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‘The best that you can do is to write the book that it gives you the most pleasure to_ 
write, to put as much heart and soul as you have about you into it, and then hope as 
hard as you can to reach the heart and soul of the great multitude of your fellow-men.’ 

ane Man of Letters as a Man of Business, by W. D. HOWELLS, 
Serdbner’s Magazine, October 1893. 










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Edinburgh: T. and A. ConsTaBLk, Printers to Her Majesty 


PART 1.—Spotted and Striped Mammals (Horses excepted), 
» I1.—Dappled and Striped Horses, and some other Mammals, 
» lUl—Meaning of the Jaguar and Leopard Rosettes, and of the 
markings of other Mammals, 
» Iv.—Further evidence in support of the theory that existing Mam- 
mals descended from carapaced ancestors, 
5» V.—Researches and discussions to connect, more surely, Armour- 
plating with Skin-picturing, 
vi.—Probable meaning of some interesting features in Horses and 
other animals, 
» VIL—Is Natural Selection the sole factor in the Coloration of 
» VIIIl.—Probable cause of the loss of the Calcareous Armour in 
,», IX.—Relationship between the Armadillo, the Rhinoceros, the 

Horse, the Giraffe, and the Zebu, 








ParT X—Explanation of the Callosities on the Legs of Equine Animals 
and others, 
» XI.—The One Big Digit of the Horse, 
. XIl.—Monstrosities as probable factors in the creation of species, . 




Of what value would the objective facts a/ove have been, even if they were collected 
by millions, without a colligating theory which puts sov/ into the scattered facts? They 
would be as soulless as heaps of bricks and mortar are before they are built up into 
a Cathedral. Theory founded on facts, as it should be, is of the greatest importance in 
forming a right conception of Nature. Theories cannot flash out in all perfection. 
They require to be mended, and time is needed for that. 


THE genesis of these studies was the following :— 

Having completed the Flora of the Assyrian Monuments and tts 
Outcomes, 1 was looking about for something to take up next as a 
subject of study. In the furriers’ windows I was attracted by the 
Leopard and Tiger skins, which by degrees became objects of 
interesting study and speculation. 

Thinking over the rosettes of the Leopards, and more especially 
those of the Jaguar, and seeing spotted Horses constantly in the 
streets of London, some new ideas flashed across my mind 
regarding the origin of all this spotting and rosetting in 

Keeping ‘my eyes open,’ so as to get some insight into the 
invisible, and making many researches for some tangible facts 
which would serve as a basis for my speculations, the subjects 
of the curious callosities on the legs of the Horse, its solitary big 
digit, its possible close relationship to the pair of digits in 
the ruminants, and various monstrosities, came under review, as 
well as several other collateral points, and so, each group, as it 
became interesting, was worked up into a separate study, followed 
up by that on the meaning of the rosettes on the Jaguar and allied 
animals, and of the dapples which are all but universal in Horses 


—whether as a completely dappled surface, or as vestiges of an 
extensively spotted skin. Spotting and striping in mammals, or 
vestiges of such markings, are to be met with so extensively among 
these animals, that I came to the conclusion they must have a 
deeper meaning than may have hitherto been attributed to them 
by evolutionists. 

The reader should understand that a book like this is not written 
as a poem might be written, by sitting down in some suggestive 
surrounding, gazing into space, and letting the thoughts come 
rambling after each other, as if by inspiration. 

Not a few perhaps may think that the author just sat down and 
wrote it off! Few would consider what interminable searching for 
authorities was needed; what hunting for facts and evidence to 
build upon; what hunting for suitable skins and animals to be 
photographed, and for photographs of animals to be used as 
illustrations, were required. Nowadays, one might as well speak 
to the wind as produce a book of this sort without numerous 
illustrations. The vaiue of an illustration is that it appeals to the 
mind at once, while a string of words used in a description, without 
an illustration, would only, in most cases, fatigue the reader’s mind, 
and leave little or no impression. Everything must be made as easy 
as possible for the student and general reader, otherwise he or she 
will turn to something else. There is too much to distract the 
attention from making a serious effort to comprehend even a small 
portion of the work of creation. Moreover, this is the age of maga- 
zines, which mean a conglomerate, and most people prefer that. 

The arrangement of notes taken at all sorts of odd times 

and places; the digesting and comparing of points, writing out 


notions, tearing them up, and re-writing them, and a hundred other 
troubles, would all have been the most wearisome work had it not 
been backed by the stimulus and enthusiasm roused by the convic- 
tion that there was something interesting to be told. If the reader 
should feel a hundredth part of the interest, in reading these pages, 
that I felt in writing them, I am sure he ought to be a happy 

In these pages there may be some things which scientists may 
have either overlooked as unimportant, or which they may not 
have cared to tackle, appearing to them as insoluble. 

I have also attempted to develop particular points in the sub- 
theories of the more general theory or doctrine of evolution. As 
Professor Huxley is stated to have declared at Oxford not long 
ago, even if Darwinism were swept away it would leave evolution 
untouched. The doctrine of ‘creation by the method of evolution ’ 
has replaced all other doctrines, and it cannot be upset by mortals, 
for it is based on the every-day experience that a mother pro- 
creates children, and these other children, and these others, and 
so forth No one yet has even attempted to upset shat fact 
of nature. 

The study of the coloration of mammals is an intricate one ; 
and in the various .parts of this discussion repetitions could 
hardly be avoided; but although wearisome to the expert, the 
general reader, who may not be very conversant with the facts 
of evolution and natural selection—should he care to study this 
part of modern philosophy—may derive benefit from these 

1 After the Inaugural Address of Lord Salisbury to the British Association, 
8th August 1894. 


unavoidable though wearisome repetitions. Moreover, I am not 
aware that there is any particular sin in a little repetition. The 
reader after all is not so sacred a thing as not to be subjected 
on any account to a little tedium. Some little allowance then, 
I suppose, may be made for the ‘personal equation’ of the 
writer ! 

I do not know a better method for fixing notions on the 
reader’s convolutions—more especially if he or she is not easily 
convinced—than by ‘hammering’ on the same subject in different 
ways, in order to make an impression. Few people who may 
be tempted to open a book do so with the spirit of the student 
who endeavours to master the meaning and points therein 
contained. The majority of persons who take up a book want 
to be amused, distracted, or somehow entertained, and few are 
the books on evolutionary studies which can satisfy either of 
these cravings. 

Inferences cannot be safely drawn from any particular speci- 
men; the larger the number of specimens on which an inference 
is based, the more soundness will it be likely to possess. 

Where too much detail might seem tedious to the expert, 
I would note that it is intended for the general reader who may 
be tempted to dip into these subjects, and who may not have 
given much attention to such matters. 

If found tedious, whole pages may be skipped by the expert. 

I believe that this is the first time that any attempt has been 
made to study the markings of mammals in de¢az/, with the 
view of reaching what seems to be the real, or at all events the 
proximate, cause of their existence. Mr. Tylor and Mr. Poulton, 


Dr. Wallace and Mr. Darwin have studied the coloration of 
animals ; but, as far as I am aware, no attempt has been hitherto 
made to account for certain markings which occur, as one might 
say, in a sort of fam, and in so many different animals. In 
these pages I have made an attempt to account, not only for 
their derivation, but also for their genesis, as far as this can 
be known. 

I need hardly mention that the figures of Horses were not 
selected for their beauty of outline, but for their dappling. Most 
of the outline drawings are reduced in size. 

My thanks are due to Professor J. M‘Fadyean and Mr. P. 
D. Coghill of the Royal Veterinary College, for helping me with 
photographs of Horses; and to Mr. James Poynter of the Horse 
department of the Great Northern Railway, and Mr. William 
D. Duff, manager of the London Road Car Company, for their 
kind permission to photograph some of the horses in the stables 
of their companies. I have to thank also Messrs. Jeffs and 
Harris, and Messrs. Back and Co., of Regent Street, for allowing 
me to have some of the skins in their stores photographed. 
Finally, my thanks are due to Miss Butcher for numerous out- 
line drawings of mammals, etc.,in the Natural History Museum. 
Some apology is, I think, due to her for asking her to make 
drawings of those archeological exhibitions of Taxidermy. As 
she remarked, it was difficult to know where their legs ought to 
be! The recent specimens in that museum are, however, splendidly 
got up. 



‘Evolution is the most striking feature of modern scientific thought, hence all that 
terms itself evolution must be scientific—such seems to be the logic of the average 
reviewer, and, we regret to say it, of some men of science who ought to know better. 
The fact is that the word ‘‘ evolution ” has been so terribly abused, first by the biologists, 
then by pseudo-scientists, and lastly by the public, that it has become a cant term to 
cover any muddle-headed reasoning, which would utterly fail to justify itself had it 
condescended to apply the rule of three. A variety of ill-described and ill-appreciated 
factors of change have all been classed together and entitled the theory of evolution.’ 

Socialism and Natural Selection, by KARL PEARSON, 
Fortnightly Review, July 1894, p. I. 


‘Ir is not enough that a scientific truth should be the possession of a privileged 
few; those who value the truth should try to spread it, and make it common 
intellectual property, and this can only be done when. they realise that simplicity 
of language, and correct style, and a good arrangement, are essential to its 

‘The British Association,’ Mature, 16th August 1894. 

ANY one who may think of devoting his attention to the study of 
the philosophy of life, based, not only on the materials he has 
himself observed and discovered, but also on those worked up by 
others, is met, at the outset, with a huge mountain of words. 
‘Words will govern us, if we do not govern them,’ said Professor 
Max Miiller. Any one who tries to get at the bottom of facts, and at 
the bottom of the inferences resulting from those facts, has to grope 
his way through this maze of often utterly useless, if not mis- 
chievous, terminology. The essential truth may be obscured 
by the novel and difficult-to-be-remembered wording ; so that we 
often ‘cannot see the wood for the trees.’ 

By way of introduction to the introduction, let us take a glance 
at what even leading scientists think of it all. If scientific men 
complain of the nuisance, what would you say the man in the 
street would think of it? 

M. L. Guinard in his Précts de Tératologie, p.xvi., gives expres- 
sion to the feeling of distress caused by hasty and reckless additions 
to modern scientific nomenclature. He says: ‘La multiplication 
des termes aurait fatalement la méme conséquence que la multi- 



plication des langues; celui qui songera a jeter les bases d’un 
édifice taxonomique par trop nouveau aboutira a I’édification d’une 
tour de Babel. 

‘Si j’insiste sur cette particularité, c'est que moi-méme j'ai été 
souvent embarrassé par la diversité de noms et des classifications, et 
parce que actuellement, on voit la tendence dont je parle persister 
encore dans quelques travaux fort remarquables d’ailleurs.’ 

Then Mr. Stebbing, in his interesting work on the Crustacea, 
p. 255, referring to Mr. Spence Bates’ ‘Report on the Challenger 
Macrura,; says, ‘But simplicity seems to be the very last thing 
considered in Spence Bates’ terminology, and though such words 
as phymacerite, psalistoma, and stylamblys, may help to curtail 
the length of descriptions, they are only too likely also to curtail 
the number of those that read them.’ 

And certainly this is one of the mischiefs wrought by unneces- 
sary coining of new terms to express ideas which might in many 
cases be conveyed in ordinary wording. 

Very recently another note of warning has been sounded in 
Natural Science of October 1893, under the heading of ‘ Scientific 
Linguistics’: ‘When a layman asks a naturalist why he invents 
and employs such a multitude of incomprehensible technical terms, 
the common reply is that exact ideas necessitate a precise and 
universally (!) understood nomenclature. We wonder how this 
explanation would apply to the terms of “ Auxology,” or “ Bioplast- 
ology,” just discussed by Professor A. Hyatt in the Zoologischer 
Anzeiger (concluded August 28, 1893). We should like to know 
how much scientific precision there is in the determination of the 
nepionic, metanepionic, gerontic, paragerontic, etc., stages of any 
organism, and what grain of solid fact,as compared with mere specu- 
lation, in the so-called definition of the phylonepionic, phyloneanic, 
phylogerontic, etc., phases of development in any group of animals. 


We may be enslaved by some prejudice, and our patience may 
have been ruffled in the attempt to decipher some recent writings 
of American authors on fossil shells; but we cannot help uttering 
a protest against the clothing of a tissue of hypothetical fabrications 
in a garb of a precisely-defined scientific nomenclature.’ 

In a note to p. 1366, Nicholson and Lydekker! complain of 
the same trouble. Regarding the genera of Rhinoceroses of the 
American school, they say : 

‘From the writers’ point of view the multiplication of generic 
terms, which, as our knowledge advances, must become less and 
less susceptible of exact definition, tends to drown the science in a 
sea of names, which form a great burden to the memory, and thus 
tend to destroy the very object of classification.’ 

Classification is not the exd of a science, but the means of 
facilitating the conception of creation by the method of evolution ; 
and if the whole conception be obscured under a heap of names, its 
object will be surely defeated. 

‘La haute science’ would appear to consist now in the faculty 
of inventing such names as the following :—‘ids, ‘idants,’ ‘idio- 
plasm, ‘somatic idio-plasm, ‘morpho-plasm,’ ‘apical-plasm, as 
composing the ‘sphere’ of germ-plasm, and which the late 
Professor Romanes? compared to the nine circles of Dante’s 
L[uferno | . 

I ask again, if scientists are groaning under the grip of this 
‘demon’ of chaotic modern nomenclature, what should the poor 
beginner say, who would have to commit to memory such an 
amount of useless terms before he can understand what the 
professor is talking about. All this needless multiplication of 
terms is worrying and distressing to the ‘grey matter’ of the brain 

1 Manual of Paleontology. 2 Examination of Weismannism, p. 118. 


of both professor and student, and to all earnest investigators, who 
wish to get to the bottom of creation by the method of evolution. 
As to the general reader, he may probably say: ‘Non ragioniam 
di lor, guarda e passa.’ 

This troublesome multiplicity of useless words has certainly 
become a formidable difficulty to those who may wish to pursue 
scientific investigations, and an obstruction to the progress of 
Science ; for if, before attempting to devote one’s time to the study 
of the ‘ Philosophy of the Sciences,’ one has to learn a language as 
difficult as that of cuneiform inscriptions, it will deter many from 
embarking in such a pursuit. 

Is it any wonder that ordinary people do not think that 
scientific men are either so sensible and unselfish as they may think 
themselves to be? The curious part is that tyros may perhaps think 
that these strange and unpronounceable words are /He science, and 
may startle their friends with the extent of scientific knowledge 
they have acquired at the schools, colleges, or universities ! 

Are then the facts of the universe, and the discoveries made by 
scientific explorers, to remain the possession of the few, by being 
locked up in a language which only means ‘hieroglyphics’ to 
most ordinary men and women? 

It is truly touching to contemplate the helplessness of the 
human mind in face of the prodigious number of variations it 
has to deal with in studying organic forms. 

Mr. Stebbing, in the before-mentioned work, p. 43, says: ‘It 
may here be mentioned that the full number of joints for a 
malacostracean trunk leg is seven. The afflicted naturalist has for 
many years had to deal with these seven under the following 
names, coxa, basis, ischium, merus, carpus, propodus, dactylus, 
which respectively signify hip, foot, socket of thigh joint, wrist, 
forefoot, and finger or toe. 


‘Originally the names were longer, all being podites, from 
coxopodite to dactylopodite ; to the use of these the philosophic 
French still adhere, though the time-saving Anglo-Saxon has 
for the most part rejected them! . . . The more reasonable plan is 
now to denote them by means.of figures from first joint to seventh 

As the antennz of the Lobster are homologous with podzites, it is 
a wonder that a hundred names had not been invented to designate ‘ 
their hundred or more distinct joints. Why not have had also 
a separate name for each hair on a man’s head? ! 

The followers of Galileo have had their revenge by pointing 
out the innumerable absurdities of the teachings of the Church ; 
but the turn of the Church may come, and it may have z¢s revenge! 

The mischief of all this is that the mass of mankind, even 
in the most civilised countries, both men and women, are wholly 
zgnorant of the simplest facts of creation, and all these unnecessary 
difficulties only increase their reluctance to have anything to 
do with the wonders of nature. 

The craving for coining new words at every turn has already 
landed us in a sort of mental chaos, and earnest thinkers see that 
no advantage can come from this bewildering multiplicity of terms 
towards a simplification of science. It only burdens the memory of 
those who may be courageous enough to follow scientific pursuits, 
without in the least making things clearer. 

Mr. James Geikie! says: ‘When I] attended school, the text- 
books used by my teachers were about as repellent as they 
could be,’ 

And at p. 12: ‘Great care, however, should be taken to avoid 
wearying the youthful student with strings of mere names.’ 

When we find professors making fun of this so-called scientific 

1 Fragments of Earth Lore, p. 1. 


terminology, we begin to hope that the tide may turn, and that we 
and future generations may yet be released from the mockery 
which some may think a good substitute for science. 

The pursuits of the specialists no doubt were a great induce- 
ment to coining new names for every cell, for every joint, for 
every limb of a Milliped, and so forth. This, however, is what Dr. 
Burdon Sanderson has said, in his inaugural address to the British 
' Association in 1893: Specialism advances knowledge at the risk of 
deteriorating the man, and tends to exaggerate the importance of 
one set of phenomena, simply because the bearing of another 
set is not seen in the course of that division of labour. 

Taking a philosophical view of any set of phenomena does not 
mean that you have never attended to detail by close inspection ; 
but it means that you are able to withdraw your mind to a distance 
from the detail, and so take a broader view of the whole landscape, 
so as to include more of creation at one time, and thus obtain 
a comprehensive view of the relativity of the detail. 

John Hunter said—‘ Don’t think, try. He however not only 
tried, but also thought. The bane of modern life seems to be that 
there is too much trying, and very little thinking of what may 
happen! We should now say— Think, investigate, imagine, and 
also try. And when you get an idea into your head follow it up. 
If it is worth anything, and if it has any truth in it, and zf you get 
rid of your mental inertia, and keep your eyes and ears open, you will be 
sure sooner or later to come across evidence in support of your idea. 
You have also of course to read and ascertain, if you can, what 
others have thought and have written on the same set of subjects. 
These are all various ways of ascertaining the truth, and of making 
sure that it zs truth you are dealing with. 

We have been for centuries ‘hag ridden’ by monstrous fictions, 
and it is certainly a comfort to emerge from the pressure of this 


deep sea of unrealities, and take a look round upon the upper 
world of realities. 

At the back of the phenomenon we call a Horse, a Cat, or any 
other animal, there is a whole chain of phenomena—its evolution 
—which in ancient time was not suspected. All this chain of 
phenomena, leading up to what you actually see, has to be dis- 
covered by the aid of the imagination, which does not a/ways tell 
the truth. 

Without a free use of the imagination a dog is a dog, a cat is 
a cat, a cloud is a cloud, and nothing more. They are facts, like 
so many soldiers scattered on a field of battle without discipline 
or organisation. The function of the imagination is to group these 
scattered units into companies, regiments, and armies, and fight 
imaginary battles with them, all manceuvred by a general called 
‘Logic,’ who has his eyes open, and insight to discover what is 
going on around him. What this general has to be particularly 
careful about is, not to let his imagination wander loosely, and see 
all sorts of things that are not justified by ascertained facts. 

Some persons pride themselves upon not possessing any power 
of imagination, as if it were so very meritorious a feature of their 
‘grey matter. They say they deal exclusively with facts. They 
do not, however, see that through this deficiency they lose that 
insight which is the work of what we call the imagination, and so 
they fail to notice what is behind the facts. They may perhaps 
not be aware that a great deal of the charm of life consists in 
possessing a vivid imagination, provided the possessor of it is able 
to keep it under control. By this faculty we are enabled, in a way, 
to picture what would otherwise be a wholly invisible past world. 
To exercise the imaginative power is to cultivate a most useful 

implement of research. 
There is so much to learn in one’s short life. Every branch of 


Science is being studied with such minuteness that the help of the 
imagination is largely needed, not only to understand the pheno- 
mena yourself, but to make them clear to the imagination of other 
people. But note this: the grey matter of the human brain is a 
very treacherous informer. It invents a lot of things which it 
preaches unhesitatingly as truths, and then, after-generations have 
the task of sifting the whole, and re-classifying the supposed 
phenomena into truths, sub-truths, and lies! 

In the course of these pages I have mentioned that the colora- 
tion of the skin of animals may have been greatly influenced by the 
electricity of the brain-cells. You might naturally ask—What has 
electricity to do with the colouring of animals? But just think of 
it, and tell me where electricity does zof come in. The modern 
view of electricity is that you cannot touch anything, you cannot 
move anything, you yourself cannot move, or cannot think, or 
will, without the evolution of electricity. If I blow on my hand, 
the impression on my skin is electrical, and is conveyed through 
my nerves to my brain, and there either develops thought, or both 
thought and action. 

One should have heard Professor Oliver Lodge on the evening 
of the 1st June 1894,! at the Royal Institution, and have seen him 
make experiments to illustrate the Hertz waves, in order to realise 
how completely the nerve-centres of animals are in the grip of 
their surroundings, taking of course the visceral impressions as 
part of the surroundings. Just as one Leyden jar in action influ- 
ences another wholly disconnected with it, except through the 
means of the ether, but attuned to it, and sets it in motion ; just 
as one tuning fork in vibration sets another in action which is in 
unison with it; just as one magnet influences another near it, so 
everything—light, heat, magnetism, electricity, gravity, etc., act on 

} Lecture printed in Matere of 7th June 1894, p. 133. 


the sensitive nerve-matter of the nervous system of animals, and 
influence thought and all other nerve-action. 

Several branches of animals evolved from other animals which 
were not stationary, but were changing. While changing, they in 
turn were evolving others in various ‘ grooves’ of evolution. This 
would account for the fact that although their descendants have 
several characters in common with the ancestral stock, they are 
nevertheless widely distinct in other characters ; and the characters 
they mostly differed in were exactly those which depended on the 
influences of surroundings for their development, and therefore 
were greatly modified by them. 

There is another point about which zoologists seem to have xo 

Mr. Herbert Spencer! says: ‘Zoologists are agreed that the 
Whale has been evolved from a mammal which took to aquatic 
habits, and that its disused hind-limbs have gradually disappeared,’ 

Many others have also the same belief; for Mr. Hutchinson ? 
says: ‘Take for example the case of Whales and fishes; the 
original land mammal from which Whales are descended has in 
course of time become so fish-like in appearance that even in these 
modern days there’ are some who yet speak of them as fishes! 
The shape of the Whale is fish-like; it has lost its hind-limbs 
through disuse: it has changed its fore-limbs into paddles, which 
have a certain fin-like aspect; and its cousin, the Porpoise, has 
developed a big triangular fin on the back.’ 

All this derivation of water mammals from /avd mammals alone 
may be true or wntrue. In the words of Mr. Hutchinson: ‘What 
right has any one, however great his knowledge or his ability, to 
dictate to Nature, and to say this or that is impossible?’ 

1 «Rejoinder to Professor Weismann,’ Contemporary Review, December 1893, p. 909. 
2 Creatures of Other Days, p. 131. 


I confess that this theory which considers the fish-like mammals 
as having descended from land mammals which took to aquatic 
habits does not seem to me satisfactory. Zoologists would appear 
to have conceived a roundabout way of evolving a Whale. The 
fish is made first to evolve a land mammal, and then this takes to 
the water again and gets rid of its hind-legs. It seems clear to me 
that if the fish proper could evolve a /and mammal, it could also 
evolve a water mammal, without the necessity of going through this 
roundabout performance. If a bird could lose its fore-limbs on 
land, it would appear that a Whale could lose its hind-limbs in the 

This notion presupposes the possibility of /azd mammals 
evolving from fishes, and the impossibility of water mammals 
evolving from the same fishes. And all this in face of all we know 
about the Ichthyosaurs and Plesiosaurs, with their dwindling hind- 
limbs ; in face of the shore and land fishes hopping about on their 
pectoral fins on land, so that they are difficult to catch ; in face of 
the fact that certain fishes proper can breathe either by gills or by 
lungs, according to circumstances ; and in face of the fact, which 
every one knows, that the Tadpole is first fish-like, and then evolves 
arms and legs without getting out of the water. 

Are we so sure, in spite of ‘agreement among zoologists,’ that 
the Whales are degenerated /and animals, and that land animals are 
not further evolutions of fish-like animals which have taken to life 
on dry land, while the Whale, evolving from the same fish-plane, 
remained a water mammal? 

In the amphibians alone we have ample evidence that a fish- 
like vertebrate can grow arms and legs wthout leaving the water ; 
and in the Ichthyosaurs we have again ample evidence that the 
hind-limbs were already undergoing degradation, and that in the 
Plesiosaurs both the hand and foot had become degraded to 


five digits, instead of the many digits of the Ichthyosaur form. I 
think no one has ever credited these extinct animals with having 
been first land animals which took to a water life. There is, more- 
over, some evidence in favour of considering them mammals. 

Professors and authors would seem to have stereotyped on our 
brain the words ‘normality,’ ‘anomaly,’ ‘monstrosity, giving them 
certain arbitrary meanings. They perhaps may have thought that 
they. had settled all matters regarding creation, as far as such 
phenomena were concerned. But let us imagine that anomalies 
and monstrosities may possibly have been ‘factors in the origin of 
species. Then we begin to see that the method of creation will 
appear under a somewhat different aspect from what books and 
professors have taught us. 

Under the heading of ‘ Monstrosities,’ I have discussed these 
particular phenomena, and have endeavoured to show that what 
we call monstrosities may have been more frequent factors in 
modifying the structure of animals than has been supposed. 

As the whole arm can be suppressed in one birth, so, I imagine, 
could the Archeopteryx have had its long tail shortened to the 
little stump of the modern bird in ove birth. The objection to 
such a sudden transformation seems to rest only in the minds of 
those who have worked up into an wxalterable dogma the notion 
that modifications in organisms are brought about solely by slow 
degrees. This dogma may possess no unalterability owts¢de the 
brain of scientists. 

It might be said, if this were so, the long tail of the Archeo- 
pteryx would have revealed itself sometime by a sudden reversion. 
But reversions in some organisms either rarely happen, or do not 
happen at all, and if they do happen, sometimes they may escape 

For instance, no botanist doubts that the leaf of the orange and 


lemon trees is the middle leaflet of some ancestral form with ¢hree 
leaflets, like that of Citrus Trifoliata} yet the one leaflet persists 
through millions of generations without reversions. In India, in 
my researches on the oranges and lemons, I sowed seeds of all 
kinds of Citrus, and only a few seedlings gave any indication in 
their firs¢ leaves of having descended from a trifoliate ancestor.’ 

Evolutionists do not believe that modern birds evolved from 
the extinct Pterodactyle form. Yet what is more easy than for a 
pterodactyle wing-membrane to grow fair, like other parts of the 
body ; and for this to become exaggerated into feather-like hairs, 
and soon ; then for the wing-membrane to contract, perhaps even in 
one generation, so as to envelop the arm and finger-bones, while the 
feathers increased in size, and became the vea/ flying apparatus ? 

All this seems certainly preposterous and fanciful to a person 
who may have looked upon monstrosities as ungodly phenomena, 
but as they do occur now, there is no reason to suppose they did 
not occur in past ages. 

The animal congenitally is given a certain bodily structure 
whether normal or abnormal. 

He, that is, his nerve-centres, must make the best of it, if he is 
to live atall. He has, moreover, to regulate his actions and habits 
by the growing structure of which he is possessed, until they 
become established by the completion of that growth in adult age. 
He is the sport of inheritance and surroundings. Inheritance 
tends to keep him on certain more or less fixed lines, but it does 
not at all follow that circumstances may not change his structure 
to a /arge extent in one birth, so as to shunt his descendants on to 
a new line. 

We know that all mammals are allied, for if they were not, 

1 See Gardeners’ Chronicle of 18th November 1893, p. 625. 
2 See Oranges and Lemons of India and Ceylon, pl. 246. 


they would not have the same plan of skeleton, and the same 
apparatus for nursing their young. 

Besides nervous, circulatory, and other structural features, which 
mammals have also in common, there are dermic features which, I 
think, have not been hitherto sufficiently recognised by biologists 
as indications of derivation. I mean the markings on the exterior 
of mammals. Of course every one knows that Leopards and 
Spotted Cats are allied, but probably few suspect that the spots 
on Leopards may indicate a distinct derivation from animals 
which have no spots. I don’t mean with Lions and Pumas and 
other individuals of the Cat tribe, but with animals wholly distinct 
from these, and even with certain extinct animals. 

In works of comparative anatomy, professors show that the 
internal structures of mammals—bone for bone, muscle for muscle 
—are identical. Then whence comes all this difference of ex- 
ternal surface? How comes it that the Leopard is rosetted, the 
Cheetah spotted, the Tiger and Zebra striped in one direction, 
while the Ocelot is striped in another direction, and so forth? 
Evolutionists declare that these external colours and markings 
have been brought about by adaptation to surroundings. In the 
following pages I have discussed what modification of this theory 
is, in my judgment, needed in order to make it conformable to all 
the facts that I shall place before the reader. 

When we first begin to study the spotting and striping of 
animals, they seem a chaos of markings, unregulated by any laws ; 
but by degrees we become aware that there is some method in the 
whole phenomenon, and the markings of one animal can be seen 
to be derived from those of another, just as in the skeleton we see’ 
each bone to be derived from that of an ancestor. If not all, most 
of the spotted and striped mammals, more especially the carnivora, 
are reducible more or less to one plan of origin. 


The bibliography of spots and stripes is not very abundant, 
and biologists may perhaps have depended a little too much on 
natural selection, as being sufficient to explain the creation of 

‘The scope of some of the following studies is to show that the 
spotting and striping of mammals, in their origin, are not purely 
the results of natural selection from beginning to end. I believe 
them to have been originally zzherited features, coming from very 
remote ancestors, and altered in many ways by transmission from 
species to species, from genus to genus. 

So many persons are interested in Horses that to understand 
in some way the origin of their curious markings would add to the 
interest of these animals. Similarly it would add to the interest we 
take in our domestic animals, if we could satisfactorily account for 
the spotting and striping of our Cats and Dogs, and other mammals. 
Our surroundings would again become peopled with the remote and 
extinct ancestors from which those we now see have descended. 

The evolutionist with his ‘eyes open, can find interest in 
Leopard skins, in the dapples of Horses, and in the markings 
of other animals; in the coloration of the legs of Horses, Dogs, 
Cats, and in a hundred other things which the non-evolutionist 
would pass by as ordinary insignificant phenomena, and _ totally 
void of interest. Fifty lives would not suffice for the evolutionist 
to exhaust the interest of things he may see around him. It is all 
a study of the real method of creation. 

It is usual for people to think of the Horse as an animal fit for 
draught, for riding, hunting, racing, etc., but the evolutionist sees 
both in his internal structure and in his external coloration, relation- 
ships to animals which ordinary people think have nothing to do 
with the Horse. 

We shall see that rosetted animals must have been J/egions 


in past ages, and of all kinds and descriptions. The coloration of 
the skin is not a thing that can be fossilised, and so one has to put 
‘two and two together’ in order to discover an explanation for the 
varied markings of the mammals of our day. We not infrequently 
pass over the seemzng, and go a-hunting after the obscure and the 

It seems to me that the organs of animals which receive and store 
up impressions, which we call nerve-centres, are as much engaged 
in influencing the form and coloration of the markings of the skin 
as they are in moulding and modifying the skeleton and other 
parts of the body. They are the controllers and regulators of the 
whole life, not only of the individual but also of the race. And 
the individuals forming a race were after all part and parcel of the 
ancestral stock, and were at one time or other organically con- 
nected with it. 

I do not, however, pretend in these pages to account for every 
speck and coloured hair, but to give my view of what seems to have 
been the genesis of spots and stripes in mammals, and of the 
contrasted coloration we see in so many animals, which would 
indicate some sort of flan of coloration. I do not enter into 
the microscopy of the subject—into how pigment cells behave 
in fishes, and other small animals which change their coloration 
and spotting according to surroundings.) We know that the 
Leopard, the Tiger, the Zebra, and others do not do so, and there- 
fore we have to account for the genesis of their more or less 
permanent spots or stripes. My suggestion would appear to be a 
‘vera causa’ of the markings of the Jaguar, the markings of all 
other mammals, in cases where these exist, being only a modifica- 
tion of such rosettes as those of the Jaguar, and z¢s markings only 
a modification of vastly more ancient conditions. 

One of the problems to be solved is—How came the rosettes on. 


the Jaguar, the stripes on the Tiger and Zebra, the dapples on the 
Horse into being? Undoubtedly they must have some reference 
to ancestral features. What ancestor or ancestors have these 
existing features been inherited from, for assuredly they present 
evidence of inheritance as much as the bones of their skeletons? 

We should make a distinction between the general coloration 
of an animal and its spot or stripe colouring ; both are liable to 
vary zxdependently. The Cheetah, the Dalmatian Dog, and certain 
Horses and other animals are black-spotted ; while certain Deer, 
Phalangers, and certain Horses are white spotted. 

Fossils certainly give us the structure of extinct animals, but I 
hope to show that they can also tell us something, if not so 
certainly, about the probable origin of certain markings we see on 
existing animals. But in order to see all this a good deal of the 
imaginative faculty will have to be brought into play. 

Probably zoologists may look upon the markings of animals as 
trivial and unimportant features, yet it would seem that markings, 
if not the general coloration, are important zoological features, and 
may tell a tale as interesting as that told by the teeth. Of course 
skin coloration and markings are more liable to change, because 
they have to adapt themselves perhaps more intimately to the 
surroundings in which the animals happen to move. 

Great importance among zoologists seems to be placed on the 
character of the teeth of animals in grouping them for the purposes 
of classification, as if these were absolutely the oz/y characters that 
are inherited. 

The reason why so much importance has been given to teeth 
as a character indicating descent is that fossil vertebrates have 
rarely anything but their simple skeleton to show what they may 
have been like, and certainly the teeth may indicate their habits. 
The skin characters have usually wholly disappeared, and we have 


nothing to guide us, in that direction, but the skins of existing 

There is, however, some evidence which would tend to make us 
suspect that teeth may be liable to sudden changes, owing to con- 
traction of the jaws. Teeth, like other bones, it would appear, are 
subject to fusion or to dissociation, as the case may be. And the 
writer on Seals in the Royal Natural History quotes an interesting 
example of dissociation in teeth, which I have quoted more fully 
in another place, as I think it very instructive, and the inference to 
to be drawn from it important. 

The doctrine of evolution has replaced every other doctrine of 
creation, owing to the undeniable support that existing facts give 
it. This being unstintedly admitted by all modern scientists, and 
by many modern theologians also, there remains only to account, 
in some way, for the appearance on this earth of the innumerable 
creatures we see, including man himself, by the method of 

Lower down in the scale of life, beyond a certain stage, we 
cannot go, in this investigation, because breaks occur which are at 
present in no way filled up. Whether the gaps may or may not 
be filled up at some future period no one living can say. 

The evolution of the structure of one kind of animal from 
another has been made clear enough, but the evolution of the 
coloration of one kind of animal from another has not been made 
sufficiently clear. Probably this feature in evolution has been 
neglected, because it offered difficulties which perhaps looked like 
puzzles. It is this feature of evolution which I have tried to make 
clear in some of the following pages. With regard to drawing 
conclusions, Professor Huxley! remarks :— 

‘What in fact lay at the foundation of all Zadig’s arguments 

1*On the method of Zadig,’ Sczence and Hebrew Tradition, pp. 7 and 8. 


but the coarse commonplace assumption, upon which every act of 
our daily lives is based, that we may conclude from an effect 
to the pre-existence of a cause competent to produce that effect. 

‘Zadig was able to do this because he perceived endless minute 
differences (and likenesses) where untrained eyes discern nothing ; 
and because the unconscious logic of common sense compelled him 
to account for these effects by the causes he knew to be competent 
to produce them.’ 



“Yer, if he would be guided by the true spirit of scientific inquiry, he must maintain an 
unsettled opinion as long as the evidence is incomplete or contradictory ; he must adopt 
conclusions only where the evidence is complete and convincing ; he must ever hold his 
mind open to new evidence, even if it bring about the abandonment of accepted beliefs. 
He may, if desirable, quote the conclusions of others, and, if well read, he may thus 
become widely informed; but he will fail to gain the best benefit that comes from 
careful study, if he does not reach opinions and conclusions for himself, forming them 
only as fast as the evidence that may support them is clearly understood.’ 
Elementary Meteorology, by Prof. W. M. Davis. 




A GLANCE at the living Mammals in the gardens of the Zoological 
Society, and at the mounted specimens in the Natural History 
Museum, will show us what a large number of Mammals of 
several orders and of many genera are either spotted or striped, 
or both spotted and striped. There is a large number of Mammals 
which may be said to have permanently lost their spots or stripes ; 
but there are not very many which, either in the childhood of 
the individual or in some of its species, either on the legs, on 
the tail, or on other parts, do not betray their descent by vestiges 
of either spots or stripes. 

In the Appendices I have given lists of various Mammals 
which show spotting or striping now, or show vestiges of descent 
from spotted and striped ancestors. Some of them have a plain 
body and spotted or striped legs; while others have only a 
ringed tail to show what they came from. These tail rings, 
even when they are the sole markings, are in my opinion dis- 
tinct vestiges of either a spotted or striped ancestry. 

If one had a fuller acquaintance with the childhood and 
adulthood of all Mammals, under different conditions of climate 
and other surroundings, the probability is that these lists might 
be much lengthened, and we might perhaps then come to the 


conclusion that most Mammals, at least, had a spotted ancestry 

more or less remote, not even excluding the Marsupials of 

The earliest record that I have met with of a striped Mammal 

is that shown in Fig. 1. It is the bone handle of a poignard 

of a prehistoric period. It 

Whpoes, Soe some kind of deer 

which had partial broad stripes 

ie on its flanks, evidently ves- 

tiges of something like the 

Fic. 1.—Cast of a handle of poignard found at : 
Bruniquel, on the river Aseyran, France. (Brit. zebra bands in the same 

Mus.: Mammoth and Reindeer period.) regions. 

It might perhaps be thought, as an alternative, that these 
marks were not intended by the carver to indicate skin-stripes, 
but merely the projections of the ribs. 

If, however, we consider that, if the prehistoric savage knew 
anything, he must have known a great deal about the ribs of the 
animals he was continually hunting, cutting up, and feeding upon, 
we shall see that he must have known that the ribs of the deer 
did not extend to its haunches, Therefore, the transverse stripings 
on this ancient model of a deer can hardly be taken to have 
been meant to indicate the projections of the ribs, but are more 
likely to have been meant for skin-stripes. Moreover, if the 
reader will turn to Appendix A, Fig. 22, he will see an 
antelope with striping not very unlike that of this prehistoric 

I shall, however, leave this point to be decided by archeologists 
and paleontologists, and proceed with my story. 

What causes the changes in the markings of different animals, 
and at different ages, I do not know. Presumably atomic changes 
in the nerve centres, initiated by surroundings, heredity, or what 


not, become reflected electrically on the skin, whether during 
the embryonic stage or afterwards, and cause aggregation or 
dissociation or other changes in pigment cells. 

Evolutionary biologists—and probably there are at present 
few or no biologists who have zot accepted the doctrine of 
Evolution—seem inclined to consider that these markings in 
animals are the result of natural selection, acting cumulatively 
on some fortuitous variations that may have occurred, and do 
occur, in an infinity of ways. By natural selection is meant 
the weeding-out, generation after generation, of all those varia- 
tions which are insufficiently protected by their surroundings 
for either offence or defence, or both, and by keeping alive those 
which are most fit. Reproduction and heredity then maintain 
and improve this selection. 

Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace says! that ‘Professor William 
H. Bremer of Yale College has shown that the white marks or 
the spots of domesticated animals are rarely symmetrical, but 
have a tendency to appear more frequently on the left side. 
This is the case with Horses, Cattle, Dogs, and Swine... 
Among wild animals, the Skunk varies considerably in the 
amount of white on the body; and this, too, was found to 
be usually greatest on the left side? A close examination of 
numerous striped or spotted species, as Tigers, Jaguars, Zebras, 
etc., showed that the bilateral symmetry was not exact, although 
the general effect of the two sides was the same. This is pre- 
cisely what we should expect if the symmetry is not the result 
of a general law of the organism, but has been, in part at least, 
produced and preserved for the useful purpose of recognition by 

1 Note to p. 217, Darwinism. 
2 [ should say this is a sure indication that the difference does not depend on the 

shin, but on the znegual action of the two halves of the nerve centre. 


the animal’s fellows of the same species, and especially by the 
sexes and the young.’! 

Then on p. 199, quoting from Major Walford, a Tiger-hunter, 
Dr. Wallace says: ‘There can be no doubt whatever that the 
colour of both the Tiger and the Panther renders them almost 
invisible, especially in a strong blaze of light, when among grass ; 
and one does not seem to notice stripes or spots till they are 

I suspect the ‘strong blaze of light’ had something to do 
with the invisibility on the part of Major Walford, for he says 
that natives could see the Tiger, which. would seem to mean that 
their eyes are accustomed to strong light, and can adapt them- 
selves to it. 

There cannot, however, be any doubt that the two sides of a 
spotted or striped animal are unsymmetrical. A glance at the 
Tiger and Leopard skins in the London fur-shops would be 
enough to convince any one of this. And it is, I think, due to 
a want of zdentical nervous action in doth halves of the central 
nerve organ, to the atomic action of which I would attribute 
all skin colorations. 

One of the objects of these pages is to investigate how far the 
markings of animals are due to natural selection, and how far they 
are not. 

The innumerable variations in the markings of horses, which we 
see in the streets of London, will be made to contribute evidence 
in this interesting investigation. 

In many cases it will not be difficult to show that the striped 
animal is only a modification of the spotted animal. 

1 The probability is that wild animals recognise their fellows more by scent than by 
sight : nevertheless, it is curious to note how dogs recognise dogs of any breed, at a 
distance ; they, however, complete their investigation by means of the nose. 


We shall first examine some of the most markedly spotted and 
best-known animals, viz., the Jaguar, the Leopard, the Cheetah, the 
Ocelot, and the Serval. For my purpose the Jaguar and Leopard, 
and also the Panther, may be considered as ove animal, the others 
being differently marked. 

Mr. G. P. Sanderson! says: ‘The distinction between the 
Panther and Leopard is practically small, and lies chiefly in the 
inferior size of the Leopard. The markings, habits, and general 
appearance (except size) of the two animals are almost identical. 
But neither can be confounded with the Cheetah, even by the most 
casual observer ... the spots of the Panther and Leopard are 
grouped in rosettes, enclosing a portion of the ground colour ;? 
whereas those of the Cheetah are solid, and are separate from 
each other.’ 

Mr. Blandford? declares that there is no difference whatever 
between the Panther and Leopard, and Mr. Blyth was of the same 
opinion. He also states that black and ordinary Leopard cubs 
are often found in the same litter, and that an albino Leopard is 
figured in Buchanan Hamilton’s drawings. 

Mr. Sanderson further states that the black Leopards from Java 
have all sorts of shades, from jet-black to light brown; and that 
the black Leopard seems to be confined, at least in India, to heavy 
forest tracts, while the common variety in Mysore frequents open 
country, and also rocky localities. 

It should be here noted that in black Leopards, as in certain 
black Cats, the markings are often plainly visible in certain 
lights. The marking is persistent, and quite independent of 
melanism, or that condition which produces the general blackness 

of the skin. 

1 ‘Wild Beasts of India, p. 327. 
2 Sometimes of a different shade from the ground colour. 
3 Mammals of India, p. 68. 


The Jaguar is only a South American Leopard, and black varia- 
tions of it are frequent also there. 

It may be interesting to note that the black Leopards of Africa 
differ somewhat from the black Leopards of Asia. 

The Royal Natural History, vol. i. p. 338, regarding the 
black African Leopards, states that in 1885 a black specimen, 
obtained near Grahamstown, was described by Dr. Giinther. Its 
ground colour was a rich tawny, with an orange tinge; but 
the spots, instead of being of the usual rosette-like form, were 
nearly all small and solid, like those on the head of an ordinary 

In the black Leopards of Asia the rosettes are retained, while in 
those of Africa they appear to lose their ocellus and become solid. 
The jet-black Leopards, like the jet-black domestic Cats, usually 
lose all traces of markings. 

Leopards and Jaguars are tree-loving animals, and therefore 
it seems obvious to evolutionists that their markings were the 
result of natural selection, acting cumulatively on favourable 
variations so as ultimately to harmonise them with a surround- 
ing of speckled lights and shades produced by the leaves of 

Unlike the Lion and the Tiger, the Leopard of India is ‘thor- 
oughly at home in trees, running up a straight-stemmed and smooth- 
barked trunk with the speed and agility of a Monkey’; and Mr. 
Hunter remarks that in Africa ‘the Leopard nearly always puts the 
remains of his “kill” up a tree. * Then the Jaguar ‘is one of the 
most expert climbers among the larger Cats’;* and during inun- 
dations it is said that it will sometimes take to an arboreal life, 
preying upon Monkeys. 

So we see there is ample evidence to show that the Leopards 

1 hoy. Nat, Hist., vol. i. p. 390. * Lbid. p. 392. 3 /bid. p. 395. 
Pp P- 395 


have their markings in harmony with the surroundings of an 
arboreal life. 

FG, 2.—Jaguar, from a photograph by Gambier Bolton, F-.Z.S. 

Fic. 3.—Leopard, from a photograph by Gambier Bolton, F.Z.S. 


A glance ‘at the markings of the Jaguar and Leopard in Figs. 
2 and 3 will show that a large number of their rosettes is made 
up of groups of small spots, each group forming an isolated and 


irregular ring of small black spots with an enclosed space. This 
space may be either of the same colour as the general ground of 
the skin, or of a darker shade, and sometimes of a different hue. 
Moreover, on the Jaguar skin (Fig. 4) there are many rosettes which 
have one or more small black specks in the #zddle of the enclosed 
space, which in Leopards proper seem to be obliterated, owing 
perhaps to a contraction of the entire rosette. 

In the Tring Museum there is a fine specimen of a Jaguar. On 
its flank are very large polygonal rosettes, with from one to sx 
specks in the enclosed space. 

If any one will take the trouble to look over the Leopard skins 
in the windows of the London furriers, he will be at once convinced 
that the rosettes even in the same skin vary immensely ;? and if 
different skins are compared it will be found that, although the 
general mapping may be similar, the detail shows that there are 
scarcely two skins alike. Indeed, the skins are as different as the 
faces one sees among the people in the crowded streets of London. 
It seems astonishing that, among the thousands of faces one sees, 
there should not be two alike. It is the same with the coloration 
of most animals. 

Then, if we examine the skins of Mammals which are sup- 
posed to be of different species, although of the same genus, we 
find astonishing modifications of what I consider the typical 
rosettes of the Jaguar. 

A very interesting monograph of the Felzde by D. G. Elliot 
shows, by means of the beautifully coloured plates, not only the 
modifications of rosettes, but all manner of intermediate stages 
up to total obliteration of all markings. The transitions from 
rosettes to spots and stripes can there be readily seen. 

1 A variety of Jaguar from Mexico is characterised by the distance at which the small 
spots which ordinarily constitute the rings are placed from one another, so that comrlete 
rings or rosettes of spots only occasionally occur. Roy. Mat. Hist., vol. i. p. 395. 


I can only give a small number of Cats in this superb mono- 
graph, to show the principal variations from the typical rosettes 
of the Jaguar. . 

In Elliot’s Jaguar (Fed’s onca), which presumably was copied 
from nature, there are on the flanks very distinct rosettes, made 
up of polygonal rings of black spots, more or less fused, and 
enclosing a space which is differently coloured from the inter- 
rosette ground ; and each rosette has a distinct black speck in the 
centre of the enclosed space. 

Then his Margay (F. tigrina) is of a Leopard-yellow colour, 
rosetted in various ways, the rosettes being made up of three, four, 
and five black spots, which enclose a brown space. It is, more: 
over, distinctly barred on the shoulder and back. (See another 
variant on p. 418 of Roy. Nat. Hist, vol. i.) 

Fontanier’s Spotted Cat (/% ¢ristis) is something like a Jaguar, 
but its rosettes are distorted in various ways. 

From this we pass to his African Golden Cat (7. chrysostrix), 
which is either grey or brown trimmed with Leopard-yellow. Its 
spots are solid. 

The Serval (7. serval) is much the same ; only, in addition, it 
has fusions of spots into longitudinal streaks.1 

The Rubiginous Cat (/. rudiginosa) is of a brownish-grey, 
with solid black spots arranged in longitudinal rows, preparatory 
to fusing in longitudinal stripes, like those on the back of the neck. 

We come then to the Pampas Cat (F. payeros), It has brown 
longitudinal bands on grey ground, in the manner of the Ocelots, 
and the legs are transversely banded. (See variant of this on 
p. 431, Roy. Nat. Hist.) 

The Clouded Tiger is very interesting (/. diardz), It has a 

1 The Serval is also subject to melanoid variations, and the spots are distinctly visible 
when viewed in certain lights. (oy. Mat. Hist., vol. i. p. 414.) 


yellowish-brown general colour, with broad transverse patches of 
a yellowish-grey, margined with black blotchés or spots. The 
patches are evidently fusions of several rosettes of a similar colour. 
The haunches are rosetted, and the tail has its rings double, which 
is also a vestige of a rosetted body. 

There is another much like the foregoing, the little Marbled 
Tiger (4. marmorata)4 It is either Leopard-yellow or grey, with 
large clouded patches edged and spotted with black, while the 
general colour is paler. Its haunches and shoulders are spotted. 
The tail is either spotted or ringed. 

We come now to the Caffer Cat (& caffra), which is of a 
bluish-grey, striped with black, Tiger-fashion. (See variant on 
p. 421, Roy. Nat. Hist.) 

From this we pass to the Tigers, which every one knows. 

We pass, then, to total obliteration of spots and stripes in 
the self-coloured Cats, like the Puma (F. concolor), which is also 
called Cougar, Panther, and American Lion. In the adult 
stage it is all plain, and of a rich brownish-grey, but its kittens 
are spotted. 

How astonished the Puma must be when she has cubs for the 
first time! She looks at her husband’s coat and at her own, and 
sees them of a uniform rich isabelline colour, and then she finds 
her kittens are born spotted all over like young leopards. Are 
these really my children? Yes, your very own! You have 
succeeded in shaking off your rosettes, but your kittens still 
masquerade in that antiquated dress, and prove to you that after 
all your pedigree is identical with that of the Leopard ! 

There are innumerable transition markings between rosettes, 
solid spots, and stripes, and many Cats have only vestiges of spots 
or stripes. The tails of most of these ede are ringed, and the 

1 In the Roy. Nat. Hist, these are called Clouded Zeogard and Marbled Cat. 


under surfaces of most of them are paver than the back and flanks, 
and in some cases wholly zwézte. 

Elliot’s monograph of the Fede contains gradations, modifi- 
cations, and transformations of rosettes and spots, which can be 
studied with comfort within the compass of a book. It is like a 
museum of Cats. 

To facilitate the examination and comparison of Leopard and 
Jaguar rosettes, and to show both flanks at one glance, I have 
given in Figs. 4-7 some skins spread out; and Fig. 59 gives a 
number of variations of single rosettes taken from numerous 
Leopard skins. 

It will be seen that on the Jaguar skin there is a large number 
of rosettes consisting of an irregular or polygonal ring of small 
spots enclosing a space, in the middle of which, as I said, there are 
one or more specks. At times the ring-spots are dissociated, as on 
the shoulder, and they appear like an irregular group; at other 
times the ring-spots coalesce wholly or partially, and form a more 
or less continuous polygonal ring, as in those of Fig. 7, with or 
without the central specks. The rosettes of what are commonly 
called Leopards are usually wéthout the enclosed specks. 

This continuous ring can best be seen on the Leopard skin of 
Fig. 7, already alluded to. 

Again, we see that on the abdominal surface the rosettes tend 
to coalesce further, with obliteration of the enclosed space, and, in 
the Jaguar, to form a sort of trefoil, quadrifoil, pentafoil, etc. 

I would here note that on the tails of these Leopards the 
rosettes, at first isolated, tend to coalesce and form transverse rings 
towards the tips, with obliteration of the enclosed space ; and that 
along the spine the rosettes tend to coalesce longitudinally, and to 
form a continuous dorsal line or band. 

All variations of Leopard rosettes would seem to be modifica- 

<3 C5 

Fic. 4.— Skin of Jaguar, fronia Photograph by Messrs. Dixon and Son, 

Skin lent by Messrs. Jeffs and Harris. 

Fic. 5.—Skin of Leopard—may be African; from a Photograph by Messrs. Dixon and Son. 
Skin lent by Messrs. Jeffs and Harris, 

Fic. 6.—Skin of Leopard—probably Chinese ; from a Photograph by Messrs. Dixon and Son, 
Skin lent by Messrs. Jeffs and Harris. 



Fic. 7.—Skin of Chinese Leopard, from a photograph by Messrs. Dixon and Son. 
Skin lent by Messrs. Back and Co. 



tions of those on the fanz of the Jaguar; and Fig. 4 shows many 
intermediate forms between the Jaguar rosettes enclosing specks 

and the solid rosettes or spots of the abdominal region. 
In one particular Leopard skin! I noticed a very curious varia- 
tion, shown in Fig. 8. It appeared 

i. 3 oe as if the enclosed specks had been 
Jo a @ a * extruded from the rosette ring. 
(\ o 7 In some regions it is not always 

easy to make out whether the 

Fic, 8,—Occasional variants of Jaguar rosettes are a coalescence or a dis- 

and Leopard rosettes. eee 2 
sociation of spots. 

Fig. 9 shows rosettes from the scapular regions of a Jaguar 

skin. Some look like a consolidation and others like a dissocia- 

Pe ye ; 
Uv 29 OS & co A 
Oo eee SOR 
"ge oh @ 

Fic. 9.—Various forms of rosettes from the scapular regions of a Jaguar skin. 

tion of spots. The groups shown in Fig. 59 (Nos. 30-32) are 
obviously a dissociation of the ring-spots. 

The Jaguar in the Science and Art Museum, Edinburgh, has 
the spaces enclosed by the rosettes of the whole skin of a deeper 
shade of fawn than the general ground colour ; and on the hind-legs 

1 Shown to me at Messrs. Back and Co.’s, 

2 Two Leopards, described by M. A. Milne Edwards, ‘ were remarkable for the 
circumstance that the markings on the flanks were more like rings than rosettes’ (p. 390, 
hoy. Nat. Hist, vol. i.). 


it has fusions of the ring-spots into bigger spots or blotches, with 
a deeper shade of fawn colour between them than the general fawn 
colour. I have endeavoured to show this in No. 9, Fig. 59. 

Moreover, some Leopards, such as that of Fig. 6, have large 
solid rosettes of irregular shape on their haunches, while those on 
their flanks are ocellated. 

This, I think, is clear evidence that, in these cases at least, the 
haunch rosettes are mere contractions of the larger typical rosettes 
on the flanks. 

A glance at the Jaguar skin of Fig. 2 also shows distinctly that 
the exclosed spaces of the rosettes are of a deeper shade than the 
general colour defween the rosettes. I mention these details 
because in these Mammals there appear to be three distinct 
colorations, viz., the colour of the inter-rosette spaces, of the rings, 
and of the enclosed space. All three may vary zxdependently of 
the others, not only in colour, but also in form. 

The different colours of the inter-rosette spaces, of the spots, 
and of the enclosed spaces, would seem to indicate that each has 
a separate’ and distinct nerve-centre, as much Jocalised as the 
centres of the different parts of the arm, the leg, the face, etc., 
and that each of these components of the whole surface may vary 
independently of the others. It seems curious that the spots of 
the Dalmatian Dog should be black on a white ground, and those 
of the Phalanger and Dasyure white on a black ground. 

The general coloration of Mammals seems of little importance, 
as it varies in almost every individual; what is tan in one may 
be either black or white in another. But the ‘markings’ and 
the colorations, which are seen to be like a sort of ‘ plan, are of 
much greater importance, as they more or less indicate, I think, 
something inherited from very vemote ancestors. 

Let us now take a look at a very differently spotted Mammal. 


Fig. 10 shows the picture of a living Cheetah, and Fig. 11 the 
skin of a similar animal (perhaps an older one) spread out to see 
both sides at once.. In the Cheetah we find numerous solid circular 
spots, with minute specks interspersed among them. The large 
spots are disposed in transverse rows on the flanks (Fig. 10). 
The minute specks, however, in the figure of the skin are inter- 
spersed among the larger spots, apparently without any order ; 


Fic. 10,—Picture of a living Cheetah, from a photograph by Ottomar Anechiitz, 
Lissa (Posen). 

while in the figure of the living animal the minuter specks appear 
to be disposed in many places in rows also, alternating with the 
rows of the bigger spots. 

In the Cheetah it is not easy to make out whether the larger 
spots are consolidations of the exdcre Leopard rosettes, or dissocia- 
tions of the spots forming the rosette rings of the Jaguar. The 

1 At the International Fur Stores, Regent Street, I was shown a Cheetah skin with 
some of the rows on the flank undergoing fusion, and forming beaded strings ; and 
several couples of spots were actually fused into one blotch. 


Fic. 11.—Skin of a Cheetah—perhaps of an old one; from a photograph by Messrs. Dixon 
and Son. Skin lent by Messrs. Back and Co. 


spots on the Jaguar’s shoulder (Fig. 4) are evidently dzssociated 
rosettes, while the spots on its hind-quarters and abdomen are 
evidently fusions or consolidations of rosettes ; so that the Cheetah 
spotting may have had either the one or the other origin.’ 

Anyhow, it is evident that the transverse strings of spots on 
the fore-legs of the Cheetah (Fig. 10) are homologous with similar 
transverse marks on the fore-legs of the Jaguar and other Leopards. 

As to the minute specks, I have a suspicion that they may 
have possibly resulted from the specks enclosed within the Jaguar 
rosettes. In the modifications which these animals have under- 
gone, the specks may have been extruded, as we have almost 
seen them do in Fig. 8, and have become disseminated among the 
bigger spots. 

A close scrutiny of the Cheetah spots may lead one to detect 
something like dissociated rosettes, especially on the right shoulder 
and haunches of the skin figure ; but on the haunches and tail of 
the living-animal figure the spots look more like consolidations of 
whole rosettes. 

There is no good reason why the characteristic spotting of the 
Cheetah should not be a combination of both processes, viz., dis- 
sociation in some parts and consolidation in others; for in the 
same animal—the Jaguar—we find typical rosettes on the flanks, 
dissociated rosettes on the shoulders, and consolidated rosettes on 
the abdomen and legs. In certain Leopards the enclosed specks 
become entirely obliterated, while in the Cheetah these little specks 
may form one of its characteristic features. 

Fig. 59 (No. 35) shows four groups from the flank of a Cheetah ; 
and on the haunch of a Cheetah in the Natural History Museum, 

1 Of two Cheetahs in the Tring Museum, one has isolated spots on half its tail, 

while the other has, in the same part, 7zgs wilh scolloped edges, indicating a fusion of 


as shown in Fig. 12, there is a similar disposition of large round 
spots and minute specks, From this one might perhaps surmise 
that the circular spots in the Cheetah 

represent the modified enclosed space of the . 
Jaguar rosettes, while the specks represent @ @ 
the dissociated ring of spotlets. The eo : @ 

change of colour of the enclosed space from o wae : 
brown to black is not wholly imaginary, Fic. 12.—Group of Spots 
for in horses we find that the white spots ae He Mae. Ce 
of dappled animals are changed to black 

spots in the roan and to brown spots in the strawberry roan.? 
I confess, however, that the Cheetah spotting is rather puzzling, 
for the individual spots are as round as a shilling, with a general 
equality of size,and they do not give any indication of a coalescence 
of minor spots like those on the abdomen of the Jaguar. Yet the 
consolidated rosettes on the paws of the latter animal are not 
unlike those of the Cheetah. They have, moreover, minute specks 
among them. As spots can be wholly obliterated, so, I suppose, 
they can diminish in size. 

