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A practical 

tany, with especi 


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Copyrieut, 1911, BY 


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aa. a"144 


In preparing the present volume, the aim of the writer has 
‘been to meet all the college entrance requirements and at the 
same time to bring the study of botany into closer touch with 
the practical business of life by stressing its relations with 
agriculture, economics, and, in certain of its aspects, with sani- 
tation. While technical language has been avoided so far 
as the requirements of scientific accuracy will permit, the 
student is not encouraged to shirk the use of necessary botani- 
cal terms, out of a mere superstitious fear of words because 
they happen to be a little new or unfamiliar. Such a practice 
not only leads to careless and inaccurate modes of expression, 
but tends to foster a slovenly habit of mind, and in the long run 
causes the waste of more time and labor in the search after 
roundabout, and often misleading, substitutes, than it would 
require to master the proper use of a few new words and 

In the choice of materials for experiment and illustration, 
the endeavor has been to call for such only as are familiar and 
easily obtained. The specimens for flower dissection have been 
selected mainly from common cultivated kinds, because their 
wide distribution makes them easy to obtain everywhere, while 
in cities and large towns they are practically the only specimens 
available. Another important consideration has been the desire 
to spare our native wild flowers, or at least not to hasten the 
extinction with which they are threatened by the ravages of Sun- 
day excursionists and summer tourists, to whose unthinking, 
but none the less destructive, incursions, the automobile has laid 
open the most secret haunts of nature. The influence of the 
public school teacher, and more especially the teacher of botany, 
is the most potent factor from which we can hope for aid in 
putting a stop to the relentless persecution that has practically 

exterminated many of our choicest wild plants and is fast 


reducing the civilized world to a depressing monotony of 
weediness and artificiality. Except for purely systematic and 
anatomical work, flowers can be studied to better purpose in 
their living, active state than as dead subjects for dissection ; 
and the best way to show our interest in them, or to get the 
most rational enjoyment out of them, is not, as a general thing, 
to cut their heads off and throw them away to wither and die- 
by the roadside. The teacher, by instilling into the minds of 
the rising generation a reverence for plant life, may do a great 
deal to aid in the conservation of one of our chief national assets 
for the gratification of the higher esthetic instincts. The fruits 
and flowers of cultivation do not stand in the same need of pro- 
tection, since they are produced solely with a view to the use 
and pleasure of man, and their propagation is provided for to 
meet all his demands. 

To avoid too frequent interruptions of the subject matter, 
the experiments are grouped together at the beginning or end 
of the sections to which they belong, according as they are 
intended to explain what is coming, or to illustrate what has 
gone before. A few exceptions are made in cases where the 
experiment is such an integral part of the subject that it would 
be meaningless if separated from the context. Under no 
circumstances should those capable of being performed in the 
schoolroom be omitted, as much of the information which the 
book is intended to give is conveyed by their means. For this 
reason, and also because the aim of the book is to present the 
science from a practical rather than from an academic point of 
view, the experiments outlined are for the most part of a simple, 
practical nature, such as can be performed by the pupils them- 
selves with a moderate expenditure of ingenuity and money. 
The experience of the writer has been that for the average boy 
or girl who wishes to get a good general knowledge of the 
subject, but does not propose to become a specialist in botany, 
the best results are often obtained by the use of the simplest 
and most familiar appliances, as in this way attention is not 
distracted from the experiment itself to the unfamiliar appa- 
ratus for making it. In saying this, it is not meant to under- 


rate the value of a complete laboratory equipment, but merely 
to emphasize the fact that the lack of it, while a disadvantage, 
need not be an insuperable bar to the successful teaching of 
botany. It is, of course, taken for granted that in schools pro- 
vided with a suitable laboratory outfit, teachers will be pre- 
pared to supplement or to replace the exercises here outlined 
with such others as in their judgment the subject may demand. 
There are as many ideals in teaching as there are teachers, and 
the most that a textbook can do is to present a working model 
which every teacher is free to modify in accordance with his 
or her own method. 

The writer takes pleasure in acknowledging here the many 
obligations due to Professor Francis E. Lloyd, of the Botanical 
Department of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, at Auburn, 
Ala., for his valuable aid in the revision of the manuscript, for 
the highly interesting series of illustrations relating to photo- 
tropic movements, and for advice and information on points 
demanding expert knowledge which have contributed very ma- 
terially to whatever merit this volume may possess. 

Other members of the Auburn faculty to whom the author 
feels especially indebted are Mr. C. 8. Ridgeway, assistant in the 
Botanical Department, Professor J. E. Duggar, of the Agricul- 
tural Department, and Dr. B. B. Ross and Professor C. W. 
Williamson of the Department of Chemistry. Acknowledg- 
ments are due also to Professor George Wood of the Boys’ High 
School, Brooklyn, for suggestions which have been of great 
assistance in the preparation of this work; to Professor W. R. 
Dodson, of the University of Louisiana, for illustrative material 
furnished, and to Professor William Trelease for the loan of 
original material used in reproducing the beautiful cuts from 
the Reports of the Missouri Botanical Garden, credit for which 
is given in the proper place. 

For original photographs and drawings by the author, and 
familiar selections from well-known works, which can be gen- 
erally recognized, it has not been thought necessary to give 

special credit. " 





IRRIGATE RICE FIELDS . . . . . . . . 

. A FOREST OF BAMBOO . ‘ 3 . . : ; e r 

. A GROUP OF CONIFERS . 3 3 ‘ si : - ‘ . 




10. A MOSAIC OF MOONSEED LEAVES . ‘ - : is 7 j 







Tue StorRAGE or Foop in SEEDS. 5 . 

Types or Sreeps . - : 5 : . . 
Seep DIsperRsAL . c F 2 ‘ a 2 
Fretp Work ‘ 3 ‘ . A ‘ 


ConpitTions or GERMINATION ° ° ° . 

GROWTH. . ; : ‘ ‘ . 5 3 
Fixtp Work . ‘ q - - . J 



Tue Work or Roots . A . : Z 
DirFERENT Forms oF Roots’. F F z 
Fietp Work - 7 ‘ 2 . 7 . 


A. MonocorTyts . ‘ é - . : 
B. Herpacrous Dicoryis i r . 3 

C. Woopy STEMMED DicoTyYLs * . 7 

vili ' CONTENTS 

IV. Tue Work or Stems . 3 7 - 3 : . : 
V. Woop SrructureE in 17Ts Re,ation To InpDusTRIAL USES 
VI. Forestry . : é ‘ 

Fietp Work $ ‘ ‘“ 7 . 3 ‘ 


I. Moves or BrancHING . : . is ° ‘ 
II. Bups . : 2 ; 3 ‘ 5 . . F ‘ 
III. Tue Brancuine OF FLowER STEMS : Fi ‘ ‘ 

Firxtp Work . 5 é j . 7 i Sonate 


I. Tue Typicat Lear anp ITs Parts - . ; A 

Il. Tue Vernrnc AND Lopine oF LEAVES . - ‘ : 
III. TRANSPIRATION . Fe : : : ‘ . P J 
IV. Anatomy oF THE LEAF . ‘ . 7 : 
V. Foop Maxine . ? ‘ 3 é é 3 ‘ 

VII. Tue Apsusrment or Leaves to ExTERNAL RELATIONS 
VIII. Mopirrep Leaves 
Fretp Work. ‘ ‘ ° . ‘ 


I. Dissection or Types witn Surerior Ovary 

Tl. Dissection or Types with INFERIOR Ovary 

Tl. Strupy or a Composite FLower 

IV. Speciarizep FLOwERs 

V. Fuxcrton anp Work or THE FLOWER . 

VI. HypripizATION . z - F : ‘ é 
VII. Pranr BreEepING a c 3 : * a ‘ 
VIIL Econtogy or tur Flower 


B. Wisp Poirination . 

C. Insecr PoLLtination é a is ‘ 

D. Protective ADAPTATION : . : 
Fietp Work : . - * : ° 5 F 









I. Horticutturat anp BoranicaL Fruits 

IL Fresyuy Fruits. ‘ é : a F ‘ * ‘ 
IIL Dry Fruits , F 
IV. Accessory, AGGREGATE, AND Mu tipie Fruits . 

Fietp Work . ‘ - - ‘ . ‘5 F : : 


I. Ecoroeicat Facrors ‘ . . . ‘ : s 

II. Pirant AssocraTions : . 5 or c . 

Ill. Zones or VeGerarion . > é fs ‘ . F 
Fietp Work 7 zi 3 : ‘ é . . 


J. Tuer PLace 1n NATURE : : . f ‘i 
Il. Ares. . ‘ : ‘ 3 . ‘ ‘ é 
iI. Fuwner. . . . ‘ 7 . i . . s 
A. Bacreria. 5 3 3 . - . ‘ 
B. Yeasts. ‘ é ‘ ‘ 
- C. Rusts ‘ ‘ . - i . 4 

D. Musurooms . . . i 
IV. Licuens . ‘ ‘ ‘ . > 
V. Liverworts 
VI. Mossrs 
VIT. Fern PLants 

IX. Tur Course or Pirant Evo.utTion 
Fietp Work ‘ : : ‘ - . . ‘ « ‘ 
1. Systematic BoTany ‘ ‘ ‘ é : - ‘i ‘ 

2. Weicuts, MEAsuRES, AND TEMPERATURES . i 5 . 


Puate 1.— Live oaks covered with Spanish moss (Tillandsia). 



Marerrau. — In addition to the four food tests described in Exps. 
1-6, there should be provided some raw starch, a solution of grape 
sugar, the white of a hard-boiled egg, and any fatty substance, such 
as lard or oil. For Exps. 8 and 9, a little diastase solution will be nec- 
essary. ‘Taka’ diastase, made from rice acted upon by a fungus, can 
be obtained for a trifle at almost any drug store. 

LIVING MATERIAL. — Grains of corn and wheat, and seeds of some 
kind of bean, the larger the better. The ‘horse bean” (Vicia faba), if 
it can be obtained, makes an excellent object for study, as the cells are 
so large that they can be seen with the naked eye. For showing the 
presence of proteins (aleurone grains) and oily matter, use thin cross sec- 
tions through the kernel of a castor bean or a Brazil nut. Specimens 
for the study of the individual cell will be found in the hairs growing on 
squash seedlings, in the epidermis of one of the inner coats of an onion, in 
the roots of oat or radish seedlings, or in the section of a young corn root. 

A compound microscope will be required for this study. 

1. The economic importance of seeds.— As a source of 
food to both man and the lower animals, the importance of 
seeds can hardly be overrated. All the flour, meal, rice, 
hominy, and other breadstuffs sold in the market come from 
them, to say nothing of the fleece from the cotton seed that 
clothes the greater part of the world, besides furnishing a 
substitute for lard and an important food for cattle. The 
oils and fats stored in nuts are also to be taken into account, 
the peanut alone yielding the greater part of the so-called 
olive oil of commerce. Since the value of our farm crops 
depends largely upon the kind and quantity of these sub- 
stances furnished by them, it is worth our while, as a matter 
of economic as well as scientific interest, to learn something 

about the nature of the different foods contained in plants. 


Fies. 1-8. — The world’s three most important food grains (magnified): 1, sec- 
tion of arice grain; a, cuticle ; b, aleurone, or protein layer ; c, starch cells; d, germ ; 
2, section of a wheat grain; k, germ; s, starch; a, gluten; 1, ¢, t, layers of the seed 
coat; 3, section of a grain of corn; c, husk; e, aleurone layer containing proteins ; 
eg, yellowish, horny endosperm, containing proteins and starch; ew, lighter starchy 
endosperm : the darker part below is rich in oil and proteins, and contains the em- 
bryo, consisting of the absorbing organ, or cotyledon, sc; the rudimentary bud, s ; and 
the root, w. (1, from Circular 77, La. Exp. Station ; 2, from Francé ; 3, from Sachs.) 

2. Why food is stored in seeds.— The one purpose 
for which plants produce their seed is to give rise to a new 
generation and so carry on the life of the species. The 
seed is the nursery, so to speak, in which the germ destined 
to produce a new plant 
is sheltered until it is 
ready to begin an inde- 
pendent existence. But 
the young plant, like 
the young animal, is 
incapable of providing 
for itself at first, and 
would die unless it re- 
ceived nourishment from 
the mother plant until 

Fias. 4-7. —Sections of corn grains showing ; 
different qualities of food contents: 4, 5, small it has formed roots and 
germ and large proportion of horny part, show- leaves so that it can 
ing high protein; 6,7, large germ and smaller pro- 
portion of horny part, showing high oil content. manufacture food for 



itself. Plants in general require very much the same food 
that animals do, and they have the power, which animals 
have not, of manufacturing it out of the crude materials con- 
tained in the soil water and in the air. Such of these foods 
as are not needed for immediate consumption, they store up 
to serve as a provision for the young shoot when the seed 
begins to germinate. 

3. Food substances contained in seeds. — There are four 
principal classes of food stored in seeds: sugars, starches, oils, 
and proteins. The first are held in solution and can be 
detected, if in sufficient quantity, by the taste. The most 
important varieties of this group are cane and grape sugar, 
the latter occurring most abundantly in fruits, the former in 
roots and stems. Oil usually occurs in the form of globules. 
It is very abundant in some seeds, ¢.g. flax, castor bean, and 
Brazil nut. In the corn grain it is found in the part constitut- 
ing the germ, or embryo (Figs. 6,7). Starches and proteins 
occur in the form of small granules, which have specific 
shapes in different plants (Figs. 8, 9). Those containing pro- 
teins are called aleurone grains, and are, as a rule, smaller 
than the starch grains with which they are intermixed in the 
bean and some other seeds. In wheat, corn, rice, and most 
grains they form a layer just inside the husk, as shown in 
Fig. 10. This is the reason why polished rice and fincly 
bolted flour are less nu- 
tritious than the darker 
kinds, from which this 
valuable food substance 
has not been removed. 
The two most familiar 
kinds of proteins are the 
albumins, of which the 

hit : * Fics, 8-9. — Different forms of starch grains: 
white oO an egg 18 8, rice; 9, wheat. 

a well-known example, 
and the glutins, which give to the dough of wheat flour and 


oatmeal their peculiar gummy or “ glutinous ”’ structure. 


4. Organic foods. — These four substances, starch, sugar, 

fats, and proteins, with some 

Bee as TKSenlooaye 
Fee2 Gea le ees EOP RES ie 
B) 2} QO? Vie" ADCHORes 
SI 902 BMI? oe|OO SIPS 52/50 
SOIC BSS Pes low owe 
@e Ke Za oo) Cre ASS SAREE e5, 
ran A 2S Oe Oe cy QBQYGOO Kt 5 SI, 
380 ag oy Qe, Pele cols 
"al SAzT SSO Sh Rol CHUSO 

Fig. 10.— Transverse section near the 
outside of a wheat grain: e, the husk ; a, cells 
containing protein granules; s, starch cells 
(after Tschirch). 

others of less frequent oc- 
currence, are called organic 
foods, because they are pro- 
duced, in a state of nature, 
only through the action of 
organized living bodies, or, 
more strictly speaking, of 
living vegetable bodies. 

5. Our dependence upon 
plants. — While the animal 
organism can digest and 
assimilate these substances 
after they have been formed 
by plants, it has no power 

to manufacture them for 
itself, and, so far as we know at present, is wholly depend- 
ent upon the vegetable world for these necessaries of life. 
In one sense the whole animal kingdom may be said to be 
parasitic on plants. The wolf that eats a lamb is getting 
his food indirectly from the grains and grasses consumed 
by its victim, and the lion that devours the wolf that ate 
the lamb is only one step further removed from a vegetable 

6. The vegetable cell.— If you will break open a well- 
soaked horse bean and examine the contents with a lens, you 
will see that they are composed of small oval or roundish 
granules packed together like stones in a piece of masonry. 
These little bodies, called cells, are the ultimate units out 
of which all animal and vegetable structures are built up, as 
a wall is built of bricks and stones. They differ very much 
from bricks and stones, however, in that they are, or have 
been, living structures with their periods of growth, activity, 
decline, and death, just like other living matter, as will be 
seen by and by, when we come to look more particularly 
into their life history. They consist usually of an inclos- 


ing membrane which contains a living substance called 
protoplasm. This is the essential part of the cell, and, so 
far as we know at present, the physical basis of all life. 
Cells are commonly more or less rounded in shape, though 
they take different forms according to the purpose they 
serve. Sometimes, as in the fibers of cotton and the down 
of young leaves, they are long and hairlike; when closely 
packed, they often become angular by pressure, like those 
shown in Figs. 10,11. The cells composing the thick body of 
the bean are for the most part starch and other substances 
stored up for food, which render observation difficult. It 
will, therefore, be better to choose for a study of the indi- 
vidual cell some kind that will show the essential parte more 

7. Microscopic examination of a cell.— Place under a high 
power of the microscope a portion of fresh skin from one of 
the inside scales of an onion, or a piece 
of the root tip of a very young corn or oat 
seedling, and fix your attention on one of 
the individual cells. Notice (1) the cell 
wall or inclosing membrane, w (Fig. 11) ; 
(2) the protoplasm, p, which may be 
recognized by its granular appearance ; 
(83) the nucleus, n; and (4) the cell sap, s. 
In very young cells the protoplasm will 
be seen to fill most of the interior; but 

2 : Fic. 11.—Typical cells: 
in mature ones, like the large one on the ™, nucleus ; 9, protoplasm ; 

w, cell wall; s, sap. 

right of the figure, it forms a thin lining 
around the wall, with the nucleus on one side, while the cell 
sap, composed of various substances in solution, occupies the 
central portion. Though there is generally an inclosing wall, 
this is not essential, its office being to give strength and me- 
chanical support by holding the contents together, as an 
India-rubber bag holds water. It is the turgidity of the cell, 
when distended with liquid, that gives firmness to herba- 
ceous plants and the tender parts of woody ones. This 


may be illustrated by observing the difference between a 
rubber bag when quite full and when only half full of water, 
or a football when partially and when fully inflated. In 
its simplest form, however, the cell is a mere particle of 
protoplasm, which has one part, constituting the nucleus, 
a little more dense in appearance than the rest, but this 
kind is not common in vegetable structures. 

8. How food substances get into the cells. — As there 
are no openings in the cell walls, the only way substances 
can get into a cell or out of it is by soaking through the 
inclosing membrane, as will be explained in a later chapter. 
Since starch, oil, and proteins, the most important foods 
stored in seeds, are none of them soluble in the cell sap, it is 
clear that they could not have got into the cells in their 
present state, but must have undergone some change by 
which they were rendered capable of passing through the 
cell wall. 

9. Digestion.— The process by which this change is 
brought about is known as digestion, from its similarity to 
the same function in animals. Not only are foods, in the 
state in which we find them stored in the seed, incapable 
of passing through the cell wall, but the protoplasm, the 
living part of the cell, has no power to assimilate and to 
utilize these substances as food until they have been re- 
duced to a soluble form in which they can be diffused freely 
from cell to cell through any part of the plant. By diffusion 
is meant the gradual spread of soluble substances through 
the containing medium, as when a lump of sugar or salt, 
dropped into a glass of water, dissolves and slowly diffuses 
through the contents, imparting a sweet or salty taste to the 

During the process of digestion the different kinds of 
food are acted upon and made soluble by certain chemical 
ferments, which are secreted in plants for the purpose. The 
digestion of starch, the most abundant of plant foods, is 
effected by diastase, a common ferment obtained from ger- 


minating grains of barley, wheat, corn, rice, etc. By the 
presence of diastase starch is converted into grape sugar, a 
substance which is readily soluble in water, and which can 
be diffused easily through the tissues of the plant to any 
part where it is needed. In this way food travels from the 
leaf, where it is made, to 
the seed, where the sugar is 
generally reconverted into 
starch and stored up for 
future use, though some- 
times, as in the sugar corn 
and sugar pea, it remains 
in part unchanged. The 
kernels of this kind of corn 
can be distinguished readily 
from those of the ordinary 
starch corn, after maturity, 
by their wrinkled appear- d 
ance, owing to their greater Fic. 12.—Starch grains of wheat in 
loss of water in drying. different stages of disintegration under the 
action of a ferment (diastase), accompany- 
10. Food tests. —In or- ing germination: u, slightly corroded ; b,c, 
der to tell whether any of a d, more advanced stages of decomposi- 
the food substances named 
occur in the seeds that we are going to examine, it will be 
necessary to understand a few simple tests by which their 
presence may be recognized. The chemicals required can 
be ordered ready for use from a druggist or may be prepared 
in the laboratory as needed, according to the directions 
given. Write in your notebook a brief account of each ex- 
periment made, with the conclusions drawn from it. 

of butter or a drop of oil on a piece of thin white paper. What is the effect ? 

ExpERIMENT 2. ANOTHER TEST FOR FATS. — Place some macerated 
alcanna root in a vessel with alcohol enough to cover it, and leave for an 
hour. Add an equal bulk of water and filter. The solution will stain 
fats, oils, and resins deep red. 


(uoT} 84g “dx ‘BT Jo TemNoItD wot) 


iodine solution on some starch. What change of color takes place? To 
make iodine solution, add to one part of iodine crystals 4 parts potas- 
sium iodide and 95 parts water. It should be kept in the dark, as light 
decomposes it. Iodine colors starch blue, protein substances light brown. 
In testing for starch, the solution should be diluted till it is of a pale color, 
otherwise the stain will be so deep as to appear black. 

EXPERIMENT 4. A TEST FOR PROTEINS. — Place a small quantity of 
the white of an egg, diluted with water, in a clean glass and add a few 
drops of nitric acid; or drop some of the acid on the white of a hard- 
boiled egg. What is the effect ? 

Nitric acid turns proteins yellow; if the color is indistinct, add a drop 
of ammonia, when an orange color will ensue. 

stance to be examined a drop of a saturated solution of cane sugar and 
water; add a drop of pure sulphuric acid; if proteins are present, they 
will be colored red. See also Exp. 3. 

EXPERIMENT 6. A TEST FOR GRAPE suGAR. — Heat a teaspoonful of 
Fehling’s Solution to the boiling point in a test tube (a common glass vial 
can be used by heating gradually in water) and pour in a few drops of 
grape sugar solution. Heat again and observe the color of the precipitate 
that forms. 

Fehling’s Solution may be obtained of the druggist, or, if preferred, 
it may be prepared in the laboratory as follows: (a) Dissolve 173 grams 
of crystallized Rochelle salts and 125 grams of caustic potash in 500 cc. of 
water; (b) dissolve 34.64 grams crystallized copper sulphate in 500 cc. 
of water, and mix equal parts as needed. (For English equivalents, see 
Appendix, Weights and Measures.) The two mixtures must be kept sep- 
arate till wanted for use, or prepared fresh as needed. 

Grape-Sugar causes Fehling’s Solution to form a red precipitate. 

STARCH IN REGARD TO SOLUBILITY. — Mix some sugar with water and 
notice how readily it dissolves. Try the same experiment with starch 
and observe its different behavior. 

OF DIGESTION. — Place a few grains of starch on a slide, add a drop or 
two of diastase solution, and observe under the microscope; the starch 
granules will be seen to disintegrate and melt away. Even with a hand 
lens it can be seen, from the greater clearness of the liquid in comparison 
with a mixture of untreated starch and water, that the grains have been 


sugar. — Make a paste of boiled starch so thin that it looks like water. 
Pour a small quantity of it into each of two tubes, adding a little diastase 
to one and leaving the other untreated. Keep in a warm place for twenty- 
four hours, then test both tubes for starch, as directed in Exp. 3, and note 
the result. If the diastase has not acted, add a little more and watch. 

Practical Questions 

1. Name all the food and other economic products you can think of 
that are derived from the seed of maize; from wheat; from flaxseed ; 
from cotton. 

2. Mention some seeds from which medicines are procured. 

3. Name all the seeds you can think of from which oil is obtained ; 
starch; some that are rich in proteins. (Exps. 1-5.) 

4. Describe some of the ways in which these products are frequently 

5. If you were raising corn to sell to a starch factory, what part of 
the seed would you seek to develop? If to feed stock, what part? Why, 
in each case? (3; Figs. 4-7.) 

6. What grain feeds more human beings than does any other ? 

7. Name all the seeds you can think of that contain sugar in sufficient 
quantity to be detected without chemical tests; that is, by tasting alone. 

8. Is “coal oil” a mineral or an organic substance? Explain, by 
giving an account of its origin. 

9. What is gluten? (3.) Name some grains that are especially rich in it. 

10. Which of our three chief food grains is a water plant? (See Plate 
2.) Which grows farthest south? Which farthest north? Which one is 
of American origin ? 


Marteriau. —Seeds of squash, pumpkin, or other melon; castor bean ; 
any kind of common kidney bean; grains of Indian corn. 

Appuiances. — In the absence of gas, an alcohol or kerosene lamp may 
be used for heating. A double boiler can easily be made by using two tin 
vessels of different sizes. Partly fill the larger one with water, set in it 
the smaller one with the substance to be heated, and place over a burner. 
A pair of scales, a strong six-ounce bottle, wire-netting, cord, and wax 
or paraffin should be provided. 

CONTAIN ANY WATER? — Place a number of beans, or grains of corn or 
wheat in a glass bottle, making a small perforation in the cork to allow 
the air to escape, and heat gently. Does any moisture form on the glass ? 


A better test is to weigh two or three ounces of seeds, and heat them 
in a double boiler or in oil to prevent scorching. Weigh at intervals. It 
there is any loss of weight, to what is it due? 

IXPERIMENT 11. Do SEEDS ABSORB WATER?— Soak a number of 
beans or grains of corn in water for 12 to 24 hours and compare with 
dry ones. What differencedo you notice? To what cause is it due? 

Dry gently with a soft cloth some of the seeds used in the last experiment 
and press them lightly to see if water comes out, and where. Place a num- 
ber of dry seeds of different kinds — squash, bean, castor bean, quince, 
etc. — in warm water and notice whether any bubbles of air form on them 
and at what point. Examine with a lens and see if this point differs in any 
way from the rest of the seed cover. Does it correspond with the point 
from which water exuded in the soaked seeds? Could hard seeds like 
the squash, castor bean, buckeye, and Brazil nut get water readily without 
an opening somewhere in the coat? 

THROUGH THE SEED coats. — Place in moist sand or sawdust two rows 
of beans as nearly as possible of the same size and weight, with the eye 
pressed down to the substratum in one row and turned up in the other, so 
that no moisture can enter through it. In the same way arrange two 
rows of castor beans with the little end down in one row and uppermost 
in the other. In the last set carefully break away the spongy mass near 
the tip, without injuring the parts about it. Watch and see in which 
rows water is absorbed most readily. What change takes place in the 
spongy masses at the tips of those castor beans on 
which they were left ? 

OPENINGS ? — Seal up with wax or paraffin all the 
openings of a number of air-dry peas or beans, and 
leave an equal number of the same size and weight 
untreated. Be careful that the sealing is absolutely 
water-tight, since otherwise the experiment will 
be worthless. Plant both sets and keep under like 
conditions of soil, temperature, and moisture. Do 
you see any difference in the rate of germination of 
the two sets? 


9 i ‘ of the expansion of 
ABSORBING WATER ? — Fill a common six-ounce bot- seeds due to absorp- 

tle as full as it will hold with dry peas, beans, or _ tion of water. 


grains of corn; then pour in water till the bottle is full. Tie a piece of 
wire-netting or stout sackcloth over the top to keep the seeds from being 
forced out. Bind both the neck and the body of the bottle tightly with 
strong cords encircling it in both a horizontal and vertical direction, and 
place under water in a moderately warm temperature. Watch for results. 

SEEDS ARE ALIVE ?— To answer this question try Exp. 15 with seeds 
that have been killed by heat or by soaking in formalin. 

Practical Questions 

1. Will a pound of pop corn weigh as much after being popped as be- 
fore? (Exp. 10.) 
2. What causes the difference, if there is any? (Exp. 10.) 

. 3. Does the tuft of downy hairs at the tip of wheat and oat grains 
influence their water supply? The spongy covering of black walnuts and 
almonds? The pithy inside layers of pecans and English walnuts? 
(Exps. 12, 13.) 

4. Why will seeds, as a general thing, germinate more readily after 
being soaked? (Exps. 11, 14, 16.) 


Mareriau. — Dry and soaked grains of corn, wheat, or oats; bean, 
squash, castor bean, and pine seed, or any equivaient specimens showing 
the differences as to number of cotyledons and the presence or absence of 
endosperm. Each student should be provided with several specimens, 
both soaked and dry, of the kind under consideration. Corn, beans, and 
wheat need to be soaked from 12 to 24 hours; squash and pumpkin from 
2 to 5 days, and very hard seeds, like the castor bean and morning-glory, 
from 5 to 10. If such seeds are clipped, before soaking, that is, if a small 
piece of the coat is chipped away from the end opposite the scar, or eye, 
they will soften more quickly. Keep them in a warm place with an even 
temperature till just before they begin to sprout, when the contents become 
softened. Very brittle cotyledons may be softened quickly by boiling 
for a few minutes. 

No appliances are needed beyond the pupil’s individual outfit and some 
of the food tests given in Section I of this chapter.. 

11. Dissection of a grain of corn. — Examine a dry grain 
of corn on both faces. What differences do you notice? 
Sketch the grooved side, labeling the hard, yellowish outer 


portion, endosperm, the depression near the center, embryo, or 

Next take a grain that has been soaked for twenty-four 
hours. What changes do you see? How do you account for 
the swelling of the embryo? Remove the skin and observe 
its texture. Make an enlarged sketch of a grain on the 
grooved side with the coat removed, labeling the flat oval body 
embedded in the endosperm, cotyledon; the upper end of the 
little budlike body embedded in the cotyledon, plumule, the 
lower part, hypocotyl — words 
meaning, respectively, ‘‘ seed 
leaf,” “little bud,’ and 
“the part under the cotyle- 
don.” As this part has not 
yet differentiated into root 14 ns 
and stem, we cannot call it Fies. 14-16.— Dissection of a grain of 

F corn: 14, soaked grain, seen flatwise, cut 
by either of these names. away a little and slightly enlarged, so as to 
The cotyledon, hypocotyl, show the embryo lying in the endosperm ; 

15, in- profile section, dividing the grain 
and plumule together cOM- through the embryo and cotyledon ; 16, the 

pose theembryo. Pick out gubyotsken outwhole, The thick mas 
the embryo and sketch as upwards, the plumule ; the short projection 
it appears un ak hie- Tene. at the base, the hypocotyl (after Gray). 
Crush it on a piece of white paper; what does it contain? 

Make a vertical section of another soaked grain at ritht 
angles to its broader face, and sketch, labeling the parts as 
they appear in profile. Make a cross section through the 
middle of another grain and sketch, labeling the parts as be- 
fore. What proportion of the grain is endosperm and what 
embryo? Put a drop of iodine and of nitric acid separately 
on pieces of the endosperm, and note the effects. Test the 
seed coats and the cotyledon to see if they contain any starch. 

Notice that the corn grain has but one cotyledon, hence 
such seeds are said tc be monocotyledonous, or one-cotyledoned. 
The grains are not typical seeds, but are selected for examina- 
tion because they are large and easy to handle, can be ob- 
tained everywhere, and germinate readily. 


12. Dissection of a bean. — Sketch a dry bean as it lies in 
the pod, showing its point of attachment and any markings 
that may appear on its surface. Then take it from the pod and 
examine the narrow edge by which it was attached. Notice 
the rather large scar (commonly called the eye of the bean) 
where it broke away from the point of 
attachment. This is the hilum. Near the 
hilum, look for a minute round pore like 
a pinhole. This is called the micropyle, 
from a Greek word meaning “a, little 
gate,” because it is the entrance to the 
interior of the seed coat. There was no 

Fics. 17, 18.—A kid-  micropyle observed in the corn grain, 
ney bean: 17, side view; Se ad < 
18, front view, showingh, because it is not a true seed but a fruit 
Hh; CesT inclosing a single seed. The inclosing 
membrane is the fruit skin, which has become incorporated 
with the seed coat and taken its place as a protective covering. 
Compare a soaked bean with a dry one; what difference do 
you perceive? How do you account for the change in size and 
hardness? Find the hilum and the micropyle in the soaked 
bean. Lay it on one side and sketch, with the micropyle on 
top; then turn toward you the narrow edge that 
was attached to the pod and sketch, labeling all 
the parts. Make asection through the long diam- 
eter at right angles to the flat sides, press it 
slightly open, and sketch it. Notice the line or 
slit that seems to cut the section in half longitu- 
dinally, and the small round object between the 2 
halves at one end; can you tell what it is? re a ar 

Slip off the coat from a whole bean and notice its 4 bean, show- 
texture. Hold it up to the light and see if itshows ee 
any signs of veining. See whether the scar at the hilum extends 
through the kernel, or marks only the seed coat. Lay open the 
two flat bodies into which the kernel divides when stripped of 
its coats, keeping them side by side, with the part above the 
micropyle toward the top. Sketch their inner face and label 


them cotyledons. Be careful not to break or displace the tiny 
bud packed away between the cotyledons, just above the 
hilum. Label the round portion of this bud, hypocotyl, and 
the upper, more expanded part, plumule. Which way does the 
base of the hypocotyl point; toward the micropyle, or away 
from it? Pick out this budlike body entire and sketch as it ap- 
pears under the lens. Open the plumule with a pin and exam- 
ine it with a lens; of what does it appear to consist? Do you 
find any endosperm around the cotyledons, as in the corn and 
oats? Break one of the soaked cotyledons, apply the proper 
tests (Exps. 2, 3, 5), and report what substances it contains. 
Where is the nourishment for the young plant stored? What 
part of the bean gives it its value as food? 

Notice that in the bean the embryo consists of three parts, 
the hypocotyl, plumule, and the two cotyledons, which com- 
pletely fill the seed coats, leaving no place for endosperm. 
Seeds like the bean, squash, and castor bean, which have 
two cotyledons, are said to be dicotyledonous. 

13. The castor bean.— Lay a castor bean on a sheet 
of paper before you with its flat side down; what does it 
look like? The resemblance may be increased by soaking 
the seed a few minutes, in order to swell the two little pro- 
tuberances at the small end. Can you think of any benefit 
a plant might derive from this curious resemblance of its seed 
to an insect ? 

Sketch the seed as it lies before you, labeling the pro- 
tuberance at the apex, caruncle. The caruncle is an append- 
age of the seed-covering developed by various plants; its use 
is not always clear. What appears to be its object in the 
castor bean? Refer to Exp. 13 and see if there is any other 
purpose it might serve. 

Turn the seed over and sketch the other side. Notice the 
colored line or stripe that runs from the large end to the car- 
uncle. This is the rhaphe, and shows the position that 
would be occupied by the seed stalk if it were present. Its 
starting point near the large end, which is marked in fresh 


seeds by a slight roughness, is the chalaza, or organic base of 
the seed, where the parts all come together like the parts of a 
flower at their insertion on the stem. Where was it situated 
in the common bean? How does this differ from its 
position in the castor bean? Where the rhaphe ends, 
just at the beak of the caruncle, you will find the hilum. 
The micropyle is covered by the caruncle, which is an 
outgrowth around it. 

Now cut a vertical section through a seed that has been 
soaked for several days, at right angles to the broad sides, 
and sketch it. Label the white, pasty mass within the 
seed coats, endosperm. Can you make out what the narrow 
white line running through the center of the endosperm, divid_ 
ing it into two halves, represents? Make a similar sketch 
of a cross section. 
Notice the same 
white line running 
horizontally across 
the endosperm, di- 
viding it into two 
equal parts. To 

Fies. 20-22. — Castor bean (slightly magnified) ; 20, find out what these 
back view ; 21, front view ; ch, chalaza; r, rhaphe; ca, lines are, take an- 
earuncle ; 22, vertical section ; en, endosperm ; cc, cotyle- 
dons; hy, hypocotyl; hi, hilum ; m, micropyle. other seed (always 

use soaked seeds for 

dissection) and remove the coats without injuring the kernel. 
Split the kernel carefully round the edges, remove half the 
endosperm, and sketch the other half with the delicate em- 
bryo lying on its inner face. You will have no difficulty 
now in recognizing the lines in your drawings as sections of 
the thin cotyledons. Where is the hypocotyl, and which way 
does its base point? Remove the embryo from the endosperm, 
separate the cotyledons with a pin, hold them up to the light, 
and observe their beautiful texture. Sketch them under the 
lens, showing the delicate venation. Is there any plumule? 
Test the endosperm with a little iodine, Does it give a 


blue or a brown reaction? Crush another bit of it on a piece 
of white paper and see if it leaves a grease spot. What does 
this show that it contains? Test the embryo in the same way, 
and see whether it contains any oil. 

Nore. — It should be borne in mind that the castor-bean bears no rela- 

tion whatever to the true beans. It belongs to the spurge family, which 
is botanically very remote from that of the peas and beans. 

hy i a 
& 4 
iy =p 
23 24 25 

Figs. 23-25, — Seed of a squash; 23, seed from the outside; 24, vertical section 
perpendicular to the broad side ; 25, section parallel to the broad side, showing inner 
side of a cotyledon; a, seed coat; c, cotyledons ; h, hypocotyl; p, plumule. 

14. Study of a squash or gourd seed. — How does the coat 
of a squash seed differ from that of the bean? At the small 
end, look for two dots, or pinholes, close A 
together. Refer to your drawing of the 
bean and see if you can make out, with 
the help of a lens, what they are. The 
bean is a curved seed, which is bent so as 
to bring the hilum close to the micropyle 
on one side. But by far the greater 
number of seeds are inverted, or turned 
over on their stalks, as you sometimes 
see huckleberry blossoms and bell flowers Fie, 26.— Diagram of 
on their stems, so that when the stalk 2" inverted 2 ee 
breaks away from its attachment, the rata pen ene 
scar and the micropyle come close to- [2°t, ‘ Mucumreatr 
gether at one end, as in the squash seed. chalaza; h, hilum; m, 

Make a drawing of the outside of a eee 

seed, labeling all the parts you have observed; then gently 


remove the hard coat, or testa, as it is called. The thin, green- 
ish covering that lines it on the inside is the endosperm. How 
does it compare in quantity with that in the corn and castor 
bean? How do the cotyledons compare in thickness with 
those of the bean? Carefully separate them and draw, label- 
ing the parts as you make them out. The tiny pointed 
object between the cotyledons at their point of union is the 
plumule ; is it as well developed as in the bean? Can you see 
any reason why seeds like the pea and bean, which have coty- 
ledons too thick and clumsy to do well the work of true leaves, 
should have a well-developed plumule, while those with thin 
cotyledons, like the squash and pumpkin, do not, as a general 
thing, form a large plumule in the embryo? The little pro- 
jection in which the cotyledons end is the hypocotyl; which 
way does it point? Where did you find the micropyle to be? 
Test the cotyledons and some of the endosperm for food sub- 
stances ; what do you find in them? 
15. Study of a pine seed. — Remove one of the scales from 
a pine cone and sketch the seed as it lies in place on the cone 
scale. Notice its point of attachment to 
the scale, and look near this point for a 
small opening, which you can easily recog- 
nize as the micropyle. The seed with its 
| wing looks very much like a fruit of the 
: V maple, but differs from it in being a naked 
ie 28. seed borne on the inner side of a cone scale, 
Fies. 27, 28. — ‘ 5 
Pitch pine seeds: Without a pod or husk or outer covering of 
27, seale, or open any kind, such as beans and nuts and grains 
carpel, with one seed 2 4 é : 
in place; 28. winged are provided with. Plants like the pine, 
coo (After which bear their seed in this way, are called 
Gymnosperms, a word that means ‘“ naked 
seeds,” in contradistinction to the Angtosperms, which bear 
their seeds in pods or other closed envelopes. 
Remove the coat from a seed that has been soaked for 
twenty-four hours, and examine it with a lens. Does it con- 
sist of one or more layers? Is there any difference in color 



between the inner and outer layers? Look at the base of the 
nypocotyl for some loose, cobwebby appendages. These are 
the remains of other embryos with certain append- 
ages belonging to them that were formed in the 
endosperm, but failed to develop. Did you find 
remains of this kind in any of the other seeds ex- 
amined? Pick out the embryo from the endo- 
sperm and test both for food substances. Which ~ 
of these do you find? Which are absent? How ee 
does the embryo differ from those already exam- Pine seed, 
ined? How many cotyledons are there? Make oa ec 
an enlarged sketch of a seed in longitudinal sae ane 
ryo (GRayY). 
section, labeling correctly all the parts observed. 

16. Comparison as to food value of seeds. — Make in your 
notebook a tabular statement after the model here given, of 
the food contents found in the different seeds you have ex- 
amined. Indicate the relative quantity of each by writing 
under it, in the appropriate column, the words, “ much,” 
“little,” or “‘ none,” as the case may be. 

By far the greater number of seeds contain endosperm ; 
that is, they consist of an embryo with more or less nourishing 

Mopet For Recorp or SEEDS EXAMINED 

Foovs Trestep 
Seeps ExamMiepD 

Starch Sugar Oil Proteins 


Wheat . 


Squash . 

Castor bean . 


matter stored about it. Even in seeds which appear to 
have none, the endosperm is present at some period during 
development, but is absorbed by the cotyledons before ger- 

17. Manner of storing nourishment. — In the various seeds 
examined, we have seen that the nourishment for the young 
plant is either stored in the embryo itself, as in the coty- 
ledons of the bean, acorn, squash, etc., or packed about them 
in the form of endosperm, as in the corn, wheat, and castor 

18. The number of cotyledons. — Seeds are also classed 
according to the number of their cotyledons, as having one, 
two, or many cotyledons. The first two kinds make up the 
great class of Angiosperms, which includes all the true flower- 
ing plants and forms the most important part of the vegeta- 
tion of the globe. The last is characteristic of the great 
natural division of Gymnosperms, or naked-seeded plants, 
of which we have had an example in the pine. They are the 
most primitive type of living seed-bearing plants. Though 
they are not so abundant now as in past ages, numbering 
only about four hundred known species, they present many 
diversities of form, which seem to ally them on the one hand 
with the lower, or spore-bearing plants (ferns, mosses, etc.), 
and on the other hand with the Angiosperms. 

Practical Questions 

1. Make a list of all the seeds you can find that have very thick coty- 
ledons, and underline those that are used as food by man or beast. 

2. Make a similar list of all the kinds with thin cotyledons and more or 
less endosperm, that are used for food or other purposes. 

3. Do you find a greater number of foodstuffs among the one kind 
than the other? 

4. How do the two kinds compare, as a general thing, in size and 
weight ? 

5. From what part of the castor bean do we get oil? of the peanut? 
of cotton seed? (Exps. 1-6.) 

6. Is there any valid objection to the wholesomeness of peanut oil, and 
of cottonseed lard as compared with hog’s lard? (1, 3.) 


7. Whatisbran? Does it contain any nourishment? (11, 12; Exps. 1-6.) 

8. What gives to Indian corn its value as food? to oats? wheat? 
vice? (3; Exps. 1-6.) 

9. Which of these grains has the larger proportion of endosperm to 
embryo? (Figs. 1-3.) 

10. Which contains the larger amount of nutriment in proportion to 
its bulk, rice or Indian corn? 

11. If you wished to produce a variety of corn rich in oil, you would 
select seed for planting with what part well developed? (3; Figs. 4-7.) 


Mareriau. — Fruits and seeds of any kind that show adaptations for 
dispersal. Some common examples are: (1) Wind: ash, elm, maple, 
ailanthus, milkweed, clematis, sycamore, linden, dandelion, thistle, 
hawkweed. (2) Water: pecan, filbert, cranberry, lotus, hickory nut, 
coconut — obtain one with the husk on, if possible. (3) Animal agency 
(involuntary): cocklebur, tickseed, beggar-ticks, burdock; (voluntary) 
almost all kinds of edible fruits, especially the bright-colored ones — wild 
plums, cherries, haws, dogwood, persimmons, etc. (4) Explosive and 
self-planting: witch-hazel, wood sorrel, violet, crane’s-bill, wild vetch, 
peanut, medick, stork’s-bill (Erodium). 

Take a number of winged and plumed fruits and seeds, such as those of the 
maple, ash, ailanthus, dandelion, clematis, milkweed, and trumpet creeper; 
stand on a chair or table in a place where there is a draft of air and let 
them all go. Which travel the farther, the winged or the plumed kinds? 
Which sort is better fitted to aérial transportation ? 

EXPERIMENT 18. DISPERSAL BY WATER. — Place in a bucket of water 
a hazelnut, an acorn, an orange, a cranberry, a pecan, a hickory nut, a fresh 
apple, and a coconut with the husk on. Which are the best floaters? Cut 
open or break open the good swimmers, compare with the non-floaters, and 
see to what peculiarity of structure their floating qualities are due. In 
what situations do the cranberry and the coconut grow? Can you see 
any advantage to a plant so situated in producing fruits that float easily ? 

slightly some mature but unopened capsules of witch hazel, wood sorrel, 
rabbit pea, or violet, and leave in a warm, dry place for fifteen to forty- 
five minutes. What happens when the pods begin to dry? Measure the 
distance to which the different kinds of seeds have been ejected. Which 
were thrown farthest? What was the object of the movement? What 
caused the explosion? 


a handful of hooked or prickly seeds or fruits — cocklebur, tickseed, beggar- 
ticks, bur grass, etc. Are they suited for wind transportation? Drop one 
of them on your sleeve, or on the coat of a fellow student; will it stay 
there? What would be the effect if it became attached to the fur of a 
roaming animal? Is this a successful mode of dissemination ? 


Fias. 30-32. —30, A pod of wild vetch, with mature valves twisting spirally to 
discharge the seed ; 31, pod of crane’s-bill discharging its seed ; 32, capsules of witch- 
hazel exploding. 

19. Agencies of dispersal.— The means at nature’s dis- 
posal for this purpose, as shown by the experiments just made, 
are four; namely, wind, water, the explosion of capsules due 
to the withdrawal of water, and the agency of animals, in- 
cluding man. The first three are purely mechanical. The 

Fias. 33-36. — Fruits adapted to wind dispersal : 33, winged pod of pennycress ; 
oe spikelet of broom sedge; 35, akene of Canada thistle ; 36, head of rolling spin- 
ifex grass. 

last, animal agency, is either voluntary or involuntary, ac- 
cording as it is conscious and intentional, or accidental merely. 
Man, of course, is the only consciously voluntary agent. Of 


the four agencies named, animals and wind are the most effec- 
tive, and the greater number of adaptations observed will be 
found to have reference to these. 

20. Involuntary dispersal.— The lower animals may be 
voluntary agents in a way, though not designedly so, as when 

Fie. 37.—Good quality of clo- Fic. 38.—Inferior quality of 
ver seed. clover seed mixed with ‘‘ screen- 

a squirrel buries nuts for his own use and then forgets the lo- 
cation of his hoard and leaves them to germinate; or when 
a jaybird flies off with a pecan in his bill, intending to crack 
and eat it, but accidentally lets 
it fall where it will sprout and 
take root. Both man and the 
lower animals are not only in- 
voluntary, but often unwilling 
agents of dispersal. Some of the 
most troublesome weeds of civili- 
zation have been unwittingly dis- 
tributed by man as he journeyed 
from place to place, carrying, 
along with the seed for planting 
his crops, the various weed seeds, 
or “screenings,”’ as these mixtures 
are called by dealers, with which 
they have been adulterated either through carelessness and 
ignorance, or from unavoidable causes. The neglected 
animals, also, that are allowed by short-sighted farmers to 
wander about with their hair full of cockleburs and other 

Fic. 39.— Dodder on red clover; 
showing how the seeds get mixed. 


adhesive weed pests, are no doubt very unwilling carriers of 
those disagreeable burdens. 

21. Tempting the appetite. — This is the most important 
adaptation to dispersal by animals. Have you ever asked 
yourself how it could profit a plant to tempt birds and beasts 
to devour its fruit, as so many of the bright berries we find in 
the autumn woods seem to do? To answer this question, 
examine the edible fruits of your neighborhood and you will 
find that almost without exception the seeds are hard and 
bony, and either too 
small to be destroyed 
by chewing, and thus 
capable of passing 
uninjured through 
the digestive system 
of an animal; or, if 
too large to be swal- 
lowed whole, com- 
pelling the animal, 
by their hardness or 
disagreeable flavor, 
to reject them. In 
cases where the seeds 
themselves: are ed- 
ible and attractive, 
the fruits are usually 

Fras. 40-42.—Adhesive fruits : 40, fruit ofhound’s- armed during the 
tongue ; 41, akene of bur marigold; 42, fruit of bur : . 
grass (cenchrus). growing season with 

protective coverings, 
like the bur of the chestnut and the astringent hulls of the hick- 
ory nut and walnut. The acidity or other disagreeable quali- 
ties of most unripe fruits serves a similar purpose, while their 
green color, by making them inconspicuous among the foliage 
leaves, tends still further to insure them against molestation. 

22. Voluntary agency. — The cultivated fruits and grains 
owe their distribution and survival almost entirely to the 


voluntary agency of man. Dispersal by this means, whether 
intentional or accidental, is purely artificial, and except in the 
case of a few annuals like horseweed, bitterweed, ragweed, 
goosefoot, and other field pests that have adjusted their sea- 
son of growth and flowering to the conditions of cultivation, 
is not correlated with any special modification of the plants 
for self-propagation. On the contrary, many of the most 
widely distributed weeds of cultivation, such as the ox-eye 
daisy, the rib grass, mayweed and bitterweed, possess very 
imperfect natural means of dispersal, and are largely depend- 
ent for their propagation on the involuntary agency of man. 
23. Use of the fruit in dispersal. — It will be seen from the 
foregoing observations that the fruit plays a very important 
part in the work 
of dispersal, most 
of the adapta- 
tions for this pur- 
pose being con- 
nected with it. 
In cases where a 
number of seeds 
are contained 
in a large pod “= 
that could not UTED TAR 
conveniently be aa oe 
blown about by showing the bunchy top and Fic. 44.— Panicle ot 

weak anchorage of a typical “ old witch grass,”’ a com- 
the breez ©, tumbleweed. mon tumbleweed. 

adaptations for 

wind dispersal are attached to the individual seeds, as in the 
willow, milkweed, trumpet creeper, and paulonia; but as a 
general thing, adaptations of the seed are for protection, the 
work of dispersal being provided for by the fruit. In the case 
of the large class of plants known as “ tumbleweeds, ” the 
whole plant body is fitted to assist in the work of transporta~- 
tion. Such plants generally grow in light soils and either 
have very light root systems, or are easily broken from their 


anchorage and left to drift about on the ground. The spread- 
ing, bushy tops become very light after fruiting, so as to be 
easily blown about by the wind, dropping their seeds as they 
go, until they finally get stranded in ditches and fence corners, 
where they often accumulate in great numbers during the 
autumn and winter. 

24. The advantages of dispersal. — Seed cannot germinate 
unless they are placed in a suitable location as to soil, moisture, 
and temperature. In order to increase the chances of secur- 
ing these conditions, it is clearly to the advantage of a species 
that its seeds should be dispersed as widely as possible, both 
that the seedlings may have plenty of room, and that they 
may not have to draw their nourishment from soil already 
exhausted by their parents. The farmer recognizes this 
principle in the rotation of 
crops, because he knows that 
successive growths of the 
same plant will soon exhaust 
the soil of the substances re- 
quired for its nutrition, while 
they may leave it richer in 
nourishment for a different 

25. Self-planting seeds. — 
Dispersal is not the only 
problem the seed has to meet. 
The majority of seeds cannot 
germinate well on top of the 
ground, and must depend on 
various agencies for getting 
under the soil. Some of them 
do this for themselves. The 
seeds of the stork’s-bill, popularly known as “ filarees,’”’ have 
a sharp-pointed base and an auger-shaped appendage at the 
apex, ending in a projecting arm (the “clock” of the “laree) 
by which it is blown about by the wind with a whirling motion 

Fic. 45. — Self-planting pod of peanut. 


till it strikes a soft spot, when it begins at once to bore its 
way into the ground. The common peanut is another exam- 
ple. The blossoms are borne under the leaves, near the base 
of the stem, and as soon as the seeds begin to form, the 
flower stalks lengthen several inches, carrying the young pods 
down to the ground, where they bore into the soil and ripen 
their seeds. 

Practical Questions 

. Name the ten most troublesome weeds of your neighborhood. 

. What natural means of dispersal have they ? 

. Which of them owe their propagation to man? 

. Are there any tumbleweeds in your neighborhood ? 

Would you expect to find such weeds in a hilly or a well-wooded 
region? (19, 23; Exp. 17.) 

6. What situations are best fitted for their propagation? (19, 23; 
Exp. 17.) 

7. Make a list of all the fruits and seeds you can think of that are 
adapted to dispersal by wind; by water; by animals. 

8. By what means of dissemination, or protection, or both, is each of 
the following distinguished : the squash; apple; fig; pecan; poppy; 
bean; beggar-tick; linden; grape; rice; pepper; olive; cranberry ; 
jimson weed; thistle; corn; wheat; oats? 

9. What is the agent of dispersion, or what the danger to be provided 
against, in each case? 

10. Could our cultivated fruits and grains survive in their present state 
without the agency of man? (22.) 

11. Name all the plants you can think of that bear winged seeds and 
fruits; are they, as a general thing, tall trees and shrubs, or low herbs? 

12. Name all you can think of that bear adhesive seeds and fruits; are 
they tall trees or low herbs? 

13. Give a reason for the difference. (Exps. 17, 20.) 

14. Why is the dandelion one of the most widely distributed weeds in 
the world? (19; Exp. 17.) 

15. Is the wool that covers cotton seed for dispersal or protection ? 

16. What advantage to the Indian shot (canna) is the excessive hardness 

of its seeds? (21.) 
17. What is the use to the species, of the bitter taste of lemon and 

orange seed? (21.) 
18. Why are the seeds of dates and persimmons and haws so hard? 


aoOrPWN Ee 


19. Do you find any edible seeds without protection? If so, account 
for the want of it. (21, 22.) 

20. Name some of the agencies that may assist in covering seeds with 

‘21. Do you know of any seeds that bury themselves ? 

22. The seeds of weeds and other refuse found mixed with grain sold 
on the market are known, commercially, as ‘‘screenings.’”’ Wheat brought 
to mills in Detroit showed screenings that contained, among other things, 
seeds of black bindweed, green foxtail grass, yellow foxtail, chess, oats, 
ragweed, wild mustard, corn cockle, and pigweed. Can you mention some 
of the ways in which these foreign substances may have gotten into the 
crop and suggest means for keeping them out ? 

Field Work 

The subjects treated in the foregoing chapter are, in general, better 
suited to laboratory than to field work. There are some details, however, 
which can be observed to advantage out of doors. Many of the seeds 
found in your walks will show peculiarities of shape and external markings 
and color that will invite observation. Examine also the contents of dif- 
ferent kinds you may meet with, as to the presence or absence of endosperm 
and the arrangement and development of the embryo. Note: (1) whether, 
as a general thing, there is any difference in size and weight and amount of 
nourishing matter in the two kinds; (2) the greater variety in the shape 
and arrangement of the cotyledons in the albuminous kind, and in the ar- 
rangement of the embryo; (8) the differences in the development of 
the plumule in the two kinds, — and give a reason for the facts observed. 

Among the different seeds you may find, look for adaptations for dispersal, 
and decide to what particular method each is suited. Study the agencies 
by which various kinds may get covered with soil. If the common stork’s- 
bill (Hrodium cicutartwm) grows in your neighborhood, its seeds will well 
repay a little study, and if there is a field of peanuts within reach, do not 
fail to pay it a visit. 



Materia. — A pint or two of corn, peas, beans, or any quickly germi- 
nating seed. : 

APPLIANCES. — Matches; wood splinters; gas jet or alcohol lamp; 
test tubes; a small quantity of mercuric oxide; a thermometcr; a couple 
of two-quart preserve jars, and a smaller wide-mouthed bottle that can 
be put into one of them; some limewater; a glass tube (the straws used 
by druggists for soft drinks will answer). 

26. Preliminary exercises. — Before taking up the study 
of germinating seeds, it is important to learn from what 
sources the organic substances used by the growing plant 
are derived, and some of the processes that accompany 
growth and development. 

TION. — Strike a match and let it burn out. Examine the burnt portion 
remaining in your hand; what changes do you notice? These changes 
have been caused by the union of some substance in the match with 
something outside of it, in the act of burning; let us see if we can find 
out what this outside substance is. 

Heat some mercuric oxide in a test tube over the flame of a burner. 
The heat will cause the oxygen to separate from the mercury, and in a 
short time the tube will be filled with the gas. Extinguish the flame 
from a lighted splinter and thrust the glowing end into the tube; what 
happens? The oxygen unites with something in the wood and causes it to 
burn just as the match did. Compare your burnt splinter with the burnt 
end of the match; what resemblance do you notice between them? 

OXIDATION. — Your experiment with the match showed that ignition 
is accompanied by heat, and if active enough, by light, and also that 
it left behind a solid substance in the form of charcoal. But how 
about the part that united with the oxygen to produce these resylts? 



Let us see what became of it. Hold a lighted candle under the open end 
of a test tube, or under the mouth of a small glass jar. Does any vapor 
collect on the inside? After two or three minutes quickly invert the jar 
or the tube, and thrust in a lighted match: what happens? Can the 
substance now in the jar be ordinary air? Why not? (Exps. 21, 22.) 
Pour in a small quantity of limewater, holding your hand over the mouth 
of the tube to prevent the air from getting in; the gas inside, being heavier 
than air, will not. escape immediately unless agitated. What change do 
you notice in the limewater ? 

It has been proved by experiment that the kind of gas formed by the 
burning candle has the property of turning limewater milky; hence, 
whenever you see this effect produced in limewater, you may conclude 
that this gas, known as carbon dioxide, is present; and conversely, the 
presence of carbon dioxide, especially if accompanied by some of the other 
effects observed, as the giving out of heat and moisture, may be taken as 
evidence that some process similar to that going on in the burning candle 
is, or has been, at work. 

PROCESSES OF ANIMALS ?— Blow your breath against the palm of your 
hand; what sensation do you feel? Blow it against a mirror, or a piece 
of common glass; what do you see? Blow through a 
tube into the bottom of a glass containing limewater ; 
how is the water affected? How do these facts cor- 
respond with the results of Exp. 23? 

a small, wide-mouthed jar with limewater, place it in- 
side a larger one (Fig. 46), and fill the space between 
them, up to the neck of the smaller vessel, with well- 
soaked peas, beans, or barleycorns, on a bed of moist 
cotton or blotting paper. Cover with a piece of glass 
and keep at a moderately warm temperature. (2) As 

Fic. 46.—Dia- 4 control experiment, place beside this another jar ar- 
grammatic section, ranged in precisely the same way, except that seeds 
pelea tsi must be used whose vitality has been destroyed by 
Exp. 25. heat. To prevent the entrance of germs among the 

dead seeds, which might cause fermentation and thus 
interfere with the experiment, set the jar containing them in a vessel of 
water and boil an hour or two before the experiment begins. Otherwise, 
treat precisely as in (1). 

After germination has taken place in (1), what change do you notice in 
the limewater? If the effect is not apparent, gently stir with a straw or 


a glass rod to mix it with the gas in the larger jar. Has the limewater in 
the control experiment undergone the same change? (It may show a 
slight milkiness due to the carbon dioxide in the air.) Insert a thermom- 
eter among the seeds in both of the larger jars, and compare their tem- 
perature with that of the outside air; which shows the greater rise? 
From this experiment and the last one, what process, common to animals, 
would you conclude has been going on in the germinating seeds? 

Nore. — Heat in germinating seeds is not always due to this cause 
alone, but is sometimes increased by the presence of minute organisms 
called bacteria. Germinating barley and rye in breweries sometimes 
show an increase in temperature of 40 to 70 degrees, due to these organisms, 
and spontaneous combustion in seed cotton has been reported from the 
same cause. 

27. Oxidation.— The process that brought about the 
results observed in the foregoing experiments, and popularly 
known as combustion, is more accurately defined by chemists 
as oxidation. It takes place whenever substances enter into 
new combinations with oxygen. The most familiar examples 
of it are when oxygen enters into combination with substances 
containing carbon. It was the union of a portion of the 
oxygen of the air in Exp. 21, and of that in the tube in Exp. 
22, with some of the carbon in the wood, that caused the 
burning. The effect was more marked in the second case 
because the oxygen in the tube was pure, while in the air it 
is mixed with other substances. 

28. Carbon. — The black substance left in your hand 
after oxidation of the wood in Exps. 21 and 22 is carbon. 
It composes the greater part of most plant bodies, and, in 
fact, is the most important element in the realm of organic 
nature. There is not a living thing known, from the smallest 
microscopic germ to the most gigantic tree in existence, that 
does not contain carbon as one of its essential constituents. 

29. Carbon dioxide. — The gas produced by the burning 
candle in Exp. 23, by the germinating seeds in Exp. 25, and 
expelled from your own lungs in Exp. 24, is carbon dioxide. 
Chemists designate it by the symbol CO,, which means that 
it consists of one part carbon to two parts oxygen. It is an 


invariable product wherever the oxidation of substances 
containing carbon goes on. Heat and moisture are evolved 
at the same time, and if oxidation is very active, as in Exps. 
21 and 22, light also. When the process takes place very 
slowly, no light is evolved, and so little heat as to be imper- 
ceptible without special observation. Hence, oxidation may 
go on around us and even in our own bodies without our 
being conscious of the fact. 

Carbon dioxide is of prime importance to the well-being of 
plants. It furnishes the material from which the greater 
part of their organic food is derived, as will be seen when 
we take up the study of the leaf and its work. To animals, 
on the contrary, its presence is so injurious that if the pro- 
portion of it in the air we breathe ever rises much above 1 
part to 1000, the ill effects become painfully sensible. It 
is not, however, as was formerly supposed, a poison, the 
harm it does being to decrease the proportion of oxygen 
in the atmosphere so that animals cannot get enough of it 
to breathe, and die of suffocation. 

30. Respiration in plants and in animals. — It was shown 
in Exp. 24 that respiration in animals is accompanied by the 
products of oxidation; hence we conclude that respiration 
is a form of oxidation. And since these same products are 
given off by plants (Exp. 25), the inference is clear that the 
same process goes on in them. But in plants the life func- 
tions are so much more sluggish than in animals that it is 
only in their most active state, during germination and 
flowering, that evidence of it is to be looked for. 

31. Respiration and energy. — In plants, as in animals, 
respiration is the expression or measure of energy. Sleeping 
animals breathe more slowly than waking ones, snakes and 
tortoises more slowly than hares and hawks. The more 
we exert ourselves and the more vital force we expend, the 
harder we breathe; hence, respiration is more active in 
children than in older persons and in working people than in 
those at rest. It is the same with plants ; respiration is most, 


perceptible in germinating seeds and young leaves, in buds 
and flowers, where active work is going on. Hence, in this 
condition they consume proportionately larger quantities 
of oxygen and liberate correspondingly larger quantities of 
carbon dioxide, with a proportionate increase of heat. In 
some of the arums, — calla lily, Jack-in-the-pulpit, colo- 
casia, etc., —and in large heads of composite, like the sun- 
flower, where a great number of small flowers are brought 
together within the same protecting envelope, the rise of 
temperature is sometimes so marked that it may be per- 
ceived by placing a flower cluster against the cheek. 

Practical Questions 

1. What is charcoal? (28.) 

2. Is any of this substance contained in the seed? in the flour and 
meal made from seed? (28; Exp. 25.) 

3. What combination takes place when the cook lets the stove get too 
hot and burns the biscuits? (27, 28.) 

4. Of what does the burned part consist? (28.) What was it before 
it was burned? (27, 28). 

5. Which burns the more readily, an oily seed or a starchy one? 
Which leaves the more solid matter behind? (Suggestion: test by put- 
ting a bean, or a large grain of corn, and an equal quantity of the kernel 
of a Brazil nut on the end of apiece of wire and thrusting into a flame.) 

6. Is there any rational ground for the statement that the wooden 
buildings formerly used on Southern plantations as cotton ginneries were 
sometimes destroyed through spontaneous combustion due to the heat 
generated by piles of decaying cotton seed? (Exp. 25, Note.) 


Marertau. — Several ounces each of various kinds of seed. For the 
softer kinds, pea, bean, corn, oats, wheat are recommended; for those 
with harder coverings, squash, castor bean, apple, pear, or, where ob- 
tainable, cotton; for still harder kinds, persimmon and date seeds, or the 
stones of plum and cherry. 

AppLiancEs. — 1 dozen common earthenware plates for germinators; 
1 dozen two-ounce wide-mouthed bottles; 2 common glass tumblers; 
clean sand, sawdust, or cotton batting, for bedding; a double boiler; a 
gas burner, or a lamp stove. 


32. Recording observations. — For this purpose a page 
should be ruled off in the notebook of each student, after 
the model here given, and the facts brought out by the differ- 
ent experiments set down as observed. 


No. of hours .. 24 | 48 | 72 |4d./5d.)/6d./74.}8d.|10d./2 w. 

No. of vessel. . 

No. of vessel. . 

No. of vessel. . 

No. of vessel. . 

No. of vessel. . 

eye ele 

No. of vessel. . 

number of dry beans or grains of corn, oats, or other convenient seed, 
into a vessel with a bedding of cotton or paper that is barely moistened, 
and an equal number of soaked seeds of the same kind into another vessel 
with a saturated bedding of the same material. In a third vessel place 
the same number of soaked seed, covering them partially with water, and 
in a fourth cover the same number entirely. Label them 1, 2, 3, and 4; 
keep all together in a warm, even temperature, and observe at intervals 
of twenty-four hours for a week. What condition as to moisture do 
you find most favorable to germination? Would seeds germinate in the 
entire absence of moisture? How do you know? 

IN THE LAST EXPERIMENT? — To answer this question experimentally is 
not easy, since it is difficult te obtain a complete vacuum without special 
appliances. The simplest way is to fill with mercury a glass tube 30 
inches long, closed at one end, and invert it over a small vessel — a tea- 
cup, or an egg cup will answer — containing mercury enough to cover 
the bottom to a depth of two or three centimeters (see Appendix, Weights 
and Measures, for English equivalents.) The tube must be supported in 
such a way that its lower end will dip into the mercury without touching 
the bottom of the vessel. With a pair of forceps insert under the mouth of 
the tube two or three seeds that have been well soaked in water deprived 
of air by previous boiling. Being lighter than mercury, they will float to 
the top, where there is a complete absence of air while other conditions 


favorable to germination are present. Before releasing, they should be 
well shaken under the mercury to free them from air bubbles, and if the 
coats are loose fitting so that they can be removed without injury to the 
parts inclosed in them, they should be slipped off in order to get rid of any 
imprisoned air they may contain. Additional moisture may be supplied, 
if necessary, by injecting, by means of a medicine dropper inserted under 
the mouth of the tube, a drop or two of water that has been previously 
boiled. Keep in a warm, even temperature, under conditions favorable 
to germination, and compare the behavior of the seeds with those placed 
in the different vessels in Exp. 26. 

If appliances for this experiment are lacking, a rough approximation 
can be made by using the seeds of aquatic plants, such as the lotus, water 
lily, and the so-called Chinese sacred bean, sold in the variety stores, 
which we know are capable of germinating in the limited amount of air 
contained in ordinary soil water. Place an equal number of such seeds, 
of about the same size and weight, on a bedding of common garden soil 
in two glass tumblers. Fill one vessel a little over half full of ordinary 
soil water and the other to the same height with 
water from which the air has been expelled by boil- 
ing. Pour over the liquid a film of sweet oil or castor 
oil, to prevent the access of air, leaving the surface of 
the water in the other vessel exposed. In which do 
the seeds come up most freely ? 

Some seeds, especially those rich in proteins, as 
peas and beans, will germinate in a vacuum, because 
oxygen is supplied for a time by the chemical decom- 
position of substances in their tissues which contain it, 
but when these are exhausted, respiration ceases and 
death ensues. 

number of peas or grains of corn at different depths 
in a wide-mouthed glass jar filled with moist sand, as 
shown in Fig. 47, the lowest ones at the bottom, the 
top ones barely covered. Try different kinds of seed 
and grain, — radish, squash, cotton, or wheat, — and 
watch them make their way to the surface. Do you 
notice any difference in this respect between large 
seed’and small ones? Between those with thick coty- : : 
ledons and thin ones? At what depth do you find, Pee Rie es 
from your recorded observations, that seed germinate 4 which to plant 
best ? seeds, 


NATION ? — Put half a dozen soaked beans on moist cotton or sawdust in 
three wide-mouthed bottles of the same size or in germinators arranged as 
in Figs. 48, 49, the seed also being selected 
with a view to similarity of size and weight. 
Keep one at a freezing temperature; the 
second in a temperature of 15° to 20° C. 
(see Appendix for Fahrenheit equivalents) ; 
and the third, at 30° C. If a place can 
be found near a stove or a register, where 
an even temperature of about 125° F. 
is maintained, place a fourth receptacle 
there. Observe at intervals of twenty- 
four hours for a week or ten days, keeping 
the temperature as even as possible, and 
maintaining an equal quantity of moisture 
in each vessel. Make a daily record of 
your observations. What temperature do 

Fries. 48,49. Home-made ger- 

minators: 48, closed; 49, showing : 2 
interior arrangement. you find most favorable to germination ? 

ity? — Place about two dozen each of grains of corn, beans, squash 
seed, and castor beans, with an equal number of plum or cherry stones, 
in water, and heat to a temperature of 150° F. After an exposure of 
ten minutes, take out six of each kind and place in germinators made 
of two plates with moist sand or damp cloth between them, as shown 
in Figs. 48, 49. Raise the temperature to 175° F., and after ten minutes 
take out six more of each kind of seed and place in another germinator. 
Raise the water in the vessel to 200°, take out another batch of seeds; 
raise to the boiling point for ten minutes more, and plant the remain- 
ing six of each lot. Number the four germinators, and observe at in- 
tervals of twenty-four hours for two weeks. The harder kinds should be 
kept under observation for three or four weeks, as they germinate slowly. 

Try the same experiments with the same kinds of seeds at a dry heat, 
using a double boiler to prevent scorching, and record observations as before. 

germinators seeds of various kinds, such as corn, wheat, peas, turnip, apple, 
orange, grape, castor bean, etc. ‘‘Clip”’ some of the harder ones and keep 
all the kinds experimented with under similar conditions as to moisture, 
temperature, etc., and record the time required for cach to sprout. What 
is the effect of clipping, and why ? 

GERMINATING ? — Plant some seeds from half-grown tomatoes, and grains 


of wheat, oats, or barley before they are ready for harvesting. Try as 
many kinds as you like, and see how many will come up. Notice whether 
there is any difference in the health and vigor of plants raised from seeds 
in different stages of maturity. 

SEED. — From a number of seeds of the same species select half a dozen of 
the largest, heaviest, 
and most perfect, and 
an equal number of 
small, inferior ones. If 
a pair of scales is at 
hand, the different sets 
should be weighed and 
a record kept for com- ( nt ) 
parison with the seed- 
lings at the end of the 
experiment. Plant the Q HINGG 0g 4 (\ J) h\ 
two sets in pots con- 50 

taining exactly the Fias. 50, 51. — Stem development of seedlings: 50, 
same kind of soil, and aised from healthy grains of barley; weight, 39.5 
is rf ea a il grams (about 500 ers.) ; 51, raised under exactly similar 

cep. ‘on er i entica, conditions from the same number of inferior grains; 
conditions as to light, weight, 23 grams (about 350 grs.). 

temperature, and 
moisture. Keep the 
seedlings under obser- 
vation for two or three 
weeks, making daily 
notes and occasional 
drawings of the height 
and size of the stems, 
and the number of 
leaves produced by 

33. Resistance oS = 
to heat and cold.— Fias. 52, 53.— Improvement of corn by selection: 

Tn making experi- 52, original type; 53, improved type developed from it. 
ments with regard to temperature, notice how the extremes 
tolerated are influenced, first, by the length of time the 
seeds are exposed ; second, by the amount of water contained 
in them; and third, by the nature of the seed coats. Every 
farmer knows that the effect of freezing is much more in- 





jurious to plants or parts of plants when full of sap (water) 
than when dry. This, in the opinion of the most recent 
investigators, is because the water in the spaces outside the 
cells freezes first and as moisture is gradually withdrawn 
from the inside to take its place, the soluble salts which may 
be present in the cell sap become more concentrated, and by 
their chemical action on the contained proteins cause them 
to be precipitated, or “ salted out,”’ as we see sugar or salt 
precipitated from solutions of those substances when water 
is withdrawn by evaporation. In this way, it is believed, 
the fundamental protoplasm of the cell may be so disorganized 
that death ensues if the freezing is continued long enough, 
since the protein precipitates become ‘‘ denatured ”’ and cannot 
be reabsorbed if kept in a solid state too long. The length of 
time necessary to produce death from this cause is, of course, 
different in different plants, according to the kind of salts 
dissolved in the sap and the nature of the proteins acted on 
by them. The proteins in the sap of Begonia, or Pelargo- 
nium, plants which are very sensitive to cold, yield a dena- 
tured precipitate at, or a little below the freezing point of 
water, while those of winter rye withstand a temperature of 
—15° C., and of pine needles, —40° C. 

Mechanical injury through rupture of parts by freezing 
is not apt to cause serious damage except in cases of sudden 
and violent cold at a time when the tissues are gorged with 
sap, as not infrequently happens during the abrupt changes 
of temperature which sometimes occur in spring after the 
trees have put forth their leaves. In an extreme case of 
this kind, the writer has seen the trunk of an oak a foot 
or more in diameter split in deep seams from the effects 
of freezing. 

34. The length of time during which seeds may retain 
their vitality. — No direct experiment can be made to test 
this point, since it would require months, or even years, 
covering in some instances more than the lifetime of a genera- 
tion. It has been stated on good authority that seeds of the 


water chinquapin (Nelumbo) have germinated after more 
than a hundred years, and moss spores preserved in her- 
bariums, after fifty. But the records in such cases are not 
always trustworthy, and there is absolutely no foundation 
for the statements sometimes made about the germination 
of wheat grains found preserved with mummies over two 
thousand years old. If kept perfectly dry, however, seed 
may sometimes be preserved for months, or even years. 
Peas have been known to sprout after ten years, red clover 
after twelve, and tobacco after twenty. Ordinarily, however, 
the vitality of seeds diminishes with age, and in making ex- 
periments it is best to select fresh ones. Those used for 
comparison should also, as far as possible, be of the same size 
and weight. 

