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A Collection of Cookery Recipes 


La(fy Savill 


James B. Herndon, Jr. 


School of Hotel 
A dministration 


Ecneaicstis uenedicat / 

3 1924 000 700 843 

The original of tliis book is in 
tine Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
the United States on the use of the text. 

^^ Benedictus Benedicat '' 

These recipes, many of which are old family ones, 
are meant for the ordinary household and upon examination 
will not he found to he extravagant : hut care and intelli- 
gence, together with a good dash of greediness, are really 
necessary for good results. 

So may it he. 

Helen W. Savill. 

The least annoyance when I 
am fasting seizes and over- 
whelms me; hut when 1 have 
enjoyed a dinner, my heart is 
Jirm and steadfast. — Moliere. 


A delicious cold sweet can be made by using 3 eggs, $02. 
gelatine, Jib. granulated sugar and i lemon. 

Beat sugar and yolks of egg weU untU you get a good cream, 
then add the grated rind and juice of the lemon. Melt the 
gelatine in i gill of hot, but not boiling, water, and strain into the 
yolk mixture and beat until it becomes quite thick. Whisk the 
whites of the egg until they become very stiff and then fold into 
the mixture, pour into a glass dish. Make this, only just before 


^Ib. of dried apricots, \Vd. castor or granulated sugar, 2 
tablespoonfuls of gelatine, 2oz. sweet almonds. 

Wash the apricots very thoroughly in cold water, then put 
into a bowl of warm water untU just covered and let them stand 
for twenty-four hours. Next day put fruit and liquor in a stew- 
pan and let come slowly to the boil, add the sugar and cook for 
ten minutes or untU the sugar has quite dissolved. Melt the 
gelatine in a cup with a little of the juice and add when the 
mixture has cooled a little. Rub some smaJl moulds with a Uttle 
oU, or butter, decorate with chopped blanched almonds and fill 
with the apricot mixture. Put in a cool place to set and turn out 
in the usual way. 

Make a short pastry crust in the usual way and cut out and 
line an enamel or tin plate. You will want 2 large cooking apples, 
I teacup of sugar, 2oz. of margarine, i egg and the grated rind 
and juice of a lemon. Melt the butter, add the egg well beaten, 
the sugar and lemon and the apples, peeled, cored, and chopped. 
Pour on to the pastry and bake in a moderate oven until the 
pastry is done and looks golden. 

Joz. gelatine, | gill water, 6 apples, 6oz. sugar, 2 whites of egg, 
I teaspoonful lemon juice. Bake the peeled apples, then sieve 
them. Put in the sugar, lemon juice, and dissolved gelatine. 
When cold, beat the whites of the eggs very stiffly. Whisk all 
up together and pUe up in a glass dish. Decorate with some 
glacee cherries. The yolks of the eggs can be made into a 
custard to serve with it. 


The ingredients needed are : lib. of cooking apples, peeled 
and cored, and chopped, i tablespoon of margarine, i teacup flour, 
I teacup sugar, i teacup of hot water, i egg, 3 teaspoons baking 
powder. Stew the apples in a very little water with some of 
the sugar. When cooked put into a pie dish and keep hot. 

Cream the butter and rest of sugar, sift the flour in gradually. 
Mix the baking powder with the water and add to the batter, 
then pour this over the stewed apple and bake in hot oven for 
half an hour. 


Peel lib. of Jerusalem artichokes and drain them on a cloth. 
When quite free from any water, rub through a wire sieve. Add 
loz. of very fine white bread crumbs. Season with pepper, 
salt and grated nutmeg to taste, add the yolks of 4 eggs, beat 
well, and then stir in the stiffly beaten whites of 2 eggs. Drop 
I tablespoonful at a time of this into a pan of boiling fat, fry a 
golden brown ; or, fill some small souflee cases and bake for 10-15 
minutes in a very hot oven. 


Here are 3 asparagus dishes suitable for lunch — two hot and 
one cold. 

Cook some asparagus and drain well. Cut the green tops 
into equal-sized bits and put into a saucepan with a Httle butter. 

Season with pepper and salt and keep hot. Now take as many 
eggs as there are persons to serve ; Ughtly beat them and season, 
make into buttered eggs in the usual way and when they are 
about to thicken, add the asparagus heads. Mix aU together 
and place on rounds of buttered toast. AU must be very hot. 


You must cut the heads of the asparagus very evenly into 
pieces the size of a large pea and put them into salted boiling 
water. Just before they are quite cooked, drain with a iish slice, 
holding a cloth underneath it to absorb any water and put them 
into a saucepan in which you have melted about i tablespoon 
of butter. Season with a pinch of sugar, salt and pepper. 
Make a sauce with a tablespoon of flour mixed with some chicken 
or veal stock and cook for about five to six minutes. Take the 
yolks of 4 eggs or allow one to each person to be served, beat 
them and add gradually. Mix in the hot asparagus tops and 
butter, place on a fireproof dish and serve immediately or the 
eggs wiU become too much cooked. Hand bread and butter 
rolled up. 


Lightly oil a soufl^e dish. Boil the asparagus and separate 
all the soft part from the stalks and pass through the sieve. 
Make the preparation for the souflee by putting loz. butter into 
a small saucepan, let it melt and add a good teaspoon of flour. 
Let it cook a few minutes, add just sufficient milk to make it 
into a creamy looking sauce, let it come to the boil, draw it to one 
side, season with pepper and salt and then add the asparagus 
puree and mix all well. Whilst it is cooking, beat up i giU. of 
cream and the whites of 2 eggs untU very stiff ; add these when 
the other mixture is almost cold. Pour into a china souffle dish 
and put in the Frigidaire to freeze. 


^oz. gelatine, f pint stock or water, J cup of water, i table- 
spoonful vinegar, 5 cloves, | lemon, both juice and thinly peeled 
rind, 2 shces of onion, bouquet of mixed herbs. 

Dissolve the gelatine in hot water, put all ingredients, except 
dissolved gelatine, into the stock in a saucepan, beat until boiling, 
then add gelatine and let cool a little. Strain through a cloth. 
Pour into a mould and set in the Frigidaire. 


Peel and core some good cooking apples. They should be all 
of a size. Fill up the holes with mincemeat. Mix in a cup. 
I tablespoonful of golden syrup with a little water and i table 
spoonful of brandy. Pour this over ; see that some goes into the 
mincemeat ; and bake in a moderate oven for about ^ hour. 


Wash ^Ib. dried apricots and then put in a basin, just cover 
them with water and leave to soak aU night. The next day 
stew them in the same liquor until they are very tender. Lay 
them in the dish in which they are to be served. Whip together 
} pint of cream with i dessertspoonful of honey, add the juice of 
an orange gradually and then the stiffly-beaten white of an egg, 
pile this on top and dust over with a little coloured sugar. 


^oz. gelatine, | pint stewed apricots (if dried ones, they must 
be put to soak the night before and stewed early the next day). 

1 pint of cream, J pint hot water. Dissolve the gelatine in hot 
water. Rub stewed apricots through the sieve, then put the 
gelatine to them in a bowl. When it begins to set whip up the 
cream stiffly and fold in. Turn into a mould and put in a very 
cool place to set and serve with whipped cream round the base. 


Peel and core 4 or 5 large cooking apples and cook slowly 
with loz. butter and 2 tablespoonfuls sugar, the juice and rind 
of a lemon, a very little water. When done, beat well with a 
wooden spoon and rub through the sieve. Beat up the yolks of 

2 eggs, add to the mixture and pour all into a greased pie dish 
and put into a moderate oven. When set, beat whites to a stiff 
froth with ijoz. sugar, pour over the apples, return to oven until 
a nice golden colour. 


Prepare apples in the usual way. Instead of cutting slices 
of bread, make rough crumbs and fry in some margarine ; then 
put alternate layers of crumbs and apples sweetened to taste, 
in a well-buttered casserole. Spread the last layer of apples 
with some jam and top the crumbs with some grated chocolate 
Bake until brown. 

Boil some rice in a highly flavoured stock, drain well and press 
into a pie dish. When it is quite cold, turn out on to a silver dish, 
mask it entirely with a mayonnaise sauce and leave to set. Take 
some asparagus. Cut them in lengths about 4-5 inches, boil 
very gently, strain and put on a cloth. When cold lay them on 
the rice shape, sprinkle with some salad oil, salt, pepper and 
lemon juice that have been mixed together in a basin. This must 
be very carefully done, so that the mayonnaise on the rice is not 
thinned by the mixture of oil, etc. Serve with some prawns 
standing round the dish. 


Have ready some very clear and well flavoured consomme. 
Pour this into some individual cups, putting in some asparagus 
tops. Chop up a few leaves of tarragon and parsley and put a 
pinch only on top of the soup. Put the cups into the Frigidaire 
until wanted. 


2lb. of Jerusalem artichokes, i large onion, a little garlic 
(if liked), a bouquet of mixed herbs., a good pinch of mixed spice, 
some white wine and stock. Slice and cook the onion in some hot 
lard or dripping until brown. Then add the artichokes, peeled 
and cut upi, the herbs, spices, garlic and seasoning. Cover with 
a nice, well flavoured stock to which add some white wine and 
simmer until the artichokes are soft and tender. 


Try making apple fritters this way for a change. Make a 
batter of 40Z. flour, i egg, | pint of milk, and make it at least 
I hour before you want to use it. Then take apples, peel, core 
and grate them into the batter. It should be quite thick with the 
grated apples. Have a frying pan ready with a very little 
boiling lard. Put i teaspoonf ul of baking powder into the mixture. 
Give a last beat up and drop i tablespoonful of the mixture at a 
time into the boiling fat ; turn when the under side of the 
fritter is a pale gold colour. Sift a little sugar on each fritter as 
you pile them up on a very hot dish. 


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Free the fillet from fat and lay it in a flat dish. Covef with 
oil, I tablespoonful of tarragona vinegar, the same of white 
wine (or cyder), a bunch of herbs, a shallot shredded finely, a 
few pepper corns, 3 cloves, 2 bay leaves broken up and leave it 
5 or 6 hours, turning the meat occasionally. 

Now butter well the bottom of a glass casserole, lay on the 
fillet, put it into a hot oven for about 15 minutes. With 2 spoons 
turn the meat over and leave in the oven for another fifteen 
minutes, seeing that there is enough butter to prevent burning, 
then strain the liquor the meat was marinaded in over the meat. 
Cover closely and let it cook very slowly in a coolish oven for 
2 hours. See that it does cook and if it gets too dry put a httle 
more butter or a very little stock may be added. Have peeled 
about 18 small shallots and cook them in a little stock about an 
hour before serving, drain them (they should only be about 
three-quarter done) and put in the casserole. When ready to 
serve, take out the fillet, cut it into slices, keeping it hot ; bring 
the gravy to boiling point, return the beef to the casserole with 
the shaUots and serve very hot. 

BEEF HASH (Corn Beef) 

Two cups of chopped corn beef, i cup of chopped up cold 
cooked potato, i tablespoonful of chopped onion, pepper. Put 
a nice-sized bit of dripping into a frying pan, and when it is 
smoking hot put in the ingredients. When it is all very hot 
and well mixed, press it down a litle with a fork and let it cook 
without stirring until it is nicely browned underneath. Fold it 
over like an omelet and serve it on a very hot earthemware 
casserole dish. 


Cut some thin slices from the beef. Now spread these with 
a forcemeat mixture made from any odd piece of game (the legs 
of wild duck do very well), well minced and then pounded in the 
mortar, the same quantity of fine white bread crumbs. Season 
well and moisten with a little of the game gravy — it must not be 
sloppy. Roll these slices up and tie securely. Nicely brown these 
in a little butter, add a little gravy and i glass of port or sherry 
and simmer only, for about i hour. Arrange on a hot dish 
and strain the gravy over. 

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Equal quantities of fruit and water, double quantity of sugar. 
Boil fruit and water for 5 minutes exactly. Then empty into an 
earthenware bowl and leave till next day when the sugar is added. 
The whole is brought to the boU and boiled for exactly 5 minutes. 
Tie down at once. 

Half pint of shelled shrimps. Put them in a jar and cover 
with 20Z. butter, which has been melted, some Cayenne, a 
httle salt, pepper and i teaspoonful of lemon juice. Press well 
down. Allow to get cold before eating. Serve with a piece 
of crisp toast and butter. 


Order about 5-61bs. thick end of the flank and get the butcher 
to put it in pickle for 10 days. Wash it and spread it out on a 
board. Chop up 2 handfuls of parsley, about 12 leaves of sage, 
some thyme and marjoram (a dessertspoonful of each). Pound 
and grind up in the mortar about 12 whole allspice and 18 pepper 
corns. Mix the spices and the herbs together. Now cover the 
flat inside of the beef with this. Roll up evenly, tie very tightly, 
with tape. Roll it up in a clean cloth, tying again securely 
and boil it gently for 4 hours. When taking it out, again tighten 
the tape. Put in between two flat dishes, lay heavy weights on 
top and leave it until quite cold — 24 hours at least. It should be 
covered with a glaze and is excellent for breakfast or luncheon. 


3 bananas, Joz. gelatine, 2 eggs, i pint mUk, | pint cream. 
Soak the gelatine and let dissolve in a httle warm water, then add it 
to the milk in a saucepan, sweeten to taste, add the beaten yoUcs 
of the eggs and stir until all thickens. Take off the fire ; when 
cool, add the bananas cut in thin slices, whip up the whites of 
the eggs very stiffly and add to the mixture ; pour this into a 
piped mould that has been well wetted. When ready to serve, 
turn out on to a glass dish, fill up the pipe with either fresh 
crushed strawberries and sugar, or with strawberry jam. Beat 
the cream very stiffly and pour completely over the banana 



Take as many bananas as you have guests, peel them, cut 
lengthwise and spread thickly with strawberry or raspberry jam. 
Now cut each banana in about 3 pieces and put into individual 
glasses and drop in between a few of the whole fruits from the jam. 
Sift some sugar over. Beat up some cream very stiffly and fill 
up the glasses. Hand some sponge fingers with these. 


20Z. butter, 20Z. sugar, ^Ib. flour. Cream butter and sugar 
together, sift in the flour, add any flavour desired. Mix well. 
Put on board and roll out very thinly. Stamp out into fancy 
shapes, bake very slowly. Sift a Uttle castor sugar over. Good 
for handing with ices, creams, etc. 


Strip the black currants from their stalks and put them in 
a pan with a very little water, about i or 2 tablespoonfuls ; just 
enough to keep them from burning. Put the pan on a very gentle 
heat and keep on stirring until sufficient juice comes out. I press 
the currants then with the back of a wooden spoon, when the 
currants are quite soft, strain off into a jelly bag and let this drip 
all night. Next day measure the juice and to every pint allow 
fib. of white sugar. Put juice and sugar into the pan, let it come 
to the boil and let boil for 20 minutes, draw back and skim it. 
When it is cold add 3 gills of white vinegar and J gill of brandy. 
Stir well and then bottle it. 


{To be eaten cold) 

Trim the brisket and boil as for boiled salt beef, but put into 
the water 2 bay leaves, 6 sage leaves, 6 large sprays of parsley, 
some thjrme and marjoram and i teaspoonful of mixed whole 
pickling spice. After it has come to the boil, remove to the side 
of stove and let it simmer for 4 hours. When done take out, put 
the joint between 2 flat dishes and lay on a good weight to keep 
it flat. Let it get cold and then glaze it, which apply with a brush. 


Soak the fillets in a little oil and add about a dessertspoonful 
of Worcester sauce. Do this early in the day and turn several 
times. When ready to cook, drain the fillets and pepper well 
both sides, grill for about 9-10 minutes. Have ready as many 
cooked mushrooms as there are fillets ; put one on top of each 
fiUet and place them on fried croutons of bread cut the same size. 
Decorate with a little finely chopped parsley. 


Cut very thin slices of bread and butter, lay them in a well- 
greased pie dish. Make alternate layers of these and mushrooms 
cut in rather thick slices. Well season with pepper and salt. 
Let the last layer be of bread and butter. Take rather more than 
J pint of milk, beat 2 eggs very well, add to the miUc and pour 
over. Let the whole stand for at least an hour. Put some little 
bits of butter on the top and bake very slowly for an hour. 


Take slices of bread and butter, lay in a well-buttered pie dish. 
Now a layer of cooked onion, a layer of tomatos, peeled and 
sliced. Salt and pepper. Repeat. Beat up i egg with | pint 
of milk, pour over. Put grated cheese on top, a few dabs of 
margarine and bake 20-30 minutes. 


A Savoury Dish for Supper 

Mince about Jib. cold beef, put into a saucepan with 2 table- 
spoonfuls of bread crumbs, a Uttle chopped parsley, grated lemon- 
peel, pepper and salt, and enough brown gravy to moisten. Do 
not let it boil. Serve on butter toast. 

Boil I pint of milk with loz. butter and pour this on Jib. fine 
bread croumbs. Leave to cool. Beat up with 2oz. flour, some salt 
and 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Whisk in 2 beaten eggs, 
making a stiff batter. Have a well-greased frying pan very hot 
and drop i talbespoonful at a time, trying to keep a round shape. 
Bake brown on both sides. 



Jib. plain flour, Joz. yeast, a good pinch of salt and the same 
of sugar, a small piece of lard. 

Rub lard into the flour, add the salt, mix yeast and sugar 
with some milk in a basin and add to the flour. Beat well with 
the hand. Set by the fire to rise. Now form into little roUs 
about 2 inches long. Put to rise again. Brush over with a 
little milk and bake. 


Jib. rump steak, 4 rashers bacon, i grated onion, pepper, 
salt, 3 tablespoonfuls margarine or dripping, i pint boiling water, 

1 tablespoonful flour. Pound the steak weU, cut in pieces about 
4in. square. Lay on each a piece of bacon and some of the 
grated onion. Roll up and fasten securely, brown these in the 
dripping. Take out. Add the flour and boiling water to make 
the gravy, put in the " birds " and let simmer only, for 2 hours. 


Put Jib. beans to soak over night, drain and put half into 
an earthenware casserole. Cut some slices of rather fat pork 
into slices, from Jib. to fib., and lay them on the beans, season 
with pepper and salt. Now put the rest of the beans, pour over 

2 tablespoonfuls of molasses and a tin of tomatos and a little 
water. Cover this tightly and cook in a moderate oven for about 
4 hours. Halfway through take out and ascertain if the beans 
are too dry ; if so, add a little water. 

Recipe No. i 

Into J pint of milk put a piece of butter or margarine the 
size of a walnut, pepper and salt, i shallot or a small onion 
stuck with 2 cloves, bring to the boil and then let simmer for 
J hour. Have ready 2 tablespoonfuls of very fine white bread- 
crombs. Put these in 5 minutes before serving. Beat well up. 
Remove the onions, keeping the sauce very hot. 

Recipe No. 2 

As the bread during war-time does not make good bread- 
crumbs, make the sauce this way. Proceed with milk, etc., as 
above, but 20 minutes before serving, bring to boil and sprinkle 
in a large tablespoonful of semolina. Stir all the time until it 
looks the right consistency and is creamy. 


A " Party " Pudding 
Make a smooth paste of 4 tablespoonfuls of cornflour, with a 
little milk. Bring to the boil i J pints of milk, add a piece of lemon 
rind or a few drops of vanilla. Melt loz. of gelatine in a little warm 
water, put into the mUk. Simmer very gently for 15 minutes, 
then add by degrees to the cornflour paste. Sweeten to taste and 
put into a saucepan, let it come to the boil, stirring all the time. 
Pour into a border mould which has been well oiled. Set in a 
cold place. It is best to use quite a plain mould, as you must 
take great care not to break it when turning out. 

The Filling for the Blanc Mange 

8 marsh mallows, 4 large macaroons, i cupful cream, | cupful 
of Marachino cherries, i dessertspoon castor sugar, a little 
vaniUa essence, a pinch of salt. Cut the marshmaUows with a 
pair of scissors into lengths or even smaller, cut the cherries 
into quarters and crumble the macaroons. Put the salt, sugar 
and vaniUa into the cream and whip very weU, fold in the other 
ingredients. Pile the mixture in centre of the blanc-mange. 
Sprinkle with finely chopped pistachio nuts or walnuts. 

Instead of blanc-mange, make a border mould of red jeUy in 
which put a wineglass of brandy, and it makes a change for a 
second party ! 


Take rather a large casserole, put in some oil, or margarine 
and cook a good-sized onion ; don't let it brown. Now cut up 
some thick slices of potatoes, about 4 or 5 medium size, add 
pepper, salt, i clove of garlic, a bouquet garni of parsley, thyme, 
tarragon and bayleaf. Add i pint of green peas and i qt. of 
water. Cover closely and cook for about | hour. When done, 
take I egg for each person and poach in the soup (don't let them 
touch each other.) Into each soup plate put a round of bread, 
place an egg on each and carefully pour the soup round. 

Make a crust with 3 oz. Self-Raising flour, 3 oz. bread crumbs, 
ijoz. suet, mix well with a little milk so as to leave it rather stiff. 
Grease a flat tin or a casserole and line it with the crust. Cut up 
some cooking apples in small chunks, with a small tablespoonful 
brown sugar and a sprinkle of ground ginger. Put on the lid of 


the crust. Slightly warm 2 tablespoonfuls of golden syrup, spread 
on the lid, sprinkle all over with brown sugar and a few small 
pieces of margarine and bake for 20 minutes only. 


Break up the beef, add a nice bit of margarine, pound in the 
mortar, adding pepper and a good seasoning of nutmeg. Keep 
on turning this, pounding aU the time. Then add by degrees 
anchovy sauce untU the right consistency and moisture is obtained. 
Put aU into jars. Cover with a little melterd margarine. 


Cut up an onion very finely, 2 tablespoonfuls of flour, 8 pepper- 
corns crushed in the mortar, salt and about ^ eggspoonful of 
grated nutmeg. Rub the cut pieces of steak in this. Add any 
remainder to the pudding which must be boiled for 4 hours. 


This is an Indian cold potato salad to be eaten with curry and 
rice. WeU mash some cold potatoes. Chop very finely i 
medium-sized onion and if procurable a green chili. Now add 
salt and about i tablespoonful oil and keep on mashing with a 
fork. Add more and more oil until it is a good consistency. 
It must be quite smooth and free from all lumps. Press into a 
small basin. Stand until very cold and turn out into a small 
glass dish. 






lib. flour, ^Ib. soft brown sugar, 40Z. margarine, |lb. sultanas, 
^Ib. raiisns, 40Z. mixed peel cut up, i teaspoonful bicarbonate of 
soda and i dessertspoonful browning, a pinch of salt, a gill of milk. 
Rub the margarine into the flour, stone the raisins and add these 
with the other dry ingredients. Dissolve the soda in the milk, 
which is all the better if it is sour. Add the browning to the 
mixture and beat very weU for about 10 minutes. Pour into 
a weU-greased tin and bake in a moderate oven for if hours. Test 
in the usual way. 


I tablespoonful cocoa, 2 tablespoonfuls household milk, 2 
tablespoonfuls ordinary milk, sugar to taste and 2 crushed 
" Shredded Wheat " Mix all together, make into cones, stand 
on greased paper. No cooking, but leave to harden. 


A Good Cold Luncheon Sweet 
I pint of milk, 2 eggs, brown bread and butter, i tablespoonful 
sugar, some nuts and some coarsely grated chocolate. Salt. 
Cut some sUces of rather thin brown bread and butter, having 
weU buttered the bottom and sides of a casserole or pie dish, 
lay them in, strewing in between the layers the grated nuts 
sprinkled with salt. Now beat up the eggs, add the mUk and 
sugar and pour over the whole and let it all stand for about an 
hour, then bake until done in a moderate oven. When it is cold, 
sUde a knife round the dish and turn out on to a glass or silver 
dish and carefully cover with the chocolate. Decorate with 
cherries, cream and angelica. 


Besides the chicken you wiU want 2 oz.margarine or butter, 
lib. shallots peeled. Jib. tomatoes. Jib. mushrooms, a httle brown 
sugar, pepper and salt, and use a casserole with a lid. 

Melt the butter in the casserole, add the cut-up tomatoes, 
mushrooms and the shallors, left whole. Sprinkle with the sugar, 
pepper and salt. Lay in the chicken, which cover with a 
thickly-buttered paper and then put on the hd and cook slowly 
for 2 J hours. If you have no stock made from the giblets, legs, etc. 
take a meat cube or i teaspoonful meat extract and melt in 
I pint of water and continue to cook until ready to serve. 


3 cupfuls of cooked carrot cut into i inch lengths, ^ cup of 
sugar, 3 tablespoonfuls margarine, i tablespoonful cornflour, 
^ cup of vinegar, 2 tablespoonfuls water, a little pepper and salt. 
Put the sugar, vinegar and margarine into a saucepan and bnng 
to boihng point. Mix the cornflour quite smooth with the water, 
pour the boiling mixture over it, stir well, put back into saucepan 
and iet it once more reach the boil and cook for at least 8 minutes, 
then add the carrots. Stir well all together and serve. 

To Eat with Bacon for Breakfast 

Boil I large carrot till tender, beat to a pulp and add i gill milk. 
Now beat up 2 eggs. Add carrots, etc. Leave for a little while. 
Beat again. Add ^ tablespoonful baking powder. Fry a table- 
spoonful at a time. Spread with apricot jam if for a sweet and 
omit pepper and salt. 

Large cupful of carrots cut into slices, 3 hard-boiled eggs. 
Boil the carrots in only just enough water to cook them. Make 
J pint of parsley sauce, using the carrot water as well as milk. 
Season well. Now arrange in either a flat well-buttered casserole 
or in scallop shells, alternate layers of carrots and egg slices. 
Put a little made mustard on them. Cover with sauce, sprinkle 
with bread crumbs and grated cheese, put some smaU bits of 
butter on them and bake until brown. Peas done in the same way 
are delicious and both make a good and economical first dish for 


To use up the remains of a boiled calf's head. Slice the meat, 
rinse a basin or mould in cold water, lay the meat in, then slices 
of the tongue, some rounds of hard-boiled egg. Season rather 
well with chopped lemon-peel, thyme, peppercorns that have been 
crushed in the mortar and salt. Repeat these layers, finishing 
with the meat. Reduce some of the liquor in which the head 
was boiled, add i teaspoonful gelatine and dissolve it in it, and 
pour slowly over so as to bring it to the top of the basin, which 
place on a plate, put another on top and add some heavy weights. 
Turn out when really cold — in about 24 hours — and serve with 
a salad made with a rather sharp vinagrette dressing. 


Another way of using up the calf's head is to make a rather 
rich white sauce which must be thick, flavour it with salt, pepper 
and grated nutmeg. Lay the pieces of head into this, place in 
a hot silver dish, with a rolled and crisp rasher of bacon for each 
person — or force-meat balls fried — to make a change. 

Butter a glass casserole, sprinkle bread crmnbs, lay on sHces 
of the meat, then some bits of the tongues and small pieces of 
cooked ham. Peel some tomatoes, cut in slices and lay on top ; 
again cover with fine bread crumbs mixed with pepper and salt, 
dab some small pieces of margarine on this and bake for J hour. 


I teacupful blanched Brazil nuts, i teacupful pine kernals 
washed and roasted to a hght brown, 2oz. cashew nuts, i break- 
fast cup dried white breadcrumbs, 40Z. cooked butter beans, 
I pint white sauce hot and i grated onion. Mill the nuts and 
mix with the other ingredients. Skin the butter beans and mash 
with the white sauce. Mould into two. Place stuffing between 
and form into shape for roasting. Baste with margarine in a tin 
in a moderate oven for 30 minutes. Serve with a good brown 
gravy. Almonds can be used instead of the other nuts. Make 
ordinary veal stuffing to put between the two portions of mixture. 


Cut the chicken into two, but do not divide it — as for spatch 
cock, skewer into shape, brush over with either oil or melted 
margarine and sprinkle well with a mixture of very finely chopped 
onion, parsley, salt, pepper and ground ginger, the whole giving 
a most delicious flavour to the chicken. Grill until done, about 
20 minutes, and serve very hot. 


Cook some tomatoes in a little butter, i small shallot cut, 
add 3 tablespoonfuls stock in which | smaU teaspoonful gelatine 
has been dissolved, stir all together and strain into a basin. 
Cut the chicken into small joints in an entree dish, cover with the 
sauce. Put into Frigidaire till cold and set. Serve with aspic 
jelly chopped and a macedoine of vegetables, or a salad. 



Have some patty cases made with very good puff pastry. 

Make a mixture as follows : Chop the pieces of chicken, 
mushrooms, bacon and 2 hard-boiled eggs, some thyme, parsley, 
marjoram, pepper and salt. Make a small quantity — but let it 
be very rich and creamy — of white sauce, and add together. 
Do not fill the hot pastry cases until the very last moment before 

Instead of using a whole chicken, which makes a very large 
dish, I use the two legs only. Cook these and let them simmer so 
as to get very hot, in some chicken broth made from the bones, 
giblets, etc. Take them out and keep hot. Put in the weU-washed 
rice, about |lb., to which add i teaspoonful curry powder, 6 cloves, 
6 allspice, 6 pepper corns, a few sultanas, until the rice absorbs 
the stock — about 15-20 minutes. Fry 3 onions in 30Z. butter — 
fry crisply. Cover chicken with rice, pour the onion rings and 
butter over the top. Let it be very hot and decorate with cut 
rings of hard-boiled egg. 


Cut some mushrooms in slices, fry these for a few minutes 
in a little butter, take them out and cook 6-7 shallots cut in thin 
slices in the same butter. Make a good brown gravy, very 
velvety, adding i sherry -glassful of white wine. Cut some 
pieces of cold chicken and lay them quite flat in a casserole, 
with the mushrooms and shallots, cover with the sauce and put the 
lid on. Stand the casserole in a tin of boiling water, put in the 
oven and cook it | to f hour so that it becomes very hot. Serve 
with little carrots or brussels sprouts round the dish. Pheasant 
done this way is equally good. 

CHICKEN SALAD (made from an Old Fowl) 

Put fowl in a saucepan, breast down, with a little water, 
I shced onion and a Httle salt. Bring to the boil and then let 
simmer for about 2^ hours. Take out the bird — keeping the 
stock for soup — place on board, carve it artistically and lay on 
the dish in which it is to be served. Sprinkle all over with 
I tablespoonful olive oil, a little salt and paprika pepper. Cover 
dish and place in a cool place for several hours. Whip ^ pint of 
cream with i tablespoonful good anchovy sauce. Cover the 
chicken with this and garnish with little heads of lettuce, tiny 


carrots and peas. Place all in the Frigidaire until ready to serve. 
Serve with this either mayonnaise sauce or a tarragon cream 
sauce, in silver sauce-boat. 

CHICKEN SOUP (made from the Stock) 

Fry an onion, cut very fine, in a little margarine. Add loz. 
rice that has been well washed, put to this the necessary quantity 
of stock with a small piece of mace, pepper and salt, and let all 
simmer until the rice is quite soft. Take off the fire and when 
nearly cold add i egg well beaten and enough milk to make it the 
right consistency. Into each cup put a few tiny fragments of 
chicken and i dessertspoonful of cream. Make the soup very hot, 
but do not let it boil or it will curdle. 


Mix ^ pint of whipped cream, teaspoonful French mustard, 
I teaspoonful each of Worcester, Harvey and Tomato sauce. 
Bake in oven, or grill the legs until a golden brown. Pour the 
sauce over to coat them, return to oven for a few minutes, as 
they must be sent to table very hot. 


Put a little margarine in a pan and when very hot lay in the 
pieces of cold chicken which should be in rather small pieces. 
Toss them until dry and quite brown. Make a little stock with 
half an oxo and put all in a casserole. Have about 12 shallots — 
don't cut them — and put them in a little saucepan with quite a 
small piece of margarine until they too are brown. Take them 
out and roll them in some sugar untU they are fairly well coated. 
Put them round the pieces of chicken just make all thoroughly 
hot before serving. Serve with a dish of Brussels sprouts, or 
green peas, and hand some red currant jelly. 


