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IHarVej^ B,Bast|orc M- 

HvLtt a|olb0c of SKgriculture 

^t (dorneU InttJeraitH 

laaii'ir^t^im luiniversity Library 

Outlines of rural hygiene for physicians 

3 1924 003 449 505 

Cornell University 

The original of tliis book is in 
tlie Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
the United States on the use of the text. 



RURAL Hygiene 



Inspector for thk Statb Board of Healtk of Pennsylvania. 



The Normal Distribution of Cliloriiie. 


OF Yale Universitv. 


Philadelphia, New York, Chicago : 



The almost absolute neglect of sanitary rules in districts 
outside of the great cities, and the absence of special atten- 
tion to this branch of sanitation in the larger and more 
elaborate treatises, have called forth this work. 

That it may aid in the difEusal of sanitary knowledge 
where most needed, and that it may assist those who labor 
in rural districts, is the earnest wish of the author. 

Much of the substance of the work has appeared from 
time to time in various medical periodicals, but all has been 
carefully revised. 

The author has drawn largely from numerous Health 
Reports, and hereby acknowledges his obligation to all such 
as are not especially mentioned. 

Hahvey B. Bashohe. 

West Fairview, Pa., 
November 1, 1897. 





Wateh-supply 1 

Wells. Cisterns. Elvers, Lakes, and Springs. 
Examination of Wells and Well-water. 


Waste Disposal 35 

Excreta. Slop-waters. Kitchen Eefuse (Garbage). 
Ashes, Crockery, etc. Sewage Disposal. 


The Soil 48 

Surface-soil. Ground-moisture. Ground-water. 


Habitatioxs 56 

Dwellings. School-hygiene. Hospitals. 

Disposal of the Dead 68 

The Normal Distribution op Chlorine 71 

Index 79 




Wells. — Almost the whole of the rural population de- 
pends upon shallow wells for its water-supply, and much 
of the sanitary oversight occuiTing in these districts centres 
about this point. Many an epidemic has been traced to such 
a source, — small household epidemics they generally are; 
sometimes, however, the "town-pump" becomes infected, 
and a whole village suffers. A case of this kind lately hap- 
pened in one of the small towns of Pennsylvania; almost 
the entire population drank water from a single well; this 
became infected, and, as a result, sixty out of the eighty 
inhabitants became ill with typhoid fever and ten died. 
Another striking case of well-water infection is that re- 
ported by Volz, which occurred at Gerlachsheim, in Ger- 
many. Here, in three weeks, fifty-two persons were attacked 
with typhoid fever. On investigation it was found that 
these had all gotten their water from a certain well, which 
had been polluted by the discharges of the first patient. 

In one of the State Health Reports there occurs the fol- 
lowing very instructive note, which illustrates the point 

in question: "While riding with Dr. , on his way to 

see a patient, he pointed to a farm-house which he said 
had a strange history. He had practiced in the adjoining 
village for thirty years; the farm was occupied by tenants, 



who were changed every few years, and during these thirty 
years every family that lived on the place passed through 
typhoid fever." Surely here was a house with a "skeleton 
in the closet"; rather, I suppose we ought to say, in the 
well; for there can be no reasonable doubt, from what we 
know at present of the genesis of typhoid fever, that this 
trouble was caused by an infected well or spring. Almost 
everyone of us who has an acquaintance with the country 
can point to certain districts where, year after year, as 
autumn approaches, we have had one or two fever cases. 

The source of infection in these old wells is, of course, 
the infected ground-water, which, in its turn, has been 
poisoned by some leaking cess-pool, or privy, or surface- 
washings; in this connection it must not' be forgotten that 
the discharges from a single case of typhoid may be the 
source of danger. Such was the fact in the famous Plym- 
outh epidemic, which, while not well-water infection, was 
in a body of water vastly larger than many wells, and shows 
how much greater the danger in a narrow, shallow well. 

The distance from the well at which a source of infec- 
tion becomes dangerous cannot be readily expressed in fig- 
ures without the most careful study, for it depends entirely 
on the character of the strata and the direction and velocity 
of the ground-water currents. I recall to mind a very good 
illustration of this, in which a well, situated hardly fifty 
feet from a privy, shows almost absolutely no pollution, 
while another, almost two hundred feet from the nearest 
privy or other means of pollution, shows thirty times the 


normal chlorine of the region. In the first instance the 
well is in a bed of compact impermeable clay, and, in the 
second, a stratum of loose slate. 

It is, perhaps, needless to state that the mere pollution 
of a well by sewage is likely of no danger whatsoever unless 
the germs of disease find an entrance; but, when a well is 
exposed to leakage from human waste, it is so easy for 
germs to follow, and so easy for them to grow in water laden 
•with organic material, that there is always an element of 
danger in using a water which is at all subject to privy leak- 
age; the danger may not be very great, — ordinarily it is 
not, — ^btit it exists, nevertheless. There are wells in every 
town which, though undoubtedly polluted by leakage from 
adjoining privies, have furnished drinking-water for many 
years and have never yet been accused of conveying disease. 
This, however, is no argument against the case; only a proof 
that none or few germs have entered the well. 

A point of much importance, as indicated before, is the 
geological character of the strata which are pierced by the 
well; yet this very rarely receives much more than a passing 
attention. Modern investigation along this line has shown 
that, for example, the distinction which the older works on 
hygiene used to draw between deep and shallow wells 
is of but very limited value. Deep wells, according to 
the definition, are those which pass through an imper- 
vious stratum and draw water from a deeper layer be- 
neath; but this can only happen in a geological basin, and 
geological basins are few and far between. At London and 


Paris there happens to be just such a formation, and con- 
sequently deep wells are a great improvement over shallow 
ones. On Manhattan Island, however, on the other hand, 
a well may be a thousand feet deep and still not be a "deep" 
well in a sanitary sense, for the strata there are more or less 
perpendicular, which, of course, in a measure, excludes an 
impervious layer; so it is over almost the whole of the vast 
Appalachian region. Along the coast, however, the strata 

granite' a 

Fig. 1. — Section of the Strata Underlj'ing Paris aud its Environs. 
Horizontal scale, eighty miles to an inch ; vertical scale, two 
thousand feet to an inch. (From Humber's " Water-supply 
of Cities and Towns.") 

are in places, more or less horizontal, — or, rather, they are 
parts of some great basin, — and are available for deep wells. 
Whenever these Artesian wells are possible, they gener- 
ally yield a very pure water. Much work has recently been 
done in this subject on the Atlantic-Coast plain, and 
maps are now being prepared by certain of the State 
Geological Surveys which locate the water-bearing zones. 
In New Jersey, for example, there have been found to be 


three very important horizons. The first, 300 to 400 feet 
deep, in mioeene strata; the second in the cretaceous; and 
the third still lower. These beds all furnish excellent water, 
and are used practically in many places along the coast, — 
especially by large manufacturing plants. 

Geological investigation, too, has shown that in a region 
of upturned strata not only are deep wells impossible, but 

Fig. 3. — CroBS-section of a Region of Upturned Strata. (Original.) 

that wells of any sort are especially dangerous, unless much 
attention is given to the location of the sources of pollution, 
for the cleavage-lines of the rock-layers afford most excel- 
lent drains for any surface or cess-pool waters which may 
happen to be in the locality if the strata should incline in 
the direction of the well. This is shown in the following 
practical sketch, which represents a region in which the 
rock-layers are almost perpendicular. In places like this. 


ii" you are going to dig a well^ it makes a great difference 
whether the eyer-present privy or cess-pool is located at 
A or B. Suppose it is at B or in any place within 90° on 
either side; then the well will almost certainly be contami- 
nated, for the leaking water will only have to follow the 
cleavage-lines in order to reach the well, and this it will 
do most readily.^ The only possible location for a filth- 
receptacle in the neighborhood of the well G is in the 
direction of A, where the cleavage runs away from the well, 
instead of to it as on the opposite side. The privy, if there 
is one in the direction of B, should be absolutely no nearer 
than — in fact, not so near as — the calculated distance,^ for, 
if it is, there is sure to be pollution. 

' In a region like the one described it is very to calculate just 
how far beyond the well in the direction of B (Fig. 2) the danger-line 
extends. Knowing the depth oi the well and the angle of dip of the 
strata (this is told by an instrument known as the "clinometer " ), we 
construct a triangle as follows : — 

B A =^ depth of well ; angle C = dip of strata, — i.e. the angle 
made by a horizontal line on the surface with the cleavage-lines of the 
slate. B is, of course, a right angle. To get angle A we add and B 


Important points these are; yet it is very rare indeed 
that they are considered in making a well; biit they must 
be heeded if one expects to get water at all approaching 

The author's attention was recently called to a well 
situated in just such a region, — a tube-well, about a hun- 
dren feet deep, with its upper twenty or thirty feet sur- 
rounded by an iron tube, and yet this water yielded 10.4 
parts of chlorine per 100,000, while the normal chlorine of 
the region is only 0.15 per 100,000. Neighboring privies 
rested on the upturned slates within the region indicated by 
B (Fig. 2), and, of necessity, the well was polluted. That 
the well was deep only increased its drainage-area without 
increasing in proportion its filtering properties, for water 
filters very little in passing through the fracture-lines of a 
rock-bed. Incidentally I might mention that a number of 
eases of typhoid fever have been recurring yearly in the 
vicinity of this well. 

In a limestone region wells are likewise dangerous on 

and subtract the result from 180°. Then, according to trigonometric 
formula, we have side B A and angle A to find side a. This is solved 
hy the formula a ^^ c X tan. A. Example : "We have a well 80 feet 
deep represented hy B A or c. We find the dip of the strata to be 43° ; 
add this to 90°, — a right angle, — ^and subtract this from 180°, we get 
47° for angle A. Now, by substituting the figures in the formula, we 
have (i = 80 X tan. 47°, or a = 80 X 1.07 = 85 feet. That is, that 
within 85 feet of the well in the direction of B there is exceptional 
danger, as within that distance all the cleavage-lines of the slate fall 
within the well ; beyond this distance these lines fall short of the well, 
and, of course, the danger is not nearly so great. 


account of the many underground seams which transmit 
water with great facility; when water passes through these 
caves it is not benefited by the natural filtering properties 
of the soil, and infection in this way may travel a great 
distance. A limestone country is generally honey-combed 
by caverns of vast extent. In the limestone bluffs west of 
Harrisburg I was once shown a cave into which a dog had 
disappeared in pursuit of a fox; the story runs that the 
dog came to the surface thirty miles away, and I think it 
not altogether impossible. In such regions there are a great 
many "sink-holes," which are simply surface connections 
with underground caverns; through these, surface-water 
pours in its downward course, infecting ground-water which 
may come to the surface in some far-distant spring. A case 
of this kind happened some time ago at Bethlehem, Pa. 
This town suffered from a typhoid epidemic which was 
finally traced to its water-supply; but how this became in- 
fected was a puzzle, for their water-supply came from one 
of those wild, virgin springs which, to all outward appear- 
ances, is the synonym for purity; but at last large water- 
bearing courses were discovered (it was a limestone region) 
which had carried the infection from far-away privies. 

