is  making  his  appeal  through  us  as 
spokesmen  of  the  Liberator;  on  his  behalf  we  urge 
you,  become  reconciled  to  the  Root  of  your  being. 
The  one  man  wholly  free  of  complicity  was  made 
guilt  for  our  sake,  so  that  we  might  become  the 
justice  of  God  in  him.   As  his  fellow-workers  we 
urge  you  not  to  frustrate  the  gentleness  of  God. 
For  it  is  said,  "At  the  right  time  1  listened  to 
you;  I  helped  you  in  the  day  of  liberation."   And 
just  look:   today  is  the  right  time,  now  is  the 
day  of  liberation.        [2  Corinthians    5:11-6:2] 

The  Prayer 

Minister :      0  Life  of  the  world,  you  uphold  all  our 
individual  lives;  in  the  presence  of  your  saints, 
look  on  the  body  of  our  brother    [sister]    departed 
and  on  us  who  remember  him;    renew  perpetually  the 
golden  ring  of  our  fellowship-;  maintain  both  him 
and  us  in  fidelity  to  the  liberation  being  done  by 
Jesus,  so  that  we  all  may  have  good  hope  of  life 
in  this  our  community  of  love.   Amen;  so  may  it  be 


For  the  solitary  and  suffering,  for  the  neglected 

and  exploited:  We  call  on  the  Spirit. 
For  all  enslaved  by  a  system  of  violence,  whether 

as  masters  or  servants:   We  call  on  the 

Spirit.  And   so    on. 
For  the  hungry  and  sick,  for  all  dying  in  lonely 

places : 

11^    A  Book  of  Changes 

For  all  comrades  of  Luke  the  physician,  for  the 

servants  of  the  poor: 
For  all  who  struggle  for  justice  in  the  name  of 

the  Liberator: 
For  all  who  are  building  their  lives  into  a  more 

just  society: 
For  all  who  have  died,  in  ignorance  or  in  knowl- 
edge of  the  new  Way: 
In  memory  of  Jesus  our  brother,  himself  deserted 

in  his  last  hour: 
In  solidarity  with  our  brother    [sister]    departed, 

who  has  died  and  is  living: 
In  thankfulness  for  the  example  set  by  the  saints 

of  humanity:   We  call  on  the  Spirit. 
In  thankfulness  for  the  new  life  brought  in  by  our 

Liberator:   We  call  on  the  Spirit. 

Psalm  16:9-11 

My  heart  is  glad  and  my  mind  rejoices. 

My  body  dwells  in  security 
For  you  did  not  hand  my  life  over  to  the 
Nor  make  your  faithful  servant  see  the 
You  show  me  the  Way  of  life; 

In  your  face  there  is  wholeness  of  joy; 
At  your  right  hand  is  happiness  for 

If   the   Freedom   Meal    is    to    be   oeVebratedy    here   fol- 
lows   the   Presentation   and   Kiss   of  Peace.      In   any 
case    the   Abba  Father  is    here   said: 

Abba,  Father: 
Blessed  be  your  working; 
Soon  be  your  appearing; 
Done  be  your  desiring. 
Our  bread  provide  us; 
Our  debts  forgive  us; 
From  trials  free  us . 

The    Blessing   and   Dismissal   are   replaced   by    the 
following : 

The  Blessing  of  the  People 

Minister : 

God  bless  you  and  watch  over  you; 

God  shine  his  face  on  you  and  love  you; 
God  lift  up  his  face  to  you  and  set  his 
peace  among  you. 

[Numbers    6:24-26] 

Memorial    of    the   Dead  115 

Dismissal  of  the  Body 

Reader:      I  have  been  poured  out,  and  the  time  of 
my  departure  is  here.   I  have  fought  the  good 
fight,  I  have  finished  my  race,  I  have  kept  the 
faith.   Now  there  is  waiting  for  me  the  wreath  of 
justice,  which  the  impartial  Judge  will  give  me 
in  that  day;  and  not  to  me  alone,  but  to  all  who 
have  loved  his  appearing.        [2   Timothy    4:6-8] 

Minister :      0  Ground  of  our  being;  with  confidence 
we  entrust  to  you  our  brother    [sister]    departed. 
Give  him   the  rest  of  the  Age  to  come,  you  who  are 
all  our  rest,  and  may  light  perpetual  shine  on 
him.      May  any  thing  that  he   did  wrong  be  forgiven, 
as  we  who  remain  forgive  each  other,  in  the  spirit 
of  Jesus  the  Liberator.   May  any  thing  that  he   did 
well  live  in  unity  with  the  excellences  of  all  the 
saints,  which  are  not  theirs  but  yours.   And  may 
we  who  still  walk  the  way  of  gentleness  in  hope, 
and  this  one  whose  way  is  completed,  at  your  right 
time  stand  together  beside  all  reconciled  mankind 
in  the  paradise  of  Eden,  through  our  solidarity 
with  Lazarus  and  all  his  brothers  the  poor..  Amen; 
so  may  it  be. 

116    A  Book  of  Changes 

A  Mighty  Fortress  (Psalm  ^6) 

Tune:   "Eln'  Feste  Burg,"  Luther  1529  {The   Hymnal 
1940   no.  551; 

1  A  mighty  fortress  is  our  God, 

And  quick  to  hear  our  calling. 
We  will  not  fear  the  final  flood. 

Or  hills  in  ocean  falling. 
The  waves  may  higher  break. 
And  roots  of  mountains  shake; 
The  universal  Power 
Stands  as  our  ageless  tower. 

And  Jacob's  God  our  stronghold. 

2  He  brings  his  City  mountain  streams. 

Her  streets  with  light  adorning; 
He  shows  his  goodness  to  her  dreams. 

And  guards  her  in  the  morning. 
If  nations  raise  their  arm. 
His  voice  arrests  their  harm; 
The  universal  Power 
Stands  as  our  ageless  tower. 

And  Jacob's  God  our  stronghold. 

3  Come  see  what  works  our  God  has  done. 

An  end  to  war  proclaiming; 
He  breaks  the  sword  and  snaps  the  gun; 

The  armored  cars  are  flaming. 
Be  still,  for  he  commands. 
Controlling  in  all  lands; 
The  universal  Power 
Stands  as  our  ageless  tower. 

And  Jacob's  God  our  stronghold. 

Memorial   of   the    Dead  117 

At  the  Grave 

Free  me,  0  God,  for  the  waters  have  come  up  to  my 
soul;  all  your  waves  and  floods  have  gone  over  me. 

[Fsalm    69;1,  42:7] 

Unless  a  grain  of  wheat  falls  into  the  earth  and 
dies,  it  remains  alone;  but  if  it  dies,  it  bears 
much  fruit . 

[John    12:24] 

When  this  mortality  puts  on  deathlessness ,  then 
will  come  about  the  word  that  is  written:  Death 
is  swallowed  up  in  victory. 

[1    Corinthians    15:54] 

Psalm  27 

God  is  my  light  and  my  liberation; 

Of  whom  should  1  be  afraid? 
God  is  the  fortress  of  my  life; 

Of  whom  shall  1  be  terrified? 
Teach  me  your  way.  Ground  of  my  being; 

Lead  me  a  straight  path  in  the  face  of  my 
oppressors . 
I  am  confident  of  seeing  the  goodness  of  God 

In  the  country  of  the  living. 
Be  strong  and  let  your  heart  be  bold. 

And  wait  for  the  right  time  of  God. 


Do  not  worry  about  your  life,  what  to  eat; 

Nor  about  your  body,  what  you  will  wear. 
Is  not  your  life  more  than  its  food. 

And  your  body  more  than  its  clothing? 
See  the  crows,  that  they  never  sow  seed 

Or  harvest  or  bring  into  barns; 
And  still  your  Father  feeds  them; 

Are  you  not  of  more  value  than  they? 
And  which  of  you  by  his  worrying 

Can  add  a  hand's  breadth  to  his  height? 
Look  at  the  poppies  of  the  field; 

They  do  not  weave  or  spin. 
I  tell  you,  Solomon  in  his  splendor 

Was  not  dressed  like  one  of  them. 
And  if  the  wild  plants  which  bloom  today 

And  tomorrow  are  thrown  in  the  oven 

118    A  Book  of  Changes 

Are  clothed  in  such  manner  by  God, 

Will  you  not  also  be  clothed,  you 
So  do  not  worry  what  you  will  eat 

Or  what  you  will  drink  or  wear; 
All  peoples  of  the  earth  look  for  these. 

Your  Father  knows  that  you  need  them. 
But  instead  look  for  his  liberation. 

And  you  will  get  these  in  addition. 
Fear  not,  little  flock,  for  your  Father 

Has  willed  you  the  country  of  freedom. 
Do  not  worry  yourself  about  tomorrow; 

Let  tomorrow  worry  for  itself. 
Sell  what  are  called  your  possessions 

And  give  them  as  presents  for  the  poor. 
Make  purses  that  never  wear  out. 

An  unfailing  account  with  your  Father, 
Where  moth  and  rust  cannot  rot  it. 

Where  burglars  do  not  break  and  enter. 
For  wherever  your  treasure  is  stored  up. 

Know  also  that  there  will  your  heart  be. 

[Luke    12:22-34] 

The  Committal 

Minister:      To  the  Source  of  life  we  entrust  the 
life  of  our  brother    [sister]    departed,  and  we  com- 
mit his    [her]    body  to  the  earth    [deep]    from  which 
it  came,  as  a  shock  of  grain  in  its  season;  con- 
fidently awaiting  the  restoration  of  all  things  in 
the  paradise  of  this  garden  earth,  for  which  they 
all  travail  together  in  hope;  through  the  spirit 
of  Jesus  our  Liberator,  who  in  his  love  is  chang- 
ing each  of  us  into  his  own  splendor. 

Kyrie  eleison.   Kyrie  eleison. 

Lord  have  mercy  upon  us.   Lord  have  mercy 
upon  us . 
Christe  eleison.   Christe  eleison. 

Christ  have  mercy  upon  us.  Christ  have 
mercy  upon  us . 
Kyrie  eleison.   Kyrie  eleison. 

Lord  have  mercy  upon  us.   Lord  have  mercy 
upon  us . 

Minister :      0  Power  who  brings  us  from  death  to 
life  in  the  love  of  our  brothers,  may  this  one  who 
has  been  one  of  us  never  be  separated  from  us,  by 
the  Liberator  who  has  broken  down  all  barriers. 
And  in  the  presence  of  our  brother    [sister]    now  at 
rest,  we  ask  that  we  who  remain  may  find  no  rest 
except  by  following  the  new  Way  of  Jesus  in  jus- 
tice and  love.   In  union  with  all  the  servants  of 

Memorial    of    the    Dead  119 

his  people  who  have  gone  before  us,  may  our  bodies 
be  built  as  living  stones  into  the  temple  of  his 
community.   While  we  draw  breath,  may  we  be  filled 
with  his  spirit  for  reconciliation.   And  at  the 
end,  allow  us  (after  his  example)  to  have  poured 
ourselves  so  fully  into  others  that  we  are  alive 
in  them,  and  in  him,  until  the  perfection  of  his 
new  Age.   Amen;  so  may  it  be. 


May  God  who  brought  back  from  the  dead  the  great 
Shepherd  of  the  sheep,  by  the  blood  of  the  perpet- 
ual Covenant  of  Peace,  unite  you  in  every  good 
action  to  do  his  desiring,  through  our  Liberator 
Jesus,  in  whom  is  the  splendor  of  all  worlds. 

[Hebrews    13:20-21] 

A  Prayer  for  Peace 

attributed    to    Franais    of  Assisi 

Minister:      Jesus,  make  us  instruments  of  your  peace 
peace.   Where  there  is  hate,  let  us  sow  love; 
where  there  is  violence,  let  us  sow  forgiveness, 
where  there  is  doubt,  faith;  where  there  is  de- 
spair, hope;  where  there  is  darkness,  light;  where 
there  is  sadness,  joy.   Our  Liberator,  let  us  not 
so  much  wish  to  be  comforted  as  to  comfort,  to  be 
loved  as  to  love.   For  it  is  in  giving  that  we  re- 
ceive, in  pardoning  that  we  are  pardoned,  in  dying 
that  we  are  born  into  the  life  of  the  Age  to  come. 

People:      Amen,  so  may  it  be. 

The  Greetings 

Minister :      Shalom,  my  brothers  and  sisters,  the 
covenent  of  peace  be  upon  you,  Shalom. 
People:      And  peace  be  with  you,  our  brother, 

Minister :      For  the  Liberator  himself  is  our  peace; 
People:      He  breaks  down  all  walls  of  hatred. 

[Ephesians    2:14] 

Minister :      And  if  he  by  the  finger  of  God  drives 

out  demons. 

People:       No    doubt    his    Age    is    upon    us.     [Luke    11:20] 

Minister : 

In   Advent 
His  footsteps  are  close  at  hand. 

At    Christmas 
Alleluia,  for  our  peace  a  child  is  born. 

At   Epiphany 
Gold  is  given  him,  with  frankincense  and  myrrh. 

At   Easter 
Alleluia,  the  tomb  could  not  contain  his  life. 

At   Pentecost 
Alleluia,  his  spirit  is  on  every  tongue. 

At    times    of  penitence 
For  our  faults  the  violent  spilled  his  blood. 

At    other    times 
In  love  he  built  the  worlds  of  light. 

People:      May  we  be  numbered  among  his  saints 
[Alleluia] . 

122    The  Freedom  Meal 

At    other    times 

In  love  he  built  the  worlds  of  light. 

People:       May  we  be  numbered  among  his  saints 
[Alleluia] . 

The  Invocation  of  the  Saints 

Part    III   of   the    Litany    (p.     23)j    in   whole    or    in 
partj    to    which    the    response    is: 

People:       Stand  here  beside  us. 

The  Rules  of  the  New  Way 

Here    (except    at    a    shortened    service )    are    read    the 
three    Rules    from    the    form   of   entering    the    Covenant 
(pp.     52-52). 

Liberation  from  Complicity 

Except    on    festivals j    the    three    Rules    are    usually 
followed  J    as    in    the    form   of  entering    the    Covenant^ 
by    the    statements    of   complicity    and    liberation 
(pp.     53-54). 

Gloria  in  Excelsis 

Splendor  to  God  in  the  summits; 

And  on  earth,  peace  to  men  of  his 

pleasing.  [Luke    2:14] 

For  the  rosetree  of  Jesse  has  budded, 

A  branch  has  flowered  from  his  root; 
And  the  breath  of  our  God  blows  upon  him, 

A  spirit  of  knowledge  and  strength. 
In  freedom  he  leads  the  oppressed. 

The  untouchable  poor  in  his  justice. 

[Isaiah    11:1-4] 
They  will  forge  each  sword  to  a  plow. 

Beat  out  bayonets  into  sickles; 
No  nation  lifts  weapon  at  nation. 

Not  one  will  learn  war  any  longer. 
But  each  man  sits  under  his  vine. 

Without  fearing  under  his  flgtree. 

[Micah    4:3-4] 
The  plowman  will  push  past  the  reaper. 

The  vintage  comes  fast  upon  flowering. 

[Amos    9:14] 
The  wolf  will  walk  with  the  lamb. 

And  a  little  child  will  lead  them; 
The  lioncub  feeds  with  the  calf. 

On  the  rattler's  den  children  are  dancing. 
No  violence  or  destruction  is  done 

On  all  the  hill  of  God's  holiness; 
For  his  knowledge  covers  the  continents 

As  the  seafloor  is  filled  with  the  waters. 

[Isaiah    11:6-9] 

The    Freedom   Meal  123 

Minister :      Let  us  hear  that  Word  from  which,  we 
believe,  there  is  fresh  light  yet  to  break. 

A  Hebrew  Prophecy 
An  Epistle 
Hymn  or  Song 
Reading  of  the  Gospel 
Prayer  for  the  Day 

The  Affirmations 

Repeated   by    the    people    after   a    leader. 

God  is  not  dead. 

God  is  bread. 

The  bread  is  rising. 

Bread  means  revolution. 

God  means  revolution. 

Murder  is  no  revolution. 

Revolution  is  love. 

Win  with  love. 

The  radical  Jesus  is  winning. 

The  world  is  coming  to  a  beginning. 

The  whole  world  is  watching. 

Organize  for  a  new  world. 

Wash  off  your  brother's  blood. 

Burn  out  the  mark  of  the  Beast. 

Join  the  freedom  meal. 

Plant  the  people's  park. 

The  asphalt  church  is  marching. 

The  guerrilla  church  is  recruiting. 

The  people's  church  is  striking. 

The  submarine  church  is  surfacing. 

The  war  is  over. 

The  war  is  over. 

The  war  is  over. 

The  Liberated  Zone  is  at  hand. 

Litany  of  Intercession 

Part   IV  of    the   Litany    (p.     25)j    to    which    the    re- 
sponse   is  : 

People:       We  call  on  the  Spirit. 

124    The  Freedom  Meal 

The  Offering 

Minister :      Here,  where  two  or  three  or  more  are 
joined  in  breaking  bread,  Jesus  is  made  known — as 
the  prisoner,  the  wounded  one,  the  sick,  the 
thirsty,  the  naked,  the  homeless,  who  asks  for  our 
help.   We  have  been  made  a  royal  priesthood  of  his 
Gospel.   So  I  appeal  to  you,  brothers  and  sisters, 
by  the  sympathy  of  God,  offer  up  your  bodies  a 
living  sacrifice,  in  solidarity  with  his  reconcil- 
ing love.   Do  not  be  conformed  to  this  age,  but  be 
transfigured  through  the  renewal  of  your  will. 

A    sentence    suoh    as    the    following : 

Reader:      The  King  will  answer  and  tell  them:  Since 
you  did  it  for  one  of  the  least  of  these  my 
brothers,  you  did  it  for  me.        [Matthew    25:40] 

For  you  know  the  gentleness  of  Jesus  our  Liber- 
ator, that  when  rich  he  became  poor  for  our  sake, 
so  that  through  his  poverty  we  might  become  rich. 

[2   Corinthians    8:9] 

Let  me  boast  of  nothing  except  the  cross  of  Jesus 
our  hero  and  liberator,  through  whom  the  world  has 
been  crucified  to  me  and  I  to  the  world. 

[Galatians    6:14] 

A    song    such    as    the    following : 

They  are  walking  from  east  and  from  west 

To  sit  down  together  at  table 
In  the  life  of  the  world's  liberation 

With  Abraham,  Isaac,  and  Jacob; 
While  the  confident  heirs  of  the  earth 

Are  dismissed  into  outer  darkness. 

[Matthew    8:11] 
And  for  all  men  upon  this  mountain 

The  Strength  beyond  armies  spreads  out 
A  dinner  of  all  the  earth's  yield, 

A  feast  of  wine  from  all  vineyards. 
And  upon  this  hill  he  unties 

The  blindfold  bound  on  all  peoples; 
He  destroys  old  Death  forever. 

He  dries  off  the  tear  from  all  faces. 

[Isaiah    25:6-8] 
He  opens  our  life  in  liberty 

To  walk  in  the  ways  of  Justice. 
He  sets  a  table  before  us 

In  the  face  of  all  our  oppressors; 
Our  brow  is  bright  with  the  olive. 

Our  cup  is  filled  overflowing. 

[Fsalm    23:3-5] 

The   Freedom   Meal  125 

At    the    presentation : 

Minister:      Blessed  is  the  King  of  the  ages  who 
satisfies  his  people  from  the  earth.   As  the  grain 
does  not  come  to  life  unless  it  dies,  so  may  we 
die  to  the  old  way  and  rise  in  his  new  way.   As 
the  one  vine  of  our  father  David  has  many 
branches,  so  may  the  whole  universe  be  made  one 
in  the  Liberated  Zone. 

The  Kiss  of  Peace 

Reader:      If  you  are  bringing  your  gift  to  the 
altar,  and  there  remember  that  your  brother  has 
something  against  you,  leave  your  gift  there  in 
front  of  the  altar;  go  and  first  be  reconciled  to 
your  brother,  and  then  come  back  and  offer  your 
gift.  [Matthew    5:23-24] 

Minister:      We  know  that  we  have  passed  from  death 
to  life  by  the  fact  that  we  love  our  brothers.   If 
a  person  does  not  love  his  brother  whom  he  has 
seen,  how  will  he  love  God  whom  he  has  not  seen? 
He  who  does  not  love,  does  not  know  God;  for  God 
is  love.  [1    John    3:14,  4:20,  4:8] 

Here    follows    the    Kiss    of  Peace. 


Minister :      Lift  up  your  hearts. 
People:      We  lift  them  up  to  our  Liberator. 
Minister :      Let  us  celebrate  the  Power  of  Being. 
People:       It  is  good  and  right  for  us  to  do  so. 

The  Praise  of  Creation 

Minister:      It  is  right  for  us  at  all  times  and 
places  to  celebrate  the  Fountain  of  nature  and 
history.   As  our  doors  of  perception  open,  they 
testify  to  a  universe  of  glory:   the  touch  of 
rocks,  skin,  fabric,  marble  columns;  the  smell  of 
redwood,  fish,  flowers,  our  neighbor's  sweat,  the 
smoke  of  incense;  the  taste  of  grain  and  the  blood 
of  the  vine;  the  sound  of  birdsong  and  animals, 
waves  and  wind,  voice  and  music;  the  light  of  our 
sun,  the  galaxies,  the  lamp  of  a  student.   Through 
our  awareness  that  the  cosmos  is  everywhere  ready 
to  blossom  into  a  love  not  of  our  own  devising,  we 
rise  to  a  sphere  of  liberation  beyond  space  and 
time;  we  hear  words  passing  human  speech,  as  our 
brother  Isaiah  did  in  the  Temple;  standing  with 
heads  bowed  beside  angelic  Energies,  in  trust  we 

126    The  Freedom  Meal 

sing  to  you  who  determine  the  number  of  the  stars, 
0  Father  of  splendors : 



Holy,  Holy,  Holy  is  the  Power  beyond  all 
The  fulness  of  the  whole  world  is  his 
Blessed  is  the  one  who  comes  in  his  name. 
Hosanna,  may  his  Way  be  victorious. 

The  Memorial  of  History 

Minister :      And  although  by  our  fault  we  abandoned 
the  well  of  living  waters,  the  chain  of  complicity 
linking  our  failure  to  past  guilt  has  been 
snapped,  through  no  merit  of  our  own;  and,  while 
living  in  occupied  territory,  we  walk  with  hope. 
For  in  our  hands,  leading  back  to  the  first  assem- 
blies of  our  City,  we  hold  a  golden  thread:   the 
succession  of  prophets  and  saints  [and  especially 
of  N]    who  looked  to  you,  0  Jesus,  the  Man  for 
others,  as  their  Morningstar. 

[Here    a   proper   preface    can    be    inserted. ] 

Today  we  remember  how  at  your  last  freedom  meal 
with  your  friends  (and  at  least  one  enemy)  you 
took  the  loaf  as  we  do,  said  thanks  over  it  and 
broke  it,  and  gave  it  to  them,  saying:   "Take  and 
eat;  this  is  my  body,  broken  for  you;  do  this  for 
my  remembering."   Also  after  the  meal  you  took  the 
cup,  said  thanks  and  gave  it  to  them,  saying: 
"Drink  this,  all  of  you:   for  this  cup  is  the  un- 
ending Constitution  of  a  new  society  in  my  blood, 
poured  out  for  liberation  from  your  guilt.   Do 
this  when  you  drink  it,  for  my  remembering." 

Veople : 

Your  dy i  ng  we  recal 1  ; 

Your  rising  we  proclaim; 
Your  coming  we  prepare. 

