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Full text of "Ecological investigations upon the germination and early growth of forest trees"

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Cornell Univ 

“mpaical Investigations upon the germ; 

Cornell University 


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the Cornell University Library. 

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Pretatory INO: ee patyeisswnis wstn acdsee nae dain ssndd Aaa detuantuadeneonens I 
Brelitititiatys (COmsi Cena trons + ccs 4 avsletatlsatiagmayavdaieeo os nob Saints tenteastdhip ebbnswevdntcontas Gp 
TET YS EO MeL Calls” ayn avs oNearagscan osieae sel bre reenentvon esc nipsen ec uau chart ey aaa a dee i 7 
Classification and Résumé of Habitat Factors .............0..00008 II 
dhe: Germination, (PRocess .42.0eyacsummaewmnneen ere earaiines I5é 
Method of Attacking Problem at Hand. ......0...02¢scaseees ewan 19 
Methods: atid Apparatts USE oc eusnaradendudreatunass 2I 
THe: (Control iOr sbabitat: HACtSES! a savassicua evondetesss dtm td a ota sueebveadonnbaaveed san 24u 
INotés: om Dampinesot acaswccagnctiavnmnmgeewa qoayenenmnmitaerrnannte 32 
The Effect of Habitat Factors upon Germination .........0.ees0eee 34 
The Effect of Habitat Factors upon Stem and Root Development .... 64% 
The Relation of Size and Weight of Seed to Germination Per Cent. 
atic. Hately DEVELO pie Tt 6 sca wcxinladeincaunaxtartecnsunudsinanichos ayadeotaancneptuterraingdacaas 70’ 
Summary of ConmcluSions: -aiwwscia nas aarasiesneacs einen tenes apt annecnauirinctoecieeitse 82° 
Bibliography”. vaeransniennenae sy oeeerogeareres wes tacwienenaanearseeas 88 


Almost every national industry makes provision for investiga- 
tive work. Millions of dollars are spent annually to develop both 
human and mechanical efficiency. It is immaterial whether the 
investigations are for the purpose of utilizing certain products 
hitherto considered waste, or to make workmen more efficient, 
or to employ the latest processes and inventions to better survive 
in the competitive struggle—the results of this class of work are 


2 Richard H. Boerker 

considered a great, indispensable business asset, warranting whole- 
some moral and financial support. 

The history of our country reveals the fact that material in- 
dustrial progress is largely in direct proportion to scientific re- 
search and invention. This is especially true in the agricultural 
pursuits. The various governmental bureaus, our state universi- 
ties and agricultural colleges, and our many agricultural experi- 
ment stations are intimately connected with and responsible for 
the progressive agricultural development of our country. These 
institutions form a vast ganglionic intellectual organization ; they 
are rapidly becoming the centers of a new agricultural system 
and, working from these centers outward, they are gradually 
touching every phase of agricultural activity. 

Forestry has joined the ranks of the great industries in develop- 
ing the investigative side of the business and the establishment of 
forest experiment stations and a forest products laboratory by 
the Forest Service of the United States Department of Agri- 
culture has been the first step in this direction. It has become the 
business of these stations and this laboratory to study the funda- 
mental laws governing the life of the forest and their effect upon 
the final product—wood. That vast complex of environmental 
factors—the habitat—is beginning to be analyzed to discover in 
what ways man can help nature to produce more and better 
timber, in a shorter length of time and at less cost than nature 
has produced in the ages past. While perhaps, on account of 
economic conditions, industrial investigations have been given 
preference to purely silvicultural research, yet investigations in 
establishing and growing forests have received no small amount 
of attention. 

Outside of these governmental endeavors very little has been 
done along the lines of silvicultural research. State forest ex- 
periment stations are practically unknown. It is true that the 
foresters as well as the ecologists connected with some of our 
agricultural experiment stations are contributing to this field, but 
a beginning has scarcely been made. There is a great need for 
state forest experiment stations or at least for foresters upon the 
staffs of some of the agricultural experiment stations to help 

Germination of Forest Trees 3 

solve local forestry problems. Finally, there is no reason why 
forest experiment stations established and maintained by private 
endowment on the plan of the Desert Botanical Laboratory of 
the Carnegie Institution would not be able to do a great service 

be ee lines. al 

The importance and need of silvicultural investigations 
scarcely needs comment, yet it might be well at the outset to 
emphasize certain fundamental concepts. Forests are one of our 
greatest natural resources. Unlike coal, iron, oil, etc., they can 
be grown to insure a continuous supply. Forests are not huge 
warehouses of standing logs from which we can take our annual 
Supply ad infinitum, they are not merely aggregations of indi- 
vidual trees; they are complex communities of living organisms 
capable of response to environmental factors not unlike hiwman 
beings. It follows then that in order to replace what we take 
from the forest, in other words, in order to grow a neverfailing 
supply of timber_intelligently and economically, we must under- 
stand these complex living organisms and commutiities, must 
study their behavior and requirements and ascertain the condi- 
tions under which they grow best. This domain is forest ecology 
or silvics. 

It has been asked, Does forestry in its present stage of develop- 
ment need this kind of work? Is not this work ahead of the 
times? Is it not of too little practical value to demand our atten- 
tion at present? It will be my purpose to show at this point 
of my paper that, while this class of work is not absolutely 
essential to forestry at the present time, it is extremely desirable 
that it be begun in a scientific manner at the earliest possible 
moment, in order to put American forestry upon a firm scientific 
basis. The present status of forestry in the United States em- 
phasizes the necessity of beginning soon. A brief word as to 
our present stage of development may be in order. 

Forestry either of an intensive or an extensive nature is being 
practised in many parts of the country to-day. Both private and 
public corporations are engaged in one or more of the main phases 
of it, viz.: silviculture, forest protection, forest administration, 
or forest utilization. In the field of forest protection gigantic 

4 Richard H. Bocrker 

strides have been made in the last ten years on both public and 
private holdings, and obviously this is the first step towards forest 
management. Such intensive silvicultural operations as planting 
and thinning are being practised principally in the east, while ex- 
tensive forestry involving the selection and shelterwood systems 
of management is almost the rule in the west. As might be 
expected, in the west forest planting is still in its experimental 
stage. On the whole economic conditions in the east have favored 
the development of both public and private forestry and hence 
this activity has been on a more intensive scale there than in the 
west. That forestry in some sections of the country is not de- 
veloping as fast as some conservationists might wish is due to the 
fact that it is being held back by certain conditions and elements 
of environment which by their very nature belong to a new 
country with enormous natural resources like ours and over 
which human endeavor has no control. It must be realized that 
forestry never developed in any country in the world as fast as 
it has in the United States in the last twenty-five years, and that 
at the present time it is proceeding as fast as is consistent with 
sound principles and existing economic conditions. 

While the practice of forestry is making rapid strides, silvi- 
cultural investigations are still in the infancy of their develop- 
ment. In other words the practice of forestry and the science 
of forestry have not developed in a ratio which would make them 
mutually helpful. The greater development of the applied phases 
of forestry is due partly to economic conditions and partly also to 
a lack of appreciation of the value of purely scientific research. 
The tendency has always been to magnify the industrial branch 
of a science at the expense of the main body from which it had 
its origin. Purely scientific botany has been largely lost sight of 
in the face of such of its branches as bacteriology, plant breeding, 
pathology, etc. Similarly the science of silvics has had to give 
way to seemingly more important phases concerned with the 
utilization of forests. In these days of commercial ideals when 
the value of most things is gauged by what they will bring on the 
market, I fear that undue emphasis has been placed upon the 
economic or applied phases of a science. Hence it is not strange 

Germination of Forest Trees 5 

that we should measure the value of purely scientific work in 
dollars and cents rather than in terms of scientific advance and 
intellectual satisfaction. The test nowadays applied to any sci- 
ence by the large majority of people is, How much money does 
it influence? What industries has it created? What has it added 
to the wealth of the world? 

If purely investigative work in forestry must give a raison 
d’étre, it might be well to call to mind the following facts: that 
many of its problems strike the foundations of national pros- 
perity and their value cannot be measured in dollars and cents; 
that some of its problems must be gauged by the future returns 
they bring rather than by the present; and that it is the avowed 
purpose of scientific work to solve those problems in which the 
so-called practical worker has failed to produce results. History 
bears witness to the fact that those fields which have seemed 
furthest removed from utility have often yielded the most fruitful 
results. What seems of only scientific value to-day very often 
turns out to be of great practical utility later. It is comparatively 
easy to estimate the value of a piece of work when it is possible 
to base that estimate upon what has been actually gained; but 
how hopeless is very often the task when we must base our esti- 
mate upon the loss which it prevented. In such silvical investiga- 
tions as the influence of forests upon stream flow, upon the water 
supply of communities, and upon the health and prosperity of our 
people money values fade into insignificance. 

Silvicultural investigations as well as forestry business are 
long time propositions. The value of such work is very often 
measured not so much by the immediate financial returns it brings 
as by the principles it helps to establish, which in turn may affect 
our management and hence the financial returns many years 
hence. It is the time element more than any other that em- 
phasizes the need for beginning the solution of some of our silvi- 
cultural problems soon. It is believed by many that it will be at 
least twenty-five years before intensive operations such as plant- 
ing, thinning, and other silvicultural measures will be economically 
possible in some parts of the country. Granted that this is true. 
Is this too much time to devote in preparation for this work? If 

6 Richard H. Boerker 

we keep on getting results in the next twenty-five years in the 
same proportion as we have done in the past ten, will many of our 
important problems be solved? Most silvicultural investigative 
problems take many years to solve. Some nursery and planting 
problems can be solved in from three to five years (if nothing 
interferes), but most of even these take longer. In many cases it 
takes from two to four years merely to raise stock let alone 
experiment with it. It usually takes six months or more to de- 
termine whether the stock set out will live, let alone establish 
principles in planting. The element of time is the largest factor 
in this work ; we will need much of it, for failures will be numer- 
ous and this will mean the loss of many years. Only long time 
and carefully planned investigations can lead to stable and eco- 
nomic forest management. 

With the development of forestry it cannot be doubted that a 
great deal of exact silvical and silvicultural knowledge is neces- 
sary, and we must admit that a great deal of data is needed to-day 
which cannot be furnished. We have unsystematic and indefinite 
knowledge about many phenomena which await experimental 
proof. In fact, forestry is loaded down with a vast weight of 
undigested facts, and pure science has only begun to relieve 
forestry of this burden. The quickest and surest way for purely 
forestry research to gain recognition is to show how to attain 
practical results which years of blind groping along applied lines 
have failed to accomplish. 

Our task is a gigantic one, greater than any investigative prob- 
lems that have confronted or will confront European nations. 
We have more species of trees important in forestry than all 
European nations combined. Our varied topographic and cli- 
matic conditions make our problems infinitely more complex and 
numerous. But that should not discourage us. Big problems 
concerning the forest have been solved in the past and are being 
attacked to-day. We have worked out our problems in logging 
and have developed machinery and methods unique in the history 
of forest industry; we have developed a system of forest fire 
protection unlike anything ever attempted by forestry-practicing 
nations ; it remains for American ingenuity and enterprise to solve 
the silvicultural problems which confront the American forester. 

Germination of Forest Trees 7 

Briefly stated the purpose of the present investigation is to 
inquire into the effect of the more important habitat and seed 
factors upon the germination and early development of certain 
American forest trees in control cultures in the greenhouse for the 
purpose of obtaining data that may be used in the silvicultural 
management of these species. 

This investigation has been conducted under the direction of 
Professor Raymond J. Pool and I am indebted to him for his 
friendly advice and counsel. I am especially grateful to him for 
having read the first draft of this paper and for offering valuable 
criticisms and suggestions. I wish to further acknowledge my 
indebtedness to Professors P. B. Barker and H. J. Young of the 
department of agronomy of the College of Agriculture for the 
mechanical analyses of the soils used in these experiments and to 
various members of the departments of botany and geology for the 
many courtesies extended to me. Thanks are due to the various 
district foresters, forest supervisors, and rangers, also members 
of the Washington office of the Forest Service for their kindness 
in furnishing so much of the seed used in these investigations. 
Without this material assistance a large part of this work would 
have been impossible. Grateful acknowledgment is also due to 
my wife for much valuable assistance in counting seeds, in com- 
piling the final data and in reading proof. Also, I cannot fail 
to acknowledge the guidance and inspiration of the late Dr. 
Charles E. Bessey throughout the course of these studies. 


The literature of the work done upon this problem is meager 
and widely scattered. As has been noted before, both botanists 
and foresters have worked in this field, so that papers from 
widely different sources had to be considered. General observa- 
tions were found to be much more numerous than results based 
upon exact investigations. Too often one finds opinions and 
views upon these questions with but very little data to substantiate 

8 Richard H. Boerker 

them. Foresters and botanists, in general, have proceeded on 
the assumption that light and soil moisture are necessary for 
germination. They have also noted that germination is acceler- 
ated in sand as against a heavier soil like loam or clay. Little 
has been done to inquire further into these relations. On the 
whole the effect of habitat factors upon the early development of 
plants has received more attention than their effect upon germina- 
tion. In the following historical summary, light in relation to 
germination and early development of plants will be considered 
first, since probably more work has been done upon that particular 
phase of the problem than any other. 

One of the oldest notions regarding light and its relation to 
plant growth is the one concerning the effect of artificial or 
natural shade upon atmospheric and soil moisture conditions. 
The forest experiment stations of Europe have long since worked 
out this relation in the forest, so that to-day these results are 
more or less well known to all foresters and botanists. Several 
Americans, working on the effect of artificial shading upon the 
growth of tobacco, have brought out results similar to those 
secured in connection with forests. Hasselbring (3) has shown 
that the transpiration of plants grown in the open is nearlv 30 
per cent. greater than the transpiration of plants grown under 
cheese-cloth shade. The transpiration per unit of leaf surface 
was nearly twice as great in the sun plants as in the shade plants. 
Stewart (4) records the results of observations made in the 
course of tobacco experiments in Connecticut on the climate and 
soil conditions as affected by tents in producing a certain kind of 
tobacco. He concludes that under the shade of tents the soil 
retains more moisture, there is a greater relative humidity, and 
there is a reduction in wind velocity, all resulting in plants which 
are larger and of more rapid growth as compared to those grown 
without tents. To sum up the effect of shade it might be stated 
tersely: it lowers the air and soil temperatures and breaks the 
action of the wind; these factors increase the humidity of the 
air and this increased humidity results in less evaporation from 
the soil and less transpiration from the plant; the final con- 
sequence is a greater soil moisture content with its correspond- 
ingly good effect upon the growth of the plant. 

Germination of Forest Trees 9 

The effect of light upon the height growth of forest trees has 
been used as a basis for determining the relative tolerance of these 
trees. As early as 1866 Kraft (2) planted a number of different 
species in the shade of older trees and measured their heights and 
diameters several years later. Upon this basis Kraft arranged 
the species according to their tolerance. Nikolsky (2) in 1881 
carried on similar experiments with pine and spruce and showed 
that the greatest length of stem was found in the trees which 
grew in the shade; the length of the entire plant above ground 
increased with increase in shade; the length of the main root as 
well as the number and total length of the lateral roots, however, 
diminished with increase in shade, while the total length of all 
roots of plants which grew in great light intensity was greater 
than the total length of all the roots in the shaded rows. At the 
Swiss experiment station in 1893 Badoux (2) carried on experi- 
ments on eleven tree species with different degrees of shading to 
determine their behavior in different light intensities and thus 
determine their tolerance. Fir and spruce had almost the same 
average height growth at different degrees of shading. With 
pines, larch, beech, and ash the growth on the contrary decreased 
in proportion to the shading. In the case of basswood, blue 
beech, and elm the growth in height was but little affected. The 
work of Wiesner (2) from 1905 to 1909, in various parts of the 
world, and of Clements and Pearson in the United States (2) 
between 1907 and 1909 was only for the purpose of determining 
the minimum light requirements of species as a basis for scales of 
tolerance. The last two investigators took numerous readings 
in the Rocky Mountains and noted the condition of seedlings 
under various light intensities. 

Burns (9) experimenting with white pine under lath shade in 
the nursery found that shading delayed the time of germination 
but that the final germination per cent. was about the same in 
both cases. He likewise raised white pine seedlings in full shade, 
half shade, and no shade and (at an age which he does not state) 
measured the length of the hypocotyls, tap roots and lateral root 
branches. He found the greatest length of hypocotyl in the 
plants that had been grown in the full shade, the greatest length 

10 Richard H. Boerker 

of tap root in plants that had been grown in no shade and the 
greatest length of lateral roots and total root system in the no- 
shade plants. This bears out Nikolsky’s experiments along the 
same line. An interesting conclusion reached by Burns is that 
shade reduces the temperature of the soil and delays the time of 

The work of Atterberg (9) which is quoted by Burns is given 
here for completeness. Atterberg studied the relation of light 
and temperature to the germination of pine seedlings. He found 
that at a constant temperature of 23° C. 80 per cent. of the seed 
germinated in the absence of light and 87 per cent. in the presence 
of light during practically identical germination periods. Burns 
concludes from this: “ Apparently a high and changing tempera- 
ture, light, and a moist seedbed are essential to satisfactory 

The investigations of Haak (5) and Pittauer (6) have very 
little bearing upon the problem at hand. The former at the 
mycological laboratory at Eberswalde studied the influence of 
season, moisture, temperature, light days and dull, artificial and 
natural light, color of light, intensity and duration of light, and 
the influence of chemicals upon the germination of Scotch pine 
seeds. He found that in lower temperatures germination begins 
considerably later and proceeds much more slowly that in higher 
temperatures, but that the final germination per cents. are about 
the same in either case. He found that certain rays of light were 
beneficial and certain harmful to germination. Pittauer studied 
the effect of different degrees of light and extreme temperatures 
upon the germination of tree seeds of certain European species, 
viz.: beech, black locust, and various conifers. He found that 
germination proceeds more rapidly in light than in shade and is 
most satisfactorily accelerated in diffused light. 

Undoubtedly considerable work has been done in the United 
States by the various forest experiment stations of the Forest 
Service but these results have not been, as far as my knowledge 
goes, published. In a very recent article in Science, Graves (7) 
speaks of such work being carried on at the Wind River Forest 
Experiment Station in Oregon. A recent discovery at this sta- 

Germination of Forest Trees II 

tion showed that the seed of Pinus monticola of Idaho lies in the 
duff and litter beneath the mature stands for years and then 
germinates when the ground is exposed to direct lighting. This 
is mentioned here, merely as another instance of the many of 
record in which it is assumed that light is to a large degree re- 
sponsible for the germination of certain tree seeds. 

Practically the only work of any importance on record concern- 
ing the effect of soil moisture and soil texture upon the early 
development of forest trees is that of Tolsky (8). He studied 
the relative effect of sandy and black soils upon the structure of 
the root system of Scotch pine. He found on black soils that 
pine developed principally vertical roots while on sandy soils 
superficial roots predominate. In rich soils roots are guided in 
their development by moisture, while in poor soils like sand, 
activity is directed mainly towards extracting nutrition from the 
soil. In poor soils nutrition is spread over a large area and in 
order to get it in sufficient quantities trees need numerous roots. 
Whatever the cause might be, Tolsky found more lateral roots 
and more superficial roots in the case of trees grown in sand, and 
this may be taken as the most significant part of his work. 

Before discussing the present investigations, I feel that it would 
be profitable to briefly summarize the edaphic factors of the 
habitat with special reference to the physical properties of the 
soil which play a physiological réle in the germination of the 

Classification and Résumé of Habitat Factors 

The complex of climatic, edaphic, and biotic factors which 
influences the life, growth, and reproduction of a plant is known 
as its habitat. The study and investigation of habitats as entities 
avails us very little unless we analyze a habitat into its component 
parts and investigate each of these parts by itself. 