Another formation worth study by the rural well-driller 
is the clay; these beds are almost impervious to water, and 
what docs pass through a short distance is generally filtered; 
many a well owes its freedom from disease-producing germs 
to the fact that it is surrounded by a stratum of clay. 

Gravel, on the other hand, presents directly opposite 


qualities. The same property which makes a gravel-bed 
good for building purposes — i.e., because drainage is good 
and a dry foundation is obtainable — makes it very bad for 
wells, for it is so porous that there can hardly be any hope 
of its yielding an uncontaminated water, if there is any 
means of contamination within a reasonable distance. 

Such are some of the considerations which arise when 
one is in search of a good well-water; but, irrespective of 
any of these and without care or study, wells have been 
dug everywhere, and consequently are almost everywhere 
polluted. The question is at once asked: Can anything be 
done with these old wells whereby they may be rendered 
safe as a source of drinking-water? If possible, it would 
be best to completely eliminate them and obtain some other 
supply. When this is not feasible, the well, if not too 
grossly polluted, may be rendered more or less safe by a 
method devised by Dr. Koch. 

Koch's Method. — Suppose that we have one of these 
wells which yields a polluted water. To begin with, we 
take out the pump, if there is one, and pour in sand until 
it reaches within a foot or two of the lowest water-level; 
the lowest level of the ground-water generally occurs at 
the end of a dry, hot summer, and for this reason such a 
time should be selected for the application of this method. 
We now place in the centre of the well an iron tube three 
or four inches in diameter, with its lower end expanded and 
perforated. This end of the tube rests on the sand and, 
while it is held in place, a bushel or two of fine gravel is 



thrown in immediately surrounding it, and the well is then 
completely filled with sand. Fig. 3 is the section of such 
a well, the dotted line representing the water-level. If 
now a pump is attached to the tube, we have a very good 
tube-well, which differs from an ordinary one in that it is 

Fig. 3.— Section of Well Treated by Koch's Metiiod. (Original.) 

surrounded by a filtering layer of sand; probably this is the 
best that can be done with a dug well. For a polluted tube- 
well our only resource is to seek another supply. 

The next question to be answered is: How may a well 
be constructed, if at all, in order to meet modern sanitary 


requirements? While we must admit that this is hard to 
do, in the face of probable ground-water contamination, 
still, under certain conditions, there are certain kind's of 
wells which seem to give satisfaction; for example, in some 
places deep Artesian wells will yield the best possible re- 
sults; biit this, of course, is only over regions in which the 
strata are approximately horizontal. The ordinary tube- 
well cannot be recommended any more than a dug well, if 
the strata incline much from the horizontal; in such a case, 
if there is no other supply available, a dug well, filled with 
sand after Dr. Koch's method, would be far safer than any 
ordinary boring; this is true not only for regions of dis- 
located strata, but also for beds of limestone, sandstone, or 
loose rock of any kind. 

In other places a shallow well, made according to the 
directions of Professor Poore, of University College, Lon- 
don, might give complete satisfaction, and, though the 
places where this could be used are limited, the method is 
worth some study. The following description of this ex- 
perimental well made by Professor Poore is taken from the 
Lancet: "The well was sunk in the very centre of a garden 
which is rather profusely manured with human excreta; it 
is placed at the intersection of two paths, — a broad, green 
one, bordering one of asphalt. The situation was chosen 
for two reasons: (1) that it was, as far as possible, removed 
from any accidental pollution from the sewer in the street, 
and (2) that in the centre of the garden it would theoreti- 
cally run the greatest chance of fecal contamination from 


the manure used. As the well was sunk wholly for experi- 
ment, this was essential. The garden is on a riyer-bank 
(Thames) and very slightly raised above the level of the 
water. The well is only 5 feet deep, and the water 
stands at a level (which varies slightly) of about 3 feet 6 
inches from the bottom. The well is lined throughout — 
from the very bottom to a point some five inches above the 
ground — ^with large, concrete sewer-pipes 2 feet 8 inches 
in diameter, and these pipes have been carefully cemented 
ah their junction; outside the pipes a circle of cement con- 
crete about four inches thick has been run in. It will thus 
be evident, the sides being perfectly protected, that no 
water can possibly enter this well except through the 
bottom, all contamination by lateral soakage through the 
walls being rendered impossible. The well is surrounded 
by an asphalt path about three feet wide and slightly slop- 
ing away from it; around this is a hedge about five feet 
high except at those points where the hedge is cut by the 
paths. There is a closely-fitting cover of oak, wliich has an 
outer casing of lead, and thus all contamination from above 
is prevented. 

"The water is drawn through a two-inch lead pipe which 
passes through the outer concrete and the concrete lining- 
pipe, the cut passage for the pipe being carefully closed with 
cement. The pump is behind the hedge and is provided 
with a sink and waste-pipe which takes the overflow some 
twenty or thirty yards to a neighboring stream. In this 
way the constant dropping of water in the neighborhood 



of the well is prevented. I regard the question of overflow 
one of greatest importance, which is too often neglected. 
The nearest point to the well upon which any manural 
deposit of excreta is likely to be made is on the far side 
of the hedge; and the distance of this point from the bottom 
of the well is seven feet. All water which finds its way 
into the well must have passed through at least six or seven 

Fig. 4. — Section of Professor Poore's Well, Showing Concrete 
Lining and Position of Pump. The diagonal line on the right 
is to mark the distance from nearest garden-bed to bottom 
of well. (London Lancet.^ 

feet of earth, and, of course, the greater bulk of the water 
has passed through a far greater length. Three chemical 
analyses of this water — one by Professor Franldand and 
two by Dr. Kenwood — testify to its organic purity, and 
three bacteriological investigations have given similar indi- 
cations of purity." 

"While this well which Professor Poors constructed yields 
pure water, it is no proof that all wells so constructed will. 
The banks of the Thames are composed of an alluvial clay, 


which, of course, is very impervious to drainage and leakage; 
and it is very likely that Professor Poore has made his well 
in this deposit. As he has talcen great pains to keep out 
surface waters, any drainage which may soak through the 
adjacent soil would, of necessity, be considerably purified. 
So much for this kind of well when made in elay-beds; 
but suppose it is dug in a stratum of slate or sandstone; 
suppose that the strata are tilted on edge, as represented 
in Pig. 2, which would be a very likely case almost any- 
where in Eastern United States. From what has been said 
before one would hardly feel safe in drinking the water 
from such a well, if human excreta were scattered over the 
adjoining fields in the locality of B (Pig. 2); assuredly not, 
if the excreta contained typhoid or cholera germs. 

The fact is that one can never construct a perfect well 
by any given rule; he must make a careful study of the 
locality and the nature and dip of the strata if he would 
have a pure water, and even then it is hard to get it un- 
polluted from wells of any kind except, perhaps. Artesian. 
Par better to select some other source of supply, preferably 
the one next mentioned, which seems to the author to be 
the ideal one for many isolated places. 

Cisterns. — -In most localities in the United States, rain- 
water stored in properly-constructed cisterns furnishes a 
substitute for well-water, which is practicable and easily 
available, for all we need is a suitable collecting surface and 
a suitable cistern. 

In the Atlantic States the annual rain-fall is about 


thirty-seven inches, — an amount which, with the ordinary 
house-roof for the collecting surface, is amply adequate and 
absolutely reliable; of course, if we live in a district where 
the rain-fall is less, a corresponding increase in the size of 
the cistern and collecting surface is necessary to meet the 
requirements of a continuous supply. If the house-roof 
is something like one thousand square feet, — and many 
houses will furnish even more, — the yearly yield of rain- 
water collectable will be, if the annual precipitation is 
thirty-seven inches, about 20,000 gallons, which, at ten 
gallons per head per day, is more than sufficient for the 
wants of an ordinary family. For this amount the cistern 
need not be excessively large; one ten feet in diameter and 
five feet deep will hold 2000 gallons, and this would last, 
under usual conditions, more than a month; the danger 
of exhausting the supply would not be great, for it is rare 
indeed that a month passes, in most parts of the country, 
without some precipitation. 

The construction of the cistern is of the utmost impor- 
tance, for in its ability to keep out soil-water rests the 
superiority of the cistern over the well. If made of bricks 
and thoroughly cemented it will be proof, in most cases, 
against this contamination from the soil. I have known 
such a cistern to last many years without leakage. 

In the next place, we need a filter, for rain-water, unless 
it is collected from a purer source than is generally the case, 
has a peculiar flavor and odor. In order to make a filtering 
cistern out of an ordinary one it is first necessary to build 



a partition from the bottom almost reaching to the top; 
at the bottom there are several openings connecting the two 

/;/,^ -,.^ 

>'•.'- \'f '.'.', !'., 

1 i 1 i f ) 1 I I rn 

Fig. 5. — Section of Filtering-cistern. (Original.) 

sides. Another way to do this filtering is to make two cis- 
terns side by side and connect them by pipes, but the method 
of having one cistern with a partition is cheaper, and, per- 


haps, better, as there is less danger of leakage. In construct- 
ing the filter, which is placed on either side of the partition, 
we may use a variety of substances; three or four feet of 
common sand is probably the best and the cheapest material 
that can be obtained. When a natural sand-filter is used 
in the open air the upper layer of sand becomes covered by 
a film of nitrifying bacteria, which is of the greatest value 
in purifying the water. Although this sand-layer in the 
cistern is cut off from sunlight, it gets an ample supply of 
oxygen, and it is likely that it acts, in a measure, like the 
open-air filters. Of all the different materials which we 
may use, the one I prefer is made of three layers, each con- 
sisting, from above downward, of sand, polarite, and gravel. 
Whether this, however, is much better than one made of 
ordinary sand is a question. Into the side containing the 
filter the leader from the roof discharges, and into the other 
is fixed the pump. This arrangement is readily understood 
by reference to the figure. The water which passes to the 
pump in a cistern like this is securely filtered, and we get a 
good, pure, and harmless drinking-water. The sink under 
the pump-spout may be perforated and empty directly into 
the side of the cistern containing the filter, so that there 
is no waste of water. 

While this method of proctiring drinking-water is less 
expensive than any other way, it is almost universally ne- 
glected by the very people whom it would most benefit, — 
the rural population. As long as the cistern is impervious 
to the ground-water, there is no danger of its contents be- 



coming infected except by gross carelessness, — filth is some- 
how or other gotten in at the top. 