Boil sufficient spaghetti in some boiling water which has been 
salted, for about 10 minutes. When cooked, drain very well. 
Cut up the livers with some finely chopped onion, pepper and 
salt, and fry in margarine or butter. Put all together into a 
well-greased little flat casserole. Beat an egg, add just a little 
mUk, pour over and bake in a moderate oven until the custard 
looks set and is a golden brown. 



Remove the insides of 6 large tomatoes. Skin ilb. chestnuts. 
Fry in a little oil or butter, adding a clove of garlic or an onion 
cut fine. When soft, rub through a sieve, mix J cup of fine 
breadcrumbs, salt, pepper, a little grated nutmeg, and heat in a 
little milk for J hour ; add the yolks of 2 beaten eggs and the 
chestnuts. Fill the tomatoes with the mixture. Bake in the 
oven and serve very hot. 


An excellent way of using an old fowl. Line a casserole with 
bacon, lay in the bird breast downwards, add the giblets that have 
been blanched in hot water, an onion, carrot cut in even-sized 
pieces, a piece of mace, pepper and salt ; cover with about i pint 
of water or some stock made with the bacon rinds. Let it cook 
until the chicken is quite tender. Take out the chicken and cut 
into suitable joints, put into the casserole again, adding the onion 
cut up and the pieces of carrots arranged round. Thicken the 
gravy with some margarine rubbed in flour, put back into oven 
until it is very hot. 


Another way of using an old bird. Line a well-greased 
pudding basin with a good suet crust. Cut up the chicken in 
rather small bits and make alternate layers of chicken, ham, 
chopped parsley and thyme and some small pieces of veal. Make 
a stock of the chicken carcase and giblets, pour over. See that 
the stock is well flavoured with pepper and salt, put on the lid of 
suet crust and boil for three hours. Do not turn out, but serve 
in the basin. 


Chop the liver with a dash of lemon juice, some margarine, 
pepper and salt, cook in a Uttle saucepan for a few minutes. 
Have some very hot butter toast cut in rounds and pour the 
mixture over. It must be served very hot. Decorate with 
chopped parsley. 


Put on to a paper some fine white breadcrumbs, i table- 
spoonful of finely chopped parsley, I dessertspoonful each of 
lemonthyme and marjoram, a good grating of lemon peel, salt 
and cayenne. Cut the chicken into small joints. Have some 


beaten egg on a plate, dip the pieces into this and then lay them 
on the seasoned bread crumbs and see that they are well covered 
Put them in a baking tin with some bacon fat, let them cook 
about I hour in a fairly hot oven, turn the pieces at half-time. 
Serve with some fried chipolata sausages round or some rolls of 
bacon or small tomatoes. 


The success of this delicious dish lies in the flavouring and great 
care must be taken to ensure this. 

Take all the white meat of a cooked chicken and pass through 
the mincer twice. Make a very rich white sauce in which add 
loz. of gelatine, stir off the fire until all is dissolved, aUow about 
^ pint. Put in a httle white wine, pepper, salt, a very few drops 
of tarragon vinegar or a squeeze of lemon juice. Now beat very 
stiffly 3 gUls of cream. Prepare a soufHe dish, tying a band of 
white oUed paper outside the dish, about one inch higher than 
the rim. Add the chicken to the mixture and fold in the cream, 
put all into the souflee dish and leave in a cool place to set. This 
should be prettily decorated with chopped aspic or tomato, 
egg, or pieces of lemon. Serve with a suitable salad. The 
legs can be used next day as Chicken Pilau. 

CREAM OF TOMATO (for i Person) 
20Z. cream, | teaspoonful sugar, 20z. water, 3 table spoonfuls 
of sieved tomato, i teaspoonful butter, i pinch bicarbonate soda. 
Make as for cream soup for i. Serve with a little chopped parsley 
and fried croutons of bread. 


I pint milk, 20z. breadcrumbs, stir for 10 minutes, add 
I pint white stock, pepper and salt. Just before serving add a 
httle grated nutmeg, the juice of J lemon and the well-beaten 
yolk of I egg. Have a pinch of fresh chopped parsley in the hot 
soup plate, give the soup a last stir and pour into plates. 

CREAM SOUP (for i Person) 

2oz. cream, 20Z. water, i teaspoonful butter, 3 tablespoonfuls 
sieved vegetables, a pinch of sugar, salt and pepper. Boil 
vegetables in as httle water as possible ; these should be carrots, 
turnips, onion, artichoke. Then sieve them. Use the water the 
vegetables were boiled in and make up to 20z. ; add cream and 
other ingredients. Make very hot, stir in the butter and serve 
with fried croutons. 


One cup of grated chesse, i cup mashed potatoes, stiffened 
with white breadcrumbs, pepper and salt. Roll the mixture, 
shaped into pyramids ; let them stand for a while. Roll in egg 
and breadcrumbs and bake a golden brown. 


Slice about 2 inches of cucumber very thinly, put in a jug 
with I tablespoonful of sugar, a sprig of mint, i wineglass sherry, 

1 quart of cider and i bottle of soda water. Cover the jar and 
put in ice until wanted. 


Grate 20z. of cheese that is rather dry and put into a saucepan 
with a gill of mUk. Cook very slowly until all is quite smooth. 
Add a dessertspoonful of butter, a little Cayenne pepper, salt and 
a good teaspoonf ul oil. Let this cream get quite cold, then put 
the white of an egg whisked very stiffly to the mixture and 
continue to beat. Divide into some tallish wine glasses, add a 
nice dab of whipped cream, sprinkle with finely chopped salted 
almonds and hand Uttle cheese buscuits. 

Make an ordinary souffle mixture, add 8-12 cooked chestnuts 
in pieces the size of a bean. Cook J hour and serve ; if for sweet, 
with a sweet wine sauce, or if for savoury with a brown onion, 
or a tomato sauce. 

Two War-time Recipes 

20Z. margarine, 2oz. sugar, 4 tablespoonfuls household milk, 

2 tablespoonfuls of warm water. 

Beat margarine and sugar to a cream, add the milk very slowly 
and then the warm water, and again beat thoroughly. This is 
best made early in the day. 

Second Recipe 

40Z. margarine, loz. castor sugar, i gill of fresh milk, i 
tablespoonful of powdered milk. Put margarine and sugar into 
a basin which stand in a little hot water, beating all the time 
until it looks white, then add the powdered milk. Take the 
basin out of the hot water and whisk well. Add the fresh milk 
gradually until it is quite thick enough to coat with or use with 
piping bag. 



A Nice Vegetarian Lunch Dish 
Boil 2 medium-sized cauliflowers ; they must be tender, but 
not broken. Drain very well. Cut into sprays and put as 
separately and as flatly as possible into a hot glass casserole. 
Now make a very rich curry sauce ; make it thick enough that 
when you pour it over it completely masks the cauliflower. 
Garnish with the yolks of 2 hard-boiled eggs passed through a 
coarse sieve and some fried croutons to go round the casserole. 


Cook some cauliflower and put an equal amount of cooked 
otpatoes and put through a sieve. Dip into egg then roll 
in breadcrumbs and fry in butter. Put on to a dish and when 
cool form into croquettes. Season with pepper, salt and some 


BoU 2 or 3 small and very fresh cauliflowers till tender ; do 
not overboil. Let them drain very well and when cold cut or 
break into several pieces. Lay them flatly on a silver or glass 
dish. Make a good thick mayonnaise sauce. Carefully coat 
the cauliflower sprigs, then add some capers. This is excellent 
eaten with cold chicken, game or fish. 


I small cauliflower boiled | part only. Leave to drain and get 
cold. Break into smallish sprigs. Whip an egg very well, 
season and add 20z. finely grated cheese. Have ready some 
boiling fat. Dip the pieces of cauiflower into the egg and cheese 
mixture. Fry a golden brown and serve very hot. 

I small tin of corn, | cup flour, salt, a httle paprika, i teaspoon- 
ful baking powder, 2 eggs, i tablespoonful chopped parsley and 
herbs, if liked. Drain the corn, put in the other ingredients, 
beat eggs and stir into the mixture. Have some boiling fat 
ready in a frying pan, drop i tablespoonful at a time and fry 
tiU crisp. Roll some rashers of bacon, string on a skewer and 
bake in the oven until done. Allow 2 fritters to each rasher, 
These fritters are good with fried sausages for lunch. 


Drain off the liquid from a tin of corn and mix with some white 
sauce. Put half the mixture into a buttered pie dish, add slices 
of skinned tomato, now the rest of the corn. Bake for 15 minutes. 
Break 2 eggs without breaking yolks, on top. Return to oven 
until eggs look done. Serve at once. 


Cream together 30Z. each of butter, castor sugar, beat one egg 
and mix in. Now add i teaspoonful cocoa in 3 tablespoonfuls 
of S.R. flour with a pinch of salt and a very little water. Put 
into a well greased tin and bake 20 minutes. When cold, cut 
open evenly and spread with jam. Mix 2 table spoonfuls of 
icing sugar with dessertspoonful of cocoa and a little warm water. 
Put cake on a wire tray or a board and pour this icing over the 
top, seeing that it covers aU parts. 


The yolks of 2 eggs, 2 teacups of grated cheese, i tablespoon- 
ful of melted butter, salt, pepper. Mix together. Spread on 
squares of bread, cover with a piece of bacon and griU in the oven. 


Take i breakfast cupful of milk, |oz. gelatine, sugar to taste 
and boil all together for 2 or 3 minutes. Whip up ^ pint of 
thick cream till very stiff, add the flavouring — raspberry is very 
good, or 2 tablespoonfuls of rum. Now, if cool enough, add the 
milk very slowly, beating up all the time. Give a final whisk 
up and pour into oiled mould. Stand in Frigidaire until wanted. 


2 level tablespoonfuls dried egg (dry), 2 level tablespoonfuls 
flour, 4 level tablespoonfuls cocoa, 2 level tablespoonfuls sugar 
and a pinch of salt, i pint moderately strong coffee, a little 
vaniUa. Mix dry ingredients and make into a smooth paste 
with a little of the coffee. Boil remaining coffee and pour on to 
the mixture. Stir well and return to saucepan. Let it come to 
the boil and boil for 3 minutes. Add vanilla essence and pour 
into a mould. 



Take 2 cupfuls of com from the tin, put it into a saucepan 
with I tablespoonful of butter, i dessertspoonful of flour, i 
teaspoonful of sugar, pepper and salt to taste, add the yolks of 
3 eggs one by one, stirring well. Let it cool a little, then add the 
whites beaten to a stiff froth. Pour into a well-buttered souffle 
dish. Bake for i hour in a moderate oven. 


Made from Tin Crayfish 
Melt Jib. margarine in a casserole. Cut up the crayfish in 
pieces, about an inch long and thick. Put in and toss these for 
about 10 minutes. Take out the cra3^sh, add to the margarine, 
I dessertspoonful of flour, stir until somoth, add 2 shallots cut 
very finely, 2 tomatoes peeled and cut some mixed herbs. Pepper 
and salt, a little dash of Cayenne. Rub well together, add i 
glass of white wine. Let all cook for } hour, keeping it well 
stirred. Just at the end of the 30 minutes put in the crayfish 
very carefully so as not to let it break and serve in a very hot 
glass casserole with a border of boUed rice. 


Break the crayfish into lumps, with any smaU pieces of white 
fish you may have over and a little sherry. Make | pint of 
buttery white sause well flavoured with a bouquet-garni, put in 
sherry, rub 2 or 3 tomatoes through a sieve, pepper and salt and 
add to sauce. Put the fish into a very hot casserole and pour 
the sauce over and sprinkle with paprika. Hand roUs of thin 
brown bread and butter. 


Cut 2 small onions very finely and fry in a Httle oil or margarine 
add Jib. rice that has been well washed and some fish stock, 
pepper and salt, and let it cook until stock is absorbed — about 
30 minutes, stirring well. Break the crayfish into pieces about 
I inch long. Fry in a little butter. Just before serving add the 
rice and make very hot. 

Shce the mushrooms thinly and cook in a little butter, pepper 
and salt. Now add the crayfish chopped up. When done, put 
into scallop shells. Cover with a very good creamy white sauce, 


squeeze a little lemon juice over each. Mix together some finely 
white breadcrumbs with equal quantity of grated cheese and 
sprinkle over ; put into the oven for about J hour or until a 
gold? a brown. 

Break the crayfish into suitable sizes. Have a rich batter 
ready, 4 tablespoonfuls flour, 2 eggs, salt, and ^ pint milk, or 
half milk half cream. This should be made early in the day and 
beaten from time to time. When ready to serve, put in i tea- 
spoonful baking powder ; beat, add pieces of crayfish. Fry in 
boiling fat. Serve with a good sauce, such as hot horseradish 

A Pretty Lunch Dish 
Boil a young chicken until tender, using only the white parts. 
Cut into small dice, taking away all skin and bone. Make a good 
white sauce in the ordinary way, but using half chicken stock 
and half milk. Let it boil until very thick. Cut up a few 
mushrooms in thin slices. Cook in a little butter, when done 
add to the chicken. The sauce will be cool enough now to add 
J cup of cream, weU beaten in. Crush some young peas — tinned 
ones will do — and put in pipeing machine. Add chicken and 
mushrooms with the butter they were cooked in to the sauce. 
Put into scallop shells and decorate all round with a deep piping 
of the peas, add a little drop of cream to this if the peas seem too 


Cut up very finely 6 leaves of sage, mix these with i table- 
spoonful of flour and pepper, put this into the chops, which must 
be split, and then tied together ; then fry them for about 8 
minutes. Put into a casserole, cover and keep very hot, but do 
not let them cook any more. Into the fr5ring pan put i onion cut 
in very fine rings until brown, add a small cup of water and some 
thickening. I use Bisto. Rub well all the brown bits of the 
gravy in the pan whilst it comes to the boil. Pour over the chops 
and make a surround of a puree of savoy cabbage. 

Prepare as for a dry curry. Break the crayfish into sizable 
pieces, add 18 prawns which have been shelled and put into the 
curry till all is very hot, but do not let it boil. Squeeze a little 
lemon juice over. Serve with very dry rice. 



Chop the crayfish, a dash of cayenne pepper, i tomato cut 
fine, a little grated shallot and some margarine, a little made 
mustard. Cook very gently for a few minutes, put into little 
glass Pyrex shells. Cover with some fine breadcrumbs and 
dabs of butter. Bake about 15-20 minutes. 

Cut up the crayfish, add i egg, a little white sauce, pepper, 
salt and some chopped parsley. Stir over a gentle fire until 
very hot. RoU out some puff pastry (left-over trimmings from 
making tart does very well). Cut these into small squares, 
put some of the mixture into the middle. Press edges together 
and shape as crescents. Brush over with some egg, dip into 
fine breadcrumbs and fry first on one side and then on the other. 
Serve round a mound of fried parsley. 


|lb. flour, I teaspoonful baking powder, 40Z. butter, 2oz. 
sugar, I teaspoonful mixed spice, 40Z. chopped dates, 2 table- 
spoonfuls coffee, I egg, a little milk and water. 

Beat butter and sugar to a cream, beat egg and mix ; add the 
dry ingredients, put the coffee into the milk and water, mix with 
the other ingredients and beat well. 'Bake in a moderate oven 
45 minutes to i hour. 


Weight of 2 eggs in butter, sugar and flour, i egg, i orange, 
juice and grated peel, | teaspoonful baking powder, pinch of salt. 
Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add eggs unbeaten one by one. 
Now beat very well, add baking powder and salt to the flour and 
sift in. Put in the juice and rind of orange. Pour into well- 
greased tin and bake 20 minutes in hot oven. 


ijoz. margarine, 40Z. grated cheese, i tablespoonful fine 
breadcrumbs. Put into a saucepan. When all has melted add 
4 eggs, well-beaten and seasoned and stir until it is creamy and 
soft. Do not serve this until the last moment and hand hot 
wafer biscuits with it. It makes a delicious savoury for 4 persons. 


Mix an equal quantity of margarine, flour and grated cheese. 
A small teacupful is about right. A little salt and a dash of 
Cayenne pepper. Put in the yolk of an egg and mix to a paste. 
Roll out as thinly as possible and cut into rounds. Bake in a 
quick oven and serve hot. 

Parboil a celeriac, cut into slices, not too thin, fry them and 
then toss into fine cheese crumbs on a paper. Arrange on a hot 
Pyrex dish, put into oven for i minute and serve piping hot. 

COD'S ROE (Potted in Jars) 

Boil the cod's roe in a very little water, i dessertspoonful of 
vinegar and a little salt for lo minutes. Take it out and drain 
on a cloth, then put in a little saucepan with some butter until 
quite hot through, but do not let it cook any more. Place 
it in the mortar. Grate nutmeg to taste and a dash of Cayenne, 
a drop or two of tobasco and pound well, turning it over and over 
so as to get it to a soft consistency. Put into jars and pour 
butter over. 


Cut into small pieces, i onion (2 if small), i apple, i potato, 
I tomato ; put these with some margarine into a saucepan, 
add 4 stalks of parsley, i bay leaf, a sprig of thyme and marjoram, 
I teaspoonful raw rice. When quite soft add i dessertspoonful of 
curry powder, mix well in, leave to cook for 5 minutes, then put 
^ pint of stock and boil aU together for i hour. Then pass 
through a iine sieve, add the juice of J lemon. When quite cold, 
put I gill of cream and i tablespoonful of mayonnaise sauce. 
Have some cold chicken cut into small joints (or mutton cutlets 
cold), arrange on a silver entree dish and mask thoroughly with 
the cold curry sauce. Put cold boiled rice, which must be very 
dry, round the curry. 


Ready for use in a few days. 
|lb. each of the following : Apples, marrow, onions, green 
tomatoes and sultanas ; and cut up. Boil the apples in a very 
little water and i^b. sugar. When soft add the other ingredients 
with |oz. curry powder and loz. mixed pickling spice. Just cover 
with vinegar and boil for 2^ hours and when done add ^ cup of 
Worcester Sauce. Mix well and then put in jars and tie down. 



4lb. fruit, peel and core and stone. Boil in f quart of vinegar 
until soft. Sieve this. Now put in 50Z. brown sugar, some 
raisins stoned and a little salt, 20z. dried chillies, i^oz. ground 
ginger, ijoz. gariic chopped and the remainder of the quart of 
vinegar ; bring slowly to the boil and then put in jar. I make 
this in a double quantity. 


lib. dried peaches, ilb. dried apricots, lib. stoned dates, 
lib. stoned raisins, 6 cups brown sugar, 2 cups vinegar, 2| table- 
spoonfuls salt, I tablespoonful ground cloves, i tablespoonful 
ground cinnamon, 2 teaspoonfuls Cayenne. Wash and cut up 
peaches and apricots and soak for two nights in just enough 
water to cover. Then cut up dates and put to simmer until 
tender. Now put in all the other ingredients and cook about 
^ hour. Put into hot jars and cover at once. 


I gallon green tomatoes, i qt. onions, slice and cover with salt 
for 24 hours. Pour off the liquid and slowly boil for an hour 
the tomatoes and onions in i qt. spiced vinegar, lib. brown sugar 
and I teaspoonful celery salt. When tender, take off and bottle. 
To make ripe tomato chutney, halve the quantity of vinegar and 
omit the celery salt. 


Boil down 3 quarts vinegar with lib. sour apples until the 
flavour is well abstracted. Do this in a large glass bottle inside 
a large vessel of boiling water, then mix with the following : 
lib. salt, lib. sultanas bruised, ilb. loaf sugar, 40Z. Nepal pepper, 
40Z. garlic cut into small pieces, lib. preserved ginger cut small, 
I qt. lime juice, i pot of Tamarinds stoned, i tin peaches cut very 
small. Mix altogether, put into a large jar tightly corked and 
exposed to the heat of the kitchen by standing it on the mantel- 
piece for a month, stirring every day. Now strain off the Uquid, 
which makes the most dehcious sauce. Bottle and cork well. 
You then find a residue of thick mixture. Weigh it and add an 
equal quantity of plum jam, taking out the stones. Let all come 
to the boil once more. Put into jars and cover at once. 


Take loz. flour, loz. margarine and i gill of milk and make a 
panada in the usual way. After it boils let it cook for 3 or 4 
minutes. Cut up the crayfish in rather small pieces and season 
with salt, pepper, cayenne and a good squeeze of lemon juice 
and add i or 2 tablespoonfuls of cream. Mix with the panada 
and then put all out on a dish to cool. Now divide into equal 
parts and shape into cutlets. Egg and breadcrumb and put 
a httle piece of macaroni at the narrow end. Leave these 
cutlets to harden a little and then fry a nice brown. 

Half a pint of strong black coffee, 6 sponge cakes cut in slices, 
20Z. butter, 20Z. castor sugar, 2 yolks of eggs, 6 drops vanilla 
essence. Beat butter, sugar and yolks to a soft cream. Add 
2 tablespoonfuls of the coffee and the flavouring ; stir well 
together. Take a basin that will hold a pint ; put in a layer of 
the sponge cake, moisten with some of the coffee, then a layer 
of the butter mixture, another of the sponge cake and so on, 
until all is used. Leave all for a few hours, then turn out and 
serve with whipped cream and a few split almonds round the 


fib. flour, 6 eggs, |lb. brown sugar, ^Ib. butter, i teaspoonful 
baking powder, i glass sherry, i teaspoonful mixed spice, | tea- 
spoonful salt, Jib. currants, 2oz. glace cherries, Jib. sultanas, 
Jib. chopped candied peel, Jib. seeded raisins, 2oz. chopped 
blanched almonds. 

Method. — Clean fruit, beat eggs, sift flour, baking powder, 
spice and salt. Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add eggs and 
sherry, add flour and fruit alternately. Mix well. Turn into 
prepared tin. Bake 2J to 3 hours. Next day, put on almond 
paste and Royal icing. 


I quart milk, add 2 teaspoonfuls of rennet and leave to set 
in a warm place aU night. The next day pour into clean muslin, 
tie up and allow to drip until solid ; do not squeeze, however. 
Put into a basin, add one teacup of fresh cream and mix together. 
Place in a heart-shaped mould, as in France. Leave in a cold 
place for a short time, then turn out and serve with castor sugar. 


Take 2 quarts of milk, put in a jug and leave it for three or four 
days on a radiator. When it is good and sticky, mix i table- 
spoonful of salt per quart of milk. Then put the whole concoction 
into a muslin bag and hang it up to drip for 36 hours. Lay between 
vine leaves. 

The pan of milk must stand for 12 hours. Then put the pan 
on the side of the stove until the cream on top appears to be 
" wrinkling " under the skin. Take the pan off and remove to 
the dairy, or larder, and leave undisturbed, for another 12 hours 
at least. It must then be skimmed off carefully, putting it into 
the glass bowl in which it is to be served. 


A new pudding, and very delicious. 
Three dessertspoonfuls gelatine (foz.), (3 cups of milk, i| pints) 
3 tablespoonfuls cocoa, ^ teaspoonful vanilla, Jib. chopped nuts 
and lemon peel, J cup raisins, | cup dates or figs, | cup currants, 
40Z. sugar, pinch of salt. Put milk and cocoa in a pan and bring 
to the boil. Add all ingredients except gelatine and let boil for 
5 minutes. Let cool. Dissolve the gelatine in | cup of hot water. 
Add to the mixture, stirring well altogether. Pour into a wet 
mould and let set in the Frigidaire. Decorate with holly. Serve 
with brandy cream. 


J breakfast cup self-raising flour, J breakfast cup sugar, 

1 teaspoonful bicarbonate of soda, 2 table spoonfuls Bourneville 
cocoa, 20Z. margarine, 2 large tablespoonfuls golden syrup, 
tablespoonful cold water. Mix all dry ingredients into a bowl, 
margarine, syrup and water into a small saucepan. Have ready 

2 sandwich tins well greased. Now mix the wet ingredients into 
the dry, beat up well and divide into the tins. Bake for 15 
minutes in a hot oven. 


This sauce is delicious with cold salmon. Grate i breakfast- 
cupful of raw cucumber, cream 2oz. butter till white and creamy. 
Put the two together, season and hand in a little glass dish. 



Two cucumbers, 2oz. butter, a little spinach, i Spanish onion, 
2 pints of white stock, i dessertspoonful cornflour, J pint of milk, 
a few lettuce leaves. 

Peel cucumbers, cut in slices, pour a little boiling water on 
to scald for lo minutes, then drain it. Melt the butter in a 
saucepan, put in the cucumber, spinach and onion, sliced finely, 
put on the lid, cook slowly without browning. Then pour on 
the stock, let it come to boiling point. Simmer until all is tender. 
Sieve it and return to saucepan. Add the cornflour, mixed 
smoothly with the milk, stir in until boiling and cook until it 
thickens. Finely shred the lettuce, add this at the last moment 
as a garnish to the soup. 


One tin of corn, i small onion, i pint milk, i pint of water, 
I dessertspoonful cornflour, i yolk of egg. Turn corn into sauce- 
pan with the water — better still, some chicken stock — and the 
onion shred finely. Bring to boil and cook slowly. Put through 
the sieve and return to saucepan and bring to boiling point. 
Mix the cornflour smoothly with the milk, add to soup, stir till 
boiling. Flavour to taste with pepper and salt. Beat the egg 
with a little cream and add. Heat but do not let it boil. Serve 
with some very small fried croutons of bread. 

Make a tin of corn hot in a little butter, mix with it some 
thick tomato puree and 2 tablespoonfuls of grated cheese. Pour 
into some greased shells. Light'y cover with a few fine bread- 
crumbs and brown in the oven. 

CORN CHOWDER (for 4 People) 
Melt 3 tablespoonfuls of butter, peel and finely chop a medium- 
sized onion. Cover the saucepan and let cook for 10 minutes. 
Put in I tin of corn, season to taste and then i tin of evaporated 
milk and i gill of water. Cover the saucepan and cook slowly 
for 20 minutes. Into the soup plates put some corn flakes and a 
little cooked ham or bacon and pour the chowder over. 



Make a very good custard. Flavour carefully with vanilla 
or a little rum. Bake in a souflee dish in a cool oven. Cover 
with paper as it must not get brown. When it is quite cold 
whip up some cream very stiffly, add a very few drops of vanilla. 
Cover the baked custard with this in mounds and sprinkle over 
some grated or granulated chocolate. 


Jib. margarine, |lb. sugar, looz. flour, Jib. peel, Jib. almonds, 
J Ib.rnixed fruit, 3 eggs, i tablespoonful brandy or whisky. 
Make in the usual way and bake in a moderate oven for 2 hours. 


One tin condensed milk, 2 tablespoonfuls dried milk, 2 table- 
spoonfuls cornflour or 4 table spoonfuls of dried milk if no corn- 
flour, f pint black coffee. Pour condensed milk into basin. In 
another basin mix dried milk and cornflour into a smooth paste 
with water. Put this gradually to the condensed milk, smooth 
out any lumps, add black coffee, stir well. Pour mixture into 
ice tray, freeze at the lowest temperature for 2| hours. During this 
time take out several times and beat the edges back into the 
mixture. Enough for 6 persons. 


Seven sponge fingers biscuits, needed for i| pints. 20z. 
chocolate, |oz. gelatine, i gill cream, loz. butter, i gill water to 
melt chocolate, loz. sugar. Line a mould with biscuits leaving 
no spaces, grate and melt the chocolate in water until it boils. 
When cool, add the gelatine. Whip the cream and when chocolate 
is cool, add the cream to it. When it is just setting, pour into 
the mould. Take a large tablespoonful of apricot jam, add i gill 
of water and the butter, bring to a boil, mix i teaspoonful of 
cornflour in a little water and put it in and cook for a few minutes. 
Add enough cochineal to make the glaze a good colour. Turn out 
the Alexander and slowly coat it with the apricot glaze. Let it 
run slowly over the sweet. 


Lay the cold boiled chickens on a board, carve the breast of 
each side in one piece, lay on a dish and cover with chaufroid 
sauce. When set, run a little liquid aspic over. To serve, 


carefully lift the breasts on to a silver entree dish, make a sur- 
round of new cold boiled peas, and some chopped aspic. Cut a 
few capers and garnish the breasts with these. 


Make a white creamy sauce, loz. flour, loz. butter, J pint milk, 
and season very well. Add a grating of nutmeg. Take ilb. 
chicken, or veal, put through the mincer, then pound in a mortar 
with 2 eggs beaten and the white sauce and rub through the sieve. 
In mixing do not let it get sloppy. Form into egg shapes with 
2 dessert spoons and poach in a little chicken stock in a frying pan 
till firm to the touch. Let them drain well. Then cover with 
chaufroid sauce as below. 


lib. meat, 2 yolks hard-boiled eggs, i pint thick creamy sauce, 
seasoning. Mince the meat twice, then pound it in a mortar with 
the white sauce and the eggs rubbed through a sieve. Add the 
seasoning. Grease some small cocettes, pack them tightly with 
the mixture, steam them until firm to the touch. Turn them out 
on to a dish and let them get cold, then cover with the chaufriod 
sauce just as it is setting. When it is cold and set, run a little 
aspic jelly over. Put in a cold place and serve on a salad. 


loz. flour, loz. butter, 3 gills chicken stock and milk, i table- 
spoonful cream, 2 tablespoonfuls liquid aspic, loz. gelatine, i bay 
leaf, pepper, salt. Make all the ingredients into a sauce in the 
usual way., putting in the gelatined cream when a little cool 
Stir Vi^ell to dissolve. When it is almost cold and ready to set 
mask the little moulds. 


Two tablespoonfuls each of sugar, breadcrumbs, suet, currants, 
a good grating of nutmeg, grated rind of | lemon, the juice of 
I lemon. Mix all these together in a basin, add a well beaten egg. 
Form into little cakes and fry for 5-6 minutes. Put on a very hot 
dish. Sieve a Httle sugar over. A very nice lunch pudding. 



One bottle claret, 2 bottles of soda water, i glass of sherry, 
J glass brandy, | glass cherry brandy, 3 slices of lemon, 2 very 
thin slices of cucumber, a spray of borage, about 2 tablespoonfuls 
of sugar. 

Second Recipe 

For a larger quantity. 6 bottles claret, 2 syphons of soda 
water, J bottle sherry, 2 lemons sliced thin, 6 tablespoonfuls 
sugar, 2 wineglasses brandy, a little sliced cucumber, sprig of 


Peel an orange or lemon very thinly. Put this into a cup of 
boiling water, in a bowl, add some borage leaves, cucumber slides, 
sprays of balm, ^Ib. sugar, i pint of sherry and 2 bottles of cider. 
Put in ice before serving. 






A Lentil Curry 

Cut up 4 or 5 carrots in pieces and boil till tender. Soak, 
after well washing, lib. of split lentils for i hour, then boil but 
only in just enough water to cover, with 2 or 3 onions cut up, 
putting in some spices, such as a few peppercorns, about 6 cloves 
and 6 allspice, until soft, but not into a mash. Put in the pieces 
of carrot. Make this into a curry in the usual way. A good and 
nourishing substitute for meat. 


To 31b. of damsons put ipt. vinegar, 3 blades of mace, i 
teaspoonful cloves J oz. cinnamon, ijlbs. sugar. Wipe the fruit 
and prick it with a fork and let them boil for 20 minutes. Then 
add the vinegar, stir well together and pour into a basin and leave 
to stand 24 hours. Boil the vingear before adding to the fruit. 
Strain off the vinegar and reboil, then add the fruit and let 
simmer for 15 minutes. Endeavour not to let the damsons 
look crushed. Pour into jars and cover whilst hot. 