35. Effect of precocious germination. — It has been found 
by experiment that plants raised from immature seed, when 
they will germinate at all (Exp. 32), yield earlier and larger 
crops than the same kinds from mature seed. Early toma- 
toes and some other vegetables are produced in this way. 
The majority of seeds, however, require a period of rest 
before beginning their life work. Those that are forced to 
take up the burden of “ child labor” show the effect of 
such abnormal condition by yielding fruits that are smaller 
and less firm than those raised from mature seed, so that 
they do not keep well and have to be marketed quickly. 
Under what circumstances does it pay to cultivate such 

Practical Questions 

1. What are the principal external conditions that affect. germination ? 
(Exps. 26-29.) 

2. What effect has cold? want of air? too much water? 

3. Is light necessary to germination? 

4, What is the use of clipping seeds? (Exps. 12, 13, 14, and Material, 


5. In what cases should it be resorted to? (Exp. 31.) 

6. Why will seed not germinate in hard, sun-baked land without 


abundant tillage? Why not on undrained or badly drained land? (Exps. 
26, 27.) 
7. Will seeds that have lost their vitality swell when soaked? (Exp. 16.) 
8. Are there any grounds for the statement that the seeds of plums 
boiled into jam have sometimes been known to germinate?! (33; Exp. 30.) 
9. Could such a thing happen in the case of apple or sunflower seed, 
and why or why not? (33.) 

10. Does it make any difference in the health and vigor of a plant 
whether it is grown from a large and well-developed seed or from a weak 
and puny one? (Exp. 33.) 

11. Would a farmer be wise who should market all his best grain and 
keep only the inferior for seed ? 

12. What would be the result of repeated plantings from the worst 
seed ? 

13. Of constantly replanting the best and most vigorous? 

14. Suppose seed would germinate without moisture; would this be 
an advantage, or a disadvantage to agriculturists ? 

15. Why is a cool, dry place best for keeping seeds? (Exps. 26, 29.) 

16. Why are the earliest tomatoes found in the market usually smaller 
than those offered later? (35.) 

17. Why is continued rain so :njurious to wheat, oats, and other grains 
before they are mature enough to be harvested? (35; Exp. 32.) 

18. Would the same effect be likely to occur in the case of very oily 
seeds, such as flax and castor beans? Why? (Suggestion: try the effect 
of putting water on a piece of oiled paper.) 

19. Explain why many seeds cannot germinate successfully without 
air. (30, 31; Exp. 25.) 

20. Mention some of the practical advantages that a farmer, a gardener, 
or a careful housewife might gain from experiments like those made in this 

21. Explain why seeds can endure so much greater extremes of tempera- 
ture than growing plants. (23, 33.) 


Materiau. — Seedlings of various kinds in different stages of growth. 
It is recommended that the same species be used that were studied in 
Section III, Chapter I, or such equivalents as may have been substituted 
for them. Enough should be provided to give each pupil three or four 
specimens in different stages of development. Seeds, even of the same kind, 

‘Vines, ‘‘ Lectures on the Physiology of Plants,” p. 282. See also Sachs, 
“Physiology of Plants.” 


develop at such different rates that it will probably not be necessary to 
make more than two plantings of each sort, from 2 to 5 days apart. 
Soaked seeds of corn and wheat will germinate in from 3 to 7 days, 
according to the temperature; oats in 1 to 4; beans in 4 to 6; 
squash and castor beans in from 8 to 10. Very obdurate ones may 
be hastened by clipping. Keep the germinators in an even temperature, 
at about 70° to 80° F. 

Pine is a very difficult seed to germinate, requiring usually from 18 to 21 
days. By soaking the mast for twenty-four hours and planting in damp 
sand or sawdust kept at an even temperature of 23° C. or about 75° F., 
specimens may be obtained. 

36. Seedlings of monocotyls.— Examine a seedling of 
corn that has just begun to sprout ; from which side does the 
seedling spring, the plain or the grooved one? Refer to your 
sketch of the dry grain and see if this 
agrees with the position of the embryo as 
observed in the seed. Make sketches of 
four or five seedlings in different stages of 
advancement, until you reach one with a 
well-developed blade. From what part of 
the embryo has each part of the seedling 
developed? Which part first appeared 
above ground? Is it straight, or bent in 
any way? In what direction does the 
plumule grow? The hypocotyl? Does the 
cotyledon appear above ground at all? Slip 
off the husk and see if there is any differ- ee et 
ence in the size and appearance of the (‘ling of corn (after 
contents as you proceed from the younger a geeahins oe 
to the older plants. How would you ac- _ later stage. 
count for the difference? 

37. The root. — Examine the lower end of the hypocotyl 
and find where the roots originate ; would you say that they 
are an outgrowth from the stem, or the stem from the root? 
Observe that the root of the corn does not continue to grow 
in a single main axis like that of the castor bean, but that 
numerous adventitious and secondary roots spring from 



various points near the base of the hypocotyl and spread out 
in every direction, thus giving rise to the fibrous roots of 
grains and grasses. 
38. Root hairs. — Notice the grains of sand or sawdust 
that cling to the rootlets of plants grown in a bedding of that 
kind. Examine with a lens and see if you 
can account for their presence. Lay the root 
in water on a bit of glass, hold up to the light 
and look for root hairs ; on what part are they 
most abundant? 

The hairs are the chief agents in absorbing 
moisture from the soil. They do not last 
very long, but are constantly dying and being 
renewed in the younger and tenderer parts of 

Fic. 56. —Seed- the root. These are usually broken away in 
ling of wheat, with tearing the roots from the soil, so that it is not 
id easy to detect the hairs except in seedlings, 
even with a microscope. In oat, maple, and radish seedlings 
they are very abundant and clearly visible to the naked eye. 
The amount of absorbing surface on a 
root is greatly increased by their presence. 

39. The root cap.— Look at the tip of 
the root through your lens and notice the b 
soft, transparent crescent or horseshoe- 
shaped mass in which it terminates. This 
is the root cap and serves to protect the 
tender parts behind it as the roots burrow 
their way through the soil. Being soft c 
and yielding, it is not so likely to be in- Egy Oil > Latent 

: : ; matic section of a root 
jured by the hard substances with which _ tip: a, cortex; 6, central 

it comes in contact as would be the more nts — ae 
compact tissue of the roots. It is composed _ situated; ¢, root cap ; g, 
of loose cells out of which the solid root 7°” ™=?°™™ 

substance is being formed; the growing point of the root, 
g, is at the extremity of the tip just behind the cap, c (Fig. 57). 

The cap is very apparent in a seedling of corn, and can easily 


be seen with the naked eye, especially if a thin longitudinal 
section is made. It is also well seen in the water roots of the 
common duckweed (Lemna), and on those developed by a 
cutting of the wandering Jew, when placed in water. Are 
there any hairs on the root cap? Can you account for their 

Norte. —For a minute study of the structure of roots, see 67. 

40. Organs of vegetation. — The three parts, root, stem, 
and leaf, are called organs of vegetation in contradistinction to 
the flower and fruit, which constitute 
the organs of reproduction. The for- 
mer serve to maintain the plant’s indi- 
vidual existence, the latter to produce 
seed for the propagation of the species, 
so we find that the seed is both the be- 
ginning and the end of vegetable life. 

41. Definitions.— Organ is a general 
name for any part of a living thing, wi 
whether animal or vegetable, set apart yg. 58.—Seedlings of bean 
to do a certain work, as the heart for in different stages of growth: 

, ec, cotyledons, showing the 
pumping blood, or the stem and leaves plumule and hypocotyl before 
of a plant for conveying and digesting ee i ee anttba 
sap. By “function” is meant the ment. At d the arch of the 
particular work or office that an organ A pe er Pe ene ee 
has to perform. erected itself. 

42. Seedlings of dicotyls. The bean. — Sketch, with- 
out removing it, a bean seedling that has just begun to show 
itself above ground; what part is it that protrudes first? 
Sketch in succession four or five others in different stages of 
advancement. Notice how the hypocotyl is arched where 
it breaks through the soil. Does this occur in the monocotyls 
examined? Do the cotyledons of the bean appear above 
ground? How do they get out? Can you perceive any 
advantage in their being dragged out of the ground back- 
wards in this way rather than pushed up tip foremost? 


What changes have the cotyledons undergone in the suc- 
cessive seedlings? Remove from the earth a seedling just 
beginning to sprout and sketch it. From what point does 
the hypocotyl protrude through the coats? Does this agree 
with its position as sketched in your study of the seed? 
In which part of the embryo does the first growth take place? 

Remove in succession the several seedlings you have 
sketched and note their changes. How does the root differ 
from that of the corn and oats? The first root formed by the 
extension of the hypocotyl is the primary root and should be 
so labeled in your drawings; the branches that spring from 
it are secondary roots. Look for root hairs; if there are 
any, where do they occur? 

43. Germination of the squash. — How does the manner 
of breaking through the soil compare with that of the bean? 

Fia. 59.— Stages in the germination of a typical seedling of the squash family : 
u, a seed before germination ; }, c, e, the same in different stages of growth; d, the 
empty testa, with kernel removed ; hi, hilum ; m, micropyle ; p, p, the peg in the heel ; 
h, h, h, the hypocotyl ; ar, arch of the hypocotyl; co, cotyledons; pl, plumule; pr, 
primary root; sc, secondary roots. 

With the corn? From which end of the seed, the large or 
the small one, does the hypocotyl spring? Do the cotyledons 
come above ground? How do they get out of the seed coat? 
Notice the thick protuberance developed by the hypocotyl 
and pressing against the lower half of the coat at the point 
where the hypocotyl breaks through. This is called the 


“ peg ”’; can you tell its use? Could the cotyledons get out 
of their hard covering without it? Slip the peg below the 
coat in one of your growing specimens, leave it in the soil, 
and see what will happen. How do the cotyledons of the 
squash differ from those of the bean as they come out of the 
seed cover? Do they act as foliage leaves? Do you see 
any difference in the development of the plumule in the two 
seeds (Figs. 19, 25) to account for the different behavior of 
the cotyledons? Sketch three seedlings in different stages, 
labeling correctly the parts observed. Make a similar study 
of the castor bean, or other seedling selected by your teacher, 
and illustrate by drawings. 

44. Arched and straight hypocotyls. — This difference in 
the manner of getting above ground is an important one. 
That by means of the arched hypocoty] is, in general, charac- 
teristic of the process of germination in which the cotyledons 
come above ground, while the straight kind, which was illus- 
trated in the corn and wheat, is the prevail- 
ing method when the cotyledons remain 
below ground. Can you give a reason for 
the difference? 

45. Polycotyledons; germination of the 
pine. — Examine a pine seedling just begin- 
ning to sprout. What part emerges first 
from the seed coat? Where does it break 
through? Where did you find the micropyle 
in the pine seed? (15.) Can you give a 
reason why the hypocotyl in seeds should 
break through the coats at this pomt? How frie. 60. — Pine 
do the cotyledons get out of the testa? Is seedlins(4/terGray). 
the hypocotyl arched or straight in germination? How does 
it compare with the bean and squash in this respect? With 
the corn? Is any endosperm left in the testa after the cotyle- 
dons have come out? What has become of it? Do the 
cotyledons function as leaves? How many of them has the 
specimen you are studying? Notice the little knob or button 


at the upper end of the hypocotyl, just above the point where 
the cotyledons are attached; this is the epicotyl, or part 
above the catyledons, here identical with the plumule; does 
it develop as rapidly as in the other seedlings you have ex- 
amined ? 

46. Relation of parts in the seedling. — Lefore leaving this 
subject, it is important to fix clearly in mind the different 
parts of the germinating seedling and their relation to both 
the embryo from which they originated and the plant into 
which they are to develop. The part labeled “ hypocotyl” 
in your sketches is all that portion of the emhryo below the 
point of attachment of the cotyledons. In germination its 
upper part will become the stem, and in the embryo con- 
stitutes the caulicle, or stemlet, while its lower part, from 
which the root will develop, is the radicle, or rootlet; hence 
the term ‘‘ hypocotyl”’ includes both the future root and 
stem. The plumule is that part of the embryo between the 
cotyledons and above their point of attachment to the caulicle. 
It is the upward growing point of the young plant, and hence 
the place of attachment of the cotyledon is the first node, or 
point of leaf origin, on the stem. 

The epicotyl, in contradistinction to the hypocotyl, is all 
that part of the plart above the insertion of the cotyledons. 
Before germination it is identical with the plumule. As the 
seedling grows, the epicotyl advances its growing point by 
adding new nodes and internodes, as the spaces between the 
successive points of leaf insertion are called. 

47. Botanical terms. — As the prefixes hypo and epi are 
of frequent occurrence in botanical works, it will aid in 
understanding their various compounds if you will remem- 
ber that hypo always refers to something below or beneath, 
and ept, to something over or above. With this idea in mind 
you will see that botanical terms are a labor-saving device, 
since it is much easier, in making notes, to use a single de- 
scriptive word than to write out the long English equivalent, 
such as “ the part under (or over) the cotyledons.” 


Practical Questions 

1. Do the cotyledons, as a general thing, resemble the mature leaves of 
the same plants ? 

2. Name some plants in which you have observed differences, and ac- 
count for them; could convenience of packing in the seed coats, for in- 
stance, or of getting out of them, have any bearing on the matter? 

3. Does the position in which seeds are planted in the ground have 
anything to do with the position of the seedlings as they appear above the 
surface ? 

4. Is this fact of any importance to the farmer ? 

5. Will grain that has begun to germinate make good meal or flour? 
Why? (27, 36; Exp. 25.) 


Materiau. — Two young potted plants; some lily or hyacinth bulbs; 
seedlings of different kinds, — some with well- 
developed taproots, — apple, cotton, and maple 
are good examples. 

Appiiances.— A small flat dish, some mer- 
cury, and a piece of cork. 

CREASE IN LENGTH ? — Mark off the root of a very 
young corn seedling into sections by moistening a 
piece of sewing thread with indelible ink and 
applying it to the surface of the root at intervals 
of about two millimeters (7y of an inch), or by 
tying a thread lightly around it at the same inter- 
vals. Lay the seedling on a moist bedding be- 
tween two panes of glass kept apart by a sliver of 
wood to prevent their injuring the root by pressure. 

: Fics. 61, 62.—Seed- 
Watch for a day or two, and you will see that ling of corn, marked to 

growth takes place from a point just back of the show region of growth: 

61, early stage of germi- 
nation ; 62, later stage. 

tip (Figs. 61, 62). 
Mark off a seedling of the bean in the same 
way and watch to see whether it increases in the same manner as the corn. 

off a portion of the stem of a bean seedling as explained in the last experi- 
ment, and find out how it grows. Allow a seedling to develop until it 
has put forth several leaves and measure daily the spaces between them. 
Label these spaces in your drawings, “internodes,” and the points where the 
leaves are attached, “nodes.’”’? Does an internode stop growing when the 


one next above it has formed? When is growth most rapid? Reverse the 
position of a number of seedlings that have just begun to sprout and watch 
what will happen. After afew days reverse again and note the effect. 

Frias. 63, 64.— Root of bean seed- Fias. 65, 66.—Stem of bean seedling, 
ling, measured to show region of measured to show region of growth: 65, 
growth: 63, early stage of germina- early stage of growth; 66, later stage. 

tion ; 64, later stage. 

TIME ? — Remove the scales from a white 
lily bulb, weigh them, and lay in a warm, 
but not too damp place, away from the 
light. After a time bulblets will form at 
the bases of the scales. Weigh them again, 
and if there has been any loss, account 
for it. The experiment may be tried by 
allowing a potato tuber or a hyacinth bulb 
to germinate without absorbing moisture 
enough to affect its weight. 

— Plant in a pot suspended as shown in 
Fig. 67, a healthy seedling of some kind, 

Fias.67,68.—Experimentshow- two or three inches high, so that the 
ing the direction of growth instems: lyumule shall point downward through 
67, young potato planted in an in- : 
verted position ; 68, the same after the drain hole and the root upward into 
an interval of eight days. the soil. Watch the action of the stem 


for six or eight days, and sketch it at successive intervals. After the stem 
has directed itself well upward, invert the pot again, and watch the growth. 
After a week remove the plant and notice the direction of the root. Sketch 
it entire, showing the changes in direction of growth. 

At the same time that this experiment is arranged, lay another pot with a 
rapidly growing plant on one side, and every forty-eight hours reverse the 
position of the pot, laying it on the opposite side. At the end of ten or 
twelve days remove the plant and examine. How has the growth of root 
and stem been affected ? 

What do we learn from these experiments and from Exp. 35 as to the 
normal direction of growth in these two organs respectively? Can you 
think of any natural force that might influence this direction ? 

THAN CHANGE THEIR DIRECTION OF GROWTH. — Pin a sprouted bean to a 
cork and fasten the cork to the side of a flat dish, 
as shown in Fig. 69. Cover the bottom of the dish 
with mercury at least half an inch deep, and over 
the mercury pour a layer of water. Cover the 
whole with a pane of glass to keep the moisture Me Bia, HO Renamer 
and leave for several days. The root will force its showing the root of a seed- 

way downward into the mercury, although the ling forcing its way down- 

latter is fourteen times heavier than an equal W@Fd through mercury. 

bulk of the bean root substance, and the root must thus overcome a 
resistance equal to at least fourteen times its own weight. 

48. What growth is.— With the seedling begins the 
growth of the plant. Most people understand by this 
word mere increase in size; but growth is something more 
than this. It involves a change of form, usually, but not 
necessarily, accompanied by increase in bulk. Mere me- 
chanical change is not growth, as when we bend or stretch 
an organ by force, though if it can be kept in the altered 
position till such position becomes permanent, or as we say 
in common speech, “ till it grows that way,” the change 
may become growth. To constitute true growth, the change 
of form must be permanent, and brought about, or main- 
tained, by forces within the plant itself. 

49. Conditions of growth. — The internal conditions de- 
pend upon the organization of the plant. The essential 
external conditions are the same as those required for germi- 


nation: focd material, water, oxygen, and a sufficient. 
degree of warmth. It may be greatly influenced by other 
circumstances, such as light, gravitation, pressure, and 
(probably) electricity ; but the four first named are the essen- 
tial conditions without which no growth is possible. 

50. Cycle of growth.— When an organ becomes rigid 
and its form fixed, there is no further growth, but only nutri- 
tion and repair, — processes which must not be confounded 
with it. Every plant and part of a plant has its period of 
beginning, maximum, decline, and cessation of growth. The 
cycle may extend over a few hours, as in some of the fungi, or, 
in the case of large trees, over thousands of years. 

51. Geotropism.— The general tendency of the growing 
axes of plants to take an upward and downward course as 
shown in Exp. 37 — in other words, to point to and from the 
center of the earth —is called geotropism. It is positive when 
the growing organs point downward, as most primary roots 
do; negative when they point upward, as in most primary 
stems; and transverse, or lateral, when they extend horizon- 
tally, as is the case with most secondary roots and branches. 

52. Gravity and growth. — It cannot be proved directly 
that geotropism is due to gravity, because it is not possible 
to remove plants from its influence so as to see how they 
would behave in its absence. The effect of gravity may be 
neutralized, however, by arranging a number of sprouting 
seeds on the vertical disk of a clinostat, an instrument 
fitted with a cleckwork movement by means of which they 
may be kept revolving steadily for several days. By this 
constant change of position gravity is made to act on them 
in all directions alike, which is the same in some respects as 
if it did not act at all. If the disk is made to revolve 
rapidly, the growing root tips turn toward the axis of motion, 
without showing a tendency to grow downward. We may 
then conclude that geotropism is a reaction to gravity. 

53. Geotropism an active force.—It must be noted, 
however, that the force here alluded to is not the mere me- 


chanical effect of gravity, due to weight of parts, as when the 
bough of a fruit tree is bent under the load of its crop, but 
a certain stimulus to which the plant reacts by a spontaneous 
adjustment of its growing parts. In other words, geotro- 
pism is an active, not a passive function, and the plant will 
overcome considerable resistance in response to it. (Exp. 38). 

54. Other factors. — The direction of growth is influ- 
enced by many other factors, such as light, heat, moisture, 
contact with other bodies, @ and perhaps by 
electricity. The result of all these forces is an 
endless variety in the forms and growth of 
organs that seems to defy all law. 

Heat, unless excessive, gen- erally stimulates 
‘growth; contact sometimes stimulates it, 
causing the stem to curve away fromthedis- 
turbing object, and sometimes retards it, causing 
the stem to curve toward the object of contact 
by growing more rapidly on the opposite side, 

Fic. 70.—A piece of a haulm of millet that has been laid horizontally, righting 
itself through the influence of negative geotropism. 

as in the stems of twining vines. Light stimulates nutrition, 
but generally retards growth. The movements of plants 

toward the light are effected in this way; growth being 
checked on that side, the plant bends toward the light. 

Practical Questions 

1. Why do stems of corn, wheat, rye, etc., straighten themselves after 
being prostrated by the wind? (51, 54.) 

2. Do plants grow more rapidly in the daytime, or at night? (54.) 

3. Reconcile this with the fact that green plants will die if deprived 
of light. 


4. Which grows more rapidly, a young shoot cr an old one? (31, 50.) 

5. Which, as a general thing, are the more rapid growers, annuals of 
perennials? Herbaceous or woody-stemmed plants? 

6. Name some of the most rapid growers you know. 

7. Of what advantage is this habit to them? 

8. Why do roots form only on the under side of subterraneous stems? 

9. Why do new twigs develop most freely on the upper side of hori- 
zontal branches? (51.) 

Field Work 

(1) Notice the various seedlings met with in your walks and see how 
many you can recognize by their resemblance to the mature plants. Ac- 
count for any differences you may observe between seedlings and older 
plants of the same species. Observe the cotyledons as they come up and 
their manner of getting out of the ground, and notice the ways in which 
this is influenced by moisture, light, and the nature of the. soil. Where 
the cotyledons do not appear, dig into the ground and find out the reason. 
Notice which method of emergence occurs in each case, the arched, or 
straight, and account for it. Observe particularly the behavior of seed- 
lings in hard, sunbaked soil. If you see any of them lifting cakes of earth, 
compare the size and weight of the cake with that of the seed; if there is 
any disparity, what does this imply? What is the force called which the 
plant exercises in lifting the weight? (51.) 

(2) Notice if there are any seeds germinating successfully on top of 
the ground, and find out by what means their roots get into the soil. 
Observe what effect sun and shade, moisture and drought, and the nature 
of the soil have on the process. Find out whether roots exercise force in 
penetrating the soil; what kinds they penetrate most readily, and what 
kinds, if any, they fail to penetrate at all. Notice whether seedlings with 
taproots, like the turnip and castor bean, or those with fibrous roots, like 
corn and wheat, are more successful in working their way downward. 

(3) Look for tree seedlings. Explain why seedlings of fruit trees are so 
much more widely distributed in cultivated districts, and so much easier 
to find than those of forest trees. Where do the latter occur, as a general 
thing? Account for the fact that seedling trees are so much more rare 
than germinating herbs, and why trees like the oak and chestnut and 
black walnut propagate so much more slowly, in a state of nature, than. 
the pine, cedar, ash, and maple. 

(4) Observe the direction of growth in plants on the sides of gullies and 
ravines, and tell how it is influenced by geotropism. Notice whether there 
are other influences at work; for instance, light, or in the case of roots, 
the attraction of moisture. 



Marteriau. — For experiments in osmosis provide fresh and boiled 
slices of red beet, a fresh egg, a piece of ox bladder or some parchment 
paper; glass tubing, thread, twine, elastic bands, salt and sugar solutions. 
A common medicine dropper with the small end cut off will answer instead 
of tubing for making an artificial cell; or an eggshell may be used, by 
blowing out the contents through a puncture in the small end, and care- 
fully chipping away a portion of the shell at the big end, leaving the lining 
membrane intact. The different liquids can be put into the shell and the 
exposed membrane placed in contact with the liquid 
in the glass, by fitting over the latter a piece of card- 
board with a hole in the center large enough for the 
exposed surface to protrude sufficiently to touch the 

55. Object of the experiments. — In or- 
der to understand clearly the action of roots 
in absorbing nutrients from the soil, it will 
be necessary to learn something about the 
movement of liquids through the cells, upon 
which the physiological processes of the 
plant depend. For this purpose make an 
artificial cell by tying a piece of ox bladder 
or parchment paper tightly over one end of 
a small glass tube, as shown in Fig. 71. 

PLACE IN THE CELL? — (a) Put some salt water in ——— 
a wineglass, partly fill the tube of the artificial cell F1c. 71.—Artificial 
with fresh water, and mark on the outside of both cell. 
vessels the height at which the contained liquid stands. Set the tube 
in the glass of salt water and wait for results, having first tested care- 
fully to make sure that there are no leaks in the membrane. After half 
an hour, notice whether there is any increase of water in the glass, as 

indicated by the mark. If so, where didit come from? Is there any loss 


of water in the tube? What has become of it? How did it get out? 
Taste it to see if any of the salt water has got in. Which is the heavier, 
salt water, or fresh? (If you do not know, weigh an equal quantity of 
each.) In which direction did the principal flow take place; from the 
heavier to the lighter, or from the lighter to the heavier liquid ? 

(b) Put a sugar or salt solution in the tube, and clear, fresh water in 
the glass, marking the height in each as before. Does the liquid rise or 
fall in the tube? Does any of it escape into the water of the glass, and if 
so, is it more or less than before? Which now contains the denser fluid, 
the tube or the glass? What principle governs the course of the liquid? 
Try the same experiment with (c), the same liquid in both vessels, and 
notice whether there is a greater flow in one direction than the other, as 
indicated by a comparison with the marks on the outside. (d) Put in 
the tube some of the white of a raw egg, insert in a glass.of pure water, and 
note the effect. (e) Reverse, with water in the tube and white of egg 
in the glass. Does the water rise in the tube as before? Test the contents 
for proteins; has any of the albumin passed through the membrane into 
the tube? 

Slice a fresh piece of red beet into a vessel of water and of a boiled one into 
another vessel of the same liquid at the same temperature. What differ- 
ence do you notice? Can you think of any reason why the boiled one gives 
up its juices and the other one does not? 

56. Osmosis. — The passage of liquids or of solids in so- 
lution through membranes is known as osmosis. Our experi- 
ments have shown that the principles governing the osmotic 
movement are: (1) the passage of water from the thinner 
liquid toward the denser takes place more rapidly than in 
the opposite direction; (2) the rapidity of the transfer de- 
pends on the difference in density; (3) crystallizable sub- 
stances in solution, like sugar and salt, osmose readily; 
(4) albuminous or gelatinous substances, such as the white 
of an egg, osmose so slowly that the cell wall may be regarded 
as practically impermeable to them. 

57. Osmosis a form of diffusion. — Osmosis is related to 
diffusion as a part to the whole. In other words, it is a name 
given to the process when it takes place through a mem- 
brane, whether solid, as the outer wall of the cell, or semi- 
fluid, as the inner wall of living protoplasm. Diffusion may 


therefore take place without osmosis, that is, in the absence 
of a membrane, as, for example, when we sweeten our tea or 
coffee by allowing sugar to diffuse through it. Many mem- 
branes offer little resistance to the osmotic movement of 
crystallizable substances. Such membranes are said to be 
permeable. Membranes which are not permeable to the dis- 
solved solids, are called semi-permeable, since they allow the 
diffusion of water but not of the substances in solution. 
Living protoplasm is of this class. It is only very slightly 
permeable to many substances toward which, when dead, it 
acts as a permeable membrane. 

58. Absorption in living and dead cells. — There is one 
great difference between the action of the artificial cell used 
in the foregoing experiments and that of the cells of which 
a living body is built up. The living cell always has at least 
two membranes. One of these, the cell wall, is readily per- 
meable, while the other, the protoplasm, is semi-permeable 
—that is, substances in solution usually diffuse more or less 
slowly, while water diffuses rapidly. Hence in the living cell 
the protoplasm exercises a power of absorption independent 
of the cell wall, sometimes rejecting substances admitted by 
the latter, sometimes retaining others to which it is perme- 
able, as shown in Exp. 40. In the boiled beet the protoplasm 
had been killed and the red coloring matter passed through 
it unhindered, while in the living one it was held back 
by the protoplasmic lining, which is thus seen to control the 
absorptive properties of the cell. 

59. Plasmolysis. — Cells can be killed or injured in other 
ways than by heat; for example, by cold, by poisons, by 
starvation, and by overfeeding through the use of too much 
fertilizer or too rich a one. In this last case, the soil water 
becomes impregnated with soluble matter from the manure, 
which may render it denser than the sap in the roots. When 
this happens, it will cause the osmotic flow to set outward 
and thus deplete the cell of its water; whence we have 
the paradox that a cell, or even a whole plant, may be starved 


by overfeeding. This action of osmosis in withdrawing 
the contents from a cell is termed plasmolysis, and you can 
easily understand how very important a knowledge of the 
principles governing it is to the farmer in determining the 
application of fertilizers to his crops. 

Dead cells, although powerless to carry on the life processes 
of a plant, have nevertheless important uses in serving the 
purposes of mechanical support and also to some extent in 
assisting in the work of absorption, though their function 
here is a purely mechanical one. 

60. Selective absorption. — Different plants through 
their roots absorb different substances from the soil water, or 
the same substance 
in varying degrees. 
Hence, one kind of 
crop. will exhaust 
the soil of certain 
minerals while leav- 
ing other kinds in- 
tact, or very little 
diminished; and vice 
versa, another kind 
' ye : j é will take up abun- 
Fic. 72, =e of a tree enveloping a rock. dantly what its pred- 

The large sycamore, whose base is partly concealed a 
by the trumpet creeper on the left of the picture, ecessor has rejected. 

is growing in very hard, stony soil, and one of ] 
its main roots has molded itself so completely to the In this BEMIS plants 

ledge of rock protruding on the right, that when a are said to exercise a 
portion of it was torn away, as shown where the light F oy 
.streak ends at a, the impress of its fibers was so selective power in 

strongly marked on the rock as to give the latter the the absorption of nu- 
appearance of a petrified root. F 

trients. The expres- 
sion must not be understood, however, as implying any kind 
of volitional discrimination. It is merely a short and con- 
venient way of saying that the cells of different plants possess 
different degrees of permeability to certain substances, some 
being more permeable to one thing, some to another. But 
beyond this rejection of untransmissible substances there is no 


active power of discrimination, any substance that can pass 
through the cell wall and its protoplasmic lining being taken 
in, whether useful, unnecessary, or even harmful. These may, 
however, be got rid of by excretion, as the superfluous water 
taken in with dissolved minerals is exhaled from the leaves ; 
or if incapable of passing out by osmosis, rendered harmless 
and retained in the 
form of the curious 
“erystalloids” found 
in various parts of 
plants. But while 
the kind of selection 
exercised by vegeta- 
ble cells implies no 
power of choice, as a 
matter of fact those 
substances most 
used by the plant in 
carrying on its life 
processes are ab- 
sorbed in much 
greater quantities 
than others, being 
transferred to parts 
where growth or 
other changes in the 
plant tissues are go- Fic. 73. — Roots of elm and sycamore contending for 
ing on, an d th. ere possession of the soil on a rocky bluff on the Potomac. 
used up in the work of nutrition, or excreted in part as waste 
products. In either case their passage from cell to cell will 
give rise to a continuous osmotic current in that direction, 
and the absorption of new matter will go on in proportion to 
the amounts used up. 

61. Definition. — Tissue is a word used to denote any 
animal or vegetable substance having a uniform structure 
organized to perform a particular office or function. Thus, 


for instance, we have bony tissue and muscular tissue in 
animals; that is, tissue made of bone substance and muscle 
substance and doing the work of bone and muscle respec- 
tively. Likewise in plants, we have strengthening tissue 
made up of hard, thick-walled cells, serving mainly for pur- 
poses of mechanical support, and vascular tissue, made up of 
conducting vessels for conveying sap —and so on, for every 
separate function. 

Practical Questions 

1. Why do raspberries and strawberries have a flabby, wilted look if 
sugar has been put on them too long before they are served? (7, 56.) 

2. Where has the juice gone? What caused it to go out of the berries ? 
(56, 59.) 

3. Is a knowledge of the principles governing osmosis of any practical 
use to the housekeeper ? 

4. Why cannot roots absorb water as freely in winter as in summer? 
(Suggestion: which is the heavier, cold or warm water ?) 

5. Why does fertilizing too heavily sometimes injure a crop? (59.) 

6. Do you see any apparent contradiction between the action of plas- 
molysis and the selective power of protoplasm? Can you reconcile it? 

7. If a piece of beet that has been frozen is placed in water it will be- 
have just as the slice of boiled beet did in Exp. 40; explain. (58, 59.) 


Materia. — A dozen or two each of different kinds of seeds and grains. 
A small portion from a growing shoot of a woody and a herbaceous land 
plant, and of some kind of succulent water or marsh plant, such as arrow 
grass (Sagittaria), water plantain, etc. 

Appliances. — A pair of scales; a lamp, stove, or other means of burn- 
ing away the perishable parts of the specimens to be studied. 

MATTER ? — Take about a dozen each of grains and seeds of different kinds, 
weigh each kind separately, and then dry them at a high temperature, but 
not high enough to scorch or burnthem. After they have become perfectly 
dry, weigh them again. What proportion of the different seeds was water, 
as indicated by their loss of weight in drying? 

Burn all the solid part that remains, and then weigh the ash. What 
proportion of each kind of seed was of incombustible material? What 
proportion of the solid material was destroyed by combustion? 


TIES OF MINERALS ? — Test in the same way the fresh, active parts of any 
kind of ordinary land plant (sunflower, hollyhock, pea vines, etc.), and 
of some kind of succulent water or marsh plant (Sagittaria, water lily, 
fern). Do you notice any difference in the amount of water given off and 
of solid matter left behind? In the character of the ashes left? Have 
you observed in general any difference between the ashes of different 
woods; as, for instance, hickory, pine, oak? Compare with the residue 
left in Exp. 21; would you judge that the residual substances are of the 
same composition ? 

62. Essential constituents. The composition of the 
ash of any particular plant will depend upon two things: 
the absorbent capacity of the plant itself 
and the nature of the substances con- 
tained in the soil in which it grows. But 
chemical analysis has shown that how- 
ever the ashes may vary, they always 
contain some proportion of the follow- 
ing substances: potassium (potash), 
calcium (lime), magnesium, phosphorus, 
and (in green plants) iron. These ele- 
ments occur in all plants, and if any one 
of them is absent, growth becomes ab- 
normal if not impossible. Ss she 

The part of the dried substances that = Fic. 74. —Water cul- 
was burned away after expelling the le a ies te 
water consists, in all plants, mainly of different food elements: 
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and 2 ae Lee 
sulphur, in varying proportions. These a pao hrderae ea 
five rank first in importance among the 5, without nitrates or am- 
essential elements of vegetable life, and ™™# ents. 
without them the plant cell itself, the physiological unit of 
vegetable structure, could not exist. They compose the 
greater part of the substance of every plant, carbon alone 
usually forming about one half the dry weight. Other sub- 
stances may be present in varying proportions, but the two 
groups named above are found in all plants without excep- 


tion, and so we may conclude that (with the possible addition 
of chlorine) they form the indispensable elements of plant 
food. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, and 
phosphorus compose the structure of which the plant is built. 
The other four ingredients do not enter into the substance as 
component parts, but aid in the chemical processes by which 
the life functions of the plant are carried on, and are none 
the less essential elements of its food. Figure 74 shows the 
difference between a plant grown in a solution where all 
the food elements are present, and others in which some of 
them are lacking. 

63. How plants obtain their food material. — Plants 
obtain their supply of the various mineral salts from solu- 
tions in the soil water which 
they absorb through their 
roots. With a few doubtful 
exceptions, they cannot as- 
similate their food unless it 
is in a liquid or gaseous form. 
Of the gases, carbon dioxide, 
oxygen, and hydrogen can 
be freely absorbed from the 
air, or from water with va- 
rious substances in solution, 
but most plants are so .con- 
stituted that they cannot absorb free nitrogen from the air ; 
they can take it only in the form of compounds from nitrates 
dissolved in the soil, and hence the importance of ammonia 
and other nitrogenous compounds in artificial fertilizers. 
Some of the pea family, however, bear on their roots little 
tubers formed by minute organisms called bacteria, which 
have the power of extracting nitrogen directly from the 
free air mingled with the soil; and hence the soil in which 
these tuber-bearing legumes decay is enriched with nitrogen 
in a form ready for use. 

Fic. 75.— Roots of soy bean bearing 
tubercle-forming bacteria. 


Practical Questions 

1. Could any normal plant grow in a soil from which nitrogen was lack- 
ing? Potash? Lime? Phosphorus? (62.) 

2. Could it live in an atmosphere devoid of oxygen? Nitrogen? Car- 
bon dioxide? (62.) 

3. Why are cow peas or other legumes planted on worn-out soil to renew 
it? (63.) 

4. Is the same kind of fertilizer equally good for all kinds of soil? For 
all kinds of plants? (60, 62.) 

5. Why does too much watering interfere with the nourishment of 
plants? (Exps. 26, 27.) 

6. Are ashes fit for fertilizers after being leached for lye? (62.) 

7. Why will plants die, or make very slow growth, in pots, unless the 
soil is renewed occasionally? (60, 62.) 


Marteriau. — Taproot of a young woody plant not over one or two 
years old; apple and cherry shoots make good specimens. For showing 
root hairs, seedlings of radish, turnip, or oat are good, also roots of wan- 
dering Jew grown in water; for the rootcap, corn, sunflower, squash. 

64. Gross anatomy of the root. — Cut a cross section of 
any woody taproot, about halfway between the tip and the 
ground level, examine it with a lens, and sketch. Label 
the dark outer covering, epidermis, the soft layer just within 
that, cortex, the hard, woody axis 
that you find in the center, vas- 
cular cylinder, and the fine sil- 
very lines that radiate from the 
center to the cortex, medullary 
rays (in a very young root these 
will not appear). Cut a section 
through a root that has stood in 
coloring fluid for about three 
hours and note the parts colored / } 
by the Fuld) Wnt nomen oF Ee ae 
the root, would you judge from mis; ¢c, cortical layer ; d, fibrovascular 
this, acts as a conductor of the cylinder. Note the absence of med- 

ullary rays during the first year of 
water absorbed fromthe ground? growth. 


Make a longitudinal section passing through the central 
portion of the root and extending an inch or two into the 
lower part of the stem. Do you find any sharp line of divi- 
sion between them? Notice the hard, woody axis that runs 
through the center. This is the vascular cylinder and con- 
tains the conducting vessels, the cut ends of which were 
shown in cross section in Fig. 76. 

65. Distinctions between root and stem.— Pull off a 
branch from the stem and one from the root; which comes 
off the more easily’? Examine the points of 
attachment of the two and see why this is so. 
This mode of branching from the central 
axis instead of from the external layers, as 
in the stem, is one marked distinction be- 
tween the structure of the two organs. In 

Fic. 77.—Verti- stems, moreover, branches occur normally 
section of branching above the points of leaf insertion at the 
root, showing the ; i 
branches, n, n, origi- nodes (46), while in the root they tend to 
aes ware sce arrange themselves in straight vertical rows. 
through the cortex, The shoots and cions that often originate 
ous from them are not normal root branches, 
but outgrowths from irregular or adventitious buds, that 
may occur on any part of a plant. The root is not divided 
into nodes like the stem, 
and never bears leaves. 

66. The active part of 
the root.—It is only the 
newest and most delicate 
parts of the root that pro- 
duce hairs and are engaged 
in the active work of absorp- 
tion, the older parts acting 
mainly as carriers. Hence, 
old roots lose much of their 
characteristic structure and eae : 
take on more and moreo! agi, atiwacc 


the office of the stem, until there is practically no difference 
between them. On the sides of gullies, where the earth 
has been washed from around the trees, we often see the 
upper portion of the root covered with a thick bark and ful- 
filling every office of a true stem. 

67. Minute structure of the root. — (a) Mount in water 
and place under the microscope a portion of the root of an 
oat or radish seedling containing a number of hairs. In 
studying the thin, transparent roots of very young seedlings 
a section will not be necessary. Observe whether the hairs 
originate from the epidermis or 
from the interior. Are they true 
roots, or mere outgrowths from 
the cells of the epidermis? Do 
they consist of a single cell or a 
number of cells each? Notice 
what very thin cell walls the 
hairs have ; is there any advan- 
tage in this? The interior, trans- 
parent portion of the hair con- 
tains the sap, and the protoplasm 
forms a thin lining on the inner pg. 79, Se ee 
surface of the wall; why not through the tip of a young root, some- 
the sap next the wall and the bag ef aarmreinend Sal cl 
protoplasm in the interior? (58, ec a Vargercgns Gla 
60.) root cap; d, dead and dying cells loos- 

(b) Next examine a portion ened from the extremity of the cap. 
of the body of the root and try to make out the parts as 
shown in Fig. 79, and compare them with your observa- 
tions in 64. The light line running through the middle is 
the central cylinder, up which the water passes, as was shown 
by the colored liquid in 64. Outside this is a darker por- 
tion (a, Fig. 79), corresponding to the cortex (rr, Fig. 77). 
Besides other uses, the cortex serves to prevent the loss 
of water as it passes up to the stem, and also, in fleshy 
roots like the carrot and turnip, for the storage of nourish- 


ment. Its innermost row of cells is thickened into the 
sheath, or endodermis (e), which serves as an additional 
protection to the conducting tissues. The extreme outer 
layer, from the cells of which the root hairs are developed, 
is, as already stated, the epidermis, and in the older and 
more exposed parts of perennial roots is displaced by the 
bark, which becomes indistinguishable from that of the 
stem. (66.) 

(c) Look at the tip of the root for a loose structure (c) 
fitting over it like a thimble. ‘This is the rootcap. Do you 
see any loose cells that seem to have broken away from it? 
These are old cells that have been pushed to the front by 
the formation of new growth back of them, and, being of no 
further use, are rubbed off by friction as the root bores its 
way through the soil. Draw a longitudinal section of the 
root as it appears under the microscope, labeling all the parts. 
If they cannot be made out distinctly in the specimen exam- 
ined, use sections of young corn or bean roots, which are 
larger and show the parts more distinctly. 

(d) Place under the microscope a thin cross section 
through the hairy portion of a primary root of a bean or pea 
seedling, and try to make 
out the parts noted above 
and shown in cross section in 
Fig. 80. Make a sketch of 
what you see, labeling all 
the parts you can recognize. 
Show in your drawing the 
differences in the size and 
shape of the cells composing 
the different tissues. No- 

Fic. 80. — Cross section of a young root, 5 2 ; 
magnified: h, hairs; u, cortex; b, central tice in the central cylinder 

cylinder ; e, sheath or endodermis ; ep, epi- 
dermis; sp, cut ends of the ducts. 

(Fig. 80) several groups of 
what look in the section like 
little round pits, or holes, sp. These are the cut ends of 
large-sized tubes or ducts that convey the water absorbed 


by the roots to the stem. Each set of these tubes, together 
with a number of smaller ones belonging to the same group, 
constitutes a fibrovascular bundle —a very important ele- 
ment in the structure of all roots and stems, as these bundles 
make up the conducting system of the plant body. 


Marteriau. — Germinating seedlings of radish, bean, corn, ete.; a 
potted plant of calla, fuchsia, tropeolum, touch-me-not (Impatiens), or 
corn; a plant that has been growing for some time in a porous earthen 

AppLiances. — Glass tumblers; coloring fluid; wax; some coarse net- 
ting; dark wrapping paper, or a long cardboard box; a sheet of oiled 
paper; some half-inch glass tubing; a few inches of rubber tubing; an 
ounce of mercury; some blue litmus paper; a flower pot full of earth; 
a few handfuls of sand, clay, and vegetable mold; a pair of scales; a 
half dozen straight lamp chimneys, or long-necked bottles from which 
the bottoms have been removed as directed in Exp. 58. 

EXPERIMENT 43. Usk OF THE EPIDERMIS. — Cut away the lower end 
of a taproot; seal the cut surface with wax so as to make it perfectly 
water-tight, and insert it in red ink for at least half the remaining length, 
taking care that there is no break in the epidermis. Cut an inch or two 
from the tip of the lower piece, or if material is abundant, from another 
root of the same kind, and without sealing the cut surface, insert it in red 
ink, beside the other. At the end of three or four hours, examine longitu- 
dinal sections of both pieces. Has the liquid been absorbed equally by 
both? If not, in which has it been absorbed the more freely? What con- 
clusion would you draw from this, as to the passage of liquids through 
the epidermis? 

From this experiment we see that the epidermis, besides protecting the 
more delicate parts within from mechanical injury by hard substances 
contained in the soil, serves by its comparative imperviousness to prevent 
evaporation, or the escape of the sap by osmosis as it flows from the root 
hairs up to the stem and leaves. ‘ 

pots with damp earth, put a healthy plant in one, and set them side by 
side in the shade. After a few days examine by digging into the soil with 
a fork and see in which pot it is drier. Where has the moisture gone? 
How did it get out? 


‘Experiment 45. To sHoW THAT ROOTS SHUN THE LiGHT. — Cover the 
top of a glass of water with thin netting, and lay on it sprouting mustard 
or other convenient seed. Allow the roots to pass through the netting into 
the water, noting the position of root and stem. Envelop the sides of 
the glass in heavy wrapping paper, admitting a little ray of light through 
a slit in one side, and after a few days again observe the relative position 
of the two organs. How is each affected by the light? 

ExpEriment 46. To FIND OUT WHETHER ROOTS NEED AIR. — Remove 
a plant from a porous earthenware pot in which it has been growing for 
some time; the roots will be found spread out in contact with the walls 
of the pot instead of embedded in the soil at the center. Why is this? 

coarse netting covered with moist batting over the top of an empty tumbler. 
Lay on it some seedlings, as in Exp. 45, allowing the roots to pass through the 
meshes of the netting. Keep the batting moist, but take care not to let 
any of the water run into the vessel. Observe the position of the roots 
at intervals, for twelve to twenty-four hours, then fill the glass with water 
to within 10 millimeters (a half inch, nearly) or less of the netting, let 
the batting dry, and after eight or ten hours again observe the position 
of the roots. What would you infer from this experiment as to the affin- 
ity of roots for water? 

— Cover a calla lily, young cornstalk, sunflower, tropzolum, or other 
succulent herb with a cap of oiled paper to prevent evaporation from the 
leaves, set the pot containing it in a pan of tepid water, and keep the tem- 
perature unchanged. After a few hours look for water drops on the leaves. 
Where did this water come from? How did it get up into the leaves? 

Experiment 49. To sHOW THE FORCE OF ROOT PRESSURE. — Cut off 
the stem of the plant 6 or 8 centimeters (3 or 4 inches) from the base. 
Slip over the part remaining in the soil a bit of rubber tubing of about 
the same diameter as the stem, and tie tightly just below the cut. Pour 
in a little water to keep the stem moist, and slip in above, a short piece 
of tightly fitting glass tubing. Watch the tube for several days and note 
the rise of water in it. The same phenomenon may be observed in the 
“bleeding ’’ of rapidly growing, absorbent young shoots, such as grape, 
sunflower, gourd, tobacco, ete., if cut off near the ground in spring when 
the earth is warm and moist. By means of an arrangement like that shown 
in Fig. 81, the force of the pressure exerted can be measured by the dis- 
placement of the mercury. This flow cannot be due to the giving off of 
moisture by the leaves, since they have been removed. Their action, 
when present, by causing a deficiency of moisture in certain places may 


influence the direction and rapidity of the 
current, but does not furnish the motive 
power, which evidently comes, in part at 
least, from the roots, and is the expression 
of their absorbent activity. 

a piece of blue litmus paper on a board or 
on a piece of glass slightly tilted at one end 
to secure drainage. Cover the surface with 
an inch of moist sand and plant in it a 
number of healthy seedlings. Acids have 
the property of changing blue litmus to 
red; hence, if you find any red stains on 
the paper where the roots have penetrated, 
what are you to conclude? 

Carbon dioxide has a slight acid reac- 
tion and is caused to form in varying Pie Ri, — Annanceaent tee 
quantities by all roots. Probably other estimating the force of root pres- 

substances, and these not a few, are actu- sure: s, stub of the cut stem; g, 
ll ted glass tubing joined by means of 
ally excreted. the rubber tubing, ¢, to the stem ; 

ExpErIMeNT 51. CAN THE ABsoRBENT 7 ™ercury forced up the glass 
tube by water, w, pumped from 

POWER OF ROOTS BE INTERFERED WITH? — the soil by the roots. 
Place the roots of a number of seedlings 
with well-developed hairs in a weak solution of saltpeter —- 10 grams (about 
4 of an ounce) to a pint of water, and others in a stronger solution — say 
30 grams, or 1 ounce, to a pint. Try the same experiment with weak 
and strong solutions of any conveniently obtainable liquid fertilizer. 
After 45 minutes or an hour examine the roots under a lens and note the 
change that has taken place. What has gone out of them? What caused 
the loss of the contained sap? 

EXPERIMENT 52. To TEST THE WEIGHT OF sorts. — Thoroughly dry 
and powder a pint each of sand and clay, measure accurately, and balance 
against each other in a pair of scales. Which weighs more, bulk for bulk, 
a “‘light” soil, ora “heavy” one? (77.) 

RETAINING MOISTURE. — Arrange, as shown in Fig. 82, a number of long- 
necked bottles from which the bottom has been removed. This can be 
done by making a small indentation with a file at the point desired and 
leading the break round the circumference with the end of a glowing wire 
or ared-hot poker. The crack will follow the heated object with sufficient 


regularity to answer the purpose. Tie a piece of thin cloth over the mouth 
of each bottle and invert with the necks extending an inch or two into 
empty tumblers placed beneath. Fill all to the same height with soils of 
different kinds — sand, clay, gravel, loam, vegetable mold, ete. — and pour 

Bry Pa 


z =} 
Fic. 82. — Apparatus for testing the capacity of soils to take in and retain 


over each the same quantity of water from above. Watch the rate at 
which the liquid filters through into the tumblers. Which loses its mois- 
ture soonest? Which retains it longest ? 

Next leave the soils in the bottles dry, fill the tumblers up to the necks 
of the bottles, and watch the rate at which the water rises in the different 
ones. The power of soils to absorb moisture is called capillarity. Which 
of your samples shows the highest capillarity? Which the lowest? Do 
you observe any relation between the capillarity of a soil and its power of 

68. Roots as holdfasts. — One use of ordinary roots is 
to serve as props and stays for anchoring plants to the soil. 
Tall herbs and shrubs, and vegetation generally that is 
exposed to much stress of weather, are apt to have large, 
strong roots. Even plants of the same species will develop 
systems of very different strength according as they grow 
in sheltered or exposed places. 


69. Root pull.— Roots are not mere passive holdfasts, 
but exert an active downward pull upon the stem. Notice 

the rooting end 
of astrawberry or 
raspberry shoot 
and observe how 
the stem appears 
to be drawn into 
the ground at the 
rooting point. 
In the leaf ro- 
settes of herbs 
growing flat on 
the ground or in 

Fie. 83. — Dandelion : a, common form, grown in plains 
region at low altitude ; b, alpine form. 

the crevices of walls and pavements, the strong depression 
observable at the center is due to root pull. (Fig. 84.) 

¥ 1c. 84.— Raspberry sto- 
lon showing root pull. 

70. Storage of food. — Another of- 
fice of roots is to store up food for the 
use of the plant. This is done chiefly 
in the tissues of fleshy roots and tu- 
bers, and gives to them their great 
economic value. Next to grains and 
cereals, roots probably furnish a larger 
portion of food to the human race 
than any other crop. In addition to 
this they are also the source of valu- 
able drugs, condiments, and dyes. 

71. Absorption and conveyance of 
sap. — But the most important func- 
tion of roots is that of absorption. 
By their action the soil water and the 
minerals contained in it are drawn up 
into the plant body and made avail- 
able for conversion by the leaves into 

organic foods, as will be explained in another chapter. From 
the nature of their function, most roots have naturally a 


strong affinity for water, and its presence or absence has a 
marked influence on their direction of growth, being often 
sufficient to overcome that of geotropism (Exp. 47). There 
are many trees and shrubs, notably willow, sweet bay, red 
birch, and the like, that grow best on the banks of streams 
and ponds, where their roots can have direct access to water. 
Excess of moisture, however, is injurious to most land plants 
by preventing the roots from getting sufficient air for res- 

72. The conditions of absorption. — The sap in the root 
cells is normally denser than the water in the soil, so there is 
a continuous flow from the latter to the former. But if, 
for any reason, the density of the liquids should be reversed, 
the flow would set in the opposite direction, and if continued 
long enough, the strength of the plant would be literally 
‘“ sapped ”’ by the exhaustion of its tissues, so that it would 
die. What is this process of cell exhaustion called? 

73. The use of acid secretions to the root. — It was 
shown in Exp. 50 that carbon dioxide and probably other sub- 

stances occur in the im- 

mediate vicinity of roots. 

sie or - Carbon dioxide is an ac- 

: tive agent in dissolving 

Song the various mineral mat- 

_ ee et on Gal ters contained in the soil, 

Feo and as these last can be 

s ; absorbed only in a liquid 

— i Se ae , is _. Wy or a gaseous state (63), 

iin ‘ the advantage to the 

root as an absorbent or- 

gan, of being able to se- 

crete such active sol- 
vents, is obvious. 

74. Relation of roots 

Fie. 85. — A natural root etching, to the soil. — In order to 
found on a piece of slate. perform their work of ab- 



sorption, roots must have access to a suitable soil. To pro- 
duce the best results a soil must contain (1) all the essential 
mineral constituents (62); (2) moisture fer dissolving these 
materials ; and (3) air enough to supply the oxygen which is 
necessary to the life processes of all green plants. 

75. Composition of soils.— Sand, clay, and humus, or 
vegetable mold, with the various substances dissolved in 
them, constitute the basis of cultivated soils. A mixture 
of sand, clay, and humus is called loam. When the propor- 
tion of humus is very large and well decomposed, the mixture 
is called muck. Pure sand contains but little nourishing 
matter and is too porous to retain water well. Pure clay 
is too compact to be easily permeable to either air or water. 
Most soils are composed of a mixture of the two with vege- 
table mold in varying proportions, giving a sandy loam, or 
a clay loam, as the case may be. 

76. Tillage. — The advantages of tillage are: (a) that by 
breaking up the hard lumps it renders the soil more per- 
meable to air and water and more easily penetrable by the 
roots in their search for food; (6) the covering of loose, 
friable earth left by the plow and the harrow acts as a mulch, 
and by shading the soil below, prevents too rapid a loss of 
water by evaporation. Where the essential food ingredients 
are present, good tillage counts for more in making a crop 
than the original quality of the soil. 

77. Light and heavy soils. — These terms are used by 
farmers not in relation to the weight of soils, but in reference 
to the ease or difficulty with which they are worked. Light 
soils contain a preponderance of sand; heavy ones, of clay. 

Practical Questions 

1. Will plants grow better in an earthen pot or a wooden box than 
in a vessel of glass or metal? Why? (Exp. 46.) 

2. Which absorb more from the soil, plants with light roots and abun- 
dant foliage, or those with heavy roots and scant foliage? (Suggestion: 
roots absorb from the soil; leaves, mainly from the air.) 


3. Why are willows so generally selected for planting along the 
borders of streams in order to protect the banks from washing? (71.) 

4. Why are the conducting tissues of roots at the center instead of 
near the surface as in stems? (67, 0.) 

5. Why does corn never grow well in swampy ground ? (74; Exp. 46.) 

6. Why are fleshy roots so much larger in cultivated plants than in 
wild ones of the same species? (74, 76.) 

7. When the use of a particular kind of fertilizer causes the leaves 
of the plants to which it has been applied to turn brown, so that the 
farmer says they have been “ burned ” by it, to what cause is the trouble 
due? (59, 72.) 

8. Why do farmers speak of turnips and other root crops as “heavy 
feeders”? (70, 71.) 

9. Which is more exhausting to the soil, a crop of beets, or one of oats? 
Onions, or green peas? (See 2, suggestion.) 

10. Why will inserting the end of a wilted twig in warm water some- 
times cause it to revive? (Exps. 48, 49.) 


Materia. — Examples of taproots: bean, pea, cotton, maple seedlings, 
or any kind of very young woody root. Fibrous: any kind of grass or 
grain. Fleshy: parsnip, turnip, carrot, dahlia, sweet potato. Water: 
duckweed, pondweed, or a cutting of wandering Jew grown in water. 
Parasitic: mistletoe, dodder, beech drops. Aérial and adventitious: the 
aérial roots of old scuppernong vines, climbing roots of ivy and trumpet 
vine, prop roots from the lower nodes of cornstalks and sugar cane. 

78. Basis of distinction. — Roots vary in form and ex- 
ternal structure according to their origin, function, and 
surroundings. In reference to the first, they are classed 
as primary or secondary; in regard to the second, as dry or 
fleshy; while as to surroundings, they may be adapted to 
either the soil, water, air, or the parasitic habit. Soil roots 
are the normal form. According to their mode of growth 
they are either fibrous or axial. 

79. Taproots. — These are the common form of the axial 
type. Compare the root of any young hardwood cion a 
year or two old with one of a mature stalk of corn or 
other grain, and with the roots of seedlings of the same 
species. Notice the difference in their mode of growth. In 


PLate 3.— Aérial roots of a Mexican “strangling” fig, enveloping the trunk 
of a palm (From ‘‘ Rep’t. Mo. Bot. Garden’). 


the first kind a single stout prolongation called a taproot 
proceeds from the lower end of the hypocotyl and continues 
the axis of growth straight downward, unless turned aside 
by some external influence. A taproot may be either simple, 
nr as in the turnip, radish, and dandelion, 
or branched, as in most shrubs and 
trees. In the latter case the main axis 
is called the primary root, and the 
branches are secondary ones. 

80. Fibrous and fascicled roots. — 
Where the main axis fails to develop, 
as in the corn and grasses generally, 
a number of independent branches take 
its place, forming what are known as 
fibrous roots. Both fibrous and tap- 

Fic. 86.—Branchedtap- YOOts may be either hard or fleshy. 
root of maple. The turnip and carrot are examples of 
fleshy taproots, the dahlia and rhubarb of fascicled roots. 
The function of both is the storage of nourishment. The 
sweet potato is an example of a tuberous root. 

81. Practical importance of this distinction. — The dif- 
ference between axial and fibrous roots has important bear- 
ings in agriculture. The first kind, 
which are characteristic of most dicot- 
yls, strike deep and draw their nour- 
ishment from the lower strata of the 
soil, while the fibrous and fascicled, or 
radial kinds, as we may call them for 
want of a better name, spread out near 
the surface and are more dependent on + 
external conditions. Fic. 87. — Fibrous root. 

82. Roots that grow above ground. — The kinds of 
roots that have just been considered are all subterranean, 
and bring the plant into relation with the earth, whether for 
the purpose of absorbing nourishment, or of mechanical sup- 
port, or, as in the majority of cases, for both. Many plants, 


however, do not get their mineral nutrients directly from 
the soil, and these give rise to various forms suited to other 
conditions of alimentation. 

83. Adventitious roots. — This name applies to any kinds 
of roots that occur on stems, or in other unusual positions. 
They may be considered as intermediate between the two 
classes named in 81; for while their starting point is above 
ground, they generally end by fixing themselves in the soil, 
where they often function as normal roots. Familiar examples 
are the roots that put out from the lower nodes of corn and 
sugar cane stalks, and serve both to supply additional mois- 
ture and to anchor the plant more firmly to the soil. Most 
plants will develop adventitious roots if covered with earth, 
or even if merely kept in contact with the ground. The 
gardener takes advantage of this capacity when he propa- 
gates by cuttings and layers. 

84. Water roots. — These are generally white and thread- 
like and more tender and succulent than ordinary soil roots, 
because they have less work to do. Floating and immersed 
plants, such as bladderwort and hornwort (Ceratophyllum) 
have no need of absorbent roots, since the greater part of 
their surface is in contact with water and can absorb directly 
what is needed. 

Land plants will often develop water roots and thrive 
for a time if the liquid holds in solution a sufficient quantity 
of air and mineral nutrients. Place a cutting of wandering 
Jew in a glass of clear water, and in from four to six days it 
will develop beautiful water roots in which both hairs and 
cap are clearly visible to the naked eye. 

85. Haustoria, from a Latin word meaning to drain, 
or exhaust, is a name given to the roots of parasitic plants, 
or such as live by attaching themselves to some other living 
organism, from which they draw their nourishment ready 
made. Their roots are adapted to penetrating the sub- 
stance of the host, as their victim is called, and absorbing 
the sap from it. Dodder and mistletoe are the best-known 



examples of plant parasites, though the latter is only partially 
parasitic, as it merely takes up the sap from the host and 

Fie. 88. — Beech root: A, grown in 
unsterilized wood humus: 7, strands of 
fungal hyphe, associated at a, with 
humus; B, grown in wood humus freed 
from fungus by sterilization—it is not 
provided with fungal hyphz, and has 
root hairs, h. (A and B both several 
times magnified.) 

manufactures its own food 
by means of its green leaves. 

86. Saprophytes. — Akin 
to parasites are saprophytes, 
which liveon dead and decay- 
ing vegetable matter. They 
are only partially parasitic 
and do not bear the haustoria 
of true parasites. Many of 
them, of which the Indian 
pipe (Monotropa) and coral 
root are familiar examples, 
obtain their nourishment in 

part, at least, by association with certain saprophytic fungi, 
which enmesh their roots in a growth of threadlike fibers 
that take the place of root hairs and absorb organic food 

from the rich humus in 

which these plants grow. 
Such growths are called 
mycorrhiza, meaning 
“fungal roots.”” Similar 
associations are formed 
by some of the higher 
plants also. The root- 
lets of the common beech 
and of certain of the 
pine family, for instance, 
are often enveloped in 
a network of fungus fi- 

bers, and in this case root 
hairs are developed very 
poorly, or not at all. 

Fie. 89,— An air plant (Téllandsia), growing 
on the underside of a bough. 

Besides greatly increasing the absorbent 

surface by their ramification through the soil, the mycorrhizal 
threads may possibly benefit the plant in other ways also, as, 

for instance, by bringing 
about chemical changes 
that might aid in the 
work of nutrition. 

87. Epiphytes, or air 
plants. —In the proper 
meaning of the word 
these are not parasitic, 
but use their host merely 
as a mechanical support 
to bring them into better 
light relations. The 
name, however, is loosely 
applied to all plants that 
find a lodgment on the 
trunks and branches of 
trees, whether parasites 
or true epiphytes that 
draw’ no nourishment 
from the host. Not in- 
frequently the latter is 
killed by them through 
suffocation, overweight- 
ing, or the constriction 
of the stems by close 
clinging twiners. 

88. Aérial roots are 
such as have no connec- 
tion at all with the soil or 
with any host plant, ex- 
cept as they may lodge 
upon the trunks and 
branches of trees for a 
support. In other than 
purely epiphytic plants, 
which get all their nour- 


Fig. 90.—A single strand of Tillandsia 
usneotdes, a rootless epiphyte belonging to the 
pineapple family ; better known as the ‘‘ Span- 
ish moss’’ that drapes the boughs of trees so 
conspicuously in the warm parts of America. 
Two-thirds natural size. (Photographed by C. 
F..0’Keefe.) : 


ishment from the air, they are generally subsidiary to soil 
roots, like the long dangling cords that hang from some 
species of old grapevines; or they subserve other purposes 
altogether than absorbing nourishment, as the climbing 
roots of the trumpet vine and poison ivy. A very remark- 
able development of aérial roots takes place in the ‘stran- 
gling fig’ of Mexico and Florida, which begins life as a small 
epiphyte, from seeds dropped by birds on the boughs or 
trunks of trees. When it gets well started, the young plant 
sends down enormous aérial roots, which find their way to 
the ground, and in time so completely envelop the host that 
it is literally strangled to death (Plate 3, p. 73). When this 
support is removed, the sheathing roots take its place and 
become to all intents 
and purposes the stem 
of the fig tree, which 
now leads an independ- 
ent life. 

“89. The root system. 
— The entire mass of 
roots belonging to a 
plant, with all its rami- 

A fications and subdivi- 

Fie. 91.— Root system of a tobacco plant. sions, composes a root 
system. The extent of root expansion is in general about 
equal to that of the crown, thus bringing the new and 
active parts under the drip of the boughs where the moisture 
is most abundant. Some plants have root systems out of 
all seeming proportion to their size. A catalpa seedling 
six months old showed, by actual measurement, 250 feet 
of root growth, and it is estimated that the roots of a thrifty 
cornstalk, if laid end to end, would extend a mile. In the 
development of the root system, a great deal depends upon 
external conditions. In a poor, dry soil, the roots have to 
travel farther in search of a livelihood, and so a larger system 
has to be developed than in a more favorable location, 


Practical Questions 

1. Which is better to succeed a crop of turnips on the same land, hay 
or carrots? (81.) 

2. Write out what you think would be a good rotation for four or 
five successive crops based on the forms of the roots. 

3. Study the following rotations and give your opinion about them, 
on the same principle. Suggest any improvements that may occur to 
you, and give a reason for the change. Beets, barley, clover, wheat; 
cotton, oats, peas, corn; oats, melons, turnips; cotton, oats, corn and 
peas mixed, melons; cotton, hay, corn, peas. 

4. Give three good reasons in favor of a rotation over a single-crop 
system. (24, 60, 62, 81.) 

5. Which will require deeper tillage, a bed of carrots or one of straw- 
berries? (81.) 

6. Explain why some plants keep green and fresh when the surface 
of the soil is dry, while others wilt or die. (81, 89.) 

7. Which will better withstand drought, a crop of alfalfa or one of 
Indian corn? Why? (81.) 

8. Which will interfere less with the trees if planted in an orchard, 
beets or onions? (81.) 

9. Ought a crop of hemp and tobacco to succeed each other on the 
same land? (81, 89.) 

10. Why does a gardener manure a grass plot by scattering the ferti- 
lizer on the surface, while he digs around the roses and lilacs and deposits 
it under ground? (81.) 

11. Do the adventitious roots of such climbers as ivy and trumpet vine 
draw any nourishment from the objects to which they cling? (83-88.) 

12. How can you tell? 

13. Do partial dependents of this.kind injure trees by climbing upon 
them; and if so, how? (87, 88.) 

14. What is the use of the aérial roots of the scuppernong grape? (88.) 

15. Isthe resurrection fern (Polypodium incanum), that grows on tree 
trunks in our Southern States, a parasite or an air plant? (87.) 

16. On what plants in your neighborhood does mistletoe grow most 
abundantly? Dodder? 

17. Is mistletoe injurious to the host? (85.) 

18. Name some plants that are propagated mainly, or solely, by roots 
and cuttings. 

19. Where do aérial roots get their nourishment? (88.) 

20. Would they be of any use to a plant in a very cold or dry climate? 

21. Where should manure be placed to benefit a tree or shrub with 
wide-spreading roots? (66, 89.) 


22. Is it a wise practice to mulch a tree by raking up dead leaves and 
piling them around the base of the trunk, as is often done? Why, or why 
not? (66, 89.) 

Field Work 

(1) Examine the underground parts of hardy winter herbs in your neigh- 
borhood, also of any weeds or grasses that are particularly troublesome, 
and see if there is anything about the structure of these parts to account 
for their persistence. Note the difference between roots of the same species 
in low, moist places and in dry ones; between those of the same kind of 
plants in different soils; in sheltered and in exposed situations. Study 
the direction and position of the roots of trees and shrubs with reference 
to any stream or body of water in the neighborhood. (The elm, fig, 
mulberry, and willow are good subjects for such observations.) Notice 
also whether there is any relation between the underground parts and the 
leaf systems of plants in reference to drainage and transpiration. 

(2) Observe the effect of root pull upon low herbs. Look along washes 
and gullies for roots doing the office of stems, and note any changes of 
structure consequent thereon. Study the relative length and strength 
of the root systems of different plants, with reference to their value as 
soil binders, or their hurtfulness in damaging the walls of cellars, wells, 
sewers, etc. Dig your trowel a few inches into the soil of any grove 
or copse you happen to visit, note the inextricable tangle of roots, and 
consider the fierce competition for living room in the vegetable world that 
it implies. 

(3) Tests might be made of the different soils in the neighborhood of 
the schoolhouse by planting seeds of various kinds and noting the rate of 
germination; first, without fertilizers, then by adding the different ele- 
ments in succession to see what is lacking. The field for study suggested 
by this subject is almost inexhaustible. 


Matertau. — Vigorous young hop or bean seedlings grown in pots; 
a fresh dandelion stalk ; a stem of pea, squash, cucumber, grape, or passion 
flower vine, with tendrils. 

AppLiaNces. — A bowl of fresh water; rods of different sizes and 
smoothness for testing the hold of climbers. 

Raise a young hop or bean seedling in the schoolroom and allow it to grow 
about two decimeters — 8 to 10 inches — in length before providing it 
with a support. Does the stem form any coils? Bring it in contact 
with a suitable upright support and watch for a day or two. What 
happens? Notice whether it starts to coil from right to left or from left 
to right and see if you can coax it to turn in the opposite direction. When 
it has reached the end of its stake, allow it to grow about five centimeters 
(two inches, approximately) beyond, and watch the revolution of the tip. 
Cut a hole through the center of a piece of cardboard about 14 centi- 
meters (five to six inches) in diameter, slip it over the loose end of the stem, 
and fasten it to the stake in a horizontal position, with a pin. Note the 
position of the stem tip at regular intervals and mark on the cardboard ; 
how long does it take to complete a revolution? Does it continue to coil, 
or to coil as readily, after leaving its stake as before? What would you 
infer from this as to the effect of contact in stimulating it to coil? 

Find out by experiment if it can climb well by means of a glass or other 
smooth rod; by a fine wire; a broomstick; a large, smooth post. See 
whether it does better on a horizontal or an upright support. 

gathering thread in one side of a narrow strip of muslin and notice how 
the ruffle thus drawn will curl into a spiral when allowed to dangle from 
the needle. Can you think of any cause that might act on a stem in the 
same way? Suppose, for instance, that one side should grow faster than 
the other; what would be the effect? (54.) 

Split the stem of a fresh dandelion, or other herbaceous scape, longi- 
tudinally, and immerse it in a pan of fresh water fora few minutes. Notice 
how the two halves curve outward, or even coil up like the strip of muslin. 
This is due to the tension caused by the more rapid absorption of the 



thinner walled cells of the internal tissues. These, when relieved of the 
resistance of the thicker walled outer tissues, swell on their free side, but 
are held back on the other by the non-absorbent outer parts, as one side 
of the muslin ruffle was held by the gathering thread. 

GROWTH IS INFLUENCED BY LIGHT. — Place two rapidly growing young 
pea, bean, sunflower, or squash plants, each with several well-developed 
leaves, in a room or box with a light exposure on one side only. After two 
or three days, notice the position of the stems in regard to the light. Does 
either one show a more decided inclination toward it than the other? 

BY THE LEAVES ?—Cut the leaves from one of the plants used in Exp. 56, 
covering the cut surfaces with vaseline to prevent “bleeding”; reverse 
the positions of both with regard to the light, and watch for two or three 
days. In which is the response to light the more rapid? What does this 
indicate as one object of the stem in seeking light? What is the best 
position of a stem, ordinarily, for getting its leaves into the light? 

90. Classification. — Stems are classed according to 
(1) duration, as annuals, biennials, and perennials; (2) with 
reference to hardness or 
softness of structure, as 
herbaceous and woody ; 
(3) in regard to position 
and direction of growth, 
aserect, prostrate, climb- 
ing, inclined, declined, 
underground, etc. 

or. Annuals complete 
their life cycle in a 
single season and then 
die down as soon as they 
ce have perfected their 

ae ers | seed. Many of our most 

Fic. 92.—Stems of red oak and hickory that troublesome weeds be- 
have grafted themselves. ‘ 

long to this class and 
might be exterminated by the simple expedient of mowing 
them down before their time of flowering. 


92. Biennials, as the name implies, live for two years. 
Their energy during the first season is spent chiefly in laying 
by a store of nourishment, 
usually in the tissues of 
fleshy roots (70). By this 
means they get a good start 
in the second season and 
mature their seeds early. 
Many of our common gar- 
den vegetables, such as tur- 
nips, carrots, parsnips, and 
cabbage, belong to this 
class. Where is the nour- 
ishment stored in the cab- ‘ a 
bage? Fic. 93.— A biennial plant, mullein, in 

93. Perennials are plant 3 winter condition with stem reduced to 

7 : little more than a disk supporting a rosette 
that live on indefinitely, like ofleaves. Notice how close they cling to 

the earth, and compare them with their 
most of our forest trees fruiting condition a few months later as 
and woody-stemmed shrubs. *2°w2 in Fig. 237. 
Woody stems are usually perennial and may live for hun- 
dreds and even thousands of years, as those of the giant 
sequoias of California, and the famous chestnut of Mt. 

94. Herbaceous stems are more or less succulent and die 
down after fruiting. They are usually annuals, though some 
kinds, like the garden geraniums and the common St.-John’s- 
wort, show a tendency to become woody, especially at the 
base, and live on from year to year. Others, such as the 
hawkweed and dahlia, die down above ground in winter, 
but are enabled to keep their underground parts alive indefi- 
nitely, through the nourishment stored in them, and are 
thus perennial below ground and annual above. Woody- 
stemmed annuals, such as the cotton and castor oil plant, 
are not, properly speaking, herbs. In the tropical countries 
to which they belong they are perennial shrubs, or even 
small trees, but on being transplanted to colder regions 



have been compelled to take on the annual habit as an 
adaptation to climate. 

95. Direction and habit of growth. — As to manner of 
growth, there are many forms, from the upright boles of 

Fie. 94. — Orange hawk- 

weed with runners. 

Sa Soe= 


aN f 

Fig. 95.— Prostrate stem of Lycopodium 
with assurgent branches. 

the beech and pine to the trailing, prostrate, and creeping 


Fic. 96.— Diagram 

of stem growth: ps, 

surface of the ground ; 

e, erect position; d, 

declined ; a, assurgent ; 

p, prostrate; wu, ver- 

tical direction under- 

stems of which we have examples in the 
running periwinkle, the prostrate spurge 
and the creeping partridge berry (Mvtchella 
repens), respectively. Trailing and pros- 
trate stems are very apt to become 
creepers by the development of adventi- 
tious roots at their nodes wherever they 
come in contact with the soil. The root- 
ing stems of dewberries, the runners and 
stolons of strawberries and currants, are 
familiar examples. 