One can very readily tell if the cistern leaks by making 
a simple chlorine examination of the water and then com- 
paring it with the amount of chlorine found in rain-water 
collected in a clean receptacle somewhere on the surface. 
It is evident that much deviation of the chlorine from the 
average of a surface collection will point to leakage in the 

Cistern-water, even without a filter, is vastly better and 
vastly safer than any well; and if the collection is made from 
a tin roof kept moderately clean, the water will be almost 
odorless, fresh, and palatable; such water the writer has 
frequently u.sed. 

The collecting surface — whether tin, wood, or slate — 
should be protected from overhanging trees, and a "cut-off" 
should be placed in the spouting, so that the first washings 
from the roof may be turned into the street gutter; in this 
way dust, droppings of birds, etc., are washed away before 
the water is allowed to run into the cistern. 

The use of rain-water, too, furnishes a means whereby 
the rural householder may have water under pressure in his 
house, if he so desires. To have this great comfort people 
generally think it necessary to have an hydraulic ram, a 
force-pump, or some other expensive arrangement. By using 
rain-water all one needs is a tank placed in one of the upper 
vacant rooms and a series of distributing pipes to the bath, 
kitchen, or wherever one wishes running water. The tank 


is large or small according to the needs of the service. Into 
the tank a branch pipe with a "cut-off" leads from the 
roof-spouting; when the tank is filled the "cut-off" is turned 
and the water goes in another direction. The only care 
necessary is to see^ from time to time, that the tank does not 
get empty and that it is cleaned at proper intervals. In 
one instance where this kind of water-service was used, the 
stable-roof was also utilized. A tank was placed in the loft 
and the leader from the roof turned into it; by this means 
the stable was furnished with water and there was a plenti- 
ful supply for watering the adjacent garden and lawn. 

Rivers, Lakes, and Springs. — Many small towns are be- 
ginning to seek a public water-supply from neighboring 
rivers, lakes, or springs. Such a source would seem desir- 
able in a good many eases; but giving a town water-pipes 
without sewer-pipes is like putting the cart before the horse, 
unless we first teach the people how to make suitable drains 
and how to make and use earth-closets; if they use cess- 
pools — and that is what they always do use when there is a 
public water-service — the polluted soil-water will event- 
ually soak into the water-pipes, and the "last state will be 
worse than the first." 

While any ordinary mountain-stream would seem, on first 
thought, to furnish a pure and undefiled water, there are 
certain points to be considered before selecting such a 
supply. On account of the limited gathering-grounds of a 
small stream, there is much more danger of infection than 
in a large river. The discharges of one typhoid patient, 


placed on the banks of the Susquehanna or the Delaware, 
is not likely to cause danger to any great extent, but similar 
discharges on the banks of a narrow mountain-brook caused 
the fearful epidemic of Plymouth; so, on this score alone, 
the "babbling brook" is not as ideal a source of supply as 
some large river. In selecting a stream, lake, or spring, 
other things being equal, we should take one having a wild, 
uncultivated, and uninhabited gathering-ground, and this 
should be, by all means, under the supervision of the people 
using the water. 

The pollution of public water-supplies is an interesting 
and instructive study; sometimes the water is actually 
fouled by sewers from the very town itself; the people are, 
in fact, drinking their own waste. This is the case with 
Harrisburg, Penna., where the intake of the city-works 
opens into the river only a short distance from the shore 
and directly below the mouths of several sewers. 

In rivers flowing through coal regions there is another 
kind of pollution which sometimes enters into the question 
of a water-supply; while the regions where this occurs are 
not very numerous, it is still worth noting. This pollution 
is caused by drainage-water from coal mines; it consists 
chemically of a solution of protosulphate of iron, and forms, 
when concentrated, a black, turbid stream from its sus- 
pended coal-dust; when more diluted, it is of a peculiar sul- 
phury color, and gives a white deposit on rocks lining its 
course. In Pennsylvania this goes by the name of "sulphur- 
i^'pter"; but this is a misnomer, for the color is due, not to 


sulphur, but to oxide of iron. The protosulphate, which is 
about the only important chemical constituent, decomposes 
under the influence of sunlight and oxygen, and yields a 
sequisulphate and a hydrated oxide; so much we know from 
the laboratory of the chemist, and there is no reason to 
believe that the result is any difEerent outside of the labora- 
tory. The oxide, however, is not a bad thing, for it assists 
somewhat in purifying the water, but the sesquisulphate 
is an astringent which, when it comes in contact with tannic 
acid of tea or coffee, has a tendency to make tannate of iron, 
and tannate of iron is popularly known as "ink." For this 
reason waters contaminated with mine-drainage are not suit- 
able for town-supplies, and not only that, but they destroy 
more or less the vegetable and animal life in their respective 

I have seen small streams in Northern Pennsylvania 
which were as black as ink, and a good deal thicker, from 
this drainage. No living thing inhabits their waters nor 
seeks their banks, — a Nineteenth Century representation of 
the fabled Styx. 

To purify a stream encumbered by mine-drainage, it is 
necessary to filter it through beds of limestone; by this 
means the sulphate of iron is changed into sulphate of lime, 
which is harmless, although it adds some hardness to the 
water. The excessive amount of free coal-dust which these 
waters sometimes carry may be removed by any kind of a 
gravel or broken-stone filter. In some of the large rivers 
this drainage occupies only a small part of its width, and 


water for drinking may be obtained by extending the water- 
pipes beyond the "sulphur-stream." 

Examination of Wells and Well-water. — The physician 
in isolated localities is frequently called upon to give an 
opinion as to whether or not a certain well is fit for use. 
He has to depend iipon his own resources, and it is neces- 
sary that the examination be as simple as possible and at 
the same time reliable. Each well is a factor by itself, and ' 
should be studied as to the geological strata which it pierces, 
the position of the sources of possible pollution, and the 
relative amoiint of chlorine it contains. The old idea that 
a well drains a cone-shaped area whose base is from fifty to 
one hundred times its depth approximates, perhaps, the 
truth, but so much depends on the character of the rock- 
strata that is is impossible to lay down any definite rule; 
it makes all the difference in the world whether the well 
taps the ground-water through a thick, heavy clay, or 
whether it draws its supply from a gravel-bed, from slate, 
sandstone, limestone, or a more impervious rock; it makes 
much difference whether the strata are horizontal or "turned 
on edge." The proximity of a source of pollution counts 
for little as to a distance in feet; the position studied in 
regard to the slope of the strata and the direction of the 
ground-water currents mean much more in laying bare a 
source of trouble. 

In examining the water we want to find out if it con- 
tains pathogenic germs or if it is likely to. The detection of 
these is probably not available to many country practition- 


ers. Disease-germs only come into a drinking-water through 
the medium of organic waste, and, in the absence of our 
ability to detect the germs, we have to be satisfied with the 
detection of the pollution with which the germs are asso- 
ciated, — sewage, privy, stable leakage, etc. If a well shows 
that it is not polluted with such material, it is most likely 
free of pathogenic germs, and is almost certainly not a 
factor in producing disease. 

To find out this kind of pollution a simple chlorine ex- 
amination is generally all that is necessary. I do not, for 
a moment, depreciate the elaborate analyses for organic 
matter, nitrates, etc., but these are not available in the out- 
lying districts, and they are not actually necessary in a good 
many cases of well-water examination, especially in times 
of epidemics. If we know the normal chlorine of the region 
(see "Appendix") — i.e., the amount of chlorine present in 
unpolluted springs and rivers — we can readily Judge the 
amoiTnt of pollution of a given water; of course, chlorine in 
a water may represent only past pollution, but in a sanitary 
way this does not count for much, for we can never tell at 
what moment the old lines of drainage might not' be re- 
established, and for that reason a well once polluted pre- 
sents an ever-present danger, unless the source of former 
pollution can be absolutely abolished. 

Although we judge the amount of pollution by the vari- 
ation from the normal chlorine, we should not make this 
absolute and condemn every well which shows excess, for 
some excess above the normal, although pointing almost 



positively to pollution, is allowable and does not necessarilj' 
mean dangerous pollution. 

What each physician should do, if he lives in a locality 
supplied by well-water, is to ascertain the chlorine normal 
of the district, and, if a well shows a water containing 
chlorine much above this amount, it should be viewed with 
suspicion and judgment passed accordingly. 

The following list, taken from several Health Reports, 
gives an idea of the amount of chlorine in certain waters 
not excessively polluted: — 

Naugatauk River, 0.16 parts per 100,000. 

Charles River, 0.43-0.80 

Housatonic River, 0.16 

Croton River, 0.44 

Schuylkill River, 0.57 

Delaware River, 0.25 

Spring, Penna., 0.50 

Spring, Conn., 0.17 

Well, Penna., 0.20 


Waste Disposal. 

The disposal of waste in country places presents features 
entirely different from that of a city, inasmuch as in the 
country this duty depends upon individual efEort, and indi- 
vidual effort, be it ever so good, is a poor substitute for 
municipal oversight where sewage and garbage disposal and 
every other sanitary requirement must conform to a definite 

Excreta. — First in order, and perhaps, too, in impor- 
tance, comes the disposal of human excreta; and this, in the 
absence of water-service, is very important, for we have 
learned that one of the most common causes of preventable 
diseases in the country comes from well-water polluted by 
leakage from cess-pools and privies. If there is one sanitary 
necessity which stands pre-eminently above all the rest, it 
is, probably, the substitution of the earth-closet for these 
foul privies and cess-pools, which undoubtedly contaminate 
the ground-water. We know so little about the changes of 
the water in the soil and so little about the life-history of 
the germs of certain water-borne diseases, that there is 
danger whenever the ground-water is exposed to excreta. It 
is a fact that the privies in most villages are rarely emptied, 
and one sanitarian has explained this on the supposition 
that the wells draw a good deal of their water from the 



urine of neighboring privies; and this can very readily be 
the state of affairs in many places. 

Privies should be absolutely abolished unless they are 
placed far from any well and made perfectly water-tight. 
Instead of a privy-yault, it is better to use dry earth-closets. 
In the average country town not one person in a thousand 
uses an earth-closet or, in fact, seems to know anything 
about it. If we could get village dwellers to understand the 
sanitary value of this method of excretal disposal, it would 
be a great step in progress. There are very many ways and 
methods of making these dry closets. The following, which 
is one of the simplest, is that recommended by the Penn- 
sylvania State Board of Health; it is so easily made that 
there is no excuse why every rural dweller should not have 
one: — 

"The body is a plain pine box; its sides are 14 inches 
high, its depth 18 inches, and length about 30 inches. It is 
divided into two compartments, — one 18x18 inches and the 
other 18x13 inches. The larger of these compartments has 
no bottom; the smaller is a tight one. On top are two 
covers. The lower one, hinged to the upper edge of the 
back, extends all the way across both compartments. In 
this lower cover is cut the seat,^ — over the centre of the 
larger compartment. The upper cover is hinged to the 
lower one and may be raised independently; it is made the 
size of the large compartment, and both have a little edge 
projecting to facilitate lifting them." The receiving vessel 
is a gal vani zed-iron bucket (an old coal-bucket will answer) 


as large as will stand in the compartment with the covers 
down. The small compartment is filled with dry, sifted 
anthracite coal ashes, or whatever else is used, a scoop placed 
in it, and the commode is ready for use. 