The  Invocation  of  the  Spirit 

Minister :      Friends,  we  have  learned  that  our  Lib- 
erator, by  healing  the  sick,  by  refusing  to  do 
harm,  by  telling  the  poor  good  news,  put  himself 
so  fully  in  others  that  nothing  of  him  could  die. 
So  by  our  self-offering  among  his  peaceable  people 
we  are  made  whole  and  given  life.   And  we  call 
upon  you,  0  Spirit  of  Jesus,  to  put  his  death  and 
life  into  this  bread  and  wine,  breaking  down  all 

The   Freedom   Meal  127 

barriers  between  rich  and  poor,  black  and  white, 
man  and  woman,  old  and  young.  East  and  West. 
Gather  us  together  as  true  sons  and  daughters  of 
our  first  parents  to  restore  the  paradise  of  Eden. 
And  strengthen  us  as  servants  of  the  poor  and  as 
messengers  of  the  peace  brought  in  by  our  Brother, 
through  whom,  in  the  community  of  love,  nature  and 
history  move  to  their  desired  Goal. 

People:      Amen.   So  may  it  be,  here  and  everywhere, 
now  and  always.   Maranatha;  come  quickly  Jesus. 

Pater  Noster 

Minister :      The  covenant  of  peace  is  sealed;  for 
God  at  his  right  time  has  sent  the  Spirit  of  the 
Liberator  into  our  hearts,  crying  out: 


Abba,  Father: 
Blessed  be  your  working; 
Soon  be  your  appearing; 
Done  be  your  desiring. 
Our  bread  provide  us; 
Our  debts  forgive  us; 
From  trials  free  us. 

Breaking  the  Bread 

Minister :      The  cup  of  celebration  which  we  bless, 
is  it  not  a  sharing  in  the  blood  of  the  Liberator? 
The  bread  which  we  break,  is  it  not  a  sharing  in 
the  body  of  the  Liberator?  We  many  are  one  body, 
for  we  all  share  the  one  loaf. 

[1    Corinthians    10:16-17] 

Here    follows    the    Freedom  Meal   proper. 

The  Blessing 

Minister   and  Veople: 

M.  Blessed  are  the  poor: 

P.  For  theirs  is  the  Liberated  Zone. 

M.  Blessed  are  all  who  mourn: 

P.  For  they  are  comforted. 

M.  Blessed  are  the  gentle: 

P.  For  they  shall  inherit  the  earth. 

M.  Blessed  are  those  hungry  for  justice: 

P.  For  they  will  be  satisfied. 

M.  Blessed  are  the  merciful: 

P.  For  they  receive  mercy. 

M.  Blessed  are  the  pure  in  heart: 

P.  For  they  see  God. 

M.  Blessed  are  the  peacemakers: 

P.  For  they  are  called  the  children  of  God. 

128    The  Freedom  Meal 

M.         Blessed  are  the  oppressed: 

P.    For  theirs  is  the  Liberated  Zone. 

[Matthew    5:3-12] 

The  Dismissal 


Go  in  peace  and  love. 

Serve  God,  serve  the  people. 
Keep  the  faith,  baby: 

You  are  the  Liberated  Zone. 

People:       Right  on.   Right  on.   Right  on. 

Join  the  Freedom  Meal 

Tune:   "Rockingham,"  Miller-Webbe  1790  (The    Hymnal 
1940    no.  203;  L.M. ) 

1  Tonight  we  join  the  Freedom  Meal, 

Reminding  our  f orgetfulness 
How  Jesus  felt  the  Roman  steel 

And  stood  in  Caesar's  purple  dress. 

2  He  drinks  the  cup  his  love  had  filled. 

And  blunts  the  violence  of  the  Beast; 
In  solidarity  we  build 

The  golden  circle  of  his  feast. 

3  The  Great  Ones  of  the  world  oppress 

The  poor,  the  black,  the  young,  the  brown; 
But  here  the  greater  is  the  less. 

Who  makes  his  brother's  need  his  own. 

4  Our  hands  lift  up  the  rising  bread 

In  which  the  whole  world's  hope  began; 
We  drink  the  blood  our  Vine  has  shed 
To  warm  the  heart  of  God  and  man. 

5  We  kneel  to  wash  our  brothers'  feet 

Within  his  Liberated  Zone; 
His  new  example  we  repeat 

And  make  his  pearl  our  cornerstone. 

6  We  look  to  see  our  Morning  Star 

Shine  in  the  dark  as  friend  to  friend. 
And  raise  the  poor,  from  near  to  far; 
Come  soon,  our  Fountain  and  our  End. 

Refusing  Induction 

It's   your  choice 

Ultimately  you  can  listen  to  only  one  thing,  not 
your  President,  not  your  many  misguided  leaders, 
save  a  few,  not  the  Communists  or  the  Socialists 
or  the  Republicans  or  the  Democrats,  but  you  must 
listen  to  your  own  heart,  and  do  what  it  dictates. 
Because  your  heart  is  the  only  thing  which  can 
tell  you  what  is  right  and  what  is  wrong.   And 
after  you  have  found  out  what  you  think  is  right 
and  what  is  wrong,  then  you  must  know  that  you  can 
say  yes  to  what  is  right  and  no  to  what  is  wrong. 
And  you  young  men,  for  instance,  if  you  feel  that 
to  kill  is  wrong  and  to  go  to  war  is  wrong,  then 
you  have  to  say  no  to  the  draft.   And  if  you  young 
ladies  think  it  is  wrong  to  kill,  and  war  is 
wrong,  you  can  say  yes  to  the  young  men  who  say  no 
to  the  draft.   Because  it  is  not  the  leaders  and 
the  dictators,  it  is  not  God  who  is  going  to  get 
us  out  of  the  bloody  mess  we  are  in.   It  is  only 
you  and  only  me.  Joan   Baez 

The    house    of  cards 

Spirit  of  life,  help  me  see  that  Castle  Death  is 
only  a  house  of  cards;  let  me  and  my  comrade  pull 
out  our  cards,  and  bring  it  down  like  the  walls  of 
Jericho . 

For   freedom   from   violence 

Jesus,  you  were  angry  at  the  unfeeling  oppression 
of  Empire,  and  tempted  to  join  the  guerrillas 
fighting  for  home  and  family;  strengthen  my  hold 
on  justice  to  see  oppression  wherever  it  may  be, 
strengthen  my  hold  on  love  to  see  that  violence  in 
a  just  cause  again  becomes  injustice. 

For   freedom   from    self -righteousness 
Bread  of  life,  I  have  not  often  been  hungry,  or 
without  clothing,  or  in  need  of  medicine;  close  my 
mouth  when  I  begin  to  condemn  the  violence  of  the 
hungry,  the  ill-clothed,  the  neglected.   Let  me 
join  them  in  their  cry  for  justice;  let  me  correct 
the  tactics  only  of  those  who  are  better  off  than 

130    The  Disarmed  Forces  Prayer  Book 

What   causes    wars? 

The  crop  of  justice  In  peace  Is  sown  by  peace- 
makers.  But  what  causes  wars  and  fighting  among 
you?   Is  It  not  your  greeds  that  fight  among  your 
members?   You  desire  and  do  not  get;  so  you  kill. 
You  do  not  have  because  you  do  not  ask;  you  ask 
and  do  not  receive,  because  you  ask  wrongly — to 
spend  on  your  acquisitiveness.   Don't  you  know 
that  the  love  of  this  age  Is  enmity  with  God? 
Whoever  wants  to  be  a  friend  of  this  age  Is  an 
enemy  of  God.  James    3:l8-^:^ 

For   polioej    induotion   personnel ,    draftboards ^ 

Liberator  of  all  persons,  you  showed  me  your  way; 
leave  me  on  my  own  without  your  comforts,  and  show 
what  I  have  seen  to  all  blind  or  unwilling  Instru- 
ments of  a  coercive  system;  find  a  way  for  them 
also  to  remove  their  bodies  from  It,  and  to  build 
themselves  Into  the  community  of  your  love. 

From    the    Acts    of  Saint   Maximilian j    A.D.     295 
Proconsul :      He  must  either  serve  or  die. 
Maximilian:      I  will  not  be  a  soldier.   You  can  cut 
my  head  off,  but  I  refuse  to  serve  In  the  armies 
of  this  world.   I  am  a  soldier  of  my  God. 
P. ;   Who  has  put  these  Ideas  In  your  head? 
M. :      My  conscience,  and  he  who  has  called  me. 
P.:      Be  a  soldier  and  accept  the  leaden  seal,  the 
sign  of  enlistment. 

M. :      I  have  nothing  to  do  with  your  sign.   I  al- 
ready bear  the  sign  of  Christ,  my  God. 
P.:   I  am  going  to  send  you  to  join  your  Christ, 
here  and  now. 

M.  :      That  Is  all  I  ask.   That  will  be  glory  for 
me . 

P.;   Become  a  soldier  and  take  the  sign;  If  not, 
you  will  die  a  shameful  death. 

M.:      I  shall  not  die;  my  name  Is  already  written 
down  with  my  God.   I  cannot  be  a  soldier. 
P.;   Think  of  your  youth  and  become  a  soldier.   It 
Is  a  fine  life  for  a  young  man. 

M. :      My  service  Is  under  my  God.   I  have  already 
told  you.   I  cannot  serve  the  world.   I  am  a 

P. ;   In  the  bodyguards  of  our  lords  the  emperors 
there  are  Christian  soldiers,  and  they  serve. 
M.  :      That  Is  their  business.   I  only  know  I  am  a 
Christian  and  I  cannot  do  wrong. 


But  those  who  serve — what  wrong  do  they  do? 
You  know  very  well  what  they  do. 
Strike  his  name  off. 

The    Disarmed   Forces    Prayer    Book  131 

On  Unwilling  Assignment 

Rifle    and   bayonet    drill 

Jesus,  I  do  not  want  to  kill,  or  practice  to  kill, 
or  speak  of  killing.   And  still  I  am  afraid  of 
punishment,  of  speaking  my  mind,  of  being  thought 
a  coward.   Lay  your  discipline  on  me  as  you  did  on 
Peter  when  he  took  up  the  sword.   With  you  at  my 
side  let  me  drop  this  weapon  and  enlist  in  your 
army  of  life. 

On    guard   duty 

0  Commander  above  all  armies,  I  find  myself  as- 
signed on  guard  duty,  like  the  soldiers  who  stood 
beneath  your  Cross  and  at  your  grave .   Shake  the 
earth  underneath  this  camp  of  death,  open  a  way 
for  me  to  rise  into  your  liberated  zone  of  love. 

Dangerous    flight    or    voyage 

Blessed  Mary,  the  enemy  deported  you  with  your 
child  on  a  dangerous  journey  to  an  uncertain  des- 
tination.  Give  wisdom  and  skill  to  the  pilot  in 
whose  hands  my  life  rests;  give  me  confidence  and 
quiet.   Your  flight  to  Egypt  preserved  the  world's 
liberation;  let  no  person  take  harm  from  my 

Against    injury    and   death 

Jesus,  you  accepted  the  nails  yourself,  but  told 
us  to  pray  the  Father  for  deliverance  from  trials. 
We  fall  far  short  of  your  perfection;  let  us  (if 
we  may)  still  be  children,  asking  the  Father  we  do 
not  yet  know  to  shelter  us  from  the  violence  of 
the  world. 

On    orders 

My  pursuer,  I  thought  I  had  found  a  sanctuary 
against  your  orders;  now  the  Prince  of  this  world 
has  given  me  his  orders.   Let  me  have  courage  in 
surrendering  to  you,  so  that  I  may  obey  God  rather 
than  men . 

For    the    enemy 

Liberator  of  the  world,  I  hate  and  fear  the  man  of 
foreign  language  who  is  trying  to  kill  me.   Help 
me  to  discern  that  the  real  enemy  is  he  who  put 
this  weapon  in  my  hand  and  sent  me  here  to  another 
man's  earth.   Protect  me  and  lead  me  out  of  the 
valley  of  this  death. 

Against   genocide 

Jesus,  bring  to  my  eyes  the  night  when  your  mother 
gave  birth  to  her  baby  outside  the  inn.   Let  me 
believe  that  the  world's  Liberator  is  being  born 

132    The  Disarmed  Forces  Prayer  Book 

in  every  peasant  family;  show  me  him  in  every 
homeless  baby.   Let  me  suffer  disgrace,  punish- 
ment, harm,  let  my  right  hand  be  cut  off  before 
lifting  it  against  one  of  these  little  ones. 

For    the    crops    of   the    enemy 

0  Creator  of  all  beings,  you  have  made  all  green 
things  food  for  animals  and  birds  and  men,  you 
make  us  all  dependent  on  each  other.   When  I  am 
dead  and  only  historians  remember  the  cause  of 
this  war,  there  will  still  be  mouths  in  this  land 
to  feed;  do  not  send  them  off  hungry  for  any  ac- 
tion of  mine. 

In    battle 

Jesus,  I  am  weak  and  afraid.   Keep  me  from  any 
situation  when  I  would  be  under  direct  orders  to 
fire,  when  I  would  have  to  fire  to  save  my  com- 
rade.  Help  me  show  my  comrade  he  need  not  fire  to 
save  me;  help  me  to  not  fire  in  my  own  defense. 
Show  me  a  comrade  where  I  see  an  enemy. 

But  then  what  is  the  use  of  this  weapon  I  am 


Our  Liberator,  without  consulting  me  you  have 
given  me  a  share  in  your  Cross,  and  I  do  not  yet 
know  the  outcome.   Stay  with  me,  turn  my  suffering 
like  yours  to  good  for  some  person  unknown,  do  not 
leave  me  hopeless. 

For    peace 

Our  Liberator,  on  the  first  Christmas  men  were 
promised  the  benefit  which  above  all  others  we  now 
desire.   Take  the  weapon  from  every  hand,  burn  the 
vehicles  and  blunt  the  bayonets,  break  down  all 
barriers,  and  rule  gently  over  us  all  in  that 
peace  which  is  none  other  than  yourself. 

Exorcising    the    demon    Kill 

Enemy  in  my  heart,  it  is  you  I  must  fear,  and  not 
the  enemy  in  the  facing  line  or  the  ambush.   I 
tear  you  from  me  and,  if  I  bleed,  I  accept  a 
transfusion  from  the  heart  of  Jesus.   I  have  put 
on  the  breastplate  of  justice;  never  enter  me 
again,  much  less  another  human  being  in  my  place, 
but  like  the  pigs  of  Gadara,  fall  into  the  abyss 
and  perish. 


Son  of  Man,  when  the  foxes  had  holes  and  the  birds 
nests,  you  could  not  find  where  to  lay  your  head. 

The    Disarmed  Forces   Prayer   Book  133 

Walk  here  beside  me,  let  my  fear  be  your  fear.   Do 
not  let  me  wander  forever;  do  not  force  me  into 
exile  against  my  will;  above  all  do  not  send  me 
back  to  that  slavery  I  escaped  from.   Show  me  a 
friend  I  can  trust  in  your  name,  and  through  him 
tell  me  what  1  must  do. 

Count   me    out 

From  the  bayonet  drill  and  the  hating:   Count  me 

out,  count  me  out,  count  me  out. 
From  the  system  that  makes  me  machinery:   Count  me 

out,  count  me  out,  count  me  out.  And  so   on. 
From  the  airdrop  and  the  free  fire  zone: 
From  unquestioning  obedience  to  orders: 
From  character  guidance  lectures  : 
From  letting  someone  else  think  for  me: 
From  the  G.I.  heart  transplant  of  stone: 
From  now  to  the  end  of  my  walking: 
On  my  sure  days  and  on  my  unsure  days  : 
In  the  face  of  exile  and  prison: 
To  face  the  face  of  my  children: 
To  build  a  different  America: 
For  the  sake  of  the  people  who  count  on  me:   Count 

me  out,  count  me  out,  count  me  out. 
By  the  bond  of  my  union  with  Jesus:   Count  me  out, 

count  me  out,  count  me  out. 

Disarmament    begins    with   me 

If  not  with  me,  with  whom,  Jesus?   Did  I  listen  in 
on  a  telephone  call  meant  for  somebody  else,  or 
was  it  really  me  you  were  talking  to?   And  did  you 
truly  mean  what  you  said?   But  what  is  that  spot 
on  the  khaki?   Some  kid  from  My  Lai.   I  guess 
Mary's  time  came  in  some  hooch  at  My  Lai.   A  spot 
of  your  precious  blood  answers  every  question. 
Wearing  the  khaki  for  me  is  no  longer  a  question. 

Off   the    World   Pig 

He  still  has  his  piggy  claws  in  me,  unexpectedly 
strong;  the  wild  boar's  tusks  graze  my  cheek  from 
beside  his  gasmask  snout.   I  cannot  fight  him  any 
longer;  I  cannot  fight  any  longer.   Let  him  do 
what  he  will.   As  he  pulls  out  his  claws  let  him 
take  his  pound  of  flesh.   The  power  of  weakness 
has  delivered  me  from  the  power  of  the  World  Pig. 
The  grace  of  Jesus  is  sufficient.   For  the  law  of 
the  spirit  of  life  has  set  me  free  from  the  law  of 
sin  and  death. 

134     The  Disarmed  Forces  Prayer  Book 

In  Liberated  Status 

New    issue    of   equipment 

Jesus,  I  take  off  the  bandolier  of  violence  and 
put  on  your  belt  of  truth.   I  take  off  the  flak 
vest  and  put  on  your  breastplate  of  justice.   I 
take  off  the  combat  boots  and  put  on  your  walking 
shoes  of  peace.   I  get  out  from  behind  the  armor 
plating  and  take  up  the  shield  of  confidence.   I 
take  off  the  camouflage  helmet  and  put  on  the  hel- 
met of  liberation.   I  break  the  rifle  and  take  up 
the  weapon  of  the  spirit,  which  is  the  word  of 
God.   Only  so  can  I  dare  to  struggle,  dare  to  win, 
against  the  world  rulers  of  this  present  darkness. 
For  the  salary  of  my  old  condition  was  death;  but 
the  free  gift  of  God  is  the  life  of  the  Liberated 
Zone  under  you  my  Commander. 


I  am  liberated,  but  still  closely  hemmed  in;  I 
have  comrades  outside,  but  I  cannot  see  them  or 
speak  to  them.   Spirit  of  truth,  weld  an  unbreak- 
able bond  of  solidarity  among  all  who  are  strug- 
gling for  justice  and  love,  in  different  ways  and 
places,  unknown  to  each  other.   Show  us  that  we 
are  all  one  army  under  the  high  command  of  the 

Oath   of  allegiance 

I  undertake  to  follow  the  Liberator  as  my  Com- 
mander-in-Chief; I  give  unconditional  obedience  to 
his  orders  alone.   1  wrap  up  the  clothes  of  the 
old  way  of  life  and  mail  them  back  to  from  where 
they  came.   I  have  put  off  violence  to  my  mother 
the  Earth,  violence  to  my  brother  wherever  he  may 
be.   I  accept  commissioning  in  the  Liberation  Army 
of  Love. 

Render    unto    Nixon 

Jesus,  you  told  us  to  render  unto  Nixon  whatever 
things  belong  to  him.   Help  us  to  discover  which 
things  those  are,  and  to  find  no  further  use  in 
them.   Show  us  also  which  things  belong  to  God; 
help  us  to  set  our  hearts  on  them,  and  through 
them  to  find  love,  joy,  peace  and  all  other  fruits 
of  the  Spirit. 

Turning   myself   in 

My  struggle  is  not  overseas  or  in  exile  but  here; 
I  must  stand  freely  in  my  own  country  under  my  own 
name.   Jesus,  you  allowed  yourself  to  be  turned  in 
at  Gethsemane  rather  than  do  violence  to  any 
brother.   If  the  only  way  to  freedom  is  through 

The   Disarmed   Forces    Prayer    Book  125 

prison,  I  also  allow  myself  to  be  turned  in.   Help 
me  push  beyond  man's  injustice  to  your  justice, 
beyond  harassment  to  liberation,  beyond  violence 
to  love. 

For    strength    in    trial 

Jesus,  since  they  harassed  you  it  is  likely  they 
vjill  harass  me.   You  stood  on   your  feet  before 
your  accusers,  and  did  not  open  your  mouth  asking 
to  be  let  off.   Stand  beside  me  during  a  play-act- 
ing trial,  and  do  not  let  me  fall  into  self-pity 
or  anger.   Plant  the  seed  in  those  present  which 
may  blossom  after  five,  ten,  twenty  years  into 
love  . 

For    strength    in   prison 

Our  Liberator,  I  cry  out  to  you  as  the  first  po- 
litical prisoner.  Take  my  minutes  of  despair  up 
into  your  minutes  of  despair.  Open  the  gates  of 
my  heart  and  come  in;  at  the  right  time  open  also 
those  other  gates.  Give  me  with  my  hope  of  re- 
lease that  strength  and  confidence  which  you  had 
in  your  hopelessness. 

Looking    toward   release 

Help  me  remember,  my  Brother,  that  the  world  out- 
side is  also  a  prison,  enslaved  by  the  same  World 
Pig  who  rules  in  here.   Do  not  let  me  expect  that 
my  family  or  comrades  will  understand  what  has 
happened  here.   As  you  were  a  marked  man,  I  am  a 
marked  man,  marked  by  your  presence  with  me.   Help 
me  stand  on  my  own  feet,  and  find  my  own  work  in 
the  struggle. 

Thank   you 

We  have  been  through  bad  times  together,  of  which 
the  world  knows  little;  and  good  times,  of  which 
it  knows  less.   I  rely  on  you,  as  in  some  strange 
way  I  believe  you  rely  on  me.   Thank  you  for  being 
here.   As  one  comrade  to  another,  I  take  your 
wounded  hand  in  mine . 

For  the  Others 

For    those    still    in    slavery 

Jesus,  you  did  not  come  to  call  virtuous  men  but 
sinners  to  repentance.   We  are  your  voice  and 
hands  and  feet;  show  us  how  the  liberation  we  have 
known  can  be  brought  to  those  still  enslaved  by  a 
system  of  violence  and  fear. 

For   medics 

God  of  healing,  you  have  left  no  place  empty  of 

your  witness.   Make  all  medics  doctors  first,  and 

136    The  Disarmed  Forces  Prayer  Book 

soldiers  second  or  not  at  all.   Maintain  their 
loyalty  to  the  oath  of  Hippocrates  and  Luke,  not 
to  the  rulers  of  this  age.   Help  them  minister  im- 
partially to  all,  keep  them  witnesses  to  the  revo- 
lution of  love  in  a  sea  of  violence. 

For   GI   journalists 

Spirit  of  truth,  you  can  break  through  walls  where 
none  other  can  enter.   Stay  with  all  who  have  un- 
dertaken to  speak  for  you,  in  however  unlikely  a 
place;  maintain  their  loyalty  to  yourself  alone, 
help  them  ignore  all  threats  and  harassment  in 
fidelity  to  their  vocation. 

For    the   victims 

My  brother  Victim,  I  was  in  part  responsible  for 
your  suffering.   Please  go  out  to  those  others  for 
whose  suffering  I  was  in  part  responsible,  and 
tell  them  that  the  one  who  did  it  has  turned 
against  it. 

For   military    prisoners 

Our  Liberator,  we  thank  you  for  the  witness  of  all 
those  now  imprisoned  for  that  witness.   As  we  know 
that  you  stand  daily  beside  them,  give  us  and  all 
others  their  commitment  and  fearlessness,  so  that 
one  day  prisons  will  lie  empty  and  derelict. 

For    the    movement 

God,  you  have  made  all  men  of  one  blood,  but  set 
their  hands  to  different  works.   Make  us  one  with 
our  brothers  and  sisters  in  the  revolution  of  love 
through  all  countries.   Do  not  let  us  suspect  each 
others'  motives;  rather  by  the  weapon  of  your 
spirit  destroy  that  dark  Power  whose  last  resort 
is  to  turn  us  against  each  other. 

For    chaplains 

Jesus,  forgive  those  who  speak  your  words  from  out 
of  the  citadel  of  repression.   Let  them  do  your 
work  in  spite  of  themselves.   Touch  their  hearts 
with  disquiet  and  uncertainty,  lead  them  in  your 
way;  and  over  against  them  set  other  ministers  of 
your  liberation  who  suffer  with  the  suffering. 

For   jailers 

Mary  mother  of  Jesus,  who  saw  your  son  mistreated 
by  his  captors;  put  it  into  the  heart  of  all  jail- 
ers and  their  women  to  see  their  prisoners  not  as 
prisoners  but  as  human  beings.   Show  each  prison- 
keeper  that  his  keys  lock  up  no  man  tighter  than 
himself;  give  him  a  longing  for  that  liberation 
which  with  pain  you  brought  into  the  world. 