Between the extremes of prostrate and 
upright, stems may be inclined or bent in 
various degrees. As shown in Fig. 96, 
there are two modes of inclination: assur- 
gent, a, from the prostrate, p, toward the 
upright, e; and declined, d, from the upright 


toward the prostrate. Below the surface, ps, occur only 
underground stems. Is the prostrate habit an advantageous 
one for light exposure? Can you think of any compensat- 
ing advantages a plant might derive from it; for example, 
in regard to warmth and moisture? 

96. Climbing stems. — These are such as lift themselves 
from the ground and attain the advantages of the upright 
position by clinging to supports of 
various kinds — usually, in a state 
of nature, the stems and boughs of 
other plants. The means of climb- 
ing may be: (1) by merely leaning 
upon or propping themselves up by 
the aid of the supporting object —ex- 
amples, the rose, wistaria, star jessa- 
mine (Jasminum officinalis) ; (2) by 
coiling their main axes spirally 
around the support — hop, bean, 
morning-glory ; (3) by means of ad- , $7 aL ee a Pay 
ventitious roots — poison ivy, com-_ B, convolvulus twining against 
mon English ivy, trumpet vine ‘?%™ 
(Tecoma radicans); (4) by organs specially developed for 
the purpose, called tendrils — gourd, cucumber, grape, pas- 
sion flower. 

97. Tendrils. — The part assigned to do the work of climb- 
ing may be a secondary branch, a flower stem, a leafstalk, a 
leaf, a leaflet, or a group of leaflets (Fig. 98). Tendrils behave 
in general very much like twining stems, except that they 
are more sensitive and respond more quickly to any cause 
that may influence their movement. While young, their 
tips revolve just as do the tips of twining stems, until they 
meet with an object round which they can coil. When this 
happens, not only the part in contact with the object coils, 
but the free part between it and the main axis will usually 
respond by twisting itself into a helix (Fig. 99). As the 
distance between the base and tip of the tendril is shortened 


by coiling, the body of the plant 
is drawn upward proportionally. 
It will be observed that the helix 
is interrupted at one or more 
points, above and below which 
the coils turn in opposite direc- 
tions. This is because the ten- 
dril is attached at both ends and 
cannot adjust itself to the oppo- 
site strains of torsion. Twist 
with your fingers a piece of tape 
so attached, and you will see 
that on one side of your hand it 
turns from right to left and on 
the other from left to right. 

98. The cause of twining. — 

Fic. 98.—Leaf of common pea, . 
showing upper leaflets reduced to Botanists are not fully agreed 

cence, on this point. The explanation 

most generally accepted at present is that the twining of 
stems is due to the combined action of lateral and negative 
geotropism (51). The first 
causes one side tO grow 
morerapidly than the other, 
thus forming a succession of coils, while the 
second, by stimulating the upward growth 
of the axis, stretches it into a spiral, and in 
this way draws it more tightly round the 
support. For this reason twining stems do 
best on an upright support. 

In tendrils, the twining is thought to be 
due not to gravity, but to contact with a 
solid body, which, by inducing unequal de- 

velopment on opposite sides of the tendril, 

Fia. 99. — Stems ‘i ‘ 
of a passion flower Causes it to turn about an available object. 
transformed into The coiling of the free part of the twining 

tendrils. (After Bo ok x 
Gray.) organ is in response to the stimulus trans- 


mitted from the part in contact — stimulus, in this sense, 
denoting the influence of any external agent that calls forth 
a responsive adjustment on the part of the plant. 

99. The object of the 
various habits of stem 
growth. — To bring the 
growing parts of the plant 
into the best possible rela- 
tions with light and air is 
one of the special func- 
tions of the stem, and the 
various habits of growth 
described in this section 
have been developed with 
reference to this function. 
In the case of prostrate 
and underground stems | ae = 
other factors may intervene; Fic. 100.—Showing the economy of 
ean you name some of the sborand nulaing material efertd bythe 

causes that might influence coils like an anaconda around the tree 

ih ‘if f th t . boles, and overtops their tallest branches. 
€ position 0 € stem 1n Compare the diameter of the vine with that 

such cases? of the trees. 

Practical Questions 

1. Why is the normal direction of most stems upright? (Exp. 56.) 

2. Name a dozen woody-stemmed plants; a dozen with herbaceous 

3. Name all the plants you can think of that have prostrate stems, or 
leaf rosettes that hug the earth, like mullein and dandelion. Which of 
these are wintergreen plants? Which are hot-weather growers? 

4, Can you explain in what ways both het-weather and cold-weather 
plants may be advantaged by the habit of clinging close to the earth? 
(94, 95.) 

5. Is there any difference in the height of the stem of a dandelion flower 
and a dandelion ball? 

6. Of what advantage is this to the plant? (Exp. 17.) 

7. Name all the means you can think of by which a stem may climb, 
and give an example of each, 


8. Why do we support peas with brush, and hops or beans with poles? 
(98; Exp. 54.) 

9. Are the vines of gourds, watermelons, squashes, and pumpkins 
normally climbing or prostrate? How can you tell? (96, 97.) 

10. Why does not the gardener provide them with poles or trellises to 
climb on? 

11. Do twining plants grow equally well on horizontal and upright 
supports? (98; Exp. 54.) 

12. If there is any difference, which do they seem to prefer? 

13. Can you give any reasons for thinking that the climbing habit 
might lead to parasitism? (83, 85, 87.) 

14. What method of climbing would be most favorable to the develop 
ment of such a habit? (Suggestion: What mode of climbing brings the 
stem into closest contact with its support ?) 

15. Name some plants the stems of which are used as food. 

16. Name some from which gums and medicines are obtained. 

17. Explain how it can benefit a plant to have its leaves, or some of 
them, modified into tendrils. (99.) 

18. In what way is the loss of the normal function of the leaves so modi- 
fied, compensated for? (Exp..57.) 

19. Suppose the vine shown in Fig. 100 had to lift itself without the aid 
of a support; could it reach the same height and carry the same weight 
of foliage and flowers with the same expenditure of labor and building 
material ? 


Materiau. — A shoot of asparagus; thorny branches of locust, plum, 
or haw; a cactus plant; bulbs of lily and hyacinth or onion; tubers of 
potato; rootstocks of iris, fern, or violet. If fresh specimens are not acces- 
sible, dried rootstocks of the sweet flag and Florentine iris may be obtained 
at the drug stores under the names of calamus and ‘‘orris’’ root. 

100. How to recognize modified parts. — Stems, like 
roots, are often modified to serve other than their normal 
purpose, and in adapting themselves to these new functions 
they sometimes undergo such changes of form and structure 
that it would be impossible to recognize their true nature 
from appearances alone. The safest tests in such cases 
are: (1) by a comparison of the parts of the modified struc- 
ture with those of known organs of the same kind; and (2) by 
observing its position in reference to other parts. For 


instance, we know that the stem is the part of the plant which 
normally bears leaves and flowers, and if either of these, 
or if the small scales which often take the place of leaves, 
are found growing on any plant structure, we may usually 
take for granted that it is a stem. Then, again, as will be 
shown in the next chapter, buds and branches naturally 
appear only at the nodes, in or near the azil, or inner angle 
made by a leaf with the stem. Hence, if you see any growth 
springing from such a position, you may generally conclude 
it to be a stem. 

tor. Stems as foliage. — The connection between stem 
and leaf is so intimate that we need not be surprised to find 
a frequent interchange of function 
between them, the leaf, or some part 
of it, doing the work of the stem 
(Fig. 98), the stem more often taking 
upon itself the office of the leaf. A 
common example is the garden aspar- 
agus. Examine one of the young 
shoots sold in the market, and notice 
that it bears a number of small scales 
in place of leaves. On an older 
shoot that has gone to seed, the 
green, threadlike appendages, which iat ag — peeyes ee 
are usually taken for foliage, will be (cladophyils) of a ruscus, bear- 
found to spring each from the axil ™% we 
of one of these scales. What, therefore, are we to conclude 
that it is? 

In the butcher’s-broom of Europe, the transformation has 
gone so far that the branches of the stem have assumed the 
flattened appearance of leaves (Fig. 101), but their real 
nature is evident both from their position in the axils of 
leaf scales, and from the fact that they bear flower clusters 
in the axil of a scale on their upper face. Another example 
of this sort of modification is seen in the pretty little myr- 
siphyllum of the greenhouses (wrongly called smilax), which 


is so much used for decoration. 
The delicate green blades are 
merely altered stems, shortened 
and flattened to simulate leaves. 

102. Weapons of defense. — 
Conspicuous examples of these 
are the bristling thorns of the 
honey locust. Is their frequent 
branching any indication of their 
real nature? Does it prove any- 
thing, or must you look for other 
evidence? What further indi- 
cations might you expect to 

Fie. 102.— Thorn branches of : . 
Holocantha Emoryi, a plant growing find, if they are true branching 

asa stems? (100.) On old haw, 
plum, crab, and pear trees, stems can be found in all stages 
of transition, from stubby, ill-developed branches, to well- 

defined thorns. 

103. Storage of nourishment. — This is 
one of the most frequent causes of modifi- 
cation in both roots and stems. Of stems 
that grow above ground, the sugar cane 
probably comes first in economic importance 
on this account. In hot, arid regions, where 

the moisture drawn from the earth would, 
during prolonged drought, be too rapidly 
dissipated by an expanded surface of leaves, 
the whole plant, as in the case of the cactus, ; 
is sometimes compacted into a greatly thick- Ox 
ened stem, which fills the triple office of leaf, a 
stalk, and water reservoir. ’ dV >) 
Y 3 

(1 \ 
It is in these that the storage of nourishment — Fre. 103.—Melon 

: cactus, showing 
most frequently takes place, and the modi- pete daniel 

fications that stems undergo for this purpose _ stem for the storage 
i . d tion of 
are in some cases so great that their real ‘oistum, 

104. The uses of underground stems. — 


nature becomes apparent only after a careful examination. 
But while the chief function of underground stems is the 
storage of nourishment, they serve other purposes also. In 
plants requiring a great deal of moisture, 
like the ferns, and in others growing in dry 
places and needing to husband moisture 
carefully, like the blackberry lily, under- 
ground stems may be useful in preventing 
the too rapid evaporation that would take 
place through aérial stems. Defense against N, 
frost, cold, heat, and other dangers, as well, 
as quickness of propagation, are also attained 
or assisted by this means. 
105. Rootstocks and rhizomes.— From a 
prostrate stem like that shown in Fig. 95 to a a 
7 # ? ‘ Fria. 104. — Root- 
creeping rootstock like the one in Fig. 104, the stock of creeping 
transition is so easy that we find no difficulty Pane 275s 
in accounting for it. From the prostrate rootstock to the 
thickened storage rhizome (Fig. 105) of such plants as the iris, 
puccoon, bulrush, and Solomon’s-seal, is a longer step, but 
the bud with its leaf scales at the growing tip, a, the remains 
of the flower stem at the node, b, and the roots from the under 
6 surface sufficiently indicate its na- 
ture. The peculiar scars from which 
Q@ the Solomon’s seal takes its name 
mp are caused by the falling away 
Fig. 105.— Rhizome of Sol. C20h year of the flowering stem 
omon’s-seal: u, growing bud at of the season after its work is done, 
the ip ib: remains of the Past leaving behind the node of the un- 
of old stems. (After Gray.)  derground stem from which it orig- 
inated. In this way the rhizome lives on indefinitely, 
growing and increasing at one end as fast as it dies at 
the other. Test a little of the substance of the rhizome 
with iodine. Of what does it consist? Of what use is it 
to the plant? 
106. The tuber. — A still further thickening and shorten- 

gpl, £7 
ema sete 


ing of the rhizome gives rise to the tuber, of which the 
potato and the Jerusalem artichoke are familiar examples. 
Can you give any evidence to show that the potato is a 

Fic. 106.— Potato tuber shi 
cels, A, A, or pores for air on the surface; the eye? (100.) Do the 

S, leaf scale, or sear. 

owing lenti- 

modified stem? Find the 
point of attachment of the 

“. tuber to its stem and stand 
+S it on this end, which is its 

“A. natural base. Notice that 
the eye sits in the axil of 
the little scale that forms 
the eyelid. What does the 
scale represent? What is 

scales occur in any regular 

order — that is, opposite, or alternating with, each other, like 

the leaves on a stem? 

Look on the surface for a number of 

small, lens-shaped dots (A, A, Fig. 106) scattered irregularly 
over it. These are aérating pores called lenticels, and are 

found in most dicotyl 
stems. Does _ their 
presence help to throw 
light on the real nature 
of the tuber? If any 
sprouts occur on your 
specimen, where do 
they originate? Where 
do buds and sprouts 
originate on plants 
above ground? Make 
a sketch of the outside 
of a potato, showing 
the lenticels, eyes, and 
scales, or the scars left 


Fries, 107, 108,— 
Transverse and longi- 
tudinal sections of the 
potato: A, skin; B, 
cortical layer ; C, outer 
pith layer ; D, inner pith 
layer. 108 


by the scales in case they have fallen away, as has probably 
happened, if your specimen is an old one. 
Cut a small slice from the stem end of two potatoes, stand 


them in coloring fluid for four or five hours, then divide into 
cross and vertical sections, as shown in Figs. 107, 108, and 
draw, labeling the parts that you can make out. Through 
which has the liquid ascended most rapidly? Test with 
iodine and find out in which part nourishment is most abun- 
dant. It is this abundant store of food that makes the 
potato such a valuable crop in cold countries like Norway 
and Iceland, where the seasons are too short to admit of the 
slow process of developing the plant from the seed. 

Compare a common potato with a sweet potato. Are 
there any eyes or buds on the latter? Is there a scale below 
them? Do they occur in any regular order? Do you see 
any lenticels? The common potato and the sweet potato 
are both tubers; can you give some of the reasons why the 
one is regarded as a modi- 
fied branch, and the other 
as a root? (100.) Com- 
pare their food contents; 
which contains most 
starch? Which most 
sugar? How can you m 
judge about thesugarwith- Pie Say fe U0 Ss 
out a chemical test? 

107. The bulb is a form of underground stem reduced to a 
single bud. Get the scaly bulb of a lily, and sketch it from 
the outside and in cross and vertical section. Compare it 
with the scaly winter buds of the oak and hickory, or other 
common deciduous tree. Make an enlarged sketch of the 
latter on the same scale as the lily bulb, and the resemblance 
will at once become apparent. The scales of the bulb are, in 
fact, only thick, fleshy leaves closely packed around a short 
axis that has become dilated into a flat disk. From the center 
of the disk, which is the terminal node of this transformed 
stem, rises the flower stalk, or scape, as it is called, of the 
season. After blossoming, the scape perishes with its bulb, 
and their place is taken by new ones which are developed 

x es 


from the axils of the scales, thus revealing their leaflike 

That bulbs are only modified buds is further shown by 
the bulblets that sometimes appear among the flowers of the 
onion, and in the leaf axils of certain lilies. 
They never develop into branches, but drop 
off and grow into new plants just as the 
subterranean bulbs do. 

The bulbs of the onion and hyacinth are 
still further modifications, in which the scales 
consist of the thickened bases of leafstalks 

We that are dilated until each one completely 
of ne on aii, envelops the growing parts within. 
lengthwise, showing 108. Morphology is the part of botany 
‘oA Ageia aaa that treats of the origin, form, and uses 
bulb. of the different organs of plants, and of 
the modifications they undergo in adapting themselves to 
changes of condition or function. Organs or parts that 
have the same origin but have become adapted to dif- 
ferent functions, like the flattened stems of the butcher’s- 
broom or the bulb scales of the lily, are said to be 
homologous; those that are different in origin but adapted 
to the same function, as the sweet and common pota- 
toes, are analogous. In other words, homologous organs 
are morphologically alike, but may be physiologically dif- 
ferent; analogous organs are alike physiologically, but 
differ morphologically. 

109. Economic value of stems. — We probably get a 
greater variety of economic products from the stem than 
from any other part of the plant. Consider the vast 
amount of food stored in underground stems like the potato ; 
the resins, gums, and sugar found in the sap of plants 
like the sugar cane, the pine, and India-rubber trees; the 
medicines, dyes, and extracts obtained from the tissues ; the 
valuable fibers, such as flax, jute, and hemp, furnished by 
the bast; the wood pulp for making paper; and the timber 


for building and furnishing our houses that we get from the 
woody trunks of trees. When we think of all these things, 
it seems hardly possible to overestimate the importance of 
this part of the vegetable kingdom to man, or to exert 
ourselves too strenuously to regulate and prevent the de- 
struction of these invaluable natural resources. 

Practical Questions 

1. Would you judge from the observations made in the foregoing sec- 
tion, that the work of an organ determines its form, or that the form deter- 
mines its work? (99, 100, 108.) 

2. Which is the more important, form or function? 

3. Name some plants that are propagated by rootstocks; by runners 
or stolons; by rhizomes; by tubers; by bulbs. 

4, What is the advantage of propagating in this way over planting the 
seed? (104, 106.) 

5. Mention any other advantages that the various plants named may 
gain from the development of their underground parts. (104.) 

6. What makes the nut grass so troublesome to farmers in some parts 
of the country? 

7. Is its “nut” a root or a tuber? How can you tell? (106.) 

8. Suggest some ways for destroying weeds that are propagated in this 

9. Could you get rid of wild onions in a pasture by mowing them down? 
By digging them up? (107.) 

10. Is it wise for farmers to neglect the appearance of such a weed 
in their neighborhood, even though it does not infest their own land? 

11. Name any plants of your neighborhood, either wild or cultivated, 
that are valued for their rhizomes; for their tubers. 

12. What part of the plants named below do we use for food or other 
purposes? Ginger, angelica, ginseng, cassava, arrowroot, garlic, onion, 
sweet flag, iris, sweet potato, Cuba yam, artichoke. 

13. Why are the true roots of bulbous and rhizome-bearing plants 
generally so much smaller in proportion to the other parts than those of 
ordinary plants? (89, 104.) 

14. If the Canada thistle grows in your vicinity, examine the roots and 
see if there is anything about them that will help to account for its hardi- 
hood and persistency. 

15. If you live in the region of the horse nettle (Solanum Carolinense), 
explain how it is helped by its root system. (89.) 


A. Monocoryits 

Mareriat. — Fresh cornstalks with several well-developed nodes, 
some of which should have stood in coloring fluid from 1 to 3 hours. If 
fresh specimens cannot be obtained from the fields, a number of seedlings 
may be grown in boxes of rich earth and cared for by the pupils either at 
home or in the schoolroom; they should be planted 4 or 5 weeks before 
needed. Asparagus and smilax sprouts may be used, or the stem of any 
large grass, or of wheat and other grains, but stalks of corn or sugar cane 
make the best subjects for study where they can be obtained. 

AppLtiances.— A compound microscope will be needed for detailed 
study. Prepared slides can be used, but it is better for students to make 
their own sections where practicable. 

110. Gross anatomy of a monocotyl stem. — Obtain a 
fresh cornstalk, — preferably one that has begun to tassel, — 
and observe its external characters. How are the inter- 
nodes divided from one another? What 
is the use of the very firm, smooth epider- 
mis? Notice a hollow, grooved channel 
running down one side between the joints, 
Z or nodes ; does it occur in all of them? 

Fre.112.—Cross Is it on the same side or on the opposite 
Meee oo frowue Sides of alternate internodes? Follow one 
cular bundles; ¢,cor- of these grooves to the node from which 
oha  at it originates; what do you find there? 
After studying the internal structure of the stalk, you will 
understand why this groove should occur on the side of an 
internode bearing a bud or fruit. 

Cut a cross section midway between two nodes, and ob- 
serve the composition of the interior; of what does the bulk 
of it appear to consist? Notice the arrangement of the 
little dots, like the ends of cut-off threads, that are scattered 
through the pith; where are they most abundant, toward the 
center or the circumference? 

Make a vertical section through one of the nodes. Cut a 
thin slice of the pith, hold it up to the light, and examine 


with a hand lens. Observe that it is composed of a number 
of oblong cells packed together like bricks in a wall. These 
are filled with protoplasm and cell sap, and constitute what is 
known to botanists as the parenchyma or 
fundamental tissue from which all the other 
tissues are derived. Apply the iodine test ; 
in what parts does starch occur most abun- 
dantly ? 

Draw out one of the woody threads run- 
ning through the pith. Break away a bit of 
the epidermis, and see how very closely they 
are packed on its inner surface. Trace the 
course of the veins in the bases of theleaves; pig. 113. — Ver- 
find their point of union with the stem; tical section of corn- 
with what part of it do they appear to be ee 
continuous? Has this anything to do with Sbrovaseulat bundles 

ingled with paren 
the greater abundance of fibers near the epi- chyma; }, bud; 2, 
dermis? Can you follow the fibers through ™°** 
the nodes, or do they become confused and intermixed with 
other threads there? (If a stalk of sugar cane can be 
obtained, the ring of scars left by the vascular bundles as 
they pass from the leaves into the stem will be seen beauti- 
fully marked just above the nodes.) 

If there is an eye or bud at the node, see if any of 
the threads go into it. Can you account now for the de- 
pression that occurs in the internode above the eye? 

Make drawings of both cross and vertical sections, showing 
the points brought out in your examination of the cornstalk. 

111. The vascular system. — To find out the use of the 
threads that you have been tracing, examine a piece of a 
living stem that has stood in red ink for three to twenty-four 
hours. Notice the course the coloring fluid has taken; what 
would you infer from this as to the use of the woody fibers? 

These threads constitute what is called the vascular system 
of the stem, because they are made up of vessels or ducts, 
along which the sap is conveyed from the roots to the leaves 



and back from the leaves to the parts where it is needed after 
it has contributed to the elaboration of food. 

On account of this double line of communication which 
they have to maintain, the vascular threads, or bundles, as 
they are technically called, are double; one part composed 
of larger vessels, carrying water up, the other consisting of 
smaller ones, bringing back the food. Can you give a reason 
for their difference in size? 

112. Woody monocotyls. — Examine sections of yucca, 
smilax, or of palmetto from the handle of a fan, and compare 
them with your sketches of the cornstalk. 
In which are the vascular fibers most abun- 
dant? Which is the toughest and strongest? 
Why? Trace the course of the leaf fibers 
from the point of insertion to the interior. 
How does it differ from that of the fibers 
in a cornstalk? 

113. Growth of monocotyl stems. — After 
tracing the course of the leaf veins at the 
nodes of the cornstalk, you will have no 
difficulty in identifying these veins as part of 
the vascular system. In jointed stems like 

_ Fr L those of the corn and sugar cane and other 
rh : W vaenrs grasses, their intercalation between the vas- 
of a palm, showing eylar bundles of the stem takes place, as we 
the curved course of , 
the fibrovascular have seen, at the nodes, forming the hard 
ete Bett afer rings known as joints; but in other mono- 

cotyls the fibers entering the stem from the 
leaves usually tend first downward, toward the interior 
(Fig. 114), then bend outward, toward the surface, where they 
become entwined with others and form the tough, inseparable 
cortex that gives to palmetto and bamboo stems their great 
strength. Generally, monocotyl stems do not increase in di- 
ameter after a certain point, and as they can contain only a 
limited number of vascular fibers, they are incapable of sup- 
porting an extended system of leaves and branches. Hence 



Puate 4.— Forest of bamboo, showing the tall, straight, branchless habit of 

monocotyl stems. 


plants of this class, with a few exceptions, like smilax and 
asparagus, are characterized by simple, columnar stems and 
a limited spread of leaves. Such plant forms are admirably 
adapted by their structure to the purposes of mechanical 
support. It is a well-known law of mechanics that a hollow 
cylinder is a great deal stronger than the same mass would 
be in solid form, as may easily be tested by the simple ex- 
periment of breaking in your fingers a cedar pencil and a 
joint of cane or a stem of smilax of the same weight. In 
stems that may be technically classed as solid in structure, 
like the corn and palmetto, the interior is so light compared 
with the hard epidermis that the result is practically a hollow 

114. Minute study of a monocotyl stem. — Place under 
the microscope a very thin transverse section of a cornstalk. 
The little dots that looked like 
the cut ends of threads to the 
naked eye will now appear as 

ile hud ett 




Fia. 115.—Transverse section through : ne 
the fibrovascular bundle of a cornstalk: Fic. 116. — Vertical section of the same ; 
a, annular tracheid ; sp, spiral tracheid; @ and a’, rings of 4 decomposed annular 
m and m’, ducts; J, air space; v, sieve tracheid; v, sieve tubes; s, companion 
tubes ; s, companion cells; vg, strength- cells; cp, bast; 1, air space; vg, strength- 
ening fibers ; cp, bast; f, f, parenchyma. ening tissue; sp, spiral duct. 

the complex group of cells shown in Fig. 115. The same parts 
are shown longitudinally in Fig. 116. As seen in cross sec- 


tion, their arrangement suggests a grotesque resemblance to 
the face of an old woman wearing a pair of enormous specta- 
cles and surrounded by a cap frill of netting with very wide 
meshes. These are parenchyma cells, f, f, Fig. 115, and 
constitute the greater portion of the living tissues. 

The two large openings, m, m’, that represent the spectacles, 
are ducts for carrying water up the stem. They are called 
pitted ducts on account of the bordered pits which cover 
their outer surface. The two smaller openings between and 
slightly below the pitted ducts are also vessels for carrying 
liquids up the stem. The lower one, a, is called the annular 
tracheid because its tube is strengthened by rings on the 
inside. The upper, smaller one, sp, is known as the spiral 
tracheid, because its walls are reinforced by spiral thickenings. 
Can you think what is the use of these strengthening contri- 
vances in the walls of conducting cells? (Suggestion: What 
is the use of the spiral wire on a garden hose?) The large, 
irregular opening below the ducts is an air space. What is 
its object? Why has it no surrounding wall? 

Next look above the ducts for a group of rhomboidal or 
hexagonal cells, v, v, with smaller ones, s, between them. The 
larger of these are sieve tubes, the smaller 
ones, companion cells. The sieve tubes 
carry sap down the stem after it has been 
made into food by the leaves. They get 
their name from the sievelike openings 
between the connecting walls of the cells 
which form them — as if a row of pepper 
boxes with perforations at both top and __, Fis. 117.—Horizon- 

tal view of the sieve tube 
bottom were placed end to end, so as to of agourd stem, showing 
form a long tube divided into compart- Pefortions. 
ments by perforated walls. Can you give a reason why the 
cells of ducts that carry elaborated nutriment should have a 
more open line of communication than those carrying crude 
sap? [56 (2).] Which one of the organic food substances was 
shown by Exp. 39 to be unable, or nearly so, to pass through 


the cell wall by osmosis? [56 (4).] The 
conducting cells are surrounded by a mass 
of strengthening fibers separating them 
from the parenchyma, f, and constituting 
with them a fibrovascular bundle. The 
| larger vessels, m, m', a, and sp, compose 
Nein ‘| the aylem, the harder, more woody part 
cy lof the bundle, and the smaller ones, », s, 

the phloém, or softer part. Notice also 
that there is no parenchyma in contact 
with the xylem and phloém in the fibro- 
vascular bundles of a monocotyl, to supply 
; material for new growth, but they are 

seer oes entirely surrounded by a sheath of strength- 
tube of a gourd stem: ening tissue, whence such bundles are said 
i oe aa he closed, and are incapable of farther 

fee Elgar muci- growth by the addition of new cells. 

B. Herpaczeous Dicoryis 

MareriaL. — Young stems of sunflower, hollyhock, burdock, ragweed, 
cocklebur, castor bean, or any large herbaceous plant. In schools un- 
provided with compound microscopes, the minute anatomy can be studied 
with some degree of profit by the aid of pictures. 

115. Gross anatomy. — Examine the outside of a young 
stem of sunflower, burdock, or other herbaceous dicotyl. 
Notice whether it is smooth, or roughened with hairs, scales, 
ridges, or grooves. If hairy, observe the nature of the hairs, 
whether bristly, downy, sticky, ete. Notice the color of the 
epidermis, whether uniform, or splotched or striped with 
other colors, as, for example, jimson weed, and pigweed 
(amarantus). If there are any buds, branches, or flower 
stems, notice where they originate; what is the angle be- 
tween the leaf and stem called? (100.) 

Make a transverse cut through a portion of the stem that 
has stood for a time in coloring fluid and examine with a lens. 
Four regions can easily be distinguished: (1) the epidermis,. 


e, Fig. 119; (2) the primary cortex, c; (3) a ring of fibro- 
vascular bundles, f; and (4) a central cylinder of paren- 
chyma, p. In some specimens there will be a fifth region, the 
pith, which will appear in 
the section as a white cir- 
cular spot in the center of 
the parenchyma. 

In specimens a little older 
than the one shown in Fig. 
119, a narrow circular line 
will be seen running through 
the ring of bundles nearly 
midway between their inner 
and outer extremities, con- 91%! _ Transverse, section of 
necting them into an un- vascular bundles not completely united 
broken diréle around the Go") ie mm ecdas tendies 
central cylinder. This is 2? central cylinder of parenchyma. 
the cambium layer, which supplies the vascular region with 
materials for new growth, and thus enables dicotyl stems to 
increase in diameter by the successive addition of fresh 
vascular rings from year to year. 

Examine in the same way a vertical section, and find the 
parts corresponding to those shown in Fig. 119. Make en- 
larged sketches of both sections, labeling the various parts 

116. Minute structure of a dicotyl stem.— Place suc- 
cessively under a high power of the microscope thin trans- 
verse and longitudinal sections of the stem just examined, or 
such other specimen as the teacher may provide. Bring one 
of the fibrovascular bundles into the field, and try to make 
out the parts shown in Figs. 120 and 121. The corresponding 
parts in the two sections are indicated by the same letters. 
Notice the cortex, R, on the outside and the pith, M, on the 
inside ; between these, the cambium, C, the xylem, or woody 
tissue, included between the radiating lines X, and the newer 
tissues composing the phloém between the lines P. The 


Ss eA ys S ( 


Fics. 120-121. — Transverse and longitudinal sections of a fibrovascular bundle 
in the stem of a sunflower. The two sections are lettered to correspond: AJ, pith 
(parenchyma) ; X,xylem region; P,phloém ; R, cortex ; s, spiral ducts; s’, annular 
ducts; t,t, pitted ducts; C, cambium between the phloém and xylem regions; sb, 
sieve tubes; b, bast; e, bundle sheath; tc, cambium (parenchyma) cells; h, wood fibers, 


cambium and pith, which includes the medullary rays so con- 
spicuous in perennial stems, are composed of live paren- 
chyma cells, from which alone growth can take place; they 
are the active part of the stem. The xylem contains the 
large vessels, ¢ and s, that convey water up the stem, together 
with the wood fibers, h. These are the permanent tissues. 
After completing their growth the cells of the xylem gradu- 
ally lose their protoplasm, and all vitality ceases. Even the 
cell sap disappears, and sometimes the walls of the ducts are 
disintegrated, leaving a mere air space like that shown at I in 
Figs. 115 and 116. The dead cells and tissues, however, are 
by no means useless. They constitute the heartwood that 
is so valuable for timber, and serve an important purpose as 
a mechanical support for the stem. The phloém contains 
on its outer face a mass of hard fibers, b, called bast, and 
toward the interior, the sieve tubes, sb, with a number of 
smaller vessels that convey down the stem the sap containing 
the food made in the leaves. It is separated from the cortex 
by the bundle sheath, e, and on its other side, from the ex- 
terior face of the xylem by the cambium, C. In this position 
the growing cambium adds new cells to the inner side of the 
phloém, and to the outer side of the xylem, so that the former 
grows on its inner face and the latter on its outer. In peren- 
nial plants, as new rings are added to the xylem from season 
to season, the older ones die and are changed into heartwood, 
which thus gradually increases in thickness till in some of the 
giant redwoods and eucalypti, it may attain a diameter of 
thirty-five or forty feet. In the phloém, on the other hand, 
as new cells are added from within, the older ones are 
gradually changed into hard bast, b, then into bark, and 
are finally sloughed off and fall to the ground. It is this 
free line of communication with the active cambium that 
enables dicotyl stems to grow on indefinitely, the sheath, e, 
being formed on the exterior face of the bundles only, leav- 
ing the other free, whence they are said to be open. 

Make drawings of cross and vertical sections of a dicotyl 


Fig. 122.— Internal structure of a pine stem, showing longitudinal section of a 
fibrovascular bundle through «a medullary ray, sm, sm‘: s, tracheids; t, bordered 
pits, surface view; c, cambium; v, sieve tubes; vt, sieve pits, analogous to the 

sieve plates in dicotyl stems. 

stem as it appears under the microscope, labeling correctly 
all the parts observed. Show the shape and relative size of 

Fic. 123. — Internal structure of a pine 
stem, showing transverse section of a tra- 
cheid : 7, cell walls; m, intermediate layer 
between walls of adjoining cells; m’, inter- 
cellular space here occupied by substance 
of intermediate layer; 6, bordered pit in 
section at right angles to the surface; ¢, 
membrane for closing the pit canal. 

the different cells. Com- 
pare your drawings with 
those made in your study 
of monocotyl stems, and 
write in your notebook the 
essential points of difference 
between the two. 

117. The stems of coni- 
fers, the group of Gymno- 
sperms to which the pine 
belongs, do not differ greatly 
from those of dicotyls, the 
chief difference being that 
the vascular bundles contain 
tracheids only, correspond- 
ing to the smaller vessels of 


the phloém, s and s’, shown in Fig. 121. These tracheids 
have large sunken places in their walls, called bordered pits 
(Fig. 123), closed by a very thin membrane through which 
water and dissolved food materials can more readily per- 
colate. In all other essentials, the internal structure of pine 
stems is like that of dicotyls. (See Plate 5.) 

C. Woopy Stemmep Dicotyu 

Marteriat. — Elm, basswood, mulberry, leatherwood, and pawpaw 
show the bast well; sassafras, slippery elm, and (in spring) hickory and 
willow show the cambium; grape and trumpet vine, the ducts. Some 
of the specimens used should be placed in coloring fluid from 3 to 8 hours 
before the lesson begins. The rate at which the liquid is absorbed varies 
with the kind of stem and the season. It is more rapid in spring and slower 
in winter. If a cutting stands too long in the fluid, the dye will gradually 
percolate through all parts of it; care should be taken to guard against this. 

118. The external layer. — While the primary structures, 
as shown in the last section, are essentially the same in all 
dicotyl stems, the continued yearly 
growth of perennials causes them to de- 
velop a number of secondary structures 
and variations of detail that differentiate 
them in a marked degree from soft- 
stemmed annuals. Take a piece of a 
three-year-old shoot of cherry, horse 
chestnut, or any convenient hardwood 
tree, and notice that the soft, green 
epidermis has given place to a thicker, 
harder, and usually darker colored bark. 
Notice the presence of lenticels (106) and — Fic. 124.—Part of a 
their porous, corky texture for the ad- Sous Sere eEC 
mission of air to the interior. They leaf scar; C,C, traces left 
are slightly raised above the surface of BY the broken ends of 
the bark, and are usually round, or passed from the stem in- 

P ; : to the leaf. Natural size. 
more or less elongated in different direc- 
tions, according as they are stretched vertically or hori- 
zontally by the growth of the axis. The characteristic mark- 


Puate 5.—Stem of a conifer, Sequoia gigantea, Mariposa Grove, California. The 
first branch, 6 feet in diameter, leaves the parent trunk 125 feet above the ground. 
The photographer sitting on one of the exposed roots affords a good standard for 
comparison. The tree is noted for its massive limbs. The smaller trees in the 
background show the characteristic mode of branching in trees of this class, 


ings of birch bark, which make it so ornamental, are due to the 
lenticels. In most trees they disappear on the older parts, 
where the bark is constantly breaking away and sloughing off. 
t19. Internal structures.— Cut a transverse section 
through your specimen, and notice under the epidermis a 
greenish layer of young bark; beneath this a layer of rather 
tough, stringy bast fibers, and beyond these a harder woody 
substance that constitutes the bulk of the interior; within this, 
_ at the very center of the axis, we find a cylinder of lighter 
texture, the pith, or medulla, occupying the place of the soft 
parenchyma which fills this space in very young stems. 

Between the woody axis and the bark notice a more or 
less soft and juicy ring. 

120. The cambium layer.— This is not always easily 
distinguishable with a hand lens, but is conspicuous in the 
stems of sassafras, slippery elm, and aristolochia. If some 
of these cannot be obtained, the presence of the cambium 
can be recognized by observing the tendency of most stems 
to ‘‘ bleed,” when cut, between the wood and bark. The 
reason for this is because the cambium is the active part of 
the stem, in which growth is taking place, and consequently 
it is most abundantly supplied with sap. In spring, es- 
pecially, it becomes so full of sap that if a rod of hickory 
or elder is pounded, the pulpy cambium is broken up and the 
bark may be slipped off whole from the wood. 

121. Medullary rays. — Observe the whitish, silvery lines 
that radiate in every direction from the center, like the 
spokes of a wheel from the hub. These are the medullary 
rays, and consist of threads of pith that serve as lines of com- 
munication between the “ central cylinder” and the grow- 
ing cambium layer. In old stems the central pith frequently 
disappears and its office is filled by the medullary rays, which 
become quite conspicuous. 

122. Structural regions of a woody stem. — Sketch cross 
and vertical sections of your specimen, as seen under the lens, 
labeling the different parts, Refer to Figs. 125, 126, if you 


have any difficulty in distinguishing the parts. In a year-old 
shoot (Fig. 125), the structural regions correspond closely to 
those shown in Fig. 119, except that the ring of fibrovascular 
bundles is here compact and woody, and crossed by the 
radiating lines of the medullary rays. In a three-year-old 
shoot (Fig. 126), the main divisions are the same, but the 
soft parenchyma of the central, cylinder is replaced by the 
pith, and the vascular ring is composed of three layers corre- 
sponding to the three years of growth. In general, mature 


Fies. 125, 126. — Cross sections of twigs: 125, section across a young twig of box 
elder, showing the four stem regions: e, epidermis, represented by the heavy bounding 
line; e¢, cortex ; w, vascular cylinder ; p, pith; 126, section across a twig of box elder 
three years old, showing three annual growth rings, in the vascular cylinder. The 
radiating lines (m), which cross the vascular region (w), represent the pith rays, the 
principal ones extending from the pith to the cortex (c). (From CouLTErR’s “ Plant 

dicotyl stems may be said to include four well-defined re- 
gions: (1) the epidermis, or the bark; (2) the cortex, made 
up of bast and certain other tissues; (3) the cambium; 
(4) the woody vascular cylinder, made up of concentric 
rings, each representing a year’s growth. The pith, or me- 
dulla, constitutes a fifth region, but is obvious only in young 
stems. Notice the little pores or cavities that dot the woody 
part in the cross section; where are they largest and most 
abundant? How are the rings marked off from one another? 



These pores are the sections of ducts. They are very large 
in the grapevine, and a cutting two or three years old will 
show them distinctly. Examine sections of a twig that has 
stood in red ink from three to twelve hours, and observe the 
course the fluid has taken. How does this accord with the 
facts observed in your study of the conducting tissues in 
monocotyl and herbaceous stems? (111, 115, 116.) 

123. The rings into which the woody cylinder is divided 
mark the yearly additions to the growth of the stem, which 
increases by the constant accession of new 
material to the outside of the permanent 
tissues (116). The cambium constantly 
advances outward, beginning every spring 
a new season’s growth, and leaving behind 
the ring of ducts and woody fibers made 
the year before. As the work of the plant is 
most active and its growth most vigorous 
in spring, the largest ducts are formed then, 
the tissue becoming closer and finer as the 
season advances, thus causing the division 
into annual rings that is so characteristic of 
woody dicotyl stems. Each new stratum of 
growth is made up of the fibrovascular 
bundles that supply the leaves and buds and AES 
branches of the season. In this way we see hee 
that the increase of dicotyl trunks and annual growth of 

. . dicotyledons. 
branches is approximately in an elongated 
cone (Fig. 127), the number of rings gradually diminishing 
toward the top till at the terminal bud of each bough it is 
reduced to a single one, as in the stems of annuals. 

Sometimes a late autumn, succeeding a very dry summer, 
will cause trees to take on a second growth, and thus form two 
layers of wood in a single season. On this account we can- 
not always rely absolutely upon the number of rings in esti- 
mating the age of a tree, though the method is sufficiently 
exact for all practical purposes. 


Practical Questions 

1. Old Fort Moultrie near Charleston was built originally of palmette 
logs; was this good engineering or not? Why? (113.) 
2. Explain the advantages of structure in a culm of wheat; astalk of 
corn; areed. (113.) 
3. Would the same quality be of advantage to an oak? Why, or why 
4. Is it of any advantage to the farmer that grain straw is so light? 
5. Explain why boys can slip the bark from certain kinds of wood in 
spring to make whistles. (120.) 
6. Why cannot they do this in autumn or winter? 128.) 
7. Name some of the plants commonly used for this purpose. 
8. Is the spring, after the buds begin to swell, a good time to prune 
fruit trees and hedges? (120.) 
9. What is the best time, and why? 
10. Why are grapevines liable to bleed to death if pruned too late in 
spring? (120, 123.) 
11. Why are nurserymen, in grafting, so careful to make the cambium 
layer of t aft hit that of the stock? (120.) 
12. ta Qhototing the age of a tree or bough from the rings of annual 
growth, should we take a section from near the tip, or from the base? 
Why? (123.) 


Materiau. — Leafy shoots of grape, balsam, peach, or other active 
young stems; a cutting of willow, currant, or any kind of easily rooting 
stem. Two bottles of water and some linseed or cottonseed oil. 

THE MOVEMENT OF SAP IN THE STEM ? — Take two healthy young shoots of 
the same kind — grape, peach, corn, tropzolum, calla lily absorb rapidly. 
Trim the leaves from one shoot and close the cut surfaces with a little vase- 
line or gardener’s wax to prevent loss of water by evaporation. Place the 
lower end of each in a glass jar or tumbler filled to the same height with 
water. Cut off under water a half inch from the bottom of each shoot, 
to get a fresh absorbing surface. This is necessary because exposure to 
air for even a second greatly hinders absorption by permitting the entrance 
of air into the severed ends of the ducts. Pour a little oil on the water in 
both jars to prevent evaporation. (Do not use kerosene; it is injurious 
to plants.) At the end of twenty-four hours, which vessel has lost the 
more water? How do you account for the difference? 



LEAVES ? — Cover the top of the vessel containing the leafy twig used in the 

last experiment with a piece of card- 
board, having first cut a slit in one side, 
as shown in Fig. 128, so that it can be 
slid into place without injuring the 
stem. Invert over the twig a tumbler 
that has first been thoroughly dried, 
and leave in a warm, dry place. After 
an hour or two, what do you see on the 
inside of the tumbler? Where did the 
moisture come from? 

UPWARD ? — Remove a ring of the cor- 

Fie. 129.—A 
twig which had been 
kept standing in 
water after the re- 
moval of a ring of 
cortical tissue: a, 
level of the water; 
b, swelling formed at 
the upper denuda- 
tion; c, roots. 

tical layer from a 
twig of any readily 
rooting dicoty], 
such as_ willow, 
being careful to 
leave the woody 
part, with the cambium, intact. Place the end below 
the cut ring in water, as shown in Fig. 129. The leaves 
above the girdle will remain fresh. How is the water 
carried to them? How does this agree with the 
movement of red ink observed in 115 and 122? 

Fic. 128. — Experiment showing 
that moisture is thrown off by the 
leaves of plants. 

SAP COME DOWN ? — Next prune away the leaves and 
protect the girdled surface with tin foil, or insert it 
below the neck of a deep bottle to prevent evaporation, 
and wait until roots develop. Do they come more 
abundantly from above or below the decorticated 

124. The three principal functions of the 

stem are:— (1) to serve as a mechanical sup- 
port and framework for binding the other 

organs together and bringing them into the best attainable 
relations with light and air; (2) as a water carrier, or pipe 
line, for conveying the sap from the roots to the parts where 
it is needed; and (3) as a receptacle for the storage of foods. 


125. Movement of water. — It has already been shown 
(71, 111) that a constant interchange of liquid is taking place 
through the stem, between the roots, where it is absorbed from 
the ground, and the leaves, where it is used partly in the man- 
ufacture of food. Just what causes the rise of sap in the stem 
is one of the problems of vegetable physiology that botanists 
have not yet been able to 
solve. There are how- 
ever, certain forces at 
work in the plant, which, 
though they may not ac- 
count for all the phenom- 
ena of the movement, 
undoubtedly influence 
them to a great extent. 
From experiments 58- 
61, we can obtain an 
idea of what some of 
these forces may be. 

126. Direction of the 
current. — These experi- 
ments show that the up- 
ward movement of crude 
sap toward the leaves is 
mainly through the ducts 

— in the woody portion of 
wan, 130, Rue sme of s large oak Wet the stem, while thedown- 
interior is completely decayed, leaving only ward flow of elaborated 
a hollow shell of living tissue, from which 
branches continue to put forth leaves year sap from the leaves takes 
after’ year. place chiefly through the 
soft bast and certain other vessels of the cortical layer. The 
action of the leaves in giving off part of the water absorbed, as 
shown in Exp. 59, probably has also an important influence 
on the course of sap movement. If loss of water takes place 
in any organ through growth or other cause, the osmotic flow 
of the thinner sap from the roots will set in that direction. 



127. Ringing fruit trees. — The course of the sap explains 
why farmers sometimes hasten the ripening of fruit by the 
practice of ringing. As the food material cannot pass below 
the denuded ring, the parts above become gorged, and a pro- 
cess of forcing takes place. The practice, however, is not to 
be commended, except in rare cases, as it generally leads to 
the death of the ringed stem. The portion below the ring 
can receive no nourishment from above, and will gradually 
be so starved that it cannot even act as a carrier of crude 
sap to the leaves, and so the whole bough will perish. 

128. Sap movement not circulation.— It must not be 
supposed that this flow of sap in plants is analogous to the 
circulation of the blood in animals, 
though frequently spoken of in pop- 
ular language as the “ circulation of 
the sap.” There is no central organ 
like the heart to regulate its flow, and 
the water taken up by the roots does 
not make a continual circuit of the 
plant body as the blood does of ours, 
but is dispersed by a process of general 
diffusion, partly into the air through 
the leaves and partly through the plant 
body as food, wherever it is needed. 
Figure 131 gives a good general idea 
of the movement of sap in trees, the $ 
arrows indicating the direction of the — Fic. 131.— Diagram show- 
movement of the different substances. 2 #°net=! movement of sap. 

129. Unexplained phenomena.— Though the forces 
named above undoubtedly exert a powerful influence over 
sap movement, their combined action has not been proved 
capable of lifting the current to a height of more than 200 
feet, while in the giant redwoods of California and the tower- 
ing blue gums of Australia, it is known to reach a height of 
more than 400 feet. The active force exerted by the cell 
protoplasm has been suggested as an efficient cause, but as 


the upward flow takes place through the cells of the xylem, 
which contain no protoplasm (116), this explanation is in- 
adequate, and we must be content, in the present state of our 
knowledge, to accept the fact as one which science has yet to 
account for. 

Practical Questions 

1. Why will a leafy shoot heal more quickly than a bare one? (125, 
126; Exp. 58.) 

2. Why does a transverse cut heal more slowly than a vertical one? 
(126, 127.) 

3. Why does a ragged cut heal less rapidly than a smooth one? 

4, Why does the formation of wood proceed more rapidly as the amount 
of water given off by the leaves is increased? (126; Exp. 59.) 

5. Why do nurserymen sometimes split the cortex of young trees in 
summer to promote the formation of wood? (116, 118.) 

6. What is the advantage of scraping the stems of trees? 

7. Explain the frothy exudation that often appears at the cut ends of 
firewood, and the singing noise that accompanies it. [120, 124 (2).] 

8. Of what advantage is it to high climbing plants, like grape and 
trumpet vine (Tecoma), to have such large ducts? (111, 116, 122.) 

9. Why is the process of layering more apt to be successful if the shoot 
is bent or twisted at the point where it is desired to make it root ? (127; 
Exps. 60, 61.) 

10. Why do oranges hecome dry and spongy if allowed to hang on the 
tree too long? (72, 126; Exps. 60, 61.) 

11. Why will corn and fodder be richer in nourishment if, at harvest, 
the whole stalk is cut down and both fodder and grain are allowed to 
mature upon it? (126, 127; Exps. 60, 61.) 

12. Is the injury done it plants by freezing due, as a general thing, 
to mechanical, or to chemical action? (33.) 

13. Why in pruning a branch is it best to make the cut just above a 
bud? (Exps. 60, 61.) 

14. Why is the rim of new bark, or callus, that forms on the upper side 
of a horizontal wound, thicker than that on the lower side? (126, 127; 
Exps. 60, 61.) 

15. Why is it that the medicinal or other special properties of plants 
are found mostly in the leaves and bark, or in the parts immediately 
under the bark? (120, 126.) 

16. Why does twisting the footstalk of a bunch of grapes, just before 
ripening, make them sweeter? (127.) 


Prats 6.— A white oak, one of the monarchs of the dicotyl type. The owner of 
the ground on which this noble tree stands left a clause in his will bequeathing it in 
perpetuity a territory of 8 feet in every direction from its base. Refer to 89 and 
decide whether such an amount of standing room is sufficient to secure the preser- 
vation of this beautiful object. 


17. Is it a mere superstition to drive nails into the stems of plum and 
peach trees to make them bear larger or more abundant fruit? (126, 127.) 

18. Why is a living corn stalk heavier than a dry one? (124.3 

19. Why isa stalk of sugar cane heavier than one of corn? Suggestion : 
Which is the heavier, pure water, or water holding solids in solution ? 


Materia. — Select from the billets of wood cut for the fire, sticks of 
various kinds ; hickory, ash, oak, chestnut, maple, walnut, cherry, pine, 
cedar, tulip tree, all make good specimens. Red oak shows the medullary 

rays well. Get sticks of green wood, if possible, and have them planed 

smooth at the ends. Collect also, where they can be obtained, waste bits 
of dressed lumber from a carpenter or joiner. If nothing better is avail- 
able, any pieces of unpainted woodwork about the schoolroom will furnish 
subjects for study. 

130. Detailed structure of a woody stem.—Select a 
good-sized billet of hard wood, and count the rings of annual 
growth. How old was the tree or the bough from which it 
was taken? Was its growth uniform from year to year? 
How do you know? Are the rings broader, as a general 
thing, toward the center or the circumference? How do 
you account for this? Is each separate ring of uniform 
thickness all the way round? Mention some of the cir- 
cumstances that might cause a tree to grow less on one side 
than on the other. Are the rings of the same thickness in 
all kinds of wood? Which are the more rapid growers, those 
with broad or with narrow rings? Do you notice any dif- 
ference in the texture of the wood in rapid and in slow grow- 
ing trees? Which makes the better timber as a general 
thing, and why? es 

131. Heartwood and sapwood.— Notice that in some 
of your older specimens (cedar, black walnut, barberry, 
black locust, chestnut, oak, Osage orange, show the differ- 
ence distinctly) the central part is different in color and text- 
ure from the rest. This is because the sap gradually abandons 
the center (116, 123) to feed the outer layers, where growth 
in dicotyls takes place; hence, the outer part of the stem 


Fic. 132.— Cross section through a black oak, showing heart- 
wood and sapwood. (From Princuot, U.S. Dept. of Agr.) 

Fia, 133.— Vertical section through a black oak. (From Prncuot, 
U.S. Dept. of Agr.) 


usually consists of sapwood, which is soft and worthless as 
timber, while the dead interior forms the durable heart- 
wood so prized by lumbermen. The heartwood is useful to 
the plant principally in giving strength and firmness to the 
axis. It will now be seen why girdling a stem, — that is, chip- 
ping off a ring of the softer parts all round, will kill it, while 
vigorous and healthy trees are often seen with the center of 
the trunk entirely hollow. 

132. Different ways of cutting. — In studying the vertical 
arrangement of stems, two sections are necessary, a radial and 
a tangential one. The former passes along the axis, splitting 
the stem into halves (Fig. 135); the latter cuts between the 

axis and the perimeter, split- 
LSD ting off a segment from one 
side (Fig. 136). The appear- 
ance of the wood used in car- 
pentry and joiner’s work is due 
largely to the manner in which 
the planks are cut. 
a 133. The cross cut.— The 

1 Be section seen at the end of a log 
dime ot Gries 04, Som orton’. (Bigs, 132, 184) de walleg by 
ee bie Bice atic (from carpenters a cross cut. It 

passes at right angles to the 
grain of the wood, and severs what important structures? 
(116, 119, 122.) Examine a cross cut at the end of a rough 
plank, or the top of 
a stump or an old 
fence post, and tell 
why this kind of cut 
is seldom used in 

134. The tangent 
cut is so called be- 
cause it is made at 

right angles to the ing ends of the medullary rays. 



radius of a log. Repeat the geo- 
metrical principle upon which such 
a cut is described as “ tangential.” 
It passes through the medullary 
rays and the annual rings diagonally 
(Fig. 136), and is the cheapest way 
of cutting timber, since the entire 
log is made into planks and there 
is no waste except the “slabs” and 
“edgings,” as shown in Fig. 138. 
The cut ends of the medullary rays 
appear on the surface as small lines 
or slits (Fig. 187), and give to this 
kind of plank its peculiar grain- 
ing. The wavy or “watered” 
appearance of the annual rings 
(Figs. 133, 136, 140, 141), so often 





Fic. 138.— Diagram to show 
the common method of sawing a 
log. The circles represent rings 
of annual growth: R, R, diam- 
eter of the log; 7, r, 7 and f, t, t, 
boards cut perpendicular to it, 
giving for the two or three cen- 
tral ones radial; for the others, 
tangential, cuts. The waste por- 
tions are the ‘‘slabs”’ and ‘‘ edg- 
ings,’”’ shown in the dark seg- 
ments at R, R, and the small 
triangular blocks, e, ¢, «. 

seen in cheap furniture and in the woodwork of cheaply 
constructed houses, is caused by the tangential cut, which 

strikes them at various angles. 

135. The radial, or quartered cut, 

Fic. 139. — Diagram illustrat- 
ing the “quartered ”’ cut :d,dand 
d' d', radial cuts (diameters) by 
which the log is “ quartered”’; 
ce, center of the log; 7, 7, radii 
passing through the middle of 
each quarter, parallel to which 
the planks ¢, ¢, fare cut. The 
circles represent rings of annual 

familiar to most of us in the “ quar- 
tered oak.” of commerce, passes 
through the center of the log and 
cuts the rings of annual growth per- 
pendicularly, giving it the “striped” 
appearance (Fig. 135) seen in the 
best woodwork. It gets its name 
from the practice of dealers in first 
sawing a log into quarters and then 
cutting parallel to the radius pass- 
ing through the middle of each 
quarter, as shown in Fig. 139. In 
this way each cut strikes the rings 
perpendicularly, but except in the 
case of very large logs, only narrow 


planks can be obtained in this manner. A better way of 
treating small logs is shown in Fig. 138, where the three 
central planks, 7,r,r, on and near the diameter, will give the 
“ quartered ” effect, while the rest can oe used for the cheaper 
tangential cuttings. Examine a piece of quartered board, or 
a log of wood that has been split down the center, and notice 

Re ae ES a 
IY = 


Fie. 140.— Sections of sycamore wood: a, tangential; b, radial; 
c, cross. (From Pincuort, U.S. Dept. of Agr.) 

Bide VAS VE 
Fic. 141.— Section of white pine wood. (From Pincuot, 
U.S. Dept. of Agr.) 

aa kk 

that the medullary rays appear as silvery bands or plates 
(Figs. 140, 141). This is because the cut runs parallel to 
them. It is the medullary rays chiefly that give to commer- 
cial woods their characteristic graining. Knots, buds, and 
other adventitious causes also influence it in various degrees. 

136. The swelling and shrinking of timber.— The ca- 
pacity possessed by certain substances of bringing about an 


increase of volume by the absorption of liquids is termed 
imbibition. Care must be taken not to confound imbibi- 
tion with capillarity. (Exp. 53.) When liquids are carried 
into a body by capillary attraction, they 
merely fill up vacant spaces already exist- 
ing between small particles of the substance, 
and therefore do not cause any swelling or 
increase in size. When imbibition takes 
place, the molecules, or chemical units of the 
liquid, force their way between those of the 
imbibing substance, and thus, in making 

: Fig. 142.— Section 
room for themselves, bring about an in- of tree trunk showing 

crease in volume of the imbibing body. *"°* 

To this cause is due the alternate swelling and shrinking of 
timber in wet and dry weather. 

137. Knots. — Look for a billet with a knot init. Notice 
how the rings of growth are disturbed 
and displaced in its neighborhood. If 
the knot is a large one, it will itself 
have rings of growth. Count them, and 
tell what its age was when it ceased to 
grow. Notice where it originates. 
Count the rings from its point of origin 
to the center of the stem. How old was 
the tree when the knot began to form? 
Count the rings from the origin of the 
knot to the circumference of the stem; 
how many years has the tree lived since 
the knot was formed? Does this agree 

Fics. 143-144. —Dia- 
gramsof tree trunks, show- With the age of the knot as deduced 

ing knots of different ages? from its own rings? As the tree may 
148, from tree grown in 

the open; 144, from tree continue to live and grow indefinitely 
grown ina dense forest. tter the bough which formed the knot 
died or was cut away, there will probably be no corre- 
spondence between the two sets of rings, especially in the 
case of old knots that have been covered up and embedded in 


the wood. The longer a dead branch remains on a tree the 
more rings of growth will form around it before covering it up, 
and the greater will be the disturbance caused by it. Hence, 
timber trees should be pruned while very young, and the 
parts removed should be cut as close as possible to the main 
branch or trunk. Sometimes knots injure lumber very much 
by falling out and leaving the holes that are often seen in pine 
boards. In other cases, however, when the knots are very 
small, the irregular markings caused by them add greatly 
to the beauty of the wood. The peculiar marking of bird’s- 
‘eye maple is caused by abortive buds buried in the wood. 

Practical Questions 

1. Is the swelling of wood a physical or a physiological process? 

2. Does wood swell equally with the grain and across it? (Suggestion: 
test by keeping a block under water for 10 to 20 days, measuring its dimen- 
sions before and after immersion.) 

3. In building a fence, what is the use of ‘‘capping”’ the posts? (133.) 

4, In laying shingles, why are they made to touch, if the work is done 
in wet weather, and placed somewhat apart, if in dry weather? (136.) 

5. What is the difference between timber and lumber? Between a 
plank and a board? Between a log, stick, block, and billet ? 

6. Why does sapwood decay more quickly than heartwood? (131.) 

7. Explain the difference between osmosis, diffusion, capillarity, and 
imbibition. (9, 56, 57, 136; Exp. 53.) 


138. Practical bearings. — This part of our subject is 
closely related to lumbering and forestry. The business of 
the lumberman is to manufacture growing trees into mer- 
chantable timber, and to do this successfully he must under- 
stand enough about the structure of wood to cut his boards 
to the best advantage, both for economy and for bringing out 
the grain. so as to produce the most desirable effects for 
ornamental purposes. 

139. Forestry has for its object: (1) the preservation 
and cultivation of existing forests; (2) the planting of new 


PiaTE 7.— Timber tree spoiled by standing too much alone in early youth. 
Notice how the crowded young timber in the background is righting itself, the lower 
branches dying off early from overshading, leaving tall, straight, clean boles. (From 
Pincuot, U.S. Dept. of Agr.) 



ones, or the reforestation of tracts from which the timber has 
been destroyed. Forests may be either pure, that is, com- 

posed mainly of one 

Fig. 145.— After the forest fire. 

kind of tree, as a pine 
or a fir wood ; or mixed, 
being made up of a vari- 
ety of different growths, 
as are most of our com- 
mon hardwood forests. 
140. Enemies of the 
forest.— The first step 
in the preservation of 
our forests is to know 
the dangers to be 
guarded against. The 
chief of these are: 
(1) fires; (2) the igno- 
rance or recklessness of 
man in cutting for 
commercial purposes; 

(3) fungi; (4) injurious insects; (5) sheep, hogs, and other 
animals that eat the seeds and the young, tender growth. 

141. How to protect the 
forests.— The annual de- 
struction of forests by fires 
probably exceeds that from 
all other causes combined. 
The only effectual safeguard 
against this danger is watch- 
fulness on the part of every- 
body. We can each one of 
us help in this work by at 
least being careful ourselves 
never to kindle a fire in the 
woods without taking every 
precaution against its 

Fig. 146, — Oyster fungus on linden. 


spreading. A single match, or the glowing stump of a cigar, 
carelessly thrown among dry leaves or grass, may start a 
conflagration that will destroy millions of dollars’ worth of 
standing timber. 

To prevent the spread of fungi, dead trees should be re- 
moved, and broken or decayed branches trimmed off and the 
cut surfaces painted. Birds which destroy insects should be 
protected ; sheep and hogs should be kept out, and dead 
leaves left on the ground to cover the roots and fertilize the 
soil with the humus created by their decay. Finally, none 
but mature trees should be cut for industrial purposes, and 
the cutting ought to be done in such a way that the young 
surrounding growth will not be injured by the falling 

142. The usefulness of forests. — Aside from the value 
of their products, forests are useful in many other ways. 
They influence climate beneficially by acting as windbreaks, 
by giving off moisture (Exp. 58), by shading the soil, and 
thus preventing too rapid evaporation. Their roots also 
help to retain the water in the soil, and by this means tend 
to prevent the washing of the land by heavy rains and to 
restrain the violence of freshets. 

143. Forests and water supply. —It is especially im- 
portant that, the watershed of any region should be well 
protected by forests, to prevent contamination of the streams 
and to insure an unfailing supply of water by checking the 
escape of the rainfall from the soil. 

Practical Questions 

1. Explain the difference between a forest, grove, copse, wood, wood- 

2. In pruning a tree why ought the branch to be cut as close to the stock 

as possible? 137.) 
3. Name the principal timber trees of your neighborhood. What gives 

to each its special value? 
4. Name six trees that produce timber valuable for ornament; for 

toughness and strength, 


5. Which is the better for timber, a tree grown in the open, or one 
grown in a forest, and why? (Plate 7.) 

6. What are the objects to be attained in pruning timber trees? Or- 
chard and ornamental trees? 

7. Is the outer bark of any use to a tree, and if so, what? 

8. Why should pruning not be done in wet weather? [140 (3), 141.] 

9. Why should vertical shoots be cut off obliquely? [133, 140 (3), 

Field Work 

(1) Make a study of the various climbing plants of your neighborhood 
with reference to their modes of ascent, and the effect, injurious, or other, 
upon the plants to which they attach themselves. Note the origin and 
position of tendrils, and try to make out what modification has taken 
place in each case. Consider the twining habit in reference to parasitism, 
especially in the case of soft-stemmed twiners when brought into contact 
with soft-stemmed annuals. Observe the various habits of stem growth: 
prostrate, declined, ascending, etc., and decide what adaptation to cir- 
cumstances may have influenced each case. 

(2) Notice the shape of the different stems met with, and learn to 
recognize the forms peculiar to certain of the great families. Observe 
the various appliances for defense and protection with which they are 
provided, and try to find out the meaning of the numerous grooves, ridges, 
hairs, prickles, and secretions that are found on stems. Always be on the 
alert for modifications, and learn to recognize a stem under any disguise, 
whether thorn, tendril, foliage, water holder, rootstock, or tuber. 

(3) Note the color and texture of the bark of the different trees you see 
and learn to distinguish the most important kinds : 

(a) scaly — peeling off annually in large plates, as sycamore, shagbark- 

hickory ; 

(b) fibrous — detached in stiff threads and fibers, as grape ; 

(c) fissured — split into large, irregular cracks by the growth of the 

stem in thickness, as oak, chestnut, and most of our large forest 
trees ; 

(2d) membranous — separating in dry films and ribbons, as common 

birch (Betula alba). 

Observe the difference in texture and appearance of the bark on old 
and young boughs of the same species. Try to account for the varying 
thickness of the bark on different trees and on different parts of the same 
tree. Notice the difference in the timber of the same species when grown 
in different soils, at different ages of the tree, and in healthy and weakly 
specimens. Find examples of self-pruning trees (Plate 7), and explaiy 
how the pruning was brought about, } 


(4) Select a small plot, about a fourth of an acre, of any wooded tract 
in your neighborhood, and make a study of all the trees and shrubs it con- 
tains. Make a list of the different kinds, with the number of each. Take 
note of those that show themselves, by vigor and abundance of growth, 
best adapted to the situation. These are the “climax” or dominant 
vegetation of the plot. Find out, if you can, to what cause their superi- 
ority is due. 



Puate 8.— The American elm — a perfect type of deliquescent branching. 



Materia. — For determinate growth, have twigs of an alternate and 
an opposite-leaved plant showing well-developed terminal buds: hickory, 
sweet gum, cottonwood, poplar, chestnut, are good examples of the 
first; maple, ash, horse-chestnut, viburnum, of the second; for the two- 
forked kind, mistletoe, buckeye, horse-chestnut, jimson weed, lilac. For 
showing indefinite growth: rose, willow, sumach, and ailanthus are good 
examples. Gummy buds, like horse-chestnut and poplar, should be 
soaked in warm water before dissecting, to soften the gum; the 
same treatment may be applied when the scales are too brittle to be 
handled without breaking. Buds with heavy fur on the scales cannot 
very well be studied in section; the parts must be taken out and 
examined separately. 

144. Modes of branching. — Compare the arrangement 
of the boughs on a pine, cedar, magnolia, etc., with those 
of the elm, maple, apple, or any of our 
common deciduous trees. Draw a diagram 
of each, showing the two modes of growth. 
The first represents the 
excurrent kind, from the 
Latin excurrere, to run 
“{7 out; the second, in which 

“4 the trunk seems to di- 
vide at a certain point 
and flow away, losing 
itself in the branches, 
w2"" is called  deliquescent, ‘ 
oe ees from the Latin deliques- Fis. 148. — Diagram 
growth. cere, to melt or flow away. of deliquescent growth. 
The great majority of stems, as a little observation will 

show, present a combination of the two modes. 



145. Terminal and axillary buds. — Notice the large bud 
at the end of a twig of hickory, sweet gum, beech, cotton- 
wood, etc. This is called the terminal bud because it ter- 
minates its branch. Notice the scars left by the leaves of 
the season as they fell away, and look for small buds just 
above them. These are lateral, or axillary, buds, so called 
because they spring from the axils of the leaves. How 
many leaves did your twig bear? What 
difference in size do you notice between 
the terminal and lateral buds? 

146. The leaf scars.— Examine the leaf 
sears with a hand lens, and observe the 
number and position of the little dots in 
them. Ailanthus, varnish tree, sumach, 
and China tree show these very distinctly. 
They are called leaf traces, and mark the 
points where the fibrovascular bundles 

from the leaf veins passed into the stem. 
eee a Look on the bark, or epidermis, for lenticels. 
t, terminal bud: az, 147. Bud scales and scars.— Notice the 
axillary buds; Js, leaf stout, hard scales by which the winter buds 
scars; tr, leaf traces; 
i, lenticels ; rs, ring of are covered in most of our hardy trees and 
i: eleanor shrubs. Remove these from the terminal 
one of your specimen, and notice the ring 
of scars left around the base. Look lower down on your 
twig for a ring of similar scars left from last year’s bud. 
Js there any difference in the appearance of the bark above 
and below this ring? If so, what is it, and how do you ac- 
count for it? Is there more than one of these rings of scars 
on your twig, and if so, how many? How old is the twig 
and how much did it grow each year? Has its growth been 
uniform, or did it grow more in some years than in others? 

148. Arrangement and use of the scales. — Notice the 
manner in which the scales overlap so as to ‘ break joints,’ 
like shingles on the roof of a house. Where the leaves are 
opposite, the manner of superposition is very simple. Re- 


move the scales one by one, representing the number and 
position of the pairs by a diagram after the model given in 
Fig. 150. In the bud of an alternately branched twig the 
order will be different, and the diagram must be varied ac- 
cordingly. Do you observe any difference 
as to size and texture between the outer 
and inner scales? Notice how the former 
inclose the tenderer parts within like a 
protecting wall. In cold climates the outer 
scales are frequently 
coated with gum, as in gag. 150. — Dia 
the horse-chestnut, for gram of opposite bud 
: ; scales. 
greater security against 
the weather. The hickory and various 
other trees have the inner scales covered 
with fur or down that envelops the tender 
bud like a warm blanket. 

149. Nature of the scales. — The posi- 
tion of the scales shows that they occupy 
the place of leaves or of some part of a 
leaf. In expanding buds of the lilac and 
many other plants, they can be found in 
all stages of transition, from scales to 
true leaves. In the buckeye and horse- 
chestnut, they will easily be recognized 

"as modified leaf stalks (Fig. 151). In the 
tulip tree, magnolia, India rubber tree, 
fig, elm, and many others, they represent 
Fig. 151.— Devel- ‘ 
opment of the partsof appendages called stipules, often found at 
Ee san the bases of leaves. (See 165, 166.) In 
er GRAY.) : : : 
this case a pair of scales is attached with 
each separate leaflet, and as the growing axis lengthens in 
spring, they are carried apart by the elongation of the inter- 
nodes so that the scars are separated, a pair at each node, 
making rings all along the stem, as shown in Fig. 152, in- 
stead of having them compacted into bands at the base of 


the bud. These scars are sometimes very persistent, and 
in the common fig and magnolia may often be traced on 
stems six to eight years old. Do they furnish 
any indication as to the relative age of the 
different parts of the stem, like the bands of 
scars on twigs of horse-chestnut and hickory ? 
Give a reason for your answer. (Fig. 152.) 

150. Different rates of growth. — Notice 
the very great difference between branches 
in this respect. Sometimes the main stem 
will have lengthened from twenty to fifty 
centimeters or more in a single season, while 
some of the lateral ones will have grown 
but an inch or two in four or five seasons. 

F10.152.—-Stem One reason for this is because the terminal 
of tulip tree: s,s, bud, being on the great trunk line of sap 
scars left by stipular 3 
scales: l,l,leaf scars. NMovement, gets a larger share of nourish- 

ment than the others, and being stronger 
and better developed to begin with, starts out in life with 
better chances of success. 

Make a drawing of your specimen, showing all the points 
brought out in the examination just made. Cut sections 
above and below a set of bud scars and count the rings of 
annual growth in each section. What is the age of each? 
How does this agree with your calculation from the number 
of scar clusters left by the bud scales? 

151. Irregularities. —'Take a larger bough of the same 
kind that you have been studying, and observe whether the 
arrangement of branches on it corresponds with the arrange- 
ment of buds on the twig. Did all the buds develop into 
branches? Do those that did develop all correspond in size 
and vigor? If all the buds developed, how many branches 
would a tree produce every year? 

In the elm, linden, beech, hornbeam, hazelnut, willow, and 
various other plants, the terminal bud always dies and the 
one next in order takes its place, giving rise to the more or 


less zigzag axis that generally characterizes trees of these 
species. (Fig. 153.) 

152. Forked stems.— Take a twig of buckeye, horse- 
chestnut, or lilac, and make a care- 
ful sketch of it, showing all the 
points that were brought out in the 
examination of your previous speci- 
men. Which is the larger, the lat- 
eral or the terminal bud? Is their 
arrangement alternate or opposite? 
What was the leaf arrangement? 
Count the leaf traces in the scars; 
are they the same in all? If all the LZ 
buds had developed into branches, + Jhb 
how many would spring from a ">= 
node? Look for the rings of scars gp Wey e are ee beds 
left by the last season’s bud scales. failing to develop ; 6, as it would 

‘ e if all the buds were to live. 
Do you find any twig of more 
than one year’s growth, as measured by the scar rings? 

Look down between the forks of a branched stem for a 
round scar. This is not a leaf scar, as we can see by its 
shape, but one left by the last season’s 
flower cluster. The flower, as we know, 
dies after perfecting its fruit, and so a 
flower bud cannot continue the growth of 
its axis as other buds do, but has just the op- 
posite effect and stops all further growth in 
that direction. Hence, stems and branches 
that end in a flower bud cannot continue 
E to develop their main axis, but their growth 

Fic. 154.—Two- iS usually carried on, in alternate-leaved 
forked twig of horse- stems, by the nearest lateral bud, or in 
chestnut. a " 

opposite-leaved ones, by the nearest pair 
of buds. In the first case there results the zigzag spray 
characteristic of such trees as the beech and elm (Fig. 155, 
B); in the second, the two-forked, or dichotomous branching, 


exemplified by the buckeye, horse-chestnut, jimson weed, 
mistletoe, and dogwood (Fig. 155, A). 
Draw a diagram of the buckeye, or 

other dichotomous stem, as it would be if 

all the buds developed into branches, and 

compare it with your diagrams of excurrent 
A : : 

and deliquescent growth. Draw diagrams 

to illustrate the branching of the elm, 
beech, lilac, linden, rose, maple, or their 

153. Definite and indefinite annual 
ie wee C. growth. — The presence or absence of ter- 
ose ee aS minal buds gives rise to another important 
pointed bodies in the distinction in plant development — that 
forks shows whereter- of definite and indefinite annual growth. 
minal flower buds or ‘ c 
flower clusters have Compare with any of the twigs just 
eon oe direction examined, a branch of rose, honey locust, 
sumac, mulberry, etc., and note the differ- 
ence in their modes of termination. The first kind, where 
the bough completes its season’s increase in a definite time 
and then devotes its energies to developing a strong 
terminal bud to begin the next year’s work with, are said 
to make a definite or determinate annual growth. Those 
plants, on the other hand, which make no provision for 
the future, but continue to grow till the cold comes 
and literally nips them in the bud, are indefinite, or in- 
determinate annual growers. Notice the effect of this habit 
upon their mode of branching. The buds toward the end 
of each shoot, being the youngest and tenderest, are most 
readily killed off by frost or other accident, and hence new 
branches spring mostly from the older and stronger buds 
near the base of the stem. It is their mode of branching that 
gives to plants of this class their peculiar bushy aspect. 
Such shrubs generally make good hedges on account of their 
thick undergrowth. The same effect can be produced arti- 
ficially by pruning. 