After using, the lower cover is raised, exposing both 
compartments. A small quantity of the ashes is then taken 
in the scoop and scattered over the contents of the hod. A 
closet such as this may be placed anywhere in the house 
or in the old privy, and with proper care is absolutely odor- 
less. The material for use in these closets may be either 
ashes or dry earth; in summer dry earth may be taken 
directly from the garden-bed, exposed to the sun for a short 
time, and, for use in winter, stored in barrels. Ashes — 
finely sifted from anthracite coal — are perhaps better, if 
the closet is in the house, for the ashes are lighter and more 
absorbent; dry earth, if much urine is allowed to pass into 
the hopper, becomes muddy and heavy. 

The disposal of the contents of the closet is, perhaps, 
the stumbling-block to many. This material, whether ashes 
or earth has been used, may be placed on a corner of the 
garden-bed and covered with a little earth, or it may be 
buried a few inches under the soil; lastly, it may be kept 
in a dry place, covered with earth and carted away at some 
suitable time by the farmer for use as fertilizer. In places 
where earth or ashes are scarce the contents may be allowed 
to humify in a dry shed and this humus used again; this 
may be repeated many times. The agent of disposal in all 
cases is the nitrifying bacteria. To be sure, if too much ash 



is used, nitrification is delayed; but with the mixture of a 
little earth the organic matter all disappears in due time. 

Last year I made some experiments in regard to the 
length of time required for the disposal of excreta when 

Fig. 7.— A Model Dry Closet. (Original.) 

buried under four or five inches of soil. In summer the 
time was about two weeks, which corresponds to the time 
obseryed by Professor Poore. In January — ^in the coldest 
month of the year — the excreta, when mixed with ashes 


and buried, had completely disappeared in four weeks, al- 
though most of the time the surface-soil was completely 
frozen, and at the time of examination was so hard that I 
had to use a pick. 

If one desires a more elaborate commode it may be made 
somewhat after the manner of the modern water-closet. A 
design of this fashion is shown in Kg. 7. The pail is made 
of ornamental agateware, and upon this rests the seat of 
mahogany, walnut, or oak, exactly the same as is used in 
the water-closet. A pail which is open in this manner pos- 
sesses the advantages of the open water-closet in that there 
h no hiding-place for dirt. The ashes may be kept in a 
box beside the pail. 

Another way of using the earth-closet, especially for 
schools or large dwellings, is to have a privy constructed 
with what is called a "dry catch." A pit is dug, about three 
feet deep, which has its two sides, front, and back lined with 
brick; in the back an open space is left for a door of wire 
netting, and an inclined pathway is made from the bottom 
of the closet to the surface, unless the privy should happen 
to be built on the side of a hill, when this would not, of 
course, be necessary. 

The floor of the vault is concreted and inclined as in- 
dicated in the drawing. The urine which is voided flows 
backward into a gutter, which is filled with some absorbent, 
— sawdust, ashes, or dry earth. 

The pan under the seat is made of galvanized iron, and 
a flap is attached to the lower end to prevent an upward 

Fig. 8.—" Dry-Catch " Privy. (Modified, after Poore.) 


draft; this flap may be balanced so as to work automatically, 
01' may be worked by a chain. After use, earth or ashes is 
put in the pan just as in any other closet. 

In a privy of this sort the humification of the fasces will 
continue, although no earth is added. Poore narrates a 
case where, by neglect of the scavenger, the "contents had 
not been removed for two months; still the bottom of the 
mass had humified and become inoffensive." The proper 
way for such a closet to be utilized by country schools 
would be to have a reservoir filled with an absorbent, so 
arranged that pulling a chain would throw a sufficient 
amount into the pan, or what, perhaps, is better, is simply 
to have the Janitor throw earth over the contents of the 
closet once every day; every week or two, according to cir- 
cumstances, the mass should be removed. 

To get people to use dry closets is more a question of 
education than of legislation. A town that purposes this 
innovation should have printed circulars sent to all house- 
holders, showing the advantages of the method. Then they 
might order the construction of all privies after the method 
shown in Fig. 8, and have a public scavenger clean them 
every week. The personal influence of the physician and 
his example in these sanitary matters will do much to en- 
lighten the people to a correct understanding of the value 
of sanitary appliances; and, until the people are educated 
to this point, legislation will hardly do much good. 

Slop-waters. — For the purpose of studying this part of 
our subject vs^e have to consider three classes of country 


houses: First, those which have water-service and use 
water-closets for the disposal of excreta just as in the city; 
this, of course, necessitates the use of sewers, in which the 
slop-waters are also disposed of. With these we have noth- 
ing to do, so far as the individual treatment of waste-water 
is concerned. Secondly, those in which, although having 
water-service, the excreta are disposed of by some form of 
dry closet; in this class sewers are not needed, but drains 
are necessary for carrying the waste-waters from the kitchen 
sink and bath. Thirdly, those which have no water-service, 
no bath, etc. This comprises, by far, the greater number of- 
houses outside the cities and large towns. In the latter 
class all slops — which amoimt in a family of four or five to 
about fifteen gallons daily — are collected in buckets and 
are generally emptied out the kitchen door, irrespective of 
where the filthy water may flow. In such a house a slop- 
bowl should be put in some convenient location either in 
the house, on the porch, balcony, or elsewhere, and con- 
nected with a surface- or subsoil- drain, both of which have 
points of excellence. 

In the simplest form of a drain the pipe from the slop- 
bowl may lead to a furrow in the vegetable bed. A bettei' 
arrangement is that shown in the accompanying photo- 
graph, which was taken from a small drain in actual use. 
This drain was made for one of our third-class houses, 
which have no water-service. A box about a foot square, 
lined with tin or galvanized iron, was placed in a suitable 
location — in this instance, at the corner of the bed to be 



used — ^to serve as a receptacle for the slop- waters which are 
collected in buckets; from this extends, an old tin roof-gutter 
in any direction available. The bottom of the box is per- 
forated by twenty or thirty small holes, which serve to let 
the water into the gutter. A number of small holes is 
better bhan a few large ones, as the small tend to keep solid 
particles out of the gutter and prevent clogging. The 
gutter is twenty feet long; it is nine inches above the ground 
at the upper end and three inches at the lower, in order to 
give sufficient fall for its rapid emptying, — a very necessary 
iactor in cold weather. The gutter is pierced every three or 
four inches by one-fourth to one-half inch holes, which per- 
mit the liqiud to flow on to the soil, where it is quickly 
absorbed. The soil needs a little raking now and then to 
favor absorption and evaporation. Along each side of the 
drain may be planted a hedge of laurel, a row of sunflowers, 
or any vegetable which happens to be desirable, only that 
all debris from overhanging plants must be kept out of the 
gutter. This kind of a drain will do very well in houses 
having water-service, by simply having the waste-pipe from 
the kitchen and bath discharge into the gutter. 

An important point in the use of this drain — as, in fact, 
of any drain — ^is to keep solid and liquid refuse separate, — 
for a liquid containing many solid particles tends to choke 
it and to interfere with its efficiency. This separation is 
readily accomplished by keeping two buckets in or near the 
kitchen,^ — one for solids and one for liquids. Over the one 
is placed a tin basin with a perforated bottom; the semi- 

Fig. 9. — One Form of Surface-drain, Made of a Tin Roof-gutter. 


liquid waste, as it comes from the kitchen, is placed in the 
basin, the water drains through, and the solid refuse is 
emptied into the other bucket. In Fig. 9 these buckets are 
shown adjoining the drain. 

In the winter a surface-drain may cause trouble unless 
some care is taken. In the first place, it should be kept 
clean of snow, and, in the next, the liquid must be emptied 
into the drain before it is chilled by long exposure to the 
cold; but if proper attention is paid to these points and to 
the thorough emptying of the drain each time that it is 
used, it will give complete satisfaction, even in the coldest 

Another way of making a surface-drain is to construct 
a gutter of perforated bricks, the space underneath the 
gutter being prepared by trenching and filling with small 
stones, cinders, and the like, to favor absorption. Instead 
of perforated bricks, the ordinary ones may be used by leav- 
ing an interval of half an inch or so between each brick. A 
drain of this sort has the advantage of being easily cleaned 
by sweeping. A number of English physicians are said to 
favor this plan very much. 

A very good drain, too, may be made by digging a trench 
a foot or so deep and a couple of feet wide, and lining it with 
small, round, cobble-stones, such as are used in some street 
gutters. The space, of course, underneath the drain should 
be prepared with some absorbent material, and the waste- 
pipe should discharge a foot or so above the bottom of the 
gutter, so as to permit no undue accumulation .of ice in 


winter; the length of such a gutter should be fifteen or 
twenty feet for a family of four or five. In this^ as in all 
surface-drains, the waste-pipes need not be trapped. 

A surface-gutter may be protected from freezing by 
covering with some old boards and a little earth, making it 
piactically a subsoil-drain^ for the time being. 

In some places, for various sesthetic reasons, and espe- 
cially in a very cold climate, a surface-drain may not be 
practicable. Then we have to resort to a subsoil-drain, 
which is made as follows: — 

For this method several hundred feet of land are neces- 
sary if all the wasta-water from the house is disposed in one 
place; but in many instances different places for different 
drains will be more suitable. In calculating the amount 
of tiles, we may count one or two feet, depending on the 
soil, for each gallon to be disposed daily. A trench is dug 
about tM'o feet deep, and in this ordinary two-inch drain- 
tiles are placed; it is best to rest the tiles on a narrow piece 
of board in order to get them on a regular pitch, which 
should be at least five inches in twenty feet. The tiles are 
placed about half an inch apart, and the joints are covered 
with broken stones or half-pipes; then the whole trench is 
filled with stones, coarse coal ashes or cinders completely 
surrounding the tiles, and finally covered with earth. The 
delivery-pipe from the house is connected to the drain by 
a lead or iron pipe, which projects into the end tile. At the 
far end of every line of tiling a pipe should be inserted, and 
project above the ground, so as to allow the free circulation 


10. — Surface-drain Made of Ordinary Bi'icks, Siiowiiig De- 
livery-pipe from Kitciien Sink and Batli. 


of air through the drain. Suhsoil drains, if made in this 
way, cause very little odor in the room; but, as a precaution- 
ary measure, they should be trapped. In a case in which 
more than a single line of tile is necessary the field may be 

T K <y ( ) ( PC n r 

Fig. 11.— Method of Laying Tiles for Subsoil-drain. 

laid out in a variety of ways; the only point necessary is to 
have a sufficient interval — two or three feet — ^between each 

The kitchen sink and the bath may be directly con- 
nected to such a drain, either together or separately. 