Clements (1) classifies habitat factors into physical and biotic. 
The former have to do in general with inanimate objects and the 
latter with human beings and animals. He further divides phys- 
ical factors into climatic and edaphic. Climatic factors are atmos- 
pheric in their nature and the edaphic factors are concerned with 

12 Richard FH. Boerker 

the soil. He further subdivides climatic factors into humidity, 
light, temperature, wind, pressure and precipitation. The edaphic 
factors are subdivided in a similar way into water content, soil 
composition, soil temperature, altitude, slope, exposure, and 

In glancing over this classification it becomes at once obvious 
that all of these factors cannot affect the plant directly. Many 
of those enumerated are in themselves very complex in their 
nature. For example, slope, aspect, altitude, and surface could 
each be subdivided into component factors, but if this is done it 
will be seen that they resolve themselves into those factors men- 
tioned above which are not divisible. In other words there are 
about three master factors which are able to affect plant life 
directly, and all others are combinations of these. There is no 
better way to bring out this idea than to give Clements’ (1) 
classification based upon the influence which each of these factors 
may exert on plant life. He classifies factors into those that have 
a direct bearing upon plant life, those that have an indirect bear- 
ing, and those that have a remote bearing. Direct factors are 
only those which produce qualitative structural changes in the 
plant itself. Furthermore, the classification of habitat forms and 
plant formations is based upon them, which fact merely em- 
phasizes that they are fundamental. Indirect factors are those 
that affect a formative function of the plant through another 
factor; and remote factors are those which are physiographic or 
biotic in nature and must operate through at least two other 
factors in order to produce a structural change in the plant. This 
classification is as follows: 

Direct Factors Indirect Factors Remote Factors 
Water content Temperature Altitude 
Humidity Wind Slope 
Light Pressure Exposure 
Precipitation Surface 

Soil composition 
Soil temperature 

Germination of Forest Trees 13 

The germination of seeds depends principally upon edaphic 
factors, hence climatic factors will receive little attention here 
except in so far as they condition the former. It is taken for 
granted that the morphological and the physiological significance 
of water, light and heat to plant life are too well known to require 
discussion here, especially since that phase of botany is funda- 
mental in all ecological work. 

The water content of the soil is by all odds the most important 
edaphic factor in determining germination, for while other factors 
may condition this process to a certain extent, none but water, 
within certain limits, can prevent it altogether. In a synoptical 
manner I will briefly call to mind the significance of this master 
factor in germination and then briefly inquire into the important 
soil factors and properties that bear directly on the investigations 
at hand. 

The amount of water in the soil has no direct relation to the 
amount of water which plants can use. At the outset distinction 
must be made between the different kinds of water in the soil 
and which of these are available to plant roots. Usually three 
kinds of water are distinguished, namely: hygroscopic water, 
capillary water and free water. Hygroscopic water is that water 
which plants cannot get owing to the enormous film pressure 
which holds it. It is also known as the amount of water in an 
air-dry soil. Capillary water is that water, most of which is 
available to plants and is held against gravity around the soil 
particles by capillary forces. Free water is that which is not held 
either as hygroscopic or as capillary water. It is water influenced 
in its movements by gravity and is therefore called gravitational 
or hydrostatic water. Clements (1) calls these echard, chresard, 
and holard respectively. It will be seen then, that the only water 
available to plants is a part of the capillary water which surrounds 
every soil particle and fills every small pore space. 

The principal factors which influence the amount of soil mois- 
ture available (capillary water) to plants are: 

t. The amount of water reaching the soil. 
2. The catchment of water by the soil. 
3. The water-holding capacity of the soil. 

14 Richard H. Bocerker 

4. The amount of evaporation from the soil. 

5. The amount of water withdrawn by other plants. 
6, ‘Vhe replacement of loss by capillary movement. 
7. The amount lost by seepage, percolation, etc. 

Of these factors, only four are important in the present investiga- 
tions. These are the water-holding capacity of the soil, the 
evaporation from the soil, the replacement of loss by capillary 
movement, and the amount lost by seepage and percolation. The 
water-holding capacity of a soil is determined by soil depth, soil 
texture, and the amount of organic matter present. In soil tex- 
ture two factors are important, namely, the size of the soil 
particles, which affects the surface area of the particles and the 
amount of pore space in the soil, and the density of arrangement 
of these particles. It is largely for these reasons that loam will 
hold more capillary water and will contain more air space than 
sand or gravel. Evaporation from the soil naturally affects 
greatly the amount of water available to the plant. This is 
affected by climatic factors such as temperature, relative humidity, 
and wind; and by soil factors such as texture, color, depth and 
the character of the surface. The replacement of the loss of soil 
water by capillarity depends upon the rise of water from the 
water table. This rise is conditioned by the degree of saturation 
of the lower soil layers, the texture of the soil, the height to which 
the water must be raised and the character of the intervening soil 
layers. A fine-textured soil like loam or clay is much more favor- 
able in this respect than a coarse-grained soil like sand or gravel, 
principally on account of its great ability to obtain water from the 
lower soil layers. The amount of water lost by seepage and per- 
colation depends largely upon the texture of the soil. The coarser 
the soil the greater is the amount of water that percolates through 
it and the less is the amount held by capillary forces. 

As far as it determines the amount of soil moisture available 
to plants, soil texture is certainly the most important physical 
property of the soil and it deserves a foremost consideration in all 
problems that pertain to the germination of seeds. 

Germination of Forest Trees 15 

The Gernunation Process (10, II, 12, 13) 

This period in the life history of the green plant is unique in 

that the organism is independent of an external food supply and 
also of all luminous energy. Germination may be called a period 
of growth without photosynthetic activity, and it terminates at the 
time the accumulated food in the endosperm is more or less ex- 
hausted. During all this time it is without light; it does not 
require it, but lives in total darkness beneath the surface of the 
soil. While the seed has no use for light, it does require water, 
oxygen, and a certain amount of heat in order to germinate suc- 
cessfully. The dependent life of the plant begins at the termina- 
tion of the process of germination, when the first ray of light 
strikes the spreading cotyledons. Light sets the photosynthetic 
mechanism in motion and this marks the beginning of the plant’s 
manufacture of food; henceforth it is dependent upon its en- 


The rdle of water in the germination process is to aid in the > 

transformation of the accumulated nutrient material into food 
that can be used by the germinating embryo. In other words, 
this factor is instrumental in taking this sunken capital and trans- 
forming it into specie for circulation. But water cannot do this 

directly ; it must act through the agency of certain catylists or 

enzymes. These enzymes transform insoluble and indiffusible 
foods into soluble and diffusible ones which in turn move from 
the endosperm to nourish the embryo. 

Water is important to the seed for two reasons; its absence 
determines the seed’s power to live in a dormant condition, whic 
is one of its most important properties. If a seed is not dry i 
cannot be preserved ; we cannot secure good seed in a wet autumn. 
The second reason why water is important is because of its 
chemical and mechanical action in germination. Hales at the 
beginning of the eighteenth century showed that the absorption 
water by seeds is generally accompanied by a considerable mani- 
festation of energy, which takes the form of swelling. Chemically 
water acts as a solvent for the enzymes which render the ac- 
cumulated foods soluble. 

16 Richard I. Boerkcr 

Practically all the accumulated foods in the endosperm must 
be transformed by the action of enzymes, which in turn must 
first be dissolved by water. Starch, which is insoluble in water, 
is converted by means of the enzyme diastase into a soluble sugar. 
Throughout germination the quantity of starch in the seed de- 
creases; the starch grains at first corrode and finally dissolve 
completely. Many albuminoids (simple proteins) are likewise 
insoluble in water and certain soluble albumens cannot diffuse 
through membranes. A pepsin-like enzyme which develops dur- 
ing germination acts upon the albuminoids, transforming them 
into soluble and diffusible forms. Others are changed to crystal- 
loids which after solution diffuse very readily. Fats and oils are 
likewise insoluble. Certain enzymes during germination decom- 
pose oil into its constituents, fatty acids and glycerin, the latter 
easily soluble in water. It is well known that fatty acids when 
set free assist the breaking up of oil in water into very fine drops 
with the formation of an emulsion. 

Heat is important in the germination of the seed in that it may 
accelerate, retard, or even entirely stagnate the processes begun 
by the action of water. It might well be said that the rapidity of 
germination depends to a large extent upon heat, since it has the 
power to modify the action of enzymes. Temperature likewise 
affects the diffusion of liquids. A considerable part of the heat 
used in germination is generated by respiration. This process 
sometimes raises the temperature of the seed as much as 40-50° 
F. above the surrounding temperature. Certain seeds owe their 
ability to germinate at very low temperatures (below freezing) 
to the heat generated during respiration. Certain arctic and 
alpine plants are able to blossom in the snow for this same reason. 

Seeds in water, seeds buried too deep, or seeds surrounded by 
air deprived of oxygen do not germinate even if other conditions 
are favorable. In other words, water and heat are of little avail 
without oxygen. Even before water and heat can act through 
the agency of the enzymes, in many cases another factor must 
come into play to release the enzymes. The latest investigations 
show that the formation of diastase is intimately connected with 
respiration. In a similar manner respiration supplies the energy 

Germination of Forest Trees rz 

which oxidizes the fats and oils of the endosperm. It has been 
noted that the quantity of oxygen absorbed is much greater in the 
case of fatty seeds, like those of the pines and birches, than in 
the case of the starchy ones, 

It has been known for a long time that seeds lose weight during 
the process of germination although no solid matter is lost as near 
as can be determined. lf we take a certain quantity of seeds 
and weigh them both before and after germination, being sure 
to get the dry weight both times, we find that although the seeds 
have increased in size, they have lost weight. This is due to the 
loss of certain elements like carbon and hydrogen. In the process 
of respiration the carbohydrates in the endosperm are broken 
down, carbon and hydrogen are lost while the quantity of nitrogen 
remains practically constant. In the process of respiration, the 
products of combustion are carbon dioxide and water. —— 

Respiration in the seed is quite different from that in the case 
of leaves and other green parts of the plant. Seeds are generally 
not provided with intercellular air spaces, but oxygen penetrates 
to their interior chiefly by diffusion from cell to cell. Thus it will 
be seen that the supply of oxygen to the deep-seated cells of the 
seed is most liable to become insufficient. This of course retards 
germination. If the supply of oxygen is reduced materially, due 
to lack of soil aeration, germination may be prevented. The best 
aerated soils are those that have comparatively large interstitial 
spaces, like sands and gravels, and the poorest ventilated soils are 
the heavy loams and clays which are small grained and compact 
and have minute interstitial spaces. The seeds of different tree 
species naturally vary as to their soil requirements in this respect. 
This explains why tree species of sandy habitats germinate so 
poorly on clay soils. 

From what has been said, it will be seen that water, heat, and 
oxygen are the essentials for germination, and that the lack of any 
of these factors is sufficient to retard, if not entirely to inhibit the 

It is a well-known fact that seeds have a power of remaining 
dormant for a period without affecting their vitality. The power 
to retain this vitality is due largely to the nature of the seed-coat' 

18 Richard H. Boerker 

which insulates the embryo from heat, water and air and protects 
it from mechanical injury. Cottonwoods, willows, elms, soft 
maples, and white oaks have a very short period of rest. Usually 
the period is not over six months, but basswood and hornbeam 
lay over from fifteen to eighteen months. It has likewise been 
noted that some tree seeds must lay over for a certain period 
before germination can take place. The common experience of 
attempting to germinate seeds in mid-winter which have been 
gathered during the previous fall is proof of this phenomenon. 
This leads me to a brief discussion of the process of after-ripening 
as it is called. 

Many seeds we know require a long‘time for germination in 
spite of the fact that they are surrounded by the proper condi- 
tions. During this period it has been found that certain chemical 
and physical changes take place which are necessary before the 
seed can germinate. The length of delay is apparently de- 
termined by the persistence of the structure of the seed-coat 
and to the conditions under which the seed is exposed. The 
term “after-ripening ” has come into use to designate the changes 
in the seed during this period. Eckerson (17) concludes that 
most cases of delayed germination are due to the exclusion of 
water or oxygen by the seed coats. But some seeds do not 
germinate after all coats have been removed and the seed put into 
germinating conditions, indicating that the delay is due to embryo 
conditions. , It is now certain that some changes within the 
embryo are necessary for germination. In the case of Crataegus 
used by Eckerson it was found that food is stored in the embryo 
in the form of fatty oils; neither starch nor sugar is present. 
A series of metabolic processes takes place in the embryo during 
the period of after-ripening. At first there is increased ‘acidity 
accompanied by increased waterholding capacity. There follows 
an increased activity and production of enzymes and as a result 
the fats decrease and sugars appear. The appearance of sugars 
which are soluble and diffusible marks the beginning of the germi- 
nation of the seed. 

All recent investigations both in America and abroad show how 
extremely complex is the role of oxygen in germination. A set 

Germination of Forest Trees 19 

of conclusions based upon one species of plant apparently may 
or may not hold for others. Shull’s investigations (14, 15, 18) 
are based mostly on Nanthiuim seeds. In his experiments he finds 
no evidences of the diffusion of oxygen through an absolutely dry 
seed coat. This is significant in that it shows an important role 
of water in preceding oxygen in penetrating seed coats. Ex- 
perimenting with Crataegus mollis Davis and Rose (16) find that 
seeds treated dry or those placed under water do not go through 
the process of after-ripening. Here again is evidence that both 
water and oxygen are necessary. These investigators, working 
on the effects of temperature upon the period of after-ripening, 
conclude that favorable moisture conditions and temperature con- 
ditions shorten the period. Atwood (19) confirms almost all of 
the conclusions drawn by Eckerson although working on Avena 
fatua. Crocker and Davis (20, 21) worked with water plants 
and their results totally different than those described for land 
plants need not be given. 

Unfortunately these conclusions are not based upon forest tree 
seeds. Such investigations have not been undertaken. This 
phenomenon will probably explain many of the cases of delayed 
germination which are well known to foresters. It is reasonable 
to assume that the conclusions based on Crataegus would also 
hold for such fatty seeds like the birches, spruces, hard maples, 
etc. It is also reasonable to suppose that most tree seeds pass 
through this period of after-ripening during the winter months ; 
if this is true it explains why it is often impossible to germinate 
certain tree seeds immediately after they have been gathered. 

Method of Attacking the Problem 

There are two general methods of determining the causes in- 
fluencing the behavior of seeds or plants growing under natural 
conditions. These are the observational and experimental 
methods. In the observational method we observe the kind of 
vegetation produced in response to a certain complex of physical 
factors and seek to find constant relations of one to the other in 
order to draw conclusions. In the experimental method we may 

20 Richard H. Boerker 

either synthetize an artificial environment and proceed to study 
the plant under definitely measured differences of light and water, 
or we may measure the physical factors influencing the same plant 
under various natural conditions. The observational method is 
ill suited for most work on habitat relations because the habitat 
involves an extremely variable array of uncontrolled physical 
factors, and it is practically impossible to determine without actual 
measurements which factor has the controlling influence and what 
the relative importance of the others are. The most desirable 
method for problems which will allow its application is the one 
in which we synthetize an artificial environment. In this case we 
keep certain factors constant and measure the variable one; in 
this way, it is quite obvious, the environment is comparatively easy 
to analyze. This method, of course, presupposes a greenhouse 
and on this account is only of limited application. 

There is no question that all these methods have their value in 
their proper places ; the choice of one must vary with the problem 
and the circumstances. The method of measuring the factors 
influencing the same plant under various natural complexes is the 
one probably of widest application in the field. The purely ob- 
servational method, for work on the determination of habitat 
factors, while of some value when other methods are impossible 
of application has tnsurmountable objections. Observers in vari- 
ous parts have no common basis or standard; their mentai equip- 
ment and fund of ecological knowledge vary greatly and they may 
even have very different points of view. Some of these ob- 
jections might be summed up in the term “ personal equation.” 
Another danger in this method is that of applving local observa- 
tions to large areas, in other words, in generalizing on the basis 
of too meager observations. The conclusions drawn in the ob- 
servational method are largely in the nature of opinions modified 
as indicated above by the personal equation, while the experi- 
mental method produces conclusions based upon actual figures 
which are indisputable and carry the weight of scientifically 
proven facts. 

Another objection to the observational method in determining 
the effect of habitat factors is that this method studies the effect 

Germination of Forest Trees 21 

and not the cause of the factors. It is a most significant fact that 
the same habitat factors do not always produce the same effects 
upon vegetation even under apparently the same set of conditions. 
The effect of two habitat factors or groups of factors may be the 
same so far as the structure and behavior of the plant is con- 
cerned, yet upon inquiry into the causes concerned we might find 
in one case it was due to temperature and in the other to soil 
moisture. In a similar manner it is known that other factors 
besides light determine tolerance. In other words the study of 
the effect of habitat factors upon plants does not always lead us 
to safe assumptions as to what the underlying cause is. The only 
safe method in this kind of work is to measure the cause, thus 
employing a direct method instead of an indirect one. 

Methods and Apparatus Used in These Investigations 

The investigations herein described were carried on in the 
middle room of the west greenhouse of the botany department 
of the University of Nebraska. For the germination studies three 
series of cultures were used, namely, the light, soil-moisture, and 
soil-texture series. For the experiments and measurements in 
connection with the early development of roots and stem a fourth 
series was added, namely, the soil-depth series. In each series 
three degrees were used. In the light series open light, medium 
shade, and dense shade were used; in the soil-depth series shallow, 
medium deep, and very deep soil was used; in the soil-moisture- 
content series, dry soil, medium wet soil, and wet soil was em- 
ployed; and in the soil-texture series loam, sand, and gravel were 
used. The values of each degree in each case will be given later. 
As the experiments progressed it was found that the amount of 
greenhouse space assigned to the work was not sufficient, so 
that the open light culture, the wet soil culture, and the loam cul- 
ture were combined into one since these were being run under 
identical conditions. (For arrangement of cultures see page 33.) 

The seeds for these experiments were obtained from any source 
it was possible to get them. Large orders were sent to almost 
all large commercial seed houses at one time or another. On the 
whole the response from these orders was very discouraging. At 

22 Richard IT. Boerker 

the time the seed was wanted (early fall) many of the seed crops 
had not been collected. Likewise it took time to determine 
whether there would be any crops at all in the case of some 
species. This resulted in delay in getting the work started. By 
the middle of January eighteen species had been obtained from 
commercial seedmen and of these only seven produced results that 
were in any way satisfactory. On the other hand, through the 
kindness of various members of the Forest Service throughout 
the United States, twenty-six species were secured and practically 
all of these produced good results. Due to these facts anyone 
undertaking experiments of this kind in the future must look a 
long ways ahead for a good seed supply. The following series of 
tables gives the source of the seed obtained together with what 
information was available as to date and place of collection. The 
nomenclature used here and throughout this report is that used 
by the Forest Service and is according to Forest Service Bulletin 
No. 17 by G. B. Sudworth. 


Species Piace Collected Date 
Pinus ponderosa ......... California. scsssscesxcsawecusienerzawts ? 
Pinus ponderosa ......... Pecos N. F., New Mexico ............. 1913 
Pinus ponderosa ......... Weiser NuOCE.,, IGANG: cccsoccscia sie. cciceceoneneieraia 1912 
Pinus ponderosa ......... Harney N. F., South Dakota ........... Igi2 
Pinus ponderosa .......+. Bitterroot N. F., Montana ............. 1912 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia ..... Pecos N. F., New Mexico ............. 1913 
Pseudotsuga taxifola .....Caribou N. F., Idaho .................. 1912 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia ..... Madison N. F., Montana ............... IQII 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia .....\Western Washington and Oregon ...... IQII 
PRUE TOPPED cvcretseiieu ea dent WN. Ae, CalitOnniay wasccccnoes vec sanise 1912 
Abies CONCOLOP sisisccieaeeds Durango: .N. F., Colorado ws: sseaxcse ss 1913 
Tsuga heterophylla ....... Olympic N. F., Washington ............ IQII 
Pinus lambertiana ........ Teasseni JNs Fs: (Califo ena oe ots: o : casssacacicess 1910 
Libocedrus decurrens ..... Eldorado N. F., California ............, 1914 
Pinus palustris cacsevecvss Florida N.. F-,. Florida: .....ccccccsicy siaws ? 
Pinus coultert .....0cccces Monterey N. F., California ............. I91o 
Abies magnifica ........... Sequoia N. F., California .............. ty 
Sequoia washingtoniana ..Sequoia N. F., California ............., IQI2 
Pinus divaricata .......... Minnesota N. F., Minnesota ............ 1910 
Pinus contorta ........... Arapaho N. F., Colorado .............. ? 