Pour into a pan 4 quarts of the yellow petals of dandelion 
(it doesn't seem to matter if a little of the fluff comes with them). 
Pour on I gallon of water that has been boiled and got cool ; 
it should be just warm. Stir it well. Cover with a double 
thickness of blanket and let it stand for 3 days, stirring it now 
and then. Strain off the flowers, boil the Uquid for ^ hour 
with the thinly pared rind of i lemon and i orange, a piece of 
bruised root ginger and 3|lbs. sugar to each gallon. Add the 
pulp of the lemon to the boiling liquid. Now return to pan and 
when cool ferment with a little yeast spread on a piece of toast 
nicely browned, put this on the liquid and let stand for 3 days. 
Now strain into a perfectly clean and dry stone jar. Leave the 
cork in lightly, tiU all the working is over, then make airtight 
and bottle again after 2 months. It is best to add a teacupful 
of brandy when bottling. It is sometimes a little difficult to 
clear, if so a good pinch of real isinglass put in the jar before 
bottling helps greatly and if necessary strain once more before 
bottling. This wine is said to be very good for aU liver complaints. 


Half roast a duck, then cut into joints. Line an earthenware 
casserole with some rashers of bacon, lay in the duck, pepper and 
salt and | pint of Espagnole or brown sauce, | pint of stock, 
made in the pan the duck was roasted in, and 2 tablespoonfuls 
of white wine, bring to the boil and then simmer for | hour. 
Have ready some baby carrots that have been cooked, put them 
into 2 tablespoonfuls of white wine with a shake of sugar, boil up 
and add to the duck and simmer again until very hot. Lay the 
pieces of duck on an entree dish, garnish with the carrots, pour 
the sauce round and add some fried croutons of bread cut into 


Have ready i pint of rich beef gravy, 2 small onions, 2 dozen 
chestnuts roasted and peeled, a sprig of thyme, i piece root 
ginger, a few peppercorns, salt and i gill of red wine. Simmer 
all these flavourings in the gravy. Cover the breast of the duck 
with some bits of bacon and only half roast it. Then put it into 
the pan with its breast down and let it simmer with all the rest. 
Put on a hot dish to carve and having boiled up the gravy ; serve 
it in a separate sauce boat. 


Put the duck into a deep earthen casserole with i onion and 
I carrot sliced, any trimmings of bacon, a piece each of thjrme 
and parsley, and tie a little celery seed in a piece of muslin. 
Cover with stock and let cook until tender, about i to 2 hours. 
Stone some Spanish olives and add these about half time. Re- 
move the herbs and celery before serving. Best to take duck out, 
carve it and then put back with the rest, keeping all very hot. 


Cut all the flesh off the remains of a duck and break up the 
bones and make a stock with them, adding a piece of parsley, 
I onion, bay leaf and pepper and salt. Cut up finely and cook 
until done in some margarine, i onion, i carrot, a piece of celery. 
Rub 2 tablsepoonfuls of flour in a httle margarine in with the 
vegetables and strain in the stock and see that all is the con- 
sistency of a thick cream. Lay the pieces of duck with some small 
bits of ham or bacon in with the vegetables, and make very hot. 



Have the necessary number of croutes. Chop up some ham, 
well flavour and put all into a little saucepan with some margarine, 
break in one egg, make very hot, spread on the croutons and place 
half a pickled walnut on each. 

Chop up some mushrooms very finely. Season with pepper 
and salt and cook in a little butter. Make some toasts and cut 
some rashers of bacon to the same size. Now grill the bacon. 
Spread it with the mushroom pieces, and then add a small spoonful 
of scrambled egg on top and serve at once. 


Take as many sardines as required, drain off the oil and put in 
a little tin, cover the sardines with a mixture of mustard and 
cayenne pepper, fry quickly in the sardine oil and serve on 
fingers of toast, very, very hot. 


Roast the duck about i8 minutes in a quick oven, place inside 
it the giblets and a nice-sized bit of bacon and margarine. Now 
make the sauce which must be well flavoured and rich. Some 
margarine into which you have rubbed some flour, a clove of 
garlic or a shallot cut very fine and a little stock, cook until 
you have rather a thick sauce, add i tablespoonful of port and 
I of claret, let this simmer until it has somewhat reduced itself. 
Cut the duck into sUces — not using the legs — and keep hot in a 
casserole. Pour aU the gravy and blood from the duck into the 
sauce. Add a Uttle cream and a good squeeze of lemon juice, 
strain over the pieces of duck. Let it be very hot and serve 
baby carrots with it. 

Line a piedish with some apricot jam. Peel, core and cut 
some apples into rounds. Make 2/30Z. of fine white bread crumbs 
and put these into a pint of milk and let come to the boil. Sweeten 
to taste and stir untU it comes quite thick. Beat up 2 eggs and 
add any flavouring you may like. Then pour this over the apples, 
bake in a fairly hot oven for 1/2 hour or until the apples are done. 


Rub the inside of an earthenware casserole with a piece of 
gariic, put in i tablespoonful of butter, let it come to boiling 
point, lay in the sole, or fillets of sole. Slice some mushrooms, 
not too thinly, and the same of tomatoes, pepper and salt, a 
very little milk, just sufficient to ensure that the mushrooms 
cook, grate some cheese over, and grill until the cheese looks 


Cut all the meat from the remains of 2 ducks into neat pieces, 
lay them in a silver dish and surround with either cold peas, 
sprinkled with a little finely chopped mint, or a Russian salad 
that has been mixed with some mayonnaise sauce. Serve this 
with a Salad as well. 


Briase the breast of lamb in the usual way, cooking it very 
slowly until tender. Take it out and bone it. Now let it get 
quite cold. Then cut into bits about 2 inches long, just trim 
each piece into shape. Cover the pieces with some made mustard 
brushed over and a sprinkle of cayenne. Egg and bread crumb 
the pieces and either fry or grill them. Serve on a very hot dish 
and hand a good devilled sauce separately. This is nice with 
either a dish of spinach, green peas, or French beans. 


Cut stale bread 2 inches thick, in sUces and shape with a 
cutter the size you require, usually about 2 to 3 inches across, very 
carefully remove the centres. Now beat up an egg on a plate, 
add a little milk, season with pepper and salt. Soak the cases 
in this, then drain them. In the meantime have a pan of deep 
boiling fat, then fry the cases crisply. Fill these with any 
mixture you want. Osyters in cream sauce, chicken, ham, 
tongue, etc. In nearly every case you will need to have some 
good creamy sauce. Fill the cases as soon as you can after 
frying and keep very hot. 





A Nice First Course for Luncheon 
Boil the eggs soft. Hold them under the cold tap and shell 
them very carefully and put in a shallow glass dish. Cut up and 
stew in a little stock the chickens livers, add a knob of margarine 
when done and a very little stock. Now mix in some flour, pepper 
and salt until it is fairly thick, then pour over the eggs and serve 
very hot and hand toast with the dish. 


Make some buttered eggs, allowing 3 to every 2 persons. Cut 
up some olives and mix with cream. Into shallow glass dish 
put a good layer of aspic and when this is set put layers of 
scrambled eggs, then olives and cream. Finally finish off with 
more aspic, garnish with little radishes, cut into flower-shape, 
hand rolls of bread and butter. 


Hard boil 6 eggs. Make 2 breakfastcupfuls of parsley sauce, 
with plenty of parsley, pepper and salt. Slice the eggs in thickish 
pieces. Make some mashed potatoes very creamy by beating 
and form a surround in a hot casserole dish. Pour the eggs in 
the middle. 


8z. flour, 60Z. sugar, 40Z. butter, i egg, i teacupful cream, 
J teaspoonful baking powder, a good grating of nutmeg or i 
eggspoonful of mixed spice. Cream the butter and sugar. Then 
add the egg, beaten up with the cream. Mix the flour and spice 
Sift this in, beat thoroughly for 5 minutes. Pour into a well- 
greased tin and bake in a moderate oven for i hour. 


Grease rather thickly a pie dish with margarine and sprinkle 
bottom and sides with grated cheese. Break on to this the 
number of eggs required. Sprinkle pepper, salt and a Uttle 
dried mustard and lastly a layer of cheese with some chopped 
parsley. Cover with a greased paper and bake in a quick oven 
for 10 to 12 minutes. Serve with toast. 


Mix in a small saucepan, i tablespoonful margarine with 
2 chopped hard boiled eggs, some chopped parsley, pepper, salt, 
and grate in nutmeg to taste. Just let it come to the simmer, 
in the meantime put 2 tablespoonfuls of cooked rice in a shell 
and pour the mixture on it. 

Cut up into small pieces some vegetables, a little turnip, 
onion and carrot and fry in butter. Then add i dessertspoonful 
of flour and one of curry powder, some salt ; put in 2 teacupfuls 
of stock, or milk, and let all cook slowly until done. Boil the eggs 
soft, and carefully shell them, placing them in a shallow Pyrex 
dish. Keep hot. Add a sherry-glass of sherry to the braised 
vegetables and pour over the eggs. Serve with either rice or 
some spaghetti. 

A Luncheon Dish 
Strain the corn and put in a small piece of butter with it 
into either individual china cocottes or on a shallow Pyrex dish. 
Make very hot in the oven. Poach as many eggs as required and 
lay on the top of the maize. Now have ready some small rashers 
of bacon, rolled and toasted crisply, 2 for each person, and see 
that all is sent in very hot. 


Make a good bread sauce. When done, pour it on to a Pyrex 
dish. It must be firm and not running with milk. Poach 
some eggs. Strain them well. With the back of a tablespoon 
make deep depressions on the sauce and then lay a poached egg 
in each . 


Three hard-boiled eggs, Jib. boiled spaghetti, J pint of white 
sauce, 40Z. grated cheese, pepper and salt, some browned crumbs. 
Grease a pie dish and sprinkle with some of the bread crumbs, 
lay in the spaghetti and some of the cheese, pepper and salt. 
Cut the eggs in halves and put on. Add 2oz. of the cheese to 
the white sauce and pour over the eggs. Cover with the rest of 
the bread crumbs and the grated cheese mixed. If tomatoes 
are in season, a few shces added makes it delicious. Put all into 
the oven until it is quite hotted through. Sprinkle with freshly 
chopped parsley at the very last. 



Wash the scallops, put into a basin and pour boiling water on 
leave for lo minutes. BoU 2 eggs for 7 minutes. Then lay them 
m cold water for a few minutes, peel them and cut into chunky 
pieces. Drain the scallops well on a cloth, cut them into the 
same size as the eggs. Into a well-buttered casserole sprinkle 
fairly thickly, some bread crumbs, lay on these the scaUops 
and eggs, pepper and salt them. Pour over a httle creamy 
white sauce. Cover well with breadcrumbs and dabs of butter. 
Bake about 10 to 15 minutes. 


Into a rather flat casserole dish cut up 6 hard-boiled eggs 
with a small onion finely chopped. Pour on a little white sauce 
that has been well flavoured with pepper, salt and a little grating 
of nutmeg. Cover with mashed potato, not too thickly, brush 
over with some egg, bake for about 20 minutes in a moderate 
oven until it looks a really nice colour. 


This dish makes a nice change and is economical if you are 
hard up for eggs. Into a small saucepan put some margarine. 
Throw in some cubes cut from a slice of bread and let them fry 
but not too much. Beat up some well-seasoned eggs and proceed 
as for buttered toast. 


Have ready cooked about 2 tablespoonfuls each of peas, 
French beans, tomatoes, asparagus tips, cubes of potatoes and 
some sUced cold sausages and ham. Into a saucepan put some 
margarine, cut the ham into small squares and a chopped onion, 
and when the onion browns add the other vegetables with just 
a little gravy or stock, mix well and let all simmer for a Uttle, 
adding pepper and salt. Pour into a suitable sized fireproof 
dish, lay on the slices of sausage. Break the eggs over and bake 
in the oven until the eggs are set, about 8 minutes (it is according 
to the heat of the oven). Garnish with a Uttle chopped parsley 
and fried sippets of bread. 


Take a small tin of asparagus "points," or cut from the fresh 
vegetable, and drain off all liquid. Make these very hot in some 
thick cream. Now make some buttered eggs and just before it 
begins to thicken pour in the asperagus and cream, add pepper 
and salt. Put on squares of buttered toast and serve very, 
very hot. 

Toast a square of bread and butter weU, while hot. Whip 
to a stiff froth the white of the egg and pile on the toast. Drop 
in the Centre the yolk of the egg. Be careful not to break. Salt 
and pepper lightly. Cover all with grated cheese, sprinkle a 
little paprika. Put in very hot oven to allow cheese to melt 
and serve at once. 

Whip 3 egg yolks with 2 ozs. of sugar for lo minutes. Add 
slowly a dessertspoonful of rum and again beat. Whip 4 table- 
spoonfuls of cream, mix with the rest. Into the bottom of 
individual fruit glasses put a large spoonful of raspberry jam and 
pile the cream mixture on top. 

Six eggs, hard-boiled, | pint cream, i dessertspoonful Worcester 
sauce, I teaspoonful anchovy sauce, 3 tablespoonfuls aspic jelly, 
I tablespoonful sherry, salt, pepper, 3 drops of Tobasco. Sieve 
the yolks, add sauces and half the aspic, chop the whites, add 
the cream well whipped and the rest of the condiments and sherry. 
Put into a souffle dish to set. Cover with the rest of the aspic 
and put into the Frigidaire for 2 hours. 

Boil 4 eggs hard. Cut up, not too finely. Make a panada 
of 20Z. flour, 20Z. margarine, i gill milk, cooking slowly and well 
seasoned with salt and pepper, until it will leave the side of 
saucepan ; add the chopped egg and a dessertspoonful of chopped 
parsley, pour on to a dish, flatten with knife and let it get cool- 
Cut into about 8 pieces, shaping like a cutlet Egg and bread, 
crumb them, fry in boiUng dripping or lard Put a parsley stalk 
in the end, as a bone 


Make the scrambled eggs by putting the beaten eggs into a 
bowl, place this in a saucepan of boiling water until they thicken, 
now stir in some thick cream until the perfect consistency is 
achieved. Then add either fresh shrimps that have been shelled 
or I small tin of shrimps. This mixture can be served either on 
toasts, or better stiU in little cases of a very good pastry. 

Take some pieces of stale bread and toast them a light brown. 
Hard boil some eggs, allow one to each person, put into cold 
water for lo minutes ; when quite cold, shell them, cut them in 
two and remove the yolks. Cut the whites very carefully into 
rings and lay them nicely at the bottom of a glass Pyrex dish 
Then add the toast cut into smallish pieces, trying to fit them in. 
Break up the yolks, spread over the toasts. Make a very good 
creamy and well-flavoured white sauce, pour over. Put the 
casserole in a medium oven until it is quite browned over. 





Two tablespoonfuls of cooked fish that has been skinned and 
boned. Season with salt, pepper and grate some nutmeg to taste. 
Beat 2 eggs very lightly. Add i tablespoonf ul of milk, mix with 
the fish. Have ready some butter made very hot in a frying pan. 
Pour in the mixture. Let it cook very lightly, as for scrambled 
eggs, and serve on slices of buttered toast. 

Make an ordinary white sauce that has cooked for lo minutes. 
Put I good dessertsponful of anchovy sauce, some lemon juice 
and grated lemon peel, a dash of cayenne pepper and a little wine. 
Mix well. Let it just come up to the boil. Pour half over the 
pudding and serve remainder in a sauce boat. 

This is a Good Friday lunch dish for the family. You will 
want I good fillet of fish tor each person, ^ pint of chopped onion, 
J pint, each of cooked tomatoes and carrot. I cook these together 
with a little margarine. Put a little oil into a frying pan and let 
the onion cook until brown. Put half the cooked vegetables with 
seasoning into a casserole, lay the fillets on. Cover with the rest 
of the vegetables. Pour a little stock that is at boiling point. 
Cover the casserole closely and bake in a moderate oven for about 
I of an hour. 

Any good variety of filleted white fish may be used for this 
dish. When ordering the fish have the skins, bones and heads 
sent too. Wash and put these in a saucepan and let simmer 
for some time, pounding these with a wooden spoon from time 
to time. Strain this off ; it should be fairly thick ; and make a 
sauce with flour and butter in the ordinary way, but using no 
milk, only the fish liquor. Let it come to the boil. Take off 
to cool and when cooled add one egg well beaten and 2 table- 
spoonfuls of cream. Keep very hot but do not let it boil again. 
Meanwhile lay the fillets in a casserole, add a little white wine, 
cover with a greaseproof paper and let cook in a moderate oven 
until done. If the fish has not absorbed al Ithe wine, take the 
remainder out with a spoon. Now mask the fish with the sauce — 
very hot, remember, and serve at once. 


A Summer Dish 
To I pint of cold fish, either fresh or tinned, lobster, salmon, 
sardine or mackerel, mix with i pint of cooked rice, i pint cold 
cooked peas, season well and add 4 good tablespoonfuls of thick 
mayonnaise sauce. Press this into a basin or mould, leave to get 
cold. Then turn out into a silver or glass dish with a surround 
of salad that has been sprinkled with a French dressing. Decorate 
with shces of cucumber, tomato, egg or any other small salading 
that may be in season. 

One small tablespoonful gelatine in i gill of cold water, 
stir until soft and then fill up to half a cupful with hot water. 
Plump up the raisins by putting into a cup just covering them 
with hot water for a few minutes, strain and dry on cloth. If 
they have stones in, these must be taken out. Flake the fish well, 
put in the raisins and half the hot gelatine. Rub | teaspoonful 
mustard in i teaspoonful vinegar, some pepper and salt and well 
whip this in. Take i gill of cream, add the rest of the gelatine 
that you have kept back. Beat very well and then add the 
fish mixture. Pour into individual cups that have been well 
wetted, leave to set. Have a layer of very fresh lettuce leaves 
on plates, turn out the cups and garnish with slices of cucumber, 
tomatoes, etc. A salad should be handed with this or a dish 
of cold peas. 

Simmer the fish in a little milk, take out when cooked and 
lightly flake it apart. With the milk make a good buttery white 
sauce, adding some grated nutmeg, a little cayenne pepper, or 
I or 2 drops of tabasco to the flour before mixing it. Take some 
mashed potatoes and add the yolk of an egg, make a border of 
this round an earthenware fireproof dish, marking it in a pattern 
with a fork. Bake this until a nice golden brown, having put 
the flaked fish into the sauce, stir it well and pour into the middle 
of the dish. Do this just at the point of serving it. 

Flake some cooked fish into a pie dish, sprinkle with a good 
tablespoonful of chopped parsley, the same of very finely chopped 
shallot, pepper and salt. Skin some tomatoes, cut and place 
on top, scatter some breadcrumbs, dab on some pieces of margar- 
ine and bake for half-an-hour. 


Well grease a pie dish and cover with some fried onions. 
These should be cut fairly fine. Now put half the fish as a layer 
and then the cooked rice. Repeat the layer. Beat up i egg 
in a little gravy or strong fish stock, add a little pepper and salt, 
pour over the fish, do not put too much as it should not be sloppy. 
Bake for half-an-hour. 

To make fudge you will want 2 cupfuls of white sugar, i 
cupful of brown sugar, i cupful of milk, Jib. chocolate, a little 
salt, a piece of butter the size of a walnut, vaniUa flavouring. Put 
all into a saucepan and boil for 18 minutes. Take off the fire, 
add I teaspoonful cold milk and beat until it turns sugary ; 
about 10 minutes. Pour into a buttered pan. Before it gets 
hard, mark off and cut into squares. 

This is dehcious served with any cold fish, but specially cold 
turbot. Boil 2 eggs hard, take out the yolks, put in a basin and 
rub down with oil, mustard some chopped parsley, capers and 
gherkins ; all cut very fine. Lastly, add the whites of the eggs, 
cut very nicely in rings. Put in the Fridigaire. Sufficient 
salad oil must be used to make it semi-liquid. 

Butter some shells, sprinkle over with chopped parsley, 
then nearly fill them with flakes of cold fish. Now make a custard 
or sauce with 2 level tablespoonfuls of flour, i heaped teaspoonful 
of curry powder, salt, pepper. . Melt loz. margarine in a saucepan, 
put in the dry ingredients, add not quite | pint of milk, let it come 
to the boil and cook for 6 minutes. Pour this over the flsh and 
bake in a cool oven for 30 to 35 minutes or until the custard is 
quite firm 

Flour some fillets of sole. Fry in butter. Peel and cut up 
some tomatoes and 2 finely chopped shallots. Let these fry 
until quite cooked. Place this in a casserole and put the sole 
on top. 


Take 6 or 8 large cooking apples, peel, core and cut up and 
make into apple sauce. Add a good handful of washed sultanas 
a httle sugar, a pinch of cinnamon. Lay this in a flat casserole 
dish and keep hot while you fry ilb. of pork sausages. These 
are placed on top of the apple. This makes a very nice dish for 

Mince up fib. of veal, put in a pan and stir it until it is hot. 
Then add a large onion cut up, 2 tomatoes, seasoning, and pour 
over iqt. of good stock ; let boil for gently i| hours. Before 
you need it, add 3 tablespoonfuls of rice, or some small macaroni 
and let it boil for another 20 minutes. 

Take a tin of figs, drain the fruit and put in a casserole. Cut 
the peel very thinly from an orange into matches, cook them in 
the fig syrup for 15 minutes and then pour over the figs. Bleach 
and cut into slivers 20 almonds. Bake in the oven untU very hot. 
Just before serving add 3 tablespoonfuls of brandy. Whip up 
some cream and serve separately. 

This really makes a very good imitation of the real thing. 
Jib. calfs liver and Jib. really fat bacon, a piece each of onion 
and a little grated carrot and turnip, i teaspoonf ul of mixed herbs, 
pepper and salt. Fry the bacon until the fat runs out, add the 
rest of the ingredients and put the lid on the pan ; it should take 
about an hour. Stir from time to time. Now put all twice 
through the mincer, using all fat and gravy. Put into pots and 
cover with some oiled butter. 

Boil any kind of white fish or salmon in a Uttle " Court 
bouillon " and when cold, remove all skin and bones and break 
up into neat pieces. Now make the following sauce which makes 
a change from mayonnaise. Beat up 2 eggs in a basin, add salt 
and pepper, i| gills of the " Court bouillon " and the juice of a 
lemon. Put the basin into a pan of boiilng water over the fire 
and whisk it until all looks and thickens like custard. Put half 


this sauce with the fish, mix well and when cold pile it up on 
mattress of shredded lettuce in a dish, use the rest of the sauce, 
cold, to mask all the fish, garnish with a border of sliced cucumber 
round and butterflies of lemon on the fish. 

Make a batter of 40Z. flour, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoonfuls salad 
oil and i gill of warm water. Well beat the batter. Take some 
flaked cold fish, remove all skin and bones and put into the batter. 
Add I small teaspoonful of baking powder. Salt and pepper and 
a grating of nutmeg. Have ready a pan of boiling fat. Take a 
tablespoonful of the mixture at a time and put into the boihng 
fat and fry till a nice golden brown. Serve very hot. 

This thickening will last good for months if kept in a cool 
larder and saves quite a lot of time when cooking. 

Take i|lb. flour, ilb. fat of any kind that one can get together 
(lard, dripping, margarine, clarified soup fat, etc.), 2 tablespoon- 
fuls of salt, I tablespoonful of pepper. Melt the fat in a saucepan, 
mix the flour with the salt and pepper, cook them in the fat 
for about 15 minutes, seeing that it does not stick to the saucepan. 
Then put into pots and cover. 

For use, take 2 or 3 oz., according to recipe and add to it 
either hot stock or hot water if no stock available. Stir to a 
paste, add mUk and bring to the boil ; let all boil quickly and you 
have your sauce ready for use, add the additions and flavourings 
you have in mind. 





40Z. flour, 40Z. brown sugar, i tablespoonful golden syrup, 
20Z. margarine, i teaspoonful ground ginger, i teaspoonful 
bicarbonate of soda, i egg, a pinch of salt. Mix all dry ingredients. 
Add syrup and margarine that have been warmed together, 
then the egg well beaten. Make into balls as big as a shilling, 
put on greased baking tin, flatten them out with the bottom of a 
small jar or glass, put a piece of blanched almonds in the centre 
of each. Leave a little while before putting in a moderate oven 
and bake for 13 minutes. Try to keep the size uniform. 

Beat 30Z. margarine and 30Z. sugar to a cream. Add 2 table- 
spoonfuls of golden syrup and a well-beaten egg. Stir in rather 
more than 30Z. of flour mixed with a teaspoonful of ground 
ginger and a little salt. Dissolve half a teaspoonful of bicarbonate 
of soda in half a teacupful of milk. Mix all together. Place a 
tablespoonful of golden syrup at the bottom of a greased basin. 
Pour in the mixture and steam or boil for 2 hours. 


Cut up some preserved ginger into pieces the size of peas 
and with i teasoponful of the syrup put into each ramekin 
cocotte (or paper). Now fill up with some whipped cream and 


The weight of 2 eggs in butter, sugar and flour to which add 
J teaspoonful baking powder, pinch of salt, a little milk. Beat 
the butter and sugar weU, add the beaten eggs, flour and milk, 
any flavouring liked. Put into a weU greased mould that has a 
pipe. Bake half-an-hour. Turn out carefully. Make a thick 
jam sauce (apricot or plum), add f glass of sherry and pour over. 
Equally good cold, but in that case whip some cream and fill up 
the pipe with it. 


This is an excellent dish for a dance supper, shooting party 
or picnic, and is quite easy to make. 

Grease and line a good-sized cake tin that has a loose bottom, 
with a pastry as made for raised pies. Cook in a stewpan as 
many of the following as you may have in the game larder, 
grouse, hare, pheasant, partridge, rabbit, and when done, remove 


all bones. Make some well seasoned forcemeat balls and fry 
them. Cut up ilb. or more of ham. Fill the tin with a layer of 
ham, some pieces of garne well mixed, some forcemeat balls 
and continue to do this until the pie is fiUed to the top ; have 
the last layer one of ham. Well press down the meat. Pour 
over the gravy from the stewed game, put on a lid of pastry and 
bake half-hour in a quick oven ; finish off in a slower one for 
I hour. Make another lot of gravy with the bones, add some 
gelatine, i teaspoonful to J pint. When pie is cooked pour this 
through the hole in the top of the pie. Pastry leaves should be 
used to ornament and brush over with yolk of egg. 


This is a good way to treat old birds. Hang them for as long 
as you can. After plucking and cleaning them, put them in a 
pan with some margarine, and let them do very slowly in a 
moderate oven. When cooked, cut aU meat from them, together 
with all the gravy and fat they were cooked in. Pound up the 
carcases cover with just sufficient water, salt, pepper, an onion 
stuck with 2 cloves, a bay leaf and let come to the boil. Beat 
well from time to time with a wooden spoon and continue to let 
it simmer. Then strain off. Lay the pieces of bird very tightly 
in a basin and add | teaspoonful of gelatine to the gravy. Then 
pour over the meat and leave it in a very cold place to set. Serve 
with a seasonable salad, sprinkled with a rather sharp French 


Another good way of using old partridges which have been 
sufficiently hung but not too much so. Line a basin with a 
good suet crust, cut the birds into small joints. Season with 
pepper and salt and sift in a little flour. Cover with a good meat 
gravy, then put on the lid of suet crust. Flour a pudding cloth 
and tie on tightly. Put into a saucepan of boiling water for 
3 hours. Serve with this a salad of shced apples, celery and some 
peeled walnuts, mixed with a plain salad dressing. 

Cook this always inside the goose. When cold, cut into 
smaUish pieces and pound them well in the mortar. Grind, or 
pound in the mortar, some pepper corns, add these and a good 
seasoning of salt and some cayenne, turn it several times, breaking 
it up with a knife and pound again. Taste it to see if there is 


enough flavouring, now add a nfce bit of butter or margarine, 
a little thick cream, and for the last time pound and mix well. 
This can be used in any way in place of foie-gras and is delicious 
spread on very hot croutons with a little mustard and made 
very hot. 

Have chopped quite small, 2 good tablespoonfuls of cooked 
game — pheasant is, I think, nicest for this— and 2 tablespoonfuls 
of chopped ham. Flavour with salt, pepper, paprika, a little 
lemon peel cut very fine and i dessertspoonful of either red 
currant or apple jelly. Mix well. Make a 2-egg soufflee mixture 
in the usual way. When cooked, add the game mixture. Butter 
thickly a souffle mould pour in the mixture and bake in a hot 
oven for half-hour. 

Pound up some cold grouse, seasoned very highly with pepper, 
salt, cayenne and make hot in a little saucepan with some cream. 
Spread this on pieces of very hot buttered toast, garnish with 
rounds of hard-boUed whites of egg and fill these in with a few 
capers or chopped olives. 

GOOSE PUDDING (Vegetarian) 
|lb. stale bread, 2 large onions chopped, i tablespoonful 
flour, I table spoonful dried sage, i gill of milk, dripping the size 
of an egg, pepper and salt. 

Soak the bread with boiling water, then squeeze very dry. 
Add the dry ingredients, then the milk. Season highly. Place 
on a well-greased baking tin, shred the dripping over. Bake 
20 minutes. Cut into squares and serve with a rich brown gravy. 

Put into a small pan loz. butter, loz. of flour, stir a few minutes 
to cook the flour, add i gill of milk and i tablespoonful of the 
syrup of the ginger and let aU cook until it leaves the side of the 
pan. Take off the fire and when cool beat in a little sugar, the 
yolks of 3 eggs one by one, then i tablespoonful of ginger cut 
nice pieces the size of a pea. Lastly the whites of the eggs 
beaten very stiffly and gently folded in. Put a greased piece of 
paper outside the souf&ee dish, tying it very firmly. Pour in the 
mixture and bake in a hot oven for half an hour. You wiU need 
to time this carefully, as it must be sent in just at the right 



Cook about 2lb. green gooseberries, sweeten to taste and rub 
through a fine sieve. Add i pint of cream that has been whipped 
If too thick add just a little cold water ; it may need a little 
green colouring, and then freeze in the ordinary way. 

Put 20Z. margarine into 2oz. self-raising flour with a pinch 
of salt. Mix with a very little milk, put on a floured board and 
roU out until one-eighth of an inch thick. Cut in rounds about 
2 inches across. Have a frying pan really hot and lay on the 
cakes, turn as soon as slightly brown. When done, split them, 
butter just a little and serve them very hot. A few washed and 
dried currants may be added if liked. 

Cut up and Ughtly cook 3 medium-sized onions in margarine 
or bacon fat and when brown add the same quantity of peeled 
tomatoes, mix together and let cook for 10 minutes. Season well 
with pepper, and salt. Have a gammon steak about fib. and 
half-inch thick. Cut this in slices or fingers, lay them in the pan 
with the other ingredients. If the sauce seems a Uttle too thick 
add a small quantity of water. Cook until the griUades are done, 
about 30-35 minutes. To serve, put the grillades in the middle of 
a hot casserole, pour the sauce round them and serve with plain 
boiled rice or spaghetti or macaroni. 

Two dessertspoonfuls (Joz.) gelatine, J cup orange juice, 
i cup lemon juice, | cup hot water, 2 eggs, 3 dessertspoonfuls 
honey, sugar. Dissolve the gelatine and honey in hot water. 
Add orange and lemon juice. Beat up the egg and add carefully 
to the mixture. Add sugar to taste. Pour into a well-wetted 
mould, or, into little individual glasses. 





I find that Smoked Haddock dishes are amongst some of the 
nicest to serve for lunch, so I have collected several recipes. 

Lightly boil a haddock in some water until done, then throw 
the water away. Skin, bone and flake the fish and put at the 
bottom of a buttered casserole. Make a white sauce, sprinkle 
in some semohna ; the quantity depends on how much you need 
to thicken the sauce — anyhow from i dessertspoonful to i table- 
spoonful. Let this boil for some minutes until the semolina 
is quite cooked. For every person take a rasher of bacon, cut 
into matches, put over fish and then pour the sauce over and 
bake a golden brown. 