In a Leopard skin there were here and there minute specks, like 
those of the Cheetah, interspersed among the usual rosettes. This 
is uncommon in Leopard skins ; but in the Natural History Museum 
(case 12) a Leopard among the consolidated rosettes of its fore-legs 
has a number of minute specks like those of the Cheetah; and in 
the window of the International Fur Stores I saw a Leopard skin 
which had small and roundish spots on the back (shoulder region) 
which were not unlike the larger spots of the Cheetah. So that it 
is not improbable that the larger circular spots of the Cheetah may 

1 We may have melanism or albinism or shades thereof on the evtire surface, or 
changes of colour in certaix parts only, as I shall endeavour to show in another place. 
In another place I have also indicated that black, tan, and white are interchangeable 


be, after all, consolidated Leopard rosettes further modified into 
circular spots. 

On the other hand, Fig. 12 shows conditions which would 
suggest that it is the evclosed spaces of the Jaguar rosettes which 
become the large round spots of the Cheetah, while the specks are 
the dissociated rings of spotlets ; only the enclosed space in this case 
would be, as I said, changed from irregular brown to circular black. 

A very young Cheetah in the Natural History Museum (case 16 
—Gueparda jubata), from the Cape of Good Hope, shows a very 
interesting variation. It is brown with faint spots, but what is 

still more curious is the fact that its 

a. @on ; : ' 
By oae eco back is grey like that of a badger ! 
ae Pets Lae It may be of some interest to show 
Be eS SS how much variation the Jaguar rosettes 

Fic. 13.—Rosettes from a can undergo. Fig. 13 is taken from 
tue eae Griffith's a Jaguar pictured in Griffith’s Cuvier. 
They may, perhaps, be closely matched 

from groups on the Cheetah skin of Fig. 11. 

This much is clear to me, that the Cheetah and the Leopard 
are closely allied in habits and structure, and their spotting, how- 
ever modified it may have become, must have had oxe ancestral 
origin, not necessarily of course from the same ixdividual, but 
from the same sfecies of ancestor; and that the difference in the 
existing animals comes from microscopical changes in the nerve- 
centres, which would result in pronounced differences on the sézn. 

The student of animal markings would do well to study, as 
a previous training, the many-synonymed orchid—Odonéoglossuim 
crispum, and others of the same genus. Nothing is more interest- 
ing than a review of the variations of blotches on the petals of this 
genus. There are blotches of various sizes and forms; there are 
cross-bars ; in some varieties there are simg/e little spots on each 


petal ; and, finally, in others every trace of blotching or spotting 
disappears, and the whole flower is white, with a little lemon-colour 
on the lip. In the Déctionary of Gardening it is stated that ‘it 
is a plant which varies to an almost endless extent, no two of the 
many thousands imported being perhaps exactly alike.’ 

Fic, 14.—(@) Young and (4) Adult of Spotted Deer (47s maculatus, Nat. Hist. Mus.). 

Not impossibly, also, the stretching of the skin as the animal 
grows may, in some instances, tend to modify the grouping of the 
spots, and have something to do with dissociation. On the other 
hand, contraction of the skin in other regions may have something 
to do with consolidation of rosettes. 

Perhaps, in illustration of the former conditions, one might take 
the case of the Spotted Deer shown in outline in Fig. 14. The 


young one (a) has its white spots close to each other, in some parts 
almost coalescing into blotches. Then as the animal grows the 
spots become more distinct, and in the adult they are separated by 
long intervals, as shown in (8). 

However this may be, we cannot ignore the fact that the whole 
physiology of the skin in Mammals, with its colourings and mark- 
ings, is under the control of the nerve-centres (perhaps as much as 
electro-plating is under the control of the battery or dynamo), and 
these again are under the various influences of heredity, age, varia- 
tions of temperature, climate, composition of the blood, and other 
surroundings, of which we know yet too little. 

In the various kinds of Leopards we see that not only the 
rosettes differ, but also the spaces between them differ much. 

These inter-rosette spaces run into each other, and form a 
sort of broad reticulation which is the ground-colouring of the 

The Leopard of Kismaya, British East Africa,? has its rosettes 
much closer than those of the Indian Leopard or of the American 
Jaguar, so that it seems much darker than they. The comparative 
smallness of this animal, supposing the number of rosettes to be 
equal, may, I think, sometimes account for the compactness of the 
rosettes, as well as for their elementary spotlets. 

At Mr. Rowland Ward’s establishment, Piccadilly, I was shown 
a very small fcetal Leopard, that is, in a stage defore birth. It was 
closely spotted all over, but none of the spots were ocellated. 
Another young Leopard, but older than the preceding, had a com- 
mencing faint ocellus in some of its spots. On the other hand, a very 

1 Orchids seem to undergo similar alteration in the spotting of their flowers, without 
any nervous influence that can be detected. Yet there must be some means of com- 
munication in the Dvomea between the bristles and the hinges of the leaf-blades, 
analogous to nervous or electric communication. 

? In the Zoological Society’s Gardens. 


young animal in the Natural History Museum (case 13), ticketed 
as a young Jaguar, has xo sfots at all, but is of a uniform brown. 
The variations in the disposition of the rosettes of Leopards are 

very considerable. In 
some specimens they 
are distributed irregu- 
larly, in others they 
occur in slanting rows, 
asin Fig. 15 (a). Where 
they are crowded, two 
or more fuse into an 
elongated ocellus, as 
in (6). The Fig. 59 
shows how numerous 
are the variations in 
individual rosettes. 
We should make a 
distinction between the 
general colour and the 
spot or rosette colour ; 
both, as I said, are 
liable to vary znde- 
pendently. The Cheetah 
and the Dalmatian 
Dog are black-spotted, 
while the Deer is white- 

Fic. 15—(Diagrammatic disposition of leopard mark- 
ings, both taken roughly from skins in furriers’ windows. 
(a) Rows of rosettes, which might fuse into stripes. 
(4) Fusion of two or more rosettes. 

spotted. The ordinary Leopard has a general tan colour, the 
melanoid a general brown colour, and the Snow-leopard! a general 
white colour, although the rosettes remain black in all cases. 

1 Of two Snow-leopards in the Tring Museum, one has ocellated rosettes, and the 
other has a large number of the rosettes so/¢d, especially on the shoulders, haunches, 

and lower part of flanks. 


In these variations we again find a parallel in Odontoglossum. 
Some species are pure wzte, with maroon blotches, or spots, or 
bars, while others are ye//ow, with maroon blotching. 

The spots on the legs and tail of the Lion of Fig. 16 (a) leave 
no doubt that the ancestors of the Lion and Leopard were one. In 
adult Lions the rosettes become more and more obliterated, but in 
the young they cannot be mistaken for other than Leopard-spotting. 
The same may be said of the spots on the fore-leg of the Puma 
shown in Fig. 16 (4). In the Science and Art Museum of Edin- 
burgh there is a largish Cat, ticketed Puma, which may be a 
young one. It is of a light reddish-fawn colour,’ with distinct spots 
all over it of a deeper fawn. Its present general colour is not 
unlike that of the red domestic Cat. 

The Eucyclopedia Britannica says: ‘The young of the Puma, as in 
the case with the other plain-coloured Heide, are, when born, spotted 
with dusky brown, and the tail ringed. These markings gradually 
fade, and quite disappear before the animal becomes full-grown,’ 

Some varieties of Lynx, although their backs are plain, have 
spots on their abdomen and legs. These may be seen in the Natural 
History Museum. 

Then there is a large number of widely different animals, such 
as Racoons, Lemurs, and many others,? which, although they have 
neither spots nor stripes on their bodies and legs, yet have distinct 
rings on their tails, like those of the Leopards and Tigers of our 
illustrations. Therefore, all these ring-tailed animals should, I 
think, be credited with either a spotted or a striped ancestry. 

In the Appendix I have given a list of animals, of very varied 
natures, which have ring-tails. They probably a// descended from 
spotted ancestors, and the marks on their tails are the only vestige 
which now indicates the history of their ancestry. 

1 Skins become faded in time. 2 See Appendix E. 

—(a) Lion, and (4) Puma, from photographs by Ottomar Anechiitz. 

FIG, 16. 


As to the markings of the Serval in Fig. 17, it is not likely that 
any one will take them for any other than consolidated Leopard 
rosettes placed widely apart, and in places arranged in longitudinal 

Fic. 17.—-Serval, from a photograph by Ottomar Anechiitz. 

In Fig. 18 is given a Marbled Cat, which, although ancestrally 
rosetted, has its spotting undergoing obliteration, like the adult 
Pumas and Lions. 

We now turn to the numerous variations in the markings of 

1 Note the black mark from the heel to the toes of hind-legs. It is an interesting 
feature, to which I shall refer in another place, 

Fic. 18.—Marbled Cat : on the flank it has distinct rosettes, and on the legs transverse 
stripes. From a photograph by Ottomar Anechiitz. 


Fig. 19 (a) shows one variety in which the typical Leopard 
rosettes are plainly recognisable, only they are arranged in longi- 


Fic. 19.—Two distinct variations of Ocelots, from photographs by Ottomar Anechiitz. 

tudinal order, and on the flanks and shoulder the rosettes coalesce 
into parallel bands, with the enclosed spaces also continuous. It 


should be noted that on the shoulder of this Ocelot there is a 
tendency to dissociation of the rosette-spots. 

Then in Fig. 19 (6) we have an Ocelot in which the same 
character is intensified and further modified, the enclosed spaces 
being of a different colour from either the rings or the general 

In the Natural History Museum there are some Ocelots which 
show a further coalescence of the rosettes into more perfect longi- 

ie ae 

Fic. 20.—Diagrammatic sketch showing transformation of Ocelot rosettes into longitudinal 
bands :— 
(a) Rosettes arranged in longitudinal rows. 
(6) Their upper and lower segments fusing. 
(c) The rows of rosettes completely fused into bands of a brownish colour, margined with 
(d) A row of rosettes from the flank of a Leopard skin ; these might readily fuse into tawiz 
stripes, as seen in Fig. 24. 
tudinal bands, in which the traces of the Leopard rosettes are 
almost wholly obliterated ; and it would not be easy to conceive 
how they originated, without knowledge of other varieties of 
Ocelots which indicate the steps leading to the longitudinally 
banded Ocelot. 
In Fig. 20 I have endeavoured to give a rough sketch of the 
passage from the Jaguar rosettes to the longitudinal parti-coloured 

bands of certain Ocelots. 


The shading of a, 4, ¢ is intended to show the brownish 
colour of the enclosed space, so different from the general ground- 

In the same figure (d) I have given a row of rosettes taken 
from the flank of a Leopard skin, disposed diagonally. Like the 
Ocelot rosettes, they might readily coalesce into stripes. Indeed, 
there are many Tiger skins (Fig. 24) which have their stripes in 
pairs; and many brindled Dogs have similar markings. These 
may have resulted from such a disposition of rosettes as that here 
shown. I have seen several Leopard skins with their flank rosettes 
disposed in slanting rows (Fig. 15, a). 

To understand the transformation of the Ocelot rosettes, we 
should bear in mind that the Jaguar rosettes are made up typically 
of a polygonal ring of spots enclosing a space which is of a darker 
colour than the zzter-rosette spaces, and that the enclosed space 
contains some minute black specks. We find ‘all these elements 
in the Ocelot markings, only they are differently arranged.! 

Reference to the Ocelot figure on p. 417 of the Royal Nat. Hist. 
will make the transformation of the Jaguar rosettes into Ocelot bands 
quite clear. In this figure the lower row of flank marks is made up 
of distenct rosettes composed of distinct spots, like those of some 
variations of the Jaguar. The next row above it is largely made 
up of fused rosettes, and the row above that again is one long band 
of fused rosettes, the rings becoming the black border of the band, 
and the central spots becoming a row of small spots in the middle 
of the band. The rest of the body is covered with patches of 
fused rosettes. The Ocelot is essentially a South American 
species, and like its close relative, the Jaguar, is said to be an 
expert climber. 

From the markings of the ocelot the transition is easy to those 

See Stuffed Animals, Natural History Museum—case containing Ocelots. 


of the Marbled Cat (#. marmorata), and those of the Clouded 
Leopard (/. nebulosa), both of which can be seen on pp. 409 and 
407 of the Roy. Nat. Hist. 

Besides the two variations of Ocelot which I have given, there 
are others which have longitudinal stripes that do not enclose any 
Spaces, and are not unlike those on the shoulder of the light- 
coloured Ocelot in the foregoing figure (19). 

There is a large number of spotted animals, and in the Appen- 
dix I have given as many as I could. The point the reader should 
note is that the rosettes of these spotted animals become dark rings 
on the tail, alternating with réngs of the general ground-colour. 

Having studied these rosetted Cats, we are now in a position to 
understand their relation to s¢rzped Cats. 

There are numbers of small Cats and Genets with their spots 
arranged in longitudinal order, and others, as may be seen in 
Fig. 27, with them arranged in transverse order. 

This happens frequently, not only in the Cat tribe, but in other 
animals also, as may be seen in Appendix A, Nos. 16, 17, 18, 
and others. 

I have said that it will not be difficult to show that the striped 
animal is only a modification of the spotted one. 

I have already shown that in the Ocelot spots run into longitu- 
dinal stripes and bands. Now I shall endeavour to show that the 
stripes of the Tiger are no other than the fusion of transverse strings 
of spots, so transformed as to have lost all semblance of their spot 

The striped animals par excellence are the Zebras and Tigers, 
with the minor Tiger Cats. With the Zebras I shall deal in an- 
other place. 

1In the Animal Kingdom of Baron Cuvier, Mr. Edw. Griffith, in vol. ii. p. 444, gives 
a pure white Tiger, with only a shading of stripes. 


Fig. 21 is the picture of a living Tiger, and Figs. 22 and 23 are 
the pictures of two very differently marked Tiger skins. It will 
be noted that on all three there are some spots which have not 
coalesced into stripes. 

A glance at the spots of the living Cheetah and of the Cheetah 
skin (Figs. to and 11) will show that in many places they are 
arranged in transverse rows, viz., on the flanks and on the fore-legs ; 
the Leopard spots on the fore-legs are also arranged in rows. A 

Fic. 21.—Picture of a living Tiger, from a photograph by Ottomar Anechiitz. 

very little change will make the spots closer, and a further change 
will first amalgamate them into beady strings? and then turn them 
into bands, as we have seen occur in the Ocelots; only in the Tiger 
and certain Cats the bands are transverse and their margins are 
sharp, while in the Ocelot they are longitudinal and their margins 
are scolloped. 

It is very strange that spots in certain animals, and in certain 

1 In a previous note I mentioned having seen Cheetah spots run into beaded strings. 


parts of the same animal, very frequently show a tendency to 
arrange themselves in either longitudinal or transverse orders, and 
often coalesce into stripes. When irregularly disposed rosettes 

Fic. 22.—Tiger skin, from a photograph by Messrs. Dixon and Son. 
Skin lent by Messrs. Jeffs and Harris. 
coalesce, they form the large patches of the Clouded Tiger 7%. 

diardi) of Elliot’s monograph. 
What is still stranger is that the black rings of the rosettes 

Fic. 23.—Tiger skin, from a photograph by Messrs. Dixon and Son. 
Skin lent by Messrs, Jeffs and Harris. 


coalesce with other black rings, and form a larger ring-or band 
outstde the amalgamation, and the. brownish enclosed’ spaces 

Fic. 24.—iger skin showing twin stripes. Photograph obtained from Messrs, Russ 
and Winckler, of Edinburgh. 

coalesce and remain zuszde the patch or band, as in the Clouded 
Tiger and in the Ocelot. 


Fig. 25 shows various degrees of transformation of spots into 
stripes and blotches on the legs of certain carnivora. On the 
other hand, we should not forget to note that on the legs of striped 

Fic. 25.—a and 4, fore- and hind-feet of a tiger; c and d, fore-feet of two different 
leopards ; ¢ and /, fore-feet of two different lynxes. From Coloration of Animals and Plants, 
by Alfred Tylor. 

animals sometimes all markings disappear. In the window of a 
furrier I have seen a young tiger with plentiful stripes on its hind- 
quarters and almost none on its shoulders and fore-legs ; and we 
know also that the Quagga (Fig. 54) is plentifully striped on its 
front parts and has no stripes at all on its haunches and hind-legs. 


I have seen a Leopard skin with crowded rosettes, several of 
which were fused into one oblong ocellus, as shown in Fig. 15, 6. 

This fusion will afford some idea of how the parallel twin 
stripes of the Tiger skin of Fig. 24 may have originated. Fig. 26 
gives a diagrammatic sketch of some spindle-shaped ocelli I saw 
on a Tiger skin. 

A row of Leopard rosettes, as shown in Fig. 20, d, may easily 
be transformed into a pair of twin and parallel transverse stripes. 




Fic. 26,—Spindle-shaped ocelli on a Tiger skin; a—é represents the spinal line, 

We have already seen that similar twin bands do actually 
occur in the Ocelots from rosettes disposed longitudinally. 

The reader should especially note that in the figure of the 
living Cheetah the spots on the tail have gradually coalesced, and 
formed continuous rings towards the tip. These ringed tails occur 
whether the animal be spotted or striped, and in the figure of the 
living Tiger the rings on the tail are doudle, indicating their origin 
from rosettes ; and indeed in Fig. 24 almost all the stripes on the 
body are double. This may be considered conclusive evidence 
that the stripes of all Tigers, however modified they may be, 


originated from. rows of Leopard rosettes. We may note further 
that. in the Jaguar skin (Fig. 4) the spots on the chest have 

Fic. 27.—-Markings of different small Cats, from a photograph by Messis. Dixon and Co. 
Skins lent by Messrs. Back and Co. 

coalesced into beady stripes, and we know that the separate ring- 
spotlets of the Jaguar rosettes in other Leopards do coalesce into 
a continuous polygonal ring. 


Then in Fig. 27 we have a striking series of transitions if the 
smaller Cats from spots to stripes. Some specimens show only 
spots on the flanks; others, spots coalesced irito wavy or beady: 
stripes ; and others show more finished stripes, like those of Fig. 
28. In the British Museum enclosure there is a Domestic. Cat 
which I often stop to look ; 
at. The posterior half of its 
body is spotted; the anterior 
half is striped transversely ; 
theneckand head are striped 
longitudinally ; the legs are 
striped transversely, and 
also spotted. Then along 
its spine it has a broad black 
band, and its tail js,ringed 
in its terminal half” Here 

Fic. 28.—Striped Cat, from a photograph by 
; ae Messrs. Dixon and Son. Near the root of the tail 
ised marking, combining a__ it has-a few rosettes. 

we have a sort of general- 

little of each of the special 

features of distinct races of animals, the black band along the 
spine in some animals being possibly the only vestige of ancestral 
spotting ; while the ringed tail in the Racoon is the only ey 
left to tell the tale of its ancestral markings. 

In the International Fur Stores I saw the skin of a Tiger which 
had-a large ocellus towards the ventral region. This same skin 
had a modification of stripes on the lumbar region, as if the 
pigment were undecided whether it would run into separate stripes 
or form an ocellus. Then in another Tiger skin I saw on one side 
a curious rosette, and on the other a pair of parallel stripes.. Both 
these abnormalities in the: Tiger markings are given in Fig. 29: 
(No. 1). They are not only curious, but very suggestive. 


If one had the opportunity of examining hundreds of skins of 
Leopards, Cheetahs, Tigers, and Cats, I have no doubt whatever 
that a perfect series might be picked out which would easily 
prove the transition from spots to stripes. The examples which 
I have given, I think, are sufficient to convince any one of the 
relationship of stripes to spots and rosettes. 

A word about the tadpole-shaped ocelli on both sides of the 

No. 1. 
he c 
afoul Lehi Lilet 0 
Fae) ae 
Lift ht; "; CLI 
i My Of EME a 
wih 4° “yy CARLA /1 47 maa rm 
Ly DT al LE Mt ED: 
No. z 
Fic. 29, No. 1.—(a) Large ocellus near ventral region 
of Tiger skin; (4) combination of a curious ocellus and 
a pair of stripes ; (c) the spinal line. 
No, 2.—(a, 4, and ¢) Transitions from simple stripes 
to ocellated stripes of the Tiger, as seen in Figs. 22 
and 23. 

Tiger skin of Fig. 23. I do not think that these are enlarged 
and spindle-shaped Leopard rosettes, although in Fig. 59, No. 5, 
I have given one which has turned into a deaked ocellus. I 
think that the Tiger marks in question have a different origin. 
Tiger stripes are sometimes parallel throughout their whole length, 
as seen in Fig. 24; but at other times the stripes are shifted 
so as to make one commence about the middle of the other, 
as in the lumbar region of Fig. 21. By approximation and 
partial fusion, two stripes thus shifted would make a spindle- 


shaped figure, with an ocellus in the middle; if the ocellus were 
closer to one end, the figure would become not unlike the outline 
of a tadpole, like those on the Tiger skin of Fig. 23. 

No. 2, Fig. 29, is a diagram intended to show the transforma- 
tion from simple stripes to spindle-shaped ocelli. 

I think I have said enough (and perhaps more than enough) 
regarding the striping of Tigers to show that it is simply an 
extreme modification of the Jaguar and Leopard rosettes. But 
if the reader should have any doubts about the descent of stripes 
from spots, a glance at the small Cat skins of Fig. 27 ought to 
convince him that the view I have taken of the genesis of stripes, 
in the Cat tribe at least, is in all probability the r¢ght one. We 
see separate spots passing into beady stripes and finally into 
Tiger stripes on the hind-legs. On the shoulders of the small 
Cats the striping is so fine that it is rather a brindling. 

Then in the Natural History Museum, among the Cat family, 
there are numerous specimens which show simple spots, mixtures of 
spots and stripes, and simple stripes either transverse or longitudinal, 
and also transitions from the one kind of marking to the other. 

I might have dispensed with such a multiplicity of facts in 
support of what I said; but to the general reader, who may not 
be in the habit of seeing at a glance the obviousness of a con- 
clusion, they may be useful in bringing home to him the truth 
that stripes are evolved from rosettes. 

If now we turn to other animals, such as the Deer and the 
Antelope, we shall find that spots and stripes are interchangeable 
and intermixable. 

Fig. 30 shows the spotted young one of a Deer in the 
Zoological Gardens; the adult showing no spots whatever. 

1 In the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art there is a good specimen of a 
young spotted Wapiti (Cervus Canadensis). 


Then if the reader will:turn to the Review of Reviews of March 
15, 1893, where a character-sketch of the great African hunter, 
Mr. F. C. Selous, is given, he will find on p. 258 a Kudu Bull 
beautifully striped, with no spots, and on p. 260 an allied 
Antelope, the Bushbuck of the river Chobe, which is striped 
and also spotted. Of the latter a fine illustration is given in 

Fic. 30.—Shows the young of a Deer covered with spots, while the adult has none; 
taken from a photograph, Zoological Society's Gardens. 

the Roy. Nat. Hist. vol. ti. p. 277. See also Appendix A, 
Nos, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 25, of this book. 

The changes from spotting to nothing in the same individual, 
and from spotting to striping, or a mixture of both, in the same 
genus of Antelopes, is very remarkable. For some reason the 
spotting of the adult of Axzs maculatus, shown in Fig. 14, is not 
obliterated, although in the Deer of Fig. 30 no sign of spotting 
remains in the adult. 


It will, however, be preferable to let Mr. F. C. Selous! speak 
upon the ‘question of spotting and striping in the Antelopes of 
Africa. It would appear that not only age, but’ the cliniate and 
food of a locality, may have a good deal to do with De nae 
in the markings of the skin. 

Of the Bushbuck (7vagelaphus sylvaticus, Shadi.) he says: 
‘In the Cape Colony, the adult male is deep dark brownish-black, 
with two or three small white spots on the haunch, and ‘one 
or two on the shoulder; the adult female is light’ reddish-brown, 
with white spots on the haunches, and sometimes a few between 
the shoulders and flank; the young males are reddish- prow and 
more or less spotted. ° 

‘On the Limpopo, however, the adult males are brownish-grey, 
‘often wzthout a sign of any spots; and thé young females are 
more spotted than old ones. The adult females are of a dark 
red, with a few white spots; the young males are a good deal 
‘spotted, with a few transverse stripes. 

‘On the tributaries of the Zambesi, east of the Victoria’ Falls, 
-the male Bushbucks are of the same colour as the young males 
‘found on the Limpopo, being dark red thickly spotted on the 
haunches, shoulders, and sides, with ssa// white spots, and with 
‘three or four faint white stripes down each side. ‘The adult 
female is pale yellowish red, beautifully spotted, and with a few 
white stripes.’ 

Then of the Bushbucks on the Chobe Mr. Selous says: ‘The 
adult males are of a very dark red colour, most beautifully spotted 
with darge white spots, as many as fifty on each side in some 
individuals, and in some cases as many as eight well-defined 
-stripes. In addition, they have a mane of white hair three 
inches long, from shoulder to tail, which can be erected. Young 

1 4 Hunter's Wanderings in Africa, p. 209. 


males are of a pale red-yellow, with spots and stripes much 
more faintly marked than in the adult animal, The adult 
female is of a rich dark red, beautifully spotted with white, and 
with three or four faint white stripes on each side, and a dark 
spinal line. The young female is of a lighter red, and not so 
much spotted. In Cape Colony and on the Limpopo, young 
Bushbucks are more spotted than adults; they gradually lose 
their markings as they become older; while on the Chobe and 
on the tributaries of the Zambesi this order of things is reversed. 
Adult animals are far more beautifully marked than young ones.’ 

Then of 7ragelaphus Spekit (Sclater) he says: ‘A foetus had the 
skin striped and spotted yellowish-white, as in the adult Bushbuck 
of the Chobe. Another recently born had a lighter colour, and 
fainter spots and stripes; the adult is of a uniform greyish-brown 
without either spots or stripes.’ 

From all this it would appear that the spotting and striping of 
the Bushbucks does not depend on either age or sex, and that the 
individuals of this genus differ much in marking and colouring ; 
but, although differing so much as to become almost distinct 
species, physiologically they remained ome species; and, living 
together in the African bush, they must have crossed and have 
become mixed up, so that the life-history of ove individual seems 
somehow to give successive photographs, as it were, of the life- 
history of the race. 

Anything more bewildering than the facts placed before the 
reader by this hunter-naturalist of Africa cannot well be imagined. 

It is impossible to read Mr. Selous’ book and not feel convinced 
that these Antelopes, when living for months in waterless tracts, 
are at the mercy of their surroundings, not only for their life, but 
also for the physiology of their skins. For at p. 207 he says 
that in some parts of the country, for several months in the year, 


there is absolutely no water, and Elands, in common with Gems- 
buck and Giraffe, live and thrive there, and appear to do better 
than in well-watered parts of the country. He thinks that in the 
dry seasons these desert animals get the necessary amount of water 
by eating a watery melon, which is plentiful, and a white watery 
bulb, looking much like a turnip. 

‘Among Antelopes, we have the head of a Kudu with three white 
Spots on its cheek! Then in Appendix A, No. 27, is shown one 
solitary broad stripe on the hind-quarters of the Waterbuck. These, 
like the ring-tails of many animals, I take to be simply vestiges of 
more extensive ancestral spotting and striping. Indeed, climate, 
food, and age may have a great deal to do with the retention or 
disappearance of spots and stripes. We see that in the Deer of 
Fig. 30 the spots wholly disappear with age, while in these two 
Antelopes all spots and stripes disappear, excepting, maybe, three 
cheek spots in the one and one haunch stripe in the other. 

“Mr, Selous says: ‘In the Mashura country every Eland cow is 
plainly striped. One had nine broad white? stripes on each side. 
Elands that are much striped have a whitish mark across the nose, 
like the Kudu. Old bulls have no stripes. Great variations occur 
in this: respect.’ 

Again turning to Dogs, we find that spotting and striping are 
found among them also. 

Fig. 31 shows a distinctly spotted Dog.* Whether the Dog got 

1 Shown in Mr. Selous’ book, in vol. ii. figs. 1 and 2. 

’ It should be noted that in certain mammals, such as the Tiger and Zebra, the 
stripes are Jack: while in these Antelopes the stripes are whz’e. Both spots and stripes 
are liable to change from black to white, or vice versd; that is, white becomes melanoid, 
and black becomes albzno7d. 

3 In the Natural History Museum there is a Phalanger—a marsupial—spotted much 
in a similar manner. In the Zucyclop. Brit. the picture of a flying Phalanger is given 
with transverse stripes on its back. In Somerset I saw a sucking Pig which was spotted 
almost like some Dalmatian Dogs, but the spots were larger. 



this spotting from some mammal allied to the Cheetah, or not, I do 
not know. Canine and feline animals are rather closely allied. 

Moreover, both the Cheetah and the Dog want the retractile claws 
of the Cats proper.} 

Fic. 31.—Dalmatian Dog, from a photograph by C. R., 54. 

Fig. 32 shows the Dog-spots fused into blotches not unlike the 
consolidated rosettes on the abdomen of Leopards. In the Science 
and Art Museum of Edinburgh there is a large Boarhound with 
the Dalmatian spotting agglomerated into even larger blotches. 

? Among Hyzenas there are species which are distinctly spotted, and others distinctly 
striped ; although in Hyzenas the claws are well developed, they are non-retractile. 


Probably this is only a preliminary step to piebalding, which is so 
common in Dogs. It is conceivable that if this attraction of black 
spots for each other increased, we should soon get the piebald 
colouring of the Fox-terrier 
and other breeds. 

At Worthing I saw a 
curious hybrid between a 
Bloodhound and a Dalmatian 
Dog—at least, its owner so 
stated. Its legs were white 
with well-defined tan spots; 
its back and flanks were white 
and thickly spotted with 
black ; and those on the flanks 
were grouped in threes and 
fours, not unlike the consoli- 
dated rosettes on the abdomen 
of the Jaguar and Leopard ; 
while its head was white, 
spotted with tan. It showed 
a curious persistence of spot- 

. F1G. 32.—Blotched Danish Boarhound, from 
ting ) but where the tan colour a photograph by Messrs. Dixon and Son. 

of the Bloodhound came in, 
the spotting of this Dalmatian hybrid became tan-coloured ! 

Then in the streets of London I saw another Dog of the 
Dalmatian breed. A large number of the dorsal spots amalgamated 
into a large black patch; half its face was spotted as usual, and the 
other half wholly black. 

On another occasion I met two Dogs of this same breed, pro- 
bably brothers. One was almost wholly black, with some re- 
maining white inter-spots, and half its tail was spotted with black ; 


while its companion had the black spots quite close to each other, 
though much more distinct. 

Then in Hyde Park one day I saw a curious Toy-terrier. It 
was of the black-and-tan, short-haired breed ; but the parts that are 
usually wholly black, in this case were grey, blotched and striped 

Fic. 33.—Brindled Dog, from a photograph by C. R., 847. 

with black. It was not unlike the black-backed Jackal of the 
Zoological Gardens. 

Fig. 33 is that of a Brindled Dog. Here the stripes are unlike 
those of the Tiger—that is, not so decided, but more like the 
brindling on the shoulders of the small Cats in Fig. 27. The stripes 
of the Dog are much finer and dissociated ; but in the streets I have 



seen brindled Bull-terriers which had closer and broader stripes, 
with some which were broken up into fine lines ; and in some cases 
many of the stripes were distinctly in pairs, suggesting some origin 
similar to those on the Tiger skin of Fig. 24, and presumably there- 
fore the twin stripes in the Dog must have been caused by a similar 
modification of rosettes. 

Mr. Rawdon B. Lee, in his book on Modern (Sporting) Dogs, 
gives a good figure of a Danish Boarhound with conspicuous 

In brindled Dogs we have to note that the stripes on the limbs 
follow the direction of the limbs, and are not transverse to them, 
as in Cats, Zebras, and striped Hyenas. In some Tigers I have seen 
a tendency to a similar disposition of the limb stripes. This, how- 
ever, need not embarrass us, as we have already seen that, in the 
Cats, spots may group themselves into stripes either longitudinally, 
or transversely, or diagonally. Brindled Dogs are to be found in 
various races—in Greyhounds, Boarhounds, Bulldogs, etc. 

In the Viverrzde@ there is presented a similar study. We see 
large spots breaking up into numerous small ones, or perhaps the 
reverse |—that is, small ones agglomerating into large ones ; also 
spots stringing themselves into stripes, longitudinally on the body, 
and transversely on the legs. 

In several species of the Mungoose a complete intermixture of 
pigments seems to have occurred, so as to produce a sort of grizzly- 
grey coat; while in the Zebra-Mungoose and in the banded Mun- 
goose, both of East Africa, the spots have arranged themselves in 
stripes and bands transversely (see App. A, No. 15). In Galdea, 
however, we see a wholly brown surface, with a few black rings on 
the tail, as a vestige of ancestral striping or spotting. 

What we have to note very particularly is that the Indian Civet 

1 See Appendix A, Nos. 9 to 12. 


(Viverra zibetha) in the Science and Art Museum of Edinburgh 
has Leopard rosettes on its haunches, simple spots on its shoulders, 
and marblings on its flanks! and that the Spanish Lynx (Feds 
pardina, Oken) has Leopard rosettes on its haunches, and simple 
spots over the rest of its body. 

After having passed in review so many spotted and _ striped 
mammals, we may perhaps be in a position to divide their 
markings into— 

(a) Spots and groups of spots forming rosettes, or solid 

(0) Stripes or bands of various breadth, either transverse, 
diagonal, or longitudinal. 

(¢) Marbled or clouded markings, like those of some Cats. 

(2) Piebald markings, like those of Dogs, Cattle, Horses, etc. 
And finally we have 

(e) Self-coloured animals, which present a total obliteration 
of spotting and striping. These may be subdivided into pure 
selfs, without a speck of any other colour; selfs with vestiges of 
spotting ; selfs with ringed tails; and selfs with points of other 
colours, such as we see in Horses, Dogs, etc. The dun-coloured 
Cat, with black points, is a very interesting variation. It is seen 
in exhibitions. 

From the study of all the foregoing, I have come to the con- 
clusion that each ancestral rosette, originally composed of a ring 
of isolated spots, has in time undergone the following marked 
modifications, some of which are found in the same animal, and 
others in distinct individuals :— 

(a) The isolated spots have fused into continuous rings, or 
segments of rings, as in many Leopards. 

(6) The ring has contracted into a large spot, with obliteration 
of the enclosed space, as in the Serval and others. 


(c) The rosettes, sometimes many of them, have fused either into 
large bands or patches, as in the Ocelot and marbled Cat. 

(@) The consolidated spots, after arranging themselves into 
rows, either transversely, diagonally, or longitudinally, have fused 
themselves further into stripes, as in the Tiger, the ‘Tabby Cat,’ 
the Pampas Cat, and certain Civets. 

(e) The rings on the tail have followed the same course of 
modification ; the consolidated spots have fused into rings, or the 
rosettes have fused into twin rings, as in the Margay; these, in 
some descendants, have then amalgamated into broad bands. 

(f) Finally, the rosetting, spotting, or striping has been entirely 
obliterated from the adults of certain species, such as the Lion, 
the Puma, the Caracal, jet-black and albino Cats, and others, while 
in the young of some the spotting remains distinct! The rusty- 
spotted Cat ‘is quite peculiar among spotted Cats in having the 
tail without either spots or rings ;’ while in some mammals, as in the 
Racoon and the cunning Bassaris, the only vestiges of ancestral 
spotting or striping are the ‘ rings on the tail.’ 

* Young Lion cubs are usually spotted; but Mr. Edward Griffith, in Zhe Animal 

Kingdom of Baron Cuvier, vol. ii. p. 447, gives two Lion-Tiger cubs, three months old, 
striped like Tigers. 



‘The first master strikes out a luminous idea, and writes a great book which promises 
speedy results ; but after his own generation has been dazzled by it, comes the criticism 
of the next : exceptions, and violations of his laws, are discovered ; the large views which 
he stated with convincing clearness become misty and obscure; and men set themselves 
to rediscover, in some new way, generally with poor and shabby minuteness, and with 
many modifications, what was once an accepted theory.’ 

The Present Position of Egyptology, by Professor MAHAFFY, 
Nineteenth Century, Aug. 1894, p. 269. 




FOR my purpose, under the term Horse I include all animals that 
come under the denomination of the genus Eguus. 

In the Leopards and Tigers it was easy to show the derivation 
of stripes from spots or rosettes. There is, however, a domestic 
animal which is differently marked from Leopards. I mean the 
dappled grey Horse shown in Fig. 34. He has a congener—the 
Zebra—in which the stripes are quite phenomenal. In these 
animals it is not so easy to trace the striping from spotting, 
although, I think, it can be done. 

There are three distinct varieties of fu/ly dappled Horses like 
that shown in Fig. 34, viz., the white Horse reticulated with grey, 
the dun Horse reticulated with black, and the brown Horse also 
reticulated with black The markings of the dun or sponge- 
coloured Horse are very striking. They are all called dappled 
Horses in the trade—grey, dun, brown. I have called the darker 
pigment reticulation, because it appears as if a net were thrown 
over the fully dappled Horse, leaving the meshes filled with either 
white, dun, or brown. 

The dappling or spotting of the domestic Horse is so persistent, 

1 Not improbably the dun and the brown dappled Horses are mze/anozd variations of 
the grey dappled Horse. 

‘(02 Ie proy uopuocyT ‘asvuew ‘yng ‘qd IN 
yo uorssiued pury fq vaxei) ypeuqery) “yA hq ydesSoioyd v Woy ‘asioZy snqrumo AaiZ_ pajddeq—té ‘o1g 


that we see it, more or less, going through all the changing 
colours of Horses ; and it would be almost as hopeless to give 
distinct names to all the variations of colour in Horses, as it would 
be to name all the shades of colour in domestic Pigeons. The very 
fact that the dappling is so persistently inherited, either wholly or 
vestigially, would indicate that it 

comes from the very foundations 

: er rea 
of Horse evolution. a oe 
I have not been able to dis- ea) »? EN 
cover that any existing species of OY ges 2 ») ) \ 
the genus Zguus, in the wield state, bie ) a ej 
Pe eae 
is dappled. ey, oe, mg ee 
The earliest record ofadappled ~~~ ee ee | 

Horse, in a state of domestication, 


ae i oe 
‘ aS 

that I can find is taken from a 
Spanish MS. of the eleventh cen- 
tury. The quaintness of its mark- 
ing is shown in Fig. 35, and the 
author thinks it was of the Arabian \ 
breed. The markings are most ue 
pale aera ae ae dapeles Fic. 35.—Spanish Horse, from Horses 
Horse, because the colours are y¢ 4nriguity, by Ph. Ch. Berjean (p. 23, 
in black and white; but the ™S. xi. Cent.). 

dappling is traceable in the bay, 

the chestnut, the brown, the black, the roan, the cream, the dun, 
etc. etc. The pure white, the pure black, and other pure self- 
coloured Horses may be free from traces of dappling ; but the vast 
majority of Horses are either fully dappled, or have ¢races of 
dappling, and these are most persistent on the hind-quarters, 
round the root of the tail. The Horses of the 2nd Life Guards 
are either black or nearly so. I noticed that those which took 


part in the escort at the opening of the Imperial Institute were 
almost all dappled on the hind-quarters, round the root of the tail. 

In dun?! or sponge-coloured Horses, the dappling in this par- 
ticular region is often amalgamated into a sooty-black patch on 

Fic. 36.—Dappled grey Cart-horse, from a photograph by Mr. Stanborough, of Bexhill- 

each side of the tail-root; a similar sootiness results from the 
fusion of dappling along the upper ridge of the neck. 

Some grey Horses are very distinctly and strongly dappled, 
such as those given in Figs. 34 and 36, I think it very beautiful 

1 Mr. Darwin defines dun as ranging from ‘between brown and black to « close 
approach to cream-colour’ (Origtz of Spectes, 1888, p. 200). 


to see a pair of finely shaped grey carriage-Horses prettily spotted. 
Should any of them die, their skins would make pretty rugs. 
Unfortunately, for some reason, spotted Horses are not fashionable, 
and do not appear to be kept for breeding purposes. 

In some instances the dark reticulations are all over the body, 
but more conspicuous on the flanks, the dappling on other parts 
being often modified. The white dapples of the grey Horse 
can be seen to vary from irregular patches to small spots. In 
some regions, such as on the fore- and hind-legs of Fig. 36, the 
smaller dapples seem to have amalgamated into large fern-like 
patches. In other cases, such as those on the fore-leg of Fig. 34, 
the dapples have degenerated into star-shaped marks, which often 
dwindle into minute specks like those on the flank of Fig. 39, all 
the rest of the ground being of a dark grey, and in some cases 
almost black. Indeed, we might say that the two extremes of the 
grey dappled Horse series were—(a) a white Horse with traces of 
grey reticulations, and (0) a Jdlackish horse with traces of white 
spots. In other words, the grey reticulations that isolate the 
white dapples of the grey Horse can be obliterated, either 
wholly or partially, and the Horse made either wholly w7¢e, or 
white with vestiges of dappling. On the contrary, the white 
dappling may be obliterated, and the Horse made either wholly 
dark grey or dark grey with vestiges of white spotting. The 
star-marks on the fore-legs of Fig. 34 should be compared with 
those of Fig. 36. 

The invasion of the white dapplings by the grey reticulations 
is partially seen in Fig. 37. 

Few, I venture to say, have any notion how much may be learnt 
from Horses of all sorts which are to be seen by thousands in the 
streets of the Metropolis. They are ready-made experiments for 
scientists to take up and theorise about. Unless pure white, 


chestnut, or flea-bitten, there is scarcely a Horse which does not bear 
vestiges, more or less pronounced, of dappling. 

In Fig. 38 is given a spotted Horse, which shows the dappling 
on the flank disposed in slanting rows; and Fig. 34 shows that on 
the neck the dark colour tends to form dands. 

Fic, 37.—Grey dappled Pony, from a photograph by C. R., g22. 

Note that on the groin of both Horses of Fig. 38 the dapples 
are being broken up into szznute specks. 

When this occurs all over the surface, it probably gives rise to 
what is called a ‘flea-bitten’ Horse, with either black or brown 


I would ask the reader to note particularly the rows of slanting 
dapples on the flank of the upper Horse of Fig. 38. I have already 
referred to similar slanting rows of rosettes in certain Leopard skins 
(Fig. 15, 2), and shall have to refer to them again. 

No one, I think, will doubt that these spots in this Horse are 
vestiges of the larger dapples, like those of Fig. 34. Ifa full-blown 
dapple or rosette can be reduced to a mere point, as we see it in 
certain Horses and other animals, it stands to reason that it can be 
much modified otherwise. 

We do not know what atomic conditions of the nerve-centres 
are requisite to produce this minute specking, but it is evident that 
a more complete intermingling of the pigmented hairs with the 
white ones would give rise to a roan or a strawberry roan. On the 
other hand, when the pigments agglomerate in separate large 
patches, we get the same piebald conditions seen in Cattle, Dogs, 
Pigs, etc. 

I am not here going to enter into the intricate question of how 
the dappling of the young Horse commences—whether by minute 
spotting becoming larger, or by large patching dwindling eventually 
into minute spotting. It is a difficult question to unravel, and 
there does not seem to be any accurate information on this point. 
As to how the dappled Horse originally came into being at all, there 
would not seem at first any means of finding out. Fossils in no 
way record the coloration and markings of the skins of extinct 
animals, Nevertheless, I hope to throw some light on this point of 
evolution later on. The existing wild congeners of the Horse are 
either striped, like the Zebra, or self-coloured, like the Azang or wild 
Ass. The coloration of the latter is a sort of tan or fawn colour, 
while in the domestic Ass mouse-grey is a common colour. 

The person who originally invented the names for the colours of 
Horses must have been colour-blind, for how could he have called 


Fic. 38.—Two Cart-horses, from photographs by Mr. P. D. Coghill of the Royal 
Veterinary College, taken by kind permission of Mr. J. Poynter, Horse Department, Great 
Northern Railway Company. 


‘chestnut’ the colour of a Horse, which, if it were a Cow, would be 
‘red.’ And to call a Horse ¢an-coloured would be simple heresy. 
Nevertheless, what is called a golden-bay is nothing but a rich tan- 
colour, which in other individuals shades off into the dun, the sponge- 
colour, the cream, and the white ; while in another direction this tan 
shades off into the chestnut, the bay, the brown, and the black. 

All the experts whom I have consulted agree in saying that the 
Horse, when recently foaled, is never dappled, but is of a uniform 
dark colour, excepting albinos, 

I asked a farmer who is a great hunter, and who has also bred 
Horses, and has had ample opportunities of seeing young foals, 
whether he had ever seen a recently born foal which was dappled. 
He replied—not one. I am informed that the dappling, when it 
does come, begins to appear when the foal is a few years old. This 
is rather curious, for in the case of some Deer, as shown in Fig. 30, 
the young one is plentifully spotted, while the adult has no sign 
of spotting. 

No one seems to have made any accurate observations on the 
dappling of the Horse—when it commences, how it commences, and 
how it proceeds, although there are many records of Zebra-striping 
in the Horse. Among the thousands of Horses in the streets of 
London, one sees all possible variations of dappling—from a few 
spots to the whole body covered with maculations. Does the same 
individual go through all these phases of dappling, or are certain 
variations permanent? Does dappling commence gradually and 
go on to its maximum extent, and then gradually disappear, or 
how? A veterinary surgeon told me that the dappling varies with 
every change of coat of the Horse ; and all seem to agree that as the 
Horse grows.older the white colour increases and the dark colour 

1 In the Natural History Museum there is a very young Jaguar which is wholly drow 
without any spotting. 


diminishes. The chafing of the collar seems to have the same 
effect; but in Fig. 39 and many others the reverse seems to have 
occurred. Does sex make any difference in the dappling? A 

Fic. 39.—Omnibus Horse with the spots becoming obliterated, leaving a dark-grey surface ; 
from a photograph by Gabrielli, taken by permission of Mr. Duff, manager of the London 
Road Car Company. 

great deal is known about the powers of running of the Horse, 
about his powers of draught, about his anatomy, his physiology, his 
pedigree, and perhaps about his descent and relation to extinct and 
living animals ; but very little seems to be known about the origin 
and course of his dappling. 


What is wanted is that some amateur with leisure and means 
should undertake to photograph the dappling of the same Horse 
as soon as this feature commences, and to photograph the same 
Fforse on both sides every year, after the Horse’s change of coat. 
So many leisured persons possess cameras, that this bit of work 
ought to be an easy amusement. 

If many were to undertake this work, so much the better. And 
if the Horse were closely clipped after being photographed, and 
then re-photographed, we might be able to discover how far the 
pigmentation of the skin coincides with the dappling of the hair.? 
We would then have some accurate data to build theories upon ; 
and by comparing the dappling year by year, we might have the 
revelation of some interesting facts. All these seem trivial things, 
but from an evolutionary point of view they may be important. 
However trivial a fact may appear at one time, it may one day 
turn out of value. 

This any one can see for himself, viz., that the colour of the 
clipped Horse is much lighter than it is before clipping. Part of 
the darkness of the old coat may perhaps be put down to dirt, and 
part to the action of light and weathering. In some cases, after 
clipping, the surface shows traces of dappling which it did not 
show before ; and in roan Horses the clipped surface is often darker, 
or lighter. 

We seem to have more definite information about crustaceans, 
fished out of the ocean from a depth of 3000 fathoms, than we have 
of the changes in the colouring and marking of the Horse, an animal 
which has been in daily use, in various ways, for thousands of years ! 

1 I saw a pink-white Horse in an omnibus. It had very little hair—indeed, it was 
almost hairless; and on its shoulder it had dark pigment-marks in the shzz, like those 
of the hair-marks on a grey dappled Horse. Moreover, it had dark circular spots in 

many parts of the skin, like those of the Dalmatian Dog, the rest of the skin being of a 
blush-rose colour. 


Considering the millions of Horses that are bred everywhere, 
both in a domesticated and also in a semi-wild state, it is astonish- 
ing how little reliable information there is on this particular 
subject. As TI said, from an evolutionary point of view this study 
would be important, as the history of dappling in any individual 
ought to tell some tale regarding descent. 

In absence of any recorded accurate information, I have had 
to explore the Horses in the streets of London and elsewhere, in 
the immense stables of carrying companies, in Horse-shows, etc. 
Wherever I could see any deviation which I considered of some 
importance, I made a note of it on the spot. 

Have you ever observed a‘ dappled sky’? The maculations 
of some dappled Horses, such as those of Fig. 37, are not unlike the 
patches of cumulus clouds with jagged edges, as they are often 
seen close to each other in a ‘dappled’ sky, the intervening blue 
sky corresponding with the network of dark grey between the 
Horse-dapplings. Just as clouds are unstable, break up, and run 
into each other, forming a uniform dense haze, so do the jag-margined 
Horse-dapplings seem to change with age and from other causes. 
The cloud-patches of the Horse often break up and deliquesce—to 
continue the simile—as seen on the hind-quarters of Figs. 34 and 39. 

This I found, and have confirmed it hundreds of times in 
omnibus Horses. After severe exertion in drawing a loaded 
omnibus, the superficial veins of the flanks, shoulders, and legs 
start out. On the flanks they form reticulations which, in dappled 
or partially dappled Horses, cozwcede with the dark reticulations. 
In self-coloured Horses, such as pure whites, pure bays, etc., only 
the venous reticulations are seen. But whenever there is a fine pig- 
mentary reticulation of a different colour from the general colour, 
the two reticulations cozzczde—the venous and the pigmentary. 
In freshly clipped Horses all this can be seen very plainly. 


In another place I have endeavoured to account for this 

In Fig. 40 (No. 1) I have given a diagram of what might be a 
portion of the flank veins of a Horse; and in No. 2 I have shown 
the same pigmentary reticulations broadened by invasion of the 
dark pigment, or, what comes to the same thing, by contraction of 
the white patches. The broad reticulations still correspond with 
the venous network, shown by dotted lines, which lies in the 

No. z. 

Fic. 40.—Diagrams of reticulations of flanks of Horses. 

No. 1. (a) white patches; (4) dark reticulations, coinciding with veins. 
No. z. (a) contracted white patches; (2) superficial veins. 

middle of the channels between the dapples, and therefore are not 
so conspicuously coincident with the network. When, however, the 
pigmentary network is fine, it lies over and perfectly coincides 
with the venous network on the Horse’s flank. 

If you observe a dark-grey Horse and a white-grey Horse, you 
will see that in the former the white spots are disappearing, and 
mingling more and more with the dark-grey of the ground-colour, 
to form a uniform grizzly-grey colour, as in the upper Horse of 
Fig. 38; while in the latter the dark reticulations are lessening 
more and more, and restricted to mere vestiges, mainly on the 


shoulder and haunch, as in the lower Horse of the same figure. In 
many cases the white-grey Horse has nothing but the reticulations 
of the superficial veins to mark the places of former pigment 
reticulations, these having wholly disappeared, and having been 
replaced by a wnzform white colour. 



Fic. 41.—(a) and (4) are from the right hind-legs of two different Horses; (c) is from a 
light-bay Cart-horse (Whit Monday Show); (d) is a fern-like dappling over the superficial 
vein of the fore-leg of a dark-brown Horse (Whit Monday Show). 

Certain well-dappled grey Horses have a very peculiar mark, 
like a fern-frond, which is pretty constant on the hind-legs, on the 
fleshy part between the heel and &zee which is plainly visible in 
Fig. 36. This also coincides with a similarly disposed venous 
ramification on that particular part of the Horse’s hind-leg. In the 
accompanying diagram (Fig. 41) are given three branching veins 

1 Anatomical hee] and knee are here meant, and not the veterinary terms. 


which correspond with this curious fern-like mark, and also a bay- 
coloured fern mark from the fore-leg of a brown Horse. The latter 
would perhaps correspond to those interesting marks on the fore- 
leg of Fig. 36. 

The fern-like mark on the hind-leg of the grey Horse, when 
present, is always situated in the same place, viz., on the fleshy 
part of the hind-leg, in front of and a little above the hock. 

On the legs of Horses the larger superficial veins have usually 
a somewhat transverse disposition, while on the flanks they are 

That the superficial venous distribution of the Horse has some- 
thing to do with the pigmentation of its skin, I have not much 
doubt; but what that ‘something’ exactly is I am unable to say. 
Perhaps I ought to say the zerves of the veins have something to 
do with the pigmentation of the skin. 

I have ransacked all kinds of works on the Horse in search of 
its general superficial venation, but have not found such a thing. 
Indeed, Professor M‘Fadyean has told me that there has been yet 
no such publication. 

The following, however, may be interesting to the student of the 
physiology of animal markings. 

Nine months after I had written out my ideas on the origin of 
the markings of animals, and after I had received the photographs 
of a dappled Horse from Mr. Stanborough, of Bexhill-on-the-Sea, 
I read an article in the Wzneteenth Century of April 1893, by Prince 
Krapotkin, on ‘ Recent Science.’ 

On p. 687 he writes thus :— 

‘Franz Werner’s researches upon the colouring of Snakes, 
recently embodied in a separate work, show that the temporary 
and irregular spots which appear in Fishes and Frogs under the 
influence of artificial irritations are of the same character, and have 


the same origin, as the also temporary and irregular spots which 
appear in other Fishes, as well as in several Tritons and many 
Gekonides, without the interference of man. Some of the pro- 
voked changes of colour do not entirely vanish after the irritation 
is over, and they belong to the same category as the spots which 
appear in many animals in youth and disappear with growing age. 
Moreover, it is maintained that a series of slow gradations may be 
established between the irregular spots, the spots arranged in rays, 
and finally the stripes such as we see them in higher mammals 
like the Zebra or the Tiger; and if these generalisations prove to 
be correct, we shall thus have an unbroken series from the tem- 
porary spots provoked by light or electricity to the permanent 
markings of animals.’ 

I do not doubt that the pigments on the skins of animals are at 
one end of the telegraphic wires (the nerves) which connect them 
with the nerve-centres. Minute atomic changes, which, through age 
and other causes, occur in the nerve-centres, influence electrically 
the pigmentation of the skin ; but what we have to search for is why 
all this is so. This investigation I have left for another place. 

Let us now study a little in detail the dapplings of the grey 

In Fig. 36, at the joining of the shoulder and trunk, may be 
seen several groups, consisting of a small roundish spot surrounded 
by larger polygonal jag-edged spots, something like the enlarged 
outlines shown in Fig. 42 (a). 

In Fig. 38 (lower Horse) similar groups of maculations can be 
made out on the Horse’s flank just behind the shoulder. Then in 
Fig. 34 there are three well-marked similar groups placed in a line 
slanting towards the abdomen, as well as several others. 

In Fig. 42 (4) I have given two Jaguar rosettes for comparison. 
Those of (2) and of (4) are very similar ; but I shall show in another 


place that the components of these Horse dapplings are themselves 
only a fusion of minor rosettes—which I take to be the true homo- 
logues of the Jaguar rosettes. 

Making allowance for the evolutionary deviations which have 
certainly occurred during the descents of the Horse and the Jaguar 
from their remote ancestral common stock, I hope to show that 
their skin-markings also result from common ancestral markings, 
although those of the Horse are now much altered. But so is his 
skeleton altered; and his legs, by a superficial observer, would 

Fic. 42.—(a) Two rosette-like groups from the shoulder of Fig. 36; (4) two rosette-like 
groups from the flank of a Jaguar, given for comparison ; (c) faint rosette-like dappling from 
the neck of a whitish-grey Horse. 

scarcely be considered as having any community of descent with 
those of the Jaguar. 

The spotting of the Horse would appear to be a transient 
feature, changing with age, like that of certain ruminants ; while in 
the Jaguar the spotting may be much more permanent, although I 
am not aware that anybody has made any accurate observations 
on the strict permanency or otherwise of the Leopard’s and 
Jaguar’s rosetting. Judging from the specimens of very young 
Leopard’s skins that I have seen, and from the very young Jaguar 
and Cheetah skins in the Natural History Museum, I should be 
inclined to say that the rosetting of these animals is not strictly 


permanent, although, looked at superficially, much alteration may 
not be noticed during the life of the same animal after reaching 
the adult stage. We know that in the Lion, the Puma, and various 
other animals the spotting alters so much, that in the adult it is 
on the verge of total obliteration. 

In the dappled Horse the spots certainly tend to coalesce into 


Fic. 43.—Various forms of rosettes seen on Horses:—(a) from flank of grey dappled 
Horse ; (4) seen on both sides of a grey Horse, near the root of the tail ; (c) from a Horse of 
the Great Northern Railway Company ; (d and e) from dappled Horses ; (fand g) from hind- 
quarters of an omnibus Horse; (4, 7, and 7) Horse-rosettes breaking up. 

frond-like patches, or to break up into star-like or other small spots, 
and even into minute specks, preparatory, it would seem, to total 

In Fig. 43 I have given several groups of spots—rosettes, we 
might call them—taken from various horses, which will elucidate. 
what I have said above. 

In this figure, it will be seen that in (£2) the scolloped edges of 
the patch break up into an aggregation of a number of dots, as in 


(@and 7). A beginning of this may be seen on the groin of Fig. 38, 
that is, at the junction of the haunch with the trunk. When 
this breaking-up of the larger dapples extends all over the skin, 
we get, as I said, what is called the ‘flea-bitten’ horse. Now and 
again one sees a ‘flea-bitten’ horse which, on its haunches, has 
ordinary dapples. This would indicate that the minute spotting 
is only a modification of the dappled surface, and that the ‘flea- 
bites’ are probably the breaking-up of similar large spots. 

A still further and more complete mixture of the two colours 

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FIG. 44.—Diagrammatic sketches of spots from various Horses :—(a) frequent disposition 
of dapples on flanks of Horses (right side) ; (4) occasional triangular spotting on the flanks of 
Horses (right side) ; (¢) rare spotting on the flank and haunch of a Horse (left side). 
of a dappled Horse produces the uniform roan, whether a straw- 
berry or an ordinary roan. 

We have now to study another feature of the dappled Horse, 
which is only a modification of the ordinary confused mottling, 
if I may so call it. 

As a tule, the flanks of the dappled Horse are simply reticu- 
lated, without any apparent order. But in certain dappled Horses 
the light-coloured spots on the flank occur in transverse rows, 
with the dark interspaces modified into broad lines or bands, 
both having the same slanting direction as the ribs, such as those 
shown in Fig. 44 (a). These rows of spots are usually squarish, 

1 These roans when newly clipped are often either bay-brown or black. Their heads 
usually do zo¢ roan. 


but in one case they were triangular, and seemed to fit into each 
other as in (4). This disposition of the flank spots and inter- 
spaces can, I think, be sufficiently made out in the dark Horse 
of Fig. 38. 

Moreover, in one particular Horse which I saw in the London 
streets, the spots in the front part of the haunch 
were also disposed in rows, which met the flank 
rows at the abdomen, as shown in (c).1 Well, if 
in imagination you amalgamate all the white 
spots, you will have alternate light and dark 
transverse bands, and those of (¢) would almost 
reproduce the haunch and flank stripes of the 
Zebra (Fig. 52). 

This is not all, for I have not infrequently seen 
that, in the modified dapplings of grey Horses, 

Fic. 45.—Rough on the upper part of the leg the white stars 
sean oo amalgamated into transverse irregular bands, 
horse. while the dark reticulations also amalgamated 

and formed alternate bands. J] have shown this 
feature roughly in Fig. 45. It is also very partially noticeable 
in Fig. 38 (upper Horse). 