The   Disarmed   Forces    Prayer   Book  127 

For   officers    and   nonooms 

0  Power  of  History,  our  only  true  Commander,  make 
your  orders  known  among  those  who  have  usurped  the 
authority  which  by  right  belongs  only  to  you.   Hu- 
manize their  conduct  and  increase  their  doubts. 
Help  them  to  find  a  brother  in  one  they  were  told 
to  consider  an  enemy,  and  to  find  the  enemy  no- 
where but  in  their  own  hearts. 

For    the    powerful 

0  you  who  drove  the  demons  out  of  the  violent, 
look  with  anger  and  pity  on  those  powerful  men  op- 
pressed by  the  demons  of  oppression.   At  whatever 
cost,  free  them  from  their  tormentors,  and  free 
the  suffering  poor  and  the  planet  from  their 
violence . 

For    civilian    supporters    of  militarism 
Spirit  of  truth,  touch  all  who  have  been  misled  or 
manipulated  into  fear.   Show  them  that  the  armed 
forces  which  they  should  fear,  the  missiles  which 
threaten  their  towns,  are  not  posted  overseas  but 
at  home.   Break  through  their  walls,  dispel  the 
smog  of  their  obsessions,  open  their  eyes,  and 
clothe  them  in  invulnerability,  which  you  alone 
can  give. 

For   family    and   friends 

0  Mother  of  that  Runaway  whom  you  could  not  under- 
stand; by  your  new  understanding,  be  with  our  fa- 
mily and  friends  who  are  absent  and  puzzled.   Let 
the  sword  in  their  hearts  turn  them  to  greater  un- 
derstanding, and  to  solidarity  with  yourself  and 
your  son  Jesus. 

For    the    faithful    dead 

Jesus  our  comrade,  we  thank  you  for  all  those 
faithful  dead  who  struggled  without  seeing  the 
outcome  on  earth.   We  believe  that  they  have  seen 
victory  in  you,  and  that  they  and  their  work  live 
on  in  us.   As  we  do  not  mourn  your  death,  let  us 
not  mourn  theirs,  but  organize  on  the  foundations 
they  have  laid. 

138    The  Disarmed  Forces  Prayer  Book 

Medical  Cadre  Manual 

For    confidence 

Our  Liberator,  you  suffered  and  died,  and  are  liv- 
ing in  us.   Then  we  do  not  need  to  be  afraid  of 
pain  and  death;  we  may  trust  life.   Give  all  med- 
ics steady  hands  and  hearts;  give  their  patients 
confidence  in  them;  keep  them  both  safe  from  new 
inj  ury . 

For    strength 

0  Spirit  of  life.,  there  is  much  distress  in  front 
of  our  eyes,  and  our  strength  is  failing.   Let  us 
push  through  to  the  other  side  of  fatigue.   Put 
your  strength  into  our  hands .   We  ask  that  the 
suffering  of  others  should  be  relieved,  if  neces- 
sary at  the  cost  of  our  own  suffering. 

Remembering    the    saints 

Luke,  physician  and  historian:   Hold  my  hand 

steady . 
Louis  Pasteur,  physician  and  scientist:   Hold  my 

hand  steady. 
Frantz  Fanon,  psychiatrist  and  revolutionary: 

Hold  my  hand  steady. 
Che  Guevara,  physician  and  revolutionary:   Hold  my 

hand  steady. 
Florence  Nightingale,  nurse  and  reformer:   Hold  my 

hand  steady. 
Albert  Schweitzer,  doctor  and  musician:   Hold  my 

hand  steady. 
Damien,  priest  and  leper:   Hold  my  hand  steady. 

Before    an   operation 

0  Universal  Power  of  Being,  may  your  eye  rest  on 
our  brother    [sister]    who  in  pain  and  weakness  has 
put  his    life  in  our  hands.   Give  both  him   and  us 
confidence  and  steadiness.   Guide  our  hands  with 
all  our  own  knowledge  and  skill;  may  Hippocrates, 
Luke,  Che,  all  physicians  of  the  people  stand  be- 
side us.   Maintain  the  springs  of  life  that  we 
cannot  see,  overcome  the  destructive  forces  we 
cannot  reach. 

At    a    demonstration 

Jesus  our  Liberator,  you  were  fearless  in  prophe- 
tic witness,  tireless  in  relief  of  suffering. 
Give  all.  medics  here  that  same  courage  and 
strength.   Let  no  act  of  ours  either  bring  on  un- 
necessary violence,  or  weaken  the  cry  for  justice. 

For   protection    against    attack 

0  Strength  beyond  nature  and  history,  we  have 

taken  an  oath  to  help  the  sick  and  wounded  at 

Medioal    Cadre   Manual  139 

whatever  risk  to  ourselves.   Hold  us  steady  to 
that  commitment  and  lift  up  the  shield  of  your 
protection  over  us,  and  all  our  brother  and  sister 
medics;  do  not  let  the  healer  become  another  vic- 
tim; keep  the  dark  powers  at  bay. 

For   all    brother   and   sister   medics 
Our  Liberator,  you  make  all  persons  whole.   Send 
the  spirit  of  your  compassion  and  skill  on  all  our 
brother  and  sister  medics.   Keep  always  in  their 
hearts  an  awareness  of  the  fellowship  which  has 
taken  the  same  oath.   Do  not  let  the  revolution  of 
love,  or  the  renewal  of  the  planet,  be  delayed  by 
any  weakness  or  hesitancy  on  their  part. 

For   all    -patients 

Jesus  our  Liberator,  we  have  done  for  our  brothers 
and  sisters  here  all  that  knowledge  and  skill 
could  do.   We  entrust  them  to  the  medics  who  fol- 
low us  and  have  taken  the  same  oath.   Open  the 
springs  of  healing  in  them  which  are  beyond  our 
knowledge  and  skill. 

For    the    seriously    ill    or   wounded 

0  Best  of  physicians,  look  at  your  brother    [sis- 
ter]   here  in  the  crisis  of  his   need.   We  have 
given  him  all  the  help  that  human  hands  could  pro- 
vide.  You  first  took  the  dark  route,  you  know 
best  the  secrets  of  death  and  life.   Take  this  one 
in  your  hands,  give  him   that  wholeness  and  fulfil- 
ment which  were  written  down  for  him   before  all 
worlds  o 

For    the    dying    or    dead 

Compassionate  Father,  the  spirit  of  your  child  is 
returning  to  you  who  first  gave  it .   Forgive  all 
he    [she]    did  wrong,  remember  all  he    did  well.   We 
entrust  his    life  to  you  with  confidence.   Give 
your  child  his   true  place  in  the  society  of  man, 
and  in  your  secret  renewal  of  the  whole  created 
order,  through  Jesus  the  brother  of  us  all. 

The    Hippocratic    Oath    (adapted) 

1  swear  by  the  universal  Power  of  healing,  in 
grateful  remembrance  of  Hippocrates  the  first  doc- 
tor, that  I  will  always  honor  those  who  taught  me 
medicine;  that  I  will  continue  studying  it;  that  I 
will  support  my  brother  and  sister  medics,  and 
share  my  knowledge  with  every  sincere  student.   I 
will  never  refuse  the  call  for  help.   I  will  treat 
friend  and  enemy  with  equal  diligence,  giving  them 
the  best  care  my  art  provides.   1  will  subordinate 
my  own  convenience  and  safety  to  the  needs  of  my 

1^0    The  Disarmed  Forces  Prayer  Book 

patient.   I  will  neither  give  nor  prescribe  any 
poison  or  dangerous  drug;  I  will  not  work  while 
under  the  Influence  of  any  drug  myself.   While  on 
duty  I  will  seduce  no  patient,  nurse,  or  other 
person;  nor  do  business  to  my  own  advantage;  nor 
use  or  carry  any  weapon.   I  will  maintain  all  con- 
fidences, even  from  an  enemy.  Inviolate.   In  every 
professional  act  I  will  make  relief  of  suffering, 
justice  for  the  oppressed,  and  restoration  of 
the  environment  my  sacred  and  revolutionary 

Qucn/iilLi  i^wt^fJici 

Suitable    fov    Good   Friday    and   Church    conventions 

I .  At  the  Staging  Area 

Minister :      Is  it  nothing  to  you,  all  you  who  pass 
by?   Look  and  see  if  there  is  any  sorrow  like  my 
sorrow.  [Lamentations    1:12 


Reader : 

See  my  Servant  shall  be  raised  up; 

He  will  be  put  high  on  display. 
Many  will  be  dismayed  at  him: 

His  appearance  was  distorted 
Beyond  the  semblance  of  humanity. 

And  his  form  unlike  the  sons  of  men. 
Many  nations  will  denounce  him; 

Ministers  will  shut  their  mouths  at  him: 
They  will  see  what  they  never  were  told. 

And  know  what  they  never  heard. 

Who  has  believed  our  announcement? 

Who  saw  God's  right  arm  made  bare? 
His  Servant  grew  up  as  a  worthless  weed. 

As  a  stick  from  stony  ground. 
Despised  and  rejected  by  the  powerful, 

A  man  of  sickness,  knowing  pain; 
The  wealthy  hid  their  faces  from  him. 

He  was  scorned,  we  set  no  store  by  him. 

But  surely  he  has  lifted  our  suffering 

And  carried  our  contagion; 
We  avoided  him  as  infectious. 

Punished  by  God  and  despicable. 
In  fact  he  was  wounded  for  our  guilt. 

He  was  beaten  up  for  our  complicity; 
The  punishment  of  our  peace  was  on  him. 

By  his  harassment  we  are  healed. 
We  all  turned  aside  like  sheep. 

Each  one  wandering  in  his  own  way. 

142    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

And  the  Power  of  History  piled  on  him 
The  criminality  of  us  all. 

He  was  exploited  and  oppressed 

And  he  never  opened  his  mouth; 
As  a  lamb  led  to  the  slaughterhouse. 

As  a  dumb  sheep  before  the  shearers . 
He  was  arrested  by  law  and  order. 

And  who  will  now  follow  his  way? 
He  is  exiled  from  the  land  of  life; 

For  a  nation's  crime  he  was  executed. 
His  coffin  is  set  among  criminals. 

He  was  buried  in  a  field  without  markers. 
Although  he  had  done  no  violence. 

And  no  lies  were  in  his  mouth. 

God  has  accepted  his  suffering 

As  a  substitute  for  the  violent; 

And  so  he  will  see  his  children. 
His  days  will  be  long  extended. 

In  his  hand  God's  desiring  is  done. 

He  is  reconciled  with  his  suffering. 

"My  Servant  the  man  of  justice 

Shall  liberate  the  people  by  his  life; 
He  receives  the  inheritance  of  the  rich. 

He  shares  the  rewards  of  the  wealthy. 
Since  he  poured  out  his  life  in  his  dying. 

And  was  counted  among  the  criminals. 
He  carries  the  guilt  of  his  people, 

And  makes  himself  bail  for  the  prisoners." 

[Isaiah    52:13-53:12] 

Psalm  59:1-7 

Liberate  me  from  my  enemies,  my  God; 

Protect  me  from  the  repressors. 
Liberate  me  from  the  criminals; 

Save  me  from  the  men  of  blood. 
See,  they  lay  ambushes  against  my  life; 

The  powerful  have  conspired  against  me. 
For  no  crime  or  evil  in  me, 

0  Lord,  they  run  and  make  ready. 
Wake  up  at  my  calling  and  see; 

For  you  are  the  God  beyond  armies. 
Awake  to  punish  the  oppressors; 

Do  not  spare  the  conspirators. 
In  the  evening  they  enter  the  city; 

Howling  like  dogs  they  patrol  it. 
There  they  are,  barking  with  their  jaws 

And  snarling  with  their  lips,  "Who  will 
hear  us?" 

A    Lament    for    Victims    and   Executioners  143 

Reader:      Jerusalem,  Jerusalem,  you  who  execute  the 
prophets  and  stone  all  those  sent  to  you,  how 
often  I  have  wanted  to  collect  your  children,  as  a 
bird  gathers  her  chicks  under  her  wings,  and  you 
would  not  let  me  I   See  now,  your  house  is  left 
desolate.   I  tell  you,  you  will  not  see  me  again 
until  the  time  comes  when  you  say,  "Blessed  is  he 
who  comes  in  the  name  of  God."   0  City:   if  even 
today  you  could  learn  what  things  work  for  your 
peace!   But  they  have  been  hidden  from  your  eyes. 
The  days  are  coming  that  your  enemy  will  besiege 
and  encircle  you  and  fence  you  in.   They  will 
throw  you  to  the  ground  with  your  children  in  you; 
they  will  not  leave  stone  standing  upon  stone  in 
you,  because  you  did  not  recognize  the  time  of 
your  visitation.  [Luke    13:34-35;  19:41-44] 

Minister :      Brothers  and  sisters,  we  have  come  here 
to  lament  in  dead  earnest  the  harassing  and  murder 
of  God's  servant,  our  Liberator  victim.   But  those 
who  sit  in  the  seat  of  the  scornful  are  mourning 
over  the  fall  of  the  World  Pig;  and  rightly,  be- 
cause our  Jesus  like  Samson  pulled  him  down  in  his 
own  death.   Let  us  take  them  at  their  word;  let  us 
join  in  proclaiming  the  overthrow  of  Lucifer, 
Chief  Magistrate  of  an  age  of  violence.  Chief  Ex- 
ecutioner among  the  executioners. 

Lament  for  Lucifer 

Minister   and   People: 

How  you  are  fallen  from  heaven,  Lucifer,  son 
of  the  morning:   How  you  are  fallen  from 
heaven,  Lucifer,  son  of  the  morning. 

God  has  broken  the  oppressor's  rifle,  who 
ruled  the  nations  in  anger:   How  you  are 
fallen  from  heaven,  Lucifer,  son  of  the 
morning.  And  so   on. 

The  cedars  and  redwoods  rejoice,  "No  logger 
now  comes  up  against  us": 

Hell  is  stirred  up  to  meet  you,  it  awakes 
those  once  leaders  on  earth: 

They  all  are  saying  together,  "You  have  be- 
come like  one  of  us": 

But  you  said  in  your  heart,  "I  will  spread 
freedom  over  all  lands": 

All  that  see  you  will  stare,  "Is  this  he  that 
made  the  earth  a  desert?" 

IHH  Guerrilla  Liturgies 

You  do  not  share  their  burial,  because  you 
destroyed  your  people: 

Babylon  the  great  is  fallen,  is  fallen,  that 
made  all  nations  drink  the  wine  of  the 
wrath  of  her  fornication: 

Who  is  like  that  great  beast?   Who  is  able  to 
make  war  against  it?: 

No  man  can  walk  in  its  streets,  unless  he  has 
on  his  forehead  the  mark  of  the  beast : 
How  you  are  fallen  from  heaven,  Lucifer, 
son  of  the  morning. 

Babylon  the  great  is  fallen,  is  fallen,  and 
has  become  the  home  of  demonic  powers: 
How  you  are  fallen  from  heaven,  Lucifer, 
son  of  the  morning. 

[Isaiah    14:4-21,  etc.] 

Minister:      Friends,  here  we  have  been  in  our  own 
place.   Let  us  go  out  to  the  place  of  the  ex- 
ploiter, and  there  speak  to  him  in  lamentation  and 
anger.   For  it  was  he  that  busted  the  Liberator  of 
all  people;  and  there  is  a  word  from  the  Power  of 
History  which  he  must  hear  before  a  worse  thing 
befalls  him. 

II.  At  the  Procession 
Psalm  22 

My  God,  my  God: 

Why  have  you  deserted  me? 
Why  are  you  so  far  from  helping  me. 

From  the  words  of  my  torment? 
I  cry  out  by  day  and  you  do  not  answer; 

By  night,  and  I  find  no  sleep. 
And  you  are  known  as  the  Holy  One; 

You  are  called  the  Praise  of  Israel. 
Our  fathers  trusted  in  you. 

They  trusted  in  your  liberation; 
They  cried  to  you  and  were  helped. 

They  trusted  you  and  were  not  let  down. 
But  I  am  a  worm,  no  human  being. 

The  scorn  of  man,  contempt  of  the  crowd. 
All  who  see  me  make  fun  of  me. 

They  stick  out  their  lips  and  wag  their 
heads : 
"He  trusted  in  God,  let  God  save  him; 

Let  him  rescue  the  one  who  calls  on  him." 
And  It  was  you  took  me  from  the  womb; 

You  guarded  me  on  my  mother's  breast. 

A    Lament   for    Victims    and   Executioners  145 

I  was  thrown  on  you  when  first  I  was  born; 

From  my  mother's  womb  you  are  my  God. 
Do  not  go  away,  trouble  is  near; 

There  is  no  other  to  help  me. 
Many  bulls  are  closing  in  on  me. 

Fat  pigs  are  surrounding  me; 
They  open  their  mouths  at  me 

Like  lions  roaring  for  meat. 
As  water  1  am  poured  out; 

My  bones  are  all  dislocated. 
My  heart  has  become  like  wax; 

It  is  melted  inside  my  body. 
I  am  dried  up  like  broken  dishes. 

My  tongue  sticks  to  my  lips. 
You  have  laid  me  in  the  dust  of  death; 

The  dogs  are  circling  around  me. 
A  gang  of  criminals  have  taken  me; 

They  pierced  my  hands  and  my  feet. 
I  can  count  all  my  bones; 

They  are  staring  and  cursing  at  me. 
They  have  divided  my  clothing 

And  are  throwing  dice  for  my  garments. 
Do  not  stand  aside,  my  Liberator; 

My  helper,  hurry  to  save  me. 
Save  my  life  from  their  clubs. 

My  mouth  from  the  mouth  of  the  lion. 
Release  me  from  the  paws  of  the  dog; 

Save  me  from  the  teeth  of  the  pigs. 

The  Ghetto  Passion 

Black  Jesus,  our  Liberator,  free  all  your  people: 
Black  Jesus,  free  all  your  people. 

Our  Liberator,  ratbitten  in  your  crib:   Black 
Jesus,  free  all  your  people.  And  so   on. 

Our  Liberator  who  ate  lead  paint  from  the  walls: 

Our  Liberator  in  your  protein-deficient  diet: 

Our  Liberator  with  no  father  at  home: 

Our  Liberator  who  played  with  beercans  in  dirt : 

Our  Liberator  who  failed  the  intelligence  test : 

Our  Liberator,  tracked  in  vocational  classrooms: 

Our  Liberator,  knifed  by  the  local  dealer: 

Our  Liberator,  with  a  switchblade  scar  on  his 
cheek : 

Our  Liberator,  swimming  with  grapefruit  rinds: 

Our  Liberator,  hanging  around  with  his  friends: 

146    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

Our  Liberator,  unskilled  and  unemployable: 

conned  by  the  recruiting  sergeant 
absent  without  official  leave: 

Our  Liberator 
Our  Liberator 
Our  Liberator 

Our  Liberator 

Our  Liberator 
Our  Liberator 
Our  Liberator 
Our  Liberator 
Our  Liberator 
Our  Liberator 

Our  Liberator 
Our  Liberator 
Our  Liberator 
Our  Liberator 
Our  Liberator 
Our  Liberator 

Our  Liberator 

Our  Liberator 

Our  Liberator 
Bl ack  Jes 

Our  Liberator 

worked  over  by  pigs  in  the  squad 
car : 

carrying  Psalms  with  a  bulletproof 
cover : 

busted  in  the  housing  march: 

busted  at  the  Induction  center: 

busted  at  the  People's  Park: 

preaching  in  the  storefront  chapel: 

replacing  the  broken  glass: 

busted  for  preaching  with  no 
license : 

denounced  from  Grace  Church  pulpit : 

leader  of  brown  men  and  red  men : 

harboring  white  runaway  kids : 

bombed  as  a  dangerous  radical: 

busted  for  inciting  to  riot : 

turned  down  by  the  probation 

protesting  prison  meals: 

screwed  by  the  public  defender: 

sentenced  by  a  deaf  politician: 
us,  free  all  your  people. 

murdered  by  law  and  order:   Black 

Jesus,  free  all  your  people. 

Black  Mary,  mother  of  the  people's  liberator: 
Black  Mary,  free  all  your  people. 

Black  Mary,  sitting  on  the  welfare  benches:   Black 
Mary,  free  all  your  people.  And  so   on. 

Black  Mary,  evicted  for  a  man  in  the  house: 

Black  Mary,  busted  for  living  in  trailers: 

Black  Mary,  Death  Row  goldstar  mother: 

Black  Mary,  best  hope  of  a  messed-up  planet: 
Black  Mary,  free  all  your  people. 

A    Lament    for    Victims    and   Executioners  147 

Lonesome  Momma  Blues 

(Song  without  tune) 


"How    often    I   wanted    to    gather 

Your   ahillen    under   my    wings 
Like    the    sage-hen    out    on    the    prairie j  " 
Your    lonesome   momma    sings. 

1  Oh  it ' s  misery  for  you  that's  plantin' 

The  tombstones  of  the  just. 
An'  subscribin'  to  memorials 

For  the  singers  in  the  dust.  Refrain. 

2  "If  we'd  lived  in  the  days  of  our  fathers 

We'd  be  clean  from  the  singers'  blood": 
So  you  testify  you  is  members 

Of  the  lynchln'  brotherhood.  Refrain. 

3  An'  I  sent  you  preachers  an'  singers 

For  your  rope  an'  gasoline. 
An'  to  whup  them  behind  your  churches. 

An'  follow  them  from  the  scene.  Refrain. 

k      An'  1  puts  their  blood  on  your  fingers. 
From  the  blood  of  Abel  the  good. 
To  the  singer  you  strung  from  the  churchdoor 
In  Subsistence  Neighborhood.  Refrain. 

5  I  tell  you,  in  this  generation 

Each  injustice  is  reckoned  due; 

Oh  City  that  lynches  the  singers 

An'  the  preachers  I  sends  to  you. 

6  So  your  houses  are  left  there  empty; 

You  won't  see  this  chil'  again 
Till  people  are  callin'  him  blessed 

When  he  comes  as  the  Son  of  men.  Refrain. 

[Matthew    23:29-39] 

III.  At  THE  Church 

One    or   more    of   the    following    three    Prophecies    is 
ready    as    the    situation   permits . 

First  Prophecy 

Minister :      My  people  have  done  two  evils:   they 
have  deserted  me,  the  Fountain  of  living  water, 
and  built  themselves  reservoirs,  broken  reser- 
voirs, which  cannot  hold  water.     [Jeremiah    2:13] 

Reader : 

Hear  the  word  of  the  Lord, 
You  rulers  of  Sodom; 

148    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

Pay  attention  to  God's  instruction. 

You  people  of  Gomorrah. 
"What  have  I  to  do  with  your  worship 

Says  the  Lord  of  history. 
"Why  do  you  gather  yourselves  together 

To  appear  before  my  face? 
Who  requested  this  from  you: 

To  trample  my  sanctuaries? 
Conduct  no  more  empty  services; 

Your  praise  is  abominable  to  me. 
Your  First  Sundays  and  your  festivals. 

My  soul  has  a  loathing  for  them; 
Their  burden  is  unsupportable , 

I  am  finished  with  bearing  them. 
When  you  spread  out  your  hands  in  prayer, 

1  turn  my  eyes  away  from  you; 
When  you  multiply  your  prayers. 

There  is  nobody  listening  up  here. 
Your  hands  are  covered  with  blood; 

Wash  them  with  soap,  make  them  clean. 
Take  away  your  complicity  in  crime 

From  before  the  sight  of  my  eyes. 
Bring  your  evil  to  an  end; 

Learn  how  to  do  good. 
Struggle  for  justice; 

Resist  all  exploitation." 

[Isaiah    1:10-17] 

Minister:      Take  the  music  of  your  songs  away  from 
him,  for  he  will  not  hear  the  tunes  of  your  or- 
gans.  Will  you  let  justice  roll  down  as  water, 
and  fairness  as  a  stream  perpetual?  [Amos    5:23- 
24]   No,  for  this  people  have  done  two  evils: 
they  have  deserted  the  Fountain  of  living  water, 
and  built  themselves  reservoirs,  broken  reser- 
voirs, which  cannot  hold  water. 