Pinus resinosad ..........- Minnesota N. F., Minnesota ............ IQIO 

Germination of Forest Trees 28 

Larix occidentalis ......... Colville N. F., Washington ............. IQII 
Abies lasiocarpa .......... PHest Rivet, dah! auiewisensonsecesse, taurine 1913 
Abies grandis ..........05. Priést Raver, FdahO? siicsmewcsvnceasnsaxa-s 1913 
PrCOG: SURCNSIS secccouorea de Coast of Washington: ccxnirnracaaeceren IQII 
Pinus monticola ........46 Priest River. Idaho: xcscsscusesans caaxes 1914 


Species Place Collected Date 
Puts. SHOOUS: a.cocncdan ves Carta as-is. caishcis ss oars g aswihuaed meaner as ohn 1913 
Ean? CUPOPER? sxcscgsrereewees FETROPE! ecnsns sideman nati h Oana 2 
Pinus ponderosa ......... Black: Hulls. “South Dakota. ccncicacea seca 1913 
Pinus divaricata a.2.00.0% Northern. Minnesota, so xscasnseushencrens IQI4 
Robinia pseudacacia ...... EUROPE: aciiaacumeennes oh044 Seon ? 
Catalpa speciosa ..... ese NDIA i-th acon cxtemrid.a arctcsnuntueusaatess cece nS 1913 
Quercus rubra .oce ce ccees MCR ISAS <5 dydescsons, ida. Se arutonin de waemoteetues 1914 
Acer saccharum .......... ITT OLS vacivestunededucattodubcgenaraeusadauerienaaets’e 1914 
Liriodendron tulipifera ..,.OhIO wo... ccc cece cece eens IQI4 
Betula papyrifera ......... Perris vatwar joie cuseccmtvaletemaneeetfalcters 1914 
Abies balsamea ........... Maine: saneuensieeiaset a eae ae 1914 
Pseadotsuga taxifolia +:<4 Golorad©: scacascceiyy sour eeeeneeeantees 1913 
PUR G TOCA OE icchsusatssndctuets ose OUCH LM States) <a. ohinas decane caenaies e 
Taxodium distichum ...... SOUtHEt: GtAtES, cuss senewmacdieas wtenecoen ? 
Liquidamber styraciflua ... North Carolina ............00 0.0 e eae 1914 
Acer saccharwm ...c0..05- Canad ae” pascecceniater mince euk aint Re teSa aye 1914 
Acer cubvrum soxcscacusens New Hampshire: scacesce sc gawddounesys 1914 
Fraxinus americana ...... Indiatias cmincnwesas aa cesree bees teas 1914 
Juniperis virginiana ...... Missouri River, Nebraska ............. IQI4 
Gleditschia triacanthos .... Lincoln, Nebraska ..................+4- IQIS5 
Pinus monticola ........ «/Gladier Park, Montattay s.c4.0.genescdinests 1914 
Catalpa speciosa .......... Lintela, Nebtaska. cansccicecdatacsacrnps IQI5 

In the body of this report, in order to distinguish the climatic 
varieties of a species, the name of the state in which the seed was 
collected is given with the name of the species. 

The first planting was done on October 28, 1914. From that 

time on plantings were made as the seed arrived. The last seeds 
were planted March 21, 1915. All experiments were conducted 
between the first date mentioned and May 1, 1915, a period of 184 
days. In all cases ample time was allowed for the completion of 
the process of germination. This time naturally varied with the 
species. For most species three months was allowed but in the 

24 Richard H. Boerker 

case of certain Pacific coast species four months was apparently 
necessary. Three months ordinarily is plenty time enough ; 
usually if a seed in the forest fails to germinate in that time, it 
usually does not germinate at all, especially in the west where 
the dry period sets in after the spring is over. 

Ten of the species mentioned in the foregoing tables failed to 
germinate. These species were Larix europea, Acer saccharum 
(both), Liriodendron tulipifera, Taxodiuim distichum, Liqui- 
damber styraciflua, Fraxinus americana, all of which were supplied 
by commercial seedmen. If the data regarding the collection of 
these seeds is bona-fide, their failure to germinate must be ex- 
plained by the fact that they had not completed their resting 
period. In the case of Juniperis virginiana, Gleditschia tria- 
canthos, and Pinus monticola, whose place and date of collection 
is known absolutely there can be very little doubt as to why they 
failed to germinate. 

The soil used in all cultures (except the sand and gravel) was a 
garden loam of excellent quality with a mixture of about 25 per 
cent. of white sand. The mixture was prepared in the green- 
house. This made a very good soil for experimentation purposes. 
The sand used was common white, quartz sand with but a very 
small per cent. of hornblende and magnetite. The gravel was the 
kind used by the large construction companies around Lincoln 
for concrete work. Mechanical analyses of representative 
samples of these soils are given elsewhere. 

All seeds were planted in rows at a depth which was 2'4 times 
the shortest diameter of the seed as near as this was determinable 
by the unaided eye. The rows averaged 3 inches apart and about 
24 inches in length. In general 200 seeds were used of each 
species when the seeds were of medium size or smaller; for some 
of the western pines only 100 were used because of their large 

The Control of Habitat Factors 

As has been pointed out, the only safe way to study the effect 
of the factors of the habitat upon the life of the plant is to 
measure one variable factor while all the rest are kept constant. 


Germination of Forest Trees 25 

This principle is fundamental in mathematics; a single algebraic 
equation with two unknown quantities cannot be solved. In each 
of the series used in these investigations it was the intention to 
have only one variable habitat factor. In this way the study of 
cause and effect was much more clearly brought out, 

The soil moisture determinations were made for four different 
purposes : 

1. Asa check upon daily watering in similar cultures, 

2. To show the effect of shading on soil moisture content. 

3. To show the minimum content in the soil moisture series. 
4. To compare soil moisture content in loam, sand, and gravel. 

The samples were taken in certain cultures and at intervals 
varying with the purpose. The samples for the moisture content 
series of cultures were taken once a week, all others once a month. 
Each sample consisted of from 50-100 grams of soil, and was 
taken at depths varying with the development of the plants in the 
culture. In order to provide against error each sample consisted 
of from two to five portions taken from spots several decimeters 
apart, care being exercised that no soil was dug near holes where 
previous samples had recently been obtained. The samples were 
always dug between the rows of seedlings. The samples were 
immediately weighed and dried at a temperature of 95-105” 
Centigrade to constant weight (24 hours). The per cent. of 
water was computed upon the dry weight of the soil. 

All-the cultures except the dry soil and the medium wet soil 
cultures were watered every evening. As was noted above, when 
the amount of room for the germination tests became insufficient 
the number of cultures was reduced from 12 to Io by eliminating 
two duplicate cultures. The only check moisture samples which 
will be considéred here are those that have to do with the three 
cultures which were being operated under identical conditions. 
Samples taken and recorded hereafter will take care of the other 
cultures and series. During the time (three months) that these 
duplicate cultures were run, one set of soil samples was taken as 
a check to determine whether they were being watered equally. 
These figures follow: 

20 Nichard Tl, Boor ker 

Crimes Sou. Moisruik SAMPLERS tpt 
Depth sa cm. 

Name ol Cult Moisture Der Cent, 

Cpe He fasas caadeeaecen Rae. Sasa ees ee ZN 
Wet. soil cxguccias see aciteaieeh Enid kienen Mamma RS eel 
VOU: ep puataeeteat oe ycesuneen gh piace Hap OG 4 wig fraumavenaieed DE TT 
een sel: seen ess Lo eGR RMR HE ROT REN CERERMGTE See 
Medium depth 2.00.00. ccc u LGU L as Lae age Gabnerieln LEG 
Shallow sth socce caciaes pM AT PEATE RANG 6 MR Ole 

These figures, obtained after more than two weeks of datly water 
ing, pretly well indicate the small amouut of variition in moisture 
content which results in a number of cultures under the same 

Light was controlled in the greenhouse by means of shade 
tents, Vhe cast bench of the room was divided tito three parts 
and the portions at the ends of the bench were covered with 
cheese cloth. “The central compartinent of the three was not ised 
on account of the shading influcnee of the tent to the south of it. 
(See page 33.) The tent intended to develop meditm: shade was 
made of a medinm grade of cheese cloth, while the tent titended 
for the dense shade was constructed of a double layer of heavy 
cheese cloth. ‘The light values developed in these tents and in the 
full light of the precnhon-.e as determined by a Clements photon: 
eter are viven below: 

Tante or Liang VALUES 

ith ap ias Open Moclitiny Petes Sumber ‘, 
nuke Hn Vighe Shade Shade We vlinggn Weather 
zi : nn eo ane ae Perens 
11/21/14 | Tryo A.) 0.4250 | 0.1775 | 1... 5 Clear 
11/27/14 | 12:00 A. | o.qo4o 1407 OO2LTO 4 Clear 
————--- a ee aeenenee 
AVOLABC i beau  cheos O.4IAS | OG2t 0.0216 | ora 

These values are based upon full sunlight just outside of the 
greenhouse, These tables indicate that: full greenhouse lipht is 
approximately ¥% of full daylight and that the medium and dense 
shade tents have values approximately Y and Vyof full daylight 

Germination of Forest Trees 27 

It is quite natural to wonder how these values compare with 
values that have been obtained in the woods. Probably the com- 
parison of the light values obtained in the dense shade with some 
of the lowest values obtained in the woods would be most interest- 
ing. Clements (2) found light values from 0.12 to 0.05 under 
mature lodgepole pine in Colorado. He observed that Douglas 
fir occurred very rarely in densities below 0.05. Wiesner found 
the same value in this case. Pearson in Arizona found that 
western yellow pine seedlings grow fairly well in a light intensity 
from 0.309 to 0.414. White fir was found in good condition in 
light intensities of from 0.027 to 0.068 and healthy young growth 
of Engelmann spruce was found in intensities of from 0.033 to 
0.062. In Oregon Pearson found such tolerant species as alpine 
fir, Engelmann spruce, western hemlock, and Lowland fir grow- 
ing in light intensities from 0.021 to 0.029. The western larch 
however showed only poor development in a light intensity of 
0.353. This will be sufficient to indicate that the light in the 
dense shade tent compares with some of the lowest light intensities 
that have been measured in our western forests. In this con- 
nection it is interesting to note that white pine, black locust, red 
oak, and western yellow pine lived for two to four mouths in the 
dense shade tent, as is evidenced by the fact that stem and root 
measurements were taken on these species during the last days of 
these investigations. 

In connection with the light experiments a very important fact 
soon became evident. In spite of the fact that all three cultures 
were watered every evening at the same time and in the same 
degree, it soon became evident from mere observation that the 
top layer of soil by the following evening had dried out to very 
different degrees in the three cultures. The open light culture 
was noticeably the driest and the dense shade culture the moistest 
so iar as the top layer was concerned. This fact led to taking 
systematic moisture samples to determine the exact difference 
in moisture content. These samples were taken once a month, 
three evenings in succession and these readings were averaged 
into one reading. The table of soil moisture contents is given 

28 Richard H. Boerker 

Taste or Sort Moisture Content 1n Licut Cuttures 1N Per CENT. 

Depth’2 cm. 
7 Dates . | Open Light Medium Shade Dense Shade 
TOTO AT 2 dooce saves @riciiahiand 2 | 12.3 Ti5i3 19.8 
PEIOE Ei ocnd neh nwimeeaees : 12.0 19.0 ses Oe 
DS Nis 1 pte a igen eiadonce A 6.1 i697 18.0 
DEPARUG: ox an pawn ate einen x 14.0 16.6 Dis 
BUDAST Os oie pace henge gessinantes 14.4 17.0 21.3 
BITS E Pos se bee eerie ies 10.3 E72 | 19.7 
AVGTAGE sews es caewnges winded _ Ins 16.8 | 19.9 

Soil depth was comparatively easily controlled, either by only 
partially filling the flats with soil or by using deeper boxes. This 
was done and the depths used were as follows: 

SHAG SOIl  cicseahtnhad aa eda wdale eens oo oReGaen nein 4.0 cm. 
Mie ditirit. Gee p: S61 ssc as tis trace asec anavontbinusuelgih besser oveenlars 9.0 cm. 
Wer yodeep. SOtl ctccadescos ates. wij lorensearcuana taastica ie averseonsrerars 30.0 cm. 

The depth of the medium soil was the depth of all the other 
cultures used in the light, soil moisture, and soil texture experi- 
ments. No attempt was made to measure the soil moisture con- 
tent periodically in the soil depth cultures, except as noted in 
checking up the watering of the cultures. 

Soil moisture was controlled in the soil moisture experiment 
by watering the cultures at different intervals. The wet culture 
was watered every evening, the medium wet culture was watered 
every Wednesday noon and Saturday evening and the dry soil 
culture was watered only every Saturday evening. The soil 
samples that were taken were secured just before watering and 
were taken at first every Wednesday noon and every Saturday 
evening and later only every Saturday evening. Thus the soil 
samples represent the minimum water content of the soil at the 
end of one day, at the end of three and one half days, or at the 
end of seven days. In the following table are given the soil 
moisture per cents as taken at various, depths according to the 
stage of development of the majority of the seeds or plants in 
the cultures concerned. 

Germination of Forest Trees 

Minimum Sort Morsture Content 1n Sort Morsture CuLtures 


f ium Wel 
Date a. | ee ee | 
TDA ten ses pnccastegna end 2 o-§ 6.4 10.5 23.0) 
DD Pre Gs Awa ausdubiscwiae Wd a2 0-5 4.0 | rie es 30.0 
T/T LE ied de rasnn edtantad esi 0-5 4.6 5.0 25.0 
5S 0) (ye ee 0-5 22 14.1 24.1 
Tse) 2 Dewireoestnece vse cronstse has 0-5 7-7 17.1 21.0 
TED Bisa sats ais as atigeenn ya 0-5 64 13.8 2253 
POF haw ed oe 0-5 Git 12.4 2453 
T2/tOe no ees a a cine ey 0-5 8.5 16.6 ee: 
200s — eek ee kad eLabe> 0-5 5.2 ro.3 26.5 
TO 2O io cote sand 6 datuingns 0-9 4.3 9.4 2755 
DD. acs 5s Sand aobntnaceads 0-9 6.8 11.8 4-9 
DMs GiGaih doe seated 0-5 5.7 15.7 40.0 
TG TO vat 3 forcast tate, oman a5 5.1 ; I25 36.6 
6/25 ios “ratios eran eens 0-5 3.0 : 6.3 17.9 
Te) 3 Ole iaieg = 6k gia. aac 0-5 38 wor 18.8 
2)Oh.n ae ened en eomaunes 0-9 4.7 12.4 20.7 
DIT Becigh ss Se we ee hckeas | 0-5 4.3 Pere 19.0 
BI20% tose 2458 S44 sees 0-5 6.3 13.8 23.3 
127 eerie ct ta sae Same 0-5 5.4 14.1 483 
BOM iestusisna d.cotuaupdionsenetos 0-5 4.0 9.4 29.9 
BAUS his whegianwteamapen se chess 0-5 3. 6.7 19.8 
SY 20M cise ci dhe ertoa et de sa eves 0-5 9:5) 9-3 19.6 
BU LF sa tates a8 wcewanctahne. Grae 0-5 4.5 | I5. 20.9 
AB cc tapletey.e ae oc ania gee 0-5 4.5 | 12.4 19.8 
AITO <a ieee n'a ewe eH eG 0-5 5.9 ' 14.0 30.8 
AIDG scleiows bncenwk b* 0-5 a8 8.0 23.8 
MI2A oe hcodich Bees 0-5 4.0 Toa 207 
Average........... 7 | cee TL 8) 23.9 

Soil texture was controlled by the use of cultures of loam, 
sand, and gravel. Soil texture affects principally the moisture 
content and the air content of the soil, hence careful analyses to 
determine both relations were made. 
determinations were made for sand, loam and gravel, which show 
the amount of hygroscopic water, the volume of pore space, and 
the amount of capillary water in each of these soils: 

The followi 


ng moisture 

Hygroscopic Water,| Volume of Pore’ 

Capillary Water, 

Texture of Soil Per Cent Space in Per Cent Per Cent 
Gravel, GHGs s gawdpusexauces 26.54 Lae 
MeEdlUths..- swiss wees 0.14 39.34 5.0 
CORTES: ¢ hives twa & 41.14 2.8 
AVETAREnosce cece ae a 39.04 4.4 
I koa eosin’ nice SEER ERR OPT 33-51 16.6 
TSO aly, 2. 44. 58 ae edationen sg Bea 0.92 53.32 38.0 

1 Lost by accident in the soil oven. 

30 Richard H. Boerker 

The per cent. of hygroscopic water in the soils was the amount 
of moisture the soils held at room temperature. The amount 
of pore space in the soils was equivalent to the total amount of 
water the soils would hold. This would also be the amount of 
air in the soil when air dry. In determining the amount of pore 
space the soil used was air dry, hence the amount of hygroscopic 
water in the soil had to be added to the amount of pore space. 
The amount of capillary water was the amount of water the soils 
held against gravity. The same soils were used in all three 
experiments and the samples consisted of about 150 grams each 
except in the volume determinations in which 100 cubic centi- 
meters of soil were used in each case. This table shows very 
strikingly the water and air relations in these soils. The great 
amount of air in gravel when it is at its maximum capillary 
water content is also shown approximately. 

The mechanical analyses of representative samples of these 
soils which were kindly furnished by the department of agronomy 
of the University of Nebraska are given below: 


Separate | Diameter, Mm. Loam Sand Gravel 

Ores wees Vee eyes Ese BOOVES 4 weeae & genes 38.639 
Coarse gravel... ee nee Baz eases ll) Seta 40.382 
UME STAVE icc, sey costa 2h Sugso vuseneved 2-1 7.936 21.045 I4.051 
COOTER SANG oss se ce we own I-.5 TL.771 29.418 4.245 
Medinm 6400 we iaeaee eau 5 25 8.197 21.709 1.062 
BAN na 4 seieici ere ti arm rare anes .25 —.1 II.392 25.708 0.770 
Very Hime ead ss osc ansanncccon L005 6.182 1.074 
Se ee a ee er rT .05 —.005 | @ievow 0.268 
1s eee ee ee ee rT .005 and less | 26.566 “nae 
Vola tOBUter secs eeeveneets| 26 eece a chen 6.252 | 0.700 0.583 

a od ici 5 Bd bck ammo Lasik, kena tte dak 100.000 | 100.000 | 100.000 

Besides these determinations soil samples were taken once a 
month to determine how much moisture these soils held at the 
end of a day in the cultures in the greenhouse. These results 
bear out the findings in regard to capillary water held by the 
soils shown in a preceding table. These moisture contents are 
given below: 

Germination of Forest Trees 31 

Sort Motsture ConTENT Twenty-Four Hours Arrer WATERING 
Depth 5.0 cm. 

Date | Loam, Per Cent | Sand, Per Cent Gravel, Per Cent 
DL AAs sedeensi a eodvareue tenons a5 | 4.3 2.4 
Tid UG heas se. aria aise dat daoecnca a aio 25.6 5.4 2.1 
TDS vp asccainsing sa gtosarsp spay a5.r 4.8 2155) 
O/T Sate uinhtinls vygor ves oe 26.2 5.0 2.0 
2 TG samacrse an teas kaa 28.7 $a 2.4 
GUS py Meeks 84a eas AES 274 4.9 | 1.9 
PO Boe aud bbs ghd db steouens ; 26.8 4.9 | a2 

The temperature and humidity of the air were determined by 
a hydrothermograph which was checked every Monday morning 
by means of a cog psychometer and humidity tables (the baro- 
metric pressure used was 29 inches). The record sheets were 
summarized and the results for the entire period are given below 
by weekly averages: 

Temperature, Degrees Fahr. Relabye el 
Week Ending Veek : ; 
Min. | Max, | Weekly Mon Min. | Max. ee 
Range} 2 Hr. 2Hr. 
INOMCMBER” hh .a.o.esanidensigubacs 60 100 40 71.7 18 78 49.0 
Bs ditudt 8G oh lacskidean 53 99 46 67.9 34 93 69.4 
AAG vA Gre cana ite an pln 52 94 42 67.8 20 90 64.0 
DD Fe caine tarconcaftsseshe Ai ehe 49 90 4r 66.6 29 | 75 54.9 
QO se nies a wnt aie deeecetes 54 90 36 67.2 21 1 75 . 55-9 
December O24 ss6549 64 4a 59 890 30 70.2 32 | 84 ! 60.7 
ES: ps eaeee ved ees 59 87 28 69.7 37 | 66 55.0 
BO iocmnee cre bx mS 52 83 31 67.8 38 | 62 | 48.9 
225 eae ieee 5 88 37 67.0 35 57 48.8 
January Bs Lh dues esi ead Ge weneiecw 56 93 37 72.9 34 69 . 52.8 
BO soja dx deren cedctens 52 890 27 67.3 4I 79 | 64.7 
GBs os peat wie ie es Si 85 ar 64.6 30 #6 | Gait 
DD a sets tar icsevenie dap BS ash 47 96 49 65.4 39 75 58.5 
Blind gp ae wesendshersieti 53 88 35 64.6 43 | 82 65.7 
February Feuchsaug aa actss 53 98 45 70.4 33 | «+68 54.5 
Tnechs tees seein 57 98 4r | 68.4 38 78 62.2 
Piles oc eees oh awe 52 95 43 61.5 on 85. 717 
BR soe emathad & ako 55 98 43 | 64.9 25 65 54.0 
March TES 3 Sr Sabi vinisa east sacle 57 100 43 | 63.2 21 60 | 53.7 
DA ces cosp Souk tal Sos 54 98 | 44 | 65.5 28 65 54.6 
C1 ee eee aaNet 59 100 AI 67.4 22 63 50.5 
DG yaa as toencdee ees 54 100 46 | 63.7 28 83 62.0 
April shee 's ararasasan. 5-10hoh 53 100 47 | 66.6 23 88 55.7 
Ties ee ee gen sey 55 100 45 64.5 23 61 47.2 
CSiccs oe ress s eee 47 100 53 64.6 18 85 49.9 
VA een a erie 49 100 51 9332 24 90 68.3 
May DE tee Ads a 61 100 39 75.0 18 92 63.0 

32 Richard H. Boerker 

Soil temperature was not measured. With the air temperature 
at an optimum point during the entire experiment it is reasonable 
to assume that the soil temperatures were likewise always at an 
optimum, at least they were never at such a low nor at such a 
high point so as to affect materially the germination of the seeds 
or the growth of the seedlings. 

