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Cornell University Library 
RC 424.B76 1922 

Stammering, its cause an«| <;"'■?■ 

Cornell University 

The original of tliis book is in 
tine Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
the United States on the use of the text. 




Benjamin Nathaniel Bogue 

A Chronic Stammerer for Almost Twenty 
Years; Originator of the Bogue Unit Method 
of Restoring Perfect Speech; Founder of the 
Bogue Institute for Stammerers and Editor of 
the "Emancipator," a magazine devoted to the 
Interests of Perfect Speech 




Printed in the United States of America 

(^ ^I'^l^ 

Copyright 1919 by Benjamin Nathaniel Bogue 
Copyright 1920 by Benjamin Nathaniel Bogue 
Copyright 1922 by Benjamin Nathaniel Bogue 

J First Printing 1919 
Second Printing 1920 
Third Printing 1922 
Fourth Printing 1924 
Fifth Printing 1926 





That toonderful woman whose unflag- 
ging courage held me to a task that I 
never could have completed alone and 
who when all others failed, stood by me, 
encouraged me and pointed out the 
heights where lay success — this volume 
is dedicated 


Preface 11 


I Starting Life Under a Handicap 15 

n My First Attempt to Be Cured 19 

III My Seareli Continues 27 

IV A Stammerer Hunts a Job 36 

V Further Futile Attempts to Be Cured 40 

VI I Befuae to Be Discouraged 48 

Vn The Benefit of Many Failures 51 

Vm Beginning "Where Others Had Left Off .... 57 


The Causes, Peculiarities, Tendencies 
and Effects 

/^ I Speech Disorders Defined 62 

II The Causes of Stuttering and Stammering ... 72 
in The Peculiarities of Stuttering and Stammering . 90 

IV The Intermittent Tendency 97 

V T^e Progressive Tendency 102 

VI Can Stammering and Stuttering Be Outgrown? . . 108 

vn The Effect on the Mind 113 

Vin The Effect on the Body 117 

IX Defective Speech in Children 

(1) The Pre-Speaking Period 120 

X Defective Speech in Children 

(2) The Formative Period 128 


XI Defective Speech in Children 

(3) The Speech-Setting Period 136 

XII The Speech Disorders of Youth 144 

XIII Where Does Stammering Lead? 151 


I Can Stammering Eeally Be Cured! 160 

11 Cases That "Cure Themselves" 164 

III Cases That Cannot Be Cured 167 

IV Can Stammering Be Cured by Mail? 177 

V The Importance of Expert Diagnosis 181 

VI The Secret of Curing Stuttering and Stammering . 186 

VII The Bogue Unit Method Described 196 

VIII Some Cases I Have Met 208 


I The Joy of Perfect Speech 230 

II How to Determine Whether Tou Can Be Cured . . 233 

III The Bogue Guarantee and What It Means .... 236 
rv The Cure Is Permanent 239 

V A Priceless Gift — ^An Everlasting Investment . . . 243 

VI The Home of Perfect Speech 246 

Vn My Mother and The Home Life at the Institute . . 255 

VIII A Heart-to-Heart Talk with Parents 264 

IX The Dangers of Delay 269 


CONSIDERABLY more than a third of 
a century has elapsed since I purchased my 
first book on stammering. I still have that quaint 
little book made up in its typically English style 
with small pages, small type and yellow paper 
back — the work of an English author whose ob- 
tuse and half-baked theories certainly lent no 
clarity to the stammerer's understanding of his 
trouble. Since that first purchase my library of 
books on stammering has grown until it is per- 
haps the largest individual collection in the 
world. I have read these books — ^many of them 
several times, pondered over the obscurities in 
some, smiled at the absurdities in others and 
benefited by the truths in a few. Yet, with all 
their profound explanations of theories and their 
verbose defense of hopelessly unscientific meth- 
ods, the stammerer would be disappointed in- 
deed, should he attempt to find in the entire 
collection a practical and understandable discus- 
sion of his trouble. 

This insufficiency of existing books on stam- 


mering has encouraged me to bring out the pres- 
ent volume. It is needed. I know this — because 
I spent ahnost twenty years of my life in a well- 
nigh futile search for the very knowledge herein 
revealed. I haunted the libraries, was a famihar 
figure in book stores and a frequent visitor to the 
second-hand dealer. Yet these efforts brought 
me comparatively little — ^not one-tenth the infor- 
mation that this book contains. 

Perhaps it is but a colossal conceit that 
prompts me to offer this volume to those who 
stutter and stammer as I did. Yet, I cannot but 
believe that almost twenty years' personal expe- 
rience as a stammerer plus more than twenty- 
five years' experience in curing speech disorders 
has supplied me with an intensely practical, val- 
uable and worth-while knowledge on which to 
base this book. 

After having stammered for twenty years you 
have pretty well run the whole gamut of mockery, 
humiliation and failure. You understand the 
stammerer's feelings, his mental processes and 
his pecTiliarities. 

And when you add to this more than a quarter 


of a century, every waking hour of which has 
been spent in alleviating the stammerer's diffi- 
culty — and successfully, too — you have a ground- 
work of first-hand information that tends toward 
facts instead of fiction and toward practice 
instead of theory. 

These are my qualifications. 

I have spent a life-time in studying stammer- 
ing, stuttering and kindred speech defects. I 
have written this book out of the fullness of that 
experience — I might almost say out of my daily 
work. I have made no attempt at hterary style 
or rhetorical excellence and while the work may 
be homely in expression the information it con- 
tains is definite and positive — and what is more 
important — it is authoritative. 

I hope the reader will find the book useful — 
yes, and helpful. I hope he will find in it the 
way to Freedom of Speech — ^his birthright and 
the birthright of every man. 

Benjamin Nathaniel Bogue 

March, 1926 


Its Cause and Cure 





I WAS laughed at for nearly twenty years 
because I stammered. I found school a bur- 
den, college a practical impossibility and life a 
misery because of my aflfliction. 

I was bom in Wabash county, Indiana, and as 
far back as I can remember, there was never a 
time when I did not stammer or stutter. So far 
as I know, the halting utterance came with the 
first word I spoke and for almost twenty years 
this difficulty continued to dog me relentlessly. 

When six years of age, I went to the little 
school house down the road, little realizing what 
I was to go through with there before I left. 


Previous to the time I entered school, those 
around me were my family, my relatives and my 
friends — people who were very kind and con- 
siderate, who never spoke of my difficulty in my 
presence, and certainly never laughed at me. 

At school, it was quite another matter. It was 
fun for the other boys to hear me speak and it 
was common pastune with them to get me to talk 
whenever possible. They would jibe and jeer — 
and then ask, "What did you say? Why don't 
you learn to talk English?" Their best enter- 
tainment was to tease and mock me imtil I be- 
came angry, taunt me when I did, and ridicule 
me at every turn. 

It was not only in the school yard and going 
to and from school that I suffered — but also in 
class. When I got up to recite, what a spectacle 
I made, hesitating over every other word, stum- 
bling along, gasping for breath, waiting while 
speech returned to me. And how they laughed 
at me — for then I was helpless to defend my- 
self. True, my teachers tried to be kind to me, 
but that did not make me talk normally like other 
children, nor did it always prevent the others 
from laughing at me. 

The reader can imagine my state of mind dur- 


ing these school days. I fairly hated even to 
start to school in the'morning — ^not because I dis- 
liked to go to school, but because I was sure to 
meet some of my taunting comrades, sure to be 
humihated and laughed at because I stammered. 
And having reached the school room I had to face 
the prospect of failing every time I stood up on 
my feet and tried to recite. 

There were four things I looked forward to 
with positive dread — the trip to school, the recita- 
tions in class, recess in the school yard and the 
trip home again. It makes me shudder even now 
to think of those days — the dread with which I 
left that home of mine every school day morn- 
ing, the nervous strain, the torment and torture, 
and the constant fear of failure which never left 
me. Imagine my thoughts as I left parents and 
friends to face the ribald laughter of those who 
did not imderstand. I asked myself: "Well, 
what new disgrace today? Whom will I meet 
this morning? What will the teacher say when 
I stumble? How shall I get through recess? 
What is the easiest way home? 

These and a hundred other questions, born of 
nervousness and fear, I asked myself morning 
after morning. And day after day, as the hours 


dragged by, I would wonder, "Will this day 
never end? Will I never get out of this?" 

Such was my hfe in school. And such is the 
daily life of thousands of boys and hundreds of 
^rls — a life of dread, of constant fear, of endless 
worry and unceasing nervousness. 

But, as I look back at the boys and girls who 
helped to make life miserable for me in school, 
I feel for them only kindness. I bear no malice. 
They did no more than their fathers and mothers, 
many of them, would have done. They little 
realized what they were doing. They had no 
intention to do me personal injury, though there 
is no question in my mind but that they made my 
trouble worse. They did not know how terribly 
they were punishing me. They saw in my afflic- 
tion only fun, while I saw in it — only misery. 



I CAN remember very clearly the positive fear 
which always accompanied a visit to our 
friends or neighbors, or the advent of visitors at 
my home. Many a time I did not have what I 
desired to eat because I was afraid to ask for it. 
When I did ask, every eye was turned on me, 
and the looks of the strangers, with now and 
then a half -suppressed smile, worked me up to a 
nervous state that was almost hysterical, causing 
me to stutter worse than at any other time. 

At one time — I do not remember what the 
occasion was — a number of people had come to 
visit us. A large table had been set and loaded 
with good things. We sat down, the many dishes 
were passed aroimd the table, as was the custom 
at our home, and I said not a word. But before 
long the first helping was gone — a hungry boy 
soon cleans his plate — and I was about to ask for 
more when I bethought myself. "Please pass — " 
I could never do it — "p" was one of the hard 
sounds for me. "Please pass — " No, I couldn't 


do it. So busying myself with the things that 
were near at hand and helping myself to those 
things which came my way, I made out the meal 
— ^but I got up from the table hungry and with 
a deeper consciousness of the awfulness of my 
affliction. Slowly it began to dawn on me that 
as long as I stammered I was doomed to do with- 
out much of the world's goods. I began to see 
that although I might for a time sit at the 
World's Table of Good Things in Life I could 
hope to have little save that which someone 
passed on to me gratuitously. 

As long as I was at home with my parents, 
life went along fairly well. They understood my 
difficulty, they sympathized with me, and they 
looked at my trouble in the same light as myself 
— as an affliction much to be regretted. At home 
I was not required to do anything which would 
embarrass me or cause me to become highly 
excited because of my straining to talk, but on 
the other hand I was permitted to do things 
which I could do well, without talking to any 

The time was coming, however, when it would 
be "Sink or Swim" for me, since it would not be 


many years until a sense of duty, if nothing else, 
would send me out to make my own way. This 
time comes to all boys. It was soon to be my 
task to face the world — to make a living for 
myself. And this was a thing which, strangely 
enough for a boy of my age, I began to think 
about. I had some experience in meeting people 
and in trying to transact some of the minor busi- 
ness connected with our farm and I found out 
that I had no chance along that line as long as 
I stammered. 

And yet it seemed as if I was to be compelled 
to continue to stammer the rest of my life, for 
my condition was getting worse every day. This 
was very clear to me — and very plain to my 
parents. They were anxious to do something for 
me and do it quickly, so they called in a skilled 
physician. They told him about my trouble. He 
gave me a cursory examination and decided that 
my stuttering was caused by nervousness, and 
gave me some very distasteful medicine, which I 
was compelled to take three times a day. This 
medicine did me no good. I took it for five years, 
but there was no progress made toward curing 
my stuttering. The reason was simple. Stutter- 


[ ing cannot be cured by bitter medicine. The 

\ physician was using the wrong method. He was 

\ treating the effect and not the cause. He was 

\of the opinion that it was the nervousness that 

caused my stuttering, whereas the fact of the 

niatter was, it was my stuttering that caused the 


I do not blame this physician in the least be- 
cause of his failure, for he was not an expert on 
the subject of speech defects. While he was a 
medical man of known ability, he had not made 
a study of speech disorders and knew practically 
nothing about either the cause or cure of stam- 
mering or stuttering. Even today, prominent 
medical men will tell you that their profession has 
given little or no a,ttention to defects of speech 
and take httle interest in such cases. 

Some time later, after the physician had failed 
to benefit me, a traveling medicine man came to 
our community, set up his tent, and stayed for 
a week. Of course, like all traveling medicine 
men, his remedies were cure-alls. One night in 
making his talk before the crowd, he mentioned 
the fact that his wonderful concoction, taken 
with the pamphlet that he would furnish, both 


for the sum of one dollar, would cure stammer- 
ing. I didn't have the dollar, so I did not buy. 
But the next day I went back, and I took the dol- 
lar along. He got my dollar, and I still have the 
book. Of course, I received no benefit what- 
ever. I later came to the conclusion that the 
medicine man had been in the neighborhood long 
enough to have pointed out to him "Ben Bogue's 
Boy Who Stutters" (as I was known) and 
had decided that when I was in his audience a 
hint or two on the virtues of his wonderful remedy 
in cases of stammering, would be sufficient to 
extract a dollar from me for a tryout. 

These experiences, however, were valuable to 
me, even though they were costly, for they taught 
me a badly-needed lesson, to wit: That drugs 
and medicines are not a cure for stammering. 

Many of the people who came in contact with 
me, and those who talked the matter over with 
my parents, said that I would outgrow the 
trouble. "All that is necessary," remarked one 
man, "is for him to forget that he stammers, and 
the trouble will be gone." 

This was a rather foohsh suggestion and sim- 
ply proved how little the man knew about the 


subject. In the first place, a stammerer cannot 
forget his difficulty — who can say that he would 
be cured if he did? You might as well say to a 
man holding a hot poker, "If you will only forget 
that the poker is hot, it will be cool." It takes 
something more than forgetfulness to cure 

The belief held by both my parents and myself 
that I would outgrow my difficulty was one of 
the gravest mistakes we ever made. Had I fol- 
lowed the advice of others who believed in the 
outgrowing theory it eventually would have 
caused me to become a confirmed stammerer, 
entirely beyond hope of cure. 

Today, as a result of twenty-five years' daily 
contact with stammerers, I know that stammering 
cannot be outgrown. The man who suggests that 
it is possible to cure stammering by outgrowing 
it is doing a great injustice to the stammerer, 
because he is giving him a false hope — in fact the 
most futile hope that any stammerer ever had. I 
wish I could paint in the sky, in letters of fire, the 
truth that "Stammering cannot be outgrown," 
because this, of all things, is the most frequent 
pitfall of the stammerer, his greatest delusion and 
one of the most prolific causes of continued suffer- 


ing. I know whereof I speak, because I tried it 
myself. I know how many different people held 
up to me the hope that I would outgrow it. 

My father offered me a valuable shotgun if I 
would stop stammering. My mother offered me 
money, a watch and a horse and buggy. These 
inducements made me strain every nerve to stop 
my imperfect utterance, but all to no avail. At 
this time I knew nothing of the underlying prin- 
ciples of speech and any effort which I made to 
stop my stammering was merely a crude, misdi- 
rected attempt which naturally had no chances 
for success. 

I learned that prizes will never cure stammer- 
ing. I found out too, something I have never 
since forgotten: that the man, woman or child 
who stammers needs no inducement to cause him 
to desire to be cured, because the change from 
his condition as a stammerer to that of a non- 
stammerer is of more inducement to the sufferer 
than all the money you could offer him. I have 
never yet seen a man, woman or child who wanted 
to stammer or stutter. 

The offer of prizes doing no good, I took long 
trips to get my mind off the affliction. I did 


everything in my power, worked almost day and 
night, exerted every effort I could command — ^it 
was all in vain. 

The idea that I would finally outgrow my 
difficulty was strengthened in the minds of my 
parents and friends by the fact that there were 
times when my impediment seemed almost to dis- 
appear, but to our surprise and disappointment, 
it always came back again, each time in a more 
aggravated form ; each time with a stronger hold 
upon me than ever before. 

I found out, then, one of the fundamental 
characteristics of stammering — its intermittent 
tendency. In other words, I discovered that a 
partial relief from the difficulty was one of the 
true symptoms of the malady. And I learned 
further that this relief is only temporary and not 
whit we first thought it to be, viz: a sign that the 
disorder was leaving. 



MY parents' efforts to have me cured, how- 
ever, did not cease with my visit to the 
medicine man. We were still looking for some- 
thing that would bring relief. My teacher. Miss 
Cora Critchlow, handed me an advertisement one 
day, telling me of a man who claimed to be able 
to cure stammering by mail. In the hope that I 
would get some good from the treatment, my 
parents sent this mail order man a large sum of 
money. In return for this I was furnished with 
instructions to do a number of useless things, such 
as holding toothpicks between my teeth, talking 
through my nose, whistling before I spoke a 
word, and many other foolish things. It was at 
this time that I learned once and for all, the 
imprudence of throwing money away on these 
mail order "cures," so-called, and I made up my 
mind to bother no more with this man and his 

So far as the mail order instructions were con- 
cerned, they were crude and unscientific — ^merely 


a hodge-podge of pseudo-technical phraseology 
and crass ignorance — a, meaningless jargon 
scarcely intelligible to the most highly educated, 
and practically impossible of interpretation by 
the average stammerer who was supposed to fol- 
low the course. Even after I had, by persistent 
effort, interpreted the instructions and followed 
them closely for many months, there was not a 
sign of the slightest relief from my trouble. It 
was evident to me even then that I could never 
cure myself by following a mail cure. 

Today, after twenty-five years of experience 
in the cure of stammering, I can say with full 
authority, that stammering cannot be successfully 
treated by mail. The very nature of the diffi- 
culty, as well as the method of treatment, make 
it impossible to put the instructions into print or 
to have the stammerer follow out the method 
from a printed sheet. 

As I approached manhood, my impediment 
began to get worse. My stuttering changed to 
stammering. Instead of rapidly repeating syl- 
lables or words, I was unable to begin a word. 
I stood transfixed, my limbs drawing themselves 
into all kinds of imnatural positions. There were 
violent spasmodic movements of the head, and 


contractions of my whole body. The muscles of 
my throat would swell, affecting the respiratory 
organs, and causing a curious barking sound. 
When I finally got started, I would utter the first 
part of the sentence slowly, gradually increase 
the speed, and make a rush toward the end. 

At other times, when attempting to speak, my 
lips would pucker up, firmly set together, and 
I would be unable to separate them, imtil my 
breath was exhausted. Then I would gasp for 
more breath, struggling with the words I desired 
to speak, until the veins of my forehead would 
swell, my face would become red, and I would 
sink back, wholly unable to express myself, and 
usually being obliged to resort to writing. 

These paroxysms left me extremely nervous 
and in a seriously weakened condition. After 
one of these attacks, the cold perspiration would 
break out on my forehead in great beads and I 
would sink into the nearest chair, where I would 
be compelled to remain until I had regained my 

My affliction was taking all my energy, sap- 
ping my strength, deadening my mental facul- 
ties, and placing me at a hopeless disadvantage 
in every way. I could do nothing that other 


people did. I appeared unnatural. I was ner- 
vous, irritable, despondent. This despondency 
now brought about a peculiar condition. I began 
to beheve that everyone was more or less an 
enemy of mine. And still worse, I came to be- 
lieve that I was an enemy of myself, which f eel- 
mg threw me into despair, the depths of which 
I do not wish to recall, even now. 

I was not only miserably unhappy myself, 
I made everyone else around me unhappy, 
although I did it, not intentionally, but because 
my afl3iction had caused me to lose control of 

In this condition, my nerves were strained to 
the breaking point all day long, and many a night 
I can remember crying myself to sleep — crying 
purely to relieve that stored-up nervous tension, 
and falling off to sleep as a result of exhaustion. 

As I said before, there were periods of grace 
when the trouble seemed almost to vanish and I 
would be delighted to believe that perhaps it was 
gone forever — Chappy hope! But it was but a 
delusion, a mirage in the distance, a new road to 
lead me astray. The aflBiction always returned, 
as every stammerer knows — returned worse than 


before. All the hopes that I would outgrow my 
trouble, were found to be false hopes. For me, 
there was no such thing as outgrowing it and I 
have since discovered that after the age of six 
only one-fifth of one per cent, ever outgrow the 

Another thing which I always thought peculiar 
when I was a stammerer was the fact that I had 
practically no difficulty in talking to animals 
when I was alone with them. I remember very 
well that we had a large bulldog called Jim, 
which I was very fond of. I used to believe that 
Jim understood my troubles better than any 
friend I had, imless it was Old Sol, our family 
driving horse. 

Jim used to go with me on all my jaunts — I 
could talk to him by the hour and never stammer 
a word. And Old Sol — well, when everything 
seemed to be going against me, I used to go out 
and talk things over with Old Sol. Somehow 
he seemed to understand — he used to whinney 
softly and rub his nose against my shoulder as 
if to say, "I understand, Bennie, I understand!" 

Somehow my father had discovered this pe- 
culiarity of my affliction — that is, my ability to 
talk to animals or when alone. Something sug- 


gested to him that my stammering could be 
cured, if I could be kept by myself for several 
weeks. With this thought in mind, he suggested 
that I go on a hunting and fishing trip in the 
wilds of the northwest, taking no guide, no com- 
panion of any sort, so that there would be no 
necessity of my speaking to any human being 
while I was gone. 

My father's idea was that if my vocal organs 
had a complete rest, I would be restored to per- 
fect speech. As I afterwards proved to my own 
satisfaction by actual trial, this idea- was entirely 
wrong. You can not hope to restore the proper 
action of your vocal organs by ceasing to use 
them. The proper functioning of any bodily 
organ is the result, not of ceasing to use it at all, 
but rather of using it correctly. 

This can be very easily proved to the satisfac- 
tion of any one. Take the case of the small boy 
who boasts of his muscle. He is conscious of an 
increasing strength in the muscles of his arm not 
because he has failed to use these muscles but 
because he has used them continually, causing a 
faster-than-ordinary development. 

You can readily imagine that I looked forward 
to my "vacation" with keen anticipation, for I 


had never been up in the northwest and I was 
full of stories I had read and ideas I had formed 
of its wonders. 

The trip, lasting two weeks, did me scarcely 
any good at aU. The most I can say for it is 
that it quieted my nerves and put me in some- 
what better physical condition, which a couple of 
weeks in the outdoor country woiild do for any 
growing boy. 

But this trip did not cure my stammering, nor 
did it tend to alleviate the intensity of the trouble 
in the least, save through a lessened nervous state 
for a few days. Today, after twenty-five years' 
experience, I know that it would be just as 
sensible to say that a wagon stuck in the soft mud 
would get out by "resting" there as it is to say 
that stammering can be eradicated by allowing 
the vocal organs to rest through disuse. 

Shortly after my return from the trip to the 
northwest, my father died, with the result that 
our household was, for a time, very much broken 
up. For a while, at least, mj' stammering, though 
not forgotten, did not receive a great deal of 
attention, for there were many other things to 
think about. 

The summer following my father's death, how- 


ever, I began again my so-far fruitless search for 
a ,eure for my stammering, this time placing 
myself imder the care and instruction of a man 
claiming to be "The World's Greatest Specialist 
in the Cure of Stammering." He may have been 
the world's greatest specialist, but not in the cure 
of stammering. He did succeed, however, by the 
use of his absurd methods, in putting me through 
a course that resulted in the membrane and lining 
of my throat and vocal organs becoming irritated 
and inflamed to such an extent that I was com- 
pelled to undergo treatment for a throat affec- 
tion that threatened to be as serious as the stam- 
mering itself. 

I triied everything that came to my attention — 
first one thing and then another — but without 
results. Still I refused to be discouraged. I kept 
on and on, my mother constantly encouraging 
and reassuring me. And you will later see that 
I found a method that cured me. 

There are always those who stand idly about 
and say, "It can't be done!" Such people as 
these laughed at Fulton with his steamboat, they 
laughed at Stephenson and his steam locomotive, 
they laughed at Wright and the airplane. 


They say, "It can't be done" — but it is done, 

I turned a deaf ear to the people who tried to 
convince me that it couldn't be done. I had a 
firm belief in that old adage, "Where there is a 
will there is a way," and I made another of my 
own, which said, "I will f,nd a way or make one T' 

And I did! 



AFTER recovering from my sad experiment 
with the "Wonderful Speciahst," I did not 
want to go home and listen to the Anvil Chorus 
of "It Can't Be Done!" and "I Told You So!" 
I had no desire to be the object of laughter as 
well as pity. So I tried to get a job in that same 
city. I went from office to office — ^but nobody 
had a job for a man who stammered. 

Finally I did land a job, however, such as it 
was. My duties were to operate the elevator in 
a hotel. How I managed to get that job, I often 
wonder now, for nobody on whom I called had 
any place for a boy or man who stammered. I 
thought it would be easy to find a job where I 
wouldn't need to talk, but when I started out to 
look for this job, I found it wasn't so easy after 
all. Almost any job requires a man who can 
talk. This I had learned in my own search for a 
place. But somehow or other, I managed to get 
that job as elevator boy in a hotel. 

For the work as elevator boy I was paid three 


dollars a week. Wasn't that great pay for a man 
grown? But that's what I got. 

That is, I got it for a little while, until I lost 
my job. For lose it I did before very long. I 
found out tha,t I couldn't do much with even an 
elevator boy's job at three dollars a week unless 
I could talk. My employer found it out, too, and 
then he f oxmd somebody who could take my place 
— a boy who could answer when spoken to. 

Well, here I was out of a job again. I am 
afraid I came pretty near being discouraged 
about tha,t time. Things looked pretty hopeless 
for me — ^it was mighty hard work to get a job 
and the place didn't last long after I had gotten 

But, nevertheless, the only thing to do was to 
try again. I started the search all over again. 
I tried first one place and then another. One 
man wanted me to start out as a salesman. He 
showed me how I could make more money than 
I had ever made in my life — convinced me that I 
could make it. Then I started to teU my part of 
the story — ^but I didn't get very far before he 
discovered that I was a stammerer. That was 
enough for him — with a gesture of hopelessness, 
he turned to his desk. "You'll never do, young 


man, you'll never do. You can't even talkl" 
And the worst of it was that he was right. 

I once thought I had landed a job as stock 
chaser in a factory, but here, too, stammering 
barred the way, for they told me that even the 
stock chaser had to be able to deliver verbal mes- 
sages from one foreman to another. I didn't 
dare to try that. 

Eventually, I drifted around to the Union 
News Company. They wanted a boy to sell 
newspapers on trains nmning out over the Grand 
Trunk Railway. I took the job — the last job in 
the world I should have expected to hold, because 
of aU the places a newsboy's job is one where you 
need to have a voice and the ability to talk. 

I hope no stammerer ever has a position that 
causes him as much humiliation and suifering as 
that job caused me. You can imagine what it 
meant to me to go up and down the aisles of the 
train, calling papers and every few moments 
finding out that I couldn't say what I started out 
to say and then go gasping and grunting down 
the aisle making aU sorts of facial grimaces. 

How the passengers laughed at me ! And how 
they made fun of me and asked me all sorts of 
questions just to hear me try to talk. It almost 


made me wish I could never see a human being 
again, so keen was the suffering and so tense were 
my nerves as a result of this work. 

I don't believe I ever did anything that kept 
me in a more frenzied mental state than this 
work of trying to sell newspapers — and it wasn't 
very long (as I had expected) until the manager 
found out my situation and gently let me out. 

Then I gave up, aU at once. Was I discour- 
aged? Well, perhaps. But not exactly discour- 
aged. Rather I saw the plain hopelessness of 
trying to get or hold a job in my condition. So 
I prepared to go home. I didn't want to do it, 
because I knew the neighbors and friends round 
about would be ready for me with, "I told you 
so" and "I knew it couldn't be done" and a lot 
of gratuitous information like that. 

But I gave up, nevertheless, deeply disap- 
pointed to think that once again I had failed to 
be cured of starmnering, yet all the while resolv- 
ing just as firmly as ever that I would try again 
and that I would never give up hope as long as 
there remained anything for me to do. 

And this rule I followed out, month after 
month and year after year, tmtil in the end I was 
richly rewarded for my patience and persistence. 



THE next summer I decided to visit eastern 
institutions for the cure of stammering and 
determine if these could do any more for me than 
had abeady been done — which as the reader has 
seen, was practically nothing. I bought a ticket 
for Philadelphia, where I remained for some 
time, and where I gained more information of 
value than in all of my previous efforts combined. 

I found in the Quaker City an old man who 
had made speech defects almost a life study. He 
knew more about the true principles of speech 
and the underlying fundamentals in the produc- 
tion of voice than all of the rest put together. 
He taught me these things, and gave me a solid 
foundation on which to build. True, he did not 
cure my stammering. But that was not because 
he failed to understand its cause, but merely be- 
cause he had not worked out the correct method 
of removing the cause. 

It was this man who first brought home to me 
tibe fact that principles of speech are constant. 


that they never change and that every person 
who talks normally follows out the same princi- 
ples of speech, while every person who stutters 
or stammers violates these principles of speech. 
That is the basis of sound procedure for the cure 
of stammering and I must acknowledge my in- 
debtedness to this sincere old gentleman who did 
so much for me in the way of knowledge, even 
though he did but little for me in the way of 

After leaving Philadelphia, I visited Pitts- 
burgh, Baltimore, Washington, New York, Bos- 
ton and other eastern cities, searching for a cure, 
but did not find it. I was benefitted very little. 
These experiences, however, all possessed a cer- 
tain value, although I did not know it at the time. 
They taught me the things which would not work 
and by a simple process of elimination I later 
found the things which would. 

Finally, however, having become disgusted 
with my eastern trip, I bought a ticket for home 
and boarded the train more nearly convinced 
than ever that I had an incurable case of stam- 

Some time after trying my experiment with 
the eastern schools, I saw the advertisement of 


a professor from Chicago saying that he would 
be at Fort Wayne, Indiana, (which was 40 miles 
from my home) , for a week. 

He was there. So was I. But to my sorrow. 
I paid him twenty dollars for which he taught me 
a few simple breathing and vocal exercises, most 
of which I already knew by heart, having been 
drilled in them time and again. This fellow was 
like so many others who claimed to cure stam- 
mering — he was in the business just because 
there were stammerers to cure, and not because 
he knew anything about it. He treated the ef- 
fects of the trouble and did not attempt to re- 
move the cause. The fact of the matter is, I 
doubt whether he knew anything about the cause. 

Then one Sunday while reading a Cincinnati 
Sunday newspaper, I ran across an advertise- 
ment of a School of Elocution, in which was the 
statement, "Stammering Positively Cured!" 
Whenever I saw a sign "Vocal Culture" I be- 
came interested, so I clipped the advertisement, 
corresponded with the school and not many Sun- 
days later, being able to secvu-e excursion rates to 
Cincinnati, I made the trip and prepared to begin 
my work. 

The cost of the course was only fifty dollars 


and I thought I would be getting cured mighty 
cheap if I succeeded. So I gave this school a 
"whirl" with the idea of going back home in a 
short time cured — to the surprise of my family 
and friends. But I was doomed to disappoint- 
ment. I took the twenty lessons, but went home 
stammering as badly as ever. You can imagine 
how I felt as the Big Four train whistled at 
the Wabash river just before pulling into the 
Wabash station, where I was to get off. 

Here was another failure that could be checked 
up against the instructor who knew nothing 
whatever about the cause of stammering. The 
whole idea of the course was to cultivate voice 
and make me an orator. That was very fine and 
would, no doubt, have done me a great deal of 
good, but it was of no use to try to cultivate a 
fine voice until I could use that voice in the 
normal way. The finest voice in the world is of 
no use if you stammer, and cannot use it. The 
school of elocution went the same way as all the 
rest — it was a total failure so far as curing my 
stammering was concerned. 