Second  Prophecy 

Minister :      An  appalling  and  terrible  thing  has 
happened  in  this  country.   The  prophets  prophesy 
falsely,  and  the  ministers  teach  at  their  instruc- 
tion, and  my  people  love  it  so;  but  what  will  you 
do  when  the  end  comes?  [Jeremiah    5:30-31 

Reader : 

For  three  atrocities  of  Gaza  and  for  four, 
I  will  not  turn  away  their  punishment; 

For  they  exiled  a  whole  population 
And  turned  them  over  to  Edom. 

So  I  will  send  a  fire  against  their  wall 
And  it  will  devour  their  strongholds. 

A    Lament    for    Viotims    and   Executioners  149 

For  three  atrocities  of  Ammon  and  for  four, 
I  will  not  turn  away  their  punishment; 

For  they  ripped  up  the  women  with  child  in 
To  extend  their  frontiers. 

So  I  will  send  a  fire  against  their  wall 
And  it  will  devour  their  strongholds. 

For  three  atrocities  of  Moab  and  for  four, 
1  will  not  turn  away  their  punishment; 

Because  they  burned  to  lime 

The  bones  of  the  king  of  Edom. 

So  I  will  send  a  fire  against  their  wall 
And  it  will  devour  their  strongholds. 

For  three  atrocities  of  Israel  and  for  four, 
I  will  not  turn  away  their  punishment; 

For  they  sell  the  just  man  for  silver 
And  the  poor  man  for  a  pair  of  shoes. 

They  trample  the  head  of  the  oppressed 
Into  the  dust  of  the  earth. 

But  I  destroyed  the  Amorite  before  you. 
Whose  height  was  like  the  cedars . 

And  you  only  have  I  known 

From  all  the  peoples  of  earth; 

Therefore  I  will  impose  reparation 
For  all  your  crimes  upon  you. 

[Amos    1:6-15;  2:1-3] 

Minister :      Dig  under  the  rock,  hide  in  the  earth, 
from  before  the  terror  of  God.   For  the  Power  be- 
yond all  armies  has  a  day  against  everything  tall 
and  high,  against  all  the  cedars  of  Lebanon,  and 
against  every  high  tower.  [Isaiah    2:10-15]   For 
an  appalling  and  terrible  thing  has  happened  in 
this  country.   The  prophets  prophesy  falsely,  and 
the  ministers  teach  at  their  instruction,  and  my 
people  love  it  so;  but  what  will  you  do  when  the 
end  comes? 

Third  Prophecy 

Minister :      They  have  put  a  hasty  dressing  on  the 
deep  wound  of  my  people;  they  cry  out  Peace, 
Peace,  where  there  is  no  peace.     [Jeremiah    6:14] 

Reader   and   People: 

Woe  to  those  who  say  evil  is  good  and  good  is 

evil.  [Isaiah    5:20]   Woe  to  those  who  say 

evil  is  good  and  good  is  evil. 

150    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

Woe  to  those  who  acquit  the  guilty  for  a  bribe, 

and  deprive  the  innocent  of  justice.  [Isaiah 
5:23]   Woe  to  those  who  say  evil  is  good  and 
good  is  evil.  And   so   on. 

Woe  to  those  who  join  house  to  house,  and  add 
field  to  field.  [Isaiah    5:8] 

Woe  to  those  who  pass  unjust  statutes,  to  rob  the 
people  of  their  rights.  [Isaiah    10:1-2] 

Woe  to  everyone  that  builds  his  house  with  injus- 
tice; who  makes  his  neighbor  work  for  him, 
and  does  not  pay  him  his  wages.  [Jeremiah 

Woe  to  those  who  grind  the  face  of  the  poor  into 
the  dust.  [Isaiah    3:15] 

Woe  to  one  who  builds  a  city  with  blood,  and 

founds  a  city  on  injustice.  [Habakkuk    2:12] 

Woe  to  those  at  ease  in  Zion,  who  are  secure  in 
the  suburbs  of  Samaria.  [Amos    6:1]   Woe  to 
those  who  say  evil  is  good  and  good  is  evil. 

Woe  to  those  who  make  a  covenant  with  death,  an 
agreement  with  destruction.  [Isaiah    28:15] 
Woe  to  those  who  say  evil  is  good  and  good  is 

Reader:      0  Kremlin  the  rod  of  my  anger;  Peking  the 
staff  of  my  fury  I   Against  a  godless  nation  I  send 
them;  against  the  people  of  my  wrath  I  deploy 
them.   They  will  loot  and  plunder;  and  trample 
people  down  in  the  mud  of  the  streets.   But  they 
do  not  so  intend;  this  was  not  their  plan.   For 
when  I  have  finished  all  my  work  on  Mount  Zion, 
and  destroyed  my  own  people,  then  1  will  also  pun- 
ish their  pride.   For  they  say,  "By  the  strength 
of  my  hand  I  did  it,  by  the  wisdom  of  my  under- 
standing."  Shall  the  axe  boast  over  the  one  who 
chops  with  it?   Or  the  saw  be  greater  than  the  one 
who  cuts  with  it?  [Isaiah    10:5-15] 

Minister:      See,  God  claps  his  hands  together 
against  the  dishonest  gain  they  have  made,  and  at 
the  blood  shed  in  their  midst.  [Ezekiel    22:13] 
They  sowed  the  wind  and  reap  the  whirlwind;  they 
plowed  evil  and  reap  injustice.  [Hosea    8:7; 
10:13]   They  have  put  a  hasty  dressing  on  the  deep 
wound  of  my  people;  they  cry  out  Peace,  peace, 
where  there  is  no  peace. 

A    Lament    for    Victims    and   Executioners  151 

The  Woes 

Here    a   pot    can   be    smashed^    while    there    is    read: 

I  will  smash  this  people  and  this  city  the  way  one 

smashes  the  jar  of  a  potter,  so  that  it  can  never 

be  mended  [Jeremiah    19:11] 

Reader   and   People: 

Woe  to  you  ministers  and  professors,  hypocrites: 

Woe  to  you  ministers  and  professors,  hypo- 

cr i  tes  . 

Woe  to  you  that  preach  and  do  not  practice:   Woe 
to  you  ministers  and  professors,  hypocrites. 

And   so    on. 

Woe  to  you  that  lay  burdens  on  others,  and  do  not 
lift  your  finger  to  them: 

Woe  to  you  that  love  fine  suits,  and  head  tables, 
and  being  called  Doctor: 

Woe  to  you  that  shut  off  liberation,  who  do  not 
enter  yourselves  or  let  others  enter: 

Woe  to  you  that  compute  percents,  and  neglect  jus- 
tice and  mercy: 

Woe  to  you  who  clean  the  outside  of  the  cup,  and 
the  inside  is  full  of  oppression  and 
violence  : 

Woe  to  you  whitewashed  tombs,  full  of  dead  men's 
bones  inside:   Woe  to  you  ministers  and 
professors,  hypocrites.      [Matthew    23:4-27] 

Psalm  10:1-12 

Why  do  you  stand  far  away,  0  Liberator? 

Why  are  you  hidden  in  time  of  trouble? 
In  arrogance  the  wicked  hunt  down  the  poor; 

Let  them  fall  in  the  schemes  of  their  own 
The  wicked  boasts  of  his  heart's  desire; 

The  rich  man  curses  God. 
His  ways  prosper  at  all  times; 

He  thinks,  I  will  never  see  adversity. 
His  mouth  is  full  of  lies  and  oppression; 

Under  his  tongue  are  wrong  and  injustice. 
From  his  ambush  he  murders  the  innocent; 

He  draws  the  poor  into  his  net. 
The  poor  man  is  crushed  and  falls  down; 

He  thinks  in  his  heart  God  has  forgotten. 
Stand  up,  God;  raise  up  your  hand; 

Do  not  hide  your  face  from  the  suffering. 

Reader:      Now  when  Jesus  was  setting  out  on  his 
way,  a  man  ran  up  to  him,  knelt  down  in  front  of 

152    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

him,  and  asked,  "Good  Leader,  what  must  I  do  to 
Inherit  the  coming  Age?"   Jesus  said,  "Why  do  you 
call  me  good?   No  one  Is  good  except  only  God. 
You  know  his  demands:   'Do  not  commit  murder,  do 
not  commit  adultery,  do  not  steal,  do  not  lie,  do 
not  exploit,  honor  your  father  and  mother'."   And 
he  said,  "Teacher,  all  these  I  have  observed  since 
my  youth."   Then  Jesus  looked  at  him,  kissed  him, 
and  said:   "You  lack  one  thing;  go,  sell  all  you 
have  and  give  It  to  the  poor,  and  you  will  have  a 
treasure  with  God.   Then  follow  me."   But  he  was 
discouraged  at  this  saying  and  went  away  sad,  for 
he  had  much  property.  [Mark    10:17-22] 

Minister :      He  who  has  an  ear  to  hear,  let  him  hear 
what  the  Spirit  says  to  the  Church:   Give  it  all 
away.   For  it  is  by  men  of  strange  lips  that  he 
speaks  to  this  people. 

The  Reproaches 

First   Reader:      0  my  people,  what  have  I  done  to 
you,  or  how  have  I  wearied  you?   Testify  against 
me . 

People:      Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us. 

Second   Reader:      Because  I  brought  you  out  of  the 
land  of  oppression,  and  gave  you  manna  forty  years 
in  the  desert,  and  brought  you  into  a  land  flowing 
with  milk  and  honey,  you  have  prepared  a  cross  for 
your  Liberator. 

People:      Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us. 

Third   Reader:      One  American  is  worth  a  thousand 
gooks;  kill  them  when  they're  little  before  they 
grow  up. 

People:      Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us. 

First   Reader:      0  my  people,  what  have  I  done  to 
you,  or  how  have  I  wearied  you?   Testify  against 
me . 

People:      Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us. 

Second  Reader:      1  whipped  Egypt  with  all  her 
firstborn  for  your  sake,  and  you  have  whipped  me. 
I  brought  you  out  of  Egypt  through  the  Red  Sea, 
and  you  delivered  me  to  the  chief  priests.   I 

A    Lament   for    Victims    and   Exeautioners  153 

opened  the  sea  before  you,  and  you  opened  my  side 
with  a  spear. 

People:      Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us . 

Third  Reader:  Others  he  saved,  himself  he  cannot 
save;  we  had  to  destroy  the  City  in  order  to  save 

People:       Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us. 

First   Reader:      0  my  people,  what  have  I  done  to 
you,  or  how  have  I  wearied  you?   Testify  against 
me  . 

People:       Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us. 

Second  Reader:      I  went  before  you  in  the  pillar  of 
cloud,  and  you  brought  me  to  the  pillar  of 
Pilate's  judgment  hall.   I  gave  you  the  water  of 
life  to  drink  from  the  rock,  and  you  gave  me  gall 
and  vinegar. 

people:       Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us. 

Third   Reader:      I  heard  the  sound  of  a  B-29  engine; 
my  little  brother  was  putting  out  his  hand  to 
catch  the  red  dragonfly  on  the  wall,  when  sud- 
denly there  came  a  flash. 

People:       Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us . 

First   Reader:      0  my  people,  what  have  I  done  to 
you,  or  how  have  I  wearied  you?   Testify  against 
me . 

People:       Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us. 

Second  Reader:      I  struck  kings  for  your  sake,  and 
you  struck  my  head  with  a  reed,   I  gave  you  a 
royal  sceptre,  and  you  set  on  my  head  a  crown  of 
thorns.   1  raised  you  on  high  with  great  power, 
and  you  raised  me  on  the  gallows  of  the  Cross. 

People:       Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us. 

Third   Reader:      The  fillings  from  their  teeth  were 
neatly  lined  up  on  shelves.   Their  shoes  were  in 
another  room,  all  the  left  shoes  in  one  pile  and 
the  right  shoes  in  another  pile. 

15^    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

People:       Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us . 

First   Reader:      0  my  people,  what  have  I  done  to 
you,  or  how  have  I  wearied  you?   Testify  against 
me  . 

People:       Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us. 

Second  Reader:      Because  I  brought  you  across  the 
great  ocean,  out  of  the  house  of  bondage,  and  set 
you  in  this  broad  and  fair  land,  you  have  extermi- 
nated the  inhabitant  of  the  land,  and  brought 
others  into  new  bondage. 

People:      Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us . 

Third  Reader:      This  black  kid  was  laying  there  in 
Springfield  Avenue  with  a  lot  of  holes  in  him;  the 
place  was  sticky  for  several  days. 

People:       Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us. 

First   Reader:      0  my  people,  what  have  I  done  to 
you,  or  how  have  I  wearied  you?   Testify  against 
me . 

People:       Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us . 

Second  Reader:      Because  I  brought  you  into  the 
land  of  my  Great  Spirit,  a  land  of  many  waters  and 
deep  forests,  you  have  cut  down  the  forests  with 
your  axes,  and  poisoned  the  air  that  my  creatures 
breathe,  the  water  they  drink,  the  soil  from  which 
1  made  you. 

People:       Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us. 

Third  Reader:  Can't  stand  in  the  way  of  progress; 
when  you've  seen  one  redwood  tree  you've  seen  them 

People:       Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us. 

First   Reader:      0  my  people,  what  have  I  done  to 
you,  or  how  have  I  wearied  you?   Testify  against 
me . 

People:       Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us . 

Second  Reader:      Because  I  liberated  you  from  the 

A    Lament    for    Victims    and   Executioners  155 

oppressor  overseas,  and  led  you  safely  through  a 
war  of  brothers,  you  have  dropped  fire  from  the 
sky  upon  the  poorest  of  peoples,  and  locked  up  in 
your  prisons  the  young  men  and  women  who  spoke  the 
words  of  my  judgement  against  you. 

People:       Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us. 

Third  Reader:      They  was  begging  and  saying.  No. 
No.   And  the  mothers  was  hugging  their  children, 
but  we  kept  right  on  firing.   Well,  we  kept  right 
on  firing.   They  was  waving  their  arms  and 

People:       Holy  God,  Holy  Mighty,  Holy  Immortal, 
have  mercy  upon  us. 

Reader:      The  Liberator  suffered  for  the  people, 
leaving  us  an  example  to  follow  his  steps.   He  did 
no  crime.   No  deception  was  found  in  his  mouth. 
When  he  was  insulted  he. did  not  insult  back.   When 
he  suffered  he  did  not  curse.   He  trusted  the  one 
just  Judge.   He  lifted  off  our  complicity  in  his 
body  on  the  Tree,  so  that  we  might  die  to  crime 
and  live  to  justice.   By  his  wound  we  are  healed. 
We  had  wandered  off  like  sheep;  now  we  have  re- 
turned to  the  shepherd  and  guardian  of  our  lives. 

[1    Peter    2:21-25] 

Minister :      Is  it  nothing  to  you,  all  you  who  pass 
by?   Look  and  see  if  there  is  any  sorrow  like  my 

156    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

The  Shepherd  of  the  Friendless 

Tune:   "Passion  Chorale,"  Hassler-Bach  I6OI  (The 
Hymnal    1940    no.  75;  76.76.D.) 

1  The  Shepherd  of  the  friendless 

By  dogs  and  wolves  is  torn; 
The  King  of  pity  endless 

Is  diadem 'd  with  thorn. 
And  must  our  liberation 

Be  purchased  at  such  loss : 
To  nail  the  whole  creation 

On  an  imperial  cross? 

2  See  there  our  Ground  of  being 

By  law  and  order  slain; 
The  sun  withdraws  its  seeing. 

The  earth  is  moved  in  pain. 
Could  not  your  love  inherit 

Another  end  than  this : 
Rejected  for  your  merit. 

Arrested  by  a  kiss? 

3  Your  suff'ring  is  united 

To  victims  everywhere. 
By  ghetto  lords  exploited 

Or  scarred  with  fire  from  air; 
Although  in  our  denying 

Our  lives  are  little  worth. 
We  pledge  a  war  undying 

Till  justice  rules  on  earth. 

4  Our  Hero  still  is  living 

In  all  oppressed  lands. 
The  righteous  still  forgiving 

Who  pierce  his  feet  and  hands; 
A  redwood  arch  is  growing 

Above  his  final  strife. 
From  out  his  thirst  are  flowing 

The  waters  of  our  life. 

2.  'Si^^^OidUcH^i^^Uc'^c^t 

An   Act    of  Disaffiliation 

Suitable    for   Ash    Wednesday ^    March    16,    August    6, 
and   other    times    of  penitence . 

I.  The  Preparation 

Spokesman   for  people:      Friends,  in  the  knowledge 
that  demonic  forces  have  infiltrated  the  institu- 
tions of  our  society,  we  have  gathered  here  to 
disaffiliate  ourselves  from  the  powers  of  darkness 
and  to  enlist  in  the  army  of  life. 

Minister :      Already  to  the  visionary  eye,  ragweed 
is  growing  in  the  streets  of  the  great  city  Baby- 
lon and  poison  oak  in  its  plazas;  the  vulture 
nests  in  its  towers,  the  hyena  growls  from  its 
alleys.   At  this  time  therefore  we  ask  for  the 
mountain  air  of  the  spirit  to  blow  through  our 
persons  and  our  surroundings,  so  that  we  may  have 
strength  to  say  what  must  be  said  and  do  what  must 
be  done.   Let  us  hear  the  words  of  the  Power  of 
history  on  the  great  city  Babylon. 


Reader:      Babylon  the  great  is  fallen,  is  fallen, 
that  great  city,  because  she  made  all  nations 
drink  of  the  wine  of  the  wrath  of  her  fornication. 

And  1  stood  on  the  sand  of  the  sea,  and  saw  a 
beast  rise  up  out  of  the  sea,  whose  feet  are  like 
the  feet  of  bears,  and  whose  face  is  the  face  of  a 
pig.   And  all  the  world  wondered  at  the  World  Pig, 
saying,  "Who  is  like  this  great  beast?   Who  is 
able  to  make  war  against  him?"   And  there  was 
given  unto  it  a  mouth  speaking  great  things  and 
blasphemies.   And  authority  was  given  it  over  all 
tribes  and  peoples  and  tongues  and  nations.   And 
all  that  dwell  upon  the  earth  shall  worship  it, 
whose  names  are  not  written  in  the  book  of  life  of 
the  Lamb  slain  before  the  foundation  of  the  world. 
And  it  causes  all,  both  small  and  great,  rich  and 
poor,  free  and  slave,  to  receive  a  mark  in  their 
right  hand,  or  in  their  forehead,  so  that  no  man 
may  buy  or  sell,  or  travel  to  and  fro,  or  walk 
freely  in  the  streets  of  the  city,  unless  he  has 
by  his  hand  the  mark  of  the  beast  and  the  number 
of  his  name. 

158    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

After  this  I  beheld,  and  lo,  an  angel  flying  in 
the  midst  of  the  sky,  having  an  everlasting  gospel 
to  preach  to  all  those  who  live  on  the  earth,  say- 
ing:  "Fear  God,  and  give  glory  to  him,  for  the 
hour  of  his  judgement  is  come;  and  worship  the  one 
who  made  earth  and  sea  and  the  fountains  of  wa- 
ters.  And  if  any  man  has  worshipped  the  beast  and 
his  image,  or  received  his  mark  in  his  forehead  or 
in  his  hand,  let  him  repent  himself,  and  take  off 
from  himself  the  number  of  the  beast,  and  return 
it  to  the  one  that  gave  it." 

Babylon  the  great  is  fallen,  is  fallen,  and  is 
become  the  habitation  of  demons,  and  the  hold  of 
every  foul  spirit,  and  the  cage  of  every  unclean 
and  hateful  bird. 

Psalm  9^ 

0  Eternal  God  of  vengeance, 

0  God  of  vengeance,  send  your  lightning. 
Stand  up,  you  Judge  of  the  earth; 

Pay  the  exploiters  their  salary. 
How  long,  0  God,  will  the  oppressors. 

How  long  will  they  pat  their  own  backs? 
They  pour  out  their  lying  words. 

The  criminals  praise  their  own  motives. 
They  smash  your  people,  0  God, 

They  oppress  the  folk  of  your  covenant. 
Widows  and  minorities  they  shoot  down; 

They  murder  the  orphan  children. 
And  they  say,  "History  will  never  notice; 

The  God  of  Jacob  is  oblivious." 
Think  it  over,  you  dullest  of  people; 

When  will  you  fools  understand? 
Is  the  Maker  of  the  ear  hard  of  hearing? 

Will  the  planter  of  the  eye  fail  to  see 
That  Power  will  not  abandon  his  people; 

He  never  deserts  his  covenant. 
For  justice  is  done  to  the  struggling. 

But  a  pit  is  dug  for  the  wicked. 
Who  stands  up  for  me  against  the  wicked? 

Who  takes  my  side  against  the  violent? 
If  God  had  not  been  my  comrade. 

My  life  would  have  slept  soon  in  darkness. 
Does  God  favor  the  rostrum  of  evil 

Which  legislates  murder  by  statute? 
They  conspire  against  just  men  together; 

They  pour  out  the  blood  of  the  innocent. 
But  the  Power  of  history  is  my  fortress. 

My  God  is  a  rock  of  refuge. 

Burn   Out    the   Mark    of    the    Beast  159 

He  will  turn  their  injustice  against  them 
And  wipe  them  out  in  their  crimes. 

Minister :      Hear  also  the  words  of  the  Liberator, 
what  things  must  happen  to  us  as  to  him,  and  what 
we  must  say. 

Reader:      If  a  person  recognizes  me  before  men,  the 
Son  of  Man  will  recognize  him  in  the  presence  of 
the  angels.   If  a  person  denies  me  before  men,  he 
is  denied  in  the  presence  of  the  angels.   Whoever 
speaks  a  word  against  the  Son  of  Man  is  forgiven; 
but  whoever  blasphemes  against  the  holy  Spirit  is 
not  forgiven.   And  when  they  turn  you  over  to  mock 
trials,  or  arraign  you  before  judges  and  magis- 
trates, do  not  worry  how  to  defend  yourself,  or  be 
anxious  how  you  will  speak,  for  the  Spirit  will 
teach  you  what  to  say  in  that  hour.  [Luke    12:8-12] 

Minister :      0  Spirit  of  that  God  who  ever  lives, 
you  have  called  us  to  speak  out  his  will  by  slogan 
and  action  like  the  prophets  before  us;  take  away 
our  hostility,  and  remove  all  defects  of  sight  and 
hearing  in  those  who  confront  us,  so  that  if  pos- 
sible we  may  be  unharmed  and  your  message  may  be 
received;  through  the  Prophet  of  Nazareth  who 
organized  the  first  demonstration  in  God's  Temple. 
Amen  ;  so  may  it  be . 

II.  Litany 

Shall  I  wear  the  beast's  mark  in  my  forehead?   You 
cannot  serve  two  masters. 

Shall  I  cut  down  the  redwood  forest?   You  cannot 
serve  two  masters.  And  so   on. 

Shall  I  take  the  gun  in  my  hand? 

Shall  I  drop  down  fire  from  the  sky? 

Shall  I  advertise  false  products? 

Shall  I  follow  the  course  of  the  stars? 

Shall  I  wait  for  another  to  lead  me? 

Shall  I  drug  my  eyes  into  blindness? 

Shall  I  stop  my  ears  to  the  poor  man's  cry? 

Shall  I  become  chaplain  to  the  violent? 

Shall  I  return  to  the  bed  of  forgetf ulness?   You 
cannot  serve  two  masters. 

Shall  I  follow  the  way  of  the  majority?   You  can- 
not serve  two  masters. 

What  way  is  then  left  to  walk  in?   Burn  out  the 

mark  of  the  beast. 
Let  another  begin  the  action.   Burn  out  the  mark 

of  the  beast.  And   so   on. 
I  have  no  talent  for  leadership. 
What  is  the  cry  of  nature? 

160     Guerrilla  Liturgies 

What  is  the  demand  of  the  Power  of  History? 
My  brothers,  what  do  you  plan  to  do? 
How  shall  we  get  the  beast  off  our  back? 
What  shall  we  tell  our  brothers  and  sisters?   Burn 
out  the  mark  of  the  beast. 