Cut up a medium-sized haddock into square pieces as nearly 
equal in size as possible and cook until done. Skin and bone, 
lay these pieces on buttered squares of toast that must be the 
same size as fish and keep very hot. Whilst the fish is cooking 
take 20Z. of horseradish grated very finely and put to some 
white sauce ; let it cook. Add i tablespoonful of fine white 
breadcrumbs, replace on fire an^i simmer until it begins to thicken, 
beat up 2 eggs and i tablespoonful cream and add to the mixture, 
stirring all the time, and do not let it boil. Divide this over the 
fish on toast and serve in an entree dish. It must be served very 

Cook the haddock first in water, throw that away and then 
cook it again in a little milk. Skin and bone fish, then pound 
in the mortar with a small quantity of cream and some pepper, 
and just the least grating of nutmeg. Take some rather deep 
fireproof cocottes, put into each some of the fish, very carefully 
break into each i egg, and if it will hold it fill up with some more 
cream. Bake in the oven — best placed on a baking tin — for 
about 6 minutes. The eggs should be of the same consistency 
as poached eggs ; they must not get hard. Serve with a rack of 
thin toast. 

Cut haddock into as many pieces as required and put into a 
pan of water, draw to side and let simmer until cooked. Cut up 
some tomatoes. Put some very finely cut onion or 2 shallots 
into a small saucepan with some margarine and cook until soft. 
Add the tomatoes, season with pepper, and let all simmer. Take 


the fish from the water, drain on a cloth for 2 or 3 minutes until all 
water has left the fish, taking off the skin and boning it. Lay 
these pieces on a casserole dish and when quite hot again put the 
tomato puree on each piece. Surround with a border of boiled 
macaroni or spaghetti. 

Put the haddock into cold water. Let it come to boil and then 
throw the water away. Put some milk to the fish and let it 
cook until done. Take out the fish, keeping the milk. Drain for 
a few minutes, then shred up very finely, putting in some grated 
shallot or onion and mix with cream until moist ; put in casseroles. 
Put the casseroles into a pan of boiling water to keep hot in the 
oven. Make some buttered eggs (3), put a spoonful of these on 
top of the fish, decorate with some finely chopped fresh parsley 
and serve some roUed thin bread and butter with each. 


Line a flan tin with some very good short pastry and cook. 
Having cooked the haddock, first in water and then in some 
milk, skin, bone and flake it, but in rather flat separate flakes. 
With the milk that the haddock was cooked in make a little, 
but very good, white sauce, adding at the last moment some cream. 
Season with pepper. Fry some finely cut rings of onion in some 
margarine until a golden brown. Drain fat off. When they 
are done, put back on the stove to crisp up. When the pastry 
is done, lay in the large flakes of fish very semetrically, cover with 
the sauce and surround with the crisp golden onions. 

Cut the smoked haddock into equal size pieces and put these 
into a rather flatfish fireproof dish with some oil. Pour 4 table- 
spoonfuls of white wine over it, i clove of garlic chopped up finely, 
some tomato puree, salt and pepper, cover with bread crumbs 
mixed with chopped parsley and bake 15 to 20 minutes in a hot 
oven. See that the fish is cooked through. 

Take some slices of bread, cut square and remove the crusts, 
rub these with a brusied clove of gariic. Spread with either 
goose fat or pork dripping ; fry these, or put on a tin and put in 
the hot oven. Sprinkle with pepper and salt. This is a Hungarian 
version of our dripping toast, served for schookoom tea. 


Cook the haddock in the water until done. Skin, bone and 
flake the fish. Fry some onion and tomatoes, equal quantities, 
in some margarine, in a small saucepan. Season with pepper 
and a small dessertspoonful of chopped fresh parsley. When 
this is cooked, put in the haddock. Boil some rice, about 15 
minutes, drain and make a border of this in a very hot casserole 
dish. Pour the fish into the middle and send up very hot. 

Flake some cooked haddock very finely, beat in some cream, 
a little pepper, a little grated cheese and mustard. Heat up 
untU quite smooth. Make some very small panccikes, put some 
of the haddock mixture on each, roll up and put on a flat dish. 
Keep very hot and serve with either a thick tomato or hot 
horseradish sauce. 


Some fillets of smoked haddocks weighing round about lib., 
and lay them in a fireproof earthemware casserole. Peel and slice 
2 or 3 tomatoes, season with pepper, a grating of i shallot. Pour 
on rather more than i giU of cream and 2oz. margarine. Put 
into the oven until the haddock is quite soft and tender, 15-20 
minutes. There must be sufficient cream or top of milk, to cook 
the fish. If the haddock appears dry before cooking it would 
be best to cook them for a few minutes in boiling water, being 
careful to drain very dry on a cloth before proceeding with the 
recipe above. 


Grease a pudding basin. Having cooked the smoked haddock, 
skin and bone it, chop it up finely and mix it with Jib. bread 
crumbs and Jib. chopped suet, 2 teaspoonfuls chopped parsley 
and the same of chopped onions. Season with pepper and a 
grating of nutmeg. Beat up two eggs, add i gill of milk and put 
into the other ingredients. Fill the pudding basin, pressing 
well down. Cover with greaseproof paper and steam steadily 
for I hour. Turn out on to a very hot dish and pour over a sauce 
made with either shrimps or hard-boiled egg, or capers. This 
makes a delicious lunch dish for the family. 

Well clean and wash the fish. Lay them on an earthenware 
baking dish and sprinkle over 2 bay leaves, 3 or 4 cloves, 3 or 4 
allspice and 12 peppercorns. Nearly cover with vinegar and 


water— about half and half of each. Now put on top of the fish 
and not into the Uquid, i or 2 tablespoonfuls of tomato chutney. 
The quantity is according to the number of herrings. In placing 
these in the dish arrange as sardines as they will fit better. Let 
these cook slowly in the moderate oven for about ij hours. 
Serve cold for lunch or breakfast. 


Allow one herring and loz. macaroni for each person. Boil 
the macaroni in salted water for 20 minutes with a sliced onion, 
strain, then chop it all fairly finely. Fry the herrings, taking out 
all skin and bone and flake them. Mix with the maccaroni 
and then press well down into a basin and leave to get quite cold. 
Make a sauce of i gill of whipped cream, 2oz. of horseradish, 
finely grated, salt, pepper, | teaspoonful of dry mustard and i 
tablespoonful of tarragon vinegar. Mix until all looks creamy. 
Turn the mould out on to a glass dish, pour the sauce over the 
mould and surround with a border of shredded lettuce and sliced 


This makes a nice summer supper dish. Split and trim some 
herrings, then bone and roU them up and gently bake in a moderate 
oven, keeping them well covered so that they do not get dried up. 
Take all the heads, bones, etc., slice a carrot, small onion, J tea- 
spoonful of dried spices and cover with water, put on the stove 
and beat with a wooden spoon from time to time. Strain this 
when done, adding | teaspoonful of gelatine ; stir well to dissolve. 
Very carefully put the roUs of herrings into a glass dish, that is 
when they are cold, pour over and around them the fish stock 
jelly and put to set in the Frigidaire. Serve with a salad mixed 
with a rather sharp French dressing. 

Make sufficient well seasoned white sauce. Flake some cold 
smoked haddock, freeing it from skin and bone. Mix with the 
sauce and put into small individual fireproof dishes. Peel some 
tomatoes and shce them. Cover the fish with these ; put them 
in the oven until cooked. 

Take all the skin and bone from a smoked haddock and cut 
into evenly sized pieces. Cut up into very fine rings 2 onions 
and fry them in some margarine, then put in the haddock and add 


some really strong and good gravy. Cook for lo or 15 minutes. 
Put all into a casserole, arranging the fish nicely with the onions 
round. Squeeze some lemon juice over and garnish with chopped 


Wash well and then cook about 6oz. of Patna rice, it should 
take about 10-12 minutes. Strain the rice and dry it till every 
grain is separate. Put into a pan a smoked haddock, cover with 
cold water and let come to the boil. Take out and remove all 
skin and bone and then flake it. Fry an onion, cut in rings, in 
a nice-sized bit of margarine and when soft add this to the fish 
and rice with 2 tablespoonfuls of tomato sauce and some pepper. 
Put all into a pie dish, scatter breadcrumbs over, and a few dabs 
of margarine and bake for 15 minutes in a hot oven. 


Boil your dried haddock in the usual way. Dry on a cloth to 
remove all water, then skin, bone and flake it. Strain off the 
liquid from a tin of sweet corn. Mix fish and com together in a 
saucepan. Season with pepper and a little nutmeg, add a knob 
of margarine and about 2 tablespoonfuls of cream or top of the 
milk. Make very hot and pour into scallop shells. Sprinkle 
grated cheese on top and brown in the oven. 


Take all the skin and bones off a partly cooked smoked 
haddock and chop it very finely ; place in little individual 
fireproof cocottes. Whip up some cream with some finely grated 
cheese, some cayenne pepper ; whip until fairly thick. Cover 
the fish with this and with a fork see that some of the cream goes 
round the sides of the dishes. Sprinkle with paprika and bake 
about 10 minutes. 


Put lib. cooked ham through the finest mincer. Make some 
white sauce, well cooked but not too thick, add to it the ham, 
flavour with pepper and some grated nutmeg. Rub this in small 
quantities through a wire sieve, keeping the rest warm as it makes 
it easier to rub. Whisk about f teacupful of aspic jelly over the 
fire in a little saucepan and whilst whisking, add the froth of it 
to the mixture until aU the apsic is used. Beat i cupful of cream 
until it is very thick, add this to the mixture. Place in a soufiiee 
dish, or in individual cups and pour a httle aspic over. I add a 


ittle sherry and lemon juice to the aspic if it is the bought packet 
variety. Turn out and serve with a good potato salad, or any 
salad that is in season. 

Pile the cooked red cabbage which must be kept very hot 
on to a glass casserole dish. Fry some shces of cooked ham, 
stand them up round the cabbage and then edge the dish with 
some creamy and well-flavoured mashed potato. It makes a 
pretty dish and very good to eat. 

Mix on a plate a piece of butter about i teaspoonful, a little 
parsley chopped very fine, a few drops of lemon juice. Grate 
a smaU piece of onion, mix these up well with a knife and spread 
on some little pieces of ham, cut very thin, about 2 inches long 
and I inch wide. Roll these up tightly and place on little pieces 
of cut bread and butter. 

HASSANE— A Vegetarian Dish 
Fry a large or 2 smaller onions with 2 tomatoes, i apple 
cut up into small chunks, i clove of garlic and i dessertspoonful 
of curry powder ; a little nutmeg. Let this all cook for for 15 
minutes. Add a cup of milk. Have ready a good plateful of 
cooked carrot, some peas, beans and cucumber cut small. Put 
all these into a casserole that has a lid and cover with the curry 
sauce. Put on the hd and let cook in the coolest oven for i hour. 
Serve with fried croutons round the dish. 


20Z. grated horseradish put into a saucepan with | pint stock 
and let cook for 20 minutes. Remove from fire. Add i table- 
spoonful of white sauce, i tablespoonful fine bread crumbs. 
Replace on fire until it begins to thicken. Mix in i egg well 
beaten. Then add a little cream and season with lemon juice or a 
little vinegar. Excellent with most beef dishes, especially rump 


Two bottles of hock, | wineglassful Curocon, 2 wineglassfuls 
brandy, 2 bottles soda water, sugar to taste, a sprig of borage or 
balm, a few slices of cucumber peel, and add at the end a few 
fresh fruits that may be in season. Mix aU ingredients together 
but do not put the soda water until ready to serve. Keep on 
ice until wanted. 





Take i cupful of fine breadcrumbs, add 2 tablespoonfuls 
finely minced chicken, flavour with pepper, salt, a little nutmeg 
or celery salt, mix all these together. Beat up 2 eggs to which 
put I cupful of milk, and put in. Stir well and put into either a 
glass casserole or into individual fireproof cocottes. Set in a pan 
of water and bake in a moderate oven. 

Separate the yolk from the white of an egg. Now beat the 
white to a stiff froth and flavour with pepper and salt. Put half 
the white into a Uttle flat casserole, greased with butter, then slip 
in the yolk very carefully, top up with the remainder of the white, 
cover with a small plate or saucer. Set this in a frying pan 
of boiling water and steam for 5 minutes. 

To I gill of strong beef tea, soak 2 tablespoonfuls of fine white 
breadcrumbs for 10 minutes, beat up with a fork, add i well- 
beaten egg. Grease a small basin, using about |oz. butter. 
Pour in the mixture, cover with greased paper, put the basin 
into a pan of boiling water, the water coming half-way up the 
basin. Steam for 20 minutes. This makes a good nourishing 
dish and is a change from the ordinary beef tea. 

Pound the breast of a cold chicken smooth in the mortar. 
Add a teacup of fine white bread crumbs. Pour in a little 
boiHng chicken broth or milk. A little salt, a little grating of 
nutmeg or a pinch of powdered mace. Press into a cup and 
stand it in a small saucepan of boiling water until the panada 
is hot. Serve in the cup with a teaspoon. 

Cut up some vegetables rather finely, such as carrot, onion, 
celery, add a bay leaf. Put these into | pint of milk, bring it to 
the boil and let all simmer gently for J hour, stirring from time 
to time. Strain, and when cool add the yolk of an egg and a 
Httle more milk to make | pint altogether. Let this get very hot 
but it must not boil. Serve with toast, water biscuit, or, a little 
cooked rice could be put into the soup. 


Cook a small whiting or sole in a teacupful of milk. Take 
out and flake very finely. Strain milk and with it make a sauce 
with loz. margarine, i dessertspoonful of flour. Let it boil a 
few minutes. When cool add fish and the yolk of an egg beaten 
up. Whip the white of the egg stiffly with seasoning, fold in, 
pour into a greased basin. Cover with greased paper and steam 
for 25 minutes. 

One large sweetbread, } pint stock, 2 tablespoonfuls of cream 
I yolk of egg, squeeze of lemon juice, salt and pepper. Wash 
the sweetbread and soak for 2 hours with a little salt, put in a 
pan and boil for 5 minutes. Throw into cold water to blanch, 
trim off all fat and skin, cut into nice pieces and put into the stock, 
bring to boil and then simmer very slowly for i| hours. When 
tender, add the cream and yolk of egg. Strain carefully. Don't 
touch the sweetbread with a knife. Separate and trim with your 
fingers. Sweetbread must be quite fresh and cooked the same 

Cut the breast of a chicken into small pieces and put into a 
small jar with some pepper, salt, blade of mace (if liked), and 
pour over i gill or a little more of milk. Cover the jar tightly 
and put it into a saucepan of hot water to reach half-way up the 
jar. Let it simmer until the chicken is done. Strain off the 
milk and add i teaspoonful of flour that has been rubbed into a 
small piece of butter, making a nice thick sauce. Pour this over 
the shced chicken so as to mask it. 


Take half the breast of a chicken, skin it and wrap in a piece 
of paper that has been well greased with butter. Grill each side 
for about five minutes. Place on a very hot plate and put a ball 
of Maitre d'Hotel butter on top. 

One cupful of diced potatoes, same of carrots, leeks, onions, 
\ cup of chopped lettuce, some chopped parsley, tarragon and 
chervil, pepper and salt. Cook all these in 4 breakfastcups of 
water very slowly until all the ingredients are soft, then strain, 
and to every ^ pint hquor add a teaspoonful Cox's Instantaneous 


galatine. See that this is really dissolved, then put this in a 
basin to set and place in the Frigidaire. If allowed, i table- 
spoolful of white wine or sherry can be added before the gelatine 
is put in. This soup jelly is a good restorative. 

Beat up the yolk of an egg into i teacupful of beef tea. Beat 
white to a stiff froth, salt to taste. Pour into a greased piedish 
and bake in a very slow oven until set. 

Lay a cod steak in a casserole with a little parsley, small 
onion or shallot stuck with a clove and cook very gently until 
the cod is done. Now skim and bone it and put it into a little 
dish. Keep it hot. In the meantime take the liquor and make 
a white sauce with it with flour and butter. When it has boiled 
for 5 minutes, take it off the fire to cool, beat up an egg and add 
to it with a good squeeze of lemon. Then coat the cod steak 
with this and serve with some creamy mashed potato. 

To I pint of strong chicken broth, add i egg well beaten, 
mix together very well and pour into a basin. Tie a greased 
paper over and place basin in a saucepan of boiling water for lo 
minutes. Season to taste and send very thin slices of toast 
with it. 

Two eggs, 2 lemons or oranges, ^ oz. gelatine, 3 ozs. sugar. 
Beat up the eggs, dissolve the gelatine in i pint liquid made from 
the juices of the fruit and added warm water, the rinds of the fruit 
cut very thinly ; add the sugar. Put all into a saucepan and 
stir all the time over gentle heat until it thckens. It must not 
boil. Rinse a mould out with cold water and when the mixture 
has somewhat cooled, pour it in the mould and let set in a cold 

Put two teaspoonfuls of tea into a very hot teapot, pour on 
about I tablespoonful of fresh boiling water. Let stand whilst 
you heat in a saucepan | pint of new milk to boiling point. Do 
not let it boil however. Pour this on to the tea and strain into 
a cup. 


Jib. shin of beef, Jib. scrag of mutton, |lb. veal bones. Cut 
up the beef finely, cutting off any fat but leaving any gristle 
there may be. Now put all meat and bones into a jar, cover with 
hot water, a little salt. Place lid on jar and put into the oven for 
5 or 6 hours to cook slowly. Strain off into a basin. This should 
make a good jelly and it can be given to the invahd in this form 
or hotted up as beef tea. Very nourishing and sustaining. 

I pint new milk, Joz. gelatine, the rind of J lemon cut very 
thinly, loz. sugar. Dissolve the gelatine in a little water, add 
the milk, which must be warmed, put in sugar and rind. Stir 
over a very moderate heat 5 to 10 minutes. Strain off into a 
basin and then into little individual cups. Set in a cold place 

Joint the rabbit and put into a pan with some butter and keep 
on turning the pieces, but don't let them brown. Take all meat 
from the bones, mince it and then put through a wire sieve. 
Into this mix J pint of cream which has had a Uttle melted 
gelatine added. Carefully flavour with pepper, salt, nutmeg 
and some grated lemon peel. Put all into a greased mould and 
steam for i hour. Do not turn this out until it is quite cold, 
and then garnish with some chopped aspic or chopped parsley 
and butterflies of lemon. 

Thicken some milk with a little flour rubbed in butter. Mince 
the half of a breast of cold chicken and let it get very hot in the 
milk, but do not let it boil. Poach an egg in a httle milk. Put 
the mince on a very hot plate, set the poached egg on top. 

4 oz. white fish, J oz. butter, J oz. fine white breadcrumbs, 
J gill milk, J giU cream, a little squeeze of lemon, pepper, salt, and 
the beaten white of i egg. Flake the fish very finely. Melt the 
butter in a small saucepan, add the crumbs and milk with season- 
ing, and let it cook until thick. Beat in the fish and rub all 
through a sieve. Beat up the white of the egg with the cream. 
Add to the mixture and put into a small greased basin and steam 
for 25 minutes. 


Make a creamy white sauce, well flavoured with pepper, 
salt and nutmeg. Lay in it some coarsely flaked cold white fish 
and let it get thoroughly hot, but it must not boil. Have a 
hot casserole dish, put in the fricassee and pipe a border of mashed 
potatoes round. 

f cup of cold water, i egg, the juice of i lemon put all together 
in a shaker for 5-6 minutes. 

Dissolve I oz. gelatine in a pint of water, add the grated rind 
of 2 lemons, the juice of three and | lb. white sugar. Let all boil 
for 10 minutes. When it is about to set, beat it very well until 
very frothy. Have ready 3 very stiffly beaten whites of egg, 
put them in and beat just so as to make everything look uniform 
and light. Pour out into a mould and decorate with a Uttle 
whipped cream and some glacee cherries. 

Sieve the pulp from 2 baked apples and put into a basin. 
Add a squeeze of lemon juice and sweaten to taste. Beat 
stiffly I gill of cream and add to the apple pulp and serve in a 
small glass dish. 


Two new laid eggs, i tablespoonful of sugar, i tablespoonful 
of brandy. Put the yolks of the eggs into a basin with the sugar 
and brandy and beat them well for a few minutes. Put the basin 
into a saucepan of hot water, stir until it thickens. Take off 
the fire, beat the whites stiffly to a froth, fold into the rest and 
pour into glasses. 

J pint of milk, i gill of cream, 2 oz. ground rice, ^ oz. butter, 
I tablespoonful sugar, i tablespoonful gelatine, rind of J lemon. 
Cook the rice in the milk, add the butter and lemon rind. When 
cooked, sweeten to taste and put in the gelatine dissolved in a 
little water. When cool add the cream that has been well whipped. 
Serve with some fruit juice. 



ijlbs. Knuckle of veal, 2 oz. pearl barley, 3 pints of water, 
salt, yolk of egg, J gill of cream. Wash the barley and let it 
soak all night. Cut the veal into small pieces, break up the 
bones and put aU into a pan with the barley. Cover with the 
water and bring to the boil and let simmer for 5 hours. Skim 
when necessary. Strain through the sieve. Take out bones 
and rub meat and barley through a wire sieve. Return this to 
the sauecpan with the liquor and re-heat. Beat up the yolk 
of the egg with the cream. Draw the pan to the side of the fire 
and when off the boil, gradually stir in the cream ; keep stirring all 
the time until it thickens, but do not let it boil. Reheat quantity 
as required. 


Rub two lemons well on some sugar. Squeeze the juice. 
Add to this i pint of cream. Stir well and put it in gradually. 
Now put I tablespoonful of brandy and i tablespoonful of 
Noyau and |lb. of sugar. This quantity makes i quart and is 
very refreshing and nourishing. 


Jib. flour, Jib. dripping or lard, i cup sultanas, | cup treacle, 
I cup milk, I teaspoonful of baking powder. Put the fat into 
the flour, put in baking powder, and mix to a stiff dough with 
cold water. Roll out on the board to a long strip and spread the 
treacle over and scatter the sultanas. RoU up as a roly poly. 
Put into a greased pie dish. Pour over the milk and bake for 
I hour in a moderate oven. 





This takes two days to make. Lay in a fireproof dish in 
which the pie is to be served, 2 rashers of bacon, cut into match 
size, lib. shin of beef cut in small pieces. Salt, pepper, pinch 
of celery salt and some chopped lemon peel. Arrange these in 
layers, add a cupful of stock or water. Cover the casserole and 
cook very slowly for at least 3 hours. When cold remove the 
fat with a spoon. Next day dissolve i teaspoonsful of Marmite 
in ^ pint of water, i teaspoonful of Tarragon vinegar, a pinch 
of sugar and Joz. Cox's gelatine. Pour over the meat. Set in a 
cold place until set. 


Take a fowl ; i pint of stock made from the giblets cooked 
in a jar for 2J hours the day before, i carrot, i tablespoonful of 
cooked peas, chopped parsley, pepper and salt. Prepare the 
fowl as usual, then put into a deep jar. Cover with the stock, 
add the carrot, cut up the parsley and let cook very slowly for 
3 hours. Take out. Remove the bones and cut the meat up 
into smallish pieces. Arrange neatly in a basin. Add the peas 
and flavouring. Pour all over the meat and let it set in a cool 
place. Remove any fat with a spoon. Turn out and serve with 
a good salad. 


Slice a large onion and 2 large tomatoes and fry together in 
2 oz. margarine. Add ^ cup of chopped ham, i tablespoonful of 
any rather hot sauce, i tablespoonfiol tomato catsup and well 
season with pepper and salt. Cook this altogether for J of an 
hour. Mix in 2 large cupfuls of cooked rice, 2 cupfuls of either 
lobster, scallops, shrimps or chickens livers. Cook all for another 
half hour and serve very hot. 


To use up slices of stale bread. Warm up a little milk. 
Beat up an egg in a dish, add the warm milk. Now cut up the 
stale bread into shapes, rounds, diamonds or squares about 3 
inches square. Let them get soaked, but not too much so. Into 
a frying pan put some lard or margarine, when boiling fry a nice 
brown. Serve in a boat with some warmed jam to eat with them. 



Take 'I bananas that are quite ripe and cut them into pieces 
in a basin. Mash them well with a fork and whip them until 
they are frothy, then put this at the bottom of a dish. Make the 
junket in the usual way. Be sure that the milk is only blood 
heat. Flavour with anything you like — rum, orange, strawberry, 
syrup or raspberry are good. Put this into the milk before 
putting the rennet, carefully pour this over the banana frothe 
and leave to set. Serve with Devonshire Cream. 


Make a nice quantity of Russian salad, that is a mixture of 
cold cooked root vegetables cut into small dice, whatever is in 
season, together with some smaU green peas, which can be tinned 
ones. Flavour these nicely, add a few dried walnuts broken in 
pieces. Now mix these generously with mayonnaise sauce, to 
which has been added a Uttle gelatine that has been soaked in 
some water. Lay all this in a silver entree dish. Cut as many 
slices of ham as you have guests and just lay them for a few 
minutes in some malted aspic jelly. Place these one by one on 
the salad, each one overlapping the other until you have covered 
the salad. Let this set and when ready to serve, ornament with 
some broken aspic jelly, sliced cucumber, egg, etc. 


Pour into a glass cut bowl a good mixed fruit salad, keeping 
it as flat as possible. Then very slowly pour over a half quantity 
of wine jelly and a glass of sherry. A little rum and a few drops of 
some good liqueur makes it very good. Avoid the fruits floating 
on top, if possible. Let this get set, and then add the second half 
of the jeUy. Decorate with a few crystalised fruits. 


6oz. Quaker oats, 50Z. flour, 8oz. margarine, 30Z. sugar. 
Mix all dry ingredients together, either rub in, or melt the 
margarine and mix very thoroughly. Grease a shallow baking 
tin, spread the mixture on about \ inch thick, bake in a moderate 
oven until it is a golden brown. Cut into fingers or triangles 
whilst hot. Remove from tin. 




Skin and slice rather finely some kidneys. Lightly fry them 
in some margarine. Now take some shces of hot buttered toast, 
and spread with curry paste. Put these on a flat casserole and 
put in an oven until the paste is good and hot. Then serve the 
kidney sUces on top, sprinkle a Uttle chopped parsley over and 
serve at once. 

Remove the skin and fat from some lambs' kidneys and cut 
them in thickish shces and cook in a little lard over a hot fire 
for not more than 3 to 4 minutes, turning them about. Then 
put the slices on a plate whilst you pour in the same frying pan 
i tumbler of sherry, some chopped parsley, pepper and salt, 
and rub together. Now put in some good, rather thick brown 
sauce and put back the pieces of kidney. Make very hot, but 
do not let it boil, place in a casserole and serve with a nice border 
of any suitable vegetable. Peas or cut French beans look 
particularly nice as a contrast in colour. This makes a very 
delicious dish for luncheon. 

Remove the skin, cut out sith scissors the tough sinew, split 
the kidneys, but not in two. Chop i kidney into mincemeat, 
add lemon juice, pepper and salt and chopped parsley. Into a 
small saucepan melt i tablespoonful margarine and i or 2 table- 
spoonfuls of port, and let this simmer with the other ingredients. 
Lightly cook the other kidneys in a small frying pan, in some 
margarine, but don't overcook ; about 2 to 3 minutes should be 
enough. Put these on pieces of toast. Stir the sauce well and 
with a tablespoon pour it equally over the kidneys. Sprinkle 
with a little fresh parsley. Serve at once. 

Cut some ox kidney into bits about the size of a pea, about 
Jib. for 4 persons. Cut 3 or 4 rashers of bacon into small bits. 
Put some margarine into a saucepan and let kidney and bacon, 
salt and pepper all cook otgether for about 10 minutes, stirring it 
frequently. Now put in a good dessertspoonful of flour ; stir 
in and then add 3 tablespoonfuls of stock or water. Cook until 
it nearly comes to the boil. Serve on half shces of buttered toast. 

This is an Indian lunch dish. Jib. rice, Jib. spUt lentils, 
2 good-sized onions, flavouring of peppercorns, a few cloves, 


piece of cinnamon, salt, i or 2 bay leaves. Cut up the onions 
and fry them a nice colour. Then keep them hot on a plate. 
Put in the rice and lentils, having well washed both, in the same 
pan, with the flavourings. Cover with just snfficient water to 
thoroughly cook them soft, but not pulpy. Stir frequently to 
keep from burning. If too dry add water by tablespoons as each 
grain of rice should be separate. Put this on a very hot dish. 
Make the onions very, very hot again and pour over. Serve with 
a good curry sauce. 

Mince up the remains of any cold chicken, game or white meat, 
season with some salt and about i teaspoonful of dry curry powder, 
a squeeze of lemon juice. Mix in i yolk of egg, turn out of a plate 
and form into httle cakes. Fry these to a nice colour. 

Put 2 kippers into a jug, pour on them some boiling water 
and leave for 5 minutes. Take out and let them weU drain. 
Remove all skin and bones and pound the flesh. Add pepper and 
a squeeze of lemon, put in the yolk of an egg, mix well and keep 
very smooth. Beat up the white of the egg and a good dessert- 
spoonful of thick cream. Butter some fireproof cocottes, divide 
the mixture between them. It should make 3 or 4. Bake until 
a golden brown and serve very hot. 

Flake the kippers weU, add 3 well-beaten eggs, 3 tablespoon- 
fuls of top of the milk or cream, i tablespoonful of grated cheese, 
a little cayenne pepper. Melt loz. of margarine in a saucepan, 
pour on the mixture until it thickens and serve on buttered toast. 
All to be kept very hot. 

Three large tomatoes, 2 sheep's kidneys, loz. fat bacon, 
loz. margarine, i teaspoonful parsley. Skin the tomatoes and 
cut in two. Melt the bacon far, add to the tomatoes and allow 
to cook gently in the oven until tender — about 10 minutes. 
Skin the kidneys and cut in slices, not too thin. Saute these in 
the margarine for a few minutes, tossing them about and put in 
the chopped parsley. Arrange the tomatoes on a hot dish, 
sprinkle with salt and pepper and place a spoonful of the kidney 
on each half tomato. It is nice to fry some rounds of bread in 
bacon fat and put under the tomatoes and makes a more sub- 
stantial meal. 




25 lemons, 2 Jibs, lump sugar. This quantity makes 6 gallons, 
I quart. Cut the peel in the thinnest slices (there must be no 
white showing), squeeze the juice, add the sugar, pour the 
boiling water over. Stir from time to time. Make this in a 
large red bread crock. Before straining, give another stir. 
Sufficient for a large party. 

This is very good with boiled fowl. Boil the liver for a few 
minutes only, then chop it and season with pepper and salt. 
Peel very thinly or grate the rind of lemon and squeeze the juice. 
Make a very buttery white sauce, let it boil for 6 minutes. When 
cool, add the chopped liver and very gradually the peel and 
lemon juice. Heat it up very graduaUy and on no account 
must it boil. 

lib. of pig's liver, put this through the mincer and put into a 
bowl, add the beaten yolk of an egg. Shave loz. butter, i 
tablespoonful of mixed herbs, including sage. Cut up very, very 
finely, i clove of garlic and i shallot. Stir this all very thoroughly 
and press into a fireproof souffle dish, bake in a moderate oven 
for 2 hours. It is best to thoroughly fill up the dish, as the pate 
should be thick through. Cover the dish before baking. When 
cold, run a little melted bacon fat over. 


Boil these in a little stock and then skin them. Chop a 
shallot and fry in a Uttle margarine. Cut the tongues lengthways 
and put in a casserole. Make a good thick sauce by putting some 
Bisto in with the shallots and a nice bouquet of mixed herbs, add 
some good gravy or stock that the tongue was boiled in and put in 
a wineglass of sherry. Pour this over the tongues and make a 
border of some peas that have been hotted up in a little cream 
or butter. 