154. Differences in the branching of trees.— We are now 
prepared to understand something about the causes of that 
endless variety in the 
spread of bough and 
sweep of woody spray 
that makes the winter 
woods so beautiful. 
Where the terminal bud 
is undisputed monarch 
of the bough, as in the 
pine and fir, or where it 
is so strong and vigor- 
ous as to overpower its 

Fic. 156. — A mixed wood in winter, showing . 
weaker brethren and the trend of the branches. 

keep the lead, as in the 
magnolia, tulip tree, and holly, we have excurrent growth. 
In plants like the oak and apple, where all the buds have 

a more nearly equal chance, the lateral 
branches show more vigor, and the result 
is either deliquescent growth, or a mixture 
of the two kinds. In the elm and beech,’ 
where the usurping pseudo-terminal bud 
keeps the mastery, but does not completely 
overpower its fellows, we find the long, 
sweeping, delicate spray characteristic of 
those species. Examine a sprig of elm, 
and notice further that the flower buds are 
all down near the base of the stem, while 
the leaf buds are near the tip. The chief 
development of the season’s growth is thus 
thrown toward the end of the branch, giv- 
ing rise to that fine, feathery spray which 

Fic. 157. — Winter : : 
spray of ash, an op- makes the elm an even more beautiful 

pene crer object in winter than in summer (Fig. 158). 

An examination of the twigs of other trees will bring out the 
various peculiarities that affect their mode of branching. The 


angle, for instance, which a twig makes with its bough has a 
great effect in shaping the contour of the tree. Compare in 
this respect the elm and hackberry ; 
the tulip tree and willow; ashand hick- 
ory. Asageneral thing, acute angles 
produce slender, flowing effects; right 
or obtuse angles, more bold and rugged 
Practical Questions 

1. Has the arrangement of leaves on a twig 
anything to do with the way a tree is branched? 
(145, 151, 152.) 

2. Why do most large trees tend to assume 

Fie. 158.— Winter spray the excurrent, or axial, mode of growth if let 

a alone? (150, 154.) 

3. If you wished to alter the mode of growth, or to produce what nur- 
serymen call a low-headed tree, how would you prune it? (152, 153.) 

4, Would you top a timber tree? (152, 153.) 

5. Are low-headed or tall trees best for an orchard? Why? 

6. Why is the growth of annuals generally indefinite? 

7. Name some trees of your neighborhood that are conspicuous for 
their graceful winter spray. 

8. Namesome that are characterized by sharpness and boldness of outline. 

9. Account for the peculiarities in each case. 


Mareriat. — Expanding leaf and flower buds in different stages of 
development; large ones show the parts best and should be used where 
attainable. Some good examples for the opposite arrangement are 
horse-chestnut, maple, lilac, ash; for the alternate: hickory, sweet gum, 
balsam poplar, beech, elm. Where material is scarce, the twigs used in the 
last section may be placed in water and kept till the buds begin to expand. 

155. Folding of the leaves. — Remove the scales from a 
bud of horse-chestnut nearly ready to open, and notice the 
manner in which the young leaves are folded. This is called 
vernation, or prefoliation, words meaning respectively ‘“ spring 
condition” and ‘ condition preceding the leaf.” Leaves 
are packed in the bud so as to occupy the least space possible, 
and in different plants they will be found folded in a great 


and texture of the leaf and 
the space available for it in 
the bud. When doubled back 
and forth like a fan, or crum- 
pled and folded as in the 
buckeye, horse-chestnut, and 
maple, the vernation is plicate 
(Figs. 160, 162). 

156. Position of the flower 
acca ee creer cluster. — What do you find 
nut, showing twice con- Within the circle of leaves? 
duplicate vernation. = _Fiyamine one of the smaller 


many different ways, according to the shape 

Fie. 160.—A 
partly expanded 
leaf of beech, 
showing plicate- 

axillary buds, and see if you find the same object within it. 
If you are in any doubt as to what this object is, examine 
a bud that is more expanded, and you will have no difficulty 

in recognizing it as a rudimentary flower 


nate its axis when the 
bud expands, and the 
growth of the branch 
will culminate in the 
flower. The branching 
of any kind of stem 
that bears a central 
flower cluster must, 
then, be of what order ? 
: Compare your draw- 

an ings with the section of 
ros. 161, 162.—Buds ® hyacinth bulb or 

of maple: 161, vertical jonquil, and note the 
section of a twig; 162, 
cross section through 

cluster. Notice its position with refer- 
ence to the scales and leaves. If at the 
center of the bud, it will, of course, termi- 

Fic. 163. — Ver- 
Runtewetoe : eae tical section of hick- 
similarity in position oy bud: a, furry in- 
bud, showing folded of the flower clusters. er scales; 6, outer 

leavesin center and scales a scales ; 1, folded leaf ; 
surrounding them. In a bud of the hick- r, receptacle. 


ory, walnut, oak, etc., the position of the 
flower clusters is different from that of 
flowers in the buds of lilac and horse-chest- 
nut. Look for a bud containing them, and 
find out where they occur. Can the axis con- 
tinue to grow after flowering, in this kind of 
stem? Give areason for your answer. Make 
sketches in transverse and longitudinal sec- 
tion (see Figs. 162, 163) of two different 
kinds of buds, illustrating the terminal and 
axillary position of the flower cluster. 

157. Dormant buds. — A bud may often 
lie dormant for months or even years, and 
then, through the injury or destruction of its 
stronger rivals, or some other favoring cause, 
develop into a branch. Such buds are said 
to be latent or dormant. The sprouts that 
often put up from the stumps of felled trees 

Fic. 164.—Twig originate from this source. 
of red maple, show +38. Supernumerary buds.— Where more 

ing supernumerary ; 

bud, b; rs, ring of than one bud develops at a node, as is so 

scars left by last : 

year’s bud scales, Often the case in the oak, maple, honey 

tA fer pak) locust, etc., all except the normal one in the 

axil are supernumerary or accessory. These must not be con- 
Y¥ Y 

founded with adventitious buds—those that occur elsewhere 

than at a node. 

Practical Questions 

1. Would protected buds be of any use to annuals? Why, or why not? 

2. Of what use is the gummy coating found on the buds of the horse- 
chestnut and balm of Gilead? 148.) 

3. Can you name any plants the buds of which serve as food for man? 

4. How do flower buds differ in shape from leaf buds? 

5. At what season can the leaf bud and the flower bud first be dis- 
tinguished? Is it the same for all flowering plants? 

6. Watch the different trees about your home, and see when the buds 
that are to develop into leaves and flowers the next season are formed in 
each species. 



Mareriau. — Typical flower clusters illustrating the definite and 
indefinite modes of inflorescence. Some of those mentioned in the text 
are: — 

Indefinite: hyacinth, shepherd’s purse, wallflower, carrot, lilac, blue 
grass, smartweed (Polygonum), wheat, oak, willow, clover. 

Definite: chickweed, spurge (Zuphorbia), comfrey, dead nettle, etc. 
Any examples illustrating the principal kinds of cluster will answer. 

159. Inflorescence is a term 
used to denote the position and 
arrangement of flowers on the 
stem. It is merely a mode of 
branching, and follows the same 
laws that govern the branching 
of ordinary stems. 

The stalk that bears a flower 
is called the peduncle. In a 
cluster the main axis is the com- 
mon peduncle, and the separate 
flower stalks are pedicels. Asim- 
ple leafless flower stalk that rises 
directly from the ground, like 
those of the dandelion and daffo- 
dil, is called a scape (Fig. 165). Pre aoa ied pala, 7 teeaaiGet 

160. Two kinds of inflores- 
cence. — The growth of flower stems, like that of leaf stems, 
is of two principal kinds, definite and 
indefinite, or, as it is frequently ex- 
pressed, determinate and indetermi- 
nate. The simplest kind of each is 
ae 166. —Indeterminate the solitary, a single flower either 
pera of moneywort. terminating the main axis, as. the 

tulip, daffodil, trilium, magnolia, 
etc., or springing singly from the axils, as the running peri- 
winkle, moneywort, and cotton. 


161. Indeterminate inflorescence is always axillary, 
since the production of a terminal flower would stop further 
growth in that direction and thus terminate the development 
of the axis. The raceme is the typical 
flower cluster of the indefinite sort. In 
such an arrangement the oldest flowers 
are at the lower nodes, new ones appear- 
ing only as the axis lengthens and pro- 
duces new internodes. The little scale or 
bract usually found at the base of the pedi- 
cel in flower clusters of this sort is a re- 
duced leaf, and the fact that the flower 
stalk springs from the axil shows it to be 
of the essential nature of a branch. 
When the flowers are sessile and crowded 
on the axis in various degrees, the cluster 

Pic. 167.— Raceme Produced may be a spike, as seen in the 
of milk vetch (Astraga- plantain, knotweed, etc., or a head, like 

that of the clover, buttonwood, and syca- 
more. The catkins that form the characteristic inflorescence 
of most of our forest trees are merely pendant spikes. The 
corymb is a modification 
of the raceme in which 
the lower pedicels are 
elongated so as to place 
their flowers on a level 
with those of the upper 
nodes, making a convex, 
or more or less flat- 
topped cluster, as in the 
wall-flower and haw- 
thorn. The umbel dif- 
fers from the corymb in 
having the pedicels with 
their bracts all gathered ae 
at the top of the pe- Fia. 168. — Catkins of aspen. 


duncle, from which they spread in every direction like the 
rays of an umbrella, as the name implies. This is the preva- 
lent type of flower cluster in the parsley family, which takes 
its botanical name, Umbellifere, from 
its characteristic 
form of inflores- Shap 
cence. The pedi- 2 
cels of an umbel 
are called rays, and 
the circle of bracts 
at the base of the 
cluster is an invo- 
¥1e. 169. —Corymb oes 
of lies hia. 162. Determi- 
nate, or cymose, 
inflorescence. — In the cyme, the typical cluster of the de- 
terminate kind, the older blossoms in the center, being ter- 
minal, stop the axis of growth in that direction and force the 
stem, in continuing its growth, to send out side branches 
from the axils of the topmost leaves, in 
a manner precisely gp¢ 
similar to the two- ,gl' 
forked branching of % i >r\ 
stems like the horse- 
« chestnut and jimson 
- weed. When the older 
peduncles are length- 
ened as described in 
161, a flat-topped cyme 
is produced, which is 
distinguished from the 

Fie. 170. — Umbel of milk- 

Fic. 171. — Panicle . 
of grass, a compound corymb by its order of 

cluster of the racemose flowering, the oldest Fic. 172. — Flat-topped 

type. cyme of sneezeweed. 

blossoms being at the 
center, while in the corymb they appear in the reverse 
order. A peculiar form of cyme is found in the scorpioid 


Fic. 173.— Scorpioid cyme. 

or coiled inflorescence of the pink-root (Spigelia), heliotrope, 
comfrey, etc. Its structure will be made clear by an inspec- 
tion of Figs. 174-176. 

174 175 

Fias. 174-176. — Diagrams of cymose inflorescence, with flowers numbered in the 
order of their development: 174, cyme half developed (scorpioid) ; 175, a flat-topped 
or corymbose cyme ; 176, development of a typical cyme. 

163. The nature of flower stems.— A comparison of 
the types of inflorescence with the modes of branching in 
ordinary stems (144, 152, 153) will show a strict corre- 
spondence between them. Both bear leaves and buds, and 
the individual flowers of a cluster usually spring from the 


axils of leaves or from bracts, which are merely reduced 
leaves. What, then, is the essential nature of flower stems? 

164. Significance of the clustered arrangement. — As a 
general thing the clustered arrangement marks a higher stage 
of development than the solitary, just as in human life the 
rudest social state is a distinct advance upon the isolated 
condition of the savage. In plant life it is the beginning of 
a system of codperation and division of labor among the as- 
sociated members of the flower cluster, as will be seen later 
when we take up the study of the flower. 

Practical Questions 

1. Name as many solitary flowers as you can think of. 

2. Do you, as a rule, find very small flowers solitary, or in clusters? 

3. Would the separate flowers of the clover, parsley, or grape be readily 
distinguished by the eye among a mass of foliage? 

4. Should you judge from these facts that it is, in general, advantageous 
to plants for their flowers to be conspicuous? 

Field Work 

(1) In connection with 144-154, the characteristic modes of branch- 
ing among the common trees and shrubs of each neighborhood should be 
observed and accounted for. The naked branches of the winter woods 
afford exceptional opportunities for studies of this kind, which cannot 
well be carried on except out of doors. Note the effect of the mode of 
branching upon the general outline of the tree; compare the direction and 
mode of growth of the larger boughs with that of small twigs in the same 
species, and see if there is any general correspondence between them ; note 
the absence of fine spray on the boughs of large-leaved trees, and account 
for it. Account for the flat sprays of trees like the elm, beech, hackberry, 
ete.; the irregular stumpy branches of the oak and walnut; the stiff 
straight twigs of the ash; the zigzag switches of the black locust, Osage 
orange, elm, and linden. Measure the twigs on various species, and see 
if there is any relation between the length and thickness of branches. 
Notice the different trend of the upper, middle, and lower boughs in most 
trees, and account for it. Observe the mode of branching of as many 
different species as possible of some of the great botanical groups of trees; 
the oaks, hickories, hawthorns, and pines, for instance, and notice whether 
it is, as a general thing, uniform among the species of the same group, and 
how it differs from that of other groups. 


(2) In connection with 155-158, buds of as many different kinds as 
possible should be examined with reference to their means of protection, 
their vernation and leaf arrangement, and the resulting modes of growth. 
Compare the folding of the cotyledons in the seed with the vernation of 
the same plants, and observe whether the folding is the same throughout 
a whole group of related plants, or only for the same species. Notice which 
modes seem to be most prevalent. Select a twig on some tree near your 
home or your schoolhouse, and keep a record of its daily growth from the 
first sign of the unfolding of its principal bud to the full development of 
its leaves. Any study of buds should include an observation of them in 
all stages of development. 

(3) With 160-165, study the inflorescence of the common plants and 
weeds that happen to be in season, until you have no difficulty in distin- 
guishing between the definite and indefinite sorts, and can refer any 
ordinary cluster to its proper form. Notice whether there is any tendency 
to uniformity in the mode of inflorescence among flowers of the same fam- 
ily. Consider how each kind is adapted to the shape and habit of the 
flowers composing it, and what particular advantage each of the specimens 
examined derives from the way its flowers are clustered. In cases of mixed 
inflorescence, see if you can discover any reason for the change from one 
form to the other, 


Materiau. — Leaves of different kinds showing the various modes of 
attachment, shapes, texture, etc. For stipules, leaves on very young 
twigs should be selected, as these bodies often fall away soon after the 
leaves expand. The rose, Japan quince, willow, strawberry, pea, pansy, 
and young leaves of beech, apple, elm, tulip tree, India rubber tree, 
magnolia, knotweed, furnish good examples of stipules. For the different 
orders of leaf arrangement, lilac, maple, spurge, trillium, cleavers (Galium) 
show the opposite and whorled kinds. Elm, basswood, grasses; alder, 
birch, sedges; peach, apple, cherry, show respectively for each group the 
three principal orders of alternate arrangement. 

165. Parts of the leaf. — Examine a young, healthy leaf 
of apple, quince, or elm, as it stands upon the stem, and 
notice that it consists of three parts: a 
broad expansion called the blade; a leaf 
stalk or petiole that attaches it to the 
stem; and two little leaflike or bristle-like 

bodies at the base, known 
as stipules. Make a 
sketch of any leaf pro- 

. . Fic. 177.—A_ tybi- 
vided with all these parts, a1 teat and ite peste: 

\ and label them, respec- % blade; », petiole; 

8, s, stipules. 

tively, blade, petiole, and 
stipules. These three parts make up a per- 
fect or typical leaf, but as a matter of fact, 
one or more of them is usually wanting. 
wie ETSY 166. Stipules. — The office of stipules, 
when present, is generally to subserve in 
some way the purposes of protection. In many cases, as in 
the fig, elm, beech, oak, magnolia, etc., they appear only as 
protective scales that cover the bud during winter, and fall 


away as soon as the leaf expands. When persistent, that is, 
enduring, they take various forms according to the purposes 
they serve. But under whatever guise they occur, their 
true nature may be recognized by their position on each side 
of the base of the petiole, and not in the azil, or angle formed 
by the leaf with the stem. (149.) 

167. Leaf attachment. — The normal use of the petiole is 
to secure a better light exposure for the leaves, but, like other 
parts, it is subject to modifications, and is often wanting 

Fie. 179.— Adnate Fria. 180. — Leaves of Fie. 181. — Leafy 
stipules of clover. smilax, showing stipular stipules of Japan 
tendrils. quince. 

altogether. In this case the leaf is said to be sessile, that is, 
seated, on the stem, and the leaf bases are designated by 
various terms descriptive of their mode of attachment. The 
meaning of these terms, when not self-explanatory, can best 
be learned by a comparison of living specimens with Figs. 

168. Arrangement of leaves on the stem. — The mode 
of attachment is something quite distinct from the mode of 
leaf arrangement on the stem, or phyllotary, as it is termed 
by botanists. It was seen in 148 that this takes place in two 
different ways, the alternate and opposite. These two kinds 
of arrangement represent the principal forms of leaf disposi- 


tion on the stem, the different varieties of each depending on 
the manner in which the leaves are distributed. 

Where three or more occur at a node, as in the trillium 
and cleavers (Galiwm), they constitute a whorl, which is only 

Fics. 182-187.— Petioles, and leaf attachment: 182, petioles of jasmine night- 
shade (Solanum jasminoides) acting as tendrils; 183, acacia, showing petiole 
transforried to leaf blade; 184, sessile leaves of epilobium; 185, clasping leaf of 
lactuca; 186, perfoliate leaves of uvularia; 187, peltate leaf of tropzolum. (182 and 
186 after Gray.) 

a variant of the opposite arrangement. There is no limit to 
the number of leaves that may be in a whorl except the space 
around the stem to accommodate them. 

The phyllotaxy of alternate leaves is more complicated. 


Fic. 188.— Whorled 
leaves of Indian cucum- 

The different forms are characterized by 
the angular distance between the points 
of leaf insertion around the stem. In the 
elm, basswood, and most grasses, they are 
distributed in two rows or ranks on op- 
posite sides of the stem, each just half 
way round the circumference from the 
one next in succession (Fig. 189), the 
third in vertical order standing directly 
over the first. In most of our common 
trees and shrubs five leaves are passed 
in making two turns round the stem, 
the sixth leaf in vertical order stand- 

ing over the first. This is called the five-ranked arrange- 

ment, and is the most 
common order among 

169. Relation be- 
tween the shape and 
arrangement of leaves. 
— Phyllotaxy is of im- 
portance chiefly on ac- 
count of its influence 
on the light relation of 
leaves. A compact, 
close-ranked arrange- 
ment tends to shut off 

the light from thelower * 

nodes, and hence, in 
plants where it pre- 
vails, the leaves are apt 
to be long and narrow 
in proportion to the 
frequency of the ver- 
tical rows. The yucca, 
oleander, Canada flea- 

Fic. 189. — Twig of a hackberry (Celtis cinerea), 
showing the two-ranked arrangement. Notice how 
the position of the stems and branches of the main 
axis corresponds to that of the leaves. 


Puate. 9.— Vegetation of a moist, shady ravine. Notice the expanded surface of 
the leaf blades and the long internodes that separate the individual leaves. (From 
Rep’t. Mo. Botanical Garden.) 


bane and bitterweed (Heleniwm 
tenuifolium), illustrate this relation. 

On the other hand, when the leaves 
are large and rounded in outline, as 
those of the sunflower, hollyhock, and 
catalpa, they are usually separated 
by longer internodes, or their blades 
are cut and incised so that the sun- 
light easily strikes through to the 
: lower ones. 

Fic. 190.— Narrow leaves 170. Other external characteristics 
dncromitied wertleabaaws. to be observed in leaves are: — 

(1) General Outline: whether round, oval, heart-shaped, 
etc. (Figs. 191-197). 

(2) Margins: whether unbroken (entire), or variously 
toothed and indented. (Figs. 198-202.) 

191 192 193 194 
195 196 
Fias. 191-197. — Shapes of leaves: 191, lanceolate; 192, spatulate; 193, oval; 

194, obovate; 195, kidney-shaped; 196, deltoid; 197, lyrate. (191-195 after Gray.) 
(3) Texture: whether thick, thin, soft, hard, fleshy, 
feathery, brittle. 
(4) Surface: smooth, shining, dull, wrinkled, hairy, or 
otherwise roughened. 



Not only do leaves of different 
kinds exhibit these characteristics 
in varying degrees, but young and 
old leaves, or those on young and 
old plants of the same kind, often 
differ from each other in color, size, i 
shape, texture, mode of attachment, 198 199 200 201 202 
and the like, to such a degree (Figs. joaco" 198 const: 190, dene 
203, 204) that one not familiar tates 200, crenate; 201, undulate; 
with them in both stages would ee reer 
hardly recognize them as belonging to the same species. 
The young leaves 
of eucalyptus, mul- 
berry, and some oaks 
afford conspicuous 
examples of such 
differences, and they 
exist between the 
cotyledons and ma- 
ture leaves of most 

Can you see any 
benefit, in the case 
of the plant whose 
leaves you are study- 
ing, that could be 
derived from such of 

203 204 ae 
the characteristics 

Fics. 203, 204.— Leaves of paper mulberry tree: 
203, leaf from an old tree; 204, leaf from a two-year- named above as 

old sprout. they may exhibit? 

Practical Questions - 

1. Tell the nature and use of the stipules in such of the following plants 
as you can find: tulip tree; fig; beech; apple; willow; pansy; garden 
pea; Japan quince (Pyrus Japonica); sycamore; rose; paper mulberry 


2. How would you distinguish between a chinquapin, a chestnut, a 
chestnut oak, and a horse-chestnut tree by their leaves alone? By their 
bark and branches? Between a hickory, ash, common elder, box elder, 
ailanthus, sumach? Between beech, birch, elm, hackberry, alder? 

(Any other sets of leaves may be substituted for those named, the object 
being merely to form the habit of distinguishing readily the differences 
and resemblances among those that bear some general likeness to one 

3. From the study of these or similar specimens, would you conclude 
that resemblances in leaves are confined to those of closely related kinds? 

4. Name some causes independent of botanical relationship that might 
influence them. (169, 170; Exps. 48, 57.) 

5. Do you find, as a general thing, more leaves with stipules or without? 

6. Is their absence from a mature leaf always a sign that it is really 
exstipulate? (166.) 

7. Can you trace any line of development through intervening forms 
from a merely sessile leaf, like that of the pimpernel or specularia, to a 
peltate one? (Figs. 184-187, and observation of living specimens.) 

8. Does the leaf determine the position of the node, or the node the 
position of the leaf? 

9. Strip the leaves from a twig of one order of arrangement and replace 
them with foliage from a twig of a different order; for instance, place 
basswood upon white oak, birch upon lilac, elm upon pear, honeysuckle 
upon barberry, etc. Is the same amount of surface exposed as in the 
natural order ? 

10. What disadvantage would it be to a plant if the leaves were arranged 
so that they stood directly over one another? (169.) 

11. Why are the internodes of vigorous young shoots, or scions, gen- 
erally so long? (150.) 

12. If the upward growth of a stem or branch is stopped by pruning, 
what effect is produced upon the parts below, and why? (152, 153.) 

13. Give some of the reasons why corn grows so small and stunted when 
sown broadcast for forage? (60, 63, 169.) 

14. What is the use of “chopping” (7.e. thinning out) cotton? 


Mareriau. — Leaves of any monocotyl and dicotyl will show the dif- 
ference between parallel and net-veining. To illustrate the palmate and 
pinnate kinds, the leaves of grasses and arums may be used for monocotyls, 
and for dicotyls, those of ivy, maple, grape, elm, peach, cherry, etc.; for 
division, examine lobed and compound leaves of as many kinds as are 
attainable. A specimen showing each kind of veining should be placed in 


coloring fluid a short time before the lesson begins. The leafstalks of 
celery and plantain are excellent for showing the relation between the leaf 
veins and vascular system of the plant. 

171. Parallel and net veining. — Compare a leaf of the 
wandering Jew, lily, or any kind of grass, with one of grape, 
ivy, or willow. Hold each up to the light, 
and note the veins or little threads of woody 
substance that run through it. Make a draw- 
ing of each so as to show plainly the direc- 
tion and manner of veining. Write under the 
first, parallel-veined, and under the second, 
net-veined. This distinction of leaves into 
parallel and net-veined cor- 
responds with the two great 
classes into which seed-bear- 
ing plants are divided, mon- 
ocotyls, as a general thing,  wyo. 205, — Par- 
being characterized by the @llel-veined leaf of 
first kind, and dicotyls by Ge Oia: aad 
the second. 

172. Pinnate and palmate veining. — 

Fie. 206.—Net- Next, compare a leaf of the canna, calla lily, 
= leaf of » wil- or any kind of arum, with one of the elm, 

peach, cherry, etc. What resemblances do 
you notice between the two? What differ- 
ences? Which is parallel-veined and which 
is net-veined? Make a drawing of each, and 
compare with the first two. Notice that in 
leaves of this kind, the petiole is continued 
in a large central vein, called the midrib, 
from which the secondary veins branch off 
on either side like the pinne of a feather; 
whence such leaves are said to be pinnately, 
or feather veined, as in Figs. 206, 207. In ay, 207, Pin- 
the cotton, maple, ivy, etc., on the other ately _ parallel- 

veined leaf of calla 

hand, the petiole breaks up at the base of the tity (After Grav). 


leaf (Fig. 208) into a number of primary veins or ribs, which 
radiate in all directions like the fingers from the palm of the 
hand; hence, such a leaf is said to be palmately veined. 
Net-veined leaves — the plantain 
(Fig. 209), wild smilax, beech, dog- 
wood — are sometimes ribbed in a 
way that might lead an inexperi- 
enced observer to confound them 
with parallel-veined ones, but the 
reticulations between the ribs show 
that they belong to the net-veined 

173. Veins as a mechanical sup- 
port. — Hold up a stiff, firm leaf of any kind, like the mag- 
nolia, holly, or India rubber, to the light, having first scraped 
away a little of the under surface, and examine it with a lens. 
Compare it with one of softer texture, like 
the peach, maple, or clover. In which are 
the veins the closer and stronger? Which 
is the more easily torn and wilted? Tear a 
blade of grass longitudinally and then cross- 
wise; in which direction does it give way 
the more readily? Tear apart gently a leaf 
of maple, or ivy, and one of elm or other 
pinnately veined plant; in which direction 
does each give way with least resistance? 
What would you judge from these facts as 
to the mechanical use of the veins? 

174. Effect upon shape.— By comparing 
a number of leaves of each kind it will be seen that the 
feather-veined ones tend to assume elongated outlines (Figs. 
197, 207); the palmate-veined ones, broad and rounded forms 
(Figs. 195, 208). Notice also that the straight, unbroken 
venation of parallel-veined leaves is generally accompanied by 
smooth, unbroken margins, while the irregular, open meshes 
of net-veined leaves are favorable to breaks and indentations. 

Fic. 208.—Palmately net- 
veined leaf of wild ginger. 

Fic. 209. — Ribbed 
leaf of plantain. 


175. Veins as water carriers. — Examine a leaf from a 
stem that has stood in red ink for an hour or two. Do you 
see evidence that it has absorbed any of the liquid? Cut 
across the blade and examine with a lens. What course has 
the absorbed liquid followed? What use does this indicate 
for the veins, besides the one already noted? Observe tha 
point of insertion on the stem, and examine the scar with a 
lens: do you see any evidence of a connection between the 
leaf veins and the fibrovascular bundles of the stem? (111, 
125, 126. Notice where and how the veins end. Are they 
“of the same size all the way, or do they grow smaller toward 
the tip? Are they separate and distinct, or are they con- 
nected throughout their ramifications, like the veins and 
arteries of the human body? How do you know? Do you 
see any of the coloring fluid in the small reticulations be- 
tween the veins? How did it get there? 

176. The nature and office of veins.— We learn from 173 
and 175 that the veining serves two important purposes in the 
economy of the leaf: first, as a skeleton or framework, to sup- 
port the expanded blade; and second, as a system of water 
pipes, for conveying the sap out of which its food is manu- 
factured. In other words the veins are a continuation of the 
fibrovascular bundles into the leaves, by means of which the 
latter are put in communication with the body of the plant. 

177. The relation between veining and lobing. — Com- 
pare the outline of a leaf of maple or ivy with one of oak or 
chrysanthemum. Do you perceive any correspondence be- 
tween the manner of lobing or indentation of their margins, 
and the direction of the veins? (Figs. 210, 211.) To what 
class would you refer each one? 

The lobes themselves may be variously cut, as in the 
fennel and rose geranium, thus giving rise to twice-cleft, 
thrice-cleft (Fig. 212), four-cleft, or even still more in- 
tricately divided blades. 

178. Compound leaves. Compare with the specimens 
just examined a leaf of horse-chestnut, clover, or Virginia 


Fig. 210. — Pinnately Fic. 211. — Palmately 
lobed leaf of horse nettle. lobed leaf of grape. 

Fic. 213. — Pin- 

Fia. 212. — Palmately parted leaf of nately compound leaf 
a buttercup. of black locust. 


Fie. 215. — Pin- Fic. 216.—Pal- 
Fia. 214.— Palmately com- nately trifoliolate leaf mately trifoliolate 
pound leaf of horse-chestnut. of a desmodium. leaf of wood sorrel. 


creeper, and one of rose, black locust, or vetch. Notice that 
each of these last is made up of entirely separate divisions or 
leaflets, thus forming a compound leaf. Notice also that the 
two kinds of compound leaves correspond to the two kinds of 
veining and lobing, so that we have palmately and pinnately 
compound ones. In pinnate leaves the continuation of the 
common petiole along which the leaflets are ranged is called 
the rhachis. 

Practical Questions 

1. In selecting leaves for decorations that are to remain several hours 
without water, which of the following would you prefer, and why: 
smilax or Madeira vine (Boussingaultia); ivy or Virginia creeper ; 
magnolia or maple; maidenhair or shield fern (Aspidium)? (173.) 

2. Would you select very young leaves, or more mature ones, and why ? 

3. Can you name any parallel-veined leaves that have their margins 
lobed, or indented in any way? 

4, Which are the more common, parallel-veined or net-veined leaves ? 

5. Why do the leaves of corn and other grains not shrivel lengthwise in 
withering, but roll inward from side to side? (173.) 

6. Can you name any palmately veined leaves in which the secondary 
veins are pinnate? Any pinnately veined ones in which the secondary 
veins are palmate? 

7. Lay one of each kind before you; try to draw a pinnate leaf with 
palmate divisions. Do you see any reason now why these so seldom occur 
in nature ? 

8. Name some advantages to a plant in having its leaves cut-lobed or 
compound. (169.) 

9. Mention some circumstances under which it might be advantageous 
for a plant to have large, entire leaves. (169; Plate 9.) 

10. How would the floating qualities of the leaves of the pond lily be 
affected if their blades were cut-lobed or compound ? 

11. Do the leaves of the red cedar and arbor vite contribute to their 
value as shade trees? 

12. Name some of the favorite shade trees of your neighborhood; do 
they, as a general thing, have their leaves entire, or lobed and compound ? 

13. Which of the following are the best shade trees, and why: pine, 
white oak, mimosa (Albizzia), sycamore, locust, horse-chestnut, fir, maple, 
linden, China tree, cedar, ash? 

14. Which would shade your porch best, and why: cypress vine, 
grape, gourd, morning-glory, wistaria, clematis, smilax, kidney bean, 
Madeira vine, rose, yellow jasmine, passion flower? 



Materia. — Leafy twigs of actively growing young plants. Sun- 
flower, corn, peach, grape, calla, and arums in general transpire rapidly ; 
thick-leaved evergreens and hairy or rough species, like mullein-and hore- 
hound more slowly. For Exp. 63, small-leaved, large-leaved, and thick- 
leaved kinds will be needed. 

AppLiancgs. — Glass jars and bottles with air-tight stoppers; a little 
vaseline, oil, gardener’s wax, thread, cardboard, and a pair of scales. 

ExpERIMENT 62. To sHOW WHY LEAVES WITHER. — Dry two self- 
sealing jars thoroughly, by holding them over a stove or a lighted lamp 
for a short time to prevent ‘‘sweating.” Place in one a freshly cut leafy 
sprig of any kind, leaving the other empty. Seal both jars and set them 
in the shade. Place beside them, but without covering of any kind, a 
twig similar to the one in the jar. Both twigs should have been cut at 
the same time, and their cut ends covered with wax or vaseline, to prevent 
access of air. Look at intervals to see if there is any moisture deposited 
on the inside of either jar. If there is none, set them both in a refrigerator 
or cover with a wet cloth and allow to cool for half an hour, and then ex- 
amine again. In which jar is there a greater deposit of dew? How do you 
account for it? Take the twig out of the jar and compare its leaves with 
those of the one left outside; which have withered the more, and why? 

GIVEN OFF BY LEAVES OF DIFFERENT KINDS. — Fill three glass vessels of 
the same size with water and cover with oil to prevent evaporation. 
Insert into one the end of a healthy twig of peach or cherry; into the 
second a twig of catalpa, grape, or any large-leaved plant, and into 
the third, one of magnolia, holly, or other thick-leaved evergreen, letting 
the stems of all reach well down into the water. Care must be taken to 
select twigs of approximately the same size and age, since the absorbent 
properties of very young stems are more injured by cutting and exposure 
than those of older ones. All specimens should be cut under water as 
directed in Exp. 58. Weigh all three vessels, and at the end of twenty- 
four hours, weigh again, taking note of the quantity of liquid that has dis- 
appeared frora each glass. This will represent approximately the amount 
absorbed by the leaves from the twigs to replace that given off. Which 
twig has lost most? Which least? Note the condition of the leaves 
on the different twigs; have they all absorbed water about as rapidly 
as they have lost it? How do you know this? Pluck the leaves from 
each twig, one by one, lay them on a flat surface that has been previously 
measured off, into square inches or centimeters, and thus form a rough 
estimate of the area covered by each specimen. Make the best estimate 


you can of the number of leaves on each tree, and calculate the number 
of kilograms of water it would give off at that rate in a day. 

GET ouT? — Take some healthy leaves of tulip tree, grape, tropzolum, 
or any large, soft kind attainable. Cover with vaseline the leafstalk and 
upper surface of one; the stalk and under surface of a second; the stalk 
and both surfaces of a third, and leave a fourth one untreated. Suspend 
all four in a dry place by means of a thread attached to the petioles so 
that both surfaces may be equally exposed. The leaves must be all of 
the same species, and as nearly as possible of the same age, size, and vigor, 
and care must be taken that none of the vaseline is rubbed off in handling. 
Examine at intervals of afew hours. Which of the leaves withers soonest ? 
Which keeps fresh longest? From what part would you conclude, judg- 
ing by this experiment, that the water escapes most rapidly? 

179. Transpiration, nutrition, and growth. — We learn 
from the foregoing, and from Exps. 58 and 59, that plants 
give off moisture very much as animals do by perspiration. 
The two processes must not be classed together, however, 
for they are physiologically different. The action, in plants, 
is called transpiration. It is usually assumed that a large 
amount of water must pass through the plant in order to 
bring to it the necessary supply of food material; but since 
the entrance of mineral salts is brought about by osmosis, 
conditioned by the living cells of the root; and since osmosis 
of salts may take place in a direction opposite to that of the 
greater movement of water, it follows that the entrance of 
salts is independent of transpiration. 

Inasmuch, however, as a certain amount of water is 
necessary to bring the living cells into a condition of turgor 
(7) so that they may grow, it follows that there is a relation 
between transpiration and growth. If transpiration exceeds 
absorption for any length of time, the tissues will be de- 
pleted of their moisture, as is shown by the wilting of crops 
in dry, hot weather; and if the unequal movement continues 
long enough, the plant will die. Hence, a knowledge of the 
laws governing this important function is necessary to all 
who are interested in cultivating agricultural products. 


180. Magnitude of the work of transpiration. — Few 
people have any idea of the enormous quantities of water 
given off by leaves. It has been calculated that a healthy 
oak may have as many as 700,000 leaves, and that 111,225 
kilograms of water — equal to about 244,700 pounds — may 
pass from its surface in the five active months from June 
to October. At 
this rate 226 
times its own 
weight may pass 
through it in a 
year, and it 
would transpire 
water enough 
during that time 
to cover the 
ground shaded 
by it to a depth 
of 20 feet!! 
Lawn grass gives 
off water at such 
a rate that a va- 
cant lot of 150 x 

50 feet, if well 

Fic. 217.— A “ weeping tree,’’ showing the effect where 
absorption exceeds transpiration. Notice the position of turfed, would be 
the tree near the water where the roots have unlimited capable of trans- 

moisture. (After FRANCE.) piring over a ton 
of watera day. Compare these figures with the average yearly 
rainfall in our Gulf States— 53 inches, approximately — and 
you can form some estimate of the injury done to a growing 
crop from this cause alone. The moisture is drawn from the 
surface by shallow rooted weeds (81) and dissipated through 
the leaves. In the case of forest trees the effect is different. 
Their roots, striking deep into the soil, draw up water from 
the lower strata and distribute it to the thirsty air in summer. 

' Marshall Ward, ‘‘ The Oak.” 


As the water given off by transpiration is in the form of 
vapor, it must draw from the plant the amount of heat 
necessary for its vaporization, and thus has the effect of 
making the leaves and the air in contact with them cooler 
than the surrounding medium. At the same time the cool- 
ness and moisture of the air tend to check the loss by 
evaporation from the surface soil. It is partly to this cause, 
and not alone to their shade, that the coolness of forests is 
due. Measurements at various weather bureau stations in 
the United States show that in summer the temperature of 
oak woods is 4° C. lower during the day than in the open, 
and as much higher at night. In a beech wood in Germany 
the difference between the forest and the general tempera- 
ture amounted to as much as 7° C. 

Practical Questions 

1. Is there any foundation in fact for the accounts of “weeping trees” 
and “rain trees”’ that we sometimes read about in the papers? (180; 
Exp. 48.) 

2. Can you explain the fact, sometimes noticed by farmers, that in 
wooded districts, springs which have failed or run low during a dry spell 
sometimes begin to flow again in autumn when the trees drop their leaves, 
even though there has been no rain? (180; Exp. 63.) 

3. Other things being equal, which would have the cooler, pleasanter 
atmosphere in summer, a well-wooded region or a treeless one? (180.) 

4, Could you keep a bouquet fresh by giving it plenty of fresh air? 
(Exp. 62.) 

5. Why does a withered leaf become soft and flabby, and a dried one 
hard and brittle? (7; Exp. 62.) 

6. Why do large-leaved plants, as a general thing, wither more quickly 
than those with small leaves? (Exp. 63.) 

7. Is the amount of water absorbed always a correct indication of the 
amount transpired? Explain. (179.) 

8. Explain the difference between the withering caused by excessive 
transpiration and the shrinkage of cells due to plasmolysis. Are both of 
these physiological processes ? 

9. Why is it best to trim a tree close when it is transplanted? (179, 

Why should transplanting be done in winter or very early spring, 
before the leaves appear? (180.) 



Marertau. — For study of the epidermis, leaves of the white garden 
lily (Lilium album) are best, as the stomata can be seen on their lower 
surface with the naked eye. Wandering Jew, Spanish bayonet (Yucca 
aloifolia), anemone, narcissus, iris, canna, show them under a hand lens, 
but less distinctly. For sections, beet, mustard, and beech leaves may 
be used, or ready-mounted specimens obtained of a dealer. 

A compound microscope is needed for a minute study of the leaf 

181. Stomata. — It was shown in Exp. 64 that the water 
of transpiration escapes most rapidly, as a general thing, from 
the under surface of leaves. To find out why this is so, a 
careful study of the epidermis will be necessary. For this 
purpose procure, if possible, the leaf of a white garden lily 
(Lilium album), wandering Jew, Spanish bayonet (Yucca 
aloifolia), anemone, narcissus, iris, or canna. The first- 
named is preferable, as the transpiration 
pores can be seen on it with the naked eye. 
Examine the under surface with a hand 
lens, and you will see that it is covered with 
small eye-shaped dots like those shown in 
Figs. 218 and 219. Strip off a portion of 

Fies. 218, 219. — : : ; : 
Secreta ite lly the epidermis, hold it up to the light on a 

leaf: 218, closed; 219, 

open. (After Gray.) Piece of moistened glass, and they can be 

seen quite clearly with a lens. These dots 
are the pores through which the water vapor escapes in 
transpiration, and through which air finds its way into the 
tissues of the leaf. They are called stomata (sing., stoma), 
from a Greek word meaning “a mouth.” Look for stomata 
on the upper epidermis; do you find any, and if so, are there 
as many as on the under surface? Do you see any relation 
between this fact and the results obtained from Exp. 64? 
Can you see any good reasons why the stomata should be 
placed on the under side in preference to the upper? Are they 
as much exposed to excessive light and heat, or as liable to 
be choked by dust, rain, and dew here as on the upper side? 


182. Distribution of stomata. — While stomata are gen- 
erally more abundant on the under side of leaves, this is not 
always the case. In vertical leaves, like those of the iris, 
which have both sides equally exposed to the sun, they are 
distributed equally on both sides. In plants like the water 
lily, where the under surface lies upon the 
water, they occur only on the upper side. 
Succulent leaves, as a general thing, have 
very few, because they need to conserve 
all their moisture. Submerged leaves 
have none at all; why? 

183. Minute study of a leaf epidermis. 
—Place a bit of the lower epidermis of pig. 220,—A_ small 
a leaf under the microscope, and examine Piece of the under epider- 

3 A : A mis of an oak leaf, highly 
with a high power. It will appear, if a magnified to show the 
monocotyl, to be composed of long, flat, funel ” and minute 
rectangular spaces (Fig. 221) ; if the leaf 
of a dicotyl is used, they will be more or less irregular (Fig. 
220), with the outlines fitting into each other like the tiling 
of a floor or the blocks of a Chinese puzzle. 
These spaces are the cells of the epidermis, 
and the lines are the cell walls. Can you 
find any of the cell contents? The cell 
sap is not often visible; do you see the 
nuclei? Can you give a reason why the 
epidermal cells are so thin and flat? Be- 
tween some of the cells you will see two 
kidney-shaped bodies placed with their 
concave sides together so as to leave a 
lenticular opening between them. This 
is a stoma, and the kidney-shaped bodies 

Fie. 221.— Under (Figs. 218, 219) are guard cells. They 
epidermis of an oat leaf, are given this name because they open 
ES eae or close the mouth of the stoma. If 
you will imagine a toy balloon made in the form of a hol- 
low ring, like the tire of a bicycle, you can easily see, from 


Figs. 218, 219, that when the ring is strongly inflated, it 
will expand, and in enlarging its own circumference, will at 
the same time increase the diameter of the opening in the 
center. When the ex- 
pansive force is removed, 
it collapses, thus closing, 
or greatly reducing, the 

In the same way the 
guard cells, when there 

Fia. 222,— Outline of a stoma of hellebore is abundance of water in 
in vertical section. The darker lines show the them,expand, thus open- 

shape assumed by the guard cellswhen thestoma_ .- 
is open; the lighter lines, when the stoma is ing the stoma so that the 

closed. The cavities of the guard cells with the water vapor passes out 
stoma closed are shaded, and are distinctly P p 
smaller than when the stoma is open. more readily. But when 

there is a dearth of 
moisture, or when, by reason of chemical action in the soil, 
the roots fail to supply it, the leaves wilt, the guard cells, 
losing their water, collapse, closing the pore, and transpira- 
tion is thus prevented or greatly retarded. (Fig. 222.) 
Sketch a portion of the epidermis as it appears under the mi- 
croscope, labeling the parts. If stomata can be found in both 
conditions, make sketches showing them both open and closed. 
184. Internal structure of a leaf. — Roll a leaf blade, or 
fold it tightly to facilitate cutting, and with a scalpel, or a very 
sharp razor, cut the thinnest possible slice through the roll. 
This will give a section at right angles to the epidermis. 
It should ‘be so thin as to appear almost transparent. Puta 
small bit of a section in a drop of water on a slide, place under 
the microscope, using a high power, and look for the parts 
shown in Fig. 223. Notice the horizontally flattened cells of the 
upper epidermis, e, and of the lower epidermis, e’; also the ver- 
tically elongated palisade cells, p, filled with particles of green 
coloring matter. These particles are the chlorophyll bodies, 
to which the green color of the leaf is due. They are the 
active agents in the manufacture of plant food, and in a leaf 


removed from the plant during the day time and viewed 
under a high power, the chlorophyll bodies, on treatment 


&, 0 
eee xl 

Fic. 223.— Transverse section through a leaf of beet: e, upper epidermis; e’, 
lower epidermis; st, stoma; a, air space; p, palisade cells; ¢, collecting cells; sch, 
spongy parenchyma; 7, 7, intercellular air spaces; Fbv, section of a vein (fibrovascu- 
lar bundle). : 

with iodine, will be seen to contain granules of starch which 
they are in the act of elaborating. The collecting cells, ¢, 
receive the assimilated product from the 
palisade cells and pass it on through the 
spongy parenchyma, sch, to the fibrovascular 
bundles. Notice how much more abundant 
the green matter is in the upper part of the 
leaf than in the lower; has this anything to 
do with the deeper color of the upper surfaces res 
of leaves? Notice the opening, st, in the rophyll bodies con- 
lower epidermis; do you recognize it? (See ee a 
Fig. 222.) It is a stoma, seen in vertical mation. Magnified 
section. Notice the intercellular air spaces, 7°° t™* 

z, 7, in the spongy parenchyma, and the much larger one, a, 
just behind the stoma. Why is this last so much larger? 


Sketch the section of your specimen as it appears under 
the microscope. It will perhaps differ in some details from 
the one shown in the figure, but you can recognize and label 
the corresponding parts. Be sure that your drawing repre- 
sents accurately the relative size and shapes of the different 
kinds of cells. 

It is in the upper surface, where the chlorophyll particles 
abound, that the manufacture of food goes on most actively, 
and from the under surface, where the stomata are situated, 
that transpiration takes place and air and other gases pass 
to and from the interior. These facts have important bear- 
ings on the growth and external characters of leaves. 

Practical Questions 

1. Explain why a plant cannot thrive if its stomata are clogged with 
foreign matter. (179; Exp. 64; 184.) 

2. Mention some of the ways in which this might happen. (181.) 

3. Why must the leaves of house plants be washed occasionally to keep 
them healthy? (179, 181.) 

4. Why is it so hard for trees and hedges to remain healthy in a large 
manufacturing town? 


MateriaL. — A sprig of pondweed, mare’s-tail (Hippuris), hornwort 
(Ceratophyllum), marsh St.-John’s-wort (Hlodea), or other green aquatic 
plant; bean or tropeolum, or other green leaves gathered from plants 
growing in the sunshine; a healthy potted plant; a small, fresh cutting. 

Appiiances. — A shallow dish of water and two glass tumblers or wide- 
mouthed jars; a bent glass or rubber tube; a piece of black cloth or paper ; 
a half pint of alcohol; iodine solution; a glass funnel or a long-necked 
bottle from which the bottom has been removed, 

AND THE GREEN COLOR OF LEAVES ? — Place a seedling of oats, or other 
rapidly growing shoot, in the dark for a few days, and note its loss of 
color. Leave it in the dark indefinitely, and it will lose all color and die. 
Hence we may conclude that there is some intimate connection between 
the action of light and the green coloring matter of leaves. 

WATER ? — Submerge a green water plant, with the cut end uppermost, in 



a glass vessel full of water, and invert over it a glass funnel, or a long- 
necked bottle from which the bottom has been removed as directed in Exp. 

53. Expel the air from the neck of the funnel — 
or bottle—by submerging and corking under water 
so as to make it air-tight. Place in the sunlight and 
notice the bubbles that begin to rise from the cut 
end of the plant. When they have partly filled the 
neck of the funnel, remove the stopper and thrust 
in a glowing splinter. If it bursts into flame, or 
glows more brightly, what is the gas that was given 
off? (Exp. 22.) 

As oxygen is not a product of respiration, some 
other process must be at work here, during which 
oxygen is set free, and some other substance used 
up. (Exps. 24 and 25.) 

IN WHEN OXYGEN IS GIVEN orr? — Fill two glass 
jars, or two tumblers, with water, to expel the 
air, and invert in a shallow dish of water, having 
first introduced a freshly cut sprig of some healthy 
green plant into one of them. Then, by means 
of a bent tube, blow into the mouth of each tumbler 
till all the water is expelled by the impure air 
from the lungs. Set the dish in the sunshine and 
leave it, taking care that the end of the cutting is in 
the water of the dish. After forty-eight hours re- 
move the tumblers by running under the mouth of 

Fig. 225. — Experi- 
ment showing that 
green plants give off 
oxygen in sunlight. 

each, before lifting from the dish, a piece of glass well coated with vaseline 
(lard will answer), and pressing it down tight so that no air can enter. 
Place the tumblers in an upright position, 

keeping them securely covered. Fasten a 
lighted taper or match to the end of a wire, 
plunge it quickly first into one tumbler, then 
into the other, and note the result. What 
was the gas blown from your lungs into the 

Fic. 226.— Experiment jars? (Exps. 23,24.) Why did the taper not 
for showing that leavesabsorb go out in the second jar? What had become 

carbon dioxide from the at- 

iOEphete. of the carbon dioxide? 

OXYGEN. — Repeat Exp. 66, keeping the plant in a dark or shady place; 
do you see any bubbles? Test with a glowing match; is any oxygen 


formed in the tube of the funnel? Move back into the sunlight and 
leave for a few hours; what happens when you thrust a glowing splinter 
into the tube? 

Experiment 69. Is ANY FOOD PRODUCT FOUND IN LEAVES ? — Crush 
a few leaves of bean, sunflower, or tropxolum, and soak in alcohol until all 
the chlorophyll is dissolved out. Rinse them in water, and soak the 
leaves thus treated in a weak solution of iodine for a few minutes, then 
wash them and hold them up to the light. If 
there are any blue spots on the leaves, what are 
you to conclude? If a test for sugar is to be 
made, use sap pressed from fresh leaves; for 
oils and fats, leaves should be dried without 
being placed in alcohol. 

the light from parts of healthy leaves on a grow- 
ing plant of tropxolum, bean, etc., by placing 
patches of black cloth or paper over them. 

Fic. 227.—Leaf arranged Leave in a bright window, or preferably out of 
with a piece of tin foil to ex- doors, for several hours, and then test for starch 
clude light from a portion of gs in the last experiment; do you find any in 
the surface. 

the shaded spots? 

PRODUCTION OF STARCH ?— Cover the blades and the petioles of several 
leaves with vaseline or other oily substance so as to exclude the air, and 
after a day or two test as before. 

185. Influence of plants on the atmosphere. — These 
experiments show that leaves cannot do their work without 
light and air. The particular element of the atmosphere 
used by them in the process of food making is carbon dioxide. 
Their action in absorbing this gas and giving off oxygen 
tends to counterbalance the opposite action of respiration, 
decomposition, and combustion of all kinds, by which the 
proportion of it in the atmosphere tends to be constantly 
increased. In this way they help to regulate the quantity 
of it present and have a beneficial effect in ridding the air of 
one source of impurity. 


186. Photosynthesis. — In our examination of the internal 
structure of the leaf, the chlorophyll bodies (184) were found 
to contain small granules of starch which the chlorophyll, 
under the stimulus of light, had elaborated as a nutriment for 
the plant tissues. Hence, the leaf may be regarded as a 
factory in which vegetable food, mainly starch, is manufac- 
tured out of the water brought up from the soil, and the carbon 
dioxide derived through the stomata from the atmosphere. 
In this process carbon dioxide (CO,) is combined with water 
(H,0O) in such proportions that part of the oxygen is returned 
to the surrounding air. This is a fundamental food-forming 
process characteristic of green plants, and can take place 
only in the light. For this reason it has been named Photo- 
synthesis, a word which means “ building up by means of 
light,” just as photography means “ drawing or engraving 
by means of light.” 

In carrying on the operation of photosynthesis, sunshine 
is the power, the chlorophyll bodies the working machinery, 
carbon dioxide and water the raw materials, and starch or oil 
the finished product, while oxygen and the water of trans- 
piration represent the waste or by-products. 

187. How the new combination is effected. —It may 
seem strange that a gas and a liquid should combine to make 
something so different from either as starch, but their chemi- 
cal constituents are the same in different proportions. Water 
is made up of 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen; carbon 
dioxide, of 1 part carbon and 2 parts oxygen, while starch 
contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, in the ratios of 6, 
10, and 5, respectively. Hence, by taking sufficient quanti- 
ties of water and carbon dioxide and combining them in the 
proper proportions, the leaf factory can turn them into 
starch. If we use the letters C, H, and O, to represent Car- 
bon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen, respectively, the new combina- 
tion of materials can be expressed by an equation; thus: — 

water carbon dioxide starch by-products 
5 (H:0) + 6(COz) = (CseHi00s) + 6(02) = 12(0). 


The water not used up in the process is given off as a waste 
product in transpiration, while the oxygen is returned to the 
air, as shown by Exp. 66. This equation is not to be under- 
stood as representing the chemical changes that actually take 
place in the leaf. These are too complicated, and at present 
too imperfectly known, to be considered here. It will serve, 
however, to give a fair idea of the final result from the process 
of photosynthesis, however brought about. 

Simple as the operation appears, the chemist has not, as 
yet, been able to imitate it. He can analyze starch into its 
original constituents, but while he has the ingredients at 
hand in abundance, and knows the exact proportions of their 
combination, it is beyond his power, in the present state of 
our knowledge, to put them together. Hence, both man 
and the lower animals are dependent on plants for this most 
important food element. The so-called factories that supply 
the starch of commerce do not make starch any more than 
the miller makes wheat, but merely separate and render 
available for use that already elaborated by plants. 

188. Proteins. — Foods of this class are mainly instru- 
mental in furnishing material for the growth and repair of 
the tissues out of which the bodies of both plants and animals 
are built up. They embrace a great variety of substances, 
but their chemical nature is very complex and very imper- 
fectly understood. Nitrogen is an important element in 
their composition, whence they are commonly distinguished 
as “nitrogenous foods.”” Besides nitrogen, there are present 
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sulphur, and traces of the 
mineral salts absorbed from the soil are found in varying 
quantities in the ash of different proteins. The percentages 
in which these ingredients are combined and the processes 
concerned in their formation are at present a matter of pure 
hypothesis. Botanists are not agreed even as to whether 
they are made in the leaf or in some other part or parts of 
the plant, though the weight of opinion inclines to the view 
that their construction takes place in the leaf. 


189. The activities of leaves. — As there are only 4 parts 
of CO, to every 10,000 parts of ordinary free air, it has been 
estimated that in order to supply the leaf factory with the 
raw material it needs, an active leaf surface of one square 
meter — a little over one square yard —uses up, during 
every hour of sunshine, the CO, contained in 1000 liters 
(1000 quarts, approximately) of air. Suppose an oak tree 
to bear 500,000 leaves, each having a surface of 16 sq. cm., or 
4 sq. in., and working 12 hours a day for 6 months in the 
year; you will then have some idea of the enormous quantity 
of air that passes each season through its leaf system. Add 
to this the almost incredible volume of water transpired in 
the same time (180), and we may well stand amazed at the 
tremendous activities of these silent workers that we are in 
the habit of regarding as mere passive elements in the 
general landscape. 

190. The economic value of leaves. — Besides their im- 
portance as sanitary and food-making agencies, leaves have 
a direct commercial value as food products in the hay and 
fodder they supply for our domestic animals, the tea and 
salads with which they provide our tables, the aromatic 
flavors and seasonings contained in them, and the drugs, 
medicines, and dyes of various kinds for which they furnish 
the ingredients. 

Practical Questions 

1. Why do gardeners “bank” celery? (Exp. 65.) 

2. Why are the buds that sprout on potatoes in the cellar, white? (Exp. 

, Why does young cotton look pale and sickly in long-continued wet 
or cloudy weather? (Exp. 65.) 

4, Why do parasitic plants generally have either no leaves or very 
small, scalelike ones? (85, 186, 187.) 

5. The mistletoe is an exception to this; explain why, in the light of 
your answer to question 4. 

6. Could an ordinary nonparasitic plant live without green leaves? 
(186, 187.) 

7. Are abundance and color of foliage any indication of the health of 
a plant? (186, 187; Exp. 65.) 


8. Is the practice of lopping and pruning very closely, as in the process 
called “‘pollarding,” beneficial to a tree under ordinary conditions? (186, 
189; Exp. 63.) 

9. Name some plants of your neighborhood that grow well in the shade. 

10. Compare in this respect Bermuda grass and Kentucky blue grass ; 
cotton and maize; horse nettle (Solanum Carolinense) and dandelion ; 
beech, oak, red maple, dogwood, pine, cedar, holly, magnolia, etc. 

11. Name all the aromatic leaves you can think of ; all that are used as 
food, beverages, drugs, and dyes. 

12. What is the use of aromatic and medicinal leaves to the plant itself ? 
(Suggestion: Why does the housewife put lavender or tobacco leaves in 
her woolen chest ?) 

13. Which would be richer in nourishment, hay cut in the evening or 
in the morning, and why? (54, 186; Exp. 70.) 

14. Mention three important sanitary services that are rendered by a 
tree like that shown in plate 6 or 8. (180, 185, 189.) 

15. Name some of the plants employed in the manufacture of starch. 


Marerrau. — A number of vigorous, freshly cut green leaves; a liter 
or two (one or two quarts) of expanding flower or leaf buds. 

Appliances. — Some wide-mouthed jars of one or two liters’ capacity ; 
two small open vials of limewater. 

the bottoms of two wide-mouthed jars with water about two centimeters 
(1 inch) deep. Place in one a number of healthy green leaves with 
their stalks in the water, and insert among them a small open vial con- 
taining limewater. In the other jar place only a vial of limewater in the 
clear water at the bottom, this last being merely to make the conditions 
in both vessels the same. Seal both tight and keep together in the dark 
for about 48 hours, and then examine. In which jar does the lime- 
water indicate the greater accumulation of CO2? (It may show a slight 
milkiness in the other vessel due to gas derived from the inclosed air and 
water.) From this experiment, what process would you conclude has 
been going on among the leaves in jar No.1? (Exp. 25.) 

25, it was shown that respiration is accompanied by heat; hence, if the 
production of carbon dioxide by the leaf is due to this cause, it should be 
attended by the evolution of heat. To find out whether this is the case, 
partly fill a glass jar of two liters’ capacity with unfolding leaf buds ar- 


ranged in layers alternating with damp cotton bat- 
ting or blotting paper (Fig. 228); close the jar 
tightly and leave from 12 to 24 hours in the dark 
to prevent the action of photosynthesis. Then 
insert a thermometer and note the rise in tem- 
perature. Ifa lighted taper is plunged in, it will 
quickly be extinguished, showing that respiration 
has been going on. 

191. Respiration in leaves. — We see 
from experiments like the foregoing that 
the leaf, besides carrying on the functions 

. i ; Fic. 228. — Arrange- 
of digestion, photosynthesis, and trans- ment of apparatus to 

‘ : : . 4 show that heat and car- 
piration, is also an active agent in the handiestdoane cecie® 

work of respiration. In this function by leaf buds. 
oxygen is used up and carbon dioxide 

given off, just as in the respiration of animals;.but the 
process is so slow in plants that it is much more difficult 
to detect than the contrary action in photosynthesis, and is, 
in fact, not perceptible at all while the latter is going on, 
though it does not cease even then. 

But while the leaf is the principal organ of respiration, the 
process is carried on in other parts of the plant as well, 
else it could not survive during the leafless months of 
winter. It appears to be most active at night, but this is 
only because it is not obscured then, as during the day, by 
the more active function of photosynthesis. Indeed, it was 
for a long time supposed that plants ‘‘ breathed ”’ only at. 
night, and it was thought to be unwholesome to keep them 
ina bedroom. It is now known, however, that respiration 
goes on at all times and in all living parts of the plant, but 
the quantity of oxygen taken in is so small from a hygienic 
point of view that it may be disregarded. 

192. Distinctions between respiration and photosynthesis. 
— While these two functions are contrasting and antipodal, 
so to speak, in their action, they are mutually complemen- 
tary and interdependent, the one manufacturing food and the 
other using it up, or rather marking the activity of those 


life processes by which it is used up. The difference between 
them will be made clear by a comparison of the two pro- 
cesses as summarized in the following statement: 

Goes on only in sunlight and in —_ Goes on at all times and in all 
the green parts of plants. parts of the plant. 
Produces starch and sugar. Releases energy (heat and work- 
ing power). 
Gives off, as by-product, oxygen. Gives off, as by-products, COs, 
and water. 
A constructive process, in which A destructive, or consumptive 
energy is used up to make food. process, in which food is used up in 

expending energy. 

193. Metabolism. — The total of all the life processes of 
plants, including growth, waste, repair, etc., is summed up 
under the general term metabolism. It is a constructive or 
building-up process when it results in the making of new 
tissues out of food material absorbed from the earth and air, 
and the consequent increase of the plant in size or numbers. 
But, as in the case of animals, so with plants, not all the 
food provided is converted into new tissue, part being used 
as a source of energy, and part decomposed and excreted 
as waste. In this sense, metabolism is said to be destructive. 
The waste in healthy growing plants is always, of course, less 
than the gain, and a portion of the food material is laid by 
as a reserve store. For this reason, photosynthesis, being a 
constructive process, is usually more energetic than respira- 
tion, which is the measure of the destructive change of 
materials that attends all life processes. 

It is evident also, from what has been said, that growth and 
repair of tissues can take place only so long as the plant has 
sufficient oxygen for respiration, since the energy liberated 
by it is necessary for the assimilation of nourishment by 
the tissues. 

Thus we see that plants are dependent on air not only for 
respiration, but for nutrition, and none of their life pro- 
cesses can be carried on without it, 


Practical Questions 

1. Can a plant be suffocated, and if so, in what ways? (87, 193; 
Exps. 26, 27.) 

2. The roots on the palm shown in plate 3 are not drawing any sap 
from it as parasites; why does their continued growth bring about the 
death of the tree? (87, 193.) 

3. Is it unwholesome to keep flowering plants in a bedroom? Leafy 
ones? Why, in each case? (191.) 

4, Would there be any more reason for objecting to the presence of 
flowers by night than by day? Explain. (191.) 

5. Why is respiration much less marked in plants than in animals? 
(30, 31.) 


Mareriau. — A potted plant of oxalis, spotted medick, white clover, 
or other sensitive species. The subject is better suited for outdoor ob- 
servation than for laboratory work. 

CHANGES IN INTENSITY OF LIGHT. — Keep a healthy potted plant of oxalis, 
white clover, or spotted medick in 
your room for observation. Note 
the daily changes of position the 
leaves undergo. Sketch one as it 
appears at night and in the morning. 

In order to determine whether 
these changes are due to want of light 
or of warmth, put your plant in a dark 
closet in the middle of the day, with- 
out change of temperature. After 229 230 
several hours note results. Transfer Fias. 229, 230. — Leaves of a peanut 
to a refrigerator, or in winter place Plant: 229, in day position; 230, in 

i 2 7 night position. 
outside a window where it will be ex- 
posed to a temperature of about 5° C. (40° F.) for several hours, and see if 
any change takes place. Next put it at night in a well-lighted room and 
note the effect. If practicable, keep a specimen for several weeks in some 
place where electric lights are burning continuously all night, and watch 
the results. 

FROM OTHER CAUSES THAN COLD OR FROST. — Wrap some leaves of ailan- 
thus, Kentucky coffee tree, ash, walnut, or hickory in a damp towel and 


keep them in the dark for several days; the leaflets will fall away, leaving 
a clear scar like those on winter twigs. 

BE MADE BY CHEMICAL MEANS. — Place a small twig of oleander, laures- 
tinus, or other broad-leaved evergreen in a 5 to 10 per cent solution 
of sugar, and transfer it at the end of a few days to a temperature of 
6° to 8° below freezing. On comparison with a similar twig that has 
stood for the same length of time in pure water, it will be found to possess 
a greater power of resistance to cold. 

194. The light relation. — The principal external con- 
ditions to which leaves have to adjust themselves are light, 
air, moisture, gravity, temperature, and the attacks of ani- 
mals. From the knowledge of their work and function 
gained in the preceding sections, it will be clear that the pri- 
mary relation of the leaf is alight relation, and ts this, first of 
all, it must adjust itself. 

It was shown in Exps. 56 and 57 how promptly leaves re- 
spond to changes in the direction of light, 
and a little observation (Exp. 74) will con- 
vince us that they are equally sensitive to 
changes in intensity and periodicity of illu- 

195. Phototropism. — The movement of 
plants in response to light is called photo- 
: tropism — a word that means “ turning 

Fria. 231.—A toward or away from light.” It includes 
plant that has been J] kinds of light adjustments, and examples 

growing near an open 

window, showing the of it are to be met with everywhere in the 
oye nclisht "disposition of leaves with reference to their 
light exposure. 

196. Horizontal and vertical adjustment.— Take two 
sprigs, one upright, the other horizontal, from any convenient 
shrub or tree — and notice the difference in the position of 
the leaves. Examine their points of attachment and see how 
this is brought about, whether by a twist of the petiole or of 
the base of the leaf blades, or by a half twist of the stem 
between two consecutive leaves, or by some other means. 


Puate 16.— A mosaic of moonseed leaves, showing adjustment for light exposure. 
(From Mo. Botanical Garden Rep’t.) 



Observe both branches in their natural position; what part 
of the leaf is turned upward, the edge or the surface of the 
blade? Change the position of the two sprigs, placing the 
vertically growing one horizontal, and the horizontal one 
vertical. What part of the leaves is turned upward in each? 

Fics. 232, 233. — Adjustment of leaves to different positions : 
232, upright ; 233, procumbent. 

197. Leaf mosaics. — Trees with horizontal or drooping 
branches, like the elm and beech, and vines growing along 
walls or trailing on the ground, generally display their foliage 
in flat, spreading layers, each leaf fit- 
ting in between the interstices of the 
others like the stones in a mosaic, 
whence this has been called the mosaic 
arrangement. (Plate 10.) In plants of 
more upright or bunchy habit, the 
leaves are placed at all angles, giving 
the appearance of a rosette when viewed 
from above, whence this is called the 
rosette arrangement. 

A variety of the same disposition is 
seen in the pyramidal shape assumed 
by plants with large, undivided leaves 
like the mullein and burdock (Fig. 237), in which access of 
light is secured by a mutual adjustment between the size 
and position of leaves, the upper ones becoming successively 

Fic. 234.— Leaf mosaic 
of elm. 



198. Heliotropism — 
“turning with the sun’”’ —is 
the name given to the daily 
movement of plants like the 
cotton and sunflower in 
turning their leaves or their 

Fics. 235, 236.—Horse-chestnut leaves: 235, leaf rosette seen from above; 
236, the same seen sidewise, showing the formation of rosettes by the lengthening 

of the lower petioles. 

blossoms to face the sun. 

If you live where cotton is grown, 

notice the leaves in a field about ten o’clock on a bright 
sunny morning, and again from the same 
point of view at about four or five in the 

afternoon. Do 

Fic. 237.— Leaf 
oyramid of mullein. 

you perceive any differ- 
ence in their general dis- 
position? Watch on a 
cloudy day and see if 
any change takes place. 
Find out by observation 
whether the “‘ heliotrope”’ 
of the hothouses is really 

i9o9. Adjustment 
against too great intensity 
of light.— Plants fre- 
quently have to protect 
themselves against excess 
of light and heat. An 

238 239 

Fias. 238, 239.— A 
compass plant, rosin- 
weed (Silphium lacini- 
atum): 238, seen from 
the east; 239, seen 
from the south. 



interesting example of this kind of adjustment is furnished 
by the rosinweed, or compass plant (Silphium laciniatum, 
Figs. 238, 239), which grows in the prairies of Alabama and 
westward, where it is exposed to intense sunlight. The 
leaves not only stand vertical, but have a tendency to turn 
their edges north and south so that the blades are exposed 
only to the gentler morning and evening rays. The prickly 
lettuce manifests the same habit in a less marked degree. 
200. Night and day adjustments. These are move- 
ments in response to changes in the degree of illumination 
and temperature, as evidenced by the fact that they become 
feeble and soon cease altogether if the plant is kept a suffi- 
cient time under uniform conditions as to these two factors. 
(Exp. 74.) They are called “ nyctitropic ” or sleep move- 
ments, because they are most obvious in certain plants that 
undergo periodic adjustments to the alternations of day and 
might suggestive of an imaginary likeness to the sleep of ani- 
é — mals. Examples are 
oF most frequently met 
with among members of 
the pea family (Legumi- 
nose), the spurges 
(Euphorbiacee), and the 
sorrel (Oxalis) family. 
They are found among 
other species also, and 
indeed are much more 

240 241 

Fias. 240, 241.—A plant of the guayule general than is usually 
(Parthenium argentatum), to the leaves of which 

indexes have been affixed to show their day and supposed, ‘ most plants 

night position: 240, day position; 241, night Showing signs of them 

tas (From photographs by Prof. F. E. if carefully tested. A 

simple way of doing this 
is by attaching bristles about two inches long to the tips of 
two leaves on opposite sides of the stem, as in Figs. 240, 241, 
and comparing the divergence of the bristles during the day 
and at nightfall. In this way a change of position in the 


leaves, too slight to attract attention otherwise, will be made 
apparent. The positions assumed vary in different plants, 

242 243 244 

Fics. 242-244.—-Showing the movements of Amaranthus Palmeri: 242, 2438, 
position at.sunrise and sunset (heliotropic) ; 244, night position (nyctitropic) half an 
hour after sunset. (From photographs by Prof. F. E. Lloyd.) 

and even in the parts of the same compound leaf; in the 
kidney bean, for instance, the common petiole turns up at 
night, while the individual leaflets turn down. One of the 
common pigweeds (Amaranthus Palmeri, Figs. 242-244) is 
heliotropic in the day time and nyctitropic at night. 

246 247 

wing | ~o 

248 249 250 

Fies. 245-250.— Wild senna (Cassia occidentalis), showing the nyctitropic ad- 
justments of its leaves. The upper figures show their horizontal arrangement; 
those below, the vertical: 245, 248, position of the leaves at 9 a.m.; 246, 249, at 
3 p.m.; 247, 250, at 6.30 p.m. (From photographs by Prof. F. E. Lloyd.) 

The very striking nyctitropic adjustments of the wild 
senna (Cassia occidentalis) photographed by Professor Francis 


E. Lloyd of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute (Figs. 245- 
250), though obviously influenced by the sun, are not 
directed toward it as in those of truly heliotropic plants. 

These movements are common also among flowers, many 
of them having regular hours for opening and closing, as in- 
dicated by such names as ‘‘morning-glory” and “ four- 
o'clock.” In these cases, however, other causes (277, 280) 
than the light relation must be taken into account. 

201. Irritability is a general term applied to the power in 
plants of receiving and responding by spontaneous move- 
ments to impressions from without. In its widest accepta- 
tion, irritability includes, besides the various forms of 
adjustment described in this section and the next, all move- 
ments due to geotropism, those of roots seeking air and mois- 
ture, the revolution of twining stems and tendrils, the circu- 
lation of protoplasm in the cell — any movement, in short, 
that is made in response to an impression from the environ- 
ment is a manifestation of irritability. It may be of various 
degrees, but is possessed to some extent by every living vege- 
table organism. 

The term is usually applied, however, more especially to 
those obvious and pronounced responses made by plants to 
their surroundings, as exemplified in the cases just given. 
Still more marked instances are to be found in the movements 
of the tentacles of insectivorous plants, and the sensitive 
leaflets of the mimosa that close at the slightest touch. The 
tendrils of the passion flower are said to appreciate and 
respond to a pressure that cannot be distinguished even by 
the human tongue, and many plants will detect and respond 
to the ultra-violet rays of light, which are entirely invisible 
to man. 

This faculty of irritability among plants corresponds, in an 
imperfect, rudimentary way, to what we recognize in animals 
as nervous excitability. By this it is not meant to imply 
that the two things are identical in their ultimate manifes- 
tations, though we may regard them as fundamentally the 


same in that they are both to be referred to the property 
inherent in protoplasm of responding to stimuli. There is 
no indication, however, that irritability in the vegetable 
kingdom is accompanied by anything like consciousness or 
volition, or that plants possess any power of initiative. 
While the movements in response to stimuli are in many 
cases eminently adapted to a purpose, we have no evidence 
of a controlling power behind them. The movement comes 
automatically in response to the stimulus, whether the effect 
at the moment be advantageous or the 

202. Adjustments in relation to 
moisture.— These adjustments may 
be — (1) To guard against excess of 
moisture ; ¢.g. glands for excreting water 
and salts; scales, wax, down, etc., on 

Fie. 251.—Cross sec- 
the surface of leaves. These may serve tions of the leaf of sand 
also for protection against cold, insects, rss: © unrolled in its or- 

inary position; 6 and «, 
excess of light and heat. (2) For the rolled up to prevent too 
conservation of moisture; e.g. the rev- "Pd transpiration. 
olute leaf margins of grasses and sand plants growing along 
the seashore ; the fleshy leaves of stonecrops and purselanes; 
the hard epidermis of yuccas and aloes; the scales, scurf, and 
down, by which the moisture absorbed from the soil by plants 
growing in dry and bar- 
ren places is prevented 
from escaping too 
rapidly through the 
stomata; the leaf cups 
and holders sometimes 
formed by winged 
petioles and clasping 
leaf bases for retaining 
dew or rain water. 
Fie. 252.— Fic. 253. — Water (3) For leaf drainage, 

Winged petiole of cups of Stlphium per- : 
Polymnia. foliatum. or the conduction of 


moisture, by means of grooves, channels, and taper-pointed 
leaves, which act as natural gutters and drain pipes. 

203. The fall of the leaf. — This is, in effect, an adjust- 
ment to change of temperature, but that it is not directly due 
to cold is shown by Exp. 75, and also by the fact that leaves 
in the tropics and those of evergreens, while they do not fall 
at stated periods like the bulk of the foliage in the temperate 
zones, are cut off just the same and replaced by new ones, 
whenever, for any 
reason, they are un- 
able to perform their 
function. In cold 
climates they fall at 
the approach of 
winter, not because 
the frost loosens 
them, but because 
the roots arenot able 
to absorb enough 
moisture to supply 
them with material 
for making food. 
The needles and the 

Fic. 254. — Fallen leaves. Notice how they cover scale-leaves charac- 

the ground with a warm mulch, protecting the soil saty 
from denudation, and the roots and seeds from frost teristic of evenoreene 
in cold regions are 

enabled to persist indefinitely by reason of their contracted 
surface. This prevents the dissipation of moisture and affords 
no lodging for the accumulations of sleet and snow that 
would otherwise cumber and perhaps break the boughs with 
their weight. Trees and shrubs that shed their leaves in win- 
ter are said to be deciduous, from a Latin word meaning “to 
fall.” Can you mention some advantages of the deciduous 
habit to a plant with broad, expanded leaves, growing in 
a cold climate? 