By this time, my effort to be cured of stam- 
mering had become a habit, just as eating and 
sleeping are habits. I was determined to be 


cured. I made up my mind I would never give 
up. True, I often said to myself, "I may never 
be cured," but in the same breath I resolved that 
if I was not, it could never be said that it was 
because I was a "quitter." 

My next experiment was with a man who 
claimed he could cure my stammering in one hour. 
Think of it. Here I had been, spending weeks 
and months trying out just one way of cure 
and here was a man who could do the whole job 
in one hour. Wonderful power he must possess, 
I thought. Of course, I did not believe he could 
do it. I could not beUeve it. It was not believ- 
able. But nevertheless, in my effort to be cured, 
I had resolved to leave no stone unturned. I 
made up my mind that the only way to be sure 
that I was not missing the successful method was 
to try them all. 

So I put myself under this man's hand. He 
was a hypnotist. He felt able to restore speech 
with a hypnotic sleep and the proper hypnotic 
suggestion while I was in the trance. But like 
aU the fake fol-de-rol with which I had come in 
contact, he did not even make an impression. 

I will say in behalf of this hypnotic stammer 
doctor, however, that he was following distin- 


guished precedent in attempting to cure stam- 
mering by hypnotism. German professors in 
particular have been especially zealous in follow- 
ing out this line of endeavor and many of them 
have written volumes on the subject only to end 
up with the conclusion (in their own minds, at 
least) that it is a failure. Hypnotism may be 
said to be a condition where the will of the sub- 
ject is entirely dormant and his every act and 
thought controlled by the mind of the hypnotist. 
I do not know, not having been conscious at the 
time, but it is not improbable that while in the 
hypnotic state, I was able to talk without stam- 
mering, since my words were directed by the 
mind of the professor, and not my own mind. 
But inasmuch as I couldn't have the professor 
carried around with me through the rest of my 
lifetime in order to use his mind, the treatment 
could not benefit me. 

I next got in touch with an honest-looking old 
man with a beard like one of the prophets, who 
assured me with a great deal of professional dig- 
nity, that stammering was a, mere trifle for a 
magnetic healer like himself and that he could 
cxu*e it entirely in ten treatments. So I planked 
down the specified amount for ten treatments, 


and went to him regularly three times a week for 
almost a month, when he explained to me, again 
with a plenitude of professionalism, that my case 
was a very peculiar one and that it would require 
ten more treatments. But I could not figure out 
how, if ten treatments had done me no good, ten 
more would do any better. So I declined to try 
his methods any further. Once again I said to 
myself, "Well, this has failed, too — I wonder 
what next?" 

The next happened to be electrical treatments. 
When I visited the electrical treatment specialist, 
he explained to me in a very eflFective manner 
just how (according to his views) stammering 
was caused by certain contractions of the muscles 
of the vocal organs, etc., and told me that his 
treatment surely was the thing to eliminate this 
contraction and leave my speech entirely free 
from stammering. I knew something about my 
stammering then, but not a great deal — conse- 
quently his explanation sounded plausible to me 
and appealed to me as being very sensible and 
so I decided to give it a trial. I was glad after 
it was over that I had received no bad effects — 
that was all the cause I had to be glad, for he 
had not changed my stammering one iota, nor 


had he changed my speech in any way to make it 
easier for me to talk. Thus, had I foimd another 
one of the things that will not work and chalked 
up another failure against my attempts to be 
cured of stammering. 

By this time, the reader may well wonder why 
I was not discouraged in my efforts to be cured. 
Well, who will say that I was not? I believe I 
was — ^as far as it was possible for nie to be dis- 
couraged at that time. But despite all my fail- 
ures, I had made up my mind never to give up 
until I was cured of stammering. I set myself 
doggedly to the task of ridding myself of an 
impediment that I knew would always hold me 
down and prevent any measure of success. I 
stayed with this task. I never gave up. I kept 
this one thing always in mind. It was a life job 
with me if necessary — ^and I was not a "quitter." 
So failures and discouragements simply steeled 
me to more intense endeavors to be cured. And 
while these endeavors cost my parents many hun- 
dreds of dollars and cost me many years of time, 
still, I feel today that they were worth while — ^not 
worth while enough to go through again, or worth 
while enough to recommend to any one else — but 
at least not a total loss to me. 



AFTER I had tried the electric treatment and 
found it wanting, I heard of a clairvoyant 
who could, by looking at a person, tell his name, 
age, occupation, place of residence, etc., and 
could cure all diseases and aflflictions including 
stammering. So I thought I would give him a 
trial. He claimed to work through a "greater 
power" — ^whatever that was — and so I paid him 
his fee to see the "greater power" work — and to 
be cured of stammering, as per promise. But 
there was nothing doing in the line of a cure — 
all I got in trying to be cured, was another chap- 
ter added to my book of experience. 

Following this experience, I tried an osteo- 
path, whose methods, however good they might 
have been, affected merely the physical organs 
and could not hope to reach the real cause of my 
trouble. I do not doubt that this man was en- 
tirely sincere in explaining his own science to me 
in a way that led me to build up hopes of relief 


from that method. He simply did not imder- 
stand stammering and its causes and was there- 
fore not prepared to treat it. 

I was told of another doctor who claimed to 
be able to cure stammering. When I called to 
see him, he had me wait in his reception room for 
nearly two hours, for the purpose, I presume, of 
giving me the impression that he was a very busy 
man. Then he called me into his private consul- 
tation room, where he apparently had aU of the 
modem and up-to-date surgical instruments. He 
put me through a thorough examination, after 
which he said that the only thing to cure me was 
a surgical operation to have my tonsils removed. 
I was not willing to consent to the use of the 
knife, so therefore the operation was never per- 

Since that time, however, the practice of oper- 
ating on children especially for the removal of 
adenoids and tonsils has become very popular and 
quite frequently this is the remedy prescribed for 
various and sundry ailments of childhood. In no 
case must a parent expect to eradicate stuttering 
or stammering by the removal of the tonsils. The 
operation, beneficial as it may be in other ways. 


does not prevent the child from stammering — for 
the operation does not remove the cause of the 
stammering — that cause is mental, not physical. 



I HAD now tried upwards of fifteen different 
methods for the cure of my stammering. I 
had tried the physician; the surgeon; the elocu- 
tion teacher; the hypnotic specialist; the osteo- 
path; a clairvoyant; a mail-order scheme; the 
world's greatest speech specialist — so-called, and 
several other things. My parents had spent hun- 
dreds of dollars of money trying to have me 
cured. They had spared no effort, stopped at no 
cost. And yet I now stammered worse than I 
had ever stammered before. Everything I had 
tried had been a worthless failure. Nothing had 
been of the least permanent good to me. My 
money was gone, months of time had been wasted 
and I now began to wonder if I had not been 
very foolish indeed, in going to first one man and 
then another, trying to be cured. "Wouldn't it 
have been better," I asked, "if I had resigned 
myself to a hf e as a stammerer and let it go at 

My father before me stammered. So did my 
grandfather and no less than fourteen of my 


blood relations. My aflSiction Avas inherited and 
therefore supposedly incurable. At least so I 
was told by honest physicians and other scientific 
observers who beheved what they said and who 
had no desire to make any personal gain by 
trafficking in my infirmity. These men told me 
frankly that their skill and knowledge held out 
no hope for me and advised me from the very 
beguining to save my money and avoid the pit- 
falls of the many who would profess to be able to 
cure me. 

But I had disregarded this honest advice, sin- 
cerely given, had spent my money and my time — 
and what had I gotten? Would I not have been 
better off if I had listened to the advice and 
stayed at home? Everything seemed to answer 
"Yes," but down in my heart I felt that things 
were better as they were. Certainly some good 
must come of all this effort — surely it could not 
aU be wasted. 

"But yet," I argued with myself, "what good 
can come of it?" Stammering was fast ruining 
my life. It had already taken the joy out of my 
childhood and had made school a task almost too 
heavy to be undertaken. It had marked my youth 
with a somber melancholy, and now that youth 


was slipping away from me with no hope that the 
future held anything better for me than the past. 
Something had to be done. I was overpowered 
by that thought — something had to be done. It 
had to be done at once. I had come to the turn- 
ing point in my life. Like Hamlet, I found my- 
self repeating over and over again, 

"To he or not to he. 
That is the question." 

Was I discouraged? No, I will not admit that 
I was discouraged, but I was pretty nearly re- 
signed to a life without fluent speech, nearly con- 
vinced that future efforts to find a cure for stam- 
mering would be fruitless and bring no better 

It was about this time that I stepped into the 
office of my cousin, then a successful lawyer and 
district attorney of his city, later the first vice- 
president of one of the great American railroads 
with headquarters in New York, and now retired. 
He was one of those men in whose vocabulary 
there is no such word as "fail." After I had 
talked with him for quite a while, he looked at me, 
and with his kindly, almost fatherly smile asked, 
"Why don't you cure yourself?" 


"Cure myself?" I queried. "How do you ex- 
pect me, a young man with no scientific training, 
to cure myself, when the learned doctors, sur- 
geons and scientists of the country have given me 
up as incurable?" 

"That doesn't make any difference," he re- 
plied, " 'while there is life, there is hope' and it's 
a sure thing that nobody ever accomplished any- 
thing worth while by accepting the failures of 
others as proof that the thing couldn't be done. 
Whitney would never have invented the cotton 
gin if he had accepted the failures of others as 
final. Columbus picked out a road to America 
and assured the skeptics that there was no danger 
of his sailing 'over the edge.' Of course, it had 
never been done before, but then Colimibus went 
ahead and did it himself. He didn't take some- 
body else's failure as an indication of what he 
could do. If he had, a couple of hundred years 
later, somebody else would have discovered it and 
put Columbus in the class with the rest of the 
weak-kneed who said it couldn't be done, just 
because it never had been done. 

"The progress of this country, Ben," continued 
my cousin, "is founded on the determination of 
men who refuse to accept the failures of others 


as proof that things can't be done at all. Now 
you've got a mighty good start. You've found 
out all about these other methods — you know that 
they have failed — and in a lot of cases, you know 
WHY they have failed. Now, why don' t you 
begin where they have left off and find out how to 

The thought struck me hke a bolt from a clear 
sky : "begin where the others leave off and 
FIND OUT HOW TO SUCCEED!" I kept Saying it 
over and over to myself, "Begin where the others 
leave off — begin where the others leave off!" 

This thought put high hope in my heart. It 
seemed to ring like a call from afar. "Begin 
where the others leave off and find out how to 
succeed." I kept thinking about that aU the way 
home. I thought of it at the table that evening. 
I said nothing. I went to bed — but I didn't go 
to sleep, for singing through my brain was that 
sentence, "Begin where the others leave off and 
find out how to succeed!" 

Right then and there I made the resolve that 
resulted in my curing myself. "I will do it," I 
said, "I will begin where the others leave off — 
and I WILL SUCCEED ! !" Then and there I deter- 
mined to master the principles of speech, to chart 


the methods that had been used by others, to find 
their defects, to locate the cause of stammering, 
to find out how to remove that cause and remove 
it from myself, so that I, like the others whom I 
so envied, could talk freely and fluently. 

That resolution — that determination which 
first fired me that evening never left me. It 
marked the turning point in my whole life. I 
was no longer dependent upon others, no longer 
looking to physicians or elocution teachers or 
hypnotists to cure me of starmnering. I was 
looking to myself. If I was to be cured, then I 
must be the one to do it. This responsibility 
sobered me. It intensified my determination. It 
emphasized in my own mind the need for per- 
sistent effort, for a constant striving toward this 
one thing. And absorbed with this idea, living 
and working toward this one end, I began my 



FROM the moment that my resolution took 
shape, my plans were all laid with one thing 
in mind — to cure myself of stammering. I de- 
termined, first of all, to master the principles 
of speech. I remembered very well, indeed, the 
admonition of Prof. J. J. Mills, President of 
Earlham College, on the day I left the institu- 
tion. "You have been a hard-working student," 
he said, "but your success will never be complete 
until you learn to talk as others talk. Cure your 
stammering at any cost." That was the thing I 
had determined to do. And having determined 
upon that course, I resolved to let nothing swerve 
me from it. 

I began the study of anatomy. I studied the 
lungs, the throat, the brain — ^nothing escaped me. 
I pursued my studies with the avidity of the 
medical student wrapped up in his work. I read 
all the books that had been published on the sub- 
ject of stammering. I sought eagerly for trans- 
lations of foreign books on the subject. I lived 


in the libraries. I studied late at night and arose 
early in the morning, that I might be at my 
work again. It absorbed me. I thought of the 
subject by day and dreamed of it by night. It 
was never out of my mind. I was living it, 
breathing it, eating it. I had not thought myself 
capable of such concentration as I was putting in 
on the pursuit of the truth as regards stammering 
and its cure. 

With the knowledge that I had gained from 
celebrated physicians, specialists and institutions 
throughout this country and Europe, I extended 
my experiments and investigation. I had an ex- 
cellent subject on which to experiment — ^myself. 
Progress was slow at first — so slow, in fact, that 
I did not realize until later that it was progress at 
aU. Nothing but my past misery, backed up 
by my present determination to be free from the 
impediment that hampered me at every turn, 
could have kept me from giving up. But at last, 
after years of effort, after long nights of study 
and days of research, I was rewarded by success 
— I found and perfected a method of control of 
the articulatory organs as well as of the brain 
centers controlling the organs of speech. I had 
learned the cause of stammering and stuttering. 


All of the mystery with which the subject had 
been surrounded by so-called specialists, fell 
away. In all its clearness, I saw the truth. I 
saw how the others, who had failed in my case, 
had failed because of ignorance. I saw that they 
had been treating effects, not causes. I saw 
exactly why their methods had not succeeded and 
could never succeed. 

In truth I had begtm where the others left off 
and won success. The reader can imagine what 
this meant to me. It meant that at last I could 
speak — clearly, distinctly, freely, and fluently, 
without those facial contortions that had made 
me an object of ridicule wherever I went. It 
meant that I could take my place in life, a man 
among men; that I could look the whole world 
in the face; that I could live and enjoy life as 
other normal persons lived and enjoyed it. 

At first my friends could not believe that my 
cure was permanent. Even my mother doubted 
the evidence of her own ears. But I knew the 
trouble would not come back, for the old fear was 
gone, the nervousness soon passed away, and a 
new feeling of confidence and self-reliance took 
hold of me, with the result that in a few weeks I 
was a changed man. People who had formerly 


avoided me because of my infirmity began to 
greet me with new interest. Gradually the old 
afiliction was forgotten by those with whom I 
came into daily contact and by many I was 
thought of as a man who had never stammered. 
Even today, those who knew me when I stam- 
mered so badly I could hardly talk, are hardly 
able to believe that I am the same person who 
used to be known as "Ben Bogue's Boy Who 

For today I can talk as freely and fluently as 
anybody. I do not hesitate in the least. For 
years, I have not even known what it is to grope 
mentally for a word. I speak in public as well 
as in private conversation. I have no difficulty 
in talking over the telephone and in fact do not 
know the difference. In my work, I lecture to 
students and am invited to address scientific 
bodies, societies and educational gatherings, all 
of which I can accomplish without the slightest 

Today, I can say with Terence, "I am a man 
and nothing that is human is alien to me." And 
I can go a step further and say to those who are 
afflicted as I was afflicted: "I have been a stam- 
merer. I know your troubles, your sorrows, your 


discouragements. I understand with an under- 
standing born of a costly experience." 

Man or woman, boy or girl, wherever you are, 
my heart goes out to you. Whatever your sta- 
tion in life, rich or poor, educated or unlettered, 
discouraged and hopeless, or determined and res- 
olute, I send you a message of hope, a message 
which, in the words of Dr. Russell R. ConweU, 
"has been affirmed and reaffirmed in the thou- 
sands of lives I have been privileged to watch. 
And the message is this: Neither heredity nor 
environment nor any obstacles superimposed by 
man can keep you from marching straight 
through to a cure, provided you are guided by a 
firm driving determination and have normal 
health and intelligence." To that end I commend 
to you the succeeding pages of this volume, where 
you will find in plain and simple language the 
things which I have spent more than thirty years 
in learning. May these pages open for you the 
door to freedom of speech — ^as they have opened 
it for hundreds before you. 



The Causes, Peculiarities, Ten- 
dencies and Effects 



IN the diagnosis of speech disorders, there are 
ahnost as many different forms of defective 
utterance as there are cases, all of which forms, 
however, divide themselves into a few basic types. 
These various disorders might be broadly classi- 
fied into three classes : 

(1) — Those resulting from carelessness in 
learning to speak; 

(2) — Those which are of distinct mental 
form ; and 

(3) — Those caused by a physical deformity 
in the organs of speech themselves. 

Regardless of xmder which of these three heads a 


speech disorder may come, it is commonly spoken 
of by the laymen as a "speech impediment" or 
"a stoppage in speech" notwithstanding the fact 
that the characteristics of the various disorders 
are quite dissimilar. In certain of the disorders, 

(a) — There is an inability to release a word; 
in others, 

(b) — A tendency to repeat a syllable sev- 
eral times before the following 
syllable can be uttered ; in others, 

(c) — The tendency to substitute an incor- 
rect sound for the correct one; while 
in others, 

(d) — The utterance is defective merely in 
the imperfect enunciation of sounds 
and syllables due to some organic 
defect, or to carelessness in learning 
to speak. 

While this volume has but little to do with speech 
disorders other than stammering and stuttering, 
the characteristics of the more common forms of 
speech impediment — lisping, cluttering and hesi- 
tation, as well as stuttering and stammering — 
will be discussed in this first chapter, in order 


that the reader may be able, in a general way at 
least, to differentiate between the various dis- 


This is a very common form of speech disorder 
and one which manifests itself early in the life of 
the child. Lisping may be divided into three 
forms : 

( 1 ) — Negligent Lisping 
(2) — Neurotic Lisping 
(3) — Organic Lisping 

Negligent Lisping: This is a form of defective 
enunciation caused in most cases by parental 
neglect or the carelessness of the child himself in 
the pronunciation of words during the first few 
months of talking. This defective pronunciation 
in Negligent Lisping is caused either by a failv/re 
or an inability to observe others who speak cor- 
rectly. We learn to speak by imitation, and fail- 
ing to observe the correct method of speaking in 
others, we naturally fail to speak correctly our- 
selves. In Negligent Lisping, this inability prop- 
erly to imitate correct speech processes, results 


in the substitution of an incorrect sound for the 
correct one with consequent faulty formation of 

Organic lAsping: This results from an or- 
ganic or physical defect in the vocal organs, such 
as hare-lip, feeble lip, malformation of the 
tongue, defective teeth, overshot or imdershot 
jaw, high palatal arch, cleft palate, defective 
palate, relaxed palate following ah operation for 
adenoids, obstructed nasal passages or defective 

Neurotic Lisping: This is a form of speech 
marked by short, rapid muscular contractions in- 
stead of the smooth and easy action used in pro- 
ducing normal sounds. Neurotic Lisping is often 
found to be combined with stammering or stut- 
tering, which is quite logical, since it is similar, 
both as to cause and as to the presence of a men- 
tal disturbance. In Neurotic Lisping, the mus- 
cular movements are less spasmodic than in cases 
of stuttering, partaking more of the cramped 
sticking movement, common in stammering. 

Stuttering may be generally defined as the 
repetition — ^rapid in some cases, slow in others — 


of a word or a syllable, before the following word 
or syllable can be uttered. Stuttering may take 
several forms, any one of which will fall into one 
of four phases : 

( 1 ) — Simple Phase 
(2) — Advanced Phase 
(3)— Mental Phase 
(4) — Compound Phase 

Simple stuttering can be said to be a purely 
physical form of the difficulty. The Advanced 
Phase marks the stage of further progress where 
the trouble passes from the purely physical state 
into a condition that may be known as Mental- 
Physical. The distinctly Mental Phase is marked 
by symptoms indicating a mental cause for the 
trouble, the disorder usually having passed into 
this form from the simple or advanced stages of 
the malady. Stuttering may be combined with 
stammering in which case the condition repre- 
sents the Compound Phase of the trouble. 

Choreatic Stuttering: This originates in an at- 
tack of Acute Chorea or St. Vitus Dance, which 
leaves the sufferer in a condition where involun- 
tary and spasmodic muscular contractions, espe- 


cially of the face, have become an established 
habit. This breaks up the speech in a manner 
somewhat similar to ordinary stuttering. Also 
known as "Tic Speech." 

Spastic Speech: This is often the result of in- 
fantile cerebral palsy, the characteristic sjTnptom 
of the trouble being intense over-exertion, con- 
tinued throughout a sentence, the syllables being 
equal in length and very laboriously enunciated. 
In spastic speech, there is present a noticeable 
hyper-tonicity of the nerve fibers actuating the 
muscles used in speaking as well as marked con- 
tractions of the facial muscles. 

Unconscious Stuttering: This is a misnomer 
because there can be no such thing as unconscious 
stuttering. It appears that the person afflicted 
is not conscious of his difficulty for he insists that 
he does not s-s-s-s-tut-tut-tut-ter. Unconscious 
Stuttering is but a name for the disorder of a 
stutterer who is too stubborn to admit his own 

Thought Stuttering: This is an advanced form 
of stuttering which is also known as Aphasia and 


which is caused by the inability of the sufferer to 
recall the mental images necessary to the forma- 
tion of a word. Stuttering in its simpler forms 
is usually connected with the period of childhood, 
while aphasia is often connected with old age or 
injury. The aphasic person is excessively nerv- 
ous as is the stutterer; he undergoes the same 
anxiety to get his words out and the same fear of 
being ridiculous. In aphasia there is, however, 
no excessive muscular tension or cramp of the 
speech muscles. In these cases, the stutterer will 
sometimes repeat the first syllable ten or fifteen 
times with pauses between, being for a time un- 
able to recall what the second syllable is. It is, 
in other words, a habitual, but nevertheless tem- 
porary, inabiUty to recall to mind the mental 
images necessary to produce the word or syllable 
desired to be spoken. This condition is more 
commonly known as Thought Lapse or the in- 
ability to think of what you desire to say. 

One investigator shows that the diagnosis of 
"insanity" with later commitment to an asylum 
occurred in the case of a bad stutterer. When 
excited he would go through the most extreme 
contortions and the wildest gesticulations in a 
vain attempt to finally get all of the word out, 


finally pacing up and down the room like one 
truly insane. This tendency to believe that the 
stutterer is insane because of the convulsive or 
spasmodic effort accompanying his efforts to 
speak, is a mistaken one, although there can be 
little doubt of the tendency of this condition 
finally to lead to insanity if not checked. 


Hesitation is marked by a silent, choking 
effort, often accompanied by a fruitless opening 
and closing of the mouth. Hesitation is a stage 
through which the sufferer usually passes before 
he reaches the condition known as Elementary 


Stammering is a condition in which the person 
afilicted is unable to begin a word or a sentence 
no matter how much effort may be directed 
toward the attempt to speak, or how well they 
may know what they wish to say. In stammer- 
ing, there is the "sticking" as the stammerer terms 
it, or the inability to express a sound. The dif- 
ference between stammering and stuttering lies 
in the fact that in stuttering, the disorder mani- 
fests itself in loose and hurried (or in some cases, 


slow) repetitions of sounds, syllables or words, 
while in the case of stammering, the manifesta- 
tion takes the form of an inability to express a 
somid, or to begin a word or a sentence. 

Elementary Stammering : This is the simplest 
form of this disorder. Here, the convulsive effort 
is not especially noticeable and the marked results 
of long-continued stammering are not apparent. 
Most cases pass quickly from the elementary 
stage imless checked in their incipiency. 

Spasmodic Stammering : This marks the stage 
of the disorder where the effort to speak brings 
about marked muscular contractions and pro- 
nounced spasmodic efforts, resulting in all sorts 
of facial contortions, grimaces and uncontrolled 
jerkings of the head, body and limbs. 

Thought Stammering: This, like Thought- 
Stuttering, is a form of Aphasia and manifests 
itself in the inability of the stammerer to think 
of what he wishes to say. In other words, the 
thought-stammerer, like the thought-stutterer, is 
unable to recall the mental images necessary to 
the production of a certain word or sound — and 
is, therefore, unable to produce sounds correctly. 


The manifestations described under Thought 
Stuttering are present in Thought Stammering 

Combined Stammering and Stuttering: This 
is a compound form of diiBculty in which the suf- 
ferer finds himself at times not only imable to 
utter a sound or begin a word or a sentence but 
also is found to repeat a sound or syllable several 
times before the following syllable can be uttered. 
Any case of stuttering or stammering in the Sim- 
ple or Elementary Stages may pass into Com- 
bined Stammering and Stuttering without warn- 
ing or without the laiowledge, even, of the stam- 
merer or stutterer. 



ONE of the first questions asked by the stut- 
terer or stammerer is, "What is the cause 
of my trouble?" In asking this question, the 
stammerer is getting at the very essence of the 
successful method of treatment of his malady, for 
there is no method of curing stuttering, stammer- 
ing and kindred defects of speech that can bring 
real and permanent relief from the affliction 
unless it attacks the cause of the trouble and 
removes that cause. 

Inasmuch as this book has to do almost entirely 
with the two defective forms of utterance known 
as stuttering and stammering, we will at this time 
drop all reference to the other forms of speech 
impediments and from this time forth refer only 
to stuttering and stammering. 

These forms of defective speech are manifested 
by the inability to express words in the normal, 
natural manner — freely and fluently. In other 
words, there is a marked departure from the 


normal in the methods used by the stammerer in 
the production of speech. It is necessary, there- 
fore, before taldng up the discussion of the causes 
of stuttering and stammering, to determine the 
method by which voice is produced in the normal 
individual, so that we can compare this normal 
production of speech with the faulty method 
adopted by the stutterer or stammerer and learn 
where the fault is and what is the cause of it. 

Let us now proceed to do this : In other words, 
let us ask the question: "How is speech produced 
in the normal person not afflicted with defective 

Voice is produced by the vocal organs much in 
the same manner as sounds are produced on a 
saxophone or clarinet, by forcing a current of air 
through an aperture over which is a reed which 
vibrates with the sounds. The low tones pro- 
duced by the saxophone or clarinet result from 
the enlargement of the aperture, while the higher 
tones are produced by contracting the opening. 
Variations of pitch in the human voice are also 
effected by elongation and contraction of the 
vocal cords with comparative slackness or tension, 
as in the viohn. 

It would be of no value, and, in fact, would 


only serve to confuse the layman, to know the 
duties or functions of the various organs or parts 
entering into the production of speech. Suffice 
it to say that in the "manufacture" of words, 
there are concerned the glottis, the larynx, tho- 
rax, diaphragm, lungs, soft palate, tongue, teeth 
and lips. In the production of the soimds and 
the combination of sounds that we call words, 
each of these organs of speech has its own par- 
ticular duty to perform and the failure of any one 
of these organs properly to perform that duty 
may result in defective utterance of some form. 

Brain Control: It must be borne in mind that 
for any one or all of the organs of speech to 
become operative or to manifest any action, they 
must be innervated or activated by impulses orig- 
inating in the brain. 

For instance, if it is necessary that the glottis 
be contracted to a point which we will call "half- 
open" for the production of a certain sound, the 
brain must first send a message to that organ 
before the necessary movement can take place. 
In saying the word "you," for instance, it would 
be necessary for the tongue to press tip against 
the base of the lower row of front teeth. But 


before the tongue can assume that position, it is 
necessary that the brain send to the tongue a 
message directing what is to be done. 

When the number of different organs involved 
in the production of the simplest word of one 
syllable is considered (such as the word "you" 
just mentioned), and when it is further consid- 
ered that separate brain messages must be sent 
to each of the organs, muscles or parts concerned 
in the production of that word, then it will be 
understood that the process of speaking is a 
most complicated one, involving not only numer- 
ous physical organs but also intricate mental 

When all of the organs concerned in the pro- 
duction of speech are working properly and when 
the brain sends prompt and correct brain im- 
pulses to them, the result is perfect speech, the 
free, fluent and easy conversation of the good 
talker. But when any or all of these organs fail 
to function properly, due to inco-ordination, the 
result is discord — and defective utterance. 

Cause of Defective Utterance: Now, let us 
consider the cause of defective utterance. What 
is it that causes the organ, muscle or parts to fail 


properly to function? The first and most obvi- 
oiis conclusion would be that there was some 
inherent defect in the organ, muscle or part which 
failed to function. But experience has proved 
that this is usually not the case. An examination 
of two thousand cases of defective utterance, 
including many others besides stuttering and 
stammering, revealed three-tenths of one per 
cent, with an organic defect — that is, a defect in 
the organs themselves. In other words, only 
three persons out of every thousand afflicted with 
defective utterance were found to have any phys- 
ical shortcoming that was responsible for the 

Take any of these two thousand cases — say 
those that stammered, for instance. What was 
the cause of their difficulty, if it did not lie in the 
organs used in the production of speech? This 
is the question that long puzzled investigators in 
the field of speech defects. Like Darwin, they 
said: "It must be this, for if it is not this, then 
what is it?" If stuttering and stammering are not 
caused by actual physical defects in the organs 
themselves, what then can be the cause? 

Due to a Lack of Co-ordination: Cases of 
stammering and stuttering where no organic 


defect is present are due to a lack of co-ordination 
between the brain and the muscles of speech. In 
other words, the harmony between the brain and 
the speech organs which normally result in 
smooth working and perfect speech has been 
interrupted. The brain impulses are no longer 
properly transmitted to and executed by the 
muscles of speech. 

This failure to transmit properly brain mes- 
sages or this lack of co-ordination may take one 
of two forms : it may result in an imder-mnerva- 
tion of the organs of speech, which results in 
loose, uncontrolled repetitions of a word, sound 
or syllable, or it may take the form of an over- 
innervation of the vocal organ with the result 
that it is so intensely contracted as to be entirely 
closed, causing the "sticking" or inability to pro- 
nounce even a sound, so common to the stam- 

Suppose that you try to say the word "tray." 
Do not articulate the sounds. Merely make the 
initial effort to say it. What happens? Simply 
this : The tip of the tongue comes in contact with 
the upper front teeth at their base and as you 
progress in your attempt to say "t," the tongue 
flattens itself against the roof of the mouth, mov- 


ing from the tip of the tongue toward its base. 
If you are a stammerer, you will probably find in 
endeavoring to say this word, that your vocal 
organs fail to respond quickly and correctly to 
the set of brain messages which should result in 
the proper enunciation of the word "tray." Your 
tongue clings to the roof of your mouth, your 
mouth remains open, you suffer a rush of blood 
to the face, due to your powerful and unsuccess- 
ful effort to articulate, and the word refuses to be 

Now, in order to dissociate "lack of co-ordi- 
nation," from stammering and to get an idea of 
its real nature, let us imagine an experiment 
which can be conducted by any one, whether they 
stammer or not. 

You see on the table before you a pencil. You 
want to write and consequently you want to pick 
up the pencil. Therefore, your brain sends a 
message to your thumb and forefinger, saying, 
"Pick up the pencil." Your brain does not, of 
course, express that command in words, but sends 
a brain impulse based upon the kinaesthetic or 
motor image of the muscular action necessary to 
accomplish that act. But for our purpose in this 


experiment, we can assume that the brain sends 
the message in terms which, if interpreted in 
words, would be "pick up the pencil." Suppose 
that when that brain message reaches your thumb 
and forefinger, instead of reaching for the pen- 
cil, they immediately close and clap or stick, 
refusing to act. Your hand is imable to pick up 
the pencil. That, then, is similar to stammering. 
The hand is doing practically what the vocal 
organs do when the stammerer attempts to speak 
and fails. But, on the other hand, if, when the 
message was received by your thumb and finger, 
it made short, successive attempts to pick up the 
pencil, but failed to accomphsh it, then you could 
compare that failure to the uncontrolled repeti- 
tions of stuttering. This inability to control the 
action of the thumb and forefinger would be the 
result of a lack of co-ordination between the 
brain and the muscles of the hand, while stutter- 
ing or stammering is the result of a lack of 
co-ordination between the brain and the muscles 
of speech. 