Further, on the neck of a light-bay pony at Bexhill-on-the-Sea, 
and also on a butcher’s white pony in London, I have seen faint 
transverse stripes resembling those of the brindled Gnu. Then, 
on the upper ridge of the necks of grey dappled, and more 
especially brown dappled, Horses, the dark reticulations take the 
form of short bands. Ina grey dappled Pony at the Horse Show 
of May 1893, the upper ridge of the neck was marked as I have 

1 The striped American Marmot (rctomys Hodizt) has each of its longitudinal 
stripes made up of a string of whzte sguares on a dark ground (Animal Kingdom of 
Cuvier, by Griffith, vol. iii, p. 186). 


roughly shown in Fig. 46 (a), and the hog-mane was divided 
into grey and white bands, just as it is in the Zebra. Then a 
brown Carriage-horse, reticulated with black, had the upper ridge 
of the neck as shown roughly in Fig. 46 (6), each space having 
a spot of a lighter colour than the ground-colour. 

But the best example I have seen of stripes in the domestic 
Horse was on the 21st January 1894, in Piccadilly, opposite 

Fic. 46.—(2) Hog-mane of a grey dappled Pony, Islington Horse Show, May 1893; 
(4) markings on the neck of a dappled brown Carriage-horse. 

Berkeley Street. A milkman’s cart had a Pony of a light- 
bay or dun colour. The Pony had broadish black stripes on 
his neck, shoulders, and flanks; he had also faint transverse 
stripes above his wrists and heels. A rough sketch of him is 
given in Fig. 47, which I took down at the time. 

I have noticed that Ponies are oftener abnormally marked 
than larger-sized Horses. They appear to have more direct Ass 
and Zebra blood in them than the larger and more highly modi- 
fied and artificially selected Horses. 

Mr. Louis Robinson! suggests that the fossil Horse was about 

1 North American Review, April 1894, p. 483. 


the size of the Shetland and Hungarian Ponies, and that these 
appear to be more nearly related to the original Horse, while 
the larger and more artificial breeds, like our breeds of Pigeons, 
Dogs, etc., are further removed from the original wild stock. 

At the Whit Monday Cart-horse Show, I saw a dark-bay Horse 
with brindling on part of his flank, not unlike that of a brindled 


Fic. 47.—Partially striped Pony of a dun colour.! 

In this connection we should remember that, when the Zebra 
is crossed with the Ass, the striping, where it occurs, as is seen 
in the Natural History Museum, is not a Zebra handing, but a 
brindling, not unlike that of the Dog. (See Nos. 30 and 31, 
Appendix A.) 

Then in dappled omnibus Horses, along their spine, I have 

1 A somewhat similar one is pictured on p. 322 of Stedy of Animal Life, by J. A. 
Thomson, referred to further on. 


frequently seen marks like those shown roughly in Fig. 48, which 
are the marks we see along the spine of many Tigers, such as that 
given in Fig. 22. 

The remarkable black dappling on the dorsal region of the 
white Horse given in Fig. 49 leaves little 
doubt that those blotches and spottings 

are broken-up Zebra bands. — 

All the cases IJ have quoted go to as f en, 
show that the dappling of Horses some- > ey 
times tends to dispose itself in a kind oe oe 
of striping or banding in some parts Jat 
which is not unlike that of the Zebra. oo, 
But independently of any theories of 

Fic. 48. — .\rrow-head marks 

the genesis of striping in the Horse, along thespine of some grey dappled 
Mr. Darwin, as a matter of fact, col- Horses. 

lected a large number of cases of 

Horses, which actually had stripes on their legs, their shoulders, and 
even on their faces. Mr. J. A. Thomson! gives the figure of a 
Devonshire Pony, from Darwin, with bands in certain parts which 
are evidently vestiges of a much more extensive ancestral banding. 

Mr. Darwin ® says, ‘I have collected cases of leg and shoulder 
stripes in Horses of very different breeds in various countries from 
Britain to Eastern China, and from Norway in the North to the 
Malay Archipelago in the South. In all parts of the world, these 
stripes occur far oftenest in duns and Mouse-duns.’ 

These are the colours of wild Asses, and it would appear when 
these colours are reverted to, certain stripes, which belong to these 
wild animals, often reappear. 

In the Zoological Gardens there is a specimen of the Asiatic 

1 Study of Animal Life, p. 322. Second edition, 
2 Origin of Species (1888), p. 200. 

‘pap pue yoau siy ayxolq ey ‘paydeasoioyd 
UY AVY] OF PaSuRIe pry | eojoq smoy May Y “Udy Jo sejSnog “s[x 0} Sursuojaq ‘as1OFY Payoro1q y— 6h ong 


wild Ass (Equus onager). It is dun-coloured, with a broad spinal 
band like that of Burchell’s Zebra, and faint transverse stripes 
above the hoofs, 

Fic. 50.—Common Zebra, from a photograph by Mr. Gambier Bolton, F.Z.S. 

The three Figs. 50-52 show with what perfection and complete- 
ness striping in the skin can be evolved in the genus Eguas. They 
represent three variations of Zebra, viz. the common Zebra, 

Fic. 51.—Burchell's Zebra, from a photograph by F. G. O. S., roozs. 

-(uauroads paynis v woz) sodiys jeurmopqe Jo WOTILADITIGO YA 
“oz gy ‘uoyog Ierquey IW &q ydeasojoyd & woy ‘pueyiyeuog ‘(eiqez $fA0ID)) 

waaty snnby—'eS “OIA 

Fic. 53.—Variation of Burchell’s Zebra, with obliteration of stripes on legs and haunch, 
thus approaching the Quagga. 


Burchell’s Zebra, and Grevy’s Zebra, a new addition from Somali- 
land, which offers an astonishing example of animal striping. 

At Mr. Rowland Ward’s establishment I was shown the skin 
of what appears to be a variety of Burchell’s Zebra. It had the 
broad striping and arrangement of striping characteristic of that 
species, but the intermediate paler bands were of a milk-white 
colour, and zthout any trace of those faint stripes between the 
black bands. I noted also that some of the broad black bands ° 
were made up of the fusion of two narrower bands. 

There is another variety which is only partially banded, viz., 
the Quagga, given in Fig. 54. The article on the Quagga in the 
Encyclopedia Britannica (9th Edition) says: ‘In length of ears 
and character of tail it more resembles the Horse than it does the 
Ass. ... The colour of the head, neck, and upper parts of the body 
is reddish brown, irregularly banded and marked with dark brown 
stripes, stronger on the head and neck, and gradually becoming 
fainter, until lost behind the shoulder’ The haunch and legs have 
no stripes,” and it approaches the character of Burchell’s Zebra of 
Fig. 53. Indeed, it has been frequently confounded with the latter 
by hunters. The Quagga was very common in South Africa, but 
now is very scarce. 

In my opinion, the Zebra stripes, like those of the Tiger and 
other feline animals, owe their genesis to spots or rosettes or 
dapplings, which had become disposed in transverse rows, some- 
what like those on the Cheetah of Fig. 10, and on the legs of the 
Jaguar of Fig. 4. Subsequently the rows of spots coalesced into 
beady bands, and ultimately became the sharp-edged bands we see 
in the Zebras. 

1 It has also been found on the shores of Lake Rudolf (narrative of Count Samuel 
Telekis’ expedition in Equatorial Africa). Figure of the skin in Proc. Zool. Soc. of London, 
1890, p. 413. 

2 There is a variation of this in the Science and Art Museum of Edinburgh. 

| | | 


! Ie Hl 


srs. Cassell & Company, Limited). 

of Mes 

FIG. 54.—Quagga, from Cassell's Natural History—(by kind permission 


The Zebra has arrow-head marks on its shoulder. The 
domestic Cat of the British Museum, although partially spotted, 
has similar arrow-head marks in the same place, so has the Cat of 
Fig. 28, and the Tiger of Fig. 22, on the hind-legs. The rows of 
spots on the fore-legs of the Jaguar (Fig. 4) are disposed in arrow- 
head rows. 

In the case of the spotted and striped Cats, as we have seen, it 
is comparatively easy to make out the derivation of the Tiger 
stripes from those of the Leopard rosettes ; but it is not so easy to 
make out the derivation of the Zebra stripes from the spotting of 
the dappled Horse. 

I have endeavoured to develop this idea as far as I could by 
means of existing examples which show the partial transition of 
dapples into bands. Further on, in Fig. 56 (a, 4,c), 1 have shown 
that originally the rosetting of the Horses must have been closely 
assimilated to that of the Jaguar. The remainder must be left to 
the imagination of the reader, taking into consideration analogous 
transformations in the Leopards and Tigers. 

We should note that the stripes in Zebras and Tigers, although 
they are transverse on the trunk, those on the legs are not a con- 
tinuation of those on the trunk, as in the brindled Dog, but are also 
transverse, and correspond to the rows of leg spots of the Jaguar 
and Leopard. This order of things I have tried to account for as a 
result of inheritance from similar features in widely different 

With regard to the Ass, the only cases I have seen with vestiges 
of spots are those given in the Appendix C, Nos. 30 and 31. I 
have, however, seen several little Donkeys at the sea-side which 
had partial Zebra stripes. 

Martin! says, ‘While speaking of the white colour of some 

1 History of the Horse, by W. C. L. Martin (1845), p. 205. 


breeds of the Ass, and the dappled markings of others, we may 
observe that a variety with Zebra-like stripes upon the limbs, to 
the very hoofs, is not unfrequently to be met with in our island and 
elsewhere, and sometimes even a double cross upon the shoulders 
is to be seen. To what cause the Zebra markings on the limbs 
(and we have seen them strongly painted in mules) are to be 
attributed, it is not easy to say. Is there, or has there been, a 
striped wild Ass indigenous in Asia,! or does this style of marking 
proclaim a cross at a remote date with some African species of the 
Zebra section ?’ 

According to my view, all Horses and Asses and Zebras were 
originally spotted, or have descended from spotted ancestors. A 
large number among the domestic Horses have retained, or perhaps 
re-acquired, their spotting. From the spottings there resulted 
stripings. The Zebras have retained, or may have re-acquired, their 
striping. The wild and domestic Ass has got rid of both spots and 
stripes, but in some instances it has retained, or possibly re-acquired, 
some vestiges of striping. The same may be said of the self- 
coloured Horse, especially the dun-coloured Horse, the Kattiawar 
Horse, and the Mule. They frequently show vestiges of striping, 
and, as I said, the domestic Ass in two cases had vestiges of 
spotting or dappling on their flanks. 

When a character ceases to be useful, it begins to disappear, 
and may become quite suppressed, while some other character 
more useful may take its place. 

Fig. 55 is a picture of a‘ Dhobi’s’ Donkey. I got it copied by a 
native artist. The original drawing is now in the Lucknow Museum. 
I have seen a somewhat similarly marked Ass in a picture which 
was hung in the refreshment room of the Army and Navy stores. 

1 We call the wild Assan dss, and the wild Zebra a Zebra, because they are differently 
marked, but in reality they are both Asses. 


The question might now arise—If the striping of the Zebra 
is only a modification of some sort of ancestral Horse-dappling, 

why have not the stripings of the Zebra any signs whatever of 
their component spots or patches ? 


cata ter a 

Fic. 55.—Picture of a Donkey in the possession of an Indian washerman. 

Well, why have some Horses xo trace whatever of dappling ? 
Of course the spotting disappeared like many other things that 
become extinct. This disappearance is one of the great features 
of evolution. Atrophy first and total suppression later on; and 


in colouring first faintness and then total disappearance, if circum- 
stances do not allow of a part, or a colour, continuing. 

Moreover, many Tigers in their striping show no evidence of 
its having originated from spotting. Yet if one makes a close 
analysis of the striping of a number of Tigers and the spotting 
of a number of Leopards, he can hardly remain unconvinced that 
the striping of the Tiger, though primd facie without traces of its 
origin, owes its genesis to ancestral spotting. 

The reader may perhaps think that I have been drawing some- 
what on my imagination, and seeing things which may not be 
visible to others. But in the colossal museum of the streets of 
London, if any one feels disposed to study this interesting subject, 
by directing his attention to it, and by eeping his eyes open, he can 
amply satisfy himself that what J have stated is founded on fact. 

In this connection it may be instructive to tell a little story. 
On one Sunday I accompanied to the Zoological Gardens a lady 
who was a Fellow of that Society. In going through the Lion and 
Tiger department, I pointed out how distinctly the Leopard spots 
could be seen on the legs and abdomen of the Lion. 

She said, ‘Do you know, I have been here hundreds of times, 
and have never seen those spots before !’ 

It is impossible to find in the same Horse all the features I have 
been discussing ; one may be found in one, and another in another, 
because, like clouds, the dapplings shift ; but one has only to put 
two and two together, and invoke the aid of the ‘law of proba- 
bility, to come to conclusions similar to my own. 

I have not, however, exhausted all the facts that can be 
adduced in support of my contention, viz., that the dapplings of 
the Horse are only greatly modified maculations of a nature origin- 
ally not unlike those of the Jaguar, and that the striping of the 
Tiger and Zebra have originated from the stringing together—neck- 


lace fashion—of spots, like those of Fig. 38 (upper Horse), which by 
further fusion were modified into clean-margined stripes. The 
similarity between the stripes of the Tiger and the Zebra can be 
seen at a glance; but the similarity between the spotting of the 

Fic. 56.—(a) Rosettes from the flank of an omnibus Horse of a strawberry roan colour 
(reduced); (4) rosette from the groin of a highly dappled grey Horse ; (c) one of many 
rosettes on the flank of a dappled grey cart Horse; (¢d) marks on the flank of a brown 

Jaguar and that of the Horse is not so easily traced, and has to be 
evolved with the aid of the imagination out of the variations pre- 
sented by hundreds of specimens. 

Nevertheless in Fig. 56 (2) I am able to give dona fide rosettes 
from the flank of a newly-clipped strawberry roan Horse. They 


are the marks I had long been searching for, under the conviction 
that, if my theory were right, I would discover them somewhere. 
They are rarely seen, because in the Horse the components of each 
rosette have fused into a continuous maculation, like those of 
Fig. 34. (6) Isa solitary rosette with its central space split into two 
portions ; (¢) is one of many similar rosettes on a Horse ; and (@) 
were marks of a slightly different shade of colour from the general 
coloration of the Horse. Those of (a) are almost exactly like my 
restoration of the Jaguar rosettes of Fig. 70. 

I do not, of course, mean that the dappled Horse will ever turn 
into a Zebra ; or the rosetted Jaguar into a Tiger. But I do think 
it quite conceivable that the striping of the Tiger evolved out of 
rosetting like that of the Jaguar ; and that both the Zebra and the 
dappled Horse may have evolved out of an animal with spotting 
not unlike that of the Jaguar. As to the relation of the Horse-dap- 
pling to the Zebra-striping, it only requires that one should keep 
his eyes open in the streets to see on the neck of dappled Horses, 
especially of Ponies, a decided tendency to Zebra-striping, which is 
often continued into the Horse’s mane. 

As I said, all experts agree that the Horse is born self-coloured,! 
and whatever the cause may be, if this state of things continues, 
the Horse will be a self-coloured animal ; otherwise he will be more 
or less dappled. The variations and gradations in the appear- 
ance and disappearance of spotting in animals are infinite. Some 
acquire spots at different ages, others lose them at different ages. 
Just as the embryo of the higher animals in evolving simulates 
the different stages of form through which, in its race history, the 
animal ascended, so the spotting and marking may give indication 
of the ancestral markings through which that animal in its evolu- 
tion may have passed. 

1 Like the small Jaguar cub in the Natural History Museum—case 13. 


There cannot be much doubt that the Kzang, or wild Ass, 
originated from a Zebra-marked ancestor. In the Origin of Species, 
p. 199, it is stated, on the authority of Colonel Poole, ‘that the 
foals of this species are generally striped on the legs, and faintly 
on the shoulder. In the adult they totally disappeared excepting 
the spinal stripe. So have the markings disappeared from the 
hind quarters and legs of the Quagga (Fig. 54). 

Now let us turn fora moment from the Horse, the coloration 
of which I think I have sufficiently discussed, to another set of 
animals, viz., Giraffes and Bulls. From Fig. 57 it will be seen that 
the large blotches of the Giraffe are separated from each other by 
a lighter ground. These blotches may be nothing more than a 
confluence of a number of rosettes, such as we see on the shoulder 
of Fig. 34, or those on the fore-leg of Fig. 36. Indeed, on the 
shoulder of one of these figured Giraffes (left one), there are two 
blotches which seem distinctly to be made up of several smaller 

Cows and Bulls are rarely seen with any vestigial marks of 
ancestral spotting or rosetting ; but the Bull of Fig. 57, on its flank, 
shows distinct spotting not unlike that on the flank of the Horse 
in Fig. 37. Then I think no one will say that the striking rosetting 
on the flank of the Zebu of Fig. 58 is not almost identical with 
that on the shoulder and fore-leg of the Horse in Fig. 36. 

The very extraordinary marks of this Zebu, so uncommon 
among domestic cattle, leave no doubt in my mind that the 
ruminants and the Horse are more closely allied than may have 
been supposed. Faint similar marks on the hump, abdomen, 
and haunches, lead to the presumption that in some ancestral 
ruminant the whole skin was covered with similar rosettes. Now 
domestic cattle are either blotched, piebald, or self-coloured ; and 
Deer and Antelopes are either spotted, striped, or self-coloured. 


Fic. 57,—Giraffes and Bull, all three from photographs by Dixon & Son. 


The Giraffe and the Zebu are the only ruminants, the one in a state 
of nature, and the other domesticated, which continue to reproduce 
distinct vestiges of ancestral skin markings, allied to those of the 

Fic. 58.—Zebu, from a photograph, F. G. O. S., ro004. 

Horse and the Jaguar. Indeed, if the rosettes on the flanks of the 

Jaguar skin of Fig. 4 had their enclosed spaces filled up they would 

become Giraffe blotches, and if we trim the rosettes of the Zebu and 

fill in their scolloped margins, we again reproduce the blotches of 

the Giraffe. In the Quagga we have seen that the stripes dis- 


appeared from the hind quarters and legs; so in the Giraffe we see 
the blotches disappearing from the under surface and legs. 

Recently a new Giraffe has been discovered in Somaliland, and 
a description of it appeared in the Saturday Review of 21st July 
1894, p.72. It is distinguished from the South African Giraffe ‘by 
a complete and whole body colouring of rich bright chestnut (I 
suppose the chestnut colour of the horse), scarcely separable by 
very fine,! almost invisible lines of creamy white of hexagonal 
shape ;’ while ‘in its South African cousin the markings are 
widely and clearly defined, as seen in Fig. 57. 

Hunters in South Africa have often described the Giraffe as of 
a chestnut colour. This colour is common to the Horse and 
the Ox. This ‘new Giraffe’ does not appear to differ from the ‘ old 
Giraffe’ any more than one grey dappled Horse differs from another 
grey dappled Horse. Compare different parts of the Horse in 
Fig. 34. In parts the reticulations are fine, in others they are broad, 
and in Fig. 37 they are still broader. 

1 At Rowland Ward’s I was told that the divisions between the polygonal blotches 
were about one inch broad. 



‘But, as soon as the attempt is made to think out the process in detail, we recognise 
that here, too, we know nothing thoroughly, and that it would be uncommonly easy for 
any one who wished to assign the processes of natural selection altogether to the realm 
of phantasy to emphasise this view : for zt zs really very difficult to imagine this process 
of natural selection in its details ; and to this day it is impossible to demonstrate it in 
any one point.’ 

The All-sufficiency of Natural Selection, by Professor AUG. WEISMANN, 
Contemporary Review, September 1893, p. 322. 



THE groups of spots, or rosettes as they are called, which these 
two animals present, are so characteristic that they must have some 
meaning, which hitherto, as far as I am aware, has not been worked 
out, or perhaps not worked out according to what, in my opinion, 
is the true meaning of the rosettes. What can that meaning be? 

The Leopard spots, as we have seen, are merely contractions 
of those of the Jaguar; and may be the Cheetah spots are still 
further contractions and modifications of those of the Jaguar. 

The larger rosettes of the Jaguar consist, as we have seen, of a 
certain space enclosed by a polygonal ring of spots (Fig. 4). The 
space enclosed has either one or several still smaller spots,’ and 
sometimes none; and its colour is often different from the general 
ground colour. 

In Fig. 59 I have given a number of variations of Jaguar and 
Leopard rosettes, and also some groups of Cheetah markings. 

It is perfectly clear to me that in Nos. 10 to 13, and others, a 
fusion of some of the ring-spots has taken place, and a larger irre- 
gular patch has been the result; that in Nos. 3, 4, 5,7 and I4,a 

1 Ordinary Leopard skins sometimes show a few rosettes with specks in the enclosed 


fusion of the whole ring-spots has occurred ; and that in Nos. 1 and 
2 a still further fusion and contraction has resulted, ob/:terating the 

Q © QO | 
6@ oo Pa () 

FIG. 59.—Nos. 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 19, 26, and 30-32 are from Jaguar skins; Nos. 33-35 are 
from Cheetah skins ; all the rest are from ordinary Leopard skins. 

enclosed space. Several of the rosettes indicate transition stages 
towards partial or complete fusion. On the other hand, Nos. 26, 29, 
30 and 31 would indicate a dissociation and tendency to scattering 
of the component spots of rosettes. 


The solid rosettes, Nos. r and 2, and other forms of solid 
rosettes, are to be found mainly along the spine and on the abdo- 
minal surface ; while the dissociated rosettes shown in No. 32 are 
from the shoulder of the Jaguar. For reasons to be seen elsewhere 
I would consider No. 31 as the typical Jaguar rosette from which all 
the other modifications have resulted. The fused ring, when it 
occurs, may be either circular, polygonal, oval, or beaked, as seen 
in Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 7. It will be seen that the enclosed space, 
which is often of a different shade* from that of the general ground 
colour, sometimes contains one or more minute spots or specks, as 
in Nos. 27, 30, and 31. 

Then No. 33 is a group from the flank of a Cheetah in the 
Natural History Museum, No. 34 is from a similar animal in the 
Zoological Gardens, and No. 35 is a group from the haunch of a 
Cheetah in the Science and Art Museum of Edinburgh. 

These rosettes have been taken from various skins, but I think 
most of them can be matched from the skins of Figs. 4-7. 

If the reader would take a pencil and draw outlines of the 
different variations in the rosettes of the skins given, he would be 
astonished with their variableness. Stretching of certain parts of the 
skin might perhaps, as I said, partly account for dissociation, and 
pressure and contraction might cause fusion, but I do not pretend 
to explain how all this occurs. Some idea of the process may per- 
haps be got by stating that in the embryo, while all the parts are 
semi-fluid, the pigment cells attract each other and fuse into bigger 
drops, just as minute discs of oil floating on water would now and 
again fuse into bigger discs if they came in contact, or would 
form groups of discs huddled together, and separated only by a 
capillary film of water. 

This obviously would not account for the fact that, along the 

1 Note this, 


spine, and on the abdomen, the rosettes coalesce into solid blotches, 
while on the flanks and shoulders they do not. This fusion and 
dispersion are evidently under the control of the nerve-centres, 
where modifications originate, and are only made appreciable by 
modified markings on the skin. 

But, really, why the rosettes remain as rosettes on the flanks, 
and why they are dispersed on the shoulders of the Jaguar, while 
they coalesce and form solid blotches along the spine and other 
parts, J am unable to make out. 

Prof. H. B. Orr? says: ‘Any single nervous reaction, in a 
connected and often repeated series, does not disappear the instant 
its original stimulus is withdrawn. It will last for some time after- 
wards under the influence of association with the rest of the series. 
Eventually, however, it must disappear, sooner or later, according 
to the firmness of the association.’ 

In the Jaguar and Leopard it would appear that the nervous 
action is very date in disappearing, although they have been running 
on parallel lines with Lions and Pumas for thousands, and, may be, 
millions of years. They afford us an example of the persdstence 
of influence, although the stimulus may have been withdrawn ages 
ago, while in Lions, Pumas, and others the markings have almost 
wholly disappeared. 

It has been stated * that, at the Marine Laboratory of Plymouth, 
experiments on the under surface of flat fishes have been made by 
means of mirrors reflecting light from below. The under surface of 
the fish first became spotted, then the spots amalgamated, and 
finally the entire under-surface became dark. Photographs of 
the different stages have been taken. 

According to Prof. Lodge, light is electricity, and experiments 

1 A Theory of Development and Heredity, p. 199. 
2 Chambers’s Journal for August 26th, 1893, p. 541. 


may yet teach us a great deal about animal coloration and mark- 
ings. The markings of the Jaguar, however, I think are due, not to 
the action of light,‘but to a totally different cause, as I hope to show. 

Mr. Poulton! considers it proved that the white hair of certain 
Arctic animals is caused by the low temperature of the winter. 
Quoting from Mr. Welch, he says that in the American Hare, on 
the approach of winter, the dark hairs of the old coat turn white, 
commencing either at the tip, the middle, or the base of the hair, 
and that in addition there is a new winter coat coming up of an 
entirely white colour. And at p. 103, Mr. Poulton says that the 
young of the Arctic Hare are born grey, and turn white at their 
first winter. 

All this does not affect the fact that in dappled grey Horses the 
spots are white, in: dappled brown and dun Horses the spots are 
lighter than the ground colour, in roans they are black, and in 
strawberry roans they are bay or brown. Moreover, I have seen a 
grey Horse with tan-coloured spots.? So with many other animals 
that might be quoted. It is clear that in these cases temperature 
can have nothing to do with the difference in coloration, and we 
have to search for other causes to account for the coloration of 
certain animals, and more especially for those extraordinary mark- 
ings we see in the Jaguar, the Leopard, the Cheetah, the Tiger, the 
Zebra, and so many other mammals. 

A study of the rosettes in Fig. 59, and many others that can be 
seen on skins, makes it evident to me that, whatever may be the 
initial atomic nervous influence which produces these variations, 
they result in two sets of modifications, (a) a fuszon of some or of 
all the encircling spots, and often in an obliteration of the enclosed 
space; or (0) a dissociation of the encircling spots, and perhaps 
even a scattering of the enclosed specks. 

1 Colours of Animals, p. 95. ? See Appendix C. 


Between these two extremes, numerous intermediate variations 
of the rosettes occur, as the reader can see for himself. 

I particularly dwell on the markings of the Jaguar, because they 
appear to me to be the typical markings, out of which many others 
we see in various animals have been elaborated or evolved. 

It would be idle to suppose that each separate group of spotlets, 
forming a rosette, was made as it is by a process of natural 
selection. Such a notion would be wholly untenable. All the 
rosettes have a family resemblance, and therefore must have had a 
common origin. Natural selection may have had something to do 
with maintaining the general character of the spotted skin, but it 
could not possibly have had anything to do with moulding the 
outlines of each individual group of spotlets. 

We must therefore look for a cause or causes of these markings 
which, at the same time that they allowed them to vary, stamped 
them with the features of a common parentage. If the Leopards 
have retained (not acquired) their very peculiar markings, so 
different from those of the generality of mammals, it would seem 
to follow that these animals emerged out of some more ancient 
mould with these peculiar marks. Their common family resem- 
blance would point to their being modifications of a still older 
form of rosette, viz. that shown in No. 31, Fig. 59. How then did 
this more ancient form of rosette originate ?—by natural selection 
or what? 

Before I attempt to reply to this question in my own way, I 
would like to show how others have looked at it. 

Dr. Wallace, in Darwinism, p. 288, says that Mr. Tylor! called 
attention to an important principle which underlies the various 
patterns or ornamental markings of animals, viz., that diversified 
coloration follows the chief lines of structure, and changes at 

1 Coloration in Animals and Plants. 


points, such as the joints, where function changes. Mr. Tylor 
says: ‘If we take highly decorated species—that is, marked by 
alternate dark or light bands or spots, such as the Zebra, some 
Deer, or the carnivora, we find, first, that the region of the spinal 
column is marked by a dark stripe ;1 secondly, that the regions 
of the appendages or limbs are differently marked ; thirdly, that 
the flanks are striped or spotted, along or between the regions of 
the lines of the ribs ;? fourthly, that the shoulder and hip regions 
are marked by curved lines; fifthly, that the pattern and the 
direction of the lines or spots change at the head, neck, and every 
joint of the limbs; and lastly, that the tips of the ears, nose, tail 
and feet, and the eye, are emphasised in colour. In spotted 
animals the greatest length of the spot is generally in the direction 
of the largest development of the skeleton.’ 

Then at p. 280, still quoting from Coloration in Animals and 
Plants, Dr. Wallace says that ‘Mr. Tylor was of opinion that the 
primitive form of ornamentation consisted of spots, the confluence 
of these in certain directions forming lines or bands; and these 
again sometimes coalescing into blotches, or into more or less 
uniform tints covering a large portion of the surface of the body. 
The young Lion and Tiger are both spotted ; and in the Java Hog 
(Sus vittatus) very young animals are banded, but have spots over 
the shoulders and thighs. These spots run into stripes as the 
animal grows older ; then the stripes expand, and at last, meeting 
together, the adult animal becomes of a uniform brown colour.’ 

And on p. 290, Dr. Wallace says: ‘So many of the species of 
Deer are spotted, when young, that Darwin concludes the ancestral 
form from which all Deer are derived must have been spotted. 

1 Sometimes it is z/z¢e, as in certain Antelopes, and also in the Kerry breed of cattle. 
® Undoubtedly the markings often cross the ribs, as in the Ocelots and the Viverride, 
the Paca, etc. 


Pigs and Tapirs are banded when young; an imported young 
specimen of 7apirus Baird? was covered with white spots in longi- 
tudinal rows, here and there forming short stripes. Even the Horse, 
which Darwin supposes to be descended from a striped animal, is 
often spotted, as in the dappled Horses; and a great number show 
a tendency to spottiness, especially on the haunches.’ 

Ocelli may also be developed from spots or from bars, as 
pointed out by Mr. Darwin. 

On p. 290, Dr. Wallace also mentions that in certain diseases 
the pigment is destroyed along the course of a nerve and its 

In this connection Mr, Darwin says:1 ‘Three accounts have 
been published in Eastern Prussia, of white and white-spotted 
Horses being greatly injured by eating mildewed and honeydewed 
vetches, every spot of skin bearing white hairs becoming inflamed 
and gangrenous.’ 

Other similar cases are quoted in other animals. 

‘We thus see that not only do those parts of the skin which 
bear white hair differ in a remarkable manner from those bearing 
hair of any other colour, but that some great constitutional difference 
must be correlated with the colour of the hair; for in the above 
mentioned cases, vegetable poisons caused fever, swelling of the 
head, as well as other symptoms, and even death, to all the white 
or white-spotted animals,’ 

Some great constitutional difference must be correlated with the 
colour of the hair. Undoubtedly ; and the starting-point would seem 
to be the electricity of the nerve-centre cells, corresponding to the 
white parts of the skin, acted on electrically by the poison in the 
blood circulating among those central cells. 

No one who has thought on this subject can doubt that the 

1 Animals and Plants under Domestication, vol. ii. p. 331, second edition. 


action of the nervous system influences the pigmentation of the 
skin, and the distribution of the pigments; but the nerves them- 
selves seem to act only as conductors of the changes and influences 
which lie deeper in the cells of the nerve-centres. In electro-plating 
the wires conduct the influence of the action in the battery, and 
the metal is separated from the solution, and is deposited on 
the plate, or is dissolved off again, and returned to the solution 
according to circumstances. So in the pigmentation of the 
skin, the influence of the nerve-centres, acting through the 
nerves, puts on or takes off pigment, and modifies it according to 

Now the action of the nerve-centres depends on the blood, and 
the blood depends on food and physical surroundings. But in 
addition to all these, Aervedity undoubtedly plays a great part in all 
these phenomena. And in order to answer the question I put, we 
have to go back to features of still more ancient animals, which are 
now wholly extinct, viz, of that large class of animals which 
carried arnour plates on their skin, as part of what is called an 

In remote times there were numerous animals protected by 
plate-armour ; some of these have continued as survivals up to our 
time—such as Armadillos, Turtles, Crocodiles, Sturgeons, and many 
other curious fishes. Indeed, if we go lower down in the scale of 
life, we find that the exoskeleton is the only solid part of the 
animal structure, such as we see it in Crabs, Lobsters, and other 

Among armour-plated animals, now extinct, were several known 
species of Glyptodonts, like that shown in Fig. 60, the fossil original 
of which is in the Natural History Museum. 

The armour of these strange animals consisted of either circular 
or many-sided plates, encircled by a rim of smaller polygonal 

‘12H pue uewdeyy ‘sissay jo uorssimsad pury Aq ! yopoydépH y—"og ‘OT 



platelets, like those of Fig. 61 (a), (4), (¢), (g). The form of these 
bone-rosettes varied not only in different species, but also in the 
same individual. 

In the Natural History Museum, besides the Great Glyptodon, 
there are fragments of the carapaces of other species, as shown in 
Fig. 62. 

&@ Ox og 
f EV ve: 0 9 
ag se NGO 

Fic. 61.—Bone-rosettes of various Glyptodonts (reduced) : (2) from carapace of Glypotodon 
asper; (6) from front, and (c) from back of head-shield of ditto (Natural History Museum) ; 
(d) from G. Claviges ; (e) from G. ornatus ; (f, g and hk) from other Glyptodonts in the Royal 
College of Surgeons ; (2) groups of tail plates of a Glyptodont (Natural History Museum). 

Then in the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons there 
are remains of other forms of Glyptodonts, with bone-rosettes 
which perhaps are still more suggestive. In Fig. 61 (a), (e), (/), 
(g), (2), some of these rosettes are shown. 

As these bone-rosettes? are taken from fossil remains, the 
edges of the component plates, and in some cases their surfaces, 

1In the Natural History Museym, the plates of the Carapace of the Glyptodon and 
Armadillo are called ‘ ossification of the derm.’ 


may have become partially eroded. Indeed, in some fragments, 
the platelets are almost wholly defaced, as shown in Fig. 62 (8). 
But I think that any unprejudiced evolutionist will not fail to see 

Fic. 62.—Bone-rosettes from other species: (a) from carapace of Hoplophorus; (6) from 
carapace of A. Megerz ; (c) from fragment of a Hoplophorus (Natural History Museum). 

in them the ‘blocks,’ so to speak, from which the Jaguar got tts 
zmprints | 

Moreover, on the pelvic shield of Polacanthus Foxit, Fig. 63 
(a), the remains of a Stegosaur in the Natural History Museum, 
and on the tail armour of a Hoplophorus, (6) we find armour-plates 


like those on Fig, 61 (g), which assimilate better perhaps with 
the typical Jaguar rosette shown in No, 31, Fig. 59. 
Here I would note that the lumbar shield of Tolypeutes tricincta, 

; C P 
‘ag 8 ' 000 9 
0. be \2. 
ww Be Bh (3 oO 

Fic. 63.—(a2) Armour-plates of Polacanthus Foxii (Stegosauria) (reduced) ; (4) plates from 
the tail of a Hoplophorus (one-third natural size) from Fig. 1164, Nicholson & Lydekker's 
Paleontology, vol. ii. ; (c) plate from Tolypeutes tricincta ; (d) plate from Priodontes Peba. 

an existing Armadillo, is composed of plates like those of Fig. 63 
(c), and those of the Peba Armadillo (Priodontes Peba) are like 
those of (@) of the same figure, both which assimilate with the 

Fic. 64.--(a) Plates from shoulder and lumbar shields of Ta¢wséa Peba, the seven-banded 
Armadillo; (4) plates from the Great Armadillo, Priodontes maximus,—(Natural History 

Museum. ) 

Of course in some of the modern Armadillos the shield plates 
are much altered, but anybody can see that they consist of the 
same elements as shown in Fig. 64 (a). In (4) they are still more 



altered, and not impossibly the rim of each plate in this case is a 
fusion of the ring of platelets of others. 

In Elliot’s monograph of the Fede I met with a very curious 
assimilation between the disposition of plates on the forehead 
shield of an Armadillo, and the disposition of the coloration on the 
forehead of a domestic Cat. The latter forcibly recalls the former. 
Both are shown in the accompanying Fig. 65. 

I have seen this forehead mark in other domestic Cats. Those 
specks which we see on the Jaguar skin, enclosed within the ring of 

Fic. 65.—(a) Mark on the forehead of a domestic Cat (Elliot’s Feé¢d@); the centre is 
brown, edged with black, and surrounded by a light ground; (4) forehead shield of an 
Armadillo, shown under the paw of / Vaguarundi (Ellot’s Feléde). 

spotlets, such as those of Nos. 26 to.28, Fig. 59, may just be the 
modified imprints of the little knobs we see on the hexagonal 
plates of Tolypeutes, a kind of Armadillo (Fig. 66(@)). But recently 
Mr. Lydekker has possibly imparted to these inner specks a speczal 
interest. In No. Io1, new series, of Knowledge, March 1894, Mr. 
Lydekker has described the club-tailed Glyptodont of Argentina. 
Each plate of this animal’s carapace has several fo/es in it, which 
the writer supposes gave passage to spines. Whatever they may 
have given passage to, it strikes me very forcibly that the specks 
in the interior of the Jaguar rosettes, or imprints, as I would call 
them, of ancestral carapacial plates, may possibly be the imprints 

1 T have seen rosettes on a Jaguar (Tring Museum) with as many as séx specks. 


of holes szmzlar to those on the plates of this curious Dedicurus, 
now in the La Plata Museum! 

In past ages there were numerous carapaced animals even as 
low down as the fishes. Although I have been stating that the 
Jaguar and other Cats probably descended from Glyptodontoid 
ancestors, I do not mean that a// the Cats descended from the same 
pair of ancestors, for it is obvious that some may have descended 
from one species, and others from others. Afterwards they may 
have intercrossed, just as they are able to do now. For instance, 
in the Cheetah, the marks are different from those of the Jaguar, 


Fic. 66.—(a) and (2) are from Ostracions in the York Museum ; (c) from another Ostracion, 
an armoured fish ; (d) from pelvic shield of a Tolypeutes, an Armadillo (from Fig. 1161, vol. ii. 
of Nicholson and Lydekker’s Paleontology). 

and in the Horse we see transitions of marks which are like stars. 
Here are some patterns of plate armour for the reader to choose 
from (Fig. 66). 

It may be asked, If other spotted animals have so much altered, 
why has not the Jaguar? Well, somewhat similar questions are 
often asked by women—‘If we came from Monkeys, why do not 
Monkeys zow turn into men and women?!’ The answer is obvious 
to the mind of an evolutionist. The ancestral form, like every 
living thing, must either live or die. If it have endurance in its 
constitution, and is also suited to its surroundings, it will endure 
side by side with the variations which originated from it. In some 


cases it may endure Jeéter, and the variations may become extinct ; 
while in other cases, the variations may endure better, and the 
parent form may become extinct. 

Thus we see Monkeys themselves varied in a hundred ways, 
enduring side by side with man, who possibly originated from the 
Monkey-plane, and they may continue to endure until perhaps they 
become his rivals, and competitors for the consumption of his crops. 

Professor Parker! says: ‘Why such a form as the Glyptodon 
should have failed to keep his ground is a great mystery ; nature 
seems to have built him, as Rome was built, for eternity. His 
exquisite little relative, the Ch/amydophorus, scarcely larger than a 
Mole, has continued as yet to run out of danger, safe in his little- 
ness ; and many other kinds of low-brained mammals have, so to 
speak, the power to make themselves practically invisible.’ 

In another place I have ventured on a speculation which may 
account for the descendants of the Glyptodonts losing their carapace. 

All these armour-plates of existing and extinct animals are 
most suggestive,and I consider them very important elements in 
the interpretation of the rosetting of the Jaguar. 

After the armoured animals lost their skin-stiffening of lime 
deposit,the imprints of armour-plating must have become vastly more 
subject to modification than before, and so we have the endless 
forms of spotting and marking in mammals. After millions of 
generations that have been born since the Glyptodonts, and other 
Armadilloid animals, lost their bone-plates, it cannot be expected 
that the skin should retain the original outlines of plates un- 
changed. The great wonder is that the Jaguar has retained the 
features of its ancestral bone-plates wth so Little modification | 

As an instance of the slowness, under favourable circumstances, 
with which long established characters are got rid of, both from the 

1 Mammalian Descent, p. 94. 


body and from its ruler the brain, the rosettes of the Leopards may 
be quoted. Who can tell how many millions of generations have 
elapsed since the ancestors of these animals and their congeners 
threw off their calcareous carapace, and adopted a masquerade of 
pigment-rosettes instead? Yet to this day this masquerading goes 
on in the Leopards and Jaguars, in their black varieties, as well as 
in the Snow Leopard. They are unable to shake off this pigment 
dress inherited from a calcareous carapace, although their habits 
and customs, their entire skeleton and teeth, have undergone great 

a é 

Fic. 67.—Bone-rosettes from the carapace of the Glyptodon, Natural History Museum, 
(a) partially fused rosettes from front of carapace, (4) distinct rosettes from side of carapace. 

It must not be supposed, however, that bone-rosettes are not 
subject to fusion and other modifications. Fig. 67 (a) shows two 
bone-rosettes with a tendency to approximate and partially fuse ; 
while (6) shows them quite distinct, and are given for comparison. 

Hitherto I have traced the similarity of the Jaguar rosettes with 
the bone-rosettes of Glyptodontoid and Armadilloid animals which 
are also mammals. But chz cerca trova! Strange to say, this 
similarity can be traced much further down in the scale of life, 
and therefore much further back in time. Among the Chelonians 
we seem to find the identical mould from which the Glyptodon 
derived its bone-rosettes. 

The Leathery Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) has thin mosaically 


disposed plates on its carapace which at first sight seem a con- 
fusion of platelets without any order; but further investigation 
reveals on the right side, below one of the longitudinal crests, 
the fact that several of them are disposed in distinct rosettes 

Cale | 
3 aC \ ee . . 

Fic. 68.—(a) Bone-rosettes on the carapace of the Leathery Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) ; 
(4) crested pate of Nile Crocodile, encircled by small plates from right flank ; (¢) crested plate 
of Sturgeon (Accipenser sturio) seen between the larger plates on the spine and flank; all 
from the Natural History Museum. 

exactly like those of the Glyptodon, as shown in Fig. 68 (a). 
Curiously enough, this Turtle is one of those whose carapace is mo¢ 
like that of other Turtles, fused with the spine and ribs. There is 
therefore some suspicion that it may be one of the ancestral forms 
of such mammals as the Glyptodonts, otherwise it would be strange 

1 Specimen in Natural History Museum. 


that the Leathery Turtle should exhibit the identical bone-rosettes 
of the Glyptodon. They are no doubt very much thinner, as if 
they may be either forming or disappearing ; nevertheless, no one 
can doubt that they are the same things, and are produced by the 
same cause, whatever that may be. It is also noteworthy that 
two of the Turtle rosettes show a tendency to approximation and 
partial fusion, like those of Fig. 67. This community of features 
points to the probability of the Glyptodonts having emerged from 
some Turtle-like water-animal. 

Fic. 69.—(a) Group of ornament tubercles on head-shield of Axcephalaspis Paget (Prof. 
E. R. Lankester's Monograph of the Fishes of the Old Red Sandstone of Britain, p. 49). The 
scales have the same character of markings; (4) ornament in polygonal plates tuberculated of 
Hlemicyclaspis Murchisoni, p. 52; (¢) Portion of test or shell of Achinus gracilis (Zoology of 
the Invertebrata, by A. E. Shipley p. 241). 

Then the Nile Crocodile and the Sturgeon show in their armour 
forms of plating similar to the imprints of the Jaguar, as seen in 
Fig. 68 (4) and (c). 

Lower and lower still in the scale of life we meet with the same 
curious pattern in its more primitive form, viz., that ofa central larger 
plate surrounded by a ring of smaller plates or tubercles. I would 
not venture to suggest that the spotting of the Cheetah has any 
relationship with the plates on the test of the Echinus, or with those 
of armoured fishes ; for, if I did, I might be laughed at, and there- 
fore I simply give the markings on these animals in Fig. 69 so that 
the reader may judge for himself. 


(2) Shows the ornamentation on the head-shields of Excephalaspis 
Paget, an extinct Sturgeon-like fish ; (0) shows a plate from Hemz- 
cyclaspis Murchisoni, an extinct animal like an Armadillo; while 
(c) are from the test of an Echinus. 

Then, curiously enough, the Pearly Nautilus in the Natural 
History Museum, on its soft hood exhibits a similar pattern, al- 
though it does not seem to have there any calcareous deposit. The 
soft hood appears to act as an operculum when the cephalopod 
withdraws into its chamber, and therefore may at one time have 
been armoured, 

It would seem preposterous to endeavour to carry on the 
relationship of the Jaguar and Cheetah markings to those on the 
armour of the Cephalaspide,! or the Echini. Yet if we are evolu- 
tionists, and if creation by the method of evolution be true, the 
Echinus and other low forms cannot be left out in the cold because 
such hints as J have made would outrage our feelings! We must 
look upon the markings of certain fishes and of the Echini as 
connected somehow with those of the higher land animals. 

Evolutionists go even further than this, and admit that all 
animal forms on the earth were evolved from the minute pelagic 
forms, many of which are still in existence. The doctrine of 
evolution would teach us that all these phenomena are rather a 
matter of course than mere unexplainable anomalies. 

It does not, I think, require much acumen to see a family 
resemblance between the figures of the Glyptodon’s bone-rosettes 
and the spot-rosettes on the flanks of the Jaguar. Indeed, a glance 
at the back and flanks of Fig. 4 will readily suggest the impression 
of a carapace composed of plates not dissimilar to those of the 
Glyptodon. I do not say that the Jaguar descended from a Glypto- 
don, but I do say that this mammal descended from some extinct 

1 The Cephalaspide were Sturgeon-like ancient extinct fishes. 


animal with a Glyptodonfozd carapace. I repeat that the bone- 
plate rosettes on Figs, 61 and 62 speak to us only too plainly. 
These armour-plates of extinct animals are to my mind the ‘ blocks’ 
which gave the Jaguar skin the impressions of the groups of spots 
or rosettes, much modified in subsequent innumerable generations. 
In other words, the skin, on losing its hard calcareous plates, retained 
somehow an impression of them, which modified the pigmentation, 
where the plates in its ancestors originally stood. Or again, to put it 
more ‘nervously, the action of the nerve-centres which caused the 
deposition of calcareous matter in rosette-form, on the skin of the 
Glyptodonts, continued to act when there was an zusufficient amount 
of calcareous matter in the blood for this purpose: That is, in the 
nerve-centres a sort of memory of former plates remained, which 
expressed itself in pzgments after the calcareous carapace had gone. 
This nervous action then resulted in the deposition of pigments of 
colours different from those of the general skin. In many mammals 
this nervous action dwindled into the deposition of simple spots ; 
in others it fused them into lines and patches, and in some they 
were entirely obliterated, as in the adult Puma and others. 

The intervals between the Jaguar and Leopard rosettes—now 
altered, as I said, through innumerable generations—would seem to 
indicate the sutures between the armour-plate rosettes of some 
ancestral Glyptodontoid animal. 

Of course the skin of the Jaguar is elastic and mobile, and 
stretches readily to adapt itself to the growing animal and to the 
different variations in size which we see in the Cat tribe. Its elas- 
ticity would seem sufficient to account for the broadening of the 
network of sutures which we see everywhere between the Jaguar 
rosettes, and perhaps also for the dissociation of the spotlets which 

1 In the Natural History Museum there is an interesting series of skins of Lacertilia ; 
some have fully ossified scales, others have only vestzges of ossification. 


compose the groups on its shoulders (Fig. 4); and not improbably 
the stretching of the skin might partially account for the charac- 
teristic spotting on the haunch of the Cheetah shown in Fig. 59, 
Nos. 33-35. 

In Fig. 70 (a) I have endeavoured to restore some of the plates of 
the carapace of the Jaguar’s immediate ancestor. Of course this 
restoration is imaginary, but it is suggested by five contiguous 
rosettes on the Jaguar's left flank, behind the shoulder (Fig. 4). 1 

Fic. 70.—(a) Restoration of the rosettes of an imaginary Glyptodontoid ancestor of the 
Jaguar, with closely interlocking plates ; (4) The same in subsequent forms of mammals, 
when the plates may have become dissociated, with intervening flexible skin. 

have shown the plate-rosettes as closely fitting in (2); but imagine 
them to have become somehow dissociated as in (4), from causes 
which I have already discussed, and you have intervening channels 
or commissures of flexible skin, such as we see in the Crocodiles, 
and also between the bands of the Armadillos. These skin com- 
missures are now represented in the Jaguar by the paler ground 
colour reticulated between the rosettes. I have given the imagined 
plates a trapezoid shape, to make them similar to the Jaguar rosettes, 
but the shape of the latter may have become much distorted, as 
indeed we see it in various parts of the Jaguar skin itself. I have 


also given five little specks on each central plate, to assimilate them 
with some of the Jaguar rosettes, but there may have been many 
more, as in the plates of Tolypeutes. 

All this imaginary restoration, however, was hardly necessary, 
as in Fig. 62 (c), which is part of the carapace of a Glyptodont, 
shows an almost zdentical arrangement of bone-rosettes. 

Reference to Figs. 61 and 62 will show how various the 
number of small plates is which encircle the bigger central plate. 
In some cases the inference would be that the smaller plates have 
occurred to completely fill in vacant spaces left by the larger and 
more solid plates, and thus leave no part of the skin unprotected. 
Where great flexibility is needed, as between the bands of Arma- 
dillos, it is obvious that plates would be an encumbrance, and simple 
elastic skin preferable. 

The dissociation of the plate-rosettes, with intervening elastic 
skin, would have admitted of freer movements—a feature of great 
importance in the struggle for existence—than would have been 
possible in the dish-cover solid carapace of a Glyptodont. 

This dissociation of plate-rosettes is not simply a hypothesis, for 
we see it actually occurring on the abdomen of the Great Armadillo 
(Priodontes maximus), which in that region has rows of separate 
rosettes, composed of minute plates, while the carapace is formed 
of bands of squarish plates, with intermediate skin commissures, 
like those shown in Fig. 64 (@). 

It may perhaps be objected, that if the plate-rosettes could be 
dissociated bodily, the component smaller plates could also be dis- 
sociated. Just so, and that is what may have occurred in the ances- 
try from which the Cheetah has descended. Its plate-impressions, 
large and small, though probably much modified, are scattered all 
over its skin. 

1 Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. 


In snakes we see closely fitting scales, but in the Python, and 
in the expanded hood of the Cobra, the scales are scattered over 
the skin, with intervening spaces wéthout scales. So that stretch- 
ing of the skin may have had something to do with the scattering 
of the rosettes, whether as 
dissociated bone-plates or 
dissociated pigment-spots. 

There is another feature 
in the Leopards which is 
worthy of notice. On their 
legs there are transverse 
rows of small spots. These, in my view, are impressions left by 
transverse rows of small plates, not unlike those which we see on 
the legs of an existing Armadillo, shown in Fig. 71. 

Fic. 71.—The Hairy Armadillo (Dasypus vil- 
fosus), Natural History Museum. 

We now begin to get a sort of ‘moral conviction’ that the 
transverse stripes on the legs of Tigers, and other Cats, are due to 
ancestral rows of spots like those on the legs of Leopards, and these 
in turn are due to the fact that their armoured ancestors had scales 
or plates there, szmzarly disposed. 

In the Hairy Armadillo and others no doubt the leg-plates are 
in process of extinction. As the animals can roll themselves up in 
their banded carapace, their leg-plates have become superfluous, 
and are doomed to extinction, 

Taking then everything into consideration, I think it will be 
found difficult to escape from the conclusion that the markings of 
the Leopards are zzherited from ancestral plate-impressions of some 
extinct Glyptodontoid form, and have zo¢ been evolved by a process 
of natural selection. 

It is a wonder to me that in the Jaguar so much likeness to 
ancestral bone-plates still remains as to enable us, through these 
hieroglyphics, to read the story of its descent. But for these 


Jaguars and Leopards, the ever-recurring variations which we see in 
living mammals would have prevented us from deciphering mark- 
ings which are all but universal in mammals, but so strangely 
altered ; for who would have conjectured that the stripes of the 
Tiger had anything to do with an armour-plated ancestral carapace ? 

The very fact of those great Armadillos having become extinct 
may have resulted precisely from the unstretchable nature of their 
bony skins. Their movements must have been hampered to a vast 
degree ; and the great difference between their edentate jaws and 
the jaws of the carnivora is enough to indicate to us the vast 
changes that must have’occurred from the days of the Glyptodonts 
to those of the existing carnivora. 

In another place I have shown that the markings of a large 
number of carnivora are traceable to modifications of the markings 
of the Jaguar. I have also shown that some Horses have rosettes 
(Fig. 56 (@)) not very dissimilar to those imaginary ones of Fig. 70. 
I take the dappling of Horses to mean a fusion of the ancestral 
Horse rosettes ; and the Zebra banding again as a modification of 
the ancestral dappling. Then the rosetting, spotting, and striping 
of the ruminants would be further modifications of the original 
Horse-like vosetting. In the ‘old Giraffe’ we seem to have a fusion 
of a number of rosettes to form the polygonal blotches, with droad 
commissures ; while in the ‘new Giraffe’ of Somaliland, the poly- 
gonal blotches are approximated and the commissures are not so 

Further on I have endeavoured to show cause for the thinning, 
disintegration, and the final disappearance of such massive cal- 
careous carapaces like those of the huge extinct Glyptodonts from 
which all this picture rosetting, spotting, blotching, striping, and 
banding in existing animals, as I think, have come. 

After the exoskeleton was got rid of, the internal skeleton went 


on evolving zudependently of the coloration of the skin, and that 
may be the reason why we find almost identical coloration or 
markings in mammals, with vast modifications in their endo- 

What were at one time solid plates with holes or knobs, became 
later on expressed in simple pigments of different colours to the 
great advantage of the losers of such a stiff and unmanageable 

If it be true that the rosetting of the Jaguar and Leopard origin- 
ated as I have stated in the foregoing pages, the same theory will 
account for the markings of Horses and other mammals, including 
ruminants and more especially Oxen, as testified by the rosette 
markings of the Zebu (Fig. 58). 


Wuite this book was passing through the press, I read in Knowledge of 
January 1895 a paper by Mr. R. Lydekker on the ‘Spots and Stripes in 
Mammals,’ wherein he gives Professor Eimer’s and his own views of the 
origin of mammal coloration, as he does not seem to agree with Pro- 
fessor Eimer. 

Iam sorry to disagree with two great authorities on these matters, but 
Thomas Carlyle’s teaching was this—say what you ¢hzzk, even if you are 
gibbeted for it. 

I cannot make this subject intelligible to the reader without giving 
extracts of some length from Mr. Lydekker’s paper ; and perhaps it will 
be better if I take certain points of his paper one after the other, and try 
to discuss them, as the questions are exceptionally interesting. 

On p. 3 he says :— 

‘These markings generally take the form either of longitudinal or trans- 
verse bands or spots, the latter being frequently arranged in more or less 
distinctly defined longitudinal lines, but * never” in transverse bands.’ 


I think I have shown that both in the Leopard and in the Horse spots 
do not infrequently arrange themselves in fvansverse lines or series. 

P. 4. ‘A similar state of things occurs among wild Pigs, and also in Tapirs, 
from which we are naturally led to infer that in this group of mammals, at least, 
a spotted or striped type of coloration is the “original” or generalised con- 
dition, while a uniformly coloured coat is an acquired or specialised feature, 
and we shall find that this will hold good for other groups.’ 

In my humble opinion—and I have tried to show why I hold this 
opinion—both the s¢riped type of coloration and the uniformly coloured 
coat are derived from the spotted or rosetted types. 

In writing of the Rodents, Mr. Lydekker says (p. 4) :— 

‘A survey of the collection of these animals in a good museum will show 
that, whether the patterns take the form of stripes or spots, the arrangement is 
invariably longitudinal, and “never” transverse.’ 

Now, it is impossible to separate the Rodents from other mammals, and, 
as I have already said, transverse rows of spots and rosettes are not 
uncommon in other mammals. All that we can infer is, that in the 
existing Rodents no species with transverse stripes or spots are found. 
Perhaps this is what Mr. Lydekker meant. 

P. 4. ‘By a splitting-up of a simple spot into a more or less complete ring 
of smaller ones, we have the rosette-like type of ornamentation, as exemplified 
in the Leopard, the Snow Leopard, and the Jaguar. In the two former, the 
ring encloses a uniform light area ; but in the latter the central area generally 
carries one or more dark spots.’ 

I confess Iam unable to accept Mr. Lydekker’s view of the origin of the 
rosette from a splitting-up of a simple spot, for reasons given in Part III. 
T am indebted to Mr. Lydekker himself for a hint of the va/we of those 
interesting ‘one or more dark spots’ in the central area of the Jaguar 

In one of the numbers of Axow/edge he described a strange Glyptodont 
(Dedicurus), with a club tail, in the La Plata Museum. The oles in each 
armour-plate of that singular animal are, in my opinion, the eguivalents of 
the dark spots in the interior of the Jaguar rosettes, a remarkable example 
of which is to be seen in the Tring Museum. 


Then, in the beautiful illustration of the Snow Leopard in Mr. Lydek- 
ker’s paper under discussion, we seem to follow the genesis of the stripes 
on the tail gradually from the rosettes on the haunch of the animal. 
The rosettes are carried on to the base of the tail, and insensibly, by 
flattening and obliteration of the enclosed area, they are converted into 
stripes. So that we have the choice of ¢wo modes of genesis of stripes— 
either, as I have shown, from rows of rosettes, like the twin stripes of 
certain Tiger skins, or from single rosettes, as indicated above. 

P.4. ‘A further development of the ring leads to the so-called clouded 
type, as displayed by the Oriental Clouded Leopard, the Marbled Cat, and the 
American Ocelot. Here the ring becomes enlarged into a large squarish or 
oblong area, enclosing an area of darker hue than the general ground-colour 
of the fur, and bordered by a narrow black line.’ 

In discussing the markings of the Ocelot, I have shown that their curious 
markings result from a fuston of many rosettes disposed in longitudinal 
order, and not from an ex/argement of ‘the ring.’ In the Ocelots it is a 
longitudinal fusion of a number of rosettes ; in the others it is a squarish 
patch, formed, as I think, by the fusion of a group of rosettes into one 
large island. Many modifications may have occurred after fusion, and in 
the Clouded Leopard we have perhaps a transition from this into the 
eventual uniformly coloured coat—a sort of breaking-up of the whole 

The curious part is that in some Ocelots the central dark spots of the 
rosettes are still retained, but they become arranged in line in the centre 
of the longitudinal band, while the amalgamated rings form a black border 
to the scolloped band. 

P. 5. Professor Eimer, ‘as the result of his investigations, laid down the 
following laws :— 

‘Firstly, the primitive type of coloration took the form of longitudinal 
stripes ; secondly, these stripes broke up into spots, retaining in many cases a 
more or less distinct longitudinal arrangement; /¢hzrdly, the spots again 
coalesced, but this time into transverse stripes. And, further, all markings 
disappeared, so as to produce a uniform coloration of the coat.’ 

To this Mr. Lydekker says (p. 5) :— 

‘There ought, if the theory were true in its entirety, to be a considerable 
number of longitudinally striped species among the lowest groups of all. . . 


Professor Eimer makes no distinction between light and dark markings ... . 
nevertheless we may provisionally consider light and dark stripes and light 
and dark spots as respectively equivalent to one another.’ 