Notes on Damping-Off 

No special investigations were conducted to determine what 
species were most affected and what conditions of light, moisture, 
and soil were most favorable for the development of this group 
of fungous diseases. This part of nursery practice is a problem 
of no small importance in itself and the only data here given is 
that which had to be taken in connection with this series of in- 
vestigations. Therefore these are merely notes and suggestions, 
which, while conclusive as far as they go, must be substantiated 
in the future to be of any permanent value. 

It was found that the pines were most affected. Pinus divari- 
cata at the end of five weeks was affected most. About 15 sepa- 
rate cultures of 200 seeds each of this species were started and 
most of these showed more or less serious effects of the disease. 
Several cultures of Pinus rcsinosa failed after six weeks. Pinus 
palustris damps off in loam before it really gets its crown above 
ground. In this case the loss was reduced in the sand and gravel 
cultures. Both the New Mexico and South Dakota varieties of 
Pinus ponderosa after five weeks damped off considerably, leaving 
only from 10-25 per cent. of the original stand. The following 
is a list of species in the order in which they were affected in 
loam under normal conditions of light and water. The first men- 
tioned were affected most: 

Pinus divaricata Pinus ponderosa (N. M.) 
Pinus resinosa Robinia pseudacacia 
Pinus palustris Pinus strobus 

Pinus ponderosa (S.D.) Pinus taeda 

It appears that the seeds of trees of certain habitats when 
germinated in soils or under conditions different from those ob- 
taining in their natural environment are affected worst. These 

habitats are: 

Germination of Forest Trees 

1. Sandy soils 
Pinus divaricata 
Pinus resinosa 
Pinus palustris 
Pinus taeda 
2. Dry habitats 
Pinus ponderosa (S. D.) 
Pinus ponderosa (N. M.) 
3. Poor soils 
Robinia pseudacactia. 



13 L iu oF 
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Poet Pt rH 

34 Richard H. Boerker 

Species that seemed to he affected most were those from the 
Black Hills and New Mexico and those affected least were those 
from the Pacific coast. Intermediate between these were those 
species obtained from Montana and Idaho. The coast species 
affected most was Scquoia washingtoniana. Pseudotsuga taxi- 
folia was much less affected than Pinus ponderosa taking into ac- 
count all the varieties of each. 

The conditions and cultures which were favorable to damping- 
off are of interest in that they emphasize many points already 
known about this part of the subject. Loam is more dangerous 
than sand or gravel due to its moisture retentiveness. The shade 
cultures were more affected than the open light due to a greater 
soil moisture content in the upper layers of soil. The moist cul- 
tures were affected more than the dry ones and the shallow soil 
cultures more than the deep soil ones due to a greater amount 
of soil water per unit of volume of soil. Humous soils, soils with 
decaying vegetable matter, and manure soils should be avoided 
because they contain myriads of fungus spores. The data for 
Pinus divaricata is given as representative of the three worst 
affected species. The per cents. given below are those of the 
number of plants killed (out of the total number that germinated) 
within five weeks after planting the seed. Two hundred seeds 
were planted in each culture: 

Pinus divaricata KILLED By DAMPING-OFF 

Light Cultures | Soil Moisture Soil Depth ' Soil ‘Pexture 
Open. gsgunes ge), Dry soils eds in. ¢ 0% DEED iveniicetis soeve 8% Loam......... 335% 
Medium..... 26% Medium soil...24% Medium....... 35% Sand Nene ee To 
Deéns@i: xo. < 90% Wet soil....... 35% Shallow....... 61%iGravel.... ... 0% 


This problem was undertaken because it was felt to be of funda- 
mental significance not only to silviculture but to ecology as well. 
Not only was it desired to throw more light upon some of the 
phases of this problem that had already been partly worked out 
and to modify, if necessary, some conclusions that have been 
drawn, but it was my intention to throw some light upon phases: 

Germination of Forest Trees 35 

of it that had never been attacked. Some of the questions that 
are immediately called to mind by a mere statement of the prob- 
lem are: Does light affect germination in any way? Does light 
affect the germination of tolerant and intolerant species differ- 
ently? How does soil moisture content affect germination? Do 
drought-enduring species and moisture-loving species behave 
alike in this respect? What is the effect of soil texture upon 
germination? Has the amount of air or oxygen in the soil any 
significance in germination? Since soil texture affects mainly 
the moisture content of the soil, does soil texture affect drought- 
enduring species in the same way as moisture-loving species? 

The data collected upon the effect of habitat factors on germina- 
tion will be presented in four parts. The effect of light, soil 
moisture, and soil texture will be taken up in the order named 
and following this there will be given a résumé of the relative 
effect of all habitat factors. The three most important points 
to be noted in germination, are the number of days it took until 
germination began, the total number of days in the germination 
period, and the final germination per cent. The rate of germina- 
tion is shown by curves for certain representative species. The 
length of the germination period was taken as the total number 
of days during which any seeds germinated. Records were kept 
long after germination ceased, so that the germination period was 
ended at the time the last seed germinated. To give data as to 
the period of greatest activity involves certain arbitrary standards 
and this method, though tried in compiling the present data, was 
abandoned. The effect of light, soil moisture, and soil texture 
upon the periods of greatest activity is best shown by the curves 
offered for certain representative species. 

The original data was taken by two-day periods. Every other 
day the number of seeds that germinated were counted and re- 
corded. In most cases these were immediately pulled up; but 
where growth measurements were to be taken later the seedlings 
were allowed to grow. 

The first three tables show the effect of light upon the germina- 
tion of eastern species, Rocky Mountain species, and Pacific coast 
species respectively. Three sets of figures are given under each 

36 Richard H. Boerker 

degree of light, namely, the number of days which elapsed before 
germination began, the number of days in the germination period, 
and lastly the final germination per cent. 

The number of seeds used of each species in each culture made 
was as follows: roo seeds each of Catalpa speciosa, Acer rubrum, 
Gleditschia triacanthos, Pinus taeda, Pinus ponderosa (Idaho), 
Abies grandis, Abies lasiocarpa, Pinus ponderosa (Mon.), Pinus 
ponderosa (Harney), Pinus ponderosa (Calif.), Pints jeffreyi, 
Pinus lambertiana, Pinus coulteri, Abies magnifica, and Pseu- 
dotsuga taxifolia (Wash.) ; 25 seeds of Quercus rubra, 400 of 
Betula papyrifera, and 200 seeds of all other species. 

When a number of check cultures were combined as was noted 
previously it became necessary to average the results obtained in 
several cultures under the same set of conditions. Thus the check 
cultures used in each series show the same data in every case. 
Three cultures of each of the following species were averaged 
together: Catalpa speciosa (Ind.), Pinus strobus, Quercus rubra, 
Pinus divaricata, Robinia pseudacacia, Betula papyrifera, Pinus 
ponderosa (S. D.), Pseudotsuga taxifolia (N. M.), Pinus pon- 
derosa (N. M.), and Pinus ponderosa (Calif.). Two cultures of 
each of the following species were averaged together: Pinus 
palustris, Pinus resinosa, Pinus jeffrevi, Pinus lambertiana, and 
Pinus coulterit. All other species in the check cultures were 
planted but once. 

In Table I 10 species out of a total of 14 germinated in the 
dense shade before they did in the open light culture. Only 
one species, Pinus palustris, germinated first in the open light, 
one species, Gleditschia triacanthos, did not germinate in the open 
light at all, and two species germinated simultaneously in all three 
cultures. Pinus strobus germinated 8 days earlier in the dense 
shade than in the open light, Pinus divaricata 2 to 4 days, Pinus 
resinosa 10 days, Pinus taeda 2 days, Catalpa speciosa 2 days, 
Quercus rubra 14 days, Robinia pseudacacia 2 days, and Acer 
rubrum 4 days. 

In 9 cases the germination period is longer in the dense shade 
than in the open light and, considering the shade cultures together, 

Germination of Forest Trees 37 

II species show a longer germination period in the shade than 
in the light. The other three species did not germinate suffi- 
ciently to make a conclusion possible, 

Tue Errect or Light on GERMINATION 

Eastern Species 

Open Light Medium Shade Dense Shade 

Species Began,} Period, Aine Began,| Period, inal Began,| Period, Haale 

Days | Days | Cent | Days) Days | Cent | Days | Days Cone 

PIRUS SIOOUS . scwenews 22 50 10.7 | 16 54 Ties: | my 26 8.0 
Pinus divaricata....... I2 32 54.5 | 10 26 :63x5:| TO 38 73-5 
Pinus divaricata (F.S.)| 14 20 | 39.5] 14 26 |37.0| I0 24 | 46.5 
PMS PESOS soe 9 stn ads 24 16 | 30.5 | 16 24 150.0] 14 14 | 74.5 
PINUS POLIS 3 5 suka ai eo | 20.5 | 32 $2 | 72.0 | 32 62 55 
PURUS tC dO ss o.5)0.4 so 34 6 19.0 | 34 6 | 330] 32 8 | 33.0 
Abies balsamea....... 18 30 | 11.0] 18 38 |10.0] 18 36 8.0 
Catalpa speciosa....... 18 I I.0 fe) fo) 0.0] 16 Be I.0 
Catalpa speciosa (Neb.)| 16 12 |OD.0 | TZ. | 20 | 62-07) 24 14 | 88.0 
Queer CUS) LUDIE ccs i crsearace 40 28 28.0 | 30 18 12.0; )| 26 42 I2.0 
Robinia pseudacacia... 8 16 | 28.8 6 18 | 29.0 6 18. 3355 
Betula papyrifera...... 34 I T0:| 34 I 2.0| 34 I 1.0 
ACO VUOTUM sxactan\iasa.s 18 30 17.0 | 16 34 I5.0| 14 34 16.0 
Gleditschia triacanthos . to) (o) 0.0 6 2 2.0 6 2 2.0 

Three species had a higher germination per cent. in the open 
light than in either of the shade cultures. Four showed the 
highest per cent. in the medium light and six in the dense shade. 
The greatest difference was shown in the case of Pinus resinosa 
whose germination per cent. was almost two and one half times 
greater in the dense shade than in the open light culture. 

The germination curves of Pinus resinosa and of Pinus divari- 
cata are given on page 38. These are representative of the 
effect that light has upon germination. These curves show a 
greater germination per cent. in the dense shade culture, a more 
rapid rise of the germination curve in the dense shade and that 
germination begins sooner in the shade than it does in the light. 

38 Richard H. Boerker 
Tue Errect or Light upon GERMINATION 
Stones ty 

ae = +44 


a Uy 
HE z ernie cast 
Fic.1. The germination curves of Pinus resinosa. 

# ar 
iH ee cecae 

Fic. 2. The germination curves of Pinus divaricata. 

Germination of Forest Trees 39 

Tue Errect or Light on GERMINATION 

Rocky Mountain Species 

Open Light Medium Shade | Dense Shade 

o 2 

Species a By. |e | ee | Bee ew coe an a |e 

& |BE|28/ 86/88 22) 85 | B2| 82) 2d 

BA) RO )e gga ES ey |e AO 
Pinus PONTE OS 654s een ¥ 4 $.D. TO | 32 |58.0| To #2 | 56:5 10 | 34 | 58.5 
Pinus PONGETOSO ssc ccipdcre Harney. 14 | 14 |524) 8 26/580 8 | 26 | 6706 
Pinus ponderosa.......... N.M. | 14 | 40 56.0 12 32 | 82.0 10; 12 | 79.0 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia...... N.M. | 12 , 26 |63.0 10 12 | 69.0 10 16 | 65.0 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia...... Colo. | 92 4217900 42 $36:,73.5 8 ° 36 62.6 
ADIOS CONE oo cricw aad ne Colo. | 24 | 50 38.0 18 , 5654.0, 14 60 ' 56.0 
Pinws CONDONE D5 005.asierpicarer Colo. | 14} 80 22.0 16 70 7.5 141 72! 3.5 
Pinus: PONderos@s.: x60 Mon. | 18 | I2 ,10.0 18 54 '15.0 10 SBE 9.0 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia...... Mon. 14 34 120.5 12 32 15.5 12! 44 | 35.0 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia...... Idaho | 18 | 30 |20.5 16 64 49.0 10. 64 | 50.0 
Pinus ponderosa.......... Idaho | 36 52 42.0 24: 66 52.0 14° 82 43.0 
Abies grandis..........-5 Idaho | 36 36) 4.0 22 62 16.0 22 | 60 | 10.0 
Abies lasiocarpa.......... Idaho | 30° 30: |..6:;6 26 50 Yo 22 28 6:0 
Pinus monticola.......... Idaho | 24 50 22.5) I6 58 20.0 14 60 36.5 

In Table II 12 species out of a total of 14 germinated first in 
the dense shade, the other two germinated simultaneously in the 
dense shade and open light. The number of days difference 
between the two cultures varied from 2 to 22 days. Pinus pon- 
derosa (Harney) germinated 6 days earlier in the dense shade 
than in the open light, Pinus ponderosa (N. M.) 4 days, Pseu- 
dotsuga taxifolia (N. M.) 2 days, Pseudotsuga taxifolia (Colo.) 
4 days, Abies concolor 10 days, Pinus ponderosa (Mon.) 8 days, 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia (Mon.) 2 days, Pseudotsuga taxifoha 
(Idaho) 8 days, Pinus ponderosa (Idaho) 22 days, Abies grandis 
14 days, Abies lasiocarpa 8 days, and Pinus monticola 10 days. 
The medium shade cultures in most cases represent a condition 
intermediate between the open light and dense shade. 

In 10 species out of 14 the germination period was longer in 
the shade than in the light. In 6 species the germination per cent. 
was higher in the dense shade than in either of the other two cul- 
tures and in 12 cases out of 14 the highest per cent. was in either 
of the two shade cultures as against the light culture. In other 

40 Richard H. Boerker 

Tue Errecr or Light uPoN GERMINATION 

ane i aera 
Et = 
: BP ed 
: terete 
i rast gras 
: : 
: ; 
= ; = : 
H : —= 
i i essreens fanz: 
: : : : 
Sselosens ese 
} eeted had deus mace 
; a t 
: oo : 
1 es erp 
Fic. 1. The germination curves of Pscudotsuga taxifolia (N. M.). 
Spey : Be Sones bpeenees = pscsceres cones 
= —|. ies coese Fees needs caeseee ieees eras pepe : 
ae : = = 
a — “af a + YS 
: = == Boer = =H 
- ve —- oP 
ber L r t r 
+4 _ 
x t =o po 
tears sszasz! 
jboss fegereeraa 
4 : t t — 
4 peek t t 
ic ceeoepeeaen : t 
4 : | 
t 7 

Fic. 2. The germination curves of Pinus ponderosa (N. M.). 

Germination of Forest Trees 4! 

words, only 2 species had a higher germination per cent. in the 
open light than in the shade. 

On page 40 are given the germination curves of the two New 
Mexico species, Pinus ponderosa and Pseudotsuga taxifolia. 
While these do not show a higher germination per cent. in the 
dense shade than in the open light they show the characteristic 
rapid rise of the shade curves and the fact that germination begins 
earlier in the shade than in the light. 

Tue Errect or Light on GERMINATION 
Pacific Coast Species 

Open Light Medium Shade Dense Shade 

2 4 ‘s 

Species Suldoicssiduidgul-§.dy)/del—o§ 

BT AT) eS aT a ee a ae 
Pinus ponderosa (Calif) sass avaven 42 | 67 61.0! 22 | 92 |62.0. 22 | 62 | 42.0 
PENWS JOP PENE ea cocpacnncnrs sie 4 ase Ney 3r | 77 | 22.0| 22 | 84 | 14.0] 20 | 54.| 17-0 
PLAUSLGMBELH ENG: wx ccreg Stee ee 70 | 36 | 2.5! 76 | 20} 4.0) 70 | 24] 7.0 
PERU COULMLET Es oacin 3 Bedied isaned. de donee Soar S2 | 4t | 1S.6) 54 | 3O | 28a) 52 | G2 | 23.0 
Abies magnifica... 0.0.02 cece 44 | 52 | 18.0] 24. | 54 | 30.0) 36 | 54 | 10.0 
Libocedrus decurrens........0.00055 20°) 73 | G0) ga | 18 | 426) 16 | 52] Oe 
Sequoia washingtoniana........... 76 | 178 | yo. 16 6 | Se) te | ta | Bs 

DSUGG elerOPR YU vscerimoe:ssarinte sie tieeeriere 66 T.'|. 20.5) @: fo) 0} 0 fo) ° 
PPICEGESTIRENSE Shacsside ely teacseariationos n seied rier 22 | 60 |22.5| 18 | 64 | 34.0! Ta | g6 | 38-0 
LSOVL%: OCCT ONLGIES sissee cera gion re Grant tsa oO} © o| 72 1 | 0.5| 70 x | 05 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia (Wash.)......| 22 | 28 | 6.0) 22 | 54 | 13.0] 14 | 62 | 22.0 

Out of the 11 Pacific coast species listed in Table III, 7 germi- 
nated in the dense shade before they did in the open light culture, 
2 germinated simultaneously in the light and shade and 2 species 
did not germinate sufficiently to warrant conclusions. Pinus pon- 
derosa (Calif.) germinated 20 days earlier in the dense shade 
than in the light, Pinus jeffreyi 11 days, Abies magnifica 8 days, 
Libocedrus decurrens 13 days, Scquoia washingtoniana 2 days, 
Picea sitkensis 8 days and Pseudotsuga taxifolia (Wash.) 8 days. 

Six species showed longer germination periods in the shade, 
three in the open light, and two species did not germinate sufficiently 
to be considered. Only one species, Pinus jeffreyi, showed a 
higher germination per cent. in the open light, two species showed 

Richard H. Boerker 

Tue Errect or Liyht upoN GERMINATION 

H a i He 
eae ‘a ; = 
an 1 H+ HO 
L 8 : wh 
+} = — jl io TTT = 
H 4 Hy N 
HH Be Hd gees [euue BI HTT H i HS 
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HT iN 38 es aatinaE 
H S TY : 
tI rH HH i) 
ae 3S 
4 = HTH] Wises 
ON = : | 
He Ly a ‘ 
SEEst w aa 
+ tt 
HET TH fe pa aisa ies 
5 rt TH 
3) HH 
rs Sora eg Ee 
i} eunney 
ea) Sumenereiagzans rt 
a se i HH 
BS Ht i 
eens THT AT] fF seas vo | + ard Reaeee tecee 
a Ni oop LOCA ECLA rey TINY 
ayes THE AEA e F 
Hitt CH TTS = LL AE tH 
& HTT Bacat (eegepeeed Iteecge H 4 
sess leees n Fl H PEE HERG! PEEPS fo] 
H — H 1 
oe Hf 

The germination curves of Picea sitkensis. 

Fic. 2. 

Germination of Forest Trees 43 

a higher per cent. in the medium shade, and six a higher per 
cent. in the dense shade than in the other cultures. 

On page 42 are given the germination curves of Pseudotsuga 
davifolia (Wash.), and Picea sitkensis. Both sets of curves show 
that germination begins sooner, the curve rises more rapidly and 
the final germination per cent. is higher in the case of seeds 
germinated in the shade as compared to light. 