What Causes Lack of Co-ordination: But 
even after it is knovm that stuttering and stam- 
mering are caused by a lack of co-ordination 


between the brain and the organs of speech, still, 
the mind of scientific and inquiring trend must 
ask, "What causes the lack of co-ordination?" 
And that question is quite in order. It is plain 
that the lack of co-ordination does not exist with- 
out a cause. What, then, is this cause? 

An inquiry into the cause of the inco-ordina- 
tion between brain and speech-organs leads us to 
an examination of the original or basic causes of 
stammering. These original or basic causes in 
their various ramifications are almost as numer- 
ous as the cases of speech disorders themselves, 
but they fall into a comparatively few well- 
defined classes. 

These original causes in many cases do not 
appear to have been the direct and immediate 
cause of the trouble, but rather a predisposing 
cause or a cause which brought about a condition 
that later developed into stuttering or stam- 

Let us set down a list of the more common of 
these causes, not with the expectation of having 
the list complete but rather of giving facts about 
the representative or more common Basic Predis- 
posing Causes of Stuttering and Stammering. 

A little more than 96 per cent, of the causes of 


stammering which the author has examined can 
be traced back to one of the five causes shown 
below : 

1 — Mimicry or Imitation 
2 — Fright or severe nerve shock 
3 — Fall or injury of some sort 
4 — Heredity 
5 — ^Disease 

Let us take up these familiar causes of stutter- 
ing or stammering in the order in which we have 
set them down and learn something more of them. 

The first and one of the most common causes is 
Mimicry, or, as it is probably more often called. 
Imitation. Mimicry or Imitation is almost wholly 
confined to children. After reaching the age of 
discretion, the adult is usually of sufficient intel- 
ligence to refrain from mimicking or imitating a 
person who stutters or stammers. 

The average small boy, however, (or girl, for 
that matter) seems to find delight in mocking and 
imitating a playmate who stutters or stammers, 
and so keen is this delight that he persists in this 
practice day after day until (as its own punish- 


merit) the practice of mockery or mimicry brings 
upon the boy himself the affliction in which he 
found his fun. 

It may be noted, however, that Imitation is not 
always conscious, but often unconscious. The 
small child begins to imitate the stuttering com- 
panion without Icnowing that he engages in imita- 
tion. This practice, notwithstanding the fact that 
it is unconscious, soon develops into stuttering, 
without any cause being assignable by the parent 
until investigation develops that unconscious and 
even unnoticed imitation is the basic cause of the 
defective utterance. 

It has been definitely determined that stutter- 
ing may be communicable through contagious 
impressions, especially among children of tender 
age whose minds are subject to the slightest im- 

For this reason, it is not advisable for parents 
to allow children to play with others who stutter 
or stammer, nor is it charitable to allow a child 
who stutters or stammers to play with other 
children who are not so afflicted. 

So far-reaching are the effects of Imitation or 
Mimicry that in certain cases, children have been 
known to contract stuttering from associating 


with a deaf-mute whose expressions were made 
chiefly in the form of grunts and inarticulate 

Fright or Severe Nerve Shock: Another com- 
mon cause of stammering is fright or nervous 
shock, which may have been brought about in 
countless ways. One boy who came to me some 
time ago stated that he had swallowed a nail when 
about six years of age and that this was the cause 
of his stammering. The logical conclusion in a 
case Kke this would be that the nail had injured 
the vocal organs, but an examination proved that 
there was no organic defect and that the stam- 
mering was caused, not by injury directly to the 
vocal organs but by the nervous shock occasioned 
by swallowing the nail. 

Another case was that of a stammerer who re- 
ported that he had been given carbohe acid, by 
mistake, when a child and that he had stammered 
ever since. This, like the case of the boy who 
swallowed the nail, might be expected to prove a 
case of absolute physical injury or impairment of 
the vocal chords, but once again, it was clear that 
such was not the case and that the stammering 
was brought about solely from the nervous shock 
which came as a result of taking carbolic acid. 


There is still another case of a boy who felt 
that he was continually being followed. This was 
of course merely a hallucination, but the fright 
that this boy's state of mind brought on soon 
caused him to stutter and stammer in a very 
pronounced manner. 

Fright is a prolific cause of stuttering in small 
children and may be traced in a great many cases 
to parents or nurses who persist in telling chil- 
dren stories of a frightful nature, or who, as a 
means of discipline, scare them by locking them 
up in the cellar, the closet or the garret. To these 
scare-tales told to children should be added the 
misguided practice of telling children that "the 
bogey-man will get you" or "the policeman is 
after you" or some such tale to enforce parental 
commands. An instance is recalled of a woman 
who created out of a morbid imagination a phan- 
tom of terrible mien, who abode in the garret and 
was constantly lying in wait for the small chil- 
dren of the household with the professed inten- 
tion of "eating them alive." 

Such disciphnary methods of parents savor 
much of the Inquisition and the Dark Ages and 
should, for the good of the children and the 


future generation they represent, be totally abol- 
ished. While these methods do not, in every case, 
result in stuttering or stammering, they make the 
child of a nervous disposition and lay him liable 
in later years to the aflBictions which accompany 
nervous disorders. In some cases "tickhng" a 
child has caused stammering or stuttering. Care 
should be exercised here as well, for prolonged 
tickling brings about intense muscular contrac- 
tion especially of the diaphragmatic muscles, 
which contraction is accompanied by an agitated 
mental condition as well as extreme nervousness, 
all of which approaches very closely to the com- 
bination of abnormal conditions which are found 
to be present in stammering or stuttering. 

Fall or Injury as a Cause: Step into any 
gathering of average American parents for a 
half-hour and if the subject of the children should 
come up, you are sure to hear one or more 
dramatic recitals of the falls and injuries suffered 
by the junior members of the household, from the 
first time that Johnny fell out of bed and fright- 
ened his mother nearly to death, to the day that 
he was in an automobile crash at the age of 23. 


And these tales are always closed with the pro- 
found bit of confided information that these falls 
are of no consequence — "nothing ever comes of 

While in a great measure this is true, there are 
many falls and injuries suffered in childhood 
which are responsible for the ills of later life, 
although it is seldom indeed that they are blamed 
for the results which they bring about. 

Injuries and falls are a frequent cause of stut- 
tering and stammering. Usually, however, an 
injury results in stuttering or stammering, not 
because of any change in the physical structure 
brought about by the injury but rather by the 
nervous shock attending it. In other words, cases 
of stanmiering and stuttering caused apparently 
by injury might, if desired, be traced still further 
back, showing as the initial cause an injury but 
as a direct cause the fright or nervous shock re- 
sulting from that injury. 

A good example of this is found in a case of a 
young man who came to me some years ago. 
He said: "When I was about five years old, 
my brother and I were playing in the cellar and 
I wanted to jump off the top step. When I 
jumped, I hit my head on the cross-piece and it 


knocked me back on the steps and I slid down on 
my back, and ever since, for ten years, I have 

Here is a case where the blow on the head, or 
the succession of blows on the spiral column as 
the boy slid down the stairs, might have been the 
cause of the trouble. More probably, it was the 
combined injury, undoubtedly resulting in ia 
severe nervous shock from which the boy probably 
did not recover for many days. 

Another man said, in describing his case during 
an examination: "At the age of 16, 1 was hit on 
the head with a ball. I lost my memory for one 
week and when I regained it, I was a stammerer." 
This is a plain case of injury resulting in imme- 
diate stammering. 

Still another case is that of a boy who, at the 
age of three, was shot in the neck by a rifle, the 
bullet coming out of his chin, which resulted in 
his becoming an immediate stammerer. Here, as 
in the case of the boy who swallowed the naU, it 
might be expected that the cause was a defect in 
the organs of speech, but I found stammering 
was brought on by the nervous shock. 

From these few cases of actual occurrences, it 
will be seen that practically all cases of stammer- 


ing caused by injury can be traced to the nervous 
shock brought about by the injury. 

Heredity as a Cause: There is little that need 
be said on the subject of heredity as^ a cause of 
stuttering and stammering, save that heredity is 
a common cause and that children of stuttering 
or stammering parents usually stammer. In this, 
as in the case of any malady hereditarily trans- 
mitted, it is difficult to say whether the trouble is 
caused by inheritance or by constant and intiroate 
association of the ehild with his parents during 
the period of early speech development. 

The Result of Disease: Many cases of both 
stammering and stuttering may be traced back to 
disease as the basic or predisposing cause. Acute 
Chorea (St. Vitus Dance) is frequently the cause 
of stuttering of a type known as Choreatic Stut- 
tering or "Tic Speech." Infantile Cerebral Palsy 
sometimes brings about a condition known as 
"Spastic Speech," while whooping cough, scarlet 
fever, measles, meningitis, infantile paralysis, 
scrofula and rickets are sometimes responsible for 
the disorder. 

Disease may cause stuttering or stammering as 


an immediate after effect or the speech trouble 
may not show up for considerable time, depend- 
ing altogether upon the individual. But regard- 
less of the length of time clasping between the 
disease which predisposes the individual to the 
speech disorder and the time of the first evidence 
of its presence, diagnosis reveals but an insignifi- 
cant percentage of organic defects in these cases 
resulting from disease, indicating that even here 
the predominant causative factor is a mental one. 



EACH individual case of stuttering or stam- 
mering has its own peculiarities, already 
more or less developed — arising from structural 
differences (but not necessarily defects) in the 
organs of speech, as well as differences in tem- 
perament, health and nervousness; or peculiari- 
ties arising from habit — ^which is the result of 
previous training or neglect, as the case may be. 
Sing Without Difficultly: /Almost without 
exception, the stutterer or stanmierer can sing 
without any difficulty, can talk to animals without 
stuttering or stammering, can talk when alone 
and in some cases can talk perfectly in a whisper. 
Some stanmierers have less difficulty in talking 
to strangers than in talking to friends or relatives 
while in other cases, the condition is exactly re- 
versed. A stutterer or stammerer almost always 
experiences difficulty in speaking over the tele- 
phone. One experimenter has shown, however. 


that a stammerer can talk perfectly over the tele- 
phone so long as the receiver hook is depressed 
and there is no connection with another person at 
the other end of the line. This experimenter 
shows that immediately the receiver hook is 
released and a connection is established, the halt- 
ing, stumbling utterance beginsV 

These peculiarities of stuttering and stammer- 
ing for many years puzzled investigators and 
were, in fact, finally responsible for arriving at 
the true cause of stammering. 

Almost every stammerer seeks for an explana- 
tion of these peculiar manifestations./Why is it, 
for instance, that a stammerer can sing without 
difficulty, although he caimot talk? This is one 
of the best evidences that could be produced to 
show that stammering is the result of a lack of 
mental control. The stammerer who can sing 
without difficulty has no organic or inherent 
defect in the vocal organs, that is sure. If the 
stammerer can sing, and if this proves that he has 
no organic defect, then it follows logically that 
the cause of his trouble is mental and not physicaiy 

Talk When Alone: The fact that a stammerer 
can talk without hesitation when alone and that 


he can talk to animals may be explained by a 
very simple illustration — any stammerer can try 
this experiment on one of his friends who does 
not stammer. He can prove that the reflex, or 
what might be termed subconscious movements 
of the bodily organs are more nearly normal 
than the same movements consciously controlled. 
Take, for instance, the regular beating of the 
pulse. Let anyone who does not stammer (it 
makes no diflference in trying this experiment 
whether the person stammers or not, save that 
we are trying to prove that the condition may be 
brought about in one who is not a stammerer) 
feel his own pulse for sixty seconds. Let him be 
thoroughly conscious of this efPort to learn the 
rapidity of its beating. If a disinterested 
observer could record the pulse as normally beat- 
ing and the pulse under the conscious influence 
of the mind, it would be found that the pulse 
under the conscious effort is beating either more 
rapidly or more slowly or that it is not beating 
as regularly as in the case of imconscious or reflex 

This same condition may be noticed in another 
unconscious or reflex action — ^breathing. The 


moment you become conscious of an attempt to 
breathe regularly, breathing becomes difficult, re- 
stricted, irregular, whereas this same action, when 
unconscious, is thoroughly regular and even. 

In the average or normal person who has 
learned to talk correctly, speaking should be 
practically an unconscious process. It should not 
be necessary to make a conscious effort to form 
words, nor should a normal individual be con- 
scious of the energy necessary to create a word 
or the muscular movements necessary to its 
formation and expression. 

This will explain why the stutterer or stam- 
merer can talk without difficulty to animals or 
when alone — there is no self-consciousness — ^no 
conscious effort — no thinking of what is being 

Another of the peculiarities of stammering is 
that the stammerer in many cases seems to be 
able to talk perfectly in concert. This has long 
baffled the investigator in this field, no reason 
being assignable for this ability to talk in con- 
nection with others. The baffling element has 
been this — ^that the investigator has assumed that 
the stammerer talked well in concert, whereas a 


very careful scientist would have discovered the 
stammerer to be a fraction of a second or a part 
of a syllable behind the others. 

You have doubtless been in church at some 
time when you were not entirely famihar with 
the hymn being sung, yet by lagging a note or 
two behind the rest, you could sing the song, to 
all appearances being right along with the others. 

When you talk over the long-distance tele- 
phone, the voice seems instantly to reach the 
party at the other end of the line, yet we know 
that a period of time has had to elapse to allow 
the voice waves to move along the telephone wire 
and reach the other end. The elapse of time has 
been too slight to be noted by the average human 
mind and the transmission seems instantaneous. 
This is what happens in the case of the stammerer 
who seems able to talk in concert — ^he is merely 
a syllable or part of a syllable behind the rest, all 
the while giving the impression nevertheless, that 
he is talking just as they are. 

There are many other individual peculiarities 
which can be described by almost every stam- 
merer. These different peculiarities are more 
numerous than the cases of stammering and it 
would be useless to attempt to discuss them in 


detail. I will take up only two as being typical 
of dozens which have come under my observation 
in twenty-five years' experience. 

One stammerer explains his difficulty as fol- 
lows: "I find I am imable to talk and do some- 
thing else at the same time. For instance, I have 
difficulty in talking while dancing, while at the 
table or while listening to music. If, for instance, 
I wish to talk to any one while the Victrola is 
being played, I unconsciously cut it off." This 
is a case where the stammerer finds that all of his 
faculties must be concentrated upon a supreme 
effort to speak before this becomes possible. In 
other words, he has not yet learned to control 
sufficiently the different parts of his body so that 
they may act independently. This might be 
termed a lack of independent co-ordination. 

In the case of another young man, he found 
himself unable to control the movements of his 
muscles. In describing his trouble, he said: "At 
one time, when I was talking particularly bad, I 
was out with some other fellows driving our car. 
I started to talk, found it almost impossible and 
noticed a sharp twitching of the muscles of face, 
arms and limbs. Try as I might, I found I could 
not control these movements and in another 


minute I had steered the car into the ditch and 
wrecked it. And now," adds the young man, 
"although father has a new car, I am never 
allowed to drive it !" 

Here was a case where the spasmodic action of 
the muscles had gotten so far beyond control as 
to make the ordinary pursuits of life dangerous 
to the young man who stammered. These spas- 
modic movements were always present — ^he told 
of one occasion when he was in a barber's chair 
being shaved. He attempted to say a word or 
two Avhile the barber was at work upon him, with 
the result that he lost control of the muscles of 
face and neck, causing the barber to cut a long 
gash in his neck. 

This was, of course, an abnormal case of 
spasmodic stamutnering, evidencing extraordinary 
muscular contractions of the worst type. In 
practically every case of stammering, some such 
peculiarity is evident, resulting from the inabil- 
ity of the stammerer's brain to control physical 



PARADOXICAXi as the statement may 
seem, it is nevertheless true that one of the 
symptoms of least seeming importance marks one 
of the most dangerous aspects of both stuttering 
and stammering. 

This is the alternating good-and-bad condition 
known as the Intermittent Tendency or the 
tendency of the stutterer or stammerer to show 
marked improvement at times. 

This seeming improvement brings about a 
feeling of relief, the unreasoning fear of failure 
seems for the time to have left almost entirely; 
the mental strain under which the sufferer ordi- 
narily labors seems to be no longer present; there 
is but little worry about either present condition 
or future prospects ; the nervous condition seems 
to have very materially improved, self-confidence 
returns quickly and with it the hope that the 
trouble is gone forever or is at least rapidly dis- 
appearing. With these manifestations of im- 
provement come also a greater ease in concen- 


tration, a greater and more facile power-of-will 
and an ambition that shows signs of rekindling, 
with worth-while accomplishments in prospect. 

Hope now bm^s high in the breast of the stut- 
terer or stammerer. They go about smiling 
inwardly if not outwardly, happy as the proud 
father of a new boy, at peace with the world. 
The sun shines brighter than it has for months or 
years. Every one seems much more pleasant and 
agreeable. Things which the day before seemed 
totally impossible seem now to come within their 
range of accomplishment. Such is the feeling of 
the confirmed stutterer or stammerer during the 
time of this pseudo-freedom from his speech dis- 

In his OAvn mind, the sufferer is quite sure that 
his malady has disappeared over-night, like a bad 
dream and that freedom of speech has been be- 
stowed upon him as a gift from the gods on high. 

The higher the hopes of the sufferer and the 
greater the assurance with which he pursues the 
activities of his day, the greater is his disappoint- 
ment and despair when the inevitable relapse 
overtakes him. 

For disappointment and despair are sure to 
come — just as sure as the sun is to rise in the 


heavens in the morning. The condition of relief 
is but temporary, and will soon pass away to be 
followed by a return of his old trouble in a form 
more aggravated than ever before. 

Fate seems to play with the stammerer's afflic- 
tion as a cat plays with a mouse, allowing him to 
be free for a few hours, a few days or a few weeks 
as the case may be, only to drag the dejected suf- 
ferer back to his former condition — or, as is true 
in many cases, worse than before. 

The Recurrence: With the return of the 
trouble, the bodily and mental reaction are almost 
too great for the human mechanism to withstand. 
Hope seems to be a word which has been lost 
from the life of the stammerer. The fear of fail- 
ure returns with an overwhelming force mocking 
the sufferer with the thought of "Oh, how I 
deceived you!!"; the mental strain is exceedingly 
great — so great, in fact, that it seems as if the 
breaking point has almost been reached. The 
nervous condition is alarming, the sufferer not- 
ing in himself an inability to work, to play, to 
study or even to sit still. An observer would note 
the stammerer or stutterer in this condition 
fingering his coat lapels, putting his hands in his 


pockets and removing them again, biting his 
finger nails, constantly shifting eyes, head, arms 
and feet about. If at home, the sufferer in this 
condition would probably be seen walking about 
the house, unable to read, to play or listen to 
music or to follow any of the accustomed activi- 
ties of his life. If in business or in the shop, he 
would be noticed making frequent trips to the 
wash room, to the drinking fountain, to the fore- 
man, picking up and laying down his tools, look- 
ing out the window, shifting from one foot to 
another, all of which symptoms indicate an acute 
nervous condition, brought about by the return 
of his trouble. 

At this stage, the stammerer's confidence is 
hopelessly gone, so it seems, and this feeling is 
accompanied by one of depression which finds an 
outlet in the expression of the firm belief and con- 
viction on the part of the stutterer or stammerer 
that the disorder can NEVER be cured, by any 
method, although just the day before the same 
sufferer would have insisted that his stuttering or 
stammering had cured itself and left of its own 

These conditions, both at the time of the so- 
called improvement and at the time of the recur- 


rence of the trouble, will appear in greater or less 
degree in the case of every stutterer or stammerer 
whose trouble is of the intermittent type. 

The Dangers of This Tendency: This period 
of recurrence is accompanied by almost total loss 
of the power-of-will, a marked weakening in the 
ability to concentrate, and if it does not result in 
insomnia (inability to sleep) puts the mind in 
such a state as to make sleep of little value in 
building up the body, replacing worn-out tissue 
cells and restoring vital energy. 

The chief danger, however, resulting from 
these periods of temporary improvement, is the 
belief that it instills into the mind of the suf- 
ferer and more frequently into the minds of the 
parents of stuttering or stammering children, 
that the trouble will cure itself — a fallacy greater 
than which there is none. 

Stuttering and stammering are destructive 
maladies. They tear down both body and mind 
but they have not the slightest power to build up. 
And until a strong mental and physical structure 
has been built up in place of the weakened struc- 
ture (which results in stammering and stutter- 
ing) a cure is out of the question. 



THE spell of intense recurrence of either 
stammering or stuttering which follows a 
period of improvement, often marks the period 
of transition from one stage of the disorder into 
the next and more serious stage. This transition, 
however, may not be a conscious process — that is, 
the sufferer may not in any way be informed of 
the fact that he is passing into a more serious 
stage of his trouble save that after the transition 
has taken place, he may find himself a chronic or 
constant stammerer and in a nervous and mental 
condition much more acute than ever before. 

Dr. Alexander Melville Bell (father of Alex- 
ander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone), 
who, before his death, was a speech expert of 
unquestioned repute, discovered this condition 
many years ago and in his work Principles of 
Speech speaks of it as follows (page 234) : 

"Often the transition from simple to more complicated 
forms of difficulty is so rapid, that it cannot be traced or 
anticipated. Perhaps some slight ailment may imperceptibly 


introduce the Mgher impediment or some evil example may 
draw the ill-mastered utterance at onee into the vortex of the 

This Progressive Tendency, which we shall here- 
after call the Progressive Character of the trouble 
in order to distinguish it from the Intermittent 
Tendency, is present in more than 98 per cent, of 
the cases of stammering and stuttering which I 
have examined and diagnosed. 

True, there are many cases, the apparent or 
manifest tendencies of which do not indicate that 
the disorder is becoming more serious, but never- 
theless this condition is no indication that the 
trouble is not busily at work tearing out the 
foundation of mental and bodily perfection. 

Successive Stages: Stuttering may be con- 
veniently divided into four stages, by which its 
progress may be measured. These may be desig- 
nated in their order as: 

1 — Simple Phase 
2 — ^Advanced Phase 
3 — Mental Phase 
4 — Compound Phase 

The progress of the disorder is sure. Take the 
case of a chUd eight years of age who has a case 


of simple stuttering. Permit the child to go 
without attention for some time and the trouble 
will have progressed into the Advanced Phase, 
usually without the knowledge of the child or his 
parents or without any especially noticeable sur- 
face change in his condition. 

Stuttering in its first phase — Simple Stutter- 
ing — can justly be called a physical and not a 
mental trouble. In this stage, the disorder should 
be easily eradicated. The duration of cases of 
Simple Stuttering is very shght, for the reason 
that Simple Stuttering soon passes into the Ad- 
vanced Phase, which is of a physical-mental 
nature, exhibiting the symptoms of a mental dis- 
turbance as well as of a physical diificulty. 

From the Advanced Phase stuttering then 
passes into the Mental Phase, where the mental 
strain is found to be greatly intensified and the 
disorder a distinct mental type instead of a phys- 
ical or physical-mental trouble. 

When stuttering in this stage is permitted to 
continue its hold upon the suflFerer, the continued 
strain, worry and fear bring about a condition of 
extraordinary malignancy, in which the trouble 
develops into the Chronic Mental Stage. This is 
a condition bordering upon mental breakdown 


and even though the complete breakdown never 
occurs, the one afflicted finds himself a chronic 
stutterer, without surcease from his trouble. He 
further finds that he has increasing difficiilty in 
thinking of the things which he wishes to say. 
He seems to know, but his mind refuses to frame 
the thought. In other words, he is unable to 
recall the mental image of the word in mind, and 
is therefore unable to speak the word. This is a 
condition known as Aphasia or Thought Lapse 
and represents a most serious stage of the diffi- 
culty, in many cases totally beyond the possibil- 
ity of relief — a condition in which no stutterer 
should allow himself to get. 

Stammering, being a kindred condition to stut- 
tering, progresses from bad to worse in a manner 
very similar. The progress of stammering may 
be classified into successive stages as follows : 

1 — Elementary Stage 

2 — Spasmodic Stage 

3 — Primary Mental Stage 

4 — Chronic Mental Stage 

5 — Compound Stage 
Stammering in the Elementary Stage, like Stut- 
tering, is a Physical Trouble. The Stammerer 
has often been known to remain in the Elemen- 


tary Stage only a few days or a few weeks, pass- 
ing almost immediately into either the Spasmodic 
or the Primary Mental Stage. Not all stam- 
merers pass into the Spasmodic Stage of the 
disorder, however, some passing directly into 
Primary Mental Stage. 

The Spasmodic Stage, however, is a form of 
difficulty somewhat akin to the Advanced Phase 
of Stuttering, for in this stage the trouble can be 
said to be of Physical-Mental nature instead of 
the purely physical disorder found in Elemen- 
tary Stammering. 

Stammering, in the Primary Mental Stage, 
takes on a distinct Mental form as differentiated 
from the Mental-Physical form and becomes 
therefore more difficult to eradicate. If allowed 
to continue, this form of Stammering (hke Stut- 
tering) passes into the Chronic Mental Stage, in 
which case the Stammerer usually exhibits pro- 
nounced signs of Thought Lapse and finds him- 
self a Chronic or Constant Stammerer, often 
unable to utter a sound — and further at times 
unable to think of what he wishes to say. 

The progress of both Stuttering and Stam- 
mering from one stage to another is very certain. 
These speech disorders do not differ materially 


from other human afflictions in this respect — they 
do not remain constant. There is an axiom in 
Nature, that "Nothing is static," which, being in- 
terpreted, means, that nothing stands still. And 
this applies with fuU force to the stutterer or 
stammerer. If no steps are taken to remedy the 
malady, he may be very sure that the disorder is 
getting worse — ^not standing still or remaining 
the same. 



PROBABLY the most harmful and oft- 
repeated bit of advice ever given to a stam- 
merer or stutterer is that which says, "Oh, don't 
bother about it — you will soon outgrow the trou- 
ble 1" It is the most harmful because it is palp- 
ably untrue. It is so oft-repeated because the 
person giving the advice knows nothing what- 
ever about the cause of stammering and just as 
little about its progress or treatment. 

The fact that we hear of no cases of stuttering 
or stammering which have been outgrown does 
not seem to alter the popular and totally un- 
founded belief that stammering and stuttering 
can be readily outgrown. 

If the reader has not read the chapter on the 
causes of stuttering and stammering and the two 
preceding chapters on the Intermittent Tendency 
and the Progressive Character of these speech 
disorders, then these chapters should be read care- 
fully before going further with this one, because 


it is essential to know the cause of the trouble 
before it is possible to answer intelligently the 
question, "Can Stammering be Outgrown?" 

To any one who imderstands the nature of the 
difficulty and the progress it is liable to make, the 
question is almost as absurd as asking whether or 
not the desire to sleep can be outgrown by stay- 
ing awake. But aside from its scientific aspect — 
aside from the absurdity of the question — let us 
examine the facts as revealed by actual records of 
cases. Let us dispense with all theory on the sub- 
ject and take experience gained in a wide range 
of cases as the correct guide in finding the answer. 

Facts from Statistics: An examination of the 
records of several thousand cases of stuttering 
and stammering of all types and in all stages of 
development reveals the fact that after passing 
the age of six, only one-fifth of one per cent, ever 
outgrow stammering. This means that out of 
every five hundred people who stammer, only one 
ever outgrows it. Between the ages of three and 
six, the indications are more favorable, the rec- 
ords in these cases showing that slightly less than 
one per cent, outgrow the difficulty. That means 


that one out of every hundred children affected 
has a chance, at least, of outgrowing the difficulty 
between the ages of three and six, and after that 
time, only one chance in five hundred. 

Suppose you were handed a rifle, given five 
hundred cartridges and told to hit a bull's eye at 
a hundred yards, 499 times out of 500. Suppose 
you were told that if you missed once you would 
have to suffer the rest of your life as a stammerer. 

Would you take the offer? Certainly not!!! 

And yet that is exactly the opportunity that a 
stammerer over six years of age has to outgrow 
his trouble. 

Dr. Leonard Keene Hirschberg, the medical 
writer, whose suggestions appear daily in a large 
list of newspapers, has this to say about the pos- 
sibility of outgrowing stammering: 

"Often when the attention of careless and reokless fa- 
talistic relatives is attracted to a child's stammering, they 
labor nnder the mistaken illusion that the child 'will out- 
grow it.' A more harmful doctrine has never been perpet- 
uated than the one contained in that stock phrase. As a 
matter of experience, speech troubles are not 'outgrown.' 
They become 'ingrown.' If not corrected at first, they go 
from bad to worse. So firmly rooted and ingrained into the 
child's habits does stuttering become that with every hour's 
growth the chance for a cure becomes farther and farther 

This statement from Dr. Hirschberg is a 


straight-forward, practical and common-sense 
view of the subject. 

The belief that the child will outgrow the 
malady often springs out of the tendency of the 
stammerer to be better and worse by turns, a 
condition which is fully described and explained 
in the chapter on the Intermittent Tendency. 
There is always present in any case of stammer- 
ing the opportunity for a cessation of the trouble 
for a short period of time. The visible condition 
is changeable and it is this particular aspect of 
the disorder that renders it deceptive and danger- 
ous, for many, who jSnd themselves talking fairly 
well for a short period, believe that they are on 
the road to relief, whereas they are simply in a 
position where their trouble is about to return 
upon them in greater force than ever. 

From the nature of the impediment — lack of 
co-ordination between the brain and the organs of 
speech — stammering cannot be outgrown — ^no 
more so than the desire to eat or to talk or to 

Back of that statement, there is a very sound 
scientific reason that explains why stammering 
cannot be outgrown. Stammering is destructive. 
It tears down but cannot build up. Every time 


the stammerer attempts to speak and fails, the 
failure tears out a certain amount of his power- 
of-will. And since it is impossible for him to 
speak fluently except on rare occasions, this loss 
of will-power and confidence takes place every 
time he attempts to speak, so that with each suc- 
cessive failure, his power to speak correctly be- 
comes steadily lessened. The case of a stammerer 
might be compared to a road in which a deep rut 
has been worn. Each time a wagon passes 
through this rut, it becomes deeper. The stam- 
merer has no more chance of outgrowing his 
trouble than the road has of outgrowing the rut. 
Dr. Alexander Melville Bell recognizes the ab- 
solute certainty of the progress of stammering 
and the impossibility of outgrowing the difficulty, 
when he states in his work. Principles of 
Speech (page 234) : 

"If the stanunerer or stutterer were brought tinder treat- 
ment before the spasmodic habit became established, his cure 
would be much easier than after the malady has become 
rooted in his muscular and nervous system." 

To the stammerer or stutterer or the parents of 
a stammering child, experience brings no truer 
lesson than this: Stammering cannot be out- 
grown ; danger lurks behind delay. 



IT is hardly necessary to describe to the stam- 
merer who has passed beyond the first stage 
of his trouble the effect of stammering on the 
mind. Most any sufferer in the second or third 
stages of the malady has experienced for very 
brief periods the sensation of thoughts shpping 
away from him and of pursuing or attempting to 
pursue those thoughts for some seconds without 
success, finally to find them returning like a flash. 
The stammerer who recalls such an incident 
will remember the feelings of lassitude or momen- 
tary physical exhaustion, as well as the feeling of 
weakness which followed the lapse-of-thought. 
This mental flurry is but an indication of a men- 
tal condition known as Thought-Lapse, which 
may result from long-continued stammering, 
especially a case which has been allowed to pro- 
gress into the Chronic or Advanced Stage. 