This can be made very well with a tin of lambs' tongues, a 
tin of peas and some fried forcemeat balls tucked in between the 
pieces of tongue. 

Prepare the tongues as in preceding recipe, but instead of 
having the gravy, boil some peeled chestnuts with the tongues. 
Rub the chestnuts through a sieve. Make a creamy white sauce, 
to which add the puree and pour over. 


2 eggs or 2 dried re-constituted eggs, 40Z. self-raising flour, 

1 teaspoonful baking powder, 40Z. sugar. Well beat up the eggs, 
put in the sugar, beat well, fold in the flour and the baking 
powder. Pour into a greased tin, bake for 6 minutes. 


Take 2 or 3 lettuces, wash them carefully and drain well. 
Chop them rather finely, put into a pan with a little margarine 
and a tiny piece of onion cut up very fine, pepper and salt. Let 
all fry for a few minutes. Then add 3 cups of white stock, 

2 tablespoonfuls of washed rice or semolina. Cook till the rice is 
soft and rub aU through the sieve. Add | pint of milk and let it 
come to the boil. Just before serving put in a little cream and 
serve with some fried croutons. 


Prepare as before, lay them in a casserole and pour over them 
a good thick sauce ; 3 or 4 tomatoes sliced, add i shallot, about 
J eggspoonful of ground ginger, pepper, salt, a bay leaf. Stir 
and pulp this cream and pour over the tongues. A surround 
of creamy mashed potato may be piped round the edge. 


Cut some cutlets rather thick and trim them well. Cook 
them in butter, each side for about 4-5 minutes ; they must not 
be overdone. Cook some asparagus, drain it weU, cut ofl all 
the harder parts, put remainder in a little cream and keep hot. 
Make a little good white sauce, see that it is really cooked, about 
6 to 7 minutes to boil. Put in the asparagus. The sauce must 
not be too liquid. Pile this in the middle of a casserole and put 
the cutlets, ends up, round it. 


Crush fib. loganberries, putting aside a few of the best. 
Sugar to taste, i dessertsponoful of whiskey. Melt loz. of 
gelatine with i tablespoonful of orange juice. I use orange- 
squash from the bottle if no orange available. Mix this in, also 
I gill of thick cream. Beat quickly together and put into a glass 
dish. Beat very stiffly some cream and cover the whole and then 
decorate with the loganberries you kept back, just sHghtly 
rolhng them in white sugar. 



Get some rib chops, bone them and roll up. Brush over with 
a little salad oil or butter, melted. Broil or grill them about 
8 minutes, turning them from side to side. Small peeled tomatoes 
done the same way should be served with the chops. 

Take some cutlets and trim from bone and fat. Brush over 
with French mustard and sprinkle with some cayenne pepper, 
egg and breadcrumb these and put under the grUl. Make a good 
gravy sauce, add i tablespoonful of tomato pulp, i teaspoonful 
each of Harvey and Worcester sauce, a little more cayenne 
pepper and serve this separately in a boat. Make a glass casserole 
very hot, put in a layer of either young green peas or spinach. 
Arrange the noisettes on top. Sprinkle chopped parsley or 
chopped mint on top. 

I found this recipe very good when I had no suet, but a lemon. 
40Z. breadcrumbs, loz. flour, 2oz. beef dripping, 2oz. sugar, 
the grated peel and juice of a lemon, i egg, milk. Mix in a basin 
the breadcrumbs, flour, sugar and lemon peel and juice. Put 
the milk into a saucepan with the dripping, as it comes to the boil 
pour it over the other ingredients and beat up very weU with a 
fork. As it begins to get cool, beat up the egg and add that 
and give another good beating. Pour into a greased basin and 
steam for 2J hours. Serve with a sweet lemon sauce. 

Chop up finely some calf's liver and add an equal quantity 
of boiled rice. Season very highly, pepper, salt and some grated 
onion. Beat up two eggs and put all into a greased pie dish and 
bake in a moderate oven. 

Cook some calf s liver in a little salted water for about 10 
minutes. Take out and cut in pieces and pound it up in the 
mortar with 2oz. butter and loz. of bacon fat. Put this to | pint 
of well cooked white sauce, rub all through a wire sieve. Add 
the yolks of 3 eggs, 3 tablespoonfuls of cream, then having 
beaten the whites of the eggs very stiffly, put them in. Pour 
into a very well greased souffle dish and bake in a hot oven 
for 30 minutes. It should be only a golden colour. 



2 lemons, 2 eggs, 40Z. margarine, 40Z. self-raising flour, 
40Z. sugar, a little milk. Grate the rind of the lemons into a pie 
dish and add the juice, put in 2oz. of sugar and cut 2oz. margarine 
into small pieces, beat up i egg and put into a moderate oven 
until set. Now cream the rest of the sugar with the margarine, 
sift in the flour, add enough milk to bring it to a consistency 
that will allow it to drop off the spoon. Pour this on to lemon 
mixture, when it has set, bake until it fieels firm to the touch. 
Can be served either hot or cold. 


Cut the liver into slices, keeping them the same size as possible. 
Brush these slices over with some oil, then grill them. Rub a 
hot fireproof dish with a piece of garlic. Lay on the slices and 
keep hot. Have ready some finely cut fried onions. Put a half 
tomato on the pieces of liver, return to the griU for a few minutes, 
then surround with the fried onions and sprinkle a little chopped 
parsley on the tomato. 


AUow 2 oysters for each person. Drain them. Cover with 
a little mustard and cayenne pepper, egg and bread crumb them 
and fry in some butter. 

Pound up a small tin of lobster with loz. butter, 2oz. bread 
crumbs, rind and juice of half a lemon or a little vinegar. Season 
highly, mustard, cayenne, nutmeg. Mix very well and serve on 
fried croutons either hot or cold. 


Cut up the lobster fairly finely. Make 2 cups of white sauce, 
cool this a little and then add the yolks of 2 eggs, well beaten with 
I gill of cream, salt, cayenne and a good squeeze of lemon juice. 
Put in the lobster and just make very hot again before serving 
in a casserole with a surround of rice, made hot and very dry. 

Crayfish, crab or shrimps are excellent prepared in the same 



Melt 20Z. margarine in a pan and stir in 2 tablespoonfuls of 
flour and cook until it begins to bubble. Draw to side of the fire 
and pour in gradually i quart of milk, stirring all the time to 
keep it quite smooth ; let it come to the boU. Cut up the 
losbter into small pieces, add to the soup. Season to taste and 
let all cook for 15 minutes. A tin of lobster does very well for 
this. To serve about 4 people. 


Cut the lobster into chunks, the same size as pineapple 
chunks, add one-third the quantity of pineapple chunks and 
one-third quantity of ripe apples cut the same way and mix 
lobster, pineapples and apples, together with some very 
creamy mayonnaise sauce. Put all this in a silver entree dish, 
surround with the hearts of cabbage lettuce and serve more 
mayonnaise in a boat. 


Pulp 6 medium-sized tomatoes, shce thinly a few mushrooms 
and I shallot, make a good creamy white sauce, put in the other 
ingredients, season with pepper and salt, let all simmer until 
quite cooked ; don't let it boil. It must be very thick. Let it 
cool a little, then add i tablespoonful of brandy, stirring in by 
degrees and a gill or more of thick cream. Cut up the lobster 
(or 2 according to number to serve) and J pint of sheUed shrimps, 
and place in a casserole. Pour the sauce over completely 
covering it. Leave it and when required simply hot up sufficiently 
to slightly brown the top. It must be really hot, but on no 
account allow it to boil. 

Put a handful of sultanas to soak. Cut the lobster in half, 
take out the meat and put into a basin, which cover so that it 
does not get dry. Remove the poisonous parts inside and well 
wash the shells in cold water, and crush them, put into a saucepan 
with some water and a httle salt. Let it boil and crush the shells 
with a wooden spoon. When the stock is well flavoured, stram 
from the shells. Let the stock come to the boil, put in rather 
more than ^Ib. well-washed Carolina rice, boil 20 minutes, strain 
and dry, keeping very hot, and retain the stock. Cut up the 
lobster in small pieces, put into a casserole with some butter, 


I teaspoonful of dry curry powder, the sultanas and a little stock. 
Cover and put in the oven until the stock is absorbed. Just 
before serving add the very hot rice, mix carefully and serve 
very hot. 


Take all the flesh from a medium-sized lobster and flake it. 
Melt loz. butter in a small saucepan and put in the lobster. Let 
it cook for a few minutes, keeping it stirred. Whisk up 2 eggs, 
season well, put in 2 tablespoonfuls of milk and add by degrees 
to the lobster and cook very gently until it begins to set, then 
divide and put on to as many pieces of hot buttered toast as 
there are persons. Garnish with little sprigs of watercress. 
Serve very hot. 


Cut a lobster in half, take from the shell, chop the lobster 
rather finely and mix with a teacupul of fine breadcrumbs. 
Wash the shells in cold water. Melt a little butter and use it 
instead of oil to make a good salad dressing, weU seasoned with 
cayenne ; mix this with the lobster meat, fill the shells with this. 
Cover with breadcrumbs, not too many, dab on some butter and 
bake in a hot oven for 10 minutes. 


Make a panada in the usual way with loz. butter, loz. flour, 
I gill of milk. Then when thoroughly cooked and cooled a little, 
add the yolks of 2 eggs, one by one, put in the meat of the lobster, 
I teaspoonful of lemon juice, salt, pepper and cayenne. Whisk 
the whites of the eggs to a froth, mix in lightly in a souffle dish 
well buttered. Bake in a moderate oven for | hour. 


Cut up a lobster into quite small pieces. Make a very good 
and creamy veloute sauce, using half quantity of either strong 
chicken or veal broth with the milk, i teaspoonful of meat extract, 
cut up some chives, enough for i teaspoonful, J cup finely-grated 
cheese and i small wineglass of sherry, pepper and salt. With the 
mixture, fill some small shells, bake for a little in the oven until 
very hot. Crumble some rather coarse bread crumbs. Mix in a 
small saucepan with some butter. Put these over the shells, 
return to the oven until they brown. 



This makes a delicious first course for luncheon party and 
should be served in individual glasses. Chop very finely the 
meat of a fair-sized lobster, then pound it to a paste, adding salt, 
cayenne, pepper and some good anchovy sauce. Whip some 
cream until stiff, add this by degrees until aU is smooth and 
creamy. Pour into the glasses and hand some very thin toast 
in a rack. 


The weight of i egg in butter, sugar and flour, mix with 2 
yolks in a basin and put in i tablespoonful of strawberry or 
raspberry jam. Whisk the whites of the eggs, add | teaspoonful 
of bi-carbonate of soda, add to the mixture and steam the pudding 
for 2 hours. Serve with any good sweet sauce. 


Take a ring mould and fill it with a thick highly-seasoned 
gravy, mix in a little gelatine, then put in some bits of either cold 
chicken or veal or game. Set in the Frigidaire. When ready to 
serve, turn out on to an entree dish, fill the inside with a Russian 
salad mixed with mayonnaise, and decorate with alternate little 
heaps of cold asparagus tips and cold cooked baby carrots or 
other vegetables, according to the season. 

Carve into joints a steamed chicken ; arrange these on a hot 
fireproof dish. Pour over a very good curried cream sauce. 
Make a good border of rice round it. This can also be made into 
a cold dish, by adding some aspic jelly to the curry sauce arid 
masking the joints with it. Serve cucumber dressed and in 





The two recipes here given have been very useful during the 
time that we have had no oil. Take 2 yolks of eggs, i dessert- 
spoonful of sugar, I dessertspoonful dry mustard, some salt, 
I level tablespoonful of margarine, i gill of milk, i gill of tarragon 
vinegar. Put all the dry ingredients into a basin which stand in 
saucepan of nearly boiling water. Add the margarine, which 
should be quite soft, then the yolks of the eggs well beaten. 
Keep on stirring all the time, very slowly, add the vingear, then 
the milk. Let it cook slowly until the proper consistency. 
You must be very careful not to let it boU. Put into a jar, cover 
and keep in a cool place. 

MAYONNAISE (2nd Recipe) 

Break an egg into a basin with 2 level tablespoonfuls of wine 
vinegar, or tarragon vinegar, and beat together very well, add 
I teaspoonful sugar, some salt and pepper. Pour into a small 
saucepan and cook on a gentle heat beating all the time. Break 
into small pieces 2 to 4 oz. of margarine. The more you can spare 
the thicker and the better will be the sauce. Add these pieces 
one by one until you have a really thick-looking custard. Tar- 
tare sauce can be made from this by adding very finely-chopped 
pickled onions or shallots, gherkins and capers. 

To lib. of sweet oranges use 2lbs. sugar, 3 pints of water, 
either 3 lemons or 2 teaspoonfuls of citric acid, or i or 2 pieces of 
quassia chips ; these must not be in the marmalade for more 
than ten minutes. Cut the fruit in thin slices, put the pips into 
a piece of muslin and put this with the fruit into the pan, covering 
with the water and citric acid, if this is being used. Let it come 
to the boil and continue slowly boiling until the peel is quite soft ; 
it will not look transparent as it does when made with Seville 
oranges. This should take from ij to 2 hours. Remove the pips 
and add the sugar. Keep stirring until the sugar is quite dissolved 
then let it boil very rapidly. Keep on trying a httle on a plate 
until it " jells," then put in jars and tie down at once. 


This is made in one day. Cut the Seville oranges very fine 

and to every lb. of fruit add 3lbs. sugar and i quart of water. 

Put pips into a little jar, cover with water and put in coolish oven, 

add the white jelly they make into the marmalade about 10 


minutes before you take it off. Cover the cut oranges with the 
water until the skins are quite tender and transparent and the 
contents of the pan are well reduced. Add the sugar, stir very 
well until it has really dissolved, and let all boil for about an hour. 
Keep weU stirred, then let all finish off rapidly. Test in the usual 
way. Add the pip jelly. Pot up as soon as ready, ir it will 
lose its beautiful colour. Tie down at once. 

MARZIPAN (as made in War-^ime) 
I tablespoonful of sherry (or water), loz. margarine, 20z. 
sugar, 20Z. Soya flour or half of Soya and very fine dried and 
sifted sweet buiscit crumbs, i teaspoonful of Ratifia or Almond 
essence. Melt the margarine in the warm water, add essence 
and sugar, stir well, then add the Soya flour and form a stiff 
paste. Turn out onto board and knead it well. This does for the 
Christmas cake or to make sweets. Macaroons can be made by 
rolling flat, cut in rounds and bake in moderate oven about 
20 minutes tiU golden brown. 


Melt Jib. of marshmallows, cutting up first ; then put them in 
a double boiler with J pint of strong coffee. When thoroughly 
melted put to cool. Whip up \ pint of cream very stiffly. Fold 
in. Put into individual glasses and let stand for 4 hours in the 


I pint of water to every lb. of fruit, i lemon. Wash the fruit, 
cut up the lemon finely and the medlars into quarters. Pour into 
pan and cover with the water. Let it come to the boil and pound 
with wooden spoon. It takes about i J hours. Strain through a 
cloth in the usual way ; do not squeeze or it will not be clear. 
Weigh the liquid and add same weight of sugar. Let it boil and 
test in the usual way. 

MEDLAR JELLY (Receipe No. 2). 

Put the medlars, which must be quite ripe, into the pan 
with enough water to cover them and let all cook until it is a 
pulp. Strain through a jeUy bag or cloth. To every pint of 
juice add ilb. sugar. Let it come to the boil very fast, for about 
I hour, and skim frequently. 


MEDLAR JELLY (Recipe No. 3). 
Put ripe medlars into pan with water to cover, simmer well 
until they become pulp. Strain. To every pint add ilb. sugar 
and boil for i| hours. 


Boil together i onion and 5 medium-sized potatoes. When 
done rub through the sieve, then mix the pulp with | pint of the 
water in which they were boiled and half a pint of milk. Flavour 
with pepper and salt. Take a good handful of watercress that 
has been well washed in salted water, chop this fairly fine, add a 
nice piece of margarine. Stir well and let it almost come to the 
boil and serve with fried croutons. Cream could be added 
instead of margarine. 


Peel and cut up the stalks of the mushrooms ; wash them well. 
Cover with just enough chicken stock or water in which potatoes 
have been boiled (see that it is not too salt), let it come to the 
boil and cook for 15 minutes. Strain and throw peel, etc., away. 
Slice the mushrooms and a httle piece of onion, put into a 
shallow pan with a little butter, stirring all the while ; do not 
let it get brown. When quite soft, rub through the sieve, but 
keeping back a few slices of the mushrooms. Add the puree to 
the liquor, season with pepper and salt, put sufficient top of the 
milk to make quantity required, stir until it thickens ; do not 
let it boil. Add the slices of mushrooms j ust before serving. 


Take some large mushrooms, peel and stalk them. Quickly 
grill the mushrooms for a minute or two on both sides. Chop 
the stalks and any broken bits very finely, put in equal quantity 
of chopped ham and fine bread crumbs, a very small onion and 
some parsley chopped. Add a good squeeze of lemon juice and 
mix well together. Butter very well a casserole, lay in the 
grilled mushrooms. Cover with the mixture. Cover the 
casserole and bake untU brown and serve very hot. 


This makes an economical dish for early dinner. Soak the 
haricot beans overnight and boil until tender but not to a mash. 
Cut up a scrag of mutton with only just enough water to cover, 
some salt and pepper, 2 large onions, cut up 2 bay leaves. Bring 
to the boil and let simmer for i| hours. Take all meat off the 
bone. Well grease a casserole with some dripping, put in some 
beans, then a layer of meat and repeat, having beans for the last 
layer. Put some Uttle bits of dripping on the beans. Put in the 
oven until it is done. 

Cut meat off cutlets and twist round into a good shape. 
Put on a plate, pour a Uttle oil on and round them and turn these 
over from time to time. At the same time put to soak some 
French plums, have as many as there are medallions. About 
half-hour before you need these, slit the plums enough to slip 
the stones out, put them in a little saucepan with some margarine, 
cook slowly but thoroughly turning them about. Have some 
rounds of buttered toast, the same number again. They should 
be only just larger than the medaillions. GriU the meat in the 
ordinary way, put on the toasts and a plum on each. Serve with 
a puree of spinach round or a puree of carrots or little new carrots. 

This is a Greek dish and will be found very good. Take 
20Z. margarine, 1 small onion, i dessertspoonful of flour, | cup 
of milk, 20Z. of either mutton or beef, fresh or ready cooked, 
pepper, salt, a | eggspoonful spice, 12 slices boiled potatoes, 
some mushrooms if available, i bay leaf, a little grated cheese, 
I egg or its equivalent dried. Fry in the margarine the onion, 
meat, mushrooms and the condiments and let cook gently for 
half -hour. Grease a pie dish and arrange the potato slices round. 
Then add the contents of the frying pan. Now make a white 
sauce with the flour, milk, etc.. When cool add the egg well 
beaten, pour over the meat and add the grated cheese. Putin 
the oven for 15 minutes ; send to table very hot. 


An Economical and delicious dish. 

Bone 2j\h. of breast of mutton. Cut away if too much fat 

and put with the bones to make a good stock for Scotch broth. 

Lay the meat on a board, cover with about |lb. rashers of bacon, 


a good layer of veal forcemeat. This should be very well flavoured 
with herbs and lemon peel chopped finely. Here and there put 
pieces of pickled walnuts. Now roll up very tightly and tie 
with string. Cover with greased paper, put into a baking tin in 
a moderate oven and baste from time to time. Serve with this 
a good gravy to which has been added some currant jelly, i 
tablespoonful chopped fresh parsley, 2 tablespoonfuls fine bread 
crumbs, pepper and salt. Bring all to the boil, stir well before 
putting in a sauceboat. 

Wash and quarter a pound of green unripe apples and put to 
them i pint of vinegar and let cook until all is soft. Pound with 
a wooden spoon to get the apple juice well out. Strain through 
a cloth all night and don't try to squeeze it out. Next day 
measure the liquer. To each pint allow lib. of sugar, put on the 
fire and cook slowly until all the sugar is dissolved. Then let it 
come to the boil and let gallop for 10 minutes. To every pint of 
jelly add 2 tablespoonfuls of finely chopped green mint. Stir this 
well in. Strain. Put into jars. Cover at once and store in a 
cold place. This is best made in double quantities. 

Quite excellent for a winter's day dinner dish. Line a 
pudding basin with a suet crust as for beefsteak pudding. Cut up 
into fairly small pieces about 2-2pb.' of mutton taken from the 
clump end of the lion, trim off any superfluous fat. Cut up the 
kidneys from the loin and mix with the mutton ; lay this in the 
basin, sprinkle in between 2 shallots cut very finely, some 
parsley, well season with pepper and salt, nearly but not quite 
fill the basin with water, cover with the suet crust, well pressing 
the edges together. Cover with cloth and tie very tightly and 
boil for 3 hours. Serve in the basin. 

Make meringues in the usual way, using 30Z. sugar to each 
white of egg. Best made in a round shape for the Mt. Blanc. 
Mix flour of chestnuts with 2 to 3 dessertspoonfuls of milk until 
it is soft, but not running. Carefully place the meringues on a 
glass or silver dish, round top up. Cover with the chestnut 
preparation. Now whip some cream so stiffly that it stands 
alone, and forms into " mountain tops " on the chestnut mixture. 
A very favourite sweet with young people. 



2 dessertspoonfuls (|oz.) gelatine, i cup of hot milk, | cup hot 
water, i egg, 2 dessertspoonfuls sugar, i cup whipped cream, 
I cup macaroon crumbs, i teaspoonful vanilla. Dissolve gelatine 
in hot water. Beat the egg, add sugar, hot milk and flavouring. 
Heat, stirring all the time till mixture thickens on the spoon. 
Let it get cool, then add the gelatine. When the mixture is 
thickening, stir in the whipped cream and the macaroon crumbs 
and pour into a well wetted mould. Serve with cream aiid 
decorate with cherries or angelica. 


Cut the meaty parts from ij mutton cutlets, trim them into 
rounds. Have a tin or bottle of artichoke bottoms, drain them 
on a cloth and heat them in some butter. GriU the medaillions 
about 3-3I minutes each side, having well peppered them first. 
Into a very hot entree dish put the artichokes with a medailUon 
on each one. Garnish with a surround of spinach or grilled 
tomatoes cut into halves. 

MOUSSE. Either Chocolate or Other Flavourings. 

Put I tin of evapourated milk to get hot ia the oven. Open 
it first. Take 2 tablespoonfuls of cocoa, 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar, 
mix with a little of the top of the milk and let cook a little. 
Dissolve 3 dessertspoonfuls of gelatine in 2 tablespoonfuls of 
warm water, add to the evaporated mflk in a basin and stir well. 
Put it into the Frigidaire and when about to set beat it up very 
well, then add the chocolate mixture and beat again and turn out 
on to a glass dish. Put into the Frigidaire. When about to 
serve beat up some cream, put over the mousse and decorate with 
glace cherries. Different flavourings can be made with cofiee, 
rum, lemon, orange, strawberry, etc. Can be made the day 
before using. 


Break up into small pieces some medium very fresh mush- 
rooms and cook them very slowly in a little butter. Put in some 
salt and pepper, i yolk of egg and about i tablespoonful of cream. 
Let all cook until nice and thick. Fry some squares of bread, 
about 2 inches by 2, in some bacon fat or lard, do not let them 
get hard. Pour on each crouton some of the mushroom puree. 
Quickly beat up the white of the egg very very stiffly and com- 


pletely cover the mushroom. Sprinkle with a little finely grated 
cheese mixed with paprika and put in the oven until it looks a 
good golden brown. 


^oz. gelatine, | pint of milk, J cupful of hot water, 4 teaspoon- 
fuls of coffee essence, 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar, i egg, 2 or 3 
drops of vanilla. 

Bring milk to boil, add the coffee and boU for i minute. 
Beat egg yolk and sugar, add to the coffee mixture and cook 
until the mixture coats the spoon. Leave to cool. Dissolve 
the gelatine in the hot water, then stir in, adding the few drops of 
vanilla. When beginning to set beat the egg white very stiffly 
and whisk into the mixture. Pour into a wet mould. Serve in 
the mould ; it should be a plain round one. Beat up some cream 
stiffly and pour on top. Decorate with chopped pistachio nuts 
or a few crisp flakes of malted wheat cereal. 






40Z. ground almonds, 40Z. castor sugar, 40Z. margarine, 
40Z. flour, a pinch of bi-carbonate of soda. Mix all the ingredients 
together with a wooden spoon until they are thoroughly kneeded 
together. Put on a slightly floured board and flatten and press 
with a rolling pin, then cut out into rounds and bake for a few 
minutes until a nice golden colour. Use as Uttle flour on the 
board as you can. 


4 eggs, I tablespoonful aspic, J teaspoonful gelatine, i big 
tomato, mayonnaise. Poach the eggs and let get quite cold, then 
trim them. Coat with mayonnaise to which add i tablespoonful 
of aspic and ^ teaspoonful gelatine ; this wants doing carefully 
on a flat dish as they must be really weU coated. Cut the large 
tomato into 4 slices, having first skinned it. For the salad take 
6 cooked new potatoes, 3 medium tomatoes, J pint cooked runner 
beans, some French salad dressing. Cut the potatoes into dice, 
chop the tomatoes, chop the beans and mix well together with the 
French dressing. Put all this in the centre of a round glass dish, 
the 4 slices of tomato round and carefuUy place i egg on each 
piece of tomato. Sprinkle with chopped parsley 


Make some good short pastry and line a flan dish with it, 
but do not cook it. Place on it some cold apple marmalade, 
then arrange some thin slices of cooking apple, overlapping each 
other and in a regular pattern. Put a shake of castor sugar on 
top and bake in a hot oven for ^ hour. Let it get cold, then 
glaze with some boiling apricot marmalade i.e., apricot jam 
made warm and rubbed through a sieve, add a very little water 
and some sugar and let come to the boU. For the apple marma- 
lade, cut up some cooking apples, about ilb., add a piece of butter, 
the size of a walnut, 30Z. sugar and a little water. Bring to a boil 
and pulp well with a wooden spoon until quite smooth. This 
makes a very good pudding for a luncheon party. 





4 oranges, ^ lemon, some raisins or sultanas, i tablespoonful 
each of salad oil, brandy, a little sugar, salt, cayenne, i tea- 
spoonful each of chopped Tarragon and Chervil or parsley. 
Soak the raisins which must be split and stoned, in the brandy 
and oil. Peel the oranges so that there is no white pith left, 
take out the pips, divide into sections and put into a rather fiat 
glass dish or bowl. Squeeze the lemon juice over. Cut a shallot 
very very finely and sprinkle over with the sugar, salt and pepper. 
Pour over the raisins brandy and oil, sprinkle the herbs on top. 
Make this about i hour before serving with wild duck, etc. 

ORANGE SALAD (Recipe No. 2). 

Peel and separate some oranges into sections, arrange in a 
bowl, sprinkle with a Uttle sugar and finely chopped mint. Make 
a syrup by boiling some sugar in a teacup of water. Flavour well 
with lemon juices and sherry. When cold pour over the oranges. 
Decorate with mint leaves. 


The difference between a Spanish omelet and a French one is 
really that the Spanish one is served flat and not rolled or folded 
as is the French. So take four eggs, beat yolks and whites 
together, season with pepper and salt and when the pan in which 
you have put about i to 2 tablespoonfuls of olive oil is smoking 
hot, pour in the mixture. If you are not really an expert in 
tossing or turning an omelet, try this way : Hold an enamel plate 
over the omelet and turn it upside down over a dish. Now slip 
it back again the reverse way and put any boiling fat back as well. 
One minute after, the omelet should be ready. There are many 
different savoury fillings that may be used. 

(i) Slice some onions, sprinkle with a mixture of flour and 
cheese crumbs, fry these together before making the omelet and 
put them very hot on half the omelet and just fold over. 

(2) Cut 2 or 3 rashers of bacon up finely with a little grated 
onion or shallot, fry in a little butter and have this all hot and 
ready to serve on the one half of the omelet. 

(3) Mince very finely any morsels of chicken or game. Crush 
a few potato chips, bought variety, a small tomato, a grating of 
onion, pepper and salt, i dessertspoonful of sherry (or white 
wine). Let these be mixed in a saucepan and get very hot. 
Serve as above on the omelet. 


(4) Chicken livers with a little ham, onion, chopped parsley, 
pepper, salt. Proceed as above. 

(5) Chopped up mushrooms cooked in a little wine and butter. 
Season with parsley. 

(6) Chop up two lambs' kidneys, i rasher of bacon, parsley, 
and cook in butter. When done, add just enough sherry 
to thoroughly moisten. 

(7) Young green peas, asparagus tips, tomatoes — aU these 
added to a little fried onion, make good fillings. 


20Z. margarine, 40Z. flour, 2oz. sugar, i egg or i dried egg 
used dry, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder, the grated rind of 
I orange, the juice of same with i tablespoonful of water, 3 
tablespoonfuls of milk. Beat the sugar and margarine until soft 
and creamy. Put in the well-beaten egg, juice and water. 
Continue to beat, sieve in the flour and baking powder mixed, 
then the peel and milk and beat until it looks very creamy 
Grease 2 rather small cake tins, divide half the mixture into each, 
bake in a fairly hot oven for 20-25 minutes. When cold can be 
spUt and spread with orange jeUy, or marmalade. 


I gall, pale brandy, juice of 2 lemons, i J pints juice of Seville 
oranges, the peel of 12 SevUle oranges pared very thin, 2|lb. 
of sugar candy. Let this stand for 2 days and stir very frequently, 
well covering the pan with a thick cloth. Now strain through a 
jelly bag 3 or 4 times until quite clear, rub 3 or 4 oranges with a 
few lumps of sugar, put them in and let them stand i hour until 
dissolved ; strain again and then bottle it. A piece of blotting 
paper put in the bottom of the jeUy bag saves a lot of trouble 
in clearing. This is an old family recipe and then, Brett's British 
pale brandy was used. I do not know if this is now procurable. 


6 oranges, 50Z. dates, 3 cupfuls of sugar, 2 cupfuls of white 
vinegar, i teaspoonful of cloves, cinnamon, lemon peel and mace 
tied up in a muslin bag. Peel the oranges removing all pith and 
pips. Cut into thick slices, put into a double saucepan. Cut up 
the dates, add them and let all cook until quite soft. Boil in a 
small pan the sugar, vingear and spices for | hour. Take out the 
muslin of spices, add the spiced vinegar to the fruit, let all 
simmer for i hour. Bottle, and eat it especially with cheese. 


Butter some scallop shells, lay in some breadcrumbs and then 
the oysters ; tinned are very good. Make a very little buttery 
white sauce. Add any liquid from the oysters, a good squeeze 
of lemon and put with the oysters. Cover with breadcrumbs 
and dabs of butter. Bake 20 minutes until a golden brown. 

Cook the oysters in some butter with pepper and salt, add the 
liquor until they begin to swell up. Beat up i or 2 eggs, according 
to the numbers of oysters. Add some cream, stir all together 
until thick. Serve on very hot soft buttered toast. 

Pound in the mortar the flesh of two whitings. Make a panada 
of 20Z. margarine, i^oz. of flour and | pint of milk, the liquor 
of the oysters. Mix this and cook until done, beating it well. 
Now add some cream, about a gill. Keep on whipping. Cut the 
oysters ; put in, pepper and salt, and a small grating of nutmeg. 
Now add one by one the yolks of 3 eggs, then the pounded fish 
and lastly the stifQy beaten whites of the eggs. Pour all into a 
well-buttered souffle dish and steam for f hour. 

80Z. cornflour, 40Z. butter, 6oz. castor sugar, 3 eggs, i tea- 
spoonful baking powder, pinch salt. Beat butter and sugar to a 
cream, whisk the eggs well with the salt and add, beat, then 
sieve the flour, beat again. Butter some patty pans (not too 
much butter), fill f-fuU. Bake in moderate oven for 20 minutes. 