Fig. 13.— Plan of Subsoil Irrigation-bed. 

For the disposal of the bedroom-slops a slop-bowl may 
be placed in the bath-room, or wherever most convenient. 

In some such manner as this we dispose absolutely of all 
the waste-waters of a house Just as well, perhaps a good deal 
better and safer than we could with sewers. 


In the first class of houses — those having water-service 
and sewers — there comes up the question of sewage disposal, 
which almost invariably means a cess-pool. Instead of a 
cess-pool, a small shallow tank should be built at some suit- 
able place, more or less distant from the house, and at the 
edge of some cultivated field, counting about one hundred 
sqiiare feet of land for each individual. There are flush- 
tanks constructed for placing underground; but this is 
hardly necessary, unless the location selected should happen 
to be very near the dwelling. The house-sewer is connected 
with the tank, and an automatic flush controls the distri- 
bution of the sewage, which should be discharged inter- 
mittently. A gutter made of cement, or half-pipe, is laid 
from the tank along the field to be iised, and every dozen 
feet or so there is a little branch gutter to guide the sewage 
over the land. In front of each of these branches there is 
a barrier of broken stones, to check the flow and prevent 
washing, and beyond this the land to be used, which should 
be planted with corn, as this does not keep out sunlight as 
much as grain, and sunlight is an important factor in sew- 
age farming. 

Garbage. — Sweepings, paper, rags, ashes, and solid 
refuse from the kitchen make another chapter in waste dis- 
posal. In cities this goes under the head of garbage and is 
disposed by various methods, in many cases destruction by 
fire giving the greatest satisfaction. In cities under good 
sanitary control ashes are kept separate from the other 
material, and we do likewise in the country. Most of the 

Fig. 13. — Photograph Showing Distributing-gutter and Stone Barrier 
of au Iriigatiou-fiekl. (New .Jersey State Board of Health 
Report. ) 


solid refvise, save the ashes, is probably best gotten rid of 
by fire, and it is generally recommended that the kitchen 
range be the medium of disposal. To do this properly there 
must be a good fire in the range, and too much waste must 
not be put in at once. With proper care almost all kitchen 
refuse, orange- and potato- parings, egg-shells, bones, etc., 
can be destroyed without trouble. The only disadvantage is 
that this sometimes causes an odor. To obviate this an 
apparatus has been devised for attachment to the stove-pipe, 
whereby the material is first carbonized by the heat passing 
up the chimney, before throwing it into the fire. I have 
no practical experience with this arrangement, but judge 
from the various reports that it answers well. 

Kitchen waste may also be disposed of by simply bury- 
ing it a few inches under the soil. A hole several feet 
square may be dug in the garden-bed and the refuse emptied 
into it and covered with earth from time to time. In this 
way the material is disposed of by nitrification,— in a month 
or so, — and the soil is made the richer. When land is avail- 
able, — and it does not take much, — this method is the most 
efficient means, perhaps, for disposing of putrescible gar- 
bage. Combustible waste — as rags, paper, sweepings, bones, 
and the like — can be disposed better by fire. 

The following is another method for the destruction of 
putrescible waste, which may be of value in certain places: 
"Take a piece of galvanized wire netting three or four feet 
wide, and with it inclose a circular space about three or four 
feet in diameter, the netting being fastened and supported 


by two or three iron or wooden stakes driven into the 
ground. Into this little wire inclosure throw all refuse from 
the house and garden which is capable of rotting, the par- 
ings and waste of yegetables and other food, the mowings 
and sweepings of the lawn and paths, weeds, fallen leaves, 
etc. Such a heap as this, exposed on all sides to the air, 
is not offensive, and the component parts of it undergo 
humifaetion. When the wire inclosure will hold no more, 
a little earth must be thrown on top, and the heap must be 
left for several weeks freely exposed to the weather. It will 
settle down and diminish in bulk, and finally is entirely con- 
verted into fine garden-mold suitable for potting or for 
enriching the soil. The final act in the management of this 
refuse heap is to sift it and consign the residue to the garden 
bonfire. When one netting inclosure is filled, a second 
must be formed; so that in connection with a house there 
must always be two heaps, — one forming and the other 
ripening. Such heaps, if freely exposed on all sides, are not, 
ir the smallest degree, offensive." 

The other part of the garbage — the ashes, broken crock- 
ery, tin cans, etc. — should be kept separate and used for 
filling. If an ash-closet is used almost all the ashes will be 
disposed in this way. 

The waste, then, of an ideal country house would be 
disposed somewhat as follows: The material from the dry 
closet — which is the only method of excretal disposal rec- 
ommended when there is no water-service — is to be used 
as fertilizer by burying a few inches in cultivated soil either 


on the garden-bed or on a neighboring farm. The waste- 
ivater from the kitchen sink and the bath run into lines of 
surface- or subsoil- drains. The garbage — that is, the putres- 
dible part which comes from the kitchen — is burned in the 
range or buried in a pit in the garden-bed. The combust- 
ible part — ^rags and paper — is burned. The non-combust- 
ible part — ashes, tin cans, oyster-shells, etc. — is piit into 
bags kept for the purpose, and at intervals is taken away 
and used for filling. In houses where there is water-service , 
and water-closets excreta and slop-waters are disposed to- 
gether in the form of sewage, and for this the only means 
of disposal is irrigation. The cess-pool should not be 
thought of. 


The Soil. 

The study of the soil and rocks used to belong strictly 
to the geologist, but lately the biologist and the sanitarian 
have taken up the work, and we are finding that there are 
factors in the soil which have much bearing on health. For 
example, there is the surface-soil, with its peculiar filth- 
destroying properties; ground-moisture and ground-water 
present problems to be solved; ground-air, too, is a question 
of vast importance. 

The surface-soil is composed of the debris of the subsoil 
mixed with more or less humus; this humus is the black 
soil, or mold, which is produced by the decomposition of 
the organic matter of plants and animals; surface-soil, 
though to a superficial observer apparently dead, is filled 
with all varieties of lowly life, — ^worms, bacteria, bugs, and 
beetles, which work out the problem of their existence vastly 
better than some forms of higher life. 

It is only in the upper few feet of the soil that is carried 
on all the various processes for the feeding and clothing of 
the race, — a vast laboratory, as it were, of which we know 
very little. 

As far as sanitarians are concerned, the most important 
part played by this "living earth," as it has been called, is 
its ability to destroy waste-material and to break up such 


matter into its primary elementSj rendering them harmless, 
and fit to be taken up by growing plant-life. 

The process of decay and disorganization was noted long 
ago, but we never knew exactly what it meant until very 
recently. Wow we call it nitrification, and the world has to 
thank Sehloessing, Miintz, Warrington, and "Winogradski 
for the work that they have done; but much yet remains 
unknown, for not one of these nitrifying organisms has been 
isolated, unless we except the bacillococcus of Prankland; 
not one has been cultivated. These bacteria, only known, 
as yet, by their effects, are the great scavengers of the world, 
for they are present in all natural and cultivated soils. 

The products of nitrification are ammonia, nitrites, 
and nitrates, and ihe last is plant-food. It is not just yet 
settled whether nitration — the formation of nitrites into 
nitrates- — is chemical or biological, but the evidence seems 
to point to the former, and that it is brought about by the 
action of the carbon dioxide and the oxygeh of the ground- 
air. Sewage-farms, filter-beds, earth-closets, and all like 
destroj'ers of filth depend, for their efficiency, on nitrifica- 
tion. When we add earth to the dry closet we simply add 
nitrifying bacteria plus an absorbent. Could we isolate these 
bacteria it might be better to add them separately, but we 
have not progressed so far; so we add the bacteria in their 
natural habitat. 

The nitrifying properties of different soils depend on 
various circumstances, such as the nature of the soil, aera- 
tion, moisture, and heat, the thermal life-point varying 


with different organisms. Excessive heat destroys the nitri- 
fying bacteria; so that earth dried in an oven is absolutely 
useless — save as an absorbent — for the earth-closet. 

Germicides kill them; so that adding carbolic acid to a 
compost-heap or a privy is useles as far as the ultimate dis- 
posal is concerned, for, while the acid might kill some path- 
ogenic germs and destroy noxious odors for the time being, 
it also impedes the nitrifying germs. 

Ground-moisture, — If one digs into the earth he finds 
that the upper layers are moist, containing both air and 
water. This dampness is derived from percolating waters 
from above and from the ground-water below, which tends 
to rise by capillary action and hydrostatic pressure. Ground- 
moisture is directly proportional to the absorptive power of 
the soil, and inversely as its permeability, both of which 
depend on the character of the soil and varies accordingly; 
for example, humus will retain about 50 per cent, of water; 
slate, 4 to 10 per cent.; sandstone, 3 to 8 per cent.; lime- 
stone, only 2 to 3 per cent. It is evident that by increasing 
the permeability of the soil we can diminish its dampness; 
to do this we fill trenches with some loose rock or debris of 
any kind, or we may lay a course of drain-tiles. Water pre- 
colating through the soil will collect in these trenches or 
tiles, flow off rapidly, and the soil will become drier. 

This undue dampness of the soil is, no doubt, a factor 
in certain diseases. The prevalence of rheumatic com- 
plaints in rural districts, where the houses are almost uni- 
versally damp, is a well-known fact, strikingly different 


from its prevalence iii a well-drained city. Of course, there 
are other factors at work; but soil-dampness is certainly one 
not to be ignored. 

It has been claimed that there is a relationship between 
dampness and phthisis. According to some English statis- 
ticSj there seems to have been a great lowering of phthisical 
mortality following subsoil-drainage in certain localities. 
We now know that phthisis is a specific disease; but it 
appears likely that continual exposure to dampness so lowers 
vitality that the bacilli find a better breeding-ground than 
in the normal condition. 

One other disease — namely, malaria — has much depend- 
ence apparently on excessive ground-moisture; this, with 
heat and organic matter, seems to be a primal factor in the 
breeding of the plasmodium. It has been noted that in- 
creased dryness of the soil, which is brought about by sur- 
face- and subsoil- drainage, is a potent factor in the destruc- 
tion of malaria. Eucalyptus, sunflowers, and other plants 
which absorb much moisture are great aids to drainage. 
Sunflowers, especially, as they will grow almost anywhere, 
are to be recommended for wet places aboxit country homes. 

Ground-water, as explained before, is that underground 
sheet of water which completely fills all the interstices of 
the soil at a certain depth, extending from, several feet to 
hundreds of feet below the surface; its heiglit is readily 
told by the height of water in the wells of the district. This 
ground-water does not flow in rivers, as is generally sup- 
posed, but extends underneath the soil in one broad, con- 



tinuous sheet; it is for this reason that wells sunk almost 
anywhere yield water. 