A Case of Aphasia: One writer, in citing in- 
stances of thought-lapse, or aphasia, tells of the 


case of a man unable to recall the name of any 
object until it was repeated for him. A knife, 
for instance, placed on the table before him, 
brought no mental image of the word represent- 
ing the object, yet if the word "knife" were 
spoken for him, he would immediately say, "Oh, 
yes, it is a knife." 

A chapter could be filled with instances of this 
sort, but I shall not attempt to quote further any 
of the symptoms of aphasia in a stammerer, for 
in cases that become so far advanced, there is con- 
siderable question as to the possibihty of bringing 
about a cure. I say this, notwithstanding the fact 
that my experience with students having this 
tendency has been very satisfactory indeed. 

Cases of unreasoning despondency, which re- 
sult in the stammerer's desire to take his own life, 
are so numerous as hardly to require comment. 
Very frequently you see in some of the large 
metropohtan papers an account of a suicide 
resulting from a nervous and mental condition 
brought on by stuttering and stanmiering. This 
condition seems to be very marked in the cases 
of stammerers between the ages of twelve and 
twenty, records showing that most of the suicides 
of stammerers are persons between those ages. 


The intense mental strain, the extreme nervous 
condition, the continual worry and fear cannot 
fail, sooner or later, to have its effect upon the 
mind. This is clear to any stammerer, who is 
familiar with the mental condition brought about 
by the first few hours of one of his periods of re- 
currence. Another case where the mental strain 
is extremely great is that of the synonym stam- 
merer — the mentally alert individual who, in 
order to prevent the outward appearance of 
stammering, is continually searching for syno- 
nyms or less difficult words to take the place of 
those which he cannot speak. This continual 
searching for synonyms results in a nervous ten- 
sion that is sure to tell on the mental faculties 
sooner or later, and I have found, in examining 
many thousands of cases, that the synonym stam- 
merer is usually in a more highly nervous state 
than any other type. 

Mental Strain Eventually Tells: The effect 
of stuttering or stammering on the sufferer's con- 
centration is very marked. The sufferer notes 
an inability to concentrate his mind on any sub- 
ject for any length of time, finds it impossible to 
pursue an education with any degree of success 


or to follow any business which requires close 
attention and careful work. 

The power-of-will is also affected and the 
stammerer notes an inability to put through the 
things which he starts and which require the exer- 
cise of will power to bring to a successful con- 

A diagnosis of insanity is sometimes made in 
the case of a stammerer in the advanced stages of 
his malady, while in other instances the mental 
aberration takes the form of a hallucination of 
some sort, as in the case of the boy who was of 
the belief that he was continually being followed. 

But regardless of what form is taken by the 
mental disorder resulting from stammering, such 
cases are almost invariably found to have long 
since passed into the incurable stage, although 
positive statements as to the individual's condi- 
tion should not be made, as a rule, without a 
thorough diagnosis having first been made. 



THE effect of stammering or stuttering 
upon the physical structure is problemat- 
ical. In some cases examined, a noticeable lack of 
vitality has been found, together with an ahnost 
total loss of active appetite, a marked inclination 
toward insomnia and a generally debilitated con- 
dition resulting from the nervous strain and con- 
tinued fear brought on by the speech disorder. 

In other cases, it has been found that the health 
was but little affected and that there was no 
marked departure from normal. 

The physical condition of the stammerer is the 
result of many factors. If plenty of fresh air 
and exercise is supplied, and the mind is well- 
employed so that the worry over the trouble does 
not disturb the stammerer, then the chances for 
being in a normal physical condition are good. 

On the other hand, the boy of studious dis- 
position, who is somewhat of a bookworm, keeps 
close to the house and does not play with other 
children of his age, will probably find time for 


much introspection, and on this account, as well 
as on account of the lack of fresh air and exer- 
cise, will probably be in a physical condition that 
of itself demands careful attention. 

It has been found in examinations of stammer- 
ers and stutterers, however, that they are usually 
of below normal chest expansion and that the 
health, while not particularly bad, is subject to a 
great improvement as a result of the proper 
treatment for stammering, 

Charles Kingsley, the noted English divine 
and writer, and himself a stammerer many years 
ago, has the following to say regarding the effect 
of stammering on the body: "Continual depres- 
sion of spirit wears out body as well as mind. 
The lungs never act rightly, never oxygenate the 
blood sufficiently. The vital energy continually 
directed to the organs of speech and there used 
up in the miserable spasm of mis-articulation 
cannot feed the rest of the body; and the man too 
often becomes thin, pale, flaccid, with contracted 
chest, loose ribs and bad digestion. I have seen 
a boy of twelve stunted, thin as a ghost and with 
every sign of approaching consumption. I have 
seen that boy a few months after being cured. 


upright, ruddy, stout, eating heartily and begin- 
ning to grow faster than he had ever grown in 
his life. I never knew a single case in which the 
health did not begin to improve then and there." 



(1) The Pre-S peaking Period 

FROM the standpoint of speech development, 
the hfe of any person between the time of 
birth and the age of twenty-one years, may be 
divided into four periods as follows: 

From Birth to Age 2 — Pre-SpeaJcing 

Age 2 to Age 6 — Formative-Setting Period 
Age 6 to Age 11 — Speech-Setting Period 
Age 11 to Age 20 — Adolescent Period 

This chapter will deal only with the first period of 
the child's speech-development, beginning with 
birth and taking the child up to his second year. 
The speech disorders of the later periods will be 
taken up in the three following chapters. 

The Pre-S peaking Period: This is the period 
between the time of birth and the age of 2, and 


takes the child up to the time of the first spoken 
word. This does not mean, of course, that no 
child speaks before the age of 2, for many chil- 
dren have made their first trials at speaking at 
as early an age as 15 months, and many begin to 
talk by the time they are a year and a half old. 
At the age of two, however, not only the pre- 
cocious child but the child of slower-than-average 
development should be able to talk in at least 
brief, disjointed monosyllables. 

Before taking up the possibility of a child ex- 
hibiting symptoms of defective speech with the 
first utterance, let us familiarize ourselves with 
the fundamentals vmderlying the production of 
the first spoken words. 

The mother, who for months, perhaps, has been 
listening with eager interest and fond anticipa- 
tion for her child's first word to be spoken, has 
httle comprehension of the vast amount of edu- 
cation and training which the infant has absorbed 
in order to perfect this first small utterance. 
Months have been spent in listening to others, in 
taking in sounds and recalling them, in impress- 
ing them upon the memory by constant repeti- 
tion, until finally after a year and a half, or more, 


perhaps, the circuit is completed and the first 
word is put down as history. 

Association of Ideas: It must be remembered 
that perfect co-ordination of speech is the result 
of many mental images, not of one. In saying 
the word "salt," for instance, you have a graphic 
mental picture of what salt looks hke; a second 
picture of what the word sounds like; a "motor- 
memory" picture of the successive muscle move- 
ments necessary to the formation of the word; 
another picture that recalls the taste of salt, and 
still another that recalls the movements of the 
hand necessary to write the word. 

These pictures aU hingeing upon the word 
"salt" were gradua,lly acquired from the time you 
began to observe. You tasted salt. You saw it 
at the same time you tasted it. There you see 
was an association of two ideas. Thereafter, 
when you saw salt, you not only recognized it by 
sight, but your brain recalled the taste of salt, 
without the necessity of your rea,lly tasting it. 
Or, on the other hand, if you had shut your eyes 
and someone had put salt on your tongue, the 
taste in that case would have recalled to your 


mind the graphic picture of the appearance of 

As you grew older and learned to speak, your 
vocal organs imitated the sound of the word 
"salt" as you heard it expressed by others and 
thus you learned to speak that word. At that 
stage, your brain was capable of calling up three 
mental pictures — an auditory picture, or a pic- 
ture of the sound of the word; a graphic or visual 
picture, or a picture of the appearance of salt, 
and a third, which we have called a motor- 
memory picture, which represents the muscular 
movements necessary to speak the word. A little 
later on, after you had gone to school and 
learned to write, you added to these pictures a 
fourth, the movements of the hand necessary to 
write the word "salt." 

At the sight of the mother, a duld may, for 
instance, be heard to say the word "Mom" while 
at the sight of the pet dog whose name is "Dot," 
be heard to say "Dot" in his childish way. 

Here we have the first example in this child of 
the association of ideas. The child has heard, re- 
peatedly, the word "Mama" used in conjunction 
with the appearance of the smiling face of his 


mother. Thus has the child acquired the hahit 
of associating the word "Mama" with that face — 
and the sight of the countenance after a time 
recalls the sound of the associated word. Thus a 
visual image of the mother transmitted to the 
child through the medium of the eye, links up a 
train of thought that finally results in the child's 
attempt to say "Mama." 

To take another example of the association of 
ideas or the co-ordination of mental images neces- 
sary to the production of speech, let us suppose, 
for instance, that the child has been in the habit 
of petting the dog and hearing him called by 
name "Dot" at the same time. Now, if the dog 
be placed out of the child's sight and yet in a posi- 
tion where the hand of the child can reach and 
pet him in a familiar way, this sense of touch, like 
the sense of sight, will set up a train of thought 
that results in the child making his childish 
attempt to speak the name of the dog "Dot." 

In other words the excitation of any sensory 
organs sets up a series of sensory impulses which 
are transmitted along the sensory nerve fibres to 
the brain, where they are referred to the cerebel- 
lum or filing case, locating a set of associated im- 


pulses which travel outward from the motor area 
of the brain and result in the actions, or series of 
actions, which are necessary to produce a word. 

It will make the action of the brain clearer if 
the reader will remember the sensory nerve fibres 
as those carrying messages only to the brain, 
while the motor nerve fibres carry messages only 
FEOM the brain. 

To make still clearer this association of i^eas 
so necessary to the production of speech, suppose 
this same child hears the word "Dot" spoken in 
his presence. He will, in all probability, begin to 
repeat the word, and to search diligently for his 
pet dog. Thus it will be seen that in this case the 
sound of the dog's name has stirred up a train of 
mental images, one of these being a visual image 
of the dog himself, causing the child to look about 
in search for him. 

How We Learn to Talk: We learn to talk, 
therefore, purely by observation and imitation. 
Observation is here used in a broad sense and 
means not only seeing but sensing, such as sens- 
ing by smelling, touching or tasting. The child 
imitates the sounds he hears and if these sounds 


emanate from those afflicted with defective utter- 
ance, then it follows that the initial utterance of 
the child will be likewise defective. 

Source of the First Word: The first spoken 
word of the child usually finds its source in some 
name or word repeatedly spoken in the child's 
presence. It is not usual that this first word is 
marked by a defective utterance and if such 
should be the case, then it is safe to say that this 
faulty utterance can be traced back to the imita- 
tion of some member of the family, or some child 
who has been permitted to talk to the child in his 
pre-speaking period. There is little to be gained 
by tracing the first word back, for no very pro- 
found conclusion can safely be registered with 
such a basis, for no matter what the word be and 
no matter whether it be correctly or imperfectly 
enunciated, it is the result of imitation. 

There may be two exceptions to this, however, 
one being the case of a child with a physical de- 
fect in the organs of speech and the other that of 
a child who has inherited from the parents a pre- 
disposition to stammer or stutter. These excep- 
tions, however, are so rare as to hardly require 
consideration. In the first (that of a physical 


defect) it is hardly probable that an organic de- 
fect would manifest itself in the form of stutter- 
ing or stammering, but rather in some other form 
of defective utterance. In the case of the in- 
herited predisposition to stutter or stammer, there 
is always the question which has contributed more 
largely to the defective utterance — the inherited 
predisposition or the association with others who 
speak in a faulty manner. 

Advice to Parents: It is very essential that 
from the very beginning of the period of the 
recording of suggestion, the child is shown the 
correct and customary utterance with the best 
method of its accomplishment. The child jshould 
not be subjected to constant repetitions of pho- 
netic defects, imperfect utterance or speech dis- 
orders of any sort. The child who hears none but 
perfect speech is not hable to speak imperfectly, 
or at least not so liable as the child who hears 
wrong methods of talking in use at all times, for 
this last cannot escape the effects of his environ- 



(2) The Formative Period 

THE period in a child's speech development 
dating from the second year and up to the 
sixth, is called the Formative Period, for the 
reason that this is the time when the child is busy' 
learning new words, acquiring new habits of 
speech, co-ordinating and learning properly to 
associate the flood of ideas which overwhelm the 
child-mind in this period. 

The child-vocabulary at this time is but an echo 
of the vocabulary of the home. The words that 
have been used most frequently there are most 
strongly impressed upon the child-mind. The 
names he has heard, the objects he has seen, the 
applications of speech-ideas — these alone are now 
in his mind. This condition is inevitable since the 
child must learn to speak by imitation — and, 
since he has had no source of word-pictures other 
than the home, he must have acquired facility in 


the use of only those words he has had an oppor- 
tunity to hear. 

President Wilson, whose faultless diction, re- 
markable fluency of expression and discriminat- 
ing choice of words, made him a master speaker 
and writer, attributed his facility to the 
training he received in the home of his father, a 
minister, where the children were constantly 
encouraged in the use of correct English and in 
the broadening and enrichment of their store of 

From the form of simple child-speech, made 
up often of monosyllables or of a few brief and 
easy sentences, the child must now evolve a more 
complicated form of thought-expression, with the 
use of connectives, descriptions and a finer 
gradation of color than heretofore. 

This process may be materially aided by the 
parent by the repetition of the child's own utter- 
ances, proving to the child that these are correct, 
that he is being understood and giving him con- 
fidence to venture further out in his attempts at 
speech amplification. This encouragement of the 
child-mind in its attempts to speak is so impor- 
tant that it is worth while to give some simple 


examples of what is meant, in order that the 
point may be clearly understood. Let us take, 
first, the example of a mother who, from some 
cause, allows herself to be of a nervous and irrita- 
ble disposition. The small child may say, "Mam- 
ma, I want a tooky." The mother, either through 
indifference or through habit, says, "You want 
•what?" This, first of all, is like a dash of cold 
water to the child in his uncertain state of mind 
as to the correctness of his utterance. The child 
repeats, "I want a tooky," and in all probability 
gets the further inquiry, "You want a tooky — 
what's that?" which undermines the child's confi- 
dence in himself and in his ability to talk. 

On the other hand, the mother who under- 
stands the needs of the child from a speech-form- 
ing standpoint wiU not insist on the child repeat- 
ing the word time after time as if it was not 
understood. She will strive hard to understand 
the first time, even though the expression is im- 
perfect and difficult of interpretation, and her 
nimble mind having figured out what it is that the 
child desires," wiU say, "Baby wants a cooky?" 
Here the chUd, in his comparatively new occupa- 
tion of talking, finds a deal of delight in knowing 


that his words have been properly comprehended 
and feels a new confidence in his ability to express 
thoughts — which confidence, by the way, is essen- 
tial to normal speech development in the child. 
It has the further effect of correcting the tend- 
ency of faulty utterance, and in time will result 
in the complete eradication of the natural 
tendency to "baby-talk" which is too often en- 
couraged and aided by the habit of parents in 
repeating the baby-talk. In no case, should de- 
fective utterances be repeated, no matter how 
"cute" the utterance may seem at the time. Many 
speak indistinctly throughout their entire life 
simply because of the habit of their parents in 
repeating baby-talk, thus confirming incorrect 
images of numerous words. 

Speech Disorders in the Formative Period: 
The Formative Period may mark the beginning 
of a speech disorder and in many instances 
chronic cases of stuttering and stammering may 
be traced to a simple disorder which first mani- 
fested itself in the ages between 2 and 6. 

Speech disorders arising in this period may be 
traced to any one of a number of causes. In a 


child of five, for instance, the diagnostician would 
look for evidences of an inherited tendency to 
stammer or stutter; he would look also for cir- 
cumstances which would show that the child had 
acquired defective utterance through mimicry of 
others similarly afilicted or through the uncon- 
scious imitation of the defective speech of those 
immediately about him. 

Failing to find any hereditary tendency to a 
speech defect or any evidence that the disorder 
had been acquired by imitation or mimicry, the 
next step would be to determine whether or not 
the trouble had been caused by disease or injury. 

As explained in Chapter III, the diseases of 
childhood, such as Whooping Cough, Scarlet 
Fever, Diphtheria, Acute Chorea, Infantile 
Cerebral Palsy and Infantile Paralysis are fre- 
quently the cause of stuttering or stammering, 
and a history showing a record of these diseases 
would result in a very careful examination for 
the purpose of determining if they had resulted 
in a form of defective utterance. 

Advice to Parents: But whatever the cause of 
the trouble, care should be taken to see that it 
grows no worse and every attempt should be 


made to eradicate it at this early stage. Like a 
fire, speech disorders in their early stages are 
insignificant compared to their future progress 
and can be much more readily eradicated then 
than later. Inasmuch as a child of less than eight 
years is hardly old enough to undertake institu- 
tional treatment successfully, it behooves the 
parent of the stammering or stuttering child to 
render what home assistance is possible, during 
this period. The old adage, tried and true, that 
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of 
cure" is never more correctly applied than here. 
A few simple suggestions may aid in preventing 
the trouble from progressing rapidly to a serious 
stage, even though these suggestions do not erad- 
icate the disorder altogether. 

First of all, the child should be kept in the very 
best possible physical condition. This means, too, 
plenty of fresh air and sunshine, without which 
any child is less than physically fit. 

It is important that the child be not allowed to 
associate with others who stammer or stutter, or 
who have any form of speech disorder. Imita- 
tion or mimicry, as heretofore stated, is the most 
prolific cause of speech trouble and to place a 
child who stammers or stutters in the company 


of an older person similarly afflicted, is to invite 
a serious form of the disorder. 

Nervousness, while not the cause of speech dis- 
order, is an aggravant of the trouble and should 
be avoided. The child should not be allowed to 
engage in anything which has a tendency to make 
him nervous or highly excited. Such a condition 
will aggravate the speech trouble, make it worse 
and tend to fix it more firmly in the child. 

Furthermore, parents should not scold or be- 
rate the child because he stammers or stutters. 
No child stammers or stutters because he wants 
to, but because he has not the power to control 
his speech organs. In other words, the child can- 
not help himself — and scolding and harsh words 
simply cause confusion and dejection which in 
turn react to make a more serious condition. 

The Chances for Outgrowing: The author's 
examination and diagnosis of more than 20,000 
cases of speech disorders has revealed the fact 
that at this period in the life of the child afHicted 
Avith stammering or stuttering, slightly less than 
1 per cent, outgrow the difficulty. With proper 
parental care it might be possible to increase this 
percentage, perhaps double it, but this should 


hardly be called "outgrowing." In the mind of 
the average person, the expression "outgrowing 
his stammering" means that the stammerer has 
been able to go ahead without giving the slightest 
heed to his trouble and that it has, by some 
magical process, ceased to exist. This is a fal- 
lacy. Stammering and stuttering are both de- 
structive and progressive and no amount of 
indifference will result in relief — ^but on the other 
hand, will terminate in a more malignant type of 
the disorder. It is true, however, that more care 
on the part of the parent in looking after the 
formation of speech habits in the Pre-Speaking 
and Formative Periods of the child's speech de- 
velopment, would result in fewer cases of chronic 
stammering and stuttering in later life. 



(3) The Speech-Setting Period 

THE period from the age of 6 to the age of 
11 (inclusive) is in truth the Speech- Setting 
Period, for it is at this time that the child's speech 
habits become more or less fixed, and his vocabu- 
lary, while constantly developing, manifests tend- 
encies which may be traced through into the later 
life of the adult. 

This Speech-Setting Period marks two very 
important events in the speech development of 
the child. First, it marks the period of second 
dentition or the time when the milk-teeth are 
"shed" and the new and permanent teeth take 
their place. This is a critical period and statistics 
show that there is a marked increase in speech 
disorders at this time. The second event of im- 
portance, both to child and to parents, is the 
beginning of the work in school. It must be 
remembered that heretofore the child has been 
under the watchful care of the parents during 
most of his hours, while now, with the beginning 


of his work in school, he is having his first small 
taste of facing the world alone — even if only for 
a httle while each day. 

Regardless of the attitude which the child takes 
toward his work in school, this work presents new 
problems and new possibilities of danger from a 
standpoint of speech development. A slight de- 
fect in utterance which at honie is passed over 
from long familiarity, is the subject of ridicule 
and laughter at school. For the first time in the 
child-life, the stammering or stuttering young- 
ster may experience the awful feeling of being 
laughed at and made fun of, without exactly 
knowing why. He will have to face the ques- 
tions of his thoughtless companions who will at- 
tempt to make him talk merely for the sake of 
entertaining themselves. To the child who stut- 
ters or stammers, this is torture in its worst form. 
The humiliation and disgrace which the stammer- 
ing child must undergo on the way to school, in 
the school-yard and on the way home again, is a 
tremendous force in the life of the youngster — a 
force which may seriously impede his mental de- 
velopment, his physical welfare and his progress 
in school. He finds himself unlike others, de- 
ficient in some respect and yet not realizing the 


exact nature of his deficiency or understanding 
why it should be a deficiency. He stands up to 
recite with a constantly increasing fear of failure 
in his heart and unless he is fortunate enough to 
have a teacher who understands, is apt to fare 
poorly at her hands, also. Even in the case of the 
teacher who does understand the child's difficulty 
and consequently permits written instead of oral 
recitations, there is a constant feeling of inability 
on the part of the child, a knowledge of being 
less-whole than those about him, which saps the 
self-confidence so necessary to proper mental de- 
velopment and normal progress. He further- 
more misses much of the value of the studies that 
he pursues, for, as a noted educator has said, "In 
order for a child to remember and fix clearly in 
his own mind the things he studies, those things 
must be repeated in oral recitation." And this 
the stammering or stuttering child cannot do. 

Sending Stammering Children to School: 
With these facts in mind, the question arises as to 
whether it is ever policy to send a stammering 
or stuttering child to school, knowing that he is 
afflicted with a speech-disorder. In the first 
place the parents who send a stammering child to 


school exhibit a careless disregard for the rights 
of others and a further disregard for the many 
children who must, of a necessity, associate with 
this stammering child, with all the consequent 
dangers of infection by imitation or mimicry. 
Speech defects of a remediable nature among 
school children could be materially reduced by 
refusing to allow children so aflBicted to play or 
in any way associate with the others who talk 

Aside, however, from the question of the par- 
ents' obligation to society and to the children of 
others (which should be, in the end, a means of 
protection for their own children, as well) there 
is the bigger and more selfish aspect of the ques- 
tion, viz. : the effect on the child himself. 

No better suggestion can be given than that 
contained in "The Habit of Success" by Luther 
H. Gulick, who says : 

"If you take a child that is really mentally subnormal and 
put him in school with normal children, he cannot do well 
no matter how hard he tries. He tries again and again and 
fails. Then he is scolded and punished, kept after school 
and held up to the ridicule of the teacher and other students. 
When he goes out on the playground, he cannot play with 
the vigor and skill and force of other children. In the plays, 
he is not wanted on either side; he is always 'it' in tag. So 


he sooB acquires the presentment that he is going to fail no 
matter what he does, that he cannot do as the others do and 
that there is no use in trying. So he gives up trying. He 

"That is the largest element in the lives of the feeble- 
minded — that conviction that they cannot do like others, and 
is the first thing they must overcome if they are to be helped. 
There is no hope whatever of growth, as long as they foresee 
they are going to fail." 

The futility of trying to "cram" an education 
into a subnormal child has never been better 
expressed than in the statement quoted above. 
There is nothing to be gained by insisting that 
a child who is ill, attend school — and it should be 
remembered that so far as school is concerned, the 
child who stutters or stammers is just as ill as 
the one with the measles, save that the illness of 
the stammering or stuttering child is chronic and 
persistent, while that of the other is temporary. 

Chances for Outgrowing at This Age: The 
opportunities for the stammering or stuttering 
child to outgrow his trouble are about five times 
as great in the Formative Period, between the 
ages of 2 and 6, as they are in the Speech-Setting 
Period, from 6 to 11. In the former, as previ- 
ously explained, statistics show that about 1 per 
cent. — or one in a hundred — outgrow their trou- 


ble before the age of 6, while after this age the 
percentage drops to one-fifth of one per cent, or 
about one person in every five hundred, which is 
a very small chance indeed. 

In speaking of the tendency of parents to wait 
in the hope that speech disorders will be out- 
grown, Walter B. Swift, A. B., S. B., M. D., has 
this to say: 

"This suggestion may frequently be offered, even by the 
physician. Many people say, 'Let the case alone and it will 
outgrow its defect.' No treatment could be more foolish 
than this. No advice could be more ill-advised; no sugges- 
tion could show more ignorance of the problems of speech. 
Such advisers are ignorant of the harm they are doing and 
the amount of mental drill of which they are depriving the 
pupil. Nor do they know at all whether or not the case will 
ever ' outgrow ' its defect. In brief, this advice is without 
foundation, without scientific backing, and should never be 

Advice to Parents: Parents of children be- 
tween the ages of 6 and 11 who stammer or stut- 
ter, should follow out the suggestions given in the 
previous chapter, with the idea of removing the 
difficulty in its incipiency if possible, or at least 
of preventing its progress. If by the time the 
child is eight years of age, the defective utterance 
remains, this fact is proof that the speech dis- 
order is of a form that will not yield to the simple 


methods possible vinder parental treatment at 
home and the child should be immediately placed 
under the care of an expert whose previous 
knowledge and experience insures his ability to 
correct the defective utterance quickly and per- 

In all cases after the age of 8, the matter should 
be taken firmly in hand. There should be no 
dilly-dallying, no foolish belief in the possibility 
of outgrowing the trouble, for whatever chances 
once existed are now past. First of all, the child's 
case should be diagnosed by an expert with the 
idea of ascertaining the exact nature of the speech 
disorder, the probable progress of the trouble, the 
present condition, the curability of the case and 
the possibilities for early relief. A personal 
diagnosis should be secured where possible, but 
when this cannot be brought about, a written 
description and history of the case should enable 
the capable diagnostician of speech defects to 
diagnose the case in a very thorough manner. 
The result of this diagnosis should be set down 
in the form of a report in order that the parent 
may have a permanent record of the child's con- 
dition and may be able to take the proper steps 
for the eradication of the speech disorder. With 


this information as to the child's case in hand, 
parents should be guided by the advice of Alex- 
ander Melville Bell, one of the greatest speech 
specialists of his age, who said: 

"Stuttering and Hesitation are stages through which the 
stammerer generally passes before he reaches the eUmax of 
his difficulty, and if he were brought under treatment before 
the spasmodic habit became established, his cure would be 
much more easy than after the malady has become rooted in 
his muscular and nervous system." 

Truly may it be said of the stanunering child at 
this period, that "There is a tide in the affairs of 
men, which taken at the flood, leads on to for- 
tune; omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound 
in shallows and in miseries." 



YOUTH, as we shall define it from the stand- 
point of the development of speech disorders, 
is the period from the age of 12 to the age of 20. 
From the twelfth to the twentieth year is a very 
critical period in the life of both the boy and the 
girl who stammers — a period which should have 
the watchfulness and care of the parent at every 
step. This is known as the period of adolescence 
and may be said to mark the time of a new birth, 
when both mind and body undergo vital changes. 
New sensations, many of them intense, arise, and 
new associations in the sense sphere are formed. 

To the boy or girl passing through this stage 
of life, it is a period of new and unknown forces, 
emotions and feelings. It is a time of uncer- 
tainty. The sure-footed confidence of childhood 
gives way to the unsure, hesitating, questioning 
attitude of a mind filled with new and strange 
thoughts and a body animated by new and 
strange sensations. 

These are the symptoms of a fundamental 


change, the outward manifestations of the pass- 
ing from childhood to manhood or womanhood. 
This is childhood's equinoctial storm, marking the 
beginning of the second season of life's year. In 
this storm, it is the paramount duty of the parent 
to be a safe and ever-present pilot through the 
sea that to the captain of this craft is as vmcharted 
as the route to the Indies in Columbus' day. 

The revolution now taking place in both the 
mental and bodily processes results in a lack of 
stability — an "unsettledness" that manifests itself 
in restlessness, nervousness, self -consciousness or 
morbidness, taking perhaps the form of a per- 
sistent melancholia or desire to be alone. 

At this time in the life of the boy or girl, the 
possibilities for stuttering or stammering to 
secure a firm hold on their muscular and nervous 
system are very great. Next to the age of second 
dentition, children at the age of puberty are most 
susceptible to stammering or stuttering. 

During adolescence, the annual rate of growth 
in height, weight and strength is increased and 
often doubled or more. The power of the dis- 
eases peculiar to childhood abates and the liability 
to the far more numerous diseases of maturity 
begins, so that with the liability to both it is not 


strange that this period is marked at the same 
time by increased morbidity. 

The significant fact about stuttering in chil- 
dren as far as it relates to the period of 
adolescence, is that this stage marks the most 
pronoimced susceptibility to the malady as well 
as the time during which it may most quickly pass 
into the chronic stage. Examinations show that 
the largest percentage of stutterers among boys 
was at the ages of eight, thirteen and sixteen, 
while the largest percentage among girls was at 
the ages of seven, twelve and sixteen — the earlier 
age of severity in girls being explained by the 
fact that the girl reaches a given state of maturity 
more quickly than a boy. 

Parents of stammering or stuttering children 
between the ages of twelve and twenty, may well 
note with alarm the increasing nervousness, the 
hyper-sensitive feelings, the overpowering self- 
consciousness and the morbid tendencies which 
mark a state of mental depression, brooding and 
worry over troubles both real and fancied. 

Period of Most Frequent Suicide: Statistics 
gathered over a period of years indicate that the 


cases of suicide of stammering children occur at 
this time with greater frequency than at any 
other. Rarely has a case been found where a 
child has attempted to take his life before the age 
of 12 and seldom after the age of 20. 

At frequent intervals there can be found in any 
of the large papers, a very brief note of the suicide 
of a child who had foimd life too much of a 
burden for him to bear and who, as a conse- 
quence, fell to brooding over his troubles and as 
the easiest way out of them, took his own life. A 
Chicago boy recently attempted suicide by in- 
haling gas, although he was discovered before it 
was too late. Another took his own life by shoot- 
ing himself with a revolver given him some years 
ago as a birthday present; still another took 
poison as the easiest way out of his humiliation, 
embarrassment and despair. 

The average age of these boys was about 16% 
years, which marks a period of intense self-con- 
sciousness and extreme sensitiveness of the youth 
to ridicule and disgrace. 

Tendency to Rapid Progress: The condition 
of the young person between the ages of 12 and 



20 can hardly be considered to be normal in any 
way. The physical processes are iin-normal and 
are undergoing a change, and the mental facul- 
ties, too, are un-normal, overwhelmed as they are 
with new emotions and sensations. The nervous 
condition is marked by a much higher nervous 
irritability, which contributes to a condition most 
favorable for the rapid progress of the speech 
disorder, always easily aggravated by a sub- 
normal physical, mental or nervous condition. 
Cases where the Intermittent Tendency is a pro- 
nounced characteristic are liable at this period to 
find the alternate periods of relief and recurrence 
to be more frequent than ever before and to note 
a marked tendency of their trouble to recur with 
constantly increasing malignancy. Cases that at 
the age of 11 or 12, for instance, might have been 
said to have been in an incipient state, have com- 
monly been known at this age to pass through 
the successive intermediate stages of the trouble 
and become of a deep-seated and chronic nature 
in a surprisingly short period of time. 