Tue Errect or Soil Moisture on GERMINATION 

Eastern Species 

| Dry Soil ~~ | Medium Wet Soil Wet Soil 
1g 1 e a 
, De en eel de eS ed ae 
Species iu Dey = 3) Gel Sw eS | ide | ea) o 
ae at Se ae | a mo | a — oe 
FUHUS SIVODUS 50 bio 5 ee we curnce we 8 _ | — | — | 30 | 34 | 8.0) 22 | 50 | 10.7 
PINUS GIVETH O55 io. ss ces ceersntiono bees qo | 24 | fo) rq. | So | 53.5) Ta | 2  Sae5 
Pimms divervcala. U8 Si.) cian yy 8% 28 | 2 | Bal ee 1 28] ql ae ) 20 |soe 
PRS OOMOSE yo ees 0s pe ea RAYE RS 68 I | 2.5} 24 | 40 | 49.0) 24 | 16 | 30.5 
Pinus. Palustrts 2 oe iaduamannes393 es |e] 364 50) Grol 38 | 53°) TOUS 
PONS TCE sa kee ds Ree ERE EES —;—}]—}]—]—]— |] 34 6 | 19.0 
AVES DOISOMMED 5 p48 64 bo ne heRERS —|—|—] 22 | 22 | 12.0) 18 | 30 | II.0 
CGPI DE SPECOS Boon oes bd ean Ra eR SE —}—!}—}]—!1—j—] 8 Ti: EO) 
‘Catalpa speciosa (Neb.)........... —|—i{—]| 22 6 4.0; 16 | 12 | 91.0 
Quercus rubra.............. be GI — | — | —|] — |} — | — | 40 | 28 | 28.0 
Robinia pseudacacia.............. Io ; 30 /15.0] 8 | 32 132.0] 8 | 16 | 28.8 
Betula papyrifera.............. =! — | —]— | — |! — | 34 I 1.0 
Acer rubrum. .0.0.... 0. ccs a4 rt 3.0 24 | 26 '12.0] 18 | 30 117.0 

Tables IV, V, and VI consider the same species as the three 
preceding tables from the standpoint of soil moisture instead of 

In Table IV in practically every case where a comparison is 
possible germination started in the wet soil culture, and was de- 
layed as the soil moisture content was reduced. Also the germi- 
nation period is shortened with decrease in soil moisture. The 
final germination per cent. in every case but one was highest in 
the wet soil. Pinus resinosa showed the highest per cent. in the 
medium wet soil. 

This table separates the species into classes based upon their 
ability to germinate in dry soil, medium wet soil, or wet soil. 

Richard H. Boerkcr 

Tue Errecr or Soil Moisture UPON GERMINATION 
ot i + t T z 
Seebeaes anne 2 : : 
ge +t : 
HH : 
att 5 
a : t 
= inebse tca.tash z 

Fic.2. The germination curves of Robinia pseudacacia, 

Germination of Forest Trees 45 

According to that classification the most drought enduring are 
Pinus divaricata, Pinus resinosa, Robinia pseudacacia, and Acer 
rubrum. It is rather unusual to find Acer rubrum in this cate- 
gory but the seed has such a thin seed coat that water absorption 
is easier than in the case of a thick-coated seed. The intermediate 
species are Pinus strobus, Pinus palustris, Abies balsamea, and 
Catalpa speciosa (Neb.). Among what might be called the 
moisture loving species are found Pinus taeda, Catalpa speciosa 
(Ind.), Quercus rubra and Betula papyrifera. 

On page 44 are given the germination curves of Pinus divari- 
cata and Robinia pseudacacia. These sets of curves show that 
as soil moisture decreases the beginning of germination is delayed, 
the germination curve rises less rapidly and the final germination 
per cent. is decreased. 


Tue Errect oF Soil Moisture on GERMINATION 

Rocky Mountain Species 

Dry Soil fedium Wet Soil Wet Soil 

vo _ - ~~ 

i rs fu ldol|/o§3 cul pales =n Sau | ik 

a m |SE\Sbi25 ge 2bies of 22/28 

APSR eg SA ce ee 28 2 les 

Pinus ponderosa.......... S.D. | 26 | 26 | 26.0] 12 | 36 (48.0 10 32 | 58.0 
Pinus ponderosa.......... Harney| 34 6 | 8.0 22 | 18 117.0 14 14 | 52.0 
PERUS PORTE OSB 5 ck hae N.M. | 22 | 18 |39.5| 20 | 16 61.0 14 40 | 56.0 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia...... N.M. | 12 6| 5.5 12 | 44 |54.0 12 , 26 | 63.0 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia...... Colo. | 14 | 24; 9.5 12 | 42 |60.5 12 | 42 | 91.0 
ADtES: CONCOLOP 3:6 sine ws 3 ees Colo. | — | — — 80 | 86 )Ig.6' 24 . $6 | 386 
Pinus contorta............ Colo. | — | — —| 20 | 66 | 3.5' 14 | 80 | 22.0 
PUARs POREEOSE. 4.0 c4 nna Mon. | —~ | — — TR | 8 1 6 al 18 | 12 | To.0 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia...... Mon. | — | — —' 18 | 26 |12.0' 14 | 34 | 20.5 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia...... Idaho | 24 Eo) i025. 20.) 32) | 625 18> | go. | zor 
Pinus ponderosad.......... Idaho | 90 & | s.0 a4 | 92 lorax 36 | so |.ao.0 
Abies grandis.......2054. Idaho | — | —} — 66] 10; 3 0) 36 | 36 | 4.0 
Abies lasi0cerPGs cesencnas Td@ahe.| a> | es — 84 Y | We) 30 | 30") 6.0 
Pinus MONUCOlGsascnaanee Idaho | 48 I og 18 | 38 | on 2H [ So | B25 

As in the preceding table, Table V shows that the beginning 
of germination is delayed in most cases and that the germination 
period is considerably shortened with the decrease of soil moisture 
content. Only 1 species, Pinus ponderosa (N. M.) showed a 
higher germination per cent. in the medium wet soil than in the 
wet soil, all other species show a higher per cent. in the wet soil. 

40 Richard H. Boerkcr 

Tue Errect or Soil Aloisture UPON GERMINATION 

4 rt 
: t t 
+ + Tt ze 
Ht t 
f i 
ce t 
. a pa 
} r 
: r 
+ t crt 
t = t 
¢ eaeene 
- acsuuwes sat 
is f ab peaaeas 
t | Ht 
: Se 
t ay 
roe cepa 
t t 
f ¥ 
He t 
He : 
seeat : z 
t 1 t it 
f t 
f ott i ; 
t Sorte thet 
anes sueeses sensnesss 
i peace eas 
i r 
ae = 
lade tase oa 
Seer Ht 
3s cssosseas 
t { 

Fic. 1. The germination curves of Pinus ponderosa (S. D.). 

+ t ; 
+ ned suunasaues senses 
t i feet 
: t sEseneest 
w +] 
= pana 
r aaeauaes 
tf L ; 
He + Het 
jsnaaas Ho 
Ht t t 
it 7 
+ Ht 
rot rt 
15 Cort 
t 1 
ia t 
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t t 
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t ri 
i + 
H : 
Patents LG 

Fic.2. The germination curves of Pseudotsuga taxifolia (Colo.) 

Gerinination of Forest Trees 47 

It is evident from this table that the two most drought endur- 
ing species are Pinus ponderosa (S. D.) and Pinus ponderosa 
(N. M.). While other species germinated in the dry soil their 
germination per cents. were very small. Among the intermediate 
species, as far as soil moisture goes, are Abies concolor, grandis, 
and lasiocarpa, Pinus contorta, Pinus ponderosa (XMon.), and 
Pseudotsuga tavifolia (Mon.). It is interesting to see that with 
one exception the only species that germinated in the dry culture 
were either Pinus ponderosa or Pseudotsuga taxifolia. The 
former from the Black hills, New Mexico, and Southern Idaho 
and the latter from New Mexico, Colorado, and Idaho. The line 
is evidently drawn between Southern Idaho and Montana as to 
whether these species will germinate in the dry culture or not, 
since both species from Montana did not germinate in the dry 
culture. Another interesting fact is that there are no moisture- 
loving species in the Rocky Mountains so far as this classification 
and these species are concerned, since there are no species that 
germinated only in the wet soil. 

On page 46 are given the curves of Pinus ponderosa and 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia in their relation to soil moisture. These 
curves show that germination is delayed, the curve rises less 
rapidly, the period is shorter, and the final per cent. lower with 
a decrease in soil moisture. 

Tue Errecr or Soil Moisture oN GERMINATION 
Pacific Coast Species 

LLORES occ sre ie RA CRAM | 
EBGPU8 OCCIMENL AUIS sii sercnca ioe an nied oxen —|-— 
PSCHDOTUBE TAB ON cg opi gaw renee —|— — 22 | 28 | 6.0 

Dry Soil Medium Wet Soil Wet Soil 

Species culty 8 dul va = calcu ag 

BO [LA BB) me | aA es aR) SA es 
Pinus ponderosa (Calif.)........-. _—|—|— | 68 | 12 | 6.0) 42 | 67 | 61.0 
PUARS JOTI sa ecagun RAGE REA DRS —{|—!]-— | 80 6 | 12.0] 31 | 77 | 22.0 
Pinus lamberizenve<a i iasv ns s0ea —!—f!|—|]—,—|]—] 70 | 36); 25 
PINUS COUMET1 2 cee he ee ORE R ES — |—{|—] 90 8 vo) 525 4 age: | angg 
ABLES TING ENTICED si. cnccdse diccis oe EERE Se Se eS See | Aa | 52 | SOF 
Libocedrus decurrens........+..-. re. | 20 Eos.) SS 20 | 73: | 620) 
Sequoia washingtoniana........... el eee Gat Peon leant Kame Oe a 
Tsuga heterophylla..........-0405. —|—!—|—|]—/]— | 66] of | o5 

48 Richard H. Boerker 

CLASSIFICATION oF Species Basep uron THE Errect oF Soil Moisture UPON 

Eastern Hardwoods 

Xerophilous Species Xero-mesophilous Species Mesophi'ous Species 
Robinia pseudacacia Catalpa speciosa Catalpa speciosa 
Acer rubrum (Neb.) (Ind.) 

Quercus rubra 
Betula papyrifera 
Eastern Conifers 
Pinus divaricata 

Pinus divaricata Pinus palustris 
CE. $2) Abies balsamea : 
Pinus resinosa Pinus strobus Pinus taeda 

Rocky Mountain Species 
Pinus ponderosa (S. Abies concolor 

Pinus ponderosa (N. Abies grandis 

Pinus ponderosa(H.) Abies lasiocarpa 
eens oe Pinus contorta 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia Pseudotsuga taxifolia 
N. M. 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia (Mon.) 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia Pinus ponderosa 
Pinus monticola (Mon.) 

Pacific Coast Species 

Libocedrus decurrens od anal Tsuga heterophylla 
Pinus jeffreyt Picea sitkensis : 
Pinus coulteri Pseudotsuga taxifolia 

Pinus lambertiana 
Abies magnifica 
Sequoia washington- 
In Table VI in every case where conclusions were possible it 
was noted that the beginning of germination was delayed and the 
germination period was shortened with the decrease of soil mois- 
ture. In every case the germination per cent. was highest in the 
wet soil culture. 
For some unaccountable reason Libocedrus decurrens ger- 
minated in the very dry and wet cultures but not in the medium 
wet one. However, the four drought resistant species stand out 

Germination of Forest Trees 49 

conspicuously: Pinus ponderosa, Pinus jeffreyi, Pinus coulteri, 
and Libocedrus decurrens, This table shows that the Pacific 
coast species are predominantly moisture-loving. 

The foregoing table is a classification of all species used in the 
soil moisture experiments upon the basis of whether they ger- 
minated in all three soil moisture cultures, in two of them or in 
only one of them. These three groups are called by the terms 
xerophilous, xero-mesophilous, and mesophilous: Xerophilous 
species are those that germinated in all three cultures; xero- 
mesophilous species are those that germinated in the medium wet 
and the wet soil cultures; and mesophilous species are those that 
germinated only in the wet soil culture. 

Tue Errect or Soil Texture on GERMINATION 

Eastern Species 

1 Loam Sand Gravel 
Species | ee bom =% culgn a% calda a8 
, (G2 ER 2042 EP FO 42 Eh) ze 
(gags es SP ao ee ae mS 
PENUSLSINOOUS: vssascaavarirwtostiosns Wiener oes i 22 | §0 10.7] 18 | 34 | Ir.0] 34 | 38 | 7.0 
Pinus GWGriCel@ scoasacwad aoe awerecaes 12 2 §4.5| 12 | 38 | 72.0} 10 | 40 | 45.5 
Pies divericate (FB) en cnnews os 14} 20 39.5} 16 | 18 | 32.5) 16 | £8 | 28.0 
PLUS PESINOS Dearie wien bens SERA 24 | 16 30.5| 20 | 54 | 85.0] 16 8 | 16.5 
PINUS PALUSTAS ese 6s te 8% 5.5 RS 31 | 53 10.5) 26 | 54 | 12.5) 22) 62 | 9.5 
AUN SHE OC OO oo acess Gr Spisasranbitay Wid Are 34 6 19.0] 28 | 12 | 41.0] 40 ¥ |) 140) 
ADLES DELS IME Dias yiracsdocduast OBS Srestinn ' 18 30 11.0, 14 | 34 | 18.5 TO: | 40 || 70: 
CGR SPCC hn ens Bw ty, Ti no © 0} 0.0} Oo 6 | 0.0 
Catalpa speciosa (Neb.)........... i £6 | #2: ‘OT. 16) | 72) |-62.0) 16 I | 9.0 
OUEK CUS UOT Die int spa rinclaaeipinaren Soar 40 | 28 28.0 38 | 46 | 24.0) 30 | 54 | 16.0 
ROOTHIG PSCUMAONLIOs wage qe rs anne ni 8) 16 28:8 8 | £8-|39.5| 8 | 18 |-pr.5 
Bede PAPI. x sxe awe eee egus® BA hay Ao} BA 2) 3.0) 34 i) 5 
ACCP LUD UN 2 3%. OE RE ERHE RE AER 18 BO. 4r770;, 24 | 18 | 13.0] 78: 8 | 8.0 
Gleditschia triacanthos.............- , CO) Ol Oo: 3a rl, 2ol o 0 | 0.0 

Tables VII, VIII, and IX show the effect of soil texture upon 
the same species. 

Table VII shows that for the 12 species considered in the final 
results only one germinated first in the loam culture. Three 
germinated simultaneously in all cultures, three first in the sand, 
and four germinated first in the gravel. Three species had the 
longest germination period in loam, two in sand and 5 in gravel. 

50 Richard H. Boerker 

Tue Errectr or Soil Texture UPON GERMINATION 

FEE EEE | aap eerste 
: ‘ eaas iaaean tw 
: H sate” 
i Hatt 
wan 2, 
* pee tT 
, 4 H 
peeseee a 
Oe ipiseas es : 
: Boece pesssiit 77) 3 
Fic.1. The germination curves of Pinus divaricata. 
: Ts 
ote . 
T : tr 
: merce iste 
: ; 
+ + 
‘Z eH 
7 eae 

Fic. 2. The germination curves of Pinus resinosa. 

Germination of Forest Trees SI 

The two species that stand out as having the greatest germina- 
tion per cent, in the loam are Quercus rubra and Acer rubrum. 
Nine species reached their highest germination per cents. in the 
sand and in this group the following stand out most conspicu- 
ously: Pinus divaricata, Pinus resinosa, Pinus palustris, Pinus 
taeda, and Robinia pseudacacia. Being species of sandy habitats 
it is quite easy to see why they should germinate better in the 
sand. In the gravel, which is a poor moisture retainer, it is in- 
teresting to compare such a drought enduring species like Pinus 
divaricata and such a moisture-loving species like Pinus taeda. 

On page 50 are given the curves for Pinus divaricata and Pinus 


Tue Errect or Soil Texture on GERMINATION 


Species = cul Un =8 Bh 3 ote a8 

1 acta ie ee Bg Ca ipa) | ie 

Pinus ponderosa.......... S.D. to | 32 58.0 8 20 57-5| 8 | 38 | 44.0 
Pinus ponderosa.......... Harney} 14 | 14 52.0 14° 26 45.0) 14, 8 | 13.0 
Pinus ponderosa........ . N.M. | 14 | 40 56.0| 10 26 71.5] 12° 12 | 57.5 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia ... . N.M. | 12 | 26 '63.0! IO 22 70.5} 10 14 | 63.5 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia...... Colo. 12 | 42 91.0 10 38 83.5| 10 44 | 80.0 
AUES CONEOOM... o.oo once cus Colo. 24 | 50 38.0 18 66 51.0) 20 . 48 | 34.0 
PURUS CONTOFIO. 0.0. 2o co. sso ove | Colo. | 14 | 80 22.0 20 66 19.5] 16 | 70 | 40.5 
PINUS PORAETOSE. 6 oo cc ace Mon 18 | 12 10.0 18 48 tI1.0) 18 ieee | 4.0 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia...... Mon I4 ; 34 20.5 12 44 43.0' 12 , 42 44.5 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia...... Idaho | 18 | 30 20:5) 20 54 111.0 16 | 70 | 43.0 
Pimus POMIHOSE, 2 <6 e446 ed | Idaho | 36 | 52 43.0 44 | 52 |59.0 20, 78 | 71.0 
ADS PIONETS oo 5.2% 24 en ee | Idaho | 36 | 36 4.0) 46 | 61 2.0 36 | 30: | 3.0 
Abies lasiocarpa.......... | Idaho | 30 | 30 | 6.0; 0 | 9/0 0! 0 ° 
Pinus monticola.......... ' Idaho | 24 1 50 |22.5' 24 | 50 |11.5 24 50 !13.5 

Table VIII gives the results for the Rocky Mountain species. 
Out of 13 species, 8 germinated first in sand or in gravel, only 
one germinated first in loam, and four germinated simultaneously 
in loam and in sand or gravel. Eight species show a longer 
period of germination in sand or gravel than in loam, and 5 
species show the same length of period in either sand or gravel 
and in loam. Six species show a higher germination per cent. in 


Richard H. Bocrker 

Tue Errect or Soil Texture upoN GERMINATION 


aH a 
Fic.1. The germination curves of Pinus ponderosa (S. D.). 

Fic.2, The germination curves of Pinus contorta, 



Germination of Forest Trees 

Tue Errect or Soil Texture UPON GERMINATION 

The germination curves of Pseudotsuga taxifolia (N. M.). 

The germination curves of Pinus ponderosa (N. M.). 

Fic. 1. 

IG! 2; 

54 Richard H. Boerker 

loam, four in sand, and four in gravel. It is significant to note 
the large number of species in this table that germinate well in 
the gravel. 

On pages 52 and 53 are given the germination curves of Pinus 
ponderosa (S. D.), Pinus contorta, Pseudotsuga taxifoha (N. 
M.) and Pinus ponderosa (N.M.). These curves show that the 
germination usually begins earlier in the sand or gravel, that the 

curve rises more rapidly for these soils and that the oe 
per cent. is usually higher. 

Table IX gives the results for the Pacific coast species. ‘Out 
of 9 species, two germinated first in the loam, the others ger- 
minated first in either the sand or gravel. Three had longest 
germination periods in the loam and six in either the sand or the 
gravel. Only one species, Libocedrus decurrens, showed the 
highest germination per cent. in the gravel, while six species 
germinated highest in the sand. 

On page 55 are given the germination curves of Pinus pon- 
derosa and Pinus jeffreyt both from California. These curves 
show substantially the same facts as those for the Rocky Moun- 
tain species. These curves show that Pinus ponderosa does not 
germinate so well on gravel as does Pinus jeffreyi a fact which is 
significant when it is remembered that the latter will grow on 
much poorer soil than the former. 