The mechanical means by which the leaf fall is accom- 


plished is through the growth of a corky layer of loose 
cells that forms at the base of the petiole and cuts it away 
from the stem, leaving a smooth, clean scar. Tear some 
fresh young leaves from a growing twig and compare the 
scars with those on a winter bough. Do you see any 
difference? This corky layer can be made to form in 
some plants artificially, by depriving them of working ma- 
terial. (Exp. 75.) 

204. The protection of winter-green leaves. — A great 
many, perhaps the majority of broad-leaved evergreens, 
bear no obvious protection against cold, while a large pro- 
portion, such as chickweed, violet, fumitory, groundsel 
(Senecio), and dead nettle (Lamium), would seem peculiarly 
unfitted, by their delicate structure, to withstand it. But 
recent investigations by the Swedish botanist, Lidforss, 
have shown that all winter-green leaves, with the exception 
of those on submerged water plants, which are sufficiently 
protected by the medium in which they live, lose their 
starch in winter and contain instead an increased percentage 
of sugar. The same is true of other vegetable structures 
also, where starch is present, such as roots, stems, tubers, 
and winter fruits—nuts, haws, persimmons, and the like, 
which, as every schoolboy knows, become perceptibly sweeter 
after frost. 

The presence of certain substances, of which sugar is the 
most frequent, enables plants to withstand a greater degree 
of cold than they could otherwise endure (Exp. 76). This 
effect, as shown by Lidforss’s experiments, is due to the 
action of sugar in counteracting, or retarding, the “ salting 
out ” of proteins by cold, as explained in 33. 

As sugar is readily reconverted into starch by exposure to 
a moderately high temperature for even a few days, we may 
find here an explanation of the fact that plants which have 
survived the prolonged cold of winter are often killed by a 
single sharp night frost following a few warm days in early 
spring, before the tender new growth has appeared. The 


plant suffers, not from the direct effects of cold, but from 
the warmth preceding it, which stimulated the transforma- 
tion into starch of the sugar that would have prevented the 
loss of proteins. On the same principle we may account for 
the puzzling fact that the sunny southern side of trees and 
shrubs usually suffers more from the effects of sudden frost 
than the shaded and colder northern face. 

In apparent conflict with this reasoning is the fact that 
sugar cane and the sugar beet are peculiarly susceptible to 
cold. This, however, does not invalidate the premises es- 
tablished by Lidforss’s researches, but merely emphasizes 
the need of further investigation, which may either reconcile 
all the facts, or modify their interpretation. 

205. The colors of autumn leaves. — These are due to 
the breaking up and disappearance of the chlorophyll when 
the leaf factory has to “ shut down ” for want of raw ma- 
terial to work with (203). It is closely connected with the 
appearance of frost, since the same changes of temperature 
which produce frost cause the cessation of sap flow that 
brings about the disorganization of the chlorophyll and the 
formation of various pigments derived from it. Besides 
these, leaves may contain other coloring matters that are 
perceptible only when the chlorophyll disappears; and in 
the sap there is a reddish pigment which becomes either a 
very bright red, or a dark purplish maroon, from the effect 
of chemicals that combine with it in the leaves. With these 
coloring materials at command it is easy to see how the 
autumn woods can assume such splendid hues. 

Practical Questions 

1. How would you explain the fact that the outer twigs of trees generally 
are the most leafy? (99, 194; Exps. 57, 74.) 

2. Is the common sunflower a compass plant? Is cotton? 

3. Are there any such plants in your neighborhood ? 

4. Compare the leaves of half a dozen shade-loving plants of your neigh- 
borhood with those of as many sun-loving ones; which, as a general thing, 
are the larger and less incised ? 


5. Give a reason for the difference. (169.) 

6. Why do most leaves — notably grasses— curl their edges backward 
in withering? 182.) 

7. What advantage is gained by doing this? (202.) 

8. Observe such of the following plants as are found in your neighbor- 
hood, and report any changes of position that may take place in their 
leaves and the causes to which such changes should be ascribed: wood 
sorrel, mimosa, honey locust, wild senna, partridge pea, wild sensitive plant, 
redbud, bush clover, Japan clover, Kentucky coffee tree, sensitive brier 
(Schrankia), peanut, kidney bean. 

9. Which of the trees named below shed their leaves from base to tip 
of the bough (centripetally), and which in the reverse order: ash, beech, 
hazel, hornbeam, lime, willow, poplar, pear, peach, sweet gum, elm, syca- 
more, mulberry, China tree, sumac, chinquapin? 

10. Account for the fact that evergreen trees and shrubs have generally 
thick, hard, and shiny leaves, like those of the holly and magnolia, or scales 
and needles, as the cedar and pine. (203.) 

11. Why do many plants which are deciduous at the North tend to be- 
come evergreen at the South?  (203.) 

12. Why are evergreens more abundant in cold than in warm climates? 

13. There is an apparent inconsistency between questions 11 and 12; 
can you reconcile it? (203.) 

14. Why is it more important to protect the south side of trees against 
exposure to frost than the northern side? (83, 204.) 

15. Explain why peach orchards on the tops and northern slopes of ele- 
vated areas are less liable to have their fruit destroyed by late frost than 
those in the valleys and on the southern slopes. (83, 204.) 


Mareriau. — Get from a florist a potted plant of sundew, Venus’s- 
flytrap, sarracenia, or, if possible, one of all three, and keep in the school- 
room for observation. The subject can be studied best in a well-stocked 
greenhouse, if one is accessible. 

206. Modification and adaptation. — Modification is 
structural adjustment, or adaptation, carried so far as to 
obscure the original form of an organ. Its true nature, 
however, can generally be determined by some of the tests 
mentioned in 100. 

Examples of the modification of leaves to do the work of 


other organs have already been noticed, as also their entire 
disappearance in certain cases (97, 101, 149) and replace- 

1a. 255.— Spearlike leaves of Spanish 

perfoliate leaves bar the way 

ment by other parts; it is 
unnecessary, therefore, to 
revert to this branch of the 
subject here. 

207. Protective modifica- 
tions. — The most general 
protective modifications 
that leaves undergo are 
(1) for the conservation of 
moisture, as explained in 
202, and (2) for protection 
against animals. Many of 
the adaptations for the 
former purpose serve inci- 
dentally for defense against 
animals also. Spines, hairs, 
scales, sticky exudations, 
water holders, clasping and 
to crawling insects; horny 

cuticles, as well as offensive odors, bitter secretions, and 

NS eS 


Fias. 256-258. — Protective hairs magnified: 256, mullein ; 257, cinque-foil 
258, Shepherdia. 

poisonous juices warn leaf-eating cattle and bugs away. 
These devices are merely protective, however, and adapted 
to a passive attitude of self-defense. 

208. Insectivorous leaves.— But sometimes a plant 

THE LEAF | 191 

becomes the aggressor, and instead of standing on the defen- 
sive or suffering itself to be quietly devoured, proceeds to 
capture and devour small game on its own account, and in 
this case, the leaf sometimes becomes a deadly weapon of 

209. Pitcher plants.— The sarracenia, or trumpet leaf, 
is a familiar example of this class. The lower part of the 
leaf blade is transformed -— 
into a hollow vessel for 
holding water, and the rounded into a 
broad flap called the 
lamina. Sometimes the 
lamina stands erect, as 
in the common yellow 
trumpets of our coast 
regions, and when this is 
the case, it is brilliantly 
colored and attracts in- 
sects (Fig. 259). Some- 
times, as in the parrot- 
beaked and the spotted 
trumpet leaf, it is bent [44 Mil lef lan 
over the top of the water Fic. 259. — Yellow trumpets (Sarracenia flora). 
vessel like a lid, and the (From the Mo. Botanical Garden Rep’t.) 
back of the leaf, near the foot of the lamina, is dotted with 
transparent specks that serve to decoy foolish flies away 
from the true opening and tempt them to wear themselves 
out in futile efforts to escape, as we often see them do against 
a window pane. 

If the contents of one of these leaves are examined with a 
lens, there will generally be found mixed with the water at the 
bottom the remains of the bodies of a large number of in- 
sects. The hairs on the outside all point up, toward the 
rim of the pitcher, while those on the inside turn down, 
thus smoothing the way to destruction, but making return 


impossible to a small insect when once it is ensnared. 
When we remember that these plants are generally found 
in poor, barren soil, we can appre- 
ciate the value to them of the ani- 
mal diet thus obtained. 

210. Flytraps. — The most re- 
markable examples of insect-catch. 
ing leaves are the Venus’s-flytrap, 
found in the seacoast region of 
North Carolina, and the sundew 
(Drosera rotundifolia), common on 
the margins of sandy bogs and 
ponds. The latter is a delicate, 
innocent-looking little plant, and 

- owes its poetic name to the dewlike 
appearance of a shining, sticky 
fluid exuded from glands on its 

leaves, which glitter in the sun like dewdrops. It is, however, 

a most voracious carnivorous plant, the sticky leaves acting 

as so many bits of fly paper by means of which it catches its 

Fic. 260.— Plant of sundew. 

Fies. 261-263. — Leaves of sundew magnified: 261, leaf expanded ; 262, leaf 
closing over captured insect ; 263, leaf digesting a meal. 

prey. When a fly has been trapped, the tentacles close 
upon it, the edges of the leaf curve inward, making a sort of 
stomach, from the glands of which an acid juice exudes and 


digests the meal. After a number of days, varying according 
to the digestibility of the diet, the blades slowly unfold again 
and are ready for another capture. 

The bladderwort, common in pools and still waters nearly 
everywhere, has its petioles transformed into floats, while 

Fic. 264. — Bladderwort, showing finely dissected submerged leaves 
bearing bladders for capturing animalcule. 

the finely dissected, rootlike blades bear little bladders which, 
when examined under the microscope, are found to contain 
the decomposed remains of captured animalcule. 

Practical Questions 

1. Can you find any kind of leaf that is not preyed upon by something ? 
If so, how do you account for its immunity ? 

2. Make a list of some of the most striking of the protected leaves of 
your neighborhood. 

3. What is the nature of the protective organ in each case? 

4, For protection against what does it seem to be specially adapted ? 

5. Are the plants in your list for the most part useful ones, or trouble- 
some weeds? 


6. Examine the leaves of the worst weeds that you know of and sea 
if these will help in any way to account for their persistency. 

Field Work 

(1) In connection with Sections I and II, observe the effect of the lob- 
ing and branching of leaves in letting the sunlight through. Notice any 
general differences that may appear as to shape, margin, and texture in the 
leaves of sun plants, shade plants, and water plants, and account for them. 
Study the arrangement of leaves on stems of various kinds, with reference 
to the size and shapes of leaves and their light relations. Consider the 
value of the various kinds of foliage for shade; for ornament; as producers 
of moisture; as food; as insect destroyers, etc. 

Make a special study of the twelve principal deciduous trees of your 
neighborhood. Compare the leaves, bark, and branches of the same 
trees so that you will be able to recognize them by any one of these means 

(2) In connection with Sections III and V, consider the effects upon soil 
moisture of transpiration from the leaves of forest trees and from those 
of shallow-rooted herbs and weeds that draw their water supply from 
the surface. Consider the value of forests in protecting crops from exces- 
sive evaporation by acting as wind breaks. Study the effect of the fall of 
leaves upon the formation of soil. In any undisturbed forest tract turn up 
a few inches of soil with a garden trowel and see what it is composed of. 
Notice what kind of plants grow in it. Note the absence of weeds and 
account for it. Compare the appearance of trees scattered along windy 
hillsides, where the fallen leaves are constantly blown away, or in any 
position where the soil is unrenewed, with those in an undisturbed forest, 
and then give an opinion as to the wisdom of hauling away the leaves every 
year from a timber lot. 

(3) In Section VII, observe, in different kinds of leaf mosaics, the means 
by which the adjustment has been brought about and the purpose it sub- 
serves. Make a list of plants illustrating the two habits. Notice the form 
and position of petioles of different leaves, and their effect upon light ex- 
posure, drainage, etc., and the behavior of the different kinds in the wind. 
Look for compass plants in your neighborhood, and for other examples of 
adjustment to heat and light. Study the position of leaves at different 
times of day and in different kinds of weather and note what changes occur 
and to what they are due. 

Make a list of ten plants that seem to you to have best worked out the 
problem of leaf adjustment, giving the reasons for your opinion. 

Study the drainage system of different plants and observe whether there 
is any general correspondence between the leaf drainage and the root sys- 


tems. This will lead to interesting questions in regard to irrigation and 
manuring. Where plants are crowded, the growth of both roots and 
leaves is complicated with so many other factors that it is best to select 
for observations of this sort specimens growing in more or less isolated 

Notice the time of the expansion and shedding of the leaves of different 
plants, and whether the early leafers, as a general thing, shed early or late ; 
in other words, whether there seems to be any general time relation be- 
tween the two acts of leaf expansion and leaf fall. 

(4) Under Section VIII, look for instances of modified leaves; study 
the nature of the different modifications you find, and try to understand 
their meaning and object. Make a collection (a) of all the leaves you can 
find modified to serve other than their normal purposes; (6) of all the 
organs of other kinds that have been modified to serve as leaves; (c) of 
all the modified parts of leaves — stipules and petioles — that you can 
find. Keep the collections separate, labeling each specimen with the 
name of the plant it belongs to, what part it is, what use it serves, 
when and where found. These collections need not be made individu- 
ally, but by the class as a whole and kept for the use of the school. 

Observe also (d) the differences between young and old leaves of the 
same kind, and the leaves of young and old plants or parts of plants of the 
same kind; (e) resemblances between young leaves belonging to plants of 
different species ; (f) between young leaves of one species and mature ones 
of one or more different species. Make a collection of all the specimens you 
can find illustrating the three points mentioned, referring each to its proper 
head, and giving the name and relative age — old or young — of all speci- 
mens collected. 


Materia. — For monocotyls, any flower of the lily family, such as 
tulip, dogtooth violet (Erythronium), trillium, star-of-Bethlehem, yucca, 
bear’s grass, and the like. The large garden lilies make particularly good 
examples, but they are for the most part spring bloomers. For autumn, 
spiderwort (Tradescantia), arrow grass (Sagittaria), or late specimens of 
colchicum and tiger lily may be used. Any of these will meet the essential 
conditions of the analysis given in the text, but care should be taken not to 
select for this exercise lily-like flowers of the iris and amaryllis families, 
which have the ovary inferior. 

For examples of hypogynous dicotyls, flax, linden, pinks, corn cockle, 
wood sorrel, poppies, tomato blossoms, and other common flowers can 
usually be obtained without difficulty. In autumn, the geraniums so 
largely cultivated for ornament will meet all the conditions of the analysis. 
Specimens of the cress family — wallflower, cabbage, mustard, turnip — 
can generally be found everywhere and at all seasons, and they possess 
the advantage of having their flowers throughout the order put up on so 
nearly the same pattern that a description of one species will answer, even 
in details, for the rest. 

For sympetalous specimens of the hypogynous type, hyacinth, lily of 
the valley, bearberry, huckleberry, or other equivalent forms may be 

APPLIANCES. — A compound microscope may be needed for examining 
minute objects, such as pollen grains and ovules; but for all other pur- 
poses, a good hand lens, with the pupil’s ordinary laboratory equipment 
of drawing-materials, notebook, and dissecting needles, will be sufficient 
for the studies outlined in this and the four succeeding sections. 

211. The floral envelopes.—- Make a sketch of your 
specimen flower from the outside. Is it solitary, or one of a 
cluster? If the latter, refer to 160-162 and tell the nature 
of the cluster. Notice the color; is it conspicuous enough 
to attract attention or not? Can this have anything to do 
with its clustered or solitary position? Label the head of 

the peduncle that supports the flower, receptacle; the outer 


greenish leaves, sepals; the inner, lighter-colored ones, 
petals. The sepals taken together form the calyx, and the 
petals, the corolla. Where the petals and sepals are all 



Fics. 265-267.— Flower of a monocotyl (star-of-Bethlehem), with superior 
ovary dissected: 265, entire flower, showing the different sets of organs: pet, 
petals; sep, sepals; sta, stamens; pist, pistil; ped, peduncle; 266, side view with 
all the petals and sepals but two removed to show order of the parts: r, recepta- 
cle; 0, ovary; sty, style; stig, stigma—parts composing the pistil; f, filament ; 
a, anther—parts composing the stamen; 267, cross section of the ovary: c, c, car- 
pels ; ov, ovules ; pl, placenta. 

separate and distinct, as in the tulip and the star-of-Bethle- 
hem, the corolla is said to be polypetalous and the calyx 

polysepalous, words meaning, respectively, many-petaled 
and many-sepaled. Monopetalous and monosepalous, or 

268 269 

Fics. 268-269.— Yucca blossom: 268, external view: br, bract; pd, peduncle ; 
r, receptacle; s, sepal; pet, petal; 269, vertical section: ped, peduncle; br, bract; 
r, receptacle; per, perianth; sta, stamen; v, ovary; sty, style; sig, stigma. The 
last three parts named compose the pistil. 
sympetalous and synsepalous, are terms used to describe a 
condition in which the petals or sepals are all united into 

one, as in the morning-glory and lily of the valley. In many 


flowers, there is little or no difference between the two sets of 
organs. In such cases the calyx and corolla together are 
called the perianth, but the distinction of parts is always 
observed, the outer divisions being regarded as sepals, the 
inner ones as petals. These two sets of organs constitute 
the floral envelopes, and are not essential parts of the flower, 
as it can fulfill its office of producing fruit and seed without 
them. Note their number, mode of attachment to the 
receptacle, and how they alternate with each other. Re- 
move one of the sepals and one of the petals, and notice any 
differences between them as to size, shape, or color. Which is 
most like a foliage leaf? Hold each up to the light and try 
to make out the veining. Is it the same as that of the foliage 
leaves? Ifa light-colored flower is used, examine a specimen 
that has stood in coloring fluid. How many of each set are 

212. The essential organs. — Next sketch the flower on 
its inner face, labeling the appendages just within the petals, 
stamens, and the central organ 
within the ring of stamens, 
pistil. These are called essen- 
tial organs because they are 
necessary to the production of 
fruit and seed. Note their 
mode of insertion, three of the 
stamens in a flower like the 
star-of-Bethlehem alternating 


270 271 272 274 
Fies. 270-274.— Stamens: 270, a 

typical stamen with the terminal an- 
ther, 6, surmounting the filament, u, 
and opening in the normal manner 
down the outer side of each cell ; 271, 
stamen of tulip tree, with adnate ex- 
trorse anther; 272, stamen of an eve- 
ning primrose (@nothera) with versatile 
anther; 273, stamen of pyrola, the 
anther cells opening by chinks or pores 
at the top ; 274, stamen of a cranberry, 
with the anther cells prolonged into a 
tube and opening by a pore at the apex. 
(After Gray.) 

with the petals, and the other 
three with these and with the 
lobes of the base of the pistil. 

213. The stamens. — No- 
tice whether the stamens are 
all alike, or whether there are 
differences as to size, height, 
shape, color, etc. Do these 
differences, if there are any, 


occur indiscriminately and without order, or in regular suc- 
cession between the alternating stamens? Examine one of 
the little powdery yellow bodies at the tip of the stamens, 
and see whether they face toward the pistil or away from it. 

Remove one of the stamens and sketch as it appears under 
the lens, labeling the powdery yellow body at the top, 
anther, and the stalklike body supporting it, filament. Usu- 
ally the filaments are threadlike, whence their name, but 
sometimes, as in the star-of-Bethlehem, they are flattened 
and look like altered petals. See if you can find such a one. 
What would you infer from this fact as to the possible origin 
of the stamens? (100.) 

Notice the two little sacs or pouches that compose the 
anther, as to their shape and manner of opening, or dehisc- 
ing, to discharge the powder 
contained in them. This 
powder is called pollen, and i 
will be seen under the lens 276 277 978 
to consist of little yellow, He. 27. 27, Romt ot nln: 
grains. These are of differ- wild balsam apple; 278, hibiscus. (After 
ent shapes, colors, and sizes, °™4?? 
in different plants, and their surface often appears beautifully 
grooved and striate when sufficiently magnified. Place some 
of the pollen under the microscope and draw two of the 
grains, with their markings. In the hibiscus and others of 
the mallow family, they are large enough to be seen with a 
hand lens. 

214. The pistil.— Remove the stamens and sketch the 
pistil as it stands on the receptacle. Label the round or 
oval enlargement at the base, ovary, the threadlike appendage 
rising from its center, style, and the tip end of the style, 
stigma. In some specimens the style may be very short, or 
wanting. In this case the stigma is sessile, and the pistil 
consists of stigma and ovary alone. If the stigma is lobed 
or parted, count the divisions and see if there is any corre- 
spondence between them and the number of petals and sepals, 


or of the lobes of the ovary. Examine the tip with a lens 
and notice the sticky, mucilaginous exudation that moistens 
it. Can you think of any use for this? If not, touch one of 
the powdery anthers to it, and examine it again with a lens. 
What do you see? Can you blow or dust the pollen from 
the stigma? 

215. Pollination, or the transfer of pollen from the anther 
to the stigma, is a matter of great importance, as the pistil 
cannot develop seed without it, except in the case of a few 
plants like the Alpine everlasting, some species of meadow 
rue (Thalictrum), and Alchemilla, which have the unusual 
faculty of perfecting seeds in the absence of pollen. Note 
the relative position of pistils and stamens and see if it is 
such that the pollen can reach the stigma without external 

216. The ovary. — Observe the shape of the ovary, and 
the number of ridges, or grooves, that divide the surface. 
Select a flower which has begun to 
wither, so that the ovary is well 
developed, cut a cross section near 
the middle, and try to make out the 
number of locules, or internal divi- 
sions. Do you perceive any corre- 
spondence in number between these 



Fies. 279, 280.— Ovary of 

yucca, a hypogynous mono- 
cotyl, dissected: 279, vertical 
section ; ov, ovules ; 280, diagram 
of a horizontal section of the 

and the ridges or lobes outside (Fig. 
280)? Between them and the lobes 
of the stigma? The walls that 
inclose the cavities of the ovary 

same, enlarged, showing the 
three carpels and six locules ; 
ds, dorsal sutures; vs, ventral 
sutures; ov, ovules; pl, pla- 

are called carpels, and the ridges or 
depressions that mark their point 
of union on the outside are the 
sutures, orseams. The little round 
bodies in the locules, as the compartments of the ovary are 
called, are the ovules, which will later be developed into seeds. 
Their place of attachment is the placenta. If they are 
attached to the walls of the carpels (Fig. 281), the placenta 


is parietal ; if to a central axis formed by the edges of the 
carpels projecting inwards (Fig. 282), it is central and axial ; 
if instead of being attached to the carpels, the ovules are 
' borne on a projection from the receptacle, the placenta is a 
free central one (Fig. 283). If your cross section shows a 
central placenta, make 

a vertical cut down to 
the receptacle and find Ga) 
out whether it is free, (Se) iC 
or axial. What ap- 

pears to be the primary 281 282 283 

9 Fics. 281-283.— Different kinds of placenta : 
office of the ovary ! 281, parietal; 282, central and axial; 283, free 
Make an enlar ge d_ central. 281 and 282 are horizontal sections ; 283, 

sketch of your speci- ‘7% 
men in both vertical and horizontal section, labeling correctly 
all the parts observed. 

217. Numerical plan.-- Make a horizontal diagram 
of the plan of the whole flower, after the model given in 
Fig. 284, showing the order of attachment of the different 
cycles, — sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils, — the number 
of organs in each set, and their mode of alternation with the 
organs of the other cycles. Notice that the 
parts of each set are in threes, or multiples 
of three. This is called the numerical plan 
of the flower, and is the prevailing number 
among monocotyls. It is expressed in bo- 

Fie, 984,—-Hori. tanical language by saying that the flower is 
zontal diagram of a trimerous, @ word meaning measured, or 
Fe ey int. divided off, into parts of three. 
ie ae axis of 278. Vertical order.— Next make a ver- 

: tical diagram of your specimen after the 
manner shown in Fig. 269, and note carefully that the ovary 
stands above the other organs (this is true of all the lily 
family), and is entirely separate and distinct from them. In 
such cases the ovary is said to be free, or superior, and the 
other organs inferior, or hypogynous, a word meaning “ in- 


serted under the pistil.” These terms should be remembered, 
as the distinction is an important one in plant evolution. 

219. Summary of observations. — In the flower just ex- 
amined, we found that there were four sets of floral organs 
present — sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil; that the indi- 
vidual organs in each set were alike in size and shape; that 
there were the same number, or multiples of the same 
number of parts in each set, and that all the parts of each set 
were entirely separate and disconnected, the one from the 
other, and from those of the other cycles. Such a flower is 
said to be: — 

Perfect, that is, provided with both kinds of organs essen- 
tial to the production of seed — stamens and pistil. 

Complete, having all the kinds of organs that a flower can 
have: viz. two sets of essential organs, and two sets of 
floral envelopes. 

Symmetrical, having the same number of organs, or mul- 
tiples of the same number, in each set. 

Regular, having all the parts of each set of the same size 
and shape, as in the wild rose and bellflower, or if different, 
arranged in regular order or pairs, so that there will be a 
correspondence between the two sides of the flower, as in the 
violet, sweet pea, sage, and larkspur. For convenience, the 
two kinds may be distinguished as complete and bilateral 
regularity, respectively. 

The opposites of these terms are: imperfect, incomplete, 
asymmetrical or unsymmetrical, and irregular. 

Note that regularity refers to form, symmetry to number 
of parts, and that a flower may be perfect without being 

220. Dissection of a typical dicotyl flower. — (Poppy, 
flax, pink, tomato, linden, ete., can be substituted for the 
specimen used in the text.) Gently remove the sepals and 
petals from a wallflower, stock, mustard, or other cress 
flower, lay them on the table before you in exactly the order 
in which they grew on the stem, and sketch them. How 


many of each are there, and how do they alternate with one 
another? Sketch the pistil and stamens as they stand on: 

Fics. 285-288.—A flower of the cress family: 285, side view ; 286, view from 

above ; 287, diagram of parts: p, petals; s, sepals; st, stamens; yi, pistil; cl, claw 
of petal; -+, +, position of the missing stamens; 288, pistil and stamens, enlarged. 
(After GRAY.) 

the receptacle; how many of the latter are there? Notice 
that two of the six are outside and a little below the others, 
alternate with the petals, while the other four stand opposite 
them, as is natural, if they were alternating with another 
ring of stamens between themselves and the corolla. Puta 
dot before two of the sepals in your first drawing to indicate 
the position of the two outer stamens, and a cross before 
the other two to show where stamens are wanting to com- 
plete the symmetry of this set, as in Fig. 287. When parts 
necessary to complete the plan of a flower are wanting, as 
in this case, they are said to be obsolete, suppressed, or 
aborted. Place dots before the petals to represent the other 
four stamens. Sketch one of the anthers as it appears 
under a lens, showing the arrow-shaped base, and the 
mode of attachment to the filament. Is it such that the 
pollen can reach the stigma without external agency? In 
what manner do the anthers open to discharge their pollen ? 
Are the anthers and stigma mature at the same time? 
Remove all the stamens from a flower and sketch the pistil, 
showing the long, slender ovary, the very short style, and the 


capitate (that is, round and knoblike) stigma. Make cross 
and vertical sections of one of the older pistils lower down 
on the stem. Howmany 
ovules does it contain? 
How are they attached ? 
Represent the position 
of the pistil by a small 
circle in the center of 
your sketch of the sep- 
arate parts. You have 
now a complete ground 
plan of the flower. Dia- 
gram a vertical section, 

as in Fig. 289, showing 
Fic. 289. — Section of a tomato flower, show- 

ing the hypogynous arrangement: cz, calyx; the position of the ovary 
c, corolla; s, stamens; p, pistil; v, ovary, st, With reference to the 

stigma. (T'wice natural size.) other parts, antl report 
in your notebook as to the following points : — 

Numerical plan Presence or absence of parts 
Symmetry Union of parts 
Regularity (complete or bilateral) Position of ovary 


MarerraL. — For monocotyls: in spring and early summer, iris, snow- 
flake, freesia, crocus, narcissus, daffodil, can be used; in autumn, gladiolus, 
blackberry lily, fall crocus, star grass (Hypoxys). For dicotyls: in spring, 
flowers of apple, pear, quince, gooseberry, squash, gourd, melon (with both 
male and female flowers); in late summer and autumn, fuchsia, evening 
primrose (Gnothera), willow-herb (Epilobium). 

221. Study of a monocotyl flower.— Compare with the 
specimens examined in the last section, a narcissus, snow- 
flake, or iris flower. What difference do you notice in the 
position of the ovary? Would you call it inferior (below the 
other parts) or superior (above them)? How was it in the 
lily and the hyacinth? If your specimen is an iris, notice 
that it is sessile in the axil of a large bract called a spathe, 

which conceals the lower part of the flower. 



Remove the 

spathe and observe that the lower part of the perianth is 
united into a long, narrow tube, from 

Fic. 290.—Iris flower: 
sp, spathes; s, sepals + p, 

petals = perianth. 

narrowed and bent inward, petals. 

Sketch the out- 
side of the flower, 
labeling the ob- 
long, three-lobed 
enlargement at 
the base, ovary; 
the prolongation 
above it, tube of 
the perianth; the 
three outer lobes 
with the broad 
sessile bases, 
sepals; the others, 
with their bases 

the top of which the sepals and petals 
extend as long, curving lobes. 

of parts. — 


Fic. 291.— Vertical 
section of iris flower: 
ov, ovules ; pl, placenta ; 
tu, tube of the perianth 
inclosing the style; sta, 
stamen ; sti, stigma: vo, 
ovary. (After GRay.) 

Now turn the flower over 

and sketch the inside, labeling the three large, petal-like expan- 

sions in the center, 
stigmas. Do you 
see any stamens? 
Remove one of 
the sepals and 
look under the 
stigma; what do 
you find there? 
Notice the little 
honey pockets at 
the foot of the 
stamen. Run the 


292.— Vertical 
section of iris flower, with 
perianth removed, showing 
a stamen and three stig- 
mas: su, stigmatic surface. 

Fie. 293.—Cross sec- 
tion of ovary of iris flower: 
c,¢, earpels; 1, 1, locules; 
ov, ovules; pl, placenta. 

head of your pencil into them and see what would happen 
to the head of an insect probing for honey. 


Remove the perianth and sketch the remaining organs in 
profile, showing the position of the stamens. Do you see 
any advantage in their position? Can you determine the 
use of the crest of hairlike filaments on the upper side of the 
sepals? Remove a stamen and sketch it. 

223. The pistil.— Remove as much of the upper part of 
the perianth tube as you can without injuring the pistil, 
and with a sharp knife cut a vertical section down through 
the ovary so as to show the long style and its connection with 
the placenta. Make a sketch of this longitudinal section 
(see Fig. 291), labeling the parts observed. Notice whether 
the placenta is central or parietal. Draw a cross section of 
the ovary; how many locules has it? How many ovules in 
each? Where are they attached? Is the placenta free 
central or axial (Fig. 293)? Examine with a lens the little 
flap at the base of the two-cleft apex of one of the stigmas, and 
look for a moist spot to which the pollen will adhere. Label 
this in your sketch, stigmatic surface. No seeds can be ma- 
tured unless some of the pollen reaches this surface; can you 
think by what agency it is carried there? What insects 
have you seen hovering about the iris? Notice that in 
drawing his head out of the flower, an insect would not 
touch the stigmatic surface, since it is on the wpper side of 
the flap and he would be probing under it. But in entering 

the next flower that he visits, he is likely to 
. strike his head against the flap and turn it 

under, thus dusting it with pollen brought 

‘@) from another flower. 
224. Diagrams. — Draw diagrams show- 
ing the horizontal and vertical arrangement 
Fic. 294.—Hori- of parts in the iris or other specimen ex- 
fontal diagramofiris amined, and compare with those made of 
the monocotyl studied in the preceding sec- 
tion. In what respect does it differ from them? How do 
you account for the difference in the number of stamens, if 

there is any? (220.) 


_ 228. The vertical order.— The difference in vertical 
arrangement is an important one. Bear in mind that flowers 
of this type have the ovary inferior, that is, inserted under 
the other organs (Figs. 296, 304), which are then said to be 
superior, or epigynous, a word which, as you know from the 
prefix epi (47), means over or above the pistil. To make the 
matter clear, the two sets of terms employed for describing 
the position of the ovary are given below in parallel columns: 

Hypogynous Epigynous 
Ovary superior Ovary inferior 
Calyx or perianth inferior Calyx or perianth superior 

The epigynous arrangement is considered as marking a 
higher stage of floral development than the hypogynous, 
which is characteristic of a more 
simple and primitive structure. 

226. Dissection of a dicotyl 
flower.— Sketch a blossom of 
quince or apple, fuchsia, evering 
primrose, etc., first from the out- 
side, then from the inside, and 
then in vertical section, labeling 
the parts as in 
your other 
sketches. No- | 
tice in the pear 
or apple how 
the ovary is 
sunk in the 

receptacle. Fires. 295-296. —Evening primrose, dicotyl flower with in- 
Wh ferior ovary: 295, exterior view; 296, longitudinal section, 
ere are the showing vertical arrangement of parts. 

other parts 

attached? Are they inferior or superior? Hold up a petal 
to the light and ‘examine its venation through a lens. (Use 
for this purpose a petal from a flower that has stood in red 
ink for two or three hours.) Is it parallel-veined or net- 


veined? If the flowers are clustered, what is the order of 
inflorescence? Does the position of the flowers on their 
branch correspond to that of 
the leaf axils on the same 
kind of plant? 

227. The stamens. — Re- 
move the petals from a flower 
and examine the stamens 
with a lens. Notice the at- 
tachment and shape of the 
anthers. Are they all of the 
same color? How do you 
account for the difference, if 
there is any? Is the posi- 
tion of the pistil and stamens 
such that the pollen from 

Fies. 297-300. — Flower and sections 


of pear: 297, cluster of blossoms, showing 
inflorescence; 298, vertical section of a 
flower; 299, ground plan of a flower; 300, 

the anthers can readily reach 
the stigmas without external 
aid? Examine the pistil in 

vertical section of fruit. 
flowers of different ages, and 

see if the stigma is mature (that is, moist and sticky) at the 
same time that the anthers are discharging their pollen. 
Make an enlarged sketch of a stamen showing the shape of 
the anther and the method of opening to discharge pollen. 

228. The pistils. — How many pistils do you find in the 
apple blossom (or other flower under examination)? Are they 
distinct, or united? Find where the styles originate ; what 
do you see there? Make a cross section of the ovary and 
count the locules; how does their number compare with 
that of the styles? Can you make out the number of ovules 
in each? If not, use a young fruit; as it is only an enlarged 
ovary, it will show the parts correctly. Compare it with a 
ripe fruit and see if all the ovules matured. Can you think 
of any reasons why some of them might fail? Do you see 
any signs of nourishment stored in the ovary? Name all 
the ways you can think of in which the ovary can benefit the 


ovules and seeds. Draw the ovary in cross and vertical 
sections, labeling correctly all the parts. 

229. The numerical plan of dicotyls. — Diagram the plan 
of the flower in cross and vertical section. How many parts 
are there in each set? Can you tell readily 
the number of stamens? When the indi- 
viduals of any set or cycle of organs are too 
numerous to be easily counted, like the 
stamens of the apple, pear, and peach, or 
the petals of the water lily, they are said 
to be indefinite. Itis very seldom that per- 
fect symmetry is found in all parts of the ; 
flower. The stamens and pistil, in partic- ghee ear e is 
ular, show a great tendency to variation, so ™ond blossom with 

é petals removed, show- 
that the numerical plan is generally deter- ing the perigynous 
mined by the calyx and corolla. Where the ®722ement- 
parts are in fives, as in the pear, quince, and wild rose, the 
flower is said to be pentamerous, or in sets of five. This is the 
prevailing number among dicotyls, though other orders are 


302 303 
Fics. 302-304.— Diagrams showing arrangement of parts with reference to the 
ovary: bd, receptacle; k, calyx; kr, corolla; st, stamens; fr, ovary; g, style; n, 
stigma; 302, perigynous; 303, hypogynous; 304, epigynous. 
not uncommon. In the mustard family (220) and other 
well-known species, the fourfold order prevails, while some 
of the saxifrages have their parts in twos, and the magnolia 
and the pawpaw have a threefold arrangement. 


230. Intermediate types. — Flowers like the peach and 
rose represent an intermediate type in which the calyx, 
petals, and stamens are attached to a prolongation of the 
receptacle that extends above the ovary, but is not united 
with it (Fig. 301). In general, a flower is not considered as 
belonging to the epigynous kind unless the ovary is more or 
less consolidated with the parts around it (Fig. 304). 


Marteriau. — The largest heads attainable should be selected, as the 
florets are small at best, and difficult to handle. The large cultivated sun- 
flower (Helianthus annuus) makes an ideal specimen, if accessible. Oxeye 
daisy and dandelion can be obtained throughout the season almost every- 
where, but the former has no pappus, and the latter does not show the 
tubular disk flowers. Other common specimens are: for spring, mayweed, 
Jerusalem artichoke, coreopsis, arnica; for late summer and autumn, 
China aster, golden aster (Chrysopsis), sneezeweed, elecampane — and, 
in fact, the great majority of flowers to be found at this season are of the 
composite family. Oxeye daisy is used as a model in the text on account 
of its general accessibility, but almost any specimen of the radiate kind 
will meet all essential conditions of the analysis. 

231. The ray flowers. — Examine the upper side of an ox- 
eye daisy through a lens. Of what is the yellow button in the 
center composed? Count the narrow, petal-like rays dis- 
posed around 
the center. To 
decide what they 
are, look for a 
small two-cleft 
body at the base 
of the ray; this 
is the pistil. 
Do you see any 
stamens in the 

307 ray? An exam- 

Fias. 305-308.— An oxeye daisy : 305, a flower head; ination will 
306, vertical section of a head; 307, disk flower; 308, ray : show 
flower, enlarged. that all the rays 


contain pistils, but no stamens ; they are, therefore, not petals, 
but the corollas of imperfect flowers. Look at the upper edge 
of a ray of sneezeweed, coreopsis, arnica, chicory, etc., for 
small teeth or notches ; these represent the lobes of a sympet- 
alous corolla. Split one of the tubular corollas of the disk 
down one side and open it out flat; does it throw any light 
on the morphology of the ray? In many composite plants, 
as the sunflower, coneflower, coreopsis, the rays are all neutral ; 
that is, they have neither pistil nor stamens. Are they of any 
use in such cases? If you are in doubt, remove all the rays 
from a head; would the disk be noticeable enough to attract 
attention without them? What is the principal office of 
the rays? 

232. The involucre. — Look at the cluster of green, leafy 
scales on the under side of the head. It is not a calyx, but 
a collection of bracts, called an involucre. Have you ever 
noticed the bracts under the separate flowers on a raceme? 
(161.) What would be the position of the bracts if all the 
flowers of the raceme were compacted into a head like the 
daisy or sunflower? Is the involucre of any use? Cut it 
away gently so as not to disturb the other organs and see 
what happens to the rays. 

233. The disk flowers. — Cut a vertical section through 
the head of a flower and notice the broad, flat receptacle (in 
some cases round or columnar) on which the tiny florets 
are seated. Observe whether it is naked, or whether it 
bears chaffy scales inclosing the florets. Make an enlarged 
drawing of this section, showing the insertion of the dif- 
ferent parts and labeling them all correctly. What differ- 
ences do you observe between the disk and the ray flowers? 

234. The pappus. — Open one of the disk flowers with a 
dissecting needle and observe the small striate (in some 
specimens, hairy) body to which the base of the style is at- 
tached. This is the ovary, inclosed in the lower part of the 
calyx, which has become incorporated with it. When mature, 
it will form a small, one-seeded fruit called an akene. Can 


you see the ovule? Where is it attached? (Use a mature 
akene for this purpose.) In most plants of this family, the 
akene is surmounted by delicate hairy bristles, as in the 
dandelion, wild lettuce, and groundsel; or by small chaffy 
scales, as in the sneezeweed and sunflower, and sometimes 
by hooks and barbed hairs, like those of the tickseed, bur 
marigold, and cocklebur. These appendages constitute the 
pappus. They are modifications 
of the sepals, and serve an impor- 
tant purpose in aiding the dis- 
tribution of the seed. Can you 

310 311 312 313 

Figs. 309-314. — Akenes of the composite family: 309, mayweed (no 
papp’s); 310, chicory (pappus a shallow cup); 311, sunflower (pappus of two 
dcciduous scales); 312, sneezeweed (Helenitum, pappus of five scales); 313, sow 

thistle (pappus of delicate downy hairs); 314, dandelion, tapering below the 
pappus into along beak. (After Gray.) 

suggest some of the ways in which they may aid in accom- 
plishing this object ? 

235. The stamens and pistil.— Remove the corolla of a 
disk flower carefully so as not to disturb the inclosed organs, 
and notice how the stamens are united into a tube by their 
anthers. Flatten out the tube and make an enlarged sketch 
of it, showing the long, narrow shape of the anthers and their 
mode of attachment. Can you make out how they open to 
discharge their pollen? Examine one of the younger florets 
near the center of the disk, and observe that the tip of the 
style is inclosed in the anther tube with the lobes of the 
stigma pressed tightly together by their inner faces (Fig. 315), 
so that it is impossible for any of the pollen to reach the stig- 

matic surface. It remains in this position till the anthers have 
shed their polien, then, as may be seen by examining an older 
flower, the style begins to elongate, pushing up the pollen 
that has fallen on the hairy outside of the closed stigma, and 
forcing it out of the corolla tube, where it can be scattered 
by insects among the other 
flowers of the cluster. When 
the pollen of its own floret 
has been thus disposed of, the 
stigma lobes open and curl 
outward, ready to receive the 
pollen from other flowers. 
This arrangement is practi- 
cally universal among plants 
of the composite. family ; can 
you divine its object? It 
will beshown later, that much 
larger and stronger seeds are 

315 316 317 

produced when the pistil is 
pollinated from a different 
flower, or, better still, from a 
different plant of the same 
species; hence, you see what 

Fies. 315-317.— Flowers of Arnica 
montana, showing successive stages in pol- 
lination: 315, pistil just extruding from 
anther tube, covered with pollen, but with 
stigmatic surfaces closed; 316, stigma 
opened and mature ; 317, stigma recurved 
to receive pollen from its own or neigh- 
boring anthers if foreign pollen has not 

- . . hi d it. 
a useful adaptation this is. reached: 

236. Nature of a composite flower. — It will be evident, 
from the examination just made, that the daisy, dandelion, 
sunflower, etc., are not single flowers, but compact heads 
of small blossoms so closely united as to appear like a single 
individual; hence they are said to be composite, or com- 
pound. They are the most numerous and widely dissem- 
inated of all plants, comprising one seventh of the entire 
flowering vegetation of the globe, and are regarded by 
botanists as representing the most advanced stage of floral 
evolution. Can you point out some of the adaptations to 
which their success in solving the problems of plant life is 
due? (164.) 



MareriaL. — For spring and early summer: sweet pea, black locust, 
wistaria, lupine, or any of the characteristic butterfly-shaped flowers of 
the pea family. For autumn or late summer: tropzolum, monkshood, 
or a bilabiate flower — snapdragon, digitalis, dead nettle, salvia, catalpa, 
etc. — of the mint or figwort family. 

237. Irregularity and specialization. — Irregularity and 
bilateral regularity are, as a rule, indicative of specialization, 
or adaptation to a particular purpose, such as the ready 
distribution of pollen, or its protection against injury. These 
adaptations are more noticeable in the corolla than in other 
parts, and hence flowers of this kind are usually classed 
according to the shape of their corollas. The most highly 
specialized flowers in this respect are the orchids, but they 
are too rare and difficult of access to be available objects for 
study. The most familiar and widely distributed kinds of 
specialized corollas are the bilabiate, or two-lipped, and the 
papilionaceous, ov butterfly, forms. The first is characteris- 
tic of the mint and figwort families, of which the toadflax, 
sage, and catalpa are familiar examples. The second com- 
prises the well-known papilionaceous flowers of the pea 
family, named from the Latin word papilio, a butterfly, on 
account of their general resemblance to that insect. 

238. Dissection of a papilionaceous flower. — Sketch a 
blossom of any kind of pea or vetch as it appears on the 
outside. Are the sepals all of the same length and 
shape? If not, which are the shorter, the upper or the 
lower ones? P 

Turn the flower over and examine its inner face. Notice 
the large, round, and usually upright petal at the back, the 
two smaller ones on each side, and the boat-shaped body 
between them, formed of two small petals more or less united 
at the apex. Press the side petals gently down with the 
thumb and forefinger and notice how the essential organs are 
forced out from the little boat in which they are concealed. 


Observe how the end of the style is bent over so as to bring 
the stigma uppermost when the petals are depressed. Imag- 
ine the legs of a bee or a butterfly resting there as he probed 
for honey; with what organ would his body first come in 
contact when he alighted? If his thorax and abdomen had 
previously become dusted with pollen when visiting another 
flower, where would the pollen be deposited? Do you notice. 
anything in the color, shape, or odor of this flower that would 
be likely to attract insects? Have you ever observed insects 

Fies. 318-322. — Dissection of » papilionaceous flower: 318, front view of a 
corolla; 319, the petals displayed: v, vexillum, or standard; w, wings; k, keel ; 
320, side view with all except one of the lower petals removed, showing the essential 
organs protected in the keel: J, loose stamen; st, stamen tube; 321, side view, 
showing how the anthers protrude when the keel is depressed ; 322, ground plan. 
(After GRAY.) 
hovering around flowers of this kind; for example, in clover 
and pea fields, and about locust trees and wistaria vines? 
What kind of insects, chiefly, have you seen about them? 

Remove the sepals and petals from one side, and sketch 
the flower in longitudinal section, showing the position of the 
pistil and stamens. Then remove all the petals, and spread 
in their natural order on the table before you, and sketch as 
they lie (Fig. 319). Label the large, round upper one, 
standard or vexillum; the smaller pair on each side, wings, 
and the two more or less coherent ones in which the pistil 
and stamens are contained, keel. 

239. The stamens.— Count the stamens, and notice 

how they are united into two sets of nine and one. Stamens 


united in this way, no matter what the number in each set, 
are said to be diadelphous, that is, in two brotherhoods. 
Notice the position of the lone brother, whether below the 
pistil — next to the keel —or above, facing the vexillum. 
Would the projection of the pistil, when the wings are de- 
pressed, be facilitated to the same extent if the opening in the 
stamen tube were on the other side, or if the filaments were 
monadelphous — all united into one set? Flatten out the 
stamen tube, or sheath, formed by the united filaments, and 
sketch it. 

240. The pistil. — Remove all the parts from around the 
pistil, and sketch it as it stands upon the receptacle. Look 
through your lens for the stigmatic surface (223). See if 
there are any hairs on the style, and if so, whether they 
are on the front, the back, or all around. Can you think of a 
use for these hairs? Notice how the long, narrow ovary is 
attached to the receptacle; is it sessile, or raised on a short 
footstalk? If the latter, label the footstalk, stipe. Select a 
well-developed pistil from one of the lower flowers, open the 
ovary parallel with its flattened sides, and sketch the two 
halves as they appear under the lens. Notice to which side 
the ovules are attached, the upper (toward the vexillum) or 
the lower, and label it, placenta. How many locules has the 
ovary? How many carpels? How can you tell (216)? 

241. Plan of the flower. — Diagram the flower in hori- 
zontal and vertical section, and decide upon the following 

points : — 
Numerical plan 
Union of parts 
Position of the ovary 

242. Significance of these distinctions. — These distinc- 
tions are important to remember, not only because they are 
very useful in grouping and classifying plants, but because 
they mark successive stages in the evolution of the flower. 
In general, flowers of a primitive type and less advanced 


organization are characterized by having their organs free 
and hypogynous, while the more highly developed forms show 
a tendency to consolidation and union of parts, and the 
epigynous mode of 
insertion. Irregular- 
ity also, since it in- 
dicates specialization 
and adaptation to a 
particular purpose, 
may be regarded as a 
mark of advanced 

243. Dissection of 
a bilabiate flower. — 
Make a similar study 
of the flower of a 

salvia, dead netile, Fics. 323, 324.—Salvia: 323, a newly opened 

flower, showing the pollen-covered anther striking 
catalpa, or other spec- the back of a visiting bee; 324, an older flower, 

imen of the bilabiate with the protruding pistil rubbing against the back 
ein a ‘Mule diagrams of a bee covered with pollen from a younger flower. 
and report as to (1) numerical plan; (2) presence or absence 
of parts; (3) regularity; (4) union of parts; (5) position of 
ovary. Observe especially the relative position of stigma 

Figs. 325, 326.—Salvia: 325, longitudinal section through a flower, showing 
the rocking connective which is struck at a by a visiting insect; 326, section of the 
same flower after being visited, showing the lower arm of the connective pushed 
back and lowering the anther. 
and anthers; is it such that the pollen can reach the stigma 
without external aid? Does the peculiar shape of the corolla 

serve any other purpose than to attract the attention of 


insect visitors by its conspicuous appearance? What is the 
use of the projecting underlip? Is it any convenience to a 
bee, for instance, to have a platform to rest on while gather- 
ing pollen or honey? What is the use of the arched upper 
lip? Cut it away and notice the exposed condition of the 
stamens and pistil. Turn a flower upside down; what 
would be the effect on a visiting bee or butterfly? (Exps. 
83, 84.) 

244. Morphology of the flower. — We have seen that the 
venation of petals and sepals corresponds in a general way 
with that of foliage leaves of the class to 
which they belong, and that their arrange- 
ment around their axis is analogous to the 
arrangement of foliage leaves on the branch. 
In our study of 
inflorescence, it 
was observed that 
flowers and flower 
buds occur in the 
same _ positions 
where leaf buds 
occur, and that 
they are subject 

Fic. 327.— Staminodia, trans- 
formed stamens of canna simu- tO the same laws 

arrangement ad 

Fie. 328.— 
and growth. We fiower of a cactus 
learned, also, in our study of leaves, some- (cereus | greggi, 
thing about the wonderful modifications that from Salen ta 
these organs are capable of undergoing; and ?¢™s 
finally, an examination of a number of different flowers has 
shown them capable of undergoing modifications to an equal 
or even greater extent, and examples of the transition of 
almost any floral organ into another may be observed by one 
who will take the trouble to look for it. Stamens and petals 
are found in all stages of transformation, from the slightly 

flattened filament of the star-of-Bethlehem, or the yellow 

lating petals: pet, petals; st, of 


pollen speck on the petal of a rose, to the brilliant staminodia, 
or transformed stamens of the canna (Fig. 327), which simu- 
late petals so perfectly that their real nature is never sus- 
pected by the ordinary observer. The transition from spines 
and bracts to the brilliant corolla of the cactus (Fig. 328) 
is so gradual that we are hardly aware of it till we examine a 
specimen and see it actually going on before our eyes. 

It must not be supposed, however, that an organ is ever 
developed as one thing and then deliberately changed into 
something else. When we speak loosely of one organ being 
modified into another, the meaning is merely that it has de- 
veloped into one thing instead of into something else that it 
was equally capable of developing into. 

245. The course of floral evolution. — For the reasons 
mentioned, the flower is regarded as merely a branch with 
modified leaves and the internodes indefinitely shortened so 
as to bring the successive cycles into close contact, the whole 
being greatly altered and specialized to serve a particular 
purpose. With this conception of the nature of the flower, 
we can readily see that the less specialized its organs are and 
the more nearly they approach in structure and arrangement 
to the condition of an undifferentiated branch, the more 
primitive and undeveloped is the type to which it belongs. 
On the other hand, if the parts are highly specialized and 
widely differentiated from the crude branch, a proportion- 
ately high stage of floral evolution is indicated. 


Marertar. — For this exercise, flowers of the mallow family — holly- 
hock, abutilon, mallow, hibiscus, cotton, okra, etc.— are particularly 
recommended because they have pollen grains so large that they can be 
studied fairly well with a hand lens. Lily, tulip, iris, etc., will also meet all 
essential conditions of the study outlined in the text. A strand of silk 
from a pollinated ear of corn is an excellent example for showing the 
growth of the pollen tube, under the microscope. 

APPLIANCES. — A compound microscope; a watch crystal; sugar solu- 
tion of 5 to 15 per cent. 


Put a drop of 5 per cent sugar solution into a watch crystal or a concave 
slide, seal by smearing the edges with vaseline, and cover with a glass 
to keep out the dust. Examine at intervals of five minutes under the 
microscope (a hand lens will show the result with the specimens recom- 
mended, though not so well), and the pollen grains will be observed to send 
out long filaments or tubes into the sirup, as a germinating seedling sends 
its radicle into the soil. 

246. Office of the flower. — The one object of the flower 
is the production of fruit and seed, and all its wonderful 
specializations and variations of form and color tend either 
directly or indirectly to this end. 

247. Pollination and fertilization. — It was stated in 215 
that only in very exceptional cases can seed be developed 
unless some of the pollen reaches the stigma. This act, 
called pollination, is an essential step in seed production, but 
is not sufficient to secure that end unless it leads to the process 
known as fertilization. Successful pollination is a necessary 
preliminary to fertilization, and the one begins where the 
other ends. 

248. The next step toward fertilization. — Examine with a 
lens the pollinated pistil of a mallow, lily, or other large 
flower, and notice the flabby, withered appearance of grains 
that have stood for some time on the stigma, as com- 
pared with those of a newly opened anther. Can you ac- 
count for the difference? Touch the tip of your tongue 
to the stigma, or apply the proper chemical test, and it will 
be seen that the sticky fluid which it exudes, contains sugar. 
Refer to Exp. 77 and say what effect this substance has 
on the pollen. 

249. The pollen tube. — The same thing happens when a 
pollen grain falls on the moist. surface of the stigma. It 
begins to germinate by sending a little tube down into the 
substance of the pistil, and the withered appearance of the 
grains on the stigma results from the nourishment in them 
having been exhausted, just as the endosperm of the seed is 
exhausted when the embryo begins to germinate. Here, how- 


ever, the analogy ends, for the pollen tube is not adapted, like 
the radicle of the seedling, to absorb and convey nourishment 
up to the other parts, but to feed and carry down to the ovary 
two small bodies called generative cells, 
which it discharges there, and then its work 
is done and it disappears. So it must be 
borne in mind that when we speak of the 
germination of the pollen grains, we mean 
something really very different from the 
germination of a seed. 

250. The course of the pollen tube. — 
Cut the thinnest possible section through 
a freshly pollinated pistil and place under 
the microscope. Watch the pollen tubes 
from the grains on the stigma as they de- 
scend through the style toward the ovary. ae 
A pollinated strand of corn silk — which is tube (magnified). 
only a very much elongated style — is excellent for this pur- 
pose. It is so thin and transparent that no section need be 
made, and the tube can be traced as it works its way down 
through the entire length of the threadlike style to the young 
grain, or ovary, on the cob. The time required for the tube 
to penetrate to the ovary varies in different flowers according 
to the distance traversed and the rate of growth. In the 
crocus it takes from one to three days; in the spotted calla, 
about five days; and in orchids, from ten to thirty days. 
As a rule, it occupies only a few hours. Sometimes the pis- 
til is hollow, affording a free passage to the pollen tube; 
in other cases, it is solid, and the growing tube eats its way 
down, as it were, feeding on the substance of the pistil 
as it grows. How is it in the flower you are examining? It 
takes a grain of pollen to fertilize each ovule, and where more 
than one seed is produced to a carpel, as is commonly the 
case, at least as many pollen tubes must find their way to 
each locule of the ovary as there are ovules — provided all 
are fertilized, 



251. Fertilization. — When a pollen tube has penetrated 
to the ovary, it next enters one of the ovules, usually through 

Fria. 330.— Diagram of a simple 
flower, showing course of the pollen 
tube: a, transverse section of an 
anther before its dehiscence; 6, an 
anther dehiscing longitudinally, with 
pollen; c, filament; d, base of floral 
leaves; e, nectaries; f, wall of carpels; 
g, style; h, stigma; 7, germinating 
pollen grains; m, a pollen tube which 
has reached and entered the micropyle 
of theovule; n, stalk of ovule; 0, base 
of the inverted ovule; p, outer integu- 
ment or testa; g, inner integument; 
s, rudimentary ovule; t, cavity of the 
embryo sac; wu, its basal portion; », 
endosperm ; z, odsphere. 

the micropyle (Fig. 330, m). 
There it penetrates the wall of 
a baglike inclosure called the 
embryo sac (Fig. 330, wu, ¢t, 2), 
where one of the generative 
cells emitted by the pollen tube 
fuses with a large cell contained 
in the embryo sac, known as 
the germ cell, or egg cell (Fig. 
330, z). The fusion of these 
two bodies is what constitutes 
fertilization. The cell formed 
by their union finally develops 
into the embryo, and the other 
contents of the sac into the 
endosperm, and the ripened 
ovules become seeds. 

252. Stability of the process 
of fertilization. The phe- 
nomena that characterize the 
functions of fertilization and 
reproduction are the most uni- 
form and stable of all the life 
processes, varying little not 
only in different species and 

orders, but throughout the whole vegetable kingdom. And 
since these functions furnish a more reliable standard for 
judging of the real affinities of the different groups than do 
mere external resemblances, which are more liable to varia- 
tion and may often be accidental, they have been chosen 
by botanists as the ultimate basis for the classification of 


253. Embryology. — The study of the developing plantlet, 
known as embryology, is a comparatively recent branch of 


science, and has greatly enlarged our knowledge of the life 
history of both plants and animals, by bringing to light re- 
semblances that exist between the most widely divergent 
species in their earlier stages of development and thus 
showing traces of a common origin. It has shown further, 
that every individual plant or animal, in its development 
from the embryo to the mature state, passes briefly through 
stages apparently similar to those which the species has trav- 
ersed in the course of its evolution. This summary repe- 
tition, by the individual, of the evolutionary progress of its 
kind is known as the biogenetic law, and through its intelli- 
gent application some of the most intricate problems in both 
physiology and psychology have been solved. 

Practical Questions 

1. Does the biogenetic law throw any light on the resemblances some- 
times observed between leaves of different ages in unlike species; for 
example, the fig and the mulberry? (170; Field Work, p. 195.) 

2. Can you name any other examples of plants or parts of plants which 
show mutual resemblances in their early stages that do not exist at 
maturity ? 

3. Are there other causes than those acting under the biogenetic law 
to which some of these resemblances may be referred; for instance, the 
down and waxy coating on young leaves and bud scales? (148, 207.) 


Mareriau. — Several potted plants of tulip, lily, or any attainable 
large flowered kind ; or preferably a small plot in a garden or nursery. 

Appliances. — A pair of dissecting scissors, a camel’s-hair brush, and 
some paper bags. 

OTHER FLOWER OF THE SAME KIND? — Carefully remove the unopened 
anthers from a bud of a tulip, or other large flower just ready to unfold 
(Fig. 331), inclose the mutilated bud in a small paper bag until the stigma 
is mature, as shown by stickiness, then transfer to it with a camel’s-hair 
brush some pollen from another flower. On the stigma of a second flower 
of the same kind place some of its own pollen, and cover with a paper bag 
until the stigma withers, to keep foreign pollen from reaching it by means 


332 333 

Fics. 331-333. — Flower of Lorillard tomato: 331, newly opened bud, showing 
stage in which the stamens should be removed; 332, mature flower: cz, calyx; c, 
corolla; s, stamens; st, stigma; 333, flower with stamens removed for pollination. 
(Natural size.) 

of wind or insects. Watch until seeds are matured. Which flower pro- 
duces the more seeds or the better ones? Plant the seeds; which produce 
the more vigorous progeny ? 

DIFFERENT KIND ? — Dust the stigma of a tulip or a lily, from which the 
stamens have been removed, with pollen from a narcissus, iris, or amaryl- 
lis. Cover to protect from wind and insects. Are any seeds produced ? 

Experiments of this kind, to be conclusive, ought to be performed on 
a sufficient number of plants and through at least three generations. This 
is hardly practicable for class work, but students who are specially inter- 
ested in the subject may carry on experiments at home, or supply their 
place, to some extent, by observations out of doors, if there are any farms 
or gardens accessible. 

254. Self-fertiliza- bu > c— Gs 

tion takes place 

whenastigma is @ Ge Or] 

pollinated from the 

same flower. Hor- 

; : &> <3 
ticulturists have CD &> 
long known that 

. Vv, 

continued self- t > €S> Sa» i 
fertilization, or ‘“in- 
breeding”’ as it is is Ou» fos 
called by nursery- ao 335 
men, tends to dete- Fras. 334-335. — Seeds of Bartlett pear, showing 

: the advantage of cross-fertilization : 334, cross- 
riorate a stock; but fertilized; 335, sclf-fertilized, 


Fic. 336. — Showing the effect of in-breeding on corn in one generation. The 
two left-hand rows are from self-fertilized seed. 

Charles Darwin was the first to explain, by a series of pains- 
taking experiments, the meaning of those careful adjustments 
which the more highly organized plants, as a rule, have de- 
veloped to guard against it. 

255. Cross-fertilization is effected by the pollination of a 
stigma from another flower of the same variety or species. 
As used by practical horticulturists, the expression means 
that the two factors, pollen and ovule, belong to different 
plants. Since pollination is the necessary antecedent to 
fertilization, and the only means by which we can control it, 
the breeder’s part in crossing is concerned with this act only 
and nature does the rest. Darwin’s experiments — and they 
are confirmed by the experience of plant growers everywhere 


— prove that the offspring from crossing different plants of 
the same kind is usually stronger and more productive than 
that from self-fertilized ones; and if the parent stocks are 
grown in different places and under different conditions, the 
offspring is more vigorous than that from the same kind of 
plants grown under like conditions. For instance, plants 
from crossed seeds of morning-glory vines growing near each 
other exceeded in height those from self-fertilized seeds as 
100 : 76; while the offspring of plants growing under different 
conditions exceeded those of the other cross, in height, as 
100:78; in number of pods, as 100:57, and in weight of 
pods, as 100:51. Knowledge of this kind, when applied to 
the raising of fruits and grains for market, is of incalculable 
value to gardeners and farmers, and also to the amateur who 
raises fruits or flowers for pleasure. 

256. Hybridization is the crossing of two plants of differ- 
ent species or of widely separated varieties of the same species. 
The resulting offspring is a hybrid. Hybridization can take 
place only within certain limits. If the species are too unlike, 
the pollen will either not take effect at all, or the resulting 
offspring will be too weak and spindling to live; or if they 
survive, will not be able to set seed (Exp. 79). 

257. Effects of hybridization. — The most important prac- 
tical uses of hybridizing are: (1) it “‘ breaks the type” by 
causing plants to vary, and thus gives the breeder a fresh 
starting point for a new strain; and (2) when the parent 
species are not too unlike, it accentuates the good effects of 
crossing, and sometimes gives rise to offspring greatly sur- 
passing either parent in size and vigor. In regard to varia- 
bility it may act in three ways: (1) the hybrid may wholly 
resemble one parent or the other, in which case there is, of 
course, no variation; (2) it may resemble one parent more 
than the other; or (3) it may show a blending of the charac- 
ters of the two, as when a cross between a red poppy and a 
white gives rise to a light pink, or a mixed red and white 
variety. In the first two cases, the characters of the parent 


Piats 11.— Hybrid between a red and a white carnation, showing char- 
acters intermediate between the two parents. 


that manifest themselves are said to be vominant; those 
which do not, recessive. 

Fic. 337. — Effect of hybridization between related species in imparting superior 
vigor to offspring: M, Californian black walnut (Juglans californica), male parent 3 
F, Eastern black walnut (J. nigra), female parent; H, hybrid. 

258. Mendel’s Law.— So long ago as the middle of the last 
century it was discovered by Gregor Mendel, an Austrian 
investigator, that hybrids vary in certain cases according to 
a fixed law, by means of which the proportionate share of the 
characteristics of the two parent forms inherited by the off- 
spring can be foretold with almost mathematical precision. 
The controversy over Darwin’s “ Origin of Species,’ which 
was raging at the time, caused Mendel’s discoveries to be 
overlooked for a generation, and it is only within the last 


2 D DL Impure dominants D’ R 2 

Diagram illustrating Mendel’s Law. 

few years that their importance has been realized. The 
principle of variation demonstrated by him in a series of 
experiments, and confirmed by later investigators is, briefly, 


this: If two parents differing in some fixed characteristic 
be crossed, the entire offspring, in the first generation, will be 
like the parent possessing the dominant quality. Ii all the 
seed of this generation is planted and carefully protected 
from foreign pollen, its offspring composing the second 
generation from the parents will vary in the proportion of 
# dominants (D, D’, line 2 of the diagram) to j recessives (R). 
Planting all the seeds of the second generation and carefully 
shielding their progeny from foreign pollen, we get from D, 
line 2, all pure dominants (D, line 3) — that is, plants pro- 
ducing only their own type, and from R, line 2, all pure 
recessives (f, line 3). But from each of the two sets of dom- 
inants, D’D’, line 2, marked “ impure ”’ in the diagram, and 
so called because their seeds may produce both dominants 
and recessives, we get the same resuit as in the second gen- 
eration, namely: pure dominants (D’D’, line 3), pure reces- 
sives (R’R’, line 3), and impure dominants (D’’D’’, D’ D”, line 
3). If it were possible to distinguish the seeds of these im- 
pure dominants before germination and plant them only, for 
no matter how many generations, the result would always be 
approximately the same,— } pure dominants, + pure reces- 
sives, and ? impure dominants capable of producing both 
dominants and recessives in the proportion of 3:1. 

259. Practical applications.— Four principles of great 
importance to plant breeders follow from this law in cases to 
which it applies: (1) the absence of variation in the first 
generation of hybrids is no sign that it may not occur later; 
(2) pure recessives always breed true; hence, if they show 
the desired character, no further selection is necessary for 
that character; (3) pure dominants always breed true, but 
the distinction between pure and impure is usually not 
apparent in one generation; (4) the descendants of ‘ im- 
pure ” parents cannot be depended upon to come true to 
either type, but impure dominants may breed recessives, and 
vice versa, with the presumption, however, of 3:1 in favor 
of dominants. 


Practical Questions 

1. Would hybridization account for some of the diversities mentioned! 
in 170? (See 257.) 

2. To what cases would it not apply? (256; Exp. 79.) 

3. Would it be worth while to try to hybridize the potato and squash ? 
The squash and pumpkin? The lily and rose? Sweetbrier and wild 
rose? Apple and peach? Wild crab and sweet apple? Blackberry and 
strawberry? Blackberry and raspberry? Lemon and watermelon ? 
Lemon and orange? Why, or why not, in each case? (256; Exps. 
78, 79.) 


Materia. — If practicable, visit a market garden, a florist’s establish- 
ment, or, lacking these, the fruit and vegetable stalls of a city market. 

260. Fixing the type. —It is the tendency of plants to 
vary under the influence of climate, soil, food supply, cross- 
ing, and other causes perhaps unknown to us, that makes 
the plant breeder’s art possible. When a horticulturist sets 
out to produce a new fruit or vegetable, he first forms in his 
mind a clear idea of what he wants— whether increase of yield 
or size, resistance to cold, drought, or disease, improvement in 
flavor, color, shape, etc., or change in the time of maturing or 
flowering (early and late varieties). Suppose, for instance, 
he wishes to produce an oxeye daisy with all the disk florets 
changed to white ones like the rays. He will begin by selecting 
plants with the greatest number of rays and the most conspic- 
uous ones that he can find, and sowing the seeds of the flowers 
which show the greatest tendency to the development of these 
qualities. He will continue this process from generation to 
generation, rigorously destroying all specimens that do not 
approach nearer the ideal sought, until all disposition to 
‘‘ rogue,’’ as the tendency to revert is called, has been elimi- 
nated. When variations cease to occur and the seed of the 
new variety always “‘come true,’’ the type is said to be fixed; 
though some care will always be necessary to keep it so, 
as the influence of changed surroundings and the danger of 
mixture with foreign pollen must always be provided against. 


261. Survival of the fittest.—In the fierce struggle 
continually going on among both plants and animals for 
food, shelter, and elbow room in the world, any indi- 
vidual that happens to vary in a way which adapts it to 
its surroundings a 
little better than its 
rivals, has an advan- 
tage that will enable 
it to survive when 
less favored mem- 
bers of the species 
will perish. Its off- 
spring, or some of 
them, may inherit 
this quality and 
transmit it, with the 
attendant advan- 
tage, to their poster- 
ity,’ and so on, till 
that particular 
breed outstrips all 
competitors, and in 
time, as the less fa- 

vored intervening j ae) Lea =) ela 
forms die out, be- Fic. 338.— A field of pumpkins grown from selected 

comes differentiated 
as a new species. This is, in brief, the doctrine of natural 
selection and the survival of the fittest. 

262. Artificial selection. — Artificial selection enables the 
breeder to accomplish more quickly what nature appears to 
do by the slow process of natural selection. It is by this 
means that our choicest fruits and vegetables have been de- 
veloped from greatly inferior, and sometimes inedible, wild 
forms. Plants respond so readily to the influence of selec- 
tion, and the changes brought about by it are so rapid, 
that new styles of fruits and flowers succeed each other in 


the market with almost as great frequency and in as ready 
response to demand as the new styles of women’s bonnets 
and gowns in the shop windows.. 

263. Causes of variation. — While man cannot directly 
force plants to vary in any given direction, he can hasten the 
process of variation by crossing, or by changing the conditions 
under which they are growing. This is called “ breaking 
the type.’ Hybridization furnishes the readiest means to 
this end. Change of food supply, especially if accompanied 
by excess of nourishment, is probably the expedient that 
ranks next in effectiveness. Light, temperature, moisture, 

Fic. 339.— Variation in blackberry leaves due to hybridization. 

character of the soil, exposure to wind, and the like, also 
have their influence; and in adapting themselves to changes 
in these various conditions, plants are apt to exhibit an 
unusual number of variations, when removed from one local- 
ity to another, especially if the difference in soil and climate 
is very marked. Now comes the breeder’s opportunity. By 
taking advantage of such variations as may occur either 
spontaneously, or as the result of his efforts to break the type, 
he will generally find some that will meet his requirements; 
and knowing the effect produced by different conditions, he 
can, to a certain extent, influence the course of variation in 
the direction desired, by subjecting his specimens to the 


conditions that tend to produce it. If he wishes to develop 
a dwarf variety, for instance, he will take notice that over- 
crowding, lack of nourishment, and cold tend to produce that 
result in nature, and by acting on this hint he can direct his 
efforts more intelligently. He will learn, too, not to waste 
time in trying to breed a plant contrary to its nature. He 
must not expect to gather figs from thistles by any art of 
selection or skill in culture. By attention to Mendel’s law, 
a still further saving of time and labor may be effected. 

It is obvious, from what has been said, that a breeder’s 
chance of finding what he wants will be greater in proportion 
to the number of individual plants he has to choose from. 
For this reason, a horticulturist sometimes uses thousands 
and hundreds of thousands of specimens of a single kind in 
conducting his experiments. In this way he compresses into 
a short space of time the advantage that nature can gain only 
by spreading her random experiments over a long series of 
years, or even centuries. 

264. Mutation and variation. — There are at least two 
ways in which changes in vegetable and animal forms are 
thought to occur: (1) 
by the preservation and 
fixation through selec- 
tion and heredity, of 
slight differences that 
may appear from time to 
time, such divergences 
being called “ fluctuat- 
ing variations” ; (2) by 
the appearance now and 
then, due to causes as 

. Fie. 340.— Mutation in twin ears of corn, 
yet unknown, of definite showing the sudden variations that sometimes 

occur, by which a new type may be provided 
and sudden changes without the labor of selection. 

creating a new form at 
a single, though perhaps small, leap. When such a change 
is temporary and passes away with the individual in which 



it first appeared, it is called a “sport,” and leads to no 
important results; but when it is inherited by the offspring, 
so that it is capable of giving rise to a new species, it con- 
stitutes a “mutation.” The value of a mutation to breeders 
in saving time and trouble is obvious. Professor Hugo de 
Vries, a Dutch botanist, was the first to call attention to the 
importance of mutation and its bearing upon the production 
of new species. 

265. Factors in the evolution of species. — Variation, 
heredity, and selection are the three principal agents under- 
lying all changes, whether for the improvement or deteriora- 
tion of living organisms. The influence of external surround- 
ings in keeping up a variation once begun, or in starting new 
ones, is also a factor that cannot be disregarded. It is for 
this reason that natural species are so much more stable than 
those brought about by man. The former, being evolved in 
response to natural conditions, are liable to change only as 
alterations in their surroundings are brought about by the 
slow operation of natural causes. But the types resulting 
from the breeder’s art, produced as they often are in response 
to human demands and in direct opposition to the require- 
ments of natural conditions, are in a sense purely artificial, and 
can be preserved only by keeping up the artificial surround- 
ings by which they were developed. Hence, the importance 
of diligent cultivation and constant care and tillage, without 
which the most carefully selected stocks may quickly “ run 
out ”’ and degenerate into worthless forms. 

Practical Questions 

1. Which are the more pliable to the breeder’s art, annuals or peren- 
nials? Why? (91, 93, 262, 263.) 

2. What advantage is gained by using buds and grafts instead of 
seedlings in making new varieties of fruit trees? (257, 259, 260.) 

3. Would it be practicable to breed new varieties of slow-growing forest 
trees, like oak, cypress, redwood, from seeds? Why or why not? (93, 
262, 263.) 

+. Can you account for the existence of the numerous iztermediate 
forms between the different species of oaks found in nature? (255, 257.) 


5. Ifa breeder wished to produce a sweet-scented daisy or pansy, how 
would he make his selections? (260.) 

6. Which would be the more useful for his purpose, a plant that showed 
a general tendency to variability, or one that remained steadily fixed to 
its type? (260.) 

7. What could he do to break the type? (263.) 

8. Would an intelligent breeder set out to produce edible roots and 
tubers from wheat or barley? (263.) 

9. Would he think it worth while to try to develop a fleshy fruit from 
a filbert or a walnut tree? From ahaw? From sheepberry and black 
haw? From tupelo (ogeechee lime)? (263.) 

10. Suppose a florist should wish to change the color of a rose from pink 
to deep red; how could he hasten the process? (257, 263.) 

11. Explain why it is so much easier to produce new varieties of plants 
when there are already many kinds in existence, as, for example, the rose, 
peach, and chrysanthemum. (255, 256; Exps. 78, 79.) 