I presume that by the ‘ lowest groups of all’ Mr. Lydekker means the mar- 
supials. Biologists look upon these animals as the most primitive types of 
mammals, and therefore the oldest. This, I should say, is a good reason 
for believing that they had, compared with others, a far longer time to 
change in, conformably with surroundings of sorts, and therefore it must 
be a wonder that we meet with amy of them which are marked at all 
with either spots, stripes, or bands. Nevertheless some of the marked 
ones still survive ! , 

This, in my humble opinion, is sufficient evidence that both they and 
the other mammals of superior organisation came from the same marked 

P. 5. ‘The fact that the markings of young Pigs take the form of longi- 
tudinal stripes, whereas in the more specialised Deer, whether young or old, 
they are in the shape of spots arranged in more or less well-defined lines, is, 
as far as it goes, a confirmation of the theory that “spots” are newer than 

My own studies of this interesting question have led me to just the 
opposite conclusion—viz., that spots are older than stripes, and that 
rosettes are the o/des¢ of all markings. 

_ Perhaps too much stress has been laid on the word specialised. 
Although the skeleton may be highly specialised, it does not appear to me 
to follow that the exterior of the animal will march pari Zassu with its in- 
terior. Indeed we know that it does not. For the young and the adult 
of the Puma are both equally specialised, yet the former is spotted, while 
the latter is plain. It seems to me that the exterior of a mammal would 
be more actively influenced by its surroundings of sorts than its interior. 
And so it happens that we find, among so many differently specialised 
orders, survivals of ancient coloration, which occur zz spre of the special- 
isation conformable with the order to which each may now belong. 

With regard to the longitudinal stripe down the back, several views 
seem to suggest themselves as to its origin: (@) It may be an extreme 
contraction of a broadly dark back, such as that of some Squirrels; (4) 
It may be a fusion of the oblong black spots which we see along the 
spine of many Leopards. It may persist longer, for some reason, along 



the spine, when on the flanks, shoulders, and hind-quarters all markings 
have disappeared. ‘The total obliteration of markings we begin to notice 
on the hind quarters and legs of the Quagga. LElither the spinal line, or 
the leg stripes, or both, seem to persist when the body becomes plain. 
Why it should be so, if it is so, I do not know; (¢) I have tried to account 
for this spinal dark line, as a picture-remnant of the dorsal ligament, 
which, in the little Pichiciago, binds the horny carapace to the spinal 

This curious little Armadilloid mammal seems to be a survival of a 
transition stage between the bony-carapaced Glyptodonts and the hairy 
mammals, the former, as I think, having been the fathers and mothers, 
not only of carapaced mammals, but also of a// hairy mammals; and I 
take it the Jaguar presents us- with good evidence of all this. 

But after all this dorsal line may perhaps be of little importance ; for 
any one can see, in the Tiger skins of the furriers’ shops, that, in certain 
specimens, some of the transverse stripes merely meet at the spine, while 
others, after meeting, are conjointly Aro/onged in the direction of the tail. 
What is curious is this: that, in some mammals, this dorsal line is white. 

P. 5. ‘Then again, in the ungulates we have the Zebra-Antelope, the 
Gnus, and the Zebras showing most strongly-marked transverse dark stripes ; 
but we have no dark-spotted forms in the whole order except-the Giraffes ; 
while the only ones with dark longitudinal stripes are young Pigs. And it 
would-thus appear that, although all the animals above mentioned are highly 
specialised species, these transverse stripes and dark blotches must have 
originated de zovo quite independently of the groups in question.’ 

I must humbly beg to differ from all this. I have shown that Horses 
do not unfrequently have dark spots—even one little Donkey had them 
—and that, in the grey-dappled Horse, the white spots are sometimes 
arranged in transverse series of lines. These, by fusion, would give an 
alternation of white and dark stripes. The blotches of the Giraffe assimilate 
with the blotches of the Horse. Then the rosettes of the Zebu of this 
work are almost ¢denzica/ with those of certain dappled Horses. 

As the coloration both of the Giraffe and the Zebra harmonises with 
their surroundings, Mr. Lydekker thinks—p. 6, that, 

‘It is incredible that both types should have been evolved, according to a 
rigid rule from animals marked by dark longitudinal stripes,’ 


That, is from the pr-/mitive markings of Professor Eimet’s theory. Quite go,: 
but, as I have shown, it is not so incredible that both the coloration of 
the Giraffe and of the Zebra, as well as those of the dappled Horse and 
of the Zebu, should have been evolved. from, in my opinion, the oldest 
coloration of all, viz., the vosefées, similar to those of the Jaguar. - 

Mr. Lydekleat -in conclusion says is not improbable that there. 
may be a certain substratum of truth'in Professor Eimer’s theory. 

‘What we may reall the “longitudinal- -spotted- transverse-uniform ” theory of 
coloration, we submit that in its present guise it cannot adequately explain the 
whole evolution of “spots and stripes in mammals.”? 

Mr. Lydekker’s paper on this subject in Anow/dedve is very well worth: 
the attention of students of the coloration of mammals. It is, moreover,: 
accompanied by the most Beauty! illustration ‘of the Snow:Leopard that 
I have -yet seen. 

..Now,. may I be allowed to. put. forth in concluding this P.S. my 
theory:.of the whole question; as succinctly as I.can—as Carlyle might 
have said,—the theory of.a poor ‘simple creature ? e a 

The. Glyptodonts, or other armoured mammals of a sitlae nature, 
were the originals from which all existing mammals, including marsupials, 
descended. eo 

The Jaguar, for some reason or other, has retained the most primitive 
type of coloration, due to the characters of the ancestral armour-p/ates— 
a sort of Aicturation of the carapace, after this had been wholly got rid of. 

All other ‘spotted: mammals—whether longitudinally, or transversely, 
or. diagonally-lare modifications of those of the Jaguar.. 

Then the stripes—whether longitudinal, transverse, or diagonal—are 
fusions of lines of spots or of rosettes. This seems clearfrom the spotting 
of certain Cheetahs, certain Horses, and certain Tigers with twin-stripes. 

The markings of the Ocelots, Clouded Leopards, and Marbled Cats 
are a fusion and modification of groups of rosettes, either longitudinally 
disposed, or grouped in irregular.patches. 

‘The:-piebalding of the Dog’’seems to be made up of fusions and 
aggloniterations of spots, as maybe seen in certain Dalmatian and other 

Then in’ the’ self-coloured ainsi it is evident there is, it some 
reason, a total obliteration of all special marking, although they now and 


again turn up as atavic marks, perhaps by some atomic disturbance of 
crossing in the nerve-centres. 

The curious point is, that white, black, and tan colours are interchangeable 
—why, I donot know. This can be readily seen in the Fox-Terrier. The 
black patches of the one are almost identical with the tan patches of the 
next, The black and tan colours of the one become tan and white 
colours of the next, and so on. Evén the tan spots over the eyes have 
been known to change into white spots. So that it is no wonder that we 
see black spots or stripes in one order of mammals changing into modified 
white spots, or modified white stripes, in another order of mammals. 

The interchangeableness of these three colours, with variations in the 
shades of the tan, can be seen in many other mammals, both domesticated 
and wild. 

Lastly, when all vestiges of rosetting, spotting, or striping have dis- 
appeared, as in self-coloured mammals, there may remain a vestige of the 
ancestral carapace as a whole, without any vestige of the separate plates. 
This I take to be the meaning of the dar colour of the dorsal and flank 
regions, as contrasted with the abdominal coloration, which I take to be a 
vestige of the ancestral uxarmoured surface. The contrasted colours may 
be black, tan, brown or white (brown being a combination of tan and 

That curious flank band which some mammals have, clearly seen in 
certain Squirrels, may possibly be a vestige of the receding carapace in 
process of total obliteration, and the different contrasted colours may in- 
dicate the different ages of partially unarmoured surfaces—that is, the 
abdominal colour would indicate the oldest unarmoured surface, the 
flank band a later unarmoured surface, and the dorsal colour the latest of 
all; The origin of this flank band is, however, not so clear to my mind 
as the other parts of this theory. I think we will find it impossible to 
account for every line, or band, or spot in the coloration of mammals, 
because the modifications in their coloration have been very great. 

' We cannot call the whole self-coloration as the youngest of all, for 
there may have been selfs among marsupials very much earlier than 
among other orders. Each group of mammals should, | think, be studied 
by itself, with an eye to its descent from some sort of carapaced ancestor. 

It is a marvel to me that so much has been left to us of these hiero- 
glyphics in which ancestral characters had been written, and that they 


have been so stamped in the nerve-centres that even time has not 
succeeded in wholly defacing them ! 

It is a marvel to me also that marsupials, being the oldest mammals, 
have anything left on their exterior to give any indication of their descent 
from, as I think, the common stock of avmouved mammals ! 

Of this there cannot be much doubt. Armoured vertebrates—-Fishes, 
Saurians, Chelonians, Glyptodonts, etc., formed, at one time of the earth’s 
history, a vast portion of its inhabitants. 

In the Royal Natural History, vol. iii. p. 64, indication is given of 
the existence in former times of some sort of armoured Dolphins. Under 
extinct Cetacean-like animals—Zeuglodonts, it says, ‘So far as they can be 
determined, the general characters of these Zeuglodonts are such as we 
should expect to find in an ancestral group of Cetaceans; but it is 
remarkable that the body appears to have been protected by an armour of 
bony plates,’ (!) 


‘Nothing impresses the stamp of truth upon an hypothesis more than the fact that its 
light renders intelligible not only those facts for the explanation of which it has been 
framed, but also other and more distantly related groups of phenomena.’ 

; a Professor WEISMANN, Ox Heredity, p. 336. 



THERE is yet another important feature in the coloration of animals 
which, if I have rightly interpreted it, will further support the 
theory I have been advocating in the foregoing pages—viz., that 
the markings of Leopards, Horses, Zebus, Giraffes, etc., etc., are 
due to the plate-armour of remote ancestors. 

In these pages, however, I shall deal with mammals which may 
have no vestige of ancestral rosetting, but only a great contrast of 
surface coloration. 

It has been maintained by some that the backs of certain 
animals are darker than their abdominal surfaces, because their 
backs are more exposed to light. 

I do not know whether this is true of all fishes. Recent experi- 
ments would tend to show that light, as an electric agent, has some- 
thing: to do with the darkening of the skin of fishes. 

I do know, however, that this is not true of many mammals. A 
few examples will clear this misconception. 

The family of the Badgers and allied species affords a number 
of examples of black uzder parts, and either white or light-coloured 
upper parts; and most of these are nocturnal animals, so that we 
cannot consider their contrasts of coloration as having had much to 
do with a natural selection origin, by way of warning colours. 


Then in the Natural History Museum we find that Propzthecus 
coguerelt has the front of all four legs brown, and the posterior of the 
legs and back of the body wholly white; that P. coronatus is brown 
on the abdomen and white on the back ; that P. Edwardszz is dark 
brown everywhere except the posterior half of the back, which is 
white; that Varesta varia is black on the abdomen and front of 
legs, and yellow-brown on the back. 

‘Further, the Egyptian Zorille or the parti-coloured Weasel has a 
white back, striped longitudinally with intense black, and its ventral 
surfaces and legs are black. 

These might be sufficient to prove that light cannot be the 
cause of this difference in the colorations of the upper and lower 
surfaces of mammals. But if, in addition, we take that large class 
of mammals, which have a dark back and a lighter-coloured abdo- 
men, we shall find that, in many cases,—such as in the Gazelles, the 
Black Buck of India, the black-backed Jackal of S. Africa, etc.,— 
there is a distinct and very sharp line of demarcation, along the 
flanks, between the two colours. This sharp line of demarcation 
alone would be wholly opposed to the theory under review, for 
there is no known property of light by which such a result could 
be produced on the flanks of these animals. Moreover, the front 
aspect of the legs of these animals is in most cases darker than the 
hind aspect ; and we cannot suppose that the sun rays always beat 
upon the legs from the front. It is obvious that in walking away from 
the sun the Azzd aspect would be more lighted! The same objec- 
tion can be brought against this view, in the case of those Antelopes 
which have patches of white either in front or behind, and which 
Dr. Wallace would call ‘recognition marks. Then what shall we 
say.of all those Antelopes and Deer which, on a dark ground, are 
either spotted or striped with white? Why have these white marks 
not been obliterated by the light? 


What I have said is enough, I think, to prove that this light 
theory is wholly untenable, at least as far as mammals are con- 

The reader might however say, Have you any other theory to 
substitute for the light theory ? 

Yes, I have, and it is this: I have endeavoured to show that 
the spots and stripes of mammals are in many cases pictures of 
ancestral armour-plates, modified subsequently in hundreds of ways 
in some, or wholly obliterated in others. ; : 

Well, the same theory of descent from armour-plated aacesly 
will explain why there is on the flank of many animals that sharp 
line of demarcation between the dorsal and the ventral colouring. 
That sharp longitudinal line indicates the margin of the ancestral 
carapace, as we see it in the Armadillo, the Glyptodon, the Pango- 
lin, and others. 

Curiously enough, the little Armadillo of Argentina (Chlamy- 
dophorus truncatus) has its armadilloid armour sharply truncated 
posteriorly, and its rump is patched up by a differently plated 
perpendicular shield. This curious appendage, according to my 
view, might perhaps account for that white patch which so many 
ruminants have behind, the line of demarcation between the dark 

1 T am aware that in the cases of peaches, apples, pears, etc., light colours their cheeks, 
and I have seen a peach, partly shaded by one leaf, not acquire colour under the leaf. 
But I am also aware that round the stone of certain peaches there is the same red colour 
we see on their cheeks, while the intermediate thickness (sarcocarp) is either white or 
yellow, and this central redness could not be produced by light in its ordinary sense. 
Then there are the purple aubergines, which acquire their intense colour also on the 
shaded sides. And I have been informed by a noted horticulturist that he has seen 
the black Hamboro’ grape beautifully coloured when the roof of the house was almost 
wholly shaded by the leaves. He also told me‘that he has seen the red seakale and the 
red rhubarb grown in total darkness, and the tips of their leaves nevertheless always 
acquire a red tinge. Moreover, we do not see the sweet-water grape colour, although grown 
outside and fully exposed to light. I think if we substitute electricity for light, acting on 
certain chemical ingredients, we may perhaps be nearer the right explanation. 


back and light-coloured rump being very sharp. It might mean 
that the ancestors of those ruminants 4ad that rump shield, and 
that it was got rid of earder than the dorsal carapace, and thus a 
sharp contrast of coloration was inherited in consequence. There 
is an alternative supposition, for in some Armadillos we find that 
the carapace stops short of the tail, and leaves a bare space 
between the tail and posterior margin of the carapace, and this 
fact may remain recorded in the ruminants and others that have a 
white patch behind. It would seem to mean only a continuation 
of the unarmoured ventral surface. 

Among the animals that are so patched behind are the 
Siberian Roebuck (Capreolus pygargus), Wapiti Deer (Cervus 
Canadensis), Pronghorn (Axntilocapra Americana), Bonte-bok 
(Damalis pygarga), Sable Antelope (Azppotragus niger), Scemmer- 
ing’s Antelope, and several others. It may be quite true that 
animals now make use of these white patches as ‘ danger: marks,’ 
and ‘recognition marks, but their origin is I think explained 
by the abruptly truncated dorsal armour of some ancestral form. 
In the ‘Pichiciago’ Armadillo of Argentina, the vacant space 
is covered by an additional rump-shield, but in others it might be 
absent, as we indeed see it in several other varieties of Armadillo. 

In this connection I would mention that in the Natural History 
Museum there is an interesting and very suggestive preparation 
of this little Armadillo. It has no calcareous or bony carapace— 
but only the epidermic horny shell of one. Under this horny shell 
there is a hairy coat as in other animals. The curious part is, that 
the horny shell is attached to the true skin by means of a thin 
ligament all along the spine. This latter feature may perhaps 
give us a clew to the interpretation of that spinal dark or white! 

1 The Kerry breed of cattle are black, with a white streak down the back, and 
sometimes another along the belly.—(Roy. Mat. Aist., vol. ii. p. 168.) 


stripe which so many animals present. This may perhaps be a 
vestige of the attachment of this dorsal ligament in some ancestral 
form, during the ¢vansztion between the stage of plate-armour and 
the stage of hair-covering. The spinal dark or white stripe of 
certain animals might indicate that the general colour of the surface 
altered earlzer than the spinal surface, and therefore had time to 
become contrasted in colour. I will not however press this point, 
should the reader think it preposterous. It may be looked upon 
as a mere suggestion. 

My contention is that the differently coloured dorsal and flank 
regions of certain animals, as contrasted with the coloration of the 
abdominal surface, is a vestige of the ancestral armoured carapace, 
the sharp line on the flank indicating its margin, while the white, 
or differently coloured abdomen, as in the Badger, the Egyptian 
Zorille, and others, would indicate the wzarmoured ventral surface 
of the ancestral forms. The origin of the white patch behind 
would fit into this theory, and would indicate the truncated 
posterior margin of some ancestral carapace, 

In studying the Armadillo, we find that the abdomen, legs, and 
under surface of the head and the throat are almost denuded of 
scales, and much more so are the hind-legs of Kappler’s Armadillo. 

Then in some Pangolins, we also find that the under surface of 
the head, the throat, the inner aspect of the legs, and the abdomen, 
are devoid of scales. 

It can readily be understood that scales on those parts would 
prevent the animal from rolling himself up for defence. The loss 
of scales in those parts, while it gave him greater freedom of move- 
ment, enabled him to roll himself up, and protect those unarmoured 
surfaces, just as a Hedgehog would do. 

Now in the Black Buck (Antilope cervicapra), instead of 
armoured and unarmoured surfaces, we find simply contrasts of 


coloration in homologous surfaces, viz., the forehead and nose, the 
body and outer aspect of the legs, and upper surface of the tail are 
black, and the under surfaces, corresponding with the unarmoured 
surfaces of the Pangolin, are whzte. This, in my judgment, means 
that the ancestor of the Black Buck lost its armour on what are now 
white surfaces Jong before it lost it on what are now dark surfaces, 
so that those had the opportunity of having their pigment 
modified, and so becoming contrasted by the time the descend- 
ants wholly lost their armour. And the only thing now left to tell 
the tale of ancestral armour in many animals is solely this contrast 
of coloration, which in certain animals still remains, as a survival of 
a feature which in remote times may probably have been gezeral. 

In the Horse, through innumerable selections, this contrast of 
upper and lower surfaces has been mostly extinguished, although 
Horses of a brownish colour are often met with which have the 
lower surface much lighter than the upper. But it is in the coster- 
monger’s Donkey that a great contrast is visible between the dark 
back and flanks and white abdomen. In black-and-tan Dogs the 
contrast between the two surfaces is very marked; and there are 
variations in which the contrasted colours of the Dog are tan and 
white, or black and white. 

It is not improbable that as time goes on all traces of contrast 
derived from armoured and unarmoured surfaces may disappear, 
unless maintained for special purposes, either by natural or artificial 
selection, or unless reversions to ancestral colourings occur. 
Among domestic animals this obliteration has already largely 
occurred, In wild animals we see this obliteration in the Lion, the 
Puma, the Hare, certain Deer,? and others. 

1JIn the domestic Dog we see how readily the hair pigment is modified, even in one 
generation, from black to tan, and from black or tan to white. 

* The young of the Wapiti Déer is spotted, while the adult has no trace of spots. 
—Cervus Canadensis, Science and Art Museum, Edinburgh. 


Some Horses, as I said, show a light-coloured abdomen and 
inner aspect of legs, but this is not common. Usually the lighter 
colour is very partial, and nothing like what it is in the domestic 
Ass, or the Black Buck. See Grevy’s Zebra, fig. 52. 

Dr. Wallace, I think, is partly right and partly wrong, when he 
says that the Rabbit has acquired the white colour on the under- 
side of its tail by natural selection, so that it might use it as a 
danger-signal. In my judgment it got the white colour by 
inheritance from a remote ancestral wxarmoured surface, the white 
colour being a vestige of that; while it may have acquired the 
habit of turning up its tail, and showing the white banner, through 
natural selection. We know, too, that other animals, under the 
excitement of fear or anger, cock up their tail, so that it is no 
wonder the Rabbit should do the same. The survival of those that 
could perform this social function would follow as a consequence. 
The Rabbit is a defenceless and timid animal. For its safety it has 
to depend on its large ears, in addition to the faculty of running 
into. holes when its ears declare that possible enemies are about ; 
and turning up its white surfaced tail, when running home in the 
uncertain light of the dusk, may be a very useful way of showing its 
associates which way the holes lie. 

This theory I am advocating will also explain why the front or 
exterior aspects of all the legs of many animals are so often, 
especially in Gazelles, differently coloured from the posterior or 
inner aspects. Naturally the front and outer aspects of the limbs, 
which received the brunt of the enemy’s attacks, would have been 
differently armoured from the posterior and inner aspects. This is 
the state of things in certain Pangolins, for instance. Something 
may perhaps also be due to the likelihood of there being only a 
limited amount of armour-material in the blood, and only those 
parts which urgently needed protection could be supplied with it. 


The reader should understand that, as in the case of spotting, 
innumerable modifications have occurred, through which, in many 
cases, the sharp line of demarcation, between the ancestral armoured 
and unarmoured surfaces, has been toned down into a graduated 
passage from the dark dorsal to the light ventral colouring. 

This theory, however, should not be driven too far, for it will 
not account for every single hair that may be differently pig- 
mented ; but I think it will account for the general colouring and 
spotting more satisfactorily than the older light theory. Then 
human selection of animals under domestication, and natural 
selection of animals in a wild state, will account for the vast 
number of modifications we see in the coloration of animals. 

I would ask the reader to glance at Fig. 72. Nothing, to my 
mind, can be plainer than the tale its coloration and spotting 
suggest regarding its descent, in spite of the great modification its 
legs and its digestive apparatus have undergone to fit it for 
surroundings totally different from those of its ancestors. Its 
partially edentate upper jaw seems to tell:a similar story. This 
Deer would seem to say, ‘My spots are the vestiges of ancestral 
armour-plating, and that fringe you see on my flank is the vestige 
of the fringe of differently-shaped plates which form the margin ot 
the Glyptodon’s carapace.’ 

No one could look at the picture of Aelhvora Indica in Mr. 
Blanford’s Mammalia of India (Fig. 46), without seeing in its well- 
defined grey back a strong resemblance to a carapace; and the 
picture-carapace of Putorius sarmaticus (Fig. 41), is still more 
striking, as its vestigial carapace still retains the vestigial spotting 
of its ancestral bone-rosettes. 

Even the sheep in the London parks seem to tell you, ‘My 
fleece is the substitute of my ancestor’s carapace. In those days, 
my ancestor’s face, ears, hands, and feet, were unarmoured, and now 


the hair ¢kere is short, and ‘of a different colour from my fleece—: 
that is either white, brown, or black. My relative the Wolf, who 
in former days was my enemy, is now my friend and caretaker. He’ 

FIG. 72,—A Spotted Deer, from a photograph, C. R. 1393., 

too in his “fleece” shows distinct evidence of our common 
ancestor’s carapace.’ 
If we turn to the White-backed Skunk, a good picture of which 
is given in the Royal Natural History, vol. ii. p. 76, we find 


similar contrasts. The peculiarity of its contrasted coloration, the 
writer says, is regarded as belonging to the class of so-called 
‘warning colours.’ Mr. Poulton observes that such warning colours 
would seem ‘to benefit the would-be enemies rather than the con- 
spicuous forms themselves. ... . But the conspicuous animal is 
greatly benefited by its warning colours. If it resembled its 
surroundings, like the members of the other class, it would be 
liable to a great deal of accidental or experimental tasting, and 
there would be nothing about it to impress the memory of an 
enemy, and thus to prevent the continual destruction of individuals. 
The object of warning colours is to assist the education of enemies, 
enabling them to easily learn and remember the animals which are 
to be avoided,’ 

There cannot be much doubt that an animal possessed of such 
a coloration and character, and also of such ‘nauseous and irritat- 
ing artillery,’ as has been described, would be avoided, when its 
means of defence had become known. But we cannot in any way 
admit that it is its ‘stinking secretion’ which has caused this ‘ con- 
trast of coloration.’ The animal itself no doubt has learnt that it 
is not attacked, and this accounts for its ‘indifference to the pres- 
ence of other creatures ’ which is said to be ‘ one of the most striking 
characteristics of this animal and its congeners.’ Therefore the 
contrast of coloration between the white upper surface and crown, 
and the black under surface and face, must be attributable to some 
other cause. 

When the plan of coloration of this Whzte-backed Skunk became 
once established by hereditary influences, it began to change like 
everything else, wzless it were maintained by natural selection, 
through the action of the surroundings, as has happened in the 

case of the Leopards; and this change we see, further on, in a 
brother Skunk. 


We can understand that an animal something like a Pangolin, 
when it got rid of its armour, and when hair was substituted for it,— 
as indeed we see has occurred in the little Pichiciago—the hair 
covering remained under the same nervous influences which by 
habit its ancestors possessed when they “ad back-armour ; and in 
all probability the contrast of coloration of the hair of some of. 
the descendants is caused by the same nervous influence. 

As a matter of fact we find that another animal, which we 
might say is a drother of the Skunk we have been discussing, has 
not this conspicuous warning coloration, although it possesses a 
similar ‘nauseous artillery.’ This Common Skunk (so different from 
the White-backed Skunk) has a black or blackish body, and ‘although 
there is a great amount of individual variation, the white markings 
usually take the form of a stréak’ on the forehead, a spot on the 
neck, and two stripes running down the back. . . . In some cases 
the white stripes do not extend beyond the neck, so that the back 
is entirely black,’ 

In the Common Skunk, it would seem, the change of colour has 
gone on to such an extent as to leave nothing but mere vestiges of 
its ancestral carapace-like whzte back; and therefore the theory 
of warning colours having been caused by ‘ mephitic’ influences 

It can be readily understood that possible enemies who may 
come within the sphere of its effluvium don’t require to see any 
warning colours, they can self the animal from a long distance, 
and would naturally leave a good space between him and them ; 
so that the ‘ mephitic’ warning may continue without the so-called 
warning colours. 

One can hardly contemplate the Black-backed Jackal of South 
Africa in the Zoological Gardens and not think its sharply defined 
back related to an ancestral carapace. The Dingo of Australia has 


similar markings, but the black on its back is less marked. Very 
probably, either the one or the other has given our black and tan 
domestic Dogs their distinctive coloration, which, in some varieties, 
becomes fan and white. These and many others, in my opinion, 
owe that particular feature to an ancestral carapace, although the 
separate spots—vestiges of bone-rosettes—may have wholly dis- 
appeared ; they still persist, however, in the Dalmatian breed of 

I have seen a curiously marked Toy Terrier of the black-and-tan 
breed. Its back was grey and sharply defined like that of a Badger, 
and it was blotched and striped with black. And in the Natural. 
History Museum there is a tiny Cheetah from the Cape which is 
also curiously marked. Its back is grey like that of a Badger, and 
the other parts are spotted. It is impossible to contemplate these 
reversions without thinking that they must have a deeper meaning 
than that of being simply accidental. 

At the risk of wearying the reader with repetitions, let us now 
try to recapitulate briefly the whole process, and endeavour to form 
a clear conception of how these phenomena could have been 
brought about. 

First, we must assume that natural selection, as indeed is 
admitted by modern biologists, must have had a great deal to do 
with evolving, from previous modes of armour, with the help of 
congenital variations, the forms of carapaces we see in the Glypto- 
donts and Armadillos with plate-rosettes. The congenital varia- 
tions in the plates of carapaces were presumably brought about 
by changes in the central nerve-action. This action we as yet do 
not understand, any more than we understand how thought is 
evolved from it. There can be no doubt however that in the 
higher animals it is all-important, and governs everything. 

This original nerve-action, however caused, by which a rosetted 


carapace was elaborated, became confirmed by ages of usefulness. 
In other words, the nerve-centres acquired the addt of acting 
that way. 

Then when, from whatever cause, the calcareous matter of the 
exoskeleton disappeared, the nerve-centres continued that same 
action, which resulted in pigment pictures of the ancestral plate- 
rosettes on the supple and elastic unarmoured skin. This is not 
all, for the margin of the carapace was also pictured by contrast of 
colour between the upper (ancestrally armoured) and the lower 
(unarmoured) surfaces ; the margin remaining pictured even when 
all traces of rosetting had disappeared. 

Then innumerable further modifications in the atomic constitu- 
tion of the nerve-centres, in which natural selection no doubt has 
played a great part, have resulted in all the varied colorations of 
mammals we see. 

Of course it is impossible to say what atomic changes in the 
nerve-centres produce a dark back and a light abdomen in some, 
or a light back and dark abdomen in others, any more than it is 
possible to make out why one animal turns out albino, and another 
_melanoid, or why in one very dark grey Horse, with only few 
-vestigés of spots, its mane and tail were pure white. 

Some might perhaps fancy that they account for changes in 
coloration by saying, ‘Oh! that is an a/bzno,’ or ‘that is a case of 
melanoid variation. But this in no way explains its cause any 
more than if one said it is a ‘ whitino, or a ‘blackino’! We are 
at present wholly unable to say why, in a litter of black-and-tan 
puppies, one comes out wholly tan, or tan and white; or why, in a 
litter of tan puppies, one comes out wholly black, or wholly white. 
All we can say is that these phenomena do occur. 

This we may say; in the Jaguar these changes of colour occur 
in the components of the rosettes themselves. What I conjecture 


was ancestrally a big central plate is now in the rosette of the 
Jaguar a brown patch; and what were the encircling platelets are 
now dlack spots, or a fusion of them forming a black ring, the whole 
rosette being of a different colour from the general fawn colour of 
the inter-rosette spaces. These three distinct colorations, well 
marked in the Ocelots, suggest atomic Jocalised differences in the 
nerve-centres. of which at present we know nothing. 

Why in the Cats the spots are black, and in the Deer they are 
white, I am unable to say. I find it also impossible to determine 
whether the grey dappled Horse is an albinoid variation of the 
brown dappled Horse, or the latter is a melanodd variation of the 
‘former. I must leave such questions for others to answer who 
may know more about the matter than I do. 

All I am here concerned with is, that there zs in many animals 
a sharp line of demarcation between the colouring of the back and 
that of the abdomen, and this I attribute to ancestral differences of 
armoured and unarmoured surfaces. 

No one who is imbued with the principle of evolution can 
contemplate the skin of the Jaguar in Fig. 4 without saying, 
Yes; the whole thing is a picture of armour-plating. This is not, 
however, all, for that skin, in the different mode of rosetting be- 
tween the dorsal and the ventral surfaces, and in the difference of 
general coloration between the upper and lower parts, gives also 
evidence, at least to my mind, that the lower lost their armour 
before the upper parts. 

This theory does not attempt to account for the variations of 
nerve-centres. Those must be relegated to congenital causes we 
-do not yet sufficiently understand, and perhaps to the action of the 

In another part I shall endeavour to show that armoured 
mammals must have been originally and ancestrally armoured all 


over, that is, dorsally and ventrally, like the extinct Ganoids and 
existing Crocodiles ; and that in dispensing with their armour they 
first lost it on their ventral aspect, and second, and much later, on 
their dorsal aspect also. 

At the risk of seeming tedious, I repeat that this, in my opinion, 
is the reason why so many mammals present a distinct contrast 
between the coloration of their dorsal and ventral aspects with a 
sharp line of demarcation between the two. Of course later on 
there may have been a fusion of the two distinct colorations, and 
all traces of demarcation wholly obliterated. Examples of this 
obliteration are seen every day among Horses, Dogs, etc. 


‘We can only say generally, with Darwin, that selection works by the accumulation of 
very slight variations, and conclude from this that these ‘‘ s/ight variations” must possess 
selection-value. To determine accurately the degree of this selection-value in individual 
cases is, however, as yet impossible.’ 

The All-sufficiency of Natural Selection, by Professor AUG. WEISMANN, 
Contemporary Review, September 1893, p. 322. 


Is there any tangible evidence to prove that skin-spotting is 
often the result of ancestral armour-plating ? 

To answer this question we have to take a wider view of 
vertebrate animals. 

There is a great number of existing animals, which now have 
only a partial and scattered armour, evidently a mere vestige of 
a more complete and closer fitting ancestral armour. 

The partial or complete disappearance of the bony plates of 
the exoskeleton, from whatever cause, not unfrequently leaves spots 
or other marks on the skin, in their stead, as records, so to speak, 
of what had gone before. 

I shall give only a few instances from fishes, which can be seen 
in the Natural History Museum and in other records. 

A Ray-fish with a whip tail, labelled Urogymnus asperrimus, has 
a broad carapace, from head to tail, studded with closely-set plates 
of two sizes, viz., large stellar and spinose plates, encircled by minute 
tubercular platelets, the tail being wholly encased in similar plates. 

Then an allied Ray-fish (a sting ray) from the Australian waters, 
Trygon tuberculata, has only scattered spinose plates on its head 
and sides, and a complete spinal line of similar plates, running into 
‘the tail, which is also covered with spinose plates. — 

Of another allied species, also from the Australian waters, 


Trygon brevicaudata, there are two specimens, (a) with a smooth 
skin, seven plates on dorsum of tail, and minute scattered plates 
on other parts of the tail; (4) also with a smooth skin, but with 
several sfots on both sides, and only eleven plates on dorsum 
of tail besides other minute tail-plates. 

This series of fishes is very instructive, and there is no good 
reason to doubt that in the latter the spots are partial vestiges of 
the more complete armour of Urogymnus asperrimus. The back- 
armour and tail-armour of the latter would lead us on, in the course 
of ages, to the huge carapace and curious tail-armour of the 

There are many spotted Sharks, and the spinous Shark (Echzn- 
orhinus spinosus Gmelin)+ is dotted with spinous plates, some 
isolated, others confluent in groups. It seems probable that these 
are only vestiges of an ancestral and more complete carapace. 

Then there is another fish in the Natural History Museum which, 
in this connection, is very instructive. It is the Servanus gigas of 
Muscat. It is a large scaly fish in one of the middle cases. The 
horny scales of fishes can only be considered as a modification of the 
bony armour-plates, like those of the bony Pike and extinct Ganoids. 
Well, the large body scales of this Serranus have each a black dab, 
On the cheeks of the fish? the scales become thinner and thinner, 
and almost amalgamated with the skin, each scale still retaining 
the black dab. Then on the lips of the fish the scales disappear, 
but the black dabs or spots remazz. 

Of course the spots in this case are not exactly identical in 
genesis with those of the Jaguar skin, unless we suppose that the 
Glyptodontoid ancestors of the latter, besides their bony plates, 
had also a corresponding set of horny plates, like those of Arma- 
dillos, and spotted analogously to the spotting and marking of the 

1 Science and Art Museum, Edinburgh. ? Technical terms are here unimportant. 


carapace of certain land Tortoises. The black dabs on the scales 
of Serranus are as distinct from the skin as the ocelli in the 
Peacock’s feathers, yet where the scales are 
suppressed, the dlack dabs remain. 

A striking example of stamps remaining 
on the skin after plate-armour has disappeared 
is to be seen in Serranus hexagonatus All 
over the surface it has hexagonal markings 
independent of the scales. These markings 
forcibly recall the hexagonal armour-plates 
of the Ostracions. Then Serranus Merra has 
the marks passing into confluent blotches, 
while S.. Sonneratit, Pl. vii., Fig. 1, has similar 
hexagonal marks, but only on the fore part 
of the body and head, being totally obliter- 
ated on the rest of the body. 

The singular markings of these species 

of Serranus are quite paralleled by the 4, ick ot Seetites 

markings of the fully dappled and the sauwrus Harrisoni, as re- 
a : stored in Hutchinson’s 

partially dappled Horses. Extinct Monsters, pl. 8. 
Then in the York Museum I found an 

Ostracion, with plates shown in Fig. 66 (4). They were marked 

with six dark spots. Well, this fish on its tail had no plates, ut 

only the black spots. 

“Then if we look at the. back of the Dinosaur, with rows of 
detached plates along its spine, as restored by Mr. Hutchinson 
(Fig. 73), we shall see that if the plates disappeared, rows of spots 
might be the result, like those along the back of certain Leopards. 

I know that there are puzzlers among the markings of fishes, 
such as. the Leopard markings of Zrygon uarnak, and the Giraffe 
a Fishes of India, by Francis Day, PI. ii., Part. 1. Fig. 3. 


markings of Murena tessellata, and others, but one cannot be 
expected to tackle the whole of creation at once, and the interest- 
ing spottings and markings of fishes must be left for some future. 
investigation. By that time experimenters on the spotting of. 
lower animals may perhaps be able to give us something definite 
as to their cause. 

This I know, that, even in plants, hairs or spines are often 
accompanied at their base with spots, and when the hairs disappear 
the spots remain. Here are a few instances: Begonza argenteo- 
guttata has spotted leaves, and each spot has a hair, which is the 
plant armour, while in Begonza Rex the leaves are piebald, that is, a 
number of spots have become confluent. Some varieties of this 
remain haired all over, while others have lost their hairs. Then 
in Begonia maculata the spots remain, but the hairs are suppressed. 

The deposition of dermal plates in animals undoubtedly 
depended on heredity, the action of nerve-centres, and an available 
supply of lime-salts, so that, as I have stated further on, when the 
plates ceased to be developed, from a deficiency of lime-salts in the 
blood, the nerve-centres, still continuing their influence, would have 
brought about changes in the pigmentation, which now, in certain 
cases, picture the plates themselves. 

The main evidence, however, of the Jaguar and Leopard 
having descended from plate-armoured ancestors is in the resem- 
blance of their pigment-rosettes to the plate-rosettes of those 
extinct mammals;! the same nerve-action which gave rise 
to bone-rosettes was certainly equal to produce pigment- 
rosettes, from which the hairs grow. That hairs will often grow 
as soon as there is a part of the skin free from plates is sufficiently 
proved by the Hairy Armadillo, and some of its congeners. 

‘In the Tring Museum, as already mentioned, there is a Jaguar which, on the flanks, 
has very large polygonal rosettes with sazzy (from one to six) spots in the enclosed space. 


Indeed, Professor Parker! has shown that in the embryo of the 
Pangolin the scales are nothing but matted hairs, and the inter- 
vening spaces are also covered with hairs, so that the substitute for 
bone and horn armour, in mammals, seems to be hair or wool. 

The description of spotting phenomena in animals by words is 
a feeble thing compared with illustrations by photography, but to 
photograph every modification would require a library, and not 
one book. 

The general colouring of a mammal is of little importance, 
because we know that this varies very much ; but if the markings 
are constant, though the general colour changes, we must infer that 
they have a different and a deeper meaning than the general 
colouring. d 

In Pigeons, the wing-bars very often remain, although the 
general colouring may vary ad infinitum. There are grey and also 
cream-coloured Pigeons with brown bars, and blue Pigeons with 
black bars, and so forth. And Dr. Wallace mentions? that in the 
skirts of the forests on the Amazon, and in the larger ‘ilhas, both 
the black and spotted Jaguars are often found. By black, I 
presume he means the melanoid variety with distinct rosettes, 
which can readily be distinguished in certain lights. We see a 
similar persistence of markings in the Snow Leopard, although the 
ground colour has changed to white? ; 

From all this persistence of markings, as something distinct 
from the general colour, I would infer that the markings have a 
deeper meaning than the general colour, and the meaning I would 
attribute to these persistent markings in mammals is that they 
have been inherited from such more remote ancestors than those 

. 1 Mammalian Descent. 2 Travels on the Amazon, p. 63. 

2In the Tring Museum I saw two varieties of Snow Leopards ; (a) with ocedlated 
rosettes, and (4) with a large number of the rosettes sold, especially on the shoulders, 
haunches, and lower flanks. 


which have given them their general colour, that is, from an 
ancestry in which plate-armour had been established for ages. 

I would repeat that the sfotting is the important feature, and 
not the colour of the spotting—for we see in the Cheetah, black 
spots on a light ground, and in the Deer, white spots on a dark 
ground, and in the Kerry Cattle we see a wAzte spinal line, instead 
of the ordinary dark one. The reader might say—Is it reasonable 
to suppose that an armour-plate should leave an impression after 
the bony plate had totally disappeared, and should continue to be 
pictured in the descendants for innumerable generations? It does 
seem strange that this should be so, but impressions are left from 
far more transient causes than the carrying of bony plates on one’s 
skin for perhaps millions of years. 

Mr. W. B. Croft, in a communication to the Physical Society,? 
has shown that impressions of coins can somehow be left on a 
clean glass, invisible at first, but made visible by breathing on the 
glass; also that an impression of a paper, printed only on one side. 
can be invisibly taken by pressing it between two plates of glass. 
The printing can be brought out by breathing on the glass which 
was opposed to the printing. What is more curious is that a 
similar print-impression is given to the glass which does zot face 
the printed surface. This latter impression can also be brought 
out by breathing over the glass surface, and it is evidently 
produced through the paper. Presumably light may have some- 
thing to do with these impressions. But if so slight and temporary 
an influence can leave an impression on the glass, what wonder 
would it be if the armour-plating, carried for who knows how many 
ages, should have so modified the skin, and its nerve-centres, as to 
transmit plate-pzctures, even when the calcareous plates had totally 

disappeared ? 
1 Reproduced in Year Book of Science for 1892, p. 16. 


My object in all this discussion has been to endeavour to 
discover why the Tiger and Zebra are striped, why the Jaguar and 
the Leopard are rosetted, and the Deer and Horse dappled, and why 
there are so many animals of different classes which have ringed 
tails. The skeletons of all these animals inform us that they are 
all related structurally, and therefore they must have come from 
some common ancestral source, if not from the same pair of 
parents, certainly from the same class of parents. 

In another place I have shown that the same pattern of armour- 
plates can be traced, through the Crocodile to the Sturgeon, and 
perhaps also much lower down in the scale of life. 

Professor Huxley! says: ‘ If the doctrine of evolution be true, 
it follows that, however diverse the different groups of animals and 
of plants may be, they must all, at one time or other, have been 
connected by gradational forms ; so that, from the highest animals, 
whatever they may be, down to the lowest speck of protoplasmic 
matter in which life can be manifested, a series of gradations 
leading from one end of the series to the other, either exists, or 
has existed,’ 

Professor Alleyne Nicholson in his Szvzzey Lectures of 1893 
repeated the same thing. He told us that all forms of life on this 
earth originated from pelagic low forms like those still in existence 
in the oceans. 

But what is there to show that in the picture-plating of the 
Jaguar the enclosed space is homologous with the larger middle 
bone-plates of the Sturgeon, the Crocodile, the Glyptodon, etc. ? 
There is nothing to show this beyond the difference 2 colour of the 
enclosed space in the Jaguar rosettes as compared with the general 
ground colour of the animal’s skin, I have endeavoured to empha- 
sise this difference of colour in No. 9, Fig. 59. The shaded space 

1 © Science and Hebrew Tradition ’—Lectures on Evolution, p. 89. ; 


between the rosette blotches indicates the enclosed space, but the 
Jaguar skin of Fig. 4 sufficiently shows that the enclosed spaces of 
the rosettes are of a different and deeper shade! In some Ocelots 
the enclosed space is quite brown. This difference of colour would 
certainly indicate that in the nerve-centres there was some differ- 
ence, although of an atomic character, in the cells which regulate 
the colour of the inside and of the outside of the rosettes. In all 
probability the atomic difference is of the same nature as that 
which caused a large plate to be deposited in the centre of the 
armour-rosette and a ring of small ones outside it. What we have 
to note is that there zs a difference between the inside and outside 
of the Jaguar and Ocelot rosettes. 

Why this is so we do not know, any more than we know why 
one Horse is dun, another bay, a third brown or black ; why a dun, 
a bay, a dark grey, and even a black Horse sometimes has a pure 
white mane and tail, and so forth. 

To sum up, in the existing Jaguar coloration we have the 
following elements, no doubt much modified from those of the 
ancestral Jaguar :— 

(a) We have the general ground colour of a rich tan between 

the rosettes ; 

(6) We have the spots more or less fused, which make up the 

polygonal rings of the larger rosettes ; 

(c) We have the enclosed space, which is often of a darker hue 

than that of the ground spaces ; 

(@) We have those curious central black spots. 

Now I have elsewhere mentioned that tan colour is interchange- 
able with either white or black, and so we have the general colour 
changed into either brown or black in the black Jaguar. 

7 In the photograph this is decidedly shown, but in the illustration the difference of 
colour is not so clear. 


The enclosed space alone may change into black, and so obliter- 
ate the space and turn the ocellated rosette into a so/zd rosette, as 
we see it in the Serval (Fig. 17); or the rosette may be so con- 
tracted as to obliterate only the middle spots, as in most Leopards. 
Finally, we may have the whole surface changed either into a jet 
black, obliterating all traces of rosettes, as in the black Leopard of 
Johore, and the jet black domestic Cat; or the surface may be 
changed into a uniform rich isabelline colour, as in the adult Puma; 
or the ground colour inside and outside the rosettes may change to 
white, as in the Snow Leopard. A further obliteration of all colour 
produces the albino domestic Cat. 

In all this theorising about the descent of rosetted, spotted, and 
striped animals from carapaced ancestors, it should be distinctly 
understood that I do not in the least maintain that the Jaguar or 
Leopard descended from ¢zs particular Glypiodon, or that particular 
Dedicurus. What I mean is that the Jaguar and Leopard bear on 
their skins the stamp of having descended from a@ carapaced 
ancestor, which had bony rosettes something like those of a Glyp- 
todont. How many bone-rosettes, and of what exact shape they 
were, in this conjectural ancestor, I am not in a position to say. 

In this discussion the whole evidence is circumstantial, for no 
one has ever seen the passage of a Glyptodon’s carapace into the 
rosettes of the Jaguar. One would indeed require to have lived a 
good bit of time to witness a Glyptodon changing into a Jaguar, 
considering that Cuvier found no appreciable difference between 
the skeletons of the ancient mummified animals of Egypt and 
their representatives which lived 3000 or 4000 years later.t 

In these and similar investigations circumstantial evidence is 
the only kind of evidence obtainable, and it is very valuable. The 
connecting gradations must be filled up by the imagination. 

1 © Science and Hebrew Tradition ’—Lectures on Evolution, p. 77. 


‘Positively, the principle may be expressed, in matters of the intellect, Follow your 
reason, as far as it will take you, without regard to any other consideration. And 
negatively, in-matters of the intellect,.Do not pretend that conclusions are certain, which 
are not demonstrated, or demonstrable.’ 

From Professor HUXLEY’s Definition of Agnosticism. 



BESIDES the dappling which I have tried to account for, Horses 
have certain other marks which are very common indeed, and 
which are more conspicuous in self-coloured Horses, such as bays, 
browns, blacks, etc. 

For instance, Horses very commonly have what is called a 
white ‘blaze’ all over the front of the face down to the mouth; or 
a simple white star on the forehead, which varies between a mere 
white speck and a white patch. 

Then there are intermediate stages as shown in Fig. 74. Some- 
times the ‘blaze’ is interrupted, a white patch being on the fore- 
head, and another on the nose, and so on. Finally every trace of 
the white blaze may be obliterated, and the whole face is of the 
same colour as the body. Frequently, however, in dark and dun- 
coloured horses the blaze is black, and in dark grey horses it is of 
a sooty grey, more or less interrupted, on a lighter ground. 

Now, is there any way of accounting for this feature, so common 
in the domestic Horse? One day, in Piccadilly, I saw standing a 
dark grey cab Horse. On its forehead it had three pairs of faint 
radiating stripes of a grey colour on a white ground—as shown in 
Fig. 75 (a). It struck me that these might be vestiges of the Zebra 
face-marks, There happened at the time to be a stuffed specimen 


of Burchell’s Zebra in Rowland Ward’s window ; so I went over to 
look at it, and found that the marks on this Horse’s face corre- 
sponded to three pairs of similarly radiating stripes on the Zebra 
face, as shown in Fig. 75 (0). 

In studying this curious feature further, I came to the con- 
clusion that the dark blaze on the dark grey Horse, and on some 
bay and dun-coloured Horses, was a more or less complete /uszon 
of the s¢riges we see on the Zebra’s face, thus forming a dark blaze. 


Fic. 74.—Diagrammatic sketches of the faces of Horses ; (2) shows a full white ‘ blaze’ ; (@) 
a white star on the forehead; (4 and c) intermediate contractions of the ‘blaze’; ( x ) indicates 
the white part on a dark ground. 

Then, as black is interchangeable with white, in some dark Horses 
we see a complete w/zte blaze, occupying the whole of the lozenge- 
shaped face of the Horse, as shown in Fig. 74 (a). The other 
figures (4 and ¢) are mere contractions of the blaze, until we come 
to a mere vestige of the blaze in the shape of a small white star 
between the eyes, which, in others, becomes completely obliterated. 

It would be tedious to go through all the variations that this 
blaze is subject to; suffice it to say, that it sometimes invades the 
whole head, while in others it disappears completely. 


‘TI have seen a Horse with a blackish star on a white blaze, and 
others, mostly bays, with a white star on a black blaze. This 
shows that although usually the star is white, it may, under certain 
circumstances, be exchanged for a black one; and although 
usually the blaze is white, it sometimes can also be black. I have 
seen a perfect black blaze on the face of a light dun Horse. It was 
as full as the complete white blaze of (a) Fig. 74. 

These features in the domestic Horse are so persistent, even 
when all other spotting from the body has wholly disappeared, that 

Fic. 75.—(a) Faint radiating stripes on the forehead of a dark grey Horse ; (4) black radiat- 
ing stripes on the forehead of Burchell’s Zebra—note its lozenge-shaped face. 

they would seem to have some deeper meaning than mere 
accidental marks, It is interesting to note that even the Zebra 
may have a small black star on its forehead between the eyes, as 
seen in Fig. 50. 

The persistence of these features may be because domestic 
Horses have been bred originally from parents that had them. 
Breeders of first-class Horses, I understand, would rather not have 
either stars or blazes, and it may be presumed that they have 


endeavoured to select them out. Yet it is only exceptionally that 
they have succeeded in getting rid of them, for the large majority 
of Horses of all kinds one sees in the streets of London have these 
frontal marks, either fully developed or with vestiges of them ; so 
that I think we would be right in concluding that they come from 
a remote ancestry. 

‘Our grandfathers have told us how their fathers expatiated on 
the merits of the Dutch Horses (old Lincolnshire blacks), of their 
size and feats of strength, how the blacks with white legs and 
blazes were most esteemed. These animals, or their descendants, 
in time became located all over England.’ 

This would appear a sufficient reason why blazed horses are so 
common in the streetsof London. They got it from the old Dutch 
Horses, ‘which with white legs and blazes were most esteemed’ 

But this is not all, for Mr. F. Finn tells us? that ‘The Onager 
was put to an Abyssinian wild Ass, and produced a hybrid; it 
then bore, to a male Onager, a chestnut foal with a white blaze on 
the forehead ; but as this foal thus resembled neither parent, and 
in fact exhibited a Horse’s rather than an Ass’s marking, the case 
is surely one of analogous variation, 

The names of the equines appear to me to be mere verbal 
distinctions used by systematists in classifying animals: In 
nature there seems to be no such distinction between Horse, Ass, 
Onager, Zebra, and Quagga, more especially as they all zzzer-breed. 
And this blaze on the forehead of the chestnut Onager’s foal seems 
a reversion to some ancestral mark—white or black—whether we 
call the ancestor a Horse, an Ass, an Onager, or a Zebra. In this 
foal the blaze was whzte, but I have shown that the blaze may have 

originally been lack, and caused by a fusion of the stripes on the 
‘Pedigrees of British and American Horses,’ by J. I. Lupton, Wineteenth Century, 

June 1894, p. 926, 
2 “Some facts of Telegony.’—Matural Science, December 1893, p. 437. 


Zebra's face. ‘Ne have seen that white, black, and tan are zuter- 
changeable. Dark Horses have either white or black blazes; and 
dun and roan Horses have sometimes conspicuously black blazes. 

This interchange of colour—general or partial—occurs in various 
other animals. The black and tan Dog turns into tan and white ; 
the Dalmatian Dog is white, spotted black ; certain Deer are of a 
tan colour, spotted white ; and the stripped American Marmot is of 
a dark colour, with strings of white spots. 

Besides Horses there are many other animals that have black 
blazes on their face, such as several species of Antelope, several 
kinds of Deer, Ibex, Goats} etc., and the Bonté Bok Antelope 
(Damalis Pycarga) has a white blaze. Cattle have often a white 
star on the forehead, which we might consider, as in the Horse, a 
vestige of the white blaze. 

We may perhaps infer that the black blaze is a fusion of the 
Zebra’s face-stripes, as we have before inferred that certain 
blotches and stripes on animals are fusions of isolated spots, but 
why a black blaze should turn into a white blaze, or tan feet 
should turn into white feet, as in the Dog, is more than I can tell. 
It would. appear to be caused by a sort of atomic ‘conjuring’ 
of the nerve-centres hidden from our view even through the most 
powerful microscopes. Anyhow, we have ceased to think of super- 
natural causes for all these phenomena. There must be some 
natural causes for them, although at present we do not know them. 

All I know is that white, black, and tan colours in mammals are, 
as I said, interchangeable, and therefore I surmise that the Horse’s 
white .blaze may have been originally black, and that in some 
varieties it changed into white, and has for some reason become 
more persistent in this colour. 

_Whether the blaze of the. Horse may have any relation to the 

1 The male Bharal (Ovis Nahura) has a fine black blaze. 


insertion of the horns in some ancestral Rhinoceros is a question 
difficult to answer. We have seen that in certain animals skin 
armour has left certain marks when it disappeared, which are liable 
to change of colour, and not impossibly the blaze on the Horse’s 
forehead may be vestigial of ancestral frontal and nose armour. 

It might lead to a certain amount of confusion to compare the 
Horse now with a Rhinoceros, and then with a ruminant, but 
Professor Alleyne Nicholson, in his Swiney Lectures of 1893, told 
us that if we go back far enough in time we shall find that animals 
which are now so distinct as ruminants and carnivora were in 
remote times mixed up in ove animal, with features that had some- 
thing of do¢h the branches into which that remote animal eventually 

According to Professor Weismann’s doctrine, the object of sexual 
propagation is to mix up the separate descents of one individual 
with the separate descents of another individual, with the view of 
rendering the germ plasm more plastic and variable, so that it 
may the better provide the raw material of variations in organisms 
for the factory of adaptation by natural selection. We know that 
the characters of two distinct species, even of two distinct genera, 
were initially mixed up in one individual. 

Well, in bygone ages, it is very probable that animals which 
were largely differentiated in certain anatomical features were not 
so differentiated phystologically as to prevent their being mixed by 
sexual mating. If this be admitted, it would follow that what we 
now would call distinct species, might then have freely inter- 
married, and procreated what we now would call hybrids. For 
instance, a mixture of hornless, one-horned, and two-horned 
Rhinoceroses, if they happened to come together, might Have inter- 
bred and become mixed. In past ages this may have been a 
frequent occurrence. So with Antelopes, Horses, etc. 


Some one might say that intermixture would eventually have 
produced an average structure, and all differences would be sup- 
pressed. But this does not appear likely in all cases, for we know 
that six-fingered people, although diluted with normal blood, have 
rather strengthened than suppressed the monstrosity. 

Such intermixtures are not at all imaginary, for we know iia 
the Pheasant will procreate with the common fowl, and different 
species of Pheasants will interbreed. And among plants, species 
so distinct anatomically as a Lelia and a Sophronitis, a Cereus and 
Phyllocactus, and a Gesnera and a Gloxinia, have been successfully 

The application of all this to the Horse is that in our modern 
Horse we may have not impossibly the convergence of, not only two 
distinct races of Rhinoceros—the one and the two horned; but 
possibly also an intermixture of blood derived from some ancestor 
of the Giraffe, and also of other ruminants,? when they were not 
so differentiated as they are now. 

If the reader should carry away the notion that I consider there 
were once Horses with horns between their eyes and on their noses, 
he will carry away a very wrong idea of what I mean. 

The Horse is a very specialised recent elaboration, as his feet 
testify, from some remote and more generalised form, which was 
the raw material out of which various kinds of mammals, such as 
Giraffes, and other ruminants, Rhinoceroses and Horses have been 
evolved. Horses or Horse-like animals may never have had horns 
homologous with those, of the Rhinoceros, but their ancestors may 
have had them, and in the existing Horse, all that there is to tell 
the tale of ancestral mesial horns may not impossibly be these 

1 At the meeting of the Royal Horticultural Society on the 8th May 1894, Messrs. Veitch 
and Son showed a hybrid (Gloxinia ‘ Brilliant’) between a Gesnera and a Gloxinia. 

2 In the tuft of long hair over the nose of the white-tailed Gu, we may have the 
dissociated hairs of which the Rhinoceros horn is said to be made up. 


frontal and face marks for which I have been endeavouring to 
discover an explanation. The same nerve-centre hadzt of action 
which, in ancestral forms, gave rise to horns, now that the Horse no 
longer has horns, may display itself by producing a change of pig- 
ment of the skin in the places once occupied by horns. 

There is another feature in Horses for which I have been 
endeavouring to discover an explanation. 

When Horses change colour, it is only down to the ankle and 
wrist that they usually do so; only rarely does the body colour 
continue to the hoof ; so that we see bay, dun, roan, and dark grey 
Horses with their hands and feet black; strawberry roans with 
these parts bay or chestnut ;+ and we see Horses of various: colours 
and even black Horses, with whzte hands and feet. What can be 
the cause of this? Why should there be so frequently such a 
distinction between the coloration of the hands and feet of Horses 
and that of their bodies? It is only in pure whites, pure chestnuts, 
pure blacks, that the hands and feet are usually of the same colour 
as the body, but in the duns, or sponge-coloured horses, the black 
hands and feet form a strange contrast to the colour of the body. 

If we make investigations among other animals in the Natural 
History Museum we find that the Ruffed Lemur has long hair 
down to its ankles and wrists, and on its hands and feet the ‘hair 
becomes short, and of a different colour, so that this animal looks 
as if it had jet black gloves and socks. 

The Alpaca has a brown body with long hair, and then suddenly 
its hands and feet become short-haired and jet black. 

The Gaur (Bibos gaurus) and its congenér the Javan Ox, have 
white hands and feet, although the former has a black and the 
latter a tan or dun-coloured body ; so also the Gayal (Bos frontalis). 

1 Many roans when clipped are of a blackish grey, and strawberry roans either 
bay or chestnut. 


The Inyala Antelope (7vagelaphus angasii) has a roan body 
and tan hands and feet. 

The Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymmus) is roan, with brown 
hands and feet. 

Then the ‘ Bonté bok’ (Damalis pycarga) is still more interest- 
ing, for it has a white blaze on its forehead, like that of the Horse, 
and also white hands and feet. 

I do not think that the doctrine of natural selection will help 
us much in deciphering these hieroglyphics. 

The old Dutch Horse with white hands and feet and forehead 
blaze, which was introduced into England and much esteemed, 
may explain why there are so many Horses with these features in 
England ; but it does not explain in the least why the old Dutch 
Horse had these features; or why, when the black Horse changes 
into dun, he gets d/ack hands and feet, instead of white, and often 
also a black blaze instead of a white one. 

Is there then no explanation of these contrasts of colours, such 
for instance as those of a dlack Horse, with whzte hands and 
feet ? 

It will perhaps be more convenient to take a broader view of 
these contrasted colours in certain parts of animals. 

As I have said, the Horse has frequently its hands and feet 
differently coloured from the rest of the body; the Dog has 
frequently tan-coloured hands and feet, and a black body, or white 
hands and feet and a tan-coloured body ; I have seen a white Goat 
with black hands and feet. But besides these contrasts of the 
hands and feet, there are others which we find in various animals. 
The lips, up to a certain point round the mouth, a circle round the 
eyes, a circle round the base of the ears, and.a space round the 
vent, are all frequently of a colour which forms a great contrast 
with the surrounding ground. 