The origin of the groimd-water is, of course, the rain 
sinking through a porous soil; its level varies from time to 
time and does not extend in a horizontal line, but in an 
irregular one, the fluctuations depending on the geological 
character of the rock and the precipitation and height of 
adjoining water-courses. At Munich, for example, there is 
a difference of ten feet between the highest and lowest 

Fig. 14. — ShowiDg Ground- water Level, in an Elevated Region 
Between Two Streams. (Original.) 

levels. In summers characterized by long droughts the 
water-courses become very low, and consequently the 
ground-water sinks below its usual place; as a result, many 
wells get "dry." The proper time to dig a well, if such 
things must exist, is during a dry summer, when the ground- 
water is at its lowest point. 

The sheet of ground-water is also in continual motion 
toward the nearest water-courses; five to ten feet per day 
gives some idea of its_ velocity, which changes with the 
porosity of the bed. In some regions of limestone, slate, 



and sandstone there are large underground cavities and fis- 
sures, through which water-movement is greatly facilitated. 
Much has been said about the relation of the ground- 
water to diseases, and especially its connection with typhoid 
fever. The theory of Professor Pettenkofer, that low 











K -- 

Fig. 1.5. (From Miers and Crosskey.) 

ground-water and epidemics of typhoid fever occur simul- 
taneously, cannot be verified for all places. The following 
sketch of these relations for the city of Zurich in 1873 
shows the exact opposite. Of course, if a city uses wells or a 
polluted drinking-water of any kind, Pettenkofer's theory 
rests on a logical basis, for the increase of drainage and 


consequent wider area of infection brought about by low 
ground-water will readily explain the spread of the disease. 

The truth of the ground-water question seems to be that 
unless its level is very near the surface it has little to do 
with health save in the pollution of water-supplies. I recall 
a town where the ground-water is generally twenty-five to 
fifty feet below the surface, yet almost every house in that 
town is damp and unhealthy, because faulty constniction 
has permitted ground-air and ground-moisture to permeate 
the foundations. Much has .been said about lowering the 
ground-water by drainage; but ordinarily it is a difficult 
thing to do this. When people speak of lowering the 
ground-water by building sewers and drains, they generally 
mean that they lessen ground-moisture and dampness. 

Ground-air, — More important than ground-water is the 
air which occupies the upper layers of the soil and fills all 
the interstices as far down, at least, as the surface of the 
ground-water. The composition of this air and its move- 
ments are the two factors ^\■hich interest sanitarians. De- 
composition and putrefaction are constantly going on in 
the soil, and the gases arising from these processes diffuse 
through the soil. The carbon unites with the oxygen of 
the atmosphere, and carbon dioxide is formed, which is 
always greater in the ground-air than in the atmosphere; 
for example, at Dresden, where experiments were made, at 
six feet beneath the surface there was found to be 3.99 per 
cent., aud at eighteen feet 7.9G per cent., of caxbon dioxide. 
Oxygen, on the other hand, is decreased, and falls as low as 


10 per cent, in some soils. Nitrogen remains at about the 
same proportion as in the atmosphere. 

These gases, together with certain amounts of ammonia, 
hydrogen, ammonium sulphide, and marsh-gas, make up the 
air in the soil. Thus, difEering in composition from the 
atmosphere, it is not suitable for breathing purposes, and is 
too damp. On the other hand, we are not certain that it 
does not, at times, contain the spores of certain disease- 

The second disturbing factor of the ground-air — namely, 
its movement — is of considerable sanitary importance. It 
has been proved that winds blowing against the surface set 
this underground-air in motion; likewise, too, any change 
in the ground-water level will occasion fluctuations in the 
air above. Also during a heavy rain the surface-waters 
flowing downward press upon the ground-air and compress 
itj underneath a dwelling, if the cellar is not properly con- 
creted, there is an area of diminished pressure, and conse- 
quently the ground-air pours into the cellar and thence 
into the house. In winter, during heavy frosts, when the 
frozen ground is more or less impervious, the warm, un- 
frozen part underneath a house facilitates the ascent of the 
ground-air; hence the reason for urging more careful biiild- 
ing of cellars and foundations than at present. 



Dwellings. — The first thing in the building of a house, 
not only to the architect, but also to the sanitarian, is the 
foundation. That very little attention is paid to this will 
bo apparent to anyone who will watch the construction of a 
foundation, especially in the rural districts. Whether the 
land to be used is wet or dry, clay or gravel, sandstone, slate, 
or granite, the method is nearly always the same, — simply 
a hole in the ground, walled with stone, upon which is to 
rest the superstructure. 

The foundation is intended to serve, not only as a firm 
support for the building, bu t also as a barrier to the moist- 
ure and the damp, unwholesome air of the soil. 

After a building site is selected it is necessary to see 
that it is thoroughly drained by surface- and subsoil- drains; 
the latter consist of tiles or ditches partially filled with 
broken stones, gravel, or sand, and is graded, if possible, to 
a suitable outlet. Colonel Waring, the eminent sanitary en- 
gineer, has so well described the details of this work that 
I take the liberty to quote him without reserve: "In the 
case of a country house, or of a town house standing in the 
centre of a considerable area, it is often the most efficient 
means for securing satisfactory drainage to apply a very 
thorough system of under draining to the whole area about 



it and for some distance away, by laying different lines of 
drains, not necessarily under the house at all, but so as to 
surround it on all sides from which water flows toward it, 
and in all eases at a depth of several feet below the level of 
the cellar-bottom. In the construction of these drains two 
courses may be pursued with, perhaps, an equally good 
result. One is, after having excavated the ditch and cleared 

Fig. 16. — Gravel Drain Under Cellar-floor. (From " The Principles 
and Practice of House-drainage," Century Magazine.) 

its bottom of all loose dirt, to fill in to a depth of a foot 
with sand or gravel, — and even fine sand will answer the 
purpose. The other is to use agricultural drain-tiles, — pref- 
erably of the smallest size; say, an inch and a quarter in 
diameter, — laid at the bottom of a well-graded trench and 
continued to point of outlet. When tiles are used, the 
joints should be wrapped twice around with strips of muslin 
drawn tight. This makes a perfect collar, holding the tiles 


in line and affording much the best proteetion that has yet 
been devised against the ingress of sand or silt, which usu- 
ally finds its entrance at the lower part of the joint, flowing 
in with the water which rises with the ground-water level, 
and flows off over the floor of the tile. A tile an inch and 
a quarter in diameter will carry more water than can usu- 
ally be collected for a constant flow from the subsoil of half 
an acre of ground. A body of sand or gravel ten or twelve 
inches wide and of equal depth cannot be so compacted — 
provided clay and loam be kept out of it — ^that it will not 
afford a free outlet for all the water that can reach it, under 
these circumstances, from the soil of an ordinary lot. As 
a rule, the tile will be found to be much cheaper than the 
other material. It is better always that the depth of the 
drain should not be less than three feet below the level of 
the foot of the foundation. The more rapid the descent 
the better, biit even two inches in a hundred feet, with 
perfect grading, will remove a very large flow." 

The ground-air, which nobody wants to have in his 
house, is also kept out by proper attention to the founda- 
tion; and I again quote from Colonel Waring a very effective 
method of remedying this defect, which is universal in most 
country houses and in a good many of the older city houses: 
"One of the safest materials for a cellar-bottom and for 
the external packing of foundation walls is a clean, smooth, 
compact clay, one of which may be beaten into a close mass, 
and which has a sufficient affinity for moisture always to 
maintain its retentive condition, for, when used in the damp 


atmosphere of a cellar or about a foundation^ it seems to 
constitute a good barrier to the passage of impure air. In 
the cellar it may, of course, be covered with concrete for 
cleanliness and good appearance; but six inches of clay, 
fl'ell rammed while wet, will impede the movement of air 
to a degree with which ordinary cellar concrete can furnish 
no parallel. When clay is not available, a good smearing of 
asphalt over the outside of the foundation-wall, and a thick 
layer of asphalt between two thicknesses of concrete for the 
cellar-bottom, will afford a complete, though more costly 
protection. Asphalt used in substantially the same way, 
especially if in connection with a solid course of slate or 
North Eiver blue-stone, in the foundation above the ground- 
level, will prevent the soaking up, into the structure, of the 
moisture of a heavy soil." 

Another way is to cover the cellar-floor with brick, on 
edge, and then run melted pitch over this, and finally cover 
with a layer of concrete or cement. 

The ventilation and heating of country houses are points 
worth considering, inasmuch as the majority of these houses 
are heated by stoves and, as a result of defective arrange- 
ment, the floors are always cold. In these stove-heated rooms 
the floor is from six to eight degrees colder than it is four 
or five feet above the floor. This means that one's feet are 
just that many degrees colder than the head and shoulders. 

To obviate this difficulty each room should be built so 
that it has an open grate or its equivalent, — simply an air- 
shaft connected with the chimney and opening into the 


room at the floor-level; by this means good ventilation can al- 
ways he obtained. Ventilating-stoves, although of value in 
school-houses, are not necessary in private houses; with an 
open grate, or an air-shaft, as indicated, a room may be very 
well heated with an ordinary stove. 

In Fig. 17 is shown the effect of heating a room with a 
stove with and without a foul-air shaft. In the upper room 
the heated air rises and fills the upper parts of the room, 
while the floor remains cold; if the heating is brought to 
such a point that the lower part does become warm, the 
upper part is too hot, and, if a window is opened, the heated 
air rushes out without warming the room, and leaves a lot 
of foul air to be breathed. If now, as in the lower room, 
there is an open grate, or an air-shaft in the chimney, the 
heated air creates a partial vacuum, and a draft, conse- 
quently, is constantly going up the chimney; in the room 
this, of course, creates movement toward the opening, and, 
as a result, the foul air is "sucked up" the chimney and 
the upper, heated air is more difllused abotit the room, mak- 
ing the temperature more uniform; in these cases fresh air 
enters at the windows and doors. If the house is heated by 
hot air, steam, or hot water by direct or direct-indirect 
method (if there is no open grate), there should be an ex- 
traction shaft at the lowest part of the room near the source 
of entrance of the heat, as will he apparent from a study of 
the diagrams in Mg. 19. 

School-hygiene. — School-buildings in the coimtry are 
excessively defective in sanitary arrangements; there are 


Fig. 17. — Showing Effect of Heating a Room With and Without 
Air-shaft. (Original.) 


yery few model schools^ eyen in the great cities. In the first 
placej the site for a school-house, as for any other human 
habitation, should be located on a dry, well-drained soil, 
and this is generally available in rural districts. There 
should be ample play-ground around the building, and if 
trees are planted they should not be placed so close as to 
interfere with the lighting of the room, and the building 
should be so planned that the windows face north and south, 
for by this means we get the best light. 