Melt I tablespoonful of butter in a saucepan, add i table- 
spoonful of flour, salt, a little paprika. Cook for a few minutes, 
then add i cup of mUk. Let it come to the boil, stirring well. 
Now put in I cup stale fine breadcrumbs, teaspoonful chopped 
parsley, i cupful of cold cooked chopped onions and the yolks of 
2 eggs, well beaten. Whisk up the whites of the eggs very 
stiffly, fold them into the mixture. Bake in a well greased 
souffle dish for 15-20 minutes. Serve with a cream sauce. 



Cut the tail into serviceable pieces, flour them and fry with a 
large onion cut up. Turn the pieces about several times. Have 
ready a good many carrots cooked ; if too large divide them 
lengthwise. When they are done strain them but keep the water 
they were cooked in. Now put the oxtail into a large earthenware 
dish. Sprinkle i tablespoonful flour into the frying pan, rub well 
in, then add the carrot water and make a very good gravy. 
Add 2 cloves, 6 allspice, salt, pepper. When this has boiled 
§ome minutes, pour all over the oxtail, put the casserole into the 
oven and let it simmer 3 hours. Just before serving add some 
lemon juice and i wine glass of sherry. Heat up the carrots 
and return these to the casserole. 





Beat 6 eggs well in a basin, and sift in 6oz. sugar. Stand the 
basin in a saucepan of boiling water and keep on beating the 
mixture until it thickens. Sieve in gradually 6oz. flour with a 
pinch of salt and | teaspoonful of baking powder. Keep on 
beating. Now add 30Z. of chrystalised pineapple, finely chopped, 
and the grated rind of i lemon. Mix thoroughly and pour into 
a greased paper lined tin. Bake in a quick oven for half-an-hour. 


7lbs. pears, 3 oranges, i or 2 lemons, 61b. sugar. Wash the 
fruit. Remove pips from oranges and lemons. Put all fruit 
unskinned through the mincer. Put into a preserving pan with 
the sugar. Stir until the liquid forms and the sugar dissolves. 
Cook until it all looks clear. Pot up. Try also plum and orange 
jam, and damson and orange. Make same way. 


This should make about i2lbs. Open 3 large tins of pine- 
apple chunks, drain off the juice, weigh the fruit. To 4lbs. of 
pineapple allow lib. of apples and cook to a pulp. Cut with a 
knife and fork each chunk across the grain, otherwise it might 
be tough. Measure the juice, i.e., i pint weighs ijlb ; take the 
weight of the fruit and juice and allow just under fib. of sugar 
to each pound fruit and juice. Put juice and sugar on to boil 
and when sugar is dissolved, add fruit, pine and pulped apple. 
Finish the jam in the ordinary way, boil very fast towards the end. 
test in the usual way. The pineapple should be soft, but not 


(i) Put to soak overnight 6oz. prunes. Cook in i pint of 
water, in which you have soaked the prunes ; add a small piece 
of cinnamon and Joz. sugar. When cooked, take out stones, 
add Joz. of gelatine (see that it is properly dissolved), rub all this 
through the sieve. Mix 2oz. of currants washed and then soaked 
in I tablespoonful of sherry and add to the pulp. Pour into a 
well-wetted mould and let set. Serve with cream or custard. 


(2) To lib. prunes, 30Z. castor sugar, loz. gelatine, juice and 
rind of i lemon, i glass brandy or sherry, i pint of water. Soak 
prunes in the water overnight, then boil with the sugar until soft, 
remove stones and crack the kernals, add with the wine, lemon 
and the gelatine that has been dissolved. Boil for 20 minutes. 
Put into a border mould. Serve with whipped cream in centre. 
The mixture is nicer if rubbed through a sieve after boiling. 


Melt loz. margarine in a saucepan, add ^oz. flour. When 
cooked put } pint milk, making a thick white sauce ; boil for 
5 minutes. Add 2 tablespoonfuls grated cheese. Salt and pepper 
to taste. Put in the cooked peas. Grease 4 scallop shells and 
divide the mixture equally into them. Mix i tablespoonful cheese 
with 2 tablespoonfuls of fine bread crumbs. Cover the peas with 
this, dab a few bits of margarine over and brown in the oven. 


Wash, dry and shred finely 2 or 3 lettuces according to size. 
Chop very finely i small onion or shallot, mix together. Put 
some margarine into a casserole, add half the lettuce and onion, 
pepper and salt and i teaspoonful of sugar. Then put in the peas. 
Cover with remainder of the lettuce, put on lid and bake | hour, 
or until done. 


Cut the partridges in two. Line a greased casserole with some 
pieces of bacon. Shoe a kidney, lay on the bacon, then a layer of 
oysters. Put in the halves of the partridges, a few sUces of new 
potato, more kidney in layer and again the oysters, season with 
pepper and salt and i shallot cut very finely, pour in i gill of stock. 
Slice a potato rather finely, dip in a little oiled margarine and 
cover the ingredients. Strew fine breadcrumbs over and bake 
in a moderate oven for i hour. Serve in the casserole. 


Two breakfast cupfuls of potatoes that have been boiled and 
cut into dice. Put these into 2 breakfastcupfuls, about i pint, of 
parsley sauce that has been well seasoned with salt and pepper. 
Make very hot before serving. 


Make the usual pancake batter overnight ; 2 eggs, 6 table 
spoonfuls of flour, rather less than i pint of mUk. Cut up 2 
rashers of bacon into small pieces. Pepper, salt, i dessertspoonful 
of chives cut finely, i dessertspoonful of chopped parsley. After 
well beating the batter, add the other ingredients and at the last 
I teaspoonful of baking powder. Fry into 6 or 7 pancakes in 
boiling fat. 


Make a batter in the usual way. Shred a little white cabbage 
and boil it. Dry very weU on a cloth. Cut up 3 rashers of bacon 
into matches, cook in a little saucepan, then add the cabbage 
with pepper and salt. Stir into the batter, add i teaspoonful 
of baking powder at the last, beat well up and fry into several 
pancakes. Must be kept very hot. 

Boil the spaghetti for 15 minutes in salted water, drain very 
dry. Cut the cold pheasant into tidy pieces away from the bones. 
Cut up I tablespoonful of onion very finely and 2 rashers of bacon, 
put into a saucepan and cook for a few minutes, with 2 or 3 
tomatoes peeled and cut up. Let cook for 10 minutes. Put the 
spaghetti into a casserole, pour on the onions and tomatoes ; keep 
very hot in the oven. About 10 minutes before serving, lay in 
the pieces of pheasant. Let aU get very hot and serve with a 
pur6e of spinach. 


(i) Cut the pheasant into 6 or 8 pieces and put into a casserole 
with a little margarine and a bouquet garni. Cook for a few 
minutes, turning the pieces over. Now put just sufficient stock, 
made from the pheasant carcase, and let all simmer ^ hour. 
After coming to the boil, add a thickening of flour in milk and 
just before serving i tablespoonful of cream and garnish with 
roUs of friend bacon. 

(2) Cut the pheasant into pieces. Lay in a casserole with some 
margarine ; let cook. Now add some small onions which have 
been cooked in margarine. Some small mushrooms and Uttle 
new potatoes, or potatoes cut very small. When serving, lay 
pheasant neatly in the middle and make alternate groups of the 
vegetables round. Sprinkle chopped parsley over all. 



This makes a most excellent dish for a small party. Cut the 
pheasant into neat servicable pieces and put into a casserole 
with 30 peeled and divided walnuts. Squeeze or pound and sieve 
2lbs. grapes and also squeeze 4 oranges. Add this with a wine- 
glass of sherry and ijoz. of margarine to the pheasant. Add 
pepper and salt. Let all this cook in a hot oven for J to | hour. 
Lift out the pheasant, surround it with the walnuts and keep hot. 
Strain the hquor through a sieve into a small saucepan. WeU 
flavour it with a little grated onion, 2 cloves, a grating of nutmeg, 
I tablespoonful of sherry ; let all get very hot, thicken with a 
little Bisto or browned flour, reduce until it is sufficiently thick to 
coat the pheasant entirely. Garnish with chopped parsley and 
serve very hot. 


Take all the meat off a cooked pheasant before it is quite 
cold. Half the quantity of lean ham, mince it and then pound 
in a mortar separately. Add not quite J pint of good white 
sauce gradually whilst passing the meat through a sieve, as it 
helps the rubbing. Put all into a basin, pepper and salt it and mix 
it well for a few minutes. Melt i gill of aspic jelly, add by 
degrees, working it all the time, then put nearly J pint of beaten 
cream and fold in. Put into a basin or mould and let set in a 
cold place. Turn out on to a glass dish. Garnish with a Uttle 
beaten aspic and serve a celery salad with it. 


This makes a change from pastry over the fruit and is much 
quicker to make. 40Z. flour, 30Z. margarine, 20Z. brown sugar. 
Mix flour and sugar, rub in the margarine tiU it becomes lumpy, 
add a very little milk if necessary. Put this on top of the fruit 
to take the place of the pastry and bake tart in the ordinary way. 
Best to put a piece of greased paper over, about half-time, to 
prevent burning. 

PEAS IN CASSEROLE— A Vegetarian Lunch Dish 

2 pints of peas. A good-sized round lettuce into which 
sprinkle some finely chopped mint and i small onion. Put all 
into a good-sized casserole with a very little water and Jib. 
butter ; cook for 20 minutes. Take out the lettuce, cut across 
into four. Keep warm. Test the peas, if they are about done. 


Add to the juice in the casserole 2 tablespoonfuls of cream, the 
beaten yolk of an egg, a little sugar, pepper and salt. Return 
lettuce to peas when all is ready to serve. 

BoU a chicken with some cloves, allspice and peppercorns. 
When cooked take it up and put in a colander. Set this over 
the saucepan of boiling stock in which the chicken was cooked. 
Put in |lb. rice which has been well washed and 2 tablespoonfuls 
of sultanas in the stock and boil for 15-20 minutes ; drain off 
any stock that may be left. This makes a good soup for next day. 
Drain and let the rice get dry in a warm oven. Have ready a 
large plateful of onion rings, fried in Jib. butter or margarine 
until golden brown. When ready to serve put chicken on dish. 
Mould the rice round it. Pour the onions and butter over the top 
and garnish with 2 hard-boiled eggs cut in long quarters. 

I bottle of peaches, or i tin, | pint cream, Joz. gelatine. 
Rub peaches through a sieve, add the gelatine which has been 
dissolved in a Uttle warm fruit juice, and put this into the cream 
which has been well whisked. Sweeten to taste. Mix in with 
the peach puree ; do this very Ughtly. Turn into a souffle dish 
and set to cool in a cold place. 

I large tin of peas or ^Ib. dried peas soaked over night, 
I tablespoonful chopped parsley, i tablespoonful chopped leek, a 
httle garlic, loz. lard, i rasher bacon cooked. Jib. chopped 
cooked sausage, sprinkle of flour, pepper, salt. Put peas in 
saucepan with the parsley, garUc, leek, seasoning and flour and 
lard. A little water. Cook until all is soft. Place on very hot 
entree dish and put cooked bacon and sausage — ^both to be 
chopped — on the top. 

Cut the pigeons in quarters, put them into a stewpan with some 
margarine, pepper and salt ; let all brown well, then add some 
stock, a little wine, a bouquet-garni. Bring to boil and simmer 
until cooked. They should do very slowly. Parboil 30Z. of 
mararoni about 15 minutes, strain very dry, put to the pigeons 
about I hour before serving. Put some chopped parsley over. 


Prepare the pigeons as for roasting, choosing nice young ones, 
then stuff the whole of the inside with sausage meat. Roast 
them 20 minutes to | hour, basting well. Serve them on a 
mattress of either well cooked and flavoured Savoy cabbage or 
on a bed of stewed red cabbage that has had a little vinegar 
added to it. 

Prepare pigeons in the ordinary way, then cut them in half and 
put them with some bacon fat on a tin ; put them in the oven 
to get well browned, during which time make a sauce as follows : 
Into a saucepan put loz. margarine or bacon fat, i onion chopped 
up, let brown ; then add i tablespoonful of flour, pepper and salt, 
J pint of stock. Put the pigeons into a casserole and cover with 
this sauce. Put in the oven, moderate heat, so that they do 
slowly. Garnish with croutons of fried bread and serve with a 
dish of boiled rice. 

Cut the pigeons open down the back, but do not quite separate. 
Take a sharp knife and remove the breast bone, place on a board 
and with a rolling pin flatten as much as possible. Rub them 
well over with a piece of garlic, if this is liked, and then with a Uttle 
oU. GriU them for about lo minutes, first one side and then the 
other. Dish them on a very hot dish. Garnish with roUs of 
crisp bacon and watercress round, or a border of pureed spinach 
if no watercress. 

Boil the pigeons (3), then remove the skins, place them flat 
on a dish, carving them in two. Make a very good white sauce, 
about I pint, adding to it a good teacupful of warmed aspic jelly. 
When cool, coat most completely and evenly each half of 
pigeon, put to set. When ready put into a silver dish, decorate 
with tomato slices, cut cucumber and cold slices hard-boiled egg, 
or what you will. 


Take young pigeons and truss them. Cut up some fat bacon 
and put inside each bird to keep them moist. Put on a tin with 
some margarine and brown them in the oven. Take them out, 
cut in two lengthwise. Put in a casserole, make a good gravy 


in the tin in which they were browned and add a glass of claret 
and season to taste. Pour this in with the birds, adding a few 
shallots or very small onions and a few mushrooms. Put casserole 
into a moderate oven for i| hours as pigeons must be cooked 
very slowly if they are to be nice. 

Braise some carrots, turnips, onion, pieces of celery, mush- 
rooms, etc., enough to make a good bed in a large casserole. Put 
a good piece of margarine that has been rolled in a mixture of 
flour, pepper, salt and a grating of nutmeg, into each pigeon. 
Put them on a tin and brown weU in the oven. Put these, cut 
in half, lengthwise on the bed of braised vegetables, make a 
gravy in the tin in which the birds were browned, pour over and 
let all simmer in the oven for i hour. 

Stew I pigeon, not too much, mince the meat. WeU season 
the gravy which should be a little thick. Melt loz. butter, add 
20Z. flour, let cook together, stirring well, then by degrees add 
the gravy. Cook all for 5 minutes, take off the fire and add one 
at a time the beaten yolk of 2 eggs. Put in the minced pigeon. 
Beat the whites of the egg very stiffly and put with the rest. 
Put all into a well-buttered basin, cover and steam for f hour. 
Serve with a good gravy — some that may have been left over 
from the stewing — flavour with a Uttle sherry and serve very 
hot in a sauce boat. 

Pigeons stuffed with chopped mushrooms and equal quantity 
of chopped bacon, herbs and parsley and quickly roasted are 
excellent. Serve bread sauce and a good thick brown gravy. 

For those who like a sweet pickle this recipe may appeal ; it 
apphes to either fruit. 3|lb. of fruit, 2lb. sugar, J pint water, 
J pint vinegar, 3 cloves. Peel, divide and core the fruit and boU 
together with the water, vinegar and cloves until soft ; then add 
the sugar, stir well until dissolved, let it all come gently to the 
boil, then let it boil rapidly for 10 minutes. Bottle and tie down. 


Cut some sponge cake up and put at the bottom of a glass dish. 
Stew the plums, when cooked take the stones out, crack the 
kernels and put them with the plums on to the cake. Dissolve 

1 tablespoonful of gelatine into the hot plum juice and when it is 
cool and about to set, add J pint of custard and whip together 
very well. Decorate with some whipped cream. 

Soak the fiUet in salted water for 2 hours, drain and wipe 
the meat, rub some margarine over and put it on a tin in the oven. 
As soon as it is well browned surround it with a number of raw 
potatoes, cut in quarters lengthways. About 20 minutes before 
serving, cut a slit in the pork lengthways and insert some apple 
sauce to which has been added some very finely chopped sage, 
pepper and salt. Return to oven to get very hot. The following 
dish may be served with it. 

Cut some carrots into rounds, brown lightly in butter or 
margarine, sprinkle with a little flour, pepper and salt, add a little 
water and i tablespoonful of Burgundy (or any other wine). 
When nearly done add a handful of stoned grapes — the hard 
white ones would do^cook gently and serve very hot in a 


Cook a piece of very young and tender pork in a casserole 
with some slices of bacon, little onions and a bouquet garni. 
When nearly done take out and slice it thinly. Cook some peas, 
when strained, add some very finely shredded lettuce, return to 
saucepan putting either a small piece of margarine or i table- 
spoonful of cream, let all just get thoroughly hot, now rub through 
a sieve to a puree. Reform the meat into a block and place on 
puree on dish and pour over so as to completely coat, it a thick 
highly-seasoned Bechamel sauce. Sprinkle some coarse bread- 
crumbs that have been browned in margarine. Make aU very hot 
in the oven for a few minutes only, or the sauce will get spoilt. 

Serve with this the following Salad Morrocain : Cut up 

2 cooked cold potatoes, 2 peeled tomatoes and 3 bananas. Take 
the stones out of 3 dates and cut up, a few pieces of celery shredded, 
arrange all in a bowl and pour over ^ glass of white wine and a 
good squeeze of lemon juice. Decorate with a ring of shredded 
lettuce leaves or a little watercress and hand some mayonnaise 


Chop up 3 breakfast cupfuls of any vegetables that are in 
season Well grease a casserole, put in the vegetables, together 
with I breakfastcupful of water or stock and put in a medium 
oven, having put a Hd on the casserole Into a pan put a little 
fat, lay in the pork cutlets and i large onion cut up and ht cook 
very gently Take the cutlets out carefully so as not to break, 
put on top of the vegetables Add a little flour to the onions 
in the frying pan, rub together, put in just enough stock or water 
to make a gravy, pour into casserole Just before serving add 
a wine glass of sherry 


Boil a small leg of pork, with carrots, turnips, etc ; time 
according to size, and when three-quarter done take it out and 
skin off the fatty part. Now rub the leg well over with some 
gin and sprinkle with coarse brown sugar Put on a tin and 
bake to finish cooking It is dehcious and much more digestible 
than roast pork usually is. Serve with it the vegetables that 
were boiled 


This is an economical way of doing them for either fish or game. 
Cut some raw potatoes into long strips, but not too thin. Lay 
them in a baking tin, sift a very little flour over them and put 
some small pieces of dripping or other fat with just a little water 
at the bottom of the tin ; put into a hot oven for | hour. 


Cut some potatoes into thin slices and boil them carefully 
so that they do not break. Now make a good white sauce of 
about J pint of milk, loz. margarine and i tablespoonful of flour. 
Let it boil for 5 minutes, adding pepper, salt and a dash of cayenne 
pepper. Put into this sauce the potatoes, stir them very care- 
fuUy, add a tin of prawns. Divide into as many scallop shells as 
you have persons, see that the potatoes are on top, put the shells 
in a tin and bake in the oven till they begin to brown. These make 
a very nice first course for luncheon. 


Boil about | pint of milk. Carefully put in a few drops of 
vanilla. Clean 2 tablespoonfuls of sultanas and let them steep 
in a wine glass of rum. Break up into small pieces ^Ib. of sponge 
cake. To this add 4 eggs well beaten with 2 tablespoonfuls of 
marmalade, the sultanas and rum, and well beating the whole 
gradually add the milk. Butter well a pudding mould, pour in 
the mixture, set it in a steamer over boiling water and let it steam 
for 45 minutes. Turn out into a hot silver dish and pour over 
either a hot custard or a good sweet sauce flavoured with a little 
more rum. 

Two tablespoonfuls of chocolate powder, ^ pint of cream, 
^ teacup of new milk, |lb. French almond rock, 2 eggs, ^oz. of 
gelatine, sugar to taste. Boil the milk and the chocolate together. 
Dissolve the gelatine, add slowly, then the yolks of the eggs weU 
beaten. Whip the whites of the eggs very stiffly, also the cream 
and add to the mixture. Lastly put in the French almond rock 
that has been well crushed and mix all very lightly. Turn into 
an oiled souffle dish and leave to set in a cold place. 

I heaped teaspoonf ul each of flour and castor sugar, margarine 
the size of a walnut, ^ pint milk, i egg. Mix flour and sugar 
with a little of the milk until quite smooth. Put the margarine 
into the rest of the milk, bring to the boil, add the sugar and flour, 
let it boil for 5 minutes, stirring all the while. Take off from 
the heat and add the yolk o fthe egg weU beaten. Beat well the 
white of the egg, add it, beat well, then put the mixture on to heat 
again until just on to the boil. Flavour with a few drops of 
vaniUa. Pour into a little bowl and put in the Frigidaire. Any 
other flavouring can be used for this as variation. 

30Z. flour, 2 large apples, f teacuptul sultanas, i tablespoonful 
brown sugar, i egg, gratings of orange and lemon peel, a little 
milk. Mix all ingredients well in a basin. Beat the egg, add the 
little drop of mUk, beat well, put into a greased pudding basin 
and steam for i hour. 


Put a little butter into a frying pan and when really hot put 
in the kernals, shake them well until they are a pale gold colour, 
then drain them on a sieve. They are excellent served hot with 
a dash of cayenne whilst hot, and when cold and dry put in a tin 
to eat cold with cocktails. 

I pint of aspec jelly, J pint of shelled prawns, 2 hard-boiled 
eggs, watercress or lettuce. Pour a little hquid aspic into a 
mould to cover the bottom and when firm arrange some prawns 
on it, then a little more aspic ; allow to set, add a layer of chopped 
egg, add more jelly, let it set and so on until the mould is full. 
Put in the Frigidaire until wanted. Turn out on glass dish and 
garnish with watercress, cucumber or tomatoes, whatever is in 
season. Can be served in little individual moulds, fiUing them in 
the same way and turning them out on to plates with salad round 
for each guest. 

ioz. gelatine, i tin of pineapple, in slices, not cubes, some 
crystallised cherries, hot water, sugar, colouring. Dissolve the 
gelatine in | cup hot water. Drain off the juice from the pine- 
apple, add the dissolved gelatine and make up with water to make 
I pint of juice. Sweeten to taste. Put a little of the liquid 
at the bottom of a plain mould and when set arrange a slice of 
pineapple with a cherry in the middle, pour on a little more 
liquid and allow to set. Then coat the sides of the mould with 
some of the jelly and standing up round the sides place sUces of 
pineapple with cherries in position. Now cut up the remainder 
of the pineapple with a few cherries, add to the remainder of the 
jelly. Colour with a few drops of cochineal, beat it up very well 
and put in the middle . Allow to set in the Frigidaire. Serve 
with whipped cream. 

Cook, drain and then mash 2 or 3 parsnips. Stir in i table- 
spoonful of margarine, pepper, salt, 2 eggs well beaten, i cup 
milk and enough flour to make a very stiff batter. Have a 
frying pan of boiling fat, drop i tablespoonful at a time of the 
batter and fry a golden brown. These are delicious served with 
bacon for breakfast or served as a vegetable with cold ham for 


Boil some new carrots, all to be about the same size, in a little 
salted water, until they are done. Drain them and put into a 
casserole with some margarine, a little sugar, pepper, salt, and 
some chopped parsley. Put into the oven to keep hot. Then 
drain off some cooked peas to which a sprig of mint has been added 
whilst cooking, and make a surround of these about the carrots 
Serve with either roast or boiled chicken. 

Shell about 2 pints of young peas, the heart of a large lettuce, 
a few small onions, i tablespoonful of sugar, salt, pepper, Jib. 
margarine, 2 tablespoonfuls of water. Put the peas into a largish 
earthenware casserole that has a good close lid to it, add the 
lettuce, onions, sugar, the margarine, salt and pepper and water, 
cover with the lid, bring to boil and then let simmer until the peas 
are soft and all the liquid absorbed. Take out the lettuce, cut 
it and surround the peas with it and garnish with the onions. 

Measure in a tumbler the required quantity of boiling water, 
add half this quantity of potato powder, stir quickly aU the time. 
This produces a sticky dough. Turn out on to a potato floured 
board. Roll out to about |in. thickness, cut into strips and then 
into chip size. Fry in boiling fat for exactly i minute, neither 
more or less. Lard is really best as the fat. 


Split some ripe peaches and stone them. Fill centres with a 
little pulp of peach, some macaroons crumbled, sugar, some 
grated citron peel and some liquer, 2 drops of almond essence. 
Put the halves together, moisten with wine. Beat the whites 
of 2 eggs with sugar, put over the peaches, put into a moderate 
oven until they glaze. Then set them on a base of sponge cake 
or shortbread moistened with a few drops of red wine. Will be 
found excellent. 




Take the carcase of a boiled fowl, remove all pieces of meat. 
Crush the bones, put into a saucepan with some flavouring 
vegetables and cover with the stock in which the fowl was boiled, 
having removed all the fat possible and having let it come to the 
boil, allow it to simmer for some hours. Then strain off and again 
remove any fat. Chop all the meat very finely and chop the white 
of I hard-boiled egg, rubbing it very fine with a wooden spoon, 
add I teaspoonful ground almonds, 2 dessertspoonfuls of corn- 
flour, pepper and salt. Mix with | pint of milk till very smooth. 
Now put this to the soup, let it come to the boil and boil for 3 
minutes ; let stand at side of stove, put in the meat and white of 
egg and when thoroughly hot, serve it. Do not let the soup 
boil again. 

Cut some raw veal very finely and put through the mincer 
twice, then pound in the mortar and rub well down. Season with 
pepper, salt, a grating of nutmeg, a grating of lemon peel. Take 
sufficient of a beaten yolk of egg to bind the mixture. With 2 
teaspoons form into little egg shapes, all one size, poach these 
very slowly in a little stock, which must not boil, turn them about 
until they are cooked, put one or two in each soup plate when 


To every 41b. quinces, 61b. sugar, 1-2 qts. of water and i 
lemon. Peel and core the quinces, just cover with water, add 
the juice of the lemon, let boil, cook all very slowly until tender, 
about ^ hour, after the boil. Now add the sugar and when 
dissolved let it come again to the boil ; keep stirring from time 
to time. Test it on a plate and when about to set bring it 
rapidly to the boil and let gallop for 10 minutes. Cover whilst 

Use all the skins and cores of the quinces, cover with water 
just sufficient to float them and boil till soft. Then strain 
through a jelly bag or cloth and leave all night to drain. Measure 
the liquor and to every pint allow lib. sugar, boil together for 
about I hour and then test as for red currant jelly. 





Cut up a rabbit and lib. of either pickled pork or bacon. 
2 breakfastcupfuls of breadcrumbs, 2 large onions chopped very 
fine, about 8-12 leaves of sage according to taste, pepper and salt. 
Put the cut pieces of bacon to Une the bottom and sides of a 
casserole, then a layer of rabbit (these should be in small joints), 
than a sprinkling of the breadcrumbs mixed with the sage and 
onion, pepper and salt, and repeat these layers, but have bacon 
for the last one. Just cover with stock or hot water, put on the 
hd and cook in a moderate oven for 2-2I hours. 

Put the rabbits, which must only be about 8 inches long, 
breast down on a board and chop down the spine into two. Rub 
these with oil and then griU them until just golden brown, 
6-8 minutes. Keep hot whilst you grill the same number of rashers 
of bacon and mushrooms. Serve very hot and quite dry. Bread 
sauce may be handed . 


Take 2 legs of rabbit, lightly saute them in a little margarine, 
put in about 6-7 little onions or shallots whole. When partly 
cooked put into a casserole. Cover with cut tomato, make a 
creamy white sauce, having put into the milk first of all, a bouquet 
garni of parsley, thyme and marjoram, pepper and salt. Pour 
this over the rabbit, onion and tomato. Cover with a lid, put 
into a moderate oven for | hour. 


Cut up a rabbit into small pieces with Jib. bacon cut into 
squares and a good seasoning of herbs and lemon peel and let all 
stew very gently until the meat wiU come off the bones. Hard 
boil 2 eggs and cut in rings. Well rinse a mould, having freed 
the rabbit from all bones. Lay in the mould some pieces of egg, 
then bacon, some sausage meat (|lb. will be wanted), rabbit, and 
repeat layers. Season with pepper and salt. When nearly full, 
strain the liquor and add to it Joz. gelatine. Pour over until 
within Jin. of top of mould. Put to set in a very cold place until 
next day. Decorate with either chopped parsley, or some aspic 
jelly and serve with a salad. 


Having put the rabbit into well-salted water for about i hour, 
take it out and dry it a nd cut into j oints. With a very sharp knife 
bone the pieces. Then on a plate put some ground ginger, 
pepper, salt and 2 allspice, ground up and well rub this into the 
pieces of rabbit. Put a piece of margarine into a small frying pan, 
put in the rabbit, turn them about, cook for about 12 minutes. 
See that they are cooked through, put on dish and keep hot. 
Into the frying pan put 3 tablespoonfuls of coarsley chopped 
parsley mixed with 3 chopped shallots ; shake well until cooked. 
Put the cutlets into a very hot entree dish, and the parsley, etc., 
round them. It must be served quite dry. Serve spinach and 
mashed potatoes separately with it. 


Put rabbit to soak in salted water, dry well and cut into small 
joints. Make a good light suet crust and hne a pudding basin 
with it. On a dish put i tablespoonful of flour, i teaspoonful 
of curry powder, salt, a httle grating of nutmeg and rub each 
piece of rabbit well with this mixture and then carefully pack 
them into the basin. Mix a dessertspoonful of red currant jeUy 
into some warm water and pour over the rabbit. Cover with a 
lid of the pastry and a cloth, and boU for 2^-3 hours. 


Soak the rabbit for i hour in water with plenty of salt. Dry and 
cut into joints. Put these with i onion, 2 rashers of bacon 
kept whole, a bunch of herbs and a piece of lemon peel, in i pint 
of water and let boil slowly. Skim carefully. Then take all meat 
off the bones, cut the bacon separately into little matches. 
Mix foz. gelatine with some of the stock which has been strained. 
Put some peas (tinned ones will do), arrange nicely at the bottom 
of a glass casserole and just enough of the jeUy to set them 
When set, put in the rabbit meat, pepper, salt and bacon care- 
fully. Fillup with the jelly and put to set in a cold place. Turn 
on to a glass dish, put the rest of the peas round and serve with a 
rather sharp salad. 


Cut up the rabbit, free it from all bone and with a little bacon 

put it twice through the mincer. Then put it into the mortar 

with the grated peel of | lemon, some pepper, salt and a grating 

of nutmeg. Well pound it, adding by degrees ^ pint of thick 


creamy white sauce, to which add a little gelatine ; rub through 
the sieve. Beat up one egg, add to it some cream, about i gill, 
beat all up very well. Pour into a very well oiled mould, tie 
down with greaseproof paper and steam until it feels firm to the 
touch. Put into the Frigidaire. Do not turn out until quite 
cold. Boil down the rabbit bones and let this be the stock for 
making some aspic jelly. When ready to serve, use some of the 
latter broken up with a fork for decoration. Surround the dish 
with a ring of peas and hand a good salad finished with a French 
dressing, using lemon juice instead of vinegar if possible. 


Cut the rabbit into joints, poach these in a frying pan, drain 
and dry. Put neatly into a casserole with i medium-sized onion 
cut up very very finely. Now mix in a cup 3 tablespoonfuls of 
Worcester cause, 3 tablespoonfuls Harvey sauce, plenty of pepper, 
salt and a shaking of cayenne pepper. Add i gill of raw cream, 
pour over the rabbit. Cover the casserole and cook in the oven 
for about 20 minutes. 


Put all meat from a cold rabbit through the mincer with some 
scraps of ham or bacon, a smaU piece of onion, 2 or 3 sprigs of 
parsley, thyme, marjoram and lemon peel. Beat up an egg to 
bind the mixture but do not use more than is necessary. Form 
into little cakes, egg and breadcrumb them and fry. Serve in a 
dish with a good lot of fried parsley. Any cold bits of game can 
be used in the same way. 