What is there in comson with all these parts? The reply is, 
great mobility. If it be true that all mammals descended from 
armour-plated ancestors, it must be evident that the parts men- 
tioned were the earlzes¢t to get rid of their armour in order that 
their struggle for existence might be facilitated. If the hands and 
feet were covered with hard scales, as in the turtle, it is evident 
they could not be used to run and grasp; if the eyes were sur- 
rounded by armour-plates, as in the Ganoid fishes, it is evident that 
sphincter muscles, to close the eyelids and protect the cornea, could 
not be developed ; if the base of the ears were not sufficiently 
mobile to allow of the ear being easily directed towards the source 
of sound, the muscles that perform that function could not be 
developed ; so of the lips and vent. All these parts are highly 
mobile, and must have lost their armour-plating earZy, in order to 
admit of that mobility, and hence we see that these parts had 
ample time to change their coloration long before the body got rid 
of its carapace, or body-armour. 

A number of animals show a complete or partial circle round 
the eye, such as the Ocelot of Fig. 19 (2). And also many Cats, 
such as the Caffre Cat, the Pampas Cat, the Genet, the Binturong, 
and several others;! and so have some tame Rabbits. Then a 
number of animals have a spot, emphasised by contrast of colour, 
over the eye like that of the black and tan dog ;? such as the 
European Lynx, the Caracal, the Clouded Leopard, and others, 
In many variations of the black and tan Dog, one often meets with 
individuals which have a complete tan-coloured circle round the 

1 See Royal Natural History, vol. i. 

2 Mr. Worthington G. Smith states that, ‘The spots are by no means always tan; a 
black Dog will sometimes have them white, and a white Dog black. I have a white and 

tan Fox Terrier in which the spots are very eye-like and jet black; in a brown Bull-pug 
of mine the spots are also black.’ (See Mature of 15th November 1894.) 


One would not suspect that the Horse came under the same 
category, but I have seen a dark-bay Horse which had a semi-circle 
below the eyes, and a spot above them, both of a tan colour, 
and quite distinct from the general colour of the face. All 
these seem to be no other than vestiges of ancestral circles 
round the eyes, contrasted with the general colour by a different 
pigment, and in all probability derived from the cause I have 
hinted, viz. early loss of armour round the eye, to admit of 
closure of the eyelids for the protection of the delicate structures 
of the eye. 

It must be obvious that in the transition of sea-animals without 
eyelids, to land animals which moved about in dense forests, it was 
of importance for them to acquire an unarmoured circle round the 
eye, and the faculty of closing their eyelids to protect the cornea 
from injury; and especially at night it was of importance that 
long hairs should grow on the unarmoured circle round the-eye 
such as we see in the white-tailed Guu, to warn them of the vicinity 
of a branch, or a leaf, or other object, defore the surface of the 
cornea came in contact with it, and thus enable them to close the 
eyelids in time. 

And so of the other parts in which mobility was of great 
importance—the hands and feet, the base of the ears, the lips and 
the vent. In some specimens of heads of the Black Buck which I 
have seen, there was a distinct white circle round the base of the 
ears, A large number of dark-coloured Horses and Asses have a 
light-coloured mouth. The Cyprian wild Sheep? has a fine and 
striking white muzzle, beautifully contrasted with the dark face. 
Who would have thought that the origin of this white muzzle was, 
in all probability, the unarmoured muzzle of some animal not 
unlike a Pangolin? All the coloration of this Sheep is indicative 

1 Royal Natural History, vol. ii. p. 225. 


of ancestral armour which had passed through stages of partzal 

I have seen a whzte Pony which had the mouth, circles round 
his eyes, and circlets just above the four hoofs, aéZ of a yellow or 
rather golden-bay colour. It is evident that in these parts there 
was some difference of innervation—a remote ancestral habit of the 
nerve-centres—which prevented a ¢ofa/ albinism of the skin. 

Of course, in the great battle of life, and the many adaptations 
to surroundings to which animals have been subjected, and in the 
fancies of breeders of domestic animals which have revolutionised 
the coloration of a number of animals, it is not to be expected that 
they could long retain the coloration of their unarmoured parts 
unmodified. We therefore now see mere vestiges of ancestral 
features. It is only occasionally, by a sort of reversion, that we 
are let into the secrets of what may have obtained in remote times. 
The very fact that so many dzfferent kinds of animals have these 
features is sufficient indication of their antzgucty. 

As I said, there is no hard and fast fxz¢y of coloration in these 
parts ; there is not only an interchangeableness of black into tan, 
or shades thereof, and of tan into white, but also an intermingling 
of the coloration of contiguous surfaces, as well as a dwindling, in 
many cases of the markedly coloured surface. For instance, we see 
the white hands and feet dwindling to the last phalanges in certain 
Cats and Dogs, and in Horses to a mere vestige of white just above 
the hoof. In the Horse all four limbs may be white, or only three, 
two, or even only one, may be white, so that the contrasted colours 
often merge into the general coloration. The curious thing is that 
in the Horse there would appear to be some correlation between 
the mane and tail and the four feet, for all these are often of the 
same contrasted colour, eithér black or white, or shades of tan, 
when the body is of a totally different colour. 


It is very curious that the wild cattle of Cadzow Park? should 
have d/ack muzzles, ears, and front parts of hands and feet, while 
the rest of their body is white. It would seem that those parts 
had originally a specially different function from the rest of the 
body, which is now of a contrasted colour, while in the Gaur the 
body is black, the muzzle pale, and the hands and feet whzte. 

Then in the same work? it is stated of the wild cattle of 
the Somerford Park breed, that ‘the colour is pure white; the 
ears, rims of the eyes, muzzle, and hoofs being quite black. Like 
all other herds of the forest breed they have a tendency to pro- 
duce black spots on the neck, sides and legs.’ 

Surely this contrast of certain parts with the general coloration, 
and this tendency to produce spots, cannot be the result of pure 
accident. It seems that in the nerve-centres the ‘memory’ of 
ancestral dermal conditions is now aroused, and now in abey- 
ance, and so the results on the skin are now ancestral, and now 

In speculating on the causes of these interesting phenomena, 
we should not be led away by the bias of a theory, and shut our 
eyes to any sidelights that may turn up in the course of our 
research. I shall therefore put on record the following fact, so 
that the reader may make of it what he can. 

In the Tring Museum there is a fine specimen of Chapman’s 
Zebra. It has the lower parts of its limbs for several inches above 
the hoofs wholly black; while Grevy’s Zebra close by has those 
same parts fully striped. It would appear that the black of the 
former may be a fusion of the stripes of the latter; but at the 
same time it would show that there was a difference of innervation 
there, which caused this fusion. 

Among the extinct Ganoid fishes there were several species 

1 See Royal Natural History, vol. ii. p. 164. 2 Tbid. p. 167. 


with a circle of plates round the eyes, as shown in Fig. 76, (a) 
and (4), and others in which the eyes were mere holes in a solid 
one-piece head armour as in (c).1 

In their descendants, the carapaced land animals, it may have 
been this circle of plates round the eyes which was early got 


i1G. 76.—(a) Circle of bone-plates round the eye, Lesidotus maximus, p. 986; (2) Tuber- 
culated bone-plates round the eye of Dapidius pholidotus, fig. 922; (c) Solid bone mask of 
Cephalaspis Lyelli with an eye-hole at (e), p. 961 (all three Ganoid fishes from Manual of 
Paleontology, by Nicholson and Lydekker,vol. ii.) ; (¢) is the head of Ostracion punctatus, 
an armour-plated modern fish,with its unarmoured lips at (7z) from pl. 181, Fishes of India, 
by Francis Day, pt. iv. 

rid of to enable them to close their eyes, if necessary, while moving 
among bushes, for the protection of their eyeballs. Then there is 
that curious modern fish called Ostracion, which is encased in hexa- 
gonal bone-plates all but the lips; the fins and tail also have no 
plates round their base. Fig. 76 (d) gives a sketch of its head. 

1 See Figs. 898, 922, and 926 of Manual of Paleontology, Nicholson and Lydekker. 


The still remaining spots on the lips and round the eyes suggest 
to my mind that these parts also, in some ancestral form, were 
encased in plates. The anal sphincter-muscle may similarly have 
required the absence of calcareous deposit. 

Then I should say that the early loss of armour round the eye, 
round the mouth and vent, and also from the hands and feet, parts 
acquiring great mobility in the struggle for life, is the reason why, 
in the higher animals, these parts are so often contrasted in colour. 
The early loss of armour gave those parts the opportunity of 
becoming variously pigmented Jong before the rest of the body had 
become uncarapaced. The base of the ears, and the lower parts, such 
as those of the neck, abdomen, and tail, would follow the same rule. 

That is, they lost their armour, replacing it by hair, long before 
the other parts of the body lost theirs; and therefore they had 
time to alter their coloration before the parts with which they are 
contrasted had become armourless. 

As shown in another place, we see frequent examples of altera- 
tions in hair colour on parts occupied by hairless skin-structures 
which became subsequently suppressed. The most convincing 
examples of this are the tufts of differently coloured hair which 
have replaced the callosities on the legs of certain ruminants (see 
Fig. 85). From a minute study of animal coloration, it seems 
clear that small portions of the skin can alter zdependently of 
adjacent surfaces, or without the coloration of the whole surface 
becoming altered. 

But if we are anxious of being thoroughly convinced that this 
ancestral loss of armour in certain parts is a vera causa of the con- 
trasts of pigments in their existing descendants, we should visit 
the Pangolins in the Natural History Museum. 

There we find that the Malayan Pangolin (Manis Javanica), 
and the long-eared Pangolin (Manis Aurita), have no scales on 


the under surfaces of the head, neck, chest and abdomen, and also 
on the inner aspects of the four legs. 

Then the yellow-bellied Pangolin (Wanis Tricuspis), as well as 
others, has a muzzle wholly destitute of scales, and its under surfaces 
and paws are hairy instead of scaly, The soles of its hind feet 
from the heel to the toes are also dare; and this latter fact 
will give us a hint why, in certain descendants of armoured animals, 
such as certain Cats and Dogs, this very surface from heel to toes 
in these digitigrade descendants is d/ack, and contrasted with the 
pigment of their adjacent surfaces. 

It is true that these Pangolins still retain scales on the under 
surface of their huge tails, but if we search further we find that in 
the little Ant-eater close by (Cycloturus Didactylus) the under sur- 
face of the tail is hairless, so is that of Horses; and this may be 
the reason why, in the innumerable changes of skin coloration 
which have occurred in mammals, the under surface of the tail is 
so often contrasted in colour with the upper surface. Indeed, 
the under surface of the tail is only a continuation of the 
under surface of the body from the muzzle to the tip of the 
tail, and the white tip of the tail we see in so many animals 
may be only a vestige of a more extended whiteness of the under 

Then do you mean to say that Dogs, Cats, Asses, Antelopes, etc., 
which have contrasted upper and under surfaces, are descendants 
of Pangolins? 

I mean to say no such thing. The Pangolins, as well as the 
Armadillos, and these other mammals mentioned, are descendants 
of a much remoter stock which had their bodies wholly armoured 
up and down. Armour was first suppressed on the under surfaces, 
and gradually replaced by hair, and the Pangolins and Armadillos 
are survivals of that state of things. Other descendants of the 


same stock, and much later on, wholly lost their armour, and 
acquired in their hair contrasted colours zustead. 

So that in existing mammals we seem to have indications of 
Jour distinct stages of evolution— 

(a). Mammals which were wholly armoured, somewhat similar 
to, say, the existing Crocodiles ; 

(2). Mammals which were half-armoured, with hair on the lower, 
and plates or scales on the upper surfaces, as in the existing Pan- 
golins and Armadillos ; 

(¢). Mammals which had wholly lost their armour, but retained 
indications of their ancestral partial armour in their rosettes and in 
their contrasts of coloration ; and 

(@). Mammals which have lost or are losing every indication of 
ancestral armour, such as the Puma, the Lion, the domestic self- 
coloured Horse, the domestic self-coloured Cats, Dogs, etc 

The white circle round the eyes and the white muzzle are well 
shown in the white-nosed Coati of Central America. Its ringed 
tail sufficiently indicates its descent from an armour-plated ancestor, 
if the reader has been following this interesting discussion. But 
the circle round the eyes is best seen in the parti-coloured Bear of 
Eastern Tibet.1 This particular animal is very strangely marked. 
It is white, with black rings round the eyes, and black ears, while 
the shoulders are marked with a transverse black band broadening 
towards the fore-limb. The under surface and legs are black. 

The writer who describes it says: ‘Without knowing more of 
its general surroundings, it is difficult to imagine the object of such 
a staring contrast.’ 

Perhaps the coloration of this Bear has nothing to do with sur- 
roundings as a cause of its ‘staring contrast,’ but may be a vestige 
of an zucomplete ancestral carapace, viz. ‘that of a neck and head 

1 Royal Natural History, vol. ii, Ps 33: 


shield, and a body and haunch shield, the shoulders and limbs, and 
circles round the eyes, having early lost their armour; while the 
Cape Ratel, and the common Badger may have descended from 
ancestors which had a more complete armour. 

If the reader will turn to Fig. 79, of Rhinoceros Sondaicus, he may 
perhaps be struck with the possible homology of its scapular shield 
with the staring scapular black mark of this parti-coloured Bear! 
Even the fold in the groin of the Rhinoceros would seem to be 
imitated by the black pigment in the Bear’s groin—and its white 
head and neck are suggestive enough of the neck and head armour 
of the Rhinoceros. 

One would be tempted to infer from all this that the remote 
ancestor of this Bear lost its scapular armour long before it lost 
its other carapacial armour; and we know that the extinct Pola- 
canthus had only a partial carapace on its lumbar and pelvic 

In this and similar speculations allowance should naturally be 
made for the transition of solid plate-armour to its copy in hair, and 
for any modification the Bear-descendant may have undergone in 
its coloration through the ages. 

For instance, Ursus Americanus is wholly black, excepting its 
muzzle, which is of a tawny yellow. The Zayra of the Weasel 
family is usually of a dark brown colour, but occasionally white 
specimens are met with, their muzzle, ears, and feet, however, remain- 
ing dark. Of course I do not in any way mean that this bear 
descended from Rhinoceros Sondaicus, any more than I mean that 
the Giraffe descended from a Zebu; all I mean is, that, in tracing 
their origin backwards, the skin characters of certain mammals indi- 
cate that they converge towards an armour-plated ancestry. 

Professor Huxley says: ‘In former periods of the world’s history 
there were animals which overstepped the bounds of existing 


groups, and tended to merge them into larger assemblages. They 
show that animal organisation is more flexible than our knowledge 
of recent forms might have led us to believe; and that many 
structural permutations and combinations [I would take the liberty 
of adding skin features],! of which the present world gives us no 
indication, may nevertheless have existed. 

“But it by no means follows, because the Palgotherium has 
much in common with the Horse, on the one hand, and with the 
Rhinoceros on the other, that it is the intermediate form through 
which Rhinoceroses have passed to become Horses, or vice-versd ; on 
the contrary, any such supposition would certainly be erroneous.’ ? 

As I said, there is no fixity of coloration round the eye or other 
part, as it may dwindle and disappear altogether, or it may invade 
adjacent parts. Those animals which have a complete circle round 
the eye, whether white, black, or tan-coloured, are survivals of a stage 
which at one time may have been general, and the spot over the 
eye of the black and tan Dog may be only a remnant of a former 
complete circle round the eye. 

On one occasion I saw a jet black Persian Cat. The tips of all 
its four feet were white; it had a white patch on its chest, and a 
little white on its abdomen ; its whiskers and eye hairs were white. 
There was no contrast of colour round the eye and round the 
lips—both being jet black; but these white whiskers and eye hairs 
were seemingly the oz/y remnants of surfaces differently coloured 
from the body. 

There are other curious marks in some mammals which are not 
so easily accounted for; such as the white tip of the tail in many 
Dogs to which I have already alluded, and a white patch which one 
sees so frequently on the chest of Dogs. There can hardly be much 

1 The parenthesis is mine. 
2 “Science and Hebrew Tradition.’—Lectures on Evolution, p. 102. 


doubt that these two marks are inherited from the Wolf. When 
in India, I examined a large number of very young Wolf-cubs, 
which had their eyes still closed. They were usually of a dark 
chocolate colour, and a large proportion of them had a white mark 
on their chests, and a white tip to their tails. Probably in the 
Wolf-cubs these are only vestiges—remnants, as I said—of a more 
extended light-coloured under surface. For, as the Wolf-cubs grow, 
the white becomes blended with the general fawn or tan colour of 
the under surface, and eventually totally disappears, while the dark 
colour of the back turns into an intimate mixture of black and tan 
resembling that of certain Collies whose black upper surface had 
changed into a mixture of black and tan. 

As regards the white tip of the tail of certain mammals, there 
are some curious phenomena connected with tips—tips of tails, 
tips of ears, and tips of feet—which would point to some difference 
in the innervation of tips. As I said, white and black are inter- 
changeable. There are many mammals which have black tips to 
their tails, and this, in allied or other individuals, may change to 
white. The Arctic Hare in its summer clothing is brown, with black 
tips to its ears; and the ermine is also brown with half the tip end 
of its tail black. When these two animals get their snow-white 
winter clothing, the tips of the ears of the one, and the tip of the 
tail of the other, remain d/ack ! I have seen a number of skins of 
the Arctic Fox in the furriers’ shops, and many of them had a tuft 
of black hairs on the tips of their tails. There are two coloured 
pictures of the red common Fox in the Royal Natural History. 
One has a black tip to its tail, and the other a white tip. 

In this connection I would note a curious mark I have seen on 
two sister Cats of the tabby variety ; (2) had pale tan hands and 
feet, and on the hind limbs, from the heel to the toes, the dack sur- 
face was black; while (4) had white hands and feet, and only a 


vestige of black near the heel. Not improbably this black surface 
on the back part of the hind limbs, as I have already hinted, may 
indicate that some ancestral form was plantigrade, and in changing 
to a digitigrade descendant, a record was left of its ancestral 
plantigradeness in this contrast of colour. I have seen the same 
black mark on the hind legs of Collie Dogs; and if the reader will 
turn to the Serval of Fig. 17, he will see that the same surfaces are 
black, which I take to be a colour-vestige of an ancestral plantigrade 
surface. Then, curiously enough, we find that the hind edge of the 
metatarsus of Tvagulus—a pigmy Chevrotain, allied to Pigs—is 
naked and callous—a veritable plantar surface, without hair, 
inherited from some plantigrade ancestor, not unlike a Pangolin, 
whose soles are bare. In the evolution of digitigrade carnivora 
and ruminants from plantigrade ancestors, with bare soles, this 
surface became elevated above the ground, and in some became 
hairy, hence the contrast of colour there in certain Cats, Dogs and 
the Serval, while in the Zrvagudus it remained dare. 


‘If one wishes to realise the wonders of natural selection, he or she should go to the 
Natural History Museum, in South Kensington, and inspect the Homopterous insect 
called Flatoides dealbatus, and think how much decimation of generations it must have 

required to make that insect’s wings ¢zdzsténguzshable from the Lichens on the bark 
of trees.’ 



IN studying this intricate subject the reader should not mind a 
little repetition, as it may be needed to emphasise certain points. 

In searching for a cause of the spotting of certain mammals, it 
is not sufficient to say, in a-vague way, that it has been brought 
about by ‘natural selection, through which it was made to har- 
monise with its surroundings,) for there are in existence certain 
facts which do not seem in the least to admit of such an 

In the Science and Art Museum of Edinburgh, there is a speci- 
men of the Great Armadillo (Priodontes maximus). Its abdomen 
is studded with separate rosettes, composed of very minute plates ; 
and here IJ would wish again to emphasise the fact that the hind 
feet of this Armadillo are ungulate, in the fashion of those of the 
Rhinoceros and American Tapir, and very different from its fore- 
feet, which have long claws. 

Curiously enough, the Peba Armadillo (Tatusza Pebé)? has no 

1 Where the black and spotted Jaguars are common, they can hardly doth harmonise 
with their surroundings. Dr. Wallace (Zravels on the Amazon, p. 317) says: ‘In 
some localities the black Jaguar is unknown, while in others it is as abundant as the 
ocellated variety.’ On the other hand Mr. Saunderson says that the black Leopard in 
India, is confined to heavy forest tracts, while the ocellated variety frequents open 

country and rocky localities. 
2 Science and Art Museum, Edinburgh. 


plates proper on its abdominal surface, but, on its chest and 
between its hind legs, it has the merest varnish of former scales. 
They are not unlike in nature to the black dabs on the lips of 
Serranus Gigas, after the scales of the latter have thinned out into 
nothing. The spots on the middle part of the abdomen of this 
Tatusia are less distinct. 

Armour on the abdominal surface of the Armadillo would 
evidently have been inconvenient to an animal that rolls itself up 
into a ball, and shows its armoured back to the enemy. It seems 
that the Tatusia lost its abdominal plates, because they had become 
not only useless, but inconvenient, or perhaps from some other 
cause ; it, however, retained their vestiges as spots. The alternative 
supposition would be that the Tatusia took to rolling itself up, 
when it began to lose the stiff plating on its abdominal surface, 
while the dorsal armour divided itself into moveable sections, which 
admitted of its rolling itself up. 

However this may have been, it is clear that the Armadillo 
descended from an ancestor which was armoured both dorsally and 
ventrally, somewhat in the way shown in Fig. 73. It is stated 
that certain Glyptodonts had an armour on their ventral side, which 
suggests that of the Turtle. 

The existing Crocodiles have retained their bony dorsal plating, 
while the ventral armour is made up of hard horny plates. In the 
Crocodile, each plate is surrounded by skin, and its movements are 
much freer than could have been those of the Glyptodon. 

I would now ask—what business has the Peba Armadillo with 
spots on its under surface, supposing them to have been originated 
by a simple process of natural selection? The spots on the 
abdominal surface could in no sense harmonise with their surround- 
ings, and so become protective, for, when this Armadillo is un- 
folded, and moving about, its abdomen is close to the ground, and 


the spots hardly visible, while, when the animal is rolled up into a 
ball, the spots are wholly zxviszdle, 

In the case of Jaguars and Leopards, which are also spotted on 
the abdomen, it might be argued that, as these animals may some- 
times climb up trees, their abdominal surface, looked at from 
below, would harmonise with the lights and shades of the foliage ; 

Fic. 73.—One of the Crocodiles in the Zoological Gardens, from a photograph. 

and in the case of a Tiger, which has a striped abdomen, we might 
say that, if it were lying down among the long grass, in which it is 
often found, its abdomen would also harmonise with the lights and 
shades of the grass stems. But no such excuse can be found for 
the spotting on the abdomen of the Armadillo, nevertheless the 
spots on its lower surface are there! 

To my mind they can only be explained as impressions—. 



vestiges—left on the skin by plates in some ancestor, in which 
plating was useful there, such as in Ganoid fishes and other 
animals, like the Crocodiles, which pass a part of their lives in 

Then we cannot say that the dappled Horse, and the Zebra, 
and the Giraffe, climb up trees, and the one requires its spots, 
and the other its stripes, to harmonise with its surroundings ; 
yet they are abundantly spotted, or striped, on their abdominal 

The spotting, and of course the striping is a derivation from it, 
seems to be a survival on parts of the skin where once ancestral 
plates were. To the evolutionary philosopher they are of great 
importance, for they indicate a link between skin-g/ating, and skin- 

It may be interesting to note that the embryo Armadillo 
(Tatusia hybrida), shows plates on its abdominal region also! 

It would appear that through heredity, not only bones, muscles, 
etc., are transmitted, but also skin impressions, as if they were 
eternal photographs of former plating. 

Mr. R. Le Gallienne has written :? ‘Nature ruthlessly tears up 
her replicas age after age, but she is slow to destroy the plates. 
Her lovely forms are all safely housed in her memory, and beauty 
and goodness sleep securely in her heart, in spite of all the arrows 
of death.’ 

In other words, applied to our subject, this would mean that 
the forms and colorations of animals, when once established, are 
slow in becoming altered; that although the individual is being 
continually destroyed, the mould that produced it is more per- 
manent than many think, and that provided the individual has 

1 Professor Parker’s Mammalian Descent, p. 94. 
2 The Religion of a Literary Man, p. 50. 


had opportunities of leaving descendants, the original characters 
will somehow sooner or later reappear. 

Then, from the point of view of natural selection, there is no 
good reason why there should be such a sharp contrast of pigments 
on the flank of the black Buck, and many other animals; but, from 
the point of view of a hereditary impression, there seems very good 
reason why the pigments which picture the separation of the 
formerly armoured and unarmoured surfaces should be contrasted. 
It seems to represent the line of division which we now see be- 
tween the back and abdomen of the Armadillo (Fig. 71), and of 
some Pangolins. The white or dzfferently coloured abdomen would 
then mean that the abdominal surface lost its armour, and may be 
also its spotting, dong before its ancestral forms lost their carapace. 

This theory of the origin of contrasted colours is based on the 
early disappearance of armour from certain parts of the surface 
while it continued to a later period on certain others; and the 
contrast of pigments, when finally the armour wholly disappeared, 
represents the two stages. It does not attempt to account for 
every bit of colour, but only for those colorations which appear 
to be formed on a flan. 

To put this idea more clearly before the reader—The repetition 
through ages of the nerve-centre action which resulted in the forma- 
tion of dermal bone-rosettes, left, as it were, a memory in the nerve- 
centre. This memory, when the dermal plates could no longer be 
produced, externated itself by producing only picture-rosettes, as 
we see them in the Jaguar. When even the memory of separate 
rosettes had been effaced, it still continued to externate itself by 
producing a contrasted pigmentation of ventral and dorsal surfaces ; 
that is, of the sites of the ear/zer and the /ater loss of armour. 

Among existing animals we have survivals of all the stages 
that mammals have gone through in their evolution. We have 


animals which are armoured above and below; animals which 
are armoured only above; animals which are spotted above and 
below; animals which are spotted only above; others which are 
darker above and lighter below, with modifications in other parts ; 
and finally animals which have lost every trace of ancestral armour, 
and have become self-coloured throughout. 

All these changes on the surfaces, it would appear, have their 
‘molecular equivalents’ in the nerve-centres ; and when modifica- 
tions, from whatever cause, occur in these, their representatives 
on the surface undergo a simultaneous modification. 

What wonder is it that some sort of picture of bygone states 
should now be produced, when we know that every sensory im- 
pression leaves a record in the grey matter which we call memory? 

Now how did natural selection come in, in the case of Jaguars 
and Leopards? These carnivora are expert climbers and pass 
a part of their life on trees. Their skin-rosetting harmonises 
well with the surrounding lights and shades thrown by the foliage, 
and so this curious coloration has been mazntained by natural 
selection, and not sade by it, while in the case of the adult Puma 
and Lion the same process may have selected away the picture- 

Of course the surviving Leopards that frequented trees did 
not go there because they ¢hought the lights and shades of the 
leaves would protect them. They frequented trees for other 
purposes, and found that ¢here they were frotected—that is, 
there they could secuse prey more easily than on the plain or 
among bushes; and so the Cats with these peculiar markings 
have been preserved. However undeveloped the brain of a wild 
or domestic animal may be, it knows very well where it can 
get food easily. 

To try to account for every bit of coloration in existing 


animals by ‘natural selection’ would be an idle task. No amount 
of natural selection, for instance, would account for the fact of 
so many mammals having ringed tails and plain bodies (see 
Appendix E, Nos. 4, 7, 11, etc.); for we cannot for one moment 
suppose that it was the ¢ad alone that required protection! In 
such cases we can only fall back on the supposition that, for 
some reason unknown, the tail has been slower in losing the 
modified rosettes than the body. 

As happens with most theories, to pursue this one further 
would entangle it in difficulties, as so many modifications in the 
coloration of mammals have occurred since their ancestors wholly 
lost their armour. It is only by an occasional survival here and 
there that some sort of concatenation can be conjectured to link 
the armoured stage of mammals with the existing stage, which 
in most cases is totally different. 

The upshot of this discussion is that we come to the con- 
clusion that the rosettes of Leopards are the inherited zmprints 
of armour-clad ancestors, and zo¢ the result of natural selection 
by slow and useful modifications ; and that their strange colora- 
tion has been preserved by natural selection because it may have 
harmonised with the surroundings that these animals frequented. 


‘During sudden changes in the home or feeding-ground of animals, the dilemma 
has again and again been adaptation or extinction ; in many cases nothing short of 
metamorphosis has saved them from death and kept them alive in famines.’ 

PaRKER’S Mammalian Descent, p. 18. 



BEFORE entering into this discussion, it may serve some purpose 
to go over some of the points discussed in the foregoing pages. 

A glance at the three Figures 4 to 7 shows that the groups of 
spots on the abdominal surfaces are much more altered than those 
on the back and flank. This, in my opinion, as I have often 
stated, has resulted from the abdominal armour having been got rid 
of defore the dorsal armour, so that the abdominal rosettes had time 
to alter before the dorsal pigment-rosettes had come into exist- 
ence, because the dorsal region was still covered by a carapace. 
In other words, the ventral spots of the Leopards are much more 
ancient, and consequently more modified than the dorsal rosettes. 

One might suppose the process of dispensing with armour- 
plating was something after this fashion :—The remotest vertebrate 
ancestor was plated top and bottom, like the Ganoid fishes and 
the Crocodiles. 

Mr. Alfred Russel Wallace! says that, in skinning the /acaré 
—an Alligator six feet long—‘the scales of the belly could only 
be cut by heavy blows with a hammer on a large knife,’ and that 
he ‘was obliged to borrow a drill to make the holes to sew up the 
skin,’ after stuffing it. 

Then the complete rachitis of the skin occurred first on the 

1 Travels on the Amazon (Rio Negro), p. 219. 


ventral surface, as the part least needing armour, especially in land 
animals, and a type of mammal was reached which is now 
represented by the surviving Armadillos and Pangolins. 

When the armour disappeared from the ventral surface it left 
behind the imprints of armour-rosettes in the shape of pigment- 
rosettes and spots. 

Later on, for some reason which I shall come to in a little 
while, a type of animal was reached in which the dorsal armour 
also began to dwindle. For instance, Thoracophorus and Mylodon 
Darwinit had separate scutes or plates on their carapace, and 
others, such as Carzoderma, had only vestiges of plates. 

We see a similar diminution and scattering of dermal plates, 
and probably from the same cause, in some Trygons and in 
Echinorhinus spinosus among fishes. 

This dermal rachitis was evidently progressive, and eventually 
a stage was reached in which the whole armour disappeared, 
leaving only imprints of its former bone-rosettes. 

Thus we come to the armourless ancestral forms of the modern 
Jaguar and Leopards, with only pzctures of scutes, with all their 
modifications, as detailed in the foregoing pages. 

Of course all this descent is a speculation, but it is founded on 
the facts which I have endeavoured to place before the reader. I 
need not add that all these changes did not occur in a day. 

There are many minute and other forms of spotting and 
striping among different classes of animals which cannot honestly 
be said to be of any use whatever for individual protection, 
although they may be of service for social ends, such as recognttion, 
etc. Animals, whose minds are not so much engrossed by fashions 
and the frivolities of society, may perhaps take far more notice. of 
a few characteristic spots and stripes on their associates than my 
friend the Lady-Fellow of the Zoological Society could do, who, 


although she had been to the ‘Zoo’ hundreds of times, yet had 
never seen the spots on the Lions. 

For some reason, spotting appears to endure longest on the legs, 
and striping on the tail. The spots, stripes, and ring-tails of 
animals are hieroglyphics which appear to have a profounder 
meaning, as to the origin of those that bear them—and possibly 
also to our own origin—than may have been suspected. 

It is difficult to look upon the ringed tail as otherwise than 
a remnant of a spotted or striped body. As there are numerous 
animals, such as Racoons, Coatis, and. many others, which have 
only this remaining vestige of a spotted ancestry, it will be seen 
how many animals must have lost their body spotting. 

Both for observation among animals in a state of nature, and 
among those under domestication, and also for experiments in 
cross-breeding, there is an almost unexplored field open to any one 
who may be interested in evolutionary biology; I mean the 
study of the changes which occur, from birth to old age, in the 
markings of the skins of animals. The changes that occur in the 
pigments of the skin are tell-tales, not only of the organic phases 
that particular animal has descended through, but also of the 
atomic changes in the nerve-centres which occur in the life of the 

We come now to the discussion regarding the probable cause 
of the loss of the calcareous armour in mammals. 

In the evolutions and revolutions which have occurred among 
organisms from the beginning of time, one might well ask what 
has caused the loss of those unwieldy bony carapaces and shields, 
which, in the case of the Glyptodon, as Professor Parker remarked, 
‘looked as if made for eternity’? 

Of course no one would suppose that plate-armour of that sort 
was dispensed with all of a sudden, although it is conceivable that 


some monstrous form, wzthout plate-armour, may have occurred all 
of a sudden, just as hairless animals have suddenly appeared. 

In Chlamydophorus we have probably a curious illustration of a 
transition form. The calcareous shield has disappeared, and Zazr 
has grown in its stead; and over this the horny covering of the 
bony carapace still remains. By getting rid of the latter also we 
would have the finished hairy mammal, with pigment-rosettes on 
its hair to show its connection with carapaced animals. 

But the reader might say this tiny Armadillo kas no spots on its 
hairy coat, although it would seem to have recently lost its bony 
shield. No one would expect the law of spotting to be so un- 
changeable as not to admit of any deviation. Indeed, in some 
forms of Lynx we have the back unspotted, while the abdomen is 
spotted and the short tail ringed. 

To return to our question then—What could have caused the 
gradual disappearance of armour, such as we know to have existed 
in many extinct mammals, which at one time appear to have been 
very numerous? It is stated? that ‘the habitat of the Armadillos 
extended from Mexico and Texas to Patagonia, and during the 
Tertiary Period was inhabited by the Glyptodons—gigantic 
Armadillos whose remains are found abundantly in the bone caves 
of Brazil.’ 

It is evident to me that these armoured mammals lost their 
armour gradually. Some had very thick bony plates, others thin ; 
some had their scutes commissured, others had them separate ; 
in others, finally, there were only vestiges of bony scutes. 

This is what Palzontologists say,2 under the heading of Glyp- 
todons: ‘Carapace has no movable bands, so that the animal 
could not roll itself up;. . the carapace usually has its com- 

1 Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. ii., 9th edition. 
* Manual of Paleontology, Nicholson and Lydekker, vol. ii. p. 1292. 


ponent scutes united by suture, but in one genus they are separate ; 
the scutes are moreover usually ornamented with a sculpture which 
varies in the different genera and species ; but they may be plain 
or tuberculated. There is usually a ventral buckler (never found 
in the Armadillos), and the tail is enclosed in a complete bony 
sheath.’ + 

Then, at p. 1294—‘ Thoracophorus differs from all the foregoing 
in having the scutes of the carapace separated from one another, 
and thereby approximates to some of the A/egatheriide, in which 
there were a number of small ossicles imbedded in the dermis of 
the dorsal region. A similar condition prevails in Carioderma of 
the Loup-Fork beds of Texas.’ 

Further, at p. 1299—‘The Patagonian Jylodon Darwinii 
(Gryptothertum) has numerous small dermal scutes, which do not 
articulate with one another.’ 

From this it becomes evident that the group of mammals with 
scutes or plates on their skin (Glyptodontide and Megatheriid@) 
was not only a very large one, but it shows that the loss of plate 
armour, in some, was gradual. The plates or scutes dwindled into 
separate bony vestiges imbedded in the skin. 

Now, to endeavour to answer the question I have put, I can 
only venture on the following speculation :— 

To account for such accumulations of coal as are known to 
exist, physicists have supposed that at one period of the earth’s 
history there must have been vastly more carbon dioxide (CO?) 
in the atmosphere, in order to furnish the carbon which such 
prodigious vegetation must have needed. 

Sir Robert Ball has informed us that the clouds of- the 

1 In the Manchester Museum there is a Lizard without a name. It is ticketed ‘a 
Lacerta from Lower Egypt.’ Its great peculiarity is the tail, which is enclosed in 
spiked rings, almost exactly like a miniature tail of a Glyptodon. The rest of the body 
is covered with very minute scales. 



photosphere of the sun are no other than pure incandescent carbon. 
Owing to the intense heat, the carbon is dissevered from all its 
possible combinations and shines and radiates heat as the coal in 
our grate does, or as the carbon filament in the electric lamp does. 

It is logical therefore to infer that our earth had, at one time, 
a vast deal of this same material in its atmosphere. Then, as it 
cooled down, the carbon began again to combine with oxygen! to 
form CO? If this be so, it would follow that at one time our 
atmosphere was choked with CO%, and all life, as we now know it, 
must have been impossible till the evolution of low forms of plants 
undertook to liberate the oxygen and hoard up the carbon in the 
plant tissues. 

Now a large quantity of CO? in the air would also mean a 
large quantity of CO? absorbed by the water. And this again 
would mean a large quantity of carbonate of lime in solution in the 
water. Hence we find all the lower forms of primitive life, even 
down to seaweeds, mostly encased in calcareous material, forming 
more or less thick shells of innumerable forms, carapaces, exo- 
skeletons, etc. 

It is only necessary to think of the chalk and other limestone 
rocks,—which are formed of countless myriads of foraminiferous 
shells,—and of the coral rocks, to have some idea of the vast amount 
of carbonate of lime which has been withdrawn from the waters of 
our earth; for these minute animals and corals could have got 
the lime they needed only from the lime salts in solution in water. 
Moreover, the fauna of the seas could obtain the materials of both 
their inner and outer skeletons only from the same source. 

The abstraction of carbon from the atmosphere, and the hoard- 
ing of it in coal measures, and the abstraction of the same carbon, 
in the shape of carbonate of lime, from the waters, and the hoarding 

1 Oxygen may not have been detected in the sun, but we Aave it in our atmosphere. 


of it in lime rocks, must have, in course of time, caused something 
like a zme famine in the process of multiplication of animals, hence 
the xudity of a number of animals whose ancestors at one time must 
have been more or less encased in calcareous armour. 

Lime salts must have been abundant everywhere, not only in 
water plants and animals, but also in land plants and animals. 
Lime was largely needed not only for building up of the exo- 
skeletons, but also for building up the ezdo-skeletons of those 
extinct monsters, the thigh-bone of some of which was taller 
than a six-foot man, and proportionately massive. 

It is therefore not to be wondered at that animals, multiplying 
indefinitely, may have eventually reached a period in which there 
was an insufficient supply of lime to supply all demands. 

The endo-skeleton, if not sufficiently supplied with lime, would 
become rachitic. The animal with a soft endo-skeleton would 
collapse, and be of no use in the battle of life. So it was the 
exo-skeleton that had to dispense with the calcareous stiffening, 
and the animal world may then have begun to experience the 
pathological phenomenon of animals with a vachztic skin |—cer- 
tainly. a great advantage where activity had become a factor in 
the struggle for life. 

Even when land mammals had lost their exo-skeleton, they 
must have continued to use up incredible amounts of carbonate 
of lime for building up their endo-skeletons ; and when we read of 
the swarms of ruminants which blackened the plains of Africa 
and North America, we begin to realise the amount of this lime 
salt that must have been hoarded in their endo-skeletons, But 
this salt of lime such countless ruminants could evidently obtain 
in sufficient quantity from the grasses and trees on which they 

And this very carbonate of lime which nourished the grasses 


and trees was obtained from the disintegration of the minute 
shell covering of myriads and myriads of far remoter ancestors. 
These shell coverings had been hoarded ages ago in the rocks, 
or on the debris of rocks on which those grasses and trees grew | 

In the Royal Natural History, vol. ii. p. 193, it is written that, 
‘of all the quadrupeds that have ever lived upon the earth, 
probably no other species has ever marshalled such innumerable 
hosts as those of the American Bison. It would have been as 
easy to count or to estimate the number of leaves in a forest 
as to calculate the number of Bison living at any given time 
during the history of the species previous to 1870... As 
an instance of these enormous numbers, it appears that, in 
the early part of the year 1871, Colonel Dodge, when passing 
through the great herd on the Arkansas, and reckoning that 
there were some fifteen or twenty individuals to the acre, states, 
from his own observation, that it was not less than 25 miles 
wide and 50 miles deep, and was reckoned to consist of not 
less than four millions. ‘Many writers, at and about the date 
mentioned, speak of the plains being absolutely black with Bison 
as far as the eye could reach. It is even stated that trains were 
sometimes derailed on the Kansas Pacific Railway when attempt- 
ing to plough their way through these crowds of Bison. 

The reckless destruction of these useful animals, for the sake 
of their fine skins, has left little more than ‘huge stacks of skulls 
piled up at many of the railway stations awaiting transport,’ 
perhaps to make bone-black for refining sugar. Such is the 
irony of nature! 

Mr. Hutchinson, quoting from Darwin, on the American 
continent, says—‘ Formerly it must have swarmed with great 
monsters ; now we find mere pigmies compared with the antecedent 

1 Creatures of Other Days, p. 248. 


allied races. If Buffon had known of the gigantic Sloth and 
Armadillo-like animals, and of the lost Pachydermata, he might 
have said with greater semblance of truth that the creative force 
in America had lost its power rather than it had never possessed 
great vigour.’ 

What is the reason of this change from the monstrous-sized 
animals of the past to their modern pigmy descendants? With- 
out carbonate of lime, neither the external nor the internal 
skeletons can be built up. The same cause—want of sufficient 
carbonate of lime in the waters, plants, etc—that caused the 
rachitis of the dermal skeleton, prevented the internal skeleton 
from attaining a great size; hence the pigmy animals of ¢hese 
days, as compared with the monsters of those days. But let us 
not fancy that it was to the disadvantage of the former. It pro- 
duced greater activity in the carnivora, and greater fleetness in 
the herbivora; and so these have survived, and the ancient un- 
wieldy ones have perished. 

Some naturalists seem to think that, as animals became more 
active, they lost their plate-armour by natural selection, the more 
active killing out the less active armour-plated animals. But I 
think that just the reverse may have occurred. Animals became 
active decause they began to acquire rachitic skins, owing to a 
lime-famine, this material having been used up mainly in making 
rocks! The deficiency of lime in the exo-skeleton may have not 
only brought about more activity in the animal, but deficiency 
of the same material in the endo-skeleton may have also brought 
about smaller animals; so that the two deficiencies may have 
gradually contributed to create a much more active race of animals 
than there had been before. 

It is not difficult to imagine that, although in some instances 
the huge dish-cover carapace of an animal like the Glyptodon 



may have been a good protection, if the animal squatted and 
hid himself under his huge dish-cover; in other instances, how- 
ever, this same protection might have become a source of great 
weakness. Let us suppose that the Glyptodont, as is likely, was 
sometimes wholly unarmoured on his abdominal surface, like 
many of the existing Armadillos, Then if his more active enemies 
had learnt to upset him, and leave him kicking in the air like 
an overturned Turtle, he would be wholly at their mercy, and they 
might eat his underside, and scoop him out at leisure, in spite 
of his formidable dorsal protection. We need not even suppose 
that each of his enemies required to have great strength, for we 
know that several Grampuses attack a Whale at the same time 
and kill it, and that Wolves co-operate in their attacks on large 

Such is a speculative sketch of the physical conditions which 
possibly may have brought about the existing active and smaller 
races of animals. Briefly, the hugeness of the endo- and exo- 
skeletons of those ancient extinct monsters may have been due to 
excess of lime in their food. 

I have called the absence of lime-stiffening in the exo-skeleton 
a vachitic skin. It is not unlike a rachitic egg-skin, when the hen is 
unable to obtain lime salts for building up the egg-shell. In the 
latter case, the deficiency is a great disadvantage, but in the former 
an elastic and flexible skin, giving freedom to the movements of 
the muscles and endo-skeleton, would have been a great advan- 

Concurrently with the loss of armour, and with the development 
of muscular activity, there must have been evolved a larger and more 
complicated brain. Those huge monsters of ancient times are 
known to have had tiny brains, in proportion to their prodigious size. 
The spinal cord no doubt supplemented the small size of the 


cranial brain, and in some cases, as in the Stegosaurus, there is 
reason to believe that an additional lumbar brain existed, as a part 
of the spinal cord. 

I think I have said enough to indicate by what possible causes 
the plate-armour of ancient animals may have been got rid of, and 
therefore shall not follow up this speculation any further. 

The upshot has been that the ancestors of the Jaguar and Leo- 
pard, from a similar lime-famine, lost their calcareous carapace, 
which consisted of done-rosettes, and so their descendants have 
had to be satisfied, with profit to themselves, with rosette stamps 
instead ! 

I believe that all mammals, including marsupials, descended 
from armoured ancestors, and that a famine of lime by degrees 
relieved them of the calcareous armour, but left on their skins the 
stamp of the armour-plates, and, in some cases, that of the carapace 
asawhole. By slow degrees these also became modified in various 
ways, and even wholly obliterated. The least altered from the 
originals, after the armour wholly disappeared, is the Jaguar skin ; 
then the others follow somewhat in this order: Leopards slightly 
altered ; spotted and dappled mammals of all degrees and kinds ; 
more or less altered striped mammals ; piebald mammals ; mammals 
with self-coloured bodies, but with ringed tails ; and lastly, mammals 
self-coloured all over. 


‘Myriads of types, unready and conservative, have passed out of being; that which 
they had, but did not improve, has been taken from them, whilst others, by steady 
improvement of what they had, have had more and more life givento them. But not 
always by slow, steady increment ‘‘ during long ages,” has the advance been made. 
Nature does, now and then, make amazing leaps, certain types taking on sudden 
metamorphosis, and, in the fraction of a lifetime, the low is transformed into the high.’ 

Professor W. KITCHEN PARKER, On Mammalian Descent, p. 93- 



IN order that we may be able to decipher more fully the hiero- 
glyphics so profusely scattered on the exterior surface of the 
domestic Horses, we have to study the exterior of the various 
species of Rhinoceros a little in detail. 

Zoologists admit, if I interpret their writings correctly, that 
the Horse is not only allied to the Rhinoceros, but that very 
probably the Horse’s one digit has descended from the enlarged 
middle or third digit of some Rhinocero-Tapiroid ancestor. 

Then ‘the crowns of the lower true molars consist in their simplest 
structure of two transverse ridges (as in the Tapir), but these ridges 
may be curved into crescents (as in the Rhinoceros), or complicated. 
by foldings and convolutions (as in the Horse). The transition 
from the simplest brachydont (or short-toothed), to the most 
specialised hypsodont dentition (or tall-toothed) is accompanied by 
a reduction of the number of the digits from four or three to one; 
that one being the third or middle of the typical series of five. ? 

If we direct our attention to the hide of the Indian Rhinoceros: 
we seem to feel a sort of conviction that the scapular and pelvic 
hide-shields of this huge mammal are homologous with the bony 
scapular and pelvic shields of the Armadillos. We seem to feel also 

1 Manual of Paleontology, by Nicholson and Lydekker, p. 1353. 


that the ears of the Rhinoceros and the Armadillo are singularly 
alike. Then if we turn to fossils, we find that the Polacanthus has 
a bony pelvic shield rising in knobs,! not unlike those of the hide- 
shields of the Indian Rhinoceros (Fig. 77). This is what Nicholson 
and Lydekker say of it (p. 1161): ‘In Polacanthus of the same 
(Wealden) beds, we have a remarkable form (of Dinosaur), in which 
the dermal armour constitutes a complete solid carapace over the 

Fic. 77.—Indian Rhinoceros (&. Unicornis), from a photograph, F. G. O. 8. 20046. 

whole of the dorsal aspect of the lumbar region, some of the com- 
ponent scutes being tuberculated, and others ridged; while there 
was also a number. of detached flattened spines somewhat like 
those of Hyzosaurus, which probably formed a line in the dorsal 
region. This peculiar type of carapace forcibly recalls that of the 
Glyptodont edentates.’ 

In order to emphasise the similarity of the Rhinoceros and the 

1 See Fig. 63 (a). 


Armadillo, I would here mention two other interesting points. The 
Giant Armadillo (Prionodon Maximus) has its hind feet ungulate : 
its hoofs are almost exactly like those of the Malayan Tapir; and 
in some Rhinoceroses the incisor teeth are wholly wanting, 
and that part of the jaw is contracted, not unlike that of the 

Then there is a type of Rhinoceros which brings us still more 
closely to the Armadillo type. This is what Mr. W. T. Blanford? 
says of the RAznoceros Sondatcus, the smaller one-horned Rhino- 
ceros which has been observed at great elevations in Burmah: 
‘Skin naked, or nearly so, not tubercular, the epidermis divided 
by cracks into small polygonal, sub-equal scale-like discs through- 
out the body and limbs. Surface of the body divided into shields 
by folds, as in R. Unicornzs, but the fold in front of the shoulders 
is continuous across the back, like that behind the shoulders and 
that in front of the thighs.’ 

That is to say, unlike the Indian Rhinoceros, the divisions of the 
plated hide of this Javan Rhinoceros go right over the back exactly 
like the divisions of the carapace of an Armadillo. So that between 
the type of the Glyptodon and the type of the existing Armadillo 
there must have been some intermediate type approaching that of 
the R. Sondaicus, in which the ‘armour still consisted of bone-rosettes, 
somewhat like those of the Glyptodon, but the whole carapace 
admitted of a freer movement, because it was divided into three 
or four separate sections attached to each other by simple un- 
armoured skin, acting as leather hinges, and the Rhzxoceros 
Sondaicus may be the descendant of this intermediate type of 

Now in the Natural History Museum there is a small Rhinoceros 
without a ticket (at least the ticket is not visible) about the size of 

1 Fauna of British India, ‘Mammalia,’ p. 474. 


a Newfoundland Dog. The specimen is hidden by the larger ones, 
and jammed in among them, so that it is not easy to examine it 
thoroughly. It has no horns, or perhaps only a rudimentary one 
on its nose. It may be a young one of R. Sondaicus(?) Of 
whatever species it may be, it presents quite a revelation as to the 
points I am discussing. It has the scapular and pelvic shields 
somewhat like those of the Indian Rhinoceros (R. Unicornis), but 
the whole surface is covered with small plates, which vary as to 
their component platelets. 

In Fig. 78 I have given two variants taken from the posterior 
aspect of the left haunch of this Rhinoceros. Its plates appear to 
be of some dony substance. 

Fic. 78.—(a) and (4) Bony plates from haunch of small Rhinoceros, Natural History 
Museum (2. Suxdaicus?); (c) bony plate of Tolypentes tricincta (an Armadillo). 

This is not all, for in one or two places the plates have fallen 
off, showing that they are something quite distinct from the 
dermal tissue proper ; and what may perhaps be of some import- 
ance, the detachment of the plates has left an zmpression of their 
component platelets on the subjacent skin. 

Some of the plates of this little Rhinoceros, like (a), do not 
differ materially, although they do in outline, from those of one of 
the Armadillos (Tolypentes tricincta), shown in (c). Then (4) in 
its component platelets is not unlike a Jaguar rosette. 

1 Its position has been recently altered. 


The curious part is that the tail of this Rhinoceros is also 
covered with similar plates disposed ring-fashion like those of the 
tail of an Armadillo, 

Here then we have a Rhinoceros encased in armour, almost 
exactly in essence like that of an Armadillo. 

A glance at the other species of Rhinoceros in the Natural 
History Museum teaches us something more in our endeavour 
to discover further evidence of the relationship of these mammals 
and the Horse. For R. Unicornis (India) has the skin covered 
with Azde tubercles only, without any deposit of bone-plates, 
admitting of a freer movement. R. Sumatrensis (two-horned) is 
the smallest and the most hairy, the skin being only rough and 
granular with the folds of skin less marked. It is evidently a type 
which has passed from the plated to the smooth and hairy mammal. 
This also is met with at a high elevation (4000 feet). There are 
variations of the Sumatran Rhinoceros from Chittagong and 
Malacca, which have a still smoother skin and longer hair. We 
come ultimately to the African species, which have neither plates, 
nor folds, nor hair of consequence, and their skin is nearly as smooth 
as that of a Porpoise, making allowance for the difference of the 
medium in which these two kinds of animals live. 

Then in Fig. 79 I have given what appears to me a variation of 
Rhinoceros Sondaicus. It is not only covered with small plates, 
from head to foot, but it has a curious, and, may be, instructive 
variation of plating on its flank. About this I have something to 
say in another place. In the meantime, in Fig. 80 I give four 
groups of plates, picked out from what I suppose to be a &. 
Sondaicus (Fig. 79). These groups are not unlike the rosettes 
of the Armadillo of Fig. 78 (ce). 

It will be seen that the Indian Rhinoceros of Fig. 77, although 
it has lost its bone-rosettes, has retained hide-knobs, disposed. 


as shown in Fig. 81. (d@) is a group of spots from the shoulder of a 
Horse, given here for comparison. 

Fic. 80.— Plates picked out of the Rhinoceros of Fig. 79. (a) and (4) from middle of flank ; 
(c) from hind margin of scapular-shield; (¢) from hind margin of neck-shield. 

The hide-knobs of the Indian Rhinoceros shown in Fig. 81 are 

represented as seen from a certain distance on the animals of the 
Zoological Gardens, 


Some of the stuffed Rhinoceroses of the Natural History 
Museum are so placed that it is impossible to get near enough to 
them to examine their hide in detail. In the Edinburgh Museum 
of Science and Art, however, I had a rare opportunity of 

ning io a a a 
© bs 
B06 SG. Wi. cae 
CG. a 0 oC v @ 

Fic. 81.—(a) and (4) are from the shoulder and hip of an Indian Rhinoceros; (c) from the 
hip of another individual of the same species (Zoological Gardens) ; (d) is a group of black 

spots seen on the shoulder of a Horse; (e) hide-plate from Hairy Rhinoceros of Chittagong 
(Zoological Gardens). 

on CS 
oO af XO 
jee 99 in as 
Qos 2 : 
ae NL 

Fic. 82,—(a) From the lower and back part of the scapular shield; (4) from the back 
part of the pelvic shield, of an Indian Rhinoceros (Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art) 

minutely examining the hide-shields of an Indian Rhinoceros 
(R. Unicornis). . 

From Fig. 82 it will be seen that the hide-knobs of this animal 
resolve themselves into patterns almost identical with the armour 
bone-plates of the Sturgeon and the Crocodile shown in Fig. 68 
(6) and (c), and of the Glyptodon shown in Fig. 61 (¢). 


The central portion of these rosettes is a pyramidal hide-knob, 
composed of smaller sections, and surrounded by the usual ring of 
small tubercles. Compare these with the Horse rosettes of Fig. 56 (a). 

The similarity of pattern between the hide-knobs of this 
Rhinoceros and the bone-rosettes of the Glyptodonts and Arma- 
dillos is astonishing, and leaves little doubt in one’s mind that the 
Indian Rhinoceros, with its scapular and pelvic shields and its 
hide-armour, comes down to us from some Armadilloid ancestor. 

In the Horse, every trace of plate and tubercle has disappeared, 
but they have left instead their indelible pigmmentpictures in some 
varieties of the dappled Horse, as shown in Fig. 56 (a), (2) and (¢). 

We have now to examine a very interesting feature of the R. 
Sondaicus given in Fig. 79. Its flanks look as if they were cracked 
into larger plates than those of the rest of the body. They may be 
in fact fuszons of a number of the smaller plates—for although the 
plates of this Rhinoceros are of a bone-like nature, they may be 
quite capable of fusion as shown in the hide-plate of the Chittagong 
Rhinoceros (Fig. 81 (e)). 

It would at first seem improbable that stiff bone-rosettes are 
capable of fusing into larger plates; but we have already seen an 
approach to fusion of bone-rosettes in the armour of both the 
Glyptodon and the Leathery Turtle (Figs, 67 (2) and 68 (a)). 

This cracked appearance of the hide of AK. Sondaicus of Fig. 79 
forcibly recalls, it seems to me, that flank reticulation which is so 
common a feature in the dappled Horse (see Figs. 34 and 38). And 
in both animals it may mean the same thing, viz. in the Rhino- 
ceros the fusion of one or more éone-rosettes, and in the Horse the 
fusion of one or more pzcture-rosettes. If this be conceded, we 
come to the same conclusion which has been reached frequently 
before, viz., that both the Rhinoceros and the Horse have descended 
from some Glyptodontoid ancestor. 


Of course Glyptodontoid and Armadilloid animals vary in their 
bone-plating, as much as Rhinoceroses vary in their hide-plating ; so 
do Horses and other mammals vary still more extensively in their 

In some species of Rhinoceros the shields and plates have 
entirely disappeared. Having got rid of the plates, some of the 
species got rid also of the hide-shields. Natural selection was 
evidently rendering their skin more pliable, in order that their 
movements might be freer. In other words, their movements 
became freer as they were relieved of their thick hide-plates and 
shields. Not improbably the African species, as a compensation 
for their loss of armour, may have obtained those formidable horns 
which we see in the Natural History Museum. 

In the dappled Horse the pigment arrangements have been so 
modified in most cases, as hardly to maintain any resemblance to 
the typical rosetting of the Jaguar. In only a few cases have I 
succeeded in tracing true rosettes in the Horse, and these I have 
shown in Fig. 56. Usually it is hopeless to trace any minute rosette 
resemblance in the Horse dappling. But by observing an infinite 
number of all colours, and putting two and two together, one may 
succeed in evolving an ideal of what some remote ancestor of the 
Horse may have looked like. Anyhow, the Zebras are clear evi- 
dence that, whatever the external disposition of pigments may 
originally have been, the resulting modification has been almost 
identical with that of the Tiger. In this, and much more clearly 
in other Cats, it is easy to prove to one’s-self that stripes and. 
bands originated from rosettes like those of the Jaguar and 

Then in striped animals themselves we seem to witness modifi- 
cations undergoing before our eyes, so to speak. In Grevy’s Zebra 
the bands are very numerous and narrow, some of. them coalescing 


into oze band; while in Burchell’s Zebra every alternate band has 
become fainter, and may be disappearing altogether. 

I have so far endeavoured to trace the relationship of the Arma- 
dillo, the Rhinoceros, and the Horse, simply from characters which 
they retain on their hides. This relationship I find can be also 
traced to the Zebu of Fig. 58, and to the Giraffe of Fig. 57. In 
another place I have shown that probably there is a more intimate 
relationship between the Horse and the ruminants than there is 
between the Horse and the Rhinoceros. Of course their skeleton 
and general anatomy sufficiently indicate a certain fundamental 
relationship, but what I am aiming at here is to trace a closer 
relationship between certain groups of mammals by means of 
the hieroglyphics exhibited on their skin. With these external 
and more transient characters anatomy does not concern itself. 

If the reader will take the trouble to compare certain Horse 
rosettes shown in Fig. 43, certain Giraffe rosettes shown in Fig. 83 
(a) and (4), and the rosettes of the Zebu of Fig. 83 (¢) and (2), with 
certain Jaguar rosettes of Fig. 59, and then again compare certain 
bone-rosettes of Armadillos of Fig. 63 (c) with certain hide-rosettes 
of the Rhinoceros of Fig. 80, he can hardly fail to be convinced that 
they a//—bone-rosettes, hide-rosettes, and pigment-rosettes—had one 
and the same origin. Of course the rosettes of the Horse, and more 
especially those of the Ox, have undergone much alteration, not only 
through remoteness of descent, but also by prolonged domestica- 
tion, and human selection, so that piebaldness and total oblitera- 
tion of all traces of rosetting are very frequent features in these 

From what evidence I have been able to adduce, I think we are 
justified in again drawing the broad conclusion that, in mammals 
at least, all spotted, striped, ringtailed, and piebald animals have 
descended from armour-plated ancestors. And as we know that 


both among wild and domesticated mammals a number of self- 
coloured varieties are indubitably related to either spotted or striped 
congeners, we reach again a still broader conclusion that very pro- 
bably a7 mammals, zncluding the marsupials, have descended from 
armour-plated ancestors, 

Having once surmised that the reticulations we see on the 

Fic. 83.—(a) Rosette from lower part of right haunch of Giraffe; (J) rosette from right 
shoulder of the same (Natural History Museum); (c) rosette from upper part of fore-leg of 
Zebu; (d) rosette from shoulder of the same (see Fig. 58). 

dappled Horse’s flank may be zzprznts of the commissures between 
the plates which we see on the flank of Rhinoceros Sondaicus of 
Fig. 79, something further is suggested. 