Materzat, -- Any kind of unisexual flowers obtainable. Some good 
examples for illustrating points mentioned in the text are: for spring and 
early summer, catkins of almost any of our common forest trees, — oak, 
hickory, willow, poplar, etc.; tassels and young ears of early corn; for 
summer and early fall, flowers of late corn, and of melon, squash, pump- 
kin, or others of the gourd family. Examples of dichogamy are: evening 
primrose, showy primrose (Enothera speciosa), willow herb (Epilobium), 
dandelion, artichoke, sunflower, or any of the composite family; of dimor- 
phism: English primrose (Primula), loosestrife (Pulmonaria) , bluets 
(Houstonia), partridge berry; cleistogamic: fringed polygala, violets. 
Peanuts, while not technically classed as cleistogamic, are strictly close- 
fertilized, and approach the type so nearly that they may be used as an 

266. Ecology is the study of plants and animals in relation 
to their surroundings. The principal modifications that 
flowers undergo in this respect are in adapting themselves 
for (1) pollination, and (2) protection. 

267. Unisexual flowers. — The advantages of cross fer- 
tilization were shown in the last two sections. It was also 


shown that the first step taken by the breeder to secure this 
result is to render the flower incapable of self-fertilization, 


Fies. 341, 342,.— 
Unisexual flowers of wil- 
low: 341, staminate; 
342, pistillate. 

by removing the stamens. Nature ac- 
complishes the same purpose by the more 
effectual expedient of providing imper- 
fect, or unisexual flowers, in which sta- 
mens only, or pistils only, occur in the 
same flower. When the stamens alone 
are present, the flower is said to be stam- 
inate, or sterile, because it is incapable 
of producing seeds of its own, though its 
pollen is a necessary factor in seed pro- 
duction. If, on the other hand, the 
ovary is present and the stamens absent, 

the flower is pistillate and fertile; that is, capable of produc- 
ing fruit when impregnated with pollen. Sometimes both 

stamens and pistils are wanting, as 
in the showy corollas of the garden 
“snowball,” the hydrangea, and 
the rays of the sunflower. Such 
blossoms? are said to be neutral, 
from the Latin word neuter, mean- 
ing neither, because they have 
neither pistils nor stamens. They 
can, of course, have no direct part 
in the production of fruit, but are 
for show merely. (231.) 

268. Monecious and diccious 
plants.— When both kinds of 
flowers, staminate and _ pistillate, 
are borne on the same plant, as in 
the oak, pine, hickory, and most of 
our common forest trees, they are 
said to be monecious, a word which 

Fig. 343. — Twig of oak with 
both kinds of flowers: J, fertile 
flowers; s,s, staminate; u, pis- 
tillate flower, enlarged; b, verti- 
cal section of pistillate flower, 
enlarged ; c, portion of one of the 
sterile aments, enlarged, showing 
the clusters of stamens. 

means “belonging to one household”’; when borne on sepa- 
rate plants, as in the willow, sassafras, and black gum, they 



are diecious, or ‘‘ of two households.” Draw a flowering twig 
of oak, pine, or willow. Where are the fertile flowers situated ? 
Notice how very much more numerous the staminate flowers 
are than the fertile ones. Why is this necessary? (275.) 
269. Dichogamy is the name applied to a condition where 
the stamens and 
pistils mature at 
different times, 
as in the evening 
primrose, oxeye 
daisy, and most 
of the composite 


family. It is &  — sygs, 344, 345.—Flower of fireweed (Epilobium an- 
very common  sustifolium) : 344, with mature stamens and immature 

‘ pistil ; 345, the same a few days older, with expanded 
method in nature pistil after the anthers have shed their pollen. (After 

for preventing G4) 
self-pollination, and quite as effective as the moncecious 
arrangement, since it renders the flowers practically unisexual. 
270. Dimorphism denotes a condition in which the sta- 
mens and pistils are of different relative lengths in different 
flowers of the same species, the stamens being long and the 
pistils short in some, the pistils 
long and the stamens short in 
others. Flowers of this sort are 
said to be dimorphous, or dimor- 
phic, that is, of two forms; and 
some species are even trimor- 
he ae pul. ? hie). naveng vet yas Bets ef 
monaria : 346, long styled ; 347,short Organs long, short, and medium, 
styled. respectively, in different indi- 
viduals. Examples of dimorphic flowers are the pretty little 
bluets (Houstonia cerulea), the partridge berry, the swamp 
loosestrife, and the English cowslip. Of trimorphic flowers 
we have examples in the wood sorrel and the spiked loosestrife 
(Lythrum salicaria) of the gardens. These flowers were a 
great puzzle to botanists until the celebrated naturalist, 


Charles Darwin, 
proved by experi- 
ment that the seeds 
produced by polli- 
nating a dimorphous 
flower with its own 
pollen, or with pol- 
len from a flower of 
similar form, are of 

Fics. 348-350. — Three forms of loosestrife (Lyih- Very inferior quality 
rum salicaria). to those produced 

by impregnating a long-styled flower with pollen from a 
short-styled one, and vice versa. 

271. ‘Nature abhors self-fertilization.’’— These are the 
three principal methods by which nature provides against 
self-fertilization. Other cases occur in which the relative 
position of the two organs is such that self-pollination is 
difficult, or impossible, as in the iris and bear’s grass; or the 
pollen may be incapable of acting on the stigma of the flower 
that produced it. This aversion to self-fertilization is so 
great that many flowers, even when capable of it, will give 
preference to the pollen of another plant of the same 
kind, if dusted with both. From his observations on the 
behavior of plants in reference to this function, Charles Dar- 
win drew the conclusion that “Nature abhors perpetual 

272. Cleistogamic flowers.— Apparent exceptions to this 
rule are the hidden flowers found on certain plants which 
seem to have been constructed with a special view to self- 
fertilization. They are called cleistogamic, or closed, because 
they never open, but are fertilized in the bud; and those of 
the fringed polygala do not even rise above ground at all. 
Flowers of this kind can be found on several species of 
violet, concealed under the leaves, close to the ground; and 
the flowers of the peanut, found in the same situation, while 
they open slightly, are close-fertilized and practically cleisto- 


gamic. They are much more prolific than ordinary flowers, 
but are not common, and seem to be a provision against 
accident, for the plants producing them are generally pro- 
vided with other flowers of the usual kind, —some, as the 
violet, having elaborate special adaptations for cross fertili- 


Practical Questions 

1. Why does a strawberry bed sometimes fail to fruit well, aiiours it 
may flower abundantly? (267, 268.) 

2. Are berries found on all sassafras trees? On all buckthorns? 
Hollies ? 

3. Would a solitary hop-vine produce fruit? A solitary ash hee? ig 
(267.) ‘ 

4, Why is a mistletoe bough with berries on it so iniiele harder to find 
than one with foliage merely? (267, 268.) 

B. Winp PoLiinatTion 

Marertat. — In spring, catkins of forest trees, staminate and pistillate 
flowers of pine. At nearly all seasons, heads of grain and panicles of va- 
rious kinds of grass can be obtained. For experiment, a potted plant of 
any kind, just about to bloom, may be used. 

AGENCIES. — Tie paper bags over flower buds of different kinds when nearly 
ready to open and leave until the flowers have withered. On removing 
the bags, mark with colored threads the flowers that had been covered, and 
watch until seed time. Do you notice any difference in the number, size, 
or weight of the seed produced by them and by those of the same kind left 
exposed? How do you account for the difference, if there is any? By 
what agencies could foreign pollen have been carried to the stigmas of 
the exposed flowers? If any of the covered specimens wither and drop 
their seed vessels without any attempt to fruit, examine a fresh flower, and 
see if it is capable of self-pollination. 

As already explained, experiments of this kind, to be conclusive, should 
be tried on as many specimens as possible. The greater the number of 
species and individuals included, the better. Where it is not practicable 
to carry on experiments by the class, pupils who are interested can make 
them at home. 

273. The problem of pollination. — When a plant has pro- 
vided against self-pollination, its problem is only half solved, 


as it must now depend upon the conveyance of pollen to the 
stigma by extraneous means. 

274. Adaptations to wind pollination.— A very large 
number of plants, among which are included nearly all our 
principal forest trees, grains, 
and grasses of every kind, 
depend exclusively upon the 
wind for the distribution of 
their pollen. This being 
the case, it is, of course, an 
advantage to them to get 
rid of all unnecessary ap- 
pendages that might hinder 
a free play of the wind 
among their flowers, and so 
they consist, as a rule, of 
essential organs only (Figs. 
341, 342). Such flowers are 
often distinguished, how- 

i ever, especially among 

ee grass. grasses and low herbs, by 

large, feathery stigmas that 

are well adapted to catch and hold any stray pollen grains 

which may be floating in the air. Place a stigma of oat or 

other grass under the microscope and you will probably see 
a number of pollen grains clinging to its branches. 

275. The disadvantages of wind pollination. — This is a 
very clumsy and wasteful method, however, for so much 
pollen is lost by the haphazard mode of distribution that the 
plant is forced to spend its energies in producing a vast 
amount more than is actually needed, and great masses of it 
are frequently seen in spring floating like patches of sulphur 
on ponds and streams in the neighborhood of pine thickets. 
Like those that are self-pollinated, wind-pollinated flowers 
are generally very inconspicuous, devoid of odor, and of all 
attractions of form or color, because they have no need of 


these allurements to attract the visits of insects. Besides 
being wasteful, wind pollination is very uncertain. The 
pollen cannot be blown about very well unless it is dry, and 
in rainy weather it may all be rotted or washed away before 
it can reach the stigmas that are ready to receive it. 

Practical Questions 

1. Why do the flowers of oak, willow, and other wind-fertilized plants 
generally appear before the leaves? (274.) 
2. Can you account for the showers of ‘‘sulphur” sometimes reported 
in the newspapers? (275.) 
3. Do you see any connection between the feathery stigmas of most 
grasses and their mode of pollination? (274.) 
4, Why are house plants not. apt to seed so well as those left in the 
open? (Exp. 80.) 
5. Why are the tassels of corn placed at the tip of the stalk? (274.) 
6. Can you trace any connection between the winds and the corn crop? 
7. If March winds should cease to blow, would vegetation be affected 
in any way? (274.) 
8. Why are wind-fertilized plants generally trees or tall herbs? (274.) 
9. Is it good husbandry to plant different varieties of corn or other 
grain in the same field, if it is desired to keep the strain pure? (255, 274.) 
10. Is water a good pollen carrier? (275.) 
11. What is the only class of plants it is likely to reach? 
12. What is the only other agency, besides wind and water, by which 
this office can be performed ? 


Materia. — Half a dozen panes of glass, about 6X9; squares of 
bright-colored cloth or paper; a few spoonfuls of honey or sirup; per- 
fumes of various kinds, preferably flower extracts; fetid and disagreeable 
smelling substances, such as a bit of decaying animal or vegetable matter. 
Observations on living plants can best be made out of doors or in a green- 
house, as opportunity offers. 

INSECTS ? — Place half a dozen panes of ordinary window glass out of doors 
or in an open window to which insects can have free access. Lay under 
the first pane a piece of black paper or cloth, and under the others bright- 
colored pieces of red, blue, white, yellow, and purple. Drop on the center 
of each pane a little honey or sirup, and watch. Do insects show any 
color preferences? Which color attracts fewest visitors? Which most? 


experiment with different odors, removing the bright colors and sprink- 
ling some kind of perfume on each pane. Try also the effect of decay- 
ing meat and other malodorous substances. Are any insects attracted by 
these? What kinds? Does this account for the noisome smells of the 
“ garrion-flower’’ and skunk cabbage? What kinds of insects are attracted 
by sweet-smelling substances? Do the greater number appear to be at- 
tracted by these, or by foul odors? Are flowers of the sweet-smelling 
or the foul-smelling kind more common in nature? Do insects seem to 
be more strongly influenced by colors or by odors? 

276. The color of flowers, being an adaptation to changing 
external conditions, is a very unstable quality, and varies 
greatly within the limits of the same species. Even on the 
same stem, flowers of different colors are often found, due, 
probably, to hybridization. Yet, notwithstanding all this 
apparently random intermingling of hues, the range of color 
for each species is confined, approximately, within certain 
limits. Nobody has ever seen a blue rose or a yellow aster; 
and though the florist’s art is constantly narrowing the ap- 
plication of this law, it still remains true that in a state of 
nature, certain colors seem to be associated together in the 
floral art gamut. Yellow is considered the simplest and 
most primitive color in flowers, and blue the latest and 
most highly evolved. Yellow, white, and purple, in the 
order named, are the commonest flower colors in nature; 
blue, the rarest. Do you see any relation between these facts 
and the color preferences of insects? 

277. Advantages of insect pollination. — It is evident that 
this is a much more certain as well as a more economical 
method of securing pollination than through the haphazard 
agency of wind or water. In probing around for the nectar 
or the-pollen upon which they feed, these busy little creatures 
get themselves dusted with the fertilizing powder, which they 
unconsciously convey from the stamen of one flower to the 
pistil of another. Insects usually confine themselves, as far 
as possible, to the same species during their day’s work, and 
since less pollen is wasted in this way than would be done by 


the wind, it is clearly to the advantage of a plant to attract 
such visitors, even at the expense of a little honey, or of a 
liberal toll out of the pollen they distribute. 

2478. Special partnerships. — Some plants have adapted 
themselves to the visits of one particular kind of insect so 
completely that they would die out if that 
species were to become extinct. The well- 
known alliance between red clover and the 
bumblebee was brought to light when the 
plant was first introduced into Australia. 
It grew luxuriantly and blossomed pro- 
fusely, but would never set seed till the 
bumblebee was introduced to 
keep it company. 

- oe on A remarkable partnership of 
the Pronuba yu- this kind exists between the 
ale, pronuba, or yucca moth, and 
the flowering yuccas, of which the bear’s grass 
and Spanish bayonet are familiar examples. 
The pods of these plants are never perfect, but \ oa! 
all show a constriction at or near the middle, Bey Se 
such as is some- Ir 
times seen in on 
the sides of 5 20h. vom: 
wormy plums nating pistil of 
and pear" 
This is caused by the larvee 
of the moth, which feed upon 
: the unripe seeds. A glance 
Fic. 354.— Moth resting on yucca under the nodding perianth 
ae of a yucca blossom (Fig. 354) 
will show that the short stamens are curved back from the 
pistil in such a manner that, under ordinary circumstances, 
the pollen cannot reach the stigma except by the rarest 
accident. But the yucca moth, as soon as she has deposited 
her eggs in the seed vessel, takes care to provide a crop of 


food for her offspring by gathering a ball of pollen in her 
antenne and deliberately plastering it over the stigma (Fig. 
353). In this way fertilization of the ovules and maturing 
of the fruit is secured. The larve feed on the unripe seeds 
for a time, but so few are 
destroyed in proportion to 
the number matured that 
the plant can well afford to 
pay the small toll charged 
in return for the service 

279. Caprification of the 
fig. — A more complicated 
case of specialization is that 
of the Smyrna fig of com- 

Fic. 355.— Upper boughs of a capri- Merce —_ the only one of the 
fig tree, showing an abundant crop of species that is capable of 
spring fruit. A 

perfecting seeds. The 
staminate flowers are borne on a separate tree, the caprifig, 
which grows wild in the countries bordering on the Medi- 
terranean. The caprifigs, as the fruit of this tree is called, 
are worthless except as the breeding 
and nesting places of a small insect, 
the fig wasp. This insect is the 
necessary agent in conveying pollen 
from the stamens of the caprifig to 
the pistils of the Smyrna fig, which it | Fic. 356. — Female wasps 
penetrates at certain seasons of the fees Chich tne cena an 
year in the effort to lay its eggs. In_ laid. 
order to insure caprification, as this process is called, the 
caprifigs are strung by hand on fillets of cord or raffia and 
hung about on the trees which are to be fertilized. In this 
case we have an example of a threefold partnership between 
man, the fig tree, and the wasp, which is necessary to the 
existence of two of the parties. 


D. Protective ADAPTATION 

fully remove the calyx and corolla from a young flower bud on a growing 
plant and see what will happen. Remove them from a flower just unfold- 
ing. Mark each by tying a colored thread lightly around the petiole and 
see if it sets as many seeds, or as good ones, as the unmutilated flowers on 
the same plant. 

IMPORTANCE ? — Invert a blossom of pea or sage, and see what parts would 
come in contact with the body of a visiting insect. How would its chances 
for pollination be affected? Try to make a flower grow in an inverted 
position by tying or weighting it down, and watch the effect on seed pro- 

BY LIGHT? — Place a potted plant with expanding flower buds near a 
window so that the light will reach it from one side only, and notice the 
position of the buds. After a day or two reverse the position with regard 
to light, and watch whether any change of position takes place. 

BY GEOTROPISM? — Lay a potted plant of lily of the valley, larkspur, 

358 359 

Fics. 357-359. — Flower of monkshood, showing the changes by which it returns 
to its original position under the influence of geotropism after the axis of inflorescence, 
x, has been inverted: 357, inverted position ; 358, change due to negative geotro- 
pism ; 359, change due to lateral geotropism. 

gladiolus, or digitalis in a horizontal position, tie the main stem to keep 
it from changing its direction of growth, and leave for two or three days 
in a place where it is lighted equally on all sides. How do the individual 
flowers behave? What part bends to turn them up? Vary the experi- 


ment by turning the pot bottom upwards so that the flowering axis will 
point downwards. This can be done by inclosing the pot in a bag of strong 
cheesecloth, with the string tied loosely but firmly around the foot of the 
stem to prevent the contents from falling out, and suspending the whole 
bottom upwards. In making these experiments, use flowers that grow 
in a long cluster, or raceme, and hold the main axis in a vertical position 
by tying or weighting it down. Watch the behavior of the individual 
flowers. Arrange another pot containing the same kind of plant, in the 

: same way, and suspend one 
in a dark place, keeping the 
other in the light. Does the 
same movement take place in 
both? Is it in response to 
light, or to gravity? 

280. Means of pro- 
Fies. 360, 361. — Protection of pollen in the tection. — Where plants 
thistle: 360, position at night, or during wet have adapted them- 
weather ; 361, position in sunshine. selves to insect polli- 
nation, it is, of course, important to shut out intruders that 
would not make good carriers. In general, small, creeping 
things, like ants and 
plant lice, are not such 
efficient pollen bearers 
as winged insects, and 
hence the various de- 
vices, such as hairs, 
scales, and constric- 
tions, at the throat of 
the corolla, by means 
of which their access to 
the pollenis prohibited. 
To this class of adapta- 
tions belong the hairy 
filaments of the spider- , 

‘ ‘ Fics. 362, 363.— A bell flower: 362, position 
wor t, the sticky TING ig daylight; 363, position at night, or during wet 
about the peduncles of weather 
the catchfly, the swollen lips of the snapdragon, the scales or 
hairs in the throat of the hound’s-tongue, the velvet petals 

362 363 


of the partridge berry, and the recurved edges of corollas 
like those of the morning-glory and tobacco, over which small 
crawling insects cannot easily climb. 

Of flowers that are pollinated by night moths, some close 
during the day, as the four-o’clock and the evening primrose ; 
and vice versa, the morning-glory, dandelion, and dayflower 
(Commelyna) unfold their beauties only in the sunlight. 
For similar reasons, night-blooming flowers are generally 
white or very light-colored, and shed their fragrance only after 
sunset. A nodding position is assumed by many flowers at 
night, or during a 
shower, to keep the 
pollen from being 
injured by dew or 

281. Insect depre- 
oie aac = Tne been Fic. 364.— A flower of the trumpet vine (Tecoma 
tion of honey by radicans) adapted to pollination by humming birds 
flowers is a very es canara et which has been pierced by 
common means of 
attracting insect visitors, and various adaptations, such as 
spurs, sacs, and pockets, are found for protecting it against 
pillage by unwelcome in- 
truders. In general, plants 
that have very long, tubular 

Fic. 365. — Head of the swordbill, a bird corollas, like the trumpet 
adapted to feeding on nectar from long, honeysuckle (Lonicera sem- 
ip nen pervirens) and the trumpet 
vine, are reserving their sweets for humming birds and long- 
tongued moths and butterflies. This protective arrange- 
ment is not always successful, however, against insect depre- 
dators, for it is not uncommon to find such corollas with a 
hole in the tube near the base, made by thieving wasps and 
bumblebees, which by this means get at the honey without 
paying their due tribute of pollen. 


Practical Questions 

1. Of what use is the brilliant coloring of the camellia? The large 
flowers of the magnolia? The perfume of the rose and the violet? The 
fetid odor of the ailanthus? (277; Exps. 81, 82.) 

2. Are the tastes of insects in regard to odors always the same as ours ? 
(Exp. 82.) 

3. Have flowers any economic value except for decorative purposes ? 

4, Can you name any that are used as food or beverages? Any that 
furnish spices and flavorings? Drugs, medicines, or dyes? 

5. What commercial food product is obtained almost entirely from 
flowers ? 

6. Name some of the flowers that are most valued by the beekeeper. 

7. Mention another important industry that is entirely dependent on 

8. Name some of the flowers that are most important to the per- 

9. Why do the seeds of fruit trees so seldom produce offspring true 
to the stock? (256, 257, 271, 277.) 

10. Would you place a beehive near a field of buckwheat? Of clover? 
Near a strawberry bed? Ina peach orchard? Near a fig tree? Under 
a grape arbor? 

11. Why are very conspicuous flowers, like the camellia, hollyhock, and 
pelargoniums, so frequently without odor ? 

12. Why is the wallflower “sweetest by night”? (280.) 

13. What advantage can flowers like the morning-glory gain by their 
early closing? (280.) 

14. Of what use to the cotton plant, Japan honeysuckle, and hibiscus 
is the change of color their blossoms undergo a few hours after ‘opening? 
(277, 278, 280.) 

15. Why does the Japan honeysuckle, which has run wild so abundantly 
in many parts of our country, produce so few berries? (278, 280.) 

16. If the trumpet vine grows in your neighborhood, examine a number 
of corollas and account for the dead ants found in them. Account also 
for the large hole (sometimes three quarters of an inch in diameter) often 
found near the base of the tube. (281.) 

17. Do yousee any connection between the greater freshness and beauty 
of flowers early in the morning, and the activity of bees, birds, and butter- 
flies at that time? 

18. The flowers most frequented by humming birds are the trumpet 
honeysuckle, cardinal flower, trumpet vine, horsemint (Monarda), wild 
columbine, canna, fuchsia, etc.; what inference would you draw from 
this as to their color preferences? 


Field Work 

1. The ecology of the flower is so suggestive a subject and so peculiarly 
appropriate to outdoor work that it seems hardly necessary to point out the 
many attractive fields of inquiry it opens to the student of nature. In this 
way alone can experiments in insect pollination be carried on to the best 
advantage ‘Try the effect of enveloping buds of various kinds in gauze so 
as to exclude the visits of insects, and note the result as to the production 
of fruit and seed. Envelop a cluster of milkweed blossoms in this way and 
notice how much longer the flowers so protected continue in bloom than do 
the others; why is this? Try the same experiment upon the blooms of 
cotton and hibiscus, if you live where they grow, and see whether the char- 
acteristic change in color occurs in flowers from which insects have been 
excluded, and whether good seed pods are produced by them. Try the 
effect upon fruit production of excluding insects from clusters of apple, 
pear, and peach blossoms. 

2. Make a list of all the outdoor plants, both wild and cultivated, that 
are found blooming in your neighborhood, keeping a record of the earliest 
specimens of each as you find them. The best way is to keep a sort of 
daiiy calendar, and at the end of each month give a summary of the species 
found in bloom during that period. In this way a fairly complete annual 
record of the flowering time of the different plants for that vicinity will be 
obtained. The record should be kept up the whole year round. Don’t 
stop in winter, but go straight on through the coldest as well as the hottest 
season, and you will make some surprising discoveries, especially if the 
record is continued year after year. Give the common name of each plant, 
adding the botanical one if you know it. Any facts that you may know 
or may discover in regard to particular plants, such as their medicinal or 
other uses, their poisonous or edible properties, the insects that visit them, 
and in the case of weeds, their origin and introduction, will greatly enhance 
the interest and value of the record. 


Marerra. — Green ears of corn or wheat, fresh pods of beans, young 
fruits of apple, grape, tomato, melon, buckeye, chestnut, or pecan. A 
young fruiting stem of squash, gourd, or tomato. 

Apptrances. — Coloring fluid, glasses of water, a piece of cardboard, 
tin-foil, vaseline. 

FRUITS COME FRoM? — Apply your food tests to the pulp of a young apple, 
squash, bean pod, chestnut, buckeye, or a ‘‘green” ear of corn or wheat, 
and see what it contains. Test the stem and roots of a plant of the same 
kind in the same way. Do you find the same foods in them? Where 
is the food stored? 

or cucumber from the vine, leaving stem enough to insert by its cut end 
in a glass of eosin solution. Leave for two or three days, then make a 
vertical section through the stem and fruit. What course has the liquid 
followed? Can you trace some of it into each seed? Do you see now a 
use for the seed stalk and the rhaphe? 

TRANSPIRATION ? — Try Exp. 59, using in place of leaves a young squash, 
eggplant, or a bunch of grapes, and after a day or two notice whether 
any moisture has been given off. If the fruit skin gives off moisture, 
it is natural to expect that it would be provided with stomata, like other 
transpiring organs. To find out whether this is so, place a thin piece of 
the outer epidermis of a grape, tomato, plum, or apple under the micro- 
scope. Do you find stomata on any of them? Do you see anything else? 
Try the skin of an apple, and compare the corky dots you find there with 
those on the bark of a young dicotyl stem (118) and decide what they are. 

AND AIR? — Envelop a number of immature fruits in bags of dark cloth 
or paper so that no light can reach them. Keep a number of others well 
coated with oil or vaseline, and watch. Do the fruits so treated mature 
as quickly or develop as fully as those of the same kind left untreated ? 



Piate 12.— The improvement of fruits by cultivation and selection: 1, the 
common wild gooseberry; 2, Houghton gooseberry, seedling of the wild form; 
3, Downing gooseberry, seedling of the Houghton. (All natural size, adapted from 


Select two apples of equal size, peel one, and weigh both. After 12 to 24 
hours, weigh them again. Which shows the greater loss in weight? 
Leave peeled and unpeeled fruits in an exposed place and see which is 
the more readily attacked by insects. Which decays the sooner? What 

are some of the uses of the rind? 

282. What is a fruit ? — Horticulturally and commercially 
the distinction between a fruit and a vegetable depends very 
much upon the use we make of it — whether as food, or as a 
mere gratification of the palate. Broadly speaking, those 
fruits that are lacking in sugar, as the tomato and cucum- 
ber, are classed as vegetables. Botanically, a fruit is any 
ripened seed vessel, or ovary, with such connected parts as 
may have become incorporated with it; and hence, to the 
botanist, a boll of cotton, a tickseed, or a cocklebur is just 
as much a fruit as a peach or a watermelon. 

283. Classification of fruits. — For convenience of de- 
scription, fruits are classed as: 

(a) Dry or fleshy, according as they have a more or less 
hard and bony, or soft and fleshy, texture. 

(b) Dehiscent, or indehiscent, according as they open at 
maturity in a regular way to discharge their seed, or remain 
closed until the covering wears away or is burst by the germi- 
nating embryo. 

Fleshy fruits are very seldom dehiscent, though some few, 
as the balsam apple and the chayote, or one-seeded squash, 
discharge their seed when mature. The banana and some 
other fleshy fruits, when peeled, separate along regular lines, 
and in this respect behave very much as if they were fleshy 

284. When isa fruit ripe ?— A fruit is ripe horticulturally, 
when it is good to eat; it is ripe botanically, when it has set 
its seed. Many of our choicest table fruits, such as the pine- 
apple, banana, and most varieties of fig, seldom are botani- 
cally ripe, since they rarely produce perfect seeds. 

It is the constant effort of the horticulturist to develop 


those parts of a plant that are useful to man, while in a state 
of nature the plant seeks to develop such parts as best serve 
its own purpose in the struggle for existence. The plants 
most useful to man have, as a general thing, been subjected 
to a long course of artificial breeding and selection. They 
are forced developments, often monstrosities, from the plant’s 
point of view, if we could conceive of it as capable of having 
an opinion. Nature is continually striving to reclaim them; 
and if left to themselves, they must 
either obey “the call of the wild,” 
or die out. 

285. Seedless fruits and vegeta- 
bles.— As the seed is the most 
important thing to the plant, the 
edible parts in wild fruits are, as a 
rule, subsidiary to its development. 
In a state of nature, fruits will gen- A , 
erally wither and drop from the — yy, 366,—A seedless cit- 
stem, if for any reason they have ‘ange, hybrid between the or- 

: ‘i ‘ ange and the lemon. 

become incapable of perfecting their 

seed. It is only in a few kinds, limited to those which can 
successfully propagate themselves by other means, that the 
production of seed does not take place. Among cultivated 
species, however, where propagation is carefully provided 
for by man, the seed is of less importance, and sterile vari- 
eties that might soon die out under natural conditions, con- 
tinue their existence indefinitely under his fostering hand. 
The seeds of edible fruits are, as a general thing, both ‘ndi- 
gestible and unpalatable (21), and hence the efforts of the 
horticulturist are directed largely to getting rid of them, or 
to very greatly reducing their size and number in proportion 
to the edible parts. 

286. How seedless fruits arise. — The perfecting of seed 
requires a great consumption of food and energy on the part 
of the plant, and when it is led, for any reason, to expend 
an unusual amount of force in some other function, —as 


for instance, in producing tubers or in growing bulbs, — 
itis apt to bear few seeds and to depend more or less com- 
pletely upon other methods of reproduction. 

Among cultivated plants, selection on the part of man, 
whether conscious or unconscious, has perhaps contributed 
more than any other cause to bring about the same result. 
To this agency is probably due the development of our com- 
mon domestic fig, of which over four hundred varieties that. 
mature fruits without fertilization are cultivated in the United 
States alone. The fig was one of the earliest fruits known to 
cultivation; and the early navigators, ignorant of the processes 
of fertilization, would naturally, in choosing specimens to 
carry home with them, select only fruit-bearing trees. Such 
of these as matured fruits would be preserved and propagated, 
until, by repeated selection, hundreds of edible varieties have 
been developed that ripen fruits without caprification (279). 

287. The use of the fruit to the plant. — The object of 
the fruit is to furnish protection to the seeds during their 
period of development and inactivity, and to aid in various 
ways the work of dispersal. It probably takes part also in 
digesting and diffusing nourishment for the use of the develop- 
ing seeds. It has been shown in previous chapters that plants, 
almost without exception, are in the habit of storing up 
food in various ways as a provision for fruiting. That a 
large portion of the stored nourishment is used up in the per- 
formance of this function is proved by its disappearance from 
those parts — for example, from fleshy roots, such as beets 
and turnips, after they have “ gone to seed.” 

Practical Questions 

1. What is the use of the down on the peach? The bloom of the plum 
and grape? [202, (1); Exp. 91.] 

2. Why are apples, pears, plums, and other fleshy fruits nearly always 
rosier on one side than on the other? (Exp. 90.) 

3. Can annuals be improved in any other way than by seed selec- 

4. Would a seedless annual be perpetuated under natural conditions? 


5. Why is decrease of moisture and increase of light desirable as the 
fruiting season approaches? (126, 127; Exp. 90.) 

6. Why are turnips, carrots, and other fleshy roots unfit to eat if left 
over till the plants have seeded? (92, 287.) 


MareriaL. — A specimen of each of the four principal kinds of fleshy 
fruits. Examples of the pome are: apple, pear, quince, rose hip, haw; of 
_.the berry: grape, tomato, cranberry, currant, gooseberry, lemon; of the 
pepo: melon, squash, pumpkin; of the drupe: peach, plum, cherry, dog- 
wood. Specimens of the commoner kinds can nearly always be found in 
the market ; if nothing better is available, pickled and dried ones may be 
used — figs, prunes, dates, raisins, etc. 

288. Dissection of a pome fruit.— Examine with a lens 
the outside of an apple or a pear. Can you make out the 
lenticels? What difference 
in color do you notice be- 
tween the ripe and unripe 
fruit? What difference in 
taste? What substance 
would you judge from this, 
do ripe fruits contain 
which green ones do not? 
Test both kinds for sugar 
and starch; which contains 
the more of each? Strictly : 
speaking, sugar and starch Fic. sa Ea cael me show- 
are merely different forms 
of the same chemical compound. In ripe fruits the starch 
has been cooked by the sun and converted into sugar. 

With the point of a pencil separate the little dry scales that 
cover the depression in the center of the fruit at the end oppo- 
site the stem. How many of them are there? How does this 
accord with the plan of the flower as outlined in 229? They 
are the remains of the sepals, as will be more apparent on 
comparing them with the larger and more leaflike ones on 
a hip, which is clearly only the end of the footstalk enlarged 


and hollowed out with the calyx sepals at the top. Cut a 
cross section midway between the stem and the blossom end, 
and make an enlarged sketch of it. Label the thin, papery 
‘walls that inclose the seed, carpels. 
How many of them are there, and how 
many seeds does each contain? The 
carpels, together with all that portion 
of the fruit which surrounds and ad- 
heres to the ovary, constitute the peri- 
carp, or wall of the seed vessel. The 
fleshy part of the apple is no part of 
the ovary proper, but consists merely 

Fig. 368.— Cross section 
of a pome: pil, placenta; c, Of the receptacle, or end of the foot- 

earpels ; f, fbrovascular bun- stalk, which becomes greatly enlarged 

ta and thickened in fruit. Look for a 

ring of dots outside the carpels, connected (usually) by a 
faint scalloped line. How many of these dots are there? How 
do they compare in number with the carpels? With the rem- 
nants of the sepals adhering to the blossom end of the fruit? 
Next make a vertical section 
through a fruit, and sketch, enlarg- 
ing it sufficiently to show all the 
parts distinctly. Observe the line of | 
woody fibers outside the carpels, in- 
closing the core of the apple. Com- 
pare this with your cross section; to 
what does it correspond? Where do 
these threads originate? Where do 
they end? Can you make out what Fic. 369.— Vertical section 
Me aust (FO), Noties Row aul ate peer ae 
where the stem is attached to the ji, placenta: c, carpel. ” ; 
fruit. Label the external portion of 
the stem, peduncle; the upper part, from which the fibrovas- 
cular bundles branch, the receptacle. It is the enlargement 
of this which forms the fleshy part of the fruit. Try to find 
out, with the aid of your lens and dissecting pins, the exact 


spot at which the seeds are attached to the carpels, and 
label this point, placenta. Notice whether it is in the axis 
where the carpels all meet at their inner edges, or on the 
outer side. Observe, also, whether the seed is attached to 
the placenta by its big or its littleend. If you can find a 
tiny thread that attaches the seed to the carpel, label it, seed 
stalk. Fruits of this kind are classed, botanically, as pomes. 
Write, from your analysis, a definition of the pome. 

289. Modifications of the receptacle. — Compare with the 
drawings you have made, a haw anda hip. What points of 
agreement do you see? What dif- 
ferences? Which of the two more 
closely resembles the typical pome? 
The receptacle is subject to a va- 
riety of modifications, and forms a 
part of many fruits, for example, 
the fig, lotus, and calycanthus 
(Figs. 370, 371); but a fruit is not 
a pome unless the containing re- Fed. SiH amie 

ceptacle becomes more or less soft receptacle of Carolina allspice 
: (Calycanthus), containing fruits 

and edible. attached to its inner surface: 
290. The pepo, or melon. — Next 370, exterior; 371, vertical sec- 

examine a gourd, cucumber, squash, "”™ 

or any kind of melon, and compare its blossom end with that 
of the apple or pear. Do you find any remains of a calyx, 
or other part of the flower? Examine the peduncle and ob- 
serve how the fruit is attached to it. Can you tell what 
made the outer epidermis of the rind? Put a small piece 
under the microscope; do you see any stomata, or lenticels? 
Cut cross and vertical sections, and sketch them, labeling 
each part. There may be some difficulty in making out the 
carpels, for they are not separate and distinct as in the pome, 
but confluent with the enlarged receptacle, which in these 
fruits forms the outer portion of the rind, and also with each 
other at their edges, so as to form one unbroken circle, as if 
they had all grown together. And this is precisely what 



has happened. The placentas are greatly enlarged and 
modified, and it may be necessary to refer to the diagram, 
Fig. 372, c, in order to make them out. How many locules, 
or chambers, are there in your specimen? How many 
placentas? Notice that these are central 
and double, but extend to the pericarp be- 
fore dividing so that they appear to be pa- 
rietal, and twice their real number, which 
¥ is only three. Are the seeds vertical, as in 
the apple, or horizontal? Look for the 
e —¢ — little stalk, or thread, that attaches them 
section of gourd : c, one to the placenta. 
es ype Pepo is the name given by botanists to 
this kind of fruit. Write in your notebook 
a proper definition of it, from the specimens examined. 

291. The berry. — Examine a tomato, an eggplant, a 
grape, cranberry, lemon, or orange, in both cross and ver- 
tical section, and compare it with the melon and the apple. 
What differences and resemblances do you find? Cut a 
cross section, and draw, showing the attachment of the seeds. 
How many locules are there? Normally the tomato is a 
two-celled fruit, like the potato berry (Fig. 374), but it has 
been so modified by cultivation that 
the original plan is not always easy 
to distinguish. See if you can make 
it out. Do the seeds in your speci- 
men appear to be healthy and well 
developed, or are some of them small 
and aborted? How do you account 
for this? (285, 286.) What differ- Fias. 373, 374. — A potato 
ence do you notice in color between _ berry :373, exterior ; 374, cross 
the ripe and unripe fruit? Write a nee 
definition of the berry from the study you have made of it. 

Berries are the commonest of all fleshy fruits, and the most 
variable and difficult to define. In general, any soft, pulpy, 
or juicy mass, like the grape and tomato, whether one or 



many seeded, inclosed in a containing envelope, whether 
skin or rind, is a berry. Its typical forms are such fruits as 
the grape, mistletoe, pokeberry, etc., though such diverse 
forms as the eggplant, persimmon, red pepper, orange, ba- 
nana, and pomegranate have been classed as berries; and, 
in fact, the melon and the pumpkin are only greatly modified 
kinds of the same fruit. In popular language, any small, 
round, edible fruit is called a berry. This is a good commer- 
cial classification, though not botanically correct. 

292. The drupe, or stone fruit. — Examine a section of a 
green plum, peach, or cherry, before the stone has hardened, 
and tell from what part it is formed. This stony covering, 
composed of the inner layer of the pericarp, and enveloping 
the seed like an outer coat, is the main dis- 
tinction between the drupe and the berry, 
but it is not always possible to make out its 
real nature except by an examination of the 
young ovary. In a green drupe, before the 
stone has hardened, its connection with the Rr et Som 
fleshy part is very evident, and the ripe fruit drupe. (After 
will answer inquiries if we know how to put eae 
them. Open the stone, and the seed will be exposed with its 
own coverings inside. When a stone has more than one 
kernel,—for instance, an almond or peach stone, — the 
stone is not a seed coat, but the hardened inner wall of a 
seed vessel or ovary; for a seed coat can never contain more 
than one seed, any more than the same skin can contain 
more than one animal. 

All the fruits considered in this section belong to the fleshy 
class. These form the bulk of the fruits sold in the market, 
and are of special importance to the horticulturist. 

Practical Questions 

1. Is the tomato horticulturally a fruit or a vegetable? the squash? 
eggplant ? cranberry? olive? elderberry? pepper? date? maypop? crab 
apple? black haw? To what class does each belong? (283, 288-292.) 


2. Of what use to the plant is the hard stone of the drupe? (21.) 

3. Is the pulp of fleshy fruits agreeable to the taste before they are 
ripe? After? What advantage is this to the plant? (21.) 

4, Are the seeds of edible fruits, as a general thing, digestible or agree- 
able to the palate? 

5. Is this an advantage to man? To the plant? (21, 284, 285.) 

6. What are the most common fleshy fruits in autumn ? 

7. With what vegetative parts of the plant does the skin of many 
fruits present correspondences? Are these such as to indicate homology, 
or analogy only, between them? (100, 118, 288, 289; Exp. 89.) 

8. Name six of the most watery fruits that grow in your neighborhood. 

9. Under what conditions as to soil, heat, moisture, etc., does each 
thrive best ? 

10. Would a gardener act wisely to infer that because a fruit contains 
a great deal of water it should be planted in a very wet place? 

11. Which contains more water, the fruit or the leaves of the apple? 

12. Why does not the fruit, when separated from the tree, wither as 
quickly as do the leaves? (Exp. 91.) 


Materia. — Some easily attainable specimens of dry fruits are (1) nuts: 
acorn, hickory nut, walnut, chestnut, pecan, filbert ; (2) pods: pea and bean 
pods, capsules of larkspur, milkweed, jimson weed, cotton ; (3) grains: corn, 
wheat, oats, rice; (4) akene: sunflower, thistle, dandelion, buckwheat, 

293. Importance of dry fruits. — Dry fruits are not in 
general so conspicuous or so attractive as fleshy ones, but on 
account of their great number and variety they offer a 
wide field for study. They are also of great interest from an 
economic point of view: (1) because they include the cereal 
grains that furnish so large a portion of our food, and (2) 
because the greater part of the troublesome weeds that infest 
our crops are scattered by fruits of this class. 

294. Indehiscent fruits. — These kinds are so simple that 
it will not be necessary to give much time to them. Compare 
an acorn, a chestnut, or a filbert with a ripe bean pod or with 
a capsule of morning-glory. Try to open each with your 
fingers ; which dehisces, or opens, the more readily? Which is 
indehiscent, having no regular way of opening? How many 


seeds or kernels do you find in the dehiscent pod? How 
many in the indehiscent one? Would it be of any advan- 
tage for a one-seeded pod to open? Remove the kernel 
from the indehiscent fruit; has it any covering besides the 
shell? Which is the pericarp, and which the seed coat? 

295. The nut is easily recognized by its hard, bony cover- 
ing, containing usually, when mature, a single large seed that 
fills the interior. Care should be taken not to confound with 
true nuts, large bony seeds, like those of the buckeye, horse- 





Fias. 376, 377. — Nut of the pecan Fics. 378, 379.—Nutlike seeds: 
tree : 376, exterior ; 377, cross section. 378, horse-chestnut ; 379, seed of the 
‘ fetid sterculia. 

chestnut, date, and the Brazil nut sold in the markets. In 
the true nut, the hard covering is the seed vessel, or pericarp, 
and not a part of the seed itself, though it often adheres to it 
so closely as to seem so. In bony seeds, like those of the horse- 
chestnut and persimmon, the hard covering is the outer seed 
coat. The distinction is not always easy to make out unless 
the seed can be examined while still attached to the placenta 
of the fruit. 

296. The akene, of which we have 
examples in the tailed fruit of the 
clematis, the tiny pits on the straw- 
berry, and the so-called seeds of the 
thistle, dandelion, and sunflower, is a 
small, dry, one-seeded, indehiscent 
fruit, so like a naked seed that it is 
generally taken for one by persons not ___ Frcs. 380, 381.— Akenes 

: . . (magnified): 380, of buck- 
acquainted with botany. It is the wheat; 381, of cinquefoil. 


commonest of all fruits, and there are so many kinds that 
special names have been applied to some of the most marked 
varieties. The akene of the 
composite family may gen- 
erally be known by the 
various appendages in the 
form of scales, hooks, hairs, 
or chaff, that crown it (Figs. 
3809-314). The fruits of the 
see aes oem parsley family are merely a 
ar ae fruits of sort of double akene at- 
tached by the inner face 
to a slender stalk from which it separates at maturity. 
The samara, or key fruit, is an akene provided with a 
wing to aid in its disper- 
sion by the wind. ‘The 
maple, ash, and elm fur- 
nish familiar examples. 
297. The grain, so fa- 
miliar to us in all kinds of 
grasses, is economically 
the most important of all Fias. 385, 386.— Samaras: 385, ailanthus; 
‘ 386, maple. 
fruits. It is popularly 
classed as a seed, and for practical purposes may be treated 
as such, but it is really a modification of the akene in which 
the seed coats have so completely fused with the pericarp 
that they can no longer be distinguished 
as separate organs. Peel the husk from 
a grain of corn that has been soaked for 
twenty-four hours, and you will find the 
contents exposed without any covering ; 

Fics. 387, 388. — Grain ] 

af wheat, with bake ,, Pemove the shell of an acorn or a hickory 

387, front view ; 388,back nut, and the seed will still be enveloped 

ead by its own coats. Would it be of any 

advantage for the seed of an indehiscent fruit, like a grain of 

corn or oats, to have a separate special covering of its own? 


298. Dehiscent fruits. — Pod, or capsule, is the general 
name applied to all dehiscent fruits. The simplest possible 
kind of pod is the follicle, composed of a 
single carpel, like those of 
the larkspur, milkweed, and 
marsh marigold, and may be 
regarded as a modified leaf. 
Examine one of these pods 
and you will find that it 
splits down one side, which 
corresponds to the edges of 
the leaf brought together 
and turned inward to form 
a placenta for the attach- ie ae cop 
ment of the seed. This line ike follicle of Japan 

: : ‘Cojy7. varnish tree: S, 
of union is called a “su- Sith sien one: 

Fia. 389. — Follicl : 
of milkweed, ture,” from a Latin word 8’, inner (ventral) 

* ture. 
meaning a “seam.” nee 

299. The legume. — Get a pod of any kind of bean or 
pea, and observe that it differs 
from the follicle in having two 
sutures or lines of dehiscence. 
One of these runs along the back 
of the carpel and corresponds 
to the midrib of the leaf; the 
other, corresponding to the 
united edges of the carpellary 
leaf, always turns inward, 
toward the axis of the flower, 
and forms the placenta. 

The beggar-ticks, so unpleas- 
antly familiar to most of us, — 
are merely-a kind of legume con- 

392 393 

Fies. pees Out 391, 
, legume of bean: 2, ventral suture; 
stricted between the seeds and a, dorsal suture; 392, constricted 

: : Siie legume of senna (CassiaNelsonia); 398, 
breaking up into separate joints emus ef a Goa iil caniulicon: 

at maturity. What kind of stricted pod. 


Fia. 394. — Loment of 

— The carpellary leaves may 
unite either by their open 
edges, as if a whorl like that 
represented in Fig. 188 were 
to grow together by the 
margins (Fig. 395); or each 
may first roll itself into a 

Fia. 395. — Cross 
section of one- 
celled syncarpous 
capsule of frost- 
weed, with parie- 
tal placentae. 
(After Gray.) 

Fic. 396. — Folli- 
cles of larkspur 
borne on the same 
torus, but dis- 

simple follicle like the lark- 

spur and columbine (Fig. 396), and then a number of 
these may unite by their ventral sutures into a single syn- 
carpous capsule, with as many locules as there are carpels 

397 398 

Fia. 397. — Pods of Fia. 398. — Capsule of 
Echeveria, contig- Colchicum, with carpels Fie. 399. — Capsule 
uous, but distinct. united into a synearpous of corn cockle, with 
pod. free central placenta. 


(Fig. 398). The seed-bearing sutures being all brought to- 
gether in the center, the placenta becomes central and azial. 
In the first case (Fig. 395) the open carpels form a one- 
chambered capsule, though the placentas sometimes project, 
as in the cotton, so far as to produce the effect of true 
partitions with a central axial placenta. In capsules with 


only one compartment, the number of carpels can generally 
be determined by the number of sutures or of placentas. 

Practical Questions 

1. To what class of fruits does each of the following belong — rice; 
beggar-ticks; poppy; peanut; jimson weed; chinquapin; caraway? 

2. Is the coconut, as usually sold in the market, a fruit or a 
seed ? 

Suggestion: carefully examine the “ eyes,’ from without and from 
within; if you can get a specimen with the husk on, it will help to a 

3. Can you name any syncarpous, or compound capsule, that is single- 
seeded ? 

4. Can you name any indehiscent fruit that has normally more than 
one seed ? 

5. Give a reason for the difference. (23.) 

6. Name the weeds of your neighborhood that are most troublesome 
on account of their adhesive fruits. 

7. Do these fruits belong, as a rule, to the dehiscent or to the indehis- 
cent class ? 

8. Give a reason for the difference, if any is noted. (23.) 



Mareriat. — For autumn and winter, examples of accessory fruits 
are: pineapple, common apple, pear, rose hip; aggregate: magnolia, 
tulip tree, wild cucumber, sweet flag (Calamus); multiple: osage orange, 
sweet gum balls, pine cones, figs, fresh or dried. 

For spring and summer, examples of accessory fruits are: raspberry, 
strawberry, squash, cucumber; aggregate: strawberry, blackberry, Jack- 
in-the-pulpit; multiple: fig, mulberry. Most of those named will be 
found to belong to more than one class; the strawberry, for instance, is 
both accessory and aggregate; the fig and pineapple, accessory and 

301. Besides the varieties already named, all fruits, 
whether fleshy or dry, may be simple, accessory, aggre- 
gate, or collective. Fruits of the first kind need no ex- 
planation; they consist merely of a single ripened ovary, 


whether of one or more carpels, as the peach, cherry, bean, 
and lemon. 

302. Accessory fruits are so called because some other 
part than the seed vessel, or ovary proper, is coherent with, 
or accessory to it, in forming the fruit, as in the apple and 
the hip. The accessory part may consist of any organ, but 
is more frequently the calyx or the receptacle. In the straw- 
berry, the little hard bodies, usually called seeds, that dot 
the surface are the true fruits (akenes). A vertical section 
through the center will show the edible part to consist 

400 401 

Fics. 400, 401.— Vertical sections showing the relation between a strawberry 
flower and fruit: 400, the flower; 401, the fruit developed from it. The corre- 
sponding parts are indicated by connecting lines; r, receptacle; a, sepal; b, petal ; 
3, stamens; ¢, carpel (akene in fruit) ; p, style of the pistil ; pl, pulp of the fruit. 

wholly of the enlarged receptacle. In the pineapple, the 
edible stalk may be traced through a mass of flowers 
whose seed vessels have become enlarged and ripened into 

303. Aggregate fruits. — Some accessory fruits, the straw- 
berry and blackberry for example, are, at the same time, 
aggregate ; that is, they are composed of a number of sepa- 
rate individual fruits produced from a single flower. The 
cone of the magnolia and of the tulip tree are aggregate 
fruits; can you name any others? 


304. Collective, or multiple, fruits. — The pineapple is an 
example of both an accessory and a multiple fruit, being 
composed of the 
ripened ovaries of 
a number of sep- 
arate flowers that 
have become 
more or less co- 
herent. The osage 
orange, sweet 
gum balls, fig, and 
mulberry are 
other examples 

of this class. é oe 


305. Dissection \ SS 

mp ; 


of a multiple fruit. 
— Get one of the 
dried figs sold by au | 
the grocers. Look 402 403 

at the small end Fics. 402-404. Multiple fruit of the pineapple: 
where the skin 402, external view of a ripe fruit, showing the prolonged 
Ceo ‘ receptacle growing into a new plant above, and the scaly 
originates; of what bracted covering below ; 403, vertical section through the 
part is it a modi- axis of a fruit, showing a, the receptacle, with b, b, the 
é 9 fleshy ovaries cohering around it and forming the edible 
fication ? (2 8 9.) part of the fruit ; 404, asingle ‘“‘eye’’ or scale, somewhat 
Can you think of reduced, showing the scaly bract from the axil of which 
the (generally) abortive flower originates. 

a reason for this 
curious, urnlike enlargement of the receptacle? Is there any- 
thing about the fig, for instance, that renders it peculiarly 
liable to be preyed upon by birds and insects? Could any 
but a very small insect get through the eye without in- 
juring the fruit? Could it free itself from the sticky mass 
inside and get out again without difficulty? Would- you 
judge from this that the caprification of the fig is easily 
effected (279), even when the fig wasp is present? Can you 
now account for the fact that over four hundred varieties of 
cultivated figs ripen their fruit without fertilization? 


Open your specimen and examine the contents; what do 
you find? From a dried specimen it will hardly be practicable 
to make out clearly that the pulp of the fig consists of hun- 
dreds of a ally pistillate blossoms that line the inner face of the 

receptacle. The little grains usually 
taken for seeds are really small akenes 
—the ripened ovaries of flowers that 
have been pollinated from the caprifig 
(279, 286). Crush one gently and exam- 
ine with a lens, or under a low power of 
the microscope. It is these ‘“botanically” 

Fic. 405. — Vertical sec- ripe fruits (284) that give to the dried 
alee a ae figs of commerce their plumpness and 
closed receptacle. their pleasant, nutty flavor. Why are 
our native American figs lacking in these qualities (279)? 
Could this defect be remedied? Do you know of any 
efforts being made in that direction by American cultivators? 

406 407 408 409 

Fics. 406-409. — Non caprificated and caprificated figs : 406, outside appearance 
of non caprificated fig ; 407, outside appearance of caprificated fig; 408, interior of 
caprificated fig ; 409, interior of non caprificated fig. 

306. Fruit clusters. — Be careful not to confound aggre- 
gate and collective fruits with mere clusters, like a bunch 
of grapes or of sumac berries. The distinction is not always 
easy to make out. The clump of akenes that make up a dan- 
delion ball, for instance, though held on a common recep- 
tacle, like the mulberry and other collective fruits, have 
so little connection with each other, and separate so com- 
pletely at maturity, as to partake more of the nature of a 


cluster than of a collective fruit. The same is true of the 
clump of tailed akenes that make up the fruit of the clematis. 
Though the product of a single flower and thus technically 
an aggregate fruit, they are really only a compact head or 
cluster. Some degree of cohesion is necessary to constitute 
2 cluster of matured ovaries into an aggregate or a multiple 

307. The individual fruits that make up the various kinds 
just described may belong to any of the classes mentioned 
in the two preceding sections: those of the blackberry, for 
instance, are drupes; of the strawberry, akenes; of the 
sweet gum, capsules. 

Practical Questions 

1. To what class of fruits would you refer the following: a banana; 
a tickseed; a dewberry; a cocklebur; a string bean; a watermelon; a 
cantaloupe; a pomegranate; a black haw; a dogwood berry; a red 
pepper ? 

2. Tell which of the following are aggregate or multiple fruits, and 
which are fruit clusters: an ear of corn; of wheat; a buttonwood or a 
sycamore ball; a hop; a dewberry; a pine cone; a prickly pear. (303, 
304, 306.) 

8. Tell the nature of the individual fruits composing the different com- 
binations mentioned in the last question. 

4. Can you suggest any advantage that might accrue to a species from 
having its fruits clustered or compound? (21, 23, 24, 287.) 

Field Work 

1. Study the various edible fruits of your neighborhood with regard to 
their means of dissemination and protection. Consider the object of the 
protective adaptations in each case, whether against heat, cold, moisture, 
animals, etc. Notice the color of the different kinds, and trace its sig- 
nificance; for example, the bright red of the holly, the dull color of mus- 
cadine, black haw, and wild smilax. Account for the prevalence of red 
among autumn fruits. Notice the position of the fruit on the bough and 
explain its object; as, for instance, the clustering of dogwood at the end 
of the twig, the pendent position of grapes and honey locusts. Observe 


the relation between the color and size of fruits and their grouping. What 
advantage is it for sumac and bird haws to be gathered in large clusters ? 

2. Compare wild with cultivated fruits and notice in what respects man 
has altered the latter for his own benefit. Note, for instance, the differ- 
ence between cultivated apples and the wild crab, between the cultivated 
grains and wild grasses. Observe the great number of varieties of each 
kind in cultivation and try to account for it. 

3. Notice the situations in which different kinds of fruits grow, whether 
hot, dry, moist, windy, or sheltered, and how they are affected by their 
surroundings. For example, account for the difference between black- 
berries growing on a dry hillside, and those in moist land along the borders 
of astream. Give the conclusions drawn from your observations in each 

4. Notice what animals feed upon the different kinds, and whether their 
visits are harmful or beneficial. Consider in what respects the interests 
of the plant itself, the interests of man, and the interests of other animals 
may clash or coincide. Examine the vegetation along the hedgerows and 
borders of fields and old fences. Notice the kind of plants that compose 
it — sumac, sassafras, cedars, cat brier, etc. The list will be slightly 
different for different localities, but this will not alter the general conclu- 
sion. What kinds of fruits and seeds do these shrubs produce? What 
kinds of living creatures frequent hedgerows and feed upon the seeds of 
such plants? Do you see any relation between these facts and one of the 
modes of seed dispersal ? 

5. Classify all the fruits you have collected during your walk, under their 
proper heads, as fleshy or dry, dehiscent or indehiscent, simple, accessory, 
aggregate, collective. Be careful to distinguish between compact clusters, 
like the heads of clematis or buttonwood, and truly compound fruits. 



Mareriau. — A number of small flowerpots filled with soils of as many 
different kinds as can be found in the neighborhood. 

308. Definition.— By ecology is meant the relation of 
plants to their surroundings, which may be considered under 
three general heads: their relations to inanimate nature, 
to other plants, and to animals. The subject has been 
touched upon repeatedly in the foregoing pages, and, in 
fact, it is impossible to treat of any branch of botany with- 
out some reference to it. All that was said about the ad- 
justment of leaves for light and moisture, and their adap- 
tations for protection and food storage, about the devices 
for pollination, and for fruit and seed dispersal, really 
belong to ecology. 

309. Symbiosis. — The relations of plants to animate 
nature are biological factors, and may act in two ways: 
(1) through the destruction of vegetation by hungry ani- 
mals and by parasitic and disease-producing organisms; 
and (2) by associations for mutual benefit, such as are 
described in section vit of chapter VII. Associations of 
this kind are included under the general term symbiosis, 
a word which means “ living together.” In its broadest 
sense symbiosis refers to any sort of dependence or intimate 
organic relation between different kinds of individuals, and 
so may include the climbing and parasitic habits; but it 
is usually restricted to cases where the relation is one of 
mutual benefit. It may exist either between plants of one 



Puate 13.—Showing the quick response of vegetation to surroundings. The 
upper cut shows the appearance of an irrigation canal in the arid plains region, 
when first completed ; the lower cut, ten years after completion, 


kind with those of another, between animals with animals, 
or between plants and animals, as in the case of the clover 
and bumblebee, and the yucca and pronuba. 

The occurrence of root tubercles on certain of the legu- 
minose (63) is a clear case of symbiosis, the microscopic 
organisms In the tubercles getting their food from the plant 
and at the same time enabling it to get food for itself from 
the air in a way that it could not otherwise do. 

310. Relations with inanimate nature. — But it is to the 
relations of plants with inanimate nature, and their group- 
ing into societies under the influence of such conditions, 
that the term “ecology” is more strictly applied. The 
external conditions that lead to the grouping are called 
ecological factors. The most important of these are tem- 
perature, moisture, soil, light, and air, including the direc- 
tion and character of the prevailing winds. Each of these 
factors is complicated with the others and with conditions 
of its own in a way that often makes it difficult to determine 
just what effect any one of them may have in the formation 
of a given plant society. 

311. Temperature may be even and steady, like that of 
most oceanic regions, or it may be subject to sudden ca- 
prices and variations, like the ‘‘ heated terms”’ and “cold 
snaps” that afflict our Eastern coast region every few years. 
It is not the average temperature of a climate, but its 
extremes, especially of cold, that limit the character of 

Temperature probably has more influence than any other 
factor upon the distribution of plants over the globe; but it 
can have little or no effect in evolving local differences in 
vegetation, because the temperature of any given locality, 
except on the sides of high mountains, will ordinarily be the 
same within a circuit of many miles. 

312. Moisture, again, may be of all degrees, from the 
superabundance of lakes and rivers and standing swamps, 
to the arid dryness of the desert, and the water may be 


still and sluggish, or in rapid motion. It may exist more 
or less permanently in the atmosphere, as in moist climates 
like those of England and Ireland, where vegetation is 
characterized by great verdure; or it may come irregularly 
in the form of sudden floods, or at fixed intervals, causing 
an alternation of wet and dry seasons. Moreover, the 
moisture of the soil or the atmosphere may be impregnated 

qi pine : 
a a Ge es a 
Fie. 410. — The effect of cold —a Mt. Katahdin bog. (From Mo. Botanical 
Garden Rep’t.) 

with minerals or gases, which may affect the vegetation 
independently of the actual amount of water absorbed. 

Snow is a form of water which may act in two entirely 
opposite ways: (1) by keeping the atmospheric precipita- 
tion locked up in a solid state and thus bringing about a 
condition analogous to drought —for example, in arctic des- 
erts and Alpine snow fields; (2) by causing annual floods 
and overflows when it melts in the spring, as in the Nile 
and Mississippi valleys. 

In cold temperate regions it also influences vegetation 


to a considerable extent by covering the warm earth like 
a blanket during winter, and thus protecting tender seeds 
and shoots that otherwise would not be able to survive. 

313. Light may be of all 
degrees of intensity, from the 
blazing sun of the treeless 
plain to the darkness of caves 
and cellars where no green 
thing can exist. Between 
these extremes are number- 
less intermediate stages: the 
dark ravines on the northern 
side of mountains, the dense 
shade of beech and hemlock 
forests, and the light, lacy 
shadows of the pines,—each Fia. 411.— Dogwood, a tree tolerant 
characterized by its peculiar of shade, growing and blooming in a deeply 
form of vegetation. Absence osuhis bay 
of light, too, is usually accompanied by a lowering of tempera- 
ture and a reduction of transpiration, factors which tend to 
accentuate the difference between sun plants and shade 
plants, giving to the latter some of the characteristics of 
aquatic vegetation. Generally, the 
tissues of these are thin and deli- 
* cate, and having no need to guard 
against excessive transpiration, they 
wither rapidly when cut or exposed 
to too great intensity of heat and 

Fic. 412.—Aredcedargrown 314. Winds affect vegetation, not 
in a barren, wind-beaten situa- only as to the manner of seed dis- 
tion. ‘ E 

tribution and the conveyance of pol- 
len, but directly by increasing transpiration, and necessitat- 
ing the development of strong holdfasts in plants growing 
upon mountain sides and in other exposed situations. The 
nature of the region from which they blow — whether moist, 


dry, hot, cold, ete.—is also an important 
factor. In a district open to sea breezes, 
live oaks, which require a salt atmosphere, 
may sometimes be found as far as a hun- 
dred miles from the coast. 

315. Soil.— While water is the most im- 
portant, soil is perhaps the most interesting 
of these factors to the farmer, because it is 
the one that he has it most largely in his 
power to modify. It is to be viewed under 
two aspects: first, as to its mechanical prop- 
erties, whether soft, hard, compact, porous, 
light, heavy, etc. ; secondly, as to its chemical 

Fig. 413.— A red 
cedar grown under ene 
normal conditions. composition and the amount of plant food- 

materials contained in it. The first can be 

regulated by tillage and drainage, the second by a proper 
use of fertilizers. 

Factor. — Fill a number of small earthen pots with all the different kinds 
of soil that are to be found in your neighborhood. Keep well moistened 
and make a list of the plants that appear spontaneously in each. Is 
there any difference in the kinds produced by different soils? In vigor 
or abundance of the same or different kinds? Do more seedlings appear 
in any of the pots than could live if left alone? What becomes of a ma- 
jority of the seedlings that come up in a state of nature? 

After a time, stop watering until all the plants are dead and new ones 
cease to appear. Notice the rate at which vegetation dies out in each 
and the kind of plants that can live longest without water. Which of the 
different soils is capable of sustaining vegetation longest without a fresh 
supply of moisture? To what quality of the soil is this due? (Exp. 53.) 

Practical Questions 

1. Is the relation between man and the plants cultivated by him a 
symbiosis? (809.) 

2. Why is it that plants of the same, or closely related species are found 
in such different localities as the shores of Lake Supcrior, the top of Mt. 
Washington, and the Black Mountains in North Carolina? (811, 330.) 


3. Which of the five ecological factors mentioned in paragraphs 311- 
315 has probably most largely influenced their distribution ? 

4, What is the prevailing character of the soil in your neighborhood ? 

5. Is your climate moist or dry? Warm or cold? 

6. Can you trace any connection between these factors and the pre- 
vailing types of vegetation? 


Mareriau. — The subject is not well suited to laboratory work, though, 
if time permits, it is recommended that a detailed study be made of at 
least one typical hydrophyte, halophyte, and xerophyte plant. Some 
good examples are: (1) Hydrophyte: pondweed, waterlily, pipewort (Erio- 
caulon), bladderwort, arrowhead (Sagittaria) ; (2) Halophyte : sea lavender, 
sea rocket, sea lettuce, water hyacinth; (3) Xerophyte: cactus, century 
plant, pineapple, stonecrop, purslane, lichen. 

316. Modes of grouping. — Plants group themselves in 
their favorite habitats, not according to their botanical rela- 
tionships, but with regard to the predominance of one or 
more of the ecological factors that influence their growth. 
Sometimes one or two species will take practical possession 
of large areas, like the coarse grasses that spread over certain 
salt marshes, or the pines that formerly constituted the sole 
forest growth over extensive regions in North Carolina and 
Maine. Exclusive growths of this kind over limited areas 
are sometimes called plant colonies, and the individuals com- 
posing them belong, as a general thing, to the hardy, pushing 
sort known as “ pioneers,’’ which are among the first to take 
possession of new soil and force their way into unoccupied 
territory. But more usually we find a great diversity, of 
forms brought together by their common requirements as 
to shade, soil, moisture, and other external conditions. 

Any well-defined assemblage of plants, whether of one kind 
or many, originating in such a common response to the same 
influences, is called a formation. These associations are va- 
riously classed, according to the nature of their habitat, 
as salt water, fresh water, sand hill, swamp, bog, river bot- 
tom, or such other kinds as their ecological character may 


indicate. Local conditions in limited areas may lead to the 
segregation of smaller and more compact groups called socie- 
ties. This term, however, is used rather loosely, being treated 
in some works as synonymous with formations, in others as 
analogous with what have here been defined as colonies. 
317. Principles of subdivision. — The mixed associations 
described in the last paragraph are quite independent of 

Fia. 414.— A colony of Alabama primroses (Gnothera speciosa). 

botanical relationships, and any of the factors named in 
310, or others of a different kind, could be made the basis of 
their classification. They might be grouped, for instance, 
according to their economic uses, or according to origin, 
whether native or introduced, as best suited the purpose of 
the classification in each case. The moisture factor, however, 
has been generally agreed upon as the one most convenient 
for ordinary purposes. Upon this principle plants are divided 
into three great groups : — 


Hydrophytes, or water plants, those that require abundant 

Xerophytes, or drought plants, those that have adapted 
themselves to desert or arid conditions. 

Mesophytes, plants that live in conditions intermediate 
between excessive drought and excessive 
moisture. To this class belong most of 
our ordinary cultivated plants and the 
greater part of the vegetation of the globe. . 

Halophytes, ‘salt plants,” is a term 
used to designate a fourth class, based not 
directly upon the water factor, but upon 
the presence of a particular mineral in the 
water or the soil which they can tolerate. 
They seem to bear a sort of double rela- 
tion to hydrophytes on the one hand and 
to zerophytes on the other. 

318. Hydrophyte societies. — These em- 
brace a number of forms, from those in- 
habiting swamps and wet moors, to the 
submerged vegetation of lakes and rivers. 
An examination of almost any kind of 
water plant will show some of the physio- 
logical effects of unlimited moisture. Take 
a piece of pondweed, or other immersed 
plant, out of the water and notice how com- 
pletely it collapses. This is because, being 
buoyed up by the water, it has no need to 
spend its energies in developing woody 
tissue. Floating and swimming plants will | Fis. 415.—A water — 

plant (Limnophila), 
generally be found to have no root system, with water leaves and 
or very small ones, because they absorb 3H leaves and transi- 
their nourishment through all parts of the 
epidermis directly from the medium in which they live. 
That they may absorb readily, the tissues are apt to be soft 
and succulent and the walls of the cells composing them 


very thin. In some of the pipeworts (Eriocaulon), the ells 
are so large as to be easily seen with the unaided eye. If 
you can obtain one of these, examine it 

with a lens and notice how very thin the 
walls are. Water plants also contain nu- 
merous air cavities, and often develop 
bladders and floats, as in the common blad- 

Tia. 417.— A pioneer 
swamp colony of cattails. 
(From a photograph by 
Harry B. Shaw, U.S. Dept. 

derwort and many 
seaweeds. The leaves 
of submerged plants 
are usually either 
greatly reduced in size 
or very much cut and 
divided, while the ones 
that rise above water, Fic. 416. Seaweed 
like those of the water (sa7gesswm) with blad- 
derlike floats. 
lily, are apt to be large 
and entire, to facilitate floating, and have 
stomata on their upper surface. Float- 
ing plants sometimes form such large 
colonies as to be a serious menace to 
navigation. Well-known instances of 
this are the water hyacinths in the St. 
John’s River, Florida, and the vast 
formations of swimming gulfweed from 
which the Sargasso Sea takes its name. 
319. Swamp societies. — These in- 
clude what may be regarded as the am- 
phibious portion of the hydrophyte 
group. They compose the sedge and 
cattail bogs, reed jungles, moss and fern 
thickets, forests of cypress, magnolia, 
black gum, pine, tamarack, balsam, and 

the like. The sedges and cattails are the pioneers of these 
societies, which tend constantly to encroach upon the water 
and so prepare the way for the advance of other colonists. 


Drawing their nourishment from the loose soil in which they 
are anchored, and lacking the support of a liquid medium, 
they develop roots and vascular stems. The roots of plants 
growing in swamps have difficulty in obtaining proper aér- 
ation on account of the water, which shuts off the air from 
them ; hence they are furnished with large air cavities, and 
the bases of the stems are often greatly enlarged, as in the 
Ogeechee lime (Nyssa capitata) and cypress, to give room 
for the formation of air passages. The peculiar hollow pro- 

fp S Lacie Z Pai St 

Fic. 418. — A Southern cypress swamp, showing on the left the peculiar enlarge- 
mentsfor aération, known as “‘ cypress knees.’’ (From Mo. Botanical Garden Rep’t.) 

jections known as “ cypress knees”’ are arrangements for 
aérating the roots of these trees. 

320. Xerophyte societies are adpated to conditions the 
reverse of those affected by hydrophytes. The extreme of 
these conditions is presented by regions of perennial drought, 
like our Western arid plains and the great deserts of the in- 
terior of Asia and Africa. Under these conditions plants 
have two problems to solve, — to collect all the moisture they 
can and to keep it as long as they can. Hence, plants of 
such regions have a diminished evaporating surface, owing 
to the absence of foliage and the compacting of their tissues 



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into the stem, after the manner of the cactus and prickly 
euphorbia; or their leaves may become thick and fleshy so 
as to resist evaporation and retain large amounts of mois- 
ture, as in the case of the yucca and century plant. They 
also frequently develop a thick, hard epidermis, or cover 
themselves with protective hairs and scales. 

The principal types of xerophyte plants are: (1) the li- 
chens, mosses, and saxifrages found on bald rocks and moun- 
tain cliffs ; (2) sand plants, such as cockspur grass, sand spurry, 
wiregrass, and the like, inhabiting sea beaches and pine 
barrens; (3) the sage brush, greasewood, and switch plants 
of our Western alkali plains; (4) the cactus and yuccas of 
southern California, Arizona, and Mexico; (5) the acacias, 
agaves, and hardy “ chapparal ” thickets of southern Texas 
and Mexico. The first class are of importance as the pio- 
neers and pathfinders of the xerophyte community. In 
tropical and polar deserts alike they are the first settlers, 
and by aiding in the disintegration of rocks and their gradual 
conversion into soil, they pave the way for the coming of 
the higher plants, and it may be of man himself. 

321. Partial xerophytes.— Plants exposed to periodic 
and occasional droughts frequently provide against hard 
times by laying up stores of nourishment in bulbs and root- 
stocks and retiring underground until the stress is over. 
This is known as the geophilous, or earth-loving, habit. 
Others, as some of the lichens, and the little resurrection 
fern (Polypodium incanum, Figs. 419, 420), so common on the 
trunks of oaks and elms in the Southern States, make no 
resistance, but wither away completely during dry weather, 
only to waken again to vigorous life with the first shower. 

322. Physiological xerophytes. — Plants growing in thin 
or poor soil, such as that on denuded hillsides, fresh railroad 
cuts, and newly graded streets, are apt to take on a more or 
less xerophytic character, even though there may be no lack 
of moisture. Such soils are called ‘‘ new” because the 
mineral elements in them have not been exposed long enough 




Fias. 419, 420. — A resurrection fern: 419, in dry weather ; 420, after a shower. 

to have become decomposed and mixed with humus, and the 
vegetation that first populates them has to do the pioneer 
work of disintegrating and impregnating the substratum with 


humus. For similar reasons the vegetation of sandy bogs 
and sea beaches, owing to the poverty of the soil in nitrog- 
enous matter, usually develops xerophyte adaptations, 
even though there may be a superabundance of moisture. 
Plants growing on high mountain tops and in cold arctic 
bogs take on the same characteristics (Fig. 410). Such situa- 
tions are said to be “ physiologically dry,’’ because the 
moisture they have is not in a condition to be readily ab- 

Fic. 421.—A halophyte swamp of mangroves. Notice the tangle of adven- 
titious prop roots assisting in the work of absorption from the brackish marsh soil. 
(From Mo. Botanical Garden Rep’t.) 

sorbed: The vegetation of arctic regions suffers more from 
physiological drought than from cold. 

323. Halophytes include plants growing by the seashore 
and the vegetation around salt springs and lakes and that of 
alkali deserts. Seaweeds are in a sense halophytes, since 
they live in salt water, but as they are true aquatic plants 
and exhibit many of the peculiarities of hydrophytes in their 
mechanical structure, they are classed with them. The 
name halophyte applies more particularly to land plants 


that have adapted themselves to the presence in the soil 
or in the atmospheric vapor, of certain minerals, popularly 
known as salts, which cause them to take on many xero- 
phyte characteristics. The reason for this, as was shown in 
Exp. 39, is because the mixture of salt in the water of the 
soil increases its density so that it is difficult for the plant to 
absorb as much as it needs, and thus halophytes are living 
under “‘ physiologically ” xerophyte conditions. If you have 
ever spent any time at the seashore, you cannot fail to have 
observed the thick and fleshy habit exhibited by many of 
the plants growing there, such as the samphire, sea purslane 
(Sesuvium), and sea rocket (Cakile). A form of goldenrod 
found by the seashore has thick, fleshy leaves, and is as hard 
to dry as some of the fleshy xerophytes. 