III.  The  Making  and  Use  of  Ashes 

Minister : 

For  three  transgressions  of  Babylon  and  for 
1  will  not  turn  away  the  punishment; 
Because  they  brought  fire  from  heaven  on 
women  with  child 
And  sowed  iron  on  their  villages, 
1  shall  turn  the  children  of  Babylon  against 
her , 
And  burn  up  her  quarters  with  fire. 

Because  she  cut  down  the  trees  of  her 
And  spread  poison  upon  his  fields, 
1  send  a  spirit  of  madness  upon  her 

To  cut  down  her  forests  with  her  own  hand. 
To  cast  a  seed  of  fire  on  her  cornfields. 
To  fill  her  air  with  the  smoke  of  her 
And  her  waters  with  the  refuse  of  her 
streets . 

Because  Babylon  has  raised  a  levy  of  her 
To  enlarge  her  borders  in  a  distant  land. 
Behold  1  raise  up  her  subjects  in  her 
streets , 
And  her  young  men  shall  resist  her  to  her 
face . 
The  lion  has  roared,  who  can  but  fear? 

The  Power  of  History  has  spoken,  who  can 
but  prophesy? 


First  straight  man:  We  found  this  man  overthrow- 
ing our  nation,  and  forbidding  us  to  pay  taxes  to 
Nixon.  [Luke    23:2] 

Second   straight   man:      We  have  heard  these  men 
speak  disrespectfully  of  motherhood  and  God. 

[Acts    6:11] 

First  straight  man:  These  men  are  disturbing  our 
city;  they  advocate  customs  which  it  is  illegal 

Burn    Out    the   Mark    of    the    Beast  161 

for  us  Americans  to  practice.       [Aots    16:20-21] 

Second   straight    man:      They  are  persuading  men  to 
worship  God  contrary  to  the  law.       [Acts    18:13] 

First    straight   man:      Come  and  help  us  I   These  are 
the  men  who  are  teaching  against  the  Law;  they 
have  brought  unclean  persons  Into  the  temple,  they 
have  desecrated  a  holy  place.  [Aots    21:28] 

Second   straight   man:      These  men  who  turn  the  world 
upside  down  have  come  here  also;  they  are  all  de- 
fying the  orders  of  Nixon,  saying  there  Is  another 
President,  Jesus.  [Acts    17:6-7] 

First    straight    man:      The  men  whom  you  put  In  pris- 
on are  standing  In  the  temple  and  teaching  the 
people.  [Acts    5:25] 

Reader:      Then  the  sergeant  with  his  men  went  and 
brought  them,  but  without  brutality,  for  they  were 
afraid  of  being  stoned  by  the  people.   And  when 
they  had  brought  them,  they  set  them  in  the  court- 
room.  And  the  magistrate  interrogated  them,  say- 
ing:  "We  issued  a  strict  injunction  that  you 
should  not  teach  in  the  name  of  Jesus,  and  here 
you  have  filled  the  city  with  this  teaching."   And 
Peter  and  the  Apostles  answered: 

All:      We  must  obey  God  rather  than  men. 

[Acts    5:26-29] 

First   straight   man:      You  are  all  under  arrest. 
Who  is  your  leader? 

All:      We  have  no  leader  but  Jesus  our  Liberator. 

The  Disaffiliation 

Then   all    who    wish    to    disaffiliate    from   violence 
say    as    follows,    either   after    the    Minister   or   along 
with    him: 

If  my  hand  has  consented  to  murder. 

Let  my  hand  consent  no  longer. 
If  I  have  shut  my  eyes  to  the  poor. 

Today  I  take  up  their  cause. 
If  I  exploited  my  brother. 

Today  I  ask  his  forgiveness. 
If  I  harmed  the  living  planet. 

Today  I  do  reparation. 
If  I  walled  myself  off  with  religion. 

Today  I  jump  over  the  wall. 
If  I  invented  private  ecstasy, 

I  accept  communal  suffering. 

162    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

If  ever  I  bore  the  mark  of  the  beast, 
I  will  bear  its  mark  no  longer. 

If  ever  I  carried  its  number, 

I  will  carry  its  number  no  longer. 

So  help  me  God  and  his  holy  words. 

In  the  hearing  of  these  my  brothers. 

Minister :      Brothers  and  sisters,  a  narrow  door  is 
set  before  us,  which,  we  are  told,  not  everyone 
will  enter.   We  know  that  this  universe  had  its 
beginning  in  fire,  and  we  believe  that  to  fire  it 
will  return.   There  are  many  things  we  cannot 
choose;  but  each  of  us  has  a  choice  v/hether  that 
fire  will  be  to  him  the  burning  love  of  his  broth- 
ers, or  the  cancer  of  self-reproach.   As  the  whole 
world  is  watching,  in  self-respect  we  have  willed 
to  burn  those  instruments  which  once  affiliated  us 
with  an  oppressive  system.   Today  we  affirm  that 
some  property  has  no  right  to  exist .   We  propose 
this  day  to  light  in  America  such  a  candle  as  will 
never  be  put  out . 

Then   as    each   person    burns    the    instruments    of  af- 
filiation   he    repeats : 

We  must  obey  God  rather  than  men. 


Reader:      Hear  an  Epistle  on  holy  disobedience  from 
our  brother  Daniel  Berrigan. 

Our  apologies,  good  friends,  for  the  fracture  of 
good  order,  the  burning  of  paper  instead  of  child- 
ren, the  angering  of  the  orderlies  in  the  front 
parlor  of  the  charnel  house.   We  could  not,  so 
help  us  God,  do  otherwise.   For  we  are  sick  at 
heart,  our  hearts  give  us  no  rest  for  thinking  of 
the  Land  of  Burning  Children.   And  for  thinking  of 
that  other  Child,  of  whom  the  poet  Luke  speaks. 
The  infant  was  taken  up  in  the  arms  of  an  old  man, 
whose  tongue  grew  resonant  and  vatic  at  the  touch 
of  that  beauty.   And  the  old  man  spoke;  this  child 
is  set  for  the  fall  and  rise  of  many  in  Israel,  a 
sign  that  is  spoken  against. 

Small  consolation;  a  child  born  to  make  trouble, 
and  to  die  for  it,  the  first  Jew  (not  the  last)  to 
be  subject  of  a  "definitive  solution."   He  sets  up 
the  cross  and  dies  on  it;  in  the  Rose  Garden  of 
the  executive  mansion,  on  the  D.C.  Mall,  in  the 
courtyard  of  the  Pentagon.   We  see  the  sign,  we 
read  the  direction;  you  must  bear  with  us,  for  His 

Burn    Out    the   Mark    of   the    Beast  163 

sake.   Or  if  you  will  not,  the  consequences  are 
our  own. . . 

[For]  we  are  no  more,  when  the  truth  is  told,  than 
ignorant  beset  men,  jockeying  against  all  chance, 
at  the  hour  of  death,  for  a  place  at  the  right 
hand  of  the  dying  One... 

We  stretch  out  our  hands  to  our  brothers  through- 
out the  world.   We  who  are  priests,  to  our  fellow 
priests.   All  of  us  who  act  against  the  law,  turn 
to  the  poor  of  the  world,  to  the  Vietnamese,  to 
the  victims,  to  the  soldiers  who  kill  and  die;  for 
no  reason  at  all,  because  they  were  so  ordered — by 
the  authorities  of  that  public  order  which  is  in 
effect  a  massive  institutionalized  disorder. 

We  say  killing  is  disorder;  life  and  gentleness 
and  community  and  unselfishness  is  the  only  order 
we  recognize.   For  the  sake  of  that  order,  we  risk 
our  liberty,  our  good  name.   The  time  is  past  when 
good  men  can  remain  silent,  when  obedience  can 
segregate  men  from  public  risk,  when  the  poor  can 
die  without  defense. 

We  ask  our  fellow  Christians  to  consider  in  their 
hearts  a  question  that  has  tortured  us,  night  and 
day,  since  the  war  began.   How  many  must  die  be- 
fore our  voices  are  heard,  how  many  must  be  tor- 
tured, dislocated,  starved,  maddened?   How  long 
must  the  world's  resources  be  raped  in  the  service 
of  legalized  murder?   When,  at  what  point,  will 
you  say  no  to  this  war? 

We  have  chosen  to  say,  with  the  gift  of  our  lib- 
erty, if  necessary  of  our  lives,  the  violence 
stops  here,  the  death  stops  here,  the  suppression 
of  the  truth  stops  here,  the  war  stops  here.  .  .  . 

Redeem  the  times  I   The  times  are  inexpressibly 
evil.   Christians  pay  conscious — indeed  religious 
— tribute  to  Caesar  and  Mars ;  by  approval  of  over- 
kill tactics,  by  brinkmanship,  by  nuclear  litur- 
gies, by  racism,  by  support  of  genocide.   They  em- 
brace their  society  with  all  their  heart,  and 
abandon  the  cross.   They  pay  lip  service  to  Christ 
and  military  service  to  the  powers  of  death. 

And  yet,  and  yet,  the  times  are  inexhaustibly 
good,  solaced  by  the  courage  and  hope  of  many. 
The  truth  rules,  Christ  is  not  forsaken.   In  a 
time  of  death,  some  men — the  resisters,  those  who 
work  hardily  for  social  change,  those  who  preach 
and  embrace  the  unpalatable  truth — such  men 

164    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

overcome  death,  their  lives  are  bathed  in  the 
light  of  the  resurrection,  the  truth  has  set  them 
free.   In  the  jaws  of  death,  of  contumely,  of  good 
and  ill  report,  they  proclaim  their  love  of  the 

We  think  of  such  men,  in  the  world,  in  our  nation, 
in  the  churches;  and  the  stone  in  our  breast  is 
dissolved;  we  take  heart  once  more. 

Here  ends  the  Epistle. 

Putting  on  Ashes 

Minister :      Brothers  and  sisters,  we  know  that  the 
ultimate  instrument  of  police  brutality,  scandal 
to  the  Jews  and  folly  to  the  Greeks,  has  been 
transformed  by  the  resistance  of  the  Liberator 
into  the  means  of  our  life  and  peace.   And  there- 
fore, 0  Jesus,  in  solidarity  with  your  nonvio- 
lence, we  have  cut  out  the  mark  of  the  beast  from 
our  forehead  and  burned  his  number  to  ashes.   In 
their  place,  with  penitence  and  hope,  we  accept 
the  mark  of  the  cross. 

The    the    Minister   marks    the    ash    from    the    burned 
papers    on    the    foreheads    of  all   who   wish    itj 
saying : 

Render  unto  Nixon  that  which  is  Nixon's  and  unto 
God  that  which  is  God's. 

Minister :      Friends,  as  the  Power  of  History  called 
Abraham  from  his  native  city  and  led  him  a  long 
journey  through  the  world,  we  likewise  are  pil- 
grims and  travelers  here,  with  no  permanent  city. 
When  the  Son  of  Man  comes,  will  faith  be  found  on 
earth?   We  then  take  out  naturalization  papers  in 
that  land  where  out  true  citizenship  lies.   For 
sky  and  earth  witness  this  day,  that  there  have 
been  set  before  us  good  and  evil,  blessing  and 
curse,  life  and  death.   Which  will  you  choose? 

People:      We  choose  life,  that  we  and  our  children 
may  live. 

Minister:      By  that  covenant  of  peace  let  us  enlist 
in  the  army  of  the  Liberator  and  hear  the  Apos- 
tle's charge  to  his  new  recruits. 

Reader:      Be  strong  in  the  Liberator  and  in  his 
power.   Be  dressed  in  God's  complete  set  of  armor, 
so  that  you  can  stand  against  the  schemes  of  the 
World  Beast.   For  our  struggle  is  not  against 
flesh  and  blood,  but  against  demonic  authorities. 

Burn    Out    the  Mark   of   the    Beast  165 

against  the  world-rulers  of  our  Dark  Age,  against 
evil  spiritual  powers  in  high  places.   So  take  up 
the  panoply  of  God,  in  order  that  you  can  offer 
resistance  in  the  evil  day,  and  stand  with  your 
work  complete.   Stand  with  the  belt  of  truth 
around  your  waist,  wear  the  breastplate  of  jus- 
tice, and  put  on  the  boots  of  those  who  announce 
the  good  news  of  peace.   Over  all  lift  up  the 
shield  of  confidence,  by  which  you  can  extinguish 
the  scorching  missiles  of  evil.   And  take  up  the 
helmet  of  liberation  and  the  weapon  of  the  Spirit, 
that  is,  the  word  of  God.        [Ephesians    6:10-17] 

1> .  ^ccoiM^fy^lvyM^^o^:  lie  (\^z^  ol  tic.  litcu^io^ 

A    form    of  words    to   aaaompany    some    action   at   a    place 
which   does    not   expect   it.      Especially    suitable   for 
Palm    Sunday 3    Advent^    Reformation   Sunday ^    and   Pente- 

I .  At  the  Staging  Area 
Psalm  2 

Why  are  the  nations  In  conspiracy? 

Why  do  presidents  make  empty  plans? 
The  rulers  have  consulted  together 

Against  the  Power  of  history  and  the 
Liberator : 
"Let  us  break  all  their  constraints; 

Let  us  throw  all  their  laws  from  us." 
He  who  sits  on  the  sky  laughs  them  to  scorn. 

The  Ruler  of  nature  mocks  at  them. 
Then  he  speaks  to  them  in  his  anger. 

He  routs  them  with  his  indignation: 
"Today  I  have  set  my  King 

Upon  Zion  the  hill  of  my  holiness; 
I  said  to  him,  'You  are  my  Son, 

Today  I  have  begotten  you; 
I  have  made  all  peoples  your  inheritance. 

The  ends  of  the  earth  your  possession; 
Rule  their  kings  with  a  rod  of  steel, 

Smash  them  like  broken  china.'" 
Now  then  you  rulers  understand  this. 

Be  warned,  all  judges  of  the  earth; 
Serve  the  Power  of  history  in  fear. 

Bow  down  before  him  with  trembling; 
If  he  is  angry,  your  way  is  destroyed; 

And  his  anger  is  quickly  aroused. 

Reader:      Recognize  what  time  it  is:   it  is  the 
hour  for  us  to  be  waked  out  of  sleep.   For  now  our 
liberation  is  closer  than  when  first  we  trusted. 
Night  is  far  advanced,  day  is  breaking.   So  we 
should  throw  off  the  works  of  darkness  and  get 
dressed  in  the  armor  of  light.   Since  it  is  day, 
walk  properly,  not  in  folly  and  self-deception, 
not  in  anger  and  competition;  get  dressed  in  Jesus 
the  Liberator,  and  pay  no  attention  to  the  demands 
of  the  present  Age.  [Romans    13:11-14] 

Decontamination  167 


Minister :      We  interrupt  this  ser^vlce  to  bring  you 
a  special  announcement.   Brothers  and  sisters,  we 
are  told  that  the  ruler  and  servant  of  this  planet 
comes  at  an  unspecified  time,  on  his  schedule,  not 
ours.   Not  at  a  Presidential  election  but  perhaps 
at  a  sentencing;  not  at  a  military  victory  but 
perhaps  at  a  defeat;  not  announced  in  the  media 
but  perhaps  in  the  ghetto.   His  budget  is  not  as 
our  budgets;  his  leadership  is  with  the  masses. 
Our  calendars  cannot  compute  his  Advent;  he  has 
his  own  time-zones,  he  is  his  own  air  controller. 

Friends,  be  sober,  be  watchful,  be  vigilant;  re- 
double your  efforts;  serve  the  Lord,  serve  the 
people.   Any  day  we  may  see  on  our  streets  the 
political  exile  from  every  land,  the  universal 
people's  organizer.   Daylight  saving  may  be  an- 
nounced at  any  moment,  be  prepared  to  reset  your 
watches.   Elections  may  be  cancelled;  the  Times 
may  suspend  publication  indefinitely;  the  six 
o'clock  news  is  in  doubt.   Sit  loose  to  your 
calendars:   at  any  time  darkness  may  be  turned  to 
day;  any  week  may  be  all  Sundays;  any  February  may 
get  a  thirtieth  people's  day. 

And  some  year  the  war  will  be  over,  won  not  by 
bombs  but  by  bicycles,  not  by  metal  but  by  people, 
not  by  top-level  negotiations  but  by  the  smuggled 
messages  of  political  prisoners.   We  cannot  say 
that  this  is  the  Year  of  our  Liberator  Nlneteen- 
Hundred-and-Something.   For  he  is  not  dead  but 
living;  he  came  long  ago  and  he  comes  today.   His 
word  has  gone  out  to  all  lands;  for  the  first  time 
in  world  history  it  is  God's  right  time  for  God's 
folk  to  triumph  over  Leviathan;  World  People  car- 
ries off  the  victory  over  World  Piggery.   The 
clocks  are  ticking  faster,  fallout  is  falling,  the 
great  sea  is  sick,  poison  is  building  up  to  a 
critical  level;  but  a  new  child  is  about  to  be 
born.   Be  alert,  be  analytical;  it  will  be  told  in 
the  streets  when  the  war  is  over. 

Brothers  and  sisters,  when  God's  acceptable  year 
Is  at  hand,  time  no  longer  will  be  measured  by  the 
past,  but  by  the  future.   The  Second  Millennium 
may  not  wait  for  the  year  Two  Thousand.   Tear  up 
the  perpetual  calendars.   Friends,  before  the  mid- 
dle-aged in  this  audience  grow  old,  before  the 
young  people  are  draft-eligible,  before  new  apple 
trees  bear  fruit,  the  World  Tree  will  bear  the 
fruit  that  all  men  and  women  have  been  reaching 

168    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

out  for.   Tear  up  the  calendars.   Many  difficul- 
ties lie  ahead  but  the  Second  Coming  is  at  hand. 
History  is  sailing  into  a  new  Pacific  Ocean; 
looming  up  we  see  the  outlines  of  the  Fortunate 
Islands.   Shortly  a  prophet  of  the  New  Age  will 

The  Rainy  Day  of  the  Chil' 

Can    be    sung    to    St.  James  Infirmary  and   other 
tunes . 

That  country  don't  come  with  watchin'. 

It  spreads  around  you  plain; 
The  days  are  comin'  you'll  look  for 

One  day  of  this  chil'  in  vain. 

When  they  cry,  "See  it  out  on  the  prairie," 

You  better  not  to  roam; 
When  they  whisper  "There  in  the  back  room," 

You  better  keep  to  home. 

As  it  lightnin's  from  mountain  to  prairie 

Will  be  the  day  of  this  chil' 
But  beforehand  you'll  see  these  people 

Harass  him  for  a  while. 

Like  it  was  in  the  days  of  old  Noah 

Will  be  this  chil's  day; 
For  they  was  eatin'  and  drinkin' 

Marryin'  and  givin'  away. 

Till  the  day  he  went  up  the  gangplank 

And  the  rain  dropped  quietly; 
Like  it  was  in  the  days  of  Sodom 

The  day  of  this  chil'  will  be. 

For  they  was  buyin'  and  sellin' 
Plantin'  corn  and  raisin'  wall. 

Till  the  day  Lot  come  out  from  Sodom 
And  the  cin'ers  commenced  to  fall. 

In  that  day  a  man  on  the  rooftop 

Had  best  not  get  his  pack. 
Or  a  man  in  the  field  run  home  for 

A  shirt  to  clothe  his  back. 

If  you  spare  your  life  you  lose  it. 
And  the  loser  his  life  will  spare; 

Two  men  are  plowin'  together. 

They  take  one  and  leave  one  there. 

Two  women  at  the  oven  bakin'. 

They  take  one  and  leave  one  go. 

But  wherever  the  corpse  is  layin' 
Lights  down  the  carrion  crow. 

[Luke    17:20-37] 

Decontamination  169 


Reader:      And  it  came  to  pass,  when  he  drew  near  to 
Jericho,  a  blind  man,  the  son  of  Timaeus ,  sat  by 
the  road  begging.   And  when  he  heard  the  crowd  go- 
ing along  the  way  he  asked  what  this  might  be,  and 
they  answered  him,  saying: 

People:       Jesus  of  Nazareth  is  passing  by  1 

[Luke    18:35-37] 

Straight  man:      Show  us  a  sign!   Show  us  a  signl 
Show  us  a  signl 

Reader:      This  is  a  wicked  age;  it  asks  for  a 
sign,  and  no  sign  will  be  given  it  but  the  sign  of 
Jonah.   The  way  Jonah  was  a  sign  to  the  men  of 
Nineveh,  so  will  the  Son  of  Man  be  to  this  age. 
The  men  of  Nineveh  will  go  to  court  with  this  age 
and  condemn  it;  for  they  repented  at  the  teaching 
of  Jonah,  and  one  greater  than  Jonah  is  here. 

[Luke    11:29-32] 

Straight   man:      Blasphemy,  blasphemy,  blasphemy  I 
Who  but  God  alone  can  forgive  sins? 

Reader:      Which  is  easier,  to  say,  "Your  sins  are 
forgiven,"  or  to  say,  "Pick  up  your  bed  and  walk?" 

[Mark    2:7-9] 

Straight  man:      Why  does  he  not  wash  his  hands  be- 
fore dinner? 

Reader:      Why  do  you  wash  the  outside  of  the  cup, 
when  your  inside  is  full  of  exploitation  and 
wickedness?  [Luke    11:38-39] 

Straight   man:      Why  does  he  eat  with  street  girls 
and  dealers? 

Reader:      Sick  people  need  a  doctor,  not  well  peo- 
ple; he  did  not  come  to  call  righteous  but 
sinners.  [Mark    2:16-17] 

Straight  man:      He  is  stealing  grain  from  the 
fields;  and  doing  it  on  Sunday  I         [Mark    2:24] 

Reader:      Sunday  was  made  for  man,  not  man  for  Sun- 
day.  A  camel  can  go  through  a  needle's  eye  quick- 
er than  a  rich  man  into  the  zone  of  liberation. 
You  cannot  serve  God  and  Mammon. 

[Mark    2:27,  10:25;  Luke    16:13] 

Straight   man:      If  he  were  a  prophet,  he  would  know 
this  woman  for  a  sinner.  [Luke    7:39] 

Reader:      Her  sins  are  forgiven,  for  she  loved 

170    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

much;  he  who  loves  little  is  forgiven  little. 

[Luke    7:47] 

Straight   man:      Let  me  first  go  and  bury  my  father. 

Reader:      Let  the  dead  bury  their  own  dead. 

Straight   man:      Let  me  first  say  goodbye  to  my 

Reader:      No  one  who  puts  his  hand  to  the  plow  and 
looks  back  is  fit  for  the  Liberated  Zone. 

[Luke    9:59-62] 

Straight  man:      We  saw  a  man  casting  out  demons  in 
your  name,  but  he  does  not  follow  us,  so  we  for- 
bade him. 

Reader:      He  who  is  not  against  us  is  on  our  side. 

[Mark    9:38-40] 

Straight  man:      This  man  casts  out  demons  by  Beel- 
zebul  Lord  of  the  Mansion,  the  prince  of  demons. 

Reader : 

Any  country  is  made  desolate 

That  is  divided  against  itself; 
And  any  household  will  fall 

Divided  against  itself. 
If  Satan  is  set  against  himself. 

How  will  his  country  stand? 
And  if  it  is  by  Beelzebul 

That  I  drive  out  the  demons. 
Who  do  your  sons  drive  them  out  by? 

So  they  can  be  your  judges. 
But  if  I  by  the  finger  of  God  drive  them  out. 

Then  Liberation  is  upon  you. 
When  a  strong  man  armed  keeps  his  house. 

His  property  is  in  safety. 
But  when  one  stronger  comes  to  his  house. 

Binding  the  strong  one  hand  and  foot. 
He  takes  the  panoply  that  he  trusted 

And  distributes  the  spoil. 
When  an  unclean  spirit  leaves  a  man. 

He  goes  to  the  desert  searching  a  home; 
And  when  he  finds  no  home  there  he  says, 

"1  go  back  to  my  house  that  I  came  from." 
And  when  he  comes,  he  finds  it  vacant. 