Tue Errect or Soil Texture oN GERMINATION 
Pacific Coast Species 

Loam Sand Gravel 

Species dolteol/2S)duldolo§ 3 -§ 

BOAO eS BA) AA eS S| ga eS 
Pinus ponderosa (Califa: sai aninas 42 | 67 | 61.0; 20 | 82 68.01 30 | 20 | 270 
TOMS SOFIE oe soa au ao a win Rrsdrmemee's SL | 77 | 220) 26 | 86 | osm 20 | 86 4 1o:0 
Pinus lambertiana........ 0.000005 70 | 36 | 2.5) 52 | 16 | 9.0] 80 | 18 | 9.0 
ALDIES IAD BNE PLC Oeics ees eegiagese ribo ddan 44 | 52 | 18.0] 96 2 | 3.0; 50 | 48 | 5.0 
EADIEOE EUS CECBIT CIS 6 3 acer acn sees 29 | 73 | Geo) 28 | 58 | r3.5) 28 | GS | 220 
Sequoia washingloniana........... 1G | 28 | Fo) TO | 24 | r6.5| 22 2 | Os 
TSU20 PRODI Bias cee wage emma; 66 I | @.5| 44 | 42 | 3.0) 56 Ohl, ke 
PUCEGISULRENS 1S ix es 8 xia y aap het, F 22 | 60 | 22.5) 18 | 64 | 31.0} 18 | 64 | 24.5 

EGV1H OCCLAEHIGIISS 2.5.5 5 dee recicdans —~—}—o—] myo} omy ey es ce 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia.............. 22 | 28 | 6.0) 38 | 44} §.0) 361 a8 | 60 

Germination of Forest Trees 55 

Tue Errecr or Soil Texture upon GERMINATION 

Fic. 1. The germination curves of Pinus ponderosa (Calif.). 


Ayer ere! FH 




rH fr 


Fic. 2. The germination curves of Pinus jeffreyi. 

56 Richard H. Boerker 

Tables X, XI, and XII give the results of the effect of light, 
soil moisture, and soil texture upon certain groups of species as 
they were classified on page 48. While the foregoing tables 
group the species and the final results on the basis of the geo- 
graphical distribution of the species, these tables divide all species 
into three groups based upon the amount of soil moisture neces- 
sary for germination. The tabulation of the final data on this 
basis is probably more significant than any other that could be 

The data for the xerophilous species are given in Table X. 
The average figures given at the bottom of the table show that 
germination begins first in the dense shade, next in the medium 
shade, and last in the light ; that the germination period is longest 
in the dense shade; that, germination begins last in the dry soil; 
that the germination period is shortest in the dry soil; that 
germination begins first in the gravel and that the shortest ger- 
mination period is in the loam and gravel. Of the 14 species 
given in this table, 13 germinated in the dense shade before they 
did in the open, 9 showed longer germination periods in the dense 
shade than in the open light, 12 germinated in wet soil before 
they did in dry soil, 13 had shorter germination periods in the 
dry soil than in the wet, and 9 germinated in gravel before they 
did in loam. 

Table XI gives the results for the xero-mesophilous species. 
The average figures given in this table show that germination 
begins first in dense shade, next in medium shade, and last in open 
light ; that the germination periods are longest in the medium and 
dense shade; that germination begins last in the medium drv soil; 
that the germination period is shortest in the medium dry soil; 
that germination begins first in the sand or in the gravel; and 
that the germination period is shortest in the gravel. Out of 13 
species listed in this table 9 germinated in dense shade before 
they did in the open, 7 showed longer germination periods in the 
dense shade than in the open light, 12 germinated in the wet soil 
before they did in the medium dry soil, 12 showed shorter ger- 
mination periods in the dry soil and 9 out of 11 germinated first 
in either sand or gravel. 

Germination of Forest Trees 57 

The data for the mesophilous species are given in Table XII. 
The average figures at the bottom of the table show that germina- 
tion began in dense shade, followed by medium shade and open 
light; that the germination period is longest in the case of the 
dense shade; that germination began first in the loam and last in 
the gravel ; and that the germination period was shortest in loam. 
Out of the 10 species listed in this table 7 germinated in the 
dense shade before they did in the open light, 4 out of 8 species 
showed longer germination period in the dense shade than in the 
open light ; and 7 showed shorter germination periods in the loam 
and sand than in the gravel. 

These three groups show exactly the same results so far as 
light and soil moisture go. From the standpoint of soil texture 
there are some interesting results. In the xerophilous species 
germination usually begins in the gravel, in the xero-mesophilous 
species it usually begins in the sand; and in the mesophilous 
species it usually begins in the loam, as the average figures and 
number of species in each case testify. In the xerophilous 
species the germination period is shortest in the loam and gravel, 
in the xero-mesophilous it is shortest in the gravel, and in the 
mesophilous species the period is shortest in the loam. That 
xerophilous species germinate sooner in the sand and gravel than 
in the loam is due undoubtedly to the amount of oxygen in these 
soils. This suggests that oxygen is more necessary for the ger- 
mination of xerophilous species than is the case in mesophilous 
ones. In the mesophilous species germination begins sooner in 
the loam indicating that soil moisture is more necessary to them 
than oxygen. In the case of the light and the soil moisture 
experiments it has been shown that favorable moisture conditions 
lengthen the time of germination. In these cases it was found 
that the shortest periods were in the open light and in the dry 
soil. This same theory is proven in the case of the soil texture 
experiments. It is well known that loam is favorable for ger- 
mination on account of its moisture-retaining properties and that 
gravel is favorable on account of its great amount of aeration. 
Sand is intermediate between these and combines enough of the 
soil moisture property of the loam with the aeration of the gravel 

Richard H. Boerker 


SEE [OSI |oS€ | LLr | gE |S-Lr jovgo€ |orkr | p1xr joel | vof Jorrr lovee | grex | a-ee |S-Lr [eee ‘or saseIIAy 
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SaINadS snojiygosaX AO NOILVNIWUAL) AHL NO a4nj Ha, [10S ANv ‘aanjsropy [0S GyhIT 40 Lada ABI, 



Germination of Forest Trees 

fib gic og fre [Orr | Loz jose iggh jaSt jroz [SSS | |e Ze TOW | LOE Ar ees TLE TER SaSBIsAV 
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60 Richard H. Boerker 

so as to make it an ideal soil for germination. Hence we might 
expect to find the longest germination periods in the sand. The 
average figures show that this is the case in each group of species. 
The shortest periods in every case are either in the loam or the 
gravel because loam is unfavorable from one standpoint and 
gravel from another. 

In comparing the check cultures of the three groups of species 
it will be seen that xerophilous species germinate first, xero- 
mesophilous next, and mesophilous last. In other words the 
drier the habitat the sooner germination starts, granting that the 
conditions are favorable. 


Tue Errect or Light anp Soil Texture oN THE GERMINATION OF Mesophi- 


Light Soil Texture 
Check Medium Dense Check 
Culture Shade Shade Culture Sand Gravel 
Species — “== -- | = ee ee 
an 3 a“ 
gal ge 
PRS FOOD se eben ee 9% 34.) 6 
Catalpa speciosa (Ind.)....;/18 | 1 
QueKCUS TUDT GE... foie Rees 40 |28 
Betula papyrifera........ ea.) Er 
Pinus lamberfiana....... 70 ‘36 
Abies magnifica.......... 44 |52 
Sequoia washingtoniana...|16 |18 
Tsuga heterophylla....... 66 | 1 
PUCCh SURCHSIS sien se 4 x38 22 |60 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia 
OWES) 5 etree ae erases 22 '28 
\ { Ws eae hee 
Averages?............. 35-9 28.6/31.7 27.9130.0 30.1, 38.7 25.5|40.4 27::0)40.7-27:0 

Tables similar to X, XI, and NII were constructed showing the 
effect of these habitat factors upon the germination per cent. of 
the species. This table is not given but the most significant facts 
which it shows are given here and in a later table. It is interesting 
to note that of the 37 species used in the experiments the highest 

2 Catalpa speciosa and Tsuga heterophylla not included in averages of 
light cultures. Catalpa speciosa not included in soil-texture averages. 

Germination of Forest Trees 61 

germination per cent. did not always occur under the influence of 
the same conditions. Considering all factors and all degrees of 
these factors the highest germination per cents. occurred as 

DO POT LTE AB etae esc fetes tia ode arenes alee da eee 3 
TInt sme dium, Shade: a sewsievacas vee seadwa scotia aves Pe essen a 
Dnt dense shade’ scacceswincein ics wacsiics a.ddstsnie sa lasaodacdieminvewieiaeess II 
Dt SEAT Per crsace ath cud yrtnsetsausvelesalpadiava esarateconvovovendnareens ie oaaailela 12 
MEME tase astyeticcanacacesesnavars<ormvegaaniesensdanaeeen anaes meron 4 

AUSO LAL | rst cocoa claps tener eon one eee omen eiere tle ho te 37 

The distribution of these species in the three groups as de- 
termined by soil moisture is not significant. The only interesting 
fact to be found is that no mesophilous species germinated highest 
in the gravel. 

SuMMary OF THE Beginning of Germination By NUMBER OF SPECIES 
Number of Species 
Germinated First in Sthvesmeca Total 
Xerophilous Ghilous Mesophilous 
Oper LIB. 5 ciereerccsr a aise 0.33 | 2533 0.50 Bony 
Medium shade......... BES3 | 2.33 ' I.00 5.67 
Dense shade........... 11.34 8.33 5.50 25.16 
j } 
Totals .ecusyeeanea es 14.00 13.00 7.00 | 34.00 
Soil Moisture 
ID EyASOi 2... wAcauswndnicouslactle 1.33 abke sevens 1:33 
Medium wet soil....... 3.83 0.50 odo, 4.33 
Wie 60h .c nau erasiecmas 8.83 12.50 Sistas 2.34. 
LGtalsis vx ecwseaer hia 14.00 13.00 aria | 27.00 
Soil Texture 
OD abe M Ad wok abies 2.50 ery i e206 | 0% 
Sand. coca 23 eevee 5 4.00 al7 | 3.00 | T207 
Graven Aacacecnmnende 7.50 3.66 | I.50 12.66 
Ota ls sy ecvesene tae evant i 14.00 II.00 | 7.00 l 32.00 

62 Richard H. Boerker 

Tables XIII, XIV, and XV take the same data as presented in 
previous tables but the results are given by number of species 
rather than by average numbers. The number of species in each 
group which performed certain things under certain conditions 
are given without respect to the name of the species. This is 
perhaps a better way of drawing conclusions than to use average 
figures. Each species is counted in its proper column; if a 
species, for example, germinated simultaneously in two cultures 
it counted one half in each column. 

Summary oF THE Length of the Germination Period By NUMBER OF 
Number of Species 
Shortest Germination ial Total 
Herod 10 Xerophilous ee Mesophilous 
Open lights csr e aureceteay 7.00 5.00 2.50 14.50 
Medium shade ........ 4.50 3.00 3.50 : II.00 
Dense shade........... 2.50 5.00 I.00 ; 8.50 
POA eso one Bea a 14.00 13.00 7.00 ' 34.00 
Soil Moisture 
TP GO oc oh ven nmianndeielern 12.00 Fer | 12.00 
Medium dry soil... 2. I.00 I2.00 ah C63 13.00 
Wetesoills. 2 cca wena 1.00 ' 1.00 | apis ; 2.00 
MOtall.y. 3 ste ges iaaintata andes 14.00 13.00 j 27.00 
Soil Texture 

PSA se sh Sich Shek oi pttatntate 3.83 4.00 3.00 | 10.83 
SAN acs aesesetetyapiriorcotresitere 4-33 3.00 2.00 | 9.33 
SANE ircx.sayt asvsitonstieete aieeaed 5.83 4.00 2.00 | 11.83 
Po tall scien ieaighenaesinene 14.00 | II.00 | 7.00 32.00 

Out of 34 species 31 germinated first in either of the two 
shade cultures and only 3 began their germination in the open 
light. The tendency to germinate first in the shade is more 
marked in the case of the xerophilous and the mesophilous species 
and less marked in the xero-mesophilous. Out of 27 species, 

Germination of Forest Trees 63 

over 21 germinated first in the wet soil. In both the xerophilous 
and the xero-mesophilous species the tendency is to germinate 
first in the wet soil. In the experiments on soil texture the 
tendency is for the xerophilous species to germinate first in the 
gravel and sand, for the xero-mesophilous to germinate first in 
the sand, and for the mesophilous species to germinate first in 
the sand and loam. This is a most interesting result, in view of 
the moisture and air conditions in these soils. On the whole the 
tendency is for most of the species to begin germinating in the 
sand and gravel; about 25 out of 32 species began germinating in 
either of these two kinds of soils. In the soil texture data it is 
interesting to compare the germination of xerophilous and meso- 
philous species in the gravel. Such a comparison shows 7.50 
xerophilous species germinated first in the gravel and only 1.50 
mesophilous species. 

From Table XIV it is apparent that out of 34 species 14.5 
showed the shortest germination period in open light and that the 
number of species of this kind decreases as the intensity of the 
light decreases. In other words shade increases the length of the 
germination period. In the soil moisture experiments the 
shortest periods were in 25 species out of 27 found in the dry 
or the medium wet soil. In the soil texture experiment the 
species are very evenly distributed. Loam and gravel, the two 
extreme soils from the standpoint of soil moisture and soil aera- 
tion, show the greatest number of species and the sand culture 
shows the least. This fact is in harmony with the idea that 
favorable conditions, such as we found in the light and the soil 
moisture experiments, lengthen the period of germination. 

Table XV shows that out of 14 drought-enduring species 12 
reached their greatest germination per cent. in the shade; out of 
13 xero-mesophilous species 10 reached their highest per cent. in 
the shade; and out of 8 mesophilous species 7 reached their 
highest per cent. in the shade cultures. Out of a total of 35 
species, 29 germinated highest in the shade cultures. Out of 27 
species tried in the soil moisture experiments 23 germinated 
highest in the wet soil and 4 highest in the medium soil. None 
reached their highest per cent. in the dry soil cultures. Among 

O4 Richard H. Boerker 

the xerophilous species the highest per cents. are in the loam and 
sand, among the xero-mesophilous species the highest per cents. 
are in the sand while in the mesophilous species the highest per 
cents. are in the sand and loam. Out of 34 species, 18.5 ger- 
minated highest in the sand, thus showing the value of this class 
of soil for seed germination. 

SUMMARY OF THE Final Germination Per Cent. By NUMBER OF SPECIES. 
| Number of Species 
Greatest Germination i 
Per Cent in ; Xeromeso- : | Total 
Xerophilous philous Mesophilous | 
ie ca ne 2.00 3.00 1.00 6.00 
Medium shade......... 3.00 7.00 2.50 $2.50 
Dense shades ¢s-¢20g¢a04 9.00 3.00 4.50 I 16.50 
Dt os oc ee eyau umes 14.00 13.00 8.00 35.00 
Soil Moisture 
TI SOM si 6 22 sgnctotueveseuarius 0.00 ds dette 0.00 
Medium wet soil....... 3.00 1.00 en 4-00 
Wie tes Ola sive etecaneceseitenabates II.00 I2.00 ines 23.00 
Otis és ana ccetet as 14.00 13.00 eae 27.00 
Soil Texture 
5 OF 21s, eee ee ae 6.00 1.00 2.50 9.50 
SANG: ses cust ge essed eyacdeauetieud 5.00 8.00 5.50 18.50 
oy er eee 3.00 2.00 1.00 6.00 
Eis: a ancora eaten 14.00 11.00 9.00 34.00 


Following the experiments upon germination, some of the 
species were grown for several months for the purpose of ob- 
taining root and stem measurements. Since damping-off re- 
duced materially the number of seedlings as time went on, the 
number of plants upon which final measurements could be taken 
was naturally reduced. Hence the results are not based upon as 
many measurements as was originally intended. 

Germination of Forest Trees 65 

The species retained for this work were Pinus ponderosa (S. 
D.), Robinia pseudacacia, Quercus rubra, and Pinus strobus. 
Stem and root measurements were taken upon the first three of 
these species and stem measurements only upon the last one. 
Each measurement represents the average of 10 representative 
plants, except in case of Quercus rubra where from 3 to 14 
plants were used depending upon the number available. The 
measurements of the stems of Pinus ponderosa and Robinia 
pseudacacia were taken at two different ages, namely at the age 
of two and three months, but the plants used at the age of three 
months were not the same ones used at the end of two months. 
Hence in the data the three months’ old plants are not necessarily 
larger than the two months’ old plants, although they usually are. 
Root measurements of Pinus ponderosa and Robinia pseudacacia 
were taken at the end of three months. Both stem and root 
measurements for Quercus rubra were taken at the age of five 

The effect of light on stem and root development is shown in 
the following table: 

Tue Errect or Light on Stem AND Root DEVELOPMENT 

Stem Measurements Root Measurements 
P. ponderosa P. strobus | P, ponderosa (3 Mos.) 
2 Mos., 3 Mos,, 2 Mos., Tap, Laterals, 
Cm. Cm. Cm. Cm. Cm. 
Open HONE. sioanee vee ees 2.76 2.59 4.31 5.08 baa 
Medium shade............ 2.90 3313 5.50 5.80 -62 
Dense shade.............- 3-50 6.35 wed stents 
Stem Measurements Root Measurements (Tap) 
R. pseudacacia Q. rubra | Rob. pseud.| Q. rubra 
2 Mos., 3 Mos., 5 Mos., 3 Mos., 5 Mos., 
Cm. Cm. Cm. Cm. Cm. 
Open lighbnn svspsaacalanins 6.00 7.02 9.40 9.64 13.8 
Medi shad@s «0c ansnse 5.80 5.95 20 7,16 10.2 
Dense shade.......------- 5.00 5.52 | 8.00 5.69 10.2 

66 Richard H. Boerker 

From these tables it will be seen that Pinus ponderosa increases 
its length of stem with a decrease in light intensity both at the 
age of two and at three months. This is likewise true for Pinus 
strobus. For Robinia pscudacacia, however, both at the age of 
two and three months, there is a striking decrease in stem height 
with a decrease in light intensity. Quercus rubra behaves the 
same way, except that the length of stem is greater in the medium 
shade than in the dense shade. This development is shown very 
well by the accompanying photographs. 

In the case of all species it is strikingly shown that the length 
of the tap root and the total length of the laterals decrease with 
decrease in light intensity. 

In so far as the stem and its relation to light is concerned it 
is quite evident that hardwoods behave differently from conifers. 
As has been pointed out conifers tend to increase their height 
growth with decrease in light intensity while hardwoods tend to 
decrease this growth with decrease in light intensity. Evidently 
conifers can adapt themselves to these unfavorable light condi- 
tions better than hardwoods. In the hardwoods the reciprocal 
relation of roots and stem in their dependence upon light is strik- 
ingly shown. 

Tue Errect or Soil Depth upon Stem and Root DEVELOPMENT 

Stem Measurements Root Measurements 
Degrees Soil Depth Pinus pond. P. strobus | P. ponderosa (3 Mos.) 
2 Mos., 3 Mos., 2 Mos., Tap, Laterals, 
m. Cm. Cm, Cm. Cm. 
Deep erases ie aseeh asia rlinp asta Sons 18 2.85 2.69 4.35 9.51 7 
MC GiUItis. ctns cin caseagenseliggins 2.96 2.59 4.31 5.93 IsTT 
Shallow swim cuntieiiscedne 2.60 2.68 4.25 3.97 4.61 
Stem Measurements Root Measurements(Tap) 
Degrees Soil Depth R. pseudacacia = Q. rubra | Rob. pseud.| Q. rubra 
2 Mos., 3 Mos., 5 Mos., 3 Mos., 5 Mos., 
Cm, Cm. Cm. Cm, Cm, 
Deep ee 6.45 7:20 6.50 15.55 20.4 
DIA ved oadnuew acy 6.00 7.02 9.40 9.64 13.8 
AON, « v0 4 594 Boy ba een 5.70 6.04 5.90 3.30 6.9 

Germination of Forest Trees 67 

The foregoing tables show the effect of soil depth upon root 
and stem development for the same species and ages of stock. 

In the case of stem development in all species except Quercus 
rubra, the height of the stem increases with increase in soil depth, 
The increase in length between the deep soil and the shallow soil 
is not very great, 7. ¢., in the pines it is never over 0.25 cm. and 
in Robinia it is never over 1.16 cm. In Quercus rubra the 
smallest height growth is in the shallow soil but the greatest 
height growth is in the medium deep soil. It is interesting to 
note that in all cases the greatest total length of stem and root 
together is in the plants grown in deep soil. 

As is to be expected the length of the tap root is materially 
decreased as the soil depth decreases. In Pinus pondcrosa the 
tap root is 24 times longer, in Robinia it is 5 times longer and 
in Quercus it is 3 times longer in the case of the deep soil than in 
the shallow soil. The length of lateral roots was taken only in 
the case of Pinus ponderosa and this species is representative of 
what took place in all the other species. In this species the total 
length of lateral roots increased with decrease in soil depth. In 
the case of Robinia this is strikingly shown in the photographs. 
This indicates that whether a tree has deep-seated roots or super- 
ficial roots depends largely upon the depth of the soil in which 
the tree grows. The terms “ deep-rooted species” and “ shallow- 
rooted species” have therefore only limited significance and the 
real basis for these terms is in most cases the environment. 