In some cases where the transition from a sim- 
ple to the complex form of the difficulty takes 
place at this age, it is found that the disorder has 
passed beyond the curable stage, in which case, 


of course, nothing is left to the unfortunate stam- 
merer but the prospects of a life of untold misery 
and torture, deprived of companionship, ostra- 
cized from society and debarred from participa- 
tion in either business or the professions. 

Chances for Outgrowing: The chances for 
outgrowing a speech disorder at this age are con- 
siderably less than at any other time in the previ- 
ous life of the individual. The unbalanced gen- 
eral condition tends to make the stammerer more 
susceptible instead of less so. As previously ex- 
plained, this period marks the time when speech 
disorders progress rapidly from bad to worse and, 
as a consequence, the chances for outgrowing 
diminished from 1 per cent, before the age of 6 to 
practically zero after the age of 12. 

Suggestions: There is little that can be said 
for the good of the young person at these ages. 
The time for home treatment is past. The simple 
suggestions offered for the assistance of those in 
the Formative or Speech-Setting Periods would 
be of little value here because the growth of the 
individual has made the eradication of the trouble 
quite improbable without a complete re-education 


along correct speech lines — best obtained from an 
institution devoting its efforts to that work. 
Whatever steps are taken, however, should be 
taken before the disorder has become rooted in 
the mviscular and nervous system and before it 
has passed into the Chronic Stage. 



IN answering the question: "Where Does 
Stammering Lead?" nothing truer can be 
found than the words of a man who has stam- 
mered himself: 

"What pen can depict the woefulness, the intensified suf- 
fering of the inveterate stammerer, confirmed, stereotj^ed in 
a malady seemingly worse than death? Are the afflictions, 
mental and physical, of the pelted, brow-beaten, down- 
trodden stutterer imaginary? Nonsense! There is not a 
word of truth in the idea. His sufferings all the time, day 
in and day out, at home and abroad, are real — ^intense — 
purgatorial. And none but those who have drunk the bitter 
cup to its dregs feel and know its death, death, double 
death 1 These afflicted ones die daily and the graves to them 
seem pleasant and delightful. The sufferings of the deaf 
and dumb are myths — but a drop in the ocean compared to 
what I endured 1 And who eared for mef Who? I was the 
laughing stock, a subject of scoffing and ridicule, often. I 
could fill an octavo with the miseries I endured from early 
childhood tiU the elapsement of forty summers." 

Thus does the Rev. David F. Newton, himself 
a stammerer for forty years, speak of stammering 
and stuttering and its effects. And Charles 
Kingsley, a noted English divine and author who 


stammered, paints the stammerer's future in 
words of experience that no stammerer should 
ever forget: 

"The stammerer's life ia a life of misery, growing with 
his growth and deepening as his knowledge of life and his 
aspirations deepen. One comfort he has, truly, that his life 
will not be a long one. Some may smile at this assertion; 
let them think for themselves. How many old people have 
they ever heard stammer? I have known but two. One is a 
very slight case, the other a very severe one. He, a man of 
fortune, dragged on a very painful and pitiful existence 
— nervous, decrepit, asthmatic — kept alive by continual 
nursing. Had he been a laboring man, he would have died 
thirty years sooner than he did." 

To the man who has never been through the suf- 
fering that results from stammering or who has 
never been privileged to watch the careers of 
stammerers and stutterers over a period of years, 
these final results of stammering seem impossible. 
The inexperienced observer can only ask in won- 
der: "How can stammering or stuttering bring 
a man or woman to these depths of despair?" 

To the stammerer who has but begun to taste 
the sorrows of a stammerer's life these effects of 
stammering appear to be the ultimate result of 
an unusual case — never the inevitable result of 
his own trouble. 

Doubtless if Charles Kingsley were with us 


today, he could look back and tell ms of the day 
when he, too, was sure that stammering was but 
a trifle. He, too, could point out the time when 
he felt that sometime, somehow, his stammering 
would magically depart and leave him free to talk 
as others talked. And yet, having gone down the 
road through a long life of usefulness, Kingsley's 
is the voice of a mature experience which says to 
every stammerer: "Beware — ^there are pitfalls 
ahead!" And this man is right. 

Results of Stammering: Experience proves 
that the results of continued stammering or stut- 
tering are definite and positive, and that they are 
inevitable. Stammering is known to be at the 
root of many troubles. It causes nervousness, 
self -consciousness and sometimes brings about a 
mental condition bordering on complete mental 
breakdown. It causes mental sluggishness, dis- 
sipates the power-of-concentration, weakens the 
power of will, destroys ambition and stands be- 
tween the sufferer and an education. 

There is no afiliction more annoying or embar- 
rassing to its victim than starmnering. No mat- 
ter how bright the intellect may be, if the tongue 
is unable easily and quickly to formulate the 


words expressing thought, the individual is held 
back in business and is debarred from the pleas- 
ures of social and home life. 

Stammering is a drawback to children in 
school. To be imable to recite means failure. It 
means humiliation. It means disgrace in the eyes 
of the other pupils. And finally, it means valu- 
able time wasted — ^not in getting an education — 
but in suffering untold misery in TRYING to 
get one — and failing. 

A boy fourteen years of age, who has failed to 
advance in school, and who finds stammering a 
handicap of serious proportions, tells me : 

"I am fourteen years old and only in the fifth grade. I 
am afraid to recite because of my stuttering, and because 
of my not reciting when my teachers call on me, I am get- 
ting low marks in school and do not know if I will ever get 

One mother writes: 

"My little girl will not go to Sunday School because she 
does not like the other children to look at her so straight 
when she stammers." 

A boy says : 

"I am thirteen years old and in school. I am afraid to 
recite because of my stuttering; and because of my not 
reciting I get low average in studies." 


Another boy told me: 

"I am now in the third year of my high school course. 
On the first day of the term I went to school, I made such a 
miserable thing of myself that I quit. The school superin- 
tendent and principal saw me when I came back the second 
day as I was carrying my books out. Of course they stopped 
me and I made an explanation. I couldn't teU any of the 
new teachers ray name. It was impossible to make any kind 
of a recitation. I was introduced to all of my teachers and 
have been stumhling along ever since with grades anywhere 
from to 60." 

A Social Drawback: No stammerer but knows 
that his malady marks him for the half-sup- 
pressed smiles of thoughtless people and the 
unkind remarks of those who really know nothing 
of the suffering which these unkind remarks 
occasion. It is true, but unfortunate, that the 
stammerer is not wanted in any social gathering, 
he can provide no entertainment, save at his own 
expense, and of all people he is most ill at ease 
when out among others. 

A young lady writes : 

"Mr. Bogue, I would give one of my eyes to get rid of 
stammering. That is aU I am after. Please excuse this 
awful writing. I AM SO NEEVOUS I CAN HAEBLY 


Here is a letter from one man : 

"I am 36 years old, and have stammered for 28 years. I 
don't stammer so bad, but just bad enough to spoil my life. 
I always have to take a back seat in company. I belong to 
three lodges, but I do not take part in any of them because 
I am afraid they will ask me to take part in the order. It 
would make me feel cheap. I have often felt like commit- 
ting suicide, but I would pull my nerves together and make 
the best of it again. I am now a janitor at a school." 

Hopeless in Business: There is not a yoimg 
man stammerer in this whole country who would 
not work night and day to be cured of stammer- 
ing if he realized the hopelessness of trying to be 
a success in a business way, handicapped by stam- 
mering, tmable to talk fluently, clearly and in- 

A man says: 

"I am 33 years old and single. I have stammered ever 
since I was a child. It has made me nervous. At my age 
it is very embarrassing to me to stutter. I kept getting 
more nervous from year to year, and finally I have had 
to give up my position. I was a long-hand biller for ten 
years, but I am now troubled with writer's cramp and 
unable to do much. I can't get a clerk's job because of my 

And here is another — a man grown, who too late 
realized the futility of trying to get an education 


while yet handicapped by stammering. He said, 
a while back : 

"I must say my stammering has spoiled my life and 
robbed me of a successful career. I would give much if my 
parents had sent me to be cured of stammering when a boy, 
instead of trying as they did to educate me." 

Stammerer Appears Illiterate: No matter 
how great the stammerer's knowledge may be, he 
often appears to be illiterate simply because he is 
unable to express himself in words. His knowl- 
edge is locked up by his infirmity, the same as 
though he had a steel band drawn over his mouth 
and fastened with a padlock which he is unable 
to unlock for want of a proper key. The man 
with the locked-up knowledge is under as great 
a handicap as the man without knowledge. 

A man who had a chance to be a big success in 
business, had he not stammered, says : 

"Stammering is the cause of all my trouble. My earlier 
associates have shunned me for several years, and I have 
sought the worst class of dives and the lowest kind of com- 
panions, where I was reasonably certain that I would not 
come in contact with those with whom I had associated in 
earlier years. My eyes are wet with tears — tears of remorse 
and regret — because I see no chance in life for me now." 

The stammerer who thinks that success comes to 


the man who stammers — who believes that the 
business world is willing to put up with anything 
less than fluent speech, should read this heart- 
broken letter from a young man : 

"I am a bookkeeper, and dearly love my work, but am 
afraid that I am going to have to give it up because my 
speech is getting worse, and I have noticed that the boss has 
mentioned it to me a couple of times now, and it almost 
breaks my heart to know that my position is going to get 
away from me. No one realizes how much one suffers, and 
I'm afraid I'm going to brestk down with nervous prostra- 
tion soon. When one day is over with me, I wonder how I 
am going to get through with the next one." 

What are the results of stammering? Should 
anyone ask that question, I could point to in- 
stances in my own experience that would prove 
that almost every undesirable condition of human 
existence may be the result of stammering. I 
have seen young men who are business failures, 
dejected, hopeless, drifting along, men who in 
early years were intellectual giants, and who 
before their death were mere children in mental 
power, because they allowed stammering to 
destroy every valuable faculty they possessed. 

I could point to children whom stammering 
had held back almost from the time they began 
to talk — ^give cases of young men depressed, em- 


barrassed, unsuccessful, because they stammer — 
cite instances of all the worth-while things in life 
turned from the path of a yoxmg woman because 
she stammered. 

Yet in the past, not one of these knew what 
was coming. Not one realized where the trail 
was leading. No stammerer can of himself see 
into the future. But he can, at least, look into 
the future of others, who, like himself, are stam- 
merers, and avoid the pitfalls into which they have 
fallen and save himself the mistakes they have 





IT has only been a few years since the impres- 
sion was abroad that stammering was incur- 
able. Not a particle of hope was held out to the 
afflicted individual that any semblance of a cure 
was possible by any method. This erroneous idea 
that stammering could not be cured grew up in 
the mind of the average person as a result of one 
or all of the following conditions : 

1st — The inability of the stammerer to cure himself and 
his further inability to outgrow the trouble, (although he 
was repeatedly told that he would outgrow it) was the 
first reason that led to the foolish and totally unfounded 
belief that stammering could not be cured. 

2nd — The principles of speech and the un-normal condition 
known as stammering have been surrounded with a great 
deal of mystery in the years gone by. The idea has been 
widely prevalent that the afBietion was one sent by Provi- 


dence as a punishment for some act committed by the 
sufferer or his forbears. This and many other ideas bor- 
dering upon superstition, are responsible, too, to a great 
degree for the belief that stammering is incurable. 

3rd — Even if an attempt to cure stammering was made, this 
attempt was based upon the ' ' supposition ' ' that stammer- 
ing was a physical trouble, due to some defect in the 
organs of speech. It followed that since no one was ever 
able to discover any physical defect, no one knew the true 
cause of the disorder, nor how to treat it successfully. 

4ith — Unfortunately there have been in the field a number of 
irresponsible charlatans, preying upon the stammerer with 
claims to cure, while in fact they knew little or nothing of 
the disorder, had never stammered themselves, nor had the 
slightest knowledge of the correct methods of procedure 
in the cure of stammering. The failure of such as these 
to do any good led to a widespread belief that there was 
no successful method for the eradication of speech dis- 

From an experience covering more than twenty- 
five years, during which time the author has corre- 
sponded with 200,000 persons who stammer and 
has personally met and diagnosed about 20,000 
cases, it has been proved that all of these beliefs 
are fallacies of the worst character. Given any 
person who stutters or stammers and who has no 
organic defect and is as intelligent as the average 
child of eight years, it has been found that the 
Unit Method of Restoring Speech will eradicate 


the trouble at its source and by removing the 
cause, entirely remove the defective utterance. 

The Stammerer s Case Not Hopeless: Stam- 
merers should fix this fact firmly in mind : Stam- 
mering can be cured! There is hope, positive, 
definite hope for every case — this fact is based on 
every imaginable form of stuttering or stammer- 
ing. It is not, in other words, a mere idle state- 
ment based on theory or guess-work, but a mathe- 
matical truth, taken from experience. 

I recall very well the case of a man of 32 who 
came to me for help after five of the so-called 
schools for stammerers had failed to afford him 
any relief. Quite naturally this man was a con- 
firmed skeptic. He did not beheve that there was 
any cure for him. Anyone who had been through 
the trials that he had experienced would have felt 
the same way. But he placed himself imder treat- 
ment, nevertheless, and in a few weeks' time, the 
Unit Method had restored him to perfect speech. 
He left entirely convinced that stammering could 
be cured, because it had been done in his own case 
which had so long seemed beyond all hope. 

Many years afterward, he wrote a letter which 
I take the liberty of reproducing here for the 


encouragement and inspiration of everyone who 
is similarly afflicted and who feels as this man felt 
— that he is incurable : 

"I tried to be cured of stammering at five different times 
by five different men at a total cost of more than one tliou- 
sand dollars. None of them cured me. Then I decided to 
try the Unit Method. Nine years ago I did so — a decision 
that I have never regretted. It was evident that this method 
was based on a comprehensive knowledge of the art of 
speech. I am now a piano salesman and talk by the hour 
all day long; talk over the telephone perfectly; and many 
tell me that I speak more distinctly than the majority of 
people who have never stammered. I believe this is because 
I was taught through the Unit Method the very funda- 
mentals of speech." 

This man's case is typical of the hundreds of fail- 
ures-to-cure which are responsible for the belief 
that stammering cannot be cured. The fact that 
he had made five separate attempts to be cured 
would, in the mind of the average man, establish 
the fact that stammering cannot be cured and yet 
it is seen that even in this extreme case, under the 
application of the proper scientific methods, the 
stammerer found freedom of speech without 
unusual difficulty and in a comparatively short 




NOT infrequently from some source will be 
heard a story, many times retold, to the 
effect that "So-and-so" who stammered for many 
years has been cured — that the trouble has 
magically disappeared and that he stammers no 

What is the cause of this? What brings about 
such a miraculous cure? 

The answer depends upon the case. Usually, 
the story is much more a story than a fact. Few 
indeed have been the stammerers who have ever 
actually heard the man stammer before "his 
trouble cured itself" and then heard him talk per- 
fectly afterwards. Like the stories of haunted 
houses, there is nothing to substantiate the truth 
of the statement, there is no evidence by which 
the story may be checked up. 

In the rare cases where the facts would seem 
to indicate the truth of the statement, it will be 
found that the person in question never really 
stammered — that his trouble was something else 


— lalling, lisping, or some defect of speech that 
was mistaken for stammering or stuttering. 

Another case of apparent miraculous cure is 
the case of the stammerer who, finding him- 
self unable to say words beginning with certain 
letters, begins the practice of substituting easy 
soimds for those that are difficult and thus, pro- 
vided he has only a slight case, leads many to 
believe that he talks almost perfectly. This fel- 
vlow is known as the "Synonym Stammerer" and 
is usually a quick thinker and a ready "substi- 
tuter-of -words." If he has stammered noticeably 
for some time imtil those in his vicinity have 
become acquainted with his affliction, and then 
discovers the plan of substituting easy sounds for 
hard ones, he may for a time conceal his impedi- 
ment and lead certain of his friends to believe 
that he no longer stammers. 

This "Synonym Stammerer" is storing up end- 
less trouble for himself, however, for the mental 
strain of trying to remember and speak syno- 
nyms of hard words entails such a great drain 
upon his mind as to make it almost impossible to 
maintain the practice for any great length of 
time. In this connection, let every stammerer be 


warned to avoid this practice of substitution of 
words. It is a seeming way out of difficulty some- 
times, but you will find that you are only making 
your malady worse and laying up difficulties for 
yourself in the future. 



IN an experience in meeting stammerers and in 
curing stammering it is only natural to as- 
sume that I have come across certain cases which 
could not be cured. It is only natural, too, to 
expect that in such a wide experience it would be 
possible to determine what cases are incurable 
and why. 

Cases of incurable speech impediments may be 
divided into seven classes : 

( 1 ) — Those with organic defects ; 

(2) — Those with diseased condition of the 
brain ; 

(3) — Those who have postponed treatment 
until their malady has progressed so 
far into the chronic stage as to make 
treatment valueless ; 

(4) — Those who refuse to obey instructions ; 

(5) — Those who persist in dissipation, re- 
gardless of effects; 

(6) — Those of below normal intelligence; 


(7) — Those who will not make the effort to 
be cured. 

Stutterers and stammerers whose trouble arises 
from an organic defect are so few as to be almost 
an exception, but where those cases exist, they 
must be regarded as incurable. The re-educa- 
tional process used in the successful method of 
curing stuttering and stammering will not replace 
a defective organ of the body with a new one. It 
will not cure harelip or cleft palate, nor will it 
loosen the tongue of the child who has been hope- 
lessly tongue-tied from birth. 

A boy was brought to me some years ago by 
his parents in the hope that his speech trouble 
might be eradicated, but it was found upon exam- 
ination that he had always been tongue-tied and 
that the deformity would not permit of the 
normal, natural movements of the tongue neces- 
sary to proper speaking. I immediately told the 
parents the unfortunate condition of their son and 
frankly stated that in his condition there was no 
possibility of my being able to help him. 

Diseased Brain : Taking up the second class — 
those who have a diseased condition of the brain 


— these eases, too, are very rare. I have met but 
a comparatively few. Where a lesion of the brain 
has occurred, and a distinct change has thus been 
brought about in the physical structure of that 
organ, an attempt to bring about a cure would be 
a waste of time — hopeless from the start. 

The Procrastinators : The third type of incur- 
able cases is that of the stammerer or stutterer 
who, against all advice and experience, has per- 
sisted in the belief that his trouble would be out- 
grown and who has by this means allowed the 
disorder to progress so far into the chronic stage 
as to make treatment entirely without effect. 

This type of incurable is very numerous. They 
usually start in childhood with a case of simple 
stuttering which, if treated then, could be eradi- 
cated quickly and easily. From this stage they 
usually pass into the trouble of a compound 
nature, known as combined stammering and stut- 
tering. Here, also, their malady would yield 
readily to proper methods of treatment, but 
instead of giving it the attention so badly needed, 
they allow it to pass into a severe case of Spas- 
modic Stammering, and from this into the most 


chronic stage of that trouble. The malady be- 
comes rooted in the muscular system. The nerv- 
ous strain and continued fear tear down all 
semblance of mental control and in time the suf- 
ferer is in a condition that is hopeless indeed, a 
condition where he is subject for the pity and 
the sympathy of every one who stammers, and 
yet a condition brought on purely by his own 
neglect and wilfulness. 

I recall the case of a father who brought his 
boy of 16 to see me some years ago. At that 
time, the boy represented one of the worst cases 
of stammering I ever saw. He could scarcely 
speak at all. He made awful contortions of the 
face and body when attempting to speak. When 
he succeeded in uttering sounds, these resembled 
the deep bark of a dog. These sounds were 
totally unintelligible, save upon rare occasions, 
when he would be able to speak clearly enough 
to make himself understood. I gave the boy the 
most searching personal diagnosis and very care- 
fully inspected his condition both mental and 
physical, after which I was convinced that he 
could be cured, with time and persistent work. 
The father was given the result of my findings 


and told of the boy's condition. He decided to 
take the boy home, talk the matter over and place 
him under my care the next week. Ten days 
later he wrote me saying that the boy had secured 
a job in a garage at $6 a week and could not 
think about being cured of stammering at that 

Two and a half years later — the boy was near- 
ing twenty — I saw him again, and even after all 
my experience in meeting stammerers, could 
hardly believe that stammering could bring about 
such a terrible condition as this boy was in at that 
time. His mental faculties were entirely shat- 
tered. His concentration was gone. This poor 
boy was merely a blubbering, stumbling idiot, a 
sight to move the stoutest heart, a living example 
of the result of carelessness and parental neglect. 
Needless to say, I would not consider his treat- 
ment in such a condition. There was no longer 
any foundation to build on — no longer the 
slightest chance for benefiting the boy in the least. 

The Wilfully Disobedient Cases: Taking up 
the fourth class of incurables, those who refuse to 
obey instructions — I can only say that such as 


these are not deserving of a cure. They are not 
sincere, they are not wilhng to hold themselves to 
the simplest program no matter how great might 
be the resultant good. They spend their own 
money or the money of their parents foolishly, 
get no results and disgust the instructor who 
spends his or her efforts in trying to bring about 
a cure, against obstacles that no one can over- 
come, viz. : unwilhngness to do as told. The old 
saying that "You can lead a horse to water, but 
you can't make him drink" applies most force- 
fully to the case of the wilfully disobedient stam- 
merer. You can instruct this individual in the 
methods to bring about a cure, but you can't 
make him follow them. 

I well remember one case in point. A young 
man of 20 years came to me apparently with 
every desire in the world to be cured of stammer- 
ing. The first day he followed instructions with 
great care, seemed to take a wonderful interest 
in his work and at the end of the day expressed 
to me his pleasure in finding himself improved 
even with one day's work. By the third day, the 
novelty had worn off and his "smart-aleck" tend- 
encies began to come to the surface. He was 


impertinent. He was impudent. He was rude. 
He failed to come to his work promptly in the 
morning, was late at meals, stayed out at night 
beyond the time limit set by the dormitory rules 
and persisted in doing everything in an irregular 
and wilfully disobedient manner. 

I was not inclined to dismiss him because of 
his misconduct, because it was evident that here 
was a boy of more than ordinary native intelli- 
gence, a fine-looking chap with untold opportu- 
nities ahead of him, if he were cured of stammer- 
ing. So I put up with his misdeeds for many 
days, until one morning I decided that either he 
must come to time or return to his home — and he 
elected to take the latter course. 

In looking up this boy's record later on, it was 
found that he was incorrigible, that his parents 
had never been successful in controlling him at 
any time and that he had been expelled from 
school twice. 

There is no need for me to say that this boy 
was afflicted with something even worse than 
stammering — something that science was not able 
to help — ^i. e., a lack of sense. His case was incur- 
able, just as much so as if an inch of his tongue 


had been sheared off. With such stammerers as 
this I have neither patience nor sympathy. They 
have no respect or consideration for others and 
are consequently entitled to none themselves. 

The Chronic Dissipator: The fifth type of in- 
curable might be called the "chronic dissipator" 
and his stammering is hopelessly incurable just 
as far as his habits are incurable. The person 
who persists in undermining his mental and 
physical being with dissipation and who, when he 
knows the results of his doings, will not cease, 
cannot hope to be cured of stammering. Cases 
such as these I do not attempt to treat. They 
are neither wanted nor accepted. 

I recall the case of a man of 32, a big, stalwart 
fellow, who came to me about two years ago with 
a very severe case of combined stammering and 
stuttering. He made his plans to place himself 
under my care but before getting back, fell a vic- 
tim to his inordinate appetite for drink and was 
laid up for a week. His wife wrote me the cir- 
cumstances, told me it had been going on for nine 
years and that all efforts to eradicate the appetite 
had failed. I immediately advised her that I con- 


sidered his case incurable and could not accept 
him for treatment. In such cases, a cure is built 
upon too shallow and uncertain a foundation to 
offer any hope of being permanent. 

Below Normal Intelligence: There is another 
incurable case which must be included if we are 
to complete this list of the incurable forms of 
speech impediments. That is the case of the 
stammerer who is of below normal intelligence. 
These cases are very rare and I do not recall but 
four instances where a case has been diagnosed 
as incurable on account of the lack of intelligence. 
This is a direct refutation of the statement that 
stammerers are naturally below normal in mental 
ability. Out of more than twenty-five years' ex- 
perience in meeting stanmierers by the thousands, 
I can say most emphatically that stammerers as a 
class are not naturally below normal intelligence 
or mental power, save as their trouble may have 
affected their concentration or will-power. 

The Lackadaisical: The last and largest class 
of incurable cases of stammering are those who 
will not make the effort to be cured. These are 


the spineless, the unsure, the cowards, who are 
afraid to try anything for fear it will not be suc- 

They are usually afflicted with a malady worse 
than stammering or stuttering — "indecision"^ — a 
malady for which science has found no remedy. 
Knowing the dire results of continued stanmier- 
ing, still they stammer. Reason fails to move 
them to the necessary effort. Common sense 
makes no appeal. Well, indeed, in such cases, 
may we paraphrase the words of Dr. Russell H. 
Conwell and say: 

"There is nathing in the world that can prevent 
you from being cured of stammering but TOTJESELP. 
Neither heredity, environment or any of the obstacles super- 
imposed by man can keep you from marching straight 
through to a cure if you are guided by a firm, driving 
determination and have health and normal intelligence." 

These seven classes of incurable cases complete 
the list. And the number of such cases, all taken 
together, is so small as to be almost out of con- 
sideration. For, out of a thousand cases of stut- 
tering and stammering examined, I find but 2 per 
cent, with organic defects or of an incurable na- 
ture. In other words, 98 per cent, can be com- 
pletely and permanently cured. 



IN the years past there have been attempts 
from time to time to induce the stammerer to 
seek a cure for his impediment in mail order 
treatments. As has already been told, I was the 
victim of one of these so-called "correspondence- 
cures" and know something about them from per- 
sonal experience. 

In the first place, the sufferer usually takes up 
with the mail order specialist because this man 
retails his "profound" knowledge at a low rate, a 
rate so low that even a single thought on the sub- 
ject would convince anyone that his money was 
buying a few sheets of paper but no professional 
knowledge or experience. 

The very best correspondence course I have 
ever Icnown anything about was not as good as a 
number of books on elocution that are available 
in any good library. Usually these courses are 
written by some charlatan who is in business as a 
mail-order-man selling trinkets and stammering 
cures or running a general correspondence school, 


teaching not only how to cure stammering by 
correspondence but giving courses in "Hair- 
Waving" and "How to Become a Detective." It 
is needless for me to say that such as these are in 
the business, not for the good of the stammerer 
nor even for the purpose of helping him, but sim- 
ply for the money that can be extracted from the 
stammerer or stutterer. 

The Difference: There are two main differ- 
ences, however, between the books which the 
stammerer may read without cost and the cor- 
respondence course for which he pays out his 
good money — ^many dollars of it. The corre- 
spondence course has been written by a man who 
knew little or nothing of the subject, and who 
put out a course for stammerers only because he 
knew something of the number of stammerers in 
his territory and said to himself, "My, but I 
ought to be able to sell them a mail-order cure." 
Forthwith he sits down and writes a course — it 
isn't necessary to have anything in it at all. 
Often these men do not even take the trouble to 
consult reliable books on the subject. They do 
not profess to laiow anything about stammering 
or stuttering, their cause or their cure. They 


simply sit down and write — and when they have 
it written, they send it to the printer, have it 
printed and then split these printed sheets up into 
ten, or twenty, or fifty, or a hundred lessons — 
whatever their fancy may dictate, and begin to 
sell them. They have no thought of the results — 
results to them mean nothing save the number of 
courses that can be sold — and whether or not a 
single iota of good accrues to the stammerer from 
this expenditure of money is one of the things 
in which the correspondence school stammering 
specialist is not at all interested. 

The most that can be expected from the very 
best mail course for the cure of stammering is 
that the subscriber will receive information worth 
as much as that which might be in a library book. 
He receives this in installments and for privilege 
of reading it piece-meal, pays from $50 to $100. 

It is hopeless to try to cure stammering or stut- 
tering by any method unless the instructor knows 
his business. And this knowledge comes not by 
chance but by long, hard study. 

Mail Cures a Failure: No stammerer should 
attempt to be cured by any correspondence 
method. When the decision has been made to 



have a speech defect removed, the sufferer should 
place himself under the care of a reputable insti- 
tution, the past record of which entitles it to con- 
sideration. Correspondence cures are a waste of 
money, a waste of time and finally leave the 
stammerer with the firm-foimded belief that his 
trouble is absolutely incurable, when, as a matter 
of fact, he may have a comparatively simple form 
of stuttering or stammering which could be 
quickly eradicated by the proper institutional 

At no time should the stammerer resort to the 
use of any mechanical contrivance to aid him in 
speaking correctly. The cause of the trouble 
as previously explained, is inco-ordination. Me- 
chanical contrivances to hold the tongue in a cer- 
tain position, elevate the palate or for any other 
purpose may be positively harmful and should be 
strictly avoided — always. 



A DIAGNOSIS is an examination or analy- 
sis to determine the identity of a disease 
and to reveal its cause and characteristics. A 
reputable medical man will not undertake the 
treatment of any malady without having first 
made a searching examination and a thorough 
diagnosis of the trouble. 

In the case of the stammerer or stutterer, ex- 
pert diagnosis is very important and should be 
undertaken only by a diagnostician who has had 
previous training and experience of sufficient 
duration to enable him to be classed as an expert 
on the subject. No stammerer or stutterer, how- 
ever, should overlook the value of such diagnosis, 
for the reason that there are so many forms of 
speech disorders that it is totally impossible as 
well as unsafe for the sufferer himself to try to 
determine the exact nature of his trouble. 

I recall the case of a certain young man who 
had depended upon his own knowledge to deter- 
mine the identity of his speech defect and the 


nature of his trouble. When a boy, he had swal- 
lowed a small program pencil with a metal tip, 
injuring his vocal cords, so he said, and causing 
him to become a stammerer. An examination of 
his condition and a careful diagnosis of his case 
revealed the fact that his vocal organs were as 
normal as those of any person who had never 
stammered. The diagnosis also revealed the fact 
that his stammering was not originally caused by 
any organic defect or any injury to the vocal 
organs, but that, on the other hand, he had, in 
the first place, inherited a predisposition to stam- 
mer, his father and his grandfather both having 
been stammerers whose trouble had never been 
remedied. The diagnosis showed that the onset 
of the trouble immediately after swallowing the 
pencil was due chiefly to the nervous shock and 
fright caused by the accident, which, in conjimc- 
tion, with the inherited predisposition toward 
stammering, was too much for the boy's mental 
control and he immediately developed into a 
stammerer. The young man had believed for 
many years that his defective utterance was 
totally incurable, that it was due to an organic 
defect which could not be remedied. The diag- 


nosis quickly revealed, however, that a very dif- 
ferent condition was responsible for his trouble 
and as a consequence, he found himself able to be 
cured where, without expert diagnosis, he had 
resigned himself to a life as a stammerer. 

Another case which also shows the stammerer's 
inabihty to diagnose his own trouble accurately 
was that of a woman who persistently refused to 
allow her son to have his case diagnosed, because 
of her belief that he was incurable and that the 
diagnosis would be a waste of time and money. 

After months of coaxing, however, he suc- 
ceeded in getting her to consent and I gave him a 
thorough diagnosis and report on his condition. 
This mother had been imduly alarmed — the boy 
was still in a curable stage and in fact completed 
the necessary work in much less than the usual 
time. This is but another case that shows the 
loss which comes from not knowing the truth. 

Written Report of Diagnosis Valuable: It is 
well to get a personal diagnosis of the case where 
possible, but if this cannot be done, a written his- 
tory of the case, together with a statement of the 
symptoms and present condition, should enable 


the expert diagnostician of speech defects to 
make a thorough and reliable diagnosis of the 

This diagnosis, to be of the most value to the 
stammerer or stutterer, should be made up in the 
form of a written report, so that the information 
may be in permanent form and so that the suf- 
ferer can study his own case in all its angles. 