Another characteristic of desert plants that is common 
also to seaside vegetation is the frequent occurrence of a 
thick, hard epidermis, as in the sea lavender and saw grass. 
The live oaks, trees that love the salt air and never flourish 
well beyond reach of the sea breezes, have small, thick, 
hard leaves, very like those of the stunted oaks that grow on 
the dry hills of California. The presence of spines and 
hairs, it will be observed, is also very common; e.g. the sal- 
sola, the sea oxeye, and the low primrose (Z’nothera humi- 
fusa). In other cases the leaf blades are so strongly involute 
or revolute (202) as to make them appear cylindrical. All 
these, it will be observed, are xerophyte adaptations, and the 
object in both cases is the same — the conservation of mois- 

324. Mesophytes. — These embrace the great body of 
plants growing under the ordinary conditions of temperate 
regions, which may vary from the liberal water supply of 
low meadows and shady forests to the almost desert barren- 
ness of dusty lanes and gullied, treeless hillsides. The 
forms and conditions they present are so varied that it would 
be impracticable to consider them all in a work like this, but 
they may be summed up under the two general heads of 


(1) open ground and (2) woodland. Under the first are in- 
cluded: (a) all cultivated grounds — fields, meadows, lawns, 
pastures, and roadsides, with their characteristic shrubs, 
flowers, and grasses; (b) heaths and plains of northern or 
alpine regions, with their low, stunted perennials and bright, 
but fugacious, flowers. Under the second are classed all 
woods, thickets, and copses, with the shrubs and herbs that 
form their undergrowth. These may be grouped in three 
main divisions: (c) mixed forests of maple, ash, oak, hickory, 
birch, sweet gum, etc.; (d) pure forests of pine, balsam, fir, 
cypress, and the like; and finally (e), the perennial splendors 
of the tropical. forest, where the vegetation of the globe 
reaches its climax in luxuriance and variety of growth. 

Practical Questions 

1. Why do florists cultivate cactus plants in poor soil? (320.) 
2. What would be the effect on such a plant of copious watering and 
fertilizing ? , 
3. Why must an asparagus bed be sprinkled occasionally with salt ? 
4. If a gardener wished to develop or increase a fleshy habit in a plant, 
to what conditions of soil and moisture would he subject it? (320, 323.) 
5. What difference do you notice between blackberries and dewberries 
grown by the water and on a dry hillside? 
6. Are there corresponding differences in the root, stem, and leaves of 
plants growing in the two situations, and if so account for them? 
7. When a tract of dry land is permanently overflowed by the building 
of a dam or levee, why does all the original vegetation die, or take on a 
sickly appearance? (319.) 
8. Should plants with densely hairy leaves be given much water, as 
a general thing? (202, 320.) ; 
9. A farmer planted a grove of pecan trees on a high, dry hilltop; 
had he paid much attention to ecology? Give a reason for your answer. 
10. Why do the branches of trees often die, or fail to develop, on the 
windward side? (814.) 
11. Why do trees grown in dry soil have harder wood than the same 
kind grown in wet soil? (123, 318.) 



325. The origin of vegetable zones. — The terms “ zone” 
and “ zonation ” are used to express a general tendency of 
plant societies and formations to distribute themselves in 
more or less regular belts or strata, relatively to the varying 
intensity of the prevalent ecological factor of their habitat. 
In almost every locality there exists some special feature — 
a pond, a brook, a small ravine, an isolated hilltop, a deserted 
quarry, a gravel pit, or a railroad cut, — sufficiently distinct 
from the general surroundings to exercise a perceptible 
control over the 
vegetation in its 
immediate vicinity, 
and thus to become 
the starting point 
of a series of plant 
zones that mark the 
decreasing influence 
of the factor con- 
cerned, by their 
change of character 

Fic. 422.—A pioneer colony of sumac growingon a5 they recede from 
a en cutting. (From a photograph by J. M. its point of greatest 

intensity. Starting 
from a barren, exposed hilltop, for example, with a covering 
of dry broom sedge (Andropogon) and fleabane, we encounter 
next an almost desert zone of washed and gullied slopes in 
whose hard, sun-baked soil nothing but a few scrub pines and 
brambles can gain afoothold. This will, perhaps, be succeeded, 
by a straggling belt of sassafras, sumac, and buckthorn, mixed 
with cat brier and blackberry canes, beyond which, at the foot 
of the hill, begins a stretch of meadow, or a bit of woodland 
crossed by a brook, or hollowed into a boggy depression. 
From this new factor originates a second series of zonations, 
passing through all the stages of bog, swamp, shade, and sun 


plants, back to the prevailing type of the region. Moisture 
is really the controlling factor in both cases, its influence 
in the first being negative, — that is, inversely,— and in the 
other, positive, or directly proportioned to the quantity 

326. Direction of zonation. — When the direction in which 
the controlling factor changes is horizontal, as with soil and 
water, the zonation will be horizontal; when, as in the case 
of light, it is vertical, the zonation or stratification will be 
vertical. Examples of this can be observed in the growth of 
almost any forest area, the natural order of succession being : 
(1) a ground layer of mosses and fungi; (2) low, creeping 
vines, —partridge berry, trailing arbutus, twinflower (Linnea) ; 
(3) small ferns and low flowering herbs — pyrola, clintonia, 
trillium ;‘ (4) a zone of tall herbs and low bushes — royal 
fern, cohosh (Actea), blueberries; (5) tall herbs and shrubs, 
small trees, and climbing vines — kalmia, dogwood, farkle- 
berry, smilax, Virginia creeper ; (6) tall treetops towering up 
into full sunlight. 

When the physical cause of intensity is a central area, such 
as a pond or a hilltop, the zonation will be concentric; that is, 
the different belts will succeed each other in widening circles 
more or less complete. Where the controlling cause extends 
in a line, as a river, or a chain of mountains, the zones run in 
parallel belts on each side of it, and the zonation is bilateral. 
In any case, however, it is seldom regular, being frequently 
broken and interrupted through the intervention of other 
factors. Nor must precisely the same kind of plants be 
always looked for in similar situations, though their place is 
usually occupied by kindred species and genera. The com- 
mon pitch pine, for instance, of the Northern sand barrens 
is represented in sandy districts farther south by the tall, 
long-leaved pine, a kindred species. 

327. Succession. — Zonation is a regular succession of 
different kinds of plants in space; there is also an analogous 
succession in time, as, when the vegetation of a locality is 


killed off by fire or other cause, plants of an entirely different 

character will nearly always spring up to occupy its place. A 
forest of pine, for in- 

stance, is rarely fol- 
lowed by conifers, 
but by a growth of 
hardwood trees, and 
vice versa — nature 
thus giving an im- 
pressive example as 
to the effectiveness 

of a rotation of crops. 

_—— --— — Succession may be 
Fia. 423.— A thicket of pines that has succeeded tal a iG 
a mixed growth of hard wood trees. . intiuence y a Va- 

riety of causes. Two 
of the most efficient are: (1) the exhaustion of the soil by the 
long-continued growth of one formation (60), thus causing 
a deficiency of mineral material suited: for the support of 
plants of that kind; (2) the migration of new species into 
the denuded territory where those which have different re- 
quirements as to min- 
eral nutrients from the 
former inhabitants will, 
other things being equal, 
have the best chance to 

328. Invasion. —A 
rapid and widespread 
occupation of any terri- 
tory by a new species is 
called an invasion. No- 
table examples of inva- ——<—————— - : 

Fie. 424.— A successful invasion— Japanese 
ders are those of the honeysuckle covering the banks of a ravine and 
Russian thistle in the climbing over shrubs and tree tops. 
northwestern states of the Union, and the “ bitterweed ”’ 
( Helenium tenuifolium) that has almost driven out the hardy 



dog fennel (Anthemis cotula) which formerly held undisputed 
possession of arid places throughout the South Atlantic states. 
A still more remarkable instance is the invasion of the Japa- 
nese honeysuckle (Lonicera Japonica), originally introduced 
for ornament, but which has naturalized itself within the last 
thirty years and overrun waste places everywhere, from the 
Gulf to the Potomac, with a vigor and luxuriance equaled 
by few of our native species. As its beauty and fragrance 
are even more conspicuous in a state of nature than under 
cultivation, and as it can, moveover, be made very useful in 
stopping gullies and washes, its phenomenally rapid occu- 
pation of so large a territory has caused no alarm and 
consequently attracted little attention. 

329. Climatic zones.—— These are more general group- 
ings than those we have been considering. They follow 
in a rough way the parallels of latitude, and are classed 
accordingly as: (1) tropical; (2) subtropical; (3) temperate ; 
(4) boreal or (on mountains) subalpine; (5) arctic or (on 
high mountains) alpine. Taking the cultivated plants of 
our own country by way of illustration, we have the sub- 
tropical zone, embracing Florida and the southern portion 
of the Gulf states, where sugar cane, rice, and tropical 
fruits are the staple crops. Then comes the temperate 
zone, with three agricultural subdivisions: (a) the great 
cotton belt, with Indian corn, sweet potatoes, and the 
peach, melon, and fig as secondary products. Farther 
north, in the Central and Middle Atlantic states, we find 
(b) the region of maize, hemp, and tobacco, with grapes, 
apples, pears, cherries, and a great variety of garden vege- 
tables as side crops. Finally comes (c) the great wheat- 
growing region of the North, with buckwheat, hay, and Irish 
potatoes as subsidiary crops. 

Technically, the distribution of the natural zones of vege- 
tation from south to north is classed under the three general 
heads of Forest, Grass Land, and Arctic Desert, with numer- 

ous subdivisions in each. 


330. Boundaries of the zones. — While the broad conti- 
nental zones of vegetation follow, in a general way, the 
climatic zones outlined above, they are not sharply defined, 
but run into each other and overlap in various degrees, so 
that a map depicting the range of vegetation in any wide 
area would show a marked deviation from those of latitude. 
Various other geographical factors, such as mountain ranges 
and bodies of water, influence the direction and character of 
the prevailing winds and rains, and through them the mois- 
ture and temperature, to so great an extent that they become 
the controlling factors over wide areas. In countries border- 
ing on the sea, the coast line always marks a belt of its own, 
and on the sides of a mountain range, all the climatic zones 
from the equator to the pole may be repeated during an 
ascent of a few miles. 

In our own country, where the mountain chains and coast 
lines run approximately north and south, the-great conti- 
nental zones have been superseded, for all practical purposes, 
by four regional divisions running almost at right angles to 
them. These are, disregarding minor subdivisions : — 

(1) The Forest region, occupying the eastern and south 
central portion of the Union. In classifying this territory 
as forest, it is not meant to imply that it is now, or ever 
was, one unbroken jungle, like parts of central Africa, but 
that it combines the conditions most favorable to a vigorous 
and varied forest growth. 

(2) The Plains region, extending from the very irregular 
western boundary of the forest region to the Rocky Moun- 

(3) The Rocky Mountain region, including the Rockies 
and the Sierra Nevadas with the desert area between them. 

(4) The Pacific Slope, a narrow strip between the Sierras 
and the Pacific Ocean. . 

The boundaries of these regions, like those of the great 
continental zones, overlap in various ways, the plants of one 
region often appearing in another, like an arm of the sea 


Puiate 15.— This giant tulip tree is a relic of the primitive forest. It is twenty- 
seven feet in circumference, at a distance of four feet from the ground. Notice the 
sharp elbows of the large boughs, a mode of branching characteristic of this kind of 


projecting into the land. But the district where any class of 
plants reaches its highest development is its proper habitat, 
and as a general thing the one where its cultivation pays 
best. It would be a waste of time and money to try to raise 
cotton in Maine, or cranberries in Georgia. 

Practical Questions 

1. Does the native wild growth of a region furnish any indication of 
the kind of crops which could be successfully grown there? (825, 326.) 

2. Can you give a reason why the zones of cultivation may, in some 
cases, be more extensive than the natural range of wild plants in the same 
tenia? (262, 265.) 

3. Can you give reasons why dhe reverse may sometimes be true? (261, 

4, What crops are raised in different parts of your own state? 

5. Name some of the native plants characteristic of different parts of 
your state. What are its principal plant formations? 

Field Work 

1. Ecology offers the most attractive subject for field work of all the 
departments of botany. It can be studied anywhere that a blade of vege- 
tation is to be found. In riding along the railroad, there-is an endless 
fascination in watching the different plant societies succeed one another 
and noting the variations they undergo with every change of soil or climate. 

2. Students in cities can find interesting subjects for study in the vege- 
tation that springs up on vacant lots, around doorsteps and area railings, 
and even between the paving stones of the more retired streets. Ona 
vacant lot near the public library in Boston, over thirty different kinds 
of weeds and herbs were found, and in the heart of Washington, D.C., on 
a vacant space of about twelve by twenty feet, nineteen different species 
were counted. Just where such things come from, how they get into 
such positions, and why they stay there, will be interesting questions for 
city students to solve. 

3. But the country always has been and always will be the happy hunt- 
ing ground of the botanist. All the factors considered in the two pre- 
ceding sections can hardly be found in any one locality, but by selecting 
areas traversed by brooks, or by gullies and ravines, very marked changes 
in the character of vegetation may often be observed. Barren, sandy, 
or rocky soils, the sun-baked clay of naked hillsides, and the borders of 
treeless, dusty roads will offer close approximations to xerophyte con- 


4. If there are any bodies of water in your neighborhood, examine their 
vegetation and see of what it consists. Notice the difference in the shape 
and size of floating and immersed leaves and account for it. Note the gen- 
eral absence of free-swimming plants in running water, and account for it. 
Note the difference between the swamp and border plants and those grow- 
ing in the water, and what trees or shrubs grow in or near it. Compare 
the vegetation of different bogs and pools in your neighborhood, and 
account for any differences you may observe. Compare the water plants 
with those growing in the dryest and barrenest places in your vicinity, 
note their differences of structure, and try to find out what special adapta- 
tions have taken place in each case. Make a list of those in each location 
examined that you would class as pioneers. 

5. Draw a map of the vegetation of some locality in your neighborhood 
that presents a variety of conditions, such as a steep hillside, a field or 
meadow traversed by a brook, the slopes and borders of a ravine, or the 
change from cultivated ground to uncultivated moor or woodland. Repre- 
sent the different zones and formations by different colored inks or crayons, 
or by different degrees of shading with the pencil. 

6. Draw a map of your state showing the different agricultural re- 
gions, as indicated by the character of the cultivated plants in each; 
use different colors, or light and dark shading, to define the boundaries. 
Notice any irregularities of outline and account for them — whether due 
to soil, moisture, geologieal formation, winds, or temperature. What is 
the controlling factor of each region ? 


331. Order of development. — All the forms that have 
hitherto claimed our attention belong to the great division 
of Spermatophytes, or seed-bearing plants, designated also as 
Phanerogams, or flowering plants. They comprise the higher 
forms of vegetable life, and because they are more conspicu- 
ous and better known than the other groups, they have been 
taken up first, since it is more convenient, for ordinary pur- 
poses, to work our way backward from the familiar to the less 
known, rather than in the reverse order. 

But it must be understood that this is not the order of 
nature. The geological record shows that the simplest 
forms of life were the first to appear, and from these all the 
higher forms were gradually evolved. There is no sharp 
line of division between any of the orders and groups of 
plants, but the line of development can be traced through a 
succession of almost imperceptible changes from the lowest 
forms to the highest, and it is only by a study of the former 
that botanists have come to understand the true nature and 
structure of the latter. 

332. Basis of distinction. — Cryptogams, or seedless 
plants as a whole, are distinguished from the phanerogams 
by their simpler structure and by their mode of propagation, 
which in the former is by means of spores, while in the 
phanerogams it is by seeds. A spore is a simple organic 
body, consisting usually of a single cell which separates from 
the parent plant at maturity and gives rise to a new individual. 
A seed is a complicated, many-celled structure, containing 
within itself the rudimentary structure of a new plant already 



Beginning with the simplest forms, cryptogams are grouped 
in three great orders : — 

333. I. Thallophytes, or thallus plants.— This group takes 
its name from the thallus structure that characterizes its 
vegetation. In its typical form, a thallus is 
amore or less flat, expanded body, of which 
the lichens and liverworts offer familiar ex- 
amples among land plants, and the kelps and 
laminarias among seaweeds. It may be of gis 
any size and shape, however, and sometimes £2556 
consists of a mere filament, as in the com- $2993 
mon brook silk, or even of a single cell (Fig. Sz 
429). The term is applied in general to the 
simplest kinds of vegetable structure, in 


which there is no differentiation of tissues, Fic, 425.—Asea- 
and no true distinction of root, stem, and Weed with broad, ex- 

nded thallus. 
leaves. While it is not peculiar to the thal- soar os 

lophytes, it has attained its most typical development among 
them, and the name is therefore retained as distinctive of 
that group. It embraces two great divi- 
sions, the Alge and Fungi. The first 
includes seaweeds and the common fresh- 
water brook silks and pond scums, be- 
sides numerous microscopic forms whose 
presence escapes the eye altogether, or is 
made known only by the discolorations 
ge 2 and other changes caused by them in the 
eps water. To the fungi belong the mush- 
Fie. 426.—Anthoce- rooms and puffballs, the molds, rusts, 
ros, a liverwort with flat, mildews, and the vast tribe of micro- 
spreading thallus. . Z 7 a 
scopic organisms called bacteria, which 
are so active in the production of fermentation, putrefac- 
tion, and disease. 
334. II. Bryophytes, or moss plants. — This group likewise 
contains two main divisions, Mosses and Liverworts. Famil- 
iar examples of the latter are the flat, spreading green plants, 


bearing somewhat the aspect of lichens, met with everywhere 
on wet rocks and banks around shady watercourses. The 


Fie. 427.—A 
shoot of peat moss 
with ripe spore 
fruits, f, f. 

life. Their relationship to the next higher _ 

name is a reminiscence of their former use 
in medicine as a specific for diseases of the 
liver, and not, as in the case of the liver leaf, 
of a fancied resemblance to that organ. 

Mosses are one of the best defined of 
botanical orders, and are easily recognized 
by their slender, leafy truiting stalks, grow- 
ing usually in dense, spreading mats, and 
presenting every appearance of a highly 
organized structure, well differentiated into 
root, stem, and leaves. 

The liverworts represent 
the more primitive division 
of the group, and in some 
of their forms approach so 
near the thallophytes that 
it is not difficult to recog- 
nize them as connecting 
links in the same chain of 

group is not clear, but while they represent 
a more primitive stage of evolution than 
the mosses, the development of the latter 
has followed a course divergent from the 
main line of evolutionary progress. 

335. III. Pteridophytes, or fern plants, are 
classed roughly in the three divisions of 
ferns, horsetails, and club mosses. They 
differ greatly in structure, but all possess a 
vascular system, and a well-organized struc- 
ture of root, stem, and leaves. They rank 
next to the spermatophytes in the order of 

Fic. 428.— A com- 
mon fern (Polypo- 
dium vulgare). 

development, and the group is of especial interest on account 
of its relationship to the higher plants. One of its divisions, 


the club mosses, has probably given rise to at least one sec- 
tion of the gymnosperms, while the ferns are regarded as the 
ancestors of the true flowering plants, which make up the 
great class of angiosperms, and represent the highest type of 
evolution yet attained in the vegetable kingdom. 


Materrau. — Simple forms of green alge can be found on the shady 
side of tree trunks, damp walls, old fence palings, and the outside of flower- 
pots. Pleurococcus, one of the commonest kinds, occurs as a green, 
powdery mat or felt in damp places, and is often accompanied by proto- 
coccus, another good specimen for study. Spirogyra and other filamentous 
alge can be found in stagnant pools and ditches and in old rain barrels. 

Appiiances. — Eosin solution, nitric acid, alcohol, iodine solution; 
a white china plate; a hand lens; a compound microscope, and slides. 

336. Variety of forms. — This group embraces plants of 
the greatest diversity of form and structure, from the minute 
volvox and desmids that hover near the uncertain boundaries 
dividing the vegetable from the animal world, to the giant 
kelps of the ocean, which sometimes attain a length of from 
six hundred to one thousand feet. They are usually classed 
according to their color, as green, brown, and red alge, 
including various subdivisions of each group. They all con- 
tain chlorophyll, by means of which they manufacture their 
own food, though in the red and brown divisions it is masked 
by the presence of other pigments — an adaptation to the 
modified light that reaches them at various depths under 
water. With few exceptions they can live only in the water, 
and unlike any other form of plant life, attain their highest 
development in the salty depths of the ocean. The fresh- 
water forms are small and inconspicuous, and generally of a 
more simple type than the seaweeds. The great majority of 
them belong to the two classes of green and blue-green alge. 
The former is believed to have furnished the type from 
which the nigher plants. have been evolved. 

337. Study of a one-celled alga. — Put a little of the green 
alge in water on a glass slide. Hold up to the light, or 


over a sheet of white paper, and examine with a hand lens; 
then place under the microscope. It will probably be found 
to contain a number of minute organisms, but the pleurococci 
can be recognized as small round bodies of a bright green 
color, some of them separate, others adhering together in 
groups of two, four, or more, with the sides that are in contact 
slightly flattened. Each of these bodies is an individual 
plant consisting of a single cell, whence they are said to be 
unicellular. Draw one of the single cells and one of the 
groups, or colonies, as they appear 
under the microscope. Try to make 
out the cell wall and the nucleus, and 
label all the parts (see 7). If you 
have any difficulty in distinguishing 
the cell wall, drop a little glycerine 
or salt water on the slide. This will 
cause the cell contents to shrink by 
osmosis (56, 59). Can you make 
_ out the structure of the cell colonies? 
ee re They have resulted from the peculiar 
se A A es ete mode of multiplication that prevails 
B, division further advanced; among this class of plants. A cell 
pleaded division, r- elongates, contracts in the middle, 
and divides into two parts, each of 
which becomes an independent plant like the mother cell. 
See if you can find one in the process of division. The 
daughter cells repeat the process, each one giving rise to two 
new individuals, and so on indefinitely. The new cells do 
not always separate immediately on their formation, but fre- 
quently adhere together for a time, in colonies, before falling 
away and beginning an independent existence. 

338. Reproduction by fission. — This kind of reproduction 
is called fission, or cell division, and marks a very primitive 
stage of development. Under stress of adverse conditions 
the cells formed by division may remain inactive for a time. 
They are then called resting spores, and when more favorable 


circumstances arise, they begin again their work of repro- 
duction and growth as actively as ever. 

339. Meaning of the name. — The suffix coccus is a Latin 
noun (plural cocc) meaning a grain or berry, and is a general 
term applied to any small, round organism consisting of a 
single cell; hence, micrococcus, a minute round body; proto- 
coccus, @ primitive form, or prototype of one-celled bodies ; 
and pleurococcus, which may be freely translated ‘‘ a one- 
sided little round body,” from the flattening of the adjacent 
sides during fission — plewro meaning lateral, or pertaining 
to the side. 

It is important to remember this definition, as the term 
coccus is of very frequent occurrence in works of biology, as a 
suffix for designating small round bodies of various kinds. 

340. Examination of a filamentous alga.— Place on a 
white dish a few drops of water containing some of the green 
pond scum common in stagnant pools and ditches. Exam- 
ine with a hand lens; of what does it appear to consist? 
Are the filaments all alike, or are they of different lengths 
and thickness? Soak a number of them in alcohol for half 
an hour and examine again; where has the green matter 
gone? Do these alge contain chlorophyll? (336; Exp. 65.) 
This class are called filamentous alge on account of their 
slender, threadlike thalli, which look like bits of fine floss 
floating about in the water. The bubbles of oxygen which 
they sometimes give off in great abundance cause the 
frothy appearance that has given rise to their popular 
name, “ frog spit.” 

341. Spirogyra. — The filamentous alge are very numer- 
ous, and a drop of pond scum will probably contain several 
kinds. At least one of these, it is likely, will be a Spi- 
rogyra, as this is one of the commonest and most widely 
distributed of them all. Place a filament under the micro- 
scope and notice the spiral bands in which the chlorophyll 
is disposed within the cells. It is from this spiral arrange- 
ment that the species takes its name. Do you notice any 


roundish particles inclosed in the chlorophyll bands? Test 
with a little iodine solution and see what they contain. 
Each filament will be seen, when sufficiently magnified, 
to consist of a number of more or less cylindrical cells joined 
tagevher in a vertical row, and thus forming the simple 
threadlike thallus which characterizes this 
class of alge. Physiologically, each cell 
is an independent individual, and often 
exists as such. Can you see the cell 
nucleus? If not, place a few filaments 
in a solution of eosin and add a drop of 
acetic acid to give the solution a pale 
rose color. After twenty to thirty min- 
utes, examine again; the nucleus will be 
Poy eee stained a deep red. If you can find an 
two filaments beginning UNbroken filament, examine both ends to 
Pe te ie Rg for- see whether there is any differentiation of 
base and apex. 

342. Conjugation. — See if you can find two filaments 
sending out lateral protuberances toward each other. 
Watch and notice that after a time these projections come 
together and unite by breaking down the cell walls divid- 
ing them, the protoplasm in each contracts, the contents of 
one pass over into the other, and the two coalesce, forming 
a new cell but little, if any, larger than the original con- 
jugating bodies. This cell germinates under favorable 
conditions and produces a new individual. This method 
of reproduction is known as conjugation. The cells thus pro- 
duced by the union of the contents of two separate cells 
may either germinate at once, and give rise to new individ- 
uals, or remain quiescent for a time, as resting spores. 

Practical Questions 
1. Are any of the green alge parasitic? How do you know? (186, 

2. Why is their presence in water regarded as denoting unhygienic 
conditions ? 


3. Mention some of the ways in which their presence may contribute 
to the contamination of drinking water. 

4, Refer to Exp. 66, and account for the bubbles and froth that usually 
accompany these plants in the water. 

5. Can you suggest any other causes than the evolution of oxygen that 
might produce the same effect ? 

6. Is the presence of these gas bubbles of any use to floating plants? 


343. Classification.— In the fungi the thallus structure 
is greatly modified, appearing usually as a network of fine 
threads called the mycelium 
(pl., mycelia), from a Greek 
word meaning “fungus” 
(869). These plants are 
all, with a few doubtful 
exceptions, parasites or 
saprophytes which contain 
no chlorophyll and are 
incapable of supporting an 
independent existence. 
Biologists are divided as to 
their position in the genea- 
logical tree of life. The 

weight of authority WY 
at present inclines to i 
the view that they are <_< ee 

degenerate forms de- Ss sis <— 
rived from the alge, ey, a 
but they have been ——— 
so modified by their Fic. 482.— A common form of mold; magnified, 
parasitic habits as to showing thallus modified into a fibrous mycelium: 
randar their posi Son u, @, Spore cases; b, mycelium. (After Korr, in part.) 
in the general scheme of life a doubtful one. They repre- 
sent an offshoot, or side branch, as it were, of the great 

evolutionary line, and so may be considered for the present 
as standing apart in a class by themselves. 


344. Numbers and variety: — Fungi exceed every other 
class of living organisms both in the number of species and 
of individuals composing them. They include such diverse 
forms as bacteria, molds, rusts, mildews, mushrooms, and 
the like, ranging in size all the way from the giant puffball, 
a foot or more in diameter, to the almost inconceivably 
minute influenza bacillus, of which nearly two thousand 

Fic. 433. — Cephalothecium, a fungus parasitic on rosehips — greatly magnified. 
(From Mo. Botanical Garden Rep’t. Photographed by Hedgcock.) 

million can inhabit a single drop of water without incon- 
venient crowding! 

345. The parasitic habit. — But while their life history 
is obscure and hard to trace, the fungi are, as a class, well 
differentiated by their parasitic habit. They contain no 
chlorophyll, can manufacture no food, and consequently 
have to obtain it ready-made from the tissues of living or 
dead animals and plants. On this account they are active 
agents in the production of disease and decay, especially 
certain of those manifold forms that have been grouped 


together under the general head of bacteria. While not re- 
sponsible for all the disease known to be caused by living 
organisms, — some very serious ones, such as malaria and 
cattle fever, being due to animal parasites, — the majority of 
those that have been most carefully investigated are traced 
to the bacteria, or other fungi. After any of these parasites 
have found a lodgment in the body of an organism whose 
tissues furnish them a congenial habitat, they multiply with 
enormous rapidity, and through the action of certain poisons 
called toxins, which they excrete, give rise to the most de- 
structive diseases in both animals and plants; and no rational 

434 435 436 437 

Fics. 434-437.— Disease-producing bacteria: 434, bacteria of consumption 
(Bacillus tuberculosis) ; 435, cholera bacillus ; 436, bacilli of anthrax, showing spores ; 
437, typhoid bacillus. 

sanitary science is possible without a knowledge of their 
habits and life history. Add to the vast amount of human 
suffering that is to be laid at their door the economic damage 
done by rust and smut fungi, by molds and blights and mil- 
dews, and we shall be tempted to conclude that the ‘“ battle 
of life” is largely a struggle against these invisible foes. 
346. Useful fungi. — Not all fungi, however, are injurious. 
On the contrary, the great majority of them are harmless, 
and very many kinds are positively beneficial to man. 
Without the yeasts and bacteria of fermentation we could 
not have our bread and cheese. Other forms are active 
agents in the fertilization of soils, it having been estimated 
that there are 100,000 or more of these infinitesimal la- 
borers at work in every cubic centimeter (about of a 
cubic inch) of virgin soil! Even the bacteria of putrefac- 
tion, which we are accustomed to regard as the embodiment 


of all that is foul and loathesome, are engaged in an unceas- 
ing work as scavengers, without which life would no longer 
be possible on our globe, as will be shown in the following 


Materia. — A vessel of water in which hay has been left to soak for 
several hours; a freshly boiled potato. 

Appiiances. — A double boiler for sterilizing; a number of clean glass 
jars and bottles; cotton wool for stoppers; a compound microscope. 

Cutturre Mepiums.—A freshly boiled potato answers very well for 
ordinary purposes. ‘‘Bread mash’ can be made by drying some bread 
crumbs in an oven, then mashing and mixing them to a paste with boiling 
water ; sterilize by three successive heatings in a double boiler. A sterilized 
preparation of gelatine solution is the medium most commonly used. 

347. How to obtain specimens for observation. — While 
bacteria are plentiful almost everywhere, it is not always 
easy to capture them just when and where you want them. 
For this purpose, put some hay in water and leave in a 
warm place away from the light until the liquid becomes 
cloudy or a film forms on the surface. This will show that 
. bacteria are present. If it is desired to study any particu- 
lar kind of bacterium, inoculate one of the culture mediums 
described under ‘‘ material,’’ or a few drops of sterilized 
extract of beef, with a small quantity of the substance to be 
examined, or with dust or scrapings from the locality under 

urep ? — Put a slice of freshly boiled potato into each of three glass tum- 
blers and cover with a filter of cotton wool held in place by tying tightly 
with a cord, or by an elastic band. Set them all in a vessel of water, bring 
it to a boil, and keep at that temperature for half an hour, to sterilize the 
air in the tumblers. When they have cooled, lift the cotton from (1) for 
a minute or two and then replace. Carefully pass the tip of a medicine 
dropper through the filter of (2) so as to prevent the entrance of unster- 
ilized air, and put on the slice of potato a small quantity of the bacterial 
liquid prepared as directed in the last paragraph. Leave (3) unopened. 
Keep all together in a warm, dark place and observe at intervals of from 
12 to 24 hours. Do any bacteria appear in (3)? Do any appear on the 


potatc in (2), where the liquid was dropped? Are they more, or less 
abundant than in (1)? Since cotton wool is entirely impervious to the 
smallest microérganisms known, would ycu judge from this experiment 
that bacteria can gei into any place unless carried there by the air, or by 
some other means? 

warm (and preferably cloudy) day, put a slice of potato on a plate, and 
leave uncovered in an unused room or closet, free from dust, and kept 
carefully closed. Put another slice arranged in exactly the same way 
in an open window on a dusty street, or in a room that is used and daily 
swept and dusted. Do bacteria appear in the first plate? In the second ? 
Is air free from dust a good conveyor of bacteria? 

GRowTH ? — Strain some of your culture liquid into half a dozen small 
bottles of the same size, filling each about half full. Put (1) in a dark, 
cool place — on ice, if the weather is warm; (2) in a dark, warm place; 
(3) in a warm, well-lighted place ; into (4) puta drop of carbolic acid, form- 
alin, corrosive sublimate, or boracic acid, and keep in a dark, warm place. 
Keep (5) in boiling water for half an hour or more, and then place beside 
(2). Keep (6) in a freezing mixture of salt and ice for several hours, then 
place with (2) and (5). Examine all at intervals of from 12 to 24 hours, 
In which bottles is the presence of bacteria indicated by cloudiness of the 
contained liquid, or the formation of a surface film? In which do they 
appear first? In which most abundantly? In which last, or not at all? 
What is the effect of light and darkness on their growth? Of heat and 
cold? Of disinfectants? Name the circumstances that tend to hinder 
their growth, in the order of their efficacy. 

348. Microscopic study of bacteria.— Put a drop of 
hay infusion on a slide and examine with the highest power 
of the microscope. You will see a multitude of very small 
glistening bodies including different kinds of bacteria, a 
majority of which are probably the hay bacillus, B. sub- 
tilis, shown in Figs. 443, 444. Notice that some forms 
move about freely, while others are non-motile. Which 
kind are the more numerous? The motion may be either me- 
chanical, resembling that of the small dust particles we see 
dancing about in the sunshine, or apparently voluntary, 
and caused by the vibration of little whiplike cilia. Can 
you distinguish the two kinds? Try to make out clearly 


the different shapes you see. Some appear as slender 
chains or filaments, but this is due to the individual cells’ 
adhering together for a time before breaking up and begin- 
ning an independent existence. The small, rounded bodies, 
like a period (Fig. 438), are cocci; the slender, rod-shaped 
ones — sometimes slightly curved (Fig. 440) — are bacilli 
(sing., bacillus) ; the comma-shaped ones, and those gener- 
ally showing a slight spiral curvature, are wbrios (Fig. 

441 442 

Fics. 438-442. — Typical forms of bacteria: 438, coccus type; 439, the same, 
hanging together in chains; 440, rod-shaped bacteria (bacillus type), the clear areas 
in some of these are spores; 441, forms of vibrio ; 442, forms of spirillum. 

441); the spirally twisted ones, like a corkscrew (Fig. 442), 
are spirilli (sing., spirdllum). These are the principal forms 
which it is important to distinguish and remember. The 
names are applied very loosely, however, in practice, bacillus 
being often used as a general term applicable to almost any 
kind, — the spirillum of cholera, for instance, being com- 
monly known as the cholera bacillus, while by some authors 
vibrios are ranked as a variety of spirillum. 

349. Life history of a typical bacterium. — A pure culture 
of the Bacillus subtilis can easily be obtained by boiling 
some of the hay infusion for half an hour and then leaving 


in a warm place till the usual indications of the presence 
of bacteria appear (347). The spores of this micro- 
organism are so resistant that they can withstand the tem- 
perature of boiling water for several hours, while those of 
most other forms of bacteria are killed by a few minutes’ 
exposure to it; hence, the crop that develops after boiling 
will consist of a pure culture of the 
hay bacillus. 

In their active state these organ- 
isms will be seen to consist of single- 
celled, rod-shaped bodies, about 
ae three or four times as long as broad, 

and generally cohering in 

bands or filaments, as shown 
in Fig.444,c. The black dots 
within the cells are the 
spores. Each individual 
bacterium produces but a 
single spore, or rather be- 
comes a spore itself, by the 
' contraction of its contents 
and the formation around 
them of a strong inclosing 
membrane. On germinat- 

Fics. 443, 444.— Hay bacillus (B. sub- 
tilis) : 443, aportion of the film fromthecul- | : : 
ture liquid, the black lines, e, being bacteria 1ng, the spores give rise to 

tion, oat motile celsead chainof ells: 6, little ciliated, one-celled or- 
non-motile cells; c, spores and chain of ganisms called “ owarm 
spores from the film e. ” . 
spores,” that swim about 
freely in the containing medium and multiply rapidly for a 
time by cell division. After this they pass again into the 
quiescent state, ready, whenever favorable conditions arise, 
to begin anew the repetition of their life cycle, which is an 
irregular alternation of cell division and spore formation. 
350. Resistance of spores. — Bacteriologists are not fully 
agreed as to the cause of spore formation, some holding 
that it takes place only when conditions are most favorable 


for bacterial growth, others claiming the reverse. The 
consensus of opinion at present is toward the view that the 
spores are a provision for tiding over periods of stress and 
difficulty. They are capable of retaining their vitality 
for a long time, and are much harder to kill than the bac- 
terial cells in their ordinary vegetative state, as was seen 
in the case of the hay bacillus. The spores of one species 
of potato bacillus have retained their vitality after four 
hours of boiling, and those of the typhoid bacillus after 
continuous exposure to a freezing temperature for more 
than three months. The majority of bacteria, in their 
vegetative state, are, however, either killed or rendered 
inert by temperatures ranging below 10° or above 50° cen- 
tigrade — equivalent to about 50° and 122° Fahrenheit, 
respectively. It is easy to see what important bearing 
these facts have on the process of disinfection. 

351. Reproduction and multiplication.— The ordinary 
mode of reproduction in bacteria, as in other unicellular 
organisms, is by fission (337, 338). As each individual 
forms but a single spore, no increase in numbers could take 
place by this means alone. Hence, while the spores are 
an important factor in the preservation of the species by 
continuing its existence under conditions which the active 
organisms could not survive, their successful propagation 
depends on their power of rapid multiplication by division. 
If this process were to go on unchecked, every hour, in an 
unbroken geometrical progression, the progeny of a single 
bacterium would, in 24 hours, number nearly 17 million; 
in 25 hours, 34 million; in 26 hours, 68 million, and in five 
days they would cover the entire surface of the globe, land 
and sea, to a depth of 3 feet! In ordinary standard milk 
sold by dairymen, and containing, when examined, less 
than 10,000 microbes to the cubic centimeter, — about 
20 drops, — the number was found to have increased after 
24 hours to 600 million. It is comforting to know, how- 
ever, that the majority of these are of the harmless kinds 


which are the active agents in the making of buttermilk 
and cheese. 

The effects of their rapid multiplication will be better 
appreciated when we consider that bacteria are the smallest 
of known living creatures. If 1000 of the influenza bacilli 
were spread out in a single layer with their sides touching, 
but not overlapping, they would not take up more room 
than one of the periods used in punctuating this book; 
and a coccus concerned in a tubercular disease prevalent 

° (oy @ ear 
> “ve 
2 25 oo 2 = eos Of. 
ds a ee O ogre 
2 6 a C05 Ye A ae 
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445 446 

Fies. 445, 446.— Milk (highly magnified): 445, pure, fresh milk, showing fat 
globules ; 446, milk that has stood for hours in a warm room in a dirty dish, show- 
ing fat globules and many forms of bacteria. 

among cattle in South America has recently been discovered, 
of which double that number could be accommodated in the 
same space. 

352. Distribution of bacteria. — Ordinary air, when free 
from dust, contains, on the average, not more than five 
germs to the liter — equal to about 1 for every 12 cubic 
inches. Pathogenic, or disease-producing, germs seldom 
occur in ordinary fresh air, and even when present are, under 
ordinary circumstances, harmful only to people whose 
bodies, by reason of physical weakness or unhygienic habits, 
offer a congenial soil for their multiplication. Numerous in- 
stances are known in which perfectly healthy persons have 
carried about infectious disease germs in their bodies and 
even transmitted them to others without experiencing 
any inconvenience, or even being aware of their: presence. 


Among others, the germs of pneumonia, diphtheria, and 
tuberculosis are often found in the mouth, nose, and sputum 
of perfectly healthy persons. There are also a number 
of bacteria that are regular inhabitants of the mouth, some 
of which are the cause of decayed teeth and foul breath. 
One form of bacterium, concerned in the production of in- 
flammation and abscesses (Staphylococcus) is so constantly 
present on the human epidermis that one authority has 
declared it impossible to sterilize the skin so thoroughly 
as to free it entirely of this microbe. It is ordinarily not 
harmful unless it comes in contact with open wounds and 

353. The economic importance of bacteria. —It is hard 
to say whether these organisms concern us most on account 
of the damages attributable to them on the one hand, or 
the benefits we owe them on the other. If they were all 
as harmful as the pathogenic kinds, life would hardly be 
possible on the globe, while without their presence life 
as we know it would have ceased to be possible long ago. 
They are nature’s great army of scavengers, the sole agents 
of decomposition, without which dead organic matter would 
be subject only to the slow changes by which the rocks 
and mineral matter of the earth’s crust are disintegrated, 
and the undecomposed bodies of the vast procession of 
plants and animals that have existed since life first began 
on our globe would long ago have cumbered its surface to such 
an extent as to render impossible the continued develop- 
ment of life such as we know. 

354. Sterilization is the process of ridding a substance 
of living microérganisms. To do this effectively, the pro- 
cess must be repeated several times at intervals, so as 
to give any spores that may have survived previous applica- 
tions time to pass into the vegetative state, when their 
power of resistance is diminished and they are more easily 
destroyed. The incubation period, as the time required 
for the germination of the spores is called, is different for 


different kinds of bacteria; hence the importance, from a 
sanitary point of view, of a thorough knowledge of their life 

355. Disinfection is sterilization on a large scale, and 
the same principles apply to both. Heat is the safest 
disinfectant for objects that will bear it, if continued long 
enough and repeated often enough at a sufficiently high 
temperature. Freezing will destroy some kinds of germs 
and check or retard the development of nearly all, but 
is not to be relied on as a permanent germicide, since 
even among flowering plants there are many kinds, not 
only of seeds, but of perennial vegetative forms that are 
capable of enduring an arctic temperature of many degrees 
below freezing for long continued periods. 

Chemical disinfectants act usually as microbe poisons, 
and are unsuitable as sterilizers for food, though valuable 
in the purification of houses, clothing, and utensils — es- 
pecially the instruments employed in surgical operations. 

The prevention of the growth of bacteria, especially in 
wounds and surgical incisions, whether by means of chem- 
ical or physical agencies, is known as antisepsis. 

Practical Questions 

1. Why should a person recovering from an ague continue for some 
time after to take quinine every third or every seventh day? (350, 354.) 

2. Name some of the principal diseases produced by bacteria. 

3. What is the principle to be acted on in the avoidance of such dis- 
eases? (Exps. 94, 95.) 

4, Are the same means equally effective for prevention and for cure? 
(354, 355; Exps. 93-95.) 

5. Why is ‘fresh air” beneficial in a sick room? (352; Exp. 94.) 

6. Does it act as a disinfectant, or as a mere diluent of the infected 
air of the room? (352.) 

7. Why ought preserved fruits and vegetables to be scalding hot when 
put into the can? (355.) 

8. Why is it necessary to exclude the air from them? (Exps. 93, 

9. Reconcile question 8 with question 5. 


10. Why does the use, for drinking purposes, of water that has been 
boiled render a person less liable to infectious diseases” (355.) 

11. Was the old-fashioned practice of handing the baby round to be 
promiscuously kissed by friends and neighbors a good one for the baby? 

12. Why is the spitting habit to be condemned? The use of common 

drinking cups in schoolrooms and other public places? (352.) 

13. Is it proper from a sanitary point of view that roommates at a board- 
ing school, or even members of the same family, should use soap, towels, 
and other articles of the toilet in common? (352.) 

B. YEasts 

Matsriau. — A piece of fresh baker’s yeast, some warm water, and a 
little honey or sugar solution; a pipette, or a medicine dropper; three or 
four clean pint bottles or preserve jars. 

To raise a crop of yeast fungi for observation, rub one fourth of a fresh 
yeast cake in water enough to make a paste; add one pint of water, with 
a tablespoonful of honey or sugar, and stir well. 

Pour equal parts of the liquid made as directed (see Material) into each 
of three pint bottles, stopper lightly, and label. Put (1) in a warm, dark 
place; (2) ina cool, dark place; and (8) in a bright light in a warm place. 
Observe at intervals of a few hours the changes that occur in each. Notice 
the bubbles that rise from the liquid. In which bottle do they form most 
rapidly? Lower a lighted match into it, or transfer some of the gas with 
a pipette into a vessel containing limewater, and tell what it is. Taste 
some of the fermenting liquid. Is it sweet? What has become of the 
sugar that was put into it? 

356. Yeasts and ferments. — Yeasts belong to a very dif- 
ferent order of fungi from the bacteria, but on account of 
their simplicity of structure and the similarity of their action 
to that of some of the latter, it is usual to consider them to- 
gether. They are the active agents of fermentation, and 
include a large number of species. The kind used for house- 
hold purposes is the same as that employed in making beer. 
Of this species there are many varieties, each one of which 
gives a characteristic taste to the beer made from it; and 
brewers, by paying attention to the cultivation of yeasts, 
give their product the special flavors peculiar to the different 


brands. This kind of yeast is not known to exist except in 
a state of cultivation, and probably owes its survival and 
present condition of development to a symbiosis with man, 
on account of its usefulness in bread making, and still more, 
perhaps, to its part in the gratification of his bibulous pro- 
pensities, for among savage tribes the manufacture of fer- 
mented liquors is practiced long before the wholesome art of 
bread making. 

There are other yeasts existing in a state of nature, such as 
those on the surface of fruits, which cause the latter, under 

447 448 449 

Fias. 447-449. — Forms of common yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisie): 447, 
brewers’ yeast ; 448, household yeast (the large grains are starch); 449, yeast from 
beer sediment, showing budding. (Figs. 447, 448 x 250; Fig. 449 x 1270.) 

certain circumstances, to ferment and decay. For this reason 
artificial ferments are not needed in making wine and 
other alcoholic liquors from fruits. Fermentation is also 
caused by certain forms of bacteria, as in the formation of 
vinegar and the souring of milk. Such bacteria often con- 
taminate the yeast ferments. 

357. Microscopic examination.— Place a drop of the 
cultural liquid on a slide and examine under the highest 
power of the microscope. What do you see? These egg- 
shaped bodies are yeast plants, unicellular organisms like 
the pleurococcus. Do you see any chlorophyll? Are the 
yeasts parasitic? How do you know? What do they live 
on? (Suggestion: What food substance that has disappeared 
was put into the culture liquid?) In getting their nourish- 
ment from the sugar, these fungi disintegrate it into alcohol 
and carbon dioxide, which is a process of fermentation. It 


is the bubbles of gas that were seen rising in the liquid which 
cause beer to effervesce and bread to rise. They permeate 
the dough and by their expansion produce the sponginess 
peculiar to leavened bread. Look for a cell with a bud form- 
ing on it; from what part does it appear to grow? Wherea 
number of buds remain for some time attached to the mother 
cell (Fig. 449), they form a colony. Make a sketch of a 
single cell and of a colony of two or more adherent ones, 
labeling all the parts. If the cell wall cannot be made out 
clearly, run a little glycerine, or salt water, under the cover 
glass with a medicine dropper. What causes the contents of 
the cell to contract and leave the wall? (56, 59.) 

358. Reproduction. — From time to time buds break away 
from the mother cell and form new individuals or colonies 
of their own. ‘This process is called multiplication by bud- 
ding, and is only another form of cell division. 

Whenever reproduction takes place by other means than 
seeds or spores, it is said to be vegetative. This sort of repro- 
duction is not confined to unicellular plants, but exists also 
among the phanerogams, the propagation of species by means 
of buds, tubers, rootstocks, runners, grafting, and the like 
being variations of the same process. On the other hand, 
yeasts and bacteria and the unicellular alge have the power, 
under extreme conditions, to form resting spores, which 
sometimes lie dormant for years and resume their activity 
when favorable conditions return. 

Practical Questions 

1. When is fermentation useful to man? 

2. What is the effect on canned fruits and vegetables if yeast cells get 
into them? 

3. Why does milk turn sour in warm weather? (350, 351; Exp. 96.) 

4. Why do buttermilk and clabber spoil if left ‘standing too long? 
(345, 356.) 

5. What causes bread to be “heavy”? (356, 357.) 

6. Why will dough not rise unless kept in a warm place? (Exp. 96.) 

7. Why is beer kept cold during fermentation? (350, 356.) 


C. Rusts 

Marteriay. — A leaf of wheat affected with red rust; a leaf or a stalk 
with black rust. Some barberry leaves with yellowish pustules on the 
under side, which under the lens look like clusters of minute white corollas. 
These are popularly known as “cluster cups.’”’ As the spots on barberry 
occur in spring, the red rust in summer, and the black rust in autumn, 
gather the specimens as they can be found, and preserve for use. 

The orange leaf, or brown, rust (Puccinia rubigo-vera) is more common 
in some parts of the country than the ordinary wheat rust (Puccinia 
graminis), but the two are so much alike that the directions given will 
do for either. If the orange leaf-rust (so named from its color, and not 
from any connection with orange leaves, the logical relation of the words 
being orange leaf-rust, and not orange-leaf rust) is used, the cups and 
pustules should be looked for on plants of the borage family — comfrey, 
hound’s-tongue, etc. The orange leaf-rust of apple is caused by a fungus 
which will serve to illustrate the same class of parasites. 
The ‘“teleuto”’ stage of this will be found on cedar 
trees, in the excrescences commonly known as “cedar 
apples’’; the “cluster cups’’ on the leaves of apple 
and haw trees affected with the disease. 

359. Red rust. — Uredo stage. Examine 
a leaf of ‘‘ red rusted’ wheat under the lens, 
and notice the little oblong brown dots that 
cover it. These are clusters of spore cases, 
and are the only part that appears above the 
surface. Viewed under the microscope, the 
red rust will be seen to consist of a mycelium 
(see Fig. 452), which ramifies through the 
tissues of the leaf and bears clusters of single- 
celled reddish spores that break through the igs. 450, 451, 
epidermis and form the reddish brown spots Leaf of wheat af- 
and streaks from which the disease takes its aig eae 
name. These spores, falling upon other eekaise ke 
leaves, germinate in a few hours and form side of leaf; 451, 
new mycelia, from which, in six to ten days, wader bide: 
fresh spores arise. Formerly this was thought to complete the 
life history of the fungus, to which the name of Uredo was 

given. It isnow known, however, that the red rust is merely a 



stage in the life cycle of the plant, and to this stage the old 
name uredo is applied, the spores being called uredo-spores. 
360. Black rust. — Teleuto stage. Next examine with a 
lens a part of the plant attacked by black rust. Do you 
observe any 
difference ex- 
cept in the 
color? Do the 
two kinds of 
rust attack all 
parts of the 

; — = plant equally? 
Fie. 452. — Uredo spores of wheat rust (Puccinia graminis), igi t hat 
magnified. (From CouLtsr’s ‘‘ Plant Structures.’’) not, wna 


part does each 
seem to affect more particularly? At what season does the 
black rust appear most abundantly? Place a section of the 
diseased part under the microscope and notice that the dif- 
ference in color is due to a preponderance of long, two- 
celled bodies with very thick, black walls (Fig. 453). These 
are called teleu- 
tospores, a word 
meaning “‘ final 
spores,” be 
cause they are 
formed only 
toward the end 
of the season. 
They are de- 
veloped from 
the same my- 
celium with the 

Fic. 453. — Teleutospores of wheat rust, magnified. 
uredos pores, (From Coutter’s ‘ Plant Structures.’’) 

and are not a 

product of the latter, but collateral with them and belong to 
the same stage in the life history of the fungus. After they 
appear, the uredospores cease to be developed at all, and 


only the dark teleutospores are produced. These remain on 
the culms in the stubble fields over winter, ready to begin 
the work of reproduction in spring. For this reason the 
teleutos are popularly known as “ winter spores ”’ in contra- 
distinction to the uredos, or ‘‘ summer spores,”’ whose activity 
is confined to the warm months. 

It was formerly supposed that black rust was caused by a 
different fungus from that producing red rust, and to it the 
name Puccinia was given. This has been 
retained as a general designation for all fungi 
undergoing these two phases, and the par- 
ticular form of fungus that we are now con- 
sidering is known in all its stages as Puccinia 

361. The nonparasitic stage.— The for- 
mation of teleutospores completes that por- 
tion of the life history of the fungus during 
which it is parasitic on wheat and grasses of 
different kinds. In spring they begin to 
germinate on the ground, each cell producing 
a small filament, from which arise in turn 
several small branches. Upon the tip of 

2 : Fic. 454, — Teleu- 
each of these branches is developed a tiny tospore germinating 

and forming sporidia, 

sporelike body called a sporidium (Fig. 454), 55. (Prom Cour. 
which continues the generation of the rust 7's “Plant Struc- 
fungus through the next stage of its exist- Ere 

ence. The filament which bears these sporidia is not para- 
sitic, but when the sporidia ripen and the spores contained 
in them are scattered by the wind, there begins a second 
parasitic phase, which forms the most curious part of this 
strange life history. 

362. The ecidium.— Examine next the under side of 
some barberry leaves (or comfrey, etc., if orange leaf-rust 
is used) for clusters of small whitish bodies that appear 
under the lens like little white corollas with yellow anthers 
in the center. Examine a section of one of these under the 


microscope and notice that the yellow substance is com- 
posed of regular layers of colored spores. The corolla-like 
receptacles containing them, popularly known as “ clus- 
ter cups,” are borne on a mycelium produced from the 
spores described in the last paragraph. This mycelium is 
parasitic on barberry or other leaves, according to the kind 
of fungus, and was long believed to be a distinct plant, to 
which the name Acid- 
tum (pl., Aicidia) was 
given. This term is 
: now applied to the 
4... Cluster cups, and those 
ay fungi which at any 
yD. period of their life his- 
ay ~, tory produce them are 
ee et 6 called ecidium fungi. 
363. Spermogonia. 
—On the upper sur- 
face of the leaves that 
bear the ecidia, notice 
some small black dots 
hardly larger than pin 

Fie. 455.—Section through u barberry leaf, points, but which, 
showing on the upper side two spermogonia, s,s; when sufficiently mag- 

and on the under side, an ecidium, @. nified, appear as little 
flask-shaped bodies (Fig. 455) under the epidermis. These are 
known as spermogonia, or pycnidia. When mature, they 
break through the epidermis so that the necks protrude, and 
discharge a quantity of minute cells or spores, very like some 
that, later on, we shall find playing an important part in the 
reproductive processes of certain other fungi, and of mosses 
and liverworts. In the rust fungi, however, their function is 
not understood. They may possibly be survivals of organs 
which were once active in the life processes of the plant, but 
have become useless under changed conditions. Do such 
organs throw any light on the evolutionary history of plants? 

. together. The para- | 


364. Connection between barberry and wheat rust. — 
With the discharge of the excidium spores, the part of the 
life cycle of the fungus spent on the barberry comes to an 
end, and it is ready to begin the uredo-teleuto stage over 
again as soon as it finds a suitable host. Where there are no 
barberries, it is capable of propagating without them, either 
by adapting itself to some other host plant, or by omitting 
the ecidium stage al- 

sitic habit being an 
acquired one, the 
fungus, like some ani- 
mal organisms that 
we know of, can often 
be “educated” by 
force of circum- 
stances into tolerat- 
ing, and even thriv- 
ing upon, foods which 
under other circum- 
stances it would re- 
ject. The wheat rust 
is known to be ca- 

pable of propagating bi ae 
yearafler year in tho se, Ame o oeet eee er 
uredo stage, the the apple rust fungus. (From a photograph by 
spores surviving Prof. F. E. Lloyd.) 
through the winter on volunteer grains and grasses; and in 
no other country in the world does rust do greater damage 
to the wheat crop than in Australia, where the barberry 
is practically unknown. This power of accommodation 
possessed by many parasites is one of the difficulties the 
agriculturist has to contend with in the development of rust- 
proof varieties. 

365. Polymorphism. — Plants that pass through different 
stages in their life history are said to be polymorphic, that 


is, of many forms. The habit is very common among the 
lower forms of vegetation. The fact that one or more of 
the phases are sometimes omitted, as the ecidium phase 
of wheat rust in warm climates, suggests the idea that it 
may be of use in helping the plant to tide over difficult 
conditions. Besides giving better chances of obtaining 
nourishment, it probably has the same effect as cross fer- 
tilization among flowering plants, in imparting increased 
strength and vitality to the succeeding generation. Wheat 
rust produced from barberry xcidia is said to be much more. 
vigorous — and consequently more destructive — than when 
derived from a uredo that has reproduced itself for several 

366. The damage done by rust to the host is through the 
destruction of its tissues by the mycelium. The chlorophyll 
is destroyed so that the plant can no longer manufacture 
food, and is too starved to produce good grain. ‘There are 
many varieties of wheat rust, which have been found on 
twenty-seven different kinds of grain. Most of them are 
specialized to a particular host plant and will not, ordinarily 
(364), infest any other. Has this fact any bearing upon the 
production of rustproof varieties ? 

Practical Questions 

1. Is a farmer wise to leave scabby and mildewed weeds and bushes 
in the neighborhood of his grain fields? (364, 365.) 

2. Are there any objections to the presence of volunteer grain stalks 
along roadsides and in fence corners during winter? (364.) 

3. Should cedar trees be allowed to grow near an apple orchard? Give 
a reason for your answer. (p. 317, Material.) 

4, Should diseased plants be plowed under? (361.) 

5. What disposition should be made of them? 

6. Ought diseased fruits to be left hanging on the tree? 

7. Why is it necessary to pick over and discard from a crate or bin all 
decaying fruits and vegetables ? 

8. Does a rotation of crops tend to prevent the spread of disease in 
plants? Give reasons for your answer. 

9. Are rustproof varieties to be relied on indefinitely? (364.) 


D. MusHrooms 

Marteriau. — Any kind of gilled mushroom in different stages of de- 
velopment, with a portion of the substratum on which it grows, contain- 
ing some of the so-called spawn. The common mushroom sold in the 
markets (Agaricus campestris) can usually be obtained without difficulty. 
Full directions for cultivating this fungus are given in Bulletin 53 of the 
U. 8. Department of Agriculture. From 6 to 12 hours before the lesson 
is to begin, cut the stem from the cap of a mature specimen, close up to 
the gills, lay it, gills downward, on a piece of clean paper, cover with abowl 
or pan to keep the spores from being blown about by the wind, and leave 
until a print (Fig. 466) has been formed. 

367. Mushrooms and toadstools. — The popular distinc- 
tion which limits the term ‘‘ mushroom” to a single species, 
the Agaricus campestris, and classes all others as toadstools, 
has no sanction in botany. All mushrooms are toadstools 
and all toadstools are mushrooms, whether poisonous or 
edible. The real distinction is between mushrooms and 
‘puffballs, the former term being more properly applied to 
fungi which have the spore-bearing surface exposed. 

368. Examination of a typical specimen.— The most 
highly specialized of the fungi, and the easiest to observe on 
account of their size and abundance, are the mushrooms 
that are such familiar objects after every summer shower. 
The gilled kind — those with the rayed laminew under the 
cap— are usually the most easily obtained. Specimens 
should be examined as soon after gathering as possible, since 
they decay very quickly. 

369. The mycelium. — Examine some of the white fibrous 
substance usually called spawn through a lens. Notice 
that it is made up of fine white threads interlacing with each 
other, and often forming webby mats that ramify to a con- 
siderable distance through the substratum of rotten wood 
or other material upon which the fungus grows. This webby 
structure, often mistaken for root fibers, is the thallus or 
true vegetative body of the plant, the part rising above 
ground, and usuaily regarded as the mushroom, being only 
the fruit, or reproductive organ. Place some of the mycelium 


under the microscope and notice that it is 
composed of delicate filaments made up of 
single cells placed end to end, as in Spi- 
rogyra (341). These filaments are called 

370. The button. — Look on the my- 
celium for one of the small round bodies 
called buttons (Fig. 457). These are the 
beginning of the fruiting body popularly 
known as the mushroom, and are of va- 
rious sizes, some of the youngest being 

Tic. 457. — Mycelium iss 
ofamushroom (Agaricus barely visible to the naked eye. After a 

campestris), with young ,- : 
buttons (fruiting organs) time they begin to elongate and make 

z a penta marr their way out of the substratum. 
fication at successivepe- 371. The veil and the volva.— Make a 
Tiods of development; vertical section through the center of onc 
mycelium ; st, stipe; p, 
pileus; J, gill, or lamina; of the larger buttons after it is well above 
Ee ground, and sketch. Notice whether it is 
entirely enveloped from root to cap in a covering membrane 
—the volva (Fig. 458, a) — or 
whether the enveloping mem- 
brane extends only from the | 
upper part of the stem to the 
margin of the cap — the vevl (Fig. 
458, d); whether it has both veil 
and volva, or finally, whether it 
is naked, that is, devoid of both. 
372. The stipe, or stalk.— 
Notice this as to length, thick- 
ness, color, and position; that is, 
whether it is inserted in the 
center of the cap or to one side 
(excentric), or on one edge (lat- 
eral). Observe the base, whether — yg. 458, — Diagram of unex- 
bulbous, tapering, or straight, panded Amanita, showing parts: ua, 

volva; b, pileus; c, gills; d, veil; e, 
and whether surrounded by 4@ stipe; m, mycelium. 


cup, or merely by concentric rings or rag- 
ged bits of membrane (the remains of the 
volva). Look for the annulus or ring (re- 
mains of the veil) near the insertion of the 
stipe into the cap, and if there is one, notice 
whether it adheres to the stipe, or moves 
freely up and down (Fig. 459, a) ; whether 
it is thick and firm, or broad and membra- 
nous so that it hangs like a sort of curtain 
round the upper part of the stipe (Fig. 
467, a). Break the stem and notice whether pine S 

it is hollow or solid; observe also the texture, pig. 459, — Parasol 

whether brittle, cartilaginous, fibrous, or mushroom (Lepiota 
procera), showing 
fleshy. movableannulus: st, 

373. The pileus, or cap. — Observe this as ae gol ie . 
to color and surface, whether dry, or moist floccose patches left 
and sticky; smooth, or covered with scurf >¥ vv 
or scales left by the remains of the volva, as it was stretched 
and broken up by the expanding cap (Fig. 459, p, p). Note 
also the size and shape, whether coni- 
cal, expanded, funnel-shaped (Fig. 460), 
or umbonate — having a protuberance 
at the apex (Fig. 459) — or whether the 
margin is turned up at the edge (revo- 
lute, Fig. 467), or under (involute, Fig. 

374. The gills, or laminz. — Look at 
the under surface and notice whether 
the gills are broad or narrow, whether 
they extend straight from stem to mar- 

Fic. 460. — Chanterelle . 
nn vee cibarius), with gin, or are rounded at the ends, or 

infundibuliform pileus and eyryed, toothed, or lobed in any way. 

ceursenn eae Notice their attachment to the stipe, 

whether free, not touching it at all; adnate, attached squarely 
to the stem at their anterior ends; or decurrent, running 
down on the stem for a greater or less distance (Fig. 460). 



375. The hymenium. — Cut a tangential section through 
one side of the pileus and sketch the section of the gills as 



Fics. 461-463. — Section of a 
gilled mushroom: 461, through 
one side, showing sections of the 
pendent gills, g,g (slightly mag- 
nified) ; 462, one of the gills 
more enlarged, showing the cen- 
tral tissue of the trama, tr, and 
the broad border formed by the 
hymenium, h 463, a small sec- 
tion of one side of a gill very 
much enlarged, showing the 
club-shaped basidia, b, b, stand- 
ing at right angles to the surface, 
bearing each two small branches 
with a spore, s, s, at the end. 
The sterile paraphyses, p, are 
seen mixed with the basidia. 

463), while others re- 
mainsterile. Thespore- 
bearing cells are called 
basidia; the sterie 
ones, paraphyses; and 

they appear under a lens, or a low 
power of the microscope. Notice 
that the blade consists of a central 
portion called thetrama (tr, Fig. 462) 
and a somewhat thickened portion, 
h, constituting the hymenium, or 
spore-bearing surface. Now exam- 
ine, under a high power, a small sec- 
tion from the edge of a gill, including 
a bit of the trama. Notice that this 
last consists of a tissue of mycelial 
cells (Fig. 463) covered by the hy- 
menium, or spore-bearing membrane, 
which is thickly clothed with a layer 
of elongated, club-shaped cells (6, 6 
and 7, p, Fig. 463) set upon it at right 
angles to the surface. Some of these 
put out from two to four, or in some 
species as many as eight, little 
prongs, each bearing a spore (s,s, Fig. 



Fics. 464, 465. — A tube fungus (Boletus edulis) : 
464, entire; 465, section, showing position of the 

the whole spore-bearing surface together, the hymenium, from 
a Greek word meaning a membrane. It is from the presence 


of this expanded fruiting membrane that the class of mush- 
rooms we are considering gets its botanical name, Hymeno- 
mycetes, membrane fungi. The hymenium is not always 
borne on gills, but is arranged in various ways which serve 
as a convenient basis for distinguishing the different orders. 
In the tube fungi, to which the edible 
boletus belongs (Figs. 464, 465), the 
basidia are placed along the inside of 
little tubes that line the under side 
of the pileus, giving it the appear- 
ance of a honeycomb. In another 
order, the porcupine fungi, they are 
arranged on the outside of project- 
ing spines or teeth, while in the 
morelles they are held in little cups 

- Fia. 466.— Spore print of a 
or basins. gilled mushroom. 

376. Spore prints.— When the 
gills are ripe, they shed their spores in great abundance. 
Take up the pileus that was laid on paper, as directed under 

Material, on page 323, and examine 
the print made by the discharged 
spores; it will be found to give an 
exact representation of the under side 
of the pileus. 

377. The spores. — Notice the color 
of the spores as shown in the print. 
This is a matter of importance in dis- 
tinguishing gill-bearing fungi, which are 
divided into five sections according to 
the color of the spores. One source of 

J danger, at least, to mushroom eaters 
(Anita phalledes fen’ would be avoided if this difference was 
ing the broad pendent annu- always attended to, for the deadly 
Fee ree un at tye amanita (Amanita phalloides) and the 
base, c, and floccose patches almost equally dangerous fly mushroom 

on the pileus, left by the : 
breaking up of the volva. (A. muscaria) both have white spores, 


while the favorite edible kind (Agaricus campestris), though 
white-gilled when young, produces dark, purple-brown spores 
that cannot fail to distinguish it clearly for any one who will 
take the trouble to make a print. 

378. Economic properties. — Most of the wood-destroy- 
ing fungi belong to this and allied orders. They are among 
the worst enemies the forester has to deal with (140), and 
millions of feet of 
lumber are destroyed 
every year by them. 

Over seven hun- 
dred kinds of fungi 
growing in the United 
States have been de- 
scribed as edible, but 
the evil repute into 
which the whole class 
has been brought by 
the poisonous quali- 
ties of a few species, 

ip ibe 

Fia. 468. — Portion of the root of a maple affected and the difficulty, to 
with rot caused by the mycelium of a fungus that any but an expert, of 

has penetrated to its interior. ee A ‘ 

distinguishing be- 
tween these and the harmless kinds, has caused them to be 
generally neglected as articles of diet. While they are 
pleasant relishes and furnish an agreeable variety to our daily 
fare, their food value has been greatly exaggerated. They 
contain a large proportion of water, often over 90 per cent, 
and the most valued of them, the Agaricus campestris, is 
about equivalent to cabbage in nutrient properties. 

Practical Questions 

1. Why are mushrooms generally grown in cellars? (186, 343.) 

2. Name any fungi you know of that are good for food or medicine or 
any other purpose. 

3. Name the most dangerous ones you know of. 


4, Do you find fungi most abundant on young and healthy trees, or 
on old, decrepit ones? Account for the difference. (141, 348, 378.) 
5. Do you ever find them growing on perfectly sound wood anywhere? 
6. Are they ever beneficial to a tree? (86.) 
7. Is it wise to leave old, unhealthy trees and decaying trunks in a 
timber lot? 

MarTERIAL. — Specimens can be found almost everywhere, growing 
on rocks, walls, logs, stumps, and trees. Some of the more common kind 
are: Parmelia, recognizable by the shallow spore cups borne on the upper 
surface of the thallus; Cladonia, by the little stalked receptacles, like 
goblets, in which its spores are held; Physcia, by its bright orange color. 
Where practicable, it is well to have several different kinds for comparison. 
iceland moss (Cetraria islandica) can generally be obtained from the 
grocers, and is a good example of an intermediate form between foliaceous 
and fruticose lichens. 

If the specimens are very dry, they will be too brittle to handle conven- 
iently, and should be moistened by soaking a short time in water. This 
will render them quite flexible and also bring out the green color more 

379. Examination of a typical specimen. — The com- 

Fic. 469. — Foliaceous lichens: A, Xanthoria (Physcia) parietina; B, Parmelia 
conspersa; a, spore cups. 

tained, are those that grow on rocks and tree trunks in flat, 
spreading patches. Their margins are much dented and 


curled, giving them a somewhat leaflike appearance, whence 
they are called “foliaceous ” lichens. This broad, expanded 
body is the thallus, or vegetative part, as distinguished from 
its reproductive part. Examine carefully the thallus of 
your specimen. Note the size and shape of the indentations. 
Is there any order or regularity about them, such as was 
observed in the lobing of leaves? Is there any difference 
in color between the upper and under sides? What other 
differences do you notice? Do you see anything like hairs, 
or rootlets, on the under side? Mount one of them in water 
and place under the microscope. What does it look like? 
Compare with one of the hairs from a leaf of mullein, grom- 
well, blueweed, or other hairy plant, with the hypha of a 
fungus mycelium, and with your study of the root hair in 
67 (a). Is it a hair or a root? These rootlike hairs are 
called rhizoids, and serve to anchor the lichen to its substra- 
tum. Look on the upper side for little cup-shaped or 
saucer-shaped receptacles. On what part of the thallus 
are they situated? Ex- 
amine with a lens and see 
if you can make out what 
they contain. These cups 
are the spore cases. The 
lichen fungus belongs to 
the division of sac fungi, 
which produce their 
spores in closed sacs, or 
Po, 70.— Porn of eis schon, 389, Structure of the 
thallus. — Make a thin 
section through a thallus and place under the microscope. 
Notice the small green bodies enveloped in the hyphe of the 
fungus. Are they most abundant near the upper or the lower 
epidermis? Has their green color anything to do with this, 
and with the difference in color between the two surfaces of 
the thallus? (184.) Do they look like chlorophyll granules ? 


Can you tell what they are? Compare with your study of 
the unicellular alge (337) and with Fig. 429. Does this 
throw any light on their real nature? 

381. The lichen thallus a composite body. — You will 
probably have no difficulty in making out that these small 
round bodies are green alge of some kind, but of what species 
will depend upon the kind of lichen with which it is associated. 
In Cladonia and the bearded lichen (Fig. 473), it is a proto- 
coccus ; in other forms, a pleurococcus or a nostoc —and so 
on, each species of lichen fungus being specialized to a cer- 
tain form of alga. The great botanist, De Bary, showed 

Fic. 471. — Artificial lichen mycelium, m, made by sowing spores of a fungus, 
sp, among alga cells, a. 

that it is even possible to produce a lichen thallus artificially 
by sowing the spores of a fungus among the cells of the par- 
ticular alga with which it is able to unite. The spores will 
germinate without the alga, but soon perish unless they come 
in contact with the right one. It is thus made clear that the 
lichen plant as a whole is a combination of elements belong- 
ing to two distinct orders, the alge and fungi, but so closely 
associated as to constitute practically a single individual. 


382. Slavery, or partnership? — Now, what can be the 
object of this peculiar association? Is it a symbiosis, or 
a case of enslavement? The fungi, as we know, are all 
parasites, unable to manufacture their own food or to exist 
at all except at the expense of other organisms, living or dead. 
But the lichens have refined upon the gross rapacity of their 
order, and instead of indiscriminately destroying the hosts 
that furnish their nourishment, have used their victims to 
better purpose by converting them into contented, well-fed 
slaves! The imprisoned alge perform for them the same 
service that the chlorophyll bodies do for the higher plants, 
and so the lichen fungi have the advantage of other parasites 
in getting their food manufactured at home, so to speak. 
And while the alge have to do double work in order to feed 
both themselves and their masters, the fungus, in return, 
shelters them against cold and drought, and prolongs their 
growing period by giving them a more continuous supply 
of moisture and food materi- 
als, which it draws from the 
substratum by means of its 
rhizoids. In this way both 
plants are enabled to live in 
situations that neither could 
occupy without the other. 

383. Reproduction.— The 
multiplication of the lichen 
alge is exclusively vegetative. 
The fungus, on the other 
hand, reproduces normally 
by spores, and the fruiting 
bodies found on the thallus 
originate from the fungus 

384. Classification. — 
Fic. 472.—A_ crustaceous lichen To be strictly accurate, the 

(Graphis elegans) growing on holly: A, é : 
natural size; B, slightly magnified. two kinds of vegetable bodies 


that make up the lichen thallus would probably have to be 
classified separately, as alge or fungi, respectively, but as 
fructification is the generally accepted basis of classification, 
and the plant body is too intimately permeated with both 
kinds of tissue to be divided, each lichen body as a whole is 
classed with its particular kind of fungus. The entire group, 
on account of the distinctive characters that mark it, is 

473 A74 

Figs. 473, 474.—Fruticose lichens: 473, Usnea barbata, bearded lichen; 474, 
Cladonia rangiferina, reindeer moss: A, sterile; B, fruiting portion. 

placed in a separate order of its own. This includes three 
principal divisions, distributed according to the shape of the 
thallus, and its habit of growth: (1) Crustaceous, those that 
adhere closely to the substratum, as if glued or inscribed on 
it; (2) Foliaceous, with a broad, more or less lobed and leaf- 
like thallus that adheres loosely to the substratum by means 
of rhizoids springing from its under surface; (3) Fruticose, 
with branching, stemlike thallus attached at the base like a 
regularly rooting plant (Figs. 473, 474). Among these are 
the Iceland moss, used as an article of food by man, and the 
reindeer moss (Cladonia rangiferina), which is the chief sus- 
tenance of the reindeer. , 


Practical Questions 

1. Have lichens any economic value? (384.) 

2. In what way are they most useful? (820.) 

3. Do you find them, as a general thing, on healthy young trees and 
boughs, or on old ones, and those showing signs of decay ? 

4, Do you ever find them growing on trees or other objects in densely 
inhabited areas, — cities, large towns, and manufacturing centers? 

5. Do they grow more thickly on the shady (northern) side of rocks, 
walls, and trees growing in the open, than on the sunny and (presumably) 
warmer sides ? 