Swept  clean  and  neatly  tidied. 
So  he  gets  seven  demons  worse  than  himself 

And  takes  them  with  him  to  live  there; 
And  the  last  condition  of  that  man 

Becomes  worse  than  his  first. 

[Luke    11:15-26] 

Decontamination  171 

Straight   man:      Are  you  he  that  is  coming,  or  do  we 
look  for  another? 

Reader : 

The  blind  receive  their  sight. 

Lame  men  are  walking; 
Cancers  fall  from  the  skin. 

The  deaf  get  back  their  hearing; 
Dead  men  are  raised  up. 

The  poor  hear  a  new  preaching; 
And  blessed  is  every  one 

Who  finds  in  me  no  stumbling. 

[Luke    7:20-23] 

Minister :  We  interrupt  this  service  again  for  an- 
other special  announcement.  We  have  just  received 
word  that  the  Liberated  Zone  has  been  set  up  at  N. 
Free  water-fountains,  free  bread,  wine  without 
price.  Entry  permits  now  being  issued,  no  formal- 
ities, no  delay.  First  preference  given  to  whores 
and  dealers . 

II .  The  Procession 

Reader : 

Dance  with  joy,  daughter  of  Zion; 

Sing  out,  daughter  of  Jerusalem. 
See  your  King  is  coming 

With  justice  and  liberation; 
Gentle  and  riding  on  a  donkey. 

On  a  colt  the  foal  of  a  donkey. 
He  cuts  off  the  chariot  from  Babylon 

The  cavalry  from  Sodom. 
The  tool  of  battle  is  lopped  off, 

He  demands  peace  of  the  nations. 
He  governs  from  sea  to  sea. 

From  the  River  to  the  ends  of  the  earth. 
And  see  0  daughter  of  Zion 

By  the  blood  of  his  Covenant  with  you 
He  frees  your  captives  from  the  prisons. 

From  the  deserts  where  no  water  is. 
Return,  you  hopeful  prisoners. 

To  your  hill-camps  beside  the  stream; 
He  restores  to  you  today 

Double  for  all  you  endured. 

[Zechariah    9:9-12] 

172    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

We  Hope  and  Trust  in  Jesus 

Tune:   "St.  Theodulph,"  Teschner  I615  {The    Hymnal 
1940   no.  62;  76.76.D.  ) 

Refrain : 

We    hope   and   trust   in   Jesus 

Our   Liberator   King; 
To    him    the   flower   children 

Their   gifts    and   incense    bring. 

1  The  Brother  of  humanity. 

He  is  the  Prince  of  Peace; 
In  God's  name  he  is  coming 

To  make  all  warfare  cease.  Refrain. 

2  He  rides  along  the  avenue 

Upon  the  donkey's  back; 
The  powers  of  darkness  stumble. 

And  Caesar's  stick  will  crack.  Refrain. 

3  The  children  of  the  Hebrews 

With  palms  before  him  went; 
The  hopes  of  the  exploited 

Before  him  we  present.  Refrain. 

4  We  burn  the  monster's  number. 

His  mark  is  off  our  brow; 
The  day  of  liberation 

Is  celebrated  now.  Refrain. 

5  We  melt  the  guns  to  plowshares 

We  sink  the  bombs  off  shore; 
The  nations  fight  no  longer 

And  study  war  no  more.  Refrain. 

6  But  lovers  sit  together 

Beneath  their  fig  and  vine. 
On  whom  the  Sun  of  Justice 

With  peace  and  love  will  shine.  Refrain. 

7  In  all  his  holy  mountain 

They  shall  not  harm  again; 
The  babies  play  in  safety 

Upon  the  rattler's  den.  Refrain. 

8  Beside  the  mountain  lion 

The  sheep  may  safely  graze; 
The  paradise  of  Eden 

Is  planted  in  our  days.  Refrain. 

9  The  logger's  axe  no  longer 

Shall  cut  the  living  tree; 
Our  cedar  and  our  redwood 

Stand  green  above  the  sea.  Refrain. 

Decontamination  173 


Reader:      And  when  they  came  near  Jerusalem,  by 
Bethany  at  the  hill  of  olivetrees,  he  commissioned 
two  of  his  companions:   "Go  to  the  village  over 
there.   When  you  enter  it  you  will  find  a  donkey 
that  no  man  has  yet  sat  on;  untie  it  and  bring  it. 
If  anybody  asks  you  what  you  are  doing,  tell  them 
its  owner  needs  it,  and  they  will  let  you  have  it 
immediately."   So  they  went  and  found  the  donkey 
tied  outside  the  door  to  a  grapevine,  and  they  un- 
tied it.   And  some  people  standing  there  asked 
them  what  they  were  doing,  untying  the  donkey. 
And  they  answered  as  Jesus  told  them,  and  they  let 
them  go.   And  they  brought  the  donkey  to  Jesus; 
they  threw  their  cloaks  on  it,  and  he  sat  on  it. 
And  many  people  took  off  their  cloaks  and  threw 
them  on  the  street;  and  others  cut  palm  branches 
from  the  fields  and  threw  them  on  the  street.   And 
the  crowd  that  went  in  front  of  him  and  behind  him 
cried  out,  saying:  [Mark    11:1-10] 


Leader    and   FeoipZe: 

Who  is  this  riding  among  us? 

Jesus  the  Prophet  of  Nazareth. 
Blessed  is  he  who  comes  in  the  name  of  God. 
Hosanna,  may  his  Way  be  victorious. 

Who  is  this  riding  the  animal  of  peace? 

Jesus  the  Prophet  of  Nazareth. 
Blessed  be  the  coming  Kingdom  of  David. 

Hosanna,  may  his  Way  be  victorious. 

Who  is  the  Liberator  of  Israel? 

Jesus  the  Prophet  of  Nazareth. 
Blessed  be  the  Liberated  Zone  he  brings. 

Hosanna,  may  his  Way  be  victorious. 

Who  is  this  carrying  the  palm  of  peace? 

Jesus  the  Prophet  of  Nazareth. 
Blessed  be  our  leader  the  Prince  of  peace. 

Hosanna,  may  his  Way  be  victorious. 

Who  is  this  that  destroys  the  weapons  of  war? 

Jesus  the  Prophet  of  Nazareth. 

Blessed  is  he  who  comes  in  the  name  of  God. 
Hosanna,  may  his  Way  be  victorious. 

Who  is  this  that  frees  the  oppressed  from 

Jesus  the  Prophet  of  Nazareth. 
Blessed  is  he  that  releases  all  captives. 

Hosanna,  may  his  Way  be  victorious. 

17^    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

Who  is  this  that  restores  the  Paradise  of 

Jesus  the  Prophet  of  Nazareth. 
Blessed  is  the  Maker  of  all  the  worlds. 

Hosanna,  may  his  Way  be  victorious.  And 

so    on    ad    lib. 

Ill .  At  THE  Destination 

Reader    {in   vox  clerica) :   Here  beginneth  the  Les- 
son.  So  the  supervisors  and  foremen  of  the  people 
went  out  and  said  to  the  people,  "Thus  says  Phar- 
aoh, I  will  give  you  no  straw.   Go  out,  get  your- 
selves straw  wherever  you  can  find  it;  but  your 
quota  will  not  be  decreased."   So  the  people  were 
spread  out  all  over  Egypt  to  get  stubble  for 
straw.   And  the  supervisors  bore  down  on  them, 
saying,  "Finish  your  daily  quota  as  you  did  when 
you  had  straw."   And  the  foremen  of  the  children 
of  Israel,  who  had  been  appointed  by  Pharaoh's 
supervisors,  were  beaten  and  interrogated:   "Why 
have  you  not  finished  your  quota  of  bricks  today, 
as  you  did  yesterday?"   Here  endeth  the  Lesson. 

[Exodus    5:10-14] 


If  possible 3    sung    to   Anglican    chant. 

Blessed  art  thou,  0  Lord,  /  our  Property; 

Praised  and  exalted  above  /  all  persons  '  for 
Blessed  art  thou  for  the  Name  /  of  our  Rights; 
Praised  and  exalted  above  /  all  persons  *  for 
Blessed  art  thou  in  the  /  temple  of  '  consumption; 
Praised  and  exalted  above  /all  persons  '  for 
Blessed  art  thou  that  beholdest  the  land  values, 

and  dwellest  be/tween  the  brokers; 
Praised  and  exalted  above  /  all  persons  *  for- 
ever . 
Blessed  art  thou  in  the  firmament  /  of  the  market; 
Praised  and  exalted  above  /  all  persons  '  for- 

Decontamination  175 

Conversation  in  Darkness 

Minister :      In  the  beginning  the  Energy  of  creation 
made  heaven  and  earth  and  all  that  Is  In  them;  and 
he  looked  at  all  he  had  made,  and  lo,  they  were 
very  good.   Today  he  looks  in  at  them  from  outside 
space  and  time,  and  lo,  they  are  very  bad.   For  a 
demon  of  stupidity  entered  the  heart  of  Adam,  that 
he  should  increase  and  multiply  and  destroy  beyond 
all  limits,  and  pull  down  the  roof  of  the  sky  on 
his  own  head.   Now  we  are  standing  on  land  occu- 
pied by  demonic  powers,  whose  names  are  Beelzebul 
and  Mammon.   And  the  sons  of  man  came  to  consult 
with  the  demons  that  live  here,  saying: 

Header:      Teach  us  to  saw  down  the  cedar  and  fir, 
and  tread  the  lilies  into  the  mud;  prepare  poisons 
for  us  to  kill  the  creeping  things  and  whatever 
feeds  on  them;  show  us  how  to  fill  the  air  with 
waste  products  of  asphalt,  the  birds  that  fly  in 
it,  the  earth  and  its  inhabitants,  the  waters  and 
all  who  live  in  them;  and  give  us  your  gold  and 
silver,  with  which  to  buy  the  burning  ash  of 
death,  that  we  may  cast  it  on  the  heads  of  our 
enemies . 

Minister :      And  the  lying  demons  said  to  them: 
"Here  are  the  poisons;  go  and  prosper,  only  make 
sure  they  touch  not  your  own  heads."   Again  a 
second  time  the  sons  of  man  came  and  said: 

Reader:      It  is  too  light  a  thing,  that  we  have 
learned  how  to  bend  the  earth  to  our  will  and 
yours.   Teach  us  also  to  subdue  the  inhabitants  of 
the  land;  help  us  bring  people  from  all  continents 
to  be  our  hewers  of  wood  and  drawers  of  water,  and 
wall  them  off  in  the  quarters  of  our  cities;  show 
us  how  to  destroy  the  woman  with  child  and  the 
young  men  in  all  places  we  wish  to  go;  give  us 
chains  to  bind  all  humanity  to  our  desires. 

Minister :      And  the  lying  demons  said:   "Here  are 
chains;  go  and  bind  them  on  all  people,  only  be 
sure  they  touch  not  your  own  legs  and  arms." 
Again  a  third  time  the  sons  of  men  came  and  said: 

Reader:      All  these  things  we  have  done,  and  more; 
and  now  our  own  sons  and  daughters  stand  up 
against  us.   Give  us  therefore  confused  images  to 
put  before  their  eyes,  empty  sounds  in  their  ears, 
and  false  books  in  their  schools,  so  that  they 
will  not  hear  the  words  of  the  poets  of  GOD,  and 
turn  and  overthrow  us  their  parents. 

176    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

Minister :      And  the  lying  demons  said:   "See,  here 
are  the  words  of  confusion;  go  and  turn  them 
loose,  only  be  careful  to  stop  up  your  ears,  so 
that  you  are  not  caught  in  your  falsehoods,  and 
ours . " 

But  the  demons  could  not  deliver  what  they  prom- 
ised, for  they  are  lying  demons,  and  weak.   For 
the  Word  of  the  Power  of  history  is  an  antidote  to 
every  poison,  a  two-edged  sword  to  cut  every 
chain,  a  light  eclipsing  every  falsehood.   ListenI 
At  the  heart  of  the  place  where  the  demons  stand, 
a  sound  of  struggle. 

Reader:      Come  out  of  the  man  you  rotten  spirit! 

Straight   man:      What  is  there  between  me  and  thee, 
Jesus  thou  Son  of  God  most  high?   In  the  name  of 
God  I  adjure  thee,  torment  me  not. 

Reader:      What  is  your  name? 

Straight   man:      American  Legion  is  my  name,  for  we 
are  many.   Send  us  not  out  of  the  country;  send  us 
into  the  swine  that  we  may  enter  into  them. 

Reader:      May  it  be  as  you  have  spoken. 

Minister :      And  the  rotten  spirits  came  out  and 
went  into  the  pigs,  and  the  whole  herd  rushed  over 
the  cliff  into  the  sea,  about  two  thousand  of 
them,  and  were  drowned  in  the  abyss.  [Mark    5:7-13] 

Psalm  80:8-16 

You  brought  a  vine  from  Egypt ; 

You  drove  out  the  foreigners  and  planted 
You  cleared  the  ground  for  it; 

It  struck  down  root  and  filled  the  land. 
The  mountains  were  covered  with  its  shadow. 

The  cedars  of  God  were  under  its  branches. 
It  spread  its  leaves  to  the  Sea, 

And  its  shoots  to  the  River. 
Why  then  did  you  break  down  its  wall? 

Each  passerby  rips  off  its  fruit. 
The  Pig  from  the  desert  grubs  it  up. 

Each  Beast  from  the  wilderness  feeds  on 
Look  down,  0  God,  from  the  heights 

On  the  vine  which  your  right  hand  has 
planted . 
They  have  burned  it  with  fire  and  smashed  it; 

May  they  fall  at  the  anger  of  your  face! 

Decontamination  177 


On  strike,  shut  it  down,  off  the  World  Pig:   On 
strike,  shut  it  down,  off  the  World  Pig. 

When  Pharaoh  raised  the  brick  quota,  Moses  and  his 
people  said:   On  strike,  shut  it  down,  off 
the  World  Pig.  And   so   on. 

When  Pharaoh  offered  concessions,  Moses  and  his 
people  said: 

When  they  ripped  up  women  with  child,  the  prophet 
Amos  said: 

When  kings  sold  the  poor  for  sliver,  the  prophet 
Amos  said: 

When  they  asked  the  priests  to  bless  them,  the 
prophet  Amos  said: 

When  Athens  shut  eyes  to  murder,  Socrates  stood  up 
and  said: 

When  they  busted  him  for  corrupting  youth,  the 
youth  stood  up  and  said: 

When  Jesus  disrupted  the  Temple,  all  his  followers 
said : 

When  he  broke  up  sacred  monopoly,  all  his  follow- 
ers said: 

When  they  handed  out  Incense  for  Caesar,  all  the 
Christians  said: 

When  the  Pope  put  the  keys  In  his  pocket,  Martin 
Luther  said: 

When  they  put  a  gun  In  his  hand,  George  Fox  stood 
up  and  said: 

When  they  told  him  to  stop  his  preaching,  Wesley 
stood  up  and  said: 

When  they  slapped  on  a  war  surtax,  Thoreau  sat 
down  and  said: 

When  the  British  licensed  sea-salt,  Mahatma  Gandhi 

When  Hitler  said  Bow  down  and  worship,  Franz 
Jaegerstaetter  said: 

When  Hitler  said  Don't  ask  questions,  Dietrich 
Bonhoeffer  said: 

When  the  Kremlin  bugged  the  typewriters,  Boris 
Pasternak  said: 

178    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

When  the  Kremlin  tanks  rolled  in,  Jan  Palach  sat 
down  and  said: 

When  the  helicopters  came  over,  Che  stood  up  and 
said : 

When  the  orange  toadstool  pushed  up,  Abraham  Muste 
said : 

When  the  church  said  Keep  your  mouth  shut,  Norman 
Morrison  said: 

When  they  exempted  clergy,  the  Berrigan  brothers 

When  the  Dow  recruiters  came  round,  the  D.C.  Nine 
all  said: 

When  a  white  man  gagged  a  black  man,  Dave  Dellin- 
ger  stood  up  and  said: 

When  they  break  the  farmworkers '  heads ,  we  stand 
up  and  say : 

When  they  build  the  detention  centers,  we  stand  up 
and  say: 

When  the  Blue  Meanies  come  on  the  Avenue,  we  stand 
up  and  say: 

When  they  turn  off  the  microphone,  we  stand  up  and 
say  : 

When  the  chainsaw  hits  the  redwoods,  we  stand  up 
and  say : 

When  the  captain  says  Babies  also,  we  stand  up  and 
say:   On  strike,  shut  it  down,  off  the  World 

When  murderers  speak  of  gradualism,  we  stand  up 
and  say:  On  strike,  shut  it  down,  off  the 
World  Pig. 


Minister :      So  a  fourth  and  last  time  the  sons  of 
men  came  to  the  demons  and  said: 

Reader:      You  have  given  us  poisons  to  cast  on  the 
earth,  and  chains  to  cast  on  the  limbs  of  men,  and 
lies  to  cast  in  the  ears  of  our  sons  and  daugh- 
ters.  But  intolerable  words  still  ring  in  our  own 
ears;  give  us,  we  pray,  some  device  by  which  we 
may  stop  our  ears  against  the  witness  of  the 
prophets  of  the  power  of  history. 

Minister :      And  the  lying  demons  said:   "Take  the 
words  given  to  those  prophets  by  that  Energy  whom 

Decontamination  179 

we  despise  and  acknowledge;  write  the  words  in  a 
book;  build  a  tower  to  reach  the  sky;  put  the  book 
in  the  tower,  and  set  a  priest  of  unclean  lips  to 
reading  it  for  a  people  of  unclean  lips.   Then  at 
last  you  will  have  rest  from  the  word  which  you 

And  the  people  did  as  the  lying  demons  commanded 
them:   they  wrote  the  book,  and  built  the  tower, 
and  put  the  book  in  the  tower;  and  set  a  priest  of 
unclean  lips  reading  it  to  a  people  of  unclean 
lips;  and  they  called  the  name  of  that  tower 
CHURCH.   And  in  every  age  it  came  to  pass  as  the 
demons  said.   Over  our  heads  rises  the  tombstone 
of  God,  we  stand  in  the  cemetery  administered  by 
the  prince  of  the  demons,  whose  name  is  RELIGION. 
But  in  every  age  it  came  to  pass  also  (for  the 
demons  are  lying  demons,  and  weak)  that  a  fountain 
of  living  waters  broke  through  the  rock  on  which 
the  tower  stood,  and  there  were  found  men  and  wo- 
men to  drink  the  water,  and  hear  the  word  spoken 
there  at  the  command  of  the  demons,  and  it  is  for 
them  a  fountain  of  youth. 

Worthy  is  the  Lamb  which  was  slaini   For  the  gates 
of  Hell  have  done  their  worst  against  his  people 
and  not  prevailed;  the  Lion  of  Judah  is  victorious 
over  Sin  and  Death.   In  true  recollection,  over- 
coming the  smog  of  amnesia,  we  declare  today  that 
the  place  of  confusion,  the  tower  of  Babel,  is  the 
place  of  the  breath  of  God.   As  the  cloven  tongues 
of  flame  descend  on  us,  the  demonic  powers  are 
dispersed  like  autumn  leaves.   Through  the  libera- 
tion brought  in  by  Jesus,  the  victim  who  refused 
complicity,  the  high  priest  who  rejected  exploita- 
tion, we  are  no  longer  either  victims  or  accom- 
plices, but  with  him  priests  to  the  Power  of  na- 
ture and  servants  to  humankind.   In  his  name  I  de- 
clare this  place  DECONTAMINATED  from  the  fallout 
of  religion  and  pride  and  fear,  and  RECONSECRATED 
to  hope  and  life  and  love.   The  demons  have  re- 
turned to  the  nothingness  from  where  they  came. 
EarthI   Waterl   Air'.   Firel   Witness  our  libera- 
tion!  Brothers  and  sisters:   Plant  seeds  in 
earthi   Wash  bloodstains  off  stone'.   Fill  air  with 
vibrating  tongues  of  love  I   Burn  instruments  of 
demonic  affiliation.'   Repeat  to  ends  of  earth  vic- 
tory slogans: 

Here   are    repeated   the    Affirmations   God  is  not  dead 
etc.    from   p.    123. 

180    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

Then    the    act    of    liberation    (posting    theses^    wash- 
ing  flags y    etc.)    is    carried   out ^    while    there    is 

Reader:      And  Jesus  went  into  the  Sanctuary,  and 
started  pushing  out  all  who  were  buying  and  sell- 
ing in  the  Sanctuary;  and  he  overturned  the  tables 
of  the  money-changers,  and  the  booths  of  those  who 
sold  doves;  and  he  demanded  that  nobody  carry  of- 
fering plates  through  the  Sanctuary.   And  he  edu- 
cated them,  saying:   "Does  it  not  stand  written: 
My  house  shall  be  called  a  house  of  prayer  for  all 
races?   But  you  have  made  it  a  cave  of  murderers." 
The  ministers  and  the  elders  heard  him,  and  tried 
to  find  a  way  to  destroy  him;  but  they  were  afraid 
of  him,  for  the  whole  people  was  carried  along 
with  his  teaching.  [Mark    11:15-18] 

tf .  T^e  ^M^civ^^  td  Pe^icc 

An   order    to   mark    out   a    sanctuary    for   refugees ^ 
either   symbolic    (Mary    and   Joseph,    war-victims )    or 
real    (political    resisters ) .       Especially    suitable 
for   Christmas    and   Epiphany . 

I .  At  the  Refugee  Center 

The    refugees    arrive    singing    liberation    songs: 

Psalm  W7:1-6 

It  is  a  good  thing  to  praise  our  God; 

A  celebration  song  is  proper. 
For  he  builds  up  Jerusalem, 

He  gathers  the  exploited  of  Israel; 
He  heals  all  broken  in  heart. 

And  bandages  their  wounds. 
He  prescribes  the  number  of  the  stars. 

He  calls  them  all  by  their  names; 
Great  is  our  God,  great  his  power; 

There  is  no  limit  to  his  wisdom. 
God  raises  up  the  oppressed. 

And  throws  criminals  to  the  ground. 

Psalm  126 

When  God  brought  back  the  refugees  to  Zion, 

We  were  like  those  who  dream; 
Our  mouth  was  filled  with  laughing. 

And  joy  was  on  our  tongue. 
Then  it  was  said  among  the  nations, 

God  has  done  a  great  thing  among  them. 
Restore  our  refugees,  0  Liberator, 

Like  the  rivers  in  the  desert. 
May  all  who  sow  their  seed  with  tears 

Gather  up  its  fruit  with  joy. 
Surely  whoever  goes  out  with  tears, 

Carrying  his  seed  in  his  garment. 
He  will  come  home  with  shouts  of  joy. 

Bringing  in  his  sheaves  with  him. 

The    refugees    ask    for   a    sanctuary    appropriate    to 
their    situation. 

Reader : 

See  my  servant,  I  hold  him  straight; 

I  am  pleased  with  the  man  of  my  choice. 
I  have  laid  the  spirit  of  my  breath  on  him; 

He  gives  justice  to  all  nations. 
He  does  not  shout  or  raise  his  voice. 

Or  make  it  heard  in  public  places; 

182    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

A  bruised  grassblade  he  will  not  break. 

Or  blow  out  the  feeble  flame. 
He  announces  justice  with  truth. 

He  does  not  give  up  or  lose  heart; 
Until  he  builds  community  on  earth. 

The  continents  wait  for  his  liberation. 

[Isaiah    42:1-4] 

Minister:      Brothers  and  sisters,  today  these 
things  are  fulfilled  in  your  ears.   The  World 
Architect  has  taken  justice  as  his  blueprint,  and 
is  laying  a  precious  cornerstone — the  pearl  of 
great  price,  whose  finder  buys  it  for  all  he  has. 
The  stone  rejected  by  the  builders,  the  rock  of 
stumbling  has  become  the  sanctuary  of  the  poor. 
Into  that  sanctuary  the  liberated  of  God  flow  in 
with  singing,  the  desert  is  covered  with  the  cam- 
els of  refugees,  bringing  their  precious  things. 
Friends,  the  sword  will  not  again  go  through  your 
land;  here  and  in  Sill  homes  of  God's  people  sanc- 
tuary is  to  be  found.   In  these  our  last  days,  God 
has  done  his  new  thing.   The  Liberator  has  ap- 
peared in  every  land,  under  many  incognitos,  but 
always  himself. 