What Diagnosis Should Show: First of all, 
of course, the diagnosis should identify and label 
your trouble. It should tell what form of speech 
defect is revealed by the symptoms ; it should tell 
the cause of the trouble; the stage it is now in; 
should indicate whether or not there is any or- 
ganic defect; should give information as to the 
possibilities of outgrowing the trouble; and, most 
important of all, should state whether or not the 
disorder is in a curable stage. 

When it is remembered that nearly a dozen 
more or less common speech disorders can be 
named, almost in one breath, and that some of 
these disorders may pass through four or five suc- 
cessive stages, it will be seen that an expert diag- 
nosis and report is almost a necessity to the stam- 


merer or stutterer who would have reliable and 
authoritative information about his speech dis- 

The stammerer or stutterer who volimtarily 
remains in the dark, who is satisfied with gross 
ignorance of his trouble, is surely not on the road 
to freedom of speech. 

The most able man cannot decide correctly 
without the facts. To decide in the absence of 
information is guesswork — and guesswork is a 
poor method of deciding what to do — in the case 
of the stammerer as in every other case. 

Therefore, it behooves the stammerer to be- 
come enlightened to as great an extent as pos- 
sible, to banish ignorance of his trouble and 
replace it with facts and sound knowledge. 



IF the reader has followed this work carefully 
up to this point, he is now informed on the 
causes of stuttering and stammering, on their 
characteristic tendencies and their peculiarities. 
We are now ready to ask, "What are the correct 
methods for the cure of stuttering and stammer- 
ing?" and to answer that question authoritatively. 
As to the successful mode of procedure in de- 
termining the proper methods for the cure of 
stuttering and stammering, I know of no sug- 
gestion better than that offered by Alexander 
Melville Bell, who says : 

"The rational, as it is experimentally the successful 
method of procedure, is first to study the standard of correct 
articulation (not the varieties of imperfect utterance) and 
then not to go from one extreme to another, but ait every 
step to compare the defective with the perfect mode of 
speech and so infallibly to ascertain the amount, the kind 
and the source of the error." 

We have already done that: We have located the 
cause of the trouble. We not only know that 


stammering is caused by a lack of co-ordination 
between the brain and the muscles of speech, but 
we know the things which may bring about the 
lack of co-ordination. Now, how to cure? Sim- 
ply remove the cause. Re-establish normal co- 
ordination between the brain and the muscles of 
speech. Restore normal brain control over the 
speech organs. Make these organs respond 
freely, naturally and promptly to the brain 

That soimds simple. But if it is as simple as 
it sounds, why is it that so many in the past have 
failed to cure stammering and stuttering? Why 
have so many so-called methods of cure passed 
into the discard? The answer is, they were based 
on the wrong foundation. They struck at the 
effects and not at the cause of the trouble. And 
as a result, the methods failed. 

These so-called methods have aimed at many 
different effects. One method, for instance, had 
as its theory that if you could cure the nervous- 
ness, the stammering would magically disappear. 
The unfortunate sufferer was doped with vile- 
tasting bitters and nerve medicines, so-called, in 
the hope that his nervous system would respond 
to treatment. But the nerves could not be quieted 


and the nervous system built up until the cause of 
the nervousness — which was stammering — ^was 

There was a time, too, and it has not been so 
long ago, when the craze was on for using sur- 
gery as a cure-all for stammering. Terrible 
butchery was performed in the name of surgery 
— the patient's tongue sometimes being slitted or 
notched, and other foolish and cruel subterfuges 
improvised in an effort to cure the stammering. 
Needless to say, there was no cure fovmd in such 
methods. There is no chance of curing a mental 
defect by slitting the tongue and the absurdities 
of that "butchering period" which have now 
passed away, are numbered among the mistakes 
of those who committed them. 

A lack of thoroughness marked the later 
attempts to cure stammering. One method was 
based, for instance, solely upon correct breath- 
ing. There is no doubt that correct breathing is 
very vital both to the stammerer and the non- 
stammerer, if they are to speak fluently and well. 
But breath-control does not even begin to solve 
the problem of curing stammering. It is but an 
element, and a small element, in the proper artic- 
ulation of words. And however well this plan of 


breath-control might have succeeded, it could 
never have succeeded in really curing stuttering 
and stammering. 

Most of these ill-advised efforts and half-baked 
methods sprang up, not as a result of sound 
knowledge but rather as a result of the lack of it. 
In fact, looking back at the manner in which the 
stammerer was treated for stammering under 
these methods, we can see now that nothing but 
the most profound ignorance of the fundamental 
principles imderlying the art of speaking could 
have made it possible for these misguided in- 
structors to pass out as science the jargon and 
hodge-podge which they did try to pass off 
as scientific knowledge. The absurdities pro- 
pounded in the name of stammering cures were 
too numerous even to enimierate in this volume. 

Speech Principles Fundamental: Back of 
every spoken word, whether that word be French, 
English, Italian, or any other language, are the 
unchangeable principles of speech. These prin- 
ciples of speech are fundamental. They do not 
change basically nor do they vary in the indi- 
vidual. When you speak correctly, you do so as 
a result of following the correct principles of 


speech. I speak correctly by the same method as 
you. And when you speak incorrectly, or when 
you stutter or stammer, you do so because you 
have violated one or more of these fundamental 
principles. Any other person who stammers or 
stutters as you do, violates the same principles 
and requires the same method of correction as 
yourself. The severity of your case depends upon 
how many of the principles of speech you violate. 
A diagnosis will determine this — and therefore 
what is necessary to be done to bring about per- 
fect speech. The number of speech violations to 
be corrected wiU also determine to a certain 
extent the time required for correction. 

Speech Defined: Speech, in all the diversities 
of tongues and dialects, consists of but a small 
number of articulated elementary soimds. These 
are produced by the agency of the lungs, the 
larynx, and the mouth. The Ixmgs supply air to 
the larynx, which modifies the stream into whis- 
per or voice ; and this air is then moulded by the 
plastic oral organs into syllables which singly or 
in accentual combinations constitute words. 

As explained in the Chapter on Causes, all of 
the physical organs which have to do with the 


production of speech and all of the brain centers 
whose duty it is to control the actions of these 
various organs, must operate in harmony, or, in 
other words, must co-ordinate, if we are to have 
perfect speech. Co-ordination implies perfect 
mental control of physical actions. And this in 
turn means perfect obedience of the physical 
organs of speech to the brain messages that are 

The cure of stammering and stuttering re- 
quires a great deal of care based, of coxu-se, upon 
the correct scientific knowledge in the first place. 

In attempting to cure stammering, there has 
been too much teaching by rigid rules and not 
enough teaching by principles. There are very 
few hard-and-fast rules that can be followed with 
success by every stutterer or stammerer. No set 
of rules can be laid down as a standard for every 
one to follow, for no two persons stammer 
exactly alike any more than two persons look 
exactly ahke. 

The only safe rule of all the rules is that which 
says, "Cleave closely to the principles, let the 
rules fall where they may." The only successful 
method is that which, being first based upoii the 
right principle, is followed out with intelligence 


by the stammerer and administered with wisdom 
by the instructor to fit the needs and require- 
ments of the individual case. 

Methods Necessarily Three-Fold: The cure of 
stammering and stuttering can be wrought only 
by a method that is three-fold — that attacks all of 
the un-normal conditions of the stammerer simul- 
taneously and eradicates them in unison. 

It would be of little avail, for instance, to build 
up perfect breath control, and leave the stam- 
merer in a mental state where he was continually 
harassed by a fear of failure, by a continual self- 
consciousness and irritated by a deep-seated 

And it would be of just as little use to try to 
remove that self -consciousness, fear of failure 
and nervousness without removing the cause of 
the stammering. 

In other words, when the successful method of 
curing stammering is spoken of as being three- 
fold in purpose, it is meant that this method must 
build up the physical being, must achieve perfect 
mental equilibrium and must link up the physical 
with the mental in perfect harmony. 

A permanent cure can rest on no other f ounda- 


tion than perfect restoration to a truly normal 
mental and physical condition. When this has 
been accomplished and when the synchronization 
of brain and speech organs has been brought 
about, the muscles of speech do not hesitate in 
responding to a brain message for the utterance 
of a word. There is no longer any sticking, any 
loose or hurried repetition. In other words, per- 
fect speech now comes as a logical consequence. 

Speech Specialist Should Have Stammered: 
It is very important that the speech expert who 
would promulgate a method for the eradication 
of stammering should have, at one time or 
another, stammered himself. 

It is a well-known fact that the imagination 
cannot conjure up an image of something that 
has never been experienced. If you had been 
bom blind, you would have no mental picture of 
any color, no matter how much you might have 
heard about it. Still your imagination might be 
a most prolific one. The utmost feat of the 
human imagination is to combine mental pictures 
to form still other images which are impossible or 
absurd or which in their entirety have not been 
experienced. In other words, new combinations 


of images are possible, but an entirely new or 
basic picture is beyond the power of the imagina- 
tion to create. 

So, with the specialist who would cure stutter- 
ing and stammering. It is impossible for the 
man who has never stammered or stuttered to 
know the fear that grips the sufferer when he 
thinks of speaking. It is impossible for one who 
has never stammered to imagine what this fear is 
like or to know the feeling that accompanies it. 

For that reason, it is important that the man 
who attempts to eradicate speech defects should 
have been afflicted himself in order that his 
experience may have been acquired first-hand — 
that the suffering may have been felt and all of 
the conditions and situations of the stammerer 
may be as familiar to him as to his student. 

Valiie of Moral Influence in the Cure of Stam- 
mering: In speaking of the necessity for good 
health, both physical and mental, before the erad- 
ication of stammering can take place, we must 
not overlook a few words about one particular 
type of derelict — ^the will-less or sometimes wilful 
individual who persists in indulging in dissipa- 
tion of every kind, the individual who, with cock- 


sure attitude and haughty sneer, laughs in the 
face of experience and insists that "it will not 
bother him." To such as these, no hope can be 
held out. Such tactics leave both body and mind 
in a condition that does not permit of up-build- 
ing. There is little foundation for any effort and 
with the passing of each day, there is a tearing- 
out of bodily and mental vigor that makes all 
effort useless. 

But in the average individual, physical rebuild- 
ing is a process of but a few weeks. The mental 
rehabilitation can usually be accomplished in an 
equally short period of time and when these 
things have been brought about, perfect speech 
soon follows if the correct methods are applied. 




AT the time a stammerer or stutterer first 
places himself under my care and before 
any attempt is made to apply the treatment, he 
is given a very thorough and searching examina- 
tion for the purpose of learning the exact nature 
of his difficulty. It must be remembered that no 
two cases of stammering or stuttering are exactly 
alike and that no two cases require exactly the 
same method of treatment, although the same 
basic principles apply to all. 

Even if the stammerer's case has been previ- 
ously diagnosed by me, it is necessary to compare 
and verify the symptoms as previously exhibited 
with those existing at the time of his beginning 
treatment, in order to learn, first of all, whether 
his malady has more recently progressed into a 
further and more serious stage. 

The Bogue Test: If the usual entrance exam- 
ination does not bring out all of the essential facts 
regarding the case, the stammerer is then put 


through the Bogue Test — an original system of 
diagnosis which I perfected some years ago — by 
means of which the peculiarities of the trouble are 
brought out, the normal, the subnormal and the 
abnormal condition of the disorder is gauged and 
the most minute details of the trouble are dis- 
closed. This Bogue Test covers the case from 
every possible angle. It lays bare the exact phys- 
ical, mental and nervous condition of the stam- 
merer or stutterer, enables me to determine the 
original cause of the trouble and to follow 
its progress from the first up to the present time, 
almost as easily as if the student had been under 
my observation ever since he first noticed his 
defect of speech. 

I recall the case of a boy who came to me at 
one time for a personal diagnosis of his case. I 
examined him carefully, put him through a nimi- 
ber of tests and diagnosed his case, which proved 
to be in the second stage and of no more than 
ordinary severity. He was unable to place him- 
self under my care at that time but returned to 
me about eight months later, apparently in no 
worse condition than before. Not being satisfied 
with the results of the examination, the complete 
test was applied, with the result that a condition 


of grave seriousness was discovered, marking the 
most pronounced form of his trouble — a form so 
far advanced as to make the case ahnost incur- 
able. The situation was explained to the young 
man and he was told that it would take much 
longer than usual to bring about a cm"e in liis 
case, although such a cm-e was yet possible. He 
expressed his willingness to spend as much time 
as was necessary in the cure and as a result, he 
was able within some weeks' time to talk without 
stuttering or stammering. The mental sluggish- 
ness which marked his conversation soon disap- 
peared. He became alert and eager and when he 
left for home, he was a much different boy than 
when he came for treatment. 

This is but one of hundreds of examples show- 
ing the need for expert diagnosis and for careful 
analysis of the condition of the stammerer even 
if a previous diagnosis has been made within a 
few months. 

In practically all cases of stammering, par- 
ticularly those of a progressive character, the 
condition is naturally changeable and common 
prudence calls for caution in accepting antedated 
facts as an indication of the present condition. 

In every case, the examination enables me to 


gauge the severity of the case so accurately that 
the student's course can be outlined, designating 
the exact Plan-of- Attack to be used in: 

1 — Tearing out the improper methods of 
speech production 

2 — ^Replacing those incorrect methods with 
the correct natural methods 

3 — Re-establishing normal co-ordination be- 
tween the brain and the muscles of 

The Method at Work: When the preliminary 
Examination and Tests have been completed and 
the student's course outlined, the actual working 
of the Bogue Unit Method then begins. This 
does not involve the practice of any "ism" or 
"ology," nor does it require the use of medicines, 
drugs, surgery, hypnotism or the "laying-on-of- 
hands," but by scientific and natural methods, 
begins the first step of the work, viz. : Tearing out 
the improper methods of speech production. 

At every step in the application of the method, 
the principles which underlie and govern perfect 
articulation, serve as the foundation of the in- 
struction. As has been so often stated in this 


book, these principles of speech never change. 
They apply to all persons alike, and all who talk 
normally apply these principles in the same man- 
ner. Those who stammer viokte them, so that in 
correcting defective speech it is only logical that 
we should first remove the defective procedure 
and then institute the correct procedure in its 

The Bogue Unit Method is three-fold in ac- 
tion. From this it takes the name "Unit Meth- 
od." The first Unit of Treatment has for its 
purpose the building up of physical efficiency. 
"The first requisite is to be a good animal," says 
Herbert Spencer. This is certainly true of the 
stammerer, for in his case, normal health is a val- 
uable aid during the time of treatment. Conse- 
quently, the first step is to build up the physical 
organs and be sure that these are functioning 

The second Unit of Treatment restores the 
mental equilibrium, stabilizes the mental activi- 
ties and places them imder perfect control. The 
inability of the mind to control the organs of 
speech has led to a condition which might be 
described as a "flabbiness of the mental muscles" 
which necessitates that the mental condition be 


altered and improved so that the mind can once 
more possess the capacity for properly control- 
ling the organs of speech. 

The third Unit of Treatment synchronizes 
and harmonizes mental and physical actions and 
re-establishes normal co-ordination between the 
brain and the muscles of speech, which completes 
the work necessary to bring about a cure. After 
both physical and mental conditions have been 
made normal, it merely remains to link up these 
two properly-working forces, co-ordinate their 
activities and firmly inhabitate the correct prin- 
ciples of control, after which it can be said that 
a complete cure is permanently effected. 

Daily Record of Progress: Beginning with 
the first day, a complete report in writing is made 
of the progress. Each point on which the student 
makes progress is noted. If proper advancement 
is not made on any particular point, special effort 
is put forth to bring that point up to the standard 
which has been set. This makes it possible for 
the instructor to give individual attention to each 
student', something which is absolutely essential 
in many cases. In other words, it will not do to 
start the student off and let him work out his own 


salvation. The instructor must be constantly at 
hand, giving advice, correcting faulty articula- 
tion and constantly aiding the stammerer in a 
hundred ways to route the malady. 

After having been under treatment for seven 
days, the student is subjected to his first treat- 
ment test. After passing this examination satis- 
factorily, the student is assigned additional work 
from another angle. Some students require as 
much as ten days to complete the work necessary 
to pass this first test — in fact, it might also be 
said that this test will determine the speed with 
which the student is to progress. From this time 
until the completion of the course, additional tests 
are given at various intervals, according to the 
needs of the case,, until the Final Cure Test 
proves that the malady has been eradicated. 

Conscious of the Improvement: The stam- 
merer is profoundly conscious of a distinct 
change for the better by the end of the very first 
day under treatment. In other words, there is an 
immediate and noticeable improvement, not only 
in his nervous condition, but also in his physical 
and mental state as well. 

Before the studentpasses from under the treat- 


ment, he is thoroughly awareof the benefits which 
the work has brought about. For, after he has 
met every progress test and has been examined on 
every phase and every principle of speech, he 
passes to a rigid Final Test. In this test, more 
than ever before, he finds the results of his efforts. 
He discovers that he can use his speech in any 
way that he desires — ^in any ^vay that it will be 
necessary for him to use it in his future life. He 
finds himself able to produce any sound — labial, 
dental, lingual, nasal or palatal or any combina- 
tion of these sounds in any language. He finds 
every word now is an easy word, articulation is 
under perfect control and the forma,tion of voice 
a process involving no apparent mental effort or 
physical contortions. 

A young woman of 20 years was placed under 
my care by her mother. She stammered very 
badly and at the time when her condition was at 
its worst, found it almost impossible to make her- 
self understood by any means. After five weeks 
of careful instruction, this young woman had no 
difficulty whatever in speaking, there was no 
"piling up of thoughts," as she expressed her 
former condition, and her articulation was excel- 
lent. A few days after she returned home, she 


wrote as follows : "I have been talking ever since 
I came home and have had no trouble whatever. 
I just love to talk and I believe I have said more 
in the last five days than in the whole last five 

Additional Results: The Bogue Unit Method 
of Cure when earnestly followed out by the stu- 
dent, does much more than eradicate the impedi- 
ment of speech. It increases the weight of the 
below-the-average student, stops all spasmodic or 
convulsive efforts of face, arms and limbs and 
increases by several inches what was formerly a 
flat and poorly developed chest. 

A very bad case who came to me for treatment 
several years ago was a young man of 26. He not 
only stuttered but stammered very badly. He 
placed himself under my guidance for a period of 
a little more than six weeks. At the end of that 
time he found no difficulty in talking nor were 
there any spasmodic movements of the facial 
muscles, as before. In reporting some time later, 
he said : 

"When I left I tipped the scales at 20 ponnds heavier 
than when I went to you. My folks are certainly pleased 
to hear me talk without the straining and strangling exer- 
tion I had before in trying to force my words out. Now 
they flow out nice and easy." 


Many children, both boys and girls, are under 
developed. This may have resulted from several 
causes, but it is frequently traceable to the stam- 
mering or stuttering as an indirect cause. The 
Bogue Unit Method takes these children in a 
poor physical condition and while eradicating the 
defect of speech, brings about a healthy physical 
development. An Ohio wt)man reported excel- 
lent results in a letter which said: 

"I am glad to inform you that my son Allan since taking 
the treatment in June last, has not to my knowledge, stam- 
mered once, for which we are all very grateful to the Bogue 
Method. I also wish to say that his physical condition is 
much improved and he has increased in weight about ten 

Regardless of the age of the student, there is 
an increased vitality flowing through the entire 
body, the powers of endurance are greatly in- 
creased and the health built up from every stand- 
point. One man sent in an enthusiastic report in 
these words : 

"I am fine and healthy; the people down here say I don't 
look like the same person. I gained 17 pounds while I was 
out there. I am talking fine. My mother says I talk them 
nearly to death. I talk them all to bed at night, so they put 
out the light on me so I will go to bed and hush. I went 
down town Saturday night and the boys were sure glad to 
hear me talk without stammering.'' 

Even tJds physical improvement is not unusual. 


Another man reports the change brought about 
in his condition as follows : 

Just about two years ago I was one of the worst stam- 
merers I know that ever was; it was simply awful. I could 
not speak a word without the most terrible stammering you 
ever heard. My parents were heartbroken over my condition, 
which grew worse all the time. I did not grow and develop 
like my brothers. My shoulders were stooped, my chest 
sunken — in fact, I was in a terrible condition. After staying 
with you for six weeks I came home and every one who knew 
me when I left was simply a,stonished at the improvement, 
not in my speech alone, but in my physical condition also. 
Am stronger and well now and I say it is a comfort to be 
able to talk like other boys." 

This case is not an unusual one, however, for 
it is frequently found that the stammering child 
grows into a physically deficient man as a result 
of his speech impediment. 

Concomitant with these physical betterments 
comes a changed mental attitude, whereby the 
former pessimistic outlook has been changed to 
an optimistic view of life. The former abnormal 
timidity of the student has been replaced by a 
perfect confidence; the old unreasoning fear-of- 
failure is transformed into a feeling of supreme 
self-reliance; and the depressed, care-worn ex- 
pression which may once have marked the stam- 


merer's countenance has given place to that of 

The weak and vacillating will now manifests 
itself as a dominant, masterful power-of-will and 
the stagnant mentahty of the stammerer has now 
given place to a vigorous, forceful, creative men- 
tal power. The mind-wandering or lack of ability 
to concentrate is gone and in its place is an in- 
tense and well controlled power-of -concentration. 
In addition to this, the nervousness which marked 
the every movement of the stammerer has dis- 
appeared and the self -consciousness which made 
life a misery is replaced by a calm self-control, 
resulting in an entire self-forgetfulness, perfect 
poise and a feeling of self-possession. 

These benefits accrue gradually as the course 
progresses, but when, upon the completion of the 
course, perfect speech is finally restored, the re- 
sults are fully evident and entirely permanent. 
Their permanency is the crowning result of the 
proper methods — ^methods which eradicate the 
trouble at its source — treat and remove the cause 
instead of treating the effect. 



DURING the last quarter of a cenutry, I 
have personally met more than 20,000 
stammerers, diagnosed 90,000 eases by mail and 
corresponded with more than 200,000 people who 
stammer or stutter. In this time, it is only nat- 
ural that I should have come in contact with al- 
most every conceivable type of stammering in 
practically every form. 

I am going to describe a few of these cases in 
this chapter, give their history and description 
very briefly, follow out the course of the trouble 
when unchecked and indicate the circumstances 
of cure when the stammerer has placed himself 
for treatment. 

I shall make no attempt to discuss all types of 
speech disorders nor even all of the forms of any 
one type, but rather to take up those cases which 
can be regarded as most common and which are 
typical of the disorders of the largest number of 
stammerers and stutterers. Since a whole volume 


could easily be filled with descriptions of cases, it 
is evident that those discussed here must be but 
briefly described. 

(The case numbers in the following pages refer to speeifie 
cases, but not to the order of their treatment, since the 
classification is a decimal system used to indicate type, dura- 
tion, stage, etc.) 

Case No. 65.435 — This was a boy of 8, brought 
to me by his mother after he had experienced un- 
told trouble in school. The boy complained of a 
pain in his head when making an effort to talk or 
after having spoken under the strain for some 
minutes. I foimd the spasmodic contractions 
accompanying his trouble to be very pronounced 
for a boy so young in years and upon making the 
examination, was not surprised to find his to be 
a case of Combined Stammering and Stuttering. 
There was no indication of Thought-Lapse, but 
there was a condition that could easily have been 
mistaken for it — ^viz. : a woeful lack of confidence 
in his own ability to speak, which in this boy's 
case was due to the fact that he had stuttered 
almost since his first word and had rarely spoken 
words correctly. As has been previously ex- 
plained, every child learns to speak by imitation 
and his confidence in his speaking-ability must be 
gained by constant reassurance from some source 


that he is speaking correctly. Early in life this 
boy had found that he was not speaking correctly 
and at that moment began to feel the lack of con- 
fidence which had been growing upon him daily. 
Although in the midst of his school work, ar- 
rangements were easily made to remove him from 
class and place him for treatment. Notwithstand- 
ing the fact that his trouble was unusually severe 
for a boy of that age, seven weeks at the Institute 
saw him made into a new boy, his confidence 
regained, his speech under perfect control and 
his physical condition greatly improved. He 
returned to school, where his unusual proficiency 
enlisted the aid and co-operation of his teachers 
to such an extent that he was able to finish the 
semester with his class. 

Case No. 7.232 — This was another boy of early 
school age, whose case is described here because 
of the contrast of the one just mentioned. The 
present case was that of a boy soon to be 10 years 
old. He had stammered, not since his first word, 
but only since he had been allowed to play with 
two children, twins, who lived in the neighbor- 
hood, and both of whom had stuttered since their 
first attempts to speak. While I never examined 


the twins, it seems from what I learned of them, 
that the predisposition to stammer was an inher- 
ited one, both the father and grandfather having 
been inveterate stammerers. Be that as it may, 
their defective enunciation, practiced in the pres- 
ence of the boy whose case I am describing, 
caused the boy himself to acquire a habit of im- 
perfect enimciation which took the form of simple 
stuttering and which all the home efforts of his 
mother and father had failed to eradicate. At 
the time he was brought to me, I gave him the 
usual examination, traced his trouble back to its 
original cause — Unconscious Imitation diag- 
nosed his case as one of Simple Stuttering and 
recommended the procedure to be followed. This 
boy left my care after three weeks and experi- 
enced no further difficulty to this day, although 
he is now 24 years old and engaged in work that 
necessitates his making impromptu speeches 
almost every day. Here was a case of Simple 
Stuttering, taken at the right time, which yielded 
almost magically to the treatment, but had it been 
allowed to run on, would have progressed into the 
Advanced Stage of Stuttering and later, in all 
probability, into an extremely severe case of 
Combined Stammering and Stuttering. 



Case No. 986.623 — This was the case of a 
Polish boy who found it almost impossible to 
begin a word or a sentence. In describing his 
case to me, he finally managed to say, "Before I 
utter a word it takes me a long time and after I 
utter the word, I become red in the face and so 
excited that I don't know where I am, or what 
I am doing I" I found this boy to be extremely 
high-strung and of a nervous temperament, easily 
excited. He was of an emotional type, was more- 
than-ordinarily sensitive about his trouble and 
brooded over it constantly, having long fits of 
deep melancholia that were a constant source of 
worry to his parents. He was furthermore at a 
critical age, from the standpoint of his speech 
development, just approaching 16. Although 
naturally of an agreeable disposition, his trouble 
had made him irritable and often sullen. He 
wore an air of dejection almost constantly. It 
was evident to me immediately upon examination 
that his trouble had had a grave effect upon his 
mind and that it would in time (and not so long 
a time, either) have a deep and permanent effect 
that no amount of effort could eradicate. 

It would be naturally expected that his symp- 
toms would indicate Thought-Stammering, but 


this is not true. Instead I found his to be a bad 
case of Spasmodic Stammering, in which the con- 
vulsive action took place immediately upon an 
effort to speak and which resulted, therefore, in 
the inability to express a sound — the "sticking" 
tendencj'^ so common to stammering and particu- 
larly to this type. 

While the worry over his stammering had left 
him in a mental state that made him impotent so 
far as normal mental accomplishments were con- 
cerned, still the removal of his stammering by the 
eradication of the cause would, I felt, entirely 
relieve the condition of mental flurry and stop the 

The case was so urgent that the boy's parents 
decided to place him for treatment immediately. 
The results were so gratifying as to be almost 
unbelievable. By the end of the first day's work, 
the boy's whole mental attitude was changed. 
His outlook on life was different. He felt the 
thrill of conquering his difficulty and before 
many days, he was working like a Trojan to 
make his cure complete and permanent. At my 
suggestion, he remained with me for seven weeks, 
at the end of which time he went back East, 
entirely changed in every particular. He was 


smiling now, where before he seemed to have for- 
gotten how to smile. He was full of life, enthu- 
siasm and ambition — ^no one who had seen him the 
day he first came here, could reahze that this was 
the same boy that entered a few weeks before 
with the desire-to-live almost extinct. There are 
hundreds of cases not far different from this — I 
have cited the case of this Polish boy to show 
what a complete transformation is made in the 
mental state by a few weeks' work along the right 

Case No, 87.522 — Here was a case of a type 
that is very, very common. It was that of a 
girl, 17 years of age, from a good family, well- 
educated and having all the marks of careftd 
training in a home of refinement. The most 
marked characteristic of her case was the tend- 
ency to recur. In other words, she was an Inter- 
mittent Stammerer, who had believed (as had her 
parents) that the tendency to get better was an 
indication that she would soon outgrow the 
trouble. "If Marie still stammers by the time 
she is 18 — " this had come to be almost a house- 
hold word, for if she stammered at that time, it 
was the intention of her parents (so they said) 


to have the girl placed under treatment. As was 
to be expected, she continued to stammer and 
continued to get steadily worse, although the 
tendency to be better and worse by turns was 
maintained throughout the years. The periods 
of improvement were eagerly seized by her 
parents, year after year, as indications of out- 
growing, while the periods of relapse were seldom 
spoken of and usually ignored. It was another 
case of the old saying that: "We like to think 
that the thing will happen which we want to 
happen," and since they wanted the daughter to 
outgrow her trouble, they insisted in believing, 
despite their own unexpressed fears, that the 
daughter would "eventually get over itl" 

She did not get over it, however, and the criti- 
cal age of 16 brought on a condition so severe that 
her parents became alarmed about her and sought 
advice as to what should be done. 

An examination of her case brought out the 
fact that she had probably inherited a predispo- 
sition to stammer, but that the immediate cause 
of the trouble had been fright, caused by a nurse 
who had tried to discipline the girl when small, 
by telling her that the "bogey-man" would get 
her if she didn't do certain things as told. This 


disciplining by means of fear is never a safe pro- 
cedure and in this case had been carried to ex- 
tremes on many occasions, finally resulting in the 
child becoming a stammerer. 

She had a case of Genuine S'tammering in its 
second stage and, according to her own state- 
ment at the time the examination was made, had 
become much worse in the last two years. At age 
15 it seems that everyone felt secure in the belief 
that her trouble would pass away, but at age 17, 
the condition became critical, the disorder having 
previously passed into the second stage. 

Two and a half weeks worked a wonderful im- 
provement in the girl's condition, at the end of 
which time she was compelled to return to her 
home on account of a death in the family. She 
remained at home for almost a month, after which 
she returned to me to complete the cure. Even 
under such an unusual and unfavorable circum- 
stance as this, she remained with me the last 
time only four weeks, and has, according to her 
report, never stammered since, nor has she been 
oppressed by the overpowering sense of fear that 
formerly seized her when she thought of trying to 


Case No. 84.563 — This case first came to my 
attention over ten years ago, when I was called 
upon to make a diagnosis. This showed the 
trouble to be a case of Combined Stammering and 
Stuttering, originally caused, it seemed, from 
having associated with an old man who was 
janitor in a wood- working plant belonging to the 
father of the boy whose case I am describing. 
The janitor had stammered ever since anyone 
about the place had known him and probably all 
of his life. In his early days, with his youth to 
carry him on, he had tried to hold down several 
jobs of consequence, but with varying success, 
dropping down the ladder rung by rung imtil 
he reached the place of janitor. The boy in 
question, having associated with the old man, 
early acquired the habit of mocking his defective 
speech, with the result that he himself soon began 
to stutter, which later turned into a combined 
form of disorder known as Combined Stammer- 
ing and Stuttering. 