In the following table are given the data upon the effect of soil 
moisture upon root and stem development : 

Tue Errecr oF Soil Afoisture upon Stem AND Root DEVELOPMENT 
Conifers and Hardwoods 

Stem Measurements Root Measurements 8 

: int P. Ri 
Dewees Pinus ponderosa| Robinia pseud. eis P. pond. Rad 

2 Mos ,|}2 Mos.,| 3 Mos.,; 2 Mos.,| Tap, Lats) Tap 

‘Ga ee | Ga em | om| om. ) eae | ee 
DEY cs ai onececstvenoidnenghas ae oye 2.60 23 | ce 23 os | 6.004 
Mediums... 4 s.usdewans 1.80 | 2.02 | 4.35 | 3-80 | 3.90 | 7.33 | 2.65 | 7.54 
Wetec wuss se eauiseaarnten 2.76 | 2.59 | 6.00 | 7.02 | 4.3r | 5.03 | 1.11 | 9.64 

3 Age, 3 months. 
4 Age, 2 months. 

68 Richard H. Boerkcr 

In connection with the soil moisture experiments a very in- 
teresting fact was noted. Both Pinus ponderosa and Robima 
pseudacacia wilted on January I, just exactly two months after 
the seeds were sown. The soil moisture at the time was de- 
termined to be 6.6 per cent. It happens that at three different 
times the moisture content was far below this figure. On Oc- 
tober 28 the seeds were sown, on November 7 the moisture 
content was 4 per cent., on the 11th it was 4.6 per cent. and again 
on December 5 it fell to 6.1 per cent. Robinia pseudacacia ger- 
minated first on November 9 and the Pinus ponderosa on No- 
vember 26. It is evident from this occurrence that more mois- 
ture is needed for the early development of the seedlings than is 
necessary for germination. On the oth of January this fact was 
further emphasized. While taking root and stem measurements 
and digging up the seedlings two germinating seeds of Robinia 
were found. The moisture samples taken on this day show 5.7 
per cent. moisture in the dry culture. As a result of this condi- 
tion no stem and root measurements appear in the dry column at 
the age of three months. 

In all species measured the length of the stem decreases with 
diminishing moisture supply and the fact is noted that this de- 
crease is greater in the case of Robinia than it is in the case of 
Pinus ponderosa or Pinus strobus. This indicates the greater 
drought resistance of the conifers as compared to the hardwoods. 

In the case of the root development of Pinus ponderosa it is 
shown that both the tap root and the total length of lateral roots 
increase with diminishing moisture supply. For Robinia the 
result was quite different, for it was found that the length of the 
tap root decreases with diminishing moisture. While Pinus 
ponderosa seems to be able to develop roots to reach the lower 
moisture layers of soil, Robinia is unable to do this. 

The following table gives the results on the effect of soil tex- 
ture upon the development of the stem and roots of these species. 

The greatest length of stem in Pinus ponderosa was found to 
be in the case of the two-months-old seedlings in the loam and the 
next greatest length in the gravel. In the case of the three- 
months-old trees the greatest length was in the gravel and the 

Germination of Forest Trees 69 

next greatest in the loam. In the case of Pinus ponderosa clearly 
the greatest length is either in the loam or in the gravel and the 
shortest length of stem is in the sand. Loam and gravel are, as 
we have seen, quite opposite when it comes to moisture retentive- 
ness, hence the good development of plants grown in gravel must 
be attributed to other properties of gravel, namely, the amount 

Tue Errect or Soil Texture upon Stem AND Root DevELOPMENT 

Stem Measurements Root Measurements 
Degrees _ Be PORTIS: _ P. strobus , P. ponderosa (3 Mos.) 
2 Mos., 3 Mos., 2 Mos., Tap, Laterals, 
Cm. m. Cm. m, Cm. 
LOAM: 4s c:d.n hg, Fig RE 2.76 2.59 4.31 5-93 bie ie 
Sad auais wines deeds s | Bens 2.06 4.80 6.22 94 
Gravels ccede 5 acensacde 2.65 2.70 4.10 7.83 4.01 
Stem Measurements Root Measurements (Tap) 
Degrees R. pseudacacia Q. rubra | Rob. pseud.| Q. rubra 
2 Mos , 3 Mos., 5 Mos., 3 Mos., 5 Mos., 
Cm, Cm. Cm. Cm. cm, 
POR icicle sm oats eeennoes 6.00 | 7.02 9.40 9.64 13.80 
SAH Gees anasta aon eles Pris Ay 4.75 5.90 10.85 15.70 
Gravelecnin ine awe eases 3.80 | 4.25 5-70 LOOTLT 16.00 

of air in the soil. Pinas strobus shows the greatest height growth 
in the sand. Robinia shows the greatest length of stem in the 
loam and the least in the gravel. This is in peculiar contrast to 
Pinus ponderosa. For growth Robinia is evidently more par- 
ticular about soil moisture than about the amount of air in the 
soil. Quercus rubra shows the greatest height growth in the 
loam and the least in the gravel. 

The tap root of Pinus ponderosa is of greatest length in the 
gravel and least in the loam, and the total length of lateral roots 
is greatest in the gravel. This naturally follows from the fact 
that, as has been pointed out before, gravel allows water to 
percolate rapidly and the top layers dry out very soon, hence the 

70 Richard H. Boerker 

plant has to go deep for its moisture. In the cases of Robima 
and Quercus the greatest length of laterals and the greatest 
length of the tap root was found in the sand or gravel, again 
bearing out the fact that sands and gravels are poor soils for 
retaining moisture. 


During the process of counting between 100,000 and 125,000 
seeds of various kinds for these experiments the fact that seeds 
of the same species varied considerably in size came to the 
author’s notice very forcibly. In his experience in the woods as 
well as in seed extracting it was often noted that many factors 
may affect the size of seeds. In general, it may be said that the 
size of the seeds of any one species depends upon one or more of 
the following factors: 

The size of the cone. 

The position of the seed in the cone. 
The development of the cone. 

The age of the tree. 

. The physiological condition of the tree. 
The site upon which the tree grew. 
The climatic variety of the species. 


It is an old experience that large cones produce large seeds 
and small cones small seeds. The seeds at the extreme base and 
the extreme apex of the cone are very often very much smaller 
than in other parts of the cone. External conditions such as 
temperature and moisture, may affect in no small degree the seed 
while it is maturing, thus retarding its morphological develop- 
ment. It has been observed that middle-aged trees produce the 
largest cones and the largest seeds, while very young or very old 
trees usually produce small cones and small seeds. The physio- 
logical condition of the tree may affect the size of the seed. 
Since seed crops are dependent upon the accumulated food in the 
tree, it is reasonable to suppose that a paucity of such food ma- 

Germination of Forest Trees A 

terial will produce smaller seeds than in cases where there is a 
great accumulation. It has been repeatedly shown that after a 
seed year the amount of accumulated food in the medullary rays 
and other food accumulation centers is reduced to a minimum. 
The site upon which the tree grew, naturally, is intimately con- 
nected with the amount of food material available for the embryo 
of the seed. For the same reason the climatic variety of the 
tree probably affects the size of the seed. At least, it is common 
knowledge that the California variety of Pinus ponderosa has 
seeds which may weigh from three to four times as much as 
those of the South Dakota variety. While most of these points 
remain to be proven experimentally, they have been indicated to 
the writer by various experiences and are put forth as interesting 
hypotheses awaiting experimental proof. Whatever the cause of 
the varying size of seeds is, it is quite evident from the amount 
of literature on the subject that this phenomenon has attracted 
considerable attention in recent years both in silviculture and 

That heavier and larger seeds furnish a better germination per 
cent. than light ones has been recognized for a long time by 
European silviculturists. The physiology of germination indi- 
cates that large seeds should succeed better, and repeated ex- 
periments by Bihler, Friedrich, Haack, Eisenmenger, and others 
establish this beyond much doubt. In fact forestry practice 
throughout Europe and especially in Prussia shows that smaller 
seeds produce fewer plants per hectare than larger ones in broad- 
cast sowing. Favorable and unfavorable site and season condi- 
tions produce far less variation in the final results in cases where 
heavy seeds are sowed. 

In 1904 Blumer (22) conducted at the seed laboratory of the 
United States Department of Agriculture a series of tests upon 
certain American species of tree seeds. Pinus ponderosa from 
the Rocky Mountains and Pinus divaricata showed the highest 
germination but Pinus ponderosa from Oregon germinated ex- 
ceedingly slowly, a feature which also characterized Pseudotsuga 
taxifolia from the Pacific Coast. He noted great variation in 
the number of seeds per pound for the same species, especially 

72 Richard EH. Boerker 

for Pinus ponderosa. In the case of this species the difference 
was often as much as 100 per cent.; usually the difference in other 
specie$ did not exceed 50 per cent. Schotte (23), of the Swedish 
Forest Experiment Station, has shown that the size of the seed 
and the size of the cones decrease with increasing age of the tree 
in the case of Scotch pine. The work (24) done on seeds by 
certain forest experiment stations in Europe in 1907 with spruce 
showed that seeds from large cones germinate carlier than those 
from small cones; that the largest cones produce the largest and 
heaviest seeds and hence the largest plants; and that the effect of 
the size of seed upon the life of the plant has been noticed only 
in the first two years of its growth. 

In Busse’s (25) experiments pine seeds were graded by means 
of a Kayser centrifuge into three grades according to weight. 
The heaviest seed made up 68 per cent. of the stock seed, the 
medium weight seed 27 per cent. and the light seed 5 per cent. 
He recommended the first grade for field sowing but said that the 
third grade should not be used. Sprout tests did not show any 
differences in germination results. Centgraf (26) examined 247 
tests of pine seed as to the relation of the weight of 1,000 grains 
to their germination. He failed to find a relation between weight 
and germinative energy or germination per cent. In fact he 
found that the heavier seed averaged a smaJler germination per 
cent. than the light ones. He concluded that the slower germina- 
tion of big sced is probably due to a thicker seed coat of the 
heavier seed which determines in part its weight and which takes 
up water more slowly than thin coats of light seed. Some of 
these results do not agree with the many experiments made by 
foresters in Europe. These tests being made for commercial 
purposes cannot therefore be taken as conclusive. 

While the size and weight of seed has been recognized as a 
factor in germination it also has been recognized as a factor in 
the early development of the seedling as has been indicated in a 
few instances above. One finds statements in regard to this rela- 
tion quite common in silvicultural works but very little material 
to substantiate these opinions. The view held by many writers is - 
summarized very well by Schlich in his A/anual of Forestry 


Germination of Forest Trees 73 

In the case of one and the same species large, heavy seed are better than 
light ones. The former generally possess a greater power of germination 
and the resulting seedlings show a greater power of resistance against 
injurious external influences and a more vigorous development which in 
many species is due to the greater quantity of reserve food materials 
deposited in the seed. This superiority at the first start should not be 
underestimated because it is recognizable long after the seedling stage 
has been passed. In many cases the dominant trees grow out of the seed- 
lings which had the better start. 

The relation of size and weight of seed to germination per 
cent. and later development has been worked out to a much 
greater degree of certainty in the case of agricultural and garden 
seeds than in the case of forest-tree seeds. These facts have 
already been quite firmly established in practice and already 
adopted as a criterion of seed values. There is no reason why 
weight of seed should not play as important a part in selecting 
forest tree seeds as well as agricultural and garden seeds in the 
future, as the source and germination per cent. of those seeds. 

A considerable amount of work has been done by investigators 
upon cereals, regarding the comparative value of heavy and light 
seed used in planting. Most of the work has been done with 
wheat, oats, and barley and the preponderance of evidence is in 
favor of the large seed. The hypothesis upon which this work 
has been based was the fact that, since the weight and size of the 
seed determines largely the amount of food material immediately 
available for the plantlet at the time of germination, it is reason- 
able to assume that these factors might have some influence upon 
the life of the plant and even upon the final crop. 

Early experiments by Hellriegel, Wollny, Marek, and others 
(28) were favorable to the view that seeds of greater size and 
weight generally give more vigorous plants than those smaller 
and lighter. Hellriegel was of the opinion that differences at 
maturity between the product of heavy and light seeds are in- 
tensified when the conditions are unfavorable. Hicks and 
Dabney (28) have made a test of the relative effects of weight 
upon vigor, using many kinds of seeds. In the case of radish, 
vetch, sweet pea, cane, Kafir corn, rye, and oats the total weight 
of the seedlings in each case favored the heavy seed. The differ- 
ences in germination per cent. of light and heavy seed was not 

74 Richard H. Boerker 

conclusive. Only in the case of the corn was there a sufficient 
difference to warrant a conclusion in favor of the heavy seed. 
From the results of these experiments it seems logical to conclude 
that in general more vigorous growth and consequently a better 
stand in the field is secured by employing only the heavier seed. 
The effect of the size and weight of seed on production has been 
with no other plant so extensively studied as in the case of the 
wheat. The majority of results seem to favor the view that large 
and heavy seed are preferable. Zavitz (28) showed that the 
yield in bushels per acre was in favor of the large plump seed. 

Trabut (32) found in the case of tobacco seeds that it was 
possible to affect a separation into heavy and light sorts through 
the capacity of these two kinds respectively to sink and float in 
water. It was found that the heavy seed produced plants which 
were greener, more vigorous, and of larger size. The yield from 
plants from the heavy seed was almost double that of the yield 
from the light seed. Shamel (31) secured results similar to 
these. Careful comparative tests of the light and heavy seeds of 
tobacco have proved that the best developed and most vigorous 
plants are always produced from the large, heavy seed while the 
light seed produce small, irregular and undesirable plants. In 
an experiment with Cuban tobacco seed Shamel found the 
germination of heavy seeds almost perfect while less than five 
per cent. of the light seeds sprouted. The plants from the heavy 
seed grew more rapidly than those from the light seed and 
reached the proper size for transplanting seven to nine days 
earlier than the plants from the light seed. 

In the case of cotton seed, comparative production tests of the 
value of the heavy seed over the usual farm product have been 
made by the U. S. Department of Agriculture (30). The yields 
in pounds on equal areas in South Carolina show the gain from 
the use of heavy seed in two different cases to be 10.9 per cent. 
and 8.25 per cent. respectively. 

Bolley (29) selected large and small grains from the same 
heads of wheat and found that the large grains generally pro- 
duced the largest yields. Waldron (29) found that short wheat 
culms, shortheads, and those with a smaller number of grains 

Germination of Forest Trees 75 

bear on the whole grains of a greater weight. Walls (37), work- 
ing upon the size of the grain and the germ of corn, concludes 
that the heaviest grains do not necessarily have the best ger- 
minating qualities and that plants from the heaviest grains attain 
the greatest weight, other conditions being favorable. Concern- 
ing the size of the germ he finds that the germinating properties 
of the kernels containing different sizes of germs may be equal; 
that the largest, hardiest, and most vigorous plants come from the 
kernels with the large germs; and that the plants from the 
kernels with the largest germs withstand the drought best. He 
says in the selection of corn, in order to insure a good stand and 
a large yield none but the large germed kernels should be used. 

Harris (33, 34, 35) working on the differential mortality with 
respect to seed weight of beans and peas secured similar results, 
though in a different way. In the case of peas about 1,000 seeds 
from each of ten early varieties were weighed and planted. In 
seven cases out of ten the total weights of the seeds which ger- 
minated was higher than the total weights of the seeds which did 
not germinate. Cummings (38) worked with numerous kinds of 
garden seeds. He quotes numerous investigators who worked on 
corn, oats, wheat, sugar beets, cotton, and beans and practically 
all the results show an increased yield through the use of large 
seeds. He himself worked with squash, pumpkin, lettuce, 
spinach, parsley, radishes, beans, garden peas, and sweet peas. 
Here too the results were almost without exception in favor of 
the large seeds. Not only were the resulting yields larger and 
heavier but in most cases the yield was earlier. In the case of 
the radishes the large seeds produced more uniform crops one 
week earlier than the small seeds. Sweet peas showed earlier 
blossoming, a larger total yield of blossoms and a larger number 
of blossoms of good quality. On the whole the permanent ad- 
vantages accruing from large seeds are a larger and greater 
number of leaves, flowers and fruits. 

Present Investigations 

Having on hand several climatic varieties each of Pinus pon- 
derosa and Pseudotsuga taxifolia, I was prepared to determine 

76 Richard H. Bocrker 

the effect of size upon germination per cent, for many varicties 
of the same specics. This study would also bring out some 
interesting relations between these varietics, as for example, cor- 
relating the size and weight of the seed with the site upon which 
the trees grew. 

The largest and the smallest seeds were separated from the 
stock seed and counted, weighed, planted and carefully labelled. 
Of each variety of Pinus ponderosa 500 seeds were used except 
in the case of the California varieties. Due to the scant supply 
of these only 200 seeds of each of these were used. In the case 
of the Pseudotsuga taxifolia 200 seeds of each variety were used. 
\fter germination began counts were taken every other day. 
The tables below give the size of the seeds, weight of 500 seeds, 
the number of seeds per pound, the final germination per cent., and 

Pinus ponderosa 

! Total Final Per Cent 
Source or Variety sie | Sta: |“exee| Soak. | Ce | ier 
' , Cent Seeds 

South Dakota. ... 04s Small 3-5 | 10.065 22,530 50.6 

Large 5-9 | 20.720 IT,000 53-6 3.0 
Harney, N. Fi, 3. De 2.) Small 4-6 ; 10.845 20,900 25.0 Ae 

Large 6-9 | 20.720 II,000 | 40.2 15 
Bitterroot, N. F., Mon. Small 5-8 19.050 I1I,900 7.6 led 

Large 8-II | 30.400 7,450 8.0 Ud 
Weiser, N. F., Idaho...}| Small 4-7 17.100 13,250 60.0 ee 

Large 7-10 | 29.540 7,650 84.8 24.8 
Pecos, N. F., N. M....| Small 4-7 16.150 14,000 65.2 pees 

Large 7-9 23.470 9,650 73h 8.2 
California....... cacea| Stall J-II 35.500 6,350 63.5 nse 

Large | 11-14] 67.000 3,385 7325 10.0 
PPO POU stake go ae gine Small y-10}; 26000" 8,725 8.0 | bis 

Large |10-14' 77.600 2,900 84.0 76.0 

Pseudotsuga taxifolia 

Caribou, N.F., Idaho. .; Small Bs 6.040 | | 32.5 

Large on 8.290 | ed | ao.5 | 10.0 
Pecos, N.F.,N.M.....; Small me 5.450 , | 65.0)... 

Large... 7.850 69.0 | 4.0 
Washington.......... Small, .. 3-780 16.5 | 

Large sey 6.450 . , 16.0 | —0.5 
ColOradGie ric: on exes aaie Small i... 3:750° | -xex. ~“boqor0' | shes 

Large... 6.980 | ...  . 88.0 | 9.0 
Madison, N.F.,Mon...| Small | .. a:350) | ee | 43.5 Ries 

Large eee 6.630 tee | Soca | 6.5 

Germination of Forest Trees 77 

the per cent. in favor of the large seeds. In converting grams 
to pounds it was assumed that 453.6 grams equals one pound. 
The germination period for Pinus ponderosa was 120 days and 
for Pseudotsuga taxifolia 100 days. 

From these tables it will be seen that in every variety of Pinus 
ponderosa the final germination per cent. is in favor of the large 
seeds. In the case of Pseudotsuga tarifolia every variety except 
one shows a final per cent. in favor of the large seeds. 

It is well known that there are defini imatic differences 
between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific coast. The most 
conspicuous proof of this is in the flora of these regions. In 
general the Pacific coast is inhabited by relatively mesophilous 
vegetation, especially near the coast, while the vegetation of the 
Rocky Mountains is more xerophilous in nature. Again, the 
Rockies themselves show marked differences in this very respect 
in travelling from south to north and from east to west. 