Cut the rabbit into joints and also |lb. bacon into small bits 
and fry together until a nice brown. Take out and keep hot 
while you fry two sliced onions nicely browned ; add to the 
rabbit with pepper and salt. Now sUce up into pieces rather 
longer than for Julienne strips, enough carrot to make | pint 
and the same of turnip. Put rabbit and vegetables into a cas- 
serole and add rather more than | pint of stock or water and let 
all cook in a moderate oven for i| hours. Just before serving 
thicken the gravy with some flour and | cup of capers or nastur- 
tium seeds. This is a very deUcious way of doing a rabbit. 



Soak pb. prunes over night and next day cook them until the 
stone can be shpped out. Soak the rabbit in well salted water 
for I hour, dry and joint it. Put into a stewpan a nice piece of 
margarine. Let each piece of rabbit brown. Season well with 
pepper and salt and pour over a cup of either beer or cyder , put 
in the prunes. Cover with lid and let aU simmer on the stove for 
I J hours. Best served with a puree of some vegetable or mashed 


Boil Jib. rice for 12 minutes, dry and put back into the pan 
to keep hot. Cut up very very finely 2 shallots and cook for a 
few minutes in some margarine. Now add any small bits of 
rabbit, sausage or game and put all this with the rice. Open a 
small tin of peas, heat it and surround the rice with them in a 
casserole. Make i gill of cream very hot, but not boiling, and 
pour over the rabbit rissotto. 


Cut two rabbits, after having boiled them with lib. of knuckle 
of veal and a bouquet garni, into as large nice-shaped bits as 
possible, removing all bones. Put these into a mould in layers 
with hard boiled eggs (2) cut in rings and ^b. of ham or bacon. 
Season to taste. Reduce the stock that the rabbits were cooked in 
by boiling fast. Just nearly fill the mould with this, cover with 
greased paper and steam for ij hours. Do not turn out the 
galantine until it is quite cold. The knuckle of veal in the 
remaining stock can be made into a nice dish with some rice 
boiled with it. Add a small piece of mace for flavouring, make a 
good white sauce well flavoured with lemon, both peel and juice, 
and pour over the meat. 


The rabbit for this must be young and well grown. Make the 
following mixture and put inside the rabbit. One teacupful of 
breadcrumbs, i teacupful of flour, i teacupful of parsley, sage 
and onion all chopped fine and mixed together, i teacupful of 
suet and the liver choped finely. Season very well with pepper, 
salt and some grated lemonpeel. Now bind all together with an 


egg beaten up, put inside the rabbit and stitch up the flap. Put 
into the oven with a good piece of dripping and baste well. It 
must not get dried up, but should be nicely browned. Serve 
with apple sauce and plenty of rich gravy. 


Pick and weigh raspberries, crush them with a silver fork, 
set them in a pan on the fire, stir all the time until they are on the 
point of boiling, then take them off the fire and set on the table. 
Have ready the same weight of sugar, crushed and warm, put 
into the pan with the fruit and stir until on the point of boiling. 
Take it off and put it into the jars at once and cover whilst hot. 
It is liquid at first, but will keep for years and always retain 
colour and flavour of fresh raspberries. The whole point in this 
recipe is never to let the fruit come to the boil. 


Pare and cut into small pieces 41b. of rhubarb, add 3lbs. 
sugar and the rind and juice of ij lemons cut very fine. Put all 
into a pan and let it stand until next day. Then strain off the 
juice, put into pan and let it boil for | of an hour, add the rhubarb 
and let all boil together 10 minutes. Make this in July, when the 
rhubarb is ripe. 


Cut up 2lbs. rhubarb and 3 large onions with lib. sugar, 
boil until it looks like jam. Now add ^ pint vinegar, i table- 
spoonful of ginger, i tablespoonful mixed spice and boil gently 
together for 20 minutes. Tie down whilst hot.. 


Cook some rhubarb, sweeten to taste, add a piece of lemon peel. 
Melt some gelatine in the hot juice and add ; the quantity is ^oz. 
to I pint of pulp. Add a few drops of cochmeal to colour, put 
into a weU-wetted mould and put to set in a cold place. Blanche 
a few ahnonds and spHt and cut into lengths. Ornament the 
rhubard mould with these and serve with cream. 

This makes a good breakfast dish. Boil rice from 12-15 
minutes, dry it well and put it into a stewpan with a nice-sized 
bit of margarine ; stir weU. Season pepper and salt, 2 table- 


spoonfuls of ham cut into small pieces, i dessertspoonful chopped 
parsley, i dessertspoonful onion cut very fine, i teaspoonful each 
of thyme and marjoram. Mix with i or 2 eggs according to 
amount of rice and serve very hot. 


loz. Carohne rice, i teaspoonful sugar, ^ pint milk, i egg. 
Put rice, sugar and milk into a double saucepan and when cooked 
let cool a little. Now beat up the yolk of the egg thoroughly, 
beat all together. Finally the stiffly beaten white of the egg. 
Pour into a souffle dish, put into the oven until done, about 
25-30 minutes ; it should be just brown. 


30Z. Patna rice, J pint picked shrimps or prawns, 3 gills stock 
made from shells and heads of shrimps, 2 teaspoonfuls curry 
powder, loz. butter or margarine, i tablespoonful grated cheese, 
I small onion chopped. Well wash the rice. Put it in the stock 
and when done, drain, and put in the curry powder, onion and 
butter. Keep stirring well. Just before ready to serve add the 
shrimps, cheese, and a little salt. It should be very hot but dry. 
Sprinkle chopped parsley over. 


To I pint of cream add a little milk mixed with 2 yolks of egg. 
Beat this and put to it Jib. sifted sugar. Crush 20z. of ratafias 
and put all into a pan and let cook very gently, until it is a thin 
sort of custard. Carefully add the juice of | lemon. Put this 
to freeze, and when almost set add 2oz. of ratifias crushed and 
sifted with i glass of noyau. Beat in and then leave to get 

Beat well together in a mortar loz. sweet almonds, loz. 
bitter almonds, add lib. sifted white sugar and the grated rinds 
of 2 lemons. Take ij yolks of eggs and work this into the 
mixture. Then put a piece of paper on a fiat baking tin, take 
httle bits of the mixture, about the size of a shilling, flatten out 
and bake in a moderate oven. If they feel firm to the touch, 
they are done. 


Boil down the giblets of a chicken, legs, neck, liver and 
gizzard in a very Uttle water, until they are quite tender. Take 
out the giblets and boil -Jib. well-washed rice in the stock for 15 
minutes. Cut up 2 onions very finely in rings, fry in some 
margarine. They must be very crisp. Take off all scraps of 
meat from the chicken's neck, cut up the liver and the gizzard, 
keeping out all hard bits ; fry this for a few minutes in the same 
tat as the onions. Put the rice into a casserole with the bits of 
meat, mix well, then pour the onions over. Return to oven to 
get very hot. 

Make about i pint of thin white sauce, grating into it a small 
piece of onion. Boil i breakfastcupful of rice in salted water for 
25 minutes. Drain very dry, putting it into a colander, stir 
with a fork and keep hot whilst doing so. Add this to the sauce. 
Make hot whilst you rub all through a sieve. Let all come once 
more to the boil. At the last moment before serving add i gill 
of good cream. Stir well and pour into soup plates. Add a good 
pinch of finely chopped parsley to each plate and hand some 
croutons of fried bread. 


Put to I quart of white vinegar, lib. of raspberries. Let them 
stand 24 hours, then strain the juice from them and put this 
to another lib. fruit. Let them stand the same time, strain, and 
then repeat once more, adding the third lb. of fruit. Put the 
weight of the juice in loaf sugar, bring to the boil, skim it well and 
then bottle it. Dilute with water to drink, according to taste. 
This was always considered a very refreshing drink in illness 
and made a change from lemonade. 


I cup of grated carrot, J cup breadcrumbs, J cup sugar, 
I cup milk, 2 eggs. Beat up the yolks of the eggs and add the 
sugar, carrots and breadcrumbs and put all into a double boiler 
with the milk. Let it come to the boil and stir until it becomes 
quite thick. Butter some ramekin dishes, pour some of the 
mixture in, nearly filling the ramekins. Bake 15 minutes. 
Whip up the whites stiffly mixed with i tablespoonful of castor 
sugar ; put on top and return to oven to get brown. 


Well wash the giblets, put them into a saucepan with an 
onion cut up, i carrot also cut in slices and a bouquet of herbs 
and cover with water. After coming to the boil let them simmer 
until all is tender, about i| hours. Take out the giblets and keep 
hot. Make a good curry sauce, using the stock the giblets were 
cooked in ; bring up to the quantity required by adding more 
stock or milk. Chop up some gherkins and a few pickled onions 
or shallots, add to the curry sauce. Boil some Patna rice 10-12 
minutes. Keep it very dry. Over the giblets that you have kept 
hot pour the curry sauce and make a good border of the rice, 
or, serve this separately in another dish. Sets of giblets can 
usually be obtained from the poulterer or fishmonger. 




This makes enough for 4 people. 4 tablespoonfuls of " cream " 
from the top of the milk, i teaspoonful of vinegar, Tarragon is 
nicest, ^ teaspoonful castor sugar, i small saltspoonful salt, a 
good pinch of pepper. Mix salt, pepper and sugar with vinegar 
till dissolved. Then add the cream and stir in Some like a 
small ^ teaspoonful of made mustard ; if so, add to the vinegar. 

Into a basin put | teaspoonful of dry mustard, | teaspoonful 
of castor sugar, | saltspoonful of salt and pepper each. Dissolve 
these in i tablespoonful of vinegar, beat in 2 tablespoonfuls of oU. 
Instead of vinegar, lemon juice can be used. Chopped chives, 
if liked, improves the dressing very much. 

This cream, which is boiled .will keep quite a long time. Take 
I cupful of vinegar, i egg or i tablespoontul of dried egg, | cupful 
of sugar, I dessertspoonful of salt, margarine, the size of a waL^ut 
Put the vinegar, margarine and sugar into a saucepan, stir all 
the time until nearly boiling. Now beat the egg well and put 
with the other ingredients into a basin. Mix thoroughly. Pour 
the contents of the saucepan into these by degrees, stirring well ; 
return to saucepan and bring to the boil, stirring all the while. 
Bottle and use as required, and if found too thick, add a Uttle 
cream, mUk or vinegar. 

(i) Sardines pounded with cayenne and margarine spread on 
little rounds of brown bread,. Garnish with mustard and cress. 

(2) Rub a glass dish with a piece of garlic, make a potato 
salad ; cut the potatoes while they are warm. Mix with a good 
salad cream. Sprinkle with chopped chives and garnish with a 
very Httle grated carrot. 

(3) Some rather thick rounds of brown bread and butter, 
lay on some strips of herring in oil. Garnish with capers and small 
bits of beetroot. 

(4) Cut 2 or 3 apples into small cubes, same quantity of 
celery, i shallot cut very fine, a few chopped dates and walnuts. 
Mix with salad dressing and surround with shredded lettuce or 

(5) Mix an equal quantity of cold boiled rice and com, pile 
this on tomato slices, surround with shredded lettuce and cover 
with mayonnaise. 


(6) I cup of cooked green peas, i cup of cold rice, some finely 
chopped celery, a grating of onion. Put some crisp lettuce leaves 
in a bowl, pour the ingredients on to them and put mayonnaise 
sauce over, or a simple salad dressing. 

(7) Boil 3 tablespoonfuls of rice. When cold add 2 table- 
spoonfuls of diced beetroot, i tablespoonful of diced celery. 
Whip up some cream stiffly, seasoned with salt and pepper and 
pour over. 


To every 2 cups of cold flaked salmon add i of mayonnaise 
and mix well without breaking up too small the flakes. Now 
dissolve foz. of gelatine in a little water, put into the mixture. 
Stir gently untU it begins to set, pour into Uttle dariole cases or 
cups that have been oiled, and put to set. When ready to serve, 
turn out on a silver entree dish, garnish with cress and hand a 
seasonable salad with it. 


30Z. cold salmon, i gill of calf's foot jelly or aspic that has been 
flavoured with some sherry, | gill cream, 2 teaspoonfuls lemon 
juice, sliced cucumber and paprika. Pound and sieve the sahnon. 
Put it into a pan with the lemon juice and jeUy and warm until 
it melts. Leave until nearly set. Whip the cream, add it to 
the rest and beat them together. Put into china ramekin cases 
and set on ice. Serve in the cases, decorate with cucumber 


Rub some cold salmon through the sieve and a small cupful of 
very fine white breadcrumbs, some pepper, salt and chopped 
parsley. Whisk 2 eggs very lightly and put to the other in- 
gredients. Well grease some scallop shells and pour the mixture 
in. Bake in oven and serve very hot. 

WeU butter a glass casserole, put in the steaks, having first 
washed and dried them. Squeeze some leomn juice over, pepper 
and salt. Cover with greaseproof paper and bake in hot oven 
15-20 minutes. Put some capers on top of each steak and a little 
knob of butter and serve in the casserole. 


Peel a large cucumber, cut into 2in. lengths and boil in some 
salted water. Drain it, and when solt and cool rub through a sieve, 
season with salt and paprika. When it is cold, mix it with a giU 
of cream that has been well whipped and put in the Frigidaire 
to get frozen. Take a good-sized slice of salmon and boil in the 
water that the cucumber was cooked in. When done, remove all 
skin and bone, dividing the fish into 4 pieces. Let it get very 
cold. When ready to serve turn out the frozen cucumber into 
the middle of a silver entree dish, put the 4 pieces of salmon 
round and garnish with tiny hearts of lettuce and cut quarters of 
peeled tomatoes. 


Line a flan dish with a good short pastry, prick it well over and 
then spread on it some pounded up cold salmon and a layer of 
cooked cut-up mushrooms. Shred over this loz. of butter and 
2 tablespoonfuls of a good creamy white sauce. Then lay on 
neatly, in a round pattern slightly overlapping each other, 
some flakes of the cold salmon. Give a good squeeze of lemon 
juice, season with pepper, salt and some chopped fresh parsley. 
Cover the whole with a lid of the pastry, bake for 40 minutes, 
take the lid off carefully and with a spoon remove any fat that may 
have formed, and spread on top some cooked shrimps. Replace 
the Ud and serve very hot. 


lib. salmon that has been cooked Take off the skin and beat 
it finely with a fork. Add ^ pint of white sauce, beat up J pint 
of cream, dissolve Joz. of gelatine in a Uttle of the water that the 
salmon was boiled in and put this to the mixture. When it is 
beginning to set fold in lightly the well-beaten whites of 2 eggs. 
Put to set and turn out when required on a silver dish garnished 
with slices of cucumber and serve dressed cucumber with it. 


Well wash and dry a steak of salmon, about lin. to ijins. 
thick. Butter a fireproof dish, lay in the salmon, squeeze a Uttle 
lemon juice over, a little seasoning, then pour on some cream. 
Cover with a grease-proof paper and cook for 20 minutes. 
Decorate with little pieces of parsley. 



Flake |lb. cooked salmon, mix with | pint of white sauce. 
Whip in I gill of whipped cream and i gill of aspic jelly. A little 
cayenne, pepper and salt. Pour into a round glass casserole dish. 
When set, whip up a Uttle more cream very stiffly and decorate 
the top of the souffle and sprinkle some very finely grated horse 
radish. Serve with this. 


Melt 2 tablespoonfuls of butter, i tablespoonful Worcester 
sauce, I tablespoonful wine vinegar, f teaspdbnful of made 
mustard, a little paprika and chopped fresh parsley. Put all 
these on to cook and when hot add i pint of shelled shrimps. 
Mix well and cook for a few minutes before serving in a sauceboat. 


(i) Make buttered eggs (2) in the ordinary way, put in 2oz. 
grated cheese, i shallot cut very finely, i teaspoonful chopped 
parsley, i teaspoonful curry powder. Soften with a little 
mayonnaise or cream. 

(2) Boil an egg for 5 minutes, peel and put on a plate with some 
margarine and crush together with a fork. Add salt, pepper, 
I teaspoonful of curry powder, a few drops of lemon or Tarragon 
vinegar,. Spread this on bread and butter, but not too thinly. 

(3) Pound a small piece of chicken, rabbit or any other white 
game with 4 anchovies, a little mustard, 30Z. margarine and some 
cayenne pepper. These put through sieve, add some finely 
chopped chervil and tarragon (no parsley). Sprinkle with 
parmesan or other cheese. It should look and have the con- 
sistency of cream cheese. 

(4) Finely shredded celery, pepper and salt and moisten this 
down with some cream. Crush some cream cheese with a little 
good anchovy sauce, flavour with pepper, ground up in a mortar, 
and add to the celery. 


This savoury semolina makes a good change from a pudding 
for lunch. Take Jib. of semolina and sprinkle into i pint of 
boiling slightly salted water ; stir all the time until it is a very 
thick paste and aU is thoroughly cooked. Now add some 
seasoning ; a nice piece of margarine and i tablespoonful of 
grated cheese mix very well. Pour this on to a dish, keeping it 


all the same depth, about J inch thick. Let it get quite cold. 
Then cut into squares about 2^ inches long, put these on to a 
greased fireproof dish, well sprinkle them with grated cheese, 
dot a little margarine on each, put in the oven to get piping hot ; 
they should be a good golden brown. 

Mow I tablespoonful of flour to i egg yolk, a little salt, 
I pint milk. Make into a batter and let it stand for 2 hours. 
When ready to make fritters, beat stiffly the white of the egg and 
I teaspoonful baking powder, add to the batter. Dip each 
sardine into this and fry in a mixture of boiUng lard and dripping 
in a frying pan. 


Line a tin plate with short pastry. Boil 2 eggs hard, i table- 
spoonful of cooked peas, tin of sardines. Now slice the eggs and 
lay on the pastry. Then lay the sardines on, sprinkle on the peas, 
season with salt and pepper, put on the covering of pastry and 
bake for 20 minutes till a golden brown. 

SLOE GIN (Chigwell Hall Recipe) 

Pour I gallon of gin and i gallon of whisky into a 3-gaUon jar. 
Add 8 gallons of sloes which must be well pricked with a needle, 
loz. of bitter almonds blanched and 5lbs. of loaf sugar well cut up. 
Cork the jar well and shake it twice a week for 3 months. Then 
strain through a jelly bag and bottle and cork well or it will 
lose colour. Resin the mouths of the bottles. 

SLOE GIN (War-time Recipe) 

Beat a pint of sloes well in a mortar. Cover them with the 
same weight of crushed lump sugar, steam in a jug placed in a 
saucepan of boiling water. When they are soft and juicy add 
to the sloes i bottle of gin and a bottle of brandy. Cover well for 
3 days, strain, bottle and cork well. 


Take fillets of sole, or plaice, twist round the fingers into 
shapes that will stand up on a buttered casserole, sprinkle with 
salt and pepper and a good squeeze of lemon juice. Cover this 
with greased paper and bake in a very moderate oven. Now 
make some maitre d'hotel butter, grate a little shallot, chop 


some fresh parsley very fine, put in a plate with some butter. 
Squeeze a little lemon juice with this and with a knife work all 
together, divide into as many pieces as there are fish and put one 
into each roll. Now cover the rolls with a very thick but creamy 
white sauce, so that each piece is thoroughly coated. Decorate 
with a few shelled shrimps and butterflies of lemon. 

Put the fillets into a flat buttered fireproof dish with i shallot 
grated, some quarters of skinned tomatoes, season with pepper 
and salt, add a little white wine and some fish stock made from 
the skin and bones of the sole. Bake in a very moderate oven 
and be very careful not to let it boil. When done take out 
fillets and lay them side by side in an entree dish and put to get 
very cold. Reduce the stock they were baked in, when nearly 
cold add i tablespoonful of mayonnaise, i dessertspoonful of 
tomato ketchup. Mix very well together and when quite cold 
pour over the fillets. Sprinkle a Uttle chopped Tarragon over. 
Serve very cold. 

Make some well-flavoured veal stuffing, not omitting the 
grating and juice of ^ a lemon. Form these into litlte flat pieces 
and put one on to half of each fiUet, double over and place on a 
well-greased glass casserole, salt and pepper, and cover well. 
Cook about 15-15 minutes in a moderate oven. Have ready a 
thick, rich and creamy white sauce and 5 minutes before serving 
put in Uttle cubes of cucumber. Pour over and return to oven 
for a few minutes to slightly brown, but do not let it boil or you 
will spoil the sauce. 

Steam some fillets of sole, drain on a cloth and when cold 
put these nicely arranged in a glass dish. Whip some cream very 
stiffly, add very finely grated horseradish, a few drops of lemon 
juice, salt and cayenne. Cover the fillets with this. Serve a 
crisp lettuce salad. Hand rolls of brown bread and butter. 

Butter a fireproof dish and lay on the fillets of sole, sprinkle 
with some finely chopped onion and parsley, put round a little 
veal stock. Cover all with a puree of tomato and bake in a 
moderate oven for 20-30 minutes. 


Very carefully poach some fillets of sole. Take up when done, 
put on a cloth to drain dry. Now take half as many medium 
lobsters as there are fillets of sole. Take out the flesh of the 
lobsters and put it into the mortar, well pound with some well- 
seasoned cream. Into each half shell of lobster put a fillet of 
sole, cover completely with the lobster mixture which has been 
made very hot. Put these shells into the oven to colour just 
a Uttle. 

Lightly steam the fillets of fish, then lay them on a hot cloth 
to drain. In the meantime cut up the mushrooms. Those that 
are too small or too big, keeping as many that are of even size, 
as there are fillets. Make a good cream sauce and thicken with 
some very fine white breadcrumbs. Lay the fiUets in a fireproof 
dish, put the cut up mushrooms into the sauce and pour over the 
fillets and sprinkle with some breadcrumbs. On these place the 
whole mushrooms in a design, pouring over them the butter in 
which they were cooked. Put the dish in the oven only just long 
enough to let the crumbs get a golden brown and serve very hot. 


Poach some fillets of soles, drain on a cloth and let get quite 
cold. On to a flat silver entree dish put a salad made of lettuce, 
cucumber, cress, etc., and a hard-boiled egg cut in quarters. 
Lay the fillets of sole on this bed of salad, mask the fish com- 
pletely with the mayonnaise. Garnish the dish with the shces 
of egg, quarters of tomatoes and sprinkle a little cress on top. 
Serve with roUs of brown bread and butter. 

Make a good white sauce. When cooked add 30Z. of grated 
cheese. Twist the fillets into shapes and let them stand up on a 
flat fireproof dish. Cover with a piece of greased paper, bake for 
15 minutes. Take out of the oven. Cover with the cheese 
sauce, rather thickly, sprinkle with some more grated cheese and 
put under the griU for a few minutes. 

Roll some fillets of sole, or plaice, put them in a well-buttered 
casserole. Sprinkle with lemon juice, pepper and salt. Pour 
round about i tablespoonful cf cyder with a dessertspoonful of 


mushroom ketchup. Cover the dish and bake in a moderate 
oven for 20 minutes. Do not let this boil or the fish wUl break. 
Garnish with little new carrots, or new potatoes. Sprinkle with 
chopped parsley. 


2 tablespoonfuls sherry, i cup castor sugar, i egg well beaten, 
i cup of margarine. Beat the margarine to a cream, slowly stir 
in the sugar, then the egg, beating all the time ; now the wine 
Now put the bowl standing in a saucepan of boiling water and 
beat rmtil all is foamy. This can also be cooked in a double 
saucepan if preferred. 


This luncheon dish can be equally good made with chopped 
cold ham, or some game. Cook some spaghetti in some rather 
highly seasoned stock. I use herbs and bacon rinds. Now cut 
up the tongue into small pieces and mix in. Put all into a 
casserole. Keep hot, whilst you fry some shallots, cut into rings, 
drain off the fat when the rings are a golden brown and cooked and 
let them have a few minutes longer frying, so as to get them very 
crisp. Place these over the spaghetti. Surround the casserole 
with httle cooked carrots and sprinkle over with chopped fresh 

SPROUTS — ^A Vegetarian Luncheon Dish 

Boil sprouts as usual, do not let them be overdone, and drain 
them very dry. Keep them as much of a size as possible. Butter 
a fireproof dish, lay in the sprouts, cover with a small quantity 
of white sauce that has been flavoured with nutmeg, salt and 
pepper. Now put a good thick sprinkling of grated cheese. 
Cover with bread crumbs, dab some pieces of margarine over 
and bake for about 15 minutes. Do not let the bread crumbs get 
dried up. 


lolbs. sloes, y^lbs. white sugar, 2^ gallons best whiskey. 
Put into a 5 gallon jar, after pricking the sloes, well cork and shake 
daily for one month. Then strain and bottle. 


The Real Old-fashioned One 

7 eggs, |lb. self-raising flour, fib. lump sugar, i tablespoonful 
of orange flower water. Whisk the eggs to a froth, leaving out 
the whites of 3. Put the sugar into a saucepan with half a cupful 
of water, when dissolved add the orange flower water and put to 
the eggs and beat all together for 20 minutes. Now lightly stir 
in the sifted flour. Line a cake tin with paper that has been 
greased with butter and hghtly sprinkled with castor sugar. 
Pour in the mixture. Bake in a slow oven for i hour. 

You can make a smaller cake by using 5 eggs, leaving out the 
whites of 2, 60Z. of flour and |lb. sugar. 


Make 6oz. of very creamy mashed potato putting in 30Z. of 
margarine and enough flour to make a good dough. Turn out 
on to board and roll out as pastry. Line a pie dish. Take 
sufficient dried potatoes, cold boiled ones, make a layer of these, 
then a layer of grated cheese ; repeat. Take 2 tablespoonfuls of 
dried egg, mix with i gill of milk, salt and pepper, or beat up two 
shell eggs. Chop up a shaUot very finely and mix in. Pour 
over the potato, etc. Cover with a lid of the potato pastry and 
bake in at hot oven 20-30 minutes. 


Alternate layers of cooked macaroni and fried onions, pepper 
and salt. Repeat again, add some pieces of margarine and bake 
15 minutes. 


ylbs. strawberries, 7lbs. sugar, the juice of 2 lemons. Make 
in the usual way, but just before it is finished add the lemon 
juice and boil another 5 minutes. This not only makes it keep 
better but preserves the colour and is most delicious. 


This is for using in making strawberry ice. Take 4lbs. 
strawberries, i pint water, 4lbs. sugar. Boil like jam, then pass 
all through the sieve and bottle. This makes about 2 ordinary 
size wine bottles of juice. 



Hang in a cloth i pint of thick sour milk until all the thin 
whey has dropped away. To the thick part add loz. sugar, 
102. raspberry jam, or stewed raspberries. Beat aU together with 
the whipped white of an egg and serve in a glass dish. 


Boil some rice in stock for 12-15 minutes, strain off and dry 
in the usual way. Keep the stock as foundation for soup. Cook 
some sausages in fat and when done, cut into rounds. Take a 
small tin of peas and make these hot. Mix sausage and peas 
with the rice and pile on a very hot dish and keep hot. Cut some 
onions into rather thin rings, fry them in the fat the sausages were 
cooked in ; when done pour them on the rice, etc., together. 


Hard boil 2 eggs, shell and cut in round halves. Take out the 
yolks on to a plate, put to them 2 tablespoonfuls ground pine 
kernals, 2 peeled tomatoes, loz. margarine, J teaspoonful of 
marmite and with a fork work all these together. Fill the egg 
whites with this mixture. Into a dish have an interesting salad. 
Lay the eggs on top ; garnish with quarters of tomatoes. 

Grate some carrots, mix with brown breadcrumbs, a grated 
small onion, some finely chopped sage leaves, pepper, salt and 
a nice medium piece of margarine, mix well together, then add 
I egg beaten up. Shape into small sausages. Bake on a tin 
in the oven with some dripping. Have ready a good puree of 
spinach, or similar vegetable. Put this into an entree dish, 
place sausages on top and serve separately a good lemon cream 
sauce, i.e., a Bechamel sauce, well flavoured with the rind and 
juice of a lemon. 

Chop up some cooked sausages and put on squares of very hot 
buttered toast. Cover them with a good tomato puree, to which 
add a httle cream and a good pinch of groundginger. 



Cut some rectangular pieces of bread and fry in a little butter. 
When quite cold, chop some cress finely and mix with some butter 
and spread on the croutes. Sprinkle a little pepper and salt. 
Cut some smoked salmon the same size as the croutes and place 
a piece on each. Squeeze a few drops of lemon juice. Pipe a 
design on the salmon in whipped cream. If no smoked salmon, 
take a large and good raw kipper, very carefully remove the 
backbone, with a sharp knife, cut thin slices in a slanting manner. 

This does make quite a good substitute 


On toast put i piece of bacon, 2 oysters, 1 piece of marrow. 
Put under the grUl and serve piping hot. 


(i) A small bottle of prawns put on little rounds of pastry. 
Dab on each a dessertspoonful of whipped cream and decorate. 

(2) Dip some fillets of kippers (i kipper makes 4 fiUets). 
Dip these in some batter, fry a golden brown. 

(3) Cut some fingers of short pastry that you may have over. 
Spread these with anchovy paste and cover with whipped cream. 
A sprinkle of paprika. 

(4) Make some buttered eggs in the usual way. Add a mixture 
of ^ teaspoonful each of chopped parsley. Tarragon, marjoram, 
thyme and shallots. Put some into the bottom of some small 
fireproof cocottes, then the buttered egg and sprinkle the re- 
mainder of the herbs over. Must be sent in very hot indeed. 

(5) Mix well together 40Z. finely grated cheese, i tablespoonful 
wholemeal breadcrumbs, J teaspoonful made mustard, a few 
drops of tomato or Worcester sauce and, if too stiff, a little very 
thick cream or a small piece of cream cheese. Take some equal 
short lengths of celery and stuff them with the paste, put on 
fingers of bread and butter and garnish with the tender green tips 
of the celery. 

(6) Cut some slices of lean ham very thinly, about 2 J inches 
long. Warm a knife and spread these with some butter, place 
a fillet of anchovy on each and roll up tightly. Serve on squares 
of bread and butter. 

(7) Pound some shelled prawns, fresh or tinned. Add very 
slowly some oUve oil and when well thickened put on rounds of 
bread and butter. Squeeze a drop or two of lemon juice on each. 
Decorate with a dash of paprika. 


(8) Pound the yolk of a hard-boiled egg with a little made 
mustard, i teaspoonful of grated shallot, the same of chopped 
parsley and butter. Make into 6 sausages, roll these up in a very 
thin piece of ham and place on fingers of bread and butter. 

(9) On four small squares of toast, spread 50-50 of crab 
paste and butter. Whip a little cream with some whole pepper 
from the pepper mill to flavour it. Make a criss-cross of thinly 
filleted pieces of anchovy and a tiny pinch of chopped gherkins 
in between the criss-cross. 

(10) Little cheese souffles in individual cocettes. Beat up 
an egg with a gill of cream, add salt, pepper and i tablespoonful 
of grated cheese. Put a small piece of margarine into each cocette 
and let melt. Beat up the mixture very well and divide into the 
cocottes. It will make four. Bake in a very hot oven for 
10 minutes. Serve immediately or they will siiik down. 

(11) Whisk up the white of an egg, add 3 tablespoonfuls of 
finely grated cheese, add pepper and salt. Mix very lightly. 
Take a dessertspoon and drop small quantities in some boiling 
fat in a frying pan. Almost immediately they are done. Serve 
at once. 


20Z. semolina, loz. sugar, a Uttle flavouring, i pint milk, 
I egg and a little jam. Mix the semolina with a little of the milk, 
then put the rest of the milk on to boil with the sugar. When 
boiling, add the mixed semolina and whisk it until the semoUna 
is cooked. Let it cool a little and then whisk in the yolk of the 
egg, add the flavouring. Spread a pie dish with the jam, beat 
the white of the egg very stiffly. Pour the semolina on to the 
jam, pile the beaten white on top and bake in a slow oven untU 
a nice golden colour. 