6. Mention some ways in which a growth of lichens might be beneficial 
to a tree. 

7. In what ways could it be harmful? 


Mareriau. — Liverworts can generally be found growing with mosses 
in damp, shady places, and are easily recognized by their flat, spreading 
habit, which gives them the appearance of'green lichens. Marchantia 
polymorpha (Fig. 475), one of the largest and best specimens for study, 
is common in shady, damp ground throughout the states. It is dicecious, 
and specimens bearing both male and female organs should be provided. 
Lunularia, a smaller species that can be recognized by the little crescent- 
shaped receptacles on some of the divisions of the thallus, is abundant 
in greenhouses on the floor, or on the sides of pots and boxes kept in damp 
places; but the spore-bearing receptacles are seldom or never present, 
the species being an introduced one and possibly rendered sterile by 
changed conditions. Anthoceros (Fig. 426) and leafy liverworts, such 
as that shown in Fig. 484, also make good examples for study. 

WORT DIFFERENT? — Plant a growing branch of marchantia, or of any 
flat, spreading liverwort, in moist earth so that the upper side will lie next 
the soil, and watch for a week or two, noting the changes that take place. 
What would you infer from these as to the cause of any differences that 
may have been observed between the two surfaces? 

385. Examination of a typical liverwort — The thallus. — 
The broad, flat, branching organ that forms the body of the 
plant is the thallus. Examine the end of each branch; 
what do you find there? Are the two forks into which the 
apex of the branches divides equal or unequal? Compare 
the growing end with the distal one; does it proceed from 


a true root? Notice that as the lower end dies, the growing 
branches go on increasing and reproducing the thallus. 

Do you find anything like a midrib? If so, trace it through 
the branches and body of the thallus; where does it end? 
Does it seem to be formed like the midrib of a leaf? Hold 

475 476 

Fies. 475, 476. — Umbrella liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha) : 475, portion of a 
female thallus about natural size, showing dichotomous branching ; f, f, archegonial 
or female receptacles ; 7, rhizoids ; 476, portion of a male thallus bearing an anther- 
idial disk or receptacle, d, and gemma, g, g. 

a piece of the thallus up to the light and see if you can detect 
any veins. Is it of the same color in all parts, and if there is 
a, difference, can you give a reason for it? Examine the 
upper surface with a lens. Peel off a piece of the epidermis, 
place it under a low power of the microscope, or between 
two moistened bits of glass, and hold up to the light, keeping 
the upper surface toward you; what is its appearance? 


Observe a tiny dot near the center of the rhomboidal areas 
into which the epidermis is divided and compare it with 
your drawings of stomata (181, 183). 
What would you judge that these dots 
are ‘for? While differing in structure 

Se from the stomata of leaves, they serve 

Fic. 477.— A portion 

of the upper epidermis the same purposes and may be regarded 
of marchantia, magni- as 4 more rudimentary form of the same 

fied, showing rhomboidal 
plates with a stoma in Organ. 

eek 386. Rhizoids. — Wash the dirt from 
the under side of a thallus and examine with a lens; how 
does it differ from the upper surface? Do you see anything 
like roots? Place one in a drop of water under the micro- 
scope. Compare with similar organs found on the lichen 
(379). What are they? Would rhizoids be of any use on 
the upper side? stomata on the under side? 

387. Gemmez.— Look along the upper surface for little 
saucer-shaped (in lunularia, crescent-shaped) cupules (g, g, 
Fig. 476). Notice their shape and position, whether on a 
midrib or near the margin. Examine the contents with 
a lens and see if youcan tell what they are. These little 
bodies, called gemme, are of the nature of buds, by which 
the plant propagates itself vegetatively somewhat as the 
onion and the tiger lily do by means of bulblets. Sow some 
of the gemmez on moist sand, cover them with a tumbler 
to prevent evaporation, and watch them develop the thalloid 

388. The fruiting receptacles.— Procure, if possible, 
thalli with upright pedicels bearing flattened enlargements 
at the top (Figs. 475, 476). These are thallus branches 
modified into receptacles containing the reproductive organs, 
which, in marchantia, are dicecious, the two kinds growing 
on separate thalli. Notice their difference in shape, one 
kind being slightly lobed or scalloped, the other rayed like 
the spokes of a wheel. The first kind are known as antherid- 
tal, or male, receptacles; the second as archegonial, or female. 


389. The antheridia. — Examine one of the male recep- 
tacles on both surfaces and in vertical section. Notice the 
tiny egg-shaped bodies sunk in little 
cavities between the lobes just under 
the upper epidermis (Fig. 478). These 
are antheridia. When mature, they 
rupture at the apex, and multitudes of 
extremely small bodies, called anthero- 
zoids, or spermatozoids, are discharged 
from them. 

390. Archegonia.— Next examine one 
of the female receptacles. Look on the 
under surface, between the narrow divi- 
sions of the receptacle, for radiating rows — yg, 478. Longitudinal 
of flask-shaped bodies with their necks section of a male receptacle 
turned downward, and all surrounded a 
by a toothed sheath or involucre (Fig. % oni i ventral scales; 
479). These bodies are the archegonia, ” ; 
or female organs, and correspond, loosely speaking, to the 
ovaries of flowering plants. If the receptacle is a mature 
one, the archegonia will be replaced 
by the ripe spore cases (sporangia), 
as at f, Fig. 479. 

Make enlarged drawings of the 
upper surface of a male and a female 
receptacle, and of a vertical section 
of each, passing through an anther- 
idium in the male, and an arche- 

\ gonial row in the female receptacle. 

Fic. 479. — Under sideof an T,abel the parts observed in each. 
archegonial receptacle enlarged. 2 
The archegonia are borne 391. Minute study of an arche- 
= Get elas gonium.— Place under the micro- 
view in the figure; f, a spore scope a very thin, longitudinal section 
eee through a ray of a receptacle con- 
taining a young archegonium, and observe that the latter 
consists of a lower portion, the venter, v, Fig. 480, and an 


upper part, the neck, which is perforated by the neck canal, 
ca. The venter contains the egg cell, 0, and the ventral canal 
cell, vc. The neck canal is filled with small cells which, 
at maturity, dissolve into a mucilaginous substance that 
swells on being wet and discharges itself through the top 
of the neck, leaving an open passage to the venter, where 
the egg cell is ready to be ferti- 

Make a drawing of the section as 
seen under the microscope, labeling 
all the parts. 

392. Fertilization. — In the liver- 
worts, and in cryptogams generally, 
this process has to take place under 
water, as the antherozoids are motile 
only in a liquid, but the amount re- 
quired is so small that a few drops 
of rain or dew will enable them to 
make their journey to the archego- 
nium. The mucilaginous substances 
discharged from the neck canal at- 
tract them to the mouth of the open- 

Fras. 480, 481.—480, young ing, one or more of them penetrates 
SrChPEOnIET OF -M. polymer. 46 ihe egg cell, and fertilization is ac- 

pha; v, ventral portion; 0, egg 

cell; 2c, ventral canal andcells; complished. Do you see any anal- 

ca, neck canal with cells; 481, : : 

the same ready for fertilization O8l€S between this and the same 

after discharge of the mucilagi- function among flowering plants? 
: (250, 251.) 

393. The spore case. — After fertilization the egg becomes 
an odspore, capable of producing a new plant. Instead, 
however, of separating from the mother plant and giving 
rise to an independent growth, it germinates within the ar- 
chegonium and produces there a small, stalked body, called 
a sporogonium, or sporophyte, which at length ripens into 
a spore case, as shown at f, Fig. 479. At maturity this 
capsule-like sporophyte ruptures at the apex, and discharges 


a mass of spores, mingled with elongated filaments called 
elators, which, by their elastic movements, assist in dissem- 
inating the spores. These latter, on germinating, produce, 
not a simple sporophyte like that which bore them, but 
the thallus of the liverwort with all its complicated arrange- 
ment of antheridia and archegonia and vegetative organs 
that seem to foreshadow, by the analogies they suggest, 
the coming of the higher plants. 

394. Sexual and asexual reproduction. — We find here 
a very marked change from the simple reproductive processes 
observed in the alge and fungi. In the forms thus far con- 
sidered, this function was carried on mainly by simple vege- 
tative fission or budding, with a more or less irregular in- 
tervention of resting spores. If only one kind of spore is 
concerned, reproduction is said to be asexual. When two 
different kinds of cells, the egg and sperm cell, unite to form 
an odspore, as in the liverworts, reproduction is said to be 
sexual. While sexual reproduction takes place to some 
extent among both alge and fungi, the prevailing method 
among thallophytes is asexual, and may be carried on in 
three different ways: by fission (and budding), by resting 
spores, and by conjugation. 

Representing the plant body by A and the resting spores 
by a, the primitive asexual processes may be expressed to 
the eye by the accompanying formulas : — 

(1) Fission and budding: A-~A—-+A—-A—> 
(2) Resting spores: Aa—Aa—->Aa—> 
(3) Conjugation: A +A—-a->A+A—->a—> 

In (3), as was seen in the conjugating cells of the spirogyra 
(342), the method is a little more complicated, showing an 
approach toward the sexual process. In each of these cases, 
however, there is only one kind of cell concerned, while in 
the liverworts there are not only different kinds, techni- 
cally known as gametes, but specialized organs, archegonia 
and antheridia, for producing them. The thallus body 
bearing these organs is termed the gametophyte, because it. 


bears the gametes, or sexual organs, — the suffix phyte mean- 
ing a plant ; for example, epiphyte, on or upon plants ; spermo- 
phyte, or spermatophyte, seed plant; sporophyte, spore plant. 
The sporophyte, produced within the archegonium, bears 
simple nonsexual spores that are capable of germinating 
independently. Structurally it is a separate, individual 
organism, though it does not appear as such in this class, 
but lives inclosed in the archegonium, as a parasite on the 
mother plant. 

395. Alternation of generations. — If we represent the 
sporophyte by S, the thallus, or gametophyte, by G, the 
female gamete, or egg cell, by fg, the antherozoids (male 
gametes) by mg, the fertilized egg cell, or odspore, result- 
ing from their union by ods, and the asexual spores dis- 
charged from the sporophyte by 0, this complicated mode 
of reproduction may be expressed diagrammatically as 
follows :— 

fg : fg 
a tiie» S—-o ec pe 00s > S —> 0 —>Gete. 
mug: mg 

A glance at the diagram will show a continual inter- 
change of the sexual and asexual modes of reproduction, in 
which each generation gives rise to its opposite, the asexual 
sporophyte producing the sexual gametophyte, and this in 
turn, through its gametes, giving rise to the asexual sporo- 
phyte. This regular recurrence in genealogical succession of 
two differing forms is what is meant by the expression “ alter- 
nation of generations.” Analogous processes occur also 
among some of the thallophytes, but as there is no well- 
defined differentiation of sporophyte and gametophyte, 
alternation proper may be regarded as beginning with the 
bryophytes. The subject is a complicated one and some- 
what difficult to grasp, but it is important to form a correct 
idea of it and to fix clearly in mind the different modes of 
reproduction as we proceed from the lower to the higher forms 
of vegetation, smce in this way alone can their biological 


relationships and their order of succession in the evolutionary 
scale be made intelligible. 


Marertau. — One of the most widely distributed of messes is the 
Sphagnum, or peat moss, so genérally used by florists in packing plants for 
shipment, and it can be obtained from them at almost all times. It is 
rather difficult, however, to find specimens with the fruiting organs, since 
they are rarely to be met with except in late autumn or early spring. 
Other common forms are Polytrichum, Funaria, and Mnium, any of which 
will meet all essential conditions of the study outlined in the text. 

396. The protonema or thallus stage. — In mosses the 
sexual, or gametophyte generation differs from that of 
liverworts in undergoing two phases. The germinating 
cells of the sporophyte do not develop immediately into 
the leafy stem, which is the typical gametophyte of true 
mosses, but produce first a filamentous, creeping structure 

Fras. 482, 483. —Protonema of a moss: 482, germinating spore ; 483, protonema ; 
kn, buds; r, rhizoids ; s, spore. 

called the protonema (Fig. 483), that spreads over the 
ground and forms the tangled green felt usually observed 
where mosses are growing. Place a few of these filaments on 
a slide in water, and examine under the microscope. Do 
they remind you of any of the forms of alge? Look near 


the base of the branches for knots or enlargements, like 
those seen at kn, Fig. 483. These are buds from which the 
leafy moss stems will develop. Do they correspond to any- 
thing observed among the thallophytes? Notice the rootlike 
filaments that extend under ground; how do they differ from 
the ones above ground? Why are they colorless? How 
do you know that they are not true roots? [67 (a), 379.] 
Sketch one of each kind of filament sufficiently enlarged to 
show the cells composing it. 

A protonema that arises directly from the spore is said 
to be primary, while those which sometimes spring from 
rhizoids above ground, or from stems or leaves, are 
secondary. The fact that a protonema can bud from parts 
of the fruiting stems shows that the two do not belong to 
different generations, but are merely successive stages of 
a single generation, and both together compose the game- 

397. The leafy stage. —In their fully developed state 
the true mosses show a marked advance in organization over 
the liverworts. There is a distinct 
differentiation of the growing axis into 
stem and leaves, though no true roots 
care formed. The leaves are arranged 
spirally, on upright stems, while in the 
liverworts the vegetative body is 
either a flat, spreading thallus, or the 
leaves are arranged horizontally on 
opposite sides of a prostrate, or more 
or less inclined, axis. Sometimes a 
second set occurs, on the upper side 

Fic. 484.—Scapania, a Of the axis, but in this case the leaves 
liverwortwithleafy thallus, ap- are usually much smaller and inclined 

proaching the form of mosses i: 
and lycopodiums.(FromCout- to the horizontal arrangement, as 

TER’s ‘‘Plant Structures.’’) shown in Fig. ASA. 
398. The reproductive organs.— The antheridia and 
archegonia are borne in groups at the end either of the main 



axes, or of lateral branches (Figs. 485, 486), but as a rule 
only one archegonium is fertilized, so the mature sporo- 

in Fig. 485; and in 
the latter case, the 
reproductive organs 
may be borne on the 
same, or on different, 
receptacles. The 
antheridia and the 
Fig. 485. — Fruiting recep- archegonia are both 

tacle of a moss (Phascum cus- mixed with club- 

pidatum), bearing both anther- shaned hairs called 
idia, an, and archegonia, ar, at ‘4 
the bifurcated apex ; b, leaves; paraphyses (Fig. 

p, paraphyses. 48 5) ; 

399. The sporophyte. — An examination 
of the fruiting capsule of any of the true 
mosses will show that it consists of a long 
footstalk, the seta, s, Fig. 486, bearing a 
capsule, or ripened sporogonium, f, which 
is at first surmounted by a cap or hood, 
known as the calyptra,c. The hood repre- 
sents the excessively developed and often 
highly specialized wall of the archegonium. 
It falls away at maturity, and the spores are 
discharged through an opening made by the 
removal of the operculum, or lid, d. The 
spores and the capsule are both developed 
from the fertilized egg (odspore), within the 
archegonium, in much the same manner as in 
the liverworts, and together constitute the 
sporophyte, or asexual generation. It never 
leads a completely independent existence, 

gonia are solitary. The plants may 
be either dicecious or moncecious, as 

Fia. 486. — Fruit- 
ing stem of a moss 
(Polytrichum com= 
mune) with ripe cap- 
sules: s, seta, or foot- 
stall ; c, capsule with 
calyptra; f, capsule 
after the calyptra has 
fallen away ; d, oper- 
culum, or lid. 

but remains a 

partial parasite on the mother plant, though the lower part 
of the young sporogonium is usually provided with stomata 


and chlorophyll so that it is capable of manufacturing food. 
In this respect it shows a distinct advance on the correspond- 
ing phase of the liverworts—if we except the single genus 
Anthoceros, which alone among the liverworts has the cells 
of the sporogonium provided with chlorophyll. 

400. Alternation of generations. — The process of repro- 
duction in mosses is so closely similar to that of liverworts 
that it is unnecessary to repeat the details. There are 
some minor variations, but in all essentials the processes 
are the same and may be represented to the eye by the 
same formula. 

401. Relative position of mosses and liverworts in the 
line of evolution. — Though mosses, as a rule, show a higher 
degree of organization than liverworts, in both generations, 
their development has been away from the general course 
of evolution followed by the higher plants. This, as will 
be seen later, tends towards a decreasing complexity of 
the gametophyte with increasing complexity of the sporo- 
phyte, while the mosses show increasing complexity of both. 
Like the order of birds in the animal kingdom, they form 
a highly specialized and somewhat isolated group. While 
they may be regarded as descendants from a common an- 
cestral stock with the ferns and club mosses, they have 
been switched off, so to speak, on a side track of the great 
evolutionary trunk line, and their advance on this side 
track has carried them to a point more remote from the. 
course along which the higher forms of plant life have 
traveled than the distant junction at which they branched 
off from their less progressive kindred, the humble liver- 


Marertau. — Any kind of fern in the fruiting stage. Several different 
varieties should be cultivated in the schoolroom for observation. While 
gathering specimens, look along the ground under the fronds, or in green- 
houses where ferns are cultivated, among the pots and on the floor, for 
a small, heart-shaped body like that represented in Figs. 501, 502, called 
a prothallium. It is found only in moist and shady places, and care should 


be taken in collecting specimens, as in their early stages the prothallia 
bear a strong resemblance to certain liverworts found in the same situa- 
tions. The best way is for each class to raise its own specimens by scat- 
tering the spores of a fern in a glass jar, on the bottom of which is a bed 
of moist sand or blotting paper. Cover the jar loosely with a sheet of 
glass and keep it moist and warm, and not in too bright a light. Spores 
of the sensitive ferns (Onoclea) will germinate in from two to ten days, 
according to the temperature. Those of the royal fern (Osmunda) ger- 
minate promptly if sown as soon as ripe, but if kept even for a few weeks 
are apt to lose their vitality. The spores of sensitive fern can be kept 
for six months or longer, while those of the bracken (Pteris) and various 
other species require a rest before germinating, so that in these cases it 
is better to use spores of the previous season. 

402. Study of a typical fern.— Observe the size and 
general outline of the fronds, and note whether those of 
the same plant are all alike, or if they differ in any way, 
and how. Observe the 
shape and texture of the 
divisions or pinnse com- 
posing the frond, their 
mode of attachment to 
the rachis, and whether 
they are simple, or 
notched, or branched in 
any way. Hold a pinna 
up to the light and notice 
the veining. Is it like any 
of the kinds described in 
171,:172? In what re- 
spect is it different? 
This forked venation is 
a very general character- 
istic of ferns. When the 
forks do not reticulate or 

intercross, the veins are Fis. 487-491.—A fern plant: 487, fronds 

i 7 h and rootstock; 488, fertile pinna: s, s, sori; 

said to be free ; are t €Y 489, cross section of a stipe, showing ends of the 

J specimen, or fibrovascularbundles ; 490, aclusterof sporangia, 

free Tm Your SP 4 magnified ; 491, a single sporangium still more 
reticulated? Make a magnified, shedding its spores. 




sketch, labeling the primary branches of the frond, pinne 
(sing., pinna), the secondary ones, if any, pinnules, and the 
common stalk that supports them, stipe. Note the color, 
texture, and surface of the stipe. If any appendages are 
present, such as hairs, chaff, or scales (in Pteris, nectar 
glands), notice whether they are equally distributed. If not, 
where are they most abundant ? 

Examine the mode of attachment of the stipes to their 
underground axis. Break one away and examine the scar. 
Compare with your drawings of leaf scars and with Fig. 
105. Do the stipes grow from a root or a rhizome? How 
do you know? Do you find any remains of leafstalks of 
previous years? How does the rootstock increase in 
length? Measure some of the internodes; how much did 
it increase each year? Cut a cross section and look for 
the ends of the fibrovascular bundles. Trace their course 
through several internodes. Do they run straight, or do 
they turn or bend in any way at the nodes? If so, where 
do they go? Do you see anything like roots? Where do 
they originate? Put one of them under the microscope and 
find out whether they are roots or hairs. 

True roots are first developed in the pteridophytes. Since 
those of the fern spring from an underground stem, to what 
class of roots do they belong? (88.) 

403. Minute study of a fern stem.— Place a very thin 
section of a fern rhizoma, or of the stipe of a frond, under 
the microscope. Except in very young stems the vascular 
bundles are arranged in a ring, or sometimes in two or 
more rings (Fig. 492), with plates of strengthening tissue, 
1, l, between the inner and outer rings. Notice the inner 
epidermal layer of hard brown tissue, and within that, the 
soft parenchyma, which fills the rest of the interior. Test 
it with iodine and observe how rich in starch it is. If the 
section of a petiole is under observation, the details will 
be somewhat different; would you expect to find as much 
starch in the stipe as in the rootstock? Why, or why not? 


Make a longitudinal 
section of a rhizome 
through the point 
where a leafstalk is 
attached and trace the 
course of the bundles. 
This will be facilitated 
if the specimen has 
stood in eosin solution 
a few hours. Make 
enlarged drawings of 
both sections, labeling 
all the parts. 

Clearly differentiated 
conducting bundles 
occur in the mosses, 

Fic. 492.— Diagram of a cross section through 
the stem of a fern (Pteris): s, s, s, rings of fibro- 
vascular bundles; J, 1, plates of strengthening tissue, 
with a ring of fibrovascular bundles between them ; 
lp, zone of strengthening fibers; 7, cortex; ¢, 

but they are of much simpler structure than in the pterido- 
phytes, consisting usually of a single central strand, and are 


Fics. 493-494.— Parts of 
fertile pinne: 493, of polypo- 
dium, enlarged, showing the sori 
without indusium ; 494, of pellea, 
showing indusium formed by the 
revolute margin. 

found more frequently in the leaves 
than in the stems. A true vascular 
structure appears first in the pteri- 
dophytes, whence these plants are 
distinguished as vascular cryptogams. 

404. Fructification. —- Examine 
the back of a fruiting frond; what 
do you find there? These dots are 
the sort (sing., sorus), or spore clus- 
ters, and the fronds or pinne bear- 
ing them are said to be fertile. Are 
there any differences of size, shape, 
etc., between the fertile and the 
sterile fronds of your specimen? 

between the fertile and the sterile pinne? On what part 
of the frond are the fertile pinne borne? Notice the shape 
and position of the sori, and their relation to the veins, 
whether borne at the tips, in the forks, on the upper side 


(toward the margin), or the lower (toward the midrib). 
Look for a delicate membrane (indusiwm) covering the sori, 
and observe its shape and mode of attachment. If the 
specimen under examination 
is a polypodium, there will be 
no indusium; if a maiden- 
hair, or a bracken, it will be 
formed of the revolute mar- 
gin of the pinna. In lady 
fern and Christmas fern (As- 
495 496 pidium), the sori frequently 

Fies. 495-496.— Christmas fern (As- become confluent, that is, so 
pidium): 495, part of a fertile frond, natural 
size; 496, a pinna enlarged, showing the close together as to appear 

sori confluent under the peltate indusia. like a solid mass. Sketch a 
fertile pinna as it appears under the lens, bringing out all 
the points noted. 

405. The spore cases. — Look under the indusium at 
the cluster of little stalked circular. appendages (Fig. 490). 
These are the sporangia, or spore cases, in which the re- 
productive bodies are borne. Place one of them under the 
microscope, and it will be found to consist of a little stalked 
circular body like a tennis racket (Fig. 491), surrounded 
by a jointed ring 
called the an- 
nulus. Watch a 
few moments and 
see if you can 
find out the use Fies. 497-500. — Spores of pteridophytes, magnified: 
of the annulus. 497, a fern spore ; 498, 499, two views of a spore of a club 
If not, warm the moss ; 500, spore of a common horsetail (Equisetum arveuse). 
slide and you will probably see the ring straighten itself 
with a sudden jerk, rupturing the wall of the sporangium 
and discharging the spores with considerable force. If this 
does not happen, add a drop of strong glycerine to a speci- 
men mounted in water; the rupture will be apt to follow 
quickly. What causes it, in either case? [56, (1); Exp. 19.] 

497 498 499 500 


406. The sporophyte. — The spores found in such abun- 
dance on the fertile pinne are all alike, and each one is 
capable of germinating and continuing the work of reproduc- 
tion as effectually as the sexual spores of the bryophytes. 
The fertile frond, or part of a frond, on which they are borne 
is called a sporophyll (spore-bearing leaf), and the entire 
plant is the sporophyte, which, with its crop of spores, makes 
up one generation. 

It is important to observe that in the ferns and in all pteri- 
dophytes the sporophyte is the conspicuous and _ highly 
organized body that is commonly recognized as the normal 
growing plant; while with the bryophytes just the reverse 
holds true, —the sexual generation, or gametophyte, repre- 
sents the normal plant structure, while the sporophyte is 
an insignificant appendage 
which never attains an 
independent existence. 
Broadly speaking, in bryo- 
phytes, it is a spore fruit ; 
in the pteridophytes and 
spermatophytes a highly 
developed plant. 

407. The gametophyte. 
— When one of these AIDES Figs. 501, 502. — Prothallium of a common 
ual spores germinates, it fern (Aspidium): 501, under surface, showing 
produces, not a fern plant, Tires 7h antherdia, an, and srchegoni, 
like the one that bore it, phyte, showing rhizoids, rh, young sporo- 
ne x small, heart-shaped phyte, with root, w, and leaf, b. 
body like that shown in Fig. 501. Examine one of these bod- 
ies carefully with alens. Observe that there are no veins nor 
fibrovascular bundles, and the whole body of the plant seems 
to consist of one uniform tissue. Compare it with the forked 
apex of a branching thallus of a liverwort. Do you perceive 
any points of similarity? The two are, in fact, morphologi- 
cally the same. This heart-shaped body is called a prothal- 
lium, and is the gametophyte of the fern. It may be of 

501 502 


different shapes, and in some species is branching and filamen- 
tous, like the protonema of a moss. Generally, however, it 
is flat and more or less two-lobed, as shown in Fig. 501. It 
is small and inconspicuous and very short-lived, being of 
importance only in connection with the work of reproduction. 

Look with your lens for a cluster of small, bottle-shaped 
bodies just below the deep cleft in the heart. If you can- 
not make out what they are, put a thin section through 
a part of the prothallium containing one under the micro- 
scope, and you will see that they are the archegonia. Lower 
down among the rhizoids, near the pointed base, will be 
found the antheridia. In some species the prothalli are 
dicecious, one kind bearing antheridia, the other archegonia, 
but this is rare among the true ferns. 

408. Fertilization. — This process is the same in all essen- 
tials as in the bryophytes. As in other cryptogams, it can 
take place only under 
water, — a circumstance 
which points to an aquatic 
origin for this subkingdom, 
and through them to the 
entire flora of the globe. 
The archegonia differ 
somewhat in shape from 
those of the liverworts and 
mosses, but a section under 
the microscope will show 
that they consist of essen- 

Fig. 503. — Young archegonium of a fern, tially the same parts. On 
magnified: K, neck canal cell; K’, ventral account of the similarity of 
canal cell; O, egg cell. 

these organs, the pterido- 
phytes and bryophytes are often classed together as Arche- 

409. Alternation of generations. — Among the section of 
ferns that we have been considering, the order of alternation 
corresponds in all essentials to that prevailing among the 


bryophytes, and may be represented by the same formula. 
The chief difference is in the relatively much greater im- 
portance of the sporophyte, which may be expressed by 
putting it first: — 

£9. fy 
sS— 0o— a o00s—> S—> oa > 00s —>S—0—>G ete. 
am mg 

But some of the pteridophytes— of which the Selaginella 
offers'a conspicuous example — have differentiated their 

\ s A SS uN kx 
Ci en ee. 

my J 

504 507 

Fries. 504-508. — A kind of pteridophyte (Selaginella martensiz) with its organs of 
fructification: 504, a fruiting branch; 505, a microsporophyll with a microsporaa- 
gium, showing microspores through a rupture in the wall; 506, a megasporophyll 
with a megasporangium; 507, megaspores; 508, microspores. (From CoULTER’S 
“ Plant Structures.’’) 


asexual spores (o of the formula) into two kinds, large and 
small, known respectively as megaspores and microspores. 
The prothallia developed by the former bear archegonia 
containing female gametes only; those by the latter, antheri- 
dia containing male gametes — while in the dicecious bryo- 
phytes, the archegonial and antheridial thalli are produced 
by spores of the same kind. 

The differentiation of the asexual spores in the higher 
pteridophytes gives rise to corresponding changes in the 
sporangia that bear them, and even in the sporophylls them- 
selves, one kind bearing microsporangia only, the other 
megasporangia. In this way the differentiation of sex is 
pushed back, step by step, until it virtually begins with the 
sporophyte, or asexual generation. 

Using the same terms as before, and representing the mi- 
crospores by the abbreviation mo, the megaspores by Mo, 
the archegonial gametophyte by arG, the antheridial by 
anG, the formula may be modified to express this more com- 
plicated process of alternation, as follows : — 

Mo—>arG—> fg Mo —>-arG—-+» fg. 
ae > 00s—> 8. 4 > 00s etc, 
mo—>anG—> mg mo—-anG'—>mg 
Comparing this formula with the preceding, it will be seen 
that the increased complexity affects the sporophyte at the 
expense of the gametophyte, which has now become a mere 
dependent on the former. 

410. Advantages of alternation. — This roundabout mode 
of reproduction would hardly have been developed unless it 
had been of some benefit to the plants in which it occurs. 
The chief advantage seems to be in more rapid multiplication 
and consequently better chance to propagate the species, as 
compared with the slow process of sexual reproduction were 
the plant confined to that method alone. Only one plant is 

produced by each oéspore, and if this were a gametophyte 
with its limited number of archegonia, multiplication would 


be slow; but the sporophyte with its millions of spores, each 
capable of producing a new individual, enables the species to 
multiply indefinitely. At the same time the interposition of 
a gametophyte, or sexual generation, secures the introduc- 
tion of a new strain with effects analogous to those of cross 

411. Classification of pteridophytes.—In our study of 
this group, the ferns have been taken as the type because 
they are the most familiar and most widely 
distributed of all the vascular cryptogams. 
But while they exceed in numbers, both of 
individuals and species, all the other orders 
combined, they form only one division of thres 
great groups that make up the class Pterido- 
-phyta. These groups are: (1) ferns, under 
which are included, besides the true ferns, two 
widely differing orders, with the grape ferns 
and adder’s-tongue in one, and the water ferns 
in the other; (2) the club mosses, embracing 
the two subdivisions of Lycopodium and Sel- 
aginella; (3) the horsetail family, including 
horsetails and scouring rushes. Orders (2) 
and (8) are grouped together as cone-bearing 
(strobilaceous) pteridophytes, because their 
sporangia are clustered in oblong heads, or 
strobiles (Fig. 509), somewhat like the cones of ee 
the pine. The orders of pteridophytes differ Part of the fruit- 

‘ ing stem of a 
greatly among themselves, but agree in pos-  gcouring rush, 
sessing certain characteristics that point to Zavisetum limo- 

their derivation from a common ancestry. peter a ee 
412. Distinction between pteridophytes and oo (After 

bryophytes. —In passing from the Thallo- 

phytes and Bryophytes to the vascular cryptogams, we cross 

the widest chasm in the vegetable kingdom — a gap relatively 

as great as that between vertebrates and invertebrates among 

animals. The most important modifications that discrimi- 


nate the two groups are: (1) the presence in Pteridophytes 
of a highly organized vascular system accompanied by a 
well-marked differentiation of the plant body into root and 
stem; (2) increased importance and complexity of the sporo- 
phyte with proportionate diminution of the gametophyte. 

While vessels for conducting water occur in some of the 
bryophytes (403), a well-defined vascular system and true 
roots are met with first in the Pteridophytes. The change 
in the relative importance of sporophyte and gametophyte 
is so marked that in Selaginella, the genus which approaches 
nearest in structure to the seed-bearing plants, the suppres- 
sion of the gametophyte has proceeded so far that it never 
leads an independent existence at all and is difficult even to 
recognize as a distinct individual. 

Practical Questions 

1. Have ferns any economic use — that is, are they good for food, 
medicines, etc. ? 
2. What is their chief value? 
3. Under what ecological conditions do they grow? 
4, Are they often attacked by insects, or by blights and disease of 
any kind? 
5. Of what advantage is it to ferns to have their stems underground, 
in the form of rootstocks? (821.) 
6. What causes the young frond of ferns to unroll? (54, 98.) 
7. Name the ferns indigenous: to your neighborhood. 
8. Which of these are most ornamental, and to what peculiarities of 
structure do they owe that quality? 
9. Are cultivated ferns usually raised from the spores or in some 
other way? Why? 
10. After the great eruption of Krakatao in 1883, by which the vege- 
tation of the island was completely destroyed, ferns were the first plants 
to reappear. Explain why. (19; Exp. 17.) 

413. No break in the chain of life. — The great gap that 
was once supposed to exist between the cryptogams and 
phanerogams has been bridged over by the discovery of 


analogies in the reproductive processes of the two groups 
that connect them together as successive links in one continu- 
ous chain of vegetable life. It is therefore very important 
to have a clear understanding of the nature and meaning of 
these processes, for the chief turning points in the life his- 
tory of the different groups of plants are connected with 
them, their natural relationships to each other, and their 
distribution according to their respective places in the evolu- 
tionary scale, being determined largely by a comparison of 
their modes of continuing the life of the group. 

414. Alternation of generations in seed plants. — This 
process, so conspicuous among Bryophytes and Pterido- 
phytes, and not unknown among Thallophytes, is universal 
among seed plants (Spermatophytes) also, though in so 
masked a form that it is not easy to recognize without a 
more detailed study than would be practicable within the 
limits of a book like this. Briefly, we may say that the 
stamens of spermatophytes, and the pistils, or rather the 
carpels, which we have seen to be transformed leaves (298), 
represent the sporophylls (406) of the higher pteridophytes. 
The pollen sacs and ovules are sporangia, bearing micro- 
spores and megaspores (409), represented respectively by 
the pollen grains in the anther and the embryo sac in the 
ovule. These go through a series of microscopic changes in 
the body of the ovule analogous to the production of the 
pospore in the archegonia of ferns and liverworts, but the 
process is so obscure that to an ordinary observer the pollen 
grains and the ovule appear to be the real gametes, and were 
long supposed to be such. The fertilized germ cell in the 
embryo sac (251) corresponds to an odspore ; the embryo sac 
with the endosperm found in all seeds (previous to its absorp- 
tion by the cotyledons) is a rudimentary gametophyte; and 
the embryo in the matured seed is the undeveloped sporo- 
phyte, destined, after germination and further growth, to 
produce a new generation with its recurrent cycle of alternat- 

ing phases. 


In the gymnosperms, — pines, yews, cycads, etc., —which 
represent the most ancient and primitive type of existing 
seed-bearing plants, 
the similarity of these 
processes to those of 
certain of the pterido- 
phytes is very striking, 
and it was through 
the study of these that 
the sequences of the 
process were traced in 
the much more obscure 
form in which they 
occur among the angi- 
osperms. From the 
endosperm in the seeds 
of gymnosperms arche- 
gonia were found to be 
developed (Fig. 510) in 
much the same way as 

Fie. 510. — Diagrammatic section through the in Selaginella, from the 
ovule of a gymnosperm belonging to the spruce ‘ 
family: 7, integument cuvering the ovule; v, endo- Pro thallium ; thu Ss 
sperm (corresponding to female gametophyte), : = 
which fills the embryo sac, containing two arche- 8 howin 8 the en d 0 

gonia, a; 0, egg cell; p, pollen grains; ¢, pollen sperm to be a modified 
tubes entering the neck, c, of the archegonia. 

and greatly reduced 
gametophyte. In some cases, it has even been found to 
protrude a little way out of the embryo sac and to take on 
a slightly greenish tinge — another rem‘niscence of its origin. 
Fertilization, too, takes place in precisely the same manner 
as in the pteridophytes, except that in all but the ginkgo 
and the cycads, the fertilizing cells in the pollen grains are 
non-motile, and find their way to the ovule by growing down 
into the embryo sac with the pollen tube, instead of swimming 
to it — an adaptation probably brought‘ about in response 
to changed conditions during the course of evolution from 
aquatic to terrestrial life. 


The analogies between the sequence of alternations in the 
two classes will be made clearer by a comparison of the 
accompanying diagrams. The corresponding terms applied 
to the various organs stand in the same vertical row. Dia- 
gram (1) shows the process as it takes place in the more 
highly developed Pteridophytes; diagram (2) the corre- 
sponding phases in angiosperms. 

; mospl—> mic—> mo—> anG—> ant —> mg 
(A) s » 608 ——> S 
Mospl—-> Mgc—> Mo—+> arG ——> are —~> fg —> 
mospl, microsporophyll; mic, microsporangium; mo, microspores; anG, male 

gametophyte; ant, antheridia; mg, antherozoids. The letters in the lower line 
stand for the corresponding female organs. 

not——> ge — 
st si ae fe developed ‘ x 
(2) S 00S——>S) 
oe developed fs 
P ou em: g only in re 

st, stamen; an, anther; pol, pollen; fc, food cells in pollen grain; ge, generative 
cell ; p, pistil ; ov, ovules; em, embryo sac; end, endosperm ; ec, egg cell. 

415. Disappearance of the gametophyte. — The seed is a 
comparatively recent development in plant evolution. It 
has no counterpart anywhere among the cryptogams, but is 
strictly characteristic of the three great orders of Spermo- 
phytes: Monocotyl, Dicotyl, and Gymnosperms, which 
compose the greater part of the vegetation of the globe. 
Structurally, it is a matured sporangium containing a rudi- 
mentary sporophyte (the embryo), and a reduced gameto- 
phyte (the embryo sac), which, under the form of endosperm, 
has dwindled to an insignificance that makes it difficult to 
recognize it as a phase in an alternation of generations. 

416. Significance of the sporophyte. — The gametophyte 
is obviously a more ancient and primitive structure than the 
sporophyte, which first becomes prominent in the ferns and 


their allies. The sudden and violent break in the succession 
of vegetable life that accompanies the appearance of the 
pteridophytes (412) is probably to be explained by the 
development of a land flora and the necessity of adaptation to 
life in a new medium. The fact that no living cell, whether 
vegetable or animal, can absorb nourishment except in a 
liquid form, seems to point to an aquatic origin more or less 
remote for all life. This inference is further strengthened, 
in the case of plants, by the fact that even in so highly or- 
ganized a group as the pteridophytes, fertilization cannot 
take place except in water. Such a requirement would 
manifestly be a great disadvantage to land plants, and one 
of the first steps in response to the demands of a new habitat 
would be to get rid, as far as possible, of the primitive game- 
tophyte with its outgrown adaptations to a liquid medium, 
and to transfer the greater part of the work of reproduction 
to the asexual generation, in which the problem of fertiliza- 
tion did not have to be directly met, the asexual spores ger- 
minating without it. The greater the number of these 
produced, the better the chance that at least some of the 
gametes developed from them would meet the difficult con- 
ditions of fertilization, and the survival of the species be 
assured. At the same time, in order to meet the requirements 
of terrestrial life successfully, and to provide for continuing 
the sexual generation, correlative changes would have to 
take place in the gametophyte by which the increasing 
uncertainty of fertilization due to structural changes in the 
sporophyte, and the absence of a liquid medium for the con- 
veyance of free swimming antherozoids would be avoided. 
This necessity has been met by the development of the pollen 
tube, which bores its way to the egg cell, carrying with it the 
generative cells, which in seed plants have taken the place 
of the more primitive antherozoids. With the concomitant 
reduction of the gametophyte and development of the seed 
habit, the adaptation to land conditions has been made 


Roughly speaking, it may be said: (1) that Thallophytes 
are predominantly aquatic; (2) Archegoniates (Bryophytes 
and Pteridophytes), amphibious; (3) Spermophytes, terres- 
trial; (4) that the seed habit is a response to terrestrial 
conditions; and (5) that the increased development of the 
sporophyte was a necessary adaptation to meet those condi- 


417. Plant genealogy. — It has been shown by a study of 
existing forms of plant life that there is no hard and fast 
line of division anywhere between the different groups, but 
that they are all connected by ties of kinship more or less 
defined, according to their distance from a common ancestral 
stock. The geological record points to the same conclusion, 
and our classification of them into families, orders, and spe- 
cies is merely a very imperfect genealogical table of their 
supposed pedigrees. This does not mean, however, that we 
can assert positively that such and such a species is derived 
from such or such another, but that both are descended from 
some common intermediate form more or less remote. While 
we have reason to believe that the flowering plants are de- 
rived through pteridophyte and bryophyte types from some 
of the green alge, no direct connection has ever been traced 
between any particular kind of flowering plant and any par- 
ticular kind of alga, — or between a liverwort and an alga, 
for that matter, — and probably never will be, because the in- 
termediate forms die out, or pass on by variation into other 
lines of development. But while this is true, all the evidence 
we possess does go to show that. since the beginning of life 
on the globe, there has been a general progressive evolution 
from lower and simpler to higher and more complex forms. 

418. Retrogressive evolution. — While the general course 
of evolution has been upward and onward, the movement has 
not always followed a straight line, but, like a mountain road, 


shows many windings and deviations from the direct route. 
The monocotyls furnish a conspicuous example of this de- 
parture from the general law of progression. It was formerly 
supposed, on account of their greater simplicity of structure, 
that they were a more ancient type than dicotyls, but recent 
investigations point to the conclusion that they are a later 
offshoot, derived from ‘some primitive form of aquatic dicotyl, 
and represent, not an ancient and primitive stock, but a case 
of retrogressive evolution from a higher type. Strong pre- 
sumptions in favor of this view are: (1) that various species 
of dicotyls show an unequal development of the seed leaves, 
amounting, in the bryony, tc complete abortion of one of 
them, while some monocotyl seeds show morphological 
characters that can best be explained as survivals, or inherit- 
ances, from a dicotyl ancestor; (2) the structural resem- 
blances between gymnosperms and dicotyls are closer than 
between gymnosperms and monocotyls, which could hardly 
be the case if the latter were the more ancient; (3) the geo- 
logical record does not show them to have appeared before 
dicotyls; (4) the number of cotyledons furnishes no criterion 
as to the relative age of any plant group, since all three types 
are represented among the pteridophytes, where plants are 
found bearing one, two, or more cotyledons. 

The theory of their comparatively recent origin from an 
aquatic ancestor is further borne out by the many points of 
similarity between their internal structure and that of hy- 
drophytes (818), and also by the great proportion of aquatic 
plants among them, amounting to thirty-three per cent, while 
in dicotyls the proportion is only four per cent. Can you 
give any reasons, from your examination of their internal 
structure (113, 114), for believing that the line of develop- 
ment which they have followed is a less effective one for 
meeting conditions now existing on the globe than that at- 
tained by dicotyls? 

We should remember, too, that while progressive evolution 
implies successful adjustment to surroundings, it is possible 


to conceive of a state, as our planet approaches the period 
of cosmic debility and decay, when the conditions of existence 
may become progressively more and more unfavorable. In 
this case the course of evolution would be reversed, the higher 
types gradually dying out as the struggle for life became 
more severe, and the tendency would be constantly toward 
lower and simpler forms, until finally all life would become 
extinct on our planet. 
We have no right, how- 
ever, to assume that 
during such a course of 
retrogressive evolution 
the same forms would 
be repeated in reverse 
order as have already 
appeared, because 
there is no reason to 

gigsperms (dicotyls) 


[norsetalls > 
pteridos| erms. 
=—Erape ferns 

believe that the condi- a\ 3 \ 
tions brought about by ww 
planetary decline and 

“old age” would be — Bryophytes N 

the same as those at- 
tending planetary 
birth and adolescence. 
419. Explanation of 
the diagram. — An at- 
tempt to show the Fic. 511. — Diagram showing the supposed 
course of plant evolution. 
general course of plant 
evolution up to the present time is made in the accompany- 
ing diagram. The four great divisions, Thallophytes, Bryo- 
phytes, Pteridophytes, and Spermatophytes, are represented 
by spaces between four horizontal lines arranged one above 
the other in the order of their succession in time and com- 
plexity of organization. It should be borne in mind that 
these dividing lines are not sharply defined in nature, but 
overlap or indent the territory between them with vary- 

—_Llive 'Worts 
4 : 
a. o 




ing degrees of irregularity, like the coast line on a map. 
The relative positions of the different orders we have 
been considering are represented by upright and diagonal 
lines, the general course of which, as indicated by the 
arrows, is intended to give an idea of the trend of evolu- 
tionary progress in the particular group represented by each 
line. No one of these lines is made to originate directly in 
any other, because, with the possible exception of the mono- 
cotyls, we have no authority for asserting that any such direct 
connection exists between plants as we know them, but only 
that certain types give evidence of descent from a common 
ancestry. This lack of certainty is expressed by placing the 
point of origin for any given line in more or less close proxim- 
ity to the one which is supposed to be the nearest living 
representative of the common ancestor. The line of ferns, 
for instance, is depicted as originating in the region of the 
bryophytes, somewhere in the neighborhood of the liverworts, 
but the two lines nowhere come in contact, because there is 
no evidence that any fern, living or fossil, is directly de- 
scended from any particular kind of liverwort known to us. 
With these explanations, the diagram shows, in a rough way, 
the generally accepted view of plant relationships as based on 
the evidence at present before us. But in questions of this 
sort it is wise to keep in mind the blunt remark of a famous 
old American statesman, that “only fools and dead people 
never change their opinions.” 

Field Work 

1. If you live in the country, study the appearance of plants affected 
with blights, smuts, rusts, and mildews, and learn to recognize the different 
kinds of disease by their signs. Notice which kinds are most prevalent in 
your neighborhood, and what plants are most affected by them. 

2. Notice the different kinds of mushrooms you find growing wild. 
Observe the difference between those that grow on the ground and those 
that grow on‘logs, stumps, and trees; between those found in the woods 
and those in open ground. Find out how those on the ground get their 
nourishment. Uncover the mycelium, and notice the extent of its surface. 


Ixamine the soil and find out if it contains anything upon which they 
could feed. Note the prevalence of shelf fungi on trees. Examine the 
condition of the wood where they grow, and decide in what ways they 
injure their hosts. Notice whether they abound most on healthy or on 
decaying trunks and boughs, and decide whether this is because the 
fungus prefers that kind of host, or whether the injury it does causes 
the decay, or whether both causes operate together. Notice what fungi 
grow on different trees, and study their preferences in this respect. 

3. Observe the different kinds of lichens found in your walks and try 
to distinguish the three classes. Which kind are most abundant in your 
neighborhood? Which least so? Note the situations in which you find 
each kind growing, whether on stumps, trees, rocks, or the ground. Con- 
sider how the alge and fungi aid each other in the different positions; 
could either, for instance, exist independently on bald rocks? Notice on 
what kind of trees the different lichens seem to thrive best and on which 
poorly or not at all, and whether the character of the bark — rough, 
smooth, scaly —has anything to do with their choice of a habitat. ' 



Taxonomy, or systematic botany, deals with the family 
relationships of plants in the order of their nearness or re- 
moteness with regard to a common line of descent. Its chief 
value is the insight it gives into the course of plant evolution 
and into the nature of the modifications that differentiate 
each group from the ancestral type. While it is not ad- 
visable to spend too much time in the mere identification of 
species, a sufficient number should be examined and de- 
scribed to familiarize the student with the distinctive 
characteristics of the principal botanical orders. 

Principles of classification. -— All the known plants in the 
world, numbering not less than one hundred and twenty 
thousand species of the seed-bearing kind alone, are ranged 
according to certain resemblances of structure, into a number 
of great groups known as families or orders. The names 
of these families are distinguished by the ending acew; the 
rose family, for instance, are the Rosacew; the pink family, 
Caryophyllacee; the walnut family, Juglandacee, etc. Each 
of these families is divided into lesser groups called genera 
(singular, genus), characterized by similarities showing a 
still greater degree of affinity than that which marks the 
larger groups or orders; and finally, when the differences 
between the individual plants of a kind are so small as to be 
disregarded, they are considered to form one species; all the 
common morning-glories, for instance, of whatever shade or 
color, belong to the species Tpomea purpurea. The small 
differences that arise within a species as to the color and 



size of flowers, and other minor points, constitute mere 
varieties, and have no special names applied to them. The 
line between varieties and species is not clearly defined, and 
in the nature of things can never be, since progressive de- 
velopment, through unceasing change, is the law of all 

In botanical descriptions, the name both of the species 
and the genus is given, just as in designating a person, like 
Mary Jones or John Robinson, we give both the surname 
and the Christian name. The genus, or generic name, 
answers to the surname, and that of the species to the 
Christian name— except that in botanical nomenclature 
the order is reversed, the generic, or surname, coming first, 
and the specific or individual name last; for example, 
Ipomea is the generic, or surname, of the morning-glories, and 
purpurea the specific one. 

How to use the key. — Any good manual will answer the 
purpose. Gray’s “ School and Field Book”’ is, perhaps, the 
best available at present for the states east of the Missis- 
sippi. Reference to the floral analyses in sections I-IV of 
Chapter VII will make its use clear. Suppose, for instance, 
we want to find out to what botanical species the morning- 
glory or the sweet potato belongs. Turning to the key, 
we find the sub-kingdom of Phznerogams — flowering or 
seed-bearing plants — divided into two great classes, Angio- 
sperms and Gymnosperms, as explained in 18. A glance will 
show that our specimen belongs to the former class. Angio- 
sperms, again, are divided into the two subclasses of Dicotyle- 
dons and Monocotyledons (18, 171). We at once recognize 
our plant, by its net-veined leaves and pentamerous flowers, 
as a dicotyledon (171, 229), and turning again to the key, 
we find this subclass divided into three great groups: Sym- 
petalous (211), called also Monopetalous and Gamopetalous ; 
Apopetalous, or Polypetalous (211), and Apetalous— having 
no petals or corolla. A glance will refer our blossom to the 
sympetalous or monopetalous group, which we find divided 


into two sections, characterized by the superior or inferior 
ovary (218, 225). Further examination will show that the 
morning-glory belongs to the former class, which is in turn 
divided into two sections, according as the corolla is regular, 
or more or less irregular. We see at once that we must look 
for our specimen in the group having regular corollas. This 
we find again subdivided into four sections, according to the 
number and position of the stamens, and we find that the 
morning-glory falls under the last of these, — ‘‘ Stamens as 
many as the lobes or parts of the corolla and alternate 
with them.” A very little further search brings us to the 
family Convolvulacee, and turning to that title in the de- 
scriptive analysis, we find .under the genus, Ipomea, a full 
description of the common morning-glory, in the species 
Ipomea purpurea, and of the sweet potato in the species 
Ipomea batatas. 

Making collections. —Mere labeled aggregations of species 
are not recommended, but the collection of examples illus- 
trating special points in morphology and plant variation 
may be made with profit; such, for instance, as the adapta- 
tions observed in tendrils and stipular appendages, the 
various modifications of leaves and stems to serve other 
than their normal purposes, or the different forms of leaves 
and flowers on the same stem, or on different plants of the 
same species. A collection made with some specific object 
in view would also be instructive, and might prove of great 
value; for instance, to get together examples of all the 
troublesome weeds of a locality for the purpose of studying 
their habits and devising means for their eradication ; or of 
all the native useful plants, with detailed analyses of their 
economic properties, and observations on their habits and the 
practicability of further developing them. In short, wherever 
collecting is carried on, it should be done with some object 
other than the mere identification of species, which often 
results in greater detriment to the wild plants of a neighbor- 
hood than profit to the collector. 



As the metric system of weights and measures and the 
Centigrade appraisement of temperatures are universally 
employed in scientific works, the following tables showing 
the equivalents in our common English standards of those 
in most frequent use, are given for the convenience of 
students who have not already familiarized themselves with 
the subject. The values given are approximate only, but will 
answer for all practical purposes, except in cases where very 
great exactitude is required. The micron, or micrometer, 
is used principally by scientific investigators for measuring 
extremely minute objects seen under the microscope. 

Measures or LENGTH 

Metric Encuisoh EQuivaLENTS 
Kilometer . . .| km. 2 of a mile. 
Meter . . . ./m. 39 inches. 
Decimeter . . ./ dm. 4 inches. 
Centimeter . .j| cm. 2 of an inch. 
Millimeter. . .| mm. gs of an inch. 
Micron... . . .{ 4 zsto0 Of an inch. 
Liter. . . . 2/1 61 cubic inches, or 1 quart, U.S. measure 
Cubie centimeter | ec. zs of a cubic inch. 
Kilogram . . .|kg., or kilo. | 2$ pounds. 
15t grains avoirdupois. 
Gram... .|gm. — ‘ ; 
gs of an ounce avoirdupois. 



The next table gives the Fahrenheit equivalent, in round 
numbers, for every tenth degree Centigrade from absolute 
zero to the boiling point of water. To find the correspond- 
ing F. for any degree C., multiply the given C. temperature 
by nine, divide by five, and add thirty-two. Conversely, 
to change F. to C. equivalent, subtract thirty-two, multiply 
by five, and divide by nine. 

Cent. Fahr. Cent. Fahr. 
1000 3s 6 www ~ 212 Ogg se Oe Sey 82 
90: 3 ss ee a we @ OF = 10 we ek we we 4 
80 « es & =» we we © 176 -20..... - 4 
TO) we cae Se He He LS - 30..... -— 22 
60 ...... . 140 —- 4 ..... -— 40 
DON ee ee se Bw D2 = 80 24-2 ae = 68 
40 6 ew oe =e « w D04 —-100 ..... —148 
BO» a Ge ke CBO 
Oe ee Shoe Gi woe a (268 Absolute zero. 

WO ete ie eh! 50 -273 .... . —459 


(The numbers, unless otherwise designated, refer to paragraphs.) 

Aborted, 220, 291. 

Absorption, 58, 71, 72; Exp. 39. 
selective, 60. 

Accessory buds, 158. 

Accessory fruits, 302. 

Adaptation, 206, 237. 

Adhesive fruits, 20; Exp. 20. 

Adjustment of leaves, 196-202. 

Adnate, 374. 

Adventitious buds, 65, 158. 

Adventitious roots, 37, 83. 

Aicidium, 362. 

Aération, 319. 

Aérial roots, 88. 

Aggregate fruits, 301, 303. 

Air space, 114, 116, 184. 

Akene, 234, 296, 302, 305. 

Albumin, 3. 

Albuminous, 56. 

Albuminous seed, ¢.e., containing endo- 

sperm; Field work, p. 28. 

Aleurone, 3. 

Algze, 333, 336-342. 

Alternate leaves, 168. 

Alternation of generations, 395, 400, 402, 


Analogous, 108. 

Anatropous, Fig. 26. 

Angiosperms, 15, 18; Fig. 511. 

Annuals, 91. 

Annulus, 372, 405. 

Anther, 213, 235; Figs. 270-274. 

Antheridia, 389, 394, 398, 407. 

Antheridial, 388. 

Antherozoids, 389, 392, 395, 416. 

Antisepsis, 355. 

Arch of the hypocotyl, 42, 44. 

Archegonia, 390, 394, 407, 408. 

Archegonial, 388. 

Archegoniates, 408, 416. 

Archegonium, 391, 394, 398. 

Asexual generation, 395, 399, 409, 416. 

Asexual reproduction, 394, 395. 

Asexual spore, 395, 407, 409, 410, 416. 

Assurgent, 95. 

Axial placenta, 216, 300. 

Axil, 100, 166. 

Axillary buds, 145. 

Axis, 64, 65, 79, 152, 156, 159, 161. 

Bacillus, 348, 349. 

Bacteria, 333, 345, 347-353. 
Bark, 118, 119, 122, p. 128, (3). 
Basidia, 375. 

Bast, 116, 119, 122. 

Berry, 291. 

Biennial, 92. 

Bilabiate, 237, 243. 
Bilateral regularity, 219. 
Bilateral zonation, 326. 
Black rust, 360. 

Blade of leaf, 165. 
Biogenetic law, 253. 
Biological factors, 309. 
Bordered pits, 114, 117; Fig. 123. 
Boreal, 329. 

Bract, 161. E 
Bryophytes, 334, 385-401. 
Bud scales, 147-149. 

Buds, 145, 155-158. 

Bulb, 107. 

Button (of mushroom), 370. 

Calyptra, 399. 
Calyx, 211. 
Cambium, 115, 116, 120, 123. 
Cap, 372, 373. 
Capillarity, 136; Exp. 53. 
Capitate, 220. 
Caprification, 279. 305. 
Caprifig, 279. 
Capsule, 298. 
Carbon, 27, 28, 62. 
Carbon dioxide, 29, 63, 185, 186, 187, 189, 
Exps. 28, 25. 

Carpels, 216, 288. 
Caruncle, 13. 
Catkin, 161. 
Caulicle, 46. 
Cedar apples, Fig. 456. 
Cell, 6, 7. 

collecting, 184. 

companion, 114. 
Cell sap, 7, 110. 
Cell wall, 7, 183. 
Central cylinder, 67. 
Central placenta, 216, 300. 
Chalaza, 13. 

‘Chlorophyll, 186, 341, 366. 



Chlorophyll bodies, 184, 186, 382. 

Cion, 65. 

Classification, 90, 252, 283, 343, 384, 411, 

Cleistogamic flowers, 272. 

Climatic zones, 329. 

Climbing stems, 96-98. 

Clipped seed, p. 12 (material). 

Closed bundle, 114. 

Close-fertilized, 272. 

Cluster cups, 362. 

Coccus (pl. cocci), 339, 348. 

Coiled inflorescence, 162. 

Collective fruits, 304. 

Colony, 316, 337, 357. 

Color of flowers, 276. 

Compass plants, 199. 

Complete flower, 219. 

Composite, 235, 381. 

Composite flower, 236. 

Compound leaf, 178. 

Conduplicate, Figs. 159, 160. 

Confluent, 404. 

Conifers, 117, 327. 

Conjugation, 342, 394. 

Corolla, 211. 

Cortex, 64, 115, 122. 

Corymb, 161. 

Cotyledon, 11, 12, 18. 

Cross cut, 133. 

Cross fertilization, 255. 

Cross pollination, 255. 

Crustaceous lichen, 384. 

Cryptogam, 332. 

Crystalloids, 60. 

Culture medium, 347; p. 306 (material). 

Cycle, 217, 219, 229. 

Cycle of growth, 50. 

Cyme, 162. 

Cymose inflorescence, 162. 

Cypress knees, 319. 

Deciduous, 203. 

Declined, 95. 

Decurrent, 374. 

Definite annual growth, 153. 
Definite inflorescence, 160, 162. 
Dehiscent fruits, 283, 298. 
Deliquescent, 144. 
Determinate growth, 153. 
Determinate inflorescence, 160, 162. 
Diadelphous, 239. 

Diastase, 9. 

Dichogamy, 269. 
Dichotomous, 152; Fig. 155. 
Dicotyl, 42, 115, 116, 171; 220. 
Dicotyledonous, 12. 
Differentiate, 245, 345, 409. 
Diffusion, 9, 57. 


Digestion, 9. 
Dimorphic, 270. 
Dimorphism, 270. 
Dimorphous, 270. 
Dicecious, 268. 
Disinfection, 355. 

Disk flower, 233. 
Dispersal of seed, 19-25. 
Dominant, 257, 258. 
Dormant buds, 157. 
Dorsal; Figs. 390, 391. 
Drupe, 292. 

Dry fruits, 283, 293-300. 
Duct, 67, 111, 114. 

Ecological factors, 310. 

Ecology, 266, 308, 310. 

Edgings, 134. 

Egg cell, 251, 391. 

Elators, 393. 

Embryo, 11. 

Embryology, 253. 

Embryo sac, 251. 

Endodermis, 67 (b). 

Endosperm, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 414. 

Epicotyl, 45, 46, 47. 

Epidermis, 64, 115, 122, 183. 

Epigynous, 225, 230. 

Epiphyte, 87, 394. 

Essential constituents, 62. 

Essential organs, 212. 

Evolution, 242, 245, 265, 334, 335, 401, 
414, 415, 417, 418, 419. 

Evolutionary, 253, 413. 

Excentric attachment, 372. 

Excurrent, 144, 154. 

Factors, 54, 265, 310. 

Fall of the leaf, 203. 

Fascicled roots, 80, 81. 

Fats, 1, 3, 4. 

Feather-veined, 172. 

Ferments, 9, 356. 

Fertile, 404. 

Fertile flower, 267. 

Fertilization, 247, 251, 252, 392, 408, 

Fibrous roots, 37, 78, 80, 81. 

Fibrovascular bundle, 67, 114, 116, 176, 

Fig wasp, 279. 

Filament of the stamen, 213; a hairlike 
appendage, 341, 361, 369, 398, 396. 

Filamentous alge, 340, 341. 

Fission, 338, 394. 

Fleshy fruits, 283, 288-292. 

Floral envelopes, 211. 

Foliaceous lichen, 379, 384. 

Follicle, 298. 


Forestry, 139-142. 

Forked stems, 152. 
Formation, 316. 

Free, 218, 374. 

Free central placenta, 216. 
Free gills, 374. 

Free ovary, 218. 

Free veining, 402. 
Freezing, 33. 

Frog’s spit, 340. 

Frond, 402. 

Fruit, 282. 

Fruticose lichen, 384. 
Function, 41. 

Fungi, 333, 343, 344, 345, 346, 378. 
Fungus, 86, 364. 

Gametes, 394. 

Gametophyte, 394, 395, 396, 406, 407. 

410, 412, 414, 415, 416. 
Gemme, 387. 
Generative cell, 249, 416. 
Geophilous, 321. 
Geotropism, 51, 52, 53. 
Germ, 2, 11. 
Germ cell, 251, 414. 

Germination, 32, 35; Exps. 25, 26-29. 

Germs, 352, 355. 

Gills (of mushroom), 374. 
Girdling, 131. 

Glutin, 3. 

Gourd, 14, 290. 

Grain, 11, 297. 

Grain of timber, 133, 134, 135. 
Gravity, 52. 

Growth, 48-52, 179. 

Guard cell, 183. 
Gymnosperms, 15, 18, 117, 414. 
Gymnosporangium, Fig. 456. 

Halophyte, 317, 323. 
Haustoria, 85. 

Hay bacillus, 348, 349. 
Head, 161. 

Heartwood, 131. 
Heliotropic, 200. 
Heliotropism, 198. 
Herbaceous, 90, 94, 115, 116. 
Heredity, 264, 265. 

Hilum, 12, 13, 14. 
Homologous, 108. 

Host plant, 85. 

Humus, 75, 86. 

Hybrid, 256. 

Hybridization, 256, 257, 263. 
Hydrophytes, 317, 318, 319. 
Hymenium, 375. 
Hymenomyecetes, 375. 
Hyphe (sing, hypha), 369, 380. 


Hypocotyl, 11, 12, 14, 46. 
arched, 42, 44. 
straight, 44. 

Hypogynous, 218, 225. 

Imbibition, 136. 

Imperfect flower, 219, 231, 267. 
Impure hybrid, 258, 259. 
In-breeding, 254. 

Incomplete flower, 219. 
Incubation, 354. 

Indefinite annual growth, 153. 
Indefinite inflorescence, 160, 161. 
Indefinite number of parts, 229. 
Indehiscent fruit, 283, 294. 
Indeterminate growth, 153. 
Indeterminate inflorescence, 160, 161. 
Indusium, 404. 

Inferior ovary, 221, 225. 
Inflorescence, 159. 
Insectivorous plants, 208-210. 
Internode, 46, 110; Exp. 35. 
Invasion, 328. 

Inverted seed, 14. 

Involucre, 161, 232. 

Involute, 373; Fig. 251. 

Iodine solution, Exp. 3. 
Irregular flower, 219, 237. 
Irritability, 201. 

Joint, 110, 113. 

Keel, 2388. 
Knots, 137. 

Lamina, 209. 

Lamine, 368, 374. 
Lateral, 372, 398. 
Lateral buds, 145. 

Leaf attachment, 167. 
Leaf cups, 202. 

Leaf scars, 146. 

Leaf traces, 146. 
Legume, 299. 

Lenticels, 106, 118, 288. 
Lichen, 379. 

Life cycle, 359, 364. 
Loam, 75. 

Lobing, 177; Figs. 210-212. 
Locule, 216. 

Loment, Fig. 394. 
Lyrate, Fig. 197. 

Medulla, 119, 122. 

Medullary rays, 64, 116, 121, 122, 134, 135. 
Megasporangia, 409. 

Megaspore, 409, 414. 

Mendel’s law, 258. 

Mesophyte, 317, 324, 

372 INDEX 

Metabolism, 193. 
Microbe, 351, 355. 
Micrococcus, 339. 
Micropyle, 12, 13, 14, 15, 45. 
Microsporangia, 409. 
Microspore, 409, 414. 
Midrib, 172. 
Mixed forest, 139, 324.. 
Modification,100-108, 206, 207, 289. 
Molecule, 136. 
Monadelphous, 239. 
Monocotyl, 110, 112, 171, 217, 221, 418. 
Monocotyledonous, 11. 
Moncecious, 268. 
Monopetalous, 211. 
Monosepalous, 211. 
Morphology, 108. 

of the flower, 244, 
Mosaic (leaf), 197. 
Mosses, 334, 396-401. 
Muck, 75. 
Multiple fruit, 304, 305. 
Mushroom, 333, 367. 
Mutation, 264. 
Mycelium, 343, 359, 369. 
Mychorrhiza, 86. 

Neck canal, 391. 
Net-veined, 171. 

Neuter, 267. 

Neutral flower, 231, 267. 
Nitrogen, 62, 63, 188. 
Nitrogenous food, 188. 
Node, 46, 65, 110, 113. 
Nucleus, 7, 341. 
Numerical plan, 217, 229. 
Nut, 295. 

Nutriment, 3, 186. 
Nutrition, 50, 54, 179, 193. 
Nyctitropic, 200. 

Obsolete, 220. 

Oil, 1, 8, 8. 

Oéspore, 393, 394, 395. 

Open bundle, 116. 

Operculum, 399. 

Opposite leaves, 168. 

Organ, 41. 

Organic foods, 4. 

Organs of reproduction, 40. 
of vegetation, 40. 

Osmosis, 56, 57. 

Ovary, 214, 216, 223. 

Ovule, 216. 

Oxidation, 27; Exps. 21, 22. 

Oxygen, 62, 63, 186, 187; Exps. 22, 66. 

Palisade cells, 184. 
Palmate veining, 172. 

Panicle, Fig. 171. 
Papilionaceous, 237, 238. 
Pappus, 234. 

Parallel veining, 171. 
Paraphyses, 375, 398. 
Parasitic, 5, 345, 364. 
Parasitic plants, 85, 343, 382. 
Parenchyma, 110, 114, 115. 
Parietal, 216. 

Pathogenic, 352, 353. 
Pedicel, 159. 

Peduncle, 159, 288. 
Pentamerous, 229. 

Pepo, 290. 

Perennial, 93. 

Perfect flower, 219. 
Perianth, 211. 

Pericarp, 288. 

Perigynous, Figs. 301, 302. 
Persistent, 166. 

Petals, 211. 

Petiole, 165. 

Phanerogams, 331, 332. 
Phloem, 114, 116. 
Photosynthesis, 186, 192, 193. 
Phototropism, 195. 
Phyllotaxy, 168, 169. 
Pileus, 373. 

Pinna, 402. 

Pinnate veining, 172. 
Pinnule, 402. 

Pioneer plant, 316, 319, 320. 
Pistil, 212, 214, 223, 228, 240. 
Pistillate, 267. 

Pitcher plant, 209. 

Pith, 110, 115, 116, 119, 121, 122. 
Pitted ducts, 114. 

Placenta, 216, 288, 298, 300. 
Plant society, 316. 
Plasmolysis, 59. 
Pleurococcus, 337. 

Plicate, 155. 

Plumule, 11, 12, 14, 45, 46, 
Pod, 298. 

Pollen, 213. 

Pollen grains, 213. 

Pollen sac, 213. 

Pollen tubes, 249, 250. 
Pollination, 215, 247. 
Polycotyledons, 15, 45. 
Polymorphic, 365. 
Polymorphism, 365. 
Polypetalous, 211. 
Polysepalous, 211. 

Pome, 288. 

Prefoliation, 155. 

Primary, 396. 

Primary root, 42, 79, 
Pronuba, 278, 


Prostrate, 95. 

Protection, 199, 204, 207, 280, 287. 
Proteins, 3, 8, 33, 188, 204. 
Prothallium, 407. 

Protonema, 396. 

Protoplasm, 6, 7, 57, 58, 67, 110, 116. 
Pteridophytes, 335, 411, 412. 
Puccinia, 360. 

Pure dominant, 258, 259. 

Pure forest, 139, 324. 

Pure recessive, 258, 259. 

Pyenidia, 363. 

Quartered cut, 135. 

Raceme, 161. 

Rhachis, 178. 

Radial section, 132, 135. 
Radicle, 46. 

Rhaphe, 13. 

Ray, 161, 391. 

Ray flowers, 231. 

Receptacle, 211, 288, 289, 388, 390, 398. 
Recessive, 257, 258. 

Red rust, 359. 

Regular flower, 219. 
Reproduction, 338, 351, 358, 383. 
Respiration, 30, 31, 191, 192. 
Resting spore, 338, 342, 358, 394. 
Reticulation, 172, 402. 
Retrogressive evolution, 418. 
Revolute, 373, 404. 

Rhizoids, 379, 386. 

Rhizome, 105. 

Ringing, 127. 

Rings of growth, 122, 123, 134, 135. 
Rogue, 260. 

Root cap, 39. 

Root hairs, 38, 67. 

Root pressure, Exp. 49. 

Root pull, 69. 

Rootstock, 105. 

Root system, 89.. 

Root tubercles, 63, 309. 

Rosette, 197. 

Rotation of crops, 24, 327. 
Runner, 95. 

Samara, 296. 

Sap movement, 125, 126, 128, 129. 

Saprophyte, 86. 

Sapwood, 131. 

Szale leaves, 101, 106, 107, 147-149, 207. 

Scape, 107, 159. 

Scorpioid inflorescence, 162; Figs. 173- 

Screenings, 20; p. 28, Qn. 22. 

Secondary roots, 87, 42, 79. 

Seed, 11-18, 332, 415, 


Seed coat, 12, 14, 15, 43, 
Seedless fruits, 285, 286. 
Seedlings, 36, 42, 43, 45. 
Seed plants, 331, 414. 
Seed vessel, 282. 
Selection, 260, 265, 286. 

artificial, 262. 

natural, 261. 
Self-fertilization, 254, 271. 
Sepals, 211. 
Sessile, 167, 214. 
Seta, 399. 
Sexual generation, 395, 396, 406, 410, 416. 
Sexual reproduction, 394, 395, 410. 
Sheath, 67, 116. 
Shrinking of timber, 136. 
Sieve tube, 114. 
Slabs, 134. 
Sleep movements, 200. 
Soils, 75, 77. 
Sori, 404. 
Spathe, 221. 
Specialization, 237. 
Spermatophytes, 331, 335, 394, 414. 
Spermatozoid, 389. 
Spermogonia, 363. 
Spike, 161. 
Spirillum, 348. 
Spirogyra, 341. 
Sporangia, 390, 405. 
Spore, 332, 349, 350. 377, 406, 410. 
Spore case, 390, 393, 405. 
Spore print, 376. 
Sporidium, 361. 
Sporogonium, 393, 399. 
Sporophyll, 406, 414. 
Sporophyte, 393-395, 399, 406, 410, 412, 

414, 416. 

Sport, 264. 

‘| Stamen, 212, 213. 

Staminate, 267, 268. 

Staminodia, 244. 

Standard, 238. 

Starch, 3, 4, 187, 204, 288; Exps. 69, 70 

Stems, 90-99. 

Sterile flower, 267. 

Sterilization, 354. 

Stigma, 214. 

Stigmatic surface, 223. 

Stimulus, 98, 186, 201. 

Stipe, 240, 372, 402. 

Stipule, 149, 165, 166. 

Stolon, 95. 

Stoma, 181, 182, 183. 

Stomata, 181, 182. 

Stone fruit, 292. 

Storage of food, 2, 3, 4, 17, 70, 103, 19!- 
107, 287. 

Strangling fig, 88. 


Strobile, 411. 
Strobiliaceous, 411. 

Style, 214. 

Succession, 327. 

Sugars, 3, 4, 204, 288. 
Summer spores, 360. 
Sundew, 210. 

Superior ovary, 218, 221, 225. 
Supernumerary buds, 158. 
Suppressed, 220. 

Survival of the fittest, 261. 
Suture, 216, 298, 299. 
Swarm spore, 349. 
Swelling of timber, 136. 
Symbiosis, 309, 382. 
Symmetrical flower, 219. 
Sympetalous, 211. 
Synearpous, 300. 
Synsepalous, 211. 
Systematic botany, see Appendix. 

Tangential cut, 132, 134. 
Tap root, 79. 
Teleutospore, 360. 
Tendril, 96, 97. 
Terminal bud, 145, 154. 
Testa, 14. 

Thallophytes, 333. 

Thallus, 333, 341, 343, 379, 380, 381, 385. 

Tillage, 76. 

Tissue, 60, 61. 

Toadstools, 367. 

Toxins, 345. 

Tracheids, 114, 117. 

Trailing, 95. 

Trama, 375. 

Transpiration, 179, 180. 
Trifoliolate, Figs., 215, 216. 
Trimerous, 217. 

Trimorphic, 270. 

Tuber, 106. 

Tumbleweeds, 23. 

Turgidity, 7. 

Turgor, 179. 

Twining, cause of, 98; Exp. 55. 
Twining stems, 96; Exp. 54. 
Type, 18, 260, 263, 265, 336, 411. 


Umbel, 161. 

Umbonate, 373. 

Underground stems, 104-107. 
Unicellular, 337. 

Unisexual, 267. 

Uredo, 359. 

Uredospore, 359, 360. 

Variation, 263, 264, 265. 
Vascular bundles, 111. 
Vascular cryptogams, 403, 411, 412. 
Vascular cylinder, 64. 
Vascular system, 111, 113, 335. 
Vegetative reproduction, 358. 
Veil, 371. 

Veins, 173-176. 

Venter, 391. 

Ventral, Figs. 390, 391. 
Vernation, 155. 

Vessels, 111. 

Vexillum, 238, 239. 

Vibrio, 348. 

Vitality of seeds, 34; Exp. 30. 
Volva, 371. 

Water roots, 39, 84. 
Whorled leaves, 168. 

Wind pollination, 274, 275. 
Wings, 238, 

Winter spores, 360. 

Xerophyte, 317. 
Xerophyte societies, 317, 320-322. 
Xylem, 114, 116. 

Yeast, 356. 

Yeast colony, 357. 
Yellow trumpets, 209. 
Yucca, 278. 

Yucca moth, 278. 

Zonation, 325, 327. 
bilateral, 326. 
concentric, 326. 
horizontal, 326. 
vertical, 326. 

Zones of vegetation, 325, 

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