He came to me at the time he was 28, having 
found it necessary to go to work on his oAvn 
account, upon the failure of his father's business. 
I explained to him that his was a case of Com- 
bined Stammering and Stuttering, outlined to 


him the probable course of his trouble and what 
he might reasonably expect if he allowed it to 
continue. Having been married only a short 
time and being rather reluctant to leave home 
for the length of time necessary to take the 
course, he decided to postpone treatment until 
some later date. I heard nothing more from him 
for almost three years, when he walked in one 
day, looking hke a shadow of his former self. 
There were dark rings around his eyes, his gaze 
was shifty and I could hardly believe that this was 
the young fellow who had seen me three years 
ago. Nevertheless it was the same man, with a 
story that pointed out the danger of postpone- 
ment. His trouble had become steadily worse, he 
said, until it had ruined his control over himself. 
He had become nervous, irritable and cross, with- 
out meaning to be so, had lost one good position 
after another and finally, as a climax to a long 
string of misfortunes, his wife had left him. 
declaring that she would not put up with him in 
such a condition. 

A second examination revealed the fact that 
his stammering had progressed so rapidly since 
he had last talked with me, that it was now peril- 
ously near the stage known as Thought Lapse. 


His eontrol was not entirely shattered, however, 
and he was accepted for treatment. It was some- 
thing over two months before he was back in 
shape again, but those two months did a wonder- 
ful thing for him, for it put him in first-class 
physical condition, removed aU traces of his 
impediment and restored the mental equilibrium 
which had been so long endangered. Later, as a 
result of his restoration to perfect speech, his 
family differences were adjusted, and at the last 
reports, he was making splendid headway in a 
business of his own. Such is the power of stam- 
mering to destroy — even home and happiness 
itself — ^and such the power of perfect speech to 
build up again. 

Case No. 4^66.722 — This was the case of a man 
bom in Ireland, who came to this country as a 
boy, and the original cause of whose trouble was 
a blow over the head in a street fight soon after 
landing in America. 

When he came to me, he was 52 years of age 
and not only had one of the most severe cases of 
Spasmodic Stammering I have ever seen, but 
was in the first stages of Thought Lapse. He 
was practically speechless aU of the time and his 


trouble instead of manifesting an Intermittent 
Tendency as it had formerly done, was now con- 
stant, indicating that he was in the chronic stage 
of his difficulty. Aside from his Spasmodic 
Stammering, he seemed unable to think of the 
things which he wished to say. In other words, 
his trouble had been affecting him so long that he 
had lost the power to recall and control the men- 
tal images necessary to the formation of words. 
I not only gave him the usual examination but 
applied the special Bogue test, both of which con- 
vinced me that his case was far into the incurable 
stage. There was little or nothing I could do for 
him at that late date and so I told him. He acted 
as if dazed for a few moments, and when the full 
force of the truth dawned upon him, it was as if 
a cord had snapped and broken. Hope was gone. 
He was an incurable — and knew it now, only too 
well. And as he turned and left me, I knew from 
the droop of the shoulders and the hang of the 
head, that life meant but little to him now. He 
was merely waiting — waiting for the last page 
to be written and his book of despair to be closed. 

Case No. 34.444 — This young woman was 
very talented, had a beautiful singing voice and 


could not understand why she was unable to 
speak fluently when she could sing so well. The 
cause of her trouble was distinctly mental and 
did not lie in any defective formation of the vocal 
organs but rather in a lack of co-ordination 
between the brain and the muscles of speech. In 
her case, the speech disorder had not materially 
affected her health, although she admitted it had 
impaired her power of will and her ability to con- 
centrate. Six weeks put her in good condition 
and gave her the opportunity to use her beautiful 
voice to excellent advantage in speaking as well 
as in singing — much to her satisfaction. 

Case No. 667.788 — This man came to me for 
assistance and relief from a severe case of Com- 
bined Stammering and Stuttering. He shook 
Kke a leaf when he talked, was very nervous, and 
could hardly sit still. His speech was marked by 
loose and hurried repetitions of syllables and 
words, alternating with a slow and seemingly 
dazed repetition of words, as though he did not 
laiow what he was saying. 

In a few moments, I learned that he was a 
habitual alcoholic, that he was acquainted with 
the Delirium Tremens and that he frequently 


went upon sprees lasting a week, which left him 
a physical wreck. He had no backbone, there 
was no foundation to buUd on and his case was 
declined as incurable, not altogether from the 
condition of his speech, but because it is useless 
and hopeless to attempt treatment of the stam- 
merer who is also a chronic dissipator. 

Case No. 34.343 — This was the case of a young 
man who came to me at the age of 17. He was 
one of the type that "seldom stammer." He 
explained this to me and told me that many of his 
friends were not aware of the fact that he stam- 

I gave him an examination and found his 
trouble to be a case of Combined Stammering and 
Stuttering in the second stage. He was of the 
Intermittent Type and at intervals his trouble 
became very bad, at which times he made it a 
point not to go out among his friends — one of 
the reasons which made it possible for him 
to say that his friends did not know of his speech 

This young man came to me hoping that I 
would tell him that his trouble was not severe and 
that he would outgrow it in a few years. I was 


able to tell him that at the time his case was not 
an extremely bad one, but I knew that instead of 
being outgrown it would become ingrown, and I 
so told him. 

But he decided to postpone action until some 
later date, feeling sure, despite what I had told 
him, that he would outgrow his stammering. 

Four and a half years later, he came back. 
This time he did not say that his friends knew 
nothing of his trouble. He was in bad condition, 
his "seldom stammering," as he had called it, was 
chronic now and the painful expression on his 
face when he tried to talk was ample proof of the 
condition in which he had allowed himself to- get. 
His trouble had passed into Genuine Stammer- 
ing and was of a very severe nature. There was 
no thought of postponement in his mind at this 
time and he placed himself for treatment imme- 
diately. Eight weeks' time saw his work com- 
pleted, with excellent results. His fear was gone, 
his confidence renewed and his health greatly im- 
proved, in addition to being able to talk fluently. 

Case No. 66.788 — Here was the case of a man 
of 30, a preacher, who found no difficulty in 
preaching to his congregation, from the pulpit, 


but whose trouble immediately got the best of 
him the moment he went down into the church 
and attempted to carry on a conversation indi- 
vidually. This became so embarrassing to him 
that he finally gave up the idea of passing 
through his congregation, but satisfied himself 
with standing at the door and greeting them as 
they passed out. This, too, he was later com- 
pelled to give up on account of his speech, 
although during none of this time did he have the 
slightest trouble in delivering his sermons. 

His was a case of Genuine Stammering. The 
mental control when he was in the pulpit was 
almost normal. Talking to individuals, this con- 
trol was quickly shattered. He placed himself 
for treatment after having secured a brother- 
pastor to fill his place for two months. He was 
a good student, obedient to instruction, concen- 
trating on his work with a creditable energy. As 
a result, in five weeks' time, he found himself able 
to talk to anybody under any condition without 
the slightest sticking or fear. He could talk 
over the telephone and was master of himself 
under the cross-fire of conversation which in his 
previous state had bothered him so seriously. 


Case No. 48.336 — This is a case that repre- 
sents a very common type of Combined Stam- 
mering and Stuttering, and a type that is not so 
quickly cured as might be imagined. This was a 
yoimg man of 18, who not only stammered but 
stuttered. His speech disorder, however, was 
further comphcated by a bad habit of prefixing 
a totally foreign word or sound to the word or 
sound which he found it difficult to pronounce. 
"B" was one of his hard sounds and in speaking 
the sentence: "We expect to leave Baltimore," 
he would say: "We expect to leave ah-ah-ah- 

The fear of failure which caused him to acquire 
this habit of speaking, led his friends often to 
think that his mind wandered, although as a mat- 
ter of fact, he was a very bright young fellow, 
without a single indication of Thought Lapse. 

I diagnosed his case as Combined Stammering 
and Stuttering, and explained to him that he 
represented a type of stammering that might be 
called the "Prefix Stammerer" because of their 
habit of prefixing every hard sound with an easy 
word or an easy sound, even to the extent of 
losing the sense of the sentence — so great is the 
"Prefix Stammerer's" fear of failure. 


He placed himself for treatment, and although 
his trouble was complicated by this prefixing 
habit, seven weeks put him in good shape. He 
forgot his fear of failure, found every word an 
easy word and every sound an easy sound. He 
learned to talk fluently again and returned to his 
home, both physically and mentally improved. 

Case No. 98.656 — This was the case of a rather 
arrogant young man from a good family, who 
was too proud to admit that he was a stammerer. 
Rather it should be said, he was too foolish to 
admit it. He was well-educated and with the 
store of words at his command, succeeded for 
some years in concealing the fact that he stam- 
mered. This he accomplished by the substitu- 
tion of words. That is, words beginning with 
those letters that he could not utter were not 
used. If his sentence included such a word, he 
quickly substituted another word of somewhat 
similar meaning, but beginning with a letter that 
he could pronounce correctly. This substitution 
of words was so well done that for some time it 
was scarcely noticeable to the average listener. 
Often he found himself incorrectly understood, 
because of his inability to use the right word in 


the right place, but nevertheless he was successful 
in concealing his speech defect from many of his 

This case is of a type known as the "Synonym 
Stammerer" because synonyms are used to avoid 
stammering. The mental strain of trying always 
to substitute easy words for hard ones, was very 
great, however, and after a few years' practice, 
the strain began to tell on the young man. It 
affected his health and made him nervous and 

It was at this time that he came to me. Gen- 
uine Stammering was his trouble, and so it was 
diagnosed. He refused to admit that he had a 
severe case, although the truth of the matter was, 
he did stammer badly and the mental power which 
had sustained him in his attempts to speak, was 
being steadily weakened by what we might term 

He placed himself for treatment, although in 
a frame of mind that did not augur well for his 
success, but by the end of the third day his mental 
attitude had entirely changed, he came to realize 
the immense difference between being able to 
speak fluently and naturally and being compelled 
to substitute synonyms. From that day forth he 



was one of my best students. His education 
stood him in good stead, his enthusiasm was so 
spontaneous as to be contagious and at the end 
of four and a half weeks, he departed, as thor- 
oughly changed for the better as anyone could 
wish. The arrogance was gone. In its place was 
something better — a sure-footed confidence in his 
ability to talk — and this was a confidence based 
on real abiUty — ^not on bluff. He was no longer 
nervous and irritable — and in fact, before leav- 
ing, he had won his way into the hearts of his as- 
sociates to the extent that all were sorry when he 
left and felt that they had made the acquaintance 
of a young man of remarkable power. 

Five years later, I met him in New York, quite 
by accident. He was in charge of his father's 
business, had made a wonderful success of his 
work and was universally respected and admired 
by those who knew him. Even to this yoimg 
man, who to many would have seemed to have all 
that he could desire, freedom of speech opened 
new and greater opportunities. 

If I had the space to do so within the covers 
of one volume, I would gladly give many more 
cases, with description and diagnosis as well as 
results of treatment. Specific cases are always 


interesting, illuminating and conclusive. They 
show theory in practice and opinions backed by 
actual results. 

But lack of space makes it impossible to give 
additional cases here. Those which have been 
given are typical cases — ^not the imusual ones. 
The out-of-the-ordinary cases have been avoided 
and the common types dwelt upon with the idea 
of "giving the greatest good to the greatest 

Every reader of this volume who lives today 
under the constant handicap of a speech disorder, 
may well take new hope from the thought that 
"What man hath done, man can do" — again! 




IF you stammer — ^if you are afraid to try to 
talk for fear you will fail — if you are nervous, 
self-conscious and retiring because of your stam- 
mering — ^then you don't realize the Magic Power 
of Perfect Speech. You don't realize what per- 
fect speech will mean to you. Listen to this — 
from a young woman who starmnered — who was 
cured — and who knows : 

"The most wonderful thing has happened to me. What 
do you think it is? I have been cured of stammering. You 
have no idea how different it is to be able to talk. I just 
feel like I could fly I'm so happy. Just think, I can talk 
I'm so glad, so glad, so glad, it's over. I just feel like 
jumping up and down and shouting and telling everybody 
about it. I never was so happy in my life — I never was so 
glad about anything as I am about this." 

That is the way she feels after being entirely 
freed from her stammering — after learning to 


talk freely and fluently without difiiculty, hesita- 
tion or fear-of-failure. 

And here are the words of a young man who 
has just found his speech: 

"The Bogue Cure is marvelous. It is just like making a 

blind man see. It is remarkable. The sensation of being 

able to talk after stammering for twenty-five years is won- 

And another young woman — this time from Mis- 

"That BIX weeks was the beginning of life for me. All my 
life I have had a dread of trying to speak which miade Ufe 
most unpleasant. I do not have it now — I love to meet 

The joy of perfect speech — 

The wonderful exhilaration of being able to say 
anything you want to say whenever you want to 
say, to whomsoever you desire to speak. 

"I can talk" — that sums it all up. With that 
assurance comes the feeling of the innocent man 
freed from a long term in prison — ^the sense of 
completeness and wholeness and ability, the feel- 
ing that you are equal to others in every way, 
that you can compete with them and talk with 
them and associate with them on a plane of 

Such is the Joy of Perfect Speech!! 


To know that the haunting fear is gone — ^that 
the shackles have fallen away, the chains are 

To know that you are free — delivered from 

What a feeling — what a sensation — 

Living itself is worth-while. Life means more. 
The sun shines brighter, the grass is greener, the 
flowers are more beautiful while friends and rela- 
tives seem closer, kinder and dearer than ever 

The Joy of Perfect Speech! 

No words can paint the picture, no tongue 
describe the lofty feeling of elation which crowns 
the man or woman or boy or girl who has stam- 
mered and has been set free. 



YOU can either be cured of your trouble — or 
you cannot. If you can, why should you go 
about hesitating, stumbling, sticking, stammering 
and stuttering? 

Why should you deny yourself the privileges 
of society, the advantages of opportunity, the 
fruits of success — ^if you can be completely and 
permanently cured of the trouble which handi- 
caps you and holds you back? 

Why should you live a half life as a stam- 
merer, if you can be cured and live the complete, 
joyous, happy, overflowing life? 

Why should you be content with failure or 
half -success if the triumphant power to accom- 
plish, the masterful will to succeed is right within 
your grasp? 

Why should you continue to stammer if you 
can be cured? 

The answer is, you should not. 

The first step, therefore, is to determine defi- 


nitely and accurately whether you are in a cur- 
able stage of your trouble and whether you can 
be completely and permanently cured. 

These things you caimot determine for your- 
self. You have no facilities for determining the 
facts. You lack the scientific knowledge upon 
which such conclusions must be based. You can- 
not diagnose your case of stammering any more 
than you could accurately diagnose a highly com- 
plex nervous disease. In order, therefore, that 
the most important of all questions, viz. : "Can 
I be Cured?" may be correctly and authorita- 
tively answered, I am willing to diagnose your 
case and give you a typewritten report of your 
condition, telling you whether or not you are still 
in a curable stage. 

It goes without saying that this diagnosis must 
be based upon a description of the case in ques- 
tion. This description must be accurate and re- 
liable as well as thorough. In order to insure 
this, I furnish with each book a Diagnosis Blank, 
which when properly filled out, gives me the in- 
formation necessary to determine the durabiUty 
of the case, as well as to furnish much other 
valuable information about the individual's con- 


In no case, will I undertake to pass on the cur- 
ability of the stammerer without a diagnosis first 
being made. You want the opinion which I give 
you to be authoritative and dependable — a report 
in which you can place your entire confidence. I 
cannot give such a report by merely hazarding a 
guess as to your condition. I must base my re- 
port on the actual facts as they exist. I must 
make a careful study of your symptoms, deter- 
mine what your peculiar combination of symp- 
toms indicates, find out the nature of your 
trouble, determine its severity. 

When you have returned the blank — and when 
I have furnished you with the diagnosis of your 
case, you can depend upon it to be accurate, 
authoritative, definite and positive. It will give 
you the plain facts about your trouble — be those 
facts good or bad. 



NO matter what caused your stammering, no 
matter how old you are, how long you have 
stammered, how many times you have tried to be 
cured — ^no matter what you think about your case 
or whether you believe it to be curable — if I have 
diagnosed your trouble and pronounced it cur- 
able, then I can cure YOU. 

By the application of the Bogue Unit Method, 
I can eradicate the cause of your trouble at its 
very source, and re-establish normal co-ordina- 
tion between your brain and the muscles of 
speech, removing every trace of that "mental 
expectancy" which you call "fear-of-failure." 

I can show you how to place your articulation 
under perfect control, how to make the formation 
of words an easy process involving no apparent 
mental effort or noticeable physical exertion. 

I can teach you how to produce any sound or 
combination of sounds, how to make every word 
an easy word and every sound an easy sound. 


I can show you how to talk without stammer- 
ing — ^how to talk just as freely and fluently as 
any normal person who has never stammered. 

I not only claim to be able to do this for you, 
I back it up with a past record of success in treat- 
ing hundreds of cases similar to your own. Like 
cures hke. What has cured others like you, will 
cure YOU. But I don't ask you to risk a single 
penny upon even that evidence and proof. The 
moment you enroll in the Bogue Institute, I will 
issue to you and place in your hands, a written 
Guarantee Certificate, over my own signature, 
binding me to cure you of stammering or refund 
every cent of the money which you have paid me 
for tuition fee, and asking you only to follow the 
easy instructions given under the Bogue Unit 

You are to he the sole judge as to whether or 
not you follow instructions. 

I will leave it entirely to you to decide. All I 
ask of you is fuU opportunity to do my best for 
you and absolute honesty, such as you expect and 
will receive from me. 

I want to be absolutely fair with you — I want 
to cure you as I have cured myself and hundreds 
of other stammerers. I do not want a dollar of 


your money unless I have given you a dollar's 
worth of benefit in return. I would not keep a 
penny of the money that you might have paid me 
for cure of your stammering unless I had actually 
cured you, provided, of course, that you had fol- 
lowed the instructions which anybody of ordinary 
inteUigence over eight years of age can easily 

I have no fear of your dealing dishonestly with 
me. I know enough about human nature to know 
that all you want is to be cured — and you under- 
stand that to be cured you must co-operate with 
me to that end. I can cure your stammering only 
with your co-operation — just as a music teacher 
can make a pianist of you only with your co-oper- 
ative and sincere effort. Therefore, I ask only 
that you follow my instructions carefully and 
faithfully — and I guarantee to bestow upon you 
the same gift of Perfect Speech that I have be- 
stowed upon hundreds of now-happy men and 
women — and I put that guarantee in writing 
over my personal signatiire. 



NO one who stammers should put any faith 
in a cure for his trouble unless the results 
are known to be permanent. A temporary cure 
is no cure at all and should be avoided, for it is 
merely a means of wasting money. 

The Bogue Unit Method brings about not only 
a complete but a permanent cure. The secret of 
its success as far as permanency is concerned, lies 
in the fact that the basic cause of the trouble is 
removed at its very source, the wrong methods 
rooted out and the correct methods installed in 
their place. 

Once this process is completed and the ciu-e 
effected, the cure is permanently insured, because 
its very cause is gone. You cannot stammer 
without a cause — everyone understands that. 

The proof of the permanency of the cure is 
attested by the many letters from those who 
were here ten, fifteen, twenty years ago. A 
woman cured at the Institute ten years ago 
writes : 


"At 14 I was a very bad stammerer. I then attended the 
Bogue Institute, where I was completely cured in a few 
weeks. I then secured a position as saleslady in one of our 
leading stores where I have been called upon to handle as 
many as one hundred sales in a single day. I have never 
stammered onee. My cure has been absolutely perfect for 
the past ten years. It was certainly a lucky day that I 
walked into Mr. Bogue's office the first time." 

Another excellent proof of the permanency of 
the cure, is the subjection of the cured student to 
tremendous mental and nervous strain. Many of 
our former students were in the Great War, 
numbers of them right up in the front line where 
the fighting was stiffest and where the nervous 
and mental strain was terrific. Even under this 
test (which was enough to make a normal person 
become a stammerer — and many of them did) 
the results of the Bogue Unit Method held them 
to normal speech. One young man writes : 

"I completely regained my speech at the Bogue Institute 
in 1915. I enlisted in the army and was sent overseas in the 
spring of '18, and went through some of the hardest fighting 
the 42nd Division was in, that being the Division I was 
transferred to, and am happy to say the speech trouble has 
never come back on me. I was wounded by a fragment of 
high explosive shell. One hit me under the right arm, frac- 
turing two ribs. Another struck my shoulder and a piece 
ranged downward into my right lung, which now remains 
there. I developed tuberculosis in November, in all prob- 
ability from exposure as much as the wound. I was evacu- 


ated to the U. S. early last winter and sent to this place, 
where I am rapidly regaining my health and expeet to be 
discharged about September 1st. 

"With all the hard experience I went through, stammer- 
ing did not come back to me. I have never regretted the 
time I spent with your Institute, and I have only the highest 
words of praise for the work being done in the Bogue Insti- 

Another severe test of a cure of stammering is an 
illness such as may have brought the trouble on 
in the first place. If the stammerer, for instance, 
can undergo an attack of influenza or pneumonia 
and come out of it without diflSculty, it proves 
beyond all question of a doubt that the cure is 

For that reason, I wish to quote the letter of 
an Illinois boy who says : 

"I am getting along fine with my speech. I am sure I will 
never stammer again. I was sick the week after Christmas 
with pneumonia but it did not bother me a bit." 

Another young man says : 

"It is now nearly six months since I left the Institute and 
in that time I have not stammered a word. What do you 
think about that? It surely is fine. But you know that. I 
was in Chicago last week and visited friends and saw a doe- 
tor friend of mine who did not know that I had been away, 
so he just stood there and looked at me, and said, 'You are 
talking fine. How did you learn thatf 

"I' told him and then talked to him for four hours and he 
said it was the best thing that had ever happened to me." 


Another letter, this time from Honolulu and 
from a man who attended the Institute a nimiber 
of years ago, says : 

"Just to let you know that I am still alive and enjoying 
life as I never have before. I have forgotten that I ever 
stammered. Sincere thanks to you." 

This young man is now an engineer in the em- 
ploy of the United Shipping Board. 

These letters give the answer better than I 
can — ^better than any scientist can — because they 
tell the real truth taken from the experience of 
those who have tried and know — 

First — That stammering can be cured by the 
Bogue Unit Method! 

Second — That the cure is a permanent cure ! 



THERE is no gift that can take the place of 
perfect speech. It is beyond price — and the 
person who talks after stammering would give all 
his possessions to keep from going back again to 

But Freedom-of- Speech is more than a price- 
less gift — it is a wonderful investment. Should 
you ask: "Does it pay to be cured of stammer- 
ing?" the answer could be nothing but "Yes" — 
and there is evidence aplenty to prove it. 

One young man wTites : 

"I have never enjoyed life as I have since I left the Insti- 
tute, both in a business and social way. I am to get a 25% 
increase in my salary the first of the month, which is at least 
partially due to my wonderful perfection of speech." 

Does it pay — ? Does a 25 per cent, increase in 
salary pay? Here is the case of a young woman 
who was about to lose her position because of her 
imperfection in speech — yet when she returned 



home after being cured at the Institute, she 
wrote : 

"I was very much surprised when I went down to the office 
yesterday to find that I was going to get my place back 

again. This evening, Mr. told me that I was to get 

a 33%% raise at the end of next week, so my stay with you 
has already begun to pay dividends." 

Freedom-from-Stammering pays — in dollars and 
cents. On a cold business basis, it is one of the 
best investments to be made. One man who at- 
tended here a few years ago was a fireman in a 
large factory, stoking boilers all day long. To- 
day he is salesman — and the head salesman at 
that — for the same firm — he makes as much as 
the President of the firm. He works on com- 
mission — and he knows how to talk so as to sell. 

Another man was section foreman when he 
took his course at the Bogue Institute. Today 
he is manager of one of a great chain of big retail 
stores and makes more in one day than he used to 
make in two weeks. 

Another case is that of a young man from New 
York State, who gave up his position to come to 
the Bogue Institute and be free from stammer- 
ing. Six weeks later he went home. Like the 
other yoimg man mentioned above, he met with 


a success-surprise — ^he was re-employed by his old 
employers — and he, too, was given a 25 per cent, 
increase in salary. 

So, you see, freedom from stammering pays — 
pays splendidly and continuously for all the rest 
of your life. It pays in satisfaction, in content- 
ment, in happiness and ability to associate with 
others on a plane of speech-equality. 

It pays in better salaries and bigger earning 
power — ^in opportunities opened and chances 
made possible to you that are closed to the one 
who stammers. 

The world's successful men and women do not 
stammer. The happy, contented people do not 
stammer. The money-makers do not stumble and 
stick and stutter when they talk. 

To be successful you must know how to talk. 
If you stammer today, make your plans to get 
out from under the handicap — remember that it 
will pay you and pay you well. 



THE BoGUE Institute of Indianapolis is 
truly the home of perfect speech. For in no 
other place can be found the things that are found 
here. Nowhere else is there that silent sympathy 
with the moods of the one who stammers. No- 
where else is there that home-like atmosphere, 
that all-prevading spirit of helpfulness and cheer- 
fulness and good-will. 

No matter how discouraged the stammerer 
may be, no matter how tired or nervous or self- 
conscious — no matter how shy or shrinking from 
the gaze of others — no matter how timid or fiUed- 
with-fear the mind, the attitude begins to change 
within an hour after his arrival. 

For this is the home of perfect speech. Suc- 
cess is in the air. Every step I take counteracts 
the tendency to fear and worry and strain. I 
know what the stammerer needs. I know the 
things that need to be done to quiet the hyper- 
nervous case. I know what to do to banish that 
intense self -consciousness and make the student 


self-forgetful. These things have been learned 
by experience. And these gained-by-experiehee 
methods start the student in the right way from 
the very first hour. 

Pupils Are Met at the Train: We are glad 
to meet pupils at the Union Station, where all 
trains over steam roads arrive, if the student 
informs us beforehand (either by letter or tele- 
gram) the road over which he is coming and 
the time he will arrive in this city. There is no 
charge for this, it being merely a part of the 
courtesy extended to students who are unfamiliar 
with the location of the Institute. A small bow 
of blue ribbon should be worn as a means of 

When You Arrive: If you have not written 
or telegraphed us to meet you at the railway sta- 
tion, as soon as you arrive go to the telephone 
booth and call the Bogue Institute and a repre- 
sentative of the institute will be sent for you 

Your Baggage: The transfer of baggage from 
the station to the Institute will be attended to by 


our office. The Baggage Transfer makes reg- 
ular trips to the Institute for the purpose of 
looking after the baggage of new students as well 
as those who have completed the course and are 
leaving for home. 

Entrance Requirements: It is necessary that 
every student entering the Institute be of normal 
intelligence and at least eight years of age. 
Every student must also be of good moral char- 
acter and must be able to speak the English 
language sufficiently well to take the instruction. 
When a stammerer has been cured in one lan- 
guage, however, he is cured in all languages. 
Rich and poor are here treated with equal kind- 
ness, courtesy and respect. We believe in those 
who are here to be cured, regardless of their 
station in life, and we believe in helping them 
accomplish that purpose in as short a time as is 
consistent with the results which they desire. 

Grounds and Buildings: The Institute Build- 
ing and Dormitory stand in a large lot, ideally 
located, in a desirable residential neighborhood 
away from the dirt, dust, noise and clamor of the 
city and yet not so far out as to be in the least 
removed from the city's activities. 


Board and Room for Students: The Institute 
maintains its own Dormitory and Boarding De- 
partment under the direct and immediate super- 
vision of the Institute authorities. To the right 
of the Main Dormitory Building as you enter 
will be found the Dormitory for girls and women, 
while on the left are located the General Offices 
and the Dormitory for boys and men. Every 
facility has been provided for the comfort and 
happiness of our pupils while at the Institute. 
Room, board, heat, light, hot and cold baths and 
all other comforts and conveniences are provided. 

Sleeping Rooms: The pupils' sleeping rooms 
and apartments are large, well-lighted, and well- 
ventilated. They are comfortable both summer 
and winter, ample facilities being provided to heat 
the entire building comfortably at all times. 

All of the sleeping rooms as well as the entire 
Dormitory and class-room are lighted with elec- 
tricity. Each room contains furnishings neces- 
sary to make the room comfortable and home-like. 
Bath and face towels are furnished without extra 
cost, as is all necessary bedding and linen. Com- 
modious and spacious bathrooms, with running 


water, and modern equipment are furnished for 
the exclusive use of pupils. 

Dining Boom: Two large, airy and well- 
ventilated dining rooms are located in the Main 
Dormitory Building. Here are served all meals, 
made up m the most appetizing manner — ^whole- 
some menus planned for the special needs of the 
type of students who come here. There is no 
dieting, but meals are carefully balanced and 
highly seasoned dishes or injurious food com- 
binations are eliminated. 

Every meal is prepared under the direct super- 
vision of an experienced chef. Under this direc- 
tion our pupils are served with some of the most 
delicious and healthful viands which can be put 
together — all of which is evidenced by the stu- 
dents' enthusiastic approbation of the Institute 
table fare. 

Scrupulous Cleanliness: Every part of the 
Institute Buildings is kept scrupulously clean — 
every day in the year. In this respect the Bogue 
Institute surpasses many of the best hotels. 

Library: The leading papers and magazines 
are constantly available and we encourage stu- 


dents to keep in touch with the world of events 
by regular reading. 

How the Time is Spent: The order of the day 
is as follows : 

6 :30 A. M Arise 

7 to 8 A. M Breakfast 

8 to 9 A. M Special Study 

9 to 11 A. M Morning Treatment Period 

11 to 12 A. M.. . .Progress Tests, Special Exam- 

ination and Personal Instruction 

12 to 2 p. M Luncheon Period 

2 to 4 p. M Class Instruction 

4 to 6 p. M Recreation 

6 p. M Dinner 

8 p. M.. .Children's Junior Class Retiring Hour 

9 p. M.. .Children's Senior Class Retiring Hour 
10 p. M Adults' Last Retiring Hour 

There are no classes on Saturday afternoon nor 
on Sundays or hoUdays. There are no evening 
or night classes at any time and no student may 
enroll who is not in a position to devote all the 
needed time to the pursuit of the work. There 


is no part-time course, permitting the student to 
work or go to public or high school while attend- 
ing the Bogue Institute. The work here is too 
important to become a "side-issue." We insist 
that it be the student's regular and only absorb- 
ing activity. 

Lectures: From time to time during the year, 
open lectures are given by myself and assistant 
instructors dealing with the fundamentals of 
speech or kindred subjects aimed to make for the 
students' rapid progress. These lectures are im- 
portant and must be attended by every student. 

A Carefully-Planned Course: Every step of 
the student's course from the time of arising in 
the morning to the time of retiring at night, is 
planned for the best results. Experience has 
taught us what is best and the day's program is 
built upon the lines of greatest progress in a 
given time. There are no haphazard steps in this 
program — each activity accomplishes a desirable 
and necessary result. These are the things that 
make for sure and rapid success — and which 
insure that every day shall show progress over 
the day before. 


In the work of the Bogue Institute every stu- 
dent's course is under my direct and personal 
supervision and direction. I am, of course, nec- 
essarily aided by assistant instructors, each of 
whom was selected with especial reference to 
his fitness for the work which is entrusted to 

Every Teacher a Specialist: Each one is a 
specialist — a master, backed not only by a 
thorough experience in the Bogue Institute, but 
also having served an extended apprenticeship 
under my personal instruction. 