The  Sun  and  the  Moon 

Buddha  is  the  Moon;  Christ  is  the  Sun. 

Buddha  is  the  Mother;  Christ  is  the  Father. 

Buddha  is  Pity;  Christ  is  Justice. 

Buddha  retires  to  the  mountain  to  keep  himself 
spotless  and  pure;  Christ  goes  forth  to  the  world 
to  fight  the  battles  of  faith. 

Buddha  weeps  for  the  sins  of  the  world;  Christ 
fights  to  redress  the  wrong. 

We  love  and  admire  Buddha,  but  we  worship  Christ: 
worship  him  not  with  rosaries  and  prayerbooks,  but 
with  heroic  deeds  he  claims  from  his  worshippers. 

God  made  two  great  lights;  the  greater  light  to 
rule  the  day,  and  the  lesser  light  to  rule  the 
night . 

We  love  the  Moon  and  we  love  the  night;  but  as  the 
night  is  far  spent  and  the  day  is  at  hand,  we  now 
love  the  Sun  more  than  we  love  the  Moon. 

And  we  know  that  the  love  of  the  Moon  is  included 
in  the  love  of  the  Sun,  and  that  he  who  loves  the 
Sun  loves  the  Moon  also.  [Kanzo   Uahimura] 

The    Sanctuary    of  Peaoe  183 


Reader:      Now  Judas  Maccabeus  and  his  men  liberated 
the  temple  and  the  city,  for  God  was  going  before 
them.   They  dismantled  the  altars  built  in  the 
business  district  by  foreigners,  and  tore  down 
their  chapels.   They  reconsecrated  the  sanctuary 
and  built  another  altar  of  sacrifice.   Then  they 
struck  fire  from  flints,  and  resumed  the  sacri- 
fices; they  burned  incense,  lighted  lamps,  and  set 
out  the  bread  of  life.   Then  they  prostrated  them- 
selves, and  prayed  God  that  they  should  never 
again  fall  into  such  complicity;  and  if  they  did 
do  wrong,  that  he  should  discipline  them  gently, 
and  not  hand  them  over  into  the  power  of  obscene 
and  uncivilized  races.   Now  it  happened  that  the 
reconsecration  of  the  sanctuary  took  place  on  the 
same  day  it  had  been  defiled.   They  celebrated  it 
for  eight  days  with  great  joy,  as  at  the  Feast  of 
Tabernacles,  remembering  how  not  long  before  they 
had  celebrated  the  feast  living  like  animals  in 
the  mountains  and  caves  out  of  their  guerrilla  en- 
campments.  They  held  up  the  thyrsus,  green 
branches  and  palm  fronds,  and  raised  loud  music  in 
honor  of  the  one  who  had  guided  them  to  reconse- 
crate his  sanctuary.  [2   Maccabees    10-1:7] 

Psalm  72 

God,  make  the  king  your  judge. 

And  set  your  justice  on  the  son  of  David; 
Let  him  judge  your  people  with  fairness. 

And  your  exploited  ones  in  truth. 
Let  mountains  raise  up  peace  for  the  people 

And  the  hills  bear  justice. 
May  he  liberate  the  sons  of  the  poor 

And  smash  every  oppressor. 
May  his  days  endure  with  the  sun; 

May  his  age  be  as  long  as  the  moon. 
May  he  fall  like  rain  on  the  grass. 

Like  showers  that  water  the  earth. 
May  justice  grow  green  in  his  days, 

And  peace  rule  while  the  moon  remains . 
May  he  rule  from  the  sea  to  the  sea. 

From  the  River  to  the  ends  of  the  earth. 
May  the  continents  kneel  before  him 

And  exploiters  lick  the  dust. 
May  all  kings  fall  down  before  him. 

All  countries  do  his  service. 
For  he  answers  the  poor  in  his  crying. 

He  lifts  up  the  needy  and  helpless; 

l84    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

He  is  sorry  for  the  weak  and  poor. 

He  liberates  the  life  of  the  exploited. 
He  ransoms  their  life  from  violence; 

Precious  is  their  blood  in  his  sight. 
Long  may  he  live  honored  with  gifts; 

Let  the  gold  of  Sheba  be  brought  him. 
Let  prayer  in  his  name  be  constant. 

His  blessings  be  pronounced  daily. 
May  the  land  be  covered  with  grain; 

May  it  wave  on  the  tops  of  the  hills. 
Blessed  is  his  working  forever; 

May  his  name  endure  with  the  sun. 
May  all  men  bless  themselves  in  him; 

All  nations  acknowledge  his  splendor. 

II .  The  Procession 

Minister :      Let  us  go  forth  in  peace.   As  the  tab- 
ernacle of  peace  moves  through  the  desert  of  vio- 
lence, may  the  Spirit  of  God  accompany  it  in  a 
pillar  of  cloud  by  day,  a  pillar  of  fire  by  night. 
Take  stakes  and  cords,  build  a  moving  sanctuary; 
even  so  the  splendor  of  Being  was  seen  by 
Ezekiel,  rolling  above  his  people  wherever  they 
went.   Build  the  peace  temple. 


All  refugees  and  resisters  from  all  countries: 
Build  the  peace  temple. 

Refugees  from  Biafra,  starved  by  the  affluent: 
Build  the  peace  temple.  And  so   on. 

Refugees  from  Palestine  in  your  relocation  camps: 

Refugees  of  Viet  Nam  in  your  strategic  hamlets: 

Refugees  from  the  American  wilderness  in  your 
reservations : 

Refugees  from  Africa  in  urban  ghettos: 

All  chemists  who  have  gone  out  from  the  poison 
factories : 

All  who  have  gone  out  from  the  global  police 
forces  : 

All  who  have  deserted  the  underground  command 
posts : 

All  who  have  given  up  counterinsurgency : 

All  who  have  left  off  shuffling  papers: 

All  who  have  resigned  from  strip-mining  crews: 

All  who  throw  nails  in  the  blades  of  chainsaws: 

The   Sanctuary    of  Peaoe  185 

All  who  shut  down  the  chimneys  of  death: 

Prophets  and  poets  fired  by  the  Churches: 
Scholars  and  wise  men  fired  by  the  Colleges: 
Honest  reporters  fired  by  the  papers : 
Honest  biologists  fired  by  Industry: 
Reformers  and  fighters  fired  by  government: 
Children  who  plant  flowers  and  play  with  kittens: 
Children  who  plant  rice  and  play  with  beercans : 
Woman  who  plant  gardens  and  bear  male  children: 

People  united  against  repression: 
Lovers  and  craftsmen,  farmers  and  builders: 
Organizers  for  peace  and  justice: 
Political  prisoners  beside  us  In  spirit : 
Planters  of  parks,  sowers  of  seeds: 

Induction  refusers,  martyrs  to  Caesar: 

Mahatma  Gandhi,  world  conscience: 

Abraham  Muste,  walking  beside  us: 

Martin  Luther  King,  walking  beside  us: 

Francis  our  friend,  walking  beside  us: 

Isaiah  and  Mlcah,  prophets  of  the  new  Age: 

Simeon  and  Anna,  who  found  the  Liberator: 

Mary  the  mother  who  bore  the  Liberator:   Build  the 
peace  temple. 

Jesus  our  brother  who  became  the  Liberator:   Build 
the  peace  temple. 

Ill .  At  THE  Church 

Minister : 

Lift  up  your  heads,  you  gates. 

People  : 

Open  up,  you  everlasting  doors, 

For  the  King  of  splendor  to  come  in. 

Minister : 

Who  is  this  King  of  splendor? 

People  : 

Our  God  strong  and  mighty. 

The  Power  beyond  all  armies. 

186    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

Minister : 

Lift  up  your  heads,  you  gates. 

Teop le  : 

Open  up,  you  everlasting  doors, 

For  the  King  of  splendor  to  come  in. 

Minister : 

Who  is  this  King  of  splendor? 

People : 

The  Power  beyond  all  armies, 
He  is  the  King  of  splendor. 

[Psalm    24:7-10 

Psalm  ^6 

Or    the    metrical    version    on   p.    116. 

God  is  our  fortress  and  guard. 

In  oppression  our  sure  supporter. 
We  will  not  be  afraid  of  earthquake. 

Though  the  mountain  slides  into  the  sea. 
Though  the  great  wave  rolls  white. 

Though  hills  are  cracked  by  its  crying. 
A  Power  above  armies  is  with  us. 

Our  castle  the  Helper  of  Jacob. 

A  stream  makes  happy  his  city. 

The  sacred  home  of  the  Highest; 
He  stays  in  her,  she  cannot  stumble; 

He  defends  her  in  the  first  dawning. 
When  nations  fall  into  violence 

By  his  mouth  their  dominions  are  melted. 
A  Power  above  armies  is  with  us, 

Our  castle  the  Helper  of  Jacob. 

Come  and  see  his  astounding  acts: 

He  stops  war  to  the  ends  of  the  world; 
The  bow  is  smashed,  the  steel  blunted; 

The  armored  cars  melt  in  his  flames. 
Be  still  and  see,  he  is  your  God, 

Controlling  all  peoples  and  countries. 
A  Power  beyond  armies  is  with  us, 

Our  castle  the  Helper  of  Jacob. 


straight   man:      Since  we  like  to  think  of  this  our 
sanctuary  as  a  House  of  Prayer  for  all   people,  be- 
sides welcoming  our  courageous  defenders  to  this 
service,  we  are  happy  also  to  greet  your  little 
delegation.   It  gives  me  great  pleasure  to  intro- 
duce our  three  Directors  of  Refugee  Work. 

The   Sanctuary    of  Peace  187 

Dollar-Sign    Star    lights    up    over    the    altar   as    Three 
Kings    enter    singing   We  three  Kings  of  affluence 
are,  etc. 

First   King:      We  have  seen  the  Dollar  of  his  Star 
in  the  east  and  are  come  to  worship  him;  all  na- 
tions come  to  this  light,  they  bring  gold  to  the 
brightness  of  his  rising.   And  what  we  bring  to 
the  baby  Jesus  we  bring  to  all  mankind:   mold-cast 
Infant  Jesus  of  Pragues,  convertible  six  percent 
debentures,  crocheted  kneelers,  wall-to-wall  car- 
peting, quickfrozen  crepes  suzette,  taperecorded 
lifesize  Barbie  dolls,  prepaid  moon  vacations, 
plasticized  diocesan  administrators.   Give  us  (in 
the  words  of  Lady  Liberty)  your  tired,  your  poor. 
Under  the  plexiglass  firmament  of  America,  has 
anyone  yet  asked  for  bread  and  been  given  a  stone? 
They  need  only  command  their  stones  to  be  made 

Minister :      Man  shall  not  live  by  bread  alone,  but 
by  every  word  proceeding  out  of  the  mouth  of  God. 

Second  King:      We  have  heard  the  threat  of  Herod 
the  atheist  and  are  come  to  protect  the  newly 
born,  in  the  name  of  the  Lord  of  Hosts,   And  the 
shield  of  defense,  the  sweet  frankincense  of  se- 
curity we  hold  over  the  baby  Jesus  we  hold  over 
all  mankind:   a  nuclear  umbrella,  tariff  quotas, 
black  capitalism,  law  and  order,  work-welfare  pro- 
grams, anti-riot  legislation,  counterinsurgency , 
aid  to  underdeveloped  countries,  chaplains, 
search-and-hold  missions,  rehabilitation  programs, 
and  computerized  baptismal  social  security  regis- 
tration.  Has  the  Lord  of  Hosts  ever  yet  failed  to 
help  and  defend  those  who  trust  in  him?   Only  give 
up  your  ethnic  peculiarities,  put  your  whole  con- 
fidence in  us  your  well-wishers;  throw  yourself 
down  from  the  pinnacle  of  this  temple  into  our 
melting  pot.   He  will  give  his  angels  charge  of 
you,  to  keep  you  in  all  your  ways;  they  will  bear 
you  in  their  hands,  lest  at  any  time  you  dash  your 
foot  against  a  stone. 

Minister :      Thou  shalt  not  tempt  the  Lord  thy  God. 

Third   King:      We  have  seen  the  obscureness  of  his 
birth,  and  are  come  to  of fer. him  publicity.   And 
the  permanence  of  message,  the  embalming  as  by 
myrrh,  that  we  offer  to  the  baby  Jesus  we  offer  to 
the  world:   multi-media  exposure,  missionary  out- 
reach, prime  time.  Life   and  Time  y    a  plug-in  to  our 
ecumenical  ghetto  and  refugee  strategy  program. 

188    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

To  the  poor  and  oppressed  we  say:   all  the  king- 
doms of  the  world  can  be  shown  your  plight  in  a 
moment  of  time,  for  they  have  been  given  to  Media, 
and  Media  gives  them  to  whom  it  will;  all  these  it 
will  give  you,  if  you  fall  down  and  worship  Media. 

Minister :      Thou  shalt  worship  the  Lord  thy  God, 
and  him  only  shalt  thou  serve . 

Benedictus  II 

Reader:      See,  this  child  is  set  for  the  falling 
and  rising  of  many  in  Israel,  and  for  a  sign  that 
will  be  spoken  against.  [Luke    2:34] 

And  you,  child,  are  called  a  prophet  of  the 
Highest ; 
You  precede  the  Great  One  to  prepare  his 
To  give  knowledge  of  liberation  to  his  people 
Through  the  cancelling  of  their 
complicity ; 
By  the  gentle  pity  of  our  God, 

In  which  the  Dawn  from  on  high  will  spread 
over  us , 
Shining  to  all  that  sit  in  the  shadow  of 
To  direct  our  feet  into  the  way  of  peace. 

[Luke    1:76-79] 

The  Consecration 

Minister :      God  has  made  a  covenant  of  peace  with 
us;  it  shall  be  a  covenant  of  all  ages;  he  will 
bless  us  and  set  his  sanctuary  in  the  middle  of  us 
forever.   For  only  see:   the  tabernacle  of  God  is 
with  men;  he  will  live  with  them,  and  they  will  be 
his  people.   He  will  wipe  away  every  tear  from 
their  eyes,  and  death  shall  be  no  more,  nor  will 
there  be  mourning  and  pain  again,  for  old  things 
have  passed  away. 

[Ezekiel    37:26-27;  Revelation    21:3-4] 

Then    the   bearers    of   stakes   and   oords   form    them- 
selves   into   a    square^    and   install    the    refugees 
in    their   midst. 

Let  the  circuit  here  marked  out  enclose  an  area 
forever  free  from  oppression  and  violence.   Let  no 
weapon  be  brought  into  it;  nor  any  uniform  be  worn 
in  it,  except  the  linen  of  those  who  have  made  it 
white  in  the  blood  of  the  Lamb.   Let  every  person 
who  takes  refuge  in  this  sanctuary,  whether  sinner 
or  saint,  be  welcomed  for  the  sake  of  the  Liber- 
ator whom  he  bears.   And  for  that  purpose,  let 

The    Sanctuary    of   Peace  189 

this  community  dedicate  itself  to  preserve  our 
sanctuary  inviolate;  let  their  bodies  become  the 
sanctuary  of  God's  spirit,  a  home  of  nonviolence 
and  peace. 

The  Kiss  of  Peace 

Minister   and   People: 

Peace  on  earth  to  men  of  God's  pleasing:   Peace  on 
earth  to  men  of  his  pleasing. 

Shalom,  the  peace  of  God  be  with  all  men:   Peace 
on  earth  to  men  of  his  pleasing.  And  so   on. 

Peace  in  the  hatreds  of  the  Holy  Land,  Salaam^    the 
peace  of  God: 

Peace  in  India,  land  of  Mahatma,  Shantih,    the 
peace  of  God: 

Peace  to  Russia,  our  sister,  Mir ^    the  peace  of 

Peace  to  oppressed  Prague,  Miru^    the  peace  of  God: 

Peace  for  the  poor  of  Latin  America,  la   PaZj    the 
peace  of  God: 

Peace  in  Viet  Nam,  land  of  Buddha,  Hoa   Binh^    the 
peace  of  God: 

Peace  to  the  whole  creation,  Eirene,    the  peace  of 
God:   Peace  on  earth  to  men  of  his  pleasing. 

Peace  in  all  lands  to  all  men,  the  peace  of  God: 
Peace  on  earth  to  men  of  his  pleasing. 

There  is  no  peace  without  freedom:   There  is  no 
peace  without  freedom. 

We  shall  overcome:   We  shall  overcome. 

Venceremos :   Venceremos. 

Jesus  has  overcome:   Jesus  has  overcome. 

Shalom,  my  brothers  and  sisters,  the  peace  of  our 
Liberator  be  with  you  all,  Shalom. 

Here    if    there    is    still    opportunity    the   familiar 
nativity    story    from   Luke    can   be    read,    while    (for 
example )    the    figures    in    the    creche    are    replaced 
with    Vietnamese    figures .       Or    there    can   be    read    the 


Now  when  the  cry  of  the  trumpet  sounds,  it  assem- 
bles soldiers  and  announces  war.   Shall  then  the 
Liberator,  who  has  sung  a  melody  of  peace  to  the 

190    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

ends  of  the  earth,  not  assemble  his  own  soldiers 
of  peace?   For  he  has  drawn  together,  0  Humanity, 
by  his  blood  and  word,  an  army  that  sheds  no 
blood,  and  entrusted  to  them  the  zone  of  his  lib- 
eration.  He  has  sounded  the  trumpet  of  his  mes- 
sage, and  we  have  heard  it.   So  let  us  arm  our- 
selves for  peace,  putting  on  the  breastplate  of 
justice,  taking  up  the  shield  of  trustfulness, 
placing  on  our  head  the  helmet  of  liberation;  and 
let  us  sharpen  the  sword  of  the  Spirit,  which  is 
the  word  of  God.   So  peaceably  does  the  Apostle 
array  us  for  battle:   these  are  our  invulnerable 
arms,  in  their  panoply  we  may  stand  in  the  lines 
to  resist  the  Evil  One. 

[Clement    of  Alexandria] 

s.  e^Mi^d^Md 

A  form  for  consecrating  a  park 

Suitable    also    at    Easter, 
Rogation    time ,    Thanksgiving . 

I .  At  the  Staging  Area 

Repeated   by    the    Crowd   after    the    leader. 

Plant  the  world  park. 

Let  the  earth  live. 

Give  grass  a  chance. 

Liberate  the  park  of  your  choice. 

Support  your  local  garden. 

Dig  up  all  asphalt. 

Break  all  carburetors. 

Pulverize  plastic. 

Smash  insecticides. 

Destroy  vinyl  flowers. 

Stamp  out  astroturf. 

Pass  out  the  pill. 

Make  chalnsaws  illegal. 

Chop  down  telephone  poles. 

Eliminate  defoliants. 

Exterminate  fallout. 

Neutralize  napalm. 

Segregate  all  arsenals. 

Zap  sonic  boom. 

Chain  self  to  redwoods. 

Bust  poison  factories. 

Butterflies  are  people. 

Protect  pelicans'  rights. 

Support  all  carnivores. 

Trees  are  gods. 

Fair  play  for  deer. 

Squirrels  have  feelings. 

Decent  housing  for  hermit  crabs . 

Safeguard  hummingbird  culture . 

Power  to  the  plankton. 

Reparations  for  robins. 

Equal  protection  for  shellfish. 

Green  is  beautiful. 

Recycle  all  garbage. 
Live  invisible. 
Make  love  not  war. 
Weave  the  great  web. 

192    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

Replace  wheels  by  feet . 
Smash  consumer  culture. 
Shut  down  machines. 
On  strike  shut  it  down. 
Planet  on  strike. 
Planet  on  strike. 
Planet  on  strike. 
Plant  the  world  park. 

Leader : 

1  saw  the  earth,  and  it  was  waste  and  void; 

And  the  sky,  and  it  had  no  light. 
I  saw  the  mountains,  and  they  shook  back  and 
And  all  the  hills  were  quaking. 
1  saw,  and  behold,  there  was  no  man; 

And  every  bird  of  the  air  had  gone. 
1  saw,  and  behold,  the  garden  was  a  desert; 
And  all  its  cities  were  ruined. 

[Jeremiah    4:23-26 

Hail  and  fire  mixed  with  blood  fell  on  the 
And  a  third  of  the  earth  and  the  trees 
were  burned. 
And  all  the  green  grass  was  burned. 
A  burning  mountain  of  fire  was  thrown  into 
the  sea; 
And  a  third  of  the  sea  was  turned  into 
blood , 
And  a  third  of  the  sea  creatures  died. 
And  a  great  star  named  Wormwood  fell  on  the 
rivers  and  springs ; 
And  a  third  of  the  waters  became  bitter. 
And  many  men  died  from  drinking  them. 
And  a  third  part  of  the  sun  was  dimmed, 
A  third  part  of  the  moon  and  stars. 
And  a  third  of  the  day  lost  its 

shining.      [Revelation    8:7-12^ 

The  Law  of  Life 

Leader : 

Hear  the  great  law  of  life  from  the  prophet 
William  Blake. 
A  robin  redbreast  in  a  cage 

Puts  all  Heaven  in  a  rage. 
A  dog  starved  at  his  master's  gate 
Predicts  the  ruin  of  the  State. 
Each  outcry  of  the  hunted  hare 

A  fibre  from  the  brain  does  tear. 
A  skylark  wounded  in  the  wing, 
A  cherubim  does  cease  to  sing. 

Earth   Rebirth  193 

He  who  shall  hurt  the  little  wren 

Shall  never  be  beloved  by  men. 
He  who  the  ox  to  wrath  has  moved 

Shall  never  be  by  woman  loved. 
Kill  not  the  moth  nor  butterfly, 

For  the  Last  Judgement  draweth  nigh. 
He  who  mocks  the  infant's  faith 

Shall  be  mocked  in  age  and  death. 
He  who  shall  teach  the  child  to  doubt 

The  rotting  grave  shall  ne'er  get  out. 
The  beggar's  rags,  fluttering  in  air. 

Does  to  rags  the  heavens  tear. 
The  poor  man's  farthing  is  worth  more 

Than  all  the  gold  on  Afric's  shore. 
One  mite  wrung  from  the  labourer's  hands 

Shall  buy  and  sell  the  miser's  lands. 
The  soldier,  armed  with  sword  and  gun. 

Palsied  strikes  the  summer  sun. 
The  strongest  poison  ever  known 

Came  from  Caesar's  laurel  crown. 
Nought  can  deform  the  human  race 

Like  to  the  armor's  iron  brace. 
The  whore  and  gambler,  by  the  State 

Licensed,  build  that  nation's  fate. 
The  harlot's  cry  from  street  to  street 

Shall  weave  old  England's  winding- 
sheet  . 


straight   man:      Hear  ye,  hear  ye,  the  district 
court  of  the  Great  Chain  of  Being  is  now  in  ses- 
sion, the  Honorable  the  Great  Spirit  presiding. 
All  stand  please.   The  defendants  at  the  bar  have 
heard  the  appropriate  sections  from  the  statute 
book  of  life.   How  do  they  plead? 

The    Crowd   repeats    line    by    line    after    the    leader: 

Your  Honor,  we  enter  a  plea  of  Guilty 

In  the  court  of  the  Great  Spirit 

To  first-degree  murder  of  redwoods. 

To  grand  larceny  of  grasslands. 

To  statutory  rape  of  minor  woodlands. 

To  unnatural  acts  of  urban  living. 

To  wilful  arson  of  forests. 

To  unwarranted  seizure  of  ricecrops. 

To  mutilation  of  the  human  form  divine. 

To  misappropriation  of  natural  resources. 

To  wilful  violation  of  the  Pure  Pood  and 

Drug  Act, 
To  genocide  against  herbivores. 
To  drunken  driving  across  continents. 

194    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

To  improper  combustion  of  fossil  fuels. 