Make as for an ordinary souffle, and then add one by one 
the yolks of 4 eggs, stir in 6oz. of grated cheese (Gruyere is best). 
Season with pepper and salt and let aU dissolve over a low heat, 
stirring aU the time. Grease well a souffle dish with butter, 
sprinkle well with finely chopped ham. Whip up the whites of 
the eggs very stiffly, fold in to the mixture and pour into the dish. 
Cover with greased paper and steam slowly for i| hours. Turn 
out on to a very hot dish and coat with a good creamy white 
sauce, sprinkle a little chopped fresh parsley over to garnish. 
Serve at once. 


Parboil ilb. of sweetbread, cut roughly and lay them with ^Ib 
small mushrooms in a souffle dish. Now make a curry sauce as 
follows : 4 chopped onions, i grated apple, i tablespoonful of 
curry powder and fry in a pan with a little margarine for 15 
minutes, then add sufficient of the stock in which the sweetbreads 
were cooked to form a good sauce. Sieve this over the sweet- 
breads. Take |lb. lean veal and Jib. lean gammon of bacon, 
mince finely, mix together and put over the rest. Cover with 
greased paper and steam for i hour. May be served with a border 
of rice, boiled in well-flavoured stock, drain well and quickly 
fork in a teaspoonful of dry curry powder and add a squeeze 
of lemon juice. 


Braise the sweetbread. Boil Jib. spag;hetti in a little salted 
boiling water, let it drain very dry. Put it with loz. margarine 
into a deep casserole dish. Season with pepper and salt. Add 
40Z. grated cheese, Parmesan if possible ; mix well Cook a few 
mushrooms in butter. When done cut them in suitable pieces. 
Add them and the sweetbreads also cut, to the spaghetti, decorate 
with some stips of cooked ham and a little chopped parsley. 
Serve very hot, with a large boat of tomato sauce served separately. 


Put into a saucepan : i wineglassful of cold water, Jib. loaf 
sugar, 5 sheets of gelatine (equals a little more than Joz. of gelatine 
powder), yolks of 3 eggs, juice and grated rind of 3 lemons 
Stir until it is quite hot ; it most not boil. Strain into a basin 
and when the mixture is beginning to set, add the whites of the 
3 eggs, beaten very stiffly. Now put | pint of thick cream and 
whisk all logether. Put into a souffle dish and set in ac old place. 
Before sending to table sprinkle crushed ratafias biscuits over. 



I cupful of cut carrots, i cupful cut turnip, i cupful cut onions, 
I cupful cut lettuce, i cupful diced potato, i good sized sprig of 
balm, marjoram, thyme, i good dessertspoonful of chopped 
parsley, pepper, salt, i teaspoonful sugar Fry vegetables very 
Ughtly in a little butter When soft, add 3 breakfastcupfuls of 
waterj and when all seems cooked, rub through the sieve Put 


back into a saucepan with 2 cups of milk. Thicken a little with 
some flour rubbed in a little margarine. Put a good pinch of 
the chopped parsley at the bottom of each soup plate and pour 
soup over. Serve with very small cubes of bread fried. This 
makes a very good summer soup and then the vegetables can be 
rather different, as peas, asparagus, ect., could be added. 

SARDINE ARTICKOKE : A Vegetarian Luncheon Dish 
Skin and bone the sardines, i for each person. Mash in an 
equal quantity of mashed cooked Jerusalem artichokes, season 
rather highly. Now add a sufficiency of rich creamy white sauce 
with a good dash of lemon juice. Mix all together very well and 
put into scallop shells. Cover with a few white breadcrumbs 
and put into the oven for 15 minutes. This makes a very 
delicious dish. 


Cook gently fib. chipolata sausages. Make | pint of good 
batter as for Yorkshire pudding. Make into very thin pancakes 
as nearly the lengths of the sausages as possible. As each is 
cooked, 1 oil up one of the sausages in it. Serve with a very good 
thick tomato sauce, or a creamy horseradish sauce. This wiU be 
found an original and economical first course for luncheon. 


Allow r| scallops for each person. Cook them for 5 minutes 
in their own liquor, flavour with a grating of mutmeg, salt and 
pepper. Make a good cream sauce. Put in the scallops, cut in 
quarters Make very hot, put into a glass Pyrex dish and 
surround with fried triangles of bread round the dish. 


Make a souffle in the ordinary way, but mix in to it enough 
liquer " Grand-Marnier " to thoroughly flavour and a little sugar 
to taste. Bake in the usual way about f hour in a really hot oven. 
Serve with some very thick cream, cold, handed separately. 




Cut tongues in halves, lengthways, arrange them at the bottom 
of a small casserole that has been slightly oiled, press then well 
down and close together. Cover with tomato slices that have been 
peeled, a Uttle finely chopped spring onion and some chopped 
fresh parsley, pepper and salt, a grating of lemon peel. Repeat 
this layer. Take |oz. of gelatine, melt it in a small quantity of 
well flavoured stock, pour over, only just enough to fill in between 
and just cover. Set in the Frigidaire. Turn out and serve with 
cold cooked peas round or a salad. 

Make | pint of very creamy white sauce. Into this dip shces 
of toasted bread, and put a little more on each shce. In the 
middle of each slice, just before serving, put a good teaspoon of 
some thick jam, such as plum. 

Make a very good short pastry and cover a slightly greased 
tin plate. Cover this with slices of a good cooking variety of 
apple. Pour over some golden syrup filling in between and over 
the apples. Strew on some fine breadcrumbs. Cover with a 
pastry lid, pinching the edges well together to ensure that the 
apple is cooked. 

BoU l^lb. rice 12-15 minutes in some well-flavoured stock, 
drain and dry in the oven to keep very hot. Make a very rich 
white sauce, flavour with a little wine. Soak the night before 
some French plums. Cook these until the stones can be slipped 
out. Have a very hot flat casserole, lay in pieces of turkey 
with a piece of the stuffing on each bit. When these are quite hot 
in the oven, whip up 2 tablespoonfuls of cream with 2 beaten eggs, 
add to sauce, pour over the turkey and make a good border of 
the rice. Decorate with the plums. 

This maJkes a good way of using up the turkey. Cut all the 
meat into neat pieces, lay some at the botton of a fireproof 
casserole, then peel and cut up some mushrooms and put them 
in, also some bacon cut up small and 2 shallots cut in fine rings, 
pepper and salt. Make a good buttery white sauce of half mUk 
and half white stock. Pour this over. Put on a lid and cook 
very slowly in a medium oven for i hour. Just before serving 
add a little cream. 



^Ib. lean ham, |lb. chestnuts cooked, Jib. suet, |lb. bread- 
crumbs, 2 tablespoonfuls of chopped fresh parsley, 2 tablespoon- 
fuls of thyme and marjoram, chopped and mixed, i tablespoonful 
of finely chopped lemon peel, Jib. pork sausage meat, salt, pepper 
and cayenne. Mix up with 2 or 3 eggs. Sufficient for turkey 
up to lolbs. 


Cut some slices from the tongue, not too thin. Spread these 
with made mustard and a sprinkle of cayenne pepper. Pour on 
each a little salad oil. Now place the slices together in one pile 
let them stand for about i hour. Then brown them in hot butter 
and serve, still keeping them very hot, with slices of brown bread 
and butter. 


Cut the tripe into pieces about 3 inches in length. The tripe 
must have already been dressed and of the best quality. Take a 
fairly large casserole that has a hd and line the bottom with strips 
of bacon, i or 2 carrots cut in rounds, 2 large onions cut in rings, 
2 cloves of garlic, i bay leaf, 2 cloves and a bouquet of mixed 
herbs, 2 tomatoes cut up — if in season— pepper and salt. Repeat 
the layers until all the tripe is used up. Now cover aU with cider, 
or J bottle of white wine. Cover colsely, bring to the boil and 
then let it simmer in a medium oven for 5 hours. When done, 
take out the pieces of tripe and lay,them in another casserole in 
which they are to be served. Strain the sauce over, put the 
casserole back in the oven to get piping hot before serving. If 
the sauce appears thin, enrich it with a Uttle beef essence, or 
thicken with " Bisto." 


Make some very well seasoned veal stuffing using chopped 
parsley, thyme, marjoram, grating J lemon and using the juice, 
to the fine breadcrumbs and suet, bind with the yolk of an egg. 
Now cut your prepared tripe into pieces, 5ins. by 3ins., and spread 
the veal stuffing on one half only. Fold over and skewer well. 
Put into a well-greased casserole dish. Cover with about a 
breakfastcupful of good gravy or liquor and let it cook in a 
moderate oven for 2 hours. 



To a tin of tomato juice add the juice of half a lemon, a small 
teaspoonful of Worcester or other similar sauce, and the same of 
tomato ketchup. Stand in the Frigidaire and shake well in a 
shaker before pouring out. 


A very nice Vegetarian luncheon dish. 
Well butter a plain mould, line it with long lengths of spaghetti 
going round and round. This should be par-boiled and well 
strained. Then fill up with the following mixture. Beat up 
3 eggs with 2 tablespoonfuls of cream, i tablespoonful of grated 
cheese, some finely chopped parsley and put aU into a saucepan 
with a piece of margarine. Stir weU over the fire until setting ; 
put into the mould. Cover with a greased paper and steam for 
20 minutes. Turn out and put round a very hot and good puree 
of tomatoes. Serve a little grated cheese with this. 

^ pint milk, J pint water, J cup of fine bread crumbs, i small 
onion, 2 cloves, parsley, i bayleaf, |lb. tomatoes, i teaspoonful 
sugar, a small pinch of bi-carbonate of soda, loz. margarine. 
Put milk and water into pan with the breadcrumbs, onion stuck 
with the cloves, parsley and bay leaf, and heat until the milk 
tastes very well flavoured. Then put it through a sieve, taking 
out the cloves and bay leaf. Cut up the tomatoes and cook with 
the sugar for 15 minutes, add the soda and rub through the sieve. 
Add this to the milk mixture. Put margarine into the plates in 
little pieces. Make the soup very hot and then pour over. 


Cut up I onion very finely and fry in a little butter, add a 
Uttle chopped parsley, a Uttle thjnue, i bay leaf, and when the 
onion is cooked, pour on i pint of chicken stock and let it simmer. 
Then rub through a sieve. Slice up some tomatoes about lib., 
a Uttle lean ham or bacon cut up. Let them cook together until 
soft. Rub this, too, through a sieve and add to the stock, 
bring to the boil and let simmer for ^ hour. Crush up very finely 
a little tapioca, sprinkle in with | teaspoonful sugar, some salt and 
pepper. Let all cook and just before serving add a httle mUk 
and make very hot. Put into each soup plate i teaspoonful of 
cream, pour the soup over, sprinkle a little chopped parsley and 
serve with very small fried croutons of bread. 


I pint tomato pulp, i tablespoonful of flour, Jib. grated cheese, 
salt and pepper, i egg. Pulp the skinned tomato, make a white 
sauce in the ordinary way using i tablespoonful of flour to i gill 
of milk and loz, margarine and let it thoroughly cook, add the 
tomato pulp and the cheese with seasoning and stir all the time 
until the cheese is quite dissolved. Then add the beaten egg and 
when done pour on pieces of buttered toast. 

50Z. flaky pastry, 30Z. flaked cold fish, 3 medium-sized 
tomatoes, Joz. cold cooked rice or cold cooked chopped macaroni, 
Joz. margarine, i teaspoonful curry powder. Make the pastry 
and roll into an oblong shape, put in a baking tin. Skin and cut 
the tomatoes in a basin, add the fish, rice and curry powder and 
cut the margarine into little bits. Season and put the mixture 
into the middle of the pastry. Wet the edges, fold over and bake 
25 minutes in hot oven. 

|oz. gelatine, 3 sheep's tongues or i tin, i pint of stock, 
nutmeg, seasoning. Boil tongues until cooked, skin them and 
slice neatly. Arrange these in a small souffle mould or cake tin. 
Dissolve the gelatine in the hot stock, that must be well flavoured 
by putting in a bunch of mixed herbs, a slice of onion, piece of 
lemon peel, or a good pinch of curry powder, salt, pepper and a 
grating of nutmeg. Boil for a few minutes, then strain over the 
tongues. Turn out when quite cold and set and garnish with 
shredded lettuce, slices of tomato, cucumber and hard-boiled 
egg, or any seasonable salad. 

40Z. rice, 8 good-sized tomatoes, | onion cut fine, i|oz. 
margarine, some beaten egg, breadcrumbs, seasoning, stock. 
WeU wash the rice and boil from 12-15 minutes in boiling water 
slightly salted. Drain very weU, then put back into the saucepan 
and just cover with some good stock and cook until the stock is 
absorbed. Keep on stirring. Add the margarine and seasoning. 
Take a fireproof dish and arrange the rice as a border, smooth it 
very nicely and then brush over with a little beaten egg and put in 
a cool oven with a piece of greased paper over. It should harden 
a little but not get burnt. Cook the tomatoes and th€n pass 
through a sieve, add the onion, margarine, salt and pepper. 
Cook for 10 minutes, add enough breadcrumbs to make a soft 
paste, pour into the centre of the rice border and hand some 
grated cheese with it. 



I pint vinegar, 2lb. sliced green tomatoes, 2lb. apples, |lb. 
sliced onions, Jib. brown sugar, salt and pepper, a few chillies, 
I teaspoonful of ground ginger. Simmer all together in a very 
slow oven for 3 hours. Look at it from time to time and stir well. 
Put into bottles and cover very well. 

TOMATO CHUTNEY made vi^ith Green Tomatoes 

61bs. green tomatoes, ijlb. sugar, Joz. mustard seed, lib. 
shallots or onions, Joz. ground ginger, | dozen red chillies, 2 
tablespoonfuls salt, i teaspoonful cayenne pepper, lib. cooking 
apples, i| pints of vinegar. Peel and mince apples and shallots 
and cut up the tomatoes. Put all into the preserivng pan and 
cook slowly for 2 hours, pulping the mixture with a wooden spoon. 
Add the rest of the ingredients and vinegar and stir from time to 
time, about another hour, but be sure and cook slowly and fiU 
the jars well up to the top and cover first with waxed paper 
before t3dng down. 


Take 8 large tomatoes, all the same size, and peel them. 
Then scoop out the insides and lay them on a dish. Put in the 
Frigidaire until ready for fiUing. Cut i pint of asparagus tips 
and boil gently in a little salted water. When done drain, put 
in a basin with a little grated nutmeg, a dash of cayenne, pinch of 
paprika, sugar and salt. Mix these, but do not break up, with 
enough tartare sauce to sharply flavour them. Then fiU the 
tomato cases, top up with some mayonnaise sauce. Garnish 
with slices of cucumber and slices of gherkin and serve up. 
Garnish dish with cress or finely shredded lettuce. 


Take some even-sized ripe tomatoes, skin them and cut out 
the middles. Prepare a mixture of small cooked green peas and 
some finely chopped cold cooked chicken and season weU with 
mayonnaise. Fill the tomato cases with these. Whip up a 
small quantity of cream, cover the tops with a httle mound of 
this and sprinkle with either a dash of paprika or some finely 
chopped green mint. Serve on lettuce leaves that must be very 


Fry 2 or 3 onions that have been cut very thinly. When 
cooked add some shced tomatoes. Season rather highly. Pour 
into an earthen fireproof dish. Make i pint of good batter and 
pour over. Bake in a medium oven for J hour. Serve in the 
same dish. 


Peel 8 medium-sized tomatoes, cut them into slices, not too 
thinly. Take pudding basin, well butter it, press against the 
bottom and sides sUces of bread off which you have cut the crusts. 
Cut up some bacon, make a layer of this, then a layer of tomato 
slices, a good sprinkle of freshly chopped parsley, thyme, 
marjoram, pepper and salt, and repeat these layers. Melt loz. 
margarine and pour over. Cover with slices of bread that have 
been dipped in either melted margarine, bacon fat or oil. Cover 
with greaseproof paper and steam for 2 hours. Turn out into a 
very hot dish and pour some good and well-flavoured tomato 
sauce over and around. 

I breakfast cupful of cooked rice, 6 good-sized tomatoes, i 
onion thinly shced, 40Z. grated cheese, seasoning, some brown 
crumbs. Skin and slice the tomatoes, add the onion, pepper 
and salt and stew gently in a little good stock. Now put in the 
rice and half the cheese, mixing well. Lay all this in a greased 
fireproof china dish. Cover with the rest of the grated cheese 
mixed with a few bread crumbs. Put in the oven and bake 
J hour. 

Cut an onion very finely to make i teaspoonful, peel and cut 
into pieces 2 tomatoes and let this cook well in a nice piece of 
margarine, a little salt, pepper and cayenne. Have some 
small squares of buttered toast, place the mixture on top and 
serve very hot. 

ijlbs. ripe tomatoes, peel and slice them. Into a pan fry 
2 finely chopped shaUots with loz. margarine and 2 rashers of 
chopped streaky bacon. Let this cook until the shallots are a Ught 
brown colour. Now put in the tomato slices, pepper, salt and a 
pinch of sugar. Stir for a few minutes and then sprinkle in i 


dessertspoonful of flour ; add gradually i gill of flavoured stock 
and cook for lo minutes. Keep this hot while you peel and slice 
|lb. mushrooms ; do these rather thinly and cook for a few 
minutes in a little salad oil and some seasoning. Make a border 
of this on a round fireproof dish and fill up the middle with the 
cooked tomato mixture. Garnish with some chopped parsley 
and serve very hot. 


Into a buttered casserole, peel and cut some tomatoes in slices, 
about 4 ; 2 rashers of bacon cut into thin strips, pepper, salt and 
some finely cut onions, thyme, marjoram, a grating of lemon 
peel and 2 tablespoonfuls of white breadcrumbs. Repeat the 
layers of bacon and tomatoes. Cover again with the bread- 
crumbs, flake some margarine over and bake for J hour in a 
medium oven. 

TOMATO SALAD to Serve with Cold Meat, etc. 
Peel and cut tomatoes fairly thinly, lay in a glass dish, 
slightly sprinkle with salt pepper and a pinch of sugar. Cut a 
piece of onion or a shallot very finely and strew over. Mix 
I tablespoonful of salad oil with i dessertspoonful of vinegar 
and I dessertspoonful of lemon juice ; pour over. Just before 
serving garnish with some very finely chopped parsley. 


To every 4 tablespoonfuls of tomato pulp made by pressing 
the tomatoes through a sieve, allow 4 tablespoonfuls of sugar and 
I tablespoonful of rum or brandy. Put the pulp into a pan and 
when it is about to boil stir in the sugar, and proceed as for jam. 
Just before it is done add the rum, or brandy. Put into jars and 
cover at once whilst hot. 

Wash the tongue and put to boil in cold water with 2 onions, 
carrots, bouquet garni, i bay leaf,' a little salt, 3 cloves, 6 allspice, 
12 peppercorns. Let it boil gently for 3-4 hours accordmg to size. 
When done put on dish and skin it. Make a sauce in the usual 
way ; no milk, but using some of the stock with i cup of white 
wine' Add 2-|oz. of raisins, 2^02. currants, a little chopped 
lemon peel, i teaspoonful of vinegar, i teaspoonful sugar, 6 
chopped almonds, a squeeze of lemon juice. Serve m a sauceboat. 


This can be made with either well-flavoured cold and minced 
veal, chicken, lobster or white fish. Well butter a pudding 
basin and line with par-boiled spaghetti, going round and round. 
Make a very thick creamy sauce, chop up some mushrooms and 
when they are cooked add whatever you are wanting to use, 
together with several spoonfuls of tomato puree. Do not let the 
mixture become too Uquid. Cover with greaseproof paper and 
steam for i hour. 

A very quickly made sweet and a good way of using up any 
puff pastry. Line some patty pans with the pastry and bake in 
a hot oven for 20 minutes. Then whip up some cream with a 
little sugar until it will stand alone. When the pastry is quite 
cold pour in the cream and place a glace cherry in the middle. 


8 Seville oranges, 8 pints of water, 7lbs. sugar, 3 tangerines, 
ij lemons. First squeeze the juice of the lemons and put aside. 
Then cut all the fruit very thinly, putting the pips into a basin 
just covered with water and put in oven for i hour. Soak the 
fruit for 24 hours in 8 pints of water. Next day boil slowly for 
3 hours until soft, add the j uice from the pips and leave for another 
24 hours. Boil up quickly with the sugar for about i| hours until 
well jeUied ; add the lemon juice just before taking off, to clear it. 


This is good with either cold fish or cold asparagus. Whip 
some cream very stiffly, season with pepper, salt cayenne and a 
good pinch of curry powder. Put in about i teaspoonful of 
Tarragon vinegar, beat again. Put in Frigidaire. Put in a 
sauceboat and garnish with a few leaves of tarragon. 




fib. veal, 20Z. butter, 2oz. flour, J pint milk, 2 eggs, pepper, 
salt and nutmeg. Lightly poach the veal, cut in thin strips, in a 
little milk. When it is soft strain and put first through the mincer 
or pound it in a mortar, and then sieve it and mix with the sauce 
made by using the butter, flour and J pint of milk ; see that this 
is weU cooked. Beat up the eggs and add, put in the seasoning. 
Pour into a ring mould that has been oiled, and steam for J hour. 
Have ready in a little saucepan any of the following mixtures : 
Chopped mushrooms and bacon, oysters and bacon, lobster and 
shrimps, tongue and egg, etc. Fill the centre of the veal cream 
with this and serve with a surround of young green peas. 


Jib. rashers of bacon, ilb. fillet of veal, 2 tomatoes, 2 carrots, 
some brown breadcrumbs. Cut the veal into diamonds about 
2 inches long and let them just fry for 5 minutes in a little boiling 
salad oil. Have ready in a casserole 2 tablespoonfuls of bread- 
crumbs mixed with grated carrot, chopped parsley, the bacon 
cut up finely, the tomatoes peeled and sliced, pepper and salt, 
and the grated peel of J lemon and the juice of | lemon ; lay the 
pieces of veal on this bed. Pour a cup of good stock into the 
frying pan and well rub all the little pieces from the fried veal ; 
let it come to the boil and then pour into the casserole. Cover 
closely and let it cook in a moderate oven for i J hours. Serve with 
rolls of crisp bacon. 


Lightly steam the veal, then chop it finely with 3 rashers of 
bacon. Make a panada as if for soufile, add chopped parsley, 
thjone, grated rind of J lemon, pepper and salt and mix well. 
Now add the meat, beat up an egg and mix in. Put on to a 
floured board, divide and shape into cutlets. When quite cold, 
they are ready to fry in some boiling lard. Take them out 
carefully, ptit a piece of macaroni at the end to look like the 
bone, place on a fireproof dish and keep hot whilst you are frying 
some parsley which is to surround the cutlets. Wash and dry 
very well a good double handful of parsley, remove stalks. 
Let the lard come once more to the boil, throw in the parsley 
for I minute, strain and put round cutlets. Serve with green 
peas, new potatoes and little new carrots. 


Cut these from the fillet, i inch thick and in rounds about 
ij inches across. Have on a paper some fine white breadcrumbs, 
about 3 tablespoonfuls, mixed with a heaped teaspoonful of 
finely chopped parsley, the same of thyme and marjoram, J tea- 
spoonful of grated lemon peel. Beat up an egg lightly on a plate, 
dip the cutlets in one by one, place them on the paper and let 
them get well covered with the savoury breadcrumbs. Leave 
them for a time and then fry in boiHng butter. Turn carefully. 
They must do very slowly. Cook in a little saucepan some small 
mushrooms, peel and cut some tomatoes in another pan, both 
in butter. Put the cutlets on a flat mattress of mashed potatoes, 
on a silver dish. Put the mushrooms at one end of the dish, 
the tomatoes at the other end. Place a butterfly of cut lemon 
on each cutlet. Decorate with bits of parsley, serve with a 
sauce piquante in a boat. 


Line a vol au vent mould with good puff pastry. Mark out 
with a sharp knife dipped in flour where the lid is to be, and then 
bake for | to f hour in a very hot oven. Cover with paper and 
watch carefully that it does not burn. Have ready cooked for 
filling the following : Stewed pigeons, allowing half for each 
person (do not use the legs) ; same number of lambs' kidneys 
stewed, and |lb mushrooms (cut, if too big). With the legs of the 
pigeon and pieces of mushroom make a very good gravy, slightly 
thickened with flour rubbed in butter. Season well and add 
^ glass of sherry. Lay inside the pastry case, the quarters of 
pigeons, the kidneys and fiU up with the mushrooms, pour in the 
gravy, put the lid on and return to a medium oven to get very hot. 


Pass the cooked meat twice through the mincer with 2 rashers 
of lean ham or bacon. Cut very finely some shallots, to make i 
tablespoonful, put into a small saucepan and let cook with a 
Httle margarine, without frying, stirring often. Then put i 
dessertspoonful of flour, allow this to cook aobut 3 minutes and 
gradually add, stirring well, a very little white stock. Cook for 
15 minutes imtil quite smooth, add the minced meat, pepper and 
salt, let it get thoroughly hot without boiling. At the last 
moment almost, put in some cream and a good squeeze of lemon. 
Serve in a very hot dish and garnish with quarters of hard-boiled 
egg and little fried diamonds of bread. 


I fiUet weighing about i|lbs. ; it should be quite i inch thick. 
Fry this in a Uttle lard until golden brown, slice thinly 2 large 
onions, 2 carrots, |lb. ham or bacon in small pieces, 4 medium- 
sized potatoes cut in cubes, i clove of garlic minced finely, and 
let all get brown and then put into a large casserole and keep hot. 
Put I tablespoonful of flour into the frying pan with 6 sliced and 
peeled tomatoes, i teaspoonful vinegar, a bouquet garni, pepper 
and salt. Cover with a pint of stock or water and let all come to 
the boil, stiiring well. Pour this over and round the fillet in the 
casserole and let simmer for 2 hours in a moderate oven. 

Cut some slices of lean veal, about 4 inches long and 2 wide 
and with the back of the knife thin them out. On each one put 
a layer of the following : Chop up finely some mushrooms, a 
little bacon, some breadcrumbs, season with pepper, salt, squeeze 
of lemon juice and enough thick cream (not having any, use the 
yolk of an egg), roll up very tightly, lightly fry and serve on a 
bed of either French beans cut up and cooked, or some spinach 
which has also had a little lemon juice put with it. 

Cut the veal as above, lay on some sausage meat, roll up very 
tightly and lightly fry. Then put them in a casserole, make a 
thick well-flavoured gravy, adding a little sherry and let them 
simmer for 45 minutes in a medium oven. 

Take some pieces of veal fillet, about | inch thick and 2| inches 
long. Egg and breadcrumb them and fry in a little butter for 
a few minutes. Roll up some small rashers of bacon and put 
these in the frying pan. Put cutlets and rolls of bacon alternative- 
ly on a flat earthenware dish and make a good surround of freshly 
boiled peas. Sprinkle with a very httle finely chopped mint. 

The meat is left on the bone. Flatten the cutlets, which must 
be very thin, with the rolling pin. Egg and breadcrumb them and 
fry in butter. Have ready cooked some macaroni or spaghetti 
to which has been added little bits of tongue, ham, mushrooms, 
a nice-sized bit of butter and a good tomato sauce. Put this on 
a very hot dish and lay the cutlets on top. Serve very hot. 


Cut the marrow, which must be quite ripe and sound hollow 
when rapped, into pieces about i to i| inches thick. To every lb. 
allow lib. sugar. Lay on a rather flat dish. Cover the marrow 
with sugar in layers and leave for 24 hours. Next day strain and 
let syrup boil with Jib. root ginger, well bruised, to every lb. 
fruit. Boil until reduced to nearly half quantity. Add the 
marrow and boil until tender. Do not boil too fast. Add 
^ grated rind and juice of a lemon to every lb. marrow. If no 
lemon a little citric acid is excellent. Add this to individual taste. 


Take a good-sized pie dish and make layers of cooked spaghetti, 
breadcrumbs, friend onions, hard-boiled eggs, tomatoes peeled 
and sliced, well season with salt and pepper. Now another layer 
of spaghetti and breadcrumbs. Make a very good gravy, pour 
over and bake in oven for J hour. 


40Z. stale bread, 30Z. sultanas, 40Z. castor sugar, 2 eggs, 
20Z. peel, I lemon rind, loz. loaf sugar, | pint mUk, i gQl cream, 
wineglass of sherry. Cut the bread into small dice, put with the 
lemon rind, peel, castor sugar and sultanas into a basin. With 
the loaf sugar, brown it as for a caramel and dissolve in the hot 
milk. It should be a really good coffee colour. Pour over dry 
ingredients. When cool add the well-beaten eggs and pour over 
and allow to stand. Then add the cream and wine, beat up, 
pour into a greased mould and steam for i J hours. Serve with a 
good wine sauce. 


Have about 2lbs fillet of veal cut into slices by the butcher, 
put these on a board, take a knife and with the back of it, flatten 
them out. Take 2 tablespoonfuls of chopped parsley and 3 
tablespoonfuls of margarine, salt and pepper. Work this 
together and squeeze some lemon juice and grate the peel of 
I lemon. Divide this into the same number as you have slices of 
veal and spread one on each piece; roll up tightly and tie securely. 
Brown the meat in butter, add a httle stock and let simmer till 
the meat is tender. Remove the strings, put the rolls on to a very 
hot dish, put about i giU of cream to the gravy in the pan, rub 
well and then pour over the roUs 




equal parts of celery, apple and beetroot. T; 
fuls of cream, some pepper, salt, a little sugar, 
together with i tablespoonful of vinegar, or 1 


Well wash and dry some whitings, lay them in a flat earthen- 
ware casserole, put on some butter, some chopped parsley and 
squeeze J a lemon over them, pepper and salt. Bake until done, 
about 20 minutes, and serve thinish slices of bread and butter ; 
made into rolls. 


20Z. butter, 2oz. castor sugar, 2 eggs, i large lemon, 4 table- 
spoonfuls of cold water. Beat butter and sugar together to a 
cream. Then add yolks of eggs well beaten. Next add the lemon 
juice and the water slowly. Beat up the whites of the eggs to a 
stiff froth, add to the rest. Put in a greased pie-dish and bake 
in a slow oven. 


Braise the duck with vegetables in the ordinary way and serve 
it with red cabbage cooked as follows : Shred the cabbage 
rather finely, put into a basin of cold water to wash it. Take out 
a double handful at a time and well shake it and put into a good- 
sized iron pot ; put a piece of lard about the size of a walnut 
in the pot first and let it melt. Do this until you have finished 
cutting up the cabbage. Put on the fire and for a little while keep 
on turning the cabbage about ; it will soon make its own liquid. 
Let it simmer until done, about 2 hours. Strain any liquid off, 
add I tablespoonful of brown sugar and i tablespoonful of 
vinegar, stir well and taste if you have put enough vinegar, salt 
and pei)per. Put the duck on a dish and make a good surround 
of the red cabbage. 


Stri]) the fruit and prepare it in a jar as for jelly. Strain the 
juice, of which put 2 quarts to i gallon of rum and 2lb. lump sugar. 
Strain through a jelly bag. 

Second Recipe. 

To I gallon of rum put 2 quarts of white currant juice which 
has been strained. Add ijlbs. sugar. Stir them well together 
and let stand in a pan, closely covered all night. Stir it very well 
in the morning, seeing that the sugar is well dissolved ; strain 
through a sieve or coarse cloth and then through a clean jelly bag 
a second time. Then bottle it for use. Best kept for some months 
before drinking. 





LUFF a SOKS, Ltd. 

Print* ra, 
47, St. Laonard'f Road, 