In the construction of the building we should be guided 
by the same sanitary rules laid down for dwellings, and pro- 
vision should be made for sufficient air- and fioor- space. 
Each pupil should have about 300 cubic feet of air-space 
with about 20 feet of floor-space; by changing the air in the 
room — say six times an hour — we would give each indi- 
vidual 1800 cubic feet of air per hour, which is surely not 
too much. In New York City each pupil gets from 80 to 
100 cubic feet of air-space, but it is generally conceded that 
this is by far too little. 

The fioor should be of polished, hard wood, with no 
rugs nor carpets. The walls and ceiling should be painted 
some green tint, as this is probably the easiest for the eyes; 
above all, they should not be white. 

Each room should not be more than 40 feet long, for 
beyond this the distance to the blackboard becomes too 
great. The windows should occupy one-fourth the floor- 
space, should reach to the ceiling, and should not be covered 
with shades; inside blinds are much better, 


"Water should be plentifully supplied^ but the usual 
method of having an open bucket and a common cup for all 
should be abolished. The water should be kept in a covered 
bucket or a pitcher, and each pupil should have a small tin 
cup attached to his or her desk. 

Among other faults to be corrected are the seats, which 
are often too high, and the crowding of too many children 
in one room, thirty pupils being considered enough for one 
teacher and for one room. 

The ventilation and heating of country schools are yet 
dene in the crudest possible manner. A stove furnishes the 
heat, and ventilation, such as it is, is obtained through open 
doors and windows. In winter, when we need heat for the 
school-room, ventilation and heat may be obtained at the 
same time by means of a ventilating-stove. ' This consists of 
an ordinary stove inclosed by a cylinder of tin or galvanized 
iron. The front part is movable on hinges, so as to allow 
opening in order to get at the stove proper. Underneath 
the stove a hole is cut into the floor, — at least two feet 
square, if possible, — and this should be continued to the 
outside air by a shaft made of wood or tin. 

For the removal of foul air an opening should be made 
into the chimney at the lowest part of the room, and not 
farther removed than is actually necessary from the centre 
of heat, as indicated in the heating of dwellings. An open- 
ing at the top of the room — ^which is the place usually rec- 
ommended for a foul-air shaft — only permits the escape of 
heated air before it has been properly diffused, and coDse- 



quently does little good; If each room had an open grate — 
which it ought to have — we would need nothing more. 

Fig. 18. — Showing AvrangementB of Air-shafts for Ventilating-stove. 

Heating a room by means of a stove is not an ideal way, but 
it is the most available for country schools. 

The privy attachment of these schools is even mor§ 


primitive than the heating and ventilation; it is generally 
situated in the most public place in the yard, without any 
covered passage-way or any other means to obviate exposure; 
this is simply abominable. In place of the old-fashioned 
privy the dry-earth system should be used (such as is men- 
tioned on page 30), and should be connected with the build- 
ing by a covered path; if there is someone to look after this 
dry closet, it will yield most excellent results. The material 
can be disposed to the neighboring farmer for fertilizer. 

Emergency Hospitals. — Although in the larger towns 
and cities a permanent isolation hospital is needed, this is 
hardly necessary in the small towns and villages, for the 
simple reason that when such a thing becomes necessary we 
can use an ordinary tent, which makes the best kind of an 
emergency hospital, — and tents are always procurable. If 
the tent has a board floor and arrangements made for a 
stove, it may be made very comfortable in any kind of 

The plot selected for the erection of a hospital tent 
should be dry and sheltered as much as possible, and the 
free space surrounding the tent should be as large as is con- 
veniently obtainable, not only for the sake of the fresh air, 
but on account of the danger of contagion. Contagious dis- 
eases, when isolated, do not appear to spread the disease, 
save in the case of small-pox, and, as this is the one disease 
which most likely would require isolation in the inland dis- 
tricts, the proximity of human habitations is an important 


^ A, 

Fig. 19. — Diagram, Showing Correct and Faulty Methods of Heat- 
ing and Ventilation. (From Reports of United States Bureau 
of Education.) 

A, Inlet for heated air. 

B, Outlet for foul air. 

G, JD, E, F, G, Faulty. 
ff, Correct. 


Dr. Powers, of the Local Government Board (England), 
during an investigation of this subject found that, in the 
neighborhood of the London small-pox hospitals, the num- 
ber of cases in the surrounding districts increased almost 
in a direct ratio to the nearness of the hospital; this in- 
crease, too, was independent of the lines of human inter- 

For diseases like typhus fever, when fresh air is most 
necessary, nothing is comparable to tents for isolation. I 
happened to be assistant on Blackwell's Island during the 
last epidemic of that disease, and, although it was in winter, 
tents were used for all cases, and they did remarkably well. 


Disposal of the Dead. 

While in many places cremation of the dead presents 
some advantages, there seems to be no doubt that in most 
suburban districts, at least, earth-burial, if properly per- 
formed, meets all sanitary requirements of the present, and 
is ample proof against the transmission of disease. 

In the first place, it must be recognized that the main 
point in earth-burial is not the preservation of the body, but 
its resolution, as rapidly as possible, into its primitive ele- 
ments, with the minimum amount of discomfort and danger 
to the living. 

The prevalent custom of constructing a cemented brick 
vault for the coffin is not desirable, for it delays decomposi- 
tion; the sooner putrefaction is over, the sooner is the 
danger past. 

It has been found that in proper earth-burial the body is 
destroyed rather rapidly by the action of numerous insects, 
worms, and nitrifying bacteria. From experiments of Dr. 
Poore we find that it takes something like two years for the 
earth to dispose of the carcass of a cow or a horse; of course, 
it should take no longer for a human cadaver, unless it is 
protected by the enibalmer's art or by a vault. 

We hear a good deal about the dangers of graveyards; 
but all of these may be avoided by ordinary care. One of 


the dangers seems to come from embalming; for example, 
the water of a certain creek which flows through Forrest 
Lawn Cemetery in Buffalo was found, some time since, to be 
impregnated with considerable quantities of arsenic of the 
kind used by the embalmer, and had it not been discovered 
might have been a factor in the death-rate. 

Another danger which is supposed to come from grave- 
yards is that of the transmission of contagious diseases. Sir 
Spencer Wells quotes the following, which is worth repeat- 
ing: "Some people living in a mountain country and hav- 
ing very little communication with each other were in the 
habit of quenching their thirst at a neighboring well after 
the Sunday attendance at the district church. A young 
man died of diphtheria and was buried in the yard. The 
drinking from the well continued, and in a short time 
twenty of those peasants were carried off by the sajne 
disease. If asked how we are to account for this accident, 
but on the presumption that the germs of this disease found 
their way into the waters of the well, various explanations 
— such as milk outbreak or personal communication — may 
bo imagined; but none so exactly corresponds with the cir- 
cumstances as leakage from the corpse." That such danger 
as the above may exist, and be scientifically possible, it is 
only necessary to refer to the investigations of Dr. Lossener, 
who has shown that certain pathogenic germs exist for some 
time in buried cadavers, even when decomposition is not 
delayed. His results are as follow: — 

Typhoid germs lived 96 days. 


Cholera germs lived 28 days. 

Tubercular germs lived 95 days. 

Tetanus germs lived 234 to 361 days. 

Anthrax germs lived 365 days. 

These experiments of Lossener were carried on in nitri- 
fying soils; but it must be remembered that a good many 
graveyards are placed on the cheap non-nitrifying clays, 
because they are cheap and not good for agriculture. Such 
soils should not be selected for this purpose, for we are not 
certain but that pathogenic germs may live much longer in 
those cases in which decomposition is delayed; and in these 
soils it is delayed very much, for nitrifying germs are absent. 
It is recorded that in cutting through St. Andrew's church- 
yard, Hoborn (England), which is situated on a heavy clay, 
some of the bodies which had been buried even a hundred 
years showed very little decomposition. 

To have earth-burial effective then 

1. There should be no embalming, save for transporta- 

2. The body should not be placed, if avoidable, in a 
sealed coffin or vault. 

■ 3. Burial should not be deep. 
4. The cemetery shoiild not be placed on a non-nitrify- 
ing soil. 


By Pkof. Heebeet E. Smith. 
Watbh, as it is foiind in springs, streams, lakes, etc., 
always contains chlorine in solution, chiefly, if not wholly, 
in the form of common salt. Sometimes there is much, 
sometiines little, but always some, even in waters which are 
entirely free from the possibility of contamination by man. 
Hence we must recognize that there are natural sources from 
which water does derive chlorine. Biit there are also arti- 
ficial sources, for the waste-fluids of certain manufacturing 
processes, sewage, and even the drainage from inhabited 
areas, contain considerable quantities of chlorine. The ad- 
ditions of such liquids to a stream or pond must add to the 
total amount of its chlorine. 

If one knew the amount of natural chlorine in a given 
water, it would only be necessary to subtract this from the 
total amount found in analysis to determine the amount of 
chlorine added from artificial sources. This at once gives, 
as can readily be seen, a measure of the amount of the con- 
tamination to which a water has been subjected, for chlorine 

1 Professor Smith has kindly permitted the author to use his article 
for this appendix. The article was originally a report to the Conneot- 
iout State Board of TIealth. 



once added to water remains in it, since it is not removed 
by filtration, by sedimentation, or by the growth of plants, 
by which means the other constituents of sewage contami- 
nation may be largely or entirely i'emoved. 

A knowledge of the amount of natural chlorine, or, as 
it may be better called, the normal chlorine, of the waters of 
a region is of great importance, therefore, as giving data for 
correctly interpreting one of the important items of a sani- 
tary water-analysis. That it is possible to determine within 
reasonable limitations the normal chlorine of a region was 
first demonstrated by the Massachusetts State Board of 
Health, as one of the important scientific deductions from 
the systematic analysis of the 'drinking-waters of that State. 
In 1891, in the Eeport of the Connecticut State Board of 
Health, there was also published a small map of this State, 
containing data which had been obtained in the analysis of 
our drinking-waters. These data showed that the chlorine 
in the pure waters of Connecticut presented the same regu- 
larity of distribution as in Massachusetts. Since that time 
many more analyses have been made, and from the data 
now at hand the accompanying map has been prepared. 

On this map is shown the average amount of chlorine 
found in waters which are considered suitable for the pur- 
pose in various parts of the State. It will be seen that the 
amounts vary from about one to six parts per million, and 
further that the amounts are largest along the southern 
border of the State, and decrease as one goes north and west. 
The lines on the map are drawn through places which 


appear to have the same average normal chlorine, — i.e., they 
are isochlor-lines. By locating a sotirce of water on the 
map, therefore, one can determine the amount of chlorine 
which may be expected to be in it from natural sources. 

The limitation of the use of such a map will become evi- 
dent by a consideration of the sources of normal chlorine, 
and an inspection of the data on which the map is founded. 