Probably the best way of studying the effect of great climatic 
vartations upon vegetation is to use polydemic species such as we 
are considering here. Pinus ponderosa and Pscudotsuga taxi- 
folia are conspicuous examples of this class of species. It is 
well known that both these species reach a better development on 
the Pacific coast than in the Rocky Mountains. It is likewise 
well known that they reach a far better development in the 
northern Rockies than in the southern. As a proof of this we 
have but to go to volume tables of these species in the I!”oods- 
man’s Handbook by Graves and Ziegler. In the case of Pinus 
ponderosa three tables are given, one for the Black Hills, one for 
Arizona, and one for California and Montana. In studying 
these tables it will be seen that the maximum heights and 
maximu i rs_an d maximum. heights_for 
a given diameter increase steadily in going from the Black Hills 
to California. In the case of the Deuglas Br the Game thing is 
true in considering the volume table for Idaho and Wyoming 
and that for Washington and Oregon. In the order of their 

favorability for tree growth, as manifested by these species these 
regions arrange themselves in the following order, the least favor- 

able being given first : 

78 Richard H. Boerker 

Black Hills 

Arizona and New Mexico 

Colorado and Wyoming 

Idaho and Montana 

Washington, Oregon, and California. 

It is a striking fact in the case of Pinus ponderosa that the 
size and weight of the seed and their manner of germination 
follow exactly this same order. The smallest seeds come from 
the Black Hills and New Mexico and the largest from California ; 
the total weight of 500 seeds is least in the case of the Black 
Hills variety and greatest in the California variety, hence the 
number of seeds per pound is greatest in the former and smallest 
in the latter variety. Furthermore, germination begins sooner, 
the germination period is shorter and the germination curve rises 
more rapidly in the case of the South Dakota and New Mexico 
variety than in the case of the Pacific coast variety. Some of 
these striking relations between seeds and site are also shown by 
Pseudotsuga taxifolia. This species shows all these relations 
except those of weight of seed and number of seeds per pound. 
There seems to be no definite relation in this respect. 

On page 79 the germination curves of the climatic varieties of 
Pinus ponderosa and Pseudotsuga tavifolia are given and they 
illustrate very forcibly what has been said above concerning the 
behavior of these curves. 

In order to determine the effect of the size of the seed upon 
the size of the seedling shortly after germination, the seedlings 
were dug up very carefully as they were counted and taken to the 
laboratory and measured. The total length of the hypocotyl and 
tap root was taken in each case, the seed being excluded from the 
measurement. These measurements were kept separate for the 
small and large seeds and the results are given below: 

Pinus ponderosa (Idaho)—Age, 2 Days 
200 seedlings from small seeds averaged ............... 3.07 cm. 
200 seedlings from large seeds averaged ............... 3.90 cm. 

These 400 seedlings were classified according to their total length 
as follows: 


Germination of Forest Trees 

Tue Errect or Climatic Varietics UPON GERMINATION 

The germination curves of Pinus ponderosa. 

Fie. 2. 

ey” t ee Te t saat t t! SCMRCESE (NEEggeeE n 
rite HO et HY a 
i eeidosstat EE: | s coon dened feaeeea 
geet i 
i rt jee 
a = sai We — 
FreiteteiHRn: = Farad 
Ht AH & 
cy HS 
2 § 
°° aaa SeERRee 
ac) Ho 
ry aa 
n ee 
=| NH seag 
iS) janeel 
& anna rt n 
iS) i 
ty : 
a eoeseues HaEeReee! + 
on 1 a 
+ +4 1 roy ttt :) +: 
H Hy H ts 4 
a at 

80 Richard H. Boerker 

Seedlings from Seeds 

Size, Cm. Small Large 
O05. nein nnceane acautealemvaccaue oe 2 o 
O.O2110) eiitemaasaa den ddiamabaarnteisces 10 o 
MST TaB aayncenee hice iste ascends 17 6 
TODO). ns cPacercnann augvacnnanecayeens OR oyesers 26 14 
MGS! WACK A ee nasiikem eee was 24 19 
BIOL ON Adunvawalaenamhitanilemamcmedes 25 25 
SPER) A tat eecrencesed cater cadattoeacn ea salons 30 26 
SO-AO: Sexonsams teeneseosinnastunnes aie 23 31 
BNrES. Gils taancs ee cuusiactiaiea dee 1S ig 
BOAGO™ aicesssccen in acrsacuecattianioneatemweg II 15 
GubS5 iS: | auganenoinns caida maetunalatas 8 13 
SOOO) - etaatemscu mena wane eet 4 12 
Os AGiSt — ne acamare cniticwa dasa ates 3 9 
DIORA FEO palsissaotexsecincrcsstosacaboui inside sda tanec’ is) 8 
ALT AG). Hisar ehahasevesasav eh ico lees orgeesedengnans See te) 2 
POH=SiO © talerrercrren saints Riera scusmeme es I 2 
BIBS aniancsdssogdierwe veeeee I fa) 
OOO) dauts iesntevin ath ceaducuie aoanagitaasaodanehegehaea I I 
Motall.. <nccncuansiarookoractncass 200 200 

It will be seen that most of the plants from the small seeds fall 
between the limits 0.6 and 5.0 while most of the plants from the 
large seeds fall between the limits 1.6 and 6.0. In other words a 
greater per cent. of small plants were found among the plants 
that germinated from the small seeds. The average difference 
in size of 200 plants of each kind was 0.84 cm. in favor of the 
plants from the large seeds. 

The measurements taken for another climatic variety of Pinus 
ponderosa were as follows: 

Pinus pondcrosa (South Dakota)—Age, 4 Days 

35 seedlings from small seeds averaged ............00005 4.6 cm. 
51 seedlings from large seeds averaged .................. 5.6 cm. 

Here there is a difference of 1.0 cm. in favor of the seedlings 
from the large seeds. 

Similar measurements were taken in the case of Pseudotsuga 


Pseudotsuga taxifolia (New Mexico)—Age, 4 Days 
100 seedlings from small seeds averaged ................ 3.58 cm. 
100 seedlings from large seeds averaged ................ 4.27 cm. 

Germination of Forest Trees 81 

These 200 seedlings were classified according to their total length 
as follows: 

Seedlings from Seeds 

Size, Cm, Small Large 
WHOIS sete ack antec doneealaeelaindddaduats 0 to) 
OLOATEO oan bleach beesanpne a Mee DEAR oO oO 
TISIG, - giv cvoncnmncraneenatadaannants I oO 
TIOS2iO! + sani ie oct amaee ts ehaaua ones 9 3 
BIOS cui nes temas 4s A 9 
BOBO nasddesss ween earecrs s 20 8 
BOTERUG eect tisuas is esrn ean aemieaaeas 19 074 
BIO AO: iaseisidnaien cis toard scutes moe naan 12 12 
BDA ALS  seceetcnasicbr css eesee whens banengenicataninrs 10 IZ 
AOZO cnewiatcassh veers as II 12 
GHSSlS) wacxennedwner cer weraeaeaes 5 II 
GOROO oeshaccs hn ohaiciuhas eacenses 5 a 
OTA ~ ranesidatuale Sad 8.455 ditativatnseanne I 6 
OIG 2770! scncansnoaincasien a wena rman antes (a) 2 
TARTS: aia cicteennhen nee aek mane cunats fe) I 
Total: execs coke ween. T00 100 

It will be seen from this table that most of the seedlings from 
the small seeds fall between the limits 2.6-5.0 while most of the 
seedlings from the large seeds fall between the limits 3.1-5.5. 
Just as in the case of Pinus ponderosa above we see that the 
greater per cent. of small seedlings are found among the seedlings 
that germinated from small seeds. The average difference in 
size of 100 plants of each kind is 0.69 cm. in favor of the plants 
from large seeds. 

The measurements taken for another climatic variety of Pseu- 
dotsuga taxifolia were as follows: 

Pseudotsuga taxifolia (Colorado)—Age, 4 Days 

31 seedlings from small seeds averaged ...............4- 3-4 cm. 
76 seedlings from large seeds averaged ..............04. 3.9 cm. 

Here again there is a difference of 0.5 cm. in favor of the large 
seeds. In comparing Pseudotsuga taxifolia with Pinus ponderosa 
it is found that the size of the seed makes a greater difference in 
the case of the latter species than in the case of the former. Also, 

82 Richard I!. Boerker 

the difference in both cases is greater for the variety that comes 
from the drier climate, that is, the South Dakota variety of Pinus 
ponderosa shows a greater difference than the Idaho variety and 
the New Mexico variety of Pseudotsuga taxifolia shows a greater 
difference than the Colorado. The data here presented upon this 
phase of the problem, however, are not sufficient to warrant 


I. The Effect of Habitat Factors upon Germination 

— 1. Shade decreases cvaporation and transpiration and thereby 
increases the Soil-moisture content of the superficial soil layers. 
This increase in soil moisture content is best shown by the ac- 
companying diagram. This conclusion agrees with the results 
obtained by Stewart and Hasselbring who grew tobacco in shade 

2. Shade accelerates geriination, that is seeds germinate 
sooner in the shade than in the light. This acceleration is die 
to the increase in soil-moisture content spoken about above. 


, | 

Ope medrun? dese 
light Shade shade 

Diagram showing soil moisture content in the three light cultures. 

Germination of Forest Trees 83 

Burns reached the conclusion that shade reduces the temperature 
of the soil and delays germination. Evidently there is a delicate 
balance between soil moisture and soil temperature, so that a 
slight deficiency in either might delay the germination process. 
In Burns’s case the temperature of the soil was so low, that in 
spite of the fact that there was sufficient soil moisture, germina- 
tion was delayed. In the present investigations soil temperature 
was kept at an optimum and measured differences in soil moisture 
were sufficient to result in an acceleration of germination in the 
shade cultures. One unfortunate fact about Burns’s work was 
that he failed to take into account soil moisture. In his experi- 
ments it must be assumed that there was sufficient soil moisture 
for germination. But there is nothing in his report which does 
not indicate that there was too much soil moisture. The recip- 
rocal relation between soil temperature and soil moisture is well 
known. Furthermore there is an intimate relation between soil 
moisture and soil aeration and germination. Such factors as 
these were evidently not taken into account to explain the delay 
in germination in the experiments cited. 

3. Shade increascs the length of the germination perioc. This 
bears out to a certain extent Pittauer’s experiments which showed 
that germination proceeds more rapidly in the light than in the 

4. The germination curve of seeds sown in the shade rises more 
rapidly than the curve of seeds sown in the light. This con- 
clusion does not agree with the results obtained by Pittauer. 

5. The final germination per cent. is usually higher in the case 
of seeds sown in the shade than those sown in the light. This 
conclusion, based upon abundant evidence, is not in accord with 
some work done by Atterberg which showed a greater germina- 
tion per cent. in the presence of light than in the absence of it. 

—- 6. Light plays absolutely no part in the geritination of tree 
seeds; in fact shade has been found to be exceedingly beneficial 
to germination, other factors being equal. In the work carried 
on by Burns already referred to, there are at least two state- 
ments that a certain amount of light is necessary for satisfactory 
germination. Whether he means to imply by the term “ light” 

84 Richard EH. Boerker 

merely the luminous energy or the heat energy of the sun or both 
is difficult to say. Asa general thing it is impossible to have light 
energy without a certain amount of heat energy, but heat and 
light affect plants so differently that the final cffect of these 
factors is easily recognized. It is important to keep these two 
concepts separate in order to avoid confusion. Graves also makes 
the statement that light is necessary for the germination of 
Western White pine. It is inconceivable how luminous energy 
can play any part in germination, especially when the seeds are 
below the ground; it is likewise difficult to conceive what possible 
effect light could have if it did reach the seed. 

7. An inadequate supply of soil moisture delays germination. 

8. .\n inadequate supply of soil moisture decreases the length 
of the germination period. 

g. A lack of soil moisture decreases the final germination per 

10. The germination curves of seeds sown in wet soil rises 
much more rapidly than that of seeds sown in dry soil. 

11. Xerophilous species begin germination first, xero-meso- 
philous germinate Jater, and mesophilous germinate last. 

12. The germination period of xerophilous species is shorter 
than that for either the xero-mesophilous or the mesophilous 

13. In xerophilous species germination is accelerated in the 
gravel and sand; in mesophilous species it is accelerated in loam 
and sand. In general germination is accelerated in sand and 
gravel due not to the amount of soil moisture in these soils (see 
accompanying diagram) but to the amount of oxygen in the soil. 

14. The germination period is longest in the sand. 

15. The germination per cent. is usually highest in the sand. 

16. The rise of the germination curve of seeds sown in sand 
is usually more rapid than of seeds sown in loam or gravel. 

17. According to the table on page 29 of this report the volume 
of air space in a given volume of soil is about 39 per cent. for 
gravel, 33 per cent. for sand, and 53 per cent. for loam. In the 
accompanying diagram is shown the amount of capillary water in 
these soils at the time of watering and twenty-four hours later, 


Germination of Forest Trees 85 

This diagram shows very strikingly the water retaining capacity 
of these three soils. Not only do sand and gravel hold less mois- 
ture at the time of watering but they lose a much greater per 
cent. of it in the course of twenty-four hours than does loam. 






leant Sand gra ve/ 

Diagram showing: 
soil moisture per cent. at time of watering; 
soil moisture per cent. twenty-four hours later. 

When we consider the amount of air space in these soils and the 
amount of soil moisture each retains, the fact that loam usually 
contains a great deal of moisture and very little air space and that 
gravel contains very little moisture and a great volume of air 
space is very strikingly shown. 

86 Richard H. Boerker 

II. The Effect of Habitat Factors upon Stem and Root 

1. Pinus ponderosa and Pinus strobus show increased height 
growth with diminishing light intensity. This conclusion bears 
out the results secured by Nikolsky who worked with pine and 
spruce and Burns who worked with Pinus strobus. On the other 
hand Badoux showed that pines decrease their height growth 
with increasing shade; but these trees were grown to a height of 
about six feet while Nikolsky and Burns experimented with much 
smaller stock. 

2. Robinia pseudacacia and Quercus rubra show a decrease in 
height growth with diminishing light intensity. 

3. Pinus ponderosa shows a decrease in length of tap root and 
in total length of laterals with diminishing light intensity. These 
results again bear out the conclusions of Nikolsky and Burns. 

4. Robinia pseudacacia and Quercus rubra show a decrease in 
length of tap root and total length of lateral roots with decreased 
light intensity. 

5. Pinus ponderosa, Robinia pseudacacia, Pinus strobus, and 
Quercus rubra show increased height growth with an increase in 
soil depth. 

6. Pinus ponderosa, Robinia pseudacacia, Pinus strobus, and 
Quercus rubra show an increase in length of tap root but a 
decreased development of lateral roots with increased depth of 

7. Pinus ponderosa, Robinia pseudacacia, and Pinus strobus 
show a decrease in height growth with a decrease in the soil 
moisture supply. 

8. Pinus ponderosa shows an increase in length of tap root 
and an wicrease in total length of lateral roots with diminishing 
soil moisture content. 

9. Robinia shows a decrease in length of tap root with a de- 
crease in soil moisture supply. 

10. Pinus ponderosa shows the greatest height growth in the 
loam and gravel, but Pinus strobus shows the greatest height 
growth in the sand. 

it. Robinia psendacacia and Quercus rubra show the greatest 

Germination of Forest Trees 87 

height growth in the loam and the least in the gravel. Compar- 
ing this conclusion with No. 10 it is interesting to see that the 
conifers do well in either sand, loam or gravel, but that the hard- 
woods do best in loam only. 

12. Pinus ponderosa, and Quercus rubra show the greatest 
length of tap root and greatest length of lateral roots in the gravel 
and the shortest length in the loam; Robinia pscudacacia shows 
the greatest length of tap root in the sand and least in the loam. 
In other words, root development is usually greatest in the gravel, 
and least in the loam. This conclusion agrees in part with 
Tolsky’s results that pine in black soils develop vertical roots but 
in sand develop a greater spread of lateral roots. 

13. As far as height growth goes it is evident that pines, on 
account of their greater drought resistance, may grow as well in 
sand or gravel, or even attain a greater height in sand or gravel 
than in loam; while hardwoods which prefer moister soils grow 
best in loam. That root development is greatest in gravel is due 
undoubtedly to the fact that water quickly percolates through this 
soil and hence the roots have to go deep for the moisture. 
Reference to the diagram on page 85 will bring out these rela- 
tions more clearly. 

Ill. The Relation of Size and IVcight of Seed to Germination 
and Early Development. 


1. Large seeds of Pinus ponderosa and Pscudotsuga taxifolia 
produce a higher final gerinination per cent. than small seeds. 
This conclusion contradicts the results of Busse and Centgraf 
who found no relation between size of seeds and germination per 
cent., but it proves the contentions of many old silviculturists 
that large seeds produce a higher germination per cent. 

2. At the age of from 2 to 4 days large seeds of Pinus pon- 
derosa and Pseudotsuga tavifolia produce larger seedlings than 
small seeds. This conclusion proves at least in part Schlich’s 
statement on page 73 concerning the use of large seeds in plant- 
ing and nursery work and bears out the contentions of practicing 
foresters in Europe that large seeds should be used in field 
sowing. This conclusion likewise agrees with the mass of evi- 
dence collected in connection with many cereal and garden vege- 

88 Richard H. Boerker 

table seeds, namely that the use of large seeds results in a better 
all round later development and a greater final crop. 

3. The Rocky Mountain varieties of Pinus ponderosa produce 
smaller seeds, their germination begins carlier, their germination 
period is shorter, and their germination curves rise much more 
rapidly than in the case of the Pacific coast varieties of this 

4. Except for the size of the seed, the same relations hold for 
the Rocky Mountain and Pacific coast varieties of Pseudotsuga 
taxifolia. Blumer noted the slow germination of Pinus pon- 
derosa and Pseudotsuga taxifolia from the coast and he also 
noted the great difference in size of the seed of Pinus ponderosa. 
These observations are corroborated. 


1. Clements, F. E. Research Methods in Ecology, Lincoln, 190s. 

2. Zon, R., and Graves, H. S. Light in Relation to Tree Growth. U. S. 
Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Bul. 92, 1911. 

3. Hasselbring, H. The Effect of Shading on the Transpiration and 
Assimilation of the Tobacco Plant in Cuba. Bot. Gaz., 57, 1914. 

4. Stewart, J. B. Effects of Shading on Soil Conditions. U. S. Dept. 
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Germination of Forest Trees 89 

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Fic. 1. View of the interior of the greenhouse, showing cultures and 

Fic. 2. View of the interior of the greenhouse, showing cultures and 
the cheesecloth tent used for the dense shade experiments. 


Tue Errect or Light upon Earty DEVELOPMENT 

Fic. 1. The effect of light upon the development of Pinus ponderosa 
(S.D.). Ten plants each (1) grown in open light, (2) grown in medium 
shade. % natural size. 

2. 3 

Fic. 2. The effect of liyit upon the development of Robinia pseudacacia. 
Three plants each (1) grown in open light, (2) in medium shade, (3) in 
dense shade. 3% natural size. 

Tue Errecr or Soil Depth upon Earty DrveLopMENT 

Fic. 1. The effect of soil depth upon the development of Minus pon- 
derosa (S. D.). Ten plants grown (1) in deep, (2) in medium, and (3) 
in shallow soil. ™% natural size. 

Fic. 2. The effect of soil depth upon the development of Robinia pseu- 
dacacia. Three plants each (1) grown in shallow, (2) in medium, (3) 10 
deep soil. 1; natural size. —_ 

Missing Page 


Tue Errect or Soil Texture upon Earty DEVELOPMENT 

Fic. 1. The effect of soil texture upon the development of P/nus pon- 
derosa (S. D.). Ten plants each (1) grown in loam, (2) grown in sand, 
(3) grown in gravel. % natural size. 

po ¥ 

1 we 


Fic. 2. The effect of soil texture upon the development of Robinia pseu- 
dacacia, Three plants each (1) grown in loam, (2) grown in sand, (3) 
in gravel. ¥ natural size. 


Richard Hans Boerker, born October 19, 1887, Brooklyn, N. 
Y.; prepared for college at Boys’ High School, Brooklyn, N. Y.; 
received A.B. degree from Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., 
in 1909; graduate student in forestry at the University of Mich- 
igan, IQO9-IQII, receiving the degree of M.S. in forestry in rgrt. 

Engaged in private forestry work in New York and Michigan 
at various times; forester in the United States Forest Service in 
Colorado in 1910, and in California from 1911-1914 engaged in 
forest reconnaissance, silvical, and silvicultural work. 

Graduate student in botany and silvics and Fellow in Botany 
at the University of Nebraska 1914-1915, receiving Ph.D. degree 
in 1915. Since 1915 in charge of a private forestry enterprise 
in New York State. . 

Author of numerous articles on forestry subjects, 1907-1915; 
member of Sigma Xi; American Association for the Advance- 
ment of Science; American Forestry Association; Canadian 
Forestry Association; and the Ecological Society of America.