To  lewd  and  lascivious  waterproofing  of  the 

To  unlawful  possession  of  insecticides. 
To  writing  blank  checks  on  the  future. 
To  unauthorized  handling  of  fissionable 

materials , 
To  illegal  dumping  of  detergents. 
To  illegal  manufacture  of  garbage. 
To  trespassing  on  private  property  of 

animals , 
To  trespassing  on  the  private  property  of 

the  Great  Spirit, 
To  rape  and  murder  of  the  air. 
To  rape  and  murder  of  the  water. 
To  rape  and  murder  of  the  earth. 
To  rape  and  murder  of  flora. 
To  rape  and  murder  of  fauna. 
To  rape  and  murder  of  black  men. 
To  rape  and  murder  of  red  men. 
To  rape  and  murder  of  yellow  men, 
To  repeated  public  acts  of  self-abuse; 
We  enter  a  plea  of  Guilty 
To  constant  adult  delinquency; 
We  accept  the  penalty  prescribed 
By  the  inflexible  laws  of  nature. 
And  we  ask  the  Power  of  Being 
To  change  our  mind  for  the  future. 

Leader:      Air,  blow  the  smog  of  false  desires  out 
of  our  lungs  and  replace  it  with  the  west  wind  of 
the  Spirit.   Amen. 

Ocean  and  all  waters,  wash  the  synthetics  out  of 
our  blood  and  replace  them  with  our  own  true  chem- 
istry.  Amen. 

Earth  of  decay  and  rebirth,  break  down  the  chlori- 
nated hydro-carbons  in  our  flesh  and  let  us  live 
together  with  all  other  flesh.   Amen. 

Fire  of  the  sun,  blunt  the  needles  of  radiation  in 
all  our  biosphere  and  replace  them  with  the  desire 
of  life.   Amen. 

Brothers  and  sisters,  let  us  take  up  the  loads  of 
our  common  task.   As  we  shake  off  from  our  feet 
the  dust  of  the  City  of  Destruction,  let  us  turn 
our  eyes  to  the  New  Jerusalem,  and  consecrate  that 
Temple  whose  pillars  have  come  alive  as  the  forest 
cathedral.   Let  us  be  on  our  way,  off  the  road,  to 
the  City  whose  street  is  a  river  of  living  waters, 
where  the  tree  of  life  is  blooming,  and  its  leaves 
are  for  the  healing  of  the  nations. 

Earth    Rebirth  195 


How  shall  we  sing  the  Lord's  song  in  a  strange 

How  shall  we  sing  the  Lord's  song  in  a  world  of 

How  shall  we  sing  the  Lord's  song  in  a  house  of 

How  shall  we  sing  the  Lord's  song  with  a  gun  in 

our  hands? 
How  shall  we  sing  the  Lord's  song  on  burned-over 

How  shall  we  sing  the  Lord's  song  in  a  land  of 

How  shall  we  sing  the  Lord's  song  in  a  strange 


Leader:      All  the  days  of  the  earth,  seedtime  and 
harvest,  cold  and  heat,  summer  and  winter,  day  and 
night  shall  not  cease . 

II,  Litany  in  Procession 

At    streetoorners J    when    held   up    by    copSy    eto.^    it 
would   be    good    to    rehearse    the    original    Slogans 

Restore  our  earth  household:   Restore  our 
earth  househol d  . 

All  powers  of  being,  restore  our  earth  house- 
hold:  Restore  our  earth 
househol d  . 

Sea  of  Air,  blowing  out  the  smog  of  our 
self -poisoning: 

Snow  and  rain,  washing  down  the  poisons  of 
our  combustion: 

Salts  of  the  sea,  decomposing  the  life- 
killing  chemicals: 

Fire  and  light,  breaking  down  the  products 
of  our  industry: 

Crabgrass  and  dandelion,  cracking  the  water- 
proofed surface: 

Worms  and  woodlice,  reconverting  all  foreign 
materials : 

Rust  and  decay,  restoring  all  metals  to 
earthloam : 

Plankton  of  the  deep,  feeding  the  great 
whales : 

196    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

Streams  and  rivers,  purifying  the  land's 
body : 

Termites  and  rot,  levelling  old  settlements: 

Squirrels  and  all  rodents,  distributing 
acorns : 

Deer  and  buffalo  In  cooperation  with  grass- 
lands : 

Bear  and  hawk  and  all  carnivores,  completing 
the  cycle: 

Insurgent  Red  Men,  restoring  the  land  to  its 
Spirit : 

Insurgent  Black  Men,  putting  a  new  song  in 
our  mouth: 

Insurgent  Brown  Men,  taking  over  the  vine- 
yards : 

Insurgent  Yellow  Men,  resisting  patented 
poisons : 

Children  who  take  to  the  streets  with  picket 
signs : 

Hippies  who  fly  kites  at  helicopters: 

Biologists  who  sit  down  in  front  of 
bulldozers : 

Women  who  stop  being  breeding-machines : 

Students  that  plant  flowers  in  the  face  of 
teargas : 

Mothers  pushing  strollers  past  the  line  of 
gasmasks : 

Spirit  of  James  Rector,  martyr  in  Berkeley, 
marching  beside  us: 

Spirit  of  John  Muir,  keeper  of  the  garden, 
marching  beside  us: 

Spirit  of  Johnny  Appleseed,  planter  of  Eden, 
marching  beside  us: 

Yin  and  Yang,  male  and  female  principles  of 
creation : 

Buddha  the  compassionate,  surviving  the  cycle 
of  dying: 

Adam  and  Eve,  first  parents  in  the  paradise 
of  Eden: 

Earth    Rebirth  197 

Angels  and  guardian  spirits,  watching  over 
this  planet : 

Seeds  of  life  In  the  sun.  In  the  space  be- 
tween stars: 

Our  galactic  mother,  enfolding  the  planet  In 
her  spiral  arms : 

Bllllon-year  heartbeat  of  the  cosmic 

Nameless  Energy  upholding  the  space-time 
manifold : 

Eternal  principle  of  nonviolence,  letting 
each  do  Its  own  thing: 

Jesus  our  loving  brother,  nonviolence  In  our 
own  flesh: 

All  the  world's  rejects,  bums  and  hoboes, 
wlnos  and  freaks : 

Hippies  and  street  people,  blacks  and 

Chlcanos,  women  and  children: 

Victims  of  genocide,  Blafrans  and  Vietnamese, 
named  and  nameless: 

Refugees  In  the  blackened  ruins  of  the 

doomed  city:   Restore  our  earth 
househol d . 

All  who  build  a  new  world  on  the  vacant 

lots  of  the  old:   Restore  our 
earth  household. 

III.  At  THE  Park 

Leader : 

The  wilderness  and  arid  land  shall  be  glad. 

The  desert  is  smiling  and  blossoming. 
It  flowers  all  over  with  the  crocus; 

It  rejoices  with  happiness  and  song. 
The  crown  of  Lebanon  will  grow  in  It, 

The  trees  of  Carmel  and  Sharon. 
Springs  are  bursting  through  in  the 
wilderness , 
And  rivers  in  the  desert. 
The  burning  sand  becomes  lakes. 

And  the  thirsty  ground  pools  of  water. 

{Isaiah    35:1-2,  6-7] 


First   straight   man:      Young  people,  I  am  very  happy 
to  address  you  future  consumers  on  the  occasion  of 

198    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

this  ecological  conference.   The  teaching  of  the 
Judeo-Christian  tradition  has  been  that  we  should 
not  let  nature  go  on  in  her  old  wasteful  way,  but 
by  our  own  skills  improve  on  her.   And  what  has 
been  the  greatest  source  of  improvement  in  world 
history  but  the  inventive  genius  and  capital  of 
our  own  nation?   As  a  simple  businessman,  who  in  a 
small  way  has  shared  in  guiding  this  country's 
destiny,  I  should  like  to  make  one  addition  to 
your  slogans:   What's  good  for  the  military-indus- 
trial complex  is  good  for  you. 

Seaond   straight   man:      I  am  sure  you  agree  with  me, 
that  the  great  enemy  does  not  only  live  in  some 
overseas  capital;  it  is  also  right  here,  in  the 
heart  of  each  unproductive  individual  who  has  been 
tricked  by  an  international  conspiracy.   Never 
forget  that  such  meetings  as  this  are  only  pos- 
sible by  the  nuclear  shield  over  our  skies  forged 
by  our  own  native  talents.   Technology  is  neither 
good  nor  bad  in  itself;  its  dangers  can  be  con- 
trolled by  better  technology.   And  only  that  tech- 
nology stands  between  us  and  the  creeping  cancer 
from  abroad.   I  am  a  refugee  from  that  system,  I 
know  whereof  I  speak.   Your  own  leader  has  said, 
"Be  watchful,  for  you  know  not  what  hour  of  the 
night  the  thief  is  coming."   Only  by  constant 
testing  can  we  trust  our  defenses;  physical  dis- 
comfort is  a  small  price  to  pay  for  that  guarantee 
of  our  freedom.   I  also  should  like  to  give  you  a 
slogan:   Thank  God  for  fallout. 

Third   straight   man:      You  have  heard  the  parable  of 
the  foolish  virgins  who  had  no  oil  for  their 
lamps,  and  so  missed  the  coming  of  the  bridegroom. 
Shall  this  happen  to  us?   The  New  Age  is  on  our 
threshhold;  shall  we  turn  it  away  in  our  folly? 
The  earth  was  made  for  man:   as  Paul  says,  "Does 
God  care  for  oxen?   Is  he  concerned  for  seagulls?" 
Our  great  commuter  cities  rely  on  oil;  the  oil- 
depletion  allowance  permits  our  most  public- 
spirited  citizens  to  go  on  serving  us;  by  oil  the 
Liberator  is  recognized.   I  would  like  to  add  one 
more  slogan:   Oil  brings  in  the  Kingdom. 

Fourth    straight   man:       In  view  of  the  reception  you 
have  given  the  other  speakers  on  this  platform,  I 
have  no  recourse  but  to  inform  you  that  you  are 
trespassing  on  private  property.   By  order  of  the 
governor  of  this  State,  in  five  minutes  you  will 
all  be  arrested.   This  vacant  lot  has  been  sur- 
rounded.  If  anybody  resists  arrest,  a  chemical 

Earth   Rebirth  199 

agent  will  be  sprayed  on  this  area  by  helicopter. 
Please  obey  the  orders  of  the  officers  with  blue 
armbands.   While  you  are  lining  up,  let  me  remind 
you  that  your  chief  executive  must  look  to  the  in- 
terest of  all  citizens,  not  just  small  pressure 
groups.   When  the  sentiments  of  a  few  birdwatchers 
conflict  with  the  expressed  will  of  an  expanding 
population,  which  should  give  way?   On  your  scenic 
bus  trip  to  the  county  rehabilitation  center,  re- 
member this:   When  you've  seen  one  redwood  you've 
seen  them  all. 

All    four    straight   men    together : 

What's  good  for  the  military-industrial 

complex  is  good  for  you. 
Thank  God  for  fallout. 
Oil  brings  in  the  Kingdom. 
When  you've  seen  one  redwood  you've  seen 

them  all. 

Leader:      You  fools,  when  you  see  a  cloud  rising  in 
the  West,  you  say.  The  rain  is  coming;  and  so  it 
happens.   When  you  see  the  south  wind  blowing,  you 
say,  it  will  come  on  hot;  and  so  it  happens. 
Pools  and  hypocrites:   you  that  can  discern  the 
signs  of  earth  and  heaven,  can  you  not  discern  the 
signs  of  the  times?  [Luke    12:54-56] 

He    then   arrests    the    four    straight   men,    and    the 
Crowd  makes    a    circuit    of   the    park,    repeating    the 
Slogans . 

The  Covenant 

Leader:      Brothers  and  sisters,  hear  the  words  of 
the  Covenant  of  Peace  which  the  Power  of  Being  has 
made  with  all  life  on  this  planet,  in  the  words  of 
the  poet  and  prophet  Ezekiel: 

Assistant :      I  will  seal  with  them  a  covenant  of 
peace,  and  I  will  remove  all  violent  life  from 
their  land;  they  will  live  safely  in  the  great 
wilderness  and  sleep  in  the  forests.   And  I  shall 
make  all  places  round  about  my  mountain  a  bless- 
ing.  I  shall  bring  down  the  rain  in  its  season; 
there  will  be  showers  of  blessing.   All  the  wild 
trees  will  bear  fruit;  the  land  will  give  its  in- 
crease, and  all  people  will  be  secure  in  their  own 
land.   They  will  know  that  I  am  the  Master  of  his- 
tory when  I  break  the  bars  of  their  yoke,  and  lib- 
erate them  from  all  their  exploiters .   No  longer 
will  they  be  a  prey  to  foreign  nations,  nor  will 
Violent  life  destroy  them;  they  will  live  se- 
curely, and  nobody  will  terrify  them. 

[Ezekiel    34:25-28] 

200    Guerrilla  Liturgies 

Leader:      I  call  sky  and  earth  to  witness,  that  the 
Power  of  Being  has  set  before  us  this  day  good  and 
evil,  blessing  and  curse,  life  and  death.   Which 
will  you  choose? 

Crowd:       We  choose  life,  that  we  and  our  children 
may  live. 


You  that  turn  justice  to  wormwood. 

Seek  for  the  Power  of  Being  and  live. 

He  who  made  the  Pleiades  and  Orion 
And  pours  waters  out  on  the  earth. 

[Amos    5:6-8] 

Psalm  65:9-13 

You  visit  the  earth  and  water  it. 

You  make  it  blessed  in  abundance; 
Your  river  is  full  of  water. 

And  thus  you  ensure  their  grain. 
You  water  its  furrows  deeply. 

You  soften  it  and  bless  its  growth. 
You  crown  the  year  with  your  goodness. 

Your  wagon  tracks  flow  with  oil. 
The  upland  pastures  are  moist. 

The  hills  dress  themselves  with  happiness; 
The  meadows  are  clothed  with  sheep. 

The  valleys  are  wearing  corn. 
Together  they  laugh  and  sing. 


Here    are    buried   in    the    earth    old   Christmas    trees^ 
cartons 3    eggshells ^    coffeegrounds^    comic    books ^ 
Sunday    supplements,    etc.       Genuine   organic   matter 
is    shredded   for   a   mulch   pile    while    the    leader 
says : 

We  proclaim  liberty  to  the  land  and  its  inhabit- 
ants.  As  we  all  travail  together  in  the  covenant 
of  peace,  on  this  ground  consecrated  to  the  life 
of  the  earth,  we  remove  all  wastes,  blotting  out 
the  years  that  the  locust  has  eaten.   We  bury  all 
organic  life,  all  that  can  be  decomposed;  we  re- 
move and  recycle  all  metal,  everything  useful;  we 
break  up  and  dispose  whatever  is  neither  organic 
nor  useful. 

From  earth  you  were  taken. 

And  to  earth  you  will  return; 
Her  life  comes  to  dying. 

And  in  her  the  dead  is  reborn. 

Earth   Rebirth  201 

The  seed  we  sow  is  not  quickened 

Unless  first  it  passes  through  death. 

In  this  ground  all  shall  be  well 

And  all  manner  of  thing  shall  be  well. 

Then    new    living    things    are    planted   during    the    fol- 
lowing   Homily. 

We  see  the  cycle  only  in  part,  and  we  prophesy  in 
part;  we  are  children  picking  up  pebbles  on  the 
shore  while  the  great  waves  roll  unnoticed.   But 
what  we  do  see  we  testify:   when  we  stand  on  our 
own  earth,  we  lose  our  fear  of  alienation,  of  our 
neighbor,  of  death,  of  doing  wrong,  of  ourselves. 
As  our  City  is  decontaminated,  the  plagues  of  civ- 
ilization recede:   the  thistles  find  their  proper 
niche,  the  slum  rat  becomes  a  healthy  field  ro- 
dent, synthetic  bread  gives  way  to  bread,  chemical 
ecstasy  is  replaced  by  ecstasy  of  play.   The  land- 
slide makes  way  for  new  forest;  from  the  cracks  of 
the  earthquake  the  sycamore  sprouts;  in  the  fresh 
lava  the  fireweed  is  blooming;  the  rise  and  fall 
of  the  seas,  the  melting  and  freezing  of  icecaps 
are  seen  as  recirculation  of  the  planet's  blood. 
We  move  naturally  to  death  as  a  shock  of  wheat, 
old  and  full  of  days,  when  we  know  that  our  grand- 
children will  continue  our  work  on  the  land  we 
were  loaned,  eating  apples  and  olives  from  the 
trees  we  planted.   We  hail  as  our  brother  Smokey 
the  Bear,  "Wrathful  but  Calm,  Austere  but  Comic," 
set  in  the  skies  and  untouched  by  any  bath  in 
Ocean,  "bearing  in  his  right  paw  the  Shovel  that 
digs  to  the  truth  beneath  appearances,  cuts  the 
roots  of  useless  attachments,  and  flings  damp  sand 
on  the  fires  of  greed  and  war";  disappearing  in 
winter  and  rising  in  spring  to  eat  earth's  sweet- 
est product,  the  honey  of  life  perpetual.   In  his 
name  we  declare  this  land  freed  in  eternity  from 
all  usurpation,  and  henceforth  CONSECRATED  TO  THE 
WORLD  PARK,  the  exclusive  property  of  children, 
animals,  trees,  blackberries,  and  the  Great 
Spirit . 

0  Risen  Bear,  type  of  the  Liberator,  our  Brother 
who  eats  the  honeycomb;  take  in  your  paw  the  hands 
of  all  foresters,  gardeners,  biologists,  and  farm- 
ers; accept  them  as  your  assistants  to  tend  the 
paradise  of  this  emerald  planet,  in  the  splendor 
of  the  Great  Spirit.   Amen;  so  may  it  be. 

202    Guerrilla  Liturgies 


May  the  long  time  sun  shine  upon  you. 
All  love  surround  you. 

And  the  pure  light  within  you  guide 
you  all  the  way  on. 

The  Song  of  Francis 

All-High,  All-Strong,  good  Master 
Yours  is  all  praise,  all  splendor. 
Each  honor  and  each  blessing. 
You  alone,  All-High,  deserve  them. 
No  man  can  hope  to  name  you. 

Be  praised  by  all  your  creatures; 
And  first  by  Sun  our  Brother 
In  whom  you  make  our  daytime. 
He  is  fair  with  great  brightness; 
You,  0  Highest,  are  his  meaning. 

Be  praised  by  Moon  our  Sister, 

By  Stars  you  made  as  jewels. 

Be  praised  by  Wind  our  Brother, 

By  Cloud  and  every  Weather, 

Through  which  you  feed  your  creatures. 

Be  praised  by  Sister  Water, 
Chaste,  precious,  and  most  useful. 
Be  praised  by  Brother  Fire, 
In  whom  our  night  is  brightened. 
Handsome  and  strong  and  jocund. 

Be  praised  by  Earth  our  Mother, 
Who  upholds  and  maintains  us. 
Bears  fruits  with  colored  flowers. 
Be  praised  by  all  who  pardon. 
And  suffer  in  harassment. 

Blessed  are  all  who  witness. 
In  peace  their  lives  conducting. 
For  you.  Most  High,  will  crown  them. 
Be  praised  by  Death  our  Sister, 
None  living  will  escape  her. 

Woe  to  all  that  die  in  violence; 
But  blessed,  all  in  your  pleasing. 
No  second  death  will  touch  them. 
Praise  the  Maker,  all  his  creatures. 
And  build  the  world  he  shows  you. 

twU)^  U  ^'kUXcA,  Icct^^o/M' 

Many   of   the   new   translations   ov   paraphrases    in   The 
Covenant  of  Peace  are    suitable   for   use   as    lessons 
or   oantioles    outside    the    contexts    of   the    services 
in   which    they    occur.       The   following    index   is    a 
guide    to    the    longer   or   more    important    of   these    texts 
Page    numbers    are   printed   in   italics . 

Genesis  147,    181 

V:l~S%789-90  Ecclesiastes 

4:8-12,    72  1-2-9.    112 

9:12-16,    69  Song    of    Solomon 

11:1-8,    77  2:10-12,    94 








111,  54-55 

4:18-25,  86 

5:10-14,  174  Isaiah 

14:21-29,  70  1:10-17,  147-148 

10:5-15,  150 

T'Th-ol  f^fi                                             11:1-9,  122 

b-24-2b,  66                                               14:4-21,  144 

Job  25:6-8,  124 

26:10-13,  71  35:1-7,  197 

38:4-11,  69                                              42:1-4,  181-182 

Psalms  ^2:6-7,  108 

2  Ififi  51:9-11,  70 

10,  251  52:13  to  53:12,  141-142 

58:6-7,  52 
61:1-4,  78 
61:8-9,  57 




185-186  Jeremiah 

117  4:23-26,  192 

108  31:31-34,  52 

E  z  e  k  i  e  1 

33:2-9,  95 

111  Hosea 

158  2:18-20,  63 


126,  181  2:28-29,  81 

128,  90  Amos 

139,  61  1:6  to  3:2,  149 

142,  104-105  5:6-8,  200 

146,  108 






M  i  c  a  h 

4:3-4,  122 


9:9-12,  171 

2  Maccabees 

10:1-7,  183 


5:3-12,  127-12^ 
5:23-24,  12S 
8:11,  124 
23:4-27,  ISl 
23:29-39,  147 


1:1-11,  72 
5:7-13,  176 
10:13-17,  62 
10:17-22,  252 
11:1-10,  173 
11:15-18,  180 
12:29-31,  88 



55,  66 
75,  S7 
79,  188 
32,  112-113 
21,  106 
36,  S3 
23,  171 
38,  76 
-26,  170 
-32,  169 
12,  1S9 
-34,  117-lli 

-56,  i55 
-35,  i43 
-37,  168 
14,  55 

-44,  i43 
-30,  96 
-35,  53-S4 


2:1-11,  90-91 


2:1-11,  75-S^ 
2:41-47,  57 
5:25-29,  i^i 
12:6-11,  103-104 

6:3-11,  82 
8:14-17,  64 
13:11-14,  166 

1  Corinthians 

2:6-13,  79 
5:7-8,  85 
10:16-17,  127 
15:20-21,  85 

2  Corinthians 

3:18  to  5:5,  HO 
5:11  to  6:2,  113 
11:23-31,  104 

Gal ati  ans 

3:27-28,  91 


6:10-17,  164-165 

P  h  i  1  i  p  p  i  a  n  s 

2:5-11,  95-96 

Colossi ans 

3:3-4,  85 

2  Timothy 
4:6-8,  115 


13:20-21,  119 


3:18  to  4  :H  ,130 

1  Peter 
2:21-25,  155 

Revel ati  on 

8:7-12,  192 

18     9  32 





T^  C?<^V^4^^^4^  td  P^^^cc 

As  the  bleeding  witnesses  to  peace  and  liberation  multiply, 
we  feel  an  overwhelming  urgency  once  again,  for  our  time,  to 
put  together  texts  that  will  point  a  wandering  Church  back  to- 
ward its  pole  star.  We  can't  help  it  if  the  message  we're  com- 
mitted to  is  the  two-edged  sword  of  the  God  who  is  a  consuming 
fire. We  are  in  conscience  bound  to  warn  users  that  they  are  play- 
ing with  fire;  but  also  that  in  the  end  we  will  all,  whether  by 
decisive  act  or  by  repeated  indecision,  fall  into  the  hands  of  the 
living  God. 

—from  the  Preface. 

The  Covenant  of  Peace  "retains  the  dignity  of  liturgy,  the 
music  of  the  word,  the  arching  phrase;  it  also  touches  earth 
reassuringly,  from  time  to  time,  becomes  specific,  tastes  dirt, 
senses  anger,  like  the  Psalms  themselves. 

"It  catches  the  rhythm  of  today's  music,  the  songs  of  the 
marches,  for  justice  and  peace.  It  lifts  up  the  glory  of  these  times 
without  sentimentality.  It  reminds  us  of  the  horror  of  these  times 
without  hopelessness. 

"It  is  good  liturgy,  sound  theologically,  prepared  by  a  scholar 
who  has  been  on  the  streets.  It  points  the  way  to  the  liturgical 

—Paul  Moore,  jr.. 
Bishop  Coadjuter  of  New  York 

Hc^ie^^yUiZ'EMteyW  Co.