The natural sources of chlorine in waters found in 
springs, streams, ponds, and fresh- water lakes can only be: 
First, from compounds of chlorine existing in the rocks and 
soil with which the water has come in contact, and from 
which it has dissolved them. Second, deposits of chlorine 
compounds on the surface, as from spray blown in from 
bodies of salt water. Third, from chlorine existing in rain- 
water as it falls. What may be spoken of a geological chlo- 
rine might come from deposits of common salt, and in cer- 
tain regions this would certainly be an important source of 
chlorine in many spring- waters. If the normal chlorine of 
our waters was derived from small quantities of salt, or other 
chlorides diffused in our rocks, or from minerals which 
yield chlorine on decomposition, then spring- waters, after 
percolating through the soil, would contain more chlorine 
than small fresh-water ponds supplied with surface-water 
from adjacent water-sheds. But this is not the case, for the 
ground-waters do not contain more chlorine than spring- 
waters of the same region; of course, this does not apply to 
certain deep waters, which furnish, sometimes, large 
amounts of chlorine, probably of geological origin. If the 

'('4 ' APPENDIX. 

normal chlorine of our surface- and spring- waters is not 
geological in character, we must turn to the sea as its 
source. That it is of marine origin is clearly shown hy a 
study of the maps, for the amounts rapidly diminish in 
zones marked hy lines approximately parallel to the coast- 

Whether the salt is blown up from the surface of the 
ocean as spray and carried inland hy the winds in the form 
of dust which, falling to the earth, is dissolved by the fallen 
rain, or whether the chlorine is blown inland during rain- 
storms, is not significant. It would seem that salt might be 
carried inland in both ways. 

If the normal chlorine of our waters is due to that con- 
tained in the rain, it is clear that it must exceed that found 
ir the rain-water in proportion to the concentration effected 
by evaporation. The amount of this evaporation may be 
inferred from the relation of the flow of streams of a region 
to its rain-fall. 

The flow of Connecticut streams may be placed at about 
60 per cent, of the annual rain-fall; consequently that part 
of the normal chlorine due to chlorine in rain would be 
expressed by increasing the chlorine of the rain according 
to the ratio of 60 to 100. In the following tables is given, 
in parts per million, the average chlorine in the rain at each 
of the stations, and also the figures obtained by correcting 
for evaporation in the ratio of 60 to 100, together with the 
normal chlorine of the station, as derived from the chlorine 


The agreement between the observed normal chlorine 
and the figures calculated from the observations on the rain 
is rather surprising, considering the errors to which the 
method was subject. 

Table Showing Avehage Chlorine in Eain in Com- 

PABisoN WITH Normal Chlorine at 

THE Same Station. 

station. Rain CI. Corrected Normal 

CI. CI. 

Canaan 0.8 1.3 1.3 

Waterbury 1.3 2.0 2.0 

Hartford 1.3 3.2 1.8 

Bridgeport 1.6 2.7 3.0 

New Haven 2.0 3.3 3.2 

New London 2.2 3.7 3.5 

From the observations and considerations which have 
been presented we must accept the proposition that the 
normal chlorine is of marine origin, and is mostly conveyed 
inland during rain-storms. This conclusion at once shows 
us that the normal chlorine cannot be a fixed quantity at 
any one place, but must vary from time to time with the 
character of the storms. Eain-storms accompanied by high 
southeast winds would appear especially favorable for carry- 
ing salt inland over Connecticut. That the chlorine found 
in our uncontaminated waters is not constant at any one 
place is clearly shown by the various series of analyses form- 
ing the data on which the map is based. The results from 
any one source may vary as much as 5D to 100 per cent., 


especially when the amount of chlorine is small. Usually, 
however, the variations from the average are less than this, 
and for the most part do not amount to more than 0.5 part 
per million. Obviously samples from small streams which 
would be greatly influenced by any considerable rain-fall 
must be less regular in the amount of chlorine which they 
contain than samples from large reservoirs or lakes in which 
the rain from many streams will be mixed. From this it 
follows that, while the true condition of a large body of 
water may be shown by a single analysis, a series of exami- 
nations might be required from a small stream to obtain a 
reliable average. 

It is also obvious that the natural chlorine of a long- 
stream is not that of the locality from which a sample may 
happen to be taken, but is rather that of the average of its 
water-shed above the place in question. For instance, the 
average chlorine in the Connecticut Eiver at Goodspeed's 
L,anding during 1890-'91 was 1.4, while the normal waters 
of that region show about three parts of chlorine, and yet 
the river receives large quantities of sewage from Hartford, 
Middletown, and other towns draining into it. 

The natural chlorine of the Connecticut Eiver must be ■ 
somewhat under one part per million, for the bulk of its 
water comes from Massachusetts and above. In the light 
of its normal, therefore, the contamination that exists at 
Goodspeed's Landing is clearly seen, although the contami- 
nation is not great enough to raise the chlorine from a low 
normal up to the figures which would be normal at that 


place, this being due to the great bulk of water which flows 
in the river. Even a large amount of sewage discharged 
into a stream may not increase the chlorine beyond the 
natural variations during periods of large flowage. Usu- 
ally, however, the effect becomes obvious in dry weather. 
Along the sea-coast the variations in natural chlorine are 
greater than they are further inland. This is seen in the 
greater variations in the samples from the same source at 
different times, and especially in the marked difference in 
samples a short distance apart. This seems to depend, in 
some instances,, on local conditions which favor the pre- 
cipitation of the salt-laden rain or spray. 

Fig. 30. — Map of Connecticul, Showing Distribution of Cbloriiie. Chlorine 
is expressed in parts per million. The heavy lines indicate the normal 
chlorine. The figures show observed chlorine iu waters which are 
normal or nearly so. 



Air-space in schools 62 

in New York City schools 62 

Artesian wells 4 

Atlantic-Coast plain 4 

P-uffalo graveyard, dangei's, at 69 

Cess-pools 42 

Chlorine, examination for 23 

in rain 75 

natural 71, 72 

normal 23, 24, 71-77 

sources of 73 

Cisterns • 14 

construction of . . ; 15 

filter for 15, 16, 17 

leakage of 18 

size of 15 

Cistern-water 18 

collection of 18 

examination of 18 

size of roof for collecting 15 

Clay 8 

Clays, non-nitrifying 70 

Country houses, class of 32 

Dead, disposal of 68 

Poore's experiments on 68 

Distance of well from privy, calculation of 6 

Drain, subsoil 38, 41 

amount of land needed for 38 

amount of tiles 38 

construction of : 38, 41 , 


80 INDEX. 


Drain, surface 33, 37 

of cobble-stones 37 

of ordinary bricks 37, 39 

of perforated bricks 37 

of tin roof-gutter 34, 35 

"Dry-catch" privy 30 

Dry closet, model 29, 30 

Dry earth-closets 26-28 

absorbent for 28 

contents, disposal of , ■• ■ ■ • 28 

Dwellings 56 

drain for foundation of 57 

foundations of 56 

ground-air in 58 

materials for cellar-bottom of 58 

ventilation and heating of 59 

Earth-burial 68-70 

LiSssener's experiments on 69 

Emergency hospitals 65 

Excreta 25 

disposal of 28 

experiments on disposal of 29 

Floor-space 62 

Foundations 56 

asphalt in 59 

Colonel Waring on 57, 58 

external packing for 58 

North River blue-stone in 59 

Garbage 42, 47 

combustible part of 47 

non-combustible part of 47 

putrescible part of 45, 47 

separation of 42 

INDEX. 81 


Geological strata 3 

basins 3, 4 

Germs, pathogenic, life of, in soil 69, 70 

Graveyards, dangers of 69 

Ground-air 54, 58 

composition of 54 

movements of 55 

Ground-moisture 50 

and malaria 51 

and phthisis .51 

Ground- water 51 

and disease 53 

level 9, 52 

lowering of ; 54 

movements 52 

origin 52 

Pettenkofer's theory of 53 

Harrisburg sewage in river at 20 

Heating 59 

by stoves 59 

with and without air-shafts 60, 61 

of schools 63 

Hoborn, Eng., church-yard at 70 

Humus 48 

absorptive power of 50 

Irrigation bed, plan of subsoil 41 

Irrigation field 42, 43 , 

Isochlor-lines 73 

Kitchen sink 41 

Koch, on treating old wells 9 

Lakes 19 

"Living earth,'' the 48 

Lossener, on life of pathogenic germs 69 

82 INDEX. 


Malaria 51 

Manhattan Island, strata on 4 

Mine drainage 20, 21 

Muntz, on nitrification 49 

Nitrification 49 

products of 49 

Nitrifying bacteria 49 

Pettenkofer's theory 53 

Phthisis 51 

Plymouth, Pa., typhoid epidemic at 2, 20 

. Polarite 17 

Poore, on disposal of excreta 29 

on dry-catch privy 30, 31 

on earth-burial of cadaver 68 

on humification of faeces 32 

on shallow wells 11 

Privy leakage , 2, 3 

Privy vault 26 

Eain-fall, annual 14 

Kain-water 18 

storage of ,. 14 

River-water 19 

Rooms, heating with stoves 60 

Sehloessing, on nitrification 49 

School-buildings 60 

construction of 62 

floor-space for 62 

heating of 63 

privy attachments of 64 

seating capacity of 63 

ventilation of 63 

School-hygiene 60 

"Sink-holes" s 

INDKX. 83 


bed-room 41 

disposal of 41 

Soil, the 48 

life of 48 

nitrifying properties of 49 

surface 48 

Springs 19 

"Sulphur-water" 20, 22 

Tiles, mode of laying, for drains 41 

Typhoid fever at Bethlehem, Pa 8 

at Gerlachsheim 1 

at Plymouth, Pa 20 

Ventilating-stove 60, 63 

arrangement of air-shafts for 64 

Ventilation 59 

Waring, Colonel, on drainage of building sites 56, 57 

on foundation making 58, 59 

Warrington, on nitrification 49 

Waste disposal 25 

Waste, kitchen 45 

combustible 45, 47 

non-combustible 45, 47 

putrescible 45, 47 

separation of solid and liquid 34 

water 47 

Water "under pressure" 18 

Water-bearing zones, in cretaceous strata 5 

in iniocene strata 5 

in New Jersey 4 

Waters, slop- 32 

disposal of 33 

Water-supply 1 

in coal regions 20 

pollution of 20 

84 INDEX. 


Wells 1 

artesian 4, 11 

deep 3, 4 

in clay 8 

in gravel 8 

in horizontal strata 11, 4 

in limestone 7 

in slate 3 

in upturned strata 5, 14 

shallow 11 

tube 7, 11 

Wells, Sir Spencer, on graveyard leakage 69 

Well-water, chlorine in 23 

examination of 22 

Winogradski, on nitrification 49 

Zurich, typhoid fever at 53