In Fig. 40 I have shown that the commissure-pictures coincide 
with the network of superficial veins on the Horse’s flank. Not 
improbably these superficial veins are the ancestral commissure- 
veins ; that is, a network of veins of a certain size located in the 



clefts of the plate-commissures, into which the blood supplied to the 
plates found its way much as the intra-lobular veins of the liver 
receive the blood from the veinlets of the lobes. Whether this be 
so or not may perhaps one day be ascertained by dissection of the 
skin of the Rhinoceros, and also of the skin of the Armadillo. It 
might thus be easily ascertained whether the commissures of the 
plates have any corresponding veins. 

That the superficial veins of the Horse, or their nervous 
apparatus, play some part in the distribution of pigments seems 
likely. The ungulate character of the Horse’s hands and feet 
would naturally lead one to surmise a close relationship between 
this animal and the Rhinoceros, but we should not forget that the 
Great Armadillo on its hind feet has Avofs, and not claws Both 
the Horse and the Rhinoceros furnish indications of descent from 
carapaced ancestors, but the question is whether the Horse came 
to be what it is through the ruminant branch, or through some 
Rhinocerotoid branch of ancestors. In another place I have shown 
that there is reason to believe that the Horse and the ruminants 
are closely allied. From features that I have indicated in the 2. 
Sondaicus, especially in his astonishing tail, encased in rznmgs of 
bone-plates, there can be no reasonable doubt that 4e, at all events, 
descended from armour-plated ancestors. 

The degradation from bone-armour to picture-armour might at 
first sight appear a great disadvantage for subsequent races, but in 
reality it has resulted in giving natural selection a totally different 
direction. It has resulted in the evolution of fleetness in the 
Horse, Antelopes, and Deer, and in the astonishing springs of the 
carnivora that feed on them. In other words, it has resulted in the 
development of great muscular and brain power—with a suitable 

1 See also p. 132, AZammalian Descent, by Professor Parker, about ‘ ungulate 


framework of bone—the lines on which the animal world was ¢here- 
after to be ruled. 

It would be idle to suppose that the bony-plates of the Arma- 
dillo, the hide-plates of the Rhinoceros, and the picture-plates of 
the Horse, are all so like each other by mere accident, any more 
than we can consider that the seven cervical vertebrae of these 
animals came to them all by accident. One can fully understand 
that the external features of an animal are subject to much greater 
variations than the internal skeleton; nevertheless, in spite of all 
the modifications in the skin, which the animal unconsciously 
brought about in order to adapt itself to its surroundings, enough 
is left in the skin features of many species to assure us that all 
these animals have had a common origin, and that they descended 
from an armour-clad ancestry. The evidence of the pictures on the 
skin of the Jaguar, as I have shown, is too clear to admit of any 
other interpretation than that of descent from armour-plating. 

I have said enough to prove that the markings on the skins of 
mammals are not necessarily the result of natural selection, work- 
ing gradually on some incipient variation through long periods of 
time; but more probably the result of an zxherited nerve-centre 
habit. Then, after the total disappearance of calcareous matter 
from the skin, this habit continued its action on the pigments of 
the skin, and was modified subsequently in a hundred ways. 
What natural selection probably dd do was, as I said, to mazntain 
this inherited skin feature, wherever it was advantageous to the 
animal, and to obliterate it wherever it was not. 

From all this wearisome discussion we learn one great lesson, 
and it is this:—that habits, or memories, of the nervous system, 
when established for long ages, are got rid of very slowly ; and that 
it requires more long ages for mew ones to become established in 
their places, 


“We find heredity, or adherence to a general type derived from ancestors, opposed by 
special modifications of or deviations from that type, and the latter generally getting the 
victory, although in the numerous rudimentary structures that remain there is significant 
evidence of ancestral conditions long passed away.’ 

The Horse, by Sir W. FLOWER, p. 3. 



ONE of the features which distinguish the Horse from the Ass is the 
presence of callosities on the inner aspect of a// four legs in the 
Horse, while inthe Ass and Zebra these callosities are present only 
on the fore-legs. In the Horse, on the fore-legs, they are above the 
wrists (commonly called knees); and on the hind-legs, they are 
below the heels (commonly called hocks). 

One day, at the sea-side, I was examining some little Donkeys 
which had stripes on their legs. I asked the Donkey-boy, ‘What 
are those things on the inside of the Donkey’s fore-legs?’ He said, 
‘J don’t know, I will go and ask’; he added, ‘but I can tell you 
what that mark on the Donkey’s back is.’ ‘What is it?’ I said. 
He replied, ‘When Jesus Christ went to Jerusalem he rode a 
Donkey, and after that it had the sign of the cross on its back.’ I 
suppose he inferred that his little Donkey was a descendant of ¢haz. 
The event of the entrance into Jerusalem, be it remembered, must 
have been a good bit before the Crucifixion! 

A well-dressed man who was standing by and heard our con- 
versation said—‘ Every gentleman knows what those things are on 
the Donkey’s fore-legs. They are corns.’ ‘But,’ said I, ‘they are 
very different from our corns.’ ‘Yes,’ he observed, ‘the corns of 
Horses and Donkeys are different.’ 


Stable-men call them corns. Professor Flower calls them 
warts or callosities, or ‘chestnuts,’ and ‘mallenders,’ and ‘sallenders,’ 
as some old books designate them. 

He says—‘ There the skin is peculiarly modified from its usual 
structure. No hair grows on these patches; ‘the papilla of the 
derm or true skin are much enlarged, and covered with an abundant 
and thick epidermis, which becomes dry and horny, and some- 
times (in the Horse) accumulates in considerable quantity on the 
surface, occasionally even making a horn-like projection.’ 

Professor Flower! adds— The signification and utility of these 
structures are complete puzzles ;’ and on p. 173, ‘ They obviously 
belong to a numerous class of special modifications of particular 
parts of the cutaneous surface which occur in very many animals, 
the use of which is in most cases remarkably obscure. Bare spots, 
thickened patches or callosities, and tufts of elongated hair, often 
associated with groups of peculiar glands, are very common on 
various parts of the body, but especially the limbs, of many 
ungulates, and to this category the “chestnuts” of the Horse 
undoubtedly belong.’ 

Then, in a note to the same page, he says—‘ Dr. J. E. Gray 
divided the pigmy Chevrotains (ruminants allied to Pigs) into two 
groups—Memznna, ‘ with a naked prominence on the outer side of 
metatarsus, rather below the hock, and Zvragulus, ‘with hinder 
edge of the metatarsus naked and callous.’? 

Professor Flower concludes this part of his book thus: ‘If they 
(the corns) teach us nothing else, they afford a valuable lesson as 
to our ignorance, for if we cannot guess at the meaning or use of a 
structure so conspicuous to observation, and in animals whose 

1 The Horse, p. 172. 
2 At the end of Part v1. I made a suggestion which may give a different meaning 
to the callosity of Tragulus. 


mode of life more than any other we have had the fullest oppor- 
tunity of becoming intimately acquainted with, how can we be 
expected to account off-hand for the endless strange variations of 
form and structure of animals of whose habits and methods of 
existence we know absolutely nothing ?’ 

I had pondered over the callosities of the Horse, Ass, and 

q a 


Fic. 84.—(a) Callosity on fore-leg of Tibetan wild Ass or ‘Kiang’ (Zguus hemionus) ; 
(2) callosity on inner aspect of hind-leg of the ‘ Alpaca’ (Lama pacos); (c) tuft of dark hair on 
light ground of leg of the ‘ Vicugna’ (Lama vicugna) ; all three from Natural History Museum. 

Zebra a good bit before I read the foregoing in Sir W. Flower’s 
book on The Horse. 

Fig. 84 (a) shows the callosity on the fore-leg of the Tibetan 
wild Ass; and Fig. 53 shows it on the fore-leg of the Zebra. 

I have never met with an Ass which had callosities on its hind- 
legs. In the stables of the Great Northern Railway Company I 
have seen a Horse which had xo callosities on the hind-legs; and 


another which had them as small as peas on those limbs; and 
the foreman of the stables of the London Road Car Co. told me 
he has seen them as small as the nail of his little finger. It is 
therefore not improbable that the ancestors of the Ass and Zebra 
may have had callosities also on the hind-legs, but from some 

i ae ss 
Z , 

Fic, 85.—(a) Black tuft of hair on fawn-grey—hind-leg of Peruvian Roebuck (Coriacus 
antisiensis); (6) dark brown tuft on a dirty white ground—hind leg of Elk ; (¢) grey tuft on 
fawn-coloured leg—hock of Virginian Deer (Coréacus Virginianus)—from Natural History 

cause they may have dwindled off and disappeared so completely 
from those species that they are not reverted to. As far as I am 
aware, if the Ass and Zebra ever had them on their hind-legs, no 
trace of them is to be seen there now. 

1 It is curious that Agus Grevy? of Fig. 52 does not show a. callosity on the fore-leg 
as in Fig. §3. Grevy’s Zebra which I saw at Tring also has its fore-legs wzthout them. 


In the domestic Horse they vary in shape. In the fore-legs 
they are either pointed up and down, or, as in Fig. 84 (a), pear- 
shaped ; and in the hind-legs they are often like slits in the skin. 
I have not seen a second case of a Horse without them on the 
hind-legs, but perhaps a more extensive search might discover 
some others. 

Now, are there any other animals with similar callosities on 
their legs? Yes; Professor Flower has mentioned the Memznna 
and Tragulus two Deer-like or Swine-like ruminants. In the 
Natural History Museum the Huanaco (Lama huanacus) has 
similar callosities on both the inner and outer aspects of the hind- 
leg below the hock. The Llama (Zama glama) has them also on 
both sides of the hind-legs. The Alpaca (Lama pacos) in some 
cases seems to have them only on the inner aspect of the hind-legs.” 

Fig. 84 (4) gives an outline of the hind-leg of the Alpaca, 
showing the callosity ; and Fig. 86 gives a full picture of a living 
Llama, with the callosities, as slits,on both aspects of the hind-legs. 

It is interesting to note that in the Vicugna (Fig. 84 (¢)), another 
Cameloid animal of South America, instead of a callosity, there is, 
in this case at all events, in the same region, a distinct tuft of 
elongated dark hair on a light ground. 

Then again in the Natural History Museum there are various 
other ruminants which have, as I think, very significant tufts of 
hair on the inner aspects of their hind-legs which are of a different 
colour from the general ground colour. 

The Elk, the Virginian Deer, and the Peruvian Roebuck—all 
American ruminants—have these suspicious tufts of hair on their 

1 The callosity on the metatarsus of Tragulus may mean something else (see end 
of Part vI.). 

2 At Tring, the Vicugna has callosities, like slits, on both aspects of hind-legs, below 

the hock; and in the Zoological Gardens both the Huanaco and the Llama have 
callosities in the corresponding places. 


hocks. In all cases they are of a different colour from the sur- 
rounding hair. Fig. 85 gives an outline of their legs. But the 
most interesting of all is the male Reindeer of the Natural History 

Fic, 86.—The Llama, from a photograph, F. G. O. S., 20040. 

Museum. On the inner aspect of its hock it has a large whitish 
patch of hair on a dark ground. 

There can be little doubt, I think, that these singular tufts of 
elongated or modified hair are, as Sir W. Flower suggests, vestiges 


of once glandular surfaces of the skin, which have ceased to be of 
any use to the animals that possessed them, and have now ceased 
to have selection value. In 
some, as in the equine family, 
they have dwindled into mere 
callosities with thickened 
epidermis, while in others 
they have become covered 
with hair of a different tint 
and length from the surround- 
ing hair. In ‘the Camels of 
South America, with possibly 
certain exceptions, they ap- 
pear to be in the same condi- 
tion as those of the Zebra 
and Wild Ass, only much 
reduced in size. 

It would seem safe to look 
upon all these callous surfaces 
as vestiges of skin glands, similar to those in front of the eye of 
certain Deer, like that shown in Fig. 87. 

Sheep have glands between the hoofs of all: four legs; and 
goats have them only between the hoofs of their fore-legs, and 
sometimes not even there.! 

Fic. 87.—Gland in front of the eye of Peruvian 
Roebuck (Coriacus (Furcifer) antisiensis), 

Now we come to another and more obscure point of our 
research. What could have been the use of skin glands on the 
legs of the common ancestors of all these different mammals— 
Horses, Asses, Zebras, Deer, and Camels ? 

Well, in the ancestral history of these animals, skin glands on 
the legs, which secrete an odoriferous substance, may have been of 

1 Royal Natural History, vol. ii. p. 234. 


the utmost service for purposes of recognition and discovery, by 
leaving traces on the high grass through which they may have 
passed, or in which they may have hidden themselves. Mr. F.C. 
Selous mentions that on being attacked by natives one night, he 
and his men escaped into the jungle grass, which was seven feet 
high* In the midst of tall grass, neither keen sight nor keen 
hearing would be of much avail, but by leaving a scent on the 
grass which rubbed against the leg glands, as the animal passed 
through, its companions might succeed in rejoining it. When 
hunted by a carnivorous animal, it would have been an advantage 
fora herd to scatter, and hide themselves among grass. If they 
did so, it would have been an advantage to be able to find each 
other again by leaving scent-traces on the grass. Sir W. Flower 
says— Some Deer and Antelopes have a suborbital gland secreting 
a peculiar oily odorous substance.’ When the animal is feeding 
drops fall on the herbage and indicate to others the whereabouts 
of animals of the same species. It is not improbable that the leg 
glands had some similar use. 

Just imagine how useful such a trace would have been to the 
dam in finding its young one, and to the young one in finding 
its dam, when they may have wandered away from each other 
in the midst of high grass. 

Think how useful they would have been in the rutting season 
among high grass to the male in finding the female and wice versd. 
As I said, such glands were very probably of the same nature 
as those in front of the eye of certain Deer. 

The reader might perhaps ask—How is it that @// the rumi- 
nants have not traces of leg glands? Well, the same question 
might be put regarding the suborbital gland, for not all Antelopes 
and Deer have it. We don’t know sufficiently the early history 

+ In South America miles and miles of plains are covered with the tall Pampas grass. 


of each species from the time it branched off from the common 
stock. For all we know, ruminants may have had leg glands, 
but some compensating condition may have rendered that feature 
of little importance in some of them, and a cessation of selection 
in that direction occurred, by which the leg glands were eventually 
totally suppressed, while in others traces of them have been left 
in the form of patches of hair of different colour and length from 
the surrounding hair. 

As the Horse has them on all four legs we may assume that 
Zebrast and Asses had them also on their hind-legs, although 
now they have no traces of them there. It is not only callosities, 
but other features may become often lost by suppression. It is 
one of the factors in the origin of species. 

I have never found anything recorded by hunters of Zebras 
on these leg glands. In these animals the callosities are very 
large, and something, one would think, might be discovered about 
their real nature and structure if proper investigation were made 
when the Zebra was fresh after being shot. 

It would be very interesting also to ascertain whether in the 
Horses which have become again semi-wild in South America 
and Australia, these skin glands have ever re-acquired any of 
their ancient activity. Not impossibly the ancestral possessors 
of these leg glands may have been driven by their enemies from 
regions of long grass to more open regions, and rocky places 
with shorter grass ; or the long grass of certain regions may have 
been devoured by the immense multitudes of these animals which 
are recorded by hunters; and so the leg glands may have become 
less useful, and by degrees lost their selection value. Anyhow, 
it seems more than probable that those singular tufts of hair 
were in some ancestral form active skin-glands of some use to 

1 Grevy’s Zebra seems to have lost them on both hind- and fore-legs. 


the animals that possessed them. And the callosities of the 
equine family are probably vestiges of similar glands. The 
equine and the ruminant families of mammals would appear 
to have branched off from the same stock. In another place I 
have given reasons for considering these two sets of animals as 
closely allied. 

In my opinion there cannot be much doubt that Sir W. 
Flower’s suspicion, as to the nature of the callosities of the Horse, 
is the right one. They ‘belong undoubtedly,’ he says, ‘to the 
category of glandular surfaces.’ They appear to me to be vestiges 
of skin-glands which once served a useful purpose in past ages, 
and were not unlike the suborbital glands of some kinds of Deer. 

Innumerable changes may have naturally occurred on the face 
of the countries their ancestors inhabited ; and the advent of man, 
of whose antiquity there can be little doubt, has made still further 
changes which may have rendered those glands useless, if not 
hurtful should they become injured. 

Mr. Louis Robinson! has stated that whoever discovers the 
meaning of the Horse callosities ‘will become famous among 
naturalists all the world over” Their meaning has already been 
suggested by one who is ‘famous all the world over’—viz. 
Professor Sir William Flower. 

1 North American Review, April 1894, p. 483. 



‘Numerous “Lemurs” with marked ungulate characters are being discovered in the 
older Tertiaries of the United States and elsewhere... . I am not aware that there is any 
means of deciding whether a given fossil skeleton, with skull, teeth, and limbs almost 
complete, ought to be ranged with the Lemurs, the insectivora, the carnivora, or the 

Professor HUXLEY— Proceedings of the Zoological Soctety, 1880, p. 65. 



PROFESSORS of Biology and Palzontology have been teaching 
that the Horse has only ome enlarged digit in its four limbs, with 
vestiges of two other digits hidden under the skin (the splint 

a ee 
a. b = tae 
. A be 
Vv Y a i iy 
i Wow kD iv 

u iv 
Ww I i Mm J 

Fic. 88.—(a) Foot of an extinct form of Horse-like animal, Pachynolophus (Eocene) ; (3) 
of Anchitherium (Early Miocene); (¢) of Anchitherium (Late Miocene); (d) of Hipparion 
(Pliocene) ; (e) of Zgzus (Pleistocene), and also of the existing Horse ;—from AZammadls, by 
Flower and Lydekker, p. 377. 

bones); and that this big digit owes its origin to one of the digits 
(the iii.) in the hand and foot of an extinct animal, repeated with 
modification in several other descendants, also extinct, until we reach 
that of the Horse—fossil and existing—as shown in Fig. 88. 

This enlarged digit is traceable in some other existing animals 


of the same line of descent, or branches thereof, such as the 
Rhinoceros, the Tapir, etc. 

In the Horse it is stated that all other digits have disappeared, 
leaving only what are called the ‘splint bones’—insignificant 
remnants, or vestiges, which show that originally two other digits 
were there. The big one only has remained, becoming bigger and 
bigger by absorbing to itself the function of all the normal five 
digits. Indeed, in the modern Shire stallion, the hoof is not unlike 
a round dish-cover. 

In the Natural History Museum! there is arranged a very 
pretty gradation of specimens, commencing from an ancient 
extinct type, which has one big digit (the iii.) in the middle of four 
smaller ones, and going up to the one solitary digit of the Horse. 

It has become a sort of dogma that the hand and foot of the 
Horse are different from the hand and foot of the Ox ; the former 
being, it is supposed, ove enlarged digit, and the latter ¢wo dis- 
tinct digits; and further, that these two animals belong to two 
different groups, the Horse belonging to the uneven-toed group 
(Perissodactyls), and the Pig, Ox, etc., to the even-toed group 

As so many professors of note have embraced and propounded 
this theory, it might seem a bold sort of presumption on my part 
to re-open the question, which has become the basis of an estab- 
lished conviction among biologists. But facts, they say, are 
stubborn things. I shall place before the reader certain facts, 
which are my reason for re-opening this interesting question. 

In discussing a subject like this it is well to begin at the 
beginning. In the Natural History Museum, gallery of fossils, 
case 9 (c. d.), there is a cast of an extinct animal—Phenacodus 
primevus (Eocene)—not larger than a biggish Dog, with five digits 

1 Fossil Gallery, case 9. 


in its hand and foot. Each digit ends in what is supposed to have 
been a small hoof, so that this little extinct animal would appear 
to have been a five-hoofed mammal. It has the middle digit (the 
iii.) of each limb enlarged. So there is evidence in support of 
the possibility that this enlarged middle digit of Phanacodus, or of 
some animal like it, may have persisted in the innumerable 
modifications which must have occurred, and have become the 
ancestor of the solitary digit of the modern Horse. Indeed, the 
evidence of the gradations from the former to the latter by gradual 
loss of all the digits, excepting the middle one (the iii.), seems 
complete and satisfactory. 

In Fig. 88, it will be seen that Pachynolophus had already lost 
one of its Phcenacodal digits, viz. the big toe. Some weakness 
of innervation and diminution of circulation in a part will lead to 
disuse, and consequent dwindling, and eventual suppression. 

All the specimens in the Natural History Museum are being so 
beautifully arranged that all who can read may learn. One thing 
is wanted there—viz., a lecturing theatre, and some endowment left 
by some rich person for lectures, to teach the people the great 
philosophy of evolution. 

There are known several other allied extinct animals with a 
hand and foot, probably derivable from some five-digited animal 
like Phenacodus, such as Hyracotherium venticolum, Paleotherium, 

Mr. Hutchinson? makes the following suggestion: ‘One 
cannot help sometimes wondering whether to some extent the 
wil of an animal may not be an important factor in evolution, 
although it is the fashion to ignore it, and to attribute organic 
changes to natural selection, or the “ survival of the fittest.” Mind 
has a powerful influence over matter,? and can we not conceive 

1 Creatures of Other Days, p. 214, 2 Yet the two are zxseparadble. 


that the earliest ancestors of the Horse, such as Phenacodus, find- 
ing (perhaps for the first time in the world’s history) boundless 
grassy plains before them, were impelled by a strong desire to run? 
The exercise itself must have been enjoyable and invigorating ; 
besides, the more ground they could cover ina day the greater 
choice of pasture they would find, while at the same time increased 
swiftness of foot meant greater safety from flesh-eating enemies.’ 

The ‘ will, being dependent on some special centre in the brain, 
cannot possibly be excluded from being a factor, or part of a 
factor, in natural selection. Probably there is no part of the 
organism which does not contribute its quota towards the co- 
operative factorshi~ in natural selection. As to the running being 
‘enjoyable and invigorating,’ one has only to observe a young Foal 
in a paddock, or the young Eland in its paddock at the Zoological 
Gardens, to be convinced of the enjoyability of galloping round 
and round the paddock, as if imaginary devils were running after 
it. These young animals seem to do it with no other object than 
that of ‘enjoying a gallop’—a sort of exuberant joze de vivre, no 
doubt impulsed by plenty of nourishing mother’s milk. 

The reader who may not have paid much attention to the 
interesting doctrine of evolution should not suppose that, because 
the dray Horse is of elephantine dimensions, it could not have 
descended from an animal as small as a big Dog; for there have 
been pigmy Elephants and giant Elephants, pigmy Deer and giant 
Deer, pigmy Lizards and giant Lizards, pigmy Men and giant Men, 
and so forth. Large size would appear to be rather a matter of 
luxuriant feeding which contains all the ingredients of bone, 
muscle, nerve, etc., and of ease in obtaining it, while small size is 
the reverse, the structure of the two—large and small—remaining, 
bone for bone, muscle for muscle, identical, and therefore 
evidence of derivation from a common stock. Of course a giant 


Elephant could not pair with a diminutive one, and thus the two 
breeds would remain distinct. 

Mr. J. I. Lupton! is of opinion that ‘The land upon which 
every species of animal is bred exerts a powerful 
influence upon it for good or evil. We find 
that a sterile soil will stunt the growth of animal 
life, whereas a rich one will promote vigour, 
size, and stoutness.’ 

Although abundance of food, or the reverse, 
may have a great deal to do with giant and 
dwarf forms, still the abnormal size may have 
been initiated as a montrosity suddenly? 

Fic. 89.—Abnormal 

Then the Pachynolophus form of foot would jana ofa Pig, (a) being 
seem derivable from a Phcenacodus form of the thumb, and (é) the 
foot: ‘The latter haa five digits, with the third “21a. moa ei 
enlarged, while the former has only four, with ae eae 
the corresponding, or homologous one, also translation of Chau- 
enlarged, while its big toe is suppressed. pian eaien 

It should be noted that, as an anomaly, the _p. 122. 
hand of the Pig sometimes comes out with five 
digits as shown in Fig. 89. The curious part of this anomalous 
Pig’s hand is that one of the carpal bones,—the trapezium (4)—is 
completely fused with the metacarpal bone of the thumb. 

From this anomalous hand it would appear that the sub-division 
of the ungulates or hoofed mammals into uneven-toed and even- 
toed is rather arbitrary, for here is an even-toed Pig giving birth to 
an uneven-toed child. Of course both sub-divisions originated from 
the same stock; but two Greek names to indicate a condition 

1 © Pedigrees of British and American Horses’ (Méineteenth Century, June 1894, 

p. 926). 
2 See ‘ Nanisme et Geantisme,’ Guinard, Précis de Tératologie. 


which is not permanent might be dispensed with as advantageously 
as the two suppressed digits of the Horse! 

The reader might say that from the series of limbs shown in 
Fig. 88 it is clear that the one digit of the Horse is derived from the 
big middle digit of some animal like Phenocodus. Suppression of 
parts is seen to be such a common phenomenon in the process of 
evolution throughout the animal kingdom, nay, throughout the 
whole of what we call living nature, that it is the most rational 
conclusion to come to. Allied animals had five digits, therefore 
those that have less have lost some by suppression.. 

With reference to the evolution of the Horse, as evidenced by 
the feet of the fossil forms of the Horse tribe, Dr. Alfred Russel 
Wallace! writes: ‘Well may Professor Huxley say that this is 
demonstrative evidence of evolution; the doctrine resting upon 
exactly as secure a foundation as the Copernican theory of the 
motions of the heavenly bodies at the time of its promulgation. 
Both have the same basis—the coincidence of the observed facts 
with the theoretical requirements.’ 

There can be no doubt about the evolution of the Horse from 
some such ancient form as that of the Eohzppus. The question 
in this discussion is restricted to the origin of the big digit in the 
whole series, that is, whether it was originally ove digit, or a fusion 
of wo, 

I might perhaps say that I do not dispute that the origin of the 
existing Horse’s digit is as stated, but I would now ask—Are we 
so ‘cocksure’ that Phenacodus is to be credited with only jive 
digits, instead of szx? 

I confess it seems preposterous to ask such a question as this, 
when there is more than abundant evidence to show that our own 
hand and foot, like those of so many mammals, are formed on the 

1 Darwinism, p. 389. 


same plan. I think the dogma that our hand is made up of five 
digits only, like that of Phenacodus, is not so unquestionable as 
might at first appear. 

Modifications have been so vast, from the first appearance of a 
hand and foot, in vertebrates, up to the form with five digits, that 
it is next to impossible always to discover, in the whole series, 
which bones are homologous. 

In the changes that the carpal and tarsal bones have been 
subjected to, it is not easy to identify their position regarding the 
metacarpal and metatarsal bones. For instance, in the extinct 
Coryphon and the Titanothere, there is already a displacement of 
wrist and ankle bones. If in these primitive animals the change 
of position is already considerable, what shall we say of their posi- 
tion in the Horse and Ox? and in the tarsal bones of Man the 
change of position is vast. 

In the higher mammals, where these limbs have not been much 
modified in structure, of course the homologies of bones may 
be easily ascertained. But even here it is not always easy to 
do so. 

Flower and Lydekker? give the right hand of a water Tortoise 
(Chelydva Serpentina), Fig. 94. It is an animal far removed from 
mammals, but nevertheless it has five digits in its hand, and is 
evidently related to the human hand. It has a separate carpal 
bone to each digit, all in one row. This order becomes much 
modified in the carpus of other animals, so much so that Chauveau ? 
says: ‘The human hand having five digits and five metacarpal 
bones, it is rational to admit the virtual existence of five pieces to 
each of the carpal rows. Materially, there are only four bones in 
each of the rows; but the comparative study of the relations of 

1 Royal Natural History, p. 152. 2 Mammals, p. 48. 
3 Anatom. Comp. des Animaux domestiques, tr. by Fleming, p. 123. 


each of these bones in the human carpus, and in that of animals 
which are in possession of the archetypal hand, leads to the belief 
that the scaphoid is the result of fusion of the fourth and fifth bones 
of the upper row, and the awuciform the fusion of the first and 
second bones of the inferior row. This may be so, but let us 
see what Sir W. H. Flower! has to say on the homologies of 
carpal bones. 

‘The determination of the homologies of the carpal bones of 
the Cetacea with those of other mammalia is beset with diff- 
culties, and has consequently led to some differences of opinion 
among those anatomists who have attempted it. Moreover, 
every species appears liable to certain individual variations, and 
sometimes the different sides of the same animal are not precisely 
alike, either in arrangement or even the number of the carpal 
ossifications. . . . In many cases, as in the round-headed Dolphin, 
the bones of the distal row of the carpus are reduced to two, which 
appear to correspond best with the trapezoid and unciform, the 
magnum being either absent or amalgamated with the trapezoid. 
The trapezium appears never to be present (in the Cetacea) as a 
distinct bone, although the first metacarpal so often assumes the 
characters and position of a carpal bone that it may easily be 
mistaken for it, 

Further, some species of Woolly Spider Monkeys (Zrzodes 
arachnoides) have a rudiment of a thumb on one hand, and not a 
trace of one on the other.” 

Note that ‘ sometimes the different sides of the same animal are 
not precisely alike, either in arrangement, or even the number of the 
carpal ossifications. 

If the two sides of the same individual are liable to variation in 

1 Osteology of Mammals, p. 301, 3rd Edit. 
2 Royal Natural History, vol, i. p. 158. 


arrangement and number, what shall we say of the liability to varia- 
tion in individuals and races, separated from each other perhaps by 
millions of generations, and subjected to different nervous influ- 
ences, and to the action of different surroundings? 

It is evident to me that in many instances homologies are rather 
assumed than proved ; and it will be seen how difficult it may be 
to determine in all cases what particular bone in the hand or foot 
of one animal is homologous with another bone in the hand and 
foot of another animal. 

Therefore we cannot always be ‘cocksure’ that in these cases 
our inferences are beyond question. 

Professor Huxley says, ‘In matters of the intellect do not 
pretend that conclusions are certain which are not demonstrated or 

We have now to face four cases of abnormalities, which may 
interfere with the notion that there is, as Chauveau and others 
think, such a thing as an archetypal hand or foot with five digits. 
These are as follows: 

A. In Chauveau’s work! are given two instances of abnormal 
hands in Horses, a sketch of which is shown in Fig. 90. There can 
hardly be much doubt that these so-called monstrosities are only 
reversions (at least they mzght be so interpreted) to some very 
remote type from which the Horse descended, the Ox and its 
congeners having continued that remote line of type up to the 
present day. 

We might suppose that while the hand and foot of the Horse 
have become consolidated throughout into one digit, those of the Ox 
have become consolidated only as far as the metacarpal and meta- 
tarsal bones, leaving the phalangeal portions of the two digits /ree. 

I do not see how we can escape from some such conclusion as 

1 Anatom. Compar, des animaux domestigues, p. 130. 


this, seeing that Fig. 90 (6) could stand for the hand of an Ox or 
Ram. As shown in (c), it does not materially differ from it. 

A third case of cloven hoof in the Horse was pointed out to me 
by Professor M‘Fadyean of the Royal Veterinary College, and 

Fic. 90,—(a) Abnormal hand of a Horse; (4) abnormal hand of a Colt, split into two 
digits, like that of a Ram, from Chauveau's Anat. Comp., p. 130; (c) normal hand of an 
Ox, from Professor M‘Fadyean’s Compar. Anat. of Dom. Animals, Fig. 87. 

illustrated in the Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics, 
vol. iii. pt. 3, September 1890, p. 263. 

B. The fourth abnormality we have to face is this: All osteolo- 
gists know that long bones have a nutrient foramen for the passage 
of an artery into the interior of the bone. Well, Professor 
M‘Fadyean, in his work on The Horse, on p. 153, Fig. 113, gives 
the left metatarsal bone of a Horse with ¢wo nutrient foramina 
where generally there is only ome. 


Even if there were a/ways only one nutrient foramen in this 
bone of the Horse, it would be no evidence that the Horse’s meta- 
tarsal bone is not genetically made up of a fusion of two, for all the 
Ox family which I have examined in the Natural History Museum 
have only one nutrient foramen in their metatarsal bones, although 
they are admittedly made up of a fusion of two distinct bones! There- 
fore this case of two foramina given by Professor M‘Fadyean is 
the more remarkable and important. 

This abnormality and those cloven Horse’s hands quoted from 
Chauveau’s work, and by Professor M‘Fadyean, render it question- 
able whether the Horse’s digit is merely an enlarged one digit 
(the iii.) as was supposed. 

I think that these teratological facts induce at least a suspiczon, 
if not a conviction, that the Horse’s hand and foot may after all be 
double organs in origin, like those of the Ox, fused into one, not 
only in the metacarpal and metatarsal portions, as in the Ox, but 
also in their phalangeal portions, that is, throughout, so as to 
produce one solid hoof. 

If the Horse’s metatarsal bone given by Professor M‘Fadyean is 
not a compound of two bones, then I do not see what business it has 
with ¢wo nutrient foramina. I would ask,—Why did two foramina 
come there at all, when one is the normal state of things in Horses, 
and when one is quite sufficient for the two fused bones of the 
ruminants I have mentioned, if there were no reminiscence of two 
bones in origin? 

You might ask,—If, as you suppose, the common bone of the 
Horse may. be a fusion of two, why does it never disclose the line of 
suture, as in the Ox? Well, we do not know that in the millions of 
Horses which have been bred no such disclosure has occurred ; all we 
know is that it has not been noticed and recorded except in cases of 
Cow-foot. Moreover, there are many skeletons of ruminants in the 


Natural History Museum, the cannon bones of which have no 
trace of suture. Professor Marsh, who has devoted much attention 
to recent polydactyle Horses, gives a figure of the horned Horse of 
Texas That this particular polydactyle Horse was also horned may 
be of some importance in comparing the limbs of Horses and Oxen. 

Professor Marsh mentions that Julius Cesar ‘used to ride a 
remarkable Horse, which had feet that were almost human, the 
hoofs being cleft like toes.’ He gives several cases of additional 
digits in the Horse, besides the usual one big digit. But none of 
these seem to be of the nature of the Cow-foot of Chauveau and 

The size of a digit would naturally depend to a large extent on 
the fact of the weight of the body being thrown principally on that 
particular digit. In the Tapir, Rhinoceros, and Elephant, it was 
thrown on the third; in the Horse, if uneven-toed, also on the 
third, but if even-toed, like the ruminants, the weight was thrown 
equally on the third and fourth. In man it is thrown on the first 
of the foot? In Cheropus Castanotis, a marsupial, we have in the 
hand the third digit largest, while in the foot the fourth is largest 
and the rest more or less atrophied. 

It must not be supposed that a two-digited Ox cannot run as 
quickly as a one-digited Horse. When in Kandy (Ceylon), I one 
day hired a wagonette with one large Horse to take me to Pera- 
denya. The Horse trotted all the way. Behind us was a small 
Zebu Ox harnessed to a native cart. It trotted all the way, and 
always kept the same distance behind us. Rich natives in India 
keep large Hansi Oxen, which are very good trotters. I should 
say there are not many Horses that can gallop as fast as an 

1 American Journal of Science, third series, vol. 43, 1892, p. 344. 

2 Some men wear the heels of their boots on the ower side, which means that they 
walk somewhat like a Gorilla, and throw their weight on the ozés¢de of their feet, and 
therefore on the szalles¢ of their toes. 


Antelope; and Dogs with five toes in front and four behind can 
gallop as fast as Horses, 

Then there are so many cases—whole families sometimes— 
quoted by Darwin, Guinard, and others, of which I have given 
details in another place, who had szx digits in hands and feet. 

If there be such a thing as an archetypal hand and foot with 
five digits, where did these numerous persons, and other animals, 
get their sixth digit from ? 

The theory of Flower and Lydekker, and others, that the one 
digit of the Horse is derived from the big middle digit of Hzpparion, 
and this from that of Auchitherium, and this from the big digit of 
Pachynolophus, and this again from the enlarged middle digit (the 
iii.) of a Phaenacodus, would seem to be plain sailing. But one 
would like to ask again, Are the hand and foot of Phenacodus 
composed of five digits or of six, with the middle one a fusion 
of two? 

This question would seem so preposterous that it almost takes 
one’s breath away to penit! Yet teratological facts leave us no 
alternative but to ask it. Facts are so stubborn that they give one 
no peace till they are somehow explained. 

When we see that the Leopard of to-day still carries on its skin 
the impressions of plate-armour with which its ancestors millions 
of years ago may have had their bodies protected, the notion that 
the Horse’s foot is an amalgamation of two ancestral digits which 
may have occurred millions of years ago does not after all seem 
so startling, Just think of the immense family of orchids. Some 
incredible time ago their ancestral pistil and stamen became fused 
and transformed into the modern orchid-columnz. Yet through the 
innumerable variations that this curious flower has undergone, from 
the size of a large pin’s head to that of a tea saucer, this character- 
istic feature has ferszsted. And it is only now and again, by some 


teratological specimen which happens to turn up, that the secret 
of its origin is revealed. 

The question is whether there is any evidence to show that the 
Horse and the Ox may be more closely related than the Horse is to 
the Rhinoceros, I think there is. There is, however, no doubt that 
all three, the Horse, the Ox, and the Rhinoceros, at some still 
remoter period came from the same stock. 

It might be said that nothing is easier than to identify the 
thumb or big toe, which have only two phalanges, while the other 
digits have three. Even in the foot of the Seal (Macrorhinus Leo- 
ninus),? where both the thumb and little finger are about of equal 
length, and both prolonged beyond the other three digits, the 

1 See Dr. Maxwell T. Master’s Vegetable Teratology, pp. 380-384. 

2 In Creatures of Other Days, pl. 21, Mr. Hutchinson has clothed Phanacodus with 
longitudinal stripes somewhat like a Paca, or like the common American Tapir ; and Hyra- 
cotherium with stripes like a Zebra. For reasons given in another place, it is more 
probable that these two ancient mammals were dappled, somewhat in the manner of a 
Leopard. As delineated, they are too much like moderz striped animals, But as they 
were, as has already been suggested, nearer to their ancestral Glyptodontoid forms, the 
markings in those early days could hardly have been so modified as those of the Zebra 
and Tiger of these days. They seem to have been given a vecen¢ dress over an ancient 

Then on pl. 23 Mr. Hutchinson gives a Sabre-toothed Tiger attacking a ALacrauchenia. 
This carnivore is shown as striped, like the existing Tiger. Now, the striping of the 
Tiger, as I have endeavoured to prove, is a much modified rosetting. It does not at all 
follow that, because the skeleton of the sabre-toothed carnivore is like that of a Tiger, 
therefore its skin-marking was like the Tiger of our days. It is more likely that it was 
rosetted like a Jaguar, not only because it was zearer the basis of its own evolutionary 
branch, but also because it comes from the Pampas formations, from which region the 
Jaguar also comes. Curiously enough, in the Saturday Review of 15th September 1894, 
p. 306, in a review of Mr. Hutchinson’s Creatzres of Other Days, I find this :—‘ Here are 
represented two ancient and ancestral mammals, the Phanacodus and the Hyracotherium : 
the former is ornamented with longitudinal stripes, and the latter with transverse bands 
like a Zebra. Still it is better to have done this than to have taken the greater liberty 
of making them spotted.’ 

The reverse is not improbably the case, considering that such a large number of 
American mammals are spotted, including a large proportion of the fawns of the Ameri- 
can Deer. 

3 Given by Professor Flower in Osteology of Mammals, p. 347. 


thumb with only two phalanges can be readily made out. True, 
but in this discussion I am taking into consideration not only a 
broad evolution reaching to the most ancient forms in which we 
can clearly identify what we call a hand and a foot, but also éera- 
tological, or monstrous specimens. Now and again these peep out 
of oblivion to reveal something of the invisible past, and therefore 
cannot be ignored in framing evolutionary theories. 

Although the thumb and big toe are readily identifiable in 
series of Mammals, from their having only two phalanges, it 
would appear that the thumb before it got shortened and partially 
atrophied, and separated from the other digits, also had three 
phalanges, like the other digits; for in Fleming’s translation of 
Chauveau’s work! an abnormal hand of a Pig is given (Fig. 89 of 
these pages), in which the five digits are present, and the thumb is 
shown with ¢kree phalanges:* moreover, its metacarpal bone is 
amalgamated with the trapezium of the carpus. 

Then in the Ichthyosaurs there does not seem to be any dis- 
tinction between the thumb and the other digits ; and when we 
consider the large number of phalanges there is in the hand and 
foot of these extinct animals, we begin to see that homology, 
beyond a certain stage, cannot always be traced simply from the 
number of bones in a limb. The carpal bones in their descent 
have undergone so much alteration and displacement that no 
accurate conclusion can be drawn from this source in all cases. 
Even in Monkeys, the majority of which have five digits, there is 
a section with e¢gh¢, and another with zzze carpal bones. 

Why this so-called archetypal form of limb gave rise to such 
a vast series of five-digited animals we cannot tell. We may, 
however, assert with some confidence that it was not the five digits 

1 Comparative Anatomy of Domestic Animals, p. 122. 
2 Supposing this not to be an oversight. 



which gave the ancestral forms pre-eminence, and enabled them to 
stamp this feature on millions of descendants, but some other 
anatomical and physiological characters, developing concurrently 
with the five-digited hand and foot, which enabled that type to 
endure and fight its way to our times. Four, three, two, and 
perhaps even one digit were enough to secure survival. It would 
seem that it was. not so much the limbs as the drain and viscera 
which gained the day, in spite of the diminishing number of 

It seems impossible to account for atrophy of one or more 
bones, which may sometimes occur all of a sudden, and give rise 
to what is called an anomaly. If the abnormality or monstrosity 
should happen to be useful, or can suit itself to surrounding con- 
ditions, it may endure, and be reproduced, and possibly lay the 
foundation of what might subsequently be called a zormality. As 
an abnormality, the animal may have originally been better off in 
the struggle for existence. Certainly the struggle must be more 
keen among those who have exactly the same structure. 

I remember seeing in Jeypore, Rajpootana, an adult who had 
no arms at all. In what corresponded to the glenoid cavity of the 
scapula there was a small finger, or at least what looked like one. 

Here then was a case not merely of atrophy of four digits 
with their metacarpal and carpal bones, but suppression of the 
whole radius, ulna, humerus, etc. Of course, such a monstrosity as 
this was anything but useful, and not likely to endure, 

On the occasion that Professor M‘Fadyean showed me the case 
of cloven foot in a Horse, in the Journal of Comparative Pathology 
and Therapeutics, already mentioned, he remarked that the phe- 
nomenon was not very uncommon. The abnormality he showed 
me was in a Horse four years old, and in only one foot. 

The Professor did not seem to look upon this anomaly as a 


case of reversion, because the metacarpal and metatarsal bones of 
the Horse, unlike those of the Ox, were séugle bones, I remarked 
that the case, in his book on The Horse, of a metatarsal bone with 
Zwo nutrient foramina, threw some doubt on the theory that these 
bones in the Horse were origénally only one bone, He replied— 
‘Then, if these bones are made up of a fusion of two, you would 
have to credit the Horse with having had six digits originally” I 
said that would exactly correspond to the séx digits in the hand 
and foot of numerous persons mentioned by Darwin and others. 

I do not think that we are justified in beginning to count from 
either a Phanacodus, or any other extinct animal previous to it, 
with five digits to its hand and foot, and then call these ‘ archetypal ’ 
hand and foot, for these extinct animals were not the commence- 
ment of the vertebrate type, and behind them there may have been 
other extinct animals which may have had szr digits. True 
enough, we have not yet found fossil animals with normally six 
digits, but we have found some with move than six. 

There can be no doubt that certain digits can become hyper- 
trophied, and then, through natural selection, the enlargement 
might be continued, and even increased; but what I have some 
doubt about is whether the Horse's digit was originally an enlarged 
one, or a fusion of ¢wo digits. 

The abnormal examples given by Chauveau and M‘Fadyean, 
which are like the cloven foot of the Ox, and the example of two 
nutrient foramina in the metatarsal bone of a Horse, certainly tend 
to throw doubt on the accepted origin of the Horse’s digit as a 
hypertrophied ove digit. These abnormalities may be as im- 
portant, in a sense, as the discovery of the archeopteryx. 

When we begin to search lower down in the scale of vertebrates 
than Phenacodus to try and. find out where it got its five digits 
from, what do we find? 


In the Natural History Museum there is a fine collection of 
Ichthyosaurs of the Mesozoic period. Nobody can doubt that their 
four limbs, however rudimentary, as judged by our own hands and 
feet, are the homologues of the four limbs of the higher vertebrates. 
Well, in these Ichthyosaurs the digits of the hands, or what corre- 
spond to digits, vary from four to eight. In several instances one 
of the digits appears as if it were dwindling off. The carpal bones 
are hardly distinguishable from the metacarpal and phalangeal 
bones, which are very numerous, showing that in the higher verte- 
brates the phalanges are reduced in number, either by suppression 
or by coalescence. What is very notable is the fact that in some 
the hind-legs are comparatively small, and with a reduced number 
of digits. 

This may perhaps be the reason why some of the higher 
vertebrates, such as the Tapir, Rhinoceros, and usually the Dog, 
etc., have a reduced number of digits in their hind limbs. There 
certainly does not seem to be any good reason for this reduction 
which can be drawn from usefulness and natural selection. 

Here then in this Ichthyosaur plane of life we have a basis out 
of which several archetypal hands and feet could have arisen. It 
only needed that each monstrosity should have been repeated 
through heredity, and made permanent by survival, as a race fit to 
cope with its surrounding difficulties. 

In the Plesiosaurs, which apparently are closely allied to the 
Ichthyosaurs, although they have a much longer neck,! we find 
that the hand had already settled down from the many-digited to 
the five-digited type, as shown in Fig. 93. And there would seem 
little room for doubt that the Plesiosaur hand, or one like it, was 

1 Some of the Tortoises have a much longer neck than any of the Crocodiles; and in 
the snakes it is not easy to say where the neck commences and where it ends; yet all 
three sections are closely allied. 


the ancestral form of the Dolphin’s hand (Glodicephalus-smelas) as 
delineated in Flower’s Osteology of Mammatls, p. 302, in which two 
of the digits remain almost Plesiosaurian, and the remaining three 
are vastly modified by atrophy. 

In this Round-headed Dolphin, the carpus has become 
differentiated from the metacarpus and phalanges with a probably 
greater mobility of the hand. Here is a comparison of the hands 
of two Dolphins, showing the number of phalanges, including the 
metacarpals, as given in Flower’s Osteology of Mammals, p. 303 :— 

Globicephalus melas. Delphinus. 
thumb, ; four two 
index, ; fourteen : ten 
middle finger, nine seven 
ring finger,. three three 
little finger, one é one 

So that in closely allied animals the number of phalanges can 
be vastly different. 

It is not known whether the Ichthyosaurs and the Plesiosaurs 
were oviparous or viviparous. Hawkins, in the book of the Great 
Sea-Dragons, p. 18, says—‘ We had hitherto supposed these Sea- 
Dragons oviparous, and now we are tempted to think them 

Judging from the skeleton of the hand one would be inclined 
to infer that, like the Dolphin, the Plesiosaur, in spite of its long 
neck, was a mammal. 

When we begin to compare the hands and feet of vertebrates, 
it is astonishing what modifications they have undergone. - For 

1 In reality the distinction between oviparous and viviparous animals is only nominal, 
for in the Australian Platypus we have an oviparous mammal. 


instance—the Alligator (Cazman latirostris) has only four digits in 
the hind-limb, thus furnished :— 

Ist digit, two phalanges, 
2nd digit, . three phalanges, 
3rd and 4th digits, four phalanges each. 

Then in the Brazilian Tortoise (Zestudo tabulata) the hind-limb 
is as follows :— 

Ist digit, . : two phalanges, 
2nd, 3rd and 4th digits, two phalanges each, 
5th digit, may be one, or may be two ; 

and all the bones of the first row of the tarsus are lumped into ove 
bone, so that the modifications in the foot of this Tortoise have 
been very great. 

If we turn to the birds, we find the modifications in their hands 
and feet still more astonishing. 

Among mammals, again, we find a curious modification in the 
hand of the Little Ant-eater (Cycloturus didactylus). The third 
digit has only two phalanges, a stout and broad metacarpal bone, 
and the distal row of the carpus is often lumped into oze bone. 

These are a few examples of animals in which the bones of the 
hand have become so modified as to make it very doubtful 
whether all their homologies can any longer be traced. The study 
of the young animals where the ossification may be still incomplete 
will no doubt help in discovering their homologies. But it requires 
great faith in the acumen of a professor to believe implicitly all he 
may write or say regarding homologies; for in this little Ant- 
eater’s hand! the bone marked (v.), as the rudiment of a fifth digit, 
may be one of the carpal bones, and that marked (tm), as the 
trapezium, may be the metacarpal bone of the first digit! 

1 Fig. 108—Flower’s Osteology of Mammals. 


Atrophy and subsequent suppression, enlargement and fusion, 
are some of the factors of modification in the skeletons of verte- 
brates ; and we have seen that in the hand of the Plesiosaur and 
the Round-headed Dolphin there is no distinction between the 
metacarpal bones and the phalanges. 

The more one makes researches to discover at what period the 
so-called archetypal hand with five digits took form, the more one 
loses faith in there ever having been such a thing. From the hand 
with many digits the hand with five digits evolved, and this 
continued to lose other digits till only one has remained, as is 
supposed, in the Horse. All that can be said in favour of an 
archetypal hand is, that a large number of vertebrates have five 
digits in their fore-limb, and that probably they evolved from a 
many-digited type after it had lost several of its original digits, and 
was temporarily reduced to five. We have seen that some of the 
specimens of Ichthyosaurs in the Natural History Museum have 
as many as eight digits in their hand. 

I suppose there is no osteologist who believes that this so- 
called archetypal hand was created a zuztzo with five digits! 

It is not only in extinct animals, but also in recent ones, that 
we find a large number of phalanges—as shown by Professor Flower 
in the two fingers of the Round-headed Dolphin. Curiously 
enough, although this mammal has retained some of the general 
characters of the Plesiosaurian hand, it has got rid of its legs 
entirely. We have seen that in the Ichthyosaurs the hind-limbs 
were already dwindling. We cannot know which set of extinct 
animals eventually branched off into the mammal type, and we 
have no means of knowing whether that immense series of extinct 
animals, provisionally grouped under the name of Dinosaurs, were 
oviparous or viviparous. Indeed, as I said, this distinction is not of 
much importance, seeing that viviparous means hatched inside the 


womb and then brought forth, and oviparous means first brought 
forth and then hatched outside. We know that there are both 
oviparous and viviparous fishes. We have some indication that this 
so-called archetypal hand or foot may have commenced as low 
down as in the fishes; for Fig. 91 (2) would seem to indicate 
distinctly, in this Fish’s foot, the beginning of a limb with five 
digits, which is not very different, externally at least, from the foot 
of the mammal, (4). Then the pectoral fins of shore-fishes and 
land-fishes, with six or more digits, or what would correspond to 
digits, as shown in (c), (@), (e), are very suggestive. In some verte- 
brates we call these limbs pectoral and ventral fins, while in others 
we call them hands and feet; many zoologists, however, consider 
them homologous. 

Few, I imagine, would deny that the pelvic fin of Raza clavata, 
shown in Fig. 91 (7), does not foreshadow the hand and foot 
of the higher animals. Between the two outer big digits there are 
many embryonic digits, some of which are not at all dissimilar to the 
dwarfed digits of the Kangaroo foot (Macropus Bennetiz), shown 
in Fig. 122 of Sir William Flower’s Osteology of Mammals. 
Whether the minute digits of this Kangaroo have been degraded 
from a fully developed five-digited limb, or whether they originated 
from some fish-like limb, and have never been promoted into 
useful digits, I leave for others to decide. 

The duck-billed Platypus is a marsupial of very low type, and 
a good swimmer. Is there any good reason for supposing that it 
could zot have been evolved from some fish-like vertebrate, with 
fins like those of the land-fish? We know that certain fish can 
breathe both by gills and by lungs; and we know that the Frog, in 
its early life, is a fish-like animal, breathing by gills, and in its later 
life it is amphibious, and breathes by lungs. 

It is not easy to get rid of the notion that in this Lophius and 


FIG. 91.—(a) Left pelvic fin of Lophius piscatorius (Natural History Museum) ; (4) hind- 
foot of an Otter (Axhydris Lutris), Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, p. 100; (¢) foot of a shore-fish 
(Lophius Naresit), Challenger Exped. Zoology, vol. i. pl. 25 ; (@) hand of land-fish (Periophthal- 
mus), Marvels of Animal Life, by Ch. Fr. Holder, pl. v; (e) limb of a shore-fish (Zanclo- 

rhynchus spinifer), Challenger Exped. Zoology, vol. i. pl. 8; (f) fin of Raia clavata, right pelvic 
(Natural History Museum). 5 


Raia, we have Nature’s first tentative rough models of our own 
hands and feet! 

The present classification of vertebrates would be hardly 
possible if a the extinct mammals, and all intermediate forms, 
which have been either naturally selected out of existence or 
destroyed by earthly catastrophes, were present before the mind 
of the zoologist ; for the whole series would be more or less a con- 
tinuous chain without the distinct walls of division or separation, 
which sometimes form gaps in the present classification. 

Professor Agassiz! truly said: ‘I have already stated that classi- 
fication seems to me to rest upon too narrow a foundation when 
it is chiefly based upon structure. Animals are linked together as 
closely by their mode of development, by their relative standing in 
their respective classes, by the order in which they have made their 
appearance upon earth, by their geographical distribution,? and 
generally by their connection with the world in which they live, as 
by their anatomy. All these relations should therefore be fully 
expressed in a natural classification; and though structure 
furnishes the most direct indication of some of these relations, 
always appreciable under every circumstance, other considerations 
should not be neglected which may complete our insight into the 
general plan of creation.’ 

The upshot of all this discussion about the Horse’s big digit is 
to create a suspicion that it is possibly zof an enlargement solely 
of an ancestral ¢hzrd digit, but a fusion of the ¢wo digits of some 
Ox-like ancestor. 

We know that the Ox—an animal seemingly much allied to the 

1 Contributions to the Natural History of the United States, quoted by Dr. C. F. 
Holder in Life and Work of L. Agassiz, p. 183. 
? Geographical distribution often uz/inks animals. It is only by supposing some 

means of translation that two distantly located animals of the same or similar species 
can be considered as having had a common origin. 


Horse, as I shall show—and its congeners have the metacarpal 
and metatarsal bones fused into one ‘cannon’ bone, while the 
phalangeal portions are separate. We know also that the Horse 
sometimes reproduces the separation of the phalangeal portions in 
what is commonly called the cloven-foot or Cow-foot. It is true 
that in ruminants the cannon-bone has usually a groove which 
indicates the fusion of two separate bones ancestrally, as shown in 
Fig. 90 (¢); but the abnormal Cow-foot of (4) shows a similar 
groove in the lower portion of the homologous bone. 

In support of the suspicion that the Horse’s oe big digit may 
possibly be a fusion of the two digits of an Ox-like ancestor, I 
shall now mention certain other features which are common to 
certain ruminants and also to Horses. 

(a) In another place I have mentioned that the Horse has 
frequently a white blaze, and white hands and feet. These features 
are almost exactly matched in the African Antelope (Damalzs 
Pycarga), the Bonté Bok. 

(6) The maculations of the Giraffe would appear to be /uszons 
of maculations similar to those of the Horse; but the maculations 
of the Zebu of Fig. 58 scarcely admit of a doubt that the 
markings of the Zebu and those of the Horse of Fig. 36 are 

(¢) The brindled Guz is striped much like a Zebra, and their 
manes are very similar. Moreover, I have often seen Horses faintly 
brindled on the neck almost exactly like the brindled Gnu. Then 
the Gnu’s tail is more like that of a Horse than that of other 
ruminants. On one occasion I was watching the white-tailed 
Gnus in the Zoological Gardens. One of them pretended to shy 
at nothing, just as a young Horse often does. 

So that in the Gnu we seem to have an intermediate form between 
the Horse and other ruminants. It has a short mane, like that of 


the Zebra ; it is striped not very unlike a Zebra or Quagga ; it has 
long hair under its chin, which many cart-horses have; its tail is 
like that of a Horse; the white-tailed Gnu shies exactly like a 
Horse; but this Gnu has a tuft of hair over its nose which is 
unique, and may be somehow related to the horn on the nose 
of the Rhinoceros, and which is stated to consist of an agglutina- 
tion of hairs. 

The reader might say that the likenesses mentioned may 
perhaps be conceded, but what about the horns of the ruminants ? 

(d@) Well, in the Natural History Museum it is stated that ‘ The 
earliest known forms of Deer, those of the lower Miocene period, had 
no antlers, as in the young of the existing species. In the existing 
genera, Moschus and Hydropotes, there are no antlers at any time. 
The Reindeer has them in both sexes, and in all others the male only.’ 

So we see there is a very great variation in these features, and 
some existing genera among ruminants, and also among extinct 
forms of Deer, are wzthout horns. 

Further, let us see what the great naturalists say about horns 
in the Horse. 

(e) Darwin tells us,’ ‘In various countries horn-like projections 
have been observed on the frontal bones of the Horse; in one case, 
described by Mr. Percival, they arose about two inches above the 
orbital processes, and were very like those of a calf from five to six 
months old, being a half to three-quarters of an inch in length.” And 
further on, Dr. Wallace says ‘That horns have not unfrequently 
arisen from such apparently uncaused variations is indicated by 
the remarkable difference of structure and growth in the horns of 
such allied groups as the Deer and the Antelopes, which at a quite 
recent epoch must have originated independently.’ 

1 *Are individual acquired characters inherited?’ by Alfred Russel Wallace, Fort- 
nightly Review, April 1893, p. 495. 


With due deference to Dr. Wallace’s great authority on these 
matters, | would ask why does he say ‘That horns have not un- 
frequently arisen from such apparently wscaused variations’? 
They may be zzherited reversionally from some ancestral form. 
Moreover, why does he think that the Deer and the Antelopes ‘ must 
have originated independently’? Everything we know about 
these animals tends to the conviction that they did mo¢ originate 
independently. The horns of the Antelope have a core covered 
with hard epidermis; while the horns of the Deer have a core 
covered with velvety epidermis which is shed: the Giraffe retaining 
a covering of skin on its horns ¢hroughout. In the Deer the 
epidermis peels off and leaves the core zude. In the Antelope the 
epidermis hardens into horn, and sheaths the horn permanently, 
so that the antler of the Deer may be the homologue of the core 
of the Antelope’s horn. 

The remarkable part seems to be the shedding of the Deer 
horns. We have, however, an analogous phenomenon in the 
shedding of plant leaves, in the shedding of oak branches (Quercus 
Robur), in the shedding of the arms of star-fishes. 

Then taking into consideration the digestive characters of both 
groups, the characters of their limbs, and the absence of incisors 
from the upper jaw of both, it seems difficult to escape from the 
conclusion that Antelopes and Deer are closely allied, and have 
originated from a common stock. 

A number of common characters in the Horse, normal and 
abnormal, such as the ‘ Horned Horse from Texas,’ } would indicate 
that it also is a branch of the same common stock from which Ante- 
lopes and Deer arose. 

(f) Then the callosities on the Horse’s legs are features which 
the South American Camel-like ruminants, as I have shown else- 

1 American Journal of Science, 3rd series, vol. 43, 1892, p. 344. 


where, still retain, and for which several other ruminants have 
substituted tufts of long hair, or hair differently coloured from the 
surrounding surface. Curiously enough, Grevy’s Zebra has lost 
the callosities from its legs entirely, without leaving any trace of 
them, while the other Zebras and the Ass have them only on the 
fore-legs, and the Horse has them on all four. So that the total 
disappearance of callosities in many ruminants is no evidence 
whatever that their ancestors never had them. I have not seen or 
heard of any mention or trace of such a feature in Rhinoceroses, 
Pigs, etc., to which the Horse is supposed to be closely allied. 

The ruminating apparatus of the Ox and its congeners may 
appear a difficulty in the endeavour to approximate the two groups, 
those of the Horse and of the ruminants; but we know that there 
is a section of Monkeys which have a stomach with several diver- 
ticuli, and, curiously enough, this form of stomach seems to have 
some relation to the absence of cheek-pouches, as if these acted 
somewhat homologously with the crop of the bird and the rumen 
of the ruminant. After all, these three features are diverticuli of 
the digestive tube. 

We know that the Horse takes more time to masticate his food 
than the Ox, and therefore does not require a ruminating organ. 
It is not difficult to imagine that the ancestors of the Horse at one 
time lived in a tract free from enemies, and therefore chewed their 
food leisurely, and eventually got rid of the sacculated stomach, 
if they previously had it; or reversely, the ancestors of the Ox were 
in tracts surrounded by enemies, and had to gobble their food and 
depart as quickly as possible from the feeding-ground ; then those 
who did not die of indigestion gradually got into the habit of 
regurgitating their food and masticating it leisurely over again. 
Of course all this was not done in a week. 

If one can imagine a Horse evolving out of a fish, there can 


be no possible difficulty in evolving him out of a ruminant. 
Palzontologists, moreover, will tell you that if you go back far 
enough in time you will find that not only the Horse and the Ox, 
but also the carnzvora, were mixed up in one type. Time is the 
great factor needed for this evolution, and assuredly there is no 
lack of it in the universe! 

The question, then, finally resolves itself into this:—Is the 
Horse an ‘ odd-toed’ or an ‘ even-toed’ miammal ? 

The reader may now judge for himself, and furnish the reply. 

Zoologists and paleontologists have done a great deal to link 
the present with the past, and so have made a surer basis for the 
doctrine of evolution. But Professor Huxley} gives a warning 
against too hastily concluding that, decause no evidence of verte- 
braté animals has been discovered in certain formations, therefore 
none existed during the deposit of those formations, for in p. 88 
he says casts of bones may be the sole record of animals having 
existed in a formation. This means that the bones themselves 
have been dissolved away, and have disappeared. If something 
had occurred to disturb the cast also, no evidence whatever might 
remain to show that once bones had been buried there. 

At p. 90 he says—‘ From the highest animals, whatever they 
may be, down to the lowest speck of protoplasmic matter in which 
life can be manifested, a series of gradations, leading from one 
end of the series to the other, either exists or has existed. Un- 
doubtedly that is a necessary postulate of the doctrine of evolution.’ 

But one might ask—Where are the solid evidences of gradations 
between protoplasmic matter and the higher animals? They are 
only to be found at present in the human brain as zuferences 
from the known available facts. 

1 Lectures on Evolution—‘ Science and the Hebrew Tradition.’ 


‘It would be well for students of extinct forms of life to enter this domain of science 
without any preconceived ideas at all! It would save a great deal of confusion and 
trouble in the end; and moreover would be far more truly scientific. For what right 
has any one, however great his knowledge or his ability, to dictate to Nature, and to say 
this or that is impossible—that no reptile, for instance, could possibly have flown; or 
that such and such teeth were impossible for a reptile? . . . Facts such as those should 
teach caution, and every student of palzeontology will do well to remember the saying of 
Agassiz: ‘The possibilities of existence run so deeply into the extravagant, that there 
is scarcely any conception too extraordinary for Nature to realise.”’ 

Creatures of other Days, 
by Rev. H. N. HuTcHINson, p. 73. 



THE study of monstrous forms, both in the vegetable and animal 
worlds, is very interesting, because, not infrequently, some important 
secrets of nature are thereby revealed, which no one would suspect 
from the contemplation of simple xormal forms. This study of 
monstrosities has been dignified by the euphonious term of 
Teratology, and elevated into a branch of the science of biology: 
but I do not yet see that monstrous forms have taken their place 
as dinks in the method of creation by evolution. 

What is a monstrosity? Darwin says'—‘ By a monstrosity I 
presume is meant some considerable deviation of structure 
generally injurious, or not useful to the species,’ 

And on p. 52, he says—‘ Under domestication monstrosities 
sometimes occur which resemble normal structures in widely 
different animals. If monstrous forms of this kind ever do appear 
in a state of nature, and are capable of reproduction (which is not 
always the case), as they occur rarely and singly,’ their preservation 
would depend on unusually favourable circumstances. They would 
also during the first and succeeding generations cross with the 

1 Origin of Species, vol. i. p. 51. 
2 We have absolutely no means of knowing that in ancient times they did not occur 
in numbers. 


ordinary form, and thus their abnormal character would almost 
inevitably be lost.’ 

In the case of polydactyl monstrosities Darwin himself has 
shown that this is certainly not the case, the abnormality often 
seeming to gain strength by a@z/ution with the normal form, and 
Professor Huxley indorsed this view. 

It seems we are here dealing with words instead of with facts ; 
for two metacarpal or metatarsal bones, by fusing into one bone, 
become a monstrosity, although of a lesser degree, as much as if 
two eyes fused into one. 

We see so many teratological phenomena in man and among 
domestic animals, originated somehow suddenly that there can be 
no reason to doubt that in a state of nature similar monstrosities 
must also have frequently occurred. The majority, no doubt, 
became extinct from unfitness in the battle of life, but now and 
again a monstrous individual may have been fitted, not perhaps to 
carry on the same life as those which bred it, but that very 
monstrosity may have enabled it to acquire a different habit of 
life, which may have left it qw2¢iou¢ competitors, and so enabled 
to live. Then if it bred with the others out of which it evolved, 
it would sometzmes transmit the monstrosity to which it may have 
owed its life, and so by degrees a new type of animals would 
come into existence. Having more or less the same habits, they 
would congregate together and interbreed, and thus fr that 
monstrosity, so called. 

Among monstrosities might be mentioned the upper canines of 
the Badzrusa, or Pig-Deer, which grow through the upper jaw 
upwards, and curve backwards over the eyes ; and what is more, in 
some varieties they seem to be quite useless, as their points almost 
touch the skin ; so that instead of digging up roots, as other wild 
pigs do, the Babirusa contents itself with eating fallen fruit. 


Mr. Hutchinson evidently did not feel satisfied that the usual 
small variations have been a/ways sufficient to account for certain 
structural{ phenomena which would seem to leave unexplained 
gaps behind them in the course of development. For after stating 
that surroundings must have had a great deal to do with the 
changes wrought on the structure of animals, he says:1 ‘ There is, 
however, another cause which may be of even greater importance, 
although it cannot be so easily understood—and that is znternal 
changes in the animal itself. All the creatures we see around us 
are constantly varying, and have done so in the past—now in one 
direction, now in another. The cause of “variation” is one of the 
unsolved problems of modern biology or the study of life; but we 
do know that a variation occasionally happens to be of such a 
kind as to make a radical change in the organism, and to fit it 
for new conditions of life better than its comrades of the same 
species.’ Asan example of such a change he quotes the power of 
‘gestation, ‘ whether acquired at once, by some individual, or only 
slowly brought about after many generations.’ 

Zoologists have invented the terms ‘aberrant forms’ to denote 
forms of animals which do not conform to the theory of ‘gradual 
accumulation of small variations,’ 

Among fishes there are numerous forms which might have 
originated in a sudden ‘aberration.’ For instance, there are two 
forms of Sword-fish, the ordinary one (Azstophorus), with its 
upper jaw prolonged into a sword-like point; and various species 
of Hemiramphius? These have the ower jaw prolonged in a sword- 
like point. Both these forms may have originated suddenly in 
fishes with equal jaws, either by a monstrous enlargement of one 
jaw, if both jaws were small, or by a monstrous dwarfing of one 

1 Creatures of Other Days, p. 178. 
2 Fishes of India, by Francis Day, part iii. pl. cxix. 


jaw, if both jaws were originally long. Then such a monstrous 
weapon having been found useful, it would increase to a certain 
advantageous maximum, by constant use and direction of nervous 
energy thereto. There is nothing in such a monstrosity, supposing 
the abnormal size to have originated in one, to lead us to suppose 
that these two fishes would have been debarred from procreating 
with their normal fellows, and perpetuating this abnormality. 

Then the Hammer-headed Shark (Zygena) leads to the thought 
that such an aberration may have originated monstrously by a 
certain projection of both ocular regions. 

Again, the extinct Dinotherium giganteum may have had its 
turned-down lower jaw tusks originating in a sudden abnormal 
form; and the immense upper jaw tusks of Elephas Ganesa (104 
feet long, and massive in proportion) may have become so large 
by an abnormal growth. Indeed it may have been those enormous 
tusks which helped to cause the extinction of that particular form 
owing to their great unwieldiness, and consequent disadvantage in 
the struggle for life. In other words, they may have increased 
beyond the maximum of usefulness.! 

1 In the Temple Flower Show of 1894 there was a Sedum ticketed Sedum virens 
monstrosum, consisting of a fasciation of stems covered all over with small fleshy 
leaves, and resembling a cockscomb (probably Sedum reflexum cristatum of Dr. 
Masters). Its parent form is said to have ¢rachzg stems. Then there was Scolopen- 
drium vulgare scalariforme, said to be a monstrous form of the common Hartstongue fern. 
There cannot be much doubt that sudden monstrosities of similar and other natures may 
have originated zew genera. 

One often sees a fusion of twin flowers producing a larger many-petalled and many- 
stamened flower. There was one such in Le/um monadelphum Szovitsianunt. 

Mr. Heal informed me that he had a monstrous Streptocarpus consisting of a fusion 
of four flowers. He tried to perpetuate it, but its descendants reverted to the one-flower 
type with five petals of the Gloxinia shape. 

No doubt this obliteration of a monstrous type, and reversion to ancestral forms, 
would often occur in nature, but among millions of such phenomena there might be 
some which couz/d be perpetuated, and we know that six-digitate individuals can be 
perpetuated 27 sfzte of dilution with normal blood. 


When one reads Professor Flower’s book on The Horse, one feels 
a sort of conviction that the method of creation has been modifica- 
tion by very slow steps, now increasing the number and size of parts, 
then diminishing them, and even suppressing them entirely, accord- 
ing to the dictates of surroundings and the struggle for life and love. 

When, however, one looks into Stebbing’s book on the Crustacea, 
and turns up Dorippe Dorsipes, and others with two pairs of legs 
on their backs, one becomes staggered, and the former ‘slow-step’ 
faith becomes much shaken. One then begins to think that the 
method of creation may not always have been by slow steps, and 
that sometimes a monstrous form turned up, which, if it could live 
and struggle, and become adapted to surroundings, might become 
the foundation of a race on what we would call ‘ monstrous’ lines. 

Then at p. 40 Mr. Stebbing says: ‘ The theory that all append- 
ages of a crustacean are either legs or modified legs will strike a casual 
observer as rather strained in its application to the mandibles. 
That a Crab should adapt the basal joints of a pair of limbs 
for masticating its food may seem as unlikely and absurd as that 
a man should have teeth on his elbows and should draw them up 
in front of his lips for the purpose of biting and chewing whatever 
he wished to put into his mouth. To prevent all cavilling, however, 
on this point of the theory, the King Crab, Lzmudlus, is so obliging 
as to ignore the ordinary mouth organs, and to use the bases of its 
actual walking legs as mandibles.’ 

It is no wonder that anomalous legs should occur at the depths 
of 3050 and 2375 fathoms (p. 19). It would be a wonder if anom- 
alies did mof occur at that depth. It is a marvel that the molecules 
of the ova can arrange themselves at all under that pressure. 

Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace says:! ‘Herbert Spencer tacitly 

1 Are individual acquired characters inherited?’ Fortnightly Review, May 1893, 
p. 657. 


assumes that natural selection works by the preservation of large 
individual variations, ‘sports’ as they are often termed; whereas 
both Darwin himself, and all his followers, entirely reject these as 
causes of modification of species (except perhaps in rare cases 
where they may initiate new organs) and rely wholly on those 
individual variations which occur by thousands and tens of 
thousands in every generation.’ 

It may be heresy to say so, but it does not follow that Darwin 
and his followers are right. 

Professor W. Kitchen Parker was a follower of Darwin, yet in 
his Mammalian Descent, p. 93, he says: ‘Nature does now and 
then make amazing leaps, certain types taking on sudden meta- 
morphorses, and in the fraction of a lifetime the low is transformed 
into the high.’ 

And Mr. Camille Dareste, another follower of Dawrin, writes :} 
‘ Aujourd’hui le plus grand probléme de histoire naturelle est 
celui de l’origine des formes innombrables sous lesquelles la vie 
s'est manifestée a la surface de laterre. Sice probleme est soluble, 
il ne peut l’étre que par la connaissance de la tératologie et de la 
tératogénie ; c’est-a-dire, par l'étude de toutes les formes nouvelles 
qui peuvent dériver d’une forme spécifique primitive, et des causes 
qui déterminent leur apparition,’ 

Dr. Wallace and others then hold to the notion that species 
have come about solely by gradual accumulation of uséful charac- 
ters, and only very exceptionally by what may be called ‘jumps’ ; 
yet nothing seems clearer than that ‘jumps’ have occurred in the 
past,—and may occur now—which, if advantageous in the struggle 
for life, may have laid the foundation of new types. Nothing 
is clearer than the fact that a monstrosity may be inherited, and 
survive even when it crosses with normal forms; and the notion 

1Jn a Preface to M. Guinard’s Préc’s de Tératologie, p. ix. 


that it must be extinguished by dilution with normal blood does 
not seem tenable. ; 

‘Natura non facit saltum’ may after all be one of -those 
dogmas of Science which may be upset when we begin to perceive 
that there is no good reason why nature should o¢ make a ‘saltum.’ 

It is a matter of history that the doctrine of Natural Selection 
was suggested in Darwin’s mind by the studies he made in the 
artificial selection of domestic Pigeons and other animals; but 
Naturalists seem slow to accept the suggestion which monstrous 
forms in domestic animals and man would naturally lead to, viz., 
the probability that similar monstrosities in past ages may have 
been factors in the evolution of animals and plants, 

And the reason may be that there lingers in men’s minds a 
theological bias in connection with the word ‘monstrosity. How 
could a perfect God allow such a hideous anomaly to live, and 
engender others like it? But if He did not allow it, how did it 
make its appearance? 

In the Royal College of Surgeons there is the skeleton of a 
wild Cat with six legs. It was entrapped when half grown, It is 
evident that it could have lived up to that age, and have struggled 
successfully for its existence, and, if not captured, it mzght have 
laid the foundation of a race with six legs! The extra pair of legs 
are attached to the pelvis, and are evidently the only remnant of 
a twin Cat. 

Professor L. Agassiz seems to have had a notion that the ‘ Divine 
thought, now and again, burst out into a new line of evolution, as 
if it were tired of amusing itself on the old lines, and wanted to try 
some new experiment. 

Unfortunately for this mode of theology, the new type did not; 
in most cases, cut itself off from the old lines entirely, but seemed 
to be made up of the old pattern, with something new added on, or 


taken off, or something fused with another, so that traces of an 
evolution of one type from another which may have preceded it 
are in most cases evident. 

Then if the Divine thought of Agassiz was not the director 
of the evolution of these new types, is there any other mode of 
explaining the sudden appearance of what may truly be called 
monstrosities ? 

The Science of Teratology has recorded a great number of 
monstrosities, both in the vegetable and animal kingdoms. What 
brings them about? 

There seem to be two divisions of monstrosities : 

(a) Fusion, more or less complete, of two separate individuals 
(twins), into one compound body, with or without suppression of 
some of the parts ; and 

(0) Fusion of different parts of the same individual ; separation 
of originally united parts; displacement or suppression of various 
parts; or re-appearance of some ancestral character, by what is 
called reversion (atavism) ; or enlargement or diminution of a part. 

We know that in the fully formed individual the nerve-centres, 
with their communicating nerves, control everything. Every 
function of the body is controlled by them. It is reasonable there- 
fore to infer that, during embryonic development, as soon as the 
nervous system has had a commencement, it must begin to control 
the evolution of every part of the body ; and the slightest change, 
from whatever cause, from the normal that may occur in the nerve- 
centre, or prime-mover, is likely to be reflected as a modification 
Jrom the normal at the distal end of the nerve or nerves which 
that nerve-centre controls. A very slight change in the embryo 
may result in much more extensive changes in the fully formed 

It would appear a not uncommon thing for the controlling 


nerve-centres to produce wzsymmetry of the two sides. And one 
can imagine that a slight difference in the circulation of the two 
halves of the nervous system might cause this want of exact 

The examination of the two sides of spotted and striped 
animals, such as those of Figs. 4 and 22, will convince any one that 
a mathematical symmetry of both sides of an animal, if it occurred 
at all, must be rather the exception than the rule. 

Professor Flower has stated that in the Cetacea, even the two 
hands may have a different number of bones 

In the Royal Natural History, vol. ii. p. 143, there is the 
description of a very interesting phenomenon, because evidently 
rarely met with. The writer says: ‘One of the two known skulls 
of Ross’s Seal is peculiar in that, while on one side the first upper 
cheek-tooth, and both the corresponding lower teeth, are imper- 
fectly divided by a vertical groove, on the opposite side of the 
upper jaw the place of this tooth is taken by two complete single 
teeth. Hence it is obvious that we have here a case where an 
originally single tooth divides into two distinct but simpler teeth. 

This serves to show how the numerous simple teeth character- 
istic of the toothed Whales may have been derived by the splitting 
up of teeth originally composed of three distinct cusps, like those 
of the Leopard Seal, each cusp of such tooth forming, as we shall 
see, a distinct tooth in the Whales.’ 

The writer mentions other peculiarities in the teeth of the Grey 
Seal on pp. 134, 135. 

All this is very instructive, not only because it shows us that 
on one side of the same jaw there may be simple teeth, while on 

1 “Sometimes the different sides of the same animal are not precisely alike, either 
in the arrangement or even the number of the carpal ossifications.’—Osteology of 
Mammals, p. 301. 


the other there may be compound teeth, but also because there 
may be a ‘ reverse’ to the phenomenon described, viz., that a large 
complicated tooth, such as we see in certain mammals, may be a 
Suston of a number of szmple teeth! And this is exactly what may 
have happened, either suddenly, or by slow steps, when a long jaw 
with many teeth passed into a short jaw with few teeth. Some of 
the teeth may have been suppressed, but a number may have 
become fused into one large compound tooth. 

We do not know what influences and controls the disposition 
of the parts defore the nerve-centres of the embryo are formed. It 
does not follow, because there are yet no nerve-centres and 
nerves, that therefore there is not something that controls the 
cells and acts as a means of communication. 

Anyhow, when in the animal embryo the nervous system has 
once taken form, we cannot have much doubt that it controls and 
regulates the progress of the embryo. Its controlling influence in 
the multiplication and disposition or arrangement of the body 
cells, which are increasing by fission, may be likened to the 
controlling influence of the battery or dynamo in electro-plating. 
The two processes would appear to be parallel. We do not know 
why some metals are deposited in a compact form, suited to 
electro-plating, and why some are deposited in dendritic or tree- 
like forms. All we know at present is that they do so. And all 
we can say of monstrosities is that they do occur during the 
evolution of the embryo, although from recent experiments in 
artificial teratogeny we may hope at no distant period to learn 
something more definite about the intimate causes of monstrosities, 

Some might say—‘ This may be an ingenious stretch of thought, 
which would somewhat explain aberrations in azzmals; but what 
about analogous aberrations in plants? We have no nervous 
system there.’ No, but ‘nervous system’ may be only words 


intended to give cover to our ignorance. We call nervous system 
an apparatus consisting of nerve-cells and nerve-filaments, Plants 
may not have this, but they may have some tissue—unlike nerve- 
tissue—which functions as communicator of change-impulses to 
distant parts. At all events we must infer that Drosera, Dionea, 
and others, possess some means of sending messages from one 
part of their body to another. Lauffen in Switzerland is a long 
way from Frankfort, yet recently an influence of a dynamo at 
Lauffen was transmitted to Frankfort, a distance of one hundred 
and eight miles, with the greatest ease, although in this case also 
there was no nervous apparatus to do it! 

It would seem that disturbances may occur either in the cells, 
before the nervous system is traced out, or after, in the grey matter 
of nerve-centres. Professor V. Horsley! shows that these centres 
with their characteristic nerve-cells and nerve-fibres are developed 
very early in the embryo. 

New types may have had their genesis during embryonic life, 
while great disturbances in geological periods were going on, and 
which may have been due to external physical causes acting on 
the contents of the ovum. 

Sir J. William Dawson? says: ‘In the Appalachian region of 
America we have the carboniferous beds thrown into abrupt folds, 
their shales converted into hard slates, their sandstones into 
quartzite, and their coals into anthracite, and all this before the 
deposition of the Triassic Red Sandstones which constitute the 
earliest deposit of the great succeeding Mesozoic period.’ 

This seems evidence enough of the commotion caused by 
volcanoes and shrinkage, and the changes induced by heat” and 
chemical substances. 

At p. 176 he further says: ‘At the close of the Permian 

1 Brain and Spinal Cord, p. 190. 2 Geological History of Plants, p. 175. 


and the beginning of the Trias, in the midst of this transition 
of physical disturbance, appear the great reptilian forms char- 
acteristic of the age of reptiles, and the earliest precursors of the 
mammals, and at the same time the old carboniferous forms of 
plants finally pass away to be replaced by a flora scarcely more 
advanced, though different, and consisting of pines, cycads, and 
ferns, with gigantic Equiseti.’ 

A little exercise of the imagination will enable us to compre- 
hend that in those volcanic periods, both the sea and the atmo- 
sphere may have had gases and other ingredients in them which 
might either kill, or strangely modify, the development of the ova 
and seeds on which they acted. Heat, electrical changes, and 
continual tremors of the earth and sea, may have also been factors 
in the modification of both animal and vegetable embryos. We 
know what strange modifications of buds and other parts of plants 
are produced by even the tickling of the minute larva of a Gall-Fly. 

In our present comparatively quiet times, with a settled and 
steady composition of atmosphere and sea, we may have difficulty 
in conceiving and measuring the amount of modification that may 
have occurred when the conditions must have been wholly different. 

We should not forget, however, that, although not generally 
admitted, the action of changes in the environment in modifying 
forms, already established elsewhere, is of importance. 

Some species no doubt are very plastic and can easily change 
their form under changed conditions; others do not, while there 
are some that are killed outright. 

At a lecture of the Royal Horticultural Society, Mr. Burbidge 
mentioned that Megenthes Raza, from Borneo, cannot be grown 
in this country under artificial conditions, even with the skill 
and scientific manipulations of Messrs. Veitch and Sons. 

1 See Mature, vol. 43, p. 581, for change of species in Arabis anachoretica. 


When I visit the Fish Gallery of the Natural History Museum 
I feel a sort of conviction that many of the strange forms around 
me must have commenced as monstrosities. 

The saw of the Saw-Fish (Présdzs) seems on the face of it to 
have been a monstrosity; the Spoonbill Sturgeon (Polypodon 
Spatula); the curious nose-process of Callorhynchus antarcticus, the 
tailless Orthagoriscus oblongus, the enormous dorsal fin of one of 
the Sword-fishes, Histophorus gladius, and so forth—all convince 
me that these strange forms very probably commenced by a sudden 
monstrosity. tis amongst fishes that we meet with such startling 
abnormalities in large numbers. Scientists try to explain the 
stump tail of a Puppy by calling it an ‘arrest of development.’ 
That would mean that, ‘it is what it is’! Any boy in the street 
can tell us that such a Puppy ‘has not a long tail, like other Dogs!’ 
But what is the cause of the arrest ? ; 

Mr. Stebbing in his Crustacea mentions that the male of 
Gelasimus avenatus (De Haan) has one cheliped (claw), right or 
left, monstrously enlarged. The very fact that it is sometimes the 
right, and sometimes the left, which is so enlarged, would tend 
to show that it is not by slow degrees that it attains that size, but 
by some sudden derangement in the right or left nerve-centre that 
controls the growth of the cheliped, and the Crab has to make the 
best use of it. 

Monstrosities being congenital might easily be inheritable more 
or less, provided the reproductive organs were efficient. So this 
monstrosity in a certain Crab may become the fixed feature of a 
whole race, which originally may have commenced by a sudden 
evolution in ove generation, and not by slow and gradual accumula- 
tions of some slight variation. The study of fishes and crustacea 
would seem to afford quite a revelation, as to the probable origin 
of many species. 


One cannot look at the drawings of fishes, even of a restricted 
region, such as that of India, by Francis Day, without feeling that 
monstrous forms must have been generated among fishes in plenty. 
Agassiz, in the account of his Journey in Brazil, gives us a 
striking tale of the zznumerable species of fishes he and his 
assistants discovered in the Amazon and its tributaries. 

If experiments in teratogeny be worth anything, they will 
certainly modify our notions of the origin of species, solely by slow 
accumulation of some mute variation. Just think of it; the 
ovum segments into two and then into four cells, and so on. If 
any injury should occur to any one of these cells, from whatever 
cause, the result may be a monstrosity. The wonder is that we 
are not all monsters! We say heredity keeps us straight; we 
might also say it keeps us crooked, to allow for variations; but 
when these statements are translated into common language they 
seem to spell—‘ we know nothing about them’! 

A little more atomic disturbance here, a little less there, during 
the embryonic stage, may produce a mew compound, which then 
may be called a species, a genus, or even an order, as the case may 
be. Naturalists may think they have discovered a// the species in 
a district, but new ones may be naturally manufactured now and 
then, just as the chemist produces new compounds by manipulating 
and acting upon old ones. 

There cannot be much doubt that the action of the nerve-centre, 
in co-operation with the vaso-motor nerves which affect the 
nourishment of parts, may cause the degeneration, atrophy, and 
eventual suppression of an organ. 

Let us suppose, for instance, a Dinosaur of the ordinary kind, 
with fore-legs sufficiently large to enable it to move on all-fours, 
say, like a Kangaroo. Let us suppose again that by a sudden 
monstrosity the fore-limbs were dwarfed to the size of those of Cerato- 


saurus! It is evident that if the animal lived, it would be forced 
to walk maznly on its hind-legs, and balance itself by its huge tail. 
It is also evident that the continual use of the hind-legs alone would 
strengthen them, and at the same time weaken the fore-legs; and 
this might go on till the fore-limbs became suppressed altogether, 
as in Hesperornis regalis; and as the hind-limbs have been sup- 
pressed in the Round-headed Dolphin and in other Cetacea. If 
the fore-limbs can be suppressed altogether at once, as in some 
cases of human monstrosities, they certainly can be dwarfed all 
of a sudden. 

Abnormalities are revelations that cannot be ignored. They 
indicate to us one possible method, by which important large and 
sudden variations may have been effected. 

Then, when a large and sudden variation occurs in the brain 
itself, we call the possessor of it either an imbecile, or a lunatic, 
or a genius. If the latter, he may be a prophet, a philosopher, 
a poet, a scientist, a mechanician, an inventor, a saint, etc. 

As long ago as 1829, Isidore Geoffroy St. Hilaire? mentioned 
the artificial production of monstrous birds by acting in various 
ways on the eggs, and he said that artificial incubation gives rise 
to more monstrosities than natural incubation. And at p. 71 he 
stated that the history of human monstrosities has frequently been 
traced to blows on the abdomen during gestation. 

Some better and more accurate idea may be formed of the 
possible origin of variations, anomalies, and monstrosities—all 
indicating different degrees of disturbance during embryonic life— 
from the recent experiments of Roux, Dareste, Windle, Hertwig, 
Driesch, Chabry, and others.’ 

1 Shown on p. 125 of Creatures of Other Days. 
2 Propositions sur la monstruosité, p. 70 (TZ héses de la Faculté de Médecine, No. 185). 
3* Experimental Embryology,’—by Mr. J. A. Thomson, Natural Science, April 
1893, p. 294. 


All students of embryology know that the ovum, in developing, 
divides into two cells, then into four, then into eight, then into six- 
teen, and subsequently into a number of cells called a‘ morula,’ 
and further on a‘ gastrula, after which the embryo begins to take 

By these experiments it has been shown that ‘the germ is 
plastic in the grip of its environment, and various malformations 
have been induced which are of interest to the student of mor- 
phology’; that ‘there is now good evidence to prove that these 
disturbing agents act, at least in the majority of cases, on that part 
of the developing organisation which is concerned with the forma- 
tion of the vascular system of the embryo’ ;1 that ‘of the first two 
cells into which the egg of a Frog develops, one has in it the 
material for forming the right half of the body, the other has in it 
the material for forming the left half of the body.’ It was proved 
that ‘one of the first two segmentation cells may form half an 
embryo, that it can develop apart from its neighbour, and that 
either a right or a left half-embryo might be produced, as well as 
an anterior or posterior half’; that, quite lately, Roux has been able 
to rear an entire Frog embryo from half an egg’; in experiments 
on ova of an Ascidian, Chabry found that ‘by destruction of one 
of the cells into which the ovum first divides, the remaining cell 
develops into a half-larva, and if two anterior cells of the four- 
celled stage be destroyed, a posterior half-individual results’; that 
‘on to the sixteen-cell stage at least, each cell has a determined 
destiny, and represents a definite part of the embryo, and that if 
one of these sixteen cells be destroyed, the defect (or monstrosity) 
in the larva is a definite one’; that ‘while Roux got half-embryos 
from half an egg, Driesch got half-sized, but otherwise complete 

1 Surely the vascular system is under the control of the ervows system, or of some 
electrical influence which corresponds to it, before the regular nervous system is 


embryos from half an egg’; that Mr. Edward B, Wilson of Columbia 
College, New York, ‘has produced out of one egg of Amphioxus, 
twins of half the normal size, and by varying the experiments, 
a sort of Siamese twins from one egg were produced.’! 

A number of other experiments on ova are mentioned by Mr. 
Thomson, and the conclusions he has come to from this review are 
that : 

(1) There is a great deal of life in an egg; three-quarters, a 
half, or a quarter of an egg will, under favourable conditions, form 
a complete larva. 

(2) There is no little plasticity in the germ; the segmentation 
may be profoundly altered, the shape of the young embryo may be 
greatly changed, and a new type of larva may be produced, yet the 
inherited characteristics are strong, for the experiments show a 
marked tendency in the germ to reach a normal result by an 
abnormal path.” 

With regard to the non-inheritance of acquired characters, he 
says: ‘How many ova are there which float in the sea, and in other 
media; these are now, as similar ova have been in the past, 
exposed to the influences of very complex physical and chemical 
conditions. That their living stuff may be greatly affected the 
results of experimental embryology show. It is likely that the 
same is true in Nature’s great laboratory, and the results, being 
germinal, may be transmissible. We need not be in haste to 
exclude the direct influence of the environment from among the 
primary factors of evolution.’ 

1 Tf all this can be established, it may go a long way towards demonstrating that our 

two halves were originally a fusion of ‘wo embryos with sappression of a.right and left 
half of each. 

2 Perhaps the embryo may be likened to a crystal ; you may break a crystal in pieces, 
and each piece, under proper conditions of food and stimulus, will grow again into a 
crystal like its parent, 


We may be on the eve of momentous revelations concerning 
not only the appearance of monstrous forms among human beings 
and domestic animals, but also concerning the sudden appearance 
of new types of animals in geological periods on monstrous lines! 
These artificial ways of evolving monstrosities may yet be able to 
teach us how the long tail of the Archeopteryx may have been 
reduced zz one generation to the short tail of the modern bird, or 
vice versa ; how the long tail of one kind of Monkey may have been 
reduced in one generation to the stump of other kinds, and to the 
diminutive tail of Man; how the many digits of the Ichthyosaur 
may have been suddenly reduced to the five digits of the Plesiosaur, 
or of some other ancestor of the numerous tribe of five-digited 

‘We must not forget,’ says Agassiz.) ‘that we are the lofty 
children of a race whose lowest forms lie prostrate within the 
water, having no higher aspiration than the desire for food; and 
we cannot understand the possible degradation and wretchedness 
of Man without knowing that his physical nature is rooted in all 
the material characteristics that belong to his type, and link him 
even with the Fish.’ 

Changes in the cells of the ovum during segmentation, 
changes after the embryo became differentiated through disturb- 
ance of the controlling nervous and vascular tissues, might at any 
time have given rise to what is called a monstrous form, which if 
unfit would die out, but if fit might endure and transmit its 
monstrous form. 

It would all depend upon whether the monstrous form could enter 
into sexual union with the normal forms. In the case of most 
fishes, however, even this would not be needed, and the facility 
with which the sperm cell can reach the germ cell in these low 

1 Life and Work, by Dr. Charles F. Holder, p. 189. 


vertebrates, may be the reason why so many strange monster-like 
forms are found among these animals, 

It might be thought incredible that a monstrous form could 
pair with a normal form. It would all depend, as I said, upon 
whether the sperm cell of the one could be made to reach the 
germ cell of the other. By artificial means Messrs. Veitch and 
Son have succeeded in mating a Lela with a Sophronitis—two 
forms of orchids which no botanist would have conjectured are 
mere variations of the same species | 

This is not all, for Professor Agassiz? says, ‘I remember to have 
found in the neighbourhood of. Mobile (U.S.), no less than six new 
species in the course of an afternoon ramble. These fishes are 
almost all viviparous, or at least lay their eggs in a very advanced 
state of development of the young? The sexes differ so greatly 
in appearance that they have sometimes been described as distinct 
species, nay, even as distinct genera (Wolinesia and Pacilia). We 
must be on our guard against a similar mistake.’ “a1 

If husband and wife of these fishes can be so distinct as to be 
described as distinct species and genera, and s¢d// pair, what wonder 
would it be if monstrous forms, produced by disturbing influences 
which may have occurred during the first stages of embryonic 
development, should be able to pair with their normal progenitors, 
although, may be, quite distinct in anatomical characters? 

At one time there was a dogma among biologists that animals 
of different species could not interbreed, as, if they happened by 
some chance to interbreed, their progeny was barren. It was 
thought perhaps that some providential law ruled matters thus, in 
order to prevent the mixing of species. But now it seems to be 

1 The variations of type in the Fishes of the Amazon, noted by Professor L. Agassiz, 
are simply zznumerable. 2 Journey in Brazil, pp. 32, 33- 
3 He does not mention how their ova are fertilised. 


admitted that Goats and Sheep, Rabbits and Hares, common 
Fowls and Pheasants, Pheasants of different species, Tigers and 
Lions! Zébras, Asses and Horses do interbreed, and several of them 
produce fertile hybrids. The question is—What is a species ? 

What possible influence in ancient times could have caused a 
disturbance in the development of ova so as to evolve abnormal 
forms, say in fishes, as evidenced by the vast number of new types 
linked by some characters, and yet unlinked by others, with their 
forerunners. Several causes suggest themselves, viz. :—- 

(a) Submarine volcanoes heating the water and diffusing new 
chemical compounds dissolved in it. 

() Shakings and concussions of the water and of the sea bottom. 

(c) Electrical discharges connected with submarine volcanic 
explosions, and so forth. 

I shall now discuss some human monstrosities to see how far 
such a hotion as I have foreshadowed in the foregoing lines has 
any basis in fact. 

Cases of supernumerary digits in Man are by no means rare. 
Darwin? states that ‘Dr. Burt Wilder’ has tabulated the cases of 
152 individuals with supernumerary digits, of which 86 were males, 
and 39, or less than half, females ; the remaining 27 being of un- 
known sex.’ 

Then ¢ he says that ‘ supernumerary fingers and toes are emin- 
ently liable, as various authors have insisted, to be inherited. Poly- 
dactylism graduates by multifarious steps, from a mere cutaneous 
appendage, not including any bone, toa double hand. But (p. 458) 
an additional digit, supported on a metacarpal bone, and furnished 
with all the proper muscles, nerves, and vessels, is sometimes so 

? See Mature of 27th April 1893, p. 607, on Lion-Tiger hybrids. 
2 Descent of Man, p. 223. 

3 Massachusetts Medical Society, vol. ii., No. 3, 1868, p. 9. 

4 Animals and Plants under Domestication, vol. i. p. 457. 


perfect (note this) that it escapes detection unless the fingers are 
actually counted; occasionally there are several supernumerary 
digits, but usually only one, making the total number six. This 
one may be attached to the inner or outer margin of the hand, re- 
presenting either a thumb or little finger, the latter being the more 
frequent. Supernumerary digits are more common on the hands 
than on the feet, but generally both hands and both feet are 
similarly affected.’ 

Mr. Darwin adds that ‘the presence of a greater number of 
digits than five is a great anomaly, for this number is not normally 
exceeded by any existing mammal, bird, or reptile. Nevertheless, 
supernumerary digits are strongly inherited ; they have been trans- 
mitted through five generations, and, in some cases, after disappear- 
ing for one, two, or even three generations, have reappeared through 
reversion, These facts are rendered, as Professor Huxley. has 
observed, more remarkable from its being known in most cases that 
the affected person has not married one similarly affected’ 

In such cases, the child of the fifth generation would have only 
one-thirty-second part of the blood of his first sex-digitated ancestor. 
Other cases are rendered remarkable by the affection gathering 
force, as Dr. Struthers has shown, in each generation, though in each 
the affected person married one not affected;! moreover, such 
additional digits are often amputated soon after birth, and can 
seldom have been strengthened by use. Dr. Struthers gives the 
following instance: ‘In the first generation an additional digit 
appeared on one hand; in the second on both hands; in the third, 
three brothers had both hands, and one of the brothers a foot, 
affected ; in the fourth generation all four limbs were affected,’ 
Dr. Struthers however asserts that cases of non-inheritance are 
much more frequent than cases of inheritance. 

‘ Note this, The affection gathers force even when diluted with normal blood. 


Six digits have also been observed in negroes as well as in 
other races. Also in hind-foot of a Newt, and in hind-feet of 
several generations of Cats.!_ In several breeds of Fowl the hinder 
toe is double, and is transmitted truly. 

Dr. J. W. Ogle gives a case of inheritance of deficient phalanges 
during four generations.” 

Mr. Darwin gives references for all he states. 

What we have particularly to remember is that monstrosities, 
although diluted with normal blood, (2) may zncrease in number in 
subsequent generations, and (4) may spread from the hands to 
the feet also. 

From this we may infer that the disturbing influence in the 
hand nerve-centre, which causes the monstrosity in that limb, is 
liable to diffuse itself along the spinal cord and influence the 
nerve-centre of the foot also. 

A-few detailed cases will impress on the reader’s mind not only 
this sex-digitate feature in Man, but also the ferszstence with which 
it may be inherited, although diluted by normal blood. 

Godehen in 1751 recorded the oft-quoted history of one Grezio 
Calleja, a polydactyl® He had six fingers and six toes in each 
limb. He had four children, three boys and one girl. The eldest 
boy, Salvator, had six digits in each limb, but the supernumerary 
digit in the hands was not so well formed as those of the father. 
On the contrary those of the feet were better formed. The other 
three children had the normal number, five, in both hands and feet ; 
but all excepting the youngest had deformities of fingers more or 
less marked. So only one of the four children of Grezio had 
normal limbs. The children of this latter were normal. On the 

1 Brit, and For. Med. Chirurg. Rev., April 1872. 

* J. T. Cunningham, translator of Kimer’s Organte Evolution, says he has a Cat with 
six toes on every foot. 

3 Hist. des Anomalies, by Isidore Geoffroy St. Hilaire, vol. i. p. 699: 


contrary, Salvator had two boys and one girl sex-digitate, and one 
‘boy normal. Grezio’s second son George (who was normal) had 
three sex-digitate daughters, and one normal boy; and Grezio’s 
daughter (who was also normal) had two boys and one girl normal, 
and one boy sex-digitate. 

Dr. Prosper Lucas! gives the case recorded by Maupertuis. 
‘Jacob Ruhe, surgeon of Berlin, was born with six digits in his 
hands and feet, inherited from his mother Elisabeth Ruhen, who 
inherited this abnormality from Elisabeth Horlsmann. Elisabeth 
Ruhen transmitted it to four children out of eight. The father 
was Jean Christian Ruhe, who was normal. Jacob Ruhe, one of 
the sex-digitated boys, married Sophie-Louise de Thingen, a normal 
woman, and had six children, two of the boys being sex-digitate,’ 

Renow recorded several sex-digitate families, who from time 
immemorial were spread over several] parishes of Bas-Anjou. 
These abnormalities were perpetuated in spite of the alliance of 
the abnormal individuals with families of normal conformation. 
The abnormalities were transmitted indifferently to either male or 
female children. It was also established that a normal child of an 
abnormal parent can again give birth to an abnormal child. 

Dr. Prosper Lucas (p. 327) quotes some much more interesting 
phenomena. He says that Vanderbuch collected records of 
a Spanish family where this abnormality was often complicated 
with the following: ‘In the majority of the members of this 
numerous family, the third and fourth digits? of the hand were 
united by the integument throughout their length. The phalanges 
of such double fingers were almost all composed of double bones, 
situated side by side. The nails, although of one piece, had a 

1 Hérédité naturelle, vol. i. p. 326. 
2 Exactly those that form the fused metacarpal bone of the Ox and its congeners, 
In the marsupials this is a common feature. : 


vertical furrow; what indicated that they were in origin two 
fingers was that the tendons (“epicondylo-sus-phalangetticus, et 
cubito-phalangetticus communis”) were also double. In some 
individuals of this family the thumb was biphalangian, and among 
these the extremity of the digit was sometimes bifurcated. In 
other individuals the two portions which formed the digit were 
united throughout as in other digits.’ What is still more curious 
is that in some individuals the third and fourth toes were similarly 
bound up in one integument. 

Vanderbuch counted forty individuals of this Spanish family in 
whom some abnormalities of digits existed. Almost all were healthy. 

A race of Cats is mentioned? with six digits on each foot, the 
peculiarity having been inherited to the tenth generation. 

Then M. Guinard? quotes the case of a Bitch with six digits, 
which transmitted this feature to almost all its young ones. He 
also quotes Lenglen, who gives a case of a sex-digitate Man, whose 
descendants, up to the sixth generation, all presented this feature. 
He winds up by saying—‘ Everybody knows the history of that 
Arab tribe of the Foldi, whose children are all born with twenty- 
four digits. The members of this tribe are very numerous, and do 
not ally themselves with other tribes. They consider this feature 
absolutely constant, so that when by chance a woman gives birth 
to a child with five digits, she is considered to have committed 
adultery, and her child is not acknowledged by her husband.’ 

And finally (p. 131) M. Guinard writes—‘ Mais en face de ces 
faits, nous comprenons, sans l’admettre cependant, qu’on ait pu se 
demander si le chiffre 5, adopté comme représentant le nombre 
normal des doigts, n’est pas un peu arbitraire, et s'il n’a pas existé 
des individus ayant normalement six doigts.’ 

Well may M. Guinard ask whether the archetypal five-digited 

1 Royal Natural History, p. 427. ® Préts de Tévatologie,’ p. 130. 


limb is not a little arbitrary! Y read M. Guinard’s Précs after I 
had been long contemplating the possibly fictitious archetypal 
hand and foot which characterise so many animals. 

If by archetypal we only mean a type of animals with five 
digits which is very ancient, then the term is admissible enough, for 

Fic, 92.—(¢) Right hand of an Ichthyosaur, pl. 23, Book of the Great Sea-Dragons, by 
Thomas Hawkins ; (4) Right hand of /. Chiropolyostinus, digital portion—pl. 7 of same work. 

as low down as the Plesiosaurs, and may be much lower, we already 
find the five-digited type established. 

Where could this abnormality of sex-digited animals have 
come from? Why the five-digited type was so early established 
we do not know, but we do know that the Ichthyosaurs, which 
cannot be denied relationship to:other vertebrates, had as many as- 
eight digits (Fig. 92 (6)); while 7 Chiroligostinus (pl. 3 of Hawkins’ 



Great Sea-Dragons), had only three complete digits, and a 
dwindling fourth in both hand and foot. 
All we can say is that mammals? may have started from a 





FIG. 93.—Left hand 
of Plesiosaur, pl. 27, 
Book of the Great Sea- 
Dragons, by Thomas 

branch of the great vertebrate series in which 
the abnormality of five digits (we now call this 
normal and archetypal) had already become a 
fixed character, and not impossibly the abnormal 
hands of the Plesiosaurs, with a reduction to 
only five digits (Fig. 93), and also of their close 
relatives, the existing Dolphins, may have been 
the monstrous foundation of the whole race of 
animals with five digits. We cannot for one 
moment suppose that in the Ichthyosaur the 
humerus, radius and ulna are the homologues of 
the same bones in mammals, and at the same 
time declare that the carpal, metacarpal, and 
phalangeal bones of the same Ichthyosaur are 
not homologous with bones of the same name in 
mammals ! 

Well, some Ichthyosaurs have seven digits 
and a dwindling eighth. What has become of 
the sixth, seventh, and eighth digits in mammals? 

The answer is, that not impossibly they 
have been suppressed in past geological times, 
as a deformity in the first instance, and after- 

wards inherited as a xormality ; that is, if mammals ever descended 

from animals like the Ichthyosaur. 

Not only have three digits 

been suppressed, but also a number of phalanges, and the whole 
carpus, ulna, radius, and humerus have been vastly modified. 

1 Ts there any good reason for supposing that Ichthyosaurs were 7of mammals ? 
2 See figure of Round-headed Dolphin in Flower’s Osteology of Mammals, p. 302. 


In this connection it is interesting to note that in the York 
Museum there is a unique Plesiosaur. It is ticketed PZ. Zet- 
landicus (Phillips) from the Lias of Lofthouseynear Radnor. It 
has a much shorter neck and a much 
larger head than the ordinary Plesio- 
saurs. It may be one of the transition 
forms between the Ichthyosaurs and 
the Plesiosaurs. Its large head is not’ ; 
unlike that of an Ichthyosaur. It is the er pei 
only example known of this species. of the right manus (dorsal aspect) 

f of Water Tortoise; dAZammals, by 

Then let us compare fora moment — Flower and Lydekker, p. 48. 
the carpal and metacarpal bones of 
certain animals. In the Water Tortoise we find two regular 
rows of carpal bones, of five bones, in each row, each’ meta- 
carpal bone articulating with only one of the carpal bones, as 
shown in Fig. 94; while in the hand of the Plesiosaur (Fig. 93) 
we find the carpal bones reduced, and huddled up in two irregular 
rows, the metacarpal bones articulating quite differently from 
those of the Water Tortoise, although the number of metacarpal 
bones is the same in both animals. 


Such a difference in the disposition of the carpal bones, and in 
their articulation with the metacarpal bones, in these two animals 
may have occurred gradually, but there is no good reason why it 
could not have occurred suddenly by a process which we would 
now call monstrous, or, to use a Scientific term, ¢eratological. 

There is one other great conclusion to be drawn from the study 
of the records of sex-digitate men and women. In spite of their 
marrying individuals in whose families no such abnormality 
occurred, sex-digitation, as we have seen, persistently appeared 
among their descendants, so that the notion which some 
evolutionists hold, viz. that a variation which may suddenly 


appear becomes soon extinguished by mixing freely with normal 
types, would seem to be erroneous. For sex-digitation, instead 
of being eliminated by dilution, in many instances becomes 
strengthened, Moreover, the supposition that oe monstrosity 
occurring in a species has no chance of survival must be greatly 
modified when we know that a whole Litter of puppies can at once 
appear with stump-tails,) and that almost all the puppies of a sex- 
digitate Bitch were born with a similar feature. It is evident that 
there would be ample opportunities for these similarly affected 
animals to zz¢erbreed, and further fix and perpetuate a monstrosity, 
even if we did not know that, in some cases, dilution with normal 
blood will zo¢ wipe it out. 

Many other monstrosities besides sex-digitation have been 
transmitted to descendants. That quoted by M. Guinard on p. 
162? is a most curious one. A male Guinea-Pig was kept for a 
long time in the laboratory of the Veterinary School of Lyons. It 
had no sign of eyeballs, although the orbital cavities were well 
formed. After death, it was found that there was no trace of 
optic nerve, and the foramen for its passage did not exist. 
Otherwise this anomalous Guinea-Pig was healthy and vigorous, 
and it lived fora long time. It was kept among normal female 
Guinea-Pigs, and had numerous children. Among them were found 
six which, like the father, had no eyeballs! M. Guinard adds: 

‘M. Desfosses a démontré que cette conformation des organes 
de la vue est normale chez le Protée.’ 

Hairlessness of the body is found ‘normal’ in the hairless race 
of Chinese Dogs, but it has also occurred anomalously in the Horse, 
the Ox, and the Dog. Even Birds have been met with which had 
no feathers, So that we begin to suspect that the hairlessness of 

1 [ have known of two Bitches, in different countries, which gave a whole litter of 
puppies with stump-tails. 2 Précis de Tératologie, 


Man may have occurred a// of a sudden as a monstrosity, and then 
may have been inherited and perpetuated! If hairlessness of 
body happened to carry with it a correlative development of the 
brain, with superior intelligence, the hairless race would have 
eventually killed out the hairy ones. And now we get the hairy 
Ainos, either as reversions, or as vestiges of a character which 
probably was normal in remote times, the Burmese hairy family, 
and the Russian ‘homme chien,’ being atavic anomalies, 

That the nervous system has a great deal to do with hairiness 
is shown by the case quoted by M. Guinard (p. 155)? of a woman 
whose trunk became hairy during each pregnancy, and lost its 
hairy coat in the intermediate periods. 

This is analogous to what happens in animals when a change 
of season and other external conditions, acting on the nerve 
centres, bring about a change of coat and plumage. 

Isidore Geoffroy St. Hilaire considered that the indispensable 
condition for the transmission of a monstrosity is that the re- 
productive organs should be intact. Who can tell how many 
monstrosities which have occurred in geological periods had 
answered to this condition ? 

M. Guinard (p. 19)? says :—‘ Ce ne sont pas les anomalies graves 
qui se transmettent le plus souvent, mais les simples vice de 

This is only natural, for if the ‘anomalies graves’ affect the 
organs of reproduction, there can be no chance of their being trans- 
mitted. It is perfectly conceivable that anomalies, which in 
geological periods could not be inherited, died out with the 
anomalous individuals. These, for all we know, might have been 
numerous, and in cases where only ove fossil anomaly is traceable 

1 The Vahgans of Fuegia are hairless, and wear no clothes. They are exposed to the 
cruelest of climates, and yet donot become extinct. Their extreme sensitiveness to slight 
warmth is testified to by Darwin, 2 Op, cit. 


it may possibly have been a monstrosity which was of trans- 

All malformations connected with the extremities of the limbs 
are hereditary and are easily transmitted from generation to 
generation. This is a well-established fact, and proved by numer- 
ous and well-authenticated examples. But M. Guinard and others 
have shown that other anomalies, as long as the reproductive 
organs are efficient, are also frequently inherited, such as hairiness 
in man, hairlessness in other animals, hornlessness, want of eyeballs, 
etc. If the anomalous individual cannot procreate, the anomaly 
must die out with the individual possessor of it. 

Fishes lay an enormous number of ova. Supposing that some 
external influence were adequate to modify the development of oxe 
fish-embryo, it would be undeniable that a large number of ova 
might be s¢multaneously and similarly modified. 

We have known an anomalous influence to pervade a whole 
litter of puppies ; and the probability is that an anomaly of struc- 
ture might occur in a whole litter of fishes, which might mean of 
thousands! Therefore we must begin to look upon monstrosities, 
both now and in the past, suddenly appearing in a type, from what- 
ever cause, as possible factors in the origin of species) 

1 Tn order to impress this important idea on the reader’s attention, I will quote a 
parallel case from the Vegetable Kingdom. Among market gardeners there is a MWyosotis 
(Forget-me-not) with almost every flower having many more petals than the typical 
Myosotis, which has only five petals. Most of the flowers have eight or nine petals, and 
many have ten, which is exactly dowd/e the typical number. The sepals and stamens 
correspond with the number of petals, so that there can be no doubt that the ten-petalled 
flowers are fusions of two whole flowers, the fusion occurring while they are in their 
embryonic stage. The ova/ centre of many such flowers plainly indicates a fusion of two. 
It should be understood that in this form of AZyosotzs it is only the individual flowers 
which are monstrous. I have ascertained that the ovules contained in the nucules round the 
base of the conical style, are, many of them, fertilised, and Professor Henslow has it from 
the grower, Mr. Appleton of Longford, that 80 per cent. of its seeds 7efroduce this par- 
ticular monstrosity, although insects must frequently cross-fertilise it with pollen of the 
typical form, which now and again appears on this monstrous plant, and which-also may 


No evolutionist can doubt that an anomaly or monstrosity— 
(a) if it be viable ; (0) if it has its reproductive organs in a sufficiently 
fit state; (c) if it be inherited—szay lay the foundation of a new 
species, new genus, new order. 

That anomalies and monsters are sometimes viable, that some- 
times they have their reproductive organs in a fit state, and that 
their features are frequently inherited—are sufficiently shown by the 
facts quoted. 

Whether a new species or genus in its initial stage can hold its 

be grown in the vicinity, the Forget-me-not being a very popular plant. The origin of 
this particular monstrosity is not known. What we have to note is that the whole plant 
is pervaded by this monstrous influence, and that it is vefroduced through the seed. 

There are two other varieties of monstrous J/yosotis which have come under my 
notice. That called ‘The Jewel,’ which was issued by Messrs. Carter and Son in 
1893. I have only seen a picture of it. Not only is each flower a /wzston of two flowers, 
but the flowers are gathered into a compact head (caf¢¢u/um) somewhat like that of a 
Scabious, or the double Corn-flower of gardeners. This additional monstrosity is declared 
to come true from seed. 

Then in the Gardeners’ Chronicle of 8th August 1891, p. 159, to which my attention 
has been called by Professor Henslow, there is a third monstrous form of A/yosotis, called 
Victoria. It isa sort of ‘hen and chicken’ form, all the chickens have flowers which are 
fusions of two entire individuals of the typical five-petalled form, and the hen in the 
centre appears to be a fusion of about five distinct flowers. Messrs, Ernst Benary of 
Erfurt sent it out in 1886, and it is presumed that it sprang from AZ. alpestris robusta 
grandiflora (Eliza Fonrobert). It comes true from seed. But the curious fact connected 
with this particular form is this: It appeared in the garden of Mr. W. Marshall at 
Bexley, who states that he did not receive seeds from either Germany or anywhere else. 
It is hardy in severe winters. The stem isas thick as a Swan quill, compressed and hollow 
in the interior, characters which are indicative of a fusion (fasciation) of many separate 
stems. The drawings in the Gardeners’ Chronicle are taken from a specimen exhibited 
by Mr. Marshall, and the editor says :—‘It is reproduced from seed, and is now known 
to have occurred during several years, and possibly may have originated spontaneously 
in a garden at Bexley, as well as in Germany.’ 

It may perhaps be questionable whether in this monstrous A/yosofzs the ten-petalled 
flowers are a fusion of two separate flowers while in their embryonic stage. We know 
that ove ovum in certain animals is capable of developing twins, and possibly the ovule 
of a plant may sometimes do so likewise. I consider the ovule as a bud, and the flower 
as the development of a bud ; so that I can see no objection to the idea that a bud could 
under certain circumstances develop twins parthenogenetically. This hypothesis might 
account for the fower-buds of this AZyosotés developing into fused twins. 



ground in the battle of life is a totally different question. This 
may depend on conditions of the environment. Among fishes we 
have seen that there are great facilities for the sperm cell to reach 
the germ cell, and that large numbers of individuals might possibly 
inherit an anomaly in one generation. This would make the result 
of the struggle for existence quite different from what it would be 
if only ove in a generation inherited the anomaly. 

There is no good reason why the species or genus, originating 
in a monstrosity, should not in various cases be better able to 
struggle for life than the type of its progenitors. It would all 
depend on the means of offence and defence, or the means of 
obtaining food and of resisting adverse influences, 

Palzontologists declare that in past ages it was a common 
phenomenon for a new type to appear, to increase to a maximum, 
and then gradually disappear, to be replaced gradually by a new 
type, which in turn followed the same course, to be replaced by a 
subsequent and more vigorous type. The appearance of a viable 
and inheritable monstrosity that was better equipped for the 
struggle of life may possibly account to some extent for this 
succession of type after type, to go through the same process 
of increase, decline, and final extinction. 

Man, with his monstrous intelligence (not unfrequently with his 
monstrous foolishness) has killed out and is killing out a number 
of types, and is replacing them with his own type. What will be 
the upshot of all this process remains to be seen. 

Professor Louis Agassiz wrote :1 ‘However long and frequent 
the breaks in the geological series may be, in which they would fain 
bury their transition types, there are many points in the succession 
where the connection is perfectly distinct and unbroken, and it is 
just at these points that ew organic groups are introduced without 

Footnote to p. 188 of Dr. Charles F. Holder’s Z. 4gassts—Life and Works. 


intermediate forms to link them with the preceding ones? (Italics 
are mine.) 

Let us take for instance the case of only one character—that 
of horns. Horned animals may have originated in the first 
instance as a monstrosity. We find that in the Reindeer both 
male and female are furnished with horns, In the Eland (Oveas 
Canna) Mr. Selous says the horns of a female were longer than those 
of a male with the longest horns,! but usually in other ruminants, 
if horned, the female has shorter and more feeble horns. Then 
we have species in which the female has no horns at all, and finally 
we have a race of domestic cattle, arising suddenly as a monstro- 
sity, in which both male and female are hornless, and so are 
Camels, the Musk Deer, and some others. We have no idea how 
in these animals the suppression of horns may have come about, if 
their ancestors ever had them. 

The appearance of new types in geological times wethout inter- 
mediate forms must have been a very puzzling feature in the study 
of evolution, both to Agassiz and to ordinary Darwinians. Can it 
be possible that the sudden appearance of monstrosities, which did 
not become extinguished by crossing with typical forms, may have 
had something to do with these puzzling phenomena? 

Professor Alleyne Nicholson, in the Swiney Lectures of 1893, 
told us that both in the Old and New World, in the Old Tertiary 
beds, a large number of quadrupeds appear a// at once without any 
predecessors, that is, ancestors from which according to the doctrine 
of evolution these new quadrupeds could be reasonably considered 
to be descendants. 

This is not all. For accompanying this new inroad of un- 
accountable animals there was an inroad of plants, Between the 

1*The longest pair of Eland Bull horns I have seen measured 2 ft. 6 in. in length, 
the longest pair of Cow horns 2 ft. 10 in. —A Hunter's Wanderings in Africa, p. 206. 


upper and lower chalk, the Cycads, which previously were very 
abundant, now become less and less, and higher groups of plants, 
all highly specialised, take their places. 

In this connection Sir J. William Dawson! says: ‘We have a 
great and sudden inswarming of the higher plants of modern types 
at the close of the lower Cretaceous. In relation to this, Saporta, 
one of the most enthusiastic of evolutionists, is struck by this 
phenomenon of the sudden appearance of so many forms, and 
some of them the most highly differentiated of dicotyledonous 
plants. The early stages of their evolution may, he thinks, have 
been obscure and as yet unobserved, or they may have taken place 
in some separate region, or mother-country as yet undiscovered, or 
they may have been produced by a rapid and unusual multiplica- 
tion of flower-hunting insects! or it is even conceivable that the 
apparently sudden elevation of plants may have been due to 
causes still unknown. This last seems, indeed, the only certain 
inference in the case, since, as Saporta proceeds to say in 
conclusion: “ Whatever hypothesis one may prefer, the fact of the 
rapid multiplication of dicotyledons, and of their simultaneous 
‘appearance in a great number of places in the Northern Hemi- 
sphere at the beginning of the Cenomanian Epoch, cannot be 

Quoting from Dr. Newberry,? Sir J. W. Dawson at p. 205 says: 
‘But the most surprising discovery yet made is that of a number 
of quite large helianthoid flowers, which I have called Palganthus,’ 
It seems probable that the composite formed a part of the 
Cretaceous Flora. Dr. Newberry adds: ‘No composite flowers 
have before been found in the fossil state, and as these are among 
the most complex and specialised forms of florescence, it has been 

1 Geological History of Plants, p. 193. 
? Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, March 1886. 


supposed that they belonged only to the recent epoch, where they 
were the result of a long series of formative changes,’ 

Now I have always thought that composite flowers may have 
originated from some ancestral monstrosity—a disc-like fascica- 
tion of some plant of the nature of Pzmelea, [xora, Bouvardia 
Valeriana, Centranthus, and others,! and here is a helianthoid mass 
of flowers appearing all of a sudden in the Cretaceous flora—with- 
out any apparent predecessors to explain its gradual evolution! 
May it not have been the development of a monstrous form 
appearing suddenly like the composite-like MZyosotis (The Jewel) 
mentioned before, which came out of the ordinary AZyosotzs with a 
scorpioid inflorescence? 

Professor Nicholson said that the most rational way to account 
for this new creation, so to speak, is to suppose that in the Pacific 
Ocean there was a continent which sank, slowly it may be, and is 
now no longer traceable, so that the animals which had been 
there evolved had time to migrate in two directions, to what we 
now call the Old and the New Worlds. Thezr predecessors are 
now under the sea, and therefore this theory, unless that continent 
should come up again, is not likely to be confirmed. 

These new quadrupeds, although specialised, had still a general- 
ised structure, and were all five-digited in hand and foot. In the 
Early Tertiary, asa rule, they had that number of digits, and then a 
diminution in their number commenced, such as in the Hippo- 
potamus, the Rhinoceros, the Ruminants, and finally the Horse, 
which has only one digit. Concurrently with the reduction of digits 
there occurred a reduction in the number of teeth from forty-four 
to thirty-two in Man, the latter being now reduced to twenty-eight. 

There was another feature connected with these new quad- 

1 The reader should note that the disposition of the florets of the disc of several com- 
posite flowers is sfz7a/, as it often is on an ordinary raceme. 


rupeds. In the Early Tertiary both the fangs and crowns of their 
teeth were short, and as they progressed their teeth became longer, 
so that their lives became longer also, as their teeth did not wear 
away so quickly. Moreover, the Early Tertiary quadrupeds, 
although of large size, had small brains, and this condition was 
also conducive to a short life, for in the struggle for existence the 
animal with a large brain has always been able somehow to circum- 
vent the one with a small brain. The early types had no horns. 

There seems to me two weak points regarding this theory of 
a sunken continent in the Pacific Ocean. 

(a) If highly specialised types existed on this Pacific continent, 
what prevented their migrating defore that particular time? Was 
it the zsolatzon of the continent? If so, when it began to sink it 
would become sore isolated! Of course it may be said that the 
continent was not wholly isolated, but in some place connected 
with other continents by a neck of dry land such as that which 
connects Africa with Asia: and that when a portion of this lost 
continent began to sink, that is, when the grazing or feeding 
grounds of those animals began to be swallowed up by the sea, 
and their numbers continuing undiminished, hunger forced them 
either to die or to migrate by some land communication. There 
is, however, another and a weaker point in this theory. 

(6) Concurrently with the appearance of a new type of quad- 
rupeds in the New and Old Worlds there appeared a new type of 
plants. From the previous Cycads, which are rather fern-like, we 
pass, without any local predecessors, to plants, which are more or 
less like those we have zow, that is, flowering plants. 

We now know that a large number of seeds of flowering plants 
can be transported long distances by strong winds and cyclones, 
and even on the mud that sticks to the feet of water-birds and 
waders, and in some cases on their feathers also. 


If these flowering plants existed on this lost continent, one 
does not quite understand how their seeds could have been pre- 
vented from getting disseminated to both the Old and New World 
before this supposed migration took place. One can understand 
that a certain number of seeds went over with the animals attached 
to their hair, but what could have prevented the migration of seeds 
before the migration of animals from this lost continent? This is the 
part of the theory that would seem to require some explanation. 

Then Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace seems to insist that no great 
changes in the continental and oceanic configuration have occurred. 

There is another point of importance in this discussion. ‘It 
is a remarkable phenomenon, says Sir J. William Dawson,! ‘in the 
history of genera of plants in the Mesozoic and Tertiary, that the 
older genera appear at once in a great number of specific types, 
which become reduced as well as limited in range down to the 
modern. This is, no doubt, connected with the greater differentia- 
tion of local conditions in the modern ; but it indicates also a law 
of rapid multiplication of species in the early life of genera.’ 

What is the cause of this rapid multiplication of species in the 
early life of genera? 

From what we know of heredity, it is a great controller of 
form, and therefore in those days there must have been some 
efficient disturber of heredity, Teratogeny may yet throw light on 
this puzzling question. Hybrids between two genera are certainly 
not unknown in modern horticulture, and hybrids between two 
species are common enough; and it is not impossible that a large 
proportion of this puzzle may be due to words. The older 
botanists may have given generic names to forms which were no 
more distinct, physiologically, than what we now call varieties. It 
seems to me that the theory of a sunken Pacific continent in no 

1 P, 222, of. cit. 


way explains the ‘remarkable phenomenon’ of ‘rapid multiplication 
of species in the early life of genera.’ It is not impossible that in 
those days what we would call species and genera may have been 
more readily hybridisable, and by steady change of conditions and 
consequent physiological differentiation, up to modern times, the 
process of xatural hybridisation may have become more difficult 
and rare. 

Professor Huxley? says: ‘In former periods of the world’s 
history there were animals which overstepped the bounds of 
existing groups and tended to merge them into larger assemblages. 
They show that animal organisation is more flexible than our 
knowledge of recent forms might have led us to believe; and 
that many structural permutations and combinations of which the 
present world gives us no indication may nevertheless have existed.’ 

This seems very natural, for the further we go back in time the 
less inheritance the species may have had at its back, and there- 
fore the less time there may have been for the creation of a fixed 
habit of the nerve-centres in animals, which regulate everything. 
Consequently they would be more variable. On the other hand, 
the further we go forward in time, the more the habit of inheritance 
would become confirmed, and therefore the more fixity of characters 
would ensue. The ofduess of the inheritance would then have 
made it ¢oo strong to admit of much change, unless man interfered 
with the natural process by artificial selection. 

Professor Huxley (p. 89) warns us not to be in a hurry to 
conclude that because no organic remains are found in a deposit, 
that therefore ‘animals or plants did not exist at the time it was 
formed, for he has known fossil remains guzée dissolved away, 
leaving no trace but the casts which formerly surrounded them. 
It might so happen that even the casts might be destroyed. 

1 Lectures on Evolution—(Science and Hebrew Tradition), p. 102. 


The unfortunate thing is that in all these questions we try to 
evolve theories with an insufficient number of facts to build upon. 
For it cannot be said that either the geology or the palzontology 
of our earth is a// known. 

We do not know yet whether a teratological form simulating 
a totally different type from that of its immediate progenitor is 
possible. All our present knowledge tends to show that heredity 
would restrict a great deviation from the normal type. 

Darwin and his followers, in order to get over this difficulty, 
supposed that there was no such thing, now or ever, as zdentecal 
heredity, and that every new being varzed in some way from its 
progenitors. Therefore there can only be heredity wzth variation, 
as wesee it among domestic animals. And as these variations may 
be very small, the great differences we see in animals is accounted 
for by the accumulation of small differences, whenever useful, over 
long periods of time, through natural selection. There may have 
been many intermediate forms between the present types, but 
these have become extinct in the struggle for existence, or from 
other causes. 

M. Guinard! says: ‘Il est impossible de séparer variation et 
anomalie, car en sens vrai du mot, la variation est toujours une 

I would add that it is impossible to separate either from 
monstrosities. For if we are to classify as simple variations the 
absence of the tail in a Dog, or of horns in an Ox, why not other 
monstrosities ? 

‘Pour ces raisons, he continues, ‘nous ne séparerons pas, dans 
notre étude, la variation de l’anomalie, qui sont l’une et l’autre des 
déviations du type spécifique,’ 

On p. 7, however, he seems to put aside all this logic; for he 

1 Précis de Tératologie, p. 5. 


says: ‘A case of polydactylism in the Horse, or of double uterus 
in a Woman, or of prolongation of the tail in Man, must be con- 
sidered as a simple return to an ancestral type, that, is vever- 
stons—anomalies, as far as the individual case is concerned, but 
not concerning the speczes to which it belongs (!)’ 

One would like to ask—Is there any law which limits re- 
versions? If a polydactyl foot in a Horse is a reversion to the 
pentadactyl foot of some ancestral form, why is not sex-digita- 
tion in Man a reversion to something like the octodactyl hand 
of the Ichthyosaur ? 

M. Guinard appears to me to lay too much stress on what he calls 
specific type, as if there were any truth in the antiquated dogma that 
specific types are unchangeable and are not modifications of some 
other pre-existing types. If supernumerary mamme in a Woman, 
and horns in a Horse, are reversions to conditions existing in other 
species, it appears to me that there is no good reason for supposing 
that reversions can go, not only beyond the species, but beyond 
the genus, and the order too, for it seems to me that artificial sub- 
divisions in the flow of what we call ‘vital energy’ are as artificial 
as a classification of the different portions of a waterfall would be! 

Dr. Wallace, in Darwznzsm, p. 101, says: ‘On comparing the 
variations which occur in one generation of domestic animals with 
those which we know to occur in wild animals, we find no evidence 
of greater individual variation in the former than in the latter.’ 

I suppose by variation he means the ordinary small variations 
which are peculiar to every individual; for on p. 100 he refers to 
monstrosities only with reference to artificial accumulations of 
something beautifully novel, strange, or amusing. Some of these 
artificial monstrosities would be injurious, such as the tumbling of 
Pigeons. In his work on Darwznzsm 1 cannot find that Dr. 
Wallace even suspected that a new type of animal or plant smgh¢ 


be founded on a monstrosity appearing suddenly, and in another 
place he rejects this idea? 

M. Guinard finds that he cannot make any eines between 
a variation and an anomaly, and I find myself unable to make 
any distinction between variation, anomaly, and monstrosity. They 
are only degrees of the results initiated congenitally during 
embryonic development, under different conditions of physical 
surrounding. The latter may give rise to a new type suddenly, 
provided it is viable and reproducible ; the former may give rise to 
a new type by gradual accumulation of a variation in a certain 
direction. It seems to me that we must have them doth as 
factors in the orzgzn of species. 

Dr. Wallace’s own observations of certain facts in nature can only 
be explained by initiation as monstrosities, and not by gradual 
accumulation of minute variations under adaptive conditions. In 
his Travels on the Amazon, p. 58, he says: ‘ What birds can have 
their bills more peculiarly formed than the Ibis, the Spoonbill, and 
the Heron? Yet they may be seen, side by side, picking up the 
same food from the shallow water on the beach ; and on opening 
their stomachs we find the same little crustacea and shell-fish in them. 
So of the fruit-eating Pigeons, Parrots, Toucans, and Chatterers.’ 

It has been assumed by some writers on Natural History that 
every wild fruit is the food of some bird or animal, and that the 
various forms and structure of their mouths may be necessitated by 
the peculiar character of the fruits they are to feed on; but there 
is more of imagination than fact in this statement ; the number of 
wild fruits furnishing food for birds is very limited, and birds of the 
most varied structure, and of every size, will be found visiting the 
same tree. 

Is not all this clear evidence that it is mo¢ always the habit of 

1 See Fortnightly Review for May 1893, p. 657. 


the animal which gradually adapts its structure to surrounding 
conditions, but that somedémes a monstrosity may occur which 
with an abnormal structure must either adapt its habits to its 
surroundings or must cease to live? Those monstrosities which 
can succeed in adapting themselves to surrounding conditions live, 
and reproduce themselves, to startle and puzzle us with the fact 
that so many strange and abnormal structures are suited to 
identical habits! And so we have Ibises, Spoonbills, and Herons, 
among Waders, leading the same life; and Pigeons, Parrots, 
Toucans, and Chatterers, among frugivorous birds, leading also an 
identical life among trees. 

There seems no reason for doubting that a monstrous in- 
dividual, having found its monstrosity wsefud in the battle of life, 
would acquire in some cases habits consonant with the monstrous 
limb or limbs, and we might be misled by thinking that the 
anomalous structures were brought about by the habits gradually 
modifying the structure, while the exact reverse may, in many 
cases, have happened, just as an athletic man would take to athletic 
habits Jecause his muscles were originally well developed. 

That new habits, to which organisms may have been driven, 
may be engendered by slow and minute steps of variation in 
structure may be too true, but this in no way excludes the great 
probability that many new and monstrous variations, as we 
would now call them, may have originated zz one great and sudden 
step,’ improving afterwards if the individual were viable and 
reproducible. That anomalous structures are often supplied with 
not only bones, but also muscles, vessels, and nerves, as if they 
were inherited, and ready equipped for use, is sufficiently proved 
by the supernumerary digits. In many cases, both structurally and 
functionally, these could not be distinguished from the normal ones. 

1 Professor W. Kitchen Parker thought so also (Mammalian Descent, p. 93). 


No one who gives, this subject any attention can look over 
Mr. Stebbing’s Aizstory of Crustacea, and also the specimens in the 
Natural History Museum, without becoming convinced that many 
of them must have originated suddenly as monstrosities, brought 
about by some atomic disturbance, during the development of the 
embryo, and that subsequently natural selection may have further 
modified the monstrous parts, the animal having found them 
useful in the battle of life, or at all events found that they did xot 
seriously interfere with its continued existence. 

Look at that unfortunate Dorippe japonica of Fig. 10 (Stebbing’s 
Crustacea). It descended from ancestors that had ezgh?t fully 
developed walking legs, but Dorippe has only four walking legs, 
and the other four are ludicrously dwarfed and stuck on its back. 
In the Natural History Museum there is a specimen ticketed D. 
dorsipes! Then look at the figures on Plate vii. Every one of the 
specimens has either one pair or two pairs of atrophied legs, just as 
if you saw an adult Man with a normal body and two little ‘wee 
legs’ at the end of it, like those of a newly born baby. 

Stebbing says: ‘To account for their dorsal position various 
reasons have been suggested. Herbst says the Crab can run 
either way up! Another view is that these hind-legs lift foreign 
objects on to the carapace, and a third, that they help to repel 
animals that might otherwise tread’on the Crab’s back.’ 

Whatever may be the use the Crab makes of them now, the 
dorsal legs are best explained as having originally been brought 
about as a monstrosity, which the animal had the good sense to 
make the best use of, if it had to exist at all. 

The curious part of it is that, with all its anomaly and sup- 
pression of four legs from the function of progression, Dorippe has 

1 I suppose, when it gets tired of running one way, it throws itself on its back and 
runs on the other way, so that it can tire out its enemies ! : 


a wide range, and includes several species. Dorippe facchino is 
found both in the Mediterranean and at Hong-Kong. There is 
no good reason to suppose that two such monstrosities could xot 
have originated zxdependently ;1 although it is conceivable that the 
ova, in past ages, may have been somehow carried from one place 
to the other, especially when we know that there is geological 
evidence that the Mediterranean Sea in past geological times— 
Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and even Tertiary—communicated with the 
Indian Ocean across north Arabia and also with the Bay of Benga! 
across north India.? 

‘Facchino’ in Italian means ‘ porter,’ and the specific name may 
have been given in allusion to the supposition of its using its 
dorsal legs like arms to carry loads! 

A writer in Chambers’s Journal for November 1890, on ‘Jungle 
Notes in Sumatra,’ p. 663, says: ‘These Hornbills are very remarkable 
birds. I cannot imagine any system of natural selection which 
could have developed those preposterous-looking beaks. Was it 
because those with the largest beaks could best defend their 
families against Monkeys and Snakes? But what size of beak did 
they start with? If they were so persecuted a race, would not 
their enemies have exterminated them before they had time to 
develop their weapons? You cannot, I suppose, allow less than 
five thousand years for the process, and if they had to begin with 
a beak the size of a Fowl’s, the Monkeys alone would “wipe them 
out” in ten years.’ 

There are many kinds of Hornbills in existence, commencing 
from that with a bill not larger than that of a small Toucan, to 

1 Mathematicians might tell you that the chances of two identical forms having 
originated independently are as ‘infinity to one.’ But is thisso? How many crystals 
of this system, or of that, acquire the same geometrical form, although they originated 

independently, and are made up of different elements? 
2 Fragments of Earth Lore, by Professor James Geikie. 


that of the Great Hornbill. In some the crest on the upper 
mandible is small. It is quite conceivable that the crest enlarged 
gradually up to a certain point, and that by a sudden monstrous 
enlargement it reached the size we see on the mandible of the Great 

Then there is Toccus elegans and Toccus Montieri; which have 
enormous bills like those of the Great Hornbill, but without a trace 
of the monstrous crest. The Condor has a crest on its upper man- 
dible not unlike that of the Hornbills. 

Mr. F. W. Headley? writes: ‘The Hornbills are a puzzle. The 
extreme shortness of the hand bones, a ridiculous anticlimax 
following upon so grand an ulna and so portentous a humerus, 
might suggest that they were once better flyers, and that the wing 
is slowly undergoing reduction. But the mountainous beak seems 
to show that colossal bones are an ancient heritage of the family, 
and that even feeble flight might have been difficult had they not 
become hollow,’ 

From this it would seem that Mr. Headley would suggest that 
the immense beak of the Hornbill was inherited from some ancestor 
with a colossal body, but this does not touch the origin of the 
immense crest, seemingly useless, on the upper mandible of the 
Great Hornbill. As these birds are frugivorous, this colossal bill 
would seem to be rather a nuisance among the branches of trees. 

There can be little doubt that in the course of evolution an 
occasional monstrosity, as a sudden large variation, would facilitate 
the interpretation of such vagaries in nature and of many a diffi- 
cult problem in evolution? 

1 Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, p. 86. 

2 «The Air Sacs and Hollow Bones of Birds,’ Matsral Science, No. 21, vol. iii. 
p- 352, Nov. 7, 1893. 

3 The extinct Pterodactyls had immense bills, not unlike those of the Hornbills, and 
among ¢hem we may yet find this ancestry of the massive bill of the Hornbills ! 


The evolutionary osteologist who may be still wedded to the 
theory that every type of animal xecessarzly came out of another 
type by slow and gradual modifications, accumulated by natural 
selection, so as eventually to bring about a marked difference be- 
tween the two, may still be hoping that future paleontological 
discoveries may bring to light all the intermediate links. He may 
obtain more links than he possesses now, just as he possesses 
graduated links between the various existing Cats and Dogs, 
Pigeons and Fowls. 

But even if the whole of the geological formations of the earth 
were explored, I should not anticipate that he would find all the 
links he may hope for. Teratology plainly indicates that ‘leaps, 
without much trace of graduated intermediate links, can occur now, 
and therefore most probably similar leaps were not uncommon in 
the days when the physical conditions of life must have been far 
less equable than we now know them. 

It would be curious if the study of abnormalities should give 
us an insight into the origin of what we call zormadlzties. 

Mr. J. A. Thomson! writes: ‘Among back-boned animals we 
recall the teeth of the Shark, and the sword of the Sword-Fish, the 
venomous fangs of Serpents, the jaws of Crocodiles, the beaks and 
talons of Birds, the horns and hoofs of Mammals. Now we do not 
say that these and a hundred other weapons were from their first 
appearance weapons, indeed we know that most of them were not. 
... By sheer use a structure not originally a weapon became 
strong to slay.’ 

Just so; and the sudden appearance of a monstrous part would 
produce one of two results : 

(a) Either it would have no appliances of muscles and nerves 
to utilise it in the struggle for existence, and then it would be 

1 Study of Animal Life, p. 34. 

MONSTROSITIES 321 encumbrance and a disadvantage, and its posséssors 
might soon become extinct ; or 

(2) It would have appropriate nerves and muscles ; and then 
its owner would soon learn to make use of it for its own advantage, 
and being.congenital it would be inherited. 

We have seen that supernumerary digits may be either simple 
appendages of the skin, without phalanges, muscles, or nerves ; or 
they may be as well furnished with all three, and indistinguishable 
from other digits. A savage born with hands and feet like those 

Fic. 95.—Monstrous hand and foot from Azomalies de l'Organisation, by Isidore 
Geoffroy St. Hilaire, vol. iii. 
shown in Fig. 95, would indubitably have more power in both than 
another born with hands and feet like those of Fig. 96, or perhaps 
than others born with the ordinary number. And so of other 
monstrosities which may have occurred in geological times, and 
which may have had their monstrous parts furnished with means 
for using them as weapons either of offence or defence, or for main- 
taining their hold on their surroundings. 

We have little knowledge as to the process by which some 
cells of the embryo turn into muscles, others into nerves, and so 
forth. All we know is that after the egg has subdivided itself into a 



certain number of cells, it begins to take shape, and layers are 
formed ; some cells forming muscle, others, nerves, and so on, and 
ultimately completes a creature like its parents, and this likeness 
we call heredity. But we know also that sometimes the regular 
process is disturbed, and monstrous forms are the result, and tera- 

Fic. 96.—(a) First and fifth digits of foot; (6) Ring and little finger of hand: from 
Anatomie Pathologique, Tom, 2, Livrais. 38, Pl. 1, of Cruvelhier, 
togenetic investigations may one day tell us something more 
definite about the genesis of such monstrosities. 

It is curious that most Darwinians infer a great deal regarding 
the past, from what has gone on in domestic Pigeons, and very few 
infer anything regarding past phenomena of evolution from the 
abnormal and monstrous forms which occur in man and in domestic 
animals ! 

To conclude: however reluctant we may be to admit it, I believe 
we shall have to admit that small and gradual accumulations of 
variations do not cover the whole phenomena before us, and that 
occasionally large and extraordinary variations may have occurred 
in the past, which we would now call monstrosities ; and that they 
may have at times laid the foundation of a new order of progress. 

When once a viable individual with a reproducible monstrosity 


occurred, it would almost inevitably follow that more nervous 
energy would be directed to it from generation to generation by 
use, 2f z¢ could be used, and it would increase in size until it reached 
a maximum, beyond which it would become a drawback in the 
struggle for life. Such a drawback must, I surmise, have happened 
to the extinct Elephas Ganesa, with his enormous ten-feet tusks. 
It must be plain also that if the tail-coverts of the Peacock were 
to become twice or thrice their present length, they would become 
an encumbrance and a disadvantage to the bird. The long nose 
of the Elephant, the immense horns of the extinct Irish Deer, 
the sword-shaped upper jaw of the Sword-Fish, the turned down 
lower jaw tusks of the Dinotherium, and many other similar 
extraordinary phenomena in animals, may have started as 
monstrous features, all of a sudden, zx one generation, and may have 
afterwards become strengthened and larger by use. To be more 
scientific, we shall call these ‘jumps’ or ‘sports’ in the evolution of 
animals ‘teratological variations, so that the believers in the 
gradual accumulation of small variations as the so/e method of 
evolution may not be shocked. 

It has been a wonder to me why Dr. Wallace and other 
Darwinians ignored or rejected such a palpable help to the doctrine 
of evolution, as the fact that monstrosities do occur, would afford. 
This doctrine requires the support of every known fact, whether 
that of minute accumulated variations, through many generations, 
or that of a large variation produced all of a sudden. There is 
evidence to show not only that such large and sudden variations, 
at one birth, do occur, but that they are reproduced, and are not 
always obliterated by crossing with normal forms, 

If you reject what palpably ought not to be rejected, you 

1 Gordon Cumming records a tusk 20 feet 9 inches long! See Royal Natural History, 
vol. ii. p. 546. 


increase the difficulties of accounting for the whole phenomena 
of evolution. ; 

In a recent and remarkable inaugural address, at Oxford, by 
the President of the British Association, Lord Salisbury stated 
that mathematicians do not grant the time of ‘many hundred 
millions of years’ for the transformation of a Jelly-fish into a Man. 
‘Lord Kelvin limited the period of organic life upon the earth to a 
hundred million years ;’ and Professor Tait further cut down the 
time from a hundred to ten million. 

Without admitting that these mathematicians, like the Pope, 
are ¢enfallible, and without admitting that any particular Jelly-fish 
was ever converted into a Man, it is evident that if monstrosities, 
or, in other words, /axge and sudden variations, were admitted as 
possible factors in the creation of species, by the method of 
evolution, the time needed for the transformation of the lower into 
the higher organisms would be much curtailed. A writer in the 
Saturday Review of 11th August 1894, commenting on Lord 
Salisbury’s address, says: ‘But are the demands of the two parties 
(physicists and biologists) necessarily as incompatible as Lord 
Salisbury seems to suppose? If the passage from the condition of 
a protozoon to that of a vertebrate, in the case of an individual, can 
be accomplished in a very few months, is it so certain that similar 
changes have always been so extremely slow in the history of a 


‘I am convinced that any student of the subject who will cast aside his books— 
supposing that they have not already bred a habit in his mind of seeing only ‘‘ in accord- 
ance with verbal statement ’—and go directly to nature, to note the actions of animals 
for himself—actions which, in many cases, appear to lose all significance when set down in 
writing—the result of such independent investigation will be a conviction that conscious 
sexual selection on the part of the female is not the cause of music and dancing perform- 
ances in birds, nor of the brighter colours and ornaments that distinguish the male.’ 

The Naturalist in La Plata, by W. H, Hupson, p. 287. 


IF the reader has been kind enough to read carefully through the 
foregoing pages, he will be, I feel sure, bewildered with the mass 
of diction that I have placed before him, and with the numerous 
references that it has entailed. 

To endeavour to quiet his brain, and relieve him of that 
chaos of impressions which I have been trying to make on his con- 
volutions, and in order to convince him of the truth of what I said, 
as I am myself convinced, I will gather up all the threads of my 
discourses into some General Conclusions. 

From the evidences before me it has become my belief that: 

(a) The rosettes of the Jaguar and Leopard are pigment-pictures 
of ancestral calcareous armour, which consisted of bone-rosettes ; 
and that the markings of these Cats are the closest resemblance 
we have left to this sort of inheritance. In other mammals 
modifications of ancestral rosettes have been very great, so that 
the vestigial rosetting is now in many cases hardly recognisable ; 

(6) In the Jaguar and Leopard, these original picture-plates 
have been mazntained by natural selection, while in others, their 
disappearance has been brought about, more or less, also by 
natural selection ; 

(¢) Among the ungulates, the dappled Horse, the Zebu, and 
the Giraffe are the nearest resemblances we now have to the 
original ancestral picture-plating, and that all other markings, 
whether spotting or striping, as in the Cats, are modifications of 
dappling or rosetting ; 


(@) Many mammals which have lost all vestige of rosetting 
have still retained vestiges of ancestral carapacing, that is, a 
picture-vestige of dorsal armour and ventral wxarmour, such as still 
exist in Armadillos and Pangolins, and that the contrasts of colour 
between the dorsal and ventral surfaces mean that the ventral 
surface lost its armour ear/zer than the dorsal surface, and there- 
fore its hair had time to differ in coloration from the dorsal surface 
which lost its armour at a later period ; 

(e) The contrasts of colour that we see so frequently in’ the 
muzzle, round the eyes, on the hands and feet, of so many mammals 
mean the same thing, viz., that those parts lost their armour before 
the rest of the body, and had time to differ in coloration, after the 
hair replaced the armour of those parts. Time, of course, has ‘often 
obliterated all these contrasts of coloration, and in many cases has 
substituted a uniform self-colouring ; 

(f) The Rhinoceros has passed through similar stages. The 
Rhinoceros Sondaicus carries still the plates of its Armadilloid 
ancestor, while the Indian Rhinoceros has vestiges of ancestral 
calcareous plating in its hide-knobs. In some cases the Indian 
Rhinoceros is only partially knobbed, but Sir J. W. Flower! gives 
one of this species kuobbed all over, taken from a photograph of an 
animal living in the Zoological Society’s Gardens ; 

(g) Judging from the very numerous mammals that are either 
rosetted, or spotted, or striped, or have ringed tails, or have 
contrasts of colour between the upper and lower surfaces, it seems 
probable that @/ existing mammals, including marsupials, de- 
scended from armoured ancestors ; 

(2) The callosities on the legs of the EHguzde, and of some 
ruminants, seem to be vestiges of leg glands secreting some 
odoriferous substance which, smeared on long grass as the animals 

1 The Horse, Fig. 9. 


moved about, enabled them to track their associates ; certain other 
ruminants have lost these skin glands, and, instead, have vestiges 
of them, shown by tufts of hair contrasted in colour and length 
with the surrounding surface ; 

(z) There is suspicion that the one big digit of the hand and 
foot of the Horse was in origin doudle, like that of the ruminants. 
In the latter, the two metacarpal and metatarsal bones fused into 
a ‘cannon’ bone, the phalangeal bones remaining separate; while 
in the Horse the metacarpal and metatarsal, avd the phalangeal 
double bones, fused into single bones throughout the series. There 
is some evidence to show that the Horse is more closely related to 
the ruminants than he is to the Rhinoceros ;1 

(7) As monstrosities occur now, they may, with greater reason, 
have occurred in past ages. If this be admitted, it will be seen 
that a much shorter time can be allowed for bringing about great 
modifications in the species of the present and the past times than 
would be needed by slow and gradual accumulation of minute 
variations, which is the theory accepted by most biologists.” 

1 Since writing these conclusions, I cameacross Mr. Bateson’s Afaterials for the Study 
of Variations. In Fig. 120 he gives a ‘solid-hoofed’ Pig, with the iii, and iv. digits 
fused into ove large digit throughout, like that of the Horse. 

2 Mesoplodon Layard? is a beaked whale, with only two strap-like teeth. Professor 
Moseley, of the Challenger, observes that ‘these two teeth in the adult animal become 
lengthened by continuous growth of the fangs into long curved tusks. These arch over 
the upper jaw or beak, and, crossing one another above it at their tips, form a ring round 
it and lock the lower jaw, so that the animal can only open its mouth for a very short 
distance. . . . How the animal manages to feed itself under these circumstances is a 
mystery. . . . That these enormous teeth can be of no possible advantage to their owner 
appears perfectly clear ; and they must probably be regarded as affording an instance of 

semi-monstrous development analogous to the one displayed by the tusks of the Babirusa.’ 
—Roy. Nat. Hist., vol. iii. p. 35. 


‘It adds very much to the interest with which we regard them, if, by studying the 
general causes to which they are due, we can explain their origin, and thus to some 
extent understand the story they have to tell us, and the history they record.’ 

a Beauties of Nature, by SR J. LUBBOCK 
(Configuration of Valleys). 


IN addition to those mammals which are given in the preceding pages, the 
following outline drawings of badly mounted specimens in the Natural History 
Museum will give the general reader some idea of the number of widely 
differing animals which are either rosetted, spotted, blotched, or striped in 
various fashions. Some have only a vestige of ancestral markings. 

The names and colours are taken from the Natural History Museum. The 
colours from age are likely to become faint. 


No. 1. Hybrid cub of Lion and Tigress, Light fawn, striped brown. 

No. 2.—-Ocelot (fe/is gardalis), Light fawn, with brownish rosettes. 





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Fawn, with black rosettes and brown centres. 

No. 3.—Felis macroura, 

Light brown, spotted and streaked black. 

—Marbled Cat (Felis marmorata). 

No. 4 


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No. 5.—Norway Lynx (Lynceus lupulinus). Light fawn, darker on back 
y g 
with black spots, 

No. 6.—Civet (Viverra civetta). Dirty white, spotted and striped black. 


No. 7.—Tasmanian Wolf ( ZAylacinus cynocephalus). Greyish fawn, banded brown. 

No. 8.—Paradoxurus Derbyanus. Fawn, banded dark brown. 


No. 9.—Delundung (Prionodon gracilis). Dirty white, piebald and spotted dark brown. 

No, 10.—Nepal Linsang (Prionodon pardicolor). Dirty white, spotted brown. 


No. 11.—Tigrine Genet (Gezetta tigrina), Light fawn, spotted with dark brown. 

No. 12,—Richardson’s Genet (Volana Richardsoni). Light fawn, spotted dark brown. 


No. 13.—Galtdictes vittata. Grey, striped brown, with dots between the stripes. 

No. 14.—Mascarene Striped Mungoose (Galidictes striata). Dark brown, with dirty 
white stripes. 


No. 15.—South African Striped Mungoose (Crossarchus fasciatus). Grey, banded black. 

‘No. 16.—Paca (Ca@logenys paca), Dark brown, spotted with white in longitudinal rows. 


No, 17.—Common American Tapir (Zapirus terrestris). Brown, striped and spotted white. 


No. 18.—Sus Andamanensis (young). Brown stripes alternating with dirty white stripes, 






No. 19.—Banded Bushbuck (Cefhalolophus dorig). Deep fawn, banded black. 

spotted white. 

No. 20.—Banded Bushbuck (7vagelaphus scriptus), young. Fawn, striped and 


No, 22.—Broad-horned Antelope ( 7vagelaphus euryceros). Yellowish brown, striped white. 


1 \ 
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No. 23.—Inyala Antelope ( Zvagelaphus Angassii). Fawn-grey, striped and spotted white. 

= = 
Mel Mee SS. cay 

No. 24.—Barbary Deer (Cervus darbarus), young. Deep fawn, with white spots. 


No. 26.—Fallow Deer (Dama vulgaris). Deep fawn, spotted white. 




No. 27.—Hindquarters of Water Buck (Kobs ellipsiprymnus). Dark grey, 
with white stripe on rump. 

No. 27A.—Mouse Deer (Tragulus Meminna). Brown, striped and spotted white. 


No. 28.—Lord Derby's Chevrotain (Zvagaulus Stanleyanus) and Kanchil (Tvag, Javanicus). 
Both very young, and having only vestiges of stripes. 

Z&x. Se ENA "Wi Gin: — 

No, 29.—Brindled Gnu (Comochetes gorgon). Roan, striped with brown. 


No. 30.—Hybrid between Zguus Zebra and E. Asinus. 

ag, aah a 


No. 31.—Hybrid between Equus Zebra and &. Hemionus. 


No. 32.— Hybrid between Aguus Asinus and E. Hemionus. 



IN addition to the Cats mentioned in Part I., the following are also from Mr. 
Elliot’s monograph of the Felide. They will serve to emphasise the fact that 
stripes originate in a fusion of spots. 

No. 1.—Bushy tailed red spotted Cat (Felis Euftilura). Grey, spotted 
orange-brown ; chest transversely barred ; the spots are like solid distorted 
rosettes ; the abdomen is pale, and the tail is ringed. 

No, 2.—Bokhara Chaus (Ff. Caudata). Bluish grey, trimmed with yellow, 
and spotted with black ; abdomen pale, and tail ringed. 

No. 3.—Siberian Lynx (F. Cervaria). Grey, spotted with black; abdomen 
pale, and tail half ringed and half black. 

No. 4.—Spanish Lynx (7. Pardina). Leopard colour, spotted with black ; 
the abdomen is pale. 

No. 5.—Painted Cat (F. Scriffa). Olive-grey with black distorted rosettes ; 
abdomen pale, and tail ringed. 

No. 6.—Little red spotted’ Cat (/ /avensis). Leopard colour or grey, 
spotted and barred brown ; abdomen pale, and tail ringed or spotted. 

No. 7.—Shaw’s Cat (7. Shawitana). Of a dark Leopard colour, spotted 
with black; abdomen pale, and tail ringed. 

No. 8.—Bay Lynx, or American wild Cat (. Rufa). Bluish-grey, rosetted 
and spotted with black ; abdomen pale, and the short tail partly ringed. 

No. 9.—European wild Cat (F. Catus). Olive-brown, trimmed with yellow 
and striped black, Tiger-fashion ; tail ringed. 

No. 10.—-Molina’s Guiana Cat (F. Colocolo). Whitish-grey, broadly striped 
brown ; abdomen pale, and tail ringed. 

No. 11.—-Pallas’s Tibetan Cat (F: MZanul). Yellowish-grey; loins, haunches, 
and fore-legs barred ; hands and feet yellow ; tail ringed. 

No. 12.—-Chaus (F. Chaus). Brownish-grey, almost plain, with transverse 
stripes on chest and legs ; abdomen yellow, and tail ringed. 

No. 13.—Caracal (F. Caracal). Rich brown, with only vestigial striping in 
parts ; abdomen pale. 

No. 14.—Little Malayan red Cat (F. Planiceps). Greyish-brown, with 
vestigial stripes; spotted on the abdomen, which is pale, and barred on the 


No. 15.—Northern Lynx (F. Canadensis). Grey, with vestigial stripes ; its 
short tail is tipped black. 

No. 16.—Bornean red Cat (F. Badia). Yellowish-brown, with vestigial 
stripes on chest. 

No. 17.—Eyra (&. Eyra). Yellowish-brown, wholly d/azn ; abdomen pale. 

No. 18.—European red Lynx (F. Lyx). Reddish-brown on back and legs ; 
abdomen pale. 

No. 19.—Yaguarundi (/. Yaguarund:). Like the Puma, but with stripes on 
the abdomen, and spots over the eyes like those of the black-and-tan Dog. 

NV.B8.—As there are no two Cats exactly alike, although of the same species, 
two authors describing the same species from different specimens will describe 
it somewhat differently. The variations in the same species and the transitions 
from species to species are simply zanumerable. 

Better than any description in words will be found the pictures of Cats in 
vol. i. Royal Natural History, and those of Mr. Elliot’s Fe/d@z, the mounted 
animals in the Natural History Museum, and the live animals in the Zoological 
Society’s Gardens. 



IN addition to the Horses given in Part II., the following short descriptions, 
taken from specimens in the streets, will give some idea of the innumerable 
variations of marking which are to be found among these animals. These are 
some of the most striking deviations from the ordinary colorations one sees 

No. 1.—A light bay Horse, brindled on the neck with black, like the 
striping of a Cat. 

No. 2.—A bay Horse on his back and neck had distinct faint stripes like 
those of the Zebra. 

No. 3.—An omnibus Horse, of a strawberry-roan colour, was faintly striped 
on his flank, and spotted faintly on his hindquarters. 

No. 4.—A dappled grey Horse with three transverse stripes on upper part 
of fore-leg. a ’ 

No. 5.—It is no uncommon thing to see the mane of dark-grey Horses 
barred white and black like that of the Zebra. 

No. 6.—Bay omnibus Horse with white spots on his flank like those of the 
spotted Deer. 

No. 7.—A dun-coloured Horse, of the colour of a bath-sponge, with cream- 
coloured dapples. 

No. 8.—A flea-bitten Horse is sometimes dappled on his haunches. 

No. 9.—A sponge-coloured Horse with a patch of black reticulations in front 
of his tail-root and a suffused sootiness along the ridge of his neck. 

No. 10.—A roan Horse with rows of about five spots on his flank inclined 
in the direction of his ribs. 

No. 11.—A Pony partly clipped—the unclipped part was almost white, 
while the clipped part was dark-grey, dappled white. 

No. 12.—A dark-grey Horse dappled all over with pale tan or dun colour. 

No. 13.—A smoky-brown carriage Horse dappled with black on the hind- 

No. 14.--I have seen a roan Horse dappled all over with d/ack spots, 
much like the grey, dun, or brown dappled Horse, but usually both the roan 



and strawberry-roan Horses show only vestiges of spots, either black in the 
roan, or brown in the strawberry-roan. 

No. 15.-The nearest approach I have yet seen to Leopard spots in the 
Horse was in a dark-brown Horse with lighter spots ; if some parts were cut 
out, they might have been passed off as parts of a black Leopard. 

No. 16.—A dun-coloured Horse, seven years old, in a hansom, had three or 
four Zebra stripes above his wrist, and similar, but fainter ones, above his 

No. 17.—A dappled grey Horse had black lines across the upper part of 
fore-legs, corresponding to the transverse veins ; a little more decision in the 
colour might easily turn them into Zebra stripes. 

No. 18.—A white Pony had his mouth, circles round his eyes, and circlets 
just above the four hoofs, all of a yellow or golden bay colour. 

No. 19.—A dun-coloured omnibus Horse had a black line down his spine, 
and two narrow stripes on his withers. 

No. 20.—A bay Horse with white blotches and spots somewhat similar to 
those of Fig. 37. ; 

No. 21.—A bay or black Horse with a white mane and tail is not common, 
but sometimes it is met with; dun and cream-coloured Horses with a white 
mane and tail are more common. 

No. 22.—A brown omnibus Horse with black spots. 

No. 23.—A jet-black Horse, of the kind used in funerals, had no vestige of 
spots, but its hind-feet were w/zfe. It is rare to see jet-black funeral Horses 
with traces of spots on their hindquarters, but I have seen some which had 

No. 24.—A strawberry-roan omnibus Horse, zewly clipped, showed closely- 
set rosettes like those of the Jaguar (see Fig. 56 (a)), consisting of a largish 
dapple surrounded by a circle of small spots. This was the most satisfactory 
example of true rosettes in the Horse. Others of a similar character are some- 
times seen here and there on the Horse. Usually the rosettes are fwsed into 

No. 25.—In some dark-grey Horses the white spots are almost effaced, 
and are as faint as the spots on the legs of adult Lions. 

No. 26.—A bay Horse with faint black spots. 

No. 27.—A white carriage Horse, spotted black on its shoulder, neck, and 
fore-legs. The spots were not unlike those of the Cheetah. On the head it 
had brown blotches. 

No. 28.—Now and again a light bay Horse is seen with true rosettes on its 
flank, almost exactly like those of a Leopard, but close together, and with all 
the component spotlets distinct. 

No. 29,—A black carriage Horse with a black star on a white blaze. 


No. 30.—A costermonger’s Donkey, of a light-grey colour, with faint 
darker sfods on its flank, such as many Horses have. This and the following 
are the only Donkeys I have seen which had any indication of having de- 
scended from a spotted ancestry. 

No. 31.—A grey Donkey with large dark dapples. 

No. 32.--A costermonger’s brown Donkey had a white abdomen, a white 
mouth, and white circles round its eyes. 



THE innumerable mammals which are fully or vestigially spotted or striped, 
can be seen in Museums and Zoological Gardens, but it may not be generally 
known that many marsupials give indication of having descended from a 
spotted or striped ancestry, as the following list, taken from Gould on the 
Mammals of Australia, will amply show :— 

No. 1.—Antechinus maculatus has white spots on the abdomen only. 

No. 2.—Dasyurus maculatus is brown, spotted with white on the body, and 
also on the tail. 

No. 3.—Dasyurus viverrinus (variable Dasyure), is either black or olive 
colour, spotted with white on the body only. Other Dasyures are also 

No. 4.—AHalmaturus Derbyanus (Derby’s Wallaby) is spotted. 

No. 5.—A variety of Petrogale xanthopus (yellow-footed rock Wallaby) is 
faintly spotted and faintly ring-tailed also. 

No. 6.—Lagorchertes Leichhardt is spotted. 

There are other Marsupials which are variously marked :— 

No. 7.—Wombats, such as Phascolomys, have faint spots in various parts. 

Then the following are very distinctly marked :— 

No. 8.—Parameles Gunniz, banded transversely. 

No. 9.— Tarsipfes vostratus has three longitudinal bands. 

No. 10.—AMyrmecobius fasciatus is banded like a Zebra. Thylacinus 
cynocephalus (Tasmanian Wolf),—see Appendix A, No. 7,—has broad black 

No. 11.—Macropus fuliginosus (Sooty Kangaroo) has vestiges of stripe 
on various parts ; 

No. 12.—Lagorchertes fasciatus (banded Hare-Kangaroo) is banded like a 
Zebra on hindquarters, with a spinal band, and it has faint spots on other 



I CONSIDER that a ringed tail, even where no other vestige of ancestral 
marking exists, is sufficient indication that the possessor of it descended from 
either a rosetted, or a spotted, or a striped ancestor. This is one of those 
features of which it cannot be said, when it exists a/ome as marking, that it was 
brought about by natural selection to harmonise with the surroundings of the 
animal, as a plain body with only the ¢az/ mottled would be too great an 
absurdity in defence of harmonisation. 

The following list will give some idea of the number of afferent animals 
which have ringed tails :— 

No. 1.—All Leopards, Tigers, the Cheetah, and all spotted and striped 
Cats, have ring-tails. 

No. 2.—A number of Civets and Genets, whose bodies are either spotted 
or striped, have ring-tails. 

No. 3.—The Delundung (Prionodon gractlis) and Hemigalea Hardwickit 
are ring-tailed. 

No. 4.—A Hill Fox (Vulpes montanus) is brownish-yellow with faint rings 
on its tail. I saw another ring-tailed Fox in the Durham Museum. 

No. §.—The red-armed Squirrel of Fernando Po (Sccurus rubt-brachiatus) 
has a grey-brown body and a ringed tail. 

No. 6.—The Grissled Squirrel (Scturus punctatus) of West Africa has a 
ringed tail. 

No. 7.—The Burmese Squirrel (Sczurus pygerythrus) is ring-tailed. 

No. 8.—The Coati (Wasua rufa) and Bassaris astuta have ring-tails and 
plain bodies. 

No. 9.—A Lemur, a Marmoset, and a spotted Ichneumon, of Jamaica, have 

No. 1o.—The African Linsang (Pozana poensis) is spotted and also ring- 

No. 11.—The Pand (Glurus fulgens) is ring-tailed. 

No. 12.—The Racoon (Procyon lotor), and the Egyptian Cat, though quite 
plain, have ring-tails. 


No. 13.—Burchell’s Zebra and Chapman’s Zebra have their tails ringed 

Then if we turn again to Gould’s Australian Mammals we find that :— 

No. 14.—Belidens scurus has vestiges of rings on its tail. Petrogale 
xanthopus (yellow-footed rock Wallaby) is banded on the neck and has rings 
on its tail. 

No, 15.—Canzs dingo has three faint rings on its tail. 

NV. B.—These lists should not be considered as giving in any way all 
the animals that exist under those headings, nor are they meant for a scientific 
classification of the animals contained in them. 

They are only intended to show the general reader the large number of 
mammals that are either spotted or striped, or are simply ring-tailed, which 
feature I consider a vestige of either spotted or striped ancestry. In these lists 
I have left out all domestic mammals, which are known to every one. 

The probability is that even those mammals which are wholly plain at all 
ages, judging from domestic animals, descended from marked ancestors also, 
but from some cause they entirely lost their marks at an early period, and now 
the nervous system has lost the habit of reproducing them. 


Antelopes, contrasted coloration of, 141; 
markings of, 47-49. 

Armadillo, why it has rosettes on abdomen, 
191; hind-feet ungulate, 191; spots 
on abdomen not evolved by natural 
selection, 192; no excuse for rosettes 
on abdomen, 193; abdominal rosettes 
evidence of ancestral plate-armour, 194. 

Armour-plates, of various animals, 111-115; 
as blocks of Jaguar rosettes, 121; round 
eyes of Ganoids, 180; early loss of, 
cause of contrasted coloration, 181; 
dwindling of, in certain animals, 202 ; 
gradual disappearance of, 205 ; disappear- 
ance due to famine of lime-salts, 206. 

Asses, striped and spotted, 89, 91. 

Badgers, contrasted coloration of, 138. 
Begonia, spotting on leaves of, 158. 
Black Buck, contrasted coloration of, 138- 


Blaze, of Horses and forehead star, 167- 
169; on face of other mammals, 171; 
possibly a vestige of ancestral forehead 
and nose-horns, 172. 

Blotching: of Dog, 51; of Horse, 82; of 
Giraffe, 95. 

Brain, development proportional to mus- 
cular activity, 210. 

Bull, spotting of, 95, 96. 

Callesities, loss of, on legs of ruminants, 
cause of distinct tufts of hair, 181-233 ; 
on metatarsal region of Tragulus, 
meaning of, 187, 232; on legs of 
Equide, 232-240. 

Cheetah, analysis of markings, 20-24. 

Chlamydophorus truncatus, transition mam- 
mal, 139 ; armour of, in transition stage, 

Coat, meaning of ringed tail of, 197-203. 

Coloration of Mammals, Mr. Poulton’s 
views, 105; Mr. Tylor’s views, 107; 
Mr. Darwin’s views regarding white 
marks, 108; not result of natural selec- 
tion, 124; contrasted, 137-139; con- 
trasted coloration, meaning of, 139-142, 
181; of Mellivora IJndica, 144; of 
Putorius sarmaticus, 144; of Spotted 
Deer, 145; of Skunks, 146, 1473 of 
Jackal and other mammals, 147; of 
rosettes, 149 ; when contrasted, a vestige 
of a carapace, 151 ; contrasted coloration 
round mouth, eyes, and ears, meaning 
of, 175; has no hard and fast fixity, 
178; of cattle in Cadzow and Somer- 
ford Parks, 179; siriking, in Bear of 
ieee Tibet, 183; of American Bear, 

Crocodile, strong armour on abdomen, 193- 

Croft, W. B., experiments with impres- 
sions on glass, 160, 

Dappling, of Horse, 60-69. 

Deer, spotting of, 25, 46, 1453; eye gland 
of, 237, 238. 

Dogs, spotted, blotched, and striped, 50- 
533 Wolf ancestor of, 186. 

Eimer, Professor, views on spotting and 
striping, 126. 

Evolution in Mammals, 
stages of, 183. 

four distinct 

Felidae, in Elliot’s monograph, 11. 

Fishes, with armour round eyes, 180. 

Flower, Str W., on origin of Horse callo- 
sities, 232. 

Gh a ae hoarding of lime-salts by, 


Giraffe, markings of, 95, 96; New, 98; 
blotching on abdomen not needed, 194. 
Glass, retains impressions of coins and 

print, 160. 
Glyptodonts, rosettes in armour of, 109-112. 

Hands and feet, white or black, genesis of, 


Homology, of Rhinoceros shields with 
Armadillo shields, 215; of plates of X. 
Sondaicus with plates of Armadillo, 218- 
220; of hide-plates of Indian Rhino- 
ceros with bone-plates of Crocodile and 
Sturgeon, 221; of pigment reticulation 
of Horse with commissures of plates of 
R. Sondaicus, 222. 

Horses, dappling of, 59; want of data 
regarding commencement of dappling, 
67; need of photographic help in estab- 
lishing facts of dappling, 69; coinci- 
dence of venation and reticulation, 71 ; 
fern-like markings of, 72; detail study 
of rosettes of, 74-77; vestiges of Zebra 
marks in, 78-81; blotches in, 82; striped, 
83-88; rosetted, 93; white or black 
hands and feet, explanation of, 174 ; tan- 
coloured circle round eye of, 177; limbs 
of ancestors of, 231; abnormal hands 
of, 251-2533; are they odd-toed or even- 
toed, 252; characters in common with 
ruminants, 267. 

Hybrids, between genera of plants, 173; 
between Onager and Abyssinian Ass, 

Interbreeding, of species and genera, 293, 

Jaguar, a South American Leopard, 6; 
black varieties of, 6; a tree-loving 
animal, 8; detail of rosettes of, 10; 
modified rosettes of, 18 ; localised nerve- 
centres of markings, 19; variants of 
rosettes of, 24; marking of, not result of 
natural selection, 124; coloration ele- 
ments of, 162. 

Leopards, identity with Panther, 7; black 
cubs of, in same litter with ordinary 
kinds, 7; Asiatic, differ from African, 8 ; 
tree-loving animals, 8; detail of rosettes 
of, 10-102; difference in markings of, 

26 ; disposition of markings in, 27 ; spot- 
ting on legs of, 40; Clouded, 35. 

Lime-salts, famine of, cause of disappear- 
ance of skin-armour, 207; immense 
quantities required for endo-skeletons 
of animals, 208 ; hoarded in lime-rocks, 

Lion, ancestral spotting of, 28. 

Llama, callosities on hind-legs of, 236. 

Lydehker, kichard, views on spotting and 
striping of mammals, 126. 

Mammals, striped or spotted, 3; tail-rings 
of, 3-12; earliest record of striped, 4; 
markings of, supposed to be result of 
natural selection, 5; unsymmetry of 
markings in, 5; invisibility of, owing to 
markings, 6; markings of, dependent on 
nerve-centres, 26, 27; review of mark- 
ings of, 54, 553 skeleton of, developed 
independently of coloration of skin, 
126; contrasted coloration of certain, 
137-139; white or black hands and feet 
in, explanation of, 1743; contrasted 
coloration round mouth, eyes, and ears 
of, 175; four distinct stages in evolution 
of, 183; endo-skeleton of, required 
immense quantities of lime-salts, 208. 

Marbled Cat, descent from rosetted ances- 
tors, 30, 35. 

Afarkings, of Jaguar, 9, 13, 18, 24; of 
Leopard, 9-15, 18, 27; of Cheetah, 20- 
23; of Spotted Deer, 25, 46, 145; of 
Lion, 29; of Puma, 29; of Serval, 30; 
of Marbled Cat, 31; of Ocelots, 32, 
33; of Tigers, 36-41, 44; of Lynx, 
40; of smaller Cats, 42, 43; of Zebras, 
83, 84; on operculum of Pearly Nautilus, 
120; on Jaguar, impressions of ancestral 
carapace, 120; meaning of, on fore-legs 
of Leopards, 124; of Jaguar not result of 
natural selection, 124; of fishes, 155; 
round mouth, eyes, and ears of certain 
mammals, 175; on hind-legs of Serval, 
30, 186; on abdomen of Giraffe and 
Horse not needed, 194; of Leopards 
evidence of ancestral scutes, 202; order 
in which they altered in Mammals, 211. 

Monstrostties, in various animals, 276-279, 
2875 rejection of, by Dr. Wallace as 
modifiers of species, 280; sub-division 
of, 282; probable cause of, 282-286; 
Geoffroy St. Hilaire’s propositions on, 

INDEX 361 

289; possible explanation of, ‘264; 
digital, 295; in Guinea-pig, 302; in 
Myosotis, 304; wide range of monstrous 
species, 317; Hornbills as monstrous 
birds, 318; monstrous human hands and 
feet, 321 ; a help towards comprehend- 
ing the doctrine of evolution, 323. 

Natural selection, maintained but not ori- 
ginated skin-rosetting, 196, 197. 

Nervous system, habits and memories of, 
alter very slowly, 227. 

Ocelot, analysis of markings, 32-34. 

Odontoglossum crispum, markings of, 24. 

Orchids, persistent abnormality in sexual 
organs of, 255. 

Order in which markings of mammals have 
altered, 211. 

Ostracion, unarmoured lips of, 180. 

Pangolins, wnarmoured parts of, 1413 
scales of, agglutinated hairs, 159; char- 
acteristics of, 181. 

Peaches and other fruit, colouring of, 139. 

Pichiciago, ramp shield of, 140; transition 
stage of armour of, 204. 

Pig, abnormal hand of, 247. 

Plates, armour, of various animals, I1I- 
115; fusion of, in Glyptodon, 117; in 
Leathery Turtle, 118 ; restored in ances- 
tral Jaguar, 122; on abdomen of Great 
Armadillo, 123; transverse on fore-legs 
of Hairy Armadillo, 124; of Dolphins, 
133 originally both dorsal and ventral, 
1513; in fishes, 155-157; homology of, 
with pigment rosettes, 161 ; early loss of, 
round mouth, eyes, and ears, 175; 
influenced by nervous system, 121; 
disappeared gradually, 204-205; dis- 
appearance of, due to famine of lime- 
salts, 206, 207, 

Polydactylism, cases of, 294-298 ; in Ichthy- 
osaurs, 299. 

Propithecus, contrasted coloration of, 138. 

Puma, ancestral spotting of, 28. 

Quagga, coloration of, 87-88. 

Rabbit, meaning of white under-surface of 
tail, 143. 

Racoon, ringed tail of, vestige of ancestral 
body-spotting, 28, 203. 

Reason, why huge extinct animals have 
had pigmy descendants, 209; of rachi- 
tic egg-skin, 210. 

Relationship, of markings of Horse, 
Giraffe, and Zebu, to plating of Arma- 
dillo and Rhinoceros, 215, 224. 

Rosettes, of Jaguar, 9, 14, 18, 24, 75; of 
Leopard, 4, 9, 15-18, 27; of Ocelots, 
32, 333; of Horse, 75, 76, 933; of Zebu, 
95; of Jaguar, meaning of, 109 ; varia- 
tions of, in Jaguar and Leopard, 102; 
bone-rosettes of Glyptodonts, 109, 112; 
of Polacanthus, 112 ; of Leathery Turtle, 
118; of Crocodile and Sturgeon, 118 ;. 
of extinct fishes, 119; of: Jaguar not 
result of natural selection, 124; rosettes 
and spots have deeper meaning than 
general colour, 159; why on abdomen 
of Armadillo, 191; on abdomen of 
Leopard, why more altered than on back, 

Ruminants, endo-skeletons of, absorbed 
immense quantities of lime-salts, 208 ; 
contrasts of hair-tufts on legs of, evidence 
of ancestral callosities, 233, 234; char- 
acters of, in common with Horses, 267. 

Scutes, dermal, disappeared gradually, 204, 

Selous, F. C., on markings of Antelopes,. 
47; hiding in tall grass, 238; on 
Antelopes living in waterless regions, 48. 

Servat, origin of markings of, 30 ; meaning 
of black marks from heel to toes, 30; 
melanoid varieties of, 11. 

Serranus gigas, spotting of, 156; other 
species of, with vestiges of plate-armour, 


Sheep, fleece of, what it tells us, 144; 
Cyprian, white mouth of, 177. 

Skeleton, of mammals developed independ- 
ently of skin-coloration, 126. 

Skunks, coloration of, 146, 147. 

Spinal fine, of certain mammals, possible 
meaning of, 140. 

Spotted Deer, markings of, 25 ; what they 
tell us, 144. 

Spotting, of Cheetah, 20, 23; of Deer, 
25, 46, 145; of Lion, 28; of Puma, 28 ; 
of Serval, 30; of Marbled Cat, 30; of 
Dog, 50; of Horse, 77; of Bull, 95; 
over eyes of black-and-tan Dog, meaning 
of, 176. 



Striping, of Tigers, 36, 41, 443 of small 
Cats, 42, 43; of Dog, 52; of Horse, 77, 
80; of Zebras, 83, 88; of Antelopes, 47. 

Supernumerary digits, cases of, 294-298. 

Survivals, of wholly armoured, of partly 
armoured, and of unarmoured stages of 
animals, 204, 205. 

Symmetry, want of, 
animals, 283. 

on both sides of 

Tails, ringed, 35, 43; of Coati, 183; 
evidence, when ringed, of ancestral ro- 
setted or striped body, 197 ; of Racoon, 

Teratogeny, experiments in, 290. 

Tiger, analysis of markingsin, 35, 39, 403 
extraordinary ocelli on skin of, 41, 44. 
Types, new, inroad of, in geological times, 
307-311; speculations as to possible 

causes of, 311. 


Veins, reticular on Horse flank, equiva- 
lents of commissures in armour of 2. 
Sondaicus, 225. 

Vertebrates, comparison of limbs of, 249, 
257, 261, 264. 

Vestages, of ancestral features, 178. 

Viverride, markings of, 53. 

Werner, Franz, researches on spotting of 
animals, 73. 
Wolf, ancestor of Dog, 186. 

Zebra, variations in striping of, 83, 88; 
coloration of feet of Chapman’s, 179; 
stripes on abdomen not needed, 194; 
Grevy’s, wholly without callosities, 85, 

Zebu, rosetting of, 95, 97. 
Zeuglodonts, armour-plating of, 133. 

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at the Edinburgh University Press.