Every specialist responsible for any depart- 
ment of our instruction must meet certain 
rigid qualifications. First, they must be well- 
educated, refined and of the best character. They 
must understand the stammerer's difficulty from 
a moral and mental standpoint as well as from 
a technical standpoint. They must maintain a 
naturally sympathetic,cheerf ul and helpful frame 
of mind at all times and must be able to prove 
that the training under my hand has thoroughly 
qualified them to serve the pupils of the Bogue 

The long period of training and apprentice- 


ship, which has always been an outstanding 
feature of our niethods, could be done away with, 
should I desire to cheapen the instruction. In- 
experienced instructors could be employed for 
less than half the compensation of the experts 
I now employ — but these things could be sacri- 
ficed only at the expense of results. For many 
years the superiority of the Bogue Institute 
faculty has been nationally recognized and this 
reputation we are today maintaining — and 
improving, where this is possible. 



THE home life at the Bogue Institute can- 
not be mentioned without also mentioning 
my mother and the work she has done and is do- 
ing to make this truly a home life. This is her work 
and she has succeeded. She represents the pivotal 
point around which that home life turns and she 
is the guiding spirit that makes the Institute a 
real home for those who come here. It is her 
beneficent smile that makes you feel at home 
when you arrive, her kindly influence which 
makes you feel at home during your whole stay 
and her smiling God-speed when you go, that 
makes you wish it were not time to leave. 

Under Mother Bogue's direction, the Institute 
is a busy, happy, cheerful and well-ordered home 
for the big and happy family that it houses. 

Music is here for those who wish to play. 
Games and books and magazines for those who 
would thus entertain themselves and others. We 
are acquainted with the truth that "all work 


makes Jack a dull boy — and Jill a dull girl" — 
and whlolesome and worth-while amusements and 
diversions are provided for all ages and all occa- 
sions. These amusements are for those who wish 
them — those who do not can always find rest and 
quiet in their own rooms. 

Rowdyism is absent. The hoodlum is not here. 
We find no difficulty in establishing standards of 
conduct that become the lady and the gentleman 
— and the regulations that are in effect are based 
upon the belief that those who come here can 
and will measure up to these standards. 

Unity of Purpose: One of the distinct advan- 
tages of the plan whereby all students live in the 
Institute Dormitory is that all who are here have 
come for a purpose and bear that thought in 
mind. The student who sits beside you at the 
table is here for the same purpose as yourself. 
You are both working for the same thing — ^work- 
ing earnestly, enthusiastically, seriously — ^and 
withal, successfully — to be cured of stammering. 

What does this mean? 

It means that the very atmosphere of the In- 
stitute is saturated with energy, enthusiasm and 
the spirit of successful endeavor. Determina- 


tion, application, success — these things are in the 
very air you breathe. The spirit that carries an 
army to victory is here — to carry you to victory 
and success. 

Absolute Privacy in Treatment: There is 
absolutely no pubhcity connected with the attend- 
ance of any student at the Institute. Many stu- 
dents have attended without even their families or 
friends being aware of the fact. Others have 
come leaving behind the impression that they 
were visiting friends — ^which in truth, they were, 
as they afterwards found those connected with 
the Institute to be sincere and worth-while 
friends, indeed. 

Even in carrying on correspondence regarding 
the course, no one need know anything about 
your intentions, for upon no occasion does the 
name of the Institute appear on the outside of 
any letter or package addressed to you. Only 
the name "Benjamin N. Bogue" appears to 
identify the letter. 

At no time will your name, address or any 
information about you in connection with your 
name be published or discussed in any public 
manner whatsoever without your permission. 


Care of the Health: Every safeguard is 
thrown around the physical welfare of those 
attending the Institute. The location and ex- 
traordinary sanitary precautions almost preclude 
the possibility of protracted illness — this was 
evidenced by the startling fact that during the 
severe and nation-wide influenza epidemic of the 
fall and winter of 1918-1919, not a single stu- 
dent of the Institute was taken Ul. This speaks 
wonders for the remarkable good physical con- 
dition of the many students who were here at 
that time. 

In the event, however, that a student does 
become ill, the Institute House Physician is at 
once summoned and in the case of a child, this 
physician's opinion will be sent immediately to 
the parents. 

In illness as in health, the kindly, courteous 
and yet unobtrusive services of Mother Bogue 
are at the disposal of the student. Every care is 
bestowed, special meals provided and every want 
looked after with the same pains as if the student 
were in his or her own home. 

Christian Influences: Indianapolis is a city of 
numerous beautiful churches of all denomi- 


nations, many of which are in the immediate 
vicinity of the Institute. During the entire stay, 
students are surrounded by the very best moral 
and religious influences and each Sunday sees 
groups of students leaving the Institute to attend 
services at the different churches. 

Children Properly Cared For: Children 
placed in our care are given special attention. As 
with the other students they are surrounded with 
the most wholesome moral influences. Regula- 
tions provide that they must remain inside the 
Institute grounds except during the proper hours 
of the day, following their regular work. It is a 
very frequent occurrence to have parents bring 
their children with the idea of remaining with 
them during the course, only to return home 
within a few days, leaving the children with us, 
having satisfied themselves in that short time that 
the children are being just as well cared for here 
as if they were in their own homes. 

Parents sometimes remark that children will 
get homesick and want to go home, but our 
experience with hundreds of cases proves that it 
is usually the parent who gets homesick to see the 
child instead of the child getting homesick to see 



the parents. The home-like surroundings of the 
Institute and the care and attention which they 
are given, allow small opportunity for children 
to become homesick, especially when it is remem- 
bered that they are busy for the larger portion of 
the day, at work which is to them of absorbing 
interest. In fact, we often find that children 
make so many good friends that they are reluc- 
tant indeed when the time comes for them to 
retiu-n home. Many of our students can testify 
that some of the finest friendships of their hves 
had their beginning here at the Bogue Institute. 

Care for Ladies: My lady-assistants, as well 
as Mother Bogue, will see to the comfort arid 
enjoyment of lady-pupils. Ladies have their own 
dormitories in a separate portion of the building 
and find their stay a most enjoyable one. 

A Reflection of Ideals: The congenial home- 
life at the Institute, the minute attention to the 
wants of the students, the care given to women 
and children, the sohcitude for those who are ill 
or who for any reason need special attention — 
this is but the reflection of an ideal — that ideal is 
to make the Bogue Institute, not only in instruc- 


tion and results, but in every way, just what I 
would have liked to have been able to find when 
I was searching for a cure for stammering, 
more than twenty-five years ago. The com- 
forts, the conveniences, the atmosphere of help- 
fulness — these things all contribute toward your 
quick and certain success — and that, I may say, 
is why we have them. 


Deposit Surplus Money: As a matter of con- 
venience to those who bring with them extra 
money, we grant them the privilege of depositing 
it in our safe. Other valuables may be left for 
safe-keeping when desired. If the students 
prefer, they may deposit rnoney with one of the 
city banks. Pupils should not carry much money 
with them; they may lose it. 

Pupils' Mail: Relatives, friends and others 
addressing letters to persons in attendance at this 
Institute should address all mail to students: 
"c/o Benj. N. Bogue" to avoid delay in de- 

Foreign Students: It will be necessary for 
those who speak foreign languages to learn the 


English language before they will be admitted to 
this Institute, The instruction is only given in 
English, but persons of all nationalities can be 
cured if they have the proper knowledge of the 
English language. When once cured in one 
language, persons are cured in all languages, 

Companions for Pupils: Parents, guardians 
or companions may accompany small children or 
others, when they wish to do so. It is entirely 
satisfactory for those accompanying the pupil to 
be associated with the children during treatment. 
They may room together, if desired, or they may 
secure adjoining rooms. 

When You Leave for Home: When neces- 
sary, we secure railroad tickets for our young 
pupils, check their baggage and place them safely 
aboard the proper train, when they leave Indian- 
apolis for home, and otherwise take especial and 
careful interest in having them properly started 
homeward after their stay with us. 

Itich and Poor Sta/nd Equal: Claim is made 
that this is one of the most commendable features 


of the Institute. It is not so in all institutes. 
Fine clothes and freedom with money are not the 
test by which the student secures his standing, 
but by his earnest, faithful work and gentlemanly 
or lady-like conduct. It is inward worth, not 
outward adornment and display of wealth, that 
wins friends and gives the student a place on our 
roll of honor. The student is judged by what he 
is, and not by what he has. 

Neglected Education: No one need hesitate 
to place himself under our instruction on account 
of neglected education or advanced age. All 
embarrassments are carefully avoided. Scores of 
backward pupils, who do not even know how to 
read or write, enter every year, and are entirely 
and permanently cured by the Unit Method. 



IF you are the mother or father of a child who 
stammers, you should first of aU read Chap- 
ters IX to XIV, inclusive, in Part Two of this 
book. These chapters deal with the speech dis- 
orders of children from before the first spoken 
word up until the age of 21, when structurally as 
well as legally the mind and body of the infant 
merge into that of the adult. 

No mother or father can understand their 
child's disorder without having read these Chap- 
ters. To fail to imderstand is to multiply the 
chance for error in deciding what to do. There- 
fore, I repeat, if you are the mother or father of 
a boy or girl who stammers, read chapters on 
Child Stammering before you go further. 

There are three mistaken beliefs in the minds 
of many parents of stammering children which 
must be rooted out before the child will have an 
opportunity to be cured of his trouble. 


These beliefs are: 

1 — That the child will outgrow his trouble 
and therefore need only be permitted 
to "grow older," at which time the 
trouble will disappear. 

2 — That the child could stop stammering if 
he would try — that the trouble is but a 
malicious habit of the child's, which he 
could put away from him if he would. 

3 — That the child's trouble is incurable and 
that nothing can be done for him. 

All of these beliefs are entirely fallacious and 
based purely upon ignorance of the cause and 
progress of the child's trouble. There is not the 
slightest scientific foundation for them, they are 
not beliefs based on facts or upon experience — 
yet in many homes, they constitute the chief 
obstacle between the stammering child and his 
complete and permanent cure. 

As long as you believe that your child will out- 
grow his or her trouble, you take no steps to have 
the disorder eradicated. 

What happens? 

The trouble becomes worse from month to 
month and from year to year, until in many cases 


where the "outgrowing behef" persists, the 
trouble passes into a chronic and incurable stage 
and the stammering child becomes the stammer- 
ing man or woman, condemned to go through life 
under a handicap almost too great to bear. 

Write it on your heart that your child will not 
outgrow his trouble. Ponder over the informa- 
tion given in the Chapters on Child Stammering. 
This is not hearsay or guess-work but facts 
gleaned from a lifetime of experience. 

If you, as the father or mother of a stammer- 
ing child, cling to the second belief, that your 
child could stop stammering if he would try, then 
I can see from this distance that your child has 
stored up for him in the future, more than his due 
of misery. For as long as you believe that he can 
stop of his own free will, you will be impatient 
with him when he stammers. You will scold him 
and tell him to "stop that kind of talking!" Thus 
you will irritate him, and bring to his heart that 
sickening sensation that he is totally helpless in 
the grip of his speech disorder and yet — "Oh, 
why will they not understand?" 

Like the first belief, this behef that the child 
could stop if he wanted to, is based upon igno- 
rance. No mother or father who has ever expe- 


rienced the sensation of fear that grips the heart 
of the stammering child when he tries to speaib, 
will say that he could stop if he would. 

I say to you — and I want to emphasize this — 
that the first and foremost ambition of your child 
who stammers, is to be free from it. The greatest 
day of his life will be the day when he can talk 
without that fear, without sticking and stumbling 
and hesitating over his utterances. 

I say to you again — if that boy or girl of yours 
could stop their stammering, he or she would stop 
it this very instant. They would never stammer 
again — if they were endowed with the power to 
stop. But they are not. That is the very seed 
of their trouble — their inability to control the 
actions of the vocal organs so as to produce 
normal speech. They have lost the control of 
those organs and they cannot of their own voli- 
tion re-establish that control. 

The third belief, that stammering cannot be 
cured, is so easily demolished that I shall devote 
but little time to it. It, like all false behefs, has 
its foundation in ignorance. The mother or 
father who knows the facts, knows also that stam- 
mering can be cured. You may not know 
whether your boy or girl can be cured, but you 


are offered a way to find out — definitely and 
positively, by describing your child's case on my 
Diagnosis Blank and returning it to me for a 
thorough Diagnosis. 

Put your beliefs to one side — ^whatever they 
may be. You can get the facts if you want them. 
You can learn the truth if you will. Truth is 
better than false beliefs and facts are better than 
superstition or hearsay, which in every case leads 
to misery, dejection and despair — a ruined life 
where a successful, happy and contented life 
might have been — except for stammering. 

You have a well-defined responsibility to your 
son or daughter. You have a duty to perform — 
that is, to equip that boy or girl of yours to go 
out into the world as well equipped as any other 
boy or girl — and that means equipped with per- 
fect speech — without which they will be too 
greatly handicapped to fully succeed. 



IN many of the cases which have come to my 
attention in the past many years, the stam- 
merer or stutterer has been afflicted with a malady 
more difficult to cure than stammering, viz. : The 
Habit of Procrastination. 

"Oh, I will wait a little while," says the stam- 
merer. "A little while can't make any differ- 
ence!" And then the little while grows into a 
big while and the big while grows into a year and 
the year grows into a lifetime and he is still 

Several months ago, an old man, stooped in 
stature, care-worn of countenance and halting of 
step, presented himself to me for diagnosis. His 
face was drawn into long, hard lines. His eyes 
shifted from side to side, glancing furtively here 
and there. 

In his trembhng hands was a worn old derby 
which he turned about nervously as he stood there 
talking. The nervousness, the trembling of the 
hands, the drawn face, the shifting eyes — all this 


was explained by the story that this man told as 
he sat there beside the desk. 

"I fell from a ladder when I was ten years 
old," he said. "After that, I always stammered. 
My parents thought it was a habit — I can remem- 
ber yet how my mother scolded me day after day 
and told me to 'quit talking that way.' But it 
was useless to tell me to quit. I COULDN'T 
quitl If I could have done it, certainly I would, 
for having stanmiered yourself, you know what it 

"School now began to be a burden. I think I 
must have suppHed fun for every boy on the 
school grounds during recess-time, for if there 
was a boy who didn't make fun of me and 
mock me and laugh at me, then I don't know who 
he was. 

"Then one day I started back to school at 
noontime, saw a crowd of boys on the corner a 
couple of blocks away, thought of what a task it 
would be to go into that crowd or try to pass it. 
A mortal and unreasoning fear came over me. 
Try as I would, I couldn't screw my courage up 
to the point of going past that crowd. But I 
had small choice. It was either go that way or 
stay out of school. And stay out of school I did. 


"And then came the crucial day. I could not 
ask my parents to vouch for any absence — I 
dared not tell them I was not there. So I went 
back without an excuse. The teacher was angry. 
She tried to get me to talk, but I could not say a 
word. So she sent me to the principal. She, too, 
asked me to explain. Try as I would, I couldn't 
get the first word out. Not a soimd. 

"She, too, failed to understand. Result: I 
was expelled from school — sorry day — ^nobody 
seemed to understand my trouble — ^nobody 
seemed to sympathize with me — a stammerer. 

"Although I pretended to be at school, before 
the week was out, my parents found out. Then 
a storm ensued. I tried to tell them the 
truth. They wouldn't listen. Father stormed 
and mother scolded. There seemed to be no liv- 
ing for me there. So I ran away from home — 
ran away because my parents wouldn't listen 
— because they wouldn't try to understand. 

"Then my troubles began in real earnest. I 
won't worry you with the details. I got a job — 
lost it. Got another — lost that. How many 
times that story was repeated I do not know. 
And remember — I was but a boy I" 

Here the old man stopped, his head dropped, 



his unkempt beard brushed the front of a tattered 
shirt, that had seen its day. He seemed lost in 
thought — ^he was hving again those days and 
those nights when he had wandered an outcast 
from the world. He was living over a lifetime 
in a moment. 

He sat there several moments — thoughts far 
away. Then he raised his head and there was a 
tear in the corner of his eye as he said, "But why 
should I go on? Look at me. See where I 
am. See what I am. You would think I am 
over 70 — I am not yet 50. But it is too late to 
do any good. Here I am homeless, friendless, 
almost penniless. Nobody cares what happens. 
Nobody would notice if anything should happen. 
Nobody has a job for me — a stammerer. If I 
could talk, I could work. If I could talk — Oh, 
but why tell it again? It is too late now — ^too 
late to do any good!!" 

He was right. It was too late. Too late, 

This man was one of the Too-Laters — one of 
the Put-It-Offs, one of the Procrastinators. His 
might be called the story of the Man Who 

First, his parents refused to listen. His teach- 


ers, even, failed to xmderstand his trouble. And 
when he got out in the world he put it off, 
this matter of being cured of stammering. He 
Waited! He kept saying to himself that he 
would do it tomorrow — ^next week — ^next month. 
And tomorrow never came. Next week and next 
month ran into next year — and next year ran 
into a case that was hopeless and incurable. 

He Waited!! How tragic those two words. 
He Waited! And his waiting sounded the death- 
knell of a thousand boyhood hopes. He Waited!! 
And health slowly took wings and flew away, he 
waited!! And the insidious little Devil-of-Fear 
piece by piece tore down his will-power, sapped 
his power-of -concentration. HE WAITED!! 
And that first simple nervous condition turned 
into something near akin to palsy. 

On the tombstone of that man when they lay 
him under his six-feet-of-earth, they might truly 
inscribe the words: "A Failure" — and should 
they wish to set down the reason, they might add: 
"He Waited!" 

To the stammerer's question : "When should 
I begin treatment for my stammering?" and "At 
what stage will I stand the best chance of being 
most quickly cured?" there is but one answer. 


The time for the stammerer or stutterer to begin 
treatment for his malady is the day he discovers 
his stammering or stuttering. The best chance 
for being quickly cured exists today. 

The stammerer, then, to paraphrase Emerson, 
should "Write it on his heart that TODAY is 
the very best day in the year." He should 
remember that indecision, delay, uncertainty, 
vacillation, lead to oblivion and that his only 
redemption lies in that golden opportunity 
known as — today 1 


Adenoids, relaxed palate following 

operation for, 65. 
Adolescence, dangers of, 144-146 
Advice to Parents, 132, 141, 264 
Anatomy, author begins study of, 57 

Case of, 113-114 

defined, 67-69 

in stuttering, 105 
Association of Ideas, 122-125 

"Baby Talk," 

eradication of, 131 

may cause permanent defect, 131 

Bell, Dr. Alexander Melville, 102 
on outgrowing stammering, 102 
successful mode of procedure, 186 
value of early treatment, 143 

Bogue Test described, 196, 197 


as controlling organ, 74 
impulse improperly transmitted, 

typical case of diseased, 169 

Brooding, mark of adolescence, 146 

Ci arelessuess, cause of stammering, 

Cases, Typical 

adolescent girl, 215 
aphasia, 113 
attempted suicide, 147 
believed incurable, 181-183 
combined stammering and stut- 
tering, 209 
concealed symptoms, 198 
disobedient, 172, 173 
dissipator, 174, 175 
failure in school, 154, 155 
habitual alcoholic, 221, 222 
imitation, 210, 211 
insanity following stuttering, 68 
minister, 223, 224 
multiple thought, 203 
physical improvement, 205, 206 
Polish boy, Sl2, 214 
prefix stammerer, 225, 226 
procraatinator, 170, 171, 269 
"seldom stammerer," 222, 223 
severe spasmodic, 204 
singer who stammered, 220, 221 
speechless, 206 
synonym stammerer, 226-228 
thought lapse, 219, 220 
unconscious imitation, 216-219 
wrong methods failed, 162, 163 

Children, Defective Speecli In, 
(See Speech, Defective, in 
Children, Care of, 259 
Child Vocabulary, echo of home vo- 
cabulary, 128 
Chorea, Acute, as cause of stutter- 
ing, 66 
Combined Stammering and Stutter- 
ing, defined, 71 
Contortions, Facial, 
in stuttering, 68 
in spasmodic stammering, 70 
Contractions, Muscular, 
in author's case, 28 
in choreatic stuttering, 66 
in neurotic lisping, 65 
in spasmodic stammering, 70 
in spastic speech, 67 
severe case of, 95, 96 
defined, 191 
cause of lack of, 79 
lack of, cause of stammeringi, 77 
illustration of lack of, 78 
result of correct mental images, 
Correspondence Courses, 

(See Cures, Mail Order) 

additional results, 204 
Alexander Melville Bell on, 186 
author discovers successful meth- 
od of, 58 
author's experience with — 
divine healer, 48 
electrical treatments, 46 
elocution, 42 
hypnotism, 44 
magnetic healing, 45 
mail order, 27, 28 
osteopathy, 48 
physician, 21 
professor, 42 
"rest cure," 32 
surgeon, 49 

traveling medicine man, 22 
author successfully applies to 

himself, 59 
certainty of, 286, 237 
division of time, 251 
first step in, 199, 200 
foundation of, 199 
home, suggestions for, of chil- 
dren, 132-134 



Cares — Continued 
incurable cases, 167 
mail order, 177-180 
method at work, 199 
method described, 196 
method three-fold, 192 
not hopeless, 162, 163 
permanency of, 192, 239-242 
psychic benefits resulting from, 

reason for failures, 187 
reasons for false beliefs, 160, 161 
secret of, 187 

self-cures, questionable, 164 
successful procedure, 186 
surgery, 188 

three units of instruction, 200 
wrong methods harmful, 34 


(See Organic Defect) 
Delay, loss occasioned by, 272 
Dentition, Second, period of dan- 
ger, 136 
Despondency, result of stammering, 
, 114 
Diagnosis, defined, 181 

first need for, 142 

important, 182 

in written form, 183 

need for, 198 

what it should show, 184 
Disease, as cause of stammering, 

88, 89 
Disobedience, prevents cure, 171- 


aggravant of stammering, 174, 
194, 195 

typical chronic ease, 174, 175 
Divine Healer, author's experience 

with, 48 

E/dncatlon, difficult for stammering 
child, 128-140 

Electrical Treatments, author's ex- 
perience with, 46 


author's experience with school 

of, 42 
books on, 177 

Entrance Examination, 196 

Exhilaration, feeling of, when 
cured, 230-232 

Facts, Need for, 233 

due to ignorance, 189 

mail cures, 179 

reason for, 187 
Fall, as cause of stammering, 85-88 
Fear, child's feeling of, 138 
Feeble Lip, 

(See LipJ 
Formative Period, The, cause of 

speech disorders arising in, 132 
Fright, as cause of stammering, 


Gulick, IiUthcr M., 139, 140 

Habit of Success, 

(See Lip) 


care of, 258 

Charles Kingsley on, 118-119 

effect of stammering on, 117-118 

Healer, Divine, author's experience 
with, 48 

Healing, Magnetic, author's experi- 
ence with, 45 

Hearing, Defective, 65 


as cause of stammering, 88 
influence on stammering, 52 

Hesitation, Defined, 69 

High Palatal Arcb, 65 

Hlrscbberg, Dr. L. K,, on outgrow- 
ing stammering, 110 

How We I^am to Talk, 125 


author's experience with, 44 
not used, 199 

Ideas, association of, 122-125 
Images, Mental, How acquired, 122 
Imagination, 193 
Imitation, source of word-pictures, 


conscious of, 202 

in physical condition, 205 
Inilueuce, value of moral, in cure, 




Injury, as cause of 



result of stammering, 116. 

result of stuttering, 63, 69 
Instruments, dangerous in use, 180 
Intermittent Tendency, Tbe, 

author's experience with, 26, 30 

dangerous aspect, 97 

dangers of, 101 

period of improvement, 97 

period of relapse, 99 


(See Period of Relapse) 


overshot, 65 
undershot. 65 

Klngsley, Charles, 

effect of stammering, 152 
effect of stammering on health, 
118, 119 

Library, 250 

Hare, 65 

feeble, 65 
Usping, 65 

negligent, 64 

neurotic, 65 

organic, 65 

jMagnetic Healing, author's expe- 
rience with, 45 
Mall Order Courses, 

(See Cures) 
Mail Order Cures, 

(See Cwes) 
Mental Defectives, Few, 175 
Mental Suggestion, 

(See Hypnotism) 
, Milk Teeth, 

(See Dentition) 
Mimicry, as cause of stammering, 


a case of aphasia, 113-114 

effect of stammering on, 113 
Moral Influence, 

(See Influence) 


Movements, Spasmodic, 
abnormal case, 96 
in aphasia, 69 
in author's case, 28 
in choreatic stuttering, 66 
in neurotic lisping, 65 
in spasmodic stammering, 70 

Nasal Passages, Obstructed, 65 

Negligent Lisping, 
(See Lisping) 


believed cause of 

effect of stammering on, 153 

Nervous Shock, as cause of stam- 
mering, 83-85 

Neurotic Lisping 
(See Lisping) 

Newton, Eev. David r., on effects 
of stammering, 152 

Organic Defects, 

cause of lisping, 65 

cause of speech disorder, 62 

not cause of stammering, 76 

statistics on, 76 

Organic Lisping, 

(See Lisping) 
Osteopathy, author's experience 

with, 48 
Outgrowing Stammering, 

absurd conclusion, 109 

chances for, during adolescence, 

chances for, in formative period, 
134, 135 

chances for, in speech-setting pe- 
riod, 140 

early advice given to author, 24 

harmful advice, 109 

"harmful doctrine," 110 

Hirsohberg, Dr. L. K., on, 110 

origin of belief, 111 

physician on, 141 

reason for early belief in, 26 

reason for failure, 111-112 

statistics of cases, 109-110 


defective, 65 
relaxed, 65 
Palsy, Infantile Cerebral, as cause 
of spastic speech, 67 



Parents, adrice to, 127, 141, 264 

cause of, 90 

sing without diiSculty, 90, 91 

talk to animals, 31 

talk when alone, 31, 91-94 
PhUadepUa, author' s experience 

in, 40 
Physical Deformity, 

(See Organic Detect) 
Physician, author's experience with, 

Pitch, variations in, 73 
Plan-ot-attack, 199 
Position, author seeks for, 36-38 

example of, 272 

incurable, 169 

typical case, 170, 171 

concealed, 103 

daily record of, 201 

tests to determine, 202 
Progressive Tendency, 

concealed progress, 103 

manifested in author's case, 28 

periods of transition, 102 

usually present, 103 
Pronunciation, Defective, 64 
Purpose, Unity of, 256 


oral necessary to memory, 138 

written not equal to oral, 138 
Becurrent Tendency, 

(See Intermittent Tendency) 
Bespcnslblllty, of parents to child, 


author object of, 16 

retards mental progress, 137, 138 


afuthor's experience in, 16-18 

beginning of, for stammering 
child, 186 

problems of stammering child in, 

■ending stammerers to, 138-140 
Second Dentitloii, 

(Bee Dentition) 
Sounds, Substitution of, 65 
Source of First Word, 126 

Spasmodic Movements 
(See Movements) 

Specialist, every teacher a, 253 

Speech, Defective, cause of, 75 

Speech, Defective In Children, 
"baby talk," eradication of, 131 
"baby talk," may cause perma- 
nent defect, 131 
dangers of adolescence, 144-146 
education a difficulty, 138-140 
formative period, 128 
four periods of growth, 120 
pre-speaking period, 120 
proper procedure, 266 
speech-setting period, 136 
suggestions for home treatment 


assistance needed by child, 129- 

defined, 190 

evolution of, in child, 129 
how first produced by child, 121 
how produced, 73 
monetary value of, 243, 244 
source of first word, 126 

Speech, Spastic, 67 

Speech, Stoppage In, 63 


success-value of, 244, 245 
true principles constant, 40, 189 

Speech Impediment, 63 

Speech, Specialist, should have 
stammered, 193 


author's first books on, 11 
author studies many books on, 57 
bars education, 164 
basic causes of, 80, 81 
causes failure in business, 157 
causes nervousness, 153 
cause of Insanity, 116 
defined, 69 

despondency resulting from, 114 
disease as cause, 88, 89 
effect on health, 117, 118 
effect on will-power, 116 
elementary, defined, 70 
elementary stage, 105 
fall or injury as cause, 85-87 
fright or nerve shock as cause, 

heredity as cause, 88 
heredity in author's case, 62 
mental strain tells, 115' 
mimicry, basic causes of, 81, 82 



Stammertng — Oontiuued 

Newton, Eev. David F., on. ef- 
fects of, 152 

peculiarities of, 

(See PeouliariUea) 

primary mental stage, 106 

progress of, 105, 106 

spasmodic stage, 106 

stammerer appears illiterate, 157 

successive stages of, 105 

suicides resulting from, 114 

weakening effects of, 29 

aphasia, 106 

choreatic, 66 

chronic stage, 104 

definition, 65 

first a physical trouble, 104 

phases of, 66 

progress of, 103 

simple, 104 

successive stages of, 103 

thought, defined, 67 

unconscious, defined, 67 
St. Vitus Dance, 

(See Chorea) 
Substitution, a deleterious practice, 

165, 166 
Suggestion, Mental, 

(See Hypnotism) 

ages of most frequent, in stam- 
merers, 114, 115, 146, 147 

result of stammering, 114 
Surgeon, author's experience with, 

Surgery, period of popularity, 188 
Synchronization, result of, 193 
Synonym Stammerer, The, 165 

JLable, author's experience at, 19 

Teetli, defective, 65 


final cure, 202 

first treatment, 202 
Theories, hsU-baked English, 11 

Thought Lapse, 

(See Aphasia) 
"Tic Speech," 

(See Choreatic Stuttering) 

malformation of, 65 

slitted for cure, 188 
Tongue Tie, typical case, 168 
Tonsils, Bemoval of, 

recommended to author, 49 

advice on, 49 
Transition, Periods of, 102 
Traveling Medicine Man, author's 

experience with, 22 

author's experience with elec- 
trical, 46 

home suggestions for, of chil- 
dren, 132-134 

Turning Point In Life, author's, 55 
Typical Cases, 

(See Cases, Typical) 

Visitors, author's dread of, 19 
Vocal Cords, 

action of, 73 

how used in speech, 190 

in production of voice, 78 

how produced, 73 

organs used in producing, 190 

^'ilson. President, faultless speak- 
er, 129 
Word, First, 

importance of, 126 

mfluence of heredity on, 127 

source of, 126 


dangers of adolescence, 144-146 
period of most frequent suicide, 

146, 147 
period of rapid progress, 147, 

148, 149 


The Bogue Institute 


|N INSTITUTION for the successful 
treatment of stammering, stutter- 
1^^^^ ing and kindred forms of defective 
Training is bajsed on scientific reco- 
ordination of brain and speech. No drugs, 
electricity, hypnotism or medicines employed. 
Bogue Unit Method used exclusively. Best of 
home care and comfort are to be found in the 
dormitories which are maintained under the 
supervision of and in connection with the 

In contmuous operation, for more 
than twenty-five years under the 
■personal direction of the fov/nder. 

Benjamin Nathaniel Bogue 

FreHdent and Principal 


Edited and Published by 
Benjamin Nathamiel Bogue 

MAGAZINE devoted to the interests 
of perfect speech. The only maga- 
zine for stammerers published in the 
United States. The Emancipator 
teaches and believes in the philosophy of suc- 
cess, of achievement, of accomplishment. Ring- 
ing through the pages of The Emancipator is 
the clarion call to be what you wish to be, to 
do what you wish to do, and accomplish what 
you wish to accomplish. 

The Emancipator has made dozens of people 
dissatisfied with the half-life of a stammerer. 
It has shown them the beauties and the ad- 
vantages of the complete, successful, useful, 
overflowing, joyous life that can be theirs. The 
Emancipator has put ambition into the indiffer- 
ent and listless, courage into the heart of the 
fearful, confidence into the hand of the timid 
and a, positive will into the being of the neg- 
ative personality. 

The whole purpose of The Emancipator 
might be summed up in six words: To better 
your condition in life. 

Snbscription, $1.00 per year. Sample copy, 